THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LEGENDS IN VERSE, /•r3s?-. '; The Barber of Avignon.— Pu^e 201. LEGENDS IN VERSE; HUMOROUS, SERIOUS, SARCASTIC, SENTIMENTAL, AND SUPERNATURAL. BY ALFRED W. COLE, Aulkov of " The World in Light and Shade," " The Cape ami l.ks Kaffirs," etc., etc. ILLUSTRATED BY HARVEY. Iievare diris peetora solicitudiuibus. — Hobacb. Take our pood meaning; for our judgment sifn Five times in tbat ei'e once in our live wits. — Shakstisrb. LONDON: J.VMES BLACKWOOD, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1855. PR TO ALBERT SMITH, ESQ., THE STTCCESSFITL MAN OF LETTERS, THK POPULAR FAVOURITE, AND, ABOVE ALT,, THE VALUED FRIEND OF ALL WnO KNOW HIM, THE A U T H O 11 INSCRIBES Cfjis Uolunu. ju.^'-^ CONTENTS. PREFACE . . . . . THE GHOST OF THE BLACK FEIAR THE AEAB MAIDEN . . • COEI'OBAL ROOEUS'S TABS THE SPIRIT OF THE OCEAN THE dandy's DEEAM THE CHURCHYARD BRIDE . " IT IS OTJE OPENING DAY." THE COBBLEE OF TOLEDO . THE LAST MAN (iN TOWN) THE BAEON OF HOHENSTEIN AN EPISODE IN THE LIFE OF MR. TTGOS THE BARBEE OF AVIGNON PAGB. . ii . 1 . 20 . 43 . 62 . 81 . 09 . 117 . 131 . 152 . 165 . 186 , 201 Till COKTENTS. PAOK THE GOLD-SEEKER 219 THE HEIRESS OF RHUDDEAN 232 THE BALL-ROOM CONQUEST 252 THE MAIDEN OF EADSTOCK TALE 267 THE CZAR AND THE SULTAN 288 KALAFAT AND SINOPE 307 THE " LATEST INTELLIGENCE" 323 PREFACE. " Good wine needs no bush," And a Preface wont push A bad book into notice — a good one can't need it- But the Publisher hints, That whatever lie prints Has always a Preface, though no one may read it. So the Author complies, As he audibly sighs, And resignedly turns up the whites of his eyes ; In the ink his pen dives At the task as he strives — Needs must when unpleasant necessity drives. X PREFACE. Dear reader, kind reader, good, generous, gentle, (As m>/ reader d' you doubt How soon 1 found out That you've every perfection, corporeal and mental?) "When first you shall chance On this volume to glance, Don 't toss it aside with a " pooh-pooh," but try it — Just read it, or risk three and sixpence and iwy ii. Having purchased the book you've a right to abuse it. If your temper, youx taste, or your judgment so choose it. The Legends mayn't suit you, you mayn't understand 'em Mayn't like them — de gustibus non disptitandum — But, don't be severe ; don't abuse them for lacking The brilliance of Homer, or Warren's jet blacking. Don't sneer at the author, but take this momento — In no single line he has ever put pen to Is he aiming High Art or Poetical glory at, Or has the least thought of supplanting the Laureat. PSEFACE. XI If he can't make you smile, If he cannot beguile Dull care from her place at your elbow awhile — Then he has missed his aim, And does hereby proclaim That henceforth he will never attempt any Legends — No never — till even Sebastopol's siege ends. He cannot use language that's clearer or stronger, Or fix on a date that were probably longer. And so with this vow, He makes you his bow — His Prologue is spoken in accents uncertain, The prompter's bell rings — and up rises the curtain. A. W. C. London, July, 1855. LEGENDS IN VEESE. THE GHOST OE THE BLACK FRIAR. ^ Ecgcnt) of