I CM ^'-" *. The Need of Quantitativ in Applied Geology By CHARLES H. WHITE ods MAY 9 1930 An address given before the San Francisco Section of the American Institute of Mining- and Metallurgical Engineers on March 6, 1921, and published in the Mining and Scientific Press April 30, 1921. Additional copies of this paper may be obtained by addressing the author at 788 Mills Building, San Francisco. The Need of Quantitative Methods in Applied Geology By CHARLES H. WHITE Geology, like the other sciences, can be of service only to the degree that its methods are exact. In other words, the useful- ness of the science is measured by the precision of its technique. The science of geology had its origin in the union of the speculations of philosophy with the small body of facts regard- ing rocks, ores, and other minerals accumulated in the course of the winning of the metals and the useful minerals ; a union of the a priori with the empirical. These two methods of attack have come down to us from the time that man began to make history, and, indeed, both are still extant, although happily no longer of equal authority. According to the Scrip- tures, while Tubal Cain was beating out useful implements of brass, cosmic philosophers were expounding how "the land was separated from the great deep ' ' and how ' ' the mountains were brought forth." In consequence of the production of silver from the mines at Laurium, which have been worked frorn pre-historic time, Attic philosophers were able to sit in.ili^r^x^ademic.lsiiades and dis- course on the origin of fossils", volcanoes, and earthquakes. 1 Throughout the ages there -"have been^ '&$*3tw6 classes of contributors to the stream of human knowledge. The one, out of the operations of the brain alone, by sheer power of thought, elucidates all manner of phenomena, whether terrestrial or celes- tial, and all of man's relations to his environment, whether temporal or eternal ; the other, working not only with the brain but with the hands as well, carefully measures and tests and proves by experiment as far as it is possible to do so the truth or falsity of the hypothetical creations of the imagination. 1 While the mines at Laurium were the property of the State, their proceeds were dis- tributed among the citizens after the ordinary expenses of government were paid. 731205 The two methods of approach are well illustrated by a con- troversy related by President Goodnow of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, which took place between two men, on the deck of a steamer ploughing: through the Gulf Stream at night, regard- ing the origin of the phosphorescent glow following the trail of the propeller. One of them was a dignified devotee of pure thought, and the other a grubbing student of zoology. When the zoologist maintained that this fascinating trail of light was due to myriads of a minute form of animal life, the reverend gentleman replied in great astonishment that such a cause had never occurred to him although he had given the subject a great deal of thought. All the physical sciences have come through the same strug- gle. After centuries of thegropings of alchemy, chemistry had its birth with the discovery of oxygen and the laws of constant and multiple proportions, less than a hundred and fifty years ago. A little more than a decade later James Hutton, a Scot, published the first book on geology that had any semblance of "organized common sense," to use Huxley's definition of science. Geology, then, as a science, can be said to be only about a hundred years old. Since the days of Hutton there has been a gradual emergence from the chaos of hypothetical dreams, al- though in comparison with other sciences the rise seems extra - ordinairly slow. Perhaps the reason for this lag behind the other applied sciences is justifiable. Its problems, to us, seem more profound. . Dataware sornetimes difficult and expensive to obtain. The physician can easily test his theory, for he can lay open his subject and view the results of his experiment ; but erosion and the miner combined have only scratched the epider- mis of the earth. The constitution of the sun is probably better known than that of the interior of the earth. Even the topog- raphy of the earth is not so well known as that of the side of the moon which is turned toward us. Geology is not slow in propounding problems, but she waits for chemistry, physics, mineralogy, and paleontology to supply the tools with which to solve them. In the last twenty years geology has been far outdistanced by the other applied sciences. Compare, for example, the brilliant step in surgery and medicine from Spanish War methods to World War methods, or the rejuvenation of chemistry through the discovery of radium and all its hopeful progeny. Other examples of progress, while geology in comparision has slept, are in locomotion and in the transmission of thought. In loco- motion the methods of the early Egyptians have survived so long that it is only in our day they have given way to the electric car, the automobile, and the aeroplane ; and in the transmission of thought I do not refer to the methods of Sir Oliver Lodge we have communication by wire and by wireless. To illustrate the slow development of the scientific method in geology, let us take, for example, the subject of vulcanism, the phenomena of which, perhaps, are the most striking of a geological nature that interested early man and that were un- doubtedly the most important to those who lived within the danger zone of volcanoes. In spite of the general interest in volcanoes and their very special importance to large groups of people, surprisingly little is known of their origin or their habits, and almost no progress has been made in foretelling their behavior. My first experience with volcanoes was at Vesuvius shortly after the great eruption of April, 1906. The lava had pushed its way down through the village of Bosco Trecase, tearing asunder small residences, surrounding the larger buildings, and covering the railroad to a depth of ten to fifteen feet. It had only just solidified and was still too hot to walk upon. The mountain could not be approached from that side, being well guarded by both hot lava and a detachment of soldiers. I drove around to the east side, to the town of Ottajano, where guards were not so much in evidence. Here the volcanic ash and lapilli had fallen to a depth of several feet. The great weight of it on the roofs had carried many of them with all that was in the house, including the dwellers, into the cellar. The entire population, except a few guides and guards, was wholly occupied in clearing the ash away from the vines and fruit- trees, from the streets, and from the ruined houses in the effort to recover their dead, so that I was able to slip out of the town unobserved and to climb unmolested and alone to the top of Monte Somma. From Monte Somma, which is the remnant of a greater pre- historic Vesuvius, I could look across the Atrio del Cavallo, a distance of about half a mile on a level line, to the active crater of Vesuvius. Smoke and ashes were rising, now calmly and majestically, and again violently and in greater volume. The immense black cloud spreading- over the surrounding- country, and condensing-, splashed the landscape with great drops of mud. Such a sight for the first time is a remarkable stimulus to the imagination. The material ejected from the crater came down only in splashes ; the unanswerable questions provoked by this awe- inspiring spectacle came as a deluge. I was oppressed not only by my own ignorance but by that of all mankind. Vesuvius had received the attention of writers long before the Christian era. Strabo had pronounced it a volcano before the time of any known eruption and while it was still apparently extinct. The first recorded eruption was that which destroyed Pompeii in August 79 A.D. This was observed by Pliny the younger, who, in letters to Tacitus, described certain of the events in con- siderable detail, and in spite of the 1827 years of intervening study of volcanoes between his visit and mine, he was appar- ently about as competent to understand the phenomena as I was. He, his mother, and his uncle, the elder Pliny, were .liv- ing at Misenum, where his uncle was in command of the fleet. Misenum is on a point on the west side of the Bay of Naples, 17 miles west of Vesuvius. In his letter Pliny writes : 2 " On the 24th of August, about one in the afternoon, my mother desired my uncle to observe a cloud which appeared of a very unusual size and shape. . . . He immediately arose and went out upon a rising ground from whence he might get a better sight of this very uncommon appearance. A cloud . was ascending, the appearance of which I cannot give you a more exact description of than by likening it to that of a pine- tree, for it shot up to a great height in the form of a very tall trunk, which spread itself out at the top into a sort of branches, 2 Translation by William Melmoth, occasioned, I image, either by a sudden gust of air that im- pelled it, the force of which decreased as it advanced upwards, or the cloud itself being pressed back by its own weight, expanded in the manner I have mentioned ; it appeared some- times bright and sometimes dark and spotted, according as it was either more or less impregnated with earth and cinders. This phenomenon seemed to a man of such learning and research as my uncle extraordinary and worth further looking into." He then described how his uncle, when about to set out in a light vessel to cross over to observe the eruption, gets a message from a friend that the towns on the shore at the foot of Vesu- vius are in great danger, changes his mind, orders the galleys to put to sea, and " what he had begun from a philosophical, he now carries out in a noble and generous spirit." The writer then depicts how as the ships approach the mountain " the cinders, which grew thicker and hotter, fell into the ships together with pumice-stones and black pieces of burning rock ; they were in danger too of not only being aground by the sud- den retreat of the sea but also from the vast fragments which rolled down from the mountain and obstructed all the shore." He follows with an account of his uncle's landing at Stabiae, going for the night to the house of a friend, how stones and ashes fell on the houses at such a rate that fearing they would be trapped, they held a consultation as to " whether it would be most prudent to trust to the houses which now rocked from side to side with frequent and violent concussion as though shaken from their very foundations, or fly to the open fields where the calcined stones and cinders, though light indeed, yet fell in large showers, and threatened destruction. In the choice of dangers they resolved for the fields. . . . They went out then having pillows tied upon their heads with napkins ; and this was their whole defense against the storm of stones that fell around them. . . . They thought proper to go farther down upon the shore to see if they might safely put out to sea, but found the waves still running extremely high and boisterous. Then my uncle laying himself down upon a sail-cloth, which was spread for him, called twice for some cold water, which he drank, when immediately the flames, preceded by a strong- whiff of sulphur, dispersed the rest of the party, and obliged him to rise. He raised himself up with the assistance of two of his servants and instantly fell down dead, suffocated, as I conjec- ture, by some gross and noxious vapor. ' ' At the time of my visit in 1906, while standing on Monte Somma, I also got a strong whiff of sulphur and found myself conjecturing about the " gross and noxious vapor." Up to that time gases from fumeroles and earth- cracks near craters had been analyzed ; that is, we knew qualitatively in a general way what gases sometimes escape in volcanic dis- tricts ; but we did not know, and do not know yet, anything of the quantity of the various gases, including water vapor, that is discharged through any continuous period at the time of an eruprion. In 1858 Deville and Le Blanc published results of analyses of gases, which indicated that the nature of the emanations from a volcanic district varies with the time that elapses after the beginning of an eruption ; that is, there is a relative decrease of chlorine and sulphur gases and an increase of carbon di-ox- ide ; but apparently no one has tried to learn if eruptions can be predicted by observing if the reverse variations take place as an eruption approaches. Upon my return home I inquired of certain institutions organ- ized for research if they would be interested in the study of gases from craters, in taking lava temperatures, etc. The Car- negie Institution of Washington was very much interested, and since that time it has made some important studies on volca- noes. In 1909, for the first time, the temperature of lava in a crater was taken at Kilauea. Three years later, at the same place, also for the first time, gas was withdrawn from a crater for analysis. Since that time other volcanic districts have been visited by members of the staff of the Geophysical Laboratory and numerous samples of gases collected for analysis from fumeroles and quiescent craters ; but I would not regard the study of a volcano to have been seriously undertaken until its gases are sampled and analyzed automatically and continuously and the results recorded on a dial, along with the temperature, in the same way that these operations are carried out at chem- ical and metallurgical works and at power plants. If we had the continuous record of the carbon di-oxide, sulphur di-oxide, hydrochloric acid, and water from a few craters from one erup- tion to the next, as well as the continuous record of tempera- ture, no one can predict what benefits might ensue. Naturally enough the expense of installing the necessary equipment for such work discourages the undertaking. Auto- matic, or mechanical, gas-analyzers would be required and also the necessary pipe to connect the apparatus with the volcanic vent through which the gases could be drawn continously, and the pipe would have to be made of fused silica or other refrac- tory material. After centuries of apparently no progress, a beginning has been made at last. It was about 1912 that Ferret, by the use of the microphone, in an Italian volcanic district was able to predict an eruption and give timely warning of its approach. In 1914 I found that a concrete base was being placed in the Vesuvius observatory for the installation of the first seismograph at that station, and Professor Malladra, the director, showed me a temperature curve of the fumerole in the crater of Vesuvius that he had made through a period of several years, proving that the temperature was uniformly higher in winter than in summer ; the higher temperature in winter being due, as he said, to the water added by the increased rainfall of winter. Philosophical speculation long dominated in the field of geol- ogy. Aristotle taught that earthquakes were caused by the generation of wind within the earth under the influence of the warmth of the sun and the internal heat. From Aristotle to Agricola is a leap of nearly nineteen centuries ; but we find Agricola, who was the author of the first serious work on mineralogy, as late as 1546 urging his mining students to study philosophy so that they might " discern the origin, cause, and nature of subterranean things ; for they will be able to dig out the veins easily and advantageously and obtain more abundant 8 results from their mining-." 3 Even Gottlob Werner, who fol- lowed soon after Agricola, and for about forty years was the great geological enthusiast at the Freiberg Mining- Acadamy, and died only about a hundred years ago, taught that all rocks, crystaline as well as non-crystaline, were precipitated from the primeval ocean and followed in the same succession the world over. He also believed that volcanoes resulted from the burn- ing of subterranean beds of coal. In the field of economic geology, as well as in other branches of the subject, the development of the quantitative method has been slow, but even with his limited technique the economic geologist has been able to assist the miner in following his ore through the vicissitudes of folding and faulting where the deposit was bedded or in sheet-like form. He has also been able to locate artesian water and to pick out favorable spots for pools of petroleum. With the aid of the magnetometer, he has been able to find and map concealed bodies of magnetite and also to locate non-magnetic bodies of iron ore where these bodies occu- pied a certain definite relation to magnetic beds that were them- selves too lean in magnetite to constitute ore a method very successfully applied in Michigan and elsewhere. He has been able to predict with tolerable accuracy extensions of orebodies where mineralization favors certain rocks in preference to others, through his ability to identify the rocks and to deter- mine the structure. His services have been in demand in war as well as in peace. General Pershing had a geologist on his staff in France, and through this branch of the service trenches, dugouts, and other earthworks were placed favorably to avoid troublesome rock-structures , especially water-bearing beds . The geologist, indeed, is able to assist in practically all large under- takings that involve operations in or on the materials of the earth's crust. Tn agriculture, war, water-supply, fuel-supply, road construction, and many other branches of engineering ; in mineral production of all kinds, and especially ore produc- tion ; and in his every sphere of activity, the value of his ser- vice increases as his methods approach quantitative accuracy. 3 ' De Re Metallica, 1 Hoover's translation. As an illustration of the advantage of the quantitative method as applied to ore-finding geology, let us consider briefly some of the criteria for judging croppings of disseminated sulphide deposits. If erosion has brought the surface down to or within a few feet of the primary ore, the two important considerations the grade of the ore and the size of the deposit become comparatively simple. By a surficial examination, possibly with some trenching, the grade of the ore and its areal exten- sion are determined ; the depth only remains to be ascertained. This resolves itself, so far as the geologist is able to assist, into a problem of structural geology. But let us suppose that oxidized croppings of unknown depth over a large area are colored with limonite and show a marked amount of sericitization, kaolinization, or silicification, or all three combined, what can the geologist tell of the prob- abilities of ore below ? Let us see what is the status of our knowledge on the subject. The literature on croppings is not extensive nor is it always strictly scientific. Two characteristics are usually dwelt upon as being of greatest importance : the color of the croppings and the degree of silicification. We will consider for a moment the first of these characteristics, the color of the limonite, and take up for comparison what current technical literature has to offer about Miami in this regard. J. Parke Channing states that the cropping is stained red in patches by iron oxide and only occasionally by small green copper stains. Ransome says that the largest orebodies at Miami ' ' are not often found under those surface rocks that are most vividly colored by copper compounds or iron oxides." 4 F. H. Probert states that " at Ray and Miami the color over schist ore is pale chocolate-brown and copper silicate at the surface." 5 Channing says the cropping is red in patches ; Ransome that the reddest ground is not over the best ore ; and Probert that it 4 U. S. G. S. Bull. 529, paye 186. 5 'M. & S. P.', June 17, 1916. 10 is a pale chocolate-brown. While these statements perhaps cannot be strictly construed as conflicting-, yet they do not lead unerringly to a conclusion. It is a very simple matter by means of the Maxwell color-wheel to resolve a color into its elements and to determine precisely the percentage of each of its com- ponents. Practically all writers on this subject regard the color as very important, yet they have not considered it sufficiently important to make strictly accurate quantitative statements regarding it. By a careful study of the surface at Miami it has been found that the croppings of the disseminated sulphides may be divided into three areas, each having- its own peculiar color. On the south side of the Pinto fault the up-thrust side of the fault the color is lighter, almost suggesting: pink, with an occasional copper stain. North of the fault, but still over the orebody, the color is more distinctly red. Still farther north, beyond the orebody and over pyritic ground, the red is still deeper in color. In an effort to establish a quantitative basis on which to compare these colors, I analyzed the colors of several specimens from these two areas, respectively over ore and over pyrite. I found that in both areas the color was composed of red, yellow, black, and white ; but there was on the average a considerably higher percentage of red, yellow, and white over the orebody than over the poor ground ; in fact, there was twice as much white in the color over the orebody as in that over poor ground, and four times as much black in the poor ground as in the good ground. While no definite and important conclusions can be drawn from these few tests, even in one district, yet the trial suggests the possibilities of the method and leads us to wonder what might be the result if we could have such tests made on large numbers of samples from many disseminated deposits. As to the second characteristic, opinion seems to be practi- cally unanimous that croppings of disseminated orebodies are more highly silicious than similiar croppings of disseminated sulphides poor in copper ; but quantitative statements on the subject, I believe, have never been published. As an effort in this direction, I examined carefully with the hand-glass about 11 90 samples from Miami, about one-third from over the ore and two-thirds from the pyritic non-orebearing ground, and esti- mated as accurately as I could the content in quartz, having- in mind that only the mineralization quartz was important. As a result of this test I found that there was on an average nearly twice as much quartz in samples from the orebearing ground as in those from the non-orebearing ground. A number of deter- minations on other characteristics of croppings were made, but the examples given are sufficient to indicate that this is a prom- ising: field for investigation. The importance of such quantita- tive studies is apparent when we realize that it was probably the lack of such a technique that resulted in failure of the Miami company to obtain possession of what is now Inspiration ground. These examples of the very inadequate study of two charac- teristics of croppings show how little is really known about croppings, and suggest the importance of applying- every pos- sible method of measurement to all the variable characters of croppings to determine, if possible, the significance of the variations. As a possible aid to those who may wish to study croppings in a quantitative way there is outlined below a method of map- ping and note-taking, which I have used with considerable satisfaction. By this method the degree of development of numerous and oft-repeated characteristics may be recorded rapidly (and in a roughly quantitative way) in a small space. Suppose, for example, it is desired to record at frequent inter- vals the following characteristics : 1. Texture of the rock, degree to which it is preserved. 2. Fractures, distance apart. 3. Kaolinization, intensity. 4. Silicification, general, intensity, 5. Quartz in veinlets, distance apart. 6. Limonite, soaked into kaolin, paint on joints, pseudomor- phous after pyrite. 7. Limonite in veinlets, distance apart. 12 8. Limonite, disseminated, frequency. 9. Sericitization, intensity. 10. Copper stain in kaolin, intensity. 11. Copper stain in veinlets, distance apart. By this method each characteristic is represented by a line which cuts a side of a small square or other polygon, always in the same position with reference to a beginning- corner. The degree to which the characteristic is developed is represented by the depth to which its line penetrates the polyg-on. If the line is wholly within the polyg-on, the charateristic represented by it is little developed. If the line cuts the periphery, the characteristic is moderately developed ; and if the line lies out- side the polyg-on, it is highly developed. The first character recorded is represented by a line set diag-onally at the begin- ning: corner of the polygon ; all other lines are set at right angles to the sides of the figure, and are read clock- wise, each line, by its position, always representing- the same characteristic in any one district. The system may be changed from one district to another by using: the lines to represent other characteristics which it is desired to record. For example, this symbol Ji 1 T. means, that 1. The texture of the rock is partly gone. 2. The fractures are, say, from ] /2 to 2 in. apart. 3. It is partly kaolinized. 4. Slight silicification. 5. Quartz veinlets from 1 /2 to 2 in. apart. 6. Limonite soaked into kaolin. 7. Limonite veinlets more than, say, 2 in. apart. 8. Limonite disseminated in specks, say, 25 per square inch. 9. A litte sericite. 10. A little copper stain. 11. No veinlets of copper. By this method notes that would require half a page in the ordinary note-book may be recorded in less than a quarter-inch 13 square. This has been found useful, not only in recording information on surface maps, but also in note-taking" under- ground. From these notes, maps may be made to show areas on which the various characteristics predominate, singly, or in any desired combination. When we consider how much is still unknown regarding- the occurrence of ores it seems truly surprising that the service of the geologist is so greatly in demand. This demand, however, is too often the last resort. In too many instances the geologist is only permitted to serve as the oxygen-tank to the expiring enterprise. Several years ago, but long after the principles of artesian water were well undestood, one of our largest Southern cities hopefully sank what they expected to be an artesian well near the centre of the great granite laccolith upon which the city was built. Several years later the governing board of a leading uuiversity, ignoring its department of geology, which was kept in ignorance of the proceeding, spent a large sum of money sinking for artesian water in a glacial sand plain that lies on an impos- sible complex of ancient crystalline rocks. The humblest assist- ant in the department, receiving the princely salary of f 500 per annum, would have lost his position had he not known enough to avert such a loss of money if his advice had been asked. In the coalfield of southern West Virginia, where the struct- ure is unusually flat, a mining company wishing to open a coal seam on that side of the mountain opposite the place of discov- ery of the coal, sent their engineer with a wye level to run an exact level around the mountain. After many days of cutting out thick underbrush the line was completed, an adit was made through the heavy talus, but no coal was found. A member of the U. S. Geological Survey came that way and discovered near the base of the mountain an excellent horizon- marker (a thin bed of fossiliferous limestone), which, traced around the mountain, revealed an unexpected flexure in the beds a deformation entirely unsuspected by the engineer. In this instance the 14 geolgist accomplished in a few hours what the engineer had failed to. do after several days. The preventable waste in exploitation is enormous, even with the present inadequate technique of the geologist. Often do we find, for example, mountains and ridges shot through with barren tunnels for the purpose of tapping at great depths the downward extension of paltry outcropping veins at the top, which could have been proved worthless by a little serious work on the outcrop. Some of this waste can be charged to the over-enthusiastic and visionary prospector ; some to the pro- moter who must have the appearance of important work con- tinued so as to postpone the fatal day, while he sells stock ; but much, unfortunately, is chargeable to organizations composed of men of honor and intelligence. Not only should this waste be stopped, but much of that which is now conceded to be un- avoidable could also be prevented by improvement in the tech- nique of geology through properly directed research ; and this research to be effective must give careful attention to every minute detail. "" OV ERDUe '.00 ON THE SEV^r OURTH ~ >i TH DAY Stockton, Calif. PAT. JAN. 21. 1908 731205 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY