University of California Berkeley
Profeswr of Mathematics and Astronomy in Columbia. Colleen
and of Mechanics in tht School of Mines.
VIII. ELEMENTARY MECHANICS (without the Calculus).
XL ELEMENTS OF MECHANICS (with the Calculus).
NOTE. Teachers and others, discovering errors in any of
the above works, will confer a favor by communicating them
to us.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by
In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
THE following pages are designed to embody the course
of " Calculus and its Applications," as now taught in
Columbia College. This course being purely optional, is
selected by those only who have a taste for mathematical
studies, and it is pursued by them more with reference to
its utility than as a means of mental discipline. These
circumstances have given to the present work a practical
character that can hardly fail to commend it to those who
study the Calculus for the advantages it gives them in
the solution of scientific problems. To meet the wants
of this class of students, great care has been taken to avoid
superfluous matter; the definitions have been revised and
abbreviated; the demonstrations have been simplified and
condensed ; the rules and principles have been illustrated
and enforced by numerous examples, so chosen as to famil-
iarize the student with the use of radical and transcen-
dental quantities; and finally, the manner of applying the
Calculus has been exemplified by the solution of a variety
of problems in Mechanics and Astronomy.
The method employed in developing the principles of
the science is essentially that of Leibnitz. This method,
generally known as the method of infinitesimals, has been
adopted for several reasons: first, it is the method adopted
in all practical investigations; second, it is the method
most easily explained and most readily comprehended ;
and third, it is a method, as will be shown in the final
note, identical in results with the more commonly adopted
method of limits, differing from it chiefly in its phraseology
and in the simplicity of its results.
The author cannot conclude this prefatory note with-
out acknowledging his obligations to those students who,
from year to year, have been willing to turn aside from
the attractive pursuit of classical learning to engage in the
sterner study of those processes that have contributed so
much to the progress of modern science. Without their
interest and co-operation this book would never have been
written. He would also take this opportunity to express
his thanks to his distinguished colleague, Professor J. H.
VAN AMRISTGE, not only for many valuable suggestions
made during the progress of the work, but also for much
effective labor in reading and correcting the proofs as they
came from the press.
Nwember 24&, 1870.
1. Classification of Quantities 9
2. Functions of one or more Variables 9
3. Geometrical Representation of a Function 10
4. Differentials and Differentiation 10
5. Geometrical Illustration 13
6. Infinites and Infinitesimals 13
7. General Method of Differentiation 14
8. Definition of an Algebraic Function 15
9. Differential of a Polynomial 15
10. Differential of a Product 16
11. Differential of a Fraction 17
12. Differential of a Power 18
13. Differential of a Radical 18
14. Definition of a Transcendental Function 24
15. Differential of a Logarithm 25
16. Differential of an Exponential Function 26
17. Differentials of Circular Functions 29
18. Differentials of Inverse Circular Functions 32
1 9. Successive Differentials 35
20. Successive Differential Coefficients 35
21. McLaurin's Formula 37
M. Taylor's Formula 41
23. Geometrical Representation of a Function of two Variables. 45
24. Differential of a Function of two Variables 4G
25. Notation for Partial Differentials 47
26. Successive Differentiation of Functions of two Variables ... 48
27. Extension to three or more Variables 50
28. Definition of Explicit and Implicit Functions 50
29. Differentials of Implicit Functions 50
30. Geometrical Representation of first Differential Coefficient. . 53
31 . Applications 54
32. Equations of the Tangent and Normal 55
33. Asymptotes 57
34. Order of Contact 59
35. Direction of Curvature GO
36. Amount of Curvature 62
d7. Osculatory Circle 63
38. Radius of Curvature 64
39. Co-ordinates of Centre of Curvature 65
40. Locus of the Centre of Curvature 66
41. Equation of the Evolute of a Curve 67
42. Definition of a Singular Point 08
43. Points of Inflexion 68
44. Cusps 70
45. Multiple Points 71
46. Conjugate Points 73
47. Definitions of Maximum and Minimum 74
48. Analytical Characteristics 75
49. Maxima and Minima of a Function of two Variables 86
50. Definition and Method of Evaluation 88
61. Differentials of Lines, Surfaces, and Volumes 91
52. General Notions, and Definitions 93
53. Useful Formulas 94
54. Spirals 97
55. Spiral of Archimedes 98
56. Definition 99
57. TheCycloid 99
58. The Logarithmic Curve 101
59. Object of the Integral Calculus 102
60. Nature of an Integral 1 02
61. Methods of Integration ; Simplifications 104
62. Fundamental Formulas 104
63. Integration by Parts 114
04. Additional Formulas ' . 115
65. Rational and Entire Differentials 120
06. Rational Fractions 121
67. Integration by Substitution, and Rationalization 128
68. When the only Irrational Parts are Monomial 128
69. Binomial Differentials 130
70. Integration by Successive Reduction 133
71. Certain Trinomial Differentials 141
72. Integration by Series 144
73. Integration of Transcendental Differentials. 145
74. Logarithmic Differentials 145
75. Exponential Differentials 147
70. Circular Differentials 148
77. Integration of Differential Functions of two Variables 153
78. Rectification. . 156
A rt ' PAOl
79. Quadrature 101
80. Surfaces Generated by the Revolution of Plane Curves 105
81. Cubature 1G7
82. Principles Employed 171
83. Centre of Gravity of a Circular Arc 173
84. Centre of Gravity of a Parabolic Area 174
85. Centre of Gravity of a Semi-Ellipsoid of Revolution 175
86. Centre of Gravity of a Cone 176
87. Centre of Gravity of a Paraboloid of Revolution 176
88. Definitions and Preliminary Principles 176
89. Moment of Inertia of a Straight Line 177
90. Moment of Inertia of a Circle 178
01. Moment of Inertia of a Cylinder 179
92. Moment of Inertia of a Sphere 180
93. General Formulas 181
94. Uniformly Varied Motion 182
95. Bodies Falling under influence of Constant Force 183
96. Bodies Falling under action of Variable Force 186
97. Vibration of a Particle of an Elastic Medium 188
98. Curvilinear Motion of a Point 190
99. Velocity of a Point rolling down a Curve 192
100. The Simple Pendulum 193
101. Attraction of Homogeneous Spheres 195
102. Oibital Motion 199
103. Law of Force 204
104. Note on the Methods of the Calculus 205
Classification of Quantities.
I. THE quantities considered in Calculus are of two
kinds: constants, which retain a fixed value throughout
the same discussion, and variables, which admit of all pos-
sible values that will satisfy the equations into which they
enter. The former are usually denoted by leading letters
of the alphabet, as a, I, c, etc.; and the latter by final
letters, as x, y, z, etc. ; particular values of variable quan-
tities are denoted by writing them with one or more dashes,
as x', y", z'", etc.
Functions of one or more Variables.
2. Relations between variables are expressed by equa-
tions. In an equation between two variables, values may
be assigned to one at pleasure; the resulting equation de-
termines the corresponding values of the other. The one
to which arbitrary values are assigned is called the inde-
pendent variable, and the remaining one is said to be a
function of the former. If an equation contain more than
two variables, all but one are independent, and that one is
a function of all the others. The fact that a quantity
depends on one or more variables may be expressed as
follows :
y =f(z) ; z -
and assume
y = cos V> tan V*^,
which are read the arc ivliose sine is y> the arc whose cosine
is y, the arc whose tangent is y, etc.
Formulas for the differentiation of inverse circular func-
tions may be deduced from the lettered formulas of the last
article. Thus, from formula (), we find,
Tf we make sins = y, we have,
x = sin" 1 ?/, and cosx = Vl
Substituting these in (1), we have,
In like manner, from formula (b), we find,
Making cosa; = y, we have,
= cos~ y, and sinz = Vl y* ;
Substituting these in (2), we have,
By a similar course of reasoning we find from the re-
maining lettered formulas of Art. 17, the corresponding
formulas lor inverse circular functions, as given below:
_1 dy
1 + y*
1 dy
d (versin y) =
-I,A *y
d(co versin 1 y) = (/"*)
,// 1..\ _ y /~i\
yVy* - i
n "">
Let y cos~~ 1 # / v/l # 8 = cos"
- x * =
and A/I _
/. dy
(1 -
Let = sin
3. Let y = sin" 1 2x\/l %*
2(1 -
= tan
l /y //7 -^ / F\ &
6. y = V# 2 a; 2 4- flrsin" . Ans. dy = I I dx.
a \a + x/
. _
7. = versm A .
8. y = sec -1 2a;.
Successive Differentials.
19. The differential obtained immediately from the func-
tion is the first differential of the function ; the differential
of the first differential is the second differential of the func-
tion ; the differential of the second differential is the third
differential of the function, and so on ; differentials thus
obtained are called successive differentials, and the opera-
tion of obtaining them is called successive differentiation.
If a function be denoted by y, its successive differentials
will be denoted by the symbols dy, d*y, d*y, etc. Thus,
if y = ax 3 , we have, by successive differentiation, dx be-
ing constant, dy = 3ax 2 dx, d z y = Gaxdx 2 , d*y = 6adx 3 ,
fry = 0.
Successive Differential Coefficients
20. If the differential of a function be divided by the
differential of the variable, the quotient is the first differ-
ential coefficient of the function ; the differential coefficient
of the first differential coefficient is the second differential
coefficient of the function, and so on. Differential coeffi-
cients, derived in this manner, tire called successive differ-
ential coefficients. If a function of x be denoted by y,
its successive differential coefficients are denoted by the
symbols, -r, ~, -, etc. Thus, if we have, as before,
y ax 3 , we have, from the principles just explained,
It is to be observed that the successive differential
coefficients are entirely independent of the differential of
the variable ; so long therefore as this is infinitesimal, the
differential coefficients will in no way be affected by any
change in its absolute value.
J^ind the successive differential coefficients of the follow-
ing functions:
1 . v = ax n .
. ( = nax^; = n(n -
n (n - l)(n - 2)ax n ~ ; etc
If n is a positive whole number, there will be a finite
number of successive differential coefficients; otherwise
their number is infinite.
2. y = ax 3 f bx*.
Ans. ^ =
3. = fl *.
4. y = since.
Ans. -/ cosx: -=-f- = sin ;
dx dx*
2. _ cosx: -5- smz: etc.
c?a; 3 '
5. y = Z(a? + 1).
6. y = xe x .
McLaurin's Formula.
21. McLaurin's formula, is a formula for developing a
function of one variable into a series arranged according
to the ascending powers of that variable, the coefficients
being constant. Let y be any function of x, and assume
the development,
= A+Bx+ Cx* + Dx 9 + Ex* + etc ...... (1)
It is required to find such values for A, B, C, etc., as will
make the assumed development true for all values of x.
Differentiating, and finding the successive differential co-
efficients of y, we have,
2Cx + Wtf + 4^ 3 + etc. ... (2)
+ l.Z.Wx + 3.4^ 2 + etc. . . . (3)
4- etc ....... (4)
etc., etc., etc.
But, by hypothesis, the value of y, and consequently the
values of its successive differential coefficients, are to be
true for all values of x\ hence, they must be so for x 0.
Making x ~ 0, in equations (1), (2), (3), etc., and denoting
what y becomes under that hypothesis by (y} ; what
~ becomes by ( ) ; what =-? becomes by ( -7-^ j, and so
dx ' \clxJ dx z J \dx 2 J
on ; we have,
(y) =A; .:A = (y);
123-D- ' Z?=
etc., etc., etc.
Substituting these values in (I), we have,
dy\ x
i 1 T n I -* ,TK i 1 T o I - ^ r\ I ^ tt-/
which is the formula required. Hence, to develop a
function of one variable in terms of that variable, find its
successive differential coefficients ; then make the variable
equal to in the function and its successive differential
coefficients, and substitute the results for (y), (~f\ \~di
etc., in formula (5).
Thus, let it be required to develop sinz into a series
arranged with reference to x. We have,
y = sinz, .-. (y) =
dy fdy
= cosx, .: [ -?-
dx \dx
= smz
dx~* = *y- i^J =
etc., etc., etc.
In like manner we find,
SX =l - + - + etc
It is to be observed that (7) may be found from (6) by
differentiating and then dividing by dx.
McLau rin's Formula enables us to develop any function
of one variable when it can be developed in accordance
with the assumed law. But there are functions which
cannot be developed according to the ascending powers of
the variable ; in this case the function, or some of its suc-
cessive differential coefficients, become oo,when the variable
is made equal to 0.
As a general rule, when the application of a formula
gives an infinite result, the formula is inapplicable in that
particular case.
1. y = (a + X) U .
n , n n-1 , n (n 1) n -2 .
. y = a +y# x+ 12
n (-!)(- 2) g .- 8gi
X 2 , X 3 X 4 * X 6
^ + ^-- + -
3. y = a*.
4. y =
Make x* 2;, and devoir p; then replace z by its value.
x 2 x* x 6 5x*
5. y = e* x .
, x* 3x* Sx*
'= [+ * + -
6. ^
r- n + etc.
Taylor's Formula.
22. Taylor's Formula is a formula for developing a
function of the sum of two variables into a series arranged
according to the ascending powers of one, with coefficients
that are functions of the other.
If u' f(x -\- y), the differential coefficient of u' will be
the same, whether we suppose x to remain constant and y
to vary, or y to remain constant and x to vary, for the
form of the function is the same, whichever we suppose to
vary ; and it has been shown, in Art. 20, that the value of
the differential coefficient is independent of the value of
the differential of the variable. Hence, if x + y be in-
creased either by dx or by dy, and the differential coeffi-
cient taken, the result will be the same, which was to be
Let u' be a function of (x + y), and assume the devel-
u' = P+Qx + Rx* + Sx* + Tx* + etc ...... (1)
in which P, Q, R, etc., are functions of y. It is required
to find such values of P, Q, R, etc., as will make equation
(1) true for all values of both x and y. Since the assumed
development is to be true for all values of x and t/, it must
be so for x = 0. Making x = in (1), and denoting what
u' becomes under this hypothesis, by u, we find,
That is, P is what the original function becomes, when
the leading variable is made equal to 0.
Finding the differential coefficient of u', under the sup-
position that x is constant and y variable, we have,
du' dP dQ t dR dS .
-= = -=- + -T^X +^-x* + -= x* + etc ...... (2)
dy dy dy dy ay
Again, finding the differential coefficient of u\ on the
supposition that y is constant and x variable, we have,
- = Q + 2l?x + 3Sx* + Tx 3 + etc ...... (3)
But, the first members of (2) and (3) are equal, by the
lemma; hence their second members are also equal. If
we place them equal we have an identical equation, because
it is true for all values of x, and consequently the coeffi-
cients of the like powers of x in the two members are
equal to each other. Placing their coefficients equal, we
have the following results :
_dP . dn
V ~ dy ' - dy 9
oo _ o_
= ~ "
etc., etc., etc.
Substituting the values of P, Q, R, S, etc., in (1), we
; _ du x
f dy ' I + dy* ' + * '
which is the required formula. Hence, to develop any
function of the sum of two variables, we make the leading
variable equal to 0, and find the successive differential
coefficients of the result; then substitute them in the
Thus, let it be required to develop (x + y} n into a
series arranged according to the ascending powers of y.
Making y = 0, we have,
u = x n ,
etc., etc., etc.
Substituting these in (4), we have,
(x + y) n = z n + ~x n -\j + '-i M
n(n 1 (n 2) n *
- -- -- L x n d3 + etc.
This is the binomial formula, in which n is any
The formula is applicable to every function of the sum
of two variables; but it sometimes happens that certain
values of the variable entering the coefficients make the
first term or some of its successive differential coefficients
infinite ; for these particular values, the function cannot
be expressed by a series of the proposed form.
Develop the following functions in terms of y.
1. u' = sm(x + y).
Making y = 0, we have, u = sinz ;
du d z u
./.-=- = cosx-j -j 9 smx: etc.;
dx dx 2
it y* y 3
nence, u = sin# -f cosx^- since ~- cosx-^-r-
1 l./O l.-C.d
Making x = 0, whence since = 0, and cosx = + 1, we have,
n - siny = y - ^ + 1 ^ 4 , + etc., as already shown.
2. u =Z(a? +y).
Ans. u' = Ix + - |^ 4- ~ - - + etc,
x 2x* 3x 3 4o; 4
3. w' =
Ans. u' = a*(l + (la)y + ( ^/ 2 +^V + etc.).
4. u' = cos(x -f ?/)
/ y v 2
Ans. u = COBX smar cosx
+ SUM r-n + COSX
Geometrical Representation of a Function of two Variables.
23. It may be shown, as in Art. 3, that every function
of two variables represents the ordinate of a surface of
which those variables are the corresponding abscissas. If
the vertical ordinate be taken as the function, it may be
expressed by the equation,
In this equation, x and y are independent variables, and
each may vary precisely as though the other were constant.
To illustrate, let PQR
be the surface whose
equation is (1).
If, for a given value
of y as OS, we suppose
x to vary, equation (1)
will represent a section
of the surface parallel
to the plane xz and at
the distance OB from
it. If for a given value
of x, as OA 9 we sup- Fig>2 .
pose y to vary, equa-
tion (1) will represent a section parallel to the plane yi
and at the distance OA from it. These sections will be
called parallel sections, and the corresponding planes will
be called planes of parallel section. The planes A CD
and BEF determine the ordinate KK' = z. Let A CD
A'C'D', be consecutive planes of parallel section, at a dis-
tance from each other equal to dx, and BEF, B'E'F', also
consecutive planes of parallel section, at a distance from
each other equal to dy. These planes determine four
ordinates KK', LL', NN', and MM', which may be de-
noted by the symbols z, z', z", and z'". Of these, z and z'
are consecutive when x alone varies, z and z" are consecu-
tive when y alone varies, and z and z'" are consecutive when
both x and y vary.
Differentials of a Function of two Variables.
24. The difference between two consecutive states of the
function when x alone varies is called the partial differ-
ential with respect to x, and is denoted by the symbol
(dz) x ; the difference between two consecutive states when
y alone varies is called the partial differential with respect
to y, and is denoted by the symbol (dz) ; the difference
between two consecutive states when both x and y v#ry is
called the total differential, and is denoted by the ordinary
symbol, dz without a subscript letter. Let us assume the
figure and notation of Art. 23. We have, from the defini-
z' = z + (dz) x ; whence, by differentiation,
= (*),+ (<*'*),,,, ..... (2)
The symbol (d z z) x y indicates the result obtained by dif-
ferentiating z as though x were the only variable, and then
differentiating that result as though y were the only varia-
ble, the order of the subscript letters indicating the order
of differentiation. From what precedes, we also have,
z'" = z' + (dz') y ;
substituting for z' and (dz') , their values taken from (2),
we have
transposing z to the first member, replacing z'" z by its
value dz, and neglecting the part (d*z) x , because it is an
infinitesimal of the second order, we have, finally,
Hence, the total differential is equal to the sum of the par-
tial differentials.
1. z = ax* + by 3 .
(dz) x 2axdx-, (dz) y = 3by 2 dy .*. dz = Zaxdx + 3by*dy.
2. z = ax z y 5 . Ans. dz = 2ay 3 xdx + 3ax 2 y z dy.
3. z = x&. Ans. dz yx y ~ 1 dx + x y lxdy.
Notation employed to designate Partial Differential
25. From the nature of the case, there can be no such
thing as a differential coefficient of a function of two va-
riables; but the quotient of a partial differential by the
differential of the corresponding variable, is called a par-
tial differential coefficient The form of the symbol indi-
cates the variable with reference to which the function has
been differentiated, and no subscript letter is required.
Thus, in Example 2, Art. 24, we have,
|? = 2aij*x, and ^ = 3ax*y*.
A similar notation is employed for partial differential
coefficients of a higher order, as will be seen in the follow-
ing article.
Successive Differentiation of Functions of two Variables.
26. The second differential of a function of two varia-
bles is found by differentiating the first differential by the
rules already given. The third differential comes from the
second in the same manner that the second comes from
the first, and so on. In finding the higher partial differen-
tials, the result obtained by differentiating the function
first with respect to x, and that result with respect to y, is
the same as though we had differentiated the function first
with respect to y, and the result with respect to x. For,
from Art. 24, we have,
"' = z' + (dz') y = z + (dz) x + (dz} y + (dt)^
And in like manner, we have,
*'" = *" + (M\ = z + (dz) y + (dz) x + (<**),, .
Equating these values of z'", and reducing, we and,
which was to be shown. From equation (4), by an exten-
sion of the notation in Art. 25, we have,
j(dz\ 7 (^\
d*z _ d*z Qr \dx) = C \dy)
dxdy dydx dy dx
From what precedes, we have,
\ J
* ** = (&*)* . + (<***)* + (**) + (**)
, y ,, y ,, ,
1. Given, z = z*y* 9 to find d z z.
Given, z = y 3 ^, to find
Extension to three or more Variables
27. If we have a function of three or more independent
variables, we may find its differential by differentiating
separately with respect to each variable, and taking the
sum of the partial differentials thus obtained. The second
and higher differentials are found in an entirely analogous
Definition of Explicit and Implicit Functions.
28. An explicit function, is one in which the value of
the function is directly expressed in terms of the variable.
Thus, y = \/2rx x 2 , is an explicit function. An implicit
function, is one in which the value of the function ife
not directly given in terms of the variable. Thus, in the
ay z + bxy + ex 2 + d = ;
y is an implicit function of x. Implicit functions are
generally connected with their variables by one or more
equations. When these equations are solved the implicit
function becomes explicit.
Differentials of Implicit Functions.
29. The differential of an implicit function may be
found without first finding the function itself. For, if
we differentiate both members of the first equation, we
shall thus find a new equation, which, with the given one,
will enable us to find either the differential, or the differ-
ential coefficient of the function. For example, suppose
we have ihe equation,
I * -h 2xy 4- a" - a 9 = . . . . (1)
to find the differential coefficient of y. Differentiating
(1), and dividing by 2, we have,
ydy + xdy + ydx + xdx = (2)
Finding the value of --. we have,
4. i
Again, let us have the relation,
xy = m (1)
to find the value of C -j-. Differentiating (1), we
xdy -f ydx = (2)
iH=-l < 3 >
But from (1), we have,
~x ~ X*'
Substituting in (3), we find,
dv m
dx x*
^ '
Find the first aau second differential coefficients of y
in the following implicit functions:
We have,
+ 3y*d*y-3d*y=0,
' ~dx* ~ ly* ' dx* ~ 9 * (l-
2. ?2 - % mX + a;2 _ ^ = Q.
a; ,
and -- =
. - -- , -5- - -
dx y mx dx 9 (y mx)
Geometrical Representation of the First Differential
30. It has been shown (Art. 3), that any function of
one variable maybe represented by the ordinate of a curve,
of which that variable is the cor-
responding abscissa. We have also
seen (Art. 5), that an element of
the curve, PQ, does not differ from
a straight line. This line, prolonged
toward T, is tangent to the curve
at P. The angle that the tangent
makes with the axis of X is equal
to RPQ; denoting it by 6, and
remembering that the tangent of the angle- ;it the base
of a right angled triangle is equal to the piTjH-ndicular
divided by the base, we have,
The tangent of d is taken as the measure of tlu* slope,
not only of the tangent, but also of the curve at the point
P. Hence, the slope of a curve, at any point, in
by the first differential coefficient of the ordinate at that
The slope is positive or negative, that is, the curve slopes
upward or downward, according as the first differential
coefficient is plus, or minus.
31. The principle just demonstrated enables us to find
the point of a curve, at which the tangent makes a givm
angle with the axis of x.
Thus, let it be required to find the point on a given
parabola at which the tangent makes an angle of 45 with
the axis. Assume the equation of the parabola,
dii p
.'. -r = -
dx y
Placing this equal to 1, we have,
- = 1, or y = p.
But y p, is the ordinate through the focus. Hence, the
required point is at the upper extremity of the ordinate
through the focus.
Again, let it be required to find the point at which a tan-
gent to the ellipse is parallel to the axis of x. Assume the
> dy _ _ l*x_
'* Tx ~ ~ a*y
Placing this equal to 0, we have,
which can only be satisfied by making x 0; this, in the
equation of the curve, gives y = b. Hence, the tangent
at either vertex of the conjugate axis fulfills the given
Again, to find where the tangent to an hyperbola is per-
pendicular to the axis; assume the equation of the curve,
whence, by the rule,
d-tf l z x
-y- =-r- = co ; .*. y = 0, x = a.
dx a z y
Hence, the tangent at either extremity of the transverse
axis, fulfills the given condition.
Equations of the Tangent and Normal.
32. Let P be a point of the curve whose co-ordinates are
x", y" ; then will the equation of a straight line through
it, be of the form,
y - y" = a(x - x") . . . . (1)
in which a is the slope. If we make a equal the tangent
of RPQ, the line will be tangent to the curve. But the
tangent of RPQ is -r-fr\ hence, we have, for the equation
of a tangent line,
If we make a equal to minus the reciprocal of the tan-
gent of RPQ, the line will be perpendicular to the tangent,
that is, it will, be normal to the curve; hence, we have, for
the equation of a normal line,
Iii these equations x and y are general co-ordinates of
the lines, and x", y" are the co-ordinates of the point of
Let it be required to find the equation of a tangent to
an ellipse. We found, in the last article, the value of
-j- = -- j- ; substituting for x and y the particular values
u" and y", and putting the result in (2), we find,
l>*z" ', ,,x
y ~ y = ~~^/ f(x ~ x) >
whence, by reduction,
Making a = I, in this equation, we have,
yy" + xx" = a 2 ,
which is the equation of a tangent to a circle.
To find the equation of a normal to an ellipse we substi-
tute the value of yr in equation (3). which gives,
Mak ng a I, we have,
which is the equation of a normal to a circle.
If, in equation (2), we make y 0, the coi responding
value of x x" will express the length of the subtangent,
counted from the foot of the ordinate through the point
of contact; denoting this by S.T., we have,
,T=-y" .(6)
9 dy"
If, in equation (3), we make y = 0, the corresponding
value of x x" will express the length of the subnormal,
counted from the foot of the ordinate through the point
of contact; denoting this by 8.N., we have,
Substituting in (6) and (7) the values of -y^7 taken from
the equation of the ellipse, we have,
33. An asymptote to a curve, is a line that continually
approaches the curve and becomes tangent to it at an
infinite distance. The characteristics of an asymptote
are, that it is tangent to the curve at a point that is infi-
nitely distant, and that it cuts one or both axes at a finite
distance from the origin.
To ascertain whether a curve has an asymptote, assume
the equation of the tangent (Art. 32), and in it make
x, and y, successively equal to 0.
Fig. 4.
Jn this manner we find,
4J) = y" - *"3L and
We then find -77 from the _
equation of the curve, substi-
tute it in (I) and make the hypothesis that places the
point (x", y' 1 ) at an infinite distance. If this supposition
make either AD or A T finite, the curve has an asymptote,
otherwise not.
Let it be required to find whether the hyperbola has an
dn" b z c"
asymptote. AYe have found (Art. 31), - = -r- Jfl which
J ' dx a 2 y
in (1) gives,
Whence, by reduction,
ff i
~-^, nu&AT =
The only hypothesis that places a point of the hyperbola
at an infinite distance is y" GO , and x" = GO ; both
these sets of values, ir. (4), make AD and A T equal to 0.
Hence, the hyperbola has two asymptotes, both passing
through the centre.
To find whether the parabola has an asymptote, make
' = in (1) ' whence >
AD = y" ~ ] ~r= and AT = -x".
\J \J
If we make y" GO , and x" = oo , to put the point of
contact at an infinite distance, we find both AD and AT
equal to oo , which shows that the parabola has no asymp-
Order of Contact.
34. Two lines have a contact of the first order, when
they have two consecutive points in common. The first of
these is the point of contact ; this point is common to both
lines, and, as we have just seen, the first differential coef-
ficients of the ordinates of the two lines at this -point are
equal. Conversely, if two lines have a common point, and
if the first differential coefficients of the ordinates of the
lines at that point are equal, the lines have a contact of the
first order.
Two lines have a contact of the second order, when they
have three consecutive points in common. The first of
the three is the point of contact, and because the lines have
three consecutives ordinates common, the first and second
differential coefficients of their ordinates at this point are
equal. Conversely, if two lines have a common point, and
the first and second differential coefficients of their ordi-
nates at that point equal, the lines have a contact of the
second order.
In like manner it may be shown, if two lines have a
point in common, and n successive differential coefficients
of their ordinates at that point equal, that the lines have
a contact of the w th order, n being any positive whole
If a line oe applied so as to cut a given line in an even
number of points, it will, just before the first, and just
after the last, lie on the same side of the given line ; and
this is true when the points of secancy are consecutive, in
which case the lines have a contact of an odd order.
Hence, if two lines have a contact of an odd order, they do
not intersect at the point of contact. If the applied line cut
the given line in an odd number of points, it will, just
before the first, and just after the last, lie on opposite sides
of the given line; and this is also true when the points of
secancy are consecutive ; hence, if two lines have a contact
of an even order, they intersect at the point of contact.
If the applied line be straight, and the contact of the
n th order, the given curve will have n consecutive values
of dy, equal to each other. If each of these be taken from
the next in order, the differences will be 0, that is, the
curve will have n 1 consecutive values of d 2 y equal to
0. In like manner, we may show that it has n 2 consec-
utive values of d*y equal to 0, and so on, to the (n 4- l) lh
different al of y, which will not be 0, but will be plus or
minus, according as the (n 4- l) th value of dy, counting
from the point of contact, is greater or less than the n th
value of dy. Conversely, if the (n + l) th differential of y
is plus, the (n 4- l) th value of dy is greater than the w th ;
if minus the (n 4- l) tb value of dy is less than the n ih .
Direction of Curvature.
35. Let KL be a curve, whose concavity is turned
downward, that is, in the direction of negative ordi-
nates ; let AP, BQ, and CQ' be consecutive ordinates, Alt
and BO being equal to dx ; prolong PQ toward T. Then
will RQ, and R Q', be consecutive values of dy, and con-
sequently their difference, R'Q' RQ, will be the value of
d*y at P. The right angled triangles, PRQ, and QR'S,
have their bases, and the angles at their bases, equal ; hence,
their altitudes, RQ,
and R 8, are equal ;
but R'Q' is less than
R'S, because Q' is
nearer QO than S ;
hence, R'Q' is less
than RQ, and con-
sequently the value
of d*y is negative.
Conversely, if d~i/
is negative, R'Q' is
less than H'S, and the curve in passing from P is concave
doivmvard. In like manner, it may be shown that the
curve is concave upward at P, when d z y is positive. Be-
cause the sign of the second differential coefficient is the
same as that of the second differential, we have the follow-
ing rule for determining the direction of curvature, in
passing from any point toward the right,
Find the second differential coefficient of the ordinate at-
the point ; if this is negative, the curve is concave down-
ward, if positive, it is concave upward.
We may regard y as the independent variable, and find
the second differential coefficient of x; if this be negative
at any point, the concavity is turned toward the left, if
positive, toward the right.
Example. Let it be required to determine the direction
of curvature at any point of a parabola.
Assume the equation, y 2 = 2px ; whence, by differentia-
tion and reduction,
The first of these is negative for positive values of y, and
positive for negative values of y ; hence, the part of the
curve above the axis of X is concave downward, and the
part below is concave upward. The second is positive for
all values of x andy; hence, the curve is everywhere con-
cave toward the right.
If the tangent at P have a contact of the n ih order, n
jeing greater than 1, the second differential coefficient of
y at that point will be (Art. 34). In this case it may
be shown, as above, that the curve bends downward in
passing toward the right, when the (n + l) th value of dy,
counting from P, is less than the n th value of dy, and up-
ward when the (n + l) th value of dy is greater than the n th .
The former condition is satisfied when the (n + 1)"' differ-
ential coefficient of?/ is negative, and the latter when it is
positive (Art. 34).
Amount of Curvature.
36. The change of direction of a curve in passing from
an element to the one next in order, is the angle between
the second element and the prolongation of the first. This
angle is called the angle of contingence, it is negative when
the curve bends downward, and positive when it bends
upward. The total change of direction in passing over any
arc is equal to the algebraic sum of the angles of contin-
gence at every point of that arc.
The curvature of a curve is the rate at which it changes
direction. When the curvature is uniform, as in the
circle, it is measured by the total change of direction in
any arc. divided by the length of that arc. In any curve
whatever the curvature may be regarded as uniform for
an infinitely small arc; hence, the curvature at any point
of a curve, is equal to the angle of contingence at that
point, divided by the corresponding element of the curve.
Denoting the angle of contingence by dd, the correspond-
ing element by ds, and the curvature by c, we have,
Oscillatory Circle.
37. An oscillatory circle, to a given curve, is a circle that
has three consecutive points in common with that curve.
Thus, if the circle whose centre is C, pass through the
three consecutive points P, Q, and R, of the curve, KQ, it
is osculatory to that curve at P.
The circle and curve have two consecutive tangents, PT
and QT, and
two consecutive
normals, P C and
QC, in common;
they have also
the angle of con-
tingence at Q, in
common ; hence,
they have the
same curvature
at the point P.
Because P C and
QC are perpen- Fi e- 6 -
dicular to PT, anl QT, their included angle, is equal to
the angle of contingency dd; hence, PQ = CP X d\ or
denoting PQ by ds and CP by 7?, we have, ds = Held, or,
cfe 5
This equation ^shows that the curvature of a curve at
any point is equal to the reciprocal of the radius of the
oscillatory circle at that point; for this reason, the radius
of the oscillatory circle is called the radius of curvature.
Radius of Curvature.
38. If we denote the inclination of the tangent, FT, to
the axis of X by 6, the angle of contingence, TQT, equal to
PCQ, will be equal tod&; but we know that 4 = tan" 1 ^;
differentiating, we have,
j _ dx dxd z y
~ i 51 = d y* + ' dx * '
* dx*
Finding the value of R from equation (1), Art. 37, ana
replacing ds by its value, from Art. 5, we have,
Dividing both terms of the second member by c7.c 3 , and
denoting the first differential coefficient of y by q', and its
second differential coefficient by q", we have,
When the curve bends downward, dd is negative, and
consequently R is negative; when the curve bends upward,
both arepositive.
It is sometimes convenient to regard R, or some other
quantity on which R depends, as the independent variable.
In this case both dy and dx are variable, and we have,
7 dxd 9 i/ dyd z x
dx* + rfy ~ ;
and this in (1), Art. 37, gives,
dxd*y-dyd*x ' ' ( }
Example. Required the value of R for the parabola.
Assume the equation, y 2 = 2px.
By differentiation and reduction, we have,
dy p d 2 ?/ p*
-r = <1 = -9 and -^ = q" = J
dx y dx 2 y s '
substituting the.e in (2), we have,
2 J P
The value of R is least possible when y = 0, increases
as y increases, and becomes oo when y = QO . Hence, the
curvature of the parabola is greatest at the vertex, and
diminishes as the curve recedes from the vertex.
Co-ordinates of the Centre of the Osculatory Circle.
39. In the right angled triangle, PHC, PH is perpen-
dicular to ED, and PC to EP ; hence, the angle, HPC, is
equal to 6. Denoting the abscissa, AC, by a, and the ordi-
nate, DC, by /?, we have,
a = AH+ HO, and = BP - HP ..... (1)
All and BP are the co-ordinates of P, denoted by x and
y; IIP is equal to PCcosJ, and HC to PCsind; substi-
tuting for PC, or 7?, its value found in tlu last article, re-
membering that it is negative in the case under considera-
tion. (Art. 38), replacing sin, and cos4, by their values
taken from Art. 5, and reducing, we have,
dx* + dy* du
- -- ~- = x
\ ,
J 1
d z y dx
' ft)
Locus of the Centre of Curvature.
40. A line drawn through the centres of the oscillatory
circles at every point of a curve is called the evolnte of that
curve, and the given curve, with respect to its evolute, is
called an involute. If we consider any radius of curvature
of a curve, we see that it intersects the one that precedes
and the one that follows it, and the distance between the
points of intersection is an element of the evolute ; hence,
the radius is normal to the involute, and tangent to the
evolute. We also see that the difference between two con-
secutive radii of curvature is equal to the corresponding
element of the evolute; hence, the difference between any
two radii of curvature of a given curve is equal to the cor-
responding arc of the evolute.
The evolute of a curve may be constructed by drawing
normals to the curve, and then drawing *.i curve tangent
to them all: the closer the normals, the more accurate will
be the construction. An involute may be constructed by
wrapping a thread round the evolute, holding it tense,
and then unwrapping it. Every point of the thread de-
scribes a curve, which is an involute of the given evolute.
Practically, the evolute is cut out of a board, or other solid
material. In this manner the outlines of the teeth of
wheels are sometimes marked out, the circle being taken
as an evolute.
Equation of the Evolute of a Curve.
41. The equation of the evolute of any curve may be
found by combining the equation of the curve with form-
ulas (2), Art. 39, and eliminating x and y. The method
will be best illustrated \>y an example; thus, let it be re-
quired to find the equation of the evolute of the common
= ^.and n 1 ' ~
y y/ 3
substituting these in (2), Art. 39, we have, after reduction,
We have already found a' = .and n 1 ' ~ (Art. 38) ;
y y/ 3
a x + - -- = 3x + p, *. X -(a p),
substituting the values of x and y in the equation y 2 =
we have,
which is the equation required. It is the equation oi a
semi-cubic parabola.
1. Find the equation of the evolute of an ellipse
Am. (aa)* + (?)* = (a* - b
2. Find the equation of the evolute of an hyperbola.
Ans. (aaft - (bpft = (a* + b
3. Find the radius of curvature of an ellipse.
4. Find the radius of curvature of an equilateral hyper-
bola referred to its asymptotes, the equation being xy m.
(m* + ?; 4 )*
Ans. o = s -^-.
) , 1 1 .-i
Definition of a Singular Point.
42. A SINGULAR POINT of a curve, is a point at which the
curve presents some peculiarity not common to other
points. The most remarkable of these are, points of in-
flexion, cusps, multiple points, and conjugate points.
Points of Inflexion.
43. A POINT OF INFLEXION is a point at which the curva
tu re changes, from being concave downward to being con-
cave upward, or the reverse.
Inasmuch as the direction of curvature is determined by
the sign of the second differential coefficient of the ordi-
nate, it follows that this sign must change from to -f ,
or from + to , in passing a point of inflexion. But a
quantity can only change sign by passing through 0, or co' .
Hence, at a point of inflexion the second differential coef-
ficient of y must be either 0, or co . If the corresponding
values of x and y are such, that for values immediately
preceding and following them, the second differential coef-
ficient has contrary signs, then will each set of such values
correspond to a point of inflexion.
1. To find the points of inflexion on the curve whose
equation is y = b + (x a) 3 .
We find, -=-| = G(x a) ; this, put equal to 0, gives
x == a, which, in the equation of the curve, gives y = b.
When x < a, the second differential coefficient is negative,
and when x > a, it is positive. Hence, the point whose
co-ordinates are a and b, is a point of inflexion.
2. To find the points of inflexion on the curve whose
equation is y =. b -f- T V (x a) 5 >
We find ; 3^ = 2 (x ) 3 ; this placed equal to 0, gives
x = a f whence, y b. When x < a, the second differen-
tial coefficient is negative, and when x > a, it is positive.
Hence, the point whose co-ordinates are a and b, is a point
of inflexion.
3. Find the co-ordinates of the points of inflexion on
the curve whose equation is y %r
o o _
Ans. x 7 r, and y ^r Vs>
1. Find the co-ordinates of the points of inflexion on
X 2 (a 2 x 2 }
the line whose equation is y = - ^ -.
,1/7 5
Ans. x = -a y t>, and y = #.
o oo
44. A CUSP is a point at which two branches terminate,
being tangential to each other. There are two species of
cusps; the ceratoid, named from its resemblance to the
horns of an animal, and the ramphoid, named from its
resemblance to the beak of a bird. The first is shown at
E, and the second at A.
The method of determining the position and nature of a
cusp point will be best shown by examples.
1. Let us take the curve whose equation isy=b (x a)i'
From this we find, *
du . , d*y
For x = a, -+ = 0, and -=-f =
' dx dx*
oo . For x < a, both are
imaginary, as is also the value of y. For x > a, both are
real, and each has two values, one plus and the other
minus. Hence, the point whose
co-ordinates are a and b is a cusp
of the first species.
2. Let us take the curve whose
equation is y x 2 #f. '
From it we find,
Fig. 7.
dy , 5 } ,d*y , 15 J
^ y/y _1_ _/* Qfir] -. 9 -+- T 6
r^ /CX m ~ J, , ctllU. : r /v -^- ~r Jj
///* > ' /A>>2
From the given equation we see that no part of the
curve lies to the left of the axis of y, and that there are
two infinite branches to the right of that axis.
The values of -- are both at the origin ; and at that
d 2 ?/
point both values of -r-| are positive ; hence, the origin is
a cusp of the second species.
A discussion of the above equations shows that the
upper branch has its concavity always upward ; the second
branch has a point of inflexion for, x = ; its slope is
for x =
and it cuts the axis of x
at the distance 1 from the origin ; from
the origin to the point of inflexion,
it curves upward; after that point it
curves downward. The shape of the
curve is indicated in the figure.
For the ceratoid the values of the
second differential coefficient of y have
contrary signs, for the ramphoid they have the same sign.
Fie?. 8 .
Multiple Points.
45. A MULTIPLE POINT is a point where two or more
branches of a curve intersect, or
touch each other.
If the branches intersect, -p will
have as many values at that point
as there are branches ; if they
are tangent, these values will be
Fig. a.
1. Take the curve whose equation is y z = x 2 x*.
For every value of x there are two values of y equal
with contrary signs; hence, the curve is symmetrically
situated with respect to the axis of x. For x 0, we have
y zfc ; hence, both branches pass through the origin.
From the equation, we find,
c lli ----- ! 2^ 2
dx~y ' y 'vT^^^VT^^'
rl /it
For x = 0, -j- = 1, hence the origin is a multiple poinr,
by intersection. The curve is limited in both direc-
2. Take the curve whose equation is y = =fc \/x* + x*.
The two branches are. symmetrically placed with respect
to the axis of x, both pass through the origin, forming a
loop on the left and extending to infinity on the right.
We find, from the equation of the curve,
dy _ 5x* 4- 4r 3 _ 5x 2 + x
dx ~ ~ "
For x 0, we have -^ = ; hence, the origin is a mul-
tiple point, the branches being tangent to each other and
to the axis of x.
/~a*~~x z
3. The curve whose equation is y = xA/ - ^
has a multiple point at the origin, and is composed of two
pointed loops, one on the right and the other on the left
of the origin.
4. The curve whose equation is y 2 = (x 2) (x 3) 2 v
symmetrical with respect to the axis of x and consists of a
looped branch which extends from x = 2 to x = 3 ; at the
latter point the upper part passes below the axis of x and
lower part passes above that axis, forming a multiple point ;
beyond x = 3 the two parts continually diverge, extending
tO X CO .
Conjugate Points.
46. A CONJUGATE, or ISOLATED POINT, is a point whose
co-ordinates satisfy the equation of a curve, but which has
no consecutive point. Because it has no consecutive point,
the value of the first differential coefficient of y at it, is
1. Take the curve whose equation is y = x V% a.
In this case x and y = 0, satisfy the equation, but
no other value of x less than a gives a point of the curve.
Furthermore, we have,
dy_ _ 1 3x* - 2ax
dx~ 2 vz 3 ax 2 '
which for x = is imaginary, as also for all values of
x < a.
2. Take the curve whose equation is
y = ax 2 zl
For every positive value of x, there are two values of y,
and consequently two points, except when cosx = 1, when
the two points reduce to one. These points constitute a
series of loops like the links of a chain, having for a dia-
metral curve a parabola whose equation is y = ax 2 . For
every negative value of x the values of y are imaginary,
except when cosz = 1 ; in these cases we have a series of
isolated points situated on the diametral curve, whose
equation is y ax 2 . We have, by differentiating and
which is imaginary for negative values of x.
Definitions of Maximum and Minimum.
47. A function of one variable is at a maximum state,
when it is greater than
the states that im-
mediately precede and
follow it; it is at a
minim urn state, when
it is less than the states
that immediately pre-
cede and follow it.
Thus, if KL be the
curve of the function,
BN will be a maxi-
mum, because it is
greater than AM and
(70, and EQ will be
a minimum, because it
is loss than DP and
[ S *"
Fig. 10.
Analytical Characteristics of a Maximum or Minimum.
48. If we examine the figures given in the last article,
we see that the slope of the curve KL, or the differential
coefficient of the function, changes from + to in pass-
ing a maximum, and from to + in passing a minimum.
But a varying quantity can only change sign by passing
through 0, or oo ; hence, the first differential coefficient
of the function must be either 0, or oo, at either maximum
or minimum state.
If, therefore, we find the first differential coefficient of the
function, and set it equal to and oo, we shall have two equa-
tions which will give all the values of the variable that belong
to either a maximum or minimum state of the function.
They may also give other values ; hence the necessity
of testing each root separately. This" may be done by the
following rule :
Subtract from, and add to, the root to be tested, an infi-
nitely small quantity; substitute these successively in the
first differential coefficient ; if the first result is plus and
the second minus, the root corresponds to a maximum ; if
the first is minus and the second plus, it corresponds to a
minimum; if both hare the same sign, it corresponds to
neither a maximum nor a minimum.
The maximum or minimum value may be found by sub-
stituting the corresponding root in the given function.
1. Let y- 3 + (x-2) 2 -
By the rule, we have, ^ = 2(x 2) = 0, :. x 2.
Substituting for x the values, 2 dx, and 2 + dx, we find
for the corresponding values of the differential coefficient
2dx, and + 2dx ; hence, x = 2, corresponds to a mini-
mum, which is y = 3,
2. Let y = 4 - (x - 3)f
We have,
For x = 3 ofe, and 3 -f do;, we have the differential coef-
ficient equal to
_J2 , _ _2_
a *
hence, x 3 corresponds to a maximum, y = 4.
3. Let*/ = 3 + 2(z-l) 3 -
We have,
Substituting 1 dx, and 1 + dx, for re, in the first differ-
ential coefficient, we have in both cases a positive result;
hence, x 1 does not correspond to either a maximum, or
The preceding method is applicable in all cases ; but,
when the first differential coefficient of the function is 0,
as it is in most instances, there is an easier process for
testing the roots. In this case, the function being repre-
sented by the ordinate of a curve, the maximum and
minimum states correspond to points at which the tangent
is horizontal ; furthermore, the curve lies wholly above, or
wholly below, the tangent at the point of contact, that is,
the tangent does not cut the curve at that point; hence,
the contact is of an odd order, and consequently the first
of tit e successive differential coefficients of the function that
does not reduce to must be of an even order (Art. 34).
If this is negative, the curve bends downward after passing
the point of contact, and the root corresponds to a maxi-
mum, if positive the curve bends upward, and the root cor-
responds to a minimum (Art. 35). Hence the following
practical rule for finding the values of the variables that
correspond to maxima and minima:
Place the first differential coefficient of the function equal
to 0, and solve the resulting equation; substitute each root
in the successive differential coefficients of the function,
until one is found that does not reduce to ; if this is of
an even order and negative, the root corresponds to a maxi-
mum, if of an even order and positive, to a minimum; but
if of an odd order, it corresponds to neither maximum nor
1. Let y = x z 3x + 2.
We have,
-2- -+2
fa* ' UcJ|
Hence, x = -, corresponds to a minimum state, which is,
The symbol [Taj 3 is use< * to denote wliat jr? hi-c
when the variable that enters it is made equal to '-.
2. y = 4- (z-3) 4 .
we also find,
Hence, [?/] 3 4, is a maximum.
In applying the above rule, a positive constant factor
may be suppressed at any stage of the process; for it is
obvious that such suppression can in no way alter the
value of the roots to be found, or the signs of the successive
differential coefficients.
3. Let y = 3z 3 9z 8 27z + 30.
Rejecting the factor, + 3, and denoting the result by u, we
du - z - factors, the method of finding the corresponding
vaiues ol the second differential coefficient may be simpli-
fied as follows: let us have,
'iR - p x o .
5 = l x ^>
P and Q being- functions of x, and suppose that [P] a = 0.
3j the rule for differentiating, we have,
dx* ' dx
but because P Decomes when x = a, we have,
Hence, find }lie differential coefficient of the factor that
reduces to 0, ?), tiUiirty it by the other factor, and substitute
the root in th , product. The result is the same as that
found by substituting the root in the second differential
4. Let # = (x - 3) z (x 2).
We have,
= 2(x - 3) (x - '2) -H (x - 3) 2 = (x - 3)(3a? - 7) = 0;
By the principle just demonstrated,
Hence, [y] 0, is a minimum, and [/].? = , is a
If y represents any function of x 9 and if u = y n , we
^_ ny n-\dy
dx ~ ny dx
If x = a reduces ~ to 0, but does not reduce y n ~* to U.
we have, from what precedes,
If n is positive, any value that makes y a maximum, or
minimum, "also makes u a maximum, or minimum ; if w
is negative, any value that makes y a maximum, or i{m-
?w?/m, makes w a minimum, or maximum. The converse
is also true, if we except the values that make y n ~^ equal
to 0. Hence, if care be taken to reject the exceptional
values, we may throw off a radical sign in seeking for a
maximum or minimum.
5. Let y =
Throwing off the radical sign, suppressing the fact ',
+ 2, and denoting the result by u, we have,
The value, x = 0, makes y = 0, and is to be rejected.
The value x = -fa makes -^ 2 negative, an 1 gives
y = '-:=,& maximum.
3 A/3
In like manner, if we have u ly, we have.
du 1 dy , . rdy^\
-j- = . ~, and if -r ~ > we nave > as before,
dx y dx LdxJ a
rd 2 u-\ _ r 1 d*y~\
Ldx*\ a ~ Ly ' dx 2 ^'
Hence, we infer, as before, that we may, with proper pre-
caution, treat the logarithm of a function instead of the
function itself, and the reverse.
x 2 3x + 2 (x i\( x 2)
6. Let y = ^^~^, or y = ^^^j.
Passing to logarithms, and denoting ly by u, we have.
u = l(x - 1) + l(x -2)- l(x + 1) - l(x + 2).
dx x - 1 x 2 x + 1 x + 2
6(x* - 2)
= ; A -^>:
Both values of x make y negative. The first makes
-T-J negative, and the second makes it positive. Hence we
have, y = 12\/2 17, minimum, and y = 12\/2 17,
1. Divide 21 into two parts, such that the less multiplied
by the square of the greater, shall be a maximum.
Solution. Let x he the greater, and 21 x the less. We
have, for the equation of the problem, y (21 x)x 2 .
By the rule we find that x 14 makes y a maximum,
Hence, the parts are 14 and 7.
2. Find a cylinder whose total surface is equal to S, and
whose volume is a maximum.
Solution. Denote the radius of the baee by x, the alti-
tude by y, and the volume by V. From the geometrical
relations of the parts, we have,
S = 2x z + 2*x X y, and V vx 2 X y.
Combining, we have, for the equation of the problem,
V= x z - - - = - (Sx -
2ifx 2 ^
/~fi /~S
V is a maximum when x A / ; whence, y = 2 A / ~,
I/ 6tf I/ or
or y 2x. That is, the altitude is equal to twice the
radius of the base.
3. Find the maximum rectangle that can be inscribed
in an acute-angled triangle whose base is 14 feet, and alti-
tude 10 feet.
Ans. The base is 7 feet, and the altitude 5 feet.
4. Find the maximum triangle that can be constructed
on a given base, and having a given perimeter.
Solution. Denote the base by 5, a second side by x, the
third side by %p b x, the perimeter by 2p, and the
area by A. From the formula for the area in terms of
the three sides, we find the equation of the problem,
A = Vp(p - b) (p x)(b+x -p).
For x = p JZ>, A is a maximum. Hence, the triangle is
5. To find the maximum isosceles triangle that can be
inscribed in a circle.
Ans. An equilateral triangle.
6. To find the minimum isosceles triangle that can be
circumscribed about a circle.
Ans. An equilateral triangle.
7. To find the maximum cone that can be cut from a
sphere whose radius is r.
Ans. The radius of the base is ^ , and the altitude is -r.
o o
8. To find the maximum cylinder that can be cut from
a cone whose altitude is h, and the radius of whose base
is r.
2 1
Ans. The radius of its base is -r, and its altitude -Ji.
o o
9. To find the altitude of the maximum cylinder that
can be cut from a sphere whose radius is r.
Ans. Altitude =
10. To find the maximum rectangle that can be inscribed
in an ellipse whose semi-axes are a and b.
Ans. The base is a\/2, and the altitude
11. To find the maximum segment of a parabola that
can be cut from a right cone whose altitude is h, and the
radius of whose base is r.
g __
Ans. The axis is equal to -V^ 2 + ?'*
12. To find the maximum parabola that can be inscribed
in a given isosceles triangle.
Ans. The axis is equal to - tbB the altitude.
13. To find the maximum cone whose surface is c\ a-
stant, and equal to S.
1 /S
Ans. The radius of the base is ^y
14. To find the maximum cylinder that can be cut from
& given oblate spheroid, whose semi-axes are a and b.
Ans. The radius of the base = a\ ,5,
and the altitude =
15. From the corners of a rectangle whose sides are a
and b f four squares are cut and the edges turned up to form
a rectangular box. Required the side of each square when
the box holds a maximum quantity.
a + b 1
. - a 7 o
Ans. TT -zVa* ab + b 2 ,
o o
16. To find the minimum parabola that will circum-
scribe a given circle.
Solution. Let x and y be the co-ordinates of the point
of contact, a and b the terminal co-ordinates, 2p the vary-
ing parameter, and r the radius of the circle. For any
circumscribed parabola, we have,
a = x + p + r, and b = v2pa = v%p(x + p + r) ..... (1)
But from the triar.gle, whose sides are the radius, the sub-
normal, and the ordinate of the point of contact, we have,
and b =p + r ..... (2)
It will be shown hereafter that the area of a parabola is
two-thirds the rectangle having the same base and altitude,
Assuming this property, and denoting the area by A, we
have, for the equation of the problem,
Applying the rule, and remembering that p and A are
variable, we find that A is a minimum when %p = **.
17. Find the maximum difference between the sine and
versed-sine of a varying angle.
Ans. When the arc is 45.
18. Find the maximum value of y in the equation
y = -*>.
Ans. y' e*.
19. Divide the number 36 into two factors such that the
sum of their squares shall be a minimum.
Ans. Each factor is equal to G.
20. Divide a number m into such a number of equal
parts that their continued product shall be a maximum.
Solution. Let x denote the number of parts, - - one
part, and ( J the continued product; hence, the equation
of the problem is,
fm\ x ,m
y = ( 1 ; or, ly = xl = xim xlx.
\x / x
m &
.'. x = , and y e
m m
~e e . ~e
3 X ', .* y == ^ ,
m 9
is a maximum.
.21. What value of x will make the expression ,
1 + tana:
& maximum?
Ans. x = 45.
22. Find the fraction that exceeds its square by the
greatest possible quantity.
Ans. \.
23. The illuminating power of a ray of light falling
obliquely on a plane varies inversely as the square of the
distance from the source, and directly as the sine of its
inclination to the plane.
How far above the centre of a horizontal circle must a
light be placed that the illumination of the circumference
may be a maximum ? r
Ans. H -.
Maxima and Minima of a Function of Two Variables,
49. A function of two variables is at its maximum state
when it is greater, and at its minimum state when it is less
than all its consecutive states.
If two parallel sections (Art. 23) be taken through a maxi-
mum or minimum ordinate of a surface, the ordinate will be a
maximum or minimum in each section, and in nearly
every practical case the reverse will hold true. The ex-
ceptional cases will be those in which the maximum or
minimum ordinate corresponds to a singular point of the
surface. Omitting these, the problem is reduced to find-
Ag an ordinate that shall be a maximum, or a minimum
ir both the parallel sections through it This requires
that and -7- be simultaneously equal to 0. The equa-
dy dx
tions thus obtained will determine all the values of x and
y that correspond to maxima or minima states, and each
set of such values may be tested in the manner explained
in the last article, observing that for the section parallel
to the plane xz, the successive differential coefficients of z,
are found by supposing y constant, and for the section
parallel to yz, they are found by supposing x constant.
1. Let z = x s 3xy + y*.
We have,
^ = 3x* - 3y = 0, and -^ = 3y 2 - 3x = 0;
ctzc if
.: x = 0, y = 0; and x = 1, y 1.
d*z ,. d*z , . d*z a d*z
G% = b ; and -y-r = 6y, -=-= = 6.
dx z dx z dy z dy 3
The first set of values reduce the second differential
coefficients to 0, but not the third differential coefficients ;
hence, they are to be rejected. The second set of values
make both of the second differential coefficients positive;
hence, they correspond to a minimum, which is z = 1.
2. Let z =
For, a; = -, y = -, z = , a maximum.
3. Let z = Vp(p x)(p y}(x -f y p).
Dropping the radical sign, passing to logarithms, and
denoting the logarithm of z 2 by u, we have,
u = l(p) + l(p -x) + l(p - y} + l(x + y - p).
du 1
dx p x x + yp
du_ 1
dy p y x -^- y p
2 2
x 3 p, y = 5 j9, make z a maximum.
o o
Definition and Method of Evaluation.
50. A singular value of a function is one that appears
under an indeterminate form, for a particular value of the
variable. Thus, the expression -- - reduces to -, for
x z
the particular value, x 0, whereas its real value is -.
Singular values that take the above form of indeter-
mination, may often be detected, and their real value
found by means of the calculus. Let u = -, in which 2
and y are functions of x that reduce to for x a. Clear-
ing of fractions and differentiating, we have,
udy + y du dz ;
if we make x a, the second term disappears, and we have,
If both dz and dy reduce to for x = a, we have, in like
and so on. Hence, the following rule:
Divide tlie successive differentials of the numerator ly the
corresponding differentials of the denominator; substitute
the particular value of the variable in the resulting fraction,
continuing the operation till one is reached that is not inde-
terminate; the value thus found is the value required.
Thus, in the example above, we have,
tx sinari rl cosan _ rsinari _ rcosari _ 1
S JO ~~ L 3x* Jo . L~6^ Jo ~~ L~6~Jo "" 6*
1. Find the value of | -- z -J . Ans. "4.
%. Find the value of [ 4 _ ^ ~ ^ -^] . Ans. g.
p#3 (i%x OX^ -f- Ct>^~\
3. Find the value of '= . Ans. 0.
L x a -Jo,
rl x n ~\
4. Find the value of - . Ans. n.
\ J. X J 1
re x e~ x ~\
5. Find the value of ^7- ^- . Ans. 2.
L/(J + x) JO
6. Find the value of f" 1 ~ cos _5] . Ans. 0.
L i?/ JO
7. Find the value of
8. Find the value of jjrZj An *-
9. Find the value of - Ans. - ,
l -f tanaJtf 4
10. Find the value of [~-JjL ^~\ . Ans. 2.
L - * - z -* a
Singular values that appear under the forms X <*>,
, and GO oo , can be reduced to the form discussed, and
then treated by the rule. The method of proceeding in
each case will be illustrated by an example.
11. The expression (1 x) tan ~ 9 which reduces to x oo ,
1 _ %
when x = 1, can be placed under the form , which,
by the rule, reduces to - for the particular value, x = L
f ~ r/
12. The expression, tan-^- ~ j= -- , which reduces to
* ( x ~~ 1)
for x = 1, can be placed under the form - , and
this, by the rule, gives for x = 1, the value -- .
13. The expression, ztanz - sec.r, which reduces to
if crsinz i r
& oo , for the value x = -, may be written - -=-,
2 cosx
which, by the rule, gives for x = -^, the value 1.
Differentials of Lines, Surfaces, and Volumes.
51. Let AP and BQ be two consectVive ordimites of the
curve, IfL, whose equation is y =f(x)', then will PQ be
the differential of the length of the
curve, and APQB will be the dif-
ferential of the area, bounded by
the curve, the axis of x, and any
two ordinates; if we suppose the
figure to revolve about the axis of
x, the curve will generate a surface
of revolution, and the area between
the curve and axis will generate a
volume of revolution ; the surface generated by PQ, is the
differential of the surface of revolution, and the volume
generated by APBQ, is the differential of the volume of
revolution. When the equation of KL is given, the values
of these differentials may always be found in terms of x
and dx, or of y and dy.
1. Denote PQ by dL ; we shall have, as in Art. 5,
Fig. 11.
dL =
To apply this formula, we differential the equation ol
the cnrve, combine the resulting equation with that of the
curve, so as to find the differential of one variable in terms
of the other variable and its differential, and substitute
this in the formula. Thus, let it be required to find the
differential of the arc of a parabola. Assuming the equa-
tion of tLc parabola, y z = Zpx, we find, by differentiation
and combination,
dy = faA/jfr and dx = H-dy, or dy 9 =
and dx* = dy 2 .
Substituting, and reducing, we have,
dL =
xJ. Denote APQB by dA ; this is made up of two parts,
the rectangle, AR = ydx, and the triangle, RPQ = -dydx;
but the latter is an infinitesimal of the second order, it may
be therefore neglected in comparison with the former;
hence, we have,
dA=ydx ..... (2)
This formula may be applied in a manner similar to that
just explained. Thus, if it be required to find the differ-
ential of the area of a parabola, we have,
dA = dy ; or, dA = (v%px)dx.
3. Denote the surface generated by PQ by dS ; this
surface is that of a frustum of a cone, in which the radius
of the upper base is y, the radius of the lower base, y + dy y
and the slant height, ydx 2 + dy*. Hence,
dS = [%y + 2 ; draw OIQ, and with as a
centre describe the arc, PR ; then will OP and OQ be
consecutive radius vectors, P and Q will bo consecutive
points, RQ will be the differential of r, PQ will be the
differential of the arc, POQ will be the differential of the
area swept over by the radius vector, and PQ prolonged,
will be tangent to the curve at P.
The line, BC, perpendicular to the radius vector, OP, is
the movable axis, and the perpendicular distance, OA, is the
polar distance of the tangent. Prolong the tangent to meet
the movable axis at B ; at P draw a normal, and produce
it to meet the movable axis at G ; then is OB the subtan-
gent, PB the tangent, 00 the subnormal, and PC tht;
normal at the point P.
Useful Formulas.
53. 1. Differential of the arc. Denote the differential
of the arc, PQ, by dL ; RP being infinitesimal may be re-
garded as a straight line perpendicular to OQ ; it is equal
to rdv ; hence,
dL = Vdr* + r*d$* (1)
2. Differential of the area. Denote the differential of
the area swept over by the radius vector by dA ; this is
made up of the sector, OPR, and the triangle, RPQ ;
but, RPQ is an infinitesimal of the second order, and the
sector is an infinitesimal of the first order ; neglecting the
former in comparison with the latter, and remembering that
the area of a sector is equal to half the product of its arc
and radius, we have,
dA = ir'dp ..... (2)
3. Angle letween the radius vector and tangent. Denote
the required angle by V; the angle, RQP, differs from the
required angle, OPB, by an infinitesimal, and may, there-
fore, be taken for it; but tan RQP, equals RP, divided by
RQ ; hence, we have,
= ..... (3)
4. Polar distance of the tangent. Denote the distance
OA by p; the triangles, QPR and QOA, are similar:
QP : RP : : QO : OA.
But, PO differs from QO by an infinitesimal, and may,
therefore, be taken for it; making this change, and sub-
stituting for the quantities their values, we have,
+ r$ : ry \\r\p;
= _M*
5. Formula /or subtangenl. Denote the snbtangent by
S.T; in the triangle, POB, the perpendicular, OB, is
equal to the base, OP, multiplied by the tangent of the
angle at the base; hence,
S.T =
G. Formula for subnormal. Denote the subnormal by
S.N; the triangles, OPB and OOP, are similar; hence,
tznOCP = t'diiOPB; but, OC, equals OP, divided by
7. Formula for the radius of curvature. Denote the
radius of curvature by p; let P and Q be two consecutive
points of the curve, KL, and let
PC and QC be normals at these
points, meeting at C ; then will
C be the centre of the oscillatory
circle ; draw OM perpendicular
to PC, it will be parallel to the
tangent at P, and, consequently,
the intercept, PM, will be equal
to the polar distance of the tan-
gent denoted by p ; draw C,
OP, and Q. From the figure, we have,
(7 2 = r z f p 2 - 2p P .
If we pass from P to Q, r will become r + dr, p will
become p + dp, and OC and p will remain unchanged.
If, therefore, we differentiate the preceding equation under
the supposition that r and p are variable, the resulting
Fig. 13.
equation will express a relation between p, r, and/*. Dif-
ferentiating, \ve have,
0; .: f = - ..... (7)
8. Formula for the chord of curvature. The chord ol
curvature is the chord of the oscillatory circle that passes
through the pole and the point of osculation. Denote it
by C ' ; prolong PC and PO till they meet the circle at R
and N, and draw RN. The right angled triangles, PNR
and PMO, are similar, hence,
PN : PR : : PM : PO,
C: 2 P up : r;
=, or t'=8p ..... (8)
r dp
54. If a straight line revolve uniformly about one of its
points as a centre, and if, at the same time, a second point
travel along the line, in accordance with any law, the lat-
ter point will describe a spiral. The part described in one
revolution of the straight line is a spire. The fixed point
is the pole. If we denote the distance from the pole to the
generating point by r, and the corresponding angle,
counted from the initial line, by 9, we have, for the gen-
eral equation of spirals,
r = /(?) (1)
When this relation is algebraic, the spiral is said to be
algebraic ; when this relation is transcendental, the spiral
is said to be transcendental.
Among algebraic spirals, the most important are the
spiral of Archimedes, the parabolic spiral, and the hyper-
bolic spiral, corresponding, respectively, to the right line,
the parabola, and the hyperbola.
Spiral of Archimedes.
55. The equation of this curve is,
r 09 ..... (2)
We see that the generating point is at the pole when
the variable angle is 0, and that the radius vector increases
uniformly with the variable angle, being always equal to o
times the arc of the directing circle that has been swept
over. Differentiating equation (2), we have,
dr = ady.
Substituting, in formulas (1) to (8), Art. 53, we find,
dL = acfyl + 9 2 ; S.T= a^
dA = 4-aV*; S.N=a;
If we take a straight line, whose equation is y = ax, and
lay off the abscissa of any point on the directing circle,
and the ordinate of that point on the corresponding
radius vector, the point thus determined is a point of th, which, from a property of the circle, is equal to
=t V(2r y)y, the upper sign corresponding to the case
in which P is to the left of KE, and the lower sign to the
case in which P is to the right of KE ; and AL is equal
to x. Substituting these values, and reducing, we have,
j nt
x = rversin" -
which is the equation sought. From it we see that y can
never be less than 0, nor greater than 2r; we see, also, that
y is equal to 0, for x = 0, and for x = 2<7rr, and that for
every value of y, there are two values of x, one exceeding
xr as much as the other falls short of it.
Differentiating and reducing, we have,
dx -
(Mi -
which is the differential equation of the cycloid. From it
we deduce the equation,
~r ^ A/ -- 1> whence, -~ = -- -.
dx y y dx z y 2
From, the first, we see that the tangent to the curve is
vertical for x 0, and x = 2tfr, and that it is horizontal
for x = *r ; from the second, we see that the curve is always
concave downward.
Substituting, in formulas (6) and (7), Art. 32, we have.
=--===, and
The Logarithmic Curve.
58. The logarithmic curve, is a curve in which any
ordinate is equal to the logarithm of the corresponding
abscissa. Its equation is, therefore,
y logs, or y = M.lx;
in which M is the modulus of the
If M > 0, y will be negative when
x < 1, positive when x > 1, when
x = 1, and infinite when x 0.
If M < 0, y will be positive when
x < 1, negative when x > 1, when x = 1, and infinite
when x = 0.
In no case can a negative value of -a? correspond to a
point of the curve.
Differentiating, we find,
Fig. 15.
- 7
dx 2
The first expression has the same sign as M y and varies
inversely as x. Hence, when M> 0, the slope is positive,
when M < 0, the slope is negative, and in both cases tin-
curve continually approaches parallelism with the axis
of x.
The second expression has a sign contrary to that of M,
and varies inversely as the square of x. Hence, when M > 0,
the curve is concave downward, as KDC, and when M < 0,
it is concave upward, as KDW.
Object of the Integral Calculus.
59. The object of the integral calculus is to pass from a
given differential to a function from which it may have
been derived. This function is called the integral of the
differential, and the operation of finding it is called inte-
gration. The operation of integration is indicated by this
sign, /, called the integral sign. Integration and differ
entiation are inverse operations, and their signs, when
placed before a quantity, neutralize each other; thus,
, %
dx = x.
A constant quantity connected with a function by the sign
of addition, or subtraction, disappears by differentiation,
hence, we must add a constant to the integral obtained;
and inasmuch as this constant may have any value, it is
said to be arbitrary. The integral, before the addition of
the constant, is called incomplete, after its addition it is
said to be complete. By means of the arbitrary constant,
as we shall see hereafter, the integral may be made to
satisfy any one reasonable condition.
Nature of an Integral.
60. The differential of a function is the difference
Ix'tweon two consecutive states of that function; hence,
any state of the function whatever, is equal to some pre-
vious, or initial state, plus the algebraic sum of all the
intermediate values of the differential. But this state is
the integral, by definition ; hence, if the arbitrary constant
represents the initial state, the incomplete integral repre-
sents the algebraic sum of all the differentials from the
initial state up to any state whatever, and the complete
integral represents the initial state, plus the algebraic sum
of all the differentials from that state up to any state
Before any value has been assigned to the constant, the
integral is said to be indefinite ; when the value of the
constant has been determined, so as to satisfy a particular
hypothesis, the integral is said to ^particular ; and when
a definite value has been given to the variable, this integral
is said to be definite.
The values of the variable that correspond to the initial
and terminal states of a definite integral are called limits,
the former being the inferior, and the latter the superior
limit ; the integral is said to lie between these limits. The
value of tlip definite integral may be found from the indefi-
nite integral by substituting for the variable the inferior
and superior limits separately, and then taking the first
result from the second. The first result is the integral
from any state up to the first limit, and the second is the
integral from the same state up to the last limit; hence,
the difference is the integral between the limits. The
C b ' T,' i,
symbol for integrating between the limits is I > m wnicn a
is the inferior, and I the superior limit.
This article will be better understood when we come to
its practical application in Articles 78 and following.
Methods of Integration 5 Simplifications.
61. The methods of integration are not founded on pro-
cesses of direct reasoning, but are mostly dependent on
formulas. The more elementary formulas are deduced by
reversing corresponding formulas in the differential ,cal-
culus; the more complex ones are deduced from these by
various transformations and devices, whereby the expres-
sions to be integrated are brought under some known
integrable form.
It has been shown (Art. 9), that a constant factor re-
mains unchanged by differentiation; hence, a constant
factor may be placed without the sign of integration. It
was also shown in the same article, that the differential of
the sum of any number of functions is equal to the sum
of their differentials; hence, the integral of the sum of
any number of differentials is equal to the sum of theii
integrals. These principles are of continued use in inte-
Fundamental Formulas.
62. If we differentiate the expression -, we have,
reversing the formula, and applying the integral sign to
both members,
Remembering that the signs of integration and lifferentia*
tion neutralize each other (Art. 50), and adding a constant
to complete the integral, we have,
Hence, to integrate a monomial differential, drop the
differential of the variable, add 1 to the exponent of the
variable, divide the result ~by the new exponent, and add a
This rule fails when n = 1 ; for, if we apply it, we get
a result equal to oo ; in this case the integration may be
effected as follows :
From Art. 15, we have,
7/ 7 \ _ ,
d(alx) = a = ax dx ;
reversing and proceeding as before, we have,
fax~ l dx = of = alx+C ..... [2]
From Art. 16, we have,
reversing and proceeding as before, we have,
In like manner, reversing the formulas in Article 17, let-
tered from a to li t we have,
I cosxdx smx + C ............ . [4]
I Biaxdx cosz + O .......... [5]
r_dx = ............ [6 j
J cos z x
-^L = cot* + (7 ........... [7]
sm 2 a;
I siuxdx = versing + .......... [8]
/ cosa;^ = coversinz + C ....... [9]
Jt&nxsQcxdx = seai? + C ......... [10]
/ cota;coseca;^ = cosecx + ..... [11 J
In like manner, from the formulas in Art. 18, lettered from
a' to h', we deduce the following:
r-M= = S ^- l y + G ........ [12]
-^= = co S -V+<7 ....... [13]
/ /=== = versiu~V + C ...... [161
J ^y _ y 2
/- . ___ = coversin~V + O . . . [17]
V2 - 2
-- -p- - = cosec-V + C ---- [19J
V* - 1
If in formulas (12), (13), (14), (15), (18), (19), we make
Ix , , ,
/ = , whence dy = , and reduce, we hare,
dx 1 . _ bx
/cfo 1 _ ifz
^-^ = S5 ten +c
/__*= loot' 1 52+ (7. .[23]
/ a 2 4- ^ 2 a 2 aJ a
= l sec -l^ + a., .[241
a* a
From (16) and (17), by substituting j- x for y, and re-
ducing, we have,
= 1 versing* + C ..... [26J
1 . _i23 8
= T coversm x r- x + (7 . . [271
Formulas (1) to (19) are the elementary forms, to one
of which we endeavor to reduce every case of integration ;
the processes of the integral calculus are little else than a
succession of transformations and devices, by which this
reduction is affected.
In the following examples, and, as a general thing,
throughout the book, the incomplete integral is given, it
being understood that an arbitrary constant is to be added
in every case.
Formulas (1) to (3).
1. dy = tx* dx. Ans. y = -j-,
i 24
2. dy = :z*dx. Ans. y = -lx*.
3. dy = 3x~*cfa. An*, y = x ,
4. dy = Zx^dx. Ans. y = ~x *.
2 -4 10 -i
5. dy = - x dx. Ans. y = -x .
e. = - - fo
8. dy =
9. r??y = 3x~y = x~*d
As before, we have,
<&-*- + ux +
and finally,
1, Cx* C'x 2
= -fa + -g- + -y-
38. 6? 3 y = mdx*.
o /
39. t? 3 y = x* dx 3 .
40. J 2 ?/ = sx*dx*.
Integration by Parts.
63. If u and v are functions of x, we have, from Art. 10,
d(uv) = udv + vdu.
Integrating and transposing, we have,
I udv = uv t vdu [28]
This is called the formula for integration by parts; it
enables us to integrate an expression of the form udv
whenever we can integrate an expression of the form vdu.
It is much used in reducing integrals to known forms.
1. dy = xlx dx /
Let Ix = Uj and xdx = dv /
, dx , a*
/. du = , and v = -.
Substituting in the formula, we have,
__ x 2 lx _ rxdx _ x*lx __ x 2
~2 J ~2~ ~2 T'
^ 2 = u, and - = dv;
, xdx 1
.". du -- - --- , and v =
hence, we have, from the formula,
Vl - x z r dx Vl-x* .
y = / = sm" 1 ^.
X J A /i _ 3.8 iC
Additional Formulas.
64. 1. Formula (1) may be extended to cover the case
of a binomial differential of the form,
in which the exponent of the variable without the paren-
thesis is 1 less than the exponent of the variable within.
Let a + bx n = z; .-. bnx n ~ l dx = dz, or x n ~ l dx = ^.
Substituting, and integrating, we have,
y =
Keplacing z by its equal, (a + &s n ), we have,
J '(. + fc^^i* = 1 + a
Hence, to integrate a binomial differential of the proposed
form, add 1 to the exponent of the parenthesis, divide the
result by the new exponent into the product of the coefficient
and the exponent of the variable within the parenthesis.
It is to be observed that a constant factor may be set
aside during the process of integration, and then intro-
duced, as explained in Article Gl.
1. dy = (1 + x*)*xdx.
2. dv
4. dy (2
5. dy = -
Ans. y =
Ans. y =
Ans. y = (7
. ;y = (2
2. The preceding formula fails when p = 1 ; in that
case, we have,
bnJ z In
Replacing z by its value,
[30 1
1. dy = 3(3 -f
2. r/?x =
Ans. -=
re + a
3. r =
x + 4
. y = l(x + a),
Ans. y = 2 7a + 41
When the differential expression is a fraction in which
the numerator is equal to the differential of the denomi-
nator multiplied by a constant, its integral is equal to that
constant into the Napierian logarithm of the denominator.
4. dy = ^Ar Ans ' V = " 3 l ( a * ~ x ^'
Ans. y = l(x* + x 2 + x -f 1)
3. Let it be required to integrate the expression.
\/x 2 dc. a 2
x z =t a z = z 2 , whence, xdx = zdz ;
adding zdx to both members and factoring, we have,
(x + z} dx = z(dx -f dz) ;
dx _ dx _ dx 4- dz _ d(x -\- z) >
applying the principle just deduced, we have,
Replacing z by its value, we have, finally,
/* ^ = i( x + V^io 5 ) + C [31]
J \/x 2 a 2
1 // - -
7 ~
- 5
4. Let it be required to integrate the expression,
since, dx = d(a + #), and 2aa; + a; 2 = (a -f ^) 2 a*,
we have,
/(fa _ / d(a + x)
V^ctx + x*J >\/a +~z z a?
which can be integrated by Formula (31); hence,
/^= =l\a
V'2ax + x 2 (
... [32J
Ans. y = l(x + - + -v/|F+7 5
Vbx + 9z 2
5. Let it be required to integrate the expression,
dy = -- -:
a z x 9
Factoring, we have,
dx 1 j dx dx )
a 2 x* ~2a( a + x + a x \ '
Integrating, we have,
But the difference of the logarithms of two quantities is
equal to the logarithm of their quotient; hence,
/V^- i = lj +0 . .[33|
J a* x z 2a a x
and in like manner,
..... [34|
a x + a
dx 1 , 3 -f x
dx 1 x 2
d z y
S. Given -j-^ = y, to find the relation between y and x.
Multiplying both members by
dt/ 2 dii
' '
T? - y
Integrating by Formula 31,
x =
d z s
4. Given -j-^ = n z s, to find tlie relation between a
and t, t being the independent variable.
Multiplying by 2ds,
In tegrating,
^s_ 22 ds
dt^~ ~ V0 -*'
Integrating by Formula (20),
, 1 . _i ns ~.
t = - sin L ^ + C'.
Rational and Entire Differentials.
65. An algebraic function is rational and entire when it
contains no radical or fractional part that involves the
variable. If the indicated operations be performed, every
rational and entire differential will be reduced to the form
of a monomial, or polynomial differential, each term of
which can be integrated by formulas (1) or (2). Thus,
if the indicated operations be performed, in the expression,
we have,
dy = If 8x - x* + 6z* - 3z 3 \dx.
Hence, by integration,
2 6 . 3 .
= * X + X ~ X
In like manner, any rational and entire differential may
be integrated.
Rational Fractions.
66. A rational fraction, is a fraction whose terms are
rational and entire. When a rational fraction is the differ-
ential of a function, and its numerator is of a higher degree
than its denominator, it may, by the process of division, be
separated into two differentials, one of which is rational
and entire and the other a rational fraction, in which the
numerator is of a lower degree than the denominator. The
former maybe integrated as in the last article; it remains
to be shown that the latter can be integrated whenever
the denominator can be resolved into binomial factors of
the first degree with respect to the variable. The method
of integration consists in resolving the differential coeffi-
cients into partial fractions, by some of the known methods,
then multiplying each by the differential of the variable
and integrating the polynomial result. There are four
cases, depending on the method of resolving the differen-
tial coefficient into partial fractions. Each case will be
illustrated by examples.
First Case. When the binomial factors of the denomi-
nator are unequal.
Let us have,
.. \ dCC *~~" ) CCCC &Q5 ~~~
ay = = r-j ; -, dx.
Assume the identical equation,
2x-5 = A t B . V
( x - i) ( x _ 2) (x - 3) ~~ x - 1 x - 2 x-3 '
Clearing of fractions.
2a? 5 = A(x -2) (x 3) + B(x 1) (x - 3)
+ C(x - 1) (x - 2) (2)
In order to find A, B, and 0, we might perform the
operations indicated in (2), equate the coefficients of the
like powers of x, and solve the resulting equations; but
there is a simpler method in cases like this, depending on
the fact that (2) is true for all values of x.
Making x = 1, we find, 3 = 2.4;
Making x = 2, we find, 1 = B; .-. B = 1.
Making x = 3, we find, 1 = 2(7; /. C
Substituting these in (1), multiplying by dx, and in
tegrating by Formula 30, we have,
(2x - 5)-l Jx-%
Reducing the result to its simplest form, in accordance
with the elementary principles of logarithms, we have,
(x - 1)
5x + l)dx _ (5x + l)dx
x - 2 " (x - 1) (a? + 2)*
a; + 2) = ?(a? - I) X (x
(a; - l)dx
y ~ x* + 6x + 8 " (x + 2) (x + 4)'
y =
x + 2)*
" x 3 +x 2 2x x(x 1) (x + 2)*
4. dv =
x(x-l)(x + 1)'
<, y l(x* x).
Second Case. When some of the binomial factors are
In this case "there are as many partial fractions as
there are binomial factors in the denominator; but the
denominators of those corresponding to factors of the
form (x a) m y are respectively of the form (x a) m ,
(x - a) m ~ 1 ) (x - a) m ~ 2 , etc., down to x - a.
Let us assume,
*, - ( x * + *)<**
assuming the identical equation,
(x - 2p (x - 1) = (x^~2^ + x-2 + ~x~^\ W
and clearing of fractions, we have,
z 2 + x = A(x 1) + B(x 2) (x 1) 4- C(x 2) 2 ... (2)
Here again we might find the values of A, B, a id 0, by
the ordinary method of indeterminate coefficients ; but it
will be simpler to proceed as follows :
Making x = 2, we find, A = 6 ;
Making x = 1, we find, (7=2;
giving to A and C their values in (2), and then making
y> = 0, we find, = - 6 4- 2 + 8 .-. B = - 1.
Substituting in (1) and multiplying by dx, we have,
(x* 4- x)dx 6dx dx 2dx
_2)~2~(^ 1) ~ (x- 2) 2 ~ x 2 x
The first partial fraction can be integrated by Formula
29, and the others by Formula 30 ; hence,
x 2 x Z x 2
. -- - .
X 3 (X 1)
In this example the equal binomial factors are of the
form (x 0) or x, and the assumed identical equation is,
x* -2 _ A B_ C D
x*(x-l)~ x* + x 2 + z + x^l '
Clearing of fractions, and performing indicated operations,
we have,
x z - 2 = Ax A + ^ 2 - Bx + Cx 3 Cx* + Dx*.
Equating the coefficients of like powers in the two mem-
bers, and solving the resulting group, we have, A = ^,
J3 = 2, = 1, and D 1 ; substituting in (1), and
proceeding as before, we have,
j _ _ xdx
Third Case. Wlien some of the factors are imaginary,
~but unequal.
In this case the product of each pair of imaginary
factors is of the form (x a) 2 + b z ; instead of assuming
a partial fraction for each imaginary factor, we assume
for each pair of such factors a fraction of the form,
A + Bx
xa *x
Assume the identical equation,
x A -f Bx O
(a. + i) (aj + l) x z + l a: + 1 '
Clearing of fractions, and reducing,
x = Bx* + (^ + 5)a; + A + Cx* + C (2)
Equating the coefficients of the like powers of x in the two
members, and solving the resulting equations, we have,
Substituting in (1), and multiplying by dx, we have,
xdx _ 1 (1 + x)dx __ 1 dx
1 / f/a; .T<:fe ^/./: \
2 U* + 1 + ^Tl "" a; + 17
Integrating by Formulas (14) and (30), and reducing, we
Fourth Case. When some of the binomial factors are
imaginary and equal.
In this case, the denominator will contain one or more
factors of the form [(a; a) 9 + & 2 ] n ; in determining th<
partial fractions, we combine the methods used in the
second and third cases.
Let us assume,
x 3 dx
Assume the identical equation,
r 3 Ax + B Cx + D
Clearing of fractions, and proceeding as before, we find,
A = 2, B = - 4, C = 1, and D = 2.
Substituting these in (1), multiplying by dx, and separating
the fractions, we have,
. _ 2xdx kdx xdx
.J /-v.2 O
2) 2 (x 2 - 2.-C + 2) 2 x* - 2x + 2
Making (x I) 2 + 1 = z 2 + 1, whence x 1 = z, and
dx = dz, we have,
, _ Z(z + l)dz dz (z + 1)dz
2^ zdz Sdz
y ~ (^T"i) 8 J^Ti 8 * + 1 2* + r
, third, and fourth terms can be integrated by
known formulas ; the second is a particular case of the
form , which can be integrated by the aid of
(* + D
Formula D, yet to be deduced.
Integrating i\\Q first, third, and fourth, and indicating
the integration of the second, we have,
V = - W ~ T - a/TTl + \
From what precedes we infer that all rational differen-
tials are integrable; consequently, all differentials that
can be made rational in terms of a new variable are also
Integration by Substitution, and Rationalization.
67. An irrational differential may sometimes be made
rational, by substituting for the variable some function of
an auxiliary variable ; when this can be done, the integra-
tion may be effected by the methods of Articles 65 and 66.
When the differential, can not be rationalized in terms of
an auxiliary variable, it may sometimes be reduced to one
of the elementary forms, and then integrated. The method
of proceeding is best illustrated by examples.
When the only Irrational Parts are Monomial.
68. When the only irrational parts are monomial, a dif-
ferential can be made rational by substituting for the
primitive variable a new variable raised to a power whose
exponent is the least common multiple of all the indices
in the expression.
(** x*)dx , x
Let dy = * -- ..... (1)
The least common multiple of the indices is 6 ; making
x = z*, we have, x* = z 3 , x* = 2 4 , a?* = z 2 , and cfo =
these substituted in (I), give,
*9 _ *
Performing the division indicated, we have,
dy = 6 (zi z 6 z 5 + z 4 + 2 s z*
Integrating by known methods, and replacing z by its
value, a;*, we have, finally,
3464 6484
y = -gfi + y <> + a? - ^ - %*
6 - 31(1 + o)
When the only irrational parts are fractional powers
of a binomial of the first degree, the differential can be
rationalized by the same rule, and consequently can be
Let us take the expression,
dy -= (x + Vx + 2 + ^aT+I) dx
x + 2 = z 9 , whence, x = z* 2, and dx v-u,*.
Substituting in (2), we have,
Integrating, and substituting for z its value, (a; -f 2) % we
y = I (x + 2)* - *(x + 2) + | (x + 2)*+ J (z + 2)*.
Binomial Differentials.
69. Every binomial differential can be reduced to the
rfy = -4 (a + fa*)*x m ~ l dx ..... (1)
in which m, n, r, and 5 are whole numbers, and n positive,
Thus, the expression, (x~ * -f 8flT*)~*aAfe, can be re-
i_2 1
uu ^ u ^ uu * xv^*^ VJ . , /v^ ) %"^cfe by simply removing
the factor x~~k from under the radical sign. If, in this
result, we make x = z*, whence, dx = z 3 dz, it will be-
come, 4(1 + 2z)~*z 5 dz, which is of the required form. In
like manner, any similar expression may be reduced to
that form. The constant factor, A, may be omitted during
integration, and the exponent of the parenthesis, -, may
be represented by a single letter p, as is done in Article 70.
After integration, the factor may be replaced, and the value
of - may be substituted for p.
Form (1) may be integrated by some of the methods
explained in Articles Go and 66, when - is a whole number.
Form (1) can be integrated when is a whole number.
For let us assume (a 4- bx n ) = z* 9 or, z = (a + lx n )*; we
have, by solution and differentiation,
= \-r) ;a
m l , * /* a\~n sl-r
x m L dx = ^ ( 7 ) z dz.
bn\ 1} )
Substituting in (1), we find,
\ / ~ bn\ b ) V. /
Which expression is integrable, as was shown above, when
is a whole number.
in T
Form (1) can be integrated when I- -, is a whole
For let us assume,
Solving and differentiating, we have,
11 1 m m
x = (2" = a n (z* - &)"*; x m = a"(z 8 - Z>)~
Substituting in (1), and reducing, we find,
r m r m r .
n~ m 1 ^ T+S 1
Which can be integrated, as was shown above, when
m r .
1- -, is a whole number.
n s
.... (4)
ITl 4
Here, = - = 2 ; hence, the second criterion is satis-
n &
Comparing (2) with (4), we find,
a = 1, I = 1, n = 2, m = 4, r = 1, s = 2, and z = (1 -f x 2 )*,
y* /** K i
/ (1 + x z )*x s dx = I (z 9 l}z z dz =
/ / 53
= dx(l + Z 2 )~ -* ..... (5)
Here, -+_ __ _ 2 hence, the third crite-
n s , that formula becomes,
if (a + feY~ 1 z m+ "~ 1 <*
pn + m pn
Substituting in (2), and uniting similar terms, we have,
C i) m\
j (a -*- bx yx ~~ dx
J v
(ct -f- bx ) X pnCt f- , 7l\p 1 7711 7 r Tf\
:= + / (# ~r C>iC ) X uX . I Jj\
pn + m pn + m /
Formula B enables us to reduce the exponent of the
parenthesis by 1 at each application. It fails in the same
case as Formula A. When m and p are negative, we
endeavor to increase instead of diminishing them. For
this purpose we reverse Formulas A and B.
3. Reversing Formula A, and reducing, we have,
J\a 4- lx n ) p x m - n - l dx
= (a + ftQP*V- _ (, + M) f lx n Px ^ dXt
a(m n) a(m n] / v
"Replacing m by m + n, we have,
f(a + WT.1& = - < fl +
./ v
m + n)r tofiyz
4. Reversing Formula B, and reducing, we have,
f(a + lx n f-^x m - l d X
= _ (a + fa")V
In this, substituting p +1 for^?, we have,
The mode of applying Formulas A, B, C, and D, will
be illustrated by practical examples.
1. Let it be required to integrate the expression,
In Formula A, making
a =. r 2 , b 1, n 2, p = , and m = 3,
we find,
/' i /V2 _ ^2^7. r 2 /* i
( r t _ <*)*z*dx = - ( -f-^ + -^J (r 2 - x*ydx
..... (3)
In Formula B, making
a =r 2 , ft = 1, n = 2,p = $, and m = 1,
we find,
* ~
/ ON -i, / dx . \x
r* x z ) ^dx I sin -.
/ A/ r g _ ^2 r
Substituting this in (4), and that result in (3), we have,
/(r 2 - x*y
r z( r z _ X 2\^
2. Let dy =
= (- a* + x
In Formula G, making a = a 2 , b = 1, n = 2, p
and m 2, we have,
But by Formula (24),
/_ x -l _i 7 / dk 1 _ i
a 2 + ic 2 ) % 1 c?a; = I - -- = - sec -.
J x^/ x z _ a z a , a
Substituting in (5), we have, for the value of y,
L_ __
3. Let dn
In Formula D, making x = z, a = 1, ft = 1, n = 2,
= 2, and m = 1, we have,
Hence, we have, for the value of y,
r dz
J 7*TT-
h tan- 1 *
T 2 tf
This is the method of integration referred to under the
Fourth Case of rational fractions. By a continued ap-
plication of Formula D, any expression of the form,
7~^ -- 2\ n > can ^ e re duced t an integrable form.
(a + z )
The following additional examples can be reduced to
integrable forms by the application of Formulas A, B, C,
and D.
sin -.
1 f/~ "if
Ans. y = -x(a* x*)~2+ sin" 1 -.
A 6 a
5. dy = (a*
6. dy=(l+ x*)x*dx. Ans. y = -
3 . _
5. Let it be required to simplify the expression,
x n dx
Changing the form and removing the factor x from under
the radical sign, we have,
in formula A, making,
a = 2a, b = - 1, n = 1, p = J, and m = n + $,
and reducing, we have,
l(pn + m) = n, and a(m n) = 2a(n i) = a(2n 1) ;
71-1 ,
a; V 2ax
/* X U dx
I =
/ ^\/2ax x 2
,9,,_1U/ ,-!& ^
Formula E enables us to reduce the exponent n by 1,
at each application ; if n is entire and positive, by a con-
tinued application of the formula we ultimately arrive at
the form, / ' , which is equal to versin" 1 -.
J v2axx 2 a
1. dy =
J /y
Ans. y = V%ax x 2 + a versin" -.
* a
Certain Trinomial Differentials.
71. Every trinomial differential that can be reduced to
the form
(a + lx x*fx m dx (1)
can be made rational in terms of an auxiliary variable,
and consequently can be integrated, when p and m are
whole numbers.
When p is even, the expression is already rational;
when p is odd, say of the form 2n + 1, the expression
(a + lx x*) n (a + lx x^x m dx (2)
in which the only irrational part is Va 4- bx =fc x 2 . There
may be two cases; first, when x z is positive, and secondly,
when x 2 is negative.
1. When x z is positive.
Va + bx + x 2 = z x; /. a + "bx + x 2 = z 9 2zx + x* j
striking out the common term x 2 , and solving, we have,
z 2 a
; /. dx =
fyfi T
4^4^ (3)
Substituting these in (2), the result will be rational.
~ (4)
Comparing (4) with (1), we find, a = 1, and 5 = 1.
Hence, from (3), we have,
+ 1
Substituting in (4), and making z = x + V 1 + x + x 2 ,
we hare,
y = l(%z + 1) = Z(2Z + 1 + 2 VI
^ 2 a; 1
Ans. y = Z(2a; - 1 + 2Vx 2 x - 1).
3 . rfy= __J|==.
Ans. y if -====\.
\ * "^ I V "^ r *v i ** X
S. IFAew x 9 is negative.
Let a and j3 be taken so as to satisfy the equation,
a + bx - x* = (x - a)(/J - x) (5)
Va + bx x 2 = V(x a)(# x) (x a)g;
squaring and reducing, we have,
P-x = (x a)z* ; or, z =
_ ff + ag8
: T+"^" ;
These values substituted in (1), will make it rational.
T , ,
Let e =
dx dx
.-. a = - 2, and /S = 1 (7)
From (C), we have,
Substituting in (7), we find,
also z = A / - .
= - 2tan- 1
r + z z ' y - |/ jr+2
Integration by Series.
72. It is often convenient to develop a differential into
a series, arranged according to the ascending powers of
the variable, and then to integrate each term separately.
This method sometimes enables us to find an approxi-
mate value for an integral, which cannot be found in any
other manner; it also enables us to deduce many useful
1. dy =
Developing (1 x 2 ) * by the binomial formula, and
multiplying each term by x 2 dx, w r e have,
X 3 X 6 X
'y=w -TO -56-ifl - eta
By Formula (14) y is equal to tan" 1 ^. Developing bj
the binomial formula, we have,
(1 + x*)~ l = 1 x 2 + ?; 4 x* + x 8 z 10 + etc.
Substituting, and integrating, we have the Formula,
__1 x 3 x 5 x' 1 x 9
tall z =a ,.__ + ___ + __etc.
= (1 x 4- x z x* + etc.)dx
y = 1(1 + x) = x - |- + f- - |- + etc.
3x s
Integration of Transcendental Differentials.
73. A transcendental differential is one that is expressed
in terms of some transcendental quantity. There are three
principal classes; viz., logarithmic, exponential, and cir-
Logarithmic Differentials.
74. A large ir'imber of cases come under the general
dy = z m - l (lx) n dx (1)
u = (Ix) 71 , and dv = x m ~ l dx;
.: du = ^-^ ' -' and v = >
2; T/Z.
substituting in Formula (28), and reducing, we have.
y =
Formula ,F is a formula of reduction ; it reduces the
exponent of (Ix) by 1 at each application.
1. dy = x(to)*dx.
2. rfy =
3. dti =
Am. y =
Eeversing Formula ^ and reducing, we have,
Replacing w 1 by w, and reducing, we have,
/^J_^ = __ x^ __ + m /?^~V*
(lx} n (n - 1) (Ix) 71 ' 1 + n- lJ\U)> 1 - 1
The continued application of formula G gives as a final
/ v m lfl x
n ., which can be integrated
by series. It fails when n = 1. Let m = 0, and n = I ;
we then have,
Exponential Differentials.
75. Let it be required to integrate an expression of the
dij = x m a x dx (1)
u x m , and dv a x dx\ .: du = mx m dx, and v = r .
u = mx"" ~tlx, and v =
Substituting in Formula (28),
/ la la J
When m < 1, we have,
fifdx =
Whence, we have,
v = nacos(~t\ (30)
This equation is used in discussing the laws of light,
and in many other cases.
Curvilinear Motion of a Point.
98. A point cannot move in a curve except under the
action of an incessant force, whose direction is inclined to
the direction of the motion. This force is called the de-
flecting force, and can be resolved into two components,
one in the direction of the motion, and the other at right
angles to it. The former acts simply to increase or di-
minish the velocity, and is called the tangential force ; the
latter acts to turn the point from its rectilinear direc-
tion, and being directed toward the centre of curvature
is called the centripetal force. The resistance offered by
the point to the centripetal force, in consequence of its
inertia, is equal and directly opposed to the centripetal
force, and is called the centrifugal force.
To find expressions for the tangential and centripetal
forces, let the acceleration due to the deflecting force in the
direction of the axis of x, at any
time t } be denoted by JT, and the
acceleration in the direction of
the axis of y by Y. Let these be
resolved into components acting
tangentially and normally. The
algebraic sum of the tangential
components is the tangential accel-
eration denoted by T, and the
algebraic sum of the normal components is the centripetal
acceleration denoted by JV. Assuming the notation of the
figure, we have,
T = JT
N JTsind I"cos0.
But from Articles (93) and (5), we have,
dx dy
cosd = r ; smd = -/-.
ds d
Substituting in the preceding equations, and reducing oil
the supposition that t is the independent variable, and bv
means of Formula (3), Art. (38), we have,
_ _ d~x dx d 2 y dy
~ ~di* ' T* + W ' ts
-_ _ d*xdy d*ydx
dt* . ds
ds z d*ydx d*xdy __ v*
~di*'~ ~ds*~ ~ ~R
But the centripetal acceleration is equal and directly op-
posed to the centrifugal acceleration. Denoting the lattei
by f, we have,
v 2
IVom (31) we see that the tangential force is independ
ent of the centripetal force, and from (32) we see that the
acceleration due to the centrifugal force at any point of the
trajectory, is equal to the square of the velocity divided by
the radius of curvature at that point.
Velocity of a Point rolling down a Curve in a Vertical Plane.
90. Let a point roll down a curve, situated in a vertical
plane, under the influence of gravity regarded as constant.
Let the origin of co-ordinates be taken at the starting
point, and let distances downward be positive. At any
point of the curve, whose ordinate is y, the force of gravity
being denoted by g, we have, for the tangential component
of gravity, #sin<3, or, g -f ; placing this equal to its value,
equation (31), we have,
dij d z s
Integrating and reducing, remembering that the constant
ife under the particular hypothesis, we have,
2 is* ; or? v =
The second member of (1) is the velocity due to the
height y. Hence, the velocity generated by a body rolling
down a curve, gravity being constant, is equal to that gen-
erated by falling freely through the same vertical height.
This principle is true so long as g is constant. But g
may be regarded as constant from element to element, no
matter what may be the law of variation. Hence, if a body
fall toward the sun, or earth, on a spiral line, the ultimate
velocity will be the same as though it had fallen on a right
line toward the centre of the attracting body. The direc-
tion of the motion, however, is not the same, for in the
former case it is tangential to the trajectory pursued, and
in the latter case it is normal to the attracting body.
The Simple Pendulum.
100. A simple pendulum is a material point suspended
from a horizontal axis, by a line without weight, and free
to vibrate about that axis.
Let ABC be the arc through which the vibration takes
place, and denote its radius by I. The angle CD A is the
amplitude of vibration ; half this angle,
ADB, denoted by a, is the angle of
deviation; and I is tlie length of tlie
pendulum. If the point start from
rest, at A, it will, on reaching any
point, //, of its path, have a velocity, v,
due to the height EK, denoted by y.
v =
If we denote the angle HDB by 6, we have DK ' = 7cos0;
we also have DE=lcosa and since y is equal to DKDE,
we have,
y = J(cos0 - COSa),
which, being substituted in the preceding formula,
v = A2#/(cos4 cosa).
Again, denoting the angular velocity at the time i by r
But m is the mass of the shell, and a is the distance of D
from the centre; hence, the shell attracts a particle with-
out it as though its entire mass were concentrated at its
A homogeneous sphere may be regarded as made np of
spherical shells; hence, a sphere attracts any point without
it, as though the mass of the sphere were concentrated at its
centre. The same is true of a sphere made up of homoge-
neous strata, which vary in density in passing from the
surface to the centre. It is to be inferred that two homo-
geneous spheres, or two spheres made up of homogeneous
strata, attract each other as though both were concentrated
at their centres.
If an opening were made from the surface to the centre
of the earth, supposed homogeneous, and a body were to
move along it under the earth's attraction, it would every-
where be urged on by a force varying diretily as the dis-
tance of the body from the centre. For, denote the dis-
tance of the body from the centre at any instant by x.
The body will only be acted on by the nucleus whose radius
is x. If we take r to represent the radius of the earth,
and remember that the masses are proportional to these
volumes, we have,
4 4
M : m : : ^vr 3 : ^*x 3 : : r 3 : x 3 .
o o
Denoting the force of attraction at the surface by g, and
the force of attraction at the point whose distance from
the centre is x by/, we have, from the Newtonian law,
Hence, the proposition is proved. (See Art. 96.)
Orbital Motion.
102. If a moving point, P 9 be continually acted on by a
deflecting force directed toward a fixed centre, it will de-
scribe a line or path, called an orbit. If the moving point
be undisturbed by the action of any other force, the orbit
will lie in a plane passing through the fixed centre and an
element of the curve. Let
this plane be taken as the
co-ordinate plane, let the
fixed point be the origin,
and let the orbit be repre-
sented by APB.
Denote the acceleration
due to the deflecting force
at any time t by/, its in-
Fig. 29.
clination to the axis by 9, and its components in the direc-
tions of the co-ordinate axes by A" and Y.
From the figure, we have,
X ~/cos?, and Y= /ship
If we regard / as the independent variable, dx and dy will
both be variable, and from Equation (3), Art 93, we have,
If we denote the co-ordinates of P by x and y, and ita
radius vector FP by r, we have, from the figure,
x . ii
cosp = -, sm
dx dr . dq> , n *
= cosf-win^ (9)
\V*e also, have, Art. (53),
<&* = r*dq>* + dr* ...... (10)
Substituting in (5), and reducing by the relations,
%2 _j_ 2/2
aasiiKp 3, cos? = 0, and xcos? + f/sincp = --- f,
we have,
From equation (6), we have,
But, from (11), we have,
,, r z dq>
dt = ~C^
and this, in (12), gives,
Equations (11) and (13) are the equations required.
Multiplying (11) by dt, and integrating, we have,
= Ct + C'" (14)
But, by Art. 53, r z dy is twice the elementary area swept
over by the radius vector; hence, the first member of (14)
is an expression for twice the area swept over by the radiua
VHctor up to the time t. If we suppose the area to bo
reckoned from the initial line FX, and at the same time
suppose t = 0, we have C'" = 0. Substituting this in (14),
and in the resulting equation making t = I, we find
C equal to twice the area swept over in the first unit of
time ; denoting the area described in the unit of time bv
A, we have, C 2 A, and consequently,
= 2At (15)
From Equation (15) we infer that the areas described by
elae radius vector are proportional to the times of descrip-
tion, and this without reference to the nature of the de-
flecting force.
To find the equation of the orbit, let us assume as M
particular case, the Newtonian law of universal gravita-
tion. .Denoting the force exerted by the central body at a
unit's distance by k, we have, for the attraction at the
distance r,
Making r = -, whence dr = -- -, and substituting for (j
*nd/ their values in (13), we have,
du 2 2k
_ +w2= __
To find the value of <7 V , let ~ = 0, when r = r', or
u = u r . But when - = 0, we also have - T = 0, that is.
the radius vector is perpendicular to the arc. If we denote
the corresponding velocity by v', we have,
and, consequently,
2k 2k
A* U ~ v'*r' 3 '
Making these substitutions in (18), we find,
fiV _ %k
775 ~~ _./-/
Denoting this value of O y by S, and solving Equation (18),
we have,
du* 2k \ k*
du* ( 2k \
W = 8 ' -QI*) =
Solving with reference to
4 pages in quarto form.
Monteith's Map-Drawing Made Easy.
A neat little book of outlines and instructions, giving the "corners of States" in
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Monteith's Manual of Map-Drawing (Allen's System).
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ting outlines to memory by means of pictures of living creatures and familiar objects.
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"the world we live in," which weeks of book study might fail to convey.
Monteith's School Maps, 8 Numbers.
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Including a map of Paul's Travels (5.00), one of Ancient Canaan (3. 00), and Mod-
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Davies' Primary Arithmetic.
Davies' Intellectual Arithmetic.
Elements of Written Arithmetic.
Practical Arithmetic.
University Arithmetic.
First Book in Arithmetic, Primary and Mental
Complete Arithmetic.
Davies' New Elementary Algebra.
Davies' University Algebra.
Davies' New Bourdon's Algebra.
Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry.
Davies' Legendre's Geometry.
Davies' Analytical Geometry and Calculus.
Davies' Descriptive Geometry.
Davies' New Calculus.
Davies' Practical Mathematics and Mensuration.
Davies' Elements of Surveying.
Davies' Shades, Shadows, and Perspective.
Davies' Grammar of Arithmetic.
Davies' Outlines of Mathematical Science.
Davies' Nature and Utility of Mathematics.
Davies' Metric System.
Davies & Peck's Dictionary of Mathematics.
In claiming for this series the first place among American text-books, of whatever
class, the publishers appeal to the magnificent record which its volumes have earned
during the tkirty-jhe years of Dr. Charles Davies's mathematical labors. The unremit-
ting exertions of a l.fe-time have placed the modern series on tlie same proud eminence
among competitors that each of its predecessors had successively enjoyed in a course of
constantly improved editions, now rounded to their perfect fruition, for it seems
almost that this science is susceptible of no further demonstration.
During the period alluded to, many authors and editors in this department h?ve
started into public notice, and, by borrowing ideas and processes original with Dr. Davies,
have enjoyed a brief popularity, but are now almost unknown. Many of the series of
to-day, built upon a similar basis, and described as " modern books," are destined to a
similar fate ; while the most far-seeing eye will find it diflicult to fix the time, on the
basis of any data afforded by their past history, when these books will cease to increase
and prosper, and fix a still firmer hold on the affection of every educated American.
One cause of this unparalleled popularity is found in the fact that the eiiterfin.se of the
author did not cease with the original completion of his books. Always a praciicai
teacher, he has incorporated in his text-books from time to time tlie ad vantages or every
improvement in method* of teaching, and every advance in science. During ail the
years in which he has been laboring he constantly submitted his own theories and those
of others to the practical test of the class-room, approving, rejecting, or modify ing
them as the experience thus obtained might suggest. In this way he has been aiile
to produce an almost perfect series of class-books, in which every department of
mathematics has received minute and exhaustive attention.
Upon tlie death of Dr. Davies, which took place in 1876, his work was immediately
taken up by his former pupil and mathematical associate of many years, Prof. W. G.
Peck, LL.D., of Columbia College. By him, with Prof. J. H. Van Amringe, of Columbia
College, the original series is kept carefully revised and up to the times.
STATES, for the following reasons :
1st. It is the basis of instruction in the great national schools at West Point and
2d. It has received the quasi indorsement of the National Congress.
3d. It is exclusively used in the public schools of the National Capital.
4th. The officials of the Government use it as authority in all cases involving mathe-
matical questions.
5th. Our great soldiers and sailors commanding the national armies and navies were
educated in this system. So have been a majority of eminent scientists in this country.
All these refer to " Davies " as authority.
6th. A larger number of American citizens have received their education from this
than from any other series.
7th. The scries has a larger circulation throughout the whole country than any other,
being extensive;/!/ used in every State in the Union.
The best thoughts of these two illustrious mathematicians are combined in (he
Following beautiful works, which are the natural successors of Davies's Arithmetics,
sumptuously printed, and bound iu crimson, green, and gold:
Davies and Peck's Brief Arithmetic.
Also called the " Elementary Arithmetic." It is the shortest presentation of the sub-
ject, and is ndiqiiatt: for all grades in common schools, being a thorough introduction to
practical lite, except for the specialist.
At h'rst the authors play with the little learner for a few lessons, by object-teaching
and kindred allurements ; but he soon begins to realize that study is earnest, as he
becomes familiar with the simpler operations, and is delighted to find himself master of
important resuKs.
The second part reviews the Fundamental Operations on a scale proportioned iu
the enlarged intelligence of the learner. It establishes the General Principles and
Properties of Numbers, and then proceeds to Fractions. Currency and the Metric
(System are fully treated in connection with Decimals. Compound Numbers and Re-
duction follow, and finally Percentage with all its varied applications.
An Index of words and principles concludes the book, for which every scholar and
most teachers will be grateful. How much time has been spent in searching for a half-
forgotten definition or principle in a former lesson !
Davies and Peck's Complete Arithmetic.
This work c :rtainly deserves its name in the best sense. Though complete, it is not,
like most others which hear the same title, cumbersome. These authors excel in clear,
lucid demonstrations, teaching tl.e science pure and simple, yet not ignoring convenient
methods ;:i.d practical applications.
For turning out a thorough business man no other work is so well adapted. He will
have a clear comprehension, of the science as a whole, and a working acquaintance
with detai.s which must serve him well in all emergencies. Distinguishing features of
the book are the logical progression of the subjects and the great variety of practical
problems, not. puzzle*, which are beneath the dignity of educational science. A clear-
minded critic Las said of Dr. Peck's work that it is free from that juggling with
numbers which fome authors falsely call " Analysis." A series of Tables for converting
ordinal y weights ahd measures into the Metric .System appear in the later editions.
Peck's First Lessons in Numbers.
This book begins with pictorial illustrations, and unfolds gradually the science of
numbers. It noticeably simplifies the subject by developing the principles of addition
and subtraction simultaneously ; as it does, also, those of multiplication and division.
Peck's Manual of Arithmetic.
This hook is designed especially 'or those who seek sufficient instruction to carry
them successfully through practical life, but have not time for extended study.
Peck's Complete Arithmetic.
This completes the series but is a much briefer book than most of the complete
arithmetics, and is recommended not only for what it contains, but also for what is
It may be said of Dr. Peck's books more truly than of any other series published, that
they are clear and simple in definition and rule, and that superfluous matter of every
Kind has been faithfully eliminated, thus magnifying the working value of the book
ud saving unnecessary expense of time and labor.
In this series JOSEPH FICKLIN, Ph. D., Proi'essor of Mathematics and Astronomy
in the University of Missouri, lias combined all the best and latest results of practical
and experimental teaching of arithmetic with the assistance of many distinguished
mathematical authors.
Barnes's Elementary Arithmetic.
Barnes's National Arithmetic.
These two works constitute a complete arithmetical course in two books.
They meet the demand for text-books that will help students to acquire the greatest
amount of useful and practical knowledge of Arithmetic by the smallest expenditure of
time, labor, and money. Nearly every topic in Written Arithmetic is introduced, and its
principles illustrated, by exercises in Oral Arithmetic. The free use of Equations ; the
concise method of combining and treating Properties of Numbers; the treatment of
Multiplication and Division of Fractions in two cases, and then reduceO-to one; Can-
cellation by the use of the vertical line, especially in Fractions, Interest, and Proportion ;
the brief, simple, and greatly superior method of working Partial Payments by the
41 Time Table " and Cancellation ; the substitution of formulas to a great extent for
rules; the full and practical treatment of the Metric System, &c., indicate their com-
pleteness. A variety of methods and processes for the same topic, which deprive the
pupil of the great benefit of doing a part of the thinking and labor for himself, have
beeu discarded. The statement of principles, definitions, rules, &c., is brief and simple.
The illustrations and methods are explicit, direct, and practical. The great number
and variety of Examples embody the actual business of the day. The very large
amount of matter condensed in so small a compass has beeu accomplished by econo-
mizing every line of space, by rejecting superfluous matter and obsolete terms, and by
avoiding the repetition of analyses, explanations, and operations in the advanced topics
which have been used in the more elementary parts of these books.
For use in district schools, and for supplying a text-book in advanced work for
{lasses having finished the course as given in the ordinary Practical Arithmetics, the
National Arithmetic has been divided and boutd separately, as follows :
Barnes's Practical Arithmetic.
' liarnes's Advanced Arithmetic.
In many schools there are classes that for various reasons never reach beyond
Percentage. It is just such cases where Barnes's Practical Arithmetic will answer a
good purpose, at a price to the jwpil much less than to buy the complete book. On the
other hand, classes having finished the ordinary Practical Arithmetic can proceed
with the higher course by using Barnes's Advanced Arithmetic.
For primary schools requiring simply a table Ixwk, and the earliest rudiments
forcibly presented through object-teaching and copious illustiations, we have
Barnes's First Lessons in Arithmetic,
which begins with the most elementary notions of numbers, and proceeds, by simple
steps, to develop all the fundamental principles of Arithmetic.
Barnes's Elements of Algebra.
This work, as its title indicates, is elementary in its character and suitable for use,
(1) in such public schools as give instruction in the Elements of Algebra : (2) in institu-
tions of learning whose courses of study do not include Higher Algebra ; (3) in schools
whose object is to prepare students for entrance into our colleges and universities.
This book will also meet the wants of students of Physics who require some knowledge ot
Algebra. The student's progress in Algebra depends very largely upon the proper treat-
ment of the four Fundamental Operations* The terms Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
and Division in Algebra have a wider meaning than in Arithmetic, and these operations
have been so denned as to include their arithmetical meaning ; so that the beginner
is sinrply called upon to enlarge his views of those fundamental operations. Much
attention has been given to the explanation of the negative sign, in order to remove the
well-known difficulties in the use and interpretation of that sign. Special attention is
here called to " A Short Method of Removing Symbols of Aggregation," Art. 76. On
account of their importance, the subjects of Factoring, Greatest Cowman Dirisor, and
Least Common Multiple have been treated at greater length than Is usual in elementary
works. In the treatment of Fractions, a method is used which is quite simple, and',
at tl/e same time, more general than that usually employed. In connection with Ri>i-iu-ii 1-nlci-n from the earliest to the present time, with blanks under each, in
which the pupil may write the summary of the life of the ruler.
Oilman's First Steps in General History.
A "suggestive outline" of rare compactness. Each country is treated by itself, and
the United States receive special attention. Frequent maps, contemporary events in
tables, references to standard works for fuller details, and a minute Index' constitute
the " Illustrative Apparatus.' 1 From no other work that we know of can so succinct a
view of the world's history be obtained. Considering the necessary limitation of space,
the style is surprisingly vivid, and at times even ornate. In all respects a charming,
though not the less practical, text-book.
Baker's Brief History of Texas.
Dimitry's History of Louisana.
Alison's Napoleon First.
The history of Europe from 1788 to 1S15. By Archibald Alison. Abridged by Edward
S. Gould. One vol., Svo, with appendix, questions, and maps. 550 pages.
Lord's Points of History.
The salient points in the history of the world arranged catechetically for class use or
for review and examination of teacher or pupil. By John Lord, LL.D. 12mo, 300
Carrington's Battle Maps and Charts of the American
Topographical Maps and Chronological Charts of every battle, with 3 steel portraits
of Washington. Svo, cloth.
Condit's History of the English Bible.
For theological and historical students this book has an intrinsic value. It gives the
history of all the English translations down to the present time, together with a careful
review of their influence upon English literature and language.
A Brief History of the United
This is probably the MOST ORIGINAL SCHOOL-BOOK pub-
lished for many years, in any department. A few of it?
claims are the following :
1. Brevity. The text is complete for grammar school
or intermediate classes, in 290 12im> pages, large type.
It may readily be completed, if desired, in one term of
2. Comprehensiveness. Though so brief, this book
contains the pith of all the wearying contents of the larger
manuals, and a great deal more than the memory usually
retains I'roin the latter.
3. Interest has been a prime consideration. Small
books have heretofore been bare, full of dry statistics, unattractive. This one is
charmingly written, replete with anecdote, and brilliant with illustration.
4. Proportion of Events. It is remarkable for the discrimination with which
the different portions of our history are presented according to their importance. Thus
the older works, being already large books when the Civil War took place, give it less
space than that accorded to the Revolution.
5. Arrangement. In six epochs, entitled respectively, Discovery and Settlement,
the Colonies, the Revolution, Growth of States, the Civil War. and Current Events.
6. Catch Words. Each paragraph is preceded by its leading thought in promi-
nent type, standing in the student's mind for the whole paragraph.
7:- Key Notes. Analogous with this is the idea of grouping battles, c.., about
some central event, which relieves the sameness so common in such descriptions, and
renders each distinct by some striking peculiarity of its own.
8. Foot-Notes. These are crowded with interesting matter that is not strictly a
part of history proper. They may be learned or not, at pleasure. They are certain
in any event to be read.
9. Biogiaphies of all the leading characters are given in full in foot-notes.
10. Maps. Elegant and distinct maps from engravings on copper-plate, and beauti-
fully colored, precede each epoch, and contain all the places named.
n. Questions are at the back of the book, to compel a more independent use of the
text. Both text and questions are so worded that the pupil must give intelligent
answers IN HIS OWN WORDS. " Yes" and "No " will not do.
HISTORY Continued.
12. Historical Recreations. These are additional questions to test the student's
knowledge, in review, ;is : "What trees are celebrated in our history?" "When
did a Jog save our army?" "What Presidents died in office?" "When was the
Mississippi our western boundary?" "Who said, 'I would rather be right than
President ' ? " &c.
13. The Illustrations, about seventy in number, are the work of our best artists
and engravers, produced at great expense. They are vivid and interesting, and mostly
upon subjects never before illustrated in a school-book.
14 Dates Only the leading dates are given in the text, and these are so associated
as to assist the memory, but at the head of each page is the date of the event imt
mentioned, and at the close of each epoch a summary of events and dates.
15. The Philosophy of History is studiously exhibited, the causes and effects
of events being distinctly traced and their inter-connection shown.
16. Impartiality. All sectional, partisan, or denominational views are avoided.
Facts are stated after a careful comparison of all authorities without the least prejudice
or favor.
17. Index. A verbal index at the close of the book perfects it as a work of reference.
It will be observed that the above are all particulars in which School Histories have
been signally defective, or altogether wanting. Many otlicr claims to favor it shares in
common with its predecessors.
From PROF. WM. F. ALLEN, Slate Uni-
versity of H'isconsin.
"Two features that I like re.ry much
are the anecdotes at the foot of the page
and the 'Historical Recreations' in the
Appendix. The latter, I think, is quite
a n-w feature, and the other is very well
tendent Public Instruction, Illinois.
" Barnes's One-Term History of the
United States is an exceedingly attrac-
tive and spirited little book. Its claim
to several new and valuable features seems
well founded. Under the form of six well-
defined epochs, the history of the United
States is traced tersely, yet pithily, from
the earliest times to the present day. A
good map precedes each epoch, whereby
the history and geography of the period
may be studied together, ns tttry nlwnys
sfionl I. be. The syllabus of each paragraph
is made to stand in such bold relief, by
the use of large, heavy type, as to be of
much mnemonic value to the student. The
book is written in a sprightly and pi-
Suant style, the interest never llag.-'ing
om beginning to end, a rare and diffi-
cult achievement in works of this kind."
From HON. ABNER J. PHIPPS, Sipe rill-
ten lent S-hools, Lwiston, Maine,.
4 - Barnes's History of the United States
has been used for severnl years in the
Lewiston schools, and has proved a very
satisfactory work. I have examined the
new edition of it."
From HON. R. K. BUCHET/L, City Superin-
tendent S hoofs, L-nicaster, Pa.
" It is the best history of the kind I have
ever seen.''
From T. J. CHARLTON, Superintendent
Public Schools, Vincmn-s, In I.
" We have used it here for six years,
and it has given almost per.ect satisfac-
tion. . . . The notes in fine print at the
bottom of the pages are of especial value."
From PROF. WM. A. MOWRY, E. ,j- C.
School, Providence, Jt. /.
" Permit me to express my high appre-
ciation of your book. I wish all text-
books for the young had equal merit."
From HON. A. M. K El LEY, City Attnrneij,
Lute Mayor, and President of the School
Board, City of RichmonJ, Va.
" I do not hesitate to volunteer to you
the opinion that Barnes 's History is en-
titled to the preference in almost every
respect that distinguishes a good school-
book. . . . The narrative generally exhibits
the temper of the jud^e ; rarely, if ever,
of the advocate."
A Brief History of An-
cient Peoples.
With an account of their monuments,
literature, and manners. 340 pages.
12mo. Profusely illustrated.
In this work 'the political history,
which occupies nearly, if not all,
the ordinary school text, is condensed
to the salient and essential facts, in
order to give room for a clear outline
of the literature, religion, architecture,
character, habits, &o., of each nation.
Surely it is as important to know some-
tking'abmit Plato as all about Caesar,
and to learn how the ancients wrote
their books as how they fought their
The chapters on Manners and Cus-
toms and the Scenes in Real Life repre-
sent the people of history as men and
women subject to the same wants, hopes
and fears as ourselves, and so bring the distant past near to us. The Scenes, which are
intended only for reading, are the result of a careful study of the unequalled collections of
monuments in the London and Berlin Museums, of the ruins in Rome and Pompeii, and
of the latest authorities on the domestic life of ancient peoples. Though intentionally
written in a semi-romantic style, they are accurate pictures of what might have occurred
and some of them are simple transcriptions of the details sculptured in Assyrian
alabaster or painted on Egyptian walls.
HISTORY Continued.
The extracts made from the sacred books of the East are not specimens of their style
and teachings, but only gems selected often from a mass of matter, much of which would
be absurd, ineaningless, and even revolting. It has not seemed best to cumber a booic
like this with selections conveying no moral lesson.
Ihe numerous cross-references, the abundant dates in parenthesis, the pronunciation
of the names in the Index, the choice reading references at the close of each general
subject, and the novel Historical Recreations in the Appendix, will be of service to
teacher and pupil alike.
Though designed primarily for a text-book, a large class of persons general readers,
who desire to know something about the progress of historic criticism and ,ne recent
discoveries made among the resurrected monuments of the East, but have no leisure to
read the ponderous volumes of Brugsch, Layard, Grote, Mommseu, and lime will lind
tli is volume just what they need.
Frnm HOMER B. SPRAGUE, Heal Master
Girls' II/f/h Schod, H'e.st Newton St., Bos-
" I Vug to recommend in strong terms
the adoption of Barnes's 'History of
Ancient Peoples' as a text-book. It is
about as nearly perfect as could be
hoped for. The adoption would give
great relish to the study of Ancient
HE Brief History of France.
By the author of the " Brhf United States,"
^r with all the attractive features of that popu-
lar work (which see) and new ones of its own.
It is believed ti;at the History of France
has never before been presented in such
brief compass, and this is effected without
sacrificing one particle of interest. The book
reads like a romance, and, while drawing the
student by an irresistible fascination to his
task, impresses the great outlines indelibly upon the memory.
Based upon the experience of the most successful teachers of drawing in the United
The Primary Course, consisting of a manual, ten cards, and three primary
drawing books. A, B, and C.
Intermediate Course. Four numbers and a manual.
Advanced Course. Four numbers and a manual.
Instrumental Course. Four numbers and a manual.
The Intenneuiate, Advanced, and Instrumental Courses are furnished either in book
or card form at the same prices. The books contain the usual blanks, with the unusual
advantage of opening Irom the pupil, placing the copy directly in front and above
the blank, thus occupying but little desk-room. The cards are in the end more econom-
ical than the books, if used in connection with the patent blank folios that accompany
this series.
The cards are arranged to be bound (or tied) in the folios and removed at pleasure.
The pupil at the end of each number has a complete book, containing only his own
work, while the copies are preserved and inserted in another fol.o reaily for use in the
next class.
Patent Blank Folios. No. 1. Adapted to Intermediate Course. No. 2. Adap'ed
to Advanced and Instrumental Courses.
The Plan and Arrangement. The examples are so arranged that teachers and
pupils can see, at a glance, how they are to be treated and where they are to lie copied.
In this system, copying and designing do not receive all the attention. The plan is
broader in its aims, dealing with drawing as a branch of common-school instruction,
and giving it a wide educational value.
Correct Methods. In this system the pupil is led to rely upon himself, and not
upon delusive mechanical aids, as printed guide-marks, &c.
One of the principal objects of any good course in freehand drawing is to educate the
eye to estimate location, form, and size. A system which weakens the motive or re-
moves the necessity of thinking is false in theory and ruinous in practice. The object
should be to educate, not crani ; to develop the intelligence, not teach tricks.
Artistic Effect. The beauty of the examples is not destroyed by crowding the
pages with useless arid badly printed text. The Manuals contain all necessary
Stages of Development. Many of the examples are accompanied by diagrams,
showing the different stages of development.
Lithographed Examples. The examples are printed in imitation of pencil
drawing (not in hard, black lines) that the pupil's work may resemble them.
One Term's Work. Each book contains what can be accomplished in an average
term, and no more. Thus a pupil finishes one book before beginning another.
Quality not Quantity. Success in drawing depends upon the amount of thovght
exercised by the pupil, and not upon the large number of examples drawn.
Designing. Elementary design is more skilfully taught in this system than by
any other. In addition to the instruction given in the books, the pupilwill find prii.ted
on the insides of the covers a variety of beautiful patterns.
Enlargement and Reduction. The practice of enlarging and reducing from
copies is not commenced until the pupil is well advanced in the course and therefore
better able to cope with this difficult feature in drawing.
Natural Forms. This is the only course that gives at convenient intervals easy
arid progressive exercises in the drawing of natural forms.
Economy. By the patent binding described above, the copies need not be thrown
aside when a book is filled out, but are preserved in perfect condition for future use.
The blank books, only, will have to be purchased after the first introduction, thus effect-
ing a saving of more than half in the usual cost of drawing-books.
Manuals for Teachers. The Manuals accompanying this series contain practical
instructions for conducting drawing in the class-room, with definite directions for draw-
ing each of the examples in the books, instructions for designing, model and object
drawing, drawing from natural forms, &c.
DRAWING Continued.
Chapman's American Drawing-Book.
The standard American text-book and authority in all branches of art. A compilation
of art principles. A manual for the amateur, and basis of study for the professional
artist. Adapted for schools and private instruction.
CONTENTS. "Any one who can Learn to Write can Learn to Draw. " Primary In-
struction in Drawing. Rudiments of Drawing the Human ' Head. Rudiments in
Drawing the Human Figure. Rudiments of Drawing. The Elements of Geometry. -
Perspective. Of Studying and Sketching from Nature. Of Painting. Etching and
Engraving . Of Modelling. Of Composition. Advice to the American Art-Student.
The work is of course magnificently illustrated with all the original designs.
Chapman's Elementary Drawing-Book.
A progressive course of practical exercise.*, or a text-book for the training of the
eye and hand. It contains the elements from the larger work, and a copy should be in
the hands of every pupil ; while a copy of the " American Drawing-Book," named above,
should be at hand for reference by the class.
Clark's Elements of Drawing.
A complete course in this graceful art, from the first rudiments of outline to the
finished sketches of landscape and scenery.
Allen's Map-Drawing and Scale.
This method introduces a new era in map-drawing, for the following reasons : 1. It
is a system. This is its greatest merit. 2. It is easily understood and taught.
3. The eye is trained to exact measurement by the use of a scale. 4. By no special
effort of the memory, distance and comparative size are fixed in the mind. 5. It dis-
cards useless construction of lines. 6. It can be taught by any teacher, even though
there may have been no previous practice in map-drawing. 7. Any pupil old enough
to study geography can learn by this system, in a short time, to draw accurate maps.
8. The system is not the result of theory, but comes directly from the school-room.
It has been thoroughly and successfully tested there, with all grades of pupils. J>. It
is economical, as it requires no mapping plates. It gives the pupil the ability of rapidly
drawing accurate maps.
Hamerton's Art Essays (Atlas Series) :
No. 1. The Practical "Work of Painting.
"With portrait of Rubens. 8vo. Paper covers.
No. 2. Modern Schools of Art-
Including American, English, and Continental Painting. 8vo. Paper covers.
Huntington's Manual of the Fine Arts.
A careful manual of instruction in the history of art, up to the present time.
Boyd's Kames' Elements of Criticism.
The best edition of the best work on art and literary criticism ever produced in
Benedict's Tour Through Europe.
A valuable companion for any one wishing to visit the galleries and sights of the
continent of Europe, as well as a charming book of travels.
Dwight's Mythology.
A knowledge of mythology is necessary to an appreciation of ancient art
Walker's World's Fair.
The industrial and artistic display at the Centennial Exhibition.
Powers's Practical Book-keeping.
Powers's Blanks to Practical Book-keeping.
A Treatise on Book-keeping, for Public Schools and Academies. By Millard R.
Powers, M. A. This work is designed to impart instruction upon the science of accounts,
as applied to mercantile business, and it is Iwlieved that more knowledge, and thj.t, tooj
of a more practical nature, can be gained by the plan introduced in this work, than by
any other published.
Folsom's Logical Book-keeping.
Folsom's Blanks to Book-keeping.
This treatise embraces the interesting and important discoveries of Professor Folsom (of
the Albany " Bryant & Stratton College "), the partial enunciation of which in lectures
and otherwise has attracted so much attention in circles interested in commercial
After studying business phenomena for many years, he has arrived at the positive
laws and principles that underlie the whole subject of accounts ; finds that the science
is based in value as a generic term ; that value divides into two clisses with varied
species ; that all the exchanges of values are reducible to nine equations ; and that all
the results of all these exchanges are limited to thirteen in number.
As accounts have been universally taught hitherto, without setting out from a radical
analysis or definition of values, the science has been kept in great obscurity, and been
made as difficult to impart as to acquire. On the new theory, however, these obstacles
are chiefly removed. In reading over the first part of it, in which the governing laws
and principles arc discussed, a person with ordinary intelligence will obtain a fair con-
ception of the double-entry process of accounts. But when he comes to study thoroughly
these laws and principles as there enunciated, and works out the examples and memo-
randa which elucidate the thirteen results of business, the student will neither fail in
readily acquiring the science as it is, uor in becoming able intelligently to apply it in
the interpretation of business
Smith and Martin's Book-keeping.
Smith and Martin's Blanks.
This work is by a practical teacher and a practical book-keeper. It is of a thoroughly
popular class, and will be welcomed by every one. who loves to see theory and practice
combined in an easy, concise, and methodical form.
The single-entry portion is well adapted to supply a want felt in nearly all other
treatises, which seem to be prepared mainly for the use of wholesale merchants ;
leaving retailers, mechanics, farmers, &c. , who transact the greater portion of the
business of the country, without a guide. The work is also commended, on this
account, for general use in young ladies' seminaries, where a thorough grounding
in the simpler form of accounts will be invaluable to the future housekeepers of the
The treatise on double-entry book-keeping combines all the advantages of the
most recent methods with the utmost simplicity of application, thus affording the
pupil all the advantages of actual experience in the counting-house, and giving a
clear comprehension of the entire subject through a judicious course of mercantile
Stone's Post-Office Account Book.
By Micah H. Stone. For record of Box Rents and Postages. Three sizes always in
stock. 64, 108, and 204 pages.
Brooks's Circular Interest Tables.
To calculate simple and compound interest for any amount, from 1 cent to 1,000, at
current rates from 1 day to 7 years.
Steele's i4-Weeks Course in Chemistry.
Steele's 14- Weeks Course in Astronomy.
Steele's i4-Weeks Course in Physics.
Steele's i4-Weeks Course in Geology.
Steele's i4-Weeks Course in Physiology.
Steele's i4-Weeks Course in Zoology.
Steele's i4-Weeks Course in Botany.
Our text-books in these studies are, as a general thing, dull and uninteresting.
They contain from 400 to 600 pages of dry facts and unconnected details. They abound
in that which the student cannot learn, much less remember. Tlie pupil commences
the study, is confused by the line print arid coarse print, and neither knowing exactly
what to learn nor what to hasten over, is crowded through the single term generally
assigned to each branch, and frequently comes to the close without a definite and exact
idea of a single scientific principle.
Steele's " Fourteen- Weeks Courses " contain only that which every well-informed per-
son should know, while all that which concerns only the professional scientist is omitted.
The language is clear, simple, and interesting, and the illustrations bring the subject
within the range of home life and daily experience. They give such of the general
principles and the prominent facts as a pupil can make familiar as household words
within a single term. The type is large and open ; there is no fine print to annoy ;
the cuts are copies of genuine experiments or natural phenomena, and are of fine
In fine, by a system of condensation peculiarly his own, the author reduces each
branch to the limits of a single term of study, while sacrificing nothing that is essential,
and nothing that is usually retained from tire study of the larger manuals in common
use. Thus the student has rare opportunity to economize his time, or rather to employ
that which he has to the best advantage.
A notable feature is the author's charming " style," fortified by an enthusiasm over
his subject in which the student will not fail to partake. Believing that Natural
Science is full of fascination, he has moulded it into a form that attracts the attention
and kindles the enthusiasm of the pupil.
The recent editions contain the author's " Practical Questions " on a plan never
before attempted in scientific, text-books. These are questions as to the nature and
cause of common phenomena, and are not directly answered in the text, the design
being to test and promote an intelligent use of the student's knowledge of the foregoing
Steele's Key to all His Werks.
This work is mainly composed of answers to the Practical Questions, and solutions of the
problems, in the author's celebrated " Fourteen-Weeks Courses " in the several sciences,
with many hints to teachers, minor tables, &c. Should be on every teacher's desk.
Prof. J. Dorman Steele is an indefatigable student, as well as author, and his books
have reached a fabulous circulation. It is sate to say of his books that they have
accomplished more tangible and better results in the class-room than any other ever
offered to American schools, and have been translated into more languages for foreign
schools. They are even produced in raised type for the blind.
Introductory Course of Natural Philosophy.
This book was originally edited from Ganot's " Popular Physics," by William G.
Peck, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Columbia College, and of
Mechanics in the School of Mines. It has recently been revised by Levi S. Bur-
bank, A. M., late Principal of Warren Academy, Woburn, Mass., arid James I. Hanson,
A.M., Principal of the High School, Woburn, Mass.
Of elementary works those of M. Ganot stand pre-eminent, not only as popular
treatises, but as thoroughly scientific expositions of the principles of Physics. His
" Traite de Physique " has not only met with unprecedented success in France, but has
been extensively used in the preparation of the best works on Physics that have been
Issued from the American press.
In addition to the "Traite de Physique," which is intended for the use of colleges
and higher institutions of learning, M. Ganot published this more elementary work,
adapted to the use of schools and academies, in which he faithfully preserved the
prominent features and all the scientific accuracy of the larger work. It is charcter-
ized by a well-balanced distribution of subjects, a logical development of scientific
principles, and a remarkable clearness of definition and explanation. In addition, it is
profusely illustrated with beautifully executed engravings, admirably calculated to
convey to the mind of the student a clear conception of the principles unfolded. Their
completeness and accuracy are such as to enable the teacher to dispense with much of
the apparatus usually employed in teaching the elements of Physical Science.
After several years of great popularity the American publishers have brought this
important book thoroughly up to the times. The death of the accomplished educator,
Professor Burbank, took place before he had completed his work, and it was then
taken in hand by his friend, Professor Hanson, who was familiar with his plans, and
lias ably and satisfactorily brought the work to completion.
The essential characteristics and general plan of the book have, so far as possible,
been retained, but at the same time many parts have been entirely rewritten, much
new matter added, a large number of new cuts introduced, and the whole treatise
thoroughly revised and brought into harmony with the present advanced stage of sci-
entific discovery.
Among the new features designed to aid in teaching the subject-matter are the
summaries of topics, which, it is thought, will be found very convenient in short
As many teachers prefer to prepare their own questions on the text, and many do not
have time to spend in the solution of problems, it has been deemed expedient to insert
both the review questions and problems at the end of the volume, to be used or not at
the discretion of the instructor.
Fram the Churchman.
" No department of science has under-
gone so many improvements and changes
in the last quarter of a century as that of
natural philosophy. So many and so im-
portant have been the discoveries and
inventions in every branch of it that
everything seems changed but its funda-
mental principles. Ganot has chapter
upon chapter upon subjects that were not
so much as known by name to Olmsted ;
and here we have Ganot, first edited by
Professor Peck, and afterward revised by
the late Mr. Burbank and Mr. Hanson. No
elementary works upon philosophy have
been superior to those of Ganot, either as
popular treatises or as scientific exposi-
tions of the principles of physics, and
his ' Traite de Physique ' has not only had
a great success in France, but has been
freely used in this country in the prepa-
ration of American books upon the sub-
jects of- which it treats. That work was
intended for higher institutions of learn-
ing, and Mr. Ganot prepared a more
elementary work for schools and acade-
mies. It is as scientifically accurate as
the larger work, and is characterized by
a logical development of scientific princi-
ples, by clearness of definition and expla-
nation, by a proper distribution of sub-
jects, and by its admirable engravings.
We here have Ganot's work enhanced in
value by the labors of Professor Peck and of
Messrs. Burbank and Hanson, and brought
up to our own times. The essential char-
acteristics of Ganot's work have been re-
tained, but much of the book lias been
rewritten, and many new cuts have been
introduced, made necessary by the prog-
ress of scientific discovery. The short
reviews, the questions on the text, and
the problems given for solution are desir-
able additions to a work of this kind, and
will give the book increased popularity."
Norton & Porter's First Book of Science.
Setsf>rth the principles of Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Physic "o y.
anJ Geology, on the catechetical plan for primary classes an I beginners.
Chambers's Treasury of Knowledge.
Progressive lessons upon first, common things which lie most immediately around
us, and first attract the attention of the young mind ; second, common objects from ti.e
mineral, animal, and vegetable kingdoms, manufactured articles, and miscellaneous
substances ; third, a systematic view of nature under the various sciences. May be
used as a reader or text-book.
Monteith's Easy Lessons in Popular Science.
This book combines within its covers more attractive features for the study of science
by children than any other book published. It is a reading book, spelling book, com-
position book, drawing book, geography, history, book on botany, zoology, agricul-
ture, manufactures, commerce, and natural philosophy. All these subjects are presented
in a simple and effective style, such as would be adopted by a good teacher on an
excursion with a class. The class are supposed to be taking excursions, with the help
of a large pictorial chart of geography, which can be suspended before them in the
school-room. A key of the chart is inserted in every copy of the book. With this
book the science of common or familiar things can be taught to beginners.
Norton's First Book in Natural Philosophy.
Peck's Elements of Mechanics.
A suitable introduction to Bartlett's higher treatises on Mechanical Philosophy, and
adequate in itself tor a complete academical course.
Bartlett's Analytical Mechanics.
Bartlett's Acoustics and Optics.
A complete system of Collegiate Philosophy, by Prof. W. H. C. Bartlett, of West
Point Military Academy.
Steele's Physics.
Peck's Ganot.
Page's Elements of Geology.
A volume of Chambers's Educational Course. Practical, simple, an/ 1 "tninently
calculated to make the study interesting.
Steele's Geology.
Porter's First Book of Chemistry.
Porter's Principles of Chemistry.
The above are widely known as the productions of one of the most eminent scientific
men of America. The extreme simplicity in the method of presenting the science, while
exhaustively treated, lias excited universal commendation.
Gregory's Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic). 2 vols,
The science exhaustively treated. For colleges and medical students.
Steele's Chemistry.
Wood's Object-Lessons in Botany.
Wood's American Botanist and Florist.
Wood's New Class-Book of Botany.
The standard text-hooks of the United States in this department. In style they are
simple, popular, and lively ; in arrangement, easy and natural ; in description, graphic
;:nd scientific. The Tables for Analysis are reduced to a perfect system. They include
the flora ol the whole United States east of the Rocky Mountains, and are well adapted
to the regions west.
Wood's Descriptive Botany.
A complete flora of all plants growing east of the Mississippi River.
Wood's Illustrated Plant Record.
A simple form of blanks for recording observations in the field.
Wood's Botanical Apparatus.
A portable trunk, containing drying pre.',s, knife, trowel, microscope, and tweezers,
and a copy of Wood's " Plant Record," the collector's complete outlit.
Willis's Flora of New Jersey.
The most useful book of reference e
essential, with a view of recent questions in finance, &c., which is not elsewhere