^. plab^l |lorcr<3r00 ^% t.;/>^ r^^^^^'^ ^ ;]^?^> ;^ r'j ' V;;-j>tY - Xi?"''' ^ tM u^ r^^^-,> ^^^i.;^^wM?s^ ,^i:^§^^.0fl: 1 rt s?^' nm^mt rji\ I'rOl f~%c., -■ :t^K ?i^//^^ ^-^ "^' ^^^^ UCSB LIBRARy y FINDING LIST OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF SOMERVILLE, MASS. ESTABLISHED 1873. SOMERVILLE, MASS.: SOMERVILLE JOURNAL PRINT. October, 1895. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE SOnERVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. JOHN B. VI ALL, time expires 1896 i Webster Street. J. FRANK WELLINGTON, time expires 1896 23 Summit Avenue. CHARLES W. SAWYER, time expires 1896 32 Main Street. CHARLES S. LINCOLN, time expires 1897 46 Laurel Street. CHARLES H. BROWN, time expires 1897 130 Sycamore Street. CHRISTOPHER E. RYMES, time expires 1897 182 Summer Street. ELIJAH C. CLARK, time expires 1898 36 Rush Street. CHARLES A. WEST, time expires 1898 18 Summit Avenue. J. HENRY FLITNER, time expires 1898 38 Day Street. CHARLES S. LINCOLN, President. JOHN S. HAYES, Secretary. STANDING COnniTTEES. BUILDING AND GROUNDS. CHRISTOPHER E. RYMES. ^ JOHN B. VIALL. J. FRANK WELLINGTON. ' CHARLES H. BROWN. ADMINISTRATION. CHARLES W. SAWYER. J. FRANK WELLINGTON. ELIJAH C. CLARK. BOOKS AND CATALOGUES. CHARLES S. LINCOLN, ex-officio. CHARLES A. WEST. JOHN B. VIALL. CHARLES H. BROWN. CHRISTOPHER E. RYMES. FINANCE. J. HENRY FLITNER. ELIJAH C. CLARK. CHARLES W. SAWYER. LIBRARY SERVICE. LIBRARIAN. JOHN S. HAYES, 52 Dartmouth Street. ASSISTANTS. ANNA L. STONE. MARY J. WARREN. F. MABEL NORCROSS, Cataloguer. ATTENDANTS. ESTHER M. MAYHEW. STANLEY E. FLEWELLING. CHARLES F. CUDDY. JANITOR. CHARLES A. SOUTHWICK. SOHERVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. THE QUESTION of establishing a public library in the town of Somerville had been suggested by different citizens for many years previous to 1869, but Edward E. Edgerly, President of the Somerville High School Association, seems to have taken a most active interest in the matter. Prevented by lingering sickness, and subsequent death, from maturing his plans, he had enthusiastically labored to instill his ideas into the minds of his associates, among whom was Henry M. Brown, who has the honor of taking the first active measures towards the estabhshment of the library, and in persuading the members of the Somerville High School Association to undertake the movement. Mr. Brown, with the consent of the Executive Committee of that body, sent letters to the Board of Selectmen and Board of School Committee of the town, inviting them to cooperate with the Association in procuring a public library for Somerville. The Selectmen promptly responded, by appointing a committee, consisting of three of its members, to confer with a similar com- mittee of the Association. This latter body immediately selected three gentlemen, and the two delegations met in December, 1869, and consisted of the following well-known citizens, viz.: Austin Belknap Horace Haskins, and Francis Houghton, of the Board of Selectmen, and Edward C. Booth, Henry M. Brown, and George S. Littlefield, of the S. H. S. Association. In March, 1870, the same committee was reappointed, and later in the year prepared a brief plan for founding and operating the proposed library. By this plan the Executive Committee of the Association and the Board of«Selectmen were to meet and elect a Board of Trustees for the Library, three of whom were to be members of the Board of Selectmen, three members of the S. H. S. Association, and three citizens at large, and it was so arranged that the term of oflSce of one of each class should expire each year. In accordance with this plan, an election was held and the following-named gentlemen were provisionally chosen, viz. : Austin Belknap, Henry M. Brown, Samuel A. Carlton, Horace P. Hemenway, Oren S. Knapp, John P. Mar. shall, Edwin Mills, Frank H. Raymond, and Columbus Tyler. But the town, at a meeting held April 29, 1871, did not see fit to approve of the action thus taken, but "Voted, that a free public library be estaWished," and appointed a committee, consisting of the above men- tioned Board and Russell H. Conwell, Joshua H. Davis, Samuel C. Hunt, George S. Littlefield, Rev. Charles Lowe, Isaac Pitman, and Quincy A. Vinal, '' to report a plan for operating the same." This committee organized by the choice of Rev. Charles Lowe as chairman, and George S. Littlefield as secretary. They devoted n^uch time in perfecting plans, and considering rules and regulations for the manage- ment of the library, and in June appointed a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs. Vinal, Hunt, and Littlefield, who prepared a report, which was substantially that finally presented by the whole committee to the town. Rev. Charles Lowe and Prof. John P. Marshall, being absent in Europe, were unable to attend to the duties of this committee, and Rev. George W. Durell and John R. Poor were invited to act in their places, and Austin Belknap was elected chairman. At a town meeting held July 22, the citizens ratified the change in the committee, granted them further time, and authorized them to report in print. The report of this committee was accepted and adopted by the citizens in town meeting assembled, Nov. 7th, 1871. In anticipation of the soon realized change from town to city form of government, it was provided, that the first Board of Trustees of the Library should be elected by the first City Council, as soon after their organization as convenient. Accordingly, at a meeting of the City Council in convention, holden Oct. 2l8t, 1872, the following-named gentlemen were elected Trustees of the PubUc Library : — Three years : John P. Marshall, Austin Belknap, Charles A. Guild. Two years : Quincy A. Vinal, Edward C. Booth, Michael J. Canavan. One year: George 0. Brastow, "William H. Furber, Selwyn Z. Bowman. Nov. U, the Board of Trustees organized by electing John P. Marshall, President, and Edward C Booth, Secretary. Nov. 19, Isaac Pitman was elected Librarian. May 1, 1873, the Library was opened to the public, in the present City Hall, with 2,384 volumes on the shelves, of which 715 volumes were given by thirty-six donors. The present library building was dedicated Sept. 29, 1885, and the principal address on that occasion was made by Mr. Justin Winsor, Librarian of Harvard College. iv SOMERVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — BY -LAWS. BY = LAWS. Article 1. This Library shall be known as the Somerville Public Library, and shall be in charge of a board of nine trustees. ELECTION OF TRUSTEES. Article II. The City Council elected in December, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, shall elect, by joint ballot in conrention, as soon after their organization as may be convenient, nine persons to be trustees of the Public Library, three for the term of three years, three for two years, and three for one year ; and thereafter the City Council shall elect, in the same manner, annually, as soon after their organiza- tion as may be convenient, three persons as trustees, who shall hold office for the term of three years next ensuing. All trustees shall hold office till their successors are elected. Any vacancy occurring in the Board may be filled by the City Council, at any time, in the manner aforesaid, the trustees so elected to hold office only for the unexpired term. ORGANIZATION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Article III. The officers of the Board of Trustees shall be a President and a Secretary, who shall be elected by a majority vote, at the first regular meeting of the Board after each annual election. The President shall be known also as the President of the Public Library. The Secretary may be chosen from the members of the Board, or the Librarian may be elected to that office. Article IV. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees, annually, at their first regular meeting, to choose a Librarian. Article V. The Standing Committee of the Board shall be four in number, and shall be known as — First. The Committee on Building and Grounds. Second. The Committee on Administration. Third. The Committee on Books and Catalogues. Fourth. The Committee on Finance. These committees shall consist of three members each, with the exception of the Committee oa Books and Catalogues, which shall consist of four, besides the President, who shall be ex-officio Chairman ; and these several committees shall establish their own quorums. duties of president. Article VI. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees ; to sign all drafts for money upon the City Treasury ; to sign all acknowledgments of gifts, in conjunction with the Librarian ; to appoint the Standing Committees for the year ; to prepare the annual reports of the Board of Trustees ; and, as President of the Public Library, to exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the institution. duties of secretary. Article VII. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep proper records of the meetings of the Board of Trustees ; to keep a list of all matters referred to committees, with the date of reference ; to conduct all correspondence of the Board, and keep a record of the same ; to notify each Trustee of all special meetings of the Board ; and to perform such other duties as maj^ be required of him by the Board of Trustees. DUTIES OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Article VIII. The Committee on Building and Grounds shall have control in the following matters : — First. In questions touching the furniture, care, ventilation, repair, alterations, heating, and lighting of the Library building, and the care of the grounds. Second. In questions relating to the acceptance and care of all works of art. Third. In questions relating to the nominations, duties, and absences of all attendants connected with the janitorial department. Article IX. The Committee on Administration shall have control in the following matters : — In questions relating to the arrangements for the circulation and use of books and periodicals ; for the registration of names ; for the treatment of delinquents, and for correcting abuses of the Library privileges ; for the preparation of the statistics of circulation; and for the needful periodic examinations of the Library. Article X. The Committee on Books and Catalogues shall have control in the following matters i — First. In questions concering the selection, purchase, and binding of books and periodicals ; the disposition of duplicates ; the acceptance and acknowledgment of donations, securing a due equivalent in other books for all donations exchanged, unless tiie donor shall have consented, in writing, to the disposal of his gift without such equivalent. * SOMERVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — BY-LAWS. ▼ Second. In questions concerning the preparation, printing, and distribution by sale or gift of all catalogues ; and concerning all printing required by the Library. Third. In seeing tiiat no book is placed in the Library until it has duly passed through such processes as may ensure a correct correspondence with the order book, bill, or invoice ; the proper assignment to fund or appropriation ; an accurate collation ; an entry in the Accession Catalogue ; the affixing to the book itself of the accession number, the stamp, plate, rules, and shelf label, and the covering of the book, if deemed necessary, the needful cataloguing, starring, binding, locating of each, and the proper entry on the shelf lists. If the book is a gift, these processes, as far as applicable, are to be gone through with. If the book is a duplicate, not intended for the shelf, only such processes are to be required as will preserve a record of its cost and addition to the Library, with the fund or appropriation it is charged to, if a purchase. Article XI. In the selection of books the following rule shall be observed : — Any publication may be sent to the Library for examination. The Librarian shall immediately notify the members of the Committee on Books and Catalogues of its receipt. No book shall be received into the Library unless approved in writing by a majority of said committee. Article XII. The Committee on Finance shall have control in the following matters : — First. In questions relating to accounts and insurance ; to the proper expenditure of Trust Funds and Appropriations. They shall make a semi-annual report on the state of the Trust Fund accounts. The chair- man of the committee shall annually give receipt at the City Treasury for the interest of the Trust Funds, when it has been received. Second. In all questions relating to the salaries of the Librarian, his assistants, and the janitor. Third. This committee shall present, at each monthly meeting of the Board, the monthly schedule of bills for expenses, which has been authenticated by the Librarian ; and if these or other bills are allowed by the Board, the President shall sign a warrant for the payment of the same, and no money shall be drawn from the City Treasury unless upon such a warrant. Article XIII. This committee shall also have control of the Library Accountant, who shall be charged with all receipts and expenditures of money within the building ; and shall exercise all needful charge of the exacting and accounting for fines imposed upon delinquents. Article XIV. It shall be the duty of each member of the Board of Trustees to visit the Library at least once in each week, for the purpose of inspection and counsel ; and no pecuniary allowance or compensation, in any form, shall be received by any member of the Board for any service he may render as such. MEETINGS. Article XV. Stated meetings of the Board shall be held at least once a month, at such times as may be appointed. Article XVI. Special meetings may be called by the Secretary at any time, by sending due notice to each member of the Board, at the request of the President or any two members. Article XVII. Five Trustees shall constitute a quorum of the Board. Article XVIII. Any question before the Board shall be taken by yeas and nays, at the request of any member thereof. Article XIX. The Order of Business at any stated meeting of the Board shall be as follows : — First. Beading of the Record of Proceedings of the previous meeting. Second. Business required by the City Ordinances in relation to the Public Library, and communica- tions from any branch of the City Government. Third. Unfinished business. Fourth. Reports from Standing Committees. Fifth. Reports from Special Committees. Sixth. Correspondence. Seventh. Librarian's Report. , Eighth. Motions, orders, resolutions, or other business. DUTIES OF librarian. Article. XX. The duties of the Librarian shall be as follows : — First. He shall, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, have the charge and superintendence of all books and other property belonging to the Library, and shall be responsible for the due care thereof, and for the observance of due order and quiet througliout the Library building, promptly reporting to the Presi- dent all cases of theft, mutilation, or injury to books and periodicals. Second. He shall be present in the Library, in person, or by an assistant approved by the Board, at all times when it is opened to the public. vi SOMERVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — REGULATIONS. Third. He shall cause to be entered in a record, to be called the "■ Accession Catalogue," the title of every book added to the Library, the date of its reception, its cost if purchased, the name of the donor if given, and such other particulars as the Board may direct. And no book shall be put in use until so recorded. Fourth. He shall promptly acknowledge all gifts to the Library, in such form as the Board may direct. Fifth. He shall arrange all the books on the shelves, in proper order, and prepare such catalogues, lists, and forms as the Committee on Books and Catalogues may direct. Sixth. He shall, when preparing said catalogues, omit the shelf number from such books as from rarity, costliness, or literary character, should not be permitted to go into the hands of a borrower without his special permission. Seventh. He shall cause every volume, before it is lent, to be neatly covered with suitable paper, if deemed necessary, and to have attached to it such Eules of the Library as are needful to be known by those who may use it, and also a book-plate with the date of accession, the donor's name if it be a gift, the number of the shelf on which it is placed, and the number it bears on the " Accession Catalogue." Eighth. He shall keep a record of all books asked for, which are not in the Library, with the names of the persons asking for them; also a list of all books that may have been worn out in the service ; also of any which may have been inadvertently, wantonly, or maliciously injured by borrowers, and the names of such borrowers; and, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, he shall replace the same at the earliest practicable moment. Mnth. At each stated meeting of the Board of Trustees he shall report the circulation of the Library, not previously reported, and the total number of books added to the Library since his last report. REGULATIONS FOR USE OF LIBRARY. Article 1. The Library shall be open as follows : Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. ; but it shall l)e closed on legal and local holidays, and such other times as the Trustees may direct. Article 2. Any resident of Somerville over fourteen years of age shall be entitled to the use of the Library by signing the proper application, and presenting a written recommendation that he is a suitable per- son to use the Library, signed by two citizens of Somerville. Applications must be renewed every three years. Minors under eighteen years of age will be required to furnish the written consent and guarantee of parents, guardian, or some person satisfactory to the Trustees or Librarian. Article 3. Each person entitled to draw books from the Library will be supplied with a card, in- scribed with his or her name, residence, and registered number. This card must be presented whenever a book is taken or returned. If lost, it will be replaced after seven days' notice of its loss has been given. Im- inediate notice of a change of residence must be given at the Library. The registered holder of a card is in all cases responsible for books drawn by means of the card, by whomsoever presented, and for all fines accrued on the same. Article 4. Borrowers may take two books on a card at the same time, provided that not more than one of these shall be a work of fiction, and that two new books shall not be taken. Article 5. For teachers in public or private schools, of good standing, special cards may be issued, one for each teacher, upon which six books at each time may be taken out for the use of their pupils. These books shall be upon subjects connected with the studies of the school. Teachers shall be responsible for all books so taken and shall return any such book upon a written notification of the Librarian, that the book is desired by another person. Article 6. Special privileges will be granted professional jiersons, teachers, authors, and special students requiring the use of more than one book at a time. Any person visiting the Library for the purpose of literary or scientific investigation may temporarily receive the benefits of the reading room and the use of the books within the Library Building. Article 7. Books of reference, rare and expensive books, and books not intended by the Trustees for general circulation, shall not be loaned for home use, except upon special permission of the Trustees or Librarian. Such books will be designated in the catalogue by either R. L., or*, or "' * placed before the call number. Article 8. All books shall be fourteen-day books, unless otherwise designated, and no book shall be retained longer than the time prescribed. No renewal of any book shall be made till the volume has remained SOMERVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. — REGULATIONS. vii in the Library one full day from its return. No book shall be transferred from one card to another in the same household. Article 9. A fine of two cents a day, including Sundays and holidays, shall be imposed if a book is kept overtime, and at the expiration of two weeks ( if the book is not returned ) a messenger may be sent for the book, who shall collect the fine incurred, and an additional fee of twenty-five cents for such messenger service. No book will be delivered to the person incurring the fine until it is paid. The willful detention of any book for thirty days, after notice to return said book, incurs, by statute of the State, a liability of a fine of twentA-five dollars or imprisonment for six months. Article 10. Books are not to be exchanged the same day they are taken out, unless mistakes have been made by the Library attendants. Article IL No person can procure a book by the use of another person's card, such person not being of his household or in his service, without a special order from the owner of the card. Article 12. No person who has borrowed a book from the Library shall lend it to any one not ^ member of the same household. Article 13. If any borrower lose or materially injure a book, paper, or magazine belonging to the Library or reading rooms, he shall furnish another copy of the same or later edition, or pay the Librarian's appraisement, at his option. If the book so lost or injured be a part of a set, he' shall replace or pay for the entire set, and may thereupon receive the remaining volumes as his property. Writing and marking in books are strictly prohibited. All injuries to books or papers, beyond reasonable wear, shall be promptly adjusted to the satisfaction of the Librarian. The intentional injury of books or any other property of a Public Library incurs, by statute law of Massachusetts, a liability of a fine of fifty dollars or imprisonment for six months. Article 14. All conversation and conduct inconsistent with the quiet and orderly use of the Library shall be strictly prohibited. LTnnecessary talking is prohibited in the delivery room. Silence must be pre- served in the reading room and the reference room. These rooms are intended exclusively for reading and study. Article 15. Persons desiring Library books for use in the reading rooms or reference department may obtain them by filling out the slips prepared for that purpose, and such books shall not be taken from the building. Article 16. Persons desirous of having certain books added to the Library are requested to give titles of them to the Librarian, to be suggested for the consideration of the Book Committee. Article 17. All books must be returned to the Library at such times as may be required by the Trustees, under penalty of a fine of one dollar for each volume detained ; but seasonable notice of the time of returning them shall be given by the Trustees. Article 18. No books shall be taken from the shelves in any part of the Library, by any person not employed in the service of the Library, except such books as are deposited in the Public Rooms for reference. Article 19. No person not employed in the Library, or who is not a member of the Board of Trustees, shall be admitted within the railings of the Library without the leave of the Librarian or his representative. Article 20. No books, pamphlets, or other publications shall be received at the Library, either for show or distribution : nor shall any subscription paper, for any purpose whatever, be placed therein, unless by express vote of the Board. Article 21. Any person abusing the privileges of the Library, or violating any of the foregoing regu- lations, shall be temporarily suspended from the use of the Library, and the case shall be reported to the Trustees for proper action thereon. Article 22. The drawing of books through the various delivery stations, established by the Board of Trustees, shall be governed by the same regulations as prescribed for the use of the general Library. Article 23. These regulations may be altered, amended, or supplemented, by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Trustees, at any regular meeting; provided, hoivever, tliat no amendments shall be voted upon un- less presented in writing at a previous regular meeting. N. B. It is hoped that those who make use of the Library will have no hesitation in consulting the Librarian and assistants in all matters upon which information is needed. Inquiries regarding special sub- jects of study are always invited, and will receive careful attention. Information slips can be obtained at the desk. • Outline of Classification. ooo General Works. 010 Bibliography. 020 Library economy. 030 General cyclopedias. 040 General collections. 050 General periodicals. 060 General societies. 070 Newspapers. 080 Polygraphy. 090 Book rarities. 500 Natural Science. 510 Mathematics. 520 Astronomy. 530 Physics. 540 Chemistry. 550 Geology. 560 Paleontology. 570 Biology. 580 Botany. 590 Zoology. 100 Philosophy. 110 Metaphysics. 120 Special metaphysical topics. 130 Mind and body. 140 Philosophical systems. 150 Psychology. 160 Logic. 170 Ethics. 180 Ancient philosophers. 190 Modern philosophers. 200 Religion. 210 Natural theology. 220 Bible. 230 Doctrinal theology. 240 Devotional and practical. 250 Homiletic. Parochial. 260 Church. Institutions. 270 Religious history. 280 Christian churches. Sects. 290 Non-Christian religions. 600 Useful Arts. 610 Medicine. 620 Engineering. 630 Agriculture. 640 Domestic economy. 650 Communication. 660 Chemical technology. 670 Manufactures. 680 Mechanic trades. 690 Building. 700 Fine Arts. 710 Landscape gardening. 720 Architecture. 730 Sculpture. 740 Drawing. Design. 750 Painting. 760 Engraving. 770 Photography. 780 Music. 790 Amusements. 300 Sociology. 310 Statistics. 320 Political science. 330 Political economy. 340 Law. 350 Administration. 360 Associations. Institutions. 370 Education. 380 Commerce. 390 Customs. Costumes. 800 Literature. 810 American. 820 English. 830 German. 840 French. 850 Italian. 860 Spanish. 870 Latin. 880 Greek. 890 Minor languages. 400 Philology. 410 Comparative. 420 English. 430 German. 440 French. 450 Italian. 460 Spanish. 470 Latin. 480 Greek. 490 Minor languages. 900 History. 910 Geography and description. 920 Biography. 930 Ancient history. 940 f Europe. 950 c Asia. 960 o J Africa. 970 o I North America. 980 S South America. 990 [ Oceanica and Polar regions > EXPLANATIONS. This Finding List includes about 29,000 volumes, arranged, first by subjects, and second by authors. A separate edition of the Finding List of English Prose Fiction, arranged by titles and by authors, and of Biography, has been prepared, for those who do not care to procure the Complete Finding List ; therefore the authors of works of fiction are not included in the General Author List, and fiction and biography are not placed in the class to which they properly belong. Books marked with a *, and a few others, are not intended for general circulation, and cannot be loaned for home use, except upon special permission of the Trustees or Librarian. Books having a small j before the call number are specially suited for juvenile readers. Books having a f before the call number are printed in embossed type for the use of the blind. To find a book, if the author is known, look for his name in the Author List. If the author is not known, look for the subject of which the book treats in the Index of Subjects, from which reference is made to the page on which books on that subject are found. Anonymous books are entered under their titles in the list of authors. Books should be applied for on the library card, or the white call slips, prepared for that purpose, and great care should be used in copying the call number just as it is found in the Finding List, omitting only the * or the j. If the work is in several volumes, the desired volume should be stated. Special reading lists, and Bulletins of new books received, will be issued from time to time. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. PAGE Abyssinia. See Africa 233, 253 Acadia. See Britisli America 235, 254 Actors and acting. See Amusements 196 Adirondacks. See North Atlantic states 236 Administration 162 Aerial navigation. See Physics 173 ^stlietics. See Fine Arts, General Avorks 190 Afghanistan. See Asia 230, 253 Africa 233, 253 Agriculture 186 Alaska. See Western states 238, 269 Algebra. See Mathematics 172 Almanacs. See Sociology, General works 155 Alps. See Minor countries of Europe 230 Amazon. See South America 240 America, British 235, 254 Central 240 North 235, 253 South 240, 269 See also Spanish America 269 American literature 200 Ammonia. See Manufactures 188 Amusements 196 Analysis (chemical). See Chemistry 175 Anatomy. See Medicine 182 Ancient history 244 Angling. See Amusements 196 Animal locomotion. »S'ee Zoology 179 Animal magnetism. See Spiritualism, magic, etc 137 Animals.' See Zoology 179 Domestic. See Agriculture 136 Anthropology. S'ee Agriculture 186 Domestic economy 187 Drainage. See Engineering 185 Drama. American 203 English 212 Dramatic art. See Amusements 196 Drawing 193 Dress. See Customs, costumes, etc 168 Duels and duelling. See Customs, costumes, etc. 168 Dyeing. 5ee Manufactures 188 Dynamos, ^ee Physics 173 Earthquakes. /S'ee Geology and paleontology... 175 Ecclesiastical architecture 191 Ecclesiastical history. See Religious history and sects 149 Edinburgh. See Great Britain and Ireland.. 224, 247 Education 164 Egg collecting. See Zoology ] 79 Egypt 244 Electric railways. See Engineering 185 Electricity and electric light. See Physics 173 See also Engineering 185 Electro-plating. See Physics 173 Elocution and oratory. See Rhetoric and collec- tions for reading and speaking 199 Encyclopaedias. iS'ee Cyclopasdias 135 Engineering 185 England 224, 247 English language 170 English literature 208 Engraving 194 Epitaphs. See Genealogy and heraldry 132 Essays, American 204 English 213 Etching. See Engraving and photography 194 Ethics 138 PAGE" Euchre. See Amusements 196 Europe 223, 246- Evidences of Christianity. See Doctrinal the- ology 145 Evolution. See Biology 177 Exhibitions. See Useful arts, General works. . . 182 Eyes. See Medicine 182 Families. See Genealogy and heraldry 132 Fancy work. See Drawing and decoration 193 Farming. See Agriculture 186 Fencing. See Amusements 196 Ferns, ^ee Botany 178 Fertilizers. See Agriculture 186 Feudalism. See Europe, history 246 Fiction, by titles 1-45' History and dictionaries. See English fiction. 213 Fiji islands. ,S'ee Australia and Polynesia 241 Finance. See Political economy 157" Fine arts 190-196 Finger-rings. See Customs, costumes, etc 168 Fire departments. 5'ee Administration 162' Fish. See Zoology 179 Fish-culture. See Agriculture 186 Fishing. See Agriculture 186 See also Amusements 196 Flagellation. See Law and constitutional history. 160 Floriculture. See Landscape gardening 191 Florida. See Southern states 238, 268- Flowers. See Botany 178 Folk-lore.. (S'ee Customs, costumes, etc 168 Food. See Domestic economy 187 See also Medicine 182 Foods. See Chemistry 175 Football. See Amusements 196 Forestry. S'ee Agriculture 186 Fortification. See Engineering 185 Foundations. See Building 189 France 227, 250 Free trade. See Political economy 157 French literature 218 Books printed in the French language . . .451-457 Frogs. See Zoology 179 Fruits. See Agriculture 186 Fungi. See Botany 178 Furniture. S'ee Decoration 193 See also Domestic economy 187 Future state. See Doctrinal theology 145 Games. See Amusements 196 Gardening. See Agriculture 186 See also Landscape gardening 191 Gas-fitting. See Building 189 Gazetteers. See Travel and description 221 Genealogy 132 Genius. See Mental philosophy 136 Geography. See Travel and description 221 Physical. See Geology and paleontology. . . 175 Geology 175 Geometry. See Mathematics 172 Georgia. See Southern states .238, 268 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Xlll PAGE German literature 217 Germany '••••• 227, 249 Glaciers. See Geology 175 Glass-making. »S'ee Manufactures 188 Gloves, j^ee Customs, costumes, etc 168 Golf. See Amusements 196 Government. See Political science 155 Graining. See Building 189 Grammar. See Philology 170 Grape culture. See Agriculture 186 Grasses. See Botany 178 Great Britain 224, 247 Greece, 4^ncient 245 Modern. See Minor countries of Europe. . • 230 Greek literature 220 Greenland. See Arctic regions 242 Gymnastics. See Medicine 182 Gypsies. See Customs, costumes, etc 168 Hawaii. S'ee Australia, Polynesia, etc 241, 269 Hay-fever. See Medicine 182 Headache. See Medicine 182 Health. See Medicine 182 Heat. See Physics 173 Heating. See Building 189 See also Engineering 185 Heraldry 132 Heredity. See Biologj' 177 History 242-270 Holland. See Minor countries of Europe. . .230, 252 Holy Land. See Arabia, Palestine, etc 232 Horse. See Agriculture 186 Anatomy. See Medicine 183 Horsemanship. See Amusements 196 Horse-shoeing. See Agriculture 186 House decoration. See Domestic economy 187 See also Decoration 193 House painting. 5'ee Building 189 Housekeeping. See Domestic economy 187 Huguenots. (See Religious history and sects ... . 149 Humor, American 206 English 216 Hungary. iSee Germany and Austria 227, 249 Hunting. See Amusements 196 Hydraulics. See Engineering 185 See also Physics 173 Hygiene. See Medicine 182 Hymnology. See Devotional and practical 147 Hypnotism. See Spiritualism, magic, etc 137 Iceland. See Minor countries of Europe 230 Ices. See Domestic economy 187 Illinois. See Western states 238, 369 Immigration. See Political science 155 India 231 History. See Asia and Africa 253 Indiana. See Western states 238, 269 Indians, North American 253 Indigestion. See Medicine 182 Inquisition. See Religious history and sects. . • - 149 Insanity. See Mental philosophy 136 PAGE Insects. See Zoology 179 Institutions. iSee Prisons, secret societies, etc . 163 International law. See Law and constitutional history 160 Inventions. See Useful arts. General works 182 Ireland 224, 247 Italian literature 218 Italy 228, 251 Japan 231 History. See Asia and Africa 253 Java. iSee Australia and Polynesia 241, 269 Jerusalem. See Arabia, Palestine, etc 232 History. See Egypt and the Jews 244 See also Asia and Africa 253 Jesuits. See Religious history and sects 149 Jesus Christ. See Doctrinal theology 145 Jews. See Non-Christian religions 154 See also Egypt and the Jews 244 Jurisprudence. See Law and constitutional his- tory 160 Kansas. See Western states 238, 269 Kentucky. See Southern states 238, 268 Keramics 192 Kindergarten. See Education 164 Labor and capital. See Political economy 157 Land question. (S'ee Political economy 157 Landscape gardening 191 Language. See Philology 170 Lathe. (See Engineering 185 Latin literature 219 Law 160 Legislative bodies. See Political science 155 Letters. See Biography 102-132 American 206 English 215 French. See French literature 218 German. (See German literature 217 Libraries 134 Library catalogues 133 Library economy 134 Light. See Physics 173 Lighthouses. See Engineering 185 Lightning. See Physics 173 Literary criticism. See General works 198 See also American literature 200 See also English literature 208 See also English fiction 213 Literature 198-220 Local option. See Ethics 138 Locomotives. iSee Engineering 185 Logic. See Mental philosophy 136 London. See England 247 See also Great Britain 224 Louisiana. See Southern states 288, 268 Machines. See Engineering 185 See also Physics 173 Madagascar. See Africa 233, 253 Madeira. See Spain and Portugal 229 Magazines. See Periodicals 135 XIV INDEX TO SUBJECTS. PAGE Magic ] 37 Magnetism. 'See Physics 173 Animal. iSee Spiritualism, magic, etc 137 Maine. See North Atlantic states 236, 260 Man. See Biology -•• 177 Manners. See Customs, costumes, etc 168 Manufactures 188 Manures. See Agriculture 186 Maps 223 Marriage. See Customs, costumes, etc 1 68 See also Ethics 138 Maryland. See Southern states 238, 268 Massachusetts. ^See North Atlantic states .. .236, 260 Materia medica. .See Medicine 182 Mathematics 172 Mechanical engineering. .S'ee Engineering 185 Mechanics. /S'ee Physics 173 See also Engineering 185 Medicine 182 Memory. 5'ee Mental philosophy 136 Mental philosophy '• 136 Mesmerism. See Spiritualism, magic, etc 137 Metallurgy, ^^ee Manufactures 188 Metaphysics. See Philosophy 136 Meteorology. .S'ee Geology and paleontology... 175 Methodism. See Religious history and sects 149 Metric system. See Commerce 167 Mexican war. See United States history 254 Mexico 240 See also Spanish America 269 Michigan. See Western states 238, 269 Microscope. See Biology 177 Middle ages. See Europe, history 246 Middlesex canal. See Engineering 185 Military art and science. See Administration.. 162 Mineralogy. See Chemistry 175 Mining engineering. .S'ee Engineering 185 Minnesota. See Western states 238, 269 Missions. See Religious history and sects 149 Mississippi. .S'ee Southern states 238, 268 Mohammedanism. See Non-Christian religions. 154 Mollusks. See Zoology 179 Monastic orders. S'ee Political science 155 Polo. See Amusements 196 Polynesia 241, 269 Poor. See Political economy 157 Popes. See Religious history and sects 149 Portugal 229, 252 Pottery. See Ceramics 192 Poultry. See Agrfdulture 186 Preaching 148 Presbyterian church. See Religious history and sects 149 Printing. 'N & CHATRi.iX Er2. 1 Altiori Peto. Oliph.4>'t 013.1 Alton Locke. I\x>cgsley K61.1 Alton Thorpe. Jaxxey J26. 1 Amadis of Gaul. Lobeira L78. 1 Amazon. Vosmaer V92. 1 Amber gods. Prescott P92. 1 Amberwitch. Meixhold M473.1 Ambitious woman. Fawcett F28.2 American. Jj^mes J233.1 American baron. De Mille D39.1 American boys afloat. Ad.ois j Adl9.4 American coin Am3 American penman. Hawthorne H315.1 American peeress. Taylor T214.1 American politician. Crawford C8o-4.1 American push. Fawcett F28.3 American senator. Trollope T7-4. 1 Among the brigands. De Mille j D39.2 Among the Esquimaux. Ellis EloS.l Among the hills. Poynter P87.1 Among the lakes. Stoddard j St64.1 Among the pines. Gilmore G423.1 Among the thorns. Dickinson D5G.1 Among the Turks. Cameron j C142.1 Among the Zulus. Drayson D79.1 Amos Kilbri gilt. Stockton St6.1 Amygdala. Edmonds Edo.l Amy Herbert. Sewell j Se82.1 Anastasius. Hope H77.1 Andree de Taverney. Dumas D89.1 Andreas Hofer. Mundt M92. 1 Andromeda. Fletcher F63.1 Ange Pitou. Dumas D89.2 Angel of the household. Arthur Ar78.2 Anglomaniacs. Harrison H247.1 Angular stone. Quiroga Q46.1 Anna Karenina. Tolstoi T582.1 Annals of a baby. Stebbins St32.1 Annals of a fishing village. Owen Ow22.1 Annals of a quiet neighborhood. Mac- Donald M14.3 Anne. Woolson W885.1 Anne Hereford. Wood W852.1 Anne of Geierstein. Scott Sco82.3 Annie Kilburn. Ho wells H838.1 Annouchka. Turgexief T84. 1 Another flock of girls. Perry j P427.1 Another girl's experience. Webster W39.1 Anteros. Lawrence L43.1 Antiquary. Scott Sco82.4 Antonia. Dudevaxt D86.1 Antonina. Collixs C694.2 Antoinette. Ohxet Oh4.1 Antony Brade. Lowell L95.1 Anyhow stories. Clifford j C61.2 Apostate. Daudet D264.1 April hopes. Howells H838.2 April's lady. Hungerford H89.2 Arabella Stuart. Ja^aies J232.2 Arabian nights' entertainments Arl Arabian nights. Forster in F75L1 Archie Lovell. Edwardes Ed9.1 Ardis Claverden. Stockton St6.2 Argonauts of North Liberty. Harte H255.1 Ariadne. Duraxd D93.2 Ariadne. La Radie L32. 1 Aristocracy Ar4 Arius, the Libyan. Kowxs K844.1 Ark of Elm island. Kellogg j K29. 1 Armadale. Collins C694.4 Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant B46.2 Armourer's prentices. Yonge Y8.1 Arne and the fisher lassie. Bjornson B55.1 Around a spring. Droz D83.1 Around the golden deep. Reeder R252.1 Around the world in eighty days. Verne. Vo9.2 Arrah Neil. James J232.3 Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland H7L1 Arthur Brown. Kellogg j Iv29.2 Arthur Erskine's story Ar7 Arthur Martin. Burdett j B89.1 Arthur Mervyn. Brown B812. 1 Artist's honor. Feuillet F434.1 Artist's love. Southworth So84.2 Arundel motto. Hay H32.1 Asbein. Kijrschner K96. 1 Asbury twins. Clarke j C554.1 Ascanis. Dumas D89.3 As common mortals. Coombs C78.1 As it may happen. Davis D294.1 As long as she lived. Robinson R564.1 As 'tis in life. Delpit D38.1 "As thyself." Hubard H86.1 "As we went marching on." Hosmer. . . . H79.1 Aschenbroedel. Carrington C23. 1 Ascutney street. Whitney W61.1 Asiatic breezes. Adams j Adl9.5 Aspasia. Hamerling H17.1 Aspern papers. James J233.2^ Astray. Yonge Y8.2 As we sweep through the deep. Stables. j Stl2.1 At a high price. Bijrstenbinder B942.2 At an old chateau. Macquoid M24.1 At Capri. Bauer B323.1 At her mercy. Payn P29.1 At his gates. Oliphant 0132.2 At last. Terhune T27.2 At lion's mouth. Chellis ]' C42.1 At the back of the North wind. MacDonald. j M14.4 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. At the councillor's. John J61.1 At the mercy of Tiberius. Wilson WC92.1 At the north pole. Verne V59.3 At the Red Glove. Macquoid M24.2 At the rising of the moon. Matheav M422.1 At the sign of the White Swan. Wilson. WG9G.1 At the south pole. Kingston K014.29 Atalanta in the south. Elliott E156.1 Athol. HiNGHAM H59.1 Atla. S-MiTH Sm55.1 Atlantic tales At6 Attic philosopher. Souvestre S086.I Augustus Jones, Jr. Ludlow L902.1 Auld licht idylls. Barrie B278.1 Aulney tower. Teuffel T29.1 Aunt Anne. Clifford C61.1 Aunt Diana. Carey C184. 1 Aunt Dinah's pledge. Chellis j C42.2 Aunt Jane's hero. Prentiss P91.1 Aunt Johnnie. Stannard St24.1 Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. Alcott j A112.1 Aunt Xabby. Hansell H105.1 Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. Hentz j H393.1 Aunt Saidee's cow. Prichard j P932.1 Aunt Serena. Tecffel T29.2 Aurelian. Ware W22.1 Auriol, and other tales. Ainsworth Ai(].lG Aurora Floyd. Maxwell M452.1 Austin Elliot. Kingsley K612.1 Autobiography of Mark Rutherford. White W58G.1 Automaton ear. McLandburgh M22.1 Autrefois. Harrison H248.1 Average man. Grant G7GG.1 Average woman. Balestier BlOCl Axel Ebersen. Laurie L37.1 Ayesha. Leslie L5G4. 1 Aztec treasure house. .Janvier J265.1 Babolain. Droz D83.2 Baby John. Smith Smol.l Baby Rue. Clark C543.1 Baby's grandmother. Walford W14.1 Bachelor maid. Harrison H247.3 Bachelor's wedding trip. Sherm.^x Sho.l Back from the dead. Sahth SmG4.1 Bad lot. Cameron C14.1 Baffled conspirators. NORRis N79. 1 Bagpipers. Dudkvant D86.2 Bailiff's maid. John J6L2 Bail up : NiSBET XG3. 1 Balaam and his master. Harris H243.1 Balcony stories. King K.58.5. 1 Baldy's point. Walworth W17. 1 Ball of the vegetables. Eytinge j Ey8.1 Banishment of Jessop Blythe. Hatton.. H28.1 Banker of Bankersville. Thompson. .... T374. 1 Banned and blessed. Bijrstenbinder . . . B942.3 Banshee castle. Mulholland M89. 1 Barbara. Edson Ed7.1 Barbara Heathcote's trial. Carey C184.2 Barbara's history. Edwards Ed92.1 Barbara Thayer. Miller MGl. 1 Barberry bush. Woolsey j W883.1 Barchester towers. Trollope T74.2 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens D5o.2 Baroness Blank. Niemann X55.1 Baron Trump's underground journey. LocKWOOD j L812.1 Barque Future. Lie LG2.1 Barracks, bivouacs, and battles. Forbes. F74.1 Barren honour. Laurence L43.2 Barriers burned away. Roe RG22.1 Barrington. Lever L57.2 Barrington's fate. HlTNT H913.1 Bar-rooms at Brantley. Arthuti Ar78.S Bar-sinister. W.4XW0rth W17.2' Barton experiment. Habberton H1L2 Bart Ridgeley. RroDLE R432.2 Basil. Collins CG94.3 Basil Woollcombe. Knight j K74.1 Battery and the boiler. Baixantyne j B21.1 Battle of life. Dickons Doo.l Battle of New York. Stoddard j StG4.2 Bayou folk. Chopin C452. 1 Bay-path. Holland H7L2: Beads of Tasmar. Bark B27. 1 Bear and forbear. Ad-Ois j Adl9.6 Beatrice. K-vvanagh K17.2^ Beatrice Cenci. Guerrazzi G932. 1 Beatrix Randall. Hawthorne H315.2 Beauchamp. J.vmes J232.4 Beauchampe. Simms Si42.1 Beauchamp's career. Meredith Mo4.2 Beautiful Joe. Saunders Sa82.1 Beauty and the beast. Taylor T2 1 . 1 Beauty's daughters. Hungerford H89.3 Bebee. La Rame L32.2 Bedtime stories. Moulton j M8G.1 Beechcroft. Yonge Y8.3 Beechcrof t at Rockstone. Yonge Y8.4 Beechnut. Abbott j Ab24.1 Bee-man of Orn. Stockton StG.3 Beggars all. Dougall D743.1 Beginner. Broughton B709.1 Begum's daughter. Bynner B99.2 Behind closed doors. Rohlfs RG3.1 Behind the veil. Prior P935.1 Being a boy. Warner j W242.1 Beleagured city. Oliphant 0132.3 Belinda. Broughton B799.2 Belhaven tales. Harrison H247.4 Bell-ringer of angels, and other stories. Harte H255.2 Bella's blue-book. Calm C132.1 Belle and the boys. Corbin C812.1 Bellehood and bondage. Stephens St42.1 Belle-Nivernaise. Daudet. D2G3.1 Bellevue. Woodruff W86.3 Bells. Erckmann & Chatrian Er2.2 Belton estate. Trollope T74.a FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Ben Blinker. Wise j WTS.l Benedicta. Phillips P54. 1 Benefits forgot. Balestier B196.2 Ben Hur. Wallace W154.1 Ben Milner's wooing. Pakr P24. 1 Ben's nugget. Alger j A13.2 Ben Sylvester's ward. YONGE j Y8.5 Ben, the luggage boy. Aloer j A13. 1 Beresford prize. Sjhth j Sm51.2 Beric the Briton. Hexty j H392.1 Bertha Lacourt. Blum.. B622.1 Bertha's summer boarders. Harris H244.1 Bertram family. Charles C38.2 Bertrams. Trollope ' TliA Beside the bonnie brier bush. Watson . . W335.1 Bessie among the mountains. Mathews, j M42-1.1 Bessie and her friends. Mathews j M424.il Bessie at school. Mathews — j M424.2 Bessie at the seaside. Mathews j M424.3 Bessie Bradford's secret. Mathews j M424.4 Bessie Harrington's venture. Mathews, j M425.1 Bessie in the city. Mathews j M424.5 Bessie Lang. Corkran C814. 1 Bessie on her travels. Mathews j M424.r) Bessie's fortune. Holmes H73.1 Bessy Rane. Wood W852.2 Best fellow in the world. Wright j W934.1 Bethia Wray's new name. Douglas.... B744.1 Betrothed. Scott Sco82.5 Better dead. Barrie B278.2 Better than good. Ridley R43G. 1 Better-time stories. Kirk K633.1 Betty. Smith j Sm51.3 Betty Alden. Austix. .- Au75. 1 Betty's bright idea. Stowe j St77.2 Between the lines. King K582.1 Between two loves. Barr B27.2 Between whiles. Jackson J12.1 Beulah. Wilson W692.5 Beverly. Walworth W172. 1 Beverleys : a story of Calcutta. Abbott. Ab25.1 Bewitched. Pexdletox P372. 1 Beyond the gates. Ward W2] 2. 1 Beyond the dreams of avarice. Besant.. B46.3 Biding his time. Trowbridge j T754.2 Big brother. Egglestox Eg32. 1 Big cypress. Munroe M922. 1 Bimbi. La R.oie j L32.o Biography of a locomotive engine. Frith. F914. 1 Bion, the wanderer. Cobb C632. 1 Birchwo'od. Williams W672. 1 Birds' Christmas carol. RiGGS j E44. 1 Birds of a feather. Bradley j B 724.1 Bishop's Cranworth. Marshall M354.3 Bitter atonement. Br^me B73.1 Bivouac and battle. Adams j Ad 19. 7 Black arrow. Ste\'exson St48.1 Black Beauty. Sewell j Se8. 1 Black forest village stories. Auerbach.. Au3.1 Black ice. Tourgek T64. 1 Black sheep. Yates Y22.1 Black tulip. Dumas D89.4 Black volunteers. Bothmer B65.1 Blade-o'-grass. Farjeox F222. 1 Blanche Seymour B59 Bleak house. DickexS D5o.3 Bledisloe. Trotter T75.1 Blessed Saint Certainty. Baker B179. 1 Blind brother. Greexe j G83. 1 Blind fate. Hector H352.2 Blind love. Collln'S C694.5 Blindpits. Taylor T213.1 Blithedale romance. Hawthorxe H316. 1 Blockade. Erckmaxx & Chatriax Er2.3 Blood roj-al. Allex Alo6. 1 Bloody chasm. De Forest D362. 1 Blossom and the fruit. Cook C772.1 Blossoming of an aloe. Hoey HG7.1 Blown to bits. Ballantyne B21.2 Blind musician. Korolenko K84.1 Blue badge boys j BG2. Blue banner. Cahun CI 17.2 Blue fairy book. Lang j L25.2 Blue lights. Ballantyne j B21.3 Blue ribljon. Stephenson St44. 1 Blue stocking. Edwardes Ed9.3 Blufeton. Savage Sa9.1 Blush roses. Morse M832.1 Boat club. Adams j Adl9.8 Bob Burton. Alger j A13.3 Bodleys afoot. Scudder j Scu2.1 Bodleys on wheels. Scudder j Scu2.2 Bodley's telling stories. Scudder j Scu2.3 Bonaventure. Cable CI 1.1 Bond and free. Howard H832.1 Bonne-Marie. Durand D93.3 Bonneybcl Vane. Cooke C774.1 Bonneyborough. Whitney W61.2 Bonnie Prince Charlie. Henty H392.2 Bonny Kate. Tiernan T44.2 Book-bills of Narcissus. LeGallienne. . Lr)24.1 Book o' nine tales. Bates B31.2 Book of love stories. Perry P427.2 Book of pity and of death. Viaxd VG5.1 Border and Bastille. Lawrence L43.3 Borderland. Fothergh.l F82. 1 Border shepherdess. Barr B27.4 Border tales. Tuttle T882. 1 Born player. West W52. 1 Boston girl's ambition. Townsend T605.1 Bostonians. James • J233.3 Both sides of the street. Walker j W152. 1 Boudoir cabal. MuajRAY M9G2. 1 Bound in honor. Trowbridge j T754.3 Bound to rise. Alger j A13.4 Bourbon lilies. Champney C35G.2 Bow of orange ribbon. Barr B27.3 Bowsham puzzle. Habbertox H11.3 Boy broker. Mitxsey" j M923. 1 Boy emigrants. Brooks j B795. 1 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Boy fanners of Elm island. Kellogg ... j K20.3 Boy hunters. Reid j K27.2 Boy life in the United States navy. Clark, j Co-to.l Boy traders. Fosdick j F78. 1 Boy trapper. Fosdick j F78.2 Boys. Barker j B242. 1 Boys and masters Gilkes G39. 1 Boys at Chequasset. Whitney j W61.3 Boys of Bruinstone court. Ward j W212.2 Boys of other countries. Taylor j T21.2 Boys of thirty-five. Elwell j E18. 1 Boys' own stories. Moxcriefe j M74. 1 Boy"s town. Howells j H838.3 Bracebridge hall. Irving Ir82. 1 Braddock. Musick M972. 1 Brake up. Adams j Adl9.9 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Lever . . . L57.3 Brave and bold. Alger j A13..5 Brave hearts. Raymond R21.1 Brave heart and true. Lean* L-t7.1 Brave lady. Craik C842.3 Brave old salt. Adams j AdlO.lO Brave Tom. Ellis j El.58.3 Brave woman. .John J61.3 Bravest of the brave. Hexty H392.3 Bravo. Cooper C784.3 Bread and butter miss. Pastox P2<>. 1 Bread and oranges. Warner j AV24G.1 Bread upon the waters. Craik C842.4 Bread-winners. Nickersox N53.1 Breaking a butterfly. Lawrence L43.4 Breaking awaj. Adams j Adl9.11 Bressant. Hawthorne H31.5.3 Brethren of Mt. Atlas. Stltfield St94.1 Bric-a-brac stories. Harrison j H247.2 Bricks without straw. Tourgee T64.2 Bridal eve. Southworth So84.3 Bridal march. Bjornson Boo. 2 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott Sco82.6 Bride of Llewelh'n. Southworth So84.4 Bride of the Mle. Ebers Eb3.1 Bride's fate. Southworth So84.5 Bridge of the gods. Balch B183.1 Brief honors. Scudder Scu22.2 Bright celestials. Lamoxt L192.1 Bright days in the old plantation time. Banks j B225.1 Bright one. Schwartz Sch92.2 Brigitta. Auerbach Au3.2 Bristol bells. Marshall M3.54.4 Broadoaks. McClelland M 132. 1 Brockley moor. L., J. W LLl Broken blossom. Lean L47.2 Broken links. Hector H3o2.3 Broken stirrup leather. Grantville G768.1 Broken to harness. Yates Y22.2 Broken toys. Steele St3o. 1 Broken vow. Little L723. 1 Brookes of Bridleraore. Melvllle M49.1 Brother against brother. Adams j Adl9.12 Brother to dragons. Chanler C3<32. 1 Brotherhood of consolation. Balzac B217.4 Brothers and strangers. Poor P79.1 Brought to the front. Kellogg j K29.29 Broughton house. Perry P423.1 Brownies and bogles. Guiney j G94.1 Brownlows. Oliphant 0132.4 Browns. Smith Sm6. 1 Brown's retreat. King K.58. 1 Brownstone boy. Bishop B.54.1 Brownstone front. Fl'lton F958.1 Brueton's bayou. Habberton H11.4 Brunhilde. Alarcon AIL 1 Brushes and chisels. Sexao Se65. 1 Brj-an Maurice. Mitchell ^109.5. 1 Bryda. Field F452.1 Bungip land. Fenn j F30. 1 Buccaneers. H.u:.L H14.1 Buchholz family. Stinde St.34. 1 Buffeting. Pemberton P36.1 Bunny stories. Jewett j J55.1 Bureaucracy. B.iXZAC B217.5 Burglars in Paradise. Ward W212.3 Burgomaster's wife. Ebers Eb3.2 Burial of the guns. Page P14. 1 Buried alive. Dostoyeffsky D74. 1 Buried treasure. Fosdick j F78.3 Burkett's lock. McClelland M132.2 Burnham breaker. Greene G83.2 Burning of Rome. Church C47. 1 Burnt million. Payn P29.2 Burying the hatchet. Kellogg j K29.4 Bush-boys. Reid j R27.3 But a Philistine. Towxsend T(j(55.2 But men must work. Carey C184.3 But yet a woman. Hardy H22. 1 Button's inn. Tol-rgee T(j4. 3 By a Himalayan lake. " Idle exile "... Id4. 1 By a strange path. Eckerson Ec.5. 1 By a way she knew not. Robertson R.j48.1 By and by. Maitland M282. 1 By Celia's arbour. Besant & Rice B46.4 By England's aid. Henty H392.4 By his own might. Hillern H55. 1 By right of conquest. Henty j H392.5 By still waters. Mayo M458. 1 By the Tiber. Tencker T49.1 By uphill paths. Van Sammek V3G. 1 By sheer pluck. Henty H392.6 Byburg to Beacon street. Diaz D548. 1 Cab and caboose. Mlnroe j M922.2 Cabin in the clearing. Ellis j E158.4 Cadet button. Whittaker WG12. 1 Cadet days. King j K582.2 Caedwalla. Cowper C835. 1 Caesar Borgia. Robinson R.566.1 Caesar's column. Boisgilbert B634.1 Caged lion. Yonge Y8.6 Cakes and ale at Woodbine Coffin C65.5. 1 Calderwood secret. Johnson .1632.1 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Called back. Fargus F22.1 Callista. Newman N46. 1 Calmire 0134 Cameron pride. Holmes H73.2 Camp in the mountains. Ellis j E158.5 Campfire and wigwam. Ellis j E158.6 Campmates. Munroe j M922.3 Canadians ..f old. Gaspe G214. 1 Candide. Voltaire V884.1 Candle in the sea. Rand j K15.2 Can love sin? Douglas D746.1 Can the old love ? Gustafsox G97. 1 Can you forgive her? Trollope •• T74.30 Canoemates. Munroe j M922.4 Canterbury tales. Lee L513. 1 Canterbury tales. Lee L514.1 Cape Cod and all along shore. Nord- IIOFF N75. 1 Cape Cod folks. Greexk G834. 1 Cape Cod folks. Greene G834. 1 Capillary crime. Millet M618. 1 Captain Bayley's heir. Hexty j H392.7 Captain Blake. KiXG K582.3 Cajjtain Davy's honeymoon. Caixe C12.1 Captain Fracasse. Gautier G23. 1 Captain Fritz. Miller j MG13. 1 Captain Jack, the scout. McKnight M21.1 Captain January. Richards j R39. 1 Captain Lanagan's log. Downey D752. 1 Captain MacDonald's daughter. Campbell. C15.1 Captain Mansana. B.turxsox B55.3 Captain Nelson. -Drake D783. 1 Captain of the Janizaries. Ludlow L963.1 Captain of the Ivittiewink. Ward j W213.1 Captain of the Polestar. Doyle D77.2 Captain of the Wight. Cowper j C835.2 Captain Phil. Thomas j T3G4.1 Captain Sam. Egglestox j Eg32.2 Captain Trafalgar. Laurie j L37.2 Captain Wolf j C17 Captain's bargain. Wi;ight j W934.2 Captain's boat. Stoddard j Stfi4.3 Captain's dog. f^XAULT j En 1.1 Captured cruiser. Hyxe j H99.1 Cardinal sin. Fargus F22.2 Career of a nihilist. Stepxiak St4.').l Carine; a story of Sweden. lixAULT Enl.2 Caring for no man. Porter P832.1 Carita. Oliphant 0132.5 Carl Krinken. W^vrxer & Bartlett j W246. 18 Carl's first days. S.\nford j Sa57.1 Carlino. Ruefixi R83. 1 Carlotta's intended, and other stories. Stuart St9. 1 Caroline. Abbott j Ab24.2 Carried by storm. Flemixg F621.2 Carried off. Levy L572. 1 " Carrots." Molesworth j M73.2 Carter Quarterman. Baker B179.2 Case of Mohammed Benani C2G Case of Mr. Lacraft. Bes.vxt & Rice . . . B4G.4 Casper and his friends. Warxer j W24.1 Cassj-. Smith j Sm54.1 Castaway. Yates Y22.3 Cast away in the cold. Hayes H324. 1 Cast up by the sea. Baker B177. 1 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Ale- shine. Stockton StG.4 Castle Blair. Shaw Sh2.1 Castle builders Yoxge Y8.7 Castle Daly. Keary K21. 1 Castle dangerous. Scott Sco82. 7 Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss St82. 1 Castle nowhere. Woolsox W885.2 Castle of Ehrenstein. James J232.5 Castle of the Carpathians. Yerxe V59.4 Castle Richmond. Trollope T74.5 Castles in the air. Coffix CG.55.2 Castles in the air. Gore GGG.l Cat of Bubaster. Hext'\- H392.8 Catharine. Saxdeau Sa55. 1 Catharine de Medici. B.vlzac B217.6 Catherine, etc. Thackeray T32.2 Cathedral courtship; and Penelope's Eng- lish experiences. RiGGS R44.2 Catherine Furze. White W586.2 Cats' Arabian nights. Diaz j D543.2 Cavalier. James J232.6 Caxton. Ly'TTOX L994.2 Cecil Dreeme. Wixthrop W732.1 Cecilia. Arblay Arl2. 1 Cecily. Leslie L.j64.2 Cecy's recollections. Bramstox' B735. 1 Cedars. Cragix j C841.1 Centuries apart. Bouve BG67.1 Century too soon. Musick M972.2 Cerise. MsLAnLLE M49.2 Cesar Birotteau. Balzac B217.7 Cesarine Dietrich. Dudevaxt D36.3 Cesette. Pouvillox P86.1 Chainbearer. Cooper C7S4.4 Chaldean magician. Ecksteix Ec52. 1 Chamber over the gate. Bates B316.1 Chance acquaintance. Howells H838.4 Chance for himself. Trowbridge j T754.4 Chances and changes. Jourdax' j J82.1 Change of air. Hawkixs Holo.l- Changed brides. Southworth SoS4.6 Changed heart. Fleming FG21.3 Channings. Wood W852.24 Chase of Saint Castin. Cvtherwood C28.1 Chantry house. Yoxge Y8.8 Chantry priest of Barnet. Church C47.2 Chaplain of the fleet. Bes,\xt & Rice B46.7 Chaplet of pearls. Yoxge Y8.9 Chapter of adventures. Hexty j H392.9 Character sketches. MacLeod M22.3. 1 Characteristics. Mitchell M(i94.1 Charge fulfilled. Molesworth j M73.1 Charlemont. Simms Si42.2 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Charles Aucliester. Sheppard Sli4G.l Charles Franklj-n of the camel corps. H.vSKXBiB H27.1 Charles O'Malley. Lever L.j7.4 Charlie Bell, the waif of Elm island. Kfxlogg j K29.5 Charlie Codman's cruise. Algeu j A13.G Charlie to the rescue. Ballaxtvxe j B21.4 Charteris. Meline M48.1 Chase of the leviathan. Reid j R27.4 Chase of the meteor. B yxxek B99.3 Chateau d'or. Holmes H73.3 Chatelaine of La Trinite. Fllleh F054.1 Chautauqua girls at home. Aldex A12.1 Chautauqua idyl. Livingston L7G. 1 Check and counter-check. Matthews... M43.7 Chedayne of Kotono. Towner TG6. 1 Chelsea householder. Lawless L42.1 Cherry and violet. Eathbone I\ls2. 1 Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. Dumas D89.5 Chevalier D'Harmental. Dujias D80.G Chevalier of Persieri. Fuller F0j4.2 Chezzles. Morse j M834.1 Chief justice. Fr.vnzos YSo.l Chien d'or, the golden dog. Kirby lvG3.1 Child Marian abroad. Round j R7G.1 Child of the age. Adams Adl2. 1 Child of the ball. Alarcon All. 2 Child of the Island Elm. Kellogg j Iv29.G Child of the tide. Cheney j C422. 1 Child-wife. Reid R27.5 Childhood, boyhood, youth. ToLSTOi T.J82.2 Children of destiny. Seawell SeL 1 Children of Gibeon. Bksant B4G.o Children of Mt. Ida. Child j C43. 1 Children of old Park's tavern. Hu:mi'iiri.v. j H884.1 Cliildren of the abbey. Roche R.")8.1 Children of the king. Crawford C854.2 Cluldrcn of the new forest. Marryat . . . IM344. 1 Children of the soil. Sienkiewicz Si 1.7 Children of the world. Heyse H.")l. 1 Chilhowee boys. Morp.ison j M83.1 Chivalier's daughters. Guernsey G93.1 Chivalric days. Brooks j B793.1 Choisy. Story St7j.l Cliosen Valley. Foote F732. 1 Chouans. Bm.z\c B217.9 Choy Susan. Bishop B"»4.2 Chris. Stoddard j StG4.4 Chris. XORRis X79.2 Chris and Otho. Smith Sm.J7.1 Chrissy's endeavor. Alden j A12.2 Christian woman. QuiROGA Q4G.2 Christian's mistake. Craik C842.5 Christie's faith. Robinson R5G4.2 Christmas books. Dickens D55.4 Christmas carol in prose. Dickens Do5.5 Cliristmas country. Safford j Sal.l Christmas eve and Christmas day. HAf.E. 1113. 1 Christmas every day, and other stories. IIowELLS j H838..') Christmas guest. Southwokth So84.7 Christmas hirelings. Maxwell j M452.2 Christmas in Xarragansett. H.vle H13.2 Christmas posy. Molesworth j M73.3 Christmas stories. Dickens D55.6 Christmas stories. Dickens & Collins. . . D55.7 Christmas stories. Holmes H73.4 Christmas stories. Thackeray T32.3 Christmas storj- teller C40 Christmas-tree land. Molesworth j M73.4 Christmas with Grandma Elsie. Finley. . j F4'.). I Christmas wreck. Stockton StG.o Christopher. Barr B27.o Christy Carew. MacX-Ujb M23. 1 Chronicle of the reign of Charles IX. Merdiee iI55.1 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. Charles C38.3 Chrystal, Jack & Co. Munroe j M922.5 Cigarette maker's romance. Crawford.. C854.3 Cipher despatch. Bayer B337. 1 Ciphers. Kirk KG33.2 Circuit rider. Eggleston Eg3. 1 City boys in the woods. Wells "\V4G.1 City of Sarras. Taylor T2 17. 1 City snowdrops. "Whatiiam j W55.2 Clara Baughan. Blacioiork B5G7.2 Classic tales. Edgeworth j Ed3.1 Claudia. Douglas D744.2 ClaucUa Hyde. Belger B41.1 Claverings. Trollope T74.G Cleopatra. Durand D93.4 Cleopatra. Haggard H12.2 Clever woman of the family. Yonge Y8.10 Cliff dwellers. Fixler F0.>4.3 Clip her wing CG13 Clocks of Rondaine. Stockton j StG.G Cloister and the hearth. Reade R224. 1 Close of St Christopher's. Marsh-VLL j M3.')4.,") Cloud and cliff. Allen j A1.59. 1 Cloud on the heart. Roe R(]2. 1 Cloven foot. Maxwell M4o2.3 Clover. Woolsey j W883.2 Clovcrnook. Carg C25.1 Cluny ISIacPherson. Barr B27.6 Coast of Bohemia. Howells H838.G Coign of vantage. Wood W8-36. 1 College days at Oxford. Adams Adl4.1 Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith... Sm.32.1 Colonel Enderby's wife. Harrison H249.1 Colonel Quaritch, V. C. Haggard HI2.3 Colonel Starbottle's client. Harte H25.5.3 Colonel's Christmas dinner. King K582.4 Colonel's daughter. KtXG K582.o Colonel's money. Lillie j LG25. 1 Colonel's opera cloak. Brush B835.1 Colonial boy. Ey'Ster J Ey '■ 1 Colonial reformer. Browne BS17.1 Colony of girls. Willard W662. 1 Color studies. Janvier J265.2 Columbia. Musick M972.3 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Columbus and Beatriz. Du Bois D80.I Come forth. Ward W212.21 " Come, live with me, and be my love." Buchanan B852.1 " Come, ye children." Waugh j "W35. 1 Comedy of elopement. Tierxax T44.3 Comedy of terrors. Dk Mille D39.3 Cometh up as a flower. Broughtox B799.3 Coming race. Lytton L99-lr.3 Comin' thro' the rye. Reeves R25-1:. 1 Coming wave. Adams j Adl9. 13 Commodore Junk. Fexn j F36.25 Common chord. Elliot Eloi. 1 Common sense. Newby N424.1 Companions of Jehu. Dumas D89.7 Complaining millions of men. Flxler. . . F952.1 Condemned as a nihilist. Henty j H392. 10 Condensed novels and stories. Harte... H255.4 Confessions of a frivolous girl. Grant.. G766.2 Confessions of a poacher. "Watson W334.1 Confessions of Claud. Fawcett F28.4 Confessions of Con Cregan. Lever L.57.5 Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. Le.4lN . . L47.3 Confidence. James J233.4 Congo rovers. Lancaster j L224.1 Coningsby. Beaconsfield B35.2 Conquering and to conquer. Charles. C38.4 Conrad. Leslie L5(34.3 Conscript. Dumas D89.9 Conscript. Erckmann & Chatrian Er2.4 Conspirators. Dumas D89. 10 Constance and Colbot's rival. Hawthorne. H315.4 Constance of Acadia Tenney T25.2 Constance Sherwood. Flxlerton F957.1 Consuelo. Dudevant D8G.4 Contarini Fleming. Beaconsfield B35.3 Contrabrand. Mel\tlle M49.3 Conventional Bohemian. Pendleton... P371.1 Convict. James J232.7 Convicts and their children. Auerbach.. Au3.3 Coo-ee. Martin M363.1 Cook and the captive. Yonge Y8.11 Copperhead. Frederic F87.1 Coral island. B.u.lantyne j B21.5 Coral ship. Munroe j M922.6 Cord and crease. De Mtlle D39.4 Corinne. Stael Stl4. 1 Coronation. Tenney T25.3 Coronet of horse. Henty H392.il Cosraopolis. Bourget B662.1 Cossacks. ToLSTOi T5S2.3 Cost of a he. Cameron C14.2 Cost of a mistake. Pitt j P68.1 Cottage by the cathedral. Charles C38.5 Counsel of perfection. Harrison. H249.2 Count Hostia. Cherbuliez C424.1 Count Lucanor. Manuel M315.1 Count of Monte Cristo. Dl^mas D89.il Count of the Saxon shore. Church C47.7 Count Robert of Paris. Scott Sco82.8 Counter-currents. Weitzel W43.1 Counterparts. Sheppard Sh46.2 Countess Eve. Shorthouse ShS.l Countess de Charny. Dumas D89.8 Countess Gisela. John J61.4 Countess Irene. Fogerty F68.1 Countess Radna. NORRis N79.3 Countess of Rudolstadt. Dudevant D86.5 Country by-ways. Jewi:tt J552.12 Country cousin. Peaed P314.1 Country doctor. Jewett J552.1 Country doctor. Balzac B217.10 Country gentleman and his family. Oli- phant 0132. G Country in danger, 1792. Erckmann & Chatrian Er2.5 Country luck. Habberton Hll.5 Coupon bonds. Trowbridge j T754.5 Courage. Ogden j Og2.1 Court of Charles IV. Galdos G13.1 Courtenay of Walreddon. Bray B739.1 Courting and farming. S>nTH Sm57.2 Cousin Henry. Trollope T74.7 Cousin Maude and Rosamond. Holmes.. H73.5 Cousin Phillis. Gaskell G212.1 Cousin Pons. B.axzac B217.8 Cousins. Walford W14.2 Cracker Joe C84 Cranford. Gaskell G212.2 Craque-o'-doom. Catherwood C28.2 Cressy. Harte H255.5 Crew of the " Sam Weller." Habberton. H11.6 Crew of the " Water Wagtail." Ballan- TYNE j B21.6 Crichton. Ainsworth AiG.l Crime and punishment. Dostoyeffsky. . D74.2 Cringle and cross-tree. Adams j Adl9.14 Cripps, the carrier. Blacioiore Bo67.3 Criss-cross. Litchfield j L71.1 Crooked path. Hector H352.4 Crooked places. Mayo M458.2 " Crooked S." Clare j C54.1 Cross above the crescent. Southgate... S08.I Cross and crescent. Adams j Adl9.15 Cross corners. Warner j AV24.2 Crosscurrents. Dickens D552.1 Cross of Berny. Giradin G44.1 Cross Patch. WOOLSEY j W883.3 Cross roads. Yonge Y8. 12 Crossing the quicksands. Cozzens j C839.1 Crotchet castle. Peacock P31.1 Crowded out o' Crowfield. Stoddard... j St64.5 Crown from the speare. Hamilton H182.1 Crucifixion of Philip Strong. Sheldon . Sh4.1 Cruel as the grave. Southworth So84.8 Crusade of the Excelsior. Harte H255.6 Crusaders and captives. Merrill j M552.1 Cruise of Henry Vane. Stimson St5.1 Cruise of Sylvestre Bonnard. Thibault. T342.1 Cruise of the canoe club. Alden j A123.1 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Cruise of the Casco. Kellogg j K2'.).7 Cruise of the '• Esmeralda." Lancaster. L224.2 Cruise of the Ghost. Aldex j A123.2 Cruise of the Snowbird. Stables j Stl2.2 Cruise under six flags. Ericssox Er-t.l Crusoe in New York. H.vle H13.3 Crusoes of Guiana. Bousexard B0t;4.1 Cryptogram. De Mllle 1)39.5 Crystal button. Thomas T36.1 Cuckoo clock. MoLESWORTH j M73..5 Cudjo's cave. Trowbridge j T7.54.6 Cuore Italian schoolboj-'s journal. Ami- cis j Am.5.1 Cupid and the Sphinx. McClelland M13.1 Cupid, M. D. Swift Sw5.1 Curate in charge. Oliphaxt 0132.7 Curl.vhead. AVright j \V932.1 Curse of Clifton. Southworth So84.9 Curse of gold. Stephaxe St42.2 Cutlass and cudgel. Fexn j F3<'..2 Cythia Wakeham's money. Rohles ROo.2 Cyrilla. TArTPHCEUS T 19. 1 Czar. Alcock AUl.l Czar and sultan. Forbes F74.2 Dab Ivinzer. Stoddard j StG4.0 Dagonet, the jester D 129 Daisy. Warxer AV240.2 Daisy Burns. Kavaxagh K17.3 Daisy Cliain. Yoxge Y8. 13 Daisy Plains. Warxicr ■\V24.3 Daisy Thornton. Holmes " H73.6 Daisy Travers. S.oivels j Sa4.1 Daltons. Lever L57.6 Dalzells of Daisytown. Blake j B582.1 Damascus road. Tixseau T494.1 Dame Care. Sudermaxx Su2. 1 Dame prison. Mathews ;M426.1 Damons ghost. Byxxp:r B99.4 Dan. Brlse • j B77.1 Dan of Millbrook. Coefix CG52. 1 Danesbury house. Wood W852.3 Dangerous game. Yates Y22.15 Daniel Deronda. Cross C88-5.2 Daniel Poldertot. Diekexga Do62. 1 Danira. BIrstexbixder B942.4 Danvers papers. Yoxge Y8.14 Danvis folks. ROBIXSOX R5G9.1 Daphne. Booth B042.1 Dark days. Fargus F22.3 Dark liouse. Fexx FoO.o Dark night's work. Gaskell G212.3 Darkness and dawn. Farrar F242. 1 Darkness and daylight. Holmes H73.25 Darnley. X\iiES J232.8 Darryll gap. Towxsexd T(5G5.1 Dash for Khartoum. IIexty j H392. 12 Daughter of an empress. Muxdt M92.3 Daughter of Bohemia. Tierxax T44.4 Daughter of Eve. Kirk KG33.3 Daughter of Heth. Black B504.2 Daughter of the Philistines. Boyesex. . . B09.2 Daughter of the soil. Bluxdell B625.1 Daughter of the south. Harrisox H247.5 Daughter of this world. Batfersh^nxl. . . B32.1 Daughter of to-day. Cotes C82.1 Daughter of Venice. Wood W856.2' Daughters of men. Lyxch L99.1 Daughters of the revolution. Coffin Cfi52.2" Davenport Dunn. Lever L57.7 David Alden's daughter. AuSTtx Au75.2" David Balfour. Stea^exsox St48.2- David Copperfield. Dickens D55.8 David Elginbrod. Macdonald M14..> David Fleming's forgiveness. Robert- son R548.^ David Poindexter's disappearance. Haw- thorne H315.5. David Todd. Macll-re M227. 1 Dawn. Adams Adl3.1 Day and night stories. Sullivan Su53.1 Day at Laguerre's. Smith Sm52.2' Day of fate. Roe R622.2- Day of my life. B.OsKS j B223.1 Day of wonders. Sullivan j Suo.l Days of Bruce. AGL^LAR Ag9.1 Days of my youth. Coppee C79.1 Day's ride. Lever Lo7.8- Dead marquise. Kip '• K62.1 Dead sea fruit. Maxwell M452.4 Dead secret. Collins C094.C Dean's daughter. Gore 066.2" Dean's daughter. Veitch V53.1 Dear. Smith Sm51.5- Dear daughter Dorothy. Plymptox j P74.1 Dearest. Bridges B76.2 Dearly bought. Bcrxham B932. 1 Debenham's vow. Edwards Ed92.2 Debit and credit. Freytag F89.2" Debutante in Xew York society. Bucii- .\nax B80.I Decameron. Boccaccio B63.1 Decatur and Somers. Seawell Sel.2 December roses. Praed P88.1 Deemster. Caise C12.2^ Deephaven. Jewett j J.552.2' Deerbrook. Martineau M366.1 Deerslayer. Cooper C784.5- De Foix. Bray B739.2- Deldee, the ward of Waringham. James. J23.1 Delectable duchy. Couch C83.1 Deluge. SiEXKiEWicz Sil.l Demagogue. Locke L79.1 Demigod. Jacksox J12.1 Democracy. KixG K583.1 De Molai. Fl.\gg F59.1 Demoralizing marriage. Fawcett F28.5. Dene Hollow. Wood W852.4 Denise. Roberts R542.1 Denzil Quarrier. GissixG G445.1 Derelict. Harding H214.1 10 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Desert home. Reid j R27.G Desert of ice. Verne V59.o Deserted ship. Cupples j C02. 1 Deserted wife. Southworth So84.10 Deserter. IviXG K582.G Desk and debit. Adams j Adl9. 16 Desmond hundred. Austin Aii7o.4 Desperate remedies. Hardy H224:.l Despot of Broomsedge cove. Murfree.. M94.1 Despotic lady. NoRRiS N79.4 Destiny. Ferrier r41.1 Detmold. Bishop Br)4.3 Devereanx. Lytton L994.4 Devil's hat. rniLLiPS PoS. 1 Devoted bride. Tucker T794.1 Devout lover. C.vjieron C14.3 Di. Pierce PGl.l Dialect tales. McDowall M144.1 Diamond dyke. Fenn j r3G.4 Diamond button, where was it? Hudson. H865.1 Diana. Oliphant 0132.8 Diana. Warner AV24G.3 Diana Carew. Bridges B76.1 Diana of the crossways. Meredith M54.3 Diana Tempest. Cholmondeley C45.1 Diane Cory val D J4 Diary. Bremer B73. 1 Diary of a woman. Feuillet F434.2 Diary of Lady Willoughby. Rathrone.. R18.1 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Charles. C38.G Dick Broadhead. Barnum j B26. 1 Dick Cheveley. Kingston j KGU.i Dick Xetherby. Waleord "\V14.3 Dick o' the fens. Fenn j F3G.5 Dick Sands, the boy captain. Verne j Vol). 22 Dick's wandering. Sturgis St92.3 Diddle, Dumps, and Tot. Pyrnelle j P992 1 Diego Pinzon. Coryell C81S. 1 Digby Grand. Melville M49.4 Digging for gold. Alger . j A13.7 Dikes and ditches. Adams j Adl9. 17 Dilemma. Ciiesney C427. 1 Dilly and the captain. Lathrop j L9] . 1 Dimitri Roudine. Turgenief T84.2 Diplomat's diary. Cruger CSSS. 1 Discarded daughter. Southworth So84.11 Disillusion. Coppee C79.2 Disowned. Lytton L994.5 Dissolving views. Lang L2o2. 1 Disturbing element. Yonge j Y8.I0 Dita. Majendie M284. 1 Djambek, the Georgian. Suttner SuS.l Dmitri. Bain BlG.l Do and dare. Alger j A13.8 Doctor Antonio. Ruffini R83.2 Doctor Basilius. Dumas D89. 12 Doctor Ben. Witherspoon W77. 1 Doctor Breen's practice. Howells H838.7 Doctor Claudius. Crawford C854.4 Doctor Gay. Ward W2 12.4 Doctor Grattan. H.vmmond H188.1 Doctor Gray's guest. Underwood " Un2.1 Doctor Grimshawe's secret. Hawthorne. H316.2 Doctor Johns. Mitchell M692.1 Doctor Lamar. DoD D66.1 Doctor Ox. Verne V59.6 Doctor Papa. Clarke j C554.2 Doctor Thorne. Trollope T74.8 Doctor Tom. Payson P294. 1 Doctor's daughter. Clarke j Co54.3 Doctor's dilemma. Smith Smo4.2 Doctor's mistake. Montague M76. 1 Doctor's wife. Maxwell M452.5 Dr. Dodd's school. Ford F752.1 Dr. Gilbert's daughters. Mathews j M42G.2 Dr. Howell's family. Talcott T144. 1 Dr. Jeanet. Kenealy K3o.l Dr. Latimer. Burnhaiw B932.2 Dr. LeBaron and his daughters. Austin. Au75.3 Dr. Marigold's prescriptions. Dickens.. D55.9 Dr. Sevier. Cable C11.2 Dr. Wainwrighfs patient. Yates Y22.4 Dodd family abroad. Lever L57.9 Doddy's boy. Smith j Sm51.4 Dodge club. De Mille D39.G Dog Crusoe. B.vllantyne j B21.7 Doing and dreaming. Mayo M458.4 Doing his best. Trowbridge j T754.7 Doings of Raffles Haw. Doyle D77.3 Doings of the Bodlcy family. Scudder.. j Scu2.4 Dollars and cents. Warner W24.4 DolHver romance. Hawthorne H31G.3 Dolly. Pool P78.1 Dolly dialogues. Hawkins H313.2 Dolores. Bridges B76.3 Dombey and Son. Dickens D55.10 Domestic stories. Craik C842.G Domesticus. Butler B97.1 Don Braulio. Valera V234.2 Don Finimondone. Cavazza C31.1 Don Gordon's shooting-box. FoSDiCK.. .. j F78.4 Don John. Ingelow In4.1 Don Orsino. Crawford C854.5 Don Quixote. Cervantes-Saa^edra C334.1 Doiia Luz. Valera V234.1 Donal Grant. Macdonald M14;g Donald and Dorothy. Dodge DG6G. 1 Donald Marcy. Ward W212.5 Donald Ross of Heimra. Black B5G4.3 Donald's school-days. Howard j HS34. 1 Donovan. Bayly B34.1 Doom of Mamelons. Murray .' M9GS.2 Dora. Kavanagh K17.4 Dora Darling. Austin Au7o. 10 Dora Deane. Holmes H73.7 Dorcas club. Adams j Adl9.18 Dorcas society. Bcckham BS5G.1 Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. Kouns. KS44.2 Doreen. Bay'ly B34.2 Doris. HuNGERFORD H89.4 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 11 Dori.s iind Theodora. .Jaxnier J2G4.1 Dorothea. Patchin r27.1 Dorothy Arden. Caixwkll C 13. 1 Dorothy Forster. Besaxt BiC.H Dorothy Fox. Park P242.2 Dorothy the Puritan. Watsox W3B. 1 Dorothy Wallis. Besaxt B-tn.O Dorothy's experience. Kxox K77. 1 Dorothy's islands. COXKLIX C7G.1 Dorymates. MuxROK j M022.7 Dosia. DuRAXD \):.)3.o Dosia's daughter. Duraxd D03.G Dot and dime. Bari: B271.1 Double cherry. Wiiatiiam \V55.3 Double cunning. Fexx F3G.6 Double emperor. Ci.owns C62.1 Double masquerade. Talbot Tl-i. 1 Double-runner club. Shillaiskr j SliG.l Double story. Macdoxald M14.7 Double wedding. Warfikld "\V23.1 Doubleday's children. Cook 077.1 Doubly false. Stephkxs St42.3 Dove in the eagle's nest. Yoxgk •• Y.s.lG Downfall. Zola Z7.1 Down south. Adams j Adl0.21 Down the ravine. Murfree M9-1.2 Down the Rhine. Adams j AdlO.lI* Down the river. Adams j xVdl0.20 Down the west brancli. Farrar j F24:.l Dragon and the raven. Hexty H3D2.13 Dragon of the north. Oswald OsfM Dragon's teetli . Berraxo SeG-l. 1 Draught of Lethe. Tellet T23.1 Drayton's. Charles C38.7 Dream child. HrxxLEV H!:t2-1. 1 Dream numbers. Trolloi-e T74G. I ' Dreamer. AVylde W072. 1 Dreamer of dreams. Xicholsox N52.1 Dreams by a French fireside. Volkmaxx. j V882.1 Dreams of the dead. Huxtixgtox H'J2. 1 Drift from two shores. Haute H255.7 Drifting island. Wextworth j W4S2. 1 Driven back to Eden. KoE EG22.3 Driven from the path. Smart Sm2.1 Driven into exile. Tccker T79.1 Drone's Iioney. Clarke j C554r.4 Drummer boy. Trowisridge j T7o4.8 Duchess Frances. Keddie K23. 1 Duchess of llosemarylane. FARjEt)X.... F222.12 Du<.'liesse de Langeais. Balzac B217.il Duffles. Egglestox Eg3.2 Duke's children. Trolloi'e T74.1» Dulcie's little brother. Greex j G82.1 Dumb traitor. AVilmer j WGS. 1 Dunraven ranch. KiXG K582.7 Dusantes. Stocktox StG.7 Dust. Hawthorxi; H315.G Dust and laurels. Pexdered P37.1 Dusty diamonds. Ballaxtyxe B21.28 Dving rol)in. Aldex A121.1 Dynevor terrace. YoxGK Y8.17 Eagle and dove. Clemexts C592.1 Eaglehurst towers. Marshali M.354r.O Earlier stories. Burxett B03.1 Earlscourt. Allardyce A153. 1 Early dawn. Charles C38.8 Early start in life. NouRis N702.1 Early western life. Rideout j 1U34.1 Earnest trifler. Sprague Sp7. 1 Earth trembled. Roe RG22.4 Eartlily paragon. McGlassox M17.1 East and west. Hale H13.4 East Angels. Woolsox W885.3 East Lynne. Wood ■\Ve52.5 Easter vacation. HiGGixsox H.J32. 1 Eastward, ho ! Farrar j F24.2 Eavesdropper. Payx •• • . P29.3 Ebb tide. Stevexsox St48.9 Ecce Femina. Peck P33.1 Echoes from storyland. Bi:ixe j B77.2 Edelweiss. Auekuach • . Au3.4 Edelweiss of the Sierras. Harrisox H247.G Edgar Huntly. Browx B812.2 Edith. Bertkon B458.1 Edith Lyle. Holmes H73.S Editha's burglar. Burxett j B93.2 Edmond Dantes. Dumas D89. 13 Edna Browning. Holmes H73.9 Edward Burton. Wood W8 ">."). 1 Edwin, the boy outlaw. Hodgetts j HGG2.1 Effie's visit to cloudland. Ausxix j Au7.1 Eglantine. Stephexsox St44.2 Egoist. Meredith Mo4.4 Egyptian princess. Ebers Eb3.3 Eichhops. Bethusy B4G3. 1 Eight cousins. Alcott j A112.2 '89. edited from the original manuscript. Hexry ^. H39.1 Eiglity-seven. Aldex A12.3 Ekkeliard. Scheefel Sch2. 1 Elam Storm. FoSDiCK j F78.5 Elbow room. Clai'.k Cr)42.1 Elder Conklin. Haruls H242. 1 Elect lady. Macdoxald M14.8 Elective affinities. Gothe G71. 1 Electrical boy. Trdwiuudge j T753. 1 Elena. Comyx C732.1 Elfreda. Leslh: L564.4 Eline Vere. Couperus C833.1 Eli's children. Fexx . 1^30.7 Elizabeth. Cottex i" F7ol. 1 Ellen Herbert J ^.151 Ellen Middleton. Fullertox F957.2 Elsie. Mafilaxd M28. 1 Elsie and the Raymonds. Fixley j F49.2 Elsie at the world's fair. Flnley j F49.G Elsie at Ion. Fixley j F49.3 Elsie at Nantucket. Fixley j F49.4 Elsie at Viamede. Fixley j F49.5 Elsie Dinsmore. Fixley - j F449.7 12 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Elsie Venner. Holmes H732.1 Elsie yachting with the Raymonds. Finley. j F-t9.8 Elsie's children. Eixley j F49.9 Elsie's friends at Woodburn. Fixley ... j F49.10 Elsie's girlhood. Fixley j F49. 1 1 Elsie's kith and kin. Fixley j F49.12 Elsie's motherhood. Fixley j F49.13 Elsie's new relations. Fixley j F-i9. 14 Elsie's vacation. Fixley j F49. 15 Elsie's widowhood. Fixley j F49. IC Elsie's womanhood. Fixlky j F49. 17 Elster's folly. "Wood W852.G Emigrant ship. Russell R91o. 1 Emma. Austex An74. 1 Empress Josephine. Muxdt M92.4 Empty heart. Terhune T27.22 End of a coil^ Warxek W24G.4 End of the world. Egglestox Eg3.3 Endeavor Chris. Hopkixs j H773.1 Endeavor doin's down to the corners. COWAX C834.1 Endymion. Beacoxsfield B35.4 English Bodley family. Scudder j Scu2.5 English " Daisy idler." JoHXSOX .T032.2 English orphans. Holmes H7o. 10 Englishman of the rue Cain. Wood "\V8o4.1 Englishman's haven. GORDOX j G65. 1 Enthralled and released. Bijrstexbixder. B942.5 Epicurean. Moore ;M78o. 1 Equal to the occasion. Mayo M458.3 Erema. Blackmore in 6(582. 1 Eric. Fakrar j F242.2 Eric Brighteyes. Haggard H12.4 Erl queen. Eschstruth Esl. 1 Erlack court. Kurschxer K9(3.2 Erling the bold. B.ajxaxtyxe j B21.8 Ernest Fairfield. :Malax j M29. 1 Ernest Linwood. Hextz H393.2 Ernest Maltravers. Lyttox L994. 6 Ernest quest. Ford F754. 1 Ernestine. Hellerx H55.2 Ersilia. Poyxter P87.2 Esau Hardery. Stoddard St64.7 Escape from Philistia. .Jacobus J15. 1 Escaped from Siberia. Frith F914.2 Estelle. Edwards Ed9.2 Estevan. Musick M972.4 Esther. Carey C184.4 Esther. Comptox C7311.1 Esther^Denison. Sergeaxt SeG2.1 Esther Hill's secret. May M455.4 Esther Pentreath. Pearce P313.1 Esther Vanhomrigh. "Woods "W865.1 Etelka's vow. Gerard Gol.l Ethel Mildway's follies. KiXG K588. 1 Ethehm's mistake. Holmes H73.il Ethne. Field F4o2.2 Eugene Aram. Lyttox L994.7 Eugenie. Butt B98. 1 Eugenie Grandet. Balzac B217.12 Europeans. James J233.5 Eustace diamonds. Trollope T74.12 Evan Dale Evl Evan Harrington. Meredith M54.5 fivangeliste. Daudet D263.2 Eva's engagement ring. "Wilmer 'W68.2 Eve. Gould G732.1 Evelina. Arblay Arl2.2 Executor. Hector H352.5 Exiles. Davis D293.1 Expelled. Heldmaxx j H36.1 Expiated. Dorr D73. 1 Expiation. Frexch F882. 1 Eyebright. Woolsey j "W883.4 Eye for an eye. Trollope T74. 13 Eyes like the sea. Jokai J67.1 Fabiola. "Wiseman "W752. 1 Face and the mask. Barr B274. 1 Face illumined. Roe Rr(22.5 Face to face. Grant G70G.3 Facing death. Henty j H392. 14 Facing the world. Alger j A13.9 Faience violin. Fleury-Hussox F()34. 1 Fainalls of Tipton. Johnson J632.3 Fair barbarian. Burnett B93.3 Fair emigrant. Mulholland M89.2 Fair god. Wallace ■W154.2 Fair Jewess. Farjeon. . F222.2 Fair maid of Marblehead. Woods W862.1 Fair maid of Perth. Scott Sco82.9 Fair philosopher. Hammond H186.1 Fair play. Sodthworth So84.12 Fair puritan. Herbert H412. 1 Fair Saxon. McCarthy M12. 1 Fairfax. Cooke C774.2 Fairport nine. Brooks j B795.2 Fairy book. Craik j C842.7 Fairy book. Laboulaye j LI 1.1 Fairy tales. Wister j W7(3.1 Faith doctor. Eggleston Eg3.4 Faith Gartney's girlhood. Whitney AV61.4 Faith on the frontier. "Vittum V83.1 Falconberg. Boyesen B69.3 Falkner Lyle. Lemon L542. 1 Fall of Damascus. Russell R91.1 Fall of Kilman Kon. Cummings C91.1 Fall of Sebastopol. Henty j .H392. 15 Fallen idol. Guthrie G98.1 Fallen pride. Southworth So84.13 False heir. .Limes J232.9 False start. Smart Sin24.1 Fame and fortune. Alger j A13.10 Fame and sorrow. Balzac B217.13 Familiar letters of Peppermint Perkins. . . F21 Family doom. Southworth So84.14 Family feud. Harder H212.1 Family fortunes. Mayo M458.5 Family happiness. Tolstoi To82.4 Fanchette. Cooke C774.3 Fanchon the cricket. Dudevaxt D86.6 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 13 Fanshawe.and other pieces. Hawthorxk. H31(>.4 Fantasy. Serao Se6.1 Far away and long ago. Kemblk K31.1 Far from home. Derval T>U.l Far from the madding crowd. Hardy. . . H224.2 Far from to-day. Hall HU2.1 Far in the forest. Mitchell M004.2 Farm-house cobweb. Hayxks H3o. 1 Farnell's folly. Trowbridge TToi.'J ' ' Farthings." Molesworth j M7o.G Fashion and famine. Stephens St42.4r Fashionable sufferer. HoPPix H771M Fast friends. Trowbridge j T754. 10 Fatal misunderstanding. Behrens B39. 1 Fatal marriage. Southworth So84. 15 Fatal secret. Sol'thworth SoS4.1f> Fatal three. Maxwell M452.(j Fate of Fenella. Mathers M42. 1. Fate of Mansfield Humphreys. White . . W584.1 Fate of Madame La Tour. P.\X)D0CK P13.1 Fated to be free. Ixgelow '. In4.2 Father and daughter. Bremer — B7.i.2 Father Brighthopes. Trowbru>ge j T7j4.11 Father of six. Potapeeko P847. 1 Father Stafford. Hawkins H313.3 Fathers and sons. TrRGENiEF T84.3 Father's curse. Bray B739.3 Fay Arlington. Beale B36.1 Fearful responsibility. Howells H838.8 Beats on the fiord. Martineau M366.2 Feet of clay. Barr B27.7 F. Grant & Co. Chaney j C3G. 1 Felicia. Murfree M94. 1 Felix Holt. Cross C885.3 Fellow travellers. Fuller F952.2 Fellowe and his wife. Teufeel T29.8 Female nihilist. Lavigne L39. 1 Fenton's quest. Maxwell M452.7 Ferdinand Count Fathom. Smollett Sm7. 1 Fiammelta. Story St7G.l Field and forest. Adams j Adl9.22 Fifty years ago. AVillard "\V6G. 1 Fifty years on the trail. O'Reilly Or32.1 Fighting for the right. Akams j Adl9.23 Fighting .Toe. Adams j Adl9.24 Fighting the good fight. E. H. F j EI.l Fighting the sea. Rand j R51.3 File No. 113. Gaboriai- Gll.l Final reckoning. Henty j H392.49 Fine feathers do not make fine birds. Neily j N31.2 Firefighters. McConafghy j M134.1 Fireflies and mosquitoes. Mooke M78. 1 Firm of Girdlestone. Doyle D77.4 First family of Tasajara. Hakte H255.8 First harvests. Stimson St5.2 First in the field. Fenx F36.8 First love and Punin, and Baburin. Tfr- GENIEF T84.4 First love is best. Dodge DGGo.l First violin. Fothergill F82.2 Fisher boys of Pleasant cove. Kellogg- j K29.8 Fisher girl of France. Calmettes C133. 1 Fisher-maiden. Bjornsox B55.4 Fishin' Jimmy. Slossox Slo.2 Fitz of Fitz-f ord. Bray B739.4 Five hundred dollars. Chaplix C3G3.1 Five little peppers. Lothkop j L91.2 Five little peppers grown up. Lothrop.. j L91.3 Five little peppers midway. Lothrop. • . j L91.4 Five mice in a mouse trap. Richards ... j R39.2 Five minute stories. Molesmorth j M73.7 Five old friends. Ritchie R51. 1 Five weeks in a balloon. Verxe V59.7 Flag of distress. Reid j R27.7 Flag of truce. "Warxer j W24C.5 Flag on the mill. Sleight S122.1 Flat iron for a farthing. EwiNG j Ewo.l Flavia. Lf:slie L564.G Flaxie Frizzle. Clarke j C554.5 Fleurange. Craven C85. 1 Flirtation camp. Van Dyke V282. 1 Flitch of bacon. Ainsworth AiG.2 Flitters, tatters, and the counsellor. Mac- Nabb j M23.2 Floating city. Verne V59.8 Floating prince. Stockton j StG.x Floating light off the Goodwin sands. Bal- lantyne j B2 1.9 Flock of girls. Perry j P427.3 Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces. Richter. R414.1 Flower of forgiveness. Steel St34,l Floyd Grandon's honor. Douglas D744.3 Flute and violin. Allen Al.'57. 1 Flying hill farm. Sweet j Sw4. 1 Flying mail. GoLDSCHMiDT Go7. 1 Foe in the household. Chesf:bro C42G.1 Foes in ambush. King K582.8 Foes of her household. Douglas D744.4 Foggy night at (Jfford. Wooi) W852.7 Folly and fresh air. Phillpotts P544.1 Fool's errand. Tourgee TG4 4 Fools of nature. Brown B81.1 Footprints in the forest. Ellis j E158.7 For a mess of pottage. Lyon L98.1 For a woman. Perry P427.4 For ever and ever. Lean L47.4 For fifteen years. Ulbach UU.l For honor and life. West all W522. 1 For his sake. Hector H3j2.6 For liberty's sake. Marsh M352. 1 For Lilias. Carey Cl84.r> For love and life. Oliphant 0132.38 For name and fame. Henty H392. 17 For queen and king. Frith F914.3 For summer afternoons. Woolsey . W883.5 For the honor of the flag. Robinson . • . R5G2. 1 For the king. Gibbon G35.1 For the king's dues. Macdoxell M142.1 For the right. Fraxzos F8o.2 14 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. For the temple. Henty H392.16 Forbidden fruit. Hacklaxder H112.1 Fore and aft. Dixon D6-i.l Foregone conclusion. Howells H838.9 Foreign match. Bigot B48.1 Forest exiles. Reid j R27. 8 Forest glen. Kellogg j K29.9 Foresters. Auerbach •••• Auo.5 Forging the fetters. Hector Hoo2. 7 Forked tongue. Havilland H295. 1 Forlorn hope. Yates Y22.5 Forrest house. Hol-mes H73. 12 Forsaken bride. Sheldon "•• Sh42. 1 Forsaken inn. Rohlfs R(33.5 Fortnight in heaven. Brydges B843. 1 Fortune seeker. Southworth So8-4.17 Fortune's fool. Hawthorne H315.7 Fortunes of Toby Trafford. Trow- bridge j T7o4.12 Fortunes of Glencore. Lever L57.16 Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran. Max- well 31-lrO-t. 1 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott Sco82.10 Fortunes of Rachel. Hale H13.5 Fortunes of the Colville family. Smed- LEY Sm3. 1 Fortunes of the Faradays. Douglas • • • • D74-l:.5 Forty-five guardsmen. Dumas D89. 14 Foul play. Reade R224.2 Found wanting. Hector H352.8 Four and five. Hale j H13.6 Four ghost stories. Molesm'orth j M73.8 Four girls at Chautauqua. Alden A12.4 Four on an island. S-mith j Smol. G Four sisters. Bremer B75.3 Fourfold. CoxKLiN C76.2 Fourteen to one. Ward W212.(j '49 ; the gold seeker of the Sierras. Mil- ler M612. 1 Fragoletta. Booth BG42.2 Framley parsonage. Trollope T74. 14 Frank among the Rancheros. Fosdick . . j F78.G Frank at Don Carlos' rancho. Fosdick. . j F78.7 Frank before Vicksburg. Fosdick j F78.26 Frank Farlegh. Smedley Sm3.2 Frank in the mountains. Fosdick j F78.8 Frank in the woods. Fosdick j F78.9 Frank on a gunboat. Fosdick j F78.10 Frank on the lower Mississippi. Fosdick. j F78.11 Frank on the prairie. Fosdick j F78.12 Frank Redcliffe. Daunt D26G. 1 Frank, the young naturalist. Fosdick. .. j F78.13 Frank Warrington. Harris H245. 1 Frank's campaign. Alger j A13.il Frau Domina. Glijmer Go2.1 Frau Wilhelmine. Stinde Sto4.2 . Freaks of fortune. Adams j Adl9.25 Freaks on the fells. Ballantyne j B21.10 Fred Bradford's debt. Mathews j M424.7 Fred's hard fight. Howard j H833.1 Frederick the Great. Mundt M92. 6 Frederick the Great and his court. Mundt M92.5 Free prisoners. Bruner B83. 1 Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches. Harris H243.2 Free lances. Reid R27.9 Free, yet forging their own chains. Roe. R624.1 French country family. Witt W78.1 French heiress in her own chateau. Price. P93. 1 Freres. Hector H352.9 Friarswood post-office. Yonge j Y8.18 Friend. Durand D93.7 Friend Fritz. Erckmann & Chatrian. .. Er2.6 Friend of death. Serrano Se64.2 Friend of the people. Rowsell R79.1 Friend Olivia. Barr B27.8 Friends. Ward W212.7 Friends and foes from fairy land. Bra- bourne j B72. 1 Friends in exile. Bryce B842. 1 Friends, though divided. Henty H392. 18 From Australia and Japan. M. A Ml.l From cadet to captain. Groves ' G914. 1 From dreams to awaking. Linton L65. 1 From dusk to dawn. Woods W864. 1 " From Greenland's icy mountains." Sta- bles Stl2.3 From fourteen to fourscore. Jewett Joo4.1 From hand to hand. Friedrich F91.1 From hand to mouth. Douglas D744.6 From jest to earnest. Roe... RC22.6 From keeper to captain. Drayson D79.2 From Madge to Margaret. Curtis C94.1 From moor isles. Fothergill F82.3 From my youth up. Terhune T27.3 From one generation to another. Merri- MAN ' M556.1 From ploughshare to pulpit. Stables . . . Stl2.14 From pole to pole. Stables Stl2.4 From powder monkey to admiral. Kings- ton j K614.5 From shadow to sunlight. Lorne L892. 1 From summer to summer. Hansell H19o.2 From the forecastle to the cabin. Sam- uels j Sa4o. 1 From the earth to the moon. Verne .... V59.9 From the throttle to the president's chair. Ellis j E158.8 From timber to town F92 Frontier army sketches. Steele St37. 1 Frontier stories. Harte H255.9 Frozen deep. Collins C694.7 Frozen hearts. Appleton Ap5. 1 Fugitives. Ballantyne j B21.1 Fur country. Verne V59.10 Fur-seal's tooth. Munroe M922.8 Gabriel Conroy. Harte H255. 10 Gabriel's vocation. Debans D35. 1 Gallant fight. Terhune T27.9 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 15 Gallant lords of Bois-dore. Dudevast.. D86.7 Gallegher. Davis D293.2 Game of bluff. Mlrray ]M96o.l Garden of women. Keddie K23.2 Garland for girls. Alcott j A112.3 Garret and the garden. Ballaxttxe B21. 12 Garstangs of Garstang grange. Trollope. T74G.2 Garth. Hawthorne H315.8 Gascoyne. Ballaxtyse j B21. 13 Gaspar, the Gaucho. Reid j E27. 10 Gates ajar. Ward W212.8 Gates between. Ward W212.9 Gaverocks. Gould G732.2 GayArorthy's. Whitney W61.5 Geier-wally. Hillerjj H55.3 Gemini. Fox F83. 1 General's daughter. Hotahehko H792. 1 Gentle savage. King K583.1 Gentleman of France. Weymax W54. 1 Geoffrey Hamstead. Jarvis J29. 1 George Bailey. Bailey B15.1 George Canterbury's will. Wood W8o2.8 George Mandeville's husband. Raimoxd. . R13.1 Georgians. Hammond H186.2 Geraldine Hawthorne. Butt B98.2 Gerard's marriage. Theuriet T3-i.2 Gerda. Schwartz Sch92. 1 Gertrude's marriage. 'Behrexs B398.2 Ghost of Redbrook. Coulsox C83.2 Giannetta. Mulhollaxd M89.3 Giannetto. Majexdie M284.2 Giant of the north. Ballaxtyxe j B21. 14 Giant's robe. Guthrie G98.2 Gideon Fleyce. Lucy L96.1 Gideon's rock. Cooper C785.1 Gil the gunner. Fenx j F3G.9 Gilbert's shadow. Greexe j G832. 1 Gilded age. Clemens & Warner C59.3 Gillyflower. Smith j Sm51.7 Giovanni. Burnett j B93.4 Gipsy. James J232.10 Gipsy's warning. Dupuy D922. 1 Gipsy's prophecy. Southwortii So84.18 Girl graduate. Woolley W88. 1 • Girl neighbours. Keddie K23.3 Girls and I. Molesworth j M73.9 Girls at Quinnemount. Harris j H24.1 Girl's life in Virginia before the war. BURWELL B9o4.1 Girl's romance. Robixsox R5(j4.3 Gladiators. Melville M49.5 Gladys. Darling D24.1 Glaucia. Leslie Lo64.5 Glass cable. Wilmer j W68.3 Glimpse of the world. Sewell Se82.2 Glimpses through the cannon smoke. Forbes F74.3 Gloria. Galdos G13.2 '• Gloria victis." Ki:RSCHXER K9G.3 Glorinda. Dodd DGG2.1 Gobi. Murray M9G3.1 God and gold. Cordett C81.1 God in the car. Hawkins H313.4 Goddess of Atvatabar. Bradshaw B727.1 Godolphin. Lytton L994.8- God's fool. Schwartz Sch9.1 Gods, some mortals, and Lord Wicken- ham. Craigie C84.1 God's will. Frapax, pseud F859. 1 Goethe and Schiller. Muxdt M92.7 Going south. Adams j Adl9.2G Going west. Adams j Adl9.27 Gold Elsie. Johx JG1.5 Gold of Chickaree. Warxer W246. 19 Gold-worshippers. Robinson R5G6.2 Golden butterfly. Besant & Rice B4G. 10 Golden calf. Boyesen B69.5 Golden days of '49. Munroe M922.9 Golden fetters. Lemox L542.2 Golden gossip. Whitney WG1.6 Golden grain. Farjeox F222.3 Golden Hope. Russell R91o.2 Golden house. Warner W242.2 Golden lives. Wicks WG32.1 Golden lion of Grandpere. Trollope. . . T74.15 Golden mediocrity. Hamertox H172.1 Golden sorrow. Hoey H67.2 Golden spike. Kixg K583.2 Golden wedding. Stuart St9.2 " Good-bj-e, sweetheart." Broughton. .^ B799.6 Good for nothing. Melville M49.6 Good genius. Mayhew j M457.1 " Good hour." Auerbach Au3.G Good match. Perrier P42. 1 Good old times. Kellogg j K29.10 Good ship Mohock. Russell R915.3 Good time coming. Arthur Ar78.4 Governor, and other stories. Hibbard . . Ho2.1 Gorilla hunters. Ballantyne j B21.15 Go's goings. Clark j C547.1 Grace Lee. Kavanagh K17.5 Gramercy park. Wood W85G.3 Grandfather. Pickering P584. 1 Grandison Mather. Harlaxd H226.1 Grandissimes. Cable Cll.3 '• Grandmother dear." Molesworth j M73.10 Grandmother Elsie. Fixley j F49.18 Grania. Lawless L42.2 Grantley manor. Fullertox F957.3 Granville valley. Abbott j Ab24.4 Graveyard flower. Hillerx j H5o.4 Gray eye or so. Moore M78.2 Graysons. Egglestox Eg3.5^ Graziella. Lamartine L16.1 Great bank robbery. Hawthorne H315.9 Great cattle trail. Ellis j E158.9 Great emergency. Ewixg j Ew5.2 Great exjiectations. Dickexs D55.il Great-grandmother's girls in New Mexico, 1G70-1G80. Champxey C35G.8- 16 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 'Great man of the Provinces in Paris. Balzac B217.14 Great match. Smith 8016.2 Great St. Benedicfs. Thomas j T362. 1 Great shadow. Doyle D77.5 •Great treason. Marks M342.1 Greater glory. Schmartz Sch9.2 Green fairy book. Laxg j L25.3 'Green gate. Wichert W63. 1 Green mountain boys. Thompson T37. 1 Green pastures and Piccadilly. Black... B5G4.4 Greifenstein. Crawford C854.6 Gretchen. Holmes H73. 13 Grey abbey G86 Grey Hawk. Macailay M112.1 Griffith Gaunt. Reade R224.3 Grisly Grissell. Yonge Y8.10 Gritli's children. Spyri j Sp9.1 " Ground arms." Stttxer Su82. 1 Grumbler. Pickering Po84.2 -G. T. T. [Gone to Texas]. Hale H13.7 Guardian angel. Holmes H732.2 Guardians. Preston P024.4 Guenn, a wave on the Breton coast. Teuffel T21I.3 Guerndale. Stimson Stii.o ■Ouert Ten Eyck. Stoddaru j St64.S Guilderoy. La Rame L82.4 Guilty river. Collins CG94.8 Gulliver's travels. Swift j Swr)2.1 Gulliver's travels. Swift in F751.1 Gunmaker of Moscow. Cobb C632.2 Gunnar. Boyesen Br)'.).4 Gurnsey lily. AVoolse y j W883. 6 Gutta percha "Willie. MacDonald j M14.9 Guy Earlscourt's Avife. Fleming FG21.4 Guy Fawkes. Ainswortii Aif!.3 Guy Harris, the runaway. Fosdick F78.14 Guy Livingston. Lawrence L43.5 Guy Mannering. Scott Sco82.11 Guy Rivers. Simms Si42.3 Gyi^sie. Kenney K392. 1 G}T)sy Breynton. Ward j W212. 10 ■Gypsy's cousin Joy. Ward j W212. 1 1 Gypsy's sowing and reaping. Ward j W212.13 "Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent. Ward j W212.12 Habcrmeister. Schmid Schl Hackinton. Gore GGr).3 Hadasseh. Collins C69. 1 Hairbreadth escapes. Adams j Adl4.2 Half a million of money. Edwards Ed92.3 Half brothers. Smith Sm54.3 Half hours with Jimmy boy. Bangs j B22. 1 Hall in the grove. Alden A12.5 Hallam succession. Barr B27.9 Hammersmith. Severance Se78.1 Hand and glove. Edwards Ed92.4 Hand and ring. Rohlfs R63.G Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy H224.3 Handicapped. Terhune T27.4 Handsome Humes. Black B564.5 Handsome is that handsome does. Brad- ley j B724.2 Handsome Lawrence. Dudevant D8G.8 Handy Andy. Lover L942.1 Hannah. Craik C842.8 HannaU Thurston. Taylor T21.3 Hans Brinker. Dodge D666.2 Hans of Iceland. Hugo H87. 1 Happy Dodd. Cooke C776. 1 Happy find. Gagnebin G12.1 Happy-go-lucky. Harris H24o.2 Happy prince. Wilde j W642. 1 Haraid. Lytton L994.9 Harbour bar. Prestwick P925.1 Harcourt. Gilchrist G38.1 Hard cash. Reade R224.5 Hard heart. Friedrich F91.2 Hard maple. Warner j W24G.20 Hard scrabble of Elm island. Kellogg-, j K29.il Hard times. Dickens D55.12 Hard-won victor}'. Litchfield L71.2 Hardy Norseman. Bayly B34.3 Harker family. Thompson j T372.1 Harkland forest. Bray B739.5 Harmonia ; a chronicle H228 Harry Holbrooke of Holbrooke Hall. Roberts R54G. 1 Harry Blount. Hamerton j H174. 1 Harry Lorrequer. Lever L57. 17 Harry Treverton. Broome j B798.1 Hartwell farm. Comins C73. 1 Harwood stories. Post P84.1 Haste and waste. Adams j Adl9.28 Hathercourt. Molesworth M73. 11 Haunted adjutant. Qfincy Q43. 1 Haunted crust. Cooper C785.2 Haunted homestead. Southworth So84.19 Haworth's. Burnett B93..") Hazard of new fortunes. Homells H838. 10 He. Moon M772.1 He fell among thieves. Murray M9G.4 He fell in love with his wife. Roe R622.8 He knew he was right. Trollope T74. IG He tliat will not when he may. Oliphant. 0132.9 He would be a gentleman. Lover L942.2 Head of a hundred. Goodwin GG33. 1 Head of Medusa. Fletcher FG3.2 Head of the family. Craik C842.9 Heads and tails. Lippincott j LCG.l Healey. Fothergill F82.4 Heaps of money. Norris N79.5 Heart of Mid-Lothian. Scott Sco82.13 Heart of Sheba. Hewitt H488. 1 Heart regained. Elizabeth, queen of Rovmania E142.1 Heart's delight. Allderdice A1.54. 1 Hearts and hands. Tiernan T44.o Heartsease. Yonge Y8.20 FICTIOX. — TITLE LLST. 17 Heather and snow. MacDoxald M14.10 Heavenly twins. McFall M16.1 Heavenward led. Jones J712.1 Hector. Shaw Sh2.2 Hector Servadac. Verne V50.ll Hector's inheritance. Algek j A13. 12 Hedged in. "Ward W212.14 Heidi. Spyri j Sp9.2 Heiglits and valleys. Marshall M354.7 Heir expectant. Harwood H2G.1 Heir of Charlton. Fleming I-"(i21.5 Heir of Maldreward. Pike P(33.1 Heir of Redclyfife. Yonge Y8.21 Heiress. Dirand D03.8 Heiress in the family. Daniel D22.1 Heiress of Sweetwater. Randolph Kir)3.1 Heirs of Bradley House. Douglas D74:-lr.7 Held fast for England. Henty H302.10 Helen. Valentine V232.1 Helen Gardner's wedding-day. Terhtne. T27.5 Helen Trevergan. Ray K81.1 Helen's babies. HabbertoN' H11.7 Helen's diary. Marshall M354.8 Help. Allen j A159.3 Heli)ing himself. Alger j A13.13 Hemlock swamp. Whittlesey WG14.1 Henriette. Coppee C79.3 Henrietta Temple. Beaconsfield B35.5 Henry Courtland. Cline C612.2 Henry Dunbar. Maxwell M452.21 Henry de Pomeroy. Bray B730.6 Henry Esmond. Thackeray T32.4 Henry the Eighth and his court. Mundt. M'J2.8 Her associate members. Alden A12.6 Her crime H411 Her dearest foe. Hector H352.10 Her great ambition. Earle Ea7. 1 Her great idea. Walford "Wli.-t Her lord and master. Lean L4:7.5 Her only brother. Behrens B398.3 Her picture. Hamerton H174.2 Her sacrifice. X XI. 1 Her Washington season. Lincoln L63.1 Herbert Carter's legacy. Alger j A13.14 Heresy of Mehetable Clark. Slosson.... S15.1 Hereward the wake. Kingsley KG1.2 Heritage of Langdale. Hector H352. 11 Hermann Agha. Palgrave P17.1 Hermine's triumphs. Colomb j C71.1 Hero. Craik j C842.10 Hero Parthen. Parr ._ . P242.3 Heroine of the mining camp. Monroe. . . M75.1 Herr Paulus. Besant B46.il Hertha. Eckstein Ec52.2 Hester. Oliphant 0132. 10 Hester Morley's promise. Smith Sm54.4 Hester Stanley. Spofford j SpG.l Hester Strong's life work. Southworth. So84.1 Hetty. Kingsley K612.2 Hetty's strange history. Jackson J12.2 Hidden hand. Socthworth So84.20 Hidden path. Terhlne T27.6 Hidden perils. Hay H32.2 Hidden treasure. Guernsey j G93.2 Hide and seek. Collins C694.9 Highland chronicle. Dod DG6.2 Highland cousins. Black B564.6 Highland gathering. Peel P343.1 High Hglits. Field F45. 1 High water mark. Jerome J48.1 Highways and high seas. Moore j M78.3 Hildegarde. Farley F223.1 Hildegarde's holiday. Richards j R39.3 Hildegarde's home. Richards j R39.4 Hillingdon Hall. Surtees Su7.1 Hills of the Siiatemac. Warner W24G.6 Hillside parish. Dod D66.3 Hilltop summer. Morris M831.1 Hillyars and the Bartons. Kingsley K612.3 Hiram Golf's religion. Hepworth H41.2 His adopted daughter. Giberne G352.1 His broken sword. Taylor T218.1 His great self. Terhune T27.7 His heart's desire Kirk KG33.4 His inheritance. Knox Iv77.2 His level best, and other stories. Hale... H13.8 His little mother. Craik C842.ll His majesty, myself. Baker B179.3 His marriage vow. Corbin C812.3 His natural life. Clarke C551.1 His one fault. Trowbridge j T754.13 His own master. Trowbridge j T7.54.14 His second campaign. Thompson T374.2 His sombre rivals. Roe RG22. 7 His triumph. Denison D41.1 Hispaniola plate. 1G83-1893. Burton B9.5.1 Historical mystery. Balzac B217.15 History of Amelia. Fielding F4G.2 History of a bear skin. Marthold M36.1 History of a crime. Hugo H87.2 History of Da^-id Grieve. Ward W21o. 1 History of Pendennis. Thackeray T32.8 History of Samuel Titmarsh. Thackeray. T32.5 History of Sandford &. Merton. Day j D33.1 His two wives. Hudson H8G4.1 His vanished star. Murfree M94.3 His young wife. Smith Sm57.3 Hither and thither. Brine j B77.3 Hitherto. Whitney WG1.7 Hogan, M. P. MacNabb M28.3 Holden with cords. Woodruff W8G.1 Hole in the bag. Ballard j B212.1 •Holiday chaplet of stories. Tucker j T79.2 Holiday in bed. Barrie B278.3 Holidays at Roselands. Finley j F49. 19 Holmby house. Melville M49.7 Home. Bremer B75.4 Home again. MacDonald M 14. 1 1 Home as found. Cooper C784.6 Home at Greylock. Prentiss P91.2 18 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Home influence. Aguilar Ag9.2 Home life. Sewell Se82.3 Home nook. Douglas D744.9 Home-party La Rame L32.5 Home scenes and heart studies. Aguilar. Ag9.3 Homespun stories. Moncrieff j M74.2 Homespim yarns. Whitney W61.8 Homestead on the hillside. Holmes H73.14 Homeward bound. Cooper C784.7 Homoselle. Tiernan T443. 1 Homo sum. Ebers Eb3.4 Honda the samurai. Griffis G87.1 Honest Ned. Ellis j E158.10 Hon. Peter Sterling. Eord F755. 1 Hon. Stanbury and others H751 Honorable Miss Ferrard. MacNabb M23.4 Honorable surrender. Adams AdlS.l Honor bright; or, the four-leaved sham- rock H75 Hoosier school-boy. Eggleston j Eg3.6 Hoosier school-master. Eggleston Eg3.7 Hope and have. Adams j Adl9.29 Hope Benham. Perry P427.5 Hope Leslie. Sedgwick Se22. 1 Hope Mils. Douglas D744.8 Hopeless case. Fawcett F28.6 Hopes and fears. Yonge Y8.22 Horace Chase. Woolsox W885.5 Horace Templeton. Lever L57.18 Horse-shoe Robinson. Kennedy K38.1 Hospital sketches. Alcott j A112.4 Hotel d'Angleterre. Hawker H312.1 Hot plowshares. Tourgee TG4.G Hour and the man. Martineau M3G6.3 Hour will come. Hillern Hoo.o House at Crague. Sleight S122.2 House at High Bridge. Fawcett F28.7 House by the medlar. Verga V58.1 House by the works. Mayo M458.6 House of a merchant prince. Bishop B54.4 House of pomegranates. Wilde W642.2 House of surprises. Smith j Sni51.8 House of the seven gables. Hawthorne. H31G.5 ' House of the wolf. Weyman W54.2 House on the marsh. James J23.2 House without spectacles. Robinson.... j R567.1 Houseful of children. Sanford j Sa57.2 Houseful of girls. Keddie K23.4 Household of Bouverie. Warfield W23.2 Household of Glen Holly. Lillie j LG25.2 Household of McNeil. Barr B27.10 Household of Sir Thomas More. Rath- bone R182.2 Household stories. Grimm j G881.1 Household words. Dickens • Do5.31 Houses on wheels. Marshall j M354.9 How could he escape? Wright j W934.3 How could he help it? Roe R62.2 How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney kept New Year's. Murray M968.3 How he made his fortune. DeWitt D51.1 How he won her. Southworth So84.21 How Marjory helped. Brooks B794.1 How men propose. Stevens St47.1 How she came into her kingdom H83 How Thankful was bewitched. Hosmer. H791.1 How two girls tried farming. Pratt .... j P882.1 Howling wolf . Champney j C356.4 Huckleberries gathered from New England hills. Cooke C776.2 Hugh Melton. King K588.2 Hugli Worthington. Holmes H73.15 Hulda. Stahr Stl5.1 Humble romance. Wilkins W65.1 Humbled pride. Musick.. M972.5 Humphrey Clinker. Smollett Sm7.2 Humpy Dumpy. Dana j D19.1 Hundredth man. Stockton StG.9' Hunted down. Dickens D5o.l3- Hunter cats of Connorloa. Jackson.... J12.3 Hunter's feast. Reid j R27.1L Hunters of the Ozark. Ellis j Elo8.ll Hunting of the "Hydra." Frith... i... j F914.4 Hurly-burly. Marshall j M354.10 Hurrish. Lawless L42.3 Husbands and homes. Terhune T27.8 Hussein the hostage. Norway j N83.1 Hypatia. Kingsley KG1.3 Ice queen. Ingersoll j In42.1 Iceland fisherman. Viand V65.2 Ida CraA'cn. Cadell C114.1 Ideala. McFall M16.2: Idiot. Bangs B22.2. Iduna. Hibbard H52.2 Idyll of the white lotus. C, M Cl.l lermola. Kraszewski K86. 1 " I forbid the banns." Moore M78.4 If she will, she will. Denison D41.2 If, yes, and perhaps. Hale H13.9 Ilian. Kane K13.1 Ilka on the hill-top. Boyesen BG9.6 Imaginations, truthless tales. Jenks j J42.1 Imogen. Molesworth M73.12 Imperative duty. Howells H838.il Improvisatore. Anderson An2.1 In a north country village. Blundell... B625.2 In a steamer chair. Barr B274.2 In all shades. Allen A156.3 In beaver cove. Crim C86. 1 In Biscayne bay. Rockwood R59.1 In blue uniform. Putnam P98.1 In change unchanged. Villari V71.1 In direct peril. Murray M96. 1 In doors and out. Adams Adl9.30 In exitu Israel. Gould G732.3 In exile, and other stories. Foote F732.2 In extremes. Greenough G85.1 In far Lochaber. Black B564.7 In fetters, the man or the priest. Kir- wan K636.1 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 19 In freedom's cause. Henty H392.20 In Greek waters. Henty j H392.24: In his name. Hale H13. 10 In hot haste. Hdllah H874. 1 In Leisler's times. Brooks B793.2 In love with the czarina. Jokai J(j7.2 In New Granada. Kingston j KG14.G In no man's land. Brooks j B79o.3- In old Quinnebasset. Clarke j Co54.G In old St. Stephen's. Drake D78.1 In old Virginia. Page PU.2 In Poppy land. Puller j F955. 1 In press-gang days. Pickering P583.1 In prison and out. Smith Sm54.5 In search of the castaways. Verne V59.12 In school and out. Adams j Adl9.31 In silk attire. Black BoG4.8 In the boyhood of Lincoln. Butter- worth j B982. 1 In the brush. Pierson P612.1 In the Carquinez woods. Harte H2o5.11 In the cheering-up business. Lee L511.1 In the clouds. Murfree M9-t.-4 In the dashing days of old. Stables.... j Stl2.5 In the days of my youth. Edwards Ed92.5 In the distance. Lathrop L34.2 In the dwellings of silence. Kennedy. . . . K39.1 In the Eastern seas. Kingston j K614.7 In the enemy's country. Drury D84.1 In the golden days. Bayley B34.4 In the heart of the Rockies. Henty H392.22 In the heart of the storm. Tuttiet T88.1 In the high valley. Woolsey j W883.7 In the king's name. Fenn j F3G. 10 In the lion's mouth. Price P93.2 In the midst of alarms. Barr B274.3 In the olden time. Roberts R542.2 In the queen's navee. Robinson R5G2.2 In the ranks. Douglas j D744.10 In the reign of terror. Henty H392.23 In the Rocky mountains. Kingston j KG14.8 In the saddle. Adams j Adl9.32 In the Schillingscourt. John JG1.6 In the Tennessee mountains. Murfree.. M94.o In the time of roses. Scannell ScaG.l In the track of the troops. Ballantyne.. B21.29 In the valley. Frederic F87.2 In the vestibule limited. Mattheavs M43.1 In the wilds of Africa. Kingston j K614.9 In the wilds of the west coast. Oxley... j 0x4.1 In the wire-grass. Pendleton P372.2 In the wrong paradise. Lang L25. 1 In tent and bungalo. " Idle Exile " Id4.1 In time of cherry viewing. Peale P312.1 In times of peril. Henty H392.21 Intrust. Douglas D744.il In varying moods. Harraden H23.1 In war times at La Rose Blanche. Davis. j D29.1 In wild rose time. Douglas D744.12 Ina. Valerio V235.1 Independence. Musick M972.6 India. Soutiiworth So84.22 Indian summer. Howells H838. 12 Indian tales. Kipling K624.1 Indiscretion of the duchess. Hawkins.. H313.5 Inez. Wilson W692.2 Infelice. Wilson W692.3 Ingham papers. Hale H13.il Ingo. Freytag F89.2 Ingraban. Freytag F89.3 Inheritance. Ferrier F41.2 Initial experience. King K582.9 Initials. Tautph^eus T19.2 Inner house. Besant B46. 12; Innocent. Oliphant 0132.39' Innocent impostor. Tuttiett T88.2- Inside our gate. Brush B835.2: Interference. Croker C873.1 Interloper. Peard P314.2- Interpreter. Melville M49.8 Into unknown seas. Ker j K45.1 Invaders and other stories. Tolstoi T582.5 Invisible lodger. Richter R414.2 lola. HiLLHOusE H552. 1 I promessi sposi. Manzoni , M316.1 Irish diamonds Ir4 Iron cousin. Clarke C552.ll Iron game. Keenan K25.2 Iron mask. Dumas D89.15 Ironmaster. Ohnet Oh4.2 I saw three ships. Couch C83.2 Iseulte. Dempster D394.1 Isidra. Steele Sto8.1 Is it true? Craik j C842.12 Is that all? Preston P924.1 Island. WiiiTEiNG W598.1 Isle of palms. Newell N44.1 Isles of the sea. Adams j Adl9.33 Ismay's children. MacNabb M23.5 Israel Mort, overman. Saunders SaS.l Italian girl. Washburn W27.1 Italians. Elliot E153.1 It came to pass. Sanborn Sa52.1 It happened yesterday. Marshall M355.1 It is never too late to mend. Reade R224.4: Ivan de Biron. Helps H365.1 Ivan Ilyitch. Tolstoi T582.6 Ivanhoe. Scott Sco82. 12 Ivar the Viking. Du Chaillu D852.I Ivory gate. Besant B46.13 Jackanapes. Ewing j Ew5.3 Jack and Jill. Alcott j A112.5 Jack Granger's cousin. Mathews j M42o.2 Jack Hall. Grant j G766.4 Jack Hazard and his fortunes. Trow- bridge ; . . . j T754. 15 Jack Hinton. Lever L57.19 Jack Horner. Tiernan T443.2 Jack in the bush. Grant j G766.5. Jack in the forecastle. Sleeper S12.1 20 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Jack Locke. Stables j Stl2.G JackO'Doon. Beale B362.1 Jack the hunchback. Kaler j K12.1 Jack the fisherman. "Ward j AV212.15 Jack Tier. Cooper C784.8 Jack's courtship. Rissell R915.-4 Jack's ward. Alger j A13.15 Jacob Faithful. Makrtat M344.2 Jacob Schuyler's milUons J151 Jacobite exile. Henty j H392.25 Jacques Bonneval. Rathboxe-* R182.3 James Gordon's wife J235 James the Second. Aixsworth AiG.4 Jan of the windmill. Ewixg Ewo.i Jan Vedder's wife. Barr B27.il Jane Eyre. Nicholls N51.1 Jane Field. AVilkixs W65.2 Jane Talbot. Brown- B812.3 Janet. Clarke j C554.7 Janet's home. Keary K21.2 Japhet in search of a father. Marryat. M34-t.3 Jason Edwards. Garland G18.1 Jealousy. Dudevaxt D8G.9 Jean. Westcott "\Vr)24. 1 Jean Belin. Bkehat B74.1 Jean De Kerdren. Schultz Sch8.1 J^an Teterol's idea. Cherbuliez C424r.2 Jeanie"s quiet life. Stephensox St44.3 Jed. Goss j G69.1 Jericho road. Habbertox H11.8 Jerry. Elliott Elo7.1 " Jerry, " and other stories. Hcngerford. - H89.5 Jess. Haggard H12.5 Jessamine. Terhune T27. 10 Jessie Trim. Farjkon F222.4 Jesuit's ring. Hayes H322. 1 Jet. Edwardes Ed9.4 Jew. Kraszeavski K86.2 Jewel in the lotos. Tincker T49.2 Jeweled serpent. Richmond R41.1 Jewels of Ynys Galon. Riioscomyl R34.1 Jewish tales. Masoch M38.1 Jews of Barnow. Fraxzos F85.3 Jill. Smith j Sm51.9 Jimmy and his partners. Kaler j K12.2 Jimmyjohns. Diaz j D543.3 Joan the maid. Charles C38.9 Joanna's inheritance. Marshall j M354.il Job Tufton's rest. Balfour j B198.1 Joe Bentley. Clark j C545.2 Joe Cummings J59 Joel Marsh. Macalpine Ml 1.1 Johannes Olof . Wille W664. 1 John : a love story. Oliphant 0132.40 John Andross. Davis D292. 1 John Bodewin's testimony. Foote F732.3 John Boyd's adventures. Knox j K776.1 John Brent. Winthrop W732.2 John Brownlow's folks. Allen A159.2 John Charaxes. Curtis C942.1 John Deane. Kingston j KG14. iQ John Dorrien. Kavanagh K17.f) John Eax and Mamelon. Tourgee Tt34.5 ,Tohn Godfrey's fortunes. Taylor T21.4 John Godsoe's legacy. Kellogg j K29.12 John Gray. Allen A157.2 John Halifax. Craik C842. 13 .John Holden. De Leon & Ledyard D371. 1 .John Holdsworth. Russell R915.5 John Inglesant. Shorthouse Sh8.2 John .Jerome. Ingelow In4.3 John Maidment. Sturgis ; St92.4 -John March: Southerner. Cable CI 1.4 John Marchmont's legacy. Maxwell.... M4.j2.22 John Parmelee's curse. Hawthorne. . . . H315.10 John Spicer lectures. Diaz j D543.4 John Standish. Gilliat j G41.1 John Thorn's folks. Teal T22.1 John "Ward, preacher. Deland D37.1 John "Winter. I\L\yo M458.7 John "Worthington's name. Benedict — B43.1 John's alive. Thompson To77.1 Johnny Ludlow. "Wood "W852.9 Jolly good times at school. Smith. Sm6.3 Jolly fellowship. Stephenson j StG.lO Jolly rover. Trowbridge j T754.19 Jonas series. Abbott j Ab24.5 Jonathan. Liddell • L61.1 Jose and Benjamin. Delitzsch D372.1 Joseph Andrews. Fielding F46.1 Joseph and Uis friends. Taylor T21.5 Joseph in the snow. Auerbach Au3.7 Joseph Noirel's revenge. Cherbuliez. • • . C424.3 Joseph II. and his court. Mundt M92.9 Joseph the Jew. Johnson J632.4 Joseph Zalmonah. King K583.3 Jo's boys. Alcott j A112.6 Joshua, a story of biblical times. Ebers. Eb3.5 Joshua Haggard's daughter. Maxwell..- M452.23 Joshua Marvel. Farjeon F222.5 Joshua "V\''rang. Beattie B38.1 Journey in other worlds. Astor As8.1 Journey round my room. Maistre M279.1 Journey to the centre of the earth. "\''erne . j V59. 13 Joyce. Oliphant 0132.11 Joyous story of Toto. Richards j R39.15 Juan and Juanita. Belger j B41.2 Juanita. Mann M312.1 Judith. Terhune T27.il Judith Shakespeare. Black B.3G4.9 Juggernaut. Egglestox Eg32.4 Jug-or-not. "Wright j W934.4 Julian. Ware "^'22.2 .TulianHome. Farrar F242.3 Juliet and Romeo. Porto P83o.l Juliet's guanlian. Cameron C141. 1 Julius. Alger j A13. 16 June romance. Gale G132.1 Jungle, peak, and plain. Stables j Stl2.7 Jupiter's daughter. Jenkin .141.1 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 21 Just as I am. Maxwell M452.2-t Just his luck. Adams j Adl9.34 Just impediment. Pryce P95.1 Just one day. Habbertox j H11.9 Justina. Hardy H22.2 Kate Beaumont. DeForest D3C2.2 Kate Coventry. Melville M49.9 Kate Danton. Fleming FC21.19 Kate Felton, or a peep at realities K15 Katerfelto. Melville M49. 10 Katharine Lauderdale. Crawford C854.7 Katharine North. Pool P78.2 Katherine Earle. Kxox K77.3 Katherine Walton. Simms Si42.-t Kathie's Aunt Ruth. Douglas j D744.13 Kathie's harvest days. Dotglas j D744.14 Kathie's soldiers. Douglas j D744.15 Kathie's summer at Cedarwood. Douglas, j D744.ir, Kathie"s three wishes. Douglas j D744.17 Kathleen. Burnett B93.6 Katy of Catoctin. Townsenu TC62.1 Keith Deramore. Butt B98.3 Kelp gatherers. Trowbridge j T754.17 Kenelm ChilHngly. Lytton L994. 10 Kenilworth. Scott Sco82. 14 Kenneth Cameron. Brown B815.1 Kensington palace. Marshall M3o4. 12 Kent Hampden. Davis D292.2 Kentucky Cardinal. Allen A157.3 Kentucky's love. King K.583.4 Kerrigan's quality. Barlow B248.1 Keyhole country. Jerdon j J47.1 Khaled. Crawford C854.8 Kidnapped. Stevenson St48.3 Kidnapped squatter. Robertson K547.1 Kilmeny. Black B564.10 King Arthur. Craik C842. 14 King Grimalkun and Pussyanita. Diaz. . j D543.5 King of Folly island. Jewett jr)o2.3 Iving of Honey island. Thompson To74.3 King of Schnorrers. Zangwill Z12.1 King of the mountains. About Ab7.1 King Solomon's mines. Haggard H12.6 Ivings in exile. Daudet D2G3.3 King's daughters. Holt H74.1 King's own. Marryat M344.4 Iving's stockbroker. Guntek G952.1 King's treasure-house. "Walloth "WloG.l Ivinlej" hollow. Hollister H722. 1 Kismet. Fletcher F63.3 liiss and be friends. Smith Sm57.4 Kissing the rod. Yates Y22.6 Kit and Kitty. Blackmore B567.4 Kith and kin. Fothergill F82.5 Kitty alone. Gould G732.4 Kitty's conquest. King K582. 10 Kittyleen. Clarke j Co54.8 Klaus Bewer's wife. Lindau LC4.1 Knight-errant. Bayly B34.5 Knight of Gwynne. Lever L57.20 Knight of the Black Forest. Litchfield. L71.3 Knight of the nineteenth century. Roe.. R622.9 Knights of Sandy hollow. Sleight j S122.3 Knights of to-day. Barnard B25. 1 Knitters in the sun. French F882.2 Knot of blue. Street St83. 1 Kophetua. Corbett C8 1 .2 Kreutzer sonata. Tolstoi T.582.7 •• La Bella." Castle C27.1 Lace. Lindau L04.2 Ladder of life. Edwards Ed92.6 Ladies' gallery. McCarthy M12.6 Ladies Lindores. Oliphant 0132.12 Lad's love. Bates B31.3 Lady Alice. Marshall M354.13 Lady Anna. Trollope T74.17 Lady Audley's secret. Maxwell M452.8 Lady-bird. Fullerton F9o7.5 Lady Bluebeard L12 Lady Judith. McCarthy M12.2 Lady of Aroostook. Howells H838.13 Lady of Lyndon. Blake B58.1 Lady of Fort St. John. Catherwood. . . C28.3 Lady of the ice. De Mille D39.7 Lady of the isle. Southworth So84.23 Lady or the tiger. Stockton StG.ll Lady Valworth's diamonds. Hungerford. H89.6 Lady's mile. Maxwell M452.9 Lake breezes. Adams j Adl9.35 Lai. Hammond H188.2 Lamplighter. Cummins C912. 1 Lancashire witches. Ainsworth AiO.5 Lance of Kanana. French F884.1 Land at last. Yates Y22.7 Land of darkness. Oliphant 0132.13 Land of my fathers. Williams W676.1 Land of pluck. Dodge j D666.3 Land of the changing sun. Harben H21.1 '•Land of the sky." Tiernan T44.0 Land of the sun. Tiernan T44.7 Landolin. Auerbach An3.8 Laodicean. Hardy H224.4 Laramie. King K582.il Larry. Douglas D744. 18 Lascine. Youngman Y'^G.l Lasses of Leverhouse. Fothergill F82.6 Lastchance junction. Greene G834.2 Last chronicle of Barset. Trollope T74.18 Last cruise of the Spitfire. Stratemever. j St8.1 Last days of a king. Hartmann H250.1 Last days of Pompeii. Lytton L994.il Last love. Ohnet Oh4.3 Last of the barons. Lytton L994.12 Last of the Haddons. Newman N403.1 Last of the MacAUisters. Barr B27.12 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper C784.9 Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant 0132.14 Last of the Peterkins. Hale j H131.1 Last sentence. Tuttiett T88.3 Last 'Von Reckenburg. Francois F847.1 22 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Last war trail. Ellis j E158.15 Late Mrs. Null. Stockton St6. 12 Laurel bush. Craik C842.15 Lavengro. Borrow B646.1 Lavinia. Ruffini R83.3 Law and the lady. Collins 0694.10 Law unto herself. Davis D292.3 Lawrence's adventures among ice cutters. Trowbridge j T754. 18 Lawton girl. Frederic FST.S Lawyer's daughter. Alden A121.2 Lazy man's work. Sparhawk Sp2. 1 Leaden casket. Hunt H913.2 Leafless spring. Kijrschner K96.4 Leak. Edwardes Ed9.5 Leah of Jerusalem. Bekry B454.1 Leavenworth case. Rohlfs E63.3 Leaves from the life of a good-for-nothing. Eichendorff Ei2.1 Led-horse claim. Foote F732.4 Left-handed Elsa. Francillon j F84.1 Left on Labrador. Stephens j St43.2 Legacy. Craik C842.16 Legend of Montrose. Scott Sco82.1o Legend of Thomas Didymus. Clarke... C55.1 Leighton court. Kingsley KG12.4 Leila. Lytton L994.13 Len Gansett. Read R22. 1 Lena Rivers. Holmes H73. 16 Lenox Dare. Townsend T665.2 Leofwine the monk. Leslie L564.7 Leofwine the Saxon. Leslie L564.8 Leola. Carroll C232.1 Leon Roch. Galdos G13.3 Leona. Molesworth M73.13 Leonard and Gertrude. Pestalozzi r43.1 Leone. Monti M76.2 Leonora Casaloni. Trollope T746.3 Leslie Tyrrell. May M455.1 Lesson in love. Kirk K633.5 Lesson of the master. James J233.6 Letter of credit. "Warner W24G.7 Letters from a cat. Jackson j J12.4 Lettice Eden. Holt H74.2 Leyton hall, and other tales. Lemon L542.3 Library of famous fiction F751 Life and adventures of Valentine Vox. COCKTON C64. 1 Life for a life. Craik C842.17 Life interest. Hector H352.12 Life in the cut. Reade R223.1 Life of Robinson Crusoe. -De Foe j D36.1 Life on a backwoods farm. Halstead. . . H16.1 Life's aftermath. Marshall M3.54. 14 Life's handicap. Kipling KG24.2 Life's lessons. Gore G66.4 Life's little ironies. Hardy H224.5 Life's mistake. Cameron C14.4 Life's morning. Glssing G44o.2 Life's secret. Wood \y852. 1 1 Lightning express. Adams j Adl9.36 Lighthouse. Ballantyne j B21.16 Light of her countenance. Boyesen B69.7 Light princess. MacDonald j M14.12 Light that failed. Kipling K824.3 Lights and shadows of Irish life. Hall.. H14.2 Lilac sunbonnet. Crockett C87.1 Lil, " fair, fair, with golden hair." Feth- ERSTONHAUGH F43.1 Lilian Morris. Sienkiewicz Sil.2 Lily and the cross. De Mille D39.8 Lily among thorns. Marshall M354.15 Lily of San Miniato. Hamilton H182.2 Lily of the valley. Balzac B217. 16 Linn, Ellen. Abbott j Ab24.3 Limvoods. Sedgwick Se22.2 Lion Ben of Elm island. Kellogg j K29.13 Lion city of Africa. Allen Al.59.4 Lion of St. Mark. Henty j H392.27 Lion of the north. Henty H392.26 Lion pontifex. Greene G834.3 Lionel Harcourt. Wyatt W97.1 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper C784. 10 Lisbeth "Wilson. Blair B57. 1 Literary courtship. Fuller F95.1 Literary shop, and other tales. Ford. . • . F752.2 Little barefoot. Auerbach Au3.10 Little Bobtail. Adams j Adl9.37 Little book of profitable tales. Field. . . j F453.1 Little Brown girl. Levy j L572.2 Little brown house. Sanford j Sa57.3 Little by little. Adams j Adl9.38 Little country girl. "V\^oolsey j "V\^883.8 Little Dorrit. Dickens D55.14 Little giant Boab. Lockwood j L812.2 Little good-for-nothing. Daudet D263.4 Little Guzzy, and other stories. Hab- i'.ERTON Hll.lO Little helpers. Janvier j J264.2 Little hinges. Hunt j H912.1 Little Irish girl. Hungerford H89.8 Little Joe. Kaler j K12.3 Little journey in the world. Warner .... W242.3 Little Kate Kirby. Robinson R564.4 Little lady of the horse. Raymond j R212.1 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett j B93.7 Little maid of Acadie. Rodney R61.1 Little marine and the Japanese lily. Lean. j L47.6 Little master. Trowbridge j T7.54.19 Little men. Alcott • j A112.7 Little Mother Bunch. Molesworth j M73.15 Little minister. Barrie B278.4 Little Miss Faith. LeBaron j L40.1 Little Miss Joy. Marshall j M3:;4.16 Little Miss Muffet. Carey C 184.6 Little Miss Peggy. Molesworth j M73.14 Little Miss AVeezy's brother. Clarke... j CooG.l Little Miss Weezy's sister. Clarke j C556.2 Little Mr. Bouncer. Major M280.2 Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Harris j H243.3 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. ^ Little moorland princess. Johx J61.7 Little Norsk. Garland G18.2 Little one's annual j L72 Little peep-show j L721 Little Peter. Harrisox j H249.3 Little pilgrim. Oliphant 0132. 15 Little pitchers. Clarke j C554.9 Little queen of hearts. Ogden j Og2.2 Little red shop. Lothrop j L91 .5 Little Saint Elizabeth. Burnett j B93.8 Little savage. Marryat M344.5 Little Sir Nicholas. Jones j .J71. 1 Little sister. Yardley Y2. 1 Little sister of Wilif red. Plympton j P74.2 Little sister to the wilderness. Bell B411.1 Little Smoke. Stoddard j St64.9 Little Venice. Litchfield L71.4 Little women. Alcott j A112.8 Live boys. Pilgrim j PC4.1 Live boys in the Black hills. Pilgrim j PG4.2 Live oak boys. Kellogg j Iv29. 14 Living link. De Mille D39.9 Living too fast. Adams Adl9.39 Liza. Tcrgenief T84.5 Lizette. Marshall j M3j4. 17 Lizzie Leigh, and other tales. Gaskell. . G212.4 Loaded dice. Faavcett F28.8 Locke Amsden. Thompson T37.2 Log of the " Flying Fish." Lancaster. . j L224.3 Log of the Maryland. Frazar F864. 1 Lois the witch. Gaskell G212.5 London life. James J233.7 Lone house. Bare B27.13 Lone ranche. Eeid R27.26 Lonely island. Ballantyne j B21.17 Long ago. Cragin j C841.2 Long exile. Tolstoi j T582.8 Long look ahead. Roe R62.3 Long Look house. Abbott j Ab2.1 Long run. Cleveland C596. 1 Look before you leaj). Hector H3.>2.13 Looking backward. Bellamy B412.1 Looking within. Roberts R54.1 Lora. Behrens B398.4 Lord Brackenbury. Edwards Ed02. 7 Lord ErUstoun. Craik C842. 18 Lord Hope's choice. Stephens St42.5 Lord Ivilgobbin. Lever Lo7.21 Lord Oakburn's daughters. "Wood W852. 10 Lord of himself. Underwood Un2.2 Lord Ormont and his Aminta. Meredith. Mo4.G Lord Stralian. "Wildrick W<)44. 1 Lorenzo Benoni. Ruffini R83.4 Lorin Mooruck. Jennings J44.1 Lorley and Reinhard. Auerbach Au3.9 Lorna Doone. Blackmore Bj(>7.5 Losing to win. Davies D283. 1 Loss of the Swansea. Alden j A123.3 Lost and won. May M45o.2 Lost canyon of the Toltecs. Seeley Se3.1 Lost casket. Boisgobey B63o.l Lost dispatch. Friedrich F912.1 Lost for a woman. Fleming F621.6 Lost heir of Linlithgow. Socthworth. . . So84.24 Lost heiress. Sovthworth So84.25 Lost in a great city. Douglas D744.19 Lost in Ceylon. Dalton j D17.1 Lost in Samoa. Ellis j E1.58. 13 Lost in the backwoods. Traill j T68.1 Lost in the wilds. Ellis j E158.14 Lost jewel. Spofford j Sp6.2 Lost jewels. Tucker T79.3 Lost mountain tale of Sonora. Reid j R.57.12 Lost on Umbagog. Allen A159.5 Lost ring. Melville M494. 1 Lost silver of Briffault. Bark B27. 14 Lost trail. Ellis j Elo8.15 Lost wedding ring. Griswold G882.1 Lost wife. Cameron C14.5 Lot 13. Gerard G31.2 Lothair. Beaconsfield B35.6 Lottie darling. Jeaffreson .J34.1 Lottie Eames j L912 Lottie's wooing. Dale D 15. 1 Louie's last term at St. Mary's. Harris., j H245.3 Louis Lambert. Balzac , B217.17 Louisa of Prussia. Mundt M92. 10 Louisiana. Burnett B93.9 Love affairs of an old maid. Bell B411.2 Love and life. Yonge Y8.23 Love and liberty. Dumas D89.16 Love and luck. Roosevelt R67.1 Love and mirage L94 Love and quiet life. Raymond R213.1 Love and theolog}'. Woolley "\V88.2 Love and to be loved. Roe RG2.4 Love and valor. Hood H76.1 Love afloat. Sheppard Sh47. 1 Love for an hour is love for ever. Barr. B27.15 Love in idleness. Crawford C854.9 Love in the 19th century. Preston P924.2 Love letters of a worldly woman. Clif- ford CC1.3 "Love me little, love me long." Reade. R224.6 Love that lived. Eiloart Ei5.1 Love works wonders. Braeme B73.2 Loved at last. Lemon L542.4 Love's conflict. Lean L47.7 Love's labor won. Socthworth So84.26 Love's victory. Farjeon F222.6 Lovells of Arden. Maxwell M452. 10 Lover of the beautiful. Carmarthen... C21.1 Loyal little red-coat. Ogden j (.)g2.3 Loyal Ronins. Shunsui Sh9.1 Loyal unto death L955 Loyalty George. Parr P242.4 Loys, Lord Berresford, and other tales. HUNGERFORD H89.7 Lucia Hugh. Needell N28.1 Luck and pluck. Algek j A13. 17 24 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Luck of roaring camp. Harte H2o5.12 Lucky lover. Habberton Hll.ll Lucretia. Lytton L994:.14 Lucy. Smith Sm57.5 Lucy books. Abbott j Ab24.6 Lucy Maria. Diaz D543.6 Luke Walton. Alger j A13. 18 Lulu's Library. Alcott j A112.9 Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's. Drew D82.1 Luther in Eome. ScHiJcioxG Sch72.1 Luttrell of Arran. Lever L57.22 Lyndell Sherburne. Douglas •'• D744.20 Mabel Stanhope. O'Meara Om2. 1 Mabel Vaughn. . Cummins C912.2 McLeod of Dare. Black B564.il McVeys. Kirkland K634.1 Mad marriage. Fleming r621.7 Mad Sir Uchtred. Crockett C87.2 Mad tour. Riddell R43. 1 Madame D'Orgevaut's husband. Rabusson. R114.1 Madam. Oliphaxt 0132.16 Madame Gosselin. Ulbach U11.2 Madame Lucas M26 Madame Sans-Gene. Sardou Sa72. 1 Madame Silver. McClelland M132.3 Madame Tabby's establishment. Kari, pseud j K14.1 Madcap Violet. Black B564. 12 Made or marred. Fothergill in F82.8 Madeline Graham. Robinson R566.3 Madeline. Holmes H73. 17 Madeline. Kavanagh K17.7 Madeline. Sandeau Sa55.2 Madeline's rescue. Schultz j Seh8.2 Madelon Lemoine. Laffan L132.1 Mademoiselle Ixe. Hawker H312.2 Madonna Mary. Oliphant 0132.17 Madonna of the Alps. Schulze-Smidt. • Sch82.2 Madonna of the tubs. Ward W212.16 Mag M27 Maggie Bradford's fair. Mathews j M424.8 Magic ink. Black B564.13 Magic of kindness. Mayhew j M457.2 Magic skin. Balzac B217.18 Magic valley. Keary j K212. 1 Magnum bonum. Yonge Y8.24 Maid EUice. Boulger . . .* B66. 1 Maid Marian. Seawell Sel.3 Maid of honor. Wingfield W72. 1 Maid of Ivilleena. Black B564.14 Maid of Orleans. Robinson R566.4 Maid of Sker. Blackmore B567.6 Maid of Stralsund. Liefde L622. 1 Maid, wife, or widow? Hector H352.14 Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. Rathbone R182.4 Maiden of Trappi. Heyse H51.2 Maiden widow. Southworth So84.27 Maiden's progress. Hunt H915.1 Mail carrier. Fosdick j F78. 15 Main-traveled roads. Garland G18.3 Maiwa's revenge. Haggard j H12.8 Major and minor. Norris N79.6 Major Joshua. Forster F7". 1 Majorie Daw. Aldrich A125.1 Majorie Huntingdon. Belt B416.il Majorie's quest. Lincoln j L63.2 Make or break. Adams j Adl9.40 Making the best of it. Rand j R15.4 Malbone. Higginson Ho36.1 Malcolm. MacDonald '. M14. 13 Malleville. Abbott j Ab24. 7 Mammon. Elliott E156.2 Mammon. Gore G66. 5 Mammon. Hector H352.15 Man and money. Souvestre So86.2 Man and wife. Collins C694.ll Man in black. Weyman W54.3 Man of honor. Stannaed St24.2 Man story. Hoave H836.1 Man who laughs. Hugo H87.3 Man with the broken ear. About Ab7.2 Man with the pan-pipes. Molesworth.. j M73.16 Man's conscience. Macalpine Mil. 2 Man's will. Fawcett F28.9 Manco, the Peruvian chief. Kingston. .. j K614.il Mansfield park. Austen Au74.2 Manuela Paredes. Chamberlain C352.1 Manulito. Leffingwell L52.1 Manxman. Caine C12.3 ' Maori and settler. Henty j H392.28 Marah. Jeffrey J37. 1 Marahuna. Watson W332.1 Marble faun. Hawthorne H316.6 Marcella. Ward W215.2 Marco Paul's voyages and travels. Ab- bott j Ab24.8 March in the ranks. Fothergill F82.7 Marco Viconti. Grossi G91.1 Marie. Pushkin P97.1 Marcy the refugee. Fosdick j F78.16 Margaret. Judd J88.1 Margaret Arnold's Christmas. Brine.... B77.4 Margaret Chetwynd. Morley M82.1 Margaret Percival. Sewell Se82.4 Margaret Regis. Ryder R97.1 Margarethe. Leslie L564.9 Margarethe. Schmieden Sch52.1 Margery. Ebers Eb3.6 Maria. Isaacs Isl.l Mariam. Hall H14.3 Marian. Victor V665. 1 Marie. Richards R39.6 Marie Antoinnette. Mundt M92.il Marion Berkley. Comins C73.2 Marion Graham. Lawrence L433.1 Marion Grey. Holmes H73.18 Marion Darche. Crawford C854. 10 Marion's faith. King K582.12 Marionettes. Cruger C888.2 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 25- Marius the epicurean. Fatek P272.1 Mark Dennison's charge. May j M455.3 Mark the match-boy. Alger j A13. 19 Marked "personal." Eohlfs Kri3.4 Marking the boundary. Billings j B49.1 Markof, the Kussian violinist. Durakd.. D93.9 Marmorne. Hamektox • H174.3 Marooner's island. Gouli>ixg G734.1 Maroussia. Hetzel H47. 1 Marplot. Lysagiit L092.1 Marquis de Villemer. Dudevant DSG. 10 Marquis of Letoriere. Sie Su22. 1 Marquis of Lossie. MacDoxald M14.14 Marquis of Penalta. Valdes V23.1 Marriage. Fekkier F41.2 Married belle. Smith Sni57.G Married in haste. Stephens St42.0 Mar's -white witch. Douglas D745. 1 Marsena. FREnERic F87.4 Marsh island. Jewett J552.4 Martha Corey. DuBois D85.2 Martha's mistakes. Bradley B724.3 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens D52.15 Martin Merrivale. Trowbridge T754.20 Martin Rattler. Ballaxtyne j B21.18 Martin Rockafellar's voj-age. Russell... j R91o.6 Martin the skipper. Cobb j CC3.1 Martin's inheritance. Van Sommer V36.2 Martins of Cro' Martin. Lever L57.23 Maruja. Harte H255.13 Mary. Molesworth j M7o.l7 Mary Anerley. Blackmore Bo(37.7 Mary Barton. Gaskell G212.6 Mary Bell. Abbott in j Ab24.9 Mary Erskine. Abbott j Ab24.9 Mary Fenwick's daughter. Whitby W58.1 Mary Marston. MacDoxald M14. 15 Mary's meadow. Ewixg j Ewo.5 Marzio's crucifix. Craavford C854.ll Mask of beauty. Stahr Stl5.2 Master. Zangavill Z 12.2 Master Bartlemy. Cromptox C88.1 Master Bieland. Auerbach Au3. 11 Master Humphrey's clock. Dickexs D55.1G Master of Greylands. Wood W852.13 Master of his fate. Barr B27. IG Master of Rathkelly. Smart Sm24.2 Master of silence. Bacheller B12.1 Master of the ceremonies. Fenx F3G.11 Master of the magicians. Ward W212.22 Masterman Ready. Marryat Mo44.G Match-maker. Walford AV] 4.5 Mate of the Daylight. Jewett J552.5 Mate of the Easter Bell. Barr B27.17 Mate of the Mary Ann. Swett j Sw4.2 Mate of the Vancouver. Roberts R544.1 Matilda, princess of England. Cottin. . . C827.1 Matrimonial infelicities. Coffin CC55.3 Matrimony. Norris N79.7 Matter of millions. Rohlfs RG3.7 Matter of skill. Whitby W58.2- Matt's follies. Prescott j P922.1 Maud Morton. Calhoun C126. 1 Maud Percy's secret. Flemixg F621.8- Mauprat. Dudevant D8G. 11 Maurice Dering. Lawrence L43.6 Maurice Tiernay. Lever L57.24 Mavericks M445- Max and Maurice. Buscii j B96.1 ]\Iaximina. Valdes V23.2" May. Oliphant 0132.18 May Martin. Thompson T37.3 Me ! July and August. Coe CG5. 1 Meadow brook. Holmes H73. 19 Medicine lady. Smith Smol.lO Melbourne house. Warner W24G.8 Melchior's dream. Ewing j Ewo.G Mellichampe. Simms 8142.5- Melody. Richards j R39.7 Member for Paris. Murray M9G2.2' Member of the third house. Garland... G18.4 Memories. Muller M91.1 Memories of troublous times. Marshall. M354.18 Memoirs of a millionaire. Ames Am33.1 Memoirs of a physician. Dumas D89.17 Memoirs of Barrj- Lyndon. Thackeray. T32.6- Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle D77.6 Men are what women make them. Belot. B414.1 Men of character. Jerrold J484. 1 Menhardoc. Fenn j F36.12 Mercedes of Castile. Cooper C784.ll Merchant of Berlin. Mundt M02.12 Mercy Philbrick's choice. Jackson J12.G Mere adventurer. Andrews An23. 1 Mere caprice. Bigot B48.1 Merle's crusade. Carey C184.& Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle. j POO.l Merry chanter. Stockton StG.13 Merry hearts and trtte. Crowley' j C887. 1 Merry men and other tales. Stevenson. St48.4r Merry tales. Clemens C59. 1 Mervyn Clitheroe. Ainsworth AiG.G Meta Holdenls. Cherbuliez C424.4 Metzerott. Woods W8tU.2 Mexican girl. Clark C544. 1 Mexican ranch. Duggan D87.1 Meyrick's promise. Phillips j P542.1 Micah Clarke. Doyle D77 7 Mice at play. Floyd j FGG.l Michael and Theodora. Barr B27.1S Michael Strogoff. Verne V59.23 Jliddlemarch. Cross C885.5 Middy ensign. Fenn .• j F3G.13 Midge. BuxNER B88.1 Midnight queen. Flemixg FG21.9 Midshipman at large. Talbot j T14.2 Midsummer eve. Hall H14.8 Mignon. Bridges B7G.4 Mignon. Stannard St24.4 Millbank. Holmes H73.2G •26 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Mildred. Holmes H73.24 Mildred. Mat M455.5 Mildred and Elsie. Finley j F49.20 Mildred Arkell. Wood W852.12 Mildred at home. Finley j F49.28 Mildred at Eoselands. Fixley j F49.21 Mildred Keith. Finley j F40.23 Mildred's bargain. Lillie j LG25.5 Mildred's boys and girls. Finley ....... j F49.22 Mildred's married life. Finley j F49.24 Miles Wallingf ord. Cooper C784. 12 - Mill at Sandy creek. Rand j E15.5 Mill mystery. Eohlfs R63.8 Mill on the floss. Cross C855.4 Miller of Aginbrault. Dudevant D86.12 Miller's daughter. Beale B36.2 Millionaire at sixteen. Adams j Adl9.41 Millionaire of rough-and-ready. Harte. H25o.l4 Milly Darrell. Maxwell M452. 1 1 Mine own people. Kipling K624.4 Mine is thine. Lockhart L81.1 Miner's right. Brom'ne BS17.2 Mingo, and other sketches. Harris H243.4 "Ministers of grace. McGlasson MIT. 2 Minister's charge. Howells H838.14 Minister's wife. Oliphant 0132.19 Minister's wooing. Stowe St77.3 -Mirage. Fletcher F63.4 Miriam. Terhune T27.12 Miriam Montfort. Warfield AV23.3 Miriam's heritage. Johnston J64.1 -Michief's thanksgiving. "Woolsey j \V883.9 -Miserables. Hrco H87.4 Miser's daughter. Ainsworth AiG.7 IVIisfits and remnants. Ventura Y56. 1 Miss Angel. IUtchie 1151. 2 Miss Ashton's new pupil. Robbins Ro3.1 Miss Bagg's secretary. Birnham B932.3 Miss Bretherton. Ward W215.3 Miss Brooks. White Wo82. 1 Miss Carew. Edavards Ed92.8 Miss Cherry Blossom of Tokyo. Long.. L85.1 Miss Curtis. Wells W4n2.1 Miss Dividends. Gunter G952.2 Miss Eyre from Boston. Moulton M.sr).2 Miss Frances Merley. Curran C93.1 Miss Gilbert's Career. Holland H71.3 Miss Kurd. Eohlfs R63.9 <■ Miss Lou." EoE R622.10 Miss Mackenzie. Trollope T74.19 Miss Majoribanks. Oliphant 0132.20 Miss Melinda's opportunity. Campbell.. C152.1 Miss Misanthrope. McCarthy M12.3 Miss Mischief. Behrens B398.5 Miss Molly. Bltt B98.4 Miss or Mrs.? Collins CG94.18 Miss Richards' boy. Holley H72.1 Miss Tommy. Craik C842. 19 Miss Toosey's mission. Smith Sm51.ll Miss Wihon. AVarren W25. 1 Missing million. Adams j Adl9.42 Mission of Black Rifle. Kellogg j K29.15 Missy. Harris H245.4 Mr. Absalom Billingslea. Johnston J65.1 Mr. Barnes of New York. Gunter G952.3 Mr. Bodley abroad. Scudder j Scu2.6 Mr. Billy Downs and his likes. Johnston. J65.2 Mr. Darwing's daughter. Williams W674.1 Mr. Fortner's marital claims. Johnston. J65.3 Mr. Incoul's misadventure. Saltus Sa34.1 Mr. Isaacs. Crawford C854.12 Mr. Jonathan Wild. Fielding F46.3 Mr. Midshipman Easy. Marryat M344.7 Mr. Oldmiscon. Hammond H188.3 Mr. Orde's grandchildren. Lowndes.... j L952.1 Mr. Phillips' governess. Bailey B154.1 Mr. Potter of Texas. Ginter G952.4 Mr. Rutherford's children. Warner & B.IRTLETT j W246.21 Mr. Smith. Walford W14.6 Mr. Tangier's vacation. Hale H13. 12 Mr. Tommy Dove. Del.vnd D37.2 Mr. Wayfs wife's sister. Terhine T27.13 Mr. Wind and Madame Rain. Musset... j M974.1 Mr. Zinzan of Bath. Deane D34.1- Mrs. Armington's ward. Wright W93.1 Mrs. Beaucharap Brown. Austin Au75.5 Mrs. Dimsdale's grandchildren. Lee j L51.1 Mrs. Geoffrey. Hungerford H89.9 Mrs. Gerald's niece. Fullerton F957.4 Mrs. Halliburton's troubles. Wood W852.14 Mrs. Harold Stagg. Grant G766.6 Mrs. Herndon's income. Campbell C152.2 Mrs. Hitchcock's wedding dress. Hart.. H252.1 Mrs. Keats Bradford. Pool P78.3 Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Lennox M69 Mrs. Limber's raffle. Butler B97.2 Mrs. Loriraer. Harrison H249.4 Mrs. Mainwaring's journal. Marshall.. M354.19 Mrs. Peixada. Harland H226.2 Mrs. Skaggs's husbands. Harte H255.15 Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. Alden- A12.7 Mistress and maid. Craik C842.20 Mistress Judith. Liddell L61.2 Mistress of Beech Knoll. Burnham B932.4 Mistress of Ibichstein. IIenkel H382.1 Miz Maze. Aavdry Aw2.1 Moby-Dick. Melville M492. 1 Modern Adam and Eve. Douglas D744.21 Modern Aladdin. Pyle P99.2 Modern buccaneer. Bromn B817.3 Modern Circe. Hungerford H89.10 Modern fishers of men M72 Modern ghosts. Maupassant M44.2 Modern instance. Howells '....,,.. H838. 15 Modern Mephistopheles. Alcott A112.10 Modern Telemachus. Yonge Y8.25 Modern vikings. Boyesen B69.8 Modern wizard. Ottolengui OtS.l Modeste Mignon. Balzac B217.19 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 27 Mohammed All. Mundt M92.13 Mollie Maguires and the detectives. Pink- ERTOK P65.1 Mollie Miller. Merriman j M554. 1 Molly Bawn. Hixgerford H89.il Molly Bishop's family. Xitzch NG32.1 Mona Maclean. Travers TG9. 1 Mona's choice. Hector H352.16 Monarch of dreams. Higgixsox H536.2 Monastery. Scott Sco82.16 Money and music. Barnard B2.3.2 Money-maker. Adams j Adl9.43 Money-makers. Keenax K25.3 Monikins. Cooper C784.13 Monk and knight. Glxsaulcs G9.5. 1 Monk of the Aventine. Ecksteix Ec52.3 Monks of Thelma. Besaxt & Rice B4G.14 Monk's wedding. Meyer M-57.1 Monsieur Motte. Kixg K585.2 Monsieur Sylvestre. Didevaxt D8G.13 Montezuma's gold mines. Obek j Ob2.1 Month at Gastein M7G4 Moods. Alcott A112.il Moonbeam tangle. Shadbolt j Shl.l Moondyne. O'Reilly Or34.1 Moonlight boy. Howe H83G.2 Moonstone. Collixs 0694. 12 Moorland cottage. Gaskell G212.7| Moors and Christians. Alarcox All. 3 Mopsa the fairy. Ixgelow j In4.4 Moral pirates. Aldex j A123.4 More bed-time stories. Moultox j M86.3 More by words. Yoxge Y8.26 More good times at Hackmatack. Smith, j SmG.4 More new Arabian nights. Stevexsox... St48.8 More "' short sixes." Bixxek B88.2 Morgesons. Stoddari> StG2.1 Morley Ernstein. James J232.ll M. or y. Melville M4U. 11 Morning-glories. Alccjtt j A112.12 Mortal antipathy. Holmes H732.3 Morrina. Qiiroga Q46.3 Moss-side. Terhuxe T27. 14 Mosses from an old manse. Hawtiiorxe. H316.7 Mostly Marjorie Daw. , Towxsexd T665.3 Mother-in-law. Southworth SoS4.28 Mother Molly. Teard R314.3 Mother of a marquise, and the Aunt's strat- agem. Abol t Ab7.3 Mother's recompense. Aglilar Ag9.4 Motto changed. Ixgelow In4.o Mount Desolation. Dawe D32.1 Mozart. Rat- R19.1 Mrs. Arthur. Oliphaxt 0132.21 Mrs. Bligh. Broigiitox B799.4 MuckleJock. McLen^ax M223.1 Mudfog papers. Dickens D55.18 Mumu. TcGEXiEF T84.7 Murphy's master. Payx P29.4 Murvale Eastman, Toirgee TG4.7 Musgrove ranch. Browne B818.1 Music hath charms. Ferglsox F38.1 Must it be? Bacer B.323.2 Mustard leaves. S. D. T Sl.l Mutiny on board the Leander. Heldmaxx. j H36.2 M\' bonnie lass. Hamiltox H182.3 My boyhood. Barkley j B24G.1 My brother's wife. Edwards Ed92.9 My cousin. Miss Cinderella. Tixseal... T494.2 My daughter Elinor. Bexedict B43.2 My desire. "Warner W24G.9 My first love and my last love. Riddell. R43.^ My first voyage to southern seas. Kixg- STOX j KG14. 12 My friend the boss. Hale H13.13 My friends and I. Sturgis St92.5 My guardian. Cross C884. 1 My intimate enemy M99 My intimate friend. Dixcax D91.1 My Kalulu. Staxley j St2. 1 My lady. Bouvet BGG8.1 My Lady Ludlow. Gaskell. . .'. G212.8 My Lady Nell. Weaver AV37.1 My Lady Nicotine. Barrie B278.5 My Lady Rotha. "Weymax AV.';4.4 My lady's money. Collins CG94.13 My little girl. Besaxt & Rice B4G. 1.5 My little lady. Poyxter P87.3 My little love. Terhune T27.15 My lodger's legacy. Hcme H88. 1 My marriage M99 1 My married life at Hillside. Coffin CGo.5.4 My mother and I. Craik C842.21 My mother's enemy. Lillie L62.5.3 My mother-in-law M992 My new home. Molesworth j M73. 18 "Myno^'el." Lyttox L994.15 My wife and I. Stowe St77.4 My wife and my wife's sister. Latimer. L342.1 My young Alcides. Yoxge Y8.27 Mysterious island. Verxe V.VJ. 14 Mysteries of Udolpho. Radcliffe Rll.'.l Mystery Evans. Baker BlG.j.l Mystery of Abel Forefinger. Drysdale. j D842.1 Mystery of Cloomber. Doyle D77.8 Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickexs D55.19 Mystery of Metropolisville. Egglestox. Eg3.8 Mystery of M. Felix. Farjeox F222.7 Mystery of the Campagna. Degex D363.1 Mystery of the locks. Howe H836.3 Mystery of the " Ocean Star." Rissell. j R915.7 Mystery of the patrician club. Vandam. V28.1 Mystery of the woods. Mfrkay M968.4 Nabob. Daudet D2G3.5 Nada the lily. Haggari Hi2.9 Narcesia. Richards R39.8 Neaera : tale of ancient Rome. Graham . . G76.1 Nameless nobleman. Acstix Au75.G Nameless wrestler. Bates B313.1 Nancv. Broughtox B799.8 28 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Nanon. Dudevant DSG.l-t Napoleon and Bliicher. Mundt M92.14 Napoleon and the queen of Prussia. MuKDT ]M92.15 Narka, the nihilist. O'Meara Om2.2 Nathalie. Kavaxagh K17.8 Nat the naturalist. Fexx j F3G. l-t Native of Winby. Jeavett Jo52.G Nature's serial story. Roe E022.il Naulahka. Kiplixg KG24.7 Near to nature's heart. Roe R022. 12 Ned in the block house. Ellis j Eio8.16 ^ed in the woods. Ellis j E158.17 Ned on the river. Ellis j E158.18 Neighbor Jackwood. Trowbridge T75-4.21 Neighbors. Bremer B7o.5 Neighbors' wives. Troavbridge j T754.22 Neighbours on the green. Oliphant 0132.22 Nellie's memories. Carey C184.7 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom. Douglas D744.22 Nelly's silver mine. Jacksox j J12.5 Nelly's teacher. Gray j G79. 1 Nemesis. Terhuxe T27.1'J Nero. EcKSTEix Ec52.4 Nettie Loring. Dowxs D754.1 Nevermore. Browx B817.4: New Antigone. Barry B279.1 New Arabian niglats. Kirby K032.1 New Arabian nights. Stevexsox St48.5 New bed-time stories. Moultox j M8G.4 New continent. Worthey W802. 1 New departure for girls. Lothrop L91.G New England nun. Wilkixs W65.3 New England story-book j N42 New Harry and Lucy. Hale H13.14 New Magdalen. Collixs CG94.14 New man at Rossmere. Walworth . W17.3 New nobility. Forxey' F7G. 1 New Paul and Virginia. Mallock M294. 1 New priest in Conception bay. Lowell.. L95.2 New race. Friedrich F91.3 New rector. Weymax W;"4.5 New relations. Marshall j M3.54.20 New republic. Mallock M294.2 New Robinson Crusoe. Aldex j Al23.o New scholars. Mathews j M424.9 New schoolma'am N421 New Timothy. Baker B179.4 New York family. Fawcett F28. 10 Newcomes. Thackeray T32.7 Newport aquarelle. Elliott Elo6.3 Next door. Blrxham B932.5 Next door house. Molesavorth j M73.19 Nicholas Minturn. Holland H71.4 Nick Whiffles. Hannegan H192.1 Nickanor. Dlraxd D93.10 Night and morning. Lyttox L994.16 Nimport. Banner B99.5 Nimpo's troubles. Miller j M615.1 Nimrod of the sea. Davis D29G.1 Nina. Bremer in B7o.6 Nina Gordon. Stoave St77.5 Nina's atonement. Tiernan T44:.8 Nine men's morrice. Pollock P76.1 Ninette. Deaister D394.2 'Ninety-three. Hugo H87.5 Noble life. Craik C842.22 Noble lord. Southavorth So84.29' Noble queen. Taylor T216.1 Noble woman. Durand D93.il Nobler sex. Lean L47.8 ' ' Noblesse oblige." Keddie K23.5 Nobody. Warner W24G.ia Nobody's fortune. Yates Y22.8- No heroes. Teuffel j T29.4 No name. Collins C694.17 No new thing. Norris N79.8- No quarter. Reid R27.1S No thoroughfare. Dickens & Collins- . D.D5.21 None such? There will yet be thousands. Haynes H33.2 Nor wife, nor maid. Hungerford H89.12 Nora's love test. Hay H32.3 Norine's revenge. Fleaiing F621.10 Norman Cline. Kellogg K29.16 Norodom. McGloin M172.1 Norseland tales. Boyesen j BG9.9 Norsemen in the west. Ballaxtyxe .... B21. 19 'Norsk gopher. Sixxett j Si65. 1 North and south. Gaskell G212.9 Northanger abbey. Austex Au74.3 Northern cross. Allex j A159.6 Northern lands. Adams j Adl9.44 Norwood. Beecher B39.1 Not all in A-ain. Cross C884.2 Not angels quite. Dole D6S.1 Not easily jealous. Hardy H222.1 Not in the betting. Roberts R54G.2 Not in the prospectus. Talbot T142.1 Not in their set. Lexzex L54G. 1 Not like other girls. Carey C184.9 Not quite eighteen. Woolsey j W883. 10 "Not wanted." Pollard P7o8.1 Not wisely, but too Avell. Broughton... B799.5 Not Avithout thorns. iloLESAvoRTH M73.20 Notary's nose. About Ab7.4r Nothing new. Craik C842.23 Nothing to drink. Wright j W934.5 Notre Dame de Paris. Hugo H87.6 Noughts and crosses. Couch C83.3 NoA^els and tales. Dickens D5o.22 NoA'els and tales. Gothe G71.2 Now-a-days. Marshall j Mo54.21 Nowadays, and other stories. HibbaRd.. Ho2.3 Now or never. Adams j Adl9.45 Nugents of Carriconna. Hopkins H777.1 Numa Roumestan. Daudet D2G3.6 No. 19 State street. Adee Ad3. 1 No. 747. Careav C18.1 Number XIII. Marshall M3o4.22 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 29 Nuna, the Bramin girl. Fre>'ch F884.2 Ifun's curse. Kiddell 1143.3 Nursery j X93 Nymph of the west. Seeley Se32. 1 Oak openings. Cooper C784.14 Oak staircase. Lee L51.2 Oakriilge. Smith SmoG.l Oakshalt castle. Kingslev K612.5 Occupations of a retired life. Mayo M458.8 Ocean-born. Adams j Adl9.46 Ocean tramp. Heywooi j HoH.l Ocean waifs. Reid j K27.14 Odd number. Maupassaxt M44.1 Odd or eyen ? Whitney W61.9 O'Donoghue. Lever Lo7.25 Off Lynnport light. Watsox W33.2 Off the rocks. Fox F83.2 Off the Skelligs. Ingelow In4.G Ogilvies. Ckaik C842.24 Olaf the glorious. Leightox L53.1 Old beau. Wood W856.4 Old Boniface. Picard P58.1 Old countess. Hofer H672.1 Old countess. Stephens St42.7 Old Creole days. Cable Cll.5 Old curiosity shop. Dickens D55.23 Old-fashioned girl. Ai.cott j A112. 13 Old friends and new. Jewett J552.7 Old Fritz and the new era. Mundt M02.16 Old gateway. Marshall M3u4.23 Old helmet. Warner W24G. 1 1 Old homestead. Stephens St42.8 Old house in the city. Giberne j G3.52.2 Old Jack. Kingston j KG14.13 Old Kaskasia. Catherwood C28.4 Old Kensington. Richie R5L2 Old Lady Mary. Oliph ant 0132.23 Old maid's paradise. Ward W2 12. 17 Old mam 'selle 's secret. John J61.8 Old Mark Langston. Johnston J65.4 Old Mortality. Scott Sco82.17 Old Myddleton's money. Hay H32.4 Old New England days. Damon D18.1 Old, old story. Carey C184.10 Old order changes. Mallock M294.3 Old pincushion. Molesworth j M73.21 Old post-road. McClelland M132.4 Old Rough the miser. Wesselh Penruddocke. Aide Ai2. 1 People at Pisgah. Sanborn Sao.l People I have met. Willis W678. 1 People of the mist. Haggard H12.7 Pepita the Ximenez. Valero V234.3 Pepper and salt. Pyle j P99.4 '• Perchance to dream." Briscoe B775. 1 Percival Keene. Marryat M344. 10 Pere Goriot. Balzac B217.20 Peregrine Pickle. Smollett Sm7.3 Peveril of the Peak. Scott Sco82. 18 Perfect Adonis. Harris H24.3.5 Perfect love casteth out fear. Wash- born W27.2 Pericles and Aspasia. Landor L23. 1 Peril. Fothergill F82.9 Peril of Oliver Sargent. Bliss B61.1 Perilous secret. Reade R224.8 Perlycross. Blackmore B567.8 Perpetual curate. Oliphant 0132. 2G Perseverance island. Frazar j F864.2 Persuasion. Austen Au74.3 Pef. Haweis j H31.1 Peter and Polly. Robinson j R50.1 Peter Budstone. Trowbridge j T754.23 Peter Ibbetson. Dv Maurier D892. 1 Peter Patrick, and other boys. Greene, j G834.7 Peter Penniless. Davies j D28.1 Peter Schlemihl. Chamisso C354. 1 Peter Simple. Marryat M344.9 Peter the whaler. Kingston j K614.16 Peter Trawl. Kingston j K614.17 Peterkin papers. Hale j H131.2 Petrie estate. Brown B813.1 Petronel. Lean L47. 10 Phaeton Rogers. Johnson j J62. 1 Phantastes. MacDonald M14. 17 Phantasmion. Coleridge j 0073.1 Pliantom future. Merriman M55G.2 Phantom lover. Paget P144. 1 Phantom rickshaw. Kipling K624.5 Phantoms of the foot-bridge. Mcrfree.. M94.6 Phemie's temptation. Terhune T27. 17 Phil and the baby. Ln.LiE L625.4 Phil Preston. Birdsell B535.1 Phil and his friends. Trowbridge j T754.24 Phil the fiddler. Alger j A13.23 Philip. Cutler j C97.1 Philip and his wife. Deland D37.3 Philip Earnscliffe. Edwardes Ed9.8 Piiihp Nolan's friends. Hale H13.17 Phillippa. Ella E15. 1 Philistines. Bates B31.6 Phineas Finn. Trollope T74.22 Phineas Redux. Trollope T74.21 Phoebe. Harris H245.6 Phoebe, Junior. Oliphant 0132.27 Phyllis. HuNGERFORD H89.13 Phyllis Browne. Shaw j Sh2.3 Phyllis of the Sierras. Harte H25o.l7 Piccino. Burnett j B93.10 Picciola. Boniface in F751.1 Picciola. Boniface B64.1 Picked up in the streets. Schobert SchC.l Pickwick club. Dickens D55.2G Pictures of Hellas. Mariager M33.1 Pictures of the future. Richter R412.1 Pierrette. Balzac B217.21 Pietro Ghisleri. Crawford C854.14 Pigeon pie tale of roundhead times. YoNGE j Y8.29 Pilgrims. Musick M972.7 Pilgrim's progress. Bunyan in F751.1 Pillar of fire. Ingraham In44.1 Pillars of the house. Yonge Y8.30 Pillone. Bergsoe B45.1 Pilot. Cooper C784.17 Pilot, Fortune. Rodnei: RG1.2 Pine and palm. Con"\vay C7G4. 1 Pine needles. Warner W24G.12 Pink and white tyranny. Stowe St77.9 Pioneers. Cooper C784. 18 Pirate. Scott Sco82.19 Pirate island. Lancaster j L224.4 Plain Francis Mowbray. Lawless L42.4 Plain tales from the liills. Kipling KG24.G Plane and plank. Adams j Adl9.52 Plant hunters. Reid j R27.1G Planter's northern bride. Hentz H393.3 Play days. Jewett j J552.8 Play-actress. Crockett C87.3 Playfellow. Martineau j M366.4 Playhours and half-holidays. Atkinson. j Ato.l Playing the mischief. De Forest D3G2.3 Pleasant waters. Clayton. C574.1 S2 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Please tell me another tale. Henty j H3'!)2.31 Plot in private life. Collins C694. 19 Ploughed under. Harsha H25. 1 Plucky one. Spencer Sp3. 1 Plunger. Smart Sm24r.3 Poacher. Marryat M344.1 1 Pocahontas. Mcsjck M972.8 Pocket rifle. Tkombridge j T754.25 Poems in prose. Turguenief T84.8 Poet and merchant. Auerbach Au3.13 Poet and peer. Aide Ai2.2 Poganuc people. Stowe St77.10 Polly. Page P14.5 Polly. Smith Smol.lS Polly Oliver's problem. Eiggs R44.3 Pomona. Smith Sm51.19 Poor and plain. Seymolr Se9. 1 Poor and proud. Auams j Adl9.53 Poor girl. Behrens B398.7 Poor humanity. Robinson R564.5 Poor Miss Pinch. Collins C694.16 Poor rich man and rich poor man. Sedg- wick Se22.3 Popular tales from the Norse. Dasent.. D2<5.1 Port Tarascon. Daudet D263.8 Portent. MacDonald M14.18 Portrait of a lady. James J233.8 Pot of gold. WiLKiNs j ^"65. 5 Potter's thumb. Steel St34.2 Poverty-grass. "W yman W98. 1 Powder and gold. Schlcking Sch72.2 Power-of sympathy. Morton M84. 1 Powsland. Allen A156.2 Prairie. Cooper C784. 19 Prairie days. Sleight S122.4 Pratt portraits in New England suburb. Filler F95.3 Preacher's daughter. Bark B27.20 Precaution. Cooper C784.16 Pre-historic world. Berthet B459.1 President's daughters. Bremer B75.6 Prelate. Henderson H38.2 Pretty Lucy Merwyn. Lakeman j L14.1 Pretty Michael. Jokai J67.3 Pretty Miss Bcllew. Boulger B6(3.2 Pretty sister of Jose. Burnett B93.il Prey of the gods. Lean L47.il Price of a coronet. Sales Sa3. 1 Price of peace; a story of the time of Ahab. Ackerman Aco.l Pride and passion. Fleming P621. 12 Pride and prejudice. Austen Au74.4 Priest and the man. Newton N48. 1 Primes and their neighbors. Johnston.. J65.5 Prince and the pauper. Clemens j C59.2 Prince Dimple. Paull j P28. 1 Prince Eugene. Mundt M92. 17 Prince Fortunatus. Black Bo64.15 Prince Hermann, regent. Lemaitre L54.1 Prince of darkness. Southworth So84.30 Prince of India. "Wallace W 154.3 Prince of the blood. Patn P29.5 Prince of the house of David. Ingra- ham In44.2 Prince Serebryani. Tolstoi T58.9 Prince Tip-top. Bouvet j B668.2 Prince Vance. Bates j B312.1 Princess. McClelland M132.5 Princess Aline. Davis D293.3 Princess Amelie P934.1 Princess Casamassima. James J233.9 Princess Dandelion's secret. Banks j B224.1 Princess Eve. Helm j H363. 1 Princess Mazaroff. Hatton H28.2 Princess Nourmahl. Dudevant D86.15 Princess of Brunswick - Wolfenbiittel. ZSCHOKKE Z8.1 Princess of Cleves. Lafayette L13.1 Princess of Fiji. Churchill C474.1 Princess of Java. Higginson H534. 1 Princess of Paris. Gunter G952.5 Princess of Thule. Black B5r,4. 16 Princess Roubine. Durand D93. 12 Princeton stories. AVilliajis W675.1 Prisoner of war. Norway N83.2 Prisoner of Zenda. Hawkins H313.6 Private life. James J233.10 Probation. Fothergill F82.10 Prodigal in love. Wolf WdS.l Professor. Nicholls N51.2 Professor's sister. Hawthorne H315. 12 Progress and prejudice. Gore G66.6 Prophet of the great smoky mountain. MURFREE M94.7 Prose tales. Pushkin P97.2 Protestant. Bray ' B739.7 Protegee of Jack Hamlin's. Harte H255.18 Proverb stories. Alcott j A112.14 Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich A125.2 Prudence "Winterburn. Doudney j D742.1 Prue and I. Curtis C943.1 P's and Q's. Yonge j Y8.31 Publicans and sinners. Maxwell M452. 14 Puritan pagan. Cruger C888.3 Purple and fine linen. Fawcett F28.12 Pushing ahead. Rand j Rl.3.7 Put yourself in his place. Reade R224.9 Pythia's pupils. Hartner H2.58.1 Quadratusf Leslie L-3t54.10 Quaker girl of Nantucket. Lee L511.2 Quaker home. Tucker T792.1 Quaker idyls. Gardner G172.1 Quality of mercy. Howells H838. 16 Quartet. Stoddard j St64. 1 1 Queechy. Warner W24(j. 13 Queen Bess. Shaw Sh23.1 Queen Dora. Knox j K773.1 Queen Hortense. Mundt M92.18 Queen Mab. Kavanagh K17.9 Queen Mab. Kavanagh K17.15 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 33 Queen Money. Kirk KGo3.6 Queen of Ecuador. M.vxley Mol.l Queen of love. Gould G7i}2.5 Queen of Sheba. Aldrkii A125.3 Queen of the isle. Fleiiixg F621.13 Queen Titania. Boyesex BG9.10^ Queenie Hetherton. Holmes H73.20 Queenie's whim. Caeey C184.13 Queen's body-guard. Jaxvieu j J264.3 Queen's Maries. Melville M49.12 Queen's necklace. Dcmas D89.20 Queer family. Mekrimax j M554.3 Queer little people. Stowe j St77.11 Queer stories for boys and girls. Eggles- Tox j Eg3.9 Quentin Durward. Scott Scot!2.20 Question of honor. Tierxajt Til. 9 Question of identity. Dodge DGG-t.l Question of love. Combe C731.1 Quick or the dead. Ch axler C3G2. 2 Quicksailds. Streckfuss St82.2 Qnicksilver. Fexx j FoG. IG Quiet nook in the Jura. IIlffixi li33.G Quiet stories'from an old woman's garden. McLeax M222.1 Quinnebasset girls. Clarke j Cjo4.11 Quits. Tactphcecs T19.3 Quixstar. Taylor T213.2 Quodlibet. Kexxedy K3S.2 Kab and his friends. Browx j B814.1 Rachel Gray. Kavaxgii K17.10 Rachel's share of the road. Hamiltox. . . H184.1 Racing for gold. Peddie P34.1 Ragged Dick. Alger j A13.24 Rags and velvet gowns. Ply'mptox P74.4 Raid from Beausejour. Roberts R541.1 Raiders. Crockett C87.4 Raising the " Pearl." Kaler j K12.4 Rajah of Dah. Fexx j F3G.17 Rajah's heir R132 Raleigh Westgate. Johxsox JG22. 1 Ralph the drummer boy. Rousselet R763.2 Ralph tlie heir. Trollope T74.23 Ralph Wilton's weird. Hector H352.17 Ralstons. Crawford C8o4.15 Rambling story. Clarke C552.2 Ramona. Jacksox J12.7 Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. McDox- ALD j M14.19 Ranchman's stories. Seeley S832.2 Randolph Gordon. La Rame L32.6 Rangers. Thompsox T37.4 Rankell's remains. Wexdell ^48.1 Raphael. Lamartixe L1G.2 Rapids of Niagara. Warxee j "W24G.14 Rarahu. Viacd VG5.3 Rasselas. Johxsox J63.1 RattUn the reefer. Marryat M344. 13 Ravenshoe. Kixgsley KG12.6 Raymond Kershaw. Cox j C837.1 Ready about. Adams j Adl9.54 Ready mone\- Montibo}'. Besaxt & Rice. B4G.17 Real bojs and girls. Bartlett j B282.1 Real folks. Whitxey WG1.12 Realmah. Helps H3G5.2 Rebel queen. Besaxt B4G.1G Rebel Rose R24 Rebels. Child C4o.2 Recipe for diamonds. Hyxe H991.1 Recoiling vengeance. Barrett B27C.3 Recollections of a policeman. Rlssell. . . R914.1 Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. Kixgs- ley KG12.7 Rector, and the Doctor's family. Oliphaxt. 0132.28 Rector of St. Luke's. Berxhard B432.2 Red as a rose is she. Broughtox B799.7 Red Cap and Blue Jacket. Dixx D92. 1 Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux. Butler.. B972.1 Red court farm. Wood W852.17 Red cross. Adajis j Adl9.55 Red diamonds. McCarthy M12.5 Red fairy book. Laxg j L2.J.4 Red gauntlet. Scott Sco82.21 Red mountain of Alaska. Allex j A159.7 Red mustang. Stoddard j StG4. 12 Red Rooney. Ballaxttxe j B21.20 Red rose and tiger lily. Smith j SmJ1.20 Red route. Sime Si4. 1 Red Rover. Cooper C784.20 Red Spider. Gould G732.G Red wallflower. "Warxer "W24G.15 Redskin and cow-boy. Hexty H3'J2.32 Redwood. Sedwick Se22.4 Redemption of Edward Strahan. Dawsox. D324.1 Reflections of a married man. Graxt... G7GG.8 Refugees. Doyle D77.9 Regent's daughter. Dumas D89.21 Remember the Alamo. Bare B27.21 Rene and Colette. La Forest L134.1 Rent in a cloud. Lever L.37.27 Rented a husband. Voisix, pseud V87. 1 Reproach of Anneslej'. Tuttietx T88.4 Republic of the future. Dodd DG62.2 Retribution. Southworth So84.31 Reuben Everett. Coleridge CG7.1 Reuben Sachs. Levy L573. 1 Reverberator. James J233.ll Revere estate. Chellis j C42.5 Rev. Dr. Willoughby. Walker j W152.2 Reverend idol. Noble NG62. 1 Resolution. Roe R62.5 Revolution in Tanner's lane. White W58G.3 Rhoda Thornton's girlhood. Pratt j P885.1 Rhona. Bridges B76.5 Rich and humble. Adams j Adl9.5C Rich Medway's two loves. Gakdxer G17.1 Richard Dave's venture. Stratemeyer. . j St8.2 Richard de Lacy. Maurice M442.1 Richard Edney. Judd J88.2 Richard Escott. Cooper C782.1 34 FICTION.— TITLE LIST. Richard the fearless. Yoxge j YS.32 Richard Vandermarck. Haeeis H245.7 Richelieu. James J232.12 Riddle of luck. Stone St72.1 Rienzi. Lytton L994.21 Rifle-rangers. Reid j R27.17 Right at last. Gaskell G212.10 Righted wrong. Yates Y22.9 Righteous apostate. Laxza L29.1 Righting the wrong. Ellis j E15S.21 Rinaultrie. Rae R12.1 Ring of Aniasis. Lytton L99(3.1 Rise of Disentis. Zschokke Z8.2 Rise of Silas Lapham. Hoavells H838. 18 Risen from the ranks. Algeb j A13.25 Rival heirs. Crake C843.1 Rival princess. McCarthy M13.7 Robinson Crusoe. De Foe in F751.1 Rob. LoTHROP j L91.7 Rob of the bowl. Kenxejdy K38.3 Rob Roy. Scott Sco82.22 Robber count. Wolff W833. 1 Robberj' under arms. Brown B817.5 Robb's island wreck. Meekixs M4:72 1 Robert Elsmere. Ward W215.4 Robert Falconer. MacDoxald M14.20 Robin. Parr P242.5 Robin Gray. Gibbon G35.3 Robin red-breast. Moleswoeth M73.22 Robin's recruit. Plymptox j P74.5 Rock ahead. Yates Y22.il Roda Fleming. Meredith M.>3.9 Roderick Ashcourt. Wise j W75.2 Roderick Hudson. James J233. 12 Roderick Random. Smollett Sm7.4 Rodman the keeper. Woolsox W885.4 Rodney the partisan. Fosdick j F78. 17 Rodolphus. Abbott in j Ab24.1 Roger Berkeley's probation. Campbell.. C152.3 Roger Hunt. Woolley W8S.3 Roger Kyffin's ward. Kixgstox j KG14.18 Roger Willoughby. Kixgstox j K614.19 Rogue. NoRRis N79.y Roland Blake. Mitchell M694.3 Roland Cashel. Lever L57.28 Roland Graeme. Machae 3118.1 Roland Yorke. Wood W852.19 Rolf and his friends. Williams WG72.2 Rolling stone. Dudevaxt D86. 16 Rollo series. Abbott j Ab24.11 Rollo's tour in Europe. Abbott j Ab24.10 Roman Kalbris. Malot M296. 1 Roman singer. Crawford C854. 16 Romance of a poor young man. Feuillet. F434.3 Romance of a shop. Levy L573.2 Romance of a Spanish nun. Baldy B193.1 Romance of an alter ego. Britce B842.2 Romance of Dollard. Catherwood C28.5 Romance of Judge Ketchum. Vachell. . V13.1 Romance of old court life in France. Elliot E153.2 Romance of the antipodes. Douglas D748.1 Romance of the Moors. Cairo C122.1 Romance of the mummy. Gautier G23.2 Romance of the republic. Child C43.3 Romance of two worlds. Mackay' M194.1 .Romances and realities. Barr B27.22 Romances of the east. Gobixeau G53.1 Romantic tales. Craik C842.26 Romantic young lady. Graxt G766.9 Romneys of Ridgemont. Eastman j Ea74.1 Romola. Cross C885.6 Rondah. Dieudoxne Do64.1 Rookwood. Aixsworth AiG.lO Room for one more. Higginsox j Ho3.1 Ropes of sand. Hamilton H182.4 Rose and the ring. Thackeray j T32.9 Rose and thorn. Bates j Bol4.1 Rose-garden. Peard P314.5 Rose in bloom. Alcott j A112. 15 Rose in June. Oliphaxt 0132.29 Rose Mather. Holmes H73.21 Rose of Paradise. Pyle P99.5 Roses of shadow. Sullivan Su53.2 Rosebud garden of girls. Perry* j P427.6 Rosemary and me. Champney C356.5 Rothmell. Dexisox D41.3 Rough and ready. Alger j A13.26 Round hearts. Harris j H245.8 Round the red lamp. Doyle D77.10 Rousing of Mrs. Potter. Smith Sm53.1 Rover of the Andes. Ballaxtyxe j B21.21 Rover's secret. Lancaster j L224.5 Rowing in Boston. Pool P78.5 Roxy. Eggleston Eg3.10 Royal gentleman. Tourgee T64.10 Royal hunt. Wilson W694.1 Royal Lowrie's last j-ear at St. Olave's. Talbot T14.3 Royal marine. Matthews M43.2 Royal road. Terhune T27.18 Roy and Viola. Bridges B76.6 Roy's repentance. Sergeant Se62.2 Roy's search. Pearson j P31G.1 Rubert Dubayet. Gayarre G25.1 Ruby and Ruthy. Paull j P284. 1 Ruby's husband. Terhune T27.19 Rudder Grange. Stocktox St6.14 Rudder Grangers abroad. Stockton St6.15 Rufus and Rose. Alger j A13.27 Rumor. Sheppaed Sh46. 3 Run to earth. Maxwell M4o2. 15 Running it off. Gould G73.1 Running the blockade. Thomas T366. 1 Running the gauntlet. Yates Y22.10 Running to waste. Baker j B17.1 Rupert Godwin. Maxw^ell M452. 16 Russell. James J232.13 Russian proprietor, etc. Tolstoi T582.10 Rusty linchpin. Kokhaxovsky- K82.1 Ruth. Chester ' C428.1 Ruth. Gaskell G212.il FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 35 Euth Eliot's dream. Lakemax j L14.2 Ruth Erskine's crosses. Aldex A12.10 Rutherford. Fawcett F28. 13 Rutledge. Harris H245.9 Ryle's open gate. Moore M784.1 Sabina Zerabra. Black B5G4. 17 Sable cloud. Adams AdlG.l Sailing and sealing. Moore M78.5 Sailor boy. Adams j Adl9.57 Sailor Jack. Fosdick j F78.18 St. Augustine. Mcsick M'J72.9 St. Bartholomew's eve. Hexty j Ho02.33 St. Dunstan's clock. Ward "\V21.1 St. Elmo. Wilson- W092.G St. George and St. Michael. MacDoxald. M14.21 St. George for England. Hexty H392.34 St. Giles and St. James. Jerrold J-t84.2 Saint James. Ainsworth Ai6.ll St. John's eve. Gogal G5.5.1 St. John's wooing. McClelland M132.G St. Martin's eve. Wood AV852.20 St. Michael. Bcrstexbinder B942.G Saint ^S'icholas' eve. Eowsell R79.2 St. Patrick's eve. Lever L57. 12 St. Philip's. Harris H24o.l0 St. Ronan's well. Scott Sco82.23 St. Simon's niece. Benedict B43.3 St. Winifred's. Farrar F242.4 Salammbo. Flaubert FG13. 1 Salathiel. Croly" C874.1 Salem. Castletox C272.1 Salem chapel. Oliphaxt 0132.30 Salem Kittr edge. Perry P423.2 Sally Dows, and other stories. Harte.. H2o5.19 Sally Williams. Cheney j C422.2 Salome Shepard. Wixslow W73.1 Salt master of Liineburg. Wolff W833.2 Salt water hero. Rand j R15.8 Salvage. Latimer L342.1 Sam Lawson's Oldtown stories. Stoave.. St77.12 Sam Lovel's camps. Robinson E5G9.2 Sammy Tubbs. Foote j F73.1 Samuel Brohl. Cherbuliez G424.5 Sandhills of Jutland. Axdersex j An2.3 Sandra Belloni. Meredith M54.10 Sane lunatic. Bcrxham B932.6 San Salvador. Tixcker T49.3 Sans merci. Lawrexce L43.7 San Rosario ranch. Elliott E156.4 Santanstoe. Cooper C784.21 Sant' Ilario. Crawford C854.17 Sappho of Green Springs. Harte H255.20 Sara Crewe. Burnett j B93. 12 Saracinesca. Crawford C854. 18 Sarah de Berenger. Ingelow In4.7 Sarcasm of destiny. Sherwood Sh54.1 Sarchedon. Melville M49. 13 Sardia. Daniels D222.1 Satilloboys. Stoddard j StG4.13 Satin-wood. Trowbridge j T7o4.26 SHvage London. Kixg K58G. 1 Saved from the sea. Kingston j KG14.20 Save me from my friends. Knight K742.1 Sawdust doll. Koven K846.1 Saxby. Leslie L564.il Saxe Holm's stories. Jacksox J12.8 Say and seal. Warner & Bartlett W246.22 Scallywag. Allex A15G.4 Scalp hunters. Reid j R27. 18 Scamp and I. Smith j Smol.21 Scarlet letter. Hawthorxe H316.8 Scarlet sin. Leax L47. 12 Scarletpoppy. Spofford Sp6.3 Scarlet tanager. Trowbridge j T7o4.27 Scenes of clerical life. Cross CS85.7 Scenes with the hunter and trapper. Adams j Adl8.1 School boys all the world over. Frith. . . j F914.o. Schoolboy days in Italy. Lauric L37.3- Schoolboy daj-s in Russia. Laurie L37.4r School-boys of Rookesbury. Fraxcis. .. j F844.1 School days at Ivingscourt. Adams Adl4.3 School days of Beulah Romney. East- MAX j Ea74.2 School-girls. Carey j C182.L Schoolmaster's trial. Perry- P422. 1 Schwartz. Murray M96.2 Scotch caps. WiLLiAJis j W672.3 Scottish chiefs. Porter P83.2 Scottish sketches. Barr B27.23 Scout. SiMMS Si42.7 Scrope. Perkins P41.1 Sea and shore. Adams j Adl9.58 Seaboard parish. MacDoxald M14.22 Sea change. Shaw j Sh2.4 Sea lions. Cooper C784.22 Sea queen. Russell R915.8 Seaforth. Moxtgomery- M762. 1 Sealed orders. Ward AV212.18 Sealed packet. Trollope T746.4: Seamyside. Besaxt&Rice B46.23 Search for Andrew Field. Tomlixsox. . . j T59.1 Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Carey- C184.15 Search for the star. Willett j W665.1 Sea yarns for boys. Hendersox j H381.1 Sebastopol. Tolstoi T582.il Sebastian Strome. Hawthorxe H315.13 Second-cousin Sarah. Robixsox R564.6 Second life. Hector H352.18 Second son. Oliphaxt 0132.31 Secret of Fontaine-la-Croix. Field F455.1 Secret of the Andes. Hassaurek H272.1 Secret of the Lamas Se2 Secret of the sea. Matthews M43.3. Section 558. Hawthorxe H315.14 Seek and find. Adams j Adl9.59 Seen and heard. Mayo M458.9 Seen from the saddle. Cabell C112.1 Self -raised. Southworth So84.32 Senator Intrigue and Inspector Noseby. Sparhawk Sp2.3 Senora Villena. Wilcox W64.1 36 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Sense and sensibility. Austen Au7-i.5 Sentimental journey. Sterne St-iG.l Septimius Telton. Hamthorne H316.9 Seraphita. Balzac B217.22 Set free. Conklin C76.6 Seth's brother's wife. Frederic r87.5 Settler and the savage. Ballantyne j B21.22 Seven daughters. Douglas D744.26 Seven dreamers. Slosson S15.3 Sevenfold troubles. Alden A12.11 Seven gray i^ilgrims. Robinson KoGS. 1 Seven hills. De Mille j D39.il Seven little sisters. Andrews j An24.2 Seven little sisters who live on the round ball. Andueavs ^ An24.3 Seveiioaks. Holland H71.5 7 to 12. RoHLFS R63.10 Seven years. Kavanagh K17.il Severa. Hartner H25S.2 Seymours. Bates j B31 5. 1 Shadow of a dream. Howells H838. 17 Shadow of a crime. Caine C12.4 Shadow of Ashlydyat. Wood WS52.21 Shadow of Moloch mountain. Austin.. . . Au75.8 Shadow of Shasta. Miller M612.2 Shadow of the sword. Buchanan B8o2.2 Shadows on the snow. Earjeon ^222. 8 Shamrock and thistle. Adams j AdlO.GO Shandon bells. Black B564.18 Sharing her crime. Fleming FG21.14 She. Haggard H12.10 She loved a sailor. Barr B27.24 She-wolves of Machecoul. Dumas D89.22 Sherburne house. Douglas D744.27 Shifting for himself. Alger j A13.28 Shifting winds. Ballantyne j B21.23 Shiloh. Woodruff W80.2 Ships that pass in the night. Harraden. . H23.2 Shirley. Nicholls N51.3 Shocking example. Belger B41.4 Short stories. Harrison H247.'J Shoulder arms. True j T76.1 Shut in. Green G82.2 Siberian exiles. Knox K77G.2 Sibyl Spencer. Kent K41.1 Sidney. Deland D37.4 Sidonie. Daudet D2G3.9 Siege of London. James J233. 13 Siege of Norwich castle. Blake B584.1 Sights and insights. Whitney- W61.13 Signal boys. Eggleston j Eg32.3 Sign of the four. Doyle D77. 1 1 Signer Monaldini's niece. Tincker T49.4 Sigrid. Thoroddsen T39.1 Silas Verney. Pickering j P583.3 Silence of Dean Maitland. Tuttiett T88.5 Silent and true. Fleming FG21.15 Silent partner. Ward W212. 19 Silent Pete. Kaler j K12.5 Silent sea. Macleod M224.1 Silent struggles. Stephens St42.9 Silhouettes of American life. Davis D293.4 Silver cannon. Fenn j F3G.18 Silver caves. Ingeksoll In42.2 Silver cord. Brooks B79G. 1 Silver medal. Trowbridge j T7o4.28 Silver pitchers. Alcott j A112.1G Silverthorns. Molesworth j M73.23 Silvia. Kavanagh K17.12 Simple adventures of a Memsahib. Cotes. C82.2 Simple story. Inchbald In2.1 Simpleton. Reade R224. 10 Simplicity. Beale B3G.3 Simply a love-story. Orne OrG.l Sinfire. Haavthorne H315. 15 Singer from the sea. Barr B27.2 Single strand. Reed j R25.1 Singularly deluded. McEall M1G.4 Sink or swim. Alger j A13.44 Sinner and saint. Hopkins H772.1 Siren. Trollope T74G.5 Sir Brooke Fossbrooke. Lever Ld7. 10 Sir Edward Seaward's shipAvreck. Porter. P83.3 Sir Gibbie. MacDonald M14.23 Sir Harry Hotspur. Trollope T74. 10 Sir Jasper Car CAv. Lever L57.il Sir Jasper's tenant. Maxavell M452.17 Sir Launcelot Greaves. Smollett Sm7.5 Sir Percival. Shorthouse Sh8.3 Sir Robert's fortune. Oliphant 0132.32 Sir Theodore Broughton. James J232.14 Sir Thomas Upmore. Blackmore B5(;7.9 Sir Tom. Oliphant 0132.33 " Sirs, only se\'enteen." Toavnsend j TGG5.5 Sister Louise. Melville M49.15 Sister Philomene. Goncourt G58.1 Sister Saint Surplice. Valdes V23.3 Sister to Esau. Barr B27.26 Sister's bye-hours. Ingelow j In4.8 Sisters of Glencoe. Wynne W99. 1 Six girls. Irving j IrS.l " Six months hence." Prior P935.2 Six of one by half a dozen of the other. Stoave St77.13 Six to one. Bellamy B412.2 Six to sixteen. Eaving j Eav5.7 6,000 tons of gold. Chamberlain C351.1 Sketches. Dickens D55.27 Sketches of Irish character. Hall H14.5 Skirmishing. Jenkin J41.2 Slave prince. Chisavell j C44. 1 Slaves of Sabinas. Yonge Y8.33 Slings and arroAvs, and, other tales. Fargus F22.4 Slip in the fens S13 Slow and sure. Alger j A13.29 Small boys in big boots. Gunter j G952.G Small home at Arlington. Trollope. . . . T74.24 Small home OA-er the water. Lemon L542.5 Smoke. Turgenief T84.9 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 37 Smuggler. James J2o2.15 Snagged and sunk. Fosdick j F78.19 Snap-dragons. Ewixg j Ewo.S Snap legend of the lone mountain. Wol- LEY "\V835. 1 Snare of the fowler. Hectok H352.19 Snarleyyow. Marryat M34'i.l2 Snow-bound at Eagle's. Harte H255.21 Snowed-in. Aj.lex j Aly9.8 Snowed-up. Fosdick j F78.23 Snow image. Hawtiiorxe H316. 10 Snowman. Dudevant D8G.17 Snowshoes and canoes. Kixgstox j KC14.21 Snug harbor. Adams j Ad 19.64 Social departure. Cotes C82.3 Socisil silhouettes. Fawcett F78.14 Social strugglers. Boyesex BG9.11 Society rapids Sol Soldier and a gentleman. Cobban C634. 1 Soldier boy. Adams j Adl9.61 Solomon Isaacs. Farjeon F222.9 Somebody else. Latiirop L34.3 Somebodj''s luggage. Dickens D55.28 Somebody's neighbors. Cooke C776.3 Some children of Adam. Manley !M31.2 Some every-day folks. Phillpotts P544.2 Some other folks. Greene G834.5 Some passages in the practice of Dr. Martha Scarborough. Campbell C152.4 Some women's hearts. Moilton M80.0 Some women of to-day. White W585.1 Something to do. Hamilton H 182.5 Song and a sigh. Porter P834.1 Sonia. Durand D93.13 Son of a star. Richardson K394. 1 Son of Esau. Gilmore G424.1 Son of Issachar. Brooks B79o.4 Son of old Harry. Toirgee T(j4.11 Son of the morning. Doudney D742.2 Sons and daughters. Kirk K633.7 Sons of Ham. Pendleton P372.3 Sons of the soil. Balzac B217.23 Sons of the vikings. Glnn j G9.51. 1 Sooner or later. Brooks B79(3.2 Sopliomores of Radcliffe. Kellogg j K29.17 Soprano. Barnard B25.3 Sought and saved. Ripley R48.2 Soul of Lilith. Mackay M194.2 Soulless singer. Lee L511.3 South-country neighbors. Carpenter .... C222.1 South sea lovers. St. Johnston Sa23. 1 Sou'wester and sword. St. Leger Sa.24.1 Sowed by the wind. Kellogg j K29.18 Spanish barber. Rathbone R182.G Spanish fairy tales. Arrom j ArG.l Spark of genius. Kellogg j K29.19 Sparrow, the tramp. Wesselhoeft j "W51.2 Special correspondent. Verne V59.15 Sphinx in Aubrey parish. Chamberlain. C35.1 Sphinx's children. Cooke C77G.4 Spinning-wheel stories. Alcott j A112.17 Spinoza. Auerbach Au3.14 Spinster's leaflets. Morris M831.2 Spirite. Galtier G23.3 Speculator in petticoats. Malot ;M296.2 Spell-bound. Damas D89.23 Spell of Ashtaroth. Osborne Osl.l Spell of home. Bijrstenbixder B942.7 Spendthrift. Ainsworth Ai0.12 Splendid cousin. Sidgwick Sill.l Spoil of office. Garland G18.5 Sport royal, and other stories. Hawkins. H313.7 Sporting sketches. Chasseresse C382.1 Sportman's club afloat. Fosdick j F78.20 Sportsman's club among the trappers. Fosdick j F78.21 Sportman's club in the saddle. Fosdick. . j F78.22 Springhaven. Blackmore B567.10 Spy. Cooper C784.23 Square and compasses. Adams j Adl9.65 Squatter's dream. Brown B817.6 Squire Arden. Oliphaxt 0132.34 Squire Hellman. Aho, pseud AhG.l Squire of Sandal-side. Barr B27.27 Squire's legacy. Hay H32.5 Stand by the union. Adams j Ad 19. 67 Standfast, Craig-Royston. Black B564.19 Standish of Standish. Austin Au75.9 Star-chamber. Aixsworth AiG.18 Starlight ranch. King K582.13 Starling. Macleod M225.2 Starry flag. Adams j Ad 19.62 Start in life. Trowbridge j T754.29 Startling exploits of Dr. J. B. Quies. Celiere C33. 1 States general, 1789. Erckmanx & Chat- ♦ RiAX Er2.7 •Steadfast. Cooke C77G.5 Steam house. Verxe V59.1G Steel hammer. Ulbach U11.3 Steel horse. Fosdick j F78.24 Step-mother. James J232.17 Stella Rosevelt. Sheldon Sh42.2 Stem to stern. Adams j Adl9.G3 Step aside. Wood W8.5.1 Stephen Dane. Douglas D744.28 Stephen EUicott's daughter. Needell N28.3 Stephen, M. D. Warner W24G. 16 Stepping heavenward. Prentiss P91.4 Stepping-stones. Doudxey D742.3 Steven Lawrence. Edwardes Ed9.9 Stitf-necked generation. Walford W14.10 Stillwater tragedy. Aldrich A125.4 Stirring tales of colonial adventure. Borlase •^" ■ B644. 1 Store boy. Alger j A13.30 Storehouse of stories. Yonge Y8.44 Storied holidays. Brooks j B793.5 Stories and interludes. Pain P16.1 Stories and romances. Scudder Scu2.7 38 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Stories and sketches by our best authors. . St74.1 Stories and tales. Andersex An2.4: Stories by American autliors St74:.2 Stories for all the year. Rice j R36.1 Stories for boys. Davis j D293.5 Stories from life. Bolton B637.1 Stories from the diary of a doctor. Smith . Sm51.23 Stories of a -western town. French r882.4 Stories of infinity. Flammarion F61.1 Stories of Italy St74.4 Stories of Ireland. Edgeworth Ed3.2 Stories of New York St74.5 Stories of old New Spain. Janvier J265.3 Stories of Rainbow & Lucky. Abbott. . . j Ab24. 12 Stories of school life. Moncrieff j M74.3 Stories of the army St74.3 Stories of the Canadian forest. Traill.. j T68.2 Stories of the foot-hills. Graham G7()2.1 Stories of the railway St74.6 Stories of the sea St74.7 Stories of the sea. Cooper C784.24 Stories of the south St74.8 Stories of the seen and the unseen. Oli- PHANT , 0132.35 Stories of three burglars. Stockton StG.lG Stories told at twilight. Moulton j M86.5 Stories told to a child. Ingelow j In4.9 Stork's nest. Vicart YG«3. 1 Storm mountain. Ellis j E158.25 Stormy life. Follerton F957.6 Stormy petrel. Bowles BG8. 1 Story book for the children. Diaz j D543. 7 Story of a bad boy. Aldrich j A125.5 Story of a child. Deland D37.5 Story of a country town. Howe H836.4 Story of a mine. Harte H255.22 Story of a New York house. Bunner. . . B88.8 Story of a penitent soul. Sergeant Se62.3 Story of a ranch. Rollins R65.1 Story of a short life. Ewing j Ewo.9 Story of a story. Matthews M43.4 Story of an abduction in the 17th century. Lennep L544.1 Story of an African farm. Schreiner.. Sch7.1 Story of an enthusiast. Jamison J24.1 Story of an honest man. About Ab7.5 Story of Antony Grace. Fenn F3G. 19 Story of Austrahan exploration. Thyxne. T42.1 Story of Avis. Ward W212.20 Story of Babette. Stuart St9.3 Story of Beryl. Hutson H97. 1 Story of Dan. Blundell BG23.3 Story of Dick. Parry. . ., P24G.1 Story of Eleanor Lambert. Capes C172.1 Story of Elizabeth. Ritchie R5.4 Story of Helen Davenant. Singleton. SiG3.1 Story of Helen Troy. Harrison H247.7 Story of Honor Bright. Talbot j T14.4 Story of Juliette. Washington j W272.1 Story of Keedon Bluffs. Murfree M94.8 Story of Kennett. Taylor T21.G Story of Lawrence Garthe. Kirk K633.8 Story of Margaret Kent. Kirk K633.9 Story of Massachusetts. Hale H13.19 Story of Melicent. Madoc M262.1 Story of Patsey. Riggs R44..5 Story of Philip Methuen. Needell N28.4 Story of Reine. La Brete L112.1 Story of Sibylle. Feuillet F434.4 Story of Sonny Sahib. Cotes j C82.4 Story of the Don. Cervantes-Saa- VEDRA j C334.2 Story of the golden age. Baldwin B19. 1 Story of three sisters. Maxwell M45.1 Story of Yalentine and his brother. Oli- PHANT 0132.41 Story of Yiteau. Stockton j StG.17 Story or two from old Dutch town. Lowell L95.3 Story teller St74.9 Stout heart. Kellogg j K29.20 Strait gate. Swan Sw2.2 Strange adventures of a houseboat. Black B5G4.20 Strange adventures of a phaeton. Black. B5G4.21 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson St.48.6 Strange disappearance. Rohlfs RG3.11 Strange elopement. Russell R915.9 Strange manuscript found in a coi)per cyHnder. De Mille D39. 12 Strange sights abroad. Adams j Adl9.66 Strange story. Lytton L994.22 Strange tales of a nihilist. LeQueux L55.1 Strange true stories of Louisiana. Cable. C11.6 Strange world. Maxwell M452. 18 Strangers and pilgrims. Maxwell M452.19 Strangers and wayfarers. Jewett J552.9 Strangers yet. Doudney D742.4 Strathmore. La Rame L32. 1 Stray leaves from Newport Wheeler . . . W56. 1 Stray pearls. Yonge Y8.34 Stretton. Kingsley" K612.8 Strike at Shane's j Am32.2 Strike in the B mill St85 Strive and succeed. Alger j A13.31 Strolling players. Yonge Y8.43 Strong and steady. Alger j A13.32 Strong arm and a mother's blessing. Kel- logg j K29.21 Strong minded woman. Hammond H188.5 Strugghng upward. Alger j A13.33 Struthers. Dodd DG62.3 Student life at Harvard. Tripp T732. 1 Study in scarlet. Doyle D77.12 Stumble on the threshold. Payx P29.6 Sturdy and strong. Henty H892.o0 Stuyvesant. Abbott ..in j Ab24.3 Such is life. Kendall K33. 1 Summer in a cation. Riggs R44.G FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 39 Summer in a Dutch summer house. Tra- HEENE TG7. 1 Summer in LesHe Goldthwaite's life. Whitney WG1.14 Summer legends. Baumback Bo25.1 Sun maid. Grant G764.2 Sunbeam stories. Mackarxess M19.2 Sunday chaplet of stories. Ticker j T79.4 Sunnybank. Terhune T27.20 Sunny shores. Adams j Adl9.68 Sunrise. Black Boi34.22 Superior to circumstances. Blackall... B5G5.1 Superior woman. Yardley Y2.2 Surgeon's daughter. Scott Sco82.24: Surly Tim. Burnett B93.13 Survivors of the Chancellor. Yerne.... V59.17 Susan Fielding. Edwardes Ed9.10 Sustained honor. Musick M972.10 Susy, a story of the plains. Harte H2o.j.23 Sutherlands. Harris H245.il Suwanee river tales. McDowell M14:4.2 Swallow barn. Kennedy K38.4 SwalloAv's wing. Hannan H19. 1 Swan and her crew. Davies j D28.2 Swan of Yilamorato. Qcieoga Q46.4 Sweet and twenty. Sanborn Sa52.3 Sweet bells out of tune. Harrison H247.8 Sweetlmer. Sherwood Sh54.2 Sweet Cicely. Holley H72.2 Sweet Clover. Bcrnham B9o2.7 §weet mace. Fenn Fotj.20 Swiss Family Eobinson. Wyss "W994.1 Swiss stories. Spvri j Sp9.3 Switch off. Adams j Adl9.()9 Sword and gown. Lawrence L43.8 Sword of Damocles. Eohlfs EG3. 12 Sybaris, and other homes. Hale H13.18 Sybil. Beaconsfield B35.7 Sybil and Cliryssa. Warner j W24G.23 Sybil Knox. Hale H13.20 Sybil's second love. Kavanagh K17.13 Syd Belton. Fenn j F3G.21 Sydney Martyn. Wilson j WGlM Sydnie Adriance. Docglas D744.29 Sylvester Sound. Cockton CG4.2 Sylvia Arden. Crawford C856. 1 Sylvia's lovers. Gaskell G212. 13 Sylvie and Bruno. Dodgson j DG67.2 Sylvie and Bruno, concluded. Dodgson. . j DG67.3 SyrUn. La Rame L32.8 Tad. Ellis j E158.22 Taken alive. Eoe EG22.5 Taken at the flood. Maxwelt M4.".2.25 Taken by the enemy. Adams j Ad 19. 70 Taking the Bastile. Dimas D89.24 Talba. Bray B739.8 Tale of a lonely parish. Crawford C854.19 Tale of the shore and ocean. Kingston., j KG14.22 Tale of two cities. Dickens D55.29 Tales. Hunt H91.1 I Tales. Mus^NS & Eichter M97.1 Tales and legends from the land of the tzar. Hodgetts HGG. 1 Tales and novels. Edgeworth Ed3.3 Tales and sketches. Hogg HG74.1 j Tales and sketches. Miller M61G.1 ! Tales for a stormy night. Tlrgenief . . . T84.il ', Tales for travellers. Hale H13.22 I Tales from "Blackwood " T14.5.2 I Tales from many sources T145.1 Tales from the. ^?^gean. Bikelas B483.1 ; Tales from the German. Heyse Hoi. 3 i Tales of a time and place. King K58.5.3 Tales of a traveller. Irving Ir82.2 Tales of all countries. Trollope T74.25 Tales of daring and danger. Henty H392.35 Tales of New England. Jewett ,1552. 10 Tales of the Argonauts. Harte H255.24 Tales of the genii. Eidle y E437. 1 Tales of the Maine coast. Brooks B795.3 Tales of three cities. James J233.14 Tales of two countries. Kielland Ko4.1 Talisman. Scott Sco82.25 Talking handkerchief, and other stories. IvNoi K77G.3 Tallahassee girl. Thompson T374.4 Tarn pile Jim. Ashley j As3. 1 Tangled tale. Dodgson DGG7.4 Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne j H31G.11 Tartarin of Tarascon. Daudet D23G.10 Tartarin on the Alps. Daudet D2G3.11 Tattered Tom. Alger j A13.35 Tavistock tales. Parker P223.3 Tcherkesse prince. Meissner M474.1 Tchitchikoff. Gogol G55.2 T. D. B. in South Africa. Sheldon Sh44.1 Teacher of the violin. Shorthouse Sh8.4 Telegraph boy. Alger j A13.34 Tell me a story. Molesworth j M7o.24 Tempe. Cotterell C82j.1 Temperance doctor. Chellis j C42.6 Temperance Tales. Sargent j Sa7.1 Tempest aiid sunshine. Holmes H73.22 Tempest-tossed. Tilton ' T47. 1 Tempting of Pescara. Meyer M57.2 Tenant of Wildfell hall. Bronti; B78. 1 Ten boys. Andrews j An24.4 Ten nights in a bar-room. Arthur Ar78.G Ten of us. Alexander A129. 1 Ten old maids. Smith Sm57.7 Ten thousand a year. Warren W253.2 Ten times one is ten. Hale H13.21 Ten years' tenant. Besant & Rice B46.18 Tenting at Stony beach. Pool P78.6 Terrace of Mon Desir. Meissner M474.2 Terrace roses. Gardner G17.2 Terrible temptation. Reade E224.il Tess of the DTrbervilles. Hardy H224.8 Testa. Mantegazza j M314.1 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter P83.4 40 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. Thankful blossom. Harte H255.25 That angelic woman. Ludloav L963.2 That artful vicar. Mukray :AI962.3 That beautiful wretch. Black B5G-i.23 That boy of Norcott's. Lever L57.13 That Dakota girl. Gilman G42.1 That husband of mine. Dexisox D-tl.4 That lass o' Lowrie's. Burxett B93.1-4 That queer girl. Towxsexd T665.6 That Quisset house. Coxklix C76.4 That stick. Yoxge ¥8.85 That wife of mine. Dexisox D41.5 That wild wheel. Trollope T742.1 Thekla. Armstroxg AroS.l Theodora. McKeex M196.1 Theophilus. Dodge D666.4: Theophilus Trent. Taylor T212.1 Their pilgrimage. Warxer 'W2i2A Their wedding journey. Hoavells H838.19 There and back. Macdoxald M14.24 " There is no devil." Jokai J67.4 They call it love. Moore :M78.6 They met by chance. Sikes Si2. 1 Thicker than water. Payx P29.7 Thing that hath been. Gilkes ' G39.2 Things will take a turn. Harradex j H23.3 Third man. Bethuxe B4(32.1 Third Miss St. Quentin. Molesworth. . . M73.25 Thirsty sword. Leightox L53.2 This mortal coil. Allex A15.5 This son of Vulcan. Besaxt & Rice. . . . B4C.19 Thomas Wingfold. MacDoxald M 14.25 Thorn in the nest. Fixley F49.25 Thorncliffe hall. Wise j W75.3 Thornton Hall. McKeex j M196.2 Thorny path. Ebers Eb3.7 Thorpe Regis. Peard P314.6 Those children and their teachers. Brooks. B791.1 Thoth. NiCHOLSox N52.2 Three boys on electrical boat. Trowbridge, j T754.30 Three brides. Ddrivage D933. 1 Three brides. Yoxge Y8.36 Three bright girls. Armstroxg ArS.l Three clerks. Trollope T74.26 Three fates. Crawford C854.20 Three feathers. Black B564.24 Three generations. Emery Em3.1 Three good giants. Rabelais j Rll.l Three Greek children. Church j C47..3' Three lieutenants. Kixgstox K614.30 Three little spades. Warxer j W24.5 Three Miss Kings. Cross C884.3 Three more tales. Paget j P142.1 Three musketeers. Dumas D89.25 Three people. Aldex j A12.12 Three scouts. Trowbridge j T754.31 Three Spaniards. Walker W15.1 Three successful girls. Crouch C886. 1 Three times tried, and other stories. "Farjeox F222.10 Three villages. Howells H838.20 Three weeks in politics. Baxgs B22.3 Three women. Coxklix C76.5 Throckmorton. Seawell Sel.5 Throne of David. Ixgraham In44.3 Through by daylight. Adams j Adl9.71 Through night to light. Spielhagex. . . • Sp4. 1 Through one administration. Burxett... B93.15 Through the fray. Hexty H392.36 Through the looking glass. Dodgson .... j D667.5 Through the Sikh-war. Hexty H392.37 Through thick and thin. Fraxcis j F844.2 Through thick and thin. Seawell j Sel.6 Thrown on the world. Braeme B73.3 Tiger-hunters. Reid j R27.19 Tight squeeze. Staats Stl.l Tillyloss scandal. Barrie B278.6 Tilting at Avindmills. Coxxelly C762. 1 Tim T48 Timar's two worlds. Jokai J67.5 Tim and Tip. Kaler j K12.6 Tim's troubles. Ripley j R48.3 Times of alchemy. Topelius T62.6 Times of battle and of rest. Topelius . . T62.2 Times of Charles XII. Topelius T62.3 Times of Gustaf Adolf Topelius T62.1 Times of Frederick I. Topelius TG2.4 Times of Linnaeus. Topelius T62.5 Time's scythe. Meeker M47.1 Timothy's quest. Riggs R44.4 Tinkham brothers' tidemill. Trowbridge, j T754.32 Tinkling cymbals. Fawcett F28J.5 Tinted Venus. Guthrie G98.3 Tintj-pes taken in tlie streets of New York. QuiGG '. .. Q4.1 Tip cat Smith j Sm51.22 To Greenland and the pole. Stables. . . Stl2.9 To horse and away. Peard P314.7 To leeward. Crawford C854.21 To the lions. Church j C47.4 Toilers of Babylon. Farjeox F222.il Toilers of the sea. Hugo H87.7 Toinette. Tourgee T64.12 Toinette's Philip. Jamison j J24.2 Told by the colonel. Aldex A123. 6 Tom. Chaxey j C36.2 Tom Burke of " Ours." Lever L57.14 Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes j H872. 1 Tom Brown's school days. Hughes j H872.2 Tom Clifton. Goss G69.2 Tom Cringle's log. Scott Sco8.1 Tom Jones. Fieldixg F46.4 Tom Paulding. Matthews j M43.5 Tom Sylvester. Sullivan Su53.3 Tom Torrey's tariff. Hale j H13.23 Tompkins and other folks. Demixg D392.2 Tony Butler. Lever L57.15 Tony the maid. Teuffel T29.7 Too late for the tide-mill. Raxd j R15.9 Too much alone. Riddell R43.4 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 41 Too rich. Streckfuss St82.3 Too strange not to be true. Fcllekton . . F957.7 Tory's daughter. Riddle j R432.3 Toto's merry winter. Richards j R39.9 Towards the gulf TGo Tower of London. Ainsavorth AiG. 14 Tower of Fercemont. Dldevaxt D86.18 Tragedy of the unexpected. Fekry P427.7 Tragedy of Wild river valley. Fixlev . . . r49.26 Tragic blunder. Cameron C14.G Tragic mystery. Hawthorne H315.1G Tragic muse. James J233.15 Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. Carletox C19.1 Transformed. Moxtgomert M7G2.2 Transition T687 Translation of a savage. Parker P223.1 Transplanted. Xewberry X423.1 Transplanted rose. Sherwood Sh54.3 Traveler from Altruria. Howeli^s H838.21 Travels of little Baron Trump. Lock- wood j L812.3 Treasure finder. Gokdox GG5.2 Treasure island. Stevexsox St48.7 Trelawny of Trelawne. Bray B739.9 Trespasser. Parker P223.2 Trevlyn hold. Wood W652.22 Trial. Yoxge Y8.37 Trials of the heart. Bray B739.10 Triangular society T73 Tribulations of a Chinaman. Verxe V59.18 Tried for her life. Southworth So84.83 Trilby. T>v Maurier D892.2 Trilby, the fairy of Argyle. Xodier XG7.1 Tristram Shandy. Sterxe St46.2 Tritons. Byxxer B99.G Troublesome daughters. Walford W14.ll True as steel. Terhuxe T27.21 True history of Joshua Davidson. Lixxox. LG5.3 True riches. Coppee C79.4 True story book. Laxg ; j L25. 5 True tales for my grandsons. Baker. ... j B177.2 True to his colors. Fosdick j F78.25 True to his colours. Wilsox WG98.1 True to the last. Roe R62.6 True to the old flag. Hexty j H392.38 Trumpet major. Hardy H224.7 Trumps. Curtis C943.2 Truth about Tristrem Varuk. Saltus... Sa34.2 Try again. Adams j Adl9.72 • Try and trust. Algek j Al 3.36 Tryphena in love. Raymoxd R213.2 Turning of the tide. Kellogg j Iv29.22 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay. Besaxt & Rice. B46.20 'Tween snow and fire. Mitford MC96. 1 Twenty minutes late. Aldex A12.13 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verxe V59'.19 Twenty years after. Dcmas D89.26 Twice lost. KixGSTOx j KG14.23 Twice-told tales. Hawthorxe H31G.12 Twilight land. Pyle j P99.G Twilight thoughts. Claude j C.57.1 Twins of table mountain. Harte H2'>'3.2o Twixt hammer and anvil. Bexedict B43.4 Twixt school and college. Stables j Stl2.10 Two admirals. Cooper C784.25 Two aristocracies. Gore GGG.7 Two arrows. Stoddard j StG4.14 Two baronesses. Axdersex An2.5 Two bites at a cherry. Aldrich A12.J.G Two brothers. Balzac B217.24 Two cabin boys. Rousselet j R7G3.1 Two chiefs of Dunboy. Froude F93. 1 Two clippers. Moore j M78.7 Two college friends. Lorixg L89.1 Two college girls. Browx B813.2 Two Compton boys. Hoppix j H779.2 Two coronets. Tixcker T49.5 Two daughters of one race. Behrexs. .- B398.8 Two destinies. Collixs CC94. 15 Two Dianas. Dumas D89.27 Two Elsies. Fixley j F49.27 Two English girls. Harte H254.1 Two friends. Biart j B47.1 Two gentlemen of Boston. Fields F4G2.1 Two gentlemen of Gotham. C. & C Cl.2 Two gentlemen of Hawaii. Hopkixs H77G.1 Two girls on a barge. Cotes C822.1 Two guardians. Yoxge ^ Y8.38 Two lilies. Kavaxagh K17.14 Two little Confederates. Page j P14.6 Two little waifs. Molesworth j M73.2G Two marriages. Craik C842.27 Two men. Stoddard StG2.2 Two modern women. Wells W4G2.2 Two Salomes. Pool P78.7 Two sides of a story. Lathrop L34.4 Two sides of the shield. Yoxge Y8.39 Two sisters. Southworth SnS4.34 Two soldiers and Dunraven ranch Kixg. K582.14 Two strings to his bow. Mitchell 31005.2 Two thousand years ago. Church C47.5 Two women and a fool. Taylor T214.2 Two years ago. Kixgsley XG1.4 Twofold life. Hillerx H.j5.8 Tzar's window. Hooper H7G4.1 Uarda. Ebers Eb3.8 L'gly heroine. Faber Fll.l Unawares. Peard P314.8 Uncertainties of travel. Bethuxe B4G1.1 Uncle Horace. Hall H14.6 Uncle Jack's executors. Noble NGG.l Uncle John's adventures. Barker j B24. 1 Uncle of an angel. Jaxvier J2G.5.4 Uncle Peter's trust. Perry j P42.5.1 Uncle, Peep, and I. Clarke j C552.2 Uncle Rutherford's nieces. Mathews. .. j M424.10 Uncle Tom's cabin. Stowe St77. 14 Uncle Tom's tenement. Rollixs R65.2 42 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. ITncommercial traveller. Dickens Do5.30 Under Drake's flag. Henty H302.39 Under false colours. Doudney D742.5 Under fire. King Iv582. 15 Under hatches. Moore j M78.8 Under sUeve-ban. Feancillox r84.2 Under the great seal. Hatton H28.3 Under the greenwood tree. Hardy H224.9 Under the lilacs. Alcott j A112 18 Under the magnolias. Denton D43. 1 Under the red robe. Weyman W54.6 Under the stork's nest. Katsch K1.J2. 1 Under the storm. Yonge Y8.40 Under the tricolor. Hooper H704.2 Under the water-oaks. Brewster j B757.1 Under two flags. La Rame L32.9 Under-currents. Hungerford H89.14 Underground city. Yerne ^'59. 20 Undine. La Motte-Fouque Ll'j.l Undine. La Motte-Fouque in F751.1 L'ndiscovered country. Howells H838.22 Unexpected result. Roe RG22.16 Ungava. Ballantyne j B21.24 Unkind word. Craik C842.28 Unknown heroine. Chittenden C442.1 Unknown to histor3^ Yonge Y8.41 Unlaid ghost Un4 Unseen hand. Kellogg j K29.23 Until the daybreak. B artlett B28. 1 Up and down the Nile. Adams j Adll).73 Up from the cape Upl Up. north in a whaler. Rand j R15.10 Up the Baltic. Adams j Adl9.75 Up the north branch. Farrar j F24.3 Up the river. Adams j Adl9.74 Up the Tapajos. Ellis j E158.23 Upper berth. Crawford C854.22 Ups and downs. Hale HIS. 24 Urania. Flammarion FG1.2 Ursula. Balzac B217.25 Utopia. Moke M812.1 Utterly mistaken. Cudlip C89.2 Vacation in a buggy. Pool P78.8 Vagabond heroine. Edwardes EdO. 11 Yagabondia. Burnett B93. IG Vagabonds. Woods W865.2 Vagrant, and other tales. Korolenko... K84.2 Vain forebodings. Schulze Sch82.1 Vfiin fortune. Moore M782. 1 Valentin. Kingsley K612.9 Vale of cedars. Aguilar Ag9.5 Van Bibber. Davis D293.6 Vanderheyde manor-house. Crugek C889.1 Vanitas. Paget P144.2 Vanity Fair. Thackeray T32.10 Vast abj'ss. Fenn F36.22 Vashti. Wilson WG92.4 Vathek. Beckford B384. 1 Vathek. Beckford in F7ol.l Vee-boers. Reid j R27.20 Veiled beyond. Alexander A129.2 Venetia. Beaconsfield B35.8 Venetians. Maxwell M452.20 " Vengeance is mine." Dane D193.1 Verner's pride. Wood W852.23 Vernon's aunt. Cotes C82.5 Veronica. Spyri Sp9.4 Vestigia. Fletcher F63.5 Vesty of the basins. Greene G834.6 Vicar of Bullhampton. Trollops T74.27 Vicar of Morwenstow. Gould G732.7 Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith G572.1 Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith in F751.1 Vicar's daughter. MacDonald M 14.26 Vicar's people. Fenn F3G.23 Vice versa. Guthrie G98.4 Vicomte de Bragelonne. Dumas D89.28 Victim of good luck. Norris N79.10 Victims. BouLGER B66.3 Victor. Sinclair SiG.l Victor and vanquished. Hay H32.6 Victor La Tourette. Warriner W255.1 Victor Vane. Alger j A13.37 Victorious defeat. B alestier B 196.3 Victorious Union. Adams j Adl9.76 Victory of the vanquished. Charles C38. 11 Viera. Zubof Z82.1 Vignettes of Manhattan. Matthews;... M43.6 Vignettes, real and ideal. McKay' M192.1 Villa on the Rhine. -Auerbach Au3.15 Village on the cliff. Ritchie R51.5 Village rector. Balzac B2 17.20 Village tragedy. Woods W865.3 Villette. NiCHOLLS N51.4 Vincenzo. Ruffixi R83.7 Vine and olive. Adams j Adl9.77 Vineta. Bijrstenbinder B942.8 Violin obligate. Crosby C882.1 Virgin soil. Turgenief T84. 10 Virginia comedians. Cooke C774.4 Virginia of Virginia. Chanler C362.3 Virginians. Thackeray T32. 1 1 Vittoria. Meredith Mo4.11 Viva. Bridges B76.7 Vivia. SouTHWORTH So84.35 Vivian Grey. Beaconsfield B35.9 Vixen. Maxwell M4.52.26 Voyage of discovery. Aide Ai2.3 Voyage of the Fleetwing. Newell N44.2 Voyage round the world. Kingston j KG14.24 Voyages and adventures of Captain Hat- teras. Verne Y59.21 Vulcan's peak. Cooper C784.26 Wages of sin. Yates Y22.16 Wagner story book. Frost j F922.] Waif of the plains. Harte H255.27 Wait and hope. Alger j A13.38 Wait for the end. Lemon L542.6 Waiting for the verdict. Davis D292.4 Waiting on destinv. Griswold G88.1 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 43 Waiting race. Yates Y22. 12 Wakulla. Mixroe Mi)22.11 Waldf tied. Auerbach Au3. IG Walford. Kirk K633. 10 "Walks, travels, etc. Atkinson- j At5.2 Wallace. Abbott in j Ab24.7 Walrus hunters. Ballantvne B21.25 Walter. Leslie L")(54.12 Wanda, countess von Szalras. La Rame. L32.10 Wandering Jew. Sue Su22.2 Wanneta. Moorehead I\I787.1 Wanted — a pedigree. Finney F49.2!) War and peace. Tolstoi T582.12 War-time wooing. King K.582. IG War trail. Reid j R27.21 War under water. Serrano SeG-t.o Ward in chancery. Hector H3o2.20 Warden. Trollope T74.20 Waring's peril. Kino K582. 17 Warleigh. Bray B730.il Warlock o' Glenwarlock, MacDoxald.. I\I1-1.27 Washington square. James J233. K? Washington winter. Dahlgrex D13.1 Watch and wait. Adams j Ad 19. 78 Watch and ward. James J233. 17 Watchmaker's wife. Stockton StG. 18 Watchers on the long sliips. Cobb j CG3.2 Water babies. Kixgsley j KGl.o Water-witch. Cooper C78-1.27 Waters of Hercules W31 Waterloo. Erckmaxx & Ciiatriax Er2.8 Waverley. Scott Sco82.2G Way of the world. Adams j Adl9.70 Way we live now. Trollope T74.28 Waymarks in the life of a wanderer. Rush R89. 1 Ways and means. Janvier J2G1:.4 Weaker vessel. Murray M96.3 Wealth and wine. Chellis C12.7 We all. French F882.5 We and our neighbors. Stowe St77.15 We and the world. Ewing j Ew.5. 10 We boys. Smith • j Sm.5.1 We girls. Whitney WG1.15 We two. Bayly B34.6 Web of gold. Woods W8G4.3 Wedded by fate. Sheldon Sh42.3 Wedding in war-time. Haynes H33.3 WedcUng ring. Buchanan B852.3 Wedding tangle. Sparhawk Sp2.4 Wee Lucy. Clarke j C554.12 Wee widow's cruise. '-Idle Exile " Id4.3 Week away from time. Lodge L83.1 Week in a French country-house. Sar- toris Sa74.1 Weighed and wanting. MacDonald M14.28 Weird tales. Hoffman HG73.1 Wellfields. Fothergill F82.il Well in the desert. Holt H74.4 Well-spring of immortality. Hewlett . . . H49.1 Wenderholme. Hamerton H174.4 Wept of Wish-ton-wish. Cooper C784.28 Wessex tales. Hardy H224.10 West from a car window. Davis .. . . . D293.7 Western border life W.527 Westlawn. Holmes H73.23 Westminster Abbey. Robinson R.5GG.G Westminster cloisters. Bidder B473.1 Westward ho I Kingsley KGl.G Westward with Columbus. Stables j Stl2.11 Whales we caught. Macy j M2o.l What a boy saw in the army. Young Y85.1 What can she do? Roe EG22.17 What he cost her. Payn P29.8 What Katy did. Woolsey j W883. 1 1 What Katy did at school. AVoolsey j W883.12 What Katy did next. Woolsey j W883.13 What might liave been expected. Stock- ton j St0.19 What necessity' knows. Dougall D743.2 What the swallow sang. Spielhagen. . . . Sp4.2 What will he do with it? Lytton L994.23 What will the world say? Clay C572.1 What's bred in the bone. Allen AloG.G What's mine's mine. MacDonald M14.29 What's to be done? Tchernychewsky. . . T219.1 Wheat and tares. Cunningham C914.1 Wheel of time. James J233. 18 When all the woods are green. Mitchell. MG94.4 When a man's single. Barrie B278.7 When I lived fn Bohemia. Hume H881.1 When I 'ma man. Weber j W38.2 When London burned. Hent y H392.44 When Molly was six. White j W.-)82.3 When we two parted. Doudney D742.G When we were boys. O'Brien ObG. 1 Where honour leads. Peebles P342.1 Where the battle was fought. Murfree . . M94.9 Where two ways meet. Doudney D742.7 Which, right or wrong? Moreland j M81.1 Wliich sliall it be ? Hector H3.52.23 Whim and its consequences. James J232.1G Whispering pine. Kellogg j K29.24 White birches. Eliot E14. 1 AVhite boy. Hall H14.7 White cane. Stoddard j St(>4. lo White chief. Reid j R27.22 White company. Doyle D77. 13 White conquerors. Munroe j M922.10 White crown. Ward W213.2 White feather. Eraser F8G.2 White heather. Black B5G4.25 White heron. Jewett J.552.11 Wliite hoods. Bray B7«9. 12 White horse of Wootton. Foster F81. 1 White islander. Catherwood C28.6 White-jacket. Melville M492.2 White lies. Reade R224.12 Wliite rat. Broome j B798.2 White rose. Hedges j H3.53.1 44 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. "White rose. Melville M49.14 Whitenings. Black B.jC.4.2G AVhitefriars. Robixsox R.jfSG.T Whitehall. Robixsox R5GG.8 Whiteladies. Oliphaxt 0132.3(3 Whites and the blues. Dumas D89.2b " Wh< .-breaks-pays." Jexkix .J41.3 Who did it ? Adams j AdlJr.i Who is responsible ? Smith Sm67. 1 Who lies ? Blcm & Alexaxder B(323. 1 Who was lost and is found. Oliphaxt... 0132.37 Who was Paul Grayson ? Habbertox. . . j H11.13 Who was Philip ? Adams j Ad 14. 5 Who was she ? Whitelev.... W589.1 Whom God hath joined. Martix M3G4. 1 Whom Kathie married. Douglas D74-4.30 Why did he not die ? Volchhansen V88.1 Wicked woods of Tobereevil. Mulhol- LAXD M89.4 Wide, wide world. Warxer '. . . W24G.17 AVidow Goldsmith's daughter. Smith Sm57.8 Widow Lerouge. Gaboriau Gil. 2 Widow of Windsor. Gaskell G21.1 Widower. Smith Sm57.9 Widow's son. Southworth So84.3G Wieland. Browx B812.5 Wife's secret. Stephexs St42.10 Wife's tragedy. Flemixg FG21.16 Wife's victory. Southworth So84.37 Wigwam and the cabin. Simms Si42.8 AVigwam and the warpath. Moxcrieff.. j M74.4 Wikkey. Yam, pseud Yl.l Wild adventures round the pole. Stables, j Stl2.12 Wild Darrie. Murray M9G.G Wild Hfe. Reid j R27.23 Wild life in the land of the giants. Stables j Stl2.13 Wild man of the West. Ballaxtyxe j B21.2G Wild Mike. Moxtgomery M7G2.3 Wild pigs. YouxG j Y84.1 Wild work. Bryax B84.1 Wildcat tower. Davies j D28.3 Wilfrid Cumbermede. MacDoxald M14.30 Wilhelm Meister. Gothe G71.3 Will and the way stories. Fremoxt F88.1 Will Denbigh. Ckaik C842.29 Will it be? Ford F7o.l Will Weatherhelm. Kixgstox j KG14.25 William Henry. Diaz D543.8 William Henry letters. Diaz D543.9 AVilliam the cottager j AVG7 AVillis Peyton's inheritance. Sherwood. Sh52.1 Wind of destiny. Hardy H22.4 Wirtdow in Thrums. Barrie B278.8 Winds, the woods, and the wanderers. Wesselhoeft j AV51.3 Windsor castle. Aixsworth AiG.15 Wing-and-wing. Cooper C784.29 Wings. Baker B172.1 Wings of courage. Field j F45G.1 Winged lion. De Mille j D39.13 Winifred Bertram. Charles C38.12 Winning his spurs. Kellogg j K29.25 Winning his spurs. Hexty H392.45 Winning his way. Coffix j CG52.3^ Winning the victory. Greex G82.3 Winter fun. Stoddard j St64. 16 Winter story. Peard P314.9 Winterborough. White W582.2 Winwood cliff. Wise j W75.4 AVise and otherwise. Aldex A12. 14 Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote. Cer- vaxtes-Saavedra C334.3 Witch of Prague. Crawford C854.23 Witch of Salem. Musick M972.il Witch Winnie. Champxey C356.& AVitcli Winnie's studio. Champxey C356.7 W'ith axe and rifle. Kixgstox j KG14.26 AVith Clive in India. Hexty H392.4(> AVith Columbus in America. Falkex- HORST F18.1 AA'ith edged tools. Merrimax M5oG.3 With Essex in Ireland. Lawless L42.5 AVith fire and sword. Siexkiewicz Sil.4r AVith harp and crown. Besaxt & Rice. . B4G.22 With Lee in A'^irginia. Hexty H392.47 AVith the immortals. Crawford C854.24 With the procession. Fuller F954.4 With AA^olfe in Canada. Hexty j H392.48 AVithin an ace. Jexkix J41.4 AA'ithin the capes. Pyle P99.7 AA'ithin the enemy's lines. Adams j Ad 19. 80 AA''ithin the sound of the sea. Dempster. D394.3 AA^ithin the maze. AA^ood AA"852.18 AA^ithout a home. Roe R622. 18- AVithout blemish. AValworth AV17.4 AVithout dogma. Siexkiewicz Sil.5 Without kith or kin. ]May M4oo.6 Witness of the sun. Chaxler C3G2.4 Witness to the deed. Fexx F3G.24 Wives and daughters. Gaskell G212.12 AA^'ives and widows. Stephexs St42.11 Wolf at the door AV831 Wolf run. Kellogg j K29.26 AVolf enberg. Black B564.27 Woman in white. Collixs CG94.2(> Woman of honor. Buxxer B88.4 Woman of Shawmut. Carpexter C22.1 Woman of the iron bracelets. Barrett. . B27G.4 Woman who failed. Parker P22.1 AVoman who stood between. Gilmore... G424.^ AA^'oman with tvro words. Keddie K23.6 AVoman's face. James J23.3 Woman's friendship. Aguilar Ag9.6 Woman's heart. Hector H3o2.21 AVoman's inheritance. Douglas D744.31 Woman's kingdom. Craik C842.80 Woman's mistake. Dussaud D94.1 Woman's reason. Howells H838.23 AVoman's word. Towxsexd T665.7 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 45 "Won by waiting. Bayly B34.7 "Wonder-book for girls ami l)oys. PIaw- TUORXE j II31C.13 "Wonder stories told for children. Axdek- SEN j An2.G "Wonderful woman. Fle'ming FG21.17 "W'ood magic. Jefferies j J33.1 "Wood rangers. Keid j K27.24 Woodcraft. Simms Si42.1» Woodie Thorpe's pilgrimage. Tkow- BKiuuE j T7.">4.33 Woodland wooing. Bates B312.2 Woodlanders. Hari.y H224.il "Woodman. Beairepaire B382.1 "Woodstock. Scott Sco.'!i2.27 "Wooed and married. Carey C184. 14 Wooing o't. Hector H352.22 Work. Alcott A112.19 Work and win. Adams j Adlll.^l Work while ye have the light. Tolsto'i. T582.13 Works. Cooper C784. 1 Works. Scott ScoS2.1 Workman and soldier. Coup. C03.3 World of chance. Howells H838.24 World she awoke in. Alldrioge A155.1 World we live in. Crawford C856.2 World went very well then. Besant B4().21 World's verdict. Hopkins H774.1 Worthington's annual. 1893 j W89. 1 Would you have left her ? Kip K(;22.1 Wreck of the Golden Fleece. Leightox. j L53.3 Wreck of the Grosvenor. Kissell K'Jl.j.lO Wrecked. Stoddard StG4. 17 Wrecked in port. Yates Y22. 13 Wrecked on Labrador. Stearns StS.l Wrecker. Stevensox St48.10 Wreckers. Dowlixg D75. 1 Written in red. Montague M7G.2 Wrong box. Stevenson St48. 1 1 Wrong confessed is half redressed. Bead- ley j B724.4 Wronged wife. Fleming FG21.18 Wuthering heights. BROXTii B781.1 Wyandotte. Cooper C784.30 Wych hazel. Warner W24G.24 Wyncote. Erskixe Er8.1 Wyoming. Ellis j E138.24 X. Y. Z. RoiiLFS RG3.13 Yacht club. Adams j Adrj.82 Yankee middy. Adams j AdlO.83 Yankee schoolteacher in Virginia. Bald- win R1II2.1 Yanko the musician. Siexkiewicz Sil.G Yarns on the beach. Hext y j H392.40 Year in Eden. Preston rit24.3 Year of wreck Y3 Year one of the republic. 1793. Erck- MANX & Chatriax Er2.9 Year worth living. Baker B 179.5 Year's best days. Thorpe j T392.1 Yeast. KiNGSLEY KG1.7 Yellow aster. Caffyn CUG.l Yellow fairy book. Lang j L2.5.G Yellow tlag. Yates Y22. 14 Yesterday Y4 Yoke of the Thorah. Harlan d H22G.3 Yolande. Black B.3G4.28 York and a Lancaster rose. Keary K21.3 Youma. Hearx H3.'j. 1 Young adventurer. Alger j A13.o',i Young Brown. Mcrray M9(;2.4 Young buglers. Hexty H292.41 Young Carthaginian. Hexty j 11392.42 Young circus rider. Alger j A13.40 Young colonists. Hexty j H3'92.43 Young deliverers of Pleasant Cove. Kellogg j K2ii.27 Young duke. Beacoxsfield BS.j.lO Young explorer. xVlger j Alo.41 Young fur traders. Ballaxtyxe j B21.27 Young girl's wooing. Roe RG22. 19 Young Joe, and other boys. Trowbridge, j T754.34 Young knight-errant. Adams j Adl9.84 Young lieutenant. Adams -j Adl9.85 Young Lucretia. Wilkixs WGo.G Young Macedonian. Church C47.G Young maids and old. Burxham B932.8 Young marooners on tiie Florida coast. Gouldixg G734.2 Young miner. Alger j A13.42 Young moose hunters. Stepiiexs j St43.3 Young Mrs. Jardine. Craik C842.31 Young navigators. Adams j Adl9.8G Young outlaw. Alger j A13.43 Young prince of tommerce. Hopkixs .... H77J.1 Young rajah. Kixgstox j KG14.28 Young ranchmen. Kexyox j K42. 1 Young schoolmistress. Aldex A121.3 Young ship-builders of Elm island. Kel- logg j K29.28 Young silver seekers. Cozzens j C839.2 Young step-mother. Yoxge Ys.42 Young surveyor. Trowbridge j T754.35 Young traveirers' tales. Moncrieff j M74.G Young Uanero. Kingston j KG14.27 Young voyagers. Reid j R27.2.5 Young wife's story. Bowra BG82. 1 Youngest Miss Lorton. Perry P427.8 Youngsters' yarns. Moncrieff j M74.5 Zachary Phips. Bynner B99.7 Zahara. Walworth W172.2 Zanoni. Lytton L994.24 Zealot in tulle. Wilderick W644.2 Zenobia. Ware W22.3 Zeph. Jack-son J12.9 Zerub Throop's exi)eriment Whitney... WGl.lG Zoa Rodman. Richmond R41.2 Zoe. Smith Sni."J1.24 Zorah love. Balch B18.1 Zoroaster. Crawford C854.2.") Zury. Kirkland KG34.2 Z. Z. Drama in Dutch Zl.l FICTION. -AUTHOR LIST. A., E. W. See AUderdice, Mrs. E. W. A., L. 0. E., pseud. See Tucker, Char- lotte M. Abbott, Edavard. Long Look house.. . . Out doors at Long Look Abbott, Jacob. Agnes in Beechnut Caroline Ellen Linn Granville valley Jonas series Lucy books Malleville MarcO' Paul's voyages and travels .... Mary Bell in Mary Erskine Kodolphus in EoUo's tour in Europe RoUo series Stories of Eainbow and Lucky Stuy vesant in Wallace in Abbott. Mary. Beverleys : a story of Calcutta About, E. F. V. Iving of the mountains. Man with the broken ear Mother of a marquise and the aunt's stratagem Notary's nose Story of an honest man AcKERMAN, A. AV. Price of peace : a story of the time of Ahab. . .;. Adams, Mrs. A. S. See Adams, John. Adams, Fraxcis. Child of the age ....?. Adams, Mrs. H. A. Dawn Adams, H. C. College days at Oxford. • . Hair breadth escapes School days at lijngscourt AVhodidit? Who was Philip? Adams, 3Irs. Leith. See LafEan, Mrs. B. A. Adams, Mary. Honorable surrender .... Adams, Nehemiah. Sable cloud Adams, W. H. D. Scenes with the hun- ter and trapper Adams, W. T. All aboard All adrift All taut American boys afloat Asiatic breezes Bear and forbear j Ab2.1 j Ab2.2 j Ab24.2 j Ab24.1 j Ab24.2 j Ab24.3 j Ab2-t.4 j Ab24.o j Ab24.6 j Ab24.7 j Ab24.8 j Ab24.9 j Ab24.9 j Ab24.1 j Ab24.10 j Ab24.11 j Ab24.12 j Ab24.3 j Ab24.7 Ab25.1 Ab7.1 Ab7.2 Ab7.3 Ab7.4 Ab7.5 Aco.l Adl2.1 Adl3.1 Adl4.1 j Adl4.2 Adl4.3 j Adl4.4 j Adl4.5 Adlo.l AdlG.l j AdlS.l j Adl9.1 j Adl9.2 j Adl9.3 j Adl9.4 j Adl9.5 j Adl9.6 Adams, W. T. Bivouac and battle j Adl9.7 Boat club j Adl9.S Brake up j AdlO.g- Brave old salt j Adl9-.10 Breaking away j Adl9.11 Brother against brother j Adl9.12 Coming wave j Adl9.13 Cringle and cross-tree j Adl9.14r Cross and crescent j Adl9.15 Desk and debit j Adl9. 16 Dikes and ditches j Adl9. 17 Dorcas club j Adl9.ia Down the Rhine j Adl9.19 Down the river j Adl9.20 Down south j Adl9.21 Field and forest j Adl9.22 Fighting for the right j Adl9.23 Fighting Joe j Adl9.24 Freaks of fortune j Adl9.25- Going south j Adl9.26. Going west j Adl9.27 Haste and waste j Adl9.28 Hope and have j Adl9.2» In doors and out Adl9.30 In school and out j Adl9.31 In the saddle j Adl9.32 Isles of the sea j Adl9.33 Just his luck j Adl9.34 Lake breezes j Adl9.35' Lightning express j Adl9.36 Little Bobtail j Adl9.37 Little by little j Adl9.38 Living too fast Adl9.39' Make or break j Adl9.40' Millionaire at sixteen j Adl9.41 Missing million j Adl9.42 Money-maker j Adl9.43- Northern lands j Adl9.44 Now or never j Adl9.45- Ocean born j Adl9.46 On the blockade j Adl9.47 On time .' j Adl9.48 Out west j Adl9.49' Outward bound j Adl9.5(> Palace and cottage j Adl9.51 Plane and plank j Adl9.52- Poor and proud j Adl9.53 Ready about j Adl9.54 Red cross j Adl9.o5- Rich and humble j Adl9.56, FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 47 ADAMf?, W. T. Sailor boy ' j Adl9.57 Sea and shore j AdlO.58 Seek and find j Adl9.59 Shamrock and thistle j AdlO.CO Snug harbor j AdlO.G-t Soldier boy j AdlO.Gl Square and compasses j AdlO.Go Stand by the Union j Adl9.67 Starry flag j Adl0.02 Stem to stern j Adl9.G3 Strange sights abroad j AdlO.GG Sunny shores j Adl9. 68 Switch off j Adl9.G9 Taken by the enemy j Ad 19. 70 Through by daylight j Adl9.71 Try again j Adl9.72 Up and down the Nile j Adl9.7o Up the Baltic j Adl9.7o Up the river j Adl9.7i Victorious Union j Adl9.76 Vine and olive j Adl9.77 Watch and wait j Adl9.78 Way of the world j Adl9.79 Within the enemy's lines j Adl9.80 Work and win j Adl9.81 Yacht club j Adl9.82 Yankee middy j Adl9.83 Young knight-errant.' j Adl9.8-t Young lieutenant j Adl9.85 Young navigators j Adl9. 8G Adee, D. G. Xo. 19 State street Ado. 1 Adeler, Max, pseud. See Clark, C. H. Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce Ag9.1 Home influence Ag9.2 Home scenes and heart studies Ag9 . 3 Mother's recompense Ag9.4: Vale of cedars Ag9.5 Woman's friendship Ag9.G Aho., Jcu\yi, pseud. Squire Hellman... AhG.l Aide, Hamilton'. Penruddocke Ai2.1 Poet and peer Ai2.2 Voyage of discovery Ai2.o AixswoRTH, W. H. Auriol, and other tales. AiG.lG Crichton AiG.l Flitch of bacon Ai6.2 Guy Fawkes AiG.o James the Second Ai6.4 Lancashire witches AiG.5 Mervyn Clitheroe AiG.G Miser's daxighter Ai6. 7 Old Saint Paul Ai6.8 Ovingdean grange Ai6.9 Kookwood Ai6. 10 Saint James Ai6.ll Spendthrift Ai6.12 Star-chamber Ai6.13 Tower of London AiG.14 Windsor castle AiG.15 Alarcox, P. A. DE. Brunhilde All.l Alarcox, p. a. de. Child of the ball All.2 Moors and Christians All. 3^ Albemarle, W. C. Keppel, Earl. See Bury, Viscount. Albert Victor. See Clarence, Albert Victor, Duke of. Alcock, C. W. See Marriott, C. J. B. Alcock, Deborah. Czar Alll.l Alcott, L. M. Aunt Joe's scrap-bag j A112.1 Eight cousins j A112.2 Garland for girls j A112.3 Hospital sketches j A112.-1: . Jack and Jill j A112.5- Jo's boys j A112.6 Little men j A112.7 Little women j A112.8 Lulu's library j A112.9 Modern Mephistopheles A112.10 Moods A112.il Morning-glories j A112.12 Old-fashioned girl j A112.13 Proverb stories j A1I2. 1-t Rose in bloom j A112.15 Silver pitchers j A112.16 Spinning-wheel stories j A112.17 Under the lilacs j A112.18 Work A112.19 Aldex, Mrs. Isabella. Chautauqua girls at home A12.1 Chrissy's endeavor j A12.2 Eighty-seven A12.3 Four girls at Chautauqua A12.4 Hall in the grove A12.5 Her associate members A12.6 Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on A12.7 One commonplace day j A12.8 Only ten cents j A12.9 Ruth Erskine's crosses A12.10 Sevenfold troubles A12.il Three people j A12. 12 Twenty minutes late A12. 13 Wise and otherwise A12.14 Aldex, Joseph. Dying robin j A121.1 Lawyer's daughter A121.2 Young schoolmistress A121.3 Aldex, W. L. Cruise of the canoe club.. j A123.1 Cruise of the Ghost j A123.2 Loss of the Swansea j A123.3 Moral pirates j A123.-1 New Robinson Crusoe j A123.5 Told by the colonel A123.6 Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw A12o.l Prudence Palfrey A12.5.2 Queen of Sheba A125.3 Stillwater tragedy A125.4r Story of a bad boy j A125.5 Two bites at a cherry A12.5.G joint author. See Oliphant, Jlrs. M. O. W. 4'8 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. " Alex," jyseud. joint author. See Blouet, Paul. . American coin Am3 American Hljiane EDiCATiON So. Our gold mine at Holly hurst j Am32.1 Strike at Shane's i j Am32.2 Ames, L. T. Memoirs of a millionaire. . . Am33.1 Ames, Mary' Clemmer. See Hudson, 3Irs. M. C. A. Amicis, Edmonde de. Cuore Italian schoolboy's journal j Am5. 1 Andersen, H. C. Improvisatore An2.1 Only a fiddler , An2.2 Sand-hills of Jutland j An2.3 Stories and tales An2.4 Two baronesses An2.5 Wonder stories told for children j An2.6 Andrews, Fanny. Mere Adventurer. •• • An23.1 Andrews, Jane. Only a year j An24.1 Seven little sisters j An24.2 Seven little sisters who live on the round ball j An24.3 Ten boys j An24.4 Angelo, Michael. See Buonarroti, Michael Angelo. Appleton, G. W. Frozen hearts Apo.l Arabian nights' entertainments Arl Arblay, Francis de. Cecilia Arl2. 1 Evelina Arl2.2 Argles, Margaret. See Hungerford, Mrs. M. H. a. Argyle, Anna. Olive Lacey Ar3. 1 Aristocracy Ar4 Armstrong, A. E. Three bright girls. •• Aro.l Armstrong, William. Thekla AroS.l Arr,E. }i.,pseud. See Rollins,J/»5. E.C.H. Arrom, C. B. de F. Spanish fairy tales. j ArG.l Arthur Erskine's story Ar7 Arthur, T. S. After the storm Ar78.1 Angel of the household Ar78.2 Bar-rooms at Brantley Ar.7S.3 Good time coming Ar78.4 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 49 Arthur. T. S. Out in the world ArTS.o Ten nights in a bar-room Ar78.6 Ashley, B. F. Tam pile Jim j As3.1 AsTOR, J. J. Journey in other worlds AsS.l Atkinsox, J. C. Playhours and half- holidays j Ato.l Walks, travels, etc j At5.2 Atlantic tales AtG AuERBACH, Berthold. Black forest vil- lage stories Au3. 1 Brigitta Au3.2 Convicts and their children Au3.3 Edelweiss Au3.4 Foresters Au3.5 " Good hour." Au3.6 Joseph in the snow Au3.7 Landolin Au3.8 Lorley and Reinhard Au3.9 Little barefoot Au3. 10 Master Bieland Au3.11 On the heights Au3.12 Poet and merchant Au3.13 Spinoza Au3.14 Villa on the Rhine Au3.15 Waldfricd Au3.1G Austen, F. V. Effie's visit to cloudland. . j Au7.1 Austen, Jane. Emma Au74.1 Mansfield Park Au74.2 Northanger abljey Au74.3 Persuasion in Au74.3 Pride and prejudice Au74.4 Sense and sensibility Au74.5 Austey, F., 2^seud. See Guthrie, F. A. Austin, Mrs. J. G. Betty Alden Au75.1 David Alden's daughter Au75.2 Desmond hundred Au75.4 Dora Darling Au75.10 Dr. LeBaron and his daughters Au75.3 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown Au75.5 Nameless nobleman Au75.6 Outpost Au75.7 Shadow of Moloch mountain Au75.8 Standish of Standish Au7o.9 Austin, Stella. Pat j Au77.1 Ave-Lallemant, Robert, joint author. See Lowenborg, JuHus. AwDRY, Frances. Miz maze Aw2.1 Ayres, Alfred, ^sewrf. ASeeOsmun, T. E. Bacheller, Irving. Master of silence.. B12.1 Baden, Jlrs. F. H., joint author. See Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N. Bailey, G. George Bailey B15.1 Bailey, J. M. Mr. Phillip's goneness... B154.1 Bain,F. W. Dmitri B16.1 Baker, Beth. Mystery Evans B105.1 Baker, G. M. Running to waste j B17.1 Baker, Mrs. Marion. Wings B172.1 Baker, Sir S. W. Cast up by the sea B177.1 True tales for my grandsons j B177.2 Baker, AV. M. Blessed saint certainty. . . B179.1 Carter Quarterman B179.2 His majesty, myself B 179.3 Kew Timothy B179.4 Year worth living B179.5 Balcii, Elizabeth. Zorah love-tale B18.1. Balch, F. H. Bridge of the gods B183.1 Balch, AV. S. Peculiar people B180.1 Baldwin, James. Story of the golden age. B19.1 Baldwin, L. W. Yankee schoolteacher in Virginia B192.1 Baldy, a. M. Romance of a Spanish nun. B193.1 Balestier, W., joint author. See Kip- ling, Rudyard. Balestier, Walcott. Average woman. . BlOO.l Benefits forgot B19G.2 Victorious defeat B19G.3 Balfour, Mrs. Clara. Job Tuf ton's rest, j B 198.1 Ballantyne, R. M. Battery and the boiler j B21.1 Blown to bits B21.2 Blue lights j B21.3 Charlie to the rescue j B21.4 Coral island j B21.:) Crew of the Water Wagtail j B21.(; Dog Crusoe j B21.7 Dusty diamonds B21.28 Erling the bold j B21.8 Floating light off the Goodwin sands. j B21.9 Freaks on the fells j B21.10 Fugitives j B2I.il Garret and the garden B21.12 Gascoyne j B21.13 Giant of the north j B21.14 Gorilla hunters j B21.1o In the track of the troops B21.29 Light-house j B21.16 Lonely island j B21.17 Martin Rattler j B21. 18 Norsemen in the west B21.19 Red Rooney j B21.20 Rover of the Andes j B21.21 Settler and the savage j B21.22 Shifting' winds j B21.23 Ungava j B21.24 Walrus hunters B21.25 Wild man of the West j B21.26 Young fur traders j B2I.27 Ballard, Mrs. J. P. Hole in the bag. . . j B212.1 Balzac, HoNORE DE. After dinner stories. B217.1 Albert Savarus, Paz B217.2 Alkahest B217.3 Brotherhood of consolation B217.4 Bureaucracy B217.5 Catherine de Medici B217.6 Cesar Birotteau B217.7 Chouans B2 17.9 Country doctor B217.10 Cousin Pons ■ B217.8 Duchesse de Langeais B217.il 50 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Balzac, Honore de. Eugenie Grandet B217.12 Fame and sorrow B217.13 Great man of the provinces in Paris. . B217.1-i Historical mystery B217.15 Lily of the valley B217.16 Louis Lambert B217.17 Magic skin B217.18 Modeste :Mignon • B217.19 Pere Goriot B217.20 Pierrette B217.21 Seraphita B217.22 Sons of the soil B217.23 Two brothers B217.24 Ursula B217.20 Village rector B217.2G Baxgs, J. K. Half hours with Jimmie boy j B22.1 Idiot B22.2 Three weeks in politics B22.3 Banks, G. N. Day of my life j B223. 1 Banks, M. B. Princess Dandelion's secret j B224.1 Banks, M. R. Bright days in the old plantation time j B225.1 Barixg-Gocld, Sabine. See Gould, Sa- bine Baring-. Barker, Mrs. L. D. S. Uncle John's ad- ventures j B24. 1 Barker, Mary Anne, Lady. See Broome, Mary Ann, Lady. Barker, M. A. Boys j B242.1 Baekxey, H. C. My boyhood j B2-46.1 Barlow, Jane. Kerrigan's quality B24S.1 Barnacle, Captain., pseud. See Newell, C. M. Barnard, C. ^.ijr. Knights of to-day.. B25.1 Money and music B25.2 Soprano B25.3 Barnes, T. W., joint comp. See Weed, Harriet A. Barncm, p. T. Dick Broadhead j B2G.1 Baron-Wilson, Jfrs. M. C. See Wilson, 3Irs. M. C. B. Barr, Mrs. A. E. Beads of Tasmer B27.1 Between two loves B27.2 Border shepherdess B27.4 Bow of orange ribbon B27.3 Christopher B27.5 Cluney McPherson. B27.6 Feet of clay B27. 7 Friend Olivia. B27.8 Hallam succession B27.9 Household of McNeil B27.10 Jan Vedder's wife B27.il Last of the MacAUisters B27.12 Lone house B27.13 Lost silver of Briffault B27.14 Love for an hour is love for ever B27.15 Master of his fate B27. ] G Barr, Mrs. A. E. Mate of the " Easter Bell " B27.17 Michael and Theodora B27. 18 Paul and Christina B27.19 Preacher's daughter B27.20 Remember the Alamo B27.21 Romances and realities B27.22 Scottish sketches B27.23 She loved a sailor B27.24 Singer from the sea B27.25 Sister to Esau B27.26 Squire of Sandal-side B27.27 Barr, L. E. Dot and dime B271.1 Barr, Robert. Face and the mask B274.1 In a steamer chair B274.2 In the midst of alarms B274.3 Barrett, Frank. Admirable Lady Biddy Fane B276.1 Out of the jaws of death B276.2 Recoiling vengeance B276.3 Woman of the iron bracelets B276.4 Barrie, j. M. Auld licht idj^Us B278. 1 Better dead B278.2 Holiday in bed B278.8 Little minister B278.4 My Lady Nicotine B278.a Tillyloss scandal B278.& When a man 's single B278.7 Window in thrums B278.8 Barry, Br. New Antigone B279. 1 Bartlett, Alice E. Until the daybreak . B28.1 Bartlett, 3Irs. J. M. D. See Bartlett, Alice E. Bartlett, M. C. Real boys and girls... j B282.1 Bates, Aelo, joint author. See Bates, 3Irs. H. L. V. Bates, Arlo. Albrecht B31. 1 Book o' nine tales B31.2 Lad's love B31.3 Pagans B31.4 Patty's perversities B31.5 Philistines B31.6 Bates, Mrs. H. L. Prince Vance j B312.I Woodland wooing B312.2 Bates, J. W. Nameless wrestler B313.1 Bates, K. L. Rose and thorn j B314.1 Bates, Lizzie. Seymours j B315.1 Bates, M. V. See Holmes, Margret. Bates, Mrs. M. V. Chamber over the gate B316.1 Battershall, Fletcher. Daughter of this world B32.1 Bauer, Clara. At Capri B323.1 Must it be? B323.2 Baumbach, Rudolph. Summer legends. B32o.l Bayer, Robert von. Cipher despatch. . . B337.1 Baylor, Frances C. See Belger, M7-s. F. C. B. Bayly, A. E. Donovan B34.1 Hardy Norseman .• B34.3 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 51 Batlt, a. E. Doreen B34.2 In the golden davs B34.4: Knight-errant B34.5 We two B34r.G "Won by waiting B34.7 Bazak, Do>"a Emilia Pardo. 5'eeQuiroga, Dona E. P. B. Beacoxsfield, B. Disraeli, Earl of. Alroy B85.1 Coningsby B35.2 Contarini Fleming B35.3 Endyniion B35.4 Henrietta Temple B3d.5 Lothair B35.G Sybil B35.7 Venetia B35.8 Vivian Grey B35.9 Young duke B35. 10 Beale, Axxe. Fay Arlington B36.1 Miller's daughter B3G.2 Simplicity B36.3 Beale, Maria. Jack O'Doon B362.1 Beard, Adelia B., joint author. See Beard, Lina Beattie, H. S. Joshua Wray B3S. 1 Beacrepaire, Gcerxat de. Woodman. B382.1 Becket, Thomas a. See Thomas a Becket. Beckford, William. A^athek B3S4. 1 Bede, CtJTHBERT, ^sewcZ. .Scc Major,Henry. Beecher, Mrs. Hexky Ward. See Beecher, Mrs. E. W. B. Beecher. H. W. Norwood B39.1 Beecher, J. M. Aim ! Fire ! ! Bang ! ! ! . . j B391.1 Behrexs, Bertha. Fatal misunderstand- ing B398. 1 Gertrude's marriage B398.2 Her only brother B398.3 Lora B398.4 Miss Mischief B398.5 Penniless girl B398.6 Poor girl B398.7 Two daughters of one race B398.8 Belger, Mrs. F. C. Claudia Hyde B41.1 Juan and Juanita j B41.2 On both sides B41.3 Shocking example B41.4 Bell, AcTOX,^se,M(Z. 5'ee Bronte Anne. Bell, Currer, pseud. See Nichols, Mrs. C. B. Bell, Ellis, jise^'c?. See Bronte, Emily. Bell, Lilian*. Little sister to the wilder- ness B4n.l Love affairs of an old maid B411.2 Bellamy, Edward. Looking backward. . B412.1 Six to one B412.2 Belot, Adolphe. Men are what women make them B414. 1 Belt, Harriet. Mar jorie Huntington. . . B4I6.1 Benedict, F. L. John Worthington's name B43. 1 My daughter Elinor B43.2 St. Simon's niece B43.3 Twixt hammer and anvil B43.4 Berger, E., pseud. See Sheppard, Eliza- beth S. Bergsoe, WiLHELM. Pillone B45.1 Berkeley Mex, pseud. (See Lester, C. E., and Williams, E. Berxhard, Marie. Rector of St. Luke's. B452.1 Berry, E. P. Leah of Jerusalem B4o4.1 Berthet, £lie B. Pre-historic world. .. B459.1 Bertrox, Mrs. Ottilie. Edith B458.1 Besaxt, Walter. All sorts and con- ditions of men B46. 1 Armorel of Lyonesse B46.2 Beyond tlie dreams of avarice B46.3 Children of Gibeon B46.5 Dorothy Forster B46.S Dorothy Wallis B46.9 Herr Paulas B4G.11 Inner house B46. 12 Ivory gates B46.13 Eebel queen B46.16 World went very well then B46.21 — ; — and Rice, Jasies. By Celia's arbour. B46.4 Case of Mr. Lucraft B46.6 Chaplain of the fleet B46.7 Golden butterfly B4G. 10 Monks of Thelma B4G.14 My little girl B4G.15 Ready-money Mortiboy B46.17 Seamy side B46.23 Ten years' tenant B46. 18 This son of Vulcan B4G.19 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay B4G.20 With harp and crown B4G.22 Bethcne, G. a. Uncertainties of travel. B4G1.1 Bethcxe, j. G. Third man B462. 1 Bethusy, H. V. Eichhofs B4G3.1 Biart, LuciAx. Two friends j B47.1 Bidder, M. Westminster cloisters B473.1 Bigot, J//He. Mary. Foreign match B48.1 Mere caprice in B48.1 BiKELAS, Demetrios. Tales from >Egean. B483.1 BiLLixGS, E. E. Marking the boundary.. j B49.1 Bird, F. M. Alien from the common- wealth B53. 1 BiRDSELL, E. S. Phil. Preston B535.1 Bishop, W. H. Brown stone boy B54.1( Choy Susan B54.2. Detmold B54.3 House of a merchant prince B54.4 Bjorxsox, Bjurxstjerxe. Arne and the fisher lassie BoS.l Bridal march B55.2 Captain Mansana Boo. 3 Fisher-maiden B55.4 Black, Clemextixa. Agitator B5C.1 62 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Black, William. Adventures in Thule . . j B564.1 Daughter of Heth B56-t.2 Donald Ross of Heimra B564.o Green pastures and Piccadilly B564.4 Handsome Humes Bo64.5 Highland cousins B564.6 In far Lochaber B564.7 In silk attire B564.8 Judith Shakesi^eare B564.9 Ivilmeny B564.10 Madcap Violet B5G4.12 Magic ink B564.13 Maid of Killeena B564. 14 M'Leod of Dare Bo64.11 Prince Fortunatus B564. lo Princess of Thule B564.16 Sabina Zembra B564.17 Shandon bells B564.18 Stand fast, Craig-Eoyston Bo64.19 Strange adventures of a house boat. . . B564.20 Strange adventures of a phaeton B564.21 Sunrise Bo64.22 That beautiful wretch B564.23 Three feathers B564.24 White heather B564.25 White wings B564.26 Wolfenberg B5G4.27 Yolande B564.28 Blackall, E. L. Superior to circum- stances B5G5. 1 Blackmore, R. D. Alice Lorraine B567.1 Clara Vaughan B5G7.2 Cripps the carrier B567.3 Ivit and Ivitty B5G7.4 Lorna Doone B567.5 Maid of Sker B5G7.6 Mary Anerley B567.7 Perlycross B567.8 Sir Thomas Upmore B5G7.9 Springhaven B5G7. 10 Blair, Eliza N. Lisbeth Wilson B57.1 Blake, E. V. Dalzells of Daisytown j B582.1 Blake, iarfy. Lady of Lyndon B5S.1 Blake, M. M. Siege of Norwich castle.. B5S4.1 Blanche Seymour B59 Bliss, E. J. Peril of Oliver Sargent B61.1 Bloundelle-Bukton, John. See Burton, John Bloundelle. Blue-badge boys j B62 Blum, E. C. Bertha Laycourt B622.1 Blum, Emil mid Alexander, S. B. Who lies? BG23.1 Blundell, Mrs. M. E. Daughter of the soil B625.1 In a north country village B62o.2 Story of Dan B625.3 Boccaccio, Giovanni. Decameron B63.1 Boisgilbert, Edmund, pseud. Cajsar's column B634.1 BoiSGOBEY, Fortune de. Lost casket. . . B635.1 BoLDREwooD, EoLF, pscud. See Brown, Thomas A. BoLEYN, Anne. See Anne Boleyn, queen of Henry YIII. Bolton, Mrs. Sarah Knowles, joint au- thor. See Humphrey, Mrs. F. A. Bolton, i/rs. Sarah. Stories from'life.. BG37.1 BoMBET, L. A. C, ^;5ei?c?. See Beyle, M. H. Bonaparte, NAroLEON. See Napoleon I., Emperor of France. Boniface, J. X. Picciola B64.1 Bonner, Sherwood, pseud,. See McDow- all, Mrs. K. S. B. Booth, Mrs. E. M. J. von. Daphne B642.1 Fragoletta B642.2 BoRLASE, J. S. Stirring tales of colonial adventure BG44. 1 Borrow, George. Lavengro B64G.1 Bothmer, M., Countess von. Black vol- unteers BG5.1 BouLGER, Mrs. T. H. Maid Ellice B66.1 Pretty Miss Bellew BG6.2 Victims B66.3 BouRGET, Paul. Cosmopolis B6G2. 1 Pastels of men B6G2.2 BoussENARD, Louis. Crusoes of Guiaua. . BGG4.1 BouvE, E. T. Centuries apart B6G7.1 BouvET, Marguerite. My lady B668.1 Prince Tip-top j B668.2 BoAVER, Marian. Paynton Jacks B67.1 Bowles, John. Stormy petrel BG8.1 BowRA, Hariette. Young wife's storj. . BG82.1 Botesen, H. H. Against heavy odds B69.1 Daughter of the Philistines BG9.2 Falconberg B69.3 Gunnar B69.4 Golden calf BG9.5 Ilka on the hill top B69.6 Light of her countenance BG9.7 Modern Vikings B69.8 Norseland tales j B69.9 Queen Titania B69.10 Social strugglers BG9.11 BoYLSTON, Peter, pseud,. See Curtis. George Ticknor. Bozzi, Agostino or Augustus. See Granville, Agostino Bozzi. Brabourne, E. H. K. Friends and foes from fairy land j B72. 1 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. See Max- well, 3Irs. M. E. B. Bradley, Mrs. M. E. Birds of a feather, j B724.1 Handsome is that handsome does. ... j B724.2 Martha's mistake B724.3 Wrong confessed is half redressed. . . j B724.4 Bradshaw, W. E. Goddess of Atvatabar. B727.1 Braeme, C. M. Bitter atonement B73.1 Love works wonders B73.2 Thrown on the world B73.8 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 5a Brahe, Tycho. See Tycho Brahe. Bramston, Mauy. Cecy's recollections.. B735.1 Bray, Mrs. A. E. Courtenay of Walreddon. B739.1 De Foix B739.2 Father's curse B739.3 Fitz of Fitz-ford B739.4 Hartland forest B739.5 Henry de Pomeroy B739.6 Protestant B739.7 Talba B739.S Trelawny of Trelawne B739.9 Trials of the heart B739.10 Warleigh B739.il White hoods B739.12 Brehat, Alfred DE. Jean Belin B74.1 Bremer, Fredrika. Diary B75.1 Father and daughter B75.2 Four sisters B75.3 Home B7o.'t Neighbors B75.5 President's daughters, including Nina. B75.6 Brewer, D. H. Adventures in fairyland. . j B755.1 Brewster, Marian. Under the water- oaks j B7o7. 1 Bridges, Mrs. Dearest B76.2 Diana Carew B7G.1 Dolores B7G.3 Mignon B7G.4: Khona B76.5 Roy and Viola B76.6 Viva B7G.7 Brine, J/rs. M. D. Dan j B77.1 Echoes from storyland j B77. 2 Hither and thither j B77.3 Margaret Arnold's Christmas B77.-1 Briscoe, M. S. " Perchance to dream." B775.1 Brodribb, W. j., joint author. See Church, A. J. Bronte, Anne. Agnes Grey i/i B781.1 Tenant of Wildfell hall B7S.1 Bronte, Charlotte. See NichoUs, Mrs. C. B. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering heights B7S1.1 Brooks, B. A. Those children and their teachers • • B791.1 Brooks, E. S. Chivalric days j B793.1 In Leisler's times B793.2 In no-man's land j B793.3 Son of Issachar B79o.4 Storied holidays j B793.5 Brooks, Martha. How Marjory helped. B79-I:.l Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants j B795. 1 Fairport nine j B795.2 Tales of the Maine coast B79.5.3 Brooks, Shirley'. Silver cord B79G.1 Sooner or later B79G.2 Broome, M. A. Harry Treverton j B798.1 White rat j B798.2 Broughton, Rhoda. Beginner B799.1 Belinda B799.2 ,Brocghton, Rhoda. Cometh up as a flower B799.3 " Good-bye, sweetheart." B799.6 Mrs. Bligh B799.4 Nancy B799.8 Not wisely, but too well B799.5 Red as a rose is she B799.7 Brown,Alice. Fools of nature B81.1 joint author. See Spafford, Mrs. H. P. Brown, C. B. Arthur Mervyn B812.1 Edgar Huntly B812.2 Jane falbot B812.3 Ormond B812.-t Wieland B812.5 Brown, H. D. Petrie estate B813.1 Two college girls B813.2 Brown, John, M. D. Raband his friends, j B81-4.1 Brown, L. Q. C. Kenneth Cameron B815.1 Brown, E. T. A. Colonial reformer B817.1 Miner's right B817.2 Modern buccaneer B817.3 Nevermore B817.4 Robbery under arms B817.5 Squatter's dream B817.6 Browne, Mrs. T. M. Musgrove ranch... B818.1 Bruner, J. W. Free prisoners B83.1 Brush, .1/rs. C. C. Colonel's opera cloak. B835.1 Inside our gate B835.2 Bryan, Mrs. Mary E. Wild work B84.1 Bryce, Lloyd. Friends in exile B842.1 Romance of an alter ego B842.2 Brydges, Harold. Fortnight in heaven. B843.1 Buchanan, Rachel. Debutante in New York society B85. 1 Buchanan, R. W. "Come, live with me and be my love." B852.1 Shadow of the sword B852.2 Wedding ring B852.3 BucKHAM, J. Dorcas society B856.1 Buddington, Mrs. Zadel B. See Gustaf- son, Mrs. Z. B. B. " Buffalo Bill." See Cody, W. F. Bllow, Bertha von Marenholz. See JIarenholz-Biilow, Bertha von. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George, Earl Lytton. See Lytton, E. B. BuNNER, H. C. iOdge B88.1 More " short sixes." B88.2 Story of a New York house B88.3 Women of honor B88.4 Burdett, Charles. Arthur Martin j B89.1 Burnett, ^¥?-s. F. H. Earlier stories B93.1 Editha's burglar j B93.2 Fair barbarian B93.3 Giovanni j B93.4 Haworth's B93.5 Kathleen B93.6 Little Lord Fauntleroy j B93. 7 Little Saint Elizabeth j B93.8 54 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Louisiana B93.9 Piccino j B93.10 Pretty sister of Jose B93.il Sara Crewe j B93.12 Surly Tim B93. 13 That lass o' Lowrie's B93.il: Through one administration B93. 15 Vagabondia B93. 16 Burnet, Francis. See Arblay, Mrs. F. B. d'. BURNHA3I, Mrs. C. L. Dearly bought. . . , B932,l Dr. Latimer B932.2 Miss Bagg's secretary B932.3 Mistress of Beech knoll B932.4 Next door B932.o Sane lunatic ^ B932.6 Sweet Clover ' B932.7 Young maids and old B932.8 Burr, E. F. Aleph, the Chaldean B91:. 1 BiJRSTENBiNDER, ELIZABETH. Alpine fay. B91:2.1 At a high price B912.2 Banned and blessed B912.3 Danira B912.4 Enthralled and released B912.5 St. Michael B912.6 Spell of home B912.7 Vineta B942.8 Burton, .J. B. Hispaniola plate, 1683- 1893 B95.1 BuRWELL, L. M. Girl's life in Virginia before the war B954. 1 BuscH, William. Max and Maurice j B96.1 Butler, W. A. Domesticus B97.1 Mrs. Limber's raffle B97.2 Butler, Sir ^\. F. Red Cloud, the soli- tary Sioux B972.1 Butt, B. M. Eugenie B98.1 Geraldine Hawthorne B98.2 Keith Deramore B98.3 Miss Molly B98.4 Butterworth, Hezekiah. In the boy- hood of Lincoln j B082.1 Parson's miracle j B982.2 Bynner, E. L. Agnes Surriage B99.1 Begum's daughter B99.2 Chase of the meteor B99.3 Damen's ghost B99.4 Kimport B99.5 Tritons B99.6 Zachary Phips B99. 7 Btr, EoBERT,^jseiseud. 5eeFosdick, C. A. Castleton, D. R. Salem ^. . . C272.1 Catherwood, Mrs. M. H. Chase of Saint- Castin C28.1 Craque-o'-doom C28.2 Lady of Fort St. John C28.3 Old Kaskaskia C28.4 Romance of Dollard C28.5 "White islander C28.6 Cavalcaselle, G. B., joint author. See Crowe, J. A. Cavazza, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Don Fini- mondone C31.1 Cavendish, "\I^"ILL1AM. See Newcastle, AT. Cavendish, Duke of. Caxton, Laura, pseud. See Comins, Liz- zie B. Caxton, Pisistratus, pseud. See Lytton, E.G.E.L. Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron. Cecil, pseud. .See Tongue, Cornelius. Cecil, R. A. T. G. See SaHsbury, R. A. T. G. Cecil, Marquis of. Celiere, Paul. Startling exploits of Dr. J. B. Quies C33.1 Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote C334. 1 Story of the Don j C334.2 "Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote j C334.3 Chamberlain. H. R. 6,000 tons of gold. C351.1 Chamberlain, N. H. Sphinx in Aubrey parish C35. 1 Chamberlain, W. M. Manuela Paredes. C352.1 Chamisso, L. C. A. DE. Peter Schlemihl. C354.1 Champfleury, pseud. See Fleury-Hus- son, Jules. Champney, Mrs. L. J. W. All around a palette j C3o6. 1 Bourbon lilies C350.2 Great - grandmother's girls in New France j C35G.3 Great - grandmother's girls in New Mexico, 1670-1680 C356.8 Howling wolf j C356.4 Rosemary and rue C356.5 "Witch Winnie C356.6 Witch Winnie's studio C356.7 Chandler, Bessie, ^ee Parker, Mis. E. C. Chaney, G. L. F. Grant & Co j C36.1 Tom j C36.2 Chanler. Mrs. Amelie R. Brother to dragons C362.1 Quick or the dead C362.2 "N'irginia of Virginia C362.3 Witness of the sun C362.4 Chaplin, H. W. Five hundred dollars. • . C363.1 Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth. Against the stream C38.1 Bertram family C38.2 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family C38.3 Conquering and to conquer C38.4 Cottage by the cathedral C38.5 Diary of Miss Kitty Trevylyan C38.6 Draytons C38.7 Early dawn C38.8 Joan the maid C38.9 On both sides of the sea C38. 10 Victory of the vanquished C38 . 1 1 "U^inifred Bertram C38. 12 Charlotte, Elizabeth, Duchesse d' Or- leans. See Orleans, Elizabeth C, Duchesse d.'. Chasseresse. Diane. Sporting sketches. C382.1 Chatrian, Alexandre, yoi/i^ fli^f/io;-. See Eckmann, Emile. Chellis, M. D. At lion's mouth j C42. 1 Aunt Dinah's pledge j C42.2 Old times J C42.3 Out of the fire j C42.4 Revere estate j C42.5 Temperance doctor j C42.6 "VN'ealth and wine C42.7 Cheney. Mrs. E. D. Child of the tide. . . j C422.1 Sally Williams j C422.2 Chester, Eliza, pseud. See Paine. Har- riet E. Cherbuliez, Victor. Count Kostia C424. 1 Jean Teterol's idea C424.2 66 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Cherbcliez, Victor. Joseph Noirel's revenge Meta Holdenis Samuel Brohl Chesebro, Carolixe. Foe in the house- hold Chesnet, G. T. Dilemma Chester, John. Ruth Child, Mrs. L. M. Children of Mt. Ida . . Rebels Romance of the republic Chiswell, Archdeacon. Slave prince Chittenden, L. E. Unknown heroine. .. Cholmondeley, Mary. Diana Tempest. Chopin, Kate. Bayou folk Christmas story teller Church, A. J. Burning of Rome Chantry priest of Barnet Count of Saxon shore Three Greek children To the lions Two thousand years ago Young Macedonian Church, Mrs. F. M. See Lean, Mrs. F. M. C. Churchill, Mrs. E. K. Overcoming Churchill, John. See Marlborough, J. Churchill, Duke of. Churchill, William. Princess of Fiji.. Churton, Henry, pseud. See Tourgee, A. W. CiBBER, Colley, pseud. See Rees, .James. Clare, Austin. '' Crooked S." Clark, C. H. Elbow room Clark, 3Irs. C. M. Baby Rue Clark, F. T. Mexican girl On Cloud mountain Clark, H. H. Boy life in the United States navy Joe Bentley Clark, Mrs. S. R. G. Go's goings Clark, William. See Clarke, William. Clarke, J. F. Legend of Thomas Didy- mus Clarke, M. A. H. His natural life Clarke, Mis. M. V. C. Iron cousin Rambling story Uncle, Peep, and I joint author. See Clarke, C. C. Clarke, Rebecca S. Asbury twins Doctor papa Doctor's daughter Drone's honey Flaxie Frizzle In old Quinnebasset Janet Kittyleen Little pitchers Our Helen Quinnebasset girls C424.3 C424.4 C42-t.5 C426.1 C427.1 C428.1 j C43.1 C43.2 C43.3 j C44.1 C442.1 C45.1 C452.1 C46 C47.1 C47.2 C47.7 j C47.3 j C47.4 C47.5 C47.6 C472.1 C474.1 j C54.1 Co42.1 C543.1 C544.1 Co44.2 j C545.1 j C545.2 j C547.1 C55.1 C551.1 C552.1 Co52.2 j Coo2.3 j C554.1 j C554.2 j C554.3 j Co54.4 j Co54.5 j C554.6 j C554.7 j Coo4.8 j C554.9 j Co54.10 j C554.ll Clarke, Rebecca S. Wee Lucy j C554. 12 Clarke, S. J. Little Miss Weezy's brother, j C556.1 Little Miss Weezy's sister j C556.2 Claude, M. S. Twilight thoughts JC57.1 Clay, Bertha M., pseud. See Braeme, Charlotte M. Clay, 3Irs. J. R. What will the world say .^.. C572.1 Clayton, Ellen C. See Needham, Mrs. E. C. C. Craytor, Graham. Pleasant waters ... • C574.1 Clemens, S. L. Merry tales C59.1 Prince and the pauper j C59.2 and Warner, C. D. Gilded age Co9.3 Clement, Clara Erskine. See Waters, 31rs. C. E. C. Cle3ients, M. E. Eagle and dove C592.1 Clemmer, Mary. See Hudson, Mrs. M. C. A. Cleveland, R. E. Long run C596.1 Clifford, Mrs. Lucy. Anyhow stories.. j C61.2 Aunt Anne C61.1 Love letters of a worldly woman C61.3 Clifford, Mrs. W. R. See Chfford, Mrs. Lucy. Cline, a. j. Henry Cortland C612. 1 Clinton, Sir Henry, joint author. See Cornwallis, Charles, Marquis. Clip her wing C613 Clowes, W. L. Double emperor C62.1 Cobb, J. F. Martin the skipper j C63.1 Watchers on the longships j C63.2 Workman and soldier C63.3 Cobb, Sylv ANUS, /r. Bion, the wanderer. C632.1 Gunmaker of Moscow C632.2 Orion, the gold-beater C632.3 Painter of Parma C632.4 Cobban, J. M. Soldier and a gentleman. C634.1 Cockton, Henry. Life and adventures of Valentine Vox C64.1 Sylvester Sound C64.2 Coe, C. M. Me! July and August C65.1 Coffin, C. C. Dan of Millbrook C652.1 Daughters of the revolution C652.2 Winning his way j C652.3 Coffin, R. B. Cakes and ale at Wood- bine C655.1 Castles in the air C6o5.2 Matrimonial infelicities C655.3 My married life at Hillside C655.4 Out of town C655.5 Coffin, R. F. Old Sailor's yarns C6o6. 1 Coleridge, Christabel R. Reuben Everett C671 joint author. 5eeYonge, Charlotte M. Coleridge, S. H. Phantasmion j C673.1 CoLLiNGwooD, Harry, pseud. See Lan- caster, W. J. C. Collins, E. L. Hadasseh C69.1 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 57 Collins, Mabel. See Cook, Mrs. M. C. Collins, W. W. After dark C694. 1 Armadale C69.i..t Antonina CC94.2 Basil 0(594.3 Blind love CG94.5 Dead secret CG94.0 Frozen deep CG94. 7 Guilty river CG94.8 Hide and seek Cr.94.9 Law and the lady C694. 10 Man and wife CG94.11 Miss or Mrs.? CG94.18 Moonstone CG94.12 3Iy lady's money CG94.13 New Magdalen C694.14 No name CG94.17 Plot in private life CG94. 19 Poor Miss Finch CG94.1G Two destinies CG94. 15 Woman in white CG94.20 joint author. See Dickens, C. J. H. Collins, Wilkie. See Collins, W. W. CoLOMB, .]/»«e. C. Hermine's triumphs.. j C71.1 Colombo, Cristoforo. See Columbus, Christopher. CoMiNS, L. B. Hartwell farm C73.1 Marion Berkley C73.2 Combe, T. Question of love C731.1 CoMPTON, F. S. Esther C731I.1 CoMYN, L. N. Elena C732.1 CoNKLiN, J/rs. J. M. Dorothy's islands.. C7G.1 Fourfold C76.2 Only Ned j C76.3 Set free C70.G That Quisset house C7G.4 Three women C7C.o CoNKLiN, 3frs. Nathaniel. See Conklin, Mrs. J. M. D. Connelly, E. M. Tilting at windmills... C7G2.1 Conway, Hugh, pseud. See Fargus, Frederick J. CoNWAY', M. D. Pine and palm C7G4.1 Cook, E. D. Doubleday's children C77.1 Cooke, J. E. Bonneybel Vane C774.1 Fairfax C774.2 Fanchette C774.3 Virginia comedians C774.4 Cooke, Mrs. Mabel. Blossom and tlie fruit C772. 1 Cooke, Mrs. Rose T. Happy Dodd C77G. 1 Huckleberries gathered from New England hills C776.2 Somebody's neighbors C77G.3 Sphinx's children C776.4 Steadfast C77G.5 Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, Sarah C. Coombs, Mi's. Annie. As common mor tals C78.1 Cooper, E. H. Richard Escott C782. 1 Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore C784.2 Bravo C784.3 Chainbearer C784.4 Deerslayer C784.0 Home as found C784.6 Homeward bound C784.7 Jack Tier C784.8 Last of the ^Mohicans C784.9 Lionel Lincoln C784.10 Mercedes of Castile C784.ll Miles Wallingf ord C784. 12 Monikins C784. 13 Oak openings C784.14 Pathfinder C784.15 Precaution C784. 16 Pilot C784.17 Pioneers C784. 18 Prairie C784.19 Red rover C784.20 Santanstoe C784.21 Sea lions C784.22 Spy C784.23 Stories of the sea C784.24 Two admirals C784.2o Vulcan's peak C784.26 Water-witch C784.27 Wept of Wish-ton-wish C784.28 Wing-and-wing C784.29 Wyandotte C784.30 Works C784.1 Cooper, jVrs. Katherine. Gideon's rock. C785.1 Haunted crust C785.2 Cooper, Susan Fenimore, joint author. See Humphrey, Mrs. F. A. Copley, John S. See Lyndhurst, John S. Copley, Lord. Coppee, Francois. Days of my youth.. C79.1 Disillusion C79.2 Henriette C79.3 True riches C79.4 Corbett, Julian. God and gold 081.1 Kophetua 081.2 Corbin, iMrs. C. E. F. Belle and the boj's. 0812.1 His marriage vow 0812.3 CoRELLi, Marie, pseud. See Mackay, Minnie. CoRKRAN, Alice. Bessie Lang 0814.1 Cornish, Mrs. Alcestis 081G.1 Cornwall, 0. 'M., pseud. See Roe, Mary Abigail. Coryell, J. R. Diego Pinzon 0818.1 Cotes, Mrs. Everard. See Cotes, Mrs. S. J. D. Cotes, Mrs. S. J. D. Daughter of to-day. 082.1 Simple adventures of a memsahib 082.2 Social departure 082.3 Story of Sonny Sahib j 082. 4 Vernon's aunt 082.5 Cotes, V. 0. Two girls on a barge 0822.1 58 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. CoTTERELL, CoxsTAXCE. Tempe C825.1 CoTTix, Mine. S. R. Matilda, princess of England C827.1 Couch, A. T. Q. Delectable duchy 083. 1 I saw three ships C83.2 Noughts and crosses C83.3 CouLSON, J. G. A. Ghost of Eedbrook . . . C832. 1 CouPEEus, Louis. Eline Vere C833. 1 CoAVAK, J. r. Endeavor doin's down to the corners CS34. 1 CowPEE, Feank. Cffidwalla C835.1 Captain of the Wight j C835.2 Cox, M. McI. Raymond Kershaw j CS37.1 CozzEXS, S. W. Crossing the quicksands, j C839.1 Young silver seekers j C839.2 Cracker Joe C84 Craddock, Charles Egbert, x>seiid. See Murfree, Mary X. Crafts, "William F., joint comjule)-. See Crafts, James M. Craigie, 3Irs. P. W. Gods, some mortals, and Lord Wickenham C84.1 Cragix, Mrs. L. T. Cedars j C841. 1 Long ago j C84rl.2 Ckaik, Mrs. D. M. Adventures of a brownie j C842.1 Agatha's husband j C842.2 Alice Learmont ; a fairy tale j C8-i2.32 Brave lady C842.3 Bread upon the waters C842.4 Christian's mistake C842.5 Domestic stories C842.6 Fairy book j CS42.7 Hannah C842.8 "Head of the family C842.9 Hero j C842.10 His little mother C842. 1 1 Is it true? j C842.ia John Halifax C842.13 Iving Arthur C842.14 Laurel bush C842.15 Legacy C842.16 Life for a life C842. 17 Lord Erlistoun C842. 18 Miss Tommy C842.19 Mistress and maid C842.20 My mother and I C842.21 Noble life C842.22 Nothing new CS42.23 Ogilvies C842.24 Olive C842.25 Romantic tales C842.26 Two marriages C842.27 Unkind word C842.28 Will Denbigh C842.20 Woman's kingdom C842.30 Young Mrs. Jardine C842.31 Craik, Georgiaxa M. See May, 3frs. G. M. C. Crake, A. D. Rival heirs C843. 1 CEAXfi, AxNE MoxcuRE. See Seemiiller, Mrs. A.M. C. - ., Cravex, J/rs. Augustus. Fleurange • . . . C85.1 Crawford, Alexander W. See Lind- say, A. W. Crawford, Earl of Crawford. Crawford, F. M. American politician.. C854.1 Children of the king C854.2 Cigarette maker's romance C854.3 Doctor Claudius C854.4 Don Orsino C854.5 Greifenstein C854.6 Katharine Lauderdale C854.7 Khaled C854.8 Love in idleness C854.9 Marion Darche C854.10 Marzio's crucifix C854.ll Mr. Isaacs C854.12 Paul Patoff C854.13 Pietro Ghisleri C854.14 Ralstons C854.15 Roman singer C854. 16 Sant' Ilario C854.17 Saracinesca C854.18 Tale of a lonely parish C8o4.19 Three fates C854.20 To leeward C854.21 Upper berth C854.22 Witch of Prague C854.23 With the immortals C854.24 Zoroaster C854.25 Crawfurd, O. j. F. Sylvia Arden C856.1 World we live in C856.2 Crayox, Geoffrey, x>sevd. See Irving. Washington. Crimm, Matt. In Beaver cov"e C86.1 Crockett, S. R. Lilac sunbonnet C87.1 Mad Sir Uchtred CS7.2 Play-actress C87.3 Raiders C87.4r Stickit minister C87.5 Croker, J/rs. B. M. Interference C873.1 Croly, George. Salathiel C874.1 Cromptox, F. E. Master Bartlemy C88.1 Crosby, Margaret. Violin obligato C882.1 Cross, Mrs. G. F. My guardian C884. 1 Not all in vain C884.2 Three Miss Kings C884.3 Cross, Mrs. M. A. G. Adam Bede C885. 1 Daniel Deronda C885.2 Felix Holt .0885.3 Middlemarch 0885.5 Mill on the floss 0885.4 Romola C885.6 Scenes of clerical life C885.7 Crouch, Julia. Three successful , girls 0886.1 Ceowfield, Christopher, j^jsej^^?. See Stowe, Mrs. H. E. B. Crowley, M. 0. Merry hearts and true. j 0887.1 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 59 Crowninshield, Mrs. Schuyler. See Crowninshield, Mrs. M. B. Cruger, 2V7S. J. S. Diplomat's diary. . . C8S8.1 Marionettes C888.2 Puritan i)agan C888.3 Cruger, Marv. A'anderheyde manor- house C889.1 CuDLip, Mrs. A. H. Only herself C89.1 Utterly mistaken C89.2 CuMMiNGS, Arthur. Fallof Kilman Kon. COl.l Cummins, M. S. Lamplighter C912. 1 Mabel Vaughn C912.2 Cunningham, (StVH. S. Wheat and tares. C914.1 Cupples, George. Deserted ship j C92.1 CuRRAN, J. E. Miss Frances Merley C93.1 Curtis, Mrs. C. G. From Madge to Margaret C94. 1 Curtis, G. T. John Charaxes C942.1 Curtis, G. AV. Prue and I C943.1 Trumps C943.2 Cutler, J/rs. M. C. Philip j C97.1 Dagonet the jester D129 Dahlgren, Mabeleine. Washington win- ter D13.1 Dale, Darley. Lottie's wooing D15.1 Dalton, William. Lost in Ceylon j D17.1 Damon, S. M. Old New England days.. . • D18.1 Dana, J. J. Humpy Dumpy j D19.1 Dana, K. F. Our Phil D192.1 Dana, Mrs. Williaji S. See Dana, Mrs. Frances T. " Danbury-News man." See Bailey, James M. Dane, Daniel. '' Vengeance is mine.". . D193.1 Danforth, j. S., joint autlior. See Barker, F. C. Danforth, Parke, j^seud. See Talbot, Hannah L. Daniel, Mrs. R. M. Heiress in the family. D22.1 Daniels, C. L. Sardia D222.1 Dannenberg, Georg, pseud. See Fried- rich, Bertha H. D'Anvers, N., 2^se}'d. See Bell, Mrs. N. R. E. M. D'Arblay', 3fme. See Arblay, Mme. Frances B. d'. D'Arc, Jeanne. ^S'ee Joan of Arc. Dare, Shirley, 2>sevd. See Power, Mrs.. S. C. D. Darling, M. G. Gladys D24.1 Dasent, Sir G. W. Popular tales from the Norse D2G.1 Daudet, Alphonse. Belle-Nivernaise. . . D2G3.1 £vangeliste, L' D2f53.2 Kings in exile D2r;3.3 Little good-for-nothing D2G3.4 Nabob D2()3.5 Numa Roumestan D263.G " One of the forty," L'immortels D2G3.7 Port Tarascon D2G3.8 Daudet, Alphonse. Sidonie D2G3.9 Tartarin of Tarascon D2G3. 10 Tartarin on the Alps D2G3.11 Daudet, Ernest. Apostate D2G4.1 Dauge, Henri, lyseud. See Hammond, Mrs. E. H. Daunt, Achilles. Frank Radcliffe D2GG.1 Davies, Arthur C. F. See Fairbairn, John. Davies, G. C. Peter Penniless j D28.1 Swan and her crew j D28.2 Wildcat tower j D28.3 Davies, Theodore. Losing to win D283.1 Davis, Mrs. M. E. In war times at La Rose Blanche j D29.1 Davis, Mrs. Rebecca H. John Andross.. D292.1 Kent Hampden D292.2 Law unto herself D292.3 Waiting for the verdict D292.4 Davis, R. H. Exiles D293.1 Gallagher D293.2 Princess Aline D293.3 Silhouettes of American life D293.4 Stories for boys j D293.5 Van Bibber D293.G West from a car window D293.7 Davis, R. S. As it may happen D294.1 Davis, W. M. Nimrod of the sea D29G.1 Daave, W. C. Mount Desolation D32. 1 Dawson, W. J. Redemption of Edward Strahan D324.1 Day, Thomas. History of Sanford and Merton j D33.1 Dean, Mrs. Andrew, x>seiid. See Sidg- wick, Mrs. Alfred Deane, Marjory, jjseud. See Pitman, Mrs. M. J. D. Deane, Mary. Mr. Zinzan of Bath D34.1 Debans, Camille. Gabriel's vocation..." D35.1 De Foe, Daniel. Life of Robinson Cru- soe j D3G.1 De Forest, J. W. Bloody chasm D3G2.1 Kate Beaumont D3G2.2 Playing the mischief D3G2.3 Degen, VON. Mystery of the Campagna.. D3G3.1 De Gobineau, Compte. See Gobineau, Joseph A., Comjite de. De Hoven. See Hoven, Mrs. Reginald de. Deland, 3frs. M. W. John Ward, preacher D37.1 Mr. Tommy Dove D37.2 Philip and his wife D37.3 Sidney D37.4 Story of a child D37.5 De Leon, T. C, and Ledyard, Erwin. John Holden D37L1 De Liefde, John B. See Liefde, John B. de. Delitzsch, Franz. Jose and Benjamin. D372.1 60 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Delpit, Albert. As 'tis in life D38. 1 De MiLLE, James. American baron D39.1 Among the brigands j D39.2 Comedy of terrors D39.o Cord and creese D39.4 Cryptogram D39.5 Dodge club D39.6 Lady of the ice 1)39. 7 Lily and the cross D39.8 Living link D39.9 Open question D39.10 Seven hills j D39.il Strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder D39.12 Winged lion j D39.13 Demixg, Paul. Adirondack stories D392.1 Tompkins and other folks D392.2 Dempster, C. L. H. Iseulte D39-1. 1 Ninette D394.2 Within the sound of the sea D394.3 Denlsox, Mrs. Mary. His triumph D41 . 1 If she will she will D-il.2 Rothmell D41.3 That husband of mine D41.-t That wife of mine D-tl.5 Dextox, L. W. Under the magnolias D43.1 De Riedesel, Madame. See Riedesel, Friederike C. L., Baroness von. Derval, JoHAXXES VAX. Far from homc. D-14.1 De Soto, Ferdixaxd. See Soto, Fertli- nand de. De STAiiL, Mme. 5'ee Stael-Holstein, Anna L. G., Baronne de. Detlef, Carl, pseud. See Bauer, Carl. De Tocqdeville, Alexis. See Tocque- ville, A. C. H. C. de. Dewixg, Mrs. T. W. See Dewing, Mrs. M. R. 0. DeWitt, j. a. W. How he made his for- tiine D51.1 Diane Cory val D54 Diaz, Mrs. Abby M. Byburg to Beacon street D543.1 Cats' Arabian nights j Do43.2 .Jiramyjolms j D543.3 John Spicer lectures j Do43.4 Iving Grimalkum and Pussyanita j D543.5 Lucy 3Iaria D543.G Story book for the children j D543.7 William Henry D543.8 WilUam Henry letters D543.9 DicKEXs, Charles. Barnaby Rudge D5o.2 Battle of life Doo.l Bleak house D55.3 Christmas books D55.4 Christmas carol in prose *D5o.5 Christmas stories D55.6 David Copperfield D55.8 Dr. Marigold's prescriptions D55.9 Dombey and son D55.10 DiCKExs, Charles. Great expectations Do5. 11 Hard times D55.12 Household words D55.31 Hunted down D55.13 Little Dorrit D5o.l4 Martin Chuzzlewit D55.15 Master Humphrey's clock D55. 16 Master Humphrey's clock. New Christ- mas stories Doo.l? Mudf og papers Doo. 18 Mystery of Edwin Drood Doo. 19 Nicholas Nickleby D55.20 Novels and tales Do5.22 Old curiosity shop Do5.23 Oliver Twist Doo. 24 Our mutual friend D55.25 Pickwick club D55.26 Sketches D5o.27 Somebody's luggage Do5.28 Tale of two cities Do5.29 Uncommercial traveller Doo. 30 and CoLLixs, W. W. Christmas stories D55.7 No thoroughfare D55.21 DiCKExs, M. A. Cross currents Do52.1 DiCKixsox, E. E. , joint author. See Dickinson, J. DiCKixsox, M. L. Among the thorns. . . . D56.1 DiCKSOX, Axtoxia, joint author. See Dickson, W. K. L. DiEKEXGA, I. E. Daniel Poldertot D562.1 DiEUDoxxE, F. C. Rondah D564.1 Disraeli, Bexjamix. See Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, Harl of. Dixox, R. B. Fore and aft D64.1 DoD, S. B. Doctor Lamar D66.1 Highland chronicle DGG.2 Hillside parish DGG.3 DoDD, i/z-s. A. B. Glorinda DGG2.1 Republic of the future DG62.2 Struthers DGC2.3 Dodge, Louisa. Question of identity... D664.1 joint author. See Preston, Harriet W. Dodge, M. A. First love is best D665.1 Dodge, J/rs. Mary. Donald and Dorothy. D666.1 Hans Brinker DG66.2 Land of pluck j DG66.3 Theophilus DC66.4 DoDGSOx, C. L. Alice's adventures in wonderland j DGG7.1 Sylvie and Bruno j DG67.2 Sylvie and Bruno, concluded j D667.3 Tangled tale D667.4 Through the looking glass j DGG7.5 Dole, N. H. Not angels quite DG8.1 Dora, Sister. See Pattison, Dorothy W. Dorr, J/rs. J. C. Expiated D73. 1 Dostoyeffsky, F. M. Buried alive D74.1 Crime and punishment D74.2 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 61 DouDNEY, Sarah. Prudence Winter- burn j D742. 1 Son of the morning 1)742.2 Stepping stones 1)742.3 Strangers yet D742.4 Under false colours 1)742.5 When we two parted 1)742.0 Where two ways meet D742.7 DoroALL, L. Beggars all D74o.l What necessity knows D743.2 Douglass, A. M. Bethia AVray's new name D744. 1 Claudia D744.2 Floyd Grandon's honor D744.3 Foes of her household D744.4 Fortunes of the Faradays D744.5 From hand to mouth 0744.0 Heirs of Bradley House 1)744.7 Home nook D744.9 Hope Mills D744.8 In the ranks j D744.10 Intrust D744.il In wild rose time D744.12 Kathie's Aunt Ruth j D744. 13 Kathie's harvest days j D744.14 Kathie's soldiers j D744. 15 Kathie's summer at Cedarwood j D744.1G Kathie's three wishes j D744. 17 Larry D744. IS Lost in a great city D744.19 Lyndell Sherburne D744.20 Modern Adam and Eve D744.21 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom D744.22 Old woman who lived in a shoe D744.23 Osborne of Arrochar D744.24 Out of the wreck D744.25 Seven daughters D744.2G Sherburne house D744.27 Stephen Dane D744.2S Sydnie Adriance D744.20 Whom Kathie married D744.3() Woman's inheritance D744.31 Douglas, Frederick. Sec Douglass, Frederick. Douglas, George, i^sevtl. See Douglas, Gertrude G., Lady. Douglas, G. G. Mar's white witch D745.1 Douglas, Marion, pseud. See Robinson, Mrs. A. D. G. » Douglas, Mark:. Can love sin? D74G.1 Douglas, Mrs. R. D. Romance at the antipodes D748.1 Dove, Alfred, joint author. ^SeeLowen- berg, Julius. DowD, S. E., joint author. See Dickin- son, J. and E. E. DowiE, Menie Muriel. See Norman, Mrs. M. M. D. DowLiNG, G. T. Wreckers D75.1 Downey, Edmund. Captain Lanagan's log D752.1 Downs, Mrs. Elizabeth. Nettie Loring. Doyle, A. C. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Captain of the Pole Star Doings of Raffles Haw Firm of Girdlestone Great shadow Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Micah Clarke Mystery of Cloomber Parasite Refugees Round the red lamp Sign of the four Study in scarlet White company Drago-manof, Sekgius Michael. See Stepnink, 2^sev.d. Drake, Jeakie. In old St. Stephen's Drake, S. A. Captain Nelson Drayson, a. W. Among the Zulus From keeper to captain Drew, Catherine. Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's Drinkwater, Ella a., joint author. See Conklin, J/rs. J. M. D. Drinkwater, .Jennie M. See Conklin, Mrs. J. M. D. Droz, a. G. Around a spring Babolain Drury, a. H. In the enemy's country.. Drysdale, William. Mystery of Abel Forefinger Du Bois, C. G. Columbus and Beatriz. . . Martha Corey Du CiiAiLLU, p. B. Ivar the viking Duchess, The, pseud. See Hungerford, 3Jrs. M. H. A. DuDEVANT, M/ne. A. L. A. Antonia Bagpipers Cc'sarine Dietrich Consuelo Countess of Rudolstadt Fanchon the cricket Gallant lords of Bois-Dore Handsome Lawrence Jealousy ]Marq«is de Villemer Mauprat Miller of Aginbrault Monsieur Sylvestre Nanon Princess Nourmalil Rolling stone Snow man Tower of Percemont DuGGAN, Mrs. J. P. Mexican ranch Dumas, Alexandre. Andree de Taverney. Ange Pitou Ascanio Black tulip D754.1 D ■7.1 D ".2 D -7.3 D ■7.4 D "7.5 D ■7.C D '7.7 D ■7.8 D7 ■.14 D ■7.0 D7 ■.10 D7- '.11 D7 '.12 D7- M3 D- "8.1 D7ft 3.1 Di 9.1 d: '9.2 D82.1 D83.1 D83.2 D84. 1 j D842.1 D85.1 D85.2 D852.1 D86.1 D80.2 D80.3 D86.4 D8(i,5 D86.G D8G.7 D8G.8 DS6.9 D8G.10 D8G.11 D80.12 D86.13 D86.14 D8G.15 DSG.IO D8G.17 D8G.18 D87.1 D89.1 D89.2 D89.3 D89.4 62 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Dumas, Alexandre. Chevalier de Maison-Kouge D89.5 Chevalier D'Harmental D89. G Companions of Jehu DS9.7 Countess de Charny D89.8 Conscript D89.9 Conspirators D89. 10 Count of Monte Cristo D89.il Doctor Basilius D89. 12 Edmond Dantes D89. 13 Forty-five guardsmen D89.14 Iron mask D89.15 Love and liberty D89.16 Memoirs of a physician D89.17 Olympe de Cleves D89. IS Page of the duke of Savoy D89.19 Queen's necklace D89.20 Regent's daughter D89.21 She-wolves of Machecoul DS9.22 Spell-bound D89.23 Taking the Bastile DS9.24 Three musketeers D89.25 Twenty years after D89.26 Two Dianas . . : D89.27 Vicomte de Bragelonne D89.28 AVhites and the blues D89.29 Du Mauriee, George. Peter Ibbetson.. D892.1 Trilby D892.2 DcxcAN, Mrs. F. I. My intimate friend... D91.1 Duncan, Sara Jeannette. See Cotes, Mrs. S. J. D. Dunn, George. Eed cap and blue jacket. D92.1 DuPUY, E. A. Gipsy's warning D922.1 Durand, Mnie. A. M. C. H. Aline D93. 1 Ariadne D93.2 Bonne-Marie D93.3 Cleopatra D93.4 Dosia D93.5 Dosia's daughter D93.6 Friend D93.7 Heiress D93.8 Markof, the Eussian violinist D93.9 • Nikanor D93.10 Noble woman D93.il Princess Roublne D93.12 Sonia D93.13 DuRiVAGE, F. A. Three brides • D933.1 Dussaud, Mme. Angele. Woman's mis- take D94.1 Dtar, C. W., joint author. See Montagxie, Charles H. E., H. F. Fighting the good fight j El.l Eaele, a. R. Her great ambition Ea7.1 Eastman, J. A. Romneys of Ridgemont. j Ea74.1 Schooldays of Beulah Romney j Ea74.2 Ebers, Georg. Bride of the Nile Eb3.1 Burgomaster's wife Eb3. 2 Egyptian princess Eb3.3 Homo sum Eb3 4 Joshua, a story of Biblical times Eb3.5 Ebers, Georg. Margery Eb3.6 Thorny path Eb3.7 Uarda Eb3.8 Eckerson, M. H. By a strange path Ec5. 1 Eckstein, Ernst. Chaldean magician .. . Ec52.1 Hertha Ec52.2 Monk of the Aventine Ec52.3 Nero Ec52.4 Edge worth, Maria. Classic tales j Ed3.1 Stories of Ireland Ed3.2 Tales and novels Ed3.3 Edmonds, Mrs. Amygdala Ed5. 1 Edson, N. I. Barbara Ed7.1 Edavard, Lo7-d Herbert, of Cherburg. See Cherburg, Edward Herbert, Baron. Edwardes, J/rs. Annie. Archie Lovell. . Ed9.1 Blue-stocking Ed9.3 Estelle Ed9.2 Jet Ed9.4 Leah Ed9.5 Ought we to visit her? Ed9.6 Pearl-powder Ed9.7 Philip Earnscliffe Ed9.8 Steven Lawrence Ed9.9 Susan Fielding Ed9.10 Vagabond heroine Ed9.11 Edwards, Axnie. See Edwardes, Mrs. Annie. Edwards, Amelia B. Barbara's history.. Ed92.1 Debenham's vow Ed92.2 Half a million of money Ed92.3 Hand and glove Ed92.4 In the days of my youth Ed92.5 Ladder of life Ed92.6 Lord Brackenbury Ed92. 7 3Iiss Care%v Ed92.8 My brother's wife Ed92.9 Eggleston, Edward. Circuit rider Eg3.1 Duffles Eg3.2 End of the world Eg3.3 Faith doctor Eg3.4 Graj'sons Eg3.5 Hoosier school-boy j Eg3.6 Hoosier school-master Eg3.7 3Iystery of Metropolis ville Eg3.8 Queer stories for boys and girls j Eg3.9 Roxy Eg3.10 Eggleston, G. C. Big brother Eg32. 1 Captain Sam j Eg32.2 Juggernaut Eg32.4 Signal boys j Eg32.3 EiCHENDORFF, Joseph, ^rt7-o?i ro?;. Leaves from the life of a good-for-nothing. Ei2.1 EiLOART, Mrs. Elizabeth. Love that lived EiS.l Elchingen, JDuke of. See Ney, Michel. Eliot, Annie. "Wliite birches E14.1 Eliot, George. See Cross, Mrs. M. A. E. FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 63 Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. Heart regained Ella, pseud. Phillipiia. Ellen Herbert Elliot, Mrs. Frances D. Italians Romance of old court-life in France . . Elliot, H. R. Common chord Elliott, Mrs. Maud H. Atalanta in the south ^lammon Newport aquarelle San Rosario rancli Elliott, S. B. Jerry Ellis, E. S. Across Texas Among the Esquimaux Brave Tom Cabin in the clearing Camp in the mountains Camp-lire and wigwam Footprints in the forest From the throttle to the president's chair Great cattle trail Honest Ned Hunters of the Ozark Last war trail Lost in Samoa Lost in the wilds Lost trail Ned in the block house Ned in the woods Ned on the river On the trail of the moose Path in the ravine Righting the -wrong Storm mountain Tad Up the Tapajos Wj'oming Elwell, E. H. Boys of thirty-five Emeksox, Ralph Waldo, joint author. See Carlyle, Thomas. Emery, S. A. Three generations Emin Pasha. See Schmitzer, Edward. Emmanuel II. See Victor Emmanuel II., King of Italy. £nault, Louis. Captain's dog Carine, a story of Sweden Enfield, Viscountess. See Byng, Alice H. F. E., Lady. Erckmann, f^MiLE, and Chatrian, Alex. Alsatian schoolmaster Bells Blockade Conscript Country in danger, 1792 Friend Fritz States general, 1789 Waterloo Year one of the republic, 1793 E142.1 E15.1 j E151 E153.1 E153.2 Elo4.1 EI50.1 EloG.2 E15(1.3 E156.4 E157.1 j E158.2 EloS.l j E158.3 j E158.4 j E158.5 j E158.G j EI08.7 i E158.S j E158.9 j E158.10 j E158.il j E158.12 j EI08.13 j E158.14: j E158.15 j EI08.I6 j E158.17 j E158.18 j E158.19 j E158.20 j E158.21 j E158.25 j E158.22 j EI58.23 j E158.24 j E18.1 Em3.1 j Enl.l Enl.2 Er2.1 Er2.2 Er2.3 Er2.4 Er2.5 Er2.6 Er2.7 Er2.8 Er2.9 Ericsson, O. A. Cruise under six flags Er4.1 Erskine, J/rs. Thomas. Wyncote Er8.1 Eschstruth, Nataly von. Erl queen.. Esl.l Evan Dale Evl Evans, Augusta Jane. See Wilson, Mrs. A. J. E. Evans, Mrs. Lizzie E. See Hansell, Mrs. L. E. E. Everett-Green, Mrs. Evelyn. See Green, Mrs. E. E. Ewing, Mrs. J. H. Flat iron for a farth- ing j Ewo. 1 Great emergency j Ew5.2 Jackanapes j Ewo. 3 Jan of the windmill Ewo. 4 ^Mary's meadow j Ewo. 5 Melchior's dream j Ewo. 6 Six to sixteen j Ew5.7 Snap-dragons j Ewo. 8 Story of a short life j Ewo. 9 We and the world j Ewo. 10 ErsTER, J/)-5. Nellie. Colonialboy j Ey7.1 Eytinge, Mrs. Margaret. Ball of the vegetables j Ey8.1 Faber, Christine. Ugly heroine Fll.l Fairtbairn, James. See Fairbairn, John. Falconer, Lanoe, pseud. See Hawker, Mary. Falkenhorst, C. With Columbus in America F18. t' Familiar letters of Peppermint Perkins. . • F21 Fane, Violet, pseud. See Singleton, Mrs. M. M. Fargus, F. J. Called back F22.1- Cardinal sin F22.2 • Dark days F22.3 Slings and arrows, and other tales. . • . F22.4 Farjeon, B. L. Blade o' grass F222.1 Duchess of Rosemarylane F222. 12 • Fair Jewess F222.2 Golden grain F222.3 Jessie Trim F222.4 Joshua Marvel F222.5 Love's victory F222.6 . Mystery of M. Felix F222.7 Shadows on the snow F222.8 Solomon Isaacs F222.9 Three times tried, and other stories.. . F222.10 Toilers of Babylon F222.il Farley, Mrs. H. H. Hildegarde F223. 1 Farquharson, Martha, pseud. See Finley, Martha. Farrar, C. a. j. Down the west branch. j F24.1 Eastward, ho ! j F24.2 Up the north branch j F24.3 Farrar, F. W. Darkness and dawn F242.1 Eric j F242.2 Juhan Home F242.3 St. Winifred's F242.4 64 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Fawcett, Edgar. Adventures of a widow. ¥28.1 Ambitious woman F28.2 American iiush F28.3 Confessions of Claud F28.i Demoralizing marriage F28.5 Hopeless case r28.G House at High bridge r28.7 Loaded dice F28.8 Man's will F28.0 New York family F28. 10 Olivia Delaplaine F28. 1 1 Purple and fine linen r28.12 Eutherford F28.13 Social silhouettes F28.14 Tinkling cymbals F28. 15 Feeise, Elizabeth Rachel. See Rachel. Fenklox, F. S. M. Adventures of Tele- machus F35. 1 Fes^-, G. M. Bunjip land j F36. 1 Commodore Junk j F36.2.") Cutlass and cudgel j F3C.2 Dark house F3G.3 Diamond dyke j F3G.4 Dick o' the fens j FSG.T) Double cunning F3G.G Eli's children F3G.7 First in the field F3G.8 Gil the gunner j r3G.9 In the king's name j F3G. 10 Master of the ceremonies F3G.11 Menhardoc j F3G.12 Middy ensign j F3G. 13 Nat the naturalist j F3G. 14 One maid's mischief F3G.lo Patience wins F3G.26 Quicksilver j F3G. IG Rajah of Dah j F3G.17 Silver cannon j FSfi.lS Story of Antony Grace F3G. 19 Sweet mace F36.20 Sj-d Belton j F3G.21 Vast abyss F3G.22 Vicar's people F3G.23 Witness to the deed F36.24 Ferguson, V. M. Music hath charms... F38.1 Ferrier, Mary. Destiny F41. 1 Inheritance F-H.2 Marriage F41.3 Fetherstonhaugh, M. G. Lil, '^ fair, fair, with golden hair." F43. 1 Feuillet, Octave. Artist's honor F434.1 Diary of a woman F434.2 Romance of a poor young man F434.3 Story of Sibylle F434.4 Field, Mrs. C. L. High Ughts F45. 1 Field, iV7s. E. M. Bryda F4o2.1 Ethne F452.2 Field, Ecgexe. Little book of profitable tales j F453. 1 Field, Margaret. Secret of Fontaine- la-Croix F455. 1 Field, M. E. Wings of courage Fieldixg, Henry. Amelia Joseph Andrews Mr. Jonathan Wild Tom Jones Fields, Mrs. C. L. Two gentlemen of Boston Fields, Mrs. James T. See Fields, Mrs. A. A. FiNLEY, Martha. Christnias with Grand- ma Elsie Elsie and the Raymonds Elsie at Ion Elsie at Nantucket Elsie at Viamede Elsie at the world's fair Elsie Dinsmore Elsie }-achting with the Raymonds . . . Elsie's children Elsie's friend at Woodburn Elsie's girlhood Elsie's kith and kin Elsie's motherhood Elsie's new relations Elsie's vacation Elsie's widowhood Elsie's womanhood Grandmother Elsie Holidays at Roselands Mildred and Elsie Mildred at home Mildred at Roselands Mildred's boys and girls Mildred Keith Mildred's married life Thorn in the nest Tragedy of Wild River valley Two Elsies Wanted — a pedigree FiSKE, John, joiyit ed. See Wilson, James G. Flagg, Edmlnd. De Molai Flammarion, Camille. Stories of infinity. Urania Flaubert, Gustave. Salammbo Fleming, George, pseud. See Fletcher, Julia C. Fleming, L. R. Alice Withrow Fleming, 3frs. M. A. Actress' daughter. Carried by storm Changed heart Guy Earlscourt's wife Heir of Charlton Kate Danton Lost for a woman Mad marriage Maud Percy's secret Midnight queen Norine's revenge One night's mystery Pride and passion j F4o6.I F4G.2 F46.1 F46.3 F46.4 F462.1 j F49.1 j F49.2 j F49.3 j F49.4 j r49.5 j F49.6 j F49.7 j F49,8 j F49.9 j F49.10 j F49.il j F49.12 j F49.13 j F49.14 j F49.15 j F49.16 j F49.17 j F49.18 j F49.19 j F49.20 j F49.28 j F49.21 j F49.22 j F49.23 j F49.24 F49.25 F49.26 j F49.27 F49.29 F59.1 FGl.l FG1.2 F613.1 j FG2.1 F621.1 F621.2 F621.3 FG21.4 FG21.5 F621.19 F621.6 FG21.7 F621.8 FG21.9 F621.10 F621.il F621.12 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 65 Fleming, Mrs. M. A. Queen of the isle Ffi21.13 Sharing her crime F021.14: Silent and true F621.15 Terrible secret FG21.20 Wife's tragedy FG21.1G "Wonderful woman FG21. 17 Wronged wife FG21. 18 Flemixg, Harford, pseud. See Mc- Clelland, Mrs. H. H. Fletcher, J. C. Andromeda F63.1 Head of Medusa F63.2 Kismet F63.3 Mirage FG3.4 Vestigia FGo.o Fleury-Hussox, Jules. Faience violin. . FG3-i.l Floyd, Mrs. Cornelia. Mice at play. .. j FGG.l FoGERTY, .J. Countess Irene FG8. 1 Foote, E. B. Sammy Tubbs j F73.1 FooTE, 3frs. M. H. Chosen valley F732. 1 In exile, and other stories F732.2 John Bodewin's testimony F732.3 Led-horse claim F732.4 Forbes, Archibald. Barracks, bivouacs, and battles F74.1 Czar and sultan F74.2 Glimpses through the cannon smoke . . F74.3 Ford, Mrs. H. J. Will it be? F75.1 Ford, J. B., & Co., ^3i^6s. Library of famous fiction F751.1 Ford, J. L. Dr. Dodd's school F752. 1 Literary shop, and other tales F752.2 Ford, Maky" H. Otto's inspiration F753.1 Ford, P. L. Hon. Peter Stirling F755.1 Ford, Mrs. Sallie R. Ernest quest F7D4.1 FoRDE, Gertrude. Only a coral girl F75G.1 Forest, Neil, pseud. See Floyd, 3f7-s: Cornelia. Forester, Frank, psevd. See Herbert, Henry W. Forestier, Auber, 2^sei'.d. See Moore, Mrs. A. A. W. Forney, J. W. Kew nobility F76. 1 Forrester, Mrs., pseud. See Bridges, Mrs. Forster, Francis. Major Joshua r77.I FosDicK, C. A. Boy traders j F78. 1 Boy trapper j F78.2 Buried treasure j F78.3 Don Gordon's shooting-box j F78.4 Elam Storm j F78.5 Frank among the Rancheros j F78.G Frank at Don Carlos' rancho j F78.7 Frank before Vicksburg j F78.2G Frank in the mountains j F78.8 Frank in the woods j F78.9 Frank on a gunboat j F78.10 Frank on the lower Mississippi j F78.il Frank on the prairie j F78.12 Frank the young naturalist j F78.13 FoSDICK, C. A. Guy Harris, the runaway Mail carrier Marcy the refugee Rodney the partisan Sailor Jack Snagged and sunk Snowed up Sportsman's club afloat Sportsman's club among the trappers . Sportsman's club in the saddle Steel horse True to his colors FosDiCK, G. C. Out of Bohemia Foster, C. J. White horse of Wootton. . FoTHERGiLL, Jessie. Borderland First violin From moor isles Healey Kith and kin Lasses of Leverhouse March in the ranks '• One of three." Peril Probation Wellfields FouQUE. Baron de la Motte-. See La Motte-Fouque, F. H. K., Baron de. Fox. Mrs. Emily. Gemini OfP the rocks France, Anatole, pseud. See Thibault, Anatole F. Francillon, R. E. Left-handed Elsa Under slieve-ban Francis, L. H. Schoolboys of Rookes- bury Through thick and thin Francis, M. E., pseud. See Blundell, Mrs. M. E. S. Francois, Louise von. Last von Reck- enburg Franzos, K. E. Chief justice For the right , Jews of Barnow Frapan, Ilse, piseud. God's will Fraser, Jessie. Penance of Portia James White feather Fraser-Tytler. Catherine C. See Lid- dell, Mrs. C. C. F. T. Frazar, Douglas. Log of the Maryland. Perseverance island Frederic, Harold. Copperhead In the valley Lawton girl Marsena Seth's brother's wife Fremont, Mrs. Jessie B. Will and the way stories French, Alice. Expiation F78.14 F78.15 F7S.1G F78.17 F78.18 F78.19 F78.23 F78.20 F78.21 F78.22 F78.24 F78.2.J F782.1 F81.1 F82.1 F82.2 F82.3 F82.4 F82..5 F82.6 F82.7 FS2.8 F82.9 F82.10 F82.il F83.1 F83.2 j F84.1 F84.2 j F844.1 j F844.2 FS47.1 F85.1 F85.2 F85.3 F859.1 F8G.1 F8G.2 F8G4.1 j F864.2 F87.1 F87.2 F87.3 F87.4 F87.5 F88.1 F882.1 66 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Pbench, Alice. Knitters in the sun F882.2 Otto the knight FS82.3 Stories of a western town F882.4 We all r882.5 Fkench, Harry W., joint author. See Frost, John. French, Hexry W. See French, Harry W. French, H. W. Lance of Kanana F88't. 1 Nuna, the Bramin girl • • F884.2 Fbeytag, Gcstav. Debit and credit F89.1 Ingo F89.2 Ingraban F89.3 Friedrich, B. H. From hand to hand. . . F91.1 Hard heart F91.2 New race F91.3 Friedrich, Friedrich. Last dispatch • . F912.1 Frith, Henry. Biography of a locomotive engine F91-t.l Escaped from Siberia F914.2 For queen and king F914.3 Hunting of the " Hydra." j F914.4 School boys all the world over j F914.5 " Fritz," Emperor of P7-i(ssia. See Fred- erick III., Emperor of Germany. From timber to town F92 Frost, W. H. Wagner story-book j F922.1 Froude, J. A. Two chief s of Dunboy . . F93.1 Fuller, AxxA. Literary courtship F95.1 Peak and prairie F95.2 Pratt portraits in New England suburb. F9o.3 Fuller, Edward. Complaining millions of men F952. 1 Fellow travellers F952.2 Fuller, H. B. Chatelaine of La Trinite. F954.] Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani F954.2 CUff dwellers F954.3 With the procession F954.4 Fuller, M. L. In Poppy land j F955.1 Fullerton, Lady G. C. Constance Sher- wood F957. 1 Ellen Middleton F957.2 Mrs. Gerald's niece F957.4 Grantley manor F957.3 Lady-bird F957.0 Stormy life F957.6 Too strange [not to be true F957.7 Fulton, CnANoos.'^Brown stone front . . F958.1 Gaboriau, £mile. File No. 113 Gll.l Widow Lerouge Gil. 2 Gagnebin, Mme. Happy find G12.1 Galdos, B. p. Court of Charles IV G13.1 Gloria G13.2 Leon Roch G13.3 Gale, Norman. June'romance G132.1 Gardner, C. E. Rich Medway's two loves G17.1 Terrace roses G17.2 Gardner, S. M. Quaker idyls G172.1 Garland, Hamlin. Jason Edwards GlB.l Little Norsk G18.2 Main travelled roads G18.3 Member of the third house G18.4 Spoil of office G18.5 Garrett, Edward, pseud. See Mayo, Mrs. I. F. Garrett, Phineas, yotKico'/»^. 5ee Rich- ardson, N. K. Garrison, Francis Jackson, joint author. See Garrison, Wendell Phillips. Gaskell, Annie. Widow of Windsor .. . G21.1 Gaskell, Elizabeth C. S. Cranford. G212.2 Dark night's work G212.3 Mary Barton G212.6 Cousin Phillis G212.1 Lizzie Leigh, and other tales G212.4 Lois the witch G212.5 Moorland cottage G212.7 My Lady Ludlow G212.8 North and south G212.9 Right at last G212.10 Ruth G212.il Sylvia's lovers G213.13 Wives and daughters G212.12 Gaspe, p. a. de. Canadians of old G214.1 Gautier, Theophile. Captain Fracasse.. G23.1 Romance of the mummy G23.2 Spirite G23.3 Gayarre, C. E. Aubert Dubayet G25.1 Gerard, Dorothea. Etelka's vow G31.1 Lot 13 G31.2 Orthodox G31.3 Gibbon, Charles. For the king G35.1 Paying the penalty G35.2 Robin Gray G35.3 joint editor. See Spofford, Ains- worth R. GiBERNE, Agnes. His adopted daughter. G352.1 Old house in the city j G3o2.2 Gift, Theo., pseud. See Boulger, Jfrs. T. H. Gilchrist, A. S. Harcourt G38.1 Gilder, Jeannette L., joint author. See Cone, Helen Gray. GiLKES, A. H. Boys and masters G39.1 Thing that hath been G39.2 Gilliat, Edward. John Standish j G41.1 Oilman, J/rs. Stella. That Dakota girl. G42.1 GiLjiORE, Ernest, pseud. See Farley, Mrs H. H. GiLMORE, J. R. Among the pines G423. 1 Gilmore, Minnie. Son of Esau G424.1 Woman who stood between G424.2 GiRADiN, 3Inie. Emilie. Cross of Berny. G44.1 GissiNG, George. Denzil Quarrier G445.1 Life's morning G445.2 Gllmer, Claire von. Frau Domina.... G52.1 Glouvet, Jules de, pseud. See Beaure- paire, Guernay de. FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 67 GoBixEAU, J. A., Coiiite de. Romance of the east G53. 1 Godwin, William. Adventures of Caleb Williams G.j4.1 Goethe, Johann W. vox. See Gothe, Johann W. von. Gogol, X. V. St. John's eve Go5.1 Tchitchikoff's journeys G55.2 GoLDSCH.MiDT, M. A. FMng mail G57.1 GoLi)s:\iiTH, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. G572.1 GoxcocRT, E. L. A. H. Sister Philomene. G58.1 GoxcocRT, JcLES A. H. DE, joiiit (luthor. See Goncourt, Edmond Louis A. H. de. Goodwin, Christina. After school days. j GG3.1 Goodwin, Jlrs. H. B. See Talcott, .Vrs. H. B. G. Goodwin, Maud W. Head of a hundred. G633.1 Gordon, Sir Charles. See Huntly, Sir C. Gordon, Marquis of. GORDON-CCMMING, CoNSTANCE F. A^eC Cumming, Constance F. G. Gordon, George Hamilton. .S'ee Aber- deen, George H. Gordon, Barl of. Gordon, Julien, pseud. See Cruger, .Mrs. J. S. Gordon-Stables, William. >S'ee Stables, William G. Gordon, W. J. Englishman's haven j GGo.l Treasure-finder G65.2 Gore, .l/r5. C. F. G. Castles in the air . . GG6.1 Dean's daughter '. GGG.2 Hackington GG6.3 Life's lessons G66.4 Mammon GGC.5 Progress and prejudice GG6.6 Two aristocracies G66.7 Goss, W. L. Jed j G69.1 Tom Clifton GG9.2 Gothe, Johann W. von. See also Schil- ler, Friedrich von. Gothe, J. W. von. Elective- affinitie s. • . G7L1 Novels and tales G71.2 Wilhelm Meister G71.3 Gould, Jeanie T. See Lincoln, Jlrs. J. T. G. Gould, Nat. Running it off G73.1 GocLD, S. B. Eve G732.1 Gaverocks G732.2 In Exitu Israel G732.3 Kitty alone G732.-t Queen of love G732.5 Red spider G732.6 Vicar of Morwenstow G732.7 GouLDiNG,.F. R. Marooner's island G734.1 Young marooners on the Florida coast. G734.2 Graham, Ennis, pseud. See Molesworth, Mrs. M. L. S. Graham, J. W. Ntera, tale of ancient Rome G7G. 1 Graham, Margaret C. Stories of the foot-hills G762.1 Grand, Sarah. See McFall, Mrs. Cham- bers. Grant-Duff, Sir M. E. See Duff, Sir M. E. Grant. Grant, M. M. Once and forever G764.1 Sun maid G7G-i.2 Grant, Robert. Average man G76G.1 Confessions of a frivolous girl G76G.2 Face to face G7G6.3 Jack Hall j G7GG.4 Jack in the bush j G7G6.5 Mrs. Harold Stagg G766.6 Opinions of a philosopher G766.7 Reflections of a married man G76G.8 Romantic young lady G766.9 Granville, Charles. Broken stirrup- leather G768.1 Gray, Barry, pseud. See Coffin, Robert B. Gray, E. Conder, ^sej/cZ. /S'ee Japp, J/?'5, Alexander H. Gray, Ellis, pseud. See Cragin, Mrs. L. T. Gray, L. M. Nelly's teachers j G79,l Gray, Maxwell, pseud,. See Tuttiett, Mary Gleed. Gray, Robertson, pseud. See Raymond, Rossiter W. Green, Anna Katherine. See Rohlfs, Mrs. A. K. G. Green, Mrs. E. E. Dulcie's little brother. j G82.1 Shut in G82.2 Winning the victory G82.3 Green, Mrs. John Richard. See Green, Mrs. Alice S. Greene, Annie Douglas. See Robinson, Jlrs. Annie D. G. Greene, Homer. Blind brother j G83. 1 Burnham breaker j G83.2 Greene, Hon. Mrs. L. L. Gilbert's shadow j G832. 1 Greene, Mrs. S. P. Cape Cod folks G83-1. 1 Lastchance junction G83-t.2 Leon pontifex G834.3 Peter- Patrick, and other boys j G88-i.7 Some other folks G83-t.5 Towhead G834.4 Vesty of the basins G834.6 Greenough, Mrs. Richard S. See Green- ough, Mrs. Sarah D. L. Greenough, Mrs. S. D. L. In extremes. G85.1 Greenavood, Grace, jp5e!;(f. See Lippin- cott, Mrs. S. J. C. Greenwood, James. Adventures of Reuben Davidger G8o5,l Greenville, George. See Nugent, George Grenville, Lord. 68 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Greville, Hexry, psevd. See Durand, Alice M. C. H. Grey abbey G86 Gkev, Charles, 27itZ Eao-l, joint author. See Lieven, Dorothea B., Princess. Grey, Maxwell, pseud. See Tuttiett, Mary G. Griffis, W. E. Honda the samurai G87.1 Grimm, J. L. and AV. K., camp. Household stories j GSSl.l Gkimm, William Karl, joint comp. See Grimm, Jacob Lewis. Gkiswold, Mrs.n.T. Waitingon destiny. G88.1 Grisworld, Mrs. Jane. Lost wedding ring. G882.1 Geossi, Tommaso. Marco Visconti GOl.l Groves, J. P. From cadet to captain G914.1 Guernsey, L. E. Chivalier's daughters . . G93. 1 Hidden treasure j G93.2 GuERRAzzi, F. D. Beatrice Cenci G932.1 GriNEY, Louise Imogen, joint avilior. See Spofford, 3Irs. Harriet P. Guiney', Louise I. Brownies and bogies. j G94.1 GuNN, John. Sons of the vikings j G951.1 GuNSAULUs, F. "W. Monk and knight G9o.l Gunter, a. C. King's stockbroker G952.1 Miss Dividends G9o2.2 Mr. Barnes of New York G952.3 Mr. Potter of Texas G9o2.4 Princess of Paris G952.0 Small boys in big boots j G952«.G GusTAFSON, 3Irs. Z. B. Can the old love? G97.1 Guthrie, T. A. Fallen idol G98.1 Giant's robe G98.2 Tinted Venus G98.3 Vice versa G98.4 H. H., psevd. See Jackson, 3frs. H. M. F. H. Habberton, John. All he knew HI 1. 1 Barton experiment H11.2 Bowsham puzzle H11.3 Brueton's ba3ou ; H11.4 Country luck H11.5 Crew of the " Sam Weller " nil.6 Helen's babies H11.7 Jericho road H11.8 Just one day j H11.9 Little Guzzy, and other stories Hll.lO Lucky lover Hll.ll Other people's children H11.12 Who was Paul Grayson ? j H11.13 Hacklander, F. W. Forbidden fruit... H112.1 Haggard, H. R. Allan Quatermain H12.1 Cleopatra H12.2 Colonel Quaritch, V. C H12.3 Eric Brighteyes H12.4 Jess H12.5 King Solomon's mines H12.6 " Maiwa's revenge j H12.8 Nada the lily H12.9 People of the mist H12.7 Haggard, H. E. She H12.10 Hale, Edward Ea'erett, jr., joint au- thor. See Hale, Edward Everett. Hale, E. E. Christmas eve and Christ- mas day H13.1 Christmas in NarragansetJ: H13.2 Crusoe in New York H13.3 East and west H13.4 Fortunes of Rachel H13.5 Four and five j H13.6 G. T. T. [Gone to Texas] H13.7 His level best and other stories H13.8 If, yes, and perhaps H13.9 In his name H13. 10 Ingham papers H13.il Mr. Tangier's vacation H13.12 My friend the boss H13.13 New Harry and Lucy H13.14 Our Christmas in a palace H13.15 Our new crusade H13.16 Philip Nolan's friends H13.17 Story of Massachusetts H13. 19 Sybaris, and other homes H13.18 Sybil Knox H13.20 Tales for travellers H18.22 Ten times one is ten H13.21 Tom Torrey's tariff j H13.23 Ups and downs H13.24 Hale, Lucretia P., joint author. See Stowe, Mrs. H. B., Whitney, iWs. A. D. T., Hale, L. P., and others. Hale, L. P. Last of the Peterkins ...'... j H131.1 Peterkin papers j H131.2 Halevy, Ludovic. Parisian points of view H133. 1 Halifax, Clifford, joint autlior. See Smith, Mrs. Lillie T. M. Hall, 3Irs. A. M. Buccaneers H14. 1 Lights and shadows of Irish life H14.2 Marian H14.3 Midsummer eve : a fairy tale of love. . HI4.8 Outlaw H14.4 Sketches of Irish character H14.5 Uncle Horace H14.G Whiteboy '. . . H14.7 Hall, Gertrude. Far from to-day H142. 1 Hall, 3Irs. Samuel C. See Hall, 3Irs. Anna M. F. Hallidav, Andrew, pseud. See Duff, Andrew H. Halliwell, James Orchard. See Phil- lips, J. O. Halliwell. Halstead, W. R. Life on a backwoods farm H16.1 Hamerling, Robert. Aspasia H17.1 Hamerton Eugenie. Golden mediocrity. H172.1 Hamerton, p. G. Harry Blount j H174.1 Her picture H174.2 Marmorne H174.3 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 69 Hamerton, p. G. "Wenderholme H174.-t Hamilton, A. K. One of the Duanes.. . . H18.1 Hamilton, Mrs. C. V. Crown from the spear H182.1 Lily of San Miniato H182.2 My bonnie lass H 182.3 Robes of sand H182.-4 Something to do Hl82.o Hamilton, G\il, pseud. iSee Dodge, Mary A. Hamilton, Kate W. Rachel's share of the road H184.1 Hammond, Clement M., joint author. See Montague, Charles H. Hammond, Mrs. E. H. Fair philosopher. HI 86.1 Georgians H180.2 Hammond, "W. A. Doctor Gratton H188. 1 Lai H188.2 Mr. Oldmixon H188.3 On the Susquehanna H188.4: Strong-minded woman H188.5 Hannan, Charles. Swallow's wing H19.1 Hannegan, Dennis. Xick Whiffles H192.1 Hansell, 3Irs. L. E. Aunt Nabby H195.1 From summer to summer H195.2 Harben, W. N. Land of the changing sun H21. 1 Harder, Ludwig. Family feud H212.1 Harding, Claud. Derelict H2U.1 Hardy, A. S. But yet a woman H22.I Justina H22.2 Passe Rose H22.3 Wind of destiny H22.4 Hardy, I. D. Not easily jealous • H222.1 Hardy, Thomas. Desperate remedies. . . H22-(:.l Far from the madding crowd H224.2 Hand of Ethclberta H224.3 Laodicean H22i.-t Life's little ironies H224.0 Pair of blue eyes • H224.6 Tess of the D'Urbervilles H224.S Trumpet-major H224.7 Under the greenwood tree H224.9 Wessex tales H224.10 Woodlanders H224.il Harland. Henry. Grandison Mather. . . H220.1 Mrs. Peixada H22G.2 Yoke of the Thorah H220.3 Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, , Mrs. Mary V. H. Harmonia, a chronicle H228 Harraden, Beatrice. In varying moods. H23.1 Ships that pass in the night H23.2 Things will take a turn j H23.3 Harris, J//'s. F. M. Girls at Quinnemount. j H24.1 Harris, Frank. Elder Conklin H242. 1 Harris, J. C. Balaam and his master... H243.1 Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches. H243.2 Little Mr. Thimblefinger j H243.3 Harris, J. C. Mingo, and other sketches H243.4 On the plantation H243..5 Harris, L. S. Bertha's summer boarders. H244.1 Harris, J/;-5. Miriam. Frank Warrington. H245.1 Happy-go-lucky H245.2 Louie's last term at St. Mary's j H245.3 Missy H245.4 Perfect Adonis H245.5 Phoebe H245.G Richard Vandermarck H245.7 Round hearts j H245.8 Putledge H245.9 St. Philip's H245.10 Sutherlands H245.il Harrison, Mrs. Burton. See Harrison, Mrs. Constance C. Harrison, Mrs. C. C. Anglomaniacs H247.1 Bachelor maid H247.3 Belhaven tales H247.4 Bric-a-brac stories j H247.2 Daughter of the south H247.5 Edelweiss of the Sierras H247.6 Short stories H247.9 Story of Helen Troy H247.7 Sweet bells out of tune H247.8 Harrison, J. A. Autrefois H248.1 Harrison, Mrs. Mary K. Colonel En- derby's wife H249. 1 Counsel of perfection H249.2 Little Peter j H249.3 Mrs. Loriraer H249.4 Harsha, .Judge. Ploughed under H25.1 Hart, Mrs. ^Irs. Hitchcock's wedding dress H2o2.1 Hart, Mabel. Two English girls H254.1 Harte, Bret, ^ee Harte, Francis Bret. Harte, F. B. Argonauts of North Lib- erty H255.1 Bell-ringer of angels, and other stories ' H2.55.2 Colonel Starbottle's client H255.3 Condensed novels and stories H2.Jo.4 Cressy H2.j.j.5 Crusade of the Excelsior H2.j5.6 Drift from two shores H2J.5.7 First family of Tasajara H25o.8 Frontier stories H255.9 Gabriel Conroy H2o5. 10 In the Carquinez woods H255.il Luck of roaring camp H255. 12 Maruja H255.13 Millionaire of Rough-and-ready H255. 14 Mrs. Skaggs's husbands H255.15 On the frontier H255. 16 Phyllis of the Sierras H255. 17 Protegee of Jack Hamlin's H255.18 Sally Dows, and other stories H255.19 Sappho of Green Springs H255.20 Snow-bound at Eagle's H255.21 70 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Harte, F. B. Story of a mine H255.22 Susy, a story of the plains H255.23 Tales of the Argonauts H255.24 Thankful blossom H255.25 Twins of table mountain H255.26 Waif of the plains H255.27 Hartley, Mrs. May Laffan. See Mac- Nabb, 3frs. May L. H. Hartmank, M-u:rice. Last days of a king H256.1 Hartner, Eva, 25se«(^. Pythia's pupils .. . H258.1 Severa H258.2 Harwood, Isabella. Heir expectant . .. H26.1 Hasmbib, pseud. Charles Franklyn of the camel corps H27. 1 Hassaurek, Friedrich. Secret of the Andes H272.1 Hattox, Joseph. Banishment of Jessop Blythe H28.1 Princess Mazaroff H28.2 Under the great seal H28.3 Haten, 3I)-s. Alice. Out of debt, out of danger H29. 1 Havillaxd, R. Y. de. Forked tongue... H205.1 Haweis, H. Ft. Pet j H31.1 Hameis, 3Irs. H. R., See Haweis, 3Irs. Mary E. Hawker, Mary. Hotel d'Angleterre H312.1 Mademoiselle Ixe H312.2 Hawkins, A. H. Change of air H313.1 Dolly dialogues '. H313.2 Father Stafford H313.3 God in the car H313.4 Indiscretion of the duchess H313.5 Prisoner of Zenda H313.C Sport royal, and other stories ,. H313.7 Hawthorne, Julian. American penman. H315.1 Beatrix Randolf H315.2 Bressant H315.3 Constance and Calbot's rival H315.4 David Poindexter's disappearance HSlo.o Dust H310.6 Fortune's fool H31o.7 Garth H31o.8 Great bank robbery H315.9 John Parmelee's curse H315. 10 Pauline H315.il Professor's sister H315. 12 Sebastian Strome. H315.13 Section 558 H315. 14 Sinfire H315.15 Tragic mystery H315.16 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Blithedale ro- mance H31G.1 Doctor Grimshawe's secret H31G.2 DoUiver romance HSIG.S Fanshaw-e, and other pieces H31(j.-i House of the seven gables H31G.5 Marble faun H316.6 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Mosses from an old manse H316.7 Scarlet letter H316.8 Septimius Felton H31G.9 Snow-image H31G.10 Tangle-wood tales j H31G.11 Twioe-told tales H31G. 12 "Wonder-book for girls and boys j H31G. 13 Hay, Elzey, pseud, ^ee Andrews, Fanny. Hay, Mary Cecil. Arundel motto H32.1 Hidden perils H32.2 Nora's love test H32.3 Old Myddleton's money H32.4 Squire's legacy H32.5 Victor and vanquished H32.6 Hayes, A. A. Jesuit's ring H322.1 Hayes, Henry, pseud. See Ivirk, 3frs. Ellen W. O. Hayes, I. I. Cast away in the cold H324.1 Haynes, E. J. Farm-house cobweb H33.1 None such? There will yet be thou- sands H33.2 Wedding in war-time H33.3 Healey, jMary. See Bigot, 3fme. Mary H. Hearn, Lafcadio. Youma H35. 1 Heaton, Mrs. Charles. See Heaton, 3Irs. Mary M. K. Hector, 3Irs. Annie F. Admiral's ward- H352.1 Blind fate H352.2 Broken links H352.3 Crooked path H352.4 Executor H352.5 For his sake H352.6 Forging the fetters H352.7 Found wanting H352.8 Freres H352.9 Her dearest foe H352.10 Heritage of Langdale H352.1I Life interest H352.12 Look before you leap H352.13 Maid, wife, or widow? H352.14: Mammon H352. 15 Mona's choice H352. 16 Ralph Wilton's weird H352. 17 Second life H352.18 Snare of the fowler H352.19 Ward in chancery '. . H352.20 Which shall it be? H352.23 Woman's heart H352.21 i Wooing o't H352»22 Hedges, 3Irs. M. J. White rose j H353.1 Heimburg, W.. j?5se?^(?. See Behrens, Bertha. Heldmann, Bernard. Expelled j H36.1 Mutiny on board the Leander j H3G.2 Helm, Clementine. Princess Eve j H363.1 Helps, 5n- Arthur. Ivan de Biron H365.1 Realmah H365.2 Henderson, Isaac. Agatha Page H38.1 Prelate H38.2 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 71 Henderson, W- J. Sea yarns for boys. . j H381.1 Henkel, Friedrica. IVIistress of Ibich- stein H382.1 Henry, Edgar. '89, edited from the original manuscript H39. 1 Henty, G. a. Beric the Briton j H392. 1 Bonnie Prince Charlie H392.2 Bravest of the brave H392.3 By England's aid H392.4 By right of conquest j H392.5 By sheer pluck H392.6 Captain Bayley's heir j H392.7 Cat of Bubastes H392.8 Chapter of adventures ' j H392.9 Condemned as a nihilist j H392.10 Coronet of horse H392.il Dash for Khartoum j H392.12 Dragon and the raven Ho92.13 Facingdeath j H392.1i Fall of Sevastopol j H392.15 Final reckoning j H392.49 For name and fame H392, 17 For the temple H392.1G Friends, though divided H392.18 Held fast for England H392. 19 In freedom's cause H392.20 In Greek waters j H392.24 In the heart of the Rockies H392.22 In the reign of terror H392.23 In times of peril H392.21 Jacobite exile j H392.25 Lion of the north H392.26 Lion of St. Mark j H392.27 Maori and settler j H392.28 Orange and green H392.29 Out on the pampas H392.30 Please tell me another tale j H392.31 Eedskin and cow-boy H392.32 St. Bartholomew's eve j H392.33 St. George for England H392.3-t Sturdy and strong H392.50 Tales of daring and danger H392.3o Through the fray H392.36 Through the Sikh-war H392.37 True to the old flag j H392.38 Under Drake's flag H392.39 When London burned H392.44 "Winning his spurs H392.4.5 With Clive in India H392.4r; With Lee in Virginia H392.47 With AVolfe in Canada j H392.48 Yarns on the beach j H392.40 Young buglers H392.41 Young Carthaginian j H392.42 Young colonists j H392.43 Hentz, 3Irs. C.L. Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. j H393.1 Ernest Linwood H393.2 Planter's northern bride H393.3 Hepworth, G. H. !!! H41.1 Hiram Golf's religion H41.2 Her crime H41I Herbert, H. W. Fair puritan H4I2.1 Herbert, Lord of Cherhvry. See Cher- bury, Edward Herbert, Baron. Herman, Hevry, joint author. See Mur- ray, D. C. Herschel, 31rs. John. See Herschel, 3Irs. Mary C. Hervey, John. Baron of Ick worth. See Ickworth, J. Hervey, Baron. Hetzel, p. j. Maroussia H47. 1 Hewitt, E. M. Heart of Sheba H488. 1 Hewlett, S. S. Well-spring of immor- tality H49.1 Heyse, p. j. L. Children of the world. . . H51.1 Maiden of Treppi H51.2 Tales from the German H51.3 Heyavood, p. D. Ocean tramp j H514.1 HiBBARD, G. A. Governor, and other stories H52. 1 Iduna H52.2 Now-a-days, and other stories H52.3 HiGGiNSON, Mrs. M. T. Room for one more J H53. 1 HiGGiNSON, Kesta. Eastcr vacation H532.1 HiGGiNSON, Mrs. S. J. Princess of Java. H534.1 HiGGiNSON, T. W. Malbone H.j36.1 Monarch of dreams H536.2 HiLDRETH, C. L. Adventures in Or- bello land j H54.1 HiLLERN, Frail Wilhelmine. By his own might H5.5. 1 Ernestine H55.2 Geier-Wally H5 j.3 Graveyard flower j H.55.4 Hour will come H55.5 Only a girl H55.7 On the cross H55.6 Two-fold life H55.8 HiLLiER, G. Lacy, joint avthor. See Bury, Viscount. HiLLHOUSE, M. L. lola »H.552.1 HiNGHAM, Mary R. Athol H59.1 HoBBES, J. O., pseud. See Craigie, Mrs. P. W. HoDGETTS, M. S. E. Tales and legends from the land of the tzdr H66.1 HoDGETTS, J. F. Edwin the boy outlaw. . j H662.1 HoEY, Mrs. Cashel. See Iioey, Mrs. Frances J. S. HoEY, 3Irs. F. J. S. Blossoming of an aloe. H67. 1 Golden sorrow • H67.2 HoFER, Edmund. Old countess H672. 1 Hoffman, E. T. W. Weird tales HG73.1 Hoffmann, Professor, j'seud. See Lewis, Angelo John. Hogg, James. Tales and sketches H074.1 Holland, .J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle H71.1 Bay-path H71.2 Miss Gilbert's career H71.3 72 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Holland, J. G. Nicholas Minturn H71.-t Sevenoaks H71.5 HoLLEY, Marietta. Miss Richards' boy- H72.1 Sweet Cicely H72.2 HoLLisTER, G. H. Kinley hollow H722.1 Holmes, ]Margret, jjseud. See Bates, Jfrs. M. V. Holmes, J/rs. M. J. Bessie's fortunes. . . H73.1 Cameron pride H73.2 Chateau d'or H73.3 Christmas stories H73.4r Cousin Maud and Rosamond. H73.5 Daisy Thornton H73.6 Darkness and daylight H73.25 Dora Deane H73. 7 Edith Lyle H73.8 Edna Browning H73.9 English orphans H73, 10 Ethelyn's mistake H73.il Forest house H73.12 Gretchen H73.13 Homestead on the hillside H73. 14 Hugh Worthington H73. 15 Lena Rivers H73. IG Madeline H73. 17 Marion Grey H73. 18 Meadow brook H73. 19 Millbank H73.26 Mildred H73.24 Queenie Hetherton H73.20 Rose Mather \.. H73.21 Tempest and sunshine H73.22 Westlawn H73.23 Holmes, 0. W. Elsie Venner H732.1 Guardian angel -. .. H732.2 Mortal antipathy H732.3 Holt, Emily S. King's daughters H74.1 Lettice Eden H7J:.2 Out in the forty-five H74.3 "Well in the desert H7-4.4 Honor bright, or the four-leaved shamrock. H75 Hon. Stanbury and others H751 Hood, Thomas. Love and valor H76.1 Hooper, J/rs. Lucy H. Tzar's window . . H76-1. 1 Under the tricolor H7G4.2 Hope, Axthony, pseud. See Hawkins, Anthony H. Hope, Ascott Robert, pseud. See Mon- crieff, Ascott R. H. Hope, Thomas. Anastasius H77. 1 Hopkins, A. A. Sinner and saint H772.1 Hopkins, Isabella T. Endeavor Chris . . j H773.1 Hopkins, Mark, jr. World's verdict H774. 1 Hopkins, S. R. Young prince of com- merce H775. 1 Hopkins, S. "W. Two gentlemen of Hawaii H776.1 Hopkins, TiGHE. Nugents of Carriconna. H777.1 HoppiN, Augcstus. Fashionable sufferer, H779.1 Two Compton boys j H779.2 Hoppus, Mary A. M. See Marks, Mrs. A. M. H. HosMEK, G. H. "As we went inarching on." H79.1 HosMER, J. K. How Thankful was be- witched H791.1 HoTAHEHKO, N. H. General's daughter.. H792,l How she came into her kingdom H83 Howard, Blanche Willis, ^ee Teuffel, Blanche W. H. von. Baroness . Howard, ,T. H. W. Bond and free H832.1 Howard, Marion. Fred's hard fight j H833.1 Howard, O. O. Donald's schooldays... j H834.1 Howe, E. W. Man story H836.1 Moonlight boy H836.2 Mystery of the locks H836.3 Story of a country town H836.4: Howe, Maud. See Elliott, Mrs. Maud H. HowELLs, W. D. Annie Kilburn H838. 1 April hopes H838.2 Boy's town j H838.3 Chance acquaintance H838.4 Christmas every day, and other stories j H838.5 Coast of Bohemia H838.6 Doctor Breen's practice H838.7 Fearful responsibility H838.8 Foregone conclusion H838.9 Hazard of new fortunes H838. 10 Imperative duty H838.il Indian summer H838.12 Lady of Aroostook H838.13 Minister's charge HS38. 14 Modern instance H838.15 Quality of mercy H838.16 Rise of Silas Lapham H838. 18 Shadow of a dream H838. 17 Their wedding journey H8o8.19 Three villages HS38.20 Traveler from Altruria H838.21 Undiscovered country H838.22 Woman's reason H838.23 World of chance H838.24 HuBARD, Sue W. " As thyself " H86.1 Hudson, Mrs. Mary. His two wives.... H864. 1 Hudson, W. C. Diamond button, where was it? HSGo.l On the rack H865.2 Hugessen, E. H. K. B. See Brabourne, E. H. K. Hugessen, Baron. Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Ox- ford j H872.1 Tom Brown's school-days j H872.2 Hugo, V. M. Hans of Iceland H87.1 History of a crime H87.2 Man who laughs H87.3 Miserables H87.4 'Ninety-three H87.5 Notre Dame de Paris H87.6 Toilers of the sea HS7.7 HuLLAH, M. E. In hot haste H874.1 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 7f» Hume, F. W. "When I lived in Bohemia. HsSl.l Hume, R. W., comp. My lodger's legacy. H8S.1 Humphrey, .Mrs. F. A. Children of old' Park's tavern j H884. 1 HuxGERFORD, J/?s. M. A. Airy fairy Lilian H89.1 April's lady H89.2 Beauty's daughters H89.3 Doris H89.4 " Jerry," and other stories H89.5 Lady Vahvorth's diamonds H89.G Little Irish girl H89.8 Loys, LordBerresford, and othertales. H89.7 Modern Circe H89.10 Molly Bawn H89.il Mrs. Geoffrey H89.9 Nor wife, nor maid H89.12 Phyllis H89.13 Under-currents H89. 14 Hunt, J/>s. Alfred "W. See Hiint, Mrs. ^Lirgaret R. Hunt, Helex. See .Jackson, Mrs. Helen M. H. Hunt, J. H. L. Tales H91.1 HuxT, Leigh. See Hunt, J. H. L. Hunt, M. B. Little hinges j H912.1 Hunt, J/rs. Margaret. Barrington's fate. H913.1 Leaden casket H913.2 Hunt, Violet. Maiden's progress H915.1 Huntington, E. S. Dreams of the dead. H92.1 Huntley, Florence. Dream child H024r.l HuTsoN, C. W. Story of Beryl H97. 1 Hutton, Lawrence, eel. Amer. actor series. Joint editor. See [Matthews, -J. B. Hyne, C. j. Captured cruiser j H99.1 Hyne, C. j. C. Recipe for diamonds H991.1 "Idle Exile," ^wei(fZ. By a Himalayan lake LU.l In tent and bungalow Id4.2 Wee widow's cruise Id4.3 Inchbald, J/?-s. Elizabeth. Simple story. In2.1 Ixgelow, Jean. Don John In4.1 Fated to be free In4.2 .John Jerome In4.3 Mopsa the fairy j In4.4 Motto changed In4.5 Off the Skelligs In4.G Sarah de Berenger In4. 7 Sister's bye-hours j In4.8 Stories told to a child j In4.9 Ingersoll, Ernest. Ice queen j In42.1 Silver caves In42.2 Ingham, Col.YRET)ERiCK,pseud. SeeHale, Edward Everett. Ingoldsby, TnoMxSi j^sev.d. See Barham, R. H. Ingraham, j. H. Pillar of fire In44.1 Prince of the house of David In44.2 Throne of David In44.3 Iota, pseud,. See Caffyn, Mrs. Manning- ton. Irish diamonds Ir.4 Iron, Ralph, pseud. See Schreiner, Olive. Irving, F. B. Six girls j IrS.l Irving, Washington. Bracebridge hall. Ir82.1 Tales of a traveller Ir82.2 Irving, William, joint author. See "Irving, Washington. Irwin, Agnes, joint author. See Wister, Mrs. Sarah B. Isaacs, Jorge. Maria Isl.l Jackson, E. P. Demigod J121. 1 Jackson, Mrs. H. M. H. Between whiles. J12.1 Hetty's strange history J12.2 Hunter cats of Connorloa J12.3 Letters from a cat j J12.4 Mercy Philbrick's choice J12.G Nelly's silver mine j J12..5 Ramona J12.7 Saxe Holm's stories J12.8 Zeph J12.9 Jacob Schuyler's millions J151 Jacobus, R. P. Escape from Philistia.. . J15.1 JxK, pseud. See Williams, Annie B. James, Mrs. F. A. Deldee, the ward of Warington J23.1 House on the marsh J23.2 Woman's face J23.3 James, G. P. R. Agincourt J232. 1 Arabella Stuart J232.2 Arrah Neil J232.3 Beauchamp J232.4 Castle of Ehrenstein J232.5 Cavalier J232.G Convict J232.7 Darnley J232.8 False heir J232.9 Gipsy J232.10 Morley Ernstein J232.ll Riclielieu J232.12 Russell J232.13 Sir Theodore Broughton J232. 14 Smuggler J232. 15 Step-mother J232. 17 Whim and its consequences J232. IG James, Henry, jr. American J233.1 Aspern papers J233.2 Bostonians J233.3 Confidence J233.4 Europeans J233.5 Lesson of the master J233.6 London life J233.7 Portrait of a lady J233.8 Princess Casamassima J233.9 Private life J233.10 Reverberator J233. 11 Roderick Hudson J233.12 Siege of London J233. 13 74 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. James, Henrv, jr. Tales of three cities J233. 14 Tragic muse J233. 15 "Washington square J233. 16 Watch and ward J233. 17 Wheel of time J233. 18 James Gordon's wif e J235 Jamisox, 3/}s. C. T'. Story of an en- thusiast ^ J24. 1 Toinette's Philip j J2-i.2 Jannet, Lucy N. Alton Thorpe J2G. 1 Jaxvier, Margaret T. Doris and Theo- dora J2G4.1 Little helpers j J264.2 Queen's body-guard j J264.3 Ways and means J264.4 Janvier, T. A. Aztec treasure-house .. . J265.1 Color studies J2G5.2 Stories of old New Spain J265.3 Uncle of an angel J265.4 Jaques, W. H., joint author. See Rus- sell, W. C. Jarvis, T. S. Geoffrey Hampstead J29.1 Jay, W. M. L.,j;5ei/£?. 5'ee Woodruff, Mrs. Julia L. M. , Jeaffreson, j. C. Lottie darling J34.1 Jeanne d' Arc. See Joan of Arc. Jefferies, Richard. Wood magic j J35.1 Jeffrey, Mrs. R. Y. Marah J37. 1 Jenkix, Mrs. C. See Jenkin, Mrs. Henri- etta C. C. Jenkin, J/r5, H. C. Jupiter's daughter. . J41.1 Skirmishing J41.2 " Who breaks, pays." J41.3 Within an ace J41.4 Jenkins, Edward. Paladin of finance. . . J414.1 Jenks, Tudor. Imaginations, truthless tales j J42. 1 Jennings, Winifred. LorinMooruck. . . J44.1 Jennison, L. W. Penelope's web J442. 1 Jerdon, Gertrude. Keyhole country .. . j J47.1 Jerome, Ferris. High-water-mark J48.1 Jerrold, Douglass. Men of character . . J4S4. 1 St. Giles and St. James J484.2 Jessop, G. H., joint author. See Matthews, J. B. Jewett, j. H. Bunny stories j J55. 1 Jewett, S. 0. Country by-ways J552. 12 Country doctor J552.1 Deephaven j J552.2 King of Folly island J552.3 Marsh island J552.4 Mate of the daylight J552.5 Native of Winby J552.6 Old friends and new J552.7 Play days j J552.8 Strangers and wayfarers J552.9 Tales of New England. ; J552.10 White heron J5o2.11 Jewett, Mrs. S. W. From fourteen to fourscore J554, 1 Joe Cummings J59 John VIII. See Joan reputed jyojje . John, Henriette F. C. E. At the coun- cillor's J61.1 Bailiff's maid J61.2 Brave woman J61.3 Countess Gisela JG1.4 Gold Elsie J61.5 In the Schillingscourt JGl.G Little Moorland princess JG1.7 Old Mam'selle's secret J61.8 Over yonder J61.9 Owl's nest JGl.lO Johnson, E. R. Phaeton Rogers j JC2.1 Johnson, Jfrs. Helen. Raleigh Westgate. J622.1 Johnson, Rossiter. See Johnson, E. R. Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas J63.1 Johnson, Virginia W. Calderwood secret. JG32.1 English " Daisy Miller " JG32.2 Fainalls of Tipton JG32.3 Joseph the Jew J632.4 Johnston, J/rs. A. C. Miriam's heritage. J64.1 Johnston, R. M. Mr. Absalom Billings- lea J65.1 Mr. Billy Downs and his likes J65.2 Mr. Fortner's marital claims • J6o.3 Old Mark Langston J65.4 Primes and their neighbors JG5.5 Johnstone, W. S., joint author. See Jennings, G. H. Jokai, Maurus. Eyes like the sea J67.1 In love with the czarina J67.2 Pretty Michael J67.8 " There is no devil." JG7.4 Timar's t^\-o worlds JG7.5 Jones, C. A. Little Sir Nicholas j J71.1 Jones, Cornelia. Heavenward led J712. 1 Jones, Eustace Hinton, joint author. See Cox, Si7- Geo. W., haj-i. Jones, Major Joseph, i^seud. See Thompson, W. T. Josh, Jed. Jinks, ^wei^c?. See Dick, W. B. JosiAH Allen's AVife, pseud. See HoUey, Marietta. JouRDAN, Beatrice A. Chances and changes j J82.1 JuDD, Sylvester. Margaret J88.1 Richard Edney J88.2 JuNCKER, F... j^seud. See Schmieden, Else. June, Jennie, pseud. See Croly, Mrs. Jane C. Kaler, j. O. Jack the hunchback j K12.1 Jimmy and his partners j K12.2 Little Joe j K12.3 Raising the " Pearl." j K12.4 Silent Pete j K12.5 Tim and Tip j K12.G Kane, J. J. lUan K13.1 Kari, ^;5ei/c?. Madame Tahhy's establish- ment j K14. 1 FICTION. —AUTHOR LIST. 75 Kate Felton, or a peep at realities Katsch, a. E. See Katsch, Gustav Adolf. Katscii, G. a. Under the stork's nest... Kavaxagh, Julia. Adele Beatrice Daisj' Burns Dora Grace Lee John Dorrien Madeline Nathalie Queen Mab Rachel Gray Seven years Silvia Sybil's second love Two lilies Keary, Axnie. Castle Daly Janet's home » York and a Lancaster rose Keakt, Eliza. Magic valley Keddie, Hexrietta. Duchess Frances-. Garden of women Girl neighbgurs Houseful of girls "Xoblesse oblige." Woman with two words Keenax, H. F. Aliens Iron game Money-makers Keith, Alyx Yates, j^seud. See Morris, iVrs. Kellogg, Elijah. Ark of Elm island. . . Arthur Brown Boy farmers of Elm island Brought to the front Burying the hatchet Charlie Bell, the waif of Elm island. . Child of the Island glen Cruise of the Casco Fisher boys of Pleasant cove Forest glen Good old times Hard-scrabble of Elm island John Godsoe's legacy Lion Ben of Elm island Live oak boys Mission of Black Rifle Norman Cline Sophomores of Radcliffe Sowed by the wind Spark of genius Stout heart Strong arm and a mother's blessing. . . Turning of the tide Unseen hand "Whisijering pine "Winning his spurs Wolf run Young deliverers of Pleasant cove . . . Young ship-builders of Elm island- • - Klo K152.1 K17.1 K17.2 K17.3 KIT. 4 KIT. 5 K17.C K17.7 K17.S K17.9 K17.10 K17.il K17.12 K17.13 K17.1-1: K21.1 K21.2 K21.3 j K212.1 K23.1 K23.2 K23.3 K23.4 K23.5 K23.G K2.-i.l K25.2 K25.3 j K29.1 j Iv20.2 j K29.3 j K20.29 j K29.-t j K21>.5 j K2'J.G j K29.7 j K20.8 j K20.9 JK2D.10 j K29.il j K29.12 j K29.13 j K29.14 j K29.15 K29.16 j K29.17 j K29.18 j K29.19 j K29.20 j K29.21 j K29.22 j K29.23 j K29.24 j K29.25 j K29.2G j K29.27 j K29.28 Kemble, MiS. F- a. Far away and long ago K31. 1 Kexdall, May. "Such is life" K33.1 Kenealy, Arabella. Dr- Jeanet K35.1 Kexxedy, j. p. Horse-shoe Robinson..- K38.1 QuodUbet K38.2 Rob of the bowl K38.3 Swallow barn K38.4 Kennedy, Walker. In the dwellings of silence K39. 1 Kenney, Mixnie E. Gypsie K392. 1 Kent, Charles. /See Kent. William C. M. Kent, James. Sibyl Spencer K41.1 Kexyon, C- p. Young ranchmen j K42.1 Keppel, George T., Earl of Albemarle. See Albemarle, George T. Keppel. Earl of. Keppel, William C, Earl of Albemarle. See Bury, W. C. Keppel, Viscomii. Kek, David. Into unknown seas j K45. 1 Kerciieval, George T., i-)seud. See Jen- nings, Winifred. Kielland, Alexander. Tales of two countries K54.1 King, Anna E. Brown's retreat K58.1 King, Captain Charles. Between the lines K582.1 Cadet day? j KJ82.2 Captain Blake K582.3 Colonel's Christmas dinner Ko82.4 Colonel's daughter K582.o Deserter K582.6 Dunraven ranch K582.7 Foes in ambush Ko82.8 Initial experience K582.9 Kitty's coaquest K.jS2.10 '•Larame." K582.il Marions faith K582.12 Starlight ranch, and other stories K582.13 Two soldiers and Dunraven ranch K582.14 Under fire K582. 15 War-time wooing K582. 16 Waring's peril - K5>2. 17 King, Clarence. Democracy K584. 1 King, Edward. Gentle savage K583.1 Golden spike K583.2 Joseph Zalmonah Ko83.3 Kentucky's love K583-4 King, Grace. Balcony stories K585.1 Monsieur Motte K5S5.2 Tales of a time and place K585.3 King, Henry. Savage London K086.I King, Katherine. Ethel Mildmay's follies. K588.1 Hugh Melton K588.2 KiNGSFORD, Jane, pseud. See Barnard, Charles F., jr. Kingsley, Charles. Alton Locke K61.1 Hereward the wake K61.2 Hypatia K61.3 Two years ago KG1.4 Water babies j K61.5 76 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. KiNGSLEV, Charles. Wesr\rard ho ! Yeast KixGSLEY, Henry. Austin Elliot Hetty Hillyars and tlie Burtons Leighton court , Oakshott castle RaA'enshoe Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. Stretton Valentin KixGSTOx, AV. H. G. Adventures Africa. Adventures in the far west Afar in the forest At the south pole Dick Cheveley From powder monkey to admiral . . In New Granada In the eastern seas In the Eocky mountains In the wilds of Africa John Deane Manco. the Peruvian chief My first voyage to southern seas . . . Old Jack On the banks of the Amazon Paddy Finn Peter the whaler Peter Trawl Roger KyfRn's ward Roger "Willoughby Saved from the sea Snowshoes and canoes Tale of the shore and ocean Tliree lieutenants Twice lost Voyage round the world j Will Weatherhelm j With axe and rifle Young llanero Young rajah Kip, Leoxard. Dead marquise Kip, W. F. " Would you have left her ? " KiPLiXG, Rudyard. Indian tales Life's handicap Light that failed Mine own people Phantom 'rickshaw Plain tales from the hills Naulahka KiRBY, Elizabeth, joint author. See Gregg, Mrs. Mary K. KiRBY, Mary. See Gregg, Mrs. Mary K. KiRBY, William. Chien d'or, the golden dog KiRBY, W. F. Xew Arabian nights Kirk, Mrs. E. W. Better times stories . . Ciphers K61.6 K61.7 KG12.1 K612.2 K612.3 KG12.4: K612.5 KG12.6 KG12.7 KG12.8 KG12.9 j KGl-i.l 3 KG 14. 2 j KG 14. 3 KG14.29 j KG14.4 j KG 14.. 5 j KG 14. 6 j KG 14. 7 j K614.S j K614.9 j KG 14. 10 j KG 14. 11 j K614.12 j K614.13 j K614.14 j K614.15 j KG14.1G j KG 14. 17 j KG14.1S j KG14.1'J i KG 14. 20 j KG14.21 j K614.22 KG 14. 30 j K614.23 i KG14.24 j KG14.20 i K614.2G j KG14.27 j KG14.28 KG2. 1 KG22.1 KG24.1 KG24.2 KG24.3 KG24.4 KG24..5 KG24.G KG24.7 KC3. 1 KG32.1 KG33. 1 K633.2 Kirk, Mrs. E. W. Daugliter of Eve His heart's desire Lesson in love Queen Money Sons and daughters Story of Lawrence Garthe Story of Margaret Kent Walford Kirke, Edmuxd, pseud. See Gilmore, James R. Kirklaxd, Joseph. McVeys Zury KiRWAX, Thomas. In fetters, the man or the priest KxiCKERBocKER, DiEDRicH, pseucl. See Irving, Washington. KxiGHT, A. L. Basil WooUcombe KxiGHT, E. F. Save me from my friends. Kxox, Mrs. Adelixe. Dorothj-'s experi- ence His inheritance Katherine Earle Kxox, Kathleen. Queen Dora Kxox, T. W. John Boyd's adventures • . . Siberian exiles Talking handkerchief, and other stories KoKHAXovsKY, Mine. Rusty linchpin KoROLEXKO, Vladimir. Blind musician. Vagrant and other tales Kouxs, N. C. Arius the Libyan Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. . . . KoVEX, 3frs. Eegixald de. Sawdust doll. KRA.SZEWSKI, J. I. lermola Jew Krox, KxRh, pseud. SeeHagg. Lyman H. Kru^a, pseud. See Ballard, Mrs. Julia P. KuRSCHXER, Lola. Asbein Erlach court '• Gloria victis." Leafless spring ' ' thou, my Austria." Our own set L., J. W. Brockley moor Laboulaye, E. R. L. Fairy book La Brete, Jeax de. Story of Reine Lady Bluebeard Lafayette, M. M. P. de L., Countess of. Princess of Cleves Laffax, Mrs. B. A. Madelon Lemoine.. Laffax, :May. See MacXabb, Mrs. May L. H. La Forest, Debut. Renee and Colette.. Laixg, Eev. .JoHX., joint author. See Halkett, Samuel. Lakemax, Mary. Pretty Lucy :Merwyn . Ruth Eliot's dream Lamartine, a. M. D. de. Graziella Raphael . . . ; K633.3 K633.4 K633.5 K633.6 K633.7 K633.8 K633.9 K633.10 K634.1 KG34.2 K636.1 j K74.1 K742.1 K77.1 K77.2 K77.3 j K773.1 j K776.1 K776.2 K776.3 K82.1 KS4.1 K84.2 K844.1 K844.2 K846.1 K86.1 K86.2 K9G.1 K9G.2 K96.3 K9G.4 K96.5 K96.6 Ll.l j LI 1.1 L112.1 L12 L13.1 L132.1 L134.1 JL14.1 j L14.2 L16.1 L16.2 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 77 Lamb, Marv, joini author. See Lamb, Charles. Lajioxt, Archibald. Bright celestials . . La Motte-Fouque, F. H. K., Baron de. Undine Laxc ASTER, A. E. "All's dross. but love ." Lancaster, W. J. C. Congo rovers Cruise of the " Esmeralda " Log of the " Flying Fish "' Pirate island Rover's secret Lander, Meta, pseud. See Lawrence, JI)s. Margarette W. Landor, W. S. Pericles and Aspasia... Lane-Poole, Stanley. See Poole, Stan- ley Lane. Lang, Andrew. In the wrong paradise. ed. Blue fairy book Green fairy book Eed fairy book True story book Yellow fairy book Lang, Jlrs. Andrew. See Lang, Mrs. Lenora B. Lang, Mrs. L. B. Dissolving views Lanza, Clara, Marchioness. Eighteous apostate La Eajie, Louise de. Ariadne Bebee Bimbi Guilderoy House-party Eandolph Gordon Strathmore Syrlin Lender two flags Wanda, Countess von Szalras Lasaulx, Amalie von. ^'ee Augustine, Sisitr. Lathrop, G. p. Afterglow In the distance Somebody else Two sides of a storj* Latimer, Mrs. M. E. My wife and my wife's sister Salvage Laurie, Andre. Axel Ebersen Captain Trafalgar Schoolboy days in Italy Schoolboy days in Eussia Lavigne, Ernest. Female nihilist Lawless. Hon. Emily. Chelsea house- holder Grania Hurrish Plain Francis Mowbray With Essex in Ireland Lawrence, G. A. Anteros Barren honour Border and Bastille L 102.1 Ll'J.l L22.1 j L224^.1 L224.2 j L22-t.3 j L22-t.4 j L224.5 L23.1 L25.1 'j L25.2 j L25.3 j L25.4 j L25.0 j L25.G L252.1 L20.1 L32.1 L32.2 j E32.3 L32.4 L32.5 L32.(; L32.7 L32.8 L32.'J L32.10 L34.1 L34.2 L3-J:.3 L34.4 L342.1 L342.2 L37.1 j L37.2 L37.3 L37.4 L3y.i L42.1 L42.2 L42.3 L42.4 L42.5 L43.1 L43.2 L43.3 Lawrence. G. A. Breaking a butterfly L43.4 Guy Livingstone L43..5 Maurice Bering LiS.G Sans nierci L43. 7 Sword and gown L43.8 Lawrence, J/?-5. M. W. Marion Graham. L433.1 Lean. Mrs. F. C. Brave heart and true. L47.1 Broken blossom L47.2 Confessions of Gerald Estcourt L47.3 Forever and ever L47.4 Her lord and master L47.5 Little marine and Japanese lily j L47.6 Love's conflict L47.7 ■ Xobler sex L47.8 Parson Jones L47.0 Petronel L47. 10 Prey of the gods L47. 11 Scarlet sin L47.12 Leandek. 'Ricnx^D. pseiul. »See Volkmann, Eichard. Le Baron, Grace. Little Miss Faith... j L40.1 Ledos de Beaufort, EAPHAiiL. See. Beau- fort, Eaphael Ledos de. Ledyakd, Ekwin, joint author. See De Leon. T. C. Lee, Catherine, joint author. See Lee, ^Mary. Lee, Harriet, Canterbury tales Lolo.l Lee, Mary and Catherine. Mrs. Dims- dale's grandchildren j L5 1 . 1 Oak staircase L51.2 Lee, INIary C In the cheering up busi- ness L511.1 Quaker girl of Nantucket Loll. 2 Soulless singer L511.3 Lee, Sophia. Canterbury tales L514.1 Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget, Violet. Leffingwell, W. B. Manulito L52.1 Le Gallienne, Eichard. Book-bills of Narcissus L524. 1 Leger, D. Mayne, pseud. See Dick, William Brisbane. Leighton, Eobert. Olaf the glorious. . . L53.1 Thirsty sword L53.2 Wreck of the Golden Fleece j L53.3 Lejiaitre, Jules. Prince Hermann, re- gent L54.1 Lemon, Mark. Falkner Lyle L542.1 Golden fetters L542.2 Leyton hall, and other tales L542.3 Loved at last L542.4 Small house over the water Lo42.5 Wait for the end L542.G Lennep, Jacob van. Story of an abduc- tion in the 17th century Lo44.1 Lenzen, Marie. Not in their set Lo46.1 Le Queux, William. Strange tales of a nihilist L55. 1 Le Sage. A. E. Adventures of Gil Bias. L5G.1 78 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Leslie, Emma. Ayesha L56-t.l Cecily L564.2 Conrad L564.3 Elfreda Lo6-i.4 Flavia L56-i.6 Glaiicia L5C4. 5 Leofwine the monk L564.7 Leofwine the Saxon L564.8 Margarethe L564.9 Quadratus L5(34.10 Saxby L564.il Waiter L564.12 Lever, C. J. Adventures of Arthur O'Leary Lo7.1 Barrington Lo7.2 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly L57.3 Charles O'Malley L57.4 Confessions of Con Cregan L57.5 Daltons L57.6 Davenport Dunn L57.7 Day's ride L57.8 Dodd family abroad L57.9 Fortunes of Glencore L57.16 Harry Lorrequer L57.17 Horace Templeton L57. 18 Jack Hinton L57.19 Knight of Gwynne Lo7.20 Lord Ivilgobbin L57.21 Luttrell of Arran L57.22 Martins of Cro' Martm L57.23 Maurice Tiernay L57.24 O'Donoghue L57.25 One of them L57.26 Rent in a cloud L57.27 Roland Cashel L57.28 St. Patrick's eve L57.12 Sir Brook Fossbrooke . L57.10 Sir Jasper Carew Lo7.11 That boy of Norcott's L57. 13 Tom Burke of " Ours." L57.14 Tony Butler L57.15 Levy, 3/iss. Carried off L572.1 Little Brown girl j L572.2 Levy, Amy. Reuben Sachs L573. 1 Romance of a shop L573.2 Lewald, Fanxy. See Stahr, Mrs. Fanny L. Lewes, Marion G. See Cross, Mrs, Mary A. G. E. Leyland, John, joint author. See Rob- inson, C. N. Library of famous fiction F751 LiDDELL, Mrs. C. C. F. Jonathan L61.1 Mistress Judith L61.2 Lie, Jonas. Barque Future L62. 1 LiEFDE, J. B. DE. Maid of Stralsund L622.1 LiLLiE, Mrs. L. C. Colonel's money j L625.1 Household of Glen Holly j L625.2 Mildred's bargain j L625.5 My mother's enemy L62o.3 Phil and the baby LC25.4 Lincoln, Mrs. J. T. Her Washington season L63. 1 Marjorie's quest j L63.2 LiND, Jenny. See Goldschmidt. Jenny Lind. LiNDAU, H. G. P. Klaus Bewer's wife... L64.1 Lace L64.2 LiNDAU, Paul. See Lindau, Henry G. P. Linton, Mrs. Eliza. From dreams to awaking L65.1 Patricia Kemball L65.2 True history of Joshua Davidson L65.3 LippiNCOTT, Mrs. S. J. Heads and tails.. j L66.1 Liszt, Franz, joint author. See Wagner, Richard. Litchfield, Grace D. Criss-cross j L71.1 Hard-won victory L71.2 Knight of the Black Forest L71.3 Little A^'enice L71.4 Little one's annual j L72 Little" peep-show j L721 Little, W. J. K. Broken vow L723. 1 Livingston, Grace. Chautauqua idyl ... . L76.1 Lobeira, Vasco DE. Araadis of Gaul. . . . L78.1 Locke, D. R. Demagogue L79.1 Paper city L79.2 LocKHART, L. AV. M. Mine is thine L81.1 LocKwooD, Ingersoll. Baron Trump's underground journey j L812.1 Little giant Boab j L812.2 Travels of little Baron Trump j L812.3 Lodge, Mrs. James. Week away from time L82.1 Logan, Olive. See Sikes, Mrs. Olive L. London Times. See Eminent persons. Long, J. L. Miss Cherry Blossom of Tokyo L85.1 Longhead, 3Irs. F. H. Abandoned claim. L92.1 LoEiNG, F. W. Two college friends L89.1 LoRNE, J. G. E. Campbell, Marquis of. From shadow to sunlight L892.1 LoTHROP, Amy, jpseud. See AVarner, Anna B. LoTHROP, Mrs. H. M. Dilly and the captain j L9 1. 1 Five little peppers j L91.2 Five little peppers grown up j L91.3 Five little peppers midway j L91.4 Little red shop j L91.5 New departure for girls L91.6 Rob j L91.7 LoTi, Pierre, pseud. See Viaud, Julien. Lottie Fames j L912 Louis XVIII., King of France^ joint author. See Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles M. de. Love and mirage L94 Lover, Samuel. Handy Andy L942.1 He would be a gentleman L942.2 Lowell, R. T. S. Antony Brade L95.1 New priest in Conception bay L95.2 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 7^ Lowell, E. T. S. Story or two from old Dutch town. . . L95.3 Lowndes, Mrs. C. S. Mr. Orde's grand- children j L9o2.1 Loyal iinto death L9o5 Lucy, H. AV. Gideon Fleyce LOG. 1 Ludlow, F. H. Augustus Jones, Jr UdC>2.1 Ludlow, J. M. Captain of the jani- zaries L003.1 That angelic woman L0';3.2 LusHixGTON, Cecilia. Over the seas and far away L97. 1 LusKA, SiDXEY, pseud. See Harland, Henry. Lyall, Edxa, 27seud. See Bayly, Ada E. Lynch, Hannah. Daughters of men L99.1 Lyon, Sidney. For a mess of pottage. . • L98.1 Lysaght, S. R. Marplot L992.1 Lyttleton, R. H., joint author. See Steel, A. G. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton, Baron. Alice L99-1.1 Caxtons L99-4.2 Coming race L99-t.3 Devereux L994.4: Disowned 'Lddi.o Ernest Maltravers L99-i. 6 Eugene Aram L994.7 Godolphin L994.8 Harold L994.9 Kenelm Chillingly L99-i. 10 Last days of Pompeii L99i. 1 1 Last of the barons L99-t.l2 Leila L994.13 Lucretia L99-4. 14 My novel L994.15 Night and morning L994.16 Parisians L994.17 Paul Clifford L994. 18 Pausanias L994. 19 Pelham L994.20 Eienzi L994.21 Strange story L994.22 What will he do with it L994.23 Zanoni L994.24 Lyttpn, E. E. Bulwer-Lytton, Earl of. Eing of Amasis L99G. 1 M., A. From Australia and Japan Ml.l M., A. C. See Maitland, Agnes C Maaktens, Maarten, pseud. See Schwartz, J. van de Poorsen. Macalpine, Avery. Joel Marsh Mll.l Man's conscience ^111.2 Macaulay, .Tames. Grey Hawk Ml 12.1 McCarthy, Justin. Fair Saxon M12. 1 Lady Judith M12.2 Miss Misanthrope M12.3 Paul Massie M12.4 Eed diamonds M12.5 McCarthy, Justin. and Praed, 3Irs. R. M. Ladies' gal- lery M12.6. Eival princess M13.7 McClelland, Mrs. Harriet. Cupid and the Sphinx M13.1 McClelland, Margaret G. Broadoaks. M132.1 Burkett's lock M132.2 Madame Silva M132.3 Old post-road M132.4 Princess M132.5 St. .John's wooing M132.6 McCoNAUGHY, Mrs. J. E. Fire fighters . . j M134.1 MacDonald, George. Adela Cathcart. . M14.1 Alec Forbes of Howglen M14.2 Annals of a quiet neighbourhood M14.3 At the back of tlie north wind j M14.4 David Elginbrod ^. . . ■M14.5 Donal Grant M14.G Double story M14.7 Elect lady M14.8 Gutta percha Willie j M14.9 Heather and snow M14.10 Home again M14.il Light princess j M14.12 3Ialcolm M14.13 Marquis of Lossie M14.14 ;Mary Marston M14. 15 Paul Faber M14.16 Phantastes M14.17 Portent M14. 18 Eanald Bannerman's boyhood j M14. 19 Eobert Falconer *. . . . M14.20 St. George and St. Michael M14.21 Seaboard parish M14.22 Sir Gibbie M14.23 There and back M14.24 Thomas Wingf old M14.25 Vicar's daughter M14.26 Warlock o' Glenwarlock M14.27 Weighed and wanting M14.28 What's mine's mine M 14.29 Wilfred Cumbermede M14.30 Macdonell, Mrs. Agnes. For the king's dues • M142. 1 McDowall, Mrs. K. S. Dialect tale's 31144.1 Suwanee river tales M144.2 McFall, Mrs. Chambers. Heavenly twins M16. 1 Ideala M16.2. Our manifold nature M1G.3 Singularly deluded M16.4 McGlasson, Eva W. Earthly paragon . • M17.1 Ministers of grace M17.2 McGloin, Frank. Norodom M172.1 McGrath, Terence, pseud. See Blake, Henry Arthur. Machar, Agnes M. Eoland Graeme MlS.l MacKarness, Mrs. Henry S. See Mac- Karness, Mrs. Matilda A. P. # -80 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. MacKakxess, Jl/r5. M. A. Peerless wife. MlO.l Sunbeam stories M19.2 McKay, F. E. Vignettes, real and ideal. M192.1 Mackay, Minnie. Romance of two worlds. M194.1 Soul of Lilith M194.2 McKeen, Phebe F. Theodora M196.1 Thornton hall j M196.2 McKnight, Charles. Captain Jack the scout M21.1 McLandburgh, Florence. Automaton ear M22.1 McLaughlin, J. Fairfax, joint author. See Lucas, Daniel B. MacLeod, Norman. Character sketches. M225.1 McLean, Alison. Quiet stories from an old woman's garden M222. 1 McLean, Sarah P. See Greene, iMrs. Sarah P. • McLennan, Malcolm. Muckle Jock M223.1 Macleod, 3Irs. Alick. Silent sea M224.1 Macleod, Norman. Starling M225.2 Maclcre, David. David Todd M227.1 MacNabb, J/rs. M. H. Christy Carew . . M23.1 Flitters, tatters, and the counsellor. . . j M23.2 Hogan, M. P M23.3 Honorable Miss Ferrard M23.4 Ismay's children M23.o Macquoid, ^rs. K. S. At an old chateau. M24.1 At the red glove M2-t.2 Patty M24.3 Macy, W. H. Whales we caught j M2j.1 Madame Lucas. ^ ^126 Madoc, Fayr. Story of Melicent M262.1 Mag, a story of to-day M27 Maho3iet. See Mohammed Mariet, Jeanne, pseud. See Bigot, lime. ^ Mary H. V^ Maistre, Xavier, Comte de. Journey round my room M279. 1 Maitland, a. C. Elsie M28. 1 Maitland, Edward. By-and-by M282. 1 Majendie, M. E., Lady. Dita M284.1 Giannetto M284.2 Major, Henry. Adventures of Mr. Ver- dant Green M286.1 Little Mr. Bouncer M286.2 Malan, a. N. Ernest Fairfield j M29.1 Malet, Lucas, pseud. See Harrison, 3Irs. Mary K. Mallock, W.H. New Paul and Virginia. M29-i.l New republic M294.2 Old order changes M294.3 Malot, H. H. Roman Kalbris M296. 1 Speculator in petticoats M296.2 Manley, R. M. Queen of Ecuador M31.1 Some children of Adam M31.2 Mann, Mrs. Horace. See Mann, 3Irs. Mary P. Mann, Mrs. M. T. Juanita M812. 1 Manning, Anne. See Rathbone, Mary A. M. Mantegazza, Paolo. Testa j M314.1 Manuel, Z>o/i Juan. Count Lucanor M315.1 Manzoni, Allesandro. I promessi sposi. M316.1 Marcoy, Paul, pseud. See Saint-Cricq, Lorenzo de, Vicomte. Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. See Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of. Mariager, Peder. Pictures of Hellas . . M33.1 Markham, Richard. Aboard the Marvis . j M34.1 On the edge of winter j M34.2 Marks, 3Irs. M. A. M. Great treason. . . M342.1 Marlitt, E., pseud. See John, Henrietta F. C. E. Marryat, Florence. See Lean, Mrs. Florence M. C. Marryat, Captain Frederick. Children of the forest M344.1 Jacob Faithful M344.2 Japhet in search of a father M344.3 King's own M344.4 Little savage M344.5 Masterman Ready M344.6 IMr. Midshipman Easy M344.7 Pacha of many tales M344.8 Peter Simple M344.9 Snarleyyow M344.12 Percival Keene 1M344.10 Poacher M344. 11 Rattlin the reefer M344.13 Marsh, C. L. Opening the oyster M35.1 Marsh, J. B. For liberty's sake M3o2.1 Marshall, Mrs. Emma. Adelaide's awak- ening M354.1- Alma M354.2 Bishop's Cranworth M3o4.3 Bristol bells M3o4.4 Close of St. Christopher's j M354.o Eaglehurst towers M354.6 Heights and valleys M354.7 Helens diary M354.8 Houses on wheels j M354.9 Hurly-burly j M354. 10 Joanna's inheritance j M354. 1 1 Kensington palace M354. 12 Lady Alice M354.13 Life's aftermath M3o4:. 14 Lily among thorns M3o4.1o Little Miss Joy j M354.16 Lizette j M354.17 Memories of troublous times M354.18 Mrs. Mainwaring's journal M354.19 New relations j M354.20 Now-a-days j M354.21 No. XIII M354.22 Old gateway M354.23 On the banks of the Ouse M354.24 Marshall, Frederick. It happened yes- terday M355.1 Marston, Westland. See Marston, John W. FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 81 Marthold, Jules de. Historj' of a bear- skin M36. 1 Martin, Mrs. Amarala. Our uncle and aunt M362.1 Martin, 3Irs. A. P., ed. Coo-ee M363.1 Martin, Elizabath G. "Whom God hath joined M3G4.1 Martineau, Harriet. Deerbrook M366.1 Feats on the fiord M366.2 Hour and the man M366.3 Playfellow j M3G6.4 Marvel, I. K., i^sevd. See Mitchell, Donald G. Masoch, L. von S. Jewish tales M38.1 Mason, Charlotte. Alma Ryan M382.1 Mathew, Frank. At the rising of the moon M422. 1 Mathers, Helen. Fate of Fenella M42.1 Mathers, Helen Buckingham. See Reeves, Mrs. Helen B. M. Mathews, Joanna H. Bessie among the mountains j M424r. 1 Bessie and her friends j M424.il Bessie at school j M424.2 Bessie at the seaside j M424.3 Bessie Bradford's secret j M424.4 Bessie in the city j M424.5 Bessie on her travels j M424.6 Fred Bradford's debt j M424.7 Maggie Bradford's fair j M424.8 New scholars j M424.0 Uncle Rutherford's nieces j M424.10 Mathews, Julia A. Bessie Harrington's venture j M425.1 Jack Granger's cousin j M425.2 Mathews, Margaret H. Dame prism.. M426.I Dr. Gilbert's daughters j M426.2 Matthews, Brander. See Matthews, James B. Matthews, J. B. In the vestibule limited. M43.I Royal marine M43.2 Secret of the sea M43.3 Story of a story M43.4 Tom Paulding j M43.5 Vignettes of Manhattan M43.6 Check and counter-check M43.7 Matthews, Margaret H. See Mathews, Margaret H. Maupassant, Guy DE. Modern ghosts .. • M44.2 Odd number M44. 1 Maurice, C. E. Richard de Lacy M442.1 Mavericks M445 Maxwell, Cecil Story of three sisters •• M45.1 Maxwell, J/>s. M. E. Aurora Floyd M452.1 Christmas hirelings j M452.2 Cloven foot M452.3 Dead sea fruit M452.4 Doctor's wife M452.5 Fatal three M4o2.6 Fenton's quest M452.7 Maxwell, Mrs. M. E. Henry Dunbar M4o2.21 John Marchmont's legacy M452.22 Joshua Haggard's daughter M452.23 Just as I am M452.24 Lady Audley's secret M4.32.8 Lady's mile M452.9 Lovells of Arden M452.10 Milly Darrell M452.il Only a clod M452.12 Open verdict M452.13 Publicans and sinners M452. 14 Run to earth M452.15 Rupert Godwin M4o2.ir> Sir Jasper's tenant M452. 17 Strange world M452.18 Strangers and pilgrims M452. 19 Taken at the flood M452.25 Venetians M452.20 Vixen M452.26 Maxwell, W. H. Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran M4,-4.1 May, Mrs. G. M. Esther Hill's secret. .. M4.55.4 Leslie Tyrrell M4.55.1 Lost and won M455.2 INIark Dennison's charge j M45.3.3 Mildred M455.5 Without kith or kin M455.G May', Sophie, psevd. See Clarke, Re- becca S. Mayhew, Augustus, joint author. See Mayhew, Henry. May'heav, Henry and. Augustus. Good genius j M457.1 Magic of kindness j M457.2 Mayne, Leger D., p5e»^. See Dick, AVilliam B. May'o, J//S. Isabella. By still waters. . . M458.1 Crooked places M458.2 Doing and dreaming M458.4 Equal to the occasion M4o8.3 Family fortunes M458.5 House b}- the works M4.38.6 John Winter M458.7 Occupations of a retired life M458.8 Seen and heard M458.9 Meade, Lillie Thomas. See Smith, 31rs. Lilhe T. M. Meeker, Mrs. J. R. Time's scythe M47.1 Meekins, L. R. Robb's island wreck . .. M472.1 Meinhold, Wilhelm. Amber witch M473.1 Meissner, Mme. S. R. de. Tcherkesse prince M474. 1 Terrace of Mon Desir M474.2 Meline, Mary M. Charteris M48. 1 Mellon, Harriot. See St. Albans, Har- riot, M. B., Duchess of. Melville, G. J. W. Brookes of Bridle- mere M49.1 Cerise M49.2 82 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Melville, G. J. W. Contraband M49.3 Digby Grand M49.4 Gladiators M49.5 Good for nothing M4r9.6 Holmby house M49.7 Interpreter M49.8 Kate Coventry M49.9 Katerfelto . M49.10 M. orN M49.il Queen's Maries M49. 12 Sarchedon M49.13 Sister Louise M49.15 White Rose M49.14 Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick M492.1 White-jacket M492.2 Melville, Melissa C. Lost ring M494.1 Meredith, G. E., joint comp. See Amory, Thomas C. Meredith, George. Adventures of Harry Richmond M54.1 Beauchamp's career M54.2 Diana of the crossways Mo4.3 Egoist M54.4 Evan Harrington ' M54.5 Lord Ormont and his Aminta M54.6 One of our conquerors M54.7 Ordeal of Richard Feverel M54.8 Roda' Fleming M54.9 Sandra Belloni Mo4.10 Vittoria Mo4. 11 Merimee, Prosper. Chronicle of the reign of Charles IX Moo.l Merrill, George E. Crusaders and cap- tives j Mo52.1 Merrill, Stuart, tr. Pastels in prose. . M553.1 Merriman, Effie W. Mollie Miller j Mo54.1 Pards j M554.2 Queer family j M554.3 Merriman, H. S. Erom one generation to another M556.1 Phantom future M556.2 With edged tools M5o6.3 Merriweather, Magnus, pseud. See Talbot, Charles R. Metcalf, W. C. Aboveboard j M56.1 Meyer, C. F. Monk's wedding M57.1 Tempting of Pescara M57.2 Miller, Mrs. A. J. Barbara Thayer M61. 1 Miller, C. H. '49, the goldseeker of the Sierras M612.1 ShadoAvs of Shasta M612.2 Miller, Emily H. Captain Fritz j M613.1 Miller, Mrs. Harriet. Nimpo's trou- bles j M615.1 Miller, Hugh. Tales and sketches M616.1 Miller, Joaquin, pseud. See Miller, C. H. Miller, Olive Thorne, pseud. See Mil- ler, Mrs. Harriet M. Millet, F. D. Capillary crime M618.1 MiLNES, Richard MoNCKTON. ^ee Hough- ton, Richard M. Milnes, Lord. Mrs Leslie and Mrs. Lennox M69 Mitchell, D. G. Doctor Johns M692.1 Mitchell, S. W. Characteristics M694.1 Far in the forest M694.2 Roland Blake M694.3 When all the woods are green M694.4 Mitchell, Walter. Bryan Maurice M695.1 Two strings to his bow M695.2 MiTFORD, Bertram. 'Tween snow and fire. M696.1 MiTFORD, M. R. Our village M698.1 Modern fishers of men M72 Molesworth, J/r5. M. L. "Carrots."... j M73.2 Charge fulfilled j M78.1 Christmas posy j M73.3 Christmas-tree land j M73.4 Cuckoo clock j M73.5 " Farthings." j M73,6 Five minute stories j M73.7 Four ghost stories j M73.8 Girls and I j M73.9 '' Grandmother dear." j M73.10 Hathercourt M73.il Imogen M73. 12 Leona M73. 13 Little Miss Peggy j M73.14 Little Mother Bunch j M73. 15 Man with the pan-pipes j M73.16 Mary j M73.17 My new home j M73. 18 Next-door house j M73. 19 Not without thorns M73.20 Old pincushion j M73.21 Robin redbreast M73.22 Silverthorns j M73.23 Tell me a story j M73.24 Third Miss St. Quentin M73.25 Two little waifs j M73.26 MoNCRiEFF, A. R. H. Boys' own stories.. j M74.1 Homespun stories j M74.2 Stories of school life . • j M74.3 Wigwam and the warpath j M74.4 Youngsters' yarns j M74.5 Young travellers' tales j M74.6 Monroe, Harriet E. Heroine of the mining camp M75.1 Montague, C. H., and Dyar, C. W., Written in red M76.2 and Hammond, C. M. Doctor's mis- take M.76.1 Montgomery, Florence. Seaforth M762.1 Transformed M762.2 Wild Mike M762.3 Month at Gastein M764 Monti, Luigi. Adventures of a consul abroad M 766.1 Leone M766.2 Montolieu, Jeanne I. P. P. de Bot- TENS, Baronne de, joint author. See Wyss, John Rudolph. FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 83 MooDEv, Martha L. Alan Thorne M77.1 Moon, G. W. He M772.1 Moore, F. F. Fire-flies and mosquitoes.. M78.1 Gray eye or so M78.2 Highways and high seas j M78.3 • ' I forbid the banns " M78.'t Sailing and sealing M78.5 They call it love M78.6 Two clippers j M78.7 Under hatches j M78.8 Moore, George. Vain fortune M782.1 MooRE, Susan T. Kyle's open gate M784.1 Moore, Thomas. Epicurean M785.1 Moorehead, W. K. Wanneta M787.1 More, Sir Thomas. Utopia M812.1 Morecamp, Arthur, pseud. See Pilgrim, Thomas. Moreland, Mary L. Which, right or wrong j M81.1 MoRELL, Sir Charles, pseud. See Eid- ley, James. Morenos, Ojos, pseud. See Clay, Jlrs. Josephine R. MoRLEY, Susan. Margaret Chetwynd . .. M82.1 Morris, Mrs. Hilltop summer M831.1 Spinster's leaflets M831.2 Morrison, Arthur. Tales of mean streets M829.1 Morrison, Sarah E. Chilhowee boys. •• j M83.1 Morse, Clara F. Blush roses M832.1 Morse, Mrs. L. G. Chezzles j M834.1 Morton, J/>s. S. W. Power of sympathy. M84.1 Moses, Bernard, joint author. See Crane, William W. MouLTON, Mrs. E. L. Bed-time stories.. j M8C.1 Miss Eyre from Boston M86.2 More bed-time stories j M86.3 New bed-time stories j M86.4 Stories told at twihght j M86.5 Some women's hearts M86.6 Muhammed. See Mohammed. MiJHLBACH, Louisa, pseud. See Mundt, Clara M. Mulholland, Rosa. Banshee castle.... M89.1 Fair Emigrant M89.2 Giannetta M89.3 Wicked woods of Tobereevil M89.4: MiJLLER, F. M. Memories M91.1 MuNDT, Clara. Andreas Hofer M92.1 Berlin and Sans-Souci M92.2 Daughter of an empress M92.3 Empress Josephine M92.4 Frederick the Great and his court M92.5 Frederick the Great and his family. . . M92.6 Goethe and Schiller M92.7 Henry the Eighth and his court M92.8 Joseph II. and his court M92.9 Louisa of Prussia M92. 10 Marie Antoinnette M92.il Merchant of Berlin M92.12 Mundt, Clara. Mohammed Ali M92.13 Napoleon and Bliicher M92.14 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. . . M92.15 Old Fritz and the new era M92.16 Prince Eugene M92. 17 Queen Hortense M92. 18 MuNROE, Kirk. Big cypress M922.1 Cab and caboose j M922.2 Campmates j M922.3 Canoemates j M922.4 Chrystal, Jack, & Co j M922.5 Coral ship j M922.6- Dorymates j M922.T Fur-seal's tooth M922.8- Golden days of '49 M922.9 Wakulla M922. 1 1 White conquerors j M922.10 MuNSEY, F. A. Boy broker j M923. 1 MuRFREE, Fanny N. D. Felicia M941.1 MuRFREE, Mary N. Despot of Brooms- edge cove M94. 1 Down the ravine M94.2 His vanished star M94.3. In the clouds M94.4 In the Tennessee mountains M94.5 Phantoms of the foot-bridge M94.G Prophet of the great smoky mountain. M94.7 Story of Keedon bluffs M94.8 Where the battle was fought M94.9 Murray, D. C. In direst peril M9C.1 Schwartz M96.2 Weaker vessel M96.3 and Herman, Henry. He fell among thieves M9G.4 One traveller returns M96.5 Wild Darrie M96.6; Murray, E. C. G. Boudoir cabal M9G2.1 Member for Paris M962.2 That artful vicar M962.3 Young Brown M962.4 Murray, G. G. A. Gobi M9C3.1 Murray, Henry. Game of bluff M90o.l Murray, W. H. H. Adirondack tales. .. M9G8.1 Doom of the Mamelons M968.2 How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney kept New Year's M968.a Mystery of the woods M968.4 Mus.EUS, J. K. A., and others. Tales. .. M97.1 McsiCK, J. R. Braddock M972.1 Century too soon M972.2 Columbia M972.3 Estevan M972.4 Humbled pride M972.5 Independence M972.6 Pilgrims M972.7 Pocahontas M972.8 Saint Augustine M972.9 Sustained honor M972.10 Witch of Salem M972.il 84 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. MussET, P. E. DE. Mr. "Wind and Madame Rain j M974.1 My intimate enemy M99 My marriage M991 My mother-in-law M992 Nabby, Aunt, pseud. See Hansell, 3frs. Lizzie E. E. Napoleon, Prince. See Bonaparte, Napo- leon Joseph Charles Paul. Nasby, Petroleum Vesuvius, x>seud. See Locke, David R. Needell, J/rs. J. H. Lucia Hugh N28.1 Passing the love of women N28.2 Stephen Ellicott's daughter N28.3 Story of Philip Methuen N28.4 Neeley, Kate J. See Neily, Kate J. Neily, Kate J. Actions speak louder than words j N31.1 Fine feathers do not make fine birds. j N31.2 Nelson, Fanny, joint author. See Nel- son, Anson. New England story-book j N42 New schoolma'am N421 Newberry, Eanny E. Transplanted.... N423.1 Newby, Mrs. C. J. Common sense N424.1 Newell, C. M. Isle of palms N44.1 Voyage of the Eleetwing N44.2 Newman, J. H., Cardinal. Callista N46.1 Newman, J!frs. M. W. Last of the Haddons. N4G3.1 Newsby, 3frs. Peleg, psevd. See Han- sell, iMrs. Lizzie E. E. Newton, W. W. Priest and the man N48.1 Nicholas, Griffith A., pseud. See Worthington, 3frs. Arthur W. NiCHOLLS, J/r5. C. B. Jane Eyre N51.1 Professor N51.2 Shirley N51.3 Villette N51.4 Nicholson, J. S. Dreamer of dreams- .. N52.1 Thoth N52.2 NiCKERSON, Susan D. Bread-winners... N53.1 Niemann, August. Baroness Blank Nd5.1 Nisbet, Hume. Bail up ! N63.1 NiTzcH, 3Irs. H. A. Molly Bishop's family. N632. 1 Noble, Annette L. Uncle Jack's exe- cutors NG6. 1 Noble, Lucretia. Reverend idol N662.1 NoDiER, Charles. Trilby, the fairy of Argyle N67.1 Nohl, Louis. See Nohl, Carl F. L. NoRDHOFF, Charles. Cape Cod and all along shore N75.1 NoRRis, 3frs. E. M. Early start in life.. N792.1 NoRRis, W. E. Baffled conspirators N79.1 Countess Radna N79.3 Chris N79.2 Despotic lady N79.4 Heaps of money N79.5 Major and minor N79.6 Matrimony N79.7 NORRIS, W. E. No new thing N79.8 Rogue N79.9 Victim of good luck N79.10 North, Barclay, pseud. See Hudson, William C. North, Christopher, pseud. See Wilson, John. NoRTHCOTE, Sir Stafford. See Iddes- leigh,5'i;r Stafford Northcote,^«?Y of. Norton, C. E. S. Old Sir Douglass N82.1 Norway-, George. Hussein the hostage. j N83.1 Prisoner of war N83.2 NovALis. See Hardenberg, Frederich L., Baron von. Nun of Kenmare. ^ee Cusack, Mary Frances. Nursery j N93 Ober, F. a. Montezuma's gold mines j Ob2.1 O'Brien, William. When we were boys. Ob6.1 O'DoNNELL, 3I7-S. Jane C, joiut author. See Chesney, 3frs. Louisa F. Ogden, Ruth. Courage j Og2.1 Little queen of hearts j Og2.2 Loyal little red-coat . . '. j Og2.3 Ohnet, Georges. Antoinette Oh4.1 Ironmaster Oh4.2 Last love Oh4.3 O'Keeffe, Frances. See Augustine, 3fother St. Oldboy, Oliver, pseud. See Bailey, G. Oldstyle, Jonathan, pseud. See Irving, Washington. Oliphant, Lawrence. Altiori Peto 013. 1 Oliphant, 3frs. M. O. Agnes 0132.1 At his gates 0132.2 Beleagured city 0132.3 Brownlows 0132.4 Carita 0132.5 Country gentleman and his family. . . . 0132.6 Curate in charge 0132.7 Diana 0132.8 For love and life 0132.38 He that will not when he may 0132.9 Hester 0132.10 Innocent 0132.39 John, a love story 0132.40 Joyce 0132. 11 Ladies Lindores 0132.12 Land of darkness 0132. 13 Last of the Mortimers 0132.14 Little pilgrim 0132.15 Madam 0132. 16 Madonna Mary 0132.17 May 0132.18 Minister's wife 0132.19 Miss Marjoribanks 0132.20 Mrs. Arthur 0132.21 Neighbours on the green 0132.22 Old Lady Mary 0132.23 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 8^ Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. Ombra 0132.24 Passages in the life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland 0132.25 Perpetual curate 0132.26 Phoebe, junior 0132.27 Rector and the doctor's family 0132.28 Rose in June 0132.29 Salem chapel 0132.30 Second son 0132.31 Sir Robert's fortune 0132.32 Sir Tom 0132.33 Squire Arden 0132.34 Stories of the seen and the unseen. .. 0132.35 Story of Valentine and his brother. . . 0132.41 Whiteladies 0132.36 Who was lost and is found 0132.37 Oliver, Samuel Pasfield, ed. See Drury, Robert. O'Meaka, Kathleex. Mabel Stanliope.. Om2.1 Narka the nihilist Om2.2 O'Neill, Moira, pseud. See Higginson, Nesta. Only a dog j On5 Only three weeks On51 Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, Wil- liam T. Orange, Prince of. See William, Prince of Orange. O'Reilly, Mrs. E. G. Our hero Or3. 1 O'Reilly, Harrington. Fifty years on the trail Or32.1 O'Reilly, J. B. Moondyne Or34. 1 O'Rell, Max, pseud. See Blouet, Paul. Orford, £arl of. See Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orford. Okne, Philip. Simply a love-story OrG.l Orr, Mrs. Sutherland. See Orr, Mrs. A. Leighton. Osborne, Dorothy. See Temple, Dorotliy Osborne, Lady. Osborne, DuFFiELD. Spell of Ashtaroth. Osl.l OsBOURNE, Lloyd, joint author. See Ste- venson, Robert L. B. Oswald, E., pseud. See Schulze-Smidt, Bernhardine. Oswald, E. J. Dragon of the north Os9. 1 Otis, James. See Kaler, James Otis. Ottolengui, RoDRiGUES. Modem wizard. OtS.l OuiDA, pseud. See La Rame, Louise de. Owen, Catherine, pseud. See Nitzch, Mrs. Helen A. Owen, G. W. Out of the cage Ow2. 1 Owen, J. A., ed. Annals of a fishing vil- lage Ow22.1 OxLEY, J. M. In the wilds of the west coast j 0x4. 1 Paddock, Mrs. Cornelia. Fate of Ma- dame La Tour ,, P13.1 Page, H. A., /)sei*tZ. See Japp, Alexan- der H. Page, T. N. Burial of the guns P14.1 In ole Virginia P14.2 On Newfound river P14.3 Pastime stories P14.4: Polly P14.5 Two little confederates j P14.6 Paget, A. M. F. Three more tales j P142.1 Paget, Violet. Phantom lover P144. 1 Vanitas P144.2 Pain, Barry. Stories and interludes. . . . P16.1 Palgrave, W. G. Hermann Agha P17.1 Palmer, J. A. One voyage and its conse- quences P182. 1 Palmer, J. W. After his kind P18.1 Palmer, Mrs. Frances. True under trial, j P183.1 " Pansy," jpsc!(cZ. «S'ee Alden, Mrs. Isabella M. Paracelsus. See Bombastus, Philippus A. T. von Hohenheim. Parker, Mrs. Elizabeth. Woman who failed P22.1 Parker, Gilbert. Translation of a savage P223.1 Trespasser P223.2 Tavistock tales P223.3 Parr, Harriet. Ben Milner's wooing. .. P24.1 Parr, J/>s. Louisa. Dorothy Fox P242.2 Hero Carthew P242.3 Loyalty George P242.4 Robin P242.5 Adam and Eve P242.1 Parry, Gambier. Story of Dick P246. 1 Partington, Mrs., pseud. /See Shillaber, B. P. Partington, B.vtii, pseud. See Shillaber, B. P. Pastnor, Paul, pseud. See Buckham, J. Paston, George. Bread and butter miss. P2C.1 Patchin, Mrs. C. H. Dorothea P27.1 Patek, W. H. Marius the Epicurean . .. P272.1 Paulding, James Kirke., joint author. See Irving, Washington. Paull, Mrs. G. A. Prince Dimple j P28.1 Pauld, Mrs. H. H. B. " Only a cat.". ... j P282.1 Paull, Mary A. See Ripley, Mrs. M. A. Paull, Minnie E. Ruby and Ruthy .... j P284.1 Payn, James. At her mercy P29.1 Burnt million P29.2 Eavesdropper P29.3 Murphy's master P29.4 Prince of the blood P29.5 Stumble on the threshold P99.6 Thicker than water P29.7 What he cost her P29.8 Payne, Mrs. A. M. Outside the walls... P292.1 Payson, Edward. Doctor Tom P294. 1 Peacock, T.L. Crotchet castle P31.1 Peale, Margaret. In time of cherry viewing P312. 1 Pearce, J. H. Esther Pentreath P313.1 Peard, Frances M. Country cousin P314.1 86 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Peard, Frances M. Interloper P314.2 Mother Molly P314.3 One year P314.4 Eose-garden P314.5 Thorpe Regis P314.6 To horse, and away • P314.7 Unawares P314.8 "Winter story P314.9 Pearson, Helen C. Eoy's search j P316.1 Peck, Ellen. Ecce Femina P33. 1 Peddie, James. Racing for gold P34.1 Peebles, Mrs.' M. L. Where honour leads P342.1 Peel, E. L. Highland gathering P343.1 Pemberton, Jeannette. Buffeting P36.1 Pendered, Mary L. Dust and laurels. P37.1 Pendleton, Edmcnd. Conventional Bo- hemian P371.1 Pendleton, Louis. Bewitched P372.1 In the wire-grass P372.2 Sons of Ham P372.3 Penn, Arthvr, pseud. See Matthews, James Brande. Pennell, Mrs. Elizabeth R., joi?it author. See Pennell, Joseph. Pennot, Peter, pseud. See Round, Wil- liam M. F. Perkins, F. B. Scrope P41.1 Perrier, Amelia. Good match P42.1 Perry, Alice. Schoolmaster's trial P422.1 Perry, Bliss. Broughton house P423.1 Salem Kittredge P423.2 Perry, G. B. Uncle Peter's trust j P425.1 Perry, Nora. Another flock of girls j P427.1 Book of love stories P427.2 Flock of girls j P427.3 For a woman P427.4 Hope Benham P427.5 Rosebud garden of girls j P427.6 Tragedy of the unexpected P427.7 Youngest Miss Lorton P427.8 Perry, Thomas S., joint ed. See Howells, William D. Pestalozzi, J. H. Leonard and Gertrude. P43.1 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. See Ward, 3Irs. Elizabeth S. P. Philips, Melville. Devil's hat P53.1 Phillips, E. C. Meyrick's promise j P542.1 Phillips, iVrs. Alfred. Benedicta P54.1 Phillipps-Wolley, Clive. See WoUey, Clive Phillipps. Phillpotts, Eden. Folly and fresh air . . P544.1 Some e very-day folks P544.2 PiCARD, G. H. Old Boniface P58.1 Pickering, Edgar. In press-gang days . . P583.1 Old time yarn P583.2 Silas Verney j P583.3 Pickering, Ellen. Grandfather P584.1 Grumbler P584.2 Pierce, S. L. Di P6L1 PiERSON, H. W. In the brush P612.1 Pike, 3frs. F. W. Heir of Maldreward.. P63.I Pilgrim, Thomas. Live boys j P64.I Live boys in the Blacks hills j P64.2 Pine, Cuyler, pseud. See Peck, Ellen. Pinkerton, Allan. Mollie Maguires and the detectives P65.1 Pitman, 3frs. Marie J. D., joint author. See Pabke, Marie. Pitt, Sarah. Cost of a mistake j P68.1 Plympton, A. G. Dear daughter Dorothy. j P74.1 Little sister of Wilifred j P74.2 Penelope Prig j P74.3 Rags and velvet gowns P74.4 Robin's recruit j P74.5 Pollard, Eliza F., comp. "Not wanted." P758.1 Pollock, W. H. Nine men's morrice. . . P76.1 Pool, Maria L. Dally P78.1 Katharine North P78.2 Mrs. Keats Bradford P78.3 Out of step P78.4 Roweny in Boston P78.5 Tenting at Stony beach P78.6 Two Salomes P78.7 Vacation in a buggj' P78.8 Poor, Agnes B. Brothers and strangers. P79.1 Porter, Jane. Pastor's fireside P83.1 Scottish chiefs P83.2 Sir Edward Seaward's shipwreck P83.3 Thaddeus of Warsaw P83.4 Porter, L. B. Caring for no man P832.1 Porter, Rose. Song and a sigh P834.1 Porto, Luigida. Juliet and Romeo. ••• P835.1 Post, W. K. Harvard stories P84.1 Potapeeko, N. E. Father of six P847.1 PocsHKiN, Alexander. See Pushkin, Alexander. PouviLLON, Fmile. Ccsctte P86.1 Powers, Lee L., joint author. See Sillo- way, Thomas W. PoYNTER, Eleanor F. Among the hills. . P87. 1 Ersilia P87.2 My little lady P87.3 Praed, 3Irs. R. M. C. Outlaw and law- maker P88.2 December roses P88.1 joint author. See McCarthy, Justin. Pratt, Mrs. Ella. How two girls tried farming j P882.1 Pratt, Frances L. Agnes and her neighbors j P883.1 Pratt, 3frs. M. E. Rhoda Thornton's girlhood j P885.1 Prentiss, Mrs. Elizabeth. Aunt Jane's hero P91.1 Home at Greylock P91.2 Pemaquid • P91.3 Stepping heavenward P91.4 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 87 Prescott, Dorotht, pseud. See Poor, Agnes B. Prescott, Harriet E. Amber gods P02.1 Preston, Harriet W. Guardians P924.4 Is that all? P024.1 Love in the 19th century P924.2 Year in Eden P92-t.3 Prescott, Mart X. Matt's follies j P922.1 Prestmich, Mrs. G. Harbour bar P925.1 Price, Eleakor C. French heiress in her own chateau P93.1 In the lion's mouth P93.2 Prichard, Sarah J. Aunt Saidee's cow. j P932.1 Princess Amelie P034 Prior, H. L. "Behind the veil." P935.1 " Six months hence" P935.2 Prtce, EiCHARD. Just impediment P95.1 Pushkin, Alexanders. Marie P97.1 Prose tales P97.2 Putnam, Eleanor, psevd. See Bates, Harriet L. V. Putnam, G. I. In blue uniform P98.1 On the offensive P98.2 Putnam, Ulth, joint author. See Church, Alfred John. Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood j P99.1 Modern Aladdin P99.2 Otto of the silver hand j P99.3 Rose of paradise P99.5 Twilight land j P99,6 Within the capes P99.7 ed. Pepper and salt j P99.4 PiRNELLE, Mrs. Louise. Diddie, Dumps, and Tot j P992. 1 " Q," psevd. See Couch, Arthur T. Q. QuiGG, L. E. Tin-types taken in the streets of New York Ql. 1 QuiNCY, Edmund. Haunted adjutant Q4:3.1 QuiNCY, J. P. Peckster professorship .. . Q44.1 Quiroga, Dona E. P., Countess. Angular stone Q46.1 Christian woman Q4:6.2 Morrina Q-J:6.2 6wan of Vilamorato Q4C.4 Rabelais, Francois. Three good giants . j RlLl Rabusson, Henry. Madame D'Orge- vaut's husband R114.1 Radcliffe, M)S. Anna. Mysteries of Udolpho R115.1 Rae, Mrs. Milne. Rinaultrie R12.1 Raffensperger, M7S. A. F. Patience Preston, M. D R124.1 Raijiond, C. E. George Mandeville's husband "•• R13.1 Raimvnd, Golo, psevd. See Friedrich, Bertha Heyn. Rajah's heir R132 Rame, Louise de la. See La Rame, Louise de. Rand, E. A. After the freshet j R15.1 Candle in the sea j R15.2 Fighting the sea j R15.3 Making the best of it j R15.4 Mill at Sandy creek j RI5.5 Our clerk from Barkton j R15.6 Pushing ahead j R15.7 Salt-water hero j R15.8 Too late for the tide-mill j R15.9 Up north in a whaler j R15.10 Randolph, J. T. Heiress of Sweetwater. R153.I Rathbone, Mis. H. M. Diary of Lady Willoughby R18.I Rathbone, Mis. M. A. Cherry and violet R182,l Household of Sir Thomas Moore R182.2 Jacques Bonneval R182.3 Maiden and married life of Mary Powell R182.4 Passages in the life of the Faire Gos- peller R182.5 Spanish barber R182.6 Rau, Heribert. Mozart R19.1 Rayjioxd, Evelyn. Little lady of the horse JR212.1 Raymond, R. W. Brave hearts R2L1 Raymond, Walter. "Love and quiet life." R213.1 Tryphena in love R213.2 Read, Emily, joitit author. See Rod- ney, Mrs. Marian C. L. R. Read, O. P. Len Gansett K22.I Reade, Amos. Life in the cut R223.I Reade. Charles. Cloister and the hearth. R224.1 Foul play R224.2 Griffith Gaunt R224.3 Hard cash R224.5 It is never too late to mend R224.4 "• Love me little, love me long." R224.6 Peg Woffington R224.7 Perilous secret R224.8 Put yourself in his place R224.9 Simpleton R224.I0 Terrible temptation R224.il White lies R224.12 Reade, Compton, yoj«^ author. See Reade, Charles. Rebel Rose ^24 Reed, Anna S. Single strand j R25.1 Reeder, a. p. Around the golden deep. R252.1 Reeves, Mrs. H.B. Comin" thro' the rye. R254.1 Reeves, Marion C. L. See Rodney, Mrs. Marian C L. R. Reichenbach, Moritz VON, psei'd. See Bethusey-Huc, Valeska. Reid, Christian, pseud. See Tiernan. M7S. Frances C F. Reid, Captain Mayne. Afloat in the forest j R27.1 Bush-bovs I j R27.3 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Reid, Captain Mayxe. Boy hunters j R27.2 Chase of the leviathan j R27.4 Child wife R27.5 Desert home j R27.6 Flag of distress j R27.7 Forest exiles j R27.8 Free lances R27.9 Gaspar, the Gaucho j R27.10 Hunter's feast j R27.H Lone ranche R27.26 Lost mountain tale of Sonora ] R27.12 No quarter R27.13 Ocean waifs j R27. 14 Osceola j R27.15 Plant hunters . ." j R27.16 Rifle-rangers j R27. 17 Scalp-hunters j R27.18 Tiger-hunters j R27. 19 Vee-boers j R27.20 War-trail j R27.21 White chief j R27.22 Wild life j R27.23 Wood-rangers j R27.24 Young vojageurs j R27.25 Rhoscomyl, Owen. JewelsofYnj^s Galon. R34.1 Rice, James, joint author See Besant, Walter. Rice, Katherine McD. Stories for all the year j R36. 1 Richards, Mrs. L. E. Captain January. j R39.1 Five mice in a mousetrap j R39.2 Hildegarde's holiday j R39.3 Hildegarde's home j R39.4 Joyous story of Toto j R39.5 Marie R39.6 Melody j R39.7 Narcissa R39.8 Toto's merry winter j R39.9 Richardson, B. W. Son of a star R394.1 Richmond, Mrs. E. J. Jewelled serpent. R41.1 Zoa Rodman R41.2 Richter, Eugene. Pictures of the future. R4I2.1 RiCHTER, Jean P. F., joint author. See Musaeus, J. K. A. Richter, J. P. F. Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces R414.1 Invisible lodger R414.2 RiDDELL, .l/»s. C. E. L. Mad tour R43.1 My first love and my last love R43.2 Nun's curse R43.3 Too much alone R43.4 RiDDELL, Mrs. J. H. See Riddell, Mrs. C. E. L. C. Riddle, A. G. Alice Brand R432.1 Bart Ridgeley R432.2 Tory's daughter R432.3 RiDEouT, Mrs. J. B. Early western life. . j R434.1 Ridley, Annie E. Better than good R436. 1 Ridley, James. Tales of the genii R437. 1 RiGGS, Mrs. K. D. W. Birds' Christmas carol j R44. 1 Cathedral courtship ; and Penelope's English experiences R44.2 Polly Oliver's problem R44.3 Story of Patsey j R44.5 Summer in a caiion R44.6 Timothy's quest R44.4 Ripley-, Mrs.'^l.A. Packington parish.. R48.1 Sought and saved R48.2 Tim's troubles j R48.3 " "RiTx" pseud. See Booth, Mrs. Eliza M. J. von. Ritchie, Jfrs. A. I. Five old friends R51. 1 Miss Angel R51.2 Old Kensington R51.3 Story of Elizabeth R51.4 Village on the cliff R51.5 Rives, Amelie. See Chandler, Mrs. Amelie Rives. Rob Roy. See Campbell, R. M. RoBBiNS, Mrs. S. S. Miss Ashton's new pupil Ro3. 1 Robert -HouDiN. See Houdin, Robert J. E. Robert, Karl, pseud. See Meusnier, Georges. Roberts, C. G. D. Raid from Beausejour. R541.1 Roberts, J. W. Looking within R54.1 Roberts, Margaret, Denise R542.1 In the olden time R542.2 Roberts, Morley. Mate of the Vancouver. R544. 1 Roberts, Sir R. H., Ba7i. Harry Hol- brooke of Holbrooke hall R546.1 Not in the betting R546.2 Robertson, Andrew-. Ividnapped squat- ter Ro47. 1 Robertson, John Forbes, joint author. See Phelps, W. May. Robertson, Margaret M. By a way she knew not R548.1 David Fleming's forgiveness R5i8.2 Robinson, Mrs. A. D. Peter and Polly.. j R56.1 Robinson, A. Mary F. See Darmesteter, 3frs. Agnes M. F. R. Robinson, C. N., and Leyland, John. For the honour of the flag R562.2 In the queen's navee R562.2 Robinson, Emma. See Robinson, Jane. Robinson, Frederick. Seven gray pil- grims Ro63.1 Robinson, F. W. As long as she lived.. R564.1 Christie's faith R564.2 Girl's romance R564.3 Little Kate ffirby R564.4 Poor humanity R564.5 Second-cousin Sarah R564.6 Robinson, Dr. J. H., pseud. See Han- negan, Dennis. Robinson, Jane. Caesar Borgia R566.1 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 89- RoBiNSoy, Jane. Gold-worshippers R556.2 Madeleine Graham R56C.3 Maid of Orleans R5C6.4 Owen Tudor R566.5 Westminster abbey R5G6.6 Whitefriars R566.7 Whitehall R566.8 RoBiNsox, L. B. House with spectacles. . j R567.1 RoBiJJSOM, R. E. Danvis folks R5C9.1 Sam Level's camps R569.2 RoBSART, Amy. See Leicester, Amy RoBSART, Countess of. RoBrsTi, jACoro. See Tintoretto. Roche," Regixa M. Children of the abbey R08.I RocKSTRO, William Sjiyth, joint antkor. See Holland, Henry Scott. RoCKWooD, Caroline W. In Biscayne bay Ry9.1 Rodney, Mrs. M. C. L. Little maid of Acadie R61.1 Pilot fortune RC1.2 Roe, A. S. Cloud on the heart R62.1 How could he help it? R62.2 Long look ahead R62.3 Love and to be loved RC2.4 Resolution R62.5 True to the last R62.6 Roe, E. p. Barriers burned away R622.1 Day of fate Rr,22.2 Driven back to Eden RG22.3 Earth trembled R622.4 Face illumined R622.5 From jest to earnest RG22.6 He fell in love with his wife R622.8 His sombre rivals R622.7 Knight of the 19th century R622.9 '■Miss Lou." R622.10 Nature's serial story RG22.11 Near to nature's heart RG22.12 Opening a chestnut burr RG22. 13 Original belle R622.1-t Taken alive R622.15 Unexpected result RG22.16 What can she do? RG22.17 Without a home RG22. 18 Young girl's wooing RG22.19 Roe, Mary A. Free, yet forging their own chains R624.1 RoHLFS, Mrs. A. K. Behind closed doors. RG3.1 Cjmthia Wakeham's money RG3.2 Forsaken inn RG3.5 Hand and ring RG3.6 Leavenworth case R63.3 Marked ''personal" RG3.4 Matter of millions RG3.7 Mill mystery R63.8 Miss Hurd RG3.9 7 to 12 RG3.10 Strange disappearance RG3.11 RoHLFS, Mrs. A. K. Sword of Damocles R63.12 X. Y. Z RG3.1? Rollins, Mrs. A. M. Story of a ranch... R65.1 Uncle Tom's tenement R65.2 Roosevelt, Blanche, pseud. See Ma- chetta, Mme. Blanche R. T. Roosevelt, R. B. Love and luck RG7.1 RorsEBORO, Viola. Old ways and new . • R72.1 Round, W. M. F. Achsah R7G.2 Child Marian abroad j R76.1 RoussELET, Loris. Ralph, the drummer boy R763.2 Two cabin boys j R7G3. 1 RowsELL, Mary C. Friend of the people, R79.I Saint Nicholas' eve R79.2 Roy, John. Helen Treveryan R81.1 RuFFiNi, G. D. Carlino R83.1 Doctor Antonio R83.2' Lavinia R83. 3 Lorenzo Benoni R83.4 Paragreens on a visit to Paris R83.5- Quiet nook in the Jura R83.6 Vincenzo R83.7' RuFFiNi, John. See Ruffini, G. D. Rush, C. E. Waymarks in the life of a wanderer R89.1' Russell, C. W. Fall of Damascus R91.1 Russell, Thomas, joint author. See Haven, Gilbert. joint author. See Nason, Elias. Russell, William. Recollections of a policeman R914. 1' Russell, W. C. Emigrant ship R915.1 Golden Hope R915.2 Good ship Mohock R915.3 Jack's courtship R915.4 John Holdsworth R915.5 Master Rockafellar's voyage j R915.6 Mystery of the " Ocean Star." j R81o.7 Sea queen R9 15. 8 Strange elopement R915.9 Wreck of the "Grosvenor." R915.10' Rutherford, Mark, pseud. See White, William Hale. Ryder, Annie H. Margaret Regis R97.1 S., D. T. Mustard leaves SI. 11 S., M. C. See Sparks, Mrs. Mary C. S., M. E. W., pseud. See Sherwood, Mrs. Mary E. W. Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, See Red Jacket. Safford, MaryJ., e(Z. Christmas country. j Sal.l Saint-Amand, Arthur L. I. de, Baron. See Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L., Baron. St. Johnston, Alfred. South sea lover. Sa23.1 St. Leger, Hugh. Sou'wester and sword. Sa24.J Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul and Virginia Sa2.B Saintine, X. B. See Boniface, Joseph Xavier. ■90 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Sales, PiERKE. Price of a coronet. .... . Sa3.1 -Saltus, E. E. Mr. Incoul's misadventure. SaSi.l Truth about Tristrem Varick Sa34.2 Sampleton, Samuel, Esquire, ^j send. See Monti, Luigi. Samuels, A. F. Daisy Travers j Sa4.1 •Samuels, Samuel. From the forecastle to the cabin j Saio.l Sanborn, E. W. People at Pisgah Sao.l .Sanborn, Mary F. It came to pass Sao2.1 Paula Ferris Sa52.2 Sweet and twenty Sa52.3 'Sandeau, Jules. Catharine SaoS.l Madeline Sao5.2 vSanford, Mrs. E. B. Carl's first days. .. j Sa57.1 Houseful of children j Sao". 2 Little brown house j Sa57.3 'San Remo. See Robertson, Alexander. Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevant, Amantine L. A. Sanford, Mrs. D. P. See Sanford, Mrs. Emeline B. Sardou, Victorien. Madame Sans-G^ne. Sa72.1 • Sargent, George E., joint author. See Walshe, Elizabeth H. •Sargent, L. M. Temperance tales j SaT.l Sartoris, Mrs. Adelaide. Week in a French country house Sa74. 1 Saunders, John. Israel Mort, overman. SaS.l -Saunders, Katherine. See Cooper, Mrs. Katherine S. •Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe. . . Sa82.1 Savage, M. J. Bluffton Sa9.1 • ScANNELL, Edith, joint author. See Scannell, Florence and Edith. • ScANNELL, Florence and Edith. In the time of roses Sca6. 1 ScHEFFEL, J. Y. von. Ekkchard Sch2.1 ScHMiD, Herman. Habermeister Scho.l ScHMEiDEN, Else. Margarethe Sch52. 1 Schobert, H. Picked up in the streets . . Sch6.1 ScHREiNER, Olive. Story of an African farm Sch7. 1 ScHUBiN, Ossip, pseud. See Kiirschner, Lola. ^CHLCKiNG, C. B. L. Luther in Rome. .. Sch72.1 Powder and gold Sch72.2 Schultz, J/me. Jeanne. Jean de Kerdren. SchS.l Madeline's rescue j SchS.2 •Schulze-Smidt, Bernhardine. Madonna of the Alps Sch82.2 A^ain forebodings Sch82.1 •Schwartz, J. van der Poorsen. God's fool Sch9.1 Greater glory Sch9.2 -Schwartz, 3Irs. M. S. Right one Sch92.2 Gerda Sch92.1 Scott, Leader, pseud. See Baxter, Mrs. Lucy E. B. ^ScoTT, Michael. Tom Cringle's log ScoS.l Scott, Sir "Walter, Bart. Abbot Anne of Geierstein Antiquary Betrothed Bride of Lammermoor Castle dangerous Count Robert of Paris Fair maid of Perth Fortunes of Nigel Guy Mannering Heart of Mid-Lothian Ivanhoe Kenilworth Legend of Montrose Monastery Old Mortality Peveril of the Peak Pirate Quentin Durward Red gauntlet Rob Roy St. Ronan's well Surgeon's daughter Talisman Waverley Woodstock Works Scoville, Samuel, joint author. See Beecher, William C. Scudder, H. E. Bodleys afoot. . •• Bodleys on wheels Bodleys telling stories Doings of the Bodley famil}' English Bodley family Mr. Bodley abroad Stories and romances Scudder, M. L., jr. Almost an English- man ; Brief honors Seaver, Mrs. Mary A. D. D. See Duff, Mis. Mary A. Seawell, Molly E. Cliildren of destiny. Decatur and Somers Maid Marian Paul Jones Throckmorton Through thick and thin Secret of the Lamas Sedgwick, C. M. Hope Leslie Linwoods Poor rich man, and rich poor man — . Redwood Seeley, C. S. Lost canyon of the Tol- tecs Seely, Howard. Nymph of the west . . . Ranchman's stories Seelye, Lillie Eggleston, joint author. See Eggleston, Edward. Seeml'ller, Mrs. A. M. Opportunity... Serao, Matilde. Fantasy Sco82.2 Sco82.3 Sco82.4: Sco82.5 Sco82.6 Sco82.7 Sco82.8 Sco82.9 Sco82.10 Sco82.11 Sco82.13 Sco82.12 Sco82.U Sco82.15 -Sco82.16 Sco82.17 Sco82.18 Sco82.19 Soc82.20 Sco82.21 Sco82.22 Sco82.23 Sco82.24: Sco82.25 Sco82.26 Sco82.27 Sco82.1 j Scu2.1 j Scu2.2 i Scu2.3 j Scu2.4 j Scu2.5 j Scu2.6 Scu2.7 Scu22.1 Scu22.2 Sel.l Sel.2 Sel.3 SeL4 Sel.o j Sel.6 Se2 Se22.1 Se22.2 Se22.3 Se22.4 SeS.l Se32.I Se32.2 Se34.1 SeS.l FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 91 Sergeant, Adeline. Esther Denison. . . Se62.1 Roy's repentance Se02.2 Story of a penitent soul Se62.3 Serrano, 3frs. M. J., tr. Dragon's teeth. SeG4.1 Friend of death Se64.2 War under water Se64.3 Serrao, Teodoro. Brushes and chisels. Se65.1 Severance. M. S. Hammersmith Se78.1 Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty j SeS. 1 Sewell, Elizabeth M. Amy Herbert.. j Se82.1 Glimpse of the world SeS2.2 Home life Se82.3 Margaret Percival Se82.4 Seymour, Mrs. Poor and plain SeO.l Shadbolt, Sydney. Moonbeam tangle. . j Shl.l Shapcott, Reuben. See Rutherford, Mark, pseud. Sharp, Gustavus, pseud. See "Warren, Samuel. Sharp, William, joint author. See Teuffel, Blanche W. H., Baroness von. Shaw, Flora L. Castle Blair Sh2.1 Hector Sh2.2 Phyllis Brown j Sh2.3 Sea change j Sh2.4 Shaw, Marian, Queen Bess Sh23.1 Shedlock, M., joint comp. and. tr. See Belloc, M. A. Sheldon, C. M. Crucifixion of Philip Strong Sh4. 1 Sheldon, Mrs. Georgie. Forsaken bride. Sh42.1 Stella Rosevelt Sh42.2 Wedded by fate Sh42.3 Sheldon, L. V. I. D. B. in South Africa Sh44.1 Shephard, Isabel S. See Sliepard, Isabel S. Shepherd, Dorothea A., pseud. See Pratt, Mrs. Ella F. Sheppard, Elizabeth S. Charles Auches- ter Sh4G.l Counterparts Sh4G.2 Rumor Sh46.3 Sheppard, F. H. Love afloat Sh47. 1 Sherman, C. P. Bachelor's wedding trip. Sho.l Sherwood, Emily' L. Willis Peyton's in- heritance Sh52.1 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. Sarcasm of des- tiny Sh54.1 Sweet-brier Sho4.2 Transplanted rose Sh54.3 Shevitch, S., joint author. (See Ventura, L. D. Shillaber, B. p. Double-runner club j ShG.l Shirley, Penn, p>seud. See Clarke, Sarah J. Shorthouse, J. H. Countess Eve ShS.l John Inglesant Sh8.2 Sir Percival Sli8.3 Teacher of the A'iolin Sh8.4 Shunsui, Tamenaga. Loyal Renins Sh9.1 SiDGwicK, i>/rs. Alfred. Splendid cousin. Sill.l Sidney, Margaret, pseud. See Lothrop, Mrs. Harriet M. S. SiENKiEwicz, Henryk. Children of the soil Sil.7 Deluge SiLl Lillian Morris Sil.2 Pan Michael SiL3 With fire and sword Sil.4 Without dogma Sil.5 Yanko the musician Sil.6 SiKEs, '/?.s. Olive. They met by chance. Si2.1 SiME, William. Red route Si4. 1 SiMMS, W. G. Beauchampe Si42.1 Charlemont Si42.2 Guy Rivers Si42.3 Katherine Walton Si42.4 Mellichampe Si42.5 Partisan Si42.6 Scout Si42.7 Wigwam and the cabin Si42.8 AVoodcraft Si42.9 Sinclair, Ellery. Victor SiG.l Singleton, Mrs. M. M. Story of Helen Davenant SiG3. 1 SiNNETT, C. N. Norsk gopher j SiGo.l Skinner, Charles M., joint author. See Vance, F. T. Sleeper, J. S. Jack in the fore- castle S12. 1 Sleight, Mary B. Flag on the mill S122.1 House at Crague S122.2 Knights of Sandy Hollow j S122.3 Prairie days S122.4 Slick, Sam, pseud. See Haliburton, Thomas C. Slip in the fens S13 Slosson, J/rs. a. T. Fishin' Jimmy S15.2 Heresy of Mehitabel Clark S15. 1 Seven dreamers S15.3 Smart, Charles. Driven from the path Sm2.1 Smart, Hawley. False start Sm24. 1 Master of Rathkelly Sm24.2 Plunger-turf tragedy Sni24.3 Smedley, F. E. Fortunes of the Colville family Sm3.1 Frank Fairlegh Sni3.2 Smidt, B. Schulze. See Schulze-Smidt, B. Smith, Elizabeth A. We boys j Sm5.1 Smith, Mrs. E. T. Baby John Sm51.1 Beresford prize j Sm.51.2 Betty j Sm51.3 Daddy's boy j Smol.4 Pear SmoLo Four on an island j Smol.G Gillyflower j Sm51.7 House of surprises j Sm51.8 Jill j Sm51.9 92 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Smith, Jlrs. E. T. Medicine lady Smol.lO Miss Toosey's mission Smol.ll One of a covey j Sm51.12 Our little Ann Smol.lS Out of the fashion Sm51.14 Palace beautiful j Sm51.15 Peasblossom Sniol.l6 Pen Smol.l" Polly Smol.lS Pomona Sm51.19 Red rose and tiger lily j Smol.20 Scamp and I j Sm51.21 Stories from the diary of a doctor Sm51.23 Tip cat j Sm51.22 Zoe Smol.24 Smith, F. H. Colonel Carter of Carters- ville Smo2.1 Day at Laguerre's Sm52.2 Smith, Gertrude. Rousing of Mrs. Pot- ter Sm53.1 Smith, Hannah. Cassy j Sm54.1 Doctor's dilemma Sm54.2 Half brothers Sm54.3 Hester Morley's promise Sm54.4 In prison and out Sm54.5 Smith, Mrs. I. G. Atla Smoo.l Smith, J. E. Oakridge Sm56. 1 Smith, Mrs. J. P. Chris and Otho Sm57.1 Courting and farming Smo7.2 His young wife Sm57.3 Kiss and be friends Sm57.4 Lucy Sm57.5 Married belle Smo7.6 Ten old maids Sm57.7 Widow Goldsmith's daughter Sm57.8 Widower Sm57.9 Smith, .7/rs.LiLLiE T. See Smith, Mrs. E. T. Smith, Mrs. M. P. Browns Sm6.1 Great match Sm6.2 Jolly good time at school Sm6.3 More good times at Hackmatack j SmG.-i Smith, Saqvi, pseud. Back from the dead. Sm64.1 Smith, W. A. Who is responsible Sm67.1 Smollett, T. G. Ferdinand Count Fathom Sm7.1 Humphrey Clinker Sm7. 2 Peregrine Pickle Sm7.3 Roderick Random Sm7.4 Sir Laancelot Greaves Sm7.5 Soci*:cy rapids : Sol SoMMEKS, Jane R., pseud. See Jones, Cornelia. Sodvhgate, Horatio. Cross above the crescent So8.1 Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. Allworth abbey So84.1 Artist's love So84.2 Bridal eve So84.3 Southworth, J/rs. E. D. E. Bride of Llewellyn So84.4 Bride's fate So84.5 Changed brides So84.6 Christmas guest So84.7 Cruel as the grave So84.8 Curse of Clifton So84.& Deserted wife So84. 10 Discarded daughter So84.11 Fair play So84.12 Fallen pride So84.13 Family doom So84.14 Fatal marriage So84. 15 Fatal secret So84.16 Fortune seeker So84.17 Gipsy's prophecy So84.18 Haunted homestead So84. 19 Hidden hand So84.20 How he won her So84.21 India So84.22 Lady of the isle So84.23 Lost heir of Linlithgow So84.24 Lost heiress So84.25 Love's labor won So84.26 Maiden widow So84.27 Mother-in-law So84.28 Noble lord So84.29 Prince of darkness So84.30 Retribution So84.31 Self-raised So84.32 Tried for her life ' So84.33 Two sisters So84.34 Vivia So84.35 Widow's son So84.36 AVife's victory So84.37 Southworth, Mrs. S. A. Hester Strong's life work So82.1 Souvestre, ^mile. Attic philosopher. . . S086.I Man and money So86.2 Sparhawk, Frances C. Lazy man's work. Sp2. 1 Onoqua Sp2.2 Senator Intrigue and Inspector Noseby. Sp2.3 Wedding tangle Sp2.4 Spencer, .1/rs. G. E. Plucky one Sp3.1 Spielhagen, Friedrich. Through night to light Sp4.1 What the swallow sang Sp4.2 Spofford, Mrs. H. E. Hester Stanley.. j Sp6.1 Lost jewel j Sp6.2 Scarlet poppy Sp6.3 Sprague, Mary A. Earnest trifler Sp7.1 Spyri, Mme. Johanna. Gritli's children. j Sp9.1 Heidi j Sp9.2 Swiss stories j Sp9.3 Veronica Sp9.4 Sta ATS, William. Tight squeeze Stl.l Stables, Gordon. See Stables, W. G. Stables, W. G. As we sweep through the deep j Stl2.1 Cruise of the Snowbird j Stl2.2 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 93 Stables, W. G. ' ' From Greenland's icy mountains.". . Stl2.o From ploughshare to pulpit Stl2.14: From pole to pole Stl2.4: In the dashing daj-s of old j Stl2.5 Jack Locke j Stl2.G Jungle, peak, and plain j Stl2.7 On special service Stl2.8 To Greenland and the pole St 12.9 'Twixt school and college j Stl2.10 Westward with Columbus j St 12. 11 "Wild adventure round the pole j Stl2.12 Wild life in the land of the giants j St 12. 13 SxAJiL-HoLSTEix, Anne L. G., Baroness DE. Corinne Stl4. 1 Stahl, p. j., pseud. See Hetzel, P. J. Stahr, Mrs. Fanny. Hulda Stlo.l Mask of beauty Stlo.2 Stanley, H. M. My Kalulu j St2.1 Stannard, J/r5. H. E. V. Aunt Johnnie. St2-l.l Mignon St24.4: Man of honor St24.2 Only human St24.3 Stanton, Edward, i^seud. See Hunting- ton, E. S. Stearns, W. A. Wrecked on Labrador. . St3.1 Stebbins, J/;-s. Sarah. Annals of a baby. St32.I Steel, J/>-s. F. A. Flower of forgiveness. St3-l.l Potter's thumb '. St34.2 Steele, Anna C. Broken toys St35.1 Steele, J. W. Frontier army sketches.. St37.1 Steell, Willis. Isidra St3S.l Stephen, Sir George, Ba')-t. Adventures of an attorney St4. 1 Stephens, Mrs. A. S. Bellehood and bondage St42.1 Curse of gold St42.2 Doubly false St42.3 Fashion and famine St-i2.4 Lord Hope's choice St42.5 Married in haste St42.6 Old countess St42.7 Old homestead St42.8 Silent struggles St42.9 Wife's secret St42.10 Wives and widows St42.11 Stephens, C A. Left on Labrador j St43.2 Young moose hunters j St43.3 Stephenson, Mrs. Eliza. Blue ribbon.. St44.1 Eglantine St44.2 Jeanie's quiet life St44.3 Pansy's flour-bin j St44.4 Stepniak, pseiid. Career of a nihilist. .. St45.1 Stern, Lawrence. Tristram Shandy St46.2 Sentimental journey St4G. 1 Stevens, Agnes, cornp. How men pro- pose St47. 1 Stevenson, Fanny' van de Grift, joint author. See Stevenson, R. L. B. Stevenson. R. L. B. Black arrow St48.1 Stevenson, R. L. B. David Balfour St48.2 Ebb tide St48.9 Kidnapped St48.3 Merry men and other tales St48.4 More new Arabian nights St48.8 New Arabian nights St48.5 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde St.48.6 Treasure island St48.7 Wrecker 0. St48. 10 Wrong box St48.11 Stisison, F. J. Crime of Henry Vane.. Sto.l First harvests St5.2 Guerndale St5.3 Stixde, Jclils. Buchholz family St54.1 Frau Wilhelmine Sto4.2 Stockton, F. R. Amos Kilbright StG.l Ardis Claverden St6.2 Bee-man of Orn St6.3 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine St6.4 Christmas wreck StG.o Clocks of Rondaine j StG.G Dusantes StG.7 Floating prince j StG.8 Hundreth man St6.9 Jolly fellowsliip j StG.lO Lady or the tiger StG.lI Late Mrs. Null StG.12 Matchmaker's wife StG. 18 Merry chanter StG. 13 Rudder Grange StG. 14 Rudder Grangers abroad StG. 15 Stories of three burglars • StG.lG Story of Yiteau j StG. 17 What might have been expected j StG. 19 Stoddard, J/rs. E. D. Morgesons StG2.1 Two men St62.2 Stoddard, W. 0. Among the lakes j StG4.1 Battle of New York j StG4.2 Captain's boat j StG4.3 Chris j StG4.4 Crowded out o' Crowfield j St64.5 Dab Ivinzer " j St64.6 Esau Hardery StG4. 7 Guert Ten Eyck j StG4.8 Little smoke j StG4.9 On the old frontier j St64.10 Quartet j StG4.11 Red mustang j StG4. 12 Satillo boys j StG4. 13 Two arrows j St64. 14 White cane j StG4.15 Winter fun j St64.16 Wrecked St64.17 Stone, Mrs. C. H. One of Berrian's novels St7. 1 Stone, Mary E. Riddle of luck St72.1 Stories and sketches by our best authors . . St74.1 94 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Stories by American authors St74.2 Stories of Italy StliA Stories of New York St74.5 Stories of the army St74.3 Stories of the railway St74.6 Stories of the sea St7-i.7 Stories of the south St74:.8 Story-teller St7-t.9 Story, J. P. Choisy St75.1 Story, W. W. Fiammetta St76.1 Stowe, .ITrs. H. B. Agnes of Sorrento.- St77.1 Betty's bright idea j St77.2 Ministers wooing St77.3 My wife and I St77.4 Nina Gordon St77.5 Oldtown folks Si77.6 Our Charley j St77.7 Pearl of Orrs island St77.8 Pink and white tyranny St77.9 Poganuc people St77.10 Queer little people j St77.11 Sam Lawson's Oldtown stories St77.12 Six of one by half a dozen of the other St77. 13 Uncle Tom's cabin St77.14 "We and our neighbors St77.15 Strahax, Edward, pseud. See Shinn, Earl. Stratemey'er, Edward. Last cruise of the Spitfire '.. j StS.l Richard Dare's venture j St8.2 Streckfuss, Adolph. Castle Hohenwald. St82.1 Quicksands St82.2 Too rich St82.3 Street, L.E. Knot of blue StSS.l Stretton, Hesba, pseud. See Smith, Hannah. Strike in the B mill St85 Stuart, Esme, pseud. See Levy, Miss. Stuart, Mrs. Ruth. Carlotta's intended, and other stories St9.1 Golden wedding St9.2 Story of Babette St9.3 Sturgis, j. R. Accomplished gentleman. St92.1 After twenty years St92.2 Dick's wandering St92.3 John 3Iaidment St92.4 My friends and I St92.5 Stutfield, H. E. M. Brethren of Mt. Atlas St94.1 Sddermaxn, Hermann. Dame Care Su2.1 Sue, M. j. Marquis of Letoriere Su22.1 Wandering Jew Su22.2 Sullivan, Mrs. M. Day of wonders j Suo.l Sullivan, T. R. Day and night stories. .. Su53.1 Roses of shadow Suo3.2 Tom Sylvester Su53.3 Surtees, R. S. Hillingdon Hall Su7.1 Suttner, a. G. von. Djambek the Georgian Su8. 1 Suttner, Bertha VON. " Ground arms." Su82.1 Swan, Annie S. Adam Hepburn's vow .. . Sw2.1 Straitgate Sw2.2 Swett, Sophie. Elying hill farm j Sw4. 1 Mate of the " Mary Ann." j Sw4.2 Swift, A. M. Cupid, M. D Swo.l Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels j Sw52.1 Syxva, Carmen, pseud. See Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. Tabor, Eliza. See Stephenson, Mrs. Eliza T. Talbot, C. R. Double masquerade T14.1 Midshipman at large j T14.2 Royal Lawrie's last year at St. Olave's . T14.3 Story of honor bright j T14.4 Talbot, Hannah L. Not in the prospectus. T142.1 Talcott, Mrs. H. B. Dr. Howell's family T144.1 One among many T144.2 Our party of four T144.3 Tales from " Blackwood " T145.2 Tales from many sources T145. 1 Tarver, F., joint author. See Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. "W. Tasma, pseud. See Eraser, Jessie. Tautphceus, Jemima. Baroness von. Cyrilla T19.1 Initials T19.2 Quits T19.3 Taylor, Bay-ard. Beauty and the beast, and tales of home T21.1 Boys of other countries j T2L2 Hannah Thurston T21.3 John Godfrey's fortunes T2L4 Joseph and his friends T21.5 Story of Kennett T21.6 Taylor, B. F. Theophilus Trent T212.1 Taylor, Elizabeth. Blind pits T213.1 Quixstar T213.2 Taylor, H. C. C. American peeress ... . T214.1 Two women and a fool T214.2 Taylor, P. M. Noble queen T216.1 Taylor, U. A-shworth. City of Sarras-. T217.1 Taylor, Winnie L. His broken sword T218.1 Tchernuishevsky, N. G. See Tcherny- chewsky, N. G. TcHERNYCHEwsKY, N. G. What is to be done? T219.1 Teal, Angeline. John Thorn's folks T22. 1 Tebbutt, C. G., joint author. jS'ee Heath- cote, John M. Tellet, Roy. Draught of Lethe T23.1 Temple, H. J. See Palmerston, H. J. T., Viscount. Tenney, E. p. Agamenticus T25. Constance of Acadia T2o.2 Coronation T25.3 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. Alone T27. 1 At last T27.2 Empty heart T27.22 FICTION.— AUTHOR LIST. 95- Terhlne, Mrs. M. V. From my youth up T27.3 Handicapped T27.4 Helen Gardner's wedding-day T27.5 Hidden path ' T27.G His great self T27.7 Husbands and homes T27.8 Gallant fight T26.9 Jessamine T27. 10 Judith T27.il ^liriam T27.12 Moss-side T27.1i Mr. Wayt's wife's sister T27.13 My little love T27.15 Nemesis T27.16 Phemie's temptation T27.17 Royal road T27.18 Euby's husband T27. 19 Sunny bank T27.20 True as steel T27.21 Tecffel, Blaxche "W., Baroness vox. Aulnay tower T29. 1 Aunt Serena T29.2 Fellow and his wife T29.8 Guenn, a wave on the Briton coast T29.3 No heroes j T29.-t One summer T29.5 Open door T29.6 Tony the maid T29.7 Thackeray, Axxe I. ^ee Ritchie, Jlrs. Anne I. T. Thackeray, W.M. Adventures of Philip. T32.1 Catherine T32.2 Christmas stories T33. 3 Henry Esmond T32.4 History of Samuel Titmarsh T32.5 Memoirs of Barry Lyndon T32.6 Newcomes T32.7 History of Pendennis T32.8 Rose and the ring j T32.9 Vanity fair T32.10 Virginians T32.il Thaxet, Octave, pseud. See French, Alice. Theuriet, Axdre. Abbe Daniel T34.1 Gerard's marriage T34.2 Thibault, a. F. Crime of Sylvester Bonnard T342.1 Thickstux, Frederick. See Clark, F. T. Thomas, Axxie. See Cudlip, Mrs. Annie H. T. Thomas, Chauxcy. Crystal button T36.1 Thomas, Elizabeth. Great St. Bene- dict's j T3G2.1 Thomas, Martha M. Captain Phil j T364. 1 Thomas, "W. H. Running the blockade. . T3GG.1 Thomlixsox, E. T. Search for Andrew Field j To9.1 Thompsox, D. p. Green mountain boys. T37.1 Locke Amsden T37.2 Thompsox, D. P. May Martin T37.3^ Rangers T37.4 Thompsox, Emily. Barker family j T372.1 Thompsox, J. M. Banker of Bankersville. T374.1 His second campaign T374.2 King of Honey island T37-t.3 Tallahassee girl T374.4 Thompsox, ^Iacrice. See Thompson, J. M. Thompsox, W. T. John's alive T377.1 Thomsox, j. C, joint author. See Mrs. Katherine B. Thorxbury, Walter. See Thornbury, G. W. Thorxe, K., pseud. See Gray, Louisa M. Thorxe, p., pseud. See Smith, Mrs. Mary P. W. Thoroddsex, J. T. Sigrid T39.L Thorpe, Mrs. R. H. Year's best days ... j T392.1 Thrale, Mrs. See Piozzi, Mrs. Hester L. T. S. Thyxxe, R. Story of Australian explora- tion T42.1 TiECK, LuDwiG, joint author. See Musccus, J. K. A. TiERXAX, Mrs. F. C. After many days. . T44.1 Bonny Kate T44.2. Comedy of elopement T44.3 Daughter of Bohemia T44.4 Hearts and hands T44.5 '■Land of the sky." T44.6 Land of the sun T44.7 Nina's atonement T44.8- Question of honor T44.9 TiERXAX, Mrs. Mary F. Homoselle T443.1 Jack Horner T443.2 TiLTOx, Theodore. Tempest-tossed T47.1 Tim T4S TiMSOL, Robert, pseud. See Bird, F. M. TixcKER, Mary A. By the Tiber T49. 1 Jewel in the lotos T49.2 San Salvador T49.3 Signer Monaldini's niece T49.4 Two coronets T49.5 TixsEAC, Leox de. Damascus road T494.1 My cousin, Miss Cinderella T494.2 TiTCOMB, Timothy, pseud. See Holland, J. G. Titmarsh, Mr. Michael Axgelo, pseud. See Thackeray, W. M. Tolstoi, Alexis, Count. Prince Sere- bryani T58.9 Tolstoi. L. N., Count. Anna Karenina . • To82.1 Childhood, boyhood, youth T582.2 Cossacks T582.3 Family happiness T582.4 Ivan Hyitch T582.6 Kreutzer sonata T582.7 Long exile j T582.& '9Q FICTION.— AUTHOR LIST. 'ToLSToi, L. N., Covnt. Invaders, and other stories T582.5 Russian proprietor T5S2.10 Sebastopol T582.il "War and peace T582. 12 Work while ye have the light T582. 13 ToPELius, Zachris. Times of alchemy. . T62.6 Times of battle and of rest T62.2 Times of Charles XII T(i2.3 Times of Frederick I T62.4 Times of Gustaf Adolf T62.1 Times of Linnaeus T62.5 TouRGANiEFF. See Turgenief, I. S. TouRGEE, A. W. Black ice T64.1 Bricks witliout straw T64.2 Button's inn T64.3 Tool's errand T64.4 Hot plowshares T64.6 John Eax, and Mamelon TG-l.a Murvale Eastman TM.T Out of the sunset sea TG4.8 Pactoliis Prime T64.9 Royal gentleman T6-4.10 Son of old Harry T64.1I Toinette T64. 12 Towards the gulf T65 Towner, AusBURN. Chedayne of Kotono. TG6.1 TowNSEND, G. A. Katy of Catoctin T662.1 TowNSEND, Virginia F. Boston girl's ambitions T665. 1 But a Philistine T665.2 Darryll gap T665.8 Lenox Dare T66o.9 Mostly Marjorie Day T665.3 Only girls j T66o.4 " Sirs, only seventeen !" j T665.5 That queer girl TG6o. G Woman's word TGG5.7 Tkafton, Adeline. See Knox, Adeline T. Traherne, Mrs. Arthur. See Traherne, 3frs. H. Margaret A. Traherne, Mrs. H. M. A. Summer in a Dutch country house T67. 1 Traill, 3Irs. C. P. Lost in the backwoods. j T68.1 Stories of the Canadian forest j TG8.2 Transition TG87 Travers, Graham. Mona Maclean TG9.1 Trebor, pseud. See Davis, R. S. Triangular society T73 Tripp, G. H. Student life at Harvard. . . T732.1 Trois-Etoiles, pseud. See Murray, E. C. G. Trollope, Anthony. American senator. T74.1 Barcliester towers T74.2 Belton estate T74.3 Bertrams T74.4 Can you forgive her? T74.30 Castle Richmond T74.5 Claverings T74.G Cousin Henry T74.7 Trollope, Anthony. Doctor Thorne T74.8 Duke's children T74.9 Eustace diamonds T74. 12 Eye for an eye T74. 13 Framely parsonage T74.14 Golden lion of Grandpere T74. 15 He knew lie was right T74.16 Lady Anna T74.17 Last chronicle of Barset T74. 18 Miss Mackenzie T74. 19 Orley farm T74.20 Phineas Finn T74.22 Phineas Redux T74.21 Ralph the heir T74.23 Sir Harry Hotspur T74.'l0 Small house at Allington T74.24 Tales of all countries T74.25 Three clerks T74.26 Vicar of Bullhampton T74.27 Warden T74.29 Way we live now T74.28 Trollope, J/>-s. F. E. That wild wheel.. T742.1 Trollope, T. A. Dream numbers T746.1 Garstangs of Garstang grange T74G.2 Leonora Casaloni T746.3 Sealed packet T746.4 Siren T746.5 Trotter, Ada M. Bledisloe T75. 1 Troavbridge, John. Electrical boy j T753.1 Troavbridge, j. T. Adventures of David Vane and David Crane j T754. 1 Biding his time j T754.2 Bound in honor j T754.3 Chance for himself j T754.4 Coupon bonds j T754.5 Cudjo's cave j T754.6 Doing his best j T754. 7 Drummer boy j T754.8 Farnell's folly T754.9 Fast friends j T754. 10 Father Brighthopes j T7o4.11 Fortunes of Toby Trafiford j T754.12 His one fault j T754.13 His own master j T754. 14 Jack Hazard and his fortunes j T754. 15 Jolly rover j T754.16 Kelp-gatherers j T754.17 Lawrence's adventures among ice cut- ters j T754.18 Little master j T754.19 Martin Merivale T754.20 Neighbor Jackwood T754.21 Neighbors" wives j T754.22 Peter Budstone j T754.23 Phil and his friends j T754.24 Pocket-rifle j T754.25 Satin-wood box j T754.26 Scarlet tanager j T754.27 Silver medal j T754.28 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 97 Teoavbridge, J. T. Start in life j T754.29 Three boys on an electrical boat. . • • • j T754.30 Three scouts j T754r.31 Tinkham brothers' tide-mill j T754.32 Wooclie Thorpe's pilgrimage j T75-i.33 Young Joe. and other boys j T7o4.3-t Young surveyor j T754.35 True, J. P. Shoulder arms j T76.1 Trvmps, pseud. See Dick, "ST. B. TccKEK, Charlotte M. Driven into exile. T70.1 Holiday chaplet of stories j T79.2 Lost jewels T79.3 Sunday chaplet of stories j T79.4 Tucker, G. F. Quaker home T792.1 Tuckek-Macchetta, Blanche R. See Macchetta, Mme. Blanche R. T. Tucker, Saixt George. Devoted bride. T794.1 TuRGEXiEF, I. S. Annouchka T84.1 Dimitri Roudine T8-1.2 Fathers and sons T8-1.3 First love antf Punin and Baburin. . . . T84.4 Liza T84.5 Mumu T84.7 On the eve T84.r, Poems in prose T84.8 Smoke T84.9 Tales for a stormy night T84.il Virgin soil T84.10 Tuttiett, Mart G. In the heart of the storm T8S.1 Innocent impostor T88.2 Last sentence T88.3 Reproach of Annesley TS8.4 Silence of Dean Maitland T88.5 Tuttle, Chaplain-. Border tales T882. 1 Twain, Mark, i^sevd. See Clemens, S. L. Tytler, Mrs. Catheeise C. F. See Lid- dell. Mrs. C . C. F. T. Tytler, Sarah, pseud. See Keddie, Henrietta. L'lbach, Louis. For fifteen years UU.l Madame Gosselin U11.2 Steel liammer U11.3 UxDERAvooD, F. H. Doctor Gray's guest. Un2.1 Lord of himself Un2.2 Unlaid ghost Un4 fp from the cape Upl L'ebixo, Mrs. S. R. See Urbino, Mrs. Lavinia B. Vachell, H. a. Romance of Judge Ketchum V13.1 Valdes, a. p. Marquis of Penalta V23.1 Maximina V23.2 Sister Saint Surplice V23.3 Valentine, Jaxe. pseud. See Meeker, Mrs. J. R. Valextixe, Oswald, ^sei/£?. Helen.... V232.1 Valera, Juax. Don Braulio V234.2 Valera, Juax. Dona Luz V234.1 Pepita Ximenez V234.3 Valerio. Katherixe. Ina V235.1 Valsiore, Mriie. Marcelixe .J. F. D. See Desbordes-Valmore, Mme. M. .7. F. Vaxdam, a. D. Mystery of the Patrician club V28.1 Vaxdergrift, Margaret, pseud. See Janvier. Margaret T. Vax der Palm. .J. H. See Palm. J. H. van der. Vaxce, Clara, pseud. See Denison, Mrs. Mary A. Vax Dyke. T. S. Flirtation camp V282.1 Vax Somjier, Elizabeth. By uphill paths V36. 1 Martin's inheritance V3G.2 Veitch, Sophia F. F. Dean's daughter. V53.1 Vextuea, L. D., & Shevitch, S. Misfits and remnants Vofi. 1 " Verax," ^;sei/t?. See Gould, Nat. Veega, Giovaxxi. House by the medlar- tree V58.1 Verxe, Jules. Abandoned V59.24 Adventures in the land of the Behe- moth V59. 1 Around the world in eighty days V59.2 At the north pole V59.3 Castle of the Carpathians V59.4 Desert of ice V59.5 Dick Sands, the boy captain j V59.22 Doctor Ox V59.G Five weeks in a balloon V59.7 Floating city V59.8 From the earth to the moon Vo9.9 Fur country V59. 10 Hector Servadac V59.1I Michael Strogoff V59.23 In search of the castaways V59. 12 Journey to the centre of the earth j V59. 13 Mysterious island. Vo9.14 Special correspondent VoO.lo Steamhouse V59.1G Survivors of the Chancellor V59.17 Tribulations of a Chinaman V59.18 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. V59.19 L'nderground city V59.20 Voyages and adventures of Captain Hatteras V59.21 Vescelius-Sheldox. Louise. See Shel- don. Louise V. ViAUD, JuLiEX. Book of pity and of death. V65. 1 Iceland fisherman VGo.2 Rarahu VG5 3 ViCARY, JoHx F. Stork's nest V6G.1 Victor, Horace. Mariam V6G3. 1 ViLLARi. 3Ime. LixDA. In change un- changed V71.1 98 FICTION.— AUTHOR LIST. ViLLiERS, George. See Buckingham, George Villiers, Buke of. Virginia, Cousin, pseud. See Johnson, Virginia W. ViTTUM, E. M. Faith on the frontier V83.1 VoisiN, pseud. Rented a husband V87.1 Valckhausen, Adolph von. Why did he not die ? VSS.l VoLKMAXN, Richard. Dreams by a French fireside j V8S2.1 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Candide V884. 1 VoN Sdttner, Bertha. See Suttner, Bertha von. VosMAER, Carl. Amazon V92. 1 W., C. H. See Chaplin, H. W. "Wace, Henry, joint editor. See Smith, William. Wadsworth, Olive A., pseud. See Dana, Katharine F. Wahl, Louis, joint author. See Blum, George. Walford, Mrs. L. B. C. Baby's grand- mother WU.l Cousins W14.2 Dick Netherby W14.3 Her great idea Wl-1.4 Matchmaker W14.o Mr. Smith WU.6 One good guest W14.7 Pauline W14.8 Sage of sixteen W14.9 Stiff-necked generation W14. 10 Troublesome daughters W14. 11 Walker, George. Three Spaniards ... . W15.1 Walker, Mrs. M. S. Both sides of the streets j W152. 1 Rev. Dr. Willoughby j W152.2 Wallace, Leavis. Ben-Hur W154.1 Fair God W154.2 Prince of India W154.3 Walloth, Wilhelji. King's treasure house WloG.l Walworth, Mrs. J. R. Baldy's point. . . W17.1 Bar-sinister W17.2 New man at Rossmere W17.3 Without blemish W17.4 Walavorth, M. T. Beverly.... W172.1 Zahara W172.2 Ward, Artemus, pseud. See Browne, C. F. Ward, E. St. Dunstan's clock W21.1 Ward, 3Irs. E. S. Beyond the gates W212.1 Boys of Brimstone court j W212.2 Burglars in Paradise W212.3 Come forth W212.21 Doctor Zay W212.4 Donald Marcy W212.5 Fourteen to one W212.6 Friends W212.7 Gates ajar W212.8 Ward, 3frs. E. S. Gates between W212.9 Gypsy Breynton j W212.10 Gypsy's Cousin Joy j W212.ll Gypsy's sowing and reaping j W212.13 Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent. . j W212.12 Hedged in W212.14 Jack the fisherman j W212.15 Madonna of the tubs W212. 16 Master of the magicians W212.22 Old maid's paradise W212.17 Sealed orders W212.18 Silent partner W212.19 Story of Avis W212.20 Ward, Herbert D., joint author. See Ward, 3frs. E. S. P. Ward, Mrs. Humphry. See Ward, Mrs. M. A. A. Ward, H. D. Captain of the Kittiewink. j W213.1 White crown W213.2 Ward, Mrs. M. A. History of David Grieve W21o.l Marcella W215.2 Miss Bretherton W215.3 Robert Elsmere W215.4 Warden, Florence, pseud. See James, Mrs. F. A. P. Ware, William. Aurelian W22.1 Julian W22.2 Zenobia W22.3 Warpield, Mrs. C. a. Double wedding. W23.1 Household of Bouverie W23.2 Miriam Monfort W23.3 Warner, Anna B. Casper and his friends j W24.1 Cross corners j W24.2 Daisy Plains W24.3 Dollars and cents W24.4 Three little spades j W24.5 joint author. See Warner, Susan. Warner, C. D. Being a boy j W242.1 Golden house W242.2 Little journey in the world W252.3 Pilgrimage W242.4 joint author. See Clemens, S. L. Warner, Susan. Bread and oranges. . . • j W246.1 Daisy W246.2 Diana W246.3 End of a coil W246.4 Flag of truce j W246.5 Hills of the Shatemuc W246.6 Letter of credit W246,7 Melbourne house W246.8 My desire W246.9 Nobody W246.10 Old helmet W246.ll Pine needles W246.12 Queechy W246,13 Rapids of Niagara j W246.14 Red wallflower W246.15 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 99 Warner, Susan. Stephen, M. D W24G.1G Wide, wide world W24G.17 and Anna B. Carl Krinken j W24G.18 Gold of Chickaree W240.19 Hard maple j W240.20 Mr. Rutherford's children j W24G.21 Say and seal W246.22 Sybil and Chryssa j W24G.23 Wych Hazel W24G.24 Warner, Warren, pseud. See Warren, Samuel. Warren, Cornelia. Miss Wilton W25.1 Warren, Samuel. Passages from diary of a late physician W253. 1 Ten thousand a year W253.2 Warriner, E. a. Victor La Tourette. . . W255.1 Washburn, Katherine S. V. Italian girl. W27.1 Perfect love casteth out fear W27.2 Washington, Beatrice. Story of Juli- ette j W272.1 Waters of Hercules AV31 Watson, Mrs. A. C. Dorothy the Puri- tan W33.1 Off Lynnport light W33.2 Watson, H. B. M. Marahuna W332.2 Watson, J. M. Beside the bonnie brier- bush W335.1 Watson, J. F. Confessions of a poacher. W334.1 Waugh, Benjamin. "Come, ye chil- dren." j W35.1 Weaver, Emily. My Lady Nell W37.1 Weber, Alice. Affair of honour j W38.1 When Pm a man j W3S.2 Webster, Leigh. Another girl's ex- perience W39.1 Wedmore, Frederick. Pastorals of France W41.1 Weik, j. W., joint author. See Hern- don, W. H. Weitzel, J/r^. S. W. Counter-currents.. W43.1 Wells, H. P. City boys in the woods W46.1 Wells, Mrs. Kate. Miss Curtis W462.1 Two modern women W462.2 Wendell, Barrett. Rankell's remains. W48.1 Wentwortii, Walter. Drifting island . . j W482. 1 Werner, Ernst, pseud. See Biirsten- binder, Elizabeth. Wesselhoeft, Lily F. Old Rough the miser j W5L1 Sparrow the tramp j W51.2 Winds, the woods, and the wanderer, j W51.3 West, Mary. Born player W52.1 Westall, William. For honor and life . . W522. 1 Westcott, Blanche. Jean W524. 1 Western border life W527 Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. See Warner, Susan. Wetherill, Julie K., pseud. See Baker, Mrs. ^Marion. Weyman, S. j. Gentleman of France. .. W54.1 House of the wolf W54.2 Man in black W54.3 My Lady Rotha W54.4 New rector W54.5 Under the red robe W54.6 Wharton, Grace, pseud. See Thomson, Mrs. Katherine. Wharton, Philip, pseud. See Thom- son, J. C. Whatham, M. E. Adrift in a great city . . Wo5.1 City snowdrops j W55.2 Double cherry Woo. 3 Wheeler, Esther G. Stray leaves from Newport WoG.l Wheelock, Clarendon, joint author. See Knowlton, S. C Wheelock, Julia S. See Freeman, Mrs. Julia S. Whibley, Charles, joint compiler. See Henley, W. E. Whitby, Beatrice. Mary Fenwick's daughter Wo8. 1 Matter of skill Wo8.2 On the lake of Lucerne Wo8.3 Part of the property Wo8.4 White, Eliza O. Miss Brooks Wo82. 1 When Mollie was six j W582.3 Winterborough Wo82.2 White, R. G. Fate of Mansfield Hum- phreys Wo84.1 White, W. H. Autobiography of Mark Rutherford W08G.I Catherine Furze W58G.2 Revolution in Tanner's lane Wo86.3 White, Mrs. W. H. Some women of to- day W080.I Whiteing, Richard. Island Wo98.1 Whiteley, Mrs. C. L. Who was she?... W589.1 Whitman, Mrs. Bernard, joint author. See Hale, Lucretia P. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. Ascutney street.. WGl.l Bonnyborough W61.2 Boys at Chequasset j WG1.3 Faith Gartney's girlhood W61.4 Gayworthys WG1.5 Golden gossip W61.6 Hitherto W61.7 Homespun yarns W61.8 Odd, or even? W61.9 Other girls W61.10 Patience Strong's outings W61.ll Real folks W61.12 Sights and insights W61.13 Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life.. W61.14 We girls W61. 15 Zerub Throop's experiment W61.16 joint author. See Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Whittaker, Frederick. Cadet button • . W612.1 Whittlesey, Elsie L. Hemlock swamp . W614.1 100 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. "VVhyte, Violet, j)sevd. See Stannard, 3Irs. Henrietta E. V. WiCHEET, E. A. A. G. Greengate "W63.1 "Wicks, Frederic. Golden lives ■W632.1 WiCLiF, JoHX. See Wycliffe, John. WiGGiN, Mrs. Kate D. -See Riggs, iVrs. K. D. "Wilbekforce, E. G., joint aidhor. See Ashwell, A. E. Wilcox, Marion. Senora Villena \V6-4.1 Wilde, Oscar. Happy prince j W642.1 House of pomegranates W642.2 Wildrick, iVrs. Marian. Lord Strahan. W644.1 Zealot in tulle WG44.2 WiLKiNS, Mary E. Humble romance •• . W65.1 Jane Field W65.2 New England nun W65.3 Pembroke W65.4 Pot of gold o j W65.5 Young Lucretia W65. 6 WiLLARD, 3Irs. C. A. Fifty years ago. . . W66.1 Willard, Kate L. Colony of girls W662.1 WiLLE, Elizabeth DE. Johannes Olaf. . . WCe-t. 1 WiLLETT, Edward. Search for the star j W665.1 William the cottager j W67 Williams, Anna B. Birchwood W672. 1 Eolf and his friends W672.2 Scotch caps j WG72.0 Williams, C. E. Penalty of recklessness. WG73.1 Williams, Edwin, joint author-. See Les- ter, C. E. Williams, Mos. H. B. Mr. Darwing's daughter W674:. 1 Williams, H. T., joi7it author. See Jones, 3Irs. C. S. Williams, Jesse L. Princeton stories. . . WG75.1 Williams, T. M. Land of my fathers... W676.1 Willis, N. P. People I have met WG7S. 1 Wilmer, Mrs. M. E. Dumb traitor j WG8.1 Eva's engagement ring W6S.2 Glass cables j W6S.3 Wilson, Mrs. A. G. Sydney Martyn j W69.1 Wilson, 3frs. A. J. At the mercy of Ti- berius W692.1 Beulah W692.5 Inez W692.2 Infelice W692.3 St. Elmo W692.6 Vashti WG92.4: Wilson, 3frs. E. C. Eoyal hunt WG94.1 Wilson, Olivia L. At the sign of the White Swan W696.1 Wilson, T. P. True to his colours W698.1 Winchester, Carroll, pseud. See Curtis, 3Irs. Caroline G. Winchester, M. E., pseud, ^ee Whatham, M. E. WiNGFiELD, L. S. Maid of honor W72.1 WiNSLOw, Helen M. Salome Shepard... W73.1 Winter, John Strange, pseud. See Stan- nard, 3Irs. Henrietta E. V. WiNTHROP, Theodore. Cecil Dreeme. .. W732.1 John Brent W732.2 Wise, Daniel. Ben Blinker j W75.1 Roderick Aslicourt j W75.2 Thornclifee hall j W75.3 Winwood cliff j W75.4: Wiseman, Nicholas, CarcZi?ia/. Fabiola.. W752.1 Wister, 3I)s. a. L., comp. Fairy tales., j W76.1 WiSTER, Mrs. O. J. See Wister, 3Irs. Sarah. Witherspoon, Orlando. Doctor Ben... W77.1 Witt, 3Im.e. H. G. de. French country family W78.1 Wolf, Emma. Prodigal in love ••• W83.1 Wolf at the door W831 Wolff, Julius. Eobber count W833.1 Salt master of Liineburg W833.2 WoLLEY, CtivE P. Snap legend of the lone mountain W835.1 Wollstonecraft, Mary. See Godwin, 3Irs. Marj-. Wood, C. D. Step aside AY85.1 Wood, i/rs. Ellen. Anne Hereford ... . W852.1 Bessy Eane W852.2 Channings W852.24 Danesbury house W852.3 Dene Hollow W852.4 East Lynne W8o2.5 Elster's folly AV8o2.6 Foggy night at Offord W852.7 George Canterbury's will W8o2.8 Johnny Ludlow W852.9 Life's secret W852.ll Lord Oakburn's daughters W852. 10 Master of Greylands AV582.13 Mildred Arkeli W852.12 Mrs. Halliburton's troubles W852.14 Orville college W852. 15 Oswald Cray W852.16 Eed court farm W8o2.17 Eoland Yorke WS52.19 St. Martin's eve W8o2.20 Shadow of Ashlydyat W852.21 Trevlyn hold W852.22 Verner"s pride W852.23 Within the maze W852.18 Wood, H. F. Englishman of the rue Cain W854.1 ' Wood, Henry. Edward Burton W855.1 Wood, 3Irs. Henry. See Wood, 3Irs. Ellen. Wood, J. S. Coign of vantage W856.1 Daughter of Venice W856.2 Gramercy park W856.3 Old beau • W856.4 Woodruff, 3lrs. J. L. Bellerue W86.3 Holden with cords W86. 1 Shiloh W86.2 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 101 "Woods, Mrs. K. T. Fair maid of Mar- blehead W6G2.1 Woods, Kathekink P. From dusk to dawn W864.1 Metzerott W8G4:.2 "Web of gold W804.:3 Woods, Margaret L. Esther "Vanhom- righ Wsi.y. 1 Vagabonds W805.2 "Village tragedy W8G5.3 WooLLEY, Celia P. Girl graduate W88.1 Love and theology W88.2 Roger Hunt W88.3 WooLSEY, Sarah C. Barberry bush j W883.1 Clover j W883.2 Cross Patch j W883.3 Eyebright j W883.4 For summer afternoons W883.5 Gumsey lily j W883.6 In the high valley j W883.7 Little country girl j W883.8 Mischief's tlianksgiving j W883.9 Not quite eighteen j W883. 10 What Katy did j W883.ll What Katy did at school j W883.12 What Katy did next j W883.13 WooLSOX, Cosstaxce F. Anne W885.1 Castle Nowhere W885.2 East Angels W885.3 Horace Chase W885.5 Rodman the keeper W885.4 Worthy, Mrs. New continent W892.1 WoRTHiNGTON Cc, pids. Wortliiugton's annual, 1893 j W89.1 Wright, D. T. Mrs. Armington's ward W93.1 Wright, Elvirton. Curly head j W932.1 Wright, JLs. .Julia. Best fellow in the world j W93-1.1 Captain's bargain. j W934:.2 How could he escape ? j W934.3 Jug-or-not j W934.-}: Nothing to drink j W934.5 Wtatt, G. E. Lionel Harcourt W97.1 Wylde, Katharine. Dreamer W972.1 Wyman, Mrs. L. B. Poverty grass W98.1 Wynne, Eva. ■ Sisters of Glencoe W99.1 Wyss, j. R., & MoNTOLiEU, Jeuxe I. P. P. de B., Baronne de. Swiss family Robinson W99-1.1 X. Her sacrifice XI. 1 Yam, pseud. Wikkey Yl. 1 Yardley, J//-5. Jaxe. Little sister Y2.1 Superior woman Y2.2 Yates, E. H. Black sheep Y22.1 Broken to harness Y22.2 Castaway Y22.3 Dangerous game Y22.15 Dr. Wainwright's patient Y22.4 Forlorn hope Y22.5 Yates, E. H. . Ivissing the rod Y22.6 Land at last Y22.7 Nobody's fortune Y22.8 Righted wrong Y22.9' Rock ahead Y22.il Running the gauntlet Y22.10 Wages of sin Y22. 16 Waiting race Y22.r2 Wrecked in port Y22.13 Yellow flag Y22.14 Year of wreck Y3. Yesterday Y4. Yonge, Charlotte M. Armourer's pren- tices Y8.1 Astray Y8.2 Beechcroft Y8.3 Beechcroft at Rockstone Y8.4 Ben Sylvester's word j Y8.5 Caged lion Y8.6 Castle builders Y8.7 Chantry house Y8.8 Chaplet of pearls Y8.9 Clever woman of the family Y8.10 Cook and the captive Y8.11 Cross roads Y8.12 Daisy chain Y8.13 Danvers papers Y8 . 14 Disturbing element j Y8.15 Dove in the eagle's nest Y8.16 Dynevor terrace Y8. 17 Friarswood post-office j Y8.18 Grisly Grissell Y8.19 Heartsease Y8.20 Heir of Redclyffe YS.21 Hopes and fears Y8.22 Love and life Y8.23 !Magnum bonum Y8.24 Modern Telemachus Y8.25 More bywords Y8.2G My young Alcides Y8.27 Our new mistress Y8.28 Pigeon pie tale of roundhead times j Y8.29 Pillars of the house Y8.30 P's and Q's • j Y8.31 Richard the fearless j Y8.32 Slaves of Sabinus Y8.33 Stray pearls Y8.34 Storehouse of stories Y8.44 Strolling players Y8.43 That stick Y8.35 Three brides Y8.36 Trial '• Y8.37 Two guardians Y8.38 Two sides of the sliield Y8.39 ^ Under the storm Y8.40 Unknown to history Y8.41 Young step-mother Y8.42 Yocxg, Gerald. Wild pigs j Y84. 1 102 BIOGRAPHY. Young, J. B. What a boy saw in the army YocNGMAK, W. E. Lascine Z. Z. Drama in Dutch Zangwill, I. King of Schnorrers Master Y85.1 Y86.1 Zl.l Z12.1 Z12.2 Zola, £mile. Downfall Z7.1 ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. Princess of Bruns- wick- Wolf enbiittel Z8.1 Rose of Disentis Z8.2 ZuBOF, R. I. Viera Z82.1 BIOGRAPHY. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Abbott, Ezra. Memorial; comiJ.hy Bar- rows. 1884 9Ab2 Abelard and Heloise. Romance ; ed. by Richardson. 1884 9 Ab33 Aberdeen, I!a7-l of. Life; by Gordon. 1893 Abo Adams, John, & Jefferson, Thomas. Lives ; by Stoddard. 1887 9 Adl4 Adams, John, and Wife. Familiar let- ters. 1876 9Adl2 Adams, John. Life; by Morse. 1885. 9 Adl3 Adams, John Q. Life ; by Morse. 1882. 9 Adl6 Life ; by Seward. 1849 9 Adl7 Memoirs ; ed. by Adams. 12v. 1874-77 9 Adl5 Adams, Samuel. Life ; by Hosmer. 1886. 9 Adl8 Life; by Wells. 3v. 1865 9 Adl81 Addison, Joseph. Life ; by Aikin. 2v. 1843 9 Ad2 Life; by Courthope. 1884 9 Ad21 Agassiz, Louis. Life and correspon- dence ; by Mrs. Agassiz. 2v. 1886. 9 Agl Akbar. Life; by Malleson. 1890 9 Ak2 Albany, Countess of. Life; by Paget. 1884 9 All Albemarle, G. T. Keppel, JEa7-l of. Fifty years of my life. 1876 9 A112 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Life ; by Burdett. 1889 9 A113 Albert, Prince Consort of England. Early years; by Grey. 1868 9 Alio Life; by Martin. 5v. 1875-80 9 A1151 Albert Victor. See Clarence, Albert Victor, Dulce of. Alcott, Louisa M. Life, letters, and journals; ecZ. by Cheney. 1889 9 AH" , Alexander the Great. History ; by Abbott. 1877 j 9 A12 Life ; by Williams. 1830 9 A121 Alexander III., of Russia. Life; by Lowe. 1895 9 A123 Alfieri, Vittorio. Life; by Alfieri. 1877 9 A126 Alfred the Great. History ; by Ab- bott. 1875 j 9 A124 Life; by Hughes. 1881 9 A1241 Allen, Ethan. Life; by Sparks.. r« v. 1. 92 Sp21 Life ; by Hall. 1892 9 A15 Allen, John. Life ; by Allen. 1888.... 9 A152 Allen, Thomas. Memorial" addresses on his life and character. 1884 9 A154 Allen, William. Life ; with selections from his correspondence. 2v. 1847. 9 A157 Allston, Washington. Life and letters ; byFlagg. 1892 9 A17 Alraschid, Caliph Haroun. Life ; by Palmer. 1881 9 A16 Ames, Mary C. See Hudson, Mrs. M. C. Ames, Nathaniel. Essays, humor, and poems ; by Briggs. 1891 9 Am3 Amiel, H. F. Journal intime. 1885 9 Am5 Anderson, H. C. Storj- of mylife. 1872. 9 An2 Andre, John. Life ; by Sargent. 1861.. *9 An22 Narrative of cause of death ; by Smith. 1808 *9 An21 Andrew, J. A. Memoir ; by Chandler. 1880 9 An24 Andrewes, Lancelot. Life ; by Ottley. 1894 9 An25 Angelico, Giovanni, Fra. Life; by Phillimore.. 1881 9 An4 Angelo, Michael. See Michael Angelo Buonarroti, Angouleme, Duchess of. By Imbert de St. Amand. 1892 9 An42 Youth; by Imbert de St. Amand. 1892 9 An421 Anne Boleyn. Memoirs ; by Benger. 1822 9 An7 Anselm, ;SaV«^ Life; by Church. 1888. 9 An8 Anson, Lord George. From middy to admiral ; by Macaulay. 1891 j 9 An81 Anthony, H. B. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1885 9 An84 Arblay, Mnie. Frances d\ Diary and let- ters ; e(?. by Barrett. 4v 9 Arl2 Diary and letters ; ed. by Woolsey. 2v. 1880 9Ar.l BIOGRAPHY. 103 Arblay. Mine. Frances d'. Early diary ; ed. by Ellis. 2v. 1889. 9 Arl3 Life ; by "seeley. 1890 9 Ar 14 Arbuthxot, John. Life : by Aitken. 1892 9 Arl7 Arndt, E. M. Life and adventures. 1879. 9 ArG Arnold, Benedict. Life : by Arnold. 1880 9 Ar61 Life ; by Sparks inv.Z. 92 Sp21 Arnold, Thomas. Life and correspond- ence ; by Stanley. 1873 9 ArG4 Arnot, John, jr. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 18S7 9 ArG7 Arthi-r, C. a. Life : by Coffin. 1880. in 9G18 AcDUBON, J. J. Life : by Audubon. 1879. 9 Au2 Augustine, Sister. Life ; by Amalie von Lasaulx. 1881 9 Au4 Augustine, Mother St. Life ; by Ursuline nun. 1888 *9 Au41 AuRELirs, M.ARCUS. Life ; by Watson. 1884 9Au6 Austen, Jane. Life: by Keddin 9 Au7 Memoir; by Leigh. 1870 9 Au71 Ater, J. C. Reminiscences; by Cowley. *9 Ay2 Bacon, Delia. Biographical sketch ; by Bacon. 1888 * 9 B13 Bacon, Francis, Baron Vervlam. Life and character: by Lovejoy. 1883. 9 B134 Life and times ; by Spedding. 2v. 1878 9 B13G Life; by Church 9 B132 Life ; by Nichol. 2v. 1888 9 B13o Personal history ; by Dixon. 18G1 . . . 9 B133 Bacon, Henrt. Memoir ; by Bacon. 1857. 9 B138 Bacon, Nathaniel. Memoir; by Ware. inv.2,. 92 Sp2 Baldwin, Marv B. Memorials; by Pit- man 9 B19 Balfe, M. W. Memoir ; by Kenney. 1875 9B195 Ball, Thomas. My threescore years and ten. 1892 9 B21 Ballantine, William. Barrister's life. 1882 9 B212 Balloc, Hosea. Life story ; by Safford. 1889 9B213 Baltimore, Barons. Lives ; by Browne. 1890 9 B214 Balzac, Honore de. Life ; by Saltus. 1884 9 B21C Life ; by Wedmore. 1890 9 B217 Memoir ; by Wormeley. 1892 9 B218 Bamford, Samuel. Life of a radical ; ed. by Dunckley. 2v. 1893 9 B21o Bancroft, H. H. Memoir. 1891 9 B22 Bancroft, Mr. and. Mrs. On and off the stage ; by themselves. 2v. 1888. . 9 B225 Bangs. Journal ; by Bangs. 1890 9 B228 Barbauld, Anna L. Memoir and let- ters ; by Ellis. 2v. 1874 9 B23 Barclay. Selections from correspond- ence : erf. by Rivers. 1894 9 B232 Barham, Francis. Memorial; erf. by Pit- man. 1873 9 B234 Barham, R. H. Life and letters; by Bar- ham. 1880 9 B235 Barnes, William. Life ; by Baxter. 1887 9 B2G Barneveldt, John van Olden. Life and death: by Motley. 2v. 1874 9 B262 Barnum, p. T. Struggles and triumphs; by Barnum. 1873 • 9 B263 Bartlett, W. F. Memoir; by Palfrey. 1878 9 B28 Bartolommeo, Fra, & Andrea d'Ag- NOLO. Life ; by Baxter. 1881 9 B282 Bashkirtseff, Marie. Journal of a young artist. 1889 ; 9 B29 Letters. 1891 9 B291 Bates, Joseph. Autobiography. 1868.. 9 B31 Bauer, Karoline P. A. Memoirs. 1885. 9 B32 Baxter, Richard. Life and times ; by Orme. 2v. 1831 9 B33 Bayard, 3Irs. Martha. Journal, Lon- don, 1794-97 ; erf. by Dod. 1894.. 9 B34 Bayard, T. F. Public life and services ; by Spencer. 1880 9 B342 Beach, Lewis. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1887 9 B353 Beaconsfield, B. Disraeli, Eail of. A study : by Brandes. 1880 9 B35 Life : by Kebbel. 1888 9 B351 Beaumarchais, p. a. C, de. His times; by Lomenie. 1857 9 B38 Becket, Thomas a. See Thomas a Becket. Beecher, H. W. Biography ; by Beecher. 1888 9 B391 Sketch of his career ; erf. by Abbott. 1883 9 B39 Beecher. Lyman. Autobiography, corre- spondence, etc. ; erf. by Beecher. 2v. 1871 9B393 s> Beethoven, Ludwig van. Life : erf. by Moscheles 9 B395 Memoir: by Graeme. 1887 9 B394 Bell, L. V. Memoir; by Ellis. 18G3... 9 B41 Beloiz, Hector. Autobiography and travels in Italy, Germany, Russia, and England. 1884 9 B45 Bentlet, Richard. Life;byJebb. 1882. 9 B44 Benton, T. H. Life; by Roosevelt. 1887 9 B445 Bernard, John. Retrospections of Amer- ica, 1797-1811. 1887 9 B455 Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint. His times, the man, and his works ; by Storrs. 1892 9 B453 Life and times : by Morison. 18G8. . . 9 B452 Berry, Marie C F. L. de Bourbon, Dvchess of. Court of Charles X. ; by Imbert de Saint-Amand 1892. . . 9 B458 104 Bekrv, Marie C. F. L. de Boirbox, Duchess of. Court of Louis XVIII. ; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1892 Eevolution of 1830; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1803 Berry, Mart. Extracts from her journal and correspondence. 1783-1852. 3y. 1866 Besaxt, Mrs. Annie. Autobiograjihy. 1893 Betterton, Thomas. Life and times. 1888 Life; by Lowe. 1891 Bewick, Thomas. Life; by Dobson. 1884 Bickersteth, Edward. Memoir; by Birks. 2v. 1851 BiDWELL, George. Forging his chains ; autobiography. 1888 Bienville, J. B. Le M. Life; by King. 1892 Bismarck, Prince von. Biographical sketch ; by Gorlach. 1 875 Historical biography; by Lowe. 1886 ". In the Franco-German war; by Busch. 2v Intime ; by a fellow student Letters. 1878 Lif e ; by Hesekiel. 1870 Life ; by LoAve. 1895 Our chancellor ; by Busch. 1884 Blackbcrne, Francis. Life ; by Black- burne. 1874 Blaine, J. G. Life ; by Ridpath. 1893. Blake, Robert. Life; by Dixon. Life; by Hanney. 1886 Blavatsky, Madame H. P. Incidents in the life ; by Sinnett. 1886 Blessington, M.F.G., Countess of. Liter- ary life and correspondence ; by Madden. 2v. 1855 Bliss, P. P. Memoirs ; ed. by "Whittle. 1877 Bloomfield, Georgiana. Baroness. Reminiscences. 2v. 1883 Boccaccio, Giovanni. Life as man and author ; by Symonds. 1895 BoLEYN, Anne. See Anne Boleyn. Bolingbroke, H. St. John, Viscount. Historical study; also, Voltaire in England; by Collins. 1886 Life; by MacKnight. 1863 Bombast, P. T., of Hohenheirn. Life; by Hartmann. 1887 Bonaparte, Joseph. History; by Abbott. 1869 Bonaparte, Napoleon. 5^ee Napoleon I., Emperor of France. BIOGRAPHY. 9B457 9B456 9B459 9B46 9 B463 9B462 9 B464 9B47 9B472 9B474 9B544 9B543 9 B541 9B546 9B54 9 B545 9B547 9B542 9 B56 9 B57 9 B58 9B581 9B61 9B613 9 B615 9 B62 9B63 9B633 9B634 9B636 j 9 B647 Boon, Daniel. Life ; by Peck, .in v. 13. 92 Sp2 Booth. Life of Elder and Younger; by Clarke. 1882 9 B642 Booth, Catherine. Life ; by Tucker. 2v. 1892 9 B64 Booth, Edavin. Recollections and letters ; by Grossmann. 1894 9 B643 BoswELL, James. Common-place book and memoir ; by Rogers. 1874. ... 9 B65 Life; by Fitzgerald. 2v. 1891 9 B651 BoAVDiTCH, Nathaniel. Life •,;. by Bow- ditch. 1870 .• j 9 B671 Bobbin Boy. 1884 j 9 B67 BoAVLES, Samuel. Life ; by Merriam. 2v. 1885 9B68 BoAVNE, Mrs. Eliza. Girl's life eighty years ago. 1887 9 B683 Boyd, O. B. Cavalry life in tent and field ; by Boyd 9 B69 Bozzi, Agostino. See GrauA'ille, Agos- tino Bozzi. Brace, C. L. Life ; from his own letters. 1894 Bradstreet, Anne. Life and her .time ; by Campbell. 1891 Brainerd, David. Life ; by Peabody. in v.%. Life; by Styles. 1812 Brassey, Thomas. Life and labours ; by Helps. 1874 Breck, Samuel. Recollections ; ed. by Scudder. 1877 Brett, Robert. His life and work ; by Belcher. 1889 Breavster, B. H. Life; by SaA'idge. 1891 Brea^'ster, William. Life and times ; by Steele. 1857 Bridgman, Laura D. Life and educa- tion ; by Lamson. 1878 . ; Briggs, G. N. Memoir ; by Richards. 1866 Bright, John. Life and times ; by Rob- ertson. 1889 Life and speeches ; by Smith. 1881. Broglie, a. L. V. C, Due de. Personal recollections. 2v. 1887 9 B78 Bronte, Charlotte. See Nicholls, Mrs. Charlotte. Bronte, Emily. Life ; by Darmesteter. 1883 9B784 Brooke, James. Life; by St. John. 1879 9 B79 Brooks, Phillips. Life; by Dunbar. 1891 9B795 Life in Boston — five years' editorial estimates ; ed. by Ayer. 1893 9 B793 Memorial sermon ; by Brooks. 1893. 9 B794 Brougham, Lord, Henry. Life and times ; by himself. 3v. 1871-72 9 B797 9B72 9B724 92 Sp21 9B734 9B73 9B74 9 B75 9B754 *9 B756 9B76 9B763 9B765 9B766 BIOGRAPHY. 105 Browx, C. B. Life; by Prescott. .....in. r. 1. 92 Sp21 Broavx, Johx. Life and letter? ; bv San- born. 1885 9BS11 Life; by Hoist. 1889 9 B81 Public life; by Redpath. 1860 9 B812 Browx, Nathax. Whole world kin; by Brown. 1890 9 B815 Bkowxing, J/rs. E. B. Life; by Ingram. 1888 9 B821 Letters and memoirs. 1877 9 B82 Browxixg, Meshach. Forty-four years of a hunter's life 9 B824: Browxixg, Robert. Life and letters ; by Orr. 2v. 1891 9 B827 Personalia; by Gosse. 1890 9 B826 Bruce, James. Life and adventures ; by Head. 1840 9 B83 Brc-Mmell, George. Life; by Jesse. 2v. 1886 9 B834 Bryaxt, W. C. Life and writings ; by Curtis. 1878 9 B841 Life and correspondence ; by Godwin. 2v. 1883 9 B843 Life; byBigelow. 1890 9 B8-t Life ; by Hill. 1879 9 B842 Brydges, Sir S. E. Autobiography. 2v. 183-i 9 B846 BcCHANAX, James. Life ; by Curtis. 2v. 1883 9 B85 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 in 9 T218 Buckixgham, George Villiers, Duke of. Life and times ; by Thomson. 3v. 1860 9 B852 Buckixgham, J. T. Personal memoirs. 2v. 1852 9 B853 Buckixgham, W. A. Life ; by Buck- ingham. 1894 9 B854 Bucklaxd, ■\Yilliam. Life and correspon- dence ; by Gordon. 1894 9 B8o5 Buckle, H. T. Life and writings ; by Huth. 1880 9 B857 Buckmixister, .J. S. Memoirs ; by Lee. 1849 9 B8575 Buddha. Life; by Lillie. 1883 9 BS58 BuGEAUD de la Picoxxerie, T. R. Memoirs ; by Ideville. 2v. 1884.. 9 B8G Bull, Ole B. Memoir; by Bull. 1883. 9 B87 Bulwek-Ltttox, E. G. E. L. See Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer-Lytton, Baron. BuxsEX, Baron. Memoir; by Bunsen. 2v. 1868 9 B88 BuxsEX, Fraxces, Baroness vox. Life and letters ; by Hare. 1879 9 BS81 Buxyax, Johx. Life; by Froude. 1880 9 B886 Life, times, and work ; by Brown .... 9 B885 Burgoyxe, Johx. Political and military episodes in his life ; by Fonblanque. 1876 9 B91 BcRKE, Edmuxd. Life ; by Prior. 1854. . . 9 B914 Life ; by Morley. 1879 9 B913 BuRXETT, P. H. Recollections of an old pioneer. 1880 9 B93 BuRXEY, Fraxces. See Arblay, Mrne. Frances d'. Burxs, Robert. Life ; by Blackie. 1888 9 B.933 Life ; by Carlyle. 1870 9 B934 Life ; by Shairp. 1879 .9 B935 BuRxsiDE, A. E. Life and services ; by Poore. 1882 9 B937 Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1882 9 B938 Burr, Aarox*. Life and times ; by Par- ton. 1858 9 B941 Memoirs ; by Davis. 2v. 1837 .... 9 B94 BuRRiTT, Elihu. Life, labors, and selec- tions from works ; by Xorthend. 1879 9 B944 Burroughs Stephen. Memoirs ; by Bur- roughs. 1858 *9B946 BuRTOX, R. F. Stephex. Public and private life ; by Hitchmann. 2v. 1887 9B95 Bushxell, Horace. Life and letters ; by Cheney. 1880 9 B96 Butler, B. F. Autobiography ... 1892. 9 B971 Life : by Bland. 1879 9 B97 Life ; by Bland. 1879 9 B972 Record. 1883 9 B973 Butler, Joseph. Sketch of his life ; by Pynchon. 1889 9 B976 Life' ; by Collins. 1881 9 B975 BuxTOX, T. F. Memoir; by Collier. 1861 9B98 Byrox, Lady A. I. Vindicated. History of Byron controversy; by Stowe. 1870 9 B996 Byrox, G. Gordox Nuel, Lord. Bio- graphy ; by Elze. 1872 9 BOO 1 Conversations with Countess of Bless- ington. 1893 9 B99 Life ; by Gait. 1830 9 B992 Recollections ; by Guiccioli. 1869. . . 9 B993 Life : by Mchol. 1880 9 B994 Cabot, Johx & Sebastiax. Biographical notice; by Tarducci. 1893 9 ClI Cabot, Sebastiax. Life; by Hay^vard. in v.d. 92 Sp21 C-ESAR, C. Julius. History; by Ab- bott 9Ciia History ; by Abbott. 1877 j 9 CI 13 Historv ; by Napoleon III. 2v. 1865-7 9C117 Life and Imperial Rome ; by Fowler. 1892 9C114 Life ; by Liddell. 1870 9 C116 Sketch : by Froude. 1879 9 Clio Calhoux, j. C. Life : by Hoist. 1882. . • 9 C12 106 BIOGRAPHY Calvekt, George & Cecilics. See Balti- more, Barons. Calvert, Leonard. Life ; by Burnan. in V. 9. 92 Sp2 Calvin, John. Life ; by Dyer. 1850 9 C13 CAMoiiNS, LiNS. Life and Lusiads ; by Burton. 2v. 1881 9 C15 Camp, H. W. Life ; by Trumbull. 1865. 9 Clo2 Campbell, J. M. Reminiscences ; ed. by Campbell. 1873 9 C153 Campbell, R. M. Historical memoirs ; by Macleary. 1881 9 Cloi Campbello, Enrico DE, Coi;?i/. Life; by Eobertson. 1891 9 C155 -Canning, George. Life ; by Bell. 1846. 9 C16 Life;byHill. 1887 9 C161 Canterbury, Archhishop of. See Pole, Reginald. Caret, Alice. See Cary, Alice. Carlyle, Alexander. Autobiography. 1861 9 C19 •Carlyle, Jane Welsh. Letters and memorials: by Froude. 2v. 1883.. 9 C191 Life ; by Ireland. 1891 9 C192 Carlyle, Thomas. History of forty years; by Froude. 2v. 1882 9 C197 Conversations; by Duffy. 1892 9 C195 Lif e ; by Comvay. 1881 9 C194 Life; by Garnett. 1887 9 C1971 Life ; by Nichol. 1892 9 C198 Life in London: by Froude. 2v. 188-1. 9 C196 Reminiscences; efZ. by Froude. 1881. 9 C193 and Emerson, R. W. Correspon- dence. 183-1-72. 2v. 1883 9 C199 Carmen, Sylva. See Elisabeth, Queen of Rovmania. Carpenter, Mary. Life and work; Jn- Carpenter. 1879 9 C22 Carpenter, M. H. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1882 9 C221 Carroll, John. My boy life. 1882 9 C23 Carson, Christopher (Kit). Life; by Burdett. 18G5 9 C23C Life ; by Abbott j 9 C235 Cary, Alice & Phcebe. Memorial ; by Hudson. 1873 9 C25 Casanova de Seingalt, G. G., & Latude, J. H. M. DE. Escapes from prison; ed. by Villars. 1892 9 C26 Cass, Lewis. Proceedings upon the ac- ceptance of the statue of. 1889... 9 C27 Catherine of Aragon & Anne Boleyn. History of two queens ; by Dixon. 4v. 1873-74 9 C2S5 Catherine II., Empress of Itussia. Life ; by Tooke. 3v. 1798 9 C281 Memoirs ; by Schmucker. 1855 9 C2S Romance ; by Waliszewski. 1894 9 C282 Cavendish. Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. 1832.. i« 9 D78 Cavendish, "William. See Newcastle, W. Cavendish, Duke of. Cavocr, C. Benso, Count. Life; by Mazade. 1877 9 C31 Caxton, William. Life; by Blades. 1882 9C311 Cecil, R. A. T. Gascoignb-. See Salis- bury, R. A. T. Gascoigne-Cecil, Ma.rquis of. Cellini, Benvenute. Memoirs ; by him- self. 1872 9 C331 Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de. Au- tobiography. 2v. 1888 9 C33 Life : by OUphant 9 C334 Life ; by Watts. 1891 9 C335 Chalmers, Thomas. Life ; by Eraser. 1882 9 C35 Preacher, philosopher, and states- man ; by Oliphant. 1893 9 C351 Chambers, Robert. Memoir ; ed. by Chambers. 1872 9 C355 Channing, W. E. a centennial memory; by Brooks. 1880 9 C36 Memoir. 3v. 1854 9 C361 Memoir ; by Frothingham. 1886 9 C364 Reminiscences ; by Peabody. 1880 9 C362 Chapin, E. H. Life ; by Ellis. 1883?.... 9 C366 Charlemagne. History ; by James 9 C37 History ; by Mombert. 1888 9 C371 Charles I., King of England. History; by Abbott. 1875 j 9 C38 Charles II., King of England. History; by Abbott. 1876 j 9 C382 Charles V., Emperor of Germany. His- tory of reign ; by Robertson. 3v. 1875 9 C384 Charles XII.. King of Sweden. History; by Voltaire. 1864 9 C386 Charlotte Elizabeth, Duchesse d' Or- leans. See Orleans, E. C, Du- chesse d\ Chase, S. P. Life and services ; by Schuckers. 1874 9 C388 Chatham, W. Pitt, Earl of. Life; by Macaulay. 1870 in 9 P68 Chatterton, Thomas. Story of the year 1770 ; by Masson. 1874 9 C39 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Life ; by Ward. 1880 9 C395 Cherbury, E. H. , Baron. Autobiography. 1886 9 C42 Cherbury, Lord, & Ellwood, Thomas. Lives ; by Cherbury. 1877 9 C421 Chesney, F. R. Life; by Chesney and O'Donnell. 1885 9 C425 Childs, G. W. Recollections. 1890.... 9 C43 Childs, J/rs. L. M. Letters. 1883 9 C434 Chittenden, L. E. Personal reminis- cences, 1840-1890. 1893 9 C44 BIOGRAPHY. 107 Choate, Kufus. Life ; by Brown. 1870. 9 Cio Memories; by Neilson. 1884 C451 Cuoi'ix, Fkederick. Life: by Liszt. 1866 Cioi As a man and musician : by Niecks. 2v. 1800 C455 Chorley, H. F. Autobiography and me- moirs ; by Jones. 1874 9 C457 Chrysostom, John. Life and times ; by Bush. 1885 9 C4G John of the golden mouth ; by Macgil- vray. 1871 9 C461 Chircii, Deax. Life and letters: ed. by Church. 1894 9 C47 Churchill, John. See Marlborough, J. Churchill, Duke of. CiBiiER, CoLLEY. Apology for his life. 1740 ". 9C48 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Life ; by For- syth. 1871 9 C4S3 Life and the fall of the Roman Re- public ; by Davidson. 1894 9 C482 Life; by Middleton. 3v. 1818 9 C484 Life; by TroUope. 2v. 1881 9 C485 Clap. Roger. Memoirs ; by Dorchester antiquarian and historical society. 1854 9 C53 Clarence, Alhert Victor. Duke of. Life : by Vincent . 1893 9 C54 Clark, J. F. Autobiography, diary, and ' correspondence : ec?. by Hale. 1891. 9 C554 Clark, T. M. Reminiscences. 1895..-. 9 C545 Clarke, Auam. Autobiography. 1833. 9 C55 Clary, F. A. Color bearer 9 C56 Clay, Hexry. Addresses on his death ; by United States Congress. 1852.. 9 C572 Life. 1875 9 C57 Life; by Schurz. 2v. 1887 9 C571 Clemmer, Mary. See Hudson, J/7-5. M. A. Cleopatra. History; by Abbott. 1851. 9 C595 Cleveland, Grover. Life and services ; by Goodrich. 1888 9 C59 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 9 C59 1 Clyde, Sir Colin Campbell 1st Baron. Life; by Forbes. 1895 9 CG2 CoBBE, Frances P. Life : by herself. 2v. 1894 9 C63 Cobden, Richard. Life : by Morley. 1881 9 C632 Coffin, Sir Isaac. Life: by Imory. 188G 9 C65 Cole, W. H. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1887 9 C677 Coleridge, S. H. Memoirs and letters; ed. by her daughter. 1874 9 C675 Coleridge, S. T. Biographia literaria. 2v. 1872 9 C67 Life : by Traill. 1884 9 CG72 Recollections : by Cottle. 2 v. 1837. 9 CG71 Coligny, Gaspard de. Life ; by Besant. 1879 9 COS Colombo, Cristoforo. See Columbus, Christopher. Columbus, Christopher. Career; by Elton. 1892 9 C722 His spirit of discovery ; by Winsor. 1891 9C729 Last voyages : by Mackie. 1893 9 C725 Life and voyages : by Irving. 3v. 185G " 9C723 Life and work : by Adams. 1892 .... 9 C721 Life ; by Abbott. 1875 9 C72 Life : by Helps. 1873 9 C7221 Life : by Lamartine. 1870 9 C724 Life ; by Mackie. 1891 9 C7251 Life : by Markham. 1892 9 C726 Life : by Tarducci. 2v. 1890 9 C728 Participation of the Jews in the Span- isli and Portuguese discoveries : by Kayserling. 1894 9 C7231 Story ; by Seelye. 1802 ; 9 C7272 Story of the discovery of the new world ; by Saunders. 1892 9 C727 CoMENius, J. A. Life and educational works ; by Laurie. 1885 9 C73 CoMiNGES, G.J.B. de. Le Comte. Ambas- sador at the court of Charles II. ; by Jusserand. 1892 9 C734 Conant, a. H. Life ; by CoUyer. 1872. 9 C74 CoNGDON. C. T. Reminiscences of a jour- nalist. 1880 9 C762 CoNGREVE. William. Life; by Gosse. 1888 9 C7G4 Constable, John. Memoirs ; by Leslie. 1845 9C766 CoNWELL. R. H. Life and work: and modern temple and templars ; bj' Burdette. 1894 9 C76 Cooper. J. F. Life: bv Lounsbury. 1883 9C78 Copley, J. S. Life : by Araory. 1882. 9 C79 Life and list of works: bv Perkins, 1873 0C701 Copley, J. S. See Lyndhurst, J. S. Cop- ley, Lord. Corey, A. D. A memorial. 1893 9 C81 CoRNEiLLE. Pierre. Corneille and his times : by Guizot. 1871 9 C 813 CoRNWALLis. Charles, & Clinton, Sir Henry. Answer to Clinton con- cerntng conduct of Cornwalhs. 1783 9C811 Correggio, a. a. da. Life : by Meyer. 187G *9 C812 Corson, Robert, Father. Life: by Car- roll. 1879 9 C814 Cortez, Hernando. History: by Ab- bott. 187G 9 C815 Life; by Helps. 2v. 1871 9 C816 CoRwiN. Thomas. Sketch ; by Russell. 1881 9C817 Cousin, Victor. Life ; by Simon. 1888. 9 C83 108 BIOGRAPHY. CovoDE, John. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1871 9 C832 CowPER, William. Life ; by Smith. 1880. 9 C834 Cox, David. Biograj>hy ; by Hall. 1881... 9 C836 Cox, S. S. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1890 9 C837 Cranmer, Thomas. Life and times ; by Lee. 1841 9 C85 Crockett, David. Life and adventures ; by Abbott. 1874 j 9 C87 Croker, J. W. Correspondence and diaries. 2v. 1884 9 C874 Cromwell, Oliver. History; by Church. 1894 9 C88 Life; by Clarke. 1893 9 C881 Life ; by Harrison. 1888 9 C882 Life ; by Palgrave. 1890 9 C883 Life ; by Russell. 2v. 1833 9 C885 The man and his mission ; by Picton. 1882, 9 C884 Cross, Mrs. M. A. G. L. Her heroines ; by Woolson. 1886 9 C8883 Life ; by Blind. 1883 9 C887 Life, letters, and journals; by Cross. 3v. 1885 '. 9 C88S1 Life, writings, and philosophy. Study ; by Cooke. 1883 9 C888 Thoughts on her life, books, and her- self; by Lonsdale. 1886 9C8S82 Cruikshank, George. Memoir ; by Stephens. 1891 9 C889 Curran, J. P. Recollections ; by Phillips. 1822 9 C93 Curtis, B. R. Jilemoir; by Curtis. 2v. 1879 9 C94 Curtis, G. W. Life ; by Gary. 1894. 9 C944 Cusack, Mary F. C. Story of my life. 1891 9 C95 Autobiography. 1889 9 C951 CusHMAX, Charlotte S. Letters and me- morials ; ed. by Stebbins. 1878 9 C956 Life ; by Price. 1894 9 C955 Custer, G. A. Life ; by Whittaker. 1876. 9 C96 Cutler, Manasseh. Life, journals, and correspondence. 2v. 1888 9 C97 Cyrus the Great. Life; by Abbott. 1875 j 9 C99 DAifLGREX, J. A. Memoir ; by his widow. 1882 9 D13 Dallas, G. M. Diary while U. S. minis- ter to Russia; ecZ. by Dallas. 1892. 9 DIG Damien de Veuster, Joseph, Father. Prom Cashmere to Hawaii ; by Clif- ford. 1889 9 D18 Dampier, William. Life ; by Russell. 1889 9 D185 Lives and voyages of Drake, Caven- dish, and Dampier. 1832 in 9 D78 Dana, R. H. Life ; by Adams. 2v. 1891 9 D19 Dante. Life, with analysis of the Divine Comedy ; by Botta. 1865 9 D2S. D'Arblay, Mme. See Arblay, .1/me. Frances d'. D'Arc, Jeanne. See Joan of Arc. Darius the Great. Life ; by Abbott. 1876 j 9 D24 Darwin, Charles. Life and letters ; by Darwin. 1887 9 D251 Life and work ; by Holder. 1891 .... 9 D252' Life ; by Allen. 1885 9 D25 Darwin, Erasmus. Life; by Krause. 1880 9 D255 Daudet, Alphonse. Recollections of a literary man. 1889 9 D26: Thirty years of Paris. 1888 9 D261 Davidson, Lucretia M. Life ; by Sedg- wick in V. 7. 92 Sp21 Davie, W. R. Life ; by Hubbard, .u^ v. 15. 92 Sp2- Davis, Garrett. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1873 9 D297 Davis, H. W. Oration; by Creswell. 1866 9 D294 Davis, Jefferson. Life and reminis- cences ; by Daniel. 1890 9 D29- Life ; by Pollard. 1869 9 D292 Memoir ; by his wife. 2v. 1890 9 D291 Davis, John. Life ; by Markham 9 D295 Decatur, Stephen. Life; by Mackenzie. ' in V. 11. 92 Sp2 Dedham, Mass. Record of deaths. 1844- '90 9 D293 Defoe, Daniel. Life and earlier works ; ed. by Morley. 1889 9 D361 Life ; by Minto. 1879 9 D36- DeKroyft, Mrs. S. H. Place in thy memory. 1850 9 D364 Delany, Mrs. 'SI. G. Autobiography and correspondence. 2v. 1879 9 D37 Denny, William. Life ; by Bruce. 1889. 9 D42 De Quincy, Thomas. Life and writings ; by Japp. 2v. 1877 9 D445 Life ; by Masson. 1882 9 D447 Memorial ; by Japp. 2v. 1891 9 D446 Derby, E. G. Smith-Stanley, Ea^-l of. Life ; by Saintsbury. 1892 9 D44 Derby, R. C. ^Memorial; by Hana- ford. 1865 , 9 D443 Desbordes-Valmore, Mme. M. J. F. Memoir; by Sainte-Beuve. 1873.. 9 D45 Descartes, Rene. Life ; by Mahaffy. 1881 9D453 Desiree, Queen of Sweden and Norway. Life ; by Hochschild. 1890 9 D46 Desm'oulins, B. C. Life ; by Claretie. 1876 9 D465- De Soto, Ferdinand. See Soto, Ferdi- nand de. De StaIIl, Mme. See Stael-Holstein, A. L. G., Baronne de. BIOGRAPHY. 109 De Tocqueville, Alexis. See Tocque- ville, A. C. H. C.-de. ©EWEY, Orville. Autobiography, and letters; e(?. by his daughter. 1883. 9 D51 iDexteu, Lord Timotiiv. Life; by Knapp. 1848 *0 D52 Dick, Robert. Life; by Smiles. 1879... 9 D54 Dickens, Charles. As a reader; by Kent. 1872 9 D554 Letters ; ed. by Hogarth and Dickens. 3v. 1879-81 9 D55 Life ; by Forster. 3v. 1872-74 9 D553 Life ; by Ward 9 D557 Pen photographs of readings ; by Field. 1871 9 D552 Sketch of life and works ; by Per- kins. 1870 9 D5y6 Stage ; by Pemberton. 1888 9 Daoo Story of reading tours; by Dolby. 18G0-7O. 1885 9 D551 Diderot, Denis. The encyclopaedists ; by Morley. 2v. 1886 9 D5G Disraeli, Benjamin. See Beaconsfield, B. Disraeli, Earl of. Dix, Dorothea L. Life ; b\' Tiffany. 1890 9 D64 Dix, J. A. Memoirs ; by Dix. 2v. 1883. 9 D642 Doddridge, Philip. Life ; by Stan- ford. 1881 9 DGG Dodge, C. W. Memorial; by Dodge. 1881 9 DGG2 Dora, Sister. See Pattison, Dorothy W. DoRE, Gustave. Life ; by Jerrold. 1891 9 D73 Douglas, Frederick. See Douglass, Frederick. Douglas, S. A. His life and important speeches. 18G0 9 D745 Douglass, Frederick. Life and times ; by himself. 1881 9 D74 Life ; by Holland. 1891 9 D741 DowDNEY, Abraham. Memorial ad- dresses on his life and character. 1887 9 D75 Drake, Cavendish, & Dampiek. Their lives and voyages, discoveries in South sea, and history of buca- niers. 1832 9 D78 Drake, Sir Francis. Life; by Towle. 1882 9 D781 Drummond, William. Life and writings ; by Masson. 1873.... 9 D84 Dryden, John. Life ; by Saintsbury. 1881 9 D845 Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. Impressions and reminiscence ; tr. by Adams. 1877 9DSG1 Life ; l)y Caro. 1888 9 D8G Life ; by Thomas. 1883 9 D8G2 Duff, Mrs. M. A. Life ; by Ireland. 1882. 9 D87 Dumas, Alexander. Life and adven- tures; by Fitzgerald. 2v. 1S73.. 9 D891 Memoirs; /r. by Davidson. 2v. 1891. 9 D89 Duncan, W. A. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 188o 9 D91 Du NoYER, Mme. A. M. Correspond- ence ; ed. and tr. hy Layard. 2v. 1890 9 D92 DuPANLOUP, F. A. p. Life ; by Lagrange. 2v. 1885 9 D922 DupRE, Giovanni. Life; by Frieze. 188G. 9 D924 DuRER, Albert. Life and works ; by Thausing. 2v. 1882 9 D93 DwiGHT, Timothy. Life ; by Sprague. in V. i. 92 Sp2 Dyck, Antoon van. Life ; by Head. 1879 9 D98 Eastwick, R. W. Autobiography. 1891. 9 Ea7 Eaton, William. Life ; by Felton 92 Sp21 Ebers, Georg. Story of my life. 1893. 9 Eb3 Eckel, Mrs. Lizzie. Maria Monk's daugh- ter ; an autobiography. 1874 9 Ec5 Edgeworth, Mauia. Life and letters; by Hare. 2v. ls;i5 9 Ed3 Study and notices of her father and friends ; by Oliver. 1882 9 Ed31 Edison, T. A. Life and inventions ; by Dickson. 1894 *9 Ed4 Edmonds, S. E. E. Nurse and spy in the Union army 9 Ed5 Edward, Eliza. Diarj' of a quiet life. 1887 9 Ed9 Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. See Cherbury, E. H., Baron. Edward, Thomas. Life of a Scotch naturalist; by Smiles. 1877 9 Ed92 Edwards, Jonathan. Life ; by Allen. 1889 9 Ed94 Life; by Miller V« v. 8. 92 Sp21 Edwards, Justin. Life and labors; by Ilallock. 1855 9 Ed97 Edwards, Matthew. Memoir; by Bul- finch. 18G0 9Ed99 Elchingen, Duke of. See Ney, Michel. Eliot, George. See Cross, Mrs. M. A. Eliot, John. Life; by Francis... ih v. 5. 92 Sp21 Ellery, William. Life ; by Channing. inv.Q. 92 Sp21 Elizabeth, Queen of England. History; . by Abbott. 1874 j 9 E14 Life ; by Beesly. 1892 9 E142 Memoirs of the court ; by Aikin. 2v. 1819 9 E141 Elizabeth, Queen of Rouraania. A study ; by Machetta. 1891 9 E145 Ellis, William. Life ; by Ellis. 1873... 9 E15 Ellwood, Thomas. Live ; by Cherbury. 1877 9C421 Elvev, G. J. Life and reminiscences ; by Elvey. 1894 9 E18 no BIOGRAPHY. Emerson, K. W. Genius and character; by Sanborn. 1885 9 Em35 Life ; by Holmes. 1885 9 Em34 Life, writings, and philosophy; by Cooke. 1881 9 Em31 Memoir ; by Cabot. 2v. 1887 9 Em3 Memoir ; by Emerson. 1889 9 Em32 Eeminiscences ; by Haskins. 1887... 9 Em33 and Carlyle, Thomas. Correspon- dence, 1834-1872. 2v. 1883 9 C199 Emin Pasha. ^See Schmitzer, Eduard. Emmanuel II. See Victor Emmanuel II., King of Italy. Erasmus Desiderius. Life and letters ; by Froude. 1894 9 Erl Erbach, G. a., Count. Adventures ; byKraus. 1890 9 Erlo Ericcson, John. Illustrated life ; by Headley. 1870 j 9 Er4 Ernest, King of Hanover. Reminis- cences ; by Wilkinson. 2v. 1886.. 9 Er6 Eugene, Prince of Savoy. Life; by Malleson. 1888 9 Eu4 Eugenie, Empress of France. Life ; by Lano. 1894 9 Eu4o Evelyn, John. Diary, with letters ; and life. 4v. 1889 9 Ev2 Memoirs; erZ. by Bray. 1870 9 Ev21 Everett, Edward. Memorial ; from City of Boston. 1865 9 Ev25 Evins, J. H. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1885 9 Ev3 Fabert, Abraham. His life and times ; by Hooper. 1892 9 Fll Fairchild, J. H. Remarkable incidents in his life. 1855 9 F16 Faraday, Michael. As a discoverer ; by Tyndall. 1872 9 F222 Life and letters ; by Jones. 2v. 1870. 9 F221 Life ; by Gladstone. 1872 9 F22 Farr, E. W. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1881 9 F245 Farragut, D. G. Life and naval career; by Headley. 1865 9 F241 Life ; by Farragut. 1879 9 F24 Life ; by Mahan. 1892 9 F242 Fawcett, Henry. Life ; by Stephen. 1886 9 F28 Fechter, C. A. Life; by Field. 1882... 9 F31 Felix, Elizabeth R. See Rachel. Ferguson, James. Life ; eil. by Hender- son. 1870 9 F38 Story founded on his life ; by Mayhew. j 9 F381 Fern, Fannie. See Parton, Mrs. S. P. Fessenden, W. p. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1870 9 F42 FiCHTE, J. G. Life ; by Adamson. 1881 .. . 9 F44 Fielding, Henry. Life; by Dobson. 1883 9 F46 Journal of a voyage to Libson. 1892. 9 F45 Fields, J. T. Biograijhical notes, etc. 1881 9F465 Fillmore, Millard. Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 in 9 T218 Finney, C. G. Memoirs ; by himself. 1876 9F49 FiRTH, F. R. Memoir ; with a sketch of the life of 0. E. Allen. 1874 9 F51 Fitch, John. Life ; by Whittlesley.trt v.6. 92 Sp2 FiTZHERBERT, Mts. M. A. Mcmoirs ; by Langdale. 1856 9 F57 Fletcher, Mrs. E. D. Autobiography, with letters and memorial ; eel. by Lady Richardson. 1876 9 F63 Fletcher, Mrs. S. W. Twelve months in an English prison. 1884 9 F634 Flipper, H. 0. Autobiography of a col- ered cadet at West Point. 1878. 9 F64 Foote, A. H. Life; byHoppin. 1874... 9 F73 Forbes, R. B. Personal reminiscences. 1882 9F74 Forrest, Edwin. Life ; by Alger. 2v. 1877 9 F77 Life; by Barrett. 1881 9 F771 Life; by Rees. 1874 9 F772 Foster, John. Life and correspondence. 2v. 1882 9F81 Fox, C. J. History ; by Trevelyan. 1880. 9 F83 Fox, George. Journal of his life 9 F834 Frampton, Mary. Journal, from 1779 to 1846 ; ed. by her niece, 1885. . . 9 F84 Francis, St., of Assisi. Life; by Sabatier. 1894 9 F844 Franklin, Benjamin. As a man of let- ters ; by M'Master. 1887 9 F854 Autobiography. 1872 9 F851 How he made his mark ; by Tliayer. 1893 j 9 F857 Life and times ; by Parton. 2v. 1864. 9F855 Life ; by Abbott. 1876 .' j 9 F85 Life ; by himself . 3v. 1874 9 F852 Life in France; by Hale. 2v. 1887-88. 9 F853 Life from boyhood to manhood ; by Thayer. 1890 j 9 F856 Franklin, Sir John. Life ; by Beesly. 1881 9 F859 Frederica, S. W., Margravine of Bay- reuth. Memoirs; ed. by Howell. 2v. 1877 9F87 Frederick the Great. History; by Carlyle. 6v. 1868-1871 9F872 Life ; by Dover. 2v. 1832 9 F875 Life ; by Macaulay. 1870 9 F874 Youth; by Lavisse. 1891 9 F873 rt»(Z Henry of Prussia. Memorials; by Hamilton. 2v. 1880 9 F876 Life ; by Roberts. 1887 9 F878 Frederick III., Emperor of Germany. Life; by Rodd. 1888 9 F877 Life; by Taylor. 1891 9 F879 BIOGRAPHY. Ill Freeman, Mrs. J. S. AV. Boys in white. 1870 9 F8795 Fremont, Mrs. J. B. Souvenirs of my time. 1887 9 F88 Fremont, J. C. Life, explorations, etc. ; by Upham. 1850 9 FS84 Frere, Sir Baktle. Life and correspon- dence; by Martineau. 2v. 1895. 9 F89 Frith, W. P. My autobiography and reminiscences. 2v. 1888 9 F91 "Fritz," Kincf of Prussia. See Fred- erick III., Emperor of Germany. Froebel, Friedrich. Reminiscences ; by Marenholz-Biilow. 1877 9 F92 Fromentin, Eugene. Life ; by Gonse. 1883 9 F924 Frothingham, O. B. Recollections and impressions. 1891 9 F93 Fry, Elizabeth 9 F9-t Life ; by Pitman. 1884 9 F94 Memoirs; by Timpson. 1847 9 F941 Fuller, A. B. Life; by Fuller. 18G3. *9 F953 Fuller, Thomas. Memorials ; by Rus- sell. 1844 9F955 Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. Life ; by Craven. 1888 9 F957 Fulton, Robert. Life; by Knox. 188G. 9 F95 Life ; by Renwick in v. 10. 92 Sp21 Gajani, Guglielmo. Roman exile. 185G. 9 G12 Galileo. His private life. 1870 9 G13 Galilei and the Roman curia; by Gebler. 1879 9 G131 Gallatin, Albert. Life; by Stevens. 1884 9 G133 Gallaudet, T. H. Life; by Gallaudet. 1888 9 G13G Galt, John. Autobiography. 2v. 1833. 9 G138 Gama, Vasco da. Voyages ; by Towle. 1878 j 9 G14 Gannett, E. S. Memoir; by Gannett. 1875 9 G15 Garfield, J. A. Addresses on the ac- ceptance of the statue of. 188G. . . 9 G184 From log cabin to the White House ; by Thayer. 1882 j 9 G183 Hiram college memorial ; by Hinsdale. 1882 9G182 Life ; by Coffin. 1880 9 G18 Life, speeches, etc. ; by Conwell. 1881 9G181 Garibaldi, Giuseppe. Autobiography. 3t. 1889 9 G185 Life ; by himself. 1859 9 G186 Life, public and private ; by Melena. 1887 9G187 Garrison, W. L. Life and times ; by Johnson. 1881 9 G191 Life; by Garrison and Jackson. 4v. 1885-89 9 G19 Moral crusader ; by Smith. 1892 9 G192 Genghis Khan. History ; by Abbott. 1875 j 9G28 George II., King of England. Memoirs ; by Ickworth. 3v. 1884 9 G29 George IV., King of England. Life and times ; by Croly. 1831 9 G292 Life and letters ; by Fitzgerald. 1881. 9 G293 Gerry, Elbridge. Life ; by Austin. 1828 *9 G323 Gerry, E. J. Life ; by Wilder. 1887... 9 G32 Gibbon, Edward. Autobiography and cor- respondence. 1869 9 G35 Life ; by Morrison. 1879 9 G352 Memoirs ; by liimself . 1877 9 G351 GiDDiNGS, J. R. Life ; by Julian. 1892. . . 9 G36 Gifford, S. N. Memorial; by Massa- chusetts State Senate. 1886 9 G364 Gilbert, Elizabeth. Her work for the blind ; by Martin. 1887 9 G37 Gilchrist, Anne. Her life and writings ; by Gilchrist. 1887 9 G38 Gladstone, W. E. A study ; by Jennings. 1887 9 G451 A study from life ; by Lucy. 1895. . . 9 G452 Life ; by Robbins. 1894 9 G455 Life ; by Russell. 1891 '. . . 9 G453 Life ; by Smith. 1880 9 G454 People's life. 1895 9 G45 Go5olphin, Mrs. M. B. Life ; by Evelyn. 1888 9 G54 Godwin, Mrs. M. W. Letters to Imlay. 1879 9G544 Life ; by Pennell. 1888 9 G543 Godwin, William. Life; by Paul. 2v. 1876 9 Go46 Goethe, J. W. von. See Gothe, J. W. von. Goldoni, Carlo. Memoir. 1877 9 G56 GoLDSCiiMiDT, Je^ny L. Life ; by Hol- land and Rockstro. 2v. 1891 9 G57 Goldsmith, Oliver. A biography; by Irving. 1855 9 G576 Life and times ; by Forster. 2v. 1871 9 G575 Life ; by Black. 1879 9 G573 Life ; by Dobson. 1888 9 G574 GoNCOURT, Edmond & JuLEs DE. Livcs ; by Belloc and Shedlock. 2v. 1895 9 G58 GoNTAUT, Duchesse de. Memoirs. 2v. 1894 9 G583 Gordon, C. G. Life ; by Butler. 1889.. 9 G65 Story ; by Hake. 1884 9 G651 Gordon, G. H. See Aberdeen, G. H. Gordon, Earl of. Gordon, G. M. His life and work; by Lewis. 1888 9 G654 Gorton, Samuel. Life ; by Mackie. in V. a. 92 Sp2 Gothe, Mrs. C. E. Correspondence. 1880. 9 G718 112 BIOGRAPHY. GoTHE, J. W. voK. Alide; by Lazarus. 1874 9G7U1 Autobiography. 2v. 1848-0 9 G713 Conversations witli Eckerniann and Soret. 1874 9 G714 Life and genius; by Sanborn. ISSC 9 G717 Life ; by Duntzer. 1884 9 G712 Life ; by Lewes. 1864 9 G715 Lif e ; by Boyesen. 1879 9 G71 Life ; by Calvert. 1872 9 G711 Story of his life ; by Lewes. 1873.. 9 G716 ■GoTTSCHALK, L. M. Life and letters ; by Hensel. 1870 9 G7191 Kotes of a pianist. 1881 9 G719 GouGH, J. B. Autobiography. 18G9 9 G72 Gould, E. B. Memorials ; by Bacon. 1879 9 G73 GowER, Ronald, Lord. My reminis- cences. 2v. 1883 9 G74 Gozzi, Carlo, Count. Memoirs ; tr. by Symonds. 2v. 1890 9 G74o Grady, H. W. Life ; by Harris. 1890.. 9 G75 Gkaftok, Joseph. Life ; by Smith. 1849. *9 G753 Grammont, PiiiLiBERT, Coviit. Mcmoirs : by Hamilton. 2v. 1885 9 G7G Grant, U. S.* In peace; by Badeau. 1887 9 G762 Life ; by Adams. 1888 j 9 G7G1 Life ; by Stoddard. 188G 9 G?68 Lif e ; by Swift. 1880 9 G767 Memorial; by city of Boston. 1885.. 9 G7G4 Military biography; by Coppee. 18G6. 9 G7G41 Military and civil career ; by How- land. 18G8 9 G7651 Military history, 18G8-1881; by Ba- deau. 3v. 1868-1881 9 G763 Personal history; by Richardson. 1868 9 G7661 Personal memoirs ; by Grant. 2v. 1885 9 G765 Personal memoirs and military history ; by McClellan. 1887 9 G766 Granville, A. B. Autobiography. 2v. 1874 9 G769 Grattan, Henry. Life : by Dunlop. 1889 9 G77 Gray, Thomas. Biography; by Gosse. 1882 ; 9 G79 Greeley, Horace. Life ; by Parton. 1869 9 G812 Life; by Zabriskie. 1890 9 G813 Recollections of a busy life. 1869 ... 9 G811 Story of a summer ; by Cleveland. 1874 9 G81 ^Greene, Nathaniel. Life; by Greene. 1893 9 G83 Life ; by Greene in t: 10 . 92 Sp2 Life and correspondence ; by John- son. 2v. 1822 9 G832 Life; by Greene. 3v. 1871 9 G831 Grellet, Stephen. Memoirs ; ed. by Seebohm. 1870 9 086 Grimaldi, Joseph. Memoirs ; ed. by Dickens 9 G88 Grimke, Sisters Sarah & Angelina. Lives ; by Birney. 1885 9 G885 Grote, George. Personal life ; by Grote. 1873 9 G91 Guerin, G. M. de. Journal, including memoir; by Sainte-Beuve. 1891.. 9 G93 GcizoT, r. P. G. ' His life ; by Witt. 1881. 9 G94 Gurney, Eliza P. Memoir and corre- spondence ; by Mott. 1884 9 G36 GrsTAvus Adolphus 11., King of Sweden. History ; by Stevens. 1885 9 G97 Life ; by Fletcher. 1890 9 G971 Guthrie, Thomas. Autobiography and Memoir; by his sons. 2v. 1874- 75 9G98 GuYON, lUine. J. M. de la Motte. Life and religious opinions ; by Upham. 2v. 1846 9 G99 Hahn, Michael. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1886 9 H12 Hale, E. E. New England boyhood. 1893 9 H13 Hale, Nathan, & Andre, John. Life of two spies ; by Lossing. 1886 9 H135 Hall, Robert. Life; by Hood. 1881.. 9 H14 Hall, S. C. Retrospect of a long life 1883 9 H144 Halleck, Eitz-Greene. Life and letters ; by Wilson. 1869 9 HIS Hals, Frans. Life ; by Head. 1879.. i» 9 D98 Hamilton, Alexander. Life and times ; by Riethmiiller. 1864 9 H182 Life ; by Lodge. 1882 9 H18 Life ; by Morse. 2v. 1876 9 H181 HA3IILTON, John. Memoirs 9 H184 Hamilton, Lady Emma, & Nelson, Lord. Lives ; by Jeaffreson. 2v. 1888 9 H183 Hamlin, Cyrus. My life and times. 1893. 9 H185 Hammond, Lawrence. Diary. 1892 *9 H186 Hampden, John. Memorials ; by Nugent. 1880 9 H187 Hancock, "\V. S. His life; by "Walker. 1894 9H191 Reminiscences ; by his wife. 1887 ... 9 H19 Handel, G. F. Life; by Schoelcher. 1857 9H194 Hannibal. History ; by Abbott. 1877.. j 9 H197 Life; by Arnold. 1870 9 H196 Hannington, James. Life and works ; by Dawson. 1887 9 H199 Hardin, Ben. His times ; by Little. 1887 9 H21 Harriman, Walter. Life and speeches ; byHadley. 1888 9 H23 BIOGRAPHY 113 Harrison, W.H. Life ; by Wallace. 1888. 9 H2i TvLER, John : Polk, J. K. Lives ; by Stoddard. 1888 9 H244 Haskins, D. G. Natural ancestors and reminiscences: by Emerson. 1887. 9 Em33 Havelocic, Henry. Life; by Forbes. 1890 9 H29 Havergal, Frances R. Memorials; by Havergal. 1880 9 H29o Haweis, H. R. My musical memories. 1884 9 H31 Hawker, Peter. Diary, 1802-1853. 1893. 9 H313 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Life and wife; by Hawthorne. 2v. 1885 9 H317 Life ; by Conway 9 H316 Life ; by James. 1880 " 9 H318 Recollections ; by Bridge. 1893 9 H315 Study : by Lathrop. 1876 9 H319 Hayden, B. R. His correspondence and table-talk. 2v. 1877 9 H325 Life ; letters ; ed. by Stoddard. 1876. 9 H326 Hayes, R. B. Life : by Howells. 1876. . 9 H32 Hay'avard, Abraham. His correspond- ence; erf. by Carlisle. 2v. 1877.. 9 H33 Hazard, Thomas, son of RoheH, College Tom ; by Hazard. 1893 *9 H335 Healy', G. P. A. His reminiscences. 1894. 9 H34 Heath, William. Memoirs and war sketches. 1798 *9 H35 Heine, Heinrich. Family life ; by Emb- den. 1892 9 H36 Heloise and Abelard. Romance : ed. by Richardson. 1884 in 9 Ab33 Hendricks, T. A. Memorial addresses on liis life and character. 1886 9 H38 Henry-, Patrick. Life and character ; by Wirt. 1838 9 H396 Life ; by Everett inv.l. 92 Sp2 Life ; by Henry. 3 v. 1891 9 H397 Life ; by Tyler. 1887 9 H398 Henry', Prince, the navigator. Life : by Beazley. 1895 9 H395 Henry, Prince of Prussia, a?irf Frederick the Great. Memorials ; by Hamil- ton. 2v. 1880 *9FS76 Henry II., Kmg of England,. Life: by Green. 1888 9 H39 Henry IV., King of France. History; by Abbott. 1884 j 9 H391 Henry' V., King of England. Life: by Church. 1889 9 H393 Henry VII., King of England,. Memoirs; by Gairdner. 1889 9 H394 Henshaw, William. His orderly book and memoirs ; by Washburn. 1881. *9 H399 Herbert, H. W. Life and writings ; ed. byJudd. 2v. 1882 9 H41 Herbert, Lord of Cherbury. See Cherbury, E. H., Baron. Herndon, T. H. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 18«4 9 H432 Herodotls. Life and travels; by Wheeler. 2v. 1856 9 H43 Herschel, Caroline L. Memoir and correspondence ; by Herschel. 1876. 9 H434 Herschel, Sir William. His life and works ; by Holden. 1881 9 H436 Hill, F. S. Twenty years at sea. 1893. 9 H55 Hill, Sir Rowland. Life ; by Hill. 2v. 1880 9 H553 HiLLiARD, H. W. Politics and pen pict- ures. 1892 9 H555 HiNMAN, Hon. Timothy'. Life; by Bing- ham. 1892 *9 H58 Hix, Daniel. Life, and history of first church in Dartmouth, Mass. ; by Andrews. 1880 9 H64 Hobbes, Thomas. Life; by Robertson. 1886 9 H65 Hodge, Charles. Life ; by Hodge. 1880. 9 H66 Hogarth, William. Memoir; by Dob- son. 1891 9 H67 Hogg, James. Memorial ; by Garden. ... 9 H674 Holbein. Hans. Life and Avorks : by Wornum. 1867 *9 H69 Hole, S. R., Dean. Memories: b\- Hole. 1893 9 H71 Holland, J. G. Life ; by Plunkett. 1894. 9 H714 Holmes, O. W. Life ; by Brown. 1884. 9 H73 Life; by Jerrold. 1893 9 H731 Life : by Kennedy. 1883 9 H732 Hood, Thomas. Memorials ; ed.. by Broderip. 2v. 1860 9 H76 Hook, T. E. Life ; by Barham. 1877.. 9 H762 Hook, W. F. Life and letters : ed. by Stephens. 1885 9 H764 Hopkins, Mark. Life : b y Carter. 1892 9 H77 Hopper, I. T. Life : by Child. 1853 ... 9 H774 HoRTENSE, Queen of Holland. History; ' by Abbott. 1870 j 9 H78 Houghton, R. M. Milnes, Lord.. Life, letters; by Reid. 2v. 1891 9 HSl Howe, S. G. Life ; by Sanborn. 1891.. 9 H831 Memoir ; by Howe. 1876 9 H83 Howells, W. C. Autobiography. 1895.. 9 H837 Hoavells, W. D. My year in a log cabin. 1893 9 H835 Howitt. Mrs. M. B. Autobiography. 2 v. 1889 9H84 Hl'dson, Henry. Life; by Cleve- land in v.lO. 92 Sp21 Hudson, M. C. Memorial; by Hudson. 1886 9H86 Hughes. G. E. Memoir: by Hughes. 1873 • 9H87 HuGHEis, John. Memoir: by Brann. 1892 9 H871 Hugo, V. M. Life and works : by Barbou. 1881 9 H875 Life and work : by Smith. 1885 9 H877 Life ; by Marzials. 1888 9 H876 114 BIOGRAPHY. Humboldt, Alexander vox. Life; by Lo-wenberg and others. 2v. 1873. 9 H88 Hume, David. Life ; by Huxley. 1879. 9 H884 Hunt, J. H. L. Autobiography. 1872. 9 H91 Life ; by Monkhouse. 1893 9 H911 Hunt, Leigh. See Hunt, J. H. L. HuNT,W. M. Records ; by Angell. 1881. 9 H914 Hutchinson, Anne. Life ; by Ellis, t/i v. 6. 92 Sp2 Hutchinson, John. Life; by Hutchin- son. 1863 9 H97 Hutchinson, Thomas. Diary and letters ; ed. by Hutchinson. 1884 9 H974 Ibsen, Henrik. Critical biography; by Jsger. 1890 9 Ib7 Ida. Story; by Alexander. 1883 9 Idl Iddesleigh, Sir Stafford Northcote, Earl of. Life ; by Lang. 2v. 1890. 9 Idl3 Irving, Edward. Life : by Oliphant. 18G2 9 IrS Irving, Henry. Life in England and America ; by Austin. 1884 9 Ir83 Irving, Washington. Life and letters ; by Irving. 4v. 1864 9 Ir86 Life ;, by Hill. 1879 9 Ir85 Life; by Warner. 1881 9 IrS 7 Jackson, Andrew. Addresses on the pres- entation of his sword to U. S. Con- gress. 1855 9 J124 Life ; by Parton. 3v. 1879 9 J12 Life ; by Parton. 1893 9 J121 Life ; by Sumner. 1882 9 J123 andYxa Buren, Martin. Lives ; by Stoddard. 1887 9 J122 Jackson, T. J. (Stonewall). Military biography; by Cook. 1876 9 J13 Life and letters; by Jackson. 1892. 9 J131 Jameson, Mrs. A. B. Memoirs; by Mac- pherson. 1878 9 J23 Jasmin, Jacques. Life; by Smiles. 1892. 9 J31 Jay, John. Life and times ; by White- locke. 1887 9 J331 Memoir ; by Pellew. 1890 9 J33 Jay, William. Life, and abolition of slavery ; by Tuckerman 9 J334 Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre. Life ; by Freer 9 J34 Jeanne d'Arc. See Joan of Arc. Jebb, J. G. Life;byJebb. 1895 9 J344 Jefferson, Joseph. Autobiography. 1890 9 J35 Life ; by Winter. 1894 9 J351 Jefferson, Thomas. ' Life ; by Morse, jr. 1883 9 J356 Life ; by Parton. 1874 9 J355 Life ; by Randall. 3v. 1858 9 J354 Life ; by Schouler. 1893 9 J357 and Adams, John. Life ; by Stoddard. 1887 9 Adl4 Jeffries, J. R. Eulogy; by Besant. 1888 9 J36 Jeffrey, Francis, Lord. Life; by Cock- burn. 2v. 1852 9 J37 Jenkin, Fleming. Memoir; by Stevenson. 1887 9 J41 Jerrold, Douglas. Life; byJerrold... 9 J48 Jevons, W. S. Letters and journal ; ed. byJevons. 1886 9 J53 Jewsbury, G. E., & Carlyle, Mrs. J. B. Selections from the letters ; ed. by Ireland. 1892 9 J55 Joan OF Arc. Memoir; by Gower. 1893. 9 J572 Footsteps ; by Caddy. 1886 9 J571 Life ; by Michelet. 1858 9 J573 Life and death; by Parr. 2v. 1866 9 J574 Maid *of Orleans; by Adams. 1889 9 J57 "Themaid"; by Tuckey. 1880 9 J575 Joan, reputed pope. Historical study; by Rhoidis. 1886 9 J577 John VIII. See Joan, reputed pope. Johnson, Samuel. His words and ways ; by Mason. 1879 9 J633 Life; by Boswell. 4v. 1867 9 J63 Life ; by Hill. 1878 9 J632 Life; by Main. 1874 8 J634 Life ; by Stephen 9 J635 Life ; by Boswell, 5v. 1885 9 J631 JoiNviLLE, Prince de. Memoirs ; tr. by Lloyd. 1895 9 J66 Jones, C. J. From the forecastle to the pulpit. 1884 9J71 Jones, John Paul. Life ; by Abbott. 1874 j 9 J713 Life; by Mackenzie. 2v, 1841... 9 J72 Jones, Sir William. Life ; by Teign- mouth. 1805 9 J725 JoxsoN, Benjamin. Life; by Symonds. 1886 9 J73 Josephine, Empress of France. Court ; by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1890.. 9 J773 History ; by Abbott. 1875 9 J77 Life ; by Headley. 1855 9 J771 Life ; by Imbert de Saintr Amand. 1890 9 J772 Life ; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1890 9 J774 Memoirs ; by Memes. 1832 9 J775 JosHEE, Anandabai. Life ; by Dall. 1888 9 J78 JuDSON, Adoniram. Life ; by Judson. 1883 9J92 Julian, Emperor of the Romans. Philos- opher and emperor ; by Gardner. 1895 9 J9i Kant, Immanuel. Life ; by Stuckenberg. 1882 9 K13 Kean, Edbiund. Life; by Hawkins. 2v. 1869 9K19 Life ; by Molloy. 2v. 1888 9 K191 BIOGRAPHY. 115 Keats, John. Letters to Fanny Brawne in 1819; e^Z. by Forman. 1878 9 K221 Life ; by Colvin. 1887 9 K22 Keble, John. Biography ; by Lock. 1893 9 K23 Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the scenes. 1868 9 K233 Keexe, C. S. Life; byLayard. 1892... 9 K25 Keller, Helen. Life ; by Anagnos. 1888 9 K28 Kelley, AV. D. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1890 9 K293 Kelly, Michael. Eeminiscences. 1826. 9 K29 Kemble, JI)s. F. a. Further records, 1848-1883. 1891 9 K312 Records of a girlhood. 1879 9 K31 Eecords of later life. 1882 9 K311 Ken-, Thomas. Life ; by Plumptre. 2v. 1888 9 K33 Kendall, Amos. Autobiography; ed. by Stickney. 1872 9 K334 Kenmare, Nun of. See Cusack, Mary S. Kennedy, David. Life ; by Kennedy. 1887 9 K38 Kbnnedy, J. P. Life ; by Tuckerman. 1871 9 K383 Keppel, G. T. See Albemarle, G. T. Keppel, Earl of. Kerr, M. C. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1877 9 K46 KiDD, William. By Abbott. 1874 j 9 K53 KiLPATRiCK, H. J. Our cavalry ; by Moore. 9 K55 King, T. S. Tribute ; by Frothingham. 1865 9 Ko84 King, Eufus. Life ; ed. by Iving. 1894. 9 K58 King, W. R. Obituary addresses. 1854.. 9 K586 KiNGSLEY, Charles. Letters and memoirs ; by Ivingsley. 1877 9 K61 KiRBY, Mrs. G. B. Years of experience. 1887 9 K63 Kirk, E. N. Life ; by Mears. 1877 9 K633 KiRKLAND, Samuel. Life; by Lothrop m r. 15. 92 Sp2 Knight, Charles. Passages from the life. 1874 9 K74 Knox, Henry. Life ; by Drake. 1873.. 9 K77 Kossuth, Louis. Memories of my exile. 1894 9 K84 La Fayette, Marquis de. Life; by Farmer. 1888 9 L13 Life ; by Headley. 1855 9 L134 Life ; by Tuckerman. 2v. 1889.... 9 L133 Memoirs and correspondence. 1837.. 9 L131 Tour through the U. S. 1851 9 L132 Lamartine, a. M. L. de. Life ; by Dom- vile. 1888 9 L16 Lamb, Charles. Life : by Ainger. 1882. 9 L163 Memorials; by Talfourd. 1849 9 L164 Lamb, Mary. Life : by Gilchrist. 1883. 9 L167 Landor, W. S. Life ; by Colvin. 1881. 9 L23 Larcom, Lucy. Life ; by Addison. 1894. 9 L32 New England girlhood. 1890 9 L321 Earned, E. C. In memory. 1886 9 L324 La Salle, R. R. C. de. Adventures ; by Abbott. 1875 j 9 L33 Life ; by Sparks in v. I. 92 Sp2 Lasaulx, Asialie von. See Augustine, Sister. Las Casas. Life ; by Helps. 1868 9 L334 Laud, William. Life ; by Benson. 1887. 9 L36 Lawrence, Amos. Extracts from diary. by Lawrence. 1867 9 L43 Lawrence, Amos A. Life; by Lawrence. 1888 9L432 Lawrence, J. L. Mair, ^aro«. Life; by Smith. 2v. 1883 9 L434 Memoir ; by Temple. 1889 9 L445 Lay, a. ^I. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1881 9 L452 La yard, . Historical sketch; by Lee. 1888 9 P752 Polk, J. K. Life ; by Stoddard. 1888. .I'/i 9 H24-t Polk, Leoxidas. Life ; by Polk. 2v. 189.S 9 P754 Polk, Sarah C. Memorials ; by Nelson. 1892 9 P7.55 Pollock, Sir Frederick. Personal re- membrances. 2v. 1887 9 P7G Polo, Marco. Travels and adventures ; by Towle. 1880 j 9 P7G-1 PoMPADOCR, J. A. P., Marquise tie. Se- cret memoirs ; by Beaujoint. 1885. 9 P77 PoMROY, J//-5. R. R. H. Life of and war reminiscences ; by Boyden. 1887.. 9 P775 PooRE, B. P. Reminiscences of sixty years. 2v. 1886 9 P79 Pope, Alexander. Life; by Stephen. 1880 9 P81 Porter, David. Memoir ; by Porter. 187.5 9 P83 Porter, W. T. Life ; by Brinley. 18C0. 9 P837 Posey, Thomas. Memoir : by Hall. I'/i r. 9. 92 Sp2 Powell, Walter. Life ; by ^rockett. 1872 9P87 Preble, Edward. Life; by Sabine- in V. 12. 92 Sp2 Prentiss, Elizabeth. Life and letters ; by Prentiss. 1882 9 P91 Prentiss, S. S. Life and times ; by Shields. 1884 P915 Memoir; e^Z. by Prentiss. 2v. 1881. 9 P914 Prescott, W. H. Life ; by Ticknor. 1864 9 P92 Price, W. T. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1887 9 P93 Proctor, B. W. Autobiographical frag- ment, with notes. 1877 9 P94 Pulaski, Casimir, Count. Life; by Sparks in r. 4. 92 Sp2 Putnam, Israel. Life ; by Peabody. inv.7. 92 Sp21 Life, with sketch of Bunker Hill ; by Humphreys. 1818 *9 P98 TYUunvs, King of Epir us. History; by Abbott. 1877 j 9 P99 Quekett, William. Autobiography. 1888 9Q3 QciNCY, JosiAH. Life : by Quincy. 1869. 9 Q4 The past from old journals. 1883 9 Q41 Quincy, Josiah, jr. Life ; by Quincy. 1874 9Q42 Rachel. Life ; by Kennard. 1886 9 Rll Rale, Sebastian. Life ; by Francis. ?« r. 7. 92 Sp2 Raleigh, Sir Walter. Exploits and voy- ages ; by Towle. 1882 j 9 R132 Life and letters ; by Edwards. 2v. 1868 9R13 Life ; by Gosse. 1886 9 R131 Randolph, Edmund. Omitted chapters of history ; by Conway. 1888 9 R155 Randolph, John. Life ; by Adams. 1882. 9 Rio- Life ; by Garland. 1881 9 R151 Raphael. Life; by Bell. 1879 9 R18 Life ; by Grimm. 1888 9 R181 Life and work ; by Duppa in 9 M58 Raphael & Michel Angelo. Life ; by Perkins. 1878 9 R182 Reade, Charles. Memoir ; by Reade and Compton. 2v. 1887 9 R22- Recamier, j. F. j. a., Madame. Life and friends ; by Lenormant. 1875. 9 R24 Memoirs and correspondence ; by Le- normant. 1868 9 R241 Red Jacket. Life and times ; by Stone. 1866 9 R245- Reed, Joseph. Life; by Reed. ..in v. 8. 92 Sp2 Life and correspondence ; by Reed. 2v. 1847 9R25- Reid, Whitelaw. Life in France. 1889- 1892 *9 R27 Rembrandt, van Kvn. Life ; by Mollett. 1879 9 R28- Remusat, C. E. j. G. de Vergennes, Countess de. Memoirs and notes by her grandson. 1880 9 R284 Renan, Ernest. In memoriam ; by Duff. - 1893 9 R29' Renan, J. E. Recollections and letters. 1892 9 R291 Recollections of my youth. 1883 9 R292 Revere, Paul. Life;byGoss. 2v. 1891. 9 R32- Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Life ; by Sweet- ser. 1878 9 R33 Ribault, John. Life ; by Sparks, m r. 7. 92 Sp2 Richard I., King of England. History; by Abbott. 1857 j 9 R38 Richard II., King of England. His- tory ; by Abbott. 1875 j 9 R381 Richard III., King of England. History; by Abbott. 1875 j 9 R382- Richards, Mrs. L. E. When I was your age. 1894 9 R39- Richelieu, A. J. du P. de, Cardinal. Life ; by Robson 9 R393 Rimini, Baron de. Memoirs. 1888 9 R46 Ripley, George. Life ; by Frothingham. 1882 0R48 Ristori, Adelaide. Studies and memoirs. 1888 9R-i9- Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. Chapters from some unwritten memoirs. 1895 9 R51 Rittenhouse, David. Life ; by Renwick. '. in V.7. 92 Sp21 Rob Roy. See Campbell, R. M. Robertson, F. W. Life, letters, etc. ; ed. by Brooke. 1875 9 R541 Notices of his times ; by Arnold. 1886. 9 R54 Robertson, W. B. Life; by Brown. 1888 9 R544 Robinson, H. C. Diary and correspond- ence ; etZ. by Sadler. 2v. 1869... 9 R56- 122 BIOGRAPHY. HoBSAET, Amy. See Leicester, Amy Rob- sart, Countess of. RoBusTi, Jacopo. See Tintoretto. EocHEjAQUELEiN, Coioit dela. "Monsieur Henri;" by Guine\-. 1892 9 R58 -Rogers, Samuel. Early life; byClayden. 1887 ." 9R63 Life and his contemporaries ; by Clay- den. 2v. 1889 9R63] Rogers, Woodes. Life aboard a British privateer; ed. by Leslie. 1889 9 R635 JRohAND, M. J. F., Madame. History; by Abbott. 1872 9 R64 Life ; by Blind. 1886 9 R641 JRoMiLLY, Sir Samuel. Memoirs ; written by himself. 3v. 1840 9 R66 Romulus. History ; by Abbott. 1875... j 9 RG62 Rosa, Salvator. Life and times ; by Mor- gan. 18.55 9 R71 Ross, J/r5. J. A. Early days recalled. 1891. 9 R 73 Ross, Robert. Life; by Ross. 1894 9 R732 RossETTi, D. G. Designer and writer ; by Rossetti. 1889 9 R736 Recollections; by Caine. 1883 9 R735 Rossini, G. A. Life ; by Edwards 9 R738 Rousseau, J. J. Confessions. 1883 9 R761 Life ; by Morley. 2v. 1873 9 R76 Rubinstein, Anton. Autobiography. 1890 9 R82 Rumford, Count. Life; by Ren wick. in V. 5 92 Sp2 RusKiN, John. Life and work ; by Colling- wood. 2v. 1893 9 R89 Prasterita. Scenes and thoughts in my life. 2v. 1886-88 9 R891 Russell, Lo7-d John. Life ; by Walpole. 2v. 1889 9 R91 .Sa-go-ye-wat-ha. See Red Jacket. .Saint Albans, Harriet Beauclerk, Ducliess of. Memoirs; by Wilson. 2v. 188G 9 Sa2 .Saint Clair, Arthur. Life and corre- spondence ; by Smith. 2v. 1882.. 9 Sa22 vSaint-Pieere, J. H. Bernaedin de. Life ; by Barine. 1894 9 Sa24 Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvkoy, Duke of. Memoirs. 3v. 1883 9 Sa2G Sala, G. A. Life and adventures. 2v.l895. 9 Sa3 Salisbury, R. A. T. G. Cecil, Marquis of. Life ; by Traill. 1891 9 Sa32 Salvini, Tommaso. Leaves from auto- biography. 1893 9 Sa34 ■ Sand, George, pseud. See Dudivant. A. L. A. Sandby, Thomas & Paul. Lives ; by Sandby. 1892 9 Sa5 .Sarpi, Paolo. Life; by Robertson. 1894 " 9 Sa6 Savonarola, Girolamo. Life and times ; by Clark. 1890 9 Sa9 Life and times ; by Villari. 2v. 1888. 9 Sa91 ScHEFFER, Ary. Mcmoir ; by Grote. 1860 9 Sch2 Schiller, Feiedrich von. Life ; by Duntzer. 1883 9 Sch35 Life ; by Sime 9 Sch37 Life; by Carlyle. 1859 9 Sch34 Life ; by Boyesen. 1879 in 9 G71 and GoTHE, S. W. von. Correspon- dence. 2v. 1877-90 9 Sch36 ScHLEGEL, Caroline. Life and friends ; by Sidgwick. 1889 9 Sch3 ScHNiTZER, Eduard. Life and work ; by Little. 1889 9 Sch5 Schubert, Franz. Life; by Hellborn. 2v. 1869 9 Sch7 Schumann, Robert. Life ; by Maitland. 1884 9 Sch8 Schuyler, Mrs. Catalixa. Memoirs ; by Grant. 1889 *9 Sch87 ScHUYLEE, Philip. Life and times ; by Lossing. 2v. 1860 9 Sch85 Scott, David. Memoir ; by Scott. 1850. 9 Sco8 Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. Journal. 2v. 1890 y 9 Sco84 Life ; by Hutton. 1878 9 Sco81 Memoirs ; by Lockhart. 9 v. 1861-4. 9 Sco82 Story of his life ; by Mackenzie. 1871 9 Sco83 Scott, Winfield. Life ; by AVright. 1894 9 Sco89 Reminiscences ; by Keyes. 1884 9 Sco88 Seaton, W. W. Biographical sketch ; by Seaton. 1871 9 Sel Seaver, Mrs. M. A. D. See Duff, Mrs. M. A. Sedgwick, Catherine M. Life and let- ters ; ed. by Dewey. 1872 9 Se2 Segur, p. p. de, Comte. Aide-de-camp of Napoleon. Memoirs ; by Segur. 1895 9 Se3 Severn, Joseph. Life and letters ; by Sharp. 1892 9 Se8 Sevigne, Madame M. de R. Her corre- spondents and contemporaries ; by Puliga. 2v. 1873 9 Se84 Life ; by Boissier. 1888 9 Se83 Seward, W. H. Autobiography, with memoirs : by Seward. 3v. 1891.. 9 Se86 Shackelford, J. W. Memorial addresses on his life and character. 1883. ... 9 Shl3 Shaftesbury', A. A. Cooper Lord. Children's champion ; by Taylor. 1889 j 9 Shl4 Shairp, -J. C. Life, and his friends ; by Knight. 1888 9 Sh6 Shakespeare, William. Biography; by Knight. 1865 9 Shi Outlines of life : by Phillipi)s. 2v. 1889 9 Shll Sharpe, Samuel. Life; by Clayden. 1883 9 Sh2 BIOGRAPHY 123 Shellev, Mary W. Life and letters ; by- Marshall. 2v. 1880 9 Sh4 Shelley, Percy B. Anecdote biogra- phy; e!3 *929 R Shcrtleff and Ccshmax. Proceedings at the Cushman celebration at Ply- mouth. 1855 *929 S Thompson. Memorial of James Thomp- son. 1887 _. 929 T Watlex. House of Cromwell, and the story of Dunkirk. 189— 929 W "Wextworth. Wentworth genealogj-. 3v. 1878 *929 "W4 Whitmore. American genealogist. 1875 *929 W6 Elements of heraldry. 1866 929 W61 Graveyards of Boston ; Copp's hill epitaphs. 1878 929 WC2 "Wymax. Genealogies and estates of Charlestown, Mass. 2v. 1879.... *929 W9 GENERAL ^A^ORKS. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MISCELLANEOUS. Adams. Manual of historical literature. 1880 016 A Book reviews. 1893-94 *015 B Boston Athenseum. Catalogue of books ; with by-laws of the institution. 1827 *018 B BouRXE. English newspapers. 2v. 1887. 072 B Bowker and Iles, ed. Reader's guide in economic, social, and political science. 1801 *01G B Buckingham. Specimens of newspaper literature. 2v. 1850 070 B Cable. Catalogue of the valuable collec- tion of Americana. 1882 *015 C CusHixG. Initials and pseudonyms. 1885. *014 C Amonyms. 1891 *0U CI Fletcher. -'A. L. A." index to general literature. 1893 *050 F and Bowker. Annual literary index. 2v. 1894-05 *050F1 Halkett and Laixg. Dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous lit- erature of Great Britain. 4v. 1882- 88 *014H HuDSOX. Journalism in the United States. 1690-1872 070 H Hl'xxewell. Bibliography of Charles- town, Massachusetts, and Bunker Hill. 1880 *015H JoxES, ed. Best reading, lst-4th ser. 4v. 1881-93 *016 J Kelley, comp. American catalogue of books. 2v. 1866-71 *019 K Laxg. Library. 1892 010 L LiBBiE ^ Co. Auction sale : Catalogue of a valuable and extensive collec- tion of Americana. 1880 *015 L Malcolm. Index to the principal works in every department of religious literature. 1870 *016 M Perkixs, ed.. Best reading. 1881 016 P PooLfi, ed.. Alphabetical index to periodi- cals. 1848. Index. 1853 *050 P Poole, Flevcher, and. others Index to periodical literature. 1802-03. 3v. *050 PI Publishers' trade list annual. 1804 *014 P Publishers' weekly, v. 35-45. 1889-94. . *015 P RooRBACH, cornp. Bibliotheca Ameri- cana. 1852 *019R Russell. Guide to British and American novels, to 1803 OIG R Somerville improvement society. Consti- tution and list of officers. 1889 *060 S SoxxExsciiEix. Best books. 1891 *016 S Watt. Bibliotheca Britannica. 4v. 1824. *015 W "Wheatley. Dedication of books. 1887. 010 TV WixsoR. Reader's handbook of the American revolution. 1880 016 "W LIBRARY CATALOGUES. American library association. Catalog; 5,000 volumes for a popular library selected by the American library as- sociation. 1883 *017 A 134 GENERAL WORKS. Ames. Index of the publications of the U. S. government. 1889-93 *015 A Ames free library. North Easton, Mass. Catalogue. 1883 *019 A Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue. 5v. 1874- 82 .' *019 B Boston public library. Bulletins. v4-ll. 1879-92 ....* *019 Bl Catalogues of Avorks relating to Ben- jamin Franklin. 1883 *019 B2 British museum. Catalogue, 1841-1S45... *016 Bl Brookline, 3Iass. Public library. Cata- logue, 1873. Supplements, 1881- 95 *019 B8 Butte, Montana. Free public library. Catalogue. 1894 *017 Bl Cambridge, 3fass. Public library. Cata- logue. 1887 *019 C Fitchburg, Mass. Public library. Classi- fied catalogue. 1886 *017 F Holton library. Brighton, Mass. Cata- logue. 1872 *019 H Los Angeles, Cat. Public library. List of novels and tales in the English, German,and Spanish languages. 1894. *017 L Lynn, Mass. Free public library. Bulletin, No 2. 1892 *019 L Manchester, N. II. City library. Cata- logue of English prose fiction. 1894. *017 M Massachusetts historical society. Catalogue of the library. 2v. 1859-60 *018 M Massachusetts {state) lilirary. Catalogue. 1880 *019 M Mercantile library. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cata- logue. 3v. 1877-80 *017 Ml New London, Co7i«. Public library. First supplement to the finding-list. 1894. *017 N Newark, N. J. Free public library. Find- ing lists. 1890-93 *017 Nl Osterhout free library. "Wilkesbarre, Pa. Class catalogue and author index. 1889 *017O Philadelphia, Pa. Free library. Finding list of the fiction. 1894 *017 P Salem, 3Iass. Public library. Finding lists. 1889-94 *017 S Scranton, Fa. Public library. First sup- plement to the finding list. 1894. . . *017 S2 Somerville, 3Iass. Public library. Cata- logues, 1873, '78, >2, '38, and Supplements, 1889, '92, 't)4 *019 Si Southbridge, Mass. Public library. Cata- logue. 1876 *019 S United States. Congress. Catalogue of the government publications. 1774- 1881 *01o U "War department library. List of ad- ditions made from 1884-1891 *019 U "Worcester, Mass. Free public library. Catalogue. 2v. 1884-9 *019 ^Y LIBRARY ECONOMY. American library association. Papers and proceedings of the 8th general meet- ing. Lake George. 1885 *020 A Blades. Enemies of books. 1888 025 Bl Boston public library. Miscellany *025 B Trustees' reports. 1851-91 *027 B Cutter, C. A. Alf abetic-author table . . . "'025 C Cutter, "^Y. R. Model village library. V. 1. 1890 *027 C Denver, Col. Public library. Public library handbook. 1895 *020 D Dewey. Decimal classification. 1891... *025 D ed. Library school card catalog rules. 1892 *025 Dl Edavardes. Libraries and founders of libraries. 1865 *027 E Fletcher. Public libraries in America. 1894 027 F Garnsey. Boston public library. 1894. *027 G Green. Libraries and schools. 1883... 021 G Greenwood. Free public libraries. 1886. 020 G Hardy, ed. Five hundred books for the young. 1892 *028 H Ladies' home journal, literary bureau. Five thousand books. 1895 *028 L Library Bureau. Classified illustrated catalog. 1894 *022 L Library journal. 19v. 1877-94 *020 L Linderfelt. Eclectic card catalog rules. 1890 *025 L LoEiMER. "What I know a))out books. 1892 028 LI Massachusetts. Free public library com- mission. Report. 189 1-4 *027 M Matson. Reference for literary workers. 1892 *028 M Matthews, (Arthur Penn) Home library. 18S3 020 M Moore. "What to read. 1871 028 Ml New Hampshire. Librar}- commissioners, board of. Free public libraries. 2nd report. 1894 *020 N State library. Report. 1891 *027 N Parsons, and others. "VYorld's best books. 1891 028 P Porter. Books and reading. 1872 028 PI Putnam, & Sons, 2^uhs. Best reading. 1873. 028 P2 QuiNCY. History of the Boston Athe- nffium. 1851 *027 Q Salem public library. Bulletin, v. 1-2. 1893-95 *027 S Sargent, comp. Reading for the j-oung. 1890 *028 S Somerville public library. Annual reports of the trustees. 1875-1893 *027 SI Thwing. Reading of books. 1883 028 T United States Education Bureau. Pub- lic libraries in the United States. 1876 027 U GENERAL WORKS. 135 Vax Dyke. Books and how to use them. 1883 028 V "Wheatlet. How to form a hbrary. 1886. 020 W Literary blunders. 1803 029 "VV GENERAL CYCLOPAEDIAS, t American cyclopaedia. IGv. and index. 1883-87 *031 A Appleton. Annual cyclopaedia. lOv. and index. 1883-9J *031 A Brande a7idCox, ed. Dictionary of science and art. 1867. 3v *030 B Chambers. Book of days. 2v. 1878... *080 C Encyclopedia. lOv. 1894 *030 C Champlin. Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. 1883 *031 C Encyclopajdia Britannica. 24:V., and index. 1875-89 *032 E Supplement. 4v. 1884-89 *032 E Hazell. Annual cyclopaedia. 1888 *030 H Johnson". New universal cyclopaedia. 8v. 1884 *030J Starkey. American manual of useful information. 1884' *030 S Times. Year-book of facts in science and art. 3v. 1847, '48, '52 *030 T PERIODICALS.! American journal of microscopy and popu- lar science. V. 1-6. Gv. in 3. 1875-81. *050 A American monthly microscopical journal. V. 1-4. 4v. in 2. 1880-83 *050 Al Appleton's journal. 26v-. 1869-81 *051 A Arena, v. 1-10. 1889-94 051 Al Atlantic monthly, v. 1-74, and index. 1857-95 051 Al Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. V. 1-156, and index. 1817-94 052 B Boston daily advertiser. 2v. 1864 *071 B Cassell's family magazine. 1891 050 C Century, v. 23-49. 1881-95. [Kote. Con- tinuation of Scrihner's monthly] — 051 C Charlestown chronicle. 4v, 1868, 70-72. *071 CI Charlestown news. 2v. 1880-81 *071 C2 Charlestown newspapers. Iv. 1871 *071 C Chatterbox. 10 v. 1884-94 j 051 Cl Chautauquan. v. 1-11. 1889-95 051 C2 Contemporary review, v. 39-66. 1S81-94. 052 C Cornhill magazine, v. 1-47. 1860-94... 052 Cl Cosmopolitan, v. 11-18. 1891-95 051 C3 Country gentleman, v. 1-12. 1853-^4... 051 C4 Eclectic. V. 55-60. 1892-94 051 E English illustrated magazine. 13v. 1884-94 052 E Forum, v. 2-18. 1886-95 051 F Gems of literature. Iv. 1853 052 G Galaxy, v. 23, 24. 1877-8 051 G2 Gleason's pictorial, v. 2-10. 1852-56.... 051 G t For cyclopredias and periodicals of special subjects, see subject. Good company, v. 4-7, 1879-81 051 Gl Graphic, v. 1-36. 18G9-18.S7 *072 G Harper's monthly magazine, v, 1-90, and index. 1850-95 051 H Harper's round table. See Harper's young people. Harper's weekly, v. 1-31. 1857-87 *05 HI Harper's young people [nowpuL. as Har- per's round table']. v. 13-15. l8'Jl-04 j 051 H2 Hours at home. v. 1-5. 1865-67 051 H3 Illustrated American, v. 10-15. 1892-94. 051 I Lippincott's monthly magazine, v. 27-55. 1881-95 051L Littell's living age, v. 1-10, 16-18, 20, 23, 32, 40-43, 49, 51, 56, 84-204. 1844- 1895 051 LI Macmillan's magazine, v. 33-71. 1875-95. 052 M Munsey's magazine, v. 10-12. 1893-95. 051 M Nation, v. 47-49, 1893-94 071 N New England magazine, v. 1-17. 1884-95. 051 N New Hampshire repository. 2v. 1846... 051 Nl New York Mirror, 2v. 1833-35 050 N Niles weekly repository, v. 1-12, and index. 1811-1817 051 N2 Nineteenth century, v, 9-36. 1881-94... 052 N North American review. v. 1-159, and in- dex. 1815-94 051 N3 Old and new, v, 1-8. 1870-74 051 O Our young folks, v. 1-9, 1865-73 j 051 01 Outlook. V. 45-50. 1892-94. \_Note. v. 45-47 published under name Christ- ian vnion] 051 02 Pictorial national library, v. 1. 1848... 051 P Review of reviews, v, 1-10. 1890-94... 051 R St. Nicholas, v. 1-22. 1873-'94 j 051 S Scribner's monthly, v, 1-22. 1870-81. \_Note. Continued under the name Century] 051 C Scribner's monthly, v. 1-24, and index. 1881-1893 051 SI Somerville citizen, v, 1-7, 1888-94 *'071 S Somerville journal, v, 6, 7, 10-24, 1876, 1877, 1880-94 *071 Si United States magazine and democratic re- view. V, 1-16. 1838-46 051 U Wide awake, v. 12, 19, 22-27, 29-36. 1877-92 j 051 W Youth's companion, v. G4. 1S94 j 051 Y BOOK RARITIES. Allex, American book-plates. 1894.... *097 A Blades, Books in chains. 1892 099 B Caxtox. Game and playe of the chesse, 1474. 1883 093 C Ditchfield. Books fatal to tiieir authors. 1895 090 D Farrar. Books condemned to be l)urnt. 1849 098 F 136 PHILOSOPHY. Hebek. Catalogue of his collection of early English poetry *090 H HusxEWELL. Illustrated Americana. U93-1889 *096 H JoRTix. Miscellaneous observations upon authors, ancient and modern. 2v. 1731-32 090 J Massachusetts historical society. List of early American imprints. 1895 .... *093 M Mather. MagnaKa Christi Americana. 1 702 *092 M Morse. Geography made easy. 1809... *093 Ml Pene du Bois. Four private libraries of New York. 1892 *090 P Stevens. Historical nuggets. 2v. 1802 090 S VixYCOMB. Ex libris. 189-t 097 V PHILOSOPHY. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Bain. :Mind and body. 1874 131 B Bascom. Problems in philosophy. 1885. 104 B Bastiax. Brain as an organ of mind. 1880 131 Bl BowxE. Metaphysics. 1882 110 B Buck. Study of man and the way to health. 1889 130 B Calderwood. Philosophy of the infinite. 1872 125 C Relations of mind and brain. 1879. . . 131 C Carpexter. Principles of mental physi- ology-. 1874 131 CI Corxixg. Brain exhaustion. 1884 131 C2 EvAxs. Mental cure. 1869 130 E Garretsox. Man and his world. 1889 . . 120 G GuRXET. Tertium quid. 2v. 1887 104 G Hamiltox. Lectures on metaphysics. 1859 110 H Hazard. Man a creative first cause. 1883 120 H Hedge. Atheism in philosophy, and other essays. 1884 104 H HiXTOx. New era of thought. 1888 114 H HoLLAXD. Rise of intellectual liberty. 1885 123 H HopKixs. Outline study of man. 1877.. 130 H Jaxet. Einal causes. 1878 124 J Krauth. Vocabulary of the philosophical sciences. 1878 *103 K Ladd. Elements of physiological psy- chology. 1887 131 L LuTS. Brain and its functions. 1882 .... 131 LI McCosH. First and fundamental truths. 1889 110 M Maurice. Moral and metaphysical phil- osophy. 2v. 1873 109 M MoRELL. Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe. 1872 109 Ml Morrill. Self-consciousness of noted persons. 1887 126 M Paixe. Discourse on the soul and in- stinct. 1849 New philosophy. 1884 Parsoxs. Infinite and the finite. 1872.. RoYCE. Spirit of modern philosophy. 1892 ScHWEGLER. HistoTy of philosophy. 1880 Sidgwick. Distinction and criticism of beliefs. 1892 Thorxtox. Old-fashioned ethics and common-sense metaphysics. 1873. To be or not to be, that is the question. 1864 Tolstoi. Power and liberty. 1888 Ueberweg. History of philosophy. 2v. 1877 Walker. Reincarnation. 1888 "WixDELBAXD. History of philosophy. 1893 WixsLOw. Cosmography. 1853 Wright. Philosophical discussions. 1877. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY. Abercrombie. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investi- gation of truth. 1832 Adamsox. On the philosophy of Kant. .1879 Baix. Emotions and the will. 1876 Logic. 1874 Baldwix. Mental development in the child and the race. 1895 Berxsteix. Five senses of man. 1876.. BoxHAM. Secularism. 1894 Burtox. Anatomy of melancholy. 3v. 1871 Chapmax. Comtist lover, and other studies. 1886 *. Combe. Constitution of man. 1835 CoMPAYRE. Elements of psychology. 1890 111 P 130 P 125 P 109 R 109 S 112 S 104 T 128 T 123 T 109 U 129 W 109 W 113 W 104 W 150 A 142 A 150 B 160 B 50 Bl 152 B 149 B 132 B 146 C 139 C 150 C PHILOSOPHY. 13T Cook. Transcendentalism. 1878 141 C Cousix. Elements of psychology. 1838. 150 Cl Dallas. Gay science. 2v. 1866 155 D Darwix. Expression of the emotions in man and animals. 1873 138 D Dextox, W. and Mrs. E. M. F. Soul of things. 3v. 1875-81 13-1 D Fowler. Phrenology. 1S77 139 F Galtox. English men of science. 1875. 136 G Hereditary genius. 1877 136 Gl Inquiries into human faculty and its development. 1883 136' G2 Graxville. Secret of a good memory. ISSl 15-i G Hermetic philosophy, v. 1 . 1890 149 H HoLBROOK. How to Strengthen the memory. 1886 154 H HoPKixs, Mrs. Educational psychology. 1886 150 H HuDSOX. Law of psychic phenomena. 1894 134 H James. Principles of psychology. 1890. 150 J Jardixe. Elements of the psychology of cognition. 1874 151 J Jevoxs. Elementary lessons in logic. 1886 160 J Principles of science. 1877 160 Jl Kay. Memory. 1888 154 K Kxox. Races of men. 1862 136 K Ladd. Primer of psychology. 1894 150 L Laxge. History of materialism. 1877.. 146 L Lavater. Essays on physiognomy 138 L McCosH. Emotions. 1880 157 M Intuitions of the mind. 1877 156 M Martixeau. Religion as affected by mod- ern materialism. 1875 146 M Maudsley'. Pathology of mind. 1880.. 132 M Responsibility in mental disease. 1874. 132 Ml Mercier. Sanity and insanity. 1890. •• 132 M2 3IiLL. System of logic 160 M MivART. Helpful science. 1895 149 M Nature and thought. 1882 149 311 MoRisox. Service of man. 1888 146 Ml Pattersox. Conflict in nature and life. 1883 149P Perez. First three years of childhood. 1889 150 P Plumptre. General sketch of the history of pantheism. 2v 147 P Preyer. Development of the intellect. 1889 150 PI Senses and the will. 1893 150 P2 Raxe. Psychology as a natural science. 1889 150 R RiBOT. Diseases of memory. 1882 132 R English ps3'chology. 1874 150 Rl Shakmax. Power of the will. Is94 159 S SiDGWiCK. Fallacies. 1884 165 S Spencer. Principles of psychology. 2v. 1875 150 S Spurgheim. Outlines of phrenology. 1832 139 S Stepxiak, pseud. Nihilism as it is 149 S ScLLY. Outlines of psychology. 1885... 150 Si Pessimism. 1891 149 SI Taixe. On intelligence. 2v. 1875 150 T Upham. Elements of intellectual philoso- phy. 1827 150 U "Waylaxd. Elements of intellectual phi- losophy. 1855 150 "W Whately. Elements of logic. 1834 160 W WiLsox. Five senses. 1860 150 WI Theories of knowledge. 1889 140 W WixsHip. Methods and principles in Bible study and Sunday-school teaching. 1885 150 ■W2' "Wyxter. Borderlands of insanity. 1875 132 W Ziehen. Introduction to physiological psychology-. 1892 150 Z SPIRITUALISM, MAGIC, ETC. AsiES. Influence of the zodiac upon human life. 1804 133 A BixET and Fere. Animal magnetism. 1887 134B Brewster. Letters on natural magic. 1832 133 B Brierre de Boismoxt. Hallucinations. 1859 133 Bl Brittex. Modern American spiritualism. 1870 133 B2 Calef. More wonders of the invisible world. 1823...... •' 133 C Clarke. Visions. 1878 133 Cl Cocke. Hypnotism. 1894.. 134 C Craig. Your luck's in your hand 133 C2 Dahlgrex. South-mountain magic. 1882. 133 D De Vere. Modern magic. 1873 133 Dl Dyer. Strange pages from family papers. 1895 133 D2 Forbes. Fingers and fortune. 1886 133 F Greexavood. Imagination in dreams. I:s94 135 G Hammoxd. Spiritualism and allied causes and condition of nervous derange- ment. 1876 133 H Hermox. Hellerism. 1884 133 HI Home. Incidents in my life. 1863 133 H2 HouDix. Secrets of conjuring and magic. 1878 133 H3^ IxGRAM. Haunted homes and family tra- ditions of Great Britain. 1886 133 I Kimball, Mrs. Witclicraft illustrated. Iji02 133 K KiXGSFORD. Dreams and dream-stories. 1888 135,K LuM. Spiritual delusion. 1873 133 L. M'DoxALD. iSpiritualism. 1866 133 M 138 PHILOSOPHY Mackat. Memoirs of extraordinary pop- ular delusions. 3v. 1841 133 Ml Maudsley. Natural causes and super- natural seemings. 1886 133 M2 Mall. Hypnotism. 1890 134 M Nature's laws in human life. 1873 133 N Nevixs. Witchcraft in Salem village, 1692. 1892 133 Nl Papus, pseud. Tarot of the Bohemians. 1892 133 P PoDMORE. Apparitions and thought- transference. 1894 134 P Eecords of Salem witchcraft. 2v. 1864. 133 R Rydbeeg. Magic of the middle ages. 1879 133 Rl ^Sargent. Scientific basis of spiritualism. 1881 133 S Scott. Letters on demonology and witch- craft. 1830 133 SI SiNXETT. Rationale of mesmerism. 1892. .134 S Taylor. Confessions of a medium. 1882. 133 T Upham. Salem witchcraft. 1867 133 U Salem witchcraft in outline. 1891. . . 133 Ul A'ital magnetic cure. 1872 134 V ETHICS. Abercrombie. Philosophy of the moral feelings. 1833 170 A Adams. Secret of success. 1879 174 A Threshold of life. 1888 j 170 Al Alexander. Theory of conduct. 1890. 171 A Andrew. Errors of prohibition. 1867. 178 A Arnold. Turning-points in life. 1873. 170 A2 Arthur. On the difference between physical and moral law. 1884 171 Al Bain. Moral science. 1873 170 B Bellairs. Gossips with girls and maidens, betrothed and free. 1887 173 B BixBY. Crisis in morals. 1891 171 B Blackie. Four phases of morals. 1872. 170 Bl Blair. Temperance movement. 1888... 178 B Blakey. History of moral science. 2v. 1836 170 B2 Bowne. Principles of ethics. 1892 171 Bl Boys and their M'ays. 1880 173 Bl Buckley. Oats or wild oats. 1885 174 B Bucknill. Habitual drunkenness and in- sane drunkards. 1878 178 Bl Bungay. Temperance anecdotes. 1873. 178 B2 BuRDETT, and others. Before he is twenty. 1894 170 B3 Burns. Bases of the temperance reform. 1873 178 B3 Carpenter. On the use and abuse of alcoholic liquors in health and dis- ease. 1851 178 C ■Chandler. Elements of character. 1866. 170 C Chenery. Alcohol inside out. 1889 178 Cl ■Child, comp. Aspirations of the world. 1878 170 Cl Clark. History of the temperance reform in Massachusetts. 1888 178 C2 Our business boys. 1884 j 174 C Clum. Inebriety. 1888 178 C3 CoBBE. Doctor Judas. 1895 178 C4 Modern rack, papers on vivisection. 1889 179 C Collyer. Simple truth. 1878 173 C Talks to young men. 1888 170 C2 Combe. Lectures on moral pliilosophy. 1840 170 C3 Cook. Conscience. 1879 171 C Marriage. 1879 173 Cl Cox. Friendly counsel for girls 177 C Craik. Sermons out of church. 1875... 170 C4 Croly. For better or Avorse. 1875 173 C2 Davidson. Sure to succeed. 1889 170 D Dick. Essays on the sin and evils of covetousness. 1884 179 D Dodge. Country living and country thinking. 1872 177 D Nurserj' noonings. 1875 173 D Dole. American citizen. 1891 172 D Dymond. Inquiry into the accordancy of war with the principles of Chris- tianity. 1873 172 Dl Eggleston. How to make a living. 1875. 174 E Felltham. Resolves ; divine, moral, and political. 1840 170 F Fowler and DePuy. Home and health and home economics. 1880 173 F Friswell. Better self. 1875 173 Fl Gasparin. Happiness. 1863 171 G Gerando. Self-education. 1830 170 G GiLMAN a??(Z Jackson. Conduct as a fine art. Laws of daily conduct, by Gilman ; character building, by Jackson. 1892 170 Gl GizYCKi. Introduction to the study of ethics. 1891 170 G3 GoFF. , Who cares? 1887 176 G Gough. Orations on various occasions. 1867 178 G Pl.itf orm echoes. 1887 178 Gl Sunlight and shadow. 1881 178 G2 Gow. Good morals and gentle manners for schools and families. 1873 170 G2 Gjieene. Tobacco slave and how to be liberated from its fetters. 1889... 178 G3 GraNNELL. How John and I brought up the child. 1894 173 G GuFSTAFSON. Foundation of death. 1884 178 G4 Hale. How to do it. 1872 177 H Hamerton'. Human intercourse. 1884.. 177 HI Hardy. How to be happy though mar- ried. 1886 173 H " Manners makyth man." 1887 170 H Sunny days of youth. 1893 170 HI Harris. Plain talks with j'oung home makers. 1889 173 HI PHILOSOPHY. 139 Harrison. Voice from the 'Waslungtonian home. I.SGO 178 H HoLCOMitE. Sexes ; here and hereafter. 1870 173 H2 Holland. Goldfoil hammered from pop- ular proverbs. 1872 170 H2 Lessons in life. 1872 170 H3 Letters to the Joneses. 1871 170 Hi Titcomb's letters to young people, single and married. 1872 170 H5 Hopkins. Lectures on moral science. 1872 170 HG Hughes. True manliness. 1880 170 H7 Hunt. Worth and wealth. 185G 174 H HuTH. Marriage of near kin. 1887 173 H3 Jacobi. Value of life. 1879 170 J Janet. Theory of morals. 1883 171 J Japp. Making the best of things. 1891.. 177 J Jewett. Forty years' fight witli the drink demon. 1872 178 J JouFFROY. Introduction to ethics. 2v. 1873 170 Jl Kane. Drugs that enslave. 1881 178 K Keduie. Papers for thoughtful girls. 1867 177 K Kimball. Blue ribbon. 1804 178 Kl La Rochefoucauld. Reflection. 1871.. 170 L Lecky. History of European morals. 2v. 1871 170 LI Leeds. Theatre. 1884 17j L Lieber. Manual of political ethics. 2v. 1881 172L LivERMORE. Anti-tobacco. 1883 178 L Lubbock. Uses of life. 1894 170 L2 Macaulay'. Plea for mercy to animals .. 179 M Maccunn. Ethics of citizenship. 1894.. 172 M McMuRRAY. Temperance lectures. 1873. 178 M Macnish. Anatomy of drunkenness. 1838 178 Ml Mallock. Is life worth living? 1879... 170 M Mann. Few thoughts for a young man. 1890 174 M Marden. Pushing to the front. 1894... 174 Ml Martineau. Types of ethical theory. 2v. 188G 170 Ml Massachusetts society for the prevention of crueltv to animals. Our dumb animals, v. 25. 1892-93 179 Ml Massachusetts temperance society. Ad- dresses. 18G1 178 M2 When will the day come? 1857 178 M3 Matheavs. Getting on in the world. 1875. 170 M2 Miller. Alcohol. 1875 178 M4 Moore. Young lady's friend. 1880 177 M MoRLEY. On compromise. 188G 171 M Mothers in council. 1884 173 M Moulton. Ourselves and our neighbors. 1887 177 Ml Muirhead. Elements of ethics. 1892.. 171 Ml MuNGER. On the threshold. 1881 170 M3 National temperance society. Temper- ance in all nations. 2v. 1893 178 N Notes for boys and their fathers. 1888 .. 170 N Pacificus. Solemn review of the custom of war. 1816 172 P Paley. Principles of moral and political philosophy. 1810 170 P Palmer. Earnest words on true success in life. 1873 174 P Payson. Law of equivalents. 1888 172 PI Peabody. Manual of moral philosophy. 1873 171P Penney, ed. National temperance orator. 1874 178 P Pitman. Alcohol and the state. 1877... 178 PI Platt. Business. 1889 174 PI PoMEROY. Ethics of marriage. 1888... 173 P Powell. Bacchus dethroned. 1874 178 P2 Pritchett. Smokiana. 1890 178 P3 Richmond. Leaves from the diary of an old lawyer. 1880 178 R Samson. Divine law as to wines. 1885.. 178 S Savage. Man. woman, and child. 1884.. 173 S Sawyer. Life made happy. 1857 175 S Sedgwick. Talk with my pupils. 1863.. 173 Sl Self-love 170 S SiDGWiCK. Methods of ethics. 1874 171 S Smiles. Art of living. 1887 170 SI Character 170 S2 Duty. 1881 170 S3 Thrift. 1S7G 170 S4 Starrett. Letters to elder daughters, married and unmarried. 1888 173 S2 Stephen. Science of ethics. 1882 170 So Stowe. Little foxes. 1893 173 S3 Talmadge. Sports that kill. 1875 175 T Tempted London 170 T Thwing. The family. 1887 173 T TiLLEY. Masters of the situation. 1887. 174 T ToLSToi. Life. 1888 171 T Tourgee. Letters to a king. 1888 172 T U. S. Labor, Commissioners of. Gotten- burg system of liquor ; vAth other pamphlets on the liquor questions. 1893 178 U Ware. Home life. 1868 173 W Wayland. Elements of moral science. 1870 170 W AVeeden. Morality of prohibitory liquor laws. 1875 178 W Whately. Introductory lessons on morals and Christian evidences. 1860 171 W Whewell. Elements of morality. 2v. 1845 170 Wl Williams. Review of the systems of ethics founded on evolution. 1893. 171 Wl Wilson. Quiet observations on the ways of the world. 1886 170 W2 WiNSHip. Shop. 1889 170 W3 WoRTHiNGTON. Biddv club. 1888 173 Wl 140 PHILOSOPHY. ANCIENT AND MODERN PHILOSOPHERS. Bacon. Works. 2v. 1871 192 B Berkeley. Works. 3v. 1871 192 Bl BowE>?. Modern philosophy. 1877 190 B Treatise on logic. 1882 191 B Bower. David Hartley and James Mill. 1881. 192 B2 Caird. Critical account of the philosophy of Kant. 1877 193 C Gazelles. Outline of evolution philoso- phy. 1875 194 C Collins. Epitome of [Herbert Spencer's] synthetic philosophy. 1889 192 C Comte. Positive philosophy. 18G8 194 Cl Cousin. Lectures on the true, the beauti- ful, and the good. 1875 194 C2 Davidson. Education of the Greek people. 1894 182 D Day. Summary and analysis of the dialogues of Plato. 1890 184 D Dewey. Leibnitz's new essaj's concern- ing the human understanding. 1888. 193 D Diogenes. Lives and opinions of eminent pliilosophers. 1853 183 D Epictetus. Discourses. 1877 188 El Works. 2v. 1891 188 E EucKEN. Fundamental concepts of modern ' philosophic thought. 1880 193 E Everett. Eichte's science of knowledge. 1884 193 El Farrer. Adam Smith. 1881 192 F Ferrier. Philosophical works. 3v. 1875. 192 Fl FiCHTE. Popular works. 1873 193 F Fischer. History of modern philosophy. 1887 194 F Fiske. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 2v. 1875 191 F Fowler. Bacon. 1881 192 F2 Shaftesbury and Hatcheson. 1883. . . 192 F3 GosTwiCK. German culture and Christian- ity. 1882 193 G Grote. Aristotle. 1880 ■. . ■ 185 G Plato, and other companions of Sokrates. 4v. 1885 184 G Hegel. Philosophy of mind. 1894 193 H HiCKOK. Creator and creation. 1872... 190 HI Rational psychology. 1882 191 H Holland. Reign of the stoics. 1879 188 H Hudson. Introduction to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer. 1894 192 H Hume. Philosophical works. 4v. 1854. 192 Hi Treatise on human nature. 1888 192 H2 Huxley. Hume, with helps to the study of Berkeley. 1894 192 H3 Kant. Critique of pure reason. 1881 . . . 193 K Kritik of judgment. 1892 193 Kl Metaphysic of ethics. 1871 193 K2 Philosophy of law. 1887 193 K3 Kedney. Hegel's aesthetics. 1885 193 K4 King. Gnostics and their remains. 1887. 189 K Lewes. Problems of life and mind ; foundations of a creed. 2v. 1879. 192 L Problems of life and mind ; study of psychology, 1879 192 LI Locke. Works. 2v. 1854 192 L2 Works. 9v. 1824 192 L3 LoTZE. Microcosmos. 1886 193 L Outlines of a philosophy of religion. 1892 193 LI Outlines of metaphysics. 1884 193 L2 System of philosophy. 1884 193 L3 McCosH. Examination of J. S. Mill's philosophy. 1866 191 M Realistic philosopliy. 2v. 1887 191 Ml Scottish philosophy. 1875 192 M Marcus Aurelius. Thoughts. 1890 188 M Martineau. Study of Spinoza. 1883... 193 M Masson. Recent British philosophy. 1877. 192 Ml Mayor. Sketch of ancient philosophy. 1881 180 M MoNCK. Sir William Hamilton. 1881. 192 M2 Morris. Hegel's philosophy of the state. 1887 193 Ml Kant's critique of pure reason. 1882. 193 M2 Nasjiith. [Makers of modern thought. 2v. 1892 190 N Owen. Evenings with the skeptics. 2v. 1881 180 O Skeptics of French renaissance. 1893. 194 Pater. Plato and Platonism. 1893 184 P Patrick. Apology of Origen in reply to Celsus. 1892 189 P Pollock. Spinoza. 1880 193 P Porter. Kant's ethics. 1886 191 P Science and sentiment. 1882 191 PI Reid. Works. 1858 192 R Schopenhauer. World as will and idea. 1888 193 S Seneca. Morals. 1878 188 S Spencer. Aphorisms from his writings. 1894 192 S Ceremonial institutions. 1880 192 Si Data of ethics. 1880 192 S2 Ecclesiastical institutions. 1886 192 S3 Essays ; scientific, political, and speculative. 1891 192 S4 Inductions of ethics. 1892 192 S5 Justice. 1891 192 S6 Social statics. 1892 192 S7 Spinoza. Chief works. 1889 193 Si Stephen. History of English thouglit in the eighteenth century. 2v. 1876. 192 S9 Stirling. Secret of Hegel. 1865 193 S2 Veitch. Method, meditations, and selec- tions from the principles of Des- cartes. 1881 194 V Watson. Schelling's transcendental ideal- ism. 1882 193 W Zeller. Outlines of the history of Greek philosophy. 1886 180 Z RELIGION GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Allex, a. V. G. Eeligious progress. 1894 20i A Allex, J. H. Positive religion. ISOl 204 Al Ames. Great thouglits for little thinkers. •1S8'J j 204 A2 Andorer review, v. 1-19. 1884-1893... 205 A Arxold. Last essays on church and religion. 1877 204 A3 St. Paul and Protestantism. 1875 204 A4 Banks. Honeycombs of life. 1894 204 B Baurom's, ed.. World's parliament of religions: Chicago, 1893. 2v 206 B Bascom. Netv theology. 1891 204 Bl Beecher. Lectures to young men. 1873. 204 B2 BiCKEKSTETH, and. others. Twelve lectures delivered before the young men's Christian association. 1851 204 B3 Bluxt, ed. Dictionary of doctrinal and historical theologj". 1872 *203 B Dictionary of sects, heresies, etc. 1874 *203 Bl Brewer. Dictionary of miracles. 1884. *203 B2 Brooks. Tolerance. 1887 204 B4 BruDEii. History of all religions 209 B Caikd. Introduction to the philosophy of religion. 1880 201 C Chadwick. Faith of reason. 1879 204 C Chaxxixg. Complete works 208 C Discourses. 1832 204 CI Clarke. Common sense in religion. 1876. 204 C2 E very-day religion. 1886 204 C3 Vexed questions in theology. 1886.. 204 C4 CoBiJE. Darwinism in morals. 1883 204 Co Cook. Current religious perils. 1888... 204 C6 Occident. 1884 204 C7 Orthodoxy. 1878 204 C8 Christian disciple, v. 4. 1816 205 C Cliristian disciple and theological review. 5v. 1819-23 205 CI Conway. Sacred antholog;-. 1874 208 Cl Deems. My septuagint. 1892 204 D De Quincey. Essays on Christianity, paga- nism, and superstition. 1877 204 Dl Dick. Philosophy of religion. 1884 201 D Dodge. Sermons to tlie clergy. 1876. .. 204 D2 Eddy. Young man's friend. 1870 204 E Eliot. Lectures to j'oung men. 1873... 204 El Lectures to young Avomen. 1869 204 E2 Emmoxs. Works. 3v. 1860-1 208 E Fairbaikx. Keligion in history and in modern life. 1894 204 F Farrar. Social and present day ques- tions. 1891 204 Fl FisiiEi:. Discussions in history and theology. Ib80 204 F2 Foster. Lectures delivered at Broad- mead chapel, Bristol. 2v. 1880.. 204 F3 Frothixghasi. Creed and conduct. 1877 204 F4 Hall. Works. 3v. 1833 208 H Haxdford. Lamps of the temple. 1894. 204 H Hedge Ways of the spirit. 1877 204 HI Kalisch. Path and goal. 1880 201 K Le Galliexxe. Eeligion of a literary man. 1893 204 L M'Clixtock and, Stroxg, comj). Cyclo- pajdia of Inblical, theological, and ecclesiastical literature. lOv. 1869- 81 203 M Macmillax. Bible teaching in nature. 1872 204 M Sabbath of the field. 1876 204 Ml Martixeau. Study of religion. 2v. 1888. 201 M Mill. Three essays on religion. 1874.. ' 204 M2 Murray. Deacons. 1875 204 M3 Newjiax". Characteristics from his writ- ings. 1875 208 X Essays. 2v. 1871 204 N Parker. Collected works. 14v. 1863-72. 208 P Parsoxs. Essays. 1868 204 P Pease. Christian ministry. 1894 208 PI Phelps. My study. 1886 204 PI Eawlixsox, and others. Religious systems of the world. 1890 204 R Reed. Observations on the growtli of the mind. 1867 204 Rl Religious magazine and monthly review. V. 37-47, 49. 1867-73 205 R RoYCE. Religious aspect of philosophy. 1885 201 R Saltus. Anatomy of negation. 1886... 204 S Savage. My creed. 1887 204 S3 Seiss. Gospel in the stars. 1885 204 Si SiiAiRP. Culture and religion. 1872 204 S2 Smith. Outline of the future religion of the world. 1884 201 S Southg.\te, comp. Suggestive thoughts on religious subjects. 1881 203 S Staxley". Selection from his writings. 1894 208 S 142 RELIGION. Sterrett. Studies in Hegel's i)hilosophy of religion. 1891 201 SI Sundaymagazinefor family reading, v. 1. 1880 205 S Taylor. Works. 3v. 1853 208 T Unitarian review, v. 3-3G. 1875-91 205 U Weiss. American religion. 1871 204 W Westcott. Essays in the history of re- ligious thought in the west. 1891. 204 Wl Whitixg. World beautiful. 1895 204 W2 Williams. Eras and characters of history. 1882 204 W3 Woods. History of the Andover theologi- cal seminary. 1885 *207 W Wright. Master and men. 1894 204 W4 NATUEAL RELIGION. Abbot. Way out of agnosticism. 1890.. 211 A Alviella. Contemporary evolution of re- ligious thought. 188G 213 A Argyll. Reign of law. 1872 210 A Balfour. Foundations of belief. 1895. 215 B Bascom. Natural theology. 1880 210 B Bell. Hand, its mechanism and vital en- dowments, as evincing design. 1875. 210 Bl Blackie. Natural liistory of atheism. 1878 211B Blavatsky. Isis unveiled. 2v. 1884.. 212 B Key to theosophy. 1889 212 Bl Secret doctrine. 2v. 1888 212 B2 Bonne. Studies in theism. 1879 211 Bl Braden. Problem of problems, and its various resolutions. 1877 215 Bl Burr. Ecce coelum. 1867 215 B2 Pater mundi ; or, doctrine of evolu- tion. 1873 213 B Pater mundi ; or, modern science tes- tifying to the Heavenly Father. 1873 215 B3 Campbell. Story of creation. 1877....^ 213 C Chadbourne. Lectures on natural theol- ogy. 18G7 215 C Chalmers. On the power, wisdom, and goodness of God. 1869 215 CI Series of discourses on the Christian revelation. 1817 215 C2 Cobbe. Broken Hghts. 1878 211 C Cocker. Theistic conception of the world. 1875 210 C CoLViLLE. Universal theosophy. 1887.. 212 C Cook. Through the gates of gold. 1887. 212 Cl Cooke. Religion and chemistry. 1867. 215 C3 Dawson. Meeting place of geology and history. 1894 215 D3 Modern ideas of evolution as related to religion and science. 1890 215 D Nature and the Bible. 1875 215 Dl Origin of the world. 1877 213 D Dick. Christian philosopher. 1884 215 D2 DiMAN. Theistic argument. 1881 211 D Draper. History of the conflict between religion and science. 1875 215 D4 Drummond. Natural law in the spiritual world. 1884 215 D5 Field. Two great books of nature and revelation. 1870 213 F Fiske. Destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. 1884 218 F Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. 1886 211F Five years of theosophy. 1885 212 F Gladstone. Natural religion. 1882 210 G Huxley, and others. Order of creation 213 G Gordon. Witness to immortality in litera- ture, philosophy, and life. 1893 218 G Graham. Creed of science. 1881 215 G Gray. Natural science and religion. 1880. 215 Gl GuYOT. Creation. 1884 213 Gl Harris. Philosophical basis of theism. 1883.'. 211 H Hicks. Critique of design-arguments. 1883 210 H Hill. Geometry and faith. 1874 215 H ed. Stars and the earth. 1882 215 HI Hitchcock. Religion of geology. 1865. 215 H2 Huxley. Essays upon some controverted questions. 1892 210 HI Science and Christian tradition. 1894. 215 H3 Science and Hebrew tradition. 1894. 215 H4 Kelly. Evolution and effort. 1895 215 K KiRBY. On the power, wisdom, and good- ness of God, as manifested in the creation of animals. 2v. 1853.... 215 Kl Laing. Modern science and modern thought. 1893 215 L Modern Zoroastrian. 1893 215 LI Lecky. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. 2v. 1872 211 L Le Conte. Evolution and its relation to religious thought. 1888 213 L Religion and science. 1874 215 L2 Lee. Making of a man. 1892 213 LI Lewis. Six days of creation. 1879 213 L2 McCosH. Ideas in nature overlooked by Dr. Tyndall. 1875 215 M MacQueary. Evolution of man and Chris- tianity. 1890... 213 M Miller. Testimony of the rocks. 1872. 215 Ml MiTCHEL. Astronomy of the Bible. 1871 215 M2 MuLLER. Anthropological religion. 1892. 210 M Natural religion. 1889 210 Ml Physical religion. 1891 210 Ma Theosophy ; or, psychological religion. 1893 212 M Newman. The soul; its natural history as the true basis of theology. 1868. 218 N RELIGION. 143:. Nichols. Whence, what, where? 1883. 218 Nl NoRDHOFF. God and the future life. 1884 j 210 N Oliphant. Scientific religion. 1889 210 Paley. Natural theology. 1839 210 P Patterson. Errors of evolution. 188-4. 213 P Peabody. Christianity and science. 1874. 215 P Pember. Earth's earliest ages. 1885 215 PI Powell. Our heredity from God. 1890. 215 P2 Pressense. Study of origins. 1883 215 P3 Prout. Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, considered with reference to natural theology. 1855 215 P4 Shaler. Interpretation of nature. 18©3. 215 S SixNETT. Esoteric Buddhism. 1884.... 212 S Occult world. 1887 212 Si SoLOVYOFF. Modern priestess of Isis. 1895 212 S2 Stewart, and Tait. Paradoxical philos- ophy. 1878 218 S Unseen universe. 1885 218 SI Street. Hidden way across the thres- liold. 1887 212 S3 Tefft. Evolution and Christianitj^ 1885. 215 T TcLLOcii. Theism. 1855 211 T Wace, and others. Christianity and agnos- ticism. 1889 211 W Warixgtox. Week of creation. 1870.. 213 W WiiEWELL. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology. 1871 215 W WixciiELL. Reconciliation of science and religion. 1877 215 Wl BIBLE. Abbot. Authorship of the fourth gospel. 1888 22(3 A Bailey. Nahbion. 1874 220 Bl comp. Homage of eminent per- sons to the Book. 1871 220 B Baldwin. Representative women. 1855. 221 B Barrows. Companion to the Bible. 1867. 220 B2 Sacred geography and antiquities. 1872 220 B3 Bartlett and Peters. Scriptures, Hebrew and Christian. 2v. 188G 221 Bl ^^^ciiTE-n, and others. Bible in the public schools. 1870 220 B4 Bible. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. 1862 220 B5 Holy Bible. 1873 ; tr. from the Latin Vulgate 220 B6 New Testament. 1881 225 N Old Testament. Book of Job. 1806. 223 Bl Old Testament. Bucov Job. 1849 223 B BissELL. Apocrypha of the Old Testa- ment. 1880 229 B Blaikie. Heroes of Israel. 1894 222 B BoARDMAx. Studies in the creative week. 1878 222 Bl Boutell, erf. Bible dictionary. 1871... 220 B7 Briggs. Bible, the church, and the reason. 1892 220 B8 Biblical study. 1883 220 B9. Bruce. Parabolic teaching of Christ. 1884 226 B. Burder. Oriental customs. 1840 220 BIO Burr. Ad fidem. 1872 220 B 11 Cable. Busy man's Bible. 1891 220 C Carr. Gospel according to St. Matthew. 1893 226 C Chadwick. Bible of to-day. 1879 220 CI Cheever. Right of the Bible in our pub- lic schools. 1854 220 C2 CiiEYXE. Hosea. 1892 224 C Micah. 1893 224 CI Clark. Fundamental questions chiefly relating to the book of Genesis and the Hebrew Scriptures. 1882 222 C Clarke. Ideas of tlie apostle Paul. 1884. 225 C Fourth gospel. 1886 226 CI Conybeare and Howsox. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 1887 225 Cl Crane. Right way. 1853 222 Cl Crcden. Complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 1872 220 C3 New and complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 1866 220 C4 Davidson. Book of Job. 1893 223 D Book of the prophet Ezekiel. 1893. . . 224 D Deane. Pseudepigraphia. 1891 229 D DiBDiN. Introduction to tlie knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics. 2v. 1827. 220 D Doddridge. Family expositor. 6v. 1808. 225 D DoDS. Introduction to the New Testa- ment. 1888 225 Dl DoRE. Old Bibles. 1888 220 Dl Driver. Introduction to the literature of the Old Testament. 1891 221 D Edersheiji. Sketches of Jewish social life in the days of Christ. 1876. . . 220 E Temple ; its ministry and services, as they were at the time of Jesus Christ. 1874 220 El Epistle to the Hebrews compared with tlie Old Testament. 1867 227 E Everett. Gospel of Paul. 1893 227 El Farrar. Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews. 1891 227 F Gospel according to St. Luke. 1894. 226 F Life and work of St. Paul. 2v.. 225 Fl Messages of the books. 1886 225 F Findley. Ejiistles to the Thessalonians. 1891 227 Fl Eraser. Synoptical lectures on the books of Holy Scripture. 1873 221 F Fuller. Comment upon Ruth. 1868... 222 F 144 RELIGION. TCLLER. Joseph's party colored coat. 18G7. 227 F2 Pisgah sight of Palestine and the confines thereof. 1869 220 F FuRNESs. Remarks on the four gospels. 1S3G ". 220 Fl Gage. Palestine, historical and descrip- tive. 1883 220 G Geikie. Hours with the Bible. 6t. 1884. 220 Gl GE^•u^-G. Epic of the inner life. 1891. . . 223 G Gibson. Ages before Moses. 1879 222 G Gleig. • History of the Bible. 2v. 1831. 220 G2 GouLBUKK. Introduction to the devotional study of the Holy Scriptures. 186G. 220 G3 Greenwood. Lives of the twelve apostles. 1«68 225 G Griffis. Lily among the thorns. 1890.. 223 Gl GuYOX. Book of Job. 1887 223 G2 Hamilton. Eoyal preacher. 1863 223 H Harris. Natural history of the Bible. 1820 220 H HoDDER. Simon Peter. 1884 225 H Hood. Villages of the Bible. 1874 220 HI HoRNE. Compendious introduction to the study of the Bible. 1868 220 H2 HowsoN. Evidential value of the Acts of the Apostles. 1880 22G H Jamieson, and others. Practical pocket commentary. lOv. 1873 220 J Jenks. Explanatory Bible atlas and Scripture gazetteer. 1847 • 220 Jl Kirk. Lectures on the parables of our Saviour. 18-36 220 K KiRKPATRicK. Book of Psaluis. 1892.. 223 K First book of Samuel. 2v. 1891 222 K IviTTO. History of Palestine from the patriarchal age to the present time. 1851 220 Kl Illustrated history of the Holy Bible. 1873 220 K2 Scripture lands. 1873 220 K3 ed,. Cyclopccdia of Biblical litera- ture. 2v. 1881 220 K Ladd, What is the Bible ? 1888 220 L Lenormaxt. Beginnings of history, ac- cording to the Bible and the tradi- tions of oriental peoples. 1882 220 LI Lias. Book of Judges. 1893 222 L First epistle to the Corinthians. 1892 227 L Love. St. Paul and woman. 1894 227 LI LuMBY. First book of the Kings. 2v. 1892 222 LI MacDonald. Book of Ecclesiastes ex- plained. 1856 223 M Life and writings of St. John. 1880 220 Ml Miracles of our Lord 22G M Maclear. Book of Joshua. 1892 222 M4 Gospel according to St. Mark. 1893 226 M2 MoIntosh. Notes on the book of Exodus. 222 M Notes on the book of Genesis 222 Ml Notes on the book of Leviticus 222 M2 Notes on the book of Numbers 222 M3 Maurice. Gospel of St. John. 1878 220 M3 Merrill. Story of the manuscripts. ISSl. 225 M MoRisoN. Disquisitions and notes on the gospels. 1872 226 M4 Moule. Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans. 1892 227 M Epistles to the Colossians and to Phil- emon. 1893 227 Ml Epistle to the Ephesians. 1891 227 M2 Epistle to the Philippians. 1893 227 M3 MoTJLTON. History of the English Bible. 220 M Murray". Lectures on the origin and growth of the Psalms. 1880 223 Ml Noble. Book of Judges. 1856 222 N Eight parables. 1857 22G N Plenary inspiration of the Scriptures asserted. 1865 220 N Norton. Evidences of the genuineness of the gospels. 1873 226 Nl Translation of the gospels. 1855 226 N2 NoiEs, tr. New Testament. 1873 225 Nl New translation of Job, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles. 1868 223 N New translation of the book of Psalms. 1831 223 Nl New translation of the book of Psalms, and of the Proverbs. 1868 223 N2 Oort and Hoo vkaas. Bible for learners. 3v. 1879 220 Orton. Short and plain exposition of the Old Testament. Gv. 1806 2210 OsBORN. Teacher's guide to Palestine. 1870 220 01 Pattison. History of the English Bible. 1894 220 P Peroavne, E. H. Epistle to the Galatians. 1892 227 P3 Perowne, T. T. Haggai and Zechariah. 1893 224 P Philp. Biblical reason why. 1869 220 PI Plummer. Epistles of St. John. 1890.. 227 PI General epistles of St. James and St. Jude 227 P Gospel according to St. John. 1894. 226 P Plumptre. Bible educator. 2v 220 P2 Ecclesiastes. 1892 223 P General einstles of St. Peter and St. Jude. 1893 227 P2 Popular exposition of the ejiistles of the seven churches of Asia. 1878. 228 P Pollard. Young folks' Bible. 1888 j 220 P3 Prideaux. Old and New Testaments. 4v. 1810 220 P4 Ralph. Step by step through the Bil;le. 3v j 220 R Rankin. Character studies in the Old Testament. 1875 221 R RELIGIOX, 145 Robertson. Notes on Genesis. 1877... 222 R Rtle. Books of Ezra and Xehemiah. 1893 222 Rl Canon of the Old Testament. 1892 221 Rl Satce. " Higher criticism" and the verdict of the monuments. 189-4 221 S Sears. Fourth gospel. 187;! 226 S Seiss. Voices from Babyh)n. 1879 224 S SiMcox. Revelation of St. John the Divine. 1894 228 S Smith, G. Chaldean account of Genesis. 1876 222 S Smith, "W. Dictionary of the Bible. 4v. 1872 *220S ed. New Testament liistory. 1869. 225 S Old Testament history. 1871 221 SI Smith, W. R. Old Testament in the Jew- ish church. 1881 . . .^ 221 S2 and Grove, ed. Atlas of ancient geography. 1874 *220 Si Speixg. Bible not of man. 1^47 220 S2 Stebbins. Study of the Pentateuch. 1881 222 SI Stevexs. Bi))les in the Caxton exhibi- tion. 1877 220 S3 Stseaxe. Book of the prophet Jeremiah, together with the Lamentations. 1892. 224 Sl Sunderland. "What is the Bible? 220 S4 Talbot. Our Bible. 1894 220 T Taylor, W.M. Daniel, the beloved. 1878. 221 T David, king of Israel. 1877 221 Tl Elijah, the prophet. 187G 221 T2 Peter, the apostle. 1877 221 T3 Taylor, I. Spirit of Hebrew poetry. 1862. 223 T Thayer. Hebrews and the Red sea 1883 220 Tl Thompson. Parables by the lake. 1895. 226 T ToMKiNS. Life and times of Joseph. 1891. 222 T TowNSEND. Bible and other ancient lit- erature in the nineteenth century. 1889 220 T2 Toy. Judaism and Christianity. 1890. . . 220 To Trench. Notes on the miracles of our Lord. 1887 226 Tl Tristram. Natural history of the Bible. 1873 220 T4 Vos. ]\Iosaic origin of the Pentateuchal codes. 1886 222 Y "Walden. Our English Bible and its ancestors. 1871 220 W Walker. Comprehensive concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 1894 *220 Wl "Westcott. General view of the history of the English Bible. 1872 220 W2 WiLLSoN, M. and. R. P. Mosaics of Bible history. 2v. 1883 220 W3 Wood. Bible animals. 1870 220 W4 YoNGE. Young folks' Bible history. 1880 j 220 Y DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY. Abbott, E. A. Through nature to Christ. 1877 232 A Abbott, L. Evolution of Christianity. 1892 230 A Allen. Continuity of Christian thought. 1884 230 Al Arnold. God and the Bible. 1875 239 A Literature and dogma. 1873 239 Al Baker. Ten theophanies. 1833 232 B Baliol E. Defence of philosophic doubt. 1379 23 B9 Bi-RTLETT. Life and death eternal. 1866 237 B Beach. Newer religious thinking. 1893. 230 B Boston. View of this and the other world. 1799 236 B Branks. Heaven our home. 1864 237 Bl Meet for heaven. 1864 234 B Brooks. Influence of Jesus. 1882 232 B2 BuLFiNCH. Studies in the evidences of Christianity. 1869 239 B 1 Burgess. Last enemy. 1850 236 Bl Burr. Ecce terra". 1883 231 B Bush. Evidence of faith. 1885 234 Bl BusHNELL. Character of Jesus. 1884. . . 232 B3 Christ and his salvation. 1864 232 B4 Forgiveness and law. 1874 234 B2 Nature and the super-natural. 1877 239 B2 Butler. Analogy of religion. 1872 239 B3 Carpenter. Here and beyond. 1859... 234 C Chadwick. Man Jesus. 1881 232 C Cheistlieb. IModern doubt and Christian belief. 1874 239 C Clark, T. M. Primary truths of religion. 1869 231 C Clark, R. W. Heaven and its scriptural emblems. 1853 237 C Clarkh. Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin. 1870 234 CI Steps of belief . 1871 239 Cl Conway. Demonology and devil-lore. 1879 235 C Crooker. Jesus brought back. 1889. .. 232 Cl Cummings. End ; or, the proximate signs of the close of this dispensation. 1855. 236 C Dale. Atonement. 1876 232 D Dick. Philosophy of a future state. 1884. 237 D DiDON. Jesus Christ. 2v. 1891 232 Dl Dodge. Washington Bible class. 1891. 230 D DoRNER. Dorner on the future state. 1883 236 D Eaton. Heart of the creeds. 1888 230 E Economy of the ages. 1869 230 El Eddy. Thoughts on religion and mo- rality ■ 231 E Edersheim. Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. 2v. 1883 232 E 146 RELIGION. Eliot. Early religious education. 1871. 234 E Discourses on the doctrines of Chris- tianity. 1873 230 E2 Evans. Celestial dawn. 1864 230 E3 EwALD. Kevelation ; its nature and record. 1884 231 El Examination of Cannon Liddon's Bampton lectures. 1872 232 El Farrak. Eternal hope. 1883 237 F Life of Christ. 2v. 1874 232 F FiGUiER. To-morrow of death. 1872... 237 Fl Fisher. Faith and rationalism. 1879... 239 F Grounds of theistic and Christian be- lief. 1883 239 Fl Manual of Christian evidences. 1889. 239 F2 FiSKE. Beyond the bourn. 1891 237 F2 Fuller, A. Principal works. 18G4 239 F3 Fuller, S. R. Personality. 1892 233 F Fuller, T. Cause and cure of a wounded conscience. 18G7 234 F Garbett. Dogmatic faith. 1869 230 G Giles. Lectures on the nature of spirit, and of man as a spiritual being. 1871 • 233 G Gladstone. " Robert Elsmere " and the battle of belief 239 G God in his world. 1890 231 G Gordon. Ministry of healing. 1882 231 Gl Ministry of the spirit. 1894 231 G2 Gore, ed. Lux mundi 230 Gl Gould. Guardian angels. 1856 235 G Greg. Creed of Christendom. 2v. 1877. 238 G Hanna. Life of Christ. 1863 232 H Our Lord's life on earth. 6v. 1869.. 232 HI Hayward. Ecce spiritus. 1881 230 H Heard. Tripartite nature of man. 1875. 233 H Herbert. Realistic assumptions of mod- ern science examined. 1879 239 H Hopkins. Scriptural idea of man. 1883. 233 HI Hughes. Manliness of Christ. 1880 * 232 H2 Hyde. Our eternal homes. 1868 237 H Illingworth. Personality : human and divine. 1894 233 1 KiLLEN. Our companions in glory. 1862. 237 K KiNGSFORD and Maitland. Perfect way. 1887 232 K Ladd. Doctrine of sacred Scripture. 2v. 1883 230 L Laidlaw. Bible doctrine of man. 1879. 233 L Leask. Footsteps of the Messiah. 1847. 232 L LiDDON. Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 1871 232 LI Letters from heaven 237 LI Lilly. Great enigma. 1892 239 L Logan. Jesus in modern life. 1888 232 L2 LoRiMER. Argument for Christianity. 1894 239 LI LuTHARDT. Apologetic lectures on the moral truths of Christianity. 1881. 239 L2 McCosH. Religious aspect of evolution. 1888.... s 239 M McIlvaine. Wisdom of the Holy Scrip- ture. 1883 230 M Marxensen. Christian ethics. 1881 234 M Martineau. Seat of authority in religion. 1890 230 Ml Mason. Faith of the gospel. 1888 230 M2 Matheson. Aids to the study of German theology. 1877 230 M3 Meyer. Calvary to Pentecost. 1894 232 M Miller. Evolution of love. 1892 231 M MozooMDAR. Oriental Christ. 1883 232 Ml MuLFORD. Republic of God. 1881 230 M4 Nevius. Demon possession and allied themes. 1894 235 N Newman. Christianity triumphant, 1883. 239 N Newton. Church and creed. 1891 238 N NoY'ES, comp. Collection of theological essays. 1873 230 N Orcutt. Among the theologies. 1888... 230 O Palmer. Faith and its effects. 1860 234 P Parker. Ecce Deus. 1867 232 P Parsons. Deus homo. 1870 232 PI Pascal. Thoughts, letters, and opuscules. 1869 239 P PoTWiN. Triumph of life. 1886 237 F Prime. Letters addressed to a Baptist clergyman on the doctrine of endless punishment. 1859 237 PI Probst. Make way for the Iving. 1895. 232 PI Reed. One life ; one law. 1890 239 R Renan. Life of Jesus. 1880 232 R Reynolds. Supernatural in nature. 1880. 239 Rl Rise and fall. 1866 233 R Rogers. Superhuman origin of the Bible. 1874 239 R2 Row. Future retribution. 1887 237 R Manual of Christian evidences. 1887. 239 R3 Russell. Millennial dawn. 3v. 1891. 236 M Savage. Religious reconstruction. 1888. 230 S Sears. Foregleams and foreshadows of immortality. 1873 237 S Regeneration. 1873 234 S Seeley. Ecce homo. 1866 232 S Seidel. In the time of Jesus 232 Si Sewell. Evenings with the Bible and science. 1864 239 S Shakespeare. St. Paul at Athens. 1878. 239 Si Shedd. Dogmatic theology. 2v. 1888.. 230 Si Sermons to the spiritual man. 1884. . 233 S Smith. Introduction to Christian theology. 1883 239 S2 Smyth, E. C, a)id others. Progressive orthodoxy. 1886 230 S2 Smyth, S. P. N. Old faiths in new light. 230 S3 Reality of faith. 1884 234 SI Rehgious feeling. 1877 230 S 4 Sparks. Inquiry into the comparative moral tendency of trinitarian and unitarian doctrines. 1823 231 S Spear. Names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1842 232 S2; RELIGION. 147 Talbot. Jesus ; his opinions and charac- ter. 1883 232 T TmsTED. Letters from hell. 1885 237 T Thompson. Jesus of Nazareth. 1876... j 232 Tl ToBEV. Christianity from God. 1868... 239 T Tolstoi. My confession. 1887 230 T My religion. 1885 230 Tl TowxsEND. Bible theology and modern thought. 1883 239 Tl Credo. 1869.. 230 T2 Upham. Life of faith. 1864 234 U Wallace. Boyhood of Christ. 1889 .... 232 W Ware. Life of the Saviour. 1873 j 232 Wl Waylaxd. Limitations of human re- sponsibility. 1838 233 W Wedgwood. Moral ideal. 1894 233 Wl Weir. The way, the nature, and means of revelation. 1889 239 W Weiss. Biblical theology of the New Testament. 2v. 1882 230 W Life of Christ. 2v. ' 1883 2a2 W2 Westcott. Revelation of the Father. 1884 232 W3 Whately. Historic doubts relative to Napoleon Bonaparte. 1871 239 W WiCKES. Son of man. 1868 232 W4 Wood. God's image in man. 18&2 230 Wl World moves : all goes well ; by a layman. 1890 237 L Wright, G. F. Logic of Christian evi- dences. 1880 239 Wl Wright, J. W. Curious facts, myths, legends, and superstitions concern- ing Jesus. 1894 232 W5 DEVOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL. Abbott, E. A. Onesimus. 1882 244 A Fhilochristus. 1878 244 Al Abbott, Jacob. Way to do good. 1874. 248 A Abbot, Lymax. Layman's story. 1873. 244 A2 New streams in old channele. 1894. . 240 A Alger. Sources of consolation in human life. 1892 240 Al As others saw. him. 1895 244 A3 At wood. Pilgrimage of a pilgrim eighty years. 1892 248 Al Baker. Christian effort. 1850 243 B Bartol. Discourses on the Christian spirit and life. 1850 240 B Beecher. Familiar talks on Christian ex- perience. 1870 248 B Bible palm-trees. 1869 240 Bl BiCKERSTETH. Shadowed home and the light beyond. 1875 242 B Browxe. Religio medici. 1862 240 B2 BuxYAX. Pilgrim's progress. 1884 244 B Burrage. Baptist hymn writers and their hymns. 1888 245 B Cartlaxd, ed. Text and verse for every day. 1884 248 C Catacombs of Rome 246 Church. Sacred poetry of early religions. 1874 245 C Clark, and others. Tracts and sermons. 240 C3 Clarke. Christian doctrine of prayer. 1869 248 CI Go up higher. 1877 240 Cl Cecil. Remains. 1824 240 C Cobbe. Religious duty. 1888 240 C2 Coleridge. Aids to reflection. 1863....- 242 C Conway. Earthward pilgrimage. 1874.. 244 C Cup of consolation. 1881 242 Cl CuYLEK. Christianity in the home. 243 C Daily practice and prayer. 1876 242 D Dewey. Discourses and reviews upon questions in controversial theology and practical religion. 1846 240 D Drdmjioxd. Addresses. 1891 243 D Faber. Hj-mns. 1890... 245 F Farrar. Saintly workers. 1878 248 F Truths to live by. 1890 •• 240 F Fuller. Good thoughts in bad times. • 1866 242 F Holy state and the profane state. 1841. 241 F Gesta Romanorum. 1877 244 G Gladstoxe. Might of right. 1880 242 G GouLBURX. Thoughts on personal re- ligion. 1866 248 G Three counsels of the divine master fcr the conduct of the spiritual life. 2v. 1888 248 Gl Greexwell. Two friends. 1863 244 Gl Guild, ed. Hymns of the ages. 3v. 1871 245 G Hale, E. E. Sunday school stories, on the golden texts of the international lessons of 1889. 2v j 244 H Hale, L. P. Service of sorrow. 1867. . . 244 HI Hale and Whitman. Sunday school stories for little children, on the golden texts of the international lessons of 1889 j 244 H2 Hamilton. Life in earnest. 1845 240 H Haslam. From death unto life. 1880. . . 248 H HiLLMAX. Revivalist. 1872 245 H HoLCOMBE. In both worlds. 1870 244 H3 JoHXSox. Monks before Christ. 1880.. 248 J JuLiAX, ed. Dictionary of hymnology. 1892 *245 J KixGSLEY. Living truths. 1882 242 K Out of the deep. 1880 242 Kl Larcom. As it is in heaven. 1891 242 L Unseen friend. 1892 240 L Light on the hidden way. 1886 248 L LoTHROP. Fifty years and beyond. 1881. 240 LI Luther. Table talk. 1872 244 L Watchwords for the warfare of life. 1869 248H McCaskey. Franklin square song collec- tion. 1881 245 M Macmillan. Ministry of nature. 1876.. 244 M 148 RELIGION. Meekiam. Living faith. 1876 241 M MicKLETHWAiTE. IModem parish churches. 1874 247 M MooDiE, com]}. Tools for teachers. 1895 244 Ml More. Complete works. 7v. 1868 244 M2 MoKxniER. Peep of day j 244 M3 MuKKAY. Power of religion on the mind. 1871 248 M Perkins. From mv corner looking at life in sunshine and shadow. 1804 242 P Phelps. Still hour. 1860 248 P PoLLOK. Helen of the glen. 1874 244 P Porter. Winter fire. 1874 244 PI Eabbi Jeshua. 1881 244 R Robertson. Well-springs of wisdom. 1889 242 R RvLE. Startling questions. 1854 248 R Sanborn, com]}. Year of sunshine. 1884. 242 S Savage. 'Light on the cloud. 1876 242 Si ScnEFER. Layman's breviary. 1873.... 242 S2 Sherwood. Works. 16v. 1856 244 S Smilet. Garden graith. 1880 244 SI Smith, Mrs. H. fW.). Christian's secret of a happy life. 1883 248 S Smith, J. H. Gilead ; or, vision of All Souls' hospital. 1863 244 S2 Spurgeon. Peathers for arrows. 1870. 242 S3 Stevenson. Methodist hj'mn-book. 1870. 245 S Stowe. Footsteps of the Master. 1877. 242 S4 Strauss. Melon's pilgrimage to Jerusa- lem. 2v. 1824.... 244 S3 Sunday reading for the young. 1895 j 244 S4 Tait, tr. Hymns of Denmark. 1868 245 T Talmage. Burning words 243 T Temple. Christian's daily treasury. 1866 242 T Thayer. Over the river. 1874 242 Tl Thomas a Kempis. Of the imitation of Christ. 1892 242 T2 Tileston. Daily strength for daily needs. 1884 248 T Tonka. Judsea capta 244 T TrRNBULL. Life pictures from a pastor's note-book. 1857 244 Tl Ware, H. Formation of the Christian character. 1871 248 W Ware, Mrs. M. G. (C.) Death and life. 1867 240 W Wildenhahn. Blind girl of Wittenberg. 1876 244 W WiLLisoN. Afflicted man's companion ; with the Mourner, by B. Gros- venor 248 Wl WiTHRow. Catacombs of Rome and their testimony relative to primitive Christianity. 1874 246 W WooLSEY, comj). Day's message. 1890. 248 W2 ZscHOKKE. Meditations on life, death, and eternity. 1883 242 Z SERMONS AND PREACHING. Abbott. Oxford sermons. 1879 252 A Signs of promise. 1889 252 Al Beard. Sermons. 1831 252 B Bevan. Sermons. 1881 252 Bl Blackie. Lay sermons. 1881 252 B2 Brooke. Faith and freedom. 1881 252 B3 Sermons. 1875 252 B4 Brooks, F. Sermons. 1876 252 B5 Brooks, P. Addresses. 1893 252 B6 Candle of the Lord, and other sermons. 1881 252 B7 Lectures on preaching. 1877 251 B Light of the world, and other ser- mons. 1890 252 B8 Sermons. 1883 252 B9 Twenty sermons. 1887 252 BIO Burgess, comp. Dedham jmlpit. 1840. *252 Bll BnsHNELL. Sermons on living subjects. 1872 252 B12 Cairo, and others. Scotch sermons. 1880 252 C Campbell. Unto the uttermost. 1889.. 252 Cl Chapin. Church of the living God. 1881. 252 C2 Clarke, C. Religion and duty. 1868. 252 C3 Clarke, H. W, History of tithes. 1894. 254 C Clarke, J. F. Hour which cometh, and now is. 1864 252 C4 Collier. Every-day subjects in Sunday sermons. 1872 252 C5 CoLLYER. The life that now is. 1872. . . 252 C6 Nature and life. 1867 252 C7 CcsHMAN. Self-love, "the first sermon preached in New England, 1621." 1847 =^252 C8 Dale. Nine lectures on preaching. 1878. 251 D Davidson. Talks with young men. 1884. 252 D Dewey. Discourses on human nature, human life, and the nature of relig- ion. 3v. 1862 252 1)1 FisK. Manual of preaching. 1884 251 F Giles. Heavenly blessedness : what it is and how obtained. 1872 252 G Gladden, ec?. Parish problems. 1887... 250 G Hedge. Sermons. 1891 252 H Hepworth. Herald sermons. 1894 252 HI Holland. On behalf of belief . 1889... 252 H2 Hopkins. Teachings and counsels. 1884. 252 H3 HiBBELL. Anniversary discourse preached at Franklin-st. church, Somerville. 1878 *252 H4 Jackson. Immanent God, and other ser- mons. 1889 252 J James. Earnest ministry. 1848 251 J King. Christianity and Immanity. 1877. 252 K KiNGSLEY. Westminster sermons. 1874. 252 Kl Lorimer. Isms, old and new. 1881 252 L Lowell. Sermons, by the senior minister of the West church in Boston. 1855. 352 LI RELIGION. 149 MacDoxald. Unspoken sermons. 1889. 252 M MacDuff. St. Paul in Rome. 1872.... 252 Mi Macmillax. Two worlds are ours. 1880 252 M2 Martixeac. Endeavors after the Chris- tian life. 184-1 252 :M3 Macrice. Patriarchs and lawgivers of the Old Testament. 1877 252 M4 Prophets and kings of the Old Testa- ment. 1S7!) 252 M5 Mever. Bells of Is. 1894 253 M MuxGER. Freedom of faith. 1883 . 252 M6 Lamps and pathos. 1884 j 252 M7 Murray. Music-hall sermons. 2v. 1872-73 252 M8 Xewtox. Little and wise. 1877 j 252 N Parker. "West Roxbury sermons, 1837- 48. 1892 252 P Peabody, a. p. Christian belief and life. 1875 252 PI Sermons. 1872 252 P2 Peabody, F., and others. Harvard ves- pers, 188fJ-88. 1888 252 P3 Phelps. Theory of preaching. 1881 251 P PcTXAM. Sermons preached in the church of the First religious society in Rox- bury. 1878 252 P4 Reyxolds. Light and peace. 1892 252 R Robertsox. " Human race," and other sermons. 1881 252 Rl Sermons. 1873 252 S Saxday. Two present-day questions. 1. Biblical criticism. 2. Social move- ment. 1892 252 SI Sears. Sermons and songs of the Chris- tian life. 1875 252 S2 SiMPSox. Lectures on preaching. 1879. 251 S Somerville sermons ; by Hodges, Furness, and Pierson. 1844, 1846, 1809, 1870 *252 S3 Spurgeox. Art of illustration. 1894 251 Si My sermon notes. 1888 251 S2 Staxley. Addresses and sermons. 1878 252 S4 Westminster sermons. 1882 252 S5 Storrs. Conditions of success in preach- ing without notes. 1875 25i.S3 Talmage. Old wells dug out. 1874 252 T Tayler. Last series of Christian aspects of faith and duty. 1877 252 Tl Thacher. Sermons. 1824 252 T2 TnoRXTOx. Pulpit cf the American revo- lution. 1860 *252 T3 Trexcii. Westminster, and other ser- mons. 1888 252 T4 Walker. Sermons : reason, faith, and duty. 1877 252 W Whitmax. Sermons. 1849 252 Wl WiLLiSTOX. Half-century sermon preached at Northampton. 1839 *252 W2 RELIGIOUS HISTORY AND SECTS. Adams, E. G. First Congregational church in Templeton, Mass. 1857. 277 A Adams, H. View of religions. 1801 270 A Adams, J. G. Fifty notable years. 1883. 289 A Account of the conflagration of the Ursu- line convent. 1834 *271 A Allex. Christian history in the three great periods. 1883 270 Al Our liberal movement in theology. 1882 288 A Alzog. ^lanual of universal church history. 3v. 1878 270 A2 Americax Board of Commissioners foe Foreigx Missioxs. Historical sketch, with reports 266 A American Ixstitute of Christian Phil- osophy. Christ and the church. 1895. 261 A Amherst. Catholic emancipation. 2v. 1880 282 A Andrews. History of the Sabbath and first day of the week. 1873 263 A Sermons on the Sabbath and law. 1870 263 Al Archer and Kixgsford. Crusades. 1895 270 A3 Austin. Argument in the case of John R. Buzzle, charged with being con- cerned in destroying the Ursuline convent. 1834 *271 Al Bacon. Genesis of tlie New England churches. 1874 277 B Historical discourse delivered at Wor- cester in tlie Old South meeting- house. 1863 *277 Bl Baird. Rise of the Huguenots of France. 2v. 1879 274 B Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2v. 1886 272 B Ballou. Ancient history of universalism. 1885 289 B Barclay. Apologj' for the true Christian divinity. 1675 *289 Bl Barrett. Course of lectures on the doc- trines of the New Jerusalem churcli. 1842 289 B2 New view of hell. 1872 289 B3 Barrv, ed. Masters in English theology. 1877 283B Bates. Doctrines of Friends. 1868 289 B4 Baxter. Coming wonders. 1867 289 Bo Beard. Reformation of the sixteenth century. 1883 270 B Beardsley. Episcopal church in Con- necticut. 2v. 18J.3 283 Bl Blackburn. History of the Christian church. 1879 270 Bl Blake. Mendon association of Congrega- tional ministers. 1853 285 B 150 RELIGION. Blakely, comp. American state papers bearing on Sunday legislation. 1891. 263 B Bliss. Wakefield Congregational church. 1877 *277 B2 Book of common prayer, with the Psalter. 1848 264 B Boston Young Men's Christian Union. Eeport. 1887 *267 B Bkace. Gesta Christi. 1822 270 B2 Bkadford. Pilgrim in old England [Con- gregationalism in England]. 1893. 285 Bl Bridgett. Blunders and forgeries. 1890. 282 B Bright. "Waymarks in church history. 1894 270 B3 Broadway church, .Winter hill, Somer- ville, Mass. Manual. 1873 *285 B2 Brown, J. B. Stoics and saints. 1893 . . 270 B4 Brown, T. Canton Baptist memorial. 1864 *277 B3 BucKLAND. Heroic in missions. 1894... 266 B BcDiNGTON. First church, Charlestown. 1845 277 B4 Burnet. Reformation of the church of England. 7v. 1865 274 Bl Burkage. History of the Baptists in New England. 1894 286 B Cambridge, Mass. First church. 250th anniversary. 1886 *277 C Campbell. Puritan in Holland, England, and America. 2v. 1892 285 C Catholic world, v. 32-58. 1880-94 282 C Cartwright. Jesuits. 1876 *271 C Cathcart. Ancient British and Irish churches. 1894 '. 274 C Charlestown convent, its destruction by a mob, 1834. 1870 *271 Cl Charlestown, Mass. First church. Rec- ords. 1880 *277 Cl Child. Progress of religioiis ideas. 3 v. 1855 270 C Chiniqcy. Fift}^ years in the church of Rome. 1891 282 Cl Christianity and modern thought. 1873.. 288 C Claude. Cruel persecutions of the Prot- estants in France. 1893 272 C Clark, J. S. Congregational churches in Massachusetts. 1620-1858. 1858. *285 Cl Clark, Mrs. Teaching of the ages. 1874. 270 Cl Clark, S. Historical catalogue of the Northampton First church. 1891... *277 C2 Clarke, J. F. Orthodoxy. 1872 288 Cl Clissold. Divine order of the universe. 1877 28S> C Paul and David. 1873 289 Cl Congregational churches. National coun- cil. Minutes of the National coun- cil of the Congregational churches, 1886. 1887 , 285 C2 Cooke, G.W. Clapboard trees ; or, Third parish, Dedham, Mass. 1736-1886. *277 C3 Cooke, P. Modern Universalism exposed. 1834 289 C2 Creighton. History of the papacy dur- ing the period of the reformation. 2v. 1882 270 C2 Crutwell. Literary history of early Christianity. 2 v. 1893 28 1 C Curtis. Rights of conscience and of property. 1842 *271 C2 Curtiss. Arminianism in history. 1894. 287 C CuTTS. Augustine of Canterbury. 1895. 270 C3 Dictionary of the church of England. 283 C Daniels. Huguenots in the Nipmuck country. 1880 284 D Davis, and others. Churches and pastors in Hampden county, Mass. 1854 *277 D DeCosta. Story of Mt. Benedict. 1893. *271 D Dedham, Mass. First church. 250th an- niversarj-. 1888 *277 Dl Dexter. Congregationalism of the last 300 years. 1880 285 D DisoswAY. Earliest churches of New York. 1865 277 D2 Documents relating to the Ursuline con- vent in Charlestown. 1842 *271 Dl DoLLiNGER, Ignaz-. Fablcs respecting the popes in the middle ages. 1872- . . 282 D Dorchester. Why of Methodism. 1888. 287 D Dorchester, Mass. First church. 250th anniversary. 1880 *277 D3 Dunning. Congregationalists in America. 1894 285 Dl Dyer, camp. Portraiture of Shakerism. 1822 289 D Earle. Sabbath in Puritan New England. 1891 268 E Eddy. Universalism in America. 2v. 1886 289 E Ellis. Prayers. 1886 264 E Emery. Church of North Middleborough, Mass. 1876 *277 E Essex, Mass. Congregational church. 250tli anniversary. 1884 *277 El Essex North Association. Ecclesiastical historyof Essex county, Mass. 1865. 285 E Evans. Sketch of the denominations of the Christian world. 1807 280 E Farley. Unitarianism defined. 1873... 288 F Farrar. Earh' days of Christianity. ' 1882 270 F Fay. Argument upon the petition of Benedict Fenwick, and others [Ur- suline convent indemnity]. 1835. *271 F Felt. Ecclesiastical history of New Eng- land. 2v, 1855 *277 F Ferguson. Four periods in the life of the church. 1894 270 Fl Ffoulkes. History of the church of St. Mary the virgin, Oxford. 1892 283 F RELIGION. 151 Fisher, G. P. Beginnings of Christianity. 1877 .' 270 F2 History of tlie Christian church. 1888 270 F3 Reformation. 1873 274 F Fisher, W. L. History of the institution of the Sabbath day. 1845 263 F FooTE. Annals of lung's chapel, v. 1. 1882 *277 Fl Foster. Kindergarten of the church. 1894 268 F Fox. Book of martyrs. 1871 272 F Foxe. Acts and monuments. 8v. 1837-41. ' 272 Fl Frothixgham, 0. B. Boston Unitarianism. 1820-50. 1890 288 Fl Frothixgham, C. W. Six hours in a convent. 1855 *271 Fl Fuller. Church history of Britain until 1648. 6v. 1845 283 Fl Gasquet. Henry VIII. and the monas- teries. V. 1. 188S 274 G Geikie. English reformation. 1879.... 274 Gl Gibbons. Our Christian heritage. 1889. 261 G Giles. Lectures on the incarnation, atone- ment, and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1870 289 G GiSBORXE. Familiar survey of the Chris- tian religion and of history. 1799. • 270 G Gladdex. Christian league of Connecti- cut. 1883 260 G Church and the kingdom ; uith Law of the kingdom. 1894 261 Gl Gladstoxe. Vatican decrees. 1874 282 G Vaticanism. 1875 282 Gl Gloccester, Mass. Universalist centen- nial. 1870 *277 G Graves. Baptist society of Haverhill, Mass. 1886 *277 Gl Griesixger. Jesuits. 2v. 1883 271 G Griffis. Religions of Japan. 1895 275 G GcRXET. Observations on the views and practices of the society of Friends. 1869 289 Gl Hale. Review of the proceedings of the nunnery committee of the Massa- chusetts legislature. 1855 *271 H Hallowell. Quaker invasion of Jlassa- chusetts. 1883 289 H Hamiltox. Church and secular life. 1894. 261 H Hardwick. Christ, and other masters. 1874 270 H Harvard church. Charlestown, Mass. 1879 *277 H Haweis. Broad church. 1801 283 H Haydex. Light on the last things. 1873.. 289 HI Heard. Russian church and Russian dissent. 1887 281 H Hefele. Historj' of the Christian coun- cils. 2v. 1876 270 HI Hexdricks. London charterhouse. 1889. 271 HI Herford. Religion in England. 1877... j 274 H Hill. Old South church. Boston. 2v. 1890 *277 HI HoLCOMBE. Other life. 1871 289 H2 Our children in heaven. 1871 289 H3 HoxE. Every-day book and table book; calendar of amusements, customs, and events. 3v. 1838 264 H Hooker. Works. 1877 262 H Ho RE. History of the church of England. 1893 283 HI HosMER. Slavery and the church. 1853. 261 HI HriDEKOPER. Works. 2v. 1883 270 H2 HuxTER. Church of Protestant separatists formed at Scrooby. 1854 *274 HI HcxTixGTox. Peace of the church. 1891. 283 H2 Htacixthe. Catholic reform. 1874 282 H Jacksox, G. a. Fathers of the third cen- tury. 1881 270 J3 Post-Nicene Greek fathers. 1883 270-Jl Post-Mcene Latin fathers. 1884 270 J2 Jacksox. G. R. Churches of Somerville. 1882 *277 J Jacksox, J. Dissertation on the Christian ministry. 1855 262 J James. Literary remains. 1885 289 J Secret of Swedenborg. 1869 289 Jl Society, the redeemed form of man. 1879 239 J2 Jamesox. Historical discourse preached at the First church of Clirist, Med- way. Mass. 1877 *277 Jl JoHxsox. Rise of Christendom. 1890. . . 270 J Keyes. Wesley and Swedenborg. 1872 289 K Kimball. Ecclesiastical history of Ips- wich. 1820. 1823 *277 K KixG, /)•. Julian the emperor. 1888 270 K KxowLES. Belief and worship of the Anglican church. 1894 283 K Lamsox. First church in Dedham, Mass. 1839 *277 L Latest word of Universalism. 1882 289 L Laurie. Woman and her Savior in Persia. 1863 275 L Lawrexce. Historical studies. 1876...- 282 L Lathrop. Story of courage. 1894 271 L Lea. Religious history of Spain. 1890. 272 L Inquisition of the middle ages. 3v. 1888 272 LI Lee. Huguenots in France and America. 2v. 1843 284 L Lewis. Critical history of Sunday legisla- tion. 1888.-. 268 L LiGGixs. Great value and success of for- eign missions. 1888 266 L Liliextiial. Lent, past and present. 1895 264 L Little JOHX, and another. Constitutional amendment. 1873 289 LI 152 RELIGION. Liturgy for the use of the church at King's chapel in Boston. 1828 2G-t LI LoTHROP. Church in Brattle street, Bos- ton. 1851 *277L2 Proceedings in the case of the proprietors of Hollis-st. meeting- house and the Rev. John Pierpont. 1841 285 L Lowell, Mass. South Congregational so- ciety. Semi-centennial anniversary, 1879. 1880 *277L3 Lyon. Study of the sects. 1891 280 L McCoNXELL. American Episcopal church. 1890 283 M McKenzie. First church in Cambridge, Mass. 1873 *277 M and others. 250th anniversary of the Pirst church, Charlestown. 1882.. *277 Ml Mahoxy. Six months in a house of cor- rection. 1835 *271 M3 Manlsfesto. v. 2-1. 189-4 28 M9 Mansfield. Sermon at tlie dedication of the meeting-house erected by the Congregational society in Weriham. 1843 *277 M2 Marteilhe. Hugiienot galley-slave. 1867 272 M Martineau. Studies of Christianity. 1870 288 M Mary Edmund St. George, Sister. An- swer to [R. T. Reed's ] six months in a convent. 1835 *271 M Review of the lady superior's reply to "Six months in a convent." 1835 *271 Ml Massachusetts. House of representa- tives. Report of Ursuline convent committee *271 M2 Mathesox. Growth of the spirit of Christianity. 2v. 1877 270 M Mead. Martin Luther. 1884 270 Ml Memminger. Present issues. 1873 260 M Metcalf. Letter and spirit. 1872 288 Ml Merivale. Conversion of the Roman empire. 1866 270 M2 Merle D'Aubigne. History of the great reformation of the sixteenth cen- t^^ry in Germany, Switzerland, etc. 1870 270 M3 History of the reformation in the time of Calvin. 1873 270 M4 Merrimax. Pilgrims, puritans, and Roger Williams vindicated. 1892. 285 M Miller. Headship of Christ. 1872 285 Ml Milmax. History or Christianity. 3 v. 1866 270 M5 History of Latin Christianity. Sv. 1871 282 M Miner. Old forts taken. 1878 289 Ml Mitchell. Westminster assembly. 1883. 285 M2 Moffat . Comparative history of reli gions . 2v. 1873 270 M6 Monk. Awful disclosures of the Hotel Dieu nunnery of Montreal. 1855. . *271 M4 Montalembert. Monks of the West. 2v. 1872 271 M5 Moore. Lectures on the reformation in England and on the continent. 1890. 270 M7 Morris. First church in Springfield. 1875 *277 M3 Mosheim. Ecclesiastical history. 6v. 1811 270 M8 MiJLLER, F. M. On missions. 1874 266 M Murphy. Terra incognita. 1873 271 M6 Neal. History of the Puritans. 2v. 1844. *274 N Neander. General history of the Chris- tian religion. 6v. 1871 270 N History of the planting and training of the Christian church by the apostles. 2v. 1880 270 NX New Bedford, .Mass. History of the churches. 1869 *277 H2 Newtox, Mass. First church. 225th an- niversary. 1889 *277 N Second church. 100th anniversary. 1881 *277 Nl NicoLixi. History of the Jesuits. 1873. 271 N Noble. Appeal in behalf of a new church. 1868 289 N Nortox. Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of Trini- tarians. 1873 288 N Our country : a plea for home missions. 1858 266 O Packard. Churches and ministers in Franklin county, Mass. 1854 *277 P Palfrey. Sermon preached to the church in Brattle square. 1824 *277 PI Palmer. History of the ^Methodist Episco- pal church in Weimeet, Mass. 1877. *277 P2 Parkman. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. 1872 271 P Parsons. Mystery of life. 1879 289 P Professor's letters. 1891 289 PI Pascal. Provincial letters. 1880 271 PI Pexx. No cross, no crown. 1870 289 P2 Perry. Church of England. 1879 283 P Pond. History of God's church. 1874. . 270 P Pressense, Early years of Christianity. 3v. 1877 270 PI Protestant Episcopal church. Papers. 1894 283 PI Pulpit prayers ; by eminent preachers. 1884 264 P PuRVES. Testimony of Justin, martyr to early Cliristianity. 1889 281 P QuiNCY, Mass. First church of Christ. 250th anniversary. 1890 *277 Q Ranke. History of the popes. 3v. 1871. 282 R Reed. Sixmonthsina convent. 1861.. *271 R • RELIGION. 153' Report of the committee relating to the destruction of Ursuline convent. 1834 *271 Rl RoBBiNS. Second church in Boston. 1852. *277 R Salem, Mass. North church. Firi^t cen- tenary. 1872 *277S Sawyer. Endless punishment. 1882. 289 S ScHAFF. History of the Christian church. 5v. 1888 270 8 Sears. Picttires of the olden time. 1857. 285 S Seiss. Luther and the reformation. 1883. 270 SI Silver. Symbolic character of the sacred Scriptures. 1807 289 SI Smalley. Worcester pulpit. 1851 *277 Si Smiles. Huguenots. 18(58 284 S Huguenots in France. 1874 274 S Smith. Conversion of India 275 S SoMERViLLE, Mass. First Orthodox Con- gregational church, Franklin street. Manual. 1883 *2S5 SI Stanley. Christian institutions. 1881. 2(30 S Lectures oh the history of the Eastern church. 1875 281 S Stead. Pope and the new era ; being let- ters from the Vatican in 1889. 1890. 202 S Stetson. Discourse on the duty of sus- taining the laws occasioned by the burning of Ursuline convent. 1834. *271 S Discourse preached before the First Congregational society in Medford. 1840 *277 S2 Stockdale. History of the inquisitions. 1810 272 S Strong. New era. 1893 206 S SwEDENBORG. Accouut of thc last judg- ment. 1868 289 S2 Apocalypse explained. 4v. 1894... 289 S5 Apocalypse revealed. 2v. 1887 289 SO Conjugal love. 1892 289 S 7 Divine love and divine wisdom. 1885. 289 S3 Divine providence. 1892 289 S4 Doctrine of the new Jerusalem. 1871. 289 S8 Earths in our solar system. 1872 289 S9 Four leading doctrines of the new church. 1892^. 289 SlO Heaven and its wonders. 1885 289 Sll Heavenly arcana. lOv. 1882 289 S12 Miscellaneous theological works. 1892 289 S13 True Christian religion. 1892 289 S14 Taylor. Natural history of enthusiasm. 18(38 269 T Spiritual despotism. 1835 262 T Teacher and the class. 1895 208 T Thatcher. Sketch of the apostolic church. 1893 281 T Thompson, R. W. Footprints of the Jesuits. 1894 271 T Thompson, A. C. Moravian missions. 1882 206 T Thompson, R. W. Papacy and the civil power. 1870 282 T' Trench. Lectures on mediieval church history. 1878 270 T' Trial of .John R. Buzzell, the leader of the convent rioters. 1834 *271 Tl Trumbull. Teaching and teachers. 1888. 268 Tl Turner. Sacred history of the world. 3v. 1839 270 Tl Tyerman. Oxford Methodists. 1873 287 T Tylor. Huguenots in the seventeenth century. 1892 272 T Uhlhorn. Christian charity in the ancient church. 1883 201 U Conflict of Christianity with heathen- ism. 1879 270 U United States in the light of prophecy. 1872 289 U Vaughan. Plours with the mystics. 2v. 1800 273 V Waite. Christian religion to the year 200. 1881 ". 281 W Walker. Congregational churches in the United States. 1894 285 Wl Creeds and platforms of Congrega- tionalism. 1893 285W Walsh. Heroes of the mission field. 1879 206W Walshe and Sargent. Within sea walls. 274 W' Ware. Thoughts in my garden. 18(;7 . . 289 W West. Romance of missions. 1875 200 Wl West church and its ministers ; by Charles Loring and others. 1850 *277 LI West church, Boston; 50th anniversary of its present ministry, and the 150th of its foundation. 1887 *277 W Weymouth, Mass. Old North church. 25th anniversary. 1803 *277 Wl AVherry. Woman in missions. 1894 200 W2 Whitney. Burning of the convent. 1877. *271 W Willard. Discourse delivered in the First church, Deerfield, Mass. 1857. *277 W2 Wilson. Scriptural proofs and scriptural illustrations of Unitarianism. 1840. 288 W Unitarian principles confirmed by Trinitarian testimonies. 1873 288 Wl Winter Hill Congregational Church, SomerviUe, Mass. :Manual. 1885. *285 W2 WiSNEK. Old South church, Boston. 1830 *277W3 Wright. People and preachers in the Methodist Episcopal church. 1886. 287 W Wylie. History of the Waldenses, 272 W YoNGE. Scripture readings. 3v. 1871-4. 264 Y Young. Light in lands of darkness. 1884. 266 Y URSULINE CONVENT. Account of the conflagration of the Ursu- line convent. 1834 *271 A 154 RELIGION. Austin. Argument in the case of John R. Buzzell, charged with being con- cerned' in destroying the Ursuline convent. 1834 *271 Al Burroughs, Stephen, father of Therese, lady superior. Memoirs. 1858... * 9 B946 Charlestown convent; its destruction by a mob. 1834. 1870 *271 CI 'Curtis. Rights of conscience and of property. 1842 *271 C2 DeCosta. Story of Mt. Benedict. 1893. *271 D Documents relating to the Ursaline con- vent in Charlestown. 1842 *271 Dl Fay. Argument upon the petition of Benedict Fenwick and others. [Ur- suline convent indemnity.] 1S35.. *271 F Frothixgham, C. W. Six hours in a con- vent. 1855 *271 Fl Hale. Review of the proceedings of the nunnery committee of the Massa- cliusetts legislature. 1855 *271 H Mary Edjiond St. George, Sister. An- swer to [R. T. Reed's] six months in a convent. 1835 *271 M Review of the lady superior's reply to " Six months in a convent." 1835.. *271 Ml Massachusetts. House of representa- tives. Report of Ursuline convent committee *271 M2 Heed. Six months in a convent. 1861.. *271 R Report of the committee, relating to the destruction of Ursuline convent. 1834 *271 Rl "Stetson. Discourse on the duty of sus- taining the laws occasioned by the burning of Ursuhne convent. 1834. *271 S Trial of John R. Buzzell, the leader of the convent rioters. 1834 '.. *]71 Tl Ursulines des Trois-Rivieres depuis leur etablissement jusqu'a nos jours, v. 2. 1892 *F 271 U ■\Vhitney. Burning of the convent. 1877. *271 W MYTHOLOGY AXD NOX-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. Ancient nation, a sign and a wonder. 1875. j 296 A Anderson. Norse mythology. 1875 293 A Atkinson. Prince Siddartha, the Japanese Buddha. 1S93 294 A Barth. Religions of India. 1889 290 B Bhagavad Gita. 1887 294 B Bible folk-lore. 1884 291 B BoNwicK. Egyptian belief and modern thought. 1878 299 B Brace. Unknown God. 1890 290 Bl Brinton. Myths of tlie new world. 1876 299 B 1 Brown. Great Dyonysiak myth. 2v. 1878. 292 B BuLFiNCH. Age of fable. 1855 291 Bl Clarke. Ten great religions. 2v. 1883. 290 C Clodd. Childhood of religions. 1878... 291 C Cox. Manual of mythology. 1868 292 Cl Mythology of the Aryan nations. 1882. 291 Cl Tales of ancient Greece. 1872 292 C Du BosE. Dragon, image. 1887 294 D Edkins. Chinese Buddhism. 1880 294 E Religion in China. 1878 299 E Ely. Olympos. 1891 292 E Emerson. Indian myths. 1884 291 E Faiths of the world. 1882 290 F Faiths of the world. St. Giles' lectures. 1882 290 Fl Ferris. Utah and the Mormons. 1854.. 298 F Firth. Stories of old Greece. 1894 j 292 F FisKE. Myths and myth-makers. 1873.. 291 F Frazer. Golden bough. 1890 290 F2 Goldziher. Mythology among the Hebrews. 1877 291 G .Gould. Legends of Old Testament. 1871. 296 G Gregg. Prophet of Palmyra. 1890 298 G Grimm. Teutonic mythology. 1883 293 G Hang. Essays on the sacred language. 1878 295 H Home and synagogue of the modern Jew. 296 H Hughes. Dictionary of Islam. 1885... *297 H Johnson. Oriental religions. 1885 295 J Jones. Valhalla, the myths of Norse- land. 1880 293 J Kellogg. Light of Asia and light of the world. 1885 294 K KiNGSLEY. Heroes. 1885 j 292 K Knight. Symbolical language of ancient art and mythology. 1892 291 K Legge. Religions of China. 1881 299 L Ludlow. Popular epics of the middle ages of the Norse. 2v, 1865 293 L Mabie. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. 1882 j 293 M Magnus, Katie. Jewish portraits. 1889. 296 M MiLMAN. History of the Jews. 3v. 1871 296 Ml MiRZA. Tarikh-i-Jadid. 1893 299 M Moses. Religion of Moses. 1894 296 M2 Mi'LLER. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion. 1879, 294 M Lectures on the science of religion. . . 290 M ed. Sacred books of the East. 39v. 1879-94 290 Ml Murray. Manual of mythology. 1888.. 291 M Niebuhr. Greek hero stories. 1879 j 292 N Oahspe, a new Bible. 1891 *299 O Palgrave. Essays on Eastern question. 1872 297 P Petiscus. Gods of .Olympus. 1892 292 P Philipson. Old European Jewries. 1894. 296 P Poole. Speeches and table-talk of the prophet Mohammed. 1SS2 297 PI Poor. Sanskrit and its kindred literatures. 1880 291 P SOCIOLOGY 155 Rawlinson. Religions of the ancient world. 1883 RusKiN. Queen of the air. 1872 ScuiNDLEK. Dissolving views in the his- tory of Judaism. 1890 Seesiaxx. Mythology of Greece. 1880. Smith. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. 1875 290 R 202 R 296 S 292 S 297 S Smith. Prince of Argolis. 1878 292 SI Stanley. Lectures on the history of the Jewish church. 1876 296 Si TiTCOMB. Aryan sun-myths. 1890 290 T Williams. Buddhism. 1889 294 W Witt. Myths of Hellas. 1884 292 W Wanderings of Ulysses. 1885 292 Wl SOCIOLOGY. GENERAL WORKS AND STATISTICS. Abbott, ed. How to succeed. 1882 304 A Adams. Works. lOv. 1856 308 A American almanac. 6v. 1861-86 *310 A Abies. Works of Fisher Ames. 2v. 1854 308 Al Annual statistician. 1888 *310 Al Bascom. Sociology. 1887 301 B Bolton. Social studies in England 304 B Brace. Gesta Christi. 1884 309 B Brooklyx Ethical Association. Factors in American civilization. 1893.... 304 Bl Man and the state. 1892 304 B2 Cairxes. Political essays. 1873 304 C Chase and Saxborx. North and the south. 1856 317 C Colaxge. Dictionary of commerce. 1880-81 *303 C DiCKixsox. Geographical and statistical view of Massachusetts. 1813 *317 D Flower. New time. 1894 301 F Fraxklix. Works. lOv. 1 840 308 F Grey. Rocks ahead. 1875 304 G Hamiltox. Works. 'Jv. 1886 308 H Harrisox. Certain dangerous tendencies in American life. 1880 304 H Hill. . Speeches and papers. 1890 304 HI Hole. Addresses 304 H2 Jeuxe. Lesser questions. 1895 304 J Kexxedy. Political and official papers. 1872 304 K Kettell. Southern wealth and northern profits. 1860 817 K KiDD. Social evolution. 1894 301 K Lalor, ed. Cyclopajdia of political sci- ence. 3v. 1882-4 *303 L Mackay, ed. Plea for liberty against socialism. 1891 • 304 M MoRSELLi. Suicide. 1882 312 M MuLiiALR. Dictionary of statistics. 1884. 310 M National progress. 1887 317 M National almanac. 1864 310 N National association for the promotion of social science. Transactions. 12v. 1861-85 *306 N NoRDAf. Degeneration. 1895 304 N Peto. Resources and prospects of America. 1866 317 P Play'fair. Subjects of social welfare. 1889 304 P Princeton review. 1881-4. 7v 305 P QrixcY. Protection of majorities. 1876. 304 Q Rogers. National life and thought. 1891. 304 R Saixtsbcry'. Political pamphlets. 1892. 304 S Shackford. Social and literary papers. 1892 304 SI Small and Vixcext. Introduction to the study of society. 1894 307 S Smith. Essays on the questions of the day. 1893 304 S2 Social horizon. 1892 301 S Social science pamphlets. 1893 304 S3 Spavldixg, comp. Statistics of the L'nited States. 1874 317 S Spexcer. Study of sociology. 1874 307 SI Statesman's year-book. 1873-95. 16v...- *310 S Thompsox. American comments on European questions. 1884 304 T L". S. Census bureau. Eleventh census. 1892-94 *317 U Washixgtox. Writings. 12v. 1858- •• 308 W Writings. 14v. 1893 308 Wl Wells and Bliss, ed. Year-book *of facts. 2v. 1850-51 . 303 W Whitaker. Almanack. 1876,79, '88, '93. 4v *310 W World almanac. 1895 *310 Wl Wright. Principia. 1875 301 W POLITICAL SCIENCE. Adams. J., and Sewall. Political essays. 1819 320A 156 SOCIOLOGY. Adams, N. South-side view of slavery. 1855 326 A Ak.mistead. Tribute for the negro. 1848. 32G Al Austin. Constitutional republicanism. 1803 320 Al Story of government. 1893 321 A Bagehot. Physics and politics. 1873... 320 B Baxdixel. Some account of the trade in slaves in Africa. 1842 326 B Bexton. Abridgement of the debates in congress. 1789-1856. 16v *328 B2 Thirty years' view. 2v. 1880 328 B BissET. English parliament. 2v. 1882. 328 Bl Blaixe. Political discussions. 1887 329 B BoRGEACD. Rise of modern democracy in Old and New England. 1894 321 B BoAVEx. Thirty years of colonial govern- ment. 2v. 1889 325 B Bowles. Origin and formation of politi- cal constitutions. 1795 *320B1 Brackett. Negro in Maryland. 1889... 326 Bl Brooks. How the republic is governed. 1895 320 B2 Short studies in party politics. 1895. 329 Bl BcRKE. Works. 6v. 1856 320 B3 Bdrv. Exodus of the western nations. 2v. 1865 325 Bl BuxTOx. African slave trade. 1840 326 B2 Cable. Silent south with the freedman's case. 1885 326 C Caldecott. English colonization and empire. 1891 325 C Calhoux. Works. 6v. 1883 320,C Cheever. God against slavery. 1857... 326 01 Guilt of slavery. 1860 326 C2 Chickerixg. Immigration into the United States. 1848 325 Cl Clarke. Anti-slavery days. 1884 326 C3 Clarksox. Abolition of the African slave- trade. V. 1. 1836 326 C4 Clasox. Seven conventions. 1888 329 Clevelaxd. Writings and speeches. 1892 320 01 OoxwAY. Golden hour. 1862 326 05 Rejected stone. 1862 326 06 Ooxwell. Why and how. 1871 325 02 Cooper and Fextox. American politics. 1884 320 02 CoRBETT. Porcupine's works. 12v. 1801. *321 Oraxe a/i(Z Moses. Politics. 1884 320 03 Oree. Direct legislation by the people. 1892 320 04 OusHixG. LaAv and practice of legislative assemblies in United States. 1866. *328 Rules of proceeding and debate. 1878. 328 01 Dicey. Letters on unionist delusions. 1887 329D Dilke. Problems of greater Britain. 1890 325 D DoNisTHORPE. Individualism. 1889 320 D Draper. Future civil policy of America. 1865 320 Dl Drew. North-side view of slavery. 1856. 326 D Ellexborough. Political diary. 1828. 2v. 1881 320 E FisKE. American political ideas. 1885.. 321 F Fletcher. Studies on slavery. 1852... 326 F Fowler. City-state of the Greeks and Romans 321 Fl Freeman. Comparative politics. 1873.. 320 F Frodde. Oceana. 1886 325 F Gibson. Chinese in America. 1877 325 G Gxeist. English parliament. 1886 328 G Gregg. Parliamentary elections and elec- tioneering in the old days. 1886. . . 324 G Harrison. Speeches and messages. 1892. 320 H Hart. Practical essays on American government. 1894 320 HI Heeren. History of the political system of Europe and its colonies. 1846. . 320 H2 Helper. Compendium of the impending crisis of the South. 1860 326 H Hewes. Citizen's atlas of American poli- tics. 1789-1888 *329H Hobbes. Leviathan. 1885 321 H HosMER. People and politics. 1883 321 HI Hovey. Religion and the state. 1874... 322 H Ideal commonwealths. 1886 320 1 Ideals of the republic 320 II Ingersoll. Fears for democracy. 1875. 321 I Jacobi. "Common sense", applied to woman suffrage. 1894 324 J Jay. Correspondence and public papers, 1763-1826. 4v. 1890 320 J Jenkins. Coolie. 1871 326 J Jexxings, comp. Anecdotal history of the British parliament. 1881 328 J Johns Hopkins university studies in liis- torical and political science, llv. 1883-93 320 J Contents: v. 1, Local institutions. V. 2, Institutions and economics. V. 3, Marj-land, Virginia, and Wash- ington. V. 4, ^lunicipal government and land tenure. V. 5, Municipal government, historj', and politics, v. 6, History of cooperation in the United States. V. 7, Social science. V. 8, History, politics, and education. V. 9, Education, history, and politics. V. 10, Church and state. V. 11, Labor, slavery, and self-govern- ment. Johnston.* American politics. 1892.... 329 J King. Bond-holders and bread-winners. 1892 329 K Knight, i?H&. Political dictionary. 1845. *320 K SOCIOLOGY. 157 LiEBEK. Civil liberty and self-govern- ment. 1S:>0 320 L LI^•c■OL^^ Complete works. 2v. 1894.. 320 LI Lincoln and Douglas. Political debates. 189-i 329 L LiNTOX. European republicans. 1893. . . 329 LI LivERSiORE. Historical research. 1863. 32G L Locke. On civil government. 1884 320 L2 Lodge. Historical and political essays. 1892 320 L3 Loy G, conqy. Republican party. 1888... 329 L2 McKxiciHT. Electoral systems of the 'united States. 1878 321 M Maclay. Journal. 1890 328 M Madlson. Papers. 3v. 1841 320 M Maine. Popular government. 1886 321 Ml Village communities. 1889 321 M2 Massachusetts. General Court. Manual for the use of the General Court. 28v. 1863-95 *328 Ml General Court. Eeport upon the con- dition of the records, files, papers, and documents in the secretary's department January, 1885 *328 M3 General Court. Eeports of contro- verted elections. 1853-85 *328 M2 General Court. Eules and orders of the house of representatives. 7v. 1852-9 *328 M4 May. Democracy in Europe. 2 v. 1878. 321 M3 Mellen. Argument on the unconstitu- tionality of slavery. 1841 326 M IMexico. Investigating commission of the northern frontier. Reports. 1873. 327 M Mill. Considerations on representative government. 1872 321 M4 On liberty. 1871 323 M Montagu. Popular errors concerning politics and religion. 1874 322 M Moore. Slavery in INLissachusetts. 1866. 326 Ml MuLFORD. Nation. 1882 320 Ml NoRDiioFF. Politics for young Ameri- cans. 1875 j 320 N Ouseley. Statistics and political institu- tions of the United States. 1832.. 321 Paine. Common sense. 1878 320 P Peter. MAN. Elements of civil govern- ment. 1891 320 PI PiLLSBUHY. Acts of the anti-slavery apostles. 1883 326 P Political science quarterly, v. 1-7. 1886-92 320 P2 PooRE, comp. Political register. 1776- 1878 328 P Powell. State aid and state interference. 1882 320 P3 Reid, comp. Why I am a liberal 329 E Robertson. American home rule. 1887. 329 El EoBiNSON. Massachusetts in the woman suffrage movement. 1881 324 E "Warrington's manual. 1875 328 K Rousseau. Social contract. 1893 320 R Russell. Recollections and suggestions. 1875 328 Rl Schuyler. American diplomacy. 1886. 327 S Seward, G. F. Chinese immigration. 1881 325 S Seward, "SV. H. Works, ov. 1884 320 8 Shattuck. Woman's, manual of parlia- mentary law. 1893 328 S Skottowe. Short history of parliament. 1887 328 SI Smith. English parliament. 2v. 1892.. 328 S2 Thr^e English statesmen. 1868 329 S Stanley. Slavery and the slave-trade in Africa. 1893 326 S Stanwood. History of presidential elec- tions. 1884 324 S Sticknev. True republic. 1879 321 S Sullivan. Political class-book. 1831... 320 Si Thorne and Kimball. Emancipation in the West Indies. 1838 326 T Thompson, G. Prison life and reflec- tions. 1849 326 Tl Thompson, G. C. PuIjHc opinion and Lord Beaconsfield. 2v. 1886 323 T TocQUEviLLE. Dcmocracy in America. 2v. 1873 321 T United States. Congress. Debates and proceedings. 1790-1824. ISv *328 U Congress. Register of debates. 1825. *328 U2 Congress. Register of debates. I.s26. *328 Ul Congress. Register of debates. 1829. *328 U3 Congress. Register of debates. 1837. *328 U4 Congress. House. Covode investi- gation *328 \Io Electoral commission. Proceedings. 1877 *324U Vermont. General court. Directory, rules, constitutions, and manual of parliamentarj- practice. 1865 *328 V WiGMORE. Australian ballot system. 1889 324 W Wilson, H. Rise and fall of the slave- l>ower in America. 3v. 1872-77.. 326 W Wilson, W. Congressional government. 1885 328 W The state. 1889 320 W WooLSEY. Political science. 2v. Ls78. 320 Wl Yeaman. Studv of government. 1871... 320 Y POLITICAL ECONOMY. Ac LAND. Workingmen co-operators. 1884 Andrews. Honest dollar. 1894 Art of investing. 1888 Ashley. English economic history. 1888. Atkinson. Taxation and work. 1892... Industrial progress of the nation. 1890 334 A 332 A 332 Al 330 A 337 A 331 A 158 SOCIOLOGY. AvELixG. Working-class movement in America. 1891 Bagehot. Lombard street. 1873 Banks. White slaves. 1892 Barnard. Co-operation as a business. 1881 Barsett. Practicable socialism. 1894:.. Bastiat. Political economy. 2v. 1860- 70 Bax. Eeligion of socialism. 1891 Berkeley. Wealth and welfare. 1887.. Big wages and how to earn them. 1887. . Bilgram. Involuntary idleness. 1889.. Birch. Domesday book. 1887 BoLLES. Financial history of the United States from 1774 to 1885. 3v BoNHAM. Industrial liberty. 1888 Booth, C. Pauperism and the endow- ment of old age. 1892 Booth, W. In darkest England. 1890.. BouTWELL. Manual of the direct and ex- cise tax system of the United States. 1863 Tax-payer's manual. 1866 Brassey. Papers and addresses. 1894.. Brextaxo. Hours and wages. 1894.... British tax-payer and his wrongs. 1888. . Brodrick. English land and English landlords. 1881 Brown. Modern socialism. 1886 Buchanan. Principles of money and coinage. 1894 Butts. Protection and free trade. 1875. Buxton. Finance and politics. 1783- 1885 Cairnes. Essays in political economy. 1873 Leading principles of political econ- omy. 1874 Political economy. 1888 Campbell. Prisoners of poverty. 1887. Prisoners of poverty abroad. 1889 . . Carey. Social science. 1872 Cernuschi. Nomisma. 1877 Chevalier. Fall in the value of gold. 1859 Circulating capital. 1885 Clews. Twenty-eight years in Wall street. 1888 CoBDEN Club. Free trade and the Euro- pean treaties of commerce. 1875. CoDMAN. Brook farm. 1894 Cook. Labor. 1880 CossA. Political economy. 1893 Taxation; its principles and methods. 1888 Cowperthwait. Money, silver, and finance. 1892 Crocker. Cause of hard times. 1895 • . . Over-production and commercial dis- tress. 1887 331 Al 332 B 331 B 334 B 331 Bl 330 B 335 B 331 B2 331 B3 331 B4 336 B 336 Bl 330 Bl 339 B 331 Bo 336 B2 336 B3 331 B6 331 B7 336 B4 3ob B 330 B2 332 Bl 337 B 336 Bo 330 CI 330 C2 330 C 331 CI 331 C 830 C3 332 C 332 CI 332 C2 332 C3 337 C 335 C 331 C2 330 C4 336 C 332 C4 338 C 332 C5 i Cunningham. Use and abuse of money. 1891 331 C3 Danson. Wealth of households 330 T> Dawes. Banking system of the United States. 1894 332 D Denslow. Economic philosophy of so- ciety. 1888 330 Dl De Quincey. Politics. 1877 . 330 D2 Dexter. Co-operative savings and loan associations. 1889 334 D Drage. Unemployed. 1894 331 D Du Bois. Coins belonging to the mint of the United States. 1846 • 332 Dl Dunbar. Theory and history of banking. 1892 332 D2 Earling. Whom to trust. 1890 332 E Ehrich. Question of silver. 1892 332 El Ellis. Social science. 1862 330 E Ely. French and German socialism. 1883.... 335 E Labor movement. 1886 331 E Political economy. 1889 330 El Problems of to-day. 1888 330 E2 and FiNLEY. Taxation in American states and cities. 1888 336 E Engels. Condition of the working-class. 1892 331 El Socialism, Utopian and scientific. 1892 335 El Faw^cett. Free trade and protection. 1878 337 F Political economy. 1869 330 F Flint. Socialism. 1895 335 F Floaver. Civilization's inferno. 1893. . . 339 F Fonda. Honest money. 1895 332 F FooTE. Sound currency and banking sys- tem. 1895 336 F Fowler. Tweaty years of inside life in Wall street. 1880 332 Fl George. Progress and poverty. 1880... 330 G- Protection or free trade. 1886 337 G Gibbons. Tenure and toil. 1888 331 & GiLBART. Histor}, principles, and prac- tice of banking. 2v. 1882 332 & GiLMAN. Profit sharing between employer and employee. 1889 331 Gl Socialism and the American spirit. 1893 335 G Gladden. Tools and the man. 1893 330 Gl Working people and their employers. 1876 331 G2 Gladstone. Financial statements of 1853, 60-63 336 G GoHRE. Three months in a workshop. 1895 331 Ga Gould and Tucker. Federal income tax explained. 1895 336 Gl Graham. Socialism, new and old. 1891. 335 Gl Greg. Mistaken aims of the artisan class. 1876 335 G2- Grosvenor. American securities. 1885. 332 Gl SOCIOLOGY. 150 GcxTER. Social economics. 1891 330 G2 Gu.NTOX. Wealth and progress. 1887... 331 G4 Hale. How they lived . in Hampton. 1888 331 H If Jesus came to Boston. 1895 331 HI and others. Workingmen's homes. 1874 ...^ 334 H Halle. Trusts ; or industrial combina- tions and coalitions in the United States. 1895 338 H Hertzka. Freeland. 1891 335 H Hill. Children of 'the state. 1889 339 H HoBSOX. Evolution of modern capitalism. 1894 338 HI HoM.\NS. Coin book. 1878 332 H HoRTOx. Silver in Europe. 1890: 332 HI Howe. Common sense, the mathematics and metaphysics of money. 1881.. 332 H2 Political economy of Great Britain, the United States, and France, in the use of money. 1878 332 H3 Howard, and others. Practical politics. 1881.... 333 H HoYT. Protection versus free trade. 1880 337 H Hull-house, a social settlement at Chicago. 1895 335 HI Humphreys. Coin collector's manual. 2v. 1853 332 H4 Hyndmax. Commercial crises. 1892 . . . 330 H Historical basis of socialism in Eng- land. 1883 335 H2 IsHAM. Fishery question. 1887 333 I ' Jacobsox. Higher ground. 1888 331 J Jeans. England's supremacy. 1885 330 J Jevoxs. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 1875 ^ 332 J Political economy. 1878 330 Jl JoxES, B. Co-operative production. 1894. 334 J Jones, W. B. Life's work in Ireland. 1880 333 J JoxES, W. H. Federal taxes and state expenses. 1887 330 J JcGLAR. History of panics and their peri- odical occurrence in the United States. 1893 332 Jl K.\UFMAXX. Socialism. 1874 335 K Kellogg. New monetary system. 1883. 332 K KixLEY. Historj', organization, and influ- ence of the independent treasury of the United States. 1893 336 K KxiGiiT. Knowledge is power. 1874 331 K Kxox. United States notes. 1884 332 Kl Laughlix. Bimetallism in the United States. 1891 332 L Laveleye. Primitive property. 1878... 335 L Socialism of to-day 335 LI Leavitt. Our money wars. 1894 332 LI Lloyd. Wealth against commonwealth. 1894 338 L MacAda-m. Alphabet in finance. 1876.. 332 M McHexry. Cotton trade. 18G3 338 M Mackay, ed. Policy of free trade. 1894. 337 M McNeill, and others. Labor movement. 1887 331 M Macreary. Topics of the time. 1891.. 330 M Mallet. Free exchange. 1891 330 Ml Mallock. Social equality. 1882 335 M Marshall. Economics. 1890 330 M3 Elements of economics. 1892 330 M2 Martin. Seventy-three years' history of the Boston stock-market. 1798- 1871 332 Ml Marx. Capital. 1889 331 Ml Masox and Lalor. Political economy. 1875 330 M4 Massachusetts. Labor statistics. Bureau of. Industrial conciliation. 1881. 331 M2 Maverick National Bank, Boston. Manual. 1887 332 M2 Mayhew. London labor and the London poor. 4v. 1801 331 M3 Medberry. Men and mysteries of Wall street. 1870 332 M3 Meriwether. Tramp at home. 1889... 331 M4 Mill. Political economy. 2v. 1872... 330 M5 MixTOX. Capital and wages. 1888 331 M5 MoxGREDiEX. Wealth. 1883 331 M6 Moore. Friendly letters to American farmers. 1888 337 Ml Morse. Treatise on banks and banking. 1879 332 M4 Mulhall. History of prices since the year 1850. 1885 338 Ml Needham. Street Arabs and gutter snipes. 1884 • 331 N Newcomb. Political economy. 1886.... 330 N Nobody, ^se«fL Nobody knows. 1888-. 331 Nl Nordhoff. Communistic societies of the United States. 1875 335 N Pattersox. Class interests. 1886 330 P Reforms. * 1884 330 PI Peikce. Co-operative housekeeping. 1884. 334 P Perry. Political economy. 1874 330 P2 Phillips, W. Protection and free trade. 1850 337 P Phillips, W. A. Labor, land, and law. 188G 333 F Poor. Money and its laws. 1877 332 P Resumption and the silver question. 1878 332 PI Twenty-two years of protection. 1888. 337 PI Price. Currency and banking. 1876 332 P2 Rae. Eight hours for work. 1894 331 R Rice. Protective philosophy. 1890 337 R Riis. How the other half lives. 1890. . . 331 Rl Rogers. Pohtical economy. 1869 330 R Rogers. Six centuries of work and wages . 1884 331 R2- RoscHER. Political economy. 2v. 1878. 330 Ri 160 SOCIOLOG.Y. KcsKix. Munera pulveris. 1S72 330 R2 '•Unto this last." 1872 330 E3 EussELL. New views on Ireland. 1880. 333 E Sargent. Inductive political economy. 1887 330 S Say. Political economy. 1827 330 Si ScHLOSS. Methods of industrial remunera- tion. 1892 331 S ScHOEXHOF. Economy of high wages. 1892 331 SI Scott. Repudiation of state debts. 1893. 336 S Sherman. Speeches and reports on finance and taxation, 1859-78 33G S2 Shaw, A. Icaria [loiva^j ; history of com- munism. 1884 335 S ed. National revenues. 1888 330 Sl Shaw, G. B., and others. Socialism. 1894 335 SI SiMONDS and McEkxis. Story of manual labor. 1886 331 S2 Smith. Wealth of nations. 2v. 1869... 330 S2 Springer. Tariff reform. 1892 337 S Stallard. London pauperism amongst Jews and Christians. 1867 339 S StrjVnge. Farmers' tariff manual. 1892. 337 Sl • Stone, co7np. Century of Boston banking. 189-1 *332 S SujiNER. American currency. 1874 332 Sl What social classes owe to each other. 1883 330 S3 Taussig. Silver situation in the United States. 1893 332 T Tariff history of the United States. 1888 337 Tl comp. State papers and speeches on the tariff. 1892 337 T Taylor, E. AV. C." Introduction to a his- tory of the factory system. . 188C. 331 T Taylor, E. Is protection a benefit? 1SS8. 337 T2 Thompson, E. E. Political economy. 1882 330 T Protection to home industry. 1886. . . 337 T4 Thompson, E. W. History of the protec- tive tariff laws . 1888 337 T3 Thornton. On labor. 1870 331 Tl Plea for peasant proprietors. 1874. . . 331 T2 Tolstoi. What to do. 1887 331 T3 Towards Utopia. 1894 331 T4 Tcckley. Masses and classes. 1893 331 To Turner. History of vagrants and va- grancy. 1887 339 T United States. Labor, commissioner of. Annual reports. 1888-93. 13v... *332 U Vandegrift & Co., puhs. Handbook of the U. S. tariff. 1894 337 V Verney. How the peasant lives in Eu- rope. 1888 331 Y Walker, A. Nature and uses of money. 1857 332 W Science of wealth. 1873 330 W Walker, F. A. Money. 1878 232 Wl Money in its relation to trade and in- dustry. 1879 332 W2 Political economy. • 1883 330 Wl Wages question. 1882 331 W Ward. Better financial system. 1894... 332 W3 Webb. History of trade-unionism. 1894.. 331 Wl Weeden. Social law of labor. 1882 331 W2 AYest. Inheritance tax. 1893 336 W AYise. Industrial freedom. 1892 33» AV AA'ooD. Political economy of natural law. 1894 330 AA'2 AA'right. Our new masters. 1873 331 W3 Young. Labor in Europe and America. 1875 331 A' LAAV AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTOEY. Abbott. Judge and jury. 1880 340 A Travelling law-school. 1884 340 Al Allinson and Penrose. Philadelphia, 1681-1887; a history of municipal develoi)ment 342 A Andrews. Old-time punishments. 1890 343 A Bagehot. English constitution. 1873... 342 B Baker. Federal constitution. 1887 342 Bl Batchelder. Manual of the laws of Massachusetts. 1868 347 B Bemis. American neutralitj-. 1866 341 B BiGELOw. Bench and bar. 1871 340 B Blackstone. Commentaries on the laws of England. 2v. 1872 *347 Bl Boston, Mass. City council. Colonial laws of Massachusetts. 1889 *345 B BouTMY. English constitution. 1891..-. 342 B2 BoiviER. Law dictionary. 2v. 1890... *340 Bl Brooks. Answer to J. A. Lowell's pam- phlet. 1851 347 B2 Brown. Forum : or, forty years' practice at the Philadelphia bar. 2v. 1856. 340 B2 Buck. Massachusetts ecclesiastical law. 1866 *348 B Buckham. Insanity in its medico-legal relations. 1883 347 B3 BuRLAMAQui. Principles of natural and political law. 1792 340 B3 Cannon. Report of the proceedings on writ of habeas corpus. 1856 343 C Carson, ed. 100th anniversary of the promulgation of the constitution of the United States. 2v. 1889 *342 C Cockburn. Circuit journeys. 1837-54. 1889 340 C CoHN. Introduction to the study of the constitution. 1892 342 C 1 CoNVERS. Marriage and divorce in the United States. 1889 347 C Curry. Southern states of the American Union. 1895 342 C2 SOCIOLOGY. 161 CcETis. American .conveyancer. 1871.. 347 CI Origin, formation, and adoption of the constitution of the United States. 2v. 1863 342 C3 Cdshixg. Treaty of Washington. 1873. 34f C Delano. Law of landlord and tenant in Massachusetts. 1884 347 D Dicey. Lectures introductory to the study of the law of the constitution. 1885 342 D Dillon. Laws and jurisi^rudence of Eng- land and America. 1 894 ' 347 D 1 Dix. American state and American states- men. 187G 342 Dl Dole. Talks ahout law. 1887 340 D DoNiSTHORPE. Law in a free State. 1895. 340 Dl Doyle. Reminiscences and opinions. 1813-1885. 1887 340 D2 Field. Speeches, arguments, and miscel- laneous papers. 2v. 1884 340 F FiSKE. Civil government in the United States. 1890 342 F FoxDLAXQUE. How wc are governed. 1879 342 Fl Forsyth. Hortensius. 1849 347 F Freemax. Growth of the Englisli con- stitution. 1884 342 r2 Fuller. Noted French trials. 1882 340 Fl Gxeist. History of tlie English constitu- tion. 2v. 1886 342 G Great Britain. State trials committee. Reports. 1894 *343 G Hadley. Introduction to Roman law. 1873 349 H Hall. International law. 1880 341 H Hallam. Constitutional history of Eng- land from the accession of Henry VII. to the dcmth of George II. 3v. 1872 342 H Hamilton, and others. Federalist. 1882. 342 HI Harris. Assassination of Lincoln. 1892. 344 H Hints on advocacy. 1887 347 H Illustrations in advocacy. 1884 347 HI Hitchcock. American state constitutions. 1887 342 H2 HbsACK. Rise and growth of the law of nations. 1882 341 HI HosMER. History of Anglo-Saxon free- dom. 1890 342 H3 Howard. Local constitutional history of the United States. 2v. 1889 342 H4 James, iiseud. Curiosities of law and lawyers. 1891 340 J Kent. Commentaries on American law. 4v. 1867 *347K Lando^A Constitutional liistory and gov- ernments of the L^nited States. 1889 342 L Langmead. English constitutional liistory from the Teutonic conquest to the ■ present time. 1881 342 LI Levi. International law. 1887 341 L Madison. Journal of the federal conven- tion. 1787. 2v. 1893 342 M Maine. Ancient law. 1871 340 M Lectures on the early history of insti- tutions. 1875 340 Ml Massachusetts. Official report of the debates and proceedings in the state convention. 3v. 1853 *342 Ml General court. Acts and resolves. 1780-7. 4v. 1881 *345 M General court. Acts and resolves. 1856-77,1880-94. 31v *345 M4 General court. Private and special statutes. 1871-5, 1882-8. x. 13-15. *345 Ml General court. Public statutes. 1882. *345 M2 General court. Revised statutes of the commonwealth of Massachu- setts. 1836 *345 M3 Bay. Province of. Acts and re- solves. 1692-1702. v7 *345 M5 May. Constitutional history of England. 1760-1860. 2v. 1871 342 M2 Medley. Student's manual of English constitutional history. 1894 342 M3 Merrill. Newspaper libel. 1888 *347 M Moie, etZ. Capital punishment. 1865... 343 M Montague. Elements of English consti- tutional history. 1894 342 M4 Montesquieu. Spirit of laws. 2v. 1873. 340 M2 MoREY. Outline of Roman law. 1884 . . 349 M MoRiARTY. Paris law courts. 1894 349 Ml Morris. Remarks concerning neutral trade. 1806 341 M Morse. Famous trials. 1874 346 M Otis, and others. Investigation into tlie fifteen gallon law of Massachusetts. 1839 *345 Paget. Judicial puzzles. 1877 347 P Parker. Trial for the "misdemeanor" of a speech in Faneuil hall against kidnapping. 1855 347 PI Parsons. Laws of business. 1882 347 P2 Pelham. Chronicles of crime. 2v. 1886. 340 P Pitman, cowp. Assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln. 1805 343 P PoMEROY. Constitutional law of the United States. 1868 342 P Porter. Fall River tragedy. 1893 342 PI Proceedings of a general court-martial for tlie trial of Major-General Lee. 1864 *344P Proffatt. Curiosities and law of wills. 347 P3 Robinson, Lelia J. Law made easy. 1886 347 R LaAv of husband and Avife. 1890 347 Rl Robinson, Mrs. S. J. Trial for the murder of Prince Arthur Freeman. 1888. . *343 R RocQUAiN. Revolutionary spirit preceding the French revolution. 1891 342 R Rogers. Law of the road. 1876 347 R2 162 SOCIOLOGY. Scott, E. G. Development of constitu- tional liberty in the English colonies of America. 1882 342 S Scott, J. Republic as a form of govern- ment. 1889 342 SI Smith. Practice in proceedings in the pro- bate courts of Massachusetts. 1894. 347 S Snyder, comp. Collection of arguments and speeches. 1885 347 Sl Collection of important judicial opin- ions by eminent judges. 1885 347 S2 Stephen. History of the criminal law of England. 3v. 1883 343 S Sterne. Constitutional history and politi- cal development of the United States. 1888 342 S2 Stevens. Sources of the constitution of the United States considered in rela- tion to colonial and English history. 1894 342 S3 Stubbs. Constitutional history of Eng- land. 2v. 1883 342 S4 Taylor. Origin and growth of the Eng- lish constitution. 1889 342 T Trask, ed. Adjusted constitution of Massachusetts. 1884 342 Tl Tucker. Your will ; how to make it. 1895. 347 T U. S. Congress. Trial of Andrew John- son, before the senate, or impeach- ment for crimes and misdemeanors. 2v. 1868 *343U Warren. Adventures of an attorney in search of practice. 1887 340 W Experiences of a barrister, and con- fessions of an attorney. 1880 340 Wl Wiglittle. Ten years a police court judge. 1884 340 W2 WiLLARD. Half a century with judges and lawyers. 1895 340 W3 WiLLOCK. Legal facetiae. 1887 340 W4 WiLLOUGHBY. Suprcmc court of the United States. 1890 347 W WooLSEY. International law. 1872 341 W ADMINISTRATION. Andrews. Old English manor. 1892... 352 A Armies of to-day. 1893 355 A Boston. Water board. Annual report, seventeenth. 1893 *352 B Brassey. Papers and addresses, naval and maritime . 1872-93. 2 v 359 B 1 and others. Naval annual. 1891. . . . 359 B Buchanan. Messages. 1888 353 B BuRNHAM, G. P. United States secret service. 1872 352 Bl BuRNHAM, W. B. Three roads to a com- mission in the United States army. 1893 355 B Carnac. Presidential armies of India. 1890 355 C Carson. Supreme court of the United States. 2v. 1892 "• *353 C Cocker. Government of the United States. 1889 353 CI Cof-LUM. History of the United States marine corps. 1890 359 C CoNKLiNG. City government in the United States. 1894 352 C Cooper. History of the United States navy. 2v. 1839 359 CI CusHiNG. Our post-office. 1893 353 C2 Dawes. How we are governed. 1885... 353 D Dicey. Privy council. 1887 354 D Dilke. British army. 1888 354 Dl Dilke and Wilkinson. Imperial defence. 1892 355 D Easterbrook. Somer^'ille fire depart- ment. 1842-92. 1893 *352 E Eaton. Civil service in Great Britain. 1880 351 E Farrow. Mountain scouting 355 F France. John Bull's army. 1887 355 Fl Gannett. Building of a nation. 1895... 353 G GoLTz. Nation in arms. 1887 355 G Grose. Military antiquities. 2v. 1801. 355 Gl Haliburton. Bubbles of Canada. 1839. 354 H Hardee. Rifle and light infantry tactics. 2v. 1861 356 H Hartshorn. Ncav England sheriff . 1855. 353 H Hazen. School and the army in Germany and France. 1872 355 H Herrick. Powers, duties, and liabilities of town and parish officers. 1870.. *352 H HiGBY. Civil government in the United States. 1894 353 HI Instructions to election officers in the city of Somerville. 1893 *352 I James. Naval history of Great Britain. 1793-1820. 6v. 1878 359 J Kelley. Lincoln and Stanton. 1885. . . . 353 K King. Trials of a stafE-officer. 1891 ... . 355 K Lockwood. Abolition of the presidency. 1884 351 L Maclay. United States navy. 1775-1894. 2v. 1895 353 M McWatters, ed. Detectives of Europe , and America. 1880 352 M Mahan. Influence of sea power upon his- tory. 1890 359 M Maine. Adjutant-general. Annual re- port. 1862 *353 Ml Martel. Military Italy. 1884 355 M Massachusetts. Adjutant-general. Rec- ord of the volunteers. 1861-65. 2v. 1868 *255M1 General court. Report of the com- missioners to improve the highways. 1893 *351 M Provincial congress. 1774-5. Jour- nals. 1838 *353 M2 Year-book. 1894 *353 M3 SOCIOLOGY. 163 MoFFETT. Suggestions on government. 1894 356 M Morton. Annexation of Charlestown and Somerville to Boston. 1871 ' *352 Ml New Hampshire. Adjutant-general. Re- ports. 1865-68. 6v *353 X Nicolas. History of the royal navy. 2v. 1847 359 N Norton. President and his cabinet. 1888. 353 Nl NouRSE." Military annals of Lancaster, Mass. 1740-1865. 1889 *353 N2 Philadelphia. National conference for good city government. Proceed- ings. 1894 352 P Remsex. Primary elections. 1894 352 R Robinson, C N. British fleet. 1894. . • • 359 R Robinson, F. Organization of the army of the United States. 2v. 1848. .. - 355 R Roosevelt. Practical politics. 1888 350 R Savage. Police records and recollections. 1873 *352S Shaw. Municipal government in great Britain. 1895 352 SI Sheldon. Volunteer fire department of the city of New York. 1882 352 S2 Shippen. Naval battles. 1883 359 S SoMEKSwoRTH, A', if. Annual report. 1894 *352 S3 Somerville, 3/ass. Annual reports. 1872- '93. 22v *352 S4 City council Inaugural addresses. 1872-86 *352 S7 City council municipal register. 1876, '82, '92. 3v *352 S8 Common council. Reports of the investigating committee. 1876 *352 S9 Town reports. 1842-71. 3v *352 S5 Street list of persons assessed a poll- tax. 7v. 1885-94 *352 S6 Spender. State and pensions. 1892 351 S TiLESTON. Administrations of the United States. 1871 351 T Tolman. Municipal reform. 1895 352 T United States. Civil service commis- sion. Reports. 1888-93. lOv *351 U Congress. American archives. 6v. 1837 *353 U Congress. American state papers. 21v. 1833-34 *353U1 Post^oflftce department. Official postal guide. 1893 *353 U2 "War department. General orders af- fecting the volunteer force. 1864. . 355 U Upton. Armies of Asia and Europe. 1878 355 Ul Infantry tactics. 1889 356 U Valentine. Sea fights from Sluys to Navarino. 1868 359 V Washbcrn. Judicial history of Massa- chusetts. 1630-1775. 1840 *353 W Whitmore. Massachusetts civil list. 1630-1774 *351 W Williams, H. Britain's naval power. 1894 359 W Williams, W. Incidents in the history of the Honorable artillery company. 1537-1887. 1888 358 W WiLMOT. Development of navies. 1892. 359 Wl Yonge. History of the British navy. 2v. 1863 359 Y York deeds. 1642-1722. lOv. 1887-94. *352 Y ZoGBAUM. Horse, foot, and dragoons. 1888 355 Z PRISONS, SECRET SOCIETIES, ETC. Adams. Letters on the masonic institu- tion. 1847 *366A Baker. War with crime. 1889 364 B Billings and Hurd, ed. Hospitals, dis- pensaries, and nursing. 1894 *362 B Boston, Mass. Associated charities. _ Directory of charitable and benefi- cent organizations. 1880 361 B BowDiTCH. History of the Massachusetts general hospital. 1 872 *362 K Charity Organization Societies. Pam- phlets and reports 36 1 C CoNDER, jr. Records of the holecrafte and fellowship of masons. 1894. . . *SG6 C DcPANLOup. Study of freemasonry. 1876 366 D Fields. How to help the poor. 1884... 361 F Five years penal servitude 365 F Fort. Early history and antiquities of freemasonry. 1877 366 F Grand Army of the Republic. Early history of the department of Mas- sachusetts. 1866-1880. 1895.... *369 G Souvenir, Boston, 1890 *369 01 Griffiths. Chronicles of Newgate. 2v. 1884 365 G Hawthorne. Confessions of a convict. 1893 365 H Haynes. Historical sketch of the Massa- chusetts state prison. 1869 365 HI Pictures from prison life. 1869 ♦365 H2 ^International Congress of Charities. Care and treatment of the insane. 1893 36011 Care of dependent neglected and way- ward children. 1894 360 13 General exercises, Chicago. 1893 360 11 Organization of charities, by Daniel C. Gilman. 1893 360 12 Jennings. Rosicrucians. 1870 366 J John Abbot Lodge, Somerville, Mass. By-laws. 1872 *366 Jl King Soloman's Lodge, Charlestown, Mass. History and by-laws. 1885. 366 K 164 SOCIOLOGY. Kropotkixk. Russian and French prisons. 1887 365 K La Sizekanne. Blind, as seen through blind eyes. 1893 362 L Lendaliand.' V. 1-13. 1886-1804 361 L Lowell. Public relief and private charity. 1884 361 LI Mackenzie, ed. Royal masonic cyclopedia of history. 1877 *366 M Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. Annals. 1795-1892. 361 M By-laAvs. 1895 *361 Ml Reports. 2v *361 M2 National Conference of Charities. Proceedings of the fourteenth an- nual session. 1887 360 N National Congress on Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline. Transactions. 1870 365 N National Prison Association. Transac- tion^ of the third congress. 1874. . 365 Nl New York (ciiy). Harvard club. Con- stitution and bj^-laws. 1890 367 N New York State Charities Aid Associa- tion. Pamphlets and reports. Iv. 361 N Odd Fellows, Somerville, Mass. Con- stitution, by-laws, etc *366 Oliver. Discrepancies of freemasonry. 1875 *366 01 Orient Council, Somerville, Mass. Char- ter, by-laAvs, and list of members. 1890 *366 02 Parkhurst. Our fight with Tammany. 1895 363 P Perkins Institution. Report. 1889 362 P Riis. Children of the poor. 1892 360 R Rtlands. Crime, its causes and remedy. 1889 364 R Sargent. Historic address at the dedica- tion of the masonic apartments in Somerville. 1888 *366 S Scots' Charitable Society- of Boston. Constitution, by-laws, etc. 1874.. *361 S Seiss. Children of silence. 1887 362 S SoLEY Lodge, Somerville, JIass. Charter, bj'-laws, and list of members. 1882. *366 SI Somerville Royal Arch Chapter. By- laws. 1872 *366S2 Spear, ed. Prisoner's friend, v. 3. 1851. 364 S Stratton, co?K J?. Dedication memorial of the new Masonic temple. 1870. . . . *366 S3 Sunset Club, Chicago, ///. Echoes, pa- pers, and addresses. 1891 367 S Meetings. 1891-92 *367 SI United States. Congress. Report of the committee to inquire into the Ku Klux conspiracy. 13v. 1872 363 U Warner. American charities. 1894 362 W Waugh. Gaol cradle. 1873 364 AV Whitman. History of the Ancient and Honorable artillery company. 1842. *369 W Woman's Relief Corps. Massachusetts department. Journal of the fif- teenth annual convention. 1894.... *369 Wl Proceedings. 1879-86 *369 W2 Wright. Politics and mysteries of life insurance. 1873 368 W Wyman. History of the McLean asylum. 1877 *362 Wl EDUCATION. Abbott. The teacher. 1875 371 A AcLAND and Smith. Studies in second- ary education. 1892 379 A Adams. Free school system of the L^. S. 1875 379 Al American annals of education. v5. 1835. 370 A Arey. Home and school training. 1884. 372 A Armstong and Ludloav. Hampton and its students. 1874 371 Al Arnold, M. French Eton; or, middle class education and the state. 1864. 379 A2 Higher schools and universities in Germany. 1874 379 A3 Reports on elementary schools. 1852-1882 372 Al Arnold, Sarah L. Waymarks for teach- ers. 1894 371 A2 Aspects of modern Oxford. 1894 378 A Bain. On teaching English. 1887 . 371 B Education as a science. 1879 370 B Baldwin. Art of school management. 1881 371 Bl Psychology applied to the art of teach- ing. 1892 371 B2 Ballard. Words, and how to put them together. 1878 372 B Barnard, ed. American pedagogy. 1876. 371 B3 English pedagogy. 1876 371 B4 Papers on Froebel's kindergarten. .. • 372 Bl Barnett. Training of girls for work. 1894 ' 376 B Barter. Manual instruction. 1892 371 B5 Blackie. On self-culture, intellectual, physical, and moral. 1874 374 B Blakiston. Teacher : Hints on school management. 1879 • 371 BG Boelte and Kraus. Kindergarten guide. 1877. 372 B2 Boone. Education in the U. S. 1889 370 Bl Boston, 3Iass. Conference on manual training. Papers and report. 1891. 370 B2 School committee. Annual reports. 1858-90. 28v *379 B School committee. Reports of phy- sical training. 1891-1894 371 B7 BowDoiN College. General catalogue. 1894 *378 B BowEN. Froebel and education by self- government. 1893 371 B8 SOCIOLOGY. 165 Brackett, ed. Education of American girls. 1874 370 Bl Woman and the higher education. 1893 370 B2 Bradbury. Cambridge high school ; his- tory and catalogue. 1882 370 Bl Brayley. Schools and schoolboys of old Boston. 1894 *379 B2 Bridgewater, Mass. State normal school. Semi-centennial exercises. Is92... 370 B3 Brooks. Normal methods of teaching. 1879 371 B9 Browxin'g. History of educational theo- ries. 1882 370 B4 Bryant. Educational ends. 1887 370 B5 BcRKE. Treatise on the law of public schools. 18S0 379 B3 BuRTOX. Helps to education. 1803 370 B6 Busn. Harvard, the first American uni- versity. 1886 378 Bl Calderwood. On teaching. 1875 371 C Calkixs. Manual for object teaching. 1882 372 C Primary object lessons. .1878 372 Cl Ca.mbidge, Mass. School .committee. Schools, past and present. 1892. . . 379 C Cassell, pub. Popular educator. 6v.. 370 C Chapin. History of the "old high school," Springfield, 3Iass. 1828— 40. 1890 *379 Cl Chase. History of Dartmouth college.- 1891 *37S C Clarke, E. H. Buildingof a brain. 1874. 370 C Self-culture ; physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual. 1880 374 C Clarke, J. F. Sex in education. 1893.. 370 Cl Combe. Education, its principles and practice. 1879 370 Cl CoMPAYRE. Alebard, and the origin and early history of universities. 1893. 378 Cl History of pedagogy. 1888 370 C2 Co-MPTOX. Manual training ; first lessons in wood-working. 1888 371 Cl CoxRAD. German universities for the last fifty years. 1885 378 C2 Cultivation of the memory. 1870 370 C3 Cultivation of the senses 372 C2 Curious schools ; by various authors. 1881. 371 C2 CuRRiE. Principles and practice of early and infant school-education. 1857. 372 C3 Principles and practice of common- school education 371 C3 Davidsox. Aristotle, and ancient educa- tional ideals. 1892 370 D Education of the Greek people. 1894. 370 Dl Dick. Improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge. 1884 370 D2 Mental illumination. 1884 370 D3 On the imjirovement of society. 1833. 370 D4 DiLLAWAY. History of the grammar school, Roxburie. 1045. 1800 *379 D common school system. 1874. Dodge. Our 1880 DuFFEY. No sex in education DuPAXLOUP. Child. 1875 DcRELL. New life in education. 1804.. DuRFEE. History of Williams college. 1860 Williams biographical annals. 1871.. Education, v. 1.-14. 1880-94 Egglestox. How to educate yourself with or without masters. 1874 Everett. On the Cam : lectures on the university of Cambridge in England. 1805 Eearox. School inspection. 1879 Fitch. Lectures on teaching. 1881 Foster. Essay on the evils of popular ignorance. 1856. Essay on the improvement of time. 1880 Four American universities. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia. 1895. Froebel. Education of man. 1887 Letters. 1893 Fuller. History of the university of Cambridge [England] . 1840 GiFFi\. How not to teach. '1883 Gildersleeve. Essays and studies. 1890. Gill. Introductory text-book to school education. 1881 Systems of education. 1876 Art of teaching young minds to ob- serve and think. 1880 Gordon. Notes and observations upon the education of the deaf. 1892.. Goss. Bench work in wood. 1888 Grasby. Teaching in three continents. 1891 Hailmax. Kindergarten culture. 1873.. Lectures on the history of pedagogy. 1874 Hale, and others. College and the church. 1SS7 Hall. <^)ur world. 1887 Ham. ^lanual training. 1886. . . . . .0. . . . Hamertox. Intellectual life. 1873 Hamiltox. Elementary principles of edu- cation. 1825 Harris. Old schooldays. 1886 Hart, A. B. Studies in American educa- tion. 1895 Hart, .7. M. German universities. 1874. Hart, J. S. Mistakes of educated men. 1807 Harvard College. Catalogue. 1886. . . Harvard University. Catalogues. 1891- 95 Hendersox. Thomas Jefferson's views on public education. 1890 Hewitt. Graduated course of manual exercises for educating the hand and eye. 1892 371 M 376 D 372 D 377 D *378D *378 Dl 370 E 374 E 378 E 371 F 371 Fl 374 F 374 Fl *378 F 370 F 371 F2 378 Fl 371 G 370 G 370 Gl 370 G2 372 G 3- "IGI 3' •1G2 o '1 G3 3 72 H 370 H 370 HI j 372 HI 371 H 374 H 370 H2 j 371 HI 370 n3 378 H 374 HI 378 H2 *378 H3 379 H 371 H2 166 SOCIOLOGY Hill, G. B. Harvard college by an Oxo- nian. 1895 378 HI Hill, T. True order of studies. 1876.. 375 H Hinsdale. Schools and studies. 1884.. 370 HI HoLBROOK. School management. 1873.. 371 H3 HoosE. Methods of teaching. 1879 370 H5 Hopkins. Observation lessons in the pri- mary schools. 1890 372 H2 Howe. Sex in education. 1874 376 H Howell. Practical hints for teachers of public schools. 1890 371 H4 Hughes. Loyola and the educational sys- tem of the Jesuits. 1892 370 H6 Huxley. Science and education. 1894.. 370 H7 Infant education. 1827 372 I Jacobi. Physiological notes on primary education and the study of language. 1889 372 J James, ed. Handbook of university ex- tension. 1893 378 J JoHOXNOT. Principles and practice of teacliing. 1888 371 J Kexyox. Coming school. 1889 372 K Kiddle ajid Schem. Dictionary of edu- cation and instruction. 1881 370 K and others. How to teach. 1877... 371 K King. Picturesque geographical readers. 5v. 1893 j 372 Kl Methods and aids in geography. 1892. 371 Kl Klemm. Chips from a teacher's workshop. J888 371 K2 Kramer. Eight road. 1891... 377 K Latham. On the action of examinations considered as a means of selection. 1877 371L Laurie. Rise and early constitution of universities. 1887 -g^ 378 L Lawrexce Academy, Groton, Mass. General catalogue.] [1793-1893 ^ *373 L Leig htox,"co?/jjj. Harvard_^_examination 7\J.r nJ.S papers._^ 1873 ^..^ 378 LI Lelaxd. Art of conversation. 1867 , 374 L Le Row. " ¥!Dung idea." 1888 370 L Locke. Some thoughts concerning 'educa- tion. 1880 370 LI a7id others. Some thoughts concern- ing education. 1869 370 L2 Lyte. History of the university^of Ox- tord. 1886 378 L2 MacArthur. Education in its relation^to manual industry. 1884 371 M McCabe. American girl at college. 1893. 376 M Magnus. _^Industrialj education. 1888. . . 370 M Mann. Annual reports on education. 1839-48. 1872 379 M Lectures and annual reports [1837-38] on education 379 Ml Martin. Evolution of the^Massachusetts public school system. 1894 379 M2 Martineau. Household education. 1877. 373 M Massachusetts. Education, Board of. Annual report. 40v. 1838-95 *379 M Emergency and hygiene association. Six lectures upon school hygiene. 1885 371 Ml Manual training and industrial educa- tion, Commissioners of. Report. 1893 *371 M2 Mill. Scottish university addresses. 1870* 370 M2 MoxcRiEFF. Book about dominies. 1869. 371 M3 Monroe. Manual of physical and vocal training. 1869 371 M4 Morgan. Educational mosaics. 1887... 370 M3 L^niversity oars. 1873 371 Mo Morris and. Bowen. English grammar exercises. 1878 372 M Mullinger. History of the university of Cambridge [England] 378 M3 National Educational Association. Proceedings. 1894 370 X National Educational Society. Ad- dresses and proceedings. 1873. ..• 370 Nl Newman. Idea of a universitj- defined and illustrated. 1873 378 N Ogdex. Art of teaching. 1879 371 O Science of education. 1879 370 O Olin. College life. 1867 378 O On class teaching. 1879 371 01 On discipline. 1879 37102 Oppler. Three lectures on education. 1875 370 01 Orton. Liberal education for women. 1873 376 Osgood. Student life. 1861 37103 Painter. History of education. 1886... 370 P Palmer, G. H. New education. 1887... 375 P Palmer, J. Necrology of alumni of Har- vard college. 1851-63 378 P Pardee. Yale-man-up-to-date. 1895.... 378 PI Park. Teacher's hand-book of object lessons 372 P Parker. Talks on pedagogics. 1894 371 P Pascoe, ed.. Everyday life at Eton, Har- row, Rugby, and other great public schools 373 P Paulsen. German universities. 1895... 378 P2 Payne, J. Science and art of education. 1883 370 PI Payne, "W. H. Chapters on school super- vision. 1875 371 PI Contributions to the science of educa- tion. 1886 370 P2 Peabody, a. p., comp. Conversation. 1855 374 P Peabody, E. p. Lectures in the training schools for kindergartners. 1886.. 372 PI Peirce. History of Harvard university. 1636-1775. 1833 *378 P3 Pestalozzi. How Gertrude teaches her children. 1894 371 P2 SOCIOLOGY 167 Phillips Exeter Academy. Lectures. 1885-86 374 PI PiCKARD. School supervision. 1890 379 P PiEEPOXT. American first-class book. 1864 873 PI Platfaik, and others. Aspects of modern study. 1894 378 P4 Porter. American colleges and the American public. 1878 378 P5 Posse. Handbook of school gymnastics of the Swedish system. 1892 371 P3 PouLSSOX. In the child's world. 1894.. 372 P2 Prince. Courses and methods. 1886... 371 P4 Methods of instruction and organiza- tion of the schools of Germany. 1892 379 PI Quick. Essays on educational reformers. 1882 370 Q Qdikcy, Josiah. History of Harvard university. 1860 *378 Q Race. Methods of teaching. 1884 371 R School management. 1884 371 El Eeddall. School-boy life in merrie Eng- land. 1888 373 E EiCE. Public school system of the U. S. 1893 379 E RiCHTER. Levana. 1863 370 E RiGG. Children's rights. 1892 372 E National education. 1873 * 370 El ed. Ivindergarten. 1893 372 El EoE. "Worcester classical and English high school. 1892 379 El EooT. School amusements. 1869 371 E2 RosEXKRANZ. Philosophy of education. 1886 370 E2 EoYCE. Deterioration and race education. 1878 370 E3 Sedgtvick. Means and ends. 1839 374 S Smart. Manual of free gymnastic and dumb-bell exercises. 18G4 371 S Smiles. Self-help. 1873 374 SI SoMERviLLE, Mass. Catalogues of the public high school. 1884-93 *379 S Spencer. Education. 1861 370 S Swett. Methods of teaching. 1880 371 SI Tate. Philosophy of education. 1884... 371 T Thompsox. Day dreams of a school- master. 188.5 370 T Thwixg. College woman. 1894 376 T American colleges : their students and work. 1878 378 T Todd. Students' manual. 1854 374 T TcFTS College. Annual reports. 1873- 91 *378 T2 Tuftonian. v. 19-20. 1892-94 378 Tl Tyler. History of Amherst college. 1821-71 *378 T3 United States. Education. Bureau of. Art and industry. 2v. 1885-92... *371 U Eeports. 21v. 1870-90 *370 U UxiTEu States. Special report. 1S71 *379 U Vaille and Clark. Harvard book. 2v. 1875 *378 V Vexable. Let him first be a man. 1893. 370 V "Walker. Handy book of object lessons. 372 W "^"allace. Princeton sketches. 1893 *378 "W TVarxer, and others. Hints for home reading. 1880 374 W "Waters. Intellectual pursuits cultured by self-help. 1892 374 "«a "West. Alcuin and the rise of the Chris- tianschools. 1892 370 "W "White. Elements of pedagogy. 1886. . . 370 "Wl Manual of arithmetic. 1876 372 Wl "^''iCKERSHAM. Mcthods of iustruction. 1871 371 W School economy. 1864 371 "Wl "WiGHTMAX, comp. Annals of the Boston primary school committee. I860.. *372 W2 "Wilkixsox. Eeminiscences of Eton. 1888 378 "Wl "Woodward. Educational value of manual training. 1890 371 "W2 COMMEECE. Bates. American marine. 1893 387 B BoxHAM. Eailway secrecy and trusts. 1890 385 B Chisholm. "Weighing and measuring and standards of measure and weight. 1877 389 C Creed. Central Pacific railroad company, its relation to the government 385 HI Eglestox. Tables of weights, measures, coins, etc., of the United States and England. 1871 389 E Field. Story of the Atlantic telegraph. 1893 384 F GiLPix. Cosmopolitan railway compacting all the world's continents. 1890. . . 385 G Hadley. Eailroad transportation. 1886. 385 H Hyde. Royal mail. 1885 383 H Massachcsetts. General court. Eeport of the hearing on the Hoosac tunnel consolidation. 1873 385 M Eeport of the rapid transit com- mission. 1892 3S8 M Macdslay. Highways and horses. 1888. 386 M Preble. Chronological history of the origin and development of steam navigation. 154.3-1882 387 P Sawyer. Metric manual for schools. 1877 389 S Stickney. Eailway problem. 1891 385 S UxiTED States. Interstate commerce com- mission. Eeport on the statistics of railways in U. S. 1889, 92. 93, 94. 4v 385 U 168 SOCIOLOGY. CUSTOMS, COSTUMES, ETC. Armytage. Old court customs and mod- ern court rule. 1883 394 A AsBjoRNSEN. Tales from the f jeld. 1874. 398 A AsHTOX. Romances of chivalry. 1887. . . 398 Al Baldwin. Story of Eoland. 1883 j 398 B Story of Siegfried. 1882 j 398 Bl BoHX. Hand-book of proverbs. 1872... 398 B2 BoLTOx. Counting-out rhymes of child- ren. 1888 j 398 B3 Borrow. Word-book of the Romany ; or, English gypsy language. 1874 397 B Zincali ; an account of the gypsies of Spain. 1872 397 Bl BuLFixcH. Age of chivalry. 1884 398 B4 Legends of Charlemagne. 1871 398 Bo BuxcE. Fairy tales. 1879 398 B6 Busk. Roman legends. 1877 398 B7 Caret. Fairy legends of the French provinces. 1887 j 398 C Chester. Derwent; or, recollections of young life in the country. 1872. .. 390 C Child. Wimple and crisping-pins. 1895. 391 C Children of all nations 390 CI Christexsex. Afro-American folk-lore. 1892 398 CI Christy, corap. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages. 2v. 1888 *398 C2 Cloustox. Book of noodles. 1888 398 C3 Conway. Wandering Jew. 1881 398 C4 Cox and Joxes. Popular romances of the Middle Ages. 1880 398 Co Craxe. Itahan popular tales. 1885 398 C6 Curtix. Hero-tales of Ireland. 1894 ... 398 C7 Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. 1890. 398 C8 Tales of the fairies and of the ghost world. 1895 398 C9 Day. Folk-tales of Bengal. 1883 398 D Drake. Book of New England legends and folk-lore. 188& 398 Dl Dyer. Folk-lore of plants. 1889 398 D2 Earle. Costume of colonial times. 1894. 391 E Fareer. Primitive manners and customs. 1879 390 F Farrixgtox. Tales of King Arthur And his knights of the round table. 1888 ■. . . 398 F Fielde. Chinese nights' entertainment. 1893 398 Fl Follies and fashions of our grandfathers. IPeriodical.l^ 1807. 1887 391 F Frazer. Totemism. 1887 394 F Freres. Modes et costumes historiques. 2v *391F1 Frith. King Arthur and his knights of the round table. 1884 398 F2 Garxett. Women of Turkey and their folk-lore. 2v. 1890-91 398 G Gentlemen. [Costumes and etiquette]. 1891 395 G GiBB. (^udrun, and other stories. 1881. j 398 Gl Glexnie, cfZ. Greek folk-songs. 1888... 398 G2 Greexough. Arabesques. 1872 398 G4 Greenwood. Stirring scenes in savage lands 390 G Wild man at home 390 Gl Geeey'. Golden lotus, and other legends of Japan. 1883 398 G5 Geiffis. Japanese fairy world. 1880... j 398 G6 Grinxell. Pawnee hero stories and folk- tales. 1889 398 G7 " Good form " in England. 1888 395 G Gould. Curious myths of the middle ages. 1892 398 G3 Hale. Manners. 1868 395 H Hall. Correct thing in good society. 1888 395 HI Social customs. 1887 395 H2 Harley. Moon lore. 1885 398 H Hartley'. Gentlemen's book of etiquette. 1860 395 H3 Hearx. Stray leaves from strange litera- ture. 1884 398 HI Heightlet. Fairy mythology. 1850 398 K Hervey. Book of Christmas. 1888 394 H Hints about men's dress. 1888 391 H Hcxt. Our grandmother's gowns 391 HI Jacobs, comp. Indian fairy tales. 1892. j 398 J JoxES, C. C, jr. Negro myths from the Georgia coast. 1888 398 J2 Joxes, J. Credulities, past and present. 1880 398 J3 Joyce. Old Celtic romances. 1894 398 J4 Kelly'. Collections of the proverbs of all nations. 1869 398 Kl Kiefer. Legends of the Rhine. 1870... 398 K2 KixGSTOx. Seven champions of Christen- dom. 1879 398 K3 KxowLES, ed. Folk-tales of Kashmir. 1888 398 K4 Laboulaye. Faiiy tales. 1885 j 398 L Lacombe. Arms and armour in antiquity and the middle ages. 1876 399 L Laxe. Account of the manners and cus- toms of the modern Egyptians. 2v. 1871 390 L Laxier, e(?. Boy's mabinogion. 1881... j 398 LI Lelaxd. Algonquin legends of New Eng- land. 1884 398 L2 English gypsies and their languages. 1873 397 L Gypsies. 1882 397 LI Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling. 1891 397 L2 Letourxeau. Evolution of marriage and of the family. 1891 392 L LujiJiis. Man who married the moon. 1894 398 L3 ^McAllister. Society as I have found it. 1890 394 M MacAxaly, y?-. Irish wonders. 1888... 398 M SOCIOLOGY 169 McLenxax. Studies in ancient history; comprising a reprint of primitive marriage. 1886 302 INI MacKitchie, ed. Gypsies of India. 1886. 397 M Malory. Boy's King Arthur. ISSO j 398 Ml History of King Artliur and the knights of tlie round table. ISGG 398 M2 Manners and tone of good society 395 M Marsh. Life and adventiires of Robin Hood j 398 M3 Matthews, comp. Enchanted moccasins. 1877 398 M't MijATOEiES, comp. Serbian folli-lore. 1874 398 Mo Modern sphinx 398 MG MoxTEiRO. Legends and popular tales of the Basque people. 1887 398 M7 Moore. Sensible etiquette. 1878 395 Ml MoRLEY. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. 1892 394 Ml e:l. Early prose romances. 1889 398 MS Morris. King Arthur and the knights of the round table. 3v. 1890-91 398 :M9 Tale of the house of the Wolfings. 1890 398 MIO Murray. Mamelons and Ungava. 1890. 398 Mil Nicholson, ed. Collection of Gaelic proverbs and familiar phrases. 1882 398 N Old, old fairy tales and stories 398 O Oliphaxt. Dress 3910 Pabke and Pitmax, comp. and tr. Won- der-world stories. 1877 j 398 P Pi xxELL. To gipsyland. 1893 397 P PoAVER. Behaving; or, p.apers on chil- dren's etiquette. 1877 j ^95 P Raju. Indian fables. 1889 398 R Ray. Compleat collection of English proverbs. 1768 - 398 Rl ScuDDER, ec?. Children's book. 1883 j 398 S Shaw. Dresses and decorations of the middle ages. 2v. 1858 *391 S Sherwood. Manners and social usages. 1884 395 S Smith, G. Gipsy life. 1880 397 S Smith, W. R. Kinship and marriage in early Arabia. 1885 392 S Spofford. New England legends. 1871. 398 81 Staffe. My lady's dressing-room.* 1892. 391 SI Staxley. My dark companions and their strange stories. 1893 398 S2 Steel. Tales of the Punjab told by the people. 1894 j 398 S3 Thorpe, ecZ. Yule-tide stories. 1853 398 T Trexch. Proverbs and their lessons. 18G9 398 Tl "Wadleigh. Head-gear, antique and mod- ern. 1879 391 AV Wagxer, L. Manners, customs, and ob- servances. 1895 390 TV "Wagxer, W. Asgard and the gods. 1880 398 W Epics and romances of the middle ages. 1883 398 W 11 Wartislaw. Sixty folk-tales from ex- clusively Slavonic sources. 1890.. 398 W4; "Watsox, ed. Annals of a quiet valley. 1894 390 Wl WiGGix. Lessons on manners for school and home use. 1884 j 395 W Wilde. Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of Ireland. 2v. 1SS7 398 W2 Williams. Studies in folk-song and pop- ular poetry. 1894 398 W3 Yeates. Celtic twiliglit ; men and women, dhouls and faeries. 1894 398 Y WO]»IAN. Aguilar. Women of Israel. 2v. 1872. 396 A Alger. Friendships of women. 1872... 396 A 1 BowDiTCH. Taxation of women in Massa- chusetts. 1875 396 B Church. ^Money-making for ladies. 1882. 396 C CoBBE. Duties of women. 1881 396 Cl Craik. Woman's tlioughts about women. 18G0 396 C2 Dall. Woman's right to labor. I860... 39G D Diaz. Domestic problem. 1875 39G Dl Dix. Lectures on the calling of a Chris- tian woman. 1883 396 D2 Ellis. Prose works. 2v. 1844 396 E Farrar. Young lady's friend. 1843 396 F Hardy. Five talents of woman. 1888.. 396 H Higgixsox. Common sense about women. 1882 396 HI Hooker. Womanhood. 1874 396 H2 Masox. Woman's share in primitive cul- ture. 1804 396 M Meyer, ed. Woman's work in America. 1891 396 Ml Mill. Subjection of women. 1870 396 M2 Miller. Physical beauty. 1^92 391 M OssoLi. Woman in the nineteenth century. 1874 396 Paixe. Girls and women. 1890 396 P Unmarried woman. 1892 396 PI What girls can do 396 P2 Proffatt. Woman before the law. 1874. 396 P3 Ramabai. High-caste Hindu woman. 1887 '^^^ R RusKix. Pearls for young ladies. 1878. 396 Rl Ryder. Go riglit on, girls ! 1891 396 R2 St\xtox. Woman question in Europe. 1884. •■••• 396S Steele and Adams. Beauty of form and grace of vesture. 1892 391 S2 Studley. What our girls ought to know. 1878 396S1 Terhuxe. Eve's daughters. 1889 396 T 170 PHILOLOGY Todd. Woman's rights. 1867 396 Tl Varigny. Women of the United States. 1895 396 V White, Eliza A. As it should be. 1874. 396 W White, Mrs. S. J. Business openings for girls. 1891 396 Wl 'WiLLARD. How to win. 1887 396 W2 Woman's book. 2v. 1894 396 W3 WooLSON. Woman in American society. 1873 396 W4 Wright. Womankind in western Europe. 1869 396 W5 YoNGE. Womankind. 1877 396 Y PHILOLOGY. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Adler. Dictionary of the German and English languages. 1873 *433 A AiNswoRTH. Dictionary, English and Latin. 1858 *473 A Barham, tr. Writings of Solomon. 1870. 421 B Barham and Pitman. Rhymed haunony of tlie gospels. 1870 421 Bl Bigelow. Punctuation and other typo- graphical matters. 1893 42 1 B2 Blackie. Horse Hellenics. 1874 480 B 'Clerc. Essentials of the French lan- guage. 1888 440 C CuRTius. Grammar of tlie Greek lan- guage. 1872 485 C Dufief. New French-English grammar. 2v. 1817 Fd445D DwiGHT. Modern philology. 2 v. 1877. 409 D Farrar. Chapters on language. 1873. 401 F 'Gesenius. Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament. 1836 *492 G OiLES. Wonderful poket. 1871 421 G Harper, ^hZ/. New Latin dictionary. 1894 *473H HoLKOM. Other lif. 1871 421 H Our cildreninheven. 1871 421 HI Lewis and Short. Harper's Latin dic- tionary. 1886 *473 L LiDDELL and Scott, coinp. Greek-Eng- lish lexicon. 1889 *483 L Marcel. Study of languages brought back to its true principles. 1873. . . 407 M MiJLLER. Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas. 1888 491 M Lectures on the science of language. 2v. 1875 410 M Papillon. Manual of comparative philol- ogy. 1882 480 P Pike. Compendious Hebrew lexicon. 1811 :. 492P Post. Comprehensive volapuk grammar. 408 P Sayoe. Introduction to the science of language. 2v. 1880 410 S •Sears, and others. Classical studies. 1843. 403 S Spiers and Surenne. French and Eng- lish pronouncing dictionary. 1872.. Sprague. Handbook of volapiik. 1888.. Tripel djemz (twelv gros), ov Avizdom on moral and spiritual subdjekts. 1860. Welch and. Duffield. New Latin acci,- dence and exercises for beginners. 1888 Watsox. L'niverse of language. 1878.. Whitney. Language and the study of language. 1871 Life and growtli of language. 1875.'. Oriental and linguistic studies. 1874. Yonge. English-Greek lexicon. 1886.. *F 443 S 408 S 421 T 478 W 408 W 410 W 401 W 404 W *483 Y ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Abbott. How to write clearly. 1875 — 425 A Alford. Plea for the queen's English. 1874 428 A Bartlett. Dictionary of Americanisms. • 1877 *427 B Bass. Nature stories for young readers. 1893 j 428 B Bowden. Blunders in educated circles corrected. 1889 425 B Brown. Grammar of English grammars. 1875 *425 Bl Campbell. Handbook of Englisli syno- nyms. 1894 424 C Century dictionary. 6v. 1889-91 *423 C Cobbett. English grammar. 1884 425 C Crabb. English synonymes. 1879 424 CI Davidson. Correspondent. 1886 428 D Earle. Philology of the English tongue. 1873 420 E Ellis. Common errors in writing and speaking. 1894 428 E Fallows. Progressive dictionary of tlie English language. 1885 *423 F Frey. Sobriquets and nicknames. 1888. 427 T Garlanda. Fortunes of words. 1887... 412 G Philosopliy of words. 1886 412 Gl Oilman. Sliort stories from the diction- ary. 1886 j 422 G NATURAL SCIENCE. 171 Gould. Good English. 1880 428 G Hodgson. Errors in the use of English. 1882 428 H Laniek. Science of English verse. 188G 426 L Latham. Hand-book of the English language. 1872 422 L Long. Slips of tongue and pen. 1888. . . 428 L Mackay. Lost beauties of the English language. 1874 423 M Many mistakes mended. 188() 428 M Marsh . Lectures on the English language. 1870 • 420 M Origin and history of the English language. 1882 420 Ml Mathews. Words ; their use and abuse. 187(1 420 M2 Matthews. Americanisms and Briticisms. 1892 427 M Mayhew and Skeat. Concise dictionary of middle English. 1888 423 Ml Mead. Our mother tongue. 1890 421 M Nesbitt. Grammar-land. 1878 j 42o N NisBET and Lemon. Everybody's writ- ing-desk book. 1892 420 N Norton. Political Americanisms. 1890. 427 N Ogilvie. Imperial dictionary of the Eng- lish language. 1883 *423 Oliphant. New Enghsh. 2v. 1886 420 On the use of words. 1879 428 OsMUN. Verbalist. 1882 428 01 Palmer. Folk-etymology. 1883 423 P Pearson. Acrostic dictionary. 1884.... 423 PI Phyfe. School pronouncer based on Web- ster's dictionary. 1888 421 P Putnam. Hand-book illustrated diction- ary. 1892 423 P2 Eamsay'. English language and English grammar. 1892 420 R Eoget. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 1872..- 424 R Skeat. Etymological dictionary. 1882.. *423 S Sweet. Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse. 1876 329 S Swinton. Rambles among words. 1874. 422 S and Cathcart. Book of tales. 1880 428 SI Golden book of choice reading. 1880. 428 S2 Smith, C. J. Synonyms discriminated. 1878 .'....". 424S Smith, H. P., ed. Glossary of terms and phrases. 1883 423 Si SouLE. Dictionary of English synonyms. 1871 *424S1 Southworth and Goddard. Our lan- guage taught by practice and ex- ample. 1887 428 S Stormonth. Handy English word book. 1877 *-t21S TooKE. Diversions of Purley. I860. . • • 425 T Trench. B*iglish ; past and present. 1871. 420 T Select glossary of English words. 1873. 422 T Wagner. Significance of names. 1893. 422 W Webster. International dictionary. 1890. *423 W Westlake. How to write letters 428 W Whately. Selection of English syno- nyms. 1875 424 W White. Every-day English. 1880 420 W AVords and their uses. 1872 420 Wl Worcester. Dictionary. 1873 *423 Wl NATURAL SCIENCE. GENERAL WORKS. Abney, and others. Science lectures at South Kensington. 2v. 1878-79.. 504 A Agassiz. Three cruises of the U. S. coast and geodetic survey steamer "Blake." 2v. 1888 508 A and others. Tribune popular science. 1874 504 A 1 American naturalist, v. 1-28. 1867—94.. 505 A Andrews. Stories Mother Nature told her children. 1889 j 500 A Annual of scientific discovery. 5 v. 1851— 60 505 A 1 Baird, and others, ed. Annual record of science and industry. 1873, 76, 78. 4v 503 B Bates. Naturalist on the rivei; Amazon. 1875 508B Brockhaus. Iconographic encylopjedia of arts and sciences. 7v. 1885 *503B1 Carpenter. Nature and man. 1889 504 C Darwin. Journal of researches during the voyage of H. M. S. " Beagle '■ round the world. 1890 508 D What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship ' ' Beagle. " 1880 J508D1 De Vere. Leaves from the book of nature. 1872 504 D Duncan. Sacred philosophy of the sea- sons. V. 1-3. 1839 501 D 172 NATURi^L SCIENCE. FiSHKR. Fairy-land of science, 1879 • • . j oOi F Short history of natural science. 187G 509 F Galloway. Education, scientific and technical. 1881 507 G Good. Book of nature. 1828 504 6 Grimshaw. Record of scientific jirogress for 1891 509 G Heath. Sylvan winter. 1886 504 H Helmholtz. Popular lectures on scien- tific subjects. 1873 504 HI Henry. Scientific writings. 2v. 1880.. 508 H Herschel. Familiar lectures on scientific subjects. 1871 504 H2 Hooker. Child's book of nature. 3v. 1872 j 502 H Howe. Systematic science teaching. 1894 507 H HcJiBOLDT. Cosmos. 4v. 1SG3 500 H HcNT. Poetry of science. 1854 500 HI HcTTOx. Mathematical and philosophical dictionary. 2v. 1795 *503 H Huxley. Critiques and addresses. 1873. 504 H3 Discourses, biological and geological. 1894 504 H4 Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews. 1871 .*. . 504 H5 Methods and results. 1894 504 H6 Intellectual observer. 12v. 1802-08 505 1 Jackman. Nature study for common schools. 1892 507 J Joyce. Familiar introduction to tlie arts and sciences. 1852 507 Jl Kansas Academy of Science. Trans- actions. 1889 506 K Keddie. Footprints, nature seen on its human side. 188 1 j 504 K Laing. Problems of the future and essays. 1893 504 L Lubbock. Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in. 1893 .504 LI Scientific lectures. 1879 504 L2 MiCHELET. Nature. 1880 504 M Molloy. Gleanings in science. 1888... 504 Ml MosELEY. Notes by a naturalist on H. M. S. " Challenger." 1892 508 M MuDiE. Popular guide to the observa- tion of nature. 1833 507 M MuRCHE. Object lessons in elementary science. 3v. 1894 507 Ml New York University. Annual report. 1889-90. 2v 507 N Pearson. Grammar of science. 1892.. 501 P Popular science monthly and index, v. 10-45. 1870-95 -505 P Pouchet. Universe. 1873 500 P Proctor. Borderland of science. 1874. 504 P Light science for leisure hours. 1871. 504 PI Rough ways made smooth. 1880 504 P2 Proctor. Science byways. 1876 504 P3 Universe of suns and other science gleanings. 1884 504 P4 Radcliffe. Proteus. 1877 501 R Renan. Future of science. 1891 501 Rl RoDAVELL, ed. Dictionary of science. 1873 *503 R, RouTLEDGE. Popular history of science. 1881 509 R Science, v. 1-21. 1883-93 505 S Scientific American, v. 34-71. 1876-94. 505 SI Scientific American supplement, v. 1, 2, 25-38. 1876, '88-94 505 S2 Smithsonian Institution. Annual re- port of board of regents. 1893. . . . *506 S Student and intellectual observer of science, literature, and art. 5v. 1868-71 504 S TouRGEE. Outing with the queen of hearts. 1894 504 T Tyndall. Fragments of science for un- scientific people. 2v. 1892 504 Tl New fragments. 1892 504 T2 and others. Half-hour recreations in popular science. 1879 504 T3 Warren. Address to the Boston society of natural history. 1853 500 W Whewell. History of the inductive sci- ences. 2v. 1870 509 W Year-book of science. 1892 505 Y YouMANS, and others. Culture demanded by modern life. 1871 507 Y Young folks' queries ; by Uncle Lawrence. 1880 j 500 L MATHEMATICS. Angel. Practical plane and solid geom- etry. 1873 513 A Cajori. History of mathematics. 1894. 510 C Greenleaf. National arithmetic. 1863. 511 G Proctor. Chance and luck. 1887 519 P Orton. Lightning calculator, and ac- countant's assistant. 1870 511 O Venn. Logic of chance. 1876 519 V ASTRONOMY. Airy. Popular astronomy. 1808 520 A Anderson. Terra. 1887 525 A Ayer's almanacs in eleven languages. 1889. 520 Al Ball. Atlas of astronomy. 1892 524 B In starry realms. 1892 523 B Star-land. 1889 j 523 Bl Story of the heavens. 1885 523 B2 Story of the sun. 1893 523 B3 Blake. Astronomical myths. 1877 520 B Chambers. Handbook of descriptive and practical astronomy. 1889 523 C NATURAL SCIENCE. 173 Chambers. Pictorial astronomy for general read- ers. 1891 523 CI Champlix. Yuung folks' astrononij'. ISSl j u20 C Cha-mpxey. In the sky-garden. *877... j 523 C2 CiiAUVEXEXT. Manual of spherical and practical astronomy. 2v. 1891... 522 C Croll. Stellar evolution and its relations to geological time. If<.s9 523 C3 Davis. Elements of astronomy. 1867.. 520 D De Morgan. Book of almanacs. 1851.. *529 D Dick. Celestial scenery. 1884 523 D Practical astronomer. 188-1 522 D Sidereal heavens. 1894 523 Dl Solar system. 1^84 523 D2 Draysox. Thirty thousand years of the earth's past history-. 1888 525 D Dl'xcax. Practical surA-eyor's guide. 1872 526 Dl EvERS. Theory and pi-actice of naviga- tion. 1873 . . •• 527 E FisiiER. Through magic glasses. 1890.. 523 F Flammariox. Popular astronomy 523 Fl Wonders of the heavens." 1871 523 F2 Forbes. Transit of Venus. 1874 523 F3 GiBERXE. Among the stars. 1885 j 520 G Eadiant suns. 1894 j 523 G Sun, moon, and stars. 1880 j 523 Gl GiBSOX. Amateur telescopist's handbook. 1894 522 G Gore. Visible univei-se. 1S93 523 G2 GuiLLEiMiN. The heavens. 1872 *523 G3 The sun. 1872 523 G4 "Wonders of the moon. 1873 523 G5 HoPKixs. Astronomy for every-day read- ers 520 H Kapp. Electric transmission of energy. ltri8G 521 K Keuzie. Speculations ; solar heat, gravi- tation, and sun spots. 1886 523 K Kf,xi>al. History of watches and other time-keepers. 1892 529 K Laxgley. New astronomy. 1888 523 L Lardxer. Popular lectures on science and art. 1859 520 L LocKYER. Astronomy. 1875 520 LI Dawn of astronomy. 1894 *520 L2 Stargazing; past and present. 1878. 522 L Lodge. Pioneers of science. 1893 520 L3 Miller. Romance of astronomy. 1873. 523 M MiTCHEL. Planetary and stellar worlds. 1887 523 Ml Popular astronomy. 1S74 523 M2 Moore and Nichols. Overhead. 1878. j 520 M Newco.mb. Popular astronomy. 1878- • 520 N NiCHOL. Important points relating to the system of the world. 1848 520 Nl Parkes. Unfinished worlds. 1887 523 P Pickexs. Calendar for 1893, with poems. *529 P Pierce. Ideality in the physical science. 1881 520 P Plummer. Introduction to astronomy. 1873 520 PI Proctor. Essaj-s on astronomy. 1872. 523 PI Expanse of heaven. 1874 520 P2 Half-hours with the stars. 1869 523 P2 Half-hours with the telescope. 1873. 522 P Myths and marvels of astronomy. 1877 520 P3 Old and new astronoraj-. 1892 522 PI Orbs around us. 1872 523 P4 Other worlds than ours. 1871 523 P5 Our place among infinities 520 P4 Pleasant ways of science. 1878 523 P6 Sun : ruler, fire, light, and life of the planetary system. 1872 523 P7 The moon. 1878 ' 523 P3 Universe and the coining transits. 1874 523 P8 Ramsay. Skj- wonders. 1893 523 R Serviss. Astronomy with an opera-glass. 1888 520 S Surveyor's Associatiox. "West New Jersey. Proceedings, constitutions, ))y-laws, list of members. 1880 526 G Thorxtox. Advanced physiography. 1890. 520 T ToDA. Total eclipses of the sun. 1894.. 523 T UxiTED States. Coast and geodetic sur- vey. Reports. 1886,1888-89. 3v. *52G U Congress. Report of the coast survey. 1868 526 Ul Geographical survey of territories. Reports. 1877-79 *526 U2 Naval observatory. Reports on the total solar eclipses of 1878 and 1880. 1880 *523 U Navigation, Bureau of. American ephemeris and nautical almanac. 1885 *528 U Warrex'. Recreation in astronomy. 1879. 523 "W "Webb. Celestial objects for common telescopes. 2v. 1893-4 522 "W "V^^ixcHELL. World-life. 1883 553 Wl WixTiiROP. Two lectures on comets. 1811 523 W2 YouxG. Sun. 18^1 523 Y PHYSICS. Alglave ond Boulard. Electric light. 1884 Allsop. Electric bell construction. 1895. Arxott. Elements of physics. 1877.. •• Baile. Wonders of electricity. 1872,. . . Ball. Elementary lessons on applied mechanics Bexjamix. Age of electricity. 1886.... Bezold. Theory of color in its relation to art and art-industrv. 1876 537 A 537 Al 530 A 537 B 531 B 537 Bl 174 NATURAL SCIENCE. Blaserxa. Theory of sound in its rela- tion to music. 1876 53-1 B Brewster. Kaleidoscope. 1870 535 Bl Carpenter. Energy in nature. 1883... 531 C Cazin. Phenomena and laws of heat. 1869 536 C Church. Colour 535 C Cooke. Elements of chemical physics. 1866 530 C CoTTERiLL. Applied mechanics. 1884.. 531 Cl CoxwELL. My life and balloon experi- ences. 1887 533 C Crosby and Bell. Electric railway in theory and practice. 1892 537 C Daxiell. Text -book on the principles of physics. 188-1 530 D Deschanel. Elementary treatise on nat- ural philosophy. 1887 530 Dl Dolbear. Art of projecting. 1892 535 D Matter, ether, and motion. 1894 530 D2 Telephone. 1877 537 Dl Draper. Scientific memoirs. 1878 535 Dl Dd Moncel. Electric lighting. 1882 537 D2 Telephone, the microphone, and the phonograph. 1879 537 D3 Electrical engineer. 1883-94. v. 2-18-. 537 E Enfield. Institutes of natural philosophy. 1802 ' 530 E EuLER. Letters on different subjects in natural philosophy. 2v. 1833 530 El Everett. Outlines of natural philosophy. 1887 530 E2 Earaday. Experimental researches in electricity. 3v. 1839-55 537 F Six lectures on the various forces of matter. 1868 531 F Flammarion. Lumen ; experiences in the infinite. 1892 535 F Fonvielle. Adventures in the air. 1857. 533 F Thunder and lightning. 1872 537 Fl FooTE. Economic value of electric light and power. 1889 537 F2 Gaxot. Elementary treatise on physics. 1872 530 G Glazebrook. Laws and properties of matter. 1893 530 Gl GooDEVE. Elements of mechanism. 1872. 531 G Gordon. Physical treatise on electricity and magnetism. 2v. 1880 537 G GuLLLE.MiN. Electricity and magnetism. 1891 537 Gl Forces of nature. 1873 530 G2 Hammond. Electric light in our homes. 1884 537 H Helmholtz. Sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of music. 1885 534 H Herschel. Preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy. 1873. 530 H Higgins. Philosophy of sound, and his- tory of music. 1838 534 HI Hopkins. Experimental science. 1890. 530 HH Hospitalier. Electrician's pocket-book. 1884 537 HI Modern aj^plications of electricity. 2v. 1883 537 H2 Houston. Dictionary of electrical words, terms, and pfirases. 1889 537 H3 Electricity one hundred years ago and to-day. 1894 537 H4 Johnson. Sunshine. 1892 j 535 J Keily'. Expansion of structure by heat. 1887 536 K Kimball. Physical projaerties of gases. 1890 533 K Lardner. Hand-book of optics. 1864.. 535 L LeConte. Sight. 1881 535 LI Lees. Elements of acoustics, light and heat. 1873 530 L LocKwooD. Electricity, magnetism, and electric telegraphy. 1883 537 L Practical information for telephonists. 1887 537 LI Lockyer. Spectroscope and its applica- tions. 1873 535 L2 Studies in spectrum analysis. 1878.. 535 L3 Lodge. Modern views of electricity. 1889 537 L2 LoMMEL. Nature of light. 1880 535 L4 Lukin. Amongst machines 531 L Marion. Wonderful balloon ascents. 1871 533 M "Wonders of optics. 1872 535 M Maxwell. Theory of heat. 1872 536 M Mater. Sound. 1878 534 M Mendenhall. Century of electricity. 1890 537 M Napier. Manual of electro-metallurgy. 1876 537 N Natural philosophy. 1829 530 N NoAD. Student's text-book of electricity. 1879 537 Nl Pepper. Boy's playbook of science j 530 P Cyclopedic science simplified 530 PI Pleasonton. Influence of the blue ray of the sunlight, and of the blue color of the sky, in developing ani- mal and vegetable life. 1877 535 P Prescott. Dynamo-electricity. 1884... 537 P' Electricity and the electric telegraph. 1879 537 PI Speaking telephone. 1878 537 P2 Radau. Wonders of acoustics. 1872... 534 R Rood. Modern chromatics. 1879 535 R RoscoE. Spectrum analysis. 1870 *535 Rl Routledge, ed. Science in sport made philosophy in earnest. 1877 j 530 R Sabine. History and progress of the electric telegraph. 1869 537 S Saigey'. Unity of natural phenomena. 1873 530 8. Savage. Physics. 1893 530 SI NATURAL SCIENCE. 175^ ScHELLEN. Magneto-electric and dynamo- electric machines. 1884 537 Si SiEBE. Conquest of the sea. 1873 •• 533 S Siemens. Scientific works. 3v. 1889.. 531 S Spang. Practical treatise on lightning protection.. 1877 537 S2 Stallo. Concepts and theories of modern physics. 1882 530 S2 Steele. Chautauqua course in physics. 1889 530 S3 Stewart. Conservation of energy. 1874. 531 SI Physics. 1^73 530 S4 Tait. Heat. 1884 536 T Lectures in plwsical science, with a special lecture on force. 1876 530 T Light. 1884 535 T Thompson. Elementary lessons in elec- tricity and magnetism. 1893 537 T Thomson. Electrostatics and magnetism. 1884 537 Tl Thurston. Heat as a form of energy. 189(0 536 Tl ToMLiNSON. Rudimentary mechanics. 1866 531 T Trowbridge. Xew physics. 1884 530 Tl TcNZELMANN. Elcctricity in modern life. 1890 537 T2 Ttndall. Electricity at the royal institu- tion. 1875-6 537 X3 Heat considered as a mode of motion. 1873 536 T2 Lectures on light. 1873 535 Tl Light and electricity. , 1871 530 T2 Eesearches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action. 1888 538 T Sound. 1873 534 T Urbanitzky. Electricity in the service of man. 1886 537 U Verity. Electricity up to date. 1891.. . 537 V Walmsley. Electric current. 1894 537 W Watt. Electro-deposition and electro- metallurgy. 1889 537 Wl Electro-metallurgy. 1879 537 W2 Wise. Through the air. 1873 533 W WooDHULL. Manual of home-made ap- paratus. 1895 530 W Wright. Optical projection. 1891 535 W YouMANS, ed. Correlation and conserva- tion of forces. 1871 531 Y Young, ef?. Electrical apparatus. 1894. 537 Y CHEMISTRY. Appleton. Young chemist. 1878 Ansted. In search of minerals. 1880.. Bell. Chemistry of foods. 2v. 1881.. Booth and Morfit. Encyclopedia of chemistry Boston journal of chemistry. 2v. 1874.. Bowman. Practical handbook of medical chemistry. 1870 542 A 549 A 543 B 540 B 540 Bl 543 Bl I Brush. Manual of determinative miner- alogy. 1882 549 B Collins. First book of mineralogy. 1873. 549 C Cooke. Chemical problems and reactions. 1857 540 C First principles of chemical philoso- phy. 1870 541 CI New chemistry. 1875 541 C Dana. Slanual of mineralogy and lithol- ogy. 1878 549 D Manual of mineralogy 549 Dl and Brush. System of mineralogy. 1872 549 D2 Faraday. Six lectures on the chemical history of a candle. 1861 541 F Fresenius. Manual of qualitative chemi- cal analysis. 1872 544 F System of instruction in quantitative chemical analysis. 1871 545 Fl Fownes. Manual of elementary chemis- try. 1872 540 F Rudimentary chemistry for the use of beginners. 1859 540 Fl Griffin. Chemical recreations. 1838... 542 G Hempel. Methods of gas analysis. 1892. 545 H Howard. Practical chemistry. 1873... 542 H Liebig. Familiar letters on chemistry. 1856 540 L Meyer. History of chemistry. 1891 540 M Muspratt. Chemistry, theoretical, prac- tical, and analytical. 2v 540 Ml EoDWELL. Birth of chemistry. 1874 540 R Roscoe. Chemistry. 1873 • 540 Rl and ScHORLEMMER. Treatise on chemistry. 2v. 1889 540 R2 RusKiN. Ethics of the dust. 1872 548 R Thorpe. Essays in historical chemistry. 1894 540T United States. Geological survey of ter- ritories. Mineral resources of the United States. 4v. 1886-90 *549 U Watts. Organic chemistry. 1873 547 W WuRTZ. Atomic theory. 1881 541 W YouMANS. Class-book of chemistry. 1876. 540 Y GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. Abbott. Water and land. 1872 j 551 A Abercrombie. Weather. 1888 551 AI Adams. Beneath the surface. 1876 551 A2 Famous caves and catacombs. 1886.. j 551 A3 Life in the primeval world. 1872.... 560 A Agassiz. Geological sketches. 2v. 1873. 550 A Bakewell. Introduction to geologj'. 1833 550 B Blasius. Storms. 1875 551 B Blodget. Climatology of the United States. 1857 551 Bl BoNNEY. Story of our planet. 1893 551 B2 BoscowiTZ. Earthquakes. 1890 551 B3 Browne. Building of the British isles. 1888 554 B 176 NATURAL SCIENCE. Bkowne. Student's hand-book of physical geol- ogy. 1884 551 B4 BuKNHAM. History and uses of lime- stones and marbles. 1883 552 B Precious stones in nature, art, and literature. 1886 553 B Campbell. Geology and mineral re- sources of the James-river valley, Virginia. 1882 553 C ■Chase. Elements of meteorology. 2v. 1884 551 C Crew. Practical treatise on petroleum. 1887 553 01 Croll. Discussions on climate and cos- mology. 1886 551 Cl Crosby. Common minerals and rocks. 1891 552 C Contributions to the geology of eastern Massachusetts. 1880 *550 C Dana. Characteristics of volcanoes. 1890. 551 D Geological stoiy. 1875 550 D Text-book of geology. 1803 550 Dl Davis. Whirlwinds, cyclones, and torna- does. 1884 551 Dl Dawson. Acadian geology. 1878 557 D Geological history of plants. 1888. . • 551 D2 Modern science in Bible land. 1889 . 555 D Some salient points in the science of the earth. 1894 550 D2 Story of the earth and man. 1873. . . 551 D3 Deane. Ichnographs from the sandstone of Connecticut riv.er. 18G1 *5GG D De la Beche. Geological memoirs con- tained in the " Annales des mines." 1836 554 D How to observe. 1836. 551 D4 De Lanoye. Sublime in nature. 1872.. 551 D5 De Vere. Wonders of the deej). 1872 551 D6 DiSTURNELL, comp. Influence of climate in North and South America. 1867. 551 D7 Donnelly'. Ragnarok. 1883 551 D8 EiGUiER. World before the deluge. 1872. 550 F Flamsiarion. Atmosphere. 1873 551 F Geikie, a. Class-book of geology. 1886. 550 G Elementary lessons in physical geog- raphy. 1879 551 G Geological sketches at home and abroad. 1892 550 Gl Geology. 1877 550 G2 Physical geography. 1873 551 Gl Scenery of Scotland. 1887 554 G Text-book of geology. 1882 550 G3 Geikie, J. Great ice age. 1874 551 G2 Prehistoric Europe. 1881 554 Gl Greeley-. American weather. 1888 551 G3 Odyot. Earth and man. 1872 551 G4 Hartwig. Aerial world. 1886 551 H Subterranean world. 1885 551 HI Herschel. Physical geography of the globe. 1872 551 H2 Hitchcock. Final report on the geology of Massachusetts. 2v. 1841 *557 H Hull. Volcanoes. 1892 551 H3 Humboldt. Views of nature. 1872 551 H4 Hunt. Chemical and geological essays. 1875 550 H Hutchinson. Autobiography of the earth. 1891 551 H5 Creatures of other days, 1894 566 H Extinct monsters. 1892 566 HI Story of the hills. 1892 551 H6 HuxLEY'. Physiography. 1878 551 H7 Indiana. Geological survey. 1870.... 553 1 Jackson. Annual report of the geology of the state of Maine. 1839 *5o0 J JuDD. Volcanoes. 1881 551 J Kayser. Text-book of comparative geology. 1893 551 K KiNGSLEY. Madam' How and Lady Why. 1873 * j 551 Kl Lem^is. Papers and notes on the glacial geology of Great Britain and Ire- land. 1894 551 L Lyddeker. Phases of animal life, jjast and present. 1892 566 L Lyell. Principles of geology. 2v. 1872. 550 L Macfarlane. Coal-regions of America. 1873 553 iM Maclean. Mastodon, mammoth, and man. 1880 569 M Macturk. Physical geography. 1873... 551 Ml Mangin. Eartli and its treasures. 1875 553 M2 Mantell. Geological excursions round the Isle of Wight. 1854 554 M Petrifactions and their teachings. 18G1 560 M Marsh. Earth as modified by human action. 1882 551 M Massachusetts. Topographical surrey commission. Atlas of Massachu- setts. 1890 *550 M General court. Ichnology of New England. 1858 *56G M Supplement to the Ichnology of New England. 1865 *566 Ml Maury". Physical geography of the sea. 1858 551 Ml Meyer. Real fairy folks. 1887 j 550 Ml Michelet. Mountain. - 1872 551 M2 Mill. Realm of nature. 1892 551 M3 Miller. Cruise of the Betsey. 1871 554 Ml Foot-prints of the Creator. 1871 560 Ml Old red sandstone. 1858 551 M4 Popular geology. 1872 550 M2 Milne. Earthquakes and other earth movements. 1886 551 M5 Nichols. Geological historv. 1880 550 N NATURAL SCIENCE. 177 Orpen. Stories about famous precious stones. 1890 553 Perley. Historic storms of Xew Eng- land. 1891 551 P Phillips. Treatise on ore deposits. 1884. 553 P Prestwich. Geolog}-. 2v. 1886-88 551 PI Reclus. Earth. 1891 551 R History of a mountain. 1881 551 Rl New physical geography. 2v. 1886. *551 R2 Ocean, atmosphere, and life. 1873.. 551 R3 RcTLEY. Study of rocks. 1879 552 R Scott. Elementary meteorology. 1883. 551 S Shalek. Aspects of the earth. 1889.... 551 SI Nature and man in America. 1891. . . 551 S2 Sea and land features of coasts and oceans. 189-t 551 S3 Somerville. Physical geography. 1871. 551 84 SoKREL. Bottom of the sea. 1872 551 S5 Streeter. Pearls and i)earling life. 1886. 553 S Taylor. Geological stories. 1873 550 T Thomson. Voyage of the "Challenger." 2v. 1878 551 T TissANDiER. Wonders of water. 1874.. 551 Tl Trotter. Lessons in the new geographj. 1895 551 T2 Tyndall. Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers. 1872 551 T3 United States. Geographical and geo- logical survey. Observations on cut-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures. 1881-90 *557 U Report on the geology of the Henry mountains. 1880 *557 Ul Geological and geographical survey of the territories. Annual reports. 2v. 1879-83 *55?U2 Annual reports. Colorado. 2v. 1874-76 *557 U3 Geological survey. Annual reports. 7v. 1890-92 *557 U4 Annual report to Carl Schurz. 1880. *557 US Preliminary field report of Colorado and Xew Mexico. 1869 *557 U6 Preliminary report of Montana. 1872. *557 U7 Geological survey of the territories. Annual reports. 9v. 1875-77, 1882-89 *557 U5 War department. Professional papers of the signal service. 1881 *551 U Waldo. Modern meteorology. 1893 551 W Whitney. Metallic wealth of the United States. 1854 553 W WiNCHELL. Sketches of creation. 1870. 551 Wl Walks and talks in the geological field. 1894 550 W Wright. Ice age in North America. 1889. 551 W2 Man and the gl?cial period. 1892 .... 551 W3 BIOLOGY. Argyll. Primeval man. 1873 573 A Baldwin. Pre-historic nations. 1869... 57l B Beale. How to work with the microscope. 1880 578 B Beegen. Development theory. 1884. . . . 575 B Brooklyn (N. Y.) Ethical Associa- tion. Evolution. 1889 575 Bl Brown, R. Races of mankind. 4v 572 B Brown, T. Taxidermist's manual. 1870. 579 B BcRGE. Pre-glacial man and the Aryan race. 1887 573 B BuEGESS. What is truth? 1871 573 Bl Carpenter. Microscope and its relations. 187u 578 C Clodd. Childhood of the world. 1873.. 571 C ^tory of creation. 1888 575 C Cook. Boston Monday lectures. Biology. 1877 570 C Heredity. 1879 575 CI Cope. Origin of the fittest. 1887 575 C2 Coces. Field ornithologj-. 1874 579 C Daewin. Darwinism. 1884 575 D Descent of man. 1872 575 Dl On the origin of sjiecies by means of natural selection. 1870 575 D2 Davie. Methods in the art of taxidermy. *579 D Davis. Practical microscopy. 1882 578 D Dawkins. Early man in Britain. 1880.. 571 D Dawson. Fossil men. 1883 571 Dl Donnelly. Atlantis. 1882 572 D Dbummond. Lowell lectures on the ascent of man. 1894 575 D3 EiJiER. Organic evolution as the result of the inheritance of acquired charac- ters. 1890 575 E Ellis. Criminal. 1890 573 E Fisher. Moral teachings of science. 1892 575 F Fontaine. How the world was peopled. 1872 572 F Foster. Pre-historic races of the U. S. 1873 571 F Flrneaux. Out-door world. 1893 579 F Galton. Fingerprints. 1892..., 573 G Natural inheritance. 1889 575 G Gamble. Evolution of woman. 1894 575 Gl Gray'. Darwiniana. 1876 575 G2 Grindon. Life; its nature, varieties, and phenomena. 1872 577 G GossE. Evenings at the microscope. 1872 578 G Haeokel. Evolution of man. 2v. 1879. 575 H Freedom in science and teaching. 1879 575 HI History of creation. 2v. 1883 575 H2 Hodge. What is Darwinism? 1874 575 H3 HoRNADAY. Taxidermy and zoological collecting. 1891 579 H Huxley. Evidence as to man's place in nature. 1871 573 H Man's place in nature. 1894 573 HI On the origin of species. 1872 575 H4 JoLY. Man before metals. 1883 571 J 178 NATURAL SCIENCE. KiDD. Adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man. ^ 1852 573 K Laing. Human origins. 1892 573 L Lankester. Half-hours with the micro- scope. 1878 578 L Lesley. Man's origin and destiny. 1881. 573 LI Lubbock. Prehistoric times. 1872 *571 L MacLean. Mound builders. 1879 571 M Mason. Origins of invention. 1895.... 571 Ml Maynard. Naturalist's guide in collect- ing and preserving objects of natu- ral history. 1887 579 M Mitchell, A. Past in the present. 1881. 571 M2 Mitchell, H. W. Evolution of life. 1891 575 M MivART. Lessons from nature, as mani- fested in mind and matter. 1876. . . 575 Ml Man and apes. 1874 575 M2 On the genesis of species. 1871 575 M3 MooRHEAD. Primitive man in Ohio. 1892. 571 M3 Morris. Aryan race. 1888 572 M Nadaillac. Manners and monuments of prehistoric peoples. 1892 571 N Papillon. Nature and life. 1875 577 P Peet. Mound builders. 1891 571 P Peschel. Races of man, their geographi- cal distribution. 1876 572 P Pickering. Races of man. 1863 572 PI QuATREFAGES DE Breau. Humau spccics. 1879 573 Q Natural history of man. 1875 573 Ql Pygmies. 1895 573 Q2 Reads. Martyrdom of man. 187-1 573 R RiBOT. Heredity. 1875 575 R Rice. Twenty-five years of scientific progress. 1894 575 Rl Romanes. Mental evolution in man. 1889 574 R Ross. Microscope. 1877 578 R Schmidt. Doctrine of descent and Dar- winism. 1876 575 S Slack. Marvels of pond-life. 1871 578 S Smithsonian Institution. Ethnology, Bureau of. Annual reports. 1879- 91. 8v *572 S Starcke. Primitive family in its origin and development. 1889 571 S Stevenson. Boys and girls in biology. 1875 j 570 S Stokes. Microscopy for beginners. 1887. 578 Si Strasburger. Microscopic botany. 1887. 578 S2 TopiNARD. Anthropology. 1890 572 T Two kinds of truth. 1890 575 T Tylor. Primitive culture. 2v. 1874... 571 T Researches into the early history of mankind. 1878 571 Tl Wake, ed. Memoirs of the international congress of anthropology. 1894... 573 W Wallace. Darwinism. 1889 575 W Warren. Paradise found. 1886 572 W Wells. Through a microscope. 1886... 578 W Westermarck. History of human mar- riage. 1894 575 Wl Williams. History of the negro race in America from 1619 to 1880. 2v 572 Wl Wilson. Lost Atlantis and other ethno- graphic studies. 1892 572 W2 Prehistoric annals of Scotland. 2v. 1*863 571 W Prehistoric man. 2v. 1876 571 Wl Winchell. Doctrine of evolution. 1874. 575 W2 Preadamites. 1880 573 Wl Wood. Common objects of the micro- scope 578 Wl Natural history of man ; Africa. 1868. 572 W3 Natural history of man ; Australia, New Zealand. 1870 572 W4 BOTANY. Allen. Colours of flowers. 1882 581 A Flowers and their pedigrees. 1884. . . 581 Al Balfour. Pirst book of botany. 1873. . 580 B BiGELOw. Collection of plants of Boston and its vicinity. 1840 *580 Bl Browne. Trees of America. 1846 582 B Cooke. Romance of low life amongst plants. 1893 586 C Creevey'. Recreations in botany. 1893. 581 C Dana. According to season. 1894 580 D How to know the wild flowers. 1895. 580 Dl Dame. Typical elms and other trees of Massachusetts. 1890 *582 D and Collins. Flora of Middlesex county, Mass. 1888 *581 D Darwin. Different forms of flowers on jjlants of the same species. 1877.. 581 Dl Effects of cross and self-fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. 1877. . . 581 D2 Insectivorous plants. 1875 581 D3 Movements and habits of climbing plants. 1876 581 D4 Power of movement in plants. 1881. 581 D6 Various contrivances by which orchids are fertilized by insects. 1890 581 D5 Eaton. Ferns of North America. 2v. 1879-80 *587 E Emerson. Report on the trees and shrubs of Massachusetts. 2v. 1875. 582 E Farlow. Marine algae of New England and adjacent coast. 1881 589 F FiGuiER. Vegetable world 580 F Gay'e. Great world's farm, nature's crops, and how they are grown. 1893 580 G Gibson. Happy hunting-grounds. 1887-. *580 Gl Goodale. Physiological botany. 1885.. 581 G Wild flowers of America. 1886 *582 G Gray. How plants behave. 1875 j 581 Gl How plants grow. 1858 j 580 G2 NATURAL SCIENCE. 179 Gray. Introduction to structural and system- atic botany and vegetable physiol- ogy. 1893 581 G3 Lessons in botany and vegetable physi- ology. 1870 581 G2 Manual of the botany of the northern United States. 1878 580 G3 Gregg and Kirbv. Chapters on trees. 1873 582 Gl Heath. Autumnal leaves. 1885 581 H Henslow. Origin of floral structures. 1888 581 HI Herrick. Wonders of plant life under the microscope. 1883 581 H2 HiBBERD. Familiar garden flowers 580 H Familiar wild flowers 580 HI HoBBS. Botanical hand-book. 1870 *580 H2 Hooker. Botany. 1876 581 H3 Kellerman. Elements of botany. 1883. 580 K Le Maout and Decaisne. General system of botany. 1873 *580 L LiNDLEY rt?ifZ Moore. Treasury of botany. 2v. 188-1 580 LI Loudon. Encyclopaedia of plants. 1866. *580 L2 Encyclopedia of trees and shrubs. 1869 *582 L Lubbock. On British flowers. 1893.... 581 L Macmillan. First forms of vegetation. 1874 589 M Manx. Flower people. 1875 j 580 M Mariox. Wonders of vegetation. 1874. 581 M Meehax. Native flowers and ferns of the United States. 4v. 1878 *580 Ml MiCHAUX. North American sylva. 3v. 1865 *582 M MiJLLER. Fertilisation of flowers. 1883. 581 Ml Newhall. Shrubs of northeastern Amer- ica. 1893 582 N NuTTALL. North American sylva. 2v. 1865 *582 Nl Phelps. Botany for beginners. 1841... 580 P Phillips. Manual of British discomy- cetes 589 P Prescott. Strong drink and tobacco smoke. 1870 581 P Ricks. Natural history object lessons. 1888 580 R RoBixsox. Ferns, in their homes and ours. 1878 587 R Sachs. 'Text-book of botany. 1885 580 S Taylor. Flowers. 1878 581 T Thayer. Wild flowers of Colorado. 1885. *582 T Twining. Plant world. 1866 580 T United States. Census bureau. Report . of forest trees of North America. • . *582 U Wakefield. Introduction to botany. 1811 580 W Ward. Oak. 1892 582 W Warren. Great tree on Boston common. 1855 582 Wl Weed. Wood. Fungi and fungicides. Class-book of botany. 1894.. 1875.. 589 W 580 Wl ZOOLOGY. Abbott. Birds about us. 1895 598 A Days out of doors. 1889 590 A Naturalist's rambles about home. 1890. 596 A Waste-land wanderings. 1887 590 AI Achard. History of my friends ; or, home life with animals. 1875.... j 599 A Agassiz, J/r5. E. (C.) Aetata. 1859 j 598 A Sea- side studies in natural history. 1871 593 Al Agassiz, J. L. R. Contributions to the natural history of the United States. 4v. 1862 *590 A2 Structure of animal life. 1874 590 A3 Ashton. Curious creatures in zoology . . 590 A4 Audubon. Birds of America. 7v. 1856. *598 Al and Bach.man. Quadrupeds of North America. 3v. 1856 *599 Al Badenoch. Romance of the insect world. 1894 595 E Baird, and others. History of North American birds ; land birds. 3v. 1874 *598 B Water birds of North America. 2v. 1884 *598 Bl Balfour. Treatise on comparative em- bryology. 2v, 1885 591 B Bamford. Up and down the brooks. 1889. 595 Bl Barnusi. Wild beasts ; the story of their capture. 1888 590 B Bates and Westwood. History of the British sessile-eyed Crustacea. 1863. 595 B2 Beard. Humor in animals. 1885 591 Bl Bechstein. Chamber and cage birds .... 598 B2 Berthoud. Stories of bird life. 1875. . . j 598 B3 Biart, Luciex. Adventures of a young naturalist j 590 Bl Bree. Birds of Europe, not observed in the British isles. 5v. 1875 ^598 64 Brehji. Cassell's book of birds 598 B5 Brightmen. Wild nature won by kind- ness. 1861 590 B2 Broderip. Leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. 1862 590 B3 Zoological recreations 598 B6 Brooks. Oyster. 1891 594 B BucKLAXD. Curiosities of natural history. 2v. 1871 590B4 Capex. Oology of New England. 1886.. *598 C Carpenter. Zoology. 1871 590 C Chapmax. Handbook of birds of eastern North America. 1895 598 CI Chexey. Wood notes wild. 1892 598 C2 Claus. Elementary text-book of zoology. 1884 591 C Cooke. Ponds and ditches. 1880 590 CI Woodlands. 1879 590 C2 180 NATURAL SCIENCE. CoxANT. Butterfly hunters. 1881 j 595 C CoccH. History of the fishes of the British islands, iv. 1877 *597 C CouES. Check list of North American birds. 1882 *598 C3 Fur-bearing animals of North America. 1877 599 C Key to North American birds. 1884. 598 04 Damon. Ocean wonders. 1879 j 590 D Dana. Corals and coral islands. lS72.. 593 D Dar-vvin. Formation of vegetable mould. 1882 595 D Dawson. Chain of life in geological time. 590 Dl Dixon. Idle hours with nature. 1891.. 598 D Duncan. Seashore. 1879 590 D2 Edwards. Camp-fires of a naturalist. 1894 599 E Eha, pseud. Naturalist on the proAvl. 1891 590 E Emerton. Life on the seashore. 1880.. 592 E Structure and habits of spiders. 1878. 595 E Feet and wings; by Uncle Herbert. 1880. j 591 H2 FiGuiER. Insect world. 1872 595 F Ocean world. 1872 590 F Fisher. Life and her children. 1881... 592 F Winners in life's race. 1883 j 59G F ed. Animals from the life. 1887. . . *590 Fl Flagg. Birds and seasons of New Eng- land. 1875 598 F Year with the birds 598 Fl Fowler. Summer studies of birds and books. 1895 598 F2 Tales of the birds. 1888 598 F3 Eraser. Seaside naturahst. 18G8 590 F2 French. Butterflies in eastern U. S. 188G. 595 Fl Garner. Speech of monkeys. 1892 599 G Gibson, J. Science gleanings. 1884 590 G Gibson, W. H. Sharp eyes. 1892 590 Gl Gilmore. Prairie and forest. 1874 591 G Goode. American fishes. 1888 597 G Goodrich. Illustrated natural history of the animal kingdom. 2v. 1859... 590 G2 Gosse . Handbook to the marine aquarium. 185C 590 G3 Grant. Our common birds and how to know them. 1891 598 G Greene. Parrots in captivity. 3v. 1884. *598 Gl Gregg and Kirby. Stories about birds of land and water 598 G2 Hamerton. Chapter on animals. 1874. 590 H Hartmann. Anthropoid apes. 188G 599 H Hartwig. Sea and its living wonders. 1882 591 H Harvey. Sea-side book. 1857 590 HI Heilprin. Geographical and geological * ■ distribution of animals. 1887 591 HI Hertwig. Text-book of the embryology of man and mammals. 1892 59 1 H3 Holder, C. F. Frozen dragon, and other tales. 1888 j 590 H2 Holder, C. F. Living lights. 1887 591 H4 Marvels of animal life. 1888 590 H3 Holder, J. B. History of the American fauna. 3v 590 H4 Hook. Little people. 1888 595 H HowiTT. Sketches of natural history. 1872 j 591 H5 Hudson. Birds in a village. 1893 598 H Huxley. Manual of the anatomy of in- vertelirated animals. 1885 591 H6 Manual of the anatomy of vertebrated animals. 1872 59G H Ingersoll. Country cousins. 1884 j 590 I Friends worth knowing. 1881 j 590 12 Jackson. Our feathered companions .... 598 J Jaeger and Preston. Life of North American insects. 1859 595 J Japp. Hours in my garden. 1893 590 J Jardine. Birds of Great Britain and Ire- land. 4v 598 Jl Jones. Animal creation. 1873 590 Jl Natural history of birds. 1872 ... 598 J2 Jordan. Science sketches. 1888 ^ 597 J Josselyn. N^w England's rarities dis- coA'ered in birds, beasts, fishes, ser- pents, and plants. 1865 590 J2 Keyser. In bird land. 1894 598 K Kingsley. Glaucus. 1855 592 K ed. Standard natural history. Cv. 1885 *590K Knight. By leafy ways. 1889. . 590 Kl Lang. Text-book of comparative anat- omy. 1891 591 L Langille. Our birds and their haunts. 1884 598 L London Zoological Society. Gardens and menagerie delineated. 2v. 1831. 590 L Lubbock. Ants, bees, and wasps. 1882. 595 L On the origin and metamorphoses of insects. 1874 595 LI Senses, instinct, and intelligence of animals. 1888 - 595 L2 McCooK. Honey ants. 1882 595 M Tenants of an old farm. 1886 595 Ml Mantell. Invisible world rcA-ealed by the microscope. 1850 493 M Marey. Animal mechanism. 1874 591 M Marshall and Hurst. Junior course of practical zoology. 1892 590 M Massachusetts. Zoological and botani- cal survey. Reports on the fishes, reptiles, and birds. 1839 590 Ml Mateaux. Old folks at home j 590 M2 Maynard. Butterflies of New England. 188G *595 M2 Eggs of North American birds. 1890. 598 M Menault. Intelligence of animals. 1872. 591 Ml Merriam. Birds through an opera glass. 1889 598 Ml NATURAL SCIENCE. 181 MiCHELET. The bird. 1872 598 M2 Insects. 1875 591 M2 Miller, Mrs. H. (M.) Bird-lover in the "West. 1894 598 M3 Bird-ways. 1885 598 M-i In nesting time. 1888 598 M5 Little brothers of the air. 1892 598 M<3 Little folks in feather and fur j 590 M3 Queer pets at ]Marcy's. 1880 j 590 M4 Miller, M. My Saturday bird class. 1893. 598 M7 MiNOT. Land-birds and game-birds. 1895. 598 M8 MivART. American types of animal life. 1893 ' 591 M3 Cat. 1881 599 M Morris. History of British butterflies. 1876 595 M3 Natural history of the nests and eggs of British birds. 3v. 1875 *598 M9 MoRWoou. Facts and phasts of animal Ufe. 1883 j 591 M4 Napier. Lakes and rivers. 1879 590 N Natural history of insects. 1831 595 N NuTTALL. Popular handbook of the ornithology of the United States and Canada. 2v. 1891 598 N Packard. Common insects. 1873 595 P Entomology for beginners. 1889.... 595 PI Guide to the study of insects. 1880. . 595 P2 Half-hours with insects. 1877 595 P3 Zoology for students and general readers. 1879 590 P Parkhcrst. Birds' calendar. 189-1 598 P Perry, and others. American game fishes. 1892 597 P Pettigrew. Animal locomotion. 1874.. 591 P Philp. Reason why ; natural history of man and the lower animals. 1869.. 590 PI Pliny. Boys' and girls' Pliny. 1885.... j 590 P2 Porter. Wild beasts. 1894 599 P Reid. Naturalist in Siluria. 1889 590 Jl Romanes. Animal intelligence. 1883 591 R Mental evolution of animals. 1884... 591 Rl RoMER. Anecdotal and descriptive natural history; aquatic, domestic, and minor animals. 1872 599 R Anecdotal and descriptive natural his- tory ; animals 599 Rl RusKiN. Love's meinie. 1873 598 R Salt. Animals' rights considered in rela- tion to social progress. 1894 590 S Samuels. Birds of New England. 1870. *598 S ScuDDER. Brief guide to the commoner butterflies of the northern U. S. and Canada. 1893 595 8 SiEBOLD. Anatomy of the invertebrata. 1854 .' 592 S Smithsonian InsTitction. Bulletin of the U. S. national museum. 1893. *599 S Smithsonian Institution. Directions for collecting birds. 1891. *598 SI Stannard. Outdoor common birds 598 S2 Tandon. World of the sea. 1869 590 T Taylor. Aquarium. 1876 590 TI Half-liours at the seaside. 1872 590 T2 Mountain and moor. 1879 590 T3 Playtime naturalist. 1889 j 591 T Underground. 1879 590 T4 Tenney. Natural history of animals. 1873 o90T5 Torrey. Birds in the bush. 1885 598 T Treasures of the deep. 1876 597 T United States. Geological survey of the territories. Birds of the northwest. 1874 *591U Reports of entomological commission. 3v. 1878-83 *595 U Van Brcyssel. Population of an old pear- tree. 1870 .595 V Wallace. Island life. 1881 591 W White. Natural history of Selborne. 1861 : 590W Wiedersheim. Elements of comparative anatomy of vertebrates. 1886 591 Wl Wilder and Gage. Anatomical tech- nology. 1886 591 W2 WiLLCOX. Pocket guide to the common land birds of New England. 1895. 598 W Wilson and Bonaparte. American or- nithology. 3v *598W1 Wood, J. G. Animal traits and characters. 599 W Birds of the Bible. 1887 598 W2 Boy's own book of natural history j 590 Wl Domestic animals of the Bible. 1887. 590 W2 Illustrated natural history; birds. 1^72 598 W3 Illustrated natural history; reptiles, fishes, molluscs. 1871 590 W3 Illustrated natural history ; mammalia. 1872 599 Wl Insects at home. 1872 ^^^ ^^ Lane and field. 1879 590 W4 My feathered friends j 598 W4 Romance of animal life. 1889 590 W5 Routledge's popular history. 1870. • • 590 W6 Sketches and anecdotes of animal life. 1854 599W2 Strange dwellings. 1872 591 W3 Wild animals of the Bible. 1887 .... 590 W7 Wood, T. Our insect enemies. 1885... 591 W4 Wood, W. General conchology. 1835.. 594 W Woodward. Manual of the moUusca. 1875 594W1 Wright, J. INI. Sea-side and way-side. 1892 j 590 W8 Wright, M. O. Birdcraft. 1895 598 W5 USEFUL ARTS. GENERAL WORKS. Appletons'cyclopsedia of applied mechanics ; ed. by Park Benjamin. 2v. 1885. *603 B Bancroft. Book of the fair. 3v. 1893. *606 B Beckmann. History of inventions, dis- coveries, and origins. 2v. i846-72. 608 B BiGELOw. Elements of technology. 1829. 604 B Useful arts, considered in connexion with the applications of science. 2v. 1840 609 B BoLLES. Industrial history of the United States. 1889 609 Bl Bremmer, and others. Great industries of Great Britain. 3v 609 B2 Bruce. Century; its fruits and its festi- vals. 1877 606 Bl Burnley. Romance of invention. 1886. 608 Bl Campin. Law of patents for inventions. 1869 608 C Cassell, Fetter, and Galpin, puis. Technical educator. 4v 603 C Daly. Glimpses of Irish industries. 1889. 609 D DAVis,.a?i6^ others. Professional and in- dustrial history of Suffolk county, . Mass. 3v. 1894 *609 Dl Dick. Encyclopa?dia of practical receipts and processes. 1872 603 D Empire of Brazil at the universal exhibi- tion of 1876, Philadelphia 606 E Enquire within upon everything, to which is added enquire within upon fancy needlework. 1871 603 E Exliibition of the works of industry of all nations, 1851. Reports. 1852 *606 El Fireside philosophy 604 F Greeley, and others. Great industries of the United States. 1873 609 G Guillemin. Applications of physical forces. 1877 608 G Hartshorne. Household cyclopedia. 1876 603 H Hazen. Panorama of professions and trades. 1836 603 HI Jenks. Century world's fair book for boys and girls. 1893 j 606 J Knight's American mechanical dictionary. 4v. 1874-84 *603 K Massachusetts. World's fair managers. Board of. Report. 1894 *606 M Mateaux. Wonderland of work j 604 M Meath, comp. Prosperity or pauperism ? 1888 607 M Millet, and others. Some artists at the fair. 1893 606 Ml Moore, comp. New Hampshire at the centennial. 1876 606 M2 Munn & Co., p)uhs. United States patent law. 1871 608 M Philadelphia International Exhibi- tion. 1876. Official Catalogue of the British section. 1876 -606 P Ralph. Chicago and the world's fair. 1893 606 R Revue de I'exposition de 1889 *606 Rl Rogers. Industrial and commercial his- tory of England. 1892 609 R Russell. Systematic technical education for the English people. 1869 607 R Russia. Industries* of Russia. 1893. 600 R Contents : v. 1-2, Manufactures and trade. V. 3, Agriculture and forestry. V. 4, Mining and metallurgy. V. 5, Siberia. Saunders, ed. Our national centennial jubilee. 1877 606 S United States. International exhibition, Vienna. 1873. Commissioners to. Reports. 4v. 1876 *606 U Paris universal exposition. 1867. Commissioners to. Reports. 6v. 1870 *606U1 Official catalogue. 1889 606 U2 Reports. 1889. 5v. 1890-1 *606 U3. Waring. Masterj^ieces of industrial art and sculpture at the international exhibition. 1862 *606 W We ALE. Dictionary of terms used in architecture, building, etc. 1873.. 603 W Wood. Nature's teachings. 1885 601 W World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago. Official catalogue, exhibition of the German empire. 1893 *606 G MEDICINE. Adam. Sandow on physical training. 1894 American Public Health Association. Reports. 1879. v. 5, 7 *613A 614 A USEFUL ARTS. 183 Angell. How to take care of our eyes. 1878 613 Al Angerstein and Eckler. Home gym- nastics 613 A2 Bazar book of health. 1873 613 B Beale. On slight ailments. 1880 616 B Beard. Eating and drinking. 1871 613 Bl Practical treatise on nervous exhaus- tion. 1880 616 Bl Beecher. Letters to the people on health and happiness. 1855 613 B2 Bell. Keport on importance and economy of sanitary measure to cities. 185'J. 614 B Bellows. How not to be sick. 1868 .... 613 B3 Philosophy of eating. 1872 613 B4 Billings and Hurd. Suggestions to hos- pital and asylum visitors. 1895 613 B5 Bird. Protection against fire. 1873.... 611 Bl BissELL. Manual of hygiene 613 B6 Physical development and exercise for women. 1891 613 B7 Blaikie. How to get strong and how to stay so. 1881 613 B8 Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 1884 j 613 B9 Blaisdell. Young folks' physiology. 1884 j 612 B Boland. Handbook of invalid cooking. 1893 613 BIO Brackett. Technique of rest. 1892 613 Bll Bridger. Man and his maladies. 1889.. 616 B2 Brideman, and others. Essays on the street realignment, reconstruction, and sanitation of central London. 1886 614 B2 Brown, G. P. Sewer-gas and its dangers. 1881 614 B3 Brown, R. T. Elements of i)hysiology and hygiene. 1872 612 Bl BucHAN. Domestic medicine. 1821 610 B BuLLARD. Chronic tea poisoning. 1886. 613 B12 BuTSON. Art of washing. 1880 613 B 13 Call. As a matter of course. 1894 613 C Power througli repose. 1891 613 CI Carpenter. Principles of human physi- ology. 1868 612 C Carter. Eyesight. 1880 61 1 C Chadwick. Health of nations. 2v. 1887. 614 C Chambers. Manual of diet in health and disease. 1875 613 C2 Chauveau. Comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. 1873 619 C Checkley. Natural method of physical training. 1890 613 C3 Christian science journal, v. 12. 1894-95. 615 C Clapp. Is consumption contagious? 1882. 616 C Clark. Look upward. 1891 615 CI CoLMAN. Alcohol and hygiene. 1880 613 C4 ComSe. Principles of phj'siology. 1835. 612 CI Corning. Treatise on headache and neu- ralgia. 18SS 616 CI Davis. Hygiene for girls. 1883 613 D Dessar, ed. Home treatment for catarrhs and colds. 1894 616 D Dewar. "What ails the baby?" 1890. 618 D Dulles. What to do first in accidents and emergencies. 1883 614 D Eddy. Science and health. 2v. 1882. 615 E Science and health : with key to the Scriptures. 1891 615 El Evans. Primitive mind-cure. 1885 615 E2 Ferrier. Functions of the brain. 1876. 611 F First help in accidents and in sickness. 1871 610 F Flint. Text-book of human physiology. 1884 *612F Foster. Physiology. 1877 612 Fl Fothergill. Animal physiology. 1881. j 612 r2 Maintenance of health. 1875 613 F and AVooD. Food for the invalid and convalescent. 1880 613 Fl Frey. Compendium of histology. 1878. 611 Fl Gairdner. Physician as naturalist. 1889. 610 G Galton. Observations on the construc- tion of healthy dwellings. 1880... 613 G Gardner. Longevity. 1875 612 G Garratt. Myths in medicine and old- time doctors. 1884 610 Gl Granier. Conferences upon homoeopathy. 1860 615 G Granville. Common mind- troubles. 1879 613G1 How to make the best of life. 1882 . . 613 G2 Secret of a clear head. 1879 613 G3 Sleep and sleeplessness. 1881 613 G4 Gray. Anatomy. 1887 611 G Green, F. AV. E. Colour-blindness and colour-perception. 1891 617 G Green, S. A. History of medicine in Massachusetts. 1881 610 G2 Greenfield. Alcohol. 1879 613 G5 Hall. Bronchitis and kindred diseases. 1871 616H Health and disease as affected by con- stipation and its unmedicinal cure. 1872 C13H How to live long. 1875 613 HI Sleep. 1871 613 H2 Hammond. On certain conditions of nervous derangement. 1881 616 HI Hartelids. Home gymnastics for the preservation and restoration of health. 1883 615 H Hartshorne. Practical household phy- sician. 1891 610 H Heap. Ancient and modern light-houses. 1889 614H Heart and its functions. 1881 611 H Hering. Homoeopathic domestic physi- cian. 1858 610 HI Hill. Our canine companions in health and disease. 1891 614 HI 184 USEFUL ARTS. HiNTON, e^. Health and its conditions. 1871. 613 H3 Physiology for practical use. 1874.. 612 H HoLBKOOK. Hygiene of the brain and nerves and the cure of nervousness. 1878 61G H2 Holmes. Medical essays. 1883 610 H2 House and its surroundings. 1879 613 H4 Howard. Phj'siology of artistic singing. 1886 612 HI Hudson. Sea-sickness. 1883 616 H3 HuFELAND. Art of prolonging life 612 H2 Huxley and Youmaxs. Elements of physiology and hygiene. 1870 612 H3 Jackson. Letters to a young physician. 1855 610 J Jeffries. Color-blindness. 1879 617 J Jordan. Anatomy and physiology in character. 1886 613 J JuDD. Always strong and happy. 1895. . 613 Jl Kerr. Inebriety. 1888 616 K KiNGSFORD. Health, beauty, and the toilet. 1886 613 K Kitchen. Consumption. 1885 616 Kl Lawson. Manual of popular physiology. 1873 612 L Le Pileur. Wonders of the human body. 1871 612 LI Lewes. Physiology of common life. 2v. 1860 612 L2 Lewis. Five-minute chats with young women and certain other parties. 1892 613 L New gymnastics for men, women, and children. 1871 613 LI Our digestion. 1872 613 L2 Our girls. 1874 613 L3 Lincoln. School and industrial hygiene. ■1880 613 L4 Mace. History of a mouthful of bread. 1866 612 M Mackenzie. Fatal illness of Frederick the Noble. 1888 616 M Maclaren. Training in theory and prac- tice. 1874 613 M McSherrt. Health and how to promote it. 1879 613 Ml Manual of nursing. 1878 610 M Marshall. Description of the human body. 2v. 1875 612 Ml Martin. Human body. 1881 612 M2 Massachusetts. Board of health. Official record. 1874 *614 M Reports. 27v. 1871-95 *614 Ml Massachusetts Medical Society. Acts of incorporation, together with the by-laws and orders. 1806 610 Ml Merriman. "What shall make us whole? 1888 615 M Meyer. Organs of speech and their appli- cation. 1884 612 M3 Mind in nature. 1885-6 615 Ml Mitchell. Doctor and patient. 1888... 610 M2 Morris. Management of the skin and hair 613 M2 MuNROE, AV. H. Philosophy of cure. 1873 610 M3 Murrey. Cookery for invalids 613 M3 New Hampshire. Board of health. An- nual reports, llv. 1881-92 *614N Page. Natural cure of consumption. 1883 616 P Posse. Swedish system of gymnastics. 1890 613 P Post. I am well. 1895 615 P Premature death. 1879 614 P Proctor. Strength. 1889 613 PI Pulte. Homoeopathic domestic physician. 1890 616 PI Ralfe. Exercise and training 613 R Remington. Practice of pharmacy. 1890 *615 R Richardson. Diseases of modern life. 1876.. 616 R RoosA. Doctor's suggestions to the com- munity. 1880 610 R Russell. Yawning. 1891 613 Rl Salisbury. Relation of alimentation and disease. 1888 616 S Sanburn, comp. Delsartean scrap-book. 1890 613 S Sawyer. Nerve waste, hygiene of the nervous constitution. 1889 616 Si Seguin. Opera minora. 1884 ..• 616 S2 Sharp. Tracts on homoeopathy. 1856... 615 8 Shore. Life under glass. 1874 613 Si Smith. Health. 1875 613 S2 Spencer. Modern gymnast 613 S3 TiCKNOR. Philosophy of living. 1836... 613 T Thoms. Human longevity. 1873 612 T Treves. Influence of clothing on health. 613 Tl Trouessart. Microbes, ferments, and moulds. 1886 616 T Tyndall. Floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infec- tion. 1882 614 T United States. Agriculture, department of, investigation of diseases of do- mesticated animals. 1879 614 U Walker. Health lessons. 1887 j 613 W Warren, l.^and Small. Household physi- cian. 1873 616 W Warren, J. C. Preservation of health. 1854 613 Wl Wood. Ideal suggestion through mental photography. 1893 615 W Woolson, ecZ. Dress-reform. 1874 613 W2 Wyman. Autumnal catarrh. 1872 616 Wl YouATT. Horse. 1872 614 Y ZiEMSSEN. Cyclopaedia of the practice of * medicine. 17v. 1874-78 *610 Z USEFUL ARTS. 185. ENGINEERING. Allsop. Practical electric-light fitting. . . C21 A Anderson. Strength of materials and structures. 1872 C20 A Atkinson. Elements of electric lighting. 1889 621 Al Atkton. Practical electricity. 1889... 021 A2 Bell. Practical methods of ventilating buildings. 1848 +028 B Billings. Principles of ventilation and heating. 1884 628 Bl BoTTONE. Electro motors. 1891 021 B BouLNOis. Municipal and sanitary en- gineer's handbook. 1883 628 B2 Bourne. Catechism of the steam engine. 1851 C21 Bl BuRNELL. Rudiments of hydraulic en- gineering. 1858 627 B BvRNE. Handbook for the artisan, me- chanic, and engineer. 1870 621 B2 Campin. Practice of hand-turning in wood, ivory, shell 621 C CoLBURN. Locomotive engineering. 2v. 1871 *621 CI CoRFiELD. Digest of facts relating to the treatment and utilisation of sewage. 1871 028 C Crosby. Description of the Crosby steam- engine indicator. 1880 621 C2 Crowningshield. All among the light- houses. 1886 j 627 C Demsey. Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of towns and buildings. 1854 628 D Donaldson. Drawing and rough sketch- ing for marine engineers. 1884... 620 D Rough working drawing for first- class engineers. 1883 620 Dl Eassie. Healthy houses. 1872 628 E Edwards. Practical steam engineer's guide. 1884 621 E Emerson. Treatise on the manner of testing water-wheels and machinery. 1872 621 El Engineer and machinist's drawing-book. 1885 *620 E EvERS. Steam and the locomotive engine. 1873 021 E2 Steam and the steam-engine. 1873... ^ 021 E3 Ewbank. Descriptive and historical ac- count of hydraulic and other ma- chines. 1870 621 E4 Eairbairn. Principles of mechanism. 1873. 021 F Fanning. Practical treatise on hydraulic and water-supply engineering. 1884. 028 F Fitzgerald. Boston machinist. 1868... 021 Fl Forney. Catechism of the locomotive. 1883 621 F2 Frith. Triumphs of modern engineering. 020 F Galloway. Steam engine and its inven- tors. 1881 621 G Gerhard. Hints on drainage and sewerage ofdwelHngs. 1884 628 G Gillispie. Manual of the principles and practice of road-making. 1853.... 625 G Greene. Coal and the coal mines. 1893. 622 G Grimshaw. Steam engine catechism. 1880 021 GIL Harcourt. Achievements in engineering. 1 89 1 620 H Hasluck. Wood turner's handy book. 1887 621 H Haupt. General theory of bridge con- struction. 1871 024 H Hellyer. Plumber and sanitary houses. 628 H Historical Pcblishing Co. City of Bos- ton ; its steam interests and leading engineers. 1886 021 HI Historical sketch of the Middlesex canal. 1843 *026 H Holly. Art of saw-filing. 1872 621 H2" Hughes. American miller and millwright's assistant. 1870 621 H3 Knollys. Hand-book of field fortifica- tion. 1873 623 K Lesseps. Suez canal. 1876 626 L. Luce. Electric railways and the electric transmission of power. 1886 021 L. LuKiN. Lathe and its uses. 1868 621 LI Young mechanic. 1876 621 L2^. Martin and Sachs. Electrical boats and navigation. 1894 621 M Massachusetts. Board of health. Report upon the sewerage of the Mystic and Charles river valleys. 1889. . . *628 W Murray. Treatise on marine engines and steam vessels. 1874 023 M Niblett. Secondary batteries 021 N Nicholson File Co. Treatise on files and rasps. 1878 *021 Nl OsBORN. Practical manual of minerals, mines, and mining. 1888 622 O Overman. Mechanics. 1801 '■' 021 O Personal recollections of English en- gineers. 1808 025 P Plunkett. Women plumbers, and doc- tors. 1885 628 P- Pympton. How to become an engineer. 1891 C20P Pope. Evolution of the electric incandes- cent lamp. 1889 621 P Potter. Road and roadside. 1886 625 PI Rafter and Baker. Sewerage disposal in the United States. 1894 '^628 R Raymond. Mines and mining of the Rocky mountains. 1871 622 R Silver and gold. 1873 622 Rl Reed and Simpson. Modern ships of war. 1888 623 R 186 USEFUL ARTS. Reynolds. Model locomotive engineer, fireman, and engine-boy. 1879 621 E EoDiGUES. Panama canal. 1885 626 R EoPER. Catechism of high pressure. 1876 ■ 621 El Engineer's handy-book. 1883 621 R2 Use and abuse of the steam boiler. 1876 621 E3 s. Archery. 1894.. 796 LI Macaulay's dialogues for little folks. 1876. j 793 M Manley. Notes on game and game shoot- ing 799 M " Margaret, "'^sei/f^. Theatrical sketches. 1894 792 M Markiott and. Alcock. Rugby union game and association game. 1894. . 797 M I Marshall, and others. Football ; Rugby union game. 1892 797 Ml Marston. Our recent actors. 2v. 1888. 792 Ml Maskely-ne. Sharps and flats. 1894 795 M Matthews. Studies of the stage. 1894. 792 M2 Mayer, ed. Sport with gun and rod in American woods and waters. 1883. 799 Ml Melville. Riding recollections. 1879.. 798 M Meunier, cornp. Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. 1873. 799 M2 Mitchell, Duplicate whist. 1891 795 Ml MoRPHY. Games of chess. 1^90 794 M Murdoch. Stage. 1880 792 M3 Murphy. American game-bird shooting. 1882 799 M3 Sporting adventures in the far west. • 1880 799 M4 Newell. Games and songs of American children. 1883 '. ... j 790 N NoRRis. American angler's book. 1865. 799 N Norton and Habberton. Canoeing in Kanuckia. 1878 797 N O'Doxoghue. Riding for ladies, with hints on the stable. 1887 798 Ordish. Early London theatres. 1894.. 792 O'Reilly. Ethics and manly sport. 1888. 796 Orvis and Cheney. Fishing with the fly. 1883 799 O OsMUN. Actors and acting. 1894 792 01 Palmer, and others. Athletic sports in America, England, and Australia. 1889 797 P Parlor tableau and amateur theatricals. 1867 793 P Peile. Lawn tennis as a game of skill. 1887 796 P Peknell, and others. Fishing. 2v. 1885. 799 P Pettes. American whist illustrated. 1890 795 P Whist universal. 1887 795 PI Phelan. Game of billiards. 1^58 794 P Pole. Evolution of whist. 1895 795 P2 Pollock, a?! (Z others. Fencing. 1889... 796 PI Porter. Cycling for health and pleasure. 1895 796 P2 " Portland," e(Z. Whist table. 1894... 795 P3 Practical hints on shooting. 1887 799 PI Prouty. Fish, habits and haunts, fishing as a recreation. 1883 799 P2 Reynardson. " Down the road." 1887.. 798 R Sports and anecdotes of by-gone days. 1887 799 R Rheinhap.dt. AVhist scores and card- table talk. 1887 795 R Rondelle. Foil and sabre. 1892 796 R Rooseveldt. Florida and tlie game water- birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes. 1884 799 R2 Roosevelt. Hunting trips of a ranch- man. 1886 799 Rl Routledge, ed. Every boy's annual. 5v. 790 Rl 198 LITERATURE. ROUTLEDGE, ed. Every girl's annual 790 R Sachs. Sleight of hand 791 S Scott. Dancing as an art and pastime. 1892 793 S Fishing in American waters. 1873... 799 S Shearman. Athletics and football. 1887. 796 S Shields, ed. Big game of North America. 1890 799 SI Shilds. Camping and camp outfits. 1890. 796 SI Shoemaker, Mrs., ed. Choice dialogues. ■ 1885 7-93 SI Dialogues. 1889 793 S2 Sinclair and Henrt. Swimming. 1893. 796 S2 Sjiith. Festivals, games, and amuse- ments. 1831 790 S Law of field-sports. 1886 796 S3 Sociable. 1859 793 S3 Stagg and Williams. Scientific and practical treatise on American foot- ball. 1894 797 S Staunton. Chess-player's companion. 1870 794 S Chess-player's handbook. 1875 794 SI Steele. Paddle and portage from Moose- head lake to the Aroostook river, Maine. 1882 796 S4 Steel a»(^ Lyttelton. Cricket. 1888.. 797 Sl Suffolk, ««£? others. Racing and steeple- chasing. 1886 798 S Sullivan, and. others. Yachting. 2v. 1894 707 S2 SwiNTON. Chess for beginners. 1891... 794 S2 Thompson. Witchery of archery. 1878. 796 T Tongue. Records of the chase and me- moirs of famous sportsmen. 1877. 799 T Trench. Passion play at Ober-Ammergau. 1890 792 T Vance, and others. Ways for boys to make and do things. 1887 ... . j 790 V Vandenhoff. Leaves from an actor's notebook. 1860 792 V Van Doren. Fishes of the east Atlantic coast. 1884 799 V Vtner. Notitia venatica; treatise on fox- hunting. 1892 799 VI Walker. Chess made easj*. 1837 794 W Walkley. Playhouse impressions. 1892. 792 W Walsingham and Gallwey. Shooting. 2v. 1886 799 W Walton and Cotton. Complete angler. 1870 799 Wl Watson. Race course and covert side. 1883 798 W Weir. Riding. 1891 798 Wl Whitney'. Sporting pilgrimage. 1895... 797 W WiLLARD. Wheel within a wheel. 1895. . 796 W Williams and. Frost. Evening amuse- ments. 1878 ■ 793 W Winn. Boxing. 1890 796 Wl WiNSLOAV. Yesterdays with actors. 1887. 792 Wl WoLLEY. Big game shooting. 2v. 1894. 799 W2 WooDGATE. Boating. 1888 797 Wl Woodruff. Trotting horse of America. 1877 798 W2 Xenophon. Art of horsemanship. 1893. 798 X LITERATURE. GENERAL WORKS. Arvine. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of lit- erature and the fine arts. 1883. . . • 803 A Author ; a monthh* magazine for literary workers. 3v. 1889-91 805 A Barrows. Acts and anecdotes of authors. 1889 *803 B Berington. Literary historj- of the mid- dle ages. 1883 809 B Breaver. Dictionary of phrase and fable. *80o Bl Reader's handbook of allusions. 1888. *803 B2 Browning. Book of the poets. 1877 804 B Buchanan. Look round Uterature. 1877. 804 Bl Caird. Essays on literature and philoso- phy. 2v. 1892 804 C Carlyle. Lectures on the history of lit- erature. 1892 809 C Cheltnam, ed. Dramatic year book. 1891 *809 CI Clouston. Popular tales and fictions. 2v. 1887 809 C2 Collier. History of English literature. 1882 809 C3 Corson. Aims of literary study. 1895. 804 CI Critic, v. 20-22. 1898-5 805 C Dial. V. 15-17. 1893-5 805 D Doavden. Studies in literature. 1878... 804 D Drake. Essays, illustrative of the Ram- bler, AdA-enturer, and Idler. 2v. 1809-10 804 Dl Essays, illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. 3v. 1805. 804 D2 DuNLOP. History of prose fiction. 2v. 1888 809 D Erichsen. Methods of authors. 1894.. 801 E LITERATURE. 199 Everett. Poetry, comedy, and duty. 1888 801 El GRiiiM. Literature. 1886 804 G Hallam. Introduction to the literature of Europe. 4v. 1872 809 H Hill. "Writers and readers. 1892 804 H HuTTOX. Criticisms on contemporary thought and thinkers. 2v. 1894.. 801 H Kames. Elements of criticism. 1855... 801 K KiLLiKELLY. Curious questions. 2v. 1886. 803 K Same. 2v. 1894 *803 K Literary world, v. 17-25. 1887-94 805 L Mabie. Essays in literary interpretation. 1892 804 M Short studies in literature. 1891 804 Ml Miller, comp. " "Who and what." 1878. 803 M Montgomery. Lectures on general liter- ature, poetry, etc. 1833 804 M2 Peabody. .Esthetic papers. 1849 801 P PosxETT. Comparative literature. 1886. 801 PI QcACKEyBos. Illustrated history of ancient literature. 1881 809 Q Rees. Brotherhood of letters. 1889 804 R Robertson. Essays towards a critical method. 1889 804 Rl ScHLEGEL. Lectures on the history of literature, ancient and modern. 1882. 809 S ScuDDER. Childhood in literature and art. 1894 801 S SiSMONDi. Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. 1872. 2v. 809 SI Southwick. Quizzism, andits key. 1886. 803 S Spedding. Evenings with a reviewer. 2v. 1881 801 SI "Walsh. Handy-book of literary curiosities. 1893 *803 "W Watson. Excursions in criticism. 1893. 801 "W "Wells. Things not generally known. 1873 803 "Wl "Wheeler, "W. Adolphus. "Who wrote it? 1887 *803 W3 "Wheeler, "W. Augustus. Familiar allusions. 1882 803 "W'2 "Writer ; a monthly magazine for literary workers. 6v. 1887-93 805 "W' RHETORIC AND COLLECTIONS FOR READ- ING AND SPEAKING. Allibone. Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson. 1873 808 A Bacon. Manual of gesture. 1879 808 B Bain. EngUsh composition and rhetoric. 1882 808 Bl Baker. Grand army speaker. 1888 808 B2 Handy speaker. 1876 808 B3 Humorous speaker. 1888 808 B4 Reading club and handy speaker. 4v. 1879 808 B5 Ballou. Edge-tools of speech. 1866... 808 B6 Genius in sunshine and shadow. 1887. 808 B7 Bartlett. Familiar quotations. 1875... 808 B8 Baxendale. Dictionary of anecdote ; in- cident ; illustrative fact. 1888 808 B9 Beecher. Recitations 808 BIO Benedict. Pieces to speak. 1893 808 BU Bent. Short sayings of great men. 1882. 808 B12 Besast, and others. My first book. 1894. 808 B 13 Blair. Abridgement of lectures on rhetoric. 1809 808 B 14 Burton. Cyclopsedia of wit and humor. 1872 808 B15 Campbell and Root. Columbian speaker. 1874 808 C Carrington. Patriotic reader. 1887.... 808 CI Complete debater. 1884 808 C2 Cumnock, comp. Choice readings for public and private entertainment. 1878 808 C3 Debater's handbook. 1887 808 D Dick. Dick's recitations and readings. 13v. 1876 808 Dl Dickens. Nicholas Nickleby at the York- shire school, and other readings. 1886 808 D2 Diehl. Quarterly elocutionist. 2v 808 D3 Reading and elocution. 1874 808 D4 Edwards. Dictionary of thoughts. 1891. *808 E EsTES, cowi^. Nature and art. 1882 *808 El Firth. Voices for the speechless. 1883. 808 F Fletcher. Advanced readings and reci- tations. 1881 808 Fl FoBES. Elocution simplified. 1877 808 F2 comp. Five-minute declamations. 2v. 1892 808 F3 Five-minute readings. 1892 808 F4 Five-minute recitations. 1885 808 F5 Gilder, ed. Representative poems of living poets. 1886 808 Gl Grocott. Familiar quotations 808 G2 Handford, comp. Elmo's model speaker for platform, school, and home. 1890 808 H Hargreaves. Literary workers. 1889.. 808 HI Higginson. Hints on writing and speech- making. 1887 808 H2 Hill. Foundations of rhetoric. 1892 . . '. 808 H3 Holmes, ed. Recitations for Christmas. 1887 808 H4 Johnson, ed. Little classics. 18v. 1874. 808 J For contents, see " Little classics " in author list. King. Classical and foreign quotations. 1887 808 K Knight. Half-hours with the best authors. 4v 808 Kl Leffingwell, ed. Reading book of Eng- lish classics. 1879 808 L Legouve. Reading as a fine art. 1879.. 808 LI 200 LITERATURE. Lixx, comp. Golden gleams of thought. 1888 808 L2 Longfellow, e(Z. Poems of places, olv. 1876-79 808 L3 Poets and poetry of Europe. 1871. . . *808 L-t Magill. Pantomimes. 1872 808 M Mathews. Oratory and orators. 1879.. 808 Ml Monroe, A. Model Sunday - school speaker. 1889 808 M2 Monroe, L. B., conij}. Young folks' read- ings. 1886 j 808 M6 ed. Public and parlor readings, dramas, and dialogues. 1881 808 M3 Public and parlor readings : humorous. 1888 808 M4 Public and parlor readings : miscel- laneous. 1873 808 M5 Morris, Charles, ed. Half-hours with the best foreign authors. 4v. 1888. 808 M7 Half-hours with the best humorous authors. -Iv. 1890 808 MS Ogden. Model speeches for all school occasions. 1888 808 One hundred choice selections. 3-lv. 1895. 808 G Peck. Speaking pieces for little scholars and older pupils. 1892 j 808 P Phelps. English style in public discourse, with special reference to the usages of the pulpit. 1883 808 PI Philbrick. Primary union speaker. 186G. j 808 P2 Pittenger. Extempore speech. 1883... 808 P3 Prelst, comp. Little pieces for little speakers. 1871 j 808 P-1 Raymond. Orator's manual. 1879 808 R Poetry as a representative art. 1886. 808 Rl Russell. Use of the voice in reading and in speaking. 1883 808 R2 Sanborn. Wit of women. 1886 808 S Schlegel. Course of lectures on dramatic art and literature. 1889 808 Sl Shaw, and others, comp. Yellow ribbon speaker. 1891 808 S2 Spofford and Gibbon, ed. Library of choice literature. lOv. 1888 808 S3 Stedman. Nature and elements of poetry. 1892 808 S-1 SwiNTON, ed. Masterpieces of English literature. 1880 808 So Symonds. Blank verse. 1895 808 S6 Thoughts for the occasion ; patriotic and secular. 1894 808 T Thurston, ed. Echoes of many voices. 1885 808 Tl Warman. Gestures and attitudes. 1892. 808 W Warner, CO-/-/IJ). Book of eloquence. 1877 808 Wl Welsh. Complete rhetoric. 1885 808 W2 Werner, puh. Directory of elocutionists, readers, lecturers, and other public instructors and entertainers. 1887. *808 W3 Writer's handbook. Young lady's book. . 1888. 808 W4 808 Y AMERICAN LITERATURE. CRITICISM AND GENERAL WORKS. Beers, ed. Century of American litera- ture. 1776-1876 810 B Blaisdell. First steps with American and British authors. 189'1 820 B4 Boston book. 1836 810 Bl Channing. Works. 6v. 1873 810 C Cleveland. Compendium of American literature. 1859 810 CI DcYCHiNCK. Cyclopaedia of American literature. 4v. 1866 *810 D Gkiswold. Prose writers of America *810 G Hawthorne and Lemmon. American literature. 1891 810 H Higginson. Short studies of American authors. 1880 810H1 Martin. Choice specimens of American literature. 1874 810 M Morris, comp. Half-hours with the best American authors. 4v. 1887 810 Ml Richardson. American literature. 1607- 1885 810 R Smyth. American literature. 1889 810 S Stedman and Hutchinson, comp. Library of American literature. 1891 810 Sl Tyler. History of American literature. 1607-1765. 1879 810 T Underwood. Handbook of English litera- ture ; American authors. 1873.... 810 U Whipple. American literature and other papers. 1887 810 W Whitcomb. Chronological outlines of American literature. 1894 810 Wl AMERICAN POETRY. Adams. Dialect poems. 1888 811 A Aldrich, a. R. Nadine, and other poems. 1893 811 Al Songs about life, love, and death. 1892 811 A2 Aldrich, T. B. Mercedes, and later lyrics. 1884 811 A3 Poems. 1885 811 A4 Sister's tragedy, with othe'r poems, lyrical and dramatic. 1891 811 A5 Unguarded gates ; and other poems. 1895 811 A6 American poems. 1879 811 A7 Amory. Miscellaneous poems. 1888 811 AS AuRiNGER. Heart of the golden roan. 1891 811 A9 Barker. Poems. 1876 , 811 B Bates. Told in the gate. 1892 811 Bl Bensel. In the king's garden ; and other poems. 1885 811 B2 LITERATURE. 201 Bethune. Lays of love and faith. 1847. •'^11 B3 Betsey Lee : a fo'c's'le yarn. 1873 811 B-t BiLLMAX. Bluebird notes : poems. 1889. 811 B5 BissoxNETTE. Bits of blue. 1893 811 BG Blake. Poems. 1882 811 B7 Brixe. Grandma's attic treasures. 1886. 811 B8 Grandma's memories. 18^8 811 B9 Brooks, C. T. Poems. 188.-. 811 BIO Brooks, F. E. Old age and other poems. 1894 811 Bll Browne, co>-/!2?. Bugle-echoes. 1880 811 B12 Brownell. War-lyrics and other poems. 18(3i5 811 B13 Bruce. Old homestead poems. 1888 811 B14 Wayside poems. 189o 811 Bl.j Bryaxt. Poems. 1879 811 BIG Thirty poems. 1804 811 B17 BcRDiCK. Through field and wood. 1888. 811 B18 BuTTERAVORTH. Songs of history. 1887. 811 B19 California pilgrimage ; by one of the pil- grims. 1884 811 C Carletox. City festivals. 1892 811 CI Farm ballads. 1874 811 C2 Farm festivals. 1881 811 C3 Farm legends. 1870 811 C4 Young folks' centennial rhymes. 1876. j 811 Co Carmax. Low tide on Grand Pro. 1894. 811 CO Carpenter. Liber amoris. 1887 811 C7 Cary, a. Ballads, lyrics, and hymns. 1873 811 C8 and F. Last poems. 1873 811 C9 Carey% P. Poems of faith, hope, and love. 1873 811 CIO Cary, R. L., jr. Tales from the turf and "rank outsiders." 1891 811 CU Chadwick. Book of poems. 1870 811 C12 In Nazareth town. 1883 sll C13 Chaxdler. Lover's year-book of poetry. 2v. 1891-92 811 C14 Chexey; Woodblooms. 1888 811 Clo Clarke. Exotis. 1875 811 ClO Coles. Microcosm, and other poems. 1881 811 C17 Coxe. Ride to the lady, and other poems. 1891 .^ 811 C18 Cook. Poems .* 811 C19 Cox. Another brownie book. 1890 j 811 C20 Brownies around the world. 1894. ... j 811 C21 Brownies at home. 1893 j 81 1 C22 Brownies : their book. 1887 j 811 C23 Queer people. 1888 j 811 C24 Ckaxch. Ariel and Caliban, with other poems. 1887 811 C2.5 Daltox. Lyra bicyclica; sixty poets on the wheel. 1885 811 D DeCosta. Hiawatha. 1873 811 Dl Delaxd. Old garden, and other verses. 1894 811 D2 DicKixsox, E. Poems. 1892 811 D8 DiCKixsox, G. Wanderer. 1888 811 D9 Dodge, M. F. Echoes from Cape Ann. 1889 811 D3- Dodge, M.^L Rhymes and jingles. 1881. j 811 D4 When life is young. 1^94 j 811 D5 DoDGSOX. Rhyme and reason. 1884.... j 811 D6 Dorr. Friar Anselmo, and other poems. 1879 811 D7 Eastburx and Saxds. Yamoj'den. 1820. 811 E" Emersox. May-day, and other pieces. 1871 ' 811 El Poems. 1870 811 E2- Fawcett. Song and story. 1884 811 F Fearixg. In the city by the lake. 1892. 811 Fl Fexollosa. East and west. 1893 811 F2 Festival poems. 1884 811 F3 Field. Little book of western verse. 1890 811 F4 Love songs of childhood. 1894 811 F5 Fields. Ballads, and other verses. 1881. 811 F6 Follex. Poems. 1839 811 F7 Foss. Back country poems. 1892 811 F8- Fraxcis. Book of cheerful cats and other animated animals. 1892 j 811 F9 FcRXESs. Verses : translations from the German and hymns. 1880 811 FIO' Garlaxd. Prairie songs. 1893 811 G Geraldine : a souvenir of the St. Law- rence. 1881 811 Gl Gilder. Celestial passion. 1887 811 G2 Five books of song. 1894 811 G3 Lyrics. 1887 811 G4 New day : a poem in songs and sonnets. 1887 811 G5 Goodale, E. and D. R. Apple-blossoms. 1879 811 GO In Berkshire with the wild flowers. 1880 811 G7 GoRDOX. Feast of the virgins. 1891 811 G8 Greexougii. Mary Magdalene: a poem. 1S80 811 G9 Griswold. Female poets of America. 1874 • *811G10' Poets and poetry of America *811 Gil Halleck. Poetical writings. 1809 811 H HiRLvx. Ida Randolph of Virginia. 1891 811 HI Harlow. Songs of Syracuse. 1890 811 H2 Hart. Harry. 1877 811 H3 Harte. East and west: poems. 1871... 811 H4 Poems. 1871 811 H5 Poetical works. 1882 811 H6 HiRTZELL. Wanderings on Parnassus. 1884 811H7 Hawes. Rhymes of the centuries, and other verses. 1894 811 H8 Haydex. Poems. 1887 811 H9 HA.YXE, p. H. Mountain of the lovers. 1875 811H10 Poems. 1882 811 HU Hazard. Narragansett ballads. 1894... 811 H12: 202 LITERATURE. Hermes. Confessions of Hermes, and other poems. 1884 811 H13 HiGGiNSON. Afternoon landscape. 1889. 811 H14 and Thacher. Such as they are. 1893 811 H15 Holland. Bitter-sweet: a poem. 1887. 811 H16 Garnered sheaves. 1873 811 H17 Ivathrina : a poem. 1887 811 H18 Marble prophecy, and other poems. 1872 811 H19 Mistress of the manse. 1885 811 H20 Holmes. Before the curfew. 1888 8 1 1 H2 1 Iron gate, and other poems. 18S0... 811 H22 Poetical works. 1850-90 811 H23 HowELLS. Poems. 1886 811 H24 Hows, comii. Golden leaves from the American poets. 18G4 811 H25 Hudson. Poems of life and nature. 1883. 811 H26 Jackson. Verses. 1874 811 J Janvier. Dead doll, and other verses. 1889 j 811J1 ^Jeffrey. Crimson hand, and other poems. 1881 811 J2 John Jerningham's journal. 1871 811 J3 Johnson. Poems of twenty years. 1874. 811 J4 JovcE. Blanid. 1879 811 J5 Deirdre. 1876 811 J6 Kettell. Specimens of American poetry. 3v. 1829 811 K Laniek. Poems. 1877 811 L Poems. 1893 811 LI Select poems. 1895 811 L2 JJARCOM, L. At the beautiful gate, and other songs of faith. 1892 811 L3 Childhood songs. 1875 j 811 L4 Idyl of work. 1875 811 L5 Poetical works. 1885 811 L6 liARNED. In woods and fields. 1895.... 811 L7 Lathrop, e<^. Masque of poets. 1878... 811 L8 liEE. Dreamy hours. 1890 811 L9 Leighton. Poems. 1890 811 LIO Lewis. Poetical works. 1883 811 LU Lilian, ^sewtZ. May blossoms. 1890.... 811 L12 Longfellow. Aftermath. 1873 811 L13 Christus, a mystery. 1873 811 L14 Divine tragedy. 1873 811 L15 Hanging of the crane. 1875 811 L16 Keramos, and other poems. 1878.... 811 L17 Masque of Pandora, and other poems. 187G 811 L18 New England tragedies. 1868 811 L19 Poems. 2v. 1871 811 L20 Poetical works. 1885 811 L21 Three books of song. 1872 811 L22 Ultima Thule. 1880 811 L23 Xowe. Bessie Gray, and our step-mother. 1891 811 L24 Olive and the pine. 1893 811 L25 Story of Chief Joseph. 1881 811 L26 Lowell. Bigelow papers. 2v. 1868-71. 811 L27 Heartsease and rue. 1888 811 L28 Lowell. Poetical works. 1876 811 L29 Three memorial poems. 1877 811 L30 Under the willows, and other poems. 1869 811 L31 LuDERS. Dead nymph, and other poems. 1892 ■ 811 L32 Mace. Under pine and palm. 1888 811 M MacGaffey. Poems of gan and rod. 1892 ■ 811 Ml Manning. Passion of life. 1887 ..... 811 M2 Maxwell. Idj^ls of the golden shore. 1889 811 M3 Miller. Sengs of Italy. 1878 811 M4 Songs of the Sierras. 1873 811 M5 Songs of the sun-lands. 1873 811 M6 Moore, ed. Songs and ballads of the American revolution. 1856 811 M8 Moulton. In the garden of dreams. 1891 811 M9 Poems. 1878 811 MIO Swallow flights. 1882 811 Mil Mrs. Jeringham's journal. 1874 811 M7 Munroe. Valeria, and other poems. 1892. 811 M12 New-fashioned girl. 1879 811 N O'Reilly. In Bohemia. 1886 8110 Songs, legends, and ballads. 1878... 81101 Osgood. Poems. 1846 81102 Parsons. Poems. 1893 811 P Peaslee, com]}. Graded selections for memorizing. 1880 811 PI Peck. Cap and bells. 1886 811 P2 Perry. After the ball, and other poems. 1890 811 P3 Lyrics, and other poems. 1891 811 P4 Pfrimmee. Driftwood. 1890 811 P5 Piatt, J. J. Idyls and lyrics of the Ohio valley. 1888 811 P6 Landmarks ; the lost farm, and other poems. 1877 811 P7 Western windows, and other poems. 1877 811 P8 Piatt, Mrs. S. M. B. Enchanted castle, and other poems. 1893 811 P9 In primrose time. 1886 811 PIO Irish wild-flower. 1891 811 Pll That new world, and other poems. 1877 811 P12 Voyage to the fortunate isles. 1874. 811 P13 Woman's poems. 1878 811 P14 Pickens. Wayside wildings 811 P15 PiLLSBURY. Legend of the old mill, and other poems. 1888 811 P16 Plimpton. Poems. 1886 811 P17 Poe. Poems. 1872 811 P18 Powers. Lyrics of the Hudson. 1891. 811 P19 Praed. Political and occasional poems. 1888 811 P20 Preston. Cartoons. 1875 811 P21 Colonial ballads, sonnets, and verse. 1887 811 P22 LITERATURE. 203 PuKDY. Legends of the Susquehanna, and other poems. 1888 811 P23 Putnam. Prometheus. 1877 811 P24 Randolph. Aspects of humanity. 1869.. 811 R Raymond. Sketches in song. 1887 811 Rl Read. Poetical works. 1833 811 R2 Repplier, ed. Book of famous verse. 1802 811 R3 Richards. Apostle of Burma. 1889 811 R4 Riley. Armazingdy. 1894 811 R5 Old-fashioned roses. 1889 811 RG Rogers. Wind in the clearing, and other poems. 1895 811 R7 Santayana. Sonnets, and other verses. 1894 811 S Saxe. Poems. 1887 811 Si Scollard. 3ongs of sunrise land. 1892. 811 S2 Sherman. Little-folk lyrics. 1892 j 811 S3 Madrigals and catches. 1887 811 S4 Shillaber. Wide swath, emhracing lines in pleasant places, and other rhymes, wise and otherwise. 1882 811 S5 Shuetleff. Poems. 1883 811 SG SiGOLRNEY. Man of Uz, and other poems. 1862 811 S7 Simms. Poems. 1853 811 S8 SiMOXDS. American song. 1894 811 S,9 Sladen, ed. Younger American poets. 1830-90 811 SIO Some rhymes of Ironquill of Kansas. 1892 811 SU Spalding. Wings of Icarus. 1892 811 S12 Sparks. Hymns, home. Harvard. 1883. 811 S13 Spragce. Poetical and prose writings. 1876 811 S14 Stanton. Songs of the soil. 1894 811 Slo Stedman. Hawthorne, and other poems. 1877 811 SIG Poetical works. 1874 811 S17 Poets of America 811 S18 Stockbridge, G. H. Balder the poet, and other verses. 1894 811 S19 Stockbridge, J. C. Anthony memorial ; a catalogue of the Harris collection of American poetry. 1886 811 S20 Stoddard. Poems. 1880 811 S21 Stone. Ballads and poems relating to the Burgoyne campaign. 1893 *811 S22 Story. Poems. 1856 811 S23 Taylor, B. Home pastorals, ballads, and lyrics. 1875 811 T Lars, a pastoral of Norway. 1873... 811 Tl Poetical works. 1883 811 T2 Taylor, J. Selections from his works. 1863 811 T3 Taylor, W. S. Man immortal. 1891... 811 T4 Thaxter. Poems. 1874 Sll T5 Thomas. In sunshine land. 1895 j 811 T6 New Year's masque, and other poems. 1885 811 T7 Thompson. Poems. 1892 811 T8 ed. Humbler poems. 1870-85 811 T9 TiMROD. Poems. 1873 811 TIC TowNSEND. Down the bayou, and other poems. 18.S2 811 TU TuppER. Echoes from dream-land. 1890. 811 T12 Utter. King's daughter, and other poems. 1888 811 U Van Duzu. By the Atlantic. 1892 811V Very. Poems and essays. 1886 811 VI Ward. Poetic studies. 1875 811 W Songs of the silent world, and other poems. 1885 811 Wl Warren. Gov. Winthrop's return to Boston. 1883 811 W2 Washburn. Songs of the seasons, and other poems 811 W3 Whitman, J/-;s. S. H. Poems. 1879.... 811 W4 Whitman, Walter. Good-bye, my fancy. 1891 811 W5 Leaves of grass. 1894 811 W6 November boughs. 1888 811 W7 Selected poems. 1892 811 W8 Whitney. Bird talk. 1887 811 W9 Mother goose for grown folks. 1890. 811 WIO Pansies . . . for thoughts. 1872 811 Wll Whittier, E. H. Poems. 1875 in 811 W14 Whittier, J. G. At sundown. 1892 811 W12 Baj' of Seven islands, and other poems. 1883 811 W13 Hazel blossoms. 1875 811 W14 King's missive, and other poems. 1881 811 W15 Poetical works. 1876 811 W16 Poetical works. 4v. 1888 811 W17 Vision of Echard, and other poems. 1878 811 W18 ed. Child Ufe. 1875 j 811 W19 Wilcox. Drops of water. 1872 811 W20 Poems of pleasure. 1893 811 W21 Wilkinson. Poems. 1883 811 W22 Williams. Flute player, and other poems. 1894 811 W23 Willis. Poems. 1873 811 W24 Wilson. In memoriam ; Abraham Lin- coln 811 W25 Winter. Wanderers. 1889 811 W26 WooLSEY. Rhymes and ballads for boys and girls. 1892 j 811 W27 AMERICAN DRAMA. Allender. Imbroglio. 1885 812 A Baker. Amateur dramas. 18G6 812 B Drawing-room stage. 1873 812 Bl Mimic stage. 1873 812 B2 Social stage. 1873 812 B3 Chanler. Herod and Mariamne. 1888. 812 C French, i3i/5. Minor dramas. 23v 812 F 204 LITERATURE. FcRNiss. Box of monkeys and other farce- comedies. 1891 812 Fl GiLDEHAUS. Plays : Sibyl, Telemachus, .Eneas. 1888 812 G Harte. Two men of Sandy Bar. 187(3.. * 812 H HowELLS. Counterfeit presentments. 1877 812 HI Evening dress. 1893 812 H2 Five o'clock tea. 1894 812 H3 Garroters. 1894 812 H4 Letter of introduction. 3892 812 Ho Mouse-trap. 1894 812 HO Out of the question. 1877 812 H7 Sea-change. 1888 812 H8 Sleeping-car. 1883 812 H9 Sleeping-car, and other farces. 1889. 812 HIO James. Daisy Miller. 1883 812 J Theatricals. 1895 812 Jl Matthews. This picture and that. 1894. 812 M Taylor. Dramatic works. 1880 812 T Prophet. 1874 812 Tl Warner. Madalena. 1888 812 W t AMERICAN FICTION. Analytical index to the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, with a sketch of his life. 1882 HowELLS. Criticism and fiction. 1891.. 813 A 813 H AMERICAN ESSAYS. A., E. V. In maiden meditation. 1894. 814 A Abbott. Outings at odd times. 1890 814 Al Recent rambles. 1892 814 A2 Alcott. Ralph Waldo Emerson ; an esti- mate of his character and genius ; in prose and verse. 1882 814 A3 Tablets. 18G8 814 A4 Appleton. Chequer-work. 1879 814 A.5 Windfalls. 1878 814 A6 Bancroft. Essays and miscellany. 1890. 814 B Bartol. Principles and portraits. 1880. 814 Bl Beecher. Star papers. 1855 814 B2 Benton. Emerson as a poet. 1883 814 B3 BiGELOw. Modern inquiries, classical, professional, and miscellaneous. 1870 814 B4 Bliss. Old colony town, and other sketches. 1893 814 B5 BoAVEN. Gleanings from a literary life, 1838-1880 814 B(3 BoYESEN. Literary and social silhouettes. 1894 814 B7 Brooks. Essays and addresses. 1894... 814 B8 BuRRiTT. Chips from many blocks. 1878. 814 B9 Thoughts and things at home and abroad. 1854 814 BIO t For separate catalog ol" fiction, including English and foreign, see p. 1-102. \ Burroughs. Birds and poets. 1877 814 Bll Fresh fields. 1885 814 B12 Indoor studies. 1889 814 B13 Locusts and wild honey. 1879 814 B14 Pepacton. 1881 814 B15 Riverby. 1894 814 BIG Signs and seasons. 188G 814 B17 Wake-robin. 1871 814 B18 Winter sunshine. 187G 814 B19 BusHNELL. Work and play. 1864 814 B20 Cahoon. What one woman thinks. 1893. 814 C Calvert. Brief essays and brevities. 1874 814 CI Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot's poetry, and other studies. 1885 814 C2 Cleveland, H. W. S. Social life and literature fifty years ago. 1888 814 CJ CoLTON. Old meeting-house and vacation papers. 1890 814 C4 Conway. Emerson at home and abroad. 1882 814 C5 Critical and social essays. 1867 814 C6 Curtis. Other essays from the easy chair. 1893 814 C7 Deming. By-ways of nature and life. 1884 814 D Diaz. Only a flock of women. 1893 814 Dl DiMAN. Orations and essays. 1882 814 D2 Dodge. Battle of the books. 1870 814 D3 Summer rest. 18G6 814 D4 Twelve miles from a lemon. 1874. . . 814 D5 DuHRiNG. Mental life and culture. 1893. 814 D6 Philosophers and fools. 1874 814 D7 Emerson. Conduct of life. 1893 814 E Essays. 2v. 1860-71 814 El Lectures and biograjjliical sketches. 1884 814 E2 Letters and social aims. 1876 814 E3 Miscellanies. 1884 814 E4 Natural history of intellect, and other papers. 1894 814 Eo Society and solitude. 1872 814 E6 Fields. Underbrush. 1877 814 F FisKE, A. K. Midnight talks at the club. 1890 814 Fl FiSKE, J. Darwinism, and other essays. 1879 814 F2 Excursions of an evolutionist. 1884. 814 F3 Unseen world, and other essays. 1876. 814 F4 Flagg. Halcyon days. 1881 814 F5 Year among the trees. 1881 814 FG FoLLEN. Works, ov. 1841 814 F7 Garland. Crumbling idols. 1894 814 G GooDALE. Journal of a farmer's daugh- ter. 1881 814 Gl Haddock. Addresses and miscellaneous 'writings. 1846 814 H Hague. Life notes. 1888 814 HI Hale. What career ? 1878 814 H2 Hall. Aspects of German culture. 1881. 814 H3 LITERATURE. 205 Harte. Meditations in motley. 1894... 814 H4 Hawthorne. Confessions and criticisms. 1887 814 H5 Hazard. Essay on language, and other essays and addresses. 1889 814 H6 Hazeltine. Chats about books, poets, and novelists. 1883 814 H7 Hedge. Martin Luther, and other essays. 1888 814 H8 Higginson. Concerning all of us. 1892. 814 H9 Women and men. 1888 814 HIO Holland. Everyday topics. 1876 814 HU Plain talks on familiar subjects. 1872. 814 H12 HoLJiES. Pages from an old volume of life. 1883 814 H13 Hudson. Outlines of men, M'omen, and things. 1873 814 H14 IkviuCt, and others. Salmagundi. 18G0.. 814 1 Jackson. Bits of talk about home mat- ters. 1873 814 J James. Essays in London and elsewhere. 1893 814 Jl Johnson. Lectures, essays, and sermons. 1883 814 J2 King. Essays. 1889 814 K Substance and show, and other lec- tures. 1877 814 Kl Kinsley. Views on vexed questions. 1881 814 K2 Lowell. American ideas for English readers. 1892 814 L Among my books. 2v. 1872-76 814 LI Fireside travels. 18GJ 814 L2 Latest literary essays and addresses. 1892 814 L3 Literary essays. 2v. 1890 814 L4 My study windows. 1872 814 L5 Political essays. 1888 814 L6 LuNT. Across lots. 1888 814 L7 Mabie. My study fire. 2v. 1890 814 M Under the trees. 1891 814 Ml Mather. Remarkable Providences illus- trative of the earlier days of coloni- zation. 1856 814 M2 Mathews. Great conversers, and other essays. 1878 814 M3 Hours with men and books. 1877. . . 814 M4 Men, places, and things. 1887 814 M5 Mitchell. Bound together. 1884 814 M6 Wet days at Edgewood. 1865 814 M7 OssoLi. Art, literature, and the drama. 1874 814 Paine. Writings. 2v. 1894 SUP Parton. Topics of the time. 1871 814 PI Phelps. Reviews and essays on art, liter- ature, and science. 1873 81 4 P2 Potts. From a New England hillside. 1895 814 P3 Prime, S. I. Under the trees. 1874 814 P4 Prime, W. C. Among the northern hills. 1895 814 P.". Prime, W. C. I go a-fishing. 1873 814 P6 Repplier. Books and men. 1888 814 R Essays in idleness. 1893 814 Rl In the dozy hours, and other papers. 1894 814R2 Points of view. 1891 814 R3 Rice, ed. Essays from the North. Ameri- can review. 1879 814 R4 RcssELL. Characteristics. 1884 814 R5 Club of one. 1887 814 R6 In a club corner. 1890 814 R7 Library notes. 1881 814 R8 Sub-coelum : a sky-built human world. 1893 • 814 R9 Sargent, L. M. Dealings with the dead, by a sexton of the old school. 2v. 1856 814 S Sargent, M. E., ed. Sketches and remin- iscences of the radical club of Chestnut street, Boston. 1880 814 SI Saunders. Pastime papers. 1885 814 S2 Stray leaves of literature. 1889 814 S3 ScuDDER. Men and letters. 1«S7 814 S4 Stoddard. Under the evening lamp. 1892. 814 S6 Spofford, and others. Three heroines of New England romance. 1894 814 S5 Swing. Club essays. 1881 814 87 Old pictures of Hfe. 2v. 1894 814 S8 Sylvester. Homestead highways. 1888. 814 S9 Prose pastorals. 1887 814 SlO Talmage. Crumbs swept up. 1870 814 T Taylor. Critical essays and literary notes. 1880 814 Tl Thomas. Round year. 1886 814 T2 Thoreau. Autumn. 1892 814 T3 Early spring in Massachusetts. 1881. 814 T4 Excursions. 1864 814 T5 Summer. 1884 814 T6 Walden. 1873 814 T7 Winter. 1888 814 T8 Torre Y. Foot-path way. 1892 814 T9 Trail. Studies in criticism. 188S 814 TIO Walsh. Paradoxes of a Philistine. 1889. 814 W Warner. As we go. 1894 814 Wl Wendell. Stelligeri, and other essays concerning America. 1893 814 W2 Whipple. Character and characteristic men. 1871 814 W3 Essays and reviews. 2v. 1871 814 W4 Literature and life. 1871 814 W5 Outlooks on society, literature, and politics. 1888 814 W6 Success and its conditions. 1871.... 814 W7 Williams. Field farings. 1892 814 W8 WiNSHip. Waifs. 1892 814 W9 Winter. Old shrines and ivy. 1S92.... 814 WIO Woodberry. Studies in letters and life. 1890 814 AVU WooLSON. Browsing among books, and other essavs. 1881 814 W12 206 LITERATURE. Wright. Friendship of nature. 1894... 814 W13 AMERICAN OEATOEY AND LETTERS. Beechek. Patriotic addresses in America and England. 1850-85 815 B Black. Essays and speeches. 1886 815 Bl Boston. Common council. Bronze group commemorating emancipa- tion, 1879 *S15 B2 Bullock. Addresses. 1883 815 B3 BuRLiNGAME. Defence of Massachusetts. 1856 *815 B4 Calhoun. Speeches in congress from 1811 to 1840 815 C Channing and Aiken. Correspondence. 1826-42. 1874 816 C Child. Letters from New York. 2v. 1845 816 CI Choate. Addresses and orations. 1878. 815 CI Clay. Life and speeches. 2v. 1860 815 C2 Curtis. Orations and addresses. 3v. 1894 815 C3 Depew. Orations and after-dinner speeches. 1890 815 D Devens. Orations and addresses. 1891. 815 Dl Dickinson. Letters. 1894 816 D Everett. Orations and speeches. 4v. 1865-68 815 E Gray. Letters. 2v. 1893 816 G Holmes. Oration delivered on the fourth of July, 1863 815 H Johnston, ed. Representative American orations. 3v. 1884 815 J Kennedy. Occasional addresses and the letters of Mr. Ambrose on the re- bellion. 1872 815 K Lodge. Speeches. 1892 815 L Lowell. Democracy, and other addresses. 1887 815 LI Letters. 2v. 1894 816 L Madison. Letters and other writings. 1769-1836. 4v. 1884 816 M Moore, comp. American eloquence. 2v. 1857 815 M Phillips. Speeches, lectures, and letters. 2v. 1891 815 P Putnam. Oration, July 4, 1893 815 PI Eantoul. Memoirs, speeches, and writ- ings. 1854 815 R Roberts. Leading orators of twenty- five campaigns. 1884 817 Rl Roe. Old representatives' hall. 1798- 1895 *815 R2 Russell, T. Oration. July 4, 1864 815 R3 Russell, "W. E. Speeches and addresses. 1894 815 R4 Sherman. Correspondence. 1837-91... 816 S Speeches of the governors of Massachu- setts from 1765 to 1775 *815 S Sumner. Crime against Kansas. 1856.. 815 SJ Works. 15v. 1870-83 815 S^ Thoreau. Familiar letters. 1894 816 T TwiCHELL, ed. Some old puritan love let- ters. John and Margaret Winthrop. 1618-38. 1893 816 Tl United States. Congress. Speeches on the presentation of portraits of ex- speakers Sedgwick, Varnum, and Banks. 1888 815 U Washington. Official letters. 1796 *816 W Webster. Great speeches and orations. ■ 1879 815 W Private correspondence. 2v. 1857.. 816 Wl Speeclies and forensic arguments. 3v. 1850 815 Wl Works. 6v. 1869 815 W2 Webster and Hayne. Speeches. 1830. 815 Wa Winthrop. Addresses and speeches. 4v. 1852 815 W4 AMERICAN HUMOR AND SATIRE. Bailey-. Danbury boom ; with a full ac- count of Mrs. Cobleigh's action therein. 1880 817 B Life in Danbury. 1873 817 Bl They all do it ; or, Mr. Miggs of Dan- bury and liis neighbors 817 B2 Bangs. Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica. 1895. 817 B3 Bridges. Overheard in Arcady. 1894.. 817 B4 Brown. Witandhuraor. 1879 817 B» Browne. Artemus Ward ; his book. 1894. 817 B6 Complete works. 1887 817 B7 Witty sayings by witty people. 1878. 817 B8 BuRDETTE. Rise and fall of the mustache and other '• Hawk-eyetems." 1877. 817 B9 Clark. ^lirthfulness and its exciters. 1870 817 C Out of the hurly-burly. 1888 817 CI Clemens. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 1891 817 C2- American claimant. 1892 817 Ca Connecticut Yankee in Iving Arthur's court. 1889 817 C4 Innocents abroad. 1889 817 C5 Life on the Mississippi. 1883 817 C6 Roughing it. 1888 817 C8 Sketches, new and old. 1890 817 C9 Stolen white elephant. 1888 817 ClO Tom Sawyer abroad. 1894 817 Cll Tramp abroad. 1889 817 C12 comp. Mark Twain's library of humor. 1888 817 07 CovERDALE. Fall of the Great Republic. 1886-88. 1895 817 015 Cox. Why we laugh. 1876 817 C14 CozzENS. Sparrowgrass papers. 1873... 817 C15 Crofton. Bewildered querists and other nonsense. 1875 817 C16. LITERATURE. 207 Curtis. Potiphar papers. 1875 817 C17 CzEiKA, pseud. Operatta in profile. 1887 817 C18 Harris. Nights ■with Uncle Remus. 1883. 817 H Uncle Remus, his songs and sayings. 1881 817 HI HoLLET. My opinions and Betsey Bob- bet's 817 H3 My wayward pardner. 1888 817 H4 Samantha among the brethren. 1890. 817 H5 Samantha at Saratoga. 1887 817 HG Samantha at the Centennial. 1891 . . . 817 H2 Samantha at the world's fair. 1S93. . 817 H7 Holmes. Autocrat of the breakfast-table. 1892 817 H8 Over the teacups. 1891 817 H9 Poet at the breakfast-table. 1880 817 HlO Professor at the breakfast-table. 1873. 817 Hll Irvixg. History of Xew York. 1885.. • . 817 I Readings. 1888 817 11 Sketch-book. 1886 817 12 Spanish papers. 2v. 1868 817 13 Wolf ert's roost. 1865 817 14 JoxES. Smith and Schmidt in Africa. 1888 817 J Locke, ed. Morals of Abou Ben Adhem. 1875 817 L Masox. Humorous masterpieces from American literature. 3v. 1886... 817 M Mitchell. Life's fairy tales. 1892 817 Ml McxKiTTRiCK. Farming. 1891 817 M2 Nte. History of the United States. 1894. 817 N Remarks by Bill Nye. 1887 817 Nl Peace parliament 817 P Peck. Story of the puritans. 1889 817 PI Riley. Puddleford papers. 1882 817 R Saxborx. Adopting an abandoned farm. 1894 817 S Shillaber. Knitting-work. 1859 817 SI Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington. 1860 817 S2 Mrs. Partington's carpet-bag of fun. 817 S3 Partingtonian patchwork. 1873 817 S4 Stocktox. Pomona's travels. 1894 817 So Tallmax. Innocents from abroad. 1878. 817 T Warxer. Backlog studies. 1873 817W My summer in a garden. 1872 817 Wl Whitcher. Widow Bedott papers. 1883. 817 W2 Wilder. People I've smiled with. 1889. 817 W3 AMERICAN MISCELLANY. Alcott. Table-talk. 1877 818 A Appletox & Co., pitb. Appleton's sum- mer book. 1880 818 Al AcsTix. Literary papers. 1890 818 A2 Balch. Garfield's words. 1881 818 B Bexjamix. Sunny side of shadow. 1887. 818 Bl BoLLES. From Blomidon to Smoky. 1894. 818 B2 Brougham. Life, stories, and poems. 1881. 818 B3 BuxcE. Bachelor bluff. 1881 818 B4 Child, and others. Freedmen's book. 1^65 818 C comp. Looking toward sunset. 1871. 818 Cl Clark, ed. Literary remains of Willis Gaylord Clark. 1851 818 C2 Davexport. Rovings on land and sea. 1880 818 D Eliot, ed. Selections from American au- thors. 1879 818 E Field. Hap-hazard. 1873 818 F Fraxkmx. Sayings of "Poor Richard." 1890 818 Fl Hawthorxe. Sketches and studies. 1852-83 818 H Hepworth. Brown studies. 1895 818 HI Household reading. 1868 818 H2 Howells. Suburban sketches. 1872.... 818 H3 Jacksox. Bits of talk in verse and prose. 1876 j 818 J Kexxedy. At home and abroad. 1872.. 818 K Liberty bell. 1847 818 L. Lippixcott. Stories and sketches. 1892. 818 LI Little one's annual. 1888 j 818 L2 LoxGFELLOw. Prosc works. 2v. 1866.. 818 L3 Miller. Memorie and rime. 1884 818 M Mitchell. About old story-tellers. 1878. 818 Ml Dream life. 1.^72 818 M2 Reveries of a bachelor. 1873 818 M3 Rural studies. 1867 818 M4 Mt>RE, ed. Great refusal. 1894 818 M5 Morris, ed. In the yule-log glow. 1892. 818 M6 OssoLi. Life without and life within. 1874 818 O PoE. Works. 4v. 1849 818 P Reed, e(Z. "City and the sea." 1881 818 R RiLEY. Pipes o' pan at Zekesbury. 1889. 818 Rl Sauxders. Mosaics. 1859 818 S Salad for the solitary and the social. 1883 818 SI Stevexs. Revelations ^f a Boston physi- cian. 1881 818 S2 Stocktox. Round-about rambles in lands of fact and fancy. 1881 j 818 S3 Tales out of school. 1881 j 818 S4 Story. Conversation in a studio. 1890. 818 S6 Miscellaneous writings. 1835 818 So Stowe. Flowers and fruit from her writings. 1888 818 S8 ScMXER. Prophetic voices concerning America. 1874 818 SZ Thatcher. Boston book. 1837 818 T Waylaxd. Pursuit of knowledge under difliculties. 1840 818 W Whitmax. Complete prose works. 1892. 818 Wl Whittier. Prose works. 2v. 1879 818 W3 Prose writings. 3v. 1889 818 Wa Wigglesworth. Reflections. 1885 818 W4 WixTHROP. Life in the open air. 1876. 818 W»- 208 LITERATURE. :exglish literature, criticism axd general works. Adams. Dictionary of Englisli literature. *S20 A Famous books. 1870 820 Al AsCHAM. Toxophilus, 1545 ; ivith Joseph Addison, Criticism on Milton's Para- dise Lost, 1711-12. 1868 820 A2 Backus and -Broavn. Great English writers from Chaucer to George Eliot. 1889 820 B Bagehot. AVorks. ov. 1891 820 Bl Bascom. Philosophy of English litera- ture. 1874 * 820 B2 Batne. Lessons from my masters ; Car- l3'le, Tennyson, and Ruskin. 1879. 820 B3 Beowulf. Deeds. 1892 829 B Blaisdell. First steps with American and British authors 820 B4 Study of the English classics. 1886. . 820 B5 Brink. Early English literature, to Wiclif. 1883 820 B6 Brooke. English literature. 1876 820 B7 History of early English literature. 1892 829 Bl Buckingham. Rehearsals. 1672. 1869-. 820 B8 BucKLAXD. Story of English literature. 1882 820 B9 Carpenter. English of the fourteenth Century. 1880 820 C Chambers, ed. Cyclopajdia of English literature, a selection of the choicest , productions of English authors. 2v. 1847 *820C1 Cyclopajdia of English literature : a history, critical and biographical, of British authors. 2v. 1873 *S20 C2 • Chautauqua library of English history and literature. 3v. 1880-82 820 C3 'Craik. Compendious history of English literature. 2v. 1871 820 C4 Dawson. Makers of modern Enghsh. 1893. 820 D Day. Introduction to the study of Eng- lish literature. 1872 820 Dl Dennis. Age of Pope. 1894 820 D2 Emerson. History of the English lan- guage. 1894 820 E Espinasse. Literary recollections and sketches. 1893 820 El Field. Child and his book. 1891 820 F Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. 1873 820 F2 Fields, Mrs. Shelf of old books. 1894. 820 Fl Gibbon. Miscellaneous works, or. 1814. 820 G GiLMAN. First steps in English litera- ture. 1870 820 Gl GossE. History of eighteenth century literature. 1660-1780. 1889 820 G2 Hazlitt. Hand-book to the popular poet- ical and dramatic literatures of Great Britain. 1867 *820 H Howell. Instruction for forreine travell. 1642. 1S69 820 HI Hunt. Representative English prose and prose writers. 1887 820 H2 Jacobs. George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Browning, Newman : essays and reviews. 1891 820 J Latimer. Seven sermons before Edward YI., 1549 ; with Sir Thomas More, Utopia, 1516. 1869 820 L LippiNCOTT. Handbook of English and American literature. 1883 820 LI Lowndes. Bibliographer's manual of English literature. 6v. 1865 *820 L2 Lyly. Euphue§ : the anatomy of wit. 1579. 1868 820 L3 Milton. Areopagitica. 1644 820 M MiNTO. Manual of English prose litera- ture. 1891 820 Ml Mitchell. English lands, letters, and kings. 2v. 1890 820 M2 MoKLEY. English literature in the reign of Yictoria. 1882 820 M3 English writers. 9v. 1887-1892 820 M4 First sketch of English literature 820 M5 MuLLANY. Development of English litera- ture. 1879 820 M6 Nawnton. Fragmenta regalia, 1630-53 ; vith Thomas Watson, poems. 1870 820 N NicoLL. Landmarks of English literature. 1884 820 Nl Oliphant. Literary history of England, in the end of eighteenth and begin- ning of nineteenth century. 3v. 1882 820 U Yictorian age of English literature. 2v. 1892 820 01 Pater. Appreciations. 1889 820 P Perry. English literature in the eighteenth century. 1883 820 PI Phillips. Popular manual of English literature. 2v. ] 885 . . : 820 P2 Puttenham. Arte of English ijoesie. 1589. 1869 820 P3 Raub. Studies in English and American literature. 1888 820 E Reed. Lectures on English literature. 1876 820 Rl Richardson. Familiar talks on English literature. 1881 820 R2 Robertson. History of English litera- ture for secondary schools. 1894.. 820 R3 Saintsbury. Essays in English literature. 1780-1860 820 S History of Elizabethan literature. 1887 820 SI ed,. Specimens of English prose style. 1886 820 S2 ScHERR. History of English literature. 1882 820 S3 LITERATURE. 209 Shaw. New history of English literature. 1874 820 S-t Shepherd. History of the English lan- guage from Teutonic invasion of Britain to close of Georgian era. 1874 • 820 S5 Sidney. An apologie for poetrie. 1595. 1868. 820 SG Spaldixg. History of English literature. 1871 820 S7 Sterxe. "Works 820 S8 SwixBUKXE. Studies in prose and poetry. 1804 820 S9 Taixe. History of English literature. 4v. 1873-74 820 T Underwood. Hand-book of English liter- ature. 1873 820 U Walker. Three centuries of Scottish literature. 2v. 1893 820 TV Walsh, ed. Enchiridion, of criticism. 1886 820 AVI Welsh. Development of English litera- ture and language. 2v. 1882 820 W2 Whipple. Literature of the age of Eliza- beth. 1871 820 W3 ENGLISH POETRY. AiTKEX, fo>»^. Scottish song. 1874 821 A Akexside and Beattie. Poetical works. 1880 821 Al Allixgham. Songs and stories. 1877... 821 A2 Arxold. In my lady's praise. 1889 821 A3 Light of Asia. 1890 821 A4 Light of the world. 1891 821 A5 Lotus and jewel, with other poems. 1887 821 A6 Pearls of the faith. 1883 821 A7 Poems. 1880 821 A8 Poems. 2v. 1869 821 All Potiphar's wife, and other poems. 1892 821 A9 With Sa'di in the garden. 1888 821 AlO Ashton. Modern street ballads. 1888... 821 A12 Bailey. Festus. 1849 821 B Barxes. Poems in rural life. 1888 821 Bl Bates, ec?. Ballad book. 1890 821 B2 Beattie. Poetical works in 821 Al Bickersteth. Yesterday, to-day, and for- ever. 1872 821 B3 Bloomfield. Works 821 B4 Boyle. Eos rosarum ei-horto poetarum. 1885 821 B5 Brackett and Eliot. Poetry for home and schools. 1876 821 B6 Bradshaw. Concordance to the poetical works of John Milton. Is94 *821 B7 Brooke. Poems. 1888 821 BS Tennyson ; his art and relation to modern life. 1894 .821 B9 Theology in the English poets. 1875. 821 BIO Brooks. English poetry and poets. 1890. 821 BU Wit and humor; from "Punch." 1883 321 B12 Brownixg, R. Agamemnon, La Saisiaz, and dramatic idyls. 1882 821 B19 Aristophanes' apology. 1875 821 B20 Asolando ; fancies and facts. 1890. . . 821 B21 Christmas-eve and Easter day ; Men and women; In a balcony. 1891. 821 B22 Jocoseria. 1883 821 B23 Poems. 1871 821 B24 Poetical works 821 B25 Principal shorter poems. 1890 821 B26 Red cotton night-cap country. 1873.. 821 B27 Ring and the book. 2 v. 1886 821 B28 and others. Browning reciter 821 B29 Browxixg, J/r5. Aurora Leigh. 1872.. 821 B13 Earlier poems. 1878 821 B14 Poems. 1887 821 B15 Romances, lyrics, and sonnets. 1888. 821 B16 Selections from her poetry. 1872 821 BIT Works. 5v. 1863 821 B18 Bryant, ed. Library of poetry and song. 1873 821 B30 Blchanax. Poetical works. 3v. 1874. 821 B31 BvLL^y, ed. Carols and poems. 1886... 821 B32 Lyrics from the song-books of tlie Elizabethan age. 1889 821 B33 BcRxs. Poems, letters, and land of Burns. 2v 821 B34 Poems, songs, and letters. 1870 821 B35 Butler. Hudibras 821 B36 Byron. Poems 821 B37 Poetical works. 5v 821 B38 Works. 8v. 1825 821 B39 Calverley. Fly-leaves. 1890 821 C Campbell. Of " Fifine at the Fair," and other of Mr. Browning's poems. 1892 821 CI Poetical works 821 C3 a?z(^ Falcoxer. Poetical works. 1880. 821 C4 ed. Specimens of the British poets. 1869 821 C5 comp. Young folk's book of poetry. 1880 j 821 C2 Cary, comp. Commonplace book of epi- grams. 1872 821 C6 Chatterton. Poetical works. 1882 821 C7 Chaucer. Canterbury tales 821 C8 Prologue, etc., from the Canterbury tales. 1869 821 C9 Riches of Chaucer. 1877 821 CIO Chexey. Golden guess ; essays on poetry and poets. 1892 821 Cll Child, ed. English and Scottish ballads. 8v. 1877 821 C12 English and Scottish popular ballads. 9v. 1882 821 C13 comp. Poems of religious sorrow, comfort, counsel, and aspiration. 1886 821 C14 210 LITERATURE. Clarke. Trust; and the Remittance. 1874 821 Clo Cole. Saint Augustine. 1877 821 C16 Coleridge. Poetical works 821 C17 Table-talk, rime of the ancient mari- ner, etc. 1884 821 C18 CoLLixs. Poetical works 821 C20 Selections from poetical works. 1886. 821 C19 Cooke. Guide-book to the works of Robert Browning. 1891 821 C21 Corson. Introduction to the study of Robert Browning's poetry. 1886. . 821 C22 Couch, ed. Golden pomp ; lyrics from Surrey to Shirley. 1895 821 C23 CowPER. Poetical works. 1870 821 C24 Crabbe. Poetica:! works. 1854 821 C25 Works. 5v. 1823 821 C26 Craik. Poems. 1868 821 C27 Thirty years : being poems, new^^and old. 1881 821 C2S Croly. Poetical works. 2v. 1830 821 C29 Cross. Legend of Jubal, and other poems. 1874 821 C30 Spanish gypsy. 1868 821 C31 Cunningham. Maid of Elvar. 1832.... 821 C32 Dana. Household book of poetry. 1873: 821 D Davidson. Ballads and songs. 1894.... 821 Dl Prolegomena to "In memoriam." 1889 821 D2 Dennys. Secrets of angling. 1883 821 D3 DeVere. Selections from his poems. 1894. 821 D4 DoBSON. Poems on several occasions. 2v. 1889 821 D5 Dryden. Miscellany poems. 6v. 1727. 821 D7 Poetical works. 1870 821 D6 Edmonds, ed. Poetry of the anti-Jacobin. 1890 821 E Falconer. Poetical works in 821 C4 Gilbert. ''Bab" ballads; much sound and little sense 821 G GoLLANCz, ed. Pearl : an Englisli poem of the fourteenth century. 1891. . . 821 Gl GossE. In russet and silver. 1894 821 G2 Gray. Poems. 1865 821 G3 Poetical works. 1862 821 G4 Halliwell. Nursery rhymes in|England. 1886 j 821 H Hamilton, ed. Poems and parodyes in prayse of tobacco. 1889 821 HI Haweis, ec?. Chaucer for children. 1882. j 821 H2 Hazlitt, ed. Remains of the early popu- lar poetry of England. 4v. 1864.. 821 H3 Heber. Poetical works 821 H4 Henley. Book of verses. 1889 821 Ho Song of the sword, and other verses. 1892 821 H6 Herbert. Poetical works. 1870 821 H7 The temple ; sacred poems and pri- vate ejaculations 821 H8 Hermans. Complete works. 2v. 1871. 821 H9 Herrick. Chrysomeda. 1877 821 HIO' Hesperide. 2v. 1869 821 Hll Holland. Stories from Robert Browning. 1882 821 H12 Hood. Poetical works. 1872 821 H13 Poetical works, ^v. 1856 821 H14 Houghton. Poetical works. 2v. 1876. 821 H15 Hows, comp. Golden leaves from the British poets. 1864 821 H16 Hunt. Poetical works 821 H17 Selections from the English poets. 1861 821 H18 Ingeloav. Complete poems. 1878 8211 Johnson, ei^. Play-day poems. 1878 821 J Single famous poems. 1877 821 Jl Jones, ed. Vers de societe. 1876 821 J2' Keats. Poetical works. 1865 821 K Keble. Christian year. 1840 821 Kl Kendall. Songs from dreamland. 1894. 821 K2 Kipling. Ballads and barrack-room bal- lads. 1892 821 K3 Departmental ditties, barrack-room ballads, and other verses. 1890 821 K4 Knight. Wordsworthiana. 1889 821 K5 Lamb. Poetry for children. 1878 J821L. Landor. Cameos. 1874 821 LI Lang. Ballads and verses vain. 1884. . . 821 L2 Ban and arriere ban. 1894 821 L3 Grass of Parnassus. 1889 821 L4 Langland. Vision and creed of Piers Ploughman. 2v. 1856 821 L5 Lanier, ed. Boy's Percy : being old ballads of Avar. 1882 j 821 L6 Lee, comp. Sunshine in life ; poems for the Iving's Daughters. 1891 821 L7 Linton, ed. Rare poems of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 1883.. 821 L8 Linton and Stoddard, ed. English verse : Chaucer to Burns. 1883... 821 L9 English verse : Lyrics of the nine- teenth century. 1883 821 LIO Living English poets. 1882 821 Lll Locker. Poems. 1885 821 L12 ed. Lyra elegantiarum. 1886 821 L13 Lounsbury. Studies in Chaucer ; his life and writings. 3v. 1892 821 L14 Lovelace. Lucasta, and other poems. 1864 821 L15 Lowell. Conversations on some of the old poets. 1893 821 L16 Lytton, E. G. B. Eva, a true story of light and darkness. 1842 821 L17 King Arthur. 1849 821 L18 Lost tales of Miletus. 1866 821 L19 New Timon. 1860 821 L20 Lytton, E. R. B. Glenaveril. 1885 821 L21 Lucile. 1880 821 L22 New poems. 2v. 1869 821 L23 .Poetical works. 1880 821 L24 Selected poems. 1894 821 L2o LITERATURE. 211 Macaclay. Lays of ancient Rome, and other poems. 1871 821 M MacCallum. Tennyson's idylls of the king. 1894 821 Ml Macdoxald. Disciple, and other poems. 18G8 821 M2 Hidden life, and other poems. 1872 . . 821 M3 Mackay. Love letters of a violinist, and other poems. 1892 821 MG Studies from the antique and sketches from nature. 186-4 821 M4 coiiip. Thousand and one gems of English poetry 821 M5 Maclean. Poetical works. 1839 821 M7 Marstox. Collected poems. 1892 821 M8 Marvell. Poems. 1892 821 M9 Satires. 1892 821 MlO Massey. Poems. 1S7G 821 Mil Tale of eternity, and other poems. 1870 821 M12 Maxwell. Poems. 1857 821 M13 Meredith. Modern love. 1892 821 M14 Reading of earth. 1888 821 M15 Merriam, comp. Symphony of the spirit. 1894 821 MIG MiLMAX. Poetical works. 3v. 1839^... 821 M17 MiLTOx. Poetical works. 1885 821 M18 MoxTGOMERY. Poctical works. 1858 821 M19 Moore. Irish melodies and sacred songs. 1857 821 M20 Lalla Rookh, an oriental romance. 1863 821 M21 Poetical works 821 M22 Prose and verse. 1878 821 M23 Morris, L. Epic of hades ; in three books. 1879 821 M24 "Works. 1890 821 M25 Morris, W. Earthly paradise : a poem. 3v. 1871 821 M26 Poems by the way. 1892 821 M27 Old tayles ; newlye relayted. 1883 821 Orr. Handbook to the works of Robert Browning. 1890 82101 O'Shaugiixessy. His life and his work. 1894 821 02 OssiAX. Poems. 1847 82103 OuTRAM. Legal and other lyrics. 1888.. 82104 Palgrave, coiiip. Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in tlie EngUsh language. 1890 821 P Palmer, cor/i^. Book of praise. 1867... 821 PI Parker. Lover's diary. 1894 821 P2 Partox. Humorous poetry from Chaucer to Saxe. 1881 821 P3 Patmore. Angel in the house. 2v. 1860-63 821 P4 Pexxell. Puck on Pegasus. 1874 821 P5 Percy. Reliques of ancient English poetry. 3v. 1887 821 P6 Pollock, F. Leading cases done into English and other diversions. 1892. 821 P7 Pollock, R. Course of time. 1846 821 P8 Pope. Poetical works. 18C9 821 P9 Praed. Poems. 188G 821 PIO Proctor. Poems. 1872 821 Pll Randolph, H. F., eel. Fifty years of English song. 4v. 1888 821 R Randolph, T. Poetical and dramatic works. 2v. 1875 821 Rl Reid, eel. Complete word and phrase con- cordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns. 1889 *821 R2 RiTsox, etZ. Robin Hood. 2v. 1887 821 R3 Rogers, C. Scottish minstrel. 1873 821 R4 Rogers, S. Poetical works. 1871 821 R5 Rose. Works. 1890 821 R6 Ross, ed. Book of Scottish poems. 2v. 1878 821 R7 RossETTi, C. G. Pageant, and other poems. 1881 821 R8 Poems. 1888 ' 821 R9 RossETTi, G. C. D. Ballads and sonnets. 1881 821 RIO RusKix. Poems. 1882 821 Rll Scott. Lady of the lake. 1883 821 S Poetical works. 1881 821 SI Poetical works. 18G9 821 S2 Seymour. Chaucer's stories simply told. 1884 j 821 S3 Shelley. Poetical works. 3v. 1873... 821 S4 Sidney. Astrophel and Stella. 1888 821 S5 Sims. Poetical works 821 S6 Skeltox and Doxxe. Poetical works, with memoir of each. 1855 821 S7 Smith. Rejected addresses. 1888 821 S8 Southey. Joan of Arc 821 S9 Spenser. Complete works. 1877 821 SlO Faerie queene 821 Sll Stedman. Victorian poets. 1893 821 S12 Sterry. Lazy minstrel. 1886 821 S13 Stevexsox. Ballads. 1890 821 S14 Underwoods. 1887 821 S15 Stoddard. Late English poets. 1865... 821 S16 Storr and Turxer. Canterbury cliimes. 1878 J821S17 SucKLixG. Poems. 1886 821 SIS SujiNER, ed. Besom maker, and other country folk songs. 1888 821 S19 Swinburne. Astrophel, and other poems. 1894 821 S20 Poems and ballads. 1889 821 S21 Studies in song. 1880 821 S22 Symoxds. New and old. 1880 821 S23 Texxyson, a. Ballads, and other poems. 1880 821T Death of Oenone, and other poems. 1892 821 Tl Lover's tale. 1879 821 T2 Poems ^21 T3 Tennyson, F. Isles of Greece, Sappho, and Alcaeus. 1890 821 T4 Thomson. Poetical works. 2v. 1857... 821 T5 212 LITERATURE. Thomson. Voice from the Nile, and otlier poems. 1884 821 T6 ToMSON. Bird-bride, a volume of ballads and sonnets. 1889 821 T7 ed. Ballads of the North countrie.. 821 T8 TuppER. Proverbial philosophy. 18-16.. 821 T9 TvLOR. Chess, a Christmas masque. 1888 821 TIO Van Dyke. Poetry of Tennyson. 1889. 821 V Ward, cd. English poets. 2v, 1880... 821 W Warton. History of English poetry. 4v. 1871 821 Wl Watson. Odes, and other poems. 1894. 821 W2 Poems. 1892 821 W3 ed. Lyric love : an anthology. 1892. 821 W4 Watts aH(i White. Poetical works ; with a memoir of each. 1879 821 Wo Whitmore. Original Mother Goose's melody. 1892 821 W6 Whittier, ed. Songs of three centuries. 187G 821 W7 Williams, comp. Poets and poetry of Ireland. 1881 821 W8 Woolner. Pygmalion. 1881 821 W9 Wordsworth. Poetical Avorks. 7v. 1864. 821 WIO Prelude ; or, growth of a poet's mind. 1888 821 Wll Yeats. Countess Kathleen, and various legends and lyrics 821 Y YonNG. Night thoughts on life', death, and immortality. 1868 821 Yl ENGLISH DRAMA. Beaumont and Fletcher. Plays. 1887. 822 Bl Crawfurd. English comic dramatists. 1564-1816. 1884 822 Cl Field, pseud. Callirrhoe. 1884 822 F French, iJwi. Standard drama. 30v 822 F2 Gilbert. Original plays. 1876 822 G Goldsmith. She stoops to conquer, and the Good-natured man. 188G 822 Gl HiNDLEY. True history of Tom and Jerry. 1888 822 HI Hows, comp. Golden leaves from the British and American dramatic poets. 1865 822 H3 JoNSON. Plays and poems. 1885 -• • . 822 J Knowles. Dramatic works. 2v. 1859. 822 K Lyly: Endymion. 1804 822 L Lytton. Dramatic works. 1860 822 LI Macdonald. Within and without. 1872. 822 M Marlowe. Faustus. 1886 822 Ml Marston. Works. 3v. 1856 822 M3 Mermaid series of best plays. 1887-88. Beaumont and Fletcher. 2v 822 B Congreve 822 C Dekker 822 D Ford 822 Fl Mermaid series of best plays. Heywood 822 H Home and others, ed 822 H2 Marlowe 822 M2 Massinger. 1887 822 M4 Middleton 822 M5 Webster and Tourneur 822 W MoRLEY, comp. English plays 822 M6 Planche. Extravaganzas. 1825-71. 5v. 1879 822 P Ramsay. Gentle shepherd. 2v. 1808.. 822 R Sheridan. Dramatic works. 1865 822 S Works. 2v. 1821 822 Si Savinbcrne. Locrine. 1888 822 S2 Study of Ben Johnson. 1889 822 S3 Tennyson. Foresters, Robin Hood, and Maid Marian. 1892 822 T Harold. 1877 , 822 Tl Queen Mary. 1875 822 T2 Theatrical bouquet 822 T3 Trevelyan. Ladies in parliament. 1888. 822 T4 ENGLISH DRAMA. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Abbott. Shakespearian grammar. 1872. 822.3 A Arnold, ed. Index to Shakespearian thought. 1880 822.3 Al Bartlett. Shakespeare concordance. 1894 *822.o B Shakespeare phrase book. 1881 822.3 Bl BucKNiLL. Medical knowledge of Shakes- peare. 1860 822.3 B2 Campbell. Shakespeare's legal acquire- ments. 1859 822.3 C Clarke. Complete concordance to Shakes- peare. 1870 *822.3 Cl Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. 1873 822.3 C2 Coleridge. Notes and lectures upon Shakespeare. 1871 822.3 C3 Craik. English of Shakespeare. 1871.. 822.3 C4 Dall. What we really know about Shakespeare. 1886 822.3 D Dawson. Shakespeare, and other lectures. 1888 822.3 Dl Donnelly. Great cryptogram. 1888... 822.3 D2 DowDEN. Shakspere. 1878 822.3 D3 Shakspere; a critical study of his mind and art. 1881 822.3 D4 Dyer. Folk-lore of Shakespeare. 1884. 822.3 D5 Gilchrist. True story of Hamlet and Ophelia. 1889 822.3 G Giles. Human Hfe in Shakespeare. 1887. 822.3 Gl GiLMAN, ed. Shakespeare's morals. 1880. 822.3 G2 GuizoT. Shakespeare and his times. 1864. 822. 3 G3 Hales. Essays and notes on Shakespeare. 1892.... 822.3 H Hazlitt. Lectures on literature of the age of Elizabeth. 18.70 822.3 HI LITERATURE. 213 Holmes. Authorship of Shakespeare. 2v. 188G 822.3 H2 HuDSOx. Shakespeare : his life, art, and characters. 2v. 1872 822.3 H3 Hugo. "William Shakespeare. 1891 822.3 H-t Jamesox. Characteristics of Shakespeare's women. 2v. 1846 822.3 J Kemble. Notes upon some of Shakes- peare's plays. 1882 822.3 K Lamb. Tales from Shakspere. 187(J j 822.3 L Laxdor. Citation and examination of William Shakspeare. 1891 822.3 LI Latimer. Familiar talks on some of Shakspeare's comedies. 18SG 822.3 L2 Lowell. Richard the Third, and 'the Primrose criticism. 1887 822.3 L3 Raxsome. Short studies in Shakespeare's plots. 1890 822.3 R Raymoxd, ed. Shakespeare for the young folk. 1881 j 822.3 Rl Reed. Brief for plaintiff; Bacon vs. Shakespeare. 1892 822.3 R2 Seamer. Shakespeare's stories simply told j 822.3 S Shakespeare. Complete works. 2v 822.3 SI New variorum edition ; ed. by Fur- ness. 3v. 1877 822.3 S2 Works. 13v 822.3 S3 Works, llv. 1872 '. . . . 822.3 S4 Plays ; ed. by Rolfe. See author list. SiLSBY. Tributes to Shakespeare. 1892. 822.3 S38 SxiDER. Shakespearian drama. 1887... 822.3 S39 Stearxs. Shakspeare treasury. 1871... 822.3 S40 Warxer. English history in Shakes- peare's plays. 189-t 822.3 W Waters. William Shakespeare portrayed in one of his own heroes. 1888. .. 822.3 Wl AVeiss. Wit, humor, and Shakspeare. 187G 822.3 W2 Wexdell. AVilliam Shakspere. 1894. . . 822.3 W3 White. Jlemoirs of William Shakes- peare. 18G5 822.3 W4 Shakespeare's scholar. 1854 822.3 W5 Studies in Shakespeare. 188G 822.3 W6 Our EngUsh Homer. 1892 822.3 W7 Wordsworth. Shakspeare's knowledge and use of the Bible. 18G4 822. 3 W8 t ENGLISH FICTION. Besaxt and James. Art of fiction. 1885. Dickexs. Series of character sketches.. Ferriar. Illustrations of Sterne. 2v. 1812 JoHxsox. Art of Thomas Hardy. 1894. JussERAXD. English novel in the time of Shakespeare. 1890 823 B *823D 823 F 823 J 823 Jl t For separate catalogue of tiction, inchiding English and foreign, see p. 1-102. Lanier. English novel and the principle of its development. 1883 823 L Massox. British novelists and their styles. 1875 823 M Mediaeval tales. 1884 823 Ml Pellew. Jane Austen's novel. 1883 823 P Pierce. Dickens dictionary. 1878 *823 PI Raleigh. English novel. 1894 823 R Rogers. Waverly dictionary. 1879 823 Rl Thoms. Early English prose romances. 3v. 1858 823 T ENGLISH ESSAYS. Addison. Days with Sir Roger de Cov- erley. 1892 824 A Sir Roger de Coverley. 1852 824 A 1 Allex. Falling in love, with other essays. 1889 824 A2 Arxold. Culture and anarchy. 1875... 824 A3 Discourses in America. 1885 824 A4 Essays in criticism. 2v. 18C9-88... 824 A5 Irish essays, and others. 1882 824 A6 Mixed essays. 1879 824 A7 On the study of Celtic literature and on translating Homer. 1883 824 AS Passages from prose writings. 1880.. 824 A9 Ashtox. Eighteenth century waifs. 1887. 824 AlO Axon. Stray chapters in literature, folk- lore, and archeology. 1888 824 All Bacox. Essays. 1873 824 B Works. 2v. 1872-3 824 Bl Baix. Practical essays. 1884 824 B2 BiRRELL. Essays about men, women, and children. 1894 824 B3 Obiter dicta. 1887 824 B4 Res judicata" papers and essays. 1892. 824 B5 Blackie. Wisdom of Goethe. 1883 824 B6 Bkowx. Spare hours. 3v. 1883 824 B7 Buchaxax. Coming terror, and otlier es- says and letters. 1891 824 B8 Burlixgame, ed. Current discussion. 2v. 1878 824 B9 Calvert. Coleridge, Shelley, Goethe : biographic esthetic studies. 1880.. 824 C Caxxixg. Lord Macaulay, essayist and historian. 1882 824 Cl Philosophy of Charles Dickens. 1880. 824 C2 Carlyle. Critical and miscellaneous es- says. 7v. 1872 824 C3 Our heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. 1890 824 C4 Past and present 824 Co Sartor Resartus. 1871 824 06 Chalmers, ed. British essayists. 38v. 1856-66 824 C7 Church. Dante, and other essays. 1888. 824 C8 Miscellaneous essays. 1888 824 C9 CoBBE. Peak in Darien. 1882 824 CIO Cross. Essays and leaves from a note- book. 1884 824 Cll 214 LITERATURE. De Quixckt. Autobiographic sketches. 1876 824: D Csesars, and the avenger. 1873 82i Dl Confessions of an EngUsh opium-eater. 1873 824 D2 Eighteentli century in scholarsliip and literature 824 D3 Essays in philosopliy. 1877 824 D4 Historical and critical essays. 1873.. 824 D5 Letters to a young man, and logic of political economy. 1873 824 D6 Literary criticism. 1876 824 D7 Literary reminiscences. 1876 824 D8 Memorials and other papers. 1873. . . 824 D9 Narrative and miscellaneous papers. 1877 824 DIO Note-book of a English opium-eater. 1873 824 Dll Eomances and extravaganzas. 1877.. 824 D12 Theological essays and other papers. 1873 824 D13 Uncollected writings. 2v. 1890 824 D 14 DeVere. Essays. 2v. 1887 824 D15 Essays, literary and ethical. 1889... 824 D16 Disraeli. Amenities of literature. 2v. 1871 824 D17 Calamities and quarrels of authors. 2v. 1871 824 D18 Curiosities of literature. 4v. 1871.. 824 D19 DoBSON. Eighteenth century vignettes. 2v. 1892-94 '. 824 D20 DowLiNG. Ignorant essays. 1888 824 D21 Ellis. New spirit. 1890 824 E EscoTT. Politics and letters. 1886 824 El Foster. Critical essays contributed to the Eclectic review. 2v. 1879-85 824 F Decision of character. 1882 824 Fl Fbiswell. Gentle life. 1870 824 F2 This wicked world, and other essavs. 1892 :.. 824F3 Fkoude. Short studies on great subjects. 4v. 1873, '77, '83 824 F4 Gilpin. Three essays. 1808 824 G Gladstone. Gleanings of past years. <5^' 824 Gl Goldsmith. Miscellaneous works. 1869. 824 G2 Gosse. Gossip in a library. 1891 824 G3 Green. Stray studies from England and Italy. 1876 824 G4 Greg. Enigmas of life. 1873 824 G5 Literary and social judgments. 1873. 824 G6 Hamerton. Landscapes. 1885 824 H Harrison. Choice of books and other literary pieces. 1886 824 HI Hatton. Cigarette papers. 1892 824 H2 Hayward. Selected essays. 2v.* 1878. 824 H3 Hazlitt. Lectures on the English poets and the English comic writers. 1892. 824 H4 Helps. Companions of my solitude. 1870 824H5 Helps. Friends in council. 1861 824 H6 Social pressure. 1875 824 H7 Henley. Views and reviews. 1890 824 H8 Hunt. Day by the fire. 1870 824 H9 Leigh Hunt, as poet and essayist. 1889. 824 HIO "Wishing-cap papers. 1873 824 Hll Hutton, L. From the books. 1892 824 H12 Hutton, K. H. Essays in literary criti- cism. 1876 824 H13 Essays on some of the modern guides of English thought in matters of faith. 1888 824 H14 Huxley. Evolution and ethics, and other essays. 1894 824 H15 Ingleby. Essays. 1888 824 I Jameson. Sketches of art, literature, and character. 1875 824 J Studies, stories, and memoirs. 1875. 824 Jl Jefferies. Field and hedgerow. 1889.. 824 J2 Open air. 1889 824 J3 Jessopp. Trials of a country parson. 1890 824 J4 Johnson. Wit and wisdom of Samuel Johnson. 1888 824 Jo King. Sketches and studies. 1874 824 Kl Kingsley. Health and education. 1874. 824 K Lamb. Essays of Elia and Eliana. 1869. 824 L Works. 5v. 1872 824 LI Lubbock. Pleasures of life. 2v. 1887- 89 824 L2 Lytton. Caxtoniana. 1864 824 L3 Miscellaneous i^rose works. 2v. 1868. 824 L4 Macaulay. Critical, historical, and mis- cellaneous essays. 6v. 1871 824 M Reviews and essays from "the Edin- burgh." 824 Ml MacDonald. Imagination, and other essaj s. 1883 824 M2 Marshall. International vanities. 1875. 824 M3 Martineau. Essays, reviews, and ad- dresses. 4v. 1890-91 824 M4 Masson. Three devils. *1874 824 M5 Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other essays. 1874 824 M6 Maurice. Friendship of books, and other lectures. 1874 824 M7 Mill. Dissertations and discussions. 5v. 1868-75 824 M8 Miller. Essays. 1871 824 M9 Milton. Treasures from prose writings. 1866 824 MIO Mivart. Essays and criticisms. 2v. 1892. 824 Mil MoNCEiEFF. Book about boys. 1869 824 M12 Moore. Impressions and opinions. 1891. 824 M13 MoBLEY. Critical miscellanies. 2v. 1886-92 824 M14 Critical miscellanies. 1st ser. 1879. 824 M15 Morris. Memini. 1892 824 M16 MoxoN. Pilocereus Senilis, and other papers. 1887 824 M17 LITERATURE. 215 MozLEY. Essays from "Blackwood." 1802. 82-t MIS MuLLER. Chips from a German workshop. 4v. 1871-72-76 824 M19 Selected essays on language, myth- ology, and religion. 2v. 1881 824 M20 Myers. Science and a future life, with other essays. 1893 824 M21 Noble. Pelican papers. 1873 824 N Paget. Euphorion. 2v. 1884 824 P Pater. Imaginary portraits. 1887 824 PI Studies in the history of the Renais- sance. 1873 824 P2 Pearsok. Ethic of freethought. 1888.. 824 P3 PiCTON. Mystery of matter, and other es- says. 1873 824 P4 Putnam, td. Eepresentative essays. 1885. 824 P5 RusKiN. Arrows of the chase. 1881 824 R Crown of wild olive. 1872 824 Rl Fors clavigera. 2t. 1871-72 824 R2 Iving of the golden river in 824 R4 Notes on the construction of sheep- folds in 824 R4 Precious thoughts. 1872 824 R3 Pre-Raphaelitism. 1872 824 R4 Selections from writings. 1872 824 R5 Sesame and lilies. 1873 824 RG Time and tide by Weare and Tyne. 1873 824 R7 True and the beautiful in nature, art, morals, and religion. 1873 824 R8 Verona, and other lectures. 1894 824 R9 Saintsbury. Corrected impressions. 1895. 824 S Miscellaneous essays. 1892 824 Si Schreiner. Dreams. 1891 824 S2 Shairp. Aspects of poetry. 1882 824 S3 Smith, A. Dreamthorpe. 1889 824 S4 Smith, G. Lectures and essays. 1881... ■ 824 So Smith, S. AVorks. 1872 824 S6 Spexcer. Essays. 1868 824 S7 Steele. Lover and selected papers. 1889 824 S8 Stephen, J. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 1872 in 824 S6 Stephen, J. F. Hora; Sabbaticae. 1892. 824 S9 Stephen, L. Hours in a library. 3v. 1879 824 SlO Stevensoh. Across tiie plains, with other essays. 1892 824 Sll Familiar studies of men and books. 1882 824 S12 Memories and portraits. 1887 824 S13 Virginibus puerisque, and other pa- pers. 1887 824 S14 Sy'monds. Essays, speculative and sug- gestive. 2v. 1890 824 S16 Swinburne. Essays and studies. 1876. 824 S15 Talfourd. Critical and miscellaneous writings. 1872 in 824 S6 Tollemache. Safe studies. 1893 824 T Wilde. Intentions 824 W Wright. Essays. 2v. 184G 824 Wl ENGLISH ORATORY AND LETTERS. Adams, ed.. Representative British ora- tions. 3v. 1884 825 A Albert. Speeches and addresses. 1889. 825 Al Austen. Letters. 2v. 1884 826 A Bright. Speeches on questions of public policy. 2v. 1868 825 B Brougham. Speeches. 4v. 1838 825 Bl Brown, ed. British Cicero. 3v. 1808. 825 B2 Burke. Speeches in the house of com- mons. 4v. 1816 825 B3 Speeches on the impeachment of Warren Hastings. 2v. 1857 825 B4 Canning. Speeches. 6v. 1828 825 C Carlyle. Early letters. 1886 826 C ed. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. 5v. 1872 826 CI Chatham. Anecdotes of the life of Pitt. 3v. 1810 825 CI Chesterfield. Works 826 C2 Churchill. Speeches. 1880-1888. 2v. 825 C2 CowPER. Best letters. 1893 826 C3 CuRRAN. New and enlarged collection of speeches. 1819 825 C3 Speeches. 1867 825 C4 Drummond. Speeches in parliament. 2v. 1860 825 D Erskine. Speeches, on miscellaneous Subjects. 1812 825 El Speeches when at the bar. 4v. 1813. 825 E Fawcett. Speeches on some current political questions. 1873 825 F Fox. Speeches in the liouse of commons. 6v. 1815 825 Fl Goodrich. Select British eloquence. 1852. 825 G Granville. Letters. 2v. 1894 826 G Grattan. Speeches. 1867 825 G2 Speeches in the Irish and in the im- perial parliament. 4v. 1822 825 Gl Hume. Letters to William Strahan. 1888. 826 H HusKissoN. Speeches. 3v. 1831 825 H Johnson. Letters. 2v. 1892 826 J Keats. Letters to his family and bis friends. 1891 826 K Knight, ed. Memorials of Coleorton. 2v. 1887 826 Kl Lang. Old friends. 1890 826 L LiEVEN and Grey. Correspondence. 1824-34. 2v. 1890 826 LI Lytton. Speeches. 2v. 1803 825 L Mason. British letters, illustrative of character and social life. 3v. 1888. 826 M Merydew, ed. Love letters of famous men and women. 2v. 1888 826 M Montagu. Letters. 1869 826 M3 Letters and works. 2v. 1866 826 M Select passages from her letters 826 M4 O'CoNNELL. Correspondence. 2v. 1888. 826 Speeches and public letters of the Liberator. 2v. 1875 825 216 LITERATURE. OsBORX. Political and social letters of a lady of the eighteenth century. 1721-71. 1891.. 82G 01 Peel. Speeches in the house of com- mons. 1810-50. iv 825 P Phillips. Speeches at the bar. 1817... 825 PI Pitt. Speeches in the house of commons. 3v. 1808 825 P2 Plunket. Life, letters, and speeches. 2v. 1867 825 P3 Rdskin. Hortus inclusus. 1886 826 R Russell. Selections from speeches. 1817- 41. 2y. 1870 825 R ScooxES, ed. Pour centuries of English letters. 1880 826 S Scott. Familiar letters. 2v. 1894 826 SI Sheil. Speeches. 1845 825 S Shelley. Select letters. 1883 826 S2 Sheridax. Speeches. 3v. 1842 825 81 Temple. Letters to Sir William Temple. 1652-4. 1888 826 T Thackeray. Collection of letters. 1847- 55. 1887 826 Tl ToREY, ed. Gray and his friends. 1890. 826 T2 Walpole. Best letters. 1890 826 W Letters. 9v. 1857-66 826 Wl Wellington. Speeches in parliament. 2v. 1854 825 W Williams. English letters and letter- writers of the eighteenth century. 1886 826 W2 Windham. Speeches in parliament. 3v. 1812 825 Wl ENGLISH HUMOR AND SATIRE. A'Beckett. Comic Blackstone. 1887. . . 827 A Barham. Ingoldsby legends. 1869 827 B BuRNAXD. Happy thoughts. 1878 827 Bl Happy thoughts; including "More happy thoughts " and '-Our Yacht." 1891 827 B2 More happy thoughts. 1871 827 B3 My health. 1872 827 B4 Rather at sea. 1890 827 B5 To Buddlecombe and back. 1876 827 B6 Byrne. De omnibus rebus. 1888 827 B7 Clarke. Three courses and a dessert. 1871 827 C Clynton. Life of a celebrated buccaneer. 1889 827 CI Cross. Impressions of Theophrastus Such, 1879 827 C2 Davidson. New book of kings. 1884. . . 827 D Dilke. Fall of Prince Florestan of Monaco. 1874 827 Dl DoDGSON. Hunting of the s n a r k. 1876 827 D2 Downey. Through green glasses. 1887 827 D3 Du Maurier. Society pictures, selected from '' Punch." 827 D4 Egan. Life of an actor. 1892 827 E Elliott. Witty and humorous side of the EngUsh poets. 1880 827 El Enchiridion of wit. 1885 827 E2 Foote. Table-talk and bon-mots. 1889. 827 F Halibdrton. Clockmaker. 1871 827 H Nature and human nature 827 HI Sam Slick's wise saws and modern instances 827 H2 ed. Americans at home 827 H3 Irish pleasantry and fun 827 I Jenkins. Ginx's baby. 1873 827 J Lord Bantam. 1872 827 Jl -Jerome. Diary of a pilgrimage. 1891.. 827 J2 Novel notes. 1893 827 J3 Three men in a boat. 1890 827 J4 Jerrold. Fireside saints. 1873 827 J5 Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. 1871. 827 J6 Works. 4v 827 J7 Jvyivs, 2^sei'd. Letters. 2v. 1850 827 J8 King. Sketches and studies. 1874 827 K Lamb and Jerrold. Bon-mots. 1893.. 827 L Lang. Letters to dead authors. 1886... 827 LI Lear. Nonsense books. 1888 827 L2 Nonsense botany. 1888 j 827 L3 Life of a prig. 1886 827 L4 O'DoNOGHCE, comp. Humour of Ireland. 1894 827 Pain. Playthings and parodies. 1892... 827 P Peacock. Headlong hall and nightmare abbey. 1887 827 PI Punch. Half a century of English history. 1884 827 P2 Robert ; from " Punch." 1885 827 R Seymour. Humorous sketches. 1878... • 827 S Smith. Wit and wisdom, i860 827 Sl Swift. Works. 19v. 1883 827 82 Thackeray. Book of snobs. 1872 827 T Burlesques. 1888 827 Tl Selections from the minor writings. . . 827 T2 West. Half-hours with the millionaires. 1892 827 W ENGLISH MISCELLANY. Adams, ed. Treasury of modern anecdote. 1881 828 A Allibone. Prose quotations from So- crates to Macaulay. 1876 *828 Al Aubrey. Miscellanies upon various sub- jects. 1857 828 A2 Barbauld. Works. 2v. 1825 828 B Beecher. Selections from his works. 1887 828 B2 BoLiNGBROKE. Works. 4v. 1841 828 B3 Bombaugh, comp. Gleanings for the curious from literature. 1890 828 B4 Bookworm. 1888 828 B5 LITERATURE. 2ir Boyd. St. Andrews and elsewhere. 1894. 828 EG Buckle. Miscellaneous and posthumous works. 3v. 1872 828 B7 Carlyle. Last words. 1892 828 C Chambers' home book. Gv. 18G8 828 CI Chambers' repository of instructive and amusing papers. 1853 828 C2 Craik. About money and other things. 1887 828 C3 Studies from life. 18G7 828 C-4 DiCKEXs. Plays and poems. 2v. 1885. 828 D Dictionary of scientific illustrations and symbols ; by Barrister, of the hon- orable society of the inner temple. 1894 828 Bl DuEF. Savage-club papers. 2 v. 18G7- G8 828 Dl Yess, ed. Original letters. 1400-1553.. 828 F Fitzgerald. Letters and literary re- mains. 1889 828 Fl Forbes. Souvenirs of some continents. 1888 828 F2 Fraser. Hie et ubique. 1893 828 F3 Goodwin. Sketches and impressions, musical, theatrical, and social. 1799-1885 828 G Hare. Guesses at the truth by two broth- ers. 187G 828 H Harlein miscellany. lOv. 1808-13 828 HI Hearxe. Remains. 3v. 18G9 828 H2 Hexley and Whibley. Book of English prose. 1894 828 H3 HisLOP. Book of English prose. 1894 . . 828 H4 Huxt. Book for a corner. 1861 828 H5 Essays and miscellanies selected from the indicator and companion. 18G1. 828 H6 JoHxsox. Works. 9v. 1825 828 J Lamb. Mrs. Leicester's school and other writings in prose and verse. 188G. 828 L Laxdor. Imaginary conversations. 5v. 1877 828 LI Pentameron. 1888 828 L2 Selections. 1882 828 L3 LaRochefoucauld. Maxims and moral reflections 828 L4 Lodge, ed. Illustrations of British his- tory, biography, and manners. 3v. 1838 828 L5 Macaulay. Speeches and poems. 2v. 16G7 828 M MacDoxald. Cheerful words. 1880.... 828 Ml MiLXER. Country pleasures. 1881 828 M2 MoRLEY. Journal of a London playgoer, from 1851 to 1866 828 M3 New.max. Miscellanies. 1869 828 N O'Briex. Poems and stories. 1881 828 OvERBURY'. Miscellaneous works. 1856. 828 01 Payx. Notes from the -'News." 1890... 828 P Peacock. Calidore and miscellanea. 1891. 828 PI Percy. Percy anecdotes. 2v. 1868.... 828 P2 Rees. "With friend and book in the study and the fields. 1892 828 R RiDEixG. Stray moments with Thackeray. 1880 828 Rl Sala. Things I have seen, and people I have known. 2v. 1894 828 S Selden. Table-talk. 1860 828 Si Sheely", ed. Anecdotes and humors of school life. 1877 828 S2 Snow-flake. 1852 828 S3 SoAXE. Curiosities of literature. 2v. 1849 828 S4 SouTHEY. Common-place book. 4v. 1851. 828 S5 Sterry. Cucumber chronicles. 1887... 828 S6 Stories of enterprise and adventure. 1879. j 828 S7 SxRACHEY'. Talk at a country house. 1894 828 SB Swift. Tale of a tub, and other works. . 828 S9 Thackeray. Extracts. 1882 828 T Miscellanies. 1869 828 Tl Paris sketch-book. 1872 828 T2 Round-about papers. 1872 828 T3 "Waverly anecdotes 828 W ■WiLSOX, and others. Xoctes ambrosiana. 5v. 1875 828 Wl YoxGE. Book of golden deeds. 1871 828 Y GERMAN LITERATURE. AxDERSOX and Bjarxasox, tr. Viking tales of the north. 1877 839 A Beethovex. Letters. 1790-1826. 2v. 1867 836 B Bjorxsox.. Sigurd Slembe. 1888 839 B BoY-ESEX. Essays on German literature. 1892 830 B Essavs on Scandinavian literature. 1895 839 Bl DoLLixGER. Addresses on historical and literary subjects. 1894 834 D Erasmus. Praise of folly. 1887 839 E Gothe. Faust. 2v. 1871 832 G Poems. 1874 831 G Reynard the fox. 1885 831 Gl Hardexberg. Novalis ; his life, thoughts, and works. 1891 838 H Hedge. Hours with German classics. 1886 830 H Prose writers of Germany. 1847..-. *830 HI Heixe. Book of songs. 1891 831 H Florentine nights. 1891 838 HI Romantic school. 1882 830 H2 Scintillations. 1873 838 H2 Wit, wisdom, and pathos. 1879 838 H3 HiLLEBRAXD. German thought from the seven years' war to Goethe's death. 1880 834H HosMER. Short history of German litera- ture. 1879 830 H3 218 LITERATURE. HowiTT. Literature and romance of mod- ern Europe. 2v. 1852 839 H Ibsen. Ghosts. 1890 839 1 HeddaGabler. 1891 839 11 League of j-outh. 1890 839 12 Eosmersholm 839 13 Lessing. Dramatic works. 2v. 1S91. . . 832 L Liszt. Letters. 2v. 1894 836 L Mexdelssohx-Bartholdy. Letters from Italy and Switzerland. 1863 836 M MoLTKE. Essays, speeches, and memoirs. 2v. 1893 834 M Letters to his mother and his brothers. 1892 836 Ml MooKE. Echoes from mist-land. 1877. 831 M Morris a?z(£ Magncsson, e^?. Saga library. 1891 839 M2 Pekelaer. Kan away from the Dutcl:. 1887 839 P Kamage. Familiar quotations from Ger- man and Spanish authors 838 R KiJCKERT. "Wisdom of the Brahmin. 1882. 831 E •Scherer. History of German literature. 2v. 1886 830 S Schiller. Early dramas and romances. 1873 832 S Essays, aesthetical and philosophical. 1875 834 S Historical dramas. 1877 832 SI Poems. 1874 831 SI Poems and ballads 831 S Schopenhauer. Religion. 1889 834 Si Schumann. Early letters. 1888 836 S Seeley. Goethe reviewed after sixty years. 1893 832 S2 SiJiE. Lessing. 2v. 1877 832 S3 ■ Snorri. Heimskringla ; or, chronicle of the kings of Norway. 4v. 1889 . . 839 S Taylor. Studies in German literature. 1879 830 T Tegner. Frithiof's saga. 1875 839 T Wagner. Correspondence. 2v. 1889.. 836 "W FRENCH LITERATURE. -Author's love ; being the unpublished letters of Prosper Merimee's 'inconnue.' 1889 Besant. French humorists. 1874 Studies in early French poetry. 1877. CAMoiixs. Lyrics, sonnets, canzons, odes, and sextines ; Englished by R. F. Burton. 2v. 1884 Charron. Treatise on wisdom. 1891... Fauriel. History of Provencal poetry; ir. by G. P. Adler. 1860 ". . Frederica and Voltaire. Correspond- ence ; tr. by the Princess Chris- tian. 1888 Half hours with the best French authors. 1867 846 A 847 B 841 B 841 C 844 C 849 F 846 F 840 H Hugo. Dramatic works ; tr. by Frederick L. Slous and Mrs. Newton Cros- land. 1887 842 H James. French poets and novelists. 1878. 840 J Keene. Literature of France. 1892 840 K La Fontaine. Fables ; tr. by Ehzur Wright. 2v. 1842 841 L Le Grand, comp. Fabliaux 841 LI Matthews. French dramatists of the 19th century. 1881 842 M Mistral. Mireio ; tr. by Harriet W. Preston. 1874 849 M MoLiERE. Dramatic works ; tr. by C. H. Wall. 3v. 1876-77 842 Ml Plays ; tr. by Henry Morley. 1885 . . 842 M2 Montaigne. Works ; tr. by W. Hazlitt. 4v. 1872 844 M Montesquieu. Considerations on the causes of the grandeur and deca- dence of the Romans ; tr. by Jehu Baker. 1882 844 Ml Rabelais. Life of Gargantua and the heroic deeds of Pantagruel. 1886. **847 R Readings in Rabelais. 1883 **847 Rl Racine. Dramatic works ; tr. by R. B. Boswell. 2v. 1890 842 R Ramage. Familiar quotations from French and Italian authors 848 R Roget. First steps in French history, lit- erature, and philology. 1892 840 R Roux. ■ Meditations of a parish priest. 1886 848 Rl Saint-Beuve. Monday chats ; tr. by William Mathews. 1882 844 S Saint-Pierre. Works. 2v. 1846 848 S Saintsbury. Essays on French novelists. 1891 843 S Primer of French literature. 1880. . . 840 S Short history of French literature. 1892 840 SI Sevigne. Best letters, 1891 846 S Swinburne. Victor Hugo. 1886 841 S Talleyrand and. Louis XVIII. Corre- spondence. 1881 846 T Tocqueville and Senior. Correspond- ence and conversations. 2 v. 1834- 1859 846 Tl Van Laun. History of French literature. 3v. 1876-7 840 V Wagner. Youth; tr. by Ernest Redwood. 1893 844 W Zola. Experimental novel, and other essays ; tr. by Belle M. Sherman. 1893 844 Z ITALIAN AND SPANISH LITERATURE. Alexander. Christ's folk in the Apennine. 1888 858 A Alfieri. Tragedies ; tr. by E. A. Bow- ing. 2v. 1876 852 A LITERATURE. 219 Ariosto. OrlandaFurioso; tr. by W. S. Rose. 2v. 1880 851 A Blow. Study of Dante. 1886 851 B Camoexs. Lusiad. 1877 8G9 C CiD. Chronicle of the Cid. 1885 8C1 C Dante. Banquet: tr. by Katharine Hil- lard. 1889 851 D Divine comedy; tr. by H. W. Xong- fellow. 1871 851 Dl Divine comedy ; tr. by C E Norton. 1892 851 D2 Hell; tr. by A. J. Butler. 1892...- 851 D3 New life : tr. by C. E. Norton. 1802. 851 D4 Vision ; or, hell, purgatory, and para- dise ; tr. by H. F. Gary. 1872.... 851 D5 OoLDOM. Comedies ; ed. by Helen Zim- mern. 1892 852 G Demosthenes. Orations against Leptines, Midias, Androtion ; tr. by C. R. Kennedy. 1889 885 D Orations ; tr. by T. Leland. 2v. 1877 885 Dl Donne. Euripides. 1872 882 D Tragedies ; tr. by T. A. Buckley. 2v. 1873 882 E Gladstone. Enquiry into the time and place of Homer. 187G 883 G Homer. 1878 883 Gl Juventus mundi. 1869 883 G2 Grant. Aristotle. 1877 888 G Xenophon. 1872 888 Gl Hanson. Siege of Troy and wanderings of Ulysses. 1884 j 883 H Herodotus. New and literal version from the text of Baehr ; by Henry Gary. 1872 888 H Homer. Batrachomyomachia. 1858.... 883 HI Iliad and Odyssey ; tr. by Alexander Pope. 1872 883 H4 Iliads; -fires. 18G2-3. 1890 973.7 A Battle-fields and victory. 1891 j 973.7 A2 Battle-fields of '61. 1889 j 973.7 A3 Blue jackets of '61. 1892 973.7 Al Allan. Army of northern "\'iginia in 1862. 1892 973.7 A5 American question. 1863 973.7 AG Ammen. Atlantic coast. 1883 973.7 A7 AxDERSOX. Political conspiracies .pre- ceding the rebellion. 1882 973.7 A8 Baker, L. C. History of the United States secret service. 1867 973.7 B Baker, L. "W. History of the 9th Mass- achusetts battery. 18G2-o. 1888. *973.7 Bl Barrett. "What I saw at Bull Run. 1886 *973.7 B2 Bartlett, camp. Catalogue of books and pamphlets relating to the civil war. 1866 *973.7 B3 Benkdict. "Vermont in the civil war. 1888 *973.7 B6 Bennett. Story of the 1st Massachu- setts light battery. 1886 *973.7 B7 Bernard, G. S., ed.. "^^'ar talk of Con- federate veterans. 1892 973.7 B4 Bernard, M. Historical account of the neutrality of Great Britain during the American civil war. 1870.... 973.7 B5 BiGELOw. France and the Confederate navy. 1862-8. 1888 973.7 B8 Billings. Hardtack and coffee. 1887.. 973.7 BO History of the 10th Massachusetts battery of light artillery. 1881... *973.7 BIO Blaine. Twenty years of congress. 1861-81. 2v. 1886 973.7 BU Blaisdell. Stories of the civil war. 1893 973.7 B12 Blake. Three years in the army of the Potomac. 1865 973.7 B13 Bloodgooi>. Personal reminiscences of the war. 1893 973.7 BU Boies. Record of the 33rd Masschusetts volunteer infantry. 1862-65. 1880. *973.7B15 Bosson. History of the 42nd regiment infantry, Massachusetts volunteers, 1862-4. 1886 *973.7B16 BoAVEN. History of the 37th regiment. Massachusetts volunteers. 1861-5. 1884 *073.7 B17 BoTNTON, C. B. History of the navj- during the rebellion. 2v. 1868.. 973.7 B18 BoYNTON. H. V. National military park. 1895 973.7 BIO Brastow. Our honored dead. 1875. . . . *973.7 B20 Britton. Civil war on the border. 1861-2. 1890 973.7 B21 Brown. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861. 1887 973.7 B22 BuFFAM. Memorial of the great rebellion. 1862-5. 1882 *973.7B22 Bulloch. Secret service of the Confeder- ate States. 2v. 1884 973.7 B24 Caricatures pertaining to the civil war. 1892 *973.7 C Carpenter. History of the 8th regiment, Vermont volunteers. 1861-5. 1886. *973.7 Cl Champlin. Young folks' history of the war for the Union. 1889 973. 7 C2 Child. History of the 5th regiment, New Hampshire volunteers. 1861-5. 1893. *073.7 C3 Cist. Army of the Cumberland. 1882.. 973.7 C4 Clark. Soldier's offering. 1875 973.7 Co Company A Associates. Campaign of the 45th regiment. Massachusetts volun- teer militia. 1882 *973,7 C15 Coffin. Boys of '61. 1887 j 973.7. C6 Drum-beat of the nation. 1888 j 973.7 C7 Following the flag. 1865 j 973.7 C8 Freedom triumphant. 1891 973.7 C9 Marching to victory. 1889 j 973.7 CIO My days and nights on the battle-field. LS85 .^ 973.7 Cll Redeeming the republic. 1800 j 973.7 C12 Stories of our soldiers. 1803 973.7 C13 Cogswell. History of the 11th New Hampshire regiment volunteer in- fantry. 1891 *073.7C14 Confederate Congress, Richmond. Southern history of the war. 1863. 973.7 C16 Cook. History of the 12th Massachusetts volunteers, "Webster regiment. 1882 *973.7 C17 Cox, J. D. Atlanta. 1882 973.7 C18 March to the sea. 1882 973.7 C19 Second battle of Bull Run as con- nected with the Fitz-John Porter case. 1882 973.7 C20 Cox, S. S. Three decades of federal leeislation. 1855-85 973.7 C21 268 HISTORY. Crawford. Genesis of the civil war. 1887 973.7 C22 Ckowninshield. History of the 1st regiment of Massachusetts cavalry volunteers. 1891 *973.7 C23 CxjDWORTH. History of the 1st regiment, Massachusetts infantry. 18G1-4.. *973.7 C24 Curtis. McClellan's last service to the republic. 1886 973.7 025 Davis, C. E. Three years in the army. 1894 *973.7 D Davis, J. Kise and fall of the Confeder- ate government. 2v. 1881 973.7 Dl Davis, W. Camp-fire chats of the civil war. 1886 973.7 D2 Day. My diary of rambles with the 25th Massachusetts volunteer infantry. *973.7 D3 De Leon. Four years in rebel capitals. 1861-5. 1890 973.7 D4 Denny. Wearing the blue in the 25th Massachusetts volunteer infantry. 1879 *973.7 D5 Derby. Bearing arms in the 27th Massa- chusetts regiment of volunteer in- fantry. 1861-5. 1883 *973.7 D6 Dodge . Bird's-eye view of our civil war. 1883 973.7 D7 Doubleday. Chancellorsville and Gettys- burg. 1882 973.7 D8 Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-1 973.7 D9 Drake. History of the 9th New Jersey veteran volunteers. 1889 *973.7 DIO Draper. History of the American civil war. 3v. 1868 973.7 Dll DuYCKiNK. National history of the war for the union. 3v. 1861 973.7 D12 Eggleston. Rebel's collections. 1889 . 973.7 E Eldredge. 3rd New Hampshire and all about it. 1861-5. 1893 *973.7El Emilio. History of the 54th regiment of Massachusetts volunteer infantry. 1863-5. 1894 ♦973.7 E2 Emmerton. Record of the 23rd regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry. 1861-5. 1886 *973.7 E3 Famous adventures and prison escapes of the civil war. 1893 973.7 F FiSKE. Mr, Dunn Browne's experiences in the army. 1866 973.7 Fl Flinn. Campaigning with Banks and Sheridan. 1887 973.7 F2 Force. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 1881 973.7 F3 Fox. Regimental losses in the American civil war. 1889 *973.7 F4 Gay. Life in Dixie during the war. 1861-5. 1894 973.7 G GoDDARD. Letters on the American rebelUon. 1860-5 973.7 Gl Gordon. Brook farm to Cedar moun- tain in the rebellion. 1861-2. 1883 973.7 G2 Goss. Soldier's story of his captivity at Andersonville. 1866 973.7 G3 Greeley. American conflict. 2v. 1865. 973.7 G4 Greene. Mississippi. 1882 973.7 G5 GuRowsKi. Diary from November, 1862, to December, 1865. 3v *973.7 G6 Hague. Blockaded family. 1888 973.7 H Haines. Letters from the 44th regiment, M. V. M. 1863 *973.7H1 Hanson. Historical sketch of the old 6th regiment of Massachusetts vol- unteers. 1866 *973.7 H2 Haynes. History of the lOth regiment, Vermont volunteers. 1870 973.7 H3 Hazen. Narrative of military service. 1885 973.7 H4 Hedrick. Incidents of the civil war. 1888 973.7 H5 Hepworth. Whip, hoe, and sword. 1864. *973.7 H6 HiGGiNsoN. Army life in a black regi- ment. 1870 973.7 H7 Hill. Campaign in the Shenandoah val- ley. 1864. 1886 *973.7H8 HoDGKiNs. Battle of Fort Stedman, Petersburg, Virginia. 1865 *973.7 H9 Hood. Advance and retreat. 1880 973.7 HIO Humes. Loyal mountaineers of Ten- nessee. 1888 973.7 Hll Humphreys. Virginia campaign of '64 and '65. 1883 973.7 H12 Hutchinson, G. B. Narrative of the formation and services of the 11th Massachusetts volunteers. 1893.. *973.7 H13 Hutchinson, N. V. History of the 7th Massachusetts volunteer infantry. 1890 *973.7 H14 Hyde. Following the Greek cross. 1894. 973.7 H15 Irwin. History of the 19th army corps. ■ 1892 *973.7I Jackman. History of the 6th New Hampshire regiment. 1891 *973.7 J Jeffrey, comp. Richmond prisons. 1861-2. 1893 973.7 Jl Johns. Life with the 49th Massachusetts volunteers. 1864 *973.7 J2 Johnson, E. R. Short history of the war of secession, 1861-5 973.7 J3 Johnson, J. Defense of Charleston har- bor. 1890 973.7 J4 Johnson, R. U., and Buel, ed. Battles and leaders of the civil war. 4v. 1884 973.7 Jo Johnston. Narrative of military opera- tions. 1874 973.7 J6 Jones. Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate States capital. 1866 *973.7 J7 HISTORY. 259 KiEFFER. Recollections of a drummer- boy. 1889 j 973.7 K KiRWAX. Soldiering in North Carolina. [ 17th Massachusetts regiment. ] 18C4 973.7 Kl Knox. Camp-fire and cotton-field. 1865. 973.7 K2 Lost army. 1894 j 973.7 K3 LiNCOLX. Life with the 34th Massachu- setts infantry in the war of the rebellion. 1879 *973.7 L LivERMORE. My story of the war. 1888. 973.7 LI Long. Memoirs of Eobert E. Lee. 1886. 973.7 L2 LossiNG. Pictorial history of the civil war in the United States. 3v. 1866-68 973.7 L3 Lyman, ed. Papers relating to the Garri- son mob. 1870 *973.7L4 McClellan. McClellan"s own story; the war for the union. 1887 973.7 M ^L^CNAMARA. Irish 9th in bivouac and battle ; or, Virginia and Maryland campaigns. 1867 *973.7 Ml Mahan. Gulf and inland waters. 1883. 973.7 M2 Marshall. American bastile ; arrests and imprisonments during the civil war. 1883 973.7 M3 Marvin. History of "Worcester in the war of the rebellion. 1880 *973.7 M4 Massachusetts. Military historical so- ciety. Peninsular campaign of General McClelellan in 1862 : a/50, Virginia campaign of General Pope in 1862. 2v. 1881-86 *973.7 M5 History of the 35th regiment, Massa- chusetts volunteers. 1884 *973.7 M6 History of the 36th regiment, Massa- chusetts volunteers. 1862-6 5. 1884 *973.7 M7 Record of the 55th regiment, Massa- chusetts volunteer infantry. 1868. *973.7 MS Moore. Memorial ceremonies at the graves of our soldiers. May 30, 1868 *973.7 M9 Women of the war, their heroism and self-sacrifice. 1866 973.7 MIO ed. Rebellion record. 12v. 1867-71. *973. 7 Mil Moors. History of the 52d regiment, Massachusetts volunteers. 1893.. *973.7 M12 MosBT. War reminiscences and Stuart's cavalry campaigns. 1887 973.7 M13 Mottelay and Copeland, ed. Soldier in our civil war. 2v. 1890 +973.7 M14 Newell, ed. ' ' Our " annals of 10th regiment, Massachusetts volun- teers, in the rebellion. 1875 *973.7 Nl New Hampshire. 8th regiment volun- teers. Complete roster *973.7 N Nichols. Story of the great march. 1866 973.7 N2 NicOLAY. Outbreak of rebellion. 1881- 973.7 N3 NoTT. Sketches of the war. 1863 973.7 N4 NoYES. Bivouac and the battlefield. 1864. 973.7 N5 Old 6th Massachusetts Regiment As- sociation. Oration. Lowell, Mass, *973.7 O Osborne. History of the 29th regiment of Massachusetts volunteer in- fantry. 1877 *973.7 01 Owen. In camp and battle with the Washington artillery of New Or- leans. 1885 973.7 02 Page. Among the camps. 1891 j 973.7 P Palfrey. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1882 973.7 Pl Paris. Battle of Gettysburg. 1886 973.7 P? History of the civil war in America. 4v. 1876 973.7 PS Parker, F. A. Battle of Mobile bay, and the capture of Forts Powell, Gaines, and Morgan. 1878 973.7 P4 Parker, F. J. Story of the 32nd regi- ment, Massachusetts infantry. 1880 *973.7 PS- Parker, Cartey^, and others. Henry Wil- son's regiment. 1887 *973. 7 PS Parton. General Butler in New Orleans. 1862. 1864 973.7 P7 Patterson. Narrative of the campaign in the valley of the Shenandoah in 1861. 1865 973.7 PS Pember. Southern woman's story. 1879. 973.7 P9 Philanthropic results of the war in America. 1864 973.7 PlO Phisterer. Statistical record of the armies of the United States. 1883. 973.7 Pll Pierce. History and camp life of com- pany C, 51st regiment, Massachu- setts volunteer militia. 1862-3. 1886 *973.7 P12 Pike. First blows of the civil war. 1879. 973.7 P13 Plum. Militarj' telegraph during the civil war in the United States. 2v. 1882 973.7 P14 Pollard. First year of the war. 1862. 973.7 P16 Lost cause. 1868 973.7 P15 Southern history of the war : the second year. 1866 973.7 P17 Southern history of the war : the third year. 1865 973.7 P18 Southern history of the war : the last year. 1866 973.7 P19 Pond. Shenandoah valley in 1864. 1883. 973.7 P20 Porter. Naval history of the civil war. 1886 973.7 P21 Powers. Story of the 38th regiment of Massachusetts volunteers. 1866.. *973.7 P22 Price. Across the continent with the 5th cavalry. 1883 973.7 P2S Putnam. Story of company A, 25th regi- ment, Massachusetts volunteers. 1886 • *973.7 P24 260 HISTORY. Quint. Potomac and the Rapiclan. 18G4. *973.7 Q Eaymond. History of the administra- tion of President Lincoln. 18G4.. 973.7 R Record of the service of the 44th Massa- chusetts volunteer militia in North Carolina. 18G2-3. 1887 *973.7 El Richardson. Secret service ; the field, the dungeon, and the escape 973.7 R2 Riddle. Recollections of war times. 1860-65. 1895 973.7 R3 Robinson. History of the 5th regiment, M. V. M. 1879 *973.7 R4 RoDENBOUGH, comp. BravBst five hun- dred of '61; how the medal of ■ honor was won. 1891 973.7 R5 ed. Uncle Sam's medal of honor. 1886 9"3.7 R6 Rogers. Reminiscences of the 43rd regi- ment, Massachusetts infantry. 1883. *973.7 R7 Reminiscences of military service in the 43rd regiment, Massachusetts infantry. 1883 *973.7 R8 Roman. Military operations of General Beauregard. 1861-65. 2v. 1884. 973.7 R9 Ropes. Army under Pope. 1881 973.7 RIO Story of the civil war. 1894 973.7 Rll Safford, ed. Bay state 44th, a regi- mental record *973.7 S ScHARF. History of the Confederate States navy. 1887 973.7 SI Schmucker. History of the civil war in the United States. 2v. 1863-64. 973.7 S2 ScHouLER. History of Massachusetts in the civil war. 2v. 1871 973.7 S3 Seward. Diplomatic history of the war for the Union. 1884 973.7 S4 Sheridan. Personal memoirs. 2v. 1888. 973.7 S5 Snead. Fight for Missouri. 1886 973.7 S6 SoLEY. Blockade and the cruises. 1883. j 973.7 S7 Sailor boys of '61. 1888 j 973.7 S8 SoMERviLLE JOURNAL. Massacliusetts 39th regiment; their reunion in this city *973.7 S9 Stanyan. History of the 8th regiment of New Hampshire volunteers. 1892 *973.7 SlO Stearns, A. E. Narrative. 1887 *973.7 Sll Stearns, C. W. Black man of the south, and the rebels. 1872 973.7 S12 Stephens. Constitutional view of the late war between the states. 2v. 1868 973.7 S13 Stevenson. Battle of Stone's river, near Murfreesboro', Tenn. 1884. 973.7 S14 SwiNTON. Campaigns of the army of the Potomac. 1882 973.7 S15 Twelve decisive battles of the war. 1873 973.7 S16 Taylor. Destruction and reconstruc- tion. 1879 973.7 T Thayer. Youth's history of the rebell- ion. 4v. 1864-65 J973.7T1 Thompson. 13th regiment of New Hamp- shire. 1888 *973.7T2 ToBiE. History of the 1st Maine cav- alry. 1887 *973.7 T3 Tomes. Great civil war. 1862 973.7 T4 Toombs. New Jersey troops in the Gettysburg campaign. 1888 973.7 T5 TouRGEE. Appeal to Cssar. 1884 973.7 T6 Toavnsend. Anecdotes of the civil war. 1884 973.7 T7 Trobriand. Four years with army of the Potomac. 1889 973.7 T8 Underwood. Three years' service of the 33rd Massachusetts infantry regiment, 1862-65. 1881 *973.7 U United States. Congress. Report on the attack of Petersburg. 1864. *973.7 Ul Navy department. Official records of tlie Union and Confederate navies. 1804 *973.7 U2 War department. Medical and surgi- cal history of the war of the rebel- lion. 2v. 1870 *973.7 U3 "War of the rebellion. 1880 *973.7 U4 Waite. New Hampshire in the great re- bellion. 1873 *973.7 W Walcott. History of the 21st regiment, Massachusetts volunteers. 1882.. *973.7 Wl Walker, A. T. Vermont brigade in the Shenandoah valley, 1864. 1869 . . 973.7 W2 Walker, F. A. History of the 2nd army corps in the army of the Potomac. 1886 *973.7 W3 Watson. Life in the Confederate army. 1887 073.7 W4 Wayland, Mass. Wayland in the civil war. 1871 *973.7 W5 Webb. Peninsula. 1881 973.7 W6 Whitman and True. Maine in the war for the Union. 1865 *973.7 W7 Wilkie. Pen and powder. 1888 973.7 W8 Williams. BuUett and shell. 1883.. - . 973.7 W9 History of the negro troops in the war of the rebellion. 1861-65. 1888. 973.7 WIO Willis. 53d regiment, Massachusetts vol- unteers *973.7 Wll Wormsley. Other side of war with the armv of the Potomac. 1889 073.7 W12 NORTH ATLANTIC STATES. Abbott. History of Maine. 1875 *974.1 A Adams, N. Annals of Portsmouth. 1825. *974.2 A Adams, H. Summary history of New England. 1799 *974 A Adams, B. Emancipation of Massachu- setts. 1887 974.4 A HISTORY. Adams, C F. Antinomianism in the colony of Massachusetts bay. 1G3C-38. 1894: Massachusetts, its historians and its history. 1893 Three episodes of Massachusetts his- tory. 2v. 1892 Arnold. History of Rhode Island. 2v. 1859-60 Atwater. History of the colony of Xew Haven. 1881 Austin. History of Massachusetts. 187<3. Awful calamities ; or, the shipwrecks of 1839. 1840 Barber. Historical collections. 1839 . . History and antiquities of New Eng- land, New York, and New Jersey. 1841 Barry. History of Massachusetts. 3v. 1857 Baxter. Pioneers of New France in New England. 189-4 Belkxap. History of New Hampshire. 3v. 1784-92 Bell. History of the town of Exeter, • N. H. 1888 Bradford. New England chronology. 1497-1800. 1843 Bradford, A. History of Massachu- setts^ 1620-1820. 1835 History of Massachusetts. 1775- 1789. 1825 History of Massachusetts. 1764- 1775. 1822 History of Massachusetts. 1790- 1820. 1829 Bradford, W. History of Plymouth plantation. 1856 Bridgmax. Ten years of Massachusetts. 1888 Brooks. Story of New York. 1888. . . comp. Olden time series, v. 1, 2, 5, 6. 1886 Caverly. History of the Indian wars of New England. 1882 Charlton, comp. New Hampshire as it is. 1856 Character of the Massachusetts bay. 1759 Cheever. Journal of the pilgrims at Plymouth. 1848 Church. History of Philip's war. 1840. Collections ; relating to New Hampshire. 2v. 1822-24 Coolidge and Mansfield. History and description of New England, v.l. 1860 Croffut an<^ Morris. Military and civil history of Connecticut. 1861-65. Daxa. History of Woodstock, Vt. 1889. *074.4 Al 974.4 A2 974.4 A3 *974.5 A *974.6 A 974.4 A4 974.4 A5 974.4 B *974B 974.4 Bl *974 B 1 *974.2 B *974.2 Bl *974 B2 *974.4 B2 *974.4 B3 *974.4 B4 *974.4 B5 974.4 B6 974.4 B7 974.7 B 974.4 B8 974 CI *974.2 C *974.4 C *974.4 CI 974 C2 *974.2 CI *974 C3 *974.6 C *974.3 D 261 974.4 D Dexter. Story of the pilgrims. 1894. Dover \_N. H.'\ Historical Society. Collections. 1894 *974.2 D Drake. History of Middlesex county, Mass. 2v, 1880 *974.44 D Making of New England. 1886 974 D Our colonial homes. 1894 *974.4 Dl DwiGHT. History of Connecticut. 1842. 974.6 D Elliott. New England history. 2v. 1857 *974 E Ellis. Puritan age. 1888 974 El Essex Institute. Fifth half century of the landing of John Endicott at Salem. 1879 *974.45 E Historical collections. 27v 1859-90. *974.45 El Ettixg. Historical account of the old state house of Pennsylvania. 1876. 974.8 E Field. History of the county of Berk- shire, Mass. 1829 *974.41 F FiSKE. Beginnings of New England. 1889. 974 F Freemax. History of Cape Cod. 2v. 1860 *974.49 Fl Greex. Boundary line between Massa- chusetts and New Hampshire. 1894 *974G Hawthorxe. True stories from history and biography. 1871 j 974.4 H Heatox. Story of Vermont. 1889 974.3 H Hollaxd. History of western Massachu- setts. 1855 *974.4H1 Howard and Crocker. History of New England. 2v. 1880 *974 H Hubbard. General history of New Eng- land, to 1680. 1848 *974H1 HuxTiXGTOX. Under a colonial roof- tree. 1891 974.4 H2 HuRD, comp. History of Essex county, Mass. 2v. 1888 *974.45 H3 History of Middlesex county. 3v. 1890 *974.44 Hll History of Plymouth county, Mass. 1884 974.48 H3 HuTCHixsox. History of Massachusetts. 3v. 1795-1828 *974.4 H4 Papers relative to the history of Mas- sachusetts bay colony. 1769 *974.4 H3 IXTERXATIOXAL PuBLISHIXG Co., pub. Leading manufacturers and mer- chants of eastern Massachusetts. 1887 ;'"^--H Jexxess. Isles of Shoals. 1873 974.2 J Jewett & Co., pv.h. Standard history of Essex county, Mass. 1878 *974.45 J Jewett, pv.h. History of Worcester county. 1879 *974.43 J JoHXSox, W. F. History of the Johns- town flood. 1889 974.8 J JoHxsox, E. Wonder-working provi- dence of Sion's Saviour in New England. 1867 *974.4 J 262 HISTORY Johnston. Connecticut. 1887 974.6 J Kelley. Reminiscences of New Hamp- ton, N. H. 1889 *974.2 K Ejdder. Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell. 1865 974 K LossiNG. Empire state. 1888 974.7 L McClintock. History of New Hamp- shire. 1889 974.2 M McDuFFEE. History of Rochester, N.H. 1892 *974.2 Ml Magazine of New England history. V. 1-3. 1891-93 *974M Maine Historical Society. Collections. 14v. 1831-93 *974.1M Mason. Reminiscences of Newport. 1884 *974.5 M Massachusetts. General court. Char- ters and general laws. 1814 *974.4 M General court. Records of Massa- chusetts bay. 5v. 1853 *974.4 Ml Meader. Merrimack river. 1871 *974 Ml MiLFORD, N. If. 100th anniversary. 1894 *974.2 M2 MiNOT. History of the province of Massachusetts bay. 2v. 1798- 1803 *974.4 M2 Moore. Pilgrims and Puritans. 1888.. j 974.4 M3 Morse ajid Parish. Compendious his- tory of New England. 1809 *974 M2 Morton. New England's memorial. 1826 *974M3 Narragansett historical register, v. 1-8. 1882-90 *974.5 ^ Neal. History of New England. 1720. *974 N Palfrey. History of New England. 5v. 1858-90 974 P Parkman. Historic hand-book of the northern tour. 1885 974.7 P Peters. General history of Connecticut. 1877 ; . , 974.6 p Rhode Island Historical Society. Collections. 8v. 1827-93 *974.5 R Rhode Island historical tracts. 1877-84. 6v 974.5 Rl RoBBiNS. Historical view of the first planters of New England. 1815.. *974 R Robinson. Vermont; a study of inde- pendence. 1892 974.3 R Schuyler. Colonial New York. 2v. 1885 974.7 s Staples. Annals of Providence.. Vh v. 5. 974.5 R Stone. Visits to the Saratoga battle- grounds. 1780-1880. 1895 *974.7 Si Thornton. Historical relation of New England to the English common- wealth. 1874 974 T Underhill. Newes from America. 1638. *974 U United States. Congress. Rhode Is- land, Interference of the execu- tive in the affairs of. [Dorr re- bellion.] 1844-5 *974.5 U Valentine. Manual of the corporation of the city of New York for 1853. 5v 974.7 V Varney. Brief history of Maine. 1888. *974.1 V Vermont historical society. v. 1-2. 1870-71 *974.3 V Volunteer Special, ^j5eKKj9. l/y D. G. Hill. 1894 *929 H6 Book of minutes ; by Colonel John Jones. 1894 *974.47 Jl Early records; by D. G. Hill. y. 3. 1892 *974.47 HI First church. 250th anniversary. 1888 *277 Dl Historical address ; by S. F. Haven. 1837 *974.47 H Historical annals ; by Herman Mann. 1 847 *974.47 M Record of births ; comp. by D. G. Hill. 1886 *929 H61 250th anniversary. 1886 *974.47 D Deerfielu. Discourse delivered in the First church ; by Samuel Willard. 1857 *277 W2 History ; by George Sheldon. 1895. *974 42S Story of the old Willard house ; by Catherine B. Yale. 1887 *974 42 Y Dorchester. History ; by W. D. Orcutt. 1030-1893 *974.46 First church. Proceedings of the 250th anniversary. 1880 *277 D3 Dorchester Antiquarian and Histori- cal Society. History of the town of Dorchester. 1859 *974.46 Dl Douglass. History ; by W. A. Emerson. 1879 *974.43 El Dunstable. History ; by Elias Nason. 1877 *974.44 N History of the old township ; by C. J. Fox. 1846 *974.44 F3 DuxBURY. History ; by Justin Winsor. 1849 *974.48 Wl East Boston. History ; by W. H. Sum- ner. 1858 *974.46 S3 Eastham, Wellfleet, and Orleans. Comprehensive history ; by Enoch Pratt. 1844 *974.49 P Easthampton. History, with a genea- logical record; by P. W.Lyman. 1886 *974.42 LI Easton. History; by W. L. Chaffin. 1886 *974.48 G Essex. Congregational church. 250th anniversary. 1884 *277 El History ; by Robert Crowell. 1634- 1868 *974.45 C3 Everett. Souvenir; by D. P.Bailey. 1893 *974.44B1 Fall River. Authentic narrative ; by Mrs. C. R. Williams. 1833 *974.48 W Centennial history ; comp.hj H. H. Earl. 1877 *974.48 E HISTORY. 265^ Fall Eiver. History ; by Orin Fowler. 18<>2 *974.48 F Falmouth. Three lectures on the early history ; by C. W. Jenkins. 1889. *974.-t9 J 200th anniversary. 1886 *974.49 F FiTCHBURG. Ecclesiastical affairs. 1802. *97-t.43 F History ; by R. C. Torrey. 1836. . . *974.43 T2 Past and present; by W. A. Emer- son. 1887 *974.43 E Proceedings and papers of the his- torical society. 1895 *974.43 Fl FoxBOROUGH. Official centennial record. 1878 *974.47 F Framixgham. History ; by J. H. Tem- ple. 1887..... *974.44 T History ; by William Barry. 1847.. *974.44 B3 Gloucester. Evangelical congrega- tional church. Exercises at the 50th anniversary. 1879 *974.45 G History ; by J. J. Babson. I860.. . . *974.45 B History ; by J. R. Pringle. 1892 . . . *974.45 PI In and around Cape Ann; by J. S. Webber. 1885 *917.445 W Notes and additions to the history ; by J. J. Babson. 1876 *974.45 Bl Uuiversalist centennial. 1870 *277 G GosHEx. History; by Hiram Barrus. 1761-1881 *974.42 B Graftox. History ; including genealo- gies ; by F. C. Pierce. 1879 *974.43 P2 Granville. Jubilee. 1845 *974.42 G Great Barringtox. History ; by C. J. Taylor. 1882 *974.41 T Greexfield. History ; by David Wil- lard. 1838 *974.42 Wl Grotox. Boundary lines; by S. A. Green. 1885 *974.44 G3 Early records ; ed. by S. A. Green. 1880 *974.44 G4 Epitaphs from old burying ground; by S. A. Green. 1878 *929 G Groton during the Indian wars ; by S.A.Green. 1883 *974.44 G5 Historical sketch ; by S. A. Green. 1894 *974.44 G8 History ; by Caleb Butler. 1848 .... *974.44 B9 Papers relating to the history ; by S. A. Green. 1890 *974.44 GG Witch-craft times ; by S. A. Green. 1883 *974.44 G7 Hadlet. History; by Sylvester Judd. 1863 *974.42 J Haxover. Historical sketch; by J. S. Barry. 1853 *974.48 Bl Hardwick. History, with genealogical register ; by L. R. Paige. 1883. • . *974.43 P Harvard. History; by H. S. Nourse. 1894 *974.43N1 Haverhill. Historical sketch of the Baptist society; by H. C Graves. 1886 *277 Gl Haverhill. History; by B. L. Mirick. 1832... *974.45 M3 History ; by G. W. Chase. 1861... *974.45 C Record of commemoration on the 250th anniversary. 1891 *974.45 HI" Hawley. History, by W. G. Atkins. 1887 *974.42 Al Heath. Centennial anniversary. 1785- 1885; ed. by E. P. Guild *974.42 G2 HiXGHAM. History. 4v. 1893 *974.48 H Town in tlie late civil war ; comp. by Fearing Burr and George Lincoln. 1876 *974.48 B7 Holdex. History. 1694-1894; by D. F. Estes *974.43 E3 HoLLiSTOx. Genealogical register and history; by Abner Morse in *974.44 M2' Its first century; by Charles Fitch. 1827 *974.44 Fl HoPKixTox. Century sermon, Dec. 24, 1815 ; by Nathanael Howe. 1851. *974.44 H5 HuBBARDSTOx. History; by J. M. Stowe. 1881 *974.43 S HuDsox. History; by Charles Hudson. 1877 *974.44 HB- Hyde Park. Memorial sketch ; by J. K. Knight, and others. 1888 *974.46 Kl Ipswich. Celebration of the 250th anni- versarj'. 1884 *974.45 I History ; by J. J. Felt. 1834 *974.45 Fl Sketch of ecclesiastical history. 1820 *277 K Jamaica Plain. Address at dedication of the town-house ; by A. W. Aus- tin. 1868 *974.46A Kixgstox. 150th anniversary. 1876... *974.48 Kl Laxcaster. Address delivered at the dedication of its memorial hall ; by C.T.Thayer. 1868 *974.43 Tl Early records ; ed. by H. S. Nourse. 1884 *974.43N History ; by A. P. Marvin. 1879. . . *974.43 M 200th anniversary ; address by Joseph Willard. 1853 *974.43 W7 Lawrexce. Fall of the Pemberton mill. 1860 *974.45 Aa History ; comp. bv H. A. Wadsworth. 1880 '. *974.45W Lee. Centennial celebration ; comp. by C. M. and Alexander Hj-de. 1878. ♦974.41 H Leicester. Address. 1849; by Emory Washburn *974.43W3-. Historical sketches ; by Emory Wash- burn. 1860 *974.43 W4 Leomixster. Historical and picturesque ; by W. A. Emerson. 1888 *974.43 E2- History ; by David Wilder. 1853. . . *974.43 W6 Lexixgtox. Centennial celebration of the battle of Lexington. 1875... *974.44 L History; by Charles Hudson. 1868 *974.44H9. ■266 HISTORY. Littleton. Centennial sermon ; by Ed- mund Foster. 1815 *974.44F2 LoNGMEADow. Proceedings at tlie cen- tennial celebration, with a town genealogy. 1884 *974.42 L XowELL. As it was, and as it is ; by H. A. Miles. 1845 *974.44 M3 History ; by Charles Cowley. 1871. *974.44 C6 Semi-centennial celebration. 1876.. *974.44 LI South Congregational society. 50th anniversary. 1870 *277 L3 JLtnn. Centennial memorial ; by J. E. Newhall. 1876 *974.45 Nl History; by Alonzo Lewis. 1844... *974.45 L History of Dungeon rock ; by Hiram Marble. 1856 *974.45 Ml In Lj-nn woods ; by Nathan Hawkes. 1893 *917.445 H Proceedings ; by J. R. Newhall. 1880 *974.45 N2 St. Stephen's parish. Memorial. 1882 *974.45 LI Sketches ; by D. N. Johnson. 1880. *974.45 Jl Ltnnfield. History ; by T. B. Wellman. 1635-1895 *974.45 W2 Maldex. Bi-centennial book. 1849... *974.44 M Oration, May 23, 1849 ; by J. D. Green *974.44 G2 Manchester-by-the - Sea. Dedication seryices of the Memorial library and Grand Army hall. 1887 *974.45 M JIarblehead. History ; by Samuel Roads. 1880 *974.45 R Marlborough. History; by Charles Hudson. • 1862 *974.44 HIO Marshfield. Sixty years ago. 1872.. *974.48 L Thunder and lightning, and deaths. 1658, 1666; by N. B. Shurtleff. 1850 *974 48 S Maynard. Annals ; by A. S. Hudson, .-in *974.44 H6 Medfield. Bi-centennial commemora- tion. 1876 *974.47 Ml History of the town ; ed. by W. S. ♦ Tilden *974.47 Tl -Medford. Ark, ships, and shipbuilding ; by A. R. Baker. 1847 *974.44 B2 Discourse ; by Caleb Stetson. 1840. *277 S2 Division of Medford; by B. F. Hayes and G. A. Bruce. 1887- . . *974.44 H History ; by Charles Brooks. 1886. . . *974.44 B7 Medway. Historical discourse at the First church of Christ; by E. I. Jameson. 1877 *277 Jl History ; ed. by E. 0. Jameson. *974.47 J Melrose. Memorial ; by E. H. Goss. 1868 *974.44 Gl Mexdox. Annals of tlie town; comj}. by J. G. Metcalf *974.43 Ml Methuen. Historical sketch; by J. S. Howe. 1876 *974.45 H2 MiLFORD. History ; by Adin Ballon. 1882. *974.43 B Milton. History; ed. by A. K. Teele.. *974.47 T Murray'field. History; by A. M. Cope- land. 1892 *974.42 C Nantucket. History; by Obed Macy. 1835 *974.49 M Nantucket scraps ; by Mrs. J. G. Austin. 1892 917.449 A Natick. History ; by William Biglow. 1830 *974.44 B6 History ; by 0. N. Bacon. 1856 *974.44 B Sermon, containing a history ; by Martin Moore. 1817 *974.44 Ml Needham. Sermon; by Stephen Palmer. 1811 *974.47 P Neav Bedford. Centennial address. 1876 ; by W. W. Crapo *974.48 C3 History ; by Daniel Ricketson. 1858. *974.48 R History of the churches. 1869 *277 H2 Newbury'. Celebration of the 250th anni- versary. 1885 *974.45 N History; by Joshua Coffin. 1845. . . *974.45 N Newburyport. History ; by Caleb Gush- ing. 1826 *974.45 C4 History; by Mrs. E. V. Smith. 1854. . *974.45 S Newton. Centennial celebrations of the city. 1876 f *974.44 N2 Early settlement ; by Francis Jack- son. 1854 *974.44J Hand-book ; by M.F.Sweetser. 1889. *917.444 K History ; by S. F. Smith. 1880 *974.44 S3 First church. 225th anniversary. 1889 *277 N Second church. 100th anniversary. 1881 *277 Nl North Bridgewater. See Brockton. North Brookfield. History, with gene- alogical register ; by J. H. Temple. 1887 *974.43 T North Middleborough. History of the church ; by S. H. Emery. 1876. . . *277 E Northampton. Antiquities, historicals, and graduates ; by Solomon Clark. 1882 *917.442 C Historical catalogue of the First church ; by Solomon Clark. 1891. *277 C2 Historical sketch ; by Solomon Wil- liams. 1815 *974.42 W2 Inscriptions on gravestones ; by Thomas Bridgman. 1850 *929 B7 Norton. History ; by G. F. Clark. 1859. *974.48 CI Oxford. History, with genealogies ; by G.F.Daniels. 1892 *974.43 D Records ; by Mary de W. Freeland. 1894 *974.43 F3 Palmer. Historical address; by Thomas Wilson. 1855 *974.42 W3 History; by J. H. Temple. 1SS9. .. *974.42 T Paxton. Centenary memorial. 1868... *974.43 PI Peabody-. Historv ^...in *917.445 S HISTORY. 267 Pigeon Cove and vicinity, by H. C. Leonard. 1873 *917.44.5 L PiTTSFiELD. Berkshire jubilee. IS-t-t.. *974.41B History ; by D. D. Field. 1844. . • • *974.41 Fl History; by J. E. A. Smith. 2v. 1869-76." *974.41 S Plainfield. History; by C. X. Dyer. 1891 *974.42 D2 Plyjiouth. Ancient landmarks ; by W. T.Davis. 1883 *974.48 D2 Charter and laws of the colony of new Plj-mouth ; comp. by William Brigham. 1836 *974.48 B7 Compact with the charter and laws of Plymouth colony. 1836 *974.48 P Epitaphs from Burial hill ; by Brad- ford Kingman. 1892 *929 K History. 1620-1832; by James Thacher *974.48 T Memoir of the colony of New Ply- mouth; b}' Francis Baylies. 2v. 1866 *974.44 B4 Pilgrim celebration. 1853 *974.48 PI Pilgrim republic ; by J. A. Goodwin. 1888 *974.48 G Plymouth and the pilgrims ; by Joseph Banvard. 1853... *974.4S B Records of the colony of New Ply- mouth ; ed. by N. B. Shurtleff. 12v. 1855-61 *974.48 M Pkixcetox. Celebration of the 100th anniversary. 1859 *974.43 P3 History ; by C T. Russell. 1838 . . . *974.43 Rl History ; by J. L. Hanaford. 1852 . *974.43 H Peovixcetowx. Odds and ends from the tip end ; by H. A. Jennings . • • *9 17.449 J QcixcY. Early history; by George Whitney *974.47 W First church ; 250th anniversary. 1890 *277 Q History : 1792-1889; by C. F. Adams. in **974.47 A Readixg. Genealogical history. 1874.. *974.44 E History; hy C. F. Akans. jr. 1792- 1889 in **974.47A Eehoboth. History: by Leonard Bliss, jr. 1836 *974.48 B3 Rochester. Official bi-centennial record. 1879 *974.48 Rl EoxBURY. History; by CM. Ellis. 1847. *974.46 El Town ; by F. S. Drake *917.446 D EuTLAXD. History; by Jonas Reed. 1836 *974.43 R Salem. Annals ; by J. B. Felt. 2v. 1845-9 *974.45 F Half-century in Salem; by M. C. D. Silsbee. 1887 917.44 SI Historical sketch; by C. S.Osgood and H. M. Batchelder. 1879 *974.45 History. 1893 *917.445 S Old Naumkeag; by C. H. Webber and W. S. Nevins. 1877 *974.45 Wl Salem. Old Salem; by Mrs. H. L. (V.) Bates 917.445 B Savoy. History; by H. E. Miller. 1879. *974.41 M Sherborx. Genealogical register and history ; by Abner Morse. 1856. . *974.44 M2 (Sherburne). History; by WilUam Biglow. 1830 974.44 B5 Shirley. History; by Seth Chandler. 1883 *974.44 C2 Shrewsbury. History ; by A. H. Ward. 1826 *974.43 Wl Old times ; by EUzabeth Ward. 1892. *9 17.443 W SoMERviLLE. City directory, v. 3-10, 12- 18. 1873-95 " *017.444G Historic heights and points of in- terest; by H. E. Hill. 1885 *974.44 H3 Historical address at the laying of the corner stone of the Winter hill Congregational church. 1890 ; by J. S. Hayes *974.44 HI Historical address delivered in the High school building. 1876 ; by W. H. Furber •• *974.44 F5 History ; by E. C. Booth in v. 2. *974.44D History ; W. T. Davis in v. 3. *974.44 Hll History of the churches ; by G. E. Jackson. 1882 *277 J Its representative business men and its points of interest. 1892 *917.444 S Jacques '• cream pot " stock : [Ten Hills farm] : by J. R. Dodge. . .in *630 U Massachusetts 39th regiment: their reunion in this city *973. 7 S9 Somerville citizen souvenir. 1892 . . . *974.44 S7 Somerville journal souvenir of the semi-centennial. 1892 *974.44 S4 Souvenir of Winter Hill. 1890 *974.44 W5 SouTHAMPTOx. Address delivered at cen- tennial celebration, 1841; by B. B. Edwards *074.42 E Spexcer. History: by James Draper. . . *974.43 D2 Sprixgfield. Address delivered in the new court house ; by W. G. Bates. 1S74 *974.42 Bl Art musenm of the city library asso- ciation. Souvenir. 1895 *974.42 Si Early history : address on the 200th anniversary of the burning of the town ; by Henry :Morris. 1876 .... *974.42 M History: by M. A. Green. 1886.... *974.42 Gl History of the First church ; by Henry Morris. 1875 *277 M3 Memories ; by M. A. Green. 1876. . *917.442 G Stockbridge. Past and present ; by Electa F.Jones. 1854 *974.41 J Stoxeham. History; by W. B. Stevens. 1M}1 "^974.44 85 ScDBURY. Annals: by A. S. Hudson. 1891 *974.44H6 268 HISTORY. Sudbury. History; by A. S. Hudson. 1889... *97-t.4-4 H7 Sutton. History of the town ; cornp. by W. A. Benedict and H. A. Tra- cey *974.43 B2 Templeton. Historical discourse de- livered at the First Congregational church ; by E. G. Adams. 1857. . . *277 A ToPSFiELD. Address ; by Nehemiah Cleaveland. 1851 *974.45 CI TowNSEXD. History ; by I. B. Sawtelle. 1878 • • • • . *974.44 S Tkuro. History; by Shebnah Eich. 1883 *974.49 R Uptok. Centennial address ; by Benja- min Wood. 1835 *974.43 W8 UxERiDGE. Address delivered at the Uni- tarian church; by Henry Chapin. 1881 *974.43 C Wakefield. Congregational cliurch. 1877 *277 B2 Inaugural exercises. 1868 *974.44 W Waltham. Past and present; by G. A. Nelson. 1882 *974.44 Nl Ware. Address delivered at the opening of the new town hall ; by William Hyde. 1847 *974.42 HI Wareham. Colonial times on Buzzard's bay ; by W. R. Bliss. 1888 *974.4S B4 Warren. 150th anniversary. 1891 *974.43 W2 Warwick. History ; by Jonathan Blake. 1854 *974.42 B2 Watertown. Genealogies ; by Henry Bond. 1855 *929 B3 Historical sketch ; by Convers Francis. 1830 *974.44 F4 Records. 1894 *974.44 W2 Wayland. Annals ; by A. S. Hudson. in *974.44 HO History ; in the civil war. 1871 *973.7 W5 Wellfleet. History of the Methodist Episcopal church. 1877 *277 P2 Wenham. History; by M. 0. Allen. I860 • *974.45 A Sermon at the dedication of the meet- ing-house in Wenham ; by Daniel Mansfield. 1843 *277 M2 West Bridgewater. 200th anniversary. 1856 *974.48 Bo Westborough. History; by De Forest and Bates. 1891 *974.43 Dl Westfield. Historical sketch; by Em- erson Davis. 1826 *974.42 D Jubilee. 1870 *974.42 W Westford. History ; by E. R. Hodgman. 1883 *974.44 H4 Westminster. History; by Charles Hudson. 1832 *974.43 H2 History; by W. S. Heywood. 1893 *974.43H1 Weston. Records. 1746-1803. 1893. *974.44W3 Weymouth. Historical society. 2v. 1881-85 *974.47 N Old north church. 25th anniversary. 1863 *277 Wl 250th anniversray; by C. F. Adams. 1874 *974.47 Al Whately. History; by J. H. Temple. 1872 *974.42 Tl Winchester. 250th anniversary of the first white settlement. 1890 *974.44 W4 WoBURN. History ; by Samuel Sewall. 1808 *974.44 Si Legends ; by P. L. Converse. 1892. *974.44 C5 Transcript of epitaphs; by W. R.. Cutter and E. F. Johnson. 1890. . *929 C9 Worcester. Births, marriages, and deaths. 1894 *974.43 W13 Carl's tour in Main street. 1889 *917.443 K Celebration. 1876 *974.43 Wll Historical discourse delivered in the Old South meeting-house ; by Leonard Bacon. 1863 *277 Bl History ; by William Lincoln. 1802. *974.43 L History, during the war of the rebel- lion ; by A. P. Marvin. 1880 *973.7 M4 Its past and present. 1888 *974.43 W9 Reminiscences : historical and genea- logical ; by C. A. Wall. 1877.... *974.43W Tribute to tlie Columbian year. 1893 *974.43 W12 Worcester association and its antece- dents ; by Joseph Allen. 1808 *974.43 A Wrentham. Sermon, 1773; by Joseph Bean *974.47 Bl Yarmouth. History of Old Yarmouth ; byC.F. Swift. 1884 *974.49 S 250th anniversary of Old Yarmouth. 1889 *974.49 O SOUTHERN STATES. Browne. Maryland; history of a pa- latinate. 1884 975.2 B Cooke. Stories of the Old Dominion. 1879 975 C Virginia ; a history of the people. 1883 975.5 C Davis. Recollections of Mississippi and Mississippians. 1889 976.2 D Drake. Making of Virginia and the middle colonies. 1893 975 D Fairbanks. History of Florida. 1512- 1842 975.9 F Gemmill. Notes on Washington, the national capital. 1884 975.3 G Gilmore. Advance guard of western civilization. 1888 976.8 G HoAVE. Historical collections of Virginia. 1845 975.5 H HISTORY. 269 Irvixg. Conquest of Florida. 2\-. 1SG9. 97r).0 I Jones. History of Georgia. 2v. 1883. 975.8 J Phelax. History of Tennessee. 1888.. 976.8 P Pike. Prostrate 8tate. 1874 975.7 P PORTSMOCTH RELIEF AsSOCIATIOX. Yel- low fever, Portsmouth, A"a. 1855. 975.5 P Shaler. Kentucky a pioneer common- wealth. 1885 970.9 8 Todd. Stoiy of Washington, the national capital. 1889 975.3 T United States. Congress. Dedication of the Washington national monu- ment. 1885 975.3 U Congress. Keport on the alleged outrages in the soutliern states. 1871 975 U Williams. Sam Houston, and the war of independence in Texas. 1893. • 976.4 W WiLsox. Historic and picturesque Sa- vannah. 1880 975.8 W WESTERN STATES. Bancroft, •California inter-pocula. 1888 979.4 B California pastoral. 1709-1848. 1888 979.4 Bl History of Alaska. i;30-1885 979.8 B History of Arizona and New Mexico. 1889 978 B History of California. 1542-1890. 7v. 1884-90 "979.4 B2 History of Nevada, Colorado, and Wyoming. 1890 978 Bl History of the northwest coast. 2 v. 1884 979 B History of Oregon. 1834-88. 2v . . 979.5 B History of Utah. 1890 979.2 B History of Washington, Idaho, and Montana. 1890 979 B Popular tribunals. 2v. 1887 979.4 Bo Barrows. Oregon; the struggle for possession. 1834 979.5 Bl Blackmar. Spanish institutions of the southwest. 1891 978 B2 Carringtox. Ab-sa-ra-ka ; or, Wyom- ing opened. 1890 978 C Coolet. Michigan ; a history of govern- ment. 1885 977.4 C CozzExs. Marvellous country. 1875.. 978 Cl Drake. Makingof the great West. 1887. j 978 D Making of the Ohio valley states. 1060-1837 977 D Dunn. Indiana; a redemption from slavery. 1888 •. 977.2 D Heard. History of the Sioux war. 1865. 977.0 H King. Ohio, first fruits of the ordinance of 1787. 1888 977.1K Nicolet. History of the discovery of the nortwest. 1034. 1881 977 N Rice. Pioneers of the western reserve. 1883 Robinson. Kansas. 1856 RoTCE. California. 1840-56 1886 SouLE, and others. Annals of San Fran- cisco. 1855 Taylor. Between tlie gates. 1878 United States. Congress. Report; troubles in Kansas. 1850 Van Dyke. Millionaires of a dav. 1890. SPANISH AMERICA. Bancroft. History of Central America. 1501-1887. 3v History of Mexico. 1510-1887. 6v. History of the North Slexican states and Texas. 1531-1889. 2v Bandelier. Gilded man. 1893 BiART. Aztecs. 1887 BcTLER. Sketches of Mexico. 1894... Dor BLED AY. Reminiscences of the "Filibuster" war in Nicaragua. 1886 Eden. West Indies. 1880 Eggleston and Seelye. Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. 1880. Hale. Story of Mexico. 1889 Helps. Spanish conquest in America. 4v. 18G8 Noll. Short history of Mexico. 1325- 188S Oder. Young folks' history of Mexico. 1000-1880 Prescott. History of the conquest in Mexico. 3v. 1873 Roche. Storv of the filibusters. 1891. SOUTH AMERICA. Adams. Land of the incas and the citj' of tlie sun. 1885 Biggs. History of Don Francisco de Miranda's attempt to effect a revo- lution in South America. 1810- • . Markham. War between Peru and Cliili. 1879-82 Mllhall. English in South America. 1878 Prescott. Conquest of Peru. 2v. 1>74. Sarmiento. Life in the Argentine Re- public in the days of the tyrants. 1808 Washbirx. History of Paraguay. 2v. 1871 977.1 R 978.1 R 979.4 R 979.4 S 979.4 T 978.1 U 979.4 V 972 B 972 Bl 972 B2 972 B3 972 B4 972 B5 972 D 972 E 972 El 972 H 972 HI 972 N j 972 972 P 972 R 985 A 987 B 985 M 980 M 985 P 982 8 989 W POLYNESIA. BixGHAM. Residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich Islands. 1855. .. 996 B 270 HISTORY. Cbawford. Recollections of travel in New Zealand and Australia. 1880. 993 C Stevenson. Foot-note to history. 1892. 996 S Tregarthen. Story of Australasia. 1893. 994 T Young. Mutiny of the "Bounty" and story of Pitcairn island. 1790-1894 997 T + AUTHOR LIST. A., £. v. In maiden meditation. 1894.. 814 A Aaron, E. M. Butterfly hunters in the Caribbees. 1894 917.2 A Abbot, Abiel. Letters -written in th*e interior of Cuba. 1829 917.2 Al Abbot, Ezra. Authorship of the fourth gospel. 1888 22G A Abbot, E. E. Way out of agnosticism. 1890 211 A Abbot, W. J. Battle-fields and camp-fires. 1862-3. 1890 973.7 A Battle-fields and victory. 1891 j 973.7 A2 Battle-fields of 61. 1889 j 973.7 A3 Blue jackets of 1812 j 973 A Blue jackets of '61. 1892 973.7 Al Blue jackets of '76. 1888 973.3 A Abbott, B. V. Judge and jury. 1880.. 340 A Travelling law-school. 1884 340 Al Abbott, C. C. Birds about us. 1895 598 A Days out of doors. 1889 590 A Naturalist's rambles about home. 1890 596 A Outings at at odd times. 1890 814 Al Recent rambles. 1892 814 A2 Waste-land wanderings. 1887 590 A 1 Abbott, Edward. Paragraph history of the United States. 1875 973 A3 Trip eastivard. 1880 j 917.1 A Abbott, Evelyn. History of Greece. 1888 938 A Pericles and the golden age of Athens. 1891 9P414 Abbott, E. A. How to write clearly. 1875 425 A Onesimus. 1882 244 A Oxford sermons. 1879 252 A Philochristus. 1878... 244 Al Shakespearian grammar. 1872 822.3 A Through nature to Christ. 1877 232 A Abbott, G. D. Mexico and the United States. 1869 973 A4 History of Julius Caesar 9 CllS Abbott, Jacob. American history. 8v. 1860 j 973 Al American history. 4v. 1860 j 973 A2 Cleopatra. 1851 9 C595 History of Alexander the Great. 1877. j 9 A12 History of Cyrus the Great. 1875 j 9 C99 History of Darius the Great. 1876.. j 9 D24 History of Genghis Khan. 1875 j 9 G28 History of Hannibal. 1877 j 9 H197 Abbott, Jacob. History of Julius Caesar. 1877 j 9 C113- History of JuUus Caesar 9 C118- History of King Alfred of England. 1875 j 9 A124 History of Iving Charles I. of Eng- land. 1875 j 9 C38 History of King Charles II. of Eng- land. 1876 j 9 C382 History of King Richard I. of England. 1857 j 9 R38 History of King Richard II. of Eng- land. 1875 j 9 R38I History of King Richard III. of Eng- land. 1875 j 9 R382 History of Margaret of Anjou. 1876. j 9 M33 History of Mary, queen of Scots. 1848 j 9 M363 History of Nero. 1877 j 9 N35 History of Peter the Great. 1887 j 9 P44 History of Queen Ehzabeth. 1874 ... j 9 E14 History of Romulus. 1875 j 9 R662 History of William the Conqueror. 1874 j 9 W67 History of Xerxes the Great. 1875. . j 9 X2 New England and her institutions. 1835 *917.4 A Pyrrhus. 1877 j 9 P99' The teacher. 1875 371 A Water and land. 1872 j 551 A Way to do good. 1874 248 A Abbott, J. S. C. Adventures of the Chevalier de La Salle and compan- ions. 1875 j 9 L33. Captain William Ividd. 1874 ' j 9 K53 Christopher Carson j 9 C235- David Crockett. 1874 j 9 C87 George Washington ; or, life in America one hundred years ago. 1875 9 W27 Historyof Henry IV. of France. 1877. j 9 H391 History of Hernardo Cortez. 1876. . 9 C815 History of Hortense. 1870 j 9 H78 History of Joseph Bonaparte. 1869.. j 9 B647 History of Josephine^ 1875 9 J77 History of King PhiHp. 1857 j 9 P53 History of Louis XIV. 1871 j 9 L922 History of Madame Roland. 1872. . . 9 RG4 History of Maine. 1875 *974.1 A History of Marie Antoinette. 1875.. 9 M333 History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2v. 1883 9 N162 t For Author List of Fiction, see pages 46-102. 272 AUTHOR LIST. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Napoleon III. 1873 9 N164 Life of Benjamin Franklin. 1870. . . j 9 FSo Life of Christopher Columbus. 1875 9 C72 Life of Ferdinand de Soto. 1873 j 9 So75 Life of John P. Jones. 1874 j 9 J713 Lives of the presidents. 1872 92 Ab2 Louis Philippe. 1871 j 9 L927 Miles Standish. 1873 j 9 St22 Peter Stuyvesant. 1873 j 9 St94 Abbott, Lysian. Evolution of Chris- tianity. 1892 230 A Layman's story. 1873 24-1 A2 New streams in old channels. 1894.. 240 A Signs of promise. 1889 252 Al ed. Henry Ward Beecher. 1883 9 B39 HoAv to succeed. 1882 304 A Abbott, S. G. 1st regiment. New Hamp- shire volunteers. 1890 *973.7 A4 A'Beckett, G. a. Comic Blackstone. 1887 827 A Abel, Mrs. M. H. Practical cooking adapted to small means. 1890 641 A Abell, Mrs. L. E. Recollections of Na- poleon at St. Helena. 1873 9 N1621 Abekcombie, John. Inquiries concerning the intellectiml powers, and the in- vestigation of truth. 1832 150 A Philosophy of the moral feelings. 1833 170 A Abekcromby, Ralph. "Weather. 1888- 551 Al Abington, Mass. Celebration of the 150th anniversary. 1862 *974.48 A Abney, W. de W. Treatise on photo- graphy. 1888 770 A and others. Science lectures at South Kensington. 2v. 1878-79.. 504 A joint author. 5'ee Cunningham, C. D. Abrantes, L. p. J., Duchess d\ Memoirs of Napoleon. 2v. 1867 9 NlOO Account of the conflagration of the Ursu- line convent. 1834 *271 A AcHARD, Emile. History of my friends or home life with animals. 1875- . . j 599 A AcKERLOs, John, x)sevd. See Smith, J. S. AcLAND, A. H. D. Working men co-operators. 1884 334 A and. Smith, H. L. Studies in second- ary education. 1892 379 A AcwoRTH, W. M. Railways of England. 1889 656 A Adam, G. M. Sandow on physical train- ing. 1894 *613A Adams, Brooks. Emancipation of Massa- chusetts. 1887 974.4 A Adams, C. F., jr. History of Braintree, Mass. 1891 *974.47 A Life of Richard Henry Dana. 2v. 1891 9 D19 Adams, C. F., jr. Massachusetts, its historians and its history. 1893 974.4 A2 Railroads. 1878 656 Al Three episodes of Massachusetts his- tory. 2v. 1892 974.4 A3 250th anniversary of Weymouth. 1874 *974.47 Al ed. Antinomianism in the colony of Massachusetts bay. 1836-38. 1894. *974.4 Al Adams, C.F. J.Q.Adams. 12v. 1874-77. 9 Adl5 Adams, C. Pollen. Dialect poems. 1888. 811 A Adams, C. K. Christopher Columbus, his life and times. 1890 9 C721 Democracy and monarchy in France. 1874 944 A Manual of historical literature. 1889. 016 A ed. Representative British orations. 3V. 1884 825 A Adams, E. G. First Congregational church in Templeton, Mass. 1857 277 A Adams, Mrs. E. L. (S.), joint author. See Steele, Frances M. Adams, Francis. Free school system of the United States. 1875 379 Al Adams, Hannah. Summary history of New England. 1799 *974 A View of religions. 1801 270 A Adams, Henry. History of the United States. 9v. 1889-91 973 A5 John Randolph. 1882 9 Rio Adajis, H. B., ed. See Johns Hopkins university studies. Adams, John. Works. lOv. 1856 308 A and M)-s. A. S. Familiar letters. 1876 9 Adl2 and Sewall, Jonathan. Political essays. 1819 320 A Adams, Josiah. Centennial address de- livered at Acton, Mass. 1835 *974.44 A Adams, J. G. Fifty notable years. 1883. 289 A Memoir of Thomas Whittemore. 1885 9 W61 Adams, J. Q. Letters on the Masonic in- stitution. 1847 *366 A Adams, Nathaniel. Armals of Ports- mouth. 1825 *974.2 A Adams, Nehemiah. South-side view of slavery. 1855 326 A Adams, O. F. Brief handbook of Ameri- can authors. 1884 *92 Adl Brief handbook of English authors. 1884 *92 Adl2 Adams, W. D. Dictionary of English literature *820 A Famous book. 1879 820 Al ed. Treasury of modern anecdote. 1881 828 A Adams, W. H. D. Beneath the surface. 1876 551 A2 AUTHOR LIST. 278 Adams, W. H. D. Child-life and girlhood of remarkable women. 1895... 92 AdlSl Eastern archipelago. 1880 919.1 A Famous caves and catacombs. 1886. j 551 A3 Heroes of the cross. 1880 92 Adl82 " In perils oft." 1886 92 Adl83 Land of the incas and the city of the sun. 1885. 985 A Life in the primeval world. 1872 560 A Maid of Orleans. 1889 9 J57 Memorable battles in English history. 2v. 1879 942 A Merry monarch; England under Charles II. 2v. 1885 942 A 1 Mountains and mountain-climbing. 1883 910 A Secret of success. 1879 174 A Some heroes of travel. 1880 910 Al Threshold of life. 1888 j 170 Al Wars of the cross. 1883 940 A "White king; Charles tlie First, and England in the 17th century. 2v. 1889 942 A2 "Women travellers of the 19th century. 1883 92 Ad 18 Adams, W. I. L., awf? Ehrmaxn, Charles. Photographic instructor. 1892.... 770 Al Adams, W. T. Life of U. S. Grant. 1888. j 9 G761 ^Adamson, KoBEKT. Fichtc. 1881 9 F44 On the philosophy of Kant. 1879 142 A Addington, John. Memoirs of Gozzi. 2v. 1890 9 G745 Addison, D. D. Life of* Lucy Larcom. 1894. 9 L32 Addison, Joseph. Days with Sir Roger de Coverley. 1892 824 A Sir Roger de Coverley. 1852 824 A 1 Adeler, Max, pseud. See Clark, C. H. Adeline, JcLES. Art dictionary. 1891.. *703 A Adland, George. Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester. 1870 9 L531 Adler, G. J. Dictionary of the German and English languages. 1873 *433 A Aeschylus. Plays ; ed. by Robert Potter. 1886 882 A ^sop. Fables. 1805 888 Al Fables ; ed. by Joseph Jacobs. 1894. 888 A Agassiz, Alexander. Three cruises of the U. S. coast and geodetic survey steamer " Blake." 2v. 1888 508 A Agassiz, iVrs. E. (C.) Actaea. 1859... j 593 A Louis Agassiz, his life and correspond- ence. 2v. 1886 9 Agi and Alexander. Sea-side studies in natural history. 1871 593 A 1 joi7it author. See Agassiz, J. L. R. Agassiz, J. L. R. Contributions to the natural history of the United States. 4v. 1862 *590 A2 Agassiz, J. L. R. Geological sketches. 2 v. 1873- 76 550 A Structure of animal Ufe. 1874 590 A3 and Mrs. E. (C.) Journey in Brazil. 1869 .' 918.1A and. others. Tribune popular science. 1874 504 Al Aguilar, Grace. Women of Israel. 2v. 1872 396 A AiKiN, Lucy. Joseph Addison. 2v. 1843. 9 Ad2 Memoirs of the court of Queen Eliza- beth. 2v. 1819 9 E141 Ainger, Alfred. Life of Charles Lamb. 1882 L163 Ainsworth, Robert. Dictionary, Eng- lish and Latin. 1858 *473 A Airy, G. B. Popular astronomy. 1868.. 520 A AiTKEN, G. A. Life and works of John Arbuthnot. 1892 9 Ar 17 AiTKEN, Mart C, comp. Scottish song. 1874 821 A Akenside, Mark, and, Beattie, James. Poetical works. 1880 821 Al Albemarle, G. T. K. Fifty years of my life. 1876 9 A112 Albert, Edward. Speeches and ad- dresses. 1889 825 Al Albertis, L.* M. d'. New Guinea. 2v. 1881 919.4 A Alcock, C. W., joint author. See Mar- riott, C. J. B. Alcott, a. B. Ralph "Waldo Emerson; an estimate of his character and genius, in prose and verse. 1882.. 814 A3 Table talk. 1877 818 A Tablets. 1868 814 A4 Alden, j. p., ])uh. Handy atlas of the world. 1887 912 A Alden, W. L. Canoe and the flying proa. 1878 797 A Aldine, the art journal of America, v. 9. 1879 *705 A Aldrich, Anne R. Nadine, and other poems. 1893 811 Al Songs about life, love, and death. 1892 811 A2 Aldrich, T. A. Mercedes, and later lyrics. 1884 811 A3 Aldrich, T. B. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 1883 914 A Old town by the sea. 1893 917.42 A Poems. 1885 811 A4 Sister's tragedy, witli other poems, lyrical and dramatic. 1891 811 A5 Unguarded gates, and other poems. 1895 811 A6 " Alex," pseud. See White, Eliza A. Alexander, Archibald. Theory of con- duct. 1890 171 A 274 AUTHOR LIST. Alexander, Francesca. Christ's folk in the Apennine. 1888 858 A Story of Ida. 1883 9 Idl Alfieri, Vittorio. Life of Alfieri. 1877. 9 A126 Tragedies ; tr. by E. A. Bowing. 2v. 1876 852 A Alford, Henry. Plea for the Queen's English. 187-i 428 A Alger, Horatio, jr. Life of A. Lincoln. 1883 j 9L63 Alger, J. G. Glimpses of the Erench revolution. 1894 94-1: Al New Paris sketch book. 1887 914.4 A Alger, W. E. Friendships of women. 1872 396 Al Life of Edwin Forrest. 2v. 1877. . . 9 F77 Sources of consolation in human life. 1892 i 240 Al Alglave, E., and Boulard, J. Electric light. 1884 537 A Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Eu- rope from 1789-1815. 4v. 1867. . . 940 Al History of Europe from 1815-52. 4v. 1871 940 A2 Military life of John, Duke of Marl- borough. 1868 9 M34 Allan, William. Army of northern Vir- ginia in 1862. 1892 973.7 A5 Allen, A. V. G. Continuity of Christian thought. 1884 230 Al Jonathan Edwards. 1889 9 Ed94 Religious progress. 1894 204 A Allen, C. D. American book-plates. 1894 *097 A Allen, C. G. B. Charles Darwin. 1885. 9 D25 Colours of flowers. 1882 581 A Falling in love, with other essays. 1889 824 A2 Flowers and their pedigrees. 1884.. 581 Al Allen, F. H. Young folks' history of the reformation. 1887 j 943 A Allen, G. G. Universal phonography. 1883 653 A Allen, John. Blessed bees. 1878 638 A Allen, Joseph. Worcester association and its antecedents. 1868 *974.43 A Allen, J. H. Christian history in the three great periods. 1883 270 Al Our liberal movement in theology. 1882 288 A Positive religion. 1891 204 Al Allen, L. F. American cattle. 1879 636 A Rural architecture. 1852 728 A Allen, M. O. History of Wenham. I860 f974 45 A Allen, R. L. New^American farm book. 1869 630A Allen, Stephen. Life of Rev. John Allen. 1888; 9 A152 Allen, S. M. Fibrilia. 1862 677 A Allen, T. G., and Sachtleben, W. L. Across Asia on a bicycle. 1894 915 A Allen, Wilkes. History of Chelmsford. 1820 *974.44 Al Allen, William. American biographical and historical dictionary. 1809 92 A151 Life and correspondence. 2v. 1847. 9 A157 Allender, George. Imbroglio. 1885.. 812 A Allibone, S. a. Critical dictionary of English literature. 3v. 1870 *92 A15 Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson. 1873 *808 A Prose quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. 1876 *828 Al Allingham, William. Songs and stories. 1877 821 A2 Allinson, E. p., a7id Penrose, Boies. Philadelphia. 1681-1887 342 A Allsop, F. C. Electric bell construction. 1895 537 Al Practical electric-light fitting 621 A Allyn, Jack, joint author. See Blouet, Paul. Alviella, E. G. d'. Count. Contemporary evolution of religious thought in England, America, and India. 1886. 213 A Alzog, j. B. Manual of universal church history. 3v. 1878 270 A2 Amateur work illustrated. 5v 680 A American agriculturist. 1867-69. v. 26-28. 630 Al American almanac. 6v. 1861-86 *310 A American ancestry. 1894 *929 A5 American annals of education. v. 5. 1835 *370 A American Antiquarian Society. Pro- ceedings. 15v. 1813-92 *913A1 Archffiologia Americana. 7v. 1820-85. 913 A American architect and building news. 1876-88. 13v *720A American Art Association. Catalogue of the art collection formed by the late Mrs. M. J. Morgan. 1886 708 A American art joiirnal. v. 2. 1881 *705 Al American board of commissioners for for- eign missions. Historical sketch, with reports 266 A American cyclopaedia. 16v. and index. 1883-87 *031 A American Gas Light Association. Re- port of meeting at Boston, 1881, and at Pittsburgh, Pa. 1882. v, 5 . . *665 A American Historical Association. Annual report for 1890 906 A American historical record, v. 1-3. 1872- 74 *973 A6 American Institute of Christian Phil- osophy. Christ and the church. 1895 261 A American journal of microscopy and popu- lar science. v. 1-6. 1875-81.. *950 A AUTHOR LIST. 275 American Library Association. Cata- log : 5,000 volumes for a popular library, selected by the American library association. 1893 *017 A Papers and proceedings of the 8th general meeting, Lake George. 1885. *020 A American monthly microscopical journal. V. 1-4 1880-83 *OoO Al American naturalist, v. 1-28. 1867-94. 505 A American poems. 1879 811 A7 American Public Health Association. Eeports. 1879. v. 5, 7 614 A American question. 1863 973.7 A6 American railway. 1889 656 A2 American residents of Paris. Whitelaw Reid. 1892 *9 R27 America's celebrities. 1895 *779 A Ames, Mrs. Eleanor. {Eleanor Kirk.) Influence of the zodiac upon human Ufe. 1894 133 A Ames, J. G. Index of the publications of the United States government. 1889-93 *015A Ames, Lucia T. Great thoughts for little thinkers. 1889 j 204 A2 Ames, Mrs. M. (C.) See Hudson, Mrs. M. (C.) A. Ames, Seth. "Works of Fisher Ames. 2v. 1854 308 Al Ames Free Library. North Easton, Mass. Catalogue. 1883 *019 A Ajuesbury, Mass. Congregational church and society. Report of the semi- centennial celebration. 1881 *974.45 Al Amherst, W. J. Catholic emancipation. 1771 to 1820. 2v. 1886 282 A Amherst, Mass. First church of Christ ; 150th anniversary. 1890 *974.42 A Amicis, Edmondo de. Constantinople. 1878 914.9 A Holland and its people. 1881 914.9 Al Military life in Italy. 1882 914.5 A Morocco. 1882 916.4 A Spain. 1869 914.6 A Studies of Paris. 1887 914.4 Al Amiel, H. F. Journal intime. 1885 9Am 5 Ammen, Daniel. Atlantic coast. 1883. 973.7 A7 Ammidown, Holmes. Historical collec- tions. 2v. 1874-77 *908 A Among the Arabs 915 3A Amory, Mrs. M. B. Life of J. S. Copley. 1882 9 C79 Amory, T. C Life of Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin. 1886 9 C65 Life of James Sullivan. 2v. 1859.. *9 Su5 Military services and public life of Major-General JohnSulUvan. 1868. *9 Su53 Miscellaneous poems. 1888 811 AS corap. Materials for a history of the family of John Sullivan. 1893 ... . *929 A Anagnos, Michael. Life of Helen Kel- ler. 1888 9 K28 Ancient nation, a sign and a wonder. 1875 j 296 A Andersen, H. C. Pictures of travel. 1871 914 Al Anderson, Andrew. Checkers 794 A Anderson, A. A. Terra. 1887 525 A Twenty-five years in a waggon. 2v. 1887 916 A Anderson, A. D. Silver country. 1877. 917 A Anderson, E. L. On horseback. 1882.. 798 A Anderson, H. C. Story of my life. 1872 9 An2 Anderson, Sir John. Strength of ma- terials and structures. 1872 620 A Anderson, Lindsay. Among typhous and pirate craft. 1892 915.2 A Anderson, Rufus. Observations from the Peloponnesus and Greek islands. 1830 914.9 A2; Anderson, R. B. America not discovered by Columbus. 1874 970 A. Norse mythology. 1875 293 A and Bjarnason, Jon, tr. Viking tales of the north. 1877 839 A. Anderson, T. il. Political conspiracies preceding the rebellion. 1882 973.7 A8 Anderson, William. Pictorial arts of Japan. 4v. 1886 *709 A Andover, Mass. Historical manual of the South church. 1859 974.45 A2 Andover review, v. 1-19. 1884-93 205 A Andrew, J. A. Errors of prohibition. 1867 178 A Andrews, B. E. History of the United States. 2v. 1894 973 A7 Andrews, C. C. Brazil ; its condition and prospects. 1891 918.1 Al Andrews, C. M. Old English manor. 1892 352 A Andrews, E. A., ed. New Latin diction- ary. 1894 *473H Andrews, E. B. Brief institutes of gen- eral history. 1887 909 A Honest dollar. 1894 332 A Andrews, Jane. Stories Mother Nature told her children. 1889 j 500 A Andrews, J. N. History of the Sabbath, and first day of the week. 1873. . . 263 A Sermons on the Sabbath and law. 1870 263 Al Andrews, S. M. Life of D. Hii, and history of First church in Dart- mouth. 1880 9H64 Andrews, William. Bygone Lincoln- shire. 1891 942 A3 Old-time punishments. 1890 343 A Andrews, W. Q. Daring voyage across the Atlantic ocean. 1880 910 A2 I 276 AUTHOR LIST. Angel, Henky. Practical plane and solid geometry. 1873 513 A Angell, H. C. How to take care of our eyes. 1878 613 Al Records of W. M. Hunt. 1881 9 H914 Angerstein, E., and. Eckler, G. Home gymnastics 613 A2 Annual of scientific discorery. 5v. 1851- 60 505 Al Annual register; or, a view of history, politics, and literature. 1758-1831. 75v 905 A Annual statistician. 1888 *310 Al Ansted, D. T. In search of minerals. 1880 549 A Anthon, Charles. Classical dictionary. 1843 *913 A2 Apollonius, Ehodius. Argonautica. 1889 883 A Appleton, D. & Co., 2'"^' Annual cj'clopaedia. 19v. and index. 1883- 95 *031 A Appleton's summer book. 1880 818 Al Cyclopaedia of technical drawing. 1886 *744 A European guide book. 2v. 1873... 914 A2 Hand-book of American travel. 1871. 917.8 A Hand-book of American travel. 1874. 917.5 A Appleton, J. H. Young chemist. 1878. 542 A Appleton, T. G. Chequer-work. 1879. 814 A5 Syrian sunshine. 1877 915.6 A Windfalls. 1878 814 A6 Appleton, W. H., ed. Greek poets in English verse. 1893 881 A Appleton's cyclopaedia of American bi- ography. 1889 *92 Ap5 Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied mechan- ics ; ed. by Park Benjamin. 2v. 1885 *603 B Appleton's journal. 26v. 1869-81 *051 A Apthorp, W. F. Musicians and music- lovers. 1894 780 A joint ed. See Champlin, J. D. Arago, D. F. J. Biographies of scientific men. 1859 92 Arl Arblay, Mrae. F. (B.) d'. Diary and letters. 2v. 1880 9 Arl Early days of Frances Burney. 2v. 1889 9 Arl3 Arbuthnot, Sir A. J. Memoir of Sir Thomas Munro. 1889 9 M923 Archer, Thomas. Decisive events in history 900 A Archer, T. A., and Kingsford, C. L. Crusades. 1895 270 A3 Archer, AViLLi AM. Masks or faces? 1888. 792 A William Charles Macready. 1890 ... 9 M242 Arena, v. 1-10. 1882-94 051 Al Arey, Mrs. H. E. (G.) Home and school training. 1884 372 A Argyll, G. D. C, Dulce of. Primeval man. 1873 573 A Reign of law. 1872 210 A Scotland as it was and as it is. 2v. 1887. 914.1 A Ariosto, LuDOVico. Orlando Furioso ; tr. byW. S.Rose. 2v. 1880 851 A Aristophanes. Birds. 1874 882 Al Metrical A'ersion of the Acharnians, the knights, and the birds. 1886.. . 882 A2 Aristotle. History of animals ; tr. by Richard Cresswell. 1862 888 A2 Metaphysics ; ir. by J. H. M. Ma- hon. 1857 888 A3 Kicomachean ethics ; tr. by R. W. Browne 888 A4 Organon; tr. by O. F. Owen. 2v. 1853 ; 888 A5 Politics and economies ; tr. by Ed- ward Walford. 1871 888 A6 Treatise on rhetoric ; tr. by Theodore Buckley. 1872 888 A7 Arlot, M. Complete guide for coach painters. 1871 698 A Armengaud, J. E., and others. Practical draughtman's book of industrial de- sign. 1872 744 Al Armies of to-day. 1893 355 A Armisteai), Wilson. Tribute for the negro. 1848 32G Al Armsby', H. p. Manual of cattle-feeding. 1880 636 Al Armstrong, Mrs. M. F., and Lcdlow, Helen W. Hampton and its students. 1874 371 Al Armytage, Mrs. F. F. Old court cus- toms and modern court rule. 1883. 394 A Arndt, E. M. Life and adventures. 1879 9 Ar6 Arnold, Cecil, ed. Index to Shakes- pearian thought. 1880 822.3 Al Arnold, /S'iV Edwin. In my lady's praise. 1889 821 A3 India revisited. 1886 915.4 A Light of Asia. 1890 821 A4 Light of the world. 1891 821 A5 Lotus and jewel, with other poems. 1887 821 A6 Pearls of the faith. 1883 821 A7 Poems. 1880 821 A8 Potiphar's wife, and other poems. 1892 821 A9 Wandering words. 1894 910 A3 With Sa'di in the garden. 1888. ... 821 AlO tr, Indian idylls from the Mahab- harata. 1888 891 A Arnold, Frederick. Robertson of Brighton, with notices of his times and contemporaries. 1886 9 R54 Turning-points in life. 1873 170 A2 AUTHOR LIST. 27r Arnold, H. P. Gleanings from Pon- tresina and the Upper Engadine. 1880 914.9 A3 Arxold, I. N. Life of A. Lincoln. 1885. 9 L631 Life of Benedict Arnold. 1880 9 ArGl Arnold, Matthew. Civilization in the United States. 1888 917. 3A Culture and anarchy. 1875 824 A3 Discourses in America. 1885 824 A4 Essays in criticism. 2v. 18G9-88... 824 A5 French Eton ; or, middle class edu- cation and the state. 1804 379 A2 God and the Bible. 1875 239 A Higher schools and universities in Germany. 1874 379 A3 Irish essays, and others. 1882 824 A6 Last essays on church and religion. 1877 204 A3 Literature and dogma. 1873 239 A 1 Mixed essays. 1879 824 A 7 On the study of Celtic literature and on translating Homer. 1883 824 AS Passages from prose writings. 1880. 824 A9 Poems. 2v. 18G9 821 All Reports on elementary schools. 1852- '82 372 Al St. Paul and Protestantism. 1875... 204 A4 Arnold, R. A. Through Persia by cara- van. 1877 915.5 A Arnold, Sarah L. Waymarks for teach- ers. 1894 371 A2 Arnold, S. G. History of Rhode Island. 2v. 1859-60 9974.5 A Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome. 1872 937 Al Introductory lectures on modern his- tory. 1842 904 A Later Roman commonwealth. 2v. 1882 937 A Life of Hannibal. 1870 9 H19(3 Second Punic war. 2v. 188G 937 A2 Arnott, Neil. Elements of phj'sics. 1877 530 A Arr, E. H., pseud. See Rollins, Mrs. E. C. (H.) Arrowsmith, James. Paper-hanger's companion. 1852 G98 Al Art amateur, v. 3-20. 1880-92 *705 A2 Art journal. 39v. 1849-87 *705 A3 Art of investing. 1888 332 A 1 Arthur, William. On the difference be- tween physical and moral law. 1884 171 Al Arvine, Kazlitt. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature and the fine arts. 1883. 803 A As others saw him. 1895 244 A3 AsBjoRNSEN, P. C. Tales from the f jeld. 1874 398 A Ascham, Roger. Toxophilus, 1545 ; with Joseph Addison, Criticism on Mil- ton's Paradise Lost. 1711-2. 18G8. 820 A2 I Ashbee, H. S. joint author. See Graham, Alexander. Ashe, R. P. Two kings of Uganda. 1889. 916.6 A Ashley, "W. J. English economic history. 1888 330 A AsHTON, John. Curious creatures in zoology 590 A4 Dawn of the XlXth century in England. 2v. 188G 914.2 A Eighteenth century waifs. 1887 824 AlO Fleet; its river, prison, and marriages. 1888 914.2 Al Modern street ballads. 1888 821 A12 Old times. 1885 914.2 A2 Romances of chivalry. 1887 398 Al Social England under the regency. 2v. 1890 914.2 A3 joint author. See Mew, James. Ashwell, a. R., and Wilberforce, R. G. Life of Wilberforce, with selections from diaries and letters. 1883 9 W642 Aspects of modern Oxford. 1894 378 A Atkins, W. G. History of the town of Hawley, Franklin county, Mass. 1887 *974.42A1 Atkinson, Edward. Industrial progress of the nation. 1890 331 A Science of nutrition. 1892 641 Al Taxation and work. 1892 337 A Atkinson, J. C. Forty years in a moor- land parish. 1891 914.2 A4 Memorials of Old Whitby. 1894 942 A4 Atkinson, J. L. Prince Siddartha, the Japanese Buddha. 1893 294 A Atkinson, Philip. Elements of electric lighting. 1889 621 Al Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and western Siberia. 1865 915.7 A Travels in the regions of the upper and lower Amoor. 1860 915.7 Al Atlantic coast guide. 1873 917.4 Al Atlantic monthly, v. 1-74, and index. 1857-95 051 A2 Atwater, E. E. History of the colony of New Haven. 1881 *974.6 A Atwood, John. Pilgrimage of a pilgrim eighty years. 1892 248 Al AuBERTiN, J. J. Fight with distances. 1888 910 A4 ^pBiGNE, J. H. Merle d'. See Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. Aubrey, John. Miscellanies upon vari- ous subjects. 1857 828 A2 Aucicland. W. E., Lord, and others. Some remarks on the apparent cir- cumstances of the war in the fourth week of October, 1795 *944 A2 Audubon, J. J. Birds of America. 7v. 1856 *598 Al and Bachman, John. Quadrupeds of North America. 3v. 1856 *599 Al 278 AUTHOR LIST. Audubon, Mrs. Lucy. Life of J. J. Au- dubon. 1879 9 Au2 Augustine, 5i5 Blessington, M. F. G., Countess. Con- versations with Lord Byron. 1893. 9 B99 Blind Mathilde. George Eliot. 1883 9 C887 Madame Roland. 1886 9 R641. Blinn, L. J. Practical workshop compan- ion for tin, sheet-iron, and copper- plate workers. 1873 671 B Bliss, C. R. Wakefield Congregational church. 1877 *277 B2 Bliss, George, jr. joint ed. See Wells, D. A. Bliss, Leonard, jr. History of Rehoboth. Mass. 1836 +974.48 B3 Bliss, W. R. Colonial times on Buzzard's bay. 1888 974.48 B4 Old colony town, and other sketches. 1893 814 B5 Side glimpses from the colonial meet- ing-house. 1894 917 4B Blochwitz. Johannes. Eastern ques- tion. 1877 949 B Blodget, Lorin. Climatology of the United States. 1857 551 Bl Blomfield, Reginald, and. Thomas, T. I. Formal garden in England . . 712 B Bloodgood, J. D. Personal reminiscen- ces of the war. 1893 973.7 B14 Bloomfield, G. L., Lady. Reminiscen- ces of court and diplomatic life. 2v. 1883 9 B62 Bloomfield, Robert. Works 821 B4 Blouet, Paul, {Max O'Eell.) English Pharisees. 1892 914.2 B13 Frenchman in America. 1891 917 Bl Friend MacDonald. 1887 914.1 B3 Jacques Bonhomme : John Bull on the continent 914.4 B5 John Bull & Co. 1894 910 B8 and Allyn, Jack. Jonathan and his continent. 1889 917.3 B4 Blow, Susan E. Study of Dante. 1886. 851 B Bloxam, C. L. Metals : their properties and treatment. 1872 669 B Blijmner, H. Home life of the ancient Greeks. 1893 913 B3 Blunt, A. I. (K.) Lady. Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates. 1879 915.3 B Blunt, J. H., ed. Dictionary of doctrinal and historical theology. 1872 *203 B Dictionary of sects, heresies, etc. 1874 *203 Bl BoADEN, James. Memoirs of Mrs. Sarah Siddens. 1893 9 Sil BoARDMAN, G. D. Studies in the creative week. 1878 222 Bl BoASE, C. W. Oxford. 1887 942 B2 Bobbin boy. 1884 j 9 B67 -288 AUTHOR LIST. Bock, Carl. Head-hunters of Borneo. 1882 919.1 B BoELTE, M7S. M. (K.) and Krals, Johx. Kindergarten guide. 1877 372 B2 BoHN, H. G. Hand-book of proverbs. 1872 398 B2 ed. Handbook of games 795 B Boies, A. J. Record of the 33rd Massa- chusetts volunteer infantry. 1862- G5. 1880.. *973.7B15 BoissiER, M. L. G. Madame de Sevigne. 1888 9 Se83 BoLAND, Mary A. Handbook of invalid cooking. 1893 ••••.... 613 BIO BoLixGBKOKE, H. Sx. JoHN, Viscount. AVorks. 4v. 1841 828 B3 BoLLES, A. S. Financial history of the United States from 1774 to 1885. 3v 336 Bl Industrial history of the United States. 1889 609 Bl BoLLES, Frakk. At the north of Bear- camp water. J893 917.4 Bl From Blomidon to Smoky. 1894 818 B2 Land of the hngering snow. 1891 . . . 917.4 B2 Bolton, H. C. Counting-out rhymes of children. 1888 j 398 B3 Bolton. Mrs. S. (K.) Fam«,us Ameri- can authors. 1887 92B63 Famous American statesmen. 1888.. 92 B631 Lives of girls who became famous. 1886 92 B634 Famous leaders among men. 1894. . . 92 B632 Famous men of science. 1889 92 B633 Lives of poor boys who became famous. 1885 92 B635 Social studies in England 304 B joint author. See Humphrey, Mrs. F. A. BoMBAUGH, C. C, comp. Gleanings for the curious from literature. 1890.. 828 B4 'BoMBET, L. A. C, pseud. See Beyle, M. H. Bonaparte. See Napoleon I.. Bonaparte, Charles, joint author. See Wilson, Alexander. Bonaparte, N. J. C. P. Napoleon and his detractors. 1888 9 N1622 Bond, Henry. Genealogies of the families and decendents of the ^ early settlers of Watertown, Mass. 1855 *939 B3 Bonham, J. M. Industrial liberty. 1888. 330 Bl Railway secrecy and trusts. 1890... 385 B Secularism. 1894 149 B BoNNECHOSE, F. P. E. B. DE. History of France, from the invasion of Clovis to the republic of 1870. 1878 944 B6 Bonner, John. Child's history of Greece. 2v. 1876 j 938 B Bonner, John. Child's history of Rome. 2v. 1870. j 937 Bl Child's history of Spain. 1894 j 946 B Child's history of the United States. 3v. 1874 J973B6 Bonne Y, Mrs. C (V.) Legacy of histori- cal gleanings. 1875 973 B7 BoNNEY, T. G. Story of our planet. 1893. 551 B2 BoNOMi, Joseph. Nineveh and its palaces. 1869 935 B Bonvalot, Gabriel. Across Thibet. 1892 915.1 Bl Bonwick, James. Egyptian belief and modern theught. 1878 299 B Book of common prayer, with the Psalter. 1848 264B Book reviews. 1893-94 *015 B Bookworm. 1888 828 B5 Boone, R. G. Education in the United States. 1889 370 Bl Booth, Charles. Pauperism and the en- dowment of old age. 1892 339 B Booth, E. C. History of Somerville. '. ini-.2. *974.44D Booth, J. C, and Morfit, C. Encyclo- pedia of chemistry 540 B Booth, William. In darkest England. 1890 331 Bo Boothby, Guy. On the Wallaby. 1894. 919.4 B Borbstaeut, a., and Dwyer. Francis. Franco-German war, to' the fall of Strassburg. 1873 944 B7 Bore, Henry. Story of the invention of steel pens. 1890 672 B BoRGEAUD, Charles. Rise of modern democracy in Old and New Eng- land. 1894 321 B Borrow, George. Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and im- prisonments of an Englishman. 1869..; 914.6 Bl Wild Wales. 1872 914.2 B14 Word-book of the Romany ; or, Eng- lish gypsy language. 1874 397 B Zincali ; an account of the gypsies of Spain. 1872 397 Bl BoscowiTz, Arnold. Earthquakes. 1890. 551 B3 BossoN, C. P. History of the 42d regi- ment infantry, Massachusetts volun- teers. 1862-4. 1886 *973.7 B16 Boston, Thomas. View of this and the other world. 1799.... 236 B Boston, Mass. Associated charities. Di- rectory of charitable and beneficent organizations. 1880 361 B City council. Celebration of the cen- tennial anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill. 1875 *974.46 Bl City council. Colonial laws of Massa- chusetts. 1889 *345 B AUTHOR LIST. 289 Boston, Mass. City council. Memorial of Edward Everett. 18G5 *9 Ev25 City council. Memorial of U. S. Grant. 1885 *9 G764 City council. Memorial of A. Lincoln. 1865 *9 LG32 City council. Memorial of Daniel Webster. 1853 9 W391 City council. Proceedings on the death of A. Lincoln. 1865 *9 L6321 City council. Railroad- jubilee. 1852. *656 B Commemoration by King's chapel of the 200th anniversary. 1886 *974.46 K Common council. Bronze group com- memorating emancipation. 1879.. *815 B2 Common council. Report of the com- mittee to investigate methods in manufacture of water-gas. 1891. *697 Bl Conference on manual training. Papers and report. 1891 370 B2 Its commerce, finance, and literature. 1892 *917.44G B2 Museum of fine arts. Catalogue of works of art exliibited on the second floor. 1889 708 B Public library. Bulletin, v. 4-11. 1879- 92 *019 Bl Public library. Catalogue of works relating to Benjamin Franklin. 1883. *019 B2 Public library. Miscellany *025 B Public library. Trustees' reports. 1851-91 *027 B Record commissioners. Report. 1700- 1728 *974.40 B3 Record commissioners. Report. 1754- 1763 *974.4G B4 Record commissioners. Report. 1770- 1777 *974.46 B5 Record commissioners . Third repo rt. 1878 *974.46 B2 School committee. Annual reports. 1858-90. 28v *379 B School committee. Report on draw- ing. 1874 740 Bl School committee. Reports of phy- sical training. 1891-94 371 B7 Water board. Annual report, 17th. 1893 *352 B aw(^ Cambridge. Harvard bridge; Boston to Cambridge. 1892 *917.446 B Boston and its suburbs. 1888 917.446 Bl Boston AtheNx1;um. Catalogue. 5v. 1874-82 *019 B Catalogue of books ; with by-laws of the institution. 1827 *018 B Boston book. 1836 810 Bl Boston daily advertiser. 2v. 1804 *071 B Boston journal of chemistry. 2v. 1874. 540 Bl Boston Young Men's Christian Union. Report. 1887 *267 B Bostwick, a. E., joitit author. See Champlin, J. D. BoswELL, James. Life of Samuel John- son. 4v. 1867 9 J63 Life of Samuel Johnson and journal of tour to the Hebrides. 5v. 1885. 9 J631 BoTHMER, M., Countess vox. German home life. 1876 914.3 B7 Botta, Charles. History of the war of the independence of the United States of America. 2v. 1840 973.3 Bl Botta. Vincinzo. Dante, philosopher, patriot, and poet. 1865 9 D23 BoTTONE, S. R. Electro-motors. 1891.. 621 B BouLARD, J., joint author. See Alglave, E. BouLGER, D. C. VON K. Central Asian question. 1885 958 B BouLNois, H. P. Municipal and sanitary engineer's handbook. 1883 628 B2 BouRGET, Paul. Impressions of Italy. 1892 914.5 B6 Outre-mer. 1895 917.3 B5 BouRiNOT, Mrs. G., and others. Keeping one cow. 1880 636 Bl BouRiNOT, J. G. Historical and descriptive account of Cape Breton. 1892 971 Bl BouRKE, J. G. Apache campaign in the Sierra Madre. 1883 917.9 Bl On the border with Crook. 1891 917.8 B3 Snake dance of the Moquis of Ari- zona. 1884 917.8 B4 Bourne, C. E, Heroes of African dis- covery and adventure. 2v 916 B Bourne, H. R. P. English merchants. 1886 92 B6G English newspapers. 2v. 1887 072 B Famous London merchants. 1869. .. j 92 B6G1 Life of John Locke. 2v. 1876 9 L79 Other side of the Emin Pasha relief expedition. 1891 91G.7 B4 Bourne, John. Catechism of the steam engine. 1851 621 Bl BouRRiENE, L. A. F. de. Memoirs of Napolean Bonaparte. 3v. 1885... 9X1623 BouTELL, Charles, ed. Bible dictionary. 1871 220 B7 BouTMY, £mile. English constitution. 1891 342 B2 BouTON, J. B. Roundabout to Moscow. 1887 914.7 B3 BouTWELL, G. S. Lawyer, statesman, and soldier. 1887 92 B667 Manual of the direct and excise tax system of the United States. 1863. 336 B2 Tax payers' manual. 1866 336 B3 BoNVALOT, Gabriel. Through the heart of Asia over the Pamir to India. 2v. 1889 915 B BouviER, John. Law dictionary. 2v. 1890 *340 Bl 290 AUTHOR LIST. BovET, Felix. Egypt, Palestine, and Phoenicia. 1883 915.6 Bl BoTET, Mme. de. Three months' tour in Ireland. 1891 914.15 B3 BoAVDEN, T. R. Blunders in educated circles corrected. 1889 425 B BowDiTCH, Nathaniel. New American practical navigator. 1868 656 Bl BowDiTCH, N. I. History of the Massa- chusetts general hospital. 1872. . . *362 B Nat, the navigator. A life of Nathaniel Bowditch. 1870 j 9 B671 Suffolk surnames, 1861 *929 B5 BowDiTCH, W. I. Taxation of women in Massachusetts. 1875 396 B BowDLEK, Mrs. H. M. Life of Elizabeth Smith, with fragment in prose and verse. 1810 9 Sm5 BowDoiN College. General catalogue. 1894 *378 B BowEN, D. H. Twenty years in the counting-room. 1894 658 B BowEN, Francis. Gleanings from a literary hfe. 1838-80 814 B6 Modern philosophy. 1877 190 B Treatise on logic. 1882 191 B BowEN, Sir G. F. Thirty years of colonial government. 2v. 1889 325 B BowEN, H. C. Froebel and education by self-government. 1893 371 B8 joint editor. See Morris, Richard. BowEN, J. L. History of the 37th regi- ment, Massachusetts volunteers. 1861-5. 1884 *973.7 B17 Bower, G. S. David Hartley and James Mill. 1881 192 B2 BowKER, R. R., and Iles, George, ed. Reader's guide in economic, social, and political science. 1891 *016 B joint ed. See Fletcher, W. I. Bowles, Emily. Biography of Madame de Maintenon. 1888 9 M284 Bowles, John. Origin and formation of political constitutions. 1795 *320 Bl Bowles, Samuel. Across the continent. 1865 917.3 B6 Our new west. 1869 917.8 B5 Bowman, J. E. Practical handbook of medical chemistry. 1870 543 Bl Bowne, B. p. Metaphysics. 1882 110 B Principles of ethics. 1892 171 Bl Studies in theism. 1879 211 Bl Box, Thomas. Practical treatise on heat. 1869 697 B 2 Boyd, A. K. H. St. Andrews and else- where. 1894 828 B6 Twenty-five years of St. Andrews. 1865-90. 2v. 1892 941 B Bqyd, E. W., comp. Some famous art galleries in England and on the continent. 1888 708 Bl Boyd, Mrs. 0. B. Cavalry life in tent and field. 1894 9 B69 BoYDEN, A. L. Life of Mrs. Pomroy and war reminiscences. 1887 9 P775 BoYESEN, H. H. Essays on German liter- ature. 1892 830 B Essays on Scandinavian literature. 1895 839 Bl Goethe and Schiller. 1879 9 G71 Literary and social silhouettes. 1894. 814 B 7 Story of Norway. 1886 948 B Boyle, Eleanor V. {E. V. B.) Ros rosarum exhorto poetarum. 1885. 821 B5 BoYLSTON, Mass. Centennial celebration. 1886 *974.43B3 BoYNTON, C. B. History of the navy dur- ing the rebellion. 2v. 1868 973.7 BIB BoYNTON, H. V. National military park. 1895 973.7 B19 Sherman's historical raid. 1875 973 B8 Boys and their Avays. 1880 173 Bl Brace, C. L. Gesta Christi. 1884 309 B Life of Brace. 1894 9 B72 Unknown God, inspirations among pre-christian races. 1890 290 Bl Brackett, Anna C. Technique of rest. 1892 613 BH ed. Education of American girls. 1874 376 Bl Woman and the higher education. 1893 376 B2 and Eliot, Ida M., comp. Poetry for home and schools. 1876 821 B6 Brackett, J. R. Negro in Maryland. 1889 326 Bl Bradbury, W. F. Cambridge high school ; history and catalogue. 1882 379 Bl Braden, Clark. Problem of problems, and its various resolutions. 1877. . 215 Bl Bradford, Alden. History of Massa- chusetts. 1620-1820. 1835 **974.4 B2 History of Massachusetts. 1764-75. 1822 *974.4 B4 History of Massachusetts. 1775-89. 1825 *974.4 B3 History of Massachusetts. 1790-1820. 1829 *974.4 B5 New England chronology. 1497-1800. 1843 .* *974 B2 Bradford, A. H. Pilgrim in old Eng- land : Congregationalism in E n g- land. 1893 ' 285 Bl Bradford, William. History of Ply- mouth plantation. 1856 974.4 B6 Sketches of the country, character, and costume in Portugal and Spain. 1813 914.6 B2 Bradley, E. T. Life of the Lady Ara- bella Stuart. 2v. 1889 9 St9 Bradley, G. G. Recollections of A. P. Stanley. 1883 9 St24 AUTHOR LIST. 291 Bradley, G. G. joint author. See Prothero, R. E. Bradley, Hexry. Story of the Goths. 18S8 940 B Bradley, W. M.,j9i<&. Atlas of the world for commercial and library refer- ence. 1886 *9I2 B Bradshaw, Johx. Concordance to the poetical works of John [Milton. 1894. *821 B7 Braxde, W. T., and Cox, Sir G. W., ed. Dictionary of science and art. 3v. 18G7 *030 B Braxdes, Georg. Eminent authors of the 19th century. 1886 92 B73 Impressions of Russia. 1889 914.7 B4 Lord Beaconsfield, a study. 1880 9 B35 Braxks, "William. Heaven our home. 1864 237 Bl Meet for heaven. 1864 234 B Braxx, H. a. John Hughes. 1892 9 H871 Brassey, a. (A.) Lady. Around the world in the yacht "Sunbeam." 1891 910 B9 In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties. 1885 910 BIO Last vqj-age to India and Australia. 1889 910 B 11 Sunshine and storm in the East. 1880. 914.9 B6 Brassey, Sir Thomas. Mercantile ma- rine, and navigation. 1871-94 652 B2 Papers and addresses. 1894 331 B6 Papers and addresses, naval and mari- time. 1872-93 2v 359 Bl and others. Xaval annual. 1891... 359 B Brastow, G. 0. Our honored dead. 1875. *973.7B20 Bray, WilliaS, ed. Letters of John Eve- lyn. 1870 9 Ev21 Brayley, a. W. Schools and schoolboys of old Boston. 1894 *379 B2 Bread-making ; by T. N. T. 1884 641 B Bree, C. R. Birds of Europe, not ob- served in the British isles. 5v. 1875 *598 B4 Breh3i, C. L. Cassell's book of birds. 598 B5 Breitmanx, Haxs. pseud. See Leland, C. G. Bremer, Fredrika. Life in the old world. 2v: 1860 914.5 B7 Bremxer, David, and others. Great In- dustries of Great Britain. 3v 609 B2 Bremoxt, Axxa. "V\''orld of music, great composers. 1892 92 B75 "World of music, great singers. 1892. 92 B751 "World of music, the great virtuosi. 1892 92 B752 Brextaxo, Lujo. Hours and wages. 1894 331 B7 Brett, R. B. Footprints of statesmen during the eighteenth century in England. 1892 942 B3 Brewster. C. W. Rambles about Portsmouth *917.42 B Brewster, Sir David. Kaleidoscope. 1B70 535 Bl Letters on natural magic. 1832 133 B Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 1831 9 N48 Martyrs of science. 1872 . . 92 B756 Brewster, Emma E. Parlor varieties. 1B80 793 B5. Brewer, Emma C. Dictionary of phrase and fable *803 Bl Brewer, E, C. Dictionary of miracles. 1884 *203 B2 Historic note-book. 1894 *903 B Reader's handbook of allusions. 1888. *803 B2 Brew-er, J. S. Reign of Henry VIII. 2v. 1884 942 B4 Bridge, Horatio. Recollections of Na- thaniel Hawthorne. 1893 9 H315 Bridger, a. E. Man and his maladies. 1889 616 B2 Bridges, Mrs. F. D. Journal of a lady's travels round the world. 1883.... 910 B12 Bridges, Robert. Overheard in Arcady. 1894 817 B4 Bridgett, T. E. Blunders and forgeries. 1890 282 B Bridgewater, Mass. State normal school. Semi-centennial exercises. 1892 370 B3 Bridgmax, a. M. Souvenir of Massa- chusetts legislature. 1892 *92 B76 Bridgmax, F. A. Writers in Algeria. 1890 916.5 B Bridgmax, H. H., and others. Essays on the street re-alignment, reconstruc- tion, and sanitation of central Lon- don. 1886 614 B2 Bridgmax, R. L. Ten years of Massa- chusetts. 1888 974.4 B7 Bridgmax, Thomas. Inscriptions on the gravestones of Northampton and other towns. 1850 *929 B7 Inscriptions on the monuments and tombstones in Copp's hill burying ground. 1852 *929 B72 Memorials of the dead in Boston King's chapel burial ground. 1852 *929 B73 Pilgrims of Boston and their descend- ants. 1856 *929 B74 Brierre de Boismoxt, a. J. F. On hallucinations. 1859 133 Bl Briggs, C. a. Bible, the church, and the reason. 1892 220 B8 Biblical study. 1883 220 B9 Briggs, L. "V. History of ship building on North river, Plymouth county, Mass. 1889 *929 B8 Briggs, Samuel. Essays, humor, and poems of Nathaniel Ames. 1891. . *9 Am3. 292 AUTHOR LIST. Beigham, William, comp. Charter and laws of the colony of New Ply- mouth. 1836 *974.48 B6 Brigham, W. T. Guatemala, the land of the Quetzal. 1887 917.2 B4 Bright, John. Speeches on questions of public policy. 2v. 1868 825 B Bright, J. F. History of England. 4v. 1880 942 B5 Bright, Mvnoes, ed. Diary and corre- spondence of Pepys lOv 9 P394 Bright, William. Waymarks in church history. 1894 270 B3 Brighton, J. G. Admiral Sir Provo AV. P. Wallis. 1892 9 W155 Brigutwen, 3Irs. E. (E.) Wild nature won by kindness. 1861 590 B2 Brillat-Savarin, J. A. Hand-book of gastronomy. 1884 641 Bl Brimfield, Mass. Historical celebration. 1876 *974.42 B3 Brine, Mary D. Grandma's attic treas- ures. 1886 811 B8 Grandma's memories. 1888 811 B9 Brink, Bernhard ten. Early English literature, to Wiclif . 1883 820 B6 Brinley, Francis. Life of W. T. Por- ter. 1860 9P837 Brinton, D. G. Myths of the new world. 1876 299 Bl Brinton, John. Tour in Palestine and Syria. 1893 915.6 B2 Brisbin, J. S. Beef bonanza. 1881 636 B2 Bristol, F. AV. Providential epochs. 1894 904 Bl British Museum. Catalogue. 1841-45.. *016 Bl British taxpayer and his wrongs. 1888 . . . 336 B4 Britten, Mrs. E. (H.) Modern Ameri- can spiritualism. 1870 133 B2 Britton, AViley. Civil war on the bor- der. 1861-62. 1890 973.7 B21 Broadway- Church, Winter hill, Somer- ville, Mass. Manual. 1873 *285 B2 Brobst, F. J. Make way for the king. 1895 232 Bl Brockedon, AVilliam. Italy *914.5 B8 Brockett, L. P. AA^alter Powell. 1872. 9 P87 Brockhaus, F. a. Iconographic ency- clopajdia of arts and sciences. 7v. 1885 *503B1 Brocklehurst, T. U. Mexico to-day. 1883 917.2 Bo Broderip, Mrs. F. F., ed. Thomas Hood. 2v. 1860 9 H76 Broderip, W. J. Leaves from the note- book of a naturalist. 1862 590 B3 Zoological recreations. 1857 598 B6 Brodribb, W. J., joint author. See Church, A. J. Brodrick, G. C. English land and Eng- lish landlords. 1881 333 B Broglie, a. L. v. C, Due -de. Personal recollections. 2v. 1887 9 B78 Broglie, J. V. A., Prince de. King's secret : secret correspondence o f Louis XA''. with his diplomatic agents. 1752-74. 2 v 944 B8 Broke, George. With sack and stock in Alaska. 1891 917.98 B Brooke, S. A. English literature. 1876. 820 B7 Faith and freedom. 1881 252 B3 History of early English literature. 1892 829 Bl Milton. 1879 '. . . 9 M64 Notes on the Liber studiorum of J. M. W.Turner. 1885 704 Bl Poems. 1888 821 B8 Sermons. 1875 252 B4 Tennyson ; his art and relation to modern life. 1894 821 B9 Theology in the English poets. 1875. 821 BIO ed. Life and letters of F. AV. Rob- ertson. 1875 9 R541 Brooker, a., joint author. See Slingo, AA''. Brookes, Richard, cowi^j. General gazet- teer. 1822 910 B13 Brookline, 3fass. Muddy river and Brook- line records. 1634-1838 *974.46 B6 Public library. Catalogue. 1873. Supplements. 1881-5 *019 B8 Brooklyn (iV. Y.) Ethical Associa- tion. Evolution. 1889 575 Bl Factors in American civilization. 1893. 304 Bl Man and the state. 1892 304 B2 Brooks, Arthur. Philips Brooks, me- morial sermon. 1893 9 B794 Brooks, Charles. History of Medford, Mass. 1886 *974.44 B7 Brooks, C. T. Poems. 1885 811 BIO W. E. Channing. 1880 9 C36 Brooks, Edward. Answer to J. A. Lowell's pamphlet. 1851 347 B2 Normal methods of teaching. 1879. 371 B9 Brooks, E. S. Century book for young Americans. 1894 j 917.3 B7 Heroic happenings told in verse and story. 1893 j 904 B2 Historic boys. 1885 j 92 B79 Historic girls. 1887 '• j 92 B791 Story of New York. 1888 974.7 B Story of the American Indian. 1887. j 970.1 B3 Story of the American soldier in war and peace. 1889 j 973 B9 Brooks, Frederick. Sermons. 1876.. 252 B5 Brooks, F. E. Old age, and othei; poems. 1894 811 BU Brooks, H. M. Olden -time music. 1888 780 B comp. Olden-time series, v. 1, 2, 5, 6. 1886 974.4 B8 Contents : V. 1. Curiosities of the old lottery. AUTHOR LIST. 293 Brooks, II. M. V. 2. Days of the spinning-wheel in New England. V. 5. Some strange and curious pun- ishments. V. 6. Literary curiosities. Brooks, Noah. Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American slavery. 1894 9 L6322 Biography of A. Lincoln. 1888 9 L(3323 How the republic is governed. 1895. . . 320 B2 Short studies in party politics. 1895. 329 Bl Statesmen. 1893 92 B795 Brooks, Phillips. Addresses. 1893 252 BG Candle of the Lord, and other sermons. 1881 252 B7 Essays and addresses. 1894 814 BS Influence of Jesus. 1882 232 B2 Lectures on preaching. 1877 251 B Letters of travel. 1865-90 914 B3 Light of the world, and other ser- mons. 1890 252 B8 Sermons. 1883 252 B9 Toleiihce. 1887 204 B4 Twenty sermons. 1887 252 BIO Brooks, Sarah W. English poetry and poets. 1890 821 Bll Brooks, Shirley. Wit and humor ; from ''Punch." 1883 831 B12 Brooks, W. H., joint author. See Car- ter, J. G. Brooks, W. K. Oyster. 189 1 594 B Broome, M. A. (S.) B., Lady. Life in South Africa. 1877 91G.8 Bl Brothers, A. Photography ; its history, processes, apparatus, and materials. 1892 *770B1 Brougham, Hexrv, Lord. Life and times. 3v. 1871-72 9 B797 Speeches. 4# 1838 825 Bl Brougham, Johx. Life, stories, and poems. 1881 818 B3 Brower, .J. V. Mississippi river and its source. 1893 917.7 B Browx, Alexander, ed. Genesis of the United States. 2v. 1890 973 BIO Browx, a. E. Glimpses of old New Eng- land life. 1882 *917.444B2 History of Bedford, Mass. 1891 *974.44 B8 Brown, D. P. Forum; or, forty years' practice at the Philadelphia bar. 2v. 1856 340 B2 Browx, E. E. Life of O. W. Holmes. 9 H73 Young folks' life of Washington. 18S3 39 W272 Beowx, E. W., corn}-). Whole world kin. Life of Nathan Brown. 1890 9 B815 Browx, Goold. Grammar of English grammars. 1875 *425 Bl Brown, G. B. Fine arts. 1891 701 B Brown, G. P. Sewer-gas and its dangers. 1881 614 B3 Brown, G. W. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861. 1887 973.7 B22 Brown, Helen D., joint author. See Backus, T. J. Brown, H. R. F., camp. J. A. Symonds ; a biography. 2v. 1895 9 Sy6 Brown, James. Life of W. B. Robert- son. 1888 9 R544 Brown, John. Spare hours. 3v. 1883. 824 B7 Brown, John, Rev. John Bunyan 9 B885 Brown, J. B. Stoics and saints. 1893. 270 B4 Brown, J. M. Polo in 798 Wl Brown, Leonard. American patriotism, memoirs of common men. 1869. . . 92 B81 Brown, Marie A. Icelandic discoveries of America. 1887 973 Bll Brown, Marshall. Wit and humor. 1879 817 B5 Brown, Mary E. and W. A. Musical instruments and their homes. 1888. *780 Bl Brown, Robert. Races of mankind. 4v. 572 B jr. Great Dyonysiak myth. 2v. 1878 292B and. others. World, its cities and peoples 910 B 14 Brown, R. T. Elements of physiology and hygiene. 1872 612 Bl Brown, R. W., ed. Great events of the world. 1884 908 B Brown, Susan A. Mrs. Gilpin's frugali- ties. 1883 641 B2 Brown, S. G. Life of Rufus Choate. 1870 0C45 Brown, Theron. Canton Baptist memo- rial. 1864 *277B3 Brown, Thomas, Capt. Taxidermist's manual. 1870 579 B Brown, Thomas, ed. British Cicero. 3v. 1S08 825B2 Brown, T. E. Modern socialism. 1886. 330 B2 Brown, W. A., joint author. See Brown, Mary E. Brown, W. H. History of the first loco- motives in America. 1871 656 B3 Browne, A. J. J. Building of the Britisli isles. 1888 ^54 B Student's handbook of physical geology. 1884 551 B4 Browne, C.F. (ArtemusWard). Artemus Ward : his book. 1894 817 B6 Complete works. 1887 817 B7 Browne, D. J. Trees of America. 1846. 582 B Browne, Mrs. Eliza. Girl's life eighty years ago. 1887 9 B683 Browne, E. G. Year amongst the Per- sians. 1893 915.5 B2 Browne, F. F., comp. Bugle-echoes. 1886 811B12 294 AUTHOR LIST. Browne, G. L. Wellington. 1888 9 W46 Browne, J. E. American family in Ger- many. 1871 914.3 B8 Crusoe's island. 1864... '• 910 B15 Land of Thor. 1870 914.T B5 Browne, Lennox, and Behnke, Emil. "Voice, song, and speech. 1884 784 B Browne, Phillis, pseud. See Payne, A. G. Browne, K. W. History of Greek clas- sical literature. 1853 880 B History of Roman classical literature. 1884 870 B Browne, Sir Thomas. Religio medici. 1862 240 B2 Browne, "W. H. George and Ceeilius Calvert, Barons Baltimore. 1890. 9 B214 Maryland, history of a palatinate. 1884 975.2B Witty sayings by witty people. 1878. 817 B8 Brownell, H. H. War-lyrics, and other poems. 1866 811 B13 Brownell, W. C. French art. 1S92 . . . 704 B2 Browning, Mrs. E. B. (B.) Aurora Leigh. 1872..... 821 B13 Books of the poets. 1877 804 B Earlier poems. 1878 821 B14 Letters ; with a memoir by R. H. Stoddard. 1877 9 B82 Poems. 1887 821 Bio Romances, lyrics, and sonnets. 1888. 821 B16 Selections from her poetry. 1872... 821 B17 Works. 5v. 1863 821 B18 Browning, Meshech. Forty-four years of a hunter's life 9 B824 Browning, Oscar. England and Napoleon in 1803. 1887 942 BG History of educational theories. 1882. 370 B4 Browning, Robert. Agamemnon, La Saisiaz, and dramatic idyls. 1882.. 821 B19 Aristophanes' apology. 1875 821 B20 Asolando; fancies and facts. 1890.. 821 B21 Christmas eve and Easter day; Men and women ; In a balcony. 1891 . . 821 B22 Jocoseria. 1883 821 B23 Poems. 1871 821 B24 Poetical works §21 B25 Principal shorter poems. 1890 821 B26 Red cotton night-cap country. 1873. 821 B27 Ring and the book. 2v. 1886 821 B28 and others. Browning reciter 821 B29 Bruce, A. B. Life of William Dennv. 1889 '.. 9D42 Parabolic teaching of Christ. 1884.. 226 B Brtjoe, E. C. Century : its fruits and its festivals. 1877 606 Bl Bruce, G. A., joint author. See Hayes, B. F. Bruce, Henry. Life of Gen. J. E. Ogle- thorpe. 1890 9 Ogo Bruce, Wallace. Old homestead poems. 1888 811B14 Bruce, Wallace. Wayside poems. 1895 811 Bio Bruce, W. N. Life of Gen. Sir Charles Napier. 1885 9 N16 Brugsch, H. K., Bey. True story of the exodus of Israel. 1880 932 B2 Brush, G. .J. Manual of determinative mineralogy. 1882 549 B joint author. See Dana, J. D. Bryant, 3Irs. Sophie. Educational ends. 1887 370 B5 Bryant, AV. C. Letters of a traveller. 2v. 1871 .-. 914 B4 Poems. 1879 811 B16 Thirty poems. 1864 811 B17 — —and Gay, S. H. Popular history of the United States. 4v. 1876 973 B12 ed. Library of poetry and song. 1873 821 B30 Bryce, James. American commonwealth. 2v. 1888 973 B 13 Holy Roman empire. 1871 943 B2 Bryden, H. a. Gun and camera in South Africa. 1893 • 916.8 B2 Brydges, Harold. L'ncle Sam at home. 1888 917.3 B8 Brydges, Sir S. E. Autobiography. 2v. 1834 9 B846 BucHAN, William. Domestic medicine. 1821 610 B Buchanan, James. Messages. 1888 353 B Buchanan, Robert. Coming terror, and other essays and letters. 1891 824 B8 Look round literature. 1877 804 Bl Buchanan, R. W. Poetical works. 3v. 1874 821 B31 Buchanan, T. B. Principles of money and coinage. 1894 332 Bl Buck, Edward. Massachusetts ecclesias- tical law. 1866 # 348 B Buck, J. D. Study of man and the way to health. 1889 130 B Buckham, T. R. Insanity in its medico- legal relations. 1883 347 B3 Buckingham, G. Villiers, Duke of. Re- hearsal. 1672. 1869 820 B8 Buckingham, J. S. America; historical, statistic, and descriptive. 3v 917.3 B9 Buckingham, J. T. Personal memoirs. 2v. 1852 9B853 Specimens of newspaper literature. 2v. 1850 070 B Buckingham, R. P. T. X. B. Chandos- Grenville, DvJie of. Memoirs of the court and cabinet of George the Third. 4v. 1853-55 942 B8 Memoirs of the court of England during the regency. 1811-20. 2v. 1856 942 B7 Memoirs of the court of George IV. 1820-30. 2v. 1859 942 B9 AUTHOR LIST. 295 BCCKIXGHAM, R. P. T. N. B. Memoirs of the courts and cabinets of William IV. and Victoria. 2v. 1861 942 BIO Buckingham, S. G. Life of TV. R. Buck- ingham. 189i *9 B854 BucKLAXD, Anna. Story of English liter- ature. 1882 820 B9 BucKLAXD, A. R. Heroic in missions. 1894 2GGB BucKLAND, F. T. Curiosities of natural history. 2v. 1871 590 B4 Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in England. 2v. 1873 942 Bll Miscellaneous and posthumous works. 3v. 1872 828 B7 Buckley, Arabella B. See Fisher, Mrs. A. B. (B.) Buckley, J. M. Midnight sun. 188G... 914.7 BG Oats or wild oats. 1885 174 B Travels in three continents. 1895... 910 BIG Bucknill, J. C. Habitual drunkenness and insane drunkards. 1878 178 Bl Medical knowledge of Shakespeare. 18G0 822.3 B2 BuDiNGTON, W. I. First church, Charles- town. 1845 *277 B4 BuEL, C. C, joint ed. See Johnson, R. U. BuEL, Jesse. Farmer's companion. 1839 630 B 1 BuEL, J. W. America's wonderlands. 1893 *917.3B10 " Glimpses of America." 1894 *917 B2 Heroes of the dark continent. 1890. 92 B8G BuFFAM, F. H. Memorial of the great rebellion. 18G2-5. 1882 *973.7 B23 BuGBEE, J. M. Russia and Turkey. 1877 949 Bl BuLFiNCH, S. G. Studies in the evidences of Christianity. 18G9 ,... 239 Bl BuLFiNCH, Thomas. Age of chivalry. 1884? 398 B4 Age of fable. 1855 291 Bl Legends of Charlemagne. 1871 398 Bo Memoir of Matthew Edwards. I860. 9 Ed99 Bull, Mrs. S. C. Ole Bull. 1883 9 B87 BuLLABD, W. X. Chronic tea poisoning. 188G 613 B12 BuLLEN, A. H., ed. Carols and poems. 188G ."• 821 B32 Lyrics from the song-books of the Elizabethan age. 1889 821 B33 Bulloch, J. D. Secret service of the Confederate states. 2v. 1884 973.7 B24 Bullock, A. H. Addresses. 1883 815 B3 Bullock, John. American cottage builder. 1873 728 Bl History and rudiments of architecture.. 1853 720 B ed. Rudiments of architecture and building. 1872 ^ 690 B BuLWER, Sir H. L. Life of Viscount Palmerston. 1871 9 P184 BuLWER, Sir W. H. L. E. Hi|torical characters. 18G8 92 B87 Bulwer-Lttton, E. G. E. L. See Lyt- ton, E. G. E L. Bulwer, Baroji. BuNBURY, Sir E. H. History of ancient geography amon^ the Greeks and Romans. 2v. 1883 913 B4 Bunce, J. T. Fairy tales. 1879 398 BG joint author. See Hall, William. BuNCE, O. B. Bachelor Bluff. 1881.... 818 B4 Bungay, G. W. Temperance anecdotes. 1873 178 B2 Bunker-Hill Monument Association. Inauguration of the statue of War- ren. 1857 *917.447 B3 Proceedings at the annual meeting. 1872 *974.4G B7 BiJNSEN, C. K. J., Baron von. Life and letters of B. G. Mebuhr. 1882 9X55 Martin Luther. 1870 9 L971 Blnsen, F. W., Baroness. Memoir of Baron Bunsen. 2v. 1868 9 B88 BuNYAN, John. Pilgrim's progress. 1884. 244 B BuKBANK, W. H. Photographic negative. 1888 770 B2 Photographic printing methods. 1891. 770 B3 Burbidge, F. W. Gardens of the sun. 1880 919.1B1 Bcrckhardt, Jacob. Civilization of the period of the renaissances in Italy. 2v. 1878 9-i5B BuRDER, Samuel. Oriental customs. 1840. 220 BIO BuRDER, William. History of all relig- ions 209B BcRDETT. Charles. Life of Kit Carson. 1865 0C23G BuRDETT, H. C. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. 1889 9 A113 BuRDETTE, R. J. Modern temple and temp- lars ; life and work of R. H. Con- well. 1894 9 C7G Rise and fall of the mustache and other "hawk-eyetems." 1877 817 B9 and others. Before he is twenty. 1894 1'0B3 BuRDiCK, L. D. Through field and wood. 1888 311B18 BuRGE, Lorenzo. Pre-glacial man and the Aryan race. 1887 573 B BuRGES, Arnold. American kennel and sporting field C36 B3 Burgess, Ebenezer, coz/fp. Dedham pul- pit. 1840 *252B11 What is truth? 1871 573 Bl Burgess, George. Last enemy. 1850. 236 Bl BuEGON. J. W. Lives of twelve good men. 2v. 1888 92 B91 Burgoyne, John. State of the expedition from Canada. 1780 *973.3 B2 296 AUTHOR LIST. BuRGOTNE, Si)- J. M. Short history of the naval and military operations in Egypt. 1798-1802. 1885 962 B Burke, Christian. Roses and lilies of Christendom. 1889 92 B915 Burke, Edmund. Speeches in the house of commons, iv. 181(3 825 B3 Speeches on the impeachment of Warren Hastings. 2v. 1857 825 Bi Subhme and beautiful. 1871 701 Bl Works. 6v. 1856 320 B3 Burke, Finley. Treatise on the law of public schools. 1880 379 B3 Burke, J. M., comp. "Buffalo Bill." 1893 917.8 B6 BuRLAMAQui, J. /. Principles of natural and political law. 1792 3W B3 Burleigh, Charles. Genealogj' and his- tory of the Guild, Guile, and Gile family. 1887 *929 B9 BuRLiNGAME, Anson. Dcfencc of Massa- chusetts. 185G *815 B-t BuRLiNGAME, E. L. , cd. Current discus- sion. 2v. 1878 82-i B9 Burn, Robert. Ancient Rome and its neighborhood. 1895 91-1.5 B9 Old Rome. 1880 937 B2 Roman literature in relation to Roman art. 1888 701 B2 Burn, R. S. Oi-namental drawing and architectural design 729 B BuRNAEY, r. G. On horseback through Asia Minor. 2v. 1877 915.6 B3 Ride to Khiva, travels "and adventures in Central Asia. 1877 915.8 B BuRXAND, F. C. Happy thoughts. 1878. 827 Bl Happy thoughts ; including " More happy thoughts " and " Our yacht." 1891 827B2 More happy thoughts. 1871 827 B3 My health. 1872 827 B4 Rather at sea. 1890 827 B5 To Buddlecombe and back. 1876 827 B6 Bdrnell, G. R. Rudiments of hydraulic engineering. 1858 627 B BuKNET, Gilbert. History of his own time. 6v. 1833 942 B12 Reformation of the church of Eng- land. 7v. 1865 274 Bl Burnett, P. H. Recollections of an old pioneer. 1880 9 B93 BuRNEY, Charles, joint author. See Hawkins, Sir John BuRNEY, Frances. See Arblay, Jfme. F. (B.) d'. BuRNEY, James. History of the bucca- neers of America. 1891 910 B17 Burnham, G. p. United States secret service 1872 352 Bl Burnham, S. M. History and uses of | limestones and marbles. 1883 552 B I Burnham, S. M. Precious stones in nature, art, and lit- erature. 1886 553 B Struggles of the nations. 2v. 1891. 904 B3 Burnham, W. B. Three roads to a com- mission in the United States army. 1893 355 B BuRNiE, R. W. Memoir and letters of S. G.Thomas. 1891 9 T367 Burnley, James. Romance of invention. 1886 608 Bl Burns, Dawson. Bases of the temper- ance reform. 1873 178 B3 Burns, Robert. Poems, letters, and land of Burns. 2v 821 B34 Poems, songs, and letters. 1870 821 B35 Burr, E. F. Ad fidem. 1872 220 B 11 Ecce ccelum ; or, parish astronomy. 1867 215 B2 Ecce terra. 1883 231 B Pater mundi ; or, doctrine of evolu- tion. 1873 213 B Pater mundi ; or, modern science tes- tifying to the Heavenly Father. 1873 215 B3 Burr, Fearing, and Lincoln, George, comp. Town of Hingham in the late civil war. 1876 *974.48 B7 BuRRAGE, H. S. Baptist hymn writers and their hymns. 1888 245 B History of the Baptists in New Eng- land. 1894 286 B BuRRiTT, Elihu. Chips from many blocks. 1878 814 B9 Thoughts and tilings at home and abroad. 1854 814 BIO Burroughs, John. Birds and poets. 1877. 814 Bll Fresh fields. 1885 814 B12 In-door studies. 1889 814 B13 Locusts and wild honey. 1879 814 BM Pepacton. 1881 814 B15 Riverby. 1894 '. 814 B16 Signs and seasons. 1886 814 B17 Wake-robin. 1871 814 B18 Winter sunshine. 1876 814 B19 Burroughs, Marie, art portfolios of stage celebrities. 1894 *779 B Burroughs, Stephen. Memoirs of Bur- roughs. 1858 *9 B946 Burton, J. H. History of Scotland from Agricola's invasion to the extinction of the last Jacobite insurrection. 8v. 1875 941 Bl Burton, Robert (Democrittis Junior). Anatomy of melancholy. 3v. 1871 132 B Burton, R. F. Camoens. 2v. 1881 9 CIS Ultima Thule. 2v. 1875 914.9 B7 ed. Vikram and the vampire. 1870. 891 BI Burton, Warren. Helps to education. 1863 370 B6 AUTHOR LIST. 297 Burton, W. E., ed. Cyclopaedia of wit and humor. 1872 808 B 15 BuRTV, Philippe. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the industrial arts. 1SC9 GG6 B Bury, W. C. Keppel, Viscount. Exodus of the western nations. 2v. 18G5. 325 Bl fl«(Z HiLLiER, G. L. Cycling. 1887. 796 B4 BuscH, MoRiTz. Bismarck in the Franco- German war. 2v 9 B541 Our chancellor: sketches. 1884 9 B542 Bush, George. Life of Mohammed. 1831 9 M725 Bush, G. G. Harvard, the first American university. 1886 378 Bl Bush, J. S. Evidence of faith. 1885.... 23-1 Bl Bush, R. J. Ileindeer, dogs, and snow- shoes. 1871 915.7 B Bush, R. W. Life and times of Chrysos- tom, 1885 9 C46 Bushxell, Horace. Character of Jesus. 1884 232 B3 Christ and his salvation. 1864 232 B4 Forgiveness and law. 1874 234 B2 Nature and the super-natural. 1877.. 239 B2 Sermons on living suhjects. 1872 252 B12 Work and play. 1864 814 B20 Busk, Rachael H. Roman legends. 1877. 398 B7 Butler, A. J. Court life in Egypt. 1888. 916.2 B3 Butler, B. F. Autobiography. 1892... 9 B971 Butler, Caleb. History of Groton. 1848.*974.44 B9 Butler, Joseph. Analogy of religion. 1872 239 B3 Butler, J. W. Sketches of Mexico. 1894 972 B5 Butler, Sajiuel. Ex veto, Sacro monto ; or, new Jerusalem at Varallo-Sesia. 1888 708 B2 Hudibras 821 B36 Butler, Sir W. F. C. G. Gordon (Chi- nese Gordon). 1889 9 G65 Great lone land. 1873 917.1 B2 Wild northland. 1874 917.1 B3 BuTsox, Mrs. A. A. S. Art of washing. 1880 613 B13 Butte, Montana. Free public library. Catalogue. 1894 *017 Bl Butterworth, Hezekiah. Great com- posers. 1884 92 B97 Patriot schoolmaster. 1894 973.3 B3 Songs of history. 1887 811 B19 Young folks' history of Boston. 1883.J 974.46 B9 Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France. 1865 j 917.1 B4 Zigzag journeys in the antipodes. 1888 j 915.9 B2 Zigzag journeys in Australia. 1891.. j 919.4 Bl Zigzag journeys in classic lands. 1880. j 914 B5 Zigzag journeys in Europe. 1879. ... j 914 B6 Zigzag journeys in India. 1888 j 915.4 B3 Zigzag journeys in northern lands. ... j 914 B7 Butterw rth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in the British isles. 1889 J914.2B15- Zigzag journeys in the great North- west. 1890 j 917.1 B5 Zigzag journeys in the Occident. 1882 j 917.3 Bll Zigzag journeys in the Orient. 1881. j 914 B8 Zigzag journeys in the sunny south. 1887 j 917.5 B Zigzag journeys in the White City. 1894 j 917.73 B Zigzag journeys on the Mediterran- ean. 1893 J910B18 ed. Young folks' history of America. 1881 j 970B Butts, Lsaac. Protection and free-trade. 1875 337 B Buxtox, E. N. Short stalks. 1892 799 B5 BuxTox, H. J. W. English painters. 1883. 759 B3 Buxtox, S. C Finance and politics. 1783-1885 336 B5 Buxtox, T. F. African slave trade. 1840. 326 B2 Byxg,A. H. F. (E.) Countess ( Viscountess Enfield). Blameless knights. 1876. j 940 Bl Byxg, a. H., and Stephexs, S. M., eds. Autobiography of John Wilkins. 1892 9 WG58: Byrxe, Mrs. J. C. (B.) De omnibus rebus. 1888 827 B7 Feudal castles of France. 1869 723 B Byrxe, Oliver. Hand-book for the arti- san, mechanic, and engineer. 1870. 621 B2 Practical metal-worker's assistant. 1872 669 Bl Byrox, G. G. N., Lord. Poems 821 B37 Poetical works. 5v 821 B38 Works. 8v. 1825 821 B39 Cable, G. W. Busy man's Bible. 1891. 220 C Creoles of Louisiana. 1884 917.63 C Silent south, with the freedman's case. 1885 326C Cable, H. M. Catalogue of the valuable collection of Americana. 1882 *015 C Cabot, J. E. Memoir of R. W. Emerson. 2v. 1887 9 Em3 Caddy, Mrs. Florexce. Footsteps of Jeanne d'Arc. 1886 9 J571 Through the fields with Linnjeus. 2 v. 1887 9L64 Cesar. Caesar ; tr. by W. Duncan. 2v. • 1833 8:8C Invasion of Britain. 1888 878 CI Cahoox, H. H. What one woman thinks. 1893 sue Caixe, Hall. See Caine, T. H. H. Caixe, T. H. H. Recollections of D. G. Rossetti. 1883 9 R735 Caird, a. M. Mary Stuart, secret history of her times. 1866 9 M3632: •298 AUTHOR LIST. Caird, Edward. Critical account of the philosophy of Kant. 1877 193 C Essays on literature and philosophy. 2v. 1892 801 C Caird, John. Introduction to the philoso- phy of religion. 1880 201 C and others. Scotch sermons. 1880. 252 C ■<^aikxes, J. E. Essays in political econ- omy. 1873 '. 330 CI Leading principles in political econ- omy. 1874 330 C2 Political economy. 1888 330 C Political essays. 1873 304 C Cajori, Florian. History of mathe- matics. 1894 510 C Caldecott, Alfred. English coloniza- tion and empire. 1891 325 C ■Calderon de la Barca, Mme. Frances. Life in Mexico. 1843 917.2 C Calderwood, Henry. On teaching. 1875. 371 C Philosophy of the infinite. 1872 125 C Relations of mind and brain. 1879.. 131 C Calderwood, Mrs. M. S. Letters and journals from England, Holland, and the Low Countries in 1756. 1884.. 914 C Calef, Robert, comj}. More wonders of the invisible world. 1823 133 C Calhoun, J. C. Speeches in congress from 1811-40 815 C Works. 6v. 1883 320 C 'California pilgrimage : b}' one of the pilgrims. 1884 811 C Calkins, N. A. Manual for object teach- ing. 1882 372 C Primary object lessons. 1878 372 Cl Call, A. P. As a matter of course. 1894. G13 C Power through repose. 1891 613 Cl Callan, Hugh. From the Clyde to the Jordan 910 C Callcott, M. (D.) G., Lady. Little Arthur's history of England. 1884. j 942 C Callingham, James. Sign writing and glass embossing. 1871 698 C Calverly, C. S. Fly-leaves. 1890 821 C Calvert, G. H. Brief essays and brev- ities. 1874 814 Cl Coleridge, Shelley, Gothe; bio- graphic ajsthetic studies. 1880... 824 C Gothe; his life and Avorks. 1872 9 G711 Calvo, J. B. Republic of Costa Rica. 1890 917.2 Cl Cambridge, 3Iass. Dedication of the hospital. 1886 *974.44 C Exercises in celebrating the 250th anniversary. 1881 *974.44 Cl First church. 250th anniversary. 1886 *277 C Public library. Catalogue. 1887... *019 C School committee. Schools past and present. 1892 379 C Cameron, Y. L. Across Africa. 1877.. 916.7 C Camoens, Luis DE. Lusiad. 1877 869 C Lyricks, sonnets, canzons, odes, and sextines ; Englished by Richard F. Burton. 2v. 1884 841 C Camp, Walter. American football. 1891 797 C Book of college sports. 1893 796 C Camfan, Mme. J. L. H. G. Memoirs of Marie Antoinette. 2v. 1843 9 M3331 Campbell, Alexander. Journej- from Edinburgh through parts of North Britain. 2v. 1802 914.1 C Campbell, Douglas. Puritan in Holland, England, and America. 2v. 1892. 285 C Campbell, G. D. See Argyll, G. D. Campbell, Duke of. Campbell, Helen, and others. Sylvan city. 1883 917.48. C Campbell, Mrs. H. (S.) American girl's home book. 1883 j 790 C Anne Bradstreet and her time. 1891. 9 B724 Prisoners of poverty. 1887 •. . . 331 Cl Prisoners of poverty abroad. 1889.. 331 C Campbell, Hugh. Case of Mary, queen of Scots, and of Elizabeth, queen of England ; legally, briefly, and historically stated. 1825 941 C Campbell, John. Hittites : their inscrip- tions and their history. 2v 939 C Campbell, John, Lord. Lives of the chief justices of England. 4v. 1874 92 C15 Lives of the lord chancellors of Eng- land. lOv. 1868 92 C151 Shakespeare's legal acquirements. 1859 822.3 C Campbell, J. F. My circular notes. 1875 910 Cl Short American tramp in the fall of 1864 917 C Campbell, J. L. Geology and mineral resources of the James river valley, Virginia. 1882 553 C Campbell, J. M. Reminiscences of his ministry. 1873 9 C153 Unto the uttermost. 1889 252 Cl Campbell, J/rs. J. (M.) (Jeanie 3forison). Of " Fifine at the Fair," and other of Mr. Browning's poems. 1892. . . 821 Cl Campbell, L. J. Handbook of English synonyms. 1894 424 C and Root, Oren. Columbian speaker. 1874 808 C comp. Young folks' book of x^oetry. 1880. 821 C2 Cajlpbell, S.M. Story of creation. 1877. 213 C Campbell, Thobias. Poetical works 821 C3 and Falconer, "\Yilliam. Poetical works. 1880 821 C4 AUTHOR LIST. 299 Campbell, Thomas. ed. Specimens of the British poets. 1869 821 C5 Campbell, W. F. Life in Normandy. 2v. 1863 914.4 C Campin, Francis. Practice of hand-turn- ing in wood, ivorj', shell C21 C Campin, F. W. Law of patents for inven- tions. 1869 608 C Campion, J. S. On the frontier. 1878.. *917.8 C Canning, A. S. G. Lord Macaulay, essay- ist and historian. 1882 824 CI Philosophy of Charles Dickens. 1880. 824 C2 Canning, George. Speeches. 6v. 1828. 825 C Cannon, Arthur. Report of the proceed- ings on a writ of habeas corpus. 1856 343 C Capen, E. a. Oology of New England. 1886 *598 C Capes, W. W. Roman empire of the second century. 1879 937 C Roman history. 1876 937 Cl Caret, Alice. See Gary, Alice. Caret, Annie. History of a book 655 C Caret, H. C. Social science. 1872 330 C3 Caret, Mrs. M. Fairy legends of the French provinces. 1887 j 398 C Caricatures pertaining to the civil war. 1892 *973.7 C Carles, W. R. Life in Corea. 1888.... 915.1 C Carleton, ^sej/(?. See Coffin, C. C Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Peru. 1866 918.5 C Carleton, Will. City festivals. 1892.. 811 Cl Farm ballads. 1874 811 C2 Farm festivals. 1881 811 C3 Farm legends. 1876 811 C4 Young folks' centennial rhymes. 1876. j 811 Co Carlisle, H. E., ed. Correspondence of Abraham Hayward. 2v. 1887 9 H33 Carltle, Alexander. Autobiography. 1861 9 C19 Carltle, Mrs. J. B. (W.), joint author. See Jewsbury, Geraldine Ensor. Carltle, Thomas. Critical and miscel- laneous essays. 7v. 1872 824 C3 Early kings of Norway. 1875 948 C Early letters. 1886 826 C French revolution. 3v. 1871-2 944 C History of Fnedrich the Great. 6 v. 1868-71 9 F872 Last words. 1892 828 C Lectures on the history of literature. 1892 809 C Life of Friedrich Schiller. 1859 .... 9 Sch34 Life of John Sterling. 1871 9 St4 Life of Robert Burni. 1870 9 B934 On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. 1890 824 C4 Past and present 824 C5 Carltle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus. 1871 824 C6 and Emerson, R. W. Correspond- ence. 1834-72. 2v. 1883 9 C199 ed. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. 5v. 1872 826 Cl Carman, Bliss. Low tide on Grand Pre. 1894 811 C6 Carnac, E. S. Rivett-. .Presidential armies of India. 1890 355 C Carnegie, Andrew. American four-in- hand in Britain. 1883 914.2 C Round the world. 1884 910 C2 Triumphant democracy. 1886 917.3 C Carnota, j. a. S., Conde da. Memoirs of Field-Marshal the Duke de Sal- danha. 2v. 1880 946 C Caro, Elme M. George Sand. 1888. 9 D86 Caron, Pierre. French dishes for Amer- ican tables. 1886 641 C Carpenter, Edward. From Adam's peak to Elephanta. 1892 915.4 C Carpenter, F. B. Six months at the White House with A. Lincoln. 1867. 9 L633 Carpenter, G. N. History of the 8th regiment, Vermont volunteers. 1861-5. 1886 *973.7C1 Carpenter, H. B. Liber Amoris. 1887. 811 C7 Carpenter, H. S. Here and beyond. 1859 234C Carpenter, J. E. Life and work of Mary Carpenter. 1879 9 C22 Carpenter, Mart T. Girl's winter in India. 1892 91^.4 Cl In Cairo and Jerusalem. 1894 916.2 C Carpenter, S. H. English of the 14th century. 1880 820 C Carpenter, W. B. Microscope and its relations. 1875 5iS C Nature and man. 1889 504 C On the use and abuse of alcoholic liquors in health and disease. 1851. 178 C Principles of human physiology. 1868. 612 C Principles of mental physiology. 1874 131C1 Zoology. 1871 590 C Carpenter, W. L. Energy in nature. 1883 531 C Carr, Arthir. Gospel according to St. Matthew. 1893 226 C Carr, Mrs. A. Y. (S.) North Italian folk. 1878 914.5 C Carrington, H. B. Bpttles of the Ameri- can revolution. 1775-81. 1876... *973.3 C Patriotic reader. 1887 808 Cl Carrington, Mrs. M. I. Ab-sa-ra-ka ; or, Wyoming opened. 1890 978 C Carroll, H. Twelve Americans. 1883. 92 C23 Carroll, John. "Father Corson," life and lal)ors of Robert Corson. 1879. 9 C814 300 AUTHOR LIST. Carroll, John. My boy life. 1882 9 C23 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, C. L. Carson, H. L. Supreme court of the United States. 2v. 1892 *3o3 C eel. 100th anniversary of the promul- gation of the constitution of the United States. 2v. 1889 *342 C Carstairs, K. British work in India. 1891 915.4 C2 Carstensex, a. E. Two summers in Greenland. 1890 919.8 C Carter, Franklin. Mark Hopkins. 1892. 9 H77 Carter, J. G., and Brooks, W. H. Geog- raphy of Massachusetts. 1830 917.4-4 C Geography of Middlesex county. 1830. j 917.444 C Geography of AVorcester county. 1830. j 917.443 C Carter, Robert. Summer cruise on the coast of New England. 1888 917.4 C Carter, R. B. Eyesight. 1880 611 C Cartland, Gertrude W., ed. Text and verse for every day. 1884 * 248 C Cartwright, W. C. Jesuits. 1876 *271 C Cary, Alice. Ballads, lyrics, and hymns. 1873 811 C8 and Phcebe. Last poems. 1873... 811 C9 Cary, C. S., comp. Commonplace book of epigrams. 1872 821 C6 Cary, Edward. G.W.Curtis. 1894... 9 C944 Cary, Phcebe. Poems of faith, hope, and love. 1873 811 CIO Gary, R. L., ;V. Tales from the turf, and rank outsiders. 1891 811 Cll Casati, Gaetano. Ten years in Equatoria, and the return with Emin Pasha. 2v. 1891 016.7 Cl CASsfeLL, Petter, rt/i(^GALPiN,^jH6. His- tory of the war between France and Germany. 1870-71. 2v 940 C Household guide 640 C Popular educator. 6v 370 C Technical educator. 4v 603 C Cassell's family magazine. 1891 050 C Castelar y Rissoll, Emilio. Life of Lord Byron. 1876 92 C27 Old Rome and new Italy. 1873 914.5 Cl Castellane, L.C.P., Comte de. Souvenirs of military life in Algeria. 2v. 1886. 916.5 C Castellini, G. Prineipali vedute di milano e de' contorni 7G9 C Castle, Egerton. Schools and masters of fence. 1892 i 796 Cl Catacombs of Rome 246 C Gates, W. L. R., joint author. See Wood- ward, B. B. Cathcart, G. R., joint ed. See Swinton, William. Cathcart, William. Ancient British and Irish churches. 1894 274 C Catholic world, v. 32-58. 1880-94 Catlin, George. North American In- dians. 2v. 1850 Catlow, Agnes and Maria E. Sketch- ing rambles. 2v. 1861 Caton, j. D. Summer in Norway. 1875 Cattermole, Richard. Great civil war of the times of Charles I. and Crom- well. 1852 942 Cl Catullus and Fibullus. Poems and the Vigil of Venus. 1884 874 C Caulfield, Sophia F. A., and Saavard, B. C. Dictionary of needlework. 1885 *746 C Cavalcaselle, G. B., joint author. See Crowe, J. A. Cavendish, George. Life of Cardinal Wolsey : to which is added Thomas Chinchyard's tragedy of Wolsey. 2v. 1885 9 W833 Cavendish, Margaret. See Newcastle, M. Cavendish, Duclie.'is of. Caverly, R. B. History of the Indian wars of New England. 1882 974 Cl Caxton, William. Game and playe of the chesse. 1474. 1883 ' 093 C Gazelles, M. E. Outline of the evolu- tion philosophy, 1875 194 C Cazin, Achille. Plienomena and laws of heat. 1869 536 C Cecil, Evelyn. Notes of my journey round the world. 1889 910 C3 Cecil, Richard. Remains. 1824 240 C Cellini, Benvenuto. Autobiography. 2v. 1888 9 C33 Memoirs ; by himself. 1872 9 C331 Century dictionary. 6v. 1889-91 *423 C Century magazine, v. 23-49. 1881-95... 051 C Note : Continuation of Scribner's monthly. Cernuschi, Henri. Nomisma. 1877 332 C Cesaresco, E. M., Countess. Italian characters. 1892 92 C33 Liberation of Italy. 1815-70. 1894. 945 C Cesnola, L. p. di. Cyprus ; its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. 1878.. 913 C Chadbourne, p. a. Lectures on natural theology. 1867 215 G Chadwick, Edwin. Health of nations. 2v. 1887 614 C Chadwick, F. E., a}id others. Ocean steamships. 1891 656 C Chadwick, Henry. Sports and pastimes of American boys. 1884 j 790 Cl Chadwick, J. W. Bible of to-day. 1879. 220 Cl Book of poems. 1876 811 CIS- Faith of reason. 1879 204 C In Nazareth town. 1883 811 CIS- Man Jesus. 1881 232 G AUTHOR LIST. 301 Chaffin, "W. L. History of Easton, Mass. , 1886 *974.48 C Challice, Anxie E. Illustrious women of France. 1873 92 C35 Secret history of the court of France under Louis XV. 2v. 18G1 9U Cl Chalmers, Alexander, ed. British es- sayists. 38v. I806-G6 824 C7 Chalmers, Thomas. On the power, wis- dom, and goodness of God. 1869.. 215 CI Series of discourses on the Christian revelation. 1817 215 C2 Chambers, G. F. Handbook of descrip- tive and practical astronomy. 18;?9. 523 C Pictorial astronomy' for general read- ers. 1891 523 CI Chambers, Egbert. Traditions of Edin- burgh 941 Cl ed. Biographical dictionary of emi- nent Scotsmen. 3v. 1870 *92 C355 Book of days. 2v. 1878 *080 C Cyclopaedia of English literature : a history, critical and biographical, of British authors. 2v. 1873 *820 C2 Cyclopaedia of English literature : a selection of the choicest productions of English authors. 2v. 1847 *820 Cl : joint ed. See Chambers, William. Chambers, T. K. Manual of diet in health and disease. 1875 613 C2 Chambers, William. Chambers' reposi- tory of instructive and amusing pa- pers. 1853 828 C2 Stories of remakable persons. 1878.. 92 C356 ed. Memoir of Robert Chambers. 1872 • 9 C355 and Robert, ed. Chambers' home book. 6v. 1868 828 Cl Concise gazetteer of the world. 1895. *910 C4 pub. Encyclopedia. lOv. 1894 *030 C Champeaux, Alfred de. Tapestry 746 Cl Champlin, J. D., jr. Young folks' astronomy. 1881 j 520 C Young folks' cj^clopsedia of common things. 1883 031 C Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places. 1889 903 C Young folks' history of the war for the Union. 1889 973.7 C2 and BosTwicK, A. E. Young folks' cyclopa;dia of games and sports. 1890 j 790 C2 ed. Cyclopedia of painters and paint- ings. 4v. 1888 *703C and Apthorp, W. F., ed. Cyclo- paedia of music and musicians. 3v. 1888-90 *780 C Champney, Mrs. L. J. (W.) In the sky- garden. 1877 j 523 C2 Three Vassar girls abroad. 1883 914 Cl Champxey, Mrs. L. J. (W.) Three Vassar girls at home. 1888.. . j 917.3 Cl Three Vassar girls in England. 1884. 914.2 Cl Three Vassar girls in France. 1888. j 914.4 Cl Three Vassar girls in Italy. 1886. . . j 914.5 C2 Three Vassar girls in Russia and Turkey. 1889 914.7 C Three Vassar girls in South America. 1885 j 918 C Three Vassar girls in Switzerland. 1890 j 914.9 Cl Three Vassar girls in the Holy Land. 1892 915.6 C Three Vassar girls in the Tyrol. 1891. j 914.3 C Three Vassar girls on the Rhine. 1887. j 914.3 Cl Chandler, A. D. Bicycle tour in Eng- land and Wales. 1881 914.2 C2 Chandler. H. P. Lover's year-book of poetry. 2v. 1891-92 811 C14 Chandler, Mary G. Elements of char- acter. 1866 170 C Chandler, P. AV. Memoir of Governor Andrew. 1880 9 An24 Chandler, Seth. History of Shirley, Mass. 1883 *974.44 C2 Chaney, G. L. ''Aloha!" a Hawaiian salutation. 1880 919.6 C Chanler, Mrs. A. (R.) Herod and Mari- anne. 1888 812 C Channing, W. E. Complete works 208 C Discourses. 1832 204 Cl Life of H. D. Thoreau. 1873 9 T39 Memoir ; with correspondence and manuscripts. 3v. 1854 9 C361 Works. 6v. 1873 810 C and AiKiN, Lucy. Correspondence. 1826-42. 1874 816 C Chapin, C. W. History of the " old high school," Springfield, Mass. 1828- 40. 1890 *379 Cl Sketches of the old inhabitants of Springfield. 1893 *92 C361 Chapin, E. H. Church of the living God. 1881 252 C2 Chapin, F. H. Land of the cliflf-dwellers. 1892 917.8 Cl Mountaineering in Colorado. 1889... 917.88 C Chapin, Henry. Address delivered at the Unitarian church, in Uxbridge, Mass. 1881 *974.43 C Chapin, Jeremiah. Chips from the White House. 1881 92 C36 Chapin, J. H. From Japan to Granada. 1889 910 C5 Chapman, E. F. Sketches of Indian women. 1891 92 C365 Chapman, Mrs. E. R. Comtist lover, and other studies. 1886 146 C Chapman, F. M. Handbook of birds of eastern North America. 1895 598 Cl 302 AUTHOR LIST. Chapman, J/rs. M. W., ed. Harriet Mar- tineau's autobiography. 2v. 1887. 9 M361 Charity Orgaxization Society. Pam- phlets and reports 301 C Charles, Elizabeth. Three martyrs of the 19th century. 1885 92 CSS 1 Sketches of women of Christendom . . j 92 C38 Charlestown chronicle. 4v. 1868,70-72. *071 CI Charlestown convent ; its destruction by a mob. 183-i. 1870 *271 Cl Charlestown, Mass. First church. Kec- ords. 1880 *277 Cl Souvenir of the 50th anniA'ersary of ^ the dedication of Bunker-hill monu- ment. 1848-93 *974.46B8 Charlestown news. 2v. 1880-81 *071 C2 Charlestown newspapers *071 C Charlotte Elizabeth, pseud. See Tonna, Mrs. C. E. (B.) P. Charlton, E. A., comp. New Hampshire as it is. 1856 *974.2 C Charnay, Desire. Ancient cities of the new world. 1887 913 Cl Charnock, John. Biographical memoirs of Lord Viscount Nelson. 1806. . . 9 N333 Charron, Pierre. Treatise on wisdom. 1891 844 C Charter of the Massachusetts bay. 1759. *974.4 C Chase, Frederick. History of Dart- mouth college. 1891 *378 C Chase, G. W. History of Haverhill, Mass. 1861 *974.45 C Chase, Henry, and Sanborn, C. W. North and the south. 1856 317 C Chase, P. E. Elements of meteorology. 2v. 1884 551 C Chatham, W. Pitt, Earl of. Anecdotes of the life of Pitt. 3%». 1810 825 Cl Chatterbox. lOv. 1884-94 j 051 Cl Chatterton, Thomas. Poetical works. 1882 821 C7 Chatto, W. a. Facts and speculations on the origin and history of play- ing cards. 1848 795 C Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury tales. 821 C8 Prologue, etc., from the Canterbury tales. 1869 821 C9 Riches of Chaucer ; ed. by C.C. Clarke. 1877 821 CIO Chautauqua library of English history and literature. 3v. 1880-82 820 C3 Chautauquan. v. 1-11. 1889-95 051 C2 Chadveau, a. Comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. 1873.... 619 C Chauvenet, William. Manual of spherical and practical astronomy. 2v. 1891. 522 C Checkley, Edwin. Natural method of physical training. 1890 6 13 C3 Cheever, G. B. God against slavery. 1857. 326 Cl Guilt of slavery. 1860 326 C2 Cheever, G. B. Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 1848 *974.4C1 . Right of ■ the Bible in our public schools. 1854 220 C2 Cheever, H. T. Life in the Sandwich islands. 1851 919.6 Cl Cheltnam, C. S., ed. Dramatic year book. 1891 *809 Cl Chenery, Elisha. Alcohol inside out. 1889 178 Cl Cheney, A. N., joint ed. See Orvis, C. F. Cheney, Mrs. E. D., ed. L. M. Alcott. 1889..' 9 A117 Cheney, J. V. Golden guess ; essays on poetry and the poets. 1892 821 Cll Wood blooms. 1888 811 C15 Cheney, Mrs. Mary. Life and letters of Horace Bushnell. 1880 9 B96 Cheney, S. P. Wood notes wild. 1892. 598 C2 Chennels, Ellen. Recollections of an Egyptian princess. 1893 916.2 Cl Chenoweth, C. van D. Stories of the saints. 1880 j 92 C42 Cherbury, E. H. Autobiography. 1886 9 C42 Lives of Lord Herbert of Cherbury and Thomas EUwood. 1877 9 C421 Chesneau, Ernest. Education of the artist. 1886 • 707 C English school of painting. 1885.... 759 C Chesney, C. C. Essays in military biog- raphy. 1874 92 C425 Waterloo lectures. 1874 944 C2 Chesney, F. R. Operatic tales. 1889... 782 C Chesney, Mrs. Loucia, and O'Donnell, Mrs. Jane. Life of Gen. F. R. Chesney. 1885 9 C425 Chester, Eliza, pseud. See Paine, Harriet E. Chester, John. Derwent; or, recollec- tions of young life in the country. 1872 390 C Chesterfield, P. D. Stanhope, Hai-l of. Works 826 C2 Chetwynd, Sir George. Racing remin- iscences and experiences of the turf. 1891 798 C Chevalier, Michel. Fall in the value of gold. 1859 332 Cl Chevreul, M. E. Laws of contrast of colour 750 C Principles of harmony and contrast of colours. 1883 752 C Cheyne, T. K. Hosea. 1892 224 C Micah. 1893 224 Cl Chickering, Jesse. Immigration into the United States. 1848 325 Cl Child, F. J., ed. English and Scottish ballads. 8v. 1877 821 C12 AUTHOR LIST. 303: Child, F. J., ed. English and Scottish popular ballads. 9v. 1882 821 C13 comp. Poems of religious sorrow, • comfort, counsel, and aspiration. 1886 821 CU Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer of Berkshire county, Mass. 1885 *917.-i41 C Child, Mrs. L. M. (F.) First settlers of New England *973 C I. T. Hopper; a true life. 1853 9 H77-4 Letters. 1883 9 C434 Letters from New York. 2v. 1845.. 81G CI Madame de Stael and Madame Roland. 1801 92 C431 Married women. 1871 92 C-18 Progress of religious ideas. 3v. 1855. 270 C comp. Aspirations of the world. 1878 170 CI Looking toward sunset. 1871 818 Cl — —and others. Freedmen's book. 1805. 818 C Child, Theodore. Art and criticism. 1892 *704 C Delicate feasting. 1890 C-11 Cl Desire of beauty, cesthetic culture. 1892 701 C Praise of Paris. 1893 914.4 C2 Spanish- American republics. 1891.. 918 Cl Wimples and crisping-pins. 1895 391 C Child, William. History of the 5th regi- ment, New Hampshire volunteers. 1801-5. 1893 *973.7 C3 Childe, E. L. Life of General Lee. 1875 9 L512 Children of all nations 390 Cl Childs, G. W. Recollections. 1890 9 C43 Chixiquv, Charles. Fifty years in the church of Rome. 1891 282 Cl Chipiez, Charles, joint author. See Perrot, Georges. Chisholm, G. G., joint author. See Rud- ler, F. W. Chisholm, H. W. Weighing and measur- ing and standards of measure and weights. 1877 389 C Chislox, pseud. Major Soule, a memorial of A. B. Soule. 1866 9 So8 Chittexdex, L. E. Personal reminis- cences. 1840-90. 1893 9 C44 Recollections of A. Lincoln. 1891. . . 9 L0331 Choate, Rcfcs. Addresses and orations. 1878 815 Cl Chomet, H. Influence of music on health and life. 1875 780 Cl Chorley, H. F. National music of the world. 1880 780 C2 Chotce, James. Log of a Jack tar. 1891. 910 CO Christexsen, a. M. H. Afro-American folklore. 1892 398 Cl Christian disciple, v. 4. 1816 205 C Christian disciple and theological review. 5v. 1819-23 205 Cl Christian science journal, v. 12. 1894-95. 615 C Christiaxi, a. F. Principles of expres- • sion in pianoforte playing. MSG. . . 786 C Christianity and modern thought. 1873 . . . 288 Christie , W . , ecZ. Traditional ballad airs . 2v. 1876 784 C Christlieb, Theodor. Modern doubt and Christian beUef . 1874 239 C Christy, Robert, comp. Proverbs, max- ims, and phrases of all ages. 2v. 1888 *398 C2 Church, A. H. Colour 535 C Food. 1876 643 C Church, A. J. Henry V. of England. 1889 9 H393 Pictures from Roman life and story. 1892 j 937 C2 Roman life in the days of Cicero. 1883 j 913 C2 Stories from English history. 1895 . . j 942 C2 Stories from Livy. 1883 878 C2. Stories from the Greek comedies. 1892 882 Stories from the Greek tragedians. 1880 j 882 Cl Stories of the East from Herodotus. 1888 j 888 C Stories of the old world. 1884 j 883 Cl Story of early Britain. 1890 942 C3 Story of the Persian war, from Hero- dotus. 1882 j 888 Cl rt/uZ Brodribb, W. J. Pliny's letters. 876 C and, GiLMAX, Arthur. Story of Car- thage. 1886 939 Cl ed.. Stories from Homer. 1878 j 883 C Church, Bexjamix. History of King Philip's war. 2v. 1865-07 *973 Cl Church, Mrs. E. R. (M.) How to furnish a home. 1881 740 C Money-making for ladies. 1882 390 C Church, Mrs. F. (M.) See Lean, Mrs. F. (M.) C. Church, J. R., ed.. University foot-ball. 1893 797 Cl Church, R. W. Beginning of the middle ages 940 Cl Dante, and other essays. 1888 824 CS Francis Bacon 9 B132 Life and letters of Dean Church ; ed. by his daughter, M. C. Cimrch. 1894 9 C47 Life of Spencer. 1879 9 Sp3 jMiscellaneous essays. 1888 824 C9 Sacred poetry of early religions. 1874. 245 C Saint Anselm. 1888 9 AnS Church, S. H. Oliver Cromwell. 1894. 9 C88 Church, Thomas. History of Philip's war. 1840 974 C2 304 AUTHOR LIST. Churches of New Bedford. 1869 *277 H2 Churchill, R. H. Spencer, Lord. Men, mines, and animals in South Africa. 1892 916.8 C Speeches. 1880-88. 2v 825 C2 CiBBER, CoLLEY. Apology for his life. 1740 9 C-t8 pseud. See Rees, James. CiccoLiNA, S. M. A. Deep breathing. 1883 78-1 Cl Cicero. Academic questions ; tr. by C. D. Yonge. 1880 875 C Cicero's Tusculan disputations. 1886. 875 Cl Letters to his friends. 3v. 1753.... 876 Cl Life and letters. 1887 876 C2 Orations ; tr. by C. D. Yonge. 4v. 1882 875 C2 Oratory and orators ; tr. by J. S. AYat- son. 1881 875 C3 Three books of offices ; tr. by C. K. Edmonds. 1880 875 C-1 Treatises ; tr. by C. D. Yonge. 1878. 875 C5 ■CiD. Chronicle of the Cid. 1885 861 C Circulating capital. 1885 332 C2 Cist, H. M. Army of the Cumberland. 1882 973.7 C4 City in the sea 945 Cl Claflix, Mary B. Personal recollections of John G. Whittier. 1893 9 W612 Clapp, H. C. Is consumption contagious? 1882 616 C ■Clapp, W. "W., jr. Record of the Boston stage. 1853 *792 C Clarendon, E. Hyde, Earl of. History of the rebellion and civil wars in England. 7v. 1839 942 C4 Life, including a continuation of his history of the rebellion. 2y. 1857. 942 C5 Claretie, Jules. Camille Desmoulins and his wife. 1876 9 D465 Clark, B. F. Mirthfulness and its ex- citers. 1870 817 C Clark, C. H. {Max Adeler). Out of the hurly-burly. 1888 817 Cl ■Clark, E. B. Twelve months in Peru. 1891 918.5 Cl Eundamental questions chiefly relating to the book of Genesis and the Hebrew Scriptures. 1882 222 C ■C!lark, E. L. Races of European Turkey. 1878 949 C Clark, E. "W. From Hong-Kong to the Himalayas. 1880 915.4 C3 •Clark, F. E. Our business boys. 1884. j 174 C Our journey around the world. 1894. 910 C7 Our vacations. 1874 , 917 Cl •^Clark, G. F. History of Norton, Mass. 1859 *974.48 Cl History of the temperance reform in Massachusetts. 1883 178 C2 Clark, G. H. Oliver Cromwell. 1893.. 9 C881 Clark, H. A., joint ed. See Vaille, F. O. Clark, Mrs. H. E. Glimpses of life in far ofe lands i"h 910 C7 Clark, Mrs. H. K. U. (A. C. Traveler^. Teaching of the ages. 1874 270 Cl Clark, J. S. Congregational churches in Massachusetts. 1620-1858. 1858. *285 Cl Clark, L. G., ed. Literary remains of Willis Gaj-lord Clark. 1851 818 C2 Clark, R. W. Heaven and its scriptural emblems. 1853 237 C Clark, Solomon. Antiquities, histori- cals, and graduates of Northamp- ton. 1882 *917.442 C Historical catalogue of the Northamp- ton First church. 1891 *277 C2 Clark, Susie C. Look upward. 1891. 615 Cl Clark, T. M. Architect* owner, and builder before the law. 1894 692 C Building superintendence. 1884 692 Cl Primary truths of religion. 1869 231 C Reminiscences. 1895 9 C545 aiul others. Tracts and sermons .... 240 C3 Clark, W. H. Soldier's offering. 1875. 973.7 C5 Clark, W. R. Savonarola; his life and times. 1890 9 Sa9 Clarke, Adam. Autobiography. 1833.. 9 C55 Clarke, Mrs. Asia. Elder and the younger Booth. 1882 9 B642 Clarke, Charles. Religion and duty. 1868 252 C3 Clarke, C. C, and Cowden, M. V. N. Recollections ofAvriters. 1878 92 C55 Clarke, C. C. , ed. Riches of Chaucer. 1877 821 CIO Clarke, E. D. Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, llv. 1816-24 910 C8 Clarke, E. H. Building of a brain. 1874. 376 C Sex in education. 1893 376 Cl Visions. 1878 133 Cl Clarke, H. W. History of tithes. 1894. 254 C Clarke, J. F. Anti-slavery days. 1884. 326 C3 Christian doctrine of forgivei\es8 of sin. 1870 234 Cl Christian doctrine of prayer. 1869 . . 248 Cl Common sense in religion. 1876.... 204 C2 Eleven weeks in Europe, and what may be seen in that time. 1852. . . . 914 C2 Every-day religion. 1886 204 C3 Fourth gospel. lcS86 226 Cl Go up higher. 1877 240 Cl Hour which Cometh and now is. 1864. 252 C4 Ideas of the apostle Paul. 1884 225 C Memorial and biographical sketches. 1878 92 C555 Orthodoxy. 1872 288 Cl Self-culture : physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual. 1880 374 C AUTHOR LIST. 305 Clarke, J. F. Steps of belief . 1871 239 Cl Ten great religions. 2v. 1883 290 C Vexed questions in theology. 1886.. 204 C4 a»£? Lillian R. Exotis. 1875 811 C16 Clarke, Mts. M. V. (N.) C. Complete concordance to Shakespeare. 1870. *822.3 Cl Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. 1873 ■ 822.3 C2 Trust : and the Remittance. 1874... 821 C15 Clarke, S. F. Centennial discourse, be- fore the First church in Athol, Mass. 1851 ■ *974.43 Cl Clarke, William. Three courses and a dessert. 1871 827 C Clarkson, Thomas. Abolition of the African slave-trade, v. 1. 1836.. 326 C4 Clason, a. W. Seven conventions. 1888. 329 C Clacde, Jean. Cruel persecution of the Protestants in France. 1893 272 C Claus, C. Elementary text-book of zool- ogy. 1884 .591 C Clavers, Jlrs. M., pseud. See Kirkland, il/rs. C. M. (S.) Clay, Henry. Life and speeches. 2 v. 1860 815 C2 Clayden, p. W. Early life of Samuel Rogers. 1887 9 R63 England under the coalition. 1892.. 942 C6 Rogers and his contemporaries. 2 v. 1889 9 RG31 Samuel Sharpe. 1883 9 Sh2 Cleaveland, H. W., and others. Require- ments of American village homes. 1869 728 C Cleaveland, Neiiemiah. Address deliv- ered at Topsfield, Mass. 1851 *974.45 Cl Clemens, S. L. (3Iark Twain). Adven- tures of Tom Sawyer. 1891 817 C2 American claimant. 1892 817 C3 Connecticut Yankee in liing Arthur's court. 1889 817 C4 Innocents abroad. 1889 817 Co Life on the Mississippi. ' 1883 817 C6 Roughing it. 1888 817 C8 Sketches, new and old. 1890 817 C9 Stolen white elephant. 1888 817 CIO Tom Sawyer abroad. 1894 817 Cll Tramp abroad. 1889 817 C12 comp. Maik Twain's library of humor. 1888 817 C7 Clement, Clara E. See "Waters, Mrs. C. (E.) C. Clementson, G. B. Road rights and liabili- ties of wheelmen. 1895 796 C2 Clemmer, Mary. See Hudson, Mrs. M. (C.)A.. Clerc, p. M. Essentials of the French language. 1888 440 C Clerke, Agnes M. Familiar studies in Homer. 1892 883 C2 Cleveland, Duchess of. Battle abbey roll. 3v. 1889 929 C Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of Ameri- can literature. 1859 810 Cl Cleveland, Cecilia. Horace Greeley; story of a summer. 1874 9 G81 Cleveland, Grover. Writings and speeches. 1892 320 Cl Cleveland, H. W. S. Social life and literature fifty years ago. 1888 814 C3 Cleveland, Rose E. George Eliot's poetry and other studies. 1885 814 C2 Cleveland, R. J. Narrative of voyages and commercial enterprises. 2v. 1842 910 C9 Voyages of a merchant navigator. 1886 910 CIO Clews, Henry. Twenty-eight years in • Wall street. 1888 332 C3 Clifford, Edward. Father Damien. 1889 9 D18 Clinton, Sir Harry, joint author. See Cornwallis, Charles. Clissold, Augustus. Divine order of the universe as interpreted by Emanuel Swedenborg. 1877 289 C Paul and David. 1873 289 Cl Clodd, Edward. Childhood of religions. 1878 291 C Childhood of the world. 1873 571 C Story of creation. 1888 575 C Clouston, W. a. Book of noodles. 1888 398 C3 Popular tales and fictions. 2v. 1887. 809 C2 Clowes, W. L. Black America. 1891.. 917.5 C Clum, F. D. Inebriety. 1888 178 C3 Clutterbuck, W. J. Skipper in arctic seas. 1890 919.8 Cl and Lees, J. A. Ramble in British Columbia. 1888.... 917.1 C Clyde, Henry. Pleasure cycling. 1895. 796 C3 Clynton, Richard. Life of a celebrated buccaneer. 1889 827 Cl Co. a Associates. Campaign of 45th regiment, Massachusetts volunteer militia. 1882 *973.7 C15 Coax, Titus. Adventures in Patagonia. 1880 ". 918.2 C Cobbe, Frances P. Broken lights. 1878. 211 C Darwinism in morals. 1883 204 C5 Duties of women. 1881 396 Cl Life ; by herself. 2v. 1894 9 C63 Modern rack; papers on vivisection. 1889 ' 179 C Peak in Darien. 1882 824 CIO Religious duty. 1888 240 C2 Cobbe, W. R. Doctor Judas. 1895 178 C4 CoBBETT, William. English grammar. 1884 425 C Rural rides in the counties of England. 1821-32. 2v. 1885 914.2 C3 306 AUTHOR LIST. CoBDEN Club. Free trade and the Euro- pean treaties of commerce. 1875.. 337 C CoBDEN, Richard. Political writings. 1886 9-10 C2 Cochran, William. Pen and pencil in Asia Minor. 1888 915.6 Cl Cochrane, A. B. Historic chateaux : Blois, Fontainebleau, Vincennes. 1877 dUCS Cochrane, Robert, ed. Great thinkers and workers. 1888 92 C64 joint ed. See Purves, D. L. CocKBURN, H. T. Circuit journeys. 1837-54. 1889 340 C Life of Lord Jeffrey. 2v. 1852 9 J37 CocKBURN, John, joint author. See ^ Thomson, Mrs. K. (B.) Cocke, J. R. Hypnotism. 1894 134 C Cocker, B. F. Theistic conception of the world. 1875 210 C Cocker, W. J. Government of the United States. 1889 353 Cl CoDM.\jf, John. Round trip by way of Panama through California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado. 1879 917 C2 Winter sketches from the saddle. 1888 917.4 Cl CoDMAN, J. T. Brook farm. 1894 335 C Coffin, C. C Biography of A. Lincoln. 1893 9 L6332 Boys of '61. 1887 j 973.7 C6 Boys of '76. 1876. j 973.3 Cl Building the nation. 1882 j 973 C2 Drum-beat of the nation. 1888 j 973.7 C7 Following the flag. 1865 j 973.7 C8 Freedom triumphant. 1891 973.7 C9 Life of J. A. Garfield; also, C. A. Arthur. 1880 9 G18 Marching to victory. 1889 j 973.7 CIO My days and nights on the battle-field. 1885 973.7 Cll Old times in the colonies. 1880 j 973 C3 Our new way round the world. 1881 910 Cll Redeeming the repubUc. 1890 J973.7C12 Stories of our soldiers. 1893 973.7 C13 Story of liberty. 1879 j 940 C3 Coffin, C. E. Gist of whist. 1894 795 Cl Coffin, Joshua. Sketch of the history of Newbury. 1845 *974.45 C2 Coggeshall, George. History of Ameri- can privateers. 1812-14. 1856 973 C4 Cogswell, L. W. History of the 11th New Hampshire regiment,volunteer infantry. 1891 : *973.7 C14 Cohn, M. M. Introduction to the study of the constitution. 1892 342 Cl CoiGNET, Mme. Clarisse. Francis the First and his times. 1888 944 C4 Coignet, Jfme. Clarisse. Gentleman of the olden time ; Fran- 9ois de Scepeaux, sire de Vieille- ville. 2v. 1887 9 V67 Coke, 3Irs. J. T. Gentlewoman at home. 645 C Colange, a. L. de. Dictionary of com- merce. 1880-81 *303 C CoLBURN, Zerah. Locomotivc engineer- ing. 2v. 1871 *621 Cl Cole, G. A. J. Gypsy road : a journey from Krakow to Coblentz. 1894. . . . 914.3 C2 Cole, H. W. Saint Augustine. 1877- . . . 821 C16 Cole, Timothy. Old Italian masters. 1892 *759 Cl Coleman, John. Memoirs of Samuel Phelps. 1886 ." 9 P51 Coleman, J. Players and playwrights. 2v. 1888 92C67 Coleridge, Edith, ed. Memoir and let- ters of Sara H. Coleridge. 1874. . . 9 C675 Coleridge, S. T. Aids to reflection. 1863 242 C Biographia literaria. 2v. 1872 9 C67 Notes and lectures upon Shakespeare. 1871 822.3 C3 Poetical works 821 C17 Table talk ; rime of the ancient mari- ner, etc. 1884 821 C18 Coles, Abraham. Microcosm, and other poems. 1881 811 C17 Collections; relating to New Hampshire. 2v. 1822-24 *974.2 Cl Collender, H. W., ed. Modern billiards. 1881 ■ 794 C Collier, John. Primer of art. 1882... 750 Cl Collier, Mary A. Memoir of T. F. Buxton. 1861 9 B98 Memoirs of William Wilberforce. 1864 9 W644 Collier, Price. Mr. Picket-pin and his friends 970.1 Cl Collier, R. L. English home life. 1886. 914.2 C4 Every-day subjects in Sunday ser- mons. 1872 252 C5 Collier, W. F. History of English litera- ture. 1882 809 C3 CoLLiGNON, Maxime. Manual of Greek archfeology. 1886 709 C CoLLiNGwooD, W. G. Life and works of John Ruskin. 2v. 1893 ;9 R89 Collins, C. W. Plato. 1874 888 C2 Sophocles. 1872 882 C2 Collins, F. H. Epitome of [Herbert Spencer's] synthetic philosophy. 1889 192 C Collins, F. S., joint author. See Dame, L. L. . Collins, J. C. Bolingbroke, an historical study, and Voltaire in England. 1886 9 B633 AUTHOR LIST. 30T COLLIXS, J. C. Jonathan Swift, biograpliical and criti- cal study. 1893 9 Sw5 Collins, J. H. First book of mineralogy. 1873 549 C Collins, Mortimer. Selections from poetical works. 188G 821 C19 Collins, William, Poetical works 821 C20 Collins, W. L. Aristophanes. 1873 882 C3 Butler. 1881 9 B975 Cicero. 1871 875 C6 Homer; the Iliad. 1872 883 C3 Homer ; the Odyssey. 1873 883 C4 Lucian. 1874 888 C3 Montaigne 9 M76 Plautus and Terence. 1873 872 C Virgil. 1872 873 C CoLLis, Mrs. S. M. Woman's trip to Alaska. 1890 917.98 C CoLLUM, R. S. History of the United States marine corps. 1890 359 C CoLLYER, Robert. Man in earnest : life of Augustus H. Conant. 1872 9 C74 Nature and life. 18G7 252 C7 Simple truth. 1878 173 C Talks to young men. 1888 170 C2 The life that now is. 1872 252 C6 CoLMAX, Julia. Alcohol and hygiene. 1880 613 C4 Color-bearer : Francis A. Clary 9 C5G Colquhoun, Archibald. Amongst the Shans. 1885 915.9 C Colquhoun, A. R. Across the Chryse : journey through South China. 2v. 1883 915.1 CI CoLTON, A. M. Old meeting-house and vacation papers. 1890 814 C4 CoLTON, G. W. General atlas. 1873 *912 C Columbus, Christopher. Writings de- scriptive of the new world. 1892. . 917 C3 CoLviLLE, W. J. Universal theosophy. 1887 212 C CoLviN, Sidney. Life of Keats. 1887.. 9 K22 Life of Landor. 1881 9 L23 Combe, Andrew. Principles of physiol- ogy. 1835 612 CI Combe, George. Constitution of man. 1835 139 C Education ; its principles and practice. 1879 370 CI Lectures on moral philosophy. 1840.. 170 C3 Compay're, Gabriel. Abelard and the origin and early history of universi- ties. 1893 378 CI Elements of psychology. 1890 150 C History of pedagogy. 1888 370 C2 Complete debater. 1884 808 C2 CoMPTON, A. G. Manual training : first lessons in wood-working. 1888.... 371 Cl Compton, Herbert, ed. Life and adven- tures of R. W. Eastwick. 1891 ... 9 Ea7 CoMTE, AuGUSTE. Positive philosophy. 1868 194 Cl Conant, F. O. History of Conant family. 1887 *929 C2 Conant, Mrs. H. S. Butterfly hunters. 1881 j 595 G Concord, Mass. Births, marriages, and deaths. 1635-1850 *974.44 C3 Centennial celebration of Concord fight, April 19, 1875 *974.44 C4 Concord & Montreal R. R. Vistas on the Concord & Montreal *917.42 C CoNDE, J. A. History of the dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 3v. 1854 94G Cl CoNDER, C. R. Judas Maccabeus. 1879. 9 M12 Palestine. 1872 915.6 C2 Tent work in Palestine. 2v. 1878.. 915.6 C3 CoNDER, Edward, jr. Records of the hole crafte and fellowship of Ma- sons. 1894 *3G6 C Cone, Helen G. Ride to the lady, and other poems. 1891 811 CIS- and Gilder, Jeannette L. Pen portraits of literary women. 2v. 1887 92 C75 Coney, John. Ecclesiastical edifices of the olden time. 2v. 1842 *726 C Confederate Congress. Richmond. Southern history of the war. 1863. 973.7 C16 CoNGDON, C. T. Reminiscences of a journahst. 1880 9 C762 Congregational Churches. {National Council.^ Minutes of the National council of the Congregational churches. 1886 285 C2 Congreve, William. Plays. 1887 822 C CoNKLiNG, A. R. City government in the United States. 1894 352 C CoNKLiNG, Howard. Mexico and the Mexicans. 1883 917.2 C2 Connecticut. General assembly. Eulogy of A. Lincoln; by Deming. 1865. 9 L6333 Connecticut Historical Society. Col- lections. 2v. 1860-92 906 C Connecticut Valley Historical So- ciety. Papers and proceedings. 1876-81 906 Cl Conrad, J. German universities for the last fifty years. 1885 378 C2 Constable, H. S. Something about horses, sport, and war. 1891 798 Cl Contemporary review, v. 39-66. 1881- 94 052 O CoNVERS, D. Marriage and divorce in the United States. 1889 .347 C Converse, P. L. Legends of Woburn. 1892 *974.44 C5 Conway, M. D. Demonology and devil- lore. 1879 235 C Earthward pilgrimage. 1874 244 C Emerson at home and abroad. 1882. 814 C5 308 AUTHOR LIST. Conway, M. D. Golden hour. 1862 326 C5 Life of Thomas Paine. 3v. 1892. . . 9 P16 Omitted chapters of history disclosed in the life and papers of Edmund Randolph. 1888 9 R155 Rejected stone. 1862 320 C6 Thomas Carlyle. 1881 9 C19i ed. Sacred anthology. 1874 208 CI Wandering Jew. 1881 398 C4 Conway, W. M. Climbing and explora- tion in the Karakoram-Himalayas. 1894 915.4 C4 Early Flemish artists. 1887 759 C2 CoNWELL, R. H. History of the great fire in Boston. 1872 *974.46 C Life and speeches of J. A. Garfield. 1881 9 G181 Why and how. 1871 325 C2 CoNYBEARE, W. J., aiid HowsoN, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 1887. 225 CI Cook, B. F. History of the 12th Massa- chusetts volunteers, Webster regi- ment. 1882 *973.7 C17 Cook, C. C. House beautiful. 1881 ... . 74C CI Cook, Eliza. Poems 811 C19 Cook, E. T., comp. Popular handbook to the national gallery. 1888 708 C Cook, James. Three voyages round the world. 7v. 1821-22 910 C12 Cook, Joseph. Boston Monday lectures. Biology. 1877 570 C Conscience. 1879 171 C Current religious perils. 1888 204 C6 Heredity. 1879 575 CI Labor. 18*0 331 C2 Marriage. 1879 173 Cl Occident. 1884 204 C 7 Orthodoxy. 1878 204 C8 Transcendentalism. 1878 141 C Cook, Mrs. M. (C.) Through the gates of gold. 1887 212 Cl Cook, T. A. Old Touraine ; life and his- tory of the famous chateaux of France. 2v. 1892 944 C5 Cook, William. Synoposis of chess openings, tabular analysis. 1884.. 794 Cl Cooke, F. E. Story of Theodore Parker. 1889 9 P22 Cooke, G. AV. Clapboard trees ; or. Third parish, Dedham, Mass. 1736- 1886 *277 C3 Guide-book to the works of Robert Browning. 1891 821 C21 R.W.Emerson. 1881 9 Em31 Study of George Eliot's life, writings, and philosophy. 1883 9 C888 Cooke, J. E. Life of R. E. Lee. 1873.. 9 L513 Stonewall Jackson. 1876 9 J13 Stories of the Old Dominion. 1879 . . 975 C Cooke, J. E. Virginia ; a history of the people. 1883 975.5 C Cooke, J. P., jr. Chemical problems and reactions. 1857 540 C Elements of chemical physics. 1866. 530 C First pi'inciples of chemical philoso- phy. 1870 541 Cl New chemistry. 1875 541 C Religion and chemistry. 1867 215 C3 Cooke, M. C. Edible and poisonous mushrooms. 1894 643 Cl Ponds and ditches. 1880 590 Cl Romance of low life amongst plants. 1893 586 C Woodlands. 1879 590 C2 Cooke, Parsons. Modern L^niversalism exposed. 1834 289 C2 CooKSON, J. C. F. Tiger-shooting in the Doon and Ulwar. 1887 799 C CooLEY, T. M. Michigan ; a history of governments. 1885 977.4 C CooLiDGE, A. J., and Mansfield, J. B. History and description of Xew Eng- land. 1860 *974 C3 CooLiDGE, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, Sarah C. CooLiDGE, W. A. B. Swiss travel and Swiss guide books. 1889 914.9 C2 Cooper, H. J. Art of furnishing. 1881. 690 C Cooper, J. F. History of the United States navy. 2v. 1839 359 Cl Cooper, S. F., joint author. See Hum- phrey, M)s. F. A. Cooper, Thompson, ed. Men of the time, 1872 *92 C78 Cooper, T.V., and Fenton, H. T. Ameri- can politics. 1884 320 C2 Co-operative Building Plan Associa- tion. How to build, furnish, and decorate 720 C Cope, E. D. Origin of the fittest. 1887 575 C2 CoPELAND, A. M. History of the town of Murrayfield. 1892 *974.42 C CoPELAND, T. Campbell, joint ed. See Mottelay, P. F. CoPLESTON, R. S. Aeschylus. 1872.... 882 C4 Coppee, Henry'. Grant and his campaigns. 1866 9 G7641 History of the conquest of Spain. 1881 946 C2 CoQUELiN, B. C. Actor and his art. 1881. 792 Cl CoRBALLis, J. H. Forty-five years of sports. 1891 799 Cl CoRBETT, William (Peter Porcupine). Porcupine's works. 12v. 1801... *321 C CoRBiN, D. F. M., comp. Life of M. F. Maury. 1888 9 M442 Corey, A. D. Memorial. 1893 9 C81 AUTHOR LIST. 309> CoRFiELD, "W. H. Digest of facts relating to the treatment and utilization of sewage. 1871 G28 C Cornhill magazine, v. 1-47. 18G0-9i 052 Cl CoKxixG, C. R. Aalesund to Tetuan. 1888 9U C3 CoRxiNG, J. Brain exhaustion. 188i... 131 C2 Corning, J. L. Treatise on lieadache and neuralgia. 1888 616 Cl Cornwall, Barry, pseud. See Proctor, B. W. CoRNWALLis, Charles, and Clinton, Sir Henry. Answer to Clinton con- cerning conduct of Cornwallis. 1783. 9 C811 Corson, Hiram. Aims of literary study. 1895 80-t Cl Introduction to the study of Robert Browning's poetry. 1886 821 C22 Corson, Juliet. Cooking manual. 1877. 641 C2 Family living on -S-jOO a year. 1888. 640 Cl CoRYAT, Thomas. Crudities. 3v. 1776. 914 C4 Cosmopolitan, pseud. Random recol- lections of courts and society in Europe. 1888 92 C82 Cosmopolitan, v. 11-18. 1891-95 051 C3 CossA, LuiGi. Political economy. 1893. 330 C4 Taxation: its principles and methods. 1888 336 C Costume of Turkey. 1802 *914.9 C3 Cotes. Mrs. S. J. (D.) American girl in London. 1891 914.2 D5 Social departure. 1890 910 D5 Cotterill, J. H. Applied mechanics. 1884 531 Cl Cottle, Joseph. Earlj^ recollections of Coleridge. 2v. 1837 9 C671 Cotton, Charles, joint author. See Walton, Izaak. Coucii, A. T. Q. "Warwickshire Avon. 1892 914.2 C5 ed. Golden pomp ; lyrics from Surrey to Shirley. 1895 821 C23 Couch, Jonathan. History of the fislies of the British islands. 4v. 1877.. *597 C CouES, Elliott. Check list of North American birds. 1852 *598 C3 Field ornithology. 1874 579 C Fur-btaring animals of Nortli America. 1877 599 C History of the expedition under the command of Lewis and Clark. 4v. 1893 917.8 C2 Key to North American birds. 1884. 598 C4 CouLANGES, FusTEL DE. Ancieut city. 1874 913 C3 CocLTON, Miss. Our farm of four acres. 630 C Country gentleman, v. 1-12. 1853-54... 051 C4 Court and camp of Bonaparte. 1832 92 C83 CouRTHOPE, W. J. Addison. 1884 9 Ad21 Courtney', W. P. English whist, and English whist players. 1894 795 C2 Cousin, Victor. Elements of psycliol- ogy. 1838 150 Cl Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good. 1875 194 C2 CovERDALE, Sir H. S. Fall of the great republic. 1886-88. 1895 817 C13 CowLES, Henry. Hebrew history. 1875. 933 C CowLEY', Charles. Histpry of Lowell. 1871 *974.44 C6 Reminiscences of James C. Ayer *9 Ay2 CowpER, K. C. (C), Countess. Month in Palestine. 1888 915.6 C4 CowpER, William. Best letters. 1893.. 826 C3 Poetical works. 1870 821 C24 CowPERTHWAiT, J. H. Money, silver, and finance, 1892 332 C4 Cox, Sir G. W. Athenian empire 938 C Concise history of England. 1887. . . 942 C7 Crusades. 1874 940 C4 Greeks and the Persians 938 Cl Manual of mythology. 1868 292 Cl Mythologj' of the Aryan nations. 1882 291 Cl Tales of ancient Greece. 1872 292 C and Jones, E. H. Popular romances of the middle ages. 1880 398 C5 joint ed. See Brande, W. T. Cox, Harding, and Lascelles, Gerald. Coursing and falconry. 1892 799 C2 Cox, J. D. Atlanta. 1882 973.7 CIS March to the sea. 1882 973.7 Cl& Second battle of Bull Run as con- nected with the Fitz-John Porter case. 1882 973.7 C20 Cox, Palmer. Another brownie book. 1890 j 811 C20 Brownies around the world. 1892-94. j 811 C21 Brownies at home. 1891-93 j 811 C22 Brownies ; their book. 1887 j 81 1 C23 Queer people. 1888 j 811 C24 Cox, Sydney. Friendly counsel for girls. 1868 177 C Cox, S. S. Arctic sunbeams. 1882 914 Co Isles of the princes. 1887 ... 914.9 C4 Orient sunbeams. 1882 9 14.9 Co Search for winter sunbeams in the Riviera, Corsica, Algiers, and Spain. 1870 914 C6 Three decades of federal legislation. 1855-85 973.7 C21 Why we laugh. 1876 817 014 CoxE, William. History of the house of Austria. 4v. 1881 943 C Memoirs of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. 3v. 1885 9 M341 CoxwELL, Henry. My life and balloon experiences. 1887 533 C CozzENS, F. S. Sparrowgrass papers. 1873 817 CIS and others. Yachts and yachting. 1887 797 C2 810 AUTHOR LIST. CozzENS, S. W- Marvellous country. 1875 978 CI Ceabb, George. English synonyms. 1879 424 CI Ckabbe, George. Poetical works. 1854. 821 C25 Works. 5v. 1823 821 C26 Crafts, J. M. and "Wm. F., convp- Crafts family. 1893 *929 Co Craig, A. K. Your luck's in your hand. . 133 C2 Craik, 3Irs. D. M. (M.) About money and other things. 1887 828 C3 Fair France : impressions of a travel- ler. 1872 914.4 C3 Poems, 1868 821 C27 Sermons out of church. 1875 170 C4 Studies from life. 1867 828 C4 Thirty years : being poems, new and old. 1881 821 C28 Unknown country. 1887 914.15 C Woman's thoughts about women. 1860 396 C2 Craik, G. L. Compendious history of English literature. 2v. 1871 820 C4 English of Shakespeare. 1871 822.3 C4 Romance of the peerage. 4v. 1848-50. 929 C6 and Macfarlane, Charles. Picto- rial history of England. lOv. 1844. 942 C8 Craik, Henry. Life of Jonathan Swift. 2v. 1894 9 Sw51 Cranch, C. p. Ariel and Caliban, with other poems. 1887 811 C25 Crane, Jonathan. Sketch of the second Congregational church in Attle- borough. 1849 *974.48 C2 Crane, J. T. Right way. 1853 222 CI Crane, Lucy. Art and the formation of taste. 1882 704 CI Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales. 1885. 398 C6 Crane, W. W., and Moses, Bernard. Politics. 1884 320 C3 Crapo, W. W. Centennial in New Bed- ford. 1876 *974.48 C3 Ceapsey, Edward. Nether side of New York. 1872 917.47 C Craven, Mme. Paueine. Life of Lady Georgiana Fullerton. 1888 9 F957 Crawford, A. W. See Lindsay, A. W. Crawford, Earl of. Crawford, J. B. Credit Mobilier of America. 1880 973 C6 Crawford, J. C. Recollections of travel in New Zealand and Australia. 1880. 993 C Crawford, 0. J. F. {John Latouche). Portugal, old and new. 1880 914.6 C Travels in Portugal. 1875 914.6 Cl Crawford, Robert. Reminiscences of foreign travel. 1888 910 C13 Craavford, S. W. Genesis of the civil war. 1887 973.7 C22 Crawfurd, J. F. O. English comic dramatists. 1564-1816. 1884 822 Cl Cray'ON, Geoffrey', Gent., pseud. See Irving, Washington. Creasy, Sir E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world. 1892 904 C History of the Ottoman Turks. 1877. 949 Cl Cree, Nathan. Direct legislation by the people. 1892 320 C4 Creevey', C. a. Recreations in botany. 1893 581 C Creighton, Mandell. Age of Elizabeth. 942 C9 Cardinal Wolsey. 1888 9 W834 History of the papacy during the period of the reformation. 2v. 1882 270 C2 Creswell, J. A. J. Oration on life and character of H. W. Davis. 1866.. 9 D294 Crew, B. J. Practical treatise on petro- leum. 1887 553 Cl Crichton, Andrew. History of Arabia. 2v. 1834 953 C Critic. V. 22. 1894 805 C Critical and social essays. 1867 814 C6 Crocker, H. E., joint ed. See Howard, R. H. Crocker, L". H. Cause of hard times. 1895 338 C Over-production and commercial dis- tress. 1887 332 C5 Croffct, W. a. Midsummer lark. 1883. , 914 C7 ■ and Morris, J. M. Military and ■ civil history of Connecticut. 1861- 65 *974.6 C Crofton, F. B. Bewildered querists and other nonsense. 1875 817 C16 Ckoker, J. W. Correspondence and diaries. 2v. 1884 9 C874 Croll, James. Discussions on (plimate and cosmology. 1886 551 Cl Stellar evolution and its relations to geological time. 1889 523 C3 Croly, George. Life and times of George lY. 1831 9 G292 Poetical works. 2v. 1830 821 C29 Croly', J/)-s. J. (C.) (Jennie June). For better or worse. 1875 173 C2 Crojiwell, Oliver. Letters and speeches. 1861 942 CIO Cronise, T. F. Natural wealth of Cali- fornia. 1868 ' 917.94 C Crooker, J. H. Jesus brought back. 1889 232 Cl Crookes, William. Handbook of dye- ing and calico printing. 1874 *667 C Crosby, G. H. Description of the Crosby steam-engine indicator. 1880 621 C2 Crosby, Nathan. Annual obituary notices for 1857 *92 C88 Crosby, 0. T., and Bell, Louis. Elec- tric railwaj- in theory and practice. 1892 537 C Crosby, W. O. Common minerals and rocks. 1891.'^ 552 C AUTHOR LIST. 311 Crosby, W. O. Contributions to the geology of east- ern Massachusetts. 1880 *550 C Cross, D. W. Fifty j-ears with the gun and rod. 1880 799 C3 Cross, J. G. Electric short-hand. 1879. G53 C Cross, J. W. George Eliot's life as re- lated in her letters and journals. 3v. 1885 9 C8881 Cross, Mrs. M. A. G. (E.) L. (George Eliot). Essays : and Leaves from a note-book. 1884 824 Cll Impressions of Theophrastus Such. 1879 827 C2 Legend of .Tubal, and other poems. 1874 821 C30 Spanish gypsy. 18GS 821 C31 Crowe, E. E. History of France. 5v. 1858-68 944 C6 Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. Life and times of Titian. 2v. 1881. 9 T53 Crowell, Robert. History of the town of Essex. 1G34-18G8 *974.45 C3 Croavest, F. J. Book of musical anec- dote. 2v. 1878 780 C3 Great tone poets. 1885 92 C885 Crowfield, Christopher, pseud. See Stowe, Mrs. H. E. (B.) Crownixshield, B. W. History of the 1st regiment of Massachusetts cavalry volunteers. 1891 *973.7 C23 Crowninshield, 3Irs. M. B. All among the lighthouses. 18SG j G27 (' The ignoramuses. 1887 j 914 C8 Crowninshield, Mrs. Schuyler. See Crowninshield, 3Irs. M. B. Cruden, Alexander. Complete concord- ance to the Holy Scriptures. 1872. 220 C3 New and complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. ISGG 220 C4 Cruger, Mary. How she did it ; or, com- fort on .§150 a year. 1888 G40 C2 Cruise, F. R. Thomas ii Kempis. 1887. 9 T3G2 Cruttwell, C. T. History of Roman literature 870 C Literary history of early Christianity. 2v. 1893 281 C CuBAS, A. G. Republic of Mexico in 1876. 917.2 C3 CuDWORTH, W. H. History of the 1st regiment, Massachusetts infantry. 18G1-4 *973.7 C24 CuLLEY, R. S. Handbook of practical telegraphy. 1870 654 C CuLLUM, G. W. Biographical register. United States academy. West Point. 1891 *92 C91 Cultivation of the memory. 1879 370 C3 Cultivation of the senses 372 C2 Cumberland, S. C. Queen's highway. 1887 917.1 CI CcBiMiNG, Constance F. G. At home in Fiji. 1882 919.GC2 In the Hebrides. 1883 914.1 Cl In the Himalaj-as. 1884 915.4 Co "Wanderings in China. 1888 915.1 C2 Cujiming, John. Bee-keeping. 1864 638 C End ; or, the proximate signs of the close of this dispensation. 1855... 236 C CuMMiNG, R. G. Five years of a hunter's life in South Africa. 2v. 1874. . . 916. 8 Cl Cum MING, W. G. Wild men and wild beasts. 1888 915.4 CG CuMMiNGS, M. F. Architectural details. . 1873 729 C CuMMiNGS, T. H., ed. 100th anniversary of the birth of Daniel Webster. 1883 9 W394 CuMMiNGS, T. S. Historic annals of the national academy of design. 1865. . 706 Cl Cumnock, R. M., camp. Choice readings for public and private entertain- ment. 1878 808 C3 Cundall, Frank. Painters of Holland. 1891 92 C912 Cunningham, Allan. Life of Sir David Wilkie. 3v. 1843 9 W655 Lives of British painters and sculp- tors. 5v. 1831-4 92 C914 MaidofElwar. 1832 821 C32 Cunningham, F. H. Sketches of Phillips Exeter academy. 1883 92 C918 Cunningham, William. Use and abuse of money. 1891 331 C3 Cup of consolation. 1881 242 Cl Curious schools; by various authors. 1881. 371 C2 Curran, J. P. Xew and enlarged collec- tion of speeches. 1819 825 C3 Speeches. 1867 825 C4 CuRRiE, James. Principles and practice of common-school education 371 C3 Principles and practice of early and infant-scliool education. 1857 372 C3 CuRRON, L. H. Mirror of the turf. 1892. 798 C2 Curry, J. L. M. Constitutional govern- ment in Spain. 1889 946 C3 Southern states of the American union. 1895 342 C2 Curteis, a. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire 938 C2 CuftTiN, Jeremiah. Hero-tales of Ireland. 1894 398 C7 Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. 1890. 398 C8 Tales of the fairies and of tlie ghost world. 1895 398 C9 Curtis. B. R. Dottings round the circle. 1876 910 C14 Memoir of B. R. Curtis. 2v. 1879. 9 C94 Curtis, G. T. American conveyancer. 1871 347 Cl Life of Daniel Wel)ster^ 2v. 1872. 9 W39 312 AUTHOR LIST. Cdrtis, G. T. Life of James Buchanan. 2v. 1883. 9 B85 McClellan's last service to the re- public. 1886 973.7 C25 Origin, formation, and adoption of the constitution of the United States. 2v. 1863 842 C3 Rights of conscience and of property. 1842.... *271 C2 Curtis, G. W. Howadji in Syria. 1877. 91.5.6 Co Life, character, and writings of W. C. Bryant. 1878 9 B841 Lotus-eating. 1877 917.47 CI Nile notes of a Howadji. 1877 916.2 C2 Orations and addresses. 3v. 1894.. 815 C3 Other essays from the easy chair. 1893 814 C7 Potiphar papers. 1875 817 C17 ed. Correspondence of Motley. 2v. 1889 9M856 Curtis, W. E. Capitals of Spanish America. 1888 917.2 C4 CuRTiss, G. L. Arminianism in history. 1894 287 C CcRTius, Erxst. History of Greece, ov. 1872 938 C3 CuRTius, George. Grammar of the Greek language. 1872 485 C CusACK, Mary F. C. Autobiography : nun of Kenmare. 1889 9 C951 Daniel O'Connell. 2v 9 Oc5 Story of my life. 1891 9 C95 CusHiKG, Caleb. History of the town of Newburyport. 1826 *974.45 C4 Reminiscences of Spain. 2v. 1833.. 914.6 C2 Treaty of Washington. 1873 341 C CosHiNG, John. Half-century sermon, delivered at Ashburnham. 1818 . . . *974.43 C2 Gushing, L. S. Law and practice of legis- lative assembles in United States. 1866 *328 C Rules of proceeding and debate. 1878. 328 CI Gushing, Marshall. Our post office. 1893 353 C2 Gushing, William. Anonyms. 1891... *014 Cl Initials and pseudonyms. 1885 *014 C Cushsian, H. W., joint author. See Shurtleff, N. B. CusHMAN, Robert. Self-love, " the first sermon preached in New England." 1621. 1847 *252 C8 CussANs, J. E. Handbook of heraldry. 1868 929 C8 CusT, Sir Edward. Lives of warriors of 17th century. 3v. 1865 92 C95 CusTANCE, Henry. Riding recollections and turf stories. 1894 798 C3 Custer, Mrs. E. (B.) '-Boots and sad- dles." 1885 917.83 D Following the guidon. 1890 917.8 C3 Custer, Mrs. E. (B.) Tenting on the plains. 1887 917.81 C Cutler, Manasseh. Life, journals, and correspondence. 2v. 1888 9 C97 Cutter, Benjamin and W. R. History of Arlington, Mass. 1880 *974.44 C7 Cutter, C. A. Alfabetic-author table. .. *025 C Cutter, W. R. Modern village library. 1890 *027 C and Johnson, E. F. Manuscript of epitaphs in Woburn. 1890 *929 C9 C'cTTS. E. L. Augustine of Canterbury. 1895 270 C3 Colchester. 1888 942 Cll Dictionary of the church of England. 283 C Scenes and characters of the middle ages. 1872 940 Co Cuyler, T. L. Christianity in the home. 243 C CuzzoN, G. N. Problems of the far East. 1894 915.1 C3 Cyclopedic review of current history. v.1-4. 1892-94 905 C CzEiKA, pseud. Operatta in profile. 1887. 817 C18 Daggett, John. History of Attleboro, Mass. 1894 *974.48 D Dahlgren, 3frs. M. (V.) Memoir of J. A. Dahlgren. 1882 9 D13 South-mountain magic. 1882 133 D South sea sketches. 1881 918 D Daily practice and prayer. 1876 242 D Dale, Alan. Chats with queens of the stage. 1890 92 D15 Dale, R. W. Atonement. 1876 232 D Nine lectures on preaching. 1878 251 D Dall, iVrs. C. W. (H.) Egypt's place in history. 1868 962 D Life of Dr. Anandabai Joshee. 1888. 9 J78 My first holiday. 1881 917.8 D What we really know about Shakes- peare. 1886....: .822.3 D Woman's right to labor. 1860 396 D Dallas, G. M. Diary while United States minister to Russia. 1837-39. 1892. 9 D16 Dallas, E. S. Gay science. 2v. 1866. 155 D Dalton, J. G. Lyra bicyclica ; sixty poets on the wheel. 1885 811 D Daly', J. B. Glimpses of Irish industries. 1889 609 D Radical pioneers of the 18th century. 1886 92 D17 ed. Ireland in the days of Dean Swift. 1887 941.5 D Dalziel, Hugh. British dogs. 1888 636 D The St. Bernard. 1888 636 Dl Dame, L. L. Typical elms and other trees of Massachusetts. 1890 *582 D and Collins, F. S. Flora of Mid- dlesex county, Massachusetts. 1888 *581 D Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders. 1879.. j 590 D AUTHOR LIST. 313 Dana, C. a., ed. Housej^old book of poetry. 1873 821 D Dana, Mrs. F. T. {Mrs. W. Starr Dana). According to season. 1894 580 D How to know the wild flowers. 1895. 580 Dl Dana, H. S. History of Woodstock, Vt. 1889 *974.3 D Dana, J. D. Characteristics of volca- noes. 1890 551 D Corals and coral islands. 1872 • 593 D Geological story. 1875 550 D Manual of minoralogy 549 Dl Manual of mineralogy and lithology. 1878 549 D Text-book of geolog\-. 18(J3 550 Dl and Brush, G. J. System of miner- alogy. 1872 549 D2 Dana, R. H., jr. Two years before the mast. 1887 910 D *' Danbury News Man," jiseud. See Bailey, J. M. Danfortii, J. S., joi/it author. See Bar- ker, F. C. Daniel. Georoe. Merrie England in the olden time. 1841 914.2 D Daniel, J. AV. Life and reminiscences of Jefferson Davis. 1890 9 D29 Daniell, Alfred. Text-book on the principles pf physics. 1884 530 D Daniell, W. H. Voice and how to use it. 1873 784 D Daniels, G. F. History of the town of Oxford, Massachusetts, with gene- alogies. 1892 *974.43 D Huguenots in the Nipmuck country. 1880 284 D Daniels, W. H. Moody and his works. •1876 9M77 Danson, J. T. Wealth of households... 330 D Dante, Alighieri. Banquet; tr. by Kath- arine Hillard. 1889 851 D Divine comedy; tr. by C. E. Norton. 1892 851 D2 Divine comedy ; tr. by H. W. Long- fellow. 1871 851 Dl Hell ; tr. by A. J. Butler. 1892 851 D3 New life; ^;-. by C. E. Norton. 1892. 851 D4 Vision ; or, hell, purgatory, and para- dise ; ir. by H. F. Gary. 1872 Sol D5 D'Anvers, N., pseud. See Bell, Mrs. N. R. E. (M.) Darby. John, pseud. See Garretson, J. E. Dare, Shirley, pseud. See Power, Mrs. S. C. (D.) Darley, F. O. C. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. 18ti9 914 D Darmesteter, Mrs. A. M. F. (R.) Emily Bronte. 1883 9 B784 End of the middle ages. 1889 940 D Margaret of Angouleme. 1886 9 M331 Dartmouth, Mass. Centennial celebra- tion *974.48 Dl Darton, J. M. Heroism of Christian women of our own time. 1882. ... 92 D25 Darwin, C. R. Darwinism. 1884 575 D Descent of man. 2v. 1872 575 Dl Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. 1877 581 Dl Effects of cross and self fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. 1877. .. 581 D2 Expression of the emotions in man and animals. 1873 138 D Formation of vegetable mould. 1882. 595 D Insectivorous plants. 1875 581 D3 Journal of researches during the voy- age of H. M. S. "Beagle" round the world. 1890 508 D Movements and habits of climbing plants. 1876 581 D4 On the origin of species by means of natural selection. 1870 575 D2 Various contrivances by which orchids are fertilized by insects. 1890 581 D5 What Mr. Darwin saw in his voj'age round the world in the ship "Beagle." 1880 j 508 Dl and Francis. Power of movement in plants. 1881 581 D6 Darwin, Francis. Life and letters of Charles Darwin. 1887 9 D251 Daryl, Philippe. Ireland's disease. 1888. 914.15 D Public life in England 914.2 Dl Daudet, Alphonse. Recollections of a literary man. 1889 9 D26 Thirty years of Paris. 1888 D261 Daunt, Achilles. Crag, glacier, and avalanche. 1889 914.9 D Frank Redcliffe ; travel in Venezuela. 1884 ••• J91S.7D Our sea-coast heroes. 1887 910 Dl With pack and rifle in the far south- west. 1886 917.2 D Davenport, H. E. Pvovings on land and sea. 1880 818 D Davenport, R. A. History of the Bastile, and of its principal captives. 1876. 944 D Davenport, W. B. Sport. 1886 799 D Davidson, A. B. Book of Job. 1893. . . 223 D Book of the prophet Ezekiel. 1893. . 224 D Davidson, E. A. Boy joiner and model maker j 694 D Drawing for bricklayers. 1872 744 D7 Drawing for cabinet-makers. 1872.. 744 Dl Drawing for carpenters and joiners. 1870 "-l-tl^S Drawing for machinists and engineers. 744 D3 Drawing for metal plate workers 744 D4 Drawing for stone masons . . .*• 744 D Elements of building construction and architectural drawing. 1871 690 D 314 AUTHOR LIST. Davidsox, E. a. Gothic stonework 723 D Linear drawing. 1872 744 Do Model drawing 744 D6 Davidsox, Johx. Ballads and songs. 1894 821 Dl Davidsox, J. L. S. Cicero and the fall of the Roman republic. 1894 9 C482 Davidsox, J. M. Eminent English liberals. 1886 92 D28 New book of kings. 1884 827 D Davidsox, J. T. Sure to succeed. 1889. 170 D Talks with young men. 1884 252 D Davidsox, J. W. Correspondent. 1886. 428 D Florida of to-day. 1889 917.59 D Davidsox, R.T., and Bexham, W. Life of Archibald Campbell Tait. 2v. 1891. 9 T134 Davidsox-, Thomas. Aristotle and ancient educational ideals. 1892 370 D Education of the Greek people. 1894. 370 Dl Prolegomena to "In memoriam." 1889 821 D2 Davie, Oliver. Methods in the art of taxidermy *579 D Davies, C. M. Mystic London 914.2 D2 Davies, G. C. Cruising in the Nether- lands 914.9 Dl Davies, James. Hesiod and Theogius. 1873 883 D Davies, William. Pilgrimage of the Tiber. 1873 914.5 D Davis, C. E., jr. Three years in the army. 1894 *973.7 D Davis, C. T. Manufacture of leather. 1885 675 D Davis, Emersox. Historical sketch of Westfield. 1826 *974.42 D Davis, E. ,J. Life in Asiatic Turkey. 1879 915.6 D Davis, G. E. Practical microscopy. 1882. 578 D Davis, I. P. Hygiene for girls. 1883- . . 613 D Davis, Jefi-ersox. Kise and fall of the Confederate government. 2v. 1881. 973.7 Dl Davis, Johx. Elements of astronomy. 1867 520 D Davis, J. D. Life of J. H. Neesima. 1894 9 N29 Davis, J. E. Elements of modern dress- making. 1894 646 D Davis, M. L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. 2v. 1837 9 B94 Davis, Keubex. Recollection of Missis- sippi and Mississippians. 1889 976.2 D Davis, R. H. Our English cousins. 1894. 914.2 D3 Rulers of the Mediterranean. 1894.. 914 Dl and others. Great streets of the world. 1892 910 D2 Davis, Mis. S. M. Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney. 1875 9 Sil3 Davis, S. M. H. Norway nights and Russian davs. 1887 914.8 D Davis, Mrs. Varixa. Jefferson Davis. 2v. 1890 ? 9 D291 Davis, Washingtox. Camp-fire chats of the civil war. 1886 973.7 D2 Davis, W. M. Whirlwinds, cyclones, and tornadoes. 1884 551 Dl Davis, W. T. Ancient landmarks of Ply- mouth. 1883 *974.48 D2 and others. Professional and indus- trial history of Suft'olk county, Mass. 3v. 1894 *609 Dl Dawes, Axxa L. Charles Sumner. 1892. 9 Su6 Ho^^ we are governed. 1885 353 D Dawes, C. G. Banking system of the United States. 1894 332 D Dawkixs, W. B. Early man in Britain. 1880 571 D Dawsox, E. C. James Harrington. 1887. 9 H199 Dawsox, George. Biographical lectures. 1886 92 D32 Shakespeare, and other lectures. 1888 822.3 Dl Dawsox, Sir J. W. Acadian geology. 1878 557 D Chain of life in geological time 590 Dl Fossil men. 1883 ■ 571 Dl Geological history of plants. 1888. . . 551 D2 Meeting place of geology and history. 1894 215 D3 Modern ideas of evolution as i^lated to religion and science. 1890 215 D Modern science in Bible lands. 1889. 555 D Nature and the Bible. 1875 215 Dl Origin of the world. 1877 213 D Some salient points in the science of the i earth. 1894 550 D2 Story of the earth and man. 1873. . . 551 D3 Dawson, W. J. Makers of modern Eng- lish. 1893 *820 D Day, Alfred. Summarj^ and analysis of the dialogues of Plato. 1890 184 D Day, D. L. My diary of rambles with the 25th Massachusetts volunteer in- fantry *973.7 D3 Day, Hexry. From tlie Pyrenees to the Pillars of Hercules. 1883... 914.6 D Day, H. N. Introduction to the study of English literature. 1872 820 Dl Science of aesthetics. 1872 701 D Day, L. B. Folk-tales of Bengal. 1883. 398 D Govinda Samanta. 1874 915.4 D Day, L. F. Nature in ornament. 1892.. 745 D Dead shot. 1873 799 Dl Deaxe, James. Ichnographs from the sandstone of Connecticut river. 1861 *566 D Deane, Margery, jpseiid. See Pitman, Mrs. M. J. D. Deaxe, W. J. Pseudepigraphia. 1891.. 229 D Dearborn, Nathaniel, comp. Boston notions. 1630-1847 *974.46 D AUTHOR LIST. 315 Debater's handbook. 1887 808 D Decaisne, Joseph, joint aidhor. See Le Maoiit, J. E. De Cosson', E. a. Bay.^ and nights of service with Sir Gerald Graham's field force at Suakin. 1886 91G.2 D De Costa, B. F. Hiawatha. 1873 811 Dl Story of Mt. Benedict. 1893 *271 D Dediiaji, Mass. Celebration of the 2o0th anniversary. 1880 *074.4:7 D First churth, 250th anniversary. 1888.. *277 Dl Deens, C. F. My septuagint. 1892 204 D Defoe, Daxiel. Novels and miscellan- eous works. 1871 '.'42 D De Fontaixe, F. G., ed. Talks with Sothern. 1888 9 So7 Deforest, H. P., and Bates, E. C. History of Westborough. Mass. 1891 *974.43D1 De Forest, Julia B. Short history of art. 1881 709- D De Garmo, W. B. Dance of society. 1884 79:3 D De Graff, Simox. Modern geometrical stair-builder's guide. 1872 694 Dl De Hass, F. S. Eecent travels and ex- l)lorations in Bible lands. 1880... 815.6 Dl Dekker, Thomas. Plays. ls87 822 D De Kroyft, Mis. S. H. Place in thy memory. 1850 9 D364 De la Beciie, Sir H. T. Geological memoirs contained in the " Annales des mines." 1836 554 D How to observe. 1836 551 D4 Delaborde, Henri. Engraving; its ori- gin, processes, and history. 1886.. 760 D^ Delaxd, Mrs. M. AV. (C.) Florida days. 1889 917.59 Dl Old garden, and other verses. 1894. . 811 D2 Delano, C G. Law of landlord and tenant in Massachusetts. 1884 347 D De Lanoye, Ferdinand. -Kameses the Great. 1872 •. • • • • ''^2 D Sublime in nature. 1872 551 D5 Delany, Mis. M. G. Autobiography and correspondence. 2v. 1879 9 D37 De Leon, Edwin. Khedive's Egypt. 1878. 916.2 Dl De Leon, T. C. Four years in rebel capi- tals. 1861-5. 1890 973.7 D4 De Long, G. W. Voyage of the "Jean- nette." 2v. 1883 919.8 D Demaxs, Eobert. AVilliam Tyndale. 1886 • T97 Deming, Clarence. By-ways of nature and life. 1884 814 D Democritus, Junior. 7:)se(/tZ. See Burton, Robert. De Morgan, Augustus, comp. Book of almanacs. 1851 *529 D Demosthenes. Orations against Leptincs, Midias, Androtion; tr. by C. R. Kennedy. 1889 885 D Orations ; ^7-. by T. Leland. 2v. 1877. 885 Dl Dempsey, G. D. Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of towns and build- ings. 1854 G28D Dennett, R. E. Seven years among the Fjort. 1887 916.7 D Dennie. John. Rome of to-day and yester- day. 1894 914.5 Dl Dennis, George. Cities and cemeteries of Etruria. 2v. 1878 913 D Dennis, John. Age of Pope. 1894 820 D2 DeVnis, J. T. On the shores of an inland sea. 1895 917.98 D Dennistoun, James. Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino. 3v. 1851 945 D Denny, J. W. Wearing the blue in the 25th Massachusetts volunteer in- fantry. 1879 *973.7 D5 Dennys, John. Secrets of angling. 1883. 821 D3 Denslo-sv, Van Buren. Economic philos- ophy of society. 1888 330 Dl Dent, C. T., and others. Mountaineer- ing. 1892 7dGT> Dent, H. C. Year in Brazil. 1886 918.1 D Denton, S. F. Incidents of u collector's rambles irt Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea. 1889 919.4 D Denton, William and Mrs. E. M. F. Soul of things. 3v. 1875-81 134 D Denver, Col. Public library. Public li- brary handbook. 1895 *020 D Depew. C. M. Orations and after-dinner speeches. 1890 815 D Depping, Guillaume. Wonders of bodily strength and skill. 1873 796 Dl DePuv, W. H. Three score years and beyond. 1872 92 D44 joint aidhor. See Fowler, C H. De Quince y, Thomas. Autobiographic sketches. 1876 824 D Biographical and historicalessays 920 D442 Cajsars, and the avenger. 1873 824 Dl Confessions of an English opium- eater. 1873 824D2 Eighteenth century in scholarship and literature • 824 D3 Essavs in ancient history and antiqui- ties. 1876... 930 D Essays in philosophy. 1877 824 D4 Essays on Christianity, paganism, and superstition. 1877 204 Dl Historical and critical essays. 1873.. 824 D5 Letters to a young man, and logic of political economy. 1873 824 D6 Literary criticism. 1876 824 D7 Literary reminiscences. 1876 824 D8 ]\Iemorials and other papers. 1873. . . 824 D9 316 AUTHOR LIST. De Qcixcey, Thomas. Narrative and miscellaneous papers. 1877 824 DIG Note-book of an English opinm-eater. 1873 82i Dll Politics. 1877 330 D2 Romances and extravaganzas. 1877. 824 D 12 Theological essays, and other papers. 1873 824 D13 Uncollected writings. 2v. 181X1 824 D 14 Derbet, J. C. Fifty years among au- thors, books, and publishers. 1884 655 D Derby, W. P. Bearing arms in the 27th Massachusetts regiment of volun- teer infantry. 1861-65. 1883 *973.7 D6 Deschaxel, a. p. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. 1887 530 Dl Designs and instructions for decorating pottery. 1877 738 D Dessar, L. a., ed. Hom^ treatment for catarrhs and colds. 1894 616 D Details of decorative sculpture *730 D Deutsch, E. O. ]M. Literary remains. 1874 892 D Deux-Poxts, William, Couiie de. My campaigns in America. 1780-81. 1868 *973.3 D Devexs, Charles. Orations an5 ad- dresses. 1891 815 Dl De Vere, Aubrey. Selections from his poems. 1894 821 D4 De Vere, A. T. Essays. 2v. 1887 824 D15 Essays, literary and ethical. 1889. . . 824 D16 De Vere, M. S. Leaves from the book of nature. 1872 504 D Modern magic. 1873 133 Dl Romance of American history. 1872. 973 D "Wonders of the deep. 1872 551 D6 Devrient, Edward. My recollections of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. 1869. ■ 9 M52 Dewar, JoHx. " Wiiat ails the baby?" 1890 018 D Dewar, T. R. Ramble round the globe. 1894 910 D3 Dewey, .Toiix. Leibniz's new essays con- cerning the luiman understanding. 1888 193 D Dewey, Mary E., ed. Autobiography and letters of Orville Dewey. 1883 9 D51 Life and letters of C. M. Sedgwick. 1872 9 Se2 Dewey, Melvil. Decimal classification. 1891 '. . *025 D ed. Library school card catalog rules. 1892...'. *025 Dl Dewey, Orville. Discourses and re- views upon questions in contro- versial theology and practical religion. 1846 240 D Dewey, Orville. Discourses on human nature, human life, and the nature of religion. 3v. 252 Dl Dewing, Mrs. M. R. (O.) Beauty in the household. 1882 645 D From attic to cellar. 1879 640 D De Witt, C. T. Base-ball guide for 1878. 797 D Dexter, H. M. Congregationalism of the last three hundred years. 1880. 285 D Dexter, Mortox. Story of the pilgrims. 1894 974.4 D Dexter, Seymour. Co-operative savings and loan associations. 1889 334 D' Dial. V. 17. 1894 805 D Diaz, Mrs. A. (M.) Domestic problem. 1875 396 D I Only a flock of women. 1893 814 Dl DiBDix, T. F. Introduction to the knowl- edge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics. 2v. 1827 220 D Dicey, A. V. Lectures introductory to the study of the law of the constitution. 1885 342 D Letters on unionist delusions. 1887.. 329 D Privy council. 1887 354 D Dicey, Edward. Victor Emmanuel. 1882. 9 V66S Dick, Thomas. Celestial scenery. 1884. 523 D Christian philosopher. 1884 215 D2 Essays on the sin and evils of covetous- ness. 1884 179 D Improvement of society by the diffu- sion of knowledge. 1884 370 D2' Mental illumination. 1884 370 D3 On the improvement of society. 1833. 370 D4: Philosophy of a future state. 1884.. 237 D Philosophy of religion. 1884 201 D Practical astronomer. 1884 522 D Sidereal heavens. 1894 523 Dl Solar system. 1884 523 D2 Dick, W. B. {Leger D. Mayne). Ameri- can Hoyle. 1885 795 D Encyclopedia of practical receipts and processes. 1872 603 D Recitations and readings. 13v. 1876. 808 Dl What shall Ave do to-night ? 1873 793 Dl Dickens, Charles. American notes for general circulation. 1842 917.3 D Child's history of England. 1883. . . . j 942 Dl Dialogues. 2v. 1875 793 D2 Nicholas Nicklebj' at the Yorkshire school, and other readings. 1886.. 808 D2 Pictures from Italy. 1871 914.5 D2 Plays and poems. 2v. 1 885 828 D Series of character sketches *823 D ed. Life ; chiefly autobiographical of C. J. Mathews. 2v. 187.9 9 M42 Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi 9 G88 DicKixsox, AxxA E. Ragged register of people, places, and opinions. 1879.. 917 D AUTHOR LIST. 317 Dickinson, Emily. Letters. 1894 816 D Poems. 1892 811 D8 DiCKixsox, GiDEOX. "Wanderer. 1888.. 811 D9 Dickinson J., and others. Winter picnic. 1888 917.2 Dl Dickinson, Eodolphis. Geographical and statistical view of Massachu- setts. 1813 *317 D Dickson, W. G. Gleanings from Japan. 1889 915.2 D Dickson, "W. K. L. and Antonia. Life and inventions of T. A. Edison. 1894 **9 Ed 4 Dictionary of scientific illustrations and symbols ; by Barrister of the honor- able society of the inner temple. 1S94 828 Dl Y)iv>o's, Faiher. Jesus Christ ; our Sav- ior's person, mission, and spirit. 2v. 1891 232 Dl DiEHL, Mrs. A. (Ji,.) Quarterly elocution- ist. 2v 808 D8 Reading and elocution. 1874 808 D4 DiESTERWEG, G., and others. Methods of teaching history. 1883 907 D DiLKE, E. F. (S.) Lady. Art in the mod- ern state. 1888 709 Dl DiLKE, Sir C. W., Ba.H. Fall of Prince Florestan of Monaco. 1874 827 Dl British army. 1888 354 Dl Greater Britain. 1872 9 10 D4 Problems of greater Britain. 1890 . . 325 D and Wilkinson, Spenser. Imperial defence. 1892 355 D DiLLAWAY, C. K. History of the gram- mar school, Roxburie. 1645. 1860. *379 D Dillon, J. F. Laws and jurisprudence of England and America. 1894 347 Dl Diman, J. L. Orations and essays. 1882. 814 D2 Theistic argument. 1881 211 D Diogenes. Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers. 1853 183 D DisoswAY, G. P. Earliest churches of New York. 1865 277 D2 DiSKAELi, Isaac. Amenities of literature. 2v. 1871 824 D17 Calamities and quarrels of authors. 2v. 1871 824 D18 Curiosities of literature. 4v. 1871.. 824 D19 Life and reign of Charles I. , king of England. 5v. 1828-31 942 D2 Distant, AV. L. NaturaUst in the Trans- vaal. 1892 91G.8 D DiSTURNELL, JoHN, comp. Influence of climate in North and South Amer- ica. 1867 551 D7 DiTCHFiELD, P. H. Books fatal to their authors. 1895 090 D Dix, E. A. Midsummer drive through the Pvrenees. 1890 914.6 Dl Dix, Morgan. Lectures on the calling of a Christian woman. 1883 396 D2 Memoirs of J. A. Dix. 2v. 1883. .. 9 D642 Dix, W. G. American state and Ameri- can statesmen. 1876 342 Dl Dixie, F. C. (D.), Lady. Across Pata- gonia. 1881 918.2 D Young castaways ; child hunters of Patagonia j 918.2 Dl Dixon, Charles. Idle hours with nature. 1891 .598 D Dixon, W. H. Free Russia. 1870 914.7 D Her majesty's tower. 1869 942 D3 History of two queens. Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn. 4v. 1873-74 • 9 C285 History of William Penn. 1872 9 P38 Life of Admiral Blake. 1852 9 B58 New America. 2v. 1867 917.3 Dl Personal history of Lord Bacon. 1861. 9 B133 DoBSON, AcsTiN. Fielding. 1883 9 F46 Memoir of William Hogarth. 1891.. 9 H67 DoBSON, Edward. Rudimentary treatise on the manufacture of bricks and tiles. 1866 666 D DoBSON, H. A. Eighteenth century vig- nettes. 2v. 1892, "94 824 D20 Four French women 92 D65 Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 1888 9 G574 Life of Richard Steele. 1886 9 St32 Poems on several occasions. 2v. 1889 821 Do Thomas Bewich. 1884 9 B464 Documents relating to the L'rsuline con- vent in Charlestown. 1S42 *271 Dl DoD, S. B.', ed. .Journal, London, 1794- 97 ; Mrs. Martha Bayard. 1894- . . 9 B34 DoDD, Mrs. A. B. (B.) Cathedral days. 1887 914.2 D4 Doddridge, Philip. Family expositor. 6v. 1808 225 D Dodge, J. R. Jacques "cream pot" stock ill *630 U Dodge, Mary A. (Gail Hamilton'). Battle of the books. 1870 814 D3 Country living and countrj- thinking. 1872 177 D Memorial of A. W. Dodge. 1881 .... 9 D662 Nursery noonings. 1875 173 D Our common school system. 1880. . . 371 D Sermons to the clergy. 1876 204 D2 Summer rest. 1866 814 D4 Twelve miles from a lemon. 1874. . . 814 Do Washington Bible class. 1891 230 D Wool-gathering. 1867 917.3 D2 Dodge, Mrs. M. F. (0.) Echoes from Cape Ann. 1889 811 D3 Dodge, 3Irs. M. (M.) Rhymes and jingles. 1881 j 811 D4 When life is young. 1894 j 811 Do 818 AUTHOR LIST. Dodge, R. I. Black hills. 1876 917.83 D Our wild Indians. 1882 970.1 D Plains of the great west. 1877 917.8 Dl Dodge, T. A. Bird's eye view of our civil war. 1883 973.7 D7 Cffisar ; history of the art of war among the Romans. 1892 937 D Great captains. 1889 92 DG6 Riders of many lands. 1894 798 D DoDGSON, C. L. {Lewis Carroll). Hunt- ing of the snark 827 D2 Rhyme ? and reason ? 1884 j 811 D6 DoDS, Marcus. Introduction to the New Testament. 1888 225 Dl DoLBEAR, A. E. Art of projecting. 1892. 535 D Matter, ether, and motion. 1894 530 D2 Telephone. 1877 537 Dl DoLBi', George. Charles Dickens' read- ing tours in Great Britain and America. 186G-70. 1885 9 D551 Dole, C. r. American citizen. 1891... 172 D Dole, E. P. Talks about law. 1887 340 D Dole, N. H. Young folks' history of Russia. 1881 j 947 D DoLLixGER, J. J. Igxaz. Addresscs on historical and literary subjects. 1894 834 D Fables respecting the popes in the middle ages ; u-iih Prophetic spirit. 1872 282 D DoLMETCH, H. Ornamental treasure "'740 D DoMviLE, Margaret. Life of Lamartine. 1888 9 L16 DoxAHOE, C. p. Life of O'Connell 9 Oc51 Donaldson, James. Drawing and rough sketching for marine engineers. 1884 020 D Rough working drawing for first-class engineers. 1883 <520 Dl Donisthorpe, Wordsworth. Individual- ism. 1889 320 D Law in a free state. 1895 340 Dl Donne, John. Poetical Ayorks, with me- moir i/i 821 S7 joint author. See Skelton, John. Donne, W. B. Euripides. 1872 882 D Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis. 1882... 572 D Great cryptogram. 1888 822.3 D2 Ragnarok. 1883 551 D8 Donovan, Michael. Useful arts. 1830. 663 D Doolittle, Justus. Social life of the Cliinese. 2v. 1867 915.1 D Doolittle, Mark. Historical sketch of the Congregational church in Bel- chertown, Mass. 1852 *974.42 Dl Doran, John. Annals of the English stage. 3v. 1888 792 D Lives of the Hanover queens of Eng- land. 2v. 1880 92 D72 Monarchs retired from business. 1881. 92 D721 Dorchester, Daniel. Why of Method- ism. 1888 287 D Dorchester, Jfass. First church. 250th anniversary. 1880 *277 D3 Dorchester Antiquarian and Histori- cal Society. History of the town of Dorchester, Mass. 1859 *974.46 Dl Memoirs of Roger Clap. 1854 *9 C53 Journal of Richard Mather. 1850 ... *9 M422 DoRE, J. R. Old Bibles. 1888 220 Dl DoRNER, I. A. Dorner on the future state. 1883 236 D Dorr, Mrs. J. C. (R.) Friar Anselmo, and other poems. 1879 811 D7 Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. 1882 973.7 D8 Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-1 973.7 D9 Doubleday, C. W. Reminiscences of the "Filibuster" war in Nicaragua. 1886 972 D Douglas, Amanda M. Heroes of the crusades. 1890 92 D74 Douglas, James. Canadian independence, annexation, and British imperial fed- eration. 1894 971 Dl Douglas, S. A. , joint anther. .See Lincoln, Abraham. Douglass, Frederick. His life and times. 1881 9 D74 Dover, G. J. W. A. Ellis, Lord. Life of Frederick the Great. 2v. 1832. 9 F875 Dover (H. U.) Historical Society. Collections. 1894 *974.2 D DowD, S. E., joint author. See Dickin- son, J. and E. E. DowDEN, Edward. Life of P. B. Shelley. 2v. 1887 . . . , 9 Sh43 Life of Southey. 1880 9 So83 Shakspere. 1878 822.3 D3 Shakspere : a critical study of his mind and art. 1881 822.3 D4 Studies in literature. 1878 804 D ed. Correspondence of Sir Henry Taylor. 1888 9 T21 DowiE, Menie M. .See Norman, Mrs. M. M. (D.) Dowling, Richard. Ignorant essays. 1888 824 D21 DowNES, W. H. Arcadian days. 1891.. 758 D Downey, Edmund. Through green glasses. 1887 827 D3 Downing, A. J. Cottage residences. 728 D Hints to persons about building in the country. 1859 728 Dl Rural essays, 1869 710 D Treatise on landscape gardening. 1841 710 Dl Doyle, Sir F. H. C Reminiscences and opinions. 1813-85. 1887 340 D2 AUTHOR LIST. 319 Doyle, J. A. English colonies in America. 1882 973 Dl English in America. 2v. 1887 973 D2 History of the United States. 187«.. 973 D3 Drage, Geoffrey. Unemployed. 1894. 331 D Drake, Francis. Life of Henry Knox. 1873 9 K77 Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American biography. .1872 *92 D78 Indian history. 1885 j 970.1 Dl Tea leaves. 1884 *973.3 Dl Town of Roxbury. 1878 *917.446 D Drake, J. M. History of the 9th Xew Jersey veteran volunteers. 1889. . .*973.7 DIO Drake, Nathax. Essays, illustrative of the Rambler, Adventurer, and Idler. 2v. 1809-10 804 Dl Essays, illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. 3v. 1805. 804 D2 Drake, S. A. Around the Hub. 18«2. .j 974.46 D2 Book of New England legends and folklore. 1888 398 Dl Burgoyne's invasion of 1777. 1889.. 973.3 D2 Heart of the White mountains. 1882. *917.42 D Historic fields and mansions of Mid- dlesex. 1874 917.444 D Same *917.444 D History of Middlesex county, ^lass. 2v. 1880 *974.44 D Making of Xew England. 1886 974 D Making of the great west. 1887 j 978 D Making of the Ohio valley states. 1660-1837 977 D Making of Virginia and the middle colonies. 1893 973 D Nooks and corners of the New Eng- land coast. 1875 917.4 D Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston. 1873 917. 446 Dl Our colonial homes. 1894 *974.4 Dl Pine-tree coast. 1891 917.41 D Taking of Louisburg. 1745. 1891 . . 971 D Drake, S. G. Biography and liistory of the Indians. 1834 970.1 D2 History and antiquities of Boston. 1856 *974.46D3 Draper, James. History of Spencer, Mass *974.43 D2 Draper, J. W. Future civil policy of America. 1865 320 Dl History of the American civil war. 3v. 1868 973.7 Dll History of the conflict between religion and science. 1875.... 215 D4 History of the intellectual develop- ment of Europe. 1874 901 D Scientific memoirs. 1878 535 Dl Draper, L. C. King's mountain and its heroes. 1881 *973.3D3 Draysox, A. W. Art of practical whist. 1879 795 Dl Dravsox. a. W. Thirty thousand years of the earth's past history. 1888 525 D Dresser, Christopher. Japan ; its archi- tecture, art, and art manufactures. 1882 709 02 Principles of decorative design 740 Dl Drew, Bexjamix. North-side view of slavery. 1856 .-^26 D Pens and types. 1874 655 Dl Drew, Thomas, comp. John Brown in- vasion. 1860 973 D4 Driver, S. K. Introduction to the litera- ture of the Old Testament. 1891 . . 221 D Droz, a. G., and others. Plays for pri- vate acting. 1878 793 D3 Drummoxd, Hexry. Addresses. 1891.. 243 D Lowell lectures on the ascent of man. 1894 575 D3 Natural law in the spiritual world. 1884 215 D5 Speeches in parliament. 2v. 1«60.. 825 D Tropical Africa. 1888 916.7 Dl Drury. Robert. Madagascar; journal during fifteen years' captivity. 1890. 916.9 D Drydex, JoHx. Poetical works. 1870.. 821 D6 and others. Miscellany poems. 6v. 1727. 821 D7 Du Bois. Coins belonging to the mint of the United States. 1846 332 Dl Du BosE, H. C. Dragon image. 1887.. 294 D Du Chaillv, p. B. Country of the dwarfs. 1871 j 916.7 D2 Journey to Ashango-land. 1871 916.6 D Land of the midnight sun. 2v. 1882 914.8 Dl Lost in the jungle'. 1869. .......... j 916.6 Dl My Apingi kingdom. 1870 j 916.7 D3 Stories of the gorilla country. 1868. j 916.6 D2 Viking age. 2v. 1889 948 D Wild life under the equator j 916.7 D4 DucHOCHOis, P. C. Photographic image. 1891 770 D Ducoxdkay, Gustave. History of ancient civilization. 1889 901 Dl History of modern civilization. 1891. 901 D2 Dudevaxt, Mme. {George Sand). Her impressions and reminiscences ; tr. by Adams. 1877 9 D861 Dcj*, A. H., ed. Savage-club papers. 2v. 1867-68 828 Dl Duff, Hexry. See Traill, H. D. Duff, Sir M. E. G. Ernest Renan. In memoriam. 1893 9 R29- DuFFERix and Ava, H. (H.) B., Marchion- ess of. My Canadian journal. 1872- 78. 1891 917.1 D Our vice-regal life in India. 1884- 88. 2v 915.4 Dl DuFFEY, Mrs. E. B. No sex in education. 1874 376 D 3£0 AUTHOR LIST. DuFFiELD, C. G., joint autho)'. See Welch, W. DuFFiELD, Mrs. ^'V. Art of flower paint- ing. 1878 758 Dl Duffy, Bella. Life of Madame de Stael. 1887 9 Stl Duffy, Sir C. G. Conversations with Carlyle. 1892 9 C195 Tour years of Irish history. 1845- 49 . .' 941.5 Dl Young Ireland, a fragment of Irish history. 1840-50 941.5 D2 DuFiEF, N. G. New French-English grammar. 2v. 1817 F 445 D DuHRiNG, Julia. Mental life and culture. 1893 814 D6 Philosophers and fools. 1874 814 D7 Dulckex, H. W. Popular history of England to 1887. 1888 942 D4 Dulles, C. W. What to do first in acci- dents and emergencies. 1883 614 D DuLCKEN, H. W., ed. Worthies of the world. 1882 920 D88 Dulles, J. W. Ride through Palestine. 1881 915. G D2 DusiAS, Alexandre. Memoirs. 2v. 1891. 9 D89 Napoleon. 1894 9 N1G24 Du Maurier, George. Society pictures, selected from "Punch." 827 D4 Du MoNCEL, T. A. L., Comte. Electric lighting. 1882 537 D2 Telephone, the microphone, and the phonograph. 1879 537 D3 Dunbar, C. E. Theory and history of banking. 1892 332 D2 DuNRAK, Newell. Phillips Brooks. 1891. 9 B795 Duncan, Andrew. Practical surveyor's guide. 1872 526 Dl Duncan, HenHy. Sacred philosophy of the seasons, v. 1-3. 1839 501 D Duncan, P. M. Heroes of science. 1882. 92 D91 Sea-shore. 1879 590 D2 Duncan, Sara J. See Cotes, Mrs. S. J. (D.) DuNCKER, M. W. History of antiquity. 6v. 1882.... 930 Dl Same *930 Dl History of Greece to the end of the Persian war. 2v. 1886 938 D DuNCKLEY, Henry. Bainford's life of a radical. 2v. 1893 9 B215 Life of Lord Melbourne . 1890 9 M48 DuNLAP, William. History of arts of design in the United States. 2 v. 1834 700 D Dunlop, J. C. History of prose fiction. 2v. 1888 809 D Dunlop, Robert. Life of Henry Grat- tan. 1889 9 G77 Dunn, A. J. Rise and decay of the rule of Islam. 1877.... 949 D Dunn, J. P. Indiana : a redemption from slavery. 1888 977.2 D Massacres of the mountains. 1886. . . 970.1 D3 Dunning, A. E. Congregationalists in America. 1894 285 Dl DuNRAVEN, Sir W. T. Wyndham-Quin, Earl of. Great divide. 1876 917.87 D DiJNTZER, Heinricii. Life of Schiller. 1883 9 Sch35 DiJNTZER, J. H. Life of Goethe. 1884.. 9 G712 DuPANLOup, E. A. P. Child. 1875 372 D Study of freemasonry. 1876 366 D DuPLESSis, Georges. Wonders of en- graving. 1871 760 Dl DuppA, Richard. Life of Michel Angelo, Quincy, Quatremere de, and Raftaello 9 M58 DuRAND, 3Ime. A. M. C. H. Napoleon and Marie Louise. 1886 9 N1625 DuRAND, ,ToHN, ed. New materials for the history of the American revo- lution. 1889 973.3 D4 DuRAS, Ducliesse de. Prison journals during the French revolution. 1891. 944 Dl DuRELL, Fletcher. New life in education. 1894 377 D DuRFEE, Calvin. History of Williams college. 1860 *378 D Williams biographical annals. 1871.. 378 Dl DuRNY, J. Y. History of Greece. 8v. 1892 938 Dl History of Rome. 8v. 1883 937 Dl DuRRiE, D. S. Bibliographa genea- logica Americana. 1886 *929 D DussANCE, Henry. Practical guide for the perfumer. 1868 668 Dl Treatise on the manufacture of soap. 1869 668 D Treatise on the manufacture of vinegar. 1871 •. 664 D DuYCKiNCK, E. A. National history of the war for the Union. 3v. 1861 973.7 D12 and G. L. Cyclopaedia of Ameri- can literature. 4v. 1866 *810D DwiGHT, B. W. Modern philology. 2v. 1877 409 D DwiGHT, H. O. Turkish life in war time, 1881 949 Dl DwiGHT, James. Practical lawn-tennis. 1893 796 D2 joint author. See Leeds, H. C. DwiGHT, N. Lives of the signers of the declaration of independence. 1840. 92 D96 DwiGHT, Theodore. History of the Hart- ford convention. 1833 *973 D5 DwiGHT, Theodore, jV. History of Con- necticut. 1842 974.6 D DwiGHT, Timothy. Travels in New Eng- land and New York. 4v. 1821-22. *917.4 Dl DwTER, Francis, joint author. See Borb- staedt, A. AUTHOR LIST. 521 \ Dyer. C. N. History of the tow^n of Plain- field. Hampshire county. Mass. 1891 *974.42 D2 Dyer, Mary M., comp. Portraiture of Shakerism. 1822 289 D Dyer, T. F. T. British popular customs. 1S7G 9U.2 D6 Folk-lore of plants. 1889 398 D2 Folk-lore of Shakespeare. 1884 822.3 Do Great men at play. 2v. 1889 92 D98 Strange pages from family papers. 1895 133 D2 Dyer, T. H. History of the kings of Rome. 1868 737 D2 Life of John Calvin. 1850 9 C13 ed. Pompeii; its history, buildings, and antiquities. 1869 913 Dl Dyer and colour maker's companion. 1870. 667 D Dyjioxd. Joxathax. Inquiry into the accordancy of war with the princi- ples of Christianity. 1873 172 Dl Earl, H. H., comp. Centennial history of Fall River, Mass. 1877 *974.48 E Earle, Mrs. A. M. China collecting in America. 1892 738 E Costume of colonial times. 1894 391 E Customs and fashions in old New Eng- land. 1893 917.4 E ed. Diary of A. G. AVinslow. 1894. 9 W73 Sabbath in Puritan New England. 1891 263 E Earle, Jorix. Philology of the English tongue. 1873 •.... 420 E Eaklin-g, P. R. Whom to trust. 1890.. 332 E Eassie, William. Healthy houses. 1872. 628 E EA8TBDK^', J. W., and, Sakds, R. C. Yamoyden. 1820 811 E Easterbrook, H. H. Somerville fire de- partment. 1842-92. 1893 *352 E Eastlake, Sir C. L. Contributions to the literature of fine arts. 1870 704 E Hand-book of painting, the Italian schools; based on the hand-book of Kugler. 2v. 1874 759 K2 Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery, etc. 1876 749 E History of the Gothic revival. 1872. 723 E Notes on the principal pictures in the Louvre gallery at Paris, and in the Brora gallery at Milan. 1883 708 E Eastman, Edith V. Ethics of music. 1892 780 E Eastman-, E. C, & Co., pub. White moun- tain guide-book. 1870 917.42 E ed. White mountain guide-book. 1863 917.42 El Eastwick, R. W. Life and adventures ; ctZ. by Compton. 1891 9 Ea7 Eaton, A. W. H. Heart of the creeds. 1888 230 A Eaton, Mrs. C. A. (W.) Rome in the nineteenth century. 2v. 1860 945 E Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Great Britain. 1880 351 E Eaton. D. C. Ferns of North America. 2v. 1879 *587 E Eaton, Lilley". Genealogical history of Reading, Mass. 1874 *974.44 E Ebers. Georg. L. a. Tadema, his life and work. 1886 9 T12 Story of my life. 1893 9 Eb3 EcKLER, G., joint author. See Anger- stein, E. Eclectic. V. 55-60. 1892-94 051 E Economy of the ages. 1809 230 El Eddy, D. C. Percy family. 5v. 1859.. j 914 E Young man's friend. 1870 204 E Eddy, James. Thoughts on religion and morality 231 E Eddy", Mrs. M. B. (G.) Science and health. 2v. 1882 615 E Science and health ; with key to the scriptures. 1891 615 El Eddy-, Richard. L^niversalism in Amer- ica. 2v. 1886 289 E Eden, C. H. India. 1876 915.4 E Japan : historical and descriptive. 1877.. I 915.2 E West Indies. 1880 972 E Eden, Richard, tr. First three English books on America. 1885 *917 E Edersheim, Alfred. Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. 2v. 1883 232 E Sketches of Jewish social life in the days of Christ. 1876 220 E Temple ; its ministry and services, as they were at the time of Jesus Christ. 1874 220 El Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. 1870. 92 Ed3 Crusades and crusaders. 1860 940 E Footprints of famous men. 1878 j 92 Ed3I Edgecumbe, E. E. H., Lady, and Wood, Mary-, Lady. Four months' cruise in a sailing yacht. 1888 910 E Edkins, Joseph. Chinese Buddhism. 1880 294 E Religion in China. 1878 299 E Edmonds, Charles, ed. Poetry of the anti-Jacobin. 1890 821 E Edmonds, S. E. E. Nurse and spy in the Union army 9 Ed5 Edmonston, Biot, and Saxby, Mrs. J. M. (E.) Home of a naturalist. 1888. 914.1 E Education, v. 1-14. 1880-94 370 E Edward, Eliza. Diary of a quiet life. 1887 9 Ed9 Edwardes, Charles. Letters from Crete. 1887 914.9 E and others. Historic houses of the United Ivingdom. 1892 "^914.2 E 322 AUTHOR LIST. Edwardes, Edward. Libraries and founders of libraries. 1865 *027 E Edwards, Amelia B. Pharaohs, fellahs, and explorers. 1891 910.2 E Thousand miles up the Nile. 1889 . . 916.2 El Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys in the Dolomites. 1890 914.3 E Edwards, B. B. Address delivered at Southamjjton, Mass., at the centen- nial celebration. 1841 *974.42 E Edwards, Charles. Rides and studies in the Canary islands. 1888 914.6 E Edwards, C. E. Camp-fires of a natural- ist. 1894 599 E Edwards, Edward. Life and letters of Sir Walter Raleigh. 2v. 1868 .... 9 R13 V. 1. Life. V. 2. Letters. Edwards, Emory. Practical steam engi- neer's guide. 1884 621 E Edwards, H. S. Life of Rossini 9 R738 Prima donna, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. 2 v. 1888. 782 E Edwards, Matilda B. B. Roof of France. 1889 914.4 E Edwards, Tryon. Dictionary of thoughts. 1891 *808 E Egan, Pierce. Life of an actor. 1892. . 827 E True history of Tom and Jerry. 1888. 822 HI Eggleston, Edward. History of the United States. 1888 973 E and Seelye, Lillie E. Brant and Red Jacket. 1879 j 970.1 E Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. 1880 972 El Pocahontas. 1879 970.1 El Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. 1878 970.1 E2 Eggleston, G. C. How to educate your- self with or without masters. 1874. 374 E How to make a living. 1875 174 E Rebel's recollection. 1889 973.7 E Red eagle. 1878 970.1 E3 Strange stories from history for young people. 1892 904 E Egleston, N. H. Hand-book of tree- planting. 1884 634 E Home and its surroundings. 1884. . . 710 E Villages and village life, with hints for their improvement. 1878 710 El Egleston, T. Tables of weights, measures, coins, etc., of the United States and England. 1871 389 E Egleston, Thomas. Life of John Pater- son. 1894 9 P27 Metallurgy of silver, gold, and mercury in the United States. 1887 669 E 'Enx, pseud. Naturalist on the prowl. 1891. 590 E Ehlert, Louis. Letters on music to a lady. 1870 780 El Ehrlich, a. Celebrated pianists of the past and present. 1894 92 Eh8 Ehrich, L. R. Question of silver. 1892. 332 El Ehrmann, Charles, joint author. See Adami, W. I. L. Eidlitz, Leopold. Nature and function of art. 1881 720 E Eimer, G. H. T. Organic evolution as the result of the inheritance of ac- quired characters. 1890 575 E Elchingen, M. Ney, Duke of. See Ney, Michel. Eldredge, Daniel. 3rd New Hampshire and all about it. 1861-5. 1893 *973.7 El Electrical engineer. 1883-94. v. 2-18... 537 E Elementary flower painting 758 E Eliot, George. See Cross, Mrs. M. A. G. (E.; L. Eliot, Ida M., joint comp. See Brackett, A. C. Eliot, John. Biographical dictionary of early settlers in New England. 1809. *92 E14 Eliot, Samuel, ed. Selections from American authors. 1879 818 E Eliot, W. G. Discourses on the doc- trines of Christianity. 1873 230 E2 Early religious education. 1871 234 E Lectures to young men. 1873 204 El Lectures to young women. 1869 204 E2 " Ellangowan," ed. Sporting anecdotes. 1889 790 E Ellenborough, E. Laav, Earl of . Polit- ical diary. 1828. 2v. 1881 320 E Elliot, Mrs. E. (D.) Diary of an idle woman in Constantinople. 1892... 914.9 El Elliott, A. H. Witty and humorous side of the English poets. 1880 827 El Elliott, C. W. New England history. 2v. 1857 *974 E Pottery and porcelain. 1878 738 El Remarkable cliaracters and places of the Holy Land. 1867 915.6 E Elliott, H. W. Our arctic province. 1886 917.98 E Elliott, Robert. Views in India, China, and on the shores of the Red sea ; with descriptions by Emma Roberts. 2v *915 Rl Ellis, A. B. History of the First church in Boston. 1630-1880 *974.46 E West African islands. 1885 919.7 E Ellis, Mrs. Charles. Summer in Nor- mandy with my children. 1878 914.4 El Ellis, C. M. History of Roxbury. 1847. *974.46 El Ellis, E. S. Common errors in writing and speaking. 1894 428 E Youths' history of the United States. 2v. 1887 i 973 El Ellis, G. A. Memoir and letters of Bar- bauld. 2v. 1874 9 B23 AUTHOR LIST. 323 Ellis, G. E. Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the evacuation of Boston. 1876 *974.46 E2 History of the battle of Bunker Hill. 1875 *973.3 E Memoir of L. V. Bell. 18G8 9 B41 Puritan age. 1888 974 El Red man and the white man in North America. 1882 970.1 E4 Ellis, Havelock. Criminal. 1890 573 E New spirit. 1890 824 E Ellis, Sir Henry. Original letters, illus- trative of English history. 3v. 1825. 942 E Ellis, J. E. Life of William Ellis. 1873. 9 E15 Ellis, RuFus. Prayers. 188G 264 E Ellis, Sumner. Life of E. H. Chapin. 1883 9 C366 Ellis, Mrs. S. (S.) Prose works. 2v. 1844 . 396 E Ellis, William. History of Madagascar. 2v. 1838 969 E Madagascar revisited. 1867 969 El Polynesian researches. 4v. 1853... 919.6 E Social science. 1862 330 E Three visits to Madagascar. 1858 916.9 E Ellwanger, G. H. Garden's story. 1889. 716 E Elmes, James. Metropolitan improve- ments. 1827 *914.2 El Elphinstone, Mountstuart. Rise of the British power in the East. 1887. . • 954 E Elton, Charles. Career of Columbus. 1892 9 C722 Elvey, Mary, Lady. Life and reminis- cences of G. J. Elvey. 1894 9 E18 Ely, R. T. French and German social- ism. 1883 335 E Labor movement. 1886 331 E Political economy. 1889 330 El Problems of to-day. 1888 330 E2 and FiNLEY, J. H. Taxation in American states and cities. 1888 . . 336 E Ely, Talfourd. Olympos. 1891 292 E Elze, Karl. Lord BjTon; a biography. 1872 9 B991 Embden, Ludwig, Baron von. Family life of Heinrich Heine. 1892 9 H36 Emerson, Ellen R. Indian myths. 1884. 291 E Masks, heads, and faces. 1891 913 E Emerson, E. W. Emerson in Concord. 1889 9 Em32 Emerson, G. B. Report on the trees and shrubs of Massachusetts. 2v. 1875. 582 E Emerson, James. Treatise of the manner of testing water-wheels and machin- ery. 1872 621 El Emerson, J. M. European glimpses and glances. 1889 914 El Emerson, O. F. History of the English language. 1894 820 E Emerson, R. W. Conduct of life. 1893. 814 E Emerson, R. W. English traits. 1872 914.2 E2 Essays. 2v. 1860-71 814 El Lectures and biographical sketches. 1884 814 E2 Letters and social aims. 1876 814 E3 May-day and other pieces. 1871 811 El Miscellanies. 1884 814 E4 Natural history of intellect and other papers. 1894 814 E5 Poems. 1876 811 E2- Representative men. 1871 92 EmS Society and solitude. 1872 814 E6 a)id others. Memoirs of M. F. Ossoli. 2v. 1874 9 Os7 joint author. See Carlyle, Thomas. Emerson, W. A. Fitchburg, Mass., past and present. 1887 *974.43 E Hand-book of wood engraving. 1881. 761 E History of the town of Douglas, Mass. 1879 *974.43 El Leominster ; historical and pictur- esque. 1888 *974.43 E2 Emerton, Ephraim. Introduction to the study of the middle ages. 1891 . . . 940 El Emerton, J. H. Life on the sea-shore. 1880 592 E Structure and habits of spiders. 1878 595 E Emery, M. S. Every-day business. 1890. 658 E Emery, S. A., ed. Reminiscences of a nonagenarian. 1879 *929 E Emery, S. H. Church of North Middle- borough, Mass. 1876 *277 E Ministry of Taunton, and notices of other professions. 2v. 1853 *92 Em35 Emilio, L. F. History of the 54th regi- ment of Massachusetts volunteer infantry. 1863-5. 1894 *973.7 E2 Eminent persons ; biographies reprinted from London Times. 4v. 1892-3. 92 Em4 Emmerton, J. A. Record of the 23rd regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry. 1861-5. 1886 *973.7 E3 Emmons, Nathaniel. Works. 3v. 1860-1 208 E Empire of Brazil at the universal exhibi- tion of 1876, Philadelphia 606 E Enchiridion of wit. 1885 ' 827 E2 Encyclopaedia Britannica. 24v. and index. 1875-89 *032 E Supplement. 4v. ' 1884-89 *032 E Enfield, Viscountess, pseud. See^YNG, A. H. F. (E.), Countess. Enfield, William. Institutes of natural philosophy. 1802 530 E Engel, Carl. Musical instruments. 1877 780 E2 Engel, Louis. From Handel to Halle. 1890 92 Ena 324 AUTHOR LIST. Engels, Friedrich. Condition of the working-class. 1892 331 El Socialism, Utopian and scientific. 1892 335 El Engineer and machinist's drawing-book. 1855 *620 E English explorers 910 El English illustrated magazine. 13v. 1884-94 052 E Englishman in Paris. 2v 914.4 E2 Enquire within upon everything, to which is added enquire within upon fancy needlework. 1871 603 E Epictetus. Discourses. 1887 188 El Works. 2v. 1891 188 E Epistle to the HebreAvs compared with the Old Testament. 1867 227 E Erasmus, Desiderius. Praise of folly. 1887 839 E Erichsen, Hugo. Methods of authors. . 1894 801 E Erman, Adolf. Life in ancient Egypt. 1894 913 El Errera, Leo. Russian Jews : extermina- tion or emancipation ? 1894 947 E Erskine, Thomas, Lord. Speeches on miscellaneous subjects. 1812 825 El Speeches when at the bar. 4v. 1813. 825 E EscoTT, T. H. S. Politics and letters. 1886 824 El EspiNASSE, Francis. Literary recollec- tions and sketches. 1893 820 El Esquemeling, John. Buccaneers and marooners of America. 1891 910 E2 Essex Institute. Fifth half-century of the landing of John Endicott at Salem, Mass. 1879 *974.45 E Historical collections. 27v. 1859-90. *974.45 El Essex, Mass. Congregational church. 250th anniversary. 1884 *277 El Essex North Association. Ecclesiasti- cal history of Essex county, Mass. 1865 285 E EsTES, D. F. History of Holden, Mass. 1694-1894.. *974.43 E3 EsTES, Louise K., comp. Nature and art. 1882 *808 El Etting, F. M. Historical account of the old state house of Pennsylvania. 1876 974.8 E EucKEN, Rudolph. Fundamental con- cepts of modern philosophic thought. 1880 193 E EuLER, Leonard. Letters on different subjects in natural philosophy. 2v. 1833 530 El Eureka entertainments. 1894 793 E Euripides. Tragedies ; tr. by T. A. Buck- ley. 2v. 1873 882 E Evans, 3frs. E. E. Life of Louis XVII. 1893 9 L925 Evans, G. G. Complete guide for Wash- ington and its environs. 1892 917.53 E Evans, John. Sketch of the denomina- tions of the Christian world. 1807. 280 E Evans, W. F. Celestial dawn. 1864 230 E3 Mental cure. 1869 130 E Primitive mind-cure. 1885 615 E2 EvELETH, S. F. School house architec- ture. 1^70 727 E Evelyn, John. Life of Mrs. M. B. Godol- phin. 1888 9 G54 Everett, A. H. Europe. 1822 940 E2 Everett, C. C. Fichte's science of knowl- edge. 1884 193 El Gospel of Paul. 1893 227 El Poetry, comedy, and duty. 1888 801 El Everett, Edavard. Life of O^eorge Wasliingto.i. 1860 9 W274 Orations and speeches. 4v, 1865-68. 815 E Everett, J. D. Outlines of natural phil- osophy. 1887 530 E2 Everett, William. On the Cam : lectures on the university of Cambridge in England. 1865 378 E EvERS, Henry. Steam and the locomo- tive engine. 1873 621 E2 Steam and the steam-engine. 1873. . . 621 E3 Theory and practice of navigation. 1873 527 E Every man his own mechanic 690 E Eves, C. W. West Indies. 1889 917.2 E EwALD, A. C. Stories from the state pa- pers. 1882 942 El EwALD, G. H. a. History of Israel. 8v. 1886 933 E EwALD, Heinrich. Revelatiou, its nature and record. 1884 231 El EwART, H. C. Leaders upward and on- ward. 1889 92 Ewl EwBANK, Thomas. Descriptive and his- torical account of hydraulic and other machines. 1870 621 E4 Life in Brazil. 1856 918.1 E Examination of Cannon Liddon's Bampton lectures. 1872 232 El Exhibition of the works of industry of all nations. 1851. Reports. 1852... *606 El Faber, F. W. Hymns. 1890 245 F Fairbairn, a. M. Religion in liistory and in modern life. 1894 204 F Fairbairn, John. Fairbairn's book of crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland. 2v. 1892 .... *929 F Fairbairn, aSiV William. Iron. 1869.. 672 F Principles of mechanism. 1873 621 F Fairbanks, G. R. History of Florida. 1512-1842 975.9 F Fairchild, J. H. Remarkable incidents. 1855 9 F16 Faithfull, Emily. Three visits to America. 1884 917.3 F AUTHOR LIST. 325 Faiths of the world ; a concise history of the great religious system of the world. 1882 290 F Faiths of the world. St. Giles' lectures. 1882 290 Fl Falconer, William. Poetical works .. iVi 82104 joint author. See Campbell, Thomas. Falke, Jakob von. Greece and Rome : their life and art. 1882 *913 F Falkener, Edward. Games, ancient and oriental, and how to plaj' them. 1892. 794 F Falloux, F.A.P. , Vicomte jy'E.. Memoirs; from the French. 2v. 1888 944 F JFallows, Samuel. Progressive diction- ary of the English language. 1885. *423 F Falmouth, Mass. Celebration of the 200th anniversary. 1886 *974.49 F Famous adventures and prison escapes of the civil war. 1893 973.7 F Fanning, J. T. Practical treatise on hy- draulic and Avater-supply engineer- ing. 1884 628 F Faraday, Michael. Experimental re- searches in electricity. 3v. 1839- 55 537 F Six lectures on the chemical history of a candle. ISGl 541 F Six lectures on the various forces of matter. 1868 531 F Farixi, G. a. Through the Kalahari desert. 1886 916.8 F Farley, F. A. Unitarianism defined. .1873 288 F Farlow, W. G. Marine alga? (,f New England and adjacent coast. 1881. 589 F Farmer, John. Memoir of Billerica, Mass. 1816 *974.44F Farmer, L. H. Girl's book of famous queens. 1887 92 F22 Short history of the French revolu- tion, 1889 944 Fl Farmer, Mrs. L. H. Life of La Fayette. 1888 9L13 Farragut, Lovall. Life of D. G. Far- ragut, with journal and letters. 1879. 9 F24 Farrar, C. a. J. Through the wilds. 1892 917.41 F Farrar, Mrs. E. (K.) Young lady's friend. 1843 396 F Farrar, F. ^Y. Cathedrals of England. 1894 726 F Chapters on language. 1873 401 F Early days of Christianity. 1882 270 F Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Hebrews. 1891 227 F Eternal hope. 1883 237 F Gospel according to St. Luke. 1894. . 226 F Life and work of St. Paul. 2v 225 Fl Life of Christ. 2v. 1874 232 F Life of Christ as represented in art. 1894 755 F Farrar, F. W. Lives of the fathers. 2v. 1889 92 F24 Messages of the books. 1886 225 F Saintly workers. 1878 248 F Seekers after God 92 F241 Social and present day questions. 1891 204 Fl Truths to live by. 1890 240 F Farrer, J. A. Books condemned to be burnt. 1849 098 F Adam Smith. 1881 192 F Primitive manners and customs. 1879. 390 F Farrixgton, Margaret V. Tales of King Arthur and his knights of the round table. 1888 398 F Farrow, E. S. Mountain scouting 355 F Faulds, Henry. Nine years in Nipon. 1888 915.2 F Fauriel, C. C. History of Provencal poetry; tr. by G. J. Adler. I860.. 849 F Last days of the consulate. 1886 944 r2 Favenc, Ernest. History of Australian exploration. 1788-1888 919.4 F Fawcett, Edgar. Song and story. 1884. 811 F Faavcett, Henry. Free trade and pro- tection. 1878 337 F Political economy. 1869 330 F Speeches on some current political questions. 1873 825 F Fay, Amy. Music study in Germany. 1888 780 F Fay, R. S. Argument upon the petition of Benedict Fenwick and others. [Ursuline convent indemnity.] 1835 *271F Fay, T. S. Three Germanys. 2v. 1889. 943 F Fearing, L. B. In the city by the lake. 1892 811 Fl Fearon, D. R. School inspection. 1879. 371 F Featherman, Americus. Social history of the races of mankind. 1890 901 F Federalist ; by Hamilton, and others. 1882 342 HI Felltham, Owen. Resolves; divine, moral, and political. 1840 170 F Felt, J. B. • Annals of Salem. 2v. 1845-9 *974.45F Ecclesiastical history of New England. 2v. 1855 *277 F History of Ipswich. 1834 *974.45 Fl Felton, C. C. Familiar letters from Europe. 1865 914 F Fenn, Sir John, ed. Original letters. 1400-1553 ..• 828F Fenollosa, E. F. East and west. 1893. 811 F2 Fenton, H. T., joint author. See Cooper, T. V. Fere, Charles, joint author. See Binet, Alfred. Ferguson, Henry. Essays in American historv. 1894 973 F 326 AUTHOR LIST. Ferguson, Henry. Eour periods in tlie life of the church. 1894 270 Fl Fergusson, James. History of architec- ture in all countries. 2v. 1883 • . 720 F History of Indian and Eastern archi- tecture. 2v. 1891 *722 F History of the modern styles of archi- tecture. 2v. 1891 720F1 Feen, Fanny, pseud. See Parton, 3frs. S. P. E. Ferriar, John. Illustrations of Sterne. 2v. 1812 823 F Ferrier, David. Functions of the brain. 1876 611 F Ferrier, J. F. Philosophical works. 3v. 1875 192 Fl Ferris, B. G. Utah and the Mormons. 1854 298 F Ferris, G. T. Festival poems. 1884 ... 811 F3 Great German composers. 1884 92 F41 Great Italian and French composers. 1879 92 F412 Great singers. 1880 92 F413 Great violinists and pianists. 1881. . . 92 F414 Fetis, F. J. Music explained to the world. 780 Fl Ffoulkes, E. S. History of the church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford. 1892 283 F FiCHTE, J. G. Popular works. 1873 193 F Field, C. C. Statistics of comb-making in Leominster. 1852. 1893 *678 F Field, D. D. History of the county of Berkshire, Mass. 1829 *974.41 F History of the town of Pittsfield, in Berkshire county, Mass. 1844 *974.41 Fl Speeches, arguments, and miscellane- ous papers. 2v. 1884 340 F Field, Eugene. Little book of western verse. 1890 811 F4 Love-songs of childhood. 1894 811 F5 Field, Mrs. E. E. Child and his book. 1891 820 F Field, George. Two great books of na- ture and revelation. 1870 213 F Field, H. M. Among the holy hills. 1884 915.6 F Barbary coast. 1893 916.5 F Bright skies and dark shadows. 1890. 917.5 F From Egypt to Japan. 1877 915 F From the lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. 1877 914 Fl Gibraltar. 1888 914.6 F Old Spain and new Spain. 1888 914.6 Fl On the desert. 1883 915.3 F Story of the Atlantic telegraph. 1893. 384 F Field, Kate. C. A. Fechter. 1882 9 F31 Hap-hazard. 1873 818 F Pen photographs of Charles Dickens' readings. 1871 9 D552 Field, Kate. Ten days in Spain. 1875 914.6 F2 Field, Michael, pseud. Callirrhoe. 1884 822 F Field, M. B. Memories of many men and of some women. 1874 92 F45 FiELDE, Adele M. Chinese nights' enter- tainment. 1893 . 398 Fl Corner of Cathay. 1894 915.1 F Fielding, Henry'. Journal of a voyage to Lisbon. 1892 9 F45 Fields, 3Irs. A. (A.) (3Irs. ./. T. Fields). How to help the poor. 1884 ' 361 F Sholf of old books. 1894 820 Fl Fields, J. T. Ballads, and other verses. 1881 811 F6 Biographical notes and personal sketches. 1881 9 F465 Underbrush. 1877 814 F Yesterdays with authors. 1873 820 F2 Fields, 3frs. J. T. See Fields, Mrs. A. (A.) FiGuiER, G. L. Insect world. 1872 595 F Ocean world. 1872 590 F Vegetable world 580 F World before the deluge. 1872 550 F FiGuiER, Louis. To-morrow of death. 1872 237 Fl FiLiPPiNi, pseud. One hundred ways of cooking eggs. 1892 641 F One hundred ways of cooking fish. 1892 641 Fl FiLKiN, E. W., joint author. See Wilson, C. T. Fillmore, J. C. Pianoforte music. 1883. 786 F FiNCK, H. T. Lotus-time in Japan. 1895. 915.2 Fl Wagner : his works and life. 2v. 1893 9 W12 FiNDLAY, G. G. Epistles to the Thessa- lonians. 1891 : 227 Fl FiNLAY, George. Greece under the Romans. 1857 938 F History of the Byzantine .empire. 716-1057. 1856 938 F3 History of Greece. B. C. 146-A. D. 1864. 1877 938 Fl History of Greece under Othoman and Venetian domination. 1856 938 F2 History of the Greek revolution. 2v. 1861 938 F4 FiNNEY', C. G. Memoirs ; written by him- self. 1876 9 F49 FiRDusi, A. K. Heroic tales. 1886 891 F Fireside philosophy 604 F First help in accidents and in sickness. 1871 ■ 610 F Firth, Abraham. Voices for the speech- less. 1883 808 F Firth, C. H., ed. Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow. 2v. 1894 9 L96 AUTHOR LIST. 327 Firth, Emma M. Stories of old Greece. 189-t j 292 F Firth, F. R. Memoir, with life of 0. E. Allen, and introduction by E. E. Hale. 1874 9 F51 Firth, J. C. Our kin across the sea. 18S8 917.3 Fl Fischer, Kuxo. History of modern phil- osophy. 1887 194 F Fisher, Mrs. A. B. (B.) (Arabella Buck- ley). Fairy-land of science. 1879. j 504 F Life and her children. 1881 592 F Moral teachings of science. 1892. • . . 575 F Short history of natural science. 1S7G. 509 F Through magic glasses. 1890 523 F "Winners in life's race. 1883 j 596 F ed. Animals from the life. 1887... *590 Fl Fisher, A. T. Through the stable and saddle room. 1890 G3G F Fisher, G. P. Beginnings of Christianity. 1877 270 F2 Colonial era. 1892 973 Fl Discussions in history and theology. 1880 204 F2 Faith and rationalism. 1879 239 F Grounds of theistic and Christian belief. 1883 239 Fl History of the Christian church. 1888 270 F3 Life of Benjamin Silliman. 1866. . . 9 Si3 Manual of Christian evidences. 1889. 239 F2 Outlines of universal history. 1885. 909 F Reformation. 1873 274 F Fisher, W. L. History of the institution of the Sabbath day. 1845 263 F Fisher, W.M. Californians. 1876 , 917.94 F FiSK,F. W. Manual of preaching. 1884. 251 F Fiske, a. K. Beyond the bourn. 1891 . . 237 F2 Midnight talks at the club. 1890 814 Fl Fiske, John. American political ideas. 1885 321 F American revolution. 2v. 1891 973.3 F Beginnings of New England. 1889. . . 974 F Civil government in the United States. 1890 342 F Critical period of American history. 1783-89. 1888 973.3 Fl Darwinism, and other essays. 1879 . . 814 F2 Destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. 1884 218 F Discovery of America. 2v. 1892... 970 F Excursions of an evolutionist. 1884. . 814 F3 E. L. Youman : sketch of his life. 1891 9 Y7 History of the United States. 1894. . 973 F2 Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. 1886 211 F Myths and myth makers. 1873 291 F Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 2v. 1875 191 F Fiske, .Tohx. Unseen world, and other essays. 1870. 814 F4 War of independence. 1892 j 973.3 F2 Fiske, Stephen. Offhand portraits of prominent New Yorkers. 1884 92 F54 Fiske, S. C. Mr. Dunn Browne's experi- ences in the army. 1866 973.7 Fl Fitch, Charles. View of Holliston in its first century. 1827 *974.44 Fl Fitch, J. G. Lectures on teaching. 1S81. 371 Fl FiTCHBCRG Historical Society. Pro- ceedings and papers. 1895 *974.43 Fl FiTCHBCRG, Jfass. Ecclesiastical affairs. 1802 *974.43 F Public library. Classified catalogue. 1880 .^. . . *017 F FiTT, J. N. Covert-side sketches. 1879. 799 F Fitzgerald, Edward. Letters aud liter- ary remains. 1889 828 Fl Fitzgerald, P. H. Chronicles of Bow street poiice office. 2v. 1888 914.2 F Ivings and queens of an hour. 2v. 1883 92 F57 Life and adventures of Alexander Dumas. 2v. 1873 9 D891 Life and letters, etc., of George IV. 1881 9 G293 Life and times of John Wilkes. 2v. 1888 9 W652 Life and times of William IV. 2v. 1884 9 W673 Life of James Boswell. 2v. 1891. . . 9 B651 Lives of the Sheridans. 2v. 1886 .. 9 Sh5 Fitzgerald, AValter. Boston machinist. 1868 621 Fl Fitz-Patkick, T. Autumn cruise in the .Egean. 1887 913 Fl Fitzpatrick, W. j. Life of C. Lever. 1884 9 L58 Secret service under Pitt. 1892 942 F Five o'clock tea. 1887 641 F2 Five years of theosophy. 1885 212 F Five years' penal servitude 365 F Flagg, j. B. Life and letters of Washing- ton AUston. 1892 9 A17 Flagg, J. G. Live of Rev. J. V. N. Tal- mage. 1894 9 T145 Flagg, Wilson. Birds and seasons of New England. 1875 598 F Halcyon days. 1881 814 F5 Woods and by-ways of New England. 1872 917.44F Year among the trees. 1881 814 F6 Year with the birds. 1881 598 Fl Flammariox, Camille. Atmosphere. 1873 551 F Lumen; experiences in the infinite. 1892 535 F Popular astronomy 523 Fl Wonders of the heavens. 1871 523 F2 328 AUTHOR LIST. Flandeks, Henky. Lives and times of the chief justices of the supreme court of the United States. 2v. 1875 92 FGl Flers, 3Iarquis de. Comte de Paris. 1889 9 P21 Fletcher, A. B. Advanced readings and recitations. 1881 808 Fl Fletcher, C. R. L. Gustavus Adolphus. 1890 9 G97 Fletcher, D. C. Eeminiscences of Cali- fornia. 1894 *917.9-1 Fl Fletcher, James. History of Poland from the earliest period to the present time. 1831 947 F Fletcher, John. Studies on slavery. 1852 326 F Fletcher, John, joint author. aS'ce Beau- mont, Francis. Fletcher, J. C, and Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians. 1868... 918.1 F Fletcher, Mrs. S. W. Twelve mofiths in an English prison. 1884 9 F634 Fletcher, W. I. Public libraries in America. 1894 027 F and BowKER, E. R. Annual literary index. 2v. 1894-95 *050 Fl ed. " A. L. A." index to general lit- erature. 1893 *050 F Flinn, F. M. Campaigning with Banks and Sheridan. 1887 973.7 F2 Flinn, J. J., ed. Standard guide to Chi- cago. 1893 917.73 F Flint, Austin. Text-book of human physiology. 1884 *612 F Flint, C. L. Grasses and forage plants. 1860 .' 633 F Flint, Robert. Historical philosophy in France and French Belgium and Switzerland. 1894 901 Fl Life of Vico. 1884 9 YQQ Philosophy of history in France and Germany. 1875 901 F2 Socialism. 1895 335 F Flint, Timothy. History and geography of the Mississippi valley. 1832... 917.7 F Flipper, H. 0. Autobiography. 1878.. 9 F64 Flower, B. O. Civilization's inferno. 1893 339 F New time. 1894 301 F FoBES, AV. K. Elocution simplified. 1877. 808 F2 comp. Five-minute declamations. 2v. 1892 808 F3 Five-minute readings. 1892 808 F4 Five-minute recitations. 1885 808 F5 FoGAN, L. A. Life and correspondence of Sir Anthony Panizzi. 2v. 1881. 9 P19 Fogg, W. P. Arabistan ; or, the land of " The Arabian nights." 1875 915.3 Fl Land of "The Arabian nights." 1877. 915 Fl FoLLEN, C. T. C. Works. 5v. 1841... 814 F7 FoLLEN, Mrs. E. L. Poems. 1839 811 F7 Follies and fashions of our grandfathers. [Periodical.] 1807. 1887 391 F FoNBLANQUE, A. DE G. DE. How we are governed. 1879 342 Fl FoNBLANQUE, E. B. DE. Political and military episodes in the life of John Burgoyne. 1876 9 B91 Fonda, A. I. Honest money. 1895 332 F FoNSSAGRivES, J. B. Mother's work with the sick children. 1872 649 F Fontaine, Edward. How the world was peopled. 1872 572 F FoNviELLE, Wilfrid de. Adventures in the air. 1857 533 F Thunder and lightning. 1872 537 Fl Foot, J. I. Historical discourse deliv- ered at Brookfield, Mass. 1829 *974.43 r2 FooTE, A. R. Economic value of electric light and power. 1889 537 F2 Sound currency and banking system. 1895 336 F FooTE, H. W. Annals of King's chapel. V. 1. 1882 *277F1 FooTE, Samuel. Table-talk and bon- mots. 1889 827 F Forbes, Archibald. Life of Colin Camp- bell, Lord Clyde. 1895 9 C62 Life of General Henry Havelock. 9 H29 Souvenirs of some continents. 1885-8. 828 F2 William of Germany. 1888 9 W674 Forbes, 3Irs. E. M. (F.) Fingers and fortunes. 1886 133 F Forbes, George. Transit of Venus. 1874 523 F3 Forbes, E. B. Notes on shipwrecks and rescues during the present century. 1889 910 F Reminiscences. 1882 9 F74 Forbes, S. R. Rambles in Rome. 1882. 914.5 F Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 1881 973.7 F3 Force, Peter, comp. Tracts and other papers. 1776. 4v. 1836-46 *973 F3 Ford, I. N. Tropical America. 1893... 918 F Ford, John. Plays. 1888 822 Fl Ford, Richard. Gatherings from Spain. 1875 914.6 F3 Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, H. W. Forester, Thomas, ed. Paris and its environs. 1859 914.4 F FoRESTiER, AuBER, pscud. See Moore, 3frs. A. A. (W.) FoRMAN, H. B., ed. Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne in 1819. 1878 9K221 Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 2v. 1873-81 920 FT6 AUTHOR LIST. 329 Forney, M. N. Catechism of the loco- motive. 1883 r,21 ¥2 FoRSTER, John. Life and times of Oliver Goldsmith. 2v. 1871 9 G575 ' Life of Charles Dickens. 3v. 1872-74. D553 Life of Jonathan Swift. 2v. 187G.. 9 Sw52 Statesmen of the commonwealth of England. 18-iG 92 F77 FoRSTER, Joseph. Some French and Spanish men of genius. 1891 92 F775 Forsyth, Williaji. History of Napoleon at St. Helena. 2v. 1855 9 N1C2G Hortensius. 1849 347 F * Life of M. T. Cicero. 1871 9 C483 Fort, G. F. Early history and antiquities of freemasonry. 1877 366 F FoRTNUM, C. D.E. Bronzes. 1877 739 F Maiolica. 1877 738 F Fortune, Robert. Two visits to the tea countries of China; 1853 915.1 Fl Fortunes made in business. 1884 92 F778 Forum, v. 2-18. 1886-95 051 F Foss, Edward. Biographical dictionary of the judges of England. 1870. . . *92 F79 Foss, S. W. Back country poems. 1892. 811 F8 FossETT, Franiv. Colorado. 1876 917.88 F Colorado, its gold and silver mines. 1880 917.88 Fl Foster, Edmund. Centennial sermon preached at Littleton. 1815 *974.44 F2 Foster, John. Critical essays contributed to the Eclectic review. 2v. 1879- 85 824 F Decision of character. 1882 824 Fl Essay on the evils of popular ignor- ance. 1856 374 F Essay on the improvement of time. 1886 374 Fl Lectures delivered at Broadmead chapel, Bristol. 2v. 1880 204 F3 Life and correspondence. 2v. 1882. 9 F81 Foster, J. AV. Pre-historic races of the United States. 1873 571 F Foster, Mary J. C, Kindergarten of the church. 1894 268 F Foster, Michael. Physiology. 1877.. 612 Fl FoTHERGiLE, J. M. Animal physiology. 1881 j 612 F2 Maintenance of health. 1875 613 F and "Wood, H. C. Food for the invalid and convalescent. 1880.. 013 Fl FoTHERiNGHAJi, L. M. Advcnturcs in Nyassaland. 1891 916.7 F Four American universities : Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia. 1895. *378 F Fowler, C. H., a}id DePuv, W. H. Home and health and home econom- ics. 1880 173 F Fowler, J. K. Recollections of old country life. 1894 942 Fl FoAVLER, Orin. History of Fall River. 1862 *974.48 F Fowler, 0. S. and L. N. Phrenology. 1877 139 F Fowler, Thomas. Bacon. 1881 192 F2 Locke. 1880 9 L792 Shaftesbury and Hutcheson. 1883.. 192 F3 Fowler, W. W. City-state of the Greeks and Romans. 1893 321 Fl Julius Cajsar and imperial Rome. , 1892 9 C114 Summer studies of birds and books. 1895 598 F2 Tales of the birds. 1888 598 F3 Twenty years of inside life in Wall street. 1880 332 Fl FoAVNES, George. Manual of elementary chemistry. 1872 540 F Rudimentary chemistry for the use of beginners. 1859 540 Fl Fox, C. J. History of the old township of Dunstable. 1846 *974.44 F3 Speeches in the house of commons. 6v. 1815 825 Fl Fox, George. Journal of his life 9 F834 Fox, John. Book of martyrs. 1871 272 F Fox, W. F. Regimental losses in the American civil war. 1889 ^*973.7 F4 FoxBOROUGH, yinss. Official centennial record. 1878 *974.47 F Foxe, John. Acts and monuments. 8v. 1837-41 272 Fl France, Hector. John Bull's army. 1887 355 Fl France, L. B, Mountain trails and parks in Colorado. 1887 917.88 F2 Francis, Convers. Historical sketch of Watertown, Mass. 1830 *974.44 F4 Francis, J. G. Book of cheerful cats and other animated animals. 1892 j 811 F9 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiograpliy. 1872 9F851 Life, written by himself. 3v. 1874. 9 F852 Sayings of "Poor Richard." 1890... 818 Fl Works. lOv. 1840 308 F Eraser, A. C. Locke. 1890 9 L791 Eraser, Donald. Synoptical lectures on the books of Holy Scripture. 1873. 221 F Thomas Chalmers. 1882 9 C35 Eraser, J. B. Persia. 1834 955 F Eraser, Marie. In Stevenson's Samoa. 1895 919.6F. Eraser, R. W. Seaside naturalist. 1868. 590 F2 Eraser, 5ir William. Hie et ubique. 1893 828 F3 Words on WeUington. 1889 9 W461 Frazar, Douglas. Practical boat-saiUng. 1879 797 F Frazer, J. G. Golden bough. 1890.... 290 F2 Totemism. 1887 394 F 330 AUTHOR LIST. Frederic, Harold. New exodus study of Israel in Russia. 1892 9i7 Fl Young Emperor "William II. of Ger- many. 1891 9 W67ol Frederica, Sophia W., JIargravine of Bayreuth, and Voltaire, F. M. A. DE. Correspondence ; tr. by the Princess Christian. 1888 846 F IMemoirs of the Margravine of Bay- • reuth. 1887 943 Fl Freelaxd, Mary de AV. Ilccords of Ox- ford, Mass. 1894 *974.43 F3 Freemax, E. a. Comparative politics. 1873 320 F Exeter. 1887 942 F3 Four Oxford lectures. 1887 904 F General sketch of history. 1876 909 F Greater Greece and greater Britain. 1886 904 Fl Growth of tlie English constitution. 1884 342 F2 Historical essays. 4v. 1875-92 904 F2 Historical geography of Europe. 2v. 1881 914 F2 History and conquests of the Saracens. 1876 953 F History of federal government in Greece and Italy. 1893 949 F History of Sicily. 3v. 1892 945 F History of the Norman conquest of England. 5v. 1873-76 942 F4 Methods of historical study. 1886. . . 904 F3 Old English history. 1883 942 F5 Old English history for children. 1869 j 942 re Story of Sicily. 1892 937 F Studies of travel ; Greece. 1893 914.9 F Studies of travel ; Italy. 1893 914.5 Fl Freeman, Frederick. History of Cape> Cod. 2v. 1860 *974.49 Fl Freeman, H. A- William the conqueror. 1888 9 W671 Freeman, J. E. Gatherings from an artist's portfolio in Rome. 1883. . . 914.5 F2 Freeman, Mrs. J. S. AY. Boys in white, experience of a hospital agent. 1870 9 F8795 Freer, Martha W. Henry III., king of France and Poland : his court and times. 3v. 1888 944 F3 Life of Jeanne d'Albret, queen of Navarre 9 J34 Fremont, Mrs. J. (B.) Far-west sketches. 1890 917.8 F Souvenirs of my time. 1887 9 FS8 French, Alice (Odave Thanet). Ad- venture in photography. 1893 770 F French, B. F. Biographia Americana. 1825 *929 F8 French, G. H. Butterflies in the eastern United States. 1886 595 Fl French, H. W. {^Benry Frencli'). Our boys in China. 1883 j 915. 1 F2 Our boys in India. 1883 j 915.4 F French, Samuel, ^7;/Z/. Minor dramas. 23v 812 F Standard drama. 30v 822 F2 Freres, Pauquet. Modes et costumes historiques. 2v *391 Fl Fresenius, K. E. Manual of qualitative chemical analysis. . 1872 544 F System of instruction in quantitative chemical analysis. 1871 545 Fl Frey, a. R. Sobriquets and nicknames. 1888 427 F Frey, Heinrich. Compendium of histol- ogy. 1878 611 Fl FRIED3IANN, Paul. Aiinc Bolcyu ; chapter of English history. . 2v. 1884 942 F2 Frieze, H. S. Giovanni Dupre. 1886... 9 D924 Friswell, J. H. Better self. 1875 173 Fl Gentle life. 1870 824 r2 This wicked world, and other essays. 1892 824 F3 Frith, Henry. King Arthur, and his knights of the round table. 1884.. 398 F2 Triumphs of modern engineering 620 F joint author. See Kingston, W. H. G. Frith, W. P. Autobiography and remin- iscences. 1888 9 F91 Life of John Leech. 2v. 1891 9 L517 Froebel, Friedrich. Education of man. 1887 370 F Letters. 1893 371 F2 Froissart, Sir John. Boy's Froissart. 1879 j 940 F Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries. 2v. 1868 *940F Fromentin, Eugene. Old masters of Belgium and Holland. 1883 759 F Frost, John. Presidents of the United States. 1889 92 F92 Frost, S. Annie, yowi^ author. 913 G Gejimill, Jane W. Notes on Washing- ton, the national capital. 1884.... 975.3 G Gems of literature. Iv. 1853 052 G Generation of judges; by their reporter. 1866 92 G28 Gentlemen. [Costume and etiquette.] 1891 395 G Genung, J. F. Epic of the inner life. 1891 223 G George, Henry. Progress and poverty. 1880 330 G AUTHOR LIST. 333 George, Henry. Trotection or free trade. 1S8G 337 G Gerakline : a souvenir of the St. Law- rence. 1881 811 Gl Gerando, J. M. i)E. Self-education. 1830 170 G Gerard, Emily. See Laszovvska, Mrs. E. (G.) de. Gerard, J. W. Peace of Utrecht. 1713- 14. 1885 940 G Gerhard, W. P. Hints on drainage and sewerage of dwellings. 1884: 628 G German. 1870 793 G German Empire. World's Columbian ex- position, Chicago ; official catalogue, exhibition of the German empire. 1893 *006 G Gerstacker, Frederick. AVild sports in the far west , 917.3 G Gesenius, F. H. "W. Hebrew and Eng- lish lexicon of the Old Testament. 183G *492 G Gessekt, M. a. Rudimentary treatise on the art of painting on glass. 1857. GOG G Gessi, Romolo. Seven years in the Sou- dan. 1892 916.2 G Gesta Romanorura. 1877 244 G GiBij, John. Gudrun, and other stories. 1881 j 398 Gl Gibbon, Charles, joint ed. See Spof- ford, A. R. Gibbon, Edward. Autobiography and correspondence. 18G9 9 G35 Decline and fall of the Roman empire. 3v. 1872 937 G Memoirs; by himself. 1877 9 G351 Miscellaneous works, ov. 1814.... 820 G aHcZ OcKLEv, Simon. Saracens 953 G Gibbons, James, CardAnal. Our Chris- tian heritage. 1889 261 G Gibbons, John. Tenure and toil. 1888. 331 G Gibbs, M. B. Military career of Napoleon the Great. 1895 .' 944 Gl Giberne, Agnes. Among the stars. 1885. j 520 G Radiant suns. 1894 j 523 G Sun, moon, and stars. 1880 j 523 Gl Gibson, F. ]M. Amateur telescopist's handbook. 1894 522 G Gibson, John. Science gleanings. 1884. 590 G Gibson, J. M. Ages before Moses. 1879. 222 G Gibson, 0. Chinese in America. 1877.. 325 G Gibson, W. H. Camp life in the woods. 1881 79G G Happy hunting-grounds. 1887 *580 Gl Sharp eyes. 1892 590 Gl GiFFiN, W. M. How not to teach. 1883. 371 G GiLBART, J. W. History, principles, and practice of banking. 2v. 1882... 332 G Gilbert, W. S. "Bab" ballads; much sound and little sense 821 G Gilbert, W. S. Original plays. 187G 822 G Gilchrist, Mrs. A. B. Life of Mary Lamb. 1883 9 L167 Gilchrist, Fredericka B. True story of Hamlet and Ophelia. 1889 822.3 G Gilchrist, H. H. Anne Gilchrist, her life and writings. 1887 9 G38 Gildehaus, Charles. Plays: Sibyl; Telemachus ; ^Eneas. 1888 812 G Gilder, Jeannette L. and J. B. Authors at home. American writers. 1888. 92 G38 Gilder, Jeannette L., ed. Representa- tive poems of living poets. 1886.. 808 Gl joint author. See Cone, Helen G. Gilder, R.W. Celestial passion. 1878-87. 811 G2 Five books of song. 1894 811 G3 Lyrics. 1878-87 811 G4 New day : a poem in songs and son- nets. 1875-87 811 G5 Gilder, W. H. Ice-pack and tundra. 1883 919.8 G Schwatka's search. 1881 919.8 Gl Gildersleeve, B. L. Essays and studies. 1890 370 G Giles, Chauncey. Heavenly blessedness ; what it is, and how obtained. 1872. 252 G Lectures on the incarnation, atone- ment, and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1870 289 G Lectures on the nature of spirit, and man as a spiritual being. 1871 233 G Wonderful pokct. 1871 421 G Giles, Ernest. Australia twice traversed. 2v. 1889 919.4 G Giles, Henry. Human life in Shakes- peare. 1887 822.3 Gl Gill, John. Art of teaching young minds to observe and think. 1880 372 G Introductory text-book to school edu- cation. 1881.. 370 Gl Systems of education. 1876 370 G2 Gill, William. River of golden sand. 1883 915.1 G Gill, W. W. Life in the southern isles. 919 G Gillespie, W. M. Manual of the princi- ples and practice of road-making. 1853 625 G Oilman, Arthur. First steps in English literature. 1870 820 Gl First steps in general history. 1874. 909 G History of the American pcojile. 1883. 973 G Ivings, queens, and barbarians. 1881. 909 Gl Short stories from the dictionary. 1886 j 422 G Story of Boston. 1889 S74.4G G Story of Rome. 1885 937 Gl Story of the Saracens. 1887 953 Gl Tales of the pathfinders. 1884 92 042 ed. Cambridge of 1776. 187G *974.44 G 334 AUTHOR LIST. GiLJiAX, Arthur, ed. Shakespeare's morals. 1880 822.3 G2 joint author. See Church, A. J. See Gould, S. Baring. See Mahaflfy, J. P. >S'ee Poole, S. L. See Rawlinson, George. GiLMAN, D. C. James Monroe. 1883... 9 M75 Organization of charities. 1893 360 12 Public life for half a century. J. Mon- roe. 1883 9 M92 GiLMAN, N. P. Profit-sharing between em- ployer and employee. 1889 331 Gl Socialism and the American spirit. 1893 335 G a7id Jackson, E. P. Conduct as a fine art. 1892 170 Gl Contents : Laws of daily conduct ; by Gilman. Character building ; by Jackson. GiLMORE, John. Storm warriors. 1874. 914.2 G GiLMORE, J. R. (^Edmund Kirke), Ad- vance guard of western civilization. 1888 976.8 G Rear-guard of the revolution. 1891.. 973.3 G GiLMORE, Parker. Prairie and forest. 1874 591 G Gilpin, William. Cosmopolitan railway, compacting all the world's con- tinents. 1890 385 G Essay on prints. 1802 760 G Observations on parts of the counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, • Suffolk,. and Essex. 1809 914.2 G2 Observations on several parts of Eng- land. 2v. 1808 914.2 Gl Observations on several parts of Great Britain. 2v. 1808 914.1 G Observations on the coasts of Hamp- shire, Sussex, and Kent. 1804 914.2 G3 Observations on the river Wye. 1800. 914.2 G4 Observations on the western parts of England. 1808 914.2 G5 Remarks on forest scenery. 2v. 1808. 715 G Three essays. 1808 824 G GiNDELEY, Anton. History of the thirty years' war. 2v. 1884 943 Gl Gisborne, Thomas. Familiar survey of the Christian religion and of history. 1799 270G Gizycki, G. von. Introduction to the study of ethics. 1891 170 G3 Gladden, Washington. Christian league of Connecticut. 1883 266 G Church and the kingdom ; with Law of the kingdom. 1894 261 Gl Tools and the man. 1893 330 Gl Working people and their employers. 1876 331 G2 ed. Parish problems. 1887 250 G Gladstone, J. H. Michael Faraday. 1872. 9 F22 Gladstone, W. E. Enquiry into the time and place of Homer. 1876 883 G Financial statements of 1853, 1860-63. 336 G Gleanings of past years. 6v 824 Gl Homer. 1878 883 Gl Juventus mundi. 1869 883 G2 Might of right. 1880 242 G Natural religion. 1882 210 G "Robert Elsmere" and the battle of belief 239 G Vatican decrees. 1874 282 G Vaticanism. 1875 282 Gl and others. Order of creation 213 G Glazebrook, R. T. Laws and properties of matter. 1893 530 Gl Glazier, Willard. Down the Great river. 1888 917.8 G Gleason's pictorial, v. 2-10. 1852-56... 051 G Gleiohen, a. E. W., Count. With the camel corps up the Nile. 1888 916.2 Gl Gleig, G. R. Campaigns of the British army at Washington and New Or- leans. 1814-15. 1836 973 Gl History of the Bible. 2v. 1831 220 G2 Story of the battle of Waterloo. 1875. 944 G2 Glennie, J. S. S., ed. Greek folk-songs. 1888 398 G2 Glisan, Rodney. Two years in Europe. 1887 914 Gl Gloucester, Mass. Evangelical Congre- gational church. Exercises at the 50th anniversary. 1879 *974.45 G Universalist centennial. 1870 *277 G Gneist, Rudolf. English parliament. 1886 328 G History of the English constitution. 2v. 1886 342 G God in his world. 1890 231 G GoDBEY, A. H. Great disasters and hor- rors in the world's history. 1890 . . 909 G2 GoDDARD, F. B., joint author. See South- worth, G. A. GoDDARD, S. A. Letters on the American rebellion. 1860-5 973.7 Gl Godwin, iVvs. M. W. Letters to Lulay. 1879 9 G544 Godwin, Parke. Biography of W. C. Bryant, with correspondence. 2v. 1883 9 B843 Commemorative addresses. 1895.... 92 G54 GoEiHE, J. W. VON. See Gothe, J. W. von. GoFF, 3Irs. H. N. K. Who cares. 1887. 176 G Gohre, Paul. Three months in a work- shop. 1895 331 G3 GoLDOM, Carlo. Comedies ; ed. by Helen Zimmern. 1892 852 G Goldsmith, Oliver. Miscellaneous works. 1869 824 G2 AUTHOR LIST. 335 Goldsmith, Oliver. She stoops to conquer, and the Good- natured man. 188G 822 Gl GoLDziHER, Ignaz. Mythology among the Hebrews. 1877 291 G GoLLAXcz, Israel, ed. Pearl ; an English poem of the fourteenth century. 1891 821 Gl GoLTz, Baron vox der. Nation in arms. 1887 335 G GoxsE, Locis. Eugene Fromentine. 1883. 9 r924 GoNTAUT, Duchesse de. Memoirs. 2r. 1894 9 G583 GoocH, Faxny C. Face to face with the Mexicans. 1887 917.2 G Good, Arthur. Magical experiments. 1892 j 791 G Good, J. M. Book of nature. 1828 504 G Good company, v. ■4-7. 1879-81 051 Gl " Good form " in England. 1888 395 G GooDALE, Elaine. Journal of a farmer's daughter. 1881 814 Gl and Dora R. Apple - blossoms. 1879 811 G6 In Berkshire with the wild flowers. 1879-80 811 G7 GooDALE, G. L. Physiological ])otany. 1885 581 G Wild flowers of America. 1880 *582 G GooDE, G. B. American fishes. 1888... 597 G Goodeve, T. M. Elements of mechan- ism. 1872 531 G Goodholme, T. S., ed. Domestic ency- clopedia. 1877 *640 G Goodrich, C. A. Select British elo- quence. 1852 825 G Goodrich, F. B. Remarkable voyages. 1873 '. 910 G Goodrich, F. E. Life and public services of Grover Cleveland. 1888 9 C59 Goodrich, S. G. Illustrated natural his- tory of the animal kingdom. 2v. 1859 590 G2 Goodwin, J. A. Pilgrim repubhc. 1888. *974.48 G Goodwin, Maud W. Colonial cavalier. 1894 973.3 Gl Goodwin, Thomas. Sketches and im- pressions, musical, theatrical, and social. 1799-1885 828 G Goodyear, W. H. Renaissance and mod- ern art. 1894 709 G Gordon, Mrs. Life and correspondence of "William Buckland. 1894 9 B855 Gordon, Sir Arthur. Earl of Aberdeen. 1893 9 Ab3 Gordon, A.J. Ministry of healing. 1882. 231 G Ministry of the spirit. 1894 231 G2 Gordon, Sir Charles. See Huntley, Sir C. Gordon, Marquis of. Gordon, C. G. Journals at Kartoum. 1885 962 G Gordon, D. M. Mountain and prairie. 1880 917. IG Gordon, G. A. Witness to immortality in literature, philosophy, and life. 1893 218G Gordon, G. H. Brook farm to Cedar mountain in the rebellion. 1801-2. 1883 973.7 G2 Gordon, H. L. Feast of the virgins. 1891 811 G8 Gordon, H. P. Land of the almighty dollar. 1892 917.3 Gl Gordon, J. C. Notes and observations upon the education of the deaf. 1892 371 Gl Gordon, J. E. II. Physical treatise on electricity and magnetism. 2 v. 1880 537 G Gordon, L. (A.), Lndy Duff. Letters from Egj'pt. 1863-G5 916.2 G2 Gordon, L. L. From Lady Washington to Mrs. Cleveland. 1889 92 G65 Gordon, J/rs. Mary. Christopher North ; a memoir of John Wilson. 1875. . . 9 W694 Gordon-Stables, William. See Stables, William Gordon. GoRDY, W. F., and Twitchell, W. I. Pathfinder in American histor)'. 1893 973 G2 Gore, George, ed. Lux mundi 230 Gl Gore, J. E. Visible universe. 1893 523 G2 GoRLACU, WiLHELM. Princc von Bis- marck. 1875 9 B544 Goss, E. H. Melrose memorial. .1868. .*974.44 Gl Life of Paul Revere. 2v. 1891... 9 R32 Goss, W. F. M. Bench work in wood. 1888 371 G2 Goss, W. L. Soldier's story of his cap- tivity at Andersonville. 1866 973.7 G3 GossE, E. W. Gossip in a library. 1891. 824 G3 Gray. 1882 9 G79 History of eighteenth century litera- ture. 1660-1780.1889 820 G2 In russet and silver. 1894 821 G2 Life of William Congreve. 1888 .... 9 C764 Raleigh. 1886 9 R131 Robert Browning; personalia. 1890.. 9 B826 GossE, P. H. Evenings at the microscope. 1872 578 G Hand-book to the marine aquarium. 1850 : 590 G3 GosTwiCK, Joseph. German culture and Christianity. 1882 193 G Gothe, Mrs. C. E. Goethe's mother. 1880 9G718 Gothe, J. W. von. Autobiography. 2v. 1848-9 9 G713 Conversations. 1874 9 G714 Faust. 2v. 1871 832 G Miscellaneous travels. 1882 914 G2 Poems. 1874 831 G 336 AUTHOR LIST. "GOTHE, J. W. VON. Reynard the fox. 1885 831 Gl Travels in Italy. 1883 914.5 Gl and Schiller, Friedrich vox. Cor- respondence. 2v. 1877-90 9 Sch36 GoTTSCHALK, L. M. Notes of a pianist. 1881 9 G719 GouBAUX, Armand, and Barrier, Gus- TAVE. Exterior of the horse. 1892. G36 G GouGH, J. B. Autobiography. 18G9 9 G72 Orations on various occasions. 1867. 178 G Platform echoes. 1887 178 Gl Sunlight and shadow. 1881 178 G2 GouLBURN, E. M. Introduction to the devotional study of the Holy Scrip- tures. 18G6 220 G3 Thoughts on personal religion. 1866. 248 G Three counsels of the Divine Master for the conduct of the spiritual life. 2v. 1888 248 Gl Gould, E. S. Good English. 1880 428 G Gould, Joseph. Game of draughts. 1888 794 G Gould, J. M. Hints for camping and walking. 1877 796 Gl and Tucker, G. F. Federal income tax explained. 1895 336 Gl Gould, N. D. Church music in America. 1853 783 G Gould, Mrs. Sarah. Guardian angels. 185G 235 G Gould, S. B. Curious myths of the mid- dle ages. 1892 398 G3 Historic oddities and strange events. 1889 904 G In troubadour land. 1891 914.4 Gl Legends of Old Testament. 1871... 296 G Tragedy of the Cffisars. 2v. 1893.. 92 G73 and Oilman, Arthur. Story of Ger- many. 1887 943 G2 Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle manners for schools and families. 1873 170 G2 GowANS, Sir James. Edinburgh and its neighborhood in the days of our grandfathers. 1886 914.1 Gl Gower, E. S., Lord. Joan of Arc. 1893. 9 J572 My reminiscences. 2v. 1883 9 G74 GowiNG, L. F. Five thousand miles in a sledge. 1890 915.7 G Graeme, Elliott. Beethoven. 1887... 9 B394 Graham, Alexander, and Ashbee, H. S. Travels in Tunisia. 1887 916.1 G Graham, Walter. Brassfounder's man- ual. 1868 673 G Graham, William. Creed of science. 1881 215 G Socialism, new and old. 1891 335 Gl Grahame, James. History of the United States to 177G. 2v. 1850 973 G3 Grand Army of the Republic. Early history of the department of Massa- chusetts. 1866-80. 1895 *369 G Souvenir, Boston. 1890 *369 Gl Grand Rapids, Michigan, as it is. 1894. . . *917.74 G Granier, Michel. Conferences upon homoeopathy. 1860 615 G Grant, Sir Alexander. Aristotle. 1877. 888 G Xenophon. 1872 888 Gl Grant. 3Irs. Anne. Memoirs of Mrs. Catalina Schuyler. 1809 *9 Sch87 Grant, H. U. Personal memoirs of U. S.Grant. 2v. 1885 9 G765 Grant, James. British battles on land and sea. 3v 942 G6 Law and lawyers. 2 v. 1840 92 G76 Grant, J^anette A. Miss Gray's girls. 1893 j 914.1 G2 Grant, J. B. Our common birds and how to know them. 1891 598 G Granville, A. B. Autobiography. 2v. 1874 9 G769 Granville, H. (C.) L. G., Countess. Let- ters. 1810-45. 2v. 1894 826 G Granville, J. M. Common mind-troubles. 1879 613 Gl How to make the best of life. 1882 . . 613 G2 Secret of a clear head. 1879 613 G3 Secret of a good memory. 1881 154 G Sleep aiid sleeplessness. 1881 613 G4 Granville, Mass. Jubilee celebrated at Granville, Mass. 1845 *974.42 G Graphic, v. 1-36. 1869-1887 • *072 G Grasby, W. C. Teaching in three conti- nents. 1891 371 G3 Grattan, Henry. Speeches. 1867 825 G2 Speeches in the Irish and in- the im- perial parliament. 4v. 1822 825 Gl Grattan, T. C. History of the Nether- lands. 1855 949 G Graves, H. C. Baptist society of Haver- hill, Mass. 1886 *277.G1 Gray, Asa. Darwiniana. 1876 575 G2 How plants behave. 1875 j 581 Gl How plants grow. 1858 ' j 580 G2 Introduction, to structural and syste- matic botany, and vegetable physi- ology. 1873 581 G3 Lessons in botany and vegetable i)hysi- ology. 1870 581 G2 Letters. 2v. 1893 816 G Manual of the botany of the northern United States. 1878 580 G3 Natural science and religion. 1880.. 215 Gl Gray, A. Z. Mexico as it is. 1878 917.2 Gl Gray, David. Poems. 1865 821 G3 Gray, E. Conder, pseud. See .Tajjp, A.H. Gray, G. Z. Children's crusade. 1882. 940 Gl Gray, Henry. Anatomy. 1887 611 G Gray, J. H. China. 2v. 1878 915.1 Gl AUTHOR LIST. 337 Gray, O. W., &Sox, ed. National atlas. 1884 *912 Gl Gray, Thomas. Poetical works. 1862.. 821 G4^ Great Britain. State trials committee. Keports. 1894 *343 G Great men and great women of history. 1885 *769 Gl Great northwest. 1889 917.8 Gl Great shipwrecks 910 Gl Greelky, Horace. American conflict. 2v. 1865 973.7 G4 Life of A. Lincoln. 1893 9 L634 Eeeollections of a busy life. 1869. . . 9 G811 AVhat I know of farming. 1871 630 G and others. Great industries of the United States. 1873 609 G Greely, a. W. American weather. 1888. 551 G3 Explorers and travellers. 1893 92 G81 Three years of arctic service. 2v. 1886 919.9 G Green. Mrs. A. (S.) Henry II., of Eng- land. 1888 9 H39 Town life in the fifteenth century. 2v. 1894 942 G7 Green, F. W. E. Colour-blindness and colour-perception. 1891 617 G Green, G. A., ed,. Italian lyrists of to- day. 1893 851 G Green, J. D. Oration delivered at Mai- den. 1849 *974.44 G2 Green, J. R. Conquest of England. 1884. 942 G8 History of the English people. 1878-80 942 G9 Making of England. 1882 942 GIO Readings from English history. 1879. 942 Gil Short history of the English people. 4v. 1893-95 *942 G12 Stray studies from England and Italy. 1876 824 G4 Green, M. A. Springfield, 1636-1886; history of town and city *974.42,G1 Springfield memories. 1876 *917.442 G Green, Mrs. M. A. E. Lives of the prin- cesses of England from the Xorman conquest. 6v. 1849-55 92 G83 Green, S. A. Boundary line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire. 1894 *974 G Boundary lines of old Groton, Mass. 1885 . ." *974.44 G3 Epitaphs from the oldburying-grounds in Groton. Mass. 1878 *929 G Groton during the Indian wars. 1883. *974.44 G5 Groton in the witch-craft times. 1883. *974.44 G7 Historical sketch of Groton. Mass. 1894 *974.44 G8 History of medicine in Massachusetts. 1881 *610 G2 Papers relating to the history of Groton, Mass. 3v. 1890 *974.44 G6 Green, S. A. ed. Early records of Groton, Mass. 1662-1707. 1880 *974.44 G4 Green. S. G. Pictures from the German fatherland 914.3 G Green. S. S. Libraries and schools. 1883. 021 G Green, W. G. High Alps of New Zea- land. 1883 919.3 G Greene, C. A. Tobacco slave and how to be liberated from its fetters. 1889. 178 G3 Greene, F. D. Armenian crisis in Tur- key. 1895 956 G Greene, F. V. General Nathaniel Green. 1893 9 G83 Mississippi. 1882 973.7 G5 Sketches of army life in Russia. 1880 914.7 Gl Greene. G. "W". Historical view of the American revolution. 1872 973.3 G2 Life of Nathaniel Greene. 3v. 1871. 9 G831 Greene, Homek. Coal and the coal mines. 1893 622 G Greene, W. T. Parrots in captivity, ov. 1884 *598 Gl Greener, W. W. Modern shot-guns... 799 G Greenfieli., W. S. Alcohol. 1879... 613 G5 Greenleaf, Benjamin. National arith- metic. 1863 511 G Greenough, Mrs. S. D. (L.) (Mrs. Richard Greenough). Arabesques. 1872 398 G4 Mary Magdalene : a poem. 1880 811 G9 Greenough, W. A., & Co., comp. Somer- ville city directory, v. 3-10, 12-18. 1873-95 *917.444 G Greenwell, Dora. Two friends. 1863. 244 Gl Green'^'ood, Frederick. Imagination in dreams. 1894 135 G Greenwood, F. \V. P. Lives of the twelve apostles. 1868 225 G Greenwood, CfRACE, pseud. See Lippin- cott, Mrs. S. J. (C.) Greenwood, James. Stirring scenes in savage lands 390 G Wild man at home 390 Gl Wild sports of the world. 1870 799 Gl Wilds of London. 1874 914.2 G6 Greenwood, Thomas. Free public libra- ries. 1886 020 G Greenwood, W.H. Steel and iron. 1884. 672 G Greey, Edward. Bear-worshippers of Yezo. 1884 j 915.2 G Golden lotus, and other legends of Japan. 1883 398 G5 Wonderful city of Tokio. 1883 j 915.2 Gl Young Americans in Japan. 1882. . . j 915.2 G2 Greg, Percy. History of the United States. 2v. 1887 973 G4 Greg, W. R. Creed of Christendom. 2v. 1877 238 G 338 AUTHOR LIST. Greg, W. R. Enigmas of life. 1873 824 Go Literary and social judgments. 1873. 824 G6 Mistaken aims of the artisan class. 1876 335 G2 Rocks ahead. 1875 304 G Gregg, M7-s. M. (K.), and Kirby, Eliza- beth. Aunt Martha's corner cup- board. 1881 643 G Chapters on trees. 1873 582 Gl Stories about birds of land and water. 598 G2 World by the fireside. 1886 '. . j 910 G2 Gregg, TnOiMAs. Prophet of Palmyra. 1890 298 G Grego, Joseph. Parliamentary elections and electioneering in the old days. 1886 324 G Grenville, R. P. T. N. Brydges - Chan- Dos. See 'Buc^ngha.m, 2nd duke of. Greswell, William. Our South African empire. 2v. 1885 968 G Greswell, W. P. History of the Domin- ion of Canada. 1890 971 G Greville, C. C. F. Journal of the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837-52. 3v. 1885 942 G13 Journal of the reign of Queen Victoria from 1852-60. 2v. 1887 942 G14 Journal of the reigns of King George IV. and King William IV. 2v. 1875 942 G15 Greville, V. B., Lady, ed. Ladies in the field. 1894 799 G2 Grey, Charles, comp. Early years of Albert, prince consort of England. 1868 9 A115 joint author. See Lieven, D. (B.) Griesinger, K. T. Jesuits. 2v. 1883.. 271 G Griffin, J. J. Chemical recreations. 1838 542 G Griffin, /Su- L. H. Great republic. 1884. 917.3 G2 Griffis, W. E. Brave little Holland and what she taught us. 1894 949 Gl Corea, the hermit nation. 1882 951 G Japan in history, folk-lore, and art. 1892 915.2 G3 Japanese fairy world. 1880 j 398 G6 Lily among the thorns. 1890 223 Gl Mikado's empire. 1876 952 G Religions of Japan. 1895 275 G Griffiths, Arthur. Chronicles of New- gate. 2v. 1884 365 G Grimke, a. H. Life of Charles Sumner. 1892 9 Su61 Grimm, E. H. Literature. 1886 804 G Grimm, Herman. Life of Michael Angelo. 2v. 1870 9 M581 Life of Raphael. 1888 9 R181 Grimm, J. L. Teutonic mythology. 1883. 293 G Grimshaw, Robert. Record of scientific progress for 1891 509 G Grimshaw, Robert. Steam engine catechism. 1886 621 Gl Grimshaw, William. History of the United States to 1830. 1834 973 G5 Grimston, Mrs. M. (R.) (J/rs. Kendal'). Dramatic opinions. 1890 792 G Grindon, L. H. Lancashire. 1892 914.2 G7 Life : its nature, varieties, and phe- nomena. 1872 577 G Gringo, Harry, pseud. See Wise, H. A. Grinnell, Elizabeth. How John and I brought up the child. 1894 173 G Grinnell, G. B. Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales. 1889 398 G7 Griswold, Mrs. Harriet. Home life of great authors. 1887 92 G88 Griswold, R. W. Female poets of America. 1874 .' *811 GlO Poets and poetry of America *811 Gil Prose writers of America *810 G Republican court. 1859 *973.3 G3 Grocott, j. C. Familiar quotations 808 G2 Grohman, W. A. B. Camps in the Rockies. 1882 ■ 917.8 G2 Tyrol and the Tyrolese. 1877 914.3 Gl Gronlund, Lawrence. Ca ira ! or, Dan- ton in the French revolution. 1888. 944 G3 Gronow, R. H. Reminiscences and recol- lections ; anecdotes of the camp, court, clubs, and society. 1810-60. 2v. 1889 914.2 GS Grose, Francis. Antiquities of England and Wales. 8v. 1783 913 Gl Antiquities of Ireland. 2v. 1791... 913 G2 Same. 2v. 1891 *913 G2 Antiquities of Scotland. 2v. 1789-91. 913 G3 Military antiquities. 2v. 1801 355 Gl Grossmann, Mrs. Edwina. Edwin Booth ; recollections and letters. 1894 9 B643 Grosvenor, W. M. American securities. 1885 332 Gl Grote, George. Aristotle. 1880 185 G History of Greece. 12v. 1872 938 G Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates. 4v. 1885 184 G Grote, Mrs. Harriet. Memoir of Ary Scheffer. 1860 9 Sch2 Personal life of George Grote. 1873. 9 G91 Grove, Sir George, ed. Dictionary of music and musicians. 4v. 1879- 89 *780 Gl joint ed. See Smith, William. Grube, a. W. Heroes of history and legend ; tr. by J. L. Shadwell. 1880. 900 G Guest, M. J. Lectures on the history of England. 1891 j 942 G16 GuFSTAFSON, A. C. J. Foundation of death. 1884 178 G4 GuHL, E. K., and Koner, W. D. Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique monuments. 1875... 913 G4 AUTHOR LIST. 339 GuicciOLi, T. G., Countess. Recollections of Lord Byron. 1869 9 B993 Guide to Boston and vicinity. 1867 917.44G G Guild, A. E., joint ed. See Guild, Mrs. C. S. (W.) Guild, Curtis. Abroad again. 1877.... 914 G3 Britons and Muscovites. 1888 914.2 G9 Over the ocean. 1873 910 G3 Guild, Mrs. C. S. (W.) and A. E., ed. Hymns of the ages. 3v. 1871 .... 245 G Guild, E. P., ed. Centennial anniversary of Heath, Mass. 1785-1885 *974.42 G2 Guillemard, F. H. H. Cruise of tlie " Marchesa " to Kamscliatka and New Guinea. 1889 910 G4 Ferdinand Magellan. 1890 9 M27 GuiLLEMix, Amedee. Electricity and mag- netism. 1891 537 Gl GuiLLEMiN, A. V. Applications of i^hysi- cal forces. 1877 608 G Forces of nature. 1873 530 G2 Heavens. 1872 *523 G3 Sun. 1872 523 G4 "Wonders of the moon. 1873 523 G5 GuiNEY, L. I. Little English gallery. 1894 92 G94 "Monsieur Henri ;" Count Henry de la Rochejaquelein. 1892 9 1158 Guinness, Mrs. F. E. New world of cen- tral Africa. 1890 916.7 G GuizoT, F. P. G. Corneille and his times. 1871 9 G813 Embassy to the court of St. James in 1840. 1862 942 G17 Essay on the character and influence of Washington in the revolution of U.S.A. 1851 973.3 G4 History of civilization from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution. 4v. 1872 901 G History of England. 3v. 1877-79... 942 G18 History of the English revolution of 1640; ^r. by William Hazlitt. 1878. 942 G19 Last days of the reign of Louis Philippe. 1867 944 G4 Memoirs to illustrate the history of my time. 4v. 1858-61 944 G5 Outlines of the history of France. 1879 944 G6 Popular history of France. 6v. 1869 944 G7 Shakspeare and his times. 1864 822.3 G3 GuNTER, George. Social economics. 1891 330 G2 Wealth and progress. 1887 331 G4 GuRNEY, Edmund. Tertium quid. 2v. 1887 104G Gurnet, J. J. Observations on the views and practices of the society of Friends. 1869 289 Gl GuROwsKi, Adam, Count. Diary, from November, 1862, to December, 1865. 3v *973.7 G6 Guthrie, Thomas. Autobiography and memoir ; by his sons. 2v. 1874-75. 9 G98 Guthrie, William. New geographical, historical, and commercial grammar. 2v. 1809 910 G5 GuTON, Mme. J. M. B. Book of Job. 1887 223 G2 GuYOT, Arnold. Creation. 1884 213 Gl Earth and man. 1872 551 G4 Introduction to the study of geography. 1871 ■ 910 G6 H. H. See Jackson, Mrs. H. M. (F.) H. H., J. W. Life of A. M. Mackay. 1890. 9 M19 Haberton, John. George Washington. 1884 9 W273. joint author. See Norton, C. L. Haddock, C. B. Addresses and mis- cellaneous writings. 1846 814 H Hadley, Amos. Life of Walter Harriman. 1888 9 H23: Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation. 1886 385 H Hadley, James. Introduction to Roman law. 1873 349 H Hadow, W. H. Studies in modern music. 2v. 1893-94 780 H Haeckel, E. H. Evolution of man. 2v. 1879 575 H Freedom in science and teaching. 1879 575 HI History of creation. 2v. 1883 575 H2 Visit to Ceylon. 1883 915.4 H Haeseler, C. H. Across the Atlantic. 1868 914 H Hager, L. p., ed. History of the West End street railway. 1892 656 H and Handy, A. J)., ed. History of the Old Colony railroad. 1893 *656 HI Hague, P. A. Blockaded family. 1888.. 973.7 H Hague, William. Life notes. 1888 814 HI Hailman, W. N. Kindergarten culture. 1873 372 H Lectures on the history of pedagogy. 1874 370 H Haines, T. L., joint anthor. See Yaggy, L. W. Haines, Z. T. Letters from the 44th regi- ment, M. V. M. 1863 *973.7 HI Hake, A. E. Story of Chinese Gordon. 1884 9 G651 Hakewill, James. Picturesque tour of Italy. 1820 *914.5 H Hale, Annie M. Management of children in sickness and in health. 1881 649 H Hale, Charles. Review of the proceed- ings of the nunnery committee of the Massachusetts legislature. 1855. *271 H 340 AUTHOR LIST. Hale, Edward. Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe. 1876 942 H Hale, E. E. Boy's heroes. 1886 j 92 H13 History of the United States. 1887. . 973 H How they lived in Hampton. 1888 ... 331 H How to do it. 1872 177 H If Jesus came to Boston. 1895 331 HI Life of George Washington. 1888 ... 9 AA'2731 Lights of two centuries. 1887 92 H131 New England boyhood. 1893 9 H13 Seven Spanish cities and the way to them. 1883 914.6 H Stories of adventure. 1881 j 910 H Stories of discovery. 1883 j 910 HI Sunday-school stories, on the golden texts of the international lessons of 1889. 2v j 244 H What career ? 1878 814 H2 and E. E., jr. Benjamin Franklin in France. 2 v. 1887-88 9 F853 and SrsAK. Family flight around home. 1884 j 917.44 H Family flight over Egypt and Syria. 1882 j 916.2 H Family flight through France, Ger- many, Norway, and Switzerland. 1881 j 914 HI Family flight through Mexico. 1886. j 917.2 H Story of Spain. 1886 946 H and others. College and the church. 1887 370 HI Workingmen's homes. 1874 334 H ed. J. F. Clarke. Autobiography, diary, and correspondence. 1891.. 9 C554 Hale, E. E., jr., joint author. See Hale, E. E. Hale, Luceetia P. Fagots for the fire- side. 1889 793 H Service of sorrow. 1867 244 HI comp. Art of knitting. 1881 646 H and Whitman, Mrs. Bernard. Sun- day-school stories for little children, on the golden texts of the interna- tional lessons of 1889 j 244 H2 Hale, Salma. History of the United States. 1822 973 HI Hale, Susan. Story of Mexico. 1889.. 972 H joint author. See Hale, E. E. Hale, Mrs. S. J. Manners. 1868 395 H Woman's record. 1874 92 H135 Hales, J. W. Essays and notes on Shakespeare. 1892 822.3 H Half hours with the best French authors. 1867 840 H Halfer, Josef. Progress of the marbling art. 1894 686 H Haliburton, T. C. ((Sam Slick). Bubbles of Canada. 1839 354 H Clockmaker. 1871 827 H Nature and human nature 827 HI Haliburton, T. C. Sam Slick's wise saws and modern in- stances 827 H2 ed. Americans at home 827 H3 Halkett, Samuel, and Laing, John. Dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain. 4v. 1882-88 *014 H Hall, iVrs. A. M. (F.)., joint author. See Hall, S. C. Hall, C. F. Arctic researches and life among the Esquimaux. 1865 919.8 H Hall, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware, wife of H. Ware, jr. 1853 9 W221 Memoir of Mary Ljvell Ware. 1869. 9 W224 Hall, Florence H. Correct thing in good society. 1888 395 HI Social customs. 1887 395 H2 Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture. 18S1 814 H3 Hall, Henry. Ethan Allen, the Robin Hood of Vermont. 1892 9 A15 Hall, H. B. Bric-a-brac hunter. 1875.. 738 H Sportsman and his dog. 1850 799 H Hall, Mary L. Uur world. 1887 j 372 HI Hall, Robert. Works. 3v. 1833 208 H Hall, S. C. Baronial halls and ancient picturesque edifices of England. 1881 *914.2 H Book of memories of great men and women of the age. 1877 92 H14 Retrospect of a long life. 1883 9 H144 and Mrs. A.. M. (F.) Book of the Thames 914.2 HI Ireland. 3v *914.15 H joint author. See Jewitt, L. F. W. Hall, William. Biography of David Cox. 18S1 9 C836 Hall, W. E. International law. 1880.. 341 H Hall, W. W. Bronchitis and kindred diseases. 1871 616 H Health and disease as affected by con- stipation, and its unmedicinal cure. 1872 613 H How to live long. 1875 613 HI Sleep. 1871 613 H2 Hallam, Henry. Constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. 3v. 1872 342 H Introduction to the literature of Europe. 4v. 1872 809 H View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. 3v. 1872 940 H Halle, Ernest von. Trusts ; or, indus- trial combinations and coalitions in the United States. 1895 338 H Halleck, F. G. Poetical writings. 1869. 811 H Hallett, H. S. Thousand miles on an elephant in the Shan states. 1890. 915.9 H AUTHOR LIST. 341 Halliwell, J. O. Nursery rh3niies in England. 188G j 821 H Hallock, Chakles. Our new Alaska. 1880 917.98 H Sportsman's gazetteer ami general guide. 1877 799 HI TIallock, W. a. Life and labors of .Jus- tin Edwards. lSr,r> 9 Ed 97 Halloavell, a. D., ed. Life and letters of .James and Luoretia jV[lev, Charles. History of the Cat- nack press. 1886 6.55 H True history of [Pierce Egan's] Tom and Jerry. 1888 822 HI Hinds, A. B. Making of the England of Elizabeth. 1895 942 H3 HiNE, C. Y. On the Indian river. 1891. 917.59 HI Hinsdale. B. A. Old northwest, with the thirteen colonies. 1888 917.1 HI President Garfield. 1882 9 G182 Schools and studies. 1884 370 H4 HiNTON, C. H. New era of thought. 1888. 114 H HiNTON, Jajies. Health and its conditions. 1871 613 H3 ed. Physiology for practical use. 1874...' 612 H HiNTON, li. J. English radical leaders. 1877 92 H59 John Brown and his men. 1894 92 H591 Hints about men's dress. 1888." 391 H HiPKiNS, A. J. Musicalinstruments. 1888. *780 H4 HiSLOP, Alexander, ed. Book of Er\g- lish prose. 1894 828 H4 HissEY, J. J. Across England in a dog- cart. 1891 914.2 H9 Holiday on the road. 1887 914.2 HIO On the box seat from London to Land's end. 1886 914.2 HU Tour in a pliaeton through the eastern counties of England. 1889 9 14.2 H12 Historic gallery of portraits and paintings. 7v. 1807-11 92H62 Historical Publishing; Co. City of Bos- ton ; its steam interests and leading engineers. 1886. 621 HI Historical sketch of the Middlesex canal. 1843 *626 H History of France from the earliest times to the establishment of the second empire in 1852. 1872 944 H History of Hingham, Mass. 4v. 1893... *974.4S H Hitchcock, C. H., and others. Mount Washington in winter. 1871 917.42 H Hitchcock, Edward. Final report on the geology of Massachusetts. 2v. 1841 *557 H Ichnology of New England. 1858. •• *566 M Religion of geology. 1865.. 215 H2 Supplement to the Ichnology of New England. 1865 *566 MI Hitchcock, F. H. Handbook of Amherst, Mass. 1891 *974.42 H Hitchcock, Henry. American state con- stitutions. 1887 342 H2 Hitchcock, J. R. W. Etching in America. 1886 767 HI Hitchcock, Thomas. Unhappy loves cf men of genius. 1891 92 H63 Hitchman, Francis. Richard F. Burton. 2v. 1887 OB'Jo Hitopadesa. Fables and proverbs. 1886. 891 HI 348 AUTHOR LIST. HiTTELL, J. S. Brief history of culture. 1875 901 H2 History of the mental growth of mau- kind in ancient times, ix. 1893.. 901 H3 Resources of California. 1874 917.94 III HoARE, E. N. Notable workers in humble life. 1889 92 H05 HoBART, Aarox. Historical sketch of Abington, Mass. 1839 *974.-18 HI HoBART, Bexjamix. History of Abing- ton, Mass. 18G6 *974.48 H2 HoBBE.s, Thomas. Le^nathan. 1885 321 H HoBBS, C. E. Botanical liandbook. 1876. *580 H2 HoBsox, J. A, Evolution of modern cap- italism. 1894 338 HI HocHSCHiLD, C. r. L. Desiree, queen of Sweden and Norway. 1890 9 D46 HoDDER, Edwix. All the world over. 2v. 1875 910 H5 Heroes of Britain in peace and war. 2v 92 H(^0 Life of Samuel Morley. 1887 9 M82 Simon Peter. 1884 225 H Hodge, A. A. Life of Charles Hodge. 1880 a^HGG Hodge, Charles. What is Darwinism? 1874 575 H3 HoDGKixs, Thomas. Theodoric the Goth. 1S91 9 T34 HoDGKixs, W. H. Battle of Fort Stead- man, Petersburg, Virginia. 1865. 1889 *973.7 h9 HoDGMAX, E. R. History of Westford. 1883 *974.44 H4 HoDGSOx, W. B. Errors in the use of English. 1882 428 H HoDGSOX, W. E., ed. Charles "Woods- worth ; annals of my life. 1893 9 W8^ HoFMAX, Carl. Practical treatise on the manufacture of paper. 1873. . . 676 H HoFFiiAX, Professor, pseud. See Lewis, A.J. HoFFMAX, WiCKHAM. Camp, court, and siege. 1877 944 HI Hogarth, Georgiaxa, and Dickexs, Mamie, ed. Letters of Charles Dickens. 3v. 1879-81 9 D55 HoHXEL, LcDwiG VOX. Discovcry of lakes Rudolf and Stefanie. 2v. 1894... 916.7 H HoLBEix, Haxs. Portraits of the court of Henry VIII *757 H HoLBROOK, Alfred. School management. 1873 371 H3 HoLBRooK, Kexxedy. How ? or, spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 1887 j 790 H HoLBROOK, M. L. How to strengthen the memory. 1886 154 H Hygiene of the brain and nerves and the cure of nervousness. 1878 616 H2 HoLCOMB, J//-S. H. H. Bits about India. 1888 915.4 HI HoLCOJiBE,- Chester. Real Chinaman. 1895 915.1 HI Holcombe, W. H. In both worlds. 1870. 244 H3 Other life. 1871 289 H2 Other lif. 1871 421 H Our children in heaven. 1871 289 H3 Our cildren in heven. 1871 421 HI Sexes ; here and hereafter. 1870.... 173 112 Holdex, E. S. Life and works of Sir William Herschel. 188 1 9 H436 Holder, C. F. Along the Florida reef. 1892 j 917.59 H2 Charles Darwin. 1891 9 D252 Frozen dragon, and other tales. 1888. j 590 H2 Living lights. 1887 591 H4 Marvels of animal life. 1885 590 H3 Holder, J. B. History of the American fauna. 3v .590 H4 Hole, S. R. Addresses 304 H2 Book about the garden and the gar- dener. 1892 716 HI Little tour in Ireland. 1892 914.15 HI -Alemories of Dean Hole. 1S93 9 H71 More memories. 1894 914.2 H13 Hollaxd, F. M. Frederic Douglass. 1891 9 D741 Reign of the stoics. 1879 188 H Rise of intellectual liberty. 1885 123 H Stories from Robert Browning. 1882. 821 H12 Hollaxd. H. S. On behalf of belief. 1889 252 H2 and Smyth, R. W. Memoir of J. L. Goldschmidt. 2 v. 1«9 1 9 G57 Hollaxd, H. W. William Dawes and his ride with Paul Revere. 1878 *929 H7 Hollaxd, ;. G. {Timothy Titcomh'). Bit- ter sweet : a poem. 1887 811 H16 Everj-day topics. 1876 814 Hll Garnered sheaves. 1873 811 H17 Gold-foil ; hammered from popular proverbs. 1872 170 H2 History of western Massachusetts. 1855 -. *974.4H1 Kathrina : a poem. 18S7 811 H18 Lessons in life. 1872 170 H3 Letters to the Joneses. 1871 170 H4 Life of A. Lincoln. 1886 9 L6351 ^larble prophecy, and other poems. 1872.. 811 H19 Mistress of the manse. 1885 ' 811 H20 Plain talks on familiar subjects. 1872. 814 H12 Titcomb's letters to young people, single and married. 1872 170 H5 Hollaxd, S. (S.), Lady. Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith. 1869 9 Sm6 Hollev, Marietta (Josiah Allen's ivife). My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's. 817 H3 My wayward pardner. 1888 817 H4 AUTHOR LIST. 349 HoLi^KV, Marietta. Saaiantlia among the brethren. 1890. 817 H5 Saniantha at Saratoga. 1887 817 H6 Samantha at the centennial. 1891... 817 H2 Samantha at the world's fair. 1887.. 817 H7 HoLLo\vAY, Mrs. L. C. Woman's story by twenty American women. 1889. ... 92 H72 Holly, H. PI. Modern dwellings in town and country. 1878 728 HI Holly, H. W. Art of saw-filing. 1872. G21H2 Holmes, Abiel. Annals of America. 1492-1820. 2v. 1829 973 H9 Holmes, Edward. Life of Mozart. 18C8. 9 M87 Holmes, Margaret, ed. Recitations for Christmas. 1887 808 4 H Holmes, Natjiaxiel. Authorship of Shakespeare. 2v. 188G 822. :3 H2 Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast- table. 1892 817H8 Before the curfew. 1888 811 H21 Iron gate, and other poems. 1880... 811 H22 John Lothrop Motley. 1879 9 M855 Medical essays. 1883 610 H2 One hundred days in Europe. 1887. . 914 HG Oration delivered on the fourth of July, 1863 815 H Over the teacups. 1891 817 H9 Pages from an old volume of life. 1883 814 H13 Poet at the breakfast-table. 1880 817 HIO Poetical works. 18.j0-90 811 H23 Professor at the breakfast-table. 1873. 817 Hll Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1885 9 Em34 Holmes, T. R. E. Four famous soldiers. 1889 92 H73 Holst, H. E. vox. Constitutional history of the United States. 8v. 187G-92. 973 HIO French revolution tested by Mira- beau's career. 2v. 1894 944 H2 John Brown. 1889 9 B81 John Caldwell Calhoun. 1882 9 C12 Holt, Arderx. Fancy dresses described. 1887 793 HI Holtox Library, Brighton, Mass. Cata- logue. 1872 *019 H Holub, Emil. Seven years in South Africa. 2v. 1881 91G.8 H HoMANS, I. S., ./■;■. Coin book. 1878 .... 332 H Sketches of Boston, past and present. 1851 *974.4GH1 Home, D. D. Incidents in my life. 18G3. 133 H2 Home and s3-nagogue of the modern Jew. 296 H Homer. Batrachomyomachia. 1858 883 HI Iliad; tr. by W. C. Bryant. 2v. 1871. 883 H2 Iliads; tr. by George Chapman. 2v. 1865 883 H3 Iliad and Odyssey; tr. by Alexander Pope. 1872 883 H4 Odyssey; ^?-. by W. C. Bryant. 2v. 1873 883 H5 Homer. Odyssey, books I.-XII.; tr. by G. H. Palmer. 1886 883 H8 Odysseys; tr. by George Chapman. 2v. 1874 S83H7 Hone. William. Every-day book and table book; calendar of amuse- ments, customs, and events. 3v. 1838 • 2G4H Yearbook. 1839 902 II] Hood, Charles. Treatise on warming buildings by hot water. 1844 697 H Hood, E. P. Robert Hall. 1881 9 H14 Villages of the Bible. 1874 220 Hi Hood, J. B. Advance and retreat. 1880. 973.7 HIO Hood, Thomas. Poetical works. 1872.. 821 H13 Poetical works. 2v. 1856 821 H14 Hook, Stella L. Little people. 1888.. 595 H Hooker, Mrs. 1. (B.) Womanhood. 1874. 396 H2 Hooker, iSiV J. D. Botany. 1S7G 581 H3 Himalaypn journals. 2v. 1854 915.4 H2 and Ball. John*. Journal of a tour in Morocco. 1878 916.4 H Hooker, Richard. Works. 1877 262 H Hooker, Worthixgtox. Child's book of nature. 3v. 1872 j 502 H Hooper, George. Abraham Fabert ; his life and times. 1892 9 Fll Campaign of Sedan : downfall of the second empire. 1887 944 H3 WL-llington. 1889 9 W462 HoosE, J. H. Methods of teaching. 1879. 370 H5 Hooykass, Isaac, joint author. See Oort, Henricus. Hofe, Arthur. Amateur photographer's hand-book. 1890 770 H Hope, A. R., ijseud. See Moncrieff, A. R. H. HoPKixs, B. J. Astronom}- for everyday readers 520 H Hopkins, G. M. Experimental science. 1890 530 HI Hopkins, G. M., & Co., comp. and pub. Atlas of the city of Somerville, Mass. 1874 *912 HI Hopkins, Mrs. L. P. Educational psy- chology. 1886 150 H Observation lessons in the primary schools. 1890 372 H2 Hopkins, Mark. Lectures on moral science. 1872 170 H6 Outline study of man. 1877 130 H Scriptural idea of man. 1883 233 Hi Teachings and counsels. 1884 252 H3 Hoppin, J. M. Early renaissance. 1892. 704 HI Life of A. H. Foote. 1874 9 F73 Old England. 1878 914.2 H14 Horace. Odes; tr. by Theodore Martin. 874 HI Odes and epodes ; tr. by John B. Ha^ue. 1892 874 II 350 AUTHOR LIST. Horace. Odes and epodes ; tr. by Lord Lytton. 1869 ST-! H2 HoRE, A. H. History of the church of England. 1893 283 HI HoRE, E. C. Tanganyka : eleven years in Central Africa. 1892 916.7 HI HoRXADAY, W. T. Taxidermy and zoo- logical collecting. 1891 579 H Two years in the jungle. 1885 915.4 H3 HoRXE, H. P. Binding of hooks. 1894.. 686 HI and others, ed. Nero and other plays. 1888 822 H2 HoRXE, T. H. Compendious introduction to the study of the Bible. 1868 ... 220 H2 HoRXER, SusAX and. Joaxxa. Walks in Florence. 2v. 1873 914.5 HIO HoRSFORD, E. N. Defenses of Norum- bega. 1891 , *913 H HoRTOX, Carouxe W. Architecture for general students. 1874 720 H HoRTOX, S. D. Silver in Europe. 1890. 332 HI HosACK, JoHX. Rise and growth of the law of nations. 1882 341 HI Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. Charges against her, with answers. 1888 9 M364 Mary, queen of Scots, and her accusers. 2v. 1870-4 9 M365 HosiE, Alexander. Three years in west- ern China. 1890 915.1 H2 HosMER, G. W. People and politics. 1883 321 HI HosMER, J. K. History of Anglo-Saxon freedom. 1890 342 H3 Life of young Sir Henry Vane. 1888. 9 V28 Samuel Adams. 1886 9 Adl8 Short history of German literature. 1879 830 H3 Story of the Jews. 1886 933 H HosMER, William. Slavery and the church. 1853 261 HI HospiTALiER, Edouard. Electrician's pocket-book. 1884 537 HI Modern applications of electricity. 2v. 1883 537 H2 HouDiN, R. J. E. Secrets of conjuring and magic. 1878 133 H3 Hough, F. B. Elements of forestry. 1882. 634 H HouGHTOx, R. M. M., Lord. Monographs. 1873 92 H81 Poetical works. 2v. 1876 821 H15 Hours at home. v. 1-5. 1865-67 051 H3 House, E. H. Japanese episodes. 1881. 915.2 HI House and its surroundings. 1879 613 H4 Household conveniences. 1884 645 H Household reading. 1868 818 H2 HoussAYE, Arsexe. Behind the scenes of the comedie francaise. 1889 792 HI Life in Paris. 1875 914.4 H3 HousTOx, E. J. Dictionary of electrical words, terms, and phrases. 1889.. 537 H3 Electricity one hundred years ago and to-day. 1894 537 H4 HovEY, Alvaii. Religion and the state. 1874 322 H Howard, Blanche W. See Teuffel, Mrs. B. W. (H.) von, Baroness. Howard, G. E. Local constitutional his- tory of the United States. 2v. 1889. 342 H4 Howard, James, and others. Practical politics. 1881 333 H Howard, Johx. Physiology of artistic singing. 1886 612 HI Practical chemistry. 1873 542 H Howard, R. H., and Crocker, H. E., ed. History of New England. 2v. 1880 *974 H Howe, E. G. Systematic science teach- ing. 1894 507 H Howe, Hexry. Historical collections of Virginia. 1845 975.5 H Howe, J. B. Common sense, the mathe- matics and metaphysics of money. 1881 332 H2 Political economy of Great Britain, the United States, and Prance in the use of money. 1878 332 H3 Howe, J. S. Historical sketch of the town of Methuen. 1876 *974.45 H2 Howe, Mrs. J. (W.) From the oak to the olive. 1868 914 H7 Margaret Fuller, Marchesa Ossoli. 1883 9 Os72 Memoir of Dr. S. G. Howe. 1876. . . 9 H83 Sex in education. 1874 376 H Howe, Nathanael. Century sermon, Hopkinton, Mass. 1815. 1851. . .*974.44 H5 Howell, George. Practical hints for teachers of public schools. 1890.. 371 H4 Howell, James. Instructions for for- reine travell. 1642. 1869 820 HI Hoavells, W. D. Biography of W. C. Howells. 1895 2 H837 Counterfeit presentment. 1877 812 HI Criticism and fiction. 1891 813 H Evening dress. 1893 812 H2 Five o'clock tea. 1894 812 H3 Garroters. 1894 812 H4 Italian journeys. 1872 914.5 Hll Letter of introduction. 1892 812 H5 Little Swiss sojourn. 1892 914.9 H3 Lives of Hayes and Wheeler. 1876 . . 9 H32 Modern Italian poets. 1887 851 H Mouse-trap. - 1894 812 H6 My year in a log-cabin. 1893 9 H835 Niagara book. 1893 917.47 HI Out of the question. 1877 812 H7 • Poems. 1886 811 H24 Sea-change. 1888 812 H8 AUTHOR LIST. 351 HOWELLS, W. D. Sleeping-car. 18'8o 812 H9 Sleeping-car and other farces. 1889- 812 HIO Suburban sketches. 1872 818 H3 Tuscan cities. 1886 914.5 H12 Venetian life. 2v. 1892 914.5 H13 ed. ^Memoirs of Carlo Goldoni. 1877. 9 G56 Memoirs of Frederica, princess royal of Prussia. 2v. 1877 9 F87 and Perry, T. S., ed.. Library of universal adventure by sea and land. 1888 910 H6 Howes, C. F., ed. Music in literature. 1894 780 H5 HowLAXD, Edward. Grant as a soldier and statesman — his military and civil career. 1868 9 G7651 HowLETT, Edwix. Driving Icssons. 1894. 798 H HowixT, William. Homes and haunts of of British poets. 1847 92 H84 Rural life of England. 1844 914.2 H15 Eural and domestic life in Germany. 1840-42 914.3 HI Visits to remarkable places. 2v. 1840-2 914.2 H16 and Mrs. M. (B.^ Literature and romance of modern Europe. 2v. 1852 839 H HowiTT, Mrs. M. (B.) Autobiography. 2v. 1889 9 H84 Sketches of natural liistory. 1872. . . j 591 Ho Hows, J. W. S., corap. Golden leaves from the American poets. 1864... 811 BK5 Golden leaves from the British poets. 1864 821 H16 Golden leaves from the British and American dramatic poets. 1865... 822 H3 Howsox, J. S. Evidential value of the Acts of the Apostles. 1880 226 H joint author. See Cony bear e, W. J. HoYT, H. M. Protection versus free trade. 1886 337 H HoziER, H. M. Seven weeks" war. 1867. 943 H Turenne. 1885 9 T84 Hubbard, Bela. Memorials of a half- century. 1887 917.74 H Hubbard. "William. General history of New England, to 1680. 1848 ' *974 HI HcBBELL, W. S. Anniversary discourse; preached at Franklin-street church. SomerviUe. 1878 *252 H4 Hubert, P. G.,y>-. Inventors. 1893.... 92 H86 HuBNER, J. A^ VON. Ramble round the world. 'l874 910 H7 Through the British .empire. 2v. 1886. 910 H8 Hue, E. R. Journey through the Chinese empire. 2v. 1871 915.1 H3 Recollections of a journey through Tar- tary, Thibet, and China. 1844-46. 915.1 H4 HuDsox, A. S. Annals of Sudbury, Way- land, and Maynard. 1891 *974.44 H6 History of Sudbury, Mass. 1889 *974.44 H7 HuDsox, Charles. Abstract of the his- tory of Hudson, Mass. 1877 *974.44 H8 History of Lexington, Mass. 1868 . . . *974.44 H9- Historyof iLirlborough, Mass. 1862.*974.44 HIO History of Westminster, Mass. 1832.*974.4o H2 HuDsox, Edmlxd. Memorial of M. C. Hudson. 1886 9 H86 HuDSOx, Frederick. Journalism in the United States. 1690-1872 070 H HuDsox, H. N. Shakespeare : his life, art, and characters. 2v. 1872 822.3 H3 Studies in William Wordsworth. 1884 9 W893 HuDSOx, Mrs. M. (C.) A. Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Gary. 1873 9 C25 Outlines of men, women, and things. 1873 814 H14 Poems of life and nature. 1883 811 H26 Ten years in Washington. 1874 917.53 H Hudson, T. J. Law of psychic phenom- ena. 1894 134 H Hudson, W. H. Birds in a village. 1893. 598 H Introduction to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer. 1894 192 H Sea-sickness. 1883 616 H3 pseud. See Lamb, Richard. Hceffer,Fraxcis. Musical studies. 1880. 780 H6 Hufeland. C. W. Art of prolonging Ufe.... 612 H2 Hughes, Thomas. Alfred the Great. 1881 9 A124I David Livingstone 9 L762 Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. 1892 370 H6 Manliness of Christ. 1880 232 H2 Memoir of Daniel Macmillan. 1882. 9 M224 Memoir of G. E. Hughes. 1873 9 H87 True manliness. 1880 170 H7 ed. G. T. T. Gone to Texas. 1884. 917.8 HI Hughes, T. P. Dictionary of Islam. 1885. *297 H Hughes, W. C American miller and millwright's assistant. 1870 621 Ha Hugo, V. M., Vicomte. Dramatic works ; tr. by Frederick L. Slous and Mrs. Xewton Crosland. 1887 842 H Things seen. 2v. 1887 944 H4 Wilham Shakespeare. 1891 822.3 H4 HuiDEKOPER, Frederic. Works. 2v. 1883. 270 H2 HuiSH, M. B. Japan and its art. 1889.. 915.2 H^ Hull, Edward. Volcanoes. 1892 551 H3 HuLLAH, J. P. Music in the house 780 H7 Hull-house, a social settlement of Chicago. 1895 335 HI Hulme, F. E. Suggestions in floral design. *745 H Humboldt, F. H. A. vox. Baron. Cosmos. 4v. 1863 500 H 352 AUTHOR LIST. Humboldt, F. H. A. von, Baron. Views of nature. 1872 551 H4 HusiE, David. History of England ; abridged. 1873 942 Hi History of England. 8v. 1803-4... 942 H5 Letters to William Stralian. 1888. - . 82G H Philosophical works. 4v. 1854 192 HI Treatise on huijian nature. 1888 192 H2 Humes, T. W. Loyal mountaineers of Tennessee. 1888 973.7 Hll Humphrey, Mrs. F. A. Dean Stanley with the children. 1884 j 9 St26 and others. Wonder stories of his- tory. 1886 j 904 H Humphreys, A. A. Virginia campaign of '64 and '65. 1883 973.7 H12 Humphreys, Col. David. Life of Israel Putnam. 1818 *9 P98 Humphreys, H. N. Coin collector's man- ual. 2v. 1853 332 H4 Hungary, and its revolutions. 1854 943 HI HuNNEWELL, J. E. Bibliography of Charlestown, Massachusetts, and Bunker Hill. 1880 *015 H Century of town life ; a history of Charlestown, Mass. 1775-1887 *974.4r, H2 Historical monuments of France. 1884 914.4 H4 Illustrated Americana. 1493-1889... *09G H Imperial island. 1886 720 HI Lands of Scott. 1871 914.1 H Hunt, Mrs. A. W. Our grandmother's gowns 391 HI Hunt, Freeman. Worth and wealth. 1856 174 H Hunt, Helen. See Jackson, Mrs. H. M. F. H. Hunt, J. H. L. Autobiography. 1872. .. 9 H91 Book for a corner. 1861 828 H5 Day by the fire. 1870 824 H9 Essays and miscellanies, selected from the Indicator and companion. 1861. S28 H6 Italian poets. 1861 851 HI Leigh Hunt, as poet and essayist. 1889 824 HIO Old court suburb 914.2 H17 One hundred romances of real life. 1888 92 H91 Poetical works 821 HIT Selections from the English poets. 18G1 821 H18 Stories from the Italian poets. 2v. 1888 851 H2 Wishing-cap papers. 1873 824 Hll Hunt, Leigh. See Hunt, J. H. L. Hunt, L. L. Memoir of Mrs. Edward Livingstone. 1886 9 L705 Hunt, Robert. Poetry of science. 1854. 500 Hi Hunt, T. S. Chemical and geological essays. 1875 550 H Hunt, T. W. Representative English prose and prose writers. 1887 820 H2 Hunt, W. M. Talks on art. 2v. 1883. 704 H2 Hunter, Joseph. Church of Protestant separatists formed at Scrooby. 18.34 *274 HI Huntington, A. S. Under a colonial roof-tree. 1891 974.4 H2 Huntington, Joshua. Memoirs of tiie life of Mrs. Abigail Waters. 1817 9 W31 Huntington, W. R. Peace of the church. 1891 283 H2 Huntley, Sir C. Gordon, Marquis of. Travels, sport, and politics in the east of Europe. 1887 914 H8 Huntoon, D. T. V. History of the town of Canton. 1893 *974.47 H2 Hl'rd, D. H., comp. History of Essex county, Mass. 2v. 1883 "=974.45 H3 History of Middlesex county. 3v. 1890 *974.44H11 History of Plymouth county, Mass. 1884 974.48 H3 HiRD, H. M., joint author. See Billings, J. S. HuRLBERT, W. H. France and the repub- lic. 1889 914.4 H5 Ireland under coercion. 2v. 188S.. 914.15 H2 Hurst, C. H., joint author. See Marshall, A. M. Hurst, J. F. Indika. 1891 915.4 H4 Short history of the reformation. 1884. 940 H2 HusKissox, William. Speeches. 3v. 1831 825 H IIussEY, E. G. Home building 720 H2 Hutchinson, A. H. Try Cracow and the Carpathians 014.3 H2 Hutchinson, Ellen M., joint comp. See Stedman, E. C. Hutchinson, G. B. Narrative of the for- mation and services of the 11th Massachusetts volunteers. 1893 . . . *973. 7 H13 Hutchinson, H. G. Golf. 1890 797 H Hutchinson, H. N. Autobiography of the earth. 1891 551 H5 Creatures of other days. 1894 566 H Extinct monster. 1892 566 HI Story ,,of the hills. 1892 551 H6 Hutchinson, Mrs. Lucy. Memoir of Col. J.Hutchinson. 1863 9 H97 Hutchinson, N. V. History of the 7th Massachusetts volunteer infantry. 1890 *973.7 H14 Hutchinson, P. O., ed. Diarj' and letters of Thomas Hutchinson. 1884 9 H974 Hutchinson, Thomas. History of Massa- chusetts. 3v. 1795-1828 *974.4 H4 Papers, relative to the history of Massachusetts bay colony. 1769... *974.4 H3 AUTHOR LIST. 363 HoTH, A. H. Life and writings of H. T. Buckle. 1880 9 B857 Marriage of near kin. 1887 173 H3 HuTTON, A. W. Cardinal Manning. 1892. 9 M31 HuTTON, Barbara. Castles and their heroes j 942 H6 HuTTON, Charles. Mathematical and philosophical dictionary. 2v. 1795. *503 H HuTTON, Lawrence. From the books. 1892 824 H12 Literary landmarks of Edinburgh. 1891 914.1 HI Literary landmarks of Jerusalem. 1895 915.6 H Literary landmarks of London. 1892. 914.2 H18 Plays and players. 1875 792 H2 Portraits in plaster. 1894 *730 H joint ed. See Matthews, J. B. HuTTON, R. H. Cardinal Newman. 1890. 9 N46 Criticisms on contemporary thought and thinkers. 2v. 1894 801 H Essays in literary criticism. 1876 824 H13 Essays on some of the modern guides of English thought in matters of faith. 1888 824 H14 Sir Walter Scott. 1878 9 Sco81 HtJTTON, AV. H., ed. Simon de Montfort and his cause. 1251-66. 1888 942 H7 Huxley, T. H. Critiques and addresses. 1873 504 H3 Discourses, biological and geological. 1894 504 H4 Essays upon some controverted ques- tions. 1892 210 HI Evidence as to man's place in nature. 1871 573 H Evolution and ethics, and other essays. 1894 824 H15 Hume. 1879 9 H884 Hume, with helps to the btudy of Berkeley. 1894 192 H3 Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews. 1871 504 H5 Man's place in nature. 1894 573 HI Manual of the anatomy of inverte- brated animals. 1885 591 H6 Manual of the anatomy of vertebrated animals. 1872 596 H Methods and results. 1894 504 H6 On the origin of species. 1872 575 H4 Physiography. 1878 551 H7 Science and Christian tradition. 1894. 215 H3 Science and education. 1894 370 H7 Science and Hebrew tradition. 1894. 215 H4 a}id YocMANs, W. J. Elements of physiology and hygiene. 1870 612 H3 Hyacinthe, C. L. Catholic reform. 1874. 282 H Hyde, C. M. and Alexander. Centen- nial celebration and centennial his- tory of the town of Lee, Mass. 1878 *974.41 H Hyde, John. Our eternal homes. 1868. 237 H Hyde, J. W. Royal mail. 1885 383 H Hyde, T. W. Following the Greek cross. 1894 973.7 H15 Hyde, William. Address delivered at the opening of the new town hall, Ware, Mass. 1847 *974.42 Hi Hyndman, H. M. Commercial crisis. 1892 330 H Historical basis of socialism in Eng- land. 1883 335 H2 Ibsen, Henrik. Ghosts. 1890 839 I Hedda Gabler. 1891 839 11 League of youth. 1890 839 12 Rosmersholm 839 13 Ice-cream and cakes ; by an American. 1883 641 I IcKwoRTH, J. H. Memoirs of the reign of George II. 3v. 1884 9 G29 Ideal commonwealths. 1886 320 1 Ideals of the republic 320 II Ideville, Henry d', Count. Memoirs of Marshal Bugeaud. 2v. 1884 9 B86 Ihne, W. Early Rome. 1875 937 1 Iles, George, joint ed. See Bowker, R.R. Illingworth, J. R. Personality ; human and divine. 1894 233 1 Illustrated American, v. 10-15. 1892- 94 051 I Imbert de Saint-A.maxd, a. L., Baron. Citizeness Bonaparte 1890 9,1772 Court of Louis XIV. 1893 92 Iml4 Court of Louis XV. 1893 92 Iml2 Court of the Empress Josephine. 1890 9 J773 Duchess of Angouleme. 1892 9 An42 Duchess of Berry and the court of Charles X. 1892 9 B458 Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis XVIII. 1892 9 B457 Duchess of Berry and the revolution of 1830. 1893 9 B456 Happy days of Marie Louise. 1890. . 9 M334 Last years of Louis XV.; 1 1893 92 Iml3 Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty. 1891 9 M3332 Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime. 1890 9 M3333 Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries. 1891 9 M3334 Marie Louise. 1891: 9 M3343 Marie Louise and the decadence of the empire. 1890 9 M3341 Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814. 1891 9M3342 Memoirs of Marie Louise. 1886 9 M3344 Wife of the first consul, Josephine. 1890 9 J774 Women of^thejjValois court. 1893. . . 92 Iml Youth of tlie Duchess of Angoul^me. 1892 9 An421 354 AUTHOR LIST. Inderwick, F. a. Side-lights on the Stuarts. 1888 942 1 Index to American genealogies. 1895. • . • *929 I Indian Rights Association. Indian question : pamphlets. 2v 970.11 Latest studies on Indian reservations. 1887 970.1 I Indiana. Agriculture. Geological sur- vey. 1870 553 1 Infant education. 1827 372 1 Ingelow, Jean. Complete poems. 1878. 821 I Ingeksoll, C. J. Fears for democracy. 1875 3211 Ingersoll, Ernest. Country cousins. 1884 j 590 I Friends worth knowing. 1881 j 590 12 Knocking round the Rockies. 1883.. 917.8 1 Inglebt, C. M. Essays. 1888 8241 Inglis, Julia, Lady. Siege of Lucknow. 1892 954 L Ingoldsby, Thomas, pseud. See Barham, R. H. Ingram, J. H. E. B. Browning. 1888. .. 9 B821 Haunted homes and family traditions of Great Britain. 188G 133 I Ingram, T. D. Two chapters of Irish history. 1888 941.5 1 Inside Paris during the siege. 1871 914.4 I Instructions to election officers in the city of Somerville. 1893 *352 I Intellectual observer. 12v. 1862-68 505 1 International Congress of Charities. Care and treatment of the insane. 1893 3601 Care of dependent, neglected, and way- ward children. 1894 *360 13 General exercises, Chicago. 1893. . . 360 II Organization of charities by Daniel C. Gilman. 1893 360 12 International Publishing Co., pvb. Leading manufacturers and mer- chants of eastern Massachusetts. 1887 974.4 1 Ipswich, 3Iass. Celebration of the 250th anniversary. 1884 *974.45 I Irelan, J. R. RepubUc. 18v. 1887.... 973 1 Ireland, 3Irs. Alexander. Life of Jane W. Carlyle. 1891 9 C192 ed. Selections from the letters of Geraldine E. Jewsbury and Mrs. J. B. Carlyle. 1892 9 J55 Ireland, J. B. Wall-street to Cashmere. 1859 910 I Ireland, J. N. Mrs. Duff. 1882 9 D87 Ireland, Samuel. Picturesque views of the Severn. 1824 *914.2 I Picturesque views on the river Thames. 2v. 1792 914.2 11 Irish pleasantry and fun 827 I Irving, Henry. Drama. 1892 792 I Irving, P. M. Life and letters of Wash- ington Irving. 4v. 1864 9 Ir86 Irving, Theodore. Conquest of Florida. 2v. 1869 975.9 1 Irving, Washington. A biograjihy of Goldsmith. 1855 9 G576 Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky mountains. 1868 917.9 I Alhambra. 1887 914.6 1 Astoria. 1885 917.9 11 Christopher Columbus. 3v. 1856... 9 C723 Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. 1886 946 1 Crayon miscellany. 1854 917.6 1 History of New York. 1885 817 1 Life of George Washington. 5v. 1856 9 W2742 Mahomet and his successors. 2v. 1856 9M726 Readings. 1888 817 11 Sketch-book. 1886 817 12 Spanish papers. 2v. 1868 817 13 Student's life of Washington. 1872. 9 W2741 Washington and his country, being Irving's life abridged by John Fiske. 1887 9 W2743 Wolf ert's roost. 1865 ' 817 14 and others. Salmagundi. I860.... 814 1 Irwin, Ag'ses, joint author. See Wister, 3Irs. S. (B.) Iravin, R. B. History of the 19th army corps. 1892 *973.7 I Isere, Colombat de l'. Treatise upon the diseases and hygiene of the organs of the voice. 1875 784 1 Isham, Charles. Fishery question. 1887. 333 I Jackman, W. S. Nature study for com- mon schools. 1892 507 J Jackman, Lyman. History of the 6th NcAv Hampshire regiment. J891... *973.7 J Jackson, A. W. Immanent God, and other sermons. 1889 252 J Jackson, C. C, Lady. Old Paris, its court and literary salons. 1880 944 J Court of France in the sixteenth cen- tury. 2v. 1886 944 Jl Court of the Tuileries from the restora- tion to the flight of Louis Philippe. 2v. 1884 944 J2 First of the Bourbons. 2v. 1890..'. 9 H392 Last of the Valois and accession of Henry of Navarre. 2v. 1888 944 J3 Jackson, C. T. Annual report of the geology of the state of Maine. 1839. *550 J Jackson, E. V.., joint author. See Gilman, N. P. Jackson, Francis. Early settlement of Newton, Mass. 1854 *974.44 J joint author. See Garrison, W. P. AUTHOR LIST. 365 Jacksox, G. a. Fathers of the third century. 1881 270 J3 Post-Nicene Greek fathers. 1883 270 Jl Post-Nicene Latin fathers. 1884 270 J2 Jacksox, G. R. Churches of Somerville. 1882 *277 J Jacksox, Mrs. H. M. (F.) H. Bits of talk about home matters. 1873 814 J Bits of talk inverse and prose. 1876. j 818 J Bits of travel at home. 1878 917.3 J Bits of travel by H. H. 1872 914 J Century of dishonor. 1881 970.1J Glimpses of three coasts. 1886 910 J Verses. 1874 811J Jackson, James. Letters to a young phj'sician. 1855 610 J Jackson, John. Dissertation on the Christian ministry. 1855 262 J Jackson, Mrs. J. X. Winter holiday in summer lands. 1890 917.2 J Jackson, 3Irs. M. A. Life and letters of Gen. T. J. Jackson. 1892 9 J131 Jackson, Thomas. Our feathered com- panions 598 J Jackson, T. G. Dalmatia, the Quarnero, and Istria. 3v. 1887 914.3 J Jacobs, E. H. Ventilation and warming of houses. 1894 697 J Jacobi, C. T. Printing. 1890 655 J Jacobi, Mrs. Isl. (P.) " Common sense" applied to woman suffrage. 1894.. 324 J Physiological notes on primary educa- tion and the study of language. 1889 372 J Value of life. 1879 170 J Jacobs, Joseph. George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Browning, Newman, essays and reviews. 1891 820 J ed. Fables of Aesop. 1894 888 A comp. Indian fairy tales. 1892 j 398 J Jacobson, Augustus. Higher ground. 1888 331 J Jacox, Francis. Bible music. 1872.... 783 J Jacquemakt, Albert. History of furni- ture. 1878 740 J Jaeger, B., and. Preston, H. C. Life of North American insects. 1859 595 J JiEGER, Henrik. Henrik Ibsen. 1890... 9 Ib7 James, Croake, pseud. Curiosities of law and lawyers. 1891 340 J James, F. L. Wild tribes of the Soudan. 1883 916.2 J James, G. F., ed. Handbook of univer- sity extension. 1893 ♦378 J James, G. P. R. History of Charlemagne. 9 C37 History of chivalry. 1831 940 J Memoirs of great commanders 92 J23 James, Henry. Essays in London and elsewhere. 1893 814 Jl Literary remains. 1885 289 J James, Henry. Secret of Swedenborg. 1869 289 Jl Society, the redeemed form of man. 1879 289 J2: James, Henry, /;-. Daisy Miller. 1883. 812 J French poets and novelists. 1878... 840 J Hawthorne. 1880 9 H318 Little tour in France. 1885 914.4 J Picture and text. 1893 750 J Portraits of places. 1884 910 Jl Theatricals. 1895 812 Jl joint author. See Besant, Walter. James, H. E. M. Long white mountain, journey in Manchuria. 1888 915.1 J James, J. A. Earnest ministry. 1848... 251 J James, AVilliam. Naval history of Great Britain. 1793-1820. 6v. 1878 359 J Principles of psychology. 1890 150 J Jameson, Mrs. A. B. (M.) Characteristics of Shakespeare's women. 2v. 1846. 822.3 J Diary of an ennuyee. 1875 914.5 J Legends of the Madonna as repre- sented in the fine arts. 1875 755 J Legends of the monastic orders as represented in the line arts. 1875. 755 Jl Memoirs of celebrated female sover- eigns. 2v. 1832 92J235 Memoirs of the early Italian painters. 1875 92 J236 Memoirs of the loves of the poets. 1875 92 J287 Sacred and legendary art. 2v. 1875. 755 J2 Sketches of art, literature, and char- acter. 1875 824 J Studies, stories, and memoirs. 1875. 824 Jl Winter studies and summer rambles in Canada. 2v. 1839 917.1 J Jameson, E. 0. Historical discourse preached at the First Church of Christ, Medway, Mass. 1877 *277 Jl ed. History of Medway, Mass. 1713- 1885 +974.47 J Jameson, J. F. Dictionary of United States history. 1894 *973 J Jameson, J. S. Story of the rear column of the Emin Pasha relief expedi- tion 916.7 J Jameson, Robert. Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa. 1831.... 916 J Jamieson, Robert, and others. Practical pocket commentary. lOv. 1873. . . 220 J Janet, Paul. Final causes. 1878 124 J Theory of morals. 1883 171 J Janvier, Margaret T. (Margaret Vandej-- grift). Dead doll, and other verses. 1889 j 811 Jl Janvier, T. A. In old New York. 1894. 917.47 J Mexican guide. 1886 917.2 Jl Japp, A.H. (£'.CoHcZer Gray). DeQuincey memorials. 2v. 1891 9 D44a 356 AUTHOR LIST. Japp, a. H. {E. Conder Gray). Famous men. 1879 92 J27 German life and literature 92 J26 Hours in my garden. 1893 590 J Leaders of men. 1881 92 J271 Making the best of things. 1891 177 J Noble workers. 1875 92 J 272 Thomas De Quincey; his life and writings. 2v. 1877 9 D445 Wise words and loving deeds. 1881. 92 J273 Jaques, W. H., joint author. See Rus- sell, W. C. Jakdine, Robert. Elements of the psy- chology of cognition. 1874 151 J Jardine, Sir William. Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. 4v 598 Jl Jarves, J. J. Art thoughts. 1875 704 J Jay, John. Correspondence and public papers. 1763-1826. 4v. 1890.... 320 J Jay, William. Review of the causes and consequences of the Mexican war. 1849 973 Jl Jay, W. M. L., 2)seud. See Woodruff, Mrs. J. L. M. Jeaffresox, J. C. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. 2v. 1888 9 H183 Marie Caroline, queen of Naples, and Lord Nelson. 2v. 1889 9 N331 Jeans, J. S. England's supremacy. 1885. 330 J Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. 1884 92 J34 Jebb, Mrs. J. G. Life of John Gladwyn Jebb. 1895 9 J344 Jebb, R. C. Bentley. 1882 9 B44 Greek literature. 1878 880 J Jefferies, J. R. Field and hedgerow. 1889 824 J2 Open air. 1889 824 J3 Round about a great estate. 1880 914.2 J Wild life in a southern county. 1889. 914.2 Jl Jefferson, Joseph. Autobiography. 1890 9 J35 Jeffrey, 3lrs. R. V. (G.) J. Q^ Rosa"). Crimson hand, and other poems. 1881 811 J2 Jeffrey, W. H., comp. Richmond prisons. 1861-2. 1893 973.7 Jl Jeffries, B. J. Color-bUndness. 1879.. 617 J Jenkins, C. W. Early history of the town of Falmouth, Mass. 1889 *974.49 J Jenkins, Edward. Coolie. 1871 326 J Ginx's baby. 1873 827 J Lord Bantam. 1872 827 Jl Jenks, Tudor. Century world's fair book for boys and girls. 1893 j 606 J Jenks, William. Explanatory Bible atlas and Scripture gazetteer. 1847 220 Jl Jenkyns, Catherine C, ed. Hard life in the colonies. 1892 910 J2 Jenness, J. S. Isles of Shoals. 1873... 974.2 J Jennings, G. H., comp. Anecdotal history of the British parliament. 1881... 328 J aw(Z Johnstone, W. S., comp. Half- hours with Greek and Latin authors. 1882 880 Jl Jennings, Hargra,ve. Rosicrucians. 1870. 366 J Jennings, H. A. Provincetown. 1890. . • *917.449 J Jennings, L. J. Field paths and green lanes. 1878 914.2 J2 Mr. Gladstone. A study. 1887 9 G4ol Jephson, a. j. M. Emin Pasha and the rebellion at the equator. 1890 916.7 Jl Jeppson, Henry. Platform : its rise and progress. 2v. 1892 942 J Jerdan, AVilliam. Men I have known. 1866 92 J47 Jerome, J. K. Diary of a pilgrimage. 1891 827 J2 Novel notes. 1893 827 .J3 Stage-land. 1890 792 J Three men in a boat. 1890 827 J4 Jerrold, Douglas, joint author. See Lamb, Charles. Jerrold, D. W. ' Fireside saints. 1873. 827 J5 Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. 1871. 827 J6 Works. 4v 827 J7 Jerrold, Walter. O. W. Holmes. 1893 9 H731 Jerrold, W. B. Life of Douglas Jer- rold 9 J48 Life of Gustave Dore. 1891 9 D73 Life of Napoleon III. 4v. 1874. . . . 9 N1G41 Jesse, J. A. Memoirs of the Pretenders. 1860 92 J49 Jesse, J. H. Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. 3v. 1876. 942 Jl Jesse, William. Life of George Brum- mell. 1880 9 B834 Jessopp, Augustus. Coming of the friars, and other historic essays. 1889 . . . 942 J3 Trials of a country parson. 1890 824 J4 Jessup, H. H. Women of the Arabs. 1873 915.3 J Jeune, ia(?i/. Lesser questions. 1895.. 304 J Jevons, F. B. History of Greek litera- ture. 1886 880 J2 Jevons, Harriet A., ed. Letters of W. S. Jevons. 1886 9 J53 Jevons, W. S. Elementary lessons in logic. 1886 160 J Money and the mechanism of ex- change. 1875 332 J Political economy. 1878 330 Jl Principles of science. 1877 160 Jl Jewel. V. 1 *739 J Jewell, J. G. Among our sailors. 1874. 656 J Jewett, Charles. Forty years' fight with the drink demon. 1872 178 J Jewett, C. F., & Co., pub. History of Worcester county. 1879 *974.43 J AUTHOR LIST. 357 Jewett, C. F., & Co., puh. Standard history of Essex county, Mass. 1878 *974.45 J Jewett, Sarah O. Story of the Normans. 1887 940 Jl Jewitt, L. F. "W. Ceramic art of Great Britain. 2v. 1878 738 J Half-hours among some English an- tiquities. 1877 1)13 J and Hall, S. C. Stately homes of England itU.2 J3 John Abbot Lodge, Somerville, Mass. By-laws. 1872 *366 Jl John Jerningham's journal. 1871 811 J3 Johns, C. A. Week at the Lizard 914.2 J4 Johns, H. T. Life with the 49th Massa- chusetts volunteers. 1864 *973.7 J2 JoHxs Hopkins University. Studies ; ed. by H. B. Adams, llv. 1883-93.. 320 J 1 Contends : V. 1, Local institutions. V. 2, Institutions and economics. V. 3, ^Maryland, Virginia, and "Wash- ington. V. 4, Municipal government and land tenure, v. 5, Municipal government, history, and politics. V. G, History of cooperation in the United States. V. 7, Social science. V. 8, History, politics, and education. V. 9, Education, histor}-, and politics. V. 10, Church and state. V. 11, Labor, slavery, and self-gov- ernment. Studies, extra vol. ser. : Allinson. Philadelphia. 1081-1887. 342 A Andrews. Old English manor 352 A Brackett. Xegro in Maryland 326 Bl Howard. Local constitutional history of the United States. 2v. 1889. . . 342 H4 Scaife. America. 1892 917 S Scaife. Florentine life. 1893 914.5 S Johnson, Amy. Sunshine. 1892. • j 585 J Johnson, A. H. Normans in Europe. 1877 940 J2 Johnson, A. J., 2^i'.h. New universal cyclopajdia. 8 v. 1884 *030 J Johnson, Clifton. Country school in New England. 1893 917.4 J Farmer's boy. 1894 917.4 Jl Johnson, C. F. Three Americans and three Englishmen. 1886 92 J62 Johnson, D. N. Sketches of Lynn. 1880. ♦974.45 Jl Johnson, Cajit. Ei>ward. Wonder-work- ing providence of Sion's Saviour in New England. 1867 *974.4 J Johnson, Edwin. Rise of Christendom. 1890 270 J Johnson, E. F., joint author. See Cut- ter, W. R. Johnson, E. R. History of the French war, ending in the conquest of Canada. 1882 973 J2- History of the war of 1812-15. 1882. 973 J3 Short history of the war of secession. 1861-5 973.7 J3 Johnson, E. K., ed. Play-day poems. 1878 821 J Single famous poems. 1877 821 Jl See also Little classics. Johnson, John. Defense of Charleston harbor. 1890 973.7 J4 Johnson, J. E. Monks before Christ. 1870 248 J Johnson, Lionel. Art of Thomas Hardy. 1894 823 J Johnson, Mrs. L. (W.) Eight hundred miles in an ambulance. 1889 917.8 J Poems of twenty j'ears. 1874 811 J4 Johnson, Oliver. W. L. Garrison, his life and times. 1881 9 G191 Johnson, R. W. Memoir of Maj.-Gen. G. H.Thomas. 1881 9 T364 Johnson, R. U., and Buel, C. C, ed. Battles and leaders of the civil war. 4v. 1884 973.7 Jo Johnson. Samuel. Letters. 2v. 1892. 826 J Lives of the English poets. 1858 92 J63 Wit and wisdom of Samuel Johnson. 1888 824 J5 Works. 9v. 1825 828 J Johnson, Rev. Samuel. Lectures, essays, and sermons. 1883 814 J2 Oriental religions. 1885 295 J Johnson, S. W. How crops grow. 1869. 631 J Johnson, William. Life and correspond- ence of Nathanael Greene. 2v. 1822. 9 G832 Johnson, W. F. History of the Johns- town flood. 1889 974.8 J Johnston, Alexander. American poli- tics. 1892 329 J Connecticut. 1887 974.6 J United States. 1889 973 J4 ed. Representative American ora- tions. 3v. 1884 815 J Johnston, A. K. Africa. 1884 916 Jl Johnston, H. H. Ivilima-Njaro expedi- tion. 1886 916.7 J2 River Congo. 1884 916.7 J3 Johnston, H. P. Yorktown campaign and the surrender of Cornwallis. 1781. 1881 ' ^"3-3 J Johnston, James. Reality versus romance in South Central Africa. 1893 916.7 J4 Johnston, J. E. Narrative of military operations. 1874 9*3.7 J6 Johnston, J. F. W. Chemistry of com- mon life. 2v. 1870 663 J 358 AUTHOR LIST. Johnston, J. F. W. Elements of agricultural chemisti-y and geology. 1853 630 J Johnston, Keith. Physical, historical, political, and descriptive geography. 1881 ; 910 J3 Johnston, Margaret A., comp. In Acadia. 1893 917.1J1 Johnstone, H. A. M. B. Trip up the Volga to the fair of Nijni-Novgorod. 1875 9U.7 J Johnstone, W. S., joint comp. See Jen- nings, G. H. JoHONNOT, James. Principles and prac- tice of teaching. 1888 371 J School-houses. 1871 727 J Stories of heroic deeds. 1890 j 904 J Stories of other lands. 1888 j 904 J 1 Stories of our country. 1890 j 973 Jo Ten great events in history. 1888 ... j 904 J2 JoiNviLLE, John de, Sire. Saint Louis. 1868 9L92 Jolt, N. Man before metals. 1883 571 J JoMiNi, Henri, Baron. Political and military history of the battle of Waterloo. 1864 944 J4 Jones, Benjamin. Co-operative produc- tion. 1894 334 J Jones, C. C, jr. Biographical sketches of the delegates from Georgia to the continental congress. 1891 92 J71 Kegro myths from the Georgia coast. 1888 398 .J2 Jones, C. H. Africa. 1875 910 J4 Autobiography and memoirs of H. F. Chorley. 1874 9 C457 ed. Vers de societe. 1876 821 J2 Jones, C. J. From the forecastle to the pulpit. 1884 9 J71 Jones, 3Irs. C. S., and Williams, H. T. Ladies' fancy work. 1876 746 J Jones, Electa F. Stockbridge, past and present. 1854 *974.41 J Jones, E. H. Smith and Schmidt in Africa. 1888 817 J joint author. See Cox, Sir G. W. Jones, George. History of ancient America. 1843 970 J Jones, G. C. History of Georgia. 2v. 1883 '. 975.8J Jones, Henry. Card essays. 1880 795 J Laws and principles of whist. 1888. . 795 Jl Jones, H. B. Life and letters of Fara- day. 2v. 1870 9 F221 Jones, H. C, ed. Camera mosaics. 2v. 1894 *779 J Jones, Col. John. Book of minutes, Dedham, Mass. 1894 *974.47 Jl Jones, J. B. Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate states'^ capital. 1866 T *973.7 J7 Jones, Julia C. Valhalia, the myths of Norseland. 1880 293 J -Jones, Lloyd. Life, times, and labours of Robert Owen. 1890 9 Ow22 Jones, L. E., ed. Best reading, lst-4th ser. 4v. 1881-93 *016 J Jones, R. J. C. Ships, sailors, and the sea. 1887 j 656 Jl Jones, T. R. Animal creation. 1873.... 590 Jl Natural liistory of birds. 1872 598 J2 Jones, William. Credulities, past and present. 1880 398 J3 Jones, W. B. Life's work in Ireland. 1880 '. 333 J Jones, W. H. Federal taxes and state ex- penses. 1887 336 J Jones & Co., pub. Views of the seats, mansions, castles, etc., of noblemen of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland *914.1 J JoNSON, Ben. Plays and poems. 1885.. 822 J Jopling, Louise. Hints to amateurs. 1891 740 Jl Jordan, D. S. Science sketches. 1888. 597 J Jordan, Furneaux. Anatomy and physi- ology in character. 1886 613 J JoRTiN, John, comp. Miscellaneous obser- vations upon authors, ancient and modern. 2v. 1731 090 J Josephus, Flavius. Our young folks" Josephus. 1884 j 933 J Works. 2v. 1875 933 Jl JosiAH Allen's Wife, pseud. -SeeHolley, Marietta. JossELYN, John. New England's rarities discovered in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants. 1865 590 J2 Two voyages to New England. 1638- 63 917.4 J2 JocFFRAY', T. S. Introduction to ethios. 2v. 1873 170 Jl JowETT, Benjamin, ed. Dialogues of Plato. 4v. 1873 888 PI tr. Politics of Aristotle. 2v. 1885. 888 J Joyce, Jeremiah. Familiar introduction to the arts and sciences. 1852 507 Jl Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic romances. 1894. 398 J4 Joyce, R. D. Blanid. 1879 811 J5 Deirdre. 1876 811 J6 JuDD, D. W., ed. Life and writings of H. AV. Herbert. 2v. 1882 9 H41 JuDD, J. R. Always strong and happy. 1895 613 Jl JuDD, J. W. Volcanoes. 1881 551 J JuDD, Mrs. L. F. Honolulu. 1880 919.6 J JuDD, Sylvester. History of Hadley. 1863 *974.42 J JuDSON, Edward. Life of A. Judson. 1883 9 J92 JuDSON, H. P. Europe in the 19th cen- tury. 1894 940 J3 AUTHOR LIST. 359 JcGi.AK, Clemext. History of panics and their periodical occurrence in the United States. 1893 332 Jl Julian, G. W. Life of J. R. Giddings. 1892 9 G36 Julian, John, ed. Dictionary of hym- nology. 1892 *245 J June, Jennie, pseud. See Croly, My's. J. (C.) Jvaivs, pseud. Letters. 2v. 1850 827 J8 Junker, Wilhelm. Travels in Africa. 1891 91G.7 J5 Jusserand, J. J. Le Comte de Cominges. 1892 9 C73i English novel in the time of Shakes- peare. 1890 823 Jl English wayfaring life in the middle ages. 1889 942 J2 Juvenal, and others. Satires ; tr. by Lewis Evans. 1872 877 J Kalisch, M. M. Path and goal. 1880. . . 201 K Kalm, Pehr. Account of his visit to Eng- land. 1748 914.2 K Kames, H. Home. Lord. Elements of crit- icism. 1855 801 K Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations. 1871. 919.8 K L'nited States. Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. 1854 919.8 Kl Kane, H. H. Drugs that enslave. 1881. 178 K Kansas Academy of Science. Transac- tions. 1889 506 K Kant, Immanuel. Critique of pure reason. 1881 193 K Kritik of judgment. 1892 193 Kl Metaphysic of ethics. 1871 193 K2 Philosophy of law. 1887 193 K3 Kapp, Gisbert. Electric transmission of energy. 1886 521 K Karr, Mrs. Elizabeth. American horse- woman. 1884 798 K Karr, H. "W. S. Shores and Alps of Alaska. 1887 917.98K Ten years' wild sports in foreign lands. 1889 910 K Kaufsiann, MoRiTz. Socialism. 1874... 335 K Kaufmann, Richard. Paris of to-day. 1881 914.4 K Kaufmann, Rosalie. Our young folks' Plutarch. 1883 j 92 K161 Kaulbach, "William. Female characters of Goethe. 1867 *769 K Kavaxagh, Julia. English women of let- ters. 1862 92 K17 French women of letters. 1862 92 K171 Summer and winter in two Sicilies. 1858 914.5 K Women of Christianity. 1866 92 K172 Kat, David. Austria-Hungary. 1880... 914.3 K Memorv. 1888 154 K Kaye, Sir J. W. Life and correspond- ence of Charles, Lord Metcalf. 2v. 1858 9M564 Sepoy war in India. 3v. 1881 954 K Sir John Malcolm. 2v. 1856 9 M29 Kayser, E. Text-book of comparative geology. 1893 551 K Kayserling. Dr. M. Christopher Colum- bus, and the help of the Jews. 1894. 9 C7231 Keane, a. H., comp. Asia. 1882 915 K Keane, j. F. T. Three years of a wander- er's life. 2v. 1887 910 Kl IvEARY, Annie. Nations around. 1875.. 935 K Keary, C. F. Norway and the Norwe- gians. 1892 948 K Vikings in western Christendom. A. D. 789-888. 1891 940 K ed Dawn of history. 1878 901 K Keats, John. Letters to his family and his friends. 1891 826 K Poetical works. 1865 821 K Kebbel, T. E. Life of Lord Beacons- field. 1888 9B351 Keble, John. Christian year. 1840 821 Kl Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the scenes. 1868 9K233 Keddie, Henrietta (^Sarah Tytler). Footprints, nature seen on its human side. 1881 j 504 K Jane Austin 9 Au7 Marie Antoinette. 1883 9 M3335 Modern painters and their paintings. 1874 92K23 Musical composers and their works. 1875 92K231 Old masters and their pictures. 1874. 759 K Papers for thoughtful girls. 1867... 177 K Kedney, J. S. Hegel's JBsthetics. 1885.. 193 K4 Kedzie, j. H. Speculations; solar heat, gravitation, and sun spots. 1886. . . 523 K Keene, H. G. Literature of France. 1892 ^-^ttK Keene, J. H. Boy's own guide to fishing. 1894 '99K Keightley, Thomas. Fairy mythology. 1850 398 K History of England. 5v. 1875 942 K Keily, John. Expansion of structure by heat. 1887 536 K Kellerman, W. a. Elements of botany. 1883 580 K Kelley, F. H. Reminiscences of New Hampton, N. H. 1889 *974.2 K Kelley, James, comp. American cata- logue of books. 2v. 1866-71 *019 K Kelley, J. D. J., Joint author. See Poole, S. L. Kelley, W. D. Lincoln and Stanton. 1885 ooSK Old South and the new. 1890 917.5 K 360 AUTHOR LIST. Kellogg, Edwakd. New monetary sys- tem. 1883 332 K Kellogg, S. H. Light of Asia, and Light of the world. 1885 294 K Kellogg, W. F. Hunting in the jungle. 1888 799 Kl Kelly, Edsiond. Evolution and effort. 1895 215K Kelly, Michael. Reminiscences. 1826. 9 K29 Kelly, W. K. Collection of the proverbs of all nations. 1869 398 Kl History of Russia. 2v. 1854 947 K Kelsey, E. E. Musical instruction. 1893. *786 K Kemble, Mrs. E. A. Further records. 1848-83. 1891 9 K312 Notes upon some of Shakespeare's plays. 1882 822.3 K Records of a girlhood. 1879 9 K31 Records of later life. 1882 9 K311 Kemble, J. M. Saxons in England. 2v. 1876 942 Kl IvEMBLE, Marion. Art recreations. 1884. 740 K Kempe, J. E., ed. Classic preachers of the English church . 1877 92 K32 Kempis, Thomas a. See Thomas a Kempis. Kendal, Mrs., pseud. See Grimston, Mrs. M. (R.) Kendal, J. F. History of watches and other time-keepers. 1892 529 K Kendall, May. Songs from dreamland. 1894 821 K2 Kennan, George. Tent Hfe in Siberia and adventures among the Koraks. 1870 915.7 K Kennard, 3Irs. N. H. Life of Mrs. Sarah Siddons. 1887 9 Sill Rachel. 1886 9 Rll Kennedy, James. Life and work in Ben- ares and Kumaon. 1839-77 915.4 K Kennedy, J. P. At home and abroad. 1872 818 K Memoirs of the life of William Wirt. 2v. 1872 9W74 Occasional addresses, and the letters of Mr. Ambrose on the rebellion. 1872 815 K Political and official papers. 1872... 304 K Kennedy, Sir J. S. Notes on the battle of Waterloo. 1865.. 944 K Kennedy, Marjorie. Life of David Ken- nedy. 1887 9 K38 Kennedy, W. S. O. W. Holmes. 1883.. 9 H732 J. G. Whittier : his life, genius, and writings. 1886 9 W613 Kenney, C. L. Memoir of M. W. Balfe. 1875 9 B195 Kenney, D. J. World and its rulers. 1894 *909 K Kent, James. Commentaries on Ameri- can law. 4v. 1867 *347 K Kent, W. C. M. Charles Dickens as a reader. 1872 9 D554 IvENYON, E. E. Coming school. 1889... 372 K Keppel, W. C. See Bury, W. C. Keppel, Viscount. Kerr, N. S. Inebriety. 1888 616 K Keer, Robert. General history and col- lection of voyages and travels. 18v. 1824 910 K2 Kerr, W. M. Far interior. 2v. 1886.- 916.8 K Kettell, Samuel. Specimens of Ameri- can poetry. 3v. 1829 811 K Kettell, T. P. Southern wealth and northern profits. 1860 317 K Keyes, E. D. Reminiscences of General Winfield Scott. 1884 9 Sco88 Keyes, E. R. Wesley and Swedenborg. 1872 289 K Keyser, L. S. In bird land. 1894 598 K KiDD, Benjamin. Social evolution. 1894 301 K KiDD, John. Adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man, 1852 573 K Kidder, D. P., joint author. See Fletcher, J. C. Kidder, Frederic. Expeditions of Cap- tain .John Lovewell. 1865 974 K Kiddle, Henry, and others. How to teach. 1877 371 K Kiddle, Henry, aiid Schem, A. J., ed. Dictionary of education and instruc- tion. 1881 370 K Kiefer, F. J. Legends of the Rhine. 1870 398 K2 KiEFFER, H. M. Recollections of a drum- mer-boy. 1889 j 973.7 K KiLLEN, J. M. Our companions in glory. 1862 237 K KiLLEN, W. D. Ecclesiastical history of Ireland. 2v. 1875 941.5 K KiLLiKELLY, Saeah H. Curious questions. 2v. 1886 803 K Same. 2v. 1894 *803 K Kimball, A. L. Physical properties of gases. 1890 533 K Kimball, A. R. Blue ribbon. 1894 178 Kl Kimball, D. T. Ecclesiastical history of Ipswich. 1820 *277 K Kimball, E. C. Midnight sunbeams. 1888 914.8 K Kimball, Mrs. H. D. Witchcraft illus- trated. 1892 133 K Kimball, J. H., joint aiithor. See Thorne, J. A. King, A. J. New bee-keeper's text book. 1879 638 K King, Capt. Charles- Campaigning with Crook. 1890 917.8 K Trials of a staff-officer. 1891 355 K AUTHOR LIST. 361 KrsG, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 1874 917.94 K King, C. F. Methods and aids in geog- raphy. 1892 371 Kl Picturesque geographical readers. 5v. 1893 j 372 Kl King, C. R., ed. Life of Rufus King. 1894 9K58 King, C. W. Gnostics and their remains. 1887 189 K tr. Julian the emperor. 1888 270 K King, D. B. Irish question. 1882 941.5 Kl King, Edwaed. Europe in storm arid cahn. 1886 940 Kl French political leaders. 1S7G 92 K58 Great south. 1875 917.5 Kl King, Grace. J. B. LeMoyne, Sieurde Bienville. 1892 9 B474 King, H. T. Essays. 1889 814 K King, J. S., and others. Recent Ameri- can etchings. 1885 *7G7 K King, Moses. Dictionary of Boston. 1883 917.440 K comp. Handbook of Boston. 1878. 974.44 K ed. Handbook of Xew York city. 1893 *917.47 K New York. 1893 *917.47 Kl puh. Handbook of Boston harbor. 1883 917.446 Kl Handbook of Newton. 1889 *917.444 K Handbook of the United States. 1891. 917.3 K Photographic views of New York. 1895 917.47 K2 King, Rufus. Ohio ; first fruits of the ordinance of 1787. 1888 977.1 K King, K. J. Sketches and studies. 1874. 824 Kl King, S. S. Bond-holders and bread-win- ners. 1892 329 K KiKG, T. S. Christianity and humanity. 1877 252 K Substance and show, and otlier lec- tures. 1877 814 Kl White hills. 1859 917.42 K King, "W. F. H. Classical and foreign quotations. 1887 808 K King Solomon's Lodge, Charlestown. By-laws. 1885 306 K Kinglake, a. W. Eothen; or, traces of travel brought home from the East. 1845 915.6 K Invasion of the Crimea. 6v. 1870-88. 942 K2 Kingman, Bradford. Epitaphs from Burial hill, Plymouth, Mass. 1892. *929 K History of North Bridgewater, Mass. 1860 *D74.4S K Kingsbury, J. D. Memorial history of Bradford, Mass. 1882 *974.45 K KiNGSFORD, Mrs. A. (B.) Dreams and dream-stories. 1888 135 K Health, beauty, and the toilet. 1886. 613 K KiNGSFORD, Mrs. A. (B.) and Maitlaxd, Edward. Perfect way. 1887 232 K KiNGSFORD. C L., joint author. See Archer, T. A. KiNGSLEY, Charles. At last : a Christmas in the West Indies. 1871 917.2 K Glaucus. Ib55 592 K He.ilth and education. 1874 824 K Heroes. 1885 j 292 K Living truths. 1882 242 K Madam How and Lady Why. 1873.. j 551 Kl Out of the deep. 1880 242 Kl Plays and Puritans, and other histor- ical essays. 1873 904 K Roman and the Teuton. 1875 940 K2 Westminster sermons. 1874 252 Kl KiNGSLEY, Mrs. F. E., ed. Letters and memoirs of Charles Ivingsley. 1877. 9 K61 KiNGSLEY, G. H., joint author. See Pem- broke, G. R. C. Herbert, Earl of. KiNGSLEY, .1. S., ed. Standard natural history. 1885 +590 K KiNGSLEY, Rose G. Children of West- minster abbey 92 K61 Kingston, W. B. Monarchs I have met. 2v. 1887 92K011 Music and manners. 2 v. 1887 780 K Kingston, W. H. G. Boy's own book of boats. 1867 j 797 K Notable voyages from Columbus to Parry. 1880 910 K3 Seven champions of Christendom. 1879 398 K3 Western world. 1884 917 K and Frith, Henry. Great African travellers. 1885 916 K Kingston, Mass. One hundred and fiftieth anniversary. 1876 *974.48 Kl KiNLEY, David. History, organization, and influence of the independent • treasury of the United States. 1893. 336 K Kinsley, W. W. Views on vexed ques- tions. 1881 814 K2 Kipling, Kcdyard. Ballads and barrack- room ballads. 1892 821 K3 Departmental ditties, barrack-room ballads, and other verses. 1890- ■• 821 K4 KiRBY, Elizabeth, joint author. See Gregg, Mrs. M. (K.) KiKBY, Mrs. G: B. Years of experience. 1887 9K63 KiRBY, Marx. See Gregg, Mrs. M. (K.) KiRBY, William. On the power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in the creation of animals. 2v. 1853 215K1 KiRK, Eleanor, pseud. See .\mps, Mrs.B. Kirk. E. H. Lectures on the parables of our Saviour. 1856 226 K 362 AUTHOR LIST. Kirk, J. F. History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. 3v. 1864-8.. 944X1 KiRKE, Edmund, pseud. See Gilmore, J. R. KiRKLAND, 3I7-S. C. M. (S.) (Mvs. Mary Clavers). Our new home in the west. 1872 917.8 Kl TCiRKLAND, Elizabeth S. Short history of France. 1880 j 944 K2 Six little cooks j 641 K KiRKPATRiCK, A. F. Book of Psalms. 1892 '223 K First book of Samuel. 2v. 1891 222 K KiRWAN, Thomas. Soldiering in North Carolina. [17th Massachusetts regi- ment.] 1864 *973.7 Kl Kitchen, J. M. W. Consumption. 1885. 616 Kl KiTCHiN, G. W. History of France, B. C. 58-A. D. 1793. 3v. 1881 944 K3 KiTTO, John. History of Palestine from the patriarchal age to the present time. 1851 220 Kl Illustrated history of the Holy Bible. 1873 220 K2 Scripture lands. 1873 220 K3 ed. Cyclopagdia of Biblical literature. 2v. 1881 220 K Klemm, L. E. Chips from a teacher's workshop. 1888 371 K2 Kldnzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt. 1878. 916.2 K EJfAPP, S. L. Life of Lord Timothy Dex- ter. 1848 *9 D52 Knauff, T. C. Athletics for physical culture. 1894 796 K Kneeland, Samuel. American in Ice- land. 1876 914.9 K Knickerbocker, Diedrich, pseud. See Irving, Washington. Knight, Charles. Half hours with the best authors. 4v. 808 Kl History of England. 8v. 1862 942 K4 Knowledge is power. 1874 .331 K Passages from his life. 1874 9 K74 William Shakespere. 1865 9 Shi ed. Half hours of English history. 1868 942 K3 London. 3v. 1851 914.2 Kl pub. Political dictionary. 1845.... *320 K Knight, E. F. Cruise of the "Falcon." 2v. 1884 910 K4 Where three empires meet. 1893 915.4 Kl Knight, E. H. American mechanical dic- tionary. 4v. 1874-84 *603 K Knight, F. A. By leafy ways. 1889 590 Kl Knight, J. K., and others. Memorial sketch of Hyde Park, Mass. 18S8.*974.46 Kl Knight, R. P. Symbolical language of ancient art and mythology. 1892-. 291 K Knight, W. A. Philosophy of the beauti- ful. 1891 701 K Knight, W. A. Principal Shairp and his friends. 1888 9 She Wordsworthiana. 1889 821 K5 ed. Memorials of Coleorton. 2v. 1887 826 Kl Knobbe, Gustav. Wagner's life and works. 2v. 1890 9 W122 Knollts, W. W. Hand-book of field for- tification. 1873 623 K Knowles, a. C. Belief and worship of the Anglican church. 1894 283 K Knowles, J. H. , ed. Folk-tales of Kash- mir. 1888 398 K4 Knowlks, j. S. Dramatic works. 2v. 1859 822 K Knowlton, H. M. Hints for pupils in drawing and painting. 1879 741 K Knowlton, J. S. C, and Wheelock, Clarendon. Carl's tour in Main street [Worcester, Mass.]. 1889... 917.443 K Same *917.443 K Knox, Mrs. A. (T.). American girl abroad. 1873 914 K Knox, J. A., joint author. See Sweet, A. E. Knox, ,J. J. United States notes. 1884.. 332 Kl Knox, Robert. Races of men. 1862... 136 K Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a journey through Africa. 1884. j 916 Kl Adventures of two youths in a journey to Ceylon and India. 1881 j 915.4 K2 Adventures of two youths in a journey to Egypt and the Holy Land. 1882. 916.2 Kl Adventures of two j'ouths in a journey to Japan and China. 1880 915.2 K Adventures of two youths in a journey to Siam and Java. 1881 915.9 K Boy travellers in Australia. 1889 j 919.4 K Boy travellers in central Europe. 1893 j 914 Kl Boy travellers in Great Britain and Ireland. 1891 j 914.4 Kl Boy travellers in Mexico. 1890 j 917.2 Kl Boy travellers in northern Europe. 1892 j 914 K2 Boy travellers in South America. 1886 j 918 K Boy travellers in southern Europe. 1894 j 914K3 Boy travellers in the Levant. 1895. . j 915.6 Kl Boy travellers in the Russian empire. 1887 j 914.7 K Boy travellers on the Congo. 1888.. j 916.7 K Camp-fire and cotton-field. 1865 973.7 K2 Decisive battles since Waterloo. 1887 909 Kl Dog stories and dog lore. 1887 j 636 K Life of Robert Fulton. 1886 9 F95 Lost army. 1894 j 973.7 K3 AUTHOR. LIST. 363 Knox, T. W. Voyage of the "Vivian" to the north pole and beyond. 1885 j 919.8 K2 Young Nimrods around the world. 1882 j 799 K2 Young Nimrods in Xorth America. 1888 j 799 K3 KoEHLER, S. R., ed. Illustrations of the history of art. 1879 *709 K KoELLE, S. W. Mohammed and Moham- medism. 1889 9 M727 Kohl, J. G. Eussia. 1844 914.7 Kl KoxER, W. D., joint author. See Guhl, E. K. Kossuth, Louis. Memories of my exile. 1894 9K84 KosTLiN, Julius. Life of Luther. 1883. 9 L973 KovALEvsKY, Maxime. Modem customs and ancient laws of Russia. 1891. . 947 Kl Kramer, J. W. Right road. 1891 377 K Kraus, Emil. Adventures of Count G. Albert of Erbach. 1890 9 Erlo Kraus, John, joint author. See Boelte, Mrs. M. (K.) Krause, Ernst. Erasmus Darwin. 1880. 9 D255 Krauth, C. p. Vocabularj- of the philo- sophical sciences. 1878 *103 K Kretschmer, Albert. German national costumes. 1870 *914.3 Kl Kron", Karl, i)seud. See Bagg, L. H. Kroi'otkixe, p. Russian and French prisons. 1887 365 K Kroupa, B. Artist's tour in North and Central America. 1890 917.8 K2 Krlsi, Hermann. Pestalozzi. 1875.... 9 P43 Krtlof, I. A. Krilof and his fables. 1883 j 891 K KuGLER, F. T. Handbook of painting: the German, Flemish, and Dutch schools, remodelled by Dr. Waagen. 2v. 1879 759 Kl Handbook of painting, the Italian school: ed. by Sir C. L. Eastlake. 2v. 1874 759 K2 Labberton, R. H. Historical atlas. 1874 911 L Outlines of history. 1873 902 L Laboulaye, E. R. L. Fairy tales. 1885. j 398 L "Wonders of architecture. 1875 720 L Lacombe, Paul. Arms and armour in antiquity and the middle ages. lS7(i. 399 L Short history of the French people. 1878 '. 944L Lacroix, Paul. Eighteenth century : its institutions, customs, and costumes ; France. 1876 - *944 LI La Croze. Historical grammar. 1802.. 902 LI Ladd, G. T. Doctrine of sacred Scrip- ture. 2v. 1883 230 L Elements of physiological psychology. 1887 131 L Ladd, G. T. Primer of psychology. 1894 150 L What is the Bible? 1888 220 L Ladd. H. 0. History of the war with Mexico. 1883 973 L Ladd, William. Brief illustration of the principles of war and peace. 1831. 904 L Ladies' Home .Journal. Literary bureau. Five thousand books. 1895 *028 L Lafayette, M. J. P. R. Y. G. M., Marquis de. His tour through the United States. 1851 .".. 9 L132 Memoirs and correspondence. 1837-. 9 L131 La Fontaine, .Tean. Fables ; tr. by Elizur Wright. 2v. 1842 841 L Lagrange, F., L'alhe. Dupanloup. 2v. 1885 9 D922 Laidlaw, John. Bible doctrine of man. 1879 233 L Laing, John, jointed,. See Halkett, • Samuel. Laing, Samuel. Human origins. 1892. 573 L Journal of a residence in Norway. 1866 914.8 L Problems of the future and essays. 1S'J3 504 L Modern science and modern thought. 1893 215 L Modern Zoroastrian. 1893 215 LI Lalor, j. j., ed. Cyclopjedia of political science. 3v. 1882-4 "^303 L joint author. See Mason, A. B. Lamartine, a. M. L. de P. de. History of the French revolution of 1848. 1883 944 L2 History of the Girondists. 3v. 1868-74. 944 L3 History of the restoration of monarchy in France. 4v. 1882 944 L4 Life of Columbus . 1870 9 C724 Life of Mary otuart. 1860 9 M366 My mother's manuscript. 1877 92 L16 Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia and Eliana. 1869 824 L Mrs. Leicester's school, and other writ- ings in prose and verse. 1886 828 L Works. 5v. 1872 824 LI a?if? Jerrold, Douglas. Bon-mots. 1893 827 L and Makv. Poetry for children. 1878 J821L Tales from Shakspere. 1876 j 822.3 L Lamb, George, cowji?. Old Boston *912 L Lamb, L. M. C, Lady. Warrior kings from Charlemagne to Frederic the Great. 1883 92 L165 Lamb, Richard ( IF. H. Hudson). Idle days in Patagonia 918.2 L Lamballe, Maria T. L. de S. C. de. Secret memoirs of the royal family of France during the revolution. 2v. 1895 944 L5 364 AUTHOR LIST. Lamfret, Pierre. History of Napoleon the First. 4v. 188G 9 N1628 Lamox, ^y. H. Life of A. Lincoln. 1872 9 L63o8 Lamson, Alvax. First church in Ded- ham, Mass. 1839 *277 L Lamson, Mary S. Life and education of L. D. Bridgman. 1878 9 B76 Lanciaxi, Rodolfo. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries. 1888 913L Laxder, Sarah W. Berlin. 1871 j 914.3 L Boston. 1871... j 917.446 L Moscow. 1871 j 914.7 L New York. 1869 j 917.47 L Pekin. 1871 j 915.1 L Rome. 1871 j 914.5 L St. Petersburg. 1871 j 914.7 LI Zurich. 1871 j 914.9 L Laxdox, j. S. Constitutional history and government of the United States. 1889 ■ 342L Laxdox, Letitia E. See Maclean, 3Irs. L. E. (L.) Laxdor, a. H. S. Alone with the hairy ainu. 1893 915.2 L Corea. 1895 915.1 LI Laxdor, W. S. Cameos. 1874 821 LI Citation and examination of William Shakspeare. 1891 822.3 Ll Imaginary conversations. 5v. 1877. 828 Ll Pentameron. 1888 828 L2 Selections. 1882 828 L3 Laxdsell, Hexry. Chinese Central Asia. 2v. 1894 915.1 L2 Laxe, E. W. Account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyp- tians. 2v. 1871 390 L Laxg, Axdrew. Ballads and verses vain. 1884 ■ 821 L2 Ban and arriere ban. 1894 821 L3 Grass of Parnassus. 1889 821 L4 Letters to dead authors. 1886 827 Ll Library. 1892 010 L Life, etc., of Sir Stafford Northcote, 1st earl of Iddesleigli. 2v. 1890.. 9 Idl3 Old friends. 1890 826 L Oxford historical and descriptive notes. 1890 942 L Laxg, Arnold. Text-book of compara- tive anatomy. 1891 591 L Laxgdale, Charles. Memoirs of Mrs. Fhzherbert. 1856 9 F57 Laxge, F. a. History of materialism. 1877 14GL Langille, j. H. Our birds and their haunts. 1884 598 L Laxglaxd, William. Vision and creed of Piers Ploughman. 2v. 1856 821 L5 Laxgley, S. P. New astronomy. 1888.. 523 L Laxgjiead, T. p. T. English constitu- tional history from the Teutonic conquest to the present time. 1881. 342 Ll Laxgstroth, L. L. Practical treatise on the hive and honey-bee. 1857 638 L Laxier, Sidxey. English novel and the principle of its development. 1883. 823 L Florida; its scenery, climate, and history. 1876 917.59 L Poems. 1877 811 L Poems. 1893 811 Ll Science of English verse. 1886 426 L Select poems. 1895 811 L2 ed. Boy's King Arthur ; by Mallory. 1880 j 398 Ml Boy's Mabinogion. 1881 j 398 Ll Boy's Percy ; being old ballads of war. 1882 j 821 L6 Laxkester, Edwix. Half-hours with the microscope. 1878 578 L On food. 1873 664 L Laxmax, Charles. Haphazard person- alities. 1886 92 L27 Leading men of Japan. 1883 92 L271 Life of J. B. Lockwood. 1885 9 L81 Lano, Pierre de. Life of Empress Eugenie. 1894 9 Eu45 Laxsdell, Hexry. Russian Central Asia. 2v. 1885 958 L Through Siberia. 1882 915.7 L Laporte, Laurext. Sailing on the Nile. 1872 916.2 L Lappexberg, j. M. History of England under tlie Anglo-Saxon kings. 2v. 1881 942 Ll Larcoji, Lucy. As it is in heaven. 1891. 242 L At the beautiful gate, and other songs of faith. 1892 811 L3 Childhood songs. 1875 j 811 L4 Idyl of work. 1875 811 L5 New England girlhood. 1890 9 L321 Poetical works. 1885 811 L6 Unseen friend. 1892 240 L Lardxer, Dioxysius. Hand-book of optics. 1864 535 L Popular lectures on science and art. 1859 520 L Larkix, James. Practical brass and iron founder's guide. 1872 673 L Larxed, Augusta. In woods and fields. 1895 811 L7 Larxed, E. C. In memory. 1886 9 L324 Larxed, J. N. History for ready refer- ence. 5v. 1894 *903 L Larxed, L. H. Little epicure. 1894 641 L Larxed, W. C. Churches and castles of mediaeval France. 1895 726 L La Rochefoucauld F., Due de. Maxims and moral reflections 828 L4 Reflections. 1871 170 L AUTHOR LIST. 365 La Rociieterie, Maxime de. Life of Marie Antoinette. 2v. 1893 9 M3336 Larwood, Jacob, pseud. See Sadler, L. R. Las Casas, E. A. D. M. J., 3Iarquis de. Memoirs of life, exile, etc., of Napoleon. 4v. 1855 9 N1629 Lascelles, Gerald, joint avihor. See Cox, Harding. La Sizeraxxe, Maurice de. Blind as seen through blind eyes. 1893 3G2 L Laszowska, Mrs. E. (G.) de. Land be- yond the forest. 2v. 1888 914.3 LI Latest word of universalism. 1882 289 L Latham. Hexrv. On the action of ex- aminations considered as a means of selection. 1877 371 L Latham, R. G. Hand-book of the Eng- lish language. 1872 422 L Lathrop, G. p. Study of Hawthorne. 1876 9 H319 ed. Masque of poets. 1878 811 L8 and Rose (H.) Story of courage. 1894 271 L Latimer, Hugh. Seven sermons before Edward VI., 1549. wiih Sir Thomas More, Utopia, 1516. 1869 820 L Latimer, Mrs. M. E.(W.) England in the nineteenth century. 1894 942 L2 Familiar talks on some of Shakspeare's comedies. 1886 822.3 L2 France in the nineteenth century. 1894 944 L6 Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century. 1893 947 L Latouche, Johx, pseud. See Crawford, O. J. F. Laughlix, J. L. Bimetallism in the United States. 1891 332 L Laughlin, J. N. Studies in naval history. 1887 92 L36 Laurie, S. S. J. A. Comenius. 1885... 9 C73 Rise and early constitution of uniyer- sities. 1887 378 L Laurie, Thomas. Woman and her Savior in Persia. 1863 275 L Laurie, W. F. B. Sketches of Anglo- j Indians. 1887 92 L37 j Lavater, j. C. Essays on physiognomy. 138 L | Laveleye, E. L. V. DE. Balkan penin- I sula. 1887 914.9 LI I Primitive property. 1878 335 L I Socialism of to-day 335 LI Lavisse, Ernest. Youth of Frederick I the Great. 1891 9 r873 I Lawford, Louisa. Every girl's book. 1864 793 L I Lawless, Emily. Story of Ireland. 1888. 941.5 L ' Lawrence, Eugene. Historical studies. ■ 1876 282 L Lawrence, R. B. Middlesex fells *917.444 L Lawrence, R. M. Historical sketches of Lawrence family. 1888 *929 L Lawrence, William. Life of Amos A. Lawrence. 1888 9 L432 Lawrence, W. R., ed. Extracts from diary of Amos Lawrence. 1867 9 L43 Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass. Gen- eral catalogue. 1793-1893 *373 L Lawson, Henry. Manual of popular physiology. 1873 612 L Lawson, W. R. Spain of to-day. 1890. 914.6 L Lay'ard, Sir A. H. Early adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia. 2v. 1887 915.5 L Popular account of discoveries at Xinevoh. 1859 913 LI La YARD, F. L., ed. and tr. Correspond- ence of DuNoyer. 2v. 1890 9 D92 Layard, G. S. Life of C. S. Keene. 1892 9 K25 Lazarus, Emma. Alide, an episode in Goethe's life. 1874 9 G7141 Lea, H. C. Inquisition of the middle ages. 3v. 1888 272 LI Religious history of Spain. 1890 272 L Leaf, Walter. Companion to the Iliad. 1892 : 883 L Leake, W. M. On some disputed ques- tions of ancient geography. 1857. . 912 LI Peloponnesiaca. 1846 914.9 L2 Topography of Athens. 2v. 1841... 914.9 L3 Travels in northern Greece. 4v. 1835 914.9 L4 Travels in the Morea. 3v. 1830 914.9 L5 Lean, Mrs. F. M. C. Life and letters of Captain Marryat. 1872 9 M35 Tom Tiddler's ground. 1886 917.3 L Lear, Edward. Nonsense books. 1888. 827 L2 Nonsense botany. 1888 j 827 L3 Leask, W. Footsteps of the Messiah. 1847 232 L Leavitt, S.\^muel. Our money wars. 1894 332 LI Lebeaud. Principles of the art of modern horsemanship. 1833 798 L Lebon, Andre, and Pelet, Paul. France as it is. 1888 914.4 L Le Brun, Mme. M. L. E. Souvenirs of Le Brun. 1879 9 L49 Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the eighteenth century. 8v. 1878- 90 942 L3 History of European morals. 2 v. 1871 170 LI History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. 2v. 1872 211 L Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. 1882 92L49 366 AUTHOR LIST. Le Conte, Joseph. Evolution and its re- lation to religious thought. 1888... 213 L Religion and science. 1874 215 L2 Sight. 1881 535 LI Ledyard, Hope, pseud. See Harris, Mrs. F. (M.) Lee, a. E. European days and ways. 1890 914 L Lee, Edmund. Dorothy Wordsworth : story of a sister's love. 1887 9 W892 Same. 1894 *9 W892 Lee, E. B. Memoirs of J. S. Buck- minster. 1849 9 B8o75 Lee, FiTZHUGH. General Lee. 1894.... 9 L514 Lee, F. G. Reginald Pole. 1888 9 P752 Lee, Florence P., comp. Sunshine in life ; poems for the King's Daugh- ters. 1891 821 L7 Lee, F. W. Dreamy hours. 1890 811 L9 Lee, Henry. Memoirs of the war in the southern department of the United States. 2v. 1812 *973.3 L Lee, Holme, pseud. See Parr, Harriet. Lee, 3Irs. H. F. (S.) Huguenots in France and America. 2v. 1843 284 L Life and times of Thomas Cranmer. 1841 9 C85 Martin Luther. 1839 9 L974 Lee, J. W. Making of a man. 1892. . . 213 LI Lee, R. H. Life of Arthur Lee. 2v. 1829 9L51 Lee, Sidney, joint ed. See Stephen, Leslie. Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget, Violet. Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China. 1887 j 915.1 L3 Leech, H. H. Letters of a sentimental idler. 1869 910 L Leeds, H. C, and D wight, James. Laws of euchre. 1888 795 L Leeds, J. W. Theatre. 1884 175 L Lees, J. A., and Clutterbuck, W. J. Three in Norway, by two of them. 914.8 LI Lees, William. Elements of acoustics, light, and heat. 1873 530 L Le Fanu, W. R. Seventy years of Irish life. 1894 914.15 L Lbfebre, Andre. Wonders of architec- ture. 1871 720 LI Lefebure, Ernest. Embroidery and lace. 1889 746 L Lefevre, G. J. S. Peel and O'Connell ; review of the Irish policy of parlia- ment. 1887 941.5 LI Leffingwell, Albert. Rambles through Japan without a guide. 1894 915.2 LI Leffingwell, C. W., ed. Reading book of English classics. 1879 808 L Leffingwell, W. B., ed. Shooting on upland, marsh, and stream. 1890.. 799 L Le Gallienne, Richard. Religion of a literary man. 1893 204 L Legge, a. 0. Unpopular king, the life and times of Richard III. 2v. 1885 942 L4 Legge, James. Chinese classics. 1882.. 895 L Religions of China. 1881 299 L Le Goff, Francois. Life of L. A. Thiers. 1879 9 T344 Legouve, Ernest. Reading as a fine art. 1879 808 LI Legouve, E. W. F. Sixty years of recol- lections. 2v. 1893 9 L52 Le Grand, comp. Fabliaux 841 LI Lehndorff, G. Horsebreeding recoHec- tions. 1887 636 L Leigh, J. E. A. Memoir of Jane Austen. 1870 9 Au71 Leighton, Mrs. C. C. Life at Puget sound. 1865 917.97 L Leighton, John. Paris under the com- mune. 1871 944 L7 Leighton, R. Y.,comp. Harvard examina- tion papers. 1873 378 LI Leighton, William. Poems. 1890 811 LIO Leitch, R. p. Course of painting in neutral tint 751 L Course of sepia painting 751 LI Course of water-colour painting 751 L2 Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln and abolition of slavery in United States. 1879 9 L636 Algonquin legends of New England. 1884 398 L2 Art of conversation. 1867 374 L English gypsies and their languages. 1873 397 L Etruscan Roman remains in popular tradition. 1892 913 L2 Gypsies. 1882 397 LI Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling. 1891 397 L2 Leather work. 1892 740 L Manual of wood carving. 1891 736 L Memoirs. 1893 9 L534 Minor arts. 1880 740 LI Leland, E. H. Farm homes. 1881 640 L Leland, H. P. Americans in Rome. 1863. 914.5 LI Le Maout, J. E. M., and Decaisne, Joseph. General system of botany. 1873 *580 L Lemmon, Leonard, joint author. See Hawthorne, Julian. Lemon, Don, joint author. See Nisbet, Charles. Lend-a-hand. v. 1-13. 1886-94 361 L Lenormant, Mme. A. C. Madame Re- camier and her friends. 1875 9 R24 Memoirs and correspondence of Madame Recamier. 1868 9 R241 AUTHOR LIST. 367 Lenormant, Francois. Beginnings of history according to the Bible and the traditions of oriental peoples. 1882 220 LI Leonard, George. Marshfield sixty years ago. 1872 *974.48L Leonard, H. C. Pigeon cove and vicin- ity. 1873 *917.445 L Leonowens, J/rs. A. H. (C.) English gov- erness at the Siamese court. 1870. 915.9 L Life and travel in India. 1884 915.4 L Romance of the harem. 1873 915.9 LI Le Pileur, a. Wonders of the human body. 1871 612 LI Le Row, Caroline B. "Young idea." 1888 370 L Lesley, J. P. Man's origin and destiny. 1881 573 LI Leslie, Alexander, and others. Narra- tive of discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions. 1831. . 919 L Leslie, C. R. Memoirs of John Consta- ble. 1845 9 C766 Leslie, R. C, ed. Life aboard a British privateer. 1889 9 R635 Lesseps, Ferdinand de. Suez canal. 187G 626 L Lessing, G. E. Dramatic works. 2v. 1891 832 L Laocoon. 1874 701 L Lester, C. E., and Williams, Edwin. Napoleon dynasty; history of the Bonaparte family. 1873 9 Ni63 Lester, Mary {Maria Soltera). Lady's ride across Spanish Honduras. 1884 917. 2L L'EsTRANGE, A. G. K. Yachting round the west of England. 1865 914.2 L tr. Palestine under the Moslems. 1890 915. 6L Letourneau, Charles. Evolution of marriage and of the family. 1891. . 392 L Letters from heaven 237 LI Levi, Leone. International law. 1887 •• 341 L Levy, Arthur. Private life of Napoleon. 2v. 1894 9 N1631 Lewes, G. H. Life of Goethe. 1864... 9 G715 On actors and the art of acting. 1878 792 L Physiology of common life. 2v. 1860 612 L2 Problems of life and mind; founda- tions of a creed. 2v. 1879 192 L Problems of life and mind ; study of psychology. 1879 192 LI Story of Goethe's life. 1873 9 G716 Lewes, Marian G. (E.) See Cross, Mrs. M. A. G. (E.) L. Lewis, Alonzo. History of Lynn. 1844. *974.45 L Poetical works. 1883 811 LI 1 Lewis, Arthur. G.M.Gordon. 1888.. 9 G654 Lewis, A. H. Critical history of Sunday legislation. 1888 263 L Lewis, A. J. (Prof. Hoffman). Cyclo- paedia of card and table games. 1891 795 LI Drawing-room amusements and even- ing party entertainments 793 LI Tips for tricyclists. 1887 796 L Lewis, C. T. History of Germany. 1874. 943 L and Short, Charles. Harper's Latin dictionary. 1886 *473 L. Lewis, Dio. Five-minute chats with young women and certain other parties. 1892 613 L. New gymnastics for men, women, and children. 1871 613 LI Our digestion. 1872 613 L2 Our girls. 1874 613 L3 Lewis, H. C. Papers and notes on the glacial geology of Great Britain and Ireland. 1894 551 L Lewis, Tayler. Six days of creation. 1879 213 L2 Lexington, Mass. Centennial celebration of the battle of Lexington. 1875. . *974.44 L Lexington Historical Society. Pro- ceedings and papers. 1890 *906 L Lias, J. J. Book of Judges. 1893 222 L First epistle to the Corinthians. 1892. 227 L LiBBiE, C. F., & Co. Auction sale : catalogue of a valuable and exten- sive collection of Americana. 1889. *015 L Liberty bell. 1847 818 L Library' Bureau. Classified illustrated catalog. 1894 *022 L Library journal. 19v. 1877-94 *020 L LiDDELL, H. G. History of Rome. 1871. 937 L Life of Julius Caesar. 1870 9 C116 and Scott, Robert, comp. Greek- English lexicon. 1889 *483 L LiDDON, H. p. Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 1871 232 LI LiEBER, Francis. Civil liberty and self- government. 1859 320 L Manual of political ethics. 2v. 1881. 172 L comp. Great events. 1871 940 L3 LiEBiG, Justus von, Baron. Chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiology. 1852 631 L Familiar letters on chemistry. 1856. 540 L Letters on modern agriculture. 1859. 630 L. Liechtenstein, Marie, Princess de. Hol- land house. 2v. 1874 914.2 LI LiEVEN, Dorothea (B.), Princess, and Grey, Charles, ^ar/. Correspond- ence. 1824-34. 2v. 1890 826 LI Life of a prig. 1886 827 L4 Life of General Taylor. 1876 9 T217 Life of Stephen A. Douglas. 1860 9 D745 368 AUTHOR LIST. LiGGiNS, John. Great value and success of foreign missions. 1888 266 L Light, Henry. Sicilian scenery. 1823.. *914.5 L2 Light on the hidden way. 1886 248 L 1,1-Li AS, 2^seud. May blossoms. 1890 811 L12 LiLiENTHAL, Hkrmann. Lent, past and present. 1895 264 L LiLLiE, Arthur. Life of Buddha. 1883 9 B85S LiLLiE, 3Irs. L. C. (W.) Story of music and musicians. 1886 j 780 L Lilly, "W. S. Chapters in European his- tory. 2v. 1886 940 L Great enigma. 1892 239 L Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works. 2v. 1894 320 LI Pen and voice, letters and addresses. 1890 9 L6361 and Douglas, S. A. Political de- bates. 1894 329 L Lincoln, D. F. School and industrial hygiene. 1880 613 L4 Lincoln, George, joint comp. See Burr, Fearing. Lincoln, Mrs. M. J. Boston cook book. 1884 641 LI Lincoln, William. History of Worcester, Mass. 1862 *974.43 L Lincoln, W. S. Life with the 34th Massa- chusetts infantry. 1879 *973.7 L LiNDERFELT, K. A. Eclcctic Card catalog rules. 1890 *025 L LiNDLEY', John. Theory of horticulture. 1852 716 L and Moore, Thomas. Treasury of botany. 2v. 1884 580 LI LiNDLEY', Walter, a7id Widney", J. P. California of the south. 1888 917.94 L Lindsay", A. W. Crawford, Earl. Lives of the Lindsays. 3v. 1849 92 L64 Sketches of the history of Christian art. 2v. 1886 755 L LiNGARD, John. History of England to 1688. lOv 942 Lo Linn, S. P., comp. Golden gleams of thought. 1888 808 L2 Linton, W. J. European republicans. 1893 329 LI History of wood-engraving in America. 1882 *761 L Life of J. G. Whittier .1893 9 W614 Recollections. 1820-90. 1894 9 L65 ed. Rare poems of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 1883 821 LS and Stoddard, R. H., ed. English verse: Chaucer to Burns. 1883... 821 L9 English verse : Lyrics of the XlXth century. 1883 821 LIO LippiNcoTT, Mrs. E. J. (T.) Handbook of English and American literature. 1883 820 LI LiPPiNCOTT, 3Irs. S. J. (C.) {Grace Greenwood) . Stories and sketches. 1892 818 LI Lippincott's gazetteer of the world, 1893.. *910 LI Lippincott's monthly magazine, v. 27-55. 1881-95. 051 L LissAGARAY-, P. 0. History of the Com- mune of 1871 944 LS Liszt, Franz. Letters. 2v. 1894 836 L Life of Chopin. 1866 9 C454 Literary world, v. 25. 1894 805 L Littell's living age. v. 1-10, 16-18, 20, 23, 32, 40-43, 49, 51, 56, 84-204. 1844-95 051 LI Little, H. W. Henry Morton Stanley ; his life, travels, and explorations. 1890 9 St29 Life and work of Emin Pasha. 1889. 9 Sch5 Little, L. P. Ben Hardin. 1887 9 H21 Little, W. J. K. Sketches in sunshine and storm. 1892 914.5 L3 Little classics ; ed. by E. R. Johnson. 18v. 1874 808 J Contents : V. 1. Exile. V. 2. Intellect. V. 3. Tragedy. V. 4. Life. V. 5. Laughter,* V. 6. Love. V. 7. Romance. V. 8. Mystery. V. 9. Comedy. V. 10. Childhood. V. 11. Heroism. V. 12. Fortune. V. 13. Poems ; narrative. V. 14. Poems ; lyrical. V. 15. Minor poems. V. 16. Authors. V. 17. Nature. V. 18. Humanity. Little one's annual. 1888 j 818 L2 Littlejohn, W. H,, and another. Con- stitutional amendment. 1873 289 LI Liturgy for the use of the church at King's chapel in Boston. 1828 264 LI Livermore, a. a. Anti-tobacco. 1883. 178 L War with Mexico reviewed. 1850. . . . 973 LI Livermore, George. Historical research. 1863 326 L Livermore, 3Irs. M. A. My story of the war. 1888 973.7 LI Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish, i and Dampier. 1832 910 L2 Lives of eminent individuals in American history, v. 2, 3. 1839 92 L75 Living English poets. 1882 821 Lll Livingstone, David. Last journals in Central Africa. 1875 916.6 L Life and travels. 1892 9 L76 AUTHOR LIST. 369 Livingstone, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. 1858 910. 8 L LivT. History of Rome. 4v. 1885 937 LI Legends of ancient Rome. 1890 878 L Lloyd, H. D. Wealth against common- wealth. 1894 338 L Llotd, L. Peasant life in Sweden. 1870. 948 L Lock, Walter. Biography of John Keble. 1893 9 K23 Locke, D. R., ed. {Petroleum V. Nasby). Morals of Abou Ben Adhem. 1875. 817 L Locke, John. Some thoughts concerning education. 1880 370 LI Two treatises on civil government. 1884 320 L2 AVorks. 2v. 1854 192 L2 Works. 9v. 1824 192 L3 and others. Some thoughts concern- ing education. 1869 370 L2 Locker, L. F. Poems. 1885 821 L12 ed. Lyra elegantiarum. 1886 821 L13 Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish ballads, historical and romantic. 1877 861 L History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v. 1831 9 N1633 Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott. 9v. 1861-4 9 Sco82 tr. Spanish ballads 8G1 LI LocKAVooD, H. C. Abolition of the presi- dency.' 1884 351 L LocKwooD, T. D. Electricity, magnet- ism, and electric telegraphy. 1883. 537 L Practical information for telephonists. 1887 537 LI LocKYER, J. N. Astronomy. 1875 520 LI Dawn of astronomy. 1894 *520 L2 Spectroscope and its applications. 1873 535 L2 Stargazing; past and present. 1878. 522 L Studies in spectrum analysis. 1878. . 535 L3 Lodge, Edmund. Portraits of illustri- ous personages of Great Britain. 8v. 1849 92 L82 ed. Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners. 1838. 3v. 828 L5 Lodge, H.C. Alexander Hamilton. 1882. 9 H18 Daniel Webster 9 W392 George Washington. 2v. 1889 9 W2744 Historical and political essays. 1892. 320 L3 History of Boston. 1891 *974.46 L Short history of the English colonies in America. 1881 , 973 L2 Speeches. 1892 815 L Studies in history. 1884 973 L3 Lodge, 0. J. Modern views of electricity. 1889 ... 537 L2 Pioneers of science. 1893 520 L3 Lodge, Richard. History of modern Europe. 1886 940 LI Loftie, W. J. History of London. 1884. 942.1 L6 Inns of court and chancery. 1895 914.2 L2 Kensington. 1888 *914.2 L3 London. 1887 942 L7 London city. 1891 *914.2 L4 Westminster abbey. 1891 914.2 L5 Windsor castle. 1887 914.2 L6 LOFTCS, A. W. F. Spencer, Lord. Diplo- matic reminiscences. 1837-79. 4v. 1892-94 940 L2 Logan, A. S. .Jesus in modern life. 1888 232 L2 Logan, James. Clans of the Scottish highlands. 2v. 1857 *941 L Logan, J. A. Volunteer soldier of Amer- ica. 1887 973 L4 LoHER, Franz VON. Cyprus. 1878 915.6 LI LojtAS, John. Sketches in Spain from nature, art, and life. 1888 914.6 LI LoMAX, A. E. Life of Henry Layard 9 L45 LoMENiE, L. L. DE. Beaumarchais and his times. 1857 9 B38 LoMMEL, Eugene. Nature of light. 1880. 535 L4 London Zoological Society. Gardens and menagerie delineated. 2v. 1831. 590 L London Times. Annual summaries re- printed. 1851-92. 2v 902 L2 Long, A. L. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee. 1886 973.7 L2 Long, E. A. Ornamental gardening for Americans. 1885 710 L Long, H. A. Names we bear. 1875 929 L8 Long, J. D., comp. Republican party. 1888 329 L2 Long, J. H. Slips of tongue and pen. 1888 428 L Long, S. P. Art. 1871 707 L Longfellow, H. W. Aftermath. 1873. 811 L13 Christus, a mystery. 1873 811 L14 Divine tragedy. 1873 811 LIS Hanging of the crane. 1875 811 L16 Keramos, and other poems. 1878.... 811 L17 Masque of Pandora, and other poems. 1876 811 L18 New England tragedies. 1868 811 L19 Poems. 2v. 1871 811 L20 Poetical works. 1885 811 L21 Prose works. 2v. 1866 818 L3 Three books of song. 1872 811 L22 Ultima Thule. 1880 811 L23 ed. Poems of places. 31v. 1876-79. 808 L3 Poets and poetry of Europe. 1871.. *808 L4 Longfellow, Samuel. Life of H. W. Longfellow. 2v. 1886 9 L86 ed. Memorials of H. W. Longfellow. 1887 9L861 Longman, C. J., and, others. Archery. 1894 796 LI Longman, F. W. Frederick the Great and the seven years' war. 1881 943 LI 370 AUTHOR LIST. LoNGMEADOw, Mttss. Proceedings at the centennial celebration, with a town genealogy. 1884 *974.42 L LoNGSTKEET, A. B. Georgia scenes, characters, incidents, etc. 1874... 917.58 L LoNGSTREET, 3Irs. A. B. Social etiquette of New York. 1879 395 L Lonsdale, Margaret. George Eliot; thoughts upon her life, her books, and herself. 1886 9 C8882 Sister Dora (D. W. Patterson). 1880. 9 P277 LooMis, L. C. Index guide to travel and art study in Europe. 1882 914 LI Lord, John. Beacon lights of history. 5v. 1886 904 LI Life of Emma Willard. 1873 9 W66 Lord, W. B., and Baines, Thomas. Shifts and expedients of camp-life and travel. 1871 910 L3 LoRiMER, G. C. Argument for Christian- ity. 1894 239 LI Isms, old and new. 1881 252 L What I know about books. 1892 028 LI LoRiNG, Charles, and others. West church and its ministers. 1856 *277 LI LoRiNG, G. B. Farm-yard club of Jotham. 1876 630 LI Year in Portugal. 1891 914.6 L2 LoRiNG, J. S. Hundred Boston orators, from 1770 to 1852. 1854 *92 L89 LoRNE, J. G. E. H. D. S.Campbell, J/ar- quis of. Viscount Palmerston. 1892 9 P183 Los Angeles (Cal.) Public Library. List of novels and tales in the Eng- lish, German, and Spanish lan- guages. 1894 *017L LossiNG, B. J. Biographical sketches of signers of the declaration of Ameri- can independence. 1866 92 L895 Eminent Americans. 1886 92 L896 Empire state. 1888 974.7 L History of the United States. 1873. . 973 L5 Home of Washington in Mt. Vernon. 1871 9 W2745 Hours with the living men and women of the revolution. 1889 973.3 LI Life and times of Philip Schuyler. 2v. 1860 9 Sch85 Mary and Martha, mother and wife of Washington. 1886 9 W276 Pictorial field-book of the revolution. 2v. 1860 973.3 L2 Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812. 1868 973 L6 Pictorial history of the civil war. 3v. 1866-68 973.7 L3 Popular cyclopedia of United States history. 2v. 1893 *973 L7 Story of the United States navy. 1881. j 973 L8 LossiNG, B. J Two spies : Nathan Hale and John Andre. 1886 9 H135 Loth, C. E. Practical stair-builder. 1869. 694 L LoTHROP, S. G. Fifty years and beyond. 1881 240 LI LoTHROP, S. K. Church in Brattle street, Boston. 1851 *277 L2 Proceedings in the case of the pro- prietors of Hollis street meeting- house and the Rev. John Pierpont. 1841 285 L Lotze, R. H. Microcosmos. 1886 193 L Outlines of metaphysic. 1884 193 L2 Outlines of a philosophy of religion. 193 LI System of philosophy. 1884 193 L3 LouBAT, J. F. Narrative of the mission to Russia in 1866. 1873 914.7 L2 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of cottage, farm, and villa architecture and furniture. 1883 *728 L Encyclopedia of plants. 1866 *580 L2 Encyclopasdia of trees and shrubs. *582 L Louis XVIII., king of France, joint author. See Talleyrand-Perigord, C. M. de. LouNSBURY, T. R. J. F. Cooper. 1883. 9 C78 Studies in Chaucer : his life and writ- ings. 3v. 1892 821 L14 Love, W. DeL. Fast and thanksgiving days of New England. 1895 *• 917.4 L Love, W. D. St. Paul and woman. 1894. 227 LI Love JOY, B. H. Francis Bacon. 1883.. 9 B134 Lovelace, Richard. Lucasta, and other poems. 1864 821 Llo LovETT, Richard. Norwegian pictures. 914.8 L2 Low, C. R. Cook's voyages 919.8 L General Lord G. J. Wolsey. Memoir. 1883 9 W83 Low, S. J., and Pulling, F.S.,erf. Dic- tionary of English history. 1885 . . *942 L8 Lowe, Charles. Alexander III. of Rus- sia. 1895 9A123 Life of Prince Bismarck. 1895 '9 B547 Prince Bismarck. 1886 9 B543 Lowe, 3Irs. M. A. (P.) Bessie Gray, and our step-mother. 1891 *811 L24 Memoir of Charles Lowe. 1884 9 L95 Olive and the pine. 1893 *811 L25 Story of Chief Joseph. 1881 *811 L26 Lowe, R. W. Thomas Betterton. 1891. 9 B462 Lowell, Charles. Sermons, by the senior minister of the West church in Bos- ton. 1855 252 LI Lowell, E. J. Eve of the French revolu- tion. 1892 944 L9 Hessians and other German auxiliaries in the revolutionary war. 1884... 973.3 L3 Lowell, J. R. American ideas for Eng- lish readers. 1892 814 L AUTHOR LIST. 371 Lowell, J. K. Among m%' books. 2v. 1872-76 814 LI Biglow papers. 2v. 1868-71 811 L27 Conversations on some of the old poets. 1893 821 L16 Democracy, and other addresses. 1887 815 LI Fireside travels. 1865 814 L2 Heartsease and rue. 1888 811 L28 Latest literary essays and addresses. 1892 814 L3 Letters. 2v. 1894 816 L Literary essays. 2v. 1890 814 L4 My study windows. 1872 814 L5 Poetical works. 1876 811 L29 Political essays. 1888 814 L6 Richard the Third and the Primrose criticism. 1887 822,3 L3 Three memorial poems. 1877 811 L30 Under the willows, and other poems. 1869 811 L31 Lowell, J/;-s. J. (S.) Public relief and private charity. 1884 361 LI Lowell, Percival. Chason, the land of the morning calm. 1886 915.1 L4 Occult Japan. 1895 915.2 L2 Soul of the far East. 1888 915.2 L3 Lowell, Mass. Old resident's historical society. Contributions. 5v. 1879-94. *906 LI Semi-centennial celebration. 1876. • . *974.44 LI South Congregational society. Semi- centennial anniversary. 1879 *277 L3 LowEXBERG, Julius. Life of Alexander von Humboldt. 2v. 1873 9 H88 Lower, M .A., ed. Lives of the Duke and Duchess of Newcastle. 1872 9 N431 LowxDES, W. T. Bibliographer's manual of Enghsh literature. 6v. 1865... *820 L2 LoTD, iLvRY, ir. Memoirs of Prince de Joinville. 1895 9 J66 Lubbock, Si7- Joux. Ants, bees, and wasps. 1882 595 L Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in. 1893 504 LI On British flowers. 1893 581 L On the origin and metamorphoses of insects. 1874 595 LI Pleasures of life. 2v. 1887-89 824 L2 Prehistoric times. 1872 *571 L Scientific lectures. 1879 504 L2 Senses, instinct, and intelligence of animals. 1888 595 L2 Use of life. 1894 170 L2 LCbke, Wilhelm. Outlines of the history of art. 2v. 1878 709 L LucAXUs. Pharsalia; tt\ by H. T. Eiley. 1889 873 L Lucas, D. B., and McLaughlin, J. F. Fisher Ames, Henry Clay,etc. 1891. 92 L96 Luce, Robert. Electric railways and the electric transmission of power. 1886. 621 L I Luce, Robert. Writing for the press. 1891 ♦GSS L LuciAx. Dialogues ; ir. by Howard Wil- hams. 1888 888 L Selections; tr. by Emily J. Smith. 1892 888 LI Lucretius. On the nature of things ; tr. by John Watson. 1884 871 L Lucy, H. W. W. E. Gladstone ; a study from life. 1895 9 G452 LuDERS, C. H. Dead nymph, and other poems. 1892 '. 811 L32 Ludlow, F. H. Heart of the continent. 1870 917.8L Ludlow, Helex W., joint author. See Armstrong, J/?-s. M. F. LyDLOw, J. M. Life of A. Lincoln. 1866. 9 L6364 Popular epics of the middle ages of the Norse. 2v. 1865 293 L War of American independence. 1775-83. 1876 973.3 L4 LuKix, James. Amongst machines 531 L Boy engineers. 1878 680 L Lathe and its uses. 1868 621 LI Young mechanic. 1876 621 L2 LuLMHOLTz, Carl. Among cannibals. 1889 919.4L LuM, D. D. Spiritual delusion. 1873... 133 L Lu3iBY, J. R. First book of the Kings. 2v. 1892 222 LI LuMJiis, C. F. Land of poco tiempo. 1893 917.8 LI Man who married the moon. 1894. . . 398 L3 Some strange corners of our country. 1892 917.8 L2 Tramp across the continent. 1892... 917.3 LI LuxD, T. W. M. Como and Italian lake- land. 1887 914.5 L4 LuxT, George. Old New England traits. 1873 917. 4LI LuxT, Horace. Across lots. 1888 814 L7 LuTHARDT, C. E. Apologetic lectures on the moral truths of Christianity. 1881 239 L2- Luther, Martix. His life. 1862 9 L97S Table talk. 1872 244 L Watchwords for the warfare of life. 1869 248 LI LuTSCHAWxiG, Alfred. Book of Hall marks. 1872 669 L LuYS, Jules. Brain and its functions. 1882 131 LI Lyddeker, Richard. Phases of animal life, past and present. 1892 566 L Lyell, Sir Charles. Principles of geologj^ 2v. 1872 550 L Travels in North America. 1841-2. 2v. 1856 917L Lyly, John. Endymion. 1894 822 L Euphues : the anatomy of wit. 1579. 1868 820 L3 372 AUTHOR LIST. Lyman, P. W. History of Easthampton : with a genealogical record. 1866.. *974:.42 LI Lyman, Theodore, ed. Papers relating to the Garrison mob. 1870 *973.7 L4 Lynch, W. F. Narrative of the United States expedition to the river Jor- dan and the Dead sea. 1849 915.6 L2 Lynn {Mass.) Free Public Library. Bulletin No. 2. 1892 *019 L St. Stephen s parish. Memorial. 1882.*974.45 LI Lyon, W. H. Study of the sects. 1891 . . 280 L Lystek, Thomas. "With Gordon in China. 1891 915.1 L5 Lyte, H. C. M. History of the university of Oxford. 1886 378 L2 Lyttleton, R. H., joint author. See Steel, A. G. Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer, Baron. Athens t its rise and fall. 1874. 938 L Caxtoniana. 18G4 824 L3 Dramatic works. 1860 822 LI Eva, a true story of light and darkness. 1842 821 L17 King Arthur. 1849 821 L18 Letters to his wife. 1889 9 L992 Lost tales of Miletus. 18G6 821 L19 Miscellaneous prose works. 2v. 1868. 824 L4 New Timon. 1860 .821 L20 Speeches. 2v. 1803 825 L Lytton, E. R. L. Bulwer, Earl {Owen Meredith). Glenaveril. 1885.... 821 L21 Life and letters of Lord Lytton. 1884. V. 1. V. 2 never published 9 L995 Lucile. 1880 821 L22 New poems. 2v. 1869 821 L23 Poetical works. 1880 821 L24 Selected poems. 1894 821 L25 Mabie, H. W. Essays in literary inter- • pretation. 1892 804 M Norse stories retold from the Eddas. 1882 j 293 M My study fire. 2v. 1890 814 M Short studies in literature. 1891 804 Ml Under the trees. 1891 814 Ml Mac Adam, Graham. Alphabet in finance. 1876 332 M McAllister, Ward. Society as I have found it. 1890 394 M MacAnaly, D. R., jr. Irish wonders. ■ 1888 398 M MacArthur, Arthur. Education in its relation to manual industry. 1884. 371 M Macaulay, James. Luther anecdotes... 9 L976 Plea for mercy to animals 179 M Story of Commodore Anson. 1891. . . j 9 An81 Truth about Ireland. 1876 941.5 M Macaulay, T. Babington, Lord. Bio- graphical historical sketches 92 Mil Critical, historical, and miscellaneous essays. 6v. 1871 824 M Macaulay, T. Babington, Lord. History of England from the accession of James IL 5v. 1868 942 M Lays of ancient Rome, and other poems. 1871 821 M Life of Frederick the Great. 1870.. 9 F874 Life of William Pittj also of the Earl of Chatham. 1870 9 P68 Reviews and essays from ' ' the Edin- burgh." 824 Ml Speeches and poems. 2v. 1867 828 M Macaulay's dialogues for little folks. 1876. j 793 M McCabe, j. D. Our young folks in Africa. 1883 916.7 M McCabe, Lida R. American girl at col- lege. 1893 376 M MacCallum, M. W. Tennyson's Idylls of the king. 1894 ' 821 Ml McCarthy, Justin. Charing cross to St. Paul's. 1893 ^. 914.2 M Epoch of reform. 1830-50. 1882... 942 Ml History of our own times. 2v. 1880. 942 M3 History of the four Georges. 1885-90. 942 M2 Ireland's cause in England's parlia- ment. 1888 941.5 Ml Modern leaders. 1872.. 92 M12 MacCarthy, j. H. French revolution. 944 M Ireland since the union, 1798 to 1886. 941.5 M2 McCaskey, j. p. Franklin square song collection. 1881 245 M cortip. Christmas in song, sketch, and story. 1891 783 M Macchetta, Mme. B. R. Home life of H. W.Longfellow. 1882 9 L8611 McClellaNjCarsavell. Personal memoirs and military history of U. S. Grant. 1887 9 G766 McClellav, G. B. McClellan's own story ; the war for the Union. 1887 973.7 M McClellan, H. B. Life and campaigns of Major-General J. E. B. Stuart. 1885 9 St92 McClintock, Sir F. L. Voyage of the "Fox" in the arctic seas. I860... 919. SM McClintock, John, and Strong, James, camp. Cyclopaedia of biblical, theo- logical, and ecclesiastical literature. lOv. 1869-81 *203 M McClintock, J. N. History of New Hampshire. 1889 974.2 M McClure, a. K. Life of A. Lincoln. . 1892 9 L637 McCoAN, J. C. Egypt as it is. 1887.... 916.2 M MacCollestre, S. H. Babylon and Nine- veh through American eyes. 1892.. 913 M Round the globe. 1890 910 M McCoNNELL, S. D. American Episcopal church. 1890 283 M McCooK, H. C. Honey ants. 1882 595 M Tenants of an old farm. 1886 595 Ml AUTHOR LIST. 373 McCosH, James. Emotions. 1880 157 M Examination of J. S. Mill's philoso- phy. 1866 191 M First and fundamental truths. 1889.. 110 M Ideas in nature overlooked by Dr. Tyndall. 1875 215 M Intuitions of the mind. 1877 156 M Realistic philosophy. 2v. 1887 191 Ml Religious aspect of evolution. 1888. . 239 M Scottish philosophy. 1875 192 M MacCocn', Towxsexd. Historical geog- raphy of the United States. 1889. . 911 M McCkackex, W. D. Romance Switzer- land. 189-t 914.9 M Teutonic Switzerland. 1894 914.9 Ml McCuLLOCH. Hugh. Men and measures of half a century. 1888 973 M MacCulloch, J. R. Dictionary of commerce and commercial naviga- tion. 1848 *650M Maccunx, John. Ethics of citizenship. 1894 172 M MacDermot, Martix. Critical disserta- tion on the nature and principles of taste. 1823 701 M Macdiarmid, Johx. Lives of British statesmen. 1807 92 M14 Macdoxald. Alexaxder. Too late for Gordon and Khartoum. 1887 916.2 Ml Macdoxald, E. J. J. A. Recollections. 1893 944 Ml Recollections of Marshal Macdonald. 2v. 1892 9 M14 Macdoxald, George. Cheerful words. 1880 '• ••• 828 Ml Disciple, and other poems. 1808 821 M2 Hidden life, and other poems. 1872 821 M3 Imagination, and other essays. 1883. 824 M2 Miracles of our Lord 226 M Unspoken sermons. 1889 252 M Within and without. 1872 822 M Macdoxald. .Johx Diary of the Parnell commission. 1890 941.5 M3 MacDoxald, J. M. Book of Ecclesiastes explained. 1856 223 M Life and writings of St. John. 1880. 226 Ml M'DoxALD, W. Spiritualism. 1806 133 M Macdoxell. a. a. Camping voyages on German rivers. 1890 914.3 M MacDoxxell, .Tohx, ed. Reports of state trials. 1894 343 G MacDcff, J. R. Saint Paul in Rome. 1872 252 Ml McDuffee, Fraxklix. History of Ro- chester, N. H. 1892 *974.2 Ml Mace, J/rs. F. (L.) P. Under pine and palm. 1888 SUM Mace, Jeax. History of a mouthful of bread. 1866 612 M McExxis, J. T., joint author. See Si- monds, J. C. Macelex, Malcolm, comp. Celebrities of the past and present. 1874 92 M13 Macfarlaxe, James. Coal-regions of America. 1873 553 M MacGaffey, Erxest. Poems of gun and rod. 1892 811 Ml MacGahax, J. a. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the fall of Khiva. 1874. 915.8 M McGee, T. D. Irish settlers in North America. 1852 970 M Popular history of Ireland. 2v. 1863- 68 941.5 M4 Macgeorge, Axdrew. Old Glasgow : from tlie Roman occupation to the eighteenth century. 1888 941 M Macgibbox, David. Architecture of Provence and the Riviera. 1888 . . . 720 M Macgillivray, Williaji. Travels and researches of Alexander von Hum- boldt. 1833 910 Ml Macgilvray, Walter. John of the gol- den mouth. 1871 9 C461 McGrath, Terexce, pseud. See Blake, H. A. McHexry, George. Cotton trade. 1863. 338 M Machetta, Mme. B. R. T. Elizabeth of Roumania. 1891 9 E145 Machiavelli. Niccolo. Prince, and other pieces, with introduction by Henry Morley. 1883 854 M Machiavelli, N. di B. History of Flor- ence. 1882 945 M McIax, R. R. Clans of the Scottish high- lands. 2v. 1857 *941 L McIlvaixe, J. H. Wisdom of the Holy Scripture. 1883 230 M McIxtosh, C. H. Notes on the book of Exodus 222M Notes on the book of Genesis 222 Ml Notes on the book of Leviticus 222 M2 Notes on the book of Numbers 222 M3 Mack.^y, Charles. Founders of the American republic. 1885 92 M19 Life and liberty in America. 2v. 18.59 • 917.3 M Lost beauties of the English language. 1874 •423 M Memoirs of extraordinary popular de- lusions. 3v. 1841 133 Ml Studies from the antique, and sketches from nature. 1864 821 M4 comp. Thousand and one gems of English poetry., 821 Mo Mackay. G. E. Love letters of a violin- ist, and other poems. 1892 821 M6 Mackay, Thomas, ed. Plea for liberty against socialism. 1891 304 M Policy of free trade. 1894 337 M 374 AUTHOR LIST. Mackaye, Maria E. Abbess of Port Royal, and other French studies. 1892 •• 944 M2 McKenney, T. L. Indian tribes of North America. 3v. 1870 *970.1 M McKenzie, Alexander. First church in Cambridge, Mass. 1873 *277 M and others. 25.0th anniversary of the First church, Charlestown. 1882.. *277 Ml McKenzie, Sir Alexander. Some things abroad. 1887 914 M Mackenzie, A. S. Life of Paul Jones. 2v. 1841 9 J72 YearinSpain. 1829 914.6 M Mackenzie, James. History of Scotland. 1888 ». 941 Ml Mackenzie, K. R. H., ed. Royal masonic cyclopedia of history. 1877 *3G6 M Mackenzie, iS'tVMoRELL. Fatal illness of Frederick the Noble. 1888 616 M Mackenzie, Robert. America. 1882... 970 Ml Nineteenth century. 1880 902 M Mackenzie, R. S. Sir Walter Scott. 1871. 9 Sco83 Mackie, C. p. Christopher Columbus. 9 C7251 Last voyages of Columbus. 1893. ... 9 C72o McKiNSTRY, Mrs. L. C. World's great empires. 1883 904 M Mackintosh, Sir James. History of England. 3v 942 M4 Mackintosh, John. Story of Scotland. 1890 941 M2 McKnight, D. a. Electoral systems of the United States. 1878 321 M MacKnight, Thomas. Life of H. St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke. 1863. 9 B634 Maclaren, Archibald. Training in theory and practice. 1874 613 M McLaughlin, J. F., joint author. See Lucas, D. B. Maclay, a. C. Budget of letters from Japan. 1886 915.2 M Maclay, E. S. United States navy. 1775- 1894. 2v. 1895 353 M Maclay, William. Journal. 1890 328 M Maclean, J. P. Mastodon, mammoth, and man. 1880 569 M Mound builders. 1879 571 M Maclean, Mrs. L. E. (L.) Poetical works. 1839 821 M7 Maclear, G. F. Book of Joshua. 1892. 222 M4 Gospel according to St. Mark. 1893. 226 M2 Macleary, K. Memoirs of Rob Roy. 1881 9 C154 McLennan, J. F. Studies in ancient his- tory ; comprising a reptint of primi- tive marriage. 1886 392 M Macleod, Donald. Memoir of Norman Macleod. 2v. 1876 9 M22 Macleod, NormAn. Reminiscences of a Highland parish. 1868 914.1 M MacMahon, a. R. Far Cathay and farther India. 1893 915.9 M M'Master, J. B. Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. 1887 9 F854 History of the people of the United States from the revolution to the civil war. 3v. 1883-92 973 Ml MacMichael, Morton. Land-lubber's log of his voyage around Cape Horn. 1883 910 M2 Macmillan, Hugh. Bible teaching in nature. 1872 , 204 M First forms of vegetation. 1874 589 M Ministry of nature. 1876 244 M Roman mosaics. 1888 914.5 M Sabbath of the field. 1876 204 Ml Two worlds are ours. 1880 252 M2 Macmillan's magazine, v. 33-71. 1875- 95 052 M MacMullen, John. History of Canada. 1868 971M McMurdo, Edavard. History of Portugal. 946 M McMuRRAY, Thomas. Temperance lec- turws. 1873 178 M Macnair, C. S. Self-instructions in practical business qualifications. 1890 ■. 657 M Macnamara, M. H. Irish 9th in bivouac and battle ; or, Virginia and Mary- land campaigns. 1867 *973.7 Ml McNeill, G. E., and others. Labor movement. 1887 331 M Macnish, Robert. Anatomy of drunken- ness. 1838 178 ML Macoun, John. Manitoba and the great north-west. 1883 917.1 M McPherson, Edward. Hand-book of politics for 1894 973 M2 Macpherson, Mrs. G. B. Memoirs of Anna Jameson. 1878 9 J23 MacQuade, James. Cruise of the " Mon- tauk" to Bermuda. 1885 910 M3 MacQueary, Howard. Evolution of man and Christianity. 1890 213 M Topics of the time. 1891 330 M MacQueen, Peter. Environs of Boston. 1894 *917.44 M Macquoid, Mrs. K. S. Through Nor- mandy. 1874 914.4 M and. T. R. Pictures and legends from Normandy and Brittany. 1881 914.4 Ml MacRitchie, David, ed. Gypsies of India. 1886 397 M McSherry, Richard. Health and how to promote it. 1879 613 Ml Macturk, John. Physical geography. 1873 551 Ml McWatters, G. S., ed. Detectives of Europe and America. 1880 352 M AUTHOR LIST. 375 Macy. Obed. History of Nantucket. 1835. *974:.49 M Maddex, R. R. Ireland in '98. 1888 .... 92 M26 Literary life and correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. 2v. 1855 9 B613 Madisox, Mrs. D. P. Memoirs and let- ters. 1886 9 M268 Madisox, James. Journal of the federal convention. 1787. 2v. 1893 342 M Letters and other writings. 1769- 183C. 4v. 1884 816 M Papers. 3v. 1841 320 M Magazine of American history. 1885-93. 1 7v 970 M2 Magazine of New England history, v. 1-3. 1891-93 974 M Magill, Maky T. Pantomimes. 1882.. 80S M Magxnxis, a. J. Atlantic ferry. 1892. . . 656 M Magxus, Katie. Jewish portraits. 1889. 296 M Magnus, Sir Philip. Industrial educa- tion. 1888 ' 370 M Magxussox, Eikikr, joint ed. See Morris, "William. Magruder, A. B. John Marshall. 1885. 9 M354 " Magyarland "' ; the narrative of travels through Hungary. 2v. 1882 914.3 Ml Mahabharata. Indian idylls; tr. by Edwin Arnold. 1883 891 A Mahaffy, J. P. Descartes. 1881 9 D453 Greek life and thought. 1887 913 Ml Greek pictures. 1890 914.9 M2 Problems in Greek history. 1892 938 M Sketches from a tour through Holland and Germany. 1889 914.9 M4 Social life in Greece. 1879 9 13 M2 Rambles and studies in Greece. 1876. 914.9 M3 a7id GiLMAx, Arthur. Story of Alexander's empire. 1887 938 Ml Mahax, a. T. Admiral D. G. Farragut. 1892 9 F242 Gulf and inland waters. 1883 973.7 M2 Influence of sea power upon history. 1890 359 M Influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire. 1793-1812. 2v. 1892 940 M Mahox, Lord, pseud. See Stanhope. V. H. S.,Jifth Earl of. Mahont, Dorah. Six months in a house of correction. 1835 *271 M3 Maimon, Solomox. Autobiography. 1888. 9 M28 Main, Alexaxder. Life of Samuel John- son. 1874 9 J634 Maine, Sir H. J. S. Ancient law. 1871. 340 M Lectures on the early history of insti- tutions. 1875 340 Ml Popular government. 1886 321 Ml Village communities. 1889 321 M2 Maixe. Adjutant general. Annual re- port. 1862 * 353 Ml Maine. Agriculture, Board of. Annual re- ports. 2v. 1862 630 M Maine historical and genealogical recorder. 1884-88. ov 929 Ml Maine Historical Society. Collections. 14v. 1831-93 *974.1M Maitland, Edward, ioint author. See Kingsford, Mrs. A. (B.) Maitlaxd, J. A. Schumann. 1884 9 Sch8 Majot^s, Alexander. Seventj- years on the frontier. 1893 917.8 M Makins, G. H. Manual of metallurgy. 1873 669 M Malax, C. F. DeM. Eric and Connie's cruise in the South Pacific. 1889. j 910 M4 Malcolm, Sir Jonx. Memoir of Central India. 2v. 1880 915.4 M Malcom, Howard. Index to the principal works in every department of re- ligious literature. 1870 *016 M Maldex, J/a5s. Bi-centennialbook. 1849. *974.44 M Malixg, E. a. Indoor plants, and how to grow them. 1869 716 M Malkix, a. T. Historical parallels. 3v. 1846 900 M Mallesox, G. B. Akbar. 1890 9 Ak2 Decisive battles of India. 1885 954 M Indian mutiny. 1857. 3v. 1880.... 954 Ml Prince Metternich. 1888 9 M56 Prince Eugene of Savoy. 1888 9 Eu4 Russo-Afghan question and the inva- sion of India. 1885 947 M Mallet, 5»- Locis. Free exchange. 1891. 330 Ml Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities 913 M3 Mallock, "W. H. Is Ufe worth living? 1879 I'OM Social equality. 1882 335 M Mallory, R. p. Panoramic view from Bunker Hill monument; engraved by James Sniillie. 1848 *917.446 S2 Malmesbury, J. H. Harris, Sari of. Memoirs of an ex-minister. 1885 . . 9 M297 Malortie, Baron de. Twixt old times andnew. 1890 9 M295 Malory, Sir Thomas. Boy's King Arthur ; ecZ. by Lanier. 1880 j 398 Ml History of King Arthur and the knights of the round table. 1866 398 M2 Malte-Brcx, Conrad. Universal geog- raphy. 8v. 1831 910 M5 Manchester, iV. H. City library. Cata- logue of English prose fiction. 1894. *017M Manchester-by-thk-Sea, Mass. Dedica- tion services of the memorial library and Grand Army hall. 1887 *974.45 M Maxgix, Arthur. Earth and its treasures. 1875 553 M2 Mangnall, J. Mechanical drawing. 1869. 744 M Manifesto, v. 24. 1894 289 M 376 AUTHOR LIST. Manlet, J. J. Notes on game and game shooting 799 M Mann, G. S. Mann memorial. 1884 *929 M Mann, Hekman. Historical annals of Dedham, Mass. 1847 *974.47 M Mann, Horace. Annual reports on educa- tion. 1839-48. 1872 379 M Few thoughts for a young man. 1890. 174 M Lectures and annual reports on educa- tion. 1837-38. 1867 379 Ml Mann, Mrs. M. (P.) Flower people. 1875 j 580 M Mann, Mrs. M. T. Life of Horace Mann. 1865 9 M313 Manners and tone of good society 395 M Manning, Mrs. J. W. Passion of life. 1887 811 M2 Manning, Mary A. See Rathbone, Mrs. M. A. (M.) Manning, Samuel. American pictures . . 917.3 Ml Spanish pictures 914.6 Ml Swiss pictures 914.9 M5 Mansfield, Daniel. Sermon at the dedi- cation of the meeting-house erected by the Congregational society in Wenham. 1843 *277 M2 Mansfield, J. B., joint author. See Coolidge, A. J. Mantell, G. a. Geological excursions around the Isle of Wight. 1854. . . 554 M Invisible world revealed by the micro- scope. 1850 593 M Petrifactions and their teachings. 1861 560 M Manual of nursing. 1878 610 M Many lands and many people. 1875 910 M6 Many mistakes mended. 1886 428 M Mapleson, J. H. Memoirs. 1848-88. 2v. 1888 9 M32 Marble, Hiram. History of Dungeon rock. 1856 *974.45 Ml Marbot, J. B. A., Baron. Memoirs. • 2v. 1892 944 M3 Marcel, Claude. Study of languages brought back to its true principles. 1873 ." 407 M Marcus Aurelius. Thoughts. 1890... 188 M Marden, O. S. Pushing to the front. 1894 174 Ml Marenholz, B. B. von. Reminiscences of Friedrich Froebel. 1877 9 F92 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. 1874. 591 M "Margaret," pseud. Theatrical sketches. 1894 792 M Marguerite de Valois. Memoirs ; by herself. 1892 9 M332 Mariette, a. E. Outlines of ancient Egyptian history. 1892 962 M Marion, Fulgence. Wonderful balloon ascents. 1891 533 M Marion, Fulgence. Wonders of optics. 1872 535 N Wonders of vegetation. 1874 581 M Markham, C. R. Life of Christopher Columbus. 1892 9 C726 Life of John Davis 9 D295 Lives of Sir Francis Vere and Sir Horace Vere. 1888 9 V58 Peru. 1880 918.5 M War between Peru and Chile. 1879- 82 985 M Markham, Richard. Narrative history of King Pliilip's war. 1883 973 M3 Marlowe, Christopher. Faustus. 1886. 822 Ml Plays. 1887 822 M2 Marriott, C. J. B., a)i(Z Alcock, C. W. Rugby union game and association game. 1894 797 M Marryat, Florence. See Lean, 3Irs. F. (M.) C. Marryat, Frederick. Diary in America. V. 1. 1839 917 M Marsden, Kate. On sledge and on horseback to the outcast Siberian lepers. 1892 915.7 M Marsh, Mrs. C. C. Life and letters of G. P. Marsh. 1888 9 M352 Marsh, G. P. Earth as modified by human action. 1882 551 M Lectures on the English language. 1870 420 M Origin and history of the English language. 1882 420 Ml Marsh, J. B. Life and adventures of Robin Hood j 398 M3 Marshall, Alfred. Economics. 1890.. 330 M3 Elements of economics. 1892 330 M2 Marshall, A. M., and Hurst, C. H. Junior course of practical zoology. 1892 590 M Marshall, Frederic. French home life. 1873 914.4 M2 International vanities. 1875 824 M3 and others. Football ; Rugby union game. 1892 79/ Ml Marshall, John. Anatomy for artists. 1878 743 M Description of the human body. 2v. 1875 612 Ml Life of George Washington. 5 v. and atlas. 1805 9 W27451 Marshall, Mrs. Julian. Life and let- ters of M. W. Shelley. 2v. 1889. 9 Sh4 Marshall, J. A. American bastile ; ar- rests and imprisonment during the civil war. 1883 973.7 M3 Marston, Edward. Frank's ranche. 1886. 917.8 Ml Marston, John. Works. 3v. 1856.... 822 M3 Marston, J. W. Our recent actors. 2v. 1888 792 Ml AUTHOR LIST. 377 Marston, p. B. Collected poems. 1892. 821 M8 Marston, R. B. Walton and some earlier •writers on fish and fishing. 1894.. 9 W17 Marteilhe, Jean. Huguenot galley- slave. 1867 272 M Martel, Charles. Military Italy. 1884. 355 M Martensen, H. L. Christian ethics ; special part. 1881 234 M Martial. Epigrams. 1871 877 M Martin, Annie. Home life on an ostrich farm. 1891 91G.8 M Martin, B. N. Choice specimens of American literature. 1874 810 M Martin, Frances. Elizabeth Gilbert, and her work for the blind. 1887 9 G37 Martin, G. H. Evolution of the Massa- chusetts public school system. 1894. 379 M2 Martin, Henri. Age of Louis XIV. 2v. 1865 944 M4 Popular history of France. 2v. 1877. 944 M5 Martijj, H. N. Human body. 1881 012 M2 Martin, J. G. Seventy-three years' history of the Boston stock market. 1798- 1871 332 Ml Martin, Michael. His life ; by liiniself . 1821 *9 M36 Martin, Si?- Theodore. Horace. 1871. 874 M Life of Albert, prince consort of Eng- land. 5v. 1875-80 9 A1151 Life of Lord Lyndhurst. 1883 9 L99 Martin, T. C, and Sachs, Joseph. Electrical boats and navigation. 1894 021 M Martin, W. A. P. Chinese. 1881 915.1 M Martineau, Harriet. Biographical sketches. 1870 92 M36 Eastern life, present and past. 1876. 910:2 M2 History of England. 1800-15. 1878... 942 M5 History of thirty years' peace. 1810- 46. 4v. 1877 940 Ml • Household education. 1877 373 M Life in the sick room. 1849 049 M Retrospect of western travel. 3v. 1838 917.3 M2 Martineau, James. Endeavors after the Christian life. 1844 252 M3 Essays, reviews, and addresses. 4v. 1890-91 824 M4 Religion as affected by modern ma- terialism. 1875 140 M Seat of authority in religion. 1890. . 230 Ml Studies of Christianity. 1870 288 M Study of religion. 2v. 18ti8 201 M Study of Spinoza. 1883 193 M Types of ethical theory. 2v. 1886.. 170 Ml Martineau, John. Life and correspond- ence of Sir Bartle Frere. 2v. 1895 9 F89 Martyn, "W. C. Life and times of Martin Luther. 1866 9 L9761 Martyn, W. C. Wendell Phillips. 1890 9 P543 Marvel, Ik, jyseud. See Mitchell, D. G. Marvell, Andrew. Poems. 1892 821 M9 Satires. 1892 821 M 10. Marvin, A. P. History of Lancaster, Mass. 1879 *974.43 M History of Worcester in the war of the rebellion. 1880 *973.7 M4 Life and times of Cotton Mather. 1892 9 M421 Marvin, Charles. Russian campaign against the Turcomans. 1880 95H M Marx, Karl. Capital. 1889 331 Ml Mary Edmond St. George, Sister. Answer to [R. T. Reed's] Six monthsin a C(,nvent. 1835 *271 M Review of the lady superior's reply to "Six months in a convent." 1835 '^271 Ml Marzials, F. T. Life of Victor Hugo. 1888 9 H876 Maskell, William. Industrial arts. 1877. 709 M Ivories 736 M Maskelyne, J. N. Sharps and flats. 1894. 795 M Mason, A. B., and Lalor, J. J. Politi- cal economy. 1875 330 M4 Mason, A. J. Faith of the gospel. 1888. 230 M2 Mason, G. C. Reminiscences of New- port. 1884 *974.5 M Mason, G. H. Costume of China. 1800. *915.1 MI Mason, E. T. British letters illustrative of character and social life. 3v. 1888 826 M Personal traits of British authors. 1885 92 M38 ed. Humorous masterpieces from American literatiire. 3v. 1886... 817 M Samuel Johnson, his words and ways. 1879.. 9 J033 Mason, O. T. Origins of invention. 1895 571 Ml Woman's share in primitive culture. 1894 390 M Maspero, G. C. C. Dawn of civilization; Egypt and Chaldea. 1894 *913 M4 Egyptian archajology. 1887 913 M5 Massachusetts. Adjutant general. Rec- ord of the volunteers. 1861-65. 2v. 1868 *355 Ml Agriculture, Board of. Synoptical and analytical index. 1837-92 *630 ML Education, Board of. Annual reports. 40v. 1838-95 *379 M Free public library commission. Re- ports. 1891 *027M General court. Acts and resolves. 1780-87. 4v. 1881 *345 M General court. Acts and resolves. 1856-77, 1880-1894. 31v *345.M4 ^378 AUTHOR LIST. Massachusetts. General court. Charters and general laws. 1814 *974.4M General court. Ichnology of New England. 1858 *566 M General court. Manual for the use of the general court. 28v. 1863-95.. *328 Ml General court. Memorial of Charles Sumner. 1874 9 Su62 General court. Memorial of S. N. Gifford. 1886 *9 G364 General court. Patriotic proceedings. 1809 *973 M4 General court. Plans for the enlarge- ment of the state house *974.46 M General court. Public statutes. 1882. *345 M2 General court. Records of Massa- chusetts bay. 5v. 1853 *974.4 Ml General court. Records of the colony of New Plymouth; ed. by N. B. Shurtleff. 12v. 1855-61 •. '^^liAB M General court. Report of the com- mission to improve the highways. 1893 *351M General court. Report of the hearing on the Hoosac tunnel consolidation. 1873 385 M General court. Report of the rapid transit commission. 1892 *388 M General court. Reports of contro- A'erted elections. 1853-85 *328 M2 Oeneral court. Report upon the con- dition of the records, files, papers, and documents in the secretary's department, January, 1885 *328 M3 General court. Revised statutes of the commonwealth of Massachu- setts. 1836 *345 M3 General court. Rules and orders of the house of representatives. 7v. 1852-9 *328 M4 General court. Supplement to the ichnologj- of New England. 1865.. *566 Ml Health, Board of. Official record. 1874 *614 M Health, Board of.' Report upon the sewerage of the Mystic and Charles river valleys. 1889 *628 M Health, Board of. Reports. 27v. 1871-95 *614 Ml House of representatives. Report of Ursuline convent committee *271 M2 Labor statistics, Bureau of. Industrial conciliation. 1881 331 M2 List of persons whose names have been changed in Massachusetts. 1780-1892. 1893 *929 M3 Manual training and industrial educa- tion, Commissioners of. Report. 1893 *371 M2 Massachusetts. Metropolitan park commissioners. Report. 1893 *711 M Military historical society. Peninsu- lar campaign of General McClellan in 1862 ; also, Virginia campaign of General Pope in 1862. 2v. 1881-86. *973. 7 M5 Official report of the debates and pro- ceedings in the state convention. 3v. 1853 *342 Ml Provincial congress. 1774-5. Jour- nals. 1838 *353 M2 35th regiment volunteers. History. 1884 *973.7 M6 36th regiment volunteers. 1862-65. History. 1884 '. *973.7 M7 55th regiment volunteers. Record. 1868 *973.7 M8 State library. Catalogue. 1880 *019 M Topographical survey commission. Atlas of Massachusetts. 1890 *550 M "World's fair managers. Board of. Re- port. 1894 *606 M Zoological and botanical survey. Re- ports on the fishes, reptiles, and birds. 1839 590 Ml Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. Annals. 1795-1892. 361 M By-laws. 1895 *361 Ml Massachusetts Emergency and Hygiene Association. Six lectures upon school hygiene. 1885 371 Ml Massachusetts Historical Society. Catalogue of the library. 2v. 1859-60 *018 M Collections. 41v. 1810-94 *906 M List of early American imprints. 1895 *093 M Proceedings. 30v. 1859-95 *906 Ml Massachusetts Medical Society. Acts of incorporation, together with the by-laws and orders. 1806 610 Ml Massachusetts Public Charitable In- stitution. Reports. 2v *361 M2 Massachusetts Society for the Pre- vention OF Cruelty to Animals. Our dumb animals, v. 25. 1892-93. 179 Ml Massachusetts Temperance Society. Addresses. 1861 178 M2 When will the day come? 1857 178 M3 Massachusetts Bay, Province of. Acts and resolves. 1692-1702. v. 7 *345 M5 Massachusetts of to-day. 1892 *92 M385 Massachusetts year-book. 1894 *353 M3 Massey, Gerald. Poems. 1876 821 Mil Tale of eternity, and other poems. 1870 821 M12 Massinger, Philip. Plays 822 M4 Masson, David. British novelists and their styles. 1875 823 M AUTHOR LIST. 379 Massox, David. Chatterton. 1874 9 C39 De Quincey. 1882 9 D447 Edinburgh sketches and memories. 1892 914.1 Ml In the footsteps of the poets. 1893. . 92 M381 Life and times of John Milton. Cv. 1875-80 9 MG41 Life and writings of Drummond of Hawthornden. 1873 9 D84 Recent British philosophy. 1877 192 Ml Three devils. 1874 824 M5 AVordsworth, Shellev, Keats, and other essays. 1874 824 M6 Massox, Frederic. Napoleon, lover and husband. 1894 9N16341 Napoleon at home. 2v. 1894 9 N1G34 Masson, Gustaa'e. Francis I. and the sixteenth century. 2 v. 1881 944 M6 Life of Mazarin . 1886 9 M453 Saint Louis. 1881 9 L921 Story of mediaeval France. 1888 944 M7 Master Car Builders' Associatiox. Car builder's dictionary. 1884 699 M Mascry, J. W. Hints on house painting. 1868 ' 698 M Mateaux, Clara L. Around and about old England 914.2 Ml Brave lives and noble. 1883 j 92 M41 Old folks at home j 590 M2 "Wonderland of work j 604 M Mather, Cottox. Magnalia Christi Americana. 1702 *092 M Mather, Helex. One summer in Hawaii. 1891 919.6 M Mather, Ixcrease. Remarkable provi- dences illustrative of the earlier days of colonization. 1856 814 M2 Mathesox', George. Aids to the study of German theology. 1877 230 M3 Growth of the spirit of Christianity. 2v. 1877 270 M Mathews, "William. Getting on in the world. 1875 170 M2 Great conversers, and other essays. 1878 814 M3 Hours with men and books. 1877... 814 M4 Men, places, and things. 1887 814 M5 Oratory and orators. 1879 808 Ml AVords ; their use and abuse. 1876. . 420 M2 Mathews, "W. S. B. How to understand music. 1884 780 M Matsox, Hexrt. References for literary workers. 1892 *028 M Matthew, J. E. Manual of musical his- tory. 1892 780 Ml Popular history of music. 1889 780 M2 Matthews, Corxelius, comp. Enchanted moccasins. 1877 398 M4 Matthews, J. B. (Arthur Penn). Amer- icanisms and Briticisms. 1892 427 M Matthews, J. B. {Aiihur Penn). French dramatists of the 19th cen- tury. 1881 842 M Home library. 1883 020 M Studies of the stage. ls94 792 M2 This picture and that. 1894 812 M and HuTTox, Laurexce. Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the United States. 5v. 1886 92 M43 Maudslay, Athol. Highways and horses. 1888 386 M Maudsley, Hexry. Natural causes and supernatural seemings. 1886 133 M2 Pathology of mind. 1880 132 M Responsibility in mental disease. 1874 132 Ml Mauxder, George. Eminent Christian philanthropists 92 M44 Maupas, C. E. de. Story of the coup d'etat. 1884 9^4 M8 Maupassaxt, GiY DE. Afloat. 1889 910 M7 Maurice, Frederick. Life of F. D. Maurice. 2v. 1884 9 M44 Maurice, F. D. Friendship of books, and other lectures. 1874 824 M7 Moral and metaphysical philosophy. 2v. 1873 109 M Patriarchs and law-givers of the Old Testament. 1877 252 M4 Maurice, J. F. Balance of military power in Europe. 1888 940 M2 Maurice, J. F. D. Gospel of St. John. 1878 226 M3 Prophets and kings of the Old Testa- ment. 1879 252 Mo Maury, ]M. F. Physical geography of the sea. 1858 551 Ml Maverick Natioxal Baxk, Boston. Manual. 1887 332 M2 Maximilian I. Recollections of my life. 3v. 1868 M-to Maxwell, C. E. S. (N.) S., Ladij. Poems. 1857 821 M13 Maxwell, E. H. Griffin, ahoy ! 1882... 910 M8 MAXWELL, Hu. Idvls of the golden shore. 1889 .' 811^13 Maxwell, J. C. Theory of heat. 1872. 536 M Maxwell, "W. H. History of the Irish re- bellion in 1798. 1887 941.5 Mo May, Joseph. Samuel Longfellow. 1894. 9 L866 May, .Sir T. E. Constitutional history of England. 1760-1860. 2v. 1871.. 342 M2 Democracy in Europe. 2v. 1878... 321 M3 Mayer, A. M. Sound. 1878 534 M ed. Sport with gun and rod in Ameri- can woods and waters. 1883 799 Ml Mayer, G. T. Women of letters. 2v. 1894 92M45 Mayer, LuiGi. Views in Egypt. 1801.. *916.2 M3 Views in the Ottoman dominions. 1810 *914.9M6 380 AUTHOR LIST. Mayhew, a. L., and Skeat, W. W. Concise dictionary of middle Eng- lish. 1888 423^11 Mayhew, Edward. Dogs ; their manage- ment 636 M Mayhew, Henry. Boyhood of Martin Luther. 1864 • 9 L977 London labour, and the London poor. 4v. 1861 331 M3 Story of peasant boy, founded on the life of James Ferguson j 9 FSSl Maynard, C. J. Butterflies of New Eng- land. 1886 *595 M2 Eggs of North American birds. 1890. 598 M NaturaUst's guide in collecting and preserving objects of natural history. 1887 579 M Mayne, L. Jy., pseud. See Dick, W. B. Mayor, J. B. Sketch of ancient philos- ophy. 1881 180 M Mazade, Charles de. Life of Count Cavour. 1877 9 C31 Mazziki, Joseph. Essays ; tr. by Thomas Okey 854 Ml Mead, E. D. Martin Luther. 1884 270 Ml comp. Old South leaflets. 2v *970 M3 Mead, T. H. Our mother tongue. 1890.. 421 M Meadberry, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall street. 1870 332 M3 Meade, H. G. P. Ride through the dis- turbed districts of New Zealand. 1870 919.3 M Meader, J. W. Merrimack river. 1871.. *974 Ml Mears, D. 0. Life of Edward N. Ivirk. 1877 9 KC33 Meath, R. Barbazok, Earl of, comp. Prosperity or pauperism? 1888 607 M Medfield, Mass. Exercises at the bi-cen- tennial commemoration. 1876 *974.47 Ml Medhurst, W. H. Foreigner in far Cathay. 1873 915.1 M2 Mediaeval tales. 1884 823 Ml Medley, D. J. Student's manual of English constitutional history. 1894. 342 M3 Meehan, Thomas. Native flowers and ferns of the United States. 4v. 1878-80 *580 Ml Meignan, Victor. From Paris to Pekin over Siberian snows. 1885 915.7 Ml Melexa, Elpis. Garibaldi; public and private life. 1887 9 G187 Mellex, G. W. F. Argument on the un- constitutionality of slavery. 1841.. 326 M Melliar, A. F. Book of the rose. 1894. 715 M Mellick, A. D., y?-. Story of an old farm. 917.49 M Melville, G. J. W. Riding recollections. 1879 798 M Melville, G. W. In the Lena delta. 1885. 919.8 Ml Melville, Herman. Typee ; a peep at Polynesian life. 1846 919.6 Ml Memes, J. S. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. 1832 9 J775 Memminger, R. W. Present issues. 1873. 260 M Menault, Ernest. Intelligence of ani- mals. 1872 591 Ml Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Let- ters from Italy and Switzerland. 1863.... 836 M Letters, life, and works. 2v. 1863. 9 M522 Letters to Ignaz and Charlotte Mos- cheles. 1888 9 M523 Mendenhall, T. C. Century of elec- tricity. 1890 537 M Meneval, C. F. de. Baron. Memoirs illus- trating the history of Napoleon I. 3v. 1894 944 M9 Menzel, "Wolfgang. History of Ger- many. 3v. 1871 943 M Mercantile Library, Brooklyn, N. Y. Catalogue. 3v. 1877-80 *017 Ml Mercier, C. a. Sanity and insanity. 1890 132 M2 Meredith, George. Modern love. 1892. 821 M14 Reading of earth. 1888 821 M15 Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Lytton, E. R. L. Bulwer, JEarl. Merewether, H. a. By sea and by land. 1874 910.4 M9 Meriwether, Lee. Afloat and ashore on the Mediterranean. 1892 914 Ml Tramp at home. 1889 331 M4 Tramp trip ; how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. 1886 914 M2 Merivale, Charles. Conversion of the Roman empire. 1866 270 M2 History of the Romans under the em- pire. 4v. 1885 937 M Roman triumvirates 937 Ml Merle D'Aubigne, J. H. History of the great reformation of the sixteenth century in Germany, Switzerland, etc. 1870 270 M3 History of the reformation in the time of Calvin. 1873 270 M4 Merriam, Florence A. Birds through an opera glass. 1889 598 Ml My summer in a Mormon village. 1894 917.92 M Merriam, G. S. Life and times of Sam- uel Bowles. 2v. 1885 9B68 Living faith. 1876 241 M Story of William and Lucy Smith. 1889 9 Sm64 comp. Symphony of the spirit. 1894. 821 M16 Merriam, M. B. Home life in Africa. 1868 916.6 M Merrill, G. E. Story of the manu- scripts. 1881 225 M Merrill, Joseph. History of Ames- bury *974.45 M2 AUTHOR LIST. 381 Merrill, Samuel. Newspaper libel. 1888 *3-t7 M Merrill, Selah. East of the Jordan. 1881 915. G M Merriman, H. B. What shall make us whole? 1888 615 M Merrimak, T. M. Pilgrims, Puritans, and Roger Williams vindicated. 1892 285 M Trail of history. 1875 909 M William, Prince of Orange. 1874. ... 9 W672 Merwix, H. C. Iioad, track, and stable. 1892 636 Ml Merydew, J. T., ed. Love letters of famous men and women. 2v. 1888. 826 Ml Merz, J. T. Life of Leibnitz. 1884 9 L53 Metcalf, J. G. , comp. Annals of the town of Mendon. 1659-1880 ♦974.43 Ml Metcalf, Richard. Letter and spirit. 1872 288 Ml Metetard, Eliza. Life of Josiah Wedg- wood. 2v. 1865 9 W41 Metterxich, Richard, Prince. Memoirs of Prince Metternich. 4v. 18S0- 81 9 M561 Mednier, a. Y., comp. Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. 1873 799 M2 Meusnier, Georges {Karl Robert). Char- coal drawing without a master. 1880 741 M Mew, James, and Ashtox, John. Drinks of the world. 1892 663 M Mexico. Investigating commission of the northern frontier. Reports. 1873. 327 M Meter, A. N., ed. Woman's work in America. 1891 396 Ml Meter, Erxst vox. History of chemistry. 1891 540 M Meter, F. B. Bells of Is. 1894 253 M Calvary to Pentecost. 1894 232 M Meter, F. S. Handbook of ornament. 1894 729 M Meter, G. H. vox. Organs of speech and their application. 1884 612 M3 Meyer, Julius. Antonia Allegri da Cor- reggio. 1876 *9C812 Meter, 3Irs. L. J. (R.) Real fairy folks. 1887 j 550 Ml MicHAUD, J. F. History of the crusades. 3v. 1852 . . . .' 940 M3 MiCHAUX, F. A. North American sylva. 3v. 1865 , *582 M Michelet, Jules. Historical view of the French revolution. 1883 944 MIO History of France. 2v. 1869 944 Mil History of the Roman republic ; /r. by William Hazlitt. 1847 937 M2 Insect. 1875 591 M2 Mountain. 1872 551 M2 Mitchelet, Jules. On the highways of Europe ; tr. by M. J. Serrano. 1838 914 ^3 The bird. 1872 598 M2 Michelet, .Vme. ^ules. Nature. 1880. 504 M Michelet, J. F. Joan of Arc, the maid of Orleans. 1858 9 J573 Micklethwaite, J. T. Modern parish churches. 1874 247 M MiDDLETOx, Coxyers. Life of M. T. Cicero. 3v, 1818 9 C484 MiDDLETOx, J. H. Remains of ancient Rome. 2v. 1892 913 M6 MiDDLETOx, Meade. Fivc women of Eng- land. 1880 j 92 M58 MiDDLETOX, Thomas. Plays. 1887 822 M5 MiDGLEY, R. L. Sights in Boston. 1857. 917.446 M MiGXET, F. A. M. History of the French revolution. 1789-1814. 1885 944 M12 MiJATOViES, Mme. Csedomille, comp. Serbian folk-lore. 1874 398 M5 Miles, H. A. Lowell. 1845 *974.44 M3 Miles, Maxley. Stock-breeding. 1879. 636 M2 Milford (A\. n). 100th anniversary. 1894 *974.2 M2 Mill, H. R. Realm of nature. 1892 551 MS Mill, James. History of British India. 9v. 1848 954 M2 Mill, J. S. Autobiography. 1874 9 M593 Considerations on representative gov- ernment. 1872 321 M4 Dissertation and discussions. 5v. 1868-75 824 M8 On liberty. 1871 323 M Political economy. 2v. 1872 330 M5 Scottish university addresses. 1870. . 370 M2 Subjection of women. 1870 396 M2 System of logic. 160 yi Three essays on religion. 1874 204 M2 Millar, W. J. Clyde; from its source to the sea. 1888 914.1 M2 joint author. See Winton, .1. G. Miller. Axnah De P., comp. "Who and what?" 1878 803 M Miller, 3Irs. A. J. Physical beauty. 1892 391 M :Miller. C. H. {.Toaquin Milter). Memorie and rime. 1884 818 M Songs of Italy. 1878 811 M4 Songs of the Sierras 1873 811 M5 Songs of the Sunlands. 1873 811 M6 Miller, Emory. Evolution of love. 1892. 231 M Miller. Hugh. Cruise of the Betsey. 1871 554 Ml Essays. 1871 824 M9 First impressions of England and its people. 1845 914.2 M2 Footprints of the Creator. 1871 560 Ml Headship of Christ. 1872 285 Ml My schools and schoolmasters. 1872. 9 M611 382 AUTHOR LIST. Miller, Hdgh. Old red sandstone. 1858 551 M4 Popular geology. 1872 550 M2 Testimony of the rocks. 1872 215 Ml Miller, H. E. History of the town of Savoy. 1879 *974.41M piih. Sketches of Conway, Mass. 1890 *917.442 M Miller, Mrs. H. (M.) {Olive Thome Miller). Bird-lover in the west. 1894 598 M3 Bird-ways. 1885 598 M4 In nesting time. 1888 598 M5 Little brothers of the air. 1892 598 M6 Little folks in feather and fur j 590 M3 Little people of Asia. 1883 j 915 M Our home pets. 1894 636 M3 Queer pets at Marcy's. 1880 j 590 M4 Miller, James. Alcohol. 1875 178 M4 Miller, Joaquin, pseud. See Miller, C. H. Miller, Margaret. 'Sly Saturday bird class. 1893 598 M7 Miller, Olive T., pseud. See Miller, Mrs. H. (M.) Miller, R. K. Romance of astronomy. 1873 523 M Miller, "W. Costume of the Russian em- pire. 1803 *914.7 M Millet, F. D. Danube from the Black forest to the Black sea. 1893 914.9 M7 and others. Some artists at the fair. 1893 606 Ml Mills, Abrauam. Ancient Hebrews. 1874 933 M Mills, Charles. History of chivalry. 2v. 1825 940 M4 MiLMAN, H. H. History of Christianity. 3v. 1866 270 M5 History of Latin Christianity. 8v. 1871 282 M History of the Jews. 3v. 1871 296 Ml Poetical works. 3v. 1839 821 M17 Milne, John. Earthquakes and other earth movements. 1886 551 M5 Milner, George. Country pleasures. 1881 828 M2 Studies of nature on the coast of Arran. 1894 914.1 M3 MiLNES, R. M. See Houghton, R. M. Milnes, Baron. Milton, John. Areopagitica. 1644 820 M Poetical works. 1885 821 M18 Treasures from prose writings. 1866. 824 MIO MiNCHiN, J. G. C. Growth of freedom in the Balkan peninsula. 1886 914.9 M8 Mind in nature. 1885 615 Ml Miner, A. A. Old forts taken. 1878 .... 289 Ml Mines, J. F. Tour around New York. 1893 917.47 M MiNiFiE, "William. Text book of geo- metrical drawing. 1882 744 MI Minot, G. R. History of the province of Massachusetts bay. 2v. 1798-1803. *974.4 M2 Minot, H. D. Land birds and game birds. 1895 598 M& MiNSHALL, E. Organs, organists, and choirs. 1886 786 M MiNTO, William. Daniel Defoe. 1879.. 9 D36 Manual of English prose literature. 1891 820 Ml MiNTON, Francis. Capital and wages. 1888 331 M5 MiNTURN, R. B.,yr. From New York to Delhi. 1879 915 Ml MiRicK, B. L. History of Haverhill. 1832.*974.45 M3 MiRKHOND. Rauzat-us-safa. 2v. 1893. 890 M MiRZA, HusEYN. Tarikh-i-Jadid. 1893.. 299 M Missing friends. 1892 919.4 M Mistral, Frederic. Mireio ; tr. by Har- riet W. Preston. 1874 849 M Mrs. Jerningham's journal. 1874 811 M7 MiTCHEL, John, comp. History of Ire- land from the treaty of Limerick to the present time. 1868 941.5 M6 Mitchell, Arthur. Past in the present. 1881 571 M2 Mitchell, A. F. Westminster assembly. 1883 285 M2 Mitchell, D. G. (Tk Marvel). About old story-tellers. 1878 818 Ml Bound together. 1884 814 M6 Dream life. 1872 818 M2 English lands, letters, and kings. 2v. 1890 820 M2 My farm of Edgewood. 1884 630 M2 Out-of-town places. 1884 710 M Reveries of a bachelor. 1873 818 M3 Rural studies. 1867 818 M4 Wet days at Edgewood. 1865 814 M7 Mitchell, F. A. Biographical narrative of O. M. Mitchell. 1887 9 M691 Mitchell, H. W. Evolution of life. 1891. 575 M Mitchell, John. Fall of Napoleon. 3v. 1846 9 N1635 Mitchell, J. A, Life's fairy tales. 1892. 817 Ml Mitchell, J. T. Duplicate whist. 1891. 795 Ml Mitchell, Mrs. L. M. History of ancient sculpture. 1883 *730 M Mitchell, Nahum. History of the early settlement of Bridgewater. 1840. .*974.48 Ml Mitchell, 0. M. Astronomy of the Bible. 1871 215 M2 Planetary and stellar worlds. 1887 . . 523 Ml Popular astronomy. 1874 523 M2 Mitchell, S. A. Illinois in 1837 917.73 M Mitchell, S. W. Doctor and patient. 1888 610 M2 Mitchell, W. Forbes-. Reminiscences of the great mutiny. 1857-59. 1894. 954 M3 AUTHOR LIST. 385 MiTFORD, A. B. F. Tales of old Japan. 1883 915.2 Ml MiTFORD, Maky R. Friendships. 1882. 9 M695 Life. 2v. 1870 9 M69-1 MiTFORD, William. History of Greece. 8v. 1838 938 M2 MiVART, St. George. American types of animal life. 1893 591 M3 Cat. 1881 599 M Essays and criticisms. 2v. 1892 824 Mil Helpful science. 1895 149 M Lessons from nature as manifested in mind and matter. 1876 575 Ml Man and apes. 1874 575 M2 Nature and thought. 1882 149 Ml On the genesis of species. 1871 575 M3 Modern architectural designs and details. 1889 720 Ml Modern Sphinx 398 M6 Modern traveller, v. 1-2. 1825 917.2 M Moffat, J. C. Comparatiye history of re- ligions. 2v. 1873 270 M6 Moffett, S. E. Suggestions on govern- ment. 1894 350 M MoiR, J. M., ed. Capital punishment. 1865 343 M MoLESwoRTH, 3Irs. M. L. Stories of the saints. 1892 j 92 M73 MoLESwoRTH, W. N. History of Eng- land from the year 1830. 3v. 1871-3. 942 M6 MoLiEEE, J. B. P. Dramatic works ; tr. by Charles Heron ^Yall. 3v. 1876-77 842 Ml Plays; tr. by Henry Morley. 1885.. 842 M2 Moll, Albert. Hypnotism. 1890 134 M MoLLETT, J. W. Painters of Barbizon : Carot, Daubigny, Dupre. 1890 92 M735 Painters of Barbizon : Millet, Rous- seau, Diaz. 1890 92 M736 Rembrandt. 1879 9 R28 Sir David Wilkie. 1881 9 W656 Watteau. 1883 9 W34 ed. Illustrated dictionary of words used in art and archajology. 1883. . 703 M MoLLEviLLE, A. F. Bertarnd de. See Bertrand de MoUeville, A. F., Mar- quis de. MoLLOY, Gerald. Gleanings in science. 1888 504 Ml MoLLOY, J. F. Life and adventures of Margaret Woffington. 1887 9 W82 Life of Edmund Kean. 2v. 1888. . . 9 K191 MoLLOY, J. L. Our autumn holiday on French rivers. 1879 914.4 M3 MoLTKE, H. K. B., Count von. Essays, speeches, and memoirs. 2v. 1893. 834 M Franco-German war of 1870-71. 1892. 943 Ml Letters from Russia. 1881 9 M733 Letters to his mother and his brothers. 1892 836 Ml MoLTKE, H. K. B., Count von. Life and character. 1892 9 M734 MoMBERT, J. I. History of Charles the Great [Charlemagne] . 1888 9 C371 MoMMSEN, Theodor. History of Rome. 2v. 1887 937 M3 MoNCK, W. H. S. Sir "William Hamilton. 1881 192 M2 MoNCKTON, J. H. National carpenter and joiner. 1873 694 M Moncrieff, A. R. H. (Ascott R. Hope). Book about dominies. 1869 ... 371 M3 Books about boys. 1869 824 M12 Men of the backwoods 970. 1 Ml MoNGREDiEN, AUGUSTUS. Wealth. 1883. 331 M6 Monk, Maria. Awful disclosures of the Hotel Dieu nunnery, of Montreal. 1855 +271 M4' MoNKHOUSE, A^ii C. Life of Leigh Hunt. 1893 9 H911 MoNNiER, Marc. Wonders of Pompeii. 1872 913 M7 Monroe, Anna. Model Sunday-school speaker. 1889 808 :M2 Monroe, Mrs. L. B. Story of our country. 1885 j 973 Mo Monroe, L. B. Manual of physical and vocal training. 1869 371 M4 ed. Public and parlor readings ; dramas and dialogues. 1881 808 M3 Public and parlor readings ; humor- ous. 1888 808 M4 Public and parlor readings ; miscella- neous. 1873 808 M5- comp. Young folks' readings. 1886 j 80S M6 MoNSTRELET, Enguerrand DE. Chroui- cles of the wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy. 2v. 1853 944 M13 Montagu, Irving. Camp , and studio. 1890 949 M Montagu, M. (P.) W., Lady. Select passages from her letters 826 M4 Letters. 1869 826 M3 Letters and works. 2v. 1866 826 M2 Montagu, Robert, Lord. Popular errors concerning politics and religion. 1874 322 M Montague, F. C. Elements of English constitutional history. 1894 342 M4 Montaigne, M. E. de. Works ; tr. by W. Hazlitt. 4v. 1872 844 M Montalembert, C. F. Monks of the West. 2v. 1872 271 M5 Montbard, Georges. Among the Moors. 1894 916.4 M Land of the Sphinx. 1894 916.2 M4 MoNTEiRO, J. J. Angola and the river Congo. 1876 916.7 Ml 384 AUTHOR LIST. MoNTEiRO, Mariana. Legends and pop- ular tales of the Basque people. 1887 398 M7 JtfOKTESQUIEU, C. DE Secondat, Barofi DE. Considerations on the causes of the grandeur and decadence of the Romans ; tr. by Jehu Baker. . . 844: Ml Spirit of laws. 2v 1873 340 M2 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of English history. 1887 942 M7 Montgomery, James. Lectures on gen- eral literature, poetry, etc. 1833.. 804 M2 Poetical works. 1858 821 M19 Montgomery, Walter. Boys of the Sierras. 1884 j 917.94 M MooDiE, William, conip. Tools for teachers. 1895 244 Ml MooNEY, Thomas. History of Ireland. 2v. 1853 y- 941.5 M7 Moore, Annie, and Nichols, Laura D. Overhead. 1878 j 520 M Moore, Mrs. A. A. (W.) {Aiiher Fores- tier^. Echoes from mist-land. 1877 831 M Moore, A. L. Lectures on the reforma- tion in England and on the conti- nent. 1890 270 M7 Moore, C. H. What to read. 1871 028 Ml Moore, Mrs. C. (J.) {Mrs. H. 0. Ward). Sensible etiquette. 1878 395 Ml Young lady's friend. 1880 177 M Moore, Frank. Memorial ceremonies at the graves of our soldiers, INIay 30, 1868 *973.7 M9 Practical preachers of the American revolution. 1862 *92 M78 Women of the war, their heroism and self-sacrifice. 1866 973.7 MIO ed. Rebellion record. 12v. 1867- 71 *973.7M11 Songs and ballads of the American revolution. 1856 811 M8 comp. American eloquence. 2v. 1857 815 M Moore, George. Impressions and opin- ions. 1891 824 M13 Moore, G. H. "Mr. Lee's plan — March 29,1777." 1860 *973.3 M Slavery in Massachusetts. 1866 326 Ml Moore, J. Kilpatrick, and our cavalry. 1865 9 K55 Moore, J. B. Lives of the governors of New Plymouth and Massachusetts bay. 1851 *92 M785 Memoirs of American governors. 1846 92 M786 Moore, J. B., comp. New Hampshire at the centennial. 1876 606 M2 Moore, J. S. Friendly letters to Ameri- can farmers. 1888 337 Ml Moore, J. T., yr. John Adams. 1885.. 9 Adl3 Moore, J. W. Complete encyclopaedia of music *780 M3 Picturesque Washington. 1888 917.53 M Moore, Martin. Sermon, delivered at Natick, containing a history of said town. 1817 *974.44M1 Moore, N. Pilgrims and Puritans. 1888. j 974.4 M3 Moore, Thomas. Irish melodies and sacred songs. 1857 821 M20 Lalla Rookh ; an oriental romance. 1863 821 M21 MemoirsofR. B. Sheridan. 2v. 1825. 9 Sh51 Poetical works 821 M22 Prose and verse. 1878 821 M23 joint author. 5eeLindley, John. MooRHEAD, W. K. Primitive man in Ohio. 1892 571 M3 Moorman, J. J. Virginia springs. 1857. 917.53 M Moors, J. F. History of the 52nd regi- ment, Massachusetts volunteers. 1893 *973.7 M12 More, Hannah. Complete works. 7v. 1868 244 M2 More, P. E., ed. Great refusal. 1894.. 818 M5 Morell, J. R. Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe. 1872 109 Ml MoEEY, W. C. Outlines of Roman law. 1884 349 M Morfill, W. R. Story of Poland. 1893. 943 M2 Story of Russia. 1890 947 Ml MoRFiT, C, joint author. See Booth, J. C. Morgan, J. E. University oars. 1873. 371 M5 Morgan, Sidney (O.), Lady. Life and Morgan, T. J. Educational mosaics. 1887. 370 M3 times of Salvator Rosa. 1855 9 R71 MoRiARTY, G. P. Paris law courts. 1894. 349 Ml MoRiCE, F. D. Pindar. 1879 884 M MoRisoN, Jeanie. See Campbell, Mrs. J. (M.) Morison, J. A. C. Service of man. 1888. 146 Ml MoEisoN, J. C. Life and times of Saint Bernard. 1868 9 B452 Morison, J. H. Disquisitions and notes on the gospels. 1872 226 M4 MoRLEY, Henry. English literature in the reign of Victoria. 1882 820 M3 English writers. 9 v. 1887-92 820 M4 First sketch of English literature 820 M5 Journal from a London playgoer from 1851 to 1866 828 M3 Life of Bernard Palissy 9 P17 Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair 1892. 394 Ml ed. Earlier life and works of Daniel Defoe. 1889 * 9 D361 Early prose romance. 1889 398 M8 comp. English plays 822 M6 MoRELY, John. Burke. 1879 9 B913 Critical miscellanies. 1st ser. 1879.. 824 M15 AUTHOR LIST. 385 MoRLEY, John. Critical miscellanies. 2v. 1886-92.. 824 M14 Diderot and the encyclopaedists. 2v. 1886 9D56 Edmund Burke, a historical study. 1867 942 M8 Life of Richard Cobden. 1881 9 C632 On compromise. 1886 171 M Rousseau. 2v. 1873 9 R76 Voltaire. 1886 9 V881 MoRPHY, p. C. Games of chess. 1890. 794 M Morrill, J. S., com}}. Self-consciousness of noted persons. 1887 126 M Morris, Charles. Aryan race. 1888... 572 M Bang Arthur and the knights of the round table. 3v. 1890-91 398 M9 — — ed. Decisive events in the great re- public. 1892 973 M6 Half-hours with American authors. 4v. 1887 810 Ml Half -hours with the best foreign authors. 4v. 1888 808 M7 Half-hours witli the best humorous authors. 4v. 1890 808 M8 Historical tales ; American. 1893. . . . 973 M7 Historical tales : French. 1893 944 M14 Historical tales ; German. 1893 943 M3 Historical tales ; the romance of real- ity. 1893 942 M9 Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. 1876 942 MIO Early Hanoverians. 1886 942 Mil Morris, E. O. History of British butter- flies. 1876 .595 M3 Natural history o^ the nests and eggs of British birds. 3v. 1875 *598 M9 Morris, Gouverneur. Remarks concern- ing neutral trade, 1806 341 M Morris, G. S. Hegel's philosophy of the state and of history. 1887 193 Ml Kant's critique of pure reason. 1882. 193 M2 Morris, Hexry. Early history of Spring- field ; an address on the 200th anni- versary of the burning of the town. 1876 *974.42 M First church in Springfield. 1875 *277 M3 Morris, H. S., ed. In the yule-log glow. 1892 818 M6 Morris, Johk. War in Korea. 1894. . . . 951 M Morris, J. M., joint author. See Croffut, W. A. Morris, Lewis. Epic of hades; in three books. 1879 821 M24 Works. 1890 821 M25 Morris, Malcolm. Management of the skin and hair 613 M2 Morris, M. O. Dublin castle. 1889.... 941.5 M8 Memini. 1892 824 M16 Morris, Richard, and Bowen, H. C. English grammar exercises. 1878.. 372 M Morris, William. Earthly paradise : a poem. 3v. 1871 821 M26 Morris, William. Poems by the way. 1892 821 M27 Tale of the house of the Wolfings. 1890 398 MIO and Magnusson, Eirikr, ed. Saga library. 1891 839 M2 Morris, W. 0. French revolution and first empire. 1874 944 M15 Morrison, J. C. Gibbon. 1879 9 G352 Morrison, L. A. History of the Alison or Allison family. 1893 *929 M7 Lineage of the Norris family. 1892.. *929 M71 Morrison, W. D. Jews under Roman rule. 1890 933 Ml Morse, Abner. Genealogical register and history of Sherborn and HoUis- ton. 1856 *974.44 M2 Morse, E. S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. 1886 915.2 M2 Morse, Jedidiah. American universal geography. 2v. 1819 910 MIO Annals of the American revolution. 1824 *973.3 Ml Geography made easy. 1806 911 Ml Geography made easy. 1809 *093 Ml and Parish, Elijah. Compendious history of New England. 1809 *974 M2 Morse, J. T., jr. Famous trials. 1874. 346 M John Quincy Adams. 1882 9 Adl6 Life of Alexander Hamilton. 2v. 1876 9 H181 Life of Thomas Jefeerson. 1883 9 J356 Memoir of A. Lincoln. 2v. 1893... 9 L6371 Treatise on banks and banking. 1879. 332 M4 MoRSELLi, Henry. Suicide. 1882 312 M Mortimer, Mrs. E. (B.) Peep of day. . . j 244 M3 Morton, E. J. C. Heroes of science. 1882 92 M84 Morton, E. W. Annexation of Charles- town and Somerville to Boston. 1871 *352 Ml .Morton, Nathaniel. New England's memorial. 1826 *974 M3 Morton, 0. T. Southern empire, and other papers. 1892 973 M8 MoRwooD, V. S. Facts and phases of animal life. 1883 j 591 M4 MosBY, J. S. War reminiscences, and Stuart's cavalry campaigns. 1887. . 973.7 M13 Moscheles, Mrs. Charlotte, ed. Music and musicians from diaries of Ignatz Moscheles. 1874 5 M85 Moscheles, Ignace, ed. Life of Beetho- ven 9 B395 MosELEY, H. N. Notes by a naturalist on H. M. S. " Challenger." 1892 508 M Moses, A. Religion of Moses. 1894 296 M2 Moses, Bernard, joint author. See Crane, W. W. Mosheim, j. L. Ecclesiastical history. 6v. 1811 270 M8 386 AUTHOR LIST. Moss, J. E. E. Season in Sutherland. 1888 914.1 M4 Mothers in council. 1884 ] 73 M Motley, J. L. History of the United Netherlands. 4v. 1869 949 Ml Life and death of John of Barneveld. 2v. 1874 9 B262 Rise of the Dutch republic. 3v. 1868. 949 M2 Mott, H. a. Air we breathe and venti- lation. 1883 697 M Mott, R. F., ed. Memoir and correspond- ence of E. P. Gurney. 1884 9 G36 MoTTELAY, P. F., and Copeland, T. C, ed. Soldier in our civil war. 2v. 1890 *973.7 M14 MouLE, A. E. New China and old. 1891. 915.1 M3 MouLE, H. C. G. Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans. 1892 227 M Epistle to the Ephesians. 1891 227 M2 Epistle to the Philippians. 1893 227 M3 Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. 1893 227 Ml MouLTON, Mrs. E. L. (C) In the garden of dreams. 1891 811 M9 Ourselves and our neighbors. 1887.. 177 Ml Poems. 1878 811 MIO Random rambles. 1881 914 M4 Swallow flights. 1892 811 Mil MouLTON, W. F. History of the English Bible 220 M Moultrie, "William. Memoirs of the American revolution as related to North and South Carolina and Georgia. 2v. 1802 *973.3 M2 MowRY, Sy'lvester. Arizona and Sonora. 1871 917.9 M MoxoN, Walter. Pilocereus Senilis, and other papers. 1887 824 M17 MozLEY, Anne. Essays from "Black- wood." 1892 824 M18 ed. Letters and correspondence of Cardinal Newman. 2v. 1890 9 M462 MozLEY, Thomas. Reminiscences. 2v. 1882 9 M874 Reminiscences, chiefly of towns, vil- lages, and schools. 2v. 1885 9 M875 MozooMDAR, p. C. Oriental Christ. 1883 232 Ml MuDiE, Robert. 'Popular guide to the observation of nature. 1833 507 M Mdir", John. Mountains of California. 1894 917.94 Ml Muirhead, J. H. Elements of ethics. 1892 171 Ml Mulford, Elisha.J i Nation. 1882 • 320 Ml Republic of God. 1881 230 M4 MuLHALL, M. G. Dictionary of statistics. 1884 310 M English in South America. 1878 980 M History of prices since the year 1850. 1885 338 Ml MULHALL, M. G. National progress. 1837-87. 1887.. 317 M Mdllany, p. F. {Brother Azarias). De- velopment of English literature. 1879 820 M6 MiJLLER, F. M. Anthropological religion. 1892 210 M Biographical essays. 1884 92 M91 Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas. 1888 491 M Chips from a German workshop. 4v. 1876 824 M19 Lectures on the origin and growth of religion. 1879 294 M Lectures on the science of language. 2v. 1875 410 M Lectures on the science of religion. 1872 290 M Natural religion. 1889 210 Ml On missions. 1874 266 M Physical religion. 1891 210 M2 Selected essays on language, mythol- ogy, and religion. 2v. 1881 824 M20 Theosophy ; or, psychological religion. 1893 212 M ed. Sacred books of the East. 39v. 1879-94 290 Ml MiJLLER, Hermann. Fertilization of flowers. 1883 581 Ml MiJLLER, K. 0. History of the literature of ancient Greece. 3v. 1858 880 M MiJLLER, WiLHELM. Political history of recenttimes. 1816-81. 1882 940 M5 MuLLiNGER, J. B. History of the uni- versity of Cambridge [England]. 378 M3 MuLOCK, D. M. See Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.) MuMFORD, T. J. Life and letters. 1879.. 9 M913 Memoir of S. J. May. 1873 9 M452 MuNDY, H. G., ed. Journal of Mary Frampton. 1885 9 F84 MuNGER, T. T. Freedom of faith. 1883. 252 M6 Lamps and pathos. 1884 j 252 M7 On the threshold. 1881 170 M3 Mdnkittrick, R. K. Farming. 1891 817 M2 MuNN & Co.spuh. United States patent law. 1871 608 M MuNRO, William. Records of service and campaigning. 2v. 1887 910 Mil Monroe, Harriet. Valeria, and other poems. 1892 811 M12 Munroe, W. H. Philosophy of cure. 1873 610 M3 MuNSELL, Joel. Every-day book of his- tory and chronologj'. 1858 902 Ml Munsey's magazine, v. 10-12. 1893-95. 051 M MuNSON, J. E. Complete phonograph)'. 1877 653 M MtJNTZ, Eugene. Short history of tapes- try. 1885 ". 746 M MuRCHE, V. T. Object lessons in elemen- tary science. 3v. 1894 507 Ml AUTHOR LIST. 387 Murdoch, Johx. Reconstruction of Eu- rope. 1889 940 M6 MoRDOCK, J. E. Stage. 1880 792 M3 MuRDOCK, W. G. B. From Edinburgh to the Antarctic. 1894 910.4 M12 MuRPHT, B. E. M. A., Lady^ and others. On the Rhine. 1881 914.4 M4 McRPHY, J. M. American game bird shooting. 1882 799 M3 Sporting adventures in the far west. 1880 799 M4 Murphy, J. N. Terra incognita. 1873. 271 M6 Murray, A. S. Handbook of Greek archeology. 1892 913 M8 Manual of mythology. 1888 291 M Murray, David. Story of Japan. 1894. 952 M Murray, E. C. G. Round about France. 1878 914.4 M5 Side-lights on English society. 1885. *914.2 M3 Murray, Hugh, and others. British India. 3v. 1832 954 M4 Murray, Johx, pub. Handbook for northern Europe, v. 2. 1849 914 M5 Handbook for visitors to Paris. 1870. 914.4 M6 Handbook of Rome. 1871 914.5 M4 Handbook to London as it is 914.2 M4 Handbook for travellers in central Italy. 1867 914.5 Ml Handbook for travellers in northern Italy. 1877 914.5 M2 Handbook for travellers in southern Italy. 1868 914.5 M3 Handbook for travellers in Switzer- land. 1854 914.9 M9 Handbook for travellers on the conti- nent. 1852 914 M6 Murray, J. C, tr. Solomon Maimon. 1888 9 M281 Murray, J. O. Frances TV ay land. 1891 9 W36 Murray, Lixdley. Power of religion on the mind. 1871 248 M Murray, Robert. Treatise on marine engines and steam vessels. 1874. . . 623 M Murray, T. C. Lectures on the origin and growth of the Psalms. 1880. . . 223 Ml Murray, W. H. H. Adventures in the wilderness. 1882 917.47 Ml Daylight land. 1888 917.8 M2 Deacons. 1875 204 M3 Mamelons and Ungava. 1890 398 Mil Music-hall sermons. 2v. 1872-73... 252 M8 Perfect horse. 1873 636 M4 Murrey, T. J. Cookery for invalids 613 M3 Fifty soups. 1884 641 M Musical record, v. 1-10. 1884-93 780 M4 MusPRATT, J. S. Chemistry; theoretical, practical, and analytical. 2v 540 Ml MussET, P. E. DE. Biography of Alfred de Musset. 1877 9 M97 MuzzEY, A. B. Reminiscences of men of the revolution. 1883 92 M98 Myer, Isaac. Scarabs. 1894 913 M9 Myers, Frederic. Lectures on great men. 1874 92 M99 Myers, F. W. H. Science and a future life, with other essays. 1893 824 M21 "Wordsworth. 1881 9 W894 Myers, P. V. X. Remains of lost em- pires. 1875 915 M2, Nadaillac, J. F. A. DU P., Marquis de. Manners and monuments of prehis- toric peoples. 1892 571 ]Sr Prehistoric America. 1890 913 If Nadal, E. S. Impressions of London so- cial life. 1875 914.2 N Naxsex, Fridtjof. First crossing of Greenland. 2v. 1890 919.8 ISC Napier, C. O. G. Lakes and rivers. 1879. 590 N Napier, Sir G. T. Early military life ; by himself. 1886 9 N16L Napier, James. Manual of electro-metal- lurgy. 1876 537 N. Napier, Mark. Montrose and the Cove- nanters. 2v. 1838 9 M76o Napier, Sir W. F. P. History of the war in the Peninsula. 5v. 1863 946 N Napoleon Bonaparte 9 N1632 Napoleox III. History of Julius Caesar. 2v. 1865-7 9 C117 Napoleonic ideas. 1859 9 N16351 Narjoux, Felix. Notes and sketches of an architect, taken during a journey in the northwest of Europe ; tr. by J. Peto. 1877 914 N Narragansett historical register, v. 1-8. 1882-90 *974.5 N Nasby, Petroleum V., pseud. See Locke, D. R. Nash, Gilbert, comp. Weymouth his- torical society. 2v. 1881-85 *974.47 N Nash, Wallis. Two years in Oregon. 1882 917.95 N Nasmith, David. Makers of modern • thought. 2v. 1892 190 N Nasox, Elias. Gazetteer of the state of Massachusetts. 1874 *917.44 N History of Dunstable, Mass. 1877. . . *974.44 N and Russell, Thomas. Life and public services of Henry "Wilson. 1876 9 W69 Nasser-ed-deex. Diary kept during his journey to Europe in 1878; tr. by A. H. Schindler and Louis de Norman. 1879 914 Nl Nation, v. 47-49. 1893-94 070 N National almanac. 1864 310 N Natioxal Associatiox for the Promo- Tiox OF Social Sciexce. Transac- tions. 12v. 1861-85 *306N' 388 AUTHOR LIST. National Conference of Charities. Proceedings at the fourteenth annual session. 1887 360 N National Congress on Penitentiary and Eeformatort Discipline. Trans- actions. 1870 365 N National Educational Association. Proceedings. 1894.... 370 N National Educational Society. Ad- dresses and proceedings. 1873.... 370 Nl ational portrait gallery of distinguished Americans. 5 v. 1852-67 *92 N21 National Prison Association. Transac- tions of the third congress. 1874.. 365 Nl National Temperance Society. Tem- perance in all nations. 2v. 1893.. 178 N Natural history of insects. 1831 595 N Natural philosophy. 1829 530 N Nature's laws in human life. 1873 133 N Naumann, Emil. History of music. 2v 780 N Naavnton, Sir Robert. Court of Queen Elizabeth. 1814 92 F22 Eragmenta regalia, 1630-53 ; icith Thomas Watson's poems. 1870. . . 820 N Neal, Daniel. History of New England. 1720 , . . . . *974 N History of the Puritans. 2v. 1844.. *274 N Neally, Amy. To Nuremberg and back. 1892 i 914 N2 Neander, J. TV. A. General history of the Christian religion. 6v. 1871.. 270 N History of the planting and training of the Christian church by the apostles. 2v. 1880 270 Nl Neaves, Charles, Lord. Greek anthol- ogy. 1874 881 N Needham, Mrs. E. C. Queen of song and list of operas. 2v. 1863 92 N28 Needham, G. C. Life and labors of C. H. Spurgeon. 1883 9 Sp9 Street arabs and gutter snipes. 1884. 331 N Neil^on, Charles. Account of Bur- goyne's campaign and the battles of Bemis's heights, Sept. 19, and Oct. 7,1777. 1844 *973.3 N Neilson, Joseph. Memoirs of Rufus Choate. 1884 9 C451 Nelson, Anson and Fanny. Memorials ofS. C.Polk. 1892 9 P756 Nelson, C. A. Waltham, past and pres- ent. 1882 *974.44 Nl Nelson, Fanny, joint author. See Nel- son, Anson. Nemirovitch-Dautchenke, V. I. Per- sonal reminiscences of Mikhail Skobeleflf. 1884 9 Sk5 Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-land. 1878..." j 425 N Nesfield, "VV. E. Specimens of mediaeval architecture. 1862 *723 N Nevins, J. L. Demon possession and allied themes. 1894 235 N Nevins, "W. S. Witchcraft in Salem vil- lage. 1692. 1892 133 Nl joint author. See Webber, C. H. New England historical and genealogical register. 47v. 1847-93 *929 N New England kitchen, v. 1-2. 1894-95. 640 N NeAv England magazine, v. 1-17. 1884- 95 051 N New-fashioned girl. 1879 SUN New Hampshire. Adjutant general. Re- ports. 1865-68. 6v *353 N Health, Board of. Annual reports. 1881-92. llv *614N Library commissioners, Board of. Free public libraries. Second re- port. 1894 *020 N 8th regiment volunteers. Complete roster *973.7 N* State library. Report. 1891 *027 N New Hampshire Historical Society. Collections. 9v. 1824-89 *906 N New Hampshire repository. 2v. 1846... 051 Nl New London, Conn. Public library. First supplement to the finding list. 1894. *017 N New York (city) Harvard Club. Con- stitution and by-laws. 1890 367 N New York Historical Society. Collec- tions. 1868-81. 13v *906 Nl New York mirror. 2v. 1833-35 050 N New York State Charities Aid Asso- ciation. Pamphlets and reports. 361 N New York University. Annual report. 1889-90. 2v 507 N Newark (A'. J.). Free public library. Finding list. 1890 *017 Nl Newbury, Mass. Celebration of the 250th anniversary. 1885 *974.45 N Newcastle, M. Cavendish, Duchess of. Life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle. 1886 9 N43 Lives of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle, and of his wife, duchess of Newcastle. 1872 9 N431 Newcomb, Simon. Political economy. 1886 330 N Popular astronomy. 1878 520 N Newell, J. K., ed. "Ours": annals of 10th regiment, Massachusetts volun- teers. 1875 *973.7 Nl Newell, W. W. Games and songs of American children. 1883 j 790 N Newhall, C. S. Shrubs of northeastern America. 1893 582 N Newhall, J. R. Centennial memorial of Lynn, Mass. 1876 *974.45 Nl Proceedings in Lynn, Mass. 1880. . .*974.45 N2 Newhall, J. T. Scottish moors and Indian jungles. 1889 914.1 N AUTHOR LIST. 589 Newhall, W. S. A memoir. 1864 9 N45 Newman, C. L. N. In Zululand. 1880.. 968 N Newman-, F. W. Miscellanies. 1869.... 828 N The soul ; its natural history as the true basis of theology. 18G8 218 N Newman, J. H., Cardinal. Apologia pro vita sua 9 N-lGl Characteristics from his writings. 1875 208 N Essays, 2v. 1871 204 N Idea of a university defined and illus- trated. 1873 378 N Newman, J. P. Christianity triumphant. 1883 239 N Newton, R. H. Church and creed. 1891. 238 N Newton, W. W. Little and wise. 1877. j 252 N ed. Dr. Muhlenberg. 1890 9 M891 Newton, Mass. Centennial celebrations of the city. 1876 *974.44 X2 First church. 225th anniversary. 1889 *277N Second church. 100th anniversary. 1881 *277N1 Niblett, J. Secondary batteries 621 N NiCHOL, John. Byron. 1880 9 B994 Francis Bacon. 2v. 1888 9 B135 Thomas Carlyle. 1892 9 C198 NiCHOL, J. P, Important points relating to the system of the world. 1848. • 520 Nl NiCHOL, Mary E. Three hundred and sixty-six dinners. 1892 641 N Nicholas, G. A., pseud. See Worthing- ton, Mrs. A. "W. Nichols, Arthur. Geological history. 1880 550 N Nichols, G. W. Art education applied to industry. 1877 707 N Story of the great march. 1866 973.7 N2 Nichols, J. R. Whence, what, where ? 1883 218 Nl Nichols, Laura D., joint author. See Moore, Annie. Nichols, Sir N. Harris. History of the orders of knighthood of the British empire *929 N4 History of the royal navy. 2v. 1847 359 N Nicholson, Alexander, ed. Collection of Gaelic proverbs and familiar phrases . 1882 398 N Nicholson File Co. Treatise on files and rasps. 1878 *621 Nl Nicholson, George, ed. Illustrated dic- tionary of gardening. 4v. 1889. . . *630 N Nicholson, J. B. Manual of the art of bookbinding. 1871 686 N Nicholson, Peter. Carpenter's new guide. 1871 694 N NicoLAY, J. G. Outbreak of rebellion. 1881 973.7 N3 NiCOLAY, J. G. and Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln, a history. lOv. 1890 9 L638 NicoLET, John. History of the discovery of the northwest. 1634. 1881 977 N NicoLiNi, G. B. History of the .Jesuits. 1873 271 N NicoLL, H. J. Landmarks of English literature. 1884 820 Nl NicoLL, W. R. James Macdonell. 1890. 9 M145 NicoLS, Arthur. Wild life and adven- ture in the Australian bush. 2v. 1887 919.4 N NiEBCHR, B. G. Greek hero stories. 1879 j 292 N History of Rome. 3v. 1860 937 N NiECKS, Frederick. F. F. Chapin. 2v. 1890 9 C455 Nightingale, Florence, Lady. Notes on nursing. 1860 649 N Niles' weekly register, v. 1-12, and index. 1811-17 051 N2 NiNDE, M. L. We two alone in Europe. 1886 914 N3 Nineteenth century, v. 9-36. 1881-94.. 052 N NiSBET, Charles, ' and Lemon, Don. Everybody's writing-desk book. 1892 420 N Nitzch, Mrs. H. A. {Catherine Oicen). Choice cookery. 1889 641 Nl Gentle breadwinners. 1888 641 N2 Progressive housekeeping. 1889.... 640 Nl NoAD, H. M. Student's text-book of elec- tricity. 1879 537 Nl Noble, Edmund. Russian revolt. 1885. 947 N Noble, J. A. Pelican papers. 1873 824 N Noble, Samuel. Appeal in behalf of a new church. 1868 289 N Book of Judges. 1856 222 N Eight parables. 1857 226 N Plenary inspiration of the Scriptures asserted. 1865 220 N Nobody, A., pseud. Nobody knows. 1888 331 Nl Nohl, C. F. L. Life of Wagner. 1889. 9 W123 Nohl, Ludwig. Life of Liszt. 1884 9 L69 Life of Mozart. 2v. 1877 9 M871 Noll, A. H. Short history of Mexico. 1325-1888 972 N NoRCROss, Otis. In memoriam. 1883.. 9 N75 NoRDAU, Max. Degeneration. 1895.... 304 N NoRDENSKjoLD, A. E. Voyage of the '•Vega" round Asia and Europe. 1882 919.8 Nl Nordhoff, Charles. California. 1873. 917.94 N Communistic societies of the United States. 1875 335 N Cotton states in the spring and sum- mer of 1875 917.5 N God and the future life. 1884 j 210 N 390 AUTHOR LIST. NoRDHOFF, Charles. Man-of-war life. 1883 j 910 N Merchant vessel. 1884 j 910 Nl Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich islands. 1874 919.6 N Peninsular California. 1888 917.94 Nl Politics for young Americans. 1875.. j 320 N Stories of the island world. 1857 j 919.7 N Norman, C. B. Armenia and the cam- paign of 1877 939 N Norman, Henry. Peoples and politics of the far East. 1895 915 N Real Japan. 1892 915.2 N Norman, Mrs. M. M. (D.) Girl in the Karpathians. 1891 914.3 N Women adventurers. 1893 92 N78 Norman, Philip, joi7it author. See Rendle, William. Norris, Thaddeus. American angler's book. 1865 799 N American fish-culture. 1868 639 N North American review, v. 1-159, and index. 1815-1894 051 N3 North Carolina. Handbook, board of agriculture. 1886 917.56 N North, Oliver. Practical assayer. 1874. 669 N North Packing and Provision Co. Packers, curers, jobbers, and ex- porters of provisions. 1893 664 N NoRTHEND, Charles. Elihu Burritt. 1879 9B944 Northmen pamphlets *973 N Northrop, H. D. Marvelous wonders of the world. 1886 910 N2 Northrup, a. j. Camp and tramps in the Adirondacks. 1880 917.47 N Norton, A. T. History of Sullivan's campaign against the Iroquois. 1879 *973.3 Nl Norton, Andrews. Evidences of the genuineness of the gospels; 1873. . 226 Nl Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of Trinitarians. 1873. 288 N Translation of the gospels. 1855 226 N2 Norton, C. B. President and his cabinet. 1888 353 Nl Norton, C. E. Historical studies of church building in the middle ages. 1880 726 N Notes of travel and study in Italy. 1881 914.5 N Norton, C. L. Political Americanisms. 1890 427 N and Habberton, John. Canoeing in Ivanuckia. 1878 797 N Notes for boys and their fathers. 1888.. 170 N Notes on building construction. 3v. 1883. 690 N NoTT, C. C. Sketches of the war. 1863. 973.7 N4 NouRSE, H. S. History of Harvard, Mass. 1894 *974.43 Nl NouRSE, H. S. Military annals of Lancaster, Mass. 1740-1865. 1889 *353 N2 ed. Birth, and other register, Lan- caster, Mass. 1890 *929 N7 Early records of Lancaster, Mass. 1643-1725. 1884 *974.43 N NovALis, pseud. See Hardenberg, F. L. Baron von. NoYES, G. F. Bivouac and the battle- field. 1864 973.7 N5 NoYES, G. R, New Testament. 1873... 225 Nl New translation of the book of Psalms, and of the Proverbs. 1868 223 N2 New translation of Job, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles. 1868 223 N tr. New translation of the book of Psalms. 1831 223 Nl comp. Collection of theological es- says. 1873 230 N Nugent, G. G. Memorials of John Hamp- den. 1880 9 H187 Ndttall, Thomas. North American sylva. 2v. 1865 *5S2 Nl Popular handbook of the ornithologj- of the United States and Canada. 2v. 1891 598 N Nutting, Mary 0. {Mary Barreif). Days of Maurice. 1584-1648. 1894. 949 N Nye, E. W. (Bill Nye). History of the United States. 1894 817 N Remarks by Bill Nye. 1887 817 Nl Oahspe: a new Bible. 1891 *299 Oakey, A. F. Building a home. 1881... 728 Oates, Frank. Matabele land and the Victoria falls. 1889 916.8 Ober, F. a. Knockabout club in North Africa. 1890 j 916.1 O Knockabout club in Spain. 1889 j 914.6 O Knockabout club in search of treasure. 1892 j 917.2 Knockabout club in the Antilles and thereabouts. 1888 j 917.2 01 Knockabout club in the Everglades. 1887 j 917.59 Knockabout club on the Spanish main, j 918.7 O Travels in Mexico. 1884 917.2 02 Young folks' history of Mexico. 1000 B.C. 1880 j 972 O'Brennan, M. a. Antiquities and a school historj' of Ireland. 2v. 1858 941.5 O'Brien, Fitz-James. Poems and stories. 1881 828 OcKLEY, Simon, joint author. See Gib- bon, Edward. O'Clery, p. K. (The O'Clery). Making of Italy. 1892 945 O'Connell, Daniel. Correspondence. 2v. 1888 826 AUTHOR LIST. 391 O'CoNNELL, Daniel. Life and times (compilation). 2v. 1875 9 Oc53 Speeches and public letters of the Lib- erator. 2v. 187.5 825 O O'Connor, T. P. Parnell movement, with a sketch of Irish parties from 1843. 1886 941.5 01 O'CoNOR, W. A. History of the Irish people. 1886 941.5 02 Odd Fellows. Somerville, Mass. Con- stitution, by-laws, etc *366 O'DoNNELL, Mrs. J. (C), joint author. See Chesney, Mrs. L. (F.) O'DoNOGHCE, D. J., comp. Humour of Ireland. 1894 827 O'DoNOGHUE, Mrs. N. P. Riding for ladies, withhints on the stable. 1887. 798 O'DoNOVAN, Edmond. Merv oasis. 2v. 1883 915.8 O Ogden, Chistol. Model speeches for all school occasions. 1888 808 O Ogden, John. Art of teaching. 1879... 3710 Science of education. 1879 370 O Ogilvie, John. Imperial dictionary of the English language. 1883 *423 O O'Kelly, J. J. Mambi-land. 1874 917.2 03 Old and new. v. 1-8. 1870-74 051 Old Colony Historical Society. Col- lections. 1879-89 *906 Old, old fairy tales and stories 398 Old 6th Massachusetts Regiment Asso- ciation. Oration. Lowell, Mass., April 19th, 1886 *973.7 Old tayles, newlye relayted. 1883 821 O Old Yarmouth, Mass. Celebration of the 250th anniversary. 1889 *974.49 O Oldstyle, Jonathan, pseud. See Irving, Washington. Olin, Stephen. College life. 1867 378 O Oliphant, C.F. Alfred deMusset. 1890. 9 M971 Oliphant, Lawrence. Episodes in a life of adventure.. 1887 910 O Haifa; or, life in modern Palestine. 1887 956 O Land of Gilead. 1881 915.6 O Scientific religion. 1889 210 O Oliphant, iMrs. M. 0. (W.) Cervantes. 9 C 334 Dress 391 Historical characters, reign of Queen Anne. 1894 *92 013 Life of Edward Irving. 1862 9 Ir8 Life of Sheridan. 1883 9 Sh52 Literary history of England, end of 18th and beginning of 19th century. 3v. 1882 820 O Makers of Florence. 1877 92 0131 Makers of Venice. 1888 92 0132 Memoir of Count de Montalembert. 1872 9 M763 Oliphant, Mrs. M. 0. (W.) Memoir of John Tallock. 1888 9 T82 Memoir of Lawrence Oliphant, and of Alice his wife. 2v. 1891 9 013 Moliere 9 M73 Royal Edinburgh. 1890 914.10 Thomas Chalmers. 1893 9 C351 Victorian age of English literature. 2v. 1892 820 01 Oliphant, T. L. K. New English. 2v. 1886 420 O Oliver, George. Discrepancies of free- masonry. 1875 3GG 01 Oliver, 3Irs. G. A. E. Study of Maria Edgeworth, with notices of her father and friends. 1882 9 Ed31 Oliver, S. P. Madagascar. 2v. 1886.. 916.9 Ollier, Edmund. Cassell's history of the war between France and Germany. 1870-71. 2v 940 C Olliffe, Sir Joseph. My Paris note- book. 1894 914.4 Olmstead, F. L. Journey through Texas. 1857 917.64 Oman, C. W. C. Story of the Byzantine empire. 1892 949 O Oman, J. C. Great Indian epics. 1894. 891 O Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat. 1872 891 01 O'Meara, B. E. Napoleon at St. Helena. 2v. 1888 9N1636 O'Meara, Kathleen. Mme. M. C. Mohl. 1886 9 M72 On class teaching. 1879 37101 On discipline. 1879 37102 On the use of words. J879 428 O'Neill, F. W., a«c? Williams, H. L., ed. American farmer's hand-book. 1880. 630 O OoRT, Henricus, and Hooy'kaas, Isaac. Bible for learners. 3v. 1879 220 Oppert, Ernest. Forbidden land. 1880. 915.10 Oppler, Adolph. Three lectures on education. 1875 370 01 Optic, OhivEu, pseud. 5'ee Adams, W. T. Orcutt, Hiram. Among the theologies. 1888 230 O Orcutt, W. D. Good old Dorchester; a narrative history. 1630-1893 *974.46 O Ordish, T. F. Early London theatres. 1894 '920 O'Reilly, Bernard. Life of Leo XIII. 1887 9L552 O'Reilly, J. B. Ethics of boxing and manly sport. 1888 796 In Bohemia. 1886 8110 Poems and speeches in 9 Or3 Songs, legends, and ballads. 1878 81101 O'Rell, Max, pseud. See Blouet, Paul. Orford, Earl of. See Walpole, Horace. Orient Council, Somerville, Mass, Charter, by-laws, and list of members. *366 02 392 AUTHOR LIST. Oriental Club, Philadelphia. Oriental studies. 1894 890 O Orleans, E. C, Duchess d\ Secret memoirs of the court of Louis XIV. 1889 9 Oro Orjie, William. Life and times of Rich- ard Baxter. 2v. 1831 9 B33 Ormsbee, Agnes B. House comfortable. 1892 640 Orpen, Adela E. Chronicles of the Sid. 916.101 Orpen, Mrs. G. H. Stories about famous precious stones. 1890 553 Orr, Mrs. A. L. Life and letters of Robert Browning. 2v. 1891 9 B827 Orr, Mrs. S. Handbook to the works of Robert Browning. 1890 82101 Orris, C. F.,an(f Cheney, A. N. Fishing with the fly. 1883 799 O Orton, James. Andes and the Amazon. 1870 918 ed. Liberal education for women. 1873 376 O Orton, Job. Short and plain exposition of the Old Testament. 6v. 1806.. 2210 Orton, H. D. Lightning calculator and accountant's assistant. 1876 511 O OsBORN, H. S. Practical manual of minerals, mines, and mining. 1888. 622 Teacher's guide to Palestine. 1870... 220 01 OsBORN, 3Irs. S. (B.) Political and social letters of a lady of the eighteenth cen- tury. 1721-71. 1891 826 01 Osborne, W. H. History of the 29th regiment of Massachusetts volun- teer infantry. 1877 *973.7 01 Osbourn, Laughton. Handbook of young artists. 1879 751 O Osgood, A. H. How to apply colors to china. 1891 738 O Osgood, C. S., and Batchelder, H. M. Historical sketch of Salem. 1879.. *974.45 O Osgood, il/?-s. F. S. (L.) Poems. 1846. 81102 Osgood, Samuel. Student life. 1861... 37103 O'Shaughnessy, a. W. E. His life and his works. 1894 82102 O'Shea, J. A. Romantic Spain. 2v. 1887 914.6 01 OsMUN, T. E. Actors and acting. 1894.. 792 01 Verbalist. 1882 428 01 OssiAN. Poems. 1847 821 03 OssoLi, S. M. (F.), Marchio7iess d'. Art, literature, and the drama. 1874. .. 814 O At home and abroad. 1874 910 01 Life without and life within. 1874. . . 818 O Woman in the nineteenth century. 1874 396 O OsTERHOUT Free Library, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Class catalogue and author in- dex. 1889 *017 Oswald, F. L. Summerland sketches. 1880 917.2 04 I Otte, E. C. Scandinavian history. 1874. 948 O Otis, H. G. Letters in defence of the Hartford convention. 1824 *973 O and others. Investigation into the fifteen gallon law of Massachusetts. 1839. *345 O Ottley, R. L. Lancelot Andrewes. 1894. 9 An25 Our country ; • a plea for home missions. 1858 266 O Our famous women ; Lives of American women. 1884 92 Ou7 Our young folks, v. 1-9. 1865-73 j 051 01 OusELEY, Sir W. Gore. Statistics and political institutions of the United States. 1832 3210 Outlook. V. 45-50. 1892-94 051 02 Note. V. 45-47 published under the name " Christian Union." Outram, George. Legal and other lyrics. 1888 821 04 Over the border ; Acadia. 1884 917.10 OvERBURY, Sir Thomas. Miscellaneous works. 1856 828 01 Overman, Frederick. Mechanics. 1861. 6210 Moulder's and founder's pocket guide. 1872 671 O Ovid. Metamorphoses, and the Epistles ; ?;?■. by Dryden and others. 2v 1872. 8710 Owen, Catherine, pseud. See Nitzch, Mrs. H. A. Owen, John. Evenings Avith the skeptics. 2v. 1881 180 O Skeptics of the French renaissance. 1893 194 O Owen, Richard. Life of Sir Richard Owen ; by his grandson. 2v. 1894. 9 0w21 Owen, R. D. Twenty-seven years of auto- biography. 1874 9 Ow28 Owen, W. M. In camp and battle with the Washington artillery of New Orleans. 1885 973.7 02 Owens, 3Irs. M. C. Professional and social life of J. E. Owens. 1892 9 Ow2 Pabke, Marie, anc? Pitman, Mrs. M. J. (D.), comp. and tr. Wonder-world stories. 1877 j 398 P Pacificus, Philo. Solemn review of the custom of war. 1816 172 P Packard, A. S., jr. Common insects. 1873 595 P Entomology for beginners. 1889 595 PI Guide to the study of insects. 1880. . 595 P2 Half-hours with insects. 1887 595 P3 Zoology for students and general readers. 1879 590 P Packard, Theophilus, jr. Churches and ministers in Franklin county, Mass. 1854 *277P Page, C. E. Natural cure of consump- tion. 1883 616 P Page, H. A., pseud. See Japp, A. H. AUTHOR LIST. 393 Page, T. N. Among the camps. 1891... j 973.7 P Old south. 1892..... • 917.5 P Paget, John. Judicial puzzles. 1877... 347 P Paget, Violet {Vernon Lee). Countess of Albany. 1884 9 All Euphorian. 2v. 1881 824 P Juvenilia. 1887 701 P Paige, L. R. History of Cambridge, Mass. 1887 *974.44 P History of Hard wick, Mass., witli genealogical register. 1883 *974.43 P Pain, Barrv. Playthings and parodies. 1892 827 P Paine, A. W. New philosophy. 1884. . . 130 P Paine, Harriet E. {Eliza Chester). Girls and women. 1890 39G P Unmarried women. 1892 396 PI Paine, Martyn. Discourse on the soul and instinct. 1849 Ill P Paine, Thomas. Common sense. 1878.. 320 P Writings. 2v. 1894 814 P Painter, F. V. N. History of education. 188G 370 P Painter, gilder, and varnisher's companion. 1872 '. . 698 P Paley, William. Natural theology. 1839. 210 P Principles of moral and political phil- osophy. 1810 170 P Palf^ey', F. W. Antietam and Fredericks- burg. 1882 973.7 PI Memoir of W. F. Bartlett. 1878 .... 9 B28 Palfrey, J. G. History of New England. 5v. 1858-90 974 P Sermon preached to the church in Brattle square. 1824 *277 PI Palgrave, Sir Francis. History of the Anglo-Saxon. 1871 942 P History of Normandy and England. 4v. 1864-78 944 P Palgrave, F. T., comp. Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. 1890 821 P Palgrave, R. F. D. Oliver Cromwell. 1890 9 C883 Palgrave, W. G. Essays on Eastern question. 1872 297 P Ulysses, scenes and studies in many lands. 1887 910 P Year's journey through central and eastern Arabia. 1871 915.3 P Palliser, Mrs. Bury. Historic devices, badges, and war cries. 1870 929 P Palmer, A. P. Methodist Episcopal church in Wellfleet, Mass. 1877 *277 P2 Palmer, A. S. Folk-etymology. 1883.. 423 P Palmer, E. H. Caliph Haroun Alraschid. 1881 9 A16 Desert of the Exodus. 1872 915.3 PI History of the Jewish nation. 1874.. 933 P Palmer, G. H. New education. 1887... 375 P Palmer, H. C, and others. Athletic sports in America, England, and Australia. 1889 797 P Palmer, H. S. Sinai. 1878 939 P Palmer, Joseph. Necrology of alumni of Harvard college. 1851-63 378 P Palmer, J. A., jr. About mushrooms. 1894 643 P Memories of Hawaiian correspond- ence. 1894 919.6 P Mushrooms of America, edible and poisonous. 1885 643 PI Palmer, Mrs. Phcebe. Faith and its effects. 1860 234 P Palmer, Ray. Earnest words on true success in life. 1873 174 P Palmer, Sir Roundell, comp. Book of praise. 1867 821 PI Palmer, Stephen. Sermon delivered in Needham. 1811 *974.47 P Palmerston, E. H., joint author. See Besant, Walter. Panton, Mrs. J. E. By-paths and cross- roads. 1889 914.2 P Papillon, Fernand. Nature and life. 1875 577 P Papillon, T. L. Manual of comparative philology. 1882 480 P Papus, pseud. Tarot of the Bohemians. 1892 133 P Pardee, Jean. Yale -man -up -to -date. 1895 378 PI Pardoe, H. C. Up the Susquehanna. 1895 917.48 P Pardoe, Julia. Court and reign of Fran- cis I., king of France. 3v. 1887. 944 PI Life of Marie de Medic is. 3v. 1890 9 M335 Louis XIV. 2v. 1874 9 L923 Pardon, G. F., ed. Tales from the operas. 1875 782 P Paris, L. P. d'Orleans, Comte de. Battle of Gettysburg. 1886 973.7 P2 History of the civil war in America. 4v. 1876 973.7 P3 Paris, Pierre. Sculpture antique. 1889. 732 P Paris by day and night. 1889 914.4 P Parish, Elijah, joint author. See Morse, Jedidiah. Park, Abraham. Teacher's hand-book of object lessons 372 P Park, MuNGO. Life and travels. 1840.. 916.6 P Parke, T. H. My personal experiences in equatorial Africa. 1891 916.7 P Parker, C. S., ed. Sir Robert Peel. 1891. 9 P34 Parker, F. A. Battle of Mobile bay, and the capture of forts Powell, Gaines, and Morgan. 1878 973.7 P4 Parker, F. J. Story of the 32d regiment, Massachusetts infantry. 1880 *973.7 P5 ^94 AUTHOR LIST. Parker, F. TV. How to study geography. 1889 910 PI Talks on pedagogics. 1894 371 P Parker, Gilbert. Lover's diary. 1894.. 821 P2 Parker, Joseph. Ecce Deus. 1867 232 P Parker, J. H. Concise glossary of terms used in Grecian, Ecman, Italian, and Gothic architecture. 1869 720 P Domestic architecture in England from Edward I. to Richard II. 2v. 1859. 723 P Parker, J. L., Carter, R. G., and others. Henry Wilson's regiment. 1887. . . *973.7 PG Parker, Theodore. Collected works. Uv. 1863-72 208 P Genealogy and biographical notes of John Parker, of Lexington. 1893.. *929 P2 Trial for the "misdemeanor" of a speech in Faneuil hall against kid- napping. 1855 247 PI West Roxbury sermons. 1837-48. 1892 252 P Parkes, S. H. Unfinished worlds. 1887. 523 P Parkhirst, C. H. Our fight with Tam- many. 1895 363 P Parkhurst, H. E. Bird's calendar. 1894. 598 P Parkmax, Francis. Book of roses. 1871 ".... 716P Conspiracy of Pontiac. and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada. 2v. 1870 973 p Count Frontenac, and New France under Louis XIV. 1877 971 P Discovery of the great west. 1871... 973 PI Half-century of conflict. 2v. 1892.. 970 P Historic handbook of the northern • tour.. 1885 974.7 P Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. 1872 271 P Montcalm and Wolfe. 2v. 1884 970 PI Old regime in Canada. 1893 971 PI Oregon trail. 1872 917.8 P Pioneers of France in the new world. 1870 973 P2 Parloa, Maria. New cook book. 1881. 641 P Parlor tableaux and amateur theatricals. 1867 793 P Parnell, Arthur. War of the succession in Spain. 1888 946 p Parnell, E. A. Life and labors of John Mercer. 1886 9 M53 Parr, Harriet. Life and death of Jeanne D'Arc. 2v. 1866 9 J574 Parry, C. H. H. Art of music. 1893. .. 780 P Parry, E. A. Charles Macklin. 1891. .. 9 M21 Parry, E. G. Sketches of a yachting cruise. 1889 914 P Parsons, Frank, and others. World's best books. 1891 028 P Parsons, Theophilus. Professor's let- ters. 1891 289 PI Parsons, Theophilus, jr. Deus homo. 1870 232 PI Essays. 1868 204 P Infinite and the finite. 1872 125 P Laws of business. 1882 347 P2 Mystery of life. 1879 289 P Parsons, T. W. Poems. 1893 811 P Parsons, Usher. Life of Sir William Pepperrell. 1855 *9 P39 Partington, 3Irs., jpseud. /See Shillaber, B. P. Parton, James. Andrew Jackson. 1893. 9 J121 Captains of industry. 1884 j 92 P25 Caricature and other comic art in all times and many lands. 1877 741 P Famous Americans of recent times. 1877 92 P251 General Butler in New Orleans. 1862. 1864 973.7 P7 Humorous poetry from Chaucer to Saxe. 1881 821 P3 Life and times of Aaron Burr. 1858 . 9 B941 Life and times of Benjamin Franklin. 2v. 1864 9F855 Life of Andrew Jackson. 3v. 1879. 9 J12 Life of Horace Greeley. 1869 9 G812 Life of Thomas Jefferson. 1874 9 J355 Life of Voltaire. 2v. 1881 9 V882 Memorial of Mrs. S. P E. Parton [Fanny Fern] 9 P25 Topics of the time. 1871 814 PI Partridge, AV. 0. Technique of sculp- ture. 1895 730 P Pascal, Blaise. Provincial letters. 1880. 271 PI Thoughts, letters, and opuscles. 1869 239 P Pascoe, C. E. Dramatic list. 1879 92 P26 London of to-day. 1892 9 14.2 PI ed. Every-day life at Eton, Harrow, Rugby, and other great public schools 373 P Pasha Hobart. Sketches from my life. 1887 9 P26 Pasquier, E. D. History of my time. 2v. 1894 944 P2 Patch, Olive. Sunny Spain. 1884 914.6 P Pater, W. H. Appreciations. 1889 820 P Greek studies. 1895 880 P Imaginary portraits. 1887 824 PI Plato and Platonism. 1893 184 P Renaissance studies in art and poetry. 704 P Studies in' the history of the Renais- sance. 1873 824 P2 Patmore, Coventry. Angel in the house. 2v. 1863 821 P4 Paton, Mrs. M. W. Letters. 1895 9 P272 Paton, W. a. Down the islands : a voyage to the Caribbees 917.2 P Patrick, John. Apology of Origen in re- ply to Celsus. 1892 189 P AUTHOR LIST. 395 Pattee, W. S. History of Old Braintree and Quincy, Mass. 1878 *974.47 PI Pattex, J. A. Clergy of New York and Brooklyn, and history of each sect. 1874 92 P27 Patterson-, J. S. Class interests. 1886. 330 P Conflict in nature and Ufe. 1883 149 P Reforms. 1884 330 PI Patteksox, L. B. Twelve years in the mines of California. 18G2 917.94 P Patterson, Robert. Errors of evolu- tion. 1884 213 P Narrative of the campaign in the val- ley of the Shenandoah in 1861. 1865 973. 7 P8 Pattison, Mark. Milton. 1880 9 M642 Pattison, T. H. History of the Enghsh Bible. 1894 220 P Pattox, J. H. Natural resources of the United States. 1888 917.3 P Paul, C. K. William Godwin and friends. 2v. 1876 9 G546 Paulding, J. K. Life of Washington. 2v. 1835 9 W2746 Pauldixg, W. I. Literary life of J. K. Paulding. 1867 9 P28 Paulsen, Friedrich. German universi- ties. 1895 378 P2 Pausaxias. Description of Greece. 3v. 1824 914.9 P Paxton, Mass. Centenary memorial. 1868 *974.43 PI Payer, Julius. New lands within the arctic circle. 1877 919.8 P Payson, Edward. Law of equivalents. 1888 172 PI Paytox, E. W. Round about New Zea- land. 1888 919.3 P Payx, James. Notes from the "News." 1890 828 P Some literary recollections. 1884. ... 9 P29 Payne, A. G. (Phi/lis Browne). What girls can do 396 P2 Payne, E. J. History of the new world. 1892 970 P2 Payne, Joseph. Science and art of edu- cation. 1883 370 PI Payne, W. H. Chapters on school super- vision. 1875 371 PI Contributions to the science of educa- tion. 1886 370 P2 Peabody, a. p. Christian belief and life. 1875 252 PI Christianity and science. 1874 215 P Harvard graduates whom I have known. 1890 92 P31 Harvard reminiscences. 1888 92 P311 Manual of moral philosophy. 1873. . . 171 P Memorial address on M. P. AVilder. 1888 9 W65 Peabody, A. P. Reminiscences of European travel. 1869 914 PI Sermons designed to furnish comfort and strength to the afflicted. 1872. 252 P2 comp. Conversation. 1855 374 P Peabody, Elizabeth P. Esthetic papers. 1849 801 P Lectures in the training schools for kindergartners. 1886 372 PI Reminiscences of W. E. Channing. 1880 9 C362 Peabody, F. G. , and others. Harvard vespers. 1886-88 252 P3 Peabody, George. Reception in honor of, in Danvers, and sketch of Pea- body institute. 1856 *9 P31 Peace parliament 817P Peacock, T. L. Calidore and miscel- lanea. 1891 828 PI Headlong hall and Nightmare abbey. 1887 827 PI Peake, Elizabeth. History of German • emjierors and their contemporaries. 1874 92 P312 Pears, Edwin. Fall of Constantinople. 949 P Pearson, C. H. National life and character. 1894 901 P Peakson, Mrs. E. C. Gutenburg, and the art of printing. 1871 655 P Pearson, Karl. Ethic of free-thought. 1888 824 P3 Grammar of science. 1892 501 P Pearsox, Mrs. P. M. Acrostic dictionary. 1S84 423 PI Peary, Mrs. J. D. Mj* arctic journal. 1893 919.8 PI Pease, T. C. Christian ministry. 1894. 208 PI Peaslee, J. B., comp. Graded selections for memorizing. 1880 811 PI Peck, Ellex 0. Speaking pieces for little scholars and older pupils. 1892 j 808 P Peck, S. M. Cap and bells. 1886 811 P2 Peck, Wallace. Stor_v of the Puritans. 1889 817 PI Pedley, Charles. History of Newfound- land. 1863 971 P2 Peel, Helex. Polar gleams. 1894 919.8 P2 Peel, Sir Robert. Speeches in the house of commons. 1810-50. 4v 825 P Peet, S. D. Mound builders. 1891 571 P Peile, S. C. F. Lawn tennis as a game of skill. 1887 796 P Peirce, Benjamin. History of Harvard university. 1636-1775. 1833 *378 P3 Peirce, Mrs. M. (F.) Co-operative house- keeping. 1884 334 P Pelet, Paul, joint author. See Lebon, Andre. 396 AUTHOR LIST. Pelham, Camden. Chronicles of crime. 2v. 1886 340 P Pelleschi, Giovanni. Eight months on the Gran Chaco of the Argentine Republic. 1886 918.2 P Pellew, George. John Jay. 1890 9 J33 Pellem", W. G. Jane Austen's novels. 1883 823 P Pellico, Silvio. My prisons. 1868 9 P36 Pellow, Thomas. Adventures. 1890 916.4 P Pember, G. H. Earth's earliest ages. 1885 215 PI Pember, Mrs. P. Y. (L.) Southern woman's story. 1879 973.7 P9 Pemberton, T. E. Charles Dickens and the stage. 1888 9 D555 Memoir of E. A. Sothern. 1889 9 So71 Pembroke, G. R. C. Herbert, Earl of, and KiNGSLEY, G. H. South sea bubbles. 1874 919.6 PI Pene du Bois, Henri. Four private libra- ries of New York. 1892 *090 P Pe»n, Arthur, pseud. See Matthews, J. B. Penn, "William. Passages from his life and writings. 1882 9 P381 Penn, William. No cross, no crown. 1870 289 P2 Pennell, 3I)s. E. R. M. W. Godwin. 1888 9G543 To gipsyland. 1893 397 P joint author. See Pennell, Josejjh. Pennell, H. C. Puck on Pegasus. 1874 821 P5 and others. Fishing. 2v. 1885 799 P Pennell, Joseph and Mrs. E. (R.) Our sentimental journey through France and Italy. 1888 914.4 PI Play in Provence sketches. 1892 914.4 P2 Stream of pleasures. 1891 914.2 P2 Two pilgrims' progress. 1887 914.5 P Penney, L., ed. National temperance orator. 1874 178 P Penrose, Boies, joi7it author. See AUin- son, E. P. People's history of America. 1874 970 P3 People's illustrated and descriptive family atlas of the world. 1886 *912 P Pepper, J. H. Boy's playbook of science, j 530 P Cyclopaedic science simplified 530 PI Pepys, Samuel. Diary and correspond- ence. 1870 9 P393 Percy, Reuben a7id Sholto. Percy anecdotes. 2v. 1868 828 P2 Percy, Thomas. Reliques of ancient English poetry. 3v. 1887 821 P6 Perelaer, M. T. H. Ran away from the Dutch. 1887 839 P Perez, Bernard. First three years of childhood. 1889 150 P Perkins, A. T. Life and list of works of J.S.Copley. 1873 9 C791 Perkins, C. C. Raphael and Michael Angelo. 1878 9 R182 Perkins, F. B. Charles Dickens. 1870. 9 D556 ed. Best reading. 1881 016 P Perkins, J. B. France under Mazarin. 2v. 1886....' 944 P3 France under the regency, with review of the administration of Louis XIV. 1892 944 P4 Perkins, Mary A. From my corner look- ing at life in sunshine and shadow. 1894 242 P Perkins institution. Report. 1889 362 P Perley, Sidney. Historic storms of New England. 1891 551 P Perowne, E. H. Epistle to the Galatians. 1892 227 P3 Perowne, T. T. Haggai and Zechariah. 1893 224 P Perrot, Georges, and Chipiez, Charles. History of art in ancient Egypt 2v. 1883 709 P History of art in Chaldaea and Assyria. 2v. 1884 709 PI History of art in Persia. 1892 709 P2 History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia. 1892 709 P3 History of art in primitive Greece. 2v. 1894 *709 P4 History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor. 1890 709 P5 Perry, A. L. Political economy. 1874.. 330 P2 Perry, G. B. History of Bradford, Mass. 1872 *974.45 P Perry, G. G. Church of England. 1879. 283 P Perry, Nora. After the ball, and other poems. 1890 811 P3 Lyrics and legends. 1891 811 P4 Perry, T. P., joint ed. See Howells, W. D. Perry, T. S. English literature in the 18th century. 1883 820 PI Perry, W. A., ajid others. American game fishes. 1892 597 P Persian Boundary' Commission. East- ern Persia. 2v. 1876 915.5 P Personal recollections of English engi- neers. 1868 625 P Peschel, 0. F. Races of man and their geographical distribution. 1876 572 P Pestalozzi, J. H. How Gertrude teaches her children. 1894 371 P2 Peterman, a. L. Elements of civil gov- ernment. 1891 320 PI Peters, J. T., joint author. See Bartlett, E. T. Peters, Samuel. General history of Connecticut. 1877 974.6 P AUTHOR LIST. 397 Peteks, W. C. Electric pianoforte school. 1855 786 P Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. 1874 591P Petiscus, a. H. Gods of Olympus. 1892. 292 P Peto, Sir S. M., Bart. Resources and prospects of America. 1866 317 P Petrarch, Francesco. Sonnets, tri- umphs, and other poems. 1859 851 P Petrie, W. M. F. History of Egypt. 1894 932 P PETits, G. W. American whist illus- trated. 1890 795 P Whist universal. 1887 795 PI Pettigrew, T. J. Memoirs of celebrated physicians and surgeons. 1839 92 P45 Pfeiffer, Mme. I. L. (R.) Last travels. 1861 916.9 P Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian north. 1852 916.9 PI Pfrimmer, W. W. Driftwood. 1890... 811 P5 PHiEDRUS. Fables ; tr. by Smart in 872 T Phelax, James. History of Tennessee. 1888 976.8 P Phelan, Michael. Game of billiards. 1858 794 P Phelps, Austin. English style in public discourse with special reference to the usages of the pulpit. 1883 808 PI My study. 1886 204 PI StUlhour. 1860 248 P Theory of preaching. 1881 251 P Phelps, Jfrs. A. (H.) L. Botany for be- ginners. 1841 580 P Reviews and essays on art, literature, and science. 1873 814 P2 Phelps, Elizabeth S. See Ward, Mrs. E. S. (P.) Phelps, W. M., arid Robertson, J. F. Life of Samuel Phelps. 1886 9 P512 Philadelphia, Pe?i«. Free library. Find- ing list of the fiction. 1894 *017 P National conference for good city gov- ernment. Proceedings. 1894 352 P PhiladelphiaInterxational Exhibition. 1876. Official catalogue of the British section. 1876 606 P Philanthropic results of the war in America. 1864 973.7 PIO Philbrick, J. D. Primary union speaker. 1866 j 808 P2 Philips, George, & Son, ^jm6. Handy atlas of the counties of England. 1886 914.2 P3 Philipson, David. Old European Jewries. 1894 296 P Phillimore, C. M. Fra Angelico. 1881. 9 An4 Phillipps, J. O. Outlines in the life of Shakespeare. 2v. 1889 9 Shll Phillips, Charles. Recollections of Cur- ran. 1822 9 C93 Phillips, Charles. Speeches at the bar. 1817 825 PI Phillips Exeter Academy. Lectures. 1885-86 374 PI Phillips, J. A. Treatise on ore deposits. 1884 553 P Phillips, Maud G. Popular manual of English literature. 2v. 1885 820 P2 Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, lectures, and letters. 2v. 1891 815 P Phillips, Willard. Protection and free trade. 1850 337 P Phillips, William. Manual of British discomycetes. 1887 589 P Phillips, W. A. Labor, land, and law. 1886 333 P Philp, R. K. Biblical reason why. 1869. 220 PI Reason why ; natural history of man and the lower animals. 1869 590 PI Phisterer, Frederick. Statistical rec- ord of the armies of the United States. 1883 973.7 Pll Phyfe, W. H. p. School pronouncer based on Webster's dictionary. 1888 421 P PiASSETSKY, P. Russian travellers in Mongolia and China. 2v. 1884... 915.1 P Piatt, Donn. Memories of men who saved the Union. 1887 92 P57 PiA'iT, J. J. Idyls and lyrics of the Ohio valley. 1888 811 P6 Landmarks : the lost farm, and other poems. 1877 811 P7 Western windows, and other poems. 1877 811 P8 Piatt, Mrs. S. M. B. Enchanted castle, and other poems. 1893 811 P9 In primrose time. 1886 811 PIO Irish wild-flower. 1891 811 Pll That new world, and other poems. 1877 811 P12 Voyage to the Fortunate isles. 1874.. 811 P13 Woman's poems. 1878 811 P14 Pickard, J. L. School supervision. 1890. 379 P PiCKARD, S. T. Life and letters of J. G. Whittior. 1894. 2v 9 W615 Pickens, Mrs. A. E. Calendar for 1893, with poems - • • *529 P Wayside wildings *811 P15 Pickering, Charles. Races of man. 1863, 572 PI Pickering, Octavius. Life of Timothy Pickering. 4v. 1867-73 9 P58 PiCTON, J. A. Mystery of matter, and other essays. 1873 824 P4 Oliver Cromwell; the man and his mission. 1882 9 C884 Pictorial history of the American revolu- tion. 1847 *973.3P Pictorial national library, v. 1. 1848 051 P I Picturesque Berkshire. 2v. 1893 *917.441 P 398 AUTHOR LIST. Picturesque Franklin. 1891 *917.442 P Picturesque Hampden. 2v. 1892 *9 17.442 PI Picturesque Hampshire. 1890 *917.442 P2 Picturesque sketches. 1885 *729 P PiDGEON, Daniel. Old-world questions and new-world answers. 1885 917.3 PI PiEKCE, Bexjamix. Ideality in the phy- sical sciences. 1881 520 P Pierce, C. F. History of camp life of company C, 51st regiment, Massa- chusetts volunteer militia. 1862-3. 1886 *973.7 P12 Pierce, E. L. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. 4v. 1877-93... 9 Su63 Pierce, F. C. History of Grafton, in- cluding genealogies. 1879 *974.43 P2 Pierce, G. A. Dickens dictionary. 1878. *823 PI PiERPOXT, John. American first-class book. 1864 373 PI PiERSON, Mrs. H. W. History of France in words of one syllable. 1884. ... j 944 P5 Pike, J. S. First blows of the civil war. 1879 973.7 P13 Life of Robert Pike. 1879 9 P63 Prostrate state. 1874 975.7 P Pike, Nicolas. Sub-tropical rambles in Mauritius. 1873 916.9 P2 Pike, Samuel. Compendious Hebrew lexicon. 1811 492 P Pike, Warburtox. Barren ground of northern Canada. 1892 917. 1 P PiLLSBURY, Mrs. L. B. Legend of the old mill, and other poems. 1888 811 P16 PiLLSBURY, Parker. Acts of the anti- slavery apostles. 1883 326 P PiNCHOT, GiFFORD. Biltmorc forest. 1893. 634 P PiNCOTT, Frederic. Analytical index to Kaye's Sepoy war, and Malleson's Indian mutiny. 1880 954 P Pindar. Odes; tr. by Ernest Myers. 1874 884 P Pinelli, Bartolomeo. Raccolta di cin- quanta costumi pittoreschi. 1809... *769 P Pinto, A. de S. How I crossed Africa. 2v. 1881 916 P Pinto, F. M. Voyages and adventures. 1891 910 P2 Pitman, B., comp. Assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln. 1865 343 P Pitman, Benn. Reporter's companion. . . 653 P Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Elizabeth Fry. 1884. 9 F94 Memorials of M. B. Baldwin 9 B19 Pitman, Isaac. Complete phonographic instructor. 2v. 1894 653 PI Memorial of Francis Barham. 1873. . 9 B234 pub. Phonetic record. 3v 653 P2 joint author. See Barham, Francis. Pitman, Mrs. M. J. (D.) {Margery Deane). European breezes. 1882. 914.3 P joint comp. See Pabke, Marie. Pitman, R. C. Alcohol and the state. 1877 178 PI Pitt, William. Speeches in the house of commons. 3v. 1808 825 P2 See Chatham, W. Pitt, Farl of. PiTTiNGER, William. Extempore speech. 1883 808 P3 Planche, J. R. Extravaganzas. 1825-71. 5v. 1879 822 P Pursuivant of arms. 1873 929 P6 Plato. Best thoughts. 1883 888 P Dialogues; tr. by B. Jowett. 4v. « 1873 888 PI Phsedrus, Lysis, and Protagoras ; tr. by J. Wright. 1888 888 P2 Socrates ; a translation of the Apology, Crito, and parts of the Phaedo. 1879 888 P3 Platt, C. a. Italian gardens. 1894 720 PI Platt, James. Business. 1889 174 PI Plautus. Comedies ; tr. by H. T. Riley. 2v. 1884-87 872 P Playfair, Sir Lyon. Subjects of social welfare. 1889 304 P and others. Aspects of modem study. 1894 378 P4 Pleasonton, a. J. Influence of the blue ray of the sunlight and of the blue colour of the sky in developing ani- mal and vegetable life. 1877 535 P Pliny. Boys' and gills' Pliny. 1885 j 590 P2 Letters. 1876 876 P Plon, Eugene. Thorwaldsen ; his life and works ; tr. by I. M. Luyster. 1874. 9 T394 Thorwaldsen ; his life and works ; tr. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 1874 *9 T393 Plum, W. R. Military telegraph during the civil war in the United States. 2v. 1882 973.7 P14 Plummer, Alfred. Epistles of St. John. 1890 227 PI General epistles of St. James and St. Jude 227 P Gospel according to St. John. 1894. . 226 P Plummer, J. I. Introduction to astron- omy. 1873 520 PI Plumptre, C. E. General sketch of the history of pantheism. 2v. 1677... 147 P Plumptre, E. H. Ecclesiastes. 1892 223 P General epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude. 1893 227 P2 Life of Thomas Kerr. 2v. 1888. . . • 9 K33 Popular exposition of the epistles of the seven churches of Asia. 1878.. 228 P ed. Bible educator. 2v 220 P2 Plunket, David. Life, letters, and speeches of Lord Plunket. 2v. 1867 9 P74 Plunket, W. C. Life, letters, and speeches. 2v. 1867 825 P3 AUTHOR LIST. 399^ Plunkett, Mrs. II. M. J. G. Holland. 1S94 9 H7U Women, plumbers, and doctors. 1885. 628 P Plutarch. Plutarch's lives. 1868 92 P74 Plymouth Pilgrim Society. Account of the Pilgrim celebration at Plymouth. 1853 *974.48 PI Plyjiguth Colony. Compact, with the charter and laws. 1836 *974.48 P Pltmptox, F. B. Poems. 1886 811 P17 PLYMPTO>f, G. W. How to become an an engineer. 1891 620 P PocuMTucK Valley Memorial Associa- tion-. History and proceedings. 1870-79 *906 P PoDMORE, Frank. Apparitions and thought transference. 1894 134 P PoE, E. A. Poems. 1872 811 P18 Works. 4v. 1849 818 P Pole, William. Evolution of whist. 1895. 795 P2 Political science quarterly, v. 1-7. 1886-92. 820 P2 ''PoLiTiKos,"^5eKc?. Sovereigns and courts of Europe. 1891 92 P75 Poliuto, pseud. See Wilkie, F. B. Polk, W. M. Leonidas Polk. 2v. 1893. 9 P754 PoLKO, Elisb V. Musical sketches. 1863 780 P2 Pollard, A. W., ed. Odes from the Greek dramatists. 1890 882 P Pollard, E. A. First year of the war. 1862 973.7 P16 Life of Jefferson Davis. 1869 9 D292 Lost cause. 1868 973.7 P15 Southern history of the war : the second year. 1866 973.7 P17 Southern history of the war : the third year. 1865 973.7 P18 Soutliern history of the war : the last year. 1866 973.7 P19 Pollard, Josephine. Young folks' Bible. 188S j 220 P3 Pollen, J. PL Ancient and modern furniture and wood-work 749 P Pollock, Sir Frederick. Leading cases done into English, and other diver- sions. 1892 821 P7 Personal remembrances. 2v. 1887. 9 P76 Reminiscences of Macready. 1875... 9 M24 Spinoza. 1880 193 P Pollock, Robert. Course of time. 1846. 821 P8 Pollock, W. H., and. others. Fencing. 1889 796 PI PoLLOK, Robert. Helen of the glen. 1874 244 P Polo, Marco. Marvels. 1854 915 P PoLYBius. General history ; tr. by Hamp- ton. 2v. 1823 930 P PoMEROY, H. S. Ethics of marriage. 1888 173 P Pomeroy, J. X. Constitutional law of the United States. 1870 342 P PoxD, E.NOtii. History of God"s church. 1874 .' 270 P Pond, G. E. Shenandoah valley in 1864. 1883 973.7 P20 PoNTALis, A. L. John DeWitt's twenty ■years of a parliamentary republic. 2v. 1885 9 W78 Pool, J. J. Land of idols. 1894 j 915.4 P Woman's influence in the East. 1892. 92 P78 Poole, D. C. Among the Sioux of Da- kota. 1881 970.1 P Poole, R. S., and others. Lectures on art. 1882 704 PI Poole, S. Laxe-. Life of Stratford Can- ning, Viscount Stratford de Red- cliffe. 2v. 1888 9 St8 Life of Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. 1390 9 St81 and GiLMAN, Arthur. Moors in Spain. 1887 946 PI a}id Kelley, j. D. J. Story of the Barbary corsairs. 1890 961 P and others. Story of Turkey. 1888. 949 PI Poole, S. S. Speeches and table-talk of the prophet Mohammed. 1882 297 PI Poole, W. F., ed. Alphabetical index to periodicals. Index. 1853 *050 P Aliihabetical index to periodicals. 1848 *050 P and Fletcher, W. I., and others, ed. Index to periodical literature. 1802- 93. 2v *050 PI Poor, H. V. Money and its laws. 1877. 332 P Resumption and the silver question. 1878 332 Pl Twenty-two years of protection. 1888. 337 PI Poor, Laura E. Sanskrit and its kindred literatures. 1880 291 P PooRE, B. p. Life and services of A. E. Burnside. 1882 9 B937 Reminiscences of sixty years. 2v. 1886 9P79 comp. Political register. 177^-1878. 328 P Pope, Alexander. Poetical works. 1869. 821 P9 Pope, C. H. History of the Dorchester Pope family. 1888 *929 P7 Pope, F. L. Evolution of the electric in- candescent lamp. 1889 62 1 P Modern practice of the electric tele- graph. 1884 654 P Popular science monthly and index, v. 10- 45. 1876-95 505 P PoRCUPiXE, Peter, pseud. See Cobbett, William. Portal, G. H. My mission to Abyssinia. 1892 916.3 P Porter, D. D. Memoir of Commodore David Porter. 1875 9 P83 Naval history of the civil war. 1886. 973.7 P21 Porter, E. G. Rambles in old Boston. 1887 *917.446 P 400 AUTHOR LIST. Porter, E. H. Fall River tragedy. 1893. 343 PI Porter, J. H. Wild beasts. 1894 599 P Porter, J. L. Giant cities of Bashan. 1873 915.6 P Porter, L. H. Cycling for health and pleasure. 1895 -(96 P2 Porter, Noah. American colleges and the American public. 1878 378 Po Books and reading. 1872 028 PI Kant's ethics. 1886 191 P Science and sentiment. 1882 191 PI Porter, Rose. Winter fire. 1874 244 PI Porter, W. S. Musical cyclopedia. 1834 780 PI "Portland," ed. Whist table. 1894... 795 P3 PoRTON, Eugene. Spain and its people. 1873 914.6 PI Portsmouth Relief Association. Yel- low fever. Portsmouth, Va. 1855. 975.5 P Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. 1886 801 PI Posse, Nils. Handbook of school gym- nastics of the Swedish system. 1892. 371 P3 Swedish system of gymnastics. 1890. 613 P Post, A. A. Comprehensive Volapiik grammar 408 P Post, C. M. I am well ! 1895 615 P Potter, B. W. Road and the roadside. 1886 625 PI Totter-Bradley atlas of the world. 1894. . *912 PI Potts, William. From a New England hillside. 1895 814 P3 PoTwiN, T. S. Triumph of life. 1886. . . 237 P Pouohet, F. A. Universe. 1873 500 P PouLSON, Emilie. In the child's world. 1894 372 P2 Powell, E. P. Our heredity from God. 1890 215 P2 Powell, Frederick. Bacchus dethroned. 1874 178 P2 Powell, Sir G. S. B. State aid and state interference. 1882 320 P3 Powell, W.J. Tachyhippodamia. 1874. 636 P Power, Mrs. S. 6. (D.) {Shirley Dare). Behaving; or, papers on children's etiquette. 1877 j 395 P Ugly-girl papers. 1874 646 P Powers, G. W. Story of the 38th regi- ment of Massachusetts volunteers. 1866 *973.7 P22 Powers, H. N. Lyrics of the Hudson. 1891 811 P19 Powers, L. L., joint author. See Sillo- way, T. W. Practical hints on shooting. 1887 799 PI Praed, W. M. Poems. 1886.... 821 PIO Political and occasional poems. 1888. 811 P20 Praeger, Ferdinand. Wagner as I knew him. 1892 9 W124 Pratt, A. E. To the snows of Thibet through China. 1892 915.1 PI Pratt, Enoch. Comprehensive history, ecclesiastical and civil, of Eastham, WeUfleet, and Orleans. 1644-1844. *974.49 P Preble, G. H. Chronological history of the origin and development of steam navigation. 1543-1882 387 P History of the flag of the United States. 929 P8 Peeist, S. M., comp. Little pieces for little speakers. 1871 j 808 P4 Premature death. 1879 614 P Prentiss, G. L. Life and letters of Eliz- abeth Prentiss. 1882 9 P91 ed. Memoir of S. S. Prentiss. 2v. 1881 9 P914 Pkescott, G. B. Dynamo-electricity. 537 P Electricity and the electric telegraph. 1879 537 PI Speaking telephone. 1878 537 P2 Prescott, H. p. Strong drink and to- bacco smoke. 1870 581 P Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Peru. 2v. 1874 985 P History of the conquest of Mexico. 3v. 1873 972 P History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. 3v. 1873 . . 946 P2 History of the reign of Philip the Sec- ond, king of Spain. 3v. 1883 946 P3 Pressense, E. D. de. Early years of Christianity. 3v. 1877 270 PI Study of origins. 1883 215 P3 Preston, H. C. , joint author. See Jaeger, B. Preston, H. W., ed. Documents illus- trative of American history. 1606- 1863. 1886 973 P3 Preston, 3Irs. M. (J.) Cartoons. 1875. 811 P21 Colonial ballads, sonnets, and verse. 1887 811 P22 Prestwich, Joseph. Geology. 2v 1886-88 551 PI Prevost, Sir George, ed. Autobiog- raphy of Isaac Williams. 1892 9 W6755 Preyer, William. Development of the intellect. 1889 150 PI Senses and the will. 1893 150 P2 Price, Bonamt. Currency and banking. 1876 332 P2 Price, G. F. Across the continent with the 5th cavalry. 1883 973.7 P23 Price, J. M. From the Arctic ocean to the Yellow sea. 1892 915.7 P Price, S'lV R. L. Two Americas. 1877.. 918 P Price, W. T. Life of Charlotte Cush- man. 1894 9 C955 Life of W. C. Macready. 1894 9 M241 Prideaux, Humphrey. Old and New Testaments. 4v. 1816 220 P4 Prime, D. N. Letters addressed to a Bap- tist clergyman on the doctrine of endless punishment. 1859 237 PI AUTHOR LIST. 401 Pkime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin. 1873 914 P2 Life of S. F. B. Morse. 1875 9 M835 Under the trees. 1874 814 P4 Primk. W. C. Along New England roads. 1892 917.4 P Among the northern hills. 1895 814 P5 Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. 1874. . 916.2 P I go a-fishing. 1873 814 P6 Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations. 1878 738 P Tent life in the Holy Land. 1863. . . 915.6 PI Pkince, J. T. Courses and methods. 1886 371 P4 Methods of instruction and organiza- tion of the schools of Germany. 1892 379 PI Princetox, Mass. 100th anniversary. 1859 *974.43P3 Princeton review. 1881-84. 7v 305 P Pringle, J. R. History of the town of Gloucester, Mass. 1892 *974.45 Pl Prior, Sir James. Edmond Malone. 1860 9 M293 Life of Edmund Burke. 1854 9 B914 Pritchett, R. T. Smokiana. 1890 178 P3 Proceedings of a general court-martial for the trial of Major-General Lee. 1864 *344 P Procter, G. H. Fishermen's memorial. 1873 *910.4 P3 Procter, J. W. Address at the cen- tennial celebration at Dan vers, Mass. 1852 *974.45 P2 Proctor, Adelaide A. Poems. 1872.... 881 Pll Proctor, B. W. Autobiographical frag- ments, and notes. 1877 9 P94 Proctor, E. D. Russian journey. 1873.. 914.7 P Proctor, R. A. Borderland of science. 1874 504 P Chance and luck. 1887 519 P Essays on astronomy. 1872. . . .• 523 PI Expanse of heaven. 1874 520 P2 Half-hours with the stars. 1869 523 P2 Half-liours with the telescope. 1873. 522 P Light science for leisure hours. 1871 504 PI Moon. 1878 523 P3 Myths and marvels of astronomy. 1877 520 P3 Old and new astronomy. 1892 522 PI Orbs around us. 1872 523 P4 Other worlds than ours. 1871 523 P5 Our place among infinities 520 P4 Pleasant ways of science. 1878 523 P6 Rough ways made smooth. 1880. . . . 504 P2 Science byways. 1876 504 P3 Strength. 1889 613 PI Sun-ruler, fire, light, and life of the planetary system. 1872 523 P7 Proctor, R. A. Universe and the coming transits. 1874 523 P8 Universe of suns, and other science gleanings. 1884 504 P4 Proctor, W. C, ed. Round the globe. 1889 910 P4 Proffatt, John. Curiosities and law of wills. 1877 347 P3 Woman before the law. 1874 396 P3 Propert, J. L. History of miniature art. 1887 *757P Protestant Episcopal Church. Papers. 189i 283 PI Prothero, R. E., a)id Bradley, G. G. Life and correspondence of A. P. Stanley. 2v. 1894 9 St25 Proct, William. Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, con- sidered with reference to natural theology. 1855 215 P4 Prouty, Lorenzo. Fish-habits and haunts, fishing as a recreation. 1883 799 P2 Publishers' trade list annual. 1894 ..;... *014 P Publishers' weekly. 1889-94. v. 35-45.. *015 P PcGiN, Augustus. Paris and its environs displayed in a series of picturesque views. 1829 ^914.4 P3 Puliga, Countesse de. Madame de Se- vigne. 2v. 1873 9 Se84 Pulling, F. S., joint ed. See Low, S. J. Pulpit prayers ; by eminent preachers. 1884 264 P Pulte, J. H. Homoeopathic domestic phy- sician. 1890 616 PI Pumpelly, Raphael. Across America and Asia. 1871 910 P5 Punch. Half a century of English his- tory. 1884 827 P2 Purdy, T. H. Legends of the Susque- hanna, and other poems. 1888 811 P23 PuRVES, D. L., and Cochrane, R., ed. English circumnavigators. 1882... 910 P6 PuRVES, G. T. Testimony of Justin Mar- tyr to early Christianity. 1889 281 P Pushkin, A. S. Poems; tr. by Ivan Panin. i888 891 P Putnam. Eleanor, pseud. See Bates, Mrs. H. L. (V.) Putnam, George. Sermons preached in the church of the first religious so- ciety in Roxbury. 1878 252 P4 Putnam, G. H., ed. Representative essays. 1885 824 P5 Putnam, G. P. Handbook illustrated dic- tionary. 1892 423 P2 comp. World's progress. 1883 *903 P Putnam, G. P., & Sons, puh. Best read- ing. 1873 028 P2 Putnam, H. W. Oration: July 4, 1893.. *815 PI 402 AUTHOR LIST. Putnam, J. P. Open fire-place in all ages. 1881 697 P Putnam, M. L. Children's life of Lin- coln. 1892 j 9 L6381 Putnam, Euth, comp. William the Silent, prince of Orange. 1895 9 W6735 Putnam, S. H. Story of company A, 25th regiment, Massachusetts volunteers. 1886 *973.7 P24 Putnam, S. P. Prometheus. 1877 811 P24 Putnam Phalanx. Excursion to Boston, Charlestown, and Providence, in 1859 917.4 PI Puttenham, George. Arte of English poesie. 1589. 1869 820 P3 Pyle, Howard, eel. Buccaneers and ma- rooners of America. 1891 910 E2 PvNCHON, T. R. Bishop Butler ; a sketch of his life. 1889 9 B976 QuACKENBos, J. D. Illustrated history of ancient literature. 1881 809 Q Quarterly register of current history, v. 1-2. 1892-93 905 Q Quatrepages de Breau, J. L. A. de. Human species. 1879 573 Q Natural history of man. 1875 573 Ql Pygmies. 1895 573 Q2 Quekett, "William. Autobiography. 1888 9 Q3 Quick, R. H. Essays on educational re- formers. 1882 370 Q QuiNBT, M. Mysteries of bee-keeping ex- plained. 1858 638 Q QuiNCv, Anna C. See Waterston, Mrs. A. C. (Q.) QuiNCY, Edmund. Life of Josiah Quincy. 1869 9 Q4 QuiNCY, JosiAH. Essays on the soiling of cattle. 1859 636 Q History of Harvard university. 1860 *378 Q History of the Boston Athenaeum. 1851 *027Q Life of Josiah Quincy, Jr. 1874 9 Q42 Past from old journals. 1883 9 Q41 QuiNCY, J. P. Protection of majorities. 1876 *. . . . 304 Q QuiNCY, Jfass. First church of Christ. 250th anniversary. 1890 *277 Q Quint, A. H. Potomac and the Rapidan. 1864 *973.7 Q QuiNTiLiAN. Institutes of oratory ; ir. by J. S. Watson. 2v. 1875-82 875 Q Rabhe, Felix. Shelley, the man and the poet. 1888 9 Sh44 Rabelais, Francois. Life of Gargantua, and the heroic deeds of Pantagruel. 1886 847 R Reading in Rabelais. 1883 847 Rl Rabbi Jeshua. 1881 244 R Racine, Jean. Dramatic works ; tr. by R. B. Boswell. 2v. 1890 842 R Radau, Rodolphe. Wonders of acoustics. 1872 534 R Radcliffe, A. G. Schools and masters of sculpture. 1894 730 R Radcliffe, C. B. Proteus. 1877 501 R Radot, Valery'. Louis Pasteur, his life and labours. 1885 9 P265 Rae, John. Eight hours for work. 1894. 331 R Rae, W. F. Business of travel. 1891.. 910 R Men of the third republic. 1873 92 R12 Newfoundland to Manitoba. 1881... 917.1 R Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox, the opposition under George III. 1874 9 W653 Rafter, George W.. and Baker, M. N. Sewerage disposal in the United States. 1894 *628 R Ragozin, Mme. Z. A. Story of Assyria. 1887 935 R Story of Chaldea. 1886 93o Rl - Story of Media, Babylon, and Persia. 1891 935 R2 Story of Vedic India. 1895 934 R Raine, James. York. 1893 942-R Rajn, P. V. R. Indian fables. 1889... 398 R Raleigh, Walter. English novel. 1894. 823 R Ralfe, C. H. Exercise and training. 1879 613 R Ralph, Edith. Step by step through the Bible. 3v j 220 R Ralph, Julian. Chicago and the world's fair. 1893 606 R On Canada's frontier. 1892 917.1 Rl Our great west. 1893 917.8 R Ramabai, p. S. High-caste Hindu woman. 1887 396 R Ram AGE, C. T. Familiar quotations from French and Italian authors 848 R Familiar quotations from German and Spanish authors 838 R Familiar quotations from Greek au- thors 888 R Rambaud, Alfred. History of Russia. 3v. 1886 947 R Ramsey, Samuel. English language and English grammar. 1892 420 R Ramsay-, j¥?s. Summer in Spain. 1874.. 914.6 R Ramsay', Allan. Gentle Shepherd. 2v. 1808 822 R Ramsay', E. B. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. 1872 914.1 R Ramsay, Grace, pseud. See O'Meara, Kathleen. Ramsay', John. Scotland and Scotsmen in the eighteenth century. 2v. 1888. 941 R Ramsay, W. W. Sky wonders. 1893. .. 523 R Rand, E. S., jr. Flowers for the parlor and garden. 1864 716 R Orchids. 1876 716 Rl AUTHOR LIST. 403 Rand, E. S., jr. Rhododendron and "American plants." 187G 716 R2 Rand, J. C, comp. One of a thousand. 1888-89 *92 R15 Randall, H. S. Life of Thomas Jeffer- son. 3v. 1858 9 J3o4 Sheep husbandry. 1860 636 R Randolph, H. F., ed. Fifty years of English song. 4v. 1888 821 R Randolph, Richard. Aspects of human- ity. 1869 811R Randolph, Thomas. Poetical and dra- matic works. 2v. 1875 821 Rl Rane, C. G. Psychology as a natural science. 1889 150 R Ranke, F. L. von. History of the popes. 3v. 1871 282 R Universal history. 1885 930 R Ranke, Leopold. History of Servia. 1853 949 R Rankin, James. Character studies in the Old Testament. 1875 221 R Ransome, Cyril. Short studies in Shakes- peare's plots. 1890 822.3 R Rantoul, Robert, jr. Memoirs, speeches, and writings. 1854 815 R Rathbone, 3frs. M. A. M. Robert Moffat and David Livingstone. 1885 9 M723 Raub, a. N. Methods of teaching. 1884. 371 R School management. 1884 371 Rl Studies in English and American liter- ature. 1888 820 R Rauji, G. E. Tour around the world. 1895 910 Rl Rawlinson, George. Egypt and Babylon. 1885 932 R Five great monarchies. 3v. 1873... 935, R3 History of ancient Egypt. 2v. 1882. 932 Rl History of Herodotus. 4v. 1875... 888 Rl Origin of nations. 1878 930 Rl Religions of the ancient world. 1883. 290 R Seventh great oriental monarchy. 1876 935 R4 Sixth great oriental monarchy. 1873. 935 R5 Story of Parthia. 1893 935 R6 Story of Phoenicia. 1889 939 R and GiLMAN, Arthur. Story of ancient Egypt. 1887 932 R2 a7id others. Religious systems of the world. 1890 204 R Rav, John. Compleat collection of Eng- lish proverbs. 1768 398 Rl Raymond, G. L. Genesis of art form. 1893 701 R Orator's manual. 1879 808 R Poetry as a representative art. 1886. 808 Rl Rhythm and harmony in poetry and music. 1895 701 Rl Sketches in song. 1887 811 Rl Raymond, H. J. History of the adminis- tration of President Lincoln. 1864. 973.7 R Raymond, R. R, ed. Shakespeare for the young folk. 1881 j 822.3 Rl Raymond, R. W. Mines and mining of the Rocky mountains. 1871 622 R Silver and gold. 1873 622 Rl Ratnal, F. t. Wrecked on a reef. 1874. 919.3 R Read, T. B. Poetical works. 1883 811 R2 Reade, C. L. and Compton. Ciiarles Reade. 2v. 1887 9 R22 Reade, W. AV. Martyrdom of man. 1874 573 R Realm of the ice king...' 919.8 R Recent polar voyages 919.8 Rl Reclus. l^^LiSEE. Bird's-eye view of the world. 1887 910 R2 Reclus, J. J. E. Africa. 4v. 1889. *916 R Asia. 4v. 1885 *915 R Earth. 1891 551 R Europe. . 5v. 1883 *914 R History of a mountain. 1881 551 Rl New physical geography. 2v. 1886. *551 R2 North America. 3v. 1893 *917 R Ocean, atmosphere, and life. 1873.. 551 R3 Oceanica. 1890 *919 R. South America. 2v. 1895 *918 R Record of Benjamin F. Butler. 1883 *9 B973 Record of the service of the 44th Massa- chusetts volunteer militia in North Carolina. 1862-63. 1887 *973.7 Rl Records of Salem witchcraft. 2v. 1864. 133 R Reddall, H. F. School-boy life in mer- rie England. 1888 373 R Redding, Cyrus. History and descrip- tion of modern wines. 1871 663 R Redgrave, G. R. History of water-colour painting in England. 1892 751 R Outlines of historic ornament. 1884. 729 R Redgrave, Richard. Manual of design.. 740 R Redgrave, Samuel. Descriptive cata- logue of the historical collection of water-color paintings in the South Kensington museum. 1877 708 R Redpath, James. Public life of Captain John Brown. 1860 9 B812 Reed, Edwin. Brief for plaintiff : Bacon I's. Shakespeare. 1892 822.3 R2 Reed, Sir E. J., and Simpson, Edward. Modern ships of war. 1888 623 R Reed, Helen L.,e£Z. "City and the sea." 1881 818 R Reed, Henry. Lectures on English litera- ture. 1876 820 R Reed, Jonas. History of Rutland, Mass. 1836 *974.43 R Reed, Mrs. Myron. One life ; one law. 1890 , 239 B Reed, R. T. Six months in a convent. 1861 *271 R 404 AUTHOR LIST. Reed, Sampson. Observations on the growth of the mind. 1867 204 Rl Reed, S. B. Dwellings for village and country 1885 728 R Reed, W. B, Life and correspondence of Joseph Reed. 2v. 1847 9 R2o Reemelin, Charles. Wine-maker's manual. 1868 663 Rl Rees, James. Life of Edwin Forrest. 1874 9 F772 Rees, J. R. Brotherhood of letters. 1889. 804 R Horace Vernet and Paul Delaroche. 1880 9 V59 With friend and book in the study and the fields. 1892 828 R Reeve, C. M. How we went, and what we saw. 1891 916.2 R Reeve, Henry. Petrarch 9 P445 Reeves, A. M., ed. Finding of Wineland the Good. 1890 *973 R Reid, Andrew, comp. Why I am a liberal. 329 R Reid, J. B., eel. Complete word and phrase concordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns. 1889 *821 R2 Reid, J. T. Art rambles in the highlands and islands of Scotland. 1878 *914.1 Rl Reid, Matne. NaturaUst in Siluria. 1889 590 R Reid, S. J. Life and times of Sidney Smith. 1885 9 Sm61 Reid, Thomas. Works. 1858 192 R Reid, T. W. Life, etc., of R. M. Milnes, 1st Lord Houghton. 2v. 1891 ... . 9 H81 Mrs. Charlotte [Bronte] Nicholls : a monograph. 1877 9 N511 Reid, W. M. Culture and manufacture of indigo. 1887 633 R Reily, W. M. Artist and his mission. 1881 701 R2 Rein, J. J. Industries of Japan. 1889.. 915.2 R Japan; travels and researches. 1884. 915.2 Rl Religious magazine and monthly review. V. 37-47, 49. 1867-73 205 R Remington, J. P. Practice of pharmacy. 1890 *615 R Reminiscences of a literary and clerical life. 2v. 1889 914 Rl Remsen, D. S. Primary elections. 1894. 352 R Remusat, C. E. J. G. de Vergennes, Countess de. Memoirs. 1880 9 R284 Renan, J. E. Future of science. 1891.. 501 Rl History of the people of Israel. 3v. 1895 933 R Life of Jesus. 1880 232 R Recollections and letters. 1892 9 R291 Recollections of my youth. 1883 9 R292 Rendle, William, and Norman, Philip. Inns of old Southwark. '1888 914.2 R Report of the committee, relating to the destruction of the Ursuline convent. 1834 *271 Rl Repplier, Agnes. Books andmen. 1888. 814 R Essays in idleness. 1893 814 Rl In the dozy hours, and other papers. 1894 814 R2 Points of view. 1891 814 R3 ed. Book of famous verse. 1892... 811 R3 Reumont, Alfred von. Lorenzo de Medici. 2v. 1876 9 M46 Revett, Nicholas, joint authoo-. See Stuart, James. Review of reviews, v. 1-10. 1890-94 051 R Revue de I'exposition de 1889 *606 Rl Reynardson, C. T. S. B. " Down the road." 1887 798 R Sports and anecdotes of by-gone days. 1887 799 R Reynolds, H. R. Light and peace. 1892. 252 R Rey'nolds, Sir Joshua. Literary works. 2v. 1855-72 701 R3 Reynolds, J. W. Supernatural in nature. 1880 239 Rl Reynolds, Michael. Model locomotive engineer, fireman, and engine-boy. 1879 621 R Rheinhardt, R. H. Whist scores and card-table talk. 1887 795 R Rhine. 1841 *914.3 R Rhode Island Historical Society. Col- lections. 8v. 1827-93 *974.5 R Rhode Island historical tracts. 1877-84 6v. 974.5 Rl Rhodes, J. F. History of the United States from the compromise of 1850. 3v. 1893 978 Rl Rhoidis, Emmanuel. Pope Joan, histori- cal study. 1886 9 J577 Rhys, John. Celtic Britain 942 Rl Ribot, Theodule. English psychology. 1874 150 Rl Diseases of memory. 1882 132 R Heredity. 1875 575 R Rice, A. T., ed. Essays from the North American review. 1879 814 R4 Rice, D. H. Protective philosophy. 1890. 337 R Rice, Harvey. Pioneers of the western reserve. 1883 977.1 R Rice, James, joint author. See Besant, Walter. Rice, J. M. Public school system of the United States. 1893 379 R Rich, Shebnah. Truro. 1883 *974.49 R Rice, W. N. Twenty-five years of scien- tific progress. 1894 575 Rl Richards, Mrs. E. H. Food materials and their adulterations. 1886 643 R Richards, John. Arrangement, care, and operation of wood-working factories and machinery. 1873 725 R Richards, Mrs. L. E. When I was your age. 1894 9 R39 Richards, W. C. Apostle of Burma. 1889 ' 811 R4 AUTHOR LIST. mt Richards, W. C. Memoir of G. N. Briggs. 1866 9 B763 Richardson, Lady, ed. Mrs. E. D. Fletcher ; autobiography, with let- ters and memorials. 187G FGS Richardson, A. D. Beyond the Missis- sippi. 1873 917.8 Rl Personal history of U. S. Grant. 1868 9 G7661 Secret service ; the field, the dun- geon, and the escape 973.7 R2 Richardson, Mrs. A. (S.) M. Abelard and Heloise. 1884 9 Ab33 Familiar talks on English literature. 1881 820 R2 History of our country. 1875 970 R Richardson, B. W. Diseases of modern life. 1876 616 R Richardson, C. F. American literature. 1607-1885 810 R Richardson, D. N. Girdle round the earth. 1888 910 R3 Richardson, James, ed. Wonders of the Yellowstone. 1874 917.87 R Richardson, M. A. Borderer's table book. 8v. 1846 *942 R2 Richardson, Robert. Story of the Niger. 1888 916.6 R Richey, a. G. Short history of the Irish people. 1887 941.5 R Richmond, A. B. Leaves from the diary of an old lawyer. 1880 178 R RiCHTER, E. F. Treatise on counterpoint. 1878 781 R Treatise on fugue. 1878 786 R RiCHTER, ,T. P. F. Levana. 1863 370 R RiCKETSoN, Daniel. History of New Bedford, Mass. 1858 *974.48 R Ricks, George. Natural history object lessons. 1888 580 R Riddle, A. G. Recollections of war times. 1860-65. 1895 973.7 R3 RiDEiNG, W. H. Boys in the mountains and on the plains. 1882 j 917.8 R2 Stray moments with Thackeray. 1880 828 Rl RiDGWAY, Robert. Directions for col- lecting birds. 1891 *598 SI RiDNER, J. P. Artists' chromatic hand- book. 1850 751 Rl RiDPATH, J. C History of tlie world. 3v. 1885 909 R Life and work of J. G. Blaine. 1893. 9 B57 RiEDESEL, F. C. L. Letters and memoirs of the war of American independ- ence, and of the German troops. 1827 *92 R44 RiETHMiJLLER, C. J. Life of Alexander Hamilton. 1864 9 H182 RiGG, J. H. National education. 1873.. 370 Rl RiGGS, Mrs. K. D. (W.) Children's rights. 1892 372 R ed. Kindergarten. 1893 372 Rl Riis, J. A. Children of the poor. 1892. . 360 R How the other half lives. 1890 331 Rl Riley, H. H. Puddleford papers. 1882. 817 R Riley, Isaac, comp. Syrian home-life. 1874 913 R Riley, James. Loss of the American brig ••Commerce" 1817 916.6 Rl Sequel to Riley's narrative. 1851 910 R4 Riley, J. W. Arraazindy. 1894 811 R5 Old-fashioned roses. 1889 811 R6- Pipes o' pan at Zekesbury. 1889 818 Rl Rimini, ^a>-o« DE. Memoirs. 1888 9 R46' RiMMER, Alfred. Ancient streets and homesteads of England. 1877 914.2 Rl Early homes of Prince Albert. 1883. . 914.3 Rl Rambles round Eton and Harrow. 1882 914.2 R2 RiNGWALT, J. L., ed. American encyclo- psedia of printing. 1871 *655 R Rink, Henry. Danish Greenland. 1877. 919.8 R2 Ripley, Mrs. E. (M.) From flag to flag. 1889 970 Rl Ripley, M. M. World's worship in stone. 1882 *726 R Rise and fall. 1866 233 R RiSTORi, Adelaide. Studies and memoirs. 1888 9 R49 RiTCH, J. W. American architect 728 Rl Ritchie, 3Irs. A. I. Chapters from some unwritten memoirs. 1894 9 Rol Records of Tennyson, Ruskin, Brown- ing. 1892 92 R51 Ritchie, Leitch. Liber fluviorum. 1857. *914.4 T3 RiTSON, Joseph, ed. Robin Hood. 2v. 1887 821 R3 Ritter, Carl. Comparative geography. 1881 » 910 R5 Geographical studies. 1863 910 R6 Ritter, F. L. Music in America. 1883. 780 R Music in England. 1883 780 Rl Rives, Amelie. See Chanler, Mrs. A. (R.) Rives, G. L., ed. Selections from the correspondence of Thomas Barclay. 1894 9 B232 Rives, W.C. James Madison. 3v. 1870. 9 M264 Roads, Samuel, jr. History and traditions of Marblehead. 1880 *974.45 R RoBBiNS, A. F. Life of W. E. Gladstone. 1894 9 G455 RoBBiNS, Chandler. Second church in Boston. 18.52 *277 R RoBBiNS, Mary C. Rescue of an old place. 1892 630 R RoBBiNS, Thomas. Historical view of the firstplantersof New England. 1815. +974 R Robert, Karl, joint author. See Meus- nier, Georges. 406 AUTHOR LIST. Robert; from "Punch." 1885 827 R Roberts, Dorothea. Two royal lives, Crown Prince and Princess of Ger- many. 1887 9 F878 Roberts, Edward. Santa Barbara and around there. 1886 917.94 R Shoshone, and other western wonders. 1888 917.8 R3 With the invader. 1885 917.8 R4 Roberts, Emma. Views in India, China, and on the shores of the Red sea. 2v *915 Rl Roberts, E. H. New York. 2v. 1887.. 917.47 R Roberts, Morley. Land-travel and sea- faring. 1891 919.4 R ■ Western Avernus. 1887 917 Rl Roberts, 5'iV R. H. Eastern question. 1877 949 Rl Roberts, W. C. Leading orators of twenty-five campaigns. 1884 815 Rl Robertson, Alexander. Count Cam- pello. 1891. 9 C155 Life of F. P. Sarpi. 1894 9 Sa6 Robertson, Edmund. American home rule. 1887 329 Rl Robertson, E. S. English poetesses. 1883 92R54 Life of H. W. Longfellow. 1887 9 L862 Robertson, F. W. "Human race," and other sermons. 1881 252 Rl Notes on Genesis. 1877 222 R Sermons. 1873 252 S Well-springs of wisdom. 1889 242 R Robertson, G. C. Life of Thomas Hobbes. 1886 9 H65 Robertson, J. F., joint author. See Phelps, W. M. Robertson, J. L. History of English lit- erature for secondary schools. 1894. 820 R3 Robertson, J. M. Essays towards a criti- cal method. 1889 804 Rl Robertson, William. Discovery and settlement of America. 1858 970 R2 History of America, including the United States. 1492-1855. 2v. 1859 973 R2 History of the reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. 3v. 1875 9 C384 Life and times of John Bright. 1889 9 B765 Robinson, A. Mary F. See Darmesteter, Mrs. A. M. F. (R.) Robinson, Charles. Kansas conflict. 1892 973 R3 Robinson, C. N. British fleet. 1894 359 R Robinson, Edward, and Smith, Eli. Biblical researches in Palestine. 2v. 1868 915.6 R and others. Later biblical researches in Palestine. 1871 915.6 Rl Robinson, Fayette. Organization of the army of the United States. 2 v. 1848 355 R Robinson, F. T. History of the 5th regi- ment, M. V. M. 1879 *973.7 R4 Robinson, H. A., joint comp. See Hayes, Mrs. E. S. C. Robinson, 3frs. H. H. Massachusetts in the woman suffrage movement. 1881 324 R Robinson, H. M. Great fur land. 1879. 917.1 R2 Robinson, H. P. Pictorial effect in pho- tography. 1892 770 R Robinson, John. Ferns, in their homes and ours. 1878 587 R Robinson, Lelia J. Law made easy. 1886. 347 R Law of husband and wife. 1890 347 Rl Robinson, P. S. Sinners and saints ; a tour across the states. 1883 917.3 R Under the sun. 1882 915.4 R Robinson, R. E. Vermont, a study of independence. 1892 974.3 R Robinson, Sarah J. Trial, for the murder of Prince Arthur Freeman. 1888 . . *343 R Robinson, Mrs. S. T. L. Kansas. 1856. 978.1 R Robinson, William. English flower gar- den. 1883 716 R3 Parks and gardens of Paris. 1878. . . 914.4 R Robinson, W. S. Personal and political reminiscences. 1877 92 R56 Warrington's manual. 1875 328 R RoBSON, William. Great sieges of history. 909 Rl Life of Richelieu 9 R393 Roche, J. J. Life of J. B. O'Reilly, with poems and speeches. 1891 .... 9 Or3 Story of the filibusters. 1891 972 R Rochester, 3fass. Official bi-centennial record. 1879 *974.48 Rl Rock, Daniel. Textile fabrics. 1876... 677 R Rock, J. L., and Smith, W. I. Southern and western Texas guide for 1878. . 917.64 R RocKSTRO, W. S. General history of music. 1886 780 R2 joint author. See Holland, H. S. RocQUAiN, Felix. Revolutionary spirit preceding the French revolution. 1891 342 R RoDD, J. R. Biographical sketch of Fred- erick III. Introduction by Empress Frederick. 1888 9 F877 RoDENBOCGH, T. F., comp. Bravest five hundred of '61 ; how the medal of honor was won. 1891 973.7 R5 ed. Uncle Sam's medal of honor. 1886 973.7 R6 RoDiGUES, J. C. Panama canal. 1885.. 626 R RoDWAY, James. In the Guiana forest. 1894 918.8 R RoDWELL, G. F. Birth of chemistry. 1874 540R AUTHOR LIST. 407 RODWKLL, G. F. ed. Dictionary of science. 1873 *503 R Roe, a. S. Old representatives' hall. 1798-1895 *815 R2 Worcester classical and English high school. 1892 379 Rl Roe, E. P. Home acre. 1889 634 R Play and profit in my garden. 1873.. 035 R Success with small fruits. 1881 634 Rl Rogers, Charles. Boswell, and common- place book of James Boswell, with memoir. 1874 9 B65 Scottish minstrel. 1873 821 R4 Traits and stories of the Scottish peo- ple. 1867 914.1 R2 Rogers. E. H. Reminiscences of military service in the 43rd regiment, Massa- chusetts infantry. 1883 *973.7 R8 Reminiscences of the 43rd regiment, Massachusetts infantry. 1883 *973.7 R7 Rogers, Henry. Superhuman origin of the Bible. 1874 239 R2 Rogers, J. E., joitit author. See Ma- haffy, J. P. Rogers, J. E. T. Industrial and com- mercial history of England. 1892. 609 R National life and thought. 1891 304 R Political economy. 1869 330 R Six centuries of work and wages. 1884 331 R2 Story of Holland. 1892 949 R2 Rogers, Mat. Waverly dictionary. 1879 823 Rl Rogers, R. C. Wind in the clearing, and other poems. 1895 811 R7 Rogers. R. V. Law of hotel life. 1879. 640 R Law of the road. 1876 347 R2 Rogers, Samuel. Poetical works. 1871 821 R5 Rogers, T. L. Mexico. 1893 917.2 R Rogers, Woodes. Life aboard a British privateer in the time of Queen Anne. 1889 9 R635 Roget, F.F. First steps in French history, literature, and philology. 1S92 840 R Roget, P.M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 1872 424 R Rollins, Mrs. A. (W.) From palm to glacier, Brazil, Bermuda, and Alaska. 1892 918.1 R Rollins, Charles. Ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, As- syrians. 8v. 1865 930 R2 Rollins, Mrs. E. C. (H.) (E. H. Arr). New England bygones. 1880 917.4 R RoLLESTON, T. W. Life of G. E. Lessing. 1889 9 L56 RoMAGE, C. T. Familiar quotations from Latin authors 878 R Roman, Alfred. Military operations of General Beauregard. 1861-65. 2v. 1884 973.7 RO Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence. 1883 591 R Mental evolution in animals. 1884. . . 591 Rl Mental evolution in man. 1889 574 R Romano, D. A. Raccolta delle vedute dei contorni di Roma. 1847 *769 R RoMER, A. Anecdotal and descriptive natural history ; animals 599 Rl Anecdotal and descriptive natural his- tory ; aquatic, domestic, and minor animals. 1872 599 R RoMiLLY, H. H. From my verandah in New Guinea. 1889 919.5 R Western Pacific and New Guinea. 1886 919.3 Rl RoMiLLY, Sir Samuel. Memoirs ; written by himself. 3v. 1840 9 R66 RoNDELLE, Locis. Foil and sabre. 1892. 796 R Rood, O. N. Modern chromatics. 1879.. 535 R RooRBACii, 0. A., comp. Bibliotheca Americana. 1852 *019 R RoosA, D. B. S. Doctor's suggestions to the community. 1880. 610 R RoosEVELDT, K. B. Florida and the game water birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes. 1884 799 R2 Roosevelt, Blanche, pseud. See Ma- chetta, Mme. B. R. (T.) Roosevelt, Theodore. Gouverneur Mor- ris. 1888 9 M83 Hunting trips of a ranchman. 1886. . 799 Rl Life of T. H. Benton. 1887 9 B445 Practical politics. 1888 350 R Ranch life and the hunting trail. 1888 917.8 R5 Winning of the west. 3v. 1889-94.. 973 R4 Root, N. W. T. School amusements. 1869 371 R2 Root, Oren, joint author. See Camp- bell, L. J. Roper, Stephen. Catechism of high pres- sure. 1876 621 Rl Engineer's handy-book. 1883 621 R2 Use and abuse of the steam boiler. 1876 621 R3 Ropes. J. C. Army under Pope. 1881.. 973.7 RIO Campaign of Waterloo. 1892 944 R First Napoleon. 1885 9 N1637 Story of the civil war. 1894 973.7 Rll '' Rosa," pseud. See Jeffrey, Mjs. R. V. (G.) J. Roscher, William. Political economy. 2v. 1878 330 Rl Roscoe, 5i> H. E. Chemistry. 1873.... 540 Rl Spectrum analysis. 1870 *535 Rl a)id Schorlemmer, Carl. Treatise on chemistry. 2v. 1889 540 R2 408 AUTHOR LIST. RoscoE^ Thomas. "Wanderings and excur- sions in North Wales 914.2 R3 Wanderings and excursions in South Wales 914.2 R4 RoscoE, William. Life of Leo X. 2v. 1872 9L55 Life of Lorenzo de Medici. 1881 9 M461 Rose, D. History of Greece. 1887 938 R Rose, Hexry. Works. 1890 821 R6 Rose, H. J., ed. New general biographi- cal dictionary. 12v. 1853 *92 R72 Rose, Joshua. Mechanical drawing self- taught. 1884 744 R Modern machine-shop practice. 2v. 1888 *621 R4 Pattern-maker's assistant. 1878 671 R Rose, J. H. Century of continental his- tory. 1780-1880. 1891 940 R Revolutionary and Napoleonic era. 1789-1815. 1894 944 Rl Rosexkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of ed- ucation.^ 1886 370 R2 Ross, Andrew. Microscope. 1877 578 R Ross, Frederick. By-gone London. 1892 914.2 R5 Ross, J., ed. Book of Scottish poems. 2v. 1878 821 R7 Ross, Mrs. J. A. (D.) Early days recalled. 1891 9R73 Land of Manfred 914.5 R Three generations of English women. 1888 92R74 Ross, J. H. The life of Robert Ross. 1894 9R732 Ross, JoHx. History of Corea. 1891... 951 R Ross, Mars, and Stoxehewer, Cooper. Highlands of Cantabria. 1885 914.6 Rl RossETTi, Christixa G. Pageant, and other poems. 1881 821 R8 Poems. 1888 821 R9 RossETTi, D. G., ir. Dante and his circle. 1874 851 R RossETTi, G. C. D. Ballads and sonnets. 1881 821 RIO RossETTi, Maria F. Shadow of Dante. 1886 851 Rl RossETTi, W. M. D.G. Rossetti as designer and writer. 1889 9 R736 Rousseau, J. J. Confessions. 1883 9 R761 Social contract. 1893 320 R RouTLEDGE, Edmuxd. Evcry girl's an- nual 790 R ed. Every boy's annual. 5v. 1882, '87, '89 790 Rl RouTLEDGE, RoBERT. Popular history of science. 1881 509 R ed. Science in sport made philosophy in earnest. 1877 j 530 R Roux, Joseph. Meditations of a parish priest. 1886 848 Rl Row, C. A. Future retribution. 1887... 237 R Manual of Christian evidences. 1887. 239 R3 RowBOTHAM, J. F. Private life of the great composers. 1892 92 R78 RowLAXD, K. M. Life of George Mason. 2v. 1892 9M38 Royal book of crests of Great Britain and Ireland, dominion of Canada, India, and Australia. 2 v. 1883 *929 R RoYCE, Josiah. California. 1846 to 1856. 1886 979.4 R Religious aspect of philosophy. 1885. 201 R Spirit of modern philosophy. 1892. . . 109 R RoYCE, Samuel. Deterioration and race education. 1878 370 R3 RoYLE, Charles. Egyptian campaigns, 1882-85, and events which led to them. 2v. 1886 916.2 Rl RuBixsTEix, AxTON. Autobiography. 1890 9 R82 RiJCKERT, Friedrich. Wisdom of the Brahmin. 1882 831 R Rudler, F. W., and Chisholm, G. G. Europe. 1885 914 R2 Ruggles, Hexry. Germany seen without spectacles. 1883 914.3 R2 Rule, W. H. History of the Karaite Jews. 1870 933 Rl Rupert, W. W., comp. Geographical reader. 1894 910 R7 RusKix, Johx. Aratra Pentelici. 1872.. 730 Rl Arrows of the chase. 1881 824 R Art culture. 1873 704 R Art teaching. 1891 701 R4 Crown of wild olive. 1872 824 Rl Eagle's nest. 1873 701 Ro Elements of drawing. 1872 740 Rl Elements of perspective. 1871 742 R Ethics of the dust. 1872 548 R Fors clavigera. 2v. 1871 824 R2 Frondes agrestes. 1881 750 R Hortus inclusus. 1887 826 R King of the Golden river in 824 R4 Lectures on architecture and painting. 1872 720 R Lectures on art. 1872 704 Rl Love's meinie. 1873 598 R Modern painters. 1872 750 Rl Munera pulveris. 1872 330 R2 Notes on the construction of sheep- folds in 824 R4 On painting. 1879 750 R2 Pearls for young ladies. 1878 396 Rl Poems. 1882 821 RU Poetry of architecture, cottage and villa. 1873 720 Rl Political economy of art. 1872 704 R2 Precious thoughts. 1872 824 R3 Pre-Raphaelitism. 1872 824 R4 Queen of the air. 1872 292 R AUTHOR LIST. 409 RusKiN, John. Scenes and thoughts in my life. 2v. 1888 9 R891 Selections from writings. 1872 82-t R5 Sesame and lilies. 1873 .s24 R6 Seven lamps of architecture. 1871. . . . 720 R2 Stones of Venice. 3v. 1873 729 Rl Time and tide, by Weare and Tyne. 1873 824 R7 True and the beautiful in nature, art, morals, and religion. 1873 824 R8 Two paths. 1872 704 R3 "Unto this last." 1872 330 R3 Verona, and other lectures. 1894 824 R9 Rdsling, J. F. Across America. 1874 917. 9R RcssELL, A. P. Characteristics. 1884... 814 R5 Club of one. 1887 814 R6 In a club corner. 1890 814 R7 Library notes. 1881 814 R8 Sub-coelum : A sky-built liuman world. 1893 814 R9 Thomas Corwin. 1881 9 C817 RcssELL, A. T. Memorial of Thomas Ful- ler. 1844 9F955 Russell, Sir C. A. New views on Ire- land. 1880 333 R Parnell commission ; opening speech for the defence. 1889 941.5 Rl Russell, C. T. History of Princeton, Mass. 1838 *974.43 Rl Millennial dawn. 3v. 1891 230 M Russell, F. T. Use of the voice in read- ing and in speaking. 1883 808 R2 Russell, G. W. E. W. E. Gladstone. 1891 9 G453 Russell, Henrietta. Yawning. 1891.. 613 Rl Russell, J. R., Harl. Recollections and suggestions. 1875 328 Rl Russell, J. S. Systematic technical edu- cation for the English people. 1809. 607 R Russell, John, Earl, ed. Memoirs of Thomas Moore. 8v. 1853-6 9 M783 Selections from speeches. 1817-41. 2v. 1870 825 R Russell, M. Life of Oliver Cromwell. 2v. 1833 9 C885 Russell, Michael. History and present condition of the Barbary states. 1835 961 R Nubia and Abyssinia. 1833 961 Rl Palestine. 1832 956 R Russell, Percy. Guide to British and American novels, to 1893 016 R Russell, Thomas. Oration, July 4, 1864 815 RS joint author. See Haven, Gilbert. joint author. See Nason, Elias. Russell, W. C. Book of authors 92 R915 Representative actors 92 R916 William Dampier. 1889 9 D185 Russell, W. C. and Jaques, W. H. Horatio Nel- son. 1890 9 N33 Russell, W. E. Speeches and addresses. 1894 815 R4 Russell, TV. H. Diary in the East during the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales. 1869 916 Rl Great war with Russia. 1895 947 Rl My diary north and south. 1863 917.3 Rl Russell, W^illiam. Extraordinary men. 1853 92 R91 Russia. Industries of Russia. 5v. in 1. 1893 600 R Contents: V. 1-2. Manufactures and trade. V. 3. Agriculture and forestry. V. 4. Mining and metallurgj'. V. 5. Siberia. Rutley, Frank. Study of rocks. 1879. 552 R Rydberg, Viktor. Magic of the middle ages. 1879 133 Rl Roman days. 1879 "33 R Ryder, Annie H. Go right on, girls ! 1891 390 R2 Rylands, L. G. Crime, its causes and remedy. 1889 364 R Ryle, H. E. Books of Ezra and Nehe- miah. 1893 222 Rl Canon of the Old Testament. 1892 . . 221 Rl Ryle, J. C. Startling questions. 1854.. 248 R S., E. L., coinp. Belt and spur. 1883- .. 940 S S., M. C. See Sparks, Mrs. M. (C.) Sabastier, Paul. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. 1894 9 F844 Sabine, Lorenzo. Biographical sketches of loyalists of the American revolu- tion. 2v. 1864 92 Sal Sabine, Robert. History and progress of the electric telegraph. 1869 537 S Sachs, Edwin. Sleight of hand 791 S Sachs, Joskth, joint author. See Martin, T. C. Sachs, Julius. Text-book of botany. ' 1885 580 S Sachtleben, W. L., joint author. See Allen, T. G. Sadler, S. R. (Jacob Larwood). Story of the London parks 914.2 S Saffell, W. T. R. Records of the revo- lutionary war. 1894 973.3 S Safford, Deforest, ed. Bay state 44th ; regimental record *973.7 S Safford, O. F. Hosea Ballon ; life story. 1889 9B213 Sage, R. B. Rocky mountain life. 1880. 917.8 S Saigey, Emile. Unity of natural phe- nomena. 1873 530 & St. Amand, Imbert de. See Imbert de St. Amand, A. L., Baron. 410 AUTHOR LIST. ^aint-Cricq, Loeenzo, Vicomte de {Paul Marcoy^. Journey across South America, -iv. 1873-4 918 S St. John, Boyle. Louvre. 1855 708 S St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated trav- ellers. 3v. 1832 92 Sa25 St. John, Spenser. Life of Sir James Brooks. 1879 9 B79 St. Johnston, Alfred. Camping among cannibals. 1883 919.6 S St. Nicholas, v. 1-22. 1873-94 j 051 S Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de. AYorks. 2v. 1846 848 S Saint-Simon, L. de Kouvroy, Duke of. Memoirs. 3v. 1883 9 Sa26 Sainte-Beuve, C. a. English portraits. 1875 92 Sa2 Memoirs of Madame Desbordes-Val- more. 1873 9 D45 Monday chats ; tr. by William Mathews. 1882 844 S Portraits of celebrated women. 1868. 92 Sa21 Saintsbury, George. Dryden. 1881... 9 D845 Marlborough. 1886 9 M342 Saintsbury, G. E. B. Corrected impres- sions. 1895 824 S Earl of Derby. 1892 9 D44 Essays in English literature. 1780- 1860 820 S Essays on French novelists. 1891... 843 S History of Elizabethan literature. 1887. 820 SI Life of E. G. S. Stanley, 14th earl of Derby. 1892 9 D44 Miscellaneous essays. 1892 824 Si Political pamphlets. 1892 304 S Primer of French literature. 1880. . . 840 S Short history of French literature. 1892 840 SI ed. Specimens of English prose style. 1886 820 S2 Sala, G. a. H. Life and adventures. 2v. 1895 9 Sa3 London up to date. 1894 914.2 Si Paris herself again in 1878-79. 1884 914.4 S Things I have seen and people I have known. 2v. 1894 828 S Salem (Mass.) North Church. First centenary. 1872 *277 S Salem, Mass. Public library. Bulletin. V. 1, 2. 1893-95 *027 S Public library. Finding lists. 1888- 94 *017 S Salem, Beverly, Danvers, and Peabody ; tlieir representative business men, and points of interest. 1893 *917.44o S Salis, Mrs. H. A. de. Dressed game and poultry a la mode. 1888 641 S Salisbury, J. H. Eelation of alimenta- tion and disease. 1888 616 S Sallust. Conspiracy of Catiline, and other works : fr. by William Rose. 1831 878 S Salt, H. S. Animals' rights considered in relation to social progress. 1894. 590 S P. B. Shelley. 1888 9 Sh45 Saltus, E. E. Anatomy of negation. 188G 204 S Balzac. 1884 9 B216 Salvator, Ludwig, Prince. Caravan route b&tween Egj-pt and Syria. 1881 .. . 962 S Salvini, Tommaso. Leaves from autobiog- raphy. 1893 9 Sa34 Samson, G. W. Divine law as to wines. _ 1885 ' 178 S Samuels, E. A. Birds of New England. 1870 *o98 S Samuelson, James. Bulgaria, past and present. 1888 949 S Sanborn, C. W.. joint author. See Chase. Henry. Sanborn, F. B. Dr. S. G. Howe. 1891. 9 H831 Genius and character of Emerson. 1885 9 Em35 Life and letters of John Brown. 1885. 9 B811 Life of H. D. Thoreau. 1882 9 T391 ed. Life and genius of Goethe. 1886. 9 G717 Sanborn, H. J. Winter in Central America and Mexico. 1886 *917.2 S Sanborn, Katharine A. Adopting an abandoned farm. 1894 817 S Truthful woman in southern California. 1893 917.94 S Wit of women. 1886 808 S comp. Year of sunshine. 1884 242 S Sanbukn, Frederic, comp. Delsartean scrap-book. 1890 613 S Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. (D. de F.) Sanday, William. Two present-day questions. 1892 252 Si 1. Biblical criticism. 2. Social movement. Sandby, William. Thomas and Paul Sandby. 1892 9 Sao Sanders. L. C, ed. Celebrities of the century. 1887 *92 Sa85 Life of K. B. Sheridan 9 Sh53 Life of Viscount Palmerston. 1888 9 P185 Sanderson, Edgar. Outlines of the world's history. 1885 909 S Sanderson, John. Signers of declara- tion of independence. 1865 92 Sa5 Sands, R. C, joint author. See East- burn, J. W. Sanitary- Science Club. Home sanita- tion. 1887 628 S Sankey, Charles. Spartan and Theban supremacies. 1877 938 S AUTHOR LIST. 411 Santayaxa. Georgk. Sonnets, and other verses. 1804 811 S Sargent, Aarox. Historic address at the dedication of the masonic apart- ments in Somerville. 1888 *366 S Sargent, Epes. Scientific basis of spirit- ualism. 1881 133 S Sargent. G. E., joint auilior. See Walsli. Elizabeth k. Sargent, H. H. Napoleon Bonaparte's first" campaign. 1895 945 S Sargent, H. W. Skeleton tours througli England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Denmark, Xorwaj', Sweden, Eussia, Poland, and Spain. 1870 914 S Sargent, J. Memoir of Henry Martyn. 9 M3621 Sargent, J. F., comp. Reading for the young. 1890 *028 S Sargent, Mrs. J. T. See Sargent, M. E. Sargent, L. M. Dealings with the dead : by a sexton of the old scliool. 2v. 1856 814 S Sargent, M. E., ed. (Mrs. .John T. Sar- gent). Sketches and reminiscences of the Radical club of Chestnut street, Boston. 1880 814 SI Sargent, Nathan. Public men and events. 1817-53. 2v. 1875 973 S Sargent, W. L. Inductive political economy. 1887 330 S Sargent, Winthrop. Life and career of Major John Andre. isGl *9 An22 Sarmiento, D. F. Life in the Argentine Republic in the days of the tyrants. 1868 982 S Saunders, Frederic. Cliaracter studies. 1894 92 Sa8 Mosaics. 1859 818 S Pastime papers. 1885 814 S2 Salad for the solitary and the social. 1883 81,s SI Story of the discovery of the new world by Columbus. 1892 9 C727 Stray leaves of literature. 1889 814 S3 ed. Our national centennial jubilee. 1877 006 S Saunders, William. Through the light continent. 1879 917..; S Sauzay, Alexander. Wonders of glass- making in all ages. 1872 666 S Savage, E.H. Boston events. 1630-1880. *974.46 S Police records and recollections. 1873. *352 S Savage, M. J. Light on the cloud. 1876 242 SI Man, woman, and child. 1884 173 S My creed. 1887-, 204 S3 Physics. 1893 530 Si Religious reconstruction. 1888 230 S Savidge, E. C. Life of B". H. Brewster. 1891 9 B74 Saward, Blanche C. Decorative paint- ing joint author. See Caulfield. Sophia F. A. Sawtelle, I. B. History of Townsend, Mass. 1878 Sawyer, F. W. Life made happy. 1857. Sawyer, G. A. Fret-sawing and wood- carving for amateurs. 1875 Sawyer, H. C Nerve waste, hygiene of the nervous constitution. 1889 Saavyer, H. E. Metric manual for schools. 1877 Sawyer, T. J. Endless punishment in the very words of its advocates. 1882. Saxby, J//-S. J. M. (^.), joini author. See Edmondston, Biot. Saxe, J. G. Poems. 1887 Saxton's rural handliooks. 2nd ser. 1854 Say, J. B. Political economy. 1827 Say, Leon. Turgot. 1888 Sayce, a. H. Ancient empires of the East. 1884 "Higher criticism," and the verdict of the monuments. 1894 Introduction to the science of language. 2v. 1880 ScAiFE, W. B. America, its geographical history. 1492-1892 Florentine life during the renaissance. 1893 Scaktazzixi, G. a. Handbook of Dante : tr. by Thomas Davidson. 1893 . . . ScHAFF, Philip. History of the Christian church. 5v. 1888 Scharf, J. T. History of the Confederate States navy. 1887 ScHEFEK, Leopold. Layman's breviary. 1873 ScHELLEN, T. J. H. Magneto-electric and dynamo - electric machines. 1884 ScHEM, A. J., joint ed. See Kiddle, Henry. ScHERER, William. History of German literature. 2v. 1886 ScHERR, Johannes. History of English literature. 1882 Schiller, Friedrich vox, and Goethe. J. W. VON. Correspondence. 2v. 1877, '90 Schiller, J. C. F. vox. Early dramas and romances. 1873 Essays, iesthctical and philosophical. 1875 Historical dramas. 1877 Historical works. 2v. 1880 Poems. 1874 Poems and ballads 740 S 74.44 S 175 S 747 S 616 SI 389 S 289 S 811 SI 630 S 330 SI 9 T845 930 S 221 S 410 S 917 S 914.5 S 851 S 270 S 973.7 SI 242 S2 537 SI 830 S 820 S3 9 Sch36 832 S 834 S 832 SI 943 S 831 SI 831 S 412 AUTHOR LIST. ScHiNDLER, Solomon. Dissolving views in the history of Judaism. 1890... 296 S ScHLEGEL, A. W. VON. Course of lectures on dramatic art and literature. 1889. 808 SI SoHLEGEL, K. W. F. VON. Coursc of lectures on modern history. 1849.. 940 SI Lectures on the history of literature, ancient and modern. 1882 809 S Schley, W. S., and Soley, J. R. Rescue ofGreely. 1885 919.8 S ScHLiEMANN, Heinrich. IHos. 1881 913 S Mycenai. 1878 913 SI Tiryns. 188.5 913 S2 Troja. 1884 913 S3 Troy and its remains. 1876 913 S4 ScHLoss, I). F. Methods of industrial remuneration. 1892 331 S Schmidt, Oscar. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 1876 575 S Sohmucker, S. M. History of the civil war in the United States. 2v. 1863-64 973.7 S2 Memoirs of Catherine II., of Russia. 1855 9 C28 Schnitzer, Eduard. Emin Pasha in Central Africa. 1888 916.7 S Schoelcher, Viotor. Life of Handel. 1857 9H194 Schoenhof, Jacob. Economy of high wages. 1892 331 SI Schopenhauer, Arthur. Religion. 1889. 834 SI World as will and idea. 1888 193 S Schouler, James. History of the United States of America under the consti- tution. 5v. 1891 973 SI Life of Thomas Jefferson. 1893 9 J357 Schouler, William. History of Massa- chusetts in the civil war. 2v. 1871. *973.7 S3 Schreiber, Th. Atlas of classical an- tiquities. 1895 *913 So Schreiner, Olive (Ralph Iron). Dreams. 1891 824 S2 Schuckers, J. W. Life and public ser- vices of S. P. Chase. 1874 9 C388 Schumacher, Gottlieb. Across the Jor- dan. 1886 915.6 S Schumann, Robert. Early letters. 1888. 836 S ScHURz, Carl. Life of Henry Clay. 2v. 1887 9C571 Schuyler, Eugene. American diplomacy. 1886 ; 327 s Peter the Great. 2v. 1884 9 P442 Turkistan. 2v. 1876 915.8 S Schuyler, G. W. Colonial New York. 2v. 1885 974.7 S Schuyler, Montgomery. American architecture. 1892 724 S Schwatka, Frederick. Along Alaska's great river. 1885 917.98 S Children of the cold. 1886 j 919.8 SI ScHWEGLER, Albrecht. History of phil- osophy. 1880 109 S Schweinfurth, G. a. Heart of Africa. 2v. 1874 916.7 Sl SciDMORE, Eliza R. Jinrikisha days in Japan. 1891 915.2 S Science, v. 1-21. 1883-93 505 S Scientific American, v. 34-71. 1876-94.. 505 SI Scientific American supplement, v. 1, 2, 25-38. 1876, '88;94 505 S2 ScoLLARD, Clinton. Songs of sunrise* land. 1892 811 S2 ScooNES, W. B., ed. Four centuries of English letters. 1880 826 S Scots' Charitable Society of Boston. Constitution, by-laws, etc. 1874... *361 S Scott, Edward. Dancing as an art and pastime. 1892 793 S Scott, E. G. Development of constitu- tional liberty in the English colonies of America. 1882 342 S Scott, G. C. Fishing in American waters. 1873 799 S Scott, H. W. Distinguished American lawyers. 1891 92 Sco8 Scott, John. Republic as a form of gov- ernment. 1889 342 SI ScoTT, Leader, pseud. See Baxter, 3Irs. L. E. (B.) ScoTT, R. H. Elementary meteorology. 1883 551 S ScoTT, Robert, joint conip. See Liddell, H. G. ScoTT, W. A. Repudiation of state debts. 1893 336 S ScoTT, W. B. Memoir of David Scott. 1850 9 Sco8 Scott, Sir Walter. Familiar letters. 2v. 1894 826 SI .Journal. 1890. 2v 9 Sco84 Lady of the lake. 1883 821 S Letters on demonology and witchcraft. 1830 133 SI Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 3v. 1827 '. 9 N1638 Poetical works. 1881 821 SI Poetical works. 1869 821 S2 Tales of a grandfather. 4v 940 S2 ScoviL, Elizabeth R. Care of children. 1895 649 S ScoviLLE, Samuel, joint author. See Beecher, W. C. Scranton, Pa. Public library. First supplement to the finding list. 1894 *017 S2 Scribner's magazine, v. 1-24 and index. 1881-93 051 SI Scribner's monthly, v. 1-22. 1870-81... 051 C Note. Continued under the name " Century." AUTHOR LIST. 413 ScuDDER, H. E. Bodley grandchildren and their journey in Holland. 18S3. j 914.9 S Boston town. 1881 j 917.446 S Childhood in literature and art. 1894. 801 S George Washington, historical biogra- phy. 1889 j 9 W2747 Men and letters. 1887 814 S4 Noah Webster. 1882 9 W395 Viking Bodley's excursion into Norway and Denmark. 1885 j 914.8 S ed. Children's book. 1883 j 398 S Men and manners in America one hundred years ago. 1876 917 SI Kecollections of Samuel Breck. 1877. 9 B74 joiiii editor. See Taylor, Mrs. M. (H.) ScuDDER, S. H. Brief guide to the com- moner butterflies of the northern United States and Canada. 1893. . . 595 S Seaman, E. C. Essays on the progress of nations. 1846 901 S Seamer, Mary. Shakespeare's stories simply told j 822.3 S Sears, Barxas. Life of Luther. 1850.. 9 L978 and others. Classical studies. 1843. 403 S Sears, E. H. Foregleams and foreshadows of immortality. 1873 237 S Fourth gospel. 1873 226 S Pictures of the olden time. 1857 285 S Regeneration. 1873 234 S Sermons and songs of the Christian life. 1875 252 S2 Seaton, Mss. W. W. Seaton. 1871... 9 Sel Sbaton, ^iV Thomas. Manual of fretcut- ting and wood carving. 1875 749 S Seddon, H. C. Builder's work and build- ing trades. 1886 690 S Sedgwick, Catherine M. Means and ends. 1839 374 S Sedgwick, Mrs. E. (D.) Talk with my pupils. 1863 173 SI Seebohm, Benjamin, ed. Memoirs of Stephen Grellet. 1870 9 G86 SeeboiIxM, Frederic. Era of the Protes- tant revolution. 1874 940 S3 Seecombe, T. S. Lives of twelve bad men. 1894 92 Se2 Seeley, j. R. Ecce homo. 1866 232 S Expansion of England. 1883 942 S Goethe reviewed after sixty years. 1893 832 S2 Life and times of Stein. 2v. 1879.. 9 St35 Short history of Napoleon I. 1886.. . 9 N1639 Seeley, L. B. Horace Walpole and his world, from his letters 9 W16 Mrs. Thrale, afterwards Mrs. Piozzi : sketch of her life. 1891 9 P651 ed. Fanny Burney and her friends. 1890 9 Arl4 Seelye, E. E. Story of Columbus. 1892. 9 C7272 Seelye, Lillie E., joint author. See Eggleston, Edward. Seemann, O. Mythology of Greece. 1880 292 S Seguin, E. C. Opera minora. 1884 616 S2 Segur, P, p. dk, Comte. Aide-de-camp of Napoleon : memoirs. 1895 9 Se3 Seidel, Martin. In the time of Jesus. 232 SI Seiler, Emma. "Voice in singing. 1874.. 784 S Seiss, J. A. Children of silence. 1887.. 362 S Gospel in the stars. 1885 204 SI Luther and the reformation. 1883. .. 270 SI Miracle in stone. 1877 913 S6 Voices from Babylon. 1879 224 S Selden, John. Table-talk. 1860 828 Si Selection of the patriotic addresses. 1798. 973.3 SI Self-love 170 S Sellar, W. Y. Roman poets of the Augustan age. 1892 874 S Selous. F. C. Travel and adventure in south-east Africa. 1893 *916.8 S Selavyn, a. R. C, joint ed. See Hayden, F. V. Seneca, L. A. Minor dialogues ; tr. by Aubrey Stewart. 1889 878 Sl Morals. 1878 188 S On benefits addressed to JEbutius Lib- eralis ; tr. by Aubrey Stewart. 1887 878 S2 Senior, N. W. Conversations with M. Thiers, _M. Guizot, during the sec- ond empire. 2v. 1878 944 S Historical and philosophical essays. 2v. 1865 904 S joint author. See Tocqueville, A. C. H. Sensior, Alfred. J.F.Millet. 1881.. 9 M614 Sergeant, Leavis. Greece. 1880 949 SI John Wycliffe, last of the Schoalmer and first of the English reformers. 1893 9 W97 New Greece 949 S2 Serviss, G. p. Astronomy with an opera- glass. 1888 520 S Sessions, F. C. From Yellowstone park to Alaska. 1890 917.9 S In Western Levant. 1890 914.6 S On the wing through Europe. 1889.. 914 Sl Seton, J. L. Notes on the operations of the north German troops. 1872 943 Sl Seton-Kark, H. W. See Karr, H. W. Seton-. Seven wonders of the world, with their as- sociations in art and history 913 S7 Sevigne, Marie de R. (C), MarquisevE. Best letters. 1891 846 S Sewall, j. B. Evenings with the Bible and science. 1864 239 S Sewall, Jonathan, joint author. See Adams, John. 414 AUTHOR LIST. Sewall, Samuel. History of Woburn, Mass. 1868 *974.44 SI Seward, G. F. Chinese immigration. 1881 325 S Seward, W. H. Autobiography. 3v. 1891 9 Se86 Diplomatic history of the war for the Union. 1884 973.7 S4 John Quincy Adams. 1849 9 Adl7 Travels around the world. 1873 910 S Works. 5v. 1884 320 S Seymour, Mrs. M. Chaucer's stories simply told. 1884 j 821 S3 Seymour, Robert. Humorous sketches. 1878 827 S Sgakzin, M . I. Elementary course of civil engineering. 1837 620 S Shackford, C. C. Social and literary papers. 1892 304 SI Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry. 1882 824 S3 Culture and religion. 1872 204 S2 Portraits of friends. 1889 92 Shi Robert Burns. 1879 9 B935 Shakespeare, C. St. Paul at Athens. 1878 239 SI Shakespeare, William. Complete works. 2v 822.3 SI New variorum edition. 3v. 1877... 822.3 S2 Works. 13v 822.3 83 Contenis : V. 1. Tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Comedy of errors. V. 2. Merry wives of Windsor. Measure for measure. Midsummer night's dream. V. 3. Much ado about nothing. Twelfth night. Love's labour's lost. V. 4. As you like it. Mercliant of Venice. Winter's tale. V. 5. Taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. King John. V. 6. King Richard II. King Henry IV. ; pts. 1 and 2. V. 7. King Henry V. King Henry VI. ; pts. 1 and 2. V. 8. King Henry VI. ; pt. 3. King Richard III. I«ng Henry VIII. V. 9. Julius Cajsar. Antony and Cleopatra. Troilus and Cres- sida. V. 10. Othello. Coriolanus. Timon of Athens. V, 11. Hamle't. Romeo and Juliet. Pericles. V. 12. King Lear. Cymbeline. Titus Andronieus. V. 13. Macbeth. Poems and son- nets. Glossary. Shakespeare, William. Works. Uv. 1872 822.3 S4 Contents : V. 1. Tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry wives of Windsor. Twelfth night. V. 2. Measure for measure. Much ado about nothing. Midsummer night's dream. Love"s labour's lost. V. 3. Merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew. V. 4. Winter's tale. Comedy of er- rors. Macbeth. King John. V. 5. King Richard II. King Henry IV. ; pts. 1 and 2. King Henry V. V. 6. King Henry VI. ; pts. 1, 2, and 3. V. 7. Iving Richard III. King Henry VIII. . Troilus and Cressida. V. 8. Timon of Athens. Coriolanus. Julius Csesar. Antony and Cleo- patra. V. 9. Cymbeline. Titus Andronieus. Pericles. King Lear. V. 10. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello. V. 11. Life of Shakespeare. His- torical sketch of the English drama before Shakespeare. Poems and sonnets. Works ; ed. by Rolfe. 36v. 1883 : All's well that ends well 822.3 S5 Antony and Cleopatra 822.3 S6 As you like it 822.3 S7 Comedy of errors 822.3 S8 Coriolanus 822.3 S9 Cymbeline 822.3 SlO Hamlet 822.3 Sll Julius Csesar 822.3 S12 King Henry IV. 2 parts 822.3 Sl3 King Henry V 822.3 S14 King Henry VI. 3 parts 822.3 S15 King Henry VIII 822.3 S16 King Lear 822.3 S17 King Richard II 822.3 S18 King Richard III 822.3 SlO Life and death of King John 822.3 S20 Love's labour's lost 822.3 S2l Macbeth. 822.3 822 Measure for measure 822.3 823 Merchant of Venice 822.3 824 Merry wives of Windsor 822.3 825 Midsummer night's dream 822.3 82G Much ado about nothing 822.3 S27 Othello 822.3 828 Pericles 822.3 829 Romeo and Juliet 822.3 830 Taming of the shrew 822.3 831 Tempest 822.3 832 AUTHOR LIST. 41& Shakespeare, William. Timon of Athens 822.3 S33 Troilus and Cressida 822.3 S34 Twelfth night 822.3 S35 Two gentlemen of Verona 822.3 S36 Winter's tale 822.3 S37 Shalek. N. S. Aspects of the earth. 1889 551 SI Interpretation of nature. 1893 215 S Kentucky a pioneer commonwealth. 1885 976.9 S Nature and man in America. 1891.. . 551 S2 Sea and land features of coasts and oceans. 1894 551 S3 ed. United States of America. 2v. 1894 *917.3 SI Shanks, W. IT. G. Recollections of dis- tinguished generals. 186(3 920 Shll Shakmax, H. R. Power of the will. 1894 159 S Sharp, William. Life and letters of Joseph Severn. 1892 9 Se8 Tracts on homoeopathy. 185G 615 S Sharpe, Dixah. My horse : my love. 1892 636 S Sharpe, Samcel. History of Egypt. 2v. 1876 932 S Shattcck, Mrs. H. L. (R.) Woman's manual of parliamentary law. 1893. 328 S Shattuck, Lemuel. History of Concord, Mass. 1835 *974.44 S2 Shaw, Albert. Icaria [Iowa] ; history of communism. 1884 335 S Municipal governmentin Great Britain. 1895 352 SI ed. National revenues. 1888 336 Sl Shaw, Anna H., o^nd others, comp. Yellow ribbon speaker. 1891 808 S2 Shaw, Charles. Topographical and his- torical description of Boston. 1817. *917.446 Sl Shaw, Edward. Civil architecture. 1870 720 S Shaw, Frances A. Eastern question. 1877 947 S ?>nxw,G.'Q., and others. Socialism. 1894. 335 Sl Shaw, Henry. Dresses and decorations of the middle ages. 2v. 1858 *391 S Shaw, T. B. New history of English literature. 1874 820 84 Shaw, pub. Tourist's picturesque guide to Leamington, AVarwick, Kenilworth, and Stratford-on-Avon 914.2 S2 Tourists' picturesque guide to Notting- ham and its environs 914.3 S Shearjian, Montague. Athletics and football. 1887 796 S Shedd, Mrs. .7. A. (C.) Famous sculptors and sculpture. 1881 730 S Shedd. W.G.T. Dogmatic theology. 2v. 1888 230 Sl Sermons to the spiritual man. 1884.. 233 8 Shedlock, M., joint camp. See Belloc, M. A. Sheely, Aaron, ed. Anecdotes and humors of school life. 1877 828 S2 SnEiL, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. 2v. 1851 92 Sh4 Speeches. 1845 825 S Sheldon, George. History of Deerfield, Mass. 1895 *974.42 S Sheldon, G. W. American painters. 1879 92 Sh45 Volunteer fire department of the city of New York. 1882 352 S2 Sheldon, Louise Vescelius-. Yankee girls in Zulu land. 1888 916.8 Sl Sheldon, Mrs. M. F. Sultan to sultan. 1892 916.7 S2 Shelley, P. B. Poetical works. 3v. 1873. 821 S4 Select letters. 1883 826 S2 Shepard, E. M. ^lartin Van Bur en. 1888 9 V271 Shepard, Hazel, pseud. See Smith, Helen A. Shepard, Mrs. I. S. Cruise of the U. S. steamer "Rush" in Behring sea. 1889 917.98 Sl Shepard, William. See Walsh. W. S. . . Shepherd, H. E. History of English language from Teutonic invasion of Britain to close of Georgian era. 1874 820 So Shepherd, T. H. London and its en- virons in the nineteenth century. 1829 *914.2 Sa Metropolitan improvements. 1827.... *914.2 El SuEPP, J. W. and. D. B. Photographs of the world. 1892 *779 Sl Sheppard, Edgar. Memorials of St. James's palace. 2v. 1894 *914.2 8 Sheppard, J. G. Fall of Rome. 1861.. . 937 8 Sheridan, P. H. Personal memoirs. 2v. 1888 973.7 85 Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic works. 1865. 822 8 Speeches. 3v. 1842 825 81 Works. 2v. 1821 822 Sl Sherman, F. D. Little-folk lyrics. 1892 j 811 S3 Madrigals and catches. 1887 811 S4 Sherman, John. Speeches and reports on finance and taxation. 1859-78 • • 336 S2 Sherman, W. T. Memoirs ; by himself. 2v. 1875 9 Sh57 and John. Correspondence from 1837-91 816 8 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. (W.) Art of en- tertaining. 1892 64181 Manners and social usages. 1884 395 8 Royal girls and royal courts. 1887... 92 8h5- Sherwood, Mrs. ^l. M. (B.) Works. 16v. 1856 244 8- 416 au'thor list. Shields, G. 0. (" Coquina"). Camping and camp outfits. 1890 796 SI Cruising in the Cascades. 1889 917.9 SI ed. Big game of North America. 799 SI Shields, J. D. Life and times of S. S. Prentiss. 1884 9 P915 Shields, 3Irs. S.A. (F.) Ladies' guide to needlework. 1887 746 S Shiell, A. G. Year in India. 1880 915.4 S Shigemi, Shkl'kichi. Japanese boy, by himself. 1890 9 Sh63 Shillabek, B. p. (Mrs. PaHington) . Knitting-work. 1859 817 Sl Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington. 1860 817 S2 Mrs. Partington's carpet-bag of fun. . 817 S3 Partingtonian patchwork. 1873 817 S4 Wide swath ; embracing lines in pleas- ant places, and other rhymes, wise and otherwise. 1882 811 So Shindler, Robert. Life of C. H. Spur- geon. 1892 9 Sp91 Shinn, Earl (Edward Strahan). New Hyperion. 1875 914 S2 Shipp, John. Memoirs of his military career. 1890 9 Sh65 Shippen, Edward. Naval battles. 1883. 359 S Shoemaker, Mrs. J. W., ed. Choice dialogues. 1885 793 SI Dialogues. 1889 793 S2 Shoemaker, M. M. Trans-Caspia, the sealed provinces of the czar. 1895. 914.7 S Shore, G. A. Life under glass. 1874... 613 SI Short, Charles, y'oint comp. See Lewis, C. T. Short, J. T. North Americans of an- tiquity. 1882 913 S8 Shurtleff, E. W. Poems. 1883 811 S6 Shurtleff, N. B. Thunder and light- ning; and deaths at Marshfield. 1658, 1666. 1850 *974.48 S Topographical and historical descrip- tion of Boston. 1872 *974.46 SI and CusHMAN, H. W. Proceedings at the Cushman celebration at Ply- mouth. 1855 *929 S Sibley, J. L. Biographical sketches of Harvard graduates. 3v. 1873-85.. 92 Sil Siborne, William. Waterloo campaign. 1894 944 SI Sidney, Henry. Diary of the times of Charles the Second. 2v. 1843.... 942 Sl Sidney, Sir Philip. An apologie for poetrie. 1595. 1868 820 S6 Astrophel and Stella. 1888 821 S5 SiDGWiCK, Alfred. Distinction and criti- cism of beliefs. 1892 112 S Fallacies. 1884 165 S SiDGWiCK, Henry. Methods of ethics. 1874 171 S SiDGWiCK, 3Irs. Alfred. Caroline Schle- gel and her friends. 1889 9 Sch3 Siebold, C. T. E. Anatomy of the inver- tebrata. 1854 592 S SiEBE, Henry. Conquestof the sea. 1873. 533 S Siemens, Sir C. W. Scientific works. 3v. 1889 531 S Siemens, Werner von. Personal recol- lections. 1893 9 Sil7 SiGOURNEY, Mrs. L. H. Man of Uz, and other poems. 1862 811 S7 Silloway, T. W., and Powers, L. L. Cathedral towns of England. 1883 914.2 S5 Silsbee, Marinne C. D. Half century in Salem. 1887 917.445 Sl SiLSBY, Mary R., ed. Tributes to Shakes- peare. 1892 822.3 S38 Silver, Abiel. Symbolic character of the sacred Scriptures. 1867 289 Sl SiMCOx, E. J. Primitive civilizations. 2v. 1894 901 Sl SiMCOX, W. H. Revelation of St. John the Divine. 1894 228 S SiME, James. Lessing. 2v. 1877 832 S3 Schiller 9 Sch37 SiMMONDS, P. L. Sir John Franklin and the arctic regions. 1852 919.8 S2 SiMMs, W. G. Poems. 1853 811 S8 SiMOx, G. A. History of Latin literature. 2v. 1883 870 S Simon, Jules. Government of M. Thiers. ■1871-73. 2v. 1879 944 S2 Victor Cousin. 1888 9 C83 SiMONDS, A. B., com2). American song. 1894 811 S9 SiMONDS, J. C, and McEnnis, J. T. Story of manual labor. 1886 331 S2 Simpson, Edward, joint author. See Reed, Sir E. J. Simpson, Matthew. Lectures on preach- ing. 1879 251 S Simpson, 3Irs. M. C. M. Letters and rec- ollections of Julius and Mary Mohl. 1887 9 M721 Simpson, William. Meeting the sun. 1877 910 Sl Sims, G*. R. Poetical works 821 S6 Simson, Alfred. Travels in the wilds of Ecuador, and the exploration of the Putumayos river. 1886 918.6 S Sinclair, Angus. Locomotive engine. 1885 621 S Sinclair, Archibald, and Henry, Wil- liam. Swimming. 1893 796 S2 SiNNETT, A. P. Esoteric Buddhism. 1884. 212 S Incidents in the life of Madame Bla- vatsky. 1886... 9 B61 . Occult world. 1887 212 Sl Rationale of mesmerism. 1892 134 S AUTHOR LIST. 417 SiSMONDi, J. C. L. S. DE. Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. 1872. 2v 809 SI History of the Italian republics. 1870. 945 Si Skeat, W. W. Etymological dictionary. 1882 *423 S joint author. See Mayhew, A. L. Skelton, John. Maitland of Lethington and the Scotland of Mary Stuart. 2v. 1887 941 S and Donne, John. Poetical works, with memoir of each. 1855 821 S7 Sketches froip Venetian iiistory. 2v. 1832. 945 S2 Sketches of Aiistralian life and scenery. 1876 919.4 S Sketches of Martha's Vineyard. 1838. . . *9 17.449 S Sketches of successful New Hami^shire men. 1882 92 Sk2 Shillings, D. N., and Flint, D. 3., pub. Illustrated catalogue of portable sec- tional buildings *720 SI Skottowe, B. C. Short history of parlia- ment. 1887 328 SI Slack, H. J. Marvels of pond-life. 1871. 578 S Slade, Sir Adolphus. Turkey and the Turks. 1854 914.9 Si Sladen, Douglas, ed. Younger Ameri- can poets. 1830-90 811 SIO Slick, Sam, pseud. See Haliburton, T. C. Slingo, W., and Brooker, A. Electrical engineering. 1895 G21 SI Sloan, Samuel. Sloan's homestead archi- tecture. 1867 728 S Sloane, W. M. French war and the revolution. 1893 973 S2 Slocum, Joshua. Voyage of the Liber- dale. 1894 918.9 S Small, A. E., joint author. ^See Warren, Ira. Small, A. W., and Vincent, G. E. In- troduction to the study of society. 1894. 307 S Smalley, E. Worcester pulpit. 1851... *277 SI Smalley, G. W. London letters. 2v. 1891 914.2 S6 Society in London. 1885 914.2 S7 Smart, J. H. Manual of free gymnastic and dumb-bell exercises. 1864.... 371 S Smiles, Samuel. Art of living. 1887... 170 SI Brief biographies. 1861 92 Sm4 Character 170 S2 Duty. 1881 170 S3 Huguenots. 1868 284 S Huguenots in France. 1874 274 S Industrial biography. 1864 92 Sm41 Jacques Jasmin. 1892 9 J31 Josiah AVedgwood ; his personal his- tory. • 1895 9 W411 Life of George Moore. 1878 9 M78 Life of Thomas Edward. 1877 9 Ed92 Smiles, Samuel. Lives of the engineers. 4v. 1862-5. 92 Sm42 Memoir of John Murray. 2v. 1891. 9 M96 Men of invention and industry. 1884. 92 Sm43 Robert Dick. 1879 9 D54 Self-help. 1873 374 SI Thrift. 1876 170 S4 ed. James Nasmyth. 1883 9 N17 Smiles, Samuel, yr. Round the world. 1873 910 S2 Smiley, Sarah F. Garden graith. 1880. 244 SI Smillie, James. Panoramic view from Bunker Hill monument. 1848 *917.446 S2 Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations. 2v. 1869 330 S2 Smith, Agnes. Through Cyprus. 1887. 915.6 Si Smith, Alexander. Dreamthorpe. 1889. 824 S4 Smith, A. H. Chinese characteristics. 1894 ' 915 IS Smith, C. J. Synonyms discriminated. 1878 424 S Smith, Edward. Foods. 1873 643 S Health. 1875 613 S2 Smith, Edward. Foreign visitors in England. 1889 914.2 S8 Smith, Eli, joint author. See Robinson, Edward. Smith, 3frs. E. V. History of Newbury- port. 1854 *974.45 S Smith, F. H. Well-worn roads of Spain, Holland, and Italy. 1887 914 S3 White umbrella in Mexico. 1889 917.2 SI Smith, George. Assyria. 1876 953 S Assyrian discoveries. 1875 913 S9 Chaldean account of Genesis. 1876.. 222 S Conversion of India. 193-1893 275 S Gipsy life. 1880 397 S Smith, Goldwin. Canada, and the Cana- dian question. 1891 917.1 S Cowper. 1880 9 C834 Essays on the questions of the day. 1893 304 S2 Lectures and essays. 1881 824 S5 Lectures on the study of history. 1859-61. 1875 904 SI Moral crusader ; W. L. Garrison. 1892 9 G192 Three English statesmen. 1868 329 S Trip to England. 1891 914.2 S9 United States : outline of political his- tory. 1492-1871. 1893 973 S3 Smith, G. B. English parliament. 2v. 1892 328 S2 Life and speeches of John Bright. 1881 9B766 Life of W. E. Gladstone. 1880, 9 G454 Noble womanhood 92 Sm51 Prime ministers of Queen Victoria. 1886 92 Sm5 Shelley ; a critical biography. 1877. . 9 Sh48 418 AUTHOR LIST. SSIITH, G. B.. Victor Hugo. 1885 9H877 "William I. and the German empire. 1887 9W6741 Smith, G. P. Law of field-sports. 1886. 796 S3 Smith, G. W. Painting: Spanish and French. 1884 759 S Smith, Helen A. {Hazel Shepard). Great cities of the ancient world. 1885 •• 910S3 Stories of persons and places in America. 1888 j 970 S Smith, Horace and James. Rejected ad- dresses. 1888 821 S8 Smith, Horatio. Festivals, games, and amusements. 1831 790 S Smith, H. B. Introduction to Christian theology. 1883 239 S2 Life and works. 1881 9 Sm53' Smith, H.G. Romance of history. 1891. 92 Sm55 Smith, H. L., joint author. 5ee Ackland, A. H. D. Smith, H. P., ed. Glossary of terms and phrases. 1883 423 Si Smith, 3frs. H. (W.) Christian's secret of a happy life. 1883 248 S Smith, Jajies. Winter of 1840 in St. Croix. 1840 917.2 S2 joint author. See Smith, Horace. Smith, Captain John. Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New England. 1865 *917.3 S2 Description of New England. 1865.. *917.4 S Smith, J. E. A. History of Pittsfield, Berkshire county, Mass. 2v. 1869- 76 *974.41 S Smith, J. H. Gilead; or, vision of All Souls' hospital. 1863 244 S2 Narrative of the causes of the death of Major Andre. 1808 *9 An21 Smith, J. M. Prince of Argolis. 1878.. 292 SI Smith, J. S. Mirabeau : a life history. 2v. 1848 9 M67 Smith, Philip. History of the ancient world. 3v. 1873 930 Si Smith, P. H. Acadia. 1884 971 S Smith, Reginald. Mohammed and Mo- hammedanism. 1875 297 S Smith. R. A. Loch Etive and the sons of Uisnach. 1879 913 SIO Smith, R. B. Life of Lord Lawrence. 2v. 1883 9 L434 Rome and Carthage : the Punic wars. 1880 937 SI Smith, R. M. ( T. Lloyd Stanley) . Out- line of the future religion of the world. 1884 201 S Smith, Sir R. M. Persian art. 1877. . . • 709 S Smith, Saba. ^See |Holland, S. (S.), Lady. Smith, Sydney. Wit and wisdom. 1860. 827 SI Works. 1872 824 S6 Smith, S. A. Address delivered in behalf of the ladies' soldiers' aid society of West Cambridge. 1864 *973.3 S2 Smith, S. F. History of Newton, Mass. 1880 *974.44 S3 Life of the Rev. Joseph Grafton. 1849 9 G753 Smith, William. Classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geogra- phy. 1891 =^913 Sll Dictionary of the Bible. 4v. 1872.. *220 S Old Yorkshire. 1889 914.2 Sll Smaller history of Greece. 1871 938 SI Smaller history of Rome. 1869 937 S2 and Grove, George, ed. Atlas of ancient geography. 1874 *220 SI and Mace, Henry. Dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects, and doctrines. 4v. 1877-87. *92 Sm6 and others. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 2v. 1891 *913 Slo ed. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 1870 *913 S12 Dictionary of Greek and Roman an- tiquities by various writers. 1882. *913 S13 Dictionary of Greek and Roman geog- raphy. 2v. 1870 *913 S14 New Testament history. 1869 225 S Old Testament history. 1871 221 SI Smith, W. A. Lewsiana. 1875 914.1 S Smith, W. H. Life and correspondence of Arthur St. Clair. 2v. 1882.... 9 Sa22 Smith, W. I., joint author. See Rock, J. L. Smith, W. L. Practice in proceedings in the probate courts of Massachusetts. 1894 347 S Smith, W. P. Book of great railway celebrations of 1857 656 S Smith, W. P. H. Climbing in the British isles. 1894 914.2 SlO Smith, W. R. Kinship and marriage in early Arabia. 1885 392 S Old Testament in the Jewish church. 1881 221 S2 Smithsonian Institution. Annual reports of board of regents 506 S Bulletins of the United States national museum 599 S Directions for collecting birds. 1891. *598 Si Ethnology,Bureau of. Annual reports. 1879-91. 8v *572 S Smyth, A. H. American literature. 1889. 810 S Smyth, E. C, and others. Progressive orthodoxy. 1866 230 S2 Smyth, Piazzi. Our inheritance in the great pyramid, 1877 913 S16 Smyth, S. P. Reality of faith. 1884. . . . 234 SI AUTHOR LIST. 419 Smyth, S. P. N. Old faiths in new light. 1879 230 S3 Eeligious feeling. 1877 230 S4 Smyth, William. Lectures on modern history. 2v. 1854 909 Sl Snead, T. L. Fight for Missouri. 1886 973.7 SG Snider, D. J. Shakespearian drama. 1887 822.3 S39 Walk in Hellas. 1883 914.9 S2 Snorri, Sturlason. Heimskringla ; or, chronicle of the kings of Norway. 4v. 1889 839 S Snow, C. H. History of Boston. 1825.. *974.46 S2 Snow-flake. 1852 828 S3 Snyder, W. Ti.^comp. Collection of argu- ments and speeches. 1885 347 Sl Collection of important judicial opin- ions by eminent judges. 1885 347 S2 SoANE, George. Curiosities of literature. 2v. 1849 828 S4 Sociable. 1859 793 S3 Social horizon. 1892 301 S Social science pamphlets. 1893 304 S3 Soley, J. K. Blockade and the cruisers. 1883 j 973.7 S7 Boys of 1812, and other naval heroes. 1887 j 973 S4 Sailor boys of '61. 1888 j 973.7 S8 joint author. See Schley, W. S. Soley Lodge, Somerville, Mass. Charter, by-laws, and list of members. 1882 *366 Sl Solovyoff, V. S., pseud. Modern priest- ess of Isis. 1895 212 S2 SoLTERA, Maria, pseud. See Lester, Mary. Some rhymes of Ironquill of Kansas. 1892 811 Sll SoMERS, John, Lord. Collection of scarce and valuable tracts. 13v. 1815... 942 S 2 SoMERSwoRTH, N. II. Annual report. 1st. 1894 *352 S3 Somerville, Mrs. M. (F.) Physical geog- raphy. 1871 551 S4 Somerville, Martha, ed. Personal rec- ollections of Mary Somerville. 1874 9 So5 Somerville, Mass. Annual reports. 1872-94. 23v *352 S4 Annual town reports. 1842-71. 3v. 352 S5 Catalogues of the public high school. 1884-93 *379 S City council. Inaugural addresses. 1872-86 *352 S7 City council. Municipal register. 187G, '82, '92. 8v *352 S8 Common council. Reports of the in- vestigating committee. 1876 *352 S9 First orthodox congregational church, Franklin street. Manual. 1883.. *285 Sl Somerville, Mass. Public library. Annual reports of the trustees. 1875-93 *027 Sl Public library. Catalogues. 1873, '78, '82, '88 *019 Sl Supplements. 1889, '92, '94 *019 Sl Street list of persons assessed a poll- tax. 7v. 1885-94 *352 S6 Somerville citizen, v. 1-7. 1888-94 *071 S Somerville Citizen. Souvenir of the semi-centennial celebration. 1892 *974.44 Sr Somerville Improvement Society. Con- stitution and list of officers. 1889.. *000 S Somerville, its representative business men, and its points of interest. 1892 *917.444 S Somerville journal, v. 6,7, 10-24. 1876-77, '80-94 *071 Sl Somerville Journal. Massachusetts 39th regiment ; their reunion in this city *973.7 S9 Souvenir of the semi-centennial. 1892 *974.44 S4 Somerville Royal Arch Chapter. By- laws. 1872 *366 S2 Somerville sermons ; by Hodges, Furness, and Pierson. 1844, '46, '69, '76 *252 S3 Somerville Y. M. C. A. and Woman's Auxiliary'. Souvenir cook book. 1894 *G41 S2 SoNNENSCHEiN, AV. S. Bcst books. 1891 *016 S SoNREL, L. Bottom of the sea. 1872... 551 S5 Sophia, Electress of Hanover. Memoir. 1888 9 So6 Sophocles. GEdipus tyrannus. 1881 882 S Tragedies; Oxford translation. 1873. 882 S2 Tragedies ; tr. by E. H. Plumptre 882 Sl SouLE, Frank, and others. Annals of San Francisco. 1855 979.4 S SouLE, Richard. Dictionary of English synonyms. 1871 *424 Sl Southard, L. H. Course of harmony. 1855 781 S SouTiiBRiDGE, Mass. Public library. Catalogue. 1876 *019 S SouTHEY, C. C, ed. Life and correspond- ence of Robert Southey 9 So84 SouTHEY, Robert. Commonplace book. 4v. 1851 828 So. Joan of Arc 821 S9 Life of Nelson. 1883 9 N332 Life of Wesley. 2v. 1847 6 W51 tr. Chronicle of the Cid. 1885 861 C Southgate, Henry, comp. Suggestive thoughts on religious subjects. 1881 203 S SouTHWiCK, A. P. Quizzism and its key. 1886 803 S. 420 AUTHOR LIST. SouTHwoRTH, A. S. Four thousand miles of African travel. 1875 916 S SoUTHWORTH, G. A., CTTK^ GODDARD, F. B. Our language taught by practice and example. 1887 428 S Souvenir of Scotland. 1889 *9U.l SI Spafford, H. G. Gazetteer of the state of New York. 1824 917.47 S Spalding, F, P. Text-book on roads and pavement. 1894 625 S Spalding, J. A. Biography of Connec- ticut. 1891 92 Spl Spalding, S. M. Wings of Icarus. 1892 811 S12 Spalding, William. History of English literature. 1871 820 S7 Spang, H. W. Practical treatise on'light- ning protection. 1877 537 S2 Sparks, Jared. Inquiry into the compar- ative moral tendency of Trinitarian and Unitarian doctrines. 1823 231 S Life of George Washington. 1860. . . 9 W2748 ed. Diplomatic correspondence of the American revolution. 12v. 1829-30 *973.3 S3 Diplomatic correspondence of the United States. 1783-89. 7v. 1837. *973.3 S4 Library of American biography. lOv. 1860-65 92 Sp21 Sparks, 3Irs. M. C. {M. C S.). Hymns, home, Harvard. 1883 811 S13 Spaulding, J. H. Historical relics of the White mountains. 1855 917.42 S Spadlding, M. C, comp. Statistics of United States. 1874 317 S Spear, Charles. Names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1842 232 S2 ed. Prisoner's friend, v. 3. 1851. 364 S Spedding, James. Evenings with a re- viewer. 2v. 1881 801 SI Life and times of Francis Bacon. 2 v. 1878 9 B136 Speeches of the governors of Massachu- setts from 1765 to 1875 *815 S Speke, J. H. Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile. 1868 916.6 S Spencer, Charles. Modern gymnast... 613 S3 Spencer, Edward. Public life and ser- vices of T. F. Bayard. 1880. . .... 9 B342 Spencer, Herbert. Aphorisms from his writings. 1894 192 S Ceremonial institutions. 1880 192 SI Data of ethics. 1880 192 S2 Ecclesiastical institutions. 1886.... 192 S3 Education. 1861 370 S Essays. 1868 824 S7 Essays ; scientific, political, and specu- lative. 1891 192 S4 Inductions of ethics. 1892 192 So Justice. 1891 192 S6 Spencer, Herbert. Principles of psychology. 2v. 1875 150 S Social statics. 1892 192 S7 Study of sociology. 1874 307 SI Spender, J. A. State and pension. 1892 351 S Spenser, Edmund. Complete works. 1877 821 SIO Faerie queene 82 1 S 1 1 Spiers, Alexander, and Surenne, Ga- briel. French and Englisli pro- nouncing dictionary. 1872 *F443 S Spinoza, Benedictus de. Chief works. 1889 193 SI Spofford, A. R., ecZ. American almanac. 6v. 1861-86 *310A and Gibbon, Charles, ed. Library of choice literature. lOv. 1888.. 808 S3 Spofford, Mrs. H. E. (P.) Art deco- ration applied to furniture. 1878 •• 749 SI New England legends. 1871 398 SI Servant girl question. 1881 647 S Spofford, Mrs. H. P. G., and others. Three heroines of New England romance. 1894 - 814 85 Spooner, S. Biographical history of the fine arts. 2v. 1873 *92 Sp6 Spon, Ernest. Mechanic's own book. 1889 690 SI Workshop receipts. 1873 660 S Sprague, Charles. Poetical and prose writings. 1876 811 S14 Sprague, C. E. Handbook of Volapiik. 1888 408 S Sprague, W. B. Annals of the American pulpit. 9v. 1857-69 92 Sp7 Spring, Gardiner. Bible not of man. 1847 220 S2 Springer, W. M. Tariff reform. 1892.. 337 S Springfield, Mass. Art museum of the city library association. Souvenir. 1895 *974.42 SI Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of her majesty's ship " Challenger." 1877 910 S4 Spurgeon, C. H. Art of illustration. 1894 251 SI Feathers for arrows . 1870 242 S3 My sermon-notes. 1888 251 S2 Spurgheim, J. F. K. Outlines of phrenol- ogy. 1832 139 S Squier, E. G. Adventures on the Mosquito shore. 1891 917.2 S3 Nicaragua. 2v. 1852 917.2 S4 Peru. 1877 918.5 SI Stables, W. G. Cruise of the land yacht "Wanderer." 1886 914.2 S12 Leaves from the log of a gentleman gipsy 914.2 S13 Our friend, the dog. 1884 636 SI AUTHOR LIST. 421 Stakl-Holstein, a. L. G. (N.), Baronne DE. Germany. 1883 91-1.3 SI Staffe, Baroness. My lady's dressing- room. 1892 391 SI Stafford, Marchioness of. How I spent my twentietli year. 1889 910 S5 Stagg, a. a., axcZ Williams, H. L. Scien- tific and practical treatise on Ameri- can football. 189-1 797 S Stallard, J. H. London pauperism amongst Jews and Christians. 1867. 339 S Stallo, J. B. Concepts and theories of modern physics. 1882 530 S2 Stanford, Charles. Philip Doddridge. 1881 9 D66 Stanhope, P. H. Stanhope, Earl (Lord 3/aJwn). History of England, comprising the reign of Queen Anne until the peace of Utrecht. 1701- 13. 2v. 1872 942 S3 History of England from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Versailles. 1713-83. 7v. 1858 942 S4 Notes of conversations with the Duke of Wellington. 1888 9 W465 Stanley, A. P. Addresses and sermons. 1878 252 S4 Christian institutions. 1881 2G0 S Historical memorials of Canterbury. 1888 942 S5 Historical memorials of Westminster abbey. 1S86 914.2 S14 Lectures on the history of the Eastern church. 1875 281 S Lectures on the history of the Jewish church. 3v. 1876 29G SI Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold. 1873 9 Ar64 Selections from his writings. 1894.. 208 S Sinai and Palestine. 1875 915.6 S2 Westminster sermons. 1882 252 S5 ed. Memoirs of Edward and Catherine Stanley. 1880 9 St27 Stanley, H. M. Coomassie and Magdala. 1874 916 SI Congo and the founding of its free state, 2v. 1885 916.7 S3 How I found Livingstone. 1872 916.7 S4 In darkest Africa. 2v. 1890 916.7 S5 My dark companions and their strange stories. 1893 398 S2 My early travels in America and Asia. 2v. 1895 910 S6 Slavery and the slave-trade in Africa. 1893 326 S Story of Emin's rescue as told in Stanley's letters. 1890 916.7 S6 Through the dark continent. 2v. 1878. 916.7 S7 Stanley, T. Lloyd, pseud. See Smith, R. M. Stannard, Henry. Outdoor common birds 598 S2 Stanton, F. L. Songs of the soil. 1894. 811 S15 Stanton, H. B. Random recollections. 1887 973 S5 Stanton, Theodore. Woman question in Europe. 1884.. 396 S Stanwood, Edward. History of presi- dential elections. 1884 324 S Stanyan, J. M. History of the 8th regiment of New Hampshire volun- teers. 1892 *973.7 SIO Staples, W. R. Annals of the town of Providence, v. 5 in 974.5 R Starcke, C. N. Primitive family in its origin and development. 1889 571 S Stark, Caleb. Memoir and official corre- spondence of General John Stark. 1860 *92 St2 Stark, J. H. Stark's illustrated Bermuda guide. 1884 917.2 S5 Starkey, Wji. H. American manual of useful information *030 S Starrett, H. E. Letters to elder daugh- ters, married and unmarried. 1888. 173 S2 Statesman's year-book. 1873-95. 16v. .. *310 S Statham, H. H. My thoughts on music and musicians. 1892 780 S Staunton, Howard. Chess-player's com- panion. 1870 794 S Chess-player's handbook. 1875 794 SI Stead, W. T. Pope and the new era ; being letters from the Vatican in 1889 262 S Truth about Russia. 1888 914.7 SI Stearns, Amos E. Narrative. 1887.... *973.7 Sll Stearns, C. W. Black man of the south and the rebels. 1872 973.7 S12 Shakespeare treasury. 1871 822.3 S40 Stearns, F. P. Life and genius of Jacopo Robusti, called Tintoretto. 1894. . . 9 T49 Stearns, L. F. Life of H. B. Smith. 1892 9 Sm54 Stearns, W. A. Labrador. 1884 917.1 SI Life of Adjutant Stearns. 1862 9_St3 Stebbing, William. Some verdicts of history reviewed. 1887 942 S6 Stebbins, Emma, ed. Charlotte Cushman. 1878 9 C956 Stebbins, N. L , pub. Illustrated coast pilot, with sailing directions. 1891. 656_S1 Stebbins, R. P. Study of the Penta- teuch. 1881 222 SI Stedman, Charles. History of the origin, progress, and termination of the American war. 2v. 1794.. *973.3 S5 Stedman, E. C. Hawthorne, and other poems. 1877 811 S16 Nature and elements of poetry. 1892. 808 S4 Poetical works. 1874 811 S17 422 AUTHOR LIST. St'ediMan, E. C. Poets of America 811 S18 Victorian poets. 1893 821 S12 and Hutchinson, E. M., comp. Li- brary of American literature. 1891. 810 Si Steel, A. G., and Lyttelton, R. H. Cricket. 1888 797 SI Steel, Mrs. F. A. Tales of the Punjab told by the people. 1894 j 398 S3 Steel, Robert. Achievements of youth. 1890 92 St3 Steele, Ashbel. Life and times of Wil- liam Brewster. 1857 *9 B756 Steele, Francis M., and Adams, Mrs. E. L. (S.) Beauty of form and grace of vesture. 1892 391 S2 Steele, J. D. Chautauqua course in physics. 1889 530 S3 Steele, J. W. Cuban sketches. 1881... 917.2 S6 Steele, 0. G., ^jhJ. Book of Niagara falls. 1849 917.47 SI Steele, Sir Richard. Lover and se- lected papers. 1889 824 S8 Steele, T. S. Paddle and portage from . Moosehead lake to the Aroostook river, Maine. 1882 796 S4 Steffens, Heinrich. Story of my career, with personal reminiscences of emi- nent men. 1863 9 St35 Stephen, Sir James. Critical and mis- cellaneous essays. 1872 in 824 S6 Essays in ecclesiastical biography. 2v. 1849 92 St4 Lectures on the history of France. 1852 944 S3 Stephen, Sir J. F. History of the crimi- nal law of England. 3v. 1883 343 S Horae Sabbaticaj. 1892 824 S9 Stephen, Leslie. Alexander Pope. 1880. 9 P81 History of English thought in the eighteenth century. 1876 192 S9 Hours in a library. 3v. 1879 824 SIO Life of Henry Fawcett. 1886 9 F28 Life of Swift. 1882 9 Sw53 Playground of Europe. 1894 914 S4 Samuel Johnson 9 J635 Science of ethics. 1882 170 S5 and Lee, Sidney. Dictionary of na- tional biography. 41v. 1885-95.. *92 St45 Stephens, A. H. Constitutional view of the late war between the states. 2v. 1868 973.7 S13 Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club along- shore. 1882 j 917 S2 Knockabout club in the tropics. 1884. j 917 S3 Knockabout club in the woods. 1883. j 917 S4 Stephens, F. G. Memoir of George Cruik- shank. 1891 9 C889 Memorials of William Mulready. 1890 9 M91 Stephens, H. M. History of the French revolution. 1886 944 S4 Story of Portugal. 1891 946 S Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, Yucatan. 2v. 1841 917.2 S7 Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land. 2v. 1838 915 S Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland. 2v. 1875.... 914.9 S3 Notes of travel in Egypt and Nubia. 1876 916.2 S Stephens, W. R. W. Life and letters of W. F. Hook. 1885 9 H764 Stepniak, pseud. Nihilism as it is 149 S Russia under the tzars. 1885 947 SI Sterne, Laurence. Wotks 820 SB Sterne, Simon. Constitutional history and political development of the United States. 1888 342 S2 Sternberg, G. M. Photo-micrographs and how to make them. 1883 778 S Sterrett, j. M. Studies in Hegel's philo- sophy of religion. 1891 201 SI Sterry, j. a. Cucumber chronicles. 1887 828 S6 Lazy minstrel. 1886 821 S13 Stetson, Caleb. Discourse on the duty of sustaining the laws occasioned by the burning of Ursuline convent. 1834 *271S Discourses preached before the First Congregational society in Medford. 1840 *277 S2 Stevens, Abel. Madame de Stael : her life and times. 2v. 1881 9 Stll Stevens, C. E. Sources of the constitu- tion of the United States considered in relation to colonial and English history. 1894 342 S3 Stevens, C. W. Revelations of a Boston physician. 1881 818 S2 Stevens, Henry. Bibles in the Caxton exhibition. 1877 220 S3 Historical nuggets. 2v. 1862 090 S Recollections of James Lenox. 1886 9 L54 Stevens, J. A. Albert Gallatin. 1884. . . 9 G133 Stevens, J. L. History of Gustavus Adolphus. 1884 9 G971 Stevens, R. F., ed. Campaign in Vir- ginia. 1781. 2v. 1888 973.3 S6 Stevens, Thomas. Around the world on a bicycle. 2v. 1894 910 S7 Through Russia on a mustang. 1891. 914.7 S2 Stevens, W. B. History of Stoneham, Mass. 1891 *974.44 S5 Stevenson, A. F. Battle of Stone's river, near Murfreesboro, Tenn. 1884. . . 973.7 S14 AUTHOR LIST. 423 Stevenson, G. J. Methodist hymn-book. 1870 245 S Stevenson, R. L. B. Across the plains, with other essays. 1892 824 Sll Ballads. 1890 821 S14 Edinburgh picturesque notes. 1889.. 914.1 S2 Familiar studies of men and books. 1882 824 S12 Footnote to history. 1892 996 S Inland voyage. 1883 914 S5 Memoir of Fleming Jenkin. 1887-.. 9 J41 Memories and portraits. 1887 824 S13 Silverado squatters. 1884 917.94 SI Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. 1879 914.4 SI Underwoods. 1887 821 S15 Virginibus puerisque, and other pa- pers. 1887 824 S14 Stevenson, S. H. Boys and girls in biologj-. 1875 j 570 S Stevenson, W. F. Lives and deeds worth knowing about. 1868 92 St46 Stewart, Balfour. Conservation of energy. 1874 531 Sl Physics. 1873 530 S4 and Tait, P. G. Paradoxical phil- osophy. 1878 218 S Unseen universe. 1885 218 SI Stewart, George, jV. Canada under the administration of the Earl of Duf- ferin. 1888 917.1 S2 Stickler, J. W., ed. Adirondacks as a health resort. 1886 917.47 S2 Stickney, Albert. True republic. 1879. 321 S Stickney, a. B. Railway problem. 1891. 385 S Stickney', W., ed. Autobiography of Amos Kendall. 1872 9 K334 Stille, C J. History of the United States sanitary commission. 1866 628 Sl Maj. -General Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania line of the continental army. 1893 9 W365 Studies in mediaeval history. 1882. • . 940 S4 Stillman, W. J. Cretan insurrection of 1866-8 949 S3 ed. Poetic localities of Cambridge. 1876 *974.44S6 Stirling, J. H. Secret of Hegel. 1865. 193 S2 Stirling-Maxwell, C. E. S. (N.), Lady. See Maxwell, C. E. S. (N.) Stir- ling-, Lady. Stockbridge, G. H. Balder the poet, and other verses. 1894 811 S19 Stockbridge, J. C. Anthony memorial ; a catalogue of the Harris collection of American poetry. 1886 811 S20 Stockdale, J. J. History of the inquisi- tions. 1810 272 S Stockmar, E. von, Baron. Memoirs of Baron Stockmar. 2v. 1873 9 St6 Stockton, F. R. Personallj' conducted. 1889 914 S6 Pomona's travels. 1894 817 S5 Round-al)out rambles in lands of fact and fancy. 1881 j 818 S3 Tales out of school. 1881 j 818 S4 Stoddard, C. A. Beyond the Rockies. 1894 917.94 S2 Spanish cities, with glimpses of Gibral- tar and Tangier. 1892 914.6 Sl Stoddard, C. W. South-sea idyls. 1873. 919.6 Sl Stoddard, J. L. Glimpses of the world. 1892 *779 S Red-letter days abroad. 1884 914S7 Stoddard, R. H. Poems. 1880 811 S21 Poets' homes. 1877 92 St64 P.B.Shelley. 1887 9Sh 46 Under the evening lamp. 1892 814 S6 ed. Bric-ii-brac series. lOv. 1874- 76 92 St6 For contents see page 131. Late English poets. 1865 821 S16 Life, letters, etc., of B. R. Hayden. 9 H326 joint ed. See Linton, W. J. Stoddard, W. 0. Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. 1887 9 J 122 Grover Cleveland. 1888 9 C591 James Madison, James Monroe, and J.Q.Adams. 1887 9 M265 John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 1887 9Adl4 Life of George Washington. 1886. . . 9 W2749 Life of U. S. Grant. 1886 9 G768 Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Bu- chanan. 1888 9 T218 Men of business. 1893 92 St65 ed. Table talk of Abraham Lincoln. 1894 9 L6382 Stokes, A. C. Microscopy for beginners. 1887 578 Sl Stokes, John. Cabinet-makers and uphol- sterer's companion. 1872 684 S Stokes, Margaret M. Six months in the Apennines. 1892 913 S17 Stone, E. A., corap. Century of Boston banking. 1894 *332 S Stone, E. M. History of Beverly. 1843. *974.45 Sl Our French allies. 1884 *973.3 S7 Stone, J. S. Heart of merrie England. 914.2 S15 Stone, Mrs. R. M. Tenerife and its six satellites. 2v. 1887 914.6 S2 Stone, W. L. Life and lines of Red Jacket. 1886 9 R245 Stone, W. L.,yr. Ballads and poems relat- ing to the Burgoyne campaign. 1893. *811 S22 Compaign of Lieut. -General John Burgoyne and the expedition of Lieut.-Colonel Barrj' St. Leger. 1887 973.3 S8 424 AUTHOR LIST. Stone, W. L., jr. Visits to the Saratoga battle-grounds. 1780-1880. 1895 *974.7 SI Stoneheavek, Cooper, joint author. See Eoss, Mars. Stories from English history. 1892 j 942 S7 Stories of enterprise and adventure. 1879. j 828 S7 Stormonth, James. Handy English word book. 1877 *421 S Storr, Erancis, and Turner, Hawes. Canterbury chimes. 1878 J821S17 Storrs, R. S. Bernard of Clairvaux. 1892 9B453 Conditions of success in preaching without notes. 1875 251 S3 Story, Joseph. Miscellaneous writings. 1835 818 S5 Story, W. W. Castle St. Angelo and the evil eye. 1877 9U.5 SI Conversations in a studio. 1890 818 S6 Poems. 1856 811 S23 Roba di Roma. 1875 914.5 S2 ed. Life and letters of Joseph Story. 2v. 1851 9 St7 Stoughton, John. Life of William Wil- berforce. 1880 9 ^"645 Stowe, C. E. Life of 11. B. Stowe. 1890. 9 St74 Stoave, 3Irs. H. (B.) {Christopher Croic- field). Elowers and fruit from her writings. 1888 818 S8 Stowe, Mrs. H. E. (B.) Footsteps of the Master. 1877 242 S4 History of the Byron controversy. 1870 7 B99G Little foxes.. 1893 173 S3 Men of our times. 1869 92 St7 Palmetto leaves. 1873 917.59 S Sunny memories of foreign lands. 2v. 1854 914 S8 joint author. See Beecher, Cathe- rine E. Stowe, J. M. History of Hubbardston, Mass. 1881 *974.43 S Strachan, Edward, pseud. See Shinn, Earl. Strachan, John. Explorations and ad- ventures in New Guinea. 1888 919.5 S Strachey, Sir Edward. Talk at a coun- try house. 1894 828 S8 Strahan, 3frs. L. G. (S.) Walks in Ba- varia. 1884 914.3 S2 Stranahan, 3frs. C. C. (H.) History of French painting. 1888 759 SI Strange, Daniel. Farmers' tariff manual. 1892 337 SI Strasburger, Edward. Microscopic botany. 1887 578 S2 Stratton, W. D., comp. Dedication me- morial of the new Masonic temple. 1870 *366 S3 Straus, O. S. Roger Williams, pioneer of religious liberty. 1894 9 W677 Strauss, G. F. A. Helen's pilgrimage to Jerusalem. 2v. 1824 244 S3 Strauss, G. L. M. Emperor William, a great king and a good man. 1888 9 W6742 Streane, a. W. Book of the prophet Jeremiah, together with the Lamen- tations. 1892 224 Si Street, J. C. Hidden way across the threshold. 1887 212 S3 Streeter, E. W. Pearls and pearling life. 1886 553 S Streeter, H. R. Voice building. 1871. 784 Si Stretton, C. E. Safe railway working. 1887 656 S2 Strickland, Agnes. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. 2v. 1873 9 M367 Life of Mary Stuart, queen of Scot- land. 1887 9 M368 Lives of the queens of England. 1883. 92 St81 Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses. 8v. 1851-59.. 92 St82 Lives of the Stuart and Tudor princesses. 1888 92 St8 Strong, James, yo!«^ cor/z^;. See M'Clin- tock, John. Strong, Josiah. New era. 1893 266 S Our country. 1891 917.3 S3 Stuart, C B. Lives and works of civil and military engineers of America. 1871 92 St9 Stuart, James, and Revett, Nicholas. Antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece. 1881 913 S18 Stuart, J. A. E. Bronte country. 1888. 914.2 S16 Literary shrines of Yorkshire. 1892. 914.2 S17 Stuart, Villiers. Adventures amidst forests and rivers of South America. 1891 918 SI Stubbs, William. Early Plantagenets • . 942 S8 Constitutional history of England. 2v. 1883 342 S4 Medieval and modern history. 1886. 904 S2 Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Life of Im- manuel Kant. 1882 9 K13 Student and intellectual observer of science, literature, and art. 5v. 1868-71 504 S Studley, Mary J. What our girls ought to know. 1878 396 Si Sturgis, Russell, and others. Homes in city and country. 1893 728 SI Sturtevant, E. L. and J. N. Dairy cow. 1875 636 S2 Styles, John. Life of David Brainerd. 1812 9B734 Suburban homes of London. 1881 914.2 SIS Suckling, Sir John. Poems. 1886 821 S18 AUTHOR LIST. 425 Suffolk, H. C. Howard, Earl of, and others. Racing and steeple-chasing. 1886 798 S Sullivan, Sir's. R., and others. Yacht- ing. 2v. 189-t 797 S2 Sullivan, Mrs. M. F. {'R.), joint author. See Blake, Mrs. M. E. (M.) SuLLivAX, William. Political class-book. 1831 320 Si Sullivan, W. K., and others. Two centu- ries of Irish history. 1691-1870. 1888 941.5 S Sully, James. Outline of psychology. 1885 150 SI Pessimism. 1891 149 SI SuMNEB, Charles. Crime against Kansas. 1856 815 SI Prophetic voices concerning America. 1874 818 S7 Works. 15v, 1870-83 815 S2 Sumner, Heywood, ed. Besom maker, and other country folk songs. 1888. 821 S19 Susiner, W. G. American currency. 1874 332 SI Andrew Jackson as a public man. 1882 9 J123 Robert Morris. 1892 9 M832 What social classes owe to each other. 1883 330 S3 Sumner, W. H. History of East Boston. 1858 *974.4G S3 Sunday magazine for family reading, v. 1. 1880 205 S Sunday reading for the young. 1895 — . j 244 S4 Sunderland, J. T. What is the Bible? 1879 220 S4 Sunset Club, Chicago, 111. Echoes ; papers and addresses. 1891 367 S Meetings. 1891-92 367 SI SuRENNE, Gabriel, joint author. See Spiers, Alexander. Surveyors' Association (West New Jersey). Proceedings, constitution, by-laws, list of members. 1880 526 S Sutherland, Captain. Tour up the straits from Gibraltar to Constanti- ■ nople. 1790 910 S8 Sutherland, Alexander. Summer in Prairie land. 1882 917.1 S3 Sutherland, J. M. William Wordsworth ; his life and critical remarks on his writings. 1887 9 W895 Sutro, Theodore. Sutro tunnel company. 1887 622 S Swan, J. G. Northwest coast. 1857 917.97 S SwAYNE, G. C. Herodotus. 1871 888 S Swedenborg, Emanuel. Account of the last judgment. 1868 289 S Angelic wisdom concerning the divine love. 1885 289 S3 Swedenborg, Emancel. Angelic wisdom concerning the divine providence. 1892 289. S4 Apocalypse explained. 4v. 1894.... 289 S5 Apocalypse revealed. 2v. 1887 289 S6 Delights of wisdom concerning con- jugal love. 1892 289 S 7 Doctrine of the new Jerusalem con- cerning the Lord. 1871 289 S8 Earths in our solar system. 1872 289 S9 Four leading doctrines of the new church. 1892 289 SlO Heaven and its wonders. 1885 289 Sll Heavenly arcana. lOv. 1882 289 S 12 Miscellaneous theological works. 1892. 289 S13 True Christian religion. 1892 289 S14 Sweet, A. E., and Knox, J. A. On a Mexican mustang through Texas. 1883 917.64 S Sweet, Henry. Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse. 1876 429 S Saveet, Samuel. Sketch of Bunker hill. 1818 in *9 P98 Sweetser, M. F. All along shore. 1889. 917.4 SI Handbook of Boston harbor. 1883. . 917.440 Kl Handbook of Xewton. 1889 *917.444K King's hand-book of the United States. 1891 917.3 K Life of Michael Angelo. 1878 9 M582. Life of Turner. 1878 9 T85 Maritime provinces. 1887 917.1 S4 Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1878 9 R33 Titian, Guido Reni, Claude Lorraine. 1880 92 Sw3 Swett, John. Methods of teacliing. 1880. 371 Si Swift, C. F. History of Old Yarmouth. 1884 *974.49 S Swift, Jonathan. Tale of a tub, and other works. 1889 828 S9 Works. 19v. 1883 827 S2 Swift, J. L. About Grant. 1880 9 G767 Swinburne, A. C. Astrophel, and other poems. 1894 821 S20 Essays and studies. 1876 824 S15 Locrine. 1888 822 S2 Poems and ballads. 1889 821 S21 Studies in prose and poetry. 1894. . . 820 S9 Studies in song. 1880 821 S22 Study of Ben Jonson. 1889 822 S3 Victor Hugo. 1886 841 S Swing, David. Club essays. 1881 814 S7 Old pictures of life. 2v. 1894 814 SS SwiNTON, R. B. Chess for beginners. 1891 794S2 SwiNTON, William. Campaigns of the army of the Potomac. 1882 973.7 S15 Outlines of the world's liistory. 1876. 909 S2 Rambles among words. 1874 422 S Twelve decisive battles of the war. 1873 973.7 S16 426 AUTHOR LIST. SwiNTON, William. ed. Masterpieces of English litera- ture 1880 808 S5 and Cathcart, G. K., ed.. Book of tales. 1880 428 SI Golden book of choice reading. 1880. 428 S2 Switzerland and the Swiss. 1877 949 S4 Sybel, Heisricii vox. History a n d literature of the crusades. 1861.. 940 85 History of the French revolution. 4v. 1867-69 944 S5 Sydney, W. C. England and the English in the eighteenth century. 2 v. 1891 942 S9 Sylvester, H. M. Homestead highways. 1888 814 S9 Prose pastorals. 1887 814 SIO Symington, A. J. William Wordsworth ; a biographical sketch, with selec- tions from his writings. 2v. 1881. 9 W896 Symonds, J. A. Ben Jonson. 1886 9 J73 Blank verse. 1895 808 S 6 Essays, speculative and suggestive. 2v. 1890 824S16 Giovanni Boccaccio, as man and author. 1895 9 B68 Italian byways. 1883 914.5 S3 Life of Michel Angelo Buonarroti. 2v. 1893 *9 M583 Life of Shelley. 1879 9 Sh47 Life of Sir Philip Sidney. 1887 9 Sil4 New and old. 1880 821 S23 Kenaissance in Italy. 2v. 1881 850 S Renaissance in Italy; the fine arts. 1879 709 SI Short history of the renaissance in Italy. 1894 945 S3 Sketches and studies in southern Europe. 2v. 1880 914.5 S4 Studies of the Greek poets. 2v. 1880. 881 S and Margaret. Our life in the Swiss highlands. 1892 914.9 S4 tr. Cellini; autobiography. 2v. 1888 '. 9C33 Symonds, Mrs. J. A., ed. Autobiography of Marianne North. 2v. 1892 ... 9 N82 Symonds, Margaret, yo!'«^ author. See Symonds, J. A. Tacitus. Agricola and Germany ; ^r. by A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 1868 878 T Annals ; tr. by A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 1888 878 Tl Tadlock, Clara M. Bohemian days. 1889 910 T Taine, H. a. Ancient regime. 2v. 1885. 944 T French revolution. 3v. 1878, '85... 944 Tl History of English literature. 4v. 1874 820 T Ideal in art. 1872 701 T Taine, H. A. Italy : Florence and Venice. 1875... 914.5 T Italy : Rome and Naples. 1875 914.5 Tl Notes on England. 1872 914.2 T Notes on Paris. 1875 914.4 T4 On intelligence. 2v. 1875 150 T Philosophy of art. 1873 701 Tl Philosophy of art : art in Greece. 1872. 701 T2 Philosophy of art : art in the Nether- lands. 1872 701 T3 Tour through the Pyrenees. 1874. . . 914.4 T Tait, Gilbert, tr. Hymns of Denmark. 1868 245 T Tait, P. G. Heat. 1884 536 T Lectures in physical science, with a special lecture on force. 1876 530 T Light. 1884 535 T joint author. See Stewart, Balfour. Talbot, G. F. Jesus ; his opinion and character. 1883 232 T Talbot, R. T. Our Bible. 1894 220 T Talboys, W. p. West India pickles. 1876 917.2 T Talfourd, T. N. Critical and miscella- neous writings. 1872 in. 824 S6 Memorials of Charles Lamb. 1849.. 9 L164 Talleyrand-Perigord, C. M. de, Prince. Memoirs. 1892 9 T14 and Louis XVIII. Correspondence. 1881 846 T Tallman, G. D., jr. Innocents from abroad. 1878 817 T Talmage, T. DeW. Burning words 243 T Crumbs swept up. 1870 814 T Old wells dug out. 1874 252 T Sports that kill. 1875 175 T Tandon, Moquin. AA^orld of the sea. 1869 590 T Tarducci, Francesco. Biographical notice of John and Sebastian Cabot. 1893 9 Cll Life of Christopher Columbus. 2v. 1890 9 C728 Tarleton, Sir Banastre. History of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the southern provinces of North America. 1787 *973.3 T Tarver, F., joint author. See Oliphant, Mrs. M. 0. (W.) Tasso, Torquato. Jerusalem delivered; ^r. by J. H. WifEen. 1876 851 T Tate, T. Philosophy of education. 1884. 371 T Taussig, F. W. Silver situation in the * United States. 1893 332 T Tariff history of the United States. 1888 337 Tl comp. State papers, and speeches on the tariff. 1892 337 T Tayler, J. J. Last series of Christian aspects of faith and duty. 1877 ... 252 Tl AUTHOR LIST. 427 Taylor, B. Confessions of a niediuni. 1882 13a T Taylor, Bayakd. At home and abroad. 2v. 1871 910 Tl By-ways of Europe. 1.>>(j9 OUT Colorado. 1867 917.88 T Critical essays, and literary notes. 1880 8UT1 Dramatic works. 1880 812 T Egypt and Iceland in 1874 916.2 T Eldorado. 1871 917.94 T Home pastorals, ballads, and lyrics 1875 811 T Journey to Central Africa. 1872 916.2 Tl Land of the Saracens. 1871 915.6 T Lars, a pastoral of Norway. 1873 ••• 811 Tl Northern travel. 1872 91i.8 T Poetical works. 1883 811 T2 Prophet. 187-i 812 Tl School history of Germany. 1876. . . 9-13 T Studies in German literature. 1879. . 830 T Travels in Greece and Russia. 1871. 914.7 T Views a-foot. 1870 9U Tl Visit to India, China, and Japan. 1871. 915 T comp. Central Asia. 1874 915 Tl Japan in our day. 1873 915.2 T Lake regions of Central Africa. 1873. 916.7 T Travels in Arabia. 1872 915.3 T Travels in South Africa. 1873 916.8 T Taylor, B. F. Between the gates. 1878. 979.4 T Taylor, Charles, ed. Sayings of the Jewish fathers. 1877 892 T Taylor, C. .J. History of Great Barring- ton, Berkshire county. Mass. 1882. *974.41 T Taylor, Edward. Is protection a benelit? 1888 337 T2 Taylor, Hanxis. Origin and growth of the English constitution. 1889 342 T Taylor, Isaac. Leaves from an Egyptian note-book. 1888 916.2 T2 Natural history of enthusiasm. 1868. 269 T Spirit of Hebrew poetry. 1862 223 T Spiritual despotism. 1835 262 T Taylor, Jeremy. Selections from his works. 1863 811 T3 Whole works. 3v. 1853 208 T Taylor, J. E. Aquarium. 1876 590 Tl Flowers. 1878 581 T Geological stories. 1873 550 T Half-hours at the seaside. 1872 590 T2 Mountain and moor. 1879 590 T3 Playtime naturalist. 1889 j 591 T Underground. 1879 590 T4 Taylor, J. M. IMaximilian and Carlotta. 92 T21 Taylor, Lucy. Frederick III. 1891.... 9 F879 Lord Shaftesbury, the children's cham- pion. 1889 j 9 Shl4 Taylor, Mrs. Marie, and Scudder, H. C, ed. Life and letters of G. B. Taylor. 1884 9 T215 Taylor, Meadows. Manual of the his- tory of India. 1870 954 T Taylor, Richard. Destruction and re- construction. 1879 973.7 T Taylor, R. W. C Introduction to a his- tory of the factory system. 1886. 331 T Taylor, Sedley. Science of music. 1875. 781 T Taylor, Scsette M., comp. Humour of Spain 867T Taylor, W. B., comp. Memorial ad- dresses on the life and character of J.A.Logan. 1887 ^^82 Taylor, W. C. History of Ireland from the Anglo-Norman invasion till the union with Great Britain. 2v. 1833 9^1-5T Taylor, W. M. Daniel, the beloved. 1878 221T David, king of Israel. 1877 221 Tl Elijah, the prophet. 1876 221 T2 Peter, the apostle. 1877 221 T3 Taylor, W. S. Man immortal. 1891... 811 T4 Teacher and the class. 1895 268 T Tebbutt, C. G., joint author. See Heath- cote, J. M. Teele, a. K., ed. History of IMilton, Mass. 1640-1887 *974.47 T Tefft, B. F. Evolution and Christianity. 1885 215T Tegetmeier, W. B. Poultry book. 1873. *636 T Tegxer, Esaias. Frithiof's saga. 1875. 839 T Teignsiouth, j. Shore, Baron. Life of Sir William Jones. 1805 9 J725 Temple, D. O., Lady. Letters to Sir William Temple. 1652-54. 1888. 826 T Temple, Ebexezer. Christian's daily treasury. 1866 242 T Tejiple, J. H. History of Framinghani, Mass. 1887 *974.44 T History of North Brookfield, Mass. ; with genealogical register. 1887. .. *974.43 T Historv of the town of Palmer, Mass. 1889' *974.42 T Historv of the town of Whately, Mass. 1872 *974.42 Tl Temple, Sir Richard. Memoir of Lord Lawrence. 1889 9 L445 Palestine illustrated. 1888 *915.6 Tl Tempted London 170 T Texxext, -Sir J. E. Ceylon. 2v. 1859. 915.4 T Tenxey, Saxborx and Abby A. Natural history of animals. 1873 590 To Texxysox, Alfred, Lord. Ballads, and other poems. 1880 821 T Death of G-lnone, and other poems. 1892 V 321 Tl Foresters, Robin Hood, and Maid Marian. 1892 322 T Harold. 1877 822 Tl Lover's tale. 1879. 821 T2 428 AUTHOR LIST. Tenntson, Alfred, Lord,. Poems 821 T3 Queen Mary. 1875 822 T2 Tennyson, Frederick. Isles of Greece, Sappho, and Alcaeus. 1890 821 Ti Terence. Comedies ; /r. by H. T. Riley. 1880 872 T Terentics, Afer. Phormio ; tr. by M. H. Morgan. 1894 872 Tl Terhune, Mrs. M. V. (H.) {Marian Har- land). Breakfast, luncheon, and tea. 1871 641 T Common sense in the household. 1874 641 Tl Dinner year-book. 1878 641 T2 Eve's daughters. 1889 396 T Loiterings in pleasant paths. 1880. . . 912 T2 Ternant, a. L. Telegraph. 1895 654 T Teuffel, B. "W. (H.) von, Barojiess. One year abroad. 1877 914 T3 Tevis, a. H. Beyond the Sierras. 1877. 917.9 T Thatcher, James. American medical biograpliy. 1828 92 T32 American revolution. 1861 *973.3 Tl History of the town of Plymoutli. 1620-1832 *974.48 T Thaoher, S. C. Sermons. 1824 252 T2 Thackeray, A. I. See Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. (T.) Thackeray, W. M. Book of snobs. 1872. 827 T Burlesques. 1888 827 Tl Collection of letters. 1847-55. 1887. 826 Tl Extracts. 1882 828 T Miscellanies. 1869 828 Tl Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. 1846 914 T4 Paris sketch book. 1872 828 T2 Roundabout papers. 1872 828 T3 Selections from the minor writings. 827 T2 Thanet, Octave, pseud. See French, Alice. Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography. 2v. 1832 970.1 T ed. Boston book. 1837 818 T Thatcher, O. J. Sketch of the apostolic church. 1893 281 T Thausing, Moriz. Albert Diirer. 2v. 1882 9 D93 Thaxter, 3frs. C. (L.) Among the Isles of Shoals. 1873 917.42 T Island garden. 1894 716 T Letters. 1895 9 T33 Poems. 1874 811 To Thayer, A. W. Hebrews and the Red sea. 1883 220 Tl Thayer, C. T. Address delivered at the dedication of memorial hall, Lan- caster, Mass. 1868 *974.43 Tl Thayer, Eli. History of the Kansas crusade. 1889 973 T Thayer, E. H. Wild flowers of Colorado. 1885 *582 T Thayer, J. B. Western journey with Emerson. 1884 917 T ed. Letters of Chauncey Wright, with some account of his life. 1878. 9 W93 Thayer, T. B. Over the river. 1874... 242 Tl Thayer, W. M. Benjamin Franklin from boyhood to manhood. 1890 j 9 FS56 From farmhouse to the White House ; the life of GeorgeWashington. 1890. j 9 W275 From log cabin to White House ; Gar- field. 1882 j 9 G183 How Ben Franklin made his mark. 1893 J9F857 Pioneer boy ; Lincoln, and how he became president. 1863 j 9 L6383 Youth's history of the rebellion. 4v. 1865 j 973.7 Tl Thay'ek, W. R. Dawn of Italian inde- pendence. 1893 945 T Theal, G. M. History of the Boers in South Africa. 1887 968 T South Africa. 1894 968 Tl Thearle, S. j. p. Naval architecture. 2v. 1873 623 T Theatrical bouquet 822 T3 Thebaud, a. j. Irish race in the past and the present. 1873 941.5 Tl Theocritus. Theocritus, Bion, and Mos- chus. 1889 884 T Thibault, a. F. j. Purity of music. 1882. 780 T Thierry, J. N. A. History of the con- quest of England by the Normans. 2v. 1871 942 T Thiers, M. J. L. A. History of the con- sulate and the empire of France under Napoleon. lOv. 1845-61. . . 944 T2 Historj' of the French revolution. 2v. 1871 944 T3 Thirwall, Connop. History of Greece. 2v 938 T Thisted, W. a. Letters from hell. 1885. 237 T Thomas a Kempis. Of the imitation of Christ. 1892 242 T2 Thomas, Bertha. George Sand. 1883. 9 D862 Thomas, Edith M. In sunshine land. 1895 j 811 T6 New year's masque, and other poems. 1885.. 811 T7 Round year. 1886 814 T2 Thomas, .Ioseph. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and my- thology. 1873 *92 T36 and Baldwin, Thomas, ed. Lippin- cott's gazetteer of the world. 1893. *910 LI Thomas, Margaret. Scamper through Spain and Tangier. 1892 914.6 T Thomas, T. I., joint author. See Blom- field, Reginald. AUTHOR LIST. 429 Thomas, W. W. Sweden and the Swedes. 1892 914.8 Tl Thome, J. A., and KiyiBXLL, J. H. Eman- cipation in the West Indies. 1838 326 T Thojipsox, a. C. Moravian missions. 1882 266 T Thompson, D. D. Life of Abraham Lin- coln. 1895 j 9 L6386 Thompson, D. W. Day dreams of a school-master. 1885 370 T Thompson, Ella W. Beaten paths. 1874. 914 T5 Thompson, George. Prison life and re- flections. 1849 326 Tl Tho3IPSON, G. C. Public opinion and Lord Beaconsfield. 2v. 1886 323 T Thompson, Joseph. Short history of Charlestown. 1848 *974.46 T Thompson, J. P. American comments on European questions. 1884 304 T .Jesus of Nazareth. 1876 j 232 Tl Thompson, Leander. Memorial of James Thompson. 1887 929 T Thompson, Maurice. Witchery of archery. 1878 79G T Thompson, M. J. Poems. 1892 811 T8 Thompson, Mary P. Landmarks in an- cient Dover. 1892 *917.42 Tl Thompson, Pishey. History and antiqui- ties of Boston, England. 1856 *942 T3 Thompson, R. E. Political economy. 1882 330 T Protection to home industry. 1886. . . 337 T4 Thompson, R. W. Footprints of the Jesuits. 1894 271 T History of the protective tariff laws. 1888 337 T3 Papacy and the ciril power. 1876 282 T Recollections of sixteen presidents, from Washington to Lincoln. 2v. 1894 973 Tl Thompson, Slason, ed. Humbler poems. 1870-85 811 T9 Tho3ipson, S. M. 13th regiment of New Hampshire volunteers. 1888 *973.7 T2 Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric ma- chinery. 1892 621 T Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism. 1893 537 T Thomson, Si?- C. W. Voyage of the "Challenger." 2v. 1878 551 T Thomson, James (" B. V."). Poetical works. 2v. 1857 821 T5 Voice from the Nile, and other poems. 1884 821 T6 Thomson, Joseph. Mungo Park and the Niger 9 P214 Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China. 1875 915.1 T Through Masai land. 1885 916.6 T Thomson, Joseph. To the central African lakes and back. 2v. 1881 916.7 Tl Travels in the AtlaS and southern Mo- rocco. 1889 916.1 T Thomson, Mrs. Katherine. Life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham. 3v. 1860 9 B852 and J. C. Wits and beaux of society. 1871 92 T381 Thomson, Si}- William. Electrostatics and magnetism. 1884 537 Tl Thomson, W. H. Parables by the lake. 1895 226 T Thomson, W. M. Land and the book. 3v. 1886 915.6 T2 Thoms, W. j. Early English prose ro- mances. 3v. 1858 823 T Human longevity. 1873 612 T THOREAt:, H. D. Autumn. 1892 814 T3 Cape Cod. 1865 917.449 T Early spring in Massachusetts. 1881. 814 T4 Excursions. 1864 814 T5 Familiar letters. 1894 816 T Maine woods. 1864 917.41 T Summer. 1884 814 T6 Walden. 1873 814 T7 Week on the Concord and the Merri- mack rivers. 1868 917.44 T Winter. 1888 814 T8 Thormanby, pseud. Horse and the rider. 1888 636 Tl Thornbury. G. W. Haunted London. 1880 914.2 T2 Life of J. M. W. Turner. 1877 9 T851 Shakspere's England. 2v. 1856.... 942 Tl Tour round England. 2v. 1870 914.2 T3 a7id Walford, Edward. Old and new London. 6v 942 T2 Thornton, G. H. Modern stenographer. 1882 653 T Thornton, John. Advanced physiogra- phy. 1890 520 T Thornton, J. W. Historical relation of New England to the English com- monwealth. 1874.... 974 T Puliiit of the American revolution. 1860 *252 T3 Thornton, P. M. Foreign secretaries of the 19th century, to 1834. 1883.. . 92 T39 Thornton, W. T. Old-fashioned ethics and common-sense metaphysics. 1873 104 T On labor. 1870 331 Tl Plea for peasant proprietors. 1874.. 331 T2 Thorpe, Benjamin, ed. Yule-tide stories. 1853 398 T Thorpe, Perot. History of Japan. 1885. 952 T Thorpe, T. E. Essays in historical chem- istrv. 1894 540 T 430 AUTHOR LIST. Thoughts for the occasion, patriotic and secular. ISO! 808 T Thucydides. History of the Peloponne- sian war. 1876 888 T Works; !!r. by B. Jowett. 2v 888 Tl Thuesfield, J. R. Sir Robert Peel. 1891. 9 P341 Thurston, Elizabeth A., ed. Echoes of many voices. 1885 808 Tl Thurston, R. H. Heat as a form of energy. 1890 536 Tl History of the growth of the steam- engine. 1878 621 Tl Thwaites, R. G. Colonies. 1492-1750. 1893 973 T2 Historic waterways. 1888 917.7 T Thwing, C. F. American colleges : their students and work. 1878 378 T College woman. 1894 376 T Reading of books. 1883 028 T andMrs.C.^.i'B.) Family. 1887. 173 T Thynne, R. Story of Australian explora- tion. 1894 919.4 T TiBULLUs, Albius, joint aidhor. See Catullus. Ticknor, Anna E. American family in Paris. 1870 j 914.4 Tl Ticknor, Caleb. Philosophy of living. 1836 613 T Ticknor, George. History of Spanish literature. 3v. 1872 860 T Life, letters, and journals. 2v. 1876. 9 T43 Life of W. H. Prescott. 1864 9 P92 Tiffany, Francis. Life of Dorothea L. Uix. 1890 9D64 TiLDEN, W. S., ed. History of the town of Medfield, 1650-1886 ; with gene- alogies *974.47T1 Tileston, E. G. Administrations of the United States. 1871 351 T Tileston, Mrs. M. W. (F.) Daily strength for daily needs. 1884 248 T Tilley, W. J. Masters of the situation. 1887 174 T Timayenis,T. T. History of Greece. 2v. 1881 938 Tl Times, John. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales. 3v. . . 914.2 T4 Nooks and corners of English life. 1867 914.2 T5 Romance^of London. 2v 914.2 T6 Year-book of facts in science and art. 3v. 1847, '48, '52 *030 T TiMPSON, Thomas. Memoirs of Mrs. Ehzabeth Fry. 1847 9 F941 TiMEOD, Henry. Poems. 1873 811 TIO Tirari>,N. I. C. a7i(^ Helen M. Sketches from a Nile steamer. 1891 916.2 T3 TissANDiER, Gaston. Wonders of water. 1874 551 Tl TissoT, Victor. Unknown Switzerland. 914.9 T TiTCOMB, S. E. Aryan sun-myths origin of religions. 1890 290 T TiTCOMB, Timothy, pseud. See Holland, J. G. To be or .not to be, that is the question. 1864 128 T ToBEY, Alvan. Christianity from God. 1868 239 T ToBiE, E. P. History of the 1st Maine cavalry. 1887 *973.7 T3 TocQUE, Philip. Newfoundland. 1878.. 917.1 T Tocqueville, a. H. C. de. Democrac)' in America. 2v. 1873 321 T Memoirs, letters, and remains. 2v. 1862 9 T56 Old regime and the revolution. 1856.. 944 T4 fl«cZ Senior, N. W. Correspondence and conversations. 1834-59. 2v. 846 Tl ToDA, Mrs. M. (L.) Total eclipses of the sun. 1894 523 T Todd, C. B. Story of Washington, the national capital. 1889 975.3 T Todd, John. Student's manual. 1854. . . 374 T Sunset land. 1871 917.8 T Woman's rights. 1867 396 Tl Todd, J. E., ed. Life of -John Todd. 1876 9 T564: Tollbmache, L. a. and Mrs. B. L. Safe studies. 1893 824 T ToLMAN,W.H. Municipal reform. 1895. 352 T Tolstoi, L. N., Coim^. Life. 1888 171 T My confession. 1887 230 T My religion. 1885 230 Tl Napoleon and the Russian campaign. 1888 947 T Power and liberty. 1888 123 T What to do. 1887 331 T3 Tombleson. Views of the Rhine. 2v. 1832 914.4 T2 Tomes, Robert. Battles of America by sea and by land. 3v 973 T3 Great civil war. 1862 973.7 T4 ToMKiNS, Edavard. Macliinc construction and drawing. 1873 621 T2 ToMKiNS, H. G. Life and times of Joseph. 1891 222 T ToMKiNSON, E. M. Sarah Robinson, Ag- nes Weston, Mrs. Meredith. .1887. 92 T5& ToMKiNSON, William. Diary of a cavalry officer in the peninsular and Water- loo campaigns. 1809-15. 1894. ... 942 T4 ToMLiNSON, Charles. Rudimentary me- chanics. 1866 531 T ToMsoN, G. R. Bird-bride : a volume of ballads and sonnets. 1889 821 T7 ed. Ballads of the north countrie. . . 821 T8 Toner, .J. M., ed. Daily journal of George Washington when with his invalid brother. Major Lawrence Washington. 1892 *9 W2754 AUTHOR LIST. 431 Toner, J. M., ed. George Washington as surveyor. 1892 *9 W2753 Journal of George Washington when building forts at the head of the Ohio. 1893 *9 W2755 Tongue, Cornelius (Cecil). Eecords of the chase and memoirs of celebrated sportsmen. 1877 799 T ToNNA, Mrs. C. E. (B.) P. (Charlotte Elizabeth). Judasa capta 244 T TooKE, J. H. Diversions of Perley. 1860. 425 T Tooke, William. Life of Catherine II., empress of Russia. Sv. 1798 9 C281 TooMBS, Samuel. New Jersey troops in the Gettysburg campaign. 1888 973.7 To TopiNARD, Paul. Anthropology. 1890.. 572 T ToREY, D. C, ed. Gray and his friends. 1890 826 T2 ToRREY, Bradford. Birds in the bush. 1885 598 T Florida sketch-book. 1894 917.59 T Foot-path way. 1892 814 T9 ToRREY, Joseph. Theory of fine art. 1874 701 T4 ToRREY, R. C. History of Fitchburg, Mass. 1836 *974.43 T2 TouRGEE, A.W. Appeal to Caesar. 1884. 973.7 T6 Letters to a king. 1888 172 T Outing with the queen of hearts. 1894. 504 T TouRNEUR, Cyril, joint author. See Webster, John. Towards Utopia. 1894 331 T4 Tower, Charlemagne, jr. Marquis de La Fayette in the American revolu- tion. 2v. 1895 973.3 T2 TowLE, G. M. Certain men of mark. 1880 92 TG5 Drake 1882 9 D781 Eastern question; history of Monte- negro. 1877 949 T Eastern question ; modern Greece. 1877 949T1 Eastern question ; principalities of the Danube. 1877 949 T2 England and Russia in Asia. 1885... 950 T Heroes and martyrs of invention. 1890 j 92 T651 Marco Polo. 1880 j 9 P764 Pizarro. 1879 j 9 P685 Raleigh. 1882 j 9 R132 Voyages of Vasco da Gama. 1878 ... j 9 G14 Young people's history of England. 188G j 942 T5 TowNSEND, E. D. Anecdotes of the civil war. 1884 973.7 T7 TowNSEND, G. H. Manual of dates. 1870. *902 T TowNSEND, L. T. Bible, and other ancient literature in the nineteenth century. 1889 220 T2 ToWNSEND, L. T. Bible tlieology and modern thought. . 1883 239 Tl: Credo. 1869 230 T2 TowNSEND, Malcolm, comp. U. S., an index to the United States of America, 1890 917.3 T TowNSEND, J/rs. M. A.(V.) (" Xariffa"). Down the bayou, and other poems. 1882 811 Til TowNSEND, V. F. Our presidents. 1889. 92 T66 Toy, C. H. Judaism and Christianity. 1890 220 T3 TozER, H. F. Classical geography. 1877. 911 T Researches in the highlands of Turkey. 2v. 1869 914.9 Tl Tracks in Norway of four pairs of feet. 1884 914.8 T2 Tracy, H. A., joint comp. See Benedict, W. A. Trafton, Adeline. See Knox, Mrs. A. (T.) Trail, Florence. Studies in criticism. 814 TIO Traill, H. D. Coleridge ; life. 1884. . . 9 C672 Life of Sterne. 1882 9 St45 Marquis of Salisbury. 1891 9 Sa32 Trask, j. N., ed.^ Adjusted constitution of Massachusetts. 1884 342 Tl Trautwine, J. C. Civil engineer's pocket- book. 1883 620 T Traveler, A. C, pseud. See Clark, Mrs. H. K. U. Treadwell, j. H. Martin Luther and his work. 1881 9 L979 Treasures of the deep. 1876 597 T Treat, Mary. Injurious insects of the farm and garden. 1882 632 T Tregarthen, Greville. Story of Austral- asia. 1893 994 T Trelawny, E. j. Adventures of a younger son. 1891 9 T71 Records of Shelley, Byron, and the author. 1887 92 T71 Trench, Maria. Passion play at Ober- Ammergau. 1890 792 T Trench, R. C. English, past and present. 1871 420 T Lectures on media?val church history. 1878 270 T Notes on the miracles of our Lord. 1887 226T1 Plutarch. 1874 888 T2 Proverbs and tlieir lessons. 1869. . . 398 Tl Select glossary of English words. 1873 422 T AVestminster, and otlier sermons. 1888 2.52 T4 Trench, W. S. Realities of Irish life. 1869 914.15 T 432 AUTHOR LIST. Trent, W. P. Life of W. G. Simms. 1892 9 Si4 Teevelyan, Sir G. O. Early history of C.J. Fox. 1880 9 r83 Ladies in parliament. 1888 822 T4 Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 2v. 1876 9 M112 "Treves, Frederick. Influence of cloth- ing on health 613 Tl Trevor, George. Ancient Egypt. 1863. 932 T Trial of John K. Buzzell, the leader of the convent rioters. 1834 *271 Tl Trimble, Esther J. See Lippincott, 3frs. E. J. (T.) Tripel djemz (twelv gros) ov wizdom on moral and spiritual suhdjekts. 1860. 421 T Tristram, H. B. Land of Moab. 1873.. 915.6 T3 Natural history of the Bible. 1873.. 220 T4 Trobuiand, Regis de. Four years with the army of the Potomac. 1889. .. 973.7 T8 Trobridge, George. Principles of per- si)ective 742 T Trollope, Anthony. Australia and New Zealand. 1873 919.4 Tl Autobiography. 1883 9 T74 Commentaries of Cajsar. 1871 878 T2 Life of Cicero. 2v. 1881 9 C485 North America. 2v. 18G2 917.3 Tl South Africa. 1878 968 T2 Thackeray. 1879 9 T32 West Indies and the Spanish main. 1860 917.2 Tl Trollope, Mrs. F. (M.) Domestic man- ners of the Americans. 2v. 1832. 917.3 T2 Trollope, Mrs. F. E. (T.) Visit to Italy. 2v. 1842 914.5 T3 and T. A. Homes and haunts of the Italian poets. 2v. 1881 914.5 T2 Trollope, T. A. History of the common- wealth of Florence. 4v. 1865 945 Tl What I remember. 2v. 1888-90.... 9 T745 joint author. See Trollope, 3Irs. F. E. T. Tromholt, Sophus. Under the rays of the aurora borealis. 2v. 1885 914.7 Tl Trotter, Spencer. Lessons in the new geography. 1895 551 T2 Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments, and moulds. 1886 616 T Trowbridge, John. New physics. 1884. 520 Tl Trowbridge, J. T. South : a tour of its battlefields and ruined cities. 1866. 917.5 T True, C. H.., joint author. (See Whitman, W. E. S. Trumbull, H. C. Biography of Major H.W.Camp. 1865 9 C152 Studies in oriental social life. 1894.. 915.6 T4 Teaching and teachers. 1888 268 Tl Tucker, F. Life of Catherine Booth. 2v. 1892 9 B64 Tucker, G. F. Your will ; how to make it. 1895 347 T joint author. See Gould, J. M. TucKERMAN, Bayard. Life of General Lafayette. 2v. 1889 9 L133 Peter Stuyvesant. 1893 9 St95 William Jay and abolition of slavery. 1893 9 J334 TucKERMAN, H. T. America and her commentators. 1864 917.3 T3 Book of artists : American artist life. 1882 92 T79 Life of John P. Kennedy. 1871 9 K383 TucKEY, Janet. Joan of Arc. 1880 9 J575 Tuckley, Henry. Masses and classes. 1893 331 T5 TuDOE, William. Life of James Otis. 1823 *9 Ot4 Tuf tonian. v. 19-20. 1893-94 378 Tl Tufts College. Annual reports. 1873- 91 *378 T2 Tulloch, John. Theism. 1855 211 T TuNZELMANN, G. W. DE. Elcctricity in modern life. 1890 537 T2 TuppER, F. A. Echoes from dream-land. 1890 811 T12 TuppEK, M. F. Proverbial philosophy. 1846 821 T9 TuRNBULL, Robert. Life pictures from a pastor's note-book. 1857 244 Tl Turner, C. J. R. History of vagrants and vagrancy. 1887 339 T Turner, F. C. Short history of art. 1886 709 T Turner, George. Samoa a hundred years ago. 1884 919.6 T Turner, Hawes, joint author. See Storr, Francis. Turner, J. M. W. Autotype reproduc- tions. 3v. 1884 *769 T England and Wales. 4v *914.2 T7 Liber fluviorum. 1857 *914.4 T3 Turner, Sharon. History of the Anglo- Saxons. 3v. 1852 942 T6 Sacred history of the world. 3v. 1839. 270 Tl Turner, T. H. Domestic architecture in England from the conquest to the end of the thirteenth century. 1851. 723 T Tuttle, C. R. Our Northland. 1885... 917.1 Tl Tuttle, Herbert. German political leaders. 1876 92 T88 History of Prussia. 1884 943 Tl History of Prussia under Frederick the Great. 2v. 1888 943 T2 Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S.L. TwEEDiE, 3Irs. E. B. (H.) Girl's ride in Iceland. 1889 914.9 T2 TwicHELL, J. H., ed. Some old Puritan love letters ; John and Margaret Winthrop.. 1618-38. 1893 816 Tl AUTHOR LIST. 433 TwiTCHELL, W. I., joint aidhor. See Gordy, W. F. Twining, Elizabeth. Plant world. 18G6. 580 T Twining, Richard, ed. Recreations and studies of a country clergyman. 1882 T92 Selection from papers of the Twining family; sequel to recreations, etc., of Thomas Twining. 1887 9 T921 Travels in America 100 years ago. 1894 917.3 T4 Two kinds of truth. 1890 575 T Tyerman, Luke. Life and times of Jolin Wesley. 3v. 1872 9 W511 Oxford Methodists. 1873 287 T Tyler, Fannie 0. Home letters from over the sea. 1883 91-1 TG Ttler, K. E. Story of a Scandinavian summer. 1881 914.8 T3 Tylek, M. C. History of American liter- ature. 1007-1765. 2v. 1879 810 T Three men of letters. 1895 92 T97 Patrick Henry. 1887 9 H398 Tyler, Samuel. Memoir of R. B. Taney. 1872 9T15 Tyler, W. S. History of Amherst college. 1821-71 '. *378 T3 Tylor, Charles. Huguenots in the seventeenth century. 1892 272 T Ty'lor, E. B. Anthropology. 1881 901 T Primitive culture. 2v. 1874 ^ 571 T Researches into the early history of mankind. 1878 571 Tl Tylor, Louis. Chess ; a Christmas masque. 1888 821 TIO Tyndall, John. Electricity at the royal institution. 1875 537 T3 Faraday as a discoverer. 1872 9 F222 Floating matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection. 1882. 614 T Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice, and glaciers. 1872 551 T3 Fragments of science for unscientific people. 2v. 1892 504 Tl Heat considered as a mode of motion. 1873 536 T2 Hours of exercise in the Alps. 1873. 914.9 T3 Lectures on light. 1873 535 Tl Light and electricity. 1871 530 T2 New fragments. 1892 504 T2 Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action. 1888 538 T Sound. 1873 534 T and others. Half-hour recreations in popular science. 1879 504 T3 Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Our sketching club. 1875 741 T Tytler, p. F. Historical view of the progress of discovery on the more northern coasts of America. 1833. 917.1 T2 Tytler, Sarah, pseud. See Keddie, Henrietta. Ueberweg, Friedrich. History of phil- osophy. 2v. 1877 109 U Uhliiorn, Gerhard. Christian charity in the ancient church. 1883 261 U Conflict of Christianitj- with heathen- ism. 1879 270 U Umlauft, F. Alps. 1889 914.9 U Underiiill, Capt. John. Newes from America. 1638 *974 U Underwood, A. B. Three years' service of the 33rd Massachusetts infantry regiment. 1862-65. 1881 *973.7 U Underwood, F. H. Quabbin. 1893.... 917.4 U Hand-book of English literature. 1873 820 U Hand-book of English literature; American authors. 1873 810 U Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1882. 9 L863 James Russell Lowell. 1893 9 L956 John Greenleaf Whittier. 1884 9 W616 Recollections of James Russell Lowell. 1893 9 L955 Unitarian review, v. 3-30. 1875-91 205 U United States. Agriculture, Commis- sioner of. Report *630 U Note. See p. 292, Jacques " cream pot" stock; by J. R. Dodge. Agriculture, Department of. Album of agricultural statistics of tlie United States. 1889 *030 Ul Agriculture, Department of. Experi- ment station rccoid. 5 v. 1890- 95 *630U2 Agriculture, Department of. Investi- gation of diseases of domesticated animals. 1879 *614 U Census bureau. Eleventh census. 1892-94 *317 U Census bureau. Report of forest trees of North America *582 U Civil service commission. Reports. lOv. 1888-93 *351 U Coast and geodetic survey. Report. 1886, '88-89. 3v ^526 U Congress. Addresses on death of Henry Clay. 1852 9 C572 Congress. Addresses on presentation of the sword of Andrew Jackson. 1855 9 J124 Congress. American archives. 6v. 1837 *353U Congress. American state papers. 21v. 1833-34 *353 Ul Congress. Catalogue of the govern- ment publications. 1774-1881 *015 U Congress. Covode investigation *328 U5 Congress. Debates and proceedings. 1790-1824. 18v *328 U 434 AUTHOR LIST. United States. Congress. Dedication of the Wash- ington national monument. 1885 975.3 U Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of T. Allen. 1884 9 Alol Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of H. B. Anthony. 1885 9 An84: Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of JohnArnot, jr. 1887 9 Ar67 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of L. Beach. 1887 9 B353 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of A. E. Burn- side. 1882 9 B938 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of M. H. Carpen- ter. 1882 9 C221 Congress. Proceedings upon the ac- ceptance of the statue of Lewis Cass. 1889 9 C27 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of W. H. Cole. 1887 9 C677 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of J. Covode. 1871 9 C832 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of S. S. Cox. 1890 9 C837 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of G. Davis. 1873 9 D297 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of A. Dowdney. 1887 9 D75 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of William A. Duncan. 1885 9 D91 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Evarts W. Earr. 1881 9 F245 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of John H. Evins. 1885 9 Ev3 Congress. Memorial addresses on W. P. Fessenden. 1870 9 F42 Congress. Addresses on the accept- ance of the statue of J. A. Garfield. 1886 9 G184 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Michael Hahn. 1886 9 H12 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of T. A. Hendricks. 1886 9 H38 United States. Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of T. H. Herndon. 1884 9 H432 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of W. D. Kelley. 1890 9 K293 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of M. C. Kerr. 1877 9K46 Congress. Memorial addresses on the death of W. K. King, of Alabama. 1854 9 K586 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of A. M. Lay. 1881 9 L452 Congress. Memorial address on life of Abraham Lincoln ; by Bancroft. 1866 9 L6385 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of J. A. Logan. 1887 9 L82 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of W. M. Lowe. 1883 9L953 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of J. F. Miller. 1887 9 M613 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life 4nd character of N. W. Nut- ting. 1890 9 N97 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of G. S. Orth. 1883 9 OrS Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of A. F. Pike. 1888 9P632 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of W. T. Price. 1887 "• 9P93 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of J. W. Shack- elford. 1883 9 Shl3 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Thaddeus Stevens. 1869 9 St48 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of J. T. Upde- grafif. 1883 9 Upl Congress. Memorial addresses on the death of Daniel Webster. 1853... 9 W393 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of H. Wilson. 1876 9 W691 Congress. Memorial addresses on the life and character of F. Wood. 1882 9 W852 Congress. Register of debates. 1825. *328 U2 Congress. Register of debates. 1826. *328 Ul Congress. Register of debates. 1829. *328 U3 AUTHOR LIST. 435 United States. Congress. Register of debates. 1837. *328 114 Congress. Reports of explorations and surveys for a railroad from the Mississippi to the Pacific. 12v. 1855-61 *tj5G U Congress. Report of troubles in Kansas. 1856 *978.1 U Congress. Report of the coast sur- vey. 1868 526 Ul Congress. Report of the committee to inquire into the Ku lilux conspiracy. 13v. 1872 *363U Congress. Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains. 1845 917.8 U Congress. Report on the alleged out- rages in the southern states. 1871. *975.U Congress. Report on the attack of Petersburg. 1864. 1865 *973.7 Ul Congress. Reports to ascertain the practicability of a ship-canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by the way of the isthmus of Tehuan- tepec. 1872 *626 U Congress. Rhode Island ; interfer- ence of the executive in the affairs of [Dorr rebellion] . 1844-5 *974.5 U Congress. Speeches on the presenta- tion of portraits of ex-Speakers Sedgwick, Varnum, and Banks. 1888 *815U Congress. Trial of Andrew Johnson, before the senate on impeachment for crimes and misdemeanors. 2v. 1868 *343 U Education, Bureau of. Art and indus- try. 2v. 1885-92 *371 U Education, Bureau of. Public libra- ries in the United States. 1876 *027 U Education, Commissioner of. Re- ports. 21v. 1870-90 *370U Education, Department of. Special report of the commissioner. 1871. *379 U Electoral commission. Proceedings. 1877 *324U Fish and fisheries, Commissioner of. Bulletins. 1881-93. 13v *639 U Fish and fisheries, Commissioner of. Reports. 1881-92. 13v *639 Ul Geological and geographical survey of the territories. Annual reports. 2t. 1879-83 *557 U2 Geological and geographical survey of the territories. Annual reports of Colorado. 2v. 1874-76 *557 U3 Geological and geographical survey of the territories. Atlas of Colorado and portions of adjacent territory. 1881 *912 U United States. Geographical and geological survey. Observations on cut-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures. 1881-90. *557 U Geographical and geological survey. Report on the geology of the Henry mountains. 1880 *557 Ul Geological survey. Annual report to Carl Schurz. 1880 *5.57 U8 Geological survey. Annual reports. 7v. 1890-92 *557U4 Geological survey. Preliminary field report of Colorado and New Mexico. 1869 *557 U6" Geological survey. Preliminary re- port of Montana. 1872 *557 U7 Geological survey of the territories. Annual reports. 9v. 1875-77. '82-89 *557 Uo Geological survey of the territories. Birds of the northwest. 1874 *591 U Geological survey of territories . Min- eral resources of the United States. 1886-90. 4v *549 U Geological survey of territories. Re- ports. 1877-79 *526 U2: Geological survey of territories. Re- ports of entomological commission. 1878-83. 3v *595U Indian affairs, Bureau of. Informa- tion respecting the Indian tribes of the United States. 6v. 1857 *970.1 U International exhibition, Vienna, 1873, Commissioners of. Reports. 4v. 1876 *G06U Interstate commerce commission. Report on the statistics of railways in United States. 1889, 92, '93, :94. 4v *385U Labor, Commissioner of. Annual re- ports. 1888-93. 13v *332 U Labor, Commissioners of. Gotten- burg system of liquor ; with other pamphlets on the liquor question. 1893 178 U Mines and mining, Commissioners of. Report of the committee in regard to the Sutro tunnel. 1872 *622 U Naval observatory. Reports on the total solar eclipses of 1878 and 1880. 1880 *523 U Navigation, Bureau of. American ephemeris and nautical almanac. 1885 *52S U Navy, Department of. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. 2v. 1854 918.1U Navy department. Oflacial records of the Union and Confederate navies. 1894 *973.7 U2 436 AUTHOR LIST. United States. Paris universal exposition, Commis- sioners to. Civil engineering and public works. 1870 620 U Paris universal exposition, 1867, Com- missioners to. Reports. 6v. 1870 *606 Ul Paris universal exposition, 1889, Com- missioners to. Official catalogue. 1889 606 U2 Paris universal exposition, 1889, Com- missioners to. Reports. 5v. 1890-91 *606 U3 Post-office department. Official pos- tal guide. 1893 *353 U2 "War department. Corps of engineers. Preliminary report, principally in Nevada and Arizona. 1872 *917.91 U "War department. General orders af- fecting the volunteer force. 1864.. 355 U War department. Medical and sur- gical history of the war of the rebellion. 2v. 1870 *973.7 U3 "War department. Professional papers of the signal service. 1881 *551 U "War department. "War of the rebel- lion. 1880 *973.7 U4 "War department library. List of ad- ditions made from 1884-1891 *019 U United States in the light of prophecy. 1872 289 U United States magazine and democratic review, v. 1-16. 1838-46 051 U Upham, Mrs. C. E. Salem witchcraft in outline. 1891 133 Ul Upham, C. "W. Life, explorations, etc., of J. C. Fremont. 1856. 9 F884 Life of W-ashington ; an autobiography from his own writings. 2v. 1840. 9 "W2751 Salem witchcraft. 1867 133 U Upham, T. C. Elements of intellectual philosophy. 1827 150 U Life and religious opinions of Mme. De la Motte Guyon. 2v. 1846 9 G99 Life of faith. 1864 234 U Upton, Esiory. Armies of Asia and Europe. 1878 355 Ul Infantry tactics. 1889 356 U Upton, G. P. Standard cantatas. 1888.. 782 U Standard operas. 1886 782 Ul Standard symphonies. 1889 785 U Woman in music. 1886 780 U Upton, R. D. Gleanings from the desert of Arabia. 1881 915.3 U Urbanitzky, a. R. Electricity in the ser- vice of man. 1886 537 U Ukbino, iVrs. L. B., t7\ Princes of art. 1870 ■. .. 92 Url Uklin, R. D. Churchman's life of Wesley. 1880 9 Wo 12 Ursdline Nun. Life of Mother St. Au- gustine O'Keefe. 1888 *9 Au41 Utter, Mrs. R. P. King's daughter, and other poems. 1888 811 U "V., 'B.," 2}seud. See Thomson, James. Vaille, F. 0., and Clark, H. A., ed. Harvard book. 2v. 1875 *378 V Vale, G. Life of Thomas Paine. 1884.- 9 P161 Valentine, D. T. Manual of the corpo- ration of the city of New York for 1853. 5v 974.7 V Valentine, M7-s. L. Victoria : her early life and reign. 1887 9 V664 Valentine, Mj-s. R. Sea fights from Sluys to Navarino. 1868 359 V Vambery, Armixius. Coming struggle for India. 1885 958 V and Heilprin, Louis. Story of Hungary. 1886 943 V Van Bruyssel, Ernest. Population of an old pear-tree. 1870 595 V Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys to make and do things. 1887. j 790 V Vandegrift, F. B., & Co., pubs. Hand- book of the United States tariff. 1894 337 V Vandeniioff, George. Leaves from an actor's note book. 1860 792 V Vandergrift, Margaret, pseud. See Janvier, Margaret T. Van Doren, L. O. Fishes of the east Atlantic coast. 1884 799 V Van Duzee, I. D. By the Atlantic. 1892. 811 V Van Dyke, Henry. Poetry of Tenny- son. 1889 821V Van Dyke, J. C. Books and how to use them. 1883 028 V How to judge of a picture. 1889 750 V Text-book of the history of painting. 1894 750 VI Van Dyke, T. S. Millionaires of a day. 1890 979.4 V Southern California. 1886 917.94 V Van Hare, G. Life and travels of Van Hare ; by himself . 1888 9 V31 Van Horne, T. B. Life of Maj-General G.H.Thomas. 1882 9 T365 Van Laun, Henri. French revolutionary epoch. 2v. 1879 944 V History of French literature. 3v. 1876-77 840 V Van Rensselaer, Mrs. M. (G.) Art out- of-doors. 1893 710 V Enghsh cathedrals. 1892 *726 V Vans, AVilliam. Life. 1825 099 V Van Slyck, J. D. Representatives of New England : manufacturers 1879 *670 V Varigny, C. de. Women of the United States. 1895 396 V AUTHOR LIST. 437 Varxey, G. J. Brief history of Maine. 1888 *9"4-l V Gazetteer of the state of Maine. 1882. *917-41 V Story of patriots" day. 1895 973.3 V Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects. 5v. 1S76 92 V44 Vasili, Paul, Count. Society in Paris. 1890 914.4 V World of London. 1885 914.2 V Vassar, J. G. Twenty years around the world. 1891 910 V Vaughan, R, a. Hours witli the mystics. 2v. 1860 273 V Vacx, W. S. "W. Persia, from tlie earliest period to the Arab conquest. 1876. 935 V Vedder, H. C American Avriters of to- day. 1894 92 V51 Veitcii, John". Method, meditations, and selections from the principles of Descartes. 1881 194 V Venable, W. H. Let him first be a man. 1898 370 V Venn, JoHX. Logic of chance. 1870.... 519 V Vera, pseud. Our American cousins at home. 1873... 917.3 V Verestchagix, a. V. Reminiscences at home and in war. 1888 9 V584 Verestchagix, V. R. Autobiographical sketches. 2v. 1887 915 V Verity, J. B. Electricity up to date. 1891 537 V Vermont. General court. Directory, rules, constitutions, and manual of parliamentary practice. 1865 *328 V Vermont historical society. v. 1, 2. 1870-71 *974.3 V Verne, Jules. Famous travels and travellers. 1879 910 VI Great explorers of the 19th century... 1881 910 V2 Great navigators of the IStli century. 1880 910 V3 Verney, F. p. (X.), Lachj. How the peasant lives in i)arts of Europe. 1888 331 V Memoirs of the Verney family during the civil war. 2v. 1892 , . • • 9 V594 Verulam, Baron. See Bacon, Francis. Very, Jones. Poems and essays. 1886. 811 VI ViARDOT, Louis. Wonders of European art. 1871 759 V Wonders of Italian art. 1872 759 VI Wonders of sculpture. 1873 730 V ViAUD, JuLiEN (Pierre Loti). From lands of exile. 1S8S 915.1V Into Morocco. 1889 916.4 V ViCTORiAi queen of England. Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands. 1848-61. 1868 914.1V Victoria, queen of England. More leaves from the journal of a life in the Highlands. 1862-82 914.1 VI ViDOCQ, E. F. Memoirs; by himself. 4v. 1847 9V669 ViGNOLEs, O. J. Life of C. B. Vignoles. 1889 9 V68 ViLLARi, ilme. L. (W.) On Tuscan hills and Venetian waters. 1885 914.5 V Villari, Pasquale. Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola. 2v. 1888... 9 Sa91 Niccolo Machiavelli and his times. 4v. 1878 9M18 Two first centuries of Florentine history. 1894 945 V ViLLARS, p., ed. Escapes of Casanova and Latude. 1892 9 C26 ViLLE, George. School of chemical manures. 1872 681V ViLLiERS, George. See Buckingham, G. A^'illiers, Duke of. Vincent, Mrs. E. G. Newfoundland to Cochin China. 1892 910 V4 Vincent, Frank, ;/•. Around and about South America. 1890 918 V In and out of Central America. 1890. 917.2 V Land of the wliite elephant. 1874 915.9 V Norsk, Lapp, and Finn. 1881 ....... 914.8 V Through and tlirough the tropics. 1876 919V Vincent, G. E., joint author. See Small, A. W. Vincent, Mrs. Howard. See Vincent, Mrs. E. G. Vincent, J. E. Duke of Clarence and Avondale. 1893.... 9 C54 Vincent, J. H. Outline history of Rome. 1889 937V Vincent, M. R. In the shadow of the Pyrenees. 1883 914.6 V Vinci, Leonardo da. Treatise on paint- ing. 1877 '50V2 Vinycomb, John. Ex libris. 1894 097 V VioLLET-LE-Duc, E. E. Annals of a fortress. 1876 623 V Discourses on architecture. 2v. 1875. 720 V Habitations of man in all ages. 1876. 728 V Learning to draw j "'^0 V Story of a house. 1874 721V Virgil. .Eneid; 1r. by John Conington. 1881 873V .Eneid ; tr. by Oliver Crane. 1888. . . 873 VI ^neid ; tr. by J. D. Long. 1879 . . . • 873 V2 JEneids ; tr. by William Morris. 1876. 873 V3 Poems. 1855 873 V4 Works ; tr. by John Dryden. 1883- . 873 V5 Vital magnetic cure. 1872 134 V Vizetelly, Henry. Facts about cham- pagne and other sparkling wines. 1879 663V 438 AUTHOR LIST. VizETELLY, Henry. Paris in peril. 2v. 1882 944 VI Story of the diamond necklace. 1881. 944 V2 YoGDES, F. W. Architect and builder's pocket companion and price book. 1892 720 VI VoGEL, Hermann. Chemistry of light and photography. 1888 771V VoGiJE, E, M., Vicomte de. Tsar and his people ; or social life in Russia. 1891 914.7 V VoLKMANN, Margaret H.,i«r. Text-book to the illustrations of the history of art. 1883 *709 V VoLNEY, C. F. C, Comte DB. Ruins; or, meditation on the revolutions of em- pires. 1877 901 V Voltaire, F. M. A. de. History of Charles XII. 1864 9 C3S6 joint author. See Frederica Sophia, Margi-avine of Bayreuth. Volunteer Special, ^;sei«i. Volcano under the city. 1887 974.7 VI Vos, Geerhardus. Mosaic orgin of the Pentateuchal codes. 1886 222 V Vose, G. L. Life and works of G. AV. Whittler. 1887 9 W57 Voyage pittoresque, ou description des royaumes de Naples et de Sicile. 5v. 1781 *914.5 VI Vynek, R. T. Notitia venatica; treatise on fox-hunting. 1892 799 VI Waagen, G. F. Handbook of painting; based on the handbook of Kugler. 2v. 1879 759K1 Wace, Henry, and others. Christianity and agnosticism. 1889 211 W jointed. ^See Smith, 'William. Wadleigh, R. H. Head-gear, antique and modern. 1879 391 "W Wadsworth, H. a., comp. History of Lawrence, Mass. 1880 *974.4o W Wagner, Charles. Youth; tr. by Ernest Redwood. 1893 844 W Wagner, Leopold. Manners, customs, and observances. 1895 390 W Significance of names. 1893 422 W Wagner, Richard. Art life and theories. 1875 782 W Correspondence. 2v. 1889 836 W Wagner, Wilhelm. Asgard and the gods. 398 W Epics and romances of the middle ages. 1883 398 Wl Wahl, O. W. Land of the czar. 1875.. 914.7 W Waite, C. B. Christian religion to the- year 200. 1881 281 W Waite, 0. F. R. New Hampshire in the great rebellion. 1873 *973.7 W Waite, Rosamond. Life of the Duke of Wellington. 1879 9 W463 Wake, C. S., ed. Memoirs of the inter- national congress of anthropology. 1894 573 W Wakefield, Edward. New Zealand after fifty years. 1889 919.3 W Wakefield, Priscilla. Introduction to botany. 1811 580 W Wakefield, 3Iass. Inaugural exercises. 1868 *974.44 W Walcott, C. F. History of the 21st regiment, Massachusetts volunteers. 1882 *973.7 Wl Walcott, C. H. Concord in the colonial period. 1635-89. 1884 *974.44 Wl Walden, Treadwell. Our English Bible and its ancestors. 1871 220 W Waldo, Frank. Modern meteorology. 1893 551 W Walford, Edward. Holidays in home countries. 1880 914.2 W Juvenal. 1872 877 W joint author. See Thornbury, G. W. Walford, Sirs. L. B. Four biographies from Blackwood : Jane Taylor, Elizabeth Fry, Hannah More, Mary Somerville. 1888 92 W14 Waliszewski, R. Romance of an em- press : Catherine II. of Russia. 1894 9 C282 Walker, Amasa. Nature and uses of money. 1857 332 W Science of wealth. 1873 330 W Walker, A. T. Vermont brigade in the Shenandoah valley. 1864. 1869.. 973.7 W2 Walker, Bettina. My musical experi- ences. 1890 9 WIS Walker, E. D. Reincarnation. 1888... 129 W Walker, F. A. History of the 2d army corps in the army of the Potomac. 1886 *973.7 W3 Life of General Hancock. 1894 9 H191 Money. 1878 332 Wl Money in its relation to trade and in- dustry. 1879 332 W2 Political economy. 1883 330 Wl Wages question. 1882 331 W Walker, George. Chess made easy. 1837. . , 794 W Walker, G. H., & Co., pub. Atlas of Middlesex county, Mass. 1889 *912 Wl Walker, Hugh. Three centuries of Scottish literature. 2v. 1893 820 W Walker, J. Handy book of object les- sons 372 W Walker, James. Sermons: reason, faith, and duty. 1877 252 W Walker, Jerome. Health lesson. 1887. j 613 W Walker, J. B. R. Comprehensive concor- dance to the Holy Scriptures. 1894 *220 Wl AUTHOR LIST. 439 Walkek, Mrs. M. A. Untrodden paths in Roumania. 1888 914.9 W Walker, O. "W., comp. Atlas of Massa- chusetts. 1891 *912 W Walker, William. Handbook of draw- ing. 1880 740 W Walker, Willistox. Congregational churches in the United States. 1894. 285 Wl Creeds and platforms of Congrega- tionalism. 1893 285 W Walkley, a. B. Playhouse impressions. 1892 792 W Walks and talks of an American farmer ^n England. 1852 914.2 Wl Wall, A. II. Fifty years of Queen Vic- toria's reign. 1886 9 VGG5 Wall, C. A. Reminiscences of Worcester, Mass., historical and genealogical. 1877 *974.43 W Wallace, A. R., ec?. Australasia. 1884. 919..3 Wl Darwinism. 1889 575 W Island life. 1881 591 W Wallace, D.M. Russia. 1877 914.7 Wl Wallace, Ellerslie, jr. Amateur pho- tographer. 18^4 770 W Wallace, E. R. Descriptive guide to the Adirondacks. 1881 917.47 W Wallace, G. R. Princeton sketches. 1893 *378 W Wallace, Mrs. Lew. See Wallace, Mrs. S. A. (E.) Wallace, Lewis. Boyhood of Christ. 1889 232 W Life of General Benjamin Harrison. 1888 9 H24 Wallace, Mrs. S. A. (E.) Land of the Pueblos. 1889 917.89 W Storied sea. 1883 914 W Wallack, J. J. Memories of fifty j-ears. 1889 9 W14 Wallack, Lester. See Wallack, J. J. Wallaschek, Richard. Primitive music. 1893 780 W Waller, S. E. Six weeks in the saddle. 1874 914.9 Wl W.vLLiHAN, A. G. and Mrs. Hoofs, claws, and antlers of the Rocky mountains. 1894 779 W Walling, G. W. Recollections of a New York chief of police. 1887 9 W153 Walmsley, R. M. Electric current. 1894. 537 W Walpole, C. G. Short history of the kingdom of Ireland. 1885 941.5 W Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orforcl. An- ecdotes of painting in England. 3v. 1876 709 W Best letters. 1890 826 W Letters. 9v. 1857-66 826 Wl Walpole, Spencer. Land of home rule. 1893 942 W Walpole, Spencer. Life of Lord John Russell. 2v. 1889. 9 R91 Life of Spencer Perceval. 2v. 1874. 9 P41 Walsh, J. H. Dogs of Great Britain, America, and other countries. 1879. 636 W Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mission field. 1879 .* 266 W Walsh, W. S. Handy-book of literary curiosities. 1893 *803 W Paradoxes of a philistine. 1889 814 W Penpicturesof modern authors. 1884. 92 W16 ed. {William ^/ie^a^'c?.) Enchiridion of criticism. 1886 820 Wl Walshe, Elizabeth H. , and Sargent, G. E. Within seawalls 274 W Walsingham, T. de Grey, Baron., and Gallwey, Sii- R. W. P. Shooting. 2v. 1886 799 W Walter, James. Memorials of Washing- ton and of Mary, his mother, and Martha, his wife. 1887 9 W2752 Walton, Izaak. Livesof Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Walton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson. 1860 92 W17 and Cotton, Charles. Complete angler. 1870 799 Wl War correspondence of the "Daily News." 1877 949 W War correspondence of the " Daily News." 1877-8 949 Wl Warburton, W. p. Edward III 942 Wl Ward, Artemus, pseud. See Browne, C. F. Ward. A. H. History of Shrewsbury, Mass. 1826 *974.43 Wl Ward, A. W. Chaucer. 1880 9 C395 Dickens 9 D557 Ward, Elizabeth. Old times in Shrews- bury, Mass. 1892 *917.443 W Ward, Mrs. E. S. (P.) Poetic studies. 1875 811 W Songs of the silent world, and other poems. 1885 811 Wl What to wear? 1873 646 W Ward, G. C. Better financial system. 1894 332 W3 Ward, Herbert, and Bidavell, D. D. Five years with the Congo canni- bals. 1890 916.7 W Ward, H. M. Oak. 1892 582 W Ward, Mrs. H. O., pseud. See Moore, Mrs. C. (J.) Ward, .T. H. Life and times of Bishop White. 1892 9 W584 White mountains. 1890 917.42 W Ward, Lock, & Co., puis. Dictionary of the leading technical and trade terms of architectural and building construction. 1888 720 W 440 AUTHOR LIST. Wakd, T. H., ed. English poets. 2v. 1880 821 W Reign of Queen Victoria. 2v. 1887. 942 W2 Wakd, Wilfrid. W. G. Ward and the Catholic revival. 1893 9 W21 W. G. Ward and the Oxford move- ment. 1889 9W211 Waedman, George. Trip to Alaska. 1884 917.9 W Ware, Henry, jr. Formation of the Christian character. 1871 248 W Life of the Saviour. 1873 j 232 Wl Ware, John. Memoir of the life of Henry Ware, Jr. 1868 9 W22 Ware, J. F. W. Home Ufe. 1868 173 W Ware, Mrs. M. G. (C.) Death and life. 240 W Thoughts in my garden. 1867 289 W Waring, G. E. Bride of the Rhine. 1878. 914.3 W Farmer's vacation. 1876 914.9 W2 Modern methods of sewerage disposal. 1894 628 AV Sanitary condition of city and country dwelling houses. 1877 628 Wl Sanitary drainage of houses and towns. 1876 628 W2 Village improvements and farm vil- lages. 1877 *710W Waring, J. B. Masterpieces of industrial art and sculpture at the international exhibition. 1862 *606 W Warington, George. Week of creation. 1870 213 W Warman, E. B. Gestures and attitudes. 1892 808 W Warn, R. H. Sheet metal worker's in- structor. 1873 671 W Warner, A. G. American charities. 1894. 362 W Warner, B. E. ' English history in Shakespeare's plays. 1894 822.3 W Warner, C. D. As we go. 1894 814 Wl Backlog studies. 1873 817 W Baddeck and that sort of thing. 1874. 917.1 W Captain John Smith ; his life and writ- ings. 1881 9 Sm56 In the Levant. 1877 915.6 W In the wilderness. 1878 917.47 Wl My summer in a garden. 1872 817 Wl . My winter on the Nile. 1876 916.2 W On horseback. 1888 917.5 W Our Italy. 1891 917.94 W Roundabout journey. 1884 914 Wl Saunterings. 1873 914 W2 Studies in the south and west. 1889. 917.3 W Washington Irving. 1881 9 Ir87 and others. Hints for home reading. 1880 374 W comp. Book of eloquence. 1877 ... 808 Wl Warner, T. D. Madalena. 1888 812 W Warren, Edward. Life of John War- ren, M. D. 1874 9W25 Warren, Edward. Life of J. C. Warren, M. D. 2v. 1860 9 W252 Warren, G. W. Governor Winthrop's return to Boston. 1883 811 W2 History of the Bunker Hill monument association. 1877 *906 W Warren, H. W. Recreation in astronomy. 1879 523 W Warren, Ira, and Small, A. E. House- hold physician. 1873 616 W Warren, Joseph. Biographical sketch; by a Bostonian. 1857 *9 W255 Warren, J. C. Address to the Boston * society of natural history. 1853 . . • 506 W Great tree on Boston common. 1855. 582 Wl Preservation of health. 1854 613 Wl Warren, Samuel. Adventure of an at- torney in search of practice. 1887. 340 W Experiences of a barrister, and confes- sions of an attorney. 1880 340 AVI Warren, S. E. Elements of machine construction and drawing. 1883 . . . 744 W AVarren, AV. F. Paradise found. 1886. 572 W Warren, AV. AA''. Life on the Nile in a dahabeeh. 1883 916.2 AVI Warren, Mass. Account of the 150th anniversary. 1891 *974.43W2 Warrington, ^sei/cZ. See Robinson, W. S. AVartegg, E. V. Hesse-. Tunis, the land and the people 916.1 AV Warton, Thomas. History of English poetry. 4v. 1871 821 AVI Washburn, C. A. History of Paraguay. 2v. 1871 989 W Washburn, D. C. Songs from the sea- sons, and other verses 811 W3 Washburn, Emory. Address delivered at Leicester, Mass. 1849 *974.43 AV3 Historical sketches of Leicester, Mass. 1860 *974.43 W4 Judicial history of Massachusetts. 1630-1775. 1840 *353 W Washburne, E. B. Recollections of a minister to France. 2v. 1887 944 AV AVashington, George. His political lega- cies. 1800 9 AV2756 Official letters. 2v. 1796 *816 W AVritings. 12v. 1858 308 W AVritings. 14v. 1893 308 AVI Washington {N. II.). History. 1786- 1886 *974.2 W Waters, Alan. Palms and pearls. 1892. 915.4 W Waters, iVrs. C. (E.) C. Handbook of legendary and mythological art. 1874 703 AV Naples ; the city of Parthenope. 1894. 945 W Outline history of architecture. 1893. 720 Wl Outline history of painting. 1892 750 W Outline history of sculpture. 1885.. . 730 W AUTHOR LIST. 441 Waters, Mrs. C. (E.) C Painters, sculptors, architects, engrav- ers, and their works. 1874 92 W31 Stories of art and artists. 1887 709 Wl Waters, Rorert. Intellectual pursuits cultured by self-help. 1892 374 W 1 William Shakespeare portrayed in one of his own heroes. 1888 822.3 Wl Waterstox, 3frs. A. C. Q. Adelaide Phillipps. 1883 9 P54 Waterstox, R. C Address on the life of Thomas Sherwin. 1870 *9 Sh58 Waterton, Charles. Wanderings in South America, the northwest of the United States, and the Antilles 918 W Watertown Historical Society. Water- town records. 1894 *974.44 W2 Watson, A. E. T. Racecourse and covert side. 1888 798 W Watson, E. P. Manual of the hand lathe. 1869 621 W Modern practice of American machin- ists and engineers. 1873 621 Wl Watson, George. Universe of language. 1878 408 W Watson, H. C. Boston tea party, and other stories of the American revo- lution. 1888 j 973.3 W Camp-fires of the revolution. 1854-. 973.3 Wl Watson, John. Schelling's transcen- dental idealism. 1882 193 W ed. Annals of a quiet valley. 1894. 390 Wl Watson, P. B. Life of Marcus Aure- lius. 1884 9 Au6 • Watson, William. Excursions in criti- cism. 1893 801 W Life in the Confederate army. 1887. 973.7 W4 Odes, and other poems. 1894 821 W2 Poems. 1892 821 W3 ed. Lyric love; an anthology. 1892. 821 W4 Watt, Alexander. Art of soap-making. 1885 668 W Electro-deposition and electro-metal- lurgy. 1889 537 Wl Electro-metallurgy. 1879 537 W2 Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica. 4v. 1824 *015 W Watts, A. A. Alaric Watts ; a narrative ofliislife. 2v, 1884 9 W;?45 Watts, Mrs. A. M. (H.) Art-student in Munich. 2v. 1880 914.3 Wl Watts, H. E. Christian recovery of Spain. 1894 946 W Life of Miguel de Cervantes. 1891 . . 9 C335 Watts, Isaac, and White, H. K. Poeti- cal works, with a memoir of each. 1879 821 W5 Watts, W. M. Organic chemistry. 1873 547 W Wacgh, Benjamin. Gaol cradle. 1873. 364 W Walters, A. J. Flemish school of paint- ing. 1885 759W Stanley's Emin Pasha expedition. 1890 910.7 Wl Waverly anecdotes 828 W Wawn, W. T. South sea islanders and the Queensland labour trade. 1893 919.3 W2 Wayland, Francis. Elements of intel- lectual philosophy. 1855 150 W Elements of moral science. 1870 170 W Limitations of human responsibility. 1838 233 W Pursuit of knowledge under difficul- ties. 1840 818 W Way-land, Mass. Wayland in the civil war. 1871 *973.7 W5 Waylen, James. House of Cromwell, and the story of Dunkirk 929 W Weale, John. Dictionary of terms used in architecture, building, etc. 1873. 603 W Weale, J.^. M. Truths about the Portu- guese in Africa. 1891 967 W Weaver, J. B. Threefold contention of industry in 329 K Webb, A. S. Peninsula. 1881 973.7 W6 Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. History of trade-unionism. 1894 331 Wl Webb, T. W. Celestial objects for com- mon telescopes. 2v. 1893-4 522 W Webb, W. E. Buffalo land. 1874 917.8 W Webber, C. H., and Nevins, W. S. Old Xaumkeag ; an historical sketch of Salem. 1877 *974.45 Wl Webber, J. S., jr In and around Cape Ann. 1885 *917.445 W Weber, George. Outlines of universal history. 1873 909 W Weber, Godfrey. Theory of musical composition. 2v. 1846 781 W Weber, M. M. von. Baron. C. M. von Weber. 2v. 1865 9 W38 Webster, Daniel. Great speeches and orations. 1879 815 W Private correspondence. 2v. 1857.. 816 Wl Speeches and forensic arguments. 3v. 1850 815 Wl Works. 6v. 1869 815 W2 and Hayne, R. Y. Speeches. 1830. 815 W3 Webster, John, and Tourneur, Cyril. Best plays. 1888 822 W Webster. Xoah. American dictionary. 1890 *423 W Wedmere, Frederick. Life of Honore de Balzac. 1890 9 B217 Weed, C. M. Fungi and fungicides. 1894 589 W Weed, Harriet A. Autobiography and memoir of Thurlow Weed. 2v. 1883-84 9 W42 442 AUTHOR LIST. Weeden, W. B. Economic and social history of New England. 2v. 1890 974 W Morality of prohibitory liquor laws. 1875 178 W Social law of labor. 1882 331 W2 Wedgavood, Julia. Moral ideal. 1894. 233 \V1 Weir, J. F. The way, the nature, and means of revelation. 1889 239 W Weir, Robert. Riding. 1891 798 Wl "Weise, a. J. Discoveries of America to 1525. 1884 970 W Weiss, Bernhard. Biblical theology of the New Testament. 2v. 1882.... 230 W Life of Christ. 2v. 1883 232 W2 Weiss, John. American religion. 1871.. 204 W Life and correspondence of Theodore Parker. 2v. 1864 9 P222 Wit, humor, and Shakespeare. 1876. 822.3 W2 Welch, W., and Duffield, C. G. New Latin accidence and exercises for beginners. 1888 478 W Welcome, H. S. Story of Metlakahtla. 1887 970.1 W Welleslev, Arthur. See Wellington, A. Wellesley, Duke of. Wellington, A. Wellesley, Duke of. Letters. 1834-51. 1889 9 W464 Speeches in parliament. 2v 1854. . . 825 W Wellman, T. B. History of the town of Lynnfield, Mass. 1635-1895 *974.45 W2 Wells, D. A. Things not generally known. 1873 803 Wl and Bliss, George, y?-., ed. Year book of facts. 2v. 1850 303 W Wells, J. W. Exploring and travelling three thousand miles through Brazil. 2v. 1886 918.1 W Wells, Samuel, and others. Through a microscope. 1886 578 W Wells, Walter. Water-power of Maine. 1869 917.41 W Wells, W. V. Samuel Adams. 3v. 1865 9 Adl81 Welsh, A. H. Complete rhetoric. 1885. 808 W2 Development of English literature and language. 2v. 1882 820 W2 Wendel, F. C. H. History of Egypt. 1890 932 W Wendell, Barrett. Stelligeri, and other essays concerning America. 1893.. 814 W2 William Shakspere. 1894 822.3 W3 Wentworth, John. Wentworth geneal- ogy. 3v, 1878 *929 W4 Werner, E. S..,pub. Directory of elocu- tionists, readers, lecturers, and other public instructors and enter- tainers. 1887 *808 W3 Werner, J. R. Visit to Stanley's rear- guard. 1889 916.7 W2 West, A. F. Alcuin and tlie rise of the Christian schools. 1892 370 W West, B. B. Half-hours with the million- aires. 1892 827 W West, Maria A. Romance of missions. 1875 266 Wl West, Max. Inheritance tax. 1893 336 W West Bridgeavater, Mass. Celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary. 1856 *974.48 B5 West Church, Boston. 50th anniversary of its present ministry, and the 150th of its foundation. 1887 *277 W Westcott, B. F. Essays in the history of religious thought in the west. 1891. 204 Wl General view of the historj* of the English Bible. 1872 220 W2 Revelation of the Father. 1884 232 W3 Westermarck, Edavard. Histoi-y of human marriage. 1894 575 Wl Westfield, i/ass. Jubilee. 1870 *974.42 W Westgarth, William. Half a century of Australasian progress. 1889 919.4 W Westlake, J. W. How to write letters. 428 W Weston, J. A. Historic doubts as to the execution of Marshal Ney. 1895.. 9 N49 Weston, Mass. Records. 1746-1803. 1893 *974.44W3 Westwood, J. O., joint author. See Bate, C. S. Wey, Francis. Rome. 1888 *914.5 W Weymouth, iMass. Old North church. 25th anniversary. 1863 *277 Wl Wharton, Anne H. Through colonial door-ways. 1893 917.4 W Wharton, Francis, ed. Revolutionary diplomatic correspondence of the United States. 6v. 1889 973.3 W2 Whately, Mary L. Letters from Egypt. 916.2 W2 Whately, Richard. Elements of logic. 1834 160 W Historic doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. 1871 239 W Introductory lessons on morals, and Christian evidences. 1860 171 W Selection of English synomymes. 1875 .' 424 W Wheatley, H. B. Dedication of books. 1887 010 W How to form a library. 1886 020 W Life of John Evelyn. 4v. 1879 . . 9 Ev2 Literary blunders. 1893 029 W London, past and present. 3v. 1891. 914.2 W2 Samuel Pepys and the world he lived in. 1880 9P395 Wheeler, Candace, ed. Household art. 1893 747 W Wheeler, C.'G. Course of empire, B. C. 400-A. D. 1883. 1884 902 W Wheeler, Gervase. Rural houses. 1867. 728 W AUTHOR LIST. 443 Wheeler, J. T. Life and travels of Herodotus. 2v. 1S5G !' H-iS Wheeler, W. Adolphus. Who wrote it? 1887 *S03 W3 Wheeler, W. Augustus. Familiar allu- sions. 1882 .sOo W2 Wheelock, Clarendon, joint author. -See Knowlton, J. S. C. Wheildon, W. W., and others, llevolu- tionary pamphlets. 1776. 1825. 'lo, ■ '7G *073.3 W3 Whelpley, G. F. Practical instruction in the art of letter engraving. 1884. 702 W Wherrv, E. M. Woman in missions : papers and addresses, Oct. 2-4, 1893, in Chicago. 1894 266 W2 Whetham, J. W. B. Pearls of the Pa- cific. 1876 919.6 W Whewell, William. Astronomy and general physics considered witii reference to natural theology. LS71. 215 W Elements of morality. 2v. 1845 170 Wl History of the inductive sciences. 2v. 1870 509 W Whibley, Charles, joint conip. See Hen- ley, W. E. Whipple, E. P. American literature, and other papers. 1887 810 W Character and characteristic men. 1871 814 W3 Essays and reviews. 2v. 1871 814 W4 Literature and life. 1871 814 W5 Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1871 820 W3 Outlooks on society, literature, and politics. 1888 814 WG Recollections of eminent men. 1887. 92 W57 Success and its conditions. 1871 814 W7 Whishaw, F. J. Out of doors in Tsar- land. 1893 914.7 W2 Whitaker, Joseph. Almanack. 1876, '79, '88, '93. 4v *310 W Whitcher, Mrs. F. M. (B.) Widow Bedott papers. 1883 817 W2 Whitcomb, S. L. Chronological outlines of American literature. 1894 810 Wl White, Eliza A. As it should be. 1874. 396 W White, E. E. Elements of pedagogy. 1886 370 Wl Manual of arithmetic. 1876 372 Wl White, Gilbert. Natural history of Sel- borne. 1861 590 W AViiiTE, H. K. Poetical works, with me- moir in 821 W5 White, James. Eighteen Christian cen- turies. 1872 940 W Life incidents of the Advent move- ment as illustrated by the three angels of Revelation xiv. 1868.. 9 W5S White, R. G. England without and within. 1881 914.2 W3 White, R. G. Every-day English. 1880 420 W Memoirs of William Shakespeare. 1865 822.3 W4 Shakespeare's scholar. 1854 822.3 W5 Studies in Shakespeare. 1886 822.3 WG Words and their uses. 1872 420 Wl White, Mrs. S. J. Business openings for girls. 1891 396 Wl White, T. W. Our English Homer. 1892. 822.3 W7 Whitefield, Edavin. Homes of our fore- fathers. 1889 *917.446 W Whitehurst, F. M. My private diary during the siege of Paris. 2v. 1875. 944 Wl Whitelocke, William. Life and times of John Jay. 1887 9 J331 Whiting, Lilian. World beautiful. 1895. 204 W2 Whitman, MiS. Bernard, joint author. See Hale, Lucretia P. Whitman, C. S. Imperial Germany. 1889. 914.3 W3 AVhitman, Jason. Sermons. 1849 252 Wl AVhitman, J/r5. S. H. Poems. 1879.... 811 W4 Whitman, Walter (Walt). Complete prose works. 1892 818 Wl Good-bye, my fancy. 1891 811 W5 Leaves of grass. 1894 811 WG November boughs. 1888 811 W7 Selected poems. 1892 811 WS Story of a life. 1892 9 W59 Whitman, AA\ E. S., and True, C. H. Maine in the war for the Union. 1865 *973.7 W7 Whitman, Z. G. History of the Ancient and Honorable artillery company. 1842 *369 W Whitmore, W. H. American genealogy. 1875 •• *929 W6 Elements of heraldry. 1866 929 W61 Massachusetts civil list. 1630-1774. 1870 *351W Original INIother Goose's m e 1 o d y. 1892 821 AV6 Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.) Bird-talk. 1887 811 W9 Just how, a key to the cook-books. 1879 '. C41 W Mother Goose for grown folks. 1890 811 WIO Pansies ... for thoughts. 1872. 811 Wll Whitney, C. W. Sporting pilgrimage. 1895 '•■^'W Whitney, George. Early history of town of Quincy *974.47 W Whitney, H. C. Life on the circuit with Lincoln. 1892 9 L6384 Whitney. J, D. Metallic wealth of the United States. 1854 553 W United States ; physical geography. 1889 917.3 Wl Whitney, 3frs. L. (G.) Burning of the convent. 1877 *271 W 444 AUTHOR LIST. Whitney, Peter. History of the county of Worcester. 17!)3 *974.43 Wo Whitxey, W.D. Language and the study of language. 1871 410 W Life and growth of language. 1875. 401 W Oriental and linguistic studies. 1874. 404 W Whittaker, 'Prederick. Life of Gen- eral G. A. Custer. 1876 9 C96 Whittier, Elizabeth H. Poems. 1875. in 811 W14 Whittier, J. G. At sundown. 1892 811 W12 Bay of Seven Islands, and other poems. 1883 811 W13 Hazel-blossoms. 1875 811 W14 King's missive, and other poems. 1881. 811 W15 Poetical works. 1876 811 W16 Poetical works. 4v. 1888 811 W17 Prose works. 2v. 1872 818 W3 Prose writings. 3v. 1889 818 W2 Vision of Echard, and other poems. 1878 811 W18 ed. Child life. 1875 j 811 W19 Songs of three centuries. 1876 821 W7 Whittle, D. il. Memoirs of P. P. Bliss. 1877 9 B615 Whymper, Edward. Scrambles amongst the Alps. 1873 914.9 W3 Travels amongst the great Andes. 1892 918 Wl Whymper. Frederic. Fisheries of the world. 1883 039 W Sea. 3v 910 W Travel and adventure in the territorj- of Alaska. 1871 917.98 W Whyte, W. a. Land journey from Asia to Europe. 1871 915 W WiCKERSHAM, J. P. Methods of instruc- tion. 1871 371 W School economy. 18G4 371 Wl WiCKES, Thomas. Son of man. 1868. . . 232 W4 Wicks, Mark. Organ building for amateurs. 1887 786 W Wide awake. v. 12, 19, 22-27, 29-36. 1877-92 j 051 W AViDNEY, .1. P., joint ai/fhor. See Lind- ley, Walter. WiECK, Friedricii. Piano and song. 1875 780 Wl Wiedersheix, Rorert. Elements of comparative anatomy of vertebrates. 1886 591 Wl WiEL, Alethea. Venice. 1894 945 Wl WiGGix, Edith E. Lessons on manners for school and home use. 1884 j 395 W WiGGix, Kate D. See Riggs, Mrs. K. D. (W.) WiGGLEswoRTH, Edward. Reflections. 1885 818 W4 Wight, 0. W. People and countries visited in a journey around the world. 1888 910 Wl Wightman, j. M., co7np. Annals of the Boston primary school committee. 1860 *372 W2 WiGLiTTLE, Judge, pseud. Ten years a police court judge. 1884 340 W2 WiGMORE, J. H. Australian ballot sys- tem. 1889 324 W WiKOFF, Henry. Four civiHzations of the world. 1874 901 W Reminiscences of an idler. 1880 9 W64 Wilberforce, R. G., joint author. See Ashwell, A. R. Wilcox, Mrs. E. (W.) Drops of water. 1872 811 W20 Poems of pleasure. 1893 811 W21 Wild, J. J. At anchor. 1878 « *910 W2 Wilde, J. F. S., Lady. Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of Ireland. 2v. 1887 398 W2 Wilde, O. F. O. W. Intentions 824 W Wilder, B. G., and Gage, S. H. Ana- tomical technology. 1886 591 W2 Wilder, David. History of Leominster, Mass. 1853 *974.43 W6 Wilder, M. P. People I've smiled with. 1889 817 W3 Wilder, Mrs. S. F. G. Story of a useful life : E. J. Gerry. 1887 9 G32 Wildenhahn, K. a. Blind girl of Wit- tenberg. 1876 244 W Wilkie, F. B. (Poluito). Pen and pow- der. 1888 973.7 W8 Wilkinson, C. A. Reminiscences of court and times of King Ernest of Han- over. 2v. 1886 9 Er6 Reminiscences of Eton. 1888 378 Wl Wilkinson, J. A., ed. Real Robinson Crusoe. 1890.. j 910 W3 Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Ancient Egyptians. 2v. 1854 932 Wl Wilkinson, Spenser, joint author. See Dilke, Sir C. W. Wilkinson, W. C. College Greek course in English. 1884 880 W College Latin course in English. 1886 870 W Poems. 1883 811 W22 Preparatory Greek course in English. 1884 880 Wl Preparatory Latin course in English. 1883 870 Wl Wilkes, Charles. Narrative of the United States exploring expedition. 1838-42. 5v 917.3 W2 Willard, David. History' of Greenfield. 1838 *974.42 Wl Willard, Fkances E. How to win. 1887. 396 W2 Wheel within a wheel. 1895 796 W Willard, F. E. Autobiography. 1889.. 9 W663 M. E. Willard's nineteen beautiful years. 1864 9 W664 AUTHOR LIST. 445 o40 W3 W2 598 \V 398 AV3 821 W8 '16 W ^IG Wl 956 W WiLLARD, Joseph. 200th anniversary, Lancaster, Mass. 1853 *97-1.43 W7 WiLLARD, J. A. Half a century with judges and lawyers. 1895 WiLLARD, Sasiuel. Discouise delivered in the First church, Deerfield, • Mass. 1857 Willcox, M. a. Pocket guide to the com- mon land birds of New England. 1895 Williams, A. M. Sam Houston and the war of independence in Texas. 1893 976.4 W Studies in folk-song and popular poe- try. 1894 comp. Poets and poetry of Ireland. 1881 Williams, B. S. Choice stove and green- house flowering plants. 1873 Choice stove and greenhouse ornamen- tal-leaved plants. 1870 Williams, Charles. Armenian cam- paign of 1877 Dogs and their ways 636 W2 Williams, Mrs. C. K. (A.) Fall River. 1833 *974.48 W Williams, C, W. Review of the systems of ethics founded on evolution. 1893 Williams, David, pub. Kitchen boiler connections. 1894 Williams, Edwin, joint author. See Lester, C. E. Williams, F. H. Flute-player, and other poems. 1894 811 W23 Williams, G. F. Bullet and shell. 1883. 973.7 W9 Williams, G. W. History of the negro race in America from 1619 to 1880. 2v 572 Wl History of the negro troops in the war of tlie rebellion. 1861-65. 1888. . 973.7 WIO Williams, Hamilton. Britain's naval power. 1894 Williams, Helen M. Narrative of events in France. 1815. 1895 Williams, Howard. English letters and letter-writers of the eighteenth cen- tury. 1886 Williams, H. L., joint author. See Stagg, A. A. joi7it ed. See O'Neill, F. W. Williams, H. T. Window gardening. . 1873 and Frost, S. A. Evening amuse- ments. 1878 and Jokes, Mrs. C. S. Beautiful homes. 1878 Williams, J. Life and actions of Alex- ander the Great. 1830 Williams, Sir M. j\L Buddhism. 1889. 171 Wl 696 W 359 W 944 AV2 826 W2 716 W2 793 W 740 Wl 9 A121 294 W Williams, Moktaou. Further reminis- cences of Q. C. Williams. 1891 . . . 9 W676 Reminiscences of Q. C. Williams. 2v. 1890 9 W6761 Williams, Martha M. Field farings 814 W8 Williams, Solomon. Historical sketch of Northampton. 1815 *974.4 W22 Williams, Samuel W. Middle kingdom. 2v. 1883 915.1 W Williams, Stephen W. Biographical me- moir of Rev. John Williams. 1837. *9 W678 Williams, Woolmer. Incidents in the history of the Honorable artillery company. 1537-1887. 1888 358 W WiLLiAJis, W. R. Eras and characters of history. 1882 204 W3 Willis, H. A. 53rd regiment, Massachu- setts volunteers *973.71 Wl Willis, N. P. Canadian scenery. 2v. 1842 *917.1 Wl Poems. 1873 811 W24 a7id Coyne, J. S. Scenery and an- tiquities of Ireland; illus. by W.H. Bartlett. 2v *914.15 B Willis, William. History of Portland. V.2. 1833 974.1 W WiLLisoN, John. Afflicted man's com- panion ; with the Mourner, by B. Grosvenor 248 Wl AViLLSTON, Payson. Half-ccntury s^r- mon, preached at Northampton. 1839 *252 W2 WiLLOCK, John. Legal facetiae. 1887.. 340 W4 Willoughby, W. W. Supreme court of the United States. 1890 347 W Wills, C. J. In the land of the lion and sun. 1883 915.5 W Willson, Marcius and R. P. Mosaics of Bible history. 2v. 1883 220 W3 WiLMOT, A. Story of the expansion of Africa. 1894 968 W WiLMOT, J. E. E. Reminiscences of T. A.Smith. 1862 9 Sm62 WiLMOT, S. M. E. Development of navies. 1892 359 Wl Wilson, Adelaide. Historic and pictur- esque Savannah. 1889 975.8 W Wilson, Alexander, and Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. American ornithology. 3v *598 Wl Wilson, Andrew. Abode of snow. 1875 915.4 Wl Wilson, C. T. Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. 2v. 1882 916.7 W3 Wilson, C. W., and others. Recovery of Jerusalem. 1872 913 W Wilson, Daniel. Lost Atlantis, and other ethnographic studies. 1892 572 W2 Memorials of Edinburgh in the olden time. 1891 914.1 W 446 AUTHOR LIST. Wilson, Daxiel. Prehistoric annals of Scotland. 2v. 1863 571 W Prehistoric man. 2v. 1876 571 "Wl Wilson, Erasmus. Egypt of the imst. 1881 962 W Quiet observations on the ways of the world. 1886 170 W2 Wilson, E. L. Cyclopaedic photography. 1894 *770 Wl Photographies. 1883 770 W2 Wilson's quarter century in photogra- phy. 1887 770 W3 Wilson, E. S. Oriental outing. 1894... 910 W4 Wilson, George. Five senses. 1860. . . 150 Wl Wilson, Henry. Rise and fall of the slave power in America. 3v. 1877. 326 W Wilson, John. Scripture proofs and scriptural illustrations of Unitarian- ism. 1846 288 W Unitarian principles confirmed by Trinitarian testimonies. 1873 288 Wl and others. Noctes ambrosianas. 5v. 1875 828 Wl Wilson, J. G. Life and letters of Fitz- Greene Halleck. 1869 9 H15 Bryant and his friends. 1886 92 W69 Sketches of illustrious soldiers. 1874. 92 W691 ed. Presidents of the United States. 1894 92 W692 Wilson, J. H. China. 1887 915.1 W Wilson, J. L. John Wycliffe, patriot and reformer. 1884 9 W971 Wilson, Mrs. Margaret. Memoirs of H. B. St. Albans. 2v. 1886 9 Sa2 Wilson, Mrs. M. H. In memoriam; Abraham Lincoln *811 W25 Wilson, Thomas. Historical address de- livered at Palmer, Mass. 1855. . .*974.42 W3 Wilson, Woodrow. Congressional gov- ernment. 1885 328 W Division and reunion. 1829-89. 1893. 973 W State. 1889 320 W Wilson, W. D. Theories of knowledge. 1889 140 W Wilson, W. R. Travels in Russia. 2v. 1828 914.7 W3 WiNCHELL, Alexander. Doctrine of evo- lution. 1874 575 W2 Preadamites. 1880 573 Wl Reconciliation of science and religion. 1877 215 Wl Sketches of creation. 1870 551 Wl Walks and talks in the geological field. 1894 550 W World-life. 1883 523 Wl Winchester, Mass. Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the first white settlement. 1890 *974. 44 W4 WiNCKLEMANN, J. J. History of ancient art. 2v. 1880 *709 W2 WiNDELBAND, W. History of philosophy. 1893 109 W Windham, William. Speeches in parlia- ment. 3v. 1812 825 Wl WiNDT, H. DE. From Pekin to Calais by land. 1889 915.7 W Wineberger, J. A. Home of Washing- • ton, with incidents in his life and death. 1860 9 W2757 WiNGATE, F. R. Mahdiism and the Egyptian Sudan. 1891 962 Wl WiNGATE, G. W. Through the Yellow- stone park on horseback. 1886 917.87 W WiNGFiELD, L. S. Wanderings of a globe- trotter in the far East. 2v. 1889 . . 915 Wl Winn, R. G. A. Boxing. 1890 796 Wl Winnipeg country. 1886 917.1 W2 WiNSHip, A. E. Methods and principles in Bible study and Sunday school teaching. 1885 150 W2 Shop. 1889 170 W3 Waifs. 1892 814 W9 WiNSLOW, C. F. Cosmography. 1853... 113 W WiNSLOw, Mrs. C. M. (R.) Yesterdays with actors. 1887.... 792 Wl WiNSLOw, F. E. Children's fairy geogra- phy J914W3 WiNSOR, Justin. Cartier to Frontenac. 1894 970 Wl Christopher Columbus and his spirit of discovery. 1891 9 C729 History of the town of Duxbury, Mass. 1849 *974.48 Wl Reader's handbook of the American revolution. 1880 016 W ed. Memorial history of Boston. 4v. 1880 • *974.46 W Narrative and critical history of America. 8v. 1889 *970 W2 Winter, William. Jeffersons. 1881... 92 W73 Life of Joseph Jefferson. 1894 9 J351 Old shrines and ivy. 1892 814 WIG Trip to England. 1881 914.2 W4 Wanderers. 1889 811 W26 ed. Poems and stories of Fitz-Jaraes O'Brien. 1881 828 Winter Hill Congregational Church, Somerville, Mass. Manual. 1885. '"285 W2 Souvenir of Winter hill. 1890 *974.44 Wo WiNTHROP, John. Two lectures on comets. 1811 523 W2 WiNTHROP, Governor John. History of New England. 2v. 1853 974 Wl WiNTHROP, R. C. Addresses and speeches. 4v. 1852 815 W4 Life and letters of John Winthrop. 2v. 1869 9 W733 Winthrop, Theodore. Life in the open air. 1876 818 W5 WiNTON, J. G., and Millar, W. J. En- gineer's encyclopedia. 1889 621 W2 AUTHOR LIST. 44T Wirt, William. Life of Patrick Henry. 1838 9 H396 Wise, B. R. Industrial freedom. 1892.. 337 W Wise, H. A. {Hai-ry Gringo). Los Gringos. 1849 917.2 W Wise, Joiix. Through the air. 1873 533 W WiSEMAX, N. p. KecoUections of the last four popes : Pius VII., Leo XII., Pius VIII., Gregory XVI 02 W75 WisxER, B. B. Old South church, Bos- ton. 1830 *277 W3 WiSTER, Mrs. Sarah, and Irwix, Agxes. Worthy women of our first century. 1877 92 W76 WiTHROw, W. H. Catacombs of Rome and their testimony relative to prim- itive Christianity. 1874 246 W Witt, C. Myths of Hellas. 1884 292 W Wanderings of Ulysses. 1885 292 Wl Witt, Mme. Hexriette de. Guizot in private life. 1881 9 G94 WoERMAXx, Karl, joint author. See Woltmann, Alfred. WoLLASTOx, A. N. Half hours with Mu- hammed. 1886 9 M728 WoLLET, C. P. Big game shooting. 2v. 1894 799 W2 Wollstoxecraft, Marv. See Godwin, Mrs. M. (W.) WoLSELET, G. J., Viscount. Life of John Churcliill, duke of Marlborough. 2v. 1894 9 M343 WOLTMAXX, Alfred, and Woermaxx, Karl. History of ancient, early Christian, and mediaeval painting. 2v. 1885 750 Wl Woman's book. 2v. 1894 396 W3 WoMAx's Relief • Corps {Massachusetts Dept.). Journal of the fifteenth annual convention. 1894 *369 Wl Proceedings. 1879-86 *369 W2 Wood, Alphoxso. Class-book of botany. 1875 580 Wl Wood, Bexjamix. Centennial address, Upton, Mass. 1835 *974.43 W8 Wood, Charles. Saunterings in Europe. 1882 914 W4 Wood, C. W. Letters from Majorca. 1888 914.6 W Round about Norway. 1880 914.8 W Wood, Hexry. God's image in man. 1892 230 Wl Ideal suggestion through mental pho- tography. 1893 615 W Political economy of natural law. 1894 330 W2 Wood, H. C, joint author. See Fother- gill, J. M. Wood, H. T. Modern methods of illus- trating books. 1887 770 W4 Wood, John*. Suppressed history of the administration of John Adams. 1846 973 Wl Wood, J. G. Animal traits and charac- ters 599 W Bible animals. 1870 220 W4 Birds of the Bible. 1887 598 W2 Boy's own book of natural history, j 590 Wl Common objects of the microscope. 578 Wl Domestic animals of the Bible. 1887. 590 W2 Illustrated natural history ; birds. 1872 598 W3 Illustrated natural history ; mammalia. 1872 599 Wl Illustrated natural history; reptiles. 1871 590 W3 Insects at home. 1872 595 W Lane and field. 1879 590 W4 Man and his handiwork. 1886 901 Wl My feathered friends j 598 W4 Natural history of man ; Africa. 1868 572 W3 Nature's teachings. 1885 601 W Petland revisited. 1884 636 W3 Romance of animal life. 1889 590 W5 Routledge's popular history. 1870. . . 590 W6 Sketches and anecdotes of animal life. 1854 599 W2 Strange dwellings. 1872 591 W3 Wild animals of the Bible. 1887 590 W7 Wood, ]Mary, Lady, joint author. See Edgecumbe, E. E. H. , Lady. Wood, 0. B., pui. Worcester; its past and present. 1888 *974.43 W9 Wood, Theodore. J. G. Wood; his life and work. 1890 9 W85 Our insect enemies. 1885 591 W4 Wood, Wallace. Hundred greatest men. 1885 92 W85 Wood, William. General conchology. 1835 594 W Woodbury, G. E. Edgar Allan Poe. 1884 9 P75 History of wood-engraving. 1883... 761 W Studies in letters and life. 1890 814 Wll Woodgate, W. B. Boating. 1888 797 Wl WooDHOusE, J. C. Lichfield cathedral. 1823 726 W WooDHULL, J. F. Manual of home-made apparatus. 1895 530 W WooDMAX, Abby j. Picturesque Alaska. 1889 917.98'Wl WooDJiAX, C. H. Boys and girls of the revolution. 1877 j 973.3 W4 Woodruff, H. W. Trotting-horse of America. 1877 798 W2 Woodruff, Mrs. J. L. M. ( W. M. L. Jay) . My winter in Cuba. 1871 917.2 Wl Woods, Harriet F. Historical sketches of Brookline, Mass. 1874 *974.46 Wl 448 AUTHOR LIST. IVooDS, Leonard. History of the An- dover theological seminary. 1885. *207 W Woodward, B. B., and Gates, W. L. R. Encyclopaedia of chronology. 1872. *902 Wl Woodward, C. M. Educational value of manual training. 1890 371 W2 Woodward, G. E. Woodward's archi- tecture and rural art. 1867 728 Wl Woodmard, S. r. Manual of the moUusca. 1875 594 Wl WooLEY, C. P. Sportsman's Eden. 1888. 917.1 W3 WooLMAN, John. Journal. 1860 9 W88 WooLNER, Thomas. Pygmalion. 1881. 821 W9 WooLSET, Sarah C. (^Siisan Coolidge). Rhymes and ballads- for boys and girls. 1892 j 811 AV27 Short history of Philadelphia. 1887. 974.8 W comp. Day's message. 1890 248 W2 WooLSEY, T. D. International law. 1872. 341 W Political science. 2v. 1878 320 AVI and others. First century of the re- public. 1876 973 W2 WooLsoN, A. G. George Eliot and her heroines. 1886 9 C8883 WooLSON, Mrs. A. L. (G.) Browsing among books, and other essays. 1881 814 W12 Woman in American society. 1873. . . 396 W4 ed. Dress reform. 1874 613 W2 Worcester, Benjamin. Life and mis- sion of Emanuel Swedenborg. 1883. 9 Sw3 Worcester, J. E. Elements of history. 1847 909 Wl Dictionary. 1873 *423 Wl Gazetteer of the United States. 1818. 917.3 W3 Worcester magazine and historical jour- nal. 2v. 1825-26 *974.43W10 Worcester, il/ass. Celebration. 1876..*974.43 WU Free public library. Catalogue. 2v. 1884-9 *019 W Tribute to the Columbian year. 1893. *974.43 W12 Worcester, S. T. History of the town of Hollis, N. H. 1879 *974.2 Wl Worcester Society of Antiquity. Col- lections. 13v. 1881-92 *906W1 Worcester births, marriages, and deaths. 1894 *974.43 W13 "Wordsworth, Charles. Shakespeare's knowledge and use of the Bible. 1864 822.3 W8 WoRDSAVORTH, DoROTHY. RccoUections of a tour made in Scotland. 1803. 1874 914.1 Wl Wordsworth, William. Poetical works. 7v. 1864 821 WIO Prelude ; or, growth of a poet's mind. 1888 821 Wll World almanac. 1895 *310 Wl World moves ; all goes well ; by a layman. 1890.. 237 L World's Columbian Exposition, Chi- cago. Official catalogue : exhibition of the German empire. 1893 *606 G WoRMELEY, Katharine P. Memoir of Honore de Balzac. 1892 ,. 9 B218 Other side of war with the army of the Potomac. 1889 973.7 W12 WoRNUM, R. N. Analysis of ornament. 1884 729 W Hans Holbein. 1867 *9 H69 Worthington, Mrs. A. U. {Griffith A. Nicholas). Biddy club. 1888 173 Wl Wratislaw, a. H., tr. Sixty folk-tales, from exclusively Slavonic sources. 1890 398 W4 "^Vraxall, Sir N. W. Historical and posthumous memoirs. 1772-84. 5v. 1884 942 W3 Wright, Chauncey. Philosophical discus- sions. 1877 104 W Wright, Elizur. Politics and mysteries of Hfe insurance. 1873 368 W Wright, G. F. Ice age in North America. 1889. 551 W2 Logic of Christian evidences. 1880. • 239 Wl Man and the glacial period. 1892 551 W3 Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories in American history. 1888. j 973 W4 Children's stories of American prog- ress. 1886 j 973 W3 Children's stories of great scientists. 1888 j 92 W93 Wright, J. A. People and preachers in the Methodist-Episcopal church. 1886 287 W Wright, 3Irs. J. (M.) Sea-side and way-side. 4v. 1892 j590 W8 Wright, J. W. Curious facts, myths, legends, and superstitions concern- ing Jesus. 1894 232 W5 Wright, Lewis. Illustrated book of poultry *636 W4 Optical projection. 1891 535 W Practical pigeon keeper 636 W5 Practical poultry keeper 636 WG Wright, Mabel 0. Birdcraft. 1895... 598 W5 Friendship of nature. 1894 814 W13 Wright, M. J. General Winfield Scott. 1894 9 Sco 89 Wright, R. J. Principia. 1875 301 W Wright, Thomas. England under the house of Hanover. 2v. 1848 942 W4 Essays. 2v. 1846 824 Wl Our new masters. 1873 331 W3 Womankind in western Europe. 1869. 396 W5 Wright, William. Brontes in Ireland. 1893 92 W935 Wright, W. B. Ancient cities from the dawn to the daylight. 1886 904 W Master and men. 1894 204 W4 AUTHOR LIST. 449 "Writer ; a monthly magazine for literarj- workers. 6v. 1887-93 805 W Writer's handbook. 1888 *808 W4 Wylie, J. A. History of the Wahlenses.. 272 W Wylie, .J. H. History of England under Henry the Fourth. 3v. 1894 942 W5 Wyman, Morrill. Autumnal catarrh. 1872 610 Wl History of the McLean asylum. 1877. *362 Wl Practical treatise on ventilation. 1846. 697 W Wyman, T. B. Genealogies and estates of Charlestown, Mass. 2v. 1879.. *929 W9 Wynter, Andrew. Borderlands of in- sanity. 1875 132 W Wdrtz, C. A. Atomic theory. 1881 541 W " Xariffa," pseud. See Townsend, Jths. M. A. (V.) Xenophon. Anabasis ; t?-. by Edward Spelman. 2v. 1831 888 X Art of horsemanship ; /?•. by M. H. Morgan 1893 798 X Minor works ; tr. J. S. Watson. 1888. 888 XI Yaggy, L. W. Graphic record. 1886... *910 Y and Haines, T. L. Museum of an- tiquity. 1882 913 Y Yale, Catharine B. Story of the old Willard house, of Deerfield, Mass. 1887 *974.42 Y Yarmouth Steamship Co. Nova Scotia; land of Evangeline and the tourists' paradise. 1893 *917.1 Y Yate, C. E. Northern Afghanistan let- ters. 1888 915.8 Y Yates, E. H. Fifty years of London life. 1885 9 Y2 Yates, Robert, and others. Secret pro- ceedings and debates of the conven- tion at Philadelphia. 1787. 1821. 973 Y Yeaman, G. H. Study of government. 1871 320 Y Year-book of science. 1892 505 Y Yeats, W. B. Celtic twilight ; men and women, dhouls and faeries. 1894.. 398 Y Countess Kathleen, and various legends and lyrics 821 Y YoNGE, C. D. English-Greek lexicon. 1886 *483 Y History of the British navy. 2v. 1863 359 Y Life of Marie Antoinette. 1876 9 M3337 YoNGE, Charlotte M. Aunt Charlotte's stories of German history. 1878. • . j 943 Y Aunt Charlotte's stories of Greek his- tory. 1876 j 938 Y Book of golden deeds. 1871 828 Y Book of worthies. 1869 92 Y8 Cameos from English history. 1869.. 942 Y Hannah More. 1888 9 M81 Life of J. C. Patteson. 2v. 1878. . . 9 P274 Parallel history of France and Eng- land. 1871 940 Y Yonge, Charlotte M. Scripture readings. 3v. 1874 264 Y Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. 1878 946 Y Womankind. 1877 396 Y Young folks' Bible history. 1880 j 220 Y Young folks' history of England. 1879 j 942 Yl Young folks' history of France. 1879. j 944 Y Young folks' history of Rome. 1879. j 937 Y York deeds. 1642-1722. lOv. 1887-94. *352 Y YocATT, William. Horse. 1872 614 Y Youatt, William, and Martin, W. C. L. Cattle. 1860 636 Y YouMANS, Eliza A., ed. Lessons in cook- ery. 1878 641 Y Youmans, E. L. Class-book of chemistry. 1876 540 Y Hand-book of household science. 1873 640 Y and others. Culture demanded by modern life. 1871 507 Y ed. Correlation and conservation of forces. 1871 531 Y YocMANS, W. J., joint author. See Huxley, T. H. Young, Alexander, ed. Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of Massachusetts bay. 1846 974.4 Y Chronicles of the i)ilgrim fathers of Plymouth. 1841 974.4 Yl Young folks' history of the Nether- lands. 1887 949 Y Young, A. G. Story of active service in foreign lands. 1888 9 10 Yl Young, C. A. Sun. 1881 523 Y Young, Edward. Labor in Europe and America. 1875 331 Y Young, Edward. Night thoughts on life, death, and immortality. 1868 821 Yl Young, F. C, ed. Electrical apparatus. 1894 537 Y Young, J. R. Around the world with General Grant. 2v. 1879 910 Y2 Young, Robert. Light in lands of dark- ness. 1884 266 Y Young, Rosalind A. Mutiny of the "Bounty" and story of Pitcairn island. 1790-1894 997 Y Young folks' queries ; by Uncle Lawrence. 1886 j 500 L Young lady's book 808 Y Youth's companion, v. 64. 1894 j 051 Y Zabriskie, F. N. Horace Greeley. 1890. 9 G813 Zagoskin, Mikhail. Tales of throe cen- turies ; tr. by Jeremiah Curtin. 1891 891Z Zeller, Edward. Outlines of the history of Greek philosophy. 1886 180 Z Ziehen, Theodor. Introduction to piiy- siological psychology. 1892 150 Z 450 AUTHOR LIST. ZiEMSSEK, H. W. Cyclopedia of the practice of medicine. 17v. 1878. *610 Z ZiMMEKN, Helen. Epic of kings. 1883. 891 Zl ZiNCKLE, F. B. Egypt of the Pharaohs and of the khedive. 1873 962 Z ZoGBAUM, E. F. Horse, foot, and dra- goons. 1888 355 Z Zola, Fmile. Experimental novel, and other essays ; tr. by Belle M. Sher- man. 1893 844 Z ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. History of Switzer- land. 1875 949 Z Meditations on life, death, and eternity. 1883 242Z FRENCH WORKS. GENERAL WORKS. Journal de Tinstruction publique. 3v. 1859 FOo-t J Journal des sarants. 1880 FOoi Jl Massekas, E., ed. Le phare de New- York. 1852 F0o4M Revue du Nouveau-Monde. 1850. 2v... F054: R PHILOSOPHY. Descartes, R. Lettres. C,\. 1725 F194 D (Euvres. 1872 F194 Dl Dictionnaire des sciences philosophiques. 1844 F103 D DcMAS, A.,^7s. L'homme^femme. 1879. F176 D RELIGION. Arnaud, M. de L. Les Jesuites modernes. 1826 F271 A BossuET,J.B. Meditations sur I'evangile. F225 B CEuvres choisis. 5v. 18G5 F208 B Variations des eglises protestantes..z>^ F848 C BuRNOUF, E.L. La science des religions. 1872 F200 B Caro, E. M. L'idee de Dieu et ses nou- veaux critiques. 1889 F231 C Cayla, J. M. Le diable ; sa grandeur et sa decadence. 1864 F235 C DiDON, Henri. Jesus-Christ in F848 C Felix, R. P. Christianisme et social- isme in F848 C Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. De I'exist- ence de Dieu. 1880 F231 F Divers sentiments et avis Chretiens. 1810 F240 F Lettres. 1810 F240 Fl Lettres spirituelles. 1810 F240 F2 Traite de I'existence et des attributs de Dieu. 1810 F231 Fl Traite du ministere des pasteurs. 1810 in F396 F Kasimirski. Le Koran. 1869 F297 K Les Ursulines des Trois-Rivieres. 1892.. *F271 U Martin, David. La Sainte Bible. 1839. F220 M Menard, Louis. Du polytheisme hel- lenique. 1863 F292 M PiTziPios, J. G. Le romanisme. I860.. F282 P Preller, Ludwig. Les dieux de I'anci- enne Rome. 1866 F292 P Renan, J. E. £vangiles et la seconde generation chretienne. 1877 F225 R L'eglise chretienne. 1879 F260 R St. Pierre, J. H. B. de. Voyages of Amasis. 1795 F292 S SOCIOLOGY. About, E. F. V. Le progres. 1867 F301 A Aguesseau, H. F. d'. (Euvres. 2v. 1865 F340 A. Blaxqui, a. J. Histoire de I'economie politique en Europe. 1842 F330 B- Bosquet, Mme. Amelie. Normandie, ro- manesques et merveilleuse tradi- tions. 1845 F398 B; Coulaxges, Fustel de. Le cite antique. 1870 F342 C: Dantier, H. a. Les femmes dans la so- ciete chretienne. 2v. 1879 F396 D Encyclopedic methodique. lOv. 1782... F340 E Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. De I'edu- cation des filles. 1810 F396 F Ferron, H. de. Theorie du progres. 1867 F301 F Freres, Pauquet. Modes et costumes historiques. 2v *F391 Fl Janet, Paul. Les problemes du XlXe. siecle. 1873 F304 J L AGO jibe, p. Les armes et les armures. 1870 F399 L Langel, Auguste. L'Angleterre, poli- tique et sociale. 1873 F304 L Legouve, E. W. Histoire morale des femmes. 18G9 F396 L Mazerolle, Pierre. La misere de Paris. 1875 F331 M MoREUiL, L. J. A. Dictionnaire des chan- celleries. 2t.' 1855 F340M Montesquieu, C. de S., Baron de. Es- prit des lois. 1872 F340 Ml Robert, Charles. L'instruction obliga- toire. 1871 F379 R Tocqueville, Alexis de. De la demo- cratic en Amerique. 3v. 1888 F342 T Vacherot, Etienne. La democratic. 1860 F321 V PHILOLOGY. Alvergnat, v. Modern class book of French pronunciation. 1874 F445 A 452 FRENCH WORKS. Chardenal, C. a. Erench exercises for advanced pupils F445 C DuFiEF, N. G. New French-English gram- mar E445 D French student's monthly r4-i5 F Genin, FRAN901S. Kecreations philolo- giques. 2v. 1858 F44:0 G Kastnek, V. Key to the elements of French composition. 1887 F448 K SoMMER, J. E, A. Cours complet de gram- maire latine. 1861 F475 Si Spiers, Alexander, et Surenne, Ga- briel. French and English pro- nouncing dictionary. 1872 F443 S Surenne, Gabriel. Pronouncing dic- tionary of the French and English languages. 1852 F443 Sl Wailly, N. F. de. Principes generaux et particuliers de la langue francaise. 1786 F445 W Eevue de I'exposition de 1889 *F606 Rl NATURAL SCIENCE. Barr, Maurice. Visites au jardin zoolo- gique d'acclimatation. 1867 F590 B Belanger, J. B. C. J. Resume de lemons de geometric analytique et de calcul infinitesimal. 1859 F516 B Boileau, p. p. Traite de la mesure des eaux courantes. 1854 F532 B Delaunay, C. E. Cours elementaire d'astronomie. 1864 F523 D Dictionnaire universel des sciences. 30v. 1778 F503 D Duhamel du Monceau, H. L. Traite des arbres et arbustes que Ton cultive en France. 7v. 1819 F582 D Traite des arbres fruitiers. 4v. 1835. F582 Dl FiGuiER, Louis. Les insectes. 1875.... F595 F Ganot, Adolphe. Cours de physique. 1863 F530 G Lalande, J. J. L. Abrege d'astronomie. 1774 F523 L Legendre, a. M. Elements de geometric. 1870 F513 L Maury, L. F. A. L'ancienne academic des sciences. 1864 F506 M Menault, E., et BoiLLOT, A. Le mouvement scientifique pendant I'annee 1865. F504 M Regnault, H. V. Premiers elements de chimie. 1861 F540 R USEFUL ARTS. BiGHAT, M. F. X. Recherches physio- logiquessur lavieetlamorte. 1866. Le PiLEUR, A. Le corps humain. 1869. Raynaud, Maurice. Les medecins au temps de Moliere. 1863 FINE ARTS, DupLESsis, Georges. Les merveilles de la gravure. 1869 F760 D Gazette des beaux arts. 2v. 1880 F708 G GuiLHERMY, M. F. DE. Description de la Sainte-Chapelle. 1870 F726 G JouFFROY, T. S. Cours d'esthetique. 1875 F701 J Lefevre, Andre. Les merveilles de I'architecture. 1870 F720 L Mi^NARD, Louis et Rene. De la sculp- ture. 1868 F730M Tableaux historiques des beaux arts. 1866 F709 M Moynet, M. J. L'envers du theatre. 1875 F792 M Reveil. Musee de peinture et de sculp- ture. lOv. 1872 F730R ViARDOT, Louis. Les merveilles de la sculpture. 1869 F730 V F612B F612L F610R LITERATURE. Ampere, J. J. Melanges d'histoire lit- teraire. 2v. 1877 F848 A Barriere, Theodore, et Gondinet, Edmond. T6te de linotte. 1890.. F842 B Boileau-Despreaux, Nicolas, ffiuvres completes . 2 v. ' 1829 F847 B Chefs-d'oeuvre de la fable F848 C Corneille, Pierre, ffiuvres completes. 7v. 1874 F842 C Corneille, Thomas. The.atre de T. Cor- neille. 5v. 1748 *F842C1 Dante Alighieri. La divine com edie. .m F848 C Demogeot, Jacques-Claude. Histoire des litteratures etrangeres. 2v. 1892 F809 D Histoire de la litterature francaise. 1892 F840 D Deschanel, I5. a. ii. M. La vie des come- diens F842 D £tudes sur Aristophane. 1867 F882 D Physiologie des ecrivains et des artistes. 1864 F801 D Destouches, p. N. QSuvres choisis. 3v. 1826 F842 Dl Doudan, X. Melanges et lettres. 4v. 1876 F846D Du Meril, E. p. Histoire de la comedie. 2v. 1869 F809 Dl Faucon, N. Bibliotheque portative des meilleurs ecrivains fran9ais. 1810. F848 F Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Dialogues des morts. 1810 F842 F Dialogues sur I'eloquence. 1810 F808 F Lettres. 1810 F846 F FRENCH Fen^lox, F. de S. de la M. L'education des filles. 1848 F848 Fl FouKxiER, fioouAKD. Le theatre fran^ais au XVIe. et au XVIIe. siecle. 2v. . F842 Fl Gautier, Theophile. Les grotesques. 1853 F841 G GiRARDix, Saixt-Marc. Cours de lit- terature dramatique. 5v. 1868 . . • F842 G GiRARDix, Mme. E. de. Lady Tartuffe. 1753 F842 Gl Hugo, V. M., Vicomte. La legende des siccles. 1873 F8-11 H Les contemplations. 2v. 1872 F841 HI Les voix interieures. 1873 FS-ll H2 Litterature etphilosophie melees. 2 v. 1868 F.S48 H Odes et ballades. 1873 F841 H3 RuyBlas. 1879 F842 H4 KxAPP, W. I., ed. Modern French read- ings. 1885 F848K Laboulaye, E. R. L. Paris en Amerique. 1890 F847 L La Foxtaixe, Jeax de. Contes et nou- velles F841 L Fables F841 LI La Villemarque, T. C. H. H. de. Le grand mystere de Jesus. 1866 F842 L Le Bas, Mme. A. E. Confessions d'une cantatrice. 1885 F846 L Les grammairiens fran9ais. 1874 F840 L2 Lesclide, Richard. I'aris a I'eau-forte. 1870-75. 4v F840L LoMOX, Charles. Jean Dacier. 1877.. F842 LI Mal'rv, L. F. a. L'ancienne aeaderaie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. 1864 F806 M Mbrijiee, Prosper. Lettres a une in- connue. 2v. 1883 F848 M Mes fantaisies. 1770 F841 M MoLiERE, J. B. P. (Euvres completes. 3v. 1873 F842 M MoKTAiGNE, M. E. DE. Essais. 2v. 1868 F844 M Nadald, Gcstave. Chansons a dire. 1887 F841 N Narrey, Ch., et Dreyfus, A. Chez elle. 1886 F842 N Pascal, Blaise. Pensees in F848 C Pellissier, Georges. La langue fran- 9aise. 1866 F840 P Mouvement litteraire au XlXe. siecle. 1893 F804 P Pierron, p. a. Histoire de la litterature grecque. 1863 F880 P Histoire de la litterature romaine. 1867 F870 P Rabelais, Fuaxcois- (Euvres. 2v. 1870 F847 R Racixe, Jeax. Giuvres completes. 4v. 1811 F842R WORKS. 453 Racixe, Jeax. Theatre. 1892 F842 Rl Rexax, J. E. Melanges d'histoire et de voyages. 1878 F844 R Revoil, Bexedict-Hexry-. Memoires du Baron de Crac. 1875 F847 R RoLLix, Charles. De la maniere d'en- seigner et etudier les belles-lettres. V. 2. 1740 F800R Saixt-Victor, Paul de. Deux masques. 1880 F882 S Sauveur, Lambert. Causeries avec mes eleves. 1875 F848 S Scribe, A. E. CEuvres completes. 7t. 1875 F842 S Scot, A. Nouveau recueil. 1792 F848 S Sevigxe, M. de R. (C), Marquise de. Lettres choisis F846 S Recueil des lettres a Madame la Com- tessede Grignan, safiUe. 8v. 1774. F846 SI Shakespeare, William. Comme il vous plaira. 1856 F822 S SouvESTRE, l^^MiLE. Theatre de la jeu- nesse. 1860 F842 S Taixe, H. a. Essai sur Tite-Live. 1860. F878 T Histoire de la litterature anglaise. 5v. 1892 F820 T Nouveaux essais de critique et d'his- toire. 1866 F8-i4 T Vacquerie, Auguste. Profils et grimaces. 1856 F842 V ViLLEMAix, A. F. Cours de litterature frauQaise. 1871 F840 V Voltaire, F. M. A. de. La Henriade. 1862 F841 V (Euvres completes. 46v. 1869 F842 VI Waxostrocht, N. Recueil choisi de traits historiques et de contes mor- aux. 1825 F848 W TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Barthelemy, J. J. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece. 7v. I860.. F914.9 B Berlepsch, E.milie vox. Nouveau guide en Suisse. 1868 F914.9 Bl Beule, C. E. L'acropole d'Athenes. 1862 F913B Beule, M. Le drame du Vesuve. 1872. F914.5 B Bourget, Paul. Sensations dTtalie. 1891 F914.5B1 Chateaubriaxd, F. R. de. Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem. 2v. 1846.. F914 C Claretie, Jules. La vie a Paris. 4v. 1884 F914.4C Debay, Auguste. Les nuits Corinthiennes ; ou, l»s soirees de lais. 1879 F914.9 D Dictionnaire geographique, historique, et politique de la Suisse. 1775 F914.9 Dl FouRXEL, Victor. Les spectacles popu- laires et les artistes des rues. 1863. F914.4 F 464 FRENCH WORKS. FuLCHiRON, J. C. Voyage dans Tltalie meridionale. 4v. 1843..^ F914.5 F Gautier, Theophile. Constantinople. 1891 F914.9 G L'Orient. 2v. 1893 : F910 G Voyage en Espagne. 1890 F914.6 G Voyage en Italie. 1892 F914.5 G Voyage en Eussie F914.7 G Guernsey. Les iles Fortunees. 2v. 1869 F914.6 Gl Hubner, ie^«ro?iDE. Promenade autour dumonde. 2v. 1873 F910 H Lamartine, a. M. L. p. de. Souvenirs, impressions, pensees, et paysages, pendant un voyage en Orient. 4v. 1835 F915.6 L Latour, Antoine de. Valence et Valla- dolid. 1877 F914.6 L Mangin, Arthur. Voyages et decou- vertes outre-mer an XlXe. siecle. 1863 F910M Peigne, M. a. Dictionnaire, topo- graphique, statisque, et postal de la France. 1860 F914 P Portalis, A. E. £tats-unis. 1869 F917.3 P STAiJL-HOLSTEIN, AnNE L. G. (N.), Baronne de. De I'Allemagne. 1866 F914.3S Taine, H. a. Voyage aux Pyrenees. 1872 F914.4 T TissoT, Victor. Les Prussiens en Alle- magne suite du voyage au pays des milliards. 1876 F914.3 T TscHUDi, Frederic de. Le monde des Alpes. 1870 F914.9 T Voyage en Suisse F914.9 V HISTORY. Artaud de Montor, a. F. C. Histoire du Pape Pie VIII. 1846 F945 A BoucHOT, Auguste. Histoire du Portugal et de ses colonies. 1854 F94G B Carlier, Auguste. Histoire du peuple americain. 2v. 1864 F973 C Champollion-Figeag, J. J. figypte anci- enne. 1869 F932 C Chronique de la Pucelle. 1859 F944 C Crevier, J. B. Histoire des empereurs romains depuis Auguste jusquVi Constantin. 6v. 1756 F937 C DuRUT, Victor. Histoire de France. 2v. 1893 F944 D £douard, Bryan. Histoire civile etcom- merciale des colonies anglaises dans les Indes Occidentales. 1801 F972 E Ferland, J. B. A. Cours d'histoire du Canada. 1534-1663. 1861 F971 F Guillemin, J. J. Histoire ancienne de rOrient. 1872 F930 G GuizoT, F. P. G. Histoire de la civilisa- tion en Europe. 1866 F940 G Hugo, V. M. , \j,comte. Histoire d'un crime. 1877 F944 H Imbert de Saint-Amand. Les beaux jours de Marie Antoinette. 1885. . . F944 I Labitte, Charles, ed. Satyre menippee de lavertu du Catholicon d'Espagne, et de la tenue des etats de Paris. 1874 F944 L Lavallee, T. S. Histoire de Paris. 2 v. . 1857 F944 LI Lelevel, Joachim. Histoire de Pologne. 1844 F943 L Martens, Charles de, et Cussy, Ferdi- nand DE. Recueil manuel et pra- tique de traites, conventions et autres actes diplomatiques. 1760. 1846. F944 M Martner, C. Guerre Carliste. 1876. . . . F944 Ml Masselin, Jehan. Journal des etats gcneraux de France. 1835 F944 M2 Montesquieu, C de S., Baron de. Grandeur et decadence des Romains. 1872 F937 M Myrand, Ernest. Sir "William Phips devant Quebec. 1690. 1893 F971 M Pauw, Cornelis van. Recherches phil- osophiques sur les Americains. 3v. 970 P Recherches philosophiques sur les igyptiens et les Chinois. 2v F932 P Recherches jjliilosophiques sur les Grecs. 2v F938 P Pfister, J. C. Histoire d'Allemagne. llv. 1838 F943P Pradt, a. D. D. Des colonies et de la revolution actuelle de I'Amerique. 1817 F973 P L'Europe et I'Amerique en 1821. 2v.. F940 P Rambaud, Alfred. Histoire de la civili- sation en France i F944 R Histoire de la civilisation Franipaise. 2v. 1893 F944 Rl Histoire de la revolution Francpaise. 1789-99. 1892 F944 R2 Remusat, Charles, Comte de. L'Angle- terre au dix-huitieme siecle. 2 v. 1856... F942 R RiANCEY, H. L. C. DE, et C. L. C. de. Histoire du monde. lOv. 1870. • • • F909 R EocHELLE, M. R. de. £tats-unis d'Amer- ique. 1837 F973 R Simon, S., Due. Memoires ; sur la regne de Louis XIV. 3v. 1788 F944 SI Sullt:, M. de B., Due de. Memoires. 8v. 1778 F944S2 Taine, H. A. Notes sur TAngleterre. 1872 F942T Thierry, A. S. D. Histoire de la Gaule sous la domination Romaine. 2v. 1871 F944 T FRENCH WORKS. 456 TlIIKKKY, A. S. D. Histoire des Gaulois. 2v. 1863 •. ¥944X1 Recits de I'histoire Romaine au Ve. sit'cle. 1867 F937 T Tableau de I'empire Romaixi. 1868.. F937 Tl Thierry, J. N. A. Dix ans d'etudes his- toriques ¥942 Tl Essai sur I'histoire de la formation et des progros du tiers etat. 1871 F944 T2 Histoire de la conquete de I'Angle- terre par les Normands. 4v. 1867. F942 T2 Lettres sur I'histoire de France ¥944 T3 Thiers, M. J. L. A. Histoire de la revo- lution fran9aise. 8v F944 T4 Histoire du consulat et de I'empire. lOv. 1864 F944 T5 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de Charles XII., roi de Suede. 2v. 1772 1^944 V COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY. Biographies des musiciens celebres. 1873. F92 B Faguet, £milie. Dix-huitieme siecle : etudes litteraires. 1894 F92 F Dix-neuvieme siecle : etudes littur- aires. 1894 F92 Fl Dix-septiemo siecle : etudes litteraires. 1894 F92 F2 FiGUiER, Louis. Vies des savants illus- tres du XVIIIe. siecle. 1870 F92 F3 Vies des savants illustres : savants de I'antiquite. 1866 F92 F4 Imbert DE Saint-Amand, a. L., Baron. Cour de Louis XIV. 1891 F92 I Cour de Louis XV. 1892 F92 II Merimee, Prosper. Les Cosaques d'au- trefois. 1865 F92 M Michel, F. X. Memoires de Jean, sire de Joinville ; ou, histoire et chronique du tres-chretien roi Saint Louis. 1867 F92 Ml Remtjsat, Charles de, Cornie. L'Angle- terre aux dix-huitieme siecle. 2v. 1856 F92 R Saint-Beuve, C. a. La grande made- moiselle : La Bruyere in F848 C Vapereau, Gustave. Dictionnaire uni- versel des contemporains. 1870. . . *F92 V INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Abrantes, Mme. la Dnchesseo'. Memoires. 16v. 1834 F9 A BouiLLY, J. N. Mes recapitulations. 3v. F9 Bl Cerutti, Angelo. Vita. 2v. 1846 F9 C Consalvi, Ercole. Memoires. 2v. 1866. F9 C2 FouQuiERES, L. B. DE. Aspasie de Milet. 1872 F9 A3 Girault, a. N. Vie de George Washing- ton. 1841 F9 Wl HoussAYE, Hexri. Histoirc d'Apelles. 1868 Levallois, Jules. Corneille inconnu. 1876 Marquessac, Le Vicomte de. Vie de Godefroi de Damas. 1'851 Metternich-Winneburg, C. "W. N. L., Prince von. Memoires, documents, et ecrits divers. 2v. 1880 MicHELET, Jules. Jeanne d'Arc. 1863. PniLiBERT, M. A. Aristote ; morale a Nicomaque. 1881 QuERBEUF, P. Essai historique sur la personne et les ecrits de Fenelon. 1810 Re.musat, C. E. J. DE, Comtesse. Me- moires. 3v. 1880 Saixte-Elme, Ida. La contemporaine en f:gypte. 6v. 1831 Tabaraud, M. M. Histoire de Pierre de Berulle. 2v. 1817 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de Charles XII., roi de Suede. 1889 . . Witt, Cornelis de. Histoire de Wash- ington. 1884 F9 Al F9 C3 F9 D F9 M F9 J F9 A2 F9 F F9 R F9 S F9 B F9 CI F9 W FICTION. About, E. F. V. Germaine. 1884 F843 A Les roi des montagnes. 1892 F843 Al Roman d'un brave homme. 1893. . . . F843 A2 Aciiard, L. a. E. Noir et blanc 1875.. F843 A3 Ambaloges, Louis d'. Assunta. 1884-. F843 A4 Andersen, H. C. Contes ; traduits du Danois par Soldi. 1886 F843 Ao Arexe, Paul. Jean-des-Figues. 1870.. F843 A6 Audebrand, Piiilibert. La dot volee. . . FS43 A7 Balzac, Honore de. Eugenie Grandet. 1891 F843 B Le cure de village. 1891 F843 Bl Baxville, T. F. de. Madame Robert. 1887 F843 B2 Bapaume, a. Cceur de lionne. 1878... F843 B3 Bassaxville, a. L., Comtesse de. La vengeance d'une morte. 1870 FS43 B4 Baudelaire, Charles. Adventures d'Ar- thur Gordon Pyin. 1870 F843 B5 Bexigne, Ange. La cote d'Adam. 1886. F843 B6 Berthet, E. B. L'oeil de diamant. 1873. F843 B7 Blain, :fiMiLE. Gourgandines. 1888 F843 B8 Blaxc, M. T. (D.) (Th. Bentzon). Con- stance. 1891 F843 B9 Miss Jane. 1882 F843 BIO Boutique, Alexaxdre. Mai mariee. 1884 F843 Bll Brossard, Mme. Pierre. Sabine. 1882. F843 B12 Cadol, V. E. Sonaltesse. 1883 F843 C Mademoiselle. 1887 F843 CI Chateaubriand, F. R. de. Atala. 1893. F843 2C 456 FRENCH WORKS. Chateaubriand, F. E. de. Le dernier Abencerage. 1893 in F843 C2 Chekbuliez, Victor. L'idee de Jean Teterol. 1890 F843 C3 Chevassas, Adolphe. La jolie comtesse. 1880 r843 C4 Claretie, J. A. A. La Mansarde r843 Co CoLLAS, Louis. Haine de femme. 1883. r843 CG CoLOMBiER, M. T. Les raomoires de Sarah Barnum r843 C7 Conscience, Henri. Le demon du jeu. 1887 F843 C8 Les heures du soir. 1860 F843 C9 Daudet, Alphonse. Contes du lundi. 1892 F843 D La Belle-Nivernaise F843 Dl Les rois en exil. 1879 F843 D2 Lettres de men moulin. 1890 F843 D3 Davye, Louis. Les enfants de la balle. 1883 F843 D4 13, Rue Magloire. 1885 F843 D5 Debans, Camille. La eabanette. 1884. F843 D6 Deleon, L'abbe (M. L'abbe * * *). Le jesuite. 2y. 1865 F843 D7 Delpit, Albert. Theresine. 1888 F843 D8 Diguet, Charles. Trois femmes mar- tyres. 1879 F843 D9 Dostoyefsky, F. M. L'idiot F843 DIO Dudevant, il/?ne. A. L. A. (D.) (George Sand). Consuelo. 3v. 1891 F843 Dll La famille de Germandre. 1890 F843 D12 La mare au diable. 1892 F843 D13 Maitres sonneurs. 1869 F843 D14 Dumas, Alexandre. La tulipe noire F843 D15 Les trois mousquetaires. 2v. 1892.. F843 DIG DuRAND, 3Ime. A. M. C. H. (F.) {Henry Greville) . Dosia. 1883 F843 D17 Folle avoine. 1884 F843 D18 La Princesse Ogberof . 1880 F843 D 19 Le Comte Xavier. 1886 F843 D20 Le moulin frappier. 1881 FS43 D21 Le voeu de Nadia. 1883 F843 D22 Les degres de rechelle. 1881 F843 D23 Les Koumiassine. 1881 F843 D24 L'ingenue. 1884 F843 D25 Perdue F843 D2G Rose Rozier. 1882 F843 D27 Une trahison. 1883 F843 D28 Violon russe. 1880 F843 D29 Enault, Louis. Histoire d'une femme. 1882 F843 E Erckmann, Emile, et Chatrian, Alex- andre. Le Banni F843 El fivoDiE. Homme d'honneur. 1873 F843 E2 Fabre, Ferdinand. L'Abbe Tigrane, candidate a la Papaute. 1893 F843 F Flaubert, Gustave. Bonvard et Pecu- chet. 1881 F843 Fl Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Les adven- tures de Telemaque. 1823 F843 F2 Feuillet, Octave. Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre. 1894 F843 F3 Feval, Paul. La fiUe du juif-errant. 1878. . - F843 F4 Le volontaire. 1887 F843 F5 Fob, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. 1854. . F843 F6 FoETUNio. La vierge de Belem. 1884.. F843 F7 Galland, Antoine. Les mille et une nuits contes Arabes. 3v F843 G Gallet, Louis. Sardh Blondel F843 Gl Gautier, Theophile. Spirite, nouvelle f antastique. 1893 F843 G2 Genlis, S. F. D. de S., Comtesse, Le siege de la Rochelle F8143 G3 Gennevraye, A. L'Ombra. 1892 F843 G4 Gerard, Andre. Envers et contre tout. 1883 F843 G5 GoNcouKT, E. L. A. H. de, et J. A. H. DE. Germinie Lacerteux. 1889... F843 G6 Renee Mauperin. 1890 F843 G7 Gontciiarov, Ivan. Simple histoire. 1887 F843 G8 Gozlan, Leon. Le baril de poudre d'or. 1860 F843 G9 Hal^vy, Ludovic. L'Abbe Constantin. 1893 F843 H Hugo, V. M., Vicomte de. Notre-dame de Paris. 3v F843 HI Karr, J. B. A. Promenade des Anglais. 1874 F843 K Lafontaine, a. H. J. Elise. 1809 F843 L Lamaetine, Alphonse de. Graziella. 1892 F843 LI Le Sage, A. R. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. 1865 F843 L2 Lesueur, Daniel. Le mariage de Ga- brielle. 1882 F843 L3 Malot, Hector. Sans famille. 2v, 1894 F843 M Marivaux, p. C. de C. La vie de Mari- anne F843 Ml Marmontel, J. F. Les incas. 1843 F843 M2 Maupassant, Guy de. Mont-Oriol. 1887. F843 M3 Mendes, Catulle. Les boudoirs de verre. 1888 F843 M4 Merimj^e, Prosper. Colomba. 1893 F843 M5 La Venus d'llle. . 1893 in F843 M5 Les ames du purgatoire. 1893 in F843 M5 Mery, Joseph. Le chateau vert. 1859.. F843 M6 Montepin, X. A. DE. La batarde. 2v. 1891 F843 M7 Un drame a la Salpetriere. 2v. 1882. r843 M8 Ohnet, Georges. Maitre de forges. 1892 F843 O Nemrod et cie. 1892 F843 01 Ouietnon. 1882 F843 02 PoE, E. A. Histoires extraordinaires. 1878 F843 P Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires. 1877 F843 PI BOOKS FOR THE BLIND. 45r Pressens^, Mile. E. (D.) Rosa F843 P2 Prevost d'Exiles, a. F. Histoire de Manon Lescault F8-t3 P3 Rabussox, IIexry. Bon gar^on. 1892 . . FS-tS R Dans le monde. 1883 F843 Rl Le roman d'un fataliste. 1885 F843 R2 Racot, Adolphe. La maitresse invisible. 1882 F843 R3 Rey, Henry. La Comtesse Hedwige. 1878 F843 R4 Rey'baud, Mme. Charles. Mise Brun. 1859 F843R5 Robert, A. H. C. Wolf le loup. 1875. . F843 R6 Saint-Germain, J. T. Mignon. 1871... F843 S Saint, Pierre, Bernardin de. Paul et Virginie. 1869 F843 Si Sandeau, L. S. J. Madeleine F843 S2 Mademoiselle de la Seigliere. 1883.. F843 S3 Sacs et parchemins. 1880 F843 S4 Un heritage. 1852 " F843 S5 Mariana. 1852 in F843 So Saukiere, Paul. L'heritage d'Olga. F843 S6 Staijl-Holstein, Anne L. G. (N.), Baronne de. Corinne, ou I'ltalie. 2v. 1836 F843 S7 Theuriet, Andre. Le filleul d'un mar- quis. 1878 F843 T Les enchantements de la forSt. 1885. F843 Tl Toute seule. 1880 in F843 F4 TiiiBAULT, A.F. (Anatole France) . Crime de Sj^lvestre Bonnard. 1893 F843 T2 Livre de mon ami. 1892 F843 T3 Thierry', J. N. A. Recits des temps Merovingiens. 2v F843 T4 Uchard, Mario. Antoinette, ma cousine. 1891 F843 U La buveuse de perles. 1882 F843 Ul Mon oncle Barbassou. 1884 F843 U2 Vast-Ricouard. La sirene F843 V Vautier, George. La grove des ferames. F843 VI Verne, Jules. Tour du monde er quatre- vingts jours F843 V2 Viaud, Julien {Pierre Loti') . Pecheur d'islande. 1894 F843 V4 ViGNY, A. v., Comte de. Cinq-mars. 1869 F843 V3 WoDziNSKi, ic Co'rti^e. Aniela. 1876... F843 W Zola, £mile. Page d'amour. 1893 F843 Z and others. Les soirees de Medan. 1890 F843 Z 1 BOOKS FOR THE BLIND FICTION AND LITERATURE. AxcoTT, Louisa M. Little women. 3v. 1890 tj A112.8 Anagnos, 3frs. J. R. (H.), tr. Stray chords. 1890 1811 AlO Anagnos, Michael, comp. Fairy-book. 1882 ti Anl.l Anderson, H. C. Stories and tales. 1882. tAn2.4 Arabian nights entertainments. 1880 fArl Bryant, W. C. SeUa, and other poems. 1882 tSU B20 Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy. 1889 tj B93.7 By'ron, G. G. N., Lord. Poetry; selected and arranged by Matthew Arnold. 1884 t821 B40 Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, Sarah C Cross, Mrs. M. A. (E.) L. (George Eliot). Janet's repentance. 1891 tC885.9 Silas Marner. 1882 tC885.8 Dickens, Charles. Christmas carol ; with extracts from the Pickwick papers. 1881 tD55.5 David Copperfield. 5v. 1886 tD55.8 Eliot, George, pseud. See Cross, Mrs. M. A. (E.) L. Emerson, R. W. Essays, v. 1. 1885.. t814 El EwiNG, Mrs. J. H. Story of a short life. 1888 tj Ew5.9 Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. 1881 tG572.1 Hale,E. E. Man without a country. 1891. tH13.25 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Scarlet letter. 2v. 1885 tH316.8 Tanglewood tales. 2v. 1881 +j H316.il Holmes, O. W. Selections from his poetical works. 1885 +811 H23 Kingsley", Charles. Heroes ; or, Greek fairytales. 1885 tj K61.8 Lodge, H. C, comp. Twelve popular tales. 1887 tj L822.1 Longfellow, H. W. Evangeline, and other poems. 1881 tSll L34 Song of Hiawatha. 1888 • - • • • t81 1 L35 Lowell, J. R. Vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems. 1881 t811 L33 Lytton, E. G. E. L. Bulwer, Baron. Last days of Pompeii. 3v. 1884.. tL994.11 Macaulay, T. B., Lord. Essays on Mil- ton and Hastings. 1891 tS24M22 458 BOOKS FOR THE BLIND. Milton, John. Paradise lost. 2v. 1879. t821 M28 Paradise regained. 1892 t821 M29 Pope, Alexander. Essay on man, and other poems. 1880 t821 P12 KiCHAKDS, Mrs. L. E. Captain January, and other short stories. 1892 fj R39.1 EiGGS, 3Irs. K. D. W. {Kate D. Wiggin). Story of Patsey. 1889 fJ ^44.5 KusKiN, John. Sesame and lilies. 1892. t82-l R6 Scott, Sir Waltek. Xiay of the last min- strel, and other poems. 1884 t821 S24 Talisman. 2v. 1886 tSco82.2o Quentin Durward. 2v. 1885 tSco82.20 Sewell, Anna. Black beauty. 1892 tSe8.1 Shakespeare, William. Play of King Henry the Fifth. 1886 t822.3 S14 Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. 1885.. t822.3 S30 Spyri, 3Ime. Johanna. Heidi. 2v. 1885. fj Sp9.2 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. Idylls of the king. 1892 t821 TU In memoriam; Enoch Arden, and other poems. 1881 t821 T12 Whittier, J. G. Snow-bound, and other poems. 1881 t811 W29 Tent on the beach, and other poems. 2v. 1891 tSllW28 Wiggin, Kate D. See Riggs, J/rs. K. D. W. WooLSEY, Sarah C. {Susan Coolidge'). What Katie did. 1885 fj W883.ll Wordsworth, William. Selections from his poetical works. 1891 t821 WIO OTHER WORKS. Anagnos, Mrs. J. R. (H.), tr. Brief ac- count of the most celebrated dia- monds. 1880 t553 A Anagnos, Michael, comp. Biographical sketches f92 Anl Bennett, Della, and Newton, Cora A., comp. Life and her children. 1884 tj 590 B5 Bible. New Testament. 3v t225 B Book of common prayer. 1888 1264 B FiSKE, John. Washington and his coun- try. 3v. 1888 t973 F5 .Freeman, E. A. History of Europe. 1890 t940 F2 Geographical reader. 1882 1910 G7 Higginson, T. W. Young folks' history . of the United Stittes. 1881 fj 973 H7 Howe, 3Irs. J. (W.) Memoir of Dr. S. G.Howe. 1877 t9 H83 Howe, S. G., comp. Collection of hymns for the blind. 1885 1245 HI Huxley, T. H. Science primers. 1880 t504 H7 Martineau, Harriet. Peasant and the prince. 1890 tJ 944 M16 Newton, Cora A., joint comp. See Ben- nett, Delia. PouLssoN, Emilie, comp . Ninety Bible stories in Bible language. 1884 fj 220 P5 ScHMiTZ, Leonard. History of Greece. 1885 t938 S2 History of Rome. 1883 t937 S3 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Selections from his writings. 1872 t289 Slo Wentworth, G. a. Problems from a grammar school arithmetic. 1887 511 W CORRECTIONS IN CALL NUMBERS. Page 9. Darryll gap. Townsend Read 9. Demigod. Jackson *' 9. Democracy. King " 17. Hester Strong's life work. Southworth " 22. Lenox Dare. Townsend " 39. Insert Terrible secret. Fleming 41. InseH True under trial. Palmer 77. La Ram^. Bimbi 89. Robinson, Jane. Gold worshipers 89. Russell, W. C. Mystery of the "Ocean Star." 98. Warner, C. D. Little journey in the world 114. Johnson, Samuel. Life; by Main. 1874 227. Taine. Notes on Paris 409. Insert Sadler, Thomas, ed. Diary and correspondence of H. C Robinson. 2v T665.8, not T665.1 J121.1, not J12.1 Ko84.1, not K583.1 So82.1, not So84.1 T665.9, not T665.1 F621.20. j P183.1. j L32.3, not j K32.3 R566.2, not Ro56.2 j R915.7, not j R815.7 W242.3, not ■W252.3. 9 J634, not 8 J634 914.4 T4, not 914.2 Tl 9 R56. UCSB LIBRARY fy^' ^^Q^. ^xT -^S? J^i^^>ijWS&ife "WfS^m,, ^nVl^^Sff > ?^ -tl i«orl^!. ^ <^^ ^^ WWp^ m;^'r< ^P^ ^r^M ' 7.9^ fi.