J THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES JLOCKIE'S TOPOGRAPHY O F lonaon, GIVING A CONCISE LOCAL DESCRIPTION OF AND ACCURATE DIRECTION TO EVERY SQUARE, STREET, LANE, COURT, DOCK, WHARF, INN, PUBLIC- OFFICE, &c. IN THE $letropolts ENVIRONS, INCLUDING THE NEW BUILDINGS TO THE PRESENT TIME, UPON A PLAN NEVER HITHERTO ATTEMPTED. The Whole alphabetically arranged, and comprising the Description of more than Three Thousand Places, the Names of which are not to be found upon any of the Maps of the present Year. TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SURVEY BY JOHN LOCKIE, Inspector of Buildings to the Phoznix Fire-Office. ilcr.Don : Sold by G. and W. Nicol, Pall-Mali; W. Miller, Albemarle-Street ; J. Hatchard, Piccadilly; J.White and Co. Fleet-Street; J. Mawman, Poultry; J. M. Richardson, Cornhill j and Dart on and Harvey, Gracechurch-Streef. 1810. [8s. Boards. entered at grtattonetfi^alU Printed by S. Couchman, Throgmorton-Strect, London. DA 83 LSI t TO THE BOARD of DIRECTORS OF THE fornix $ixt JBfftce, THIS W O R K JS MQST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THEIR MOST OBLIGED AND OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, J. LOCKIE. London, Jan. 1810. 1201329 . J . . PREFACE. X HE Author of the following Work, in the Discharge of his widely-extended Duties, having frequently experienced the Inac- curacy of all the existing Registers of the Streets, &c. of the Metropolis, and their total Inadequacy as a Means of ascertaining their Locality and Bearings, was induced to form one upon a more correct and explanatory System ; and it was not until he had experienced the great Utility and Convenience of such a Book of Reference, that he determined to undertake the arduous Task of forming a complete Analysis of the Town, and to offer it to the Public in its present Form. The Want of a Publication of this Description has long been felt by all ClafTes of the Community ; particularly by the Banker, the Merchant, the Manufacturer, and the Trader ; and when the present almost unbounded Extension of the Capital is considered, the Author presumes that its general Utility and Convenience will be its best Recommendation to, public Favour. The Plan of the Work will be found to be perfectly novel and original, and the Author has the Satisfaction to say, that it has received the very flattering Approbation and Encouragement of several of the Government and other Public Offices, With PREFACE. With the fulleft Confidence, therefore, that the Result of Seven Years Assiduity and patient Labour for the public Con- venience, will be considered as entitling him to some Share of public Patronage, the Author has only to add, that the whole Work having been accomplished by his own personal Exertions, he is enabled to offer the fullest Assurances of the Accuracy of its Execution* PHCENIX FIRE-OFFICE, Lomrard-Street, London, January 1810. ADVER- ADVERTISEMENT. 'lOCEIE'8 NEW MAP OF LONDON. JL H E Public are respectfully informed, that a New and Accurate PLAN of LONDON, comprehending all the recent Improvements to the present Time, and re- duced to the convenient Size of 4 Feet by 2, has just been completed by the Author of the following Work, and will be published by Subscription, Price 1 4s. Of the Accuracy with which the Plan is executed, the Author humbly conceives it unnecessary for him to speak ; he begs however respectfully to refer to his present Work for a Specimen of his general Correctness. Of its Copiousness he presumes confidently to assert, that it far exceeds that of any other Plan of London now extant, containing upwards of Two Thousand Places, the Names of which are not to be found in the large Map of Thirty-- Two Sheets, by Horwood. * # * Subscriptions for the above Plan are received by the Author, at the Phoenix Fire -Office, Lombard- Street. JL O K I E' & > TOPOGRAPHY OP IONDON. ~>^ > .... > ..^>.^p.^ jV .^>^> A, BBEY-PLACE, Taviftock- Mews, Russell-Square, the first on the L. in Little Coram-st. from 54, Great Coram-street. Abbey-Place, Bethnal- G reen-Road, - theN. continuation of Mary 's-rovv, from the N. E. corner of Wilmot- square. Abbey- Place North, Bethnal- Green- Road, at the N. end of the last above described. Abbey- Place South, Bethnal- Green- Road, at the S. end of Abbey- place aforesaid. Abbey-Street, Bethnal-G reen-Road, - at 02, the first on the R. below the turnpike, about | a mile from G5, Shoreditch. Abchurch-Lane, Lombard-Street. at 18, between the General Post- office and Phcenix fire-office,leading to 67, Cannon-street. Abchurch-Yard, Abchurch-Lane, the open space at the S. end by 67, Cannon-street. Abel's or White's-Buildings, Rose- mary-Lane, at 94, the E. end leading to Chamber-street, Good- man's-ficlds. Abingdon - Buildings, Abingdon- Street, Westminster, at 17, near Millbank-street, leading to the Thames. Abingdon-Place, Abingdon-Street, Westminster, 3 doors on the L. from Old Palace-yard, leading to the stone wharf Abingdon-Street, Westminster, the first W. parallel to the Thames, extending from Old Palace-yard to Millbank-strdet. Abingdon-Street (Little) at 10, Abingdon-street, is that number of doors on the L. from Old Palace- yard, leading to the Thames. Academy-Court, Chancery-Lane, at 93, near Cary-st. and opposite Symonds inn. Acorn- Alley, Bishopsgate-without,- at 125, about a j of a mile on the L. north from the church, leading to Skinner-street. Acorn-Court, Rolls-Buildings, the first on the R. from 117, Fetter- lane, is continued by White's- alley and Bream's buildings, to 30, the middle of Chancery-lane. Afton- Place, Lock's- Fields, Wal- worth, extends from the end of York st. and is the continuation of it to Camden-street leading to East-lane. A&on-StreetjGray's-Inn-Lane, is about | of a mileN.fromGuilford- st. Foundling-hospital, on the R. and the same distance S. from Battle-bridge on the L.. Adam and Eve-Court, Oxford-Street, at 67, the N. side, nearly op. the Pantheon , leading to 6 1 , Castle-st. Adam and Eve-Court, White-Cross* Street, St. Luke's, at 106, about the middle of the E. side, nearly op. Playhouse-yard. B Adam Adam &Eve-Court,01d Broad-Street, at 11, op. Throgmorton-st. ll doors on the R.fromThreadneedle- street. Adam and Eve-Court, Angel-Alley, Bishopsgate- Without, -a few yards in ditto from 137, Bishopsgate, towards Angel-passage, and 43, Skinner-street. Adam & Eve-Court, Duke's-PIace,- the first on the L. in Mitre-court from 29, Aldgate, is continued by New-court to King-street and Bury-street. Adam-a Digging- Yard, Great Peter- Street, Westminster, about the middle of the S. side, nearly op. Little St. Ann's-lane. Adam's-Gardens, Adam-Street, Ro therhithe, the first N. parallel. which extends from Adam's- place to New-court. Adam's- Mews, Adam-Street, Port. man- Square, at 20, about 6 doors on the L. from 26, Upper Seymour-street, leading to Upper Berkeley-street. Adam's-Mews.SouthAudley-Street,- at 35, leading to 10, Charles-st. being the first S. E. parallel to Grosvenor-square. Adam's- Place, High-Street, Borough, at 187, about 22 doors on the R. South from Union-street, leading to 52, Red-cross-street. Adam's- Place, Adam-Street, Rother- hithe, is near the W. end, being the first on the L. from Neptune- street. Adam's-Row, Hampstead-Road, the N. continuation of Tottenham- court-road on the L. extending from the New-road to Henry-st. Adam-Street, Portman- Square, at 8, Baker-st. leading to 56, Man- chester-st. two doors from the sq. Adam-StrcctWest,Portman-Square,- the first N. E. parallel toEdgware- road, extends from 30, Up. Sey- mour-st. to Up. Berkeley-st. Adam-Street, Adelphi, at 73, Jrt theStrand, 73 doors on the R.from Charing-Cross, and about ~ a mile on the L. from Temple- Bar, on the op. direction, it extends to the Thames. Adam-Street, Rotherhithe, is the second S. parallel to the Thames, about | of a mile from it, commen- ces at Neptune-street, where there are 1 & 94, it extends to Swan- lane, and is about of a mile in length. Addle- Hill, Upper Thames-Street ,- at 231, the first on the L. from Earl-st. leading to 4, Gt. Carter- lane, Doctors-Commons. Addle-Street, Wood-Street, Cheap- side, at 43, the third on the R. and about } of a mile from 122, Cheapside, extending to 58, Alder- manbury. Adelphi, Strand. See Adam-Street. Adelphi-Terrace,-facingtheThames the second on the R. in Adam-st. from 73, Strand. Adelphi- Wharfs, under the Terrace,- t the principal entrance at Durham- st. 65, Strand, besides warehouses here are coal-wharfs occupied by Saints, Perkins, and Smithers, whose names they bear. Adjutant-General's Office, Whitehall, is the door on the L. under the arch in the Horse-Guards, from Whitehall towards the park. Admiralty, Whitehall, a few doors on the R. fromCharing-Cross,op. Great Scotland-yard. Admiralty - Office, Doctors - Com- mons, is the second door on the L. from 7, Gt. Knight -Rider-st. Affidavit-Office, Symonds-Inn, the first on the R. from 23, Chancery- lane. African-Company's Office, 3, Suf- folk-lane, Cannon-st. a few doors on the L. from 151, Up. Thames- ttreet. African and Senegal CofFee-House, Cornhill, Cornhill, about the middle of the S. side, between 41 & 42. Aggat's - Passage, Cutler - Street, Houndsditch, the first on the L. in Cutler-st. from 114, Hounds- ditch, leading to Devonshire-sq. and Bishopsgate. St. Agnes-le-Clair, Old-Street-Road, between the end of Paul-st. Fins- bury, and Pump-row. St. Agnes-Crescent, Old-Strect-Road, is part of the S. side of it, extending from the end of Paul-st. to Wood- street. St, Agnes-Place, Old-Street- Road, a few houses which connect Old- street-road with Paul-st. St. Agnes-Street, Old-Street-Road, - is the first S. parallel to part of Old-street-road, extending from Paul-st. to Wood-st. St.Agnes-Terrace,Tabernacle-Walk, Finsbury, is the N. continuation of it to Paul-street. Agriculture, Board of, Sackville- Street, at 32, 12 doors on the L. from 49, Piccadilly. Air-Street, Piccadilly, at 27, the first on the R. and 27 doors from the Haymarket, it leads to Brewer- st. and Golden- fq. Air's Aims-Houses, White's-Alley, Coleman - Street, the second on the L. from 61, Coleman-st. St. Alban's- Court, Wood -Street, Cheapside, at 91, about the middle of the W. side, leading to Oat-lane and Noble-street. St. Alban's Church, Wood-Street, Cheapside, is op. 91, and about y of a mile on the R. from 122, Cheapside. St- Alban's-Street, St. James's, at 13, Pail-Mall, the second on the R. from the Haymarket, it extends to St. James's Market. Albany-Chambers, Burlington-Gar- dens, the first W. parallel to Sackville-st. extending from Vigo- lane to Albany-house, and 52, Piccadilly. Albany-House, Piccadilly (late York- House) by 52, about i of a mile on the R. from the Haymarket, it leads to Albany-chambers. Albemarle-Street, Piccadilly, at 62, op. St. James's, the fifth on the R. and | of a mile from the Haymarket, leading to Grafton-:. t. and New Bond-street. Albemarle-Street, Clerkenwell, at 13, St. John's-sq. leading to 23, St. John's-st. about the middle of the W. side. AlbionBrewery,Whitechapel~Road,- at 170, a few doors N. from Mile- End turnpike. Albion - Buildings, Barfholomew- Close.-attheendofWe^moreland- bldgs. from 159, Aldersgate-st. Albion - Court, Albion - Place, St. George's in the East, leads to Mary-st. and Chapel-street. See Albion- Place. Albion Fire and Life-Office, the corner of Bridge-st. and Lud- gate-hill, facing the end of Fleet- market. Albion Information-Office, at 22, Earl-st. Black-Friars, a few doors on the R. from the bridge towards Thames- street. Albion - Mews, Stamford - Street, Black-Friars-Road, at 33, a few doors on the R. from the said road. Albion News- Paper-Office, at 1, Paternoster-row, the first house on the R. from Cheapside. Albion- Place, Walworth or Newing- ton-Butts, the second on the L. about | of a mile from the Elephant and Castle, on the road towards Camberwell. Albion- Place, East-lane, Walworth, is part of the E. side, a few yards on the L. from the Kent- road, towardsWalworth high-st.or road. Albion- Place, Black- Friars- Road,- the wide part of the road which adjoins the bridge, on the E. side of which stood the Albion-mill. Albion- Albion - Place, Lower Chapman- Street, St. George's in the East, is on the S. side between Mary-st. and Duke-street. Albion-Street, St. George's in the East, the fourth on the R. in the Commercial-road, E. from Can- non- st. road, leading to Lower Chapman-street. Albion-Street, Black-Friars-Road, the S. continuation of Albion-place by the bridge, in length about 1 6 houses which extend to Stamford- street. Albion-Street, Rotherhithe, the E. continuation of Paradise-row, from Deptford lower road, extending across Neptune-street. AlbionTimber-Wharf,Blaek-Friars,- is a few yards E. of the bridge, entrance at Earl-street. Aldermanbury, theN. continuation ' of Milk-st. Cheapside, commen- cing at Lad-lane, where there are Nos. 1 & 76, extends to London- wall. Aldermanbury- Postern, the N. continuation of Aldermanbury, extending from London-Wall to 32, Fore- street. Alderman's - Walk, Bishopsgate- Without, at 201, on the N. side the church, about of a mile on the L. from Cornhill. Aldermary-Church-Yard, at 38, W 7 atling-st. leading to 37, Bow- lane, about 18 or 19 doors on the L. from 59, Cheapside. Aldersgate - Buildings, Aldersgate- Street, at 91, about -| of a mile on "the R. from 66, Newgate-st. nearly op. Charter-hoHse-sq. Aldersgate - Chapel, Glass-House- Street, the middle of the W. side entrance at 108, Goswell-st. Aldersgate-School, is behind 77, Little-Britain, a few doors on the L. from Aldersgate-street. Aldersgate-Street, the N. contin. of St, Martin's-Le-Grand, from 66, Newgate-st. Nos. 1 & 180 are at St. Martin's-le-Grand, it is about j of a mile in length. Aldersgate-Workhouse, at 129, Alder^gate-st. the S. E. end of New-street, Cloth-fair. Aldgate High-Street, the E. con- tinuation of Leadenhall-st. and Fenchurch-st. extending from the pump to Somerset-st. and Petticoat- lane. Aldolis-Court, John-Street, Leonard- Street, Shoreditch, is on the W. side, nearly facing Charles-st. from the Curtain-road. Alexander- Buildings, Three - Oak- Lane, Horselydown, is the E. continuation of Free-school-street, Tooley- street. Alfred - Buildings, Castle - Lane,, Westminster, the second on the R. from James-st. or the W. end of York-st. by the park, or third on the L. from the Stag brewery, Pimlico, on the op. direction. Alfred's-Buildings, Windmill-Street, Finsbury-sq. is a few yards on the R. from the N. W. corner of Finsbury-sq. 2 doors from Provi- dence-row. Alfred - Court, Paul's - Alley, Red- Cross-Strect, Cripplegate, the first on the L. in Paul's-Alley, from 17, Red-cross-st, leading to 62, Aldersgate-street. Alfred - Mews. Tottenham - Court- Road, at 109, nearly op. Chapel- st. and about | of a mile on the R. from Oxford- street. Alfred-Place, Goswell-Street-Road, part of the W. side, commencing at the end of Rawstone-street, op. Sidney-st. is continued by Owen's- place, Gwin's-buildings, to the City- road. Alfred- Place, Kent-Road, is part of the S. side, about { of a mile on the R. below the Bricklayers- arms, the corner of East-lane. Alfred-Place, Bedford-Square, the firft first on the L. in Store-st. from Tottenham-court-road, extending to Chenies-street. Alfred-Place, Black- Friars-Road, the first E. parallel to Great Surrey- st. entrance at 18, nearly opposite Christ-church, about i of a mile on the L. from Black- Friars. bdge. Alfred - Place, Newington High- Road, is part of the W. bide, the first row on the L. from the Elephant and Castle towards London. Alfred- Row.Charle -Strect,Bethnal- Green-Road, the second on the L. from the road, op. Wilmot-sq. is about i of a mile on the R.from G5, Shercditch. Alien-Office, 18, Crown-Street, Westminster, a few doors on the R. from King-st. Alienation -Office, King's- Bench- Walk, Temple, on the E.*side, a few yards on the L. from the S. end of Mitre-court, leading from 44, Fleet- street. Alligator- Auclion-Rooms, at the S. E. corner of the King's- road, op. GG, Gray's-inn-lane. Allen's or Allan's- Alms - Houses, Lamb- Alley, Bishopsg. Without, - a few doors on the R. from 144, in the said street on the N. side of Sun-street. Allen's-Buildings, Bowling-Green- Lane, Clerkenwell, the first on the L. from op. the Workhouse, Coppice-row. Allen's-Buildings, Vine-Yard, St. Olave's, the second on the L. from 110, the E. end of Tooley- street, about -I of a mile on the L. from London-bridge. Allcn's-Court, Oxford-Street, at 388, between Wardour-street and Chapel-st. about of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's. AHen's-Court or Rents, Harrow- Alley, Gravel-Lanc,Hounsditch,- fhe second on the R. from Gravel- lane, towards the middle of Petti- coat-lane. Allen-Street, Clerkenwell, com- mences at 113, on the W. side of Goswell-st. and by a narrow pas- sage leads to Compton-st. Alley's Alms - Houses, Great St. Anne's Lane, Westminster, about ten doors on the R. from Great Peter-st. at the back of the Wool- staplers Alms-houses. Allhailows - Church, Bread - Street, Cheapside, is between 50 and 51, the corner of Watling st. Allhallows-Church, London- Wall, is a few yards E. on the L. from Moorfields, op. little Winchester- street, near Wormwood-street, Bishopsgate. Allhallows-Church, behind 48, Lombard-st. a few doors on the R. from Gracechurch-st. Allhailows - Barking-Church, 54, great Tower-street, the corner of beething-lane, by Tower-hill. Allhallows-Church, Upper Thames- Street, at 88, the corner of Allhallows-lane. Alihallows-Staining-Church, Mark' Lane, is four doors on the R. from 55, Fenchurch-street. Allhallows-Lane, Upper Thames- Street, at 88, op. Bush-la Can- non-street, about -I- of a mile on the L. from London-Bridge, lead- ing to the Thames. Allhailows - Passage, Gracechurch- Street, at 18, about half a dozen doors N. from Lombard-st. Allhallows-Stairs, the bottom of Allhailows-lane, from 88, Upper Thames-street. Sec ditto. Almack's Rooms, King-Street, St. James's. See Willis's. Almonry (Great}, Westminster,- the first S. parallel to Tothill-st. and communicates with it by Wright's passage. See the next. Almonry (Little), the E. continua- tion of great ditto, crossing Dean- street, street, and leading to Dean's-yard by the Abbey. Alpha-House, Lucas-Place, Com- mercial-Road, is a few yards E. on the R. from the half-way ho. Alphabet-Court, Brown's-Buildings, Clare- Market, at 30, Stanhope - St. leading to Na^'s-head-court and 119, Drury-lane. St.Alphage'sChurch, London-Wall, - at 13, four doors W. from Alder- manbury. Alport's Garden, Kackney-Road. about |- of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-Church, nearly oppo- site Middlesex-Chapel, Alsop's- Buildings, New-Rd. Mary- le-Bone, is part of the N. side, the N. end of Baker- st. Portman- square. Alsop's- Farm, New-Road, Mary-le- Bone, at the back of the E. end of AlsopVbuildings. Alsop's- Mews, New- Road, Mary- Je-Bone,-the first N. parallel to part of Alsop's- Buildings, extend- ing from Baker-st. N. to Upper Gloucester-st. Alsop's-Place, New-Road, Mary-le- Bone, is situate on the N. side of Alsop's-buildings, extending from Pleasant-row to Baker-st. N. Alscot-Place, Grange-Road, Ber- mondsey, is part of the S. side, about of a mile on the R. from Berraondsey new-road, and a few yards E. from Page's-walk. Amelia-Row, Borough-Road, St. George's-Fields, is on the S. side of it facing the King's-bench, is continued by Earl-st. to the London rd. op. the Philanthropic. Amelia -Street, Walworth, about -' of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle on the road to Camberwcllf the S. end of it is now called Pcnton st. Amcn-Corner, Ave-Maria-Lanc, the first on the L. from 29, Lud- gate-st. leading to Stationers-alley. America Place, Southwark, the first E. parallel to part of Great Guilford-st. there is an entrance to it at 21, Queen-street, it leads to Orion's-buildings and Castle-st. America-Square, Minories, at 121, the middle of the W. side, the fourth on the R. down Crutched- Friars from 65, iVl ark-Lane. America-Street, Gt. Guilfcrd-Street, Southwark, the first on the R. and five or six doors from 35, Qyeen-st. leading to America-pl, Amias Aims-Houses, George-yd. at 108, Old-st. St. Luke's, near Brick-lane. Amicable Assurance-Office,Sergent's- Inn, the sixth house on the L. from 50, Fleet- st. Amphitheatre (Asrley's) Surrey side of Westminster- Bridge, fourteen , doors on the R. from the Bridge- foot. Amphitheatre- Row, Westminster- Bridge- Road, extends from Ast- ley's Theatre to Stangate. Anchor- Alley ,01d-Street, St. Luke's- at 99, N. side, the first W. from theChurch, formerly calledHorse- shoe-altey. Anchor - Brewery, Old-Street, St. Luke's, on the S. side, opposite No. 100, is situate between White- cross-st. and Golden-lane. Anchor - Brewery, (Charrington's) Mile-End- Road, a little above i of a mile on the L. E. from the turnpike op. Stepney-Green. Anchor and Hope- Alley, St. George's in the Kast, the contin. of Red- Lion-street, from 120, Wapping, a little below the church on the L. Anchor-Street, Shorcditch or Bethnal- Grecn, extends from the back of the Swan, 54, Shoreditch, to Club- row, is continued by Slaughter or Sclater-st. to 154, Brick-lane. Anchor - Street (Little), Bethnal- Grcen, parallel to and between Anchor-st. and Church-st. Anchor-* A Anchor-Street, Mile-End, on the W. side of Charrington's Brewery, about ^ of a mile on the L. eall from the turnpike, op. Stepney- Green. Anderson's- Buildings, City-Road, part of the N. side by the turnpike, a little more than ^ of a mile on the R. from Finsbury-square, and near ^ of a mile from the Angel, Islington, on the op. direction. Anderson's- Buildings, Grange- Road, Bermondsey, part of the N. side, about -g- of a mile on the L. from Bermondsey new-road, nearly op. Page's- walk, (by some called the Terrace). Anderson's- Court, Queen - Street, Borough, at 15, near Union-st. and opposite White-Cross-st. Anderson's- Walk, Vauxhall-Walk,- the first on the R. from Lambeth- Butts towards Vauxhall-Gardens, it leads into Princes st. by the side of the Thames. Anderson's-Coal- Wharf. See Horse- Shoe ditto. Anderson's- Yard, Chelsea, a nar- row passage leading from Royal Hospit;'l-row to Turk's-row, is situate between James's-yard and Castle-yard. St.Andrew's-Church, Holborn-Hill, is a few yards on the L. weft from Fleet- market. St.Andrew's-Undershaft-Church.St. Mary- Axe. -the E. corner by 116, Leadenhall-street. St. Andrew 's-Court, Holborn-Hill, at 58, about twenty doors on the L. from Fleet- market, and five houses W. from the church. St. Andrew's-Court, White- Friars, is part of A^hcntree-courtjTemple- street. See ditto. St. Andrew's-Hill, Black-Friars, extends from the E. end of Earl- st. or W. end of Up. Thames-st. J to Great Carter-lane. St. Andrew's Charity- School, Hat. ton-Garden, Holborn, at 43, the corner of Cross-st. 80 Boyj and 71 Girls are educated here. St. Andrew's-Street, Seven Dials, the first coach-turning on the L. in Broad-street, St. Giles's, from Drury-Iane, leading to the Seven Dials. St. Andrew's-Street (Little) the continuation of St. Andrew's-st. from the SevenDials toSt.Martin's- lane or W. end of Long-Acre. St. Andrew's- Wharf, Earl-Street, Black-Friars, at 13, the fifth Wharf on the R.from Black-friars- bridgc. St. A ndrew's- Workhouse,-! 1, Shoe- lane, a few yards on the L. from 05, Holborn-hill, there is another entrance at 01, Fleet- market. St. Andrew's- Workhouse, the N. end of Saffron-hill, by Ray-street, Clerkcnwell. St. Andrew's, Holborn and St.George the Martyr's Workhouse, is on the L. in Little Gray's-inn-lane, towardsMount-pleasant and Cold- baih- fields, is at the back of 79, Gray's-inn-lane, of a mile from Holborn. Angel- Alley, Long- Acre, at 10, W. end leading into Rose-ct. and to King-st. and Covent-Gardon. Angel- Alley, Aldersgate-Street, at 42, the first S. from Jewin- st. and about | of a mile on the R. from 65, Newgate-st. along St. Martin's-le-Grand. Angel- Alley, Angel-Square, Bishops- gate- Without, at 138, about six doors N. of Sun-st. leading to Long-alley, and by Angel-pa.sage to 12, Skinner-street. Angel-Alley, Little Moorfields, at 20, the third on the L. from 61, Fore-st. leading to Harts- horn-alley and Moor-lane. Anoel- Alley, Ratcliffe-highway, at 61, op. St. George's church, leading to 144, Pennington-street. Angel- Angel- Alley, Nightingale-Lane, at 22, the third on the R. from 110, Up. E. Smithfield, leading into Sun-yard. Angel-Alley, Whitechapel, at 84, near the church, the first W. parallel to Osborn-st. leading into Wentw orth -street. Angel- Alley , High-Street, Borough,- at 146, near St. George's church, being the continuation of Angel- court, leading to Collin's rents and 23, White-st. Angel-Court, Prince's- Street, West- minster, at 5, by St. James's park, leading into Bow-st. Angel-Court, King-Street. St. James's Square, at 20, the second on the R. from 11, St. James's-st. Angel-Court, Strand, at 335, op. Somerset-house, is continued by Eagle-court, to White-hart-yard, Drury-lane. Angel-Court, Strand, at 173, by Surrey-st. about i of a mile on the L. from Temple-bar. Angel -Court, Charing -Cross, six doors on the L. from the Strand towards Westminster-bridge, late Johnson's-court. Angel-Court, GreatWindmill-Street, Haymarket, at 50, the first on the L. from Piccadilly. Angel- Court, Angel- Street, St. Martin's-le-Grand, the first on the L. in Angel-st. from 15, St. Martin's-le-Grand. Angel-Court, Golden-Lane, Crip- plegate, the first on the R. north from Brackley-st. about 6 doors from Vine-st. Angel-Court, Grub-Street, about the middle of the E. side, nearly opposite Star-court. Angel-Court, Friday- Street, at 8, the second on the R. and 6 doors from 35, Cheapside. Angel-Court, Snow- Hill, the first on the L. from Newgate towards Fleet- market, and is Opposite St. Sepulchre's church. Angel-Court, Throgmorton-Street,- at 35, three doors on the L. from Bartholomew-iane, by the Bank, it leads to Bell-alley and Moor- fields. Angel-Court, Red-Lion-Street, Spi- talfields, is on the VV. side of Spitalfields-church, nearly opposite Dorset-st. Angel-Court, Leadenhall-Street, at 64, about 10 doors on the L. from Aldgate Angel-Court, White's- Yard, Rofe- mary-Lane, about six doors on the R. from 58, Rosemary-lane. Angel -Court, Back -Lane, Shad- well, four doors E. on the R. from Blue - gate - fields, by the Angel public-houfe. Angel-Court, Shadwell High-Street, - at 235, nine doors E. from Blue- gate-fields, and seven doors W. from Union- street on the opposite direction. Angel - Court, Nightingale - Lane, Upper East-Smithfield, the con- tinuation of Angel -alley, from 22, Nightingale-lane, leading to Sun-yard. Angel-Court, Stoney-Lane, Gravel- Lane, Houndbditch, the second on the L. from Gravel-lane, from 148, Houndsditch. Angel-Court, High-Street, Borough ,- at 247, by St. Margaret's hill, leading to 82, Red-crofs-street. Note. The end next the Borough is a stable-yard and sometimes shut. Angel-Court, High-Street,Borough,- at 146, near St. George's church, is continued by Angel-alley, and leads to Collins's rents and 23, White-street. Angel- Court, Borough- Market, the second on the R. in York- street from 276, High-st. about of a mile on the R. from Lon- don-bridge. Angel- , Angel-Court, Walworth, about of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Caftle, on the Road to Camberwell, the first W. from Amelia-street, and E. end of the Terrace. Angel-Gardens, Back-Lane, Shad- well, eight doors E. on the R. from Bluegate-fields, by the Angel public-house, about i of a mile E. from Caunon-street-turnpike. Angel-Inn, St. Clement's, Strand, on the N. side the church, a few doors on the R. from Temple- bar. Angel-Inn, Broad-Street, St. Giles's, - adjoining the church, on the E. side, four doors W.from Compton- street. Angel-Inn, Angel-Street,St.Martin's- le-Grand, at 13, Butcher-hall- lane, and is that number of doors on the R. from 82, Newgate- street. Angel-Inn, Fleet-Market, at 53, W. side, about eight or nine doors on the R. from Holbom-bridge. Angel- Inn, Islington, at the point where the City-road, Pentonville, High-st.and St. John's-strect-road, all meet. Angel-Inn, Blackman-St. Borough,- at 80, about seventeen doors on the L. from the King's-bench Angel -Livery- Stables, Earl-Street, Blackfriars, three doors on the L. from Bridge-st. Angel - Passage, Upper Thames- Street, at 95, op. Ducks-foot- lane, about twenty-four doors on the L. from London-bridge,leading to Dyers-hall-wharf. Angel-Passage, Skinner-Street, Bi- shopsgate,-at 42, the second on the L. from 120,Bishopsgate-without, leading to Long -alley, Moor- fields. Angel- Place, Broad-Wall, Christ's- Church, the middle of the E. side, near HatnVld-st. and about $ of a mile on the R. from the New cut, or Lambeth-marsh. Angel Row, Islington, from the Angel-inn towards Pentonville and Sommers-town. Angel - Square, Bishopsgate- With- out, at 137, the second on the L. and five doors N. from Sun-st. it leads into Angel-alley and Long- alley, Moorfields. Angel-Street.St.Martin's-le-Grand,- at 15, the first on the L. from 66, Newgate-st. leading to the Angel- inn and Butcher-hall-lane. Angel - Street, Broad - Wall , Christ- Church, is part of the S. end of it, the second on the R. in Lambeth- marsh, from Surrey-chapel, to- wards Westminster-bridge. Angel and Sun-Inn, Strand, at 184, op. Norfolk-st. about $ of a mile on the R. from Temple- bar. Angel- Yard, Piccadilly, at 34, and is that number of doors on the R. from the Hay-market. St. Ann's Church, Blackfriars, is a few yards on the R. on St. Andrew 's-hill, from Ear 1-st. and W. end of Upper Thames-st. St. Ann's Church, Soho, at th bottom of Dean-street, from 400, Oxford-st. alfo the S. W. end of Compton-st. from St. Giles's. St. Ann's Church, St. Ann's-Lane,- is about the middle of theN. side, and behind 41, Noble-st. Foster- lane, Cheapside. St. Ann's Church, Limehouse, is on the S. side of the Commercial- road, about {- of a mile E. from Shadwell-church, near \ a mile N. from the Thames, and about 2 from the Royal-Exchange. St. Ann's-Court, St. Ann's-btreet, Weftminfter, is the firft on the R. and a few doors from Great Peter-street. St. Ann's-Court, Wardour-StreeT, Soho, at 31, about the middle C of of the E. side, leading to 63, Dean-st. near Soho-square. St. Ann's- Court, Upper Well- Alley, Wapping, the fecond on the L. from 110, Wapping-strect, or five doors on the R. from Green-bank near Wapping. church. St. Ann's-Court, Mary-Street, St. George's in the Eaft, is situate between Cliapel-street and Lower Chapman -street. St. Ann's-Lane, Weftminfter, at 33, Orchard-st. about six doors on the L. from Dean-st. leading to Great Peter- street. St. Ann's-Lane, (Little), is the first W. to Great ditto, leading from 39, Old Pye-street to Great Peter-street. St. Ann's-Lane, Foster-Lane, Cheap- side, at 17, leading to 58, St. Martin's-le-grand. St. Ann's-Pafl'age, Noble-Street, Foster-Lane, at 41, three doors N. from St. Ann's-lane. St. Ann's-Place, Commercial-Road, Limehoufe,-is part of the N. side, commencing at the Britannia by the bridge and extending to op. the church, St. Ann's-Place, East, Commercial- Read, Limehouse, is part of the S. side, a few houfes on the E. side of the church adjoining Com- mercial-terrace. St. Ann's-Place, North, Limehoufe,- is part of the E. side of Salmon- lane, near the Commercial-road, leading towards Stepney, opposite Wilson's-placc. Ann's Place, St. George's-Fields, the firft W. parallel to Webbcr-st. extending from Webber- row to Barons-buildings. Ann's-Place, Stepney, is facing the S. W. corner of the chnrt h by the ship. St. Ann's- Row. limehouse, the fijsst on the R. in bt. Ann's-strect, lacing the church. St. Ann's-School, Rose - Street, Soho, at 3, the first on the L. and three or four doors from Crown-street. St. Ann's-School, St. Ann's-Lane,- is the fourth house on the R. from 17, Foster-lane, Cheapside. Ann-Street, Pentonville, is the fecond E. from the chapel, exten- ding from 11, King's-row, to Henry-street, about i of a mile from Islington. Ann-Street, Bethnal-Green-Road,- the N. W. corner of Wilmot-sq. leading to Pollard-row, about | of a mile from 65, Shoreditch. Ann-Street, Bethnal-Green-Road,- on the E. side of Wilmot-square, leading from the road to Mary's- row and Wilmot's-folly. Ann - Street, St. George's in the East, the third E. paTallel to Cannon-st. New-road, extending from Upper Chapman-street to Lower Chapman-street. -Ann's-Street, (Little), Lower Chap- man-Street St. George's in the East, is the fourth on the L. from Cannon-street New-road, a few doors E. of Catherine-st. St. Ann's-Street, Limehouse, the first on theL. east from the Britan- nia, in the Commercial-road, nearly opposite the church, extending from Ann's-place to the barge river. St. Ann's-Workhouse, Soho, is the first house on the. L. in Rose-st. from 6, Greek-st. Annuity- Bank, Knightsbridge,- the first house on tlie R. about I of a mile from the turnpike, Hyde- park-corner. Ansel's-Rents, Three- Colt -Street, Limehouse, at the back of 34, in the said street, nearly opposite Ropemakers- fields. Anthony-Street, St. George's in the East, the second E. parallel to Cannon-st. New-road, extending from A from Lower Chapman- street to Hack-lane. Antigallican- Passage, Temple- Bar, - is on the N. side of Fleet-street by Temple. bar and Great Shire- lane. St. Antholin's-Church, Size-lane. is op. 50, Watling-st. the corner of Budge-row. Apollo - Buildings, St. George's Fields, the first on the L. in Tovver-st. from the Asylum, West- mi nfter-bridge- road. Apollo-Buildings, East-Lane, Wal- worth, is about the middle of it, on both sides, about J of a mile from the Kent-road, and a little more from Walworth High- road, on the op. direction. Apollo- Court, Fleet- Street, at 202, N. side by Temple-bar, leading to 7, Bell-yard. Apothecary's -Hall, Blackfriars, the E. end of Union-st. from 3G, the middle of the E. side of Bridge- street. Apple - Tree - Court, Bermcnd ey- Street, at 184, near the church, and about -j% of a mile on the R. from Tooley-st. Apple-Tree- Yard, York-Street, St. James's, is behind 105,Jermyn- st. between St. James's-church and St. James's-square. Arabella-Gardens, Chelsea, at the W. side of Grosvenor-row, by the one mile stone from Buckingham- gate. Arabella-row, Pimlico, is the first on the R. and about of a mile from Buckingham-gate, is conti- nued by Grosvenor-place to Hyde- park-corner. Archer - Street, Great Windmill - Street, at 19, the first on the R. from the Hay-market, there is a thoroughfare from it by a. dirty narrow passage to Rupert-st. Archer- Yard, Christopher's - Alley, Finsbury, is the first on the L. and a few doors frcm Wilson-it. N. side Moorfieldr,. Archibald-Place, Wallburge-Street, St. George's in the East, the first on the R. from Back-lane, towards Chapman-st. Argyll or Argyle- Street, Oxford - Street, at 331, about j of a mile from St. Giles's on the L. leading to Great Marlborough - street. Argyll-Street (Little), the first on the R. in Argyll-street, from 331, Oxford-st. leading into Swallow- street. Aris - Buildings, Bowling - Green - Lane, Clerkcnwell, the first on the R. from Rosamond-st. towards Coppice-row, or the second on the L. from Coppice-row, on the op. direction. Arlington - Street, Piccadilly, at 160, about y of a mile on the L. from the Hay-market, the first S. W. parallel to St. James's-st. Armourers & Braziers Aims-Houses, Swan- Yard, Bishopsgate, at 2, a few yards from 186, Bishopsgate- without. Army -Medical -Office, Berkeley-st. Berkeley-square,-at5, feven doors on the R. from Piccadilly. Army-Pay-Office, Horse-Guards, the entrance is a few yards on the L. (under the arch) from White- hall. Army-Viclualling-Cffice. See Vic- tualling-Office. Arnold's-PIace, Walworth, is the first W. parallel to the terrace, on the main road, extending from Hanovcr-st. to Amelia-st. Arnold's-Paragqn, Walworth, be- hind the middle of the W. side of Arnold's-placc. Arthur-Place, St. Luke's, the first N. parallel to Great Arthur-street, and a part of Bell-alley, leading from 13, Goswell-st. to Turk's - court and 121, Golden-lane. Arthur Arthur-Street(Great)Goswell-Streer, St. Luke's, communicates with No. 10, Goswell-st. by New-court, and is continued by Ball-yard, to Golden-lane. Arthur - Street (Little), Goswcll - Street, St. Luke's, the first S. parallel to the last described and communicates with it. See Ditto. Artichoke - Court, White - Cross - Street, Cripplegate, at 10, about seven doors on the R. from Beech- lane, Barbican, towards Wood-st. Artichoke-Court, Cannon-Street, at 32, about the middle of the S. side, and is op. Abchurch-lane from the General Post - office, Lombard-street. Artichoke-Hill, RatclifFe-Highway,- at 19, op. Princes-sq. leading to Pennington-st. and the London- docks. Artichoke-Row, Mile-End, is part of the S. side of the road op. the Bell and Mackarel, about 1 ~ of a mile on the R. from Aldgate- pump. Artichoke- Yard, Lambeth-Marsh,- the second on the L. from West- minster - bridge - road, towards Blackfriars-road. Artillery-Court, Chiswell-Street, at 53, the first on the R. from Finsbury-sq. leading to the Artil- lery-ground. Artillery-Ground, is situate on the W. of Finsbury-square, has three entrances, viz. at 53, Chiswell- street, 29, Bunhill-row, and 18, Artillery-place. Artillery- Ground (Old), part of Union - street, Bishopsgate, and Artillery-lane, the whole of Duke- st. Gun-street, Steward-street, and Fort-street. Artillery-Lane, Bishopsgate, op. 161, about T s of a mile on the R. from Cornhill, it is continued by Artillery-street, and Smock-alley, to Crispin-street. 1 Artillery-Place, Westminster, on the S. side of St. Margaret's- church, leading from Brewers- green to Strutton-ground. Artillery- Place, Finsbury-Square, commences at the N. W. corner on the L. extends from Nos. 1 to 25, op. Castle-st. Artillery- Place, Spitalfields, is the continuation of Artillery-lane and street, from Bishopsgate j this place is better known by the name of Smock-alley. Artillery -Street, Bishopsgate- with- out, the continuation of Artil- lery-lane, leading to Artillery - place (or Smock-alley) and Cris- pin-st. Spitalfields. Artillery-Street, St. John's, South- wark, is near the E. end of Tooley-street, the first S. parallel to St. John's-church-yard, it is continued by Charles-st. to Dock- head, on the E. and by Cru- cifix-lane to Bermondsey-street on the W. ArtiIlery-Street,St.George's-Fields,- is fomewhat parallel to the E. side of Blackfriars-road, extend- ing from Bennett's-row to Hig- lers-lane. Arts, Society of. See Society. Arts, Academy of. See Royal. Antiquarian-Society. See Royal. Arundel-Street, Strand, at 1 87, the second on the L. about f of a mile from Temple-bar extending to the Thames. Arundel - Stairs, the bottom of Arundel-st. from the Strand. See Ditto. Ashentree- Court, White-Friars, at the S. end of Bouverie-st. from 62, Fleet-st. and is near the boftom of Water-lane. Ashby-Street, Clerkenwell,-the first on the R. in Jflington-road from the N. end of St. John's-st. leading to Northampton-sq. Ashfield-Place, Stepney, at the N. E. E. corner of Stepney-church-yard, by the Walnut-tree in Ocean-row, Cow-lane. Ashton-Street, Black-Wall, at the N. end of Robinhood-lane, fating the East- India-deck-gate. Aske-Terrace, Haberdashers-Walk, Hoxton, the second on the L. north from Haberdashers- Alms- houses, nearly op. Gloucester- terrace, leading towards the City- road. Assay-Office, Cary-Lane, is the first house on the R. from 20, Gutter-lane, Cheapside. Assembly- Row, Mile -End, part of the S. side of the road, com- mencing about -j- of a mile on the R. below the turnpike, and is nearly ' g in length. Assembly-Passage, Mile-End, at 1 8, Assembly - row, leading to Redman's-row. Astley's-Thcatre, Surrey end of Westminster-bridge. See Amphi- theatre. AsylumforFemleOrphans,Lambeth, the S. side of Westminster-bridge- road, about of a mile from it, and near ? of a mile from the Obelisk, St. George Vfields. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Kent- Road, is a little above \ of a mile on the R. below the Bricklayers- arms. Asylum (Naval) Harrow-Road, Pad- dington, is about of a mile from the W. end of Oxford-street, along the Edgware-road. Asylum (Royal Military) Chelsea, - is situate between Lower Sloane- street and the hospital, and between Turks-row and the King's- road. Asylum-Brewery, Gloucester-Street, Lambeth, the corner of Hoopcr- st. and Apollo-buildings. Asylum - Buildings, Westminster- Bridge- Road, is part of the S. side of the road, commencing near the Obelisk, and leading towards the Asylum. Asylum-Place, Lambeth, at the middle of Mead-row, on theS. E. side of the Asylum. Asylum-Row, Westminster-Bridge- Road, is a part of the S. side of ir, leading from the Asylum on the R. towards the Obelisk. Atkins - Gardens, Bethnal - Green - Road,.. is on the N. side of '1 horold-sq. about \ a mile en the L. from 65, Shoreditch. Atlas-Insurance-Crmpany's-Office,- 92, Cheapside, the coiner of King- street. Auction-Mart, Bartholomew-Lanc,- the last house on the R. from the Royal-Exchange, and the first in Throgmorton-st. facing the N. E. corner of the Bank of England. Auditcr's-OfficeforPubiicAccounts,- is on the E. or L. side of the sq. in Somerset- pi ace, from op. 331, Strand, there is another office at 5, Adam-st. Adelphi, six doors on the L. from 73, Strand. Audley-Square (South) at the end of S. Audley-st- near Curzon-st. May-Fair, op. Tilney-street from Park- lane. Audley-Street(North)Oxford-Strcet, at 263, near the W. end, or the second on the R. from Hyde- park, it extends to Grosvenor- square. Audley-Street (South 1 is the con- tinuatirn of N. Audley-st. from Grosvenor-sq. extends to Curzon- st. May-Fair, near Park-lane, the total length from Oxford-street is about 4 a mile. St. Augustine's and St.Faith'sChimh, Old Change, is behind 35, St. Paul's church-yard, the corner of W'atling->treet. Augustus-Row, Grange-Road, Ber. mondsey, is part of the N. side of it, a few yards W. from the Spa, S. parallel to the Neckinger paper manufactory Austin. B Austin-Court, Austin-Street,Betbnal- Green, is the first on the L. in it from Hackney-road by Shore- ditch-church Austin- Friars, Old Broad-Street, at 67, under the arch, leading to 30, Winchester-st. and Moor- fields. Austin-Street, Bethnal-Green, is the first on the R. in Hackney-road from Shoreditch-church, it is con- tinued by Castle-st. Virginia-row, and Bird-cage-walk to Hackney- road." Ave- Maria-Lane, Ludgate-Street, at 29, the first on the R. from St. Paul's church-yard, it is continued by Warwick-lane to 10, Newgate- street. Avery- Farm-Row, Pimlico,-extends from Ebury-place, Kemp's-row, facing Ranelagh-walk to the five fields, and is about \ of a mile from Buckingham-gate. Avery-Row, Grosvenor-sq.-extends from 3,Grosvenor-st.to30,Brook- st. the first W. from and nearly parallel to New Bond-st. Axe- Court, Hackney -Road, is about i of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church, at the back of the Axe public-house, and op. the Green-Gate. Axe-Inn, Aldermanbury, at 20, about the middle of the E. side, and is that number of doors N. on the R. from Cateaton-st. or from Milk-st. Cheapside. Aylesbury-Street, Clerkenwell, is op. 191, St. John-st. about | of a mile from Smjthfield, leading to Clerkenwell- green. AylifFe-Street, Goodman 's.Fields, the first S. parallel to part of Whitechapel High-st. extending from Somerset-st. toRed-Lion-st. Ayliffe-Street (Little), the E. con- tinuation of AylifFe-st. leading to Good man 's-stile and Church-lane, total length about a * of a mile. BAB MAY'S- MEWS, Well, Street, St. James's, is the S. extremity of it from Eagle-street, 212, Piccadilly. Bacchus-Walk and Gardens, Hox- ton, is at the back of the Bacchus- Coffee-House, about -j of a mile, N. from Old-street-road, between Gloucefter-st. and Turner-sq. Baches-Row, Hoxton, is near the N. side of Charles-square, and Champion's vinegar-grcund, and is the second on the R. in Craven- buildings from the City-road, the opposite side the street is called Charles-place. Back-Alley, St. Catherine's, is the second on the L. in Garden-street, from St. Catherine's-lane. Back-Bear-Alley. See Bear. Back -Court, Cloth- Fair, West- Smithfield, is the first on the L. in it, from GO, West-Smithfield, a few doors further on the R. there is another court called by the same name. Back-Court or Yard, White-Cross- Street, Borough, is at the corner of it, and of Peter-st. Mint. Back-Hill, Leather- Lane, Holborn,- is the N. continuation of it on the R. leading to Ray-street and Clerkenwell-green. Back-Lane, St. Pancrass, is at the back of Church-terrace, leading to Vernon's buildings and Battle- bridge. Back-Lane, Bethnal-Green, is the first E. parallel to the green, also the N. continuation of Globe-lane, leading to Blue- Anchor-Lane and Hackney-road. Back-Lane, St.George's in the Eaft,- the E. continuation of the New- road and Cable-st. also N. parallel to Ratcliffe-Highway, extending to King-David's-lane and Sun- Tavern-fields. Back-Lane, Poplar, is on the S. side of the main road or street, extending B extending from the Commercial- rdad by the Wett^India-docks to nearly op. North-street. Back - Roll - Court, Long - Alley, Moorfields, is six doors on the L. in it from Moorfields. Back-Street, Horsleydown, the E. continuation of Tooley-street, on the L. leading into Broad st. Back-Street, Poplar, the first N. parallel to the main-road or street, extending from Wade's-placc to Finch-yard, is nearly op. Dolphin- lane, and about j- of a mile E. from the Commercial-road. Back-Walk, Lambeth, the firfl: S. parallel to Narrow-wall, near Upper Ground and Broad-wall, Chrift-church. Bacon-Street(Great),Bethnal-Green, the first S. parallel to Church-st. near Shoreditch, extending from the middle of Club-row to 140, Brick-lane. Bacon-Street (Little), Bcthnal-Green, is N. parallel to Great Bacon-st. extending from 141, Brick-lane to Swan-street. Badger-Court, Shoreditch, at 43, Ditto, near Webb-sq. and about I of a mile on the L. from Shore- ditch-church towards Bishops- gate. Badger - Yard, Red - Lion - Street, Clerkenwell, at 55, leading to the middle of St. John's-sq. Bagnige or Bagnage-House. Cold- bath-Fields. See Bagnige- Wells. Bagnige-Placc, Pentonville, is a itw houfes on the R. between Bagnige- Wei Is and Pcnton-st. Bagnige- Wells, Coldbath-Fields, is about a mile N. from Clerk - enwell-green, on the L. or W. side of the road to Pentonville, and near of a mile N. from the House of Correction. Bagnio-Court, Newgate-Street, at 75, the second on the R. about eighteen doors from Cheapside. B Bailey 's-Court, Bell- Yard, Temple- Bar, is op. 17, the first on the L. and about seventeen doors from 205, Fleet-st. Bailey's-Court, Cock-Hill, Shore- ditch, is the first on the L. in it from Webb-sq. towards Anchor- st. the entrance to Webb-sq. is ac 48, Shoreditch. Bailey's-Place, Tower-Hill, is the . S. continuation of the Minories by the New Mint, leading from Little Tower-Hill to Upper East- Smithfield. Bainbridge-Street, St. Giles's, is facing the E. end of Oxford-street, extending from the S. end of Tottenham-court-road to Dyot- street. Baker's - Alley, Tooley - Street, is the N. parallel to that part of if which is between 81 and 95, extending from Green-bank to Stoncy-lane. Baker's-Buildings, Old Bethlem, at 19, four doors on the L. from 4, Broad-st. buildings. Baker's-Buildings, Rotherhithe, a few doors on the R. below the King and Queen, under an arch- way, about \ a mile E. of Rother- hithe-church. Baker 's-Court, Holborn, at 149, nearly op. Middle-row, and about a ^ of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market. Baker's-Court, East-Street, Man- chester-square, is the first on the L. in it from Blandford-st. leading into Blandford-mews. Baker's-Court, Half-Moon-Street, Bishopsgate, is the fifth on the L. from 170, Bishopsgate- without, and two doors from Rose and Crown-alley, Moorfields. Baker's-Court, Castle-Street, Beth- nal-Green, is six doors on the L. in it from the E.end of Au->tin-st. the back of Shoreditch-church. BakerVCourt,. Rosemary-Lane, B is at 105, about the middle of the N. side of it. Baket's-Dcck, Surrey Side of Black - friars-Bridge, is between the Northumberland wharf and the Falcon wharf, on the E. side of the bridge. Baker's - Hall, Harp - Lane, Great Tower-Street, at 16, about six doors on the R. from 77, Lower Thames-Street. Baker's-Lane,NeatHouses,Chelsea,- is between Turpentine- lane and Willow-walk, leading from the public-house, called the Monster, to the Thames. Baker's-Mews, Baker-Street, Port- man-Square, is five doors on the R. from the N. E. corner of the square. Baker's-Row, Whitechapel-Road, at 94, op. Cannon-st. New-road, leading to Mile-End New-town and Spitalfields. Baker's-Row, Walworth, is part of the N. side of the main st. or road, about | of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, extending from Prospect - row to Albion-place. Baker's-Row, Coppice-Row, Clerk - enwell, is the second coach turn- ing in it on the L. from the Seffions- house towards Pentonville, extend- ing from the N. side the Work- house to Warner-st. Baker-Street, Portman-Square, the N. continuation of Orchard-street, from 197, Oxford-st. extending from the N.E. corner of Portman- sq. to York-pi. and leading to the New-road, total distance from Oxford-st. about { a mile. Baker-Street (Upper) Mary-le-Bone,- is the N. continuation of York- place and Baker-st. extending from David-st. to the New-road, about ten houses. Baker -Street North, New- Road, Mary-le-Bone.-is opposite Upper B Baker-st. by the turnpike, leading from the New-road to Park-place and the fields Baldwin's-Court, Cloak-Lane, at 18, the second on the L. from 67, Queen-street, Cheapside. Baldwin's -Gardens, Leather- Lane, Holborn, at 77, leading to 32, Gray's-inn-lane, about of a mile in length. Baldwin's-Place.Baldwin's-Gardens, at 48, about the middle of the N. side, leading into Tash-street and Gray's-inn-lane. Baldwin's-Street, Old - Street, St. Luke's, at 104, a few doors W. of the church, leading to 14, Mitchell-street. Ball-Alley, Sherbourn-Lane, at 5, nearly op. the Post-office-yard, it is a dark passage leading into St. Swithin's-lane. Ball- Alley, Long-Alley, Moorfields, thecontinuation of Ror-e& Crown- court from the N. E. corner of Moorfields, leading into Long- alley, op. Calender-yard. Ball-Alley, or Bell-Court, Wheeler- Street, Spitalfields, at 43, op. Webb-sq. leading into Farthing- street. Ball-Alley, Lombard-Street, at 50, nine doors on the R. from Grace- church-street, leading into George- yard. Ball-Court or Yard, Golden-Lane, St. Luke's, is about the middle of the W. side, is continued by Great Arthur-st. and New-st. to 10, Goswell-street. Ball-Court, Giltspur-Street, West- Smithfield, at 15, the second on the R. from Newgate-st. towards Smithfield. Ball - Court, Sampson's - Gardens, Wapping, at the E. end of Redmaid's-lane, on the W.side of the London-docks. Ball-Court, CornhiH, at 38, three doors E. from Birchin-lane. Ball B Ball-Court, Jury-Street, Aldgate, at 15, near Crutched-friars, also a few doors S. of George-st. from 142, in the Minories. Ball - Court, White - Horse - Street, RatclifFe, at 3, the first on the L. from Butcher-row, towards the Commercial-road. Ball-Court, St. Catherine's-Lane, the second on the R. and a few doors from 50, Upper Eaft-Smith- field. Banbury-Court, Long- Acre, at 26, op. Mercer- street, twenty-six doors on the R. from St. Martin's- lane, leading into Hart-st. Covent- garden. Bangor-Court, Shoe-Lane, at 63, the back of St. Andrew's-church, Holborn-hill. Bangor-Court, High -Street, Bo- rough, at the end of New-court, from 155, by St. George's-church. Bank-Buildings, is facing the S. front of the Bank of England, extending from Mansion-house- street to Bank-street. Bank-Court, Blue- Anchor- Alley, St. Luke's, --is about an equal distance on the S. side from 109, Bunhill-row, and 99, Whitecross- street. Bank-End, Southwark, the E. end of Banksidc. See Ditto. Bankruptcy Information-Office,-35, Aldermanbury, about six doors on the L. from London-wall. Bankside, Southwark, the W. con- tinuation of the Clink, by the side of the Thames, extending from Park st. to Willow. st. by which it is continued to Holland-street, Blackfriars-bridge. Bank-Street, Cornhill, is opposite 14, leading to the S. entrance of the Bank of England, the Sun Fire-office forming one side of it. Banner-Stret, St. Luke's, the first S. parallel to Old-street, extending from 130, Whitecross-street to B 80, Bunhill-row, it is continued by Fcatherstone - street to the City. road. Banner-Square, St. Luke's, is part of Banner-street, about the mid- dle of it on both sides. Baptist-Head Coffee-House, Foun- tain. court, Aldermanbury, two doors from Cateaton-st. on the R. Baptist- Head Coffee-House, Chan- cery-Lane, 77, the middle of the W. side near Chichefter-rents. Baptist- Head- Court, Whitccross- Street, Cripplegate, at 50, op. Bowling-alley, the fourth on the R. in it from Fore-st. Barber's - Buildings, Bell - Alley, Golden-Lane, Cripplegate, the second on the R. in it from Golden-lane. Barber's- Hall, Monkwell-Street, is facing Fell-st. from 70, Wood- street, Cheapside. Barbican, extends from 77, Alders- gate-street, op. Long-lane, to Red- cross-street, and Golden-lane, it is continued E. by Beech-street, and Chiswell-st. to Finsbury-sq. Barbican-Court, Barbican, at 68, two doors on the L. from Alders- gate-street. Barge -House-Alley, Upper-Ground Christ- Church, Surrey, is op. Broad-wall, and about | of a mile on the R. West from Blackfriars- bridge, leading to Old-Barge- stairs. Barge (Old) Stairs, the termination of the last described. Barge- Yard, Bucklersbury, at 20, six doors on the L. from the Mansion-house. Barking -Church -Yard, Seething - Lane, Tower-Street,at 26, lea- ding into Great Tower-bill, or Trinity-square. Barley-Court, Smart's-Buildings, St. Giles's, is the second on the L. from 183, High Holborn, by Coal-yard. D Barley- Barley -Mow- Court, High - Street, Whitechapel, at 39, nine doors E. on the R. from Red-Lion-st. Barley-Mow- Passage, Cloth-Fair, is the first on the L. from 60, West - Smithfield, leading into . Long-lane. Barlow-Mews, Brnton-Street, Berke- ley-Square, at 4, the first en the . L. from 146, New-Bond-st. Barlow- Street, Mary- 1 e-Bone, is the 6rst VV. parallel to that part of High-street which is between 83, andS8, extending from Little Baxlow-st. to 15, Paradise-st. Barlow-Street (Little), Mary-Le- Bone, at 98, High-st. extending to North-st. and is the first N. parallel to South-st. Manchester- square. Barnard 's-Ihn, Kolborn, at 23, S. side, leading to 85, Fetter-lane. Barnes-Alley, Booth-Street, Spital- fields, at 14, the first on the R. from 50, Brick-lane. Barnes or Barns-Buildings, Castle- lane, Whitechapel, is the first on the L. from 124, Whitechapel, leading into Tuson's-buildings and Wentworth-street. Barns-Court, Gravel-Lane, Hounds- ditch, is at the- end of Fire- Ball- court, from 131., Houndsditch. Barnes- Place, Mile-End- Road, is part of the S. side of it-, adjoin- ing the E. side the turnpike, ex- tending from Epping-place to Harlow-place. Barnes- Place, Walworth-Common,- is situate on the L. from the S. . corner of Surrey-square, opposite Westmorland-row by Providence- street. Barne - Place, Lambeth - Lower - Marsh, is on the N. side, at nearly equal distances from Black- friars - road and Westminster - tiidge-road, ittxtends from Pear- Tree- row to James-street; Barnes - Terrace, Lambeth - Lower- S Marsh, is the N. parallel to p<:rt of James-&treet, the entrance i; through a small passage by the Pin- Workers arms public-house. Baron or Barron- Street, Penton- ville, is about or : a mile W. from the Angel at Islington, and the first on the R. from it towards Sommers - town, it leads into White- Lion-streer. Baron's - Buildings, St. George's - Fields, is the third on the L. in Webber-street from Blackfriars- road by the Magdalen- Hospital, leading into Tower-st:eet and Westminster-bridge- road. Baron's- Place, Blackfriars-Road, the second on the L. in Webber- street, from the Magdalen-Ho-pi- tal, towards Lambeth-marsh. Baron's - Place (Little), Baron's - Buildings, St. George's-Fidds, at 40, the first on the R. from Webber-street. Barracks, Knightsbridge. is about I- of a mile on the L. from Hyde-park turnpike down a gate- way, by the Grenadier public- house. Barracks, Knightsbridge, for Caval- ry, the large building beyond the Brompton-road, about y a mile on the R. from Hyde-park corner. Barracks, Pimlico, op. 8, Queen V row, behind Buckingharm-house, and about of a mile from it. Barracks, St. James's-Park, on the S. E. side of Buckingham-gate, near the Queen's-palace. Barrack -Office, New -Street, Spring- Garden, at 20, a few yards on the L. from 52, Charing-cross, towards St. Jnmes's-park. Barrets-Court, Cavendish-Square, is the continuation of Jces -court, from 163, Oxford-street, is near a mile on the R. from St. Giles's and extends from 2, Henrietta- street, to 27, Wigmore-street. Barrets- B Barrets-Rents, White's- Yard, Rose- mary-Lane, the third on the L. from 58, Rosemary-lane, towards Upper East-Srnitnneld. St. Bartholomew t'ue Less Church, at the back of 4 1, "West-Smith field, a few yards on the L. in the en- trance to the Hospital. Bartholomew the Great Church, Bar- tholomew - Close, West-Smith - field, nine doors on the R. in Cloth-fair from 60, Wcst-Smith- field. St. Bartholomew-Church, Bartho- lomew-Lane, on the E. side of the Bank of England, and N, side of the Royal-Exchange. Bartholomew - Clo e, West - Smith - field, the fourth on the R. in Little-Britain from 175, Alders- gate-street, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 94, there is another entrance at 56, on the E. side of Smithfield. Bartholomew-Close (Little), is part of the N. end of the last, near Long-lane. Bartholomew-Court, Throgmorton- Street, is two doors on the R. from Bartholomew -lane, on the E. side of the Bank. St. Bartholomew's-Hospital, Gilt- spur-street, the entrance of West- Smithfield, a few yards on the R. from Newgate-street and the Old- Bailey, it extends to Little-Britain, where there is another entrance. Bartholomew-Lane, the E. side of the Bank of England, extending from the Royal - Exchange to Throgmorton-street. Bartholomew- Place, Bartholomew- Close, at 38, near New-st. Bartlet's-Buildings, Holborn-Hill, at 50, op. Hatton-garden, leading to 60, Fetter-lane. Bartlet's - Buildings Richmond - Street, St. Luke's, the first on the R. a few doors from Pest- house-row, by St. Lukc'c-hospital. b Bartlet's-Court, Holborn Hill, at 53, nearly op. Hatton-Garden. Bartlet's-Gardens, John-Street, Cur- tain-Road, the first on the R. from the W. end of Willi im-st. entering by 136, Shoreditch. Bartlet's-Passage, Fetter- l.ane, at 60, leading to 10. Bartlet's-buili- ings, and Holborn-Hili. Barton-Court, Hoxton. is about ~ of a mile from Old-street-road on the R. in Hoxtbn-High-treet or road, near the Hare Pub. ho.use. Barton -Street, Westminster,- the second on the L.in College-street, from 18, Abingdon-street, near the Abbey, leading into Cowley - street and Wood-street. Basing- House, Kingsland-Road, op.' Union-st. about j of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church. Basing-Lane, Bread-Street, at 40, the second on the L. from 47, Cheapside, leading to 16, Bow- lane. Basing- Place, Kingsland-Road, is the first on the left, N. from Union-street, by the Turnpike, about ^ of a mile from Shoreditch- church. Basinghall-Street, Cateaton- Street,- at 29, where the number's begin and end, viz. 1 andS7, extending to London-wall. Basingball-Strcet (New), is the N. continuation of Basingball- street, from London-Wall, to 34, r* ore-street, Cripplegate. Bafket - Alley, Golden - Lane, St. Luke's, the first on the L. a few doors from Old-street, is con- tinued by White's yard, to 155, Whitecross-street. Batchelor-Place, Pentonville, is Oft the N. side of the road, between the Turnpike,, extending from Pleasant - place to Maiden - lane, Battle-bridge. Batchelor-Place, Borough-Road, St._ George's -Fields, forms part of the B the S. side of it, and is the first row on theL.fromtheKing's-bench towards the Obelisk. Bateman's-Buildings, Soho-Square,- at 27, on the S. side leading into Queen - street, and is between Frith-street and Greek-street. Bateman's-Buildings, Blue-Anchor- Alley, Bunbill-Row, is the first on the R. from 108, Bunhill-row, towards 98, White-Cross-st. Bateman's - Row, Shoreditch, at 159, leading to the Curtain-road, about the middle of the E. side. Bate's-Row, Lisson- Green, near Paddington, a few small houses by the side of the nursery, forming the N. parallel to Mitcham-street, and about of a mile distant from it. Bath-Buildings, Kingsland-Road, is at the extremity of Bath-gardens, from Kingsland-road on the R. leading to the Hare- walk, Hoxton. Bath - Court, Cold - Bath - Square, Cold-Bath-Fields, at 10, on the S. E. side of the square, near the House of Correction, leading into Great Warner-street. Bath- Gardens, Kingsland-Road, the entrance is by a narrow pas- sage leading from Reputation-row, op. Ironmongers Alms - houses, about -j of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church. Bath-Place, Brook-Street, Lambeth ,- is part of the E. side of it, at the end next West-square. Bath- Place, Fitzroy-Square, is a part of the N. side of the New- road, extending from Hampstead- road to Quickset-row. Bath - Place, London - Road, St. George's-Fields, is the second on the L. from the Obelilk toward the Elephant and Castle. Bath-Row, Cold- Bath- Fields, at 6, Cold-Bath-Square, leading into Baker's -row, by Clerkenwell - workhouse. B Bath-Street (Great), Cold-Bath- Fields, is the N. continuation of Eyre -street and Leather-lane, Holborn, extending from Great Warner-street to Coppice-row, by Clerkenwell-workhouse. Bath-Street (Little), Cold -Bath. Fields, is the end of Great Bath- Street, which connects it with Eyre-street. Bath -Street, Hackney -Road, is about i a mile on the R. from Shoreditch-church, and the first N. from Alport's nursery. Bath-Street, St. Luke's, is the N. continuation of Pesthouse-row, from 66, Old-st. by the Hospital, leading towards the City-road. Bath-Terrace, St. George's in the East, is part of the N. side of the New-road or Back-lane, near Cannon -street -turnpike, at the corner of Anthony-street. Battle-Bridge, St. Pancrass, at the N. end of Gray's-Inn-lane, near a mile from Holborn, and W. end of Pentonville, near \ of a mile from the Angel, Islington. Battle-Bridge, Mill-Lane, Tooley- Street, is the end of it, next the Thames, about T \j of a mile from 55, Tooley-street. Battle- Bridge- Stairs, Mill - Lane, Tooley-Street, about \ of a mile below London -Bridge. See the last. Batty's-Court, Batty's-Street, Com- mercial-road, is a part of Queen's-Court, leading into King- street. Batty's - Gardens, Commercial - Road, is the first on the L. in Church-lane, Whitechapel, from the Commercial - road, toward Wellclose-sq. leading to Berner-st. Batty's-Street, Commercial- Road, - the second on the right, E. from Church.- lane, and is between King-street and Berncr-street, op. Greenfield-street. Bayles- B B Bayles-Court, Strand, at 111, op. Adam -street, Adelphi, leading to 18, Maiden -lane, Covent- garden. Bayles-Court, Cable-Street, Good- man's-Fields, at 69, three doors W. of Church-lane, nearly op. Wellclose-square. Bayleys-Ways, Rotherhithe, or Ber- mondsey-Wall, is a few yards on theleft, E.from St.Saviour's-doclc, near a mile E. from London- bridge. Baynes- Court, Cold -Bath -Square, Cold-Bath-Fields, at 4, on the S. W. side leading into 15, Great Warner-street. Baynes- Row, Cold- Bath- Fields, is on the S. E. side of the House of Correction, about | of a mile N. from Clerkenwell-green, on the L. extending from Coppice- row to Great Warner-street. Baynes-Row (Little), Cold-Bath- Fields, is behind numbers 1 to 4, the S. W. side of Cold- Bath- square, extending from Baynes- court to Bath-court. Beak -Street, Swallow -Street, at 44, about the middle of the E. side, it is continued by Silver- street, Golden-square, to Little Windmill-strpct. Beals- Wharf, Battle-Bridge, Tooley- Street, about of a mile below London - bridge. See Battle - Bridge. Bean-Street, Higlen-Lane, or Street, St. Georges's- Fields, is the 5th on the R. from Blackfriars-road, and the third on the L. from G:. Suffolk-st. in the op. direction. Bear- Alley, Fleet- Market, at 27, about the middle of the E. side, leading to Sea-Coal-iane, Snow- hill. Bear-Alley (BackDitro), is the first on the R.in Bear-alley, and a few doors from 27, Fleet- market. Bear -Court, Bear -Lane, Christ- Church, Surrey, is about the middle of the E. side of it, op. Union-place. Bear-Court, Knightsbridge, See Nag's-Head-eourt. Bear- Gardens, Bankside, South - wark, is about of a mile W. from London-bridge, leading into Maid - lane, the first E. from Thames-street. Bear-Gardens-Stairs, Bankside, at Bear-Gardens. See the last article. Bear-Inn, Basinghall-Street, at 31, op. the church, about twenty doors on the L. from London-wall. Bear- Lane, Christ-Church, Surrey,- the second E. parallel to part of Blackfriars-road, extending from George -street to near Church- street, also the continuation of Green-walk, from Holland-street, by the bridge. Bear-Quay (New), Lower-Thames- Street, opposite 70, about \ of a mile, E. from London-bridge. Bear- Quay (Old), Lower Thames- Street, is the next on the E. side to New ditto. Bearand Ragged-StafF-Ccurt, White- cross-Street, St. .Luke's, at 17G, about f f of a mile N. on the L. from Chiswell-street. Bear and Ragged-StarF-Mews, Cur- zon -Street, May -Fair, is the first E. parallel to a part of it, viz. from numbers 22 to 35, on the W. side the Chapel. Bear-Street, Leicester-Square, at 18, the N. E. corner, leading into Castle-street. Bear- Yard, Lincoln's -Inn-Fields,- at the S. W. corner leading to 35, Vere-street, and to Clare-market. Bear- Yard, High-Street, Lambeth. - the 5th on the R. from the church, leading into Fore-street. Bear- Yard, Long-Walk, ^ermond- sey, is about three doors on the L. in it from Bernfbndscy-sq. towards Rotherhithe. Bcarbinder- B Bearbinder-Lane, Mansion-House,-, is on the E. side of it, leading to 4, St. Swithin's-lane. Beardham's - Rooms, Hoxton - Town, about -g- of a mile on the R. north from Old-street-road. Beast-Lane, Stepney. See Bull-lane. Beauchamp-Street, Brooks-Market, forms the S. side of it, and is the second N. parallel to part of Hol- born, extending from 90, Leather- lane, to Brooks-st. Beaufort-Buildings, Strand, .at 95, nearly opposite Southampton-st. Covent-garden. Beaufort - Wharf, Strand, at the bottom of Cecil-street, between Salisbury and Brownings-wharfs. Beaumonts-Buildings , Blue- Anchor- Yard,' Rosemary-Lane, the third on the L. from 48, Rosemary-lane. Bsaurnonts - Buildings, Cannon - Street New-Road, is part of the L.side of it, commencing at Lower Chapman-street, and extending towards the Commercial -road. Beau moot- Mews, Wey mouth-Street, Mary-le-bone, at 22, W. end of it, op. Little Mary-le-bone-street, a few yards from High-street. Beaumont-Row, Tottenham Court- Road, is the E. parallel to a part of it, extending from Totten- Tiani-place to the New. road near the turnpike. Beaumont-Street, Mary-Le-Bone, commences at 16, Weymouth-st. and leads to High. street, near the New-road, the easiest way to it, from Oxford-street, is by con- tinuing N. from Vere-street, 151, Oxford-street. Beavton's- Repository , Silver-Street, Golden-Square, at 24, opposite John-street. Beckford - Row, Charles - Street, Bethnal-Green-Road, is the fir. t on the R. from the road, nearly op. Wilmot- square, and about ^ of a mile from G5, Shorcditch. b Beckford-Row, Walworth, is part of the S. W. side of the High-st. or road, near | of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, extending from East-lane, . towards King's-row. Beckford- row, Kennington- Com- mon, is on the W. side nearly opposite the Greyhound on the Clapham-road. Beck's-Rents, Rosemary-Lane, at 19, the third on the R. from the Minories and Tower-hill. Bedford-Arms, Bedford-Square, is in Charlotte-street, by the S. E. corner of the square, here is kept an alphabetic list of the names of all the Inhabitants in the square. Bedford -Bury, St. Martin's -Lane, Charing-Cross, is the first E. . parallel to a part of it, extending from 53, Chandos-street, to 10, New-street, Covent-garden. Bsdford-Court, Bedford-Street, Co- vent-Garden, at 10, opposite Henrietta-street, and leading to b3, Chandos-st. Bedford-Court, Angel-Court,Sfrand, the first on the R. from 335, Strand, nearly op. Somerstt-house. Bedford-Court, New North-Street, Red-Lion-Square, at 28, nine doors on the L. from 5G,Theobalds- road. Bedford-Court, Russell-Street, Ro- therhithe, the first on the L. from Greenland-dock, op. Randall and Brent's dock-yard. Bedford-Head- Yard, Upper King- Street, Bloom (bury, at 5, the second on the R. from 120, High Holborn. Bedford-Passage, Charlotte-Street, Rathbone- Place, at 56, facing . North-st. at the back of Whitfield's chapel, Tottenham-court- road. Bedford- Place, Bloomfbury-Square,- extends from the middle of the N. side, to 51, Russell-sq. Ucd ford - Place (Upper), Russell- Square, B Square. extends from W, to Taviftock-sq. and is op. the last. Bedford- Place, Rotherhithe. is on the E. side of the lower road to Deptibrd, commencing near the K. end of Paradise-row. Bedford- Row, is the N. continua- tion of Brownlow-street, from 50, High Holhorn, bearing a little to the L. also the first E. parallel to part of Red-Lion-st. extending fromBcdford-st.totheKing's-road. Bedford-Square, is in the parith of St. Giles, except part of the E. side, which is in Bloomibury, it is about l of a mile W. from the N. corner of Bloomfbury-sq. and near the E. end of Oxford-st. commu- nicating with Tottenham-court- road by Tavistock -street, and Bedford- street. Bedford- Street, Tottenham - Court- Road, at 30, near Oxford-st. leading into Bedford-sq. Bed ford- Street, Strand, at 403, leading to King-st. on the W. side of Covent-Garden. Bedford - Street, Red-Lion - Street, Holborn, is the first on the R. from 71, High Holborn, extend- ing to Bedford- row. Bedford-Street, Leather-Lane, Hol- born,- is the N. continuation of it, bearing to the L. and leading to Vine-street. Bedford-Street, Lock's-Fields, Wal- worth, is the second st. parallel to Richmond -place, Eaft-lane, extending from Camden- street to Nelson 's-place by Salisbury-pl. Bedlem.' See Bethlem. . Bee-Hive-Court, Little St. Thomas- Apostle, at 15, five doors from G8, Queen-st. Cheapside. Eeech-Street, Barbican, is the E. continuation of it from 77, Alders- gate-st. and the W. continuation of Chiswell-st. from Finsbury-sq. at the N. end of Redcross-street from Wood- st. Cheapside. B Beech-Lane, Beech Street , Barbican, - is ?.b ut the middle of the S. sidi leading into W hitecruss-strect, at No. 3. Beer-Lane, Great Tower-Street, at 37, the first on the L. from Tower-hill, op. Seething- lane, leading to 53, Lower Thames-st. op. the Cuftom-house. Belgrave- Buildings, Piinlico, is at the back of 6, Lower Belgrave- place. See Ditto. Belgrave - House, Millbank - Row, Westminster, the last house on the R. towards Chelsea. Belgrave - Place, East - Lane, Wal- worth, the first N. parallel to Little Richmond-place and near to it, is nearly op. Camden-st. and the chapel, East- lane. Belgrave- Place (Lower), Pimlico, is part of the W. side of the high street or road, which leads from Buckingham - gate to Chelsea, about I of a mile en the R. from Buckingham -gate. Belgrave-Place (Upper), Pimlico, the S. continuation of the la^t towards Chelsea. See Ditto. Belgrave- Terrace, Pimlico, the S. continuation of the last towards Chelsea, but terminating at the Bridge-row near Ranelagh-walk. Bell. Alley, Go well-Street, at 13, leading into Turk's-head- court, Golden-lane, Barbican. Bell-Alley, Golden-bne, Cripple- gate, is the fifth on the L. from Barbican, leading into Vine-yard. Bell- Alley ( Great), Coleman-Street,- at 56, the fourth on the R. from Lofhbury, leading to Little Bcll- Allev. Bell- Alley (Little), London- Wall, commence-; at Leathersellefs- build- ings, op. Bethlem-hospital, extend- ing to Great Bell-alley, and lead- ing to the Bank by Tbkehhodse- yard, and by Angel-court to Throgmorton-st. Bell's- B Cell's- Buildings, Salisbury - Square, Fleet. Street, is about twelve doors on the L. from 82, Fleet- street. Bell-Court or Yard, Hay- Market, at 70, about six doors from the Opera-house, leading to Market, lane. Bell-Court, Gray's-Inn-Lane, at 22, the third on the R. from Holborn, leading to Brook's- market. Bell-Court, Golden-Lane, is the first on the R. in Wooden-World- court,fromBell-alley, Golden-lane. Beil-Court, Grub-Street, Cripple- gate, is near the N. end of it, the first on the R. from the chapel towards Chiswell-st. Bell-Court, Foster-Lane, Cheap- side, at 20, op. Maiden-Lane, Wood- street. Bell -Court, Great Knight-Rider- Street, Dcftors-Commons, is the first on the L. in Bell-yard, from behind Great Carter-lane. Bell-Court, Walbrook, is about three doors on the R. in it from the Mansion-house. Bell-Court, Long- Alley .Moorfields,- is about five doors S. on the R. fromCrown st.towardsMoorfields. Bell-Court, Wheeler-Street, Spital- fields, at 43, op. Webb-sq. from 47, Shoreditcb, leading into Farthing-street. Bell - Court, St. Catherine's - lane, Tower-Hill, is the first on the L.and a few doors from 50, Upper East-Smithfield. Bell-Court, Fenchurch-Street, at 163, the second -on the L. and twelve doors from Gracechurch-st. Bell-Court, Mincing-Lane, at 26, seven doors on the R. from 82, Great Tower-street. Bell-Court, Bermondsey-Street, at 108, the fourth on the R. from the church, towards Toolcyst. Bdl-Court,Star-Corncr,Bcrmondsey, B is a few yards S. of the church- yard, nearly op. Long-lane, lead- ing to Bermondsey-sq. Bell-Inn, Hay-Market, at 70, six doors N.of the Opera-house. Bell-Inn (Old), Holborn, at 123, nearly op. Fetter-lane, about j of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market. Bell and Crown, Holborn, at 138, next E. to Furnival's-Inn, about ^ of a mile on the R. from Fleet- market. Bell-Inn, West-Smithfield, at 70, the N. E. corner, between Long- lane and St. John-st. Bell-Inn, Warwick-Lane, is about eight doors on the L. from 10, Newgate-street, N. W. corner of Newgate-market. Bell- Inn, Friday-Street, at 13, a few doors on the R. from 36, Cheapside. Bell-Inn, Bell- Yard, Gracechurch- Street, a few doors on the R. in it, from 12, Gracechurch-st. Bell- Inn, 'Kent-Street, Borough ,-is near the E. end of it, about | a mile on the R.fromSt.George's-church. Bell-Inn.Wood-Street, Cheapside,-at 86, about j- of a mile on the L. from 122. Cheapside, three doors S. from Silver-st. Bell-Lane, Spitalfields, the first E. parallel to Petticoat-lane, extend- ing from Wentworth-st. to Raven- row. Bell 's-Messengcr News-Paper-Office, Southampton - Street, Covent- Garden, at 39, the first house on the L. from 388, Strand. Bell- Place, Limchouse. See Five. Bell - Place, Prince's - Row, Mile- End New-Town, is the first on the L. from Baker's-row, enter- ing at 94, Whitechapel-road. Bell's-Rents,Snow's- Fields, Borough, the first on the L. in Tattle-court, from 247, Bermondsey-st. Bell-Savage,Ludgate-Hill,-at37, i the first on the L. from Fleet- market. Bell- B Bell-Square, St. MartinVle-Grand,- at 51, the fourth on the R. from Newgate-st. leading to 20, Foster- lane, Cheapside. Bell-Square, Broken-Row, Moor- fields, at 6, on the E. side of Moorfield".. Bell-Street, Paddington, is between Lisson-place and Chapcl-st. ex- tending from Lisson-green to the Edgware-road. Bell-Wharf- Passage, Upper-Thames- Street, is op. 177, near Dow^ate- hill. Bell-Wharf, Upper-Thames-Street, - op. 177, between Joiners-ha!l- baildings and Queen-st. \ ofa mile W. from London-bridge. Bell-Wharf, Rotherhithe, or Ber- mondsey-Wall, a iew doors below East-lane-stain, about a mile E. from London-bridge. Bell -Wharf-Stairs, Ratcliffe, by Bell-wharf, the E .end of Shad well- High-street, and W.end of Cock- hill. Bell- Yard, Fleet-Street, at 201, by Temple-bar, leading to Carey- street. Bell- Yard, Hay. market. See Bell- Court. Bell- Yard, Drury-Lane, at 178, op. Short's-gardens near Holborn. Bell- Yard, Mount-Street, Grosver.or- square, at 58, W. end, about half a dozen doors from Park-st. leading into Reeves-mews. Bell - Yard, Great Carter- Lane, Doclors - Commons, at 10, leading to 15, Great Knight- rider- street. Bell- Yard, Gracechurch-street, at 12, the third on the R. from Cornhill, leading to Castle-court, and 24, Birchin-lane. Bell- Yard, Fish-Street- Hill, at 13, op. the Monument, near London- bridge. Belmont-Place, Vauxhall, is a row on the R. hand side of the road, B about - of a mile S. from the Turnpike, nearly op. the 3 mile stone from Cornhill. Belmont - Row, Belmont - Place, Vauxhall, the first on the right, S. from the Turnpike, leading towards Nine-elms and Battersea- fields. Belton-Strcet (New), is theN. con- tinuation of Old ditto, leading through Bow-yard to 37, Broad-st. St. Giles's. Bebon-Street (Old), Long- Acre, is the N. continuation of Hanorer-st. from 96, Long-Acre, extending from Castle-street, to New Bclton street. Belvedere - Brewery, Vine - Street, Lambeth, is facing the end of it from Narrow-wall. Belvedere - Buildings, Belvedere - Place, St. George's- Fields, at 45, nearly op. the King's - bench, leading to King- street. Belvedere-IIou.e, Pentonville, at the corner of Penton-st. op. the New-rivcr-reservoir. Belvedere-House, Borough-Road, the first house in Belvedere-place, from the Borough- road. Bel vede re- Place,St.George's- Fields ,- on theW.sidecf the King's-bench, extending from the Borough-road to Grear SufFolk-st. is about | of a mile in length. Belvedere-Row, Belvedere-Place, St. George's-Fields, is at the N. end byGreat-Suffolk-st. is continued by Higlers lane, or street, to Black- friars-road. Belvedere- Row, Pedlars- Acre, or Narrow -Wall, Lambeth, is part of the E. or land-side of it near 7 of a mile on the right from Westminster-bridge, by College- street, and Coad's artificial-stone- manufa&ory. Bembers- Rents, Golden-Lane, St. Luke's, the second on the R. a few doors from. Old-st. iscon- E . tinued m E tinued by French-alley to 21, Goswell-street. Benchers- Folly, King's-Bench-Walk, St. George's- Fields, is a part of the E. side of it, a few doors oh the R. from Higlers-lane. Bancroft's- Alms-Houses, Mile-End- Road, is about 1 |. mile on the L. from Aldgate-pump. Bencroft's-Place, Mile-End- Road, is op. .the- Alms-houses, ditto, lead- ing towards Stepney. See the last described. Benjamin-Street, Clerkenwell, the first on the R. in Turnmill-street,. from Cow-cross, West-Smithfield, is continued by George-court, to St. John's-lane. Bervnet's-Alms-Houses,St.Peter's-Hill, Upper Thames-st. is a few doors on the the L. from 216, Thames- street. St. Bennet's, Gracechurch, the cor- ner of Fenchurch-st. and Grace- church-st. nearly op. Lombard- street. St; Bennet's-Church, Upper Thames- Street, by 217, the corner of St. Bennet's-hill. St. Benedict, or St. Bemiet- Fink- Church, Threadneedle-Street, about two or three doors E. from the north side of the Royal- Exchange. Bennet's-Buildings, Lower Kenning- ton-Lane, the second on the R. and about \ of a mile from New- ington on the W. side of Ebenezer- place. BcnnetVCouft, Drury-Lane, at 111. See Granby-buildings. Bcnnet's-Court^ George-Street, Reth- nal-Green, is two doors S. from Spicer-st. Brick-lane. ftcnnct's-Court, White-Street, Bo- rough, -at 41, the first on the R. from St. Gcorge's-Church, towards Long- lane. St. Bennet's-Hill, Upper Thames- Street, at 1 7, the second on the L. from Earl-st. leading into Godliman-st. and 15, St. Paul's- church-yard. Bennet's - Place,, Bcthnal - Green- Road, the first E. parallel to Pollard's-rovv , N. end ofPollard-st. about | of a mile on the L. from 65, Shoreditch. Bennet's- Row, St.George's-Fields, is on the E. side of Blackfriars- road, the second en the L. from Surrey-chapel, towards theObelisk, leading into Gravel-lane, about | of a mile in length. Ben net-Street, St. James's-Street, at 54, the first on the R. from 163, Piccadilly, leading into Arlington- street. Bennet - Street, Charlotte - Street, Rathbone-Placc, at 87, the first: on- the L. from Windmill-street; Tottenham* court - road, leading iflto Upper Rathbone-place. Bennet-Street, Christ-Church, the- first W. parallel to part of Black- friars-road, extending from Upper- ground,, by the Bridge, to Christ- church-yard. Bennet's- Yard, Tufton- Street; West- minster, at 41, leading to 13,. Marsham-streetj near St. John's church. Benson's-Wharf, Shad-Thames, is nearly op. King-st. Horsley- down, about f of a mile E. from.- London-bridge. BentleyVBuihlings, Great Guild- ford-Street, Borough, is at the N. end by Maid-lane. Bcntinck-Chapd, LissonvStreet, Lis- son-Green, at the corner of Chapel-st. op. Welsh's Floor- clothe manufactory. Bentinck-Mews, Marybone-Lane, at 27, about | of a mile on the right from 157, Oxford-st. Bentinck - Street, Welbeck - Street, Marybone, at 55, Welbeck-st. leading to 28, Marybone-lanc, near of a mile from 1 57, Oxford- street, B B Street, anil is continued by Hinde- street to Manchester-square, Bcntinck - Street, Berwick - Street, Oxford-Street, at 82, about the middle of the W. side, G doors N. from Broad-street. Benton-Place, New-Street, Dock- Head, a few doors on the L. from Russell-st. towards Fair-st. and Tcoley-strect. Berkeley - Court, Berkeley - Street, Clerkenwell, is the second on the L, from 18, St. John's-lane and about four doors on the R.frcm 49, Red-lion-st. in the op. direction. Berkeley-Mews.Berkeley-Street, Port- man-Square, five doors W. from Portman-square, leading to 5, Up- per Seymour-street. ;Berkeley- Square, at the W. end of Bruton-st. from 146, New Bond- st. the S. end of Davis-st. from 292, Oxford-st. and the N. end of Berkeley-st. from 76, Piccadilly. Berkeley-Street, Piccadilly, at 76, about the middleof the N. side, op. theGreen-park, leading toBerkeley- square, about of a mile in length. Berkeley-Street, Portman-Square, at 7, the N. E. corner, leadingto 15, Manchester-square. Berkeley- Street (Upper), Portman- Square, at the N. W. corner, leading to 29, Edgware - road, and is the third on the R. in it from Tyburn-turnpike. -Berkeley- Street, St. John's. Lane, West-Smithfield, at 1 8, extending to 49, Red-lion-street. Ikrkeley-Streat, Lambeth-Walk, is the first N. parallel to Eleazer- place, opposite Chapman's - gar- dens. Bermondsey-Buildings, Bermondsey New- Road, is the second on the R. from the Bricklayers- Arms, Kent-Road,. towards Bermondsey- church. .Berrnondsey-Church.Yard, .on the S. side the church, about | of a mile from London bridge, down Tooley-st. and Bermondsey-st. and about 4 a. mile from St. George's church, Borough, down Long- lane. Bermondsey-Grove, Long-Lane, is nearly op. the Coach and Horses, about | of a mile ou the R. from St. George's-church. Bermondsey New-Road, the S. continuation of Bermondsey-st. commencing at the Grangeiroad near the church, and leading to the Kent-road by the Bricklayers- Arms, about { of a mile in length. Bermondsey- Square, Bermondiey- church-yard, is on the S. side of it, about j of a mile from St. George's-church down Long-lane. Bermondsey-Street, Borough, com- mences at Tooley-st. op'. 63, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 & 284, extending by the church to Long-lane, where there is number 149, about-* a mile in, length. Bermondsey-Wall. See Rotherhithe- Wall. Bermondsey-Workhouse, Russell- street, Bermondsey, is. a few doors on the R. from 90, Bermondsey- street. Bernard- Street, Foundling-Hospi- tal, the first N. parallel to ' pare of Guilford-st. extending from Brunswick-square, to Rusjell- square. Berners - Mews, Berners - Street, Oxford-Street, is the E. parallel to it, extending from 6, Cattle-street, to the back of 49, Newman-st. Bcrners-Street, Oxford-Street, at 54, ahout i of a mile on the R. from St; Giles's, where the num- bers begin and end, viz. 1 Sc 73, extends to Charles-st. op. thr Middlesex-Hospital, and is about J- of a mile in length. Brrnfr- B B Berner-Street, Commercial-Road, St. George's in the East, the first on the right. E. of the one mile- stone from theRoyal-Exchange, op. Plumbers-row. Berry- Court, Love-Lane, Wood- Street, Cheapside, at 6, the back of 66, Aldermanbury. Berry-Street, Clerkenwell, the se- cond VV. parallel to part of Goswell-st. extending from Allen- st. to Little Sutton-st. Berwick-Street, Oxford Street, at 373, a little above | of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's, extending toPeter-st. numbers l&112arehere, it is about ~ of a mile in length. Berwick-Place, Grange-Road, Ber- mondsey, the W. continuation of Fort-place, extending from the Philanthropic-Reform towards the Horns. Bethlem- Hospital, Moorfields, on the S. side by London-wall. Be thle m ( Old) , Bishopsgate- withou t ,- at 198, near the church, leading to Broad-st. and Moorfields. Bethlem- Yard, Old- Bethlem, at the further end of Bakers-Buildings from 19, Old Bethlem. Bethnal-Green, a large green situate about a mile E. from the Turnpike, by 65, Shoreditcb, and about { a mile N. from Mile -End-Turn- pike by Dog-row. Bethnal-Green- Road, is the E. con- tinuation of Church-st. from 65, Shoreditch, commencing at the Turnpike and extending to the Green, about * mile in length. Bethnal-Green-Workhouse, the E. end of Hare-st. by the fields, about -} of a mile on the R. in it from 1 10, Brick-lane. Betts.Place, Betts-Street, Ratcliffe- highway, is four doors on the L. from 164, Ratcliflfe-highway to- wards the New-road or Back-lane. Betts-Street, RatclifFe-highway, at 164, on the E. side of Princei-sq. extending to 35, New-road, or Back-lane, about of a mile in length. Bevis-Marks, St. Mary-Axe, Leaden- hall-Strcet, at 30, leading to Duke-st. is the first E. parallel to part of Houndsditch, and the E. continuation of Camomile- street, from opposite Bishopsgate- church. Bevois- Court, Basinghall -Street, at 28, op. the church, and is that number of doors on the R. from 29, Cateaton-st. Bickley - Row, Trinity - Street, Rotherhithe, E. end of it, leading from Russell-st. towards the Surrey canal. Bicknels-Rents, Kent - Street, Bo- rough, at 76, about the middle of the N. side, and near ^ of a mile on the L. from St. George's- church. Billingsgate -Wharf and Market, Lower-Thames-Street, at 19, about T \y of a mile below London- Bridge. Billiter-Lane, Fenchurch-Street, at 114, op. Mark-lane, leading to 42, Leadenhall-st. Billiter-Square, Fenchurch-Street, at 12, Billiter-lane, it leads to 1 1 8,Fenchurch-st. byFishmonger's passage, and to 9, Lime-st. op. the India-house. Bingston's-Wharf, Wapping,-at 316, op. Globe-st. about | a mile below Tower-hill. Birchin-Lane, Lombard-Street, at 61, leading to 36, Cornhill, near the Royal-Exchange. Bird's-Buildings, Hoxton-Town, about \ of a mile on the R. from Old-st. road, by Magna-place. Bird's-Buildings, Bennet's-Row, St. George's- Fields, is about 12 houses on the S. side, near the E. end of it, on the R. from Black- friars. road. Bird-Cage-Alley, High-Street, Bo- rough, B rough, at 172, leading to Red- crosb-st. by the Mint. Bird-Cage-Court, Strand, at 393, by Southampton-street, Covent- garden. Bird-Cage-Walk, Bethnal-Green, the continuation of Crab- Free-row, Hackney-road, near Shoreditch- church, to Hackney-road again by the Nag's-head. Bifd-Cage-Walk, St. Jame.'s-Park,- is on the S. side of it, extending from Buckingham-gate, to Great George-street, Westminster. Bird's-Court, Marybone-Lane, 3r>, ab. ut j of a mile on the R. from 1 H8, Oxford-street, five doors from High-street. Bird's-Court, Philip-Lane, Addle- Street, Wood-Street, Cheapside, is on the W. side, about the middle, 10 doors from 9, London- wall. Bird-in-Hand-Court, Cheapside, ar 76, op. the Old-lewry. BirdVRow, Blue- Anchor- Road, Ber- mondsey, is about of a mile on the R. from Fort-place, Grange- road, towards Rotherhithe. Bird-Street, Oxford-Street, at 167, and 283, on both sides, about of a mile from St. Giles's, leading into Henrietta-street, on the N. and to 31, Brook-st. Grosvenor-square, on the S. Bird-Street, St. George's in theEast, the N. continuation of Church-st. from Wapping-church, extending to Tench-st. by the London-dock. Bird-Street, Lambeth, the continu- ation of South-st. West-square, commencing at the East end of Brook-st. Moor-place, leading by a foot path to the Ship, Walcot- place. Bishop's-Court, Chancery-Lane, at 78, leading to Star-court, and Cary-street. Bifhop's- Court, Aylesbury -Street, Clerkenwell, at 12, the first on theL, froml, St.John's-street. B Bishop's - Court, Old - Street, St. Luke's, is op. 90, :,ear the middle of the S. side, between Bunhill - row, and Whitccrebs - street. Bishop's-Court, Coleman-Street, at 6, the second on the R. and a few yards from London-wall. Bishop's-Court, Old- Bailey, the second on the R. from Snow-hill, op. Newgate, leading into Seacoal- lane and Fleet-market. Bishop's-Court, King's-Head-Courr, Long-Alley, Moorfields, is the first on the R. in it, from Long- alley, a few doors S. from Skinner- street. Bishopsgate-Church-Yard, extends from the S. side the church, 202, Bishopsgate-st.op. Houndsditch, to 4, New-Broad-street. Bishopsgate-Street- Within, the N. continuation of Gracechurch-st. commencing at Cornhill, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 121, extending to Worm- wood-st. near the church, about j of a mile in length. Bishopsgate-Street-W'ithout, theN. continuation of the last, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 202, extending to Norton- faJgate, total length about y a mile. Bishopsga te- Poorhou s e , Rose- Alley ,- a few yards on the L. from 34, Bishopsgate-without near New- street. Bishopsgate-Workhouse, Dunning's- Alley,Bishopsgate-Without, is a few yards on the L. in it, from 151, near Sun-street. Bishop's-Head-Court, Gray's -Inn- Lane, is about half a dozen doors on the L. from Holborn. Bishop's- Walk, Lambeth, is a foot path by the side of the Thames, extending from Lambeth-church to near Westminster-bridge, about i a mile in length. Bishop's - Yard, Charles - Street, Grosvenor- B iljrosvenor-square,- at 7, a few yards on the L. from the S. E. corner of the square] towards Mount-street. Bitt-Alley, Turnmill-Strect, Clerk- enwell, is the first on the L. from Oerkenwell-green towards Smithfield. Blacks-Ccurt, Pheenix-Street, Spitai- fields, the first on the R. and about 6 doors from 39, Wheeler- st. leading into Quaker-st. Black- Bear-Court, Piccadilly, at 13, the E. end, leading to 21, Titchborn-street. Black-Bird- Alley, St. John-Street, Bethnal-Green,-the second en the R. from 105, Brick-lane, leading to Spicer-st, Spitalfields. Black- Boy and Camel, Leadenhall- Street, at 8, a few doors on theR. from Gracechurch-st. 1 he coach- office for Essex is kept here. Black-Boy-Lane, Poplar, is about \ a mile on the L. from the Commercial-road, op. the Harrow, leading to England-row and Meet- ing-house-place. Black- Bull- Alley, Petticoat-Lane, is about \ of a mile on the R. from 41, Aldgate-High-strcet, or from Whitechapel,about lOdoorsS.from Wentworth-st. leading into Goui- stor-stteet. Black-Bull (Old) Inn, Hblborn, at 1-21, op. Fetter-lane, about - 7 of a mile on the right from Fleet- market. Black-Coat- Aims-Houses, Westmin- ster. See Farmer's. Black - Crow - Alky, Whirecross - Street, St. Luke's, at 128, the corner of Banner-street. JBlack- Hog- Alley, College - Street, Westminster, the third on the L. from 18, Abingdon-st. the corner of Bowling-street. Black- Dog- Alley, Shoredirch, at 234, a few doors N. from Worship- 3trcct,or Hog-lar.e. B Black-Eagle-Street, Spitalfields, 1 . op. 65, Brick-lane, by Hanbury's- Brewery, leading to Grey-Eagle- street. Blackfriars, is situate between Lud- gate-hill and the Bridge. Blackfriars-AlmsHouses, Blackfriars, -a few doors- onthe L. in Church- entry, from Shoemaker-row. Blackfriars- Road,, commences ai the S. end of Blackfriars-bridge and extends to the Obelisk, it is about y of a mile in length. Black-Horse- Alley, Ficet-Street, at 108, four doors on the R. from Fleet-market, leading to 90, in the said-market. Black- Horse -Court, Hay-market. See Black-Horse- Yard. Black - Horse - Square, Deptford Lower- Road, the 'first on the L. beyond the 3 mile stone from London-bridge. Black-Horse- Yard, Hay-market, at 49, the second on the R. from Piccadilly. Black-Horse- Yard, Broad-way, or Chapel-Street, Westminster, is 'two doors on the L. from the W. end of Totbill-strect. Black - Horse - Yard, Tottenham - Court-Road, at 19, on the L. nearOxford-st.leadingintoGresse- st. and Rathbone-place. Black-Horse- Yard ,Rathbone-Place,- is six doois on the R. from 21, Oxford- st. near St. Giles's. Black-Horse-Yard, Newton-Strcer, St. Giles's, the first on the L. from 20G, Holborn. Black- Horse- Yard ,Goswell-Street, at 105, a few doors N. from Long- lane. Black-Horse-Yard, Aldgate-High- Strfet, -at S5, about of a mile on the L. from the pump, a few doors W. and leading into Petti- coat-lane. Black -Horse- Yard, George- Yard, Whucchapel, the fir-t on the L. from B B from SS, Whitechapel, near the church. Black-Hone- Yard, Kent-Street, Do- rough, at 174* aTiout 4- ot 'a mile on the right from- St. George's- churchi Black- Horse- Yard, Union- Buildings, J.cather-Lane, Holborn,. a few yards from oppofitc 36, Leather- lane. Blacklands.King's-Road, Chelsea, is op. Whitclands at the back of Col veil's Nursery, the second coach turning on the R. from Sloane-sq. towards Kulham. Blacklands - Lane, is the continu- ation of the last to Brompton by the Marlborough-tavern. Blek-Lion-Court,Tooley-Street, : at 81, about | of a mile on the L. from London-bridge, leading into Green-bank. B!ack-Lion-Inn, Water-lane, the second gateway on the R. from 68, Elect-street. Black -Lion- Yard, Whitechapel - Road, at 39, a few doors on the L. below the church, leading into Old Mont ague- street. BJackman's- Mews, Upper Brook- Street, Grosvenor- square, at 5 1, leading to 5, Upper Grosvenor-st. Blackman-Street, Borough, is the S. continuation of the Borough, High-street, extending from St. Gcorge's-church to Stones-end, by the king's-bench, about h or a mile in length, Black more-Street, Clare- Market, the W. continuation of Clare-st. from the market, extending from Stanhope- street to 100, Drury- lane. Black-Prince-Row, Walworth, is a part of the High-st. or road, a few houses on the L. South from the Elephant and Castle. Black- Raven- Alley, Upper-Thames- Street, at 104, leading to Old- swan-itairs, by London- bridge. J Bkuk-Raven-Court, Seething. Lane, Tower-btreet, at 30, the firsC on the right from 56, Tower- street. Black - Raven - Court, I.eadenhaJl- Street, at 68, about three doors- on the L. from Aldgate. Black-Swan- Alley, Market-Street, St James's, at 12, four door- on the R. from 117, Jermyn-st. Black-Swan-Alley, London-Wall, about a dozen doors E. from Cole- man-bt. op. Bethlera-hopitaJ. Black-Swan -Court, Golden- kane, St. Luke's, is about the mid. io of the E. side, op. Ball-yard and the Crowfl-brewery. Black- Swan - Court, St. Paul's.- Church- Yard, at 21, on the S. side, leading to 7, Little Carter- lane. Black-Swan- Court,. Great Tower- Street, atGl, six- doors en the- L. East of Mark-lane. Black-Swan-Court, High-Street, Bo- rough, at 33, a few yards on the L. from London- bridge. Black - Swan - Yard, Bermondsey - Street, at 73, about the midulc- ot die E. side about twenty doora on the Left below Crucifix - lan:>. Black-Swan- YardjCross-StreetjNew- ington, is the first on the R. from the church towards Wal- worth. Blackwall, at the E. end of Poplar,- about 3 -- of a mile from the Royal- Exchange, . by tha Com- mercial-road. Blackwall-Ba^on, on the E. end of the West-India-Docks, connecting them with the River Thames. Blackwall -Causeway, commences at the E. end of Popkr by Naval- row, extending to the Thames. Blackwell-Hall,T-at 6,. Basinghall- strcet, leading to Guildhall and King- st. Cheapside. Blakes-Alrns-Hou9es, Va*xhall, OH' B on the S. side the turnpike, a few yards on the R. from it, on the Wands worth-road. Elakes - Court, Catherine - Street, Strand, at 6, halt a dozen doors on the L. from 3 13, Strand. Blakes-Court, Old Gravel- Lane, at 150, near the middle of the W. side. Bland's-Buildings, Bell-Alley, Gos- . well-Street, the first on the L. from 12, Goswell-st. leading to French-alley. BlandVCourt, Great Wild-Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, the second on the R.and about fourteen doors from Great Queen-st. op. Wild- court Blandford-Mews, Blandford-Street, Marybone, at 7, four doors E. from Baker-st. leading to Doriet- street. Blandford-Street, Marybone, at 47, Manchester-street, leading to 15, Baker-st. Portman-sq'iare. Bleeding-Heart- Yard.Charles-Street, Hatton-Garden, at 20, also the N. end of Union-court, from 95, Holborn-hill. Blenheim - Mews, Blenheim -Street, Oxford-Street, the first on either the R. or the L. from 35 1, Oxford- street. Blenheim-Street, Oxford-Street, at 351, about }of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's, leading into Great Marlborough-st. Blenheim-Street, New-Bond-Street, at 87, seven doors from 307, Ox- ford-st. leading into Woodstock-st. Blewet's-Buildings, Fetter-Lane, at 55, about fifteen doors on the L. from 34, Holborn-hill. Bloomsbury and St. Giles's-Charity- School, at 14, Queen-street, the corner of Hart-street. Bloomsbury-Court,orSquare,Church- Lane.Newington, the second on the L. in it, from op. the church, towards Hampton-street. B Bloomsbury-Court, High-Holborn,- at 135, about i of a mile from Broad-st. St. Giles's, leading into Bloomsbury- market. Bloomsbury Dispensary, Great-Rus- sel-Street, at 62, nearly op. the British-Museum. Bloomsbury-Marker, Lyon-Street, Holborn, at the N. end of it, five doors from 143, High-Hol- born. Bloomsbury - Place, Bloomsbury - Square, at the N. . corner, extending to Upper King-st. Hol- born, op. '23. Bloomsbury-Square, the N. end of Southampton-st. from 126, High- Holborn, and the E. end of Great- Russell-st. from Tottenham-court- road and Oxford-st. Blossoms-Inn , Lawrence- Lane, at 25, a few doors on the L. from 96, Cheapside. Blossom -Street, Spitalfields, the first on the L. in White- Lion-Street, from 13, Norton-falgate. Blue- Anchor - Alley , Brook - Street, RatclifFe, at 106, nearly opposite Stepney-causeway. Blue- Anchor- Alley, Maid-Lane,' Bo- rough, the fifth on the L. from Park-st. by the Borough-market, nearly op. Horse-shoe-alley, Bank- side. Blue -Anchor- Alley, Bunhill-Row, St. Luke's, at 109, about 7 of a mile on the L. from 63, Chiswell- st. leading to 99, White-cross- street. Blue-Anchor-Court, Maid-Lane, Bo- rough, is the first W. from Blue- Anchor-Alley, by Castle-lane. Blue-Anchor-Court, Great Peter- st. Westminster, at the W. end, the second on the R. fromStrutton- ground, near the Horse-ferry - road. Blue-Anchor-Court, Blue-Anchor- Alley, Bunhill-Row, is about the middle of the N. side of it. Blue- B B Blue-Anchor-Lane, Bermondsey, leads from the Blue-Anchor, to the Gregorian-arms, on the East side of the Spa and near Jamaica- row, Mill-pond-bridge, Rother- hithe, about ~ of a mile in length. Blue-Anchor- La ne.Bethnal-Green, commences near the N. E. corner of the Green, leading to Hackney- road. Blue-Anchor-Road, Bermondsey, the E. continuation of the Grange- road, commencing at the turnpike by Fort-place, and leading by the Blue-Anchor and Jamaica-level to Mill-pond-bridge, Rotherhithe, in distance about 1 \ of a mile. Blue- Anchor- Yard, Gardiner's-lane, Westminster, the middle of the E. side, about a dozen doors from the middle of York-street. Blue- Anchor- Yard, Coleman-street,- at No. 1, by London-wall. Blue - Anchor - Yard, Rosemary - Lane, at 48, on the S. side, about \ of a mile on the R. from Tower- hill, leading towards Upper East- Smithfield. Blue-Ball-Court, Mint-Street, Bo- rough, at the W. end, nearly op. King-street in the Mint, leading to New Lant-strect. Blue-Ball-Court, Tottenham-Court- Road, at 62, by Goodge-street, about | of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's. Blue-Ball- Yard, St. James's-Street, at 62, the third on the R. from 163, Piccadilly. Blue-Boar-Brewery, Church-Street, Lambeth, -on the S. side, between Norfolk-row and Pratt-st. Blue-Coat-School, Newgate-Street. See Christ's-hospital. Blue-Boar-Inn, Aldgate, at 30, a few doors on the L. below the pump towardsWhitechapel- church. Blue-Boar- Yard, High Holborn, at 75, the firft W. from Red-Lion- street, leading into Eagle-rt. Blue- Boar- Yard, Friday-Street, at 55, ten doors on the L. from 36, Cheapside. Blue-Coat-School, Westminster, the E. end of James-st. and W. end of Little Chapel-street. Blue-Coat- Buildings, Butcher-Hall- Lane, is the continuation of it, entering at 82, Newgate-st. and extending from the corner of Bull- and Mouth-st. under the arch to Little-Britain. Blue-Court, Great Saffron- Hill, a few doors on the L. in Red-lion- court, from 11, Great Saffron-hill, leading to Caroline-court. Blue-Cross-Street, Whitcomb-Street,- is op. James-st. Haymarket, the second on the R. from Charing- cross, leading to Orange-street, and Hemming's-row. Blue- Hart-Court, Little Bell- Alley,- the second on the R. from Leather- sellers-buildings, London-wall. Blue - Gate -Fields, Ratcliffe- High- way, at 95, the first on the L. East ofSt.George's-church, leading into Back-lane. Blue-Houses, Lambeth-Marsh, the second on the L. from Surrey-chapel towards Westminster-bridge. Blue-Houses, Lambeth-Marsh, a few houses op. the last, being the second on the R. from Surrey-chapel towards Westminster-bridge, be- tween the Horn-brewery and the patent-shot-manufa&ory. Blue-Lion-Court, Aldersgate-Street,- at 22, six doors on the R. North from Falcon-square. Blue- Posts Coach-Office, Tottenham- Court-Road,-No. 6, the corner of Hanway-yard, about twelve doors on the L. from Oxford-st. Blue- Posts Coach -Office, Holborn- Bars, at 6, six doors E. from Middle-row, on the R. or about | of a mile on the L. from Fleet- market, in the op. direction. Blunderbuss - Court, Kingsland - F Road, B Road, .is a fw doors on the L. from Shoreditch-church, at the back of the Spread-Engle. Board of Agriculture. See Agricul- ture. Boarded-Entry, New Gravel-Lane, St. George's in the East, at 1G, the first on the L. from Wapping, leading into Ship-st. and Prussian- island. Boar's-Head-Court, Fleet. Street, at 66, about the middle of the S. side, between the Bolt and Tun-Inn and Water-lane. Boar's-Head-Court, W r est-Smithfield. at 76, on the N. side, by St.John's- street. Boar's-Head-Court, Petticoat-lane, the first on the R. and a lew- doors from 41, Aldgate High- street. Boar's-Head-Court, Gracechurch- Street, at 80, by Leadenhall- market. Boar's-Head-Court, High-Street, Bo- rough, at 25, being that number of houses on the L. from London- bridge. Boar's-Head-Court, King-Street, Westminster, two or three doors N. from Great George-st. leading into Delahay-strect. Boddy's - Bridge, Upper- Ground, Christ's-Church, is the second on theL. in it, from Blackfriars-road, by the bridge. Bolingbroke- Row, Camberwcll-road, is the first row on the E. side of the road beyond the Red Lion or the turnpike from Walworth. Bolsover-Street, Oxford-Street, at 113, op. Swallow-st. about a mile on the R. from St. Giles's. Bolt-Court, Fleet-Street at 151, about -*- of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market, nearly op. Water- lane, leading into Gough-square. Bolt and Tun-Inn, Fleet-Street, at 61, about the middle of the South side. B Boltpn-Row, Piccadilly, at the N. end of Bolton-st. from Piccadilly, leading to Curzon-st. on the L. and byLandsdown-passage to Berkeley- street on the R. Bolton-Street, Piccadilly, about the middle of the N. side, cp. the Green Park, and near \ a mile from the Haymarket. Boltwright's-Court, Mount-Street, Bethnal-Green, is the third on the L. from 45, Church-st. by the Charity-School. Bombhouse - Alley, Princes - Street, Lambeth, is nearly op. Glass- house-st. Vauxhall, by the corn- distillery, leading to Bombhouse- stairs. Bond-Court, Walbrook, at 31, the second on the L. from the MaH- sion-house. Bond-Court, Brunswick-Row, Horse- ferry-Road, Westminster, is the second on the R. From Strutton- ground, towardsBuckingham-gate, op. the Gray-coat-school. Bond-Street (New), Oxford-Street, at 307, near the middle of the S. side, No. 80 is here and Nos. 1 and 161, at Old Bond-street, near Piccadilly, about | a mile in length, including Old Bond-street. Bond-Street (Old), Piccadilly, at 56, op. St. James's-st. near -J- of a mile on the R. from the Hay- market, is continued by New Bond-st. to 307, Oxford-st. Bond - Street. Borough - Road, St. George's-Fields, the third on the R. from the Obelisk, nearly op. Dover-street, leading to arl-st. and St. George's market. Bone -Yard, Lemon -Street, Good- mnn's-Fields, is a few yards behind No. 82, opposite Prescot- street. Bonner's- Hall, Bethnal-Green, a detached parcel of houses, situate about \ of a mile N. E. from the Green, and^about the same distance E. from B B E. from Cambridge-heath turn- pike, Hackney-road. Bonner-Street, Green-Street, Bethnal- Green, is nearly y of a mile on the L. East from the green. Booker's- Gardens, Ltadenhall - Street, at 93, leading into Hen- neage-laue and Duke's place. Book's- Rents, Garter-Court, Bar- bican, at 36, nearly cp. Red- cross ft. "Cripplegate. Boot-Aliey, Abchurch-Lane, at 3'2, near Lombard-st. leading to 5, Nicholas- lane. Boot - Street, Hoxton - Market, is the first N. parallel to part of Old- .st.-road, extending from Pirfidd- street to Crown-street. Booth-Court, Wells-Street, Oxford- Street, at 31, the third on the R. from 03, Oxford-st. leading into Wells- mews. Booth-Court, Twisters- Alley, Bun- hill-row, is the continuation of it. from 10:2, Bunhill-row. Eo: th-Court, Booth-Street, Spital- fields,-r-at 18, the second on the R. in it, from -19, Brick-lane. Booth-Street, Spitalfields, com- mences at 50, Brick-lane, about -!- of a mile on the R. from Osborn- strect, Whitechapel-church, lead- ing to Well-st. and church-st. Mile-end New -town. Borough of Southwark, includes the five parishes of St. Olave, St. John, St. Thomas, St. George, and St. Saviour, all situate on the S. side of the Thames, the principal entrance to which from the City is by Lon- don-bridge. Borough High Street. See High. Borough-Market, the W. end of York-st. from c 275, High-st. about - 6 of a mile from London-bridge. Borough-Road.St. George's Fields, commences at the Stones-end by the Kine's-bench, and extends to the Obelisk, about | of a mile in length, BosketrStreet, Old Gravel-lane, at 154, near the middle of the W. side, leading to Broad-st. Bosier-Court, Oxford-Strect,-by No. 1, at the commencement of it, on the R. leading to Tottenham- court- road. Boss-Alley, Lower Thames-Street,-* at 97, the corner of St. Mary's Hill and op. Billingsgate. Boss-Alley, Gainsford-Street.Horsley- down, at 7, the first on the L. from 34, Horsleydown-lane, lead- ing to Shad -Thames. Boss -Court, Boss -Alley, Horsley- down, the first on the L. and a few doors from 7, Gainsfor.d--st. Boss-Court, Upper Thames-Street,- at 214, between Lambeth-hill and St. Peter's-hill. Boston-Row, Bromptoa, is part of Queen's-buildings on the S. E. side of the High-st. or road, at the end of Qucen-st. op- Bromp- ton-row, about of a mile on the L. from Knightsbridge. Boswell-Court (New), North-Street, Red-Lion-Square, at 18, the N. end of it, leading to 20, Devon- shire-st. Queen's-square. Boswell-Court (New), Carey-Street, Chancery-lane,- at 18, leading into Old Boswell-court and the Strand. Boswell-Court (Old), Strand, is a few doors on the R. from Temple- bar, op. St. Clement's - church, leading into New Boswell-court, Carey-st. Lincoln's-Inn-fields. Botanic - Gardens, Chelsea, is about i of a mile S. W. from the hospital, opposite 31, Paradise-row. St. Botolph and Al dgate -School, Victualling - office-square, Little Tower-hill, facing the new Mint. Botolph-Alley, Botolph-Lane, at 40, the first on the L. from East- cheap, leading into Love-lane. St. Botorph-Church, Bishopsgate, about i of a mile on the L. North from B from Cornhill and op. Hounds- ditch. St. Botolph -Church, Aldgate, on the E. side of Houndsditch, a few doors on the L. below Leadenhall- street, and nearly opposite the Minories. St. Botolph and St. George's Church, Botolph-Lane, about eight doors on the R. from 16, Little East- cheap. St. Botolph - Church, Aldersgate - Street, about -- of a mile on the L. from 66, Newgate-st. along St. Martin's-le-grand, being the corner of Little-Britain. Botolph-Lane, Eastcheap, the se- cond E. parallel to Fish-street-hill, extending from 16, Eastcheap to 111, Lower Thames-st. Botolph -Wharf, Lower Thames - Street, at 9, the third below London-bridge. Bottle- Alley, Bishopsgate-Without,- at 183, op. New-st. Bottle of Hay- Yard, St. John-st. Clerkenwell, at 215, about ^ of a mile on the L. from Smithfield. Botwright's - Buildings, Hackney - Road, is about -f of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church, op. the Middlesex-chapel. Bough-Court, Shoreditch, behind No. 236, leading into Plough- yard, Cumberland-street, and the Curtain-road. Bouverie-Street, Fleet-Street, at 62, about the middle of the S. side leading towards Whitefriars. Bow-Church- Yard, Cheapside, at 54, on the W. side of the church, leading into Bow-lane. Bow-Lane, Cheapside, at 59, on the E. side of the church, leading to Trinity-lane and St. Thomas Apostles, is continued by Garlick- hill to 190, Up. Thamcs-st. Bow-Lane, Poplar, near the E. end of it, the first on the L. below the Red-Lion, leading into Cotton-st. B and the East-India-Dock-road. Bow-Street, Covent-Garden, is the E. parallel to it, extending from 63, the E. end of Long-Acre to Great Russell-st. Drury-lane. Bow-Street, Bloomsbury, at 169, the W. end of High-Holborn and E. end of Broad-st. St. Giles's, leading to Peter-st. Queen-st. and 49, Great Russell-st. opposite the British-museum. Bow-Yard, Broad-Street, St. Giles's- at 37, op. Diot-st. leading into Belton-st. Hanover-st. and to 96, Long-Acre. Bowling- Alley, Whitecross-Street, Cripplegate, at 21, the third on the L. from Fore-st. leading into Cradle-court, and 51, Redcross-st. Bowling-Green, Edgware-Road, op. 27, ab?ut 7 of a mile on the L. from Tyburn-turnpike. Bowling-Green, Yorkshire-Stingo, New- Road, facing Lisson-green, near Paddington. Bowling - Green - Buildings, New - Road, Paddington, on the E. side the Bowling-green, by the turnpike, leading towards York-st. Bowling-Green, King-Street, Bo- rough, at 49, about I of a mile on the R. from 107, High-st. Bowling- Green - House, Sommers- Town, in the fields, op. Judd's- place, towards the Foundling- hospital. Bowling-Green-Lane, High-Street, Marybone, at 27, on the E. side, leading to Weymouth-st. Bowling-Green- Lane, Clerkenwell, is the N. parallel to the Green, extending from the middle of Coppice-row, op. the Workhouse, to Rosamond-st. is continued by Corporation-row to St. John-st. Bowling-Green-Place, Woodstock- Street, Marybone, at 7, between Chesterfield-st. and 29, Wey mouth- street. Bowling-Grecn-Row, Hoxton, the third B third on the R. from Old-st. road along Pitficld-st. and op. the Ha- berdashers Alms-houses. Bowling-Green-Row, Kennington- Common, is the first on the L. from the Horns towards the Green, leading towards the Oval. Bowling - Inn - Alley, Chancery - Lane, situate between 39, Chan- cery-lane and 108, Fetter-lane. Bowling-Street, Westminster, the third on the L. in College-street, from 18, Abingdon-st. and is op. Dean's-yard, it leads into Tufton- street, and Horseferry-road. Bowling - Street, Turnmill - Street, Clerkenwell, the third on the L. from Cow-cross, Smithfield, lead, ing into White-horse-alley. Bowman's - Buildings, Aldersgate - Street, at 140, op. Jewin-street, leading into Queen's-square, Bar- tholomew-close, and Smithfield. Boydes-Gardens, Pimlico, is the first on the L. from the S. end of Up. Belgrave-terrace, towards the Five Fields, about |- of a mile on the R. from Buckingham-gate. Boydes-Walk, Pimlico, is a few yards from the last, towards the Five Fields. Boyer's-Buildings, James-Street, Can- non-Street-Road, St. George's in the East, the first from Cannon- st. road, nearly op. Beaumont's- buildings. Boyle - Street, New Burlington - Street, at the W. end of it, from 120, Swallow-street, com. mencing at Saville-row. Brabant-Court, Philpot-Lane, at 7, the first on the R. from 12, Fenchurch-street. Braces - Buildings, Blue - Anchor - Yard, Rosemary-Lane, is at the S. end, from 48, Rosemary-lane, leading to New Martin-st. and 1 10, Upper East-Smithfield. Brackley - Street, Golden - Lane, Cripplegate, the fourth on the B L. from Barbican, leading to Bridgewater-gardens and No. 1, Goswell. street. Bradshaw's- Court, Curriers - Row, Blackfriars, the first on the L. from Bristow-street, St. Andrew's- hill. Bradshaw's-Rents, Portpool-Lane, the first on the R. from 63, N. end of Leather-lane, Holborn, at the back of Meux's Brewery. Braggs-Ways, Rotherhithe, adjoins Rotherhithe-stairs on the E. side, about 1 j- of a mile E. from London-bridge. Branches - Buildings, Tabernacle - Walk, Moorfields, the first on the Right N. from Leonard-street, nearly op. the Tabernacle. Branches-Place, Cable-Street, Well- close-square, at 72, near the E. end of Rosemary-lane. Brandon-Row, Newington-Cause- way, the first on the L. from the County-gaol towards the Elephant and Castle, by the turnpike, lead- ing into Poplar-row and the Kent-road. Brandon-Street, Bermondsey New Road, at 17, E. side, the fourth on the R. from the Bricklayers- Arms, Kent-road, towards Ber- mondsey - church, leading into Cross-street. Braynes-Row, Coppice-Row, Clerk- enwell, is about I of a mile on the R. North from the green, towards Pentonville, extending from the turnpike, by the House of Correction, to Rosamond-st. Braziers-Alms-Houses, at the end of Two Swan-yard, 18G, BLhops- gate.without. Braziers-Buildings, Fleet-Market, at 30, the fourth on the R. from Ludgate-hill; leading intoSeacoal- lane and Snow-hill. Braziers-Almshouses, Two Swan- Yard, Bishop?gate, a few yards from 186, Bishopsgatc-whhout. Braziers- B Braziers-Hall, Colcman-Street, at 80, the corner of London-Wall near Moorfields. Bread- Street, Cheapside, at 46, the third on the R. from St. Paul's- church-yard, extending to Old Fish-street. Bread- Street-Hill, Upper Thames- Street, at 201, it is continued by Bread-st. to 46, Cheapside. Bream's-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, at 27, the middle of the E. side, leading to Rolls-buildings and 1 17, Fetter- lane. Bream's-Buildings(Little), Chancery- Lane, the first on the L. in White's-alley, from the last, ex- tending to Bowling-inn-alley. Breezers-Hill, Ratclirfe-highway, at 1, opposite Ship-alley, Wellclose- square, leading to the London- docks. Brent's-Court,High -Street, Borough,- at 182, on the W. side, nearly op. Layton's-grove, about 4- of a mile on the R. from London-bridge. Brett's or Britt's-Alley, Long- Alley, Moorfields, the fourth on the R. from Worship-st. nearly op. Prim- rose-street, Bishopsgatc. Brewer-Court, Bedfordbury, at 34, the middle of the E. side, op. Chemister-alley. Brewer-Court, Great Wild-Street, Lincoln's-Inn-fields, is on the W. side of it, nearly -opposite Wild-court. Brewer-Court, Golden-Lane, St. Luke's, the fourth on the L. from Old -street, opposite Bcmber's- rents. Brewer-Court, St. Thomas's-Street, Borough, the first on the R. from 44, High-street. Brewer - Court, Morgan's - Lane, Tooley-Street, the first on the L.from 70, Tooley-street, leading into Mi!i-lane. Brewer's Green, Westminster, is the first \V. parallel to Strutton- B ground, between the Blue-coat- school and Bridewell. Brewers-Hall, Addle-Street, Wood- Street, Cheapside, at 19, the second* house on the R. from $8, Aldermanbury. Brewer's - Quay, Lower - Thames- Street, is' about 4 of a mile below London, bridge, or the first W. frqm Tower-hill in the opposite direction. Brewer's - Row, Brewer's - Green, Westminster, the fir^t on the R. from the E. end of Janies-st. Brewer- Street, Pimlico, the fifth on the L. about | of a mile S. from Buckingham - gate, leading by Elliott's, or the Stag brewery, to Castle-lane and York-street, West- minster. Brewer-Street, Bioorasbury, the first on the L. in Bow-st. from 169, High Holborn, op. Drury- lane, leading into l)uke-st. Brewer-Street, Golden-Square, the second on the L. in Great Wind- mill-st. from' the Hayinarket and the continuation of Little Pultney- st. from Wardpur-st. leading to Glass-house-st. and Vigo-lane. Brewhouse - Court, Long - Alley, Moorfields, four or five doors on the R. in it, from 33, the N. side of Sun-street. Brewhouse-Lane, Upper Thames- Street, at 83, about of a mile on thcL. from London- bridge, leading to Dowgate- wharf. Brewhousc-I ane, Wapping, at 128, Wapping-st. by Pickard's brewery, leading to New Market-street and Old Gravel-lane. Brewhouse-Street, Shadwell, the first on the R. in Labour-in-vain- st. from the S. E. corner of Shadwell-market, by the Water- works. Brewhouse - Turning, Vine - Yard, Tooley-Street, the second on the R. from 1 10, Tooley.st. Brewhouse- B B ferew house- Yard, Cherry -Garden- Street, Bermondsey, the first on the L. from Cherry-garden- stairs, Rotherhithe-vvall, leading into West- lane. Brewhouse-Yard, Field-Lane, Hol- born-Bridge, the corner ot Chick- lane, behind No. 1 , Saffron-hill, Brevvhouse- Yard, Shoe-Lane, Hol- borri, at 33, near the middle of the E. side. Brevvhouse - Yard, Angel - Alley, Skinner- Street, Bishopsgate-with- out, is behind 38, Skinner-st. entrance by Angel- passage, also the third on the L. in Angel- allev, from Long-alley, Moor- fields. Brevvhouse- Yard, Lower -Turning, Shadwell, at the bottom of Fox's-lanefrom the church, on the R. by the New-road to the Dock. Brewhouse-Yard, Cartwright-Street, Rosemary-Lane, seven doors on the L. from 32, Rosemary-lane. Brian-Street, Shoreditch, behind 47, on the E. side, about | of a mile on the R. North from Corn- hill at the entrance to Webb- square. Briclc-Court, Middle Temple-Lane,- the first broad opening on the R. from Fleet-street, by Temple bar, leading into New court and Essex- street. Brick-Court, Shire-Lane, Temple- Bar, the first on the R. and a few doors from Temple-bar. Brickell's- Buildings, St. George's- fields, the first S. parallel to the King's- bench, extending from the Borough-road to Newington-road or causeway. Brick-Hill-Lane, Upper Thames- Street, op. 170, between Joiners- hall - buildings and the Three Cranes, leading to the Thames. Brick-Lane, St. Luke's, at 113, Old. street, the first on the L. from G os well- street, the numbers begin and end here, viz. 1 and 94, it is about I of a mile in length and leads towards Anderson's - build- ings, City-road. Brick - Lane, Bethnal - Green and Spitalfields, is the North con- tinuation of Osborn-st. op. White- chapcl-church, commencing at Wentworth-st. where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 213, leading to 146, Church-street, Bethnal-green, and is the fifth on the R. in it, from 65, Shoreditch, and is near f of a mile in length. Bricklayers- Arms, Kent-Road, at the E. end of Kent-st. about \ of a mile from St. George's-church, and near the same distance from the Elephant and Castle. Bricklayer's - Hall, Le'adenhall - Street. See Synagogue for Dutch Jews. Brick-Street, Piccadilly, the first on the L. in Engine-st. a few yards from Piccadilly, leading to 14, Down-street. Brick - Street, Borough - Road, St. George's-Fields, the third on the L. from the King's-bench , towards the Obelisk, leadingtoSr.George's- market and Newington-road or causeway. St. Bride's-Church, Fleet-Street, behind 98, six doors on the L. from Fleet-market. St. Bride's- Church - Yard, Fleet - Street, at 98, the first on the L. from Fleet-market. St. Bride's-Court or Square, Bridge- Street, Blackfriars, is four doors on the R. from Fleet- st. towards Blackfriars - bridge, it leads into St. Bride's-lane. St. Bride 's-Lane, Fleet -St reet,-at 98, the first on market, lea street, Blackfriars. St. Bride's-Passage, Fleet-Street, at 84, leading to the church-yard and to Salisbury-square. St. the L. from Fleet- ling to 10, Bridge- B St. Bride's- Wharf, on the E. side of Whitefriars-dock, at the bottom of Water-Lane, from 68, Fieet- street. St. Bride's-Workhouse, Shoe-Lane,- 4,dcors on the R.from 128, Fleet- street. Bridge-Court, Cannon-Row, West- minster, is behind part of the N. side of Bridge-st. from numbers 1 to 9, extending from Cannon- row to Westminster-bridge. Bridge- Dock, Limehouse, at the E. end of Narrow-st. by the Draw- bridge. Bridge-Place, Rawston-Street, Clerk- enwell, the first on the L. and a few doors from Goswell-street- road. Bridge-PIace,Bermondsey, is situate between the S. end of George's- row,Dock-head,andtheXeckinger- turnpike. Bridge-Road, Lambeth, extends from the E. end of Westminster- bridge to the Marsh-gate, the road between the Asylum and the Obelisk is also called Westminster- bridge- road. Bridge-Row, Pimlico, the S. con- tinuation of Belgrave - terrace, extending toKemp's-row, opposite Ranelagh-walk. Bridge - Row, Grove, Guildford - Street, Borough, is about the middle of the W. side of it. Bridge-Square, Westminster. See Bridge-Court. Bridge-Street (New), Blackfriars, commences at the point where Ludgate-hill, Fleet-market, and Fleet-street meet, and extends to the bridge. Bridge-Street (Little), -four doors on the L. in Bridge-Street from Fleet- market, leading into Cock-court and Ludgate-lull, op. the Old- Bailey. Bridge-Street. Westminster, is about y of a mile S. from Charing-cross B towards the Abbey, extending from King-st. to the bridge. Bridge - Ward - School, Old Swan - lane, a few doors on theL. from 104, Upper Thames-st. near Lon- don-bridge. Bridge-Wharf, Tooley -Street, the first wharf on the L. in it, by London-bridge. Bridge-Yard, Tooley-Street, at 17, the first on the L. from London- bridge, leading to Cotton's and Hays's wharfs. Bridgewater-Gardens. Bridgewater- Square, on the N. side, extending from Brackley-st. Golden-lane, to Fan-st. Go>well-st. Bridgewater-Square, Barbican, at the N. end of Princes-st. from 42, Barbican, leading to Bridge- water-gardens. Bridle-Lane, Golden-Square, the first E. parallel to it, extending from 8, Brewer-st. to 34, Silver- street. Bridewell, Westminster, the E. end of James-st. near a mile on the R. from Buckingham. gate, facing the W. end of Great Peter-st. Bridewell, Bridge-Street,BIckfriars,- between 12 and 13, about twelve doors on the R. from Fleet-st. Bridewell, Clerkenwell -green, on the N. side the church, facing James's - walk, from Aylesbury- street. Bndwell-Precinct, is situate on the W. side of Blackfriars-bridge, ex- tending to Whitefriars. Bridewell - Walk, Clerkenwell - Close, is the N. continuation of it, entering by the church, to Rosa- mond-street. Brighton- Place, Kent-Road. forms part of the S. side of it, a few yard? on the R. from the Elephant and Castle, op. Rockingham-row. Brighton-Place, Hackney- Road, forms part of the S. side of it, about -j- of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch- B B Shoreditch-church, op. Alport's Nursery. Brill-Place, Sommcrs-Town, at the N.sidc the Brill, facing Skinncr-st. or the first on the L. in Brill-row, towards Camden - town ; there is another entrance at 16, Chapel- path. Brill- Row, Sommers-Town, at the N. side the Brill, extending N. to the Crescent. Brill-Terrace, Sommers-Town, the N. continuation, or a part of Brill- row. See Ditto. Brissenden-Buildings, Brewer-Street, Pimlico, the first three or four houses on the R. in it adjoining Pimlico. Eristow-Street,Blackfriars, the first on the L. on St. Andrew's-hill from Earl-st. and is continued by Hu^h-court to Water-lane. Britain-Court, RatcliiFe-highway, at 177, leading to Princes-square. Britain (Little), Aldersgate -Street, at 175, the first on the L. from St. Martin's-le-Grand, leading to St. Bartholomew's-hospital oh the L. and to Duke-st. and 56, Smith- field on the R. Britannia-Court, Mason-street, Lam- beth, the third on the L. from 30, Bridge-road, near Westmin- ster-bridge. Britannia-Court, Golden-Lane, Crip- plegate, the second on the R. about half a dozen doors from Barbican. Britannia-Gardens,Hoxton,-is the N. parallel to part of Old-street- road, and about of a mile distant, ex- tending from the back of the Bri- tannia, Hoxton-town, to Haber- dashers-walk. Britannia-Street, Gray's-Inn-Lane, the N. end of it, near Battle- bridge and Pentonville, about -J- of a mile on the R. from Middle-row, Holborn. Brite's or Brit's-Building Long- Alley, Moorfields, the fourth en the R. from Worfhip-st. towards Sun-street or Crown-street. Brit's - Street, Sampson's - Gardens, Wapping, the second on the R. in % Globe-st. from 60, Wapping- st. leading to the London-docks. Britt's-Buildings, Hoxton, the N". end of Haberdafhers-row, opposite Monks-buildings andCofFee-house- row, about \ of a mile on the L, from Old-street-road, entering by Pitfield-street. Britilh Aflurance-Society, at 129, Aldengate-st. about twelve doors on the Right S. from Barbican, near \ of a mile on the Left N. from Newgate-street. This is a Benefit Society. British Brewery, Church - Street; Lambeth, is between Prat-street and Norfolk-row. British Copper - Company, Upper Thames-Street, at 68, about the middle of the S. side, three or four doors W. from Queen-st. Britilh Fire Office, 429, Strand and 21, Cornhill. Britilh Gallery, Pall-Mali, at 59, about thirteen doors on the L. from St. James's-street. British Lying -In -Hospital, Brown- low.Street, Drury-Lane, at 34, about thirteen doors on the R. from 20, Drury-lane. British Mercury Newspaper-Office, Hind-Court, Fleet-Street, at 5, behind 147, Fleet-street. Britilh Museum, Great Russell- Street, Bloomfbury, is opposite 50, a few doors on the R. from the N. W. corner of Bloomfbury- square. Britilh Neptune Newspaper-Office, 143, Fleet-Street, near f of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market. Britilh Press Newspaper - Office, Strand, at 5, the back of St. Clement's church, a few doors on the Right W. of Temple-bar. G Britten B Britten or Briton-Court, Water-Lane, Fleet-Street, the third on the R. about eighteen doors from 67, Fleet-street. Britten - Court, Freeman's Lane, Horselydown, at 22, the back of Webster's wharf. Broad- Arrow . Cou rt, G rub - Street, St. Luke's, the third on the L. and about ten doors from Chiswell- street. Broad- Bridge, Shadwell-High-St. at 87, the fifth on the K. below the church, leading to Dean-st. Broad-Court, Drury-Lane, at 43, near Long-Acre, leading to Bcw- st. Covent-garden, by the Theatre. Broad-Place, Shoreditch, at the back or E. side of the church, ex- tending from Auftin-st. to Castle- street, is continued by Cock-lane to Church-street. Broad-Sancluary, Westminster, on the N. side of the Abbey, extend- ing from King-st. to Tothill-st. Broad-Street, St. Giles's or Blooms- bury, the W. continuation of Holborn, extending from Drury- lane to the church, the N. side is in Bloomsbury, the S. side in St. Giles's parifli. Broad - Street, Carnaby - Market, Golden-Square, at 86, Berwick- st. the third on the R. from 372, Oxford -st. extending to Marshall- st. Golden. square. Broad -Street (Old), Threadneedle- Street, the first on the L. from the N. E. corner of the Royal - Exchange,where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 82, extending to London-Wall, about ^ of a mile in length. Broad-Street (New), the first N. parallel to part of London-Wall, extending from the N. end of Old Broad-st. op. Bifhopsgatc-church- yard, to Broker-row, Moorfields, and also the continuation of Old Broad.st. to Broad-st, buildings. B Broad-Street-Buildings, -the N. con- tinuation of Old and part of New Broad-st. to Moorfields. Broad-Street, Ratcliffe, the E. con- tinuation of Ratcliffe - highway and Shadwell High-street, extend- ing from Cock- hill to Ratcliffe- cross. Broad- Street, Lambeth, extends from Lambeth - butts (between Vauxhall-walkandLambeth-walk) to the Thames, is near | of a mile S. from the church. Broad-Street, Horselydown, the E. continuation of Tooley-street and Back-st. to John-st. Broad-Street-Chambers, Old Broad- Street, at 37, op. Winchester-st. by the Excise-office. Broad-Wall, Chrid-Church, is at the W. end of Stamford-st. Black- fiiars-road, (near the bridge) ex- tending from Old Barge- stain, Upper Ground,to Charlotte- street, Lambeth-marsh, about i of a mile in length. Broad-Way, Westminster, at the W. end of Tothill-st. from the Abbey, and E. end of York-st. and James-street from Bucking- ham-gate. Broad-Way, Blackfriars, the first on the L. in Cock-court from 19, Ludgate-st. (op. the Old Bailey), it is continued by Water-lane to Earl-st. by the bridge. Broad-Way,St.Thomas's,Borough,- the first on the L. in St. Thomas's- st. from 43, High-st. Borough, leading to Dean-st. New- way, and the Maze. Broad-Way- Yard , Broad. Way,West- minster, at 9, Ditto. See Broad- Wav. Broad- Yard, Turnmill-Street, Clerk- enwell, about fifteen doors on the L. from the Seffions-housc, and nearly op. Castle-street. Broad- Yard, Cowheel- Alley, White. cross.Strect, St. Luke':=, the first on B B on the L. from 16S, Whitecross.. street, towards Golden-lane. Broad- Yard, Blackman-Street, Bo- rough, at 69, leading to Great Suftolk-st. by the King's-bench. Broken - Wharf, Upper Thames - Street, at 41, op. Old Fish-st. hill, about j of a mile E. from or below Blackfriars-bridge. Broker's Alley, Drury-Lane,-at 25, nearly opposite GreatQueen-strcct, Lincoln's. inn- fields, leading into Castle-street. Broker-Row, Moorfields, is on the E. side, extending from London, wall to Broad-st. buildings. Bromley- Place, Conway-street.Fi tz- roy-Square, three doors on the L. from 26, London-st. Brompton, in the Parish of Kenfing- ton, commences at the W. end of Sloane-st. and is the third coach turning on the L. | of a mile from Hyde-park-corner. Brompton-Chapel, is about the middle of Brompton-row, near | of a mile on the R. from Knights- bridge, and about | of a mile from Hyde- park-corner. Brompton- Crescent, is at the back of iMichael's place, about \ a mile on the L. from Knightsbridge, extending from Michael's grove to the fculham - road, near the Admiral Kepple. Brompton-Grove, Brompton, is about seven houses on the S. E. side of the road, a little more than \ of a mile on the L. from Knights- bridge, op. 28, Brompton-row. Brompton- Row, Brompton, is part of the N. W. side of the road, commencing about ^ of a mile on the R. from Knightsbridge, leading towards Fulham, near \ of a mile in length. Brompton- Terrace, part of the S. E. side of the road, about \ of a mile on the L. from Knightsbridge, extending from Queen's buildings to Queen-street, Brook's Court, Brook's Market, Holborn, the N. W. corner of it, leading to Bell-court and 22, Gray's-inn-lane. Brook's Court, Brook-Street, Lam- beth, is about a dozen doors on the L. from Little Moor-place, towards West-square. Brook-Court, Brothers. Row, High- Street-Lambeth, the first on the L. and a few yards from High- street. Brook's Court, Upper Lambeth- Marsh, the first on the L. from the turnpike, towards Stangate- st. leading into Carlisle-lane. Brook'sCourt,Vine-Yard,St.01ave's, the third on the R. from 110, the E. end of Tooley-st. towards Pickle- Herring-stairs. Brook's Gardens, Hampstead-Road,- at the W. end of Henry-street on theR. Brook's Gardens, Coldbath-fields, the back of Brook's place, near the Union public-house, onthe road from Clerkenwell to Pentonville. Brook's Market, Holborn, is the N. end of Brook-street, from 140, Holborn, about | of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market. Brook's Mews, Davis-Street, Berke- ley-Square, at 46, five doors S. from 40, Brook-st. leading into Avery-row. Brook's Mews, Cleaver-Street, Ken- nington-Cross, the first on the R. in it from the White Hart towards Princes-square. Brook's Place, Kennington -Cross, is facing Upper Kenniugton-lane, forming part of the E. side of the road between the White Hart and Kennington-green. Brook's Place, Clerkenwell, is a short row of small houses by Bag- nige- Wells, about f of a mile N. from the Seflions-houie towards Pentonville and Battle- bridge. Brook's Place, Little Charles-Street, Haropstead- B Hampstead-Road, the first on the L. and five doors from 5, Mary-street, near the W. end of Charles-st. Hampstead-road. Brook-Street, Fitzroy-Square, the first on the R. in the New road from Tottenham - Court - road, towards Paddington, leading into Charles-st. and Hampstead-road. Brook-Street(Little), Fitzroy-Square, the second on the L. in Brook - st. from the New road, nearly op. Charles-st. Hampstead-road. Brook-Street, Holborn, at 140, about | of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market, leading into Brook's market. Brook-Street, Grosvenor-Square, extends from the N. E. corner of it to 103, New Bond-st. where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and58,isnear|ofamileinlength. Brook - Street (Little), Hanover- Square, extends from the S. W. corner to New Bond-st. op. the last described. Brook - Street (Upper), Grosvenor- Square, extends from the N. W. corner of it, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 55, to Park-lane, about of a mile in length. Brook-Street, RatclifFe, is the E. continuation of Back-lane andSun- Tavern-fields, also the first N. parallel to Cock-hill and Broad- st. extending from Love-lane to Butcher-row and White Horse-st. near \ of a mile in length. Brook-Street, Walcot- Place, Lam- beth, is about -| of a mile on the L. from Westminster bridge, lead- ing from Little Moor-place (op. Lambeth new chapel) to South-st. and West-square, about } of a mile in length. Brook's WharfjUpperThames-Strect, at 51, op. Brcad-st. hill, about 4 of a mile E. from or below Blackfriars-bridge. B Brook's Wharf, Willow-Street, Bank- fide, is situate between Pye-gar- dens and Love-lane, about \ of a mile below Blackfriars - bridge, Surrey side. Brook's Wharf, Weaver's Lane, Bo- rough, is situate on the R. in it from 119, Tooley-st. |. of a mile below London-bridge. Brook's Yard, Angel- Alley, Moor- fields, the second door on the R. from Long-alley, near the W. end of Skinner - street, Bishopsgate- without. Brook 's Yard, UpperThames-Street,- the back of 204, or the first on the L. in Old Fish-street-hill, by Meffrs.Hahn andCo'ssugar house. Brother's Buildings, Ogle - Court, Queen- Ann -Street East, Mary- bone, the first on the L. from 15, Queen-Ann-st. and the first on the R.from 10, Upper Marybone-st. Brother's Row, High-Street, Lam- beth, the fourth on the R. from the church, leading into Fore-st. Brown's Buildings, Stanhope-Street, Clare- Market, -at 27, three doors N. from White-Horse-yard,Drury- lane. Brown's Buildings, St. Mary Axe,- at 5, the first on the R. from 116, Leadenhall-st. leading into Bury- street. Brown's Buildings, Princes -Street, Rosemary-Lane, the first on the L. from Rosemary-lane, at the E. end of Glasshouse-yard, Minories. Brown's-Buildings, Upper E. Smith- field, at 116, the first E. from Butler's-buildings, nearly opposite Nightingaledane. Brown's Buildings, Glean - Alley, Tooley-Street, at the further end of it from 218, Tooley-st. near London- bridge. Brown's Court, Edgware-Road, at 81, the back of Winchefter- row, about y of a mile on the R. from Tyburn turnpike. Brown's B Brown's Court, North-Row, North Audlcy -Street, at 22, leading to 10, Green-street. Brown's Court, Carnaby-Market, at 21, the N. E. corner of it. Brown's Court, Angel- Alley, Moor- fields, the second on the R. from Long-alley, op Brewhouse-yard. Brown's Court, Great Ay liflv Street, Goodman's Fields, -at 49, the first on the R. four doors W. from Red -lion- street, Whitechapel. Brown's Lane, Spitalfields, op. 55. Brick-lane, a few doors S. from Hanbury's brewery, leading into Lamb-street, Spital-square, and Bisbopsgate-without. BrownVPassage, Green-Street, N. Audley-Strect, at 50, the first on the L. from 28, North Audley- stieet, leading into Lee's mews. Brown's Quay, Wapping, is op. 7, Wapping-st. by Hermitage-bridge. Brown-Street, Grosvenor-Square. is parallel to part of the N. side of it, and the second S. parallel to Oxford-st. about of a mile on the R. from Hyde-park, extending from 36, Duke-st. to George-st. Brown-Street, Bunhill-Row, is a part of the E. side of it, at 60, near Featherstone-street. Brown-Street, Upper George- Street, Edgware-Road, at 10, thirteen doors on the L. from 45,Edgware- road, and five doors on the R. from Adam-Street West, Cumberland- place. Brownlow-Street, Holborn, at 50, N. side, nearly op. Chancery- lane, leading into Bedford-row. Brownlow-Street, Drury-Lane, at 20, VV. side, near Holborn and Broad-st. St. Giles's, leading into Old Belton-strect. Brunswick-Chapel, Upper Berkeley- Street, Portman- Square, on the N. side between Qncbec-st. and C umberlaiui-placc. Brunswick-CourMJrunswkk. Street, B Christ-Church, at 34, leading into Green-walk. Brunswick - Mews, Wilmot . Street, Brunswick-Square, at 4, the first on the R. from 36, Bernard- street. Brunswick - Mews, Cumberland- Street. Portman-Square,-the fourth on the R. from 215, Oxford-sr. four doors from Upper Berkeley- street. Brunswick-Place, City-Road, is about^of a mileN. from Fin^bury- square (by the turnpike), the first on the R. from Old-street, leading to Charles-st. Hoxton. Brunswick- Place, Brunswick-Street, Christ-Church, at 17, on the N. side, near Green-walk. Brunswick- Place, Kent- Road, is about | of a mile on the R. below the Bricklayers-arms, adjoining East-lane. Brunswick- Row, Horseferry-Road, Westminster, is part of the W. end of it, extending from Strutton- ground and Great Peter-street to Bridewell, opposite the Grey-coat - school. Brunswick-Square, is situate on the N. side of Great GuiJ ford-street, Gray's-inn-lane, the first entrance from ditto is Lausdown- place, on the W. side the Foundling- hospital. Brunswick-Street, Stamford-Street, Blackfriars-road, at 12, leading to Green-walk by Christ-church, about | of a mile in length. Brunswick-Street (Little), Christ- Church, Surrey, the S. continu- ation of the last from Green*, walk to Cross-street. Brunswick - Terrace, Brunswick- Square. See Colnnade. Brush-Court,Upper East Smithficld,- at 60, the third on the R. about sixteen doors . from Tower- hill. Bruton-Mcws, North Bru ton-Street, - is B B as the continuation of Little Bruton- street to Bruton-place. Bruton-Mews, South Bruton-Street,- is five doors on the L. in Bruton- street from 146, New Bond-st. Bruton- Place, Berkeley-Square, at 22, the N. W. corner leading into Bruton-mews and Little Bruton-st. Bruton-Street, Berkeley-Square, extends from the E. side of it to 146, New Bond-street. Bruton-Street (Little), the first on the R. in the last described, three doors from 146, New Bond-street, leading into Bruton - mews and Berkeley- square. Bryanstone-Street, Portman-Square,- the first N. parallel to Oxford-st. extending from 19, Portman-st. to 7, Great Cumberland-st. near Tyburn-turnpike. Bryanstone-Street (Upper), the W. continuation of the last from Great Cumberland-st. to Edgware-road, it is the first on the R. in the said road from Tyburn-turnpike. Brydges-Street, Corent-Garden, the continuation of Catherine-st. from 342, Strand, leading to Great Russell-st. by Drury-lane theatre. Bryon's Buildings, Stangate, Lam- beth, at the N. end of the Bi- shop's - walk, near Westminster- bridge. Buck's Head-Court, Great DistafF- Lane, three doors on the R. from 31, Old Change, by St. Paul's church-yard. Buck's Row, Ducking- Pond- Row, Whitechapel-Road, is a part of the N. side of it by Liptrap's distillery. Buckbridge or Buckeridge - Court, Buckbridge- Street, St. Giles's, is about the middle of the S. side of it. Buckbridge-Street, St. Giles's, at 26, High-Street, the first on the R. from the church towards Ox- ford-st. leading into Dyot-st. Buckingham-CourtjCharing-Cross, at 36, the N. side the Admiralty, leading into Spring- gardens. Buckingham-Gate,St.James's-Park,- at the W. end of it by the Queen's palace. Buckingham - Gate, Buckingham- Street, Strand, at the S. end of it by the Thames. Buckingham - House, St. James's Park, on the W. side of it, about 5- of a mile from St. James's palace. Buckingham-Place,Fitzroy-Square,- on theW. side of it, being the con- tinuation of Cleaveland-st. from Carburton-street to the New road. Buckingham - Row, James - Street, Westminster, at the E. end of it, op. the Blue- coat-school, about I of a mile on the R. from Buck- ingham-gate. Buckingham-Street, Strand, at 38, about -J of a mile on the R. from Charing-cross, leading towards the Thames. Buckingham- Street ,Fi tzroy-Square ,- extends from Buckingham-place to 41, Upper Norton-street, near the New road. Buckle-Street, Goodman's Fields, at 35, Red-lion-street, the second on the L. from 32, Whitechapel extending to Plough-street. Bucklersbury.Cheapside, commen- ces at 80, op. the Old Jewry, on the R. extending to the back of the Mansion-house. Buckley - Court, High - Street, St. Giles's, at 10, nearly op. the church, leading into Church-lane. Budge-Row, Watling-Street, the E. continuation of it to Cannon- st. extending from St. Antholin's church, Size-Lane, to Walbrook. Bull-AlIey,Princes-Street,Lambeth,- at the middle of it, nearly opposite Anderson's walk, leading to Fore- street and the Thames. Bull- Alley, Upper Ground, Christ- Church, is about of a mile W. from B B from Blackfriars-bridge, and op. Boddy's bridge. Eullard's Place, Bethnal- Green, is nearly of a mile diredtly E. from the Salmon and Ball on the Green, or first S. parallel to part of Green- street, extending from Green-place to West-street. Bull -Bridge, L'ermondsey, the first on the left in Magdalen-btreet, from 140, Tooley-st. leading to Gibbon's rents and 27, Eermond- sey-street. Bull-Court, Giltspur-Street, at 15, the second on the R. from New- gate-st. towards Smithfield. Bull- Court or Yard, Fan-Street, Goswell-Street, is the continua- tion of it on the left. Bull-Court, Petticoat-Lane, Spital- fields, is three doors N. from Wentworth-st. on the same side. Bull-Court, Kingsland-Road, the third on the L. from Shoreditch- church. Bull-Court, Whitechapel, at 78, the first W. from Osborn-st. nearly opposite the church. Bull-Court, Nightingale-Lane.Lime- house, the first on the L. from Ropemakers - fields towards the New cut. Bull-Court, Kent-Street, Borough, at 290, a few doors on the R. from St. George's church. Bull - Court, Tooley - Street. See Tooley's Gateway. Bullen-Court, Strand,-at 407, nearly op. the Adelphi, leading to 15, Maiden- lane, Covent-garden. Bull and Gate-Court, Holborn, at 243, three doors E. from Little Turnstile, Lincoln's-inn-fields. Bull's-Head-Alley or Court, Turn- mill-Street, Clerkenwell, at 19, Peter-st. the second on the R. in it from Turnmill-st. or seven doors on the L. from 30, Saffron-hill in the op. direction. Bull's Head - Court, Great Peter- Street, Westminster, at the W- end of it, by the Horseferry-road opposite Duck -lane. Bull's-Head-Court, Cow-Lane, W. Smithfield, at 5, the first on the R. from Snow-hill. BuU's-Head-Court,Newgate-Street,- atSO, the third on the R. front Cheap. ide, two doors E. from Butcherhall-lane. Bull's- Head-Court jLawrenee-Lane,- at the back of 97, Cheapside. Bull's - Head - Court, Newington- Causeway, the first on the L. from the King's-bench towards the Elephant and Castle. Bull's-Head- Passage, Gracechufch- street, at 81, leading to Leaden- hall-market. Bull's- Head-Pafiage, Wood-Street, Cheapside, at 91, op ; Love- lane, leading to Oat-lane and 11, Ncble-st. Bull-Inn, Holborn, at 121, about y of a mile on the R. from Fleet- market. v Bull-Inn, Bifhopsgate,-at "91, about of a mile on the L. from Corn- hill. Bull-Inn, Leadenhall-Street,-at 152, six doors on the L. from Cornhill. Bull-Inn, Aldgate, at 26, a few doors on the L. from the pump towards. Whitechapel. Bull-Lane, Stepney, op. the W. side the church, leading toward* Whitechapel. Bull Livery-Stables, Goswell-Street,- at 6, about i of a mile on the L. N. from Barbican, and six doors from Fan-street. Bull and Mouth-Inn, Bull and Mouth- Street, the first gate on the L. from 5, St. Martin's-le-Grand. Bull and Mouth- Street, St. Martin's- le-Grand, at 5, op. St. Ann's- lane, the second on the L. from 60, Newgate-street, leading into Butcherhall-lane. Bullock -Court, Whitecross- Street, St. B St. Luke's, at 98, about | of a mile on the R. from Cripplegate- church, nearly op. Playhouse-yard, leading into Blue-Anchor-alley. Bull - Stake - Court, High- Street, Whitechapel, at 58, the first W. from the church. Bull-Stairs, Upper Ground, Christ- church, at the end of Bull-alley. See Ditto. BuIl-Wall,Chelsea, at 18, Paradise- row, about the middle of the S. side, it leads to the Thames. Bull -Wharf, Qucenhithe, Upper Thames-Street, the S. end of Bull-wharf-lane from 62, Upper Thames-street. Bull- Wharf- Lane, Upper Thames- Street, at 62, by Queenhithe, about \ of a mile on the L. from London - bridge towards Black- friars. Bull- Yard, White-Horse- Street, Rat- cliffe, is two doors on the L. from Butcher-row, Ratcliffe-cross, towards the Commercial-road. Bull- Yard, Windmill-Street, Hay- market, at 43, about fourteen doors on the L. from Piccadilly, and three doors from Queen-st. Bull- Yard, Fan-st. Goswell-street. See Bull-Court. Bullyrag-Row, Bethnal-Green, is about of a mile E. from the Green, at the back of the corner formed by Grecn-st. and Globe- street. Bulstrode-Mews, Marybone-Lane, at 32, eight doors from High-st. and four doors N. from Bulstrode- street. Bulstrode-Street, Marybone, at 28, Marybone-lane, the fourth on the R. about of a mile from 158, Oxford-st. leading to 48, Welbeck- street. Bunches- Alley, Thrawl- Street, Spi- ral-fields, at 22, the first on the R. from 208, Brick -lane, about | of a mile N. from Whitechapel- church, B Bunhill-Row, St. Luke's, the first W. parallel to Finmury- square and the Artillery-ground,extending from 63, Chiswell-st. where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 133, to Old-st. op. St. Luke's hospital, about | of a mile in length. Burden-Street, Berkeley -Square, at 30, Davis-st. op. Mount-st. three doors on the R. from the square, leading into John-street. Burdett-Street, Lock's Field?, Wal- worth. See York -Street. Burleigh - Court, Burleigh - Street, Strand, the second on the L. from 365, in the Strand. See the next article. Burleigh Street, Strand, at 365, about the middle of the N. side, on the W. side of Exeter-change, leading to Exeter- street. Burlington. Gardens, at the back of Burlington. house, extending from 24, Old Bond-st. to Vigo-lar.e. Burlington-House, at 52 and 53, Piccadilly, about \ of a mile on the R. from the Hay-market, op. Duke-st. St. James's. Burlington- Mews (New), Swallow- Street, at 129, about i of a mile on the L. from 44, Piccadilly. Burlington -Street (New), Swallow- Street, at 120, about of a mile on the L. from 44, Piccadilly, leading into Saville-row. Burlington. Street (Old), the second on the R. in Vigo-lane from 148, Swallow-st. extending to Boyle- street. Burman's-Row, Green-Street, Beth- nal-Green, is part of the S. side nearly op. Chefter- place, a few yards on the R. from the Green. Burr-Street, Lower East-Smithfield,- is near % of a mile E. from the Tower, extending from St. Cathe- rine's, by Goodwin's brewery, to Nightingale-lane, about | of a mile in length. Burr- B B Burr-Street (Little), at 41, Burr-st. leading to King Henry - yard, Maudlin's rents, and 41, Lower East-Smithfield. , Burrows-Buildings, Black friars-Road, forms part of the W. side of it, nearly op. Surrey-chapel, extend- ing from Charlotte-st. to George's row, by the Bun-house. Burrows-Mews, is at the back or W. side of Burrows-buildings. See Ditto. Bury-Court, St. Mary-Axe, at 20, the fourth on the R. from 11G, Leadenhall-street. Bury-Place, Bloomfbury, is the continuation of Lyon-st. from 143, High Holborn, being the W. side of Bloomsbury-market. Bury-Street, Bloomsbury, the con- tinuation of Bury-place and Lyon- street, from 143, High Holborn, extending from 30, Hart-st. to CO, Great Ruflell-street. Bury-Street, St. James's, is the first E. parallel to St. James's-street, extending from 81, Jermyn-street to King-street. Bury-Street, St. Mary-Axe, is the E. parallel to it, entering by a small court at 10, leading to Bevis- Marks. Burying - Ground - Alley, Chequer. Alley, Bunhill-Row, about the middle of the N. side of it, enter- ing from 99, Bunhill-row, or at 107, Whitecross-street. Burying- Ground- Passage, Paradise- Street, Marybone, at 11, theVV. end, leading to Paddington-st. Busby-Street, James-Street, Bethnal- Green, the second on the R. and on the L. in it from 124, Church- street, leading into Oakley-street, Thomas-st. and 118, Brick-lane. Bush-Lane, Cannon- Street, at 22, op. St. Swithin's-lane, leading to 158, Upper Thames-Street, about {of a mile on the R. from Lon- don-bridge. Bush-Lane, (Little), at 23, Bush- lane, Cannon-st. leading to 156> Upper Thames-street, Bushels-Court, Stoney-Street, Bo- rough, is op. 9,. the first on the R. from the Clink, towards the Borough-market. Bushel's Rents, Wapping, at 7, the second on the L. below the Hermitage - bridge, leading to Great Hermitage-street. Butchers-Hall, Pudding-Lane, at 34, four doors on the L. from 5, Eastcheap. Butcherhall-Lane, Newgate-Street, - at 82, a few doors on the R. from Cheapside, leading to Little-Bri- tain and Smithfield. Butcher- Row, Upper East-Smith- field, at 81, the first on the R. from Tower-hill, and about of a mile distant, leading to Lower East-Smithfield. Butcher-Row, Ratcliffe-Cross, ex- tends from the E. end of Broad-st. toBrook-st. andWhite-horse-st. Butcher-Row, St. George's Market, St. George's Fields, at the N. W. side of it, leading towards the London-road. Butlers-Alley, Moor-Lane, Moor- fields, at the N. end of it, on the L. from 87, Fore-st. leading into Ropemakers-st. Finsbury-square. Butlers- Alley or Court, Moor-Lane,- the fifth on the R. from 86, Fore- st, leading to 26, Little Moor- fields. Butlers - Buildings, George - Street, Spitalfields, the first on the R. N. from Spicer-st. near 82, Brick- lane. Butlers-Buildings, Upper Eaft-Sraith- field, at 112, about | of a mile on the L. from Tower-hill, leading into Cartwright-square and Rose- mary-lane. Butler's -Buildings, Artillery -Lane, Southwark, is about the middle of the S. side, the second on the H R. down 8 K. down Criicifix-lane, from 50, Bcrraondsey-strect. Butler's Wharf, Shad-Thames,Horse- lydown, cp. Thomas-st. | of a mile below London-bridge. Button-Court, Acorn- Alley, Bishops- gate, the first on the L. from 124, Bishopsgate-without. Button's-Entry, White-Horse-Street, RatclifFe,-is at the N. end, nearly op. the Workhouse. Buxton-Place, Lambeth, is near f a mile on the R. from Weftminfter- bridge op. the Terrace, and lead- ing from Lambeth new chapel towards the church. Byce - Court, Blue - Anchor - Yard, Rosemary-Lane, the third on the Jl. from 48, Rosemary - lane, towards Upper East-Smithfield. Byde-Street, Bethnal-Green, the N. side of Anchor-st. extending from Swan-yard to Club-row. Byfield - Place, Charlotte - Street, Blackfriars-Road, a few houses on the R. between Surrey-chapel and Gravel - lane, by the N. E. corner of Nelson-square. CABBAGE - ALLEY, Long- Lane, Bermondsey, is near the middle of the N. side, a Tew doors W. from the King's head. Cable - Place, Cable - Street, Well- close-Square,- is opposite Short-st. at the back of the houses from 40 to 55. Cable-Street, Welldose-Square, is the E. continuation of Rosemary- lane, Tower-hill, extending from Whitc-lion-st. to the New-road, St. George's in the East. Caddick's Row, Whitehall, is about thirty doors on the L, from Charing-cross towardsWeftminfter- bridge, op. the Admiralty, leading into Great Scotland-yard. Cadogan - Place, Slcane - Street* Chelsea, is op. 76, and the Cadogan-arms, about i of a mile on the L. from Knightsbridge. Cadogan-Place (Upper), Sloane-St. Chelsea, op. 50, about \ of a mile on the L. from Knightsbridge. Cain's Court, Cain's Place, Church- Lane, Whitechapel, is about the middle of the E. side of Cain's Place. Cain's Place, Church-Lane, White- chapel, the first on the R. and about six doors from 65, Cable- st. Wellclose-square. Caledonian - Hotel, Robert - Street, Adelphi, at 3, the W. end of Adelphi-terrace,entrance by Adam- street, 73, in the Strand. Calender- Yard, Long-Alley, Moor- fields, the sixth on the L. from Moorfields towards Sun-st. nearly op. Ball-alley. Calico-Buildings, Neckinger, Ber- mondsey, on the E. side ot it, facing Prospeet-row and Parker's- row, about J of a mile from Hickman's folly, Dockhead. Calthorpe - Place, Paradise - Row, Chelsea, is op. 12, and is the first on the L. a few yards from the Hos- pital towards Battersea-bridge. Calvert-Street, Old Gravel-Lane, is about \ of a mile on the R. from 65, RatclifFe-highway, nearly op. No. 28, leading to Tench-st. and the London-deck. Cambridge-Heath, Hackney-Road,- js about \\ of a mile from Shore- ditch - church, by the turnpike towards Hackney. Cambridge-House, Hackney-Road. See Cambridge- Heath. Cambridge- Place, Cleveland- Street, Fitzroy-Square, on the W. side the square, between Carburton-st. and Buckingham-st. Cambridge-Place, Cambridge-Heath, Hackney- Road, is a few doors on the L. from the turnpike towards Hackney, Hackney, near the Hare public- house. Cambridge-Place, Hackney-road, forms part of the N. side of it, extending from Great Cambridge- st. towards the Nag's-head. Cambridge-Street (Great), Hackney- Road, is about \ a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church, leading towards Dalston. Cambridge-Street (Little), Hackney- Road, is about eight doors on the L. in Great Cambridge-street from Hackney-road. Ca mbridge-Streer, Golden-Square, L the N. continuation of Wind- mill-st. Haymarket, leading into Broad-st. Poland-st. and to 365, Oxford-st. Camden-Court, Grub-Street, Crip- plegate, at the N. end, three doors on the L. from Chiswell-st. Camden-Row, Bethnal-Green-Road, forms part of the S. side of it, about | of a miie on the R. from 65, Shoreditch, by Wilmott-street, near the Green. Camden-Street,East-Lane,Walworth, the second on the L. aboat of a mile from the High-street or xoad, extending to Lock's fields. Camel - Buildings, Orchard - Street, Portman-Square, at 9, the second on the R. from 197, Oxford-st. leading into Edward's mews and Duke-st. Camomile-Street, Bishopsgate, the first on the R. near of a mile N. from Cornhill, or a few doors S. from Houndsditch, it leads into St. Mary Axe. Camomile-Mews, Camomile-Street, Bifhopsgate, at 15, that number of doors on the R. from Bishops- gate-street. Camperdown-Place,Snow's Fields, the fourth on the L. from 238, Bermondsey-street, by the Ship and Mermaid public-house CampiQii-LanejUpperThames-Street, at 89, about J of a mile on the L. from London-bridge, and is by the church, op. Suffolk-lane. Canal-Office, Change-Alley, at 9, the third house on the R. from 67, Lombard -st. towards Cornhill. Cane- Place, Gravel-Lane, Borough,- at the S. end of it, and E. end of Bennett's-row, Blackfriars-road. Cannon or Canon-Alley, St. Paul's Church- Yard, at 63, the N. side, a few doors from Chcapside, leading to 58, Paternoster-row. Cannon-Brewery, Knightsbridge, is nearly op. Sloane-st. about $ of a mile on the R. from Hyde-park- corner. Cannon-Place, Mile-End, the first on the L. from the turnpike towards London, leading into Mile-End- Grove. Cannon-Row, Weftminfter, extends from behind 49, Parliament-street, to 9, Bridge-street. Cannon-Street, the first N. parallel to Upper Thames-street, extending from Dowgate-hill and Walbrpok to Crooked-lane, about $ of a mile in length. Cannon-Street, St. George's in th East, at 143, Ratcliffe-highway by the church, extending to the New -road, it is continued by Cannon-st. road to Whitechapel, distance about \ a mile. Cannon-Street, Mint, Southwark, the continuation of Lant-st. from 109, Blackman-strcet, leading into George-street and Great Suffolk- street. Canterbury - Buildings, Lambeth, the continuation of Hercules- buildings from the Asylum towards Lambeth-church. Canterbury-Corner,Lambeth-Walk,- is about the middle of Little Can- terbury-place. Canterbury-Place, Lambeth, Conns part of the S. side of the road, leading from the Three Stag to Lambeth- Lambeth - church, commencing near the New chapel. Canterbury-Place(Little),Lambeth,- is on the S. side or 'back of the last described, or the first on the R. in Lambeth-walk. Canterbury- Place, Walworth, ex- tends from the W. end of Manor- row or place to Harford-lane. Canterbury -Row, Newington, forms part of the E. side of the road, leading from the church to Kennington-common,commencing about | of a mile on the L. from the church. Canterbury - Square, Dean - Street, Borough, is two doors on the R. from 203, Tooley-st. about f of a mile from London-bridge. Canterbury-Walk, Canterbury-Build- ings, Lambeth, is behind 15, Lambeth-terrace by South-street, leading to Canterbury-buildings. Canton - Place, East -India -Dock- Road, Limehouse, forms part of the N. side of it, op. Pennyfields, Poplar, near | of a mile on the L. E.f'rom Limehousc-church towards Blackwall. Capel-Court, Bartholomew-Lane, the first on the R. from the Royal- Exchange, facing the E. entrance of the Bank. Cape Trafalgar, Deptford Lower Road, at the N. corner of China- hall, about 2f miles from London- bridge. Carburton-Street, Cleveland-Street, Fitzroy-Square, the second on the R. from the New-road, nearly op. Grafton-st. from Tottenham- court-road, extending to Portland- road. Cardigan-Place, Upper Kennington- Lane, forms part of the N. side of it by Kennington- cross, on the R. towards Vauxhall. Carey- Lane, Cheapside, the first N. parallel to part of it, extending from 32, Gutter lane to 14, Foster- * lane. - Carey -Place, Oakley -Street, Lam- beth, at 27, by the Oakley-arms, leading to Carey-st. and Lambeth- marsh. Carey-Street.LambethLowerMarsh,- the first N. parallel to Oakley-st. entrance by Green-row, nearly op. James-street. Carey-Street, Chancery-Lane, at 99, the first on the L. from 194, Fleet- st. leading into Portugal-st. and Clare-market. Carlisle-Chapel, Kennington-Lane,- is situate between Pleasant-row and Mansion-house-row, about f of a mile on the L. from the Plough and Harrow, by the 2 mile-stone from Comhill. Carlisle-House, Carlisle-Lane, Lam- beth, about i of a mile on the L. in it, from the Marsh-gate. Carlisle-Lane, Mount-Street, Lam- beth, is two or three doors S. from the Marsh-gate, on the R. leadingto Carlisle-house and place. Carlisle-Hace, Carlisle-Lane, Lam- beth, is the continuation of it towards Lambeth-church. Carlisle-Square, Carlisle- Lane,Lam- beth, is the first on the R. in it, a few yards from the Marsh-gate. Carlisle-Street, Soho-Square, at 34, on the W. side, intersecting Dean-street at 67, and leading to Little Chapel-st. and Wardour- street. Carl ton-House, Pall-Mali, between 1 12 & 1 1 5, a few doors on the L. from the Haymarket. Carlton - Place, St. Albans - Street, Pali-Mall, at 29, six doors on the L. from 13, Pali-Mall, under the archway. Carlton - Place, White - Hart- Row, Kennington, the first on the L. from Kennington-lane, or the third on the R. from Clayton-place, Clapham-road, Newington. Carmarthen - Street, Tottenham- Court-Road, is op. London-st. about about I a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, extending from 12, on the terrace, to the fields. Carnaby- Market, Goiden-Square, the W. end of Eroad-st. on the R. from 8G, Berwick-st. Oxford-st. Carnaby-Street, Carnaby- Market, is on the W. side, extending from 28, Great Marlborough-Strcct to 22, Silver-street, Golden-square. Caroi's-Court, Charles-Street, Horse- lydoun, at the back of 18, the corner of New-st. Dockhead. Carolina Coftee-House, 25,Birchin- lane, four doors on the L. from 30, Cornhill. Caroline-Court, Great Saffron-Hill, - at 18, op. Charles-street, Hatton- garden, or the third on the R. from Holborn-hill along Field- lane. Caroline - Mews, Caroline - Street, Bedford-Square, is about the middle of the E. side, op. Tavi- stock-st. Tottenham-Court-road, leading into Charlotte-street. Caroline-Piace.GreatGuilford-Street, Foundling-Hospital, is op. 10, the second on the R. from Gray's- inn-lane, on the E. bide the hospital. Caroline Place, City -Road, forms part of the N. side, about | of a mile on the R. from Old-street, towards Islington, extending from Plumbers-st. to City-terrace. Caroline-Street, Bedford-Square, extends from the S. W. corner to 116, Great Ruflell-st. ten doors on the L. from Tottenham-court- road. Caroline- Wharf, Rotherhithe, is about of a mile below the church, nearly op. Clarence-st. the first VV. fro*m Hanover-stairs. Carpenters- Buildings,London-Wall,- is op. the S. E. corner of Moor- fields, about three doors W. from Winchester-street. Carpenters - HalJ, Carpenters - Build- ings London- Wall. See the la-t article. Carpenter-Street, Vine-Street, West- minster, at 44, the third on the L. from 43, Millbank-K. leading to the Horseferry-road. Carpenter - Street, Mount - Streef, Berkeley-Square, six doors from Davies-street, N.W. corner of the square, leading into Mount-row. Carpenters- Yard, Half-Moon-Streer, BLhopsgate, at the back of the Half-moon, a few yards on the R. from 170, Bishopsgate -without. Carr-Square, Cripplegatc, the third on the L. in Moor-lane, about twelve doors from 87, Fore-st. Carr- Yard, Blue- Anchor- Yard, Rose- mary-Lane, the fourth on the R. from 48, Rosemary-lane towards Upper East-Smithfield. Carrier - Street, Church - Street, St. Giles's, W. parallel to Dyot-st. extending from Church-lane to Buckbridge-strcet. Carrington- Place, Down-Street, Pic- cadilly, is the continuation of it from the W. end of Piccadilly, leading to 17, Hertford-st. May- Fair. Carrington-Street, Shepherds-Mar- ket, May- Fair, is on the S. side, about six doers on the L. from White-horse-st. Piccadilly. Carron-Whnrf, Upper Thames-Street, is op. 221, about -| of a mile E. from Blackfriars-bridge. Carter-Court, Redcross-Street, Bo- rough, at 89, the first on the L. from Park-st. Borough-market. Carter-Court, Cutler-Street, Hounds- ditch, the first on the R. a few doors from 111, Houndsditch. Carte'r-Lane (Great), St. Paul's. Church-Yard, the first on the L. in Creed- Lane from 14, Ludgate- strect, extending to Paul's chain, St. Paul's church-yard. Carter - Lane (Little), St, Paul's- Church- Yard,- the E. continuation of of the last, extending from Paul's chain to 13, Old Change. Carter. Lane, Tooley - Street, at 243, the second on the R. from London-bridge, leading into the Ship-inn-yard. Carter-Street, Bethnal- Green, at 167, Brick - lane, about | of a mile en the R. from Whitechapel, op. Hanbury's brewery, extending to Spital-street. Carthusian-Street, Aldersgate-Street, at 107, about eight or nine doors N. on the L. from Barbican, leading into Charterhouse-square. Cartwright-Square, Rosemary -Lane,- the S. end of Cartwright-street, leading into the middle of Upper East-Smithfield. Cartwright-Street, Rosemary-Lane,- at 32, near A of a mile on the R. from the Minories, Tower-hill, leading to Cartwright-square and Upper Eaft-Smithfield. Cartwright-Street, Broadway, West- minster,-at the W. end of Tothill- street from the Abbey, leading into Park-street. Castle- Alley, Royal-Exchange, is on the W. side leading from Corn- hill to the Bank. Castle -Baynard Copper -Company, Upper Thames - Street, at 12, between Anderson's and Carron Wharfs, about ^ of a mile E. from Blackfriars-bridge. Castle-Court, Strand, -at -130, about -J. of a mile on theL. from Charing- cross, leading to 7, Chandos-st. Castle-Court, Popping's Court, Fleet- Street, the first on the L. in it from 111, Fleet-st. near Fleet- market. Castle-Court, Castle -Street, Oxford- Strect,-at 14, four doors W. from 62, Berncrs-street. Castle - Court, Fullwood's Rents, Holborn, at 23, five doors on the R. from 33, Holbom, nearly op. Chancery-lane. Castle-Court, Piccadilly, at 2") A that number of doors on the R. from the Haymarket, leading into Castle-street. Castle - Court, Whitecross - Street, Cripplegate, at 55, the back of Whitbread's brewery. Castle-Court, Lawrence-Lane, Cheap- side, at 20, about ten doors on the L. from 97, Cheapside, lead- ing to Mumford-court and Milk- street. Castle-Court, Budge-Row, Watling- Street, at 10, leading to 1-1, Cloak-lane. Castle-Court, Castle-Street, Turn- mill-Street, Clerkenwell, the first on the L. from Turnmill-st. towards SafFron-hill. Castle- Court, Kingsland-Road, is about i of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch- church, and op. Union-street. Castle-Court, Birchin-Lane, at 23, leading into Bell-yard and to 13, Gracechurch-street. Castle-Court, Castle-Street, Bethnal- Green, the second on the R. from behind Shoreditch - church, eastward. Castle - Court, Old Castle - Street, Whitechapel, the first on the L. in it from Wentworth-st. towards Whitechapel High-street. Castle-Court, Castle-Lane, South- wark, is about the middle of the E. side, op. Morris's walk. Castle-Court, Kent-Street,Borough,- at 248, on the S. side, about j of a mile on the'R. from St. George's church. Castle and Falcoln-Inn, Aldersgate- Street, about i of a mile on the R. from 65, Newgate-st. along St. Martin's-le-Grand, five doors N. from St. Ann's-lane. Castle-Inn, Wood-Street, Cheapside,- at 26, being that number of doors on the R. from 122, Cheapside. Castlc-Lanc, James -Street, West- minster, minster, is at the E. end, about i of a mile on the R. from Buckingham - gate, leading to Elliott's brewery and Brewer-st. Pimlico. Castle- Lane, Whitechapel, at 124, about | of a mile on the L. below Aldgate-pump, leading to Old Castle-st. and Went worth - street. Castle-Lane, Southwark, the first on the R. in Castle-st. from 13, Redcross-st. leading to Maid-lane, op. Horse-shoe-alley. Castle-Mews, Castle-Street, Oxford - Street,-at 66", three doors W. from 63, Bemers-street. Castle - Place, New Castle - Street, Whitechapel, the first on the R. from 1'20, Whitechapel, leading to Old Castle-st. and Wentworth- street. Castle - Place, Gibraltar - Row, St. George's Fields, at 15, the first on the L. from Prosped-place. Castle-Street, Leicester- Square, is the first E. parallel to it, and the first W. to St. Martin's lane, ex- tending from Great Newport-st. to the King's mews. Castle-Street, Long-Acre,-is the first N. parallel to it, extending from Charles-st. to Little St. Martin's lane, and is the continuation of Brokers-alley, from 25, Drury- lane. Castle-Street East, or Little Castle- Street, Oxford-Street, the first N. parallel to part of it, extending from 81, Ncwman-st. to Oxford- market. Castle-Street West, or Great Castle- Street, Oxford-Street, the W. continuation of the last, extending from Oxford-market to 6, Princes- street, Cavendish - square ; total length of these two streets is about |- of a mile. Castle-Street, Bloomsbury, is the first N parallel to Broad-street, extending from Petcr-st. to Vine- street, and is the W. continuation of Hart-st. to Thorney-street. Castle-Street, Saffron- Hill, at 60, leading into Turnmill-st. Clerken- well, near the Green. Castle-Street, Air-Street, Piccadilly, three doors on the R. from 27, Piccadilly, leading to 22, Titch- borne-street. Castle-Street, Holborn, at 12, on the E. side of Middle-row, leading into Cursitor-street and Chancer. - lane. Castle-Street, Falcon-Square, Alders- gate-Street, is at the N. corner of it, leading into Nichols-square, Well-street, and Jewin-street. Castle-Street, Fleet-Market. at 33, on the E. side, leading into Sea- coal-lane and Snow-hill. Castle-Street, Upper Thames-Street, - op. 223, ahout of a mile on the R. from Blackfriars-bridge, lead- ing to the Thames. Castle-Street, Mcorfields, is the second N. parallel to Finsbury-sq. | of a mile from it, and extends from 18, City-road to Paul-st. Castle-Street, Bethnal-Green, ex- tends from Cock-lane behind Shore- ditch-church to Gascoigne-place, it is continued by Virginia-row to Bird-cage- walk and Hackney- road. Castle-Street (New), Bethnal-Green,- is the first on the R. in the last described from Shoreditch-church. Castle - Street . (New), Whitechapel High-Street, at 120, ncarlv op. Rcd-lion-st, it is continued by New Castle-place and Old Castle-st. to Wentworth-st. Spitalfields. Castle-Street (Old), Whitechapel, is the continuation of Castle-lane from 121, Whitechapel High-st. leading into Wentworth - street, Spitalfields. Castle-Street, Houndsditch, at 46, S. side, being the second on the R. fro 91 c R. from Bifhopsgate-church, lead- ing to Bevis-Marks. Castle-Street, Redcross-Street, Bo- rough, at 14, the first on the R. from Park-street, Borough-market, leading to Castle-lane, Maid-lane, and Bankside. Castle-Street, Kent-Street, Borough,- at 94, about | of a mile on the L. from Church-street, St. George's church. Castle- Yard, Chapel-Street, West- minster, is at the E. end by the Broadway, op. St. Margaret's burying - ground, leading into Snow's rents and York-street. Castle-Yard, Royal Hospital-Row, Chelsea, a narrow passage near the ho.-pital, leading into Turk's row, and situate between Ander- son's yard and Loveland's yard. Castle- Yard, Castle -Street ,Holborn,- at 37, leading into Norwich-court, and to 92, Fetter-lane. Castle- Yard, Bolsover-Street, Oxford- Street, at 10, the second on the L. from 113, Oxford-street. Castle- Yard, Upper Thames-Street,- at 34, op. Lambeth-hill, near _J of a mile on the R. from Black- friars-bridge, leading towards the Thames. Castle- Yard, Gravel-Lane, Christ- Church, the first on the L. from Holland-street, Blackfriars-bridge, behind the Falcon glass-house. Cateaton-Strect, Milk- Street, Cheap- side, at 16, N. end of it, extend- ing to the Old Jewry, parallel to Chcapside. Catherine- Buildings, William-Street. Westminster, the first on the R. a few yards from 30, James- street. St. Catherine-Crce-Church, be- tween numbers 84 and 88, Lead- enhall.st. about ten doors on the R. from Aldgate-pump. St. Catherine Coleman's Church, on the E. side of Church-row, a a few yards behind 67, Fenchurch-' street. St. Catherine's Church, St. Cathe- rine's Street, Tower-Hill, -behind the houses which are op. St. Cathe- rine's stairs. Catherine-Court, Great Peter-Street, Westminster, at the W. end, be- tween the Elephant and Castle and Duck-lane. Catherine-Court, Goswell-Street, * at 54, nearly op. Little Sutton-st. a few doors N. from Old-st. Catherine-Court, Seething-Lane, at 34, the second on the R. from 56, Great Tower-street, leading to 13, Tower-hill. St. Catherine's Court, St. Catherine's Street, Tower-hill, the first turn- ing on the L. and then again on the R. in that from Tower-hill. Catherine - Court, Catherine - Street, Commercial-Road, is the first on the R. a few doors from the Com- mercial-road. St. Catherine's Cloisters, St. Cathe- rine's, on the N. side the church in St. Catherine's court or sq. St. Catherine's Lane, Upper East- Smithfield, at 50, six doors on the R. from Tower-hill, leading to St. Catherine's street and the Thames. St. Catherine's-Square, the first on theL. in St. Catherine's street, from Tower-hill, leading to St. Cathe- rine's lane and 50, Upper East- Smithfield. St. Catherine's Stairs, at 5, St. Catherine's st. a few doors on the R. below Tower-hill. St. Catherine-Street, Tower-hill, extends from the S. E. corner of it, by the Thames, to Hermitage- bridge. Catherine - Street, William - Street, Westminster, the first on the R. from James-st. towards Palace-st. and Pimlico. Catherine-Street, Strand, at 342, opposite opposite Somerset-place, leading into Brydges-street, Russell-street, and Covent-garden. Catherine-Street (Little), at 11, in the last described, leading into Eagle -court, White -hart -court, and Drury-lane. Catherine-Street,Commercial-Road,- the third on the R. in it E. from Cannon-st. New-road, extending to Lower Chapman-street. Catherine-Wheel- Alley, Bifhop6gatc- Without, op. 73, about 12 doors on the right N. from New-street, leading into Petticoat-lane. Catherine -Wheel -Alley or Court, Essex-Street, Whitechapel, the second on the R. a few doors from 105, Whitechapel High-st. Catherine - Wheel - Court, Bridge- water - gardens, Barbican, is behind the Catherine-Wheel, lead- ing into Pump-court. Catherine - Wheel - Yard ( Little ) , James-Street, St. James's, is at the bottom of it by the Green- park, leading into Cleveland-row. Catherine - Wheel- Inn, Bifhopsgate- Without, is a few doors N. from New-st. by Catherine-wheel-alley. Catherine- Wheel -Inn, High-Street, Borough, at 190, of a mile on the R. from St. Margaret's-Hill towards St. George's church, and nearly op. the Half-Moon. Catherine-Wheel- Yard, Great Wind- mill-Street, Haymarket, at 13, the second on the R. a few doors from Piccadilly. Cato-Street, John -Street, Edgware- Road, at 6 or 7, under an arch- way, the second on the R. from 78, Edgware-road. Catshead - Court, Orchard - Street, Westminster, at 44, the third on the L. a few doors from Dean-st. Catshole-Court, Tower-Hill, on the E. side of it, near Iron-gate, leading into St. Cathcrine's-sq. Cavendish-Court, Houndsditch, at 90, about twelve doors on the L. from Bishopsgate-church. Cavendish - Mews, Duke - Street, Portland-Place, at 14, the first gate from 13, New Cavendilh-st. Cavendifli-Mews, North Charlotte - Street, Portland-Place, at 80, three doors on the L. from New Cavendi(h-street. Cavendish-Square, Marybone, the N. end of HollL-srreet, from 132, Oxford-st. Cavendish-Street (New), Portland- Place, intersects it at 61, and extends from 82, Great Portland- street to 24, Harley-street. Cavendish - Street (Old), Oxford- Street, at 140, about the middle of the N. side, leading into Henri- etta-st. and Cavendish-square. Cecil - Court, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 92, nearly op. New-st. leading into Castle-st. Leicester-square. Cecil-Street, Strand, at 84, nearly op. Southampton-st. Covent-gar- den, leading towards theThames. Censor News- Paper- Office, Cathe- rine-Street, Strand, at 1, the first house on the L. from 343, in the Strand. Chad's Row, Gray's Inn-Lane. Sec Constitution- Row. Chad's Wells. See Ditto. Chair -Court, Ship- Yard, Temple- Bar, the firft on the R. in it from Temple-bar. Chalton-Court, Chalton-Street, Som- mers-Town, at 15, about the middle of the E. side. Chalton-Street, Sommers-Town, the fourth on the R. in the Mary- bone-road from the turnpike at Battle-bridge, leading towards the Polygon or Clarendon-square. Chamber-Square, Upper East-Smith- field, at 95, nearly opposite the London-deck. Chamber- Street, G ood man's Fields,- the firit S. parallel to Great Pres- I cot- c cot-st. extending from the S. end of Mansel-street to Lemon-st. Chamberlain'sWharf,Tooley-Streat,- is the first E. from Topp..ig's wharf, and the first W. irom Cotton's Ditto, in theBridge-yard. Champion- Alley, Vine -Street, West- minster, at 37, the second on the L. from 43, Millbank-street, leading into the Horseferry-road. Chancellor-Court, Church - Street, Bethnal-Green, at 191, the first on the R. a few doors from 65, Shoreditch. Chancery-Chambers, Quality-Court, Chancery-Lane,-the first house on the L.in it from 48, Chancery-lane. Chancery, Court of, is held at Westminster-hall and Lincoln's inn-hall. Chancery-Lane, Fleet-Street, at 192, ten doors E. from Temple- bar, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 & 131, it leads to 310, High-Holborn, near Middle-row. Chancery - Masters - Office, South- ampton-buildings, Holborn, is facing the entrance from 318, Holborn, and four doors on the R. from 52, Chancery-lane. Chancery Subpoena-Office, at 6, Stone - buildings, Lincoln's - inn, the first house on the L. from op. 55, Chancery-lane. Chandlers-Hall, Dowgate-Hill, is op. 37, about five doors on the R. from Budge-row, or the W. end of Cannon-street. Chandler's Rents, Addle-Hill, Doc- tors-Commons, at 7, opposite Great Carter-lane, leading by the church to St. Andrew's hill. Chandler-Street, Duke-Street, Gros- venor - Square, at 8, about Thirteen doors on the L. from 277, Oxford-st. extending to 3, Davies- street. Chandos-Street, Cavendish-Square, ~ at the N. E. coiner of it, leading to 54, Qacen-Ann-st. West. Cbandos -Street, Covent -Garden, is about nine doors on the L. in Bedford-street from 423, Strand, extending to 27, St. Martin's lane. Change-Alley, Cornhill, is situate between 24, Cornhill, and 70, Lombard-st. leading also to 10, Birchin-lane, Change - Court, Exeter - Change, Strand, is on the N. side of it, op. 1 10, in the Strand, leading to 21, Exeter -street. Change (Old), Cheapside, at 10, five doors on the R. from St. Paul's church -yard, extending to 27, Old Fish-street, about y of a mile in length. Chapel-Court, Long-Acre, at 131, about fourteen doors on the L. from St. Martin's lane, leading into Castle-street. Chapel-Court, Oxford-Street, at 147, about | of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, nearly opposite New Bond -st. leading to Oxford- chapel and Henrietta-street. Chapel-Court, Swallow-Street, at 50, near the middle of the E. side, leading into King-street, Golden- square. Chapel-Court, SouthAudky-Street,- at 23, six doors E. from Mount-st. also on the S. side of the chapel. Chapel -Court, Hart-Street, Wood- street, Cheapside, is the conti- nuation of Hart-st.from63,Wood- street, facing London-wall. Chapel - Court, Holywell - Street, Mile-End Old-Town, at 10, about four or five doors on the L. from Union-Street, extending to the S. side of Sion-chapel. Chapel-Court, High-St. Borough, at 124, about ^ of a mile on the L. from London-bridge, leading into Mermaid-court. Chapel-Mews, Chapel-Street, Gros- venor- Place, Hyde- Park corner, is behind 12 and 26, Grosvenor- place. Chapel- Chapel-Mews, Duke-Street, Port. land-Place, at 20, by Portland- chapel. Chapel-Path, Sommers-Town, is the first N. parallel to the New- road to Marybone, extending from 31, Chalton-st. to Brill-row. Chapel-Place, Oxford-Street, at Chapel-court, 147, Oxford-street, circumscribing Oxford-chapel on the S. and E. sides. Chapel-Place, little Coram-Street, Tavistock-Square, is two doors on the L. from Tavistock-place. Chapel - Place, Duke - Street, St. George's fields, is by the chapel, a few yards on the R. from the bridge-road, near the obelifk. Chapei-Row, Bromptm, is about of a mile on the R. from Knights- bridge, by the chapel behind Brompton-row. Chapel -Row, Spa- Fields, Clerken- well,-is on the W. side the chapel, a few doors on the R. in Brayne's row from Coppice-row, by the House of Correction. Chapel-Row, St. George's Market, St. George's Fields, the corner of Brick-st. on the N. E. side of the snid market. Chapel-Row, South Lambeth, the row of which the chapel forms a part, situate in the field dividing the Wandsworth and the South- Lambeth roads, about of a mile S. from Vauxhall-turnpike. Chapel - Street, Grosvenor - Place, Hyde-Park-Corner, at 26, about J. of a mile from the Turnpike towards PiraKco. Chapel-Street, Charlotte-Street, Pim- lico, is five doors on the R. from 20, Ward's-row, and about a of a mile from Buckingham-gate. Chapel-Street (Great), Westminster ,- extends from the Broadway, and W. end of Tothill-st. to Str'utton- ground. Chapel-Street (Little),Westminster,- the first S. parallel to York-street* extending from James-street to Great Chapel -st. Broadway. Chapel -Street, Brompton, at 27, Brompton-row, about | of a mile on the R. from Knightsbridge. Chapel-Street, Paddington, or Lisson- Green, at 101, Edgware-road, about j of a mile on the R. from Tyburn turnpike, leading to South- ampton-row, by the Yorkshire- Stingo. Chapel-Street, South Audley-Street,- at 62, about the middle of the W. side, op. the Chapel, leading to Park-lane. Chapel-Street West, Curzon-Street, May-Fair, at 35, on the W. side the chapel, leading to Shepherd's market. Chapel-Street East, Curzon-Street,- on the E. side the chapel. Chapel -Street(Great), Oxford -Streer,- at 396, about of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's, leading to Carlisle-st. Soho-square. Chapel-Street ( Little ),-at the S. end of the last, on the R. leading to 19, Wardour-street Chapel-Street, Lamb's Conduit-St. Red-Lion-Square, at 25, extend- ing to Milman-st. James-st. and Bedford-row. Chapel - Street, Tottenham- Court- Road. at 84, the first 5. from Whitfield's chapel, extending to John- street. Chapel-Street, Grub-Street, Crip- plegate, about the middle of the W. side of it by the City chapel, leadingtoHalf-moon- alley and 48, Whitecross-street. Chapel- Street, Holywell- Mount, the continuation of Holywell-lane from 194, Shoreditch.-extending from the Curtain-road to Holy- well-row. Chapel-Street, Spital-Square, the second on the L. in the said square from 104, Bishopsgate- without. Chapel- c Chapel-Street, Wheeler-Street, Spttal- fields, - the iirst on the L. from Lamb-street, being the opposite side of the chapel, from the last described. Chapel- Street, St. George's in the East, is parallel to and between Upper & Lower^Chapman-streets, extending from Walbridge-street to Mary-street. Chapel-Street,Mile-EndNew-Town, the first on the R. in Great Gar- den-street, from 50, Whitechapel- road ; it is continued by Princes- row to Baker's row. Chapel - Yard, Spital - Square. See Chapel-Street. Chapman's Buildings, King-Street, Borough, at the back of 49, about i of a mile on the R. from 108, High-street. Chapman's-Court, Goodman's Yard, Goodman's Fields, the second on the R. in the said yard, from 60, in the Minories. Chapman - Place, Chapman - Street, St. George's in the East,-the third on the L. from Cannon-st. road, between Anthony-street and Ann- street, leading into Chapel-st. Chapman- Street (Lower), Cannon- Street- Road, St. George's in the East, the first on the L. from the Commercial - road towards Back- lane, extending to Duke-street. Chapman- Street (Upper), Cannon- Street-Road,the first on the R. from the Turnpike Back - lane, towards Whitechapel, extending to Duke-street. Chapter - House - Court, St. Paul's Church-Yard, at 67, on the N. side, leading to 50, Paternoster- row. Charing-Cross,-the W. continuation of the Strand from St. Martin's lane to the King's mews, also towards Westminster, as far as the Admiralty and Great Scotland- yard. Charing, Court, Fore -Street, Lam- beth, the first on the L. in it S. from Broad-street. Charles-Court, Strand, at 27, the fifth on the R. from Charing-Cross, leading into Hungerford- market, and to Charles-court-stairs. Charles-Court. Charles-Street, St. James's, at 10, about five doors on the R. from St. Albans-street, towards St. James's square. Charles-Court, Charles-Street, Old Gravel- Lane, St. George's in the East, the first on the L. from 44, Old Gravel-lane. Charles-Court, Park-Street, Borough, two doors on the L. in the said street from the Borough- market. Charles-Place, Baker's-Row, Cold- Bath-Fields, Clerkenwell, the second on the R. from Little Warner-st. towards Coppice-row. Charles- Place, Hoxton, the second on the L. in Brunswick- place or Craven-buildings from the City- road, near St. Luke's hospital towards Hoxton - town, the op. side of the st.is called Baches-row. Charles- Place, Bethnal-Green-Road, the N. W. corner of Thorold-sq. about j. of a mile on the L. from 65, Shoreditch. Charles-Square, Hoxton, -is on the N. side the Vinegar-ground, the first on the L. in Pitfield-streer, from St. Agnes le Clair, Old-st. road, near Charles-place. Charles-Street, Charles-Square.Hox- ton,-is the continuation of Craven- buildings, from the City-road to Charles-square and Pitfield-st. Charles - Street, Parliament - Street, Westminster, at 14, being that number of houses on the R. from Whitehall, extending to Dukc-st. Charles-Street (Little) Ditto, is the E. end of thclast, the part which extends between Parliament-street and King-street. Charles-Street, St. James's-Square,- the the middle of the E. side, inter, setting St. Albans-street, at 14, and extending to Market-lane behind the Opera-house. Charles-Street, Long-Acre, at 81, N. side, the first on the R. from 40, Drury - lane, extending to Castle-street and Broker's alley. Charles-Street, Covcnt- Garden, is on the E. side, half a dozen doors on the R. in Russell-street from Covent-garden, extending to York-f-trcet and Tavir,tock-st. Charles-Street, Portman-Square, the first W. parallel to part of Baker .treet, extending from 28, George-street, to 7, King-st. Charles-Street, Hampstead-Road, on the W. side, about -*- of a mile on the L. from Tottenham-court- road. Charles-Street (Little), at the W. end of the last described, or the N. end of Brook-street, on the L. from the New-road. Charles-Street, Drury-lane, at 174, on the L. from St. Giles's, leading into Newton-street and to 20b, High-Holborn. Charles-Street, Hat ton-Garden, intersects it at 21, and extends from 1 1 , Leather-lane, to Saffron- hill. Charles-Street, Grosvenor-Square, at the S. E. corner of it, leading to 19, Mount-street, Berkeley-sq. Charles-Street, Berkeley -Square, extends from the S. W. corner of it to Union-street near South Audley-street. Charles-Street, Soho-Square, is on the N. side, leading to 412, Ox- ford-street, being the first on the L. in the said st. and about 30 doors from St. Giles's. Charles-Street, Manchester-Square,- is the first N. parallel to it, ex- tending from Manchester-street to Thayer- street. Charles-Street, Middlesex Hospital- is on the S. side of it, extending from 49, Newman-street, Oxford- street, to 33, Wells-street. Charles-Street, Bridgewater- Square, - is the E. parallel to it, at the back of 9, leading to Bridgewater- gardens. Charles-Street, Leonard - Street, Shoredirch, the first on the L from Paul-street, towards the Curtain-road, leading into Willow- walk. Charles-Street, Curtain-Road, is the second on the L. north from Holywell-lane, leading into John-street. Charles - Street, Bethnal - Green- Road, about | of a mile on the R. from 65, Shoredkch, opposite Wilmot-square. Charles -Street, Mile -End, New- Town, the N. continuation of Baker's row, from 94 White- chapel-road. Charles-Street, Old Gravel - Lane, St. George's in the East, at 44, about the middle of the E. side. Charles-Street, Westminster-Bridge- Road, the second on the L. from the Obelisk towards the Asylum, leading to Tower-street. Charles Street, Blackfriars-Road, the fifth on the L. near| of a mile from the Bridge towards the Obelisk, leading into Robert-st. Charles-Street, Horselydown, ex- tends from Church-row on the E. side of St. John's Church, at the bottom of Tooley-street, to New- - street, Dockhead. Charles - Street, Glean - Alley, St. Olaves, is the second on the L. from 219, Tooley-street, near London-bridge. Charles-Street, Goswell-Street, at 93, N. end of it, leading to Taylor's row, and Islington-road. Charles-Street, Lambeth- Marsh, the first S. parallel to part of it, between it and Oakley-street, entrance entrance by Green's row, nearly op. James-st. Charles. Street, Mile- End Old- Town, extends from 27, Plumb- ers-row, to 27,, Greenfield-street, Commercial-road. Charles-Street, Goswell-Place, Gos- weil- Street- Road, is the E. con- tinuation of it, extending to Northampton-terrace, city-road. Charles-Street, Phoenix-Street, Som- mers-Town, the W. continua- tion of it, by the Polygon or Cla- rendon- square. Charles - Street, Back - Lane, St. George's in the East, is about - of a mile on the L. east from Cannon-street turnpike, nearly op. the Blue-gate-fields, leading to Albion-street and the Commer- cial-road. Charlotte - Buildings, Gray's - Inn- Lane, at 17, being that number of houses on the R. from Holborn. Charlotte-Chapel, Charlotte-Street, Rathbone-PJace, at 92, opposite Windmill - street, Tottenham - court-road. Charlotte- Court, Redcross - Street, Cripplegate, at 28, by the church, two doors from Jewin- street. Charlotte - Court, Charlotte-Street, Whitechapel, at 8, the first on the L. from Fieldgate street, and is nearly opposite Gloucester- street. Charlotte- Court, Black-Lion- Yard, Whitechapel-Road, the first on the L. from 39, Whitechapel- road, being a few doors below the chnrch on the op. side. Charlotte-Court, Moss's Alley, Bank- side,' about the middle of the E. side, viz. between Bankside and Maid-lane. Charlotte-House, Charlotte -Street, Blackfriars-Road, eight doors on the L. from Snrrey-chapel, to- wards Westminster-bridge. Charlotte-Mews East, Charlotte- Street, Portland-Place, at 3, three doors on the R. from Upper- Mary bone-street. Charlotte- Mews West, Charlotte- Street, Portland-Place, at 71, three doors from Weymouth- ttrect. Charlotte-Mews, Charlotte -Street, Bloomsbury, is behind. 14, about half a dozen doors on the L. from it, towards Hart-street and facing Vine-Street, from 12, Btoad-st. St. Giles's. Charlotte-Place, Borough-Road, is part of the N. side of it, near the King's Bench, leading towards the obelisk. Charlotte -Place, Grange-Road, Ber- mondsey, is part of the E. side of it, the first row on the L. from Fort-place, towards the Green- man-turnpike, Kent-road. Charlotte -Place, Lambeth-Marsh, forms part of the N. side of it, about an equal distance from Surrey-chapel, Blackfriars-road, and the Marsh-gate, Westminster- bridge- road. Charlotte-Row, New-Road, Mary- bone, forms that part of the S. side of it. which adjoins the Yorkshire-Stingo. Charlotte-Row, Mansion-House, on the W. side of it, extending from the Poultry to Bucklers- bury and Walbrook. Charlotte-Row, Long-Lane, Ber- mondsey, forms part of the N. side of it, about \ of a mile on the L. from St. George's church. Charlotte-Row (Little), Long-Lane, Bermondscy, is at the back of the last, entering by the E. end. Charlotte-Row, Walworth, forms part of the*W. side of the road, about | of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle, Charlotte-Row, Jamaica-Row, Ber- mondsey, the W. end of it, by the tlic Gregorian-arms, near Printers place. Charlotte-Row,Rotherhithe-Street,- at 269, about \ a mile on the R. below the church, on the E. side the Surrey-cartaJ. Charlotte-Street, Pimlico, the first on the L. about \ of a mile from Buckingham-gate, on the road to- wards Chelsea, leading into Palace-street, William-street, and James-street. Charlotte- Street, Hans - Town, is a few doors on the R. in the New- road from the N. end of Sloane-st. near Knightsbridge. Charlotte - Street, Portland - Place, Marybone, the first E. pa- rallel to it, and the first W. to Great Portland- street, commence- ing at the E. end of New Caven- dish-street. Charlotte-Street, Rathbone-Place, the continuation of it, from 23, Oxford- street, near St. Giles's, extending from Percy - street to Howland-st. Charlotte-Street (Little), is the W. parallel to the last described from 80 to 81, extending from Bennct- st. to Goodge-st. Charlotte - Street, Pentonville, abont | of a mile on the L. from Clerkenwell-green, and nearly op. Hamilton- pi. it leads to Britannia- st. and Gray's-inn-lane. Charlotte-Street, Bloomsbury, the continuation of Plumbtree-street, from 19, Broad-street, St. Giles's, extending from Thorney-st. to 36, Great Russell-st. Charlotte-Street, Bedford-Square, the N. continuation of the last, extending from Great Russell-st. to the S. E. corner of the square. Charlotte - Street, Curtain - Road, Shoreditch, the first W. parallel to and a few yards from it, ex- tending from Willow-walk to Old-street-road. Charlotte-Street, Whitechapel, the E. continuation of Fieldgate-su from 266, Whitechapel - road, extending to Cannon-st. road. Charlotte-Street, Wapping, at the W. end of Great Hermitage-street, by the dock, leading towards Nightingale-lane. Charlotte-Street (Great), Blackfriars- Road, about i of a mile on the R. from the Bridge, and opposite Surrey-chapel, leading to the New Cut or Lambeth-marsh. Charlotte-Street (Little), Do. k op. the last described, extending from Surrey - chapel to Gravel- lane, about of a mile in length, it is continued by Duke-street, Queen-street, and Union-street, to 213, High-st. Borough. Charlotte-Street, Bethnal-Green, is the second on the L. in Turviile- street, from 37, Church-street, leading to Trafalgar-Street, Half- Nicol-street, and Cock - lane, behind Shoreditch-church. Charlton- Court, Charlton - Street, Marybone, is a few doors oa the L. north from 34, Clipstone- street. Charlton-PIace, St. Albans - Street, Pall-Mail, -at 30, on the W. side, behind the Opera - house, Hay- market. Charlton. Street, Marybone, the first E. parallel to Great-Titch- field-street, extending from 46, Upper Marybone - st. to Car- burton-st. Fitzroy-sq. Charlton-Street (Upper), the N. continuation of the last, from Clipstone-street. Charrington-Row, George-Gardens, Bethnal-Green-Road, is behind the George Public- house, on the E. side of Wilmot-square. Charter- House, on the N. side of Charter - house - square, Alders- gate-street. Charter- Charter - House - Lane, St. John- Street, at 100, about twelve doors on the R. from Smithfield, leading into Charter-house-sq. Charter-House-Square, is situate between the S. end of St. John- street, and Gosw ell -street, the en- trance is from 107, Aldersgate-st. by Carthusian-st. Charter-House-Street, Long-Lane, West - Smithfield, - about the middle of the N. side of it, leading to the square. Chatham-Gardens, Cily-Road, is about half a mile directly N. from Finsbury-square, the second on the right in Trafalgar-st. Chatham- Place, Bridge-street, Black- friars, is the wide part of the street adjoining Blackfriars-bridge on the city-side. Chatham - Place, Broad - street, Bloomsbury, or St. Giles's, three doors W. from Holbom, on the R. nearly op. Drury-lane. Chatham-Place, Walworth, forms a part of the E. side of the High- st. or road, about 4- of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, op. the Terrace. Cheapside, extends from the N. E. corner of St. Paul's church-yard to the Old- Jewry, about a of a mile in length, and is continued by the Poultry to the Mansion- house. Cheapside, Long-Alley, Moorfields,- that part of it which leads from Crown-street towards Moor- fields. Cheapside (Little) ,Whitecross-Strcet, St. Luke's, the first on the R. in Cowheel-alley, from 168, White- cross - street towards Golden - lane. Cheeseman's-Court, George-Street, Bethnal-Green, about six doors on the R. from Carter-st. 68, Brick-lane. Chelsea-Common, is situate be- tween the Queen's-Elms, and the King's-road. Chelsea-Hospital, Chelsea, is about 1{ mile from Hyde-park- corner (by Sloane-street), and near 1| mile from Buckingham-gate, by Pimlico. Chelsea-Market, is behind 19 and 27 \ Lower-Sloane-st. about | of a mile on the L. fromKnightsbridge. Chelsea- Water- Works-Office, 21, Abingdon-street, Westminster, a few doors from the Abbey. Cheltenham - House, Cheltenham - Place. See the next. Cheltenham - Place, Westminster - Bridge - Road, Lambeth, about of a mile on the L. from the bridge, extending from Oakley- st. towards the Asylum. Chelton's-Court, Bedfordbury, at 44, leading to 60, Chandos-st. near St. Martin's lane, Charing, cross. Chenies-Mews, Chenies-Street, Bed- ford-Square, at 17, parallel to and between Gower-st. andThorn- haugh-street. Chcnies-Place, Chenies-Street, at 9, three doors E. on the R. from Alfred-place, Tottenham - court - road. Chenies-Street, Gower-Street, Bed- ford-Square, at 61, the second on theL. from the sq. leading to Tottenham-court-road, nearly op. Goodge-st. Chequer- Alleys Bunhill-Row, St. Luke's, at 99, about -5- f a mile on the L. from 64, Chiswell- street, leading to 109, Whitecross- street. Chequer - Court, Charing - cross, three doors W. from St. Martin's lane, or from the W. end of the Strand. Chequer - Court, Chequer - Alley, Bunhill-Row, the first on the L. from 99, Bunhill - row towards Whitecross-strect. Chequer- Chequer- Court, St. Catherine's - Lane, Tower-Hill, the third on the L. from 50, Upper East - Smithfield. Chequer-Court, High-Street, Bo- rough, at 12, twelve doors on the L. from London-bridge. Chequer - Square, Chequer - Alley. Bunhill-row, a small open space on rhc N. side, the second on the R. from 99, Bunhill-row. Chequer - Yard, Upper Thames - Street, is the first N. parallel to part of it, extending from 14, Bush - lane to 31, Dowgatc - hill. Chequer - Yard, Aldgate High - Street, ris eight doors on the R. below the Minories, leading into Tidewaiter's-court and Church- street. Cherry-G a rden-Stairs, Bermondsey, or Rotherhithe-Wall, about 1^ mile E. from London-bridge. See the next article. Cherry-Garden-Street, Bermondsey,- is the first W. from Mill-pond- bridge, extending from the stairs, near of a mile S. Cherry - Tree-Alley, Bunhill - Row, St. Luke's, at 118, leading to 86, Whitecross-streei. Cherry-Tree-Court, Golden-Lane, St. Luke's, the first on the R. from Old-street leading into Hat- field-street and to 25, Goswell- street. Cherry - Tree - Court, Aldersgate- Street, at 51, between Jewin-st. and Barbican, near -J- of a mile on theR. from 65, Newgatc-st. along St. Manin's-Ie-grand. Cherubim-Court, Angel-Alley, Bi- sh,opsgate-Without,-is a few yards from behind 137, between Plea- sant-court and Adam and Eve- court. Chester- Place, Lambeth, is about 1 mile from Westminster-bridge on the L. or east side of the road, extending from Walcot- place to Kennington-cross. Chester- Place, Bethnal-Green, the first row on the L. from the E. side of the Green, leading to Green - street and the Rising- sun. Chester's Quay, Lower Thames- Street, the second W. from Tower-hill, and near ^ of a mile E. from London-bridge. Chester-Street, Lambeth, at theN. end of Chester - place, leading across White-hart-fields to Ken- nington-lane. Chester-Street, Grosvenor-Place, the third on the R. about of a mile from Hyde-park-corner to- wards Pimlico. Chesterfield-House, South-Audley- Street, is near a mile on the L. from 261, Oxford -street, and by the W. end of Curzon-street, May- fair. Chesterfield - Street, Charles -Street, Berkeley - Square, at 29, the second on the L. from the Square, leading to 14, Curzon-st. Chesterfield-Street, Marybone, is parallel to and between the W. ends of Weymouth-street and Great Marybone-street, extending from 7, Little Marybone-st. to 8, Westmoreland-st. Chesterfield-Street (Little), Mary- bone, is three doon S. from the last described, extending from 1 I , Westmoreland-street to 3, Little Marybone-st. Cheves -Court, Nightingale- Lane, Limehouse, the first on the R. in it, from Rope- makers- fields towards the New-cut. Chcyne-Walk, Chelsea, -is situate on the N. side of the Tha/nes, extending from Paradise-row, by the Hospital, towards Battersea- bridge. Chichester-Court, Chichester-Rent?, Chancery - Lane, about the K middle middle of the S. side, leading to Star-yard and Carey-st. Chichester- Rents, Chancery-Lane, - at 84, about the middle of the W. side, leading into Star-yard, and Carey-street. Chick- Lane, Great Saffron-hill, at 1, the first on the R. in Field-lane from Holborn-hill, leading to West-st. and Smithfield. Chicksand-Court, Chicksand-Street, Mile-End New- Town, the second on the L. in it, from 16, High-st. Chicksand-Street, Mile-End New. Town, the second on the L. from 50, Whitechapel-road along Great Garden-st. extending from 16, High-st. towards Csborn-pl. Brick-lane. ChigweIl-Street,Ratcliffe-Highway,- at 51, op. Cannon - st. leading to 134 Pennington-st. Child's-Court, Tothill-Street, West- minster, the second on the R. about fifteen doors from Princes- st. by the Abbey towards the Broad-way. Child's-Place, Temple- Bar, at 3, Fleet-st. three doors on the R. from Temple-bar. China-Court, China-Row, Lambeth- Walk, about the middle of it, behind China-terrace. China-Hall, Lower Road,Deptford,- is about f of a mile on the L. from Paradise-row, Rotherhithe, towards I>ptford, and near 2} miles from London- bridge. China-Row, Lambeth, at the S. end of China-terrace, leading to Lambeth-walk. China - Terrace, Lambeth, is near -*- a mile on the R. from West- minster - bridge by the New Chapel, opposite Moor- place. Chimister-Alley, St. Martin's lane, Charing-Cro-s, at 4 5, about twelve doors S. from NeSv-strect, extending to 15, Bedfordbury. Chirogrnphcr'b-Office, Hare-Conrt, Temple, at 2, the back door is op. Brick-ccurt, Middle Temple- lane, a few yards on the L. from 6, Fleet-street. Chiswell-strect, Finsbury-Square, extends from the S.W. corner of it, to Whitecross-st. where the numbers begin and end, viz. land 87, is about \- of a mile in length, and is continued by Bcech-st. and Barbican to 77, Aldersgate-st. Choppins-Court, Old Gravel-Lane,- The first E. parallel to part of it, from 25, eight doors N. from King-street near Wapping-st. Christ - Chnrch, Spitalfields, is facing Union - street from 69, Bishopsgate-st. without, or four- teen doors on the L. in Church-st. from op. 42, Brick-lane. Christ -Church, Blackfriars-Road,- about of a mile on the R. from the Bridge. Christ - Church, Newgate - Street, See the next article. ChrLt-Chureh-Passage, ' Newgate- Street, at 92, about the middle of the N. side. Christ's Hospital, Newgate- Street, at 108, op. Warwick-lane, there is' another entrance op. 9, Butcher- hall-lane. Christian-Benevolence-School, by J. Kerr, Bedfordbury, the first house in the court at the back of 26, Bedfordbury. Christian-Street, St. George's in the East, the continuation of Princes-place from the New-road, a few yards on the L. east from Wellclosc-square. Christopher- Alley, Wilson - Street, Finsbury - Square, at 39, the first N. parallel to Crown-street, leading to Long-alley. Christopher- Alley, Lambeth-Street, Goodman's Fields, at 56, near Ayliffc- street, leading to 28, Rupert-st. Christopher- Christopher - Court, Sun - Alley, Golden-Lane, St. Luke's, the second on the R. from Golden- lane, towards Red-lion-market and Whitecross-st. Christopher-Court, St. Martin's-le- Grand, at 21, about twelve doors on the L. from 66, New- gate-st. Christopher-Court, Brick-Lane, St. Luke's, at 20, nearly op. Rose- street, about I- of a mile on the L. from 103, Old-street. Christopher-Court, Tower-Hill, on the E. side, seven doors from Iron- gate, St. Catherine's. Christopher-Court, Blue- Anchor- Yard, Rosemary - Lane, two doors on the R. from -18, Rose- mary-lane. Christopher's Inn, BermoncUey-St. at 35, being thatnumber ofhouses on the L. from Tooley-st. Christopher - Row, Union - Street, East-lane, Walworth, the second on the L. from Richmond-place, towards Locks-fields. Christ pher-Street, Hatton-Garden, Kolborn, the N. continuation of it, extending from Hatton- wail to Back-lane. Christopher - Street, Finsbury - Square, at 27, the N.E. corner leading into Wihon-st. Christopher-Street (New), the con- tinuation of the laat from Wilson- street. Christopher-Street, Bethnal-Green,-- the continuation of Turville-st. on the R. from 37, Church-st. leading to Nelson-st. Mount-st. and Virginia-row, behind Shore- ditch-church. Church-Alley, Aldermanbury, at 19, about the middle of the E. side, leading to 70, Basinghall-st. Church- Alley, Ironmonger - Lane, Cheapside, is eight doors on the R. from 90, Cheapside, leading j into the Old Jewry, Church-Alley, Tooley-Street, at 2-17, six doors on the R. from London-bridge. Church-Court, Little Chapel -Street, Westminster, at the W. end of it, between GardenerVlane and New-court, op. the alms-houses. Church - Court, Strand, at 466, near Charing-cross, leading into St. Martin's church-yard. Church-Cqurt, Walbrook, between numbers 5 and 6, six doors on the R. from the Mansion - house towards Cannon-street. Church-Court, Friday-Street, three doors on the R. from 36, Cheap, side. Church-Court, ClementVLane, at 25, by the church, four doors qn the R. from 53, Cannon-st. Church-Court, Lothbury, on the N. side the Bank of England and by the church, adjoining Token- house-yard. Church-Court, Wapping, at the N. end of Maiden-head-court by Wapping-church, entering by 101, Wapping-st. Church - Entry, Shoemakers - Row, Bladcfriars. the second on the R. from Broadway, leading into Ireland-yard and St. Andrew's hill. Church-Gardens, Well-Alley, Wap- ping, the continuation of it from 110, Wapping-st. Church-Hill, St. Paucras, on the E. side of the church, about ^ of a mile on the R. from Battle-bridge, Pentonville, it leads to Rack-lane. Church -Hill, St. Andrew's Hill, Blackfriars, at 29, a few yards on the R. from Earl-st. and the W. end of Upper Thames-st. Church - Lane, Dyot - Street, St. Giles's, the first on the L. from 26, Broad-st. leading into Church- street, Bainbridge-street, and Ox- ford-st. Church-Lane, Strand, at 456, about thirty doors on the L. from Charing- Charing-cross, leading to Vine- street and Chandos-st. Church-Lane, Whitechapel, the continuation of Church-st. from 71, on the W. side the church, leading to G5,Cable-st. op. Well- close-sq. about | a mile in length. The end next Cable-st. is called Back Church-lane. Church - Lane, Limehouse, com- mences at 70, Ropemakers-fields, the first W. parallel to 3, Colt-st. leading towards the church. Church-Lane, Newington-Butts, is op. the church in the High-st. or road, about 4- of a mile on the L. south from the Elephant and Castle, leading to Hampton-st. Church - Passage, New Compton - Street, St. Giles's, at 19, the first on both the R. and L. from Broad-st. extending from the Church-yard to MonmOuth - st. op. White Lion-st. Seven-Dials. Church-Passage, Covent. Garden, on theW. side branching to 30, Bedford- st. to 30, Henrietta-st. and to 7,King-st. Church - Passage, Piccadilly, at 200, by St. James's Church, about -g of a m,ile on the L. from the Haymarket, leading to40,Jermyn- street. Church - Passage, Upper Thames- Street, at 1 18, on the W. side St. Bennet's Hill, * of a mile on the L. from Blackfriars-bridge. Church - Place, Church - Street, Whitechapel, is the first on the L. a few yards from the W. side the church, towards the Com- mercial-road. Church - Place, Hampton - Street, Newington or Walworth, at 18, the first on the R. from Wal- worth High-st. leading to New- ington-church. Church- Road, St. George's in the East, at the E. end of Lower Cornwall-st, Back-lane, extending from King David's Fort, towarda the Half-way-house, Commercial* road. Church-Row, St. Pancras, at the N. end of Pancras-pl. about \ of a mile on the R. from Battle- bridge, Pentonville. Church-Row, St. Luke's, three doors on the R. in Wenlock-st. from 37, Ironmonger- row on the E. side the church, Old-st. Church- Row, Church-Street, Beth- nal - Green, at 106, by the turnpike, about \ a mile on the R. from 65, Shoreditch, leading to 41, Hare-st. about | of a mile in length. Church-Row, Aldgate High-street,- a few yards on the L. from Leadenhall-st. leading round the church from the S. side to Hounds- ditch. Church-Row, Fenchurch-Street, > at 66, a few doors E. from Mark- lane, leading by the East-India- warehouse to 43, Crutched-friars. Church-Row, Stepney-Church-Yd.- is about six houses at the N.E. corner of it ; there are a few houses on the W. side of the church-yard, from Spring- garden- place towards the Green,also called by the same name. Church-Row, Limehouse, the con- tinuation of Church-lane from 70, Ropemakers-fields to the Com- mercial-road on the W. side of the church. Church. Row, Newington, extends from the church to Kennington- lane on the W. side of the road, about } of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. Church-Row, Horselydown, on the E. side of St. John's Church, extending from Fair - street to Charles-st. Church -Row, Whitechapel. See Church-Street. Church-Stairs, Rotherhithe, nearly facing facing the E. end of the church, about 1 \ mile E. of London-bridge. Church - Street, St. Giles's, the second on the R. in Bainbridge-st. about six doors from Oxford-st- leading into Church-lane and Dyot-st. Church. Street, Dean-Street, Soho, is parallel to and between Comp- ton-st. and King-st. extending from the church to Moor-st. it is continued by Monrnouth-st. to Broad-st. St. Giles's. Church-Street, Paddington, about I of a mile on theL. from Tyburn- turnpike, extending from the Edgware - road to Paddington- green. Church-Street, Borough, is near { a mile on the L. from London- bridge, extending from St. George's church to White-st. on the L. and to Kent-st. on the R. Church - Street, Millbank - Street, Westminster, at 52, on the R. near i of a mile S; from the Abbey, leading to St. John's Church. Church-Street, Bethnal-Green, -at 64, Shoreditch, near the turnpike, here the numbers begin and end, viz. l,and 192, it extends to the turnpike Bethnal - green - road, about j of a mile in length. Church- Street, Mile - End New- Town, is somewhat parallel to part of the N. sideof Whitechapel- road, viz. from 50 to 94, it ex- tends from Baker's-row to High-st. and is continued by Well-st. and Montague-bt. to 55, Brick-lane. Church-Street, Spitalfields, op. 4 1 , Brick-lane, the fifth on the L. from 74, VVhitechapel, is con- tinued by Paternoster-row and Union - st. to 69, Bishopsgate - without. Church-Street, Minories, at 26, the first on the L. from Aldgate, leading to Haydon-square. Church-Street, Whitechapel at 71 , the first W. from the church, ex, tending to Goodman's stile, and is continued by Church- lane and Commercial-road. Church-Street, Wapping, at 98, on the YV. side of the church, and E. side the London-dock, extend- ing to Greenbank. Church-Street, Lambeth, facing the Stags, about f of a mile on the R. from Westminster-bridge, extending from Pratt- st. to the church, about of a mile in length. Church-Street, Blackfriars-Road, the second on the L. about | of a mile from Blackfriars - bridge, towards the obelisk, op. Christ-Church. Church-Street, St. Saviour's, S-mth- wark, the second on the R. in York-st. from 276, High-st. Bo- rough, near London - bridge, leading towards the Thames. Church-Street, Horselydown, On the S. side St. John's Church the bottom of Tooley-st. extending from Artillery-lane, to Russell-st. Bermondsey. Church- street, Rotherhithe, is on the S. side the church, leading to the Lower-road to Deptford. Church-Street, Walworth or New- ington, the first W. parallel to the Walworth High-st. or road, extending from Amelia-st. to Manor-place, about | a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. Church-Terrace, St. Pancras, at the end of Church-row, by the church, on the road between Sommers - town and Camden- town. Church- Way, Sommer-town, ex- tends from 32, Chalton-street, to the fields, near Clarendon- square or the Polygon. Church- Yard, Harp- Alley, Fleet- market, c market, the first on the R. in it, from 82, Fleet-market. Church- Yard-Court, Temple, the first on the L. from 16, Fleet-st. op. Chancery-lane by Temple-bar. Church- Yard-Alley, Upper Thames- Street, at 1 19, four doors on the L. from London-bridge. Church- Yard- Row, Newington, on the S. side the Church-yard, the first turning on the R. from the church, towards Kennington. Chymister-Alley. See Chimister. Cinnamon-Street, Wapping-Street,-is the N. parallel to part of it, viz. from 157 to 188, extending from New Market-street or from Old Gravel-lane to Prussian-island. Circus, Royal, for Horsemanship, Blackfriars-road, is nearjy facing the Obelisk, about -| of a mile on the R. from Blackfriars-bridge. Circus, Minories, at 91, about three doors on the L. from Tower- hill. Circus-Street, Cumberland - Place, New-Road, Marybone, the first on the R. east from the turnpike, by the Yorkshire Stingo, extend- to York-st. City Barge-Houses, Bishops-Walk, Lambeth, situate near J of a mile above Westminster-bridge, City-Chambers (New), Bishopsgate- st. at 122, by the London- tavern, three doors on the L. north from Comhill. City-Chambers (Old), Bishopsgatc- Street, at 24, op. Threadncedle- streer. City - Dispensary, Grocer's Hall- Court, at 10, seven doors on the L. from 3C>, in the Poultry. City-Gardens, City-Road, on the N. side, behind Anderson's build- ings by the turnpike, about -J- of a mile on the R. from Finsbury- square.and -^ on the L. from the Angel, Islington. City- Garden- Row, City-Gardens, extends from the City-road by the turnpike to the gardens. See the last. City- Land Coal-Meter's OfEce, at 8, Little Knight- Rider-st. Ditto, at 21, Garlick-Hill, three doors on the R. from 1 90, Upper Thames-street. City of London-Tavern,Bisbopsgate- Street, about twelve or fourteen doors on the R. from Leadenhall- st. and op. Threadneedle-st. City-Lying-in-Hospital, City-Road ,- is a little more than | of a mile on the L. from Finsbury-square, at the corner of Old-st. and E. end of St. Luke's Hospital. City-Road, Finsbury -Square, ex, tends from the N. W. corner of it, to the Angel, High-st. Isling- ton, about 1 of a mile in length, City-Stone- Yard, Worship-Street, the first on the L. from Paul-st. City-Terrace, City-Road, forms part of the N. side of it, near \ a mile on the R. from Finsbury-sq. op. Fountain-place. Clack's - Buildings, Hoxton. See Mount-Pleasant. Clare-Court, Clare-Market, at 104, Drury-lane, leading to White- horse-yard and 20, Blackmore-st. Clare-Hall-row, Stepney-Green, on the W. side, by the Charity- school, opposite the Mulberry- tree, about \ of a mile on the R. from Mile-end. Clare-Market, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields,- at the S. W. corner, near the N. end of Newcaatle-st. from 309, in the Strand. Clare-Street, Clare - Market, on the W. side of it, extending to Stanhope-st. and continued by Blackmore-st. to 100, Drury-lane. Clarendon- Place, Sommers-Town,- about the middle of the W. side of Clarendon-square, op. 12, in the Polygon, leading towards Camden-town. Clarendon, Clarendon-Square, Sommcrs-Town,- the square which encloses the Polygon, at the \V. end of Phcenix-st. from the Crescent, or second on the L. along Chalton-st. from the New- road. Clarendon-Street, Sommers-Town,- the W. continuation of the S. side of the square. Clarence-House Academy, Wilder- ness-Row, Chelsea, the fourth house on the R. from Royal Hospital-row, about 1 mile on the L. from Buckingham-gate. Clarence-Passage, St. Pancras, by the Duke of Clarence, N. side Small-pox- Hospital, Battle-bridge, leading to Vernon's buildings. Clarence-Place, Pentonvilie, is part of the S. side of the road near Battle-bridge, about -J of a mile on theL. from the Angel, Islington. Clarence-Place, Hackney-Road, is part of the E. side of it, ex- tending from Crabtrce-row to the Crescent opposite Union-st, about | of a mile on the R. from Shore- ditch-church. Clarence-Place, Borough-Road, St. George's Fields, is part of the S. side, commencing near the King's Bench, on the L. leading towards the obelisk. Clarence-Street, Rotherhithe, at 303, about \ of a mile on the R. below the church. Clarges-Strect, Piccadilly, is about \ a mile on the R. from Ihe Haymarket, between Bolton-st. and Half-Moon-st. leading into Cnr7.on-st. Clarke's Buildings, Snow-Hill, at 52, the first W. fromthe Saracen's Head-inn. Clarke's Court, Vine-street, Hatton- Wall, the first on the L. from Hatton-wall, or from 76, the corner of SafFron-hill ; also the third on the R. from 'Clerkenwell- green, entering by Mutton-lane. Clarke's Court, Jacob-Street, Dock- Head, the second on the R. from Mill-st. near the bridge. Clarke's Mews, Beaumont - Street, Marybonc, at 2, three doors from J 6', Weymouth-st. Clarke's Orchard, Rotherhithe, at 355, between Queen-street and Princes-street, leading to the E. end of Paradise-st. and the Lower Road to Deptford. Clarke-Street, Clerkcnwell, the first W. parallel to Goswell-st. near 1 1 3, extending from Allen-st. to Little Sutton-st. Clarke's Terrace, Cannon-Street- Road, St. George's in the Last,- is part of the E. side of it, ex- tending from the turnpike by Cannon-street to Mr. Lindall's chapel. Clay - Street, Durweston - Street, Marybone. at 10, the second on the L. from Baker-street, extend- ing to Dorset-st. Clayton- Place, Kennington,-formsa part of the W. side the main road by the two - mile stone from Cornhill, extending from Man- sion-house-row, to White - hart - row. Clayton-Street, Kennington, the second on the L. from the Horns towards Kennington-cross, leading to the Oval. Clayton - Street (Little), the first on the right in the last, from Kennington-green towards the Oval. Cleaver-Court, Great Ayliffe-Street, Goodman's Fields, at 39, about the middle of the N. side. See the nest. Cleaver's Rents, Great Ayliffe-Street, Goodman's Fields, at 29, the fir-t on the L. from Somer- set-st. Whitechapel. Cleaver - Street, Princes - Square, Kennington, is the continua- tion of the S. side of it, leading to to Kennington-cross, behind the White Hart. St. Clement's Church, Strand, a few doors W. from Temple-bar, nearly in the middle of the street. St. Clement's Church, Clement's Lane, about three doors on the R. from 53, Cannon-streets Clement's Court, Carey-Street, Lin- coln's-Inn-Fields, at 23, j of a mile on theL. from 99, Chancery- lane. Clement'bCourt,Milk-Street,Cheap- side, at 22, the second on the L. from 116, Cheapside, leading to 12, Wood-st. Clement's inn, Strand,*--entrance op. the N. side St. Clement's church, a few doors on the R. from Temple-bar, leading to New- inn. Clement's Inn - Passage," Clement's Inn, the continuation of the N. E. side of it, to Haughton- st. and Clare-market. Clement's Lane, Strand, a few doors en the R. from Temple- bar, facing the N. side St. Cle- ment's Church, leading to Clare- market. Clement's Lane, Lombard-Street, at 28, the first on the L. from Gracechurch-st. leading to 54, Cannon-st. Clerks of Essoin's Office, Elm- Court, Temple, at the S. W. corner of it, entrance by the second on the L. in MiddleTemple- lane, from 0, Fleet-street. Clerks- Hall, Wood-Street, Cheap- side, at 85, the corner of Silver- street, about -i of a mile on the L. from 123, Chcapside. Clerkenwell-Closc, Clerkenwell, on the W. side the churcU, it is continued by Bridewell - walk and Rosamond-st. to Spa-fields, leading towards Islington. Clerkenwell-Green, Clerkenwell, the open space on the S. side oi the church i by the Session's hotlse^ about 4 of a mile N. from Smith- field. Clerkenwell -Workhouse, Coppice- Row, is about y of a mile on the L. from the Session's house or Green, towards Pentonville. Cleveland-Court, St. James 'sPalace,- at 33, eight doors on the L. from 67, St. James's st. Cleveland-Mews, Cleveland - Street, Fitzroy-Square, at 16, leading into Russell- mews and Howland- street. Cleveland-Row, St. James's, the W. continuation of Pall-mall, fronting the Palace, extending from St. James's st. to the Stable- yard. Cleveland-Square, St. James's, is at the West end of the row last described. Cleveland -Street, Fitzjoy-Square,- * en the W. side of it, extending froivi ^u p i Ann-street, East, to Carburton-street, it is continued by Buckingham-place to the New- road. Cleveland- Yard, King-Street, St. James's, the first on the L. from St. James's-sq. Clifford's Inn, Fleet-Street, behind 187, by St. Dunstan's church, leading into Fetter-lane on the R. and to Serjeant's Inn and Chan- cery-lane on the L. Clifford's Inn-Gardens, on the N. side the Inn. See the last described. Clifford's Inn-Passage, Fleet-Strect,- at 1S7, by St. Dunstan's church, leading to Clifford's Inn. Clifford - Row, Queen - Street, Chelsea, the second on the L. from the watch-house towards Pimlico, and nearly op. Ranelagh- walk, it leads towards the Five Fields. Clifford-Street, New Bend-Strcet,-- at 14, the second on the R. \ of a mile a mile from 57, Piccadilly, leading to Saville-row and Old BurHngton-st. Clifton-Strcct, Worship-Street, Fins- bury, the first E. parallel to Wil- son-st. op. Worship-sq. Clink-Street, Borough, is parallel to the Thames, N. side St. Sa- viour's church, extending from St. Mary-Overy's dock to Bank-end, it is continued by Bank-side and Willow-st. to Black friars-bridge. Clipstone - Street, Great Portland- Street, iMarybone, at 64, about j of a mile on the R. from 101, Oxford-St. along John-st. leading to Cleveland-^, opposite London- st. Fitzroy-sq. CI oak - La ne, Dovvga te - Hill , the second on the R. from the Man- sion-house, down Walbrook, it is continued by St. Thomas Apostle to 67, Queen-st. Cheapside. Cloisters or Cloysters (Great), West- minster, on theS.side the abbey, entrance at the S.E. corner of Dean's yard. Cloisters (Little), Ditto, Dean's Yard, entrance a few yards S. from the last. Cloisters, St. Bartholomew's Hospi- tal, at the S. corner, entrance by 19, Giltspur-st.Smithfield, leading to Little- Britain. Cloisters (Little), Ditto, entrance at 44, Smithfield. Cloisters, St. Catherine's, entrance the first on the L. in St. Cathe- rine's st. from Tower-hill, is si- tuate on the N. side the church. Cloth-Fair, West Smithfield, at 60, on the E. side the market by Long- lane, extending to King-st. it is continued by iVIiddle-st. to 126, Aldersgate-st. Clothes-Exchange, Rosemary-Lane,- at 3, a few doors on the R. east from Queen-st. also the op. side of the st. two doors E, from Princes-st. Clothes Exchange (Back), behind 7, Rosemary-lane, four doors E. from the last. Clothworkers-Hall, Mincing- Lane, - is the first house on the L. from 42, Fenchurch-st. Clouder's Wharf, Horer Thames -st. towards Bow-lane. Crown-Court, Foster-Lane, Cheap- side, ; at 19, nearly op. Maiden- lane and Goldsmiths- hall. Crown - Court, High - Street, Bo- rough, at 269, about - of a mile on the R. from London- bridge, leading to the Borough- market. Crown-Court {or Alley), Crown- Street, Finsbury, the third on the L, from Finsbury- square, to- wards <5 Wards Snn-street and Bishopsgate. Crown-Court (or Alley), Curtain- Road, the first on the R. about nine doors N. from Holywell- lane, Shoreditch. Crown and Cushion-Court, West Smithfield, at 1, the corner of Cow-lane, or the last on theR. in Cow-lahe from Snow. hill. Crown-Mews, Crown-Street, West- minster, on the N. side of it. See Crown-Street. Crown-Office, King's Bench-Walk, Temple, at the bottom of Mitre- court, from 44, Fleet-st. Crown-Office, Cha ncery-Lane, the back of 14, the second on the R. from 192, Fleet-st. Crown - Office - Row, Temple, is Oh the N. side of the Temple- gardens, the last turning on the L. in Temple - lane, from 4, Fleet-st. by Temple-bar. Crown-Place.Crown-Court, Temple- Bar, the first on the R. from op. 218 in the Strand, near Tem- ple-bar. Crown- Row, Mile-End-Road, is nearly If mile .on the R. east from Aldgate-pump, op. the sign of the King Harry, and the Jews hospital. Crown- Row, Walworth, is a part of the L. side of the main street or road, commencing near the Elephant and Castle and extend- ing to Prospeft-row. Crown and Sceptre - Court, St. James's Street, at 36, the third on the L. from 164, Piccadilly. Crown and Shears- Place, Rosemary- Lane, the first on the L. from the Minories, leading into Wor- ry's court And to 78 in the Minories. Crown-Street, Westminster. the fourthon the R. about 4- of a mile from Chnring-cross, towards the abbey, extending from King-st. to Duke-st. Crown-Street (Upper), the end of the last, next Duke-st. and St. James's park. Crown-Street, Soho, at 440, Ox- ford-st. by St. Giles's, extending to Compton-st. and Moor-st. Seven- Dials, about \ of a mile in length. Crown-Street, Hoxton-Square, at the S. W. corner of it, leading into Old-street-road. Crown-Street, Finsbury -Square, at the S. E. corner, it is continued by Sun-st. to 1 19, Bishopsgate- without. Crown and Thistle-Court, Swallow- Street, at 46, near the middle of the N. side, two doors W. from Beak-st. Crown-Wharf, Bankside, is about | of a mile E. from Blackfriars- bridge, a few yards W. from Thames-st. Crown- Yard-Mews, Swallow-St. at 112, near the middle of the W. side, nine doors N. from New Burlington-st. Crown- Yard, Kent-Street, Borough, - at 53, the third on the L. from St. George's church. Crucifix-Lane, Bermondsey-Street,- at 50, about of a mile on the L. from op. 64, Tooley-st. extend- ing to Parish-st. and towards Dock-head. Crutched- Friars, Mark-Lane,-at 64, the second On the L. from Fen- church-street, extending to Jewry- street, Aldgate. Cuckolds-Court, Maid-Lane, Bo- rough, the third on the L. a lew yards from Park-st. or Clink-st. towards Blackfriars-bridge, being also the first W. from Wilson-st. Cuckold's Point, Rotherhithe, is about a mile on the L. below the church, and ne'ar T of a mile abo\ r e Greenland-dock. Cullum-Street, Fenchurch-Srreet, at 135, the second on the L. from N Graceehurch- Graccchurch-st. extending to 33, Lime-st. Cumberland - Court, Tottenham - Street, Tottenham-Court- Road,- at 20, two doors from Norfolk-st. Middlesex- hospital. Cumberland-Court (Great), Black- man-Street, Borough,- at 52, near Stones-end and op. SufFolk-st. Cumberland-Court (Little), Black- man-Street, at 5i, two doors S. from the last. Cumberland - Gardens, Vauxhall, at the back of the Royal-oak by the turnpike, extending to the Thames. Cumberland - Mews, Edgware - Road, is five doors on the R. from Tyburn - turnpike, leading into Bryanstone-st. Cumberland - Mews, Cumberland - Street, Marybone, the fourth on the L. from 245, the W. end of Oxford-st. extending to Adam- street. Cumberland-Place, Marybone, is about twelve doors N. in Great Cumberland-st. from 246, W. end of Oxford-st. extending from Upper Seymour-st. to Upper- Berkeley-st. Cumberland - Place, New Road, Marybone, is part of the S. side of it, extending from Salisbury- place to Queen Charlotte's row, near the Yorkshire Stingo. Cumberland-Place, Kent- Road, is part of the E. side, op. East-lane, near \ of a mile on the L. below the Bricklayers arms. Cumberland - Row, Kennington - Green, at the back of 1, Brooks- place, the second on the L. from the White-hart, Kennington-cross, towards the Horns, Kennington- common. Cumberland-Row, Pentonville, is part of the S. side the main street or road, extending from the turn- pike, by the Eell, to Battle- bridge, the op. side of the road is called Batchelors- place. Cumberland-Street (Great), Oxford- Street, at 246, the W. end, the first on the L. from Tyburn-turn- pike, extending to Cumberland- place. Cumberland - Street, New - Road, Marybone, the third on the R. from the Yorkshire Stingo, towards Baker-street, extending to York- street. Cumberland-Street, Goodge -Street, Tottenham-Court-Road, at 23, the third on the R. from 64, Tot- tenham-court-road, extending to 14, Tottenham-st. Cumberland-Street, Curtain-Road, the first on the R. about five or six doors from Worship-st. Fins- bury, leading into Plough-yard, King's - head-court, and to 212, Shoreditch. Cumberland - Street, John - Street, Christ's Church, Surrey, at 67, the first on the L. from Holland, street, Rlackfriars-bridge, extend- ing to Green- walk, op. Hopkins's alms-houses. Cumberland- Wharf, Rotherhithe, is about \ cf a mile below the church, nearly op. Clarence-st. and the second W. from Hanoves- stairs. Cumming-Place, Pentonville, is part of the N. side the main street or road, extending from the chapel to Southampton-street. Cumming-Street, Pentonville, the sixth on the R. about | of a mile from Islington, extendingfrom the W. side the chapel toCollier-st. Cupers-Bridge, Narrow-Wall, Lam- beth, about \ a mile on the L. from Westminster - bridge, and nearly the same distance from Black friars. Cupers - Gardens, Narrow - Wall, is opposite Cupers-bridge. See the last described. Cupid'* Cupid's Court, Golden-Lane, Bar- bican, is about the middle of the W. side, opposite George- yard. Curling's Dock.Limehouse-Hole, is between Limehouse-hole and the entrance to the West-India- docks. Curriers-Hall-Court, London-Wall, - is- four doors on the R. from the N. end of Wood-st. Cheap- side. Currier's Row, Blackfriars, the first W. parallel to St. Andrew's- hill, extending from Bristow-st. to Ireland's-yard. Cursitor-Street, Chancery-Lane, at 39, about the middle of the E. side, leading into Castle-st. and to 12, Holborn. Curtis's Row, Broadwall, Christ's church, is nearly op. Cross-st. from Blackfriars-road, leading to Neptune-place, through the Half- penny-hatch. Curzon-Street, Mayfair, the first on the L. in Clarges-st. from Pic- cadilly, extending to South Audley-street, Grosvenor-square, about 5 of a mile in length. Cushion-Court, Old Broad-Street, s at 10, the second on the R. from Threadneedle-st. Custom-House, Lower Thames - Street, is op. 60, about | of a mile on the R. from London- bridge. Custom-House-Court, Beer - Lane, Lower Thames-Street, at 8, the first on the R. from 37, Tower-st. or the first on the L. from the Custom-house. Custom - House - Quay, Lower Thames-Street, on the S. side of the Custom-hcuse. Custom-House-Stairs. See the last. Custos-Brevium-Office, Elm-Court, Temple, at 4, three doors on the L. from Middle Temple-lane Cutlers-Hall, Cloak-Lane,-* at 5, the first on the L. from Dowgate- hill. Cutlers-Street, Houndsditch,-at 114. about the middle of the N. side, leading into Harrow-alley (Rag- fair) and Petticoat-lane. D D ACRE'S Aims-Houses, West- minster. See Emanuel's Hos- pital. Dacre- Street, New Tothill-Streer, Westminster, at 25, about the middle of the W. side, leading into Great Chapel-st. Daffey's Rents, Glean- AUey, Sf. Olave's, Borough, is the conti- nuation of Glean-alley, from Brown's buildings, entering by 218,Tooley-st. Dagger-Court, Fore- Street, Cripple- gate, at 1 10, nearly op. the N. termination of Wood-st. from 122, Cheapside. Dagget's Court, Moorfields, at the N. E. corner, between Long-alley and Broad-street-buildings. Dalby-Terrace, City-Road, forms part of the S.W. side of it, about | of a mile on the R. from Isling- ton. Dangk-Lane, Poplar High-Street or Road, is nearly op. North-st. about | of a mile on the R. from the Commercial-road, it leads to- wards the West-India-docks. Danish- Church, Wellcose- Square, the building which occupies the centre of the square. Darby-Street, Rosemary-Lane, at 38, about | of a mile on the R. from the Minories or Tower-hill. Darkhouse-Lane, Lower Thames- Street, at 16, being that number of houses on the R. from London- bridge, on the W, side of Billings- gate-market. Dark-Entry, Lower East Sraithfield,- at 59, facing Butcher-row, leading to o to Sun-yard and 27, Nightingale - lane. Darling -Place, Mile -End- Corner, Dog-Row, Eethnal-Green, the second on the L. in Dog-row, and about seventeen doors from Mile- end-turnpike. Dartmouth- Row, Dartmouth-Street, Westminster, at 36, the first on the R. from Tothill-st. extending to 22, Princes-st. near Great George-st. and St. James's park. Dartmouth-Street, Westminster, the first on the L. in Queen-st. from 25, Princes-street, extending to Tothill-street, or the first on the R. in Tothill-st. from the abbey. Darts- Alley, Whitechapel, at 47, the fourth on the L. about twenty- five doors W. from the church.. David-Street, York-Place, Baker- Street, Marybone, the first on the L. about six doors from the New-road, or the 6th on the R. from Portman-square, it leads into East- st. Davies's Buildings, Penny - Fields, Poplar, is a few houses N. from the High-street or road, near the Commercial-road. Davies - Court, Chequer - Square, Chequer- Alley, Bunhill-Row, St. Luke's, at the N. W. corner, a few doors on the R. from 99, Bunhill-row. Davies-Mews, Davies-Street, Berke- ley-Square, at 53, thp second on the L. from 292, Oxford-st. Davies-Street, Berkeley-Square, at the N. W. corner, extending to 292, Oxford-st. about \ a mile from Tyburn-turnpike, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 6 !,, it is about -J- of a mile in length. Davis's Wharf, Honelydown, is nearly op. Potters-fields by Still- stairs, about J a mile below Lon- don-bridge. Daws -Court, Gunpowder- Alley, D Shoe-Lane, is about seven-doors on the L. in it from 95, Shce- lane. Day Newspaper -. Office, Pickett- Street, Strand, at 5, about eleven doors on the R. from Temple-bar, towards St. Clement's church. Deacon-Court, Quaker-Street.Spital- fields. the second on the L. from 29, Wheeler-street, leading into Wood's yard, and Phaenix-st. Deadman's Place, Park-Street, Bo- rough, the second on the L. from the Borough- market, leading to Barclay and Perkins's brewery. Deal's Court, Flower and Dean- Street, Spitalfields,- the first on the L. about six doors from 200, Brick-lane, near Whitechapel- church. Dean's Buildings Commercial-Read, Limehouse, is about I of a mile on the L. below the church, the corner of Poplar High-st. Dean's Buildings, Lock's Fields, Walworth, Ihe first on the L. in Flint-street from Apollo-build- ings, East-lane. Dean's Court, New Round-Court, Strand, the first on the R. in it, a few yards from 447, Strand. Dean's Court or Yard, Hatfield- Street, St. Luke's, the first on the R. abcut sixteen doors from 25,Goswell-streettowardsCherry- tree-alley and Golden-lane. Dean's Court, St. Martin's - le - Grand, ;\t 50, the third on the R. from 66, Newgate-st. leading to Gcorge-st. and 28, Foster- lane. Dean's Court, Old.Bailey, at 43, about the middle of the W. side, two doors N. from Fleet-lane. Dean's Court,. St. Paul's Church- Yard, -at 5, S. side, being the fir .t on the R. from Ludgate-street, leading to 26, Great Carter-lane. Dean's Court, Kingsland-Road, the seventh on the L. about $ of a mile D mile from Shoreditch-church, six or seven doors S. from opposite Union-street. Dean's Mews, Holywell-Lane, Shore - ditch, at 22, the 4th on the R. from 193, Shoreditch, or ten or twelve doors on the L. from the Curtain-road in the opposite di- rection. Dean's Place, Westminster-Bridgc- Road, forms part of the S. side, on the R. from the Asylum to- wards the Obelisk, nearly op. Tower-st. Dean's Row, Walworth High-Street or Road, forms part of the W, side of it, extending from Amelia- street to Manor-row, about -f a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. Dean-Street, Westminster, the first on theL. west from the abbey, ex- pending from Tothiil-st. to Great Smith-st. Dean-Street, Soho, is about j of a mile in length, and situate on the W. side Soho-Sq'uare, extending from King-street to 400, Oxford- st. in which it is the second on the L. from St. Giles's, the numbers begin and end here, viz. 1 and 77. Dean-Street (Little), Soho, at 44, in the last, four doors N. from Compton-street, leading into Milk- alley and Wardour-st. Dean- Street, South Audley-Street, Grosvenor- Square, is opposite 9, extending from Hill-st. Berkeley- j-quare to Park-lane, facing Stan- hope-gate. Dean-Street, Fetter-Lane, at 43, about the middle of the E. side, extending to New-st. Dean-Street, High-Holborn, at 0'2, about or a mile on the R. from Fleet- market, it leads into Leigh-st. and Red-lion-sq. Dean-Street, Finsbury-Square, at the S. E. corner, extending to WiLon-st. op. Crown-st. Dean-Street, Pleasant-Row, Mife- End New-Town, the fcurth en the R. about | of a mile from 62, Brick-lane, Spitalfields, along Pel- ham-st. it extends to Chureh-st. Dean-Street, Upper East-Smithrield,- at 95, about of a mile on i the R. ea-t from Tower- hill, leading into Butcher-row. Dean- Street, Shadwell, is the fi/st S. parallel to the High-^t. from numbers 88 to 115, extending from Broad-bridge to Bell-wharf\ Cock-hill. Dean - Streer, Tooley - Street, Bo- rough, at 200, about -^ of a mile on the R. fr m London-bridge, leading to Broad-way and St. Thomas's street. Dean's Yard, Westminster, at the S. W. corner of the, abbey, or the last on the R. in College-st. from 18, Abingdon-street, leading to Tothill- street. Dean's Yard (Little), is that part of the last-mentioned which com- municates with College-st. Dean's Yard, Dean-Street, South Audley- Street,- is seven doors on the L. in it, from op. 9, South Audley-st. towards Park-lane. Dean's Yard, New Bond-Street, at 130, about | of a mile on the R. from 307, Oxford-st. eight doors S. from Grosvenor-st. Dear's Place, Sommers-Town, the continuation of Briil row, extend- ing from Hamden-st. to the fields towards Camden-town. Deaton's Buildings, White's Ground, Bermondscy, is two doors on the L. from Crucifix-lane. Debtors Charity- School, Newingron- Rcad, Surrey, the third house on the R. from the King's- bench towards the Elephant and Castle. Delahay-Street , C reat Gcerge-Street, Westminster, at 3 1, the first on the R. from King-st. towards the Park, extending to Duke-st. Delap- D D Delap - Court, Broadway, West- minster, is two doors E. from Queen-Square near the W. end of Tothill-st. Denham-Court, DruryLane, the first on the L. about six or reven doors from the New Church in the Strand. Denmark-Court, Strand, at 3S2, or the last on the L. in Burleigh- street from the W. end of Exeter- Change. Denmark-Court, Denmark-Street, St. Giles's, is behind 27, three doors on the R. from . High-st. leading into Crown-street. Denmark - Court, Golden - Lane, Cripplegate, thefmt on the L. about three doers from Barbican. Denmark-Street, St. Giles's, the first on the R. from Oxford-street, towards Holborn, it extends frcm the W. side the church, to Crown- street, Scho. Denmark-Street (Little), St. Giles's,- tbe first on the L. in Denmark- street from High-st. leading by the W. side of the church to Lloyd's court and Stracey-rt. Denmark - Street, Ratcliffe - High- way, at 153, extending to 46, New-road or Back-lane, being the first W. parallel to Cannon-st. Dennis- Court, Marigold - Court, Strand, the first on the L. in it, from 370, in the Strand, W. side of Exeter-change. Dennis or Dennets-Court, King- Street, Borough. See Tennis- Court. Dennis - Row, Willsted - Street, Sommers-Town, the fir:;t on the L. from the New-read to Mary- bone towards Chapel. path. Denton's Buildings, Chapel - Path, Sommers-Town, isrp. ^.be- tween Brill-row and Middlesex- street. Denzell - Street, Stanhope - Street, Drury-Lanc, at 48, and is the continuation of White-horse-yard from 110, Drury-lane, leading to 9, Vere-street. Deptford Lower - Road, Rother- hithe, commences at Paradise- row, near Rotherhithe-church, and leads by China-hall to Dept- ford. Derby-Court, Piccadilly, at 208, near St. James's church, leading to 34, Jermyn-st. Derby-Street, Curzon- Street, May- fair, at 22, three doors E. from South Audley -st. leading into Pitt's head-mews and Park-lane. Derby - Street, Parliament - Street, Westminster, at 46, the second on the L. from the Horse-guards towards Westminster- bridge, it leads into Cannon-row. Derby-Street, Rosemary -Lane. See Darby. Dermer's-Passage, Fetter-Lane. See Bartlet's Passage. Devereux-Court, Strand, at 218, the third on the L. about sixteen doors from Temple-bar, leading into Essex-st. Devonshire - Buildings, Worship - Street, Finsbury, the fourth on the L. from 249, Shoreditch, and is nearly facing the Curtain-road, it leads into Long-alley. Devonshire - Court, Sutton - Street, Maze, Borough, the first on the L. from New-st. at the back of Guy's hospital. Devonshire-Court, Houndsditch. See Cavendish-Court. Devonshire-House, Piccadilly, is near the middle of the N. side, between Stretton-st. and Berkeley - st. about \ a mile on the R. from the Haymarket. Devon hire - Mews, Devonshire - Street, Marybone, at 5, four doors on the R. west from Char- lotte-st. Devonshire-Mews North, Devon- shire - Street, Marvbone, at 19, D 10, behind 13, Upper Wimpole- street. Devonshire-Mews South, is pa. rallel to and between Upper Wim- pole-st. and Upper Harley-st. ex- tending to Weymouth-st. Devonshire-Mews East, at 39 and 44, Devonshire-st. between Port- land-place and Upper Harley-st. Devonshire- Mews West, Devonshire- Street, is situate between De- vonshire-place and Upper Harley- street. Devonshire - Mews, Devonshire - Square, Bishop-gate, at the S. E. corner of it, entering by 18, Bishopsgate-within. Devonshire - Place, Devonshire - Street, Marybone, the second on the L. from 40, High-st. or the continuation of Upper Wimpole- st. to the New-road. Devonshire-Place, Old Nicol-Street, Bethnal-Green, is a few yards on the R. from Cock-lane, Shore- ditch. Devonshire - Place, Cow - Lane, Stepney, is about -| of a mile on the L. from Stepney Old-square, and near the same distance from the church, by the World's-end public-house. Devonshire- Place, Upper Kenning- ton-Lane, the first on the L. from the house called the Wind- mill towards Vauxhall. Devonshire-Place- Mews, Devonshire- Street, Marybone, the first W. parallel to Devonshire-place, ex- tending to High-st. or the first on the L. in High-st. from the New- road. Devonshire-Square, Bishopsgate, at the E. end of Devonshire-street, leading to Aggat's pas. Cutler-st. and 114, Houndsditch. Devonshire-Street, Bishopsgate, at 1 8, the first on the R. north from the church, extending to Devon- shire-square. D Devonshire-Street, Marybone,- the last on the L. in Portland-road, entering by John-st. 101, Oxford - st. continuing N. about a mile, it extends to 40, High-st. about | of a mile in length. Devon. hire- Street, Queen-Square, at the S. E. corner, extending to 59, Theobalds-road ; it is also the continuation of Drake-st. from the N. W. corner of Red-lion- square. Devonshire-Street, Upper Kenning- ton-Lane, the first on the R. two or three doors from Kennington- cross towards Vauxhall, it extends frcm South-place towards Eliza- beth-place. Diamond Buildings, White-Hart- Row, Kennington, the first on the R. in it, from Clayton-place towards Kennington-lane. Diamond-Court, Hosier- Lane, West Smithfield, the first on the L. about sixteen doors- from 24, West Smithfield, or about six doors on the R. from Cow-lane, Snow-hill. Diamond-Court, Great Pearl-Street, Spitalfields, at 21 , the second on the L. from 20, Wheeler-street, three doors from Grey-eagle-st. Diana- Place, Quickset-Row, New- Road, Marybone, ris on the E. side the turnpike, op. Conway-st. Fitzroy -square, about \ of a mile on the R. from Tottenham-court- road. Dibbles-Buildings, Upper Ea^t Smith- field. See Sun-Court. Dice-Quay, Lower Thames-Strcet,- at 23, on the E. side, of Billings- gate, op. St. Dunstan's hill. Digby-Row, Bethnrd-Green, is the E. continuation of Digby-st. Digby-Street, Globe Street, Bethnal- Green, the first on the L. about thirteen doors from Green-street, towards Mile-end, it leads to Digby-row. St. Dionis D D St. Dionis Back - Church, Liffie- Streer, is behind 1 60, Fenehurch- street, a few doors on the L. from Gracechurch-st. Diot or Dyot-Street, Broad-Street, St. Giles's, at 25, the fourth on the R. from the VV. end of Hol- born, or the first on the L, from the church, it extends to 29, Great Russell- st. Dirty-Lane, Strand, at 88, Op. Southampton-st. about y of a mile on the R. from Charing-Cro^s. Dirty-Lane, Shoreditch, at 73, by the turnpike, leading to Cock-lane aad Old Nicol-street. Dirty -Larie, Blackman- Street, Bo- rough. See Great SufFolk.Stret. Dispatch Newspaper-Office* is be- hind 15, Fleet-st. fifteen doors on the R. from Temple bar. Dispensary for Relieving the Sick Poor at their own Habitations, at 29, Aldermanbury, about twelve doors on the R. from Lon- don-wall. Dissenters Library, Red-Cfoss-Street, Cripplegnte, at 49, about the middle of the side. Distaff-Lane (Great), Friday-Street,- at 31 , the second on the R. from 36, Cheapside, extends to 32, Old-Change, near the S. E. corner of St. Paul's church-yard. DistafF-Lanc (Little), at 6; about the middle of the S. side of the last, extending to 11, Old Fish- street. Ditch man's Gardens, Old - Street - Road, the second on the L. from Shoreditch-church, or a few yards K. on the R. front the Curtain- road. Dobney- Place, Penton -Street, Pen- tonviilc, six doors on the R. be- hind 1, Winchester- place, it leads to Penton-grove and 3fj, White- lion -'t. Doby-OoiHt. VJonkwefl -Street, Fal- con-Square, four door* oil the L. north from Barbers-hall, and about the same distance from Hart- street, Wood-street. Doby-Court, Maiden-Lane, Upper Thames-Street, the first on the R. a few yards' from 37, Qoeen- streetj Cheapside, op. the church. Doctors-Commons, is situate on the S. side St. Paul's church-yard, entrance op. 14, Great Knight- rider- street, and at 1, Bennett's hill. Dock- Head, Horselydown, ex- tends from theE. end of New-st. and Russell-st. Bermond^ey, to Mill-st. and Hickman's Folly. Dock-Side, Hermitage- Dock, Wap- ping, is On the W. side of it, at the back of Goodwyn and Skinner's brewery, extending from Hermi- tage-bridge towards Nightingale- lane. Dock - Street, Upper East Smith- field, at 87, extending to 68, Ro emarv-larne, being the second W. from Wellclose-square. Late Saltpetre-Bank. Dock-Street, Commercial-Road, St. George's in the East, the fourth en the R. about | of a mile from Cannon-street-road towards Lime- house, it is continued by Duke- street and Union-st. to Bhie-gattf- fi'elds Back -Jane. Dock- Yard, Hermitage- Dock, Wap- ping, h on the E. side of it, extending from the bridge towards Charlotte-street and Nightingale- lane. Dod's Place, Hanover-Street, Ro- therhithe, the last on the R. from Hanover-stairs and Rothcr- hithe-st. about of a mile below the church. Dog and Bear -Inn, High - Street, Borough, at 196. See the next article. Dog and Pear- Yard, High-Street, Borough, at 196, about sixteen doors on the R, south from Union- street street, and near \ of a mile from London - bridge, it leads to 55, Red-cross-st. Dog and Bear- Yard, Tooley-Street,- at 127, about |of a mile on the R. from London-bridge, extend- ing to Crucifix-lane. Dog and Duck-Stairs, Greenland- Dock, the first below the dock, between it and Matthew's dock. Dog-Row, Bethnal-Green, the S. continuation of the W. side of the green, extending to Mile - end turnpike, about \ a mile in length. Dolley's Court, Ropemakers-Street, Moorfields, the fourth on the L. from the N.W. corner of Moor- fields, nearly op. Type-st. Dolphin-Court, High-Holborn, at 2*9, between Chancery-lane and Great Turnstile, two doors from Fenwick-court. Dolphin-Court, Ludgate-Hill, at 12, the second on the R. from Fleet-market, leading to Little Bridge-st. Blackfriars. Dolphin-Court, Noble-Street, Foster- Lane, Cheapside, at 40, about | of a mile on the L. from 148, Cheapside, and five doors from St. Ann's lane. Dolphin - Court, Old - Street, St. Luke's, at 135, the first on the L. about fourteen doors from os- well-^t. Dolphin-Court, Rose and Crown- Court, Moorfields, the second on the L. from the N. E. corner. of Moorfields. Bolphin-Court, Rayen-Row, Artil- lery-Place, Spitalfields, is situate between the S. end of Gun-st. and Crispin- st. three or four doors W. from the latter. Dolphin-Lane, Poplar High-Street or Road, the second lane on the R. from the Commercial- road. Domingo - Street, Old - Street, St. Luke's, at 14, the second on the R. fourteen doors from Gos- well-st. it leads into Baltic-st. arid . Golden-lane. Donaldson's Buildings, Tottenham- Court- Road, at 3, about eight doors on the L. from Oxford- street. Doran's Row, Commercial-Road, is part of the N. side, about \ of a mile on the L. from Cannon- street-road towards Limehouse, by the \\ mile-stone from the Royal-Exchange. Dorrington - Street, Leather - lane, Holborn, at 87, the third on the L. from 129, Holborn, extending to Brook-st. and market. Dorrington-StrceT,Coldbath-Fields,- the S. W. continuation of Bayne's row by the House of Correction, extending towards Laystall-street, Leather- lane. Dorset-Court, Dorset-Street, Salis- bury-Square, Fleet-Street, is op. 5 1, Dorset-st. about six doors on the L. from the square. Dorset-Mews West, Dorset-Street, Portman-Square, is parallel to and between part of Baker-st, and Spring-street, extending to Dur- wes ton-street. Dorset- Mews East, Dorset-Street, Portman - Square, near the E. end, parallel to and between part of Baker-st. and East-st. extending to Paddington-st. Dor et-Place, St. Pancras, leads from Church-row, near the church, to Back-lane and Vernon's build- ings. Dorset-Square (or Court), Cannon- Row, Westminster, the first on the L. under the arch, three doors from Derby-st. entering from 46, Parliament-st. in which is the Transport-office. Dorset - Street, Salisbury - Square, Fleet-Street, is the continuation of the E. side of it, entering at 82, Fleet-st. it extends from Bell's buildings to the New-river- office. O Done:- D D Dorset - Street, Manchester - Street, Manchester-Square, at 28, the last on the L. from the square, ex- tending across Baker-street and Gloucester - place towards the Edgwa re-road. Dorset-Street, Spitalfields, the first S. parallel to Paternoster-row, on the W. side the church, and the first N. parallel to White's row, extending fromCrispin-st. to Red- lion-st. Dor et- Wharf, Whitefriars, is on the . side of W hitefriars-dock and on the W. side the Xew-river- office, at the bottom of Dorset-st, Salisbury-square, from 82; Fleet- street. Doublet's Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, on the W. side of Cole- harbour-stairs, about *- of a mile above London-bridge, entrance by 89. Thames-st. .Doughty - Street, Great Guilford - Street, Foundling- Hospital, in- tersects it at about eight or ten doors distance from Gray's-inn- lane, and is continued by jchn-st. to the King's road. Doughty-Mews, Dou hty-Street, the first W. parallel to it, extend- ing from 12, Guilford-st. to Henry-st. and Robert-st. Dove-Court, Leather-Lane, Hol- born, at 34, op. Cross-st. about i of a mile oh the L. from 129, Hoi born. Dove - Court, Gunpowder - Alley, Shoe-Lane, the second on the L. from 95, Shoe-lane towards Gough-square Dove-Court, St. Martin's-le-Grand,- at 20, the third on the L. about fourteen doors from 66, Newgate- street. Dove Court, Old Jewry. at 1, three doors on the R. from 12, Poultry, leading into Grocer.^-hall-court. Dove-Court, Oid Fish-Street- H ill, - the first on die R. five doors from 204, Upper Thames-st. leading into Five-foot-lane. Dove-Court, St. Swithin's-Lane,-the first on the R. from 10, Lorn- bard-st. or by a narrow passage from 6, Lombard-st. leading to Bearbinder-lane. Dove-Court, Pavement, Moorfields,- at 5, four doors S. from Rope- makers st. the N. W. corner of Moorfields. Dove-Court, Dog-Row, Bethnal- Gre^n, the first on the R a few doors from Mile- end - turnpike towards Bethnal-green. Dove-Street, Poplar High-Street or Road,-is about ^ of a mile on the L. from the Commercial-road, op. the B;ack horse, on the W. side of Paradise-st. and Noble-st. Dover-Place, Kent-Road, part of the S. side, about -j of a mile from the Elephant and Castle, it is the continuation of Rodney's build- ings towards the Paragon. Dover-Street, Piccadilly, at 68, op. Arlington - st. St. James's, about | ot a mile on the R. from the Haymarket, leading to Graf- ton-street and 156, New Bond-st. Dover-Street, Blackfriars-Rnad, St. George's Field , is about 4 a mile on the L. from the bridge, nearly op. the Magdalen-hospital, and leads to Jamaica-row and York-place, Borough-road. Dover- Yard, Dover-Street, Picca- dilly, at 41 1 .'ix doors on the L. from Piccadilly, leading to 7, Berkeley-st. Dowgate - Hill, Upper Thames - Street, at 168, about | of a mile on the R. from London-bridge, extending to Cannon-street and Budge- row, it is op. Walbrook from the Mansion-house. Dowgate- Wharf, Dock, and Stairs, Upper Thames -Street, op. Dow- gate- Hill. See the last described. Down-Street, Piccadilly, is near | of D of a mile on the R. from the Hay- market, the first E. from Park- lane, it leads to Carrington-place and Hertford-st. May fair. Downd's Yard, Rupert-Street, Hay- market, at 36, the first on the L. in Rupert-st. from 7, Coventry-st. nearly op. Edmond's court. Downtng-Street, Westminster, on theS. side of the treasury, by the N. end of King-st. or the second on the R. about { of a mile from Charing-cross towards Westmin- ster-abbey. Downing and Mills's Wharf, Horse - lydown, is nearly op. 1 homas-st. the first E. from George-stairs, about | of a mile from Lpndon- bridge. Drake - Street, ' Red - Lion - Square, Holbjrn, at the N. W. corner of it, leading to Theobald's road, De- vonshire-st. and Queen-sq. Drapers- Alms-Houses, Kingsland- Road, is about | of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch church, nearly op. Huntingdon-st. Drapers - Alms - Houses, Coopers - Row, Tower-Hill, is about four doors on the R. in it, from Crutched-friars. Drapers- Alms. Houses, Cross-Street, Newington,. by number 1, Cross-st. nearly op. Newington- church. Drapers- Aims-Houses, Beech-Lane, Barbican, situate on the N. side, occupying nearly the whole of it. Drapers-Alms-Houses, Whitechapel- Road, at 160, forming part of the N. side, about eight or nine doors W. from the turnpike. Drapers - Buildings, Old-Street, is on the S. side, nearly op. the church, four or five doors E. from White-cross-st. late Well and Bucket-court. Drapers- Buildings, London- VVall,-- at 62, op. Bethlem-hospital, the second on the L. and about ten or D twelve doors from Winchester-st. towards Cripplegate. Drapers -Gardens, London- W 7 all, - is situate between Drapers-build- ings and Drapers- ball, Throg- morton-st. Drapers-Hall, Thrograorton-Street,- at 27, about three doprs on the. R. west fr.om Broad-at. Drapers - Place, Old - Street, St. Luke's, is op. 90, near the middle of the S. side, about eight doors- E. from White-cross-st. Drill-Place, Commercial-road, Lime- house, is a few houses on the E. side the road, by the turnpike at the commencement of Poplar. Drum -Court, Whitechapel High- Street, at 50, the third on the L, about twenty-two dcors from the church towards Aldgate. Drury-Lane, Strand, at 326, by the New Church, where the n^m- * bers begin and end, viz. \ an4 1 19, it extends to Broad-st. St. Giles's, and the W. endofHolborn, about | of a mile in length. Duchess-Street. See Dutchess-st. Duck-Lane, Great Peter - Street, Westminster, is about five doors on the L. east from Struttpn- ground, and parallel to it, extend- ing from Great Peier-street, to Orchard-st. Duck-Lane, Edward-Street, War- dcur-Street, Soho, at 10, about four doors on the L.. from 95, Wardour-st. Duck- Yard, Duck-Lane, Westmin- ster ,-*-at 44, the first on the R. in it, from Great Peter-st. Ducksioot-Lane, Upper Thames- Street. at 145, the fourth on the R. about | of a mile from Lon- don-bridge. Ducking - Pond - Mews, Shepperd's Market, Mayfair, on the S. side of the market. Ducking-Pond-Row, WTiitechapel- Road, the first N. parallel to part D D part of it, viz. from 94 to 154, op. the London - hospital, extending from Bakers-row to North-row. Dudley - Court, High - Street, St. Giles's, at 22, near the church, leading into Den mark- court and Crown-St. Soho. Dudley-Grove, Paddington, is a short distance beyond the Green, on the Harrow-road. Dudman's Court, Hunt's Row, Dept- ford, near Dudman's yard, be- tween Grove-st. and the Plough. Dudman's Ship- Yard, Deptford, on the S. side of George-stairs, about -j- of a mile below Green- land-dock. Duffs" - Court, Queen - Street, Bo- rough, at 99, the second on the L. from Union-st. towards Blackfriars-road. Dufours-Place, Broad-Street, Car- naby-market or Golden Square, at 21, about eight doors W. from Poland-Street, Oxford-st. Duke's Court (Little), Almonry, Westminster, is the first on the L. about four or five doors from Dean-st. Duke's Court, James-Street, West- minster, at the E. end of it, a few yards on the R. from Castle- lane facing York-st. Duke's Court, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 134, op. the church, the first on the L. from 487, in the Strand, leading into Castle-st. and the King's mews. Duke's Court, Duke-Street, St. James's, is about seven doors on the R. in it from 86, Jermyn-st. towards Pall-mall. Duke's Court, Drury-Lane, at 50, about nine doors S. from Long- acre and about of a mile from the New Church, Strand, in the op. direction, it extends to 27, Bow-street. Duke's Court, Great Earl-Street, Seven -Diais, .the first on the R. about seven doors from the Seven- dials towards Castle-street, Long- acre. Duke's Court, Chick-Lane, West- Street, West-Smithfield, is the second on the L. about twelve doors from Field-lane, Holborn- hill, it leads to Sharp's alley and Cow- cross. Duke's Court, Kingsland-Road, four doors on the R. north from Union-st. about -| of a mile from Shoreditch-church. Duke's Court, Crown-Street, Fins- bury, the first on the R. from Finsbury-sq. towards Sun-street and Bishopsgate. Duke's Court, Fore-Street, Lime- house, the first on the L. a few doors from the E. end of Nar- row-st. op. Duke's shore, leading into Ropemakers-fields. Duke's Court, Totterburn- Alley, Duke-Street, Borough. the first on the R. in it from Duke-streef, leading into Princes-rents and Lo- man's pond. Duke's Head - Passage, Ivy - Lane, Newgate-Street, the second on the R. seven or eight doors from 30, Newgate-st. leading into Newgate-market. Duke's Head-Court, White-Cross- Street, Cripplegate, at 42, the third on the R. about fifteen or sixteen doorsfrom 115, Fore-st. Duke's Head-Court, Maze-Pond, Borough, at 6, the first on the L. six doors from the corner of Guy's hospital, St. Thomas's street, leading into Steel's yard. Duke's Place, Aldgate, the termi- nation of Duke-st. from 28, Houndsditch, or of King-st. and Creechurch-lane, from 87, Leaden- hall-street. Duke's Place (Little), the termina- tion of Mitre-court from 29, Aid- gate by the pump, leading intothe last described, Duke'i D Duke's Place, Duke's Row, Pirn, lico, is a few doors from Queen's row, about ~ of a mile on the L. from Buckingham-gate towards Chelsea. Duke's Row, Pimlico High-Street or Road, is a part of the E. side of it, about \ of a mile on the L.from Buckingham-gate towards Chelsea, extending from Princes- street (opposite Arabella-row) to Brewer-st. Duke's Row, New-Road, Sommers- Town, is about -J- of a mile on the L. from the Turnpike, Battle- bridge, towards Mary bone, lead- ing from op. Sommers-placeWest to the N. E. corner of Tavistock- square. Duke's Shore, Fore-Street, Lime- house, the first on the R. about five doors from the E. end of Narrow-st. Duke-Street, Manchester-Square, about the middle of the S. side of it, extending to 171 , Oxford-st. about | of a mile on the L. from Tyburn-turnpike. Duke-Street, Grosvenor- Square, at the N. E. corner of it, extending to 277, Oxford-street, opposite the last. Duke-Street, Portland-Chapel, is on the W. side of it, and forms the first W. parallel to part of Great Portland-st. extending from 33, Queen Ann-street East to New Cavendish-st. Duke-Street, Westminster. the first W. parallel to part of King-st. extending from Crown-st. to De- lahay-street and Great George- street, three doors from St. James's park. Duke - Street, King - Street, St. James's, the first on the R. five doors from the W. side of St. James'6 square, extending to 182, Piccadilly, opposite Burlington- house. D Duke-Street, Adelphi, the first S. parallel to part of the Strand, say from 32 to 50, or the second on the L. in Villers-st. seven or eight doors from 32, in the Strand, it leads into John-st. Duke-Strtet, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields,- at 52, on the W. side under the arch, extending to Great Wild-st. and leading by Princes-st. to 123, Drury-lane. Duke-Street, Great Russell-Street, Bloomsbury, at 42, about the middle of the S. side, extending to Brewer-st. and leading to Bow- street, and Broad-st, St Giles's. Duke-Street, West Smithfield, at 52, the S. E. corner, leading into Little-Britain and to 175, Alders- gate-st, Duke-Street, Worship-Street, Fins- bury, the first on the R. from Paul-st. towards the Curtain- Road. Duke -Street, Long. Alley, Moor- fields, the third on the R. in it from Worship-st. and nearly op. Primrosc-st. from 110, Bishops- gate-without. Duke-Street, Houndsditch, at 27, the first on the L. from Aidgate, extending to Duke's place, Duke-Street, Aidgate High-Street,- at 19, four doors VV. from Houndsditch, extending to the last described, and is continued by Bevis-marks and Cammomile- st. to Bishopsgate-st. Duke-Street, Old Artillery-Ground,- intersecls Union-st. nine doors from 69,Bishopsgate-without, ex- tending from Anillery-lane to Fort-st. Duke-Street, Turk-Street, Bethnal- Green, is about the middle of the E. side, forming the first S. parallel to King-st. and extend- ing to Gibraltar-row. Duke-Street, St. George's in the East,- the fifth E. parallel to part of D of Cannon-st. New-road, extend- ing from Upper Chapman-street to Lower Ditto, or the N. conti- nuation of Union-st. from op. Blue-gate-fields, Back-lane, lead- ing to Dock-st. and the Commer- cial-road. Duke-Street, Westminster-Bridge- Koad, St. George's Fields, the first on the R. from the Obelisk towards the Asylum, leading to the middle of Tower-street. Duke-Street, Borough, the . con- tinuation of Charlotte - street, Blackfriars-rcad, extending from Gravel-lane, to Pepper-st. and is continued by Queen-street and Union-street, to 219, High-street, Borough. Duke-Street, Mint-Street, Borongh,- the third on the R. from 156, Hich-st. op. St. George's church, leading into Peter-st. three doors W. of Red-cross-st. Duke of York's Passage, Royal Hospital-row,CheUea,-the first on the R. in it from Little Sloane-st. towards the Hospital, leading to Turk's row. Dulvvich- Aims-Houses, Pesthouse- Row, St. Luke's, by the N. W. corner of St. Luke's hospital. Dnlwich- Alms-Houses, Lamb- Alley, Bishopsgate-st. See Allen's. Duncan-Place, Leicester-Place, Lei- cester-Square, -.at 14, two doors from the N. E. corner of the square. Duncan-Place, City-Road, is part of the N. side of it, extending from the New-river towards High- 6t. Islington, about l of a mile from Finsbury-square. Duncan -Street, Red- Lion - Street, Goodman's Fields, at 6, the second on the R. about twelve doors from 30, Whitechapel High- street, it leads to Half- moon - alley. Duncan-Terrace, City-Road, ex- D tends from Duncan-place on the N. W. bank of the New-river towards Islington. Duncomb-Court, Cock-Lane, Shore- ditch, the fourth on the L. from Church-st. or the fitft on the R. from Auftin-st. behind Shore- ditch-church, nearly facing .Castle- street. Dundee-Arms-Wharf, Wapping, is about i of a mile below Wap- ping-church, and nearly op. 130, Wapping-street. Dun dee- Wharf, Wapping, a few door> on the R. below Hermitage - bridge, between Smith's ways and Briant's wharf, near a mile E. from London bridge. Dunk-Street, Chapci-Street, Mile- End, New Town, the first on the L. three or four doors from Great Garden-street, Whitechapel- road, it extends to 86, C hurch-st. being the first E. parallel to. High -st. Dunning's Alley, BLhopsgate-With- out, at 1 5 1 , the first S. parallel to part of Sun-st. extending to Peter-st. St. Dunstan's Alley, St. Dunstan's Hill, on the N. side the church, three doors on the R. from 10, Great Tower-st. leading to 10, Idol-lane. St. Dunstan's Church, St. Dunstan's Hill, Tower-Street, on the S. side the last described. St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street,- at 185, about seventeen doors E. from Temple-bar. St. Dunstan's Church, Stepney, is about | of a mile N. from the Commercial-road by White-horse- strcet, Ratcliffe, and near \ a ditto from Mile-end, by Stepney-green. St. Dunstan's Court, Fleet-Street, at 160, about the middle of the N. side, it leads to the Hole in the Wall publichouse. St. Dunstan's Hill, Great Tower- Street, Street, at 10, op. Mincing-lane, exrending to 84, Lower Thames- street, being the first E. from Billing.' gate. St. Dunstan's Place, Stepney, is facing the W. side the Church- yard, by the Ship public-house. St. Dunstan's Place, Brook-Street, RatclifTe, isop. 43. near Stepney - causeway, it leads into School- house-lane. Dunster's Court. Old-Bailey, the third on the R. from Snow-hill towards Ludgate hill. Dunster- Court, Mincing-Lane,-two doors on the L. from 42, Fen- church-st. Durand's Wharf, Rotherhithe, is about i of a mile below Cuckold's Point and near of a mile above Greenland-deck. Durham- House, Chelsea. the last house in Durham-place, from Great Smith-st. towards Paradise- row. Durham - House, Hackney - Road. See Durham-Place, Ditto. Durham-Place, Chelsea, situate on the W. side the hospital, ex- tending from Ormond-row, Para- dise-row, towards Smith-st. and the King's road. Durham-Place-Mews, Chelsea, si- tuate between Durham-place and Ormond-row, and is the N. W. parallel to Paradise-row. Durham-Place East,Hackney-Road,- part of the S. side, ab^ut j of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch- church, the continuation of Dur- ham-place West. Durham - Place West, Hackney - Road, part of the S. side, ex- tending from James - place to Durham-place East. Durham- Place, Wolsingham-Place, Lambeth, extends from the house called the Three Stags to Wallers- place, leading towards the Obe- lisk. D Durham-Row, Church-Row, Step- ney, is a part of it which adjoins the N. E. corner of the church- yard. Durham -Street, Strand,-at64, about i'ofamileon the R.fromCharing- cro s, extending to William-st. and leads by a dark passage to the Adeiphi-wharfs. Durham-Yard, West-Street, West- Smithfield, the first on the R. about four doors from 86, the N. W. corner of Smithneld. Durweston - Street, Baker - Street, Marybone, the fourth on the L. about | of a mile from the N. E. corner of Portman-sq. leading to Upper Durweston-st. Durweston - street (Little), Mary- bone, at 19, in the last de- scribed, opposite Montague- Mews North, about six doors on the R. from Gloucester - place, it leads to York-st. Durweston-Street (Upper), the E. continuation of John-st from the Edgware - road, extending (at present) from Homer-row to Homer-st. Dutchess - Mews, Dutchess - Street, Marybone, near the W.end of it, extending to New Cavendish-st. is behind part of the W. side of Portland-place from 62 to 66. Dutchess-Street, Marybone, inter- seels Portland-place at 2, and ex- tends from 17, Duke-st. by Port- land-chapel, to 2, Mansficld-st. Dutch-Church, Aus. in- Friars, -is op. 23, about 4 or 5 doors on the R. from 67, Old Broad-st. under the archway. Dutch -Prize -Office, Old Broad- Streetv at 55, about fifteen doors on the L. from Throgmorton-st. nearly op. the Excise ; ornce. Dutscrn'sWays, Wapping, between King Edward's stairs and New Crane, about 1} mile belowr London -bridge. Dybal's D Dybal's Buildings, Pear-Tree-Streer, Lambeth Lower Marsh, is be- hind Pear - tree - row about the middle of the N. side of the Marsh. Dyers- Aims-Houses, City-Road, is by the Turnpike, near 1 mile on the L, from Finsbury-square, op. Anderson's buildings. Dyer's Buildings, Holborn-Hill, at 18, about eleven doors W.from Fetter - lane, it leads to Dyer's buildings passage and 40,Castle-st. Dyer's Buildings Passage, leads from Dyer's buildings to 40, Castle- street. Dyer's Court, Noble-Street, Forster- Lane, Cheapside, at 3 4, about nine doors on the L. from St. Ann's Lane. Dyer's Court, Aldermanbury, at 10, the second on the R. ten doors from Lad-lane. Dyer's Court, James - Street, St. Luke's, the first on the R. four or five doors from 37, Feather- stone-street, City-road. Dyer's Court, Whitechapel High- Street, at 62, the second on the L. about twenty doors from White- chapel-church towards Aldgate. Dyers - Hall, Elbow - Lane, Upper Thames-Street, is two doors on the R. from 14, Dowgate-hill. Dyers-Hall-Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, at 95, about of a mile on the L. from London- bridge, called also the Steel-yard. Dyer's Place, Sommers-Town, is part of the N. side the New- road to Marybone, and is a few doors on the R. in it, from the Turnpike, Battle-bridge. Dyer-Street, William-Street, Black- friars-Road, at 18, extending to Gravel-lane, or the firft S. parallel to part of George-street, say from numbers 1G to 30. Dyers- Wharf, Stangate, Lambeth, the third wharf above Wcstmin- ster-bridge, by Searls's, the boat* builder. Dyot - Street, Broad - Street, Su Giles's. See Diot. EAGLE- COURT, St. John's Lane, Clerkenwell, at 5, the first on the L. and five doors from St. John-st. West Smithfield, lead- ing into Red-lion-st. Eagle - Court, Eagle - Street, Red - Lion - Square, at 7, Dean-st. about six doors on the R. from 92, High Holborn, leading into Eagle-st. Eagle -Court, White - Hart - Yard, Drury-Lane, the second on the L. from 83. Drury-lane, leading into Angel-court and to 335, Strand. Eagle & Child- Alley, Fleet- Market,- at 61, the first on the R. about fifteen doors from Holborn-hill, extending to 39, Shoe-lane. Eagle and Child -Court, Princes- Street, Lambeth, the first on the R. about three or four doors from Broad-st. leading to Fore-st. and the side of the Thames. Eagle Insurance-Office, at 83, Cornhill, about the middle of the N. side, five or six doors E. from the Royal-Exchange. Eagle-Place, Mile-End- Road, on the N. ^de, about \ of a mile on the L. below the Turnpike, op. 30, Assembly-row, it leads to Fuller's alms-houses. Eagle-Street, Piccadilly, at 212, the first on the L. about of a mile from the Hay market, extend- ing to 28, Jermyn-st. Eagle-Street, Red-Lion-Square, at 65, Red-lion-st. the first on the L. about fourteen doors from 72, High-Holborn, extending to Kings- gatc-st. Earl's Earl's Court, Little Newport-Street, Long-Acre, is -about five doors on the L. from Castle-st. leading to 19, Cranbourne-st. Leicester- square. Earl's Court, Great Earl - Street, Seven-Dials, the second on the R. about ten doors from the Seven- dials, leading to Castle-st. op. Langley-st. Long-acre. Earl-Street (Great), Seven-Dial?, St. Giles's, extends from the E. side of the Seven-dials to Caftle-st. by Gyfford's brewery, or is op. Cross- lane from 106, Long-acre. Earl-Street (Little), Seven- Dials, >is op. Great Ditto, extending to the W. end of Monmouth-st. and is continued by Mocr-st. to 22, Greek-st. Soho. Earl-Street, Blackfriars, the first on the R. north from the bridge, extending to St. Andrew's hill, is continued E. by Upper Thames-st. to London-bridge. Earl - Street, London - Road, St. George's Fields, the first on the L. about sixteen doors from the Obelisk, towards the Elephant and Castle, it extends to Market-st. and is continued by Amelia-row towards the King's Bench. Easlev's Mews, Wigmore - Street, Marybone, at 24, facing Mary- bone-lane from 158, Oxford-st. East -Court, East -Street or Lane, Walworth, the first on the R. about three or four doors from Walworth high-st. or road. Eahtcheap (Great), the E. continua- tion ot Cannon-st. extending from Crooked-lane to Gracechurch-st. or the third on the L. in Filh-bt. hill, N. from London-bridge. Easrcheap( Little) ,-is op. Great Ditto, or the second on the R. inFi^h-st. hill, N. from London-bridge, ex- tending from 47, Gracechurch-st. to Little Tower-st. Eastern Dispensary, Great AylifFe- Street,' Goodman's Fields, at 46, about six doors W. from Red- lion-st. Whitechapel. East-India Aims-Houses, Poplar, is about I of a mile on the L. in the High-st. or road, from the Commercial- road, nearly opposite Queen-st. and the Spotted-dog. East-India - Chambers, Leadenhall- Street, at 23, three doors on the R. east from Lime-st. or the India -house, and op. St. Mary Axe. East-India-Dock, Blackwall,-at the E. end of Poplar high-st. or road, and on the N. side of Perry's dock, about a mile E. from Lime- house-church and 3f miles from the Royal-Exchange. East-India- Dock-Road, Limehouse,- branches off to the L. from the Commercial- road, op. Gill-st. a few doors E. from Limehouse- church, and extends to the Dock gate, is near a mile in length. East-India- Dock-Company 's-House, Lime-Street-Square, is number 3, facing the entrance from Lime- street. East -^India - House, Leadenhall- Street, the large stone building on the S. side, thirteen doors on the R. from Gracechurch-st. or from Cornhill, forming the corner of Lime-st. East-India Military-Fund-Office, at 4, Lime-street-square. East-India-Tavern, Blackwall, on the N. side the Dock-gate, and N. end of Robin -hood -lane, from Poplar high-street or road. East-Lane, Kent-Road, is the sixth on the R. about | of a mile be- low the Bricklayers-arms, it leads into the Walworth high-st. or road, at the distance of % a mile in that on the L. from the Ele- phant and Castle, it is nearly | of a mile in length. Ea>t-Lane, Bermondscy, op. East- P lane- Jane-stairs, about of a mile be- low St. Saviour's dock, it leads to the Neckinger-turnpike, Parker's row, &cc. East-Lane-Stairs, Bermondsey, op. East- Lane, about a mile below London-bridge and| of a mileW. from Rotherhithe-church, nearly facing Union-stairs, Wapping. East-London Water- Works- Office, - at 14, St. Helen's Place, a few doors on the L. from 46, Bifhops- gate-within. Eastman's Court, Wentworth-street, Spitalnelds, a few doors on the L. from Bell-lane, nearly facing Old Castle-st. from 120, White- chapel high-st. East-Mews, East-Street, Lambeth,- the first on the R. from East-pl. Walcot-place, towards Lambeth- walk. East - Passage, Long - Lane, Smith- field, the first S. parallel to part of it, extending from King-street towards Aldersgate-st. East- Place, Lambeth, a part of the W. side of the Surrey-road from Westminster - bridge, extending from Walnut-tree-walk to Pownall- terrace, about | of a mile on the R. from Westminster-bridge. East- Place, East-Street, West-Square, St. George's Fields, three or four doors on the L. from the S. E. corner of the square. East-Place, Poplar High-Street or Road, is about \ a mile on the R. from the Commercial-road, and the first E. from the Harrow Public-house, or the King's road. East-Row, Winkworth's Buildings, City-Road, the N. continuation of it on the L. extending to Clack's buildings, and is about y of a mile N. from Finsbury- square. East-Smithfield. See Smithfield. East-Street, Manchester-Square,-the first . parallel to part of Baker- street, extending from 4, Bland- ford-st. to David-st. leading to York-place and the New-road, it is about ~ ot a mile in length. East-Street, Red-Lion-bquare, Hol- born, the sixth on the L. near of a mile from 71 , High-Holborn, along Red-lion-st. extending to New North-st. East-Street, Spitaifields-Market, extends from the middle of the E. side of it, to 35, Red-lion-st. East-Street, West-Square, St. George's Fields, at the S. E. corner, or the continuation of the E. side of the said square, from We^t-st. ProspecVplace. East-Street, Walworth, that part of East-lane which is next to Walworth High-street or road. See East-lane. East-Street, Lambeth, is about |- of a mile on the R. from West- minster-bridge towards Kefining- ton-cross, is nearly op. Chester-st. and Market-street, it extends to William-st. and leads to Gray's walk and Lambeth-walk. Eaton-Lane, Pimlico High-Street or Road. See Little Eaton-Street. Eaton- Place, Little Eaton-Street, Pimlico High-Street or Road, about the middle of the N. side, the first on the R. from Pimlico towards Ranelagh-st. Eaton-Street, Pimlico, the third on the R. and near \ of a mile from Buckingham-gate towards Chel- sea, it extends to Ranelagh-st. Eaton-Street (Upper), Pimlico, is op. the last, or the continuation of Grosvenor- place from Hvde-park- corner, extending from the King's road to Ranelagh-st. Eaton-Street (Little), Pimlico High- Street or Road, the second on the R. near \ of a mile from Buck- ingham-gate towards Chelsea, it extends to Ranelagh-st. Ebden . Court, Pearl - Row, St. George's George's Fields, is op. 19, by the corner of New-st. on the L. from the N. E. fide the Obelisk. Ebenezer-Chapel, Brill-Place, Som- mers-Town, is on the N. side of it, also behind 15, Chapel- path. Ebenezer Chapel, Shadwell High- Street, at 240, about ten doors W. from Union-st. Ebenezer - Cha,pel, Albion - Street, Rotherhithe, is a few doors on the R. in it from Neptune-st. about -J- of a mile E. from the Lower-road to Deptford. Ebenezer - Court, Ebenezer - Street, London- Road, St. George'sFields,- i's about six doors on the R. from 15, in the London-road by the Philanthropic-reform. Ebenezer- Place, Commercial- Road, Limehouse, is part of the S. side, about \ of a mile on the R. be- i - low Limehouse-church, extending from Penson-pl. to Gun-lane. Ebenezer-Place, London-Road, at 19, the first on the R. fom the Obelisk, towards the Elephant and Castle, it is situate on the N. side the Philanthropic-reform and leads towards Lambeth. Ebenezer-Place, Cherry-Tree- Alley, St. Luke's, the second on the R. from 118, Bunhill-row, or the second on the L. from 86, White- cross-st. in the op. direction. Ebenezer-Place, Kennington-Lane,- partof theN. side, about of * mile on the R. from the Plough and Harrow or from Church-row, Newington, towards Kennington- cross. Ebenezer. Row, Kennington-Lane,- the first on the R. from the Plough and Harrow, extending from the E. end of Ebenezer-place to the fields. Ebenezer - Square, Gravel - Lane, Houndaditch, is nearly facing Fireball -court, from 131, Hounds. ditch, and leads into Stoney-lane and Petticoat-lane. Ebenezer-Street, London-Road, St. George's Fields, at 19, the first on the R. from the Obelisk by the Philanthropic-reform, being that end of Ebenezer-place which ?4* joins the London-road. Ebenezer - Street, Plumbers - Street, City-Road, the first on the L. from Caroline-place, extending to Trafalgar-st. \% is near a mile N. from Finsbury-sq. Ebury-House, Ebury - Street, Fire- Fields, Chelsea, at the S. end of the said street, between Grosve- nor-row and Queen-st. Ebury- Place or NewRanelagh-Stree*, Five-Fields, Chelsea, is about the middle of the E. side of Five- fields- row, adjoining Ecclestone- st. Belgrave-place. Ebury- Place, Kemps-Row, Chelsea, or Pimlico, nearly op. Rane- lagh-walk, about | of a mile from Buckingham - gate, it leads to Avery-farm-row or Flask-row. Ebury- Street, Five- Fields, Chelsea,- the continuation of Five- fields - row, extending from the path which leads to Five-fields-chapel, toGrosvenor-row, and Queen-st. Ecclestone-Street, Lower Belgrave- Place, Pimlico, the fourth on the R. \ a mile from Buckingham- gate towards Chelsea, leading to the Five-fields. Eden-Street, Hampstead-Road, the first on the L. a few doors from Tottenham - court - road, and the first S. from Henry-st. Ede's Yard, Brompton High-Street or Road, the second on the R. about i of a mile from Knights- bridge, nearly op. New-st. Edgware-Road, Tyburn-Turnpike,- at the W. end of Ox ford-st. where the numbers begin and are conti- nued in succession to Chapel -st. Paddington, at the corner of which is is 101, this extent is nearly | of a mile. Edinburgh - Castle Coach - Office, Strand, at 322, on the W. side the New-church, nearly opposite Somerset-place. Edith - place, Bird - Cage - Walk, Hackney-Road, the first on the L. a few doors from the Nag's head towards Shoreditch-church. Edmonds - Court, Princes - Street, Soho, at 27, three doors on the R. south from Compton-st. leading into Rupert-st. Coventry-st. and the Haymarket. Edmonds-Place, Union-Street, St. George's Fields, the first on the R. from the London- road towards West -square. Edmond-Street, Battle-Bridge, St. Pancras, is situate on the N. side the Smallpox- hospital, en- trance by the Maiden-head public- house. St. Edmond the King's Church, Lombard - Street, by 60, two doors E. of Birchin-laneand nearly op. Clement's-lane. Edward-Court, Edward-Street, Ca- vendish-square, at 14, about four doors S. from Queen Ann-street East. Edward's Court, Oxendon-Street, Haymarket, at 29, about five doors on the L. from Coventry-st. Edward's Court, New Round-Court, Strand, about three doors on the L. from 447, Strand. Edward's Mews, Duke Street, Man- chester-Square, at 35, the third on the L. about fifteen doors from 175, Oxford-st. Edward- Place, Old-Street-Road, is a few yards on the R. from the Cuatain-Road towards Shoreditch- church. Edward- Place, Hackney-Road, forms part of the S. side adjoining Brighton-place, a few doors on the R. east from Allport's nursery, and about J of a mile from Shoreditch- church. Edward-Place, Westminster-Bridge., Road, St. George's Fields. See Asylum-Buildings. Edward-Street, Cavendish-Square, the N. continuation of Bolsover-j street, from 113, Oxford-street, extending from Margaret-st. to Queen Ann-st. East. Edward-Street, Manchester-Square,- the first parallel to the S. side of it, or the third which intersects Duke-st. from 174, Oxford-st. it extends from Seymour-street to Wigmore-st. Edward - Street, Wardour - Street, Soho, at 95, the third on the R. from 381, Oxford-st. it extends to 86, Berwick-st. and is continued by Broad-st. to Carnaby-market. Edward-Street, Church-Street, Beth- nal-Green, at 116, about j of a mile on the R. from 65, Shore- ditch, being the second below Brick-lane. Edward-Street, Mile-End, New- Town. See Kine Edward-st. Edward-Street, Blackfriars-Road, the third on the L. about | of a mile from Blackfriars-bridge to- wards the Obelisk, leading to Union -st. and Bear-lane. Edward -Street, Kennington-Lane, - / the N. parallel to a part of it, be- hind White-hart-place, extending from Market-st. toG olden 's place. Edward- Yard, Edward-Street, Ca- vendish-Square, at 14j about four doors S. from Queen Ann-st. East, leading to Swan-passage and 99, Great Portland-st. Egleton's Buildings, Paradise- Place, Paradise-Street, Marybone, the firt on the L. from 6, Paradise-st. Egleton's Place, Twisters- Alley, Bunhill-Row, St. Luke's, the first on the R. six doors from 102, Bunhill-row, towards Whitecross- street. Eight- Ejght-House.s Lower Road, Dept- ford, a row near the three mile, stone from London-bridge, be- tween China-hall and the half-way- house, about of a mile from either. Elbow- Lane, Upper Thames-Street, - the first M. parallel to part of it, near of a mile W. from London- bridge, extending from Dowgate- hill to College-hill, or the third on the R. from the Manfion-house, continuing down Wal brook. Elbow- Lane (Lit tie) , UpperThames- Street, at 175, leading into the last above described. Elbow-Lane, Shadwell High-Street,- the first S. parallel to part of it, say from 23 to 38, extending from New Gravel-lane (four doors from High-st.) to Farmer-st. Elbow-Row, City-Gardens, City- Road, the first on the L. a few doors from the turnpike by An- derson's Buildings. Elder-Street, White- Lion-Street, Spi- talfields, the second on the L. about fourteen doors from 13, Shoreditch, being the first E. pa- rallel to Blossom-st. Eldon- Buildings, Bagnige -Wells, is the first row on the L. from the Wells towards Pentonville. Eleazer- Place, Lambeth -Walk, is part of the W. side, facing Chap- man's Gardens or Union-st. from Walcot-place. Elephant and Castle-Court, Kent- Street, Borough, at 218, about -J- of a mile on the R. from St. George's church. Elephant and Castle, Newington, about one mile nearly S. from London-bridge, continuing High- st. Blackmore-st. and the Cause- way, and a little above of a mile S. E. from the Obelisk, St. George's fields, along the London- road. Elephant-Lane, Rotherhithe, at 344, Rotherhithe-st. the first W. from the church, leading to Nep. tune-st. and the Lower Road to Deptford. Elephant-Stairs, Rotherhithe, op. Elephant- Lane, is near \{ of a mile below London-bridge, and op. Execution-dock, Wapping. Elgers- Place, Essex-Street, White- chapel, the N. end of Elgers- square. Elgers-Square, Essex-Street, White- chapel, the fourth on the L. from 105, Whitechapel High-st. near Wentworth-st. Spitalfields. Elizabeth-Court, Whitecross-Street. St. Luke's, at 146, the second on the L. about fifteen doors from op. the church, Old-st. also four doors N. from Banner-st. Elizabeth - Court, Phoenix - Street, Spitalfields, the second on the R. about fourteen doors from 162, Brick-lane, or the second on the L. from 38, Wheeler-st. leading into King-st. Elizabeth-Court, Hickman's Folly, Dock-Head, is near the E. end of it, and the last on the R. to- wards Rotherhithe. Elizabeth- Place, Great Peter-Street, Westminster, is about six doors E. from New Peter-st. and the fourth on the R. from Strutton- ground, nearly op. Leg-court. Elizabeth - Place, George - Street, Bethnal-Green, is on the N. W. side of Patriot-square, near the Green. Elizabeth-Place, Brook -Street, Rat- cliffe, about six doors on the L. from Sun-tavern-fields, nearly op. Love-lane. Elizabeth-Place, Black Prince-Road, Lambeth, part of the N. side, a few doors on the R. from Princes- place, Kennington-cross, leading to Workhouse-lane and Lambeth- butts. Elizabeth-Place.Westminster-Bridge- Road, E Road, St, George's Fields, afew houses on the N. side, near t,he Obelisk, extending from the Free- masons-school to Melina-place. Elizabeth-Place, Webber-Row, St. George's Fields, is about the middle of the N. side, between Ann's place and Duke-st. Elizabeth - Place, Prospeft - Row, Neckinger-Roadj Bermondsey,-is twoor three houses adjoiningRich- mond-hall on the E. side the Ma- rine-crescent, nearly op. Printers- place, and about of a mile on the L. from the turnpike towards Jamaica-row. Elizabeth-Street, Hans-Place, Sloane- Street, at 46, the N. W. corner, extending to North-st. and lead- ing to Queen-st. and the High- road, Brompton. Elizabeth-Street, Hackney-Road, is about | of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch-church, situate between Durham-place West, and . James's Place. Elliott's Court, Old-Bailey, the fourth on the R. about ten or twelve door.-, from Snow-hill, or six doors N. from Fleet-lane in the op. direction. Elliott's Court, Elliott's Row, St. Ccorge's Fields, the first on the R. about five or six doors from Prospeft place towards Pleasant- row. Elliott's Row, Prospeft-Place, St. George's Fields, the third on the L. from the Elephant and Castle towards We.^t-square, ex- tending to Pleasant-rojr. Elliott's Row, Bethnal-Green-Road,- the'first S. parallel to a part of it, about \ . ot a mile from br>, Shore- ditch, extending from White-st. to Thoma -st. and is behind the Admiral Cornwallis Public-house. Ellis-Square, Penton - Street, Wal- worth, -the second on the L. along Amelia-st. from Walworth High-5t. or road, or a few doors on the R. from Penton-place in the op. direction. Ellison-Street^ Petticoat -Lane, the third on the L. from 41, Aldgate High-st. a few doors N. from Little Middlesex-st. Elm-Court, Middle Temple-Lane, Temple-Bar, the second on the L. from 6, Fleet-st. leading into Fig-tree-court and King's-beneh- walk. Elm-Ccurt, Elm-Street, Gray's-Inn- Lane, about three doors on the L. from 86, Gray's-inn-lane and near thesame distance from Mount Pleasant, Coldbath fields. Elm-Court, Elm-Place, Fetter-Lane, - about the middle of it, a few doors from 108, Fetter-lane. Elm -Place, Fetter - Lane, Fleet - Street, at 108, about the middle of the W. side, leading into Cur- sitor-st. & to 40, Chancery-lane. Elm-Place, Walworth High-Street or Road, about i of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, nearly op. the Terrace. Elm-Street, Gray's-Inn-Lane, at 85, near i of a mile on the R. from Middle-row, Holborn, lead- ing into Mount Pleasant and Baynes-row, Coldbath-fields. Elsworth-Phice, Golden-Lane, Bar- bican. See Colliers-Court. Ely -Chapel, Ely - Place, Holborn- Hill. at 14, and is that number of doors on the L. from 102, Holborn-hill. Ely-Court, Holborn-Hill, at 117, about seven doors on the R. west from Hatton-garden. Ely- Place, Holborn-Hill, at 101, the third on the R. about twenty- five doors from Fleet-market, nearly op. St. Andrew's church. Ely-Place, West- Square, St. George's Fields, at the N. W. corner of it, leading to Prospett- place, or the sixth on the L. along Prospeft- place, place, about $ of a mile from the Elephant and Castle towards Lambeth. Emanuel's Hospital, James-Street, Westminster, is about j of a mile on the R. from Buckingham- gate, also near the W. end of York-st. from Tothill-st. and the Abbey in the op. direction (called also Lady Dacre's Almshouses). Embroiderers-Hall, Gutter-Lane, at :J6', about ten or twelve doors on the L. from H12,Cheapside. Emery-Hill's Aims-Houses, Roches- ter- Row,Tothill- Fields, Westmin- ster, is a part of the said row, near the middle, about I of a mile 5. E. from James-st. bearing to the R. and nearly facing the W. end of the Grey-coat-school. Emigrant-Office, at 10, Queen- street, Bloomsbury, five or six doors on the R. from the W. end df Hart-st. Engine-Street, Piccadilly, -the fourth on the L. about | of a mile from Hyde-park-corner, and nearly -j of a mile in the op. direction from the Haymarket, it leads into Sneads-court and Brick-st. England-Row, Poplar High-Street or Road, about j- of a mile on the L. below the Commercial- road, nearly op. the Harrow Public-house or the King's road. English-Copper-Company's - Wharf, Upper 'I hames-Street, is be- tween numbers 12 and 15, about j of a mile on the R. from Black- friars- bridge, adjoining Horse- thoe-wharf. English- Wharf, Strand, on the E. side of Arundel-stairs, entrance by Water-st. behind the Crown and Anchor, 192, in the Strand. Ehglishman Newspaper-Office, at 6, Hind-court, four doors on the L. from 147, Fleet-st. Enoch - Court, Goodman's Yard, Goodman's-fields, the second on the L. from 60, in the Minories, or the third on the R. from 1, Mansel st. in the op. direction. Epping-Place, Mile- End Road, on the S. side, about a mile on the R. from Aldgate-pump, extend- ing from the turnpike to Mile- end-grove and leading towards Stepney-green. Equitable- Assurance-Office, Bridge- Street, Blackfriars, the eighth house on the R. from the bridge, or the second on the L. from Earl-st. St. Ermin's Hill, Little Chapel- Street, Westminster, about the middle of it, op. St. Margaret's burying-ground, leading to Snow'* Rents and the Broadway, op. Queen-square. Essex- Alley, Essex-Street, White- chapel, the last on the L. from 105, Whitechapel High-st. leading into Wentworth-st. op. Rose- lane. Essex-Court, Essex-Street, White- chapel, the fourth on the L. from 105, Whitechapel High-st. or the second on the R. from Wentworth-st. in the op. direc- tion. Essex-Court, Middle Temple-Lane, Temple-Bar, the western-side of Brick-court, being the first on the R. from 4, Fleet-st. leading to Devereux-court and Essex-st. Essex-Place, Rotherhithe-Street, at 170, about twelve doors on the L. above the Horseferry and twenty- seven doors below Globe-stairs in the op. direction. Essex-Place, Workhouse-Lane, Lam- beth, is part of the S. side, ad- joining the Workhouse, and the first row on the R. from Lambeth- butts towards Kennington-cross. Essex-Street, Strand, at 210, the first on the L. about twenty-four doors from Temple-bar, extending to Essex-wharf and the Thames. Essex- Essex-Street (Little), Strand, the first on the R. in the last mentioned street, and about nine doors from 210, in the Strand, extending to Mil ford-lane. Essex-Street, Bouverie-Street, Fleet- Street, the second on the R. from 62, Fleet st. ox at the S. end of Lombard-st. from 56, Fleet- street, leading into Temple-lane. Essex-Street, Kingsland- Road, is op. the Ironmongers-alms-houses, and about -J- of a mile on the L. fromShoreditch-church, extending to Hoxton-town nearly opposite- Gloucester-st. Essex - Street (Little), Kingsland - Road, the first on the R. about six doors in the last mentioned street from Kingsland -road,leading to Savannah-place. Essex-Street, Whitechapel High- Street, at 105, about f of a mile on the L. below Aldgate- church, nearly opposite Red-lion- street, it leads to Wentworth-st. nearly opposite Rose-lane, (late Catherine-wheel-alley). Essex-Street, Mile-End Old-Town,- the first W. parallel to part of Cannon-st. New-road, extending from 38, Charlotte-st. (four or five doors on the L. from the said road) to the Commercial-road. Essex- Wharf, Essex-Street, Strand,- at the botton of the street from 210, in the Strand. St. Ethelburga's Church, Bishops- gate-Without, behind 54, on the E. side of St. Helen's Place. Europe-Place, St. John's Row, Rat- cliffe-Row, St. Luke's, is about the middle of the S. side, about fifteen doors on the R. from 41, Brick lane. Evangelist - Court, Little Bridge- Street, Blackfriars, the first on the L. a few yards W. from Cock- court, 18, Ludgate-hill. Evans-Court, Basinghall-Street, at 45, about six doors on the L. front London- wall, or the last on the R. from 29* Cateaton-st. in the op. direction. Evan's Place, Star-Comer, Bermond* sey, about ^ of a mile on the R. from Bermondsey-church towards the Bricklayers-arms, facing the Grange-road. Evan's Rents, Turners-Square, Hox- ton, the N. W. corner of the said square, leading towards Ivy- Lane. Evan's Row, Middlesex - Street, Sommers-Town, is part of the E. side, about the middle, say be- tween Chapel-path and Phoenix- street. Evan's Yard, Poplar High-Street, or Road, near -J of a mile on the L. from the Commercial-road, leading to Paradise-street, Noble- street, and the East-India. dock- road. Eve's Place, Adam-Street, Rother- hithe, at f)5, the second on the L. from Neptune-st. Evelyn's Court or Place, Oxford- Street, at 27, being that number of doors on the R. from St. Giles's, three or fourdoors W. from Rath- bone-place. Evening - Mail Newspaper - Office, Printing - House - Square, Black- friars, at the N. E. corner, facing. Printing-house -lane from Water- lane. Evening- Post Newspaper-Office, at 28, Paternoster-row, and 5, Hind- court, five doors on the L. from 147, Fleet-st. Everards- Buildings, Church -Lane, Whitechapel, part of the W. side of it, adjoining 66, Cable-st. Wellclose-square. Everards- Place, Church- Lane,White- chapel, the first on the L. about twelve doors from 66, Cable-st. behind the aforesaid buildings. Everett-Street, Bernard-Street, Bruns- wick- E wiek-Square, at 48, the middle of the N. side, or the second on the R. from the square, extending to Great Coram-st. Evesham - Buildings, Sommers - Town, the N. continuation of Chalton-st.extendingfromChapel- path to Clarendon-sq. Evesham-Buildings (Upper). See Union-Street. Ewer's Buildings, White-Hart- Row, Kennington-Lane, is part of the S. W. side, about the middle of it. Ewer-Street, Duke-Street, Borough,- the first on the R. a few doors from Queen-street, extending to Gravel-lane. Ewing's Buildings, Mile-End-Road,- is part of the S. side, about of a mile on the R. east from Ben- croft's alms-houses, near two miles from Aldgate. Examiner Newspaper-Office, at 15, Beaufort-buildings, Strand, three doors on the R. from 95, in the Strand. Exchange-Alley. See Change, Exchange (for Clothes), Rosemary- Lane. See Clothes. Exchange (Coal), Thames-Street. See Coal. Exchange (Corn), Mark-Lane. See Corn. Exchange (Royal). See Royal. Exchange (Stock). See Stock. Exchequer, New Palace-Yard, West- minster, at the S. E. corner, between Westminster-hall and the Thames. Exchequer- Office, Lincoln's Inn Old Buildings, at 9, the first door on the L. from op. 56, Chancery- lane. Exchequer-Office, Somerset- Place,- the first door on the L. in the square, from under the archway which leads from the Strand. Exchequer - Office, King's - Bench - Walk, Temple, at the bottom of Mitre-conrt, from 44, Fleet-st. on the R. by Tanfield-court. Excise-Office, Old Broad-Street, the large stone building on the E. side, occupying the space between numbers 22 and 33, there is ano- ther entrance at 103, Bishopsgate- within. Execution-Dock, at243,Wapping- street , about a mile and a half below London - bridge, nearly facing Princes- stairs and Elephant-stairs, Rotherhithe. Exeter-Change, Strand, at 355, near the middle of the N. side, about -- of a mile on the R. from Temple-bar, extending under the archway to Burleigh-st. Exeter - Court, Exeter - Change, Strand,-at 355, in the Strand, ad- joining the E.sideof Exeter-change. Exeter - Street, Catherine - Street, Strand, ten doors on the L. from 343, in the Strand, extending to Burleigh-st. about nine doors N. of Exeter-change. Exeter-Street, Hans-Town, at 32, Sloane-st. the second on the R. and about i of a mile from Knights- bridge, it leads to New-st. and 28, Queen's buildings, Brompton High-road. Eye and Ear Infirmary. See London Infirmary. Eyre-Court, Eyre-Street, Leather- Lane, Holborn, at 22, about eighteen doors on the L. from the N. end of Leather-lane and eight or ten doors on the R. in the op. direction from Great Warner-st. Coldbath-fields. Eyre-Place, Eyre-Street, Leather- Lane, Holborn, at 10, and is that number of doors on the R. from the N. end of Leather-lane. Eyre -Street, Leather - Lane, Hol- born, is the N. continuation of it, extending from Back-hill to Warner-st. leading to Great Bath st. and Coldbath-fields. Q^ FAIR- FAIR-STREET, Horselydown,- the eastern continuation of Tooiey-st. on the R. extending from Pari h-st. to New-st. Dock- head. Faircloth-Court, High-Street, Lam- beth, the first on the L. about six doors from Broad-st. towards Lambeth-charch, and op. Stonard and Watson's Starch - manufac- tory. Falcon-Brewery, Portpool-Lane, at JO, being that number of doors on the R. from 52, Gray's-inn-lane. Falcon Coal-Wharf, Bankside, is near i of a mile below Black- friars-bridge, opposite Gravel-lane, Southwark. Falcon-Court, Fleet-Street. at 32, op. St. Dunstan's church, being that number of doors on the R. from Temple-bar. Falcon-Court, Shoe- Lane, at 84, about i of a mile on the L. from 129, Fleet-street and nearthe r ame distance in the op. direction from 65, Holborn-hill. Falcon -Court, High -Street, Bo- rough, ,it 178, on the W r . side, near ^t. George's church, about | of a mile on the R. from Lon- don - bridge. Falcon-Court (Little), High-Street, Borough, the W. continuation of the laA described from 178, High-st. to 15, Red-cross-st. near the Mint. Falcon - Court, White -Street, Bo- rough, at 10, the third on the R. from St. George's church to- wards Long-lane, Bermondsey. Falcon-Court, Fishmongers-Alley, High-Street, Borough, the first on the R. a few yards from 231, High-street by St. Margaret's hill. Falcon-Place, Coppice-Row, Clerk- enwell, the first on the L. from Ray-st. at the N. W. corner of the Green, leading into Ray-st. again. Falcon-Foundry, Bankside, on the E. side Falcon Coal-wharf, op. Gravel-lane. Falcon - Square, Noble - Street, Foster-Lane, the termination of Noble-st. and Foster-lane, enter- ing by 1 47,Cheapside, leading to Falcon-st. and i 6, Aldersgate-st. Falcon-Street, Aldersgate-Street, at 16, about of a mile on the R. from 66, Newgate-st. leading into Falcon-square. Falcon- Yard, Portpool Lane, at 15, being that number of houses from 53, Gray's-inn-lane, and is on the S. side of Meux's brewery. Falconbridge -Court, Crown-Street, Soho, three doors on the R. from the E. end of Oxford-st. or from High-st. St. Gile.'s, leading into Little Sutton-st. and Soho- square. Fan- Alley, Fan-Street, Goswell- Street, St. Luke's, at the E. end from 11. Goswell-st. and N. W. corner of Bridgewater-gardens. Fan -Alley, W 7 ebb- Square, Miore- ditch, at the N. E. corner, en- tering at 47, Shoredifch, it leads to Cock-hill and to 47, Wheeler- street, Spitalfields. Fan - Coort, Goswell - Street, St. Luke's at 12, the third on the R. north from Barbican,' leading into Bridgewater-gardens. Fan-Court, Miles's Lane, Cannon- Street, at 17, two doors on the L. from 131, Upper Thames-st. near London-bridge. Fan-Court, Bakers-Row, White- chapel- Read, the second on the L. from 93, in the said road, to- wards Mile-end Old-town. Fan - Street, Goswell - Street, St. Luke's, between 106, Alders- gate-st. and I, Goswell-st. a few doors on the R. north from Barbi- can, leading into Bridgewater- gardens and Golden-lane. Farm- Farm-Mews, Hill-Street, Berkeley- Square, is the first on the R. a few yards from the middle of the W. side of the said square, leading into Farm-st. Farm. street, Berkeley -Square, the first N parallel to part of Hill-st. extending from Farm-Mews to Union-st. Farmer's Aims-Houses, Little Cha- pel-Mreei, Westminster, adjoins the Vv. side of St. Margaret's burying-gruund, about \ of a mile from Buckingham-gate. Farmers Journal Newspaper-Office,- at 49, Watling-st. eight doors on the R. east from 75, 0_ueen-st. Cheapskie. Farmer's Rents, Crown-Street, Soho, or St. Giles's, the fir^t on the L. a few yards from the E. end of Oxford-street nearly op. Sutton- street. Farmer's Row, Salmon-Lane, Lime- house, forms a part of the E. side, about i of a mile on the R. from the Commercial- road towards Stepney. Farmer-Street, High-Street, Shad- well, at 38, under the archway, about seventeen or eighteen doors W. from Shadwell-church, ex- tending towards Shadwell-dock. Farrer's Rents, Bishopsgate-Street- Without, at 163, about \ of a mile on the L. north from the church, op. Widegate-st. Farrier- Buildings, Inner -Temple - Lane, Fleet-Street, isa few doors on the R. from 15, Fleet-st. near Temple-bar. Farringdon Within Charity-School, Bull and Mouth-Street, at the W. end, nearly facing Butcher- hall-lane, from 82, Newgate-st. Farthing- Alley, Upper East-Smith- field, is op. 97, about fourteen doors on the L. east from Butcher- row and i of a mile from Tower- hill. Far:hing- Alley, Jacob-Street, Dock- Head, about the middle of the S. side, being the third on the R. from Mill-st. leading into Water-lane. Farthing- Fields, New Gravel-Lane, Shad well, at 40, about the middle of the W. side, leading to- wards Old Gravel-lane. Farthing- Hill, Farthing-Street, Spi- talfields, is the Nl continuation of it, to Sclater-st. and is nearly op. Club-row. Farthing-Street, Phoenix-Street, Spi- talfields, the first on the L. about sixteen doors from 39, Wheeler-st. or the third on the R. from 163, Brick-lane. Fashion-Street, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, at 194, the fourth on the L. about \ of a mile from White- chapel, it leads into White's Row, Widegate-street, and Bishopsgate- without. Faulkner's Court, Cow-Cross, Wesr- Smithfield, the third on the R. from St. John-st. and two or three doors E. from Turnmill-st. leading into Benjamin-st. Faulkner's Place, George-Passage, St. George's Market, St. George's Fields, about four doors on the R. from the N. E. corner of the market. Feathers-Court, Drury-Lane, at 86, on the W. side, being the second on the L. and about eighteen or twenty doors from the New-church, or from 226, in the Strand. Feathers-Court, High- Holborn, at 2G4, nearly op. Red-lion-st. lead- ing into Whetston's-park and Lin- coln's-inn-fields. Feathers-Court, Fox-Court, Gray's- Inn-Lane, is about four or five doors on the L. from 10, Gray's- inn-lane, near Holborn. Feathers-Court, Castle -Street, Beth- nal-Green, the first on the R. from F from the back of Shoreditch- church, about three or four doors from the N. end of Cock-lane. Feathers- Mews, Old Millman-Street, James-Street, Bedford-Row, is the N. continuation of it, on the L. leading into Long's-yard and to 38, Lamb's-conduit-st. Featherbed-Lane, Fetter-Lane, at 18, and is that number of doors on the R. from 180, Fleet-st. it is continued by Pemberton - row, leading into Gough-square. Featherstone- Buildings, High -Hoi - born, at 62, on the N. side, eight or nine doors E. from Red- lion- street, leading into Bedford- street. Featherstone - Buildings, Salmon - Lane, Limehouse, the first E. pa- rallel to a part of it, the entrance is a few doors on the R. from the Barge-river or from the Commer- cial-road. Featherstone-Street,City-Road,-the first on the L. about j of a mile N. from Finsbury - square, ex- tending to 60, Bunhill-row, twelve or fourteen doors S. from Old- street. Felix - Street, Bridge - Road, Lam- beth, at 20, the second on the R. about twenty-eight doors from Westminster-bridge, it extends to Stangate-st. Fell-Street, Wood-Street, Cheap- side, at 71, the sixth on the L. from 122, Cheapside, and seven or eight doors on the R. from London-wall in the opposite di- rection. Fen-Court, Fenchurch-Street, at 125, ten doors E. from Cullum- street and nearly opposite Mincing- lane. Fen-Office, Tanfield-Court, Tem- ple, at 3, on the S. side, two doors on the R. from Lamb's Buildings. Fenchurch - Buildings, Fenchurch- F Street, between 107 and 108, the second on the R. about twenty-one doors from Aldgate, it leads to Sugar-loaf-court and 50, Leadenhall-st. Fenchurch - Chambers, Fenchurch r Street, at 66, about six or seven doors on the R. east from Lon- don-st. Fenchurch - Street, Gracechurch - Street, the third on the R. about j. of a mile from London-bridge, extending from opposite Lombard- street to Aldgate. Fendal-Street, Grange-Road, Ber- mondsey, the second on the L. about \ of a mile from Star-corner, or from Bermondsey New-road ? op. Alscot-place, and leads to the Grange-walk. Fen wick-Court, High-Holborn, at 291, about seventeen or eigh- teen doors on the L. west from Chancery-lane. Ferguson's Rents, Snow ? s Fields, Bermondsey, the first on the L. from 238,Bermondsey-st. towards the Borough, about three doors E. from Palmer's Rents. Ferry-Street, Lambeth, the first S. parallel to the church and church- yard, a few doors distance, ex- tending from High-street to Fore- st, by the Thames. Fetter-Lane, Fleet-Street, at 180, five or six doors E. from St. Dun- stan's church, where the numbers being and end, viz. 1 and 144, it extends to 34, Holborn-hill. Field-Buildings, Battle-Bridge, St. Pancras, the E. end of Fifteen- foot-lane, also behind the Bell Public-house, by the Turnpike, Pentonville. Field-Court, Gray's-Inn-Square, - at the S. W. corner, leading to- wards Bedford-row, also the N. end of Full wood's rents from 34, High Holborn. Field-Court, Field-Lane, Holhorn,- the the first on the R. a few doors from 83, Holborn-Hill, or a few doors S. from Saffron-hill or from Chick-lane. Field-Court, Ducking-Pond-Row, Whitechapel-Road, the fourth on the R. from Court-st. 110, Whitechapel-road, or the third on the L. from North-st. in the op. direction. Field-Lane, Holborn-Hill, at 83, about six doors on the R. from Fleet-market, extending to Chick- lane and Saffron-hill. Field- Place, Battle-Bridge, Penton- ville, forms part of the W. side the road to Clerkenweli by Field- street. Field-Street, Battle- Bridge, Penton- ville, the first on the R. from the Turnpike, by the Bell Public- house, towards Clerkenweli. Field-Street, Poplar High-Street or Road, is about \ a mile on the L. from the Commercial-road, and the second below the East- India alms-houses, leading to Fowler's Rents and the East-India Dock-road. Fieldgate-Street,Whitechapel-Road,- the second on the R. about seven- teen doors . from the church, it leads to Charlotte-st. and Cannon- street-road. Fife's Court, Fleet-Street, Spital- fields, near the middle of the S. side, between Black-bird-alley and Ram-alley, about ten doors on the R. from George- st. Fife's Gardens, Granby-Place, Lam- beth Lower Marsh, extends from Granby-pl. to Vine-st. Nar- row-wall. Fifteen - Foot - Lane, White - Hart - Row, Gray's-Inn-Lane, the first ontheL.from theTurnpike, Battle- bridge by Chad's- wells. Fig-Tree-Court, Temple, the third on the L. in Temple-lane from 0, Fleet-st. by Temple-bar, leading F to King's- bench-walk and Temple- street. Fig-Tree-Court, Barbican, at 15, on the S. side, being that number of doors on the L. from 77, Al- ders gate-st. Filacer, Court of, at 4, Elm-Court, Temple, the second door on the R. from op. Fountain - court. Middle Temple-lane, Fleet-st. Finch-Buildings, Ewer-Street, Bo- rough, at the E. end of it, about three or four doors on the L. from Duke- st. or from the W. end of Queen-st. Finch-Court, Poplar High-Street or Road, the first on the L. east from the terrace, or below the East-India alms-houses, about -|- a mile from the Commercial- road. Finch-Lane, Cornhill, at 80, the N. side, about ten doors on the L. east from the Royal-Exchange, leading to Threadneedle-st. Finch- Yard, Poplar High-Street or Road, the second on the L. be- low North-st. op. the Town-hall. Findall-Street, Grange-Road, Ber- mondsey. See Fendal. Finmore-Court, Blue- Anchor- Yard, Rosemary-Lane, the second on the R. from 48, Rosemary- lane, towards Upper East-Smithfield. Finnemore-Court or Rents, Artil- lery-Street, Borough, about of a mile on the R. from 50, Ber- mondsey-st. along Crucifix-lane, and is nearly op. the S. side of St. John's church. Finnemore-Place or Gardens, Russell- Street, Bermondsey, near of a mile en the L. from 90, Bermond- sey -st. or the first on the R. a few doors W. from Church- st. Finsbury-Court, Providence-Row, Finsbury-Square, at *28, the first on the L. four doors from Wilson- st. or from Worship-st. Finsbury- Dispensary, at 210, St. John- st. John-st, by New-court, near | a mile on the L. from Smithfield, and about fourteen doors on the R, from Corporation-Row. Finsbury-Dispensary (New), Gik- spur-Street, at 15, a few doors on the R. from Newgate-st. cr from the Old-Bailey towards Smith- field. Finsbury-Market, at the W. end of >kinner-st. from 119, Bibhops- gate-without,theE.side of Clifton- street from Worship-st. and of Christopher-st. from the N. E. corner of Finsbury-square. Finsbury - Passage, Wilson- Street, Moorfields, at 62, op. Princes-st. about four doors on the L. from the N. E. corner of Fin^bury-sq. Finsbury-Place, Moorfields, at the N. W. corner, extending from Moorfields to Finsbury - square and Chiswell-st. Finsbury- Repository, at 45, Chis- well-st. about three doors on the R. west from Finsbury- sq. Finsbury-Square, on the N. side of Moorfields, about | of a mile W. from 148, Bishopsgate along Sun- street and Crown-st. \ a mile E. from 77, Aldersgate-street along Barbican, Beech st. and Chiswell. street. Finsbury - Street, Chiswell - Street, Finsbury-Square, at 36, the first on the L. about fourteen doors from the S. W. corner of the said square, extending to Rope- makerj-st. Fi nsbury-Tei race, City- R" ad, part of the E. side of it, commencing I about \ of a mile on the R. from the N. W. corner of Finsbury-sq. it extends from Tabernacle-row to bid- t. Firc-R;dl-Court, Houndsditch, at 131 , about the middle of the N. side, extending to Gravel-lane and leading to Harrow-alley and Petti- coat-lane. F First- Fruits.Cffice, Inner Temple. Lane, at 10, on the W. side, eight doors on the R. frpm 15, Fleet-st. Fish-Srreet (Old), Upper Thames- Street, is the first N. parallel to part of it, say from numbers 201 to 212, extending from Bread - street-hill to Lambeth-hill, or is at the S. end of the Old-change frcrn 10, Cheapside. Fish . Street - Hill (Old), Upper Thames-Street, late Labour-in- vain-Kill, at. 204, about 4 of a mile on the L. from Blackfriars, bridge, it extends to 6, Old Fish-st. by the church. Fish - Street - Hill, Gracechurch - Street, the S. continuation of it on trie W. side the Monument, it extends from Eastcheap to London-bridge. Fisher's Alms-Houses, Dog- Row, Mile-End, two or three doors on the L. from the Turnpike towards Bethnal-green. Fisher's Alley, Dorset- Street, Salis- bury-Square, Fleet -Street, at 62, the second on the R. from 82, Fleet-st. passing Salisbury-square on the R. it extends to Whitefriars- dock and Water-lane. FLher's Alley, Petticoat- Lane,. Spi- talfields, the third on the R. a few doors N. from Wentworth. street, leading into Cox's square. Fisher's Court, Eagle-Street, Red- Lion-Square, is nearly op. 27, about seven doors on the L, from 65, Red-lion-st. Holborn. Fisher-Street, Red-Lion-Square, at the S. W. corner, extending to Kingsgate-st. and is about ten doors on the R. in the said street from 116, High Holborn. Fishmongers- Alley, High-Street, Bo- rough, is about nine doors on the R. south from St. Margaret's hill, and 4 of a mile fromLondon-bridge, extending to 76, Red-cross- st. Fishmonger! Fishmongers Alms-Houses, New- ington, on the W. side the High- road, about a mile on the R. from London-bridge, opposite the Elephanr and Castle. Fishmongers-Hall, Upper Thames- Street, at 1 12, about ten doors on the L. west from London-bridge. Fishmongers - Passage, Fenchurch- Street, at IIS, about j of a mile on the L. from Gracechurch- street, nearly op. Mark-lane, it leads to Billiter-square. Fitzroy- Market, Hertford- Street, Fitzroy-Square, occupies part of the E. side of it, between Grafton-Street and Warren-st. it communicates with Tottenham- court-road at 126, by Holebrook- buildings near the New-road. Fitzroy - Mews, Hertford - Street, Fitzroy-Square, on the W. side, three doors on the L. from Lon- don-st. towards Grafton-st. Fitzroy-Place, New-Road, Fitzroy- Square, on the N. side, about | of a mile on the R. from Hamp- stead-road, and op. Fitzroy-st. from the square. Fitzroy-Place (Upper), the N. con- tinuation of the last from Henry- street. Fitzroy-Row, Fitzroy-Place, New- Road, the first on the L. a few yards from the New-road. Fitzroy-Square,-is about - a mile N. from 24, E. end of Oxford- street along Rathbone-place, Charlotte - st. &c. or about seventeen doors from 1 1 9, Tottenham-court-road along Grafton-st. Fitzroy -Street, Fitzroy-Square, the second on the R. about seven- teen doors in London-st. from 108, Tottenham-court-road, leading to the S. E. corner of the square. Fitzroy-Street (Upper), Fitzroy- Square, is op. the last, extending from the N. E. corner of the square to the New-road. Fives-Court, St. Martin's Street Leicester-Square, behind 26, four doors on the R. from Whit- comb-st, the wall of the Upper King's Mews, is the eastern boundary of it. Fives-Court, Mansel-Street, Good- man's Fields, at 13, about the middle of the W. side, two or three doors N. from Swan-st. Five - Bell - Court, Wheeler -Street, Spitalfields, at 43, nearly facing Webb-square from Shoreditch, about five doors N. from Phcenix- street, it extends to Farthing.st. Five-Bell- Place, 3,Colt-Street, Lime- house, is op.-the E. side, of the church by the Five-Bells Public- house. Five- Constable-Row, Mile-End, is part of the N. side, commencing by Dog-row, a few yards on the L. east from the Turnpike, about a mile from Aldgate-pump. Five- Fields, Chelsea, situate be- tween Grosvenor-place at the back of the Queen's Gardens, and Sloane-st. through which passes the King's Road. Five - Field - Row, Pimlico. See Ebury-street. Five-Foot-Lane, Upper Thames- Street, at 203, about | of a mile on the L. from Blackfriars- bridge, nearly op. Broken-wharf, leading to 7, Old Fish-st. Five-Foot-Lane, Bermondsey. See Russell-st. Five-Garden-Row, Artillery-Street, St. John's, Borough. See Finne- more-Court. Five-Hou es-Corner, Tyson-Street, Bethnal-Green, at 10, the fir.-.t on the L. ten doors from 62, Church-st. op. Brick-lane. Five-Inkhom-Court, Whitechapel,- at 9 1 , about | of a mile on the L. below Aldgate - church, or eighteen doors on the R. from Osborn-st. Flask- Flask-Row or Lane, Five-Field- Row, Chelsea, extends from the- Old Red-lion, or N. end of Ebury- st. to A very-row. Fleet - Gardens, Marha m - Street, Westminster, at the back of 37, on the W. side, near the Horse- ferry -road. Fleet-Lane, Fleet-Market, at 16, the first on the R. from Ludgate- hill, on the N. side the Fleet- prison, extending to 46, Old- bailey, op. Newgate. Fleet-Market,- situate between Lud- gate-hill and Fleet-st. where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 98, it extends to Holborn- bridge, Snow-hill. Fleet- Prison, Fleet-Market, about four doors on the R. from Lud- gate-hill, occupying the space be- tween numbers 3 and 16, it ex- tends back to the Bell Savage- yard. Fleet-Row, Eyre-Street, Leather- lane, Holborn, is op. 21, two or three doors N. from Summer- street and about ten doors on the L. from Warner street, Clerken- well. Fleet-Street, Temple-Ear, com- mences on the E. side, where the numbers begin and end, viz. I and 206, it extends to Bridge -.street, Blackfriars, and Fleet-market. Fleet-Street, Spitalfields. or Bethnal- Green, the first S. parallel to part of St. John-st. Brick lane, ex- tending from George-st. to Fleet- street-hill. Fleet-Street-Hill, St. John-Street, Spitalfields or Bethnal-Green, the fourth on the R. about |- of a mile from 105, Brick-lane, it leads to Flect-st. and extends to Weavers -st. Flemings or Flemish-Church-Yard, Tower-Hill. Sec the following. Flemish-Street, Tower-Hill, on the E. side, and the second on the T R. about ten doors from IrOrt* gate, it extends to St. Catherine's lane. Fletcher - Row, Vineyard - Gardens, Clerkenwell, the second on the R. from Bowling - green - lane, towards Spa-fields. Fletcher's Ways, Shadwell,- about 1| of a mile below London-bridge, by the line of the river, the first E. of Shadwell-dock, and nearly opposite the Surrey-canal, Rother- hithe. Flint - Street, Higlers - Street, St. George's Fields, the fourth on the R. from Blackfriars. road, ex- tending to King-street, Belvedere- place, by the King's Bench. Flint - Street, London - Road, St. George's. Fields, the first on the L. in Gay wood-street, from the middle of the W. side the London - road, or the first on the R. from ProspecVplace. Flint-Street, East-Lane, Walworth,- the fourth on the R. about of a mile from the Kent- road, and near | a mile on the L. from Wal- worth High-st. it extends to Park- place, Locks-fields. Floating-Dock, Rotherhithe, is about li of a mile below London- bridge, by the line of the river, and of a mile E. of Rotherhithe- church, op. King Edward-stairs, Wapping. Flower and Dean-Street, Spital- fields, at 200, Brick -Lane, the third on the L. from 74, White- chapel High-st. it extends to Rose- lane. Flower-de-Luce-Court, Gray's-Inn- Lane, at 8f>, about -J of a mile on the R. from Middle - row, Holborn, it leads to Mount-plea- sant and Coldbath-fields. Flower-de-Luce -Court .Fleet-Street ,- at 179, behind the houses on the E. side Fetter-lane, from numbers ltol6. Flower- Vlower - de-Lis - Court, Shoemakers- Row, Blackfriars, is two doors on the R. from Broadway or from Water-lane, and the third on the L. from Creed-lane, Ludgatc-st. Flower - de- Lis - Court, Turnmil!- Street, Clerkenwell, the second on the L. a iew doors from Cow- cross, West Smithfield, towards Clerken well-green. Flower-de-Lis. Court, Shoreditch, at !0, abiut eighteen doors on the R. north from White-lion-st. | of a mile from Comhill, it leads to Blossom-st. and Flower-de-Lis-st. Flowerde-Lis-Street, Spitaltields, the E. continuation of the last, from 10, Shoreditch, extending to 72,Wheeler-st. op. Great Pearl-st Flower-Pot, Coach-Office, at 115, Bishopsgate-within, the corner of Threadneedle-st. Fludver-Street , Westminster, the third on the R. about ^ of a mile from Charing-cross towards the Abbey, or the third on the L. from Great George-st. it leads to St. James's Park. Flushing - Court, St. Catherine's Street, about -f of a mile on the L. below Tower-hill, a few doors W. from Hermitage-bridge and nearly op. Hawley's wharf. Flying- Horse-Court, Maiden-Lane, Wood-Street, Cheapside, about four doors on the R. from 110, Wood-st. and the same distance E. of Haberdashers-hall. Flying -Horse -Court, Grub. Street, Cripplei^ate, the third on the R. about thirteen doors from 97, Fore-street, three doors N. from Honeysuckle-court. Flying-Hor e- Yard, Rose & Crown- Court, Moorfields, the second on the Pv. from the N. E. corner of Moorfields, it is also called Half-moon-st. Flying-Horse- Yard, Crown-Street, Fin&bury, the first on the L. a few doors from Wilson-st. the S. E corner of Finsbury-square. Flying - Horse- Yard, Half-Moon- Street, Bishopsgate- Without, the first on the L. a few doors from 170, Bishopsgate-st. Flying-Horse- Yard, Camomile-St. Bishopsgate, at 25, the first on the L. five doors from 1, Bishops- gate-st. without, nearly opposite the church. Flying - Horse - Yard, Brick - Lane, Spitalfields at 31, about -^ of a mile on the R. from 74, White- chapel and 10 or 12 doors on the L. from Church-st. Spitalfields. Foley- House, Chandos-Street, Ca- vendish-Square, about the middle of the E. side, a few yards on the R. from the N. E. corner of the square. Foley-Place, Queen- Ann-Street East, Marybone, a part of the W. end of it by Portland-chapel, or the sixth on the L. about of a mile from 102, Oxford-street, along John-st. and Great-Portland-st. Fore-Street, Cripplegate, the last on both the R. and the L, from 122, Cheapside, along Wood-st. it extends from the S. W. corner of Moorfields to Red-cross-street, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 123. Fore-Street, Limehouse, the E. continuation of Narrow-st. and first parallel to the Thames, ex- tending from the second Draw- bridge to Three-col t-st. Fore -Street, Lambeth, commences by the S. side of the church, and extends along the side of the Thames to New-st. near Vaux- hall, about of a mile in length. Fore and Aft- Dock, Rotherhithe or BermomLey-Wall, is about a mile below London-bridge, by the line of the river, on the E. side of East-lane-staire and nearly opposite Union-stairs, Wapping. R Fort- ^ort - Place, South - Street, West- Square, St. George's Fields, the corner formed by Bird-st. and South-st. facing the square. Fort - Place, Grange - Road, Ber- mondsey, a part of the S. side, about f of a mile on the R. from Bermondsey New -road, near the Turnpike and Blue-anchor- road. Fort-Street, Spitalfields or Old Artil- lery-ground, the N. end of Duke-st. from 38, Union-street, leading to Spital-square. Foster's Buildings, White - cross- Street, St. Luke's at 123, about six doors on the L. south from Banrter-st. and near | of a mile on the R. north from Chiswell-st. Foster's Buildings, Shoreditch, at 183, by the Turnpike, about \ a mile on the left. N. from Bishops- gate-church, it leads into King John's court. Foster- Lane, Cheapside, at 148, the first on the L. about eight doors from Newgate-st. it extends to St. Ann's lane. Foster -Street, Peter - Street, Sun- Street, Bishopsgate, the fir>t W. parallel to a part of Peter-st. ex- tending from Merrits - buildings to Half-moon*st Foulk's Buildings, Bethnal-Green- Road, behind the George on the N. side of Wilmot-sq. near i of a mile on the L. from 65, Shore- ditch. Founders-Court, Lothbury,-ls about 10 doors on the L. east from Cole- man-st. facing the N. front of the Bank of England. Founders-Hall -Chapel , Lothbury , at the N. end of Founders-court, the building which was formerly Founders-hall. Fotmdry-RoW,Bowling-Green- Row, Hoxton, the second on the L. from opposite Haberdashers-alms- houses, extending to RoyaLoak- walk. Foundling-Hospital ,Guilford-Streef # Gray's-Inn-Lane, on the R. from the said lane, and on the L. from Russell-sq. facing Lamb's- conduit-st. Fountain-Court, Strand, at 104, about | of a mile on the R. from Charing -cross, four doors W. from the Savoy, the entrance is by a flight of steps. Fountain - Court, Middle Temple- Lane, the second on the R. from 4, Fleet-st. by Temple-bar, lead- ing into Garden-court on the L. and to New-court and Essex-st. on the R.. Fountain-Court, Cheapside,- at 30, the third on the R. being that number of houses from bt. Paul's- church-yard, nearly op. Gutter- lane. Fountain-Court, Aldermanbury, two doors on the R. from Cat- eaton-st. or from Milk-st. Cheap- side, it leads to the Baptist-Head Coffee-house. Fountain-Court, Old Bethlem, at 36, the first on the L. about fifteen door's from 199, Bishopsgate- with- out, or six doors on the R. from New Broad -st. Fountain - Court, Virginia - Street, Bethnal-Green, about the middle of the N. side, at the back of the Fountain Public-hoase, leading to Crabtree-row, Hackney-road. Fountain-Court, Minories, at 20, the third on the L. being that number of houses from Aldgate. Fountain-Court, New-Street, Dock- Head, near the middle of the N. side, about fourteen doors on the L. from the bottom of Fair-st. and Tooley-st. Fountain- Place, City Road, part of the S. W. side, about -J of a mile on the L. from Finsbury-sq. extending from Peerless-row to Upper Fountain-place. Fountain-Place (Upper), City-Road ,- the the continuation of the last, ex- tending to New.st. and Union- row. Fountain-Stairs, Rotherhithe or Ber- mondsey-Wall, at the N. end of Salisbury-st. from Jamaica-row, and the first W. from Cherry-gar- dens, is near 1| of a mile below London-bridge, facing Bell-dock, Wappiug. Four Swans-Inn, Bishopsgate-With- in, at 83, ntar j of a mile on the L. from Cornhill. Fowk's Biildings, Great Tower- Street, at 25, nearly op. Mark- lane, two doors W. from Water- lane. Fowlers- Rents, Poplar, is about \ a mile on the L. from the Com- mercial - road, the second row below the East-India alms-houses, it extends from Field-st. to the East-India-dock-road. Fox - Alley, Princes - Street, Lam- beth, about the middle of the W. side nearly op. Messrs. Randall and Suter's manufactory, it leads to the Vox public-house, Forest, by the Thames. Fox - Buildings, Kent - Street, Bo- rough, at 37, the second on the L. about | of a tnile from St. George's church, and is thirty- seven doors from White-st. Fox-Court, St. James's Street, at 3Q, the fourth on the L. being that number of houses from 164, Pic- cadilly. Fox-Court, Gray's-Tnn-Lane, the first on the R. ten doors from Middle-row, Holborp, leading to 28, Brook-st. Fox-Court, Ray-Street, Clerken- well, about ten doors on the L. from the N. W. corner of Clerken- well - green towards Coldbath- elds. Fox-Court, Long-Lane, We^t Smith- field, the first on the L. about .eleven doors from GC, E. side of Smithfield-market,towardsAlden gate-st. Fox- Court, Petticoat-Lane, on the E. side, about nine doors S. from Wentworth-st. nearly op. Stoney- lane, of a mile on the R. from 41, Aldgate High-st. Fox-Court, Gun-Alley, Wapping, the first on the R. a few doors from Green-hank, at the back of Wapping- church. Fox's Lane, Shadwell High-Street,- at 55, on the E. side ShadwelL church, extending to the New- road, to Shad well-do,ck, and to Wapping-wall. Fox and Goose - Yard, Coleman- Street, Shadwell, is about three doors on the R. from behind 23, Wapping r wall, the corner of St^r-st. Fox and Hounds- Yard, Bishopsgate- Street- Without, three doors S. from Union-st. near -g of a mile on the R. north from Bishopsgate- church. Fox and Knot-Court, Cow-Lane, West-Smithfield, at 42, opposite the end of Hosier-lane, about ten doors on the L. from Snow-hill. Fox and Knot -Yard, Cow -Lane, West Smithfield, at the bottom of the last .described, towards Chick-lane or West-sf . Fox - Ordinary - Court, Nicholas- Lane, at 12, that number of houses on the R. from 24, Lom- bard-st. or six doors on the L. from 60, Cannon -st. Frame- Work-Knitters Alois-Houses, Kingsland-Road. on the E. side, about | of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch-chiirch. Frances or Francis-Court, Maiden- Lane, Covent-Garden, at 33, about the middle of the N. side, and op. Bullen-court from 407 in the Strand. Frances - Court, Lambeth - Walk, Lambeth, is about the middle of F of the E. side, viz. between King- street and Union-street, Walcot- place. Francis-Place, Francis-Street, Tot- tenham - Court - Road, at 11, about nine doors on the R. from Tottenham-court-road. Francis- Place, Princes-Row, Mile- End New- Town, the second on the L. a few doors W. from Baker's row, entering at 94, Whitechapel-road . Francis-Street, Tottenham-Court- Road, the sixth on the R. about ^ of a mile from Oxford-st. or St. Giles's, is nearly op. Whitfield's Chapel and leads to Upper Gower- street. Francis -Street, Golden-Square, the N. continuation of Air-st. enter- ing by 27, Piccadilly, it extends from Marybone-st. to 28, Brewer- street. Francis - Street, Berkeley - Street, Clerkenwell, -four doors on the L. from St. John's lane, or the second oh the R. from 19, Red-lion-st. Francis- Street, High-S'reet, New- ington, about -i of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, and afewdoorsS. from the church, it leads to Church-st. and Manor- place, Walworth. Francis- Stone- Yard, Princes-Street, Lambeth, the third on the R. from Br ad -st. leading to Fore- street and the Thames. Franklin's- Row, Chelsea, on the E. side the Hospital, extending from Royal Hospital-row to Turks-row by the Hospital-wall. Frazer's Court, Green-\\alk, Black- friars- Road, the first on the R. a few yards from the said road, on the S. side of Christ-church. Frederick Place, Hampstead-Road,- is pari of the W. side, about - of a mile on the L. from Totten- ham-court-road, extending from Frcderick-st. towards the chapel. I Frederick - Place, Goswell r Street. Road, a part of the E. side, op. Owens-place, near the City-road, extending from the New-road towards Sidney-st. Frederick- Place, Old-Jewry, the first on the L. about, four doors from 81, Cheapside or from the commencement of the Poultry. Fredenck-Place, Newington High- Street or Road, about of a mile on the L. frcm the Elephant and Castle, and the second o. from the church, it leads to Hodgson ? * Buildings and Francis-st. Frederick - Place, W ai worth - Com- mon, a few houses between the Paul's head and the Hour-glass, op. the chapel, and about |of a mile on the R. from Sur.ey-sq. Frederick -Street, Hampstead-Road,- the fifth on the L about j- of a mile from Tottenham-court-road ? at the N. end of Soils- row. Free-Court, Princes-Street, Lam- beth, the fifth on the R. a few doors from Broad-street towards Vauxhall, it extends to Fore-st. by the Thames. Free- Pas3, near Broad-st. and facing Finch-lane. French-Chapel, St. John-Street, Spi- talfields, at 14, on the N. side, that number of houses on the L. from 105, Brick-lane. French-Chapel, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, on the W. side, the corner of Church-st. about | of a mile o the L. from Whitechapel. French-Court, Threadneedle-Street,- is between 51, Threadneedle-st. and 84, Old Broad-st. about seven or eight doors on the L. from the Royal -Exchange. French - Court, Great Hermi'. age- Street, Wapping, at 47, about the middle of the N. side. French - Hospital, Pesthouse - Row, Old-Street, St. Luke's, a few doors on the L. from the W. end of St. Luke's hospita', and op. Peerless-pool. French-Row, Bethnal-Green, the second N. parallel to part of Green-st. about i of a mile E. from the Green, it extends from Bonner-st. to Cross-st.. French-Row, City-Road. See Bath- Street and RatclifFe-Row. French- Yard, Bowling-Green-Lane, Clerkenwell, the second on the R. from op. the workhouse, Cop- pice-row, towards Corporation- row, St. John- st. French - Horn - Yard, Crutched- Friars, at 26, a few doors on the R. from 64, Mark lane, or about six doors W. from Savage-gardens. Fresh-Wharf, Lower Thames-St. twodoorscnfheR. from the church, at the end of London-bridge. Friar's Alley, Upper Thames- Street, - at 82, nearly op, Dowgate-hill, about | of a mile on the L. from London-bridge, leading to Dow- gate-wharf and the Thames. Friars-Street and Courts, i See Fryer. Friars-Street, Blackfriars-Road. See Higglers-Lane. Friary, St. James's Palace, the E. end, being a few yards on the R. from Pall-mall towards St. James's Park. Friday-Street, Cheapside,-at 37, the second on the R. from St. Paul's church-yard, it extends toOldFibh- st. two doors from Bread-st. hill. Friday- Friday-Street (Little), at 42 in the last, the second on the L. from Cheapside, it extends to 22, Bread-st. Friend's Place, King's Bench- Walk, Bennett's Row, Blackfriars-Road,- a few houses on the W. side ad- joining Bennett's Row. Friendly-Institution, for the cure of Cancers, &c. Kent-Road, about | of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, nearly op. Rodney's Buildings. Friendly-Place, Castle-Street, Fins- bury-Square, is two doors on the R. from Paul-st. towards the City-road, .extending to Paradise- street. Friendly-Place, Vine-Street, Narrow- Wall, Lambeth, about 7 'o of a mile jon the R. firm Belvedere- brewery, towards Neptune-place, Cartis's halfpenny-hatch, and the New-cut, Lambeth-marsh. Friendly-Place, Kent-Road, forms apart of the S. side, about i of a mile on the R. below the Brick- layers-arms. Friendly -PI ace, Chapel-Street, St. George's in the East, is near the E. end of it, between Mary -st. and Duke- t. Friendly-Row, Old Gravel-Lane, St. George's in the East, at 101, the second on the R. a few doors from 66, RatclifFe-highway. Frith-Street, Soho, at the S. W. corner of Soho-square, it intersects Old Compton-st. at 48, and ex- tends to 52, King-st. Frog-Island, Nightingale-lane, Lime- hou;e, is at theN. end, near the New-cut on the N. side Pool's r pewalk. Frogwell - Court, Charterhou e- Lane, the first on the R. a few doors from 100, St. John-street, West Sraithfield, it leads to 3, Fox-court, and Long-Lane. Frost's Alley, Old Montague-Street, Whitechapel, is a few doors on the L. east from Osborn-st. late Pipemakers-alley. Fryer's Alley, Upper Thames- Street. See Friar. Fry's Alley, Middle Turning, Shadwell, the first on the R. about seven doors from 67, Shake- spear's walk, or a few yards on the L. from 10, Spring-st. Fryers-Court, Fryers-Hill, Great Hermitage. Street, Wapping, is a few doors on the R. from 41, Great Hermitage-st. or two doors from Redmaid-lane. Fryers-Court, Great Tower-Hill, or Trinity-Square, at 48, the E. side, two or three doors S. from Coopers-row. Fryers Hill, Great Hermitage-Street, Wapping, at 41, about the mid- dle of the N. side, it leads to Red- maid-lane, by the London-dock. Fryer's Street, Shoemakers - Row, Blackfriars, the first pn the L. about seven doors from Creed- lane, Ludgate-st. extending to Ireland -yard. Fryjng-Pan- Alley, Turnmill-Street, Clerkenw\ell, rthe second on the L. a few doors from ClerkenwelL green towards Cow-cross. Frying- Pan- Alley, Petticoat-Lane,- the first on the L. from Widegate- st. Bishop-igate, or about six doors S. from Artillery. place, (Smock- alley) extending to Bell-lane. Frying - Pan - Alley, Princes-Street, Lambeth, the second on the R. about twelve doors from Broad- st. towards Vauxhall, it extends to Fore-street. Frying-Pan-Alley, Maze, Borough,- tlie third on the L. about ten doors from 195, Tooley-st. lead- ing into King's-head-yard. Frying- Pan- Alley, High-Street, Bo- rough at 2H7, the third on the R.a few doors fromLondon-bridge, it leads to Green-di agon-yard. Fullbrook's Fullbrook's Buildings, North-Street, Pentonville, is about ten doors on the R. from the Turnpike, at the bottom of the hill towards the fields. Fuller's Aims-Houses, Mile-End- Road, on the N. side, about eighteen doors below Red-cow- lane, or | of a mile on the L. east from the Turnpike, nearly op. Stepney- green. Fuller's Alms - Houses, Hoxton- . Town, on the W. side, about of a mile on the L. from Old- street-road. Fuller's Alms - Houses, Gloucester- Street, Hoxton, about the middle of the S. bide of the said street. Fuller's-Court, Upper East Smith- field, at 35, about twenty-one doors on the L. from the New Mint, E. side of Tower-hill. Fuller's- Rents, Princes-Street, West- minster, is five doors on the L. from Tothill-st. by the Abbey to- wards St. James's Park. Fuller's-Rents, Poplar. See Fowler. FulIer-Street,Church-Street Bethnal- Green, at 115, about ^ f a mile on the R. from 65, Shore- ditch. Fuller-Street, Hare-Street, Bethnal- Green, at 37, the third on the L. about ij of a mile from 110, Brick-lane. Fullwood's Rents, High Holborn, at 33, nearly op. Chancery-lane, leading into Field-court and Gray 's- inn-square. Furnivals Inn, Holborn, at 135, N. side, about six doors W. from Leather-lane and near y of a mile on the R. from Fleet- market. Furnival's-Inn-Court, Holborn, at 1 37, on the VV. side Furnival's-inn, two doors from Brock-st. Furnival's- Inn- Gardens, Holborn, on the N. side of Furnival's-inn. Fye - Foot - Lane, Upper Thames- Street. See Five-Foot. GAINSFORD-STREET, Horselydown,-at 31, Horsely- down-lane, about ten doors on the R. from Back-st. E. end of Tooley-st. it extends to Shad- Thames, St. Saviour's dock. Galley - Quay, Lower Thames- Street, the first E. from the Custom-house or. the third W. from Tower-hill, it is about -j? 5 of a mile below London-bridge. Gardens, Webb-Street, Maze, Bo- rough, the first on the R. a few doors from 249, Bermond- sey-street. Garden - Court, Middle Temple- Lane, Fleet-Street, the third on the R. from 6, Fleet-st. by Tem- ple-bar towards the Thames, being on the S. side of Fountain-court. Garden-Court, Baldwin's Gardens, Leather-Lane, Holborn, at 15, about the middle of the S. side, viz. between 77, Leather - lane, and 31, Gray's-inn-lane. Garden - Court, Great Turnstile, Holborn, at 10, on the E. side, nine doors on the L. from 283, High Holborn, by the N. E. corner of Lincoln's-inn-fields. Garden - Court, Hull-Street, St. John's Row or RatclifFe-Row, St. Luke's, at the N. end on the R. behind Garden-terrace. Garden-Court, Petticoat-Lane, the second on the L. about four- teen doorsfrom41, Aldgate High- street, leading to Gravel-lane and 1 48, Houndsditch. Garden-Court, Risby's Rope-Walk, Limehouse, about the middle of the N. side, entering from Nar- row-st. about three doors on the L. below Mr. Turner's house. Garden-Court, George- Yard, White- chapel, the first on the R. a few doors from 88, Whitechapel High- street, or the first on the L. from Wentworth-st. in the op. direc- tion. Garden- c Garden-Court, Hare-Court, Alders- gate-Street, the first on the L. from 62, Aldersgate-st. towards Paul's alley and Red-cross-st. Garden-Court, Lee's Court, St. Ca- therine's Lane, on the N. side, leading to Garden-st. Helmet- court, and to 30, Butcher-Row, Lower EastSmithfield. Garden-Court or Row, Mason-Street, Lambeth, the first on the L. a few doors from 30, Bridge -road, about \ of a mile on the R. from Westminster- bridge. Garden-Court, Garden-Row, Lon- don-Road, St. George's Fields, at 10, about the middle of the E. side, leading into Union-st. Garden - Place, Chicksand - Street, Mile- End New-Town, the first on the L. a few yards from 16, High-st. entering by 50, White- chapel-road. Garden-Place, Vine-Street, Nar- row-Wall, Lambeth, is a few yards on the L. from the S. end of Vine-st. by the Belvedere-brewery, towards Curtis's halfpenny-hatch. Garden Place, Blackman-Street, Bo- rough, at 59, by the Stones-end, nearly op. the King's Bench, about 4 of a mile on the L. from London-bridge . Garden-Place, Newington or St. George's Fields, at the back or W. side of the Fishmongers alms- houses, op. the Elephant and Castle, entering by Temple-street, Prospect place. Garden - Place, Walworth High- Street or Road, forms part of the W. side, about - of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle, and is situate between Cross-st. and Hampton-st. Garden-Row, Chelsea, on the E. side the Hospital-wall, being the continuation of Franklin's-row, extending from Turks-row to- wards the King's Road. a Garden - Row, Hoopers - Court* Brompton, is a few doors on the R. from 2, Queen's buildings, near Knightsbridge. Garden- kow, Vineyard - Gardens, Clerkenwell, the first on the R. from Bowling-green-lane, Cop- pice-row, it leadi to 20, Rosa- mond-st. through the Red-lion public-house. Garden - Row, Brick - Lane, St. Luke's at 43, -about \ of a mile on the R. from 113, Old-street, three or four doors S. from St. John's road. Garden - Row, Old-Street-Road, forms part of the S. side, between St. Agnes-le-Clair and the Cur- tain-road, about - of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch. church. Garden- Row, Stangate Street, Lam- beth, at 12, about the middle of the S. side, nearly op. Mason-st. from 30, Bridge-road. Garden - Row, Duke - Street, St. George's Fields, the second on the R. a few doors from West- minster - bridge - road, near the Obelisk. Garden- Row, London-Road, St. George's Fields, the second on the R. ah ut sixteen doors from the Obelisk towards the Elephant and Castie, it leads on the E. side the Philanthropic-reform to Pros- pecf-place. Garden- Row, Walworth High-Street or Road, at ihe back of Garden- place, two or three doors N. from Hampton-st. near of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. Garden-Row, Snow's Fields, Bo- rough, the third on the L. from 13S, Bermondsey-st. k leads into Palmer's Rents. Garden-Street (Great), St. Cathe- rine's Lane, is the fourth or fifth on the L. from 50, Upper East Smithficld by Tower-hill, lead- ing ing to Helmet-court and 30, Butcher-row. Garden-Street (Great), Whitechapel- Road, at 50, on the N. side, being the fourth on the L. and near | of a mile below White- chapel-church, it leads to High, street. Garden - Terrace, Hull - Street, St. John's Row or RatclifFe-Row, St. Luke's, at the N. end, on the R. from St. John's Row, facing the Market- garden. Garden-Walk, Willow-Walk, Cur- tain-Road, Shoreditch, the first on the R. a few doors from Char- lotte-st. it returns to Willow- walk again, near Tabernacle-sq. Gardner's Lane, York-Street, West- minster, the third on theL. from Queen-square, extending to Little Chapel-st, on the W. side St. Margaret's burying-ground. Gardner's Lane, King Street, West- minster, the fifth on the R. -| of a mile from Charing-cross to- wards the Abbey, it extends to 3, Duke-st. and is the first S. parallel to Charles-st. Gardner's Lane,High-Timber-Strect, Upper Thames-Street, about the middle of the S. side, entering by 42, Upper Thames-st. about ^ of a mile on the R. from Blackfriars- bridge. Garlick-Kill, Upper Thames-Street,- at 190, about the middle of the N. side, it is also the continuation of Bow-lanefrom 48, Cheapside. Garmouth-Row, Rodney-Row, Kent- Road, is theS. end of it, leading into Locks-fields, Walworth, en- tering by the fifth on the R. | of a mile from the Elephant and Catle. Garter-Court, Barbican, at 36, about four or five doors on the R. from Red-cross-sr. or frOm Golden-lane towards Aldersgate- street. Gascoigne - Place, Crabtree - Row> Bethnal-Green, the first on the R. about fourteen doors from Hackney - road, it extends to Castle-street behind Shoreditch- church. Gate-Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, at the N. W. corner by Great Queen-street, it extends to Little Turnstile and to 210, High Holborn. Gate- Yard, America-Square, Mi- nories, is behind 8, the S. E. corner of America-square, facing Hanover-court from 109 on the W. side the Minories. Gatward's Buildings, Hill-Street, Finsbury, is on the S. side, and the first on the R. about six doors from 9, Windmill-st. Gaywood-Street, London-Road, St. George's Fields, the second on the L. from the Elephant and Castle towards the Obelisk, it ex- tends to Prospedt-pl. West-sq. Gazette-Office, Printer-Street, New- Street, Shoe-Lane, the eleventh door on the L. from 88, Shoe-lane, along New-st. or the first house from Goldsmiths-row, in the op. direction. Gee - Street, Goswell - Street, St. Luke's, at 52, the first on the R. abcut seventeen doors N. from Old-st. it extends to Brick-lane. General-Agency-Office, at 34, Great George st. Westminster, the fourth door on the L. from the Park towards the Bridge. General - Dispensary, Aldersgate- Street, op. 150, in thesaid street, about eight or ten doors S. from Jewin-st. General-Evening-Post, Newspaper- Office, at 28, Paternoster-Row, a few doors on the L. from Ave. Maria-lane towards Cheapside. George- Alley, Field-Lane, Holborn, - the first on the L. from 81, Hol- born-hill, & nearly op. Chick-lane, S it it leads into Union-court or yard. George- Alley, Fleet- Market, at 70, about the middle of the W. side extending to 28, She-lane. George- Alley, Lombard-Street, at 52, on the N. side, about eleven doorson theR. from Gracechurch- street. St. George's Buildings, Hoxton- Square, at the N W. corner, between numbers 13 and 14, in the said square. St. George's Chapel, George-Street, Chelsea, a few doors from the ' S. E. corner of SI oane- square to- wards Royal Hospital-row. St. George's Church, Hanover- Square, about twelve doors on the L. in George -st. from the S. side of the square, towards Picca- dilly. St. George's Church, Hart-Street, Eloomsbury, is near of a mile on the R. from the S. side of Bloomsbury - square towards St. Giles's. St. George the Martyr's Church, Queen - Square, at the S. W. corner or the N. end of Glouces- ter-st. from Theobalds-road. St. George'sChurch, Botolph-Lane,- a few doors on the R. from 16, Little Ea tcheap, or twelve doors on the L. from 111, Lower Thames-st. St. George's Church in the East, about eight doors on the R. in Cannon-st. from 113, Ratcliffe- highway. St. George's Church, High- Street, Borough, is near \ a mile on the L. from London-bridge, and rather more from the Elephant and Castle in the op. direction. George - Court, Perkin's Rents, Great Peter-Street, Westminster,- about the middle of the E. side, six doors on the L. from 48, Old Pye-st. George-Court, Great St. Ann's G Street orLane. West min?ter,-about the middle of the E. side, facing Old Pye-st. George-Court Strand, at 50, about \ of a miieon the R. being that number of housds from Charing- ero>s, it is about twelve d :ors E. from Buckingham- t. and leads into Duke-st. Adelphi. George-v,ourt, Piccadilly, at 40, about { of a mile on the R. and that number of hou es from the Haymarket, it is nearly op. St. Jame ' church. George-Court, South Molton-Streer, Grosvenor-Square, at 55, the first on the I., from 294, Oxford, st. leading into Haunch of Veni- son - yard, Brook-st. and New Bond-st. George-Court, Dor et-Street, White- friars, at 66, the last on the R. from 82, Fleet-st. a few yards N. from the New River-office. George-Court, Water-Lane, Fleet- Street, the fourth on the R.from 67, Fleet-st. a few yards N. from Whitefriars-dock. George-Court, Crown Street, Soho,- the third on the R. from the E. end of Oxford-st. or from St. Giles's, it is nearly op. Denmark- court. George -Court, George- Yard, Hat- ton- Wall, at the N. E. corner, behind 9, Little Saffron-hill. George-Court, Rupert- Street, Co- ventry-Street, Haymarket, at 14, on the E. side, the first on the R. from 6, Coventry -it. extending to Princes-st. Soho. George-Court, Cross-Street, Car- naby-Market, four doors on the L. from 18, King-st. Golden. sq. the ame distance on the R. from 13, Carnaby-st. George-Court, George- Alley, Field- Lane, Holborn-Bridge, the mid- dle of the S. side of it. Sec George-Alley. George- G George-Court, Bennett's Hill, Doc- tors-Commons, at 5, about the middle or" the W. side, viz. be- tween 217, Upper Thames-st. and Godliman-st. St. Paul's-church- yatd, George-Court, Old Fish-Street-Hill, Upper Thames-Street, is behind 204, Upper Thames-st. about f of a mile on the L. from Black- friars-bridge. George - Court, St. John's Lane, West Smithfield, the second on the L. ten doors from St. J ohn's st. it leadj to Red-lion-st. Benjamin- st. and Turnmill st. Clerkenvvell. George-Court, Stqney-Lane, Petti- coat-lane, Whitechapel,' is two or three doors on the R. from nearly op. Wentworth-st. Petti- coat-lane. St. George's Court, John-Street, Cannon- nreet-Road, St. George's in the Last, the second on the R. from op. Upper Chap- man-st. it is two or three doors E. of Samuel- st. and extends tu William-st. George-Court, George-Street, Mile- End New- Town, is two or three doors on the L. south from Chick- &and-st. towards Black- lion-yard, Whitechapel. George-Court, White Street, Bo- rough, -at 35, the fourth on the R. about | ofa mile from St. George's jchurch, two or three doors from Long-lane, Bermondsey. George-Court, Shad-Thames, Horse- lydown,-is two or three doors W. from George-stairs and Thomas-st. about 5 or a mile below London- bridge. St. George's Fields, Southwark, a large district in the parish of St. George, about { a miie square, of which the Obelisk, Hlackfriars- road, is nearly in the centre. St. George's Gardens, Webber- Row, St. George's Fields, apart of the G S. side, adjoining D.uke-st. say the last on the R. in Duke-street from Westminster- bridge - road, near the Obelisk. St, George's Hospital, Knights- bridge, the first house on the L. a tew yards from the turnpike, Hyde -park-corner, on the Knights- bridge- road. George-Inn, Haymarket, at 67, about nine doors on the L. from the Opera-house. George & Blue-Boar-Inn, Holborn,- at 270, High-Holborn, about \ a mile on the L. from Fleet-market, nearly op. Red-lion-st. George- Inn, West Smithfield, be- hind 1G, on the W. side, about eight doors N. from Hosier-lane. George-Inn, Aldermanbury, be- hind 22, about eighteen doors on the L. from London-wall, op. Addle-st. George Inn, Borough High-Street, - behind 70, that number of doors on th London-bridge. George-Inn, Snow-Hill, behind 82, about six doors from Fleet- market towards Smithfield. George Coach-Office, Old Bailey, - on the W. side, about twelve doors on the R. from Skinner-st. or Snow-hill. George and Gate Coach-Office, at 1 5, Gracechurch-st. eight doors on theL. north from Lombard-st. St. George's Crescent, St. George's Fields, is six houses on the S. side the Obelisk, facing Black- friars-road, uniting the London- road with the Lambeth-road. George-Lane, Pudding-Lane, East- cheap, about five doors on the L. from 5, Little Eastcheap, it leads to 8, Botolph-lane. St. George's Mall, Westminster- Bridge- Road, St. George's Fields,- the second on the L. about \ ofa mile from the Obelisk towards the L. about | of a mile from the Bridge, it extends to Wallet- place. St. George's Market, St. George's Fields, the third on the R. in the London-road from the Ele- phant and Castle towards the Obelisk, or the second On the R. in Market-st. from the Borough- road. St. George's New - Town, St. George's Fields, situate between the London-road, and Prospeft-pl. facing the Elephant and Castle. St. George's Parade (Old), North Audley-St. Grosvenor-Square, at 12,op. Green-st. seven doors on the L. from 263, Oxford-st. St. George's Passage, St. George's Market, St. George's Fields, at the N. E. corner, leading to Brick-st. and the Borough-road. George Passage, Pelham-Street, Spi- talfields, at 30, about the middle of the N. side, or nine doors on the L. from 62, Brick-lane. George-Place, George-Row, Neat- Kouses, Chelsea, -the first turning under the archway from the bridge at Pimlico near Ranelagh-walk. St. George's Place, New-Road, St. George's in the East, a part of the S. side, commencing at Can- non-st. by the turnpike, and ex- tending to Back-lane. St. George's Place, Blackfriars- Road, forms part of the E. side, extending from Surrey-chapel to Surrey-row, near ^ of a mile on the L. from the bridge. St. George's Place, Duke-Street, St. George's Field-, at the N. end of it, from Westminster-bridge- road by the Obelisk, or the con- tinuation of Barons-buildings to Tower- st. George - Place, White - Street, Bo- rough,- at 37, N. side, about \ of a mile en the L. from St. George's church, by Long- lane, Bermondsey. St. George's Place, Walworth High- Street or Road, en the W. side, about | of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle, by Amelia-st. George-Place, Paradise-Row, Chel- sea, nearly op. the Physic-gar- dens, or the first on the L. from Cheyne-walk towards the hos- pital. St. George's Road, St. George's Fields, commences at the Ele- phant and Castle, leads by West- square, to Waller-place and Lam- beth-chapel, near \ a mile in length. St. George's Row, Neat-Houses, CheLea, the first row of houses over the bridge, at Pimlico, by Ranelagh-walk, leading towards the Thames. George-Row, City-Road, on the S. side, about | of a mile on the L. from Finsbury-sq. entering by Nelson-st. or it is a few doors on the L. in Ratcliffe-Row from Pitman's buildings. St. George's Row, TJxbridge-Road,-. forms part of the N. side, about - of a mile on the R. from Tyburn- turnpike. St. George's Row, Blackfriars- Road, the fifth on the R. about | of a mile from Blackfriars- bridge, it leads to the Pleasant- retreat. St. George's Row, Westminster- Bridge- Road , St. George's Fields. See Tower-Street. George's Row, Bermondsey, the first on the R. below Mill-stairs, Dock head, about -J- of a mile from London-bridge, it leads to the Neckinger-turnpike, Parker's row. George's Row, York Street, Locks- Fields, Walworth, -the first on the L. from the S. end of Pitt-street, Kent-road, towards East-lane. George's - Row . Buildings, City- Road, Road, is on the W. side of George's row, and E. side of Pitman's buildings, RatclifFe-row. St. George's Square, St. George's Mall, St. George's Fields, on the E. side, between Waller's place, Lambeth-road, and Melina-place, Westminster- bridge- road. George-Stairs, Shad- Thames, Horse- lydown, at the N. end of Thomas-st entering by Gainsford- st. or Three-Oak-lane, is near | of a mile below London -bridge, and op. St. Catherine's. George-Stairs, Greenland-Dock, is about of a mile below the said dock, adjoining the N. side of Dudman's yard, near 3-f miles below London-bridge by the line of the river. George-St. (Upper), Sloane-Square, Chelsea, at the N. E. corner, leading to Sloane-st. about -| of a mile on the L. from Knightsbridge. George - Street (Lower), Sloane- Square, Chelsea, at the S. E. corner, facing the last described, and leading to Royal Hospital, row. George-Street (Little) .Lower Sloane- Street, Chelsea, the first on the L. about eighteen doors S. from Sloane-square, extending to Lower George-st. George- Street, James-Street, West- minster, at the E. end of it, the first S. parallel to the W. end of York-street, leading into Little Chapel-st. George-Street (Great), Westminster,- the fifth street on the R. from Charing-cross towards the Abbey, or the continuation of Bridge-st. extending from King-st. to St. James's Park. George-Street (Little), Westminster ,- at 12, Great George-st. being that number of houses on the R. from St. James's Park. George -Street, Adelphi, Strand,-the continuation of George - court from 50, in the Strand, extending from Duke-st. to the Thames. George-Street, St. James's Square, at the S. W. corner, between numbers 43 and 4 i, N. side Pall- mall. George - Street (Upper), Edgware- Road, at 60, the fourth on the R. about | of a mile from Tyburn- turnpike, being the W. continua- tion of George-st. Portman-sq. George-Street, Portman-Square, is parallel to the N. side of it, or is the W. continuation of Charles, st. Manchester-sq. leading by- Upper George-st. to the Edgware- road. George - Street (Little), Portman- Square, at 32, in the last de- scribed, between Gloucester- street or place and Baker-st. it extends to King-st. George-Street, Great Portland-St. Marybone, the first E. parallel to part of it, viz. from 34 to 53, it extends from 28, Queen Ann-st. East, to 23, Upper Marybone-st. George - Street, Oxford - Street or Grosvenor-Square, at 276, Ox- ford-st. the third on the R. | of a mile from Park-lane and near a mile on the L. from St. Giles's in the op. direction. George-Street, Hanover-Square, about the middle of the S. side, extending to 25, Conduit-street, about six doors from 22, New Bond-st. George - Street, Tottenham - Court, Tottenham-Court- Road, on the E. side the turnpike, being the first on the L. from Hampstead- road towards Sommers-town. George - Street or Queen - Street, Hart-Street, Bloomsbury, at 43, W. end of Hart-st. extending to Little Russel-st. George - Street, Britannia - Street, Gray's - Inn - Lane, about six doors doors on the R. from 7, Constitu- I tion-Row, near -2- of a mile on the j R. from Holborn, leading to Pen- j tonville. George-Street, Foster-Lane, Cheap- j side, at 28, the first on the L. j about twelre doors from 148, Cheapside, it leads to Dean's j court and to 50, St. Martin's-le- Grand. George -Street, Mansion - House, on the E. side, extending from Lombard- 1 1. to Bearbinder-lane. George -Street, Shoreditch High- Street, at 208, VV. side, about 4 of a mile on the L. north from Cornhill, and fifteen doors S. from Holywell-lane, it leads to Three-cup-alley. George - Street (Little), Bethnal- Green, at the N. W. corner of the Green, near Patriot-square, about 1A oi a mile from 65, Shoreditch. George - Street (Great), Bethnal- Green, extends from Little George-st. towards Hackney-road. See the last described. George - Street, Bethnal - Green, or Spitalfields, the first E. parallel to part of Brick-lane, say from 67 to 105, it extends from Cant r- st. op. Hanbury's brewery to St. John-st. George-Street, Spitalfields, the 6rst W. parallel to part of Brick-lane, say from 200 to 213, or the rust on the R. in Wentworth-st. from Osborn-st. Whireehapel, extending to Flower and Dean-st. George-Street, Great Tower-hill or Trinity-Square, on the N. side, being the street behind Postern - row, leading towards the Minories. Georgs-Strert, Minories, at 142, W. sii:c, the first on the R. about twenty duorsfromAldgate-church, extending to 2 5, J e wry st. George - Street, Mile - End New .'Iowa, the first W, parallel to High-st. intersecting Chicksand-st. or it is op. Black-lion-yard from 38, Whitechapel-road. St. George's Street, St. George's Fields. See Tower-st. George-Street, Blackfriars-Road, the sixth on the L. of a mile from Blackfriars-bridge, or ' v : second on the. R. a few doors from Surrey-chapel. George-Street (New). Blackfnars- R.ad, the E. end of the last described. George-Street, Great Suffolk- Street, Borough, the fourth- on the R. \ of a mile from SO, Blackman- Gt. near the King's Bench, it leads to Cannon-st. Lombara-st. and the Miat. George-Street, Greenland -Dock, on the N. side Dudman's yard, about j of a mile below Green- land dock, extending from George-stairs to Grove-st. St. George's Terrace, Commercial- Road, the third on the L. a few doors from Cannon-street-road towards Whitechapel, and the first W. from Humberston-st. St. George's (Hanover - Square), Workhou e, between 101 and 102. on the S. side of Mount-bt. Berkeley-sq. nearly pp. t harles-st. from the S. E. corner of Grosve- nor-sq^ St. George's Workhouse, Princes- Strecr, Old Gravel - Lane* St. George's in the East, on the E. side, at the back of the Iron- foundry, near 27, OklGravel-lane. George- Yard, Duke-Street, Grosve- Dor-Square, at 39, the third on the R. from 270* , Oxford- . three doors from the square, it leads into George st. : George- Yard h-gate, and extending towards the bridge. Globe-Stairs, Rotherhithe, by 192, Rotherhithe-st. about 2$ of a mile below London-bridge, by the line of the river and -i of a mile E. from Rotherhithe-church, it it op. Ratcliffe -Cross. Globe- Globe-Stairs- Alley, Rotherhithe, about J- of a mile on the R. be- low the King and Queen, op. the stairs last described. Globe. Street, Bethnal-Green, is the N. continuation of Globe- lane from Mile-end, or is the first on the R. about of a mile E. from the Green. Globe-Street, Wapping, at 60, Wapping-st. about of a mile on the L. below Hermitage-bridge, or the first street on the K. west from the London-dock. Globe-Tavern,. Fleet -Street, at 132, N. side, about twenty-two doors on the R. from Fleet-market. Globe-Walk, Globe -Court, Maid- Lane, Borough, is the continu- ation of the said court to Barclay and Perkins's brewery. Globe- Yard, Lower Thames-Street,- at 58, op. the Custom-house, about | of a mile on the L. from London-bridge, it is now occu- pied as a King's warehouse. Gloucester - Buildings, Brompton High-Street or Road, forms part of the S. side, extending from Sloane-st. to Hooper's court or Queen's buildings. Gloucester- Buildings, Albion- Place, Walworth, at the ,E. end, ex- tending to Gloucester-place or the continuation of Wey mouth-street, from the Kent- road. Gloucester - Coffee - House, Picca- dilly, 3t 76, about the middle of the N. side, and the corner of Berkeley-st. Gloucester-Court, St. James's Street, St. James's, at 9, on the E. side, and is that number on the R. from the Palace, it extends to Crown- court. Gloucester-Court,Whitecross-Street, St. Luke's, at 11-1, about the middle of the E. side, it leads into Pump-court, Coleman-street, and Bunhill-row. Gloucester-Court (Little), White- cross-Street, St. Luke's, at the E. end of the last described. Gloucester- Court, Curriers - Row, Blackfriars, the third on the R. from Bristow-st. by St. Andrew's hill, towards Ireland-yard. Gloucester-House, Upper Grosve- nor-Street, Grosvenor-Square, at 33, eight doors on the R. from Park- lane. Gloucester- Mews West, George- Street, Portman-Square, two or three doors on the R. west from Gloucester-place and about the same distance E. from Montague- Square. Gloucester - Mews North, New- Road, Marybone, behind 24, Gloucester-place, on the S. side Jenkins's nursery, and Lord's cricket-ground. Gloucester-Mews East, King-Street, Portman-Square, the second on the R. about fourteen doors W. from Baker-st. extending to Dor- set-st. Gloucester - Mews, George - Street, Portman - Square. See Little Gloucester-st. Gloucester - Place, New - Road, Marybone, forms part of the N. side, extending from Alsop's buildings towards Lisson-green, and op. Salisbury-place and Cum- berland-place. Gloucester- Place, Portman-Square,- the N. continuation of Glouces- ter-st. from the N. W. corner of the square cOmmencingatGeorge- st. and leading towards the New- road. Gloucester-Place, Holborn, at 147, N. side, about six doors E. from Gray's-inn-lane, nearly opposite Middle-row, it leads into Fox- court. Gloucester-Place, Vauxhall-Walk, Lambeth, a few houses on the W. side of the said walk, adjoin- ing ing Glasshouse-st. and the terrace, near Vauxhall-gardens. Gloucester-Place, Walworth or Newington-Butts, the E. con tinuation of Prospect- row, from Walworth High-st. or road, or the last on the L. in Weymouth-st. from the Kent-road. Gloucester-Place, Walworth-Com- mon, at the W. end of West- moreland-row, and the corner of Providence-place, about i of a mile on the R. from Surrey-sq. towards Camberwell-road. Gloucester- Row, Gloucester-Street, Hoxton, is parallel to the N. side of it, the entrance is by 1, at the W. end of the said street. Gloucester - Row, Curtain - Road, Shoreditch, the second on the R. from Hog-lane or Worship-st. and about eight or nine doors 'S. from Holy well-lane. Gloucester-Street, Portman-Square,- at the N. W. corner of the square, extending to George-st. it is con- tinued by Gloucester-place to- wards the New -road. Gloucester-Street (Little), George- Street, Portman-Square, at 32, about fifteen doors on the R. from Baker-st. it extends to King- street. Gloucester-Street, New- Road, Mary- bone, the sixth on the R. about | of a mile E. from the York- shire-stingo or the N. continua- tion of Gloucester-place, Port- man-square, being the first W. parallel to Bakcr-st. Gloucester-Street, (Upper), New- Road, Marybone, Ls op. the last described or the first on the R. west from Baker-st. North. Gloucester - Street North, New- Road, Marybone, at l(i, Glou- cester-place, op. Quebec-st. the first street on the L. from the Yorkshire-stingo, or the second W. from Baker-st. North. G Gloucester-Street, Queen - Square, Bloomsbury, at 43, the S. W. corner, extending to the W. end of Theobald's road, and leading to Kingsgate-st. Holborn. Gloucester-Street, Hoxton-Town, is about \ of a mile on the L. from Old-st-road, extending to Glou- cester-terrace, Haberdashers-walk. Gloucester-Street, Mile-End Old- Town, the third W. parallel to part of Cannon-street-road, ex- tending from 59, Charlotte-st. to the Commercial-road. Gloucester-Street, Vauxhall-Walk, Lambeth, about \ of a mile on the R. from Lambeth-butts to- ward, Vauxhall - gardens, and about f of a mile on the L. from the N. side of the gardens. Gloucester - Street, Oakley - Street, Lambeth, the first on the R. from Westminster - bridge - road, nearly op. the Asylum, leading to Union-st. and Tower-st. Gloucester-Terrace, Hoxton, the N. continuation of Haberdashers- walk, on the R. about of a mile from Old-st. road, entering by Pitfield-st. Gloucester-Terrace, Cannon- Street- Road, forms part of the W. side, it extends from the Commercial- road to Charlotte-st. Whitechapel. Glovers-Hall-Court, Beech-Lane, Barbican, at 7, that number of doors on the L. from 3, White- cross-st. near Chiswell-st. Goat - Street, Free-School - Street, Horselydown, the second on the L. a few doors from the E. end of Tooley-st.it leads to Broad-st. it also branches off to the R. leading to John-st. andQueen-st. Goat-Yard, Whitecross-Street, St. Luke's, at 163, the third on the R. about sixteen doors from op. the church, Old-st. and facing Banner-st. Goat-Yard, White-Street, Borough,- at at 1 1, the second on the L. twelve doors from behind St. George's church towards Long-lane, Ber- mondsey. Goat- Yard, Blackman-Street, Bo- rough, at 25, nearly op. Old Lant-st. being the third on the L. andthat number from the S. side of St. George's church. Godalmin or Godliman - Street, Doctors-Commons, the conti- nuation of St. Paul's chain from 14, the S. side St. Paul's-church- yard, leading to Bennet's hill and to 217, Upper Thames-st. Goddards . Rents, Webb - Square, Shoreditch, the continuation of the N . side of it, entering by 47, Shoreditch, it leads to 48, Wheeler- street. Godfrey's Court, Milk - Street, Cheapside, at 24, the second on the L. about fourteen doors from 117, Cheapside. Godfrey's Row, Mason - Street, Lambeth, the second on the L. about ten or twelve doors from 30, Bridge-road, and near the same distance from Stangate-st. Godwins-Court, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 55, three doors S. from New-st. it leads to 23, Bedfordbury. Goff's Coal-Wharf, Whitehall, near the bottom of Northumber- land-st. from the Strand, the en- trance is by Great Scotland-yard, op. the Admiralty. Gold or Gould's Hill, Shadwcll High-Street, at 97, about i of a mile on the R. below Shadwell- church, it extends to Lower Shad- well by the side of the Thames. Gold or Gould - Square, Coopers- Row, Tower-Hill, the first on the L. from Jewry-ht. or from Crutched-friars towards Tower- hill, and immediately behind the houses on the S. side of John-st. Americasq. Gold - Street, King - Street, St. George's in the East, the first on both the R. and L. about twenty doors from 30, New Gravel -lane, it extends from Boarded-entry to Pearl-st. Golden-Buildings, Strand, at 167, nearly op. the New -church, about 4; of a mile on the L. from Tem- ple-bar, and two or three doors W. from Surrey-st. Golden-Court, Golden-Lane, St. Luke's, on the W. side, four or five doors on the L. north from Turk's-head-court, and the fourth on the R. about twenty - four doors from Old-st. Golden-Cross-Inn, Charing-Cross,- on the N. side, two or three doors W. from St. Martin's lane. Golden-Lane, St. Luke's or Cripple- gate, the second on the L. in Barbican from 77, Aldersgate-st. it is op. Red-cross-st. and extends to Old-st. Golden-Place, Drury-Lane, at 138, about the middle of the E. side, op. Duke's court, it leads into Great Wild-st. Golden- Place, Kennington-Lane, is parallel to and immediately be- hind the houses in Chester-place, extending from Market-st. to White Hart-place by Kenningten- cross. Golden-Square, is about y of a mile N. from 28, Piccadilly, along Air-st. Francis-st. and John-st. or is | of a mile S. from 323, Oxford-st. along King- st. and Upper John-st. Golden-Fleece-Court, Minories, the second door on the L. from Aldgate High-st. a few yards S. from Aldgate-church. Golden- Fleece- Yard, Tothill-Street, Westminster, the fourth on the R. from the Abbey, or about 10 or 12 doors S. from Dartmouth, st. in the op. direction. Golden- Golden-Hart-Wharf, Upper Thames- Street.at the bottom of Joiners- hall-lane, from 79, in the said street. Golden-Leg-Court, Cheapside, at 66, three doors W. of Queen- st. or about seven ditto E. from Bow-church. Golden-Lion-Inn, St. John-Street, Clerkenwell, behind 111, on the E. side, the second inn and about ten doers on the R. north from Smithfield. Golden - Lion - Yard, Gravel-Lane, Borough, about the middle of the E. side, between Duke-st. and Maid-lane, and facing Prices- place, Edward-street, Blackfriars- road. Golden - Mine - Court, Aldersgate- Street, at 20, about four doors on the R. north from Falcon-sq. Goldsmiths-Alley, Charles-Street, Drury-Lane, a small narrow passage about eight doors on the R. from Newton-st. Holborn, it leads into Coal-yard and Smart's buildings. Goldsmith*- Aims-Houses, Hackney - Road, on the W. or left side the foot-way, from the Nag's head to London-field, about \ of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church. Goldsmith-Court, Great New-Street, Fetter-Lane,-at 20, about twelve or fourteen doors on the L. from 20, Ketter-lane along West-Hard- ing-st. Goldsmiths - Hall, Foster - Lane, Cheapdde, adjoins 1(5, and is that number on the R. from 147, Cheapside. Goldsmiths-Place. Mackney-Road,- on the N. side, about | of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church, op. Birdcage-walk, and leading to- wards London-field, Hackney. Goldsmith - Row, East Harding Street, Fetter-Lane. is the S. side of the said street, extending from 9, Great New-st, to Gun- powder-alley, Shoe-lane. Goldsmith-Street, Gough-Square, ! Fleet-Street, at the N. W. cor- ner, entrance by 145, Fleet-st. it extends to East Harding-st. three doors E. from Great New- st. Fetter-lane. Goldsmith - Street, Wood - Street, Cheapside, at 124, about ten doors on the L. from 123, Cheap- side, it extends to 7, Gutter-lane. Goldswcrthy-Row, Deptford Lower- Road, -about | of a mile on the R. from Paradise-row, a little beyond the two mile-itone from London- bridge, nearly op. China-halt, Gocdge-Mreet, Tottenham-Court- Road, at 64, the third coach- turning on the L. from Oxford-st. it extends to Newman-st. Middle- sex-hospital. Goodman's Fields, Whitechapel, a large district situate E. of the Minories, W. of Church-lane, N. of Rosemary - lane, and S. of Whitechapel High-street. Goodman's Gardens, Palmer's Vil- lage, Westminster, the second on the L. from op. Artillery-place, or from the N. side of Bridewell, Goodman's Gardens, Hackney - Road, is at the back of Middle- sex place, about of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church. Goodman's Stile, Church - Street, W hitechapel, the second on the R. a few door; from 72, White- chapel High-street, extending to Lambert.fl and Little-A"ylifte-rt. Go; d man's Yard Minories, at 60, on the E. side about twenty-two doors en the R. from' Sparrow- corner, Tower-hill, it extends to Mansel-st. and Prescot-st. Goodwin and Powell's Wharf, Ber- mondsey or Rotherhithe-wall, on the E. side of Fountain-stair , about 1 1 of a mile from London, bridge, by the line of the river. Goose G G GooGe and Gridiron Coach-Office, St. Paul's Church- Yard, behind 74, on the N. side, the corner of London House-yard. Goswell - Place, Goswell - Street- Road, about | of a mile on the JR. from old-street, and near the same distance on the L. from Islington, it leads to Charles-street, Northampton - terrace, and the City-road. Goswell Street, St. Luke's or Clerk - enwell, is the N. continuation of Aldersgate st. and St. Martin's le-grand, entering by 66, New- gate-street, it extends to Perceval- street. Goswell Street-Road, the N. con- tinuation of Goswell-street, ex- tending from Perceval-street to the City-road, Llington, Gough- House, Paradise-Row, Chel- sea. op. 10, a few yards on the L. from the Ho pital towards Bat- tersea-bridge. Gough-Square, Fleet-Street, is be- hind the middle of the N. side, entrance by 145 and 151, it leads to 20, Fetter-lane, by West Hard- ing-street. Goold's Court, Lambeth Upper- Marsh,: is about twenty-four doors on the L. west from the turnpike nearly cp. Stangate-st. G on Is ton- Court, Goulston- Square, Whitechapel, on the . side leading to Old Castle-st. Goulston-Squarc, Whitechapel , about twelve doors on both the R. and the L. from 140, White- chapel, along Goulston-st. Goulston-Street, Whitechapel, High- Street, at 1 JO, about -^ of a mile on the L. east from Aldgate- church, it leads to Gbulston-squ. and Wentworth-street. Gower-Mews, Gower-Street, Bed- ford-Square, at 82, five doors on the L. from the N. E. corner of Bed ford -square. Gower-Mews (Upper), Gower- Street, Bedford-Square, the first E. parallel to it. or the fir.^t on the L. in Francis -steeet, from Gower-strect, towards Tavistock- sqtiare. Gower-Strcct, Bed ford -Square, at the N. E. corner, extending to 1* rancis-st. Tottenham-court-rd. Gower - Street (Upper), Bedford- Square, the continuation of Gower-street from Francis-street, Tottenham-court- road. Gower's Walk, Whitechapel, is parallel to and between Lambeth- street and Lower Church-lane, commencing about three doors E. of Goodman's stile, and leading to Well-yard and 82, Lemon-st. Govey's Place, Mile - End - High- Road, is lituate between the Three Mackerel and the Mackerel and Bell public houses, near two miles on the L. from Aldgate- pump. Graces- Alley, Wellclose-Square, at the N. W. corner leading to Well-street, by the Royalty thea- tre, or three doors on the L. in Well-street from 4, Cable-st. Graces- Yard, Minories, at 46, about the middle of the E. side, two doors N. from Swan-st. Gracech-jrch-Street, the N. conti- nuation of Fish-street-hill from London -bridge, extending from Eastcheap to Leadenhall-street, or to Cornhill. Grafton - Court, Paradise - Street, Marylebone, ten duors on the R. from 82, High-st. it leads to Conway. court, Burying-ground- passage, and Paddington-st. Grafton - Mews, Grafton - Street, Fitzroy-Square, at 20, thirteen doors on the R. from 120, Totten- ham-Court-road, towards the sq. it extends to 20, Warren-st. Grafton-Street, Tottenham Court- Road, at 120, about a mile on tin the L. from Oxford- street, or the second on the R. from the New- road, it extends to the S. side of Fitzroy-square. Grafton-Street (East), Tottenham- Court- Road, is op. Grafton. st. and 120, Tottenham-court-road. See the last described. Grafton-Street (Upper), Fitzroy- Square, the VV. continuation of the S. side the said square, extend- ing from Conway-st. to Cleve- land-street. Grafton-Street, Soho, the N. con- tinuation of Gerrard-street, from Princes-street, or of Little New- port-street, from Long-Acre, it leads to Monmouth-st. Grafton-Street, Dover-Street, Picca- dilly, the N. continuation of it, entering by 68, Piccadilly, it extends from Hay-hill, to 156, New-Bond-st. Grafton- Yard, Tottenham-Court, behind the houses on the E. side the Hampstead-road, op. Totten- ham-court-road. Graham's Buildings, Blue-Anchor- Alley, Bunhill-Row, St. Luke's,- the first on the R. a few doors from 108, Bunhill-row, towards 98, Whitecross-st. Granby's-Buildings, Drury-Lane, at 111, about of a mile on the R. from the New church in the Strand, and two doors N. from Whitehorse-yard. Granby's Buildings, Vauxhall-Walk, Lambeth, the first on the R. through Queen's court or yard, from Lambeth-butts. Granby-Gardens, Artichoke- Yard, Lambeth-Marsh, a few doors on the R. in the said yard, from 18, Lamberh-marsh. Granby - Place, Artichoke - Yard, Lambeth-Marsh, the N. continua- tion of the said yard, towards Narrow-walL from 18, Lambeth- marsh. Gra nby- Row, Bethnal-G reen-Road,- is the first S. parallel to part of it, say from 73 to 92, it extends from Abbey-st. to White-st. Granby-Row, Granby-Street, Beth- nal-Green, about three doors on the L. from James-st. and near the same distance on the R. from Oakley's - row, leading into Busby-st. Granby-Street, James-Street, Beth- nal-Green, the first on the R. eight doors from 124, Church-st. it leads toOakley's-row, Thomas- st. and Brick-lane. Grand - Junction - Wharf, White- friars, (Messrs. Harvey and Na- pier's) at the bottom of Water- lane from 68,Fleet-st. bearing to the R. on the W. side White- friars, deck, | of a mile W. from Blackfriars-bridge. Grange-Court, Carey-Street, Lin- coln's-inn-fields, at 27, about five or six doors on the R. from Portugal-st. it leads to Clement's lane and Clare-market. Grange -House -Lodge, Michael's - Grove, Brompton, at the end of the said grove from Brompton high-road, about \ a mile on the L. from Knightsbridge. Grange-Road, Bermondsey, com- mences at Star-corner, by Ber- mondsey New-road, and extends E. to what was lately called the Grange, about | of a mile in length, it then branches off on the R. by Fort-place to the green man Kent-road, and on the L. by Ber- mondsey-spa to Printer's place, Jamaica-row, say \ a mile each way. Grange- Terrace, Grange-Road.-- See Anderson's Buildings. Grange-Walk, Bermondsey-Square,- at the S. E. corner, extending to what was lately called the Grange, about \ of a mile in length, and leads to the Neckinger-road. Grange- G Grange- Yard, Carey-Street, Lin. coln's-Inn-Fields, at 31, four doors on the L. from Grange- court, behind St. Clement's work- house, Portugal-Street. Grantham- Place, Park-Lane, about ten or twelve doors on the R. from Piccadilly, leading into Brick-street.- Grasshopper - Court, Whitecross- Street, St. Luke's, at217, three doors on the L. north from Beech- st. or from Chiswcll-st. Gravel-Lane, Houndsditch, atl48, about ten doors on the R. from Aldgate-church, it leads to Har- row-alley (Rag - fair), and the middle of Petticoat-lane. Gravel-Lane (Old), RatclifFe-High- way, at 65, nearly op. St. George's -church, it extends to Newmarket-street, by which it is continued to 157, Wapping-st. Gravel-Lane (New), Shadwell High- Street, at 23, about | of a mile W. from the church, or is the first E. parallel to Old Gravel-lane, it extends to 197, Wapping-street, by New-crane. Gravel-Lane, Southwark, about -'- of a mile on both the R. and L. from 216, High-street, along Union-st. Queen-st. and Duke-st. or the first coach- turning on both the R. and L. from Surrey-chapel, Blackfriars-road. Gravel- Walk, Blue- Anchor- Alley, Bunhill-Row, St. Luke's, is about the middle of the S. side of it, viz. between 109, Bunhill-row, and 99, Whitecross st. Gray's Buildings, Duke - Street, Manchester-Square, at 38, the fecend on the L. about twelve doors from 174, Oxford-st. Gray's-lnn, is on the N. side of Holborn, op. Middle-row and on the W. side of Gray's-inn-lane, principal entrance at Holborn- court. . Gray's-Inn-Gardens, on the W. side of part of Gray's-inn-lane, extend- ing N. to the King's road, the principal entrance is at the N. end of Fullwood's rents, from 31, Holborn. Gray's-Inn-Lane, Holborn, the fifth coach-turning on the R. about I of a mile W. from Fleet-market, it extends from Middle-row to Battle-bridge, St. Pancras, about a mile in length. Gray's-Inn-Lane (Little), at 73, on the E. side of the last described, about | of a mile on the R. from Middle-row, it leads to Tothill- street, Laystall-street, and Mount- pleasant. Gray's - Inn - Passage, Red - Lion- Street, at 18, the second on the R. being that number of houses from 71, Holborn, it leads to Bedford-row. Gray's - Inn - Place, Gray's - Inn- Square, at the S. W. corner, or at the N. end of Warwick-court, from 40, High -Holborn, op. Chancery-lane. Gray's-Inn-Square, on the W. side of Gray's-inn-lane, entrance op. 30, in the said lane, or from 20, (opposite Middle-row), Holborn, through Holborn-court. Gray-Street, Duke-Street, Manches- ter-Square, the second on the R. about fourteen doors from 174, Oxford- street, and near the same distance on the L. from the square. Gray-Street, George's Row, Black- friars-Road, is the continuation of it on the N. side, the S. side being called Pleasant-retreat, it extends from the John o'Groats house to Baron's buildings. Gray's Walk, East-Street, Walcot- Place, Lambeth, commences at the W. end of it, about a mile on the R. from Westminster-bridge, extending to Lambeth - walk. U Graystock- Graystock-Place, Fetter-Lane. See Greystock-Place., Great- Yard, Gun-Alley, Wapping,- the second on the R. from 101, Wapping-street, or a few doors from Green-b. nk, on the E. side of Wapping-church. Great- Yard, Parish-Street, Horse- lydown, the second on the R. from the bottom of Tooley-street. leading to Dog and Bear-yard. Greek's Court, Bermondsey-Streer,- at 39, that number of doors on the L. from Tooley-street, and nearly op. Webb-st. Greek-Stfeet> Soho, at the S. E. corner of Soho-square, extending to the W. end of Litchfield-street, or the E. end of King-street, from Princes-st. Green-Bank, Wappi rig, below the London docks, extending from the N. side of Wapping-church to 160, Old Gravel-lane, about ^ of a mile on the R. from Ratcliffe- highway. Green-Bank, Tooley-Street, at 8 1 , about i of a mile on the L. being that number of houses from l.on don-bridge and two or three doors below Morgan's lane. Green's Building?, Lambeth Lower- Marsh, the first on the R. about | of a mile from the turnpike, (near We tminster-bridge) towards Surrey-chapel, Blackfriars-road. Green-Church-Yard, St. Catherine's Court, St. Catherine's, the first on the R. in the said court, enter- ing from St. Catherine's street, or at the bottom of St. Catherine's lane, from 50, Upper East-Smith - field. Green-Court, Tothill-Fields, West- minster, at the back of the Horse- guards -ho pital, Rochester- row, about -J of a mile from Bucking- ham-gate. Green -Court, Colcman-Street, Lon- don- Wall, about nine doors on the R. from London - wall, of about | of a mile on the L. north from the Old- Jewry. Green-Court, Green-Street, Black- friars- Road,- is two or three doors S. from Hopton's alms- houses, or is nearly op. Church-st. from Blackfriars-road. Green- Park, St. James's Park, on the W. side the Stable-yard, ex- tending from St. James's Park to Piccadilly. Green- Place, Green-Street, Bethnal- Green, the first on the R. be- low Globe-st about ^ of a mile E. from the Green. Green's Row, Chelsea, is op. the Hospital-wall, being the second on the L. along Smith-st. from the King's road, or the first on the R. from Paradise-row. Green's Row, Bermondsey New- Road, the fourth on the L. a few doors from the Bricklayers- arms, Kent-road towards Ber- mondsey - church, it leads to Green's Rope-walk. Green-Street, Leicester-Square, at the S. E. corner, extending to 6, Castle-street, and nearly opposite Hemming's row from 118, St. Martin's lane. Green-Street, Theobald's Road, Red- Lion-Square, opposite 30, about three doors on the R. we^t from Great James-st. and Bedford-row, and near the same distance E. from Red-lion-st. and Lamb's-conduit- street. Green-Street, North Audley-Street, Grosvenor- Square, at 27, the second on the R. about twelve doors from 262, Oxford-st. it ex- tends to Park-lane. Green - Street or Court, Little Pulteney-Strect, Golden -Square,- at 10, that number of doors on the R. from Wardour-st. or from Princes-st. Soho, it extend* to 20, Peter-street. Green- Green-Street, Bethnal-Green, at the S. E, corner of the Green, extending east towards Bow-com- mon, about f of a mile in length. Green-Street, Blackfriars-Road, or Christ-Church, the first on the R. about eight doors from that part of the said road which is op. Christ-church, it leads to Bear- lane and Green-walk. Green-Street, Eennet's Row, Black- friars - Road or St. George's Fields, the third on the R. from the said read, about - a milefrom Blackfriars-bridge, it extends to Higlers-lane. Green-Street (New), Higlers-Lane, St. George's Fields, nearly op. the last, or the 6th on the R. from Blackfriars-road, it leads into King-st. and Belvedere-buildings by the King's Bench. Green - Walk, Buckingham - Row, James - Street, Westminster, about | of a mile on the R. from Buckingham-gate, along james-st. and on the E. side of Lady Da- cre's alms-houses. Green - Walk, Christ - Church, Surrey, the second on the R. in Holland-st. entering from Black- friars-road by the bridge, it ex- tends to Church-st. Green- Walk, Christ-Church, Surrey, or Blackfriars-Road, the third on the R. in the said road, about 5 of a mile from the bridge, it extends from the S. side of the church to Collingwood-st. Green-Walk, St. George's Fields. See Green-Street. Green-Yard (for the City), White- Cross-Street, Cripplegate, at 34, the first on the R. about nine doors N. from 115, Fore-st. Green- Yard, Pepper-Alley, High- Street, Borough, the first on the L. about three or four doors from 214, High - street by London, bridge. Green - Yard, Upper East- Smith- field, at the back of 110, op. Nightingale-lane, or the fifth on the R. in Blue-anchor-yard from 48, Rosemary-lane. Green - Dragon - Y;rd-st. it communicates with South \Jolton-st. at 23. Gro9venor-Mews, Grosvenor-Street, Grosvenor-Square, at 77, three or four dor.rs on the L. from 123, New ond-st. leading to Davies- st. Berkeley-square. ( Grosvenor- Place, Hyde- Park-Cor- ner, on the S. side the turnpike where the numbers begin, itextends to the King's road, and is conti- nued by Lower Gro-venor-place to Arabella. row, Pimlico. Grosvenor-Place (Lower), Pimlico,- extends from the King's road to Ranelagh-st. and is about | of a mile on the R. from Bucking- ham-gate. See the last article. Grosvenor-Row, Chelsea, the F. continuation G continuation of Royal Hospital- row, extending from George-st. to Ebury-sL and Queen-. st. Grosvenor-Place, Borough-Road, St. George's Fields, a part of the S. side, extending from Mans- field-place on the R. from the Obelisk towards the Stones-end and Newington-causeway. Gro^enor-Square, at the S. end of Puke-sr. from 277, Oxford, st. or the third on the R. in Grosvenor- st. from 123, New Bond-st. also at the N. end of South Audley- st. | of a mile from Stanhope-st. Park-lane. Grosvenor-Street, New Bond-Strcet,- ar 123, the fourth on the L. about j of a mile from 58, Piccadilly, or the third on the R. j of a mile from 307, Oxford-st. it extends to Grosvenor.square. Grosvenor-Street (Upper), the W. continuation of the last described, extending from the S. W. corner of the square to Park-lane. Grosvenor-Street (Little), Berkeley- Square, at 63, Grosvenor-st. nine doors E. from Pavies-st. it leads to Grosvenor.mcws, John- st. and Berkeley-square. Grosvenor-Sfreer, Pimlico, forms part of the E. side of the King's road, extending from Upper Eaton- street, or from Grosvcnor-place towards Chelsea, Grosvenor-Street, Millbank-Row, Westminster, at 6, under the archway, about seventeen doors on the bank of the Thames from the Hor^eferr) -road. Grove, Great Guildford - Street, Borough, is op. New-street, and is the first on the L. about fifteen doors from 35, Queen-st, Grove (New), Mile- Ejid- Road, forms part of the S. side, fix. between the Plough and Thomp- son's nursery, about 2$ miles from Aldgate-pump. Grove's Court, White- Horse-street, RatclifFe, at the Mend of Brook- street, nearly op. Butcher-row, by Bull or Ball-yard. Grove-Mouse, Mile-End- Road, about i of a mile on the L v below the Plough, towards Thompson's nursery and Bow, near 2i miles from Aldgate. Grove- Place, Northampton-Terrace, City-Road, is about of a mile on the L. from Finsbury-square, and is near the turnpike, cp. the City - gardens and Anderson's buildings, it leads to Goswell- street-road. Grove-Place, Mile-End-Road, is parallel to part of the south side of it, viz. from the turnpike to Assembly - row, it extends from Epping-place to Redman's' row, leading towards Stepney- green. Grove-Pi ace, Peptford, the conti- nuation of Viciualling-office-row, on the W. side the King's Pock- yard, leading towards Butt-lane. Grove - Row, Cambridge - Heath, Hackney-Road, behind the Hare Public- house by the turnpike, about a mile from Shoreditch- church. Grove- Road, Mile -End- Road, a few yards on the L. below the Plough, about 1 of a mile E. from Mile-end turnpike, and 2 from Aldgate. Grove-Street, Greenland- Pock, is parallel to the Thames on the W. side of Pudman's yard, it extends from George-street or Hunt's row, (about i of a mile below Green- lanchdock) to Vi&ualling-cffice- row. Grove-Street, Commercial-Road, the fourth on the L. west from Cannon -street -road, nearly op. Thomas-street, and the first E. of King street. Grot's Gardens, Cannon - Row, Mint-Street, Borough, a few doors doors W. from the S. end of Lom- bard-st. or from Little Suffolk-st. Grub-Street, Westminster, at 33, Vine-st. about eight doors on the L. from 43, Millbank - street, extending to the Horse-ferry-rd. Grub-Street, Cripplegate, at 97, Fore-streer, the third on the R. from Mooriields, or fifteen doors on the L. from the N. end of Wood-street, Cheapside, it extends to Chiiwell-st. Grub's Yard, Castle-Lane, Birough,- two or three doors on the L. north from Morris's-walk, or a few doors en the R. from Maid-lane. Guilford -Mews, Great Guilford - Street, Russell-Square, at 87, about five doorsW.from Lansdown- place, and the same distance E. from Grenville-st. Guilford- Place, Great Guilford- Street, Russell- square, about the middle of the S. side, op. the Foundling-hospital, or the N. termination of Lamb's Conduit-st. and.Red-Lion-st. from 71, High Holborn. Guilford-Street (Great), Russell - Square, on the E. side, extending to Gray's-inn-lane, oris the fourth on the L. in Gray's-inn-lane, near Y a mile from Middle - row, Holborn. Guilford-Street Upper, the W. end of the last described is so called. Guilford-Street (Little), Russell- Square, at 49, Bcrnard-st. under the archway, the first on the L. a few doors from Russell-sq. it extemls to Great Coram-st. Guildford-Strcet (Great), Queen - Street, Borough, at 35, the third on the R. about of a mile from 214, High-street, it extends to Maid-lane. Guildford -Street (Little), Qneen - Street, Borough, at 71, op. the last described, ii leads to Lom- bard-street and the Mint. Guildhall, King-Street, Cheap-* side, at the N. end of it, from 92, Cheapside, it communicates with 76, Basinghall-st. Guinea-Mews, Bruton- Place, Berke- ley-Square. See Bruton- Mews. Gullan's- Yard, Princes-Street, West- minster, is behind 1, Great George-st. nearly facing the S. E. corner of St. James's-park. Gullan's Yard, New Bond-Street, - at 52, between Maddox-street and Brook-street, about ^ of a mile on the R. from 58, Piccadilly, and | ditto from 307, Oxford- street. Gullman's Mews or Yard, Bruton- Street, Berkeley-Square, the second on the L. about five or six doors from 146, New Bond-st. Gun-Alley (Little), Moorfields, at 27, about the middle, of the W. side, the fourth on the L. from 61, Fore-street, four or five doors from Tenter- alley. Gun- Alley (Upper), Wapping, at 104, Wapping-street, op. Gun- dock, about seven doors on the L. below the London-docks. Gun-Alley (Lower), Green-Bank, Wapping, about seven doors on the L. east from the London-docks, nearly op. Wapping-church and the last described. Gun-Alley, Bermondsey-Street, at 84, about the middle of the E. side or six doors N. from Russell- st. it leads to White's grounds. G un-Court, St. John-Street, Clerken- well, at 161, two doors S. from Wilderness-row, about | of a mile on the R. from West Smith- field. Gun-Court, Cable-Street, Wellclose- Square, at 58, two or three doors on the L. east from Church-lane. Gun-Dock, Wapping, nearly op. 104, Wapping - street, two or three doors E. from the London- docks, and about 1 of a mile below G G below London-bridge by the line of the river. Gun -Lane, Limehouse, at 23, Three-colt-street, about twelve doors on the R. north from Rope- makers-helds, it extends to the Commercial-road. Gun-Square, Houndsditch, at 150, seven doors on the R. from Aid- gate-church, and two doors from Gravel-lane. Gun-Street, Spitalfields or Old Ar- tillery-Ground, the third on both the R. and the L. in Union-st. from 69, Bishop-gate-without,it ex- tends from Artillery-st. to Fort-st. Gun-Street, Higlers-Lane^ or Friar- Street, St. George's Fields, the third on the R. from that part of Blackfriars-road which is nearly op. the Magdalen hospital, it leads to James-st. and the Borough-road. Gun-Yard, Pepper- Alley, High- Street, Borough, the first on the L. a few yards from 314, High- st. by London-bridge. Gunhill - Court, Cherry - Garden- Street, Rotherhithe or Bermond- sey, the second on the L. a few doors from Cherry-garden-stairs. Gun-House-Alley and Stairs, Lam- beth. See Bomb-hou^e-alley. Gunpowder- Alley, Shoe-Lane, at 95, about eighteen doors on the L. from 130, Fleet-st. it is conti- nued by East Harding-st. to Great New-st. leading to Fetter-lane. Gunpowder-Court, Crutched-Friars, or Jewry - Street, two or three doors on the R. from John-st. America-square, towards Aldgate. Gun rind Shot Wharf, Tooley-Street,- at the bottom of Morgan's-lane on the R. from 80, Tooley- street, about of a mile below-London- bridge. Gut-Lane, Poplar. See Dolphin- lane. Gutter-Lane, Cheapside, at 13*2, the second on the L. from St. Paul' -church-yard, it extends to Maiden-lane, and is on the E. side of Goldsmith's-hall. Guy's Hospital, St. Thomas's Street, Borough, a few doors on the R. from 43, High-st. about of a mile from London bridge. Gwyn's or Gwin's Buildings, Gos- well-Street-Road, part of the VV. side, adjoining the City- road by the New-river near Isling- ton. Gynn's- Place, Lisson-Grove, Lisson- Green, is about | of a mile on 4 the R. north from the Yorkshire- stingo, passing the White-lead- manufa&orv. H HABERDASHERS - ALMS - Houses, Hoxton, at the N. end of Pitfield-st. about -j of a mile on the L. from the part of (Jld-st. road which is op. Paul-st. Haberdashers-Court, Snow-Hill, at 62, on the N. side of Skinner- st. two or three doors S. of Cock- lane. Haberdashers - Hall, Maiden - Lane, Wood-Street, Cheapside, about eight doors on the R. from 110, Wood-st. forming the corner of Staining-lane. Haberdashers- Place, Hoxton,-forms a part of the W. side of Haber- dashers-walk, extending from the alms-houses to op. Gloucester- terrace. Haberdashers-School, Bunhill-Row,- at 103, about ^ of a mile on the L. from 63, Chiswell-st. near Finsbury-square. Haberdashers-Square, Grub-Street, Cripplegate, the first on the R. about fourteen doors from op. 70, Chiswell-st. or the last on the L, from 97, Fore-st. Haberdashers-Street, Haberdashers- X Place, H H Place, Hoxton, about eight doors- N. from the alms-houses, near $ of a mile en the L. from Old- street-road along Pitfield-st. Haberdashers- Walk, Hoxton, the N. continuation of Pitfield-st. en- tering by Old-street-road, ofwhich Haberdashers - place and alms- houses form part of the W. side. Hackney-Coach-Office, Esse x-h tree t, Strand, at the S. end by the Thames, entering op. St. Cle- ment's church, by 210, in the Strand. Hackney - Road, commences at Shoreditch-church on the R. its extent from thence to Hackney- church is about 2 miles. Hackney-New-Road, Mile-End, commences nearly op. the Plough, Mile-end- road, about 2| miles on the L. below Aldgate-pump, leading to Hackney. Hackney- Road-Crescent, forms part of the E. side of the road, about | of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch-church, op. Middlesex- place. Haddon's Gardens, Old-Street- Road, on the S. side, the first on the R. a few doors from the N. end of Paul-st. towards the Cur- tain-road. Hadley's Wharf, Millbank-Street, Westminster, betweenFreeman's and Turner's Wharfs, entrance nearly op. Vine-st. about -| of a mile above Westminster-bridge. Hagley-Place, Kent-Road, forms part of the R. side, about a of a mile from the Elephant and Castle, extending from Lion-st. towards the Bricklayers-arms. Haglinsor Eglin's Gateway, Tooley- Street, at 4 I, being that num- ber of houses on the L. from Lon- don-bridge and op. Dcan-st. it leads to Hays's wharf. Ilairbrain-Strcct or Court, Blue- Anchor-Yard, PvObcmary-Lane, the second on the R. four or five doors from 48, in the said lane, towards 110, Upper East-Smith- field. Half- Farthing- Alley, Jacob-Street, Dock- Head, Bermondsey, the third on the R. from Dock-head towards Rotherhithe. Half - Moon - Alley, Aldersgate- Street, at 1 38, about the middle of the W. side, leading to Bartho- lomew-close and Smithfield. Half-Moon- Alley ,Whitecross-Street, Cripplegate, at 46, on the E. side, about twenty doors from 115, Fore-st. it leads to Chapel- st. and Grub-st. Half-Moan-Alley, Little Moor- fields, at 16, on the W. side, being the second on the L. about six doors from 61, Fore-st. Half - Moon - Alley, Whitechapel High-Street, at 18, on the S. side, about eighteen doors E. from Somerset-st. or Aldgate High-sl- it leads to 35, Great Ayliffe-st. Half-Moon-Court, Stanhope-Street, Clare-Market, at 32, four doors on the R. from Princea-st. Drury- lane,towardsNewcastle-st.Strand. Half- Moon -Court, Portpool-Lane, Gray's-Inn-Lane, at 20, about twelve doors on the L. from 6 1, Leather-lane, and near the same distance from 54, Gray's-inn-lane Half-Moon-Court,Wapping-Street,- at 8, the- first on the L. eight doors E. from Hermitage-bridge^ about -J- of a mile below the Tower. Half-Moon-Inn, High-Street, Bo- rough, at 130, about twenty- two doors on the R. from St. George's church and near | of a mile on the L.from London-bridge. Half-Moon-Street, Piccadilly, the sixth on the R. west from St. J ames's Street, or about f of a mile on the L. from Hyde-park-corner, it leads to Curzon-st. Half- H H Half - Moon - Street, Eishopsgate- Without, at 170, under the arch- way, about of a mile on the L. north from the church, it leads to Rose and Crown-court, N. E. corner of Moorfields. Half-Nicol-Street, Bethnal-Green. See Nicol. Half-Paved-Court, Dorset-Street, Salisbury-Square, op. 50, in the said street, about fourteen doors on the L. from 82, Fleet-st. Halifax - Street, Mile - End New- Town, the second on the R. from 50, Whitechapel-road, along Great Garden-st. it extends from 48, High-street to King Edward- street. Halkin - Street, Grosvenor - Place, Hyde- Park -Corner, at 10, the first on the R. ten doors from the turnpike towards Pi-mlieo and Buckingham-gate. Hall's Court, Great Garden-Street, St. Catherine's, at the E. end of it, on the R. or the first on the L. in Helmet-court from 30, Butcher- row, Upper East-Smithfield. Ham- Yard, Great Windmill-Street, Haymarket,-at 37, op. Archer-st. the third on the L. twenty doors from Piccadilly. Ham - Yard, North - Row, Park- Lane, at 6, about ten or twelve doors on the L. west from 56, Park-st. near Oxford-st. Hambro' Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, the first W. from Three- cranes, or the bottom of Queen-st. from 70, Cheapside. Hamden-Street, Sommers Town, at the N. E. corner of Clarendon- sq. and the third on the R. along Chalton-st. from the New Road, extending towards St, Pancras. Hamilton-Buildings or Court, Ha- milton-Place, Pentonville, the first on the R. a few doors from York-st. towards the turnpike, Battle-bridge. Hamilton- Place, Pentonville-Road, Clerkenwell, forms part of the R.side commencing at Weston-st. near | of a mile from Clerken- well-green, leading to the turn- pike, Battle-bridge. Hamilton- PI ace or Street, Picca- dilly, the first on the L. a few doors from Hyde-park corner. Hammer-Alley (Three),Glean-Alley, Tooley-Street,-is the continuation of it, bearing to the L. from 218, Tooley-st. leading to Broadway, St. Thomas's st. Hammer and Crown-Court, Broad- Street, RatclifFe, at 79-, about fifteen doors on the R. west from Ratcliffe-cross, it leads to the Orchard and Brook-st. Ham met- Street, Minories, at 102, the second on the L. about twelve doors from Little Tower-hill, it extends to the Crescent. Hammond-Court, Haymarket, at 47, W. side, about eight doors on the R. from Piccadilly, leading to Jermyn-st. Hammond-Court, Mincing-Lane, at 23, about four doors on the R. from 82, Tower-st. or about eighteen doors on the L. from 42, Eenchurch-st Hampshire - Hog - Court, White- chapel-Road, at 237, about % of a mile on the R. below the church. Hampshire-Hog-Yard, High-Street, St. Giles's, at 10, nearly op. the church, leading to Church- lane. Hampstead-Road,Tottenham-Court- Road, is the N. continuation of it, commencing at the New-road. Note, those houses on the E. side, are as yet distinguished by no other name. Hampton-Street, Walworth or New- ington, the second on the R. about | of a mile from the Ele- phant and Castle, along the Wal- worth H worth High-road or street, ex- tending to Francis-st. Hand- Alley, Long- Alley, Moor- fields, the seventh on the L. from the N. side of Moorfields, or the third on the R. about twelve doors from Crown-st. it leads to Mulberry-court. Hand - Court, High - Holborn, at 57 , nearly op. Great Turnstile, about -y of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market, it leads to Bedford- row. Hand - Court, Golden -Lane, St. Luke's, near the middle of the E. side, op. Golden-ccurt, about nine doors N. from Rose-alley. Hand-Court, Upper Thames-Street ,- at 160, two doors W. of Bush- lane, about -j. of a mile on the R. from London-bridge, it leads to Chequer-yard and Dowgate-hill. Hand-Court, New-Street, Bishops- gate, at the E. end of the said street by the East-India-Com- pany's warehouses, entering by 29. Bishopsgate-without. Hand-Court (Three), Creechurch- Lane, Leadenhall-Street, the first on the R. three doors from the church by 87, Leadenhall- street. Hand in Hand Fire -Office, New Bridge-Street, the first houre on the R. from Fleet-st. towards the bridge. Hand and Pen-Court, Leadenhall- Street, at 60, op. Creechurch, about twelve doors on the L. from Aldgate. Hand and Pen-Court, Great Tower- Hill or Trinity-Square, at 30, on the E. side, between Steel- yard and Coopers-row. Hanserd's Place, Burrow's Build- ings Blackfriars-Road, at 12, the first on the R. from Surrey- chapel, towards the Obelisk. Hanging-Sword- Alley, Water- Lane, Fleet-Street, the first on the L. H two doors from 68, Fleet-st. leading to the bottom of Water- lane and Whitefriars-dock. Hanks-Court, Robin-Hood- Lane, Blackwall, the first on the R. a few doors from the East-India Dock -gate. Hanley's Buildings, Chequer- Alley, Bunhill-Row. St. Luke's, a few doors on the L. from 99, Bunhill- row towards 109, Whitecross-st. Hanover-Court, Grub-Street, Crip- plegate, about the middle of the E. side, op. the City-chapel, lead- ing to Butler's alley and Rope- makers-st. Moorfields. Hanover-Court, Houndsditch, four doors on the L. from 14, Aid- gate, op. the church, or about | of a mile on the R. from op. Bi- shopsgate-church. Hanover - Court, Minories, at 108. about twenty doors on the L. from Tower-hill, it leads to America-sq. on the R. and to the Crescent on the L. Hanover-Court, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, at 10, the third on the R. about \ of a mile from 7-1, White- chapel High-st. along Osborn-st. Hanover-Court, Hanover-Street, Ro- therhithe, at 23, at the S. end of it, on the R. from Hanover-stairs. Hanover-Square, nearly op. 132, Oxford-st. about of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's, or a few doors E. from 58, New Bond-st. Hanover-Street, Hanover- Square, at the S. E. corner, extending to 92, Swallow-st. and i* the second on the R. in it from Oxford-st. Hanover- Street, L-ng-Acre, at 96, the second on the R. from 40, Drury-lane, extending to Castle- st. and is continued by Belton-st. to Broad- st. St. Giles's. Hanover-Stairs, Rothcrhithe, the first stairs E. about - 6 of a mile from Rotherhithe-church and 1| of a mile below London -bridge by H H fcy the line of the river, op. New Crane, VVapping. Hanover-Street, Rotherhithe, the second street on the R. below the church and op. Hanover-stairs. Hanover-Street, Walworth or New- ington, the third on the R. about J of a mile from the Elephant and Castle along Walworth High- it. or road, it extends to Francis- street. Hans-Place, Hans-Town, Sloane- Street, Chelsea, the square at the W. end of Hans-st. from 63, Sloane-st. or the termination of Elizabeth-st. from Queen-st. Hans-Street, Sloane-Street, Chelsea,- at 03, being that number of houses | of a mileon the R. from Knights- bridge, it extends to Hans-place. Hans-Town, Chelsea. See Hans- Place. Hanson's Gains, New - Street, St. Catherine's, a few doors on the L. from St. Catherine's lane, to- wards 50, Upper East-Smithfield. Han way-Street, Oxford- Street, at 22, the first on the R. twenty-two doors from St. Giles's, leading to 5, Tottenham - court - road, op. Great Russell-street. Harbour-Masters-Office,-at 2, Little Thomas-st. between St.Catherine's street and Lower East-Smithfield, about of a mile below Tower- hill. Harden - Rents, Meeting - House- Walk, Snow's Fields, is behind the fourth house on the R. in Snow's fields from the E. end of King-street, Borough. Harding-Street (East), Great New- Street, Fetter-Lane. the first on the R. nine doors from West Harding-street leading to Gun- powder-alley and 94, Shoe-lane. Harding-Street (West), Fetter-Lane,- at 20, the first on the R. twenty doors from 179, Fleet-st. it ex- tends to Great New-st. Hare-Alley, Shoreditch, at 80, about twelve doors on the R. north from the turnpike, leading to Cock-lane and Old Nicol-st. Hare-Alley, Hare-Street, Spital- fields or Bethnal-Green, at 58, a few doors W. from the Work- house, or the third on the R. from 109, Brick-lane. Hare-Court, Temple-Lane, Fleet- Street, the first on the R. a few yards from 15, Fleet-st. near Temple-bar. Hare - Court - Buildings, Temple- Gardens, on the W. side of the said Gardens, or the fourth on the L. in Middle Temple-lane, from 5, Fleet-st. Hare-Court, Aldersgate-Street, at 62, about fifteen doors N. from Jewin-st. leading into Paul's alley and Redcross-st. Hare-Court, Hare-Street, Spital- fields or Bethnal-Green, on the N. side, the first on the L. a few doors from 110, Brick-lane. Hare-Marsh, Hare-Street, Spital- fields or Bethnal-Green, at 61, the second on the R. from 109, Brick-lane, it extends to St. John- street. Hare - Row, Cambridge - Heath, Hackney-Road, between the Hare Public-house and Cam- bridge-house academy, near the turnpike. Hare-Street, Hoxton-Town,-on the E. side, by the Hare Public-house, about y of a mile on the R. from Old street-road. Ha re- Street, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields or Bethnal-Green, at 110, , the second on the L. from 144, Church-st. it extends from op. Sclater - street to Bethnal - green workhouse. Hare-Street, Poplar High-Street or Road, the first W. from the East-India alms-houses and nearly op. the Queen's head, about \ a mile H H mite on the L. from the Commer- cial-road. Hare-Walk, Hoxtori-Town, on the E. side, by the Hare Public- house, about -j- of a mile on the R. from Old-street-road, leading to Kingsland-road. Harewood- Place, Oxford-Street, nearly op. 132, about of a. mile on the L. from St. Giks's, and near the same distance on the R. from Hyde-park, it extends to Hanover-square. Harford- Place, Walworth, the continuation of West-lane, en- tering op. East-st. about |- of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. Harford- Place, Dm ry- Lane, at 116, about \ of a mile on the R. from the New - church in the Strand towards Holborn. Harley-Mews, Wigmore-Street, Ca- vendish-Square, a few yards on the R. from the N. W. corner of the square. Harley-Mews North, Harley-Street, Cavendish-Square, at 58, the second on the L. about \ of a mile from the N. W. corner of Ca- vendish-square. Harley-Place, New-Road, Mary- bone, a few houses on the S. side, op. Hastings's Nursery, nearly adjoining the E. side of Devonshire-place, about \ a mile on the L. from Tottenham-court- road. Harley-Place, Kent-Road, forms part of the L. side, a few doors below the Bricklayers-arms, it is continued by Kent-place and Nelson'-* place. Harley-Street, Cavendish-Square, at the N.W. corner of the square, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 79, it extends to Wey- mouth-st. about \ of a mile in length. Harley-Street (Upper), -the N. con- tinuation of the last described., extending from Weymouth-st. to the fields. Harleyford-Place, Kennington, on the W. side the Clapham-road, op. Kennington-common, a few door* on the R. south from the Horns. Harleyford-Street, Harleyford-Place, Kennington-Road, the second on the R. from the Horns towards Clapham, it extends to the OvaL Harlow-Place, Mile- End-Road, the second on the R. about fifteen doors below the turnpike, extend- ing to Grove-place. Harod's Place or Alley, Wellclose- Square, at the S. W. corner lead- ing to Well-street, Parsons-street, and Upper East-Smithfield. Harp-Alley, Fleet-Market, at 82, about sixteen doors on the L. from Fleet-street, it extends to 14, Shoe-lane. Harp -Court, Black -Horse -Alley, Fleet-Street, at the N. end frcm 98, Fleet-street, it also commu- nicates with Fleet-market at 90. Harp-Court, Grub-Street, Cripple- gate, about six doors on the R. north from 97, Fore-st. or the last on the L. from 1:5, Chiswell-st. Harp-Lane, Lower-Thames-Street, at 77, the sixth on the L. about \ of a mile from London-bridge, it extends to 19, Great Tower-st. Harpur's Fields, Edgware-Road, nearly op. King-street, about ~ of a mile on the L. from Tyburn turnpike, Harpur's Mews, East-Street, Red- Lion-Square, at 13, about three doors on y the L. from Lamb'sCon- duit-strcct, it leads to 42, Theo- bald's road. Harpur - Street, Theobald's Road, Red-Lion-Square, at 47, about nine doors on the R. from Red- Lion-st. it extends to 7, East-st. Harpur's Walk, High-Street, Lam- beth, the second on the R. about twenty H H twenty doors from the church, it leads to Fore-st. and the Thames. Harrel's Row, Green -Bank, St. George's in the East, the second on the L. from Wapping- church, towards Gravel-lane, it leads to Knight's court and Tench-st. Harriot's Place, Fashion-Street, Spi- talfields, at 56, about eight or nine doors E. from Rose-lane, or the fourth on the R. from 194, Brick-lane. Harris's Buildings, Whitechapel - Road, at 132, about j- of a mile on the L. below Whitechapel- church, nearly op. the London- hospital. Harris's Court, RatclifFe-Highway, at 122, op. Old Gravel-lane, or a few doors on the L. east from St. George's church. Harris's Place, Oxford-Street, at 364, about | of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's, between Poland- street and the Pantheon. Harris's Place, White-Bear-Gardens, Hackney-road, is a few yards N . from Harris's-row. See Har- ris's row. Harris's Row, White-Bear-Gardens, Hackney-Road, the first on the R. from the N. end of Union-walk, Union-street. Harrison's W'harf, St. Catherine's- Street,< between Allen's and Davis's, a few doors E. from St. Catherine's stairs, about of a mile below London-bridge. Harrow- Alley, White-Street, Cutler- Street, Houndsditch, the second on the L. a few doors from Cutler- st. entering by 1 14, Houndsditch, it leads to that part of Petticoat- lane which is nearly op. Went- worth-street. Harrow - Alley, Aldgate - High - Street, about eighteen doors on the R. below the Minories, it leads to Little Somerset-st. and Mansel- st. Goodman's fields. Harrow - Court, St. Peter's - Hill, Docfors-Commons, about six doors on the L. from 210, Upper Thames-st. or a few doors on the R. from 4, Little Knight-rider- st. Doctors-commons. Harrow-Court, Harrow-Street, Mint- Street, Borough, about the middle of the S. side, or N. end of Vine- court, from 115, Black- man- street. Harrow-Lane, Poplar. See King's road. Harrow - Road, Paddington, on the L. about |- of a mile from Tyburn turnpike along the Edg- ware-road. Harrow-Street, Mint -Street, Bo- rough, the second on the L. about twenty doors from 156, High-st. or from op. St. George's-church, it extends to Lant-st. Harrow-Street (Little), Mint-Street, Borough, the first on the R. from 156, High-st. leading into Bird- cage-alley and Redcross-st. Harts-Lane, Bethnal -Green-Road, the first on the L. a few door* below the turnpike, near \ a mile from 65, Shoreditch. Harts-Row, Marsh-Wall, Poplar, or Isle of Dogs, is near a mile below the entrance to the West- India docks by the side of the river, about | of a mile E. of the King's arms. Hart-Street, Duke-Street, Grosvenor- Square, the first on the R. about twelve doors from 276, Oxford- street, and near the same distance from the N. E. corner of Grosve- nor-square. Hart-Street, Bk>omsbury 5 the first on the L. in King-street, from 120, High-Holborn, part of it forms the S. side of Bloomsbury- square and it extends to Peter-st. Hart-Street, Covent-Garden, the first on the L. in Bow-street, from Great Ruflell-street, it extends from H H from the N. side of Covent-gar- den- theatre to Conduit -court, Long-acre. Hart-Street, Wood-Street, Cripple- gate, at 63, op. London-wall, about I of a mile on the L. from 122, Cheapside, it extends to Monkwell-st. Hart-Street, Crutched- Friars, at 64, Mark-lane, the first on the L. about sixteen doors from 55, Fenchurch-st. it leads towards America-sq. and the Minories. Hart-Street, Wey mouth-Street, Kent- Road, the second on the R. from BrightonTplace, Kent-road, by the Elephant and Castle, it leads to White-hart-court and Crown-row, Walworth High-road. Hartley's Wharf, Horselydown, on the W. side, of Horselydown Old- Stairs, about | a mile below Lon- don-bridge by the river, entrance by Freeman's lane near the E. end of Tooley-st. Hartshorn - Court, Moor - Lane, Moorfields, at 17, the fifth on the R~from 86, Forest. Hartshorn-CourtjLeadenhall-Street,- at 66, about eight doors on the L. from Aldgate-pump, it leads to 94, Fenchurch-st. Hartshorn-Court or Street, Golden- Lane, St. Luke's, the third on the L. about eighteen doors from Old-st. it leads to Cowheel- alley and 168, Whitecross-st. Hartshorn- Wharf ,LowerEast-Smi th- field, between the Army Viclu- alling-Office and Glasgow-wharf. Harvey's Buildings, Strand, at 426, three doors W. from Bedford-st. and about { of a mile on the L. from Charing-cross. Hasley - Court, Black man - Street, Borough, at 101, about six doors S. from Lant-st. or the third on the right i of a mile S. from op. St. George's church, it is also called Nelson's place. Hat and Mitre-Court, St. John- Street, Clerkenwell, at 150, nearly op. Passing-alley, about -V of a mile on the R. north from 74, West Smithfield. Hatch-Row, Broad-Wall, Lambeth,- is nearly op. Cross-street, from Blackfriars-road. Hatchet-Ccurt, Little Trinity-Lane,- at 20, three doors on the R. from 199, Upper Thames-st. it leads to Sugar-loaf-court and Garlick- hill. Hatfield-Place, Westminster-Bridge- Road, St. George's Fields, is on the W. side the Obelisk, and is the first row of houses on the L. from it towards the Asylum. Hatfield-Place, Cross-Street, Christ- Church, Surrey, the third on the R. a few doors from Blackfriars- road, it leads into Hatfield-st. Hatfield - Street, Stamford - Street, Christ -Church, Surrey, the second st. which intersects it from Blackfriars-road, near the bridge, it extends from Upper-ground to Broadwall. Hatfield-Strect, Goswell-Street, St. Luke's, at 25, under the arch, the third on the L. a few doors S. from Old-st. it leads to Cherry- tree-court and Golden-lane. Hatfield- Yard, Gray's Walk, Lam- beth, at the E.endfrom Lambeth- walk, or at the W. end of East-st. from op. Walcot-place. Hatton - Court, Threadneedle - Street, at 49, about ten doors on the R. from Bishopsgate, or two doors E. from the church. Hatton-Court, Saffron- Hill, at 139, on the W. side, about twelve doors on the L. from Field lane, Hol- born-bridge, or eight doors on the R. from Charles-otreet, Hatton- garden. Hatton-Garden, Holborn-Hill, at 106, the second coach-turning on the R. west from Fleet-market, here II H tar the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 108, it extends to Hat ton-wall. Hatton-Wall, Hatton-Garden, Hol- bo'rn, at the N. end, extending from 42, Leather-lane to 7G, Saffron-hill. Harton-Yard, Hatton-Wall, two or three doors on the L. wc>t from 77, Saffron-bill, and five or six doors E. from .57, Hatton-garderi, it leads into Kirby-st. Haughton-Street,Clare-Market,-the second on the R. in Nwcastle-st. from 309, in the Strand, by the New-church, it leads into the said market. Haunch of Venison-Yard, Grosve- nor-Street, Grosvenor-^quare, four doors on the R. from 103, New Bond-st. it leads to 55, South- Molton-st. Hawkers Office, Somerset - Place, Strand, the first door on the R. in the square, through the arch- way, from between 151 and 152, in the Strand. Hawkins's Court, Miles's Lane, Can- non-Street, the first on the R. about twelve doors from 11), Can- non-st. and about the same distance on the L. from 131 ,Up.l hames-st. Hawkins'sCourt, Rosemary-Lane, at 82, seven doors W. from White- Lion-st. and about of a mile on the L. cast from the Minories. Hawksbury-Place, Lock's Fields, Walworth, the E. continuation of Salisbury-place, leading towards Park place and East Jane. Hawley and Downe's Wharf, Lower East-Smithfield, on the W. side of Hermitage-dock, netr the bot- tom of Nightingale-lane, about - of a mile below London-bridge. Hay's Court, Gerrard-Street, Soho, at the E. end by 1, extending to King-st. or the continuation of Greek-st. from Soho-square, lead- ing towards Newport-market. Hay's Court, White's Yard, Rose- mary-Lane, the first on the L. a few doors from 58, Rosemary- lane, or the last on the R. from 97, Upper East-Smithfield. Hay-Hill, Berkeley-Street, Berkeley. Square, four or five doors on the L. from the S. E. corner of the square, or the first on the R. of a mile from 76, Piccadilly, it extends to Dover-st. Hay's Lane, Tooley- Street, nearly cp. Dean-st. about of a mile on the L. from London-bridge, leading to Hay's wharf. Hay's Mews, Charles-Street, Berke- ley-Square, entrance about five doors on the R. from the S. W. corner of the said square. Hay's Row, Pari -Place, Chapel- Street, Lisson- Green, Padding- ton, a few yards on the L. from Chapel-street near the Edgware- road. Hay's Wharf, Tooley-Streer, entrance about of a" mile on the L. below London-bridge by Hay's lane. Haydon - Passage, Mansel - Street, Goodman's Fields, at 21, about nine doors on the R. from Somer- set-st. Whitechapel, it leads to the N. E. corner of Haydon-square. Hay don-Square, Minories, the last on the R. in Church-st. from 20, in the Minories, or at the E. end of Haydon-yard. Haydon-Square (Little), Minories, entrance at the N. side of the last described. Haydon- Yard, Minories, at 40, about the middle of the E. side leading into Haydon-square, from whence there is a passage to Mansel-strcet. Haymarket, extends from the E. end of Piccadilly to Pail-Mall, from whence it is continued by Cockspur-street to Charing-cross. Note, a market for hay is also Y held H H Twisters- Alley, first on the L. 103, Eunhill- Blue-anchor- held at several other places, viz. Smithfield, Whitechapel, Stones- End, Borough, &rc. Haymer - Court, Maid -Lane, Bo- rough, on the S. side, about A of a mile on the L. west from Park-st. nearly op. Rose-alley, Bankside. Hazlewood -Court, St. Luke's the a few doors from row, leading to alley. Heath-Court, Strand, at 412, nearly op. Adam-st. Adelphi, x of a mile on the L. from Charing-cross. Heath-Place, Hackney-Road, -about a mile on the L. from Shoreditch- church, situate between the turn- pike and the Hare public-house. Heddcn-Court, Swallow-Street, Pic- cadilly, at 131, the fourth on the L. about \ of a mile from 41, Piccadilly, it leads into Heddon-st. Heddon - Street, Leicester - Street, Swallow-Street, three or four doors on the R. from 139, Swal- low-st. it leads to Heddon-court, and 131, Swallow-st. Hedger's Court. Webber-Row, St. George's Fields, the first on the L. from behind the Magdalen- hospital, and near the Jolly Miller public-house. St. Helena, Lower-Road to Dept- ford, about ^ of a mile on the R. south from China hall, | of a mile W. from the "Halfway-house and2j miles from London-bridge. St. Helen's (Great), Bishopsgatc. Street, at :*. r >, Bfehop gate- within under the arch, about fifteen doors N. from the City of London Tavern, it leads to 61, St. Mary- Axe. St. Helen's (Little) or St. Helen's Place, Bishopsgate-Strcct, the fir^t on the L. a few doors N. from Great St. Helen's. i St. Helen's - Chambers, Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate-Within, be- hind the houses which form the E. side, entrance by 33. St. Helen's Church, is nearly in the centre of Great St. Helen's, entrance by 35, Bishopsgate-st. within. Helmet-Court, Strand, at 337, opporite Somerset-house, about y of a mile on the R. from Temple- bar. Helmet-Court, Helmet-Row, Old- Street, St. Luke's, the first on the L. from Old-st. on the N. side St. Luke's church. Helmet Court, London-Wall, at 25, on the S. side, about six doors E. from Basinghall-st. and near the same distance W. from Cole- man-st. Helmet -Court, Upper Thames- Street, at 230, three doors E. from Addle-hill, about | of a mile on the L. from Blackfriars- bridge. Helmet- Court, Wormwood -Street, Bishopsgate, at 13, about seven doors on the L. from 65, Bishops- gate, near the church. Helmet-Court, Butcher-Row, Upper East Smithfield, at 31, a lew doors on the R. from Copper East-Smithfield, leading to Great Garden-street and St. Catherine's lane. Helmet - Row, Old - Street, St. Luke's, at 97, on the W. side the church, and nearly op. White - cross-st. it extends to Wcnlock-st. Hemlock- - Court, Carey - Street, Chancery- l.ane, at 12, the third on the L. about fifteen doors from 99, Chancery-lane, it leads to Ship-yard and the Strand. Hemming's Row, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 119, the first coach-turning on the L. from Charing-cross, it extends to Castle- st. Leicester-square. Hemus- H Ilemus. Place or Terrace, Chelsea, is situate between the Hospital and the King's road, on the E. side Smith-st. Hen and Chickens-Court, Fleet-St.- 1S l,betweenSt. Dunstan's church and Fetter-lane, near \ of a mile on the R. from Fleet- market. Heneage or Innage-Lane, Duke's Place, Aldgate, the third on the R. in Creechurch-lane from 87, Leadenhall-st. it extends to op. 17, Bevis-marks. Henrietta-Mews, Henrietta-Street, Brunswick - Square, at the E. end of it by the Foundling-hospital burying-ground, Henrietta- Passage, Henrietta-Street, Cavendish-Square, at 22, about five doors on the L. from the S. W. corner of the square near Oxford- chapel. Henrietta-Street, Cavendish-Square, - at the S. W. corner, extending to Mary bone-lane or the first N. pa- rallel to part of Oxford-st. say from 131 to 156. Henrietta-St. Manchester-Square, the first N. parallel to part of Ox- ford-st. say from 1G1 to 171, or the third on the L. in Duke-st. from the square. Henrietta-Street, Covent-Garden, the W. continuation of the S. side of the market, extending to 34, Bedford-st. Henrietta-Street, Brunswick -Square,- the first on both the R. and the L. in Hunrer-st. from the N. W. corner of the said square. Henrietta-Street, Hackney-Road, on the S. side, nearly op. Great Cambridge - street, about \ a mile on the R. from Shoreditch- church. Henry-Court or Passage, Henry- Street, Hampstead-Road, the se- cond on the R. in Henry-st. from the Hampstead-road, it leads into Little Brook-vt. H Henry-Place, Castle-Lane, West- minster, the first on the R. in the said lane, from the Stag or Elliott's brewery towards James- street. Henry - Place, Monmouth - Place, Walworth - Common, near the S. end of Surrey-square from the Kent-road, it leads to Phillips's buildings. Henry-Street, Hampstead-Road, the second on the L. a few doors from Tottenham-court or from the New-road, leading to Brook- st. and Fitzroy -place. Henry- -Street, GrayVInn-Lane, about |- of a mile on the L. from Middle-row, Hclborn, or the first S. from Great Guilford-st. it ex- tends to Robert-st. Henry-Street, Pentonville, the first N. parallel to part of the Hjgh- street or road, say from op. the New-river-reservoir to the chapel, it extends from White- Lion-st. to Rodney- st. Henry - Street, Old - Street, St. Luke's, at BO, the second on the R. west from St. Luke's hos- pital, it extends to Old - street- square. Heralds - College, Doclors - Com- mons, at 15, Bennet's hill, sixteen doors on the L. from 15, St. Paul's - church - yard, along Paul's chain, it extends to St. Peter's hill. Herbert's Passage, Strand, the first S. parallel to part of it, say from S9 to 103, nearly cp. Southump- ton-st. Covent-garden. Hercules-Buildings, Lambeth, the S. side of the broad-turning, nearly op. the Asylum, about | of a mile on the R. from Westminster- bridge, it leads towards Lambeth- church. Hercules Coach-Office, Leadenhall- Strcet, at I 19, nearly op. Lime. st, and the East-India-house. Hercules- H H Hercule-Tavern and Coffee-House,-^- at 79, Old .Broad-street, near Threadneedle-st. about ten doors on the L. from the N. side of the Royal-Exchange. Hereford-Street, Park-Street, Gros- yenor-Square, at 53, the first on the R. from 248, Oxford-st. leading towards Hyde-park, Hermes-Street, Pentonville, the third on the R. in the High-street or road from Islington, and nearly op. the New-river-reservoir. Hermitage - Bridge, Hermitage- Dock, about i of a mile below the Tower, and near of a mile from London-bridge by the side of the Thames, it leads from St. Catherine's st. to Wapping. Hermitage- Dock, divides St. Ca- therine's street and the parish of Aldgate, from Wapping. See the last article. Hermitage-Stairs, Wapping, op. 14, Wapping-st. a lew yards on the R. below Hermitage-bridge, facing Mill stairs, St. Saviour's dock, Southwark. Hermitage- Street Great), the first N. parallel to part of Wapping-st. say from number 15 to 72, com- mencing on the E. side Hermitage- bridge, and extends to the Len- don-docks. Hermitage-Street (Little), at 11, Wapping-st. the first on the L. below Hermitage-bridge, extend- ing to Great Hermitagc-st. Hermitage- Yard, Hermitage-Street. Wapping, the continuation of Little Hcrmitagr-st. from 11, Wapping-st. leading to Redraaid's , lar.e by the side ot the London- dock-. Hern's Buildings, Upper East-Smith field,-is cp. OS, about J of a mile on the T . from Little Tower-hill. Hera's Court, Dock-Street, Upper East Smithfield, the first on the L-. a few doors from 88, Upper East- Smithfield, or a few , door* on the R. from 68, Rosemary-lane. Hertford-Row, near Pentonville, op. the S. end of Weston-st. and Hamilton-place, about | of a mile on the L. from Clcrken- well-green towards Battle-bridge and Sommers-town. Hertford-Street, Fitzroy,Square, is parallel to the E. side, or is the first on the R. in London-st. about eight doors from 108, Tottenham- court-road. Hertford-Street, Mayfair, the con. tinuation of Chapel-st. from 35, Curzon-st. or the third on the R. in Park-lane from Piccadjlly. Hertford-Strect.Skinner-Street.Somr mers-Town, about six doors on the L. from the Brill public-house, or twenty doors on the R. from 15, Judd's Place East. Hewet's Court, Strand, at 461, about i of a mile on the L. from Charing-cross, it leads to Church- lane and St. Martin's-church-yard. Hickman's-Folly, Dock-Head, Ber- mondsey, the E. continuation of Dock-head, extending from Mifl- st. to George's row. Hickman's Rents, Russell-Street, Bermondsey. SeeHillman's Rents. High-Row, Knjghtsbridge, on the N.side the High-road, about - of a mile on the R. from Hyde-park- corner towards the barracks. High-Street, Marybone, the con- tinuation of Thayer-st. on the E. side of Manchester-sq. or the N. end of Marybone-lane, from 158, Oxford-st. it extends to the New Road. High-Street, St. Giles's,- the W. con- tinuation of Broad-st. commencing by the church and extending to Oxford-st. and Tottenham-court- road. High-Street, Islington, commences at the Angel- inn, and extends towards the church. High, H High-Street, Mile-Eud New-Town,- the continuation of Great Garden- street, entering by 50, White- chapel-road, leading to Well-st. and Spitalficlds. High-Street, Stepney, oh the W. side the church-yard, extending from the Ship public - house towards the Green. High-Street, Lambeth, the second E. parallel to the Thames, ex-. tending from op. the church, to Broad-st. High-Street, Borough, commences K London-bridge where the num- bers begin and end, viz. 1 and 325, and extends to St. George's church, near \ a mile in length, from whenpe it is continued by Blackman-st. High-Street, Newington, on theE. side the High-road, commencing op. the church, and extending to the Horse and Groom, opposite Kennington-lane. High -Timber-Street, UpperThames- Strect, is parallel to part of the S. side of it, say from 40 to 51, it extends from Broken- wharf to Brook's wharf. Higlers-Lane, Lambeth - Marsh or New-Cut, the second on the L. near of a mile from Surrey- chapel, it leads to Webber-st. Higlers-Lane or Friar-Street, Black- friars-Road, the third on the L. from Surrey-chapel towards the Obelisk, about h a mile from the bridge, it leads to Great Suffolk- street. LI ill's Aims-Houses, Westminster. See Emery -Hill's. Hill's Buildings, Ebury-PIace, Pim- lico, a few doors on the R. from Kemp's row, op. Ranelagh-walk, about | of a mile from Bucking- ham-gate. Hill-Court, Hill-Street, Finsbury- Square, the first on the L. about two cr three doors from PauLst. H or a few doors on the R. from 10 # Windmill -st. Hill-Court, Shoreditch High-Street,- at 51, about -|- a mile on the R. from Bishopsgate-church and near of a mile on the L. from Shore- ditch-church. Hill-Mews, HilLStreet, Berkeley- Square, at 35, a few yards on the L. from the W. side the square, extending to 0,Charles-st, Hill-Street, Berkeley-Square,-at the middle of the W. side, leading to V, South Audley-st. to Dean-st. and Park-Lane. Hill-Street, Finsbury-Square, the second parallel to the N. side, ex- tending from Paul-st. to JO, Wind- mill-st. Hill-Street, Little Tower-Hi 11, -that part of the E. side of the said hill which extends from the Minories to Viflualling-office-square by the New-Mint. Hilliard's Court, Old Gravel-Lane, St. George's in the East, at 1 5, the second on the R. from 157, Wapping st. two doors S. from King-st. Hillman's Rents, Russejl-Street, Bermondsey, the first on the R- from Dock-head, or about j of a mile on the L. from DO, Bermond- sey -st. Hind-Court, Fleet-Street, at 147, about | of a mile on the R. from Fleet- market, it leads to Gough- square and New-st. Fetter-lane. Hind-Court, Noble-Street, Falcon- Square. at iy, two or three doors on the L. from the said square, or about j of a mile on the K. from 1 17, C heap.dde along Foster-lane. Hind-Mews, Hind-Street, Manches- ter-Square, the first S. parallel to and about four doors from it, or at (51, Marybone-lane. Hind-Street, Manchester-Square, extends from the E. side to Ben- tinck-st. or is the third on the L. " 4 Qf H H 4 of a mile from 158, Oxford-st. along Marybone.lane. Hinton's Alms - Houses, Plough- Alley, Barbican, a few yards en theR. from nearly op. Redcross-st. Hobson's Place, Pleasant - Row, Mile-End New r Town, -about the middle of the S. side, and is between Lombard-st. and Dean- street. Hodge's Buildings, RatclifFe-Row, St. Luke's about the middle of the S. side, viz. between Pittman's buildings and Bath-st. by the City-road. Hodge's or Hodson's Court, RatclifTe- Row, St. Luke's, the first on the R. a few doors , from Orchard- st. and nearly op. George's Row from the City-road. Hodge's Court, Denmark-Street, St. George's in the East, the first on the R. a few doors from 153, Ratcliffe- Highway towards Back- lane or New-road. Hodge's Place, Gill-Street, Lime- house, the E. side of the said street. See Gill-st. Hodgson's or Hodson's Buildings, Arnold-Place, Walworth, nearly op. Hanover-st. from Walworth High-st. or road. Hodgson's or Hudson's Court, Strand, at 481, op. Northum- berland- st. a few doors on, the L. from Charing-cross. Hodgson's Place, Lock's Fields, Walworth, a few houses on the W. side the Obelisk, between Sa- lisbury-place and Paragon- place. Hodgson - Street, Francis - Street, Walworth, the first on the R. from op. Newington-church, or it is nearly op. Hanover-st. from Walworth High-st. or road. Hog-Lane, Shorcditch. See Worship- Strccr. Hog- Yard, White's Yard, Rose- mary-lane, a few doors on the L.Jfrom 58, Rosemary-lane, and near the same distance from 97, Upper East-Smithfield. Hog- Yard, Castle- Lane, Borough, - the first on the R. about three doors from Castle- st. towards Maid-lane and Bankside. Holborn r B?rs, Holborn, the boun- dary of the city, by Middle-row, op. Gray's-inn-lane. Holborn- Bridge, Fleet-Market, at the N. end, the space between Snow-hill and Holborn-hill. Holborn-Court, Gray's Inn, en- trance by 20, High-holborn, under the arch, being that number of houses W. of Gray's-inn-lane, it leads to Gray's-inn-square and Bedford -row. Holborn-Hill, at the N. end of Fleet- market, extending to Mid- dle-row and within three doors of Gray's-inn-lane, where the num- bers begin and end, viz. 1 and 149, it is about | of a mile in length. Holborn (High), theW. continua- tion of the last described, extend- ing from Middle-row, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 320, to Drury-lane and Broad-st. St. Giles's, about -J of a mile in length. Holbrook - Buildings, Tottenham- Court- Road, at 127, about f of a mile on the L. from Oxford-st. it leads'to Fitzroy-market. Holbrook-Court, Holbrook-Build- ings, Tottenham-Court-Road, the first on the R. three doors from 127j, Tottenham - court- road. Holden's Yard, Crown-Street, Soho, or St. Giles's, a few yards on the L. from Oxford-st. or from Tot- tenham-eourt-road, towards Den- mark-street. Holding's Rents, Rotherhithe-St. on the W. side the Surrey-canal- dock, y of a mile on the R. below the church. Hole H Mole In the Wall-Court, CO, Fleet- Street. See St. Dunstan's Court. Mole in the Wall-Passage or Alley, Holywell-Lane, Shoreditch High- Baldwin's Gardens, Leather-Lane, at '2 1, about twelve doors on the L. from 77, Leather-lane, it leads to Dorrington-st. Holland-Street Christ-Church, or Blackfriar -Road, the second on the L. a few yards from the bridge, leading to Gravel-lane, or to Bank side. Hollen - Street, Wardour - Street, Soho, about nine doors on the L. from 382, Oxford-st. extend- ing to Great Chapel-st. and lead- ing towards Soho-square. Holies-Street, Cavendish-Square, at 123, Oxford-st. about | of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, it extends to the S. side of the said square. Holies-Street, Stanhope-Street,Clare- Market, at 5S, the third on the R. from the New-church in the Strand along Newcastle-st. it leads to the W. side of the said market. Holliday-Yard, Creed-Lane, Doc- tors-Commons, the first on the R. a few yards from 14, Ludgate- st. by St. Paul's-church-yard. Hollow - Place or the Hollow, Mitchell-Street, St. Luke's, on the W. side of Helmet-row, by St. Luke's church. Holloway-Strcet (Great), Mile-End Old-Town, Stepney, the second on the L. in TJnion-st. from 281, . Whitechapel - road, it is a few doors S. of Sion-chapel and ex- tends to Mulberry-st. Holloway-Street (Little), Mile-End Old-Town, the K. continuation of the last described, it extends from Mulberry-st. to Plumbers- row. Holyfield - Row, Elizabeth - Place, Lambeth, is op. 28, ab^ut i of a mile on the L. from Kenning- ton - cross towards Lambeth Workhouse. Street, at 194, near the turnpike, about -J- of a mile on the R. south from the church, it extends to the Curtain -road. Holywell-Mount, Shoreditch, -there is no particular pile of buildings distinguished by this name, but the neighbourhood around Chapel-st. and Holy well-row is still called so. Holywell - Row, Worship - Street, Shoreditch, the second coach- turning on the R. from Shoreditch, or the first on the L. from Paul- st. it leads to Chapel-st. and the Curtain-road. Holy well-Street, Shoreditch, a part of the High-st. particularly on the W. side, is distinguished by this name, say from numbers 194 to 219. Holywell - Street, Strand, on the W. side, of St. Clement's church, about f of a mile from Temple- bar, extending to Newcastle-st. by the New-church. Homer - Place, Winchester - Row, Edgware-Road, the continua- tion of the said row, towards Lisson-green and the Yorkshire- stingo. Homer - Row, Winchester - Row, Edgware-Road, the first on the R. about | of a mile from the Edgware-road towards the York- shire-stingo, it extends to Upper Durweston-st. Homer-Street, Homer-Place, Mary- bone, the first E. parallel to the last described, near the Yorkshire- stingo. Honduras - Street, Old - Street, St. Luke's, at 2J, the fourth on the R. twenty-three doors from Gos- vvell-st. it leads into Baltic-st. and Golden-Lane. Honduras - Wharf, Willow - Streer, Bankside, on the E. side the Falcon u Falcon Glasshouse, about \ of a mile below Blackfriars-bridge. JJouey-Lane, Cheapside, at 110, op. Bow-church, extending to Honey- lane-market. Honey- Lane- Market, Cheapside/ the first on the R. in Milk-street from 116, Cheapside. See the last article. Honeysuckle - Court, Moor- Lane, Mojrtields, the first on the L. about seven or eight doors from 87, Fore-street, it leads to Grub- street. Hood's Place, Paradise-Row, St. Pancras, at the back or N. W. side the Sma!l-pox hospital, Bat- tle-bridge, near Sommers-town. Hook's Gardens or Buildings. Silver- Street,Canterbury-Square,Tooley- Street. the first on the L. a few doors from under the arch, on the W. side of the said square. Hooper's Court, Queen's Buildings, Brompton High-Road , the first on the L. a iew doors from Kniffhtsbridgje, it leads to North- st. and Sloane-st. Hooper's Court or Street, Great Sutton-Strett, Clerkenwell, the first on the R. a few doors from 128, Goswell-st. it extends to Little Sutton-st. Hooper's Court, Pleasant - Row, Mile-End New-Town, near the middle of the S. side, about six doors W. from Dcan-st. and near the same distance E. from Lombard- t. Hooper's Court, Upper East-Smith- field, at <28, the second on the L.afew doors from Tower-hill, or a few doirs on the R. from Butcher- Row. Hooper'sCourt or Square.Goodman's Fields, at 82, Lemon-st. op. Piescott-st. leading intoLambeth- .st. arid Rupcrt-st. Hooper - Street, Apollo - Gardens, Wcitmin ter Bridge- Road, Lam- U beth, near | a mile oh the Lv from Westminster - bridge, is- nearly op. the Asylum, and leads into Gloucester-;- 1. Hope Coach-Office, Charing-Cross,- nearly op. the gate of the King's Mews, two doors W. from the Phcenix Fire-office. Hope-Court, Angel-Street, Broad- wall, Christ-Church or Lambeth, - the first on the L. a i'ew doors from Charlotte-st. nearly op. the Mitre public- house. Hope-Gardens, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 50, about } of a mile on the R. from Charing- cross and eight doors S. from New-st. it extends to '20, Bed- ford-bury. Hope Insurance - Office, Ludgate- Hill, ten doors on the R. from New Bridge-st. or from Fleet- market towards St. PaulVchurch- yard. Hope-Place, Whitechapel-Road, at 131, nearly op. the London- hospital, leading to Ducking- pond- row. Hope-Street, Quaker-Street, Spital- fields, the second on the R. a few doors from 173, Brick-lane, N. side Hanbury's brewery, or the second on the L. from '29, Wheeler- st. Hope- Town, Bethnal-Oreen-Road.- on the N. side, a few doors W. of the turnpike, near } a mile on the L. from G5, Shoreditch. Hopkins-Street, Broad-Street, Car- naby-Markct, at 51, four door, on the L. from 81, Berwick-st. it extends to PetCT-st. Hopton's Alms - Houses, Green- Walk, Christ - Church, a few doors on the L. from Holland-st. or op. Cumberland-st. from 07, John-st. Hore's Wharf, Wnpping, on the E. side of Hermitage-stairs, near a mile below London-bridge, and nearly H neatly op- Mill-stairs, Dock-head, or Bermondsey-wall. Horham's Court, Ratcliffe-Square, Ratcliffe, at the back of the S. E. corner of the said square, by Pa- radise-court. Horn- Alley, Liquor 1 Pond - Street, Leather-Lane, Holborn, at 3D, the first on the R. a few doors from the N. end of Leather-lane, extending to Tothill-st. Horn-Ayey, Aldersgate-Street, at 43, four doors S. from Jewin-st. about f of a mile on the R. from 66, Newgate-st. along St. Mar- tin's-le-Grand. Horn-Brewery, Lambeth-Marsh, entrance by the third on the R. about | of a mile from Surrey- chapel. Horn-Court, Shoreditch, on the N. side the church, facing Shore- ditch High-st. between the com- mencement of the Kingsland and Hackney roads. Horse-Row, King-Street, Borough,- behind 59, about fourteen doors on the R. from 109, Borough High-st. leading to Chapman's Buildings and King-st. again. Horse and Dolphin- Yard, Maccles- field-Street, J>oho, about the middle of the E. side, viz. be- tween King-st. and Gerrard-st. H or. e- Ferry- Rotherhithe-Street,' at 118, about | of a mile below the .church and 2| miles from London-bridge by the line of the river, op. Mr. Turner's-wharf, Narrow-st. Limehouse. Horse Ferry-Road, Millbank-Street, Westminster, the fifth on the R. about 4- of a mile from the Abbey, extending from the Thames to Gieat Peter-st. or to Strutton- ground, near| a mile in length. Horse and Groom- Yard, Holborn- Hill, at 129, nearly op. Fetter- lane, about of a mile on the R. from Fleet -market. H Horse and Groom- Yard, Wood- Street, Westminster, two or three doors on the L. from 63, Millbank-st.it leads to Church-st. Horse and Groom-Yard, Chiswell- Street, at 30, about twenty doors on the L. from the S. W. corner of Finsbury-square. Horse and Groom- Yard, Curtain- Road, Shoreditch, a few doors on the R. from Worship-st. or on the L. from Holy well-lane. Horse and Groom- Yard, Newington High-Street or Road, about | of a mile on the L. south from the church, nearly op. the Plough and Harrow, and Kennington-lane. Horse-Guards, Whitehall,-about -| of a mile on the R. from Charing- cross towards Westminster-abbey, entering to St. James's park. Hor.se - Shoe - Alley, York - Street, Westminster, --the second on the R. a few doors from James-st. it leads to Little Chapel-st. by the Blue coat-school. Horse-Shoe-Alley, Old-Street, St. Luke's, at 99, three doors W. from the church, it is also called Anchor-alley. Horse-Shoe- Alley, Petticoat-Lane, Whitechapel, the sixth on the R. about thirty-two doors from 41, Aldgate High-st. leading to Goulston-square. Horse - Shoe - Alley, Bankside^ Southwark, the first: on the L. about fonrteen doors from Clink- st. or from Bank-end, it leads into Maid-lane. Horse -Shoe -Alley -Stairs, the N end of the said alley, about j. of a mile above London bridge, and opposite Three-crane-stairs, Upper Thames -st. Horse -Shoe- Alley, Wilson-Street, Finsbury, the second on the R. about twelve doors from the N. side of Moorfields, leading into Mulberry-court and Long-alley. Z Horse- H H Horse-Shoe-Court, St. Clement's Lane, Temple-Bar, about the middle of the W. side, nearly op. Yeates's-Court from Carey-st. it leads to Clement's inn. Horse- Shoe-Court, Ludgate-Hill, at 32, about five doors W. from the Old-Bailey and fifteen doors on the L. from Fleet-market. Horse-Shoe-Inn, Stones - End, Bo- rough, about | ofa mile on the L. from London-bridge, nearly op. the King's Bench. Horse-Shoe-Inn, Gos well-Street, at 7, about thirty-seven doors on the R. from Barbican. Horse-Shoe-Passage, Newgate-St. at 60, three doors on the R. from Cheapside.it leads to Round-court and St. Martin's-le-Grand. Horse -Shoe- Yard, Brook - Street, Grosvenor-Square, at 56, two doors on the L. from 104, New Bond-st. Horse - Shoe - Yard, James - Street, Grosvenor-Square, at 42, the first on theR. from 28, Brook-st. or the second on the L. from 287> Oxford-st. Horse and Trumpet- Yard, Jewry- Street, Aldgate, at 18, the second on the R. a few doors from John-st. America-square, or from Crutched-fnars. Horselydown, Southwark. There is no particular pile of buildings dis- tinguished by this name, but the neighbourhood from the E. end of Tooley-st. to Dock-head is called Horselydown. Horselydown-Lane,-the third coach- turning from the E. end of Tooley- t. bearing to the L. it extends to Horselydown Old-stairs. Horselydown Old-Stairs, about \ a mile below London-bridge by the line of the river, and op. iron- gate. See the last article. Horselydown New - Stairs, Shad- Thaines, on the W. side St. Saviour's Dock, near | of a mile below London-bridge, op. Parson's stairs, Lower East-Smithfield. Horselydown- Wharf ,Shad-' I haraes,- a few yards on theL. below King's row,andon theW. side of George- stairs, about | of a mile from- London-bridge. Horsemonger - Lane, Stones - End, Borough, is nearly op. the King's Bench, and is the first on the L. from Biackman-st. towards the Elephant and Castle. Hosier-Lane, West Smithfield, at 25, the second on the L. from Newgate-st. it extends to 7, Cow- lane by Snow-hill. Houndsditch, commences at 7, Bishopsgate-without, op. the church, and extends to Aldgate- church, here the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 157. House of Correction for Middlesex, Coldbath-Fields, about | of a mile on the L. from Clerkenwell- Green towards Pentonville. Howard's Court, Risby's Rope- Walk, Limehouse, about the middle of the N. side, or the second on the L. from Narrow-st. along Tites-alley. Howard- Place, Hackney-Road, forms part of the N. side, by the turnpike, Cambridge-heath, about a mile on the L. from Shoreditch- church. Howard - Street, Arundel - Street, Strand, the first on the R. about ten doors from 187, in the Strand, by the Crown and Anchor, it extends to Surrey -st. Howard's or Howe's Rents, Chig- well-Street, Ratcliffe- Highway, - three doors on the R. from 51, Ratcliffe - highway towards the London-docks. Howford-Court, Fenchurch-Street,- at 148, nearly op. Rood-lane, about twenty-five doors on the L. from Gracechurch-st. Howland- H Howland-Mews, Howland-Street, Tottenham. Court-Road, three doors, on the L. from 94, Totten- ham court-road. Howland-Street, Tottenham-Court- Road, at 94, the first N. from Whitfield's chapel, near \ a mile on the L. from Oxford-st. it ex- tends to Upper Marybone-st. Howland-Street (Little), Howland- Street, Tottenbam-court-road,-at 52, three doors on the R. from 94, Tottenham. court-road, it extends to London-st. Hoxton-Market, on the N. side of Old - street -road, entrance by Boot-st. five or six doors on the L. in Pitfield-st. from op. Paul-st. Hoxton-Square, Hoxton,-two doors on the L. from that part of Old- street-road, which is op. the Cur- fain-road, about i of a mile W. from Shoreditch-church. Hoxton-Tow n, High-Street orRoad,- the first W. parallel to Kings- land-road, or the first on the R. in Old-street-road, about a of a mile from Shoreditch-church. Hudson's-Bay-House, Fenchurch- Street, entrance between 3 and 4, under the gateway, three doors on the R. from Gracechurch-st. Hudson's Court, Wheeler- Street, Spitalfields, at 58, about \ of a mile on the L. from Lamb-st. Spital-sq. and nearly op. Quaker- st. from 173, Brick-lane. Hudson'sCourt.Strand. SeeHodgson. Hudson's Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, about five doors on the R. from Earl-st. \ of a mile below Blackfriars-bridge. Huggin- Lane, Wood-Street, Cheap- side, at 115, the second on the L. about twenty doors from 122, Cheapside, it extends to 22, Gut- ter-lane. Hugging-Lane, Upper Thames-St.- at 200, about the middle of the N. side, it extends to 4, Great H Trinity-lane, three doors E. from Bread-st. Cheapside. Hugging - Court, Hugging - Lane, Upper Thames-Street, about the middle of the E. side, leading to 10, Little Trinity-lane. Hugh s Court, Newington-Cause- way, about \ of a mile on the L. from Stones-end, twelve or fifteen doors from the opening to the Sessions- house towards the Elephant and Castle. Huish-Court, Water-Lane, Black- friars, the first on the R. from Eari-st. by the bridge, it leads to Bristow- street and St. Andrew's hill. Hull's Place, St. John's Row, Rat- clifFe-Row, St. Luke's, the se- cond on the L. a few doors from the N. end of Brick-lane, enter- ing by 113,01d-st. Hull-Street, St. John's Row, Rat- cliffe-Row, St. Luke's, the third on the L. a few doors from the N. end of Brick- lane, entering by 113, Old-st. Hull's Terrace, Hull-Street, St. John's Row, Ratcliffe-Row, St. Luke's, at the N. end of it, facing the Market-garden. Humberston - Street, Commercial- Road, St. George's in the East, the second on the L. from Can- non-street-road towards White- chapel, and nearly op. York-st. Humphrey's Wharf, Limehouse, the first below Limehouse-hole- stairs, about 2| miles from Lon- don-bridge by the line cf the river. Hungerford- Market, Hungerford- Street, Strand, a few doors on the L. from 20, in the Strand towards the Thames. Hungerford-Stairs, Strand, at the bottom of Hungerford-st. from 20, in the Strand, about y of a mile below Westminster-bridge and op. Lambeth-water-works. Hungerford-Street, Strand, at 20, the H the third on the R. being that number of houses from Charing- cross, it leads to Hungerford- market and stairs. Hunt's Court, Castle-Street, Lei- cester-Square, at 20, three doors S. from Bear-st. or it is op. Cecil- court from 93, St. Martin's lane. Hunt's Court, Hunt-Street, Spital- fields or Mile-End New-Town, ten doors on the L. from Spicer-st. and near the same distance from Pleasant-row. Hunt's Court, Queen - Street, Horse- lydown, a few doors on the R. from the E. end of Free-school-st. towards Gainsford-st. Hunt's Row, Greenland-Dock, by George-stairs and Dudman's yard, about of a mile below the said dock. Hunt-Street, Spitalfields or Mile-End New-Town, the third on the R. in Spicer-st. from 8'2, Brick-lane, leading to Pleasant-row and White- chapel. Hunter - Mews, Henrietta - Street, Brunswick - Square, the first on the L. a few doors from Hunter- st. towards Kenton-st. Hunter's Museum, Portugal. Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, the stone- fronted building which is nearly op. Carey-st. Hunter-Street, Brunswick-Square, the N. continuation of the W. side of the said square, extending towards Sommers-town. Hunter-Street (North), the N.end of the last described. Huntingdon-St. Kingsland-Road, the first street on the L. about { of a mile from Shjreditch-church, it extends to Hoxton-town. Hupts-Court, St. Martin's Lane, Charing- Cross, at 13, the first on the R. thirteen doors from Charing-cross.or four or five doors S. from the church. Hurle'sBuiidings,Garlick-Hill,-threc H doors on the R. from 100, Upper Thames-st. or about six doors on the L. from Bow-lane, Chjsapside. Hurst's Place or Buildings New- Street, Kent- Road, part of the E. side of the said street, nearly op. Rockingham-row. Husband-Street, New-Street, Broad- Street, Carnaby-Market, at the E. end from 46, Broad- st. it leads to Hopkins-st. Peter-st. and War- dour-st. Hyde- Park, at the W. end of Pic- cadilly on the R. and of Oxford- st. on the L. it extends to Ken- sington-gardens. Hyde-Park-Corner,-- the corner which embraces the W. end of Piccadilly and Knights bridge by the turnpike. Hyde-Park, Wal worth-Common, the second on the R. in Thurlow- pl. from Apollo-buildings, East- lane. . Hyde-Street, Bloomsbury, the first on the L. a few yards N. from or behind 1 44, High Holborn, it ex- tends from Lyon-st. to Bow-st. op. Drury-lane. Hylord's Court, Crutched- Friars, at 46, op. Savage-gardens from Tower-hill, and about 3 of a mile on the L. from 64> Mark-lane. J JACKSON'S BUILDINGS, Paul's Alley, Redcross-Street, Cripplegate, the first on the L. from 1 3, Redcross-st. towards Hare- court and 62, Aldersgate-st. Jackson's Buildings, Vine- Yard, Tooley-Street, the second on the R. a few doors from 110, Tooley-st. Jackson's Court, Curriers. Row, Blackfriars, about three doors orj the R. from Bristow-st. by St. Andrew's hill. Jackson's J Jackson's Island, Willow - Walk, Bermondsey, about six houses on the S. side, over the ditch, near I of a mile on the R. from Page's walk. Jackson's Place, Long-Alley, Moor- fields, about eleven doors on the L. from 29, bun-street, towards Moorfields. Jackson's Wharf, Horselydown, is nearly op. King's row, about | of a mile below London-bridge. Jacob's Court, Turnmill - Street, Clerkenwell, the 'first on the L. a few doors from Cow-cross. Jacob's Mews, Charles-Street, Man- chester-Square, on the E. side of the Chapel by Spanish-place, from the N. E. corner of the said square. Jacob - Street, Dock-Head, Ber- mondsey, the second S. parallel to the Thames, or about twenty- six doors on the R. in Mill-st. from Dock-head. Jacob's Well's Court, Barbican, at 20, about the middle of the S. side, leading to Paul's alley. J.imaica-Coffee- House, St. Michael's Alley, adjoins the church, a few yards on the L. from 43, Cornhill. Jamaica-Level, Bermondsey, is a few houses situate E. from the Blue-anchor, but near it, and about #" a mile from Fort-place towards the Mill-pond. Jamaica- Place, Commercial -Road, Limehouse, is situate between Gill-st. and Rich st. a few doors from the church towards the West- India dock*. Jamaica- Place East, Limehouse, extends from the last described to Gun-lane. Jamaica-Place or Street, Borough- Road, St. George's Fields, the second on the L. a few doors from the Obeliflc towards the King's Bench. Jamaica-Row, Bermondsey, the E. continuation of Parker's row, Prospect-row, and Printers-place, it commences near the Gregorian- arms and extends to Mill-pond-st. Jamaica New - Wharf, Upper - Ground, Christ - Church, be- tween Lukin's iron foundry and Bull-stairs, about i of a mile above Blackfriars-bndge. St. James's Buildings, Rosamond- Street, Clerkenwell, at 51, about five doors on the R. from Corpo- ration-row, St. John-st. St. James's Chapel, Hampstead - Road, about | of a mile on the R. from Tottenham-court- road. St. James's Chapel, Clerkenwell, on the N. side the High-st. or road, about f of a mile on the R. from Islington. St. James's Chronicle Newspaper- Office, the first door on the R. in Union-st. from 30, New Bridge - st. Blackfriars. St. James's Church, Piccadilly, behind 200, about of a mile on the L. from the Haymarket. St. James's Church, Clerkenwell, on the N. side of Clerkenwell- green. St. James's Church, Garlick-Hill, behind 190, Upper Thames-st. and about i of a mile on the L. from 59, Cheapside, along Bow- lane. St. James's Church, Little Duke's Place, Aldgate, about five doors on the R. from 32, Aldgate, along Mitre-ccurt. James - Court, James - Street, St. Luke's, about three doors on the L. from 3S, Featherstone-st. and eleven doors on the R. from Old-st. St. James's Court, Duke's Place, Aldgate, on the W. side of He- neage-lane, or the fourth on the R. along Creechurch-lane from 87, Leadenhall-st. James- Court, James - Street. St. George's in the East, on the S. side, J side, a few doors on the L. from Cannon-st. road. James -Court, Union -Street, St. George's Fields, the second on the L. a few doors from Prospeft- place, towards the London- rd. James -Court, Golden -Lane, St. Luke's, at 103, three doors N. from Cherry-tree-court, and near the same distance from Old-et. St. James's Infirmary, Poland-Street, Oxford-Street, entrance between 48 and 49, about seventeen doors on the R. from 355, Oxford-st. St. James's Market, St. James's, the W. end of Norris-st. from 56, Haymarket, or N. end of St. Alban's st. from 3, Pail-Mall. St. James's Palace, the W. end of Pall-Mall, on the L. about f of a mile from the Haymarket, or the S. end of St. James's st. near of a mile from 163, Piccadilly. St. James's Park, situate between Charing-cross and Buckingham- gate, about of a mile in length and T 3 s in breadth. St. James's Place, St. James's Street, - at66, the third on the R. from 162, Piccadilly ,and about nineteen doors on the L. from the Palace. St. James's Place, Clerkenwell- Green, on the E. side of the church, leading from Aylesbury- st. towards the New- Prison, Rosa- mond-st. and Spa-fields. James's-Place, Hackney-Road, forms part of the S. side, nearly op. Thurlow-place, about of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch-church, extending to Durham-place. James - Piace, Silver - Street, Old Gravel-lane, St. George's in the East, the second on the R. a few doors from King-st. and nearly op. Rainc's hospital. James- Place, Salisbury-Street, Ber- mondsey, the first on the L. a few yards from the Admiral Hawk public-house, Jamaica-row. James's Rents, Kingsland-Road, the first on the R. a few doors from Shoreditch-church. St. James's Row, Great Suffolk- Street, Mint, the continuation of it (entering by 80, Blackman- st.) to Gravel-lane. St. James's Square, St. James's, the third on the R. twenty-nine doors from the Haymarket, along Pall-Mail, it is also nearly S. from St. James's church, from which there is a way to it, entrance by 200, Piccadilly. James-Street, Westminster, com- mences at Buckingham-gate, and leads by the side of the park to York-st. on the L. and Little Chapel-st. on the R. St. James's Street, St. James's, at 163, Piccadilly, the third st. on the L. about y of a mile from the Haymarket, it extends to the Palace. St, James's Street (Little), St. James's Street, about eleven doors on the L. from the Palace towards Picca- dilly. James-Street, Haymarket, at 17, about the middle of the E. side, two doors from the theatre, it extends to Whitcomb-st. James-Street, Grosvenor-Square, at 29, Brook-st. five doors on the L. from the N. E. corner of the said square, it extends to 287, Oxford-st. James-Street, Manchester-Square, at 163, Oxford-st. op. the last described, it extends to Hinde- Mews, near the S.E. corner of the said square. James - Street (Upper), Golden - Square, at the N. E. corner, leading to 33, Silver-st. about fire doors E. from Carnaby-st. James - Street (Lower), Golden - Square, at the S. E. corner, ex- tending to 12, Brewer-st. James-Street, Lisson-Grecn, near Paddington, J J Paddington, at the back of Lisson-grove, op. the Yorkshire- stingo, or the continuation of Ee)l-st. towards the White-lead manufactory. James-Street (Little), Lisson-Green,- the continuation of Lisson-st. from Bell-st. to the Nursery. James- Street, Adelphi, the W. end of Wiliiam-st. entering by 65, in the Strand, it leads to Duke-st. James-Street, Covent-Garden, about the middle of the N. side, extending to 43, Long-acre. James - Street (Great), Bedford. Row, is the N. continuation of it, extending from the King's road to Chapel-st. and Milman-st. James - Street (Little), Bedford - Row, at 16, in the last described, the first on the R. from the King's rd. it extends to Gray's-inn-lane. James-Street, Skinner-Street, Som- mers-Town, the first on the L. a few doors from Judd's-place, E. New-road, it extends to West-st. St. James's Street, Clerkenwell, on the N. side of the church, lead- ing from St. James's row to Clerkenwe! 1-close. James -Street, Featherstone- Street, St. Luke's, at 37, nine doors on the R. from the City-road, it ex- tends to Old-st. op. St. Luke's hospital. James-Street, Church-Street, Beth- nal -green, at 124, the first E. of Brick-lane and about | of a mile on the R. from 05, Shore- ditch. James-Street, Leonard-Street, Shore- ditch, at 51, the first E. parallel to part of Paul-st. it extends to Luke-st. James-Street, Cannon-Street-Road, St. George's in the East, the first on the R. about i of a mile from the Commercial-road towards Cannon-st. it extends to Samuel-st. James-Street, Borough-Road, St. Georgs's Fields, is at the S. end of Dover-st. entrance the first on the L. from the obelifk towards the King's Bench. James-Street, Lambeth-Marsh, or New-Cut, the third on the L. about f of a mile from the Marsh turnpike, towards Surrey-chapel, Blackfriars-road. St. James's Walk, Clerkenwell, on the N. side the church by the New Prison, or the first on the R. in St. James's place from Ayles- bury-street. Jane-Court, Little- York-Place, Ma- rybone, the first on the R. a few doors from 10, Upper Baker- st. near the New-road. Jane-Court, Jane-Street, Commer- cial-Road, the first on the R. a few doors from the said road. Jane-Place, Kent-Road, the third on the L. a few doors E. from or below the Bricklayers-arms. Jane-Street, Commercial-Road, St. George's in the East, the second on the R. east from Cannon-st. road, extending to Lower Chap- man-st. Jane-Shore-Alley, 101, Shoreditch. See Wilkies-Court. Idol-Lane, Tower-Street, the fifth on the R. about of a mile from Fish-st. hill, along Little East- cheap, it extends to St. Dunstan's hill, and 84, Lower Thames-st. Jealous - Row, New - Road, St. George's in the East, a part of the N. side, nearly op. Betts,-st. from 164, Ratcliffe-highway. Jees-Court, Oxford-Street, at 163, near, | of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, about three doors E. from James-st. Jeffries or Jeffreys-Buildings, Great Almonry, Westminster, at the W. end of it, entering by Dean st. six doors from Tothill-st. Jeffries-Square, St. Mary-Axe, at 16, on the E. side, about twelve doors J floors on the R. from 116, Lead- enhall-st. Jenkin's Court, Ropemakers-Fields, Limehou e, at 49, the first on the L. a few doors from the E. end of Narrow-sf. Jenuerian-Society's Central House,- at 1 1, Salisbury - Square, being that number of houses on the R. from 8 1 , Fleet-st. Jermyn-Court, Jermyn Street, at 14, E. end, yearly op. Market-st. St. James's market. Jermyn-Street, St. James's, the first S. parallel to part of Picca- dilly, being the continuation of Hammond-Court, from 47, Hay- market, leading to St. James's- street. Jermyn-Street(Little),-theW.endof the last described, extending from Bury-st. to 41, St. James's st. Jersey-Court, White's Yard, Rose- mary-Lane, the first on the L.a few yards from 58, Rosemary- lane, or the last on the R. from 98, Upper East-Smithfield. Jerusalem-Coffee-House, at 3% Cornhill, nearly op. the Royal- Exchange. Jerusalem-Court, Gracechurch-St. it 58, about six doors on the L. from Fenchurch-st. towards Lon- don-bridge. Jerusalem-Court, St. John-Street, Clerkenwell, about y of a mile on the L. from Smithfield and six door:; N. of Albemarle-st. Jerusalem-Passage, St. John-Square, - at the N. side, leading to 16, Aylesbury-st. near Clerkenwell- green. Jetsom-Strcet, Bennet's Row, St. George's Fields, the second on the R. from Black friars-road, it extends to Higlers-lane or Friar-st. Jewin-Court, Jewin-Street, Cripple- gate, at 11, the first on the R. ten doors from 4C, Alders- gate-st. Jewin-Street, Cripplegare, it 46", Aldersgate-st. the third street on the R. from 66, Newgate-st. along St. Martin's-le Grand, it extends to 30, Redcross-st. Jewin-Street-Crescent. See Crescent. Jewry (Old), Cheapside, the first coach-turning on the R. from the Mansion-house towards St. Paul's-church-yard. Jewry (Old) Chapel, Jewin-Stree*, Cripplegate, about twelve doors on the R. from l 29, Redcross-st. Jewry-Street, Aldgate, the first on the R. about ten doors from the E. end of Fenchurch-st. or of Leadenhall-street, it extends to Crutched- friars. Jews - Row, Chelsea. See Royal Hospital-row. Jews-Walk, Bethnal-Green, the N. side of the Green, about of a- mile N. from the Salmon and Ball public-house. Jews - Harp -Court, Angel - Alley, Long - Alley, Moorfields, the second on the R. a few doors from Long - alley near Skinner- street. Imperial Gazette-Office, at 45, Old Bailey, the corner of Fleet- lane, op. Newgate-prison. Imperial Insurance-Office, at 6, St. James's st. that number of doors on the R. from the Palace towards Piccadilly ; also in Corn- hill, entrance seven doors on the R. from Bishopsgate-st. . India-House, Dock, Ike. See East- India. Ingram-Court, Fenchurch-Street, at 167, the first on the . L. about eight doors from 69, Gracechurch- street. Innhdders - Hall, Little Elbow- Lane, behind 175, Upper Thames-st. about { of a mile oir' the R. from London-bridge. Inkhorn-Court (Five), Whitechapel High-Street, at 91, about | of a mile J J mile on the L. below Aldgate- pump, and eighteen or twenty doord W. from Osborn-st. Jnnage-Lae, Creechurch-Lane. See Hencage-Lane. Inrolment-Office, Chancery-Lane, the fourth house on the R. from 310, High-Holborn. Jobbing or Jobb's Court, Knights- bridge, about \ a mile on the R. from Hyde- park-corner, or the third on the L. a few doors from the Barracks. Jockey-Fields, Bedford-Row, is parallel to and between the E. side of it and Gray's-inn-gardens, extending from Warwick- place to the King's road. John's Buildings, Great Peter-Street, Westminster, the first N. pa- rallel to part of it, viz. between Great St. Ann's Lane and Little St. Ann's Lane, about six doors S. from Old Pye-st. St. John's Chapel, Great James-st. Bedford- Row, at the N. end, being the corner of Chapel-st. from 25, Lamb's-conduit-st. St. John's Chapel, St. John-Street, Spitalfields or Bethnal-Green, about eighteen doors on the L. from 105, Brick-lane. St. John's Chapel, West-lane, Wal-' worth, a few doors on the R. from op. East-lane. St. John the Evangelist's Church, Westminster, op. 18, Millbank- st. entering by the third on the R. about 5 of a mile from the Abbey. St. John the Baptist's Church, Savoy, Strand, -behind 125, in the Strand, nearly op. Exeter-change. St. John's Church, St. John's Square, Clerktnwell, on the E. side, near St. John's Gate. St. John's Church, Wapping, a few yards N. from 98, Wapping- st. on the . side the London- docks. St.John's Church, Fair-Street,Horse- lydown, about the middle of the S. side, a mile on the R. from London-bridge, along Toolcy-st. John's Court, Edward-Street, Man- chester-Square,-at 1 ,the E. end of it, or W. end of Wigmore-st. it leads to 05, Marybone-lane. John's Court, Hanway-Street, Ox- ford-Street, three or four doors on the R. from 6, Tottenham- court-road. John's Court, Farm-Street, Berkeley- Square, two or three doors on the L. from South-st. and nearly op. John-st, John's Court, John-Street, Golden- Square, at 7, two doors from the S. W. corner of the square. St. John's Court, Corporation-Row, Clerkenwell, is a door or two on the L. from St. John's st. to- wards Rosamond-st. John's Court, Sr.Martin's-le-Grand,- at 30, the first on the L.five doors from 66, Newgate-st. near Cheap- side. John's Court, Chalton-Street, Som- mers-Town, about eleven doors on the R. from the New-road towards the Polygon or Claren- don-square. John's Court, Somerset - Street, Goodman's Fields, at 16, be- ing that number of doors on the L. from Whitechapel or from Aldgate High-st. John's Court, Upper East -Smith- field, at 54, the second on the R. a few doors from the E. side of Tower-hill. John's Court, New- Walk, Horse - lyd own, the first on the If. a few doors from Shad-Thames towards Thomas-st. St. John's Gate, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell, is at the S. entrance of it, viz. from St. John's lane. St. John's Lane, St. John-Street, Clerkenwell, at 68, about of A a a mil* J a mile on the L. from the N. side of Smithiield-market. John's Hill, RatclirFe-Highway. See John-st. John's Mews, John-Street, Edgware- Road, at 6, under the archway, or the first N. from Cato-st. John's Mews, Little James-Street, Bedford-Rcw, on the S. side, between John-st. and James-st. or is the third en the L. from Gray's-inn-lane. St. John's Passage, Smith-Sqnare, or St. John's-Church-Yard, West- minster, at the S. W. corner, leading to Vine-st. St. John's Place, Robert's Place, Bed- ford-Row, on the E. side, or the third on the L. in Henry-st. from Gray's-inn-lane. St. John's Place, St. John's Rcw, St. Luke's, the first on the L. about seven doors from Pittman's build- ings, or from Orchard-st. towards Brick-lane. St. John's Place, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, at the back or N. side of Salisbury-place, leading towards Pitt-it. and the Kent-road. John's Rents, Silver-Street, Old Gravel-Lane, at the N.end of it, behind Raine's.hojpital. John's Row, Tottenham-Court, is at the E. end of Phillip:, 's gardens and by the N. E. cqrner of Tot- tenham-place from Tottenham- court-road. St. John's Row, St. Luke's, at 42, the N. end of Brick-lane, being the third on the R. about of a mile from 1 13, Old-st. St. John's Square, Clerkenwell, at the N. end of St. John's lane from 68, St. John's st. it , leads to A) lesbury-st. and Clcrkenwell- green . John's Square, Church-Lane, White- chapel, about the middle of the E. side, viz. between the Com- mercial-road andCablc-st, J John-Street, Wood-Street, West- minster, the second street on the L. a few doors from 63, Mill- bahk-st. extending to the N. W. comer of St. John's-church-yard. John-Street, Adam-Street, Adelphi,- three doors on the R. from 72, Strand, it is continued byDuke-st. to Villiers-st. John-Street, St. James's Square, at the S. E. corner of the said square, or at 29, Pall-mall. John-Street, New-Road, Padding- ton, the fourth on the R. about \ of a mile E. from the Yorkshire- stingo, extending to York-st. John-Street, Oxford-Street, at 101, near half a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, it extends to Marga- ret-st. and is continued by Great Portland-st. John - Street, Tottenham - Court- Road, the first W. parallel to part of it, extending from 31, Windmill-st. to 7, Howland-st. John -Street (Upper), Tottenham- Court-Road, the continuation of the last, extending from 47, How- land-st. to 52, London-st. John-Street, King's Road, Gray's- Inn-Lane, the second on the R. about ten doors from op. 69, Gray's-inn-lane, it leads into Doughty-st. John-Street, Edgware-Road, at 77, the seventh on the R. near half a mile from Tyburn- turnpike, towards Winchester-row, it ex- tends to Homer-row. John-Street, Berkeley-Square, be- hind the N. E. corner of it, or at the S. end of Little Grosvenor-st. from 62, Grosvenor-st. John-Street, Hill-Street, Berkeley- Square, intersects it at 15 and 24, and is the second on both the R. and the L. from the west side of Berkeley-square. John - Street (Lower), Golden - Square, at the S. W. corner, ex- tending J tending to 20, Brewef-st. or is the continuation of Francis-st. and Air-st. from 27, Piccadilly. John - Street (Upper), Golden- Square, at 31, the N. W. corner, facing the last described, it ex- tends to 30, Silver-st. St. John-Street, West-Smithneld, or ( lerkenwell, at 74, on the N. side of Smithfield-market, it ex- tends to Corporation-row and Per- ceval-st. about * a mile in length. St. John-Street-Road, Clerkcnwell,- the N. continuation of the last de- scribed, extending to Islington, near 4 a mile in length. St. John-Street, Brick-Lane, Spiral- fields, or Bethnal -Green, at 106, the third on the L. of a mile from 1-45, Church-st. it extends to Bethnal-green-workhouse. John - Street, Curtain - Road, the first on the R. about eighteen doors from Old-st.-road, and nearly op. William-st. from 136, Shoreditch. John-Street, Leonard-Street, Shore- ditch, at the E. end on the R. from Paul-st. or the first on the L. in Susannah-row, from the Cur- tain-road. John-Street, Brown's-Lane, Spital- fields, at 30, being the continu- ation of Wood-st. from the church, it extends to Grey-Eagle-st. John-Street, America-Square, is on the N. side the said square, and forms part of it, it extends from 122, in the Minories, to Crutched- friars. John- Street, (Little), two doors on the R. in the last described, from 122, in the Minories, leading from America-square to New- square. John-Street, Cannon-Street- Road, St. George's in the East, the first on the L. from the turnpike, Cannon- street, towards Whitechapcl, and nearly op. Chapman-st. J John's Street or Hill, RatclifFe- High- way, at 3 1, about | of a mile E. from Wellclose-square, extend- ing to 1 10, Pennington-st. John-Street, Ducking - Pond - Row, Whitechapel-Road, on the W. side of Liptrap's distillery, and nearly op. Court- st. from 110, Whitechapel-road. Jchn- Street, Charles - Street, St. George's in the East, the fourth on the R. from Lower Cornwell- st. Back-lane, and nearly op. Lower Chapman-st. from Cannon- st. New-road. John-Street, Lucas-Place, Commer- cial Road, the second on the R. a few doors below the Halfway- house, near \ a mile E. from Cannon-it. road. John-Street,Union-Street,Lambeth,- at 16, the second on the L. a few doors from Walcot-place, towards Lambeth- walk. John-Street, Burrow's Buildings, Blackfriars-Road, the first on the R. from Surrey-chapel, about \ of a mile from the Bridge towards the Obelisk. John-Street, Christ-Church, Black- friars-Road, the first E. parallel to part of it, viz. from Holland- st. to Church-st. John-Street, La:t-Lane, Kent- Road or Walworth, the third on the R. about -\ of a mile from the Kent-road, it leads to York-st. and Pitt-st. John-Street, Webb-Street, Maze, Borough, about the middle of the S. side, a few doors on the L. from 2 48, Bermondsey-st. John-Street, Kent- Road, the se- cond on the L. a few doors E. from or below the Bricklayers- arms. John - Street, Hickman's Folly, Dock - Head, Bermondsey, the third on the R. about \ of a mile below St. Saviour's Dock, being the J the fust E. parallel to Parker's row. John - Street, Free - School - Street, Horselydown, at 27, the third on the L. from Tooley-st. it ex- tends to Gainsford-st. John -Street (Little), Free-School- Street, the S. end of the last described, adjoining Free -School- street. John-Street, Mint, Borough, the first on the L. about of a mile from 108, Blackman-st. along Old Lant-st. it leads to Great SufFolk-st. John's Yard, Royal Hospital- Row, Chelsea, a narrow passage, situ- ate between the Duke of York's passage and Anderson's yard. Johnson's Buildings, Rosemary- Lane, behind 138, about i of a mile on the L. from the Minories. Johnson's Buildings, Church-Street, Lambeth, at the W. end by the church, extending from Fore-st. to the Thames. Johnson's Buildings, Westminster- Bridge-Road, St. George's Fields,- on the N. side by the Obelisk, or behind the Circus. Johnson's Change, Rosemary-Lane,- at the back of 128, about of a mile on the L. from the Minories. Johnson's Court, Charing- CroiS. See Angel-Court. Johnson'- Court, Great Peter-Street, Westminster, is two doors W. from Great St. Ann's lane. Johnson's Court, Fleet-Street, at i(0, about th-; middle of the N. side, it leads to Great New-st. and tetter- lane. Johnson's Court, Rupert - Street, Goodman's Fields, about the middle of the E. side, leading to 76, J.ambcrt-st. Johnson's Court, Shakespear's Walk, Shadwell, at 62, the third on the L from IS, High-st. near the W. side the church. J Johnson's Place, Marsham-Street, Westminster, behind 48, about seven doors on the L. from the Horseferry-road. Johnson's Row, Duke-Street, St. George's Fields, a few doors on the R. from Westminster-bridge- road, near the Obelisk. Joiner's Court, Jacob-Street, Dock- Head, about the middle of the N. side, viz. between Mill-st. and George's-row. Joiners - Hall - Buildings, Uppes Thames-street, at 79, nearly op. Dowgate-hill, about | of a mile on the L. above London-bridge. Joiners-Place, Curtain-Road, Shore- ditch, at 9, the first on the L. about nine doors from Old-st. road. Joiners - Place, Bridge - Road, St. George's Fields, the first on the L. about i of a mile from the Obelisk, towards the Asylum. Joiner- Street, Tooley - Street, at 240, op. St. Olave's church, about fourteen doors on the R. from London-bridge. Jolly - Gardener - Court, Lambeth- Butts, behind the Jolly-Gardener public-house, facing Lambeth- walk, and leading to Vauxhall- walk. Jones's Court, Bainbridge-Street, St. Giles's, the third on the R. a few doors from Oxford-st. it leads to Buckbridge-st. Jones's Court, Jacob-Street, Dock- Head, Bermondsey, two or three doors on the left E. from Mill-st. over the Bridge. Jones's Court, Mile-End-Road, about a mile on the L. below Whitechapel-church, and a few doors W. of the Old Globe public- house. Joseph's Alley, Gravel-Lane, Bo- rough, on the W. side, nearly op. Zoar-st. Ipswich-Arms-Inn, Cullum-Street, Fenchurch- Fenchurch-Street, four doors on the R. from 135, Fenchurch-st. Ipswich - Arms, Lower Thames- Street, at 22, about of a mile on the R. from London-bridge. Ireland-Row, Mile - End - Road, part of the L. side, near the Eagle public-house, about of a mile E. from the turnpike. Ireland- Yard, Blackfriars, at 6. St. Andrew's hill, or the S. end of New-st. and Creed-lane, from 14, Ludgate-st. Irish-Court, Glasshouse-yard, Good- man's Yard, Minories,-the second on the R. a ftw doors from Good- man's yard, entering by 01, in the Minories. Irish - Court, Whitechapel High- Street, two or three doors E. from Somerset-st. about -| of a mile on the R. from Aldgaie. Irongate-Stairs and Wharf, Tower- hill, on the E. side, at the com- mencement of St. Catherine's-st. near | a mile below London- bridge. Ironmongers- Aims-Houses, Kings- land-Road, about ^ of a mile on the R. from Shoredicch-church. Ironmongers-Hall, Fenchurch-St. between 117 and 118, nearly op. Mark-lane. Ironmonger- Lane, Cheapside, at 90, two doors E. from King-st. about | of a mile on the L. from St. Paul's-church-yard. Ironmonger- Row, Old-Street, St. Luke's, at 97, on the E. side the church, it is continued by Pittman's buildings towards the City-road. Isaac's Place, Willsted-Street, Som- mers-Town, at 1 3, being that number of doors on the R. from Judd's place, New. road. Isabella-Row, Castle-Lane, West- minster, on the E. side of Elliott's brewery, or behind 22, William- street. Island - Row, Commercial - Road, Limehouse, on theS. side, about of a mile W. from the church, it leads to Richardson's timber-yard and Risby's rope- walk. Isle of Dogs, or Poplar- Marshes, the ground on the S. side of Pop- lar High-st. extending from Lime- house to Black wall, across which are now the West -India-docks and canal. Islington-Road . See St. John-Street- Road. Islington-Spa, on the S. side of Sadler's Wells, by the New River- head. Judd's - Alms - Houses, Great St. Helen's, a few yards on the L. from 36, Bishopsgate-within. Judd's Place East, Sommers-Town,- forms part of the N. side the New- road to Marybone, it commences a few doors on the R. from the turnpike, Battle-bridge, and ex- tends to Skinner-st. Judd's Place We:.t,Sommers-Town,- the continuation of the last de- scribed, extending to Sommers- place. Judson's Row, St. George's Fields. See J etsom -Street. Juniper-Court, Chigwell-Street, Rat- clitfe-Highway,- three doors on the R. from 51, Ratclirfe-Highway. Jurstone - Street, A polio - Gardens, Lambeth, or St. George's tields,- the first E. parallel to Hooper-st. nearly op. the Asylum, it leads to Union-st. and Tower-st. Ivy-Court, Ivy-Street, St. Gile's, on the S. side, the first on the L. a few yards from Dyot-st. Ivy-Lane, Newgate Street, at 30, about the middle of the S. side, it extends to 22, Paternoster-row. Ivy-Lane, Hoxton, op. Renton's garden, near ~ a mile from Old- st. along Pitfield-st. and Haber- dashers-walk, it extends to Hox- ton town. Ivy- K Ivy-Place, Hoxton, on the N. side the Ivy-house, on the R. nearly adjoining to the last described. Ivy-Street, Dyot-Street, St. Giles's,- the second on the L. from 25, Broad-st., leading into Carrier- st. and Buckbridge-st. Ivy-Terrace, Hoxton,-op. Ivy -place, and on the L. side the road, whkh leads towards Kingsland. K KEATE-STREET, Spitalfields,- the continuation of Thrawl-st. entering by 208, Brick-lane, it ex- tends from George-st. to Flower and Dean-st. Keate-Court, Keate-Street, Spital- fields, at the W. end of it from Thrawl-st. entering by 208, Brick- lane. Keen's Row, Walworth High-Street or Road, forms part of the R. side, about -| a mile from the Elephant and Castle, and nearly op. East-lane. Kemp's Court, Berwick-Street, Ox- ford-Street, at 89, three doors E. from Broad-*t. Kemp's Ro'.v, Chelsea or Pimiico, about | of a mile on the R. from Buckingham - gate, nearly facing Ranelagh-walk. Kendal's Court, Stangate - Street, Lambeth, the first on the R. from behind Astley's Amphitheatre, and nearly op. Felix-st. Kendal's Farm, Marybone, on the N. side the New-road, nearly op. Fitsroy-square. Kendal's Mews, George-Street, Port- mw the church, and op. King James's stairs, Wapping-wall. King's Place, Pall-Mali, at 58, about thirteen doors on the L. from St. James's street, it leads to King-st. King's Piace, Church- Row, St. Pan- j eras, about a of a mile on the R. from Battle-bridge towards Catn- den-town, it leads to Back-lane. King's Place, Commercial-Road, forms pari of the S. side, viz. be- tween Batty-st. and King-street, about -^ of a mile from White- chapel-church. King's Place, Blackman-Streer, Bo- rough. at 63, nearly cp. the King's Bench. King's Place, Belvedere-Place, Bo- rough-Road,-the first W. parallel to part of it, at the back of 45, nearly op. the King's Bench. King's Road.Grosvenor-Place, Pim- lico, the fourth on the R. about | of a mile from Hyde-park- corner. King's- Road-Terrace, Chelsea, a p.irt of the King's road by Manor- place, and nearly op. Smith-st. about \ of a mile from Sloane-st. King's Road, Gray's-Iun-Lane, the K first on the L. about of a mile from Middle-row, Holborn, it extends to Bedford-row and Theo- bald's road. King's Road, Poplar (late Harrow. Lane), by the Harrow public- house, about - a mile on the R. from the Commercial-road. King's Row, Brompton, forms a part of the R. side the High-st.or road, adjoining Knightsbridge. King's Row, Pimlico, forms part of the R. side the High-st. or road, near \ of a mile from Buck- ingham gate, ex tending from Ara- bella-row to Eaton-st. King's Row, Palmer's Village, West- minster, the first on the L. from Brewer's Row, or from the Bride- well. King's Row, Pentonville, part of the N. side the High-st. or road, nearly op. the New -river- reser- voir, it extends from Penton-st, to the chapel. King's Row, Dog-Row, Bethnal- Green, forms part of the W. side, nearly op. Red-cow-lane, about j of a mile on the L. from Mile-end-turnpike. King's Row, Walworth High-Street or Road, about \ of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, nearly op. the Montpel- lier-gardens. King's Row, Ncwington High- Street or Road, part of the E. side, a few doors on the L. from the Elephant and Castle, and nearly op. the church. King's Row, Horselydown. See King-st. King's Square, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, at 1G2, two doors N.from Phcenix st. King's Square, Horseshoe - Alley, Moorfields, the first on the L. a few yards from Wilson-st. King's -Square-Court, Chapel-Street, Oxford-Street,-is the continuation of K of it, entering by 396, Oxford- st. it leads to Carlisle-st. and Soho-sq. King's Stairs, Rotherhithe-Street, at 18, op. King-st. about -J. of a mile W. from the church, facing Wapping New-stairs. King-Street, Ebury-Street, Chelsea,- the first on the R. a few doors from the Watch- house towards Five-fields. King-Street, Edgware-Road, at 53, the fifth on the R. near j of a mile from Tyburn-turnpike. King-Street, Baker-Street, Portman- Square, the second street on the L. i of a mile from the N. E. corner of the square, it extends to Gloucester-place. King-Street, Park-Street, Grosve- nor-Square, at 28,, the fifth on the L. | of a mile from 2 18, Ox- ford-st. King-Street, Golden-Square, or Car- naby- Market, at 27, Silver-st. near the N.W. corner of the square, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 101, it extends to 332, Oxford-st. King-Street, St. James's Square, on the W. side, leading to Little King-st. and 12, St. James's st. near the Palace. ^Cing-Street (Little), St. James's St.- at 12, being that number of houses on the R. from the Palace. King-Street, Westminster, the S. continuation of Whitehall, bear- ing to the R. and leading to the Abbey, being the W. parallel to Parliament-st. King-Street, Covent-Garden, at theN. W. corner, leadingto New- st. and to 59, St. Martin's lane. King-Street, Drury-Lane, at 165, the second N. parallel to part of Great Queen -st. Lincoln's-inn- fields, it leads to Cross-st. and Newton- st. Holborn. King- Street, Princes-Street, Soho, at 18, on the E. side the church, K 4 between Gerrard-st. and Compton- street. King - Street, Broad - Street, St. Giles's, the first street on the L. from Holborn, or from Drury- lane, it leads to Cross-lane and 106, Long-acre. King-Street, High-Holborn, at 120, about | of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market, it extends to Hart-st. Bloomsbury-square. King-Street (Upper), Bloomsbury, the continuation of the last de- scribed, extending from Hart-st. to Southampton-row. King-Street, Snow-Hill, the con- tinuation of it on the L. from Fleet-market towards Smithfield. King-Street, Gos well-Street, near the N. end, about \ a mile on the L. from Barbican, it leads to Compton-st. and St. John-st. King - Street, Long - Lane, West- Smithfield, about the middle of the S. side, op. Charter-house-st. it leads into Bartholomew -close. King-Street, Cheapside, between 92 and 93, near | of a mile, on the L. from St. Paul's-church- yard, it extends to Guildhall. King-Street, Wilson-Street, Fins bury - Square, at 45, nearly opposite the N. E. corner of the square. King-Street, Old-Street-Square, St. Luke's, at the S. E. corner, leading to Pesthouse-Row, W. side of St. Luke's hospital. King-Street, Old-Street-Rcad, the second on the R. about | of a mile from Shoreditch-church, it leads to Hoxton-square. King-Street, 1 urk-Street, Eethnal- Green, the first on the L. a few doors from Virginia-row behind Shoreditch-church. King - Street, Brick - Lane, Spital- fields, at 158, the fourth on the R. from 165, Church-st. it ex- tends to Farthing-st. B b King- K K King-Street, Creechurch-lane, the continuation of it on the R. from 87, Leadenhall-st. it leads to Duke's place. King-Street, Tower-Hill , behind the houses which form Little Hill- st. on the E. side of Little Tower- hill, by Rosemary --lane. King-Street, Church-Street, Mile- End New-Town, at 60, the first on the L. a few doors from Baker's row, entering by 94, Whitechapel- road. King-Street, Commercial- Road, the "third on the R. from Church- lane and nearly op. Gloucester-st. about of a mile from White- chapel-church. King - Street, Sampson's Gardens, Wapping, the continuation of Globe-st. from GO, Wapping-st. King-Street, Old Gravel-lane, St. George's in the East, at 17, the second on the R. from 157, Wapping-st. it extends to 29, New Gravel-lane. King-Street, Lambeth-Walk,-about the middle of the E. side, nearly op. Paradise - row, it leads to Globe-court and Gray's walk! King- Street, Belvedere- Place, Bo- rough-Road, the second on the L. from behind -15, on the W. side the King's Bench. King-Street, Mint-Street, Borough,- the fourth on the R. from op. St. George's church. King-Street, High-Street, Borough,- at 109, about i of a mile on the L. from London-bridge, leading to Snow's fields. King-Street or Row,HorscIydown,- the continuation of Queen-street from the E. end of Frce-School-st. to Shad-Thames. King - Street, Bermondsey New- Road, the third on the R. from the Bricklayers arm*-. Kent road, towards Bermondicy-church. King-Street, East-Lare, Walworth,- the first on the L. about | of a mile from Walworth High-st. or road, it leads to Oueen-st. King-Street, Rotherhithe-Street, at 375, op. King's stairs, about % of a mile ab ve or W. of the church, it extends to Paradise-st. near Mill-pond-bridge. King's - Arm3 - Buildings, Wood- btreet, Cheapside, at 10, that number of doors on the R. from 122, Cheapide. King's - Arms - Buildings, Change- Alley, behind numbers 24 and 28, Cornhill, op. the R6yal-Ex- change. King's - Arms - Court, Windmill- Street, Finsbury-Square, about seventeen do rs on the R. from the N. W. coiner of the square. King's- Arms-Ccurt, Whitechapel- Road, at 29, a few doors on the L. east from the church. King's Arms-Gardens, Sun-Tavern- FielcL, St. George's in the East, a few doors E. from King David- lane, Shadvvell. King's- Arms-Inn, Holborn-Bridge,- facing the N. end of Fleet-mar- ket, between Snow-hiil and Hol- born-hill. King's - Arms - Inn, Leadenhall - Street, is behind 121, nearly op. the India- House. King's-Arms-Coach-Office, Bifhops- gate- Within, at 106, about ten d ors N. of Thrcadneedle-'t. King's- Arms-Stair- , College-Street, Narrow- Wall, Lambeth, on the S.side Martineau's brewery, about I of a mile below Westminster- bridge. King's - Arms - Stairs, Mill - Wall, Poplar, about | of a mile below the entrance to the West-India- docks, nearly opposite Greenland- dock. King's -Arms -Yard, Drury-Lane, at 180, the third on the L. about fourteen doots from the W. end of K K oT Holhorn, it leads into Smart's Buildings. King's- Ariru-Yard, Queen-Street, Oolden-Square,-about seven doors on the R. from 46, Great Wind- mill-st. Haymarket. King's-Arms-Yard, Whitecross- St. Cripplegate,-at 40, the second on the R. about twelve doors fr^m 1 15, Fore st. there is another of the same name two doors further N. - King's- Arms- Yard, Coleman-Street,- at 51, about nine or ten doors en the R. from Lothbury, or from the Old Jewry. King's- Arms- Yard or Court, Princes- Street, Lambeth, a few yards on the R. from Vauxhall-row, and nearly op. i> ew-st. King's rench (( ourts of). See West- minster-Hall and Guildhall. King's- Bench-Office, Temple, on the S. side of King's-Bench-walk, near the bottom of Mitre-court, fmm -1 1, Fleet-st. Kind's- Bench -Prison, Stones- End. Borough, the corner of the Bo- rough-road, about f of a mile on the R. from London-bridge. King's-Bench-Row, Borough-Road ,- the first on the R. from Stones-end, leading by the S. side the King's Bench to Belvedere place. King's- Bench-Walk, Temple. the open space on the N. side the Temple gardens, entrance at 44, Flpet-st. by Mitre-court. King's-Bench-Walk, Bennet's Row, St. George's Fields, the fourth on the R. about of a mile from Blackfriars-road, it extends to Higler^-lane. King David- Fort, Back-lane, St. George's in the Ea t. about | of a mile on the L. below Cannon- st. turnpike, and op. King David- lane. King David-Lane, Shad well High- Street, at 198, nearly op. theW. side of Shadwell-church-yard, it leads to Back-lane and Sun-tavern- ficld . King David-Street, King David- Lane, Shadwell, the first on the L. from 1 99,High-st. extending to Mercer- street. King Edward's-Stairs, Wapping, at 221, Wapping-st. nearly op. Ro- therhithe-church, about 4; of a mile below the London-docks. King Edward-Street, New Bridge- Street, Blackfriars, the first on the R. in Wiltam-street, by. the bridge, extending to Tudor-* t. King Edward-Street, Mile-End New- Town, the second on the L. in Chapel-st. or Princes-row, from Great Garden-st. entering by 50, Whitechapel-road. King Edward-Street, Wapping, at 172, Wapping-st. op. King Ed- ward-stairs, it extends to Cinna- mon-st. King's-Head-Alley, Rose-Lane, Spi- taifie'ds,. at the back or S. side of King's-head-court, a kw doors on the L. from Wentworth-st. King's-Head-Alley, Virginia-Street, Parson's Street, Upper East-Smith- field, about ten doors on the R. from 47, Parson's-st. and is op. Pennington-st. King's- Head -Court, John -Street, Westminster, on the E. side, being the third on the L. in Wood- st. from 63, Millbank-st. King's - Head - Court, Broadway, Westminster, on the N. side, about ix doors on the R. from Tcthill-st. towards Queen-square. King's-Head-Court, Shoe-Lane, - at 08. the fir t on the L. about fifteen doors from 130, Fieet-st. it leads to Gough-square. King's - Head - Court, 326, High- iToIborn. See Middle-Row. Place. King's-Head-Court, Holhorn Hill.- at iO. about - 6 of a mile n the L. from Fleet-market, it lead^ to 63* Fetter-lane. King's K King's - Head - Court, Gray's - Inn- Lane, about twenty-four doors on the R. from Middle-row, Hol- born (late Plough-court or yard). King's-Head-Court, St. Martin's-le- Grand, at 17, the fourth on the L. seventeen doors from 66, New- gate-st. King's- Head -Court, Beech-Street, Barbican, at 42, about eight doors E. from Golden-lane. King's - Head - Court, St. Paul's- Church-Yard, at 27, 5. side, leading into Little Carter-lane. King's - Head - Court, Shoreditch- High-Street, at 244, about six doors N. from Worship-st. it leads to Cumberland-st. King's-Head-Court, Long- Alley, Moorfields, the third on the L. a few doors from Crown-st. to- wards Worship-st. King's-Head-Court, Gutter- Lane, at 14, the second on the R. four- teen doors from 132, Cheapside. King's - Head - Court, Fish - Street- Hill, at 34, about five doors on the R. from London-bridge, it leads into Pudding-lane. King's Head-Court, Rose-Lane, Spi- talfields, the first on the L. a few door^ from Wentworth- st. King's- Head-Court, Pctticcat-lane, Spita;fields, the second on the L. a few doors from Widegate-street, Bishop.sgate, and is nearly op. Catherine-wheel-alley. King's-Head-Court, Red-Lion-St. Spitalfields, a few doors on the L. from the W. side of the church, or from Paternoster-row. King's- Head -Court, Gravel -Lane, Borough, on the W. side, nearly op. Zoar-st. or a few doors N. from Price's st. King's -Head -Gardens, Holywell- Row, Holywell-Mount, the first on the L. from Worship-square, towards Chapcl-st. King's-Head-Inn, Old-Change, at K 17, about ten doors on the R. from the S. E. corner of St. Paul's- church-yard. King's-Head-Inn, High-Street, Bo- rough, at 53, about | of a mile on the L. from London-bridge. King's- Head- Yard, Duke- Street, Lincoln's-Inn- Fields. the first on the R. a few doors from 52, W. side of Lincoln's-inn-fields. King's-Head-Yard, Charles-Street, Hatton-Garden, at 14, about six doors on the R. from 24, Hatton- garden, towards Saffron-hill. King's - Head- Yard, Duke- Street, Bloomsbury,-about three doors on the L. from 43, Great Russell-st. King's-Head-Yard, High -Street, Lambeth, the third on the R. a few doors from the church. King's-Head-Yard, Tooley- Street, behind 178, being the corner of Berm.ndsey-st. King Henry-Court, King-Street, St. George's in the East, the first on the R. a few doors from 29, New Gravel-lane. King Henry - Yard, Nightingale- Lane, East-Smithfield, about of a mile on the R. from L'pper East-Smithfield, and two or three doors N. from Burr-st. King James's Stairs, Wapping-Wall,- at 70, op. Star-st. Shadwell, about 1 1 of a mile below London-bridge, and nearly op. the King's Mills, Rotherhithe. King John's Court, Holywell-Lane, Shorcditch, at 13, being that number of houses on the R. from 93, Shoreditch. King John's Court (Little), Holy- well-Lane, Shoreditch, the first on the L. in the last described, from 13, Holywell. lane, it leads to Wood's buildings. King John's Court, Lime -Kilns, Limehouse-Causeway, is facing the Lime-kilns-dock, at the E. end of Forc-st. King King John's Palace, Tottenham- Court, on the E. side the corner formed by the Hampstead-road and the new road, facing Totten- ham-court. King and Key Coach-Office, Fleet- street, at 1-12, about twelve doors W. from Shoe-lane. King and Queen-Stairs, Rotherhifhe,- on the E. side the Surrey Canal, about j a mile below the church, and op. Cole-stairs, Shadwell. Kinning's Buildings, Swan- Lane, Roihcrhithe, a few doors on the R. from Roiherhithe-st. and near the K. end of Adam-st. Kirby-Court, West-street, W. Smith- field, a few doors on the R. from the N. W. corner- of Smithfield, towards Saffron -hill. Kirby Street, Charles-Street, Hat- ton-Garden, at 33, four doors on the L. from 25, Hatton-g.T- den, it extends to Cross-st. Kirk's Place, Pitt-Street, Prospeft- Place, St. George's Fields, a few doors on the L. from Pro pect- place, being a part of the E. side the said st. Kirkraan's Place, Tottenham-Court- Road, at 54, between Windmill- street and Goodge- c treet, about J of a mile on the L. from Oxford- street. Kitbford-Place, Hackney-Road, forms part of the L. side, adjoin- ing the chapel, about ^ of a mile from Shoreditch-church. Kittleby-Court, Blue- Anchor- Yard, Rosemary-Lane, the fifth on the R. a few doors from 48, Rose- mary-lane. Kingsgare-Street, High-Holborn, at 180, about I of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market, between Red- Lion-square and Bloomsbury- square, it leads to Gloucester-st. and Queen-square. Kingsland - Road, commences at Shoreditch-church, on the L. and K leads to Kingsland, Dalston, and Stoke- Ne wington . Kingsland- Row, Old Gravel-Lanc,- at 1 14, about ten doors on the R. from G5, Ratchffe-highway. Knightsbridge, commences by the turnpike at Hyde. park-corner, and includes both sides the high-road, towards Kensington, say about a mile in length. Knightsbridge - Green, Knights- bridge, about \ a mile on the L. from Hyde-park-corner, nearly op. the Barracks, leading to the Brompton high-road. Knight's Court, Green-Bank, Wap- ping,-the continuation ot Harrel's court, bearing to the R. it leads to Tench-st. Knight's Court, Green-Walk, Christ- church, Surrey, the second on the L. a few doors from Hclland- st. near Blackfriars-bridge. Knight-Rider-Court, Little Knight- Rider-Street, Do&ori-Commons,- at 15, a few doors on the R. from the Old-Change, or from Old Fish- street. Knight- Rider-Street (Great), Doc- tors-Commons, about ten doors on the R. from 14, on the S. side St. Paul's - church - yard, along Paul's Chain and Godliman-st. Knight- Rider-Street (Little), Doc- tors-Commons, is op. the last, entering by Paul's Chain. Knowle's Court, Little Carter-Lane, Doctors-Commons, at 10, the second on the L. a few doors from 14, Old Change. LABOUR-IN- VAIN- COURT, Old Fish-Street- Hill, Upper Thames-Street, a few doors on the L. from 201, Upper Thames- st. it leads to 10, Lambeth-hill. Labour- Labour-in-Vain-Hill,Upper Thames- Street. See Old Fish- Street-Hill. Labour - in -Vain - Street, Shadwell- Market, at the S. E. corner, be- ing a few doors S. from 66, Shad- well High-st. Labour-in- Vain-Street (Little) , Shad- well, on the S.-side Shadwell- water-works,and about three doors from Lower Shadwell. Lad-Court,White-Hind- Alley, Bank - side, Southwark, about the mid- dle of the E. side, viz. between Bank-ide and Maid-lane. Lad-Lane, Wood-Street, Cheapside,- at 19, the first on the R. from 122, Cheapside, it extends to 17, Tvlflk.st. Lamb- Alley, Bishop:gate-Without,- at 144. W. side, being parallel to, er behind the houses which form the N. side of Sun-st. Lamb-Alley, Blackman-Street, Bo- rough, at 31, the fourth on the L. about that number of doors from St. George's church towards the Stone -end. Lamb. Alley (Little), Blnckman-St.- at 7, being that number of door> from St. George's church. Lamb-Alley, Bermondsey- Street, at 185, the fourth on the L. from the church towards Tooley-st. Lamb's Buildings, Inner Temple- Lane, tlie.econd on the L. a few door:, from 16, Fket-:-t. it leads to Tantield-ourt and King's- Bench-walk. Lamb's Buildings, Cherry - Tree- Alley, Bunhill-Row, St. Luke's, the first on the R. a few yards from 117, Runhil!-row, leading to Biue-anchor-alley, Lamb's Court or Square, Clerken- wcll Green, at 23, on the S. side the Scssions-house. Lamb-Court, Lamb-Alley, Bishop-- gate-Without, the first on the R. from 144, Bi.shopsgate-'t. Lamb's Cort, Red Lion-Court, Spi- talfields, about the middle of the N. side, viz. between 19, Red- Hon-rd-st. towards the square. Lilly-Street, Great Saffron-Hill, at 40, the sixth on the R. about } of a mile from Holbe-m - hill, along Field-lane. Liliypur-Lane, Noble-Street. Foster- Lane, at G, the third on the R. from 147, Cheapside, it leads to Staining-lane. Lime-Street, Fenchurch-Street, at 160, the first on the L. from 66, Gracechurch-street it extends to Leadenhall-st. Li me-Street- Passa ge, Li me- Street, at 18, the second on the L. from Fenchurch-st. it leads to Skinners- place, Leadenhall-market. Lime-Street-Square, Lime-Street, at 48, about eight doors en the L. from c 21, Leadenhall-st. it leads to Billiter-squaie and Fenchurch-st. Limehou>e-Causeway, the E. con- tinuation of Fore-st. bearing to the R. and entering by a narrow pas- sage, it extends to the Commer- cial-road by the W. India-docks. Limehouse-Hole, Limehouse, the S. continuation of Three Colt-st. extending from the Lime-kilns to- wards Mill-wall on the bank of the Thames. I.imehouse-Hole-Stairs,-a few yards on the R. below the Lime-kilns- dock, by Mitchell's rope-walk, nearly op. Cuckold's Point, Ro- therhithe. Lime- Kilns. Dock, Limehouse, at the E. end of Fore-st. on the R. by the side of the Thames, or the S. end of Three Colt-st. Lime- Kilns-Court, Limehouse, a few yards on the R. from the E. end of Fore-st. by the Ship and Lamb public-house. Lime - Tree - Court, Narrow-Wall, Lambeth, on the E. side Mr. Peach's yard and W. of Cupers- bridge. Lincoln's. Inn, on the W. side of Chancery-lane, op. 40, about - of a mile on the L. from 194, Fleet- street. Lincoln's-Inn- Fields,- communicates with High-Holborn at 282, by Great Turnstile, to 124, Drury- lane by Princes-st. and Duke-st. to 50, Carey-st. Chancery-lane by Serle-st. the numbers begin at the N. W. corner. ; Lincoln's-Inn-Gardens, on the W. side of Lincoln's inn. Lincoln's-lnn-Hall, Lincoln's-Inn,- is nearly facing the entrance from op. 40, Chancery-lane. Lincoln's-Inn New Square or Build- ings, the second on the R. in Carey-st. from 99, Chancery-lane, leading to Lincoln's Inn, and to Serle-st. on the L. Lincoln's-Inn Old Square or Build- ings. See Lincoln's-Inn. Linnean-Society, at 9, Gerrard-st. Soho, a few doors on the R. from New port-market towards Princes- street. Linny-Court, Queen- Street, Blooms- bury, at 21, about five doors on theL. from the W. end of Hart-st. Linton- Place, Bell-Street, Padding- ton, a few d iors on the L. from Edgware-road, towards Lisson- green. Lion-Street, Holborn. See Lyon-St. Lion-Street, Kent-Road, -the second on the R. a few doors from the Elephant and Castle, it extends to Gloucester-rc w. Lion and Lamb-Court, Playhouse. Yard, Golden-Lane, St. Luke's,- the first on the R. in the said yard irom Golden-lane. Liquor- Pond- Street, Gray's - Inn- Lane, at 68, about of a mile on the R. from Middle-row, Hol- born, born, it extends to the N. end of Leather-lane. Lisle-Street, Leicester-Square, the first parallel to the N. side of it, or the first on the R. in Princes-st. from theE. end of Coventry-st. Li le-Street (New), the E. end of the last described. Lisson-Green, Paddington or Mary- bone, about ^ of a mile on the L. from 82, Edgware-road by Southampton row, and facing the Yorkshire-stingo. Lisson-Grove, Lisson-Green, Pad- dington, on the N. side the New- road, nearly op. the Yorkshire- stingo. Lisbon Mews, Southampton-Row, Edgware-Road, the first on the L. a few doors from the said road, towards the Yorkshire-stingo. Lisson- Place, Lisson-Green, Pad- dington, the second on the L. north from Bell-st, along Little James-st. Lisson- Row, Lisson-Green, about of a mile on the L. north from the turnpike by the Yorkshire- stingo,' nearly op. the White-lead- manufaclory. Lisson - Street , Lisson - Green, the first on the L. in Southampton-row, from the Edgware-road, towards the York>hhe-stingo, it extends to Chapel-st. Lisson-Street (Upper), the continua- tion of the last Irom Chapel-st. to Bell-st. Litchfield-Street, King Street, Soho, - the third street on the R. from Prin s-st. and nearly op. Greek- street, leading to Wcst-st. Seven- dials. Literary- Fund, 36, Gerrard-street, Soho, about the middle of the S. side, twelve doprs on the L. from Little Newport-.t. Literary- Panorama-Office, at 108, Hatton-gard*. n . being the first door pn the L. from 111, Holborn-hili. Little-Court.Castle-Street, Leicester- Square, -four doors on the L. from Great Newport-st. Long-acre. Lloyd's Court, Denmark -Street, St. Giles's, the first on the L. by the church, it leads to Crown-st. Soho. Lloyd's Evening - Post Newspaper- Office, at 12; Warwick-square, facing the entrance from Warwick- lane. Lloyd's Yard, Black-Swan- Alley, London-Wall, a few doors on the L. from op. Bethlem-hospital. Lock's Fields, VValworth, nearly the whole of the space between Walworth High-st. or road and the Kent-road, on die N. side of East-lane. Lock's Gardens, Bowling - Green- Lane, Clerkenwell, the third on the L. from op. the Workhouse, Coppice-row. Lock-Hospital, Grosvenor-Place, - about | of a mile on the R. from Hyde-park-corner, and near the same distance from Piml'co. Lock's Place, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the first on the R. from Walworth High-st. or road, along York-st. Lock's Row, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the S. side Lock's Place. Lock's Yard, Blackman-Street, Bo- rough, at 62, about j of a mile on the L. from St. George's church, and nearly op. the King's Bench. Lockwood - Court, Great Saffron - Hill, at 47, about i of a mile on the R. from Holborn-bridge, along Field-lane. Loman's Pond, Gravel-Lane, Bo- rough, -the second on the L. south from Charlotte-street, Blackfriars- rcad, extending to Lemon-st. Loman's Street, Borough. See the last described. Lombard or Lomber-Court, Tower- Street, Seven-Dials, at 21, about five doors on the R, from the W. end end of Castle-st. leading to the Seven-dials. Lombard or Lomber-Street, Seven- Dials, at 12, Tower-street, op. Lombard - court, it extends to Wcst-st. Lombard-Street, Gracechurch-St. at 21, the fourth on the L. from London-bridge, it extends to the Mansion-house. Lombard - Street, Fleet - Street, ?t 56, about the middle of the" S. side, eleven doors W. from Water- lane, it extends to Essex -st. Lombard -btreet, Mile -End New- Town, the third on the L. from 55, Brick-lane, Spitalrields, along Montague-st. and Well-st. Lombard-Street (Great), Mint Street, Borough, the termination of it on both the K. and the L. entering op. St. George's church. Lombard-Street (Little), Mint-Street, Borough, the N. end of the last described, extending from yueen- st. to Peter-st. London- Annuity-Office fjrWidows,- 25, Old Fish-street, three or four doors ft. from the Old-Change. London -Assurance-Office, Birchin- Lane, two doors on the R. from 62, Lombard-st. or ab ut eight doors from 36, Cornhiil. London-Bridge, the most eastern or the lowest bridge over the Thames, extend irtg from Fish-street-hill to High-st. Borough. LondonChronicleNewspaper-Office,- at 151, Fleet-st. by Bolt-Court, about A of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market, London-Coffec-House,Ludgnte-Hill,- the second door from the Old Bailey, towards St. Paul's-church- yard. London-Court, White's Yard, Rose- mary-Lane, the first on the R. from 57, Rosemary-lane. London- Docks, Wapping, between 7'2 ? Wapping-st. and the church, near 1* of a mile below London- bridge, the principal land-entrance is by Upper East-Smhhfield, the corner of Nightingale- lane, about of a mile E. of 1 ower-hill. London- Dock-House, Great Win- chester-Street, Broad -Street, at 33, four door on the L. from 54, Old Broad-st. London- Dock -Office, 110, Fen- church-st. nearly op. Mark-lane. London-Ele&ric-lnstitution, at 16, Bunhill-row, being that number of doors on the R. from 63, Chis- well-st. also at 25, Tabernacle- row, two doors en the L.' from 36, City-road. London - Evening-Post Newspaper- Office, a few yards on the R. in Union-st. Blackfriars, from the middle of New Bridge-st. London- Female- Penetentiary, Pen- tonville High-Street or Road, on the W. side the chapel, about j- of a mile on the R. from lslinq;- ton. London - Hospital, Whitechapel - Road, about -I of a mile on the R. below the church. London-Hotel. Albemarlc-Street, is five doors on the R. from op. St. James's street, or from 62, Piccadilly. London - House -Yard, St. Paul's- Church- Yard, at 7 1 and 79, the first on the L. from Ludgate-st. leading to 42, Paternoster-row. London - Infirmary, Charterhouse- Square, at 40, the second house on the L. from Carthusian-st. en- tering by 107, Aldersgate-st. London-Institution, Old-Jewry, under the gateway, about seven or eight doors on the R. from 81, Cheapside. London-Journal Newspaper- Office,- a few yards on the R. in Union- st. Blackfriars. from the middle of New Bridge-st. London -Life-Association,-at 48, St. Paul's PaalVchurch-yard, at the N. E. corner by Cheapside. London-Mews, London-Street, Tot- tenham-Conrt-Road,-at 18, about fourteen doors on the L. from 108, Tottenham-court-road. London-Packet Newspaper-Office,- at 12, Warwick-square, facing the entrance from Warwick-lane. London- Road, St. George's fields, on the S. side the Obeiisk, Black- friars-road, bearing to the L. it extends to the Elephant and Castle. London-Society-Protestant- School, - a few doors on the L. in Rope- makers, st. from the N. W. corner of Moorfields. London-Stone, Cannon-Street, be- tween 81 and 82, by the church forming the corner of St. Swithin's- lane. London - Street, Tottenham - court- road, at 108, about \ a mile on the L. from Oxford-st. or the third on the R. from the New- road, it extends to Cleveland- street. London-Street (OldJ, Fenchurch- Street, at 59, the fifth on the. R. about \ of a mile from Grace church-st. London-Street (New), Fenchurch- Street, -the S. continuation of the last described, entrance by a flight of steps, it extends to Hart-street, Crutched-friars. Lmdon-Street, Queen-Street, Rat- clifFc, the first on the L. east, a few doors from RatclirTe-cross, it extends to Rose-lane. London- Street, London-Road, St. George's Fields, the second on the R. from the Elephant and Castle towards the Obelisk, it leads to St. George's market. London-Street, Dock-Head, Ber- mondscy, entrance by the first briilgc on the R. in Mill-st. from Dock -head. London. Tavern, Bishopsgate-St. on the W. side, two doors on the L. from Cornhill. London-Tavern (New), Cheapside, - behind 140, about nine or ten doors on the L. from St. Paul's- church-yard. London-Terrace, Hackney-Road, I forms part of the S. side, op. Great Cambridge-st. about \ a mile on the R. from Shoreditch-church. London - Terrace, Cannon - Street- Road, St. George's in the East, . the first W. parallel to part of it, or the first on the R. in the Commercial-road, towards White- chapel. London- Wall, Moorfields,-on the S. side of Bethlem-hospital, or the fourth street on the R. in Wood- st. from 1"22, Cheapside, extending to 47, Old Broad-st. London - Workhouse, Bishopsgate- Street, at 173, about \ of a mile on the L. north from the church. Long- Acre, Drury-Lane, at 40, about that number of doors on the R. from St. Giles's, or about \ of a mile on the L. from the New- church in the Strand, it extends to St. Martin's lane, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 1 15. Long- Alley, Moorfields,-the second on the R. from the N. E. corner towards Wiison. st. it extends to Crown-st. Long- Alley. Worship-Street, is op. the last from Crown- t. or the continuation of it to Worship-rt. nearly facing the Curtain-road. Long-Alley-Square, the second on the L. about twelve doors N. from Crown-st. it leads to Christo- pher's alley and Wilson-st. Long- Alley, Cable-Street^ Wellclose- Square, is parallel to part of tlie N. side of it, say from 42 to 51, nearly op. the said square. Long-Alley, Lower Shadwcll, on the E. side of New-st. nearly op. bhadwell. Shndwell-'dock-sfairs, leading to ihc Orchard. Long's Buildings, Whitecross-Streer, St. Luke's, at 10}, near the mid- dle, between Chiswell-st. and Ban- ner-st. and op. Playhouse-yard. Long's Court, St. Martin's Street, Leicester-Square, at 36, four doors on the L. from 38, in the square. Long's Court, Rotherhithe-Street. the first on the R. about six doors E. of the church. Long-Lane, West-Smithfield, at 66, on the E. side, extending to op. 77, Aldersgate-.st. Long-Lane, Bermondsey, the con- tinuation of White-st. from be- hind St. George's church, Bo- rough, to 149, Berm^ndsey-st. about eight doors S. from Ber- mond ey-church. Long - Wa'k. Half - Moon - Alley, Whitecross-Street, Cripp'egare, the first on the L. from 48, White- cross-st. towards Chapel-st. and Grub-st. Long- Walk, Bermondsey-square, at the N. E. corner, leading east- ward, somewhat parallel to the S. side of Bermond ey-church -yard. Long's Yard, Lamb's-Conduit-St. about ten doors on the L. from Guil ford-place, op. the Foundling- hospital. Looker's Court, King-Street, Golden- Square,-at 84, five doors N. from Orange-court, about j- of a mile on theR. from 323, Oxford-st. Lord's Cricket-Ground, Marybone- P.irk, on the N. side the New- road, entrance by Upper Quebec- street. Lothbury, on the N. side the Bank of England, or the first on the R. along the Old -Jewry, from 81, Cheapside. Lottery-Office, Somerset. Place, the second door on the L. in the square, from the Strand. Love-Court, George-Alley, Fleet- marktt, a few doors on the L. from 70, Fleet- market. Love-Court, Mutton-Lane, Clerken- well, the second on the L. from Ray-st. N. W. corner of Clerken- well -green. Love-Court, Petticoat-Lane, is be- hind 121, about twenty-five doors on the R. from 41? Aldgate High- st. it leads to Goulston-square. Love-Court, Tooley-Street, at 157, nearly op. Green-bank, ab ut of a mile on the R. from London- bridge. Love-Lane, Broad-Sancluary, West- minster, is a small alley or court between the W. end of the Abbey and Princes-st. Love-Lane, Wood -Street,Cheapside,- at 36, the second on the R. from 1'2 C 2, Cheapside, it extends to 66, Aldermanbury. Love - Lane (Little), Wood - Street, Cheapside, on the N. side the last described, by the church. Love-Lane, Little Enstcheap, at 19, the third on the R. from 47, Gracechurch-st.it extends to 102, Lower Thames- st. Love-Lane, Shadwell High-Street, at 117, the first on the L. about -l of a mile E. from the church, it extends to Brook-st. Love-Lane, Old Gravel-Lane, Wap- ping, or St. George's in the East,- at 160, ;:bout three doors W. of Green-bank. Love-Lane, Willow-Street. Banksidc, Southwark^the first on the R. frcm Holland-st. Bbickfriars-bridge, it leads through Keen's White-lead* manufactory to Maid-lane. Love- Lane, Rotherhithe-Street, at 384, op. Rotherhithc stairs, it ex- tends to Paradise-st, near Mill- pond-bridge. Love-Place, Hackney-Road, part of Middlesex-place, and the W. side of the said road, about of a mile mile on the L. from Shoreditch- chorch. Lovd's Court. Paternoster-Row, at 20, tbe third on the R. from Cheapside, about three doors E. from Ivy-lane. Lovers-Court, White- Horse-Street, Ratciiffe, at 9, a few doors on the L. from Butcher-row, towards the Commercial- road. Lovelands-Yard or Court, Royal- Hospital-row, Chelsea, is a nar- row passage near the Hospital, ex- tending to Turks-row. Lowdels or Lowdles-Court, Great Guildford-Street, Borough, the first on the R. a few yards N. from 35, Queen-st. Lowdell- Place, Broad- wall, Lambeth or Christ-Church, the first on the L. from Great Charlotte-st. Black- friars-road. Lower Turning, Shake^pear's Walk, Shadwell, the last on the L. from High-st. entering by 49, on the W. side the church. Lownds-Court, Carnaby-Street, Car- naby-market, at 2-1, the second on the L. a few doors from Great Marlborcugh-st. Loxwood- Place, Fitzroy-Place, New- Road, Marybone, the first on the R.a few yards from the New-road. Lucas-Flace, Commercial-Road, St. George's in the East, forms part of the S. side, a few yards on the j R. from the Halfway-house to- wards Limehouse. Lucas-Street, Commercial-Road, St. George's in the East, the first on the R. from the Halfway-house towards Limehouse. Lucas-Street, Paradise-Street, Rother- hithe, at SO, op. Love-Lane, the first street on the R. a few doors below Mill-pond-bridge. Lu.lgate (Old), Half-Moon-Street, i;,hopsgate, the second on the R. a few doors from behind 170, Bishopsgate-st. without. Ludgate-Hiil, at the S. end of Fleet-market, or the E. continua- tion ot Fieet-sr. it extends to St. Martin'-, church. Ludgate- Place, Ludgate-Hill, -three doors on the R. from Bridge-st. towards St. Paul's-church-yard. Ludgate-Street, St. Paul's-church- yard, at the W. end, extending to St. Martin' s-church and Lud- gate-hi!l. St. Luke's Charity-School, Golden- Lane, five- doors on the L. from Old-st. St. Luke's Church, Old-Street, about the middle of the N. side, viz. between the City-road and Goswell-st. St. Luke's Hospital, Old-Street, on the N. side, near the City- road, about 4- of a mile on the L. from Finsbury- square. St. Luke's Place, Stepney, nearly facing the W. side of the church. Luke-Street, Paul-Street, Finsbury- square, at 49, the first on the R. north from Worship-st. leading towards the Curtain-road. St. Luke's Workhouse, City-Road, - about -j of a mile on the R. from Finsbury-iquare, and on the W. side of the Shepherd and Shep- herdess. Lumley's Alms-IIouses, City-Road,- on the N. side the Shepherd and Shepherdess Tea-gardens. Lumley-Court, Strand, at 398, about twelve doors W. from South- ampton st. and \ a mile on the R. from Temple-bar. Lumley-Court, Bowling-Pin- Alley, Chancery-Lane, the first on the L. a few doors from White's Alley, or from Bream's Buildings, enter- ing by 27, Chancery -lane. Luxfbrd-Row, North-Green, Wor- ship-Street, the second on the L. from 12, Worship-st. near Paul-st. Lyceum, Strand, entrance at 35 l 2, about } of a mile on the R. from Temple- M Temple-bar, or five doors E. from Exeter-change. I. yon's Inn, Holywell -Street, Strand, - at 16, being that number of doors on the R. from the W. side of St. Clement's church. Lyon's Quay, Lower Thames-St. at 12, being that number of houses on the R. below London- bridge. Lyon-Street, High-Holborn, at 143, the first on the L. near ~ of a mile from Broad-st. St. Giles's. M MACCLESFIELD - STREET, Gerrard -Street, Soho, at 15, about eight doors on the L. from Prince.^-st. it leads to Dean-st. Macord's Rents, Choppms-Court, Old Gravel-Lane, the first on the R. a few doors from behind 25, Old Gravel-lane, near Wapping. Maddox-Street , Hanover-Square, -is the third on the R. in Swallow-st. from 322, Oxford- st. it extends to St. George's church. Maddox-Street (Little), Hanover- square, is facing St. George's church and the last described, it extends to 43, New Bond-st. Magdalen- Alley or Passage, Great Prescot-Street,Goodman's Fields,- at 18, about the middle of the S. side leading to Chamber-st. Magdalen-Circus, Magdalen-Street, Tooley -Street, about the middle of it, and behind 151, Tooley-ft. Magdalen - Hospital, Blackfriars - Road, about ! a mile on the R. from Blackfriars-bridge, and near | of a mile on the L. from the Obelisk. Magdalen-Place, Tooley-Street, at 143, nearly op. Stoney-lane, about i of a mile on the R. from Lon- don-bridge. Magdalen-Row, Great Prescot-Street, M Goodman's Fields, forms part or. the S. tide, near the middle, by Magdalen-aliey. Magdalen-Street, Tooley-Street, - at 148, nearly op. Stoney-lane, extending to 23, Bermondsey-st. Magna- Place, Hoxton-Town, near Saunders's Gardens, a few doors on the R. from Old-st. road. St. Magnus-Church, at the N. end of London-bridge, being the corner of Lower Thames-st. Magpye- Alley, Wentworth - Street, Spitalfields, two or three doors E. of Rose-lane, and nearly op. Essex-st. from 115, Whitechapel High-st. Magpye-Court, Aldersgate-Street, at 180, nearly op. the Castle and Falcon-Inn. Magpye - Court, Shoreditch High- Street, at 10, about | of a mile on the R. from Bishopsgate church, it leads to Blossom-st. Magpye and Stump Coach-Office, at 117, Newgate-st. about ten or twelve doors on the L. from the Old-Bailey. Mahogany-Court, Whitecross-Street, St. Luke's, at 81, about twelve doors on the R. from Chiswell-st. towards Old-st. Maid-Lane, Somhwark, is some- what parallel to Bankside and the Thames, extending from near Clink-st. to Gravel-lane, about j of a mile in length. Maida-Place, Printers - Place, Ber- mondsey, nearly op. the Gre- gorian-Arms, about | a mile below Dock-Head, and near the W. end of Jamaica-row. Maiden-Lane, Southampton-Street, Covent-Garden, at 30, about ten doors on the L. from 388, in the Strand, leading into Chandos-st. Maiden - Lane, Battle - Bridge, St. Pancras,-on the E. side the Small- pox-hospital, nearly facing the N. end of Gray's-jnn-lane, D d ' Maiden- M M Maiden-Lane, Wood-Street, Cheap- side, at 110, the third on the L. from 122, Cheapside, it extends to Foster-lane. Maiden-Lane, Queen-Street, Cheap- side, intersects it at 37, about { of a mile from 70, Cheapside, it extends from Garliek-hill to Col- lege-hill. Maiden -Row, Borough-Road, St. George's Fields, the first on the L. from the King's Bench towards the Obelisk. Maidenhead-Court, Berwick-Street, Oxford-Street, at 09, four doon N. from Peter-st. Maidenhead-Court, Snow's Rents, 1 York-Street, Westminstcr,-the first on the R. from nearly op. Queen- square. Maidenhead-Court, Aldersgate-St. at 28, about eleven dpors N. fr^m Falcon-st. it extends to Nicol- square. Maidenhead-Court, Little St. Thomas Apostles, at 19, three doors E. from f>9, Queen-st. Cheapside. Maidenhead - Court, Moor - Lane, Fore-Street, Cripplegate, about three doors on the R. from 86, Fore- st. Maidenhead-Court, Wheeler-Street, Spitalfields, at 67, five doors N. from Flower-de-Lis-st. entering by 10, Shoreditch High-st. Maidenhead - Court, Broad - Wall, Christ-Church or Lambeth, is about the middle of the W. side, a few doors S. from Stamford-st. Blackfriars-road. Maidenhead-Court, Great Garden- Street, St. Catherine's, about the middle of the N. side, viz. between St. Catherine's lane and Butcher- row. Maidenhead -Court, Wapping, at 102, about four doers on the L. below the entrance to the London- docks. Maidenhead - Court, Farmer-Street, Shadwell, at 61, the fourth: oft the L. from 38, Shadwell High-st. Maidman's Row, Mile-End-Road, the first on the R. below Bencroft's alms-houses, near two miles from Aldgate, it extends towards Rhodes-Wells. Maidstone- Buildings, High -Street, Borough, at 228, about fourteen doors on the R. south from St. Margaret's-hiil, and of a mile from London-bridge. Maidstone-Court, Old Nicol-Street, Bethnal-Green, a few doors ore the R. in it from Cock-lane. Maidstone - New - Wharf, Queen- Hithe, entrance by 60, Upper - Thames-st. about | of a mile be- low Blackfriars-bridge. Major Foubert's Passage, Swallow- Street, at 61, op. Conduit-st. it extends to 8 1 , King-st. Malaga -Court, Nightingale- Lane,. Upper East-Smithfield, at 36, a few doors on the L. below the entrance to the London-docks. Manchester-Buildings, Cannon-Row, Westminster, the second N. parallel to part of Bridge-st. ex- tending to the Thames. Manchester - Mews, Manchester - Street, Marybone, two or three doors on the R. from the N. W. corner of Manchester-square. Manchester - Mews North, Man- chester-Stret, at 14, being that number of doors on the R. from the N. W. corner of Manchester- square. Manchester-Square, the N. end of J)uke-st. from 171, Oxford-st. and at the S. end of High-st. and Thayer-st. on the R. from the New-road. Manchester T Street, Manchester - Square, at the N. W. corner, extending to Dorset-st. Manor - Buildings, King's Road, Chelsea, is behind Manor-Place. See the next article* Manor- M M Manor-Place, King's Road, Chelsea,- about f of a mile on the R. from Smith-st. towards Battersea-bridge, and nearly op. Robinson's lane, from Cheyne-walk. Manor- Place, Walworth High-Street or Road, the fifth on the R. near -f- a mile from the Elephant and Castle, it leads to Penton- place. Manor- House- Academy, Kenning- ton-Lane, is nearly op. Carlisle- chapel, about of a mile on the R. from the Plough and Harrow public-house. Manor - Row, Manor - Place, Wal- worth, is the S. or op. side of the way to the said place. Manor- Row, Deptfbrd Lower Road,- the firit on the R. from the seven houses, "towards the Halfway- house. Manor- Row, Little Tower- Hill, on the E. side, leading to Upper East-Smithfield. Manor-Row (Little), on the E. side the last described. Manor-Street, Chelsea, between 13 and 14, Cheyne-walk, by the side of the Thames, a few doors E. from the church. Manor- Terrace, King's Road, Chel- sea, is nearly op. Manor-place, extending from Robinson's lane, towards Battersea-bridge. Mansel-Street, Goodman's Fields, the S. continuation or Somerset -st. from Aldgate High-st. or at the E. end of Swan-st. from 47, in the Minories. Mansfield - Mews , Mansfield - Street, Marybone, is between 1 1, in the said street, and 16, Harley-st. Mansfield-Place, Borough-Road, St. George's* Fields, forms part of the R. side, near the Obelisk, ex- tending towards the King's Bench. Mansfield-Street, Marybone, the first E. parallel to part of Harley- st. say from 9 to 23, extending from 2, Queen-Ann-st. West, to New Cavendish-st. Mansfield-Street, Borough- Road, St. George's Fields, the first on the R. from the Obelisk towards the King's Bench, it leads to St. George's market. Mansion-House (the Residence of the Lord Mayor), the large stone building at the W. end of Lom- bard-^, and Cornhill. Mansion- Houte- Alley, Kennington High- Road, by the Mansion- house public-hotfse, about |of a mile S. on the R. from Kenning- ton-lane. Mansion-House Coach-Office, Man* sion-House-Street, a door or two on the R. from Cornhill, nearly op. the Mansion-house. Mansion-House-Row, Kennington High-Road, near the two mile stone, about \ of a mile on the R. south from Newington-church, it extends to Kennington-lane. Mansion-He use-Street, the W. con^ tinuation of Cornhill to the Poultry and Cheapside. Manson's Ways, Bermondsey or Rotherhithe-Wall, on the E. side of Mill-Stairs and St. Saviour's dock, near a mile below London- bridge. Marble-Street or Court, Webb-Street, Borough, -the first on the R. about six doors from Weston-st. or from the Maze, towards 218, Ber- mondsey-st. Marchmont - Place, Little Coram- Street, Tavistock-Square, on the E. side, being the second on the L. from 10, Tavistock- place. Marchmont -Street, Great Coram- Street, Brunswick-Square, at 44, being the continuation of Everert- st. from 48, Bernard-st. it extends to Tavistock-place. Marden-Court, Broad-Wall, Christ- Church. See Maidenhead-Court. St. Margaret's Chapel, Westminster ,- on M M on the S. side of LittleChapel-st. between Strutton - ground and James-st; St. Margaret's Chapel, Margaret- Street, Cavendish-Square, about eight doors on the R. from 63, Wells- st. St. Margaret's Church .Westminster, - on the N. side of the Abbey, about \ a mile from Charing-cross. St. Margaret's Church, Lothbury, at the E. end, facing the N. front of the Bank of England. St. Margaret- Patten's Church, Rood- Lane, Fenchurch-Street, at the S. end, being the corner of Little Tower-st. Margaret -Court, Margaret -Street, Cavendish -Square, at 59, about the middie of the S. side, four doors E. from John-st. it leads to the N. W. corner of Oxford- market. St. Margaret's Hill, High-Street, Borough, the open space by the Town-hall, about | of a mile on the R. from London-bridge. Margaret's Rents, Snow's Fields, Borough, behind 35, towards Weston-st. and the Maze. Margaret-Street, Cavendish-Square,- at the S. E. corner, extending to 63, Wells-st. or the second on the L. in Wells-st. from 63, Oxford- street. Margaret-Street, Westminster, on the E. side of the Abbey, being the S. continuation of Parliament- street. St. Margaret's Workhouse, West- minstcr,-at theW.end of Orchard- st. by Great Chapel-st. and Strut- ton-ground. Maria-Place, Baker's Row, White- chapel-Road, the first on the L. a few doors from 94, in the said road. Maria- Place, Blue- Anchor- Road, Bermond.sey, about of a mile on the R, from the turnpike Fort- place, towards Rotherhitl.e, and near the same distance on the L. from the Blue- anchor. Marigold - Stairs, Upper- Ground, Chribichurch, on the W. side of Blackfriars-bridge, and near it. Marigold-Court, Strand, at 370, seven doors W. of Exeter-Change. Marigold-Court, Star-Corner, Ber- mondsey, a few doors on the R. from the Church, towards Bermondsey New-road. Marigold - Street, Rotherhithe or Bermondsey- Wall, the first W. parallel to Cherry-garden-st. and the first E. to Salisbury- st. it ex- tends to Mill-pond-st. Marine-Brewery, Broad-Street, Rat- clitfe,-is op. 81, being a few doors on the R. below Stone- stairs. Marine - Crescent, Prospeft - Row, Bermondsey, the first on the L. from the Neckinger-turnpike to- v\ards Jamaica-row and Mill- pond-bridge. Marine -Society.-behind 54, Bishops- gate- within, about seven doors S. from Camomile st. Mariners (Three) Court, Fore -Street, Cripplegate, at 102, about four doors W. from Grub-st. Mark-Lane, Fenchurch-Street, at 55, the fourth on the R. from Gracechurch-st. it exteuds to 67, Great Tower-st. Mark-Street, Paul-Street, Finsbury- Square, at 55, the second on the R. from Worship-st. it extends to James-'st. near the Curtain-road. Market-Court, Oxford-Street, at 92, about | of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, it leads to Oxford- market. Market-Hill, Shad well High-Street,- at 65, the second 6n the R. east of the church, it extends to Shad- well- market. Market-Lane, Pall-Mall.-behind the Opera- House, nine doors on the R. from the Haymarket. Market- M Market - Lane, White - Hart - Place, Kennington-Lane, at 13, being that number of houses on the L. from Kennington-cros^, it extends to Edward-st. Market- Row North, St. James's Market, the N. side of the said market, nearly op. Norris-st. from 5ti, in the Hayrnarket. Market-Row South, Market. Row East, and Market- Row West, are merely the different sides of St. James's market. Market. Row, Oxford-Market, the S. and W. sides of the said market, also the part which leads into John-st. Market-Row, Carnaby- Market, -the E. side of the said market, being the continuation of Marshall-st. Market - Row West, Carnaby- Market, the W. side of the said market. Market-Square, Hart-Street, Blooms- bury, on the S. side op. Lyon- st. from 143, High-Holborn. Market-Street, Hart-Street, Blooms- bury, three doors on the L. from the S. W. corner of Bloomsbury- square. Market-Street, Oxford-Street, at 87, about | of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, it Jeads to Ox- ford-market. Market- Street, St. James's, Market, - at the N. W. corner, extending to 127, Jermyn-st. , Market - Street, Horseferry - Road, Westminster, part of the E. end of the said road, say from the White -horse to Millbank-row. Market-Street, May-Fair, on the W. side of Shepherd's market. Market-Street, Soho, on the W. side of Newport-market, extend- ing to Little Newport-st. Market-Street, Shadwell, at the S. E. corner of Shadwell-market, leading to Shadwell-dock. Market-Street, Borough-Road, St. M George's Fields. the second on the R. from the Obelisk towards the King's Bench, it leads to bt. George's market. Market-street, Walcot-Place, Lam- beth, the fourth on the L. about i a mile from the Asylum to- wards Kennington-cross, it leads to Kennington-lane. Marlborough-Court, Pail-Mall, at h>2, about nine doors E. from the Palace. Marlborough-Court,Carnaby-Street, Carnaby-Market,-at24, the third on the L. from Great Marlbo- rough-st. leading to Carnaby- market. Marlborough-Mews, Queen-Street, Oxford-St. at the E. end of the said street from 310, Oxford-st. Marlborough-Place, Pail-Mall, at 81, about eight doors on the R. from the Palace. Marlborough- Place, Walworth High, Street or Road, forms part of the R. side, about | of a mile from the Elephant and Castle, it ex- tends from Hampton-st. to the Terrace. Marlborough - Place, Kennington- Cross, forms part of the E. side of the road, and is nearly opposite Upper Kennington-lane. Marlborough - Row, Carnaby - Market, at the S. W. corner, or three doors on the R. in Cross- court from 20, Carnaby-st. Marlborough-Square, Great Peter- Street, Westminster, about the middle of the S. side, between Whistlers-Ground and Adam-a- D gg in g-yard. Marlborough-Street (Great), Car- naby-Market, the first on the R. in Foland-st. about twelve doors from 3o5, Oxford-st. Marlborough-Street (Little), at 3 1, King-st. the third on the L. from 323, Oxford-st. it extends to Car- naby-st, tic Great Marlborough-st. Marlow's M M Marlow's Rent?, St. Catherine's Square, Tower-Hill,' on the N. side by St. Catherine's court and Catshole-court. Marmaduke-Place, Marmaduke-St. St. George's, in -the East, the first on the R. from John-st. to- wards Wiliiam-st. Marmaduke-Street, John-Street, St, George's in the East, the first on the R. a few doors from Cannon- st. road, it extends to William-st. Marman - Street, Cannon - Street - Road, St. George's in the East, is parallel to part of the W. side, being the continuation of Hum- berstone-st. from the Commer- cial-road. Marquis-Court, Drury-Lane,-at 70, about A of a mile on the L. from the Nev -church in the Strand. Manh - Place, Lambeth Lower Marsh, at 13, the fmt on the L. a few doTS from the turnpike, towards Black friar- -road. Marsh -Wall, Poplar. See Mill - Wall. Mar hall - Street, Silver - Street, Golden-Square, the fir^t on the R. about thirteen doors from Little Windmill-st. Haymarket, it extends to Broad-st. and Car- naby-market. Mar hall-Street, London-Road, St. George's Fields, the fourth on the R. from the Obelisk towards the Elephant and Castle. Marhhal~ea-Pri?on, High-Street, Bo- rough, behind 1 1M, about -J- of a mile on the L. from London- bridge. Mar.-.ham-Street, Wetminster the fourth on the L. along Wood-'-t. and Little Petcr-st. from 64, Mill- bank -st. being the continuation of Great Smi;h-st. to the Horse- ferry. road. Marion- Place, Sommers-Town, is facing the N. end of Mason-sti from Northam's Buildings. Marson - Street, Sommers - Town, See Mason-Sr.. Martha-Street, St. George's in the East, the second on the R. in Charles-st. from op. Bluegate- ficlds, Back-lane, it extends to Church- road. St. Martin's Aims-Houses, Crown- Street, Soho., nearly op. Phce- nix-st. about six doors on the L, from Compton-st. Martin's Buildings or Conrr, OJd- Street, St. Luke's, is nearly op. the Hospital, about eight doors E. of Bunhill-row. Martin's Buildings, Milk-Street or Yard, Shadwell, \s P- tne end of Farmer-st. entering by 39, High-st. St. Martin's Church (in the Fields), Charing-Cross, a few doors on the R. in St. Martin's lane from 487, in the Strand. St. Martin's Church, Ludgate-St. a few doors on the R. from St, Paul's-church-yard, or two or three doors E. of the Old- Bailey. St. Martin's Church, St. Martin's Lane, Cannon-Street, is three or four doors on the L. from 42, Cannon-st. St. Martin's (Outwitch) Church, Threadneedle-Street. the corner of Bishopsgate-st. a few doors on the L. from Cornhill. St. Martin's Court, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 89, op. New-st. about \ of a mile on the L. from Charing-cross, it leads to Castlc-st. Leicester-square. St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 487, in the Strand, where the numbers begin and end, say 1' and 150, it extends to Lorig-acrc. St. Martin's Lane (Little), the continuation of the last described, extending frcm Long-acre to West -st. St. Martin's Lane. Cannon-Street, at 42, it extends to 138, Upper Thames- M Thames-street, being the second on the R. in it from London- b ridge. St.Martin's-le-Grand, at 05, New. gatc-st. about seven or eight doors on the R. from Cheapside, it extends to Aldersgate-st. St. Martin's Street, Leicester-Sq. at 38, about the middle of the S. side, leading to Whitcomb st. Martin-Street, Westmoreland-Place, City-Road, the first on the L. from Collingvvood -st. entering by Providence-st. St. Martin's Street, Higlers-Lane or Friar-Street, Blackfriars-Road, the second on the R. a few doors from the said road. Martin-Street (New), Upper East- Smithfield, the first on the L. behind 97, or the last on the L. in Blue-Anchor-yard, from 43, Rosemary-lane. Martin-Street, Essex-Street, White- chapel, the second on the L. from 105, Whitechapei High-st. towards Wentworth-st, St. Martin's Workhouse, St. Mar- tin's Lane, Charing-Cross, be- hind 128, nearly op. the church, extending to Hemming's row and Castle-st. St. Mary Abchurch. See Abchurch- Yard, Abchurch-Lane. St. Mary- Axe, Leadenhall-Street, at 1 17, nearly op. the East-India- House, being the first on the L. from Comhill. St. Mary's Church, Aldermanbury,- between 65 and 66, the corner of Love-lane. St. Mary's Church, St. Mary's Hill, Lower Thames-Street, a few doors on the L. from op. Billings- gate towards Eastcheap. St. Mary Aldermary-Church, Bow- Lane, a few doors on the L. from 59, Cheapside, or behind 38, Watling-st. St. Mary-le-Bow-Church, Cheap- M side, between 55 and 56, about the middle of the S. side. St. Mary-Magdalen-Church. Old Fish-Street, forms the Wi cor- ner of the Old-Change. St. Mary-Magdalen-Church, Ber, mond.-.ey, at the S. end of Ber- momhey-st. or the E. end >of Long - lane from St. George's church, Borough. I St. Mary's Church, Whitechapei, lKar \ a mile on the R. east from Aldgate. St. Mary-le-Strand-Church, the second church on the R. about ^ of a mile from Temple-bar (also called the New-church). St. Mary's Church, Newington, > about of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle towards Kennington. St. Mary's Church, Rotherhithe, about ly mile below London- bridge by the lineof the river, and nearly opposite Wapping - dock - stairs. St. Mary's Church, Lambeth, on; the bank of the Thames, about -| of a mile abore Westminster- bridge. St. Mary-Somerset-Church, Upper Thames-Street, between 203 and 204, being the corner of Old FLh-street-hill, near \- a mile on the R. from London-bridge. > St. Mary-Woolnoth's-Chnrch, Lom- bard-Street, on the W. side the General-post-ofiice, being a few doors on the R. from the Man- sion-house. St. Mary's Hill, Lower Thames- Street, at 98, op. B.iling gate- market, leading into Rood-lane and to 23, Fenchurch-st. St. Mary-Overy's-Dock, Borough, on the W. side of St. Saviour's church, about - of a mile above London-bridge. Mary's Place, Mary Street, Hamp- stead-Road, at the N. end of it, or M M Or the last on the R. entering by Charles-st. Mary's Row, Bethnal-Green-Road,- on the E. side of Wilmot-square, being the continuation of Ann-st. Mary-Street, Hampstead-Road, the W. end of Charles-st. on the R. or the continuation of Brook-st. from the New. road. Mary-Street, Whitechapel-Road, at 76, W. side the workhouse, about | of a mile on the L. be- low the church. Mary Street, St. George's in the East, the fourth E. parallel to part of Cannon-st. New-road, ex- tending from Upper Chapman-st. to Lower Chapman-st. Mary-Street, Stepney, the first on the R.in Ocean-st. from op. the Walnut-tree public-house Cow- lane, extending to Sommers or Summers-Place. Marybone or Mary.le-Bone-Court, Weymouth-Street, Marybone, at 26, three doors E. from Little Marybonc-st. it extends to Ches- terfield-st. Marybone-Ccurt-House, at 150, Oxford-st. about the middle of the N. side, being the corner of Marybone-lane. Marybone - Dispensary, at 77, Welbeck-st. being the second door on the L. from Henrietta-st. Cavendish-square. Marybone - Infirmary, New-Road, Marybone, is about of a mile on the L. from Tottenham-court- road, and a few doors E. from Upper Baker-st. Marybone-Lane, Oxford-Street, at 158, about | of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, nearly opposite New Bond-street, it extends to High-st. Mar) bone- Mews, Great Mary bone- Street, at 49, between 35, Wel- beck-st. and 58, Wimpole-st. Marybone- Passage, Wells-Street, Ox- ford-Street, at 68, the second on the L. from 64, Oxford-st. it extends to 77, Margaret-st. Marybone-Street (Great), at 51, Harley-st. being the second on the L. from the N. W. corner of Cavendish-square, it extends to High-st. Marybone-Street, (Little), at 23, the W. end of Great Marybone-st. about five doors on the L. east from High-st. it extends to Wey- mouth-st. Marybone-Street (Upper), the E. continuation of New Cavendish- st. and Great Marybone-st. it ex- tends from 53, Great Portland-st. toHowland-st. Marybone-Street, Golden-Square, or Piccadilly, the continuation of Titchborn-st. from the Hay- market, or from Coventry-st. it extends from Sherrard-st. to Brewer- st. Marybone - Workhouse, Northum- berland-Street, Marybone, op. 22, about the middle of the W. side, adjoining the Infirmary. Marygold. See Marigold. Mason's Alley, Basinghall -Street, the first on the R. about fourteen doors from Cateaton-st. leading to White-rose-court and 30, Cole- man-st. Mason's Buildings, City - Road, about i of a mile on the L. from the said road along Winkworth's Buildings towards Hoxton. Mason's Court, George and Cathe- rine - Wheel - Yard, Bishopsgate- Without, the second on the K. behind 80, Bishopsgate-st. Mason's Court, Shoreditch High- Street, at 109, about twelve doors on the L. from the church, towards Bishopsgate. Mason's Court, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, about eight doors on the R. from the N. end of Osborn- strcet. Mason's, M Mason's Court, High-Street, Mile- End New-Town, the first on the L. three or four doors from the N. end of Great Garden-st. Masons Hall, on the S. side of Masons-alley, between 14, Ba- singhall-street, and 30, Coleman- street. Masons Stairs, Bankside, near Corny-cap-alley, about j of a mile below Blackfriars-bridge and op. Brcken-wharf, Up. Thames-st. Mason-Street, Sommers-Town, the first on the R. in Northam's build- ings, from Westorirst. or from the Brill, it leads to Marson's Place and Chapel-path. Mason-Street, Bridge-Road, Lam- beth, at 30, the third on the R. about | of a mile from West- minster-bridge. Mason's Yard, Duke-Street, St. James's, the second on the L. about twelve doors from 1 82, Pic- cadilly, it leads toOrmond-yard. Mason's Yard, Queen-Ann-Street East, or Foley-Place, at 54, S. side, and behind 33, Great Port- land-st. Mason's Yard, Broad-Street, St. Giles's, at 61, two doors on the L. from Drury-Iane towards the church. Masters in Chancery's Office, at 24, Southampton-buildings, Hol- born, about four doors on the R. from 53, Chancery-lane. Mathematical - Society, Crispin-St. Spitalfields, behind 35, about eight doors on the L. from Union- street. Matilda- Place, North East Passage or Alley, Wellclose-Square, at 6', the first on the L. from 35, Cable- street. Matthew's Buildings, King-Street, Spitalfields, about three or four doors on the L. from 158, Brick- lane. St. Matthew's Church, Friday-St. M is two doors on the R. from 35, Cheapside. St. Matthew's Church, Bethnal- Green, is near \ a mile on the R. along Church-st. from 65, Shoreditch. Matthew's Place, Hackney-Road,- forms part of the L. side, between Durham - place and Cambridge- heath-turnpike, about |-ofa mile from Shoreditch- church. Matthew-Street Paul-Street, Fins- bury-Square, at 55, being the first S. parallel to Leonard-st. it extends to James-st. near the Curtain-road. Maudlin's Rents, Lower East-Smith- field, at 41, the second on the L. from Butcher-row, it extend* to 33, Nightingale-lane. Maunday - House- Lane, BethnaL Green-Road, the last on the L. about a mile from 65, Shoreditch. Maxwell's Court, Long - Alley, Moorfields, two doors on the L. from the N. side of Moorfields. May's Buildings, Brick-Street, Pic- cadilly, on the N. side, nearly op. Down-st. May's Buildings (Great), St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 40, about the middle of the E. side, it leads to 10, Bedfordbury. May's Buildings (Little), Bedford- bury, at 39, op. the last, it leads to Bedford-court. May'sBuildings,Kennington-Oval,- on the N. E. side, between Bowl- ing-green-place and Clayton-st. May-Fair,-there is no particular pile of buildings distinguished by this name, but the neighbourhood on the N. side of Piccadilly near Park-lane is so called. May-Fair-Chapel, Curzon-Street, about the middle of the S. side near Shepherds-market. May's Row, New-Cut, Liraehouse,- at the N. end of Nightingale- lane, on the R. from Fore-st. E e Maynard, M Maynard- Street, St. Giles's, the first on the R. in Bainbridge-st. a few yards from the . end of Oxford-st Maypole - Alley, High-Street, Bo- rough, at 201, about twelve doors S. of Union-st. Maypole - Alley or Court, Upper East-Smithfield, at 22, nearly op. Butcher-row. Maze, Tooley-Street, Borough, at 194, about ^ of a mile on the R. from London - bridge, it ex- tends to Weston-st. and Maze- pond. Maze-Court (Little), Maze-Pond, Borough, the first on the L. west from the last described. Maze-Court (Great), Little Maze- Pond, Borough, at the back or S. side of the last described. Maze-Pond (Great), Borough, the continuation of New-st. being the first on the R. in St. Thomas's st. from 43, Borough High-st. it leads from behind Guy's hospital to Snow's Fields. Maze-Pond (Little), Borough, the last on the R. in the Maze, from 194, Tooley-st. it extends to New-st. and the last described. Mead's Court, Old Bond-Street, at 19, being that number of houses on the R. from 57, Piccadilly. Mead - Place, Westminster-Bridge- Road, Lambeth, forms part of the S. side, about of a mile on the L. from the Obelisk, on the E. side of the Asylum. Mead-Row, Westminster-Bridge - Road, Lambeth, on the E. side the Asylum, extending from the last described to WooLingham- place. Mead-Street, Bethnal-Green, the fourth on the L. in Turville-st. from 37, Church-st. leading into Vincent-st. Meadow-Row, Rockingham-Row, Kent-Road, the second on the M L. about |of a mile E. from the Elephant and Castle. Meard's Court or Street, Wardour- Street, Soho, at 57, being that number of houses on the L. from 382, Oxford-street, it leads to Dean-street. Mecklenburg-Hotel .Charing-Cross,- on the W. side the King's mews, being the corner of Whitcomb-st. Medical-Society, Bolt-Court, Fleet- Street, three doors on the R. from 151, Fleet- st. Meeting-House- Alley, Wapping, the continuation of Queen's-head- alley, from 122, Wapping-st. it extends to Johnson-st. OldGravel- lane. Meeting-House-Court, Drury-Lane,- at 29, about twelve doors on the L. from Long-acre towards St. Giles's. Meeting - House - Court, Water- Lane, Blackfriars, is the third on the R. from 3, Ludgate-st. along Pilgrim-st. and Broadway. Meeting-House-Court, Old-Jewry,- at 17, the second on the R. from 81, Cheapside. Meeting-House-Court, Long-Alley, Worship-Street, a few doors on the R. from Worship-st. towards Moorfields. Meeting - House - Court, Miles'* Lane, the second on the R. from 49, Cannon-st. and about ten doors on the L. from 131, Upper Thames-st. Meeting - House - Court, Gravel- Lane, Houndsditch, a few doors on theL. from 147, Houndsditch, leading into Stoney-lane, Meeting -House -Court, Gaimford- Street, Horselydown, at 18, two or three doors W. of Thomas-st. Meeting-House-Lane, Poplar High- Street or Road, about 4 * a mile on the L. from the Com- mercial-road and nearly op. thf Harrow public-house. Meeting- M Meeting - House - Walk, Snow's Fields, Borough, about j. of a mile on the R. from 109, High- st. Borough, along King-st. it leads to Richardson-st. and Long- lane, Bermondsey. Meeting - House - Yard, Redcross- Street, Cripplegate, at 15, about the middle of the W. side. Meeting-House-Yard, St. Martin's Lane, Cannon-Street, at 20, the first on the L. a few doors from 41, Cannon-st. Meeting-House-Yard, Three Colt- Street, Limehouse, the first on the R. from the church towards the Thames. Meeting- House- Yard, Dock-Head, - the first on the R. from New-st. or from Russell-st. towards Shad- Thames. Megg's- Aims-Houses, Whitechapel- Road, between 228 and 233, about j of a mile on the R. east from the church. Melina- Place, Westminster- Bridge- Road, St. George's Fields, forms part of the N. side, about | of a mile on the R. from the Obelisk towards the Asylum. Melior-Street, Borough, the second street on the L. from 194, Tooley- st. along the Maze and Weston- st. and about twelve doors on the R. from Snow's Fields. Memel-Street, Domingo-Street, Old- Street, St. Luke's, the first on the R. a few yards from 14, Old- street. Mercers-Alms-Houses, White-Horse- Street, Ratcliffe, at the N. end of it, facing Stepney - church- yard. Mercers-Court, Great Tower-Street, at 72, on the N. side, between Mark-lane and Mincing-lane. Mercers - Court, St. Mary's Hill. Tower-Street, at 30, op. the church. Mercers- Hall, Ironmonger - Lane, M Cheapside, three or four doors on the R. from 90, Cheapside. Mercers-Row, High-Street, Shad- well, at 209, about of a mile on the L. from St. George's church, or the second on the R. west from Shadwell-church. Mercers-School, College-Hill, at 20, two or three doors on the L. from Cloak-lane towards Upper Thames-st. Mercers-Street, Long-Acre, -at 123, the first on the L. from St. Mar- tin's lane, it leads to Little White- lion-st. and Seven-Dials. Merchants-Buildings, Poplar, on the W. side the East-India Alms- houses, about \ of a mile on the R. down the East-India Dock- road from Limehouse. Merchants (Company of) trading to Africa, Bush-Lane, Cannon-St. - a door or two on the R. from 22, Cannon-st. under the gateway. Merchant-Seamen's-Offke,-over the S. side of the Royal -Exchange, entrance from Cornhill. Merchant -Taylors Alms - Houses, Princes-Street, Rosemary-Lane, about five doors from Sparrow- corner, near the Minories. Merchant - Taylors . Hall, at 32, Threadneedle-street, a few doors on the L. from 116, Bishopsgate- within. Mcrchant-Taylors-School, Suffolk- Lane, a hw yards on the R. from 151, Upper Thames-st. Merlin's Cave, Spa-Fields, in the fields between Clerkenwell and Pentonville, on the W. side the New-river- head. Merlin's-Mechanical-Museum, at 1 1 , Princes-st. Hanover-square, extending to 315, Oxford-stJ Merlin's Place, Spa - Fields. See Merlin's Cave. Merlin's Rents, Shoe-Lane,-r-at 50, on theS. side St. Andrew's church, Hoi born-hill. Mermaid- M Mermaid-Court, High-Street, Bo- rough, at 120, about | of a mile on the L. from St. Margaret's hill towards St. George's church. Mermaid-Row, Snow's Fields. See Ship and Mermaid-Row. Merret's Buildings, Peter -Street, Sun-Street, Bishopsgate, the first on the R. four or five doors from the S. side of Sun-st. Merton's Court, Ratcliffe-Highway,- at 198, W. end by the corner of Ship-alley, Wellclose-square. Mesnard's Wharf, Shad - Thames, Horselydown, on the W. side of St. Saviour's dock, about of a mile below London : bridge. Mestaer's Rents, Rotherhithe-St. about i a mile on the R. below the church. Mestaer's-Ship- Yard, Rotherhuhe,- 1 on the E. side of King and Queen-stairs, and op. the last de- scribed. Metcalf's Buildings, Phillips's Buildings, Walworth-Common,- at the back of Westmoreland-row, near the academy. Metcalf-Court, Essex-Street, Whirc- chapel, four doors on the L. from 197, We:.;wf rth-st. or from the Star public-house. Metcalf-Court, Jacob-Street, Dock- Head, the first on the R. a few doors from Mill-st. towards Ro- ther'r..*he. St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, at 44, seven or eight doors E. from Birchin-Ianc, it leads to George- yard and 56, Lombard-st. St. Michael's'Church, Cornhill, be- hind 44, on the S. 'ide. See St. Michael's Alley. St. Michael Bassishaw's Church, Basinghall-Street, about the mid- dle of the W. side, communicating with Aldermanbury at 19, by Church aliey. St. Michael's Church, Wood-Street, Chcapside, about eighteen or M twenty doors on theL. from 122, Cheap&ide. St. Michael's Church, Crooked- Lane,- four Boors on the L. from 49, Cannon-st. j St. Michael's Church , U pperThames- Street, at 200, about the middle of the N. side. St. Michael's Church. College-Hill,- about the middle of the K. side. Michael's Grove, Brompton High- Road, the fifth coach-turning on the L. about \ a mile from Knightsbridge. Michael's Place, Brompton, forms part of the L. side the High- road, about! a m ^ e from Knights- bridge. Middle-Row, Knightsbridge, part of the High-ioad, about \ a mile from Hyde-pajk-corner, at the commencement of the Brompton- road. Middle-Row, Holborn, a pile of houses which stand out in the street with the foot path behind them, op. Gray's-inn-lane, about \ of a mile on the L. from Fleet- market. Middle-Row, St. Giles's, about seven houses which stand out in the street from 37, Broad-st. to King- st. on the E. side the church. Middle-Row, Goswell-Street, a small part of the E. side, adjoin- ing the S. side of Old-st. Middle-Row-Place, Holborn, at 3 C 2G, High-Holborn on the W. side of Middle-row (late King's- head-court). Middle-btreet, Cloth Fair, the con- tinuation of it, entering by 60, on the E. side of West-bmithfield towards 126, Alder.sgate-M. Middle-Shadwell, the first S. pa- rallel to part of High-.>t. say from 76 to 87, it extends from Pope's hill to Broad- bridge. Middle - Turning, Shakespear's Walk, Shadwell, the fourth on the M the L. from High-st. entering by 4 'J, on the W. bide the church. Middlesex-Chapel, Hackney -Road, - about ^ of a mile on the R. from Shoredkch-church. Mid desex-Court, Drury-Lane, at 35, about six doors on theL. from Long- acre towards St. Giles's. Middlesex - Court, Bartholomew- Close, a narrow dark, passage be- hind 61, at the N.. K. corner, leading to Little Bartholomew- close. Middlesex-Hospital, Charles-Street, Mary bone, on the N. side, facing Bcrners-st. Oxford-st. Middlesex- Place, New -Road, Pad- dington or Lisson-Green, about % of a mile on the L. from Edgware-road and nearly op. the Yorkshire- stingo. Middlesex-Place, Hackney-Road, forms a part of the L. side byihe Axe public house, about -j of a mile from Shoreditch-church. Middlesex- Society 'sCharity -School, - at 18, Cannon -st. New- Road, St. George's in the East, nearly op. Lower Chapman- st. Middlesex-Street, Soramers-Town,- the first E. parallel to Ossulston- st. extending from Chapel-path to Hamden-st. Middlesex-Street, Aldgate, that end of Petticoat-lane which ad- joins 41, Aldgate High-st. Middlesex-Street (Little), Petticoat- Lane, is about twenty doors on the R. in the last described from 41, Aldgate High-st. Middlesex- Terrace, Hackney-Road, - forms part of the R. side by Mid- dlesex chapel, about of a mile from Shorealuch-church. Middleton's Buildings, Foley-Place or Queen-Ann-Street East,-at bl), S. side, about four doors on the L. from 87, Great Titchfield-st. Midford-Place, Tottenham-Court- Road, at 113.. between London- M st. andGrafton-st. about { a mile on the L. from Oxford-st. Midway- Place, Deptford Lower- Road, a few yards on the R. south of the Halfway-house to- wards Deptford. St. Mildred's Church, Bread-Street,- about twelve doors on the L. from 47, Cheapside, being the corner of Watling-st. St. Mildred's Church, Poultry, a few doors on the L. from the Old Jewry and nearly op. the Mansion-house. St. Mildred's Court, Poultry, on the E. side St. Mildred's church. Mile-End-Charity-School, Stepney- Green, about | of a mile on the R. from Mile-end- road towards Stepney-church. Mile-find-Corner, Dog-Row, Beth- nal-Green, a few doors on the L. from the turnpike Mile-end, towards Bethnal-green. Mile-End-Green, the first S. pa- rallel to part of Whitechapel-road, commencing near the S. E. corner of the London-hospital and ex- tending to Grove-place. Mile- End New-Town, a large dis- trict on the N. side of V\ hite- chapel-road, bounded on the N. by Bethnal-green and on the VV. by Spitalfields parishes. Mile-End Old- Town, a large dis- trict on the N. side the Commer- cial-road, extending VV. to White- chapel-church-yard. Mile-End-Rcad, the continuation of Whiteclupel-Road, commenc- ing at the turnpike, about a mile from Aldgate, and extending to Bow. Mile -End - Workhouse, Bcncroft's Place, Mile-End-Road, a few yards on the R. from op. Ben- croft's-alms-houses, about 1{ mile from Aldgate. Miles 's Lane, Upper Thames -Street,- at 130, a few doors on the R. front M M from London-bridge, it leads to Crooked-lane and 49, Cannon-st. Miles's or Meymott's Rents, Church- Street, Horselydown, the first on the L. a tew yards from the S. side of St. John's-church-yard. Miles's Rents, Long-Lane, Ber- mondsey, the first coach-turning On the L. about ^ of a mile from Rerrhondsey-church- yard. Milford-House-Academy, at 21, Canterbury - Row, Newington, about of a mile on the L. from Newington-church towards Ken- nington common. Milford-Lane, Strand, at 200, cp. St. Clement's church, under the archway, about ^ of a mile on the L. from Temple-bar. Milk- Alley, Wardour-Street, Soho,- at 62, about of a mile on the L. from 382, Oxford-st. it leads to Dean-st. Milk-Street, Cheapside, at 116, the fourth on the L. from St. Paul's-church-yard, it extends to Cateaton-st. Milk- Yard, Shadwell, is E. of or behind 133, New Gravel-lane, it extends towardsShakespear's walk. Millbank-Row, Westminster, the continuation of Millbank-st. by the side of the Thames, extending to the fields. Millbank-Stairs, Westminster, at the S. end of Millbank-st. op. theHorseferry-road, near { a mile above Westminster-bridge. Millbank-Street, Westminster, the continuation of Abingdon-st. from Old Palace-yard by the Abbey, it extends to the Horseferry-road. Millbank-Walk,-the continuation of Millbank-row, by the side of the Thames towards Chelsea. Mill's Buildings, KnightsbridgeHigh- Road, about | a mile on the R. from Hyde-park-corner, and nearly op. Brompton-road. Mill's Ccurt, Type-Street, Finsbury- Square, two doors on the R, from 21, Chiswell-st. towards Ropemakers-st. Mill's Court, Curtain-Road, Shore- ditch, the second on the R. from Old-st. road, and nearly op. Nor- folk-place. Mill's Court, Petticoat-Lane, Spi- talfields, the third on the L. a few doors from Widegate-street, Bishopsgate. Mill-Lane, Tooley-Street, at 55, the first open lane or street on the L. from London-bridge, it leads to Battle-bridge-stairs. Mill-Place,Commercial-Road, Lime- house, on the S. side near j of a mile W. from the church, it leads to Richardson's timber-yard and Risby's rope-walk. Mill-Stairs, Bermondsey or Rother- hithe-Wall, on the E. side of St. Saviour's dock, near % of a mile below London-bridge, and op. Hermitage-stairs. Mill-Street, Bermondsey or Dock- Head, the continuation of Dock- head, bearing to the L. on the E. side of St. Saviour's dock, it extends to Mill-stairs. Mill-Street, Lambeth-Walk, on the N. side the Windmill, leading to Pratt-st. Mill-Street, Maddox-Street, Hano- ver-Square, at 19, behind St. George's church, intersecting Con- duit-st. at 15. Millwall, Poplar, the bank of the Thames, below Limehouse-holc and the entrance to the West- India- docks towards Blackwall. Mill-Wharf, Bermondsey or Rother- hi the- Wall, on the E. side of Mill-stairs and St. Saviour's deck, about of a mile below London- bridge. Mill's Yard, Great Peter-Street, Westminster ,-at theW. end of it, nearly op. the Gray-coat-school. Mill- Yard, Lemon Street, Good- M man's Fields, behind SI, on the R. it leads to 80, Cable-st. Mill-Hill-Mews, Wimpole-Street, Marybone, at 9\, five or six doors from Oxford-chapel or from Henrietta-st. Mill-Pond-Bridge, Rotherhithe, the first on the L. in West-lane from the Thames near Cherry- garden-stairs, it leads to Paradise- street. Mill -Pond-Row, Rotherhithe, on the W. side of the Mill-pond, ex- tending from Mill-pond-bridge towards the Blue-anchor-road. Mill-Pond-Street, Bermondsey or Rotherhithe the E. continuation of Jamaica-row, leading to Mill- pond-row and bridge. Millard's Court, Duke's Court, Chick-Lane, the first on the L. a few doors from Chick-lane. Miller's Court, Aldermanbury, at 36, five or six doors on the L. from London-wall. Miller's Rents, East-Street, Wal- worth, the first on the R. a few yards from Walworth High-st. or road. Miller's Wharf, Lower East-Smith- field, on the W. side of Parson's stairs, and E. side the Leith and Berwick-wharf, about | of a mile below the Tower. Millman - Mews, New Millman- Street, six doors on the R. from Great Guilford-st. Millman-Place, Great James-Street, Bed ford- Row, the last on the R. from Bedford-row, and nearly op. the chapel. Millman-Street. Great James-Street, Bedford-Row, the N. continua- tion of it, extending from Chapel- st. to Long's yard. Millman-Street -(New), Great Guil- ford-Street, Foundling-Hospital, - at 1G, the second street on the L. from Gray's-inn-lane. Mincing- Lane, Fenchurch-Stfeet, M at 43, the third street on the R. from Gracechurch-st. it extends to 82, Great Tower-st. Minor - Place, King - Street, St. George's Fields, the last on the L. from Belvedere-buildings on the W, side the King's Bench. Minord-Court, Anchor and Hope- Alley, Wapping, at 13, about six doors on the R. from the London-docks- wall. Minories, op. Aldgate - church, where the numbers begin and end, viz 1 and 159, it extends to Tower- hill. Minories ( Little). See Church-Street. Mint (New), Tower-Hill, the large new building on the E. side of Little Tower-hill by Viclual- ing-office-square. Mint, Borough, (a mart for hou e- hold-goods) at the S. end of Red- cross-st. and the W. end of Mint- street. Mint-Square, Borough, the centre of the said market. See the last article. Mint-Street, Borough, op. St. George's church, near | a mile on the R. from London- bridge, leading to the Mint. Mirror of the Times Newspaper- Office, a few dcors on the L. in Hind-court from 147, Fleet-st. and facing Gough-square. Mitcham-Street, Lisson-Green, the first on the R. in Lisson-st. from Chapel-st. towards Bell-st. Pad- dington. Mitchell-Court, Mitchell-Street, St. Luke's, at the W. end of the said street by Brick-lane. Mitchell-Street, Brick-lane, Old- Street, St. Luke's, at Gl, the first on the R. from 113, Old-st. it leads by the N. side of the church to Old-st. square. Mitre-Buildings, Temple, -the S. end of Mitre-Court from 41. Fleet-st. Mitre-Buildings, Three Colt-Street, Limehouse, M JLimehouse,' about the middle of the W. side, leading to Church- row. Mitre-Court, Fleet-Street, at 11, being that number of houses on the R. from Temple-bar, it leads to- Mitre-buildings and King's- Bench-walk. Mitre - Court, St. PaulVChurch- Yard, at 71, a few doors on the L. from Ludgate st. leading into London-house-yard. Mitre-Court, Hatton-Garden,-eight doors on the R. from Holborn- hill, leading to Ely-place. Mitre - Court, St. John - Street, Clerkenwell, at 1-13, near | of a mile on the R. from West-Smith- field. Mitre and Hat-Court, St. John- Street, Clerkenwell, -at 1.50, about six doors N. from the last. Mitre -Court, Cheapside, at 18, about that number of houses on the R. from St. Paul's-church- yard. Mitre-Court, Milk-Street, Cheap- side, at 31, about five doors on the L. from 116, Cheapside. Mitre-Court, Fenchurch-Street, at 20, being that number of houses on the R. from Gracechurch-st. Mitre-Court, Aldgate, at 29, the first on the L. a few doors from Leadenhall-st. it leads to Duke's place. Mitre-Court, Mint-Street, Borough, - op. Redcross-st. or the third on the L. from op. St. George's church. Modiford's Court, Fenchurch->t. at 10, three doors W. from Mincing-lane. Moffat's Court, Gascoigne-Place, Crabtree-Row, Hackney-Road, is about the middle of the W. side. Moffat Street, City-Road, the con- tinuation of Trafalgar-st. entering op. Fountain place, near \ a mile on theR. from Finsbury-square. M Molton-Stfeet. See South-Mokon. Mclyneux - Street, Queen - Street, Edgware-Rond, the third on the L. about | of a miie from 61, Edgware-road, it extends to John- street. Monday-Court, Carnaby-Market, " at the N. E. corner, about eighteen doors on the R. from the W. end of Broad- st. Money - Bag - Alley, Blue- Anchor- Yard, Rosemary-Lane,-the second on the L. a few doors from 48, Ro c emary-lane. Monkwell-Buildings, Coffee House- Walk, Hoxton, a few doors on the L. from op. Renton's gardens towards the Bacchus Coffee-house. Monkwell-Streer, Falcon-Square, near the N. E. corner, about thirteen doors on the R. in Silver- street from 81, Wood-st. Morimouth-Court,Whitcomb-Street, Chafing-Cross, the second on the R. a few doors from Cock- spur-st. Monmouth-Court, Monmouth-St. St. Giles's, -at?, fourdoors from Great White-Lion-st. Monmouth-Place, Walworth-Com- mon, on the W. side of Surrey- square, Kent-road. Monmouth-Street, Broad-Street, St. Giles's, the second on the R. a few doors from the church to- wards Holborn, it extends to Moor-st. Monmouth - Street, Shadwell, the first S. parallel to part of Shadwell High-st. say from 57 to 75, it ex- tends from Shadwell- market to Pope's hill. Monster-Row, Neat Houses, Chel- sea, the continuation of George's row to the Monster public- house, entering by the bridge at Pimlico. Montague - Close, Borough, be- tween St. Saviour's church and the Thames, entrance by Pepper-allc\ . near London- bridge. Montague- M Montague-Court, Little-Britain, the last on the R. from Aldersgate- street, and op. the entrance to St. Bartholomew's hospital. Montague - Court (Little), Little- Britain, about twelve or fourteen doors from the last described to- wards Aldersgate-st. Montague-Court, George and Ca- therine-Wheel- Yard, Bishopsgate- Withoutj- entrance by 94,Bishops- gate-st. Montague-Court (Old), Old Mon- tague-Street, Whitechapel, ad- joins the E. corner of Black- lion-court, entering by 38, White- chapel-road. Montague-Mews West, George-St. Portman-Square, behind the W. side of Montague-square. Montague-Mews,, Montague-Place, Portman-Square, the first on the R. from the W. end of Dorset-st. it extends to Durweston-st. Montague Mews, Montague-Street, Russell-Square, the first on the R. from 86, Great Russell-st. to- wards the said square. Montague- Place, Gloucester- Place, Portman-Square, at 24, the second on the L. from the N. W. corner of Portman-square, being the W. continuation of Dorset-st. Montague-Place, Bedford-Square, at the N. E. corner, extending to 37, Russell-square. Montague-Square, Marybone, op. the N. end of Montague-st. from Quebec-st. entering by 236, Ox- ford-street. Montague - Street, Cumberland. Place, the continuation of Que- bec-st, entering by 236, Oxford- st. it extends to Montague-square. Montague-Street, Russell-Square, at 43, the S. W. corner, it ex- tends to op. 63, Gfeat Russell-st. Montague-Street, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, at 55 on the E. side, op. Brown's lane, leading into Well-st. M Montague-Street (Old), Whitecha- pel, the first on the R. along Osborn-st. from 74, nearly op. the church. Montague-Street, Wentworth-Street, Spitalfields, the second on the L. a few doors from Petticoat- lane, it leads to Cox's square. MontpelierTea-Gardens,Walworth,- is about | of a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle along the High-road to Camberwell. Monument- Yard, Fish-Street-Hill,- the open space by the Monument near London-bridge. Moody's Gardens, Great Peter- Street, Westminster. See Adam- a-Digging-Gardens. Moon- Alley or Street, Bishopsgate- Without, at 103, by Norton- Falgate, about ten doors N. of Primrose-st. Moon- Rakers-Alley, Great Suffolk- Street, Mint, the last on the R. about I of a mile from 80, Black- man-st. near Gravel-lane. Moorfields, on the N. side of London- wall, extending towards Finsbury-square. Moorfields (Little), Fore - Street, Cripplegate, the first parallel to the W, side of Moorfields, ex- tending from 6 1, Fore-st, to Rope- makers'-st. Moorfields (Little), Broker-Row, the S. end of it, connecting the S. E. corner of Moorfields with London- wall. Moorfields (Upper), Wilson-Street, - a part of the said street nearly op. Finsbury-square. Moor-Lane, Fore-Street, Cripple- gate, at 87, nearly op. Basing- hall-st. it leads to White-sf. Moor-Place, Lambeth, is near -| of a mile on the L. from Westminster- bridge towards Vauxhall, forming part of the E. side the road, be- tween Woolsingham-place and Walcot- place. F f Moor- M Moor- Place (Little), Lambeth, be- tween the S. end of the last de- scribed and the corner of Brook-st. Moor-Square, Moor-Lane, Cripple- gate, the second on the L. about twelve doors from 87, Fore-st. Moor-Street, Soho or Seven- Dials, the continuation of Little Earl-st. from the Seven-dials to Little Compton-st. and 22, Greek-st. Moore's Alley, Long-Alley, Moor- fields. See Moore's Gardens. Moore's Court, Batchelor- Place, Pen- tonville, the first on the L. from the Maidenhead public - house, Battle-bridge, towards Islington. Moore's Court, Old FLsh-Street, at 3, nearly op. the Old-change. Moore's Court, Essex-Street, White- chapel, the third on the L. from 105, Whitechapel High-st. Moore's Gardens, Long - Alley, Moorfields, the second on the L. a few doors from Worship-.it. towards Moorfields. Moore's Place, Long- Alley. See the last article. Moore-Street, Queen-Street, Edg- ware-Road, the first S. parallel to it, about - of a mile on the R. from Tyburn-turnpike. Moore's Yard, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 23, a few doors N. from the church, it leads to Church-lane. Moore's Yard, King-Street, St. J a r--.es 's, the second on the L. a few doors from the W. bide of St. James's square. Moore's Yard, Fashion-Street, Spi. talfield?, the third on the R. from 196, Brick-lane. Mop-Spinners Court, Chick-Lane, West-Smithfield, the first on the L. in Duke's court, from the said lane towards Cow-cross. Morden - Court, Upper - Turning. Shndwell, between 55, Shake- spear's walk and 20, GreatSpring- street. M Morgan's Lane, Tooley-Street, at 79, the second open street or lane on the L. about of a mile from London-bridge. Morgan-Street, Commercial-Road,- the second on the L. a few doors from Cannon-street-road towards Whitechapel. Morning- Advertiser Newspaper-Of- fice, at ll,Catherine-st. Strand, about ten doors on the R. from 342, in the Strand. Morning-Chronicle Newspaper-Of- fice, at 143, Strand, nearly op. Catherine-st. about \ of a mile on the L. from Temple-bar. Morning-Herald Newspaper-Office,- at 18, Catherine-st. two or three doors on the R. from 3 12, in the Strand. Morning-Post Newspaper-Office, at 335, Strand, nearly op. Somer- set-house, about -j of a mile on the R. from Temple-bar. Morris's Causeway, Narrow-Wall, Lambeth, on the E. side of the Patent-shot-manufaftory, near -j- of a mile above Blackfriars-bridge. Morris's Court, New-Square or Lane, Horselydown, the first on the R. a few doors from 102, Shad- Thames. Morris's Walk, Castle-Lane, Bo- rough, the first coach-turning on the L. from Castle-st. towards Maid-lane. Mortimer - Market, Tottenham- Court-Road, is op. 103, near Howland-st. about \ a mile on the R. from Oxford-st. Mortimer-Street, Cavendish-Square, - at the N. E. corner, extending to 49, Wells-st. Morton-Street, Newington-Cause- way, the first on the L. near of a mile from the Elephant and Castle towards the Borough, it leads to St. George's market. Mosley-Place, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, at 204, the third on the L. about M L. about y of a mile from op. the church, Whitechapel. Moss's Alley, Bankside, South wark,- about twenty doors W. from Thames-st. it leads to Maid-lane nearly op. Great Guildford-st. Moss's Court, Queen-Street, Bo- rough, at 102, the first on the L. two or three doors from Union- street. Motley-Court, Motley-Street, Cur- tain-Road, at 10, on the S. side, it leads to 21, Chapel-st. Motley-Street, Curtain-Road, Shore- ditch, the second on the L. about | of a mile from Worship- st. it extends to Phipps-st. Mouldmnkers - Row, Foster-Lane, Cheapside, entrance by the first on the L. about eight dcors from 148, Cheapside. Mount, Kent-Street, Borough, en- trance by 28-1 and 298, being a few doors on the R. from St. George's church. Mount-Court, Harrow-Alley, Gra- vel-Lane, Houndsditch, the first on the R. from Gravel-lane to- wards the middle of Petticoat- lane. Mount - Gardens, Westminster - bridge- Road,Lambeth, -the second on the R. from the Marsh-gate towards the Asylum. Mount's Gateway, Butcher-Row, Upper East-Smithficld, the first on the R. a few doors from Upper East-Smithfield, it leads to Great Garden. st. Mount- Place, Whitechapel -Road, forms part of the R. side, about | of a mile from the church, it extends from Cannon-street-road, to the London hospital. Mount-Place or Row, Gibraltar- Row, St. George's Fields, at 28, about i of a mile on the L. from Prospect-place. Mount-Place, Walworth, on the E. side the High-st. or road, nearly M op. the Montpelier-gardens, about | of a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Mount-Pleasant, Gray's-Inn-Lane,- theE. end of Elm-st. from 86, Gray's - inn - lane leading into Baynes-row. Mount- Pleasant, City-Road, the first on the L. in East-row, nearly op.Winckworth's Buildings about \ a mile N. from Finsbury-sq. Mount-Pleasant, Stepney, a few houses on the L. in York-place from the World'sEnd public-house, towards Mile -end. Mount;- Row,Dav ies-Street,Berkeley- Square, at 22, about seven doors on the L. from the N. W. corner of the said square. Mount-Row, Winckworth's Build- ings, City-Road, is behind the houses which form East-row, op. Winckworth's Buildings, near \ a mile N. from Finsbury-square. Mount-Row, Kent-Road, forms part of the N. side, between the Bricklayers-arms and the Paragon. Mount- Row, Bridge-Road, Lam- beth, forms part of the L. side, about \ of a mile from Westmin- ster-bridge, it extends from the Marsh-gate to Oakley-st. Mount-Street, Berkeley- Square, at the N. W. corner where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 128, it extends to Park-lane, about j of a mile in length. Mount-Street, Bethnal-Green, the continuation of Rose-st. entering by 45, Church-st. nearly # op. Brick-lane, it leads to Virginia-st, or row, behind Shoreditch-church. Mount-Street, Whitechapel-Road ,- about | of a mile below the church, being the first on the L. in Cannon-st. road, and behind Mount-place. Mount-Street, Whitechapel-Road,- at 206, on the E. side the Lon- doa- M at 10, about the middle of the W. side, or the third on the R. from 10, Lombard-st. New-Court, Throgmorton-Street, about six doors on the R. from the Bank of England towards Old Broad-st. New-Court, Old Broad-Street, at .7, the third on the R. from the Royal-Exchange. New - Court, Long - Alley, Moor- fields, four doors on the L. from the N. side of Moorfields. New - Court, Long - Alley, Moor- fields, a few yards on the L. from Worship-st. towards Moor- fields. New - Court, Crown - Street, Fins- bury, N bury, on the W. side of Max- well-Court, being the second on the L. from Wilson st. New-Court, Holywell-lane, Shore- ditch, at 18, being the fourth on the R. from 194, Shoreditch High-st. Kew-Court, Holywell-Lane, Shore- ditch, at 48, nearly op. the last described. New-Court, Acorn- Alley, Bishops- gate, the first on the L. from 1 24, Bishopsgate-without, near Skin- ner-st. New- Court, Hackney-Road, the second on the R . a few doors from Shoreditch-church. New-Court, Church-Street, Bethnal- Green, at 49, nearly op. Brick- lane, about of a mile on the L. from 65, Shoreditch. New-Court, Dorset- Street, Spital- fields, about the middle of the N. side, viz. between Crispin-st. and Red-Lion-st. New-Court, Brown's Lane, Spital- fields, at 34, the second on the L. about eight doors E. from v Red-lion-st. New - Court, Great Pearl - Street, Spitalfields, at 34, about four doors on the L. from 20, Wheeler- street. New-Court, Quaker-Street, Spital- fields, the second on the R. about twelve doors from 29, Wheeler- st. New-Court, Fashion-Street, Spital- fields, the second on the L. about twenty doors from 194, Brick-lane. New-Court, Wentworth-Street, Spi- talfields, about seven doors on the L. from Petticoat-lane. New - Court, King - Street, Cree- church-Lane, the secrnd on the R. a few doors from 87, Leaden- hall-st. it leads to Little Duke's place. New-Court, Crutched-Friars,-at 45, N a few doors on the L. from 64* Mark-lane and nearly op. Savage- gardens. New-Court, Well- Yard, Goodman's Fields,-the continuation of Well- yard, on the R. entering by 82, Lemon-st. New-Court, St. Catherine's Square,- at the N. W. corner of the square, entering by 41, St. Catherine's st. New-Court, Nightingale-Lane, at 43, being the first en the L. from the entrance to the London-docks. New-Court, Upper Chapman-Street, St. George's in the East, the se- cond on the L. a few doors from ' Cannon-st reet-road. New - Court, Frying - Pan - Alley, Petticoat-Lane, about five doors on the R. from Petticoat-lane, near Widegate-st. New-Court, George- Yard, White- chapel, the second on the L. from 88, Whitechapel High-st. New-Court, New-Street, Mile-End Old-Town,- the first on the R. from Fieldgate-st. Whitechapel- road. New-Court, Bethnal- Green, a few doors on the L. from the N. W. corner of the Green, and nearly op. Patriot-square. New - Court, Three Colt - Street, Limehouse, at 14, about the middle of the E. side, it is also called Three Colt-Court. New-Court, High-Street, Newing- ton, a few doors on the L. from the church towards Kennington, it leads into Frederick's Place. New- Court, Tooley-Street, South- wark, at 2 32, a few doors on the R. from London-bridge. New-Court, High-Street, Borough,- at 1 55, on the N. side St. George's church. New-Court,White-Strcet,Borough,- at 17, the third on the L. from St. George's church, towards Long- lane, Bermondsey. New- N New-Court, Castle-Lane, Borough,- about eight doors on the L. from Caitle-bt. towards Maid-lane. New-Crane-Stairs and Dock, Wap- ping-Sirecr,-.- at 198, or the bot- tom of New Gravel-lane, from 22, Shadwell High-st. about 1| mile below London. bridge, and op. Hanover-stairs, Rotherhithe. New - Cut, Church - Lane, Lime- home, a few doors on the L. from 70, Ropemakers-fields, lead- ing to the Barge-river and the Drawbridge in Narrow-st. New-Cut, Lambeth-Marsh, the continuation of Charlotte-st. op. Surrey-chapel, Blackfriars-road, to the Marsh-gate. New-England Coffee- House, at 82, Old Broad-st. about twelve doors on the L. from the S. E. corner of the Bank of England. New-Grove, Mile-End-Road, be- tween the Plough and Thompson's nursery, about 2^ miles on the R. from Aldgate. New - Inn, Wych - Street, Drury- Lane, a few doors on the R. from St. Clement's church in the Strand, it leads to St. Clement's Inn and Clare-market. New-Inn, Old-Bailey, behind 51, op. the Sessions-house. New - Inn - Buildings, Wych-Street, Drury.Lane,- a few doors on the R. from St. Clement's church in the Strand, leading to New-inn. New -Inn-Passage, Haughton-Street, Clare - Market, at 21, about seven doprs on the R. from New- castle-Street, Strand, leading into New-inn. New - Inn - Yard, Shoreditch High- Street, at 170, by the turnpike, the third on the R. from the church towards Bishopsgate. New-Inn-Square, Batcman's Row, Shoreditch, the second on the L. a few doors from 159, Shoreditch High-st. N New -'Inn - Street , New - Inn - Yard, Shoreditgh, the second on the R. from 17G, Shoreditch High-st. extending to Bateman's row. New-Lane, Shad-Thames, Hone- lydown, at 102, op. Horsely- down New-stairs, it extends tp 32, Gainsford-st. New-Place, Poplar High-Street,' forms part of the R. side, about \ a mile from the Commercial, road, being the first row below the Terrace. New-Prison, Clerkenwcll, face$ the N. end of St. James's Place from Aylesbury-st. New-Rents, St. Martin's. le-G rand, - at 35, two or three doors on the R. from 66, Newgate-st. New-River- Head, Spa-Fields,-about | of a mile N. from Spa-fields, chapel, and on the W. side of Sadler's Wells. New -River -Office, Whitefriars, is facing the S. end of Dorset-st. from Salisbury-square, entering by 82, Fleet-st.. New-Road, Mary bone, commences at 82, Edg ware. road, about \ a mile on the R. from Tyburn- turnpike, or is the E. continuation pfChapel-st.Lisson-green, leading to Sommers - town, Pentonville, and Islington. New-Road, Hans- Town, the first W. parallel to Sloane-st. com- mencing near Knightsbridge, and extending to Sloarie-Square. New- Road, St. George's in the East, the continuation of Cable- street, being the first north parallel to part of Ratcliffe-high- way. ^Jew-Road, Cannon-Street or Can- non-Street-Road, St, George's in the East, the N, continuation of Cannon-st, to 210, Whitechapel- road. New. Road, Dock-Head or Bermond- sey. See Parker's Row. G g New- N New-Road, Bermondsey. See Ber- mondsey New.Road. New-Row, Kennington-Common, a few small houses by the foot- path which leads from the E. side of the Common towards Camber- well. New-Square, Orchard-Street, West- minster, at 38, the second on the L. a few doors from Dean-st. New-Square, Lincoln's-Inn. See Lincoln's-Inn New-Square. New-Square, Minories, behind 130, about the middle of the W. side, leading to Vine-st. on the R. and to John-st. on the left. New-Square, Stepney. See Trafal- gar-Square. New - Square, New - Lane, Shad- Thames, is the broadest part of the said Lane, near 102, Shad- Thames. New - Street, Brcmpton or Hans- Town, the first street on the L. from Knightsbridge along Bromp- ton High-st. or road, it leads to Exeter-st. New-Street, Broad-Street, Carnaby- Market or Golden-Square, at . 46, nearly op. Poland-st. from 365, Oxford-street. New-Street, Spring-Gardens, Cha- ring-CrOiS, entrance by 52, Charing-cross, bearing to the L. *a few yards and then to the R. leading to St. James's Park. New-Street, Covent-Garden, the continuation of King-st. extending to 57, St. Martin's lane. New - Street, Baker - Street North, Marybone, op. 15, about ten doors on the L. from the New- Road, it leads to Park-st. New-Street, Dyot-Street, St. Giles's,- four doors on the K. from 2K, Great Russell-st. leading into Bainbridge-st. New-Street (Great), Fetter-Lane, the first on the L. in We^t-Hard- ing-st. from 20, Fetter-lane. N New-Street (Little), Shoe-Lane, at 89, the first street on the L. from 130, Fleet.st. leading to Middle New-st. New-Street (Middle), Great New- Street, Fetter-Lane, at 14, on the E. side, leading to Little New-st. and 89, Shoe-lane. New-Street-Hill, Little New-Street, Shoe-Lane, the first on the L. a few yards from 89, Shoe-lane. New-Street-Square, Great New-St. Fetter-Lane, is op. Dean-st. from 43, Fetter-lane, leading to Little New-st.. New-Street, Blackfriars, the con- tinuation of Creed-lane, entering by 14, Ludgaie-st. it leads to Ireland -yard and St. Andrew's hill. New-Street, Old-Street, St.Luke's,- at 91, the second E. from the church, it extends to Richmond- street. New-Street, Aldersgate-Street, at 126, the first on the R. about ten doors from Long-lane, towards St. Martin's-le-Grand, it leads to Cloth- fair. New-Street, Bowling-Street, Clerk- enwell, a few yards on the L. from Turnmill-st. it. leads into Peter-st. New-Street, City-Road, about | a mile on the L. from Finsbury-sq. extending from Upper Fountain- place to RatclifFe-row. New-Street, St. Mary-Axe, the continuation of St. Mary-Axe, frcmCamomile-st. to 55, Hounds- ditch (also called New St. Mary- Axe). New-Street, BLshopsgate-Street, at 30, the second on the R. north from the church, it leads to the India-Company's warehouse. New-Street, Gibraltar-Fields, Beth- nal-Green, the first E. parallel to part of Turk st. extending from Duke-st. towards Virginia- st. New- N New- S treet, Fiel dgate- Street, White- chapel or Mile-End Old-Town,- at 21, about ten doors on the R. from 266, Whitechapel-road. New-Street, St. Catherine's, the continuation of St. Catherine's lane, entering by 50, Upper East-Smithfield to St. Catherine's square. New-Street, Lower East Smithfield,- at G6, a few doors on the R. from Butcher-row, leading into the last described. New-Street, Shadwell-Market, at theS. E. corner, entering by 67, Shadwell High-st. and extending to Shadwell-dock. New-Street, Princes-Street, Lam- beth, the first on the L. a few yards from Vauxhall-row, or from Glasshouse-st. leading to Fore-st. New-Street, Great Cuildford-Street, Borough, the third on the R. a few doors from 35, Queen-st. New-Street, Maze-Pond, Borough, the continuation of Joiner-st. en- tering by 241, Tooley-st. or at the E. end of St. Thomas's st. on the right. New-Street, Blackfriars-Road or St. George's Fields, the last on the L. from Blackfriars-bridge and facing the Obelisk, it leads to Pearl-row and Dover-st. New-Street (Little), Borough-Road, St. George's Fields, the second on the R. from Stones-end to- wards the Obelisk, extending to the King's Bench. New-Street, Newington or Kenning- ton High Road, op. the 2 mile- stone from Cornhill, about | of a mile on the L. from Newington- cl.urch. New-Street, Kent-Read or Wal- worth,-on the W. side of Union- row, entrance the third on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. New-Street, East-Lane, Walworth,- is the N. parallel to part of it, be- N ing the first on the R. in Camden- st. from the chapel in East-lane. New-Street, Dock-Head, Horsely- down, the E. continuation of Fair-st. and of Free-School-st. to Russell-st, and Dock-Head. New-Street, Adam-Street, . Rother- hithe, at 76, about the middle of the N. side. New-Street, Neptune-Street,Rother- hithe, the third on the L. from Elephant-lane, three or four doors S. from Albion-st. New - Terrace, Tabernacle - Walk, Moorfields, the row of houses on the W. side the Tabernacle. New- Walk, Shad-Thames, Horsely- down, the first on the L. from Dockhead, it extends to Thomas- street. New-Way, Orchard-Street, West- minster, about twelve doors on the R. from Dean-st. extending to the Great Almonry. New- Way, Maze, Borough, at 30, the first on the R. from 196, Tooley-st. leading to Broadway and St. Thomas's street. New-Wharf, Limehouse-Hole, be- tween Limehouse-hole-stairs and the entrance to the West-India- docks. New - Yard, Great Queen - Street, Lincoln's - Inn - Fields, at 55, about twenty-two doors on the L. from the N. W. corner of Lin- coln's-inn-fields. Newby's Place, Poplar High-Street or Road, about ^ of a mile on the L. from the Commercial-road and near the Green-dragon. Newcastle-Court, Strand, a kw doors on the R. from Temple-bar, towards St. Clement's church, it leads to Old Boswell-court. Newcastle-Court, College-Hill, Up- per Thames-St. about five doors on the R. from Cloak-lane or from Great St. Thomas Apostles, Newcastle - Place, Clerkenwell- Close N Close, forms part of the R. side, from Clerkenwell-green and nearly adjoins the \V. side of the church. Newcastle- Place, Mile- End, about ten doors on the R. east of the turnpike, extending to Grove- place. Newcastle-Row.ClerkenWell-CIose,- on the E. side of Newcastle- place. Newcastle-Street, Strand, at 30?}, by the New-church, it leads to Stanhope-st. Clare-market. Newcastle - Street, Clerkenwell- Close, the first on the R. in St. James's st. entering by St. James's place, E. side the church. Newgate - Market, entrance by Rose-st. from 20, Newgate-st. or by Paved-alley from 30, Pa- terno ter-row. Newgate- Prison, Old-Bailey, at the N. end of it, adjoining New- gate-st. Newgate-Street, the W. continu- ation of Cheapside on the R. ex- tending to the Old- Bailey and to Snow-hill. Newington - Butts, Newington, Surrey, there is no particular pile of buildings distinguished by this name, but the neighbourhood about the Elephant and Castle is so called. Newingtnn-Cau'-eway, commences at Stones-end by the King's Bench, and extends to the Elephant and Castle. Newington-Road, the same as the last article, but generally the buildings on the R. from the King's Bench are distinguished by this name. Newington - Place, Newington, Surrey, forms part of the K. side the High-road, op. the 2 mile- stone from Cornhill, extending to Kenningtm-Common. Newington - Terrace, Newington, Surrey i the N. E. corner of N Kennington - common, nearly facing the Horns Tavern. Newly's Court, Pleasant - Row, Mile- End New-Town, -the fourth on the R. from Pelham-st. en- tering by 60, Brick-lane, Spital- fields. Newman's Mews, Castle - Street, Oxford- Street, at 71, three doors on the L. from 8 1 , New- man-st. Newman's Passage, Newman-St. at 26, about that number of doors on the R. from 39, Oxford-st. it leads to Upper Rathbone-place. Newman's Row, Lincoln's - Inn- Fields, at theN. E. corner, about six houses on the L. towards Great Turnstile. Newman's Row, Bermond:-cy-St. at 117, the second on the R. from the church towards Tooley-st. Newman-Street, Oxford-Street, at 39, near i of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, it extends to Charles-st. Middlesex-hospital. Newman's Yard, Newman-Street, Oxford -Street, ten doors on the R. from 39, Oxford-st. Newmarket-Street, VVapping-St. . at 157, about | of a mile on the L. east from the church, being the continuation of Old Gravel-lane from 65, Ratcliffe-highway. Newmarket - Terrace, Cambridge- Heath, Hackney-Road, forms part of the E. side, op. Heath- place, being the first row on the R. from the turnpike towards Hackney. Newnham-Place, Bishopsgite-With- out, at 134, about ten doors on the L. north of Sun-st. Ncwnham -Street, Edgware-Road, is parallel to part of the said road, say from 60 to 78, or the first on the L. in Queen-st. extending to John-st. Newport-Market, Great Newport- Street, by the W. end of it, near N near Long-acre and St. Martin's lane. Newport-Street (Great), St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, the last on the L. near -j of a mile from Charing cross and op. Long-acre. Newport-Street (Little), the W. continuation of the last described, bearing to the L. it extends from Castle-st. to Grafton-st. Newport's Yard, Old-Street, St. Luke's, nearly op. 77, being the first on the L. from Bunhill-row towards Goswell-st. News Newspaper-Office, at 28, Brydges-st. about twelve doors on the R. from 342, in the Strand, along Catherine-st. Newton-Court, Strand, behind 43G, leading from Old Round- Court to Vine-st. Newton-Street, High-Holborn, at 207, about | of a mile on the L. from Fleet-market, it leads to Charles-st. and 174, Drury-lane. St. Nieholas-Church, Old Fish- Street, about five doors on the R. east from the Old-Change, being the corner of Old Fish- street-hill. St. Nicholas-Church-Yard, Bread- Street-Hill, Upper Thames-St. - about ten doors on the L. from 201, Upper Thames-st. leading to Old Fish-street-hill. Nicholas-Lane, Lombard-Street, at 24, the third on the R. from the Mansion-house, it extends to CO, Cannon-st. Nicol's Court, Rosemary-Lane, at 88, nearly op. Dock-st. about thirteen doors W. of White-lion- street. Nicol's Row, Church- Street, Beth- nal-Green, at 30, about of a mile on the L. from 65,Shoreditch. Nicol's Square, Cripplegate, at the N. end of Castle-st. from Falcon- square, or the S. end of Well-st, from 21, Jewin-st. N Nicol-Street(Old), Bethnal-Green, the first N. parallel to part of Church-st. being the first on the R. in Cock-lane. Nicol-Street(New), Bethnal-Green,- the first N. parallel to the last described, or the second on the R, in Cock-lane. Nicol-Street (Hall), Bethnal-Green,- the third onthe R. in Cock-lane, from behind 65, Shoreditch. Night-Lane, St. Luke's the con- tinuation of Brick-lane, entering by 113, Old-street. Nightingale - Court, Swan - Alley, Upper East-Smithfield, a few- yards on the R. from behind 102, Upper East - Smithfield, near Nightingale-lane. Nightingale-Court, Swan-Street or Alley, Nightingale-Lane, behind the houses in Nightingale - lane, which adjoin Upper East-Smith- field. Nightingale - Lane, Upper East- Smithfield, at 110, facing the entrance to the London Docks, it leads to Hermitage-bridge. Nightingale - Lane, Fore - Street, Limehouse, at 60, by the W. end of Ropemakers-fields. Nile - Place, Weymouth - Street, Kent-Road, the first on the R. a few doors from Brighton-place, near the Elephant and Castle. Nine.Elms, Vauxhall or Battersea- Fields, the first on the R. about | of a mile from Vauxhall-turn- pike towards Wandiworth, and op. the 3 mile-stone. Nixon - Square, Crescent, Jewin- Street, Cripplegate, on the W. side, and behind the houses which form the N. side of Jewin-st. Nixon's Yard, Princes-Street, Pirn- lico. See Princes-Court. No Name-Court, Bedfordbury, at 26, about three doors on the L. from New-st. St. Martin's lane. Noah's -Ark- Alley, Queen-Street, Ratcliffe, N Close, forms part of the R. side, fromClerkenwell-green and nearly adjoins the W. side of the church. Newcastle- Place, Mile- End , about ten doors on the R. east of the tnrtipike, extending to Grove- place. Newcastle-Row.CIerkenWell-Close,- on the E. side of Newcastle- place. Newcastle-Street, Strand, at 309, by the New-church, it leads to Sfanhope-st. Clare-market, Newcastle - Street, Clerkenwell- Close, the fir.t on the R. in St. James's st. entering by St. James's place, E. side the church. Newgate - Market, entrance by Rose-st. from 20, Newgate-st. or by Paved-alley from 30, Pa- terno ter-row. Newgate- Prison, Old-Bailey, at the N, end of it, adjoining New- gate-st. Newgate-Street, the W, continu- ation of Cheapside on the R. ex- tending tj the Old-Bailey and to Snow-hill. Newington - Butts, Newington, Surrey, there is no particular pile of buildings distinguished by this name, but the neighbourhood about the Elephant and Castle is so called. Newingtnft-Causeway, - commences at Stones-end by the King's Bench, and extends to the Elephant and Castle. Newington-Road, the same as the last article, but generally the buildings on the R. from the King's Bench are distinguished by this name. Newington - Place, Newington, Surrcv, forms part of the E. side the High-road, op. the 2 mile- stone from Cornhill, extending to Kenningtm-Common. Newington - Terrace, Newington, Surrey, the N. E. comer of N Kenntngton - common, nearly facing the Horns Tavern. Newly's Court, Pleasant - Row, Mile- End New-Town,-the fourth on the R. from Pelham-st. en- tering by 60, Brick-lane, Spital- fields. Newman's Mews, Castle - Street, Oxford- Street, at 74, three doors on the L. from 81, New- man-st. Newman's Passage, Newman-St. at 26, about that number of doors on the R. from 39, Oxford-st. it leads to Upper Rathbone-place. Newman's Row, Lincoln's - Inn- Fields, at the N.E. corner, about six houses on the L. towards Great Turnstile. Newman's Row, Bermondsey-St. at 117, r. or the second on the L. from '29, Ludgate-st. along Ave-Maria-lane. Oxford - Arms - Passage, Warwick- Lane, between the Inn-yard and Warwick-lane. Oxford- Buildings, Oxford-Street, at 299, between New Bond-st. and South Moiton-st, leading into Woodstock-st. Ox ford -Chapel, Vere-Street, eight doors on the R. from 151, Ox- ford-st. being the corner of Hen- rietta-st. Oxford-Court, Oxford-Street, at 319, four doors W. from Swallow- street. Oxford-Court, Cannon-Street, is the first on the L. in Salters-hall- passage, from 82, Cannon. st. Oxford-House-Academy, Hackney- Road. neartheNag's-head, about | of a mile on the R. from Shore- ditch-church. Oxford-Market, Oxfcrd-Street, at 87, being that number of houses on the R. about | of a mile from St. Giles's. Ox ford- Place, Westminster- Bridge- Road, forms part of the R. side, a few doors from the Obelisk, it extends from Duke-st. to the Free- masons-school. Oxford-Rhedarium, Oxford-Street, at 29, about y of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, six doors W. from Rathbone- place. Oxford-Street, commences at St. Giles's, and the S. end of Totten- ham-court-road, where the num- bers begin and end, viz. 1 and 440, extends W, to Tyburn. turn- pike, where there is 215, about 1|. mile in length. Oxley-Court, Parker's Row, Ber- mondsey, a few doors an the L. from Hickman's Folly, towards the Neckinger - turnpike, it ex- tends to John-st. PACKER-BUILDINGS, Tem- ple, the third on the R. in Mitre-Court from 44, Fleet-st. towards King's-bench-walk. Packer-Court. Still- Alley, Hounds- ditch, the first on the R. a few yards from 10 4, Houndsditch. Packer-Court, Coleman-Street,-the first on the R. two or three doors from Lothbury or from the Old- Jewry, Cheapside. Packstons- Alley, Rotherhithe-St.-^ at 312, the third on the R. be- low the church, and on the W. side of Swan-lane. Paddington-Buildings, Paddington,- between the Edgware-road and the Harrow-road. Paddington-Green, Paddington,- the open space on the R. in the Harrow-road, from the Edgware- road by Paddington-church. Paddington - Street, High - Street, Marybone, at 70, the second on the R. about % of a m;le from the New-road, or the fifth on the R. in Baker-st. from Portman-square. Pageants, Rothc-rhithe. near a mile below the church, and about of a mile above Cuckold's Point, facing Duke's Shore, Limehon e. Page's Walk, Grange-Road, Ber- mondsey, the first coach-turning on the R. about i of a mile from Bermondsey New-road. Pagets-Court or Place, Blue-Gate- Fields, Shadwell, the third on the R. a few doors from 93, Rat- cliffe-highway, Pagets- Pagets - Place, Blue - Gate - Fields, Shadwell, the first on the R. two or three doors from 95, Rat- clifFe-highway. Painter's Buildings, Norfolk-Place, Curtain-Road, on the N. side, or a few yards on the L. from the Curtain-road. Painter's Court, Bury-Street, St. James's, at 25, about five doors on the R. from Jermyn-st. Painters-Hall, Little Trinity-Lane,- about nine doors on the L. from 199, Upper Thames-st. near the S. end of Bow-lane. Painter's Rents, Broad- Street, Rat- cliffe, at 6S, about | of a mile on the L. east from Shadwell- church. Palace- Row, Tottenham-Court or New-Road, forms part of the N. side, extending from the Hamp- stead-road towards the turnpike. Palace - Street, Westminster, the continuation of Charlotte-st. from Pimlico, entering by the third on the L. from Buckingham -gate. Palace - Wharf, Lambeth, op. Ferry-st. on the S. side of the church. Palace- Yard (New), Westminster, behind the houses which form the S. side of Bridge-st. extending to Westminster-hall. Palace- Yard (Old), Westminster, the open space on the S. side of Westminster-hall by the Abbey. Palatine- Place, Commercial-Road, forms part of the N. sid*, between Plumbers-row and Greenfield-st. near | of a mile on the L. from Whitechapel-church. Pali-Mall, St. James's, at the S. end of the Hay market, near the Opera- House, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 133, it extends to the Palace. Pall- Mall -Court, Pall -Mall, St. James's, about the middle of the S. side, nearly op. 30. Palmer's Rents, Snow's Fields, Bo- rough, the third on the L. near | of a mile from 238, Bermond- sey-street. Palmer's Village, Westminster, about \ a mile from Buckingham- gate along James- st. bearing to the R. entrance on the N. side of Bridewell. Palmer's Yard, Bermondsey or Ro- therhithe-Wall, the second on the R. a few doors below East- lane, by Palmer's Rope-walk. Palsgrave or Palgrave - Court, Strand, at 322* about twelve doors on the L. from Temple- bar. Pancras Female - Charity - School, Hampstead-Road, on the S. side the chapel, about \ of a mile on the R. from Tottenham-court- road. Pancras-Lane, Queen-Street, Cheap- side, at 83, about eight doors on the L. from 70, Cheapside. Pancras- Place, Pancras-Street, Tot- tenham-Court-Road, the first on the L. a few yards from the said road. St. Pancras - Place, St. Pancras, forms part of the row on the R. side of the road, from the Small, pox-hospital towards the church. Pancras- Street, Tottenham -Court- Road, about \ a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, and nearly op. Howland-st. Pancras - Walk, St. Pancras, the N. end of Vernon's Buildings, near the church. Pannier- Alley, Newgate-Street, at 50, eight doors on the L. from Cheapside, it leads to Paternoster- row. Panorama, Leicester-Square, at the N. E. corner, by Cranbourn-st. Panorama, Strand, at 169, nearly op. the New-church. Pan's-Head-Yard or Court, Lei- cester-Street, Swallow-Street, three three doors on the L. from 32, Swallow-st. towards Warwick-st. Pantheon, Oxford-Street, at 360, about six doors W. from Poland- st. near ^ of a mile on the L. from St. Giles's. Panton - Square, Coventry - Street, Haymarker, -at 13, about the middle of the N. side. Panton-Street, Hay market, at 21, the first on the L. from Coventry- street. Paper-Buildings, Temple, on the W. side of King's-bench-walk, by the Temple-gardens, being the last row on the R. entering by Mitre-court from 44, Fleet-st. Parade, St. James's Park, the E. end of it, by the Horse-guards. Parade (Old), North Audley-Street,- at 14, about seven doors on the L. from 263, Oxford-st. and nearly op. Green-st. Paradise- Buildings, Lambeth Upper- Marsh, a few doors on the L. from the Marsh - gate, nearly facing Stangate-st. Paradise - Court, Paradise - Street, Battle-Bridge, St. Pancras, the first on the R. from Britannia-st. Paradise-Court,Castle-Yard,Gravel- Lane, Christ-Church, at the S. end, entering by the FalconGlass- manufattory. Paradise - Place, Paradise - Street, Marybone, six doors on the R. from 82, High-st. Paradise -Place, Tabernacle - Place, Finsbury - Square, a few doors on the R. from Leonard-st. to- wards Old-street-road. Paradise- Place or Row, Lambeth Upper-Marsh, the continuation of it on the L. to Royal-row. Paradise-Place, Paradise-Row, Ro- therhithe, at 10, being a few doors on the L. from Deptford Lower-road. Paradise-Row, Chelsea, on the S. W. side the hospital, extending to the Thames, and towards Batter, sea -bridge. Paradise - Row, Palmer's Village, Westminster, is a few doors on . the L. entering by the N. side of Bridewell, from Brewers-Green. Paradise-Row, St. Pancras, on the N. side the Small-pox-hospital, extending from Pancras-place to Vernon's Buildings. Paradise-Row, Bethnal-Green, the W. side of the Green, extending from Bethnal - green - road to Peacock -court. Paradise- Row, Charles-Street, Old Gravel-Lane, the E. continua- tion of it, entering by 44; Gravel- lane. Paradise-Row, RatclifFe-Square, entrance by the S. E. corner, near Butcher-row. Paradise-Row, High-Street, Lam- beth, the first on the L. a few doors from the church, it extends to Lambeth-walk. Paradise-Row, Gravel- Lane, South- wark, a few doors on the R. south from Charlotte-st. and nearly op. Loman's Pond. Paradise-Row, Rotherhithe, the first S. parallel to Paradise-st. ex- tending from Lucas-st. to Deptford Lower- road. Paradise-Street, High-Street, Mary- bone, at 82, the third on the L. about -*- of a mile from Charles- st. Manchester-sq. Paradise - Street, Britannia - Street, Battle - Bridge, St. Pancras, a few doors on the L. from Gray's- inn-lane, it extends to Field-st. Paradise-Street, Paul-Street, Fins- bur)', the fourth on the L. from theN. E. corner of Finsbury-sq. Paradise-Street, Poplar High-Street or Road, is nearly op. the Black- horse, about | of a mile on the L. from the Commercial-road, leading into Noble-st. Paradise-Street, Rotherhithe, -the firit first S. parallel to part of Rother- hithe-st. extending from Mill- Pond-bridge, towards Deptford Lower-road. Paradise- Walk, Paradise-Row, Chel- sea, is nearly op. 18, leading towards the Thames. Paragon, Kent-Road, a few doors W. from the turnpike, by the Bricklayers-arms, and near % a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Castle. Paragon-Chapel, Webb-Street, Ber- mondsey New-Road, at the . end from the said road. Paragon-Mews, Kent-Road, at the back of the houes which form the W. side of the Paragon. Paragon- Place, Kent-Road, forms part of the S. side, adjoining both ends of the Paragon. Paragon-Place, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the continuation of Tra- falgar-place, entering by Rodney- row, Kent-road, towards East- lane. Paragon-Row, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, about the middle of Para- gon-place. Pardon-Court, Pardon-Passage, St. John-Street, Clerkenwell, a itw yards on the R. from 163, St. John -st. Pardon - Passage, St. John - Street, Clerkenwell, at 1G3, about * of a mile on the R. from Smithfield, leading into Wildeme s-row. Parietalia-Place, Snow's Fields, Bo- rough. about | of a mile on the R. from 109, High-st. Borough, along King-st. Paris-Place, Chapel-Street, Padding- ton or Lisson-Green, the first on the L. a few doors from the turn- pike on the Edgcware-road. Parish- Street, Tooley-Street, the last on the R. near -* a mile from London-bridge. Park's or Parkers - Court, White - chapcl High-Street, at 48, about .iixtcen doors E. of Red-lion-st. Park-Lane, Piccadilly, the second on the L. about 5- of a mile from the turnpike Hyde-park-corner, it extends on the E. side of Hyde- park to Oxford-st. about | of a mile in length. Park-Lane, Baker-Street North, Marybone, the first W. parallel to part of it, extending from New- st. to Park- place. Park - Place, Baker - Street North, Marybone, the continuation of it on the L. about | of a mile from the New-road. Park-Place, Knightsbridge, on the E. side of the barracks, about ~ a mile on the R. from Hyde-park- corner. Park- Place, St. James's Street, at 60, the second on the R. from 163, Piccadilly. Park-Place, Carlisle-Lane, Lam- beth, is op. Canterbury-place, being the last on the R. from near the Marsh-gate. Park-Place, Kennington-Cross, forms part of the W. side the High-road, op. the White-hart, being the continuation of Princes- place. Park- PI ace, East-Lane, Walworth ,- the fourth on the R. about \ of a mile from the Kent-road, leading to Salisbury-place, Lock's fields. Park-Prospecl, Knightsbridge, -a few doors W. from the chapel, and about | of a mile on the R. from Hyde-park -corner. Park-Prospecl, St. James's Park, a few doors on the L. from Great George-street, towards Queen- square. Park-Row, Mill's Buildings .Knights- bridge, at the N. end from the High road, near the barracks. Park- Row , Limehouse-Causeway , part of the N. side, being a fe^v doors on the L. from the entrance at Three Colt-st. Park-Street, Oxford-Street, -at 218, the the second on the R. from Tyburn- turnpike, it extends to South-st. where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 120. Park-Street, Westminster, at the N. end of Cartwright-st. from the Broadway, W. end of Tothill-sU Park - Street, Baker - Street North, Marybone, the second W. pa- rallel to part of it, extending from New-st. to Park-place. Park-Street, Limehouse- Hole, is by Mitchell's Rope-walk, being a few doors on the L. from the Lime-kilns. Park-Street, Kennington-Cross, is nearly op. the White-hart and Kennington lane, about a mile on the R. from Westminster-bridge. Park-Street, Borough- Market, on the W. side, leading to Redcross- st. on the L. and to Maid-lane and Bankside on the rijht. Parker's Lane, Drury-Lane,-at 161, the first N. parallel to Great Queen-st. also the first on the R. in Little Queen-st. from 122, High- Holborn. Parker'o Place, Middlesex-Street, Sommers - Town, at 25, three doors on the L. from Phcenix-st. Parker's Row, Bermondsey,-the first coach-turning on the R. in Hick- man's Folly from Dock-head, ex- tending to theNeckinger-turnpike. Parker's Yard, Little Bartholomew- Close, West-Smithfield,-threedcors S. from New-st. near Long-lane. Parliament-Coart, Artillery-Lane or Street, Bishopsgate- Without, the second on the R, from op. 160, Bishopsgate- st. Parliament-Place, Old Palace- Yard, Westm. at the corner of Abing- don-st. it leads to the Thames. Parliament-Street, Westminster, the continuation of Whitehall on the L. about | of a mile from Charing - cross, it extends to Bridge-st. Parliament - Street, St. George's Fields, the S. E. side of St. George's Market, near London- st. London-road. Parling's Court, Lambeth-Road, St. George's Fields, at 33, the se- cond on the R. about of a mite from the Obelisk. Parrot - Alley, Playhouse - Yard, Whitecross- Street, St. Luke's, t. a few yards on the R. from 188, Whitecross-st. Parr's Buildings, North-Row, Gross. venor-Square, at 20, about eight door* on the L. from North Audley-st. Parson's Court, Bride-Lane, a few yards on the L. from 10, New Bridge-st. Blackfriars. Parsons-Stairs, Lower East-Smith- field, by 82, about J of a mile below the Tower, and on the W. side of Hermitage-bridge. Parsons-Street, Upper East-Smith* field, the continuation of it to Ratcliffe -highway. Parsons and Syme's Waggon-Office,- at 69, Old-Bailey, two or three doors on the L. from Ludgate-hill. Parsonage- Row, Newington High, Road, part of the W. side, op. Cross-street, extending from the church towards the Elephant and Castle. Parsonage- Walk, Newington High- Road,-the first on the R. from the Elephant and Castle, towards the church, leading to theChurch-yard. Parsonage- Yard, Shoreditch, three doors on the L. from the church towards Bishopsgate. Partridge-Court, Houndsditch, at 130, about the middle of the L. side, from op. Bishopsgate-church. Pasfield's Rents, Paradise-Street, Ro- therhithe,-the second and the third on the L. from Mill-pond-bridge. Passing - Alley, St. John - Street, Clerkenwell, at 40, about ^ of a mile on the L. from Smithfield. Patent-Office, at 4, Lincoln's-Inn I i Old- Old - Square, entering op. 40, Chancery-lane. Paternoster- Row, St. Paul's-Church- Yard, the first on the R. in Ave-maria-lane from 29, Lud- gate-st. extending to Cheapside. Paternoster-Row, Spitalfields,-theE. continuation of Union-st. entering by 69, Bishopsgate-street-without. Paternoster - Row (Little), Spital- fields, four doors on the R. in the last, from Union-st. Patience-Street, Wheeler-Street, Spi- talfields, at the N. end of it, three or four doors S. from Anchor- st. near Webb-square, entering by 47, Shoreditch High-st. Patriot-Row, Bethnal-Green, ad- joining Patriot-Square, and ex- tending towards the Green. Patriot-Square, Bethnal-Green, the first on the R. a few doors from the Green towards Hackney-road. Patriot - Street, James - Street, St. George's in the East, a few doors on the R. from Cannon- street-road towards Marman-st. Patton's Place, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, is op. Paragon-row, be- ing the first on the L. from the Kent-road along Rodney-row and Garmouth-Row. Paty's Court, Holywell-Lane, Shore- ditch, thesecond on the L. about fifteen doors from 194, Shoreditch High-st. Paul's Alley, Rcdcross-Street, Crip- plegate, at 1 3, about ten doors S.from Barbican, it leads to Hare- court and 62, Aldersgate-st. St. Paul's Alley, St. Paul's Church- Yard, at 69, about the middle of the N. side. Paul's Bakehouse, Godalmin-Street, Doclors - Commons, about six doors on the R. from 15, on the S. side, of St. Paul's chiirch-yard. St. Paul's Chain, St. Paul's Church- Yard, -at 1 5, being that number of houses on the R. from Ludgate-st. St. Paul's Church- Yard, the houses which surround and front St. Paul's Cathedral, the numbers begin and end at Ludgate-st. St. Paul's Church, Covent-Garden,- on the W. side of Covent-garden- market. St. Paul's Church, Shadwell, on the S. side of Shadwell High-st'. about ^ of a mile on the R. east of St. George's church. St. Paul's College, St. Paul's Church- Yard, about three doors on tire R. from Ludgate-st. Paul's Court, Huggin-Lane, Wood- Street, Cheapside, three doors on the L. from 115, Wood-st. St. Paul's Place, Waluorth-Com- mon, on the W. side of West- moreland-academy, about i of 3 mile on the L. from Lurrey-sq. St. Paul's School, St. Paul's Church- Yard, between '41 and 42, six doors on the L. from Cheapside. Paul-Square, Paul-Street, Finsbury- Square, at 44, the first on the R. from Worship-st. Paul-Street, Finsbury-Square,- the continuation of Wilson-st. from the N. side of Moorfields, it com- mences at W r orship-st. and leads to Old-street- road. Paul's Wharf, Upper Thames-St. entrance by 22, op. Bennet's hill, near | of a mile below Blackfriars- bridge. Paul's-Head-Court, Fenchurch-St. at 154, nearly op. Rood-lane. Paved-Alley, Pall-Mail, at 66, about six doors on the L. from St. James's street. Paved-Alley, Paternoster-Row, at 30, about six doors from War. wick-lane, it leads to Newgate- market. Paved-Alley, Lcadenhall-Market, on the N. side by the Red-lion, between the Butcher and Leather- markets. Pavement, Moorfields, the W. side side of Moorfields, extending from Moorgate to Finsbury-place. Peacock- Alley, Morgan's-Lane,-the second on the L. a tew doors from 80, Tooley-st. it leads into Mill- lane. Peacock- Brewery, Whitecross-Street, Cripplegate, a few doors on the L. from 116, Fore-st. Peacock-Court, Bethnal-Green, near the N. W. corner of the Green, about | of a mile on the L. from the Salmon and Ball. Peacock-Place, Minories, at 42, near the middle of the E. side, two doors S. from Haydon-st. Peacock-Street, Newington High- Street or Road, the third on the L. a few doors from the church towards Kennington. Peal -Alley, Shad well High- Street, at 61, about six doors On the R. east from or below the church. Pearl- Row, Blackfriars-Road, the last on the L. from the bridge and nearly op. the Magdalen-hospital. Pearl-Street (Great), Spitalfields, the continuation of Flower - de- Lis-st. entering by 10, Shoreditch High-st. it extends from 20, Wheeler-st. to Grey-eagle-st. Pearl-Street (Little), Spitalfields, at 8, in the last described, being the continuation of Vine-st. from 24, Lamb-st. Pearl-Street, St. George's in the East, entrance either the first or second on the R. in King-st. from 30,NewGraTel-lane,nearWapping. Pearson's Alley, High-Street, Lam- beth, the first on the L. a few yards from op. the church. Pearson's Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, on the E. side of Puddle- dock, about | of a mile below Blackfriars-bridge. Pearson's- Wharf, Shad - Thames, op. King's row or street, Horsely- down. Peartree- Alley, Cinnamon-Street, Wapping, is nearly op. King Edward-st. entering by 272, Wap- ping-st. Peartree-Court, Clerkenwell-Close,- at 20, being a few doors on the L. north from the church. Peartree - Court, Coppice - Row 3 Clerkenwell, the first on the R. north from Clerkenwell-green. Peartree-Court, Shoreditch High- Street, at 130, nearly op. the church. Peartree-Court, Lambeth-Marsh,* behind the Peartree public-house, a few yards on the L, towards the Horn-brewery. Peartree- Row, Lambeth-Marsh, forms part of the N. side th6 road, about midway between Blackfriars-road and Westminster- bridge-road. Peartree-Street, Lambeth-Marsh, is parallel to or behind Peartree- Row. See the last article. Pear-Street or Peartree-Street, West- minster, the W. continuation of Old Pye-st. extending from Duck- lane to Strutton-ground. Peartree-Street, Goswell-Street, at 72, being the third on the R. north from Old st. it extends to 13, Brick-lane. Peck's Rents, Cherrytree - Alley, Golden-Lane, St. Luke's, a few doors on the L. from Golden-lane towards Hatfield-st. Pedlars-Acre, Lambeth, a few yards on the L. from the foot of Westminster-bridge, it extends to Narrow-wall. Peerless- Place, City-Road, form* part of the W. side, between the turnpike and Peerless-row. Peerless-Pool, City- Road, is situate on the W. 1 ! side of Peerless-place and on the S. side of Peerless-row. Peerless-Row, City-Road, the first on the L. about | of a mile N. from Old-st. it extends to Back- st. Ratcliffe-Row. Pelham Pclham -Street, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, at 63, about the middle of the E. side, near Hanbury's brewery, leading into Pleasant- row. Pelican-Court, Little Britain, two doors on the L. from Blue-coat- buildings, N. end of Butcher- hall- lane. Pelican Life-insurance-Office,- at 70, Lombard-Stpeet, nearly op. the General - Pott - Office, and at Spring-gardens, Charing- cross. Pelican-Stairs, Wapping-Wall, at 57, near Foxes-lane from Shad- well-charch, about 1| mile below London- bridge, a*dop.the King's mills, Rotherhithe. PeM-Place, Pell-Street, Ratcihfe- Highway, the first on the R. from 6, in the New-road towards 194, Ratclifte-highway. Pell-Street, RatcKfFe- Highway, at 19 4, about five doors on the L. from Ship-alley, WeHdose-sq. Pernbcrton-Row, Fetter-Lane, the continuation of Feathers - court from 1 S, in the said lane. Pennington-Street, Ratcliffe -High- way, is parallel to and between part of it and the London-docks- wall extending to Old Grav el-lane. Penny-Fields, Poplar, on the N. side the High-st. or road, near the Commercial-road. Penson -Place, Commercial -Road, Limehouse, forms part of the S. side, about |of a mile E. from the church, it extends from Rich- st. toward i the West-India-docks. Penton-Grove, White- Lion-Street, Pentonvillc, at 44, about of a mile on the L. from High-btrect, Islington. Penton- Place, Pentonvillc, -is nearly op. the chapel in the High-st. or road, about | of a miic from the Angel, Islington. - Penton-Place, Newington or Wal- worth, at the W. end of Manor- place, leading to Canterbury-row t Newington Penton-Row, Walworth High-Street or Road, forms part of the W. side, extending from Manor- row to West-lane, near - a mile from the Elephant and Castle. Penton-Street, Walworth, the W. continuation of Amelia-st. ex- tending from Church. st. to Pen. ton- place. Penton - Street Pent on ville High- Street or Road, the second on the R. about | of a mile from the Angel-inn, Islington. Pentonville, a large district in the Parish of St. James, Clerken- well extending from Higher. Islington to Battle- bridge, near Sommers-town. Pepper - Alley, High - Street, Bo- rough, three or four doors on the R. from London- bridge. Pepper-Ailey-Stain, on the See side of London-bridge. Jast article. W. the Pepper - Street, Duke - Street, Bo- rough, the first on the L. a fe\r yards from the W. end of Queen- st. it extends to St. Saviour's workhouse. PercevaI-Strcet,CIerkenwell, at the N. end of St. Jobn-st. being the last on the R. about ^ a mile from SmirMeld, it extends to Goswell-st. Percy's Alley, King John's Court, Holywell - Lane, Shoreditch, a few yards on the L. from 13, Holywell-lane. Fercy-Mews, Rathbone- Place, about three doors on the L. from Percy-st. towards O^ford-st. Percy - Street . Tottenham - Court- Road, at 37, nearly op. Bedford- st. about | of a mile on the L. from Oxford-st. Periwinkle-Court, Periwinkle-Street, Ratcliffe, the first otv the R. a few yards from Brook-sL. Periwinkle^ Periwinkle - Street, Brook - Street, RatclirFe, is nearly op. Butcher- row from Ratctiffe-cross, it leads to Ratcliffe square. Perkins's Rents, Great Peter-Street, Westminster, about the middle of the N. side, extending to 48, Old Pye-st. Perry's Dock, Blackwall, on the E. side of Blackwall-causeway and the S. side of the East-India- dock. Perry's Place.Oxford-Street, at 30, the third coach-turning about thirty doors on the R. from St. Gile.'s. Perry's Rents, Hackney- Road, about sf- of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church, near the Axe public-house. Perry's Rents, Old Gravel-Lane, St. George's in the East, the con- tinuation of John's Rents, entering by 46, Old Gravel lane. Pershore - Place, Battle - Bridge or Sommers-Town, forms part of the R. side the New-road, near the turnpike, Battle-bridge, it is continued by Dyer's Place and Judd's Place. Pesthouse-Row, Old-Street, at the W. end of St. Luke's Hospital, it leads to R.atcliffe-Row. St. Peter's Alley, Cornhill, at 55, the last on the R. from the Man- sion-house, leading to 2, Grace- church-st. St. Peter's Church, Cornhill. See the last article. St. Peter- Cheap- Church, Wood-St. Cheapside, about twenty-doors on the L. from 123, Cheapside. St. Peter-le-Poor's Church, Old Broad-Street, between 62 and , 63, nearly op. the Excise-office. Peter's-Court, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross, at 111, about six doors N. of Hemming's Row. Peter';. Court, Rosemary-Lane, be- hind 2K, about g of a mile on the R. from the Minories. St. Peter's Hill, Upper Thames. Street, at 216, about | of a mile on the L. from Blackfriars-bridge, it extends to 5, Little Knight- Rider-st. St. Peter's Lane, St. John-Street, West-Smithfield, the third on the L. from 75, Smithfield, or the first on the R. in Cow-cross. St. Peter's Place, Walworth-Com- mon, is op. the St. Paul public- house, about -j of a mile on the R. from Surrey-square towards the Camberwell-road. St. Peter - Street, Walworth - Com- mon, about i of a mile on the R. from Westmoreland-academy towards the Camberwell-road. Peter-Street, Redcro;s-Street, Bo- rough, at 45, near the Mint, extending to Little Guildford-st. Peter-Street (Little), Westminster, the continuation of Wood-st. en- tering by 63, Millbank-st. it extends to Marsham-st. Peter-Street (Great), Westminster, the continuation of the last de- scribed, extending to the Grey- coat-school, Horseferry-road. Peter-Mreet (New), Great Peter- Street, Westminster, the first on the R. about eighteen doors E. from Strutton-ground. ' Peter-Street, Wardour-Street, the fourth on the R. about \ of a mile from 381, Oxford-st. seven doors N. of Little Pulteney-st. Peter-Street, Bloomsbury, the con- tinuation of Bow-st. from op. Drury-lane or from the W. end of Hoi born Peter-Street, Great Saffron-Hill, at 29, near | of a mile on the R. from Holborn-bridge along Field- lane. Peter-Street, Sun-Street, Bishops- gate-Without, the first on the L. from 140, Bishopgate-st. it leads towards Moorfields. Peter-Street, Mount-Street, Bethnal- Green, Green, the first on the R. from 45, Chnrch-st. along Rose-st. Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street, at 135, the filth on the R. about twenty-four doors from Fleet- market. Petersburg-Wharf, Narrow-Wall, Lambeth, by the Lambeth. water-works, about | of a mile below Westminster-bridge. Petticoat-Lane, Whitechapel or Spi- talfields. at 4 1 , Aldgate High-st. about -| of a mile on the L. from Aldgate-pump, it extends to Widegate-st. Bishopsgate. Petticoat-Square, Petticoat-Lane, about of a mile on the L. from 41 Aldgate High-st. and nearly op. Went worth-st. Petty's Court, Hanway-Street, Ox- ford-Street, about six doors on the L. from 22, Oxford-st. Petty - Bag - Office, behind 14, Chancery-lane, being the second fateway on the R. from 192, leet-st. Petty ford - Court, Drury - Lane, three or four doors on the R. from 325, in the Strand, near die New- church. Pewter- Platter Coach-Office, at 86, G raced; urch- street, by theSpread- Eagle-inn. Pewterers-Hall, behind 15, Lime- st. on the E. side of Leadenhall- market. Pheasant-Court, Angel-Alley, Bi- shopsgate-Without, at the back of 137, Bishops gate- st. near Sun- street. Phil's Buildings, Houndsditch, at 10G, nearly op. St. Mary-Axe. Philanthropic- Annuity-Office, at h9, Pali-mall, about sixteen doors on the R. from the Palace. 1 hilanthropic-Charity, Fort-Place, Bermondiiey, about | of a mile on the R. from Star-corner, or from Bermondsey New-road to- wards Blue-anchor- road. Philanthropic - Reform, London-* Road, St. George's Fields, en- trance by the first on the R. a few doors from the Obelisk to- ward" the Elephant and Castle. Phillips's Buildings, Willsted-Street, Sommers-Town, at 20, the first coach-turning on the R. from the New-road. Phillips's Buildings, Walwof th-Com- mon, near Westmoreland -aca- demy, being the E. continuation of Thurlow-place, entering by 20, Apollo-buildings, East-lane. Phillip's Court, Brackley - Street, Goldon-Lane, Cripplegate, three doors on the R. from Golden- lane, near Barbican. Phillips's Gardens.Tottenham-Place, Tottenham -Court -Road, the second on the L. in Tottenham- st. from Tottenham-court-road. Philip-Lane, London-Wall, at 8, between Wood-st and Alderman- bury, it extends to 22, Addle-st. Phillips's Row, Tottenham-Court,- forms part of the S. side the New- , road, by Phillips's gardens. Philips - Street, Charles - Street, St George's in the East, the first on the R. north from Lower Corn" well-st. or from op. Blue-gate- fields, Back -lane. Philological - Society, King - Street, Edgware-Road, the first door E. of Brown-st. about i of a mile on the L. from 54, Edgware- road. Philpot-Lane, Fenchurch -Street, the first on the R. twelve doors from Gracechurch-st, it extends to Little Eastcheap. Philpot-Terrace, Edgware-Road, forms part of the W. side, op. Portman-place, about \ of a mile on the L. from Tyburn-turnpike* Phipps-Gouft, Phipps-Street, Holy- well-Mount. the first on the L. a few yards from Chnpel-st. Phipps-Street, Chapel-Street, Holy- well- .well-Mount, the first on the R. a few doors from the Curtain- road. Fhccnix-Alley, Long-Acre, at 56, nearly op. Hanover-st. it extends to Hart-street. Phoenix-Court, West-street, West- Smithfield, a few doors on the L. from 86, Smithfield. Phoenix-Court, Newgate - Street, four doors on the R. from the Old-Baiiey towards Cheapside. Phoenix-Court, Old-Change, at '27, op. Little Carter-Lane. Phcenix-Court, Butcher- Row, Upper East-Smithneld, at 38, about fifteen doors on the R. from 80, Upper East-Smithfield. Phoenix Fire-Office, on the S. side . of Lombard-st. the corner of Ab- church-lane, and op. Change-alley. Also, at Charing-cross, op. the King's Mews. Phoenix Newspaper-Office, Strand,- at 163, being the S. W. corner of Exeter-change. Phoenix-Place, RatclifFe, forms part of the N. side the sr. by the Phce- nix-Tavem, nearly op. Ratcliffe- cross, about a mile on the L. below Shadwell-church. Phoenix- Place, Phoenix-Street, Som- mers-Town, is situate between .Ossulston-street and Middlesex- street. Phoenix- Row, Blackfriars-Road, forms part of the W. side, near \ a mile on the R. from Blackfriars- bridge, it extends from Valentine- pi. to Webber-st. or row. Phcenix-Street, Crown-Street, St. Giles's, the first on the R. four or five doors from New Compton- street. Phoenix-street, Bloomsbury, or St. Giles's, the first on the L. in Plumbtree-st. from 19, Broad-st. it extends to Diot-st. Phcenix-Street, Sommers-Town, at the S, E. corner of Clarendon-sq. by the Polygon, it extends to the Crescent. Phcenix-Street, Wheeler-Street, Spi- talfields, at 40, the third on the R. from Lamb-st. it extends to 159, Brick-lane. Phcenix-Street, East -Lane, Wal- worth, the second on the R. in South-st. and a few doors from Apollo-buildings. Phoenix Coal-Wharf, Clink.Street, Borough, on the W. side St. Mary-Overy's-Dock, about A of a mile above London-bridge. Phoenix- Wharf, Wapping, entrance by 2 15, Wapping-st. on the W. side of Execution-dock. Phoenix Stone -Wharf, Fore-Street, Lambeth, a few doors from Broad-st. towards Vauxhall. Phoenix- Yard, Oxford-Street, at 126, near | of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, itleads to Princes- st. Cavendish-square. Piccadilly, at the N. end of the Haymarket, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 142, it extends to Hyde-park-corner, about a mile in length. Pichegrue-Place, London-Road, St. George's-Fields, forms part of the W. side, about an equal dis- tance between the Obelisk and the Elephant and Castle. Pickering's Place, St. James's Street ,- is four doors on the R. from the Palace towards Piccadilly. Pickering's Place, or Court, Union- Street, St. George's Fields, the third on the L. from op. West-sq. towards the London-road. Pickett-Street, Strand, forms a part of the R. side, commencing near Temple-bar, and extends towards St. Clement's church. Pickle-Herring-Stairs,Horselydou n ,- the N. end of Vine-yard, entering by 110, Tooley-st. about -*- of a mile below London-bridge. Pidcock's Buildings, Borough-Road, St. St. George's Fields, a few yards on the L. from Stones-end towards the Obelisk, and nearly op. the King's Bench. Pig-Alley, Wheeler-Street, Spital- fields, the first on the R. fifteen doors from 32, Lamb-st, Spital- square. Pig's-Quay, W. side of Blackfriars- Bridge, the last on the L. in William-st. from 20, New Bridge, street. Pigeon-Court, Angel-Alley, Long- Alley, Mocrfields, the first on the L. a few yards from Long- alley, Piigrim-Street, Ludgate-Street,-at 3, the second on the L. a few doors from St. Paul's Church-yard. Pillory-Lane, lower Ea*=t-Smith- field, the second on the L. in St. Catherine's st. about | of a mile from Tower-hill, it leads to Butcher- Row. Pilot Ncw^paper-Office,104,Strand,- a few doors on the L. from Exeter- change, towards Charing-cross. Pim'iico, commences at Bucking- ham-gate, and extends to Chelsea, about | of a mile in length. Pimlico, Hoxton, about | of a mile on the L. from Old-st. road, & nearly op. the White-Hart. Pimlico-Gardens, Hoxton, on the S. side of the last described, and a few yards from it, leading to Ha- berdashers-walk. Pimlico- Wharf, Pimlico. about | of a mile on the L. from Buck- ingham-gate, and nearly op. Eaton- street. Pine -Apple - Court, Castle - Lane, Westminster, the third on the R. a few dcors from York-st. leading to 14, William-st. Pinks-Row, RatclifFe-Row, City- Road, near of a mile on the L. from Fins! uiry-sq. being the first on the right W. from Bath-:,t. Pinner-Couit, Gray's -Inn-Lane, at p 35, that number on the R. from Middle-row, Holborn. Pinner-Court, Old Broad-Street, at 55, nearly op. the Excise- office, and on the i>. side of Great Winchester-st. Pi pemakers- Alley, Bedfordbury,-.at 35, about the middle of the E. tide. Pipemakers-Alley, Old Montague- Street, Whirechapel, the first on theL. a few yards fromOsbom-st. Pipemakers-Alley, White-Horse-St. RatclifFe, the first on the L. a few yards from the Commercial- road, towards Stepney. Pipemakers-Alley, Narrow - Street, Limeh'uje, the third on the L. a ftw doors below Mr. Turner's wharf. Pipemakers-Alley, Maze, Borough,- the last on the R. from 195, Tooley-st. Pitchers-Court, White's Alley, Cole- man-Street, is the continuation of it, entering by 60, Coleman- st. it leads into Little Bell-alley. Pitfield-Street, Hoxton, the fir t on the L. in Old-st. road, from the City - road, towards Shoredicch- church, and op. Paul-st. Pitt's Court, Crispin-street, Spital- fields, three doors S. from 25, Union-st. Bishopsgate. Pitt's Place, Bankside.Southwark, at the N. end of Williams's court, Maid-lane, entering nearly op. Great Guildford-st. Pitt's-Plac^, Kent-Road, forms part of the R. side, nearly op. the Bricklaycre-arms. Pitt-Street, Kent-Road, the first on the R. below the Bricklayers- arms, leading to Lock'* fields, Walworth. Pitt - Street, Prospeft - Place, St. George's Fields, the second on the L. a few doors from the Ele- phant and Castle, towards West- square. Pitt-Street, Blackfriars-road, the first firt on the R. a few doors from Surrey-Chapel towards the Bridge. Pitt-Street, Charlotte-Street, Rath- bone- Place, at 25, a few doors N. from Goodge-st. it extends to John-st. Pitt's - Head - Mews, May-Fair, or Park-Lane, the seventh on the R. about g of a mile from Picca- dilly, it leads to 22, Curzon-st. Pittman's Buildings, Ironmongers- Row, St. Luke's, the continua,. tion of it, entering by 97, Old- street, on the E. side of the church. Pittman's Place, Bermondsey, at the back of Printers-pl. near the W. end of Jamaica-row, leading to the Spa-road. Pland's Buildings, Bell- Alley, Gos- well-Street, a few yards on the L. from 12, Goswell-street. Plantation- Place, Commercial-Road, Stepney, a few yards on the R. from While - Horse - st. RatclifFe, towards W'hitechapel. Platform, Rotherhithe - Street, i nearly op. Love-lane, on the W. side of Rotherhithe-stairs, about i of a mile W. from the church. Platina -Street, Tabernacle - Walk, Finsbury-Square, at 30, between Castle-st. and Paradise-st. Plato-Place, Bowling -Green-Lane, New-Road, Marybone, the se- cond on the R. from the New- road, near the Yorkshire-stingo. Playhouse- Yard, Whitecross-Street, St. Luke's, at 189, about the middle of the W. side, extending to Golden-hine. Playhou.e- Yard, Water-Lane, Black- friars, on the S. side of Apothe- caries-hall, being the third on the R. from Earl-street. Pleasant - Court, Broadwall, Lam- beth, or Christ-Church, about the middle of the W, side, nearly op. Angel-place. Pleasant- Passage, Mile -End-Road, the first on the left E. a few doors from the Old Globe, about 1| mile on the L. from Aldgate. Pleasant-Place, Pentonville, forms part of the N. side the High-st. or road, op. the Bell, near Battle- bridge. Pleasant- Place, Kingsland-Road, forms part of the R. side about \ a mile from Shoreditch-church,and op. Pleasant-row. Pleasant- Place, Bethnal-Green-Road. See Pollard-Row. Pleasant- Place, Pleasant-Retreat, St. George's Fields, behind 22, be- ing the corner of George's Row from Blackfriars-road. Pleasant - Place, Lambeth, or St. George's Fields, at the S. end of Gibraltar-row, entering by the fourth on the left W. from the Elephant and Castle. PJeasant-Place, Pleasant-Row, Ken- nington-Lane,-a few doors on the L. from near Carlisle-chapel, Ken- nington-lane. Pleasant- Place, or Row, Walworth- Common, -the continuation of Portland-row, about of a mile on the L. from the turnpike, to- wards Westmoreland-academy. Pleasant - Retreat, Palmers -Village, Westminster, at the further end of Paradise - row, entering by Bridewell from Brewers-green. Pleasant - Retreat, St. George's Fields, the continuation of George's rowfrom Blackfriars-road towards Baron's buildings. (Note, the N.W. side of the st. is called Gray-Street). Pleasant-Row, Pentonville, forms part of theN. side the High-st. or road, nearly op. the Bell, extend- ing from the turnpike to South- ampton-street. Pleasant - Row, Britannia - Gardens, Hoxton, a few houses on the L. side, entering by Haberdashers- walk. Pleasant-Row, Kingsland - Road, K k forms forms part of the L. side, about { a mile f'romShoreditch-church, op. the alms-houses. Pleasant-Row.William-Street, Shore- ditch, the first on the R. a few doors from 1 37, Shoreditch High- street. Pleasant-Row, Green-Street, Bcth- nal-Green, the first on the R. in Bonner-st. from Green-st. about j- of a mile east from the Green. Pleasant Row, Mile - End New- Town, the N. parallel to part of Church-st. or the continuation ol Pelham-sr. entering by 60, Brick- lane. Pleasant-Row, Globe-Alley, Lime- house, the second on the R. from 54, Narrow- st. (on the E. side the draw-bridge). Pleasant-Row, Mile-End-Road, the N. end of Pleasant-passage, on the E. side the Old Globe. Pleasant-Row, Kennington-Lane, the first on the L. about of a mile from the Plough and Harrow, Newington High road, it leads to 26, York-row, in the said road. Pleasant-Row, WagstafF's Buildings, Maid - Lane, Borough, three doors on the R. from Maid-lane, or from the N. end of Great Guildford-street. Pleasant-Row, East-street, or Lane, Walworth, the fourth on the L. about 5 of a mile from Walworth High-st. or road. Pleasant-Row, Kast-Street, or Lane, Walworth, is between King-st. and Camden-st. a few doors E. of the last. Pleasant-Row, South-Street, East- Lane, Walworth, the first on the R. a few yards from Apollo- buildings. Pleasant Row, Deptford Lower- Road. See Black Horse-Square. Pieasant-R-w, Willow-Walk, Ber- mondsey, about six houses on the , R. over the ditch from Page's walk. Plough- Alley, Barbican, at 51, near the middle of the N. side. Plough- Alley, Wapping-Street, at 18, about that number of houses on the L. below Hermitage- bridge. Plough-Court, Carey-Street, Lin- coln's-Inn- Fields, at 21, about that number of houses on the L. from 99, Chancery-lane. Plough-Court, Gray's-Inn-Lane, at 24, about that number of doors on the R. from Middle-row, Hol- born. Plough-Court, Fetter-Lane, at 48, about twenty-three doors on theL. from 34, Hclborn-hill. Plough-Court, Holborn-Hill,-at 86, the second on the R. a few door* from Fleet-market. Plough-Court, Lombard-Street, at 37, about five doors on the L. from 21, Gracechurch-st. Plough-Street, Whitechapel High- Street, at 44, about fourteen doors on the right E. from Red- lion-street. Plough- Yard, Shoreditch High-St. is parallel to part of the W. side, say from 223 to 243, extending from Rose -yard, or court, to King's-head-court. Plough- Yard, Seething-Lane, Tower- Street, at 1 6, the second on the L. about six doors from 56, Tower-street. Plough- Yard, Bermondsey-Street, at 79, about twelve doors N. from Russell-st. Plough and Harrow- Yard, Kent-St. Borough, at 84, near Bicknel's Rents, about -J- of a mile on the L. from behind St. George's church. Plumber's or Plummer's Buildings, Wilrnot -Street, Bethnal -Green - Road, at the S. end of it, behind the Lamb public-house. Plumber's or Plummer's Court, High - Holborn, at 111, five doors E. of Kingsgate-itrcet, and |of I of a mile on the R. from Fleet- market. Plumbers - Row, Mile - End Old- Town, entrance by 266, White- chapel-road, bearing to the R. it extends to the Commercial road. Flum;iers-Row, City-Road, forms part of the E. side, by the turn- pike, and op. Peerless - place, about of a mile on the R. from Finsbury-square. Plumbers- Screet, City -Road, nearly op. Fountain-place,- about of a mile on the right N. from Old street. Plumb-Tree-Court, Holbom-Hiil,- at 75, three doors on the L. from Fleet-market, extending to 51, Shoe-lane. Plumb - Tree - Street, Broad - Street, Bloomsbury, or St. Giles's, at 19, about that number or doors on the R. from the W. end of Hol- born. Poets-Corner, Westminster, adjoin- ing the S. side of the Aboey, and the N. side of Old Palace-yard. Pointers - Buildings, Old - Street- Road, the first on the L. about five or six doors from Shoreditch- church, towards the >. ity-road. Pointers - Buildings, Shoreditch. the continuation of French-alley, entering by 150, Shoreditch High- street. Poland-Street, Oxford-Street, at 365, the sixth on the L. about 7 of a mile from St. Giles's, ex- tending to 1 1, Broad-street. Polen, or Pollen- Street, Hanover- Street, Hanover-Square, at 13, six doors on the R. from the S. E. corner of the square, extending to 9, Maddox-street. Police-Office, Queen-Square, West- minster, two or three doors on the L. from the Broad-way, to- wards St. James's Park. Police-Office, Great Marlborough- Stxeet, at 26, W. end, the third door on the L. from Argyll- street. Police-Office, Bow-Street, Corent- Garden, four doors on the L. from Great Russell-street, Covent- Garden. Police-Office, Hatton-Garden, at 54, being that number of doors on the R. from Holborn-hill. Police-Office, Worship - Street, at 23, next door to the Duke of Northumberland public - house, near the Curtain-road. Police-Office, Lambeth-Street,Good- man's Fields, the first door on the R. from Little AylifFe-st. Police-Office, High- Street, Shad- well, at 157, about twenty doors on the 1 L. east of or below the church. Poiice-Office for the River Thames,- by 200, Wapping-st. on the E. side of Wapping New-stairs, and opposite King's stairs, Rother- hithe. Police-Office, Union-Hall, Borough,- a few doors on the L. in Union- st. from 218, High-st. Pollard- Row, Bethnal-Green-Road, a few doors W. of Wilmot-square, about y of a mile on the L. from 65, Shoreditch. Pollard - Street, Bethnal - Green- Road, the first E. parallel to part of Pollard-row, say from 1 to 16. Polygon, Sommers Town, See Clarendon-Square. Pomona-Place, Little James-Street, Lisson-Grecn,". the first on the L. a few doors N. from the E. end of Bell-st. Pond- Yard, Mosses-Alley, Bank- side, Southwark, a few doors on the R. from Maid-lane, or from op. Great Guildford-st. Ponders-Court, Butler's- Alley,G rub- Street, Cripplegate, the second on the R. from Grub-st. towards Ropemakers-st. Moorfields, PontipooU "Pontipool-Place, Webber-Street, St. George's Fields, the second on the R. from the N. side the Mag- dalen-hospital, Blackfriars-road. Pontipool-Row or Court, Pontipool- Place, St. George's Fields, a few yards on the R. from Webber-st. Pool's Buildings, Mount-Pleasant, Cold-Bath-Fields, the third on the R. from 72, Gray's-inn-lane, along Little Gray's-inn-lane. Pope's-Head-Alley, Cornhill, at 19, opposite the Royal-Exchange, extending to 73, Lombard-st. Pope's - Head - Court, Bell - Yard, Temple-Bar, at 20, about eight- teen doors on the R. from 204, Fleet-st. Pope's-Head-Court, Quaker-Street, Spitalfields, about four doors on the R. from 29, Wheeler-st. Pope's-Hill, Shadwell High-Street, at 75, the fourth on the right, E. from the church, leading to Shad- well water-works. Poplar, commences at the Com- mercial-road, by the West-India docks, and extends to Blackwall. Poplar Charity-School, Poplar High- Street or Road, by the Town- hall, about i of a mile on the R. from the Commercial-road. Poplar-Grove, Oval, Kennington- Common, the termination of Clayton-st. on the R. from Ken- nington-green. Poplar-Marsh. See Marsh- Wall. Poplar-Row, Kent-Road, the first on the L. a few doors from the Elephant and Castle, leading to Brandon's -row and Newington- causeway. Poplar-Row, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the second on the L. in Pitt-st. from nearly op. the Brick- layers-arms, Kent-road. Poppings-Court, Fleet-Street, at 111, about seven doors on the R. from Fleet-market. Porridge-Pot-Alley, Old-Street, St. Luke's, at 106, about ten doors on the R. from the church toward s Goswell-st. Portaville-Passage, Lisle-Street, Lei- cester-Square, three or fourdcors on the L. from Little Newport- st. leading into Ryder's court. Porter's Court, Old Montague-Street, Whitechapel,' the second on the L. a few doors from Osborn-st. Porter-Street, Leicester-Square the N. continuation of Ca.tle-st. ex- tending from 14, Great Newport- st. to Litchfield-st. Porter's Quay, Lower Thames - Street, entrance by 32, on the W. side the Custom-house. Portland -Chapel, Great Portland- Street, Marybone, about + of a mile on the left, N. from 102, Oxford-st. entering by John st. Portland - Mews, Portland - Street, Wardour-Street,- at 20, about eight doors on the L. from 72, Berwick-st. Portland-Place, Marybone, is pa- rallel to and between Charlotte-st. and Harley-st. Cavendish-square. Portland - Place, Walworth -Com- mon, part of the L. side the road, near | of a mile from the turnpike towards Westmoreland- academy. Portland-Road, Great Portland - Street, Marybone, the continua- tion of it, entering by John-st. 102, Oxford-st. extending to the New-road. Portland- Row, New- Road, Mary- bone, forms part of the N. side, op. the last described, and about | of a mile on the R. from Tot- tenham-court-road. Portland-Street (Great), Marybone,- the continuation of John-st. en- tering by 102, Oxford-st. leading into Portland-road. Portland-Street (Little), Marybone,- intersecls Great Portland-st. at 7, abotit | of a mile N. from Ox- ford- ford-street, it extends from 109, Great Tichiield-st. to 4, Edward- street. Portland - Street, Wardour - Street, Soho, at 1 12, the second on the R. from 382, Oxford-st. Portland- Yard, Buckingham-Place, Fitzroy-Square, at 21, a few doors on the R. from the New- read. Portman - Mews North, Portman- Square, the first parallel to the N. side, extending from Baker-st. to Gloucester-st. Portman - Mews South, Portman- Square, the first parallel to the S. side, extending from 10, Port- man-st. to 21, Orchard-st. Portman-Place, Edgware-Road, forms part of the E. side, about | of a mile on the R. from Ty- burn-turnpike. Portman-Square, at the N. end of Orchard-st. from 197, Oxford- st. or at the S. end of Baker-st. from the New-road. Portman- Street, Oxford-Street, at 220, the third on the L. about -J- of a mile from Tyburn- turnpike, extending to Portman- square. Portpool-Lane, Gray's-Inn-Lane, at 52, about i of a mile on the R. from Middle-row, Holborn, it extends to 63, Leather-lane. Portsmouth- Place, Lower Kenning- ton-Lane, forms part of the L. side* a few doors from the Plough and Harrow public-house, New- ington. Portsmouth - Street, Lincoln's-Inn- Fields, at the S. W. corner, lead- ing to Clare-market. Portugal - Row, Lincoln's - Inn - Fields, the S. side of the square. See Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Portugal - Street, Lincoln's - Inn- Fields, the first parallel to the S. side, commencing eight doors from the S. E, corner. Portugal - Street, South Audley- Street, is parallel to a part of the W. side, say from 55 to 6l, extending from 80, Mount st. to 3, Chapel-st. Post - Office (General), Lombard- Street, entrance by 1 1 , on the E. side the church, aLo op. 22, Abchurch-lane. Post-OfEce (General Two-penny Post), Gerrard-Street, Soho, at 38, about ten doors on the L. from Little Newport-st. Postern-Row, Tower-Hill, facing the N. side the Tower, say the middle of it, extending from Great Tower-hill (or Trinity-square) to Little Tower-hill. Potier's Place, Bermondsey New- Road, a few doors on the L. frOm the Bricklayers-arms, towards Bermondsey-chiirch. Potter's Fields, Pratt-Street, Lam- beth, between the S. end of it and Paradise-row. Potter's Fields, Horselydown, at the E. end of Tooley-st. near - a mile on the L. from London- bridge. Poultry, the E. continuation of Cheapside, extending from the Old-Jewry to the Mansion-house. Poultry - Compter. See Comptcr- Court. Pound-Passage, Ratcliffe-Row, St. Luke's, a few doors oh the L. from Bath-st. City-road, towards Pittman's Buildings. Powell's Alley, Kent - Street, Bo- rough, at 296, about twelve doors on the R. from behind St. George's church. Powell's Place, City-Road, nearly op. the Shepherd and Shepherdess- walk, about -J- a mile on the L. from Finsbury-square. Powis-Place, Great Ormond-Street, Queen - Square, at 50, about eight doors on the L. east from Queen-square, Pownal- Ppwnal-Tcrrace, Lambeth, is op. Chester-place, on the High-road, near Kennington-cross, about a mile on the R. from Westminster- bridge. Pratt's Buildings, New Gravel- Lane, Shadwell, at 76, a few doors on the R. from 22, High-st. Shadwell. Pratt-Street, Lambeth, the third on the L. about -of a mile from the Three Stags public house to- wards the church. Prerogative -Office, at 6, Great Knight- Rider-st. Doctors - Com- mons, about six doors on the R. from Addie-hill. Prescot-Street (Great), Goodman's Fields, is op. Goodman's Yard, entering by 60, in the Minories, it extends from the S. end of Mansel-st. to Lemon-st. Prescot-Street (Little), Goodman's Fields, the continuation of Man- sel-st. through a narrow passage to Ro'emary-lane. Preston's Dock, Shad - Thames, Horselydown, on the W. side of Horselydown New-stairs. Preston's Lane, Poplar High-Street or Road, about | of a mile on the R. from the Commercial-road, leading to the West-India-docks- bason. Price's Alley, Little Pulteney-Street, Golden-Square, at 13, about six doors on the L. from Great Wind- mill-st. Price's Buildings, Bowling- Green, King-Street, Borough, the last on the L. from 49, King-st. nearly op. Mermaid-court. Price's Court, Old - Street, St. Luke's, op. 77, the first on the L. a few doors from Bunhill-row towards Goswell-st. Price's Court, Birdcage- Alley, Bo- rough,' the first on the L. a few yards from Redcross-st. or from the Mint. Price's Court, Queen - Street, Bo- rough, at 90, four doqrs on the L. from Whitecross-st. towards Duke-st. Price's Court, Gravel-Lane, Christ- Church, a few doors on the R. south from Maid-lane and nearly op. Zoar-st. Price's Place, Gravel-Lane, Christ- Church, about the middle of the W. side, leading into Bear-court, Bear- lane. Price's Street, Gravel-Lane, Christ- Church, the last en the L. in Green - walk from Holland- st. Blackfriars-road. Priest- Alley, Great Tower-Street, at 48, four doors on the L. from the W. side of Tower-hill. Priest-Court, Foster- Lane, four doors on the R. from 147, Cheap- side. Primrose- Alley, Church-Street, Bo- rough-Market, the first on the R. from St. Mary-Overy's-Dock, nearly op. St. Saviour's church. Primrose-Court, Long-Alley, Moor- fields, the first on the R. north from Primrose-st. Primrose -Hill, Salisbury - Square, Fleet-Street, at the S. W. cor- ner, entering by 82, Flcet-st. it leads to Water-lane. Primrose -Street, Bishopsgate- With- out, at 110, nearly op. Spital- square, it extends to Long-alley Moorfields. Prince*- Alley, Princes-Street, Ro- therhithe, at 15, about the mid- dle of the E. side, leading into Elephant-lane. Princes-Court, Princes-Street, West- minster, at the corner of Great George-st. and St. James's Park. Princes-Court, Stafford- Place, Pim- lico, a few doors on the L. from Stafford-row, near Buckingham- gate. Princes-Court, Princes-Street, Pim- lico, the first on the R. a few doors doors from Queen's Row (late Nixon's Yard). Princes - Court, Whitcomb- Street, Charing-Cross, about the middle of the W. side, three or four doors S, from James-st. Hay. market. Pi iuces - Court, Duke -Street, St. James's, the fourth on the R. entering by 182, Piccadilly. Princes-Court. Drury-Lane, at 144, about twelve door. S. from Great Queen-st. Princes-Court, Porter-Street, Lei- cester - Square, about seven doors on the L. from Great New- port-st. leading into Newport- market, Princes- Court, Coleman-Street, about fifteen doors on the R. from London-wall. Princes - Court, Banner - Street, St. Luke's, about five doors on the R. from 80, Bunhill-row. Princes-Court, Old Gravel-Lane, RatclifFe-Highway. at 27, about of a mile on the L. from 165, Ratcliffe-highway. Princes-Court, Princes-Street, Beth- nal-Green, the first on the R. a few yards from Virginia-st. be- hind Shoredkch-church. Princes-Court, Princes-Street, Lon- don-Road, St. George's Fields, about the middle of the E. side, leading to the said road. Princes-Court, Princes-Street, Lam- beth, the second on the R. a few doors from Vauxhall towards An- derson's walk. Princes-Mews, Princes-Street, West- minster, the first on the L. from Great George-st. by St. James's Park. Princes - Place, New - Road, St. George's in the East, a few doors on the L. from Cable-st. and nearly op. the entrance to Princes-square. Princes^ Place, Princes-Row, Mile- End New-Town, the second o the R. along Chapel-st. entering by Great Garden-st. from 50, Whitechapel-road. Princes- Place, Commercial- Road, forms part of the S. side, extend- ing from near Cannon-street-road towards Whitechapel. Princes-Place, Pimlico, the E. end of Princes-st. bearing to the R, entering by Queen's Row. Princes - Place, Lambeth, is op. Chester-place, on the High-road near Kennington-cross, about a mile on the R. from Westminster- bridge. Princes-Place, Newington High- Road, op. Newington - place, near Kennington-common, about | a mile on the R. from Ne wing- ton-church. Princes-Place, Surrey-Square, Kent- Road or Walworth, at the W. side, near Monmouth-place. Princes - Rents or Row, Loman'i Pond, Borough, the second on the R. in Totterbourne-alley from Duke-st. Princes- Road, Princes-Place, Ken- nington-Cross, at 10, op. Ches- ter-place, extending to the Black Prince public-house. Princes-Row, King-Street, Pimlico or Chelsea, at 5, leading into Clifford-row and Queen-st. near Ranelagh-walk. Princes-Row, Pimlico. See Princes- Street. Princes- Row, Newport-Market, forms part of the E. side of th said market by Princes-court. Princes - Row, Mile - End New- Town, the continuation of Chapel-st. entering by the first on the R. in Great Garden-st. from 50, Whitechapel-road. Princes-Row,Walworth High -Street, or Road, a few houses on the L. at the entrance to the Mont- pelier-gardcns from the said road, about about I of a mile from the Ele- phant and Castle. Princes-Square, Princes-Street, Lin- coln's-lnn- Fields, a small recess on the S. side, nearly op. New- Turnstile. Frinces-Square, St. George's in the East, a few doors on the L. in Princes-st. from 172, RatclifFe- highway. Princes-Square, Kennington, the termination of Cleaver-st. from the White-ha'rt, Kennington-cross, leading to Princes-place, Newing- ton-high-road. Princes-Stairs, Rotherhit he-Street, at 40, near 1| mile below Lon- don-bridge towards the church and op. Execution-dock, Wap- P in S* .' Princes-Street, Pimhco, the third on the L. about | of a mile from Buckingham-gate, op. Avabella- row. Princes-Street, Westminster, -the first on the R. from the W. end of the Abbey .extending toGreat George- st. and St. James s Park. Princes-Street, Oxford-Street, at 1J9, about \ a mile on the R. from St. Giles's, leading into Margaret-st. Cavendish-square. Princes-Street, Drury-Lane,-at 123, about '- of a mile on the R. from the New Church in the Strand and op. Russell-st. Princes-Street, Little Queen-Street, Lincoln's - Inn- Fields, about eight doors on the L. from 222, High-Holborn, it extends to Gatc-st. Princes-Street, Hanover-Square, about mx doors on the R. in Swallow-st. from 322,Oxford-st. extending to the square. Princes-Street, Soho, the continua- tion of Wardour-st. from 382, Oxford-st. leading into Whit- comb-st. Charing-cross. Priices- Street, Red-Lion- Square, about the middle of the E. side, extending to 31, Bedford-row. Princes-Street, Northampton-Street, Clerkenwell, at 40, near the N. end of St. John-st. leading to Queen-st. and Perceval-st. Princes-Street, Barbican, .at 42, about ten doors on the R. from Redcross-st. extending to Bridge- water-square. Princes - Street, Mansion - House- Street, on the W. side the Bank of England, extending to Loth- hury. Princes-Street, Wilson-Street, Fins- bury-Square, the first on the R. from the N. E. corner of the square towards Worship-st. Princes- Street, Tyson-Street, Beth- nal-Green, the second on the R. about sixteen doors from op. Brick-lane. Princes-Street, Virginia-Street, Beth- nal-Green, the first on the L. a few doors from the Birdcage to- wards Shoreditch-church. Princes-Street, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, op. Booth-st. or 50, in the said lane, it extends to Wood- street. Princes-Street, Rosemary-Lane or Sparrow -Corner, the second on the L. about seventeen doors from the Minories. Princes-Street, Ratcliffe-Highway, at 172, the second on the L. about | of a mile from Wellclose-sq. leading to Princes-square. Princes-Street, Charles-Street, Old Gravel-Lane, the first on the R. a few doors from 10, Old Gravel- lane. Princes - Street, Great Hermitage- Street, Wapping, the last on the L. in the said street by the Lon- don-dock-wall. Princes-Street, Lambeth, -the second E. parallel to the Thames, extend- ing from Broad-street to Vaux- hajl. Princes- Princes-Street, London-Road, St. George's Fields, the first on the L. from the Elephant and Castle towards the Obelisk. Princes - Street, Duke -Street, Bo- rough, about the middle of the S. side, viz. between Queen-st. and Charlotte-st. it extends to Lo- man's Pond. Princes-Street, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the first on the L. in Queen-st. from Atton-place or from York-st. it extends to Cam- den-st. Princes-Street, Rotherhithe-Street, at 350, the second VV. from the church. Printers - Court, Bury - Street, St. James's, at 26, about five doors on the R. from the W. end of Jermyn-st. Printers-Place, Bermondsey, on the N. side of Bermondsey-Spa, and on the S. side of the road which leads from the Neckinger- turnpike to Jamaica-row. Printers-Row, Printers-Place, Ber- mondsey, at theW. end of the last. Printers-Street, Shoe-Lane, at the W. end of Little New-st. entering by 88, about the middle of Shoe- lane. Printing-House-Lane, Water-Lane, Blackfriars, the second on the R. a few doors from Earl-st. it leads to Printing-houae-square. Printing-House-Square, Blackfriars. See the last article. Printing-House-Yard, Great Swan- Alley, Coleman-Strtfet, the first on the R. a few doors from 66, Coleman-st. Prior-Court, Chamber-Street,, Good- man's Fields, the second on the L. from 3, Lemon-st. towards Little Prescot-st. Prior- Place, East-Lane,Wal worth, forms part of the N. side, about \ of a mile on the R, from the Kent-road. Prisoners of War Office, at the Transport -office, Dorset - square, Cannon-row, Westminster. Privy-Gardens, Whitehall, about \ of a mile on the L. from Charing- cross, and nearly opposite the Horse-guards, extending to the ' Thames. Privy-Seal-Office, Somerset-Place, the third door on the L. in the square, entering from the Strand. Produce - Court, Lower - Turning, Shadwell, at 11, about four doors on the R. from Star-st. Wapping-wall. Property-Tax-Office, at 107, Fen- church-Street, about twenty doors on the R. from Aldgate. Prospeft- Place, Stepney-Green, the third on the R. about | of a mile from Mile-end-road, extending to Pleasant-row. Prospeft - Place, New - Road, St. George's in the East, the first on the R. a few doors from Can- non-street-turnpike towards Blue- gate-fields. Prospeft-Place, Poplar High-Street or Road, the first on the R. a few yards from the Commercial- road. Prospeft-Place, White- Hart-Row, Kennington, the second on the R. from Clay ton- place, Newing- ton High-road, towards Kenning- ton-lane. Prospeft-Place, St. George's Fields,- on the W. side the Elephant and Castle, extending to the Philan- thropic-reform. Prospeft- Place, Bermondsey,- the continuation of Parker's Row- Dockhead, extends from the Neckinger-turnpike towards Ja- maica-row. Prospecl-Place, Paradise-Street, Ro- therhithe,-the first on the R. a few yards from Mill-pond-bridge. Prospect- Row, Henry-Street, Pen- tonville, between Penton-st. and L 1 Hermes- p Hermes- st. being a few doors onr the L. from White-lion-st. Prospect- Row, Cambridge- Heath, Hackney- Road ,-. forms part of the N. side the road which leads from the turnpike towards Bon- ner's Hall. Propped- Row, Mile-End-Road, forms part of the N. side, op. Ewiogs-buildings, near two miles from Aldgate. Prospeft - Row, Walworth High- Street or Road, the second on the L.. from the Elephant and Castle, it leads to Gloucester-place. Prospett-Row, Biue- Anchor-Road, Berrr.ondsey, forms part of the S. side, commencing on the R. near the turnpike by Fortrplace. Protestant - Dissenter's Charity- School, Ball - Court, Giltspur- Street, entrance a few doors on the.R. from Nevgate-st. Protestant Charity-School, Moor- tklds. See London - Society- School . Protestant Di'-sentersCharity-School, Maze-Pond, Borough, about six doer* on the R. from Wcston-st. Providence- Buildings, Mill-Street, Dock-Head, Bermondsey, the first on the R. from Jacob-st. to- wards the Thames. Trovidence-Buildings.Kent-.Road, iurms part x>f the L. side, op. Dover-place, about | of a mile from the Elephant and Castle. Providence - Chapel, (W. Hunting- ton's) Ridiag-House-Lane, Mary- bone, on the S. side, between 2 r >, Great Portland-st. and 96, Great Titchfield-st. Providence-Court, Great Peter-Strcet, Westminster, is op. Great St. Ann's street, being the second on the L. from Marsha m-st. Providence-Court, North Audley- Street, the third on the L. about twelve doors from l lU3, Oxibrd- ttrcec. P Providence - Gardens, Hackney- Road, the third on the L. a few doors from Shoreditch - church towards Union- st. Providence-Place, Providence-Row, Palmer's- Village, Westminster, - about t'^e middle of the said row. Providence - Place, Baker's Row, Clerkenwell, the second on the L. from the Workhouse, Coppice- row. Providence- Place, Bell- Lane.Golden- Lane, Barbican, between Ball- yard and Wooden-world-court. Providence-Place, Petticoat- Lane, op. Horse-shoe-alley, about | of a mile on the L. from Aldgate High-st. Providence- Place, Upper Kenning- ton-lane, forms part of the N. side near Vauxhall-gardens, op* Kenington-place. Providence- Place, Lambeth- Marsh,r- a few small houses on the R. side, about | of a mile from the Marsh- gate towards Blackfriars-road. Providence- Place, Webber-Row, St. George's Fields, op. 10, near the back of the Magdalen-hospital. Providence - Place, Market -Street, St. George's Fields,' the second on the L. from the Borough-road, extending to Bond-st. Providence-Place, Crosby-Row, Ber- mondsey,' the last on the R. from Snow's fields towards the Halfpenny-hatch. Providence- Place, White's Ground. See Deaton's Buildings. Providence-Place, Walworth.Com- mon, a few doors on the R west from Westmoreland-row, and op. the Hour-glass public-hou-e. Providence 'Row, Palmer's Village,. Westminster, ithe first on the L. entering by the N. side of Bride- well. Providence - Row, Pentonville or Battle-Bridge,- is op. the Bell, a few door* on the R. from the turnpike turnpike towards Sommers-Town. Providence-Row, r 1 in^bury-Squarc,- thc first parallel to the N. side, ex- tending from the City-road to Paul-street. Providence-Row, Duke-Street, Beth- nal-Green, the second on the R. a few doors from the middle of Gibraltar-row towards Turk-st. Providence-Row, Lambeih-Marsh,- forms part of the S. side the road adjoining Green's row, near A of a mile on the R. from the Marsh- gate towards Blackfrinrs-road. Providence-Row, Bennet's Row, St. George's Fields, the fifth on the R. about of a mile from Biack- friars-road, extending to Higiers- lan * or Friar-st. Providertce-Street, City-R oad, the fourth on the R. about A of a mile from Old-street-r /ad, ex- tending from the City-terrace to Westmoreland-place. Providence-Street, Walworth- Com- mon, on the W. side of West- moreland-academy near the south end of Thurh w-place, entering by 21, Apollo-buildings. Provident-Institution for Insurance on Lives. SeeCounty-F'irc-Office. Prujean - Court or Square, Old- Bailey,' at 61, about seven doors on the L. from Ludgate-hill. Prussian- Island, Wapping-Street, at 188, about five doors- W, from New Gravel-lane. Public-Dispensary, Bishop's Court, Chancery-Lane, -about four doors on the R. from 78, Chancery-lane. Public-Ledger Newspaper-Office, at 12, theS* W. corner of War- wick-square, Warwick-lane. Pudding- Lnne, Lower Thairtes-St. at 120, the first on the L. from Fish-street-hill, it extends to Little Flastcheap. Puddle-Dock, Earl-Street, Black- friars, op. St. Andrew's hill, at jhe W. end of Upper Thames-st. Pugh's Court, Rotherhithe. S Cow^Court. Pulteney-Court, Little Windmill- Street, Haymarket,- at 20, op. Silver-st. Pulteney - Street (Great), Brewer- Street, Golden-Square, about five doors on the R. from Little Windmill- st. extending to Silver- street. Pulteney-Street (Little) , Great Wind- mill-Street, Haymarket, the last on the R. from Coventry-st. extending to Princes-st. Soho. Pump-Alky, Whitecross-Street, St. Luke's, at the E. end of Foster's Buildings, entering by 123, White - cross-st. Pump-Court, Perkins's Rents, Old Pye-Street, Westminster, is two or three doors on the R. from 4.9, Old Pye-st. Pump-Court,- Temple, the first on the L. in Middle Temple-lane from 6, Fleet-st. leading to Inner Temple-lane and Lamb's Build* ings. Pump-Court, Moor-Lane, Cripple- gate, the third on the R. a few doors from 86, Fore-st. Pump-Court, Bridgewater-Gardens,- behind the Catherine - Wheel public-house, on the N. E. corner of the said gardens. Pump - Court, Frying -Pan -Alley, Petticoat -Lane, tjie second on the R. from Petticoat-lane towards Bell-lane. Pump-Court, Dean-Street, Upper Flast-Smithfield, at 32, the first en the L. from 0-1, Upper East- Smithfield. Pump-Court, Boddy's Bridge, Up- per-Ground, Christ's Church, about the middle of it, between Stamford-st. & Upper-Ground-st. Pump -Court, Duke - Street, Bo- rough, the first on the R. a few doors from Queen-st. towards Blackfriars-road. Pump- Pump - Court, Tooley's Gateway, Tooley- Street, at the N. end, entering by 63, Tooley-st. it leads to Robinhood-court. Pump-Court, Long-Lane, Bermond- sey, about the middle of the N. side, near Richardson-st. Pump-Row, Old-Street -Road,- forms part of the S. side, nearly op. the Vinegar-ground, extending from the City-road towards St. Agnes-le-Clair. Pump-Yard,Queen-Street,RatclifFe,- a part of the W. end of the said street still retains that name. Punderson's Gardens, Bethnal -Green- Road, the second on the R. a few doors from the Green towards Shoreditch. Punderson's Place, Bethnal-Green- Road, forms part of the N. side near the Green. Punnet's Ways, Rotherhithe, by Globe-Stairs, about of a mile below Rotherhithe-church. Purim- Place, Dog- Row, Bethnal- Green, part of the R. side, a few doors from Mile-end-turnpike towards the said Green. Purse-Court, Old-Change, at 40, about ten doors on the L. from Cheapside. Pye-Corner, West-Smithfield. See Gi!tspur-st. Pye-Gardens, Willow-Street, Bank- side, at the E. end near the Thames. Pye-Street (New), Orchard-Street, Westminster, the second on the R. from Strutton-ground, it ex- tends to Old Pye-sr. Pye-Street (Old), Great Peter-Street, Westminster, is the first N. pa- rallel to part of it, and extends from Great St. Ann's street or lane to Duck-lane. Pyed - Bull - Yard, Little Russell- Street, Bloomsbury, at the E. end of it, on the R. four or five doors from Eury.st. QUAKER - STREET, Brick- Lane, Spitalfields, at 173, N. side Hanbury's Brewery, ex- tending to 29, Wheeler-st. Quakers-School, Islington- Road, nearly op. Sadlers-Wells, about of a mile on the L. from Isling- ton towards St. John-st. Quality -Court, Chancery-Lane, at 47, about | of a mile on the R. from Fleet-st. leading to the Masters in Chancery's office and to Southampton-buildings, Holborn. Quebec - Chapel, Quebec - Street, Cumberland-Place, a few doors on the L. from 237, Oxford-st. being the corner of Bryanston-st. Quebec-Mews, New Quebec-Street, Portman-Square, at 20, about the middle of the W. side, viz. between Upper Seymour-st. and Upper Berkeley-st. Quebec-Street, Oxford-Street, at 236, the second on the L. from Tyburn-turnpike. Quebec - Street (New), Portman- Square, is parallel to the W. side and a few doors from it, extend- ing from Upper Seymour-st. to Upper Berkeley-st.. Quebec-Street (Great), New-Road, Marybone, the second cm the L. from Upper Baker-st. towards the Yorkshire-stingo. Quebec-Street (Upper), New- Road, Marybone, is op. the last de- scribed, extending from 16, Glou- cester-place to Lord's Cricket- ground. Quebec-Wharf (Old), Rotherhithe- Street, is op. 179, between Globe-stairs and the Horseferry, about | of a mile below the church. Queen Ann's Bounty-Office, Dean's Yard, Westminster, the second door on the R. from under the archway, entering by the W. end of the Abbey. Queen Ann's Mews, Chandos-Street, Cavendish- Cavendish-Square, at 8, four or five doors on the L. from the N. E. corner of the said square. Queen Ann-Street East, Marybone,- at 33, Great Portland-st. near \ of a mile on the R. from 101, Oxford-st. entering by John-st. Queen Ann-Street West, Marybone,- at the N. end of Chandos-st. en- tering by the N. E. corner of Ca- vendish-square. Queen Ann-Street, Ducking-Pond- Row, Whitechapel, is op. Courr- st. entering by 1 10, Whitechapel- road, nearly facing the London- hospital. Queen's- Arms-Court, UpperGround- Street, Christ ? s Church, three doors on the L. from Blackfriars- road towards Bennet-st. Queen's Buildings, Brompton High- Street or Road, forms part of the L. side, commencing by Knightsbridge and extending to Queen-st. Queen's Buildings (Upper), Bromp- ton, the continuation of the last described, extending from Queen- st. to Brompton-grove. Queen Catherine - Court, Brock- Street, Ratcliffe, at 23, a few doors on the R. from Butcher-rcw towards Stepney-causeway. Queen Charlotte - Court, Mosses- Alley, Bankside, Southwark, the third on the L. from Maid- lane towards Bankside. Queen Charlotte-Row, New-Road, Marybone, forms part of the S. side, commencing on the E. side the Yorkshire-stingo. Queen's Court, Pimlico, the first on the R. about \ of a mile from Buckingham-gate and on the S. side the barracks. Queen's Court, King-Street, Covent- Garden, at 30, the first on the R. thirteen doors from the N. W. corner of Covent-garden. Queen's Court, Great Queen-Street, Lincoln's - Inn - Fields, at 58, about twenty doors on the L. from Lincoln Vinn-fields. Queen's Court, High-Holborn, at 216, about j of a mile on the R. from Broad-st. St. Giles's, and nearly opposite Dean-s^ Red-lion- square. Queen's Court, King-Street, Com- mercial-Road, Whitechapel, at 12, a few doors from the said road, extending to 13, Batty-st. Queen's Court, Queen's Row, St. George's in the East, about the middle of it, a few doors from Prussian-island, Wapping-st. Queen's Court, Queen-Street, Rat- cliffe, about the middle of the S. side, or the first on the R. east from London-st. Queen's Court, Vauxhall - Walk, Lambeth, the first on the R. a few yards from Lambeth-butts leading into Broad-st- Queen's Court, Great Suffolk- Street, Borough, on the W. side of George-st. about j of a mile on the R. from 80, Blackman->t. Queen's Court, Queen-Street, Mint, Borough, a few doors on the R. from Lombard-st. towards Mint- square and Redcross-st. Queen's Court, Little Queen-Street, Borough, the first on the L. a few doors from 20, King-st. to- wards Guy's Hospital. Queen's Gardens, Brompton, the third on the L. in the High-road, about ~ of a mile from Knights- bridge. Queen's Gardens, Crosby - Row, Bermondiey, the last on the L. from Snow's Fields, or behind the Coach and Horses, Long-lane. Queen's - Head - Alley t Wapping- Street, at 192, near of a mile on the L. below the church, ex- tending to Green-bank. Queen's-Head- Alley, White-Horse- Street, RatclilFe, at 83, a door or Q t>t two on the R. from the Com- mercial-road towards Stepney. Queen's-Head- Buildings, Marybone- P..rk, a few houses by the Queen's Head in the fields nearly op- Portland-road. Queen's -Head - Court, Strand, at 10.5, nearly op. Adam-street, Adelphi. Queen'.- Head- Court, Great-Wind- mill Street, Haymarket, at 24 5 ab^ut five doors on the L. from Little Pulteney-st. leading into Crown-court. Qneen's- Head- Court, Gray's-Inn- Lane, at 38, being that number of houses on the R. from Middle- row, Hoi born. Queen's - Head - Court, Gilt^pnr- Street, twodoors on the R. trom Newgate-st. towards Smithfield. Queen's - Head - Court, Charlotte- Street, Mile-End Old-Town, at 23, about fourteen doors on the R. from Cannon-street-road to- wards Whitechapel. Queen's- Head-Court, Upper-Marsh, Lambeth, by the Queen's Head, nearly op. St;.ngate-st. Queen's- Head - Gardens, Hoxton- Town, the first on the R. north from the Hare public-house, near i a mile from Old-street-rrad. Queen's-Head-lnn, B rough, at F3, about I of a mile on the L. fr^m London-bridge, near St. Margaret's hill. Queen's- Head- Passage, Newgate- Street, at 11, the second on the L. a few doors from Cheapside. Queen's-Head-Square,Upper-Marsh, Lambeth, by Stangate-st. and nearly op. the Qneen's head. Queen- Hithe Charitv-School, en- trance at 5. Old Fi'h-st. by the church, near the Old-Change. Quecn-Hithe Dock and Stairs, Upper Thames-Street, at 00, about the middle of the S. side a few doors E. from Bread-strcet-hill. Q Queen's Place, Great Peter-Street, Westminster, the second on the L. a few doors from Struttcn- ground. Queen's- Place, Chelsea, forms part of the S. side the road, commen- cing near Ranelagh-walk and ex- tending towards the Hospital. Queen's Place, Kennington, forms part of the W. side the High-road, nearly op. Kennington-common. Queen's Place, Little Queen-Street, Borough, at the N. end of it, entering by 20, King-st. Queen's Row, Brompion. See Queen's Buildings. Queen's Row, Pimlico, part of the L, side the High-road, about i of a mile from Buckingham-gate, extending from Ward's Row to Duke's Row. Queen's Row, Palmer's Village, Westminster, the second on the L. from Brewer's Green, 'enter- ing by the N. side of Bridewell. Queen's-Row, Pentonville, part of the S. side the High-road, about of a mile on the L. from Isling- ton. Queen's Row, Hoxton, forms part of the W. side the High-street or road, between Turner-square and Workhouse - lane, about | of a mile on the L. from Old-street- road. Queen's Row, Dog-Row, Bethnal- Green, part of the R. side the ioad, about of a mile from Mile- end-turnpike. Queen's Row, St. George's in the East, the second on the R. in King-st. entering by 17, Old Gravel. lane. Queen's Row, Kennington High- Road, about \ a mile on the R. from Newington - church and nearly op. the Common. Queen's Row, Newington High- Street or Road, forms part of the R. side, commencing near the Elephant Q Elephant and Castle and extend- ing towards the church. Queen's Row, Walworth,, at the . end of King's Row, on the R. en- tering by Mount-place, nearly op. the Montpellier. Queen-Square, Westminster, about the middle of the S, side of St. James's Park, leading to the Broadway and York-st, Queen-Square, near Bloomsbury, at the N. end of Dcronshire-st. and of Drake-st. from Red- lion- square and the W. end of Great Ormond-st. from 50, Lamb's-con- duit-st. '' Queen-Square, Aldersgate-Street, at 1 10, nearly op. Jewin-st. lead- ing to Bartholomew-close. Queen-Square, Moorfields, near the middle of the N. side, being a few doors E. from Wilson-st. Queen-Square, Iloxton, between Turner-square and Workhouse- lane, near { a mile on the L. from Old-street- road. Queen Street, Brompton High-Street or Road, the fourth on the L. near | of a mile from KnightsbrMge. Queen-Street, Chelsea or Pimlico, commences near Ranelagh-wa'c, and extends towards the hospital. Queen-Street (Great), Westminster, on the S. side of St. James's Park, being the continuation of Little Queen-st. to Dartmouth-st. Queen-Street (Little}, Princes.Street, Westminster, about three doors on the R. from Great George-st. or from the N. E. corner of St. James's Park. Queen-Street, Edgware-Road, at 61, the sixth on the R. about | of a mile from Tyburn-turnpike. Queen. Street (Little), Edgware- Road, the first on the R. in the last described from the said road. Queen Street, Oxford-Street, at 171, between Duke -street and George-st. about i of a roile on o the R from Tyburn - turnpike. Queen-Street, Oxford-Street, .at 340, near \ a mile on the L. from St. Giles's, extending to Marl- borough -nv. .vs. Queen-Street, Curzon -Street, May- fair, at 10, a few doors on the right W. from Half- moon-st. Piccadilly, extending to Si t Charles-st. Berkeley-Square. Queen - Street, Great vVindinill - Street, Haymarket, ?.t 47, about ten doors from Picqaditry, it ex- tends to Sherrard-st. Gokkn-sq. Queen-Street, Dean-Stre t, Soho, > at 18, the second on the L from '100, Oxford-st. extending to 50, Greek-st. near Soho-squarc Queen-Street, Bioomsbury, the second on the R. in Hart-st. from the S. W. corner of Bioomibury- square. Queen- Street, Seven- Dials, the continuation of Shors- gardens, entering by 15, Drury-lane, it extends from 50, King-st. to the Seven-Dials. Queen-Street (Great', Lincoln's-lnn- Fields, at theN. W. corner, ex- tending to 155, Drurv iajie. Queen-Street (Little^, Lincoln' i-Inn- Fie'tds. .a few yards in the last described from the N. W. corner of Lincoln's-inn-fielcls, extending to 222, High-Holborn. Queen-Street, Perec val-trcet, Clerk- envvell, the second on the L. from 96, Goswell- t. or the second on the R. from Northampton st. Queen Street, Cheapaide, at 70, the sixth on the R. about | of a mile from St. Paul's churu -yard, it extends to the i'hree Cranes. Queen-Street, Worship-Street, Fin<- bury-square, the econd on the R. from Paul-st. towards the Cur- tain-road. Queen- Street, Hoxton, *the second on the R. in Pitfield-st. from Oki- street-road. Queen- Q Queen-Street, Quaker-Street, Spital- fields, the first on the R. a few yards from 173, Brick-lane, ex- tending to Phcenix-st. Oueen-Street, Church-Street, Mile- End Old-Town, at 26, the second on the R. from Baker's-row, enter- ing by 94, Whitechapel-road. Queen-Street, Rosemary- Lane, the second on the R. a few doors from the Minories, it extends to Little Tower-hill. Queen-Street, St. George's in the East, entrance by the second on the R. in King-st. from Old Gra- vel-lane. Queen-Street, RatclifFe, the E. continuation of Broad-st. extend- ing from RatclifFe-cross towards Limehouse. Queen-Street, Poplar High-Street or Road, by the Queen's Head, about - a mile on the R. from the Commercial-road. Queen-Street, Borough, the W. continuation of Union-st. enter- ing by 218, High-st. leading to Duke-st. Queen-Street, Mint, Borough, the second on the R. in Redcross-st. from Union-st. extending to Lom- bard-st. Queen-Street (Little), King-Street, Borough, at 20, the first on the L. about twenty doors from 109, High-st. it leads to Sutton-st. and the Maze. Queen-Street, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the fir->t on the R. in York-st. about of a mile from the High-street or road. Queen - Street or Row, Horsely- down, the fourth on the L. in Free-School -st. from the E. end of Tooley-st. leading into King-st. or Row, Shad-Thames. Queen-Street, Rotherhithe-Street, at 368, a few doors below King's stairs, { of a mile W. of the church, extending to 30, Paradise-st, R Queen-Street (Lower), Rotherhithe- Street, the continuation of it, commencing by Randall and Brent's Ship-yard, about 1| mile below the church, and extending to Trinity. st. Quickset- Row, New-Road, Mary- bone, forms part of the N. side, nearly op. Fitzroy-square, about of a mile on the R. from Tot- tenham-court-road. R RACQUET or Racket - Court, Fleet-Street, at 114, about ten doors on the R. from Fleet- market. Radcliffe-Place, &c. See Ratcliffe. Ragged-StafF-Court, Drury-Lane, about ten doors on the R. from the W. end of Holborn. Rahns-Place, Church-Lane, White- chapel or St. George's in the East, the second on the R. from 65, Cable-st. Raine's Hospital, St. George'sin the East, -facing the E.end of Charles- st. from 46, Old Gravel-lane. Ralph's Quay, Lower Thames-St. behind 23, about of a mile be- low London-bridge. Ram-Alley, Spicer-Street, Spital- fields, the third on the L. from 83, Brick-lane and nearly opposite Spital-st. Ram-Alley, Rotherhithe-Street, at 217, near Globe-stairs, about | of a mile on the R. below the church. Ram-Court, Fleet-Street, at 47, nearly op. Fetter-lane. Ram-Inn, West-Smithfield. at 79, about four doors W. from the en- trance to St. John-st. Ramsden's Yard, Beckford - Row, Walworth, at 20, near f of a mile on the L. from the Ele- phant and Castle. Randall'. R. Randall's Causeway, Rotherhithe, at the entrance to the Surrey-canal. Randall's Rents, Rotherhithe, on the N. side of Greenland-dock, extending from Russell-st. to the Thames. Randall's Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, on the E. side of Broken- wharf, entrance by Gardeners- lane and 42, Upper Thames-st. Randal and Brent's Upper Ship- yard, Lower Queen-Street, Ro- therhithe, the first on the L. below Cuckold's Point ; the Lower Yard is on the L. in Russell-st. towards Greenland-dock. Ranelagh-Green, Chelsea, at the W. end of Ranelagh-walk and the S. end of Wilderness- row. Ranelagh-Street, Pimlico, the first on the L.in Arabella-row, near | of a mile from Buckingham-gate, extending to Eaton-st. Ranelagh-Street (Upper), the con- tinuation of the last described, ex- tending towards Five- Fields and Chelsea. Ranelagh-Street (New), Five-Fields, Pimlico or Chelsea, a few houses by the Crown and Anchor, the corner of Ecclestone-st. it is also called Ebury-place. Ranelagh-Walk, Pimlico or Chel- sea, the first on the L. west from the bridge at the Neat Houses, about | of a mile from Bucking- ham-gate. Ratcliffe, a large district or hamlet of the parish of Stepney, com- mencing with Cock-hill at the E. end of Shadwell High-st. and ex- tending to Limehouse. Ratcliffe or RadclifFe-Court, John's Row, St. Luke's, the first on the L. from the N. end of Brick-lane, entering by 1 13, Old-st. RatclifFe-Court, Ratcliffe-Highway,- at 115, about thirty doors on the L. east from Cannon-st. Ratcliffe-Cross, Broad.Street, Rat- R clifFe, the last on the R. from Shadwell High-st. and op. Butcher- row, extending to Narrow-st. RatclifFe-Cross-Stairs, at the W. end of Narrow-st. about 2f miles below London-bridge, and op. Globe-stairs, Rotherhithe. Ratcliffe- Dock; on the W. side RatclifFe-cross-stairs and on the E. side Mr. Whiting's Wharf. Ratcliffe-Gardens, Ratcliffe-Row, St Luke's, the third on the L. from Bath-st. RatclifFe-Highway, the E. conti- nuation of Parsons-st. and Upper East-Smithfield, commencing near the S. E. corner of Wellclose- sq. where the numbers begin and end, viz. land 198, it extends to Shadwell High-st. about j of a mile in length. Ratcliffe- Layer, Brick - Lane, St. Luke's, the last on the L. about -J. of a mile from 113, Old-st. leading to Goswell-st. Ratcliffe-Place, Ratclhfe-Row, St. Luke's a few yards on the L. from Bath-st. Ratcliffe-Row, St. Luke's, about of a mile on the L. from the N. W. corner of St. Luke's Hospital towards the City-road, leading to Brick-lane. Ratcliffe-Square, Commercial-Road, Ratcliffe, between White-horse- st. and Stepney-causeway, about 1| mile from Whitechapel-church. Ratcliffe-Street, John's-Row, St. Luke's, a few yards on the L. east from Brick-lane, entering by 113, Old-st. Ratcliffe-Workhouse, at the N. end of White-horse-st. about | of a mile on the R. from Butcher- row. Rathbone-Place, Oxford-Street, at 23, being that number of houses on the R. from St. Giles's, it ex- tends to Percy-street, Tottenham- court-road. M m Rathbone- R R Rathbone-Plaee (Upper), the con- tinuation of the iast described, bearing to the L. it extendi to Bennet-st. Raven-Court, Fetter-Lane, at 101, nearly cp. Dean-st. leading to Cursitor-st. and Chancery-lane. Raven- Row, Spitalfields, at the S. end of Crispin-st. extending to Artillery-lane. Raven-Row, Whi tech 3 pel -Road, the second on the R. ea^t of the London-hospital, extending to Mile-end-green. Raven and Sun- Yard, Russell-Street, Bermondsey, about the middle of the S. side, nearly op. Church- st. St. John's. Ravenshear's Rents, Vine - Street, Leather-Lane, Holborn, the first on the L. from Bedford-st entering nearly opposite Meux's Brewery. Rawstone or Rawstorne -Street, Is- lington-Road, is nearly opposite Sadler's Wells, about of a mile on the R. from St. John-st. it ex- tends toGoswell-street-road. Ray-Street, Clerkenwell, at the N. W. corner of Clerkenwell-green, bearing to the L. extending to Little Warner-st. Rayner-Place, Chelsea, between the King's Road and the Hospi- tal on the E. side of Great Smith- street. Rebecca-Coutt, Wells-Street, Ox- ford-Street, at -42, the last on the R. from 03, Oxford-st. Recorder Newspaper-Office, at 45, Old-Bailey, op. Newgate-prison. Red- Bull- Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, at 63, op. Duck's-foot- lane. Red-Cow- Alley, Kent-Street, Bo- rough, at 105, about j of a mile on the L. from behind St. George's church. Red-Cow-Lanc, Mile-End-Road, the first coach-turning on the L. ^ of a mile E. of the turnpike, leading to Dog- row. Red-Cross Coal- Wharf, -on the W. side of London- bridge, City side, near Old-Swan. Red-Cross- Alley or Court, Red- Cross- Street, Borough. about ten doors on the L. from Union-st. towards the Mint. Red-Cross-Court, Cow-Lane, Wet- Smithfield, at 20, the second on the L. from 93, West-Smith- fkld. Red-Cross-Court, Barbican, at 32, behind the Red - cross public- house. Red- Cross- Square, Cripplegate, the second on the R.in Jewin-st. from 46, Aldersgate-st. it leads to Ni- cols-square and Castle-st. Red-Cross-Square, Tower-Street, at 60, nearly op. Beer-lane, about nine doors E. from Mark -lane. Red-Cross-Street, Cripplegate, at the W. end of Fore-si. by the church, extending to Barbican and Golden-lane. Red-Cross-Street, Butcher-Row, Up- per East-Smithficld, the second on the L. from 80, Upper East- Smithfiejd, extending to 7, Night- ingalc-lane. Red-Cross-Street, Borough, the first on both the R. and the L. in Union-st. from 218, High-st. it extends from Park-st. by the Bo- rough-market to the Mint. Red-Gate- Alley, Minories, at 71, nearly op. the Crescent, being a few doors on the R. from Tower- hill. Red-Gate-Coutt, Minories, at 79, a ew doors on the R. from Tower- hill, leading into Worley-court and Rosemary-lane. Red-Lion-Alley, Cow-Cross, West- Smithfield, at the W. end of Greenhill's Rents,entering by 93, St. John-st. Red-Lion Coach-Office, Strand,- at R at 339, the fourth house E. of Catherine-st. Red-Lion-Court, White-Hart- Yard, Drury-Lane, the first on the R. from 82, Drury-lane, towards Brydges-st. Covent- garden. Red-Lion- Court, Fleet-Street, -at 169, about ten doers E. from Fetter-lane, | of a mile on the L. from Temple-bar. Red - Lion - Court, Great SafFron- Hill, at 11, the second on the R. i of a mile from |io!born-hiil along Field-lane, it leads to Caro- line-court. Red - Lion - Court, Silver - Street, Wood-Street, Cheapside, six doors on the R. from 81, Wood- st. towards Falcon-square. Red-Lion-Court, Watling-Street, at 19, a few yards E. of Bread-st. extending to 20, Basing-lane. Red -Lion -Court, St. John- Street, Clerkenwell, at 160, near Wil- derness-row, about * of a mile on the R. from West-Smithfield. Red - Lion - Court, Charterhouse- Lane, the first on the L. from the square towards St. John-st. Red- Lion-Court (Little), entrance by the last described. Red- Lion-Court, London-Wall, at 38, the first on the R. east from Coleman-st. and op. Bethlem-hos- pital. Red- Lion-Court, Holywell-Lane, at 58, the first on the L. about twelve doors from 1 94, Shoreditch High-st. Red-Lion-Court, Hoxton-Town,- nearly op. the Britannia, about 5 mile on the R. from Old-street - road. Red-Lion-Court, Kingsland-Road,- the second on the L. a few doors from Shoreditch-church, leading to Sanders's Gardens and H ox ton. Red -Lion-Court, Red-Lion-Street, .Spitalfields, at 19, it extends to 23, Wood.st. about four doors N. from the church. Red . Lion - Court, George- Street, Bethnal-Green or Spitalfields, nearly op. Fleet- st. about ten door* on the L. north from Spicer-st. Red - Lion - Court, St. Catherine's Lane, the third on the R. from 50, Upper East-Smithfield. Red-Lion-Court, Pennington-Street, Ratcliffe-Highway, at 81, three doors on the L. from Breezers- hill. Red-Lion-Court, Red-Lion-Street, Wapping, the first on the L. from 120, Wapping-st. leading to Upper Well-alley. Red-Lion-Court, Bermondsey-St. at 41, about a of a mile on the L. from Tooley-st. Red-Lion-Inn, Whitechapel High- Street. at 30, the corner of Red- lion st. Red-Lion-Inn, Aldersgate-Street, at 110, about six doors on the L. north of Barbican. Red - Lion - Market, Whitecross- Street, St. Luke's, at 213, the second on the L. a few doors N. from Chiswell-st. Red - Lion - Passage, St. Pancras- Place, St. Pancras, at 26, about | of a mile on the R. from the Small-pox-hospital. Red - Lion - Passage, Red - Lion- Square, at the S. E. corner, leading to G2, Red-lion-st. Red-Lion-Passage, Fleet-Street, the continuation of Red-lion- court, entering by 169, Fleet-st. and leading to Gough-square. Red-Lion-Passage, Whitecross-Sr. St. Luke's, entrance at 213, it leads from Red-lion-market to King's- Head-court and Beech-st. Red-Lion- Passage, Red-Lion-Court, Hoxton, entrance nearly op. the Britannia, leading to Leg of Mutton-gardens and Kingsland- road. Rcd-Lion-Passage, Red-Cross-St. Borough, at 37, a few doors on the R the R. from Union-st. towards the Mint. Red-Lion-Place, Cock-Lane, West- Smithfield, the first on the L. a few doors from Giltspur-st. to- wards Snow-hill. Red-Lion-Row, Walworth or Cam- berwell-Road, by the Red-Lion, a few yards on the L. from the entrance to the Montpelier towards Camberwell. Red -Lion-Square, Holborn, at the N. end of Dean-st. and Leigh-st. from 92, High-Holborn. Red -Lion-Street, Holborn, at 71, about \ a mile on the R. from Fleet-market, leading to Lamb's, conduit-st. Red-Lion-Street, Clerkenwell, about the middle of the S. side of Clerkenwell-green, it extends to George-court, St. John's lane. Red-Lion-Street, Cloth-Fair, West- Smithfield, the second on the R. from 60, West-Smithfield, and two doors W. from King-st. Red- Lion- Street, Spitalfields, on the W. side of the church, being the fifth on both the R. and the L. from 69, Bishopsgate, along Union-st. and Paternoster-row. Red-Lion-Street, Whitechapcl, at 30, the fourth coach turning on the R. from Aldgate-pump, lead- ing into Lemon-st. Red-Lion-Street, Wapping, at 120, the fourth on the L. near \ of a mile below the church, leading into Anchor and Hope-alley. Red-Lion-Street, High-Street, Bo- rough, at 263, about \ of a mile on the R. from London-bridge, it extends to Counter-st. Red-Lion-Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, about I of a mile above London-bridge, entrance by Brick- hill-lane, nearly op. College-hill. Red - Lion - Yard, Old Cavendish- Street, the first on the R. a few doors from 140, Oxford.st, R Red-Lion- Yard, High-Holborn, - at 255, nearly op. Dean-st. Red- lion-square. Red-Lion- Yard, Upper King-Street, Bloomsbury, about seven doors on the left N. from Hart-st. Red - Lion - Yard, Great Warner- Street, Cold-Bath-Fields, at 12, a few yards on the R. from Bayne's Row, nearthe House of Correction. Red -Lion -Yard, Red- Lion -Street, Clerkenwell, at 70, three doors on the L. from Clerkenwell-green. Red-Lion- Yard, Long-Lane, West-r Smithfield, about ten doors on, the R. from 115, Aldersgate-st. communicating also with the said street at 110. Red- Rose-Alley, Whitecross.Street, Cripplegate, at 53, the second on the L. a few doors from Chis- well-st. towards Fore-st. Redman's Row, Mile-End, the con- tinuation of Grove-place, entering by the turnpike, Mile-end-road. Reeve's Arch, Princes-Street, Lam- beth, is nearly op. Randell and Suter's manufactory, leading into Fore-st. Reeve' s-Court, Angel-Square, Bi-? shopsgate-Without, at the W. end of Slades. buildings, entering by 137, Bishopsgate-st. Reeve's-Court, White's Yard, Rose- mary-Lane, the second on the L. from 58, Rosemary- lane. Reeve's - Mews, South - Audley - Street, at 17, about seven doors on the R. from the S. W. corner of Grosvenor-square. Refuge for the Destitute, Narrow- Wall, Lambeth, is a few yards on the left W. from the Patent Shot manufactory. Reliance - Square, New - Inn -Yard, Shoreditch, at '52, the second on the R. a few doors from 175, Shoreditch. Renney's Court, Webb-Street, Bo- rough, a few doors on the R. from from 240, Bermondsey st. near the Maze. Renney's Rents, Maze, Borough, at 27, the sixth on the L. from 196, Tooley-st. Renon's Court, Whitecross-Place, Wilson-Street, Moorfields, the first on the L. a few yards from "Wilson-street. Reputation-Row, Kingsland-Road,- forms part of the L. side, about ^ of a mile from Shoreditch-church, and nearly op. the Alms-houses. Rerels-Row, Blackman-Street, Bo- rough, behind 64, by the King's Bench. Retreat, Vauxhall - Place, South- Lambeth, the first on the L. from Vauxhall turnpike. Reynolds-Court, Ropemakcrs-Street, Moorfields, is nearly op. Type- st. being a few doors from the N. W. corner of Moorfields. Rhodes-Well,, Stepney, about -j of a mile E. from Stepney-church, and near the same distance from Limehouse church. Rich - Street, Commercial - Road, Limehouse, the fourth on the R. ab ut | of a mile from the church, towards the West-India-docks. Richards-Buildings or Court, Shoe- Lane, Fleet-Street, at 72, the third on the R. from St. Andrew's church, Holborn-hill, towards Fleet-street. Richards - Buildings, Cherry-Tree- Court, Golden-Lane, a few doors on the R. from the W. side the said lane entering near Old-st. Richards-Court, Bainbridge-Street, St. Giles's, the fourth on the R. from the E. end of Ox ford -st. Richard- Street, Commercial-Road, St. George's in the East, the first on the R. from Cannon-st. road, towards Limehouse, extending to Lower Chapman-st. Richardson-Street, Long-Lane, Ber- mondsey, about the middle of the N. side, near \ of a mile on the L. from St. George's church. Richbell -Court, Lamb's -Conduit - Street, at 10, being that number of houses on the R. from Red- Hon-street. Riches-Court, Lime-Street, at 50, about five doors on the L. from 21, Leadenhall-st. Richmond-Buildings, Dean-Street, Soho, at 58, the fifth on the R. about | of a mile from 400, Oxford-street. Richmond-Place, East-Lane, Wal- worth. forms part of the said lane by the chapel, about of a mile from Walworth High-street or road. Richmond-Place (Little), extends from the last described op. the chapel to Belgrade- p lace. Richmond-Street, Princes - Street, Soho, the second on the left N. from Coventry-st. and op. King- st. extending to 24, Rupert-st. Richmond-Street, Ironmonger-Row, St. Luke's, at 20, on the E. side the church, the first on the R. from Old-st. Rickets - Court, Morgan's Lane, Tooley-Street, entrance the first on the L. in the said lane from 79, Tooley-st. Rider-Court. See Ryder. Riding-House- Lane, Great Tich- field-Street, Marybone, at 96, the fifth on the L. from Oxford- market, extending to Edward-st. Risby's Rope-Walk, Limehouse, the first N. parallel to part of Narrow-street, entering byTites- alley, a few doors on the L. be- low Mr. Turner's wharf. River-Terrace, City-Road, on the E. side the New-river, op. Dun- can - terrace, extending towards Colebro~k-mw, Islington. Roberts - Buildings, Pimlico, be- tween Belgravc-terrace and Avery- farm-row, Roberts- R Roberts-Court, Charles-St. Hamp- stead-Road, at 14, about six doors from Brook-st. near Fitzroy- square. Roberts -PI ace, Commercial -Road, Mile-End Old Town, the third on the R. a few doors from Can- non-street-road, towards White- chapel. Roberts-Place, Wades-Place, Pop- lar, the second on the R. from op. the Green-man public-house, near \ of a mile from the Com- mercial-road. Robert-Street, Hampstead-Road, is nearly op. the chapel, about | of a mile on the L. from the New- road, or from Tottenham-court - road. Robert-Street, John-St. Adelphi, the first on the L. from Adam-st. entering by 73, in the Strand. Robert-Street, Little James-Street, Bedford- Row, the first on the L. a few yards from 17, Great James -st. leading to Doughty- Mews and 12, Great Guilford- street. Robert - Street, Christ - Church, or Blackfriars-Road, the first E, parallel to part of the said road, extending from Edward-street to George-street. Robinhood-Court, Church-Lane, St. Giles's, about four doors on the L. from Diot-street, near Phcenix- >.treet. Robinhood-Court, Newcastle-Court, Strand, the first on the L. a few yards from Picket-st. ortheStrand, near Temple-bar. Robinhood Court, Shoe Lane, Fleet- Srreet, at 67, the second on the R. a few doors from St. Andrew's church, Holborn hill. Robinhood-Court, Bow-Lane,Chenp- side, at 19, about that number of doors on the R. from Cheap- side. Robinhood - Court, Milk . Street, Cheapside, two doors on the R. from Honey-lane-market, entering by 116, Cheapside. Robinhood-Court, Bell -Alley, Gold- en-Lane, the third on the R. from Golden-lane, towards Gos- well-street. Robinhood-Court, Mill-Lane, T6o- Jey-Street, the second on the R. a few doors from 55, Tooley-st. Robinhood-Lane, Poplar, at the E. end of Poplar-High-st. or road, on the L. extending to the East-India dock-gate. Rohinhood - Yard, Leather - Lane, Holborn, at 8, the first on the R. from 128, Hclborn-hill. Robinson's - Lane, Paradise -Row, Chelsea, near Cheyne-walk, about | of a mile on the R. from the Hospital, extending to the King's- Road. Robinson's Place, Farmer - Street, Shadwell, at 64, being the last on the L. from 39, High-st. Robinson's Place, Shake pear's Walk, Shadwell, the last on theR. from 49, High-st. at the E. end of the last described. Rochester - Row, Tothill - Fields, Westminster, by the Grey-coat- school, near the W. end of Great Peter-st. extending towards the Willow-walk. Rochester-Street, Borongh-Market,- the continuation of York-st. enter- ing by 276, High-st. near Lon- don-bridge. Rock Life-Insurance-Office, at 14, New-bridge-st. Blackfriars, a few doors on the R. from Kleet-st. Rockingham -Court, Poplar -Row, Kent-Road, the first on the L. a few doors from Rockingham- row near the Elephant and Castle. Rockingham-Place, Kent-Road, forms part of the N. side, a few yards on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Rockingham - Row (West), Kent- Road, R R Road, the E. continuation of the last described. Rockingham - Row (Middle), the continuation of the last described. Rockingham -Row Ka t, the con- tinuation of the last described. Rodney's Buildings, Kent-Road, forms part of the R. side, near j of a mile from the Elephant and Catle. adjoining Dover-place. Rodney's Court, Chapel - Street, Holy well- Mount, at 10, the first on the L. from the Curtain- road towards Finsbury-square. Rodney's Row, Kent-Road, the fifth on the R. near 4- of a mile from the Klephant and Castle, it is continued by Garmouth-row to Lock's fields. Rodney-Street, Pcntonville,-is on the E. side the chapel, about -j of a mile on the R. from Islington to- wards Sommers-Town. Rodney- Street, Mint, Borough, is parallel to and between Lant-st. and Great Suffolk-st. intersecting William-st. and John.st. Roebuck - Court, Turnmill - Street, Clerkenwell, is near the middle of the W. side, op. Turk's-head- court. Rogers-Court, Lower East-Smith- field, three doors W. of Hermi- tage-bridge. Rogers -Rents, Webb - Street, Bo- rough, a few doors on the R. ' from 248, Bermondsey-st. towards the Maze. Rogues- Lane, Rotherhithe,- leads from Jamaica-Level near the Blue- anchor, to the St. Helena and Deptford Lower-road. Rolls-Buildings, Fetter-Lane, at 117, the second on the L. from 180, Fleet-st. leading to Symond's Inn and 32, Chancery-lane. Rolls- Yard, Chancery-Lane, at 1 5, being that number of houses on the R. from Fleet-st. Romjiey-Row, Vine- Street, West- minster, -the continuation of if,, entering by 43, Millbank-st. and extending from Tufton-st. to Marsha m-st. R.ood-Lane, Fenchurch-Street, at 24, the second on the R. from Gracechurch-street, extending to Little Tower-st. Roopes - Tenements, Rotherhithe- Street, at 391, leading to Pas- field's Rents and Mill- pond * bridge. Ropers Buildings, White-Street, Houndsditch, the first on the L. from Cutler-st. entering by 114, Houndsditch. Ropers-Place, Borough-Road,-forms part of the L. side, about of a mile from -the King's Bench to- wards the Obelisk. Ropemakers- Alley, Row, or Walk, Moorfields, the S. side of Rope- makers. st. Ropemakers-FieldsjLimehouse, the E. continuation of Narrow-st. bearing to the L. extending to Three Colt-st. Ropemakers-Street, Moorfields, at the N. W. corner, leading to Type-st. and 24,Chiswell-st. Rosamond-Street, Clerkenwell, the first on the R. in Corporation- row from the N. end of St. John- st. extending to Spa-fields. Rose-Alley, High-Holborn, at 88, a few doors on the R. west from Red-lion- st. leading into Eagle-st. Rose-Alley, Turnmill-Street, Clerk- enwell, is nearly op. Castle-st. and leads to 8, Red-lion-st. Rose - Alley, Golden - Lane, St. Luke's, at 60, about the middle of the E. side, nearly op. Turk's head-court. Rose- Alley, Bishopsgate-W T irhout,- at 34, about four doors on the R. north from New-st. Rose-Alley, Flower and Dean Street, Spitalfields, the first on the R. about R about seven doors from 200, Brick-lane, leading to Fashion-st. Rose - Alley, Upper East - Smith- field, at 16, four or five doors on the L. east from Butcher- row. Rose-Alley, Bankside, Southwark, the fourth on the L. from Clink- st. or from Bank-end, leading into Maid-lane. Rose-Court, Long- Acre, about twelve doors on the R. from St. Martin's lane, leading into Rose- street. Rose-Court or Buildings, Cursitor- Street, Chancery-Lane, at 25, nearly op. Castle-st. from 14, Holborn-hill. Rose-Court, Turnmill-Street, Clerk - enwell, the first on the L. about ten doors from Clerkenwell- green. Rose-Court, Fore-Street, Cripple- gate, at 100, three doors W. of Grub-st. Rose-Court, Bow-Lane, Cheapside,- at 51, the first on the L. from 59, Cheapside. Rose-Court, New-Street, Bishops- gate- Without, the first on the L. a few yards from 30, BLhopsgate- street. Rose Court, Wheeler-Street, Spital- fields, at 62, nearly op. Quaker- street, from 173, Brick-lane. Rose- Court, Great Tower-Street, at 42, about eight doors on the L. from Tower-hill. Rose - Cou rt, Blue - A nchor - Yard , Rosemary-Lane, the sixth on the L. from behind 48, in the said lane. Rose-Court, Hickman's Folly, Ber- mondsey, the first on the R. a few yards from Dock-head, to- wards Rotherhithe. Rose's- Gateway, Russell-Street, Ber- mondsey, at 8, by the Ship and Ball public-house, the third on the R. from Church-st. towards Dock- head. R Rose-Lane, Wentworth-Street, Spi- talfields, the second coach-turn- ing on the R. from Osborn-st. Whitechapel, extending to Fash- ion-street. Rose-Lane, Whitehorse-Street, Rat- eliffe, at 91, by the Commercial- road, the first on the R. from Butcher-row, Ratcliffe-crcss. Rose-Street, Greek-Street, Soho, about six doors on the L. from the S. E. corner of Soho-square, extending to Crown-st. Rose-Street, Newport- Market, that part of the N. side of it, which communicates with Litch- field-street. Rose-Street, King-Street, Covent- Garden, at 23, adjoining New- st. and leading to Long-acre. Rose-Street, Newgate-Street, at 20, the second on the L. from Cheapside, extending to New- gate-market. Rose-Street, Brick-Lane, St. Luke's,- at 50, the second on the R. from 113, Old-st. leading to Norman's Buildings. Rose-Street, Church-Street, Bethnal- Green, at 44, the fifth on theL. from 65, Shoreditch. Rose - Yard, Shoreditch High - Street, at 223, .leading into Plough-yard, Cumberland-st. and the Curtain-road. Rose and Crown Alley, Whitefriars,- is nearly op. Bouverie-st. entering by 62, Fleet-st. and leading to- wards the Thames. Rose and Crown- Alley, Rose and Crown-Court, Moorfields, the first on the R. from the N. E. corner of Moorfields. Rose and Crown - Court, Moor- fields, at the N. E. corner by Broker- row. Rose and Crown. Court, Shoe-Lane, Fleet-Street, at 26, four door* N. of Stone-cutter-8t. Rose and Crown-Court, Foster- Lane, R R Lane, Cheapside, about seven doors on the R. from 147, Cheap- side. Rose and Crown-Court, Essex-Street, Whitechapel, the fir^t on the L. a few doors from 115, Whitecha- pel High-st. Rose and Crown -Court, St. Cathe- rine's Lane, the fourth on the L. from 49, Upper East-Smith- field, leading to Back-court. Rose and Crown- Yard, St. John- Street, Clerkenwell, at 126, ahout of a mile on the R. from Smithfield. Rose and Rainbow-Court, Alders- gate-Street, about eight doors on the R. from Falcon-st. towards Barbican. Rosemary- Lane, Tower- Hill, near the N. E. corner, commencing near 8 1, in the Minories, and ex- tending to Cable-st. Wellclose- square. Rotherhithe-Charity-School, on the S. side Rotherhithe church. Rotherhithe-Stairs,Rotherhithe-St. at 74, about | of a mile W. of the church and lj mile below London-bridge, oppoate Wapping New-stairs. Rotherhirhe-Street, Rotherhithe, is parallel to the Thames, extending frcmWe:>t-lane,where the numbers begin and end, viz. I and 397.. to Lower Queen-st. about 1-| mile in length. Rotherhithe- Wall, Bermondsey, is parallel to the Thames, extend- ing from Mill-stairs on the E. side of St. Saviour's dock to West-lane, about 4/ of a mile in length. Rotherhithe-Workhouse, Deptford Lower-Road, about of a mile on the R. from Paradise-row. Rotton-Row, Gowell-Street, at 30, a few doors S. of Old-st. to which it leads. Round-Court (New), Strand, at 417, op. Buckingham-st. about * of a mile on the L. fromCharing- cross. Round-Court (Old), Strand, a 433, E. side of the la 3 t, leading to 13, Chandos-st. Round Court, Sharp's Alley, Cow- Cross, the first on the L. from Cow-cross or from Turnmill-st. Clerkenwell. Round - Court, Onslow - Street, Clerkenwell, a few doors on the L. from Mutton-lane. Round - Court, St. Martin's -le- Grand, the first on the R. enter- ing by 6G, Newgate st. leading to Mould makers-row. Round-Court, Butlers-Alley, Moor- Lane, a few vards from the said lane, entering by the fifth on the R. from 85,Fore-st. Round -Court, Shacklewell - Street, Bethnal-Green, three doors on the R. from 18,Tyson-st. Rowcroft's Wharf, Bermondsey of Rotherhithe-Wall, on the W.. side of Cherry- garden-stairs, about 1J: mile bdow London-bridge and op. Wapping-church. Rowland's Row, Stepney-Green, part of the VV. side, a few doors on the R. from Assembly-row, Mile-end-road. . ' Ro.vlandson's Court, Russell-Street, Bermondsey, the first on the L.. from 90, Bermondsey-st. towards Dock head. Rowlandson -Place, St. Luke's. See Bath-st. Rowlandson'sRow, City -Road. See Peerless-Row. Roxborough-Place, Oxford-Street. See Harewood-Place. Royal - Adelphi - Terrace. See Adelphi. Royal-Court or Royal-Oak-Court* Beak-Street, Golden-Square, ' three doors on the-R. from 45, Swallow-st. Royal- Academy of Arts, Somerset- N n Place, R R Place, the door on the R. under the archway, entering between 151 and 152, in the Strand. Royal- Antiquarian-Society .Somerset- Place, the door on the L. under the archway, entering between 151 and 152, in the Strand. Royal-Cou rt, Horselydown-Lane, at 21, three doors on the L. from Shad-Thames. Royal-Exchange, Comhill, on the N. side, entrance op. 23, and at the S. E. corner of the Bank of England. Royal- Exchange Assurance-Office, - over the W. side of the Royal- Exchange, and at 37, Pall-mall. Royal-Hospital-Row, Chelsea, ex- tends from the Hospital-gate to Grosvenor-row, leading towards Pimlico. Royal-Infirmary for Diseases in the Eye, at 4, Nassau-st. Soho. Royal-Institution, at 21, Albe- marle-st. being that number of doors on the R. from 62, Picca- dilly. Royal- Row, LambethUpperMarsh,- the last on the L. from the turn- pike. Westminster- bridge-road, ex- tending to Carlisle-lane. Royal -Oak- Court, Broad - Street, Ratcliffe, at 119, near Cock- hili. Royal-Oak-Court, Park-Street, Bo- rough, a few doors on the R. from the Borough-market, nearly op. Barclay and Perkins's Brewery. Royal-Oak-Court, Kent-Street, Bo- rough, at 279, about thirty doors on the R. from St. George's church. Royal -Oak-Lane, Maid-Lane, Bo- rough, the first on the L. from Park-st. or from Clink-st. Royal- Oak-Tents, Kent-Street, Bo- rough, at 293, about fourteen doors on the R. from behind St. George's church. Royal - Oak - Walk, Haberdashers- Walk, Hoxton, at 10, the fourth on the R. from Old-street- road,, entering by Pitfield-st. Royal-Oak- Yard, Kent-Street, Bo- rough, at 284, about twenty doors on the R. from behind St. George's church. Royal-Oak- Yard, Bermondsey-St. at 173, about thirteen doors on the L. from the church towards Tooley-st. Royalty-Theatre, Well-Street, Well- close-Square, five doors on the R. from Cable-st. Ruddicks - Buildings, Long- A'ley, Moorfields, is op. the W. end of Skinner-st. entering by 120^ Bishopsgate-without. Rumbal's Court, Long- Alley, Moor- fields, the second on the R. a few doors fromCrown-st. towards Moorfields. Running-Horse-Yard, Piccadilly, at 22, about five doors E. from Park-lane. Rupert-Street, Haymarket, at 7, Coventry-st. about fourteen doors on the L. from Piccadilly, lead- ing to Edmonds-court and Princes- street. Rupert-Street, Goodman's Fields, the first E. parallel to Lemon-st. extending from 7, Little AylifFe- st. to Hooper's square. Rural-Place, Mile-End-Road, three or four doors on the L. east of the Old Globe, about \\ mile from Aldgate. Russell-Buildings, Wapping-Street,- at 72, on the W. side the entrance to the London-docks. Russell-Ccurt, Cleveland-Row, St. James's, three doors on the R. from St. James's st. towards the Stable-yard. Russell-Court, Drury-Lane, at 75* about i of a mile on the L. from the New-Church in the Strand* leading to 29, Brydges-st. Russell-Court, Rosemary-Lane, behind R behind 50, near J of a mile on the R. from Tower-hill. Russell-Court.Ratcliffe-Highway, at 119, nearly op. Old Gravel- lane. Russell-Institution, Great Coram- Street, the large stone fronted building on the L. a few yards from Wooburn-place, Tavistock- square. Russell-Hotel, Covent-Garden, on the E. side by Russell-st. Russell-Mews, Howland-Street, Tot- tenham-Court-Road, at 37, ex- tending to 42, London-st. Russell-Mews, Keppel-Street, Rus- sell-Square, the first on the L. a few yards from 30, in the said square towards Bedford- square. Russell-Mews, Cleveland-Row, St. James's, the N. end of Russell- court. Russell-Place, Lisson-Grove, Lisson- Green, a few small houses in the hollow, nearly op. the White-lead Manufactory. Russell- Place, Little Coram-Street, Tavistock-Square, -about the middle of the E. side. Russell-Place, Fitzroy-Square, at the S. E. corner, leading into Charlotte-st. and Rathbone-place. Russell-Place, Bow-Street, Covent- Garden, at 38, nearly op. the Theatre. Russell-Square, about j of a mile N. of Bloomsbury-square and f of a mile W. of Gray's-inn-lane by Great Guilford-st. Russell-Street, (Great), Bloomsbury- Square, at the N. W. corner ex- tending to Tottenham-court-road, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 121. Russell-Street (Little), Bloomsbury,- the first S. parallel to part of the last, say from 43 to 65, extending from Bury-st. to Duke-st. Russell-Street (Little), Drury-Lane,- at 61, on theN. side the Theatre, R extending to nearly op. Brydgej- street. Rossell-Street (Great), Covent-Gar- den, the continuation of the last described to the E. side of Covent- garden. Russell-Street, Bermondsey-Street, at 90, near i of a mile on the L. from op. 64, Tooley-st. ex- tending to Dock-head (late Five- foot-lane) . Russell.Street (Upper), Bermondsey- Street, at 201, op. the last de- scribed. Russell-Street, Rotherhithe or Green- land-Dock, the continuation of Trinity-st. to the said dock. Russia-Court, Honey -La ne-Market,- on the N. side of Russia-row, leading into Milk-st. Russia-Row, Milk-Street, Cheap- side, a few yards on the R. from 116, Cheapside, being the N. side of Honey- lane-market. Rutland-Court, Glasshouse-Streer, Goswell-Street, the first on the R. a few yards from 108, Gos- well-st. Rutland-Place, Upper Thames-St. at 4, on the E. side of Puddle- dock, about | of a mile below Blackfriars-bridge. Rutland-Yard, Upper Thames-St. op. the last described. Ryder's Court, Leicester-Square, at 26, Cranbourne-st. two or three doors on the L. from the N. E corner of the square leading to Little Newport-st. Ryder's Court, Little Ryder-Street, St. James's, at 9, about four doors on the R. from 25, St. James's street. Ryder's Mews, Great Ryder-Street, St. James's, at 5, on the N. side between Duke st. and Bury-st. Ryder-Street (Little), St. James's Street.-r-at 26, about the middle of the E. side, extending to Bury- street. Ryder- Rydep-Street (Great), St. James's, nearly op. the List describeiJ, ex- tending from 9, Bury-st. to Duke- street. S ABB'S QUAY, Lower Thames- Street, op. 75, on the W. side of Bear-quay, near the Custom- house. Sack vi lie-Street , Piccadilly, at 48, nearly op. St. James's church, \ of a mile on the R. from the Hay- market, extending to Vigo-lane. Sadlers-Hall, Cheapside, at 143, near Newgatc-st. Sadler's Wells, about \ of a mile on the L. from the N. end of St. John-st. towards I lington. Saffron-Court, Great Saffron-Hill, at 67, about eight doors on the L. from Hatton-wall. Saffron - Hill (Great), Holborn- Bridge, the continuation of Field-lane, where the nujnbers be- gin and end, viz. 1 and 150, ex- tending to Vine-st. and Hatton- wall. Saffron-Hill (Little), the continua- tion of the last described to Ray- st, Clerkcnwell. Saffron- Place, Great Saffron-Hill, at 57, four doors S. from Castle- street. Saffron-Street, Great Saffron-Hill, is E. parallel to part of it, say from 30 to 40, extending from Peter-st. to Lilly-st. Salem - Chapel, Leading - Street, Shad well, between Foxes-lane and Griffin st. Salishury-Arms Canal-Warehouse,- behind 36, Cow-lane, twelve doors on theL. from Snow-hill. Sali^bury-C< urt, Fleet-Street, at 81, the second coach-turning on the L. from Fleet- market, ex- tending to Saliabwry-sq. Salisbury-Crescent, Lock's Fiejds, Walworth, on the N. side of Salisbury-place or the continua- tion of Pitt- st. Kent- road. Salisbury-Lane, Bermondsey or Ro- therhithe-wall, the second on the R. about | of a mile below St. Saviour's dock. Salisbury - Mews, Great Quebec- Street, New-Road, Marybone,-at 17, the first on the L. from the New -road. Salisbury- Place, New-Road, Mary- bone, forms part of the S. sice, about of a mile on the R. from the Yorkshire - stingo, towards Upper Baker-st. Salisbury-Place- Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, forms part of the L. side the road from Rodney- row, Kent- road, towards Park-place, East- lane. Salisbury- Place, Salisbury - Street, Bermondsey orRotherhithe-Wall,- the second on the L. a few doors from Jamaica-Row. Salisbury-Square, Fleet- Street, -Hall. See the last article. Salter's Rents, Hackney-Road, the second on the L. a few doors irom Shoreditch-church. Saltpetre - Bank, Rosemary - Lane. See Dock-Street. Salutation Court, Broad-Street, St. Giles's, at 42, a few doors on the R. from Monmouth-st. towards Drury-lane. Salutation-Court, Lower Thames- Street, at 101, nearly op. Bil- lingsgate. Salvadore-House, Bishopsgate- With- out, behind 200, two doors N. of the church. Samaritan-Society, held at the London - hospital, Whkechapel- road. Sambrook-Court, Basinghall-Street,- at 25, nearly op. the church. Sampson's Gardens, Wapping, the continuation of Globe-st. entering by 60, V\ apping-st. Sampson's Place, Alile-End-Road, nearly op. the Old Globe, and about H mile on the R, from Aldgatc. Samuel-Street, Church-Streer> Beth- nal-Green, at 74, about ^ of a mile on the L. from Go,Shoreaitch, leading into Gibraltar-walk Samuel-Street, Booth-Street, Spital- fields, -the continuation of ir, entering by 50, Brick-lane, and extending to Well-st. Samuel Street, St. George's in the East, the second W. parallel to part of Cannon-street-road, ex- tending from John-st. to James- street. Sand-Court or Yard, Turnmill-St. Clerkenwell, the first on the R. a few yards from the Sessions- house. Sanders's Buildings, Horse-Shoe- Alley, Moorfiekls, the third on the L. Irom Wilson-st. towards Mulberry -court and Long-alley. Sanders's Court, Great Peter-Street, Westminster, ontheVv. side of Perkins's Rents, near the Elephant and Castle. Sanders's Court, St. John-Street, Clerkenwell, at the N. end, on the R. nearly op. Benson's Japan- manufaclory. Sanders's Gardens,Kingsland-Roadj a tew doors on the L,. from Shore- ditch-church, leading to Hoxton. Sandford- Row, East - Lane, Wal- worth, the third on the R. in South-st. from Apollo-buildings, towards Walworth-common. Sandy's Row or Street, Widegate- Stieet, Bishopsgate-Without, - about six doors on the R. from Bishopsgate-street, leading to Windsor-st. Sans-Pareil-Theatre, Strand, be- hind 410, nearly op. Adam-st. Adelphi. Saracen's-Head-Inn, Snow- Hill, on the W. sideSt. Sepulchre's church, near the Old-Bailey. Saracen's- Head-Inn, Kriday-Street,- about six doors on the R. from 36, Cheapside. Saracen's* Saracen's-Head-Inn, Aldgate* two or three doors on the R. from the pump hear Fenchurch-st. Saracen's - Head - Yard, Camomile- Street, at 7, the second on the R. from nearly op. the church, Bishopsgate. Sarah-Court or Street, New Gravel- Lane, St. George's in the East, at 145, about twelve doors on the R. from Wapping-wall. Sarah-Street, Bethnal-Green, the continuation of Nicols-row, en- tering by 30, Church-st. Sardinian-Chapel, Duke-Street, Lin- coln's- Inn- Fields, a few yards on the L.from 52,Lincoln's-inn-fields. Sarn's Alley, Rotherhithe-Street, at 376, near Rotherhiche-stairs, and about | of a mile W. of the church. Sash-Court, Wilson-Street, Moor- fields, the first on the R. six doors from the N. side of Moor- fields. Satchwell's Rents, Church-Street, Bethnal-Green, at 82, on the W. side of Thorold-square, about i of a mile on the L. from 65, Shoreditch. Savage- Court, Widegate-Street, Bi- shopsgate, at 30, about seven doors on the L. from Bishopsgate- without. Savage-Gardens, Crutched-Friars, at 21, about \ of a mile on the R. from 64 t Mark-lane, leading to Tower-hill. Savannah -Place, Essex-Street, Kings- land. Road, a few doors on the R. from the said road, entering op. the Ironmongers-alms-houses. Saville- Buildings, Aldgate, at 17, ten doors E. from the church (late White- Bear-Court). Saville- Buildings, Stepney, -the con- tinuation of Pleasant-row and Redman's Row to the Green. Saville- Pa^sage, Saville-Street, Bur- lington-Gardcns,. the N. conti- nuation of it under the archway to Mill-st. and Conduit-st. Saville- Place,Lambeth,-theW. conti- nuation of Canterbury- place, about \ of a mile on the L. from Lam- beth-chapel towards the church. Saville-Place, Mile-Knd-Road, forms part of the S. side near the Plough, about 2f miles on the R. frcm Aldgate. Savilie-Row, Mile-End-Road, . forms part of the S. side, op. the Bell and Mackerel public-house, near the last described. Saville-Row, Walworth High-Street or Road, forms part of the L. side, about a of a mile from the Elephant and Castle. Saville-Street or Row, Burlington- Gardens, the first W. parallel to part of Swallow-st. extending from Vigo-lane to New Burlington-st. St. Saviour's Church- Yard, High- Street, Borough, entrance at 206, near of a mile on the R. from London-bridge, leading by the church to the Borough-market. St. Saviour's Dock, Horselydown, about i of a mile below London- bridge and nearly op. Hermitage- dock. St. Saviour's- Workhouse, Pepper- Street, Borough, at the S. end of it, entering by the W. end of Queen-street. Savory's W T harf, Millbank-Street, Westminster, about | of a mile above the bridge, entrance op. Wood-street. Savoy, Strand, entrance by 121, about the middle of the S. side, nearly op. Exeter-change. Savoy-Steps, Strand, at 107, near the last described. Sawyers - Court, Clement's Lane, Strand, about five doors on the R. from Clare-market. Sawyer's or Sayer's Buildings, Phoe- nix-Street, Spitalfields, -is be- tween Hope- street and Grey Eagle- street, street, being a few doors on the L. from I GO, Brick-lane. Sayer's Buildings, Park-Street, Lime- house-Hole, the first on the R. from Limehouse - hole towards Limehouse-causeway. Say's Craftsman Newspaper-Office, - at 10, Ave-maria-lane, op. Pater- noster row. Scallop-Court, Great Carter-Lane, Doctors-Commons, two doors on the L. from Creed-lane, entering by 14, Ludgate-street. Sch ol for Female Orphans of the Clergv, next door to the chapel in Chapel-street, Lisson-grcen or Paddington. School for the Indigent Blind, St. George's Fields, about g- of a mile on the L. from West-square, towards Lambeth. School for Licenced Victuallers Friendly-Society, Upper Kenning- ton-Lane, a few doors W. of the Windmill-tavern. School for Debtors-Children, New- ingron-Road, two or three doors on the R. from the King's Bench. School- House-Conrt, Nightingale- Lane, East-Smithfield, at 22, the first on the R. from Burr st. to- wards Upper East Smithfield. School- Hon se-Lane,Cock-Hiil,Rat- clifte, the first on the L. from Shadwell High-street, leading to Bro~k-street. School - House - Passage, Upper - Thames-Street, at 184, three doors W. of Qurcn-st. Cheap ide. School - House -Yard, Ay le bury - Street, Clerkenwell, about four- teen doors on the R. from St. John- st. leading to the Church-yard. School -House- Yard, Ironmonger- Row, St. Luk e's, op. the E. side of the church, seven doors on the R. from 97, Old-st. Sclater-Street, Brick-Lane, Bethnal- Green or Spitalfields, at 154, the third on the R. from Church-st. Scooner's Alley, Wapping-Wall, at 28, two or three doors E. of Star-street. Scotch-Court, Cross-Lane, Parker't Lane, Lincoln's-Inn- Fields, the first on the R. towards Holborn, and op. King-st. Drury-lane. Scotland- Yard (Great), Charing- Cross or Whitehall, is op. the Admiralty, and about thirty-five doors on the L. from the Strand, towards Westminster-bridge. Scotland- Yard (Middle), Whitehall- two doors S. from the la t described, leading on the R. to Little Scot- land-yard. Sc tland- Yard (Little). See the last article. Scott's Wharf, Mill-Street, Dock- Head, a few doors on the L. from Dj-ck-head, towards the Thames. Scott's Yard, Bu h-Lane, Cannon- Street, about eight doors on the R. from 22, Cannon-st. Scott's Yard, Whitecross-Street, St, Luke's, at 176, about the mid- dle of the W. side, leading to Bear and Ragged-staff ccurt. Scotten's Gardens, Duke-Street, St. George's Fields, about the mid- dle of the E. side, between Webber- st. and Westminster-bridge-road. Seabrook-Place, WTite-Lion-Street, Pentonville, the second on the L. a few doors from High-st. Islington. Sea- Coal-Company 's-Office, at 29, New-Bridge-st. Blackfriars, three doors from Earl-st. Sea-Coal-Lane, Fleet -Lane, about twelve doors on the L. from Fleet- market, leading to Snow-hill. Seal-Office, Somerset-Place, the third door on the L. from the archway, entering between 151 and 152, Strand. Seal-Office, Middle Temple-Lane, Fleet -Street,- a few yards on the R. from 5, FJeet-st, near Temple- bar. Secondaries- S Secondaries-Office, at28,Ccleman- st. about sixteen doors on the L. from Lothbury. Secretary of Bankrupts-Office, at the bottom of Quality-court, from 47, Chancery-lane, Secretary of State's Office, Home Department, the first door on the L. in the small square at the "W. end of Downing- street, from - Whitehall. Secretary of State's Office, Foreign Department, Whitehall, the third house on the R. from the Horse Guards, towards Westminster. Secretary of State's Office, War- Department, the door facing the W. end of Downing-st. Seething-Lane, Great Tower-Street,- at 56", being the first E. parallel to part of Mark-lane, it extends to 33, Crutched-friars. Selby's Mews, Berkeley - Street, Portman-Square, a few yards on the R. from the N. W. corner of the said square. Selector Newspaper-Office, at 10, Ave-maria-la. op. Paternoster- row. St. Sepulchre's Charity-Schcol, Ball- Court, Gilt? pur-Street, entrance by 14. nearly op. the church. St. Sepulchre's Church, Snow-Hill,- on the N. side, at the corner of Giitspur-street. St. Sepulchre's Workhouse, West- Street, a few yards on the R. from 88, West-Smithficld. Serjeant -Inn, Fleet-Street, at 50, being that number of houses on the R. from Temple-bar. Serjeants- Inn, Chancery-Lane, four doors on the R, from 192, Fleet- st. near Temple-bar. Scrle-Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, at the S. E. corner, extending to 50, Carey-st. Chancery-lane. Sermon-Lane, Do&ors-Commons, the fir t on the R. in Little Carter- lane, E. from Paul's chain, St. Paul's, churchyard. Sessions-House, Old-Bailey, 6p* 52, about the middle of the E* side. Sessions-House,Clerkenwell-Green,- the large building in the centre of the W. side. Sessions-House, Borough, at the Town-Hall, St. Margaret's hill. Sessions-House, Horsemonger-Lane,- on the W. side the County-Gaol. Seven Dials, St. Giles's, the point where seven streets all meet, viz. at the S. end of Great St. Andrew-st. from Broad-st. and the N. end of Little-st. St. Andrew's st. from St. Martin's lane. Seven Houses, Deptford - Lower - Road, forms part of the R. side, about of a mile from China-hall, towards the Half-way-house. Seven-Islands, Mill- Pond, Bermortd- sey or Rotherhithe, a number of small houses on the E. side, from Mill-pond - bridge towards the Blue-anchor. Seven-Star- Alley, Rtcliffe - High - way, at 81 , sixteen doors on the R. below Old Gravel-lane. Seven-Star-Court, Whitecross-Street, St. Luke's, at 192, three doors S. of Playhouse-yard. Seven - Star - Court, Nightingale - Lane, East - Smithfield, at 30, the third on the L. from Burr-street, towards Upper East- Smithfield. Scven-Star-Court, Rosemary-Lanc,- at 22, about |- cf a mile on the R. from the Minories. Seven - Steps - Alley. Rotherhithe- Street, at 360, about i of a mile W. of the church, leading to Pa- radise-street. Seward-Street, Goswell-Street. See Steward-street. Seymour - Court, Church - Way, Sommers-Town, .a few vards behind 1, Sommers-place West, new - road ; entrance under the gateway. Seymour- Seymour-Court, Chandos -Street, Co- vent Garden, at 27, about nine doors on the R. from 27, St. Mar- tin's-lane. Seymour - Mews, Seymour - Street, Portman-Square, two or three doors on the L. from the S. E. corner of the square, extending to Eerkeiey-st. Seymour- PI ace. Curzon-Street, May- fair, at the W. end, nearly op. South Audley-st. Seymour-Place, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, about i of a- mile on the L. fro'm Walworth High-st. or road, along York-st. and op. the Rev. Geo. Clayton's chapel. Seymour-Street, Portman-Square, at the S. E. corner, leading into Edward-st. and Wigmorest. Ca- vendish-square. Seymour-Street (Upper), Portman- Square, at the S. W. corner, <;p. the la t, extending to 12, in the Ed-jware-road. Shacklewell - Street, Tyson-- Street, Bethnal-Green, about ten doors on the R. from 54, Church-st. or from op. Crick-lane. Shad- Thames, Horselydown, the last on the R. in Potter's fields, from the E. end of Tooley-st. ex- tending to Dock head. Shadwell - Dock. See the next article. Shadwell-Dock Stairs, Lower Shad- well, near the E. end of Wap- ping-wall and op. Griffin-st. from ^hadweli-market. Shadwell Hi^h- Street, the E. con- tinuation of Ratcl-fFc - highway, where the number-, begin and end, viz. 1 and 215, extending from Blue gate fields to Cock-hill. Shadwell-Market, on the S. side of Shadwell High-st. enteting by 6fi, about ten doors on the R. be- low the church. Shadwell (Middle), the first S. pa- rallel to part of Shadwell High-st. , say from 76toS7, extending from Pope's hill to Broad-bridge. Shadwell (Little)^ the E. continua- tion of Lower Shadwell to Bell- wharf. Shadwell (Lower), the continua- tion of Wapping-wall by the side of the Thames, extending from Shadwell-dock to the last de- scribed, Shadwell (Upper). See Shadwell High-Street. Shadwell Water- Works, at the S. end of Pope's hill on the L. en- tering by 75, Shadwell High- street. Shadwell-Workhouse, about the middle of the W. side of Union- st. entering by 227, Shadwell High-st. Shafts or Shaftsbury-Square or Court, York-Street, Westminster, be- tween Horse - shoe - alley and Smith's Rents. Sliaftsbury- Piace, Aldersgate-St.- at 3 1, fifteen doors from Falcon-st. towards Jewin-st. Shaftsbury - Chapel , Aldersgate-St. See the last article. Shakespear's Walk, Shadwell, at 48, Shadwell High-st. under the archway, leading to Star-st. and 21, Wapping-wall. Shard's Row, New - Road, St, George's in the East. See St. George's Place. Sharp's Alley, West-Street, West- Smithfield, a few doors on the R. from the N. W. corner of Smhhfield market. Sharp's Buildings, Ro emary-Lane,- forms'part of the S. side, near Little Tower-hill. Sharp's Court, Leaderhall-Street, at 132, nearly op. the India- house. Sharp's Court, Little Trinity-Lane,- at 14, three doors on the L. from 199, Upper Thames-st. Shaw's Court, Charles-Street, Drury- O o Lane, Lane, the first on the L. ten doors from 171, Drury-Iane. Shaw's Court, New-Court or Alley, Borough, at the S. end of it, entering by 155, Borough High- st. near St. George's church. Shearwood-Place, Turville-Street, Bethnal-Green, the second on the R. from 38, Church-st. lead- ing from Christophcr-st. to Mount- street. Sheen's Court, Holborn-Hill, at 90, about twelve doors on the R. from Fleet-market. Sheffield-Street, Clare-Market, the N. W. side of the said market, extending from Vere-st. to Ports- mouth-st. Shepherd's Alley, Upper Thames- Street, at 64, about | of a mile on the L. from London-bridge, and nearly op. Garlick-hill. Shepherd's Court, King's-Head- Court, Shoe-Lane, three doors on the L. from 98, Shoe-lane. Shepherd's Court, L'pper Brook- Street, Grosvenor- Square, eight doors on the R. from the N. W. corner of the said square. Shepherd's Court, Old Nicol-Street, Bethnal-Green, the first on the L. from Cock. lane near Shore- ditch. Shepherd's Market, Mayfair, at the N. end of White-horse-st. from Piccadilly, and behind 38, Cur- zon-st. Shepherd's Row, Bethnal - Green- Road, forms part of the S. side op. Wilmot-square, about-} of a mile on the R. from 65, Shore- ditch. Shepherd's Square, Curzon-Strcet, Mayfair, at 38, about seven doors W. from Haifmoon-st. Shepherd-Street, Shepherd's Market ,- extends from the S. side of it to Hertford-st. Shepherd -Street, Oxford Street, at 310, three doors E. of New Bond- st. and near \ of a mile on the L from St. Giles's. Shepherd and Flock-Court, White's Alley, Coleman - Street, the fourth on the L. from 61, Cole- man-st. Shepherd and Shepherdess - Walk, City - Road, on the E. side St. Luke's workhouse, about \ a mile on the R. from Finsbury- square. Sherborne-Lane, Lombard-Street, behind St. Mary Woolnoth's church, entering by 10, Lombard - st. and leading to Abchurch-yard and Cannon-st. Sheriffs-Court, Guildhall, entrance by the first door on the R. in the hall from King-st. Sheriff of Middlesex-Office, Tooks- Court, Chancery-Lane, the third house on the L. from 14, Castle- st. Holborn. Sheriff of Middlesex-Commissioners- Office, Bedford-Street, at 15, op. Bedford-row. Sheriffs - Office, Giltspur - Street- Compter, a few yards on the R. from Newgate-st. Sherrard-Court, Tooley-Street, at 223, in the corner between Glean alley and Joiner-st. Sherrard-Street, Golden-Square, the first on the R. in Titchbonv- st. from the Haymarket, leading to the said square. Ship- Alley, Wellclose-Square, at the S. E. corner, extending to Ratcliffe-highway. Ship - Court, York - Street, West- minster, the first on the L. about twenty doors from James-st. to- wards Queen-square. Ship-Court, Old- Bailey, at 66, four 0* five doors on the L. from Ludgate-hill. Ship-Court, Green-Bank, Tooley- Street, entrance by the fir^t oa the R. from 81, Tooley-st. Ship-Coach-Office,Charing-Crosf, at 8 at 46 1 a few doors on the R. to- wards the Horse-guards. Ship-Inn, High-Street, Borough, at 30, that number of houses on the L. from London-bridge. "Ship-Street, Prussian-Island, Wap- ping, the second on the R. from 188, Wapping-street, near New- Crane. Ship- Yard, Strand or Pickett-Street,- about six doors on the R. west from Temple-bar, leading to New-court and Carey-st. Ship- Yard, Wardour-Street, Soho, at 37, about that number of houses on the L. from 382, Oxford-st. Ship- Yard, Redcross-Street, Cripple- gate, .at 38, nearly op. Jewin-st. Ship- Yard, Bishopsgate-Street-With- out, at 118, on the N. side of Skinner-st. about of a mile on the L. from the church. Ship-Yard, Minories, at 32, being that number of houses on the L. from Aldgate. Ship- Yard., Green-Bank, Tooley- Street, a few yards on the R. from 81, Tooley-st. Ship- Yard, High-Street, Borough, - at 33, being that number of houses on the L. from London- bridge. Ship and Mermaid-Row, Snow's Fields, Bermondsey, the fifth on the L. from 237, Bermondsey-st. Ship and Sun-Court, East-Street or Lane, Walworth, a few yards on the L. from Walworth High-st. or road. Ship-Tavern-Passage, Gracechurch- Street, at 76, about eight doors on the R. from Fenchurch-street, leading to Leadenhall-market. Ship-Tavern- Wharf, Broad-Street, Ratclifte, on the W. side of RatclifFe-cros; -stairs, about 2 miles below London-bridge. Shire-Lane (Great), Fleet-Street or Temple-Bar, on the E. side of Temple - bar, extending to 5, Carey-st. Chancery-lane. Shire-Lane (Little), Temple-Bar, about fifteen doors on the L. in the last, from Fleet-st. leading to Old Boswell-court. Shire-Lane, Chelsea, extends from behind the Bun-house towards Sloane-st. Shirley's Court or Yard, Old Mon- tague-Street, Whitechapel, the second on the R. from Osborn- street. Shoe- Lane, Fleet-Street, at 130, about twenty-four doors on the R. from Fleet-market, extending to Holborn-hill by St. Andrew's church. Shoemakers-Row, Blackfriars, -about ten doors on the R. in Creed-lane from 15, Ludgate-st. near St. Paul's-church-yard. Shoreditch High-Street, the N. continuation of Bishopsgate-st. extending from Norton-falgate (where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 249) to the church. Short's Buildings, St. James's Place, Clerkenwell, the second on the L. from Aylesbury-st. leading to Clerkenwell-close. Short's Court, Wentworth - Street, Spitalfields, a few doors on the L. from Petticoat-lane, leading into CoxVsquare. Short-Cut, Hickman's Folly, Dock- Head, the second on theR. from Dock-head, leading by the Half- penny-hatch towards the Neck- inger. Short's Gardens, Drury-Lane, at 1.0, being that number of houses on the R. from Broad-st. St. Giles's, it leads to Queen-st. and the Seven-dials. Short - Street, Cumberland - Street, Shoreditch, the first on the L. a few yards from the Curtain- road. Short-Street, Pavement, Moorfields,- at 15, about the middle of the W. side, s side, leading into- Little Moor- fields. Short - Street, Tower - Street, St. George's Fields, at 5, the first on the L, from nearly op. the Asylum. Short's Yard, Broad-Street, Lam- beth, a few doors on the R. from the Thames, and op. High- street. Shorter's Court, Throgmorton- Street, a few yards on the R. from the N. E. corner of the Bank of England. Shorter's Rents, White's Yard Jlose- mary-Lane, the third on the L. a few doors from 48, Rosemary- lane. Shorter-Street, Wellclose-Square, about the middle of the N. side, leading to 20, Cable-st. Shoulder of Mutton - Alley, Fore- Street, Limehcuse, at 52, a few doors on the L, below the Draw- bridge. Shouldham - Street, Queen -Street, Edgware-Road, the fourth on the L. from 61, Edgware-Road, extending to John-st. Shovel- Alley, Great Garden-Street, St.Catherinc's, about the middle of the N. side, viz. between St.. Catherine's bine and Butcher-row. Shovel-Court, Wood-Street, Cheap- side, at 120, about twelve doors on the L. from 123, Cheapside. Shrewsbury - Court, Whitecross-St. St. Luke's, at 192, about thirty doors on the L. north from Cliis- well-st. Shropshire - Court, Pancras- Street, Tottenham-Court-Road, at the E. end of it, adjoining Upper Thornhaugh-st. Shuter-Court, Ba.<-inghall-Strcct, at 42, about ten doors on the L. from London-wall. Sick and Wounded-Office, at the Transport - office, Dorset - square, Cannoa-row, Westminster. Sid mouth-Place, Gray's-Inn-Lane, forms part of the W. side, nearly op. Afton-st. | of a mile on the L. from Middle-n.w, Holborn. Sidmouth-Street, Gray's-Inn-Lane,- at the S. end of the last described. Sidney's Alley, LeicestervSquare, at the N. W. corner, leading in- to Coventry-st. Sidney's Place, Sidney-Street, City- Road, a few doors on the L. from the City-road. Sidney-Street, City-Road. the first on the R. from the Angel-Inn, Islinaton, it extends to Goswell- street-road, nearly op. Rawstone- street. Signet-Office, Somerset-Place, the third door on the L. from the archway, entering between 151 and 152, Strand. Silk-Street, Grub-Street, Cripple- gate, about the middle of the W. side by the City-chapcl. Siber-Court, Silver- Street, Mile- End New-Town, about the middle of the W. side, viz. be- tween Pleasant-row and Well-st. Silver-Court, Silver-Street, Golden- Square, at 3, op. Great Pulteney- street, Silver-Street, Golden- Square, the continuation of Beak-st. (entering by45,Swallow-st.) to Little Wind- mill-st. Silver-Street, Bloomsbury, at 19, Southampton-st. about six doors on the L. from 127, High- Holborn. Silver-Street Mews, Bloomsbury,-' about the middle of the S. side of Sil\ er-bt. Silver- Street, Fleet-Street, behind 62, bearing to the R. and leading into Ldmbard-st. Silver-Street, Wood-Street, Cheap- side, 7 at S2, about j of a mile on the L. from 12'2, Cheapsrde^ leading to Falcon-square. Silver- Street, Bridgewater- Square, Barbie an. Barbican, the first on the R. in Chailes-st. entering by .the S. E. corner of the square. Silver-Street, Mile-Knd New-Town,- the second on the R. from 02, Brick-lane, along Peiham-st. and Pleasant- row. Silver- Street, King - Street, St. George's in the East, the first on the L. from 18, Old Gravel-lane, near Wapping. Silver-Street, Loman's Pond, Bo- rough, the second on the L. from Gravel-lane, extending to Orange-st. Silver - Street, Canterbury - Square, Tooley-Street, at the back of the VV. side of it, and near the bottom of G lean-alley, from 218, Tooley-st. Silver-Street, Rotherhithe, the first on the R. in Lower Queen-st. be- low Cuckold's Point. Silver-Street, Clerkenwell, the N. end of Turnmill-st. near the Ses- sions-honse. Simpson's Buildings, Birdcage. Walk, Bethnal - Green, a few small houses on the S. side, near the Nag's head, Hackney- road. Simon's Buildings, Old Pye-Street, Westminster, at 5o, the fust on the R. from Duck-lane. (Bimonds - Street. See Symonds- Street. Sion-Chapel. See Sion-Square. Sion's Court, Bermondsey-Street, at 120, three doors on the R. from the church towards Tooley- street. Sion- College -Gardens, Alderman- bury ,-at 44, four doors on the R. from London-wall. Sion-Place, East Lane. Walworth, forms part of the N. side, about i of a mile on the R. from the Kent-road. Sion-Square, Mile-End Old-Town, - entrance about ten doors on the L. in Uhion-st. from 281, Whiie- cbapel-road. Sister's Close, Green-Church- Yard, St. Catherine's, the houses im- mediately behind St. Catherine's st. and on the S. side the Church yard. Six Clerks-Office, Chancery-Lane, at 52, about six doors on the R. from 310, Hoi born. Six Garden - Court, Paul's Alley, Redcross-Street, Crippiegate, a few doors on the L. from 62, Aldersgate-st. entering by Hare- court. Size- Lane, Pancras - Lane, Cheap- side, eight dcors on the L. from 83, Queen-st. extending to Budge- row and Watling-st. Size- Yard, Whitechapel-Road, . . at 22, nearly op. the church. Skinners Alms- Houses, Mile-End- Road, eij^ht or ten doors on the L. below the turnpike. Skinners-Hall, Dowgate-Hill, op. 31, about six doors on the R. from Walbrook. Skinner's Place, Weston - Street, Sommers-Town, the first on the L. from behind 17, Weston-place, op. the Small-pox-hospital, it leads to Skinner-st. Skinners-Place, Leadenhall-Market,- forms parr of the K. side, facing the passage from 8 1 , Gracechurch- street. Skinner's Row, Skinner-Street, Som- mers-Town, entrance by the first on theR. from the New-road. Skinner-Street, Sommers-Town, the first on the R. in the New- road, about of a mile from the turnpike, Battle-bridge, it extends from j udd's Place to near the Brill. Skinner-Street, Snow -Hill, the continuation of Holborn from Fleet-market to St. Sepulchre's church and the Old- Bailey. Skinner-Street, Bi-hopsgate-Street- W r ithout, at 120, about twenty- four doors N. from Sun-st. ex- tending to Long- alley. Slade's Hade's Buildings, Bishopsgate-With- out, on the N. side of Smith's Buildings and Lamb-court, enter- ing by 68, Sun-st. Slade's Court, Red-Cross-Street, Bo- rough, at 54, the second on the L. about twelve doors from Union- st. towards the Mint. Slater -Court, Blue- Anchor- Yard, Rosemary-Lane, the fourth on the L. from 48, Rosemary -lane. Slater or Slaughter-Street, Bethnal- Green. See Sclater-st. Sleep's Alley, St. John-Street, Clerk- enwell, at 106, by Benson's japan manufactory,, near a mile on the L. from Smithfield. Sloane Square, Chelsea, the space between Sloane-st. and Lower- Sioane-st. through which passes the King's road. Sloane- Street, Chelsea, or Knights- bridge, the first on the L. about | of a mile from Hyde-park-cor- ner, here the numbers begin and end, it extends to Sloane-square, (where there is 14.5) about f of a mile in length. Sloane-Street (Lower), Chelsea, is op. the last, extending from Sloane- square, to Turks-Row. Sloane-Strcet (Little), Chelsea, the continuation of the last, extending from Turks-Row to Royal Hos- pital-row. Sloane - Terrace, Sloane - Square, Chelsea, is parallel to part of the N. side, extending from op. 134, Sloane-st. to George-st. Sly-Corner, Charlotte-Mews, Char- lotte-Street, Portland-Place, be- hind the L. corner, entering by 71, Charlotte-st. Small- Pox-Hospital, Battle-Bridge, Sommers-Town, is facing the N. end of Gray's-inn-lane, about a mile from Middle-row. Holborn. Smart's Buildings, High Holborn, at 1 S I, about seventeen door, on the R. from Drury-Iane. Smart's Court, Cartwright- Street* Rosemary-Lane, two doors on the L. from 32, in the said lane. Smart's Gardens, Bethnal-Green, a group of small houses at the S. end of Wilmot-st. extending to- wards Dog-row. Smart's C^uay, Lower Thames - Street, entrance by 21, on the E, side of Billingsgate. Smith's Alley, Ropemakers-Fields, Limehouse, at 60, about the middle of the N. side. Smith's Buildings, Gray's-Inn-Lane,- forms parr of the E. side, between Constitution -row and White-hart- row, near Battle-bridge. Smith's Buildings, Chequer- Alley, Bunhill-Row, about the middle of the N. side, between .99, Bun- hill-row, and 109, Whitecross-st. Smith's Buildings, Lamb-AHey, Bi- shop.gate-Without, on the N. side of Lamb-court, entering by 68, Sun-st. Smith's Buildings, Leadenhall . Street, behind 74, by Aldgate- pump. Smith's Buildings, Long-Lane, Ber- mondsey^ on the E. side of Miles's Rents, entrance a few doors on the L. from Bermondsey- church-yard. Smith's Court, Great Windmill- Street, Haymarket, at 31, five doors S. of 52, Brewer-st. Smith's Court, Holborn-Hill, at 93, op. St. Andrew's church. Smith's Court, Brackley-Street, Crip- plegate, the second on the R. from Golden-lane, toward* Bridge- water-gardens. Smith's Court, Whitechapel- Road, at 6.5, about of a mile on the L. east of the church. Smith's Court, Lower Chapman- Street, St. George's in the East, the fifth on the L. from Cannon- st. road, near Mary-st. and Ann- street. Smith's Smith's Place, Skinner-Street, Som- mers-Town, the first on the R. from Judd's Place. Smith's Place, Gray's- Inn - Lane, Battle - Bridge, hehind Smith's buildings, leading to Field's build- ings. Smith's Place, Wapping-Street, at G5, between Globe-st. and the entrance to the London-docks. Smith's Place, Salmon-Lane, Lime- house, about of a mile on the L. from the Commercial-road, and nearly op. Farmer's Row. Smith's Place, Gibraltar-Row, St. George's Fields, op. 12, the second on the R. from Prospect- place, near the Elephant and Castle. Smith's Rents, York-Street, West- minster, the fourth on the L. from Queen-square, and nearly op. Ship-court. Smith's Rents, St. John - Street, Clerkenwell, at 1 40, three doors S. of Mitre-court, and about of a mile on the R. from West- Smithfield. Smith's Rents, Angel-Square, Bi- shopsgate-Without, the first on the L. from 137, Bishopsgate-st. Smith's Rents, Bankside, South- wark, the third on the L. from Bank-end, about four doors W. of Horse -shoe-alley. Smith's Rents, Union-Street, St. George's Fields, the last on the R. from the London-road, towards West-square. Smith's Rents, Bermondsey- Street, - at 158, nearly op. the Church. Smith-Square, Westminster, the houses which surround St. John's church, entrance by 52, Mill- bank-street. Smith-Street (Great), King's Rond, Chelsea, about -J of a mile on the L. from Sloane-square, or is the continuation of Durham - place, from the W. side the Hospital. Smith-Street (Little), Chelsea, the first on the L. in the last from the King's Road. Smith-Street ,Great\ Westminster, the S. continuation of Dean-st. near the Abbey, to Great Petcr-st. Smith-Street (Little,) Westminster,- the first on the L. from Dean-st. extending to Bowling-st. Smith-Street, Northampton-Square, Clerkenwell, at the S. corner, intersecting Perceval-st. and ex- tending to King-st. Smith-Street (Upper), Northampton- Square, Clerkenwell, op. the last, intersecting Spencer-st. and ex- tending to Wynyatt st. Smith's Ways, Rotherhithe or Ber- rnondsey-Wall, on the E. side of Mill-stairs and St. Saviour's dock. Smith's Ways, Wapping, on the E. side the Dundee-wharf, about | of a mile below Hermitage- bridge. Smith's Wharf, Rotherhithe- Wall, between East - Lane - stairs and Fountain-stairs, nearly op. Pal- mer's Rope walk. Smithfield-Bars, West-Smithfield, at 76, N. side, being the entrance to St. John-st. Smithfield-Market, or West-Smith- field, at the N. end of Gihspur- st. from Newgate-street, or from Snow-hill, the numbers begin and end at Cow-lane, viz. 1 and 93. Smith field (Upper East), Little Tow- er-Hill, extends from the E. side of Tower-hill, to Parsons-street, Ratcliffe-highway. Smithfield (Lower East 1 , the con- tinuation of Butcher-row to the Hermitage-bridge. Smock -Alley, Spitalfields. See Artillery- Place. Snead's Court, Engine-Street, Picca- dilly, the N. end of it, leading to Brick-st. and Park-lane. Snow's Fields, Bermondsey, the continuation of King-st. entering by 109, High-st. Borough, ex- tending s tending to 238, Bermondsey-st. Snow- Hill, Holborn-Bridge, on theN. side of Skinner- st. extend- ing from Fleet-market to St. Sepulchre's church, near Newgate. Snow's Rents, York-Street, West- minster, is nearly op. Queen- square. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, John-Street, Adelphi, -at 12, three doors on the R. from Adam-street, entering by 73, in the Srrand. Society for the Suppression of Vice, at 3 1 , Essex-st. about twenty doors on the L. from 210, Strand. Society for the Relief of Persons imprisoned for Small Debt-,. seven doors on the R. in Craven- st. from 10, in the Strand. Society for the Encouragement of Servants, at 10, Pall-Mali, a few yards on the R. from the Haymarket. Socrates - Place, New-Inn-Street, Shoredirch, about eight doors on the R. from 20, New-inn-yard. Soil's Row, Hampstead-Road, forms part of the W. side, extend- ing from Charles-st. near Totten- ham-court-road to Frederick's place. Somerset- Buildings,Hackney-Road,- the first on the L. in Crabtree-.row, from the said road, near Shore- ditch-church. Somer.-xt - Court, Little Somerset- Street, Aldgate, a few yards on the R. from 22, Somerset-street, near Manse 1-st. Somerset-Hcuse or Place, Strand, entrance between 151 and 152, about | of a mile on the L. from Temple bar. Somerset - Place, Providence - Row, Finsbary-Square, the second on the R. from the City-road, towards Paul-street. Somerset- Place, Kennington -Com- mon, a lew yards on the R. from the Horns-tavern, towards Clapham. Somerset-Street, Duke-Street, Man- chester-Square, at 42 i five doors on the L. from 174, Oxford-st. extending to Orchard-st. Somerset-Street, Aldgate or White- chapel, the first on the R. east from the Minories, extending to Mansel-st. Somerset-Street Little, Aldgate, at 22, in the last described, about six doors on the L. from Mansel- street. Sommer's Place East, Sommers- Town, on the R. side the New- road, about | of a mile from Rat- tle-bridge, extending from Will- sted-st. to Chalton-st. Sommer's Place West, Sommers- Town, the W. continuation of the last described. Sommers - Stairs, Lower Thames- Street, a few doors on the R. below London-bridge, on the W. side Billingsgate. Sope-Yard, Park-Street, Borough, - about four doors on the L. from the Borough-market. Sophia - Place, Duke - Street, St. George's Fields, the fir t on the L. from Webber-row, towards the Obelisk. Sots - Hole, Archer - Street, Great Windmill-Street, Haymarket, a dark narrow passage at the E. end of it, leading into Rupert-st. South - Crescent, Tottenham - court- road. See Crescent. South-Lambeth, on the S. side of Vauxhall turnpike, on the L. ex- tending towards Stockwell-com- mon. South London Water-Works. See Lambeth. South -Mews, South -Street, Man- chester-Square, at 17, three doors on the L. from 8, Manches- ter-street. South-Molton-Lane,Oxford-Strect,- is is parallel to or behind the W. side of South-Molton-st. South - Molton - Street, Oxford - Street, at 194, near \z mile on the R. from Tyburn-turnpike, ex- tending to 6, Brook -st. South -Place, Moorfields, forms part of the N. side, adjoining South-street. South- Place, Kenntngton-Cross, forms part of the R. side of Up- per Kennington-lane, nearly op. the Windmill-tavern. South-Place, or Row, Kennington- Common,-the houses which form the N. side of the said Common. South-Row, New-Road, Sommers- Town, is op. Sommers-pl. West, near the road which leads to Tavistock-sq. South-Sea-Chambers, Threadneedle- Stfeet, at 41, three doors on the R. from the South- Sea-House. South -Sea -Court, Lombard -Street, Mint, Borough, -on the W. side of it, or on the E. side of Little Guildford-street, entering by 75, Queen-street. South-Sea-Court, Maze, Borough,- at 14, about that number of doors on the L. from 95, Tooley- street. South - Sea - House, Threadneedle- Street, is op. the church, and adjoins 115, Bishopsgate-strect ; there is another entrance at 18, Old Broad-street. South-Sea-House (Old) at 19, Old Broad- st. nearly op. the church. South-Street, King's-Road, Chelsea,- the first on the R. a few doors from Sloane-sq. towards Battersea- bridge. South-Street, Manchester-Square, the second on the R. in Man- chester- st. from the N. side the square, extending to High-st. op. Marybone-lane. South -Street, South Audley- Street, Grosvenor-square, intersects it at 17, about | of a mile from Cur- zon-st. and leads into Park -lane. South - Street, Finsbury, or Moor- fields, on the N. side of Moor- fields, being parallel to and be- tween part of Finsbury. place and Wilson-street. South-Street, Spitalfields- Market, the first on the R. in Paternoster- row from the church. South-Street, Lambeth, is nearly op. the Three Stags, about \ a mile on the R. from Westminster- bridge. South - Street, West - Square, St. George's Fields, about the middle of the S. side, extending to Brook-street. South-Street, East-Lane .Walworth ,- about the middle of the S. side, extending from 1, Apollo-build- ings, to Walworth-common. Southampton-Buildings. Holborn, at 318, on the W. side of Middle- row, it leads to 53, Chancery-lane. Southampton -Court, Southampton- Buildings, Holborn, three door? on the R. in the last from Hol- born. Southampton - Court, Southampton- Row, Bloomsbury, ten doors on the R. from Upper King-street, Holborn, leading into Queen-sq. Southampton-Court, or Row, Tot- tenham-Court-Road, at 140, nearly op. Warren-st. and three or four doors from the New-road. Southampton - Mews, Southampton- Place, New - Road, Tottenham- Court, is on the N. side of the said place. Southampton - Mews, Southampton- Row, Bloomsbury,' is op. 10, being a few doors on the L. from Upper King- st. Holborn. Southampton - Place, New - Road, Tottenham-Court, forms part of the N. side, by the turnpike, about | of a mile E. of Totten- ham-court-road. P p Southampton- Southampton-Row, Edgware-Road,- at 83, op. Winchester- row, near -| a mile on the R. from Tyburn- turnpike. Southampton -Row, Bloomsbury, the continuation of Upper King- st. (entering by 120, High-Hol- born) to Russell square. Southampton - Street, Strand, at 3^7, near the middle of the N. side, extending to Co vent-Gar- den. Southampton-St. High-Holborn, at 120, about of a mile on the R. from Fleet-maiket, extending to Blnom, bury-square. Southampton - Street, Pentonville High-Street or Road, the second on the R. from the chapel towards Battle-bridge. Spa - Fields, Clerkenwell, about | of a mile N. of Clerkenwell- green, lying between St. John- street-road and Cold-bath-fields. Spa - Fields - Chapel, Brayne's Row, Clerkenwell, about twelve doors E. from the turnpike by the House of Correction towards St. John- street- road. Spa- Place, Spa-Fields, Clerkenwell,- part ofBrayne'sRow.say from the turnpike to Wood-st. Spa-Road, Bermondsey. See Grange- Road. Spa -Road -Passage, Bermondsey, the first on the left E. from the Spa, leading to Pittman's-pl. and 13, Printers- place. Span's Buildings, St. Pancras, near Rcd-Hon-passage, being the con- tinuation of Vernon's Buildings towards the church. Span's Place, Brill Place, Sommers- Town, part of the said place, entrance on the W. side the Brill public-house. Spanih-Place, Manchester-Squarc,- at the N. K. corner, extending to Charles-street. Spark's Place,Dukc's Place, Aldgatc,- at the S. E. corner of Great Duke's Place. Sparrick's or Spurrick's Row, Maze* Pond, Borough, a few doors on the L. in Weston st. from 35, Snow's fields. Sparrow's Buildings, Potters- Fields, Horselvdown, the first on the L. a few yards from the bottom of Tcoley-street. Sparrow-Corner, Rosemary-Lane, part of the N. side of it adjoining the Minories. Sparrow's Rents, Portpool-Lane, at 47, about the middle of theN. side, leading to Liquorpond-st. by Meux's brewery. Speding's Gardens, North - Street, Poplar, about the middle of the E. side, between Poplar High-st. and the East-India. dock-road. Spencer - Place, Kenningron - Com- mon, a few houses on the R. by the White Swan, at the commence- ment of the Croydon-road. Spencer - Row, Go. well - Street - Road, forms part of the W. side near the turnpike, extending from Upper Ashby-st. to Spencer-st. Spencer-Street, Northampton-Sq. on the N. side, extending from near the turnpike, Goswell-street- road, to St. John-street-road. Spencer - Street, New - Inn - Yard, Shoreditch, the first on the R. a few yards from 176, Shoreditch High-street. Spencer-Street, St. George's in the East. the third on the R. in Charles-st. from Lower Cornwall- st. (op. Blae-gate-fieids) towards the Commercial-road. Spicer-Court, Spicer-Street, Bethnal- Green, orSpitalfields, the first on the R. a few yards from h2, Brick- lane. Spicer-Street, Brick -Lane, Bethnal- Green, orSpitalfields, at 82, op. Hanbury's brewery. Spikeman's Court, Little Portland. Street, Street, Maryhone, about six door on the R. from 108, Great Titchfieid -street. Spiller's ourt, Webber-Row, St. George's Fields, the econd on the L. from B ! ackfrjars-rcad, by the Magdalen. ho pital. Spital -Court, Epical - btreet, Mile- End New-Town, the first on the right N. fr ^m Pelham-st. Spital- square, Bi.-hopsgate- Without, - at 104, near j of a mile on the righ. N. from the church, it leads to White- Lioo-st, on the L. and to Lamb-st. on the R. Spital-btreet, Mile-End New-Town, or Spitalfields, the second on the R. in Spicer- t. from 82, Brick - lane, extending to Pelham-st. and WeU-street. Spitalfields- Market, Spitalfields, entrance, at 10, Lamb-st. or at 23, Paternoster-row, on the W. side the church. Spitalfields- Work-House, on the E. side of Charles-st. Mile-end New- Town, near the N. end of Baker's Row, from 94, White- chapel-road. Spotted- Dog Coach-Ofiice, Strand,- at 298, four doors E. from the New Church. Spotted - Horse - Court, Shoreditch High-Street, at 197, five doors S. of holywell-lane. Spread - Eagle - Court, Gray's- Inn- Lane at 27, being that number of doors on the R, from Mjddle- row, Hoi born. Spread- Eagle-Court, Finch-Lane, at 21, three doors on the L. from 81, Corqhill. Spread - Eagle - Court, Kingriand- Road, the first on the L. a few doors from Shoreditch-church. Spread - Eagle - Court, Limehouse- Causeway, the first on the L. a few yards from Fore-st. or from Three.Coit-street. Spread- Eagle-Court, Rotherhithe, on the S. side the church, neat Cow-court. Spread - Eagle - Inn, Gracechurch- Street, behind 84, twelve doors on the L. from Leadenhall-st. Spring-Garden, Charing-Cross,* the street behind the W. side of it, entrance by 66, or at 51, op. the Equestrian statue. Spring-Garden (New) Pimlico, on the E. side of Avery-farra-row, and between Upper Belgrave-pl. and Five-fields. Spring- Garden, Mile - End New- Town, a group of small hoiues between Princes-row and Church- st. entrance by 14, King Edward- street. Spring - Garden - Court, Mile-End- Road, about j of a mile on the L. below the turnpike, and the first E. of Stepney-green. Spring - Garden - Mews, Charing- Cross, en the S. side of New- st. and nearly op. Buckingham- court, from 37, Charing-cross. Spring - Garden - Place, Stepney, a few houses on the R. extending from the W. ride the church to- wards the fields. Spring-Street, Dorset-Street, Port- man-Square, five doors on the right, W from Baker-st. extend- ing to Durweston-st. Spring-Street (Upper), the N. con- tinuation of the last to York-st. Spring-btreet (Great), Shadwell,-ex- tends from the S. side the church- yard to Lower-turning. Spring-Street (Little), Foxes-Lane, Shadwell, four doors on the R. from the E. end of the church-yard, leading into the last described. Spur-Inn, High-Street, Borough,, at 98, about of a mile on the L. from London-bridge. Stable- Yard, St. James's, the last on the L. in Cleveland-row, from the Palace, leading into St. James's Park. Stacy's Stacy's Repository, Great Portland- Street, at 108, nearly op. Little Titchfield-street. Stacey -Street, St. Giles's. See Stracey- Street. Stafford-Place, Pimlico, about ten dooib from Buckingham-gate. Stafford -Place, Hill-Street, Finsbury- Square, the first on the R. from Paul -street. Stafford- Row, Pimlico, commences on the L. by Buckingham - gate, and extends to Ward's Row. Stafford-Street, Lisson-Grove, Lis- son-Green, is nearly op. the Yorkshire- stingo. Stafford-Street, Old Bond-Street, the first on the L. from 58, Pic- cadilly, extending to 15, Dover- street. Staining- Lane, Wood-Street, Cheap- side, op. the N. end of Gutter- lane, entering by 132,Cheapside. Stamford-Street, Blackfriars-Road,- the second on the R. about twenty doors from the bridge. Stamford-Street (L T pper), the con- tinuation of the last described to Broad- wall. Stamp-Ojfice, Somerset-Place, at the S. E. corner of the square, en- trance between 151 and 152, Strand. Standige's Buildings, Stoney-Lane, Tooley-Street, the second on the L. from 95, Tooley-st. Stanford - Place, East - Lane, Wal- worth, the first on the R. a few yards from the Kent-road. Stangage's Buildings, Bermondsey New-Road, the first on the R. a few yards from the Bricklayers- arms, Kent-road. Stangate-Court, Piccadilly, at 53, on the W. side of Burlington- house, about i of a mile on the R. frr m the Hayniarket. Stangate, Lambeth, -the first on the K. about seven doors from West- minster- bridge. Stangate - Street, Lambeth, the continuation of the last, bearing to the L. it extends to Lambeth Upper Marsh. Stangate - Place, Stangate- St. Lam- beth, at 36, under the archway, near Felix-street. Stangate- Wharf, Lambeth, the first above Westminster-bridge. Stanhope-Street, May-Fair, the first on the L. in South Audley-street, from Curzon-street, extending to Park-lane. Stanhope- Street (Little), May-Fair,- the first on the R. in Hertford-st. from Shepherd's Market, or the first on the L. from Park lane. Stanhope - Street, Clare - Market, the continuation of Newcastle-st. bearing to the L. from the E. side the New Church in the Strand. Stanton's Wharf, Tooley-Street, at the N. end of Stoney-lane, en- tering by 95, Tooley-st. Staple-Court, Bermondsey-Street, at 166, five doors on the L. from the church towards Tooley- street. Staple's-Inn, Hoi born, three doors on the R. from Middle-row to- wards Fleet-market. Staple's-Inn-Buildings, Middle-Row, Holborn, at 10, leading into Staple's Inn. Staple's Rents, Paradise-Street, Ro- therhithe, at 85, a few doors on the R. from Mill-pond-bridge. Stapleton's Coal - Wharf, White, friars, on the W. side of White- friars-dock. Stapleton's - Court, Ropemakers. Street, Moorfields, on the N. side, between Finsbury-st. and Type- st. Star-Alley, Upper East-Smithfield,- a few doors on the L. east of Butcher-row, leading to Cart- wright-square. Star-Alley, Fenchurch-Street, at 52, being that number en the R. from from Graccchurch-st. leading to Mark -lane. Star-Corner, Bermondsey- Street,- the continuation of it, from Long- lane to the Grange-road. Star-Court, Strand, a few doors on the R. from Temple-bar and nearly op. Essex-st. Star-Court, Chancery-Lane,-at 114, about eighteen doors on the L. from 191, Fleet- st. Star-Court, Cross-Lane, Parker's Lane, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields,-three doors on the L. from Newton-st. entering by 206, High-Holborn. Star-Court, Little Compton-Street, Soho, at 12, on the N. side, between Greek-st. and Crown-st. Star-Court, Grub-Street, Cripple- gate, about the middle of the W. side, op. Angel-court. Star-Court, Bread - Street, Cheap- side, at 53, about nine doors on the L. from -16, Cheapside. Star-Court, Bread-Street-Hill, at 25, five doors on the L. from Bread-st. leading to Hugging- lane. Star-Court, Mint-Street, Borough, is facing Duke-st. and about a of a mile on the L. .from op. St, George's church. Star-Court , Bermondsey-Street, at 250, about thirty-five doors on the R. from Tooley-st. Star-Court, Great Eastcheap. six doors on the L. from Fish-street- hill towards Cannon-st. Star Newspaper-Office, on the N. side of Fleet-st. by Temple-bar. Star-Place, Lower Chapman-Street, St. George's in the East, the last on the L. from Cannon- street- road and op. Albion- place. Star-Street, Shadwell, the continu- ation of Shakespear's walk (en- tering by 48, High-st.) to 24, Wapping-wall. Star- Yard, Carey-Street, Lincoln's- Jnn-Fields, .the first on the R. from 99, Chancery-lane, leading into Chichester-rents. Star* Yard, Old Gravel-Lane, at 103, three doors on the L. from 65, Ratcliffe-highway. Star and Garden - Yard, Ratcliffe- Highway, at GO, the second on the R. a few doors E. from Old Gravel lane. Starch- Alley, Goswell-Street, at 30, on the S. side of Old-st. Starch- Yard, Old Gravel-Lane. See Star-Yard. Statchell's or Statch well's Court, Church - Lane, Whitechapel or Commercial-Road, about of a mile on the R. from the church and op. Union-st. Statesman Newspaper-Office, at 87, Fleet-st. a few doors on the L. from Fleet-market. Stationers- Alley, Ludgate-Street, at 35, the second on the R. from St. Paul's-church-yard, leading into Stationers-court and Ave- Maria-lane. Stationers - Court. See the last article. Stationers- Hall, on the N. side of Stationers-court, bearing to the L. from Ludgate-st. Stave- Yard, Wapping-Street, at 33 c 2, about of a mile on the R. below Hermitage-bridge. Staverton - Row, Newington- Butts or Walworth, part of the R. side, commencing by the Elephant and Castle. Steel- Yard, Upper Thames-Street, at 87, op. Bush-Lane, near | of a mile on the L. from London- bridge. Steel's Yard, Great Tower-Hill, at 33, on the E. side, about eight doors from Coopers-row. Steel's Yard, New-Street, Maze- Pond, Borough, entrance by 6, on the E. side Guy's Hospital. Steelhouse-Lane, Stepney, is op. the Causeway, extending from Brook- Brook-st. across the fields towards Stepney-church. Steers- Piace, Barbican, at 10, being that number of doors on the K. from Aiciersgate-st. St. Stephen's Church, Ccleman- Street, about seven or eight doqrs on the L. from Lothbury. St. Stephen's Church, Walbr'ook,- at the S. W. corner of the Man- sionrHouse. S*. . Stephen's Court, New Palace- Yard, Westminster, on the E. side by the River Thames. Stephen Mews, Gres.e-Streef, Tot- reriham-Court-Road, at 31 , about five doors en the L. from 23, Rathbone-place. Stephen- Street, Tottenham - Court- Road, at 29, the second street on the L. from Oxford-st. leading to Gresie-st. and 23, Rathbone- p'ace. Stepney - Causeway, Brook-Street, RatclifFe, about the middle of the N. side, extending to the Commercial- road. Stepney-Gap, Stepney-Causeway, the first on the L. from the Com- jnercial-road towards Brcok-sr. Stepney-Green, Stepney, about \ of a mile on the R. in Mile-end- road, E. from the turnpike, ex- tending to near the church. Stepney -Green-Terrace, forms part of the R. side of Stepney-green, entering by Mile-end-road, it ex- tends from Prospeft-place toCroiS- row. Stepney -Meeting - House -Charity- school, at the N. end of White- horc-st. from the Commercial- run d. Strpncy-Ncw-Square. See Trafal- gar-Square. Stepney - Old - Square, Stepney- Green, about j of a mile on the L. from Mile-cnd-road, and near the N. side the Church-yard. Stepney's Rents, Hackney -Road, about seven or eight houses on the r R. side, between Shoreditch- church and Crabtree-row. Steven's Buildings, Bell-Street, Pad, dington, at 15, about twelve doors on the L. from Lisson- Green. Steward's or Stewart's Court, Clerk- enwell-Green, at 33, N. side, nearly pp. the Sessions-house. Stewards - Office, Gray's - Inn, by the chapel, at the N. E. corner of Holborn-ccurt. Steward's Rents, Drury-Lane, at 128, five door, on the R. north of Princes-st. leading to Wild-st, Steward-Street, Goswell-Street, at 80, the fourth en the R. north from Old-st. extending to 29, Brick lane. Steward-Street, Spitalfields, the second on both the R. and the L. in Union-st. from 69, Bishops- gate-street- without. Still- Alley, Bishop^gate- Without, at 190", six doors N. of the church. Still-Alley, Houndsditch, at 104, nearly op. St. Mary-Axe. Still- Alley, Blue-Gate- Fields, Shad- well, the second on the R. about eight doors from 215, High-at. Shadwell. Still-Stairs, Horselydown, at the N. end of Potter's fields from the bottom of Tooley-st. about -| a mile below London-bridge. Stillwell-Court, Maze, B rough, at 25, the fifth on the L. from 195, Tooley-st. Stock-Kxchange, Capel-Court, Bar- tholomew-Lane, at the E. end, entering nearly op. the E. entrance to the Bank of England. Stock- Weavers Alms-Houscs,Kings- land-Road, about | of a mile on the R. IromShoreditch-church. Stone-Buildings, Lincoln's-lnn,-the first on the R. from op. 55, Chan- cery-lane, near Holborn. Stcne- Stone-Court, Laundry. Yard, Great Peter-Street, Westminster, the first on the R.from the said street, entering near Marsham-st. Stones-End, Borough, at the S. end of Blackman-street by the King's Bench, about | of a mile from London-bridge. Stone's Row, New- Road, Sommers- Town, nearly op. Chalton-st. about j oF a mile on the L. from Battle-bridge. Stone - Stairs, Broad - Street, Rat- clifFe, at 94, on the W. side the India-Company's warehouse, and nearly facing Globe-stairs, Ro- therhithe. Stone - Stairs - Court, Broad-Street, Ratcliffe, at 94, op. the said stairs. Stone- Yard.Queen-Street, Borough ,- at '20, about that number of houses on the R. from Union-st. Stonecutters- Alley, Blackfriars, the S. end of Cock-court, entering by 18, Ludgate-hill. Stonecutters-Buildings, Little Oueen- Street, Lincoln's- Inn-Fields, at 5, seventeen doors on the L. from 223, High-Holborn. Stonecutters-Court, Little St. Mar- tin's Lane, at 13, being that number of doors on the R. from the W. end of L'mg-acre. Stonecutters-Street, Fleet-Market,- at 75, about the middle of the W. side, extending to 22, Shoe- lane. Stonecutters- Yard, Kent-Street, Bo- rough, at 22, being that num- ber of houses on the L. from be- hind St. George's church. Stoney-Lan;-, Gravel-Lane, Hounds- ditch, the third on the R. from 148, Houndsdiichj leading to Pet- ticoat-lane. Stoney-Lane, Tcoley-Street, at 95, about y of a mile on the L. from London-bridge. Stoney-Street, Borough-Market, forms prut of the W. side, ex- tending to Clink-st. Store - Street (Great), Tottenhara- Court-Road, at 35, the fourth on the R. from Oxford-st. ex- tending to 79, Gower-st. Store-Street (Little), a few door* on the R. in the last described, from 79, Gower-st. Story's Gate, St. James's Park. at Great George-st. Westminster. Stracey -Street, Monmouth-Street, St. Giles's, the second on' the R. from Broad-st. leading to Lloyd's court by the Church-yard. Strand, the N. parallel to the Thames, extending from Charing- cross, where the numbers begin and end. viz. I and 487, to Temple-bar, where there is 236, about | of a mile in length. Strand - Lane, Strand, at 168, nearly op. the New Church, leading to Surrey-stain. Stratford- Mews, Mary bone-Lane, at 67, the first on the L. from 152, Oxford-st. Strntford-Place, Oxford-Street, at 159, op. South-Mo'ton-st. near j a mile on the L. from Tyburn-turn- pike. Streatham-Street, Charlotte- Street, Bloomsbury, at 20, six do rs S. from 3 !, Great Russeli-st. it leads into Bainbridgc-st. and Oxford- street. Strcatham-Mews, Stre3tham- C treet, Bloomsbury, rn the N. side, a few yard, from Diot-^t. Street's Buildings, Mount-Street, Grosvenor-Square, at 75, about six doors E. from 16, Park st. Strertcn-Strcet, Piccadilly, about the middle of the N. side, and the first W. of Berkeley st. Stringer's Row, Deptford Lower- Road, Rotherhithe, the first On the L. from the E. end of Para- dise-Vow. Stroud Waggon-OfEce, at 18, Grub- Grub- st. six doors on the R. from 97,Fore-st. Strutton-Ground, Westminster, the continuation of Great Chapel- st. from Broadway to Great Peter - st. and the Horseferry-road. Suffolk-Court, Harrow-Street, Mint, Borough, about seven doors on the R. from Mint-st. Suffolk-Lane, Upper Thames-St. at 152, the fifth on the R. from London-bridge, leading to Bush- lane and 22, Cannon-st. Suffolk-Mews, Suffolk-Street Mid- dlesex-Hospital, on the W. side, of the hospital, and on the E. side of Suff lk-st. Suffolk-Place, Bateman'sRow, Shore- ditch, the first on the L. three doors from the Curtain-road. Suffolk-Street, Middlesex-Hospital, - three doors W. of it, extending from 9, Charles-st. to 44, Union- street. Suffolk-Street (Little), Haymarket,- seven doors on the R. from Cock- spur-st. extending to Whitcomb- street. Suffolk-Street (Great), Haymarket,- the first on both the R. and the L. in the last from the Haymarket, extending to Cockspur-st. Suffolk-Street, Cannon-Street-Road, St. George's in the East, -op. William-st. being a few doors on the R. from the Commercial-road towards Whitechapel-road. Suffolk-Street (Great), Blackman- Street, Borough, at 80, about sixteen doors on the L. from the King's Bench, leading to Gravel- lane. Suffolk-Street (Little), Borough, the third on the R. in the last described, from 80, Blackman-st. Sugar Rakers- Yard, Duke's Place, the third on the R. along Cree- church-lane, from 87, Leadenhall- strcet. Sugar-Loaf-Court, Dorset-Street, Sa- lisbury-Square, at 100, the fifth on the L. from 82, Fleet-st. Sugar-Loaf-Court, Upper Thames- Street,-^-at 196, nearly op. Queen- hithe. Sugar - Loaf- Court, Long- Alley, Moorfields, the fifth on the L. from Moorfields towards Crown- street. Sugar - Loaf - Court, Bishopsgate- Without, at 130, about twelve doors on the L. north from Sun- street. Sugar - Loaf- Court, Angel - Alley, Bishopsgate- Without, the third on the L. from 138, Bishopsgate- street. Sugar-Loaf-Court, Holywell-Lane, Shoreditch, at 52, the third on the L. from 194, Shoreditch High- street. Sugar-Loaf-Court, Leadenhall-St. at 50, op. Creechurch-lane, lead- ing to 108, Fenchurch-st. Sugar - Loaf- Court, Bermondsey- Street, at 46, being that number on the L. from Tooley-st. Sugar- Loaf- Court, Essex -Street, Whitechapel, the first on the R. from 105, Whitechapel High- street. Sugar - Loaf- Court, Swan - Street, Goodman's Fields, the second on the R. from 48, in the Mi- nories. Summer-Place, Stepney, the first E. parallel to Ocean-st. on the N. side the Church-yard. Summer-Street, Eyre-Street, Leather- Lane, twelve doors on the R. from the N. end of the said lane, near Meux's brewer}'. Sumner's Buildings, Bishop^gate- Without, at 22, a few doors on the R. north from the church. Sun-Alley, Golden- Lane, Cripple- gate, the third on the R. a few doors N. from Barbican. Sun-Alley, Upper East-Smithfield, at 20, neatly op. Butcher-row. Sun- Sun - Court, Sun - Alley, Golden- Lane, a few yards from Golden- lane towards Red-lion-market. Sun-Court, Grub-Street, Cripple- gate, about twelve doors on the L. from 15, Chiswell.st. Sun-Court, Cloth-Fair, the third on the L. a few doors from GO, West-Srnithfield; Sun-Court, Thread needle- Street, at 02, nearly op. the N. E. corner of the Royal-Exchange. Sun-Court, Little Ikli-Alley, Moor- fields, the la.t on the L. in Swan-alley, from 67, Coleman- street. Sun-Court, AMgate High. Street, at 20, about twelve doors E. of the church. Sun-Court, Curzon-Street, May. Fair, at 13, three door 3 W. of Half-moon-st. it leadi to Shep- herd's market. Sun-Court, Mile- End- Road, two doors E. of the Vintners-alms- houses, about | of a mile on the L. below the turnpike. Sun Fire-OfEce, Cornhill, the se- cond door on the R. from the Royal -Exchange towards the Man- sion-house, also in Craigscourt, Charing-cross. Sun Newspaper-Office, Strand, at 112, op. Exeter-Change. Sun-Square, Sun-Street, Bishops- gate, at 18, about that number of doors on the L. from 149, Bishopsgate- without. Sun-Street, Bishopsgate -Without, at 149, about of a mile en the L. north from the church, leading to Crown-st. Finsbury-squarc. Sun-Street, East-Lane, Walworth, the fourth on the L. near y of a mile from Walworth High-st. or road. Sun Yard, Nightingale Lane, East- Smithfield, at 28, about the middle of the W. side. Sun -Tavern - Court, Sun -Tavern- Fields, Shad well, on the S. side the Rope-walk, entering by the first on the R. in King David-lane, from 198, Shadwell High-st. Sun -Tavern- Fields, Shadwell, on theN. side Shadwell High-st. say from 117 to \03, or from King David-lane to Love-lane. Sunday- Advertiser Newspaper-Of- fice, eleven doors on the R. in Catherine-st. from 3 12, Strand. Surgeoni-College or Hall, Portugal- Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, about the middle of the N. side, nearly op. Carey -^t. Surrey-Buildings, East-Lane, Wal- worth, the first on tfie L. from Surrey-Place, Kent-road. Surrey-Canal-Dock, Rotherhithe, ab)ut | of a mile below the church and nearly op. Shadwell- dock. Surrey - Chapel (Rev. R. Hill's), Blackfriars-Road, about of a mile on the L. from the bridge. Surrey-Dispensary, Union-Street, Borough, by Union-Hall, a few doors on the L. from 218, High- street. Surrey-Institution, Blackfriars-Rd .- about six doors on the R. from the bridge. Surrey-Mills, Rotherhithe, near the Platform, about of a mile W. of the church. Surrey-Place, Surrey-Street, Strand,- at 30, about eight doors on the R. from 170, in the Strand. Surrey-Place, Lower Queen-Street, Rotherhithe, is parallel to part of the W. side, extending from Cow-lane to Silver-st. Surrey-Place, Kent-Road, forms part of the R. side, about 7 of a mile below the Bricklayers-arms and near Surrey- square. Surrey-Road. See Blackfriars-Road. Surrey- Row^BIackfriars-Road, the second on the L. from Surrey- chapel towards the Obelisk. Q_q Surrey- Surrey-Square, Kent-Road, the first on the R. below East-lane, about 4 of a mile from the Bricklayers-arms. Surrey-Stairs, Surrey-Street, Strand, - at the S. end of it, being the fir.t E. of Somerset-house. Surrey-Street, Strand, at 173, the fourth on the L. from Temple-bar and the first E. of Somerset- house. Surrey-Street (Great), Blackfriars- Road, forms part of the E. side, say from Holland-st. to Surrey- chapel, also part of the op. side, say from Cross-st. to Christ- church. Surrey- Street (New), Blackfriars- Road, forms part of the W. side, say from Stamford-st. to Christ-church. Susannah - Place, Curtain - Road, Shoreditch, forms part of the W. side, near Old- street-road. Susannah - Row, Curtain - Road, Shoreditch, the fifth on the L. from Worship-st. extending to- wards Leonard-st. Sussex-Place, Kent-Road, forms part of the R. side, about of a mile below the Bricklayers-arms. Suters - Buildings, Chapel - Path, Sommers-Town,. at 29, between Ossulston-street and Middlesex-st. Sutton's Court, Bishopsgate-With- in,i at 77, about twelve doors S. from the church. Sutton-Place, Lisson-Green, the first on the R. in Mitcham-st. from nearly op. 18, Lisson-st. Suttorr-Street, Soho Square, at 21, on the E. side, extending to Crown- street. Futton-Street (Little), the first on the L. in the last, from 21, in the square, leading to Ealcon-bridge- court. Sutton-Street (Great), Clerkenwell,- at 12S, Goswell-st. nearly op. Old-street, it extends to 172,, St. John- st. Sutton - Street (Little), GoswelT- Street, about six doors N. of the last described. Sutton-Street, Maze- Pond, Borough,- on the W. side, extending from the S. end of Guy's hospital to- wards Snow's fields. Swallow-'Gardens, Rosemary -Lane,- at 1*28, the sixth on the L. from 84, in the Minories. Swallow-Street, Piccadilly, at 45, op. St. James's church, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 160, it extends to 323, Oxford- st. about i a mile in length. Swan- Alley, St. Ann's Court, War- dour-Street, at 12, a few yards on the R. from 3 1 , Wardour-st. Swan- Alley, St. John-Street, Clerk- enwell, at 72, the fourth on the L. from West-Smithfield towards St. John's lane. Swan - Alley (Great), Coleman- Street, at 66, the fifth on the R. from Lothbury and about fourteen doors on the L. from London- wall. Swan'-Alley (Little), the E. conti- nuation of the last to Little Bell- alley. Swan- Alley, Nightingale-Lane. See Swan-Street. Swan- Alley, Rotherhithe-Street, at 31 1 , about | of a mile on the R. below the church. Swan - Court, Bream's Buildings Chancery-Lane, at the E. end, entering by 37, Chancery-lane. Swan - Court, Golden - Lane, St. Luke's behind 75, or the first on the R. in Cow heel-alley. Swan-Court, Swan-Street, Bethnal- Green, four doors on the R. from 151, Church-st. near Brick- lane. Swan -Court, Petticoat-Lane, at 118, the fifth on the R. from 41, Aldgate High-st. Swan-Court, Mansel-Street, Good- man's Fields, at 9, two doors N. of Swan st. Swan- Swan-Court, Rosemary-Lane, at 57, on the W. side of White's yard. Swan-Court, Narrow-Wall, Lam- beth, a few doors W. of Cuper's Bridge, extending towards the Thames. Swan-Court, William-Street, Black- friars-Road, at 17, nearly op. Pitt-st. leading to Gravel-lane. Swan-Inn, Holborn-Briilge, op. the N. end of Fleet- market. Swan and Two Necks-Inn, Lad- Lane, at 10, op. the N. end of Milk-st. Cheapside. Swan-Inn ,(One), Bishopsgate- With- out, at 180, about twenty doors N. of the church. Swans - Inn (Two), Bishopsgate- Without, at 186, about fifteen doors N. of theyhurch. Swans - Inn (Four), Bishopsgate- Within, at 82, about eighteen doors S. of the church. Swan Coach-Office, Charing-Cross,- two or three doors on the R. to- wards the Horse-guards. Swan-Inn , Whitech apel High-St. at 20, ten doors W. of Red-lion- street. Swan-Inn, Blackman - Street, Bo- rough, on the S. side of St. George's church. Swan-Lane, Swan- Yard, Blackman- Street, Borough, the continua- tion of it, entering by St. George's church. Swan-Lane (Old), Upper Thames- Street, at 102, about sixteen doors on the L. from London- bridge. Swan-Lane, Rotherhithe, about | of a mile below the church, and on the W. side of Clarence-st. Swan - Mead, Bermondsey - New- Road, at the E. end of Brandon- st. near the Bricklayers- arms. Swan- Place, Kent-Road, the fourth on the R. below the Bricklayers- arms, leading towards Lock's fields. s Swan- Place* Mile-End-Green,-- op. Epping-place, being a few doors S. from Mile-end-turnpike. Swan-Stairs (Old), Upper Thames- Street, at the bottom of Old- swan-lane, and the first stairs above London-bridge. Swan-Street, Church-Street, Beth- nal-Green, at 151, ten doors W. of Brick-lane, extending to Sclater-st. Swan-Street, Minories, at 47, about the middle of the E. side, extending to 8, Mansel-st. Swan-Street, Upper East-Smithfield,- at 102, leading to Butcher- row on the R. and to Nightingale-lane on the L. Swan - Street, Kent - Road, the fourth on the L. below the Brick- layers-arms, and op. Swan-place. Swan-Walk, Paradise-Row, Chel- sea, op. 31, leading by the side of the Botanic - garden to the Thames. Swan- Yard, Strand,; at, 331, op. Somerset-house, leading to White- hart-yard. Swan- Yard, Tothill-Street, West- minster, the first on the R. from the W. end of the Abbey. Swan- Yard, ShoreditchHigh-Street,- at 54, nearly op. Holy well-lane, about | of a mile, S, of the church. Swan - Yard, Whitechapel - High- 7 Street, at 20, about ten doors W. of Red-Lion-st. Swan- Yard, Mile-End-Road, the third on the left E. from the Old Globe, about { a mile below the Turnpike. Swan-Yard, Black man- Street, Bo- rough, on the S. side of St. George's church. Swan- Yard, Church-Street, Lam- beth, a few doors on the R. from the Thames, and op. the church. Swan - Yard, Bermondsey - Street. Sec Black Swan. Swan Swan and Hoop Passage, Cornhill, eleven doors on the R. from the Mansion-house, leading to 78, Lombard-st. Swedish Church, Princes-Scuare, St. George's in the East, the build- ing in the centre of the square. Sweeds - Court, Trinity - Lane, at 8, six doors on the L. from Bow- lane, towards Old Fish-st. Sweeds-Court, Moor-Lane, Crip- plegate, at the N. end of it, on the L. leading to Butler's alley and Grub-street. Sweedland-Court, Bishopsgate-With- out, about | of a mile on the R. from the church, and four doors S. from Widegate-st. Sweedland-Court, Vicfualling-Orlice- Square, Tower-Hill, a few doors on the L. towards the New Mint. Sweetar-^le - Court, Bishop-gate - Without, at 157, about eight doors S. from Sun-st. Sweetapple - Court, Castle - Street, Bethnal-Green, two or three doors E. of Austin-st. behind Shoreditch-church . Sweeting's Alley, Cornhill, at 87, on the E. side the Royal-Exchange. Sweeting's Rents, Cornhill, on the E. side the last described. Swinton-Street, Gray 's-Inn- Lane, about | of a mile on the R. from Middle-row, Holborn. Swiss-Chapel, Moor-Street, Seven- Dials, entrance two or three doors on the R. from Monmouth- st. towards Crown-st. St. Swithin's Church, St. Swithin's Lane, the corner of Cannon -st. St. Swithin's Lane, Lombard-Streer,- at 10, the first on the R. from the Mansion-house, extending to 81, Cannon-st. Symond's Inn, Chancery-Lane, at 32, being that number of doors on the R. from 194, Flect-st. Symond's Street, Sloane- Square, at the N. W. corner, leading into South-street and the King's Road* Symond's Wharf, Tooley-Street, . on the W. side of Stanton';, wharf, entering by Stoney-lane, from 95, Tooley-st. Synagogue (Great), Duke's Place, on the S. side, or a few doors on the L. in Duke-st. from 19, Aldgate. Synagogue (for Dutch Jews), Lea- denhall-Street, behind 53, about twenty doors on the L. from Aldgate. Synagogue (for Dutch Jews), Church-Court, Fenchurch.Street,- on the S. side of the church, being a few yards on the L. from behind 60, Fenchurch-st. Synagogue (for Portugue e Jews), Bevis-Marks, behind 10, or a few yards on the R. in Her.eage- lane. Synagogue (for German Jews), Den- mark-Court, Strand, the hV. door on the R. from 382, Strand. I^ABKRNACLE, Moorfields, a few doors on the L. in Ta- bernacle-row, from 36. City-road. Tabernacle - AJley, Fenchurch - Street, at 128, op. Mincing-lane. Tabernacle- Place, Tabernacie-Walk, City-Road, at the N. end of it, fr.cing the Tabernacle. Tabernacle- Row ,City-Road, at 3G, the third on the R. about | of a mile from the N. W. corner of Finsbury-square. Tabernacle - Square, Old - Street- Road, the N. end of Paul-st. from Finsbury-square. Tabernacle-Walk, Finsbury-Square,- the continuation of Windmill-st. to the Tabernacle. Talbot-Courf,Gracechurch-Street, at 55, leading to 46, Little East- cheap. Talbot- Talbot- Inn.High-Strect, Borough, behind 74, near | of a mile on the L. from London-bridge. Talbot - Inn, Whitechapel High- Street, at 25, five doors W. of Rcd-Lion-st. Tallow-Chandlers- Hidl, Dowgate- Hill, five doors on the R. from Cannon-st. Tanfield-Court, Temple, on the E. side >f Lamb's Buildings, being the second on the L. in Inner Temple-lane from 15, Fleet-st. Tash-Court, Ta h-Street, Gray's- Inn-Lane, the first on the L. from 43, in the said lane. Tash-Street, Gray's -Inn-Lane, at 43, being that number of houses on the R. from Middle-row, Hol- born. Tattle-Court, Bermondsey-Street, at 246, about six doors N. from Snow's fields. Tatum's Place, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the first N. parallel to part of Ea- t-lane, extending from John-st. to Park-place. Tavistock Court, Tavistock-Street, Covent-Garden, at 32, about eight doors on the L. from South- ampton-st, Tavistock- Mews, Tavistock-Street, Bedford Square, three doors on ( the L. from 10, Tottenham- j court-road, Tavistock- Mews, Little Coram - Street, Russell-square, the first on the L. from 54, Great Coram- street. Tavistock-Place,Tavi Charle=-st. from op. Wilmot- square. Thomas - Place, Bethnal - Green- Road, a few doors on the L. in Abbey-street, from the said road. Thomas-Place, Hampstead-Road, part of the L. side, about | cf a mile from Tottenham-court-road. Thomas- Thomas - Place, Crabtree - Row, Bethnal-Green, part of the R. side, a few doors from the Hack- ney-road. Thomas- Place, i Pell-Street, Rat- clifFe, about the middle of the W. side, entering by 194, Rat- cliffe-highway. Thomas-Piace, 'arker'sRow, Dock- Head, Bermondsey, a few yards on the R. north from the Neck- inger-tumpike, leading to John- street. Thomas - Place, Deptford Lower- Road, Rotherhithe, by Bedford- place, near the E. end of Paradise - row. Thomas - Row, Bethnal - Green- Road, the second on the R. in Charles-st. from op. Wil mot- square. Thomas - Street, Bethnal - Green- Road, at 55, the third on the R. near j of a mile E. from the turnpike. Thomas-Street, Mile- End New- Town, the second on the R. from 94, Whitechapel-road, along Baker's Row and Charles-st. Thomas - Street, Ducking - Pond- Row, Whitechapel-Road, op. Greyhound- Lane, entering by 105, in the said road, leading into the last. Thomas-Street, Brick-Lane, Bethnal- Green or Spitalfields, at 120. about fourteen doors on the L. from 1-14, Church-st. Thomas - Street, Curtain - Road, Shoreditch, the fourth on the L. from Worship-st. nearly op. New inn-yard. Thomas. Street, Commercial-Road, Mile- End Old-Town, the fourth on the R. from Cannon- street- rond towards Whitechapcl. Th mas-Street, Mary-Street, Step- ney, the first on the L. from Ocean-st. Cow-lane. Thomas-Street, St. George's in the East, about eight dodrs on the R. in Church-lane, from 65, ' Cable-st. extending to Princes- place. Thomas-Street, Kent- Road, a few doors on the L. below the Brick- layers-arms. Thomas-Street, Mead-Row, Kent- Road, the first on the L. from the said road. Thomas-Street, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the second on the L. from Garmouth-row, Kent-road, to- wards Salisbury-piace and East- lane. Thomas-Street, Horelydown, at 114, Shad-Thaine-, op. George- stairs, leading to Three Oak -lane. St. Thomas's Street, High- Street, Borough, at 43, the second on the L. from London-bridge. St. Thomas's Tents, Borough, the E. continuation of the last. Thompson's Place, Wilmot-Street, Bethnal-Green, near the S. end towards Dog-row. Thompson's Rents, Half - Moon- Street, Bishopsgate - Without, the second on the L. from 170, Bishopsgate-st. Thorney - Street, Bloomsbury, the W. continuation of Hart-st. and Castle-street, or the first on the R. in Plumbtree-street from 18, Broad-st. Thornhaugh-Street, Bedford-Sq. the first on the R. in Francis-st. from op. Whitfield's chapel, Tot- tenham-court-road. Thornhaugh-Street (Upper), the W. continuation of the last from Francis-st. Thorold - Square, Church - Street, Bethnal-Green, at 92, nearly op. the church. Thrawl-Street, Brick-Lane, Spital- fields, at 208, the second on the L. from op. the church, White- chapcl. Thrcadneedle-Strect, Bishopsgate- Wjthin, "Within, at 116, leading to the N. side the Royal-Exchange. Thre*e- Arrow - Court, Chancery- Lane, at 97, three doors N. of Carey-st. Three-Colts- Alley, King-Street, St. George's in the East, the first on the R. from Old Gravel-lane, near tapping. Three-Colts-Court, Worship-Street, Holywell-Mount, at 7, the first on the L. from Paul-st. Three-Colts-Court, Angel - Alley, Bishopsgate- Without, the conti- nuation of Slade's Buildings. Three - Colts-Court, Three Colts- Street, Limehouse, at 15. Also called New Court. Three - Colts - Lane, Hare - Street, Bethnal -Green, at 80, the first . on the R. from 109, Brick-lane. Three- Colts - Street, Limehouse, on the E. side the church, ex- tending from the Commercial- road to the Lime-kilns-dock. Three-Colts-Yard,Mile-End-Road,- the second on the L. below the Old Globe, about -[- a mile E. from the turnpike. Three -Crane -Court, Castle -Lane, Westminster, about the middle of the L. side from James-street, towards Elliott's brewery. Three-Crane-Lane, Upper Thames- Street, at 75, op. College-Hill, about j of a mile on the L. from London-bridge. Three-Crane-Stairs, on the W. side the last, and at the bottom of Queen-st. from Cheapside. Three-Crane-Wharf, Upper Thames- Street ,-at the S. end of the last. Three - Crane - Yard, High -Street, Borough, at 66, being that number on the L. from, London- bridge. Three-Crown-Court, White's Alley, Chancery - Lane, the first on the R. from op. 77, Chancery-lane. Three-Crown-Court, Garlick-Hill,- two doors on the L. from 190, Upper Thames-st. Three-Crown-Court, Foster-Lane, about twenty doors on the L. from 148, Cheapside. Three-Crown-Court, Jewry-Street, Aldgate, the third on the R. twelve doors from Aldgate. Three -Crown- Court, High-Street, Borough, at 269, about of a mile on the R. from London- bridge. Three-Cups-Alley, Shoreditch High- Street, at 220, about twenty- four doors S. of Holywell-lane, leading into George-st. Three-Cups-Alley, LowerShadwell,- op. 51, being the corner of Broad- bridge. Three-Cups-CourtjLowerShadwell,- the first on the R. in the last from op. 51. Three-Cups-Inn, Aldersgate-Street,- about twelve doors on the right, N. of Barbican. Three-Cups- Yard, Bedford - Street, Bedford -Row, about six doors W. of Bedford-row, extending to 4, Princes-st. Three -Dagger -Court, Fore -Street, Cripplegate, at 110, nearly op. Wood- st. Three-Falcon-Court, Fleet-Street,- at 144, about | of a mile on the R. from Fleet-market. Throe-Falcon-Court, Fishmongers- Alley, High-Street, Borough, the first on the R. from 230, near St. Margaret's Hill. Three-Fox-Court, Long-Lane, West Smithfield, abcut twelve doors on the L. from 67, West Smith- field. Three- Hammer- Alley, Glean-Alley, Tooley -Street, at the S. end, on the L. entering by 218, Tooley- street. Three - Herrings - Court, Redcross- Street, Cripplegate, at 57, the first on the L. from Barbican. R r Three- Three-Herrings-Court, Cree Chnrch- l.ane, the first on the R. from 87, Leadenhall-st. Three-Kings-Court, Whitecross -St. St. Luke's, at 90, about eighteen doors N. from Chiswell-st. Three-Kings-Court, Lombard-St at 33, four doors E. from Cle- ment's lane. Three -Kings- Court, Minories, ten doors en the L. from Aldgate. Three -Kings- Yard, Davies- Street, Berkeley - Square. at ];?, being that number on the R. from 292, Oxford- st. Th ree - Legs - C o u rt , Wh i tecr oss - St . St. Luke's, at 207, fourteen doors on the left N. from Chis- well-st. Three-Mariners-Court, Fore-Street, - Cripplegate, at 104, five doors W. of Grub-st. Three- Nuns -Inn, Aldgate High- Street, at 12, a few doors E. of the church. Three-Oak-Lane, Horselydown, the E. continuation of Free-school- street, bearing to the left. Three-Pigeons-Court, Angel- Alley, Long- Alley, Moorfields,-the first on the L. from Long-alley, near Skinner-st. Three- Pigeons-Court, Ray - Street, Clerkenwell.-thc second on the L. from the N. W. corner of Clerken- well-grecn. Three-Tuns - Alley, Bunhill -Row, St. Luke's, at 100, about the middle of the W. fide, two doors S. of Chequer-alky. Three- Tuns -Alley, YVentworth-f t. Spitarfields or Whitechapel, the fir^t S. parallel to part of it, extending from Petticoat-lane to Old Ca Ue st. Thrrr-'l uns.Court, Redcros<=-Strcct, Cripplegate, at 53, nine door* on tne I., from Barbican. Three-Tons-Court, Miles's Lane, Cannon-Street, at 24, three doors on the R. from 130, Upper Thames-st. Three- Tuns-Court, Upper Thames- Strtet, at 12'?, three doors on the R. from London -bridge. Three - Tans - Court, White-Street, Borough, at 18, being that number on the L. from St. George's church. Three-Tuns-Inn, High-Street, Bo- rough, at 93, near St. Marga- ret's Hill. Three - Tuns - Passage, Ivy - Lane, Newgate-Street, a few yards on the R. from 29, Newgate-st. Three - Tuns - Yard, High - Street, Borough, at 88, by St. Mar- garet's Hill. Throgmorton-Street, at the N. E. corner of the Bank of England, extending to Broad-st. Thurlow-Place, Hackey-Road, forms part of the L. side, about | of a mile from Shoreditch- church. Thurlow-Place, Bethnal-Green, on the E. side the green, towards Globe-st. near the Rising Sun. Thurlow-Place, Apollo- Buildings, East-Lane, Walworth, at 21, about y of a mile on the L. from the Kent-road. Thurlow-Street, Pitt-Street, Black- friars-road, the first on the R. from 52, Great Surrey-st. near Surrey Chapel. Tidewaiters-Court, Church - Street, Minories, a few doors on the L. from 20, in the Minories. Tiger-Court. See Tyger. Trgs-Court,Castle-Street, Borough, - a i^ew yards on the L. from 14, Redcross-st. Tilney-Court, Old-St. St. Luke's, op. 81, about eighteen doors W. of Bunhill. row. Tilney-Street, South Audley -Street, - the second on the L. from Curzon- streef, leading to Park-lane. Times Newspaper-Office, on the E. side tide of Printing - house - square. Water- lane, Blackfriars. Titchborne-Court, High Holborn,- at 280, three doors. VV. of Great Turnstile, near ^ a mile on the L. from Fleet-market. Titchborne-Strcet, Haymarket, op. the N. end of it, extending from Piccadilly to Sherrard-st. Titchfield - Chapel, Westmoreland- Street, Marybone, seven doors on the R. from 12, Great Mary- bone-street. Titchfield . Street (Great), Mary- bone, the continuation of Mar- ket-st. entering by 87, Oxford- st. being that number on the R. from St. Giles's. Titchfield - Street (Little), Mary. bone, at 100, in the last de- scribed, the .sixth on the L. from Oxford-st. Titchfieid-Street, Dean-St. Soho, at 72, six doors on the R. from 400, Oxford-st. Tites-Alley, Narrow-Street, Lime- house, the first on the L. below Mr. Turner's house, leading to Risby's rope-walk. Titmouse - Alley, Farmer - Street, Shadwell, at 54, about the middle of the K. side. Tobit's Dog Coach -Office, St. Paul's Church- Yard, a door or two on the R. from Ludgate-st. Tokenhouf - Yard, Lothbury, at 4-1, on the N. side the Bank of England. Toms-Court, Puke-Street, Grosve- nor-Square, at 5, the second on the L. from 277, Oxford-st. Tongue- Yard, Whitechapel-Road,- at 247, the third on the R. about thirty-six doors E. of the church. Tongue- Yard (Little), Whitechapel- Road, at 257, ten doors .W. of the last described. Toolcy-Street, Borough, the first on the L. from London-bridge, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 252, near ~ a mik in length. Tooley's Gateway, Tooley-Strect,- at G3, nearly op. Bcrmctadsey- strcet. Took's - Court, Cursitor - Street, Chancery-Lane, eight doors on the L. from 40, in the said lane. Topping's Court, St. Dunstan's Hill, four doors on the L. from 10, Great Tower-st. Topping's Rents, Ewer-Street, Bo- rough, at tire E. end of it, a few doors from Duke-st. Topping's Wharf, Tooley-Strcet, - between Chamberlain's wharf and the shot manufactory, by London- bridge. Torrington - Street, Keppel - Street, Russel-Square, at 22, the first on the R. from 30, Russell-sq. Tothill-Court, Tothill-Street, West- minster, the third on the R. about twenty doors W. from the Abbey. Tothill- Fields, Westminster ,- on the W. side Millbank-walk, by the Thames, extending to Ro- chester-jow and the Grey-Coat- School. Tothill-Street, Westminster, on the W. side the Abbey, extending to- wards Queen-sq. Tothill-Street ( New) , Westminster,- the first street on the L. in the last from the Abbey, extending to 22, Orchard- st. Tothill - Street, Little Gray's - Inn- Lane, the first on the R. from 72, Gray's-Inn lane, Holborn. Tottenham-Court, New-Road,-part of the S. side, extending from Tottcnham-Comt-Road, towards Sommers-Town. Tcttenham-Court-Road, the con- tinuation of Highsr. St. Giles's, extending from Oxford-st. to the New- road, about -*- of a mile in length. Tottenham - Mews, Tottenham - Street, Street, at 26, about of a mile on the R. from Tottenham-court- road^entering by Chapel-st. Tottenham-Place,Tottenham-Court- Road, at 144, the second on the L. from the New-road. Tottenham - Street, Tottenham - Court-Road, the continuation of Chapel-st. (on the E. side of Whit- field's Chapel) to Norf blk-st. Totterburn-Alley, Duke-Street, Bo- rough, -the second on the L. from Queen -street, leading to Loman's Pcnd. Tower, on the N. side the River Thames, near J- of a mile below London-bridge. Tower-Dock, Tower-Hill, on the W. side the Tower, also about ten houses between Tower-st. and Lower Thames-st. Tower-Hill (Great), the open space on the N. W. side, of the Tower. Tower-Hill (Little), the space on the E. side of the Tower. Tower-Royal, Watling-Street, at 50, about ten doors on the R. east from Queen-st. leading to College-hill. Tower-Street, Seven-Dials, the continuation of Little St. Martin's lane, bearing to the L. extending to Little Earl-st. Tower-Street (Little), Little East- cheap,' the continuation of it, extending from Rood lane to Great Tower-st. Tower-Street (Great), the E. con- tinuation of the last to Tower-hill, being the first N. parallel to Lower Thames-st. Tower-Street, St. George's Fields, the fourth on the K. from the Obeliik towards the Asylum.* Town-Hall, Poplar High-Street, near the Black-horse, about \ a mile on the R. from the Commer- cial-road. Town-Hall, St. Margaret's Hill, Bo- rough, about -} of a mile on the R. from London -bridge. Townsend-Court, Queen-Street, Bo- rough, at 71, three doors from Little Guildford-st. towards- Duke- street. Trafalgar-Buildings or Place, Ebe-i nezer-Street, City-Road, four doors on the R. from Trafalgar - st. towards Plumbers-st. Trafalgar-Plaee, New-Road, Mary- bone- the E, continuation of Union - buildings and Alsop's Buildings. Trafalgar - Place, Pleasant - Row, Stepney, a few small houses be- hind 16, the first on the L. from Redman's Row. Trafalgar- Place, Gibraltar-Row, St. George's Fields, entrance by the last on the L. from Prospeft- place. Trafalgar- Place, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the continuation of Gar- mouth-row, entering by Rodney- row, Kent-road. Trafalgar-Row, Walworth-Com- mon, is op. Providence-place, near Westmoreland- academy. Trafalgar - Square, Stepney, en- trance about J- of a mile on the L. along Stepney-green from Mile- end-road. Trafalgar-Street, City-Road,-nearly op. Fountain-place, being the fourth on the R. north from Oid- street. Trafalgar - Street Turville - Street, Bethral-Green, the third on the L. from 37, Church-st. near Shoreditch. Trafalgar-Street, Walworth High- Street or Road, the first S. pa- rallel to part of East-lane, extend- ing from 25, Beck ford -row, to. South-st. Trafalgar-Terrace, Stepney, part of the N. side of Cow-lane, by Ocean-st. near the church. Transport Office, Dorset - Square, Cannon- Cannon-Row, Westminster, en- trance by the third on the R. in the said row from Bridge-st. Traveller Newspaper - Office, ~at 151, Fleet-st. by Bolt-court. Treasury, Whitehall, a few yards on the R. from the Horse-guards towards the Abbey. Trig-Lane, Upper Thames-Street, at 33, op. Lambeth-hill, about ~ of a mile on the R. from Black- friars-bridge. Trig-Stairs and Trig-Wharf, Upper Thames-Street. See the last article. Trinity Aims-Houses, Mile-End- Road, on the E. side the Skinners alms-houses, being a few doors, on the L. below the turnpike. Trinity-Court, Aldersgate-Street, at 171, op. Falcon-sq. Trinity-Court, LittleTrinity-Lane>- at 28, ten doors on the R. from 199, Upper Thames-st. Trinity - House, Trinity - Square, Great Tower-Hill, on the N. side, between Savage-Gardens and Cooper's Row. Trinity-Lane (Great), Bread-Street, Cheapside, at 31, the last on the L. from 16, Cheapside, extending to Bow-lane. Trinity -Lane (Little), at 7, in the last, being the second on the R. in it from bread-st. it extends to 199, Upper Thames-st. Trinity-Square, Tower-Hill, part of the N. side of Great Tower- hill, adjoining the Trinity-house. Trinity-Street, Rotherhithe, the continuation of Lower Queen-st. being parallel to the Thames, it leads to Russell-st. and Greenland- dock, Tripe- Yard, Petticoat-Lane, a few doors on theR. from -11, Aldgate- High-st. Tripe- Yard, Petticoat-Lane, on the N. side of Cox's square near Wentworth-st, Trotters-Ways, Rotherhithe, on. the E. side of Cherry-garden- stairs, about j of a mil? above the church. Trump-Court, Whitechapel-Road,- at 43, a few doors on the L. eastf from the church. Trump-Street, King-Street, Cheap- side, six doors on the L. from 93, Cheapside, extending to Honey-lane-market. Trundley's Lane, De.ptford Lower- Road, by Midway-place, S. side the Halfway-house. Truss-Society, at 10, Grocers-hall- court, Poultry. Tudor-Street, New Bridge-Street,. Blackfriars, at 15, the second on the L. from the bridge towards Fleet-market. Tuerena's Rents, Upper East-Smiths field, a few houses behind 89. Tufton-Buildings, Poplar High-St. or Road, nearly op. North-st. about i of a mile on the R. from the Commercial-road. Tufton-Street, Wood-Street, West- minster, the third street on the L. from 64, Millbank-st. extend- ing to the Horsererry-road. Turk's - Head - Court, Turnmill- Street, Clerkenwell, about the middle of the E. side, op. Roe- buck-court. Turk's-Head-Court, Gohlen-1 ane, St. Luke's, the continuation of Bell-alley from 13, Goswell- street. Turk's Row, Chelsea, the first N. parallel to Royal Hospital- Row, extending from Lower Sloane-st. to the Hospital. Turk- Street, Bethnal-Grcen, the continuation of Tyson-st. op. Brick-lane to Virginia-st. behind Shoreditch- church. Turnagain-Lane, Fleet-Market, at 36, N. end leading to Snow-hill. Turner's Buildings, Poplar, about {-of a mile on the L. from the Commercial- Commercial-road and on the W. side the Silver-Lion. Tamer's Court, St. Martin's Lane, Charing. cross, at 37, about eight doors N. of Chandos-st. Turner's Court, Church - Lane. Whitechapel, the first on the R. from the Commercial-road to- wards Wellelose-sq. Turner's Rents, Gravel-Lane, Bo- rough, op. George-st. from Blackfriars-road. Turner-Square, Whitechapel-Road,- at 219, about seven houses which stand back from the line of the pavement, near 5 of a mile E. of the church. Turner-Square, Hoxton, nearly op. the Hare, about I of a mile on the L. from Old-Ltreet-road. Turner - Street, Cart wright - Street, Rosemary -Lane, about ten doors on the L. from 32, in the said lane. Turner's Wharf, Millbank - Street, Westminster, entrance nearly op. Vine-st. about \ of a mile above Westminster-bridge. Turner's Wharf, Narrow - Street, Limehouse, about of a mile below RatclifFe-cross. Turnham - Place, Curtain - Road, Shoredirch, forms part of the R. side, near \ of a mile from Old- street-road. Tummill -Street, Clerkenwell, the continuation of Cow cross, St. John-st. to Cleikenwell-green. Turn c ti!e [Great , High-Holborn,- at 282, near \ a mile on the L. from Fleet-market, leading to Lincoln's- Inn- Fields. Turnstile (Little), High Hnlborn, 2 U>, about 3 of a mile on the R. from Broad-st. St. Giles';, lcad- ing to (ate-st. Turnstile (New), High-Holborn, at 2.5-2, eight doors VV. of the la>t Turnstile, Great Saffron Hill, -at 130, a few doors on the L. from Field-lane, leading to Charles-bt. Hatton-garden. Turnwheei-Lane, Cannon-Street, at 6, leading to Dowgate-hill. Turpentine-lane, Neat-Houses, Chel- sea, the first on the R. from the bridge at Pimlico, leading to the Thames. Turville - Street, Church - Street, Bethnai-Green, at 37, the fourth on the L. from 65, Shoreditch. Tuson's Buildings, Castle-Lane, Whitechapel, the continuation of Barns-buildings, being the first on the L. from 124, White- chapel. Tweezers - Alley, Water - Street, Strand, a few doors on the L. from Arundel-st. leading to Mil- ford-lane. Twisdens-Buildings, Temple, at the bottom of Inner Temple-lane, entering by 16, FJeet-st. Twisters-Alley, Bunhill-Row, St, Luke's, at 102, about the mid- dle of the W. side. Tyburn-Turnpike, at the W. end of Oxford-st. by Edgware-road. Tyers-Gateway, Bermondsey-St.- at 210, about ten doors on the L. from Ru^sell-st. towards Tooley. street. Tyger - Court, Whitecross - Street, Cripplegate, about seven doors on the R. from Beech-lane to- wards Wood-st. Tylers-Buildings, Kingtland-Road,- part of the L. side, about j of a mile from Shoreditch-church. Tylers-Court, Lambeth-Hill, Upper Thames-Street, three doors on the L. from Old Fi^h-st. Tylers - Court, Wardour - Street, Soho, at 82, six doors N. of Peter-st. Tylers. Court, Carnaby- Market, at the N. W. corner, leading to 27, Carnaby- st. Tylers-Passage, King-Street, Car- naby- u naby-Market, five doors on the L. from 323, Oxford-st. Tylers-Street, King-Street, Carnaby- Marlcet, at 'M, the third street on the L. from 323, Oxford- at 42, being that number on the L. from St. George's church. Union-Court, Maze, Borough, about six doors on the L. from 195, Tooley-st. Union-Court, Gibraltar-Row, St. George's Fields, -the first on the R. from R. from Prospect- Place, near the Elephant and Cask. Union-Court, Tooley-Street, at 180, four doors W. of Bermond- sev-st. Union-Court, Rotherhithe, on the S. side the church by the Charity- school. Union - Crescent, Union - Street, Hackney -Road, at 30, about the middle of the N. side. Union-Crescent, Kent-Road, op. the Paragon, about ^ a mile on the L. from the Elephant and Castle. Union Fire-Office,Cornhill, at 81, the corner of Finch-lane. Union-Place, Orchard-Street, West- minster, at 47, nearly op. New Tothill-st. Union- Place, Castle- Lane, West- minster, the first on theR. from James-st. near St. James's Park. Union - Place, Alsop's Buildings, New-Road, Marybone, near the turnpike, about i of a mile E. of Bake'r-st. North. Union- Place, Curtain-Road, a few yards N. of Bateman's Row, en- tori ng by 158, Shoreditch. Union-Place, Stepney-Green, the second on the R. from Mile-end- road, leading to Redman's Row. Union-Place, Lambeth, the W. continuation of Lambeth-terrace, extending to Church-st. Union- Place (Little) or Court, Lam- beth, about the middle of the last. Union-Place, Edward-Street, Black - friars-Road, the continuation of it, entering by 32, Great Surrey- street. Union-Place, Cross-Street, Newing- ton, at the bottom of Collitch- place from the said street. Union-Place, Swan-Lane, Rother- hithe, the first on the R. from Rotherhithe-st. towards Adam-*t. Union- Place, Back-Hill, Coldbath- U Fields, the first on the L. front Ray-st. towards Leather-lane. Union - Place, Gill - Street, Lime- house, the first on the L. from the Commercial-road. Union-Place, Ashton-Street, Black- wall, on the N. side, near the East-India-dock-gate. Union-Place, Blackman-Street, Bo- rough, at 59, op. the King's Bench. Union-Row, George-Street, Chel- sea, a few yards on the L. from the S. E. corner of Sloane-sq. Union-Row, City-Road, theW. continuation of Fountain-place op. the Shepherd and Shepherdess- walk. Union-Row, Stepney -Green, the first on the R. in Union-place from the Green. Union-Row, Bethnal-Green-Road,- the continuation of the W. side of Wilmot-st. Union-Row, Fashion-Street, Spital- fields, a few doors on the R. from 193, Brick-lane. Union- Row, White-Bear-Gardens, Hackney - Road. See Harris's Row. Union-Row, Union- Street, White- chapel-Road, the first on the L. from the said road, facing Sion- chapel. Union-Row,Minories,-extends from Rosemary-lane to Little Hill-st. Union-Row, Mile-End-Road, -forms part of the S. side, near the Plough, about two miles from Aldgate. Union-Row, Kent-Road,-the fourth on the R. near j of a mile from the Elephant and Castle. Union-Row, Snow's Fields, Ber- mondsey, the fourth on the L. from 138, Bermondsey-st. Union-Stair , Wapping-Street, at 326, about of a mile below Hermitage-bridge. Union-Street, Wells-Street, Oxford- Street, u V Street, at the N. end of it, on the R. entering by 6.5, Oxford-st. Union-Street, New Bond-Street, at 70, ten doors on the L. from 308, Oxford-<-t. Union-Street, Hill-Street, Berkeley- Square, the third on the L. from the said square. Union - Street, New Bridge - Street, Blackfriars, at 36, the third on the L. from Ludgate-hill. Union-St. Hackney-Road, the first on the L. from Shoreditch-church, extending to Kingsland-road. Union -Street, Bidiopsgate- Without, - at 69, the fifth on the R. near \ of a mile N. from the church. Union-Street, Whitechapel-Road, at 281, the first on the R. beiow the church. Union-Street, Shadwell High-Street, - at 227, op. New Gravel-lane, ex- tending to Backplane. Union - Street, London - Road, St, George's Fields, the third on the R. from the Obelisk towards the Elephant and Castle. Union-Street, Lambeth, the second street on the R. - of a mile from the Three Stags towards rCenning- ton-cross. L T nion - Street, Tower - Street, St. George's Fields, the second on the L. frcm Westminster-bridge- road, entering nearly opposite the Asylum. Union-Street, Dover-Street, Black- friars-Road, the first on the R. from the said re ad. Union - Street, High - Street, Bo- rough, at 218, the first on the R. from St. Margaret's Hill to- wards St. George's church. Union - Street, East - Lane, Wal- worth, the third street on the L. from Walworth -High-st. or road. Union-St reet, Sommers-Town, the N. continuation of Chalton-st. and Evesham - buildings com- mencing at the N. E. corner of Clarendon -sq. i Union-Street, Cornwall-Street, St. George's in the East, is nearly op. Blue- gate- fields, being the continuation cf Duke-st. Union-Street, Bethnal- Green-Road, - three doors W. of the turnpike, near \ a mile on the L. from 65, Shored itch. Union- Walk, Union-St. Hackney- Road, at 34, the first on the L. from Kingsland-road. Union - Yard , Tooley - Street. See Unicorn-Yard. Upper-Ground, Blackfriars-Road, > the first on - the L. a few yards from the bridge. Upper-Ground-Street, Blackfriars- Road, the first on the R. a few yards from the bridge, extending to Broad wall. Upper-Turning, Shakespear's Walk, Shadwell, tbe first street on the L. entering by 48, Shadwell High-st. V VACCINE - INSTITUTION. See jennerian. Vandermeulen'sPlace,Newington, part of the E. side, between the Elephant & Castle and the church. Vain-Street, Glean-Alley, Tooley- Street, the first on the L. en- tering by 218, Tooley-st. Valentine- Place, Black friars- Road, forms part cf the W. side, about j of a mile on the R. from the bridge, and op. Bennet's Row. Valentine-Row, Blackfriars-Road,- at the S. end of the last, leading to Webber-st. Valentine- Row, Long-Lane, Ber- mondsey, near Pump - court, about J of a mile on the R. from Bermondsey church-yard. Valiant-Soldier- Alley, Bermondsey- Street, at 26, being that number on the L. from Tooley-st. Vauxhall, Lambeth, at the W. end S s of V of Upper Kennington-lane, by the turnpike. Vauxhall-Gardens, entrance about | of a mile on the R. in Upper Kennington-lane from Kenning- ton-cross. Vauxhall-Place, South Lambeth, the first row on the L. from the turnpike towards Stockvvell. Vauxhall - Row, Vauxhall, the continuation of Princes-st. Lam- beth, on the S. side, towards the turnpike. Vauxhall-^quare, Vauxhall, at 10, in the last described, op. the Corn Distillery. Vauxhall - Stairs, Vauxhall, about | of a mile on the L. from Vaux- hall-turnpike towards Lambeth. Vauxhall-Terrace.Vauxhall-Walk,- part of the W. side, the first row from the N. side the gardens. Vauxhall - Walk, Lambeth, is nearly op. Lambeth - walk, ex- tending to the N. side the gardens. St. Vedast's Church, Fyster-Lane, a door or two on the R. from 147, Cheapside. Vere's Crescent, James-Street, Lam- beth-Marsh, by the E. end of the said street. Vere -Street, Oxford -Street, at 151, about the middle of the N. lide, and op. New Rond-st. Vere - Street, Clare - Market, the second on the R. along Princes-st. from 123, Drury-lane. Vernon's Buildings, St. Pancras, near the N. E. corner of the Small - Pox - Hospital, extending towards the church. Verulam - Buildings, Gray's -Inn - Lane, op. Portpool-lane, about of a mile on the L. from Middle-row, Holborn. Vicar - General's Office, Doctors- Commons, the first house on the L. in Bell yard, from 10, Great Carter- lane. Vidlory - Row, Trafalgar - Square, Stepney, a few yards on the R. from the N. side of it, toward* Mile-end. Viftualling-Office, Somerset-Place, - about the centre of the W, side the square, entering between 151 and 152, Strand. Vi&uailing - Office (Army), Little Thames - Street, adjoins Lower East-Smithfield, near Burr-st. Viftualling-Office.Deptford, about | of a mile on the L. along Grove - street, from Greenland- dock. Viclualling-Office-Row, Deptford,- the continuation of Grove st. on the W. side the Viclualling-office. Victualling - Office-Square, Tower- Hill, on tfye E. side by the New Mint. Vigo - Lane, Swallow -Street, at 149, the first on the L. from 41, Piccadilly. Villa-Place, Walworth-Common, about | of a mile on the L. from Westmoreland. academy, towards the Camberwell-road. Villa-Row, Walworth-Common, between the Paul's Head and the Hour-Gla^s, near the last. Villa-Street, Walworth-Common, between Villa - row and Villa- place. Villiers-Court, Piccadilly, at 166, leading into St. James's street. Villiers-Street, Strand, at 31, the fourth street on the R. from Charing-cross. Vincent's Court, Silver-Street,' Fal- con-Square, a door or two on the R. from 81, Woid-st. Vincent - Row, City-Road, forms part of the L. side, near a mile from Finsbury-square. Vincent-Street, Bethnal-Green, behind Shoreditch-church, and the fourth on the R. in Cock-lane from Charch-'.treet. Vine - Court, Golden - Lane, St. Luke's, V Luke's, the W. end of Bell- alley, near Bridgewater-gardens. Vine - Court, Golden - Lane, St. Luke's, the fourth on th'e R. from Barbican. Vine - Court, Moor - Lane, Moor- fields, the second on the R. from 86, Fore-st. Vine - Court, Vine - Street, Spital- fields, at 12, the last on the R. from 23, Lamb-st. Vine-Court, Vine-Street, Minories,- on the W. side, by New-sq. Vine-Court, Broad-St. Ratcliffe, behind 84, entrance by Vine- passage. Vine-Court, Whitechapel-Road, at 226, about } of a mile on the R. east of the church. Vine-Court, Redcross-Streer, Upper East-Smithfield, the first on the L. from Nightingale-lane. Vine-Court, Vine-Street, Lambeth,- the first on the L. from Narrow- wall. Vine-Court, Blackman-Street, Bo- rough, at 115, the second on the R. from St. George's church. Vine - Court, Tooley - Street, the first on the L. in Vine-yard from 109, Tooley-st. Vine-Inn, Bishopsgate- Within, at 70, about eight doors S. of the church. Vine - Passage, Broad - Street, Rat- cliffe, at 84, about the middle of the N. side. Vine - Place, Vine - Street, Spital- fields, at the N. end of it, near Little Pearl-st. Vine-Street, Westminster, at 43, Millbank-st. near the Horseferry- road. Vine- Street (Little), Swallow-St. six doors on the R. from 45, Piccadilly. Vine -Street, Piccadilly, the con- tinuation of the last to Brewer- street, Golden- sq. Vine-Street, Chandos-Street, Co- vent-Garden, at 26, about ten doors on the R. from 27, St. Martin's lane. Vine-Street, Broad-Street, Blooms- bury, or St. Giles's, at 12, be- ing that number on the R. from High- Hoi born. Vine-Street,Leather-Lane,Holborn,- near the N. end of it, being the continuation of Bedford-st. Vine-Street, Hatton- Wall, the E. continuation of it to Mutton-lane, Clerkenwell. Vine - Street, Lamb - Street, Spital- fields, at 24, the second on the L. from Spiral-square. Vine-Street, Phoenix-Street, Spital- fields, the second on the R. from 1G0, Brick-lane. Vine-Street, Minories, the first on both the R. and the L. in George- st. from 143, in the Minories. Vine - Street, Narrow - Wall, Lam- beth, op. College-st. the first on the R. from Westminster-bridge. Vine- Yard, Drury - Lane. See Wooburn-Street. Vine- Yard, Tooley-Street, at 110, about -j- of a mile on the L. from London-bridge. Vine - Yard - Gardens, Bowling- Green - Lane, Clerkenwell, the second on the L. from op. the Workhouse, Coppice-row. Vine- Yard - Walk, Coppice - Row, Clerkenwell, about ten doors on the left, S. from the turnpike, Cold-Bath-Fields. Vinegar - Lane, Back - Lane, St. George's in the East, leads from Sun - Tavern - Fields to White- Horse-Place, Commercial-road. Vinegar - Yard, Red - Lion - Street, Clerkenwell, the continuation of Eagle-court, entering by 5, St. John's lane. Vinegar- Yard, Darby-Street, Rose- mary-Lane, the S. end of it, entering by 37, in the said lane. Vinegar- Yard, Cannon-St. Mint, the w w the W. end of it and the N. end of George-st. from Great Suffolk- street. Vinegar. Yard, Bermondsey-Street,- at 240, on the N. side of Snow's fields. Vinegar - Yard, Broad - Street, St. Giles's, the firit on the R. in Crown-court, from 54, Broad- st. Vintners-Alms-Houses, Mile - End- Road, about | of a mile on the L. below the turnpike, and op. Mutton-lane. Vintners - Hall, Upper Thames- Street, at 70, on the W. side of Queen-st. Cheapside. Virgil-Place, Bowling-Green-Lane, New-Road, Marybone, the first on the R. from the said road, by the Yorkshire-stingo. Virginia-Street, Pardons-Street, Up- per East-Smithfield, at 50, near Ratcliffe-highway, extending to the London-docks. Virginia-Street, Bethnal-Green, the continuation of Castle-bt. be- hind Shoreditch - church to the Bird-cage. w WADE'S PLACE, Mi!e-End- Road, nearly op. Ben- croft's alms-houses, about 1| of a mile on the R. from Aldgate. Wade's Place, Poplar, about | of a mile on the L. from the Commer- cial - road, and nearly op. the Green Man. Wadham's Court, Jacob - Street, Dock-Head, the fast on the L. from Mill-st. Wagstaff's Buildings, Great Guild- ford-Street, Borough, at the N. end of it, adjoining Maid-lane. Wakefield's Place, Bunhill-Row, the first on the R. from Old-st. Walbrook, on the W. side the Mansion - hou-e, extending to Cannon-st. and Dowgate-hill. Walbrook-Place, Hoxton, about | of a mile on the L. from Wink- worth's Buildings, City-road. Walbrook - School, Blue- Anchor- Alley, Bunhill-Row, a few yards on the R. from 10$, Bunhill-row. Walburge- Street, St. George's in the East, the first in Upper Chap- man-st. from Cannon-st. road. Walcot-Place, Lambeth, part of both sides the high-road to Ken- nington, about | of a mile from Westminster-bridge. Walker's Court, Berwick-Street, Ox- ford-street,-the S. continuation of it to 4, Little Pulteney-st. Waller-Place, Lambeth-Road, St. George's Fields, part of the N. side, op. the Indigent Blind School. Wallis's Court, Mint - Street, Bo- rough, the first on the L. from op. St. George's church. Wallis's Yard, Worship-Street, Shore- ditch, the second on theL. from 219, Shoreditch. Walnut - Tree -Court, Nightingale- Lane, Limehouse, the third on the L. from Ropemakers fields. Walnut-Tree-Walk, Walcot-Place, Lambeth, the first on the R. near | of a mile from the Three Stags. Walsh's Buildings, Curtain - Road, Shoreditch. bee Mill's Court. Walter's W ; ays, Rotherhithe, by the entrance to the Surrey Canal. Walton's Court, Cartwright- Street, Rosemary-Lane, the third on the R. from 32, Rosemary- lane. Walton-Place, Blackfriars-Road, i part of the W. side adjoining the Circus, near the Obelisk. Walton's Wharf, Battle - Bridge, Tooley-Street, on the E. side Battle-bridge-stairs, entering by Mill lane. Walworth, a large district in St. Mary's, Newington, extending from the Elephant and Castle to- wards Camberwell. Walworth- w Walworth -Common, the space on the S. side of East-lane, aiso the road from Surrey-square, towards Cainberwell. W.:i worth -Place, Walworth High- Street or Road, forrm part of the R. side, near | of a mile from the Elephant and ('astle, being the continuation of Keen's Row. Walwcrth- Workhouse, on the S. side the entrance to the Montpelier- garden-. Wapping-Charity-School, adjoins Wapping-church, on the S. bide. Wapping - Dock - Stairs, at 230, Wapping-stl near Old Gravel-lane, ami op. Rotherhithc-church. Wapping- Dock-Street, op. the last, extending to Cinnamon-st. Wapping - New - Stairs, at 26 1 , Wapping-st. near Red-Lion-st. and cp. King-stairs, Rotherhithe. Wapping-Old-Stairs, at 20, Wap- ping-' t. W. side the church, and nearly op. Cherry-garden-stairs. Wspping-Street, is parallel to the Thames, extending from Hermi- tage-bridge, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 365, to New Gravel-lane, about | of a mile in length. Wapping-Wall, the continuation of the last, by the side of the Thames to Fox's lane. War-Office, Horse-Guards, White- Hall, the first door on the R. from St. James's Park. Ward's Court, Goswell-StreeV at 12, op. Wilderness-row. Ward's Row, Pimlico, forms part of the L. side, about ten doors from Buckingham-gate. Ward's Row, Bethnal-Green-Road,- part of the L. ide. extending from the turnpike to Pollard's Row. Warden's Court, Clerkenwell - Close, on the W. side the church, the first on the L. from Clerken- well. green. Waidour- Street, Oxford-Street, at 382, the fourth on theL. from St. Giles's, is continued by Princes-st. Wardour-Mews, Portland-Street, at 30, three doors W. from 111, Wardour-^t. Wardrobe- Place, Great Carter-Lane, Doctors-Commons, two or three doors on the R. from Creed- lane. Wardrobe-Terrace, St. Andrew's Hill, on the S. side the church, the first on the R. from Upper Thames-st. Warner's Row, Walbrook - Place, Hoxton Fields, about | of a mile on the left N. from VVinkworth's Buildings, City-road. Warner-Street (Little), Cold- Bath- Field?, the continuation of Ray- st. bearing to the R. from the N. W. coiner of the Green. Warner-Street (Great), Cold-Bath- Fields, the continuation of the last, to Bayne's Row. Warnford - Court, Throgmorton - Street, at 2., the third on the L. from the N. E. corner of the Bank of t ngland. Warren's Rents, Ropemakers- Fields, Limehouse, at 20, about the middle of the S. side. Warren- Row. Hoxtc n, en the N. side of Turner's squat e. Warren-Square (Sir William's), Wap- ping-Street, at 181. about eight- teen doors W. of New Gravel- lane. Warren-Street, Fitzroy- Square, on the N. side, extending from l;<3, Tottenham-court-road, to Buckingham -place. Warranto! Attorney's Office, Pump- Court, Temple, entrance, the first on the L. in Middle Temple- lane, from 5, Fleet-st. Warwick-Court, high Holbnrn, at 39, being that number on the right W. from Gray's-inn-lane. Warwick - Court, Warwick - Lane. See Warwick-Square. Warwick-Lane, Newgate-Street, at w t 10, the first on the R. from Snow-hill, leading into Ave-maria- lane. Warwick- Place, Bedford- Row, at the N. end of Brownlow-street, entering by 49, High Holborn. Warwick- Place, Pimlieo, tbe first on the R. in Princes-st. from op. Arabel!a*row. Warwick -Row, Pimlico, the second on the R. in Princes-st. from op. Arabella- row. Warwick-Row, Blackfriars-Road, parr of tbe L. side, about \ a mile from the Bridge, between Bennet's Row and Higlers-lane. Warwick-S treet, Golden-Square, is parallel to the W. side, extending from Glasshouse-st. to Beak-st. Warw ick-St reet, Cockspu r- Street , about ten doors on the R. from Pall-mall, towards Charing-cross. Waters's Court, Stoney-Street, Bo- rough, on the W. side the Borough- market. Water-Lane, Fleet-Street, at 67, the third on the Li from Fleet-market. Water-Lane, Blackfriars, the first on the Lin Earl -st . from the bridge. Water-Lane, Great Tower-Street, at 28, op, Mark- lane, extending to 61, Lower Thames-st. Water-Lane, Jacob-Street, Dock- Head, the first S. parallel to it, and the first N. to London-st. Water - Street, Arundel - Street, Strand, the first on the L. from 1S8, Strand, by the Crown and Anchor tavern. Water-Street, White- Friars, the second W. parallel to part of Bridge- st. extending fromWilliam- st. to Tudor-st. Waterman's Alley, Borough, the end of Pepper-alley by London- bridge. Waterman's Hall, St. Mary's Hill,, at 1 8, three doors on the L. from op. Billingsgate. Waterman'! Row, St. George's in w the East, at the N. end of Upper Well - alley, entering by 110, Wapping-st. Watling-Street, St. Paul's Church- Yard, at 35, extending to Budge- row, and is parallel to Cheapside. Watson's Buildings, Ducking-Pond- Row, Whitechapel, the second on the L. from North-st. Watson's Buildings, Poplar, behind the Silver-lion, near North-st. Watson's Wharf, Lower East-Smirh- field, on the W. side the Army Vidualling-Office, about | of a mile below the Tower. Watt's Court or Square. See Cham- ber-square. Waxchandler's Hall, by the N. end of Gutter-lane, entering by 132, Cheapside. Weatherhead's Gardens, Crabtree- Row, Bethnal -Green, the second on the R. from Hackney-road. Weaver's Aim. -House 1 :, Hoxton, at the corner of Old street, road, and op. the Curtain-road. Weavers-Hall, Ba inghall-Street, at 22, being that number on the R. from Cateaton-st. Weavers - Lane, Tooley-Street, at 119, the last on tbe L. about J of a mile from London-bridge. Weavers-Street, Bethnal-Green or Spitalfields, the second on the R. in Fleet-street-hill fromSt.John-st. Webb's Buildings, St. John-Street, Bethnal-Green or Spitalfields, about twenty doors on the L. from 105, Brick-lane. Webb's Buildings, Ri-.by's Rope- Walk, Limehouse, the .first on the R. from behind Mr. Good- hart's Sugar-house. Webb-Square, Shorcditch, behind 47, about J- of a mile S. from the church. Webb-Street, Borough, at 248, Bermondsey. st.. being the first on the R. from Tooley-st. Webb - Street, Bermondsey New- Road, w Road, the first on the L. from Star-corner or from the Grange, road. Webber-Row, St. George's Fields, the first on the L. from behind the Magdalen - hospital, Blackfriars. road. Webber Street, Blaekfriars-Road, the first on the L. from the Obe- lisk, leading towards Lambeth- marsh, also a part of Webber-row. See the la-,t article. Webster's Wharf, Horselydown, at the bottom of Freeman's lane, on the VV. side of Horselydown Old-stairs. Weigh-House-Yard.Botolph-Lane, the fir.t on the L. from 16, Little Eastcheap. Wei beck-Mews, Little Welbeck- Street, Marybone, about the middle of the N. side. Wei beck-Street, Marybone, the se- cond on the R. in Henrietta-st. from Cavendish -sq. extending to 42, Great Marybone-st. Welbeck-S.treet (Little), at 10, in the last, leading to 80, Wimpcle- street. Well - Alley (Upper), Wapping- Street, at 110, about fifteen doors below the church. Well- Alley (Lower), Wapping, the continuation of the last from Green-bank. Well - Alley, Ropcmakers - Fields, Limehouse, at 63, about the middle of the N. side. Well- Alley, Tooley -Street, behind 223, entering by Sherrards-court, near London-bridge. Well and Bucket-Court, Old-Street, St. Luke's. See Drapers- Buildings. Well Court, Oneen. Street, Cheap- side, ten doors on the R. from 69, Cheapside. Well-Court, Minories, at 22, being that number on the L. from Aid- gate. Well-Court, Hackney-Road, about W | of a mile on the R. from Shore*- ditch-church and op. Middlesex, place. Well-Court, Well-Street, Mile-End New-Town, the first on the L. from High-street towards Spital- fields. Well-Court, Well-Street, Wellclosc- Square, a few yards on the R. from 84, Parsons-st. Well Court, Glean-Alley, Tooley- Street, the first on the R. from 218, Tooley-sr. Well -Court, Russell - Street, Ber- mondsey, the second on the R. east from Church-st. Wells-Mews, Wells-Street, Oxford- Street, at 16, being that number on the R. from 63, Oxford-st. Wells - Place, Pentonville - Road, Cold-Bath-Fieids, a few houses in the said road near Bagnigge- wells. Wells-S'reet, Oxford-Street, at 63, the sixth on the R. about | of a mile from St. Giles's. Wells- Street, St. James's, at 1 18, Jermyn-st. op. Eagle-st, from 212, Piccadilly. Well-Street, Jewin-Street, Cripple- gate, about six doors on the L. from 30, Redcross-st. near the church. Well-Street, Mile-End New-Town,- the last on the L. in High-st. en- tering by Great Garden-st. from 50, Whitechapel-road. Well- Yard, Bainbridge-Street, St. Giles's, a few yards on the L. from the E. en^ of Oxford st. Well-Yard, St. Bartholomew's Hos, pital, the first on the R. from Little. Britain or from Duke-st. Well- Yard, Lemon-Street, Good- man's Fields, the second on the R. in Hooper-square from 82, Lemon-st. Well- Yard, Rosemary-Lane, at 28, being that number on the R. from Tower-hiil. v Wellelose- w w Wellclcse-Flace, New-Road, St. George's in the East, about eleven doors on the L. east from the entrance to Princes-sq. Wellclose-Square, entrance at 25, Cable-st. and at 72, Parsons-st. Upper East-Smithfield. Wellers-Place, St. Pancras, the second on the R. from the Small- Pox Hospital, towards the church. Wcnlock-Place, City-Road, on the N. side between Windsor- terrace and Anderson's Buildings. Wenlock-Street, Ironmongers-Row, St. Luke's, the second on the L. from the church. Wemworth- Place, Mile-End-Road,- part of the L. side, about \ of a mile below the turnpike, adjoining Red-cow-lane. Wentworth-Street, Spitalfields, the first on the L. in Osborn-st. from op. the church, Whitechapel. Welsh - Chapel, Little Guildford- Street, Borough, a few doors on the L. from 75, Queen-st. Welsh-Charity-School, Gray's-Inn- Lane, about i of a mile on the R. north from Great Guilford- streer. Weslet's Dock, Bermondsey or Ro- therhithe-Wall, on the W. side of Fountain-stairs, and nearly op. Farmer's Rope-walk. West - Ham Water - Works, Mile- End-Road, on the N. side, about 2 miles from Aldgate, and op. Ewing's Buildings. West's Gardens, New Gravel-Lane, - at 87, three doors on the R. from 22, Shadwcll High-st. West-India- Docks, at the E. end of Limehousc, extending to Black- wall. See Commercial- Road. West-India-Dock-Company 's-Office, Billiter-Square, at the N. W. comer of the square. Weat-Lane, Walworth High-Street or Road, op. East-lane, about j a mile on the R. from the Elephant and Cattle. West-Lane, Bermondsey or Rother- hithe-Wall,- between Cherry - Garden-st. and Mill-pond-bridge, abcut | of a mile W. of the church. West-Place, Bethnal-Green, the first on the L. from Patriot-iquafe towards the Hackney-road. West-Place, St. George's Field , by the Philanthropic-Reform, and op. the entrance to West-sq. West - Place, RatclifFe - Row, St. Luke's, part of the N. side be- tween Pink's Row and Nelson- street. West-Square, St. George's Fields, entrance by the fifth on the L. about I of a mile from the Ele- phant and Castle towards Lam- beth. West-Street, Seven-Dials, at the N. end of Little St. Martin's lane on the left. West-Street, West-Smithfield , at 87, the N. W\ corner, leading to Chick-lane. West-Street, New-Road, Sommers- Town, the second on the R. about | of a mile from the turn- pike, Battle-bridge. West-Street, Green-Street, Bethnal- Green, on the E. side of Globe- st. about y of a mile on the R. from the Green. West-Street, Cri pin-Street, Spital- fields, at 10, leading to the W. side of Spitalfields market. We^t - Street, Prospcft - Place, St. George's Fields, the fifth on the L. about a of a mile from the Elephant and Cattle. Westbourne Place, King's Road, adjoining the N. E. corner of Sloane-sq. Westby's Aims-Houses, Hoxton, at the N. end of Gloucester-terrace, and op. Brett's Buildings. Western - Passage, Marman - Street, St. George's in the East, neat the S. end, leading to Patriotst. Western- w Western - Dispensary, at 33, Charles-street, Westminster, near Duke-st. Westminster- Abbey, on the N. side of Old Palace-yard, about | a mile on the R. from Charing- cross. Westminster - Bridge, the upper- most of the three bridges, near the Abbey. Westminster - Bridge - Road, St. George's Fields and Lambeth, extends from the Obelisk towards the bridge. Westminster Fire-Office, at 27, King-st. Covent-garden, op. Bed- ford -st. Westminster General-Dispensary, at 32, Gerrard-st. Soho, about ten doors on the R. from Princes- street. Westminster-Hall, on the S. side of New Palace-yard, near the bridge. Westminster-Hospital or Public-In- firmary, at the E. end of James- st. facing York-st. Westminster-Library, at 44, Jer- myn-st. four doors W. of St. James's church. Westminster - Journal - Newspaper- Office, at 45, Old-Bailey, the corner cf Fleet-lane. Westminster New Lying-Inn-Hos- pital, about | of a mile on the L. from Westminster-bridge to- wards the Asylum. Westmoreland- Academy, Walworth - Common, about of a mile from Surrey-sq. towards the Cam- berwell-road. Westmoreland - Buildings, Alders. gate-Street, at 159, about seven- teen doors N. of Little Britain. Westmoreland- Place, City-Road, the continuation of Providence-st. entering by the fifth on the R. from Old-st. towards Islington. Westmoreland - Place, Walworth- Common, op. Westmoreland- row and Phillips's Buildings. w Westmoreland - Row, Walworth- Common, by Westmoreland- Academy, about of a mile from Surrey-square towards the Cam- berwell-road. Westmoreland-Street, Great Mary- bone-Street, at 12, about six doors W. of 57, Wimpole-st. Weston-Court, Weston-Street, Bo- rough, the first on the R. from 35, Snow's fields. Weston-Place, Sommers-Town,- part of the L. side the road by the turnpike,Battle-bridge, towards St. Pancras. Weston-Street, Sommers-Town, the first on the L. in Weston- place from the turnpike, Battle- bridge. Weston-Street, Pentonville, nearly op. the chapel, leading towards Clerkenweli. Weston-Street, Maze, Borough, the continuation of it, entering by 195, 1 ooley-st. Weymouth-Mews (Upper), Wey- mouth-Street, Marybone, at 42, the first on the L. west from 51, Portland-place. Weymouth-Mews (Lower), three doors W. of the last. Weymouth - Place, Kent - Road, a few houses on the S. side, near the Elephant and Castle, and ad- joining W 7 eymouth-st. Weymouth-Street, Kent-Road, the first on the R. from the Elephant and Castle, leading to Walworth. Weymouth-Street, Marybone, the second on the R. in Portland- road from the New-road, leading to 26, High-st. Weymouth - Terrace, Hackney- Road,-by Alport's Nursery, about ^ of a mile on the L. from Shoreditch-church. Whalebone - Court, Throgmorton- Street, at 39, op. the N. E. cor- ner of the Bank of England. Whalebone-Court, Great Bell-Alley, T t Coleman- w w Coleman-Street, the second on the L. from 56, Coleman-st. Wharton's Court, Holborn, at 116, three doors W. of Brook-st. and nearly op. Middle-row. Whayman's Buildings, Bermondsey- Spa, nearly op. Augustus-row on the W. side the Spa. Wheatsheaf- Alley, Upper Thames- Street, at 108, a few doors on the L. from London-bridge. Wheatsheaf-Stone- Wharf, Wapping- Street, at 219, on the E. side King Edward's stairs. Wheeler's Buildings, George- Yard, Whitechapel, three doors on the R. from 91, Wentworth-st. Wheeler-Street, Spitalfields, at 31, Lamb-st. or the third on the L. from Bibhopsgate-st. through Spi- tal-square. Wheeler's Wharf, Lower East-Smith- field, on the W. side of Haw ley- wharf, about j of a mile below the Tower. Whetstorte*s Park, Lincoln's-Inn- Fields, the first on the R. in Great Turnstile from 282, High- Holborn. Whig (Independent) Newspaper-Of- fice, the first door on the L. in Warwick-sq. from Warwick-lane, Newgate- st. Whistlers-Ccurt, Saltcrs-Hall-Pa:;- sage, the second on the L. from 8'2, Cannon-st. Whistlers - Ground, Great Peter- Street, Westminster. See Wisters. Whitby- Wharf, Upper Thames-St.- eiurance by 79, on the E. side of Three-crane-stairs. Whitcomb-Court, Whitcomb-St. the first on the R. from Coventry- st. leading to 25, Oxendon-st. W'hitcomb Street, Charing.Cross, the first street on the R. from the Strand towards the Haymarket. White's Alley, Chancery-Lane, about the middle of the E. side, -i.djicarly op. 7b, in the said lane. White 'sAlley,Coleman-Street,-ar 60^ the fifth on the R. from Lothbury, White's Alley, Long-Alley, Moor- fields, the first on the L. from Wor^hip-st. near the Curtain-road. White- Ball -Court, Castle- Street, Leicester-Square, at 36, six doors on the R. from Hemming's Row- White-Bear-Alley, Aldgate Higli- Street, at 18, ten doors E. of the church. White- Bear-Court, Kent-Street, Bo- rough, at 264, about | of a mile on the R. from St. George's church. White - Bear - Gardens, KingJand- Road, entrance by Union-walk, Union-st. White-Bear-Inn, Piccadilly, at the E. end near the Haymarket. While- Bear- Inn, Basinghall-Street. See Bear. White - Bear - Yard, Eyre - Street, Leather-Lane, Holborn, the first on the R. from the N. end of Leather-lane. W'hite-Bear-Yard, Kent-Street, Bo- rough, at 270, about | of a mile on the R. from St. George's church. White's Buildings, Rosemary-Lane. See Abel's Buildings. Whitechapel High-Street, com- mences at Somerset-st. and Petti- coat-lane, where the numbers be- gin and end, viz. 1 and 148, ex- tending to the church. Whitechapel- Road, commences at the church, where the number! begin and end, viz. 1 and 281, extending to the turnpike. Whitechapel Workhouse, White- chapel- Road, at 77, about | of a mile on the L. below the church. White's Court, Ropemakers-Street, Moorfields, the third on the L. from the N. W. corner of Moor- fields. White's Court, Vine- Yard, Tooley- Street, the first on the R. from 110, Tooley-st. Whitecross - Place, WTlson - Street, Moorfields* w w 'Moorfields, about six doors S. from Crown-street, nearFinsbury- square. Whitecross - Street, Cripplegate, or St. Luke's, at 115, Fore-street, extending to nearly op. the church, Old-st. the numbers begin and end at Chiswell-street, viz. 1 and 220. Whitecross - Street, Queen - Street, . Borough, at 96, about twelve doors on the L. from Union-st. Whitefriars, on the N. side the River Thames, between New Bridge. st. Blackfriars, and the Temple. Whitefriars - Dock, facing Water- lane, from 67, Fleet-st. Whitefriars New Wharf, on the E. side the Temple-gardens. White's Grounds, Bethnal-Grcen- Road, at 95, the first on the right E. of the turnpike. White's Grounds, Crucifix - Lane, Bermondsey, the first on the R. from 50, Bermcndsey-st. and op. Parish-street. Whitehall, Charing-cross, the con- tinuation of it from the Admiralty to Parliament-st. W T hitehall-Court, Tower-Hill, about the middle of the E. side, leading to St. Catherine's lane. Whitehall - Stairs, entrance by Whitehall-yard. Whitehall-Yard, Whitehall, nearly op. the Horse-guards, extending towards the Thames. White-Hart Coach-Office, Strand, at 296, six doors E. of the New Church. White - Hart -Court, Windmill - St. Tottenham-Court-Road, at 19, six doors on the L. from 35, in the said road. White -Hart -Court, Castle- Street, Leicester - Square, at 31, about ten doors N. of Hemming's Row. White - Hart - Court, Long - Lane, Weit - Smithfield, the second on the R. from 119, Aldersgate* street. White-Hart-Court, Charter-House- Lane, entrance by 6, the second on the R. from St. John-st. White- Hart-Court, Lombard-St. at 41, the last on the R. from the Mansion - house, leading to 28, Gracechurch-st. White - Hart - Court, Bishopsgafe- Without, at 200, the second N. of the church. White - Hart - Court, Hoxton, by Red-Lion-Court, op. the Britan- nia, about I of a mile on the R. from Old-street-road. White-Hart-Court, Gascoigne-Place, Bethnal-Green, the first on the L. from Castle-st. behind Shore- ditch-church. White - Hart - Court, or Passage, Greenfield-Street, Mile-End Old- Town, at 10, the first on the R. from Fieldgate st. White - Hart - Court, Green Bank, Wapping, the second on the R. from the church. White-Hart-Court, Walworth High' Street', or Road, the first on the L. about of a mile from the Elephant and Castle. White - Hart - Fields, Kennington- Lane, behind White- Hart- Place, extending to Walcot-place. White-Hart-Inn, St. John-Street, at 120, about of a mile on the R. from West-Smithfield. White-Hart-Inn, Borough,- T at 62, about | of a mile on the L. from London-bridge. White - Hart - Place, Kennington- Lane, forms part of the L. side, extending from Kennington cross, towards Newington. White-Hart-Place, Robinhood-Lane, Blackwall, three doors on the L from the E. end of Poplar High st. White-Hart-Row, Gravel-Lane Bo- rough, at the E. end of George- street, Blackfriars-road. White- w White - Hart - Row, Kennington- Lane,- the first on the R. from Kennington-cross, towards New- ington. White-Hart-Row,Gray's-Inn-Lane,- part of the R. side, about a mile from Holborn, and adjoining Battle-bridge. White-Hart-Street, Warwick-Lane,- the first on the R. from Pater- noster-row, leading to Newgate- market. White- Hart-Wharf, Lambeth, op. Broad-st. about \ of a mile above the church. White - Hart - Yard, Tottenham- Court-Road, about | of a mile on the R. from Oxford-st. and op. Whitfield's chapel. White- Hart - Yard, Drury -Lane, at 82, or the second on the R. in Catherine-st. from 312, in the Strand. White-Hart- Yard, Drury - Lane, the first on the L. a few yards from Holborn. White - Hart- Yard, Brook -Street, Holborn, at 20, op. Brook's Market. White-Hart- Yard, London-Wall, near the S. E. corner of Moor- fields. White- Hind- Alley, Willow - Street, Bankside, on the E. side of Brook's Wharf, leading to Pitt's place and Maid-lane. W 7 hitc - Hind - Court, Bishopsgate- Without, at 163, op. Widegate- street. White-Horse- Alley, Cow-Cross, the second on the R. from St. John-st. near West-Smithfie!d. White- Horse- Alley, Turnmiil-St. Clerkenwell, about the middle of the W. side, near Castle-st. White - Horse - Alley, or Court, Sharp's Alley, West-Street, West- Smithfield, the first on the L. from Wcst-st. White-Horse-Ccllar (New), Coach- w Office, Ficcadilly, at 66, three doors W. of Albemarle-st. White- Horse-Cellar (Old), Coach- Office, Piccadilly, op. 76, two doors W. of Arlington-st. White - Horse - Court, Whitecross- Street, St. Luke's, at 93, lead- ing to Cherry-tree-alley and 117, Bunhill-row. White - Horse - Court, Long - Lane, West-Smithfield, a few doors on the R. from 118, Aldersgate-st. Whire-Horse-Court, Wheeler-Street, Spitalfields, at 16, the second on the R. from Lamb-st. White - Horse - Court, or Yard, Rosemary - Lane, the third on the L. from the Minories. White - Horse - Court, High -Street, Borough, about eight doors ori the L. from London-bridge. White- Horse -Court, Bermondsey- Street, at 242, leading to Snow's fields. White - Horse - Court, Star-Corner, Bermondsey, the first on the R. from Long - lane, towards Bcr- mondsey-new-road. White-Horse- Inn, Fetter-Lane, at 88, about twelve doors on the R. : from 32, Holbornhill. White Horse-Inn, Friday-Street, at 30, being that numbef of houses from 30, Cheapside. White-Horse-Inn, Cripplegate, - at the N. end of Wood-st. on thd R. entering by 122, Cheapside. White -Horse -Lane, Stepney. See. Commercial-Road. White - Horse - Lane, Mile - End - Road, op. the Old Globe, about \ a mile on the R. below the turnpike, leading towards Step- ney-church-yard. White-Horse- Mews, Coleman-St. . entrance by White-horse-yard. White - Horse - Place, Commercial- Road, the third on the R. about f of a mile E. of the halfway- houic. White- w w White-Horse-Street, Piccadilly,- the first W. of Halfmoon-street, about -J- a mile on the R. from the Haymarket. White-Horse-Street, Ratcliffe, the continuation of Butcher-row, Rat- cliffe - cross, towards Stepney church-yard. White-Horse- Yard, New Bond-St.- at 131, eight doors S. of Grosve- nor-street. White - Horse - Yard, Broadway, Westminster, about six doors on the R. from Tothill-st. White-Horse- Yard, Diot-Street, St. Giles's, about six doors on the R. from 25, Broad-st. White-Horse- Yard, Drury-Lane, - at 110, the fifth on the R. from Wych-st. White-Horse- Yard, Coleman-St. at 17, being that number on the R. from London-wall. White - Horse- Yard, Lower East- Smithfield, at 14, the second on the R. from Burr-street, towards "Upper East-Smithfield. White-Horse-Yard, Parsons - Street, Upper East - Smithfield, at 36, leading to the London-docks. White - Horse - Yard, Kent - Street, Borough, at 1*24, about j of a mile on the L. from St. George's church. Whitelands, King's Road, Chelsea,- by Colvill's Nursery, op. the Hospital. Whtte-Linen-Court, Bankside, Bo- rough, a few yards W. of Thames-st. White-Lion-Court, Little Bell- Alley, London-Wall, the first en the L. from Leathersellers-buildings. White-Lion-Court, Birchin-Lane, at 21, the second on the L. from 3f>, Cornhilfc White - Lion - Court, Cornhill, at 64, three doors on the R. from Bishopsgate-st. White - Lion . Court, Throgmorton- Street, at 20, four doors on th L. from Broad-st. White-Lion-Court, Bankside, South- wark, the fourth W. of Thames- street. White - Lion - Court, Bermondsey- Street, op, 52, leading to Snow's fields. White-Lion-Court, White-Lion-St. Seven-Dials, at 7, three doors on the L. from 21, Monmouth, street. White-Lion-Court, White-Lion-St. - Pentonville, ^the first on the L. a few yards from Islington. White- Lion -Court, Charterhouse*- Lane, at 6, the second on the L. from Charterhouse-sq. White-Lion-Square, Old Bethlem,- at 17, on the N. side. White- Lion-Street, Norton-Falgate, Shoreditch, at 12. being that number of houses N. of Spital- square. White- Lion-Street, Seven - Dials, < the first on the L. in Monmouth- st. from Broad-st. St. Giles's. White-Lion-Street (Little), Seven- Dials, the continuation of the last, also of Mercer-st. entering by 123. Long- acre. White - Lion - Street, Pentonville, the first on the L. in High-street, Islington, from the Angel-Inn. White - Lion - Street, Goodman's Fields, orWhitechapel, the con- tinuation of Lemon-st. to 76, Rosemary-lane. White-Lion-Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, entrance by 19, nearly op. Bennet's Hill. White -Lion -Yard, Tower-Street, Tower- Hill, a few doors on the L. from Tower-hill. White-Lion- Yard, Vauxhall , -nearly op. Vauxhall - stairs, leading to Vauxhall-gardens. White-Lion- Yard, White-Lion-St. Norton-Falgate,-at22, five doors E. from Blossom-st. White- w White-Lion-Yard,Whitecross-Street, St. Luke's, at 172, op. Foster's Buildings. White-Lion -Yard, Oxford-Street, at 73, nearly op. the Pantheon. White's Rents, Wood-Street, West- minster, the third on the R. from 64, Millbank-st. White's Rents, Fore-Street, Lime- house, the second on the left . of Ropemakers-fields. White- Rose - Alley, Whitecross - St. Cripplegatc, at 58, the first on the L. from Chiswell-st. towards Fore-st. White- Rose -Court, Coleman-St. at 30, op. Bell-alley, leading to Basinghall-st. White-Rose-Court, Widegate-Strcet, Bishop'gate, at 13, the second on the R. from Bishopsgate- street. White's Row, Baker's Row, White- chapel-Road, the first on the R. from 94, in the said road. White-Street, or Row, Spitalfields,- the continuation of Fashion-street, from 194, Brick-lane. White-Street, Bethnal-Grcen-Road ,- at 72, the second on the right E. of the turnpike. White - Street, Cutler-St. Hounds, ditch, the second on theR. from 114, Houndsditch. White- Street, Church -Street, Bo- rough, the continuation of it, bearing to the L. from behind St. George's church. White-Street, Moorfields, the first S. parallel to Ropemakers-street, entering by the N. W. corner of Moorfields. White-T h:rn-Court, King- Street, St. George's in the East, the first on the L. from 29, G ravel - lane. White's Yard, Great Saffron-Hill, at 23, near Cliarles-st. Hatton- garden. White's Yard, Whitccrosi - Street, w St. Luke's, at 155, the first on the R. from Old-st. White's Yard, Mile- End-Road, about i of a mile on the right E. of Stepney -green, and op. the Old Globe. White's Yard, Rosemary - Lane, at 58, E. end, leading to 97, Upper East-Smithfield. Whitfield -Street, Leonard -Street, Shoreditch, the first on theL. from Paul-st. towards the City- road. Whiting's Rents, Hickman's Folly, Bermondsey, the second on the R. from Deck- head. Whiting's Wharf, Broad - Street, Ratcliffe, at 43, on the E. side cf Stone-stairs, and a few doors W. of Ratcliffe-cross. Whiting's Yard, Dog and Eear-Yard, Tooley -Street, the first on the R. from 127, E. end of Tooley-st. Whitington's College, College- Hill, - by the church, about the middle of the E. side. Whitley's Court, Brick - Lane, St. Luke's, at 73, the second on the R. from 113, Old-st. Wiener's Aims-Houses, Little Chapel- Street, Westminster, on the E. side the Bluecoat - school, near James-st. Wickham-Court, Wych-St. Drury- Lane, at 23, six doors E. of Newcastle-st. Widegate-Street, Bi^hop^gate -With- out, op. 163, the third on the right N. from the church. WidnaPr Place. Vine-St. Hatton- Wall, about twelve doors on the L. from Little Saffron-hill. Wiggins*! Quay, Lower Thames- Street, op. 80, a few doors E. of Billingsgate. Wigmore-Street, Cavendish Square, - at the N. W. corner, leading to- wards Portman-sq. Wild - Court, Great Wild - Street, Clare - Market, about twelve doors w w doors on the L. from 48, Great Qucea-st. Wild-Street (Great), Clare-Market,- the first on the R. in Great Queen- st. from 155, Drury-lane. Wild-Street (Little), the second on the L. in the last, from 48, Great Queen-st. Wilderness - Lane, Dorset - Street, Salisbury-Square, at 59, the se- cond on the R. from 82, Fleet-st, Wilderness- Row, Goswell-Street, nearly op. Old-st. leading to 1G3, St. John-st. Wilderness-Row, Chelsea, the last on the R. in Royal Hospital row, towards Pimlico. Wilkies - Court, Shoreditclt -High- Street, at 101, the third on the L. from the church. Wilks-Street, Quaker-Street, Spital- fields, the second on the L. from 173, Brick-lane, behind Hanbury's brewery. Wilkinson's Buildings, Edgware- Road, at 76, forming part of the R. sn'.e, about | of a mile from Tyburn turnpike. Willis's Court, Brackley - Street, Bridgewater-Gardens, the first on the R. from Golden-lane. Willi's Buildings, Spa-Road, Ber- mondsey, between the Spa and Printers-place, Jamaica-row. Willis's Rents, Bermondsey-Street, at 101, about ten doors on the L. from Russell-st. towards the church. Willis's Rooms, King-Street, St. James's, at 22, op. Duke-st. William's Buildings, Yeoman's Row, Brompton, a few yards on the R. from Michael's place. W r illiams-Buildings, French- Alley, Goswell-Street, entrance by 21, in the said street. Williams's Buildings, Three Ham- mer-Alley, St. Thomas's, South- wark, the first on the R: from the Broadway. Williams-Court, Maid-Lane, Bo- rough, the second on the L. from Gravel -lane, and nearly op. Great Guildford-st. Williams-Mews, Devonshire-Street, Marybone, at 54, between Port- land-place and Portland-road. W T illiams-Place, Walworth, or Cam- berwell-Road, part of the R. side from the Montpelier-gardena towards Camberwell. W r illiam-Street, Lisson-Green, between Bell-st. and Stafford-st. about i of a mile N. of the York- shire-stingo. William - Street, Henry . Street, Gray 's-Inn -Lane, the first on the R. from the said lane. William - Street, Lant - Street, Bo- rough, the second on the L. from 108, Blackman-st. and the firsr E. of Little Suffolk-st. William-Street, Kennington-Com- mon, the first on the R. from the Horns, towards Clapham. William - Street, Pitt - Street, Kent- Road, the first on the R. from nearly op. the Bricklayers-arms. William-Street, Blackfriars-Road, the first on the L. in Charlotte-st. behind Surrey-chapel. William-Street, Union-Street, Lam- beth, the first on the L. from Walcot-place. William - Street, Marybone - Lane, Marybone, at 49, the third street on the L. from 158, Oxford-st. William-Street, James-Street, West- minster, at 30, the first on the R. from Buckingham -gate. William-Street, Adelphi, behind 64, in the Strand, about of a mile on the R. from Charing-cross. Wiiliam-Street, New Bridge-Street, Blackfriars, at 21, the first on the R. from the bridge. William-Street, Hampstead-Road, the fifth on the R. near of a mile from Tottenham-ccurt-road. Williara-StreetjCannon-Strecr-Road, St. w St. George's in the East, the second on the L. from the turn- pike towards Whitechapel. William- Street, Cannon - Street- Road or Mile-End Old-Town,- the first on the L. from the Com- mercial - road towards White- chapel. William -Street, Shoreditch High- Street, at 137, the first on the R. from the church towards Bishopsgate. Willow-Court, Steward-Street, Gos- well-Street, the first on the L. from 80, Goswell-st. Willow-Court, Willow-Street, Paul- Street, Shoreditch, the first on the L. from Paul-st. Willow-Row, Goswell-Street, at .60, about twelve doors N. of Old-street. Willow-Street, Paul-Street, Shore- ditch, the second on the right, N. from Leonard-st. Willow - Street, Bankside, South- wark, the continuation of it to Gravel-lane, and towards Black- friars-bridge. Willow-Walk, Tothill- Fields, West- minster, near Rochester - row, leading to the Neat Houses. Willow- Walk, Haberdashers- Walk, Hoxton, the second on the left, N. from Haberdashers - Alms- houses. Willow-Walk, Curtain-Road, Shore- ditch, the continuation of Susan- nah-row, l>earing to the R. Willow- Walk, Hackney- Road, op. Middlesex-place, about $ of a mile on the R. from Shoreditch- church. Willow-Walk, Grange-Road, Ber- mondsey, entrance by the last on the L. in Page's walk, from the said road. Willow-Tree -Court,Lower-Turning, Shadwell, the second on the L. from 76, Shakespear's walk. Willow . Tree - Court, Newmarket - w Street, Wapping, ten doors da th^ L. from 1 57, Wapping-st. Willsted-Street, New-Road, Som- mers-Town, the third on the R. about J of a mile from the turnpike s Battle-bridge. Wilmot-Court, White-Street, Bo- rough, about ten doors on the L. from St. George's church. Wilmot's Folly, Bethnal - Green- Road, at the N. end of Mary's Row, entering on the E. side of Wilmot-square. Wilmot's Grove, Bethnal- Green- Road, on the N. side of Wilmot- square. W'ilmot - Square, Bethnal - Green- Road, about | of a mile on the L. from 65, Shoreditch. Wilmot - Street, Belhnal - Green- Road, the last on the R. near a mile from Shoreditch. Wilmot - Street, Bernard - Street, Brunswick-Square, at 36, the first on the R. from the square, extending to 30, Great Coram-st. Wilson -Court, Kent - Street, Bo- rough, at 87, near -^ of a mile on the L. from St. George's church. Wilson - Court, Maid - Lane, Bo- rough, the second on the L. from Park-st. or from Clink-st. Wihon's Place, Salmon's Lane, Limchouse, the first on the L* from the Commercial-road. Wilson-Street, Moorfields, near the middle of the N. side, extend- ing to Paul-st. Wiltshire - Lane, Parsons - Street, Upper East - Smithfield, at 40, a few doors W. of Ratcliffe-high- way. Wimpole-Mews, Devonshire-Street, Mary-bone, at 38, between Up- per Wimpole-st. and Beaumont-st. Wimpole-Mews, Weymouth-Strcet, Marybone, at 38, between Wimpole-st. and Harley-st. Wimpole-Strcct, Cavcndikh-Square,- a few w \v a few doors W. of it, or op. Ox- ford-chapel, entering by 151, Oxford-st. Wimpole-Street (Upper), the con- tinuation of the last from Wey- mouth-st. to Devonshire-st. Winchester - Chapel, Parliament- Court, Artillery-Lane, Bishops- gate-Without, entrance by the second on the R. from Bishopsgate, Winchester-Court, Monk well-Street, Falcon-Square, about six doors on the R. from the square. Winchester - Gardens, Winchester- Street, Pentonville, at 3 C 2, the first on the R. from the High-st. or road. Winchester-Place, Pentonville High- Street or Road, part of the R. side, about of a mile from the Angel-Inn, Islington. Winchester- Place, Hackney-Road, near the end of Willow- walk, or Green-gate-gardens. Winchester-Row, Hackney-Road, a few small houses behind Wells- row, near the last. Winchester-Row, Edgware-Road, at 81, near i a mile on the R. from Tyburn-turnpike, extending towards the Yorkshire-stingo. Winchester-Street, Pentonville, the third on the R. from the chapel towards Battle-bridge. Winchester-Street,01dBroad-Streer,- at 54, nearly op. the Excise-office, leading to London-wall. Winchester- Street (Little), -four doors on the R. in the last, from Old Broad-st. Winchester-St. Borough-Market, on the N. side of it, by St. Sa- viour's church. Winchester-Street (Little), the first on the R. in the last from the church. Winchester- Yard, Borough-Market,- by Little Winchester-st. Winchester - Wharf, Clink - Street, Borough, about J of a mile above London-bridge and nearly op. Stoney-street. Wiuckles - Buildings, Walworth- Common, op. Phillips's Build- ings, S. end of Thurlow-place from East-lane. Windmill-Court, Giltspur-Street, at 19, about ten doors on the R. from Newgate-st. Windmill Coutt, Rosemary-Lane,- at 5 I, two or three doors W. of White's Yard. Windmill - Inn, St. John - Street, West-Smithfield, the third Inn on the R. near of a mile from Smithfield. Windmill -Lane, Deptford Lower- Road, about } of a mile on the L. from the Halfway-house to- wards Deptford. Windmill- Row,Kennington-Green,- on the W. side, near the Wind- mill-tavern. Windmill-Street, Tottenham-Court- Road, at 45, op. Great Store-st* about j of a mile on the L. from Oxford-st. Windmill - Street (Great), Hay- market, op. the N. end of it, extending from Coventry -street to Brewer- st. Windmill-Street (Little), the con- tinuation of the last to Silver-st. Windmill-Street, City-Road, a few yards bearing to the R. from the N. W. corner of Finsbury-sq. Windsor - Court, Monkwell - Street, Falcon-Square, at 40, the first on the L. from the square. Windsor-Court, Little Knight-Rider- Street, at 14, the first on the R. from the Old-Change. Windsor-Court, Strand, near 330, op. Somerset-Place. Windsor- Place, City- Road, op. Windsor-terrace, about y of a mile on the L. from Finsbury-sq. Windsor - Street, Widegate - Street, Bishopsgate-Wiihout, - -the first on theR. from Bishopsgate. st. U u Windsor- w w Windsor-Terrace, City-Road, forms part of the N. side, about of a mile on the R. from Fins- bury-square. Wine-Office-Court, Fleet-Street, at 145, about the middle of the N. side. Winford-Court, Wentworth-Street, Spitalfielda, about six doors W. of Rose-lane. Winkworth'sBuildings,City-Road,- extends from Craven-buildings to- wards Hoxton-fields, about -3. of a mile on the R. fromFinsbury-sq. Winkworth's Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, on theE. side of Broken- wharf, entering by 41, in the said street. Winsley -Street, Oxford-Street, at 78, op. the Pantheon, about -3- of a mile on the R. from St. Giles's. Winter-Court, Long-Lane, Bermond- sey, about of a mile on the L. from the church and op. the King's Road. Wise-Court, Wheeler-Street, Spital- field?, the first on the L. from 31, Lamb-st. Wise-Court, Castle-Street, Borough ,- at 45, near Potts's Vinegar- ground. Wister's Ground, Great Peter-Street, Westminster, entrance about the middle of the S. side. Wither's Court, Whitecross-Street, St. Luke's, at 1 10, the first on the L. from Old-st. Witiem's Buildings, Old - Street- Road, forms part of the N. side, adj. lining the Vinegar-ground. Wooburn - Court, Duke - Street, Bloomsbury, :hc first on the R. from 42, Great Russell-st. Wooburn-Mews, Little Guil ford- Street, Russell-Square, the first on the L. from Bernard-st. Wooborn- Place, Rurell-Square, extends from the E. side of the quare towards Tavistock-sq. W.^lurn - Street, Great Russell- Street, Bloomsbury, at 39, the third on the R. from Tottenham- court-road. Wooburn - Street, Brydges - Street, Covent-Garden, at 23, on the S. side of Drury-Lane- Theatre. Wood's Buildings, George-Street, Chelsea, the first on the R. from Royal-Hospital- Row. Wood's Buildings, New-Inn- Yard, Shoreditch, the last on the L. from 175, Shoreditch. Wood's Buildings, Whitechapel- Road, at 124, op. the London- hospital, leading to Ducking- pond-row. Wood's Buildings, East-Lane, Wal- worth, the first on the R. from the Kent-road. Wood's Close, Church-Row, Beth- nal-Green, on the S. side the church near Hare-st. Wood's Court, Oxford-Street, at R. 81, about -j- of a mile on the from St. Giles's and nearly op. the Pantheon. Wood's Court, Norton- Falgate, at 27, nearly op. White-Lion-st. Wood's Mews, Park-Street, Gros- venor-Square, at 75, the fourth on the R. from 248, Oxford-st. Wood's Place, Bowling - Green- Lane, Clerkenwell, the first on the R. from Coppice-row. Wood's Rents, Chequer- Alley, Bun- hill-Row, the first en the R. from 10 ( J, Whitecross-st. Wood-Street, Millbank-Street, West- minster, at G4, the first on the R. from Abingdon. st. Wood-Street, Braynes-Row, Spa- fields or Clerkenwell, about six doors E. of the turnpike, near the House of Correction. Wood-Street, Cheapside, at 122, the third on the L. from Newgate- st. it extends to London -wall. Wood-Street, Spitalfields, extends from the N. side of the church to 8, Brown's lane. Wood- w w \Vood-Street, Bethnal-Grecn, on the S. side the Church-yard, or the last on the L. in Hare-st. from 110, Brick-lane. "Wood-Street, St. Agnes-le-Clair, the last on the L. in North- st. from the City. road. Wood's Ways, Rotherhithe, on the N. side of Rotherhithe-church. Wood's Yard, Phcenix-Srreet, Spital- fields, the second on the R. from 38, Wheeler-st. Wood- Yard, Redcross-Strcet, 'Bo- rough, at 74, the first on the R. north from Union-st. Woodbridge-Street, St. John-Street, Clerkenwell, at 224, op. Comp- ton-st. about -j- of a mile on the L. from West-Smithfield. Wooden - Bridge - Stairs, Westmin- ster, at the N. E. corner of New Palace-yard. Wooden-World-Court, Bell-Alley, Golden-Lane, entrance by the fifth on the L. in Golden-lane from Barbican. Woodner - Court, Harrow - Alley, Gravel-Lane, Houndsditch, the third on the R. in it from Gravel- lane. Woodstock - Mews, Woodstock- St. Marybone, at 5, or behind 30, Weymouth-st. Woodstock - Street, Weymouth- Street, Marybone, at 30, op. Beaumont-st. about five doors W. of 44, Wimpole-st. Woodstock - Street, Paddington- Street, Marybone, ten doors on the R. from 70, High-st. leading to Nottingham-place and the New- road. Woodstock-Street, Oxford. Street, at 303, between New Bond-st. and South-Molton-st. Woodwards - Court, High - Street, Marybone, the first on the R. from the New- road. Wooldrich's Gardens, Fleet-Street, Betlmal- Green or Spitalfields, a number of small houses at the E. end of it. Woolford's Ways, Wapping-Wall,- on the E. side of King James's stairs, op. Star-st. Shadwell. Woolpack - Alley, Bermondsey- Street, at 242, near Snow's fields. Wool pack-Gardens, Gwyn's Build- ings, Goswell-Street-Road, en- trance a few doors on the R. from the City-road. Woolpack - Yard, Dog and Bear- Yard, Tooley-Street, the first on the L. from 127, Tooley-st. Woolpack- Yard, Kent-Street, Bo- rough, at 54, about | of a mile on the L. side the street from St. George's church. Wool-Staplers Aims-Houses, Great St. Ann's Street, Westminster, about ten doors on the R. from Great Peter- st. Wolsingham-Place, Lambeth, by the Three Stags, about -J- a mile on the L. from Westminster- bridge. W'orcester-Court, Worcester-Street, Old Gravel-Lane, the first on the L. from Old Gravel-lane to- wards the London-docks. Worcester- Place, Upper Thames- Street, at 67, nearly op. Gar- lick-hill. Worcester-Street, Old Gravel-Lane, St. George's in the East, at 143, about the middle of the W. side. Worcester-Street, Qneen-Street, Bo- rough, at 1 1, the second on the R. from Union-Hall. Works (Office of), Guildhall, two doors on the R. from 75, Basing- hall-bt. Workhouse-Alley, Limehcuse. See Green-dragon- alley. Workhouse - Lane, Hoxton, at the N. end of Queen's Row, about 4 a mile on the L. from Old-street-road. Workhouse - Lane, Lambeth, the continuation w continuation of Lambeth-butts, or of Broad-st. towards Kenning- ton-cross. World's End-Court, Newington- Causeway, on the N. side the turnpike, about | of a mile on the L. from the King's Bench. Worley's Court, Minories.-entrance by 79, op-, the Crescent. Wormwood - Street, Bishopsgate- Within, at 65, the second on the L. north from Cornhill. Worship - Court, Worship - Street, Shoreditch, the fourth on the L. from Paul-st. Worship - Square, Worship - Street, Shoreditch, the third on the L. from Paul-st. leading to Chapel- st. Curtain-road. Worship-Street, Shoreditch, the second on the R. north from the N. E. corner of Finsbury -square, extending to 21, Norton-falgate. Wrestlers-Court, Bishopsgate-With- in, at 59, six doors S. of Ca- momile-st. Wright's Buildings, West - Street, West-Smithfield, the second on the R. from Smithfield. Wright's Passage, Tothill-Street, Westminster, about the middle of the S. side, nearly op. the Golden-fleece. Wright's Rents, Pell - Street, Rat- clifFe, the first on the L. from 6, in the New-road. Wright's Rents, Grange-Road, Ber- mondsey, on the W. side of Page's Walk, near the Old Pitt's Head. Wych-Street, Drury-Lane, the first on both the R. and the L. in Mew- castle-street from the New Church in the Strand. Wycomb - Place, Kent -Street, Bo- rough, at 70, about \ of a mile on the L. side of the street, from St. George's church. Wynyatt - Street, Goswrll - Street- Road, near \ of a mile on the L. north of the turnpike, being the first S. parallel to Rawstone-st. Wynyatt- Place,Wynyatt-Street,- two or three doors on the R. from Goswell-str^et-road. YAXLY-PLACE, Little Lant- Street, Borough, about the middle of the S. side, and the first on the R. from Lombard-st. Yeats-Court,Carey-Street, Chancery- Lane, at 23, the third on the R. from Portugal-st. leading intc* Clement's lane. Yeats-Court, Long-Alley, Moor- fields. the second on the L. from 29, Sun-st. towards Moorfields. Yeats-Rents, Clerkenwell-Close, at 23, a few doors N. of the church. Yeoman's Row, Brompton High- Road, the fifth on the L. about -i of a mile from Knightsbridge. Yoakley's Buildings, Mile - End- Green, nine doors E. from the London-hospital. York-Buildings, Grub-Street, West- minster, about the middle of the E. side. York-Buildings, Adelphi, the S. side of Duke-st. being the second on the L. in Villiers-st. from 32, in the Strand. York- Buildings Water- Works, at the bottom of Villiers-st. entering by 32, in the Strand. York- Buildings, New- Road, Mary- bone, forms part of the S. side, at the N. end of Baker-st. York-Buildings, York-Street, Pen- tonville, the second on the L. from Clarence - place towards Weston-st. York- Buildings, Bermondsey New- Road, at the end of Kent-street- road, and op. the Bricklayers- arms. York- York - Buildings, Chalton - Street, Sommcrs-Town, at 48, the fir%t on i he L. from the New- road. York-Buildings, Hoxton-Fields, about ^ or* a mile on the L. from Winkworth's Buildings, City-road, towards Kmgsland. York - Court, East - Street, Man- chester-Square, at 40, about twelve doors on the L. from David- street. York-Court, York-Street, Penton- ville, the first on the L. from Clarence-place. York-Court, Paul-Street, Finsbury- Square, about five doors S. of Castle.st. York-Court, York-Street, London- Rriad, St. George's Fields, the first on the R. from the London- road. York - Mews South, Paddington- Street, Mary bone', at 3'2, the first on the L. from Baker-st. York-Mews North, David-Street, Marybone, the first on the R. from Upper Baker-st. York-Mews (Great), Upper Baker- Street, Marybone, the first on the L. in York- place from 10, Upper Baker-st. York-Mews (Little), the second on the L. from 10, Upper Baker- street. York-Place, Baker-Street, Portman- Square, the continuation of it to Upper Baker-st. and the New- road. Ycrk-Place, Upper Baker-Street, Portman-Square, at 10, the first on the R. from the New-road. York - Place, Pentonville, forms part of the S. side by the turn- pike, near \ a mile on the L. from Islington. York - Place, Banner - Street, St. Luke's, at 27, the first on the L. from 130, Whitecrcss-st. York- Place, City-Road, forms part of the N, s|de, nearly op. Sidney-st. about a mile on the R. from Finsbury-sq. York-Place, Cow-Lane, Stepney, the last on the L. from Stepney Old - square, and on the E. side the World's End public-hou.e. York- Place, Mile-End- Road, part of the S. side, by Saville-place, about 2f miles from Aldgate. York.Place, Mile- End Old-Town, the first on the L. in York-street from the Commercial-road, lead- ing into Thomas-st. York- Place, Lambeth, about of a mile on the R. from West- minster-bridge, and opposite the Asylum. York-Place, Borough-Road , St. George's Fields, about the mid- dle of the N. side, between the King's Bench and ihe Obelisk. York-Place, Walwcrth High-Street or Road, part of the L. side, about I of a mile from the Elephant and Castle. York-Place, Arnold-Place, Wal- worth, the second on theL. from Amelia-? t. York-Place, Ossulston-Street, Som- merc-Town, the first on the L* north from Chapel -path. York-Place, Kent-Street-Road, the last on the L. from St. George's church and near the Ericklayers-arms. York-Place, Hoxton-Fields, about 5 of a miie on the L. from Winkworth's Buildings, City- road, towards Kin^sland. York-Row, James-Street, Westmin- ster, at the E. end of it, op. the Blue-coat-schcol. York-Row, Hackney-Road, forms part of the R. side, about of a mile from Shoreditch-church. York-Row, Kennington-Road, forms part of the R. side, near the Plough and Harrow, $- of a mile S. from Newington*churcb. York-Street, Hans- Place, Bromp- ton. ton, the first on the L. in Exeter- street, entering by 32, Sloane-st. York-Street, Westminster, the con- tinuation of James-street, bearing to the L. extending to Queen- square. York-Street, St. James's Square, about the middle of the N. side, leading to the S. side of St. James's church, Piccadilly. York-Street, Covent-Garden, the continuation of Tavistock-st. en- tering by 14, Southampton-st. or the second on the L. along Cathe- rine st. from 343, Strand. York-Street, Baker-Street, Mary- bone, the fifth street on the L. from the N. E. corner of Port- man-square. York-Street (Upper), Baker-Street, Marybone, the continuation of the last. York - Street, Middlesex - Hospital , Marybone, at 18, Union-st. ex- tending to 74, Qoeen Ann-st. East. York-Street, Castle-Street, Turnmill- Street, Clerkenwell, the last en the L. from Turnmill-st. or a few yards E. from 60, Great SafFron- hill. York-Street, Pentonville, the se- cond on the L. west of the chapel towards Battle-bridge, about \ of a mile from Islington. York-Street (Old), Church-Street, Bethnal-Green, at 185, the first on the R. from 65, Shoreditch, leading to Anchor-st. York-Street (New), Church-Street, Bethnal-Green, at 178, the se- cond on the R. from 65, Shore- ditch. York - Street, Commercial - Road, Mile-End Old-Town, the .se- cond on the-R. from Cannon- street- road towards Whitechapcl- thurch, extending to 45, Char- lottc.strect. York-Street, Walworth High-Street or Road, op. Manor-place, near \ a mile on the L. from the Ele- phant and Castle, leading to Lock's fields. York-Street, Lock's Fields, Wal- worth, the last on the L. in Pitt- st. from the Kent-Road, entering nearly opposite the Bricklayers- arms. York-Street, Clarence-Street, Ro- therhithe, the first on the R. from 303, Rotherhithc-st. leading to Adam-st. York-Street, High-Street, Borough,- at 276, the first street on the R. from London-bridge, leading to the Borough-market. York - Streer, London - Road, St. George's Fields, the first street on the R. in the said road, from the Elephant and Castle towards the Obelisk. York - Street (Lower), Bicknel's Row, Russell-Street, Rotherhithe,- the first on the L. from Russell- st. extending towards Greenland- dock. York-Street (Upper), the conti- nuation of the last. York-Terrace, Kent-Street-Road, - part of the N. side by the Brick- layers-arms, about \ a mile on the L. in the said road from St. George's church. Yorkshire- Crop- Yard, St. Peter's Lane, West-Smithfield, at 6, by St. John-st. Yorkshire - Stingo - Tavern, New- Road, Marybone, near | of a mile on the R. lronv 82, Edg- ware-road. Youl's Row, Kent - Road, by Youl's Nursery, nearly opposite East - lane, about of a mile on the L. below the Bricklayers- arms. Young's Buildings, Horse - Shoe- Alley, Moorficlds, the second on the L. from Wilson-st. towards Long-alley. Young's Young's Buildings, Rotherhithe- Street, near the Pageants, about of a mile on the R. below the church. Young's Buildings, Old-Street, St. Luke's, nearly opposite the church, a few doors W. of White- cross-street. Young's Buildings, Church-Alley, Basinghall-Streer, the first on the R. from 70, in the said street, or the first on the L. from 19, Alder- manbury. Yoxall's Wharf, Tooley-Street, at the N. end of Mill-lane, bear- ing to the R. from 55, in the said street. Z ION-CHAPEL and Square. See Sion. Zoar-Chapel, Little Ayliffe-Street, Goodman's Fields, -a few yards from Red - lion - street, White- chapel. Zoar - Street, Gravel - Lane, Bo- rough, the second street on the L. about % of a mile from Holland-st. AD D E N D A. ANCHOR - WHARF, Upper Thames-Street, at 8, op. Addle-Hill, about \ of a mile be- low Blackfriars-brklge. Antigua-Place, Salmon-Lane, Lime- house, the continuation of Wil- son-place, entrance by the first on the L. from the Commercial-road, towards Stepney. A hby - Street (Upper), Goswell- Street-Road, the second on the L. from Goswell-st. towards Islington. Baltic - Court, Baltic - Street, St. Luke's, the second on the L. from behind 20, in the said street. Baltic - Place, Baltic - Street, St. Luke's, the first on the L. from behind 20, in the said street. Baltic - Street, Golden - Lane, St. Luke's, at S9, the first on the R. from Old-st. Bridge-Street (New), Kennington- Lane or Vauxhall, a few houses on the R. extending from the turnpike towafds Vauxhall-gar- dens. Burlington- Place, Broad-Street, Rat- clifFe, at 97, a few doors on the L. from Cock-hill. Burbridge-Street, Lambeth-Marsh,- the first on the R. from the turn- pike towards Blackfriars-road. Chamberlain's Place, Little Shire- Lane, at the W. end of it, op. New-court, enteringby 16, Carey- st. Chancery-lane. Chapel-Place, Long-Lane, Bermond- sey, at 22, about | of a mile on the R. from St. George's church. Compton- Street, Tavistock- Place, Tavistock-Square, the E. conti- nuation of it, or the second on the L. in Hunter-st. from Brunswick- square. Crosby's Buildings, French. Alley, Shoreditch, the first on the L. from 1 52, Shoreditch. Cross- ADDENDA. Cross-Street, Westmoreland - Row, City-Road, the first on the R. from Collingwood-st. entering by Providence-st. and leading to Trafalgar-st. Dyer's Place, Long-Alley, Moor- fields, the first on the L. from Worship-st. towards Moorfields. Dyer's Place, Parsonage - Walk, Newington, a few yards on the R. from the High-road towards the Church-yard. v Edward's Place, Kingsland-Road, by the turnpike, three doors N. of theBasing-house. Fitchets-Court, Noble-Street, Foster- Lane, at 1 6, three doors on the L. from Falcon-square. Friendly-Place, Sun- Tavern-Fields, Shadwell, on the S. side the Rope-grcund, entrance by the first on the R. in King David - lane from 198, Shadwell High-st. George - Street, St. Giles's. See Diot-Street. Heath-Street, Commercial - Road, Stepney, about j. of a mile on the L. below the Halfway-hou ; e and op. Stepney-causeway. Jubilee - Place, Commercial - Road, Stepney, near | of a mile on the L. from Whitechapel-church and on the W. side the Halfway- house. Juniper-Row, Sun-Tavern-Fields, Shadwell, on the S. side the Rope-ground, entrance by the first on the R. in King David-lane from 198, Shadwell High-st. FINIS. Printed by Stephen Couchman, Throgmorton-Street, London. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 1 BE m tnrc 4WK SEP JAN 2 3 1998 OCTi JKft m o 4 m Form L{ 3 1158 00247 0150 $ # UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY L8lt AA 000100 560 2