BANCROFT-WHITNEY CO. GUARANTEED LAW BOORS SAN FRANCISCO ROCHESTER., N.Y. LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA WELCOMES THE WORLD TO SAN FRANCISCO LAW BOOK. The Keynote in the use of judicial precedents was sounded in this country with the publication of the American Decisions and Ameri- can Reports, the first volumes of which appeared almost forty years ago. The selected case idea placed within the reach of a large number of lawyers the most valuable decisions of all the courts of last resort throughout the Nation, and enabled the courts of each State to know more fully what had been de- cided in other States. The annotated case idea showed the relation of one case to another and has done much to promote uniformity, har- monize the law throughout the country and to prevent possible discord from the growth of local peculiarities. These ideas are embodied in the "great four" sets of American Case Law, known as "Quadrinity," comprised as follows: American Decisions, 1760-1869 American Reports, 1869-1886 American State Reports, 1886-1911 American Annotated Cases (Cited Ann. Cas. 1912 A et seq.) Unity, coherence, good judgment in selection, clearness and accuracy of statement, careful and exhaustive annotation, and excellence of workmanship have, from the first, placed this series beyond the reach of successful competition. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. <£fodou? Jr. *$&* /f/£ U HonOUf S a lease for lives to come and cannot tenant, "'tis a chattle not to be forfeited in battle. ' A Grateful Acknowlegment To an Honorable Profession On April 18, 1906, the date of the great fire, the legal fra- ternity of this country was indebted to us in a sum in excess of $200,000. The fire destroyed all of our books of accounts. The lawyers of San Francisco having lost their entire libra- ries were absolved of their indebtedness to us, amounting to about $30,000.00. This left an amount due from outside lawyers of from $170,000.00 to $175,000.00. Having no lists of patrons we sent a circular letter to the lawyers named in Martindale's Legal Directory, advising them of our loss and asking for information as to their in- debtedness to us. The responses to this circular were so prompt and so gratifying that we think the legal profession should know that of this total indebtedness, of say $175,000.00, nearly $150,000.00 has already been reported to us, and we are receiving advices every day from parties who had not pre- viously answered our circular asking about their indebtedness. It is but right to say that some of the San Francisco attorneys declined to accept the cancellation of their accounts and have paid same. Let it be known to the world that the legal pro- fession is made up of men of the highest honor. BANCROFT-WHITNEY CO. SAN FRANCI S*C O t % C ALIFORNIA JANUARY, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SEVEN Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation EXPOSITION" CATALOG OF LAW BOOKS MARCH 1912. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. To the Legal Profession. This catalog is presented as a convenient reference and ready guide-list to modern law literature. PART ONE Is devoted -exclusively to the publications of the Bancroft- Whitney Company. PART TWO Contains a list of standard, essential law books for West- ern States, arranged alphabetically by States. PART THREE Lists text books and selected cases which, in our judgment, may be considered standard, modern treatises on the various subjects they cover, same being arranged alphabetically by authors. PART FOUR Is a topically arranged index to standard, modern text and selected cases. PART FIVE Covers Miscellaneous Reports, Digests, etc. We make special prices and terms on bills of books. Send us a list of your wants, state whether you will pay cash or desire time, and we will try to meet your wishes. Books which are starred [*] are net and are not subject to discount. Single copies of any of the books named — except those double starred thus ** — will be sent, postage or expressage prepaid, at the prices quoted, if the cash accompanies the order. To the prices of double starred books should be added twen- ty-five cents per volume for delivery. Remittances should be made by draft on San Francisco, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Chicago, or by postal or express money orders. Personal checks cost ten cents each for collection. Please add that amount to your checks. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. Contents Preliminary Announcements Pages 1-14 Part One Law Publications of Bancroft - Whitney Company — A. Text Books Pages 15-26 B. Reports, Digests, Statutes, etc. . . Pages 27-44 Part Two Law Books for Western States, arranged alphabetically by States Pages 45-88 Part Three Leading Text Books and Selected Cases, arranged by authors Pages 89-130 Part Four Leading Text Books and Selected Cases, arranged by subjects Pages 131-226 Part Five Miscellaneous Reports, Digests, etc., includ- ing Federal, Reporter System, American Digest System, Selected Annotated Series, etc Pages 227-232 A TRULY Great Lawyer i S one of the -*- ^- highest products of civilization. He is a master of the science of human experience. He sells his clients the results of that experience, and is thus the merchant of wisdom. The labors of many generations of legislators and judges enrich his stores. His learning is sufficient to enable him to realize the comparative littleness of all human achievements. He has outlived the ambition of display before courts and juries. He loves justice, law and peace. He has learned to bear criticism without irritation, censure without anger,and calumny without retaliation. He has learned how surely all schemes of evil bring disaster to those who support them, and that the granite shaft of a noble reputation cannot be destroyed by the poisoned breath of slander. A great lawyer will not do a mean thing for money. He hates vice, and delights to stand forth a conquering champion of virtue. The good opinions of the just are precious in his esteem, but neither love of friends nor fear of foes can swerve him from the path of duty. He esteems his office of coun- selor as higher than political place or scholastic distinction. He detests unnecessary litigation, and delights in averting danger, and restoring peace by wise counsel and skilful plans. The good works of the counsel-room are sweeter to him than the glories of the forum. He proves that honesty is the best policy and that peace pays both lawyer and client better than controversy. In a legal contest, he will give his client the benefit of the best presentation of whatever points of fact or of law may be in his power, but he will neither pervert the law, nor falsify the facts to defeat an adversary. The motto of his battle-flag is: "Fidelity to the law and the facts— semper fidelis." — C. C. BONNEY. ABRAHAM CLARK FREEMAN Editor-in-Chief of the American Decisions and American State Reports. "If Mr. Freeman will open a school to teach the makers of law books how to do their work, we will recommend more than one high dignitary to go to it and sit at his feet." — American Law Review. "Big Guns" Pacific Coast Reports (Extra Annotated) Win Legal Battles Pacific Coast Reports, Official Edition Extra Annotated Regular Price California Reports 1-63 $189.00 Idaho Reports 1 5.00 Montana Reports 1-3 15.00 Nevada Reports 1-16 48.00 Oregon Reports 1-10 50.00 Washington (Terr.) Reports 1 4.00 Total 94 $311.00 We now offer these 94 volumes, Extra Annotated, at the special subscription price of $211.50, freight prepaid, and on liberal terms of payment. Also Regular Price New Mexico Reports 1-2 $12.00 Colorado Reports 1-6 30.00 Utah Reports 1-2 12.00 Wyoming Reports 1-2 11.00 These 12 volumes, Extra Annotated, down to date, offered with the above 94 volumes, making a total of 106 volumes for $238.50. Also Kansas Reports, Annotated (not Extra Annotated) 1-29 Special 58.00 This is an extraordinary opportunity to secure all the vol- umes of the sets covered by the Pacific Reporter up to the beginning of the same, at a very low price and with annota- tions at no extra cost. The lawyer who already has one or more of the above sets, or for any other reason, does not wish to buy at this time all the books named above, may pur- chase sets singly or in combination at correspondingly low prices. Ask for quotations. Send us your "Wants" We will furnish or secure for you any book named herein. Do you wish to buy, sell or exchange text-books, Re- ports, Reporters, statutes or periodicals, new or second hand? We will make it worth the effort Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Sectional Cases We are agents for Macey Sectional Bookcases THE VERY BEST Embracing all the approved features of a modern bookcase. ALL STYLES PRICES RIGHT Special illustrated and descriptive catalogue mailed on request Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CaL Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. A Lawyer's Capital Consists of his Education, his Reputation and his Library The successful Lawyer spares no pains to strengthen and increase this capital, for in this way he adds to his efficiency and insures his profits. He is continually broadening his Education, building up his Reputation, and keeping his Library abreast of the times. A Law Library out of date is about as useless as last year's Calendar Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Name Labels for Books 3n01813Svl IjtV Ready gummed. Made of genuine leather and printed with best gold leaf. Bancroft- Whitney Company (exact size) Will outlast the binding of any law book. Not af- fected by moisture, change of climate or age. PRICES 100 $2.50 400 $5.50 200 3.50 500 6.50 300 4.50 1000 10.00 Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. A new Extra Annotated Edition of American Decisions and Reports The 25,155 LEADING AMERICAN CASES decided between 1760 and 1887 and contained in the 160 vol- umes of American Decisions and Reports, now reprint- ed with all the original annotated matter and the addi- tion of about 24,000 pages of Extra Annotation. PUBLICATION IN INSTALMENTS The volumes will be shipped in groups or instalments of 20 volumes, at intervals of from 2^4 to A l / 2 months. It is ex- pected the work will be completed about December, 1912. TWO EDITIONS There are two editions: the single volume or regular edi- tion and the 2-in-l edition. The latter is not in any way a cheaper edition. BINDING Both editions are bound in the same high grade of tan colored Buckram. PRICE The price is fixed at the remarkably low figure of $2.75 per volume, delivered, for the single volume edition and $2.50 per volume (or $5.00 per 2 volume book), delivered, for the sub- scription edition. Full particulars and terms on application. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Rush Do you want what you want when you want it? Wire us your order. We will rush, rush, RUSH the books to you. If you are unknown to us and do not send the price, time may be saved by saying "C. O. D." Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Never read borrowed bool^s: to be without books of your own is the abyss of penury. Dont endure it. RUSK IN BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 15 PART ONE. LAW PUBLICATIONS OF BANCROFT- WHITNEY CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. A. TEXT-BOOKS. Black on Judgments. — A treatise on the Law of Judgments, including the Doctrine of Ees Judicata. By Harry Campbell Black. 1902. 2d ed. 2 vols. Sheep net $12 00 Cowdery's New Book of Forms; being Legal Forms and Precedents for Court Proceedings and Busi- ness Transactions, elaborately annotated. Espe- cially adapted to the Codes and Statutes of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. (This is a new and enlarged edition of Cowdery's Forms and Precedents, and con- tains sixteen hundred Forms, over six hundred of which are entirely new.) By Jabez F. Cow- dery. 1906. 1 vol. Buckram net 6 00 A standard Pacific Coast form-book. Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — Selected Cases on Water Rights and Irrigation Law in California and Western States. By Gavin W. Craig. 1910. 1 vol. Buckram net 3 00 Following the collected case idea that has been so universally adopted by law schools throughout the coun- try, Professor Craig has here brought together in one compact volume the 47 most important cases on this 16 TEXT-BOOKS. LAW PUBLICATIONS OF— timely subject. As the cases selected are intended for use by those who desire a knowledge of the Law of Water Rights as it exists in the Pacific and some of the semi-arid states of the West, the latest decisions of the courts of these states are presented rather than English, eastern, or older western cases. Devlin's Treaty-Making Power. — The Treaty Power under the constitution of the United States. Commentaries on the Treaty Clauses of the Constitution; Construction of Treaties; Extent of Treaty-Making Power; Conflict between Treaties and Acts of Congress; State Constitu- tions and Statutes; International Extradition; Acquisition of Territory; Ambassadors ; Natural- ization and Expatriation; Responsibility of the Government for Mob Violence, and Claims against Governments. With appendices. By Robert T. Devlin. 1908. 1 vol. Sheep net $ 6 00 This work is intended not only for the lawyer, but also for the student of history and the general reader. It contains much historical information of American diplomacy of deep interest to the American citizen both at home and abroad. For instance: Mafia Riots, Japa- nese School Controversy, Tariff Acts, Parliamentary Pro- cedure, Chinese Exclusion, Aliens, Diplomatic Relations, Naturalization and Expatriation, Claims of Citizens Against Governments, Treaties in Force. Special atten- tion is given to the law relative to International Extradi- tion. Estee's Pleadings. — Pleadings, Practice and Forms, adapted to Actions and Special Proceedings under Codes of Civil Procedure. By Morris M. Estee. 4th ed. Revised and enlarged by Charles T.Boone. 1898. 3 vols. Sheep 18 00 Freeman on Executions. — A Treatise on the Law of Executions in Civil Cases, and of proceedings in aid and restraint thereof. By Abraham Clark Freeman. 3d ed. 1900. 3 vols. Sheep 18 00 Freeman on Judgments. — Out of print. Gray's Limitations of the Taxing Power. — Limita- tions of the Taxing Power, including Limita- tions upon Public Indebtedness. A Treatise upon the Constitutional Law Governing Taxa- BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 17 tion and the Incurrence of Public Debt in the United States, in the several States and in the Territories. By James M. Gray. 1906. 1 vol. Sheep net $ 6 50 A complete treatise on the whole "body of constitutional law, Federal and State, governing the subject of Public Finance. The most valuable work in existence upon which to base discussions of such timely subjects as Federal Corporation Taxes, Income Taxes, and the ques- tion of direct and indirect taxation. The limitations of the power of states and municipalities to contract debts are treated more fully than in any of the numerous works on municipal corporations. Harlow on Sheriffs and Constables. — Duties of Sheriffs and Constables. Particularly under the practice in California and the Pacific States and Territories. With practical Forms for official use. By W. S. Harlow. 3d ed. Revised. 1907. 1 vol. Buckram net 6 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — A Treatise on New Trial and Appeal. By Robert Y. Hayne, of the San Francisco Bar. Revised and Re-edited by J. R. Pringle, of the San Francisco Bar, and W. H. Hyatt, of the Los Angeles Bar. 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Presenting and illustrating the laws and rules of practice in California, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. Houk's Written Instruments in Texas. — The Authen- tication, Acknowledgment and Proof of Written Instruments under the various laws which have been in force in Texas from her earliest history to the present time. By R. W. Houk. 2d ed. 1908. 1 vol. Buckram net 5 50 Jones on Evidence. — The law of Evidence in Civil Cases. By Burr W. Jones. 1908. 2d ed. 1 vol. Buckram net 6 50 Same, Pocket Size. 1911. Thin paper; 8 inches high, 5 inches wide, 1% inches thick. Flexible Leather net 6 50 The two forms are the same edition; one for the office library, one of convenient size to be used in the court- room. Pomeroy's Equity has been cited more times by the courts today than any other text-book on any subject Out of thousands of letters of endorsement received for this great work, we submit a few that are especially worthy of attention. "Among the three greatest, if not the greatest, of law books in the English language." — Chief Justice McClellan, of Alabama "A monument which will endure as long as our present system of law is studied." — Chancellor Stevenson, of New Jersey. "That high intelligence in the application of principles of con- fused conditions." — Hon Elihu Root, Secretary of State of the United States. "Has exerted directly a greater influence upon our jurispru- dence than any other single treatise." — Prof. H. B. Hutchins, Dean of the University of Michigan Law School "Difficult to overestimate its importance and influence. One of the few masterpieces of our legal literature." — Harvard Law Review, April, 1906. Bancroft-Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 19 An essentially practical book — not for the research shelves, not a student's text-book, but a volume for con- stant everyday use by the busy lawyer. Mr. Jones has given clear and concise treatment to perplexing questions. Among other chapters, those on judgments, presumptions, burden of proof, best evidence, parol evidence and res gestae have been especially com- mended by lawyers who have tested them in practice. Lawson on Defenses to Crime. — Defenses to Crime. The Adjudged Cases in the American and English Reports wherein the different defenses to crime are contained. With Notes. 1887-1892. By John D. Lawson. 6 vols. Sheep 18 00 These six volumes contain a great deal of material that is still of the utmost importance and not to be found elsewhere. The original price of $36.00 has been cut in half to close out the edition. The main divisions are Self-defense, Insanity and Drunkenness, Disabilities and Nonliability, Crimes against the Public, Crimes against the Persons and Property of Individuals. Lindley on Mines. — New Edition for early publica- tion. National Bank Cases. — Containing all decisions of both the Federal and State courts, relating to National Banks. 1864-1889, with Notes and References by Isaac Grant Thompson and Irving Browne. 3 vols. Sheep 12 00 Page's California Street Laws. — A Treatise on the General Street Laws of California. Embracing all Statutes up to and including the Acts of 1911, the Provisions of all Municipal Charters, and all Decisions affecting Street Laws, as well as all Rules governing Street Work done under Private Contract. Including about 100 up-to-date Forms and a Complete Index and Table of Cases. Full text of the Statutes given in the Appendix. By E. S. Page. 1911. 1 vol. Buckram net 7 50 Pomeroy's Equity. — A Treatise on Equity Jurispru- dence as administered in the United States of America; adapted for all the States, and to the union of legal and equitable remedies under the reformed procedure. By John Norton Pomeroy, LL. D. Third edition by John Norton Pomeroy, What have you to say? T X /'HERE a surety bound himself to make good a de- ficiency arising from a sale of goods consigned to the correspondent of the creditor who had entire control of the consignment, does a sale by the consignee at another place than that agreed on release the surety ? What? Better see Ludlow v. Simond. Pamphlet on "Surety- ship" containing this leading case, supplemented by a note discussing all the State and Federal cases which have cited Ludlow v. Simond during 105 years is yours on request. May we send it to you ? Ban croft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 21 Jr., A. M., LL. B. 1905. 4 vols. Sheep or buckram. A treatise on Equitable Remedies, supple- mentary to Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence (Inter- pleader, Keceivers, Injunctions, Eeformation and Cancellation, Partition, Quieting Title, Specific Performance, Creditors' Suits, Subrogation, Ac- counting, etc.). By John Norton Pomeroy, Jr., A. M., LL. B. 1905. 2 vols. Sheep or buck- ram. Sold only in complete sets. 6 vols net $36 00 Of the merits of Prof. Pomeroy's original work it is superfluous to speak. The repeated declarations of the highest critics that in importance and influence it is the "greatest American law book," are thoroughly estab- lished by the facts. An examination of the current re- ports shows it to be the most frequently cited text-book on any subject, at the present day and for several years past. Pomeroy's Equity . — Student's Edition. A treatise on Equity Jurisprudence as administered in the United States of America; adapted for all the States and to the union of legal and equitable remedies under the reformed procedure. By John Norton Pomeroy, Jr., A. M., LL. B. 1907. 1 vol. Buckram net 6 00 Rose's Code of Federal Procedure. — A Code of Federal Procedure. (Superseding Desty's Fed- eral Procedure.) Embodying enactments of Congress, Constitutional Provisions, Established Principles, and Court Eules in force December 1, 1906, and the Bankruptcy Act of 1898, with amendments and orders, together with a collec- tion of Forms and Precedents. By Walter Malins Eose. 1907. 3 vols. Buckram net 18 00 A large part of the difficulty of federal practice arises from the diverse and unrelated sources where the law must be sought. This code collects in one harmonious arrangement all the diverse rules and provisions which, taken together, make the law of federal procedure. Rose's Notes on the XT. S. Reports. — Showing the present authority of each case in the U. S. Supreme Court Reports as disclosed by the subse- Skinner's Washington Law for Notaries Public / volume Price, $3.50 delivered 35w> Twenty-ninth Session 1891 Thirtieth Session 1893 Thirty -first Session 1895 Thirty-second Session 1897 Thirty-third Session 1899 Thirty-fourth Session, 1901, and Extra Session 1900 Thirty-fifth Session 1903 Thirty-sixth Session 1905 Thirty-seventh Session, 1907, and Extra Session . . . 1906 Thirty-eighth Session, 1909, and Extra Session. . .1907 Thirty-ninth Session, 1911, and Extra Session 1910 56 LAW BOOKS FOR WESTERN STATES. Amendments to Codes not published with the Session Laws: — Amendments of Twentieth Session, 1873-74. Amendments of Twenty-first Session, 1875-76. Amendments of Twenty-second Session, 1877-78. Amendments of Twenty-third Session, 1880. Since 1880 the Amendments to the Codes have been pub- lished with the Session Laws, :e edition of the C Civil Code, 1 vol. Code of Civil Procedure, 1 vol. Penal Code, 1 vol. Political Code, 2 vols. General Statutes continued in force, 1873. 1 vol. Prices and terms of the Session Laws and State Publica- tions furnished on request. Index to the Laws of California. — 1850-1907. In- cluding the Statutes, the Codes, and the Con- stitution of 1879, with amendments. By John F. Davis. 1908. 1vol. Buckram $4 40 Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court and District Courts of Appeal of Califor- nia, and of the Superior and Justice Courts of San Francisco. 1907. Paper 100 Reports of the Constitutional Convention of 1879. 3 vols 15 00 Church's San Francisco Charter. — Annotated. 1907 ... 500 Together with pamphlet supplement containing all amendments in effect to and including February 17, 1911. The Following Text-Books are Especially Adapted to Practice in California. Bloom's Law of Mechanics' Liens and Building Con- tracts.— 1908. Sheep or Buckram 7 CO Supplement. 1912. Buckram 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — An absolutely ' new and up-to-date form book, prepared for law- yers and business men in the Pacific Coast and Western States. Contains many new forms and corrects and improves old forms. 1911. 1 vol. Buckram net 7 50 BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 57 Church's New Probate Law and Practice. — 1909. 2 vols. Sheep or Buckram $ 13 00 Cowdery's New Book of Forms. — Being Legal Forms and Precedents for Court Proceedings and Busi- ness Transactions, elaborately annotated. Es- pecially adapted to California and other Code States. This is a new and enlarged edition of Cowdery's Forms and Precedents, and contains sixteen hundred forms, over six hundred of which are entirely new. 1906. Buckram net 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — Selected cases on Water Rights and Irrigation Law in California and Western States. For use of students. Forty-seven leading cases on this increasingly important subject. 1910. Buckram net 3 00 Harlow on Sheriffs and Constables. — Showing the duties of Sheriffs and Constables under the practice in California and the Pacific States and Territories. With practical forms for official use. Eevised. 1907. Buckram net 6 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram .net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice, Annotated. — For use in all Code States and Terri- tories. All forms have been edited in the light of the decisions in order that the whole body of code pleading may be placed before the pro- fession in a clear, compact and authoritative manner. 2 vols. 1911. Buckram net 13 50 Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. Sheep or buckram 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Page's California Street Laws. — Embracing all Stat- utes up to and including the Act of 1911, the provisions of all municipal charters, and all deci- sions affecting street laws, as well as all rules governing street work done under private con- tract. Including about 100 up-to-date forms, and a complete Index and Table of Cases. Full text of the Statutes given in the Appendix. 1911. 1 vol. Buckram net 7 50 1 4 An Absolutely New and Up-to-date Form Book Prepared Exclu- sively for the Pacific Coast and the Western States CHURCH'S FORMS gT LAW AND BUSINESS For use in Alaska Kansas Oklahoma Arizona Montana Oregon California Nebraska South Dakota Colorado Nevada Utah Hawaii New Mexico "Washington Idaho North Dakota Wyoming By W. S. Church if the San Francisco Bar cAuthor if "Treatise on Habeas Corpus," "cAnnotated Charter if San Francisco" "New Probate Law and Practice," Etc. One Large Volume. 1911. 1250 Pages Containing 1803 Forms Bound in Buckram Price $7.50 Delivered BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 59 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — A treatise on Wills, Succession, Administration and Guardian- ship, with Forms. Adapted to practice in Cali- fornia and other commonwealths having similar probate procedure. Including a supplement con- taining recent decisions and changes to October, 1909. 2 vols. Buckram net $13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice. — Superseding and surpassing all other works on Code Pleading. Containing 1900 forms in a new and convenient arrangement. Adapted to practice in California and all Code States. 1910. 4 vols. Buckram.. net 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights. — A Treatise and General Pres- entation of Case Law, Statute Law, and Forms, Relating to the Law of the Use of Waters for Irrigation, Domestic Use, Water-power, Mining, and General Supply in Alaska, Arizona, Califor- nia, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 3d ed. 1911. Two Large Volumes in Approved Law Buckram. Price, net, delivered 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application. Write for terms. Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice Annotated For use in all Code States and Territories. Two large volumes. Bound in buckram. Price, $13.50 delivered. Sutherland's Treatise on Code Pleading and Practice Also containing nineteen hundred forms. For use in all Code States and Territories. Four volumes, 1910. Bound only in buckram. Price, $26.00 delivered. Church's Forms of Law and Business One large volume. Bound in buckram. Price, $7.50 delivered. Cowdery's New Book of Forms One large volume. Bound in buckram. Price, $6.00 delivered. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 61 COLORADO. Reports.— 1864-1911. 50 vols. Appellate Reports.— 1891-1902. 20 vols. Mills' Digest.— (1-33 Supreme; 1-20 Appellate.) 1906. 3 vols. Annotated Statutes. — Mills' Edition. 1910. 2 vols. $15.00. Annotated Codes and Statutes. — Edited by Morrison and De Sota. 1910. 5 vols. $30.00. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including Colorado Reports 1-6, Extra Annotated. See pages 49-51. Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol. . 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes. — 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice.— 1910. 4 vols.... 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application. Write for terms. ISAAC N. SULLIVAN, Chief Justice GEO. H. STEWART JAMES g>tate nf dlimhn BOISE December 20, 1910. Bancroft-Whitney Co., 200 McAllister St., San Francisco, Cal. Dear Sirs: I have had a set of American State Reports in my work room practically ever since I have been a member of the Supreme Court of this State, and I have found them of great value in my work in examining cases and preparing opinions. I seldom write a case but that I have occasion to examine notes in some volume of this set of Reports. The notes to these Reports afford a valuable aid to the busy judge in finding cases, either in point or the most nearly parallel to the one under considera- tion. They are decidedly a great time-saver. Very respectfully yours, J. F. AILSH1E. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMB ANY. 63 HAWAII. Reports.— 1846-1909. 19 vols. Eding's Digest.— (1-14.) 1903. 1 vol. Estee's District Court Reports.— 1904-1907. 2 vols. Hawaiian U. S. District Court Reports.— 1911. 1 vol. Revised Laws. — 1905. 1 vol. Session Laws.— 1905 (not in Revised Laws); 1907: 1909: 1911. Annexation Act. — In U. S. Statutes at Large. Vol. XXX, page 750. Constitution of Hawaii. — In Hawaiian Reports, Vol. IX. Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol $ 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol. . 7 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice. — 1910. 4 vols. . . 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will he furnished on application. Write for terms. A FINAL REVISION REWRITTEN TO STAND AS THE PERMANENT EDITION OF THE WORK WATER RIGHTS IN THE WESTERN STATES 3d ed. 1911 2 vols. Buckram. 15.00. By Samuel C. Wiel, of the San Francisco Bar 64 LAW BOOKS FOB WESTEBN STATES. IDAHO. Reports.— 1866-1911. 19 vols. Digest.— (1-13.) By J. F. Ailshie and E. F. Snow. 1908. 1 vol. $8.00. Revised Code.— 1907. 2 vols. $12.00.** Session Laws.— 1909 and 1911. Vol. each, $4.50. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including Idaho Reports, Vol. 1, Extra Anno- tated. See pages 49-51. Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol $ 7 5t) Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol. . 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original- plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice.— 1910. 4 vols.... 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 65 KANSAS. Reports.— 1862-1910. 84 vols. Appellate Reports. — 1895-1001. 10 vols. Digest.— (1-77 Supreme; 1-10 Appellate.) 1909-10. 5 vols. General Statutes. — 1909. 1 vol. or 2 vols. Session Laws. — 1911. 1 vol. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including Kansas Reports, 1-29. See pages 49-51. Burdick's New Trial and Appeal. — (Kan. and Okl.) 1907. 1 vol $ 6 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol. . 7 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice. — 1910. 4 vols... 26 00 Where prices are not given, they will he furnished on application. Write for terms. CHURCH'S FORMS OF LAW AND BUSINESS 1911. 1 vol. 7.50. o TTELD by the Court of Ap- ■*■■* peals of Georgia: it is of course unnecessary for us to add that no an- notator surpasses Judge Abraham Clark Free- man in ability, and we regard his notes to the cases just as persuasive as we would the opin- ion of any court by whose judgments we were not bound as precedents." Relied on by highest competent authority. Can you afford not to use the American De- cisions, American Reports and American State Reports? Sample pages, price, easy terms, and full particulars on request. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCE0FT-WB1TNEY COMPANY. 67 MONTANA. Reports.— 1868-1911. 42 vols. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. $15.00. Vols. 4-7 and 33-42. Prices on request. Vols. 8-32. Temporarily out of print. Mapes' Digest.— (1-32.) 1907. 1 vol. $7.50. Codes and Statutes. — 1908. 2 vols. $12.00.** Session Laws. — 1909. 1 vol. $4.50. Session Laws. — 1911. 1 vol. $4.00. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including Montana Reports 1-3, Extra Anno- tated. See pages 49-51. Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol $ 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol'. 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol. . 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice.— 1910. 4 vols 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 68 LAW BOOKS FOR WE ST BUN STATES. NEBRASKA. Reports.— 1854-1910. 88 vols. Unofficial Reports.— 1901-1905. 5 vols. Brody's Digest.— (1-80.) 1910. 3 vols. Compiled Statutes. — 1911. 1 vol. Cobbey's Annotated Statutes. — 1909. 1 vol. or 2 vols. Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol..$ 7 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice. — 1910. 4 vols... 26 00 Where prices are not given, they will he furnished on application. Write for terms. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY C0MPA1S Y. 69 NEVADA. Reports.— 1865-1911. 32 vols. Volumes 1-16. Extra Annotated. Exact facsimile of original single-volume edition. With Notes or Annota- tions bound in with each volume. 16 vols. 1911. $48.00. Volumes 17-date. Write for prices. Notes. — Showing the present value as authority of the de- cisions in volumes 1-30 Nevada Reports. 1 vol. 1912. Digest.— (1-32.) 1912. The above two works, Nevada Notes and Nevada Digest, bound together in one volume. Compiled Laws. — 1911. In preparation. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including Nevada Reports, 1-16, Extra Anno- tated. See pages 49-51. Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. lvol $ 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol. . 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols.. . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Your Attention, please — ' I v HE Proper Judgment in Scire Facias is that the plaintiff have execution of the judgment described in the writ. But supposing — a judgment that the original judg- ment be revived and stand in full force and effect as of the date of the rendition thereof, and that the plaintiff have execution against the defendant for such judg- ment, together with the costs of the original action, and this action, is such judgment improper in form? — "for I yet not understand the case myself — " Cymbelme, Act II, Scene III. To remove all doubts, we will send with our best wishes, if you desire, an exhaustive monographic note by Abra- ham Clark Freeman, entitled "Scire Facias," and con- taining a full report of the leading case of Bank of Eau Claire v. Reed, 122 Am. St. Rep. 66. Send for it TODAY Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCEOFT-WEITNEY COMPANY. 71 Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol $ 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice. — 1910. 4 vols 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application. Write for terms. WATER RIGHTS IN THE WESTERN STATES By Samuel C. Wiel, of the San Francisco Bar Part I. First Principles. Part II. California and Colorado Doctrines. Part III. The Law of Prior Appropriation. Part IV. The Common Law of Riparian Rights. Part V. The Law of Underground Water. Part VI. Administration and Determination of Rights. Part VII. Distribution of Water. (Corporations Selling Water Rights.) Part VIII. Statutes. Part IX. Forms. 1911. 2 vols,— 15 00 What members of the California Supreme Court think of Hayne's New Trial and Appeal : "I am glad to learn that there is to be a new edition of Hayne on New Trial and Appeal. I have always found that work the only satisfactory treatise." *rL><--e>— **J> "I am delighted to hear that a new edition of the late Robert Y. Hayne's treatise on New Trial and Appeal is in course of preparation." "Judge Hayne's work on New Trial and Appeal has long ranked as one of the very best text books at the command of the profession. It has been almost indispensable to the lawyer practicing in California or in any of the Western Code States. The author's treatment of his subject is scholarly, thorough and exact." is A^t_-^ BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 73 NEW MEXICO. Reports.— 1852-1910. 14 vols. Derden's Digest.— (1-14.) 1910. $10.00. Compiled Laws. — 1898. 1 vol. Session Laws. — 1899-1909. 6 vols. No session 1911. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including New Mexico Reports 1-2, Extra Anno- tated. See pages 49-51. Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol $ 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol. . 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice.— 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols. . 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice.— 1910. 4 vols 26 00 Whittier, A. G. — Annotated Constitution and Enabling Act of New Mexico. 1911. Buckram 3 50* Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application. Write for terms. 74 LAW BOOKS FOR WESTERN STATES. NORTH DAKOTA. Dakota Territory Reports.— 1867-1889. 6 vols. North Dakota Reports.— 1889-1911. 20 vols. Hill's Digest.— (Dak. Ter., N. Dak., and S. Dak.) 1903. 1 vol 10 00 Hill's Digest Supplement.— 1911. 1 vol $ 10.00 Revised Code. — 1905. 1 vol. Session Laws. — 1907, 1909, 1911. Church's Forms of Law and Business.— 1911. 1 vol.. .$ 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice.— 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms.— 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 1 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice.— 1910. 4 vols 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application, Write for terms. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. OKLAHOMA. Indian Territory Reports. — 1896-1907. 6 vols. Oklahoma Reports. — 1890-1911. 26 vols. Oklahoma Criminal Reports. — 1909-1911. 4 vols. Oklahoma and Indian Territory Digest. — 1908. 2 vols. Wilson's Annotated Statutes. — 1901. 2 vols. Session Laws.— 1903, 1905, 1907-08, 1909, 1911. Annotated Constitution. — 1908. 1 vol. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — See pages 49-51. Bledsoe's Indian Land Laws. — 1909. 1 vol $ 6 00 Burdick's New Trial and Appeal. — (Kan. and Okla.) 1907. 1 vol 6 00 Honnold's Oklahoma Justice Practice. — 1908. 1 vol.. . 6 30 Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol. . 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol.. 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Ee vised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice.— 1910. 4 vols.... 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application. Write for terms. H. H. MONTGOMERY J. P. O'MEARA MONTGOMERY & O'MEARA ATTORNEYS AT LAW BARTLESVILLE, OKLA. July 14, 1910. Mr. Willard M. Richart, Southwestern Agent Bancroft-Whitney Co., Columbus, Kansas. Dear Sir: — Some time ago I purchased from your company through you the American Decisions and American Reports, Extra Anno- tated. I have had occasion to examine some of the cases and notes pretty fully in some recent brief work. I am par- ticularly impressed with exhaustiveness and accuracy of the Extra Annotations. As an example of this, I had a question of suretyship and found the old case of Ludlow v. Simond (2 Caines' Cases, 1 N. Y.), 2 Am. Dec. Extra Annotated, 291. The note in this case simply covered the whole ground and left no other field to be explored. I have found some more of the notes equally as full, but this particular case impressed me because I needed it very much and needed an exhaustive investigation in a hurry. I am very much pleased with the books. Very truly, J. P. O'MEARA. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. OREGON. Reports.— 1853-1911. 56 vols. Volumes 1-10. 1853-1882 $ 35 00 A number of volumes are out of print. Write for prices and terms on those that can be supplied. Montague's Digest.— (1-43.) 1905. 1 vol 11 00 Digest Supplement.— (44-54.) 1910. 1 vol 7 50 Complete Digest: the above two vols, in one order 17 00 Annotated Codes and Statutes. — 1910. 3 vols. Session Laws. — 1911. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including Oregon Reports 1-10, Extra Annotated. See pages 49-51. Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol. . 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice. — 1910. 4 vols 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 LAW BOOKS FOR WESTERN STATES. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Reports.— 1898-1910. 17 vols. Laws and Resolutions. — Passed by the U. S. Philippine Com- mission. 1900-1901. Public Laws. — Annotated Edition. (Covering Acts of the Philippine Commission, 1901-1907.) 6 vols. For books of practice, see California, pages 48-60. Where prices are not given they will he furnished on application. Write for terms. SUTHERLAND'S TREATISE ON CODE PLEADING AND PRACTICE Also containing NINETEEN HUNDRED FORMS. 4 vols. 1910— $26 00 />'. I X CROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. SOUTH DAKOTA. Dakota Territory Reports.— 1867-1889. 6 vols. South Dakota Reports. — 1890-1911. 25 vols. Hill's Digest.— (Dak. Ter., N. Dak., and S. Dak.) 1903. 1 vol $ 10 00 Hill's Digest Supplement.— 1911. 1 vol $ 10 00 Compiled Laws. — 1910. 2 vols. Session Laws. — 1911. 1 vol. Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol.. .$ 7 50 Church's Prohate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Bevised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice.— 1910. 4 vols 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application. Write for terms. Notes on Texas Reports NEW ENLARGED EDITION 1910-1911 Six Volumes Law Sheep Price, $45.00 Delivered OVER 150,000 CITATIONS of Texas cases are given in these Notes. EVERY CASE ANALYZED in Vols. 1-101 Texas Supreme Court Reports, Vols. 1-58 Texas Criminal Reports, Vols. 1-51 Texas Civil Appeals Reports, that has been subsequently cited by later Texas decisions or by decisions of other States. THE JUDICIAL HISTORY of all of the decisions of all of the courts of Texas as interpreted by all of the courts of the United States, both State and Federal. THIS SYSTEM OF ANNOTATION is recognized as an indispensable adjunct to reported cases. EASY TERMS if desired. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 81 TEXAS. Dallam's Decisions. — 1840-1844. 1 vol. Supreme Court Reports. — 1846-1911. 102 vols. Criminal Appeals Reports. — 1876-1911. 59 vols. Civil Appeals Cases.— (White and Willson.) 1876-1892. 4 vols. Civil Appeals Reports. — 1892-1911. 55 vols. Posey's Unreported Cases. — 1879-1884. 2 vols. Rose's Notes on Texas Reports. — Second Edition, 1910, Revised to date by C. L. Thompson. Notes on Texas Reports shows the exact status of the Texas case under consideration, in the light of all subse- quent decisions of all courts, both State and Fed- eral, from the date of its rendition down to the period of this sentence. References to the elabo- rate notes in the American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and Lawyers' Reports Annotated. The annotations in these series form a complete set of briefs on all points of law and represent an expense of over $500,000 for editorial work. 6 vols. . Sheep $ 45 00 Sayles' Civil Statutes. — 1897. 2 vols, and Supplements to 1910 ' 24 00 Willson's Criminal Statutes. — 1896. 1 vol. and Sup- plements to 1910 7 00 White's Code of Criminal Procedure.— 1907. 1 vol 6 00 White's Penal Code.— 1910. 2 vols 12 00 Buckler's Digest (Civil). — (1-91 Supreme; 1-16 Civil Appeals.) 2 vols. 1900 25 00 Buckler's Criminal Digest. — (1-46 Criminal Appeals.) 1907. 2 vols 12 00 Peticolas' Criminal Digest. — 1895 and Supplement to 1901 6 00 Houk's Written Instruments in Texas The Authentication, Acknowledgment and Proof of Written Instruments under the various laws which have been in force in Texas from her Earliest History to the Present Time By RUSSELL WHITELAW HOUK of the Houston Bar Second Edition. 1908. One volume. Buckram. Price, $5.50 delivered. Enables you to ascertain in a few moments whether a certificate of acknowledgment is sufficient under the law in force at the time the acknowledgment was taken BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 83 Reese's Digest. — (92-101 Supreme; 16-47 Civil Ap- peals; 41-56 Crim. App.) 3 vols. 1910. Buck- ram 25 00 Encyclopedic Digest (Civil). — (1-102 Supreme; 1-49 Civil Appeals.) 15 vols. Buckram. Per vol.... 7 50 Green's Digest. — 1905. 5 vols. Out of print. Honk's Written Instruments in Texas. — 2d ed. 1908. The Authentication, Acknowledgment and Proof of Written Instruments under the various laws which have been in force in Texas from her Earliest History to the Present Time enables you to ascertain in a few moments whether a certifi- cate of acknowledgment is sufficient under the law in force at the time the acknowledgment was taken. 1 vol 5 50 Passmore's Instructions to Juries in Civil Cases. — 1910. 1 vol 6 00 Speer's Married Women in Texas. — 1901. 1 vol 6 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application. Write for terms. A nice family question A RE you thoroughly familiar with the subject of Presumption of Gratuitous Services by Relations? Supposing, for instance, the relationship consists of step- son-in-law and stepmother-in-law. Would this relation- ship be considered too remote to create the presumption that services rendered were gratuitous? Would the rule requiring stricter proof of a contract between them than in ordinary cases apply? Keep peace in the family. See monographic note on this subject following the case of Hardimaris Administrator v. Crick, 133 Am. St. Rep. 248. This note is specially serviceable to country practi- tioners, who are frequently called upon to advise on the subject. It is in the country that children and depen- dents more frequently remain with their parents or rela- tives on a quasi-wage understanding. We will be pleased to send this note with our com- pliments on request. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCB0FT-WH1TNEY COMPANY. 85 UTAH. Reports.— 1871-1910. 36 vols. Kinney's Digest.— (1-25.) 1903. 1 vol. Compiled Laws. — 1907. 1 vol. Session Laws. — 1909 and 1911. 2 vols. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including Utah Reports 1-2, Extra Annotated. See pages 49-51. Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol $ 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol.. 7 50 Church's Prohate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. — 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice. — 1908-1909. 2 vols • 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice. — 1910. 4vols 2600 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application. Write for terms. 86 LAW BOOKS FOE WESTERN STATES. WASHINGTON. Reports.— 1854-1911. 65 vols $130 00 Territorial Reports. — 1854-1888. 3 vols. Vol. 1, $5.00; Vols. 2 and 3, prices on request. State Reports. — 1889-1911. 62 vols., prices on re- quest. Remington's Digest.— (Ter. 1-3; State 1-43.) 1907. 3 vols ' 27 50 Supplement. 1912. Vols. 44-62. 1 vol 10 50 Remington and Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Stat- utes.— The Official Code. 1910. 2 vols 19 50 Consolidated Index to Codes and Statutes. 1910. 1 vol 2 00 Session Laws. — 1911. 1 vol. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including Washington Territorial Reports, Vol 1, Extra Annotated. See pages 49-51. Adams' Briefs on the Negligence Law of Washing- ton.— 1910. 1 vol 7 50 Skinner's Washington Law for the Notary Public. — 1911. 1 vol 3 50 Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol.. 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. lvol 3 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice.— 1911. 2 vols 13 o0 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure.— 1908. lvol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice.— 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice.— 1910. 4 vols.. . . 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 BANCU0FT-WH1TNEY COMPANY. 87 WYOMING. Reports.— 1870-1910. 18 vols. Digest.— (1-16.) 1909. 1 vol. Revised Statutes. — 1910. 1 vol. Session Laws. — 1911. Pacific Coast Reports to the Pacific Reporter, Extra Anno- tated. — Including Wyoming Eeports 1-2, Extra Anno- tated. See pages 49-51. Bloom's Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. — 1910. 1 vol $ 7 50 Supplement. 1912. 1 vol 4 00 Church's Forms of Law and Business. — 1911. 1 vol.. 7 50 Church's Probate Law and Practice. — 1908. 2 vols. . . 13 00 Cowdery's Book of Forms. — 1906. 1 vol 6 00 Craig's Cases on Water Rights. — For Students. 1910. 1 vol 3 00 Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. — Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram net 13 50 Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. — 1911. 2 vols 13 50 Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes.— 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 For separate volumes, see California. Martin's Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure.— 1908. 1 vol 7 50 "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Ross on Probate Law and Practice.— 1908-1909. 2 vols 13 00 Sutherland's Pleading and Practice.— 1910. 4 vols.. . . 26 00 Wiel on Water Rights and Irrigation Law. — 3d edition. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 Where prices are not given, they will be furnished on application. Write for terms. What's the answer? OUPPOSING the administrator in possession of an estate allows a window to remain out of repair so that the glass falls into the street, injuring travelers. Is he personally liable therefor? Supposing it is alleged in the complaint that he is ad- ministrator and as such in possession of the property. Will that negative his personal liability? Look it up — look it up. Let us send you with our compliments a pamphlet on ''Administrator's or Executor's Liability to Third Per- sons for Negligence," with the important case of Ban- nigan v. Woodbury, 133 Am. St. Rep. 371, reported in full and supplemented by a scholarly monographic note by Abraham Clark Freeman. After reading this note, with its straight-out mode of dealing with the subject, all doubts as to the nature of the liability should be dispelled. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNET COMPANY. PART THREE. INDEX TO LEADING TEXT-BOOKS AND SE LECTED CASES. ARRANGED BY AUTHORS A Abbott— Brief Making. 2d eel. 1909. Buckram $2 50* Abbott— Cases Code Pleading. 2d ed. 1895 5 00* Abbott — Clerk's Assistant. 3d ed. Birclseye, C. F. 1911. Buckram 7 50* Abbott — Forms of Pleading. 1898. 2 vols 13 00 Abbott — Merchants Ships and Seamen. 14th ed. (English.) 1902. 2 vols. Cloth 20 00* Abbott — Municipal Corporations. 1905. 3 vols 18 00 Same, Supplement. 1911. Buckram 7 50 With set 6 00 Abbott — New Practice and Forms. 2d ed. By Al- den, C. C. 1907. 2 vols 13 00* Abbott — Public Corporations. 1908. Buckram 6 00* Abbott— Select Cases Evidence. 1895 6 00 Abbott—Trial Brief Civil Jury Trials. 3d edition India paper. Buckram or Morocco. Flexible leather 6 00* Abbott— Brief Criminal. 2d ed. 1902 4 50* Abbott— Trial Brief Facts. 2d ed. 1901 4 50* Abbott— Trial Brief on Pleading. 2d ed. 1904. 2 vols 9 00* Abbott— Trial Evidence. 2d ed. 1900 6 50* Adams — Briefs on Negligence Law. (Wash.) 1910. Buckram 7 50* 90 TEXT-BOOKS; INDEX BY AUTHORS . Alderson — Judicial Writs and Process. 1895 6 00 Alderson — Receivers. 1905 6 00* Alger — Promoters of Corporations. 1897. Buckram.. 4 00* Ames — Forgery and its Detection. 1900. Cloth.... 2 50* Anderson — Law Dictionary. 1889 7 50 Andrews — American Law. 2d ed. 1907. 2 vols... 12 00 Anglo-American Essays in Legal History. 1907-09. 3 vols. Cloth 12 00* Anson— Contracts. (Huffcut.) 11th ed. 1906. Cloth. 3 00* Anson — Contracts. 1887. (Knowlton) 3 50* Archer — Ethical Obligations of a Lawyer. 1910. Buckram 3 00* Archer — Law Office and Court Procedure. 1910. Buckram 3 00* Archer — Law of Oil and Gas. 1911. 1 vol. Buck- ram 7 50 Amies— Cases on Motion U. S. Courts. 1887 3 00* Arnould — Marine Insurance. 8th ed. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram. (English) 16 00* Atwell — Federal Criminal Law. 1911 5 00* Australian Ballot System, Wigmore, 2d ed. 1889. Cloth 150* B Babbitt — The Law Applied to Motor Vehicles. 1911. Buckram 6 50* Bacon— Benefit Societies. 3d ed. 1904. 2 vols 12 00 Bailey — Accident and Injury and their Relations to the Nervous System. 1898 6 00* Bailey— Jurisdiction. 1899. 2 vols 12 00* Bailey — Master's Liabilities for Injury to Servants.- 1894 6 00* Bailey — Personal Injuries Relating to Master and Servant. 2d ed. 1912. 3 vols 19 50 Baker — First Steps in International Law. 1899. Cloth 3 50* Baldwin— Railroad Law. 1904. Buckram 6 00* Ballard— Digest of Real Property. 1910. Buckram.. 4 00* Ballard— Law of Real Property. 1909. 13 vols.... 65 00 Bargar— Customs of Riot Duty. 1907. Buckram 3 00* Barnes — Federal Regulation of Interstate Transporta- tion. 1910. Buckram 6 00* Brief Treatises on thousands of topics, see American De- cisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 91 Barr — International Law. 1892. Half calf 10 00* Barringer and Adams — Mines and Mining. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram 13 50* Vol. 2. Separately 750* Barrows — Negligence. 1899 3 75* Bates — Code Pleading, Practice and Forms. 1908. 3 vols. Buckram 18 00 Bates — Federal Equity Procedure. 1901. 2 vols.. 12 00** Bates — Federal Procedure at Law. 1908. 2 vols 12 00* Bates— Partnership. 1888. 2 vols 11 00* Baugli and Sckmeisser — Estate Accounting. 1910. Buckram 4 00* Baylies — Code Pleading and Forms. (N. Y.) 2d ed. 1904 6 00 Baylies — New Trial and Appeal. 2d ed. 1900. (N. Y.) 6 00 Bavlies — Sureties. 1881 5 00 Baylies— Trial Practice. 2d ed. 1900. (N. Y.) . . . 6 50* Beach — Contributory Negligence. 3d ed. By Craw- ford. 1899 6 00* Beach— Equity Practice. 1894. 2 vols 12 00 Beach— Injunctions. 2d ed. By Joyce. 1909. 3 vols. 18 00 Beach— Insurance. 1895. 2 vols 12 00 Beach — Law of Contracts. 1896. 2 vols 12 00 Beach — Modern Equity Jurisprudence. 1892. 2 vols 12 00* Beach — Monopolies and Industrial Trusts. 1898 5 00* Beach — Private Corporations. 2d ed., by Jas. H. Purdy. 1905. 3 vols 18 00 Beach — Public Corporations. 2d ed., by J. W. Smith. 1902. 2 vols 12 00 Beale— Criminal Pleading. 1899. S.S. Cloth 2 50* Beale — Foreign Corporations. 1904. Buckram 6 00 Beale — Hotels, Innkeepers, Theaters. 1906. Buck- ram 6 00 Beale and Wyman — Eailroad Eate Regulation. 1906 6 00 Bell— Principles of Argument. 1910. Cloth 3 25* Benedict— Admiralty. 4th ed. 1910. Canvas 7 50* Benjamin— Chalmer's Bills and Notes. 2d ed. 1889 3 50* Benjamin — Principles of Contracts. 1907. Buck- ram 3 75 Benjamin— Principles of Sales. 2d ed. 1901 3 00* Benjamin— Sales. (Bennett.) 7th ed. 1899 6 00 Bentley — Corporate Finance and Accounting. 1908. Out of print. New edition in preparation. Berry— Automobile Law. 1909. Cloth. 3 00* S. H. HARRIS W. F. WILSON H. E. ELDER JACOB R. SPIELMAN CLAUDE NOWLIN Harris & Wilson ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS SUITE 500-510 MAJESTIC BUILDING OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA June 30th, 1910. Hon. Willard M. Richart, Columbus, Kansas. Dear Sir: — I have now been using the Trinity Series (American De- cisions, American Reports and American State Reports) for about a year, and feel it no less than a duty to advise you that we have found the books highly useful. You will remember that I hesitated about buying these books a long time because we have in the office the National Reporter System complete, as well as all the United States Reports, Fed- eral Reports and, in addition thereto, some thirty-two States up to the Reporter System. Actual use of the Trinity set, however, has convinced me that a larger library of books in the usual form is no excuse for not buying this work as a time and labor saver. They will pay for themselves many times each year in any law office that is handling a large business, even though the same is supplied with all the cases published in the usual form. Yours very truly, S. H. HARRIS. SHH/D- Send for sample pages, prices and terms BANCEOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 93 Best — Common-Law Orders and Forms. 1903 5 00* Best — Evidence. Chamberlayne. 1907 3 50* Biddle— Insurance. 2d ed. 1893. 2 vols 10 00** Biddle— Warranties. 1884 3 00* Bigelow — Bills and Notes. 2d ed. 1900. Buckram . . 3 00* Bigelow — Cases on Bills and Notes. 2d ed. 1905. Buckram 3 50 Bigelow— Elements of Equity. 1879. Cloth 2 50* Bigelow— Elements of Wills. 1898. Cloth, $2.50.* Sheep 3 00* Bigelow — Fraudulent Conveyances. New ed. 1911. Canvas 6 50* Bigelow— Torts. 8th ed. 1907. Buckram 3 00* Birdseye — Abbott's Clerk's Assistant. 3d ed. 1911. Buckram 7 50* Bishop — Code Practice in Personal Actions. 1893. Canvas 4 50* Bishop— Contracts. 3d ed. 1907 6 00* Bishop— Criminal Law. 8th ed. 1892. 2 vols.... 12 00* Bishop — Criminal Procedure. 4th ed. 1895. 2 vols.. 12 00* Bishop — Directions and Forms. 2d ed. 1901 6 00* Bishop — Insolvent Debtors. 3d ed. 1895 6 00* Bishop — Marriage and Divorce. 8th ed. 1891 12 00* Bishop— Non-Contract Law. 1889 6 00* Bishop— Statutory Crimes. 3d ed. 1901 6 00 Bispham — Principles of Equity. 8th ed. 1909. Can- vas 6 00* Black — Constitutional Law. 3d ed. 1910. Buckram.. 3 75* Black— Constitutional Prohibition. 1887 3 50* Black — Construction and Interpretation of Laws. 1911. Buckram 3 75 Black— Dillon on Eemoval of Causes. 1898 4 00* Black— Intoxicating Liquor. 1892 6 00* BLACK— Judgments. 2d ed. 1902. 2 vols 12 00* Black — Law and Practice in Accident Cases. 2d ed. 1900 6 00 Black — Law Dictionary. 2d ed. 1911. Buckram 6 00* Black— Pomeroy on Water Eights. 1893 5 00* Black— Tax Titles. 2d ed. 1893 6 00* Blashfield — Forms of Instructions to Jurors. 1903.. 6 00* Blashfield— Instructions to Juries. 1902 6 00* Bliss— Code Pleading. 3d ed. 1894 6 00* Bliss— Sovereignty. 1885. Cloth 2 00* See Index to Notes of American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. 94 TEXT-BOOKS ; INDEX BY AUTHORS. Bloom — Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts. 1908-1910. Sheep or buckram $ 7 50* Supplement. 1912. 1 vol. Buckram 4 00 Boisot— By-Laws of Corporations. 2d ed. 1902 3 00 Boisot— Mechanics' Liens. 1897 6 00* Boll es— Banking. 1907. 2 vols. Buckram 10 00* Bolles— National Bank Act. 1910. Buckram 5 00* Booth— Street E. E, Law. 2d ed. 1911. Buckram. 6 50 Borland— Wills. 1908. Buckram 3 50 Bouvier — Law Dictionary. 16th ed. (Eawle.) 1897. 2 vols 12 00* Brackett — Theatrical and Amusement Law. 1907. Buckram, $4.00. Sheep 5 00 Bradner— Evidence. 2d ed. 1898 6 00* Brandenburg — Annotated Bankruptcy Act. 1907. Paper 50 Brandenburg — Bankruptcy Digest. 1899 6 50* Brandenburg — Bankruptcy Law and Forms. 3d ed. 1903 6 00* Brandt — Suretyship and Guaranty. 3d ed. 1904. 2 vols 12 00 Brannan — Negotiable Instruments. 2d ed. 1911. Buckram 3 50* Brannon — Eights and Privileges Guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to Constitution of the U. S. 1901. Cloth, $4.50. Sheep 5 00 Brewster — Law of Conveyancing. 1904 5 00 Brewster — Questions and Answers of Blackstone. 1889 3 00 Bronson— Fixtures. 1904 5 00 Broom and Hadley — Commentaries. 1875. 2 vols.. 12 00 Broom— Legal Maxims. 8th ed. 1911. Cloth 8 00* Half-calf 9 00* Broom— Philosophy of Law. 1876. Cloth 150 Brown— Jurisdiction. 2d ed. 1901 6 00* Brown — Law Dictionary. 1875 3 00 Brown — Wit and Humor of Bench and Bar. 1899. Cloth 4 00 Browne — Bailments and Carriers. 1896 3 00* Browne— Blackstone. 1892. Buckram 4 00* Browne— Criminal Law. 1892 2 50 Browne— Domestic Eelations. 2d ed. 1890 2 50* Browne — Jurisprudence of Insanity. 1875 6 00 Browne— Kent. 1894. Buckram 4 00* BROWNE— National Bank Cases. 1878-1890. 3 vols 18 00 Closing out the edition at $12,00. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 95 Browne — Parol Evidence. 1893 5 00 Browne— Sales. 1894. Cloth, $2.00. Sheep 2 50 Browne — Studies in Evidence. 1897 2 00* Browne — Trademarks, with supplement. 1898 7 50* Brvan — Petroleum and Natural Gas (Penn.). 1898. 5 00* Bryant— Code Pleading. S.S. 2d ed. 1899. Cloth.. 2 50* Brvce — American Commonwealth. Abridged ed. " 1906. Cloth 1 75* Bryce — American Commonwealth. New and Eevised ed. 1910. 2 vols. Cloth 4 00* Bryce — Studies in History and Jurisprudence. 1901. Cloth 3 50 Burdick— Partnership. 2d ed. 1906. Cloth, $3.00.* Sheep 3 50* Burdick — Sales of Personal Property. 2d ed. 1901. Buckram 3 00* Burdick— Torts. 2d ed. 1908. Canvas, $3 00.* Sheep 3 50* Burrill — Assignments. 6th ed. 1894 6 00 Burroughs — Taxation. 1883 6 00 Buswell— Insanity. 1885 6 00* Buswell — Limitation of Actions. 1889 6 00 Butler — Treaty-Making Power of the United States. 1902. 2 vols 12 00* Byars— Handbook of Oratory. 1909. Buckram 3 00* Byles— Bills. 8th Am. ed. 1891 6 50 C Calvert — Eegulation of Commerce. 1907. Cloth 3 00* Carney — Promoter's Assistant and Secretary's Manual. 3d ed. 1910. Leather 3 00* Carr — Judicial Interpretation of Tariff Acts. 1894.. 5 50* Carr— The Trial of Lunatics. 1890 2 00* Carson — History of U. S. Supreme Court. 2d ed. 1902. 2 vols. Sheep 8 00 Carter— Jurisdiction of U. S. Courts. 1899 3 50* Carver — Carriage of Goods by Sea. 5th ed. (Eng- lish) 11 00 Cassody— Wills. 1893 3 50* Chalmer — Bills and Notes by Benjamin. 2d ed. 1889 3 50* Chamberlayne — Modern Law of Evidence. 1911. 4 vols. Buckram 28 00* Strike the KEYNOTES to success by using American De- cisions, American Reports American State Reports and American Annotated Cases, Well, then, here's one-- Now be careful T S it necessary, in a guarantee by a third person, to pay the price of a bill of goods, made in writing at. the time of the sale, to express the consideration for the un- dertaking of the promisor ? Before you commit yourself we will advise you that this question has been decided in Leonard v. Vreden- burgh, 5 Am. Dec. 317, (the ruling case). We will take pleasure in sending with our compliments a pamphlet containing this leading case, with an exhaus- tive monographic note by Abraham Clark Freeman, and containing extra annotations showing the growth and development of the law on "essentials to validity of a contract of guaranty." You want this pamphlet. Ask for it. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 97 Chaplin — Suspension Power of Alienation. 1891.. 4 00 Chaplin— Trusts and Powers. N. Y. 1897 6 00* Chaplin— Wills. 1892. Canvas 3 50** Chase— Blackstone. 3d ed. 1890 6 00* Childs — Guaranty and Suretyship. 1907. Buckram. 3 75* Chitty— Blackstone. 1832. 2 vols 7 50 Choate — Addresses and Orations. 1878. Cloth 2 25 Church — Forms of Law and Business. 1911. Buck- ram 7 50* Church — Probate Law. 1908. 2 vols. Sheep or Buck- ram 13 00* Church — San Francisco Charter. 1907. Together with pamphlet supplement containing all amend- ments to and including February 17th, 1911. ... 5 00* Clark — Architect, Owner and Builder before the Law. 2d ed. 1905. Cloth 3 00* Clark— Contracts. 2d ed. 1904 3 75* Clark — Corporations. 2d ed. 1907. Buckram 3 75* Clark— Criminal Law. 2d ed. By F. B. Tiffany. 1902 3 75* Clark— Criminal Procedure. 1895 3 75* Clark— Mineral Law Digest. 1897 7 50* Clark — Street Kailway Accident Law. 1904 5 00 Clark and Marshall— Crimes. 2d ed. 1905 6 00* Clark and Marshall — Private Corporations. 1908. 4 vols 24.00 Supplement, 1908, separately 6 50 Clark and Skyles — Agency. 1905. 2 vols 12 00 Clement — Fire Insurance. 1905. 2 vols 12 00* Clementson — Verdicts and Special Findings. 1905.. 3 75* Clephane — Organization and Management of Busi- ness Corporations. 1905. Buckram 2 50* Clevenger — Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 1898. 2 vols. Buckram, $10.00.* Sheep 12 00* Cobbey— Chattel Mortgages. 1893. 2 vols 10 00* Cobbey— Eeplevin. 2d ed. 1900 6 00* Cochran — Students' Law Lexicon. 2d ed. 1892. 16mo 150* COFFEY — Probate Decisions. 1908-09. 5 vols 25 00 Cogley— Strikes and Lockouts. 1893 4 00* Cohen and Howell — Trade Union Law (English). 1901. Buckram 2 50* Colebrook— Collateral Securities. 2d ed. 1898 6 00* Collier— Bankruptcy. 8th ed. 1910. Buckram 7 50* Constantineau — De Facto Doctrine. 1910. Buck- ram 6 00* 98 TEXT-BOOKS; INDEX BY AVTHOHS. Conyngton — Corporate Management. 3d ed. 1908. Buckram 3 50* Conyngton — Corporate Organization. 1909. Buck- ram 3 00* Conyngton — Partnership Kelations. 1905. Buckram, $2.00.* Sheep 2 50* Cook — Corporations. 6th ed. 1908. 4 vols. Buck- ram 26 00* Cook — Laws of Moses and Code of Hammurabi. 1904. Cloth 2 25 Cooke — Commerce Clause of Federal Constitution. 1908. Canvas 4 50* Cooke — Life and Accident Insurance. 1891 4 00 Cooke — Trade and Labor Combinations. 2d ed. 1909 6 00* Cooley — Blackstone. 4th ed. 1899. 2 vols 9 00* Cooley — Brief Making and the Use of Law Books. 2d ed. 1909. Buckram 2 50* Cooley — Briefs on Insurance. 1905. 5 vols 27 00* Cooley — Constitutional Limitations. 7th ed. by Lane, V. H. 1903 6 00 Cooley — Elements Constitutional Law. 3d ed. 1898. Cloth 2 50* Cooley — Taxation. 3d ed. by Jacobs, A. P. 1903. 2 vols 12 00 Cooley— Torts. 3d ed. 1906. 2 vols 12 00 Cooley— Torts. (Law School Edition.) 1907. Buck- ram 5 00* Cooper — Financing an Enterprise. 3d ed. 1909. 2 vols. Cloth 4 00* Copp— Mining Code. 1906. Paper 50 Copp — Public Land Law. 2d ed. 1890. 2 vols 6 00 Costigan — American Mining Law. 1908. Buck- ram 3 75* COWDERY — New Forms and Precedents. 1906. Buckram 6 00* Cox— Manual of Trademark Cases. 2d ed. 1892 6 00* CRAIG — Cases on Water Rights. (For Students.) 1910. Buckram 3 00 Crawford — Negotiable Instruments Law. 3d ed. 1908. Buckram 3 00* Crocker— Sheriffs. 3d ed. 1890 5 00* Croswell— Electricity. 1895 6 00* Strike the KEYNOTES to success by using American De- cisions, American Reports American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 99 Croswell — Executors. 1897 $ 3 75* dimming, Gilbert, and Woodward — Corporation Laws of all States. 1903. 5 vols 24 00 Curran — Speeches. 1877. Buckram 2 50* Curtis — Important Federal Statutes. 1891 2 00* Curtis— Jurisdiction U. S. Courts. 2d ed. 1896. Cloth 2 50* Cushing — Manual. Ingall 's ed. 1901 75 Cushing — Parliamentary Practice. 9th ed. 1907. Buckram 6 50* D Daish — Procedure in Interstate Commerce Cases. 1909. Buckram 5 00'** Daniel and Douglas — Elements of Negotiable Instru- ments. 1903. Cloth, $3.00. Sheep 3 50 Daniel — Negotiable Instruments. 5th ed., by Dan- iel, J. W., and Douglas, Chas. A. 1903. 2 vols. 12 00 Daniell — Chancery Practice. 6th ed. 1894. 3 vols. Buckram 18 00* Darlington — Personal Property. 1891 4 00* David — Motor Vehicles. 1911 5 00 Davis — Elements of International Law. 3d ed. 1908. Cloth 3 00* Davis — Military Law of United States. 1898 7 50* Dean, M. B. — Municipal Bonds Held Void. Canvas.. 2 50 Deering's Pocket Codes and General Laws of Cali- fornia. Code of Civil Procedure. 1909. 1 vol 5 00 Civil Code. 1909. 1 vol 5 00 Penal Code. 1909. 1 vol 5 00 Political Code. 1909. 1 vol 5 00 General Laws. 1909. 1 vol 5 00 Supplement to Codes and General Laws. 1911.. . 5 00 Code Book-rack 85 All in one order 25 00 Deiser — Conflicting Use of Electricity and Electrol- ysis, 1911. 1 vol. Buckram 2 50 Dembitz— Land Titles. 1895. 2 vols 12 00* Devereux — Kinne's Blackstone. 1875. Canvas 3 00 Devereux — Kinne's Kent. 1877. Canvas 3 00 DEVLIN — Treaty Making Powers Under the Unit 3d States Constitution. Special attention is given to the law relative to International Extradition 1908 6 00 Devlin on Real Estate, 191.1. 3 vols 19 50 100 TEXT-BOOKS; INDEX BY AVTHOKS. Dewhurst — Rules of Practice in U. S. Courts, An- notated. 1907. Buckram 5 50* Dicey— Parties. 2d ed. 1886 4 00 Digby— History of Real Property. 5th ed. 1898. Cloth 3 00 Dillon — Law and Jurisprudence. 1895. Cloth 3 00* Dillon — Municipal Corporations. 5th ed. 1911. 5 vols. Law Canvas 32 50* Dillon — Removal of Causes. 6th ed. By H. C. Black. 1898 4 00* Dill — New Jersey Corporations. 5th ed. 1911. 1 vol. Buckram 5 50 Doherty — Liability of Railroads to Interstate Em- ployees. 1911. Buckram 3 00* Donovan — Modern Jury Trial. 4th ed. 1909. Buck- ram 4 50* Donovan— Skill in Trials. 2d ed. 1899 1 00* Donovan— Tact in Court. 3d ed. 1899 1 00* Dos Passos — Collateral Inheritance. (Fox.) 2d ed. 1895 6 00* Dos Passos— Stock Brokers. 2d ed. 1904. 2 vols.. 12 00* Dos Passos — The American Lawyer. 1907. Buck- ram 1 75* Drake— Attachments. 7th ed. 1891 6 50* Dresser— Employer's Liability. 1902-08. 2 vols... 10 00* Vol. 2 separately 4 00* Drinker — Interstate Commerce Act. 1909 and 1910 Supplement. 3 vols. Buckram 15 00* Supplement 1910. Buckram. Separately 5 00* Dudley— Military Law and Courts Martial. 1907 . . 2 50* Duke — Celebrated Criminal Cases of America. 1911. 3 00 Dumas — Torrens System of Land Transfers. 1900. Cloth 1 50* Dunlap— Abridgment of Blackstone. 3d ed. 1905.. 3 50* Dwight — Law of Persons and Property. 1894 6 00* Eastman— Bankruptcy. 1903 4 00 Eaton — Equity Jurisprudence. 1901 3 75* Eddy — Combinations, Monopolies, Trusts. 1900. 2 vols 12 00* Edgington— Monroe Doctrine. 1905. Cloth 3 00* If you don't find what you want, consult notes in Ameri- can Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 101 Edwards— Bailments. 3d ed. 1893 5 50* Edwards — The Grand Jury; Law and Practice. 1906. Cloth 3 00* Elkus and Glenn — Secret Liens and Reputed Owner- ship. 1910. Buckram 3 50* Elliott— The Advocate. 2d ed. 1911. Cloth, 4 00 Morocco 5 00 Elliott— Appellate Procedure. 1892 6 00 Elliott— Evidence. 1904-1905. 4 vols 24 00 Elliott— General Practice. 1894. 2 vols 12 00 Elliott— Law of Insurance. 1902 4 00 Elliott — Municipal Corporations. 2d ed. 1910. Buckram 4 00* Elliott — Private Corporations. 4th ed. 1911 6 00 Elliott— Railroads. 2d ed. 1907. 5 vols 27 00 Elliott — Roads and Streets. 3d ed. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram 13 00* Emerson — Legal Medicine. 1909. Cloth 5 65 Endlich — Building Associations. 2d ed. 1895 6 00* Erskine— Speeches. 1876. 4 vols. Cloth 8 00 Ess— Power of Special Taxation. 1907 4 50* ESTEE— Pleadings. By Boone. 4th ed. 1898. 3 vols 18 00 Ewart— Estoppel. 1900 5 00* Ewell— Essentials of the Law. 1882-88. 3 vols 7 50* Ewell— Fixtures. 2d ed. 1905 : . . . 6 00 Ewell — Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. (Stu- dents.) 2d ed. 1910. Cloth 2 50* F Farnham — Law of Waters. 1904. 3 vols. Buck- ram 18 00 Farrand — Records of Federal Constitutional Conven- tion. 3 vols. 1911 15 00 Fetter— Carriers. 1897. 2 vols 12 00* Fetter— Equity. 1895 3 75* Finch— Federal Anti-trust Decisions. 1890-1906. 2 vols. Buckram 12 00 Fishbach— Elementary Law. 1896 3 00* Fitnam— Trial Procedure. 1894 6 00* Fletcher— Equity Pleading and Practice. 1902 6 00 Foster — Federal Practice. 4th ed. 1909. 3 vols. Buckram 19 50* Foster— First Book of Practice. 3d ed. 1908 4 00* Frank — Annotated Bankruptcy Law. 2d ed. 1903. Buckram 3 00 102 TEXT-BOOKS ; INDEX BY AUTHOBS. Freeman — Void Judicial Sales. 4th ed. 1902 4 00 Freund — Cases Administrative Law. 1911. Buck- ram 4 00 Freund— Police Power. 1904 6 00 Frost — Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1 vol. 1911. 4 00 Frost — Guaranty Insurance. 2d ed. 1909. Canvas. 6 00* Frost — Incorporations and Organization of Corpora- tions. 4th ed. 1911. Buckram 5 00* G Gardner — Review, Law and Equity. 1895. Cloth. 2 50 Gardner— Wills. 1903 3 75* George — Partnership. 1897 3 75* Giauque— Notary Manual. 3d ed. 1907. Cloth 2 00* Gilbert — Street Railway Reports. 1911. 6 vols 30 00 Gilmore — Partnership. 1911. Buckram 3 75 Glenn — International Law. 1895 3 75* Gluck and Becker — Receivers of Corporations. 2d ed. 1896 6 00* Goddard — Bailment and Carriers. 1904. Buckram. 2 50* Goddard — Cases on Bailment and Carriers. 1904. Buckram 3 75* Goddard— Easements. 2d ed. 1880 5 00* Goodwin— Real Property. 1905 4 00* Gould— National Bank Act. 1904. Cloth 2 00* Gould— Pleading (Hamilton). 1899 4 00* Gould— Pleading. 6th ed. By Will. 1909. Canvas. 6 50* Gould— Waters. 3d ed. 1900 6 00* Gould and Tucker — Notes on the Revised Statutes of United States. 1889. Vol. I 10 00** Vol. II. 1889-1898 7 50*" Vol. III. 1899-1903 6 00** Set 3 vols 18 00** Gow— Marine Insurance. 3d ed. 1903. Cloth 1 50 GRAY — Limitations of the Taxing Power in the U. S. 1906 6 50* Gray— Perpetuities. 2d ed. 1906. Buckram 6 00 Greeley — Foreign Patent and Trademark Laws. 1899 5 00* Greelev — Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. Anno- tated. 1907. Cloth 1 50* Greenleaf — Evidence. 16th ed. By Wigmore and Harris. 1899. 3 vols 15 00* The latest and up-to-date exposition of the law — Am. Dec, Am. Rpts., Am. St. Rpts., and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 103 Gross — Eeal Estate Brokers. 1910. Buckram 4 00* Gunckel — Costs in Federal Courts. 1903 5 00 H Hagan— Disputed Handwriting. 1894 3 50* Hagar and Alexander — Bankruptcy Forms Anno- tated. 1910. Buckram 6 50* Haight — Questions and Answers. 2d ed. 1909. Canvas 4 00* Hainer — Municipal Securities. 1898 6 00 Hale — Bailments. 1896 3 75* Hale — Damages. 1896 3 75* Hale— Torts. 1896 3 75* Halsbury — Laws of England. To be complete in about 24 vols. Cloth. Per vol 7 50* Hamilton — Special Assessment (Taxation). 1906. 7 50* Hamilton — System Legal Medicine. 2d ed. 1900. 2 vols 12 00** Hamlin — Digest Interstate Commerce Act. 1907. Buckram 3 50* Hammon — Chattel Mortgages (Pacific Coast). 1901. 3 75 Hammon — Evidence. 1908 6 00* Hammon — Law of Contracts. 1902 6 00 Hardwicke — Art of Winning Cases. 1894 5 00* Hardwicke — Trial Lawyer's Assistant in Civil Cases. 1902 6 00 Hardwicke — Trial Lawyer's Assistant in Criminal Cases. 1902. Buckram 2 50* Hare — American- Constitutional Law. 1889. 2 vols. Buckram 13 00* Hare — Law of Contracts. 1887 6 50* HARLOW— Sheriffs. 3d ed. 1907. Buckram 6 00 Harriman — Contracts. 2d ed. 1901. Buckram 3 00* Harris — Ancient, Curious and Famous Wills. 1911. Cloth 4 00* Harris — Contracts of Married Women. 1887 5 00* Harris — Damages by Corporations. 1892. 2 vols... 11 00* Harris— Law of Identification. 1892 5 00* Harris — Municipal Bonds. 1902 4 00 Harris— Subrogation. 1889 6 00* Harris — Sunday Law, Civil and Criminal. 1892 3 50* Harris— Writ of Certiorari. 1893 5 00* Hart — Digest of Patents, with Supplement. 1886- 1898 7 50** Harvey — Rights of Minority Stockholder. 1909. Cloth 2 00* ^TN his ability to distinguish apparently *■ conflicting cases, differentiate appar- ently conflicting principles, to harmonize the facts and the law, the cases and the com- mentaries, Abraham Clark Freeman has, or has had, no superior." Hence the American Decisions, American Reports, and American State Reports are justly considered by the legal profession "rex lex series." Sample pages, price, easy terms, and full particulars on request. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 105 Hawkins— Wills. 2d ed. 1885 $ 5 00 Hawley — International Extradition. 1893 3 75* Hawley — Interstate Extradition. 1890 2 00* Hawley— Law of Arrest. 2d ed. 1889 75 Hawley and McGregor — Criminal Law. 1897 3 00** Hawley and McGregor — Real Property. 1900 4 50* HAYNE — New Trial and Appeal. Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram 13 50* Heard— Equity Pleading. 1882 2 50* Heard— Principles of Civil Pleading. 1880. Cloth.. 2 50* Heard — Principles of Criminal Pleading. 1879. Cloth 2 50* Helliwell— Stocks and Stockholders. 1903 6 00 Henderson — Chancery Practice. 1904 6 00* Hening — Cases Suretyship. 1911. Buckram 4 00 Henry — Jurisdiction and Procedure of Admiralty Courts. 1885 5 00* Hepburn — Development of Code Pleading. 1897. Cloth 2 00* Herod — Favored Nation Treatment; International Laws of Commerce. 1901 3 50 Hesseltine — Trademarks and Unfair Trade. 1906. Buckram 5 00* High— Extraordinary Remedies. 3d ed. 1896 6 00* High— Injunctions. 4th ed. 1905. 2 vols 12 00* High— Receivers. 4th ed. 1910. Buckram 7 50* Hinds — Parliamentary Precedents in United States House of Representatives. 1899. Sheep 3 00 Paper 2 00 Hirschl — Leading Cases. Combination, Consolida- tion, and Reorganizing of Corporation. 1896. .. 6 00* Hirschl— Trial Tactics. 1906. Cloth 2 65* Hockheimer — Law of Crimes, with Forms. 1911 .... 5 00 Holland— Jurisprudence. 11th ed. 1910. Cloth... 2 50 Holmes— Common Law. 1881. Cloth, $3.00.* Sheep 3 75* Holmes— Murder Trial. 1897 3 00** Holt— Concurrent Jurisdiction. 1888 3 00* Honnold — Justice Practice (Oklahoma.) 1908. Sheep or Buckram 6 30* Hopkins — Law of Patents with forms. 1911. 2 vols net 15 00 Hopkins— Real Property. 1896 3 75* Hopkins — Trademarks and Unfair Trade. 1905 ... 7 50* Strike the KEYNOTES to success by using American De- cisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases, Can you answer this? \\ T^HERE a corporation refused to permit a stock- holder to subscribe for the stock to which he was so entitled, is it liable to an action for damages for such refusal? And, if so, is the measure of damages in such action the excess of the market value above the par value of the number of shares he was entitled to, and does it include interest on such excess? You prefer not to answer offhand? You would like to look it up? Well, then, permit us to send you with our compli- ments a pamphlet on "Stock and Stockholders," contain- ing the case of Gray v. Portland Bank, 3 Am. Dec. 156, (a ruling decision), annotated and extra annotated in the light of subsequent cases which have cited it dur- ing 104 years. May we ? Bancroft-Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 107 Hopkins — United States Judicial Code. 1911. Buck- ram $ 2 50* HOUK — Written Instruments in Texas. 2d ed. 1908. Buckram 5 50* Howard — History of Matrimonial Institutions. 1904. 3 vols 10 00 Howe — Studies in Civil Law. 2d ed. 1905. Buck- ram, $3.00.* Sheep 3 50* Huddy — Automobiles. 3d ed. 1912. Buckram.... 4 50* Huffcut— Agency. 2d ed. 1901. Buckram 3 00* Huff cut — Cases on Agency. 2d ed. 1907. Buckram. 4 50* Huffcut — Cases on Negotiable Instruments. 2d ed. 1910. Buckram 4 50* Hughes— Admiralty. 1901 3 75* Hughes — Datum Posts of Jurisprudence. 1907. Buckram 3 50* Hughes — Federal Procedure. 1904 3 75* Hughes — Grounds and Eudiments of Law. Vol. 1 . . 4 00* Vols. 2, 3, 4 Per vol. 3 50* Hughe® — Illustrative Treatise on Evidence. 1906... 4 00* Hughes — Instructions to Juries. 1905 5 00* Hughes — Procedure. 1906. 2 vols 12 00* Hughes — Technology of Law. 1893 7 50 Hunt— Law of Tender. 1903 6 00 Hurd— Habeas Corpus. 1876 6 00* Hutchinson— Carriers. 3d ed. 1906. 3 vols 18 00* I Ingersoll — Public Corporations. 1904 3 75* Ingham — Law of Animals. 1900 6 00* Ivins and Mason — Control of Public Utilities. 1908. Canvas 7 00* J Jackson — Law Latin. 3d ed. 1910. Buckram 150* Jacob— Law of Domicile. 1887 5 00* Jaggard— Torts. 1895. 2 vols 7 50* Jameson — Constitutional Conventions. 4th ed. 1887 5 00* Jarman— Wills. 6th ed. Bigelow. 1893. 2 vols 12 00* Jenks— Modern Land Laws. English. 1899. Cloth. 3 75 John — Notary Manual. 2d ed. 1904. Buckram, $2.50. Sheep 3 00 Jones— Chattel Mortgages. 5th ed. 1908. Buckram.. 7 50* Jones — Construction of Commercial Contracts. 1886. 5 00 J ones— Corporate Bonds. 3d ed. 1907. Buckram 6 00 44Hp*0 clearly mark out for a given propo- JL sition of law a straight pathway through the wilderness of single instances re- quires the work of genius. Abraham Clark Freeman has the genius." You will find the straight pathway to the law on your specific point in the American Decisions, American Reports, and American State Reports. Sample pages, price, easy terms, and full par- ticulars on request. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 109 Jones — Easements. New edition in preparation. Jones — Index to Legal Periodicals. 1887. y 2 Mor. 10 00* Jones— Index Supplement. 1887-1899. % Mor 10 00* Jones — Insolvent and Failing Corporations. 1908. Buckram 6 50* Jones — Landlord and Tenant. 1906 6 00* JONES— Law of Evidence. 2d ed. 1908. Buckram. 6 50* Same — Pocket Edition. Flexible Leather 6 50* Jones — Legal Forms. 6th ed. 1909. Buckram 6 00* Jones — Liens. 3d ed. In preparation. Jones — Mortgages of Keal Property. 6th ed. 1904. 2 vols 12 00* Jones — Negligence, Municipal Corporations. 1892. . 6 00 Jones— Pledges. 2d ed. 1901 6 00 Jones— Eeal Property. 1896. 2 vols 12 00 Jones — Telegraph and Telephone Companies. 1906. . 6 00* Joyce — Actions By and Against Corporations. 1910. Canvas 6 50* Joyce — Damages. 1903. 3 vols 18 00 Joyce — Defenses Commercial Paper. 1907. Buck- ram 6 00* Joyce— Electric Law. 2d ed. 1907. 2 vols 12 00* Joyce — Franchises. 1909. Canvas 6 50* Joyce — Indictments. 1908. Buckram 7 50* Joyce — Injunctions. 1909. 3 vols. Buckram 18 00* Joyce — Intoxicating Liquors. 1910. Buckram 7 50* Joyce — Monopolies and Trusts. 1911 6 50 Joyce — Nuisances. 1906. Buckram 6 30* Judson — Interstate Commerce. 1906 5 00* Judson — Taxation. 1902 6 00 Jury — Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice. Annotated. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram 13 50* K Kales — Cases, Persons and Domestic Belations. 1911. Buckram 4 00 Keezer — Marriage and Divorce. 1906. Buckram... 4 00* [Kennedy— Trial Evidence. 1907. Canvas 2 00* Kent — Commentaries. 14th ed. By Holmes and Gould. 1896. 4 vols. Canvas 16 00* Separate vols, each 4 00* The Annotations in American Decisions, American Reports. American State Reports and American Annotated Cases, cover the whole field. 110 TEXT-BOOKS; INDEX BY AVTEOUS. Kerr— Cyclopedic Codes of California. 1905-1911. 9 vols 70 00 Kerr's Cye. Political Code, 1 vol 1350 pages 7 50 Kerr's Cyc. Penal Code, 1 vol 1707 pages 10 00 Kerr's Cyc. Code of Civil Proc, 2 vols. 2975 pages 25 00 Kerr's Cyc. Civil Code, 2 vols 2455 pages 20 00 Kerr's Biennial Supplement, 1910, 1 vol 2244 pages 10 00 Kerr's Biennial Supplement, 1911 1603 pages 8 50 Henning's General Laws, 1 vol 1567 pages 7 50 Total 13,901 pages 88.50 The complete set, delivered 70 00 The above 13,901 pages, if printed in the ordi- nary law text-book style, would make about 42,500 pages, equal to 50 volumes of 850 pages each. At the average price of $6 per volume, such a set would cost $300. Thus you get in these nine volumes of Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes the equivalent of $300 worth of text-books. We claim this to be the best law-book investment ever offered. We are prepared to give liberal terms to bring the books within the reach of all; or, we will give a special discount for cash. Kerr — Handbook of Mexican Law. 1909. Buckram.. 3 50* Kerr— Homicide. 1891 6 00* Kerr — Insurance. 1902 6 00 Kerr — Mining Law of Mexico. 1910. Buckram 1 50* Kerr — Pocket Codes of California. 1909 edition. Civil Code 6 00 Civil Procedure 6 00 Penal Code 6 00 Political Code 6 00 General Laws 6 00 Supplement 1911 5 00 In Sets with 1911 Sup 30 00 Kerr — Eeal Property. 1895. 3 vols 16 00* Kinney — Law Dictionary and Glossary. 1894 4 00* Kleber— Void Judicial Sales. 1899 4 50* Kneeland — Law, Lawyers and Lambs. 1910. Cloth.. 1 50* Korkunov— Theory of Law. 1909. Cloth 3 50* L Labatt — Master and Servant. 1904. 2 vols 12 00* Lacey— Railway Digest, to 1884. 2 vols 15 00 Lavay— Disputed Handwriting. 1909. Cloth 2 00* BANCR0FT-WH1TNET COMPANY. Ill Lawrence — Principles of International Law. 3d ed. 1911. Cloth 3 00* Lawson— Bailments. 1 895 5 00* Lawson— Contracts. 2ded. 1905 5 00* LAWSON— Defenses to Crime. 1874-92. 6 vols. To close out edition 18 00 Lawson — Expert and Opinion Evidence. 2d ed. 1900 6 00* Lawson — Presumptive Evidence. 2d ed. 1899.... 6 00 Lcwin — Trusts and Trustees, by Flint. 1889. 2 vols 11 00* Lewis — Eminent Domain. 3d ed. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram 13 00* Lewson — Cases on Monopoly and Trade Eestraint. 2 vols. 1908. Buckram 10 00* Lincoln — Fundamentals of American Government. 1907. Cloth 3 00* LINDLEY — Mines. 3d ed. In preparation. Lindley— Partnership. By Ewell. 1888. 2 vols... 5 00** Lindsley — Eate ^Regulations Gas and Electricity. 1906. Cloth 1 50** Llovd— Building Contracts. 2d ed. 1894. Buck- "ram 4 00* Lloyd— State Trials. 1899. Cloth 3 00* Loewy— German Civil Code. 1910. Cloth 5 00* Long — Domestic Eelations. 1905 3 50* Long— Federal Courts. 2d ed. 1911 2 50 Long— Irrigation. 1901 5 50* Loring — Handbook for Trustees. 3d ed. 1907. Cloth 1 50* Loveland — Appellate Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts. 1911. Buckram 6 50* Loveland — Bankruptcy. 4th ed. 1911. 2 vols. Buck- ram 12 00* Loveland — Forms of Federal Procedure. 2d ed. 1903. 2 vols 12 00 Lowell— Bankruptcy. 1899 6 00* Lowell— Transfer of Stock. 1884 3 00* Lowery — Digest Patent Decisions. 1897 5 00* Continued by Sanders' Patent Digest Annual. 1898, $2 50*; 1899, $3 50*; 1900 3 50* For a law library of Cases and Notes, see American De- cisions, American Reports, American State Reports, American Annotated Cases. 44 / "T" v HE art of succinctly stating in a few A lines the full substance of what often makes several pages of redundancy and tau- tology is a rare one. Abraham Clark Free- man is master of it" — evidenced by his schol- arly monographic notes supplementing the leading cases published in American Decis- ions, American Reports, and American State Reports. Sample pages, price, easy terms, and full particulars on request. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 113 M Machen — Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1910. Cloth 1 50 4 Machen — Modern Law of Corporations. 1908. 2 vols. Canvas 12 00* Macomber — Fixed Law of Patents. 1909. Canvas.. 7 50* Magee — National and State Banks. 1906 6 00 Maine — Ancient Law. Notes by Pollock. 1906. Cloth 1 75* Maitland— Domesday Book. 1897. Cloth 4 50* Mann — Medical Jurisprudence. Insanity. 1893... 4 25* Markby— Elements of Law. 6th ed. 1905. Cloth. 3 00** Marshal] — Corporations. 1903 6 00 Marshall, John — Biography of. By Dillon, John. 1903. 3 vols. Cloth 9 00 Marshall, John — Constitutional Decisions and Writ- ings. By Clay, Geo. L., and Dillon, John. 1903. Cloth 4 00 Sheep 5 00 Marshall, John— Life of. By Flanders. 1904 3 00 Martin — Civil Procedure at Common Law. 1899... 3 50 Martin — Labor Unions. 1910. Buckram 6 00* Martin — Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. 1908. Sheep or Buckram 7 50* "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue November, 1911, from original plates) bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol 4 00 Martindale— Abstract of Title. 3d ed. 1911 4 00* Martindale — Conveyancing. 3d ed. 1911 6 50* Maupin — Marketable Title Eeal Estate. 2d ed. 1907. Buckram 6 00* Maxey— International Law. 1906 6 00* Maxwell— Code, Pleading and Forms. 1892 6 00* May— Criminal Law. 3d ed. 1905. Buckram. . . 3 00* May— Insurance. 4th ed. 1900. 2 vols. Buckram.. 13 00* May — Practice and Procedure in United States Courts. 1899 , 6 50* Mc Adam— Landlord and Tenant. 4th ed. 1910. 3 vols. Buckram 19 50* Vols. 1 and 2, separately 15 00* Vol. 3, separately 5 00* (Vols. 1 and 2 are general; Vol. 3 applies only to N. Y.) McCall— Clerk 's Assistant. 6th ed., by H. B. Brad- bury. 1902 6 00 McClain— Criminal Law. 1897. 2 vols 12 00 114 TEXT-BOOKS; INDEX BY AUTHORS. McClelland— Civil Malpractice. 1877 4 50 McCrary — Elections. 4th ed. 1897 6 00* McGehee — Due Process of Law. 1906 3 00* McKelvey — Common Law Pleading. 1894. Buck- ram 2 00* McKelvey— Evidence. 2d ed. 1907. Buckram.... 3 75* Pocket edition issued December, 1911, printed on India paper, flexible leather 4 00 McQuillin — Municipal Corporations. 6 vols. 1911. Buckram 39 00* McQuillin — Municipal Ordinances. 1904 6 00* Meade — Irrigation Institutions. 1903. Cloth 1 25 Mechem — Agency. 1888 6 00 Mechem — Elements of Partnership. 2d ed. 1899. Buckram 2 50* Mechem — Outlines of Agency. 1903. Buckram.... 2 00 Mechem — Public Offices. 1890 6 00 Mechem — Sales. 1900. 2 vols 12*00* Merwin — Equity Pleading. 1895 5 00 Mikell — Cases Criminal Law. 1908. Buckram 4 00 Mikell — Cases Criminal Procedure. Buckram. 1911. 3 50 Milburn — Curious Cases. 1902 3 00* Milburn— Office Boy's Digest. 1904. Cloth 1 50* Miller — Lectures on Constitution U. S. 1891 5 00* Mills — Irrigation Manual. 1907 4 00 Minor— Conflict of Laws. 1901. Buckram 3 00* Minor and Wurts on Eeal Property. 1910. Buck- ram 5 00 Moffett— Civil Forms for Texas. 3d ed. 1911 6 00 Mohun — Warehousemen. 1904 6 00 Moll — Liability of Independent Contractors and Em- ployers. i910. Buckram 4 50* Monroe Doctrine— By Edgington. 1905. Cloth.... 3 00* Monroe Doctrine— By Tucker. 1885. 12mo. Cloth. 1 25 Moon — Kemoval of Causes. 1901. Canvas 6 00* Moore — Carriers. 1906. Buckram 6 30 Moore — Digest and History of International Arbitra- tion. 1898. 6 vols 18 00* Moore — Digest and History bf International Law. 1906. 8 vols 24 00* Moore— Facts. 1907. 2 vols _ 12 00* Moore — Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditors' Kemedies. 1908. 2 vols. Buckram 12 00* A Mine of Law — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports, and American Annotated Cases. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 115 Morawetz — Private Corporations. 2d ed. 1886". 2 vols. Buckram 12 00* Morrison — Mining Eights. 14th ed. 1910. Buck- ram 3 50* Morse — Arbitration and Award. 1872 6 00 Morse — Banks and Banking. 4th ed. 1903. 2 vols. Buckram 13 00* Munson — Elementary Practice. 1897. 12mo 3 00* Murfree — Foreign Corporations. 1893 4 00* Murfree— Justices. 1886 5 00* N NATIONAL BANK CASES. Thompson & Browne. 1878-1889. 3 vols. Closing out edition at 12 00 Nellis — Street Kailway Accident Law. 2d ed. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram 13 00 Nellis— Street Surface Railways. 1902. Buckram... 6 30* Nelson — -'Divorce and Separation. 1895. 2 vols 11 00* Nelson — Interstate Commerce Commission. 1908. Buckram 5 00* Newell — Defamation, Libel and Slander. 2d ed. 1898 6 00* Newell— Ejectment. 1892 6 00* Newell— Elements of Eeal Property. 1902 4 00* Newell — Malicious Prosecution, etc. 1892 5 50* Newton— Digest of Trademarks. 1896 5 00* Niblack — Abstractor and Title Insurance. 1908. Buckram 2 00* Niblack— Torrens Land System. 1903. Buckram... 2 00* Nichols — Eminent Domain. 1909. Buckram 5 00* Nims — Unfair Business Competition. 1909. Buck- ram 6 50* Norton— Bills and Notes. 3d ed. 1900 3 75* Noyes — American Railroad Rates. 1905. Cloth... 1 50* Noyes — Intercorporate Relations. 2d ed. 1908. Can- vas 6 00* O Odgers— Libel and Slander. 3d English ed. 1896.. . 12 00** Ogden — Negotiable Instruments. 1909. Buckram... 4 00* Oliver — Precedents. 5th ed. 1905. Buckram 6 00* Osborn — Questioned Documents. 1910. Cloth 5 25* Ostrander — Fire Insurance. 2d ed. 1897 6 00* Overland Classified Corporation Laws, All States. 1908. Buckram 4 00* Owen — Law Quizzer. 3d ed. 1907. Buckram 4 00* Supreme Court Consultation Room Jackson, Miss., 2 / 20 IQO 3 It gives me real pleasure to certify to the very great excellence of "The American Decisions" and "The American State Re- ports," both as regards the care taken in the selection of cases and the surpassing value of Mr. Freeman's notes. For accuracy, clearness of statement, and fullness of research, I regard these notes as nowhere excelled, if anywhere equalled. I have long regarded Mr. Freeman and Judge Seymour D. Thompson as our ablest living law-analysts. A. H. WHITFIELD, Chief Justice Supreme Court, Miss. Send for sample pages, price and terms BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 117 P Page — Calif ornia Street Laws. 1911. Buckram.... 7 50* Page— Concise Treatise on Wills. 1901 6 00* Page— Contracts. 1905. 3 vols 18 00 Page and Jones — Taxation by Assessment. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram 12 00* Pagin — Precedents and Forms U. 8. Courts. 1894.. . 6 00* Parker — Corporation Legal Manual. 1911 7 00 Parker — New Jersey Corporations. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram 10 00* Parker and Worthington — Public Health and Safety. 1892 5 25 Parson — Business Laws. 1909. Canvas 4 00 Parsons— Contracts. 9th ed. 1904. 3 vols 18 00 Parsons— Partnership. 4th ed. 1893 6 00 Patterson — Federal Eestraints. 2d ed. 1904 4 00* Patterson — Railway Accident Law. 1886 6 00* Paul— Trademarks. 1903 7 50 Peirce — Digest of Interstate Commerce Commission Decisions. 1908. Buckram 6 00** Perley— Law of Interest. 1893. Cloth 100* Perley— Mortuary Law. 1896. Cloth 100* Perry — Common Law Pleading. 1897. Buckram... 3 50* Perry — Trusts and Trustees. 6th ed. 1910. 2 vols. Canvas 13 00* Phillips — Cases on Circumstantial Evidence. 4th ed. 1904 4 00 Phillips— Code Pleading. 1896 4 00* Phillips— Mechanics' Liens. 3d ed. 1893 6 00* Pingrey— Chattel Mortgages. 1891 5 00 Pingrey — Extraordinary Industrial and Interstate Contracts. 1905 6 30* Pingrey— Mortgages. 1892. 2 vols 12 00 Pingrey— Real Property. 1895. 2 vols 12 00* Pingrey — Suretyship and Guaranty. 1901 4 00* Pollock— Common Law. 1904. Cloth 2 50* Pollock— Contracts (Wald). 3d ed. by Williston. 1906 6 00* Pollock — First Book on Jurisprudence. 1896. 12mo. Cloth 1 75* Pollock— Law of Torts. 8th English ed. 1908. Buckram 6 00* Brief Treatises on thousands of topics, see American De- cisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. 118 TEXT-BOOKS; INDEX BY AUTHORS. Pollock— Torts. Webb. 1894 5 00* Pollock and Maitland — History English Law. 2d ed. 1899. 2 vols. Cloth 10 00* Pomeroy — Code Remedies. 4th ed. by T. A. Bogle. 1904. Flexible morocco 6 50 Pomeroy — Constitutional Law. 4th ed. 1886 5 00 POMEROY— Equity Jurisprudence. 3d ed. 1905. 4 vols. POMEROY— Equitable Remedies. 1905. 2 vols. The above two works sold only as one set. 6 vols 36 00* POMEROY— Equity Jurisprudence. Student's Edi- tion. 1 vol. 1907. Buckram 6 00 Pomeroy — International Law. 1886 5 00 Pomeroy — Riparian Rights. 2d ed. By Black. 1893 5 00* Pomeroy — Specific Performance of Contracts. 2d ed. 1896 5 00* Porter— Bills of Lading. 1891 4 00** Pratt — Digest of National Banking Laws. 1908. Cloth 2 00* Prentice — Police Power. 1894 5 00* Prentice and Egan — Commerce Clause of Federal Constitution. 1898 5 00* Pugh— Admiralty Forms. 2d ed. 1903 5 00* Putney — Constitution Law. 1908. Buckram 3 50* R Randolph — Commercial Paper. 2d ed. 1899. 3 vols 18 00* Randolph — Eminent Domain. 1894 5 50* Rapalje — Real Estate Brokers. 1893. Canvas 2 00 Rapalje— Witnesses. 1887 6 00* Rapalje and Lawrence — Law Dictionary. 1883. 2 vols 7 50* Rawle— Covenants for Title. 5th ed. 1887 6 50* Ray — Contractual Limitations. 1892 4 50* Ray — Negligence; Imposed Duties: Carriers of Freight. 1895 6 00* Ray — Negligence; Imposed Duties; Carriers of Pas- sengers. 1893 6 00* Ray — Negligence; Imposed Duties. Personal. 1891. 6 00* Reed— Statute of Frauds. 1884. 3 vols 12 00** Reese— Ultra Vires. 1897 4 00* Reeves — Domestic Relations. 4th ed. 1888 5 00* Reeves — Real Property. 1909. 2 vols. Canvas 13 00* Reid— Corporate Finance. 1896. 2 vols 12 00 BANCHOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 119 Keinhard — Agency. 1902 4 50 Remington — Bankruptcy. 1910. 3 vols. Buckram.. 18 00* Volume 3, Separately. Buckram 6 00* Remington — Bankruptcy (Student's edition). 1911. 3 00 Remsen — Preparation and Contest of Wills. 1900. Buckram 6 00* Reno— Employer 's Liability Act. 2d ed. 1903 5 00 Renwick — Patentable Inventions. 1893 2 00 Reyes and Barker — Mining Laws of Mexico. 1910. Cloth 4 50* Limp leather 6 00* Reynolds — Theory of Evidence. 4th ed. 1905. 12mo. Buckram 2 00* Reynolds— Trial Evidence. Pocket Edition. 1911.. 3 50* Rice — American Probate Law and Practice. 1894. . 6 50* Rice— Civil Evidence. 1892. 2 vols 10 00* Rice-Beach — Digest Patent Office Decisions. 1869- 1900. 3vols.ini. Buckram 7 50* Richards — Insurance. 3d ed. 1909. Canvas 6 75* Ringgold— Sunday Law. 1891 3 50* Robbins — American Advocacy. 1904. Cloth 2 00 Sheep 2 50 Robert— Rules of Order. 1893. Cloth 75 Robinson — Elementary Law. 2d ed. 1909. Buck- ram 3 50* Robinson — Elements of American Jurisprudence. 1900. Buckram 3 00* Robinson— Forensic Oratory. 1893. Cloth 2 50* Robinson— Law of Patents. 1890. 3 vols 19 50** Rockel — Mechanics' Liens. 1909. Buckram. . , 6 00* Rodgers — Domestic Relations. 1899 6 00* Roe— Criminal Procedure. U.S. Courts. 1887 3 50* Rogers— Expert Testimony. 2d ed. 1891 5 00* Rood— Garnishment. 1896 5 00 Rood— Wills. 1904 4 00 Roscoe — Criminal Evidence. 13th ed. 1908. Half Calf 10 00* ROSE — Code of Federal Procedure. 1907. 3 vols. Buckram 18 00* ROSE — Notes on the United States Reports. 1899- 1909. 18 vols. Sheep or Buckram 117 50 Supplement (1901-1904), separately. 3 vols 19 50 Supplement (1904-1909), separately. 2 vols 13 00 Subject Index (Vol. 13), separately 7 00 The survival of the fittest — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. 120 TEXT-BOOKS ; INDEX BY AUTHORS . ROSS— Probate Law and Practice. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram 13 00* Russell — Crimes. 7th English ed. 1910. 3 vols. Buckram 24 00* Russell — Outline Study of Law. 3d ed. 1900. Canvas 2 50* Russell — Police Powers of the State. 1901. Buck- ram 2 50* S Sackett — Instructions to Juries. 3d ed. 1908. 3 vols. Buckram 19 50* Sandar — Justinian. 1876. Cloth 5 00* Sanders — Patent Digest Annual. See Lowery's Di- gest Patent Decisions. Sansum and Berryman — Insurance Digest. 1876- 1900. 4 vols 25 00 Saunders — Maritime Law. (English.) 2d ed. 1910. 5 50* Schouler — Bailments and Carriers. 3d ed. 1897... 6 00 Schouler — Bailment and Carriers. Student's edi- tion. 1905. Buckram, $3.00.* Sheep 3 50* Schouler — Domestic Relations. 5th ed. 1895 6 00 Schouler — Domestic Relations. Student's edition. 1905. Buckram, $3.00.* Sheep 3 50* Schouler — Personal Property. Students' edition. 1907. Buckram 3 00* Schouler — Wills and Administration. (Superseding bcnouler on Wills and Schouler on Executors and Administrators.) 1910. Buckram 6 00* Sedgwick— Damages. 8th ed. 1891. 3 vols 18 00* Sedgwick — Elements of Damages. Student's edition. 2d ed. 1909. Buckram 3 00* Sedgwick and Wait — Trial of Title to Land. 2d ed. 1886 6 00 Selover— Bank Collections. 1901 4 00* Selover — Negotiable Instrument Law. 2d ed. 1910. Buckram 5 00* Shamel— Mining Law. 1907. Buckram 5 00* Sharswood — Blackstone. 1859. 2 vols 6 00** Shearman and Redfield — Negligence. 5th ed. 1898. 2 vols 12 00 Sheldon— Subrogation. 2d ed. 1893 5 00* Sheldon— Torrens System. 1901. Buckram 2 00 Shinn— Replevin. 1899 6 00* Shipman — Common Law Pleading. 2d ed. 1895... 3 75* Shipman— Equity Pleading. 1897 3 75* BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 121 Shipp and Daish — Equity Pleading and Practice U. S. Supreme Court. 1901. Buckram 3 00* Shiras — Equity Practice. 2d ed. 1898 2 50* Short — Railway Bonds and Mortgages. 1897 6 50* Shumaker — Law of Partnership. 1901 3 50 Shumaker and Longsdorf — Cyclopedic Law Diction- ary. 1901 6 00** Sibley — Right to and Cause for Action. 1902. Cloth 150* Simkins — Federal Suit in Equity. 2d ed. 1911 6 50* Simonton — Municipal Bonds. 1896 5 50* Singer — Copyright Laws of the World. 1909. Cloth 2 00* Singer— Patent Trade Marks. 2d ed. Cloth 2 50* SKINNER — Washington Law for the Notary Public. 1911. Buckram 3 50* Smith — Beach on Municipal Corporations. 1903. 2 vols 12 00* Smith — Digest of National Bank Decisions. 1899.. 4 00* Smith — Elementary Law. 1896 3 75* Smith — Equitable Remedies of Creditors. 1899 5 00* Smith — Fraud. 1907. Buckram. . . .• 6 00* Smith— Leading Cases. 9th ed. 1889. 3 vols 12 00* Smith— Negligence. 1896. (Whitaker) 6 00* Smith— Personal Property. 2d ed. 1908 4 00* Smith— Studies in Juridical Law. 1902 3 50* Snow— American Diplomacy. 1892. Cloth 2 00** Snyder — Interstate Commerce Act and Federal Anti- Trust Law. 1906. Buckram 4 50* Snyder— Mining Law. 1902. 2 vols 12 00 Spelling — Corporate Management and By-Laws. 1904 4 50 Spelling— Extraordinary Relief. 2d ed. 1901. 2 vols 12 00* Spelling— Trusts and Monopolies. 1893 3 50* Spencer — Domestic Relations. 1910 6 00 Spencer — Marine Collision. 1895 7 50* Stearns— Suretyship. 1902 6 00 Steele — Agency. 1909. Buckram 3 00* Stephen — Digest of Evidence. (Chase.) 2d ed. 1898. Buckram 2 50* Stephen — Digest of Evidence. (Reynolds.) 4th ed. 1905. Cloth 2 50* Always Consult Index to Notes of American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. What is your opinion? \X 7 HEN are denials on information and belief per- missible? Supposing a plaintiff alleges in general terms that he is "the duly appointed, qualified and acting trustee" of the estate of a bankrupt, and in like general terms alleges the filing of the petition in bankruptcy and the adjudication in bankruptcy, will denials by one in no way a party to that proceeding of such allegations for want of information on the subject, be considered suf- ficient and be admitted in the record. See monographic note on this subject following the case of Dittemore v. Cable Mining Co., 133 Am. St. Rep. 98. You will find this a very complete and exhaustive mono- graphic note compiled with the same care which has always been bestowed on the notes in American State Reports. We will send it to you with our compliments on re- quest. May we? Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCKOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 123 Stephen— Pleading. (Heard.) 9th ed. 1867 2 50* Stephen— Pleading. (Tyler.) 1898 2 50* Stephen — Pleadings. (Andrews.) 2d ed. 1901 3 50 Stewart — Legal Medicine. 1910. Buckram 5 00* Stimson — American Statute Law. 1888. Vol. I, Constitutions, Persons and Property 7 50* Vol. II, Corporations 6 50* Stimson — Federal and State Constitutions of the U. S. 1908. Buckram 3 50* Stimson — Law Dictionary. 2d ed. 1911. Buckram. 3 00* Story — Equity Jurisprudence. 13th ed. By M. M. Bigelow. 1886. 2 vols 12 00 Story— Equity Pleading. 10th ed. 1892 6 00 Story— Law of Bailments. 9th ed. 1878 6 00 Story— Partnership. 7th ed. 1881 6 00 Story— The Constitution. 5th ed. 1891. 2 vols 12 00 Street — Equity Pleading and Practice in Federal Courts. 1909. 3 vols. Sheep or Buckram 19 50* Street — Foundation of Legal Liability. 1906. 3 vols. Half calf 15 00* Stroud — Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases. (English.) 1903. 3 vols 18 00 SUTHERLAND— Code Pleading and Practice. 1910. 4 vols. Buckram 26 00* Sutherland— Damages. 3d ed. 1904. 4 vols 24 00 Sutherland — Statutory Construction. 2d ed. By Lewis. 1904. 2 vols 12 00 T Taylor— Civil Code of Mexico. 1906 10 00* Taylor — International Public Law. 1901 6 50* Taylor— Jurisdiction. U. S. Courts. 1905 6 00* Taylor — Landlord and Tenant. 9th ed. By Buswell. 1904. 2 vols 12 00 Taylor— Private Corporations. 5th ed. 1902 6 00* Taylor— Science of Jurisprudence. 1908. Cloth 3 50* Terrell, H. — Crimes by National Bank, Officers and Agents. 1906. Cloth, $2.50.* Sheep 3 00* Thayer — Legal Essays. 1908. Buckram 3 50* Thayer — Preliminary Treatise on Evidence. 1898. Buckram 3 50 Thomas — Constructive Contempt. 1904. Canvas.... 3 00* Thomas— Negligence. 2d ed. 1903. 2 vols 12 00* Thomas— Non-Mailable Matter. 1903 3 75 Thompson — Building Association. 2d ed. 1899.... 6 00 124 TEXT-BOOKS; INDEX BY AUTHORS. THOMPSON — Corporations. Vol. 7. (Supplement to 1st ed.) 1899 $ 6 00 Thompson— Corporations. 2d ed. 1908-1910. 7 vols. Buckram 42 00* Thompson — Negligence. 1901-1905. 7 vols..!!!!!! 42 00* Thompson — Trials. 1912. 4 vols 26 00 THOMPSON AND BROWN— National Bank Cases. 1878-1889. 3 vols. Closing out edition at 12 00 Thornton — Federal Employers' Liability Act. 1909. Buckram 4 50* Thornton — Gifts and Advancements. 1893 6 00* Thornton — Patents (British and Foreign). 1910 6 00* Thornton— Lost Wills. 1889 2 50* Thornton— Oil and Gas. 1904 6 00 Thornton — Pure Food and Drug Laws. 1911. 1 vol. Buckram 7 50 Thornton and Blackledge — Building and Loan Asso- ciations. 1898 6 00* Thorpe — American Charters, Constitutions and Or- ganic Laws. 1492-1908. 6 vols. Cloth 10 00* Thorpe— Constitutional History of U. S. 1900. 3 vols. Cloth 7 50* Thring — Practical Legislation. (English.) 1902... 2 50* Throop — Public Officers. 1892 6 00* Tiedeman — Bills and Notes. 1898 3 50* Tiedeman — Commercial Paper. 1889 6 00* Tiedeman — Eeal Property. 3d ed. 1906 6 00* Tiedeman — State and Federal Control of Persons and Property. 2d ed. 1900. 2 vols 12 00* Tiffany— Death by Wrongful Act. 1893 4 50* Tiffany— Landlord and Tenant. 1910. 2 vols 13 00* Tiffany — Persons and Domestic Eelations. 2d ed. 1909. Buckram 3 75* Tiffany— Principal and Agent. 1903 3 75* Tiffany— Real Property. 1903. 2 vols 12 00* Tiffany— Sales. 2d ed. 1908. Buckram 3 75* Torrens— Land Transfer System. (Dumas.) 1900.. 150* Torrens — Land Transfer System. (Niblack.) 1903. Cloth 2 00 Torrens — Land Transfer System. (Sheldon.) 1901. Buckram 2 00* Torrey — Lawyer's Recollections. 1910. Cloth 1 50* Townes — Elementary Law. 1911 4 00 The latest and up-to-date exposition of the law — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT -WHITNEY COMPANY. 125 TREADWELL — Annotated Constitution of Califor- nia. 3d ed. Revised to 1911. Buckram 5 00 Tucker — Lectures on Constitution of U. S. 1900. 2 vols. Sheep 8 00* Cloth 7 00* Tucker — The Monroe Doctrine. 1885. 12mo 125* Tucker and Blood — Federal Penal Code. 1910. Can- vas 5 00* Turpin — Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1910. Cloth. 2 00* U Underhill — Criminal Evidence. 2d ed. 1910. Buck- ram 7 50* Underhill — Evidence. 1894 6 00* Underhill — Landlord and Tenant. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram 12 00* Underhill— Trusts and Trustees. 1896 5 00* Underhill— Wills. 1900. 2 vols 12 00* V Vance — Insurance. 1904 3 75* Van Buren — Index-Digest of the Interstate Com- merce Commission. 1910. Buckram 5 00* Van Dyne — Citizenship. 1903 4 50 Van Dyne — Naturalization. 1907. Buckram 5 25 Van Dyne — Our Foreign Service. 1909. Cloth 2 50* Van Fleet— Collateral Attack. 1893 6 50* Van Zile — Bailments and Carriers. 2d ed. 1908 5 00* Van Zile— Equity Pleading. 1904 6 00 Vattell — Law of Nations. 7th ed. 1852 3 50 Veeder — Legal Masterpieces. 1903. 2 vols. Cloth. 6 00 Sheep 7 00 Von Hoist — Constitutional History U. S. Vols. 1-8. 1878-89. Cloth 12 00** Von Hoist— Constitutional Law. 1887. Cloth 2 00* Voorhees — Law of Arrest. 1904. Buckram 2 00 W Wade— Law of Notice. 2d ed. 1886 6 00 Wait — Actions and Defenses, with Index. 1877-1894. 9 vols 25 00* Wait — Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence. 1897 6 50* Wait — Fraudulent Conveyancing. 3d ed. 1897 6 00 Wait — Law of Operations Preliminary to Construc- tion in Engineering and Architecture, 1900... 5 50* 126 TEXT-BOOKS; INDEX BY AUTHORS. Wald— Pollock on Contracts. 3d ed. by Williston. 1Q 06 . .$ 6 00 * Walker — American Law. 11th ed. 1905 5 00* Walker — Fidelity Bonds. 1909. Cloth !.. 3 00* Walker — Patent Laws. 4th ed. 1904 6 50 Walker — Real Estate Agency. 1910. Buckram 6 00* Walsh — Students' Quiz Books. 1898. 4 vols 10 00* Wambaugh— Study of Cases. 2d ed. 1894. Cloth, $2 50.* Sheep 3 00* Waples — Attachment. 2d ed. 1895 6 00 Waples — Debtor and Creditor. 1898 3 50* Waples — Homesteads and Exemptions. 1892 6 00 Waples — Parliamentary Practice. 2d ed. 1901. Cloth 100* Waples — Proceedings in Rem. 1882 6 00 Ware — Roman Water Law. 1905. Half Morocco ... 250* Warvelle — Abstracts of Titles. 3d ed. 1907 6 50* Warvelle — Ejectment. 1905 6 00* Warvelle — Legal Ethics. 1902. Cloth 2 00* Warvelle— Real Property. 3d ed. 1909. Buckram.. 4 00* Warvelle — Vendors. 2d ed. 1902. 2 vols 12 00 Washburn — Outlines Criminal Law. 3d ed. 1900.. 2 50* Washburn — Real Property. 6th ed., by J. Wurts. 1902. 3 vols 18 00 Watkins — Shippers and Carriers of Interstate Freight. 1909. Buckram 6 00* Watson — Damages for Personal Injuries. 1901 6 00* Watson— Law of Clearing House. 1902. Cloth 1 75* Watson — U. S. Commissioner's Manual. 2d ed. 1881 1 50* Watson— U. S. Constitution. 1910. 2 vols. Buck- ram 12 00* Webb— Elevators. 2d ed. 1905 4 75* Webb— Usury. 1899 6 00* Webster— Great Speeches. 1879. Cloth 3 00 Wellman— Art of Cross-Examination. 1906. Cloth. 2 65* Wellman— Day in Court. 1910. Cloth 2 18* Wells — Replevin. 1907. Canvas 5 00* Wharton — Agency. 1876 6 00 Wharton — Commentaries on American Law. 1884.. 6 00 Wharton— Conflict of Laws. 3d ed. 1905. 2 vols.. 12 00 Wharton— Contracts. 1882. 2 vols 12 00 See Index to Notes of American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCEOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 127 Wharton — Criminal Evidence (Hilton). 10th ed. 1912, 2 vols. Buckram IS 00* Wharton — Criminal Law. 10th ed. 1896. 2 vols.. 12 00 Wharton — Criminal Pleading and Practice. 9th ed. 1889 . , . . GOO Wharton— Evidence. 3d ed. 1888. 2 vols. . 12 00 Wharton — Homicide. 1907. Buckram 7 50 Wharton — Indictments. 4th ed. 1881. 2 vols 12 00 Wharton & Still© — Medical Jurisprudence. 5th ed. 1905. 3 vols 18 00 Wheaton — International Law. (Boyd.) 1889 8 50* Wheless — Laws of Mexico in English. (Including Mining Law.) 1910. 2 vols. Buckram 10 00* White — Law in Shakespeare. 1911. Cloth 3 50* White — Marriage and Divorce Laws. 1910. Buck- ram 4 50* White — Mines and Mining Injuries. 1905 6 75 White — Mines and Mining Kemedies. 1903 7 50* White — Personal Injuries on Railroads. 1909. 2 vols. Sheep or Buckram 13 00* Whittier, A. G. — Annotated Constitution N. M. 1911. 3 50 WIEL— Water Rights in Western States. 3d ed. 1911. 2 vols 15 00 W 7 igmore — Australian Ballot System. 2d ed. 1889. Cloth. 1 50* Wigmore — Evidence. 1904-1907. 5 vols 32 00* Supplement (Vol. 5), separately 6 00* Wigmore — Examinations in Law. 1900. Buckram.. 4 00* Wigmore — Pocket Code of Evidence. 1909. Limp Leather 4 00* Williams — Executors. 7th ed. 1895. 3 vols. Buck- ram 15 00** Williams — Liability of Municipal Corporations. 1901. Buckram 3 50* Williams — Beal Property. 17th Internat. ed. '1894. Buckram . 3 50* Willis — Damages. 1910. Buckram 3 00* Willis — Principles of Contract. 1909. Buckram 3 00* Williston— Cases on Contracts. 1903-1904. 2 vols.. 10 00 Williston — Sales. 1909. Canvas 7 50* Willoughby — U. S. Constitution. 1910. 2 vols. Canvas 12 00* Wills — Circumstantial Evidence. 7th ed. 1896 5 00* Wills — Circumstantial Evidence. By Beers. 1905.. 5 00* Wilson — International Law. 1910. Buckram 3 75* Wilson— Mining Law. 1911. Cloth, $1.00. Paper. 50 Wiltsie — Mortgage Foreclosures. 2d ed. 1889-1897. 2 vols 12 75* Keynotes mm ^—(ZTC the most important keynotes in music, and establish the basis of its harmony. ,^hm. ^m?. i g 12 A Ketseq.) furnish the most important keynotes to the law, and establish the basis of juristic harmony. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 129 Winslow — Code Pleading and Forms. 1902. 2 vols. 12 75 Wise — American Citizenship. 1906. Cloth 3 00* Witthaus & Becker — Medical Jurisprudence. 1906- 1911. 4 vols. Sheep, $28. Cloth 24 00 Wcerner — Amer. Law of Administration. 2d ed. 1899. 2 vols. Canvas 13 00* Wcerner — Guardianship. 1897. Canvas 6 50* Wolfe — Inheritance Tax Calculations. 1905. Buck- ram 4 50* WOOD— Law of Nuisance. 3d ed. 1893. 2 vols.. 12 00 Wood — Limitation of Actions. 3d ed. 1901 6 50 Wood — Mandamus. 3d ed. 1896 3 50 Wood — Practice Evidence. 2d ed. 1906. Canvas.. 6 50* Wood— Railroads, 2d ed. by Minor. 1894. 3 vols.. 18 00* Wood and Ewbanks — Modern Business Corporations, 1906. Cloth 2 50* "Woodman — Trustees in Bankruptcy. 1909. Canvas.. 6 50* Woollen and Thornton — Intoxicating Liquors. 1910. 2 vols. Buckram 13 50* Words and Phrases. 1905. 8 vols 48 00* Wright — Criminal Conspiracies. 1887 3 00 Wyman — Administrative Law. 1903 5 00 Wyman — Public Service Corporations. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram 12 50* Z Zane — Banks and Banking. 1900 6 00* Consult the Annotations in Am. Dec, Am. Rep., Am. St. Rpts. and Ann. Cas. 1912A. et sea. when you need reliable aid. You know that fully half of the cases that go to your Supreme Court go there on questions of pleading and practice local to your jurisdiction, or on questions involving local statutes only. OF WHAT USE ARE THEY to a man practicing in some other state. No use, absolutely no use. THEN WHY SHOULD HE BUY THEM? What applies to your State Reports applies with equal force to other states. WHY SHOULD YOU BUY AND PAY FOR WHAT IS OF NO USE TO YOU? Let us tell you of a "working equivalent" of the complete set of all the Reports of all the states in which the local and obsolete cases are eliminated and only those of permanent value and universal applica- tion are retained. THE KNOWLEDGE IS WORTH MONEY TO YOU. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 131 PART FOUR. INDEX TO LEADING TEXT-BOOKS, ETC. ARRANGED BY SUBJECTS A. ABORTION. (See Medical Jurisprudence.) ABRIDGMENTS. (See Blackstone, Kent.) ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Dembitz, L. M. Land Titles. 2 vols. 1895. $12.00.* Martindale, W. B. Abstracts of Title. 3d ed. 1911. $4.00.* Niblack, W. C. Abstractors and Title Insurance. 1908. Buckram, $2.00.* Torrens (Dumas). Torrens' System. 1900. $1.50.* Torrens (Niblack, W. C). Transfer System. 1902. Buck- ram, $2.00.* Torrens (Sheldon). Transfer System. 1901. Buckram, $2 00 * Warvelle, G. W. Abstracts of Title. 3d ed. 1907. $6.50.* Webb, B. R. Record of Title. 1890. $6.00.* (See Conveyancing, Fraudulent Conveyancing, Real Prop- erty.) ACCIDENTS. Bailey, P. Accident and Injury, relation to diseases of nervous system. 1898. Sheep, $6.00. Black, C. C. Proof and Pleadings in Accident Cases. 2d ed. 1900. $6.00. Clark, E. H. Street Railway Accident Law. 1904. $5.00. Hamilton, A. McL. Railway and Other Accidents. 1904 Sheep, $4.50. Cloth, $3.50. 132 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Nellis, A. J. Street Railway Accident Law. 1904. Buck- ram, $6.30.* Patterson, C. S. Railway Accident Law. 1886. $6.00.* (See Damages, Insurance, Personal Injuries.) ACCOUNTS. Baugh, F. H., and Schmeisser, W. C. Estate Accounting. 1910. Buckram, $4.00.* Bentley, H. C. Corporate Finance and Accounting. New edition in preparation. Winch, L. H., and Hindman, M. S. Journal Entries. 1898. $5.00.* ACTIONS. Joyce, J. A. Actions By and Against Corpora- tions. 1910. Canvas, $6.50.* Sibley, H. L. Right to and Cause for Action. 1902. Cloth, $1.50.* Wait, W. Actions and Defenses, with Index. 1877-1894. 9 vols. $25.00* Waples, R. M. Proceedings in Rem. 1882. $6.00. (See Pleading and Practice.) ADMINISTRATORS. (See Executors and Administrators.) ADMIRALTY. Abbott's Merchant Ships and Seamen. 14th ed. 1902. 2 vols. $20.00.** Arnould, J. Marine Insurance. 8th ed. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram, $16.00.* Benedict, E. C. Admiralty. 4th ed. 1910. Canvas, $7.50.* Carver, T. G. Carriage of Goods by Sea. 5th ed. 1909. $11.00.* Henry, M. P. Jurisdiction and Procedure of the Admir- alty Courts of the United States. 1885. $5.00.* Hughes, R. M. Admiralty. 1901. $3.75.* Michael, W. H. U. S. Naval and Marine Law. 1899. $4.50.* Pugh, Edward F. Admiralty Forms and Rules. 2d ed. 1903. $5.00.* Saunders, A. Maritime Law. (English.) 2d ed. 1910. $5.50.* Spencer, H. R. Marine Collisions. 1895. $7.50.* ADVANCEMENTS. See Gifts. ADVERSE POSSESSION. Buswell, H. F. Statute of Limi- tations and Adverse Possession. 1889. $6.00. Sedgwick, A. G. and Wait, F. S. Trial of Title to Land. 2d ed. 1886. $6.00.* For a law library of Cases and Notes, see American De- cisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 133 ADVOCACY. Bell, E. Principles of Argument. 1910. Cloth, $3.25.* Donovan, J. W. Skill in Trials. 2d ed. 1899. $1.00.* Donovan, J. W. Tact in Court. 3d ed. 1899. $1.00.* Elliott, B. K. The Advocate. 2d ed. 1911. Cloth, $4.00. Morocco, $5.00'. Elliott, B. K. General Practice. 1894. 2 vols. $12.00. Hardwicke, E. H. Art of Winning Cases. 1894. $5.00.* Bobbins, A. H. American Advocacy. 1904. Cloth, $2.00. Sheep, $2.50. Wellmann, F. L. A Day in Court. 1910. Cloth, $2.18.* Wellmann, F. L. Art of Cross-examination. 1906. Cloth, $2.65.* (See Pleading and Practice.) AGENCY. Clark, W. L., and Skyles, H. H. Agency. 1905. 2 vols. $12.00.* Huffcut, E. W. Cases on Agency. 2d ed. 1907. $4.50.* Huffcut, E. W. Law of Agency. 2d ed. 1901. Buckram, $3.00.* Mechem, F. R. Law of Agency. 1888. $6.00. Mechem, F. R. Outlines of Agency. 1903. $2.00. Reinhard, Geo. L. Agency. 1902. $4.50. Steele, S. Agency. 1909. Buckram, $3.00.* Tiffany, F. B. Principal and Agent. 1903. $3.75.* Walker, W. S. Real Estate Agency. 1910. Buckram, $6.00.* Wharton, F. On Agency. 1876. $6.00. ALIENATION. Chaplin, S. Suspension of Power, etc. 1891. $4.00. ALIMONY. See Marriage and Divorce. AMERICAN LAW. Andrews, J. De W. American Law. 2d ed. 1907. 2 vols. $12.00. Bryce, J. The American Commonwealth. New and Revised ed. 1910. 2 vols. Cloth, $4.00.* Same. Abridged edition. 1906. 1 vol. Cloth, $1.75.* Kent, J. Commentaries on American Law. 14th ed., by Holmes, O. W., and Gould, J. M. 1896. 4 vols. $16.00.'* Kent, J. Commentaries. Any volume separately. 1896. $4.t)0.* Terry, H. T. Anglo-American Law. 1884. $5.50.* Thorpe, F. N. American Charters, Constitutions and Or- ganic Laws. 1492-1908. 6 vols. Cloth, $10.00.* Walker, T. American Law. 11th ed., by Bates, C. 1905. $5.00.* Wharton, F. Commentaries on American Law. 1884. $6.00. (See Constitutional Law.) 134 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. ANCIENT LAW. Cook, S. A. Laws of Moses and Code of Hammurabi. 1904. Cloth, $2.25. Maine, H. S. Ancient Law. Notes by Pollock. 1906. Cloth, $1.75.* (See English Law.) Sandar, T. C. Institutes of Justinian. 1876. Cloth, $5.00.* Ware. Eoman Water Law. 1905. $2.50.* ANIMALS. Ingham, J. H. Law of Animals. 1900. $6.00. APPELLATE PROCEEDINGS. Baylies, E. New Trial and Appeal. 2d ed. (N. Y.) 1900. $6.00. Elliott, B. K. and W. F. Appellate Procedure and Prac- tice. 1892. $6.00. Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. 1912. 2 vols. Buckram. • Net $13.50.* Loveland, F. O. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts. 1910. Buckram, $6.50.* (See Pleading and Practice, Federal Procedure.) ARBITRATION. Moore. Digest and History of Interna- tional Arbitration of U. S. 1898. 6 vols. $18.00.* Morse, J. T., Jr. Arbitration and Award. 1872. $6.00. (See International Law.) ARCHITECT. Clarke, T. M. Architect, Owner and Builder Before the Law. 2d ed. 1905. Cloth, $3.00.* Wait. Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence. 1897. $6.50.* Wait. Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction iu Engineering and Architecture. 19Q0. $5.50.* (See Buildings.) ARREST. Hawley, J. G. Law of Arrest on Criminal Charges. 2d ed. 1889. .75. Voorhees, H. C. Law of Arrest. 1904. Buckram, $2.00. ASSESSMENTS. Hamilton, C. H. Special Assessment and Taxation. 1906. $7.50.* Page, W. H., and Jones, P. Taxation by Assessment. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.00.* (See Taxation.) ASSIGNMENTS. Bishop, J. L. On Insolvent Debtors. 3d ed. 1895. $6.00.* Burrill, A. M. On Assignments. 6th ed. 1893. $6.00. (See Bankruptcy.) The annotations in American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases, cover the whole field. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 135 ATTACHMENT. Drake, C. D. Law of Attachment. 7th ed. 1891. $6.00. Rood, J. R. Garnishment. 1896. $5.00.* Waples, R. Attachment. 2d ed. 1895. $6.00. AUSTRALIAN BALLOT SYSTEM. Wigmore, J. H. Aus- tralian Ballot System. 2d ed. 1889. Cloth, $1.50.* AUTOMOBILES. Babbitt, C. J. Law Applied to Motor Vehicles. 1911. Buckram, $6.50.* Berry, C. P. Automobile Law. 1909. Cloth, $3.00.* David. Motor Vehicles. 1911. $5.00. Huddy, X. P. Law of Automobiles. 3d ed. 1912. Buck- ram, $4.50.* B BAILMENTS. Browne, Irving. Bailments and Carriers. 1896. $3.00.* Edwards, I. Bailments. 3d ed. 1893. $5.50.* Goddard, E. C. Outlines Law of Bailments and Carriers. 1904. Buckram, $2.50.* Goddard, E. C. Cases on Bailments and Carriers. 1904. Buckram, $3.75.* Both volumes bound in one. Buckram, $6.00.* Hale, W. B. On Bailments and Carriers. 1896. $3.75.* Lawson, J. D. Bailments. 1895. $5.00. Schouler, J. Bailments and Carriers. 3d ed. 1897. $6.00. Schouler, J. Bailments and Carriers. Student 's edition. 1905. Buckram, $3.00.* Sheep, $3.50.* Story, J. Law of Bailments. 9th ed. By Schouler, J. 1878. $6.00. Van Zile, P. T. Bailments and Carriers. 2d ed. 1908. $5.00.* (See Carriers and Railroads.) BANKING. Bolles, Albert S. Modern Law of Banking. 1907. 2 vols. Buckram, $10.00.* Bolles, A. S. National Bank Act and Its Judicial In- terpretation. 1910. Buckram, $5:00.* Gould, J. M. National Bank Act. 1904. Cloth, $2.00.* Magee, H. W. National and State Banks. 1906. $6.00. Morse, J. T., Jr. Banks and Banking. 4th ed. 1903. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.00.* Pratt, A. S. Digest of National Banking Laws. 1908. Cloth, $2.00.* Selover, A. W. Bank Collections. 1901. $4.00.* National Bank Cases Containing all decisions of both the Federal and State courts, relating to National Banks. 1864-1889, with Notes and References by Isaac Grant Thompson and Irving Browne. 3 vols. Sheep $12.00 1 BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 137 Smith, H. H. Digest National Bank Decisions. 1899. $4.00. Terrell, H. Crimes by National Bank Offices and Agents. 1906. Cloth,' $2.50.* Sheep, $3.00.* Thompson, I. G., and Browne, I. National Bank Cases. 1864-1889. 3 vols. $18.00. Selling out edition, $12.00. Watson, A. E. Law of Clearing House. 1902. Cloth, $1.75.* Zane, Jno. M. Banks and Banking. 1900. $6.00.* (See Office and Officers.) BANKRUPTCY. American Bankruptcy Reports. 1889 to 1911. 25 vols, per vol., $5.00. Brandenburg, E. C. Bankruptcy Act. Annotated. 1907. Paper, .50. Brandenburg, E. C. Bankruptcy. 3d ed. 1903. $6.00.* Brandenburg, E. C. Bankruptcy Digest. 1899. $6.50.* Collier, W. M. Bankruptcy. 8th ed. 1910. Buckram, $7.50.* Eastman, S. C. Bankruptcy. 1903. $4.00. Frank, Nathan. Annotated Bankruptcy Law. 2d ed 1903. Buckram, $3.00. Hagan, M. S., and Alexander, T. Bankruptcy Forms An notated. 1910. Buckram, $6.50.* Jones, S. W. Insolvent and Failing Corporations. 1908 Buckram, $6.50.* Loveland, F. O. Bankruptcy. 4th ed. 1911. 2 vols Buckram, $12.00.* Lowell, J. A. Bankruptcy. 1899. $6.00.* Remington, Harold. On Bankruptcy. 1910. 3 vols. Buck ram, $18.00.* Volume 3, Separately, $6.00.* Remington, Harold. On Bankruptcy (Student's edition) 1911. $3.00. Woodman, A. S. Trustees in Bankruptcy. 1909. Canvas, $6.50.* (See Insolvency.) BENEFIT SOCIETIES. Bacon, F. H. Law of Benefit So- cieties. 3d ed. 1904. 2 vols. $12.00. (See Insurance.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. Cooley, R. W. Brief Making and the Use of Law Books. 2d ed. 1909. Buckram, $2.50.* Jones, L. A. Index to Periodical Literature. 1887. Half Morocco, $10.00* Supplement. 1887-1899. Half Morocco, $10.00.* The latest and up-to-date exposition of the law — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. 138 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. BILLS, NOTES AND CHECKS. Bigelow, M. M. Law of Bills, Notes, and Checks. 2d ed. 1900. S. S. Buck- ram, $3.00.* Sheep, $3.50.* Bigelow, M. M. Cases, Bills, Notes and Checks. 8. S. 2d ed. 1905. Buckram, $3.50.* Brauiuin, J. D. Negotiable Instruments. 2d ed. 1911. Buckram, $3.50.* Byles, J. B. On Bills. 8th Am. ed. 1891. $6.50. Chalmers, M. D. Law of Bills. Notes, etc. Benjamin, W. E. 2d ed. 1889. $3.50.* Crawford, J. J. Negotiable Instruments Law. 3d ed. 1908. Buckram, $3.00.* Daniell, J. W., and Douglas, C. A. Elements of Negotiable Instruments. 1903. Cloth, $3.00; Sheep, $3.50.* Daniel], J. W., and Douglas, C. A. Negotiable Instruments. 5th ed. 1903. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.00.* Huffcut, E. W. Cases on Negotiable Instruments. 2d ed. 1910. Buckram, $4.50.* Joyce, J. A. and II. C. Defenses in Actions on Commercial Paper. 1907. Buckram, $6.00.* Norton, C. P. Bills and Notes. 3d ed. 1900. $3.75.* Ogden, T. M. Negotiable Instruments. 1909. Buckram, $4.00.* Randolph, J. E. Commercial Paper. 2d ed. 1899. 3 vols. $18.00. Selover, A. W. Negotiable Instruments. 2d ed. 1910. Buckram, $5.00.* Tiedeman, C. G. Bills, Notes, and Checks. 1898. $3.50.* Tiedeman, C. G. Commercial Paper. 1889. $6.00. (See Banking, Commercial Paper, and Negotiable Instru ments.) BILLS OF LADING. Porter, W. W. Bills of Lading 1891. $4.00.** BILLS OF SALE. (See Sales and Personal Property.) BIOGRAPHY. Dillon, J. Life of John Marshall. 1903. 3 vols. Cloth, $9.00.* BLACKSTONE. Blackstone Reduced to Questions and An- swers, bv Devereux, J. C, and Kinne, J. 1875. Can- vas, $3.00.* Brewster, F. Carroll. Questions and Answers on Black- stone. 1887. $3.00.* Broom, H.. and Hadley, Edw, A, Commentaries. 1875. 2 vols. $12.00, BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMFANY. 139 Browne, W. H. Blackstone's Commentaries. Condensed Edition. 1892. Buckram, $4.00.* Commentaries, by Chase, J. 3d ed. 1890. $6.00.* Commentaries, by Chitty, Jos. 1832. 2 vols. $7.50. Commentaries, by Cooley, T. M. 4th ed. 1899. 2 vols. $9.00.* Dunlap, M. E. An Abridgment of Blackstone. 3d ed. 1905. $3.50.* Ewell, M. D. Essentials of the Law. (Vol. I, Blackstone.) 1882. $3.00* Sharswood, Geo. 1859. 2 vols. $6.00.** BOARD OF TRADE. Bisbee, L. H., and Simonds, J. C. Boards of Trade and Produce Exchanges. 1884. $3.50. Colebrooke, W. Collateral Securities. 1898. $6.00.* BONDS. Hainer, B. T. Municipal Securities. 1898. $6.00. Harris, W. H. Municipal Bonds. 1902. $4.00. Jones, L. A. Corporate Bonds and Mortgages. Being 3d ed. of Jones' R. R. Securities. 1907. Buckram, $6.00. Jones, L. A. Pledges, Including Collateral Securities. 2d ed. 1901. $6.00.* Lewis, Francis A., Jr. Law of Stocks, Bonds, and Other Securities. 1881. Cloth, $1.00. Short, E. L. Railway Bonds and Mortgages. 1897. $6.50.* Simonton, F. C, on Municipal Bonds. 1896. $5.00. Walker, M. B. Fidelity Bonds. 1909. Cloth, $3.00.* (See Corporations, Municipal Corporations, Mortgages, Suretyship.) BOUNDARIES. Thornton, W. W. Railway Fences and Crossings. 1892. $6.00.* BRIEF MAKING. Cooley, R. W. Brief Making and the Use of Law Books. 2d ed. 1909. Buckram, $2.50.* BROKERS AND FACTORS. Dos Passos, J. R. On Stock- brokers. 2d ed. 1904. 2 vols. $12.00.* Rapalje, S. Real Estate Brokers. 1893. Canvas, $2.00. (See Stocks and Sales.) BUILDINGS, ETC. Bloom, S. Mechanics' Liens and Build- ing Contracts. 1908-1910. Valuable to architects, con- If you don't find what you want, consult notes in Am. Dec, Am. Rpts., Am, St. Rpts. and American Annotated Cases. 140 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. tractors, builders, property owners, as well as lawyers. Is the only work on the subject designed with special reference to the Pacific Coast and Western States. Sheep or Buckram, $7.50.* Supplement. 1912. 1 vol. $4.00. Clark, T. M. Architect, Builder, and Owner Before the Law. 2d ed. 1905. Cloth, $3.00.* Endlich, G. A. Treatise on Law of Building Associations. 2d ed. 1895. $6.00.* Lloyd, A. P. Building and Building Contracts. 2d ed. 1894. $4.00.* Thompson, C. N. Building Associations. 2d ed. 1899. $6.00. Thornton, W. W., and Blackledge, F. H. Building Associa- tes. 1898. $6.00.* Wait, J. C. Law of Operations Preliminary to Construc- tion in Engineering and Architecture. 1900. $5.50.* Wai 4 :, J. C. Imgineering and Architectural Jurisprudence. 1897. $6.50.* BUSINESS LAW. Church, W. S. Forms of Law and Busi- ness. An absolutely new and up-to-date form book pre- pared exclusively for the Pacific Coast and the Western States; one large volume, 1250 pages, and containing over 1800 forms. 1911. Buckram, $7.50.* Parsons, T. Business Law. 1909. Canvas, $4.00. Wood, W. A., and Ewbank, L. B. Modern Business Cor- porations. 1906. Cloth, $2.50.* CARRIERS. Browne, Irving. Bailments and Carriers. 1896. $3.00.* Fetter, Norman F. Law of Carriers. 1897. 2. vols. $12.00.* Goddard, E. C. Cases on Bailments and Carriers. 1904. Buckram, $3.75.* Goddard, E. C. Outlines Law of Bailments and Carriers. 1904. Buckram, $2.50.* Both volumes bound in one. Buckram, $6.00.* Hale, W. B. Bailments and Carriers. 1896. $3.75.* Hutchinson, R. Law of Carriers. 3d ed. 1906. 3 vols. $18.00.* Lawson, J. D., on Bailments. 1895. $5.00.* Moore, D. C. Carriers. 1906. Buckram, $6.30.* Ray, C. A. Negligence, Imp. Duties; Carriers of Passen- gers. 1893. $6.00.* Ray, C. A. Negligence, Imp. Duties; Carriers of Freight, 1895. $6.00.* BANCB0FT-WH1TNEY COMPANY. 141 Schouler, J. Bailments and Carriers. 3d ed. 1897. $6.00. Schouler, J. Bailments and Carriers. Student's edition. 1905. Buckram, $3.00.* Sheep, $3.50.* Van Zile, P. T. Bailments and Carriers. 2d ed. 1908. $5.00.* Watkins, E. Shippers and Carriers of Interstate Freight. 1909. Buckram, $6.00.* (See Eailroads and Bailments.) CERTIORARI. Harris, G. E. Certiorari. 1893. $5.00.* CHANCERY. (See Equity.) CHARGING THE JURY. (See Juries, Trials.) CHARTER. Church, W. S. Annotated San Francisco Char- ter. 1907. Together with pamphlet supplement contain- ing all amendments to and including February 17, 1911. Presents all available material concerning the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco, down to the minute. Complete citations to all cases, including full references to opinions of City Attorney. $5.00. Thorpe, F. N. American Charters, Constitutions and Or- ganic Laws. 1492-1908. 6 vols. Cloth, $10.00.* CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Cobbey, J. C. Chattel Mortgages. 1893. 2 vols. $10.00.* Hammon, L. L. Chattel Mortgages (Pacific Coast). 1901. $3.75. Jones, L. A. Chattel Mortgages. 5th ed. 1908. Buck- ram, $7.50.* Pingrey, D. H. Chattel Mortgages. 1891. $5.00. (See Mortgages.) CHECKS. (See Bills, Notes, and Checks; also Banking.) CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Phillips, S. M. Cases on Circumstantial Evidence. 4th ed. 1904. $4.00. Wills, W. Circumstantial Evidence. 7th ed. 1896. $5.00.* Wills, W. Circumstantial Evidence. By Beers, 1905. $5.00.* (See Evidence.) CITIZENSHIP. Van Dyne, Frederick. Law of Citizenship. 1903. $4.50. Wise, J. S. American Citizenship. 1906. Cloth, $3.00.* (See Naturalization.) The survival of the fittest — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. A Treatise on Code Pleading and Practice ALSO CONTAINING 1900 FORMS For use in all Code States By WILLIAM A. SUTHERLAND of the California Bar FOUR VOLUMES, 1910 PRICE, $26.00 DELIVERED Bound Only in Buckram BANCfiOFT-TVHlTNEY COMPANY. 143 CLERK'S ASSISTANT. Abbott. Clerk's Assistant. 3d ed., by Birdseye, C. F. 1911. Buckram, $7.50.* Cowdery, J. F. New Forms and Precedents. 1006. Buck- ram, $6.00. McCall, H. S. Clerk's Assistant. 6th ed., by H. B. Brad bury. 1902. $6.00. Parsons, T. Business Law. 1909. Canvas, $4.00. CODE AND CODE PLEADING. Abbott, A. Select Cases Code Pleading. 2d ed. 1895. $5.00. Bates, Clement. Pleading, Practice, Parties and Forms under the Code. 1908. 3 vols. Buckram, $18.00. Baylies, E. Code Pleading and Forms. (New York.) 2d ed. 1904. $6.00.* Bishop, J. L. Code Pleading in Personal Actions. 1893. $4.50.* Bliss, P. Code Pleading. 3d ed. 1894. $6.00.* Bryant, E. E. Code Pleading. 2d ed. 1899. S.S. Cloth, $2.50.* Estee, M. M. Pleading, Practice, and Forms. Adapted to Actions and Special Proceedings under Codes of Pro- cedure. 4th ed. 1898. By Charles T. Boone. 3 vols. $18.00. Hepburn, Chas. M. Historical Development of Code Plead- ing. 1897. Cloth, $2.00.* Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram. Net $13.50.* Jury, J. G. Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice, Annotated. For use in all Code States and Territories. Contains the Code Provisions, the Forms and complete annotations for every process in pleading and practice under the Code. An entirely new and original work. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.50.* Kelly, J. F. Code Limitations. 1903. $4.00. Loewy, W. German Civil Code. 1910. Cloth, $5.00.* Maxwell, Samuel. Code Pleading with Forms. 1892. $6.00.* Phillips, G. L. Code Pleading. 1896. $4.00.* Pomeroy, J. N. Code Remedies. 4th edition by T. A. Bogle. 1904. Flexible morocco, $6.50.* Sutherland, W. A. Treatise on Code Pleading and Practice, with Forms. For use in all Code States and especially in California, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah and Washington. Superseding and sur- passing all other works on Code Pleading. 1910. 4 vols. Buckram, $26.00.* 144 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Taylor, J. P. Civil Code of Mexico. 1906. $10.00.* Winslow, J. B. Code Pleading and Forms. 1902. 2 voK $12.75. (See Pleading.) (For Codes of various States, see Part III.) COLLATERAL ATTACK. Van Fleet, John M. Law of Col lateral Attack on Judicial Proceedings. 1893. $6.50.* (See Pleading and Practice.) COLLATERAL SECURITIES. (See Bonds.) COLLISION. Spencer, H. K. Marine Collision. 1895. $7.50. (See Admiralty.) COMBINATIONS. Beach, C. F. Monopolies and Industrial Trusts. 1898. $5.00.* Cooke, F. H. Trade and Labor Combinations. 2d ed. 1909. $6.00.* Eddy, A. J. Combinations, Trusts and Monopolies. 1900. 2 vols. $12.00. Hirschl, A. J. Leading Cases, Combination, Consolida- tion, and Eeorganization of Corporations. 1896. $6.00.* Joyce. Monopolies and Trusts. 1911. $6.50. (See Corporations, Labor Unions.) COMMENTARIES. Broom, H., and Hadley, E. A. Jr. Com- mentaries on the Laws of England. 1875. 2 vols. $12.00. (See Blackstone, Kent.) COMMERCIAL LAW. (See Agency; Banking; Bills, Notes, and Checks; Business Law; Contracts; Guaranty; Part- nership.) COMMERCIAL PAPER. (See Bills and Notes.) COMMISSIONERS' MANUAL. Watson, Warren. U. S. Commissioners ' Manual. 2d ed. 1881. Cloth. $1.50.* COMMON LAW. Best, J. H. Encyclopedia of Common Law Orders and Forms. 1903. $5.00.* Holmes, O. W., Jr. The Common Law. 1881. Cloth, $3.00.* Sheep, $3.75.* For a law library of Cases and Notes, see American De- cisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 145 Martin, A. Civil Procedure at Common Law. 1899. $3.50. Perry, R. R. Common Law Pleading. 1897. $3.50.* Pollock, Sir Frederick. Expansion of the Common Law. 1904. Cloth, $2.50.* Shipman, B. J. Common Law Pleading. 2d ed. 1895. $3.75.* Smith, J. W. Leading Cases on Common Law. 9th ed. 1889. 3 vols. $12.00.* Street, T. A. Foundations of Legal Liability. 1906. 3 vols. Half calf. $15.00.* CONFLICT OF LAWS. Minor, R. C. Conflict of Laws. Private International Law. 1901. Buckram, $3.00.* Wharton, F. On the Conflict of Laws. 3d ed. 1905. 2 vols. $12.00. CONSTABLES. Harlow, W. S. On Sheriffs and Constables, 3d ed. 1907. Buckram, $6.00. CONSTITUTION AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Black, H. C. Constitutional Law. 3d ed. 1910. Buckram, $3.75.* Black, H. C. Constitutional Prohibitions against Impairing the Obligation of Contracts and against Retroactive and Ex Post Facto Laws. 1887. $3.50.* Black, H. C. On Constitutional Prohibition. 1887. $3.50.* Bliss', P. On Sovereignty. 1885. Cloth, $2.00.* Brannan, II. Rights and Privileges Guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to U. S. Constitution. 1901. Cloth, $4.50. Sheep, $5.00.* Bryce, J. The American Commonwealth. New and Revised Edition. 1910. 2 vols. Cloth, $4.00.* Bryce, J. The American Commonwealth. Abridged edi- tion. 1906. Cloth, $1.75.* Calvert, T. H. Regulation of Commerce. 1906. Cloth, $3.00.* Cooke, F. H. Commerce Clause of the Federal Constitution. 1908. Canvas, $4.50.* Cooley, T. M. Constitutional Law. 3d ed. By A. C. McLaughlin. 1898. 12mo. Cloth, $2.50.* Cooley, T. M. Constitutional Limitations. 7th ed. by Lane, V. H. 1903. $6.00. Devlin, Robert T. Treaty Making Powers. Being Com- mentaries on the Treaty Clauses of the United States Constitution. Special attention is given to the law rela- tive to International Extradition. 1908. 1 vol. $6.00 ORDER IMMEDIATELY " — And poise the cause in Justice's equal scales, whose beam stands sure, whose rightful cause prevails.*' *®e Constitution §f California (Annotated) By E. F. Treadwell, L. L. B. of the San Francisco Bar Author of Annotated S. F. Charter NEW EDITION 1911 REVISED ENLARGED Containing all amendments adopted to and including October 10th, 1911; all citations in California Reports, vols. 1-158, and California Appellate Reports, 1-14. One volume, uniform in size and style with Deer- ing's Pocket Codes of California. Price, $5.00 delivered Buckram binding BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 147 Documentary History of U. S. Constitution. 1901. 3 vols. Cloth, $5.00.** Farrand (of Yale). Records of the Federal Constitutional Convention. 3 vols. 1911. $15.00. Gray, Jas. M., Limitations of the Taxing Power. Limitations of the Taxing Power, including Limitations upon Public Indebtedness; a treatise upon the constitu- tional law governing taxation and the incurrence of public debt in the United States, in the several States and Territories. By James M. Gray. 1 vol. 1906. $6.50. Hare, J. I. C. American Constitutional Law. 1889. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.00.* Jameson, J. A. Treatise on Constitutional Conventions. 4th ed. 1887. $5.00.* Lincoln, Chas. Z. Fundamentals of American Government, Being Compilation of Magna Charta, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and United States Constitution. 1907. Cloth, $3.00.* Marshall, John. Constitutional Decisions and Writings. Annotated by Clay, George S., and Dillon, John. 1903. Cloth, $4.00. Sheep, $5.00. McGehee, L. P. Due Process of Law. 1906. Cloth, $3.00.* Miller, John F. Lectures on the Constitution. 1891. $5.00.* Patterson, C. S. Federal Restraints on State Legislation. 2d ed. 1904. $4.00.* Pomeroy, J. N. Constitutional Law. 4th ed. 1886. $5.00. Prentice, E. P., and Eagan, J. G. Commerce Clause of Federal Constitution. 1898. $5.00. Putney, A. Constitutional Law. 1908. Buckram, $3.50.* Stimson, F. J. Popular Law Making. 1911. $2.50.* Story, J. Commentaries on the Constitution. 5th ed. By Bigelow, M. M. 1891. 2 vols. $12.00. Thorpe, F. N. American Charters, Constitutions and Or- ganic Laws. 1492-1908. 6 vols. Cloth, $10.00.* Thome, F. N". Constitutional History of U. S. 1900. 3 vols. Cloth, $7.50.* Tiedeman, C. G. State and Federal Control of Persons and Property. 2d ed. 1900. 2 vols. $12.00. Treadwell, E. F. Annotated Constitution of California. 3d ed. 1911. Containing all amendments adopted up to and including October 10, 1911. Buckram, $5.00. Strike the KEYNOTES to success in American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. 148 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Tucker, J. E. Constitution of U. S. 2 vols. 1900. Cloth, $7.00.* Sheep, $8.00.* Von Hoist, H. Constitutional History of the United States, 8 vols. ] 878-1889. Cloth, $12.00.** Von Hoist, H. Constitutional Law of U. S. 1887. Cloth, $2.00.* Watson, D. K. U. S. Constitution. 1910. 2 vols. Buck- ram, $12.00.* Willoughby, W. W. U. S. Constitution. 1910. 2 vols. Canvas, $12.00.* (See American Law.) Wise, Jno. S. American Citizenship. 1906. Cloth, $3.00.* (See Interstate Commerce, Federal Procedure, Police Pow- ers, etc.) CONTEMPT. Thomas, J. L. Constructive Contempt. 1904. Canvas, $3.00.* CONTRACTS. Anson, Sir W. K. Contracts. Edited bv Huffcut, E. W. 11th ed. 1906. Cloth, $3.00.* Anson, Sir. W. K. Contracts. Edited by Knowlton, J. C. 1887. $3.50.* Beach, C. F., Jr. Law of Contracts. 1896. 2 vols. $12.00. Benjamin, E. M. Principles of Contracts. 1907. Buck- ram, $3.75.* Bishop, J. P. Law of Contracts. 3d ed. 1907. $6.00.* Bishop, J. P. Noncontract Law. 1889. $6.00.* Black, H. C. Constitutional Prohibitions against Impair- ing the Obligation of Contracts, etc. 1887. $3.50.* Clark, W. L., Jr. On Contracts. 2d ed. 1904. $3.75.* Hammon, L. I. Law of Contracts. 1902. $6.00. Hare, J. I. C. The Law of Contracts. 1887. $6.50.* Harriman, E. A. On Contracts. 2d ed. 1901. Buckram, $3.00.* Jones, D. A. Construction of Commercial Contracts. 1886. $5.00. Lawson, John D. On Contracts. 2d ed. 1905. $5.00.* Page, Wm. H. On Contracts. 1905. 3 vols. $18.00.* Parsons, T. The Law of Contracts. 9th ed. By Gould, John M. 1903. 3 vols. $18.00. Pingrey, D. H. Extraordinary, Industrial and Interstate Contracts. 1905. $6.30.* Pollock, Sir Frederick. (Wald.) On Contracts. 3d Am. ed. By Samuel Williston. 1906. $6.00.* Pomeroy, J. N. Specific Performance. 2d ed. 1896. $5.00.* BANCB0FT-WH1TNEY COMPANY. 149 Kay, C. A. Contractual Limitations. 1892. $4.50.* Wharton, F. On Contracts. 1882. 2 vols. $12.00. Willis, H. E. Principles of Contracts. 1909. Buckram, $3.00.* Williston, Samuel. Cases on Contracts. 1903-1904. 2 vols. $10.00. CONVEYANCING. Cowdery, J. F. New Forms and Prece- dents. Forms and Precedents for business transactions for lawyers, clerks, conveyancers, notaries, and men of af- fairs, adapted to the Codes and Statutes of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washing- ton, and Wyoming. 1906. Buckram, $6.00.* Abbott, B. V., and A. Clerk's Assistant. By Birdseye, C. F. 3d ed. 1911. Buckram, $7.50.* Bigelow, M. Fraudulent Conveyances. New ed. 1911. Canvas, $6.50.* Brewster, James H. Modern Law of Conveyancing. 1904. $5.00. Church, W. S. Forms of Law and Business. (Pacific Coast and Western States.) 1911. Buckram, $7.50.* Giauque, F. Notary's and Conveyancer's Manual. 3d ed. 1907. Cloth, $2.00.* Jones, L. A. Legal Forms. 6th ed. 1909. Buckram, $6.00.* Martindale, W. B. On Conveyances. 3d ed. 1911. $6.50.* Maupin, C. W. Marketable Title to Eeal Estate. 2d ed. 1907. Buckram, $6.00.* Moore, D. C. Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditors' Kemedies. 1908. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.00.* Torrens (Dumas). Land Transfer System. 1900. $1.50.* Torrens (Niblack, W. C). Land Transfer System. 1903. Buckram, $2.00.* Torrens (Sheldon). Land Transfer System. 1901. Buck- ram, $2.00.* Wait, F. S. Fraudulent Conveyances. 3d ed. 1897. $6.00. (See Real Property.) COPYRIGHT. MacGKllivray, E. J. Law of Copyright. 1903. $8.00. Singer, B. Copyright Laws of the World. 1909. Cloth, $2.00.* (See Patents and Trademarks.) Consult Annotations in American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. &npY£ mt (tttmrt nf Alabama (f nmuiltatimt Smmi Montgomery, Ala., April 23, 1908. Bancroft-Whitney Co., San Francisco, Cal. Gentlemen: As to the merits of the reports published by you viz: The American Decisions, American Reports and American State Reports, we have to say that the series as a whole has no rival in usefulness to the profession, and the American State Reports are, in our opinion, the most valuable reports ever published. The cases are well selected and the notes are able and exhaustive. With this entire series, the Reports of the court of last resort of his own State, and the Supreme Court of the United States, a lawyer in general practice may well be said to have all he needs of adjudged cases. Very truly, THOS. C. McCLELLAN, JNO. R. TYSON, N. D. DENSON, JNO. C. ANDERSON, R. T. SIMPSON, T. R. DOWDELL. Send for sample pages, price and terms BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 151 CORPORATIONS. Abbott, H. S. Municipal Corporations. 1906. 3 vols. $18.00.* Abbott, H. S. Summary of Law of Public Corporations. 1908. Buckram, $6.00.* Alger, A. M. Promoters of Corporations. 1897. $4.00.* American and English Corporation Cases. New Series. 19 vols. $47.50. See pages 208-209. Beach, C. F. Monopolies and Industrial Trusts. 1898. $5.00.* Beach, C. F. Public Corporations. 2d ed. by J. W. Smith. 1902. 2 vols. $12.00. Beach, C. F., Jr. Private Corporations. 2d ed. by J. H. Purdy. 1905. 3 vols. $18.00. Beale, J. H., Jr. Foreign Corporations and Taxation of Both Foreign and Domestic Corporations. 1904. $6.00.* Bentley, H. C. Corporate Finance and Accounting. New edition in preparation. Boisot, L. By-Laws of Corporations. 2d ed. 1902. $3.00. Carney, W. A. Promoter's Assistant and Secretary's Manual. 3d ed. 1910. Leather, $3.00.* Clark, W. L., Jr. On Corporations. 2d ed. 1907. Buck- ram, $3.75.* Clark, W. L., and Marshall, W. L. Private Corporations. 1908. 4 vols. $24.00.* Supplement, Vol. 4, Separately, $6.50.* Clephane, W. C. Organization and Management of Busi- ness Corporations. 1905. Buckram, $2.50.* Constantineau, A. De Facto Doctrine in its Relation to Public Officers and Public Corporations. 1910. Buck- ram, $6.00.* Conyngton, T. Corporate Organization. 1909. Buckram, $3.00.* Conyngton, T. Corporation Management. 3d ed. 1908. Buckram, $3.50.* Cook, W. W. On Corporation Law. 6th ed. 1908. 4 vols. Buckram, $26.00.* Cooper, F. Financing an Enterprise. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1909. Cloth, $4.00.* Cumming, R. C. Gilbert, F. B., and Woodward, H. L. Private Corporation Laws of all States. 1903. 5 vols. $24.00. Dillon, J. F. Law of Municipal Corporations. 5th ed. 1911. 5 vols. Law Canvas or Buckram, $32.50.* Dill. New Jersey Corporations. 5th ed. 1911. 1 vol. Buckram, $2.50. Eddy, A. J. Combinations, Trusts, and Monopolies. 1900. 2 vols. $12.00. 152 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Elliott, C. B. Municipal Corporations. 2d ed. 1910. Buckram, $4.00.* Elliott, Chas. B. Law of Private Corporations. 4th ed. 1911. $6.00. Frost, Thomas G. Incorporation and Organization of Cor- porations under the Business Corporation Acts. 4th ed. 1911. Buckram, $5.00.* Frost, Thos. G. Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1 vol. 1911. $4.00. Gluck, J. F., and Becker's Keceivers of Corporations. 2d ed. 1896. $6.00. Harris, G. E. Damages by Corporations. 1892. 2 vols. $11.00.* Harvey, E. S. Eights of Minority Stockholder. 1909. Cloth, $2.00.* Helliwell, A. T. Stocks and Stockholders. 1903. $6.00. Hisschl, A. J. Leading Cases, Combination, Consolidation and Eeorganization of Corporations. 1896. $6:00.* Ingersoll, H. H. Public Corporations. 1904. $3.75.* Jones, D. A. Negligence, Municipal Corporations. 1892. $6.00. Jones, L. A. Corporate Bonds and Mortgages. 1907. Buckram, $6.00.* Jones, S. W. Insolvent and Failing Corporations. 1908. Buckram, $6.50.* Joyce, J. A. Actions By and Against Corporations. 1910. Canvas, $6.50.* Joyce, J. A. Franchises. 1909. Canvas, $6.50.* Lowell, A. L. and F. C. Transfer of Stock. 1884. $3.00.* Machen, A. W. Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1910. Cloth, $1.50.* Machen, A. W. Modern Law of Corporations. 1908. 2 vols. Canvas, $12.00.* Marshall, W. L. Corporations. 1903. $6.00. McQuillin, E. Municipal Corporations. 6 vols. 1911. Buckram, $39.00.* Morawetz, V. Law of Private Corporations. 2d ed. 1886. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.00.* Municipal Corporation Cases. 11 vols. $27.50.* Murfree, W. L., Jr. Foreign Corporations. 1893. $4.00.* Noyes, W. C. Intercorporate Eelations. 2d ed. 1908. Canvas, $6.00.* Overland, M. U. Classified Corporation Laws, all States. 1908. Buckram, $4.00.* See how we annotate in the Am. Dec., Am. Rpts., Am. St. Rpts. and American Annotated Cases, from your own court. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 153 Parker, J. S. Corporation Legal Manual. 1911. $7.00. Parker, J. S. New Jersey Corporations. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram, $10.00.* Purdy, J. H. Private Corporations (2d ed. of Beach). 1905. 3 vols. $18.00.* Eeid, W. A. On Corporate Finance. 1896. 2 vols. $12.00. Smith, J. W. Public Corporations. (2d ed. of Beach.) 1902. 2 vols. $12.00. Spelling, T. Carl. Corporate Management and By-Laws. A manual of Corporate Management with Forms. Full and correct information for the conduct and transaction of all kinds of corporate business from adoption of by- laws to winding-up proceedings. 1904. $4.50. Spelling, T. C. Trusts and Monopolies. 1893. $3.50.* Taylor, H. O. Private Corporations. 5th ed. 1902. $6.00.* Thompson, S. D. Corporations. Vol. 7. (Supplement.) 1899. $6.00.* Thompson, S. D. Corporations. 2d ed. 1908-1910. 7 vols. Buckram, $42.00.* Turpin, E. Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1910. Cloth, $2.00.* Williams, W. L. Liability, Municipal Corporations. 1901. Buckram, $3.50.* Wood, W. A., and Ewbanks, L. B. Modern Business Cor- porations. 1906. Cloth, $2.50.* Wyman, B. Public Service Corporations. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.50.* (See Benefit Societies; Damages; Combinations; Municipal Corporations; Negligence; Eailroads; Eeceivers, and Ultra Vires.) COSTS. Gunckel, Patrick H. Costs in Federal Courts. 1903. $5.00. COVENANTS. Devlin, Eobt. T. On Deeds with Forms. 1911. 3 vols. $19.50 Eawle, W. H. Covenants for Title. 5th ed. 1887. $6.50.* COVERTURE. (See Domestic Relations, and Marriage and Divorce.) CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE. Abbott, A. Trial Brief Criminal. 2d ed. 1902. $4.50.* American Criminal Reports. 15 vols, and Digest. Buck- ram or Sheep, $80.00.* Digest, 1 vol., Separately, $6.00.* ^JT is current comment among the best A American judges and lawyers that, as a law writer, Abraham Clark Freeman has or has had no equal." It is not to be wondered at, therefore, that the best American judges and lawyers always consult the American Decisions, American Reports and American State Reports in pre- paring important opinions, briefs and argu- ments. Sample pages, price, easy terms and full particulars on request. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. BANCEOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 155 Ames, D. J. Forgery and its Detection. 1900. Cloth, $2.50.* Atwell, W. H. Federal Criminal Law. 1910. $5.00.* Beale, J. H. Criminal Pleading. 1899. S.S. Cloth, $2.50.* Bishop, J. P. Directions and Forms. Prosecution and Defense. 2d ed., by Evans, W. 1901. $6.00.* Bishop, J. P. New Commentaries on the Criminal Law. 8th ed. 1892. 2 vols. $12.00.* Bishop, J. P. New Criminal Procedure; or, The Law of Pleading, Evidence, and Practice in Criminal Cases. 4th ed. 1895-1896. 2 vols. $12.00.* Bishop, J. P. On Statutory Crimes, by Early, M. C. 3d ed. 1901. $6.00. Brown, J. Criminal Law. 1892. $2.50. Carr, Wm. Wilkins. The Trial of Lunatics. 1890. $2.00.* Clark, W. L., Jr., and Marshall, W. M. On Crimes. 1905. $6.00.* Clark, W. L., Jr. Criminal Law, 2d ed., by F. B. Tiffany, 1902. $3.75.* Clark, W. L., Jr. Criminal Procedure. 1895. $3.75.* Duke. Celebrated Criminal Cases of America. 1911. $3.t)0. Hardwick, H. Trial Lawyer's Assistant in Criminal Cases. 1902. Buckram, $2.50.* Hawley, J. G., and McGregor, M. Criminal Law. 1897. $3.00.** Hawley, J. G. Law of Arrest. 2d ed. 1889. 75 cents. Heard, F. F. Criminal Pleading. S.S. 1879. 12mo. Cloth, $2.50.* Hockheimer, L. Law of Crimes. 2d ed. 1904. $5.00. Joyce, H. C. Indictments. 1908. Buckram, $7.50.* Kerr, J. M. On Homicide. 1891. $6.00.* Lavay, J. B. Disputed Handwriting. 1909. Cloth. $2.00.* Lawson, J. D. Adjudged Cases on Defenses to Crime. Vol. 1. Horrigan and Thompson's Leading Cases on Self-Defense. Vol. II. Insanity as a Defense to Crime. Vol. III. Disability and Non-Liability. Vol. IV. Spe- cial Defenses to Crimes against the Public. Vol. V. Special Defenses to Crimes against Person and Property. Vol. VI. Supplement to the entire set to 1892. 1874-92. 6 vols. Per vol., $6.00. Closing out the edition at $18.00 per set. A Mine of Law — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. 156 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. May, J. W. Criminal Law. 3d ed. 1905. Buckram, $3.00.* McClain, Emlin. Criminal Law. 1897. 2 vols. $12.00. Mikell, W. E. Cases Criminal Law. 1908. Buckram, $4.00. Mikell, W. E. Cases Criminal Procedure. 1911. Buck- ram, $3.50. Osborn, A. S. Questioned Documents. 1910. Cloth, $5.25.* Pagin, O. E. Precedents and Forms (Criminal). U. S. Courts. 1894. $6.00.* Roe, E. T. Criminal Procedure of the U. S. Courts. 1887. $3.50.* Roscoe, H. Criminal Evidence. 13th ed. 1908. Half-Calf, $10.00.* Russell, W. O. On Crimes. 7th English ed. 1910. 3 vols. Buckram, $24.00.* Terrell, H. Crimes by National Bank Officers and Agents. 1906. Cloth, $2.50.* Sheep, $3.00.* Tiffany, F. B. On Death by Wrongful Act. 1893. $4.50.* Tucker, G. F., and Blood, C. W. Federal Penal Code. 1910. Canvas, $5.00.* Underhill, H. C. Criminal Evidence. 2d ed. 1910. Buck- ram, $7.50.* Voorhees, H. C. Law of Arrest. 1904. Buckram, $2.00. Washburn, E. Manual of Criminal Law. Ed. by Elwell, M. D. 3d ed. 1900. 12mo. $2.50.* Wharton, F. Criminal Evidence (Hilton). 10th ed. 1912. 2 vols. Buckram, $15.00.* Wharton, F. Criminal Law. 10th ed. 1896. 2 vols. $12.00. Wharton, F. Criminal Pleading and Practice. 9th ed. 1889. $6.00. Wharton, F. Homicide. 1907. Buckram, $7.50.* Wharton, F. Precedents of Indictments and Pleas. 4th ed. 1881. 2 vols. $12.00.* Wright, R. S. Criminal Conspiracy. American Notes by Carson, H. L. 1887. $3.00. (See Pleading and Practice, Evidence, Medical Juris- prudence, Trials, etc.) CUSTOMS. (See Tariff.) D DAMAGES. Hale, W. B. Damages. 1896. $3.75.* Harris, G. E. Damages by Corporations. 1892. 2 vols. $11.00.* Joyce, J. A. Law of Damages. 1903. 3 vols. $18.00. Sedgwick, T. On Damages. 8th ed. 1891. 3 vols. $18.00.* BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 157 Sedgwick, T. Elements of Damages. Students' Series. 2d ed. 1909. Buckram, $3.00.* Sutherland, J. G. The Law of Damages. 3d ed. By Berryman, J. E. 1903. 4 vols. $24.00. Watson, A. E. Damages for Personal Iniuries, 1901. $6.00.* Willis, H. E. Damages. 1910. Buckram, $3.00.* (See Torts.) DEATH. Perley, S. Mortuary Law. 1896. Cloth, $1.00.* Tiffany, F. B. Death by Wrongful Act. 1893. $4.50.* DEBTOR AND CREDITOR. Bishop, J. L. Insolvent Debtor. 3d ed. 1895. $6.00.* Smith, J. W. Equitable Remedies for Creditors. 1899. $5.00.* Waples, R. Debtor and Creditor. 1898. $3.50.* (See Attachments, Assignments, Insolvency, and Pay- ments.) DEEDS. Devlin, R. T. Real Estate and Deeds*. 3d ed. 1911. Buckram, $19,50.* DEFENSE. Bishop, J. P. Directions and Forms. Prosecu- tion and Defense. 2d ed., by Evans, W. 1901. $6.00.* Lawson, John D. Adjudged Cases on Defense to Crimes. Vol. I. Self-Defense. Vol. II. Insanity as a Defense. III. Disability and Non-Liability. Vol. IV. Special Defenses to Crimes against the Public. Vol. V. Spe- cial Defenses to Crimes against Persons and Property. Vol. VI. Supplemental to all the vols, to 1892. 1874- 1892. 6 vols. Per vol. $6.00. Closing out the edition at $18.00 per set. (See Criminal Law, Pleading and Practice.) DICTIONARIES. Anderson, W. C. Dictionary of Law. 1899. Royal 8vo. $7.50. Black, H. C. Law Dictionary. 2d ed. 1911. Buckram, $6.00.* Bouvier, J. Law Dictionary. Rawle's, F., Revision. 1897. 2 vols. $12.00.* Brown, A. Law Dictionary. 1875. $3.00. Cochran, W. C. Student's Law Lexicon. 2d ed. 1892. 16mo. $1.50.* Kinney, J. K. Law Dictionary and Glossary. 1894. $4.00.* Don't forget to consult the Annotations in American De- cisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. 158 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Rapalje, S., and Lawrence, E. L. Law Dictionary. 1883. 2 vols. $7.50.* Schumaker, W. A., and Longsdorf, G. F. Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. 1901. $6.00.** Stimson, F. J. Law Glossary. 2d ed. 1911. Buckram, $3.00.* Stroud, F. Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases (English). 1903. 3 vols. $18.00. Words and Phrases. 1905. 8 vols. $48.00.* DIVORCE. (See Marriage and Divorce.) DOMESTIC RELATIONS. Browne, I. Domestic Relations. 2d ed. 1890. $2.50.* Kale's, A. M. Cases Persons and Domestic Relations. 1911. Buckram, $4.00. Long, J. R. Domestic Relations. 1905. $3.50.* Reeve, T. The Domestic Relations. 4th ed. 1888. $5.00.* Rodgers, W. C. Domestic Relations. 1899. $6.00.* Schouler, J. Law of Domestic Relations. 5th ed. 1895. $6.00. Schouler, .T. Domestic Relations. Student's edition. 1905. Buckram, $3.00.* Sheep, $3.50.* Spencer, Edw. W. Domestic Relations. 1910. $6.00. Tiffany, F. B. Persons and Domestic Relations. 2d ed. 1909. Buckram, $3.75.* (See Marriage and Divorce.) DOMICILE. Jacobs, M. W. The Law of Domicile. 1887. $5.00.* EASEMENTS. Goddard, J. L. On Easements. 2d ed., bv Bennett, E. H. 1880. $5.00.* Jones, L. A. On Easements. New ed. in preparation. EJECTMENT. Newell, M. L. Law of Ejectment. 1892. $6.00.* Sedgwick, A. J., and Wait, T. S. Trial of Title to Land. 2d ed. 1886. $6.00. Warvelle, G. W. Ejectment. 1905. $6.00.* (See Mortgages and Real Property.) ELECTIONS. McCrary, G. W. Law of Elections. 4th ed. 1897. $6.00.* Wigmore, J. H. Australian Ballot System. 2d ed. 1890. Cloth, $1.50.* BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 159 ELECTRICITY. American Electrical Cases. 1872-1908. 9 vols. $54.00. Croswell, S. G. On Electricity. 1895. $6.00.* Deiser. Conflicting Use of Electricity and Electrolysis. 1911. 1 vol. Buckram, $2.50. Joyce, J. A. and H. C. Electric Law. 2d ed. 1907. 2 vols. $12.00.* Lindsley, V. S. Eate Eegulations. Gas and Electricity. 1906. Cloth, $1.50.** (See Telegraphs.) ELEMENTARY LAW. Dunlap, M. E. Abridgment Elementary Law. 1905. $3.50.* Ewells, M. D. Essentials of Law. Vol. 1. — Blackstone. Vol. 2. — Pleadings, Contracts, Equity. Vol. 3. — Torts, Real Property, Evidence. 1882-1888. Per vol. $3.00. Set, 3 vols., $7.50.* Fishback, Wm. P. Elementary Law. 1896. $3.00.* Gardner, G. E. Review of Law and Equitv. 1895. Cloth, $2.50. Howe, W. W. Studies in Civil Law. 2d ed. 1905. Buckram, $3.00.* Hughes, W. T. Grounds and Rudiments of Law. Vol. 1, 1907. Buckram, $4.00. Vols. 2, 3, 4, per vol. $3.50. Markby, Wm. Elements of Law. 5th ed. 1896. Cloth, $3.00.** Munson, C. L. R. Manual of Elementary Practice. 1897. $3 00 * Robinson, W. C. Elementary Law. 2d ed. 1909. Buck- ram, $3.50.* Russell, I. F. Outline Study of Law. 3d ed. 1900. Can- vas. $2.50. Smith W. D. Elementary Law. 1896. $3.75.* Townes, J. C. Elementary Law. 1904. $5.00. Walker, T. Introduction to American Law. 11th ed. by Bates. 1905. $5.00. (See Blackstone, Kent, Questions, etc.) ELEVATORS. Webb, J. A. Passenger and Freight Eleva- tors. 2d ed. 1905. $4.75.* EMINENT DOMAIN. Lewis, J. Law of Eminent Domain. 3d ed. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.00.* Strike the KEYNOTES to success in American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. POMEROY'S EQUITY Comprised of EQUITY JURISPRUDENCE By JOHN NORTON POMEROY, LL. D. and EQUITABLE REMEDIES By JOHN NORTON POMEROY, Jr., A.M., LL. B. The late JOHN NORTON POMEROY, LL.D., author of the original treatise on Equity Jurisprudence. This work is now in its third edition, recast in four volumes and thoroughly revised and annotated by John Norton Pomeroy, Jr. The treatise on Equitable Remedies in two volumes, by John Norton Pomeroy, Jr., rounds out the whole work, making it a complete and enduring masterpiece of legal literature. SIX VOLUMES Bound in Sheep or Buckram Price $36.00 Delivered Sold Only in Complete Sets Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 161 Nichols, P. Eminent Domain. 1909. Buckram, $5.00.* Kandolph, C. F. Law of Eminent Domain. 1894. $5.50.* (See Railroads.) ENGLISH LAW. Broom, H., and Hadley, F. H., Jr. Com- mentaries. 1875. 2 vols. $12.00. Cohen and Howell. Trade Union Law. (English.) 1901. Buckram, $2.50.* Dillon, J. F. Law and Jurisprudence, England and Am- erica. 1893. Cloth, $3.00.* Laws of England. A complete statement of the whole law of England. By the Earl of Halsbury. In about 24 volumes. Price per volume, $7.50.* Maitland, F. W. "Domesday Book and Beyond." 1897. Cloth, $4.50.* Pollock, F., and Maitland, F. History of English Law. 2d ed. 1899. 2 vols. Cloth, $10.00.* Stephen, S. Commentaries on Laws of England. 14th ed. 1903. 4 vols. $25.00. Thring, Lord. Practical Legislation. (English.) 1902. $2.50.* (See Blackstone.) EQUITABLE REMEDIES. Pomeroy, J. N. A treatise on Equity Jurisprudence as administered in the United States of America. Adapted for all states and to the union of legal and equitable remedies under the reformed procedure. 3d ed. Annotated and much enlarged by John Norton Pomeroy, Jr. 1905. 4 vols. Pomeroy, Jr., J. N. Equitable Remedies. A new work partly based on Pomeroy 's Equity Jurisprudence, Part IV. Vol. I, Receivers, Injunctions, etc. Vol. II, Parti- tion, Specific Performance, Creditors' Bills, etc. By John Norton Pomeroy, Jr. 1905. 2 vols. The above two works sold only as one set. 6 vols $36.00.* EQUITY. Bates, C. L. Federal Equity Procedure. 2 vols. 1901. $12.00.** Beach, Chas. F., Jr. Equity Jurisprudence. 1892. 2 vols. $12.00. Beach, Chas. F., Jr. Equity Practice. 1894. 2 vols. $12.00. Bigelow, M. M. Elements of Equity. S.S. 1879. 12mo. Cloth, $2.50.* Bispham, G. T. Principles of Equity. 8th ed. 1909. Can- vas, $6.00.* 162 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Daniell, E. R. Chancery Practice. 6th Am. ed., with Gould's, J. M., Notes. 1894. 3 vols. Buckram, $18.00.* Eaton, J. W. Equity Jurisprudence. 1901. $3.75.* Fetter, N. D. On Equity. 1895. $3.75.* Fletcher, William Meade. Equity Pleading and Practice. 1902. $6.00. Heard, F. F. Equity Pleading. 1882. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $2.00.* Sheep, $2.50.* Henderson, J. G. Chancery Practice. 1904. $6.00.* Merwin, H. C. Equity and Equity Pleading. 1895. $5.00. Pomeroy, J. N. A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence as Administered in the United States of America. Adapt- ed for all the States and to the union of legal and equitable remedies under the reformed procedure. 3d cd. Annotated and mucli enlarged by John Norton Pomeroy, Jr. 1905. 4 vols. Pomeroy, Jr., J. N. Equitable Remedies. A new work, partly based on Pomeroy 's Equity Jurisprudence, Part IV. Vol. I, Receivers, Injunctions, etc. Vol. II, Parti- tion, Specific Performance, Creditors' Bills, etc. By John Norton Pomeroy, Jr. 1905. 2 vols. Smith, J. W. Equitable Remedies for Creditors. 1899. $5.00.* The above two works sold only as one set. 6 vols. $36.00. Pomeroy, Jr., J. N. Equity Jurisprudence. Student's Edition. 1907. Buckram, $6.00.* Shipman, B. J. Equity Pleading. 1897. $3.75.* Shipp, E. R., and Daish, J. B. Equity Pleading and Prac- tice U. S. Supreme Court. 1901. Buckram, $3.00.* Shiras, O. P. Equity Practice in IT. S. Courts. 2d ed. 1898. $2.50.* Simkins, W. S. Federal Suit in Equity. 2d ed. 1911. $6.50.* Story, J. Equitv Jurisprudence. 13th ed. By Bigelow, M. M. 1886. 2 vols. $12.00. Story, J. Equity Pleading. 10th ed. By Gould, J. M. 1892. $6.00. Van Zile, P. T. Equity Pleading. 1904. $6.00. ESSAYS. Broom, H. Philosophy of the Law. 1876. Cloth, $1.50. Brief Treatises on thousands of topics, see American De- cisions, American Reports, American State Reports ana American Annotated Cases. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 163 Korkunov, N. M. Theory of the Law. 1909. Cloth, $3.50.* Thayer, J. B. Legal Essays. 1908. Buckram, $3.50.* Torrey, G. A. A Lawyer's Eecollections. 1910. Cloth, $1.50.* ESTOPPEL. Ewart, John S. On Estoppel. 1900. $5.00.* ETHICS. Archer, G. L. Ethical Obligations of a Lawyer. 1910. Buckram, $3.00.* Dos Passos, J. A. The American Lawyer. 1907. Buckram, $1.75.* Warvelle, G. W. Legal Ethics. 1902. Cloth, $2.00.* (See Legal Ethics.) EVIDENCE. Abbott, A. Trial Evidence. 2d ed. Bv Crawford, J. J. 1900. $6.50.* Abbott, A. Select Cases Evidence. 1895. $6.00. Best, W. M. Evidence. Am. ed. By Chamberlayne, C. F. 1907. $3.50.* Bishop, J. P. Law of Pleading, Evidence and Practice in Criminal Cases. 4th ed. 1895-96. 2 vols. $12.00.* Bra finer, G. W. Rules of Evidence. 2d ed. 1898. $6.00.* Browne, I. Parol Evidence. 1893. $5.00.* Browne, Irving. Short Studies in Evidence. 1897. $2.00.* Chamberlayne, C. F. Modern Law of Evidence. 1911. 4 vols. Buckram, $28.00.* Elliott, B. K. and W. F. Evidence. 1906. 4 vols. $24.00.* Greenleaf, S. Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 16th ed. By Wigmore, J. H. 1899. 3 vols. $15.00.* Hughes, T. W. Illustrative Treatise on Evidence. 1906. $4.00.* Kennedy, E. L. Trial Evidence. 1907. Canvas, $2.00.* Hammon, L. L. On Evidence. 1908. $6.00. Jones, Burr W. The Law of Evidence in Civil Cases. 2d ed. 1908. Buckram, $6.50.* Same. Pocket Edition, for Courtroom use. Flexible Leather, $6.50.* Both contain identically the same matter, printed from the same plates. The library edition for office use; the pocket edition to take into court. Both editions are essential to the "up-to-date" lawyer. Lawson, John D. Expert and Opinion Evidence. 2d ed. 1900. $6.00. Lawson, John D. Presumptive Evidence. 2d ed. 1899. $6.00. Facts and Figures Concerning "Jones on Evidence" By Burr W. Jones of the Wisconsin Bar and Professor of the Law of Evidence in the Col- lege of Law of the University of Wisconsin All the Law of Evidence in Civil Cases in one volume. 1,398 pages of Standard Law Book Size. 22 chapters, subdivided into 903 sections. 42,000 square inches of printed matter. Over three quarters of a million words. A very complete Index of 202 pages, divided into 1,666 subjects, which are minutely subdivided several thousand times. Cites all the leading cases, American and English. Parallel References to the American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports, Lawyers' Reports Annotated, and the National Reporter System. Two forms of publication : The Regular Edition, for office library ; and the Pocket Edition, to be taken into court. Both contain identically the same matter. A complete treatise, written by one of the greatest authorities on the subject. ALL THE LAW OF CIVIL EVIDENCE IN ONE VOLUME. PRICE, $6.50 DELIVERED. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. You need both THE LIBRARY EDITION Ordinary Paper Impression, Law Buckram Binding. Size: 9^2 in. high, 7 in. wide, 3$i in. thick. Weight: 4 lbs. 6 oz. Price: $6.50 Net Delivered THE POCKET EDITION Thin Paper Impression, Flexibly Bound in French Levant. Silk Book Mark. Size : 8 in. high, 5 in. wicle, 1 % in. thick. Weight: 2 lbs. 4 oz. Price: $6.50 Net Delivered Strike tin Keynote to Success You will find many such notes in the Keynote Series AMERICAN DECISIONS AMERICAN REPORTS AMERICAN STATE REPORTS and tht Keynote Set AMERICAN ANNOTATED CASES (cited Ann. Cas. 1912 A et seq.) BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMFANY. 167 MeKelvey, J. J. On Evidence. 2d ed. 1907. Buckram, $3.75.* Pocket edition issued December, 1911; printed on India paper, flexible leather. $4.00. Phillips, S. M. Cases Circumstantial Evidence. 4th ed. 1904. $4.00. Keynolds, W. Theory of Evidence. 4th ed. 1905. Buckram, $2.00.* Eeynolds, W. Trial Evidence. Pocket Edition. 1911. $3.50.* Eice, P. S. Law of Evidence, Civil. 1892. 2 vols. $10.00.* Eogers, H. W. Expert Evidence. 2d ed. 1891. $5.00.* Eoscoe, H. Criminal Evidence. 13th ed. 1908. Half -calf, $10.00* Stephen, Sir J. F. Digest of Law of Evidence. Edited by Geo. Chase. 2d ed. 1898. 12mo. $2.50.* Stephen, Sir J. F. Digest of Evidence. By Eeynolds, Wm. 3d ed. 1896. $2.50.* Thayer, J. B. Preliminary Treatise on Evidence. 1898. Cloth, $3.50.* Underbill, H. C. Criminal Evidence. 2d ed. 1910. Buck- ram, $7.50.* Underhill, H. C. On Evidence. 1894. $6.00.* Wellman, F. L. Art of Cross-examination. 1906. Cloth, $2.65.* Wharton, F. Criminal Evidence (Hilton). 10th ed. 1912. 2 vols. Buckram, $15.00.* Wharton, F. Law of Evidence. 3d ed. 1888. 2 vols. $12.00. Wigmore, J. H. Law of Evidence. 1904-1907. 5 vols. $32.00.* Wigmore, J. H. Law of Evidence. Supplement. 1905- 1907. 1 vol. $6.00.* Wigmore, J. H. Pocket Code of Evidence. 1909. Limp Leather, $4.00.* Wills, W. S. Circumstantial Evidence. 7th ed. 1896. $5.00.* Wood, H. G. Practice Evidence. 2d ed. 1906. Canvas, $6.50.* (See Circumstantial Evidence and Criminal Law and Pro- cedure; Select Cases.) EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. Baugh, F. H., and Schmeisser, W. C. Estate Accounting. 1910. Buckram, $4.00.* They have no equal — American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Report?, American Annotated Oases. The Treaty - Making Power Commentaries on the Treaty Clauses of the Constitution of the United States By ROBERT T. DEVLIN Of the San Francisco Bar, United States Attorney for the Northern District of California, and Author of "Devlin on Deeds." This work is intended not only for the lawyer, but also for the student of history and the general reader. It contains much historical information of American diplomacy of deep interest to the American citizen both at home and abroad. FOR INSTANCE: Mafia Riots, Japanese School Controversy, Tariff Acts, Parliamentary Procedure, Chinese Exclusion, Aliens, Diplomatic Relations, Nat- uralization and Expatriation. Special attention is given to the law of Extradition 1 volume. Price, $6.00 delivered. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 169 Borland, W. P. Notes on Law of Wills and Administration of Estates. 1908. Buckram, $3.50.* Church, W. S. Probate Law and Practice (Pacific Coast and Western States). 1908. 2 vols. Sheep or buckram, $13.00. Croswell, S. G. Executors and Administrators. 1897. $3.75.* Sehouler, J. Wills and Administration. (Superseding Schouler on Wills and Sehouler on Executors and Ad- ministration.) 1910. Buckram, $6.00.* Williams, E. V. Executors. 7th Am. ed. 1895. 3 vols. $15.00.** Woerner, J. G. American Law of Administration. 2d ed. 1899. 2 vols. $13.00.* (See Probate and Wills.) EXEMPTIONS. Waples, R. Homestead and Exemptions. 1892. $6.00. (See Homesteads.) EXPERT EVIDENCE. Lawson, John D. Expert Evidence. 2d ed. 1900. $6.00. Rogers, H. W. On Expert Testimony. 2d ed. 1891. $5.00.* (See Evidence.) EXTRADITION. Devlin, R. T. Treaty Powers and Inter- national Extradition. 1908. 1 vol. $6.00, Hawley, Jno. G. Interstate Extradition. 18mo. 1890. $2.00.* Hawley, Jno. G. International Extradition. 1893. $3.75.* EXTRAORDINARY REMEDIES. High, J. L. Extraor- dinary Legal Remedies. 3d ed. 1896. $6.00.* Harris, G. E. Writ of Certiorari. 1893. $5.00.* Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram. Net $13.50.* Hurd, R. C. Habeas Corpus. 2d ed. by F. Hurd. 1876. $6.00.* Pomeroy. (See Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence and Equitable Remedies.) Spelling, T. Carl. Extraordinary Relief. 2d ed. 1901. 2 vols. $12.00.* (See Injunctions.) F FACTS. Abbott, A. Trial Brief on Facts. 2d ed. 1902. $4.50.* Moore, Charles G. On Facts. 1907. 2 vols. $12.00.* Rose's Code of Federal Procedure SUPERSEDING DESTY'S FEDERAL PROCEDURE THE LAW GOVERNING JURISDICTION AND PROCEDURE IN THE FEDERAL COURTS CODIFIED AND ELABORATELY ANNOTATED BY Walter MaHns Rose Author of " Rose's Notes on United States Reports" 3 Volumes Buckram $18.00 Delivered BANCROFT -WHITNEY COMPANY. 171 FEDERAL PROCEDURE. Atwell, W. H. Federal Criminal Law. 1910. $5.00.* Bates, C. L. Federal Equity Procedure. 1901. 2 vols. $12.00.* Bates, C. L. Federal Procedure at Law. 1908. 2 vols. $12.00.* Beach, C. F. Modern Equity Practice. 1894. 2 vols. $12.00. Dewhurst, Win. W. Annotated Bules of the Federal Courts. 1907. $5.50. Fletcher, William Meade. Equity Pleading and Practice. 1902. $6.00. Foster, Kodger. Federal Practice. 4th ed. 1909. 3 vols. Buckram, $19.50.* Frost. Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1 vol. 1911. $4.00. Gunckel, Patrick H. Costs in Federal Courts. 1903. $5.00. Hopkins, J. L. U. S. Judicial Code. Annotated. 1911. Buckram, $2.50.* Hughes. Federal Procedure. 1904. $3.75.* Long on the Federal Courts. 2d ed. 1911. $2.50. Loveland, F. O. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts. 1910. Buckram, $6.50.* Loveland, F. O. Forms Federal Practice. 2d ed. 1903. 2 vols. $12.00. May, H. J. U. S. Supreme Court Practice. 1899. $6.50.* Pagin, O. E. Forms U. S. Courts. 1894. $6.00.* Roe, E. T. Criminal Procedure in U. S. Courts. 1887. $3,50.* Rose, Walter Malins. Code of Federal Procedure. Em- bodying enactments of Congress, constitutional pro- visions, established principles, and court rules in force, December 1, 1906, and the Bankruptcy Act of 1898, with amendments and orders, together with a col- lection of forms and precedents. By Walter Malins Rose, author of " Notes on United States Reports" (superseding Desty's Federal Procedure). 3 vols. 1907. Buckram, $18.00. Simkins, W. S. Federal Suit in Equity. 2d ed. 1911. $6.50.* Taylor, H. Jurisdiction and Procedure U. S. Courts. 1905. $6.00.* Strike the KEYNOTES to success in American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. 172 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Tucker, G. F., and Blood, C. W. Federal Penal Code. 1910. Canvas, $5.00.* (See Equity; U. S. Courts; Forms; Statute Law.) FEDERAL RESTRAINTS. Patterson, C. S. Federal Re- straints on State Action, the United States, and the States under the Constitution. 2d ed. 1904. $4.00.* (See Constitution.) FIXTURES. Bronson, H. A. Law of Fixtures. 1904. $5.00. Ewell, M. D. The Law of Fixtures. 2d edition. 1905. $6.00. FORECLOSURE. (See Mortgages.) FOREIGN CORPORATIONS. Beale, Jr., J. H. Foreign Corporations and Taxation of both Foreign and Domes- tic Corporations. 1904. $6.00.* Murfree, W. L. On Foreign Corporations. 1893. $4.00.* (See Corporations.) FORMS. Abbott, A. New Practice and Forms. 2d ed. Bv Alden, C. C. 1907. 2 vols. $13.00.* Abbott, A. Clerk's Assistant. 3d ed. By Birdseye, C. F. 1911. Buckram, $7.50.* Abbott, A. Forms of Pleading. 1898. 2 vols. $13.00. Best, J. H. Encyclopedia of Common Law Orders and Forms. 1903. $5.00.* Blashfield, DeWitt C. Forms of Instructions to Juries. 1903. $6.00.* Church, W. S. Forms of Law and Business. An ab- solutely new and up-to-date form book prepared ex- clusively for the Pacific Coast and the Western States; one large volume, 1250 pages, containing over 1800 forms. 1911. Buckram, $7.50.* Cowdery, J. F. New Book of Forms. Forms and Prece- dents, being legal forms and precedents for business transactions and court proceedings for the use of judges, lawyers, clerks, conveyancers, notaries, and men of af- fairs; with notes adapting the same to the codes and statutes of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho. Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 1906. Buckram, $6.00.* BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 173 Hagar, M. S., and Alexander, T. Bankruptcy Forms An- notated. 1910. Buckram, $6.50.* Heard, F. F. Precedents of Equity Pleading. The New and Concise Equity Form Book. 1883. Crown 8vo. $3.00.* Jones, L. A. Legal Forms. 6th ed. 1909. Buckram, $6.00.* Jury, J. G. Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice, Annotated. Contains the Code Provisions, the forms and complete annotations for every process in pleading and practice under the Code. An entirely new and original work. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.50.* Loveland, F. O. Forms of Federal Procedure. 2d ed. 1903. 2 vols. $12.00.* Moffitt, J. W. Civil Forms for use in Texas. 3d ed. 1911. $6.00. Pagin, O. E. Precedents and Forms in U. S. Courts. 1894. $6.00.* Parsons, T. Business Law. 1909. Canvas, $3.50.* * Sutherland's Treatise on Code Pleading and Practice. Also containing 1900 Forms. Complete, comprehensive and up-to-date, it is considered the standard authority in every Code State in the country. Four volumes. 1910. Buckram. Net delivered', $26.00. (See Conveyancing; Equity; Pleading and Practice.) FRATERNITIES. (See Benefit Societies.) FRAUD. Baker, J. F. Law of Sales as Affected by the Statute of Frauds. 1887. $5.00.* Bigelow, M. Fraudulent Conveyances. New ed. 1911. Canvas, $6.50.* Moore, D. C. Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditors' Remedies. 1908. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.00.* Reed, H. The Statute of Frauds. 1884. 3 vols. $12.00.** Smith, Jno. W. Law of Frauds. 1907. Buckram, $6.00.* FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES. Wait, F. $. Fraudu- lent Conveyances. 3d ed. 1897. $6.00. G GARNISHMENT. (See Attachments.) GAS. Lindsley, V. S. Rate Regulations, Gas and Elec- tricity. 1906. Cloth, $1.50. * -.<■ See how we annotate in the Am. Dec, Am. Rpts., and Am. St. Rpts. cases from your own Court. 174 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Archer, V. B. Law Oil and Gas. 1911. 1 vol. Buckram, $7.50. (See Oil and Gas.) GIFTS AND ADVANCEMENTS. Thornton, W. W. Gifts and Advancements. 1893. $6.00.* GLOSSARIES. (See Dictionaries.) GRAND JURY. Edwards, G. J. The Grand Jury Law and Practice. 1906. Cloth, $3.00.* GUARANTY. (See Suretyship.) GUARDIAN AND WARD. Woerner, J. G. The Law o; Guardianship. 1897. Canvas, $6.50.* (See Infancy; Wills; Domestic Relations.) h: HANDWRITING. Ames, D. J. Forgery and its Detection. 1900 Cloth $2 50.* Frazier. The Study of Documents. 3d ed. 1901. Cloth, $2.00.* Hagan, W. E. Disputed Handwriting. 1894. $3.50.* Lavay, J. B. Disputed Handwriting. 1909. Cloth, $2.00.* Osborn, A. S. Questioned Documents. 1910. Cloth, $5.25.* HIGHWAYS. (See Roads and Streets.) HOMESTEAD. Waples, Rufus. Homesteads and Exemp- tions. 1893. $6.00. HOMICIDE. Kerr, J. M. Law of Homicide. 1891. $6.00.* Wharton, F. Homicide. 1907. Buckram, $7.50.* (See Criminal Law.) HOTELS. Beale, Jr., J. H. Law of Hotels, Innkeepers, including other Public Houses, Theaters, Sleeping-cars. 1906. Buckram, $6.00.* HUMOR. (See Recreations.) HUSBAND AND WIFE. (See Domestic Relations and Mar- riage and Divorce.) BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 175 IDENTIFICATION. Harris, G. E. Law of Identification 1892. $5.00.* INDICTMENTS. Bishop, J. P. Directions and Forms. 2d ed. By Evans, W. 1901. $6.00.* Joyce, EL C. Indictments. 1908. Buckram, $7.50.* Wharton, Francis. Precedents of Indictments. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1881. $12.00. (See Criminal Law and Pleading and Practice.) INFANCY. Woerner, J. G. Guardianship. 1897. Canvas, $6.50.* (See Domestic Relations; Guardian and Ward.) INHERITANCE TAX. Dos Passos, B. F. Collateral In- heritance Tax. 2d ed. 1895. $6.00.* Wolfe, S. H. Inheritance Tax Calculations. 1905. Buck- ram, $4.50.* (See Taxation.) INJUNCTIONS. High, J. L. Injunctions. 4th ed. 1905. 2 vols. $12.00.* Joyce, H. C. Beach on Injunctions. 1909. 3 vols. Buck- ram, $18.00.* Pomeroy. (See Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence and Equitable Remedies.) Spelling, T. Carl. Extraordinary Relief. 2d ed. 1901. 2 vols. $12.00.* (See Extraordinary Remedies.) INJURIES. (See Personal Injuries; Master and Servant.) INNKEEPERS. (See Bailments and Hotels.) INSANITY. Browne, J. H. B. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 1875. $6.00. Buswell, H. F. The Law of Insanity. 1885. $6.00.* Carr, W. W. Insanity in Criminal Cases. 1890. $2.00.* Clevenger, S. V. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 1898. 2 vols. $12.00.* Hamilton, A. McL. A System of Legal Medicine. 2d ed. 1900. 2 vols. $12.00.** See Index to Notes of American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Reports and American Annotated 176 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Lawson, J. D. Insanity as a Defense. 1884. $6.00. Mann, E. C. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 1893. $4.25.* (See Medical Jurisprudence.) INSOLVENCY. Bishop, J. L. Insolvent Debtors. 3d ed. 1895. $6.00.* Jones, S. W. Insolvent and Failing Corporations. 1908. Buckram. $6.50.* (See Bankruptcy.) INSTRUCTIONS TO JURIES. (See Juries and Trials.) INSURANCE. Arnould, J. Marine Insurance. London. 8th ed. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram, $16.00.* Bacon, F. H. Benefit Societies. 3d ed. 1904. 2 vols. $12.00. Beach, C. F., Jr. Law of Insurance. 1895. 2 vols. $12.00. Biddle, Arthur. Law of Insurance. 1893. 2 vols. $10.00.** Clement, G. A. Fire Insurance. 1905. 2 vols. $12.00. Cook, F. H. Life and Accident Insurance. 1891. $4.00. Cooley, R. W. Briefs on Insurance. 1905. 5 vols. $27.00.* Elliott, C. B. Law of Insurance. 1902. $4.00. Frost, T. G. Guaranty Insurance. 2d ed. 1909. Canvas, $6.00.* Gow, W. Marine Insurance. 3d ed. 1903. Cloth, $1.50. Indicator's Digest of Insurance Decisions. All kinds. 2300 cases. 1899. $6.00.* Insurance Man's Practical Digest. 1905. Cloth, $7.50.* Kerr, W. A. Insurance. 1902. $6.00. May, J. W. Fire, Life, and Accident Insurance. 4th od. 1900. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.00.* Niblack, W. C. Abstractors and Title Insurance. 1908. Buckram, $2.00.* Ostrander, D. Fire Insurance. 2d ed. 1897. $6.00.* Richards, George. Insurance. 3d ed. 1909. Canvas, $6.75.* Sansum, O. B., and Berryman, J. R. Insurance Digest. 1876-1900. Royal 8vo. 4 vols. $25.00. Vance, William R. Insurance. 1904. $3.75.* (See Benefit Societies.) INTEREST. Perley, S. The Law of Interest. 1893. Cloth, $1.00.* Webb, J. A. Usury. 1899. $6.00.* INTERNATIONAL LAW. Barr. International Law. 1892. Half-calf, $10.00.* BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 177 Baker, Sir S. First Steps in International Law. 1899. Cloth. $3.50.* Butler, C. H. Treaty-Making Power of the United States. 1902. 2 vols. $12.00.* Davis, George B. Elements of International Law. 3d ed. 1908. Cloth, $3.00.* Devlin, R. T. Treaty-Making Power. Being Commentaries on the Treaty-making clauses of U. S. Constitution. Special attention is given to the law relative to Inter- national Extradition. 1908. $6.00. Glenn, E. F. International Law. 1895. $3.75.* Hawley, J. G. International Extradition. 1893. $3.75.* Herod, J. R. Favored Nation Treatment; International Laws of Commerce. 1901. $3.50. Lawrence, T. J. Principles of International Law. 3d ed. 1911. Cloth. $3.00.* Maxey, E. International Law. 1906. $6.00.* Monroe Doctrine. By T. B. Edington. 1905. Cloth. $3.00.* Monroe Doctrine. By Tucker, G. F. 1885. 12mo. $1.25.* Moore, J. B. Digest and History of International Arbi- trations of U. S. 1898. 6 vols. $18.00.* Moore, J. B. Digest and History of International Law. 1906. 8 vols. $24.00.* Morse, J. T., Jr. Arbitration and Award. 1872. $6.00. Pomeroy, J. N. International Law in Time of Peace. By Woolsey, T. S. 1886. $5.00. Snow, F. American Diplomacy. Cloth. 1894. $2.00.** Taylor, H. International Public Law. 1901. $6.50.* Van Dyne, F. Our Foreign Service. 1909. Cloth, $2.50.* Vattel, E. Law of Nations. 7th Am. edition. By In- graham, E. D., and Chitty, J. 1852. $3.50. Wheaton, H. International Law. 3d ed. By Boyd, A. C. 1889. $8.50.* Willis, G. G. International Law. 1910. Buckram, $3.75.* (See Extradition.) INTERPRETATION. (See Dictionaries and Statute Law.) INTERSTATE COMMERCE LAW. Barnes, H. C. Federal Regulation of Interstate Commerce. 1910. Buckram, $6.00.* Beale, Jr., J. H., and Wyman, B. Railroad Rates; Regula- tions. 1906. $6.00.* The best of all — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. Black On Judgments A treatise on the Law of Judgments, including the Doctrine of Res Judicata. By Harry Campbell Black. 1902. 2d ed. 2 vols. Sheep $12.00 BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 179 Cooke, F. H. Commerce Clause of the Federal Constitution. 1908. Canvas, $4.50.* Daish, J. B. Procedure in Interstate Commerce Cases. 1909. Buckram, $5.00.* Doherty. Liability of Railroads to Interstate Employees. 1911. Buckram. $3.00.* Drinker, H. S. Interstate Commerce Act. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram, $10.00.* Hamlin, C. S. Index Digest of the Interstate Commerce Act. 1907. Buckram, $3.50.* Interstate Commerce Commission Reports. See page 211. Judson, F. N. Interstate Commerce. 1906. $5.00.* Nelson, J. H. Interstate Commerce Commission. 1908. Buckram, $5.00.* Peirce, E. B. Digest of Interstate Commerce Commission Decisions. 1908. Buckram, $6.00.** Pingrey, D. H. Extraordinary, Industrial and Interstate Contracts. 1905. $6.30.* Snyder, Wm. L. Interstate Commerce Act and Federal Anti-Trust Laws. 1906. Canvas, $4.50.* Stickney, Albert. State Control of Trade and Commerce. 1897. Cloth, $2.25.* The Interstate Commerce Reports. 1887-1911. 20 vols. Buckram, $69.50. Van Buren, A. B. Index-Digest of Interstate Commerce Commission. 1910. Buckram. $5.00.* Ward, B. Cases on Restraint of Trade. 1903. 4 vols. Cloth, $7.25. Watkins, E. Shippers and Carriers of Interstate Freight. 1909. Buckram, $6.00.* INTERSTATE LAW. Hawley, J. G. Interstate Extradition. 1890. $2.00.* IRRIGATION. Kinney on Irrigation. New edition in prepa- ration. (See Waters and Watercourses.) J JOURNAL ENTRIES. (See Accounts.) JUDGMENTS. Black, H. C. Judgments. 2d ed. 1902. 2 vols. Net, $12.00. Van Fleet, J. M. Collateral Attack. 1893. $6.50.* JUDICIAL SALES. Freeman, A. C. Void Judicial Sales. 4th ed. 1902. $4.00. Kleber, J. C. Void Judicial Sales. 1899. $4.50.* 180 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. JURIDICAL LAW. Smith, H. E. Studies in Juridical Law. 1902. $3.50.* JURIES. Abbott, A. Civil Jury Trial. 3d edition India paper. Buckram or Morocco Flexible, $6.00.* Blashfield, DeWitt C. Forms of Instructions to Juries. 1903. $6.00.* Blashfield, DeWitt C. Instructions to Juries. 1902. $6.00.* Clementson, G. B. Manual on Special Verdicts and Special Findings by Juries. 1905. Buckram, $3.75.* Donovan, J. W. Modern Jury Trials. 4th ed. 1909. Buckram, $4.50.* Edwards, G. J. The Grand Jury, Law and Practices. 1906. Cloth, $3.00.* Elliott, B. K. and W. F. The Work of the Advocate. 1 vol. 1911. Cloth, $4.00. Flexible morocco, $5.00. Hughes, Chas. Instructions to Juries. 1905. $5.00.* Sackett, F. Instructions to Juries. 3d ed. By Brick- wood, A. W. 3 vols. 1908. Buckram, $19.50.* Thompson, S. D. Law of Trials, including Instructions to Juries. 1912. 4 vols. $26.00. (See Trials.) JURISDICTION. Bailey, W. F. Law of Jurisdiction. 1899. 2 vols. $12.00.* Brown, T. On Jurisdiction. 2d ed. 1901. $6.00.* Carter, H. M. Jurisdiction U. S. Courts. 1899. $3.50.* Curtis, B. R. Jurisdiction of United States Courts. 2d ed. 1896. 12mo. Cloth, $2.50.* Holt, G. C. Concurrent Jurisdiction of Federal and State Courts. 1888. $3.00.* Loveland, F. O. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts. 1910. Buckram, $6.50.* Taylor, H. Jurisdiction and Procedure U. S. Courts. 1905. $6.00.* (See United States Courts.) JURISPRUDENCE. Bryce, Jas. Studies in History and Jurisprudence. 1901. Cloth, $3.50. Dillon, John F. Law and Jurisprudence of England and America. 1895. Cloth. $3.00.* Holland, T. E. Elements of Jurisprudence. 11th ed. 1910. Cloth, $2.50.* Don't forget to consult the annotations in American De cisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 181 Hughes, W. T. Datum Posts of Jurisprudence. 1907. Buckram, $3.50.* Pollock, Frederick. A First Book of Jurisprudence. 1896. 12mo. Cloth, $1.75.* Pomeroy, J. N. Equity Jurisprudence. 3d ed. 1904. 4 vols. And Pomeroy, J. N., Jr. Equitable Remedies. 2 vols. 1904. The above two works sold only as one set. 6 vols. $36.00. Robinson, W. C. Elements American Jurisprudence. 1900. Buckram, $3.00.* Taylor, H. Science of Jurisprudence. 1908. Cloth, $3.50.* (See Equity Jurisprudence.) JUSTICES. Honnold, A. B. Justice Practice. (Oklahoma.) 1908. Sheep or Buckram, $6.30.* Murfree, W. L. Law Relating to Justices of the Peace. 1886. $5.00.* Skinner, J. O. Washington Law for the Notary Public. 1911. Buckram. $3.50.* JUSTINIAN. (See Ancient Law.) KENT. Devereux, J. C. Kinne's Kent. 1877. Canvas, $3.00. Browne, W. H. Kent's Commentaries. Condensed ed. 1894. Buckram, $4.00.* LABOR UNIONS. Cogley, C. G. Strikes and Lockouts. 1893. $4.00.* Cohen and Howell. Trade Union Law. (English.) 1901. Buckram, $2.50.* Cooke, F. H. Trade and Labor Combinations. 2d ed. 1909. $6.00.* Martin, W. A. Labor Unions. 1910. Buckram, $6.00.* LAND LAWS. Copp, H. N. Public Land Laws. 2d ed. 1890. 2 vols. Half sheep, $6.00. Sheep, $6.00. Dumas. (Torrens System.) 1900. Cloth, $1.50.* Jenks, Edward. Modern Land Laws, English. 1899. Cloth. $3.75.* Martin, T. Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. 1908. Sheep or Buckram, $7.00.* 182 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue Novem- ber, 1911, from original plates), bound in black leather. 1 vol. $4.00. Niblack, William C. (Torrens System.) 1903. Cloth, $2.00. Sheldon. (Torrens System.) 1901. Buckram, $2.00.* (See Real Property, Conveyancing, Mining Law.) LANDLORD AND TENANT. Beale, Jr., J. H. Law of Ho- tels, Innkeepers, Including Other Public Houses, Thea- ters, Sleeping-cars. 1906. Buckram, $6.00.* Jones, L. A. Landlord and Tenant. 1906. $6.00.* McAdam. Landlord and Tenant. 4th ed. 1910. 3 vols. Buckram, $19.5'0.* Vols. 1 and 2, Separately, $15.00.* Vol. 3, Separately, $5.00.* Tayor, J. N. The American Law of Landlord and Tenant. 9th ed. By Buswell, H. F. 1904. 2 vols. $12.00. Tiffany, H. T. Landlord and Tenant. 1910. 2 vols. $13.00.* Underhill, H. C. Landlord and Tenant. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.00.* Wandell, S. H. Inns and Hotels. 1888. $3.50. LEGACIES. (See Wills.) LEGAL MAXIMS. Broom, H. Legal Maxims. 8th ed. 1911. Cloth, $8.00.* Half-calf, $9.00.* Jackson, E. H. Law Latin. 3d ed. 1910. Buckram, $1.50.* (See Dictionaries.) LEGISLATIVE POWER. (See Constitution.) LIBEL. Newell, Martin L. Law of Defamation, Libel and Slander. 2d ed. 1898. $6.00.* Odgers, W. B. Law of Libel and Slander. 3d English ed. 1896. $12.00.** (See Torts.) LIENS. Bloom, S. Mechanics' Liens and Building Con- tracts. Is the only work on the subject designed with The cheapest and best — American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMBANY. 183 special reference to the Pacific Coast and Western States. Valuable for architects, contractors, builders, property owners, as well as lawyers. 1908-10. Sheep or Buck- ram, $7.50.* Supplement. 1912. 1 vol. $4.00.* Boiset, L., Jr. Mechanics' Liens. 1897. $6.00.* Elkus, A. L, and Glenn, G. Secret Liens and Eeputed Ownership. 1910. Buckram, $3.50.* Jones, L. A. Treatise on Liens. 3d ed. In preparation. Phillips, S. L. Law of Mechanics' Liens. 3d ed. 1893. $6.00. LIMITATIONS. Buswell, H. F. Limitations and Adverse Possession. 1889. $6.00. Cooley, T. M. Constitutional Limitations. 7th ed. by V. H. Lane. 1903. $6.00. Wood, H. G. Limitations of Actions. 3d ed. 1901. $6.50. (See Constitution.) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. (See Partnership.) LIQUOR LAW. Black, H. C. Intoxicating Liquors. 1892. $6.00.* Joyce, H. C. Intoxicating Liquors. 1910. Buckram, $7.50.* Woollen, W. W., and Thornton, W. W. Intoxicating Liquors. 1910. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.50.* LUNACY. (See Insanity.) M MAIL. Thomas, Jno. L. Law Relating to Nonmailable Matter. 1903. $3.75.* MALICIOUS PROSECUTION. Newell, M. L. Malicious Prosecution and False Imprisonment. 1892. $5.50.* MALPRACTICE. McClelland, M. A. Civil Malpractice. 1877. $4.50. (See Medical Jurisprudence.) MANDAMUS. Wood, H. G. Mandamus, etc. 3d ed. 1896. $3.50. (See Extraordinary Remedies.) MARINE INSURANCE. Arnould, J. Marine Insurance. London. 8th ed. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram, $16.00.* Architects! Contractors! Builders! Property Owners! Protect Yourselves from Litigation Understand your Relative Obligations and Avoid Complications The Law of Mechanics' Liens and Building Contracts By S. BLOOM, of the San Francisco Bar Is the only work on the subject designed with special reference to the Pacific Coast and "West- ern States. It deals with questions that arise every day, and treats them in an eminently prac- tical way. One Volume, 1144 Pages Bound in Sheep or Buckram Price $7.50 Delivered Supplement, 1912 Revising and bringing down to date the above original treatise. Complete citations to all later decisions. One Volume, Buckram Price $4.00 Delivered Original treatise and 1912 Supplement, two vol- umes in one order, special price, $10.00 delivered BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 185 Gow, William. Marine Insurance. 3d ed. 1903. Cloth. $1.50. (See Admiralty.) MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. Bishop, J. P. The Law of Marriage, Divorce and Separation. 8th ed. 1891. 2 vols. $12.00.* Howard, G. E. History of Matrimonial Institutions. 1904. 3 vols. $10.00. Keezer, F. Marriage and Divorce. 1906. Buckram, $4.00.* Nelson, W. TV Divorce and Separation. 1895. 2 vols. $11.00.* White, F. A. Marriage and Divorce Laws. 1910. Buck- ram, $4.50.* (See Domestic Relations.) MARRIED WOMEN. Harris, G. E. Contracts of Married Women. 1887. $6.00.* (See Domestic Relations.) MASTER AND SERVANT. Bailey, W. F. Master's Lia- bility for Injury to Servant. 1894. $6.00.* Bailey, W. F. Personal Injuries Relating to Master and Servant. 2d ed. 1911. 3 vols. $19.50. Doherty. Liability of Railroads to Interstate Employees. 1911. Buckram, $3.00.* Dresser, F. F. Employer's Liability and Assumption of Risks. 1902-1908. 2 vols. $10.00.* Vol. 2, Separately, $4.00.* Labatt, C. B. Master and Servant. 1904. 2 vols. $12.00. Moll, T. J. Liability of Independent Contractors and Em- ployees. 1910. Buckram, $4.50.* Reno, C. Employer's Liability Act. 2d ed. 1903. $5.00. Thornton, W. W. Federal Employer's Liability Act. 1909. Buckram, $4.50.* (See Negligence and Personal Injuries.) MECHANICS' LIENS. (See Liens.) MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Bailey, P. Accident and Injury, Relation to Diseases of Nervous System. 1898. Sheep. $6.00.* For up-to-date case law and annotations, consult Am. Dec, Am. Rpts., Am. St. Rpts. and American Annotated Cases. Lawyers, Students, Miners, Surveyors, Civil Engineers, Etc., Etc. Special Inexpensive Pocket Flexible Edition Limited Issue, November, 1911 NOW READY Martin's Mining Law and Land Office Procedure with Forms By THEODORE MARTIN Of the Los Angeles bar, formerly of the Colorado bar One Volume, 1044 Pages, Bound in BLACK FLEXIBLE LEATHER « Special Pocket Edition" Published from original plates of regular edition Price, $4.00 delivered BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMFANY. 187 Browne, J. H. B. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 1875. $6.00. Clevenger, S. V. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 1898. 2 vols. $12.00.* Emerson, E. L. Legal Medicine and Toxicology. 1909. Cloth, $5.65.* Ewell, M. S. Manual Medical Jurisprudence (Students). 2d ed. 1910. Cloth, $2.50.* Hamilton, A. McC. System of Legal Medicine. 2d ed. 1900. 2 vols. $12.00.** Mann, E. C. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 1893. $4.25.* Stewart, G. H. Legal Medicine. 1910. Buckram, $5.00.* Wharton, F., and Stille, M. Medical Jurisprudence. 5th ed. 1905. 3 vols. $18.00. Whitthaus, R. A., and Becker, T. C. Medical Jurispru- dence. 1906-1911. 4 vols. Cloth, $24.00. Sheep, $28.00. (See Insanity.) MEXICAN LAW. Kerr, R. J. Handbook of Mexican Law. 1909. Buckram, $3.50.* Kerr, R. J. Mining Law of Mexico. 1910. Buckram, $1.50.* Reyes, L. R., and Barker, F. F. Mining Laws of Mexico. 1910. Cloth, $4.50.* Limp Leather, $6.00.* The Mexican Custom House Tariff, in English. $2.50. The Mexican Mining Laws, in English. $1.00. The Federal Stamp Law, in English. $1.00. The Public Lands Law, in English. .50. The Patent Laws, in English. $1.00. The Commercial Code, in English. Sheep, $5.00. The Civil Code, in English. Sheep, $10.00. The Law of Weights and Measures, in English. $1.00. The Trademark Law of Mexico, in English. .75. The New Banking Law of Mexico, in English. .50. The Railroad Law, in English. $1.00. The Colonization and Naturalization Law, in English. .50. Taylor, J. P. Mexican Civil Code. 1906. $10.00.* Walton, C. S. Civil Law of Spain and Spanish America. 1899. $6.25.* Wheless, J. Laws of Mexico in English. (Including Min- ing Law.) 1910. 2 vols. Buckram, $10.00.* MILITARY LAW. Davis, G. R. Military Law of U. S. 1898. $7.50.* Dudley, E. S. Military Law and Courts-Martial. 1907. $2.50.* 188 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. MINING LAW. Barringer, D. M., and Adam, J. S. Law of Mines. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.50.* Vol. 2, Sepa- rately, $7.5l>.* Clark, H. F., Heltman, C. C, and Consaul, C. F. Digest of Mining Decisions. 1897. $7.50.* Copp, H. N. Mining Code. 1906. Paper, .50. Kerr, K. J. Mining Law of Mexico. 1910. Buckram, $1.50.* Lindley, Curtis H. American Law of Mines and Mining. 3d ed. In preparation. Martin, T. Mining Laws and Land Office Procedure. 1908. Sheep or Buckram, $7.50* "Special Pocket Flexible Edition" (limited issue Novem- ber, 1911, from original plates), bound in black flexible leather. 1 vol. $4.00. Mining and Water Eight Cases Annotated. 1911. $6.50. Morrison, E. S. Mining Eights. 14th ed. 1910. Buck- ram, $3.50.* Morrison. Mining Eeports. See page 211. Beyes, L. E., and Barker, F. F. Mining Laws of Mexico. 1910. Cloth, $4.50*; Limp Leather, $6.00.* Shamel, C. H. Mining, Mineral and Geological Law. 1907. Buckram, $5.00.* Snyder, W. I. Mining Law. 1902. 2 vols. $12.00. Wheless, J. Laws of Mexico in English. (Including Min- ing Law.) 1910. 2 vols. Buckram, $10.00.* White, Edw. J. Mines and Mining Eemedies. 1903. $7.50. White, Edw. J. Personal Injuries in Mines. 1905. $6.75.* Wilson, Calvert. Mining Law. 1911. Paper, .50. Cloth, $1.00. (See Select Cases; Land Laws.) MISCELLANEOUS. Dos Passos, J. E. The American Law- yer. 1906. Cloth, $1.75.* Greeley, A. P. Pure Foods and Drug Act of 1906. An- notated. 1907. Cloth, $1.50.* Kneeland. Law, Lawyers and Lambs. 1910. $1.50. Maitland, F. W. Domesday Book and Beyond. 1897. Cloth, $4.50.* Milburne, B. A. Office Boy's Digest. 1904. Cloth, $1.50.* Consult the Annotations in American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases, when you need aid. B AN CBOFT -WHITNEY COMPANY. 189 Veeder, Van V. Legal Masterpieces. 1903. 2 vols. Cloth, $6.00. Sheep, $7.00. Wellman, F. L. A Day in Court. 1910. Cloth, $2.18.* Wellman, Francis L. Art of Cross-examination. 1906. Cloth, $2.65.* White, E. J. Law in Shakespeare. 1911. Cloth, $3.50.* MORTGAGES. Cobbey, J. E. Chattel Mortgages. 1894. 2 vols. $10.00.* Hammon, L. L. Chattel Mortgages (Pacific Coast). 1901. $3.75. Jones, L. A. Chattel Mortgages. 5th ed. 1908. Buck- ram, $7.50.* Jones, L. A. Mortgages of Eeal Property. 6th ed. 1904. 2 vols. $12.00. Pingrey, D. H. Chattel Mortgages. 1891. $5.00. Pingrey, D. H. Mortgages (Keal Estate). 1892. 2 vols. $12.00. Short, E. L. Kailway Bonds and Mortgages. 1897. $6.50.* Wiltsie, C. H. Mortgage Foreclosure. 1897. 2 vols. $12.75.* (See Bonds, Eeal Property.) MORTUARY LAW. Perley, S. Mortuary Law. 1896. Cloth, $1.00.* MOTOR VEHICLES. See Automobiles. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. Abbott, H. S. Municipal Corporations. 1906. 3 vols. $18.00. Same. — Supplement. 1911. Buckram, $7.50. With set, $6.00. Abbott, H. S. Summary of Law of Public Corporations. 1908. Buckram, $6.00.* Constantineau, A. De Facto Doctrine in Its Eelation to Public Officers and. Public Corporations. 1910. Buck- ram, $6.00.* Dillon, J. F. Law of Municipal Corporations. 5th ed. 1911. 5 vols. Law Canvas or Buckram, $32.50.* Elliott, C. B. Municipal Corporations. 2d ed. 1910. Buckram, $4.00* Hainer, B. F. Municipal Securities. 1898. $6.00. Harris, W. H. Municipal Bonds. 1902. $4.00. Ingersoll, H. H. Public Corporations. 1904. $3.75 * Ivins, W. M., and Mason, H. D. Control of Public Utilities 1908. Canvas, $7.00.* 190 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Jones, D. A. Negligence. Municipal Corporations. 1892. $6.00. McQuillin, E. Municipal Ordinances. 1904. $6.00.* McQuillin, E. Municipal Corporations. 6 vols. 1911. Buckram, $39.00.* Municipal Corporation Cases. 11 vols. $27.50. Simonton, T. C. Municipal Bonds. 1896. $5.50.* Smith, J. W. Public Corporations. (2d ed. of Beach.) 1902. 2 vols. $12.00. Tiedeman, C. G. Municipal Corporations. 1894. $6.00.* Williams, W. L. Liability Municipal Corporations. 1901. Buckram, $3.50.* Wood, H. G. The Law of Nuisances. 3d ed. 1893. 2 vols. $12.00. Wyman, B. Public Service Corporations. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.50.* MUNICIPAL LAW. (See Elementary Law.) N NATIONAL BANKS. (See Banking.) NATURALIZATION. Van Dyne, Frederick. Naturaliza- tion in the United States. 1907. Buckram, $5.25. Wise, J. S. American Citizenship. 1906. Cloth, $3.00.* NEGLIGENCE. Adams, E. J. Briefs on the Negligence Law of Washington. 1910. Buckram, $7.50.* American Negligence Beports. 18 vols. Per vol. $5.50. Barrows, Morton. On Negligence. 1899. $3.75.* Beach, C. F., Jr. Law of Contributory Negligence. 3d ed. 1899. $6.00.* De Leon, E. W., and Moon, S. N. Law of Liability. A Digest of Negligence. 1899. $5.00. Dresser, F. F. Employers' Liability Acts and Assumption of Eisks. 1902-1908. 2 vols. $10.00.* Vol. 2, Sepa- rately, $4.00.* Jones, D. A. Negligence. Municipal Corporations. 1892. $6.00. Negligence Reports Annotated. 1911. Per vol., $6.50. Ray, C. A. Negligence. Imposed Duties. Carriers of Passengers. 1893. $6.00. See Index to Notes of American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCEOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 191 Kay, C. A. Negligence. Imposed Duties, Personal. 1891. $6.00. Ray, C. A. Negligence. Imposed Duties, Carriers of Freight. 1895. $6.00. Shearman, T. G., and Eedfield, A. A. On Negligence. 5th ed. 1898. 2 vols. $12.00. Smith, H. Law of Negligence. 2d Am. ed. By Whit- aker, W. H. 1896. $6.00.* Thomas, E. B. On Negligence. 2d ed. 1903. 2 vols. $12.0t).* Thompson, S. D. On Negligence. 1901-1906. 7 vols. $42.00.* Tiffany, F. B. Death by Wrongful Act. 1893. $4.50.* Williams, W. L. Liability of Municipal Corporations. 1901. $3.50.* (See Master and Servant; Personal Injuries; Municipal Corporations; Torts.) NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. (See Bills and Notes.) NON-CONTRACT LAW. Bishop, Joel Prentiss. Non-Con- tract Law. 1889. $6.00.* (See Torts.) NOTARIES. Giauque, F. Notary's and Conveyancer's Manual. 3d ed. 1907. Cloth, $2.00.* John, E. M. Notary Manual. 2d ed. 1904. Buckram, $2.50. Sheep, $3.00. Skinner, J. O. Washington Law for the Notary Public. 1911. Buckram, $3.50.* NOTARIAL RECORDS. Books properly ruled and with printed headings, for the use of notaries public, for re- cording proceedings had before them; 2 quires, cap, 9 x 14, $2.25.** NOTICE. Wade, W. P. Law of Notice. 2d ed. 1886. $6.00. NUISANCE. Joyce, J. A. and H. C. Law of Nuisances. 1906. Buckram, $6.30. Wood, H. G. Law of Nuisances. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Nuisances in their various forms; including Remedies therefor at Law and in Equity. 3d ed. 1893. 2 vols. $12.00. (See Public Health.) Wood On Nuisances A Practical Treatise on the Law of Nuisances in their various forms; including remedies therefor at law and in equity. By H. G. Wood. 3d ed. 1892. 2 vols. Sheep $12.00 BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 193 O OFFICES AND OFFICERS. See Public Offices. OIL AND GAS. Archer, V. B. Law and Practice in Gas and Oil Cases. 1911. Buckram, $7.50.* Bryan, G. Law of Petroleum and Natural Gas. 1898. $5.00.* Thornton, W. W. Law Relating to Oil and Gas. 1904. $6.00. ONUS PROBANDI. (See Evidence.) ORATORY. Byars, W. V. Handbook of Oratory. 1909. Buckram, $3.00.* Choate, R. Addresses and Orations. 1878. Cloth, $2.25. Curran, J. P. Speeches. 1877. Buckram, $2.50. Erskine, Lord. Speeches. 1876. 4 vols. Buckram, $8.00. Hardwicke, H. Art of Winning Cases. 1894. $5.00.* Robinson, W. C. Forensic Oratory. 1893. 12mo. Cloth, $2.50.* Webster, D. Great Speeches. Edited by E. P. Whipple. 1879. Cloth, $3.00. Wilson, J. Law Lectures on Jurisprudence. 1896. 2 vols. $8.00. (See Speeches.) P PARENT AND CHILD. Field, G. W. On Infants, Parent and Child. 1888. $3.50.* (See Domestic Relations and Infancy.) PARLIAMENTARY LAW. Cushing, L. S. Parliamentary Practice. 9th ed. 1907. Buckram, $6.50.* Cushing, L. S. Manual. Ingall's ed. 1901. 18mo. Cloth, 75 cents. Hinds, A. C. Parliamentary Precedents House of Repre- sentatives U. S. 1899. Paper, $2.00. Sheep, $3.00. . Roberts, H. M. Rules of Order. 1893. 18mo. Cloth, 75 cents. Waples, R. Handbook on Parliamentary Practice. 2d ed. 1901. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00.* PARTIES. Dicey, A. V. On Parties. 1886. $4.00. The best of all — American Decisions, American Reports. American State Reports, American Annotated Cases. 194 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. PARTITION. Pomeroy. (See Pomeroy's Equity Jurispru- dence and Equitable Eemedies.) PARTNERSHIP. Bates, C. Law of Partnership. 1888. 2 vols. $11.00.* Burdick. F. M. Partnership. 2d ed. 1906. Buckram, $3.00. Sheep, $3.50. Conyngton, T. Partnership Eelation. 1905. Buckram, $2.00.* Sheep, $2.50.* George, W. Partnership. 1897. $3.75.* Gilmore, E. A. Partnership. 1911. Buckram, $3.75. Lindley, Sir N. Partnership. 2d Am. ed. by Ewell, M. D. 1888. 2 vols. $5.00.** Mechem, F. E. Elements of Partnership. 2d ed. 1899. Buckram, $2.50.* Parsons, T. Law of Partnership. 4th ed. 1893. $6.00. Shumaker, W. A. Law of Partnership. 1901. $3.50. Story, J. The Law of Partnership. 7th ed., by Wharton, W. F. 1881. $6.00. PATENTS. Greely, A. P. Foreign Patent and Trademark Laws. 1899. $5.00.* Hart, A. W. Digest of Patent Decisions, with Supple- ment. 1886-1898. $7.50.** Hopkins, James Love. On Patents. 1911. 2 vols. Buck- ram, net, $15.00. Knight, G. H. Patent Office Manual. 1894. $5.00.* Lowery, W. Index-Digest to U. S. Patent Decisions. 1897. $5.00.* Continued by Sanders' Patent Digest Annual. MacArthur. Patent Cases. 1904. $5.00. Macomber, W. Fixed Law of Patents. 1909. Canvas, $7.50.* Eenwick, E. C. Patentable Inventions. 1893. $2.00.* Rice-Beach. Digest of Patent Office Decisions. 1869-1900. 3 vols, in 1. Buckram, $7.50.* Eobinson, W. C. The Law of Patents. 1890. 3 vols. • $19.50.** Sanders. Patent Digest Annual. 1898, $2.50*; 1899, $3.50*; 1900, $3.50.* Singer, B. Patent Trademarks. 2d ed. 1909. Cloth, $2.50.* Thornton, A. A. Patents. (British and Foreign.) 1910. $6.00.* Walker, A. H. Patent Laws. 4th ed. 1904. $6.50. (See Copyright and Trademarks.) BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 195 PAYMENT. Hunt, A. R. On Tender. 1903. $6.00. PERIODICALS. (See Bibliography.) PERPETUITIES. Gray, J. C. The Rule Against Perpetui- ties. 2d ed. 1906. Buckram, $6.00.* PERSONAL INJURIES. Bailey, W. F. Master's Liabili- ties for Injuries to Servants. 1894. $6.00.* Bailey, W. F. Personal Injuries Relating to Master and Servant. 2d ed. 1912. 3 vols. $19.50. Watson, A. R. Damages for Personal Injuries. 1901. $6.00.* White, E. J. Personal Injuries on Railroads. 1909. 2 vols. Sheep or Buckram, $13.00.* White, Edw. J. Mines and Mining Remedies. (Actions for Injuries to Persons and Property.) 1903. $7.50.* White, Edw. J. Personal Injuries in Mines. 1905. $6.75.* _ (See Accidents, Railroads, Damages, Master and Servant and Negligence.) PERSONAL PROPERTY. Darlington, J. J. On Personal Property. 1891. $4.00. Dwight, T. W. On Personal Property. 1894. $6.00.* Schouler, J. Law of Personal Property. Student's Edi- tion. 1907. Buckram, $3.00. Smith, H. E. Personal Property. 2d ed. 1908. $4.00.* (See Alienation; Sales; Real Property.) PETROLEUM. (See Oil and Gas.) PLEADING AND PRACTICE. Abbott, Austin. Trial Brief on Pleading. 2d ed. 1904. 2 vols. $9.00. Abbott, A. Brief for the Trial of Civil Causes before a Jury. 3d ed. 1012. Buckram or Flexible Morocco. $6.00.* Abbott, A. Forms of Pleading. 1898. 2 vols. $13.00. Abbott, Austin. New Practice and Forms. 2d ed., by Alden, C. C. 1907. 2 vols. $13.00.* Abbott, A. Select Cases Code Pleading. 2d ed. 1895. $5.00. Abbott, A. Trial Brief. Criminal. 2d ed. 1902. $4.50.* Archer, G. L. Law Office and Court Procedure. 1910. Buckram, $3.00.* The cheapest and best — American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Reports, American Annotated Cases. Jury's Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice Annotated BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 197 Bates, Clement. Pleading, Practice and Forms Under the Code. 1908. 3 vols. $18.00. Bates, C. L. Federal Equity Procedure. 2 vols. 1901. $12.00.** Baylies, E. Code Pleading and Forms. (N. Y.) 2d ed. 1904. $6.00.* Baylies, E. New Trial and Appeal. (N. Y.) 2d ed. 1900. $6.00. Baylies, E. Trial Practice. 2d ed. 1900. (N. Y.) $6.50.* Beach, C. F. Jr. Equity Practice. 1894. 2 vols. $12.00. Beal, J. H. Criminal Pleading. 1899. S. S. Cloth, $2.50.* Bishop, J. L. Code Practice in Personal Actions. 1893. $4.50.* Bishop, J. P. Pleading, Evidence and Practice in Criminal Cases. 4th ed. 1895-96. 2 vols. $12.00.* Bliss, P. Code Pleading. 3d ed. 1894. $6.00.* Bryant, E. E. Code Pleading. 2d ed. 1899. S. S. Cloth, $2.50.* Caruthers, A. History of a Lawsuit. 4th ed. 1887. $6.00.* Daish, J. B. Procedure in Interstate Commerce C»«es. 1909. Buckram, $5.00.* Daniell, E. E. Chancery Practice. 6th Am. ed. By Gould, J. M. 1894. 3 vols. Buckram, $18.00.* Elliott, B. K. and W. F. Appellate Procedure and Practice. 1892. $6.00. Elliott, B. K., and W. F. General Practice. 1894. 2 vols. $12.00. Elliott, B. K. and W. F. The Work of the Advocate. 1 vol. 1911. Cloth, $4.00. Flexible morocco, $5.00. Estee, M. M. Pleading, Practice and Forms. Adapted to Actions and Special Proceedings Under Codes of Pro- cedure. 4th ed. By Chas. T. Boone. 1908. 3 vols. $18.00. Fitnam, J. C. Trial Procedure. 1894. $6.00.* Fletcher, William Meade. Equity Pleading and Practice. 1902. $6.00. Foster, L. H. First Book of Practice. 3d ed. 1908. $4.00.* Foster, E. Federal Practice. 4th ed. 1909. 3 vols. Buck- ram, $19.50.* Gould, J. Pleading. By Hamilton, A. 1899. $4.00.* Gould, J. Pleading. 6th ed. by Will. 1909. Canvas, $6.50.* Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. Eevised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram. Net $13.50.* 198 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Heard, F. F. Equity Pleading. 1882. Cloth, $2.00*: Sheep, $2.50.* Heard, F. F. Precedents of Equity Pleading. 1883. $3.00.* Heard, F. F. Principles of Civil Pleading. 1880. 12mo. Cloth, $2.50.* Heard, F. F. Principles of Criminal Pleading. 1879. Cloth, $2.50.* Henderson, J. G. Chancery Practice. 1904. $6.00.* Hepburn, C. M. Historical Development of Code Pleading. 1897. Cloth, $2.00.* Hughes, W. T. Procedure. 1906. 2 vols. $12.00.* Jury, J. G. Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice, Annotated. Contains the code provisions, the forms and complete annotations for every process in pleading and practice under the Code. An entirely new and original work. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.50.* Martin, A. Civil Procedure at Common Law. 1889. $3.50. Maxwell, S. Code Pleading with Forms. 1892. $6.00.* MeKelvey, J. J. Common Law Pleading. 1894. Buckram, $2.0t).* Merwin, H. C. Equity and Equity Pleading. 1895. $5.00. Munson, C. L. Manual of Elementary Practice. 1897. $3.00.* Perry, E. E. Common Law Pleading. 1897. Buckram, $3.50.* Phillips, G. L. Code Pleading. 1896. $4.00.* Rose, W. M. Code of Federal Procedure. 3 vols. Buck- ram, $18.00.* Shipman, B. J. Common Law Pleading. 2d ed. 1895. $3.75.* Shipman, B. J. Equity Pleading. 1897. $3.75.* Shiras, O. P. Equity Practice. 2d ed. 1898. $2.50.* Stephen, J. H. Pleading. 2d ed. By Andrews, J. DeW. 1901. $5.00.* Stephen, J. H. Pleading. Ed. by Tyler, S. 1898. $2.50.* Stephen, J. H. Pleading. Ed. by Heard, F. F. 9th ed. 1867. $2.50.* Story, J. Equity Pleading. 10th ed. By Gould, G. M. 1892. $6.00. Sutherland, W. A. Treatise on Code Pleading and Practice, with Forms. Adapted to practice in California, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North The latest and up-to-date exposition of the law — Am. Dec, Am. Rpts., Am. St. Rpts. and American Annotated Cases. i BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 199 Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah and Washington. Mr. Sutherland was a coadjutor of Walter Malins Eose during his preparation of "Notes on U. S. Supreme Court Reports," annotating nearly all of the leading cases therein, and he also wrote "Notes on the Constitution of the United States," published in 1904. He is a careful lawyer, and has undoubtedly prepared the best work on Code Pleading, Practice and Forms ever offered to the American Bar. 1910. 4 vols. Buckram, $26.00.* Van Fleet, J. M. Collateral Attack on Judicial Proceed- ings. 1893. $6.50.* Van Zile, P. T. Equity Pleading. 1904. $6.00. Wharton, F. Criminal Pleading and Practice. 9th ed. 1899. $6.00.* Winslow, J. B. Code Pleading with Forms. 1902. 2 vols. $12.75. (See Actions; Code and Code Pleading; Criminal Law; Equity; Forms; Trials; U. S. Courts.) PLEDGES. (See Bonds, Liens, Mortgages.) POLICE OFFICERS. Hawley, J. G. Law of Arrest on Criminal Charges. 2d ed. 1889. 75c. Voorhees, H. C. Law of Arrest. 1904. Buckram, $2.00. (See Municipal Corporations.) POLICE POWERS. Freund, E. Police Power. 1904. $6.00. Freund. E. Cases Administrative Law. 1911. Buckram, $4.00. Prentiss, W. P. Police Powers. 1894. $5.00.* Russell, A. Police Powers of the State. 1901. Buck- ram, $2.50.* Tiedeman, C. G. State and Federal Control of Persons and Property. 2d ed. 1900. 2 vols. $12.00.* PRECEDENTS. Bishop, J. P. Directions and Forms in Criminal Cases. 2d ed. By Evans, N. 1901. $6.00.* Cowdery, J. F. New Book of Forms and Precedents. 1906. Buckram, $6.00.* Church, W. S. Forms of Law and Business. 1911. 1 vol. $7.50. Heard, F. F. Precedents of Equity Pleadings. 1883. 12mo. $3.00.* Jury, J. G. Adjudicated Forms of Pleading and Practice, Annotated. 191}, 2 vols. Buckram, $13.50. Coffey's Probate Decisions With Notes and Annotations On Subjects of Special Interest to Practioners in Probate A Unique and Valuable Work The Decisions of Judge James V. Coffey in the Probate Department of the Superior Court of San Francisco 1883-1910 Edited by JEREMIAH V. COFFEY and PETER V. ROSS In Five Volumes, Thoroughly Indexed Bound in Sheep. Price, $25.00 Delivered Complete set now ready for delivery BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 201 Oliver, B. L. Precedents. 5th ed. 1905. Buckram, $6.00.* Sutherland, Wm. A. Pleading, Practice and Forms. 1910. A scholarly treatise on Code Pleading and Practice, also containing 1900 forms; for use in all Code States. 4 vols. Buckram, $26.00. Wharton, Francis. Precedents of Indictments and Pleas. 4th ed. 1881. 2 vols. $12.00. (See Forms.) PROBATE. American Probate Keports. 1881-1896. 8 vols. $40.00.* Baugh, F. H., and Schmeisser, W. C. Estate Accounting. 1910. Buckram, $4.00.* Church, W. S. Probate Law and Practice. (Pacific Coast and Western States.) A practical and exhaustive treatise. Approved and annotated forms for every step in a pro- bate case. Complete citations. Table of statutes, etc. 1908. 2 vols. Sheep or Buckram, $13.00.* Coffey, J. V. Probate Decisions. Being Decisions rendered by Judge J. V. Coffey in the Probate Department of the Superior Court of San Francisco. 1908-1909. 5 vols. $25.00.* Probate Keports Annotated. 1897-1911. 14 vols. Per volume, $5.50. Redfield, A. A. Surrogate Practice. 6th ed. 1903. $8.50. Remsen, D. S. Preparation and Contest of Wills. 1906. Buckram, $6/00.* Rice, J. S. Probate Practice. 1894. $6.50.* Ross, P. V. Probate Law and Practice. (Pacific Coast and Western States.) Contains the entire probate law, both decisions and statutes, of all Pacific Coast and Western States, the local law in all its detail, as well as the broad general principles, together with forms. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.00.* Woerner, J. G. American Law of Administration. 2d ed. 1899. 2 vols. Canvas, $13.00.* (See Executors and Wills.) PROCEDURE. (See Pleading and Practice.) PROCEEDINGS IN REM. Waples, R. Proceedings in Rem. 1882. $6.00. (See Actions.) Consult Annotations in American Decisions, American Re ports, and American State Reports. 202 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. PROHIBITION. (See Extraordinary Remedies.) PROMISSORY NOTES. (See Bills, Notes and Checks.) PUBLIC HEALTH. Parker, L., and Worthington, R. H. Public Health and Safety. 1892. $5.25.* PUBLIC OFFICES. Constantineau, A. De Facto Doctrine in its Relation to Public Officers and Public Corporations. 1910. Buckram, $6.00.* Mechem, F. R. Public Offices and Officers. 1890. $6.00. Throop, M. E. Public Officers. 1891. $6.00.* Wyman, Bruce. Administrative Law Governing Public Officers. 1903. $5.00. PURE FOOD LAW. Greeley, A. P. Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. Annotated 1907. Cloth, $1.50.* Thornton, W. W. Pure Food and Drugs. 1911. 1 vol. Buckram, $7.50. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR STUDENTS. Brewster, F. Carroll. Questions and Answers of Blackstone. 1887. $3.00. Devereux, J. C. Kinne's Blackstone. 1875. Canvas, $3.00. Devereux, J. C. Kinne's Kent. 1887. Canvas, $3.00. Haight, C. S. Questions and Answers. 2d ed. 1909. Can- vas, $4.00.* Owen, W. A. Law Quizzer. 3d ed. 1907. Buckram, $4.00.* Walsh, C. C. Quiz Books. 3 vols. 1898. $10.00.* Wigmore, J. H. Examinations in Law. 1900. Buckram, $4.00.* QUO WARRANTO. (See Extraordinary Remedies.) RAILROADS. American and English Railroad Cases. See page 209. Baldwin, S. A. American Railroad Law. 1904. Buckram, $6.00.* Beale, J. H., Jr. Law of Hotels, Innkeepers, including other Public Houses, Theaters and Sleeping-cars. 1906. Buckram, $6,00. Beale, J. H., Jr., and Wyman, B. Railroad Rate Regula- tion, containing Act of 1906. $6.00.* BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 203 Doherty. Liability of Eailroads to Interstate Employees. 1911. Buckram, $3.00.* Elliott, B. K. and W. P. The Law of Eailroads. 2d ed. 1907. 5 vols. $27.00. Jones, L. A. Corporate Bonds and Mortgages. Being 3d ed. of Jones on E. E. Securities. 1907. Buckram, $6.00. Lacy, J. F. Eailway Digest. 1873-1884. 2 vols. $15.00. Noyes, W. C. American Eailroad Eates. 1905. Cloth, $1.50.* Patterson, C. S. Eailway Accident Law, 1886. $6.00.* Short, E. L. Law of Eailway Bonds and Mortgages. 1897. $6.50.* White, E. J. Personal Injuries on Eailroads. 1909. 2 vols. Sheep or Buckram, $13.00.* Wood, H. G. Law of Eailroads. 2d ed. By Minor. H. D. 1894. 3 vols. $18.00.* (See Carriers; Corporations; Bonds; Interstate Commerce; Street Eailways.) RATE REGULATIONS. Barnes, H. C. Federal Eegulation of Interstate Commerce. 1910. Buckram, $6.00.* Beale, Jr., J. H. and Wyman, B. Eailroad Eate Eegula- tion. 1906. $6.00.* Lindsley, V. S. Eate Eegulations (Gas and Electricity). 1906. Cloth, $1.50.** Wyman, B. Public Service Corporations. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.50.* (See Interstate Commerce.) REAL PROPERTY. Ballard, J. E. and E. E. Annual on Eeal Property. 1892-1909. 13 vols. $65.00.* Digest, 1 vol., covering 1-12, $4.00.* Church, W. S. Forms, Law and Business. Acknowledg- ments, agreements to buy or sell real estate, etc. 1 vol. 1911. $7.50. Cowdery, J. F. New Book on Forms for Deeds, Mort- gages, etc. 1906. Buckram, $6.00.* Devlin, E. T. On Eeal Estate and Deeds. 3d ed. 1911. $19.50. Digby, K. E. History of the Law of Eeal Property. 5th ed. 1898. Cloth, $3.00.* Goodwin, Frank. Eeal Property. 1905. $4.00.* Gross, F. L. Eeal Estate Brokers. 1910. Buckram, $4.00.* The survival of the fittest — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. 204 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Hawley, J. G. and McGregor, M. Real Property. 1900. $4.50.* Hopkins, E. P. Real Property. 1896. $3.75.* Jones, Leonard A. Real Property. 1896. 2 vols. $12.00. Kerr, J. M. Law of Real Property. 1895. 3 vols. $16.00.* Maupin, C. W. Marketable Title to Real Estate. 2d ed. 1907. Buckram, $6.00.* Minor, R. C, and Wurts, J. Real Property. 1910. Buck- ram, $5.00.* Newell, G. Elements of Real Property. 1902. $4.00.* Pingrey, D. H. Law of Real Property. 1895. 2 vols. $12.00.* Rapalje, S. Real Estate Brokers. 1893. 12mo. Canvas, $2.00. Reeves, A. G. Real Property. 1909. 2 vols. Canvas, $13.00.* Sedgwick, A. G., and Wait, F. S. Trial of Title to Land. 2d ed. 1886. $6.00.* Sharswood, G., and Budd, H. Leading Cases in Real Prop- erty. 1882-1889. 4 vols. $30.00. Tiedeman, C. G. On Real Property. 3d ed. 1906. $6.00.* Tiffany, H. T. Real Property. 1903. 2 vols. $12.00.* Walker, W. S. Real Estate Agency. 1910. Buckram, $6.00.* Warvelle, Geo. W. Abstracts of Title. 3d ed. 1907. $6.50.* Warvelle, Geo. W. Elements of Real Property. 3d ed. 1909. Buckram, $4.00.* Warvelle, G. W. Vendors and Purchasers of Real Propertv. 2d ed. 1902. 2 vols. $12.00.* Washburn, E. Law of Real Property. 6th ed., by Wnrts. John. 1902. 3 vols. $18.00. Williams, J. Real Property. Am. ed. By Hutchins, H. B. 1894. Buckram, $3.50.* (See Alienation; Conveyancing; Covenants.) RECEIVERS. Alderson, W. A. The Law of Receivers. 1905. $6.00. Gluck, J. F. and Becker, A. Receivers of Corporations. 2d ed. 1896. $6.00.* High, J. L. The Law of Receivers. 4th ed. 1910. Buck- ram, $7.50.* Pomeroy. (See Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence and Equitable Remedies.) BANCB0FT-WE1TNEY COMPANY. 205 RECORD OF TITLE. Webb, B. R. Record of Title. 1890. $6.00. Warvelle, Geo. W. Abstracts of Title. 3d ed. 1907. $6.50.* RECREATIONS. Brown, M. Wit and Humor of Bench and Bar. 1899. Cloth, $4.00. Caruthers, A. History of a Lawsuit. 4th ed. 1904. $6.00. Harris, V. M. Ancient, Curious and Famous Wills. 1911. Cloth, $4.00.* Kneeland, S. F. Law, Lawyers and Lambs. 1910. Cloth, $1.50.* Milburn, B. A. Curious Cases. 1902. $3.00.* Milburn, B. A. Office Boy's Digest. 1904. Cloth, $1.50/ Valmaer's Lawyer's Code of Ethics. A Satire. 1887. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00.* Veeder, V. V. Legal Masterpieces. 1903. 2 vols. Cloth, $6.00. Sheep, $7.00. Von Iherings, R. Struggle for Law. An Essay. 1st Am. ed. 1879. Cloth, $1.50. Wellman, F. L. A Day in Court. 1910. Cloth, $2.18.* Wellman, Francis L. Art of Cross-examination. 1906. Cloth, $2.65.* White, E. J. Law in Shakespeare. 1911. Cloth, $3.50.* (See Miscellaneous.) REMEDIES. Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram. Net $13.50.* Pomeroy, J. N. Equity Jurisprudence. 3d ed. 1904. 4 vols. And Pomeroy, J. N., Jr. Equitable Remedies. 2 vols. 1904. The above two works sold only as one set. 6 vols. $36.00. Pomeroy, J. N. Code Remedies. 4th ed. By T. A. Bogle. 1904. Canvas, $6.00.* Smith, J. W. Equitable Remedies for Creditors. 1899. $5.00.* (See Extraordinary Remedies and Pleading and Practice.) REMOVAL OF CAUSES. Dillon, J. F. The Removal of Causes. 6th ed. By Black, H. C. 1898. $4.00.* Moon, B. C. Forms and Rules. Removal of Causes. 1901. $6.00.* Brief Treatises on thousands of topics, see American Do cisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. Harmonize your\zr Life Use the Keynote Series AMERICAN DECISIONS AMERICAN REPORTS AMERICAN STATE REPORTS and the Keynote Set AMERICAN ANNOTATED CASES (cited Ann. Cas. 1912 A et seq.) BANCBOFT-WHITNET COMPANY. 207 Rose, Walter Malins, Code of Federal Procedure. Embodying enactments of Congress, constitutional provisions, established principles and court rules in force December 1, 1906, and the Bankruptcy Act of 1898, with amendments and orders, together with a collection of forms and precedents. By Walter Malins Rose, author of " Notes on United States Re- ports" (superseding Desty's Federal Procedure). 3 vols. 1907. Buckram, $18.00. (See Pleading and Practice.) REPLEVIN. Cobbey, J. E. Law of Replevin. 2d ed. 1900. $6.00.* Shinn, R. Replevin. 1899. $6.00.* Wells, H. W. Replevin. 2d ed. 1907. Buckram, $4.50.* Sheep, $5.00.* RES AD JUDICATA. (See Estoppel.) RESTRAINTS OF TRADE. (See Interstate Commerce, Labor Law, Trade and Trademarks.) RETROACTIVE LAWS. Black, H. C. Constitutional Pro- hibitions, including Retroactive and Ex Post Facto Laws. 1887. Small 8vo. $3.50.* REVENUE. (See Tariff.) RIOT DUTY. Bargar, B. L. Law and Customs of Riot Duty. 1907. $3.40.* RIPARIAN RIGHTS. (See Waters, etc.) RIVERS. (See Waters and Watercourses.) ROADS AND STREETS. Elliott, B. K. and W. F. Roads and Streets. 3d ed. 1911. 2 vols. Buckram, $13.00.* Keasby, E. A. Electric Wires in Streets and Highways. 2d ed. 1900. $4.00.* Page, E. S. Street Laws of California. 1911. $7.50.* ROMAN LAW. (See Ancient Law.) S SALES. Benjamin, J. P. Sales of Personal Property. 7th ed. By Bennett, E. H. 1899. $6.00. Benjamin, R. M. Principles of Sales. 2d ed. 1901 $3.00.* Biddle, A. Warranties in the Sale of Chattels. 1884. $3.00.* 208 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Browne, I. Sales. 1894. Cloth, $2.00. Sheep, $2.50. Burdick, Francis M. Principles of Sales. 2d ed. 1901. Buckram, $3.00.* Freeman, A. C. "Void Judicial Sales. 4th ed. 1902. $4.00. Kleber, J. C. Void Judicial and Execution Sales. 1899. $4 50 * Mechem, Floyd E. Sales. 1901. 2 vols. $12.00.* Rorer, D. On Judicial Sales. 2d ed. 1878. $6.00. Tiffany, W. C. Sales. 2d ed. 1908. Buckram, $3.75.* Williston, S. Sales. 1909. Canvas, $7.50.* (See Personal Property.) SECURITIES. (See Bonds.) SELECT CASES, ETC. The American Series of Selected, Annotated and Extra Annotated Cases. Embracing the American Decisions. Extra Annotated Edition. 1760- 1869. 100 vols. (See pages 27-29.) American Reports. Extra Annotated Edition. 1869- 1887. 60 vols. (See pages 27-29.) Rapalje, Stewart. Digest of above 160 vols. 1910. 3 vols. $15.00. Table of Cases and Index to Notes in the 160 vols, of the American Decisions and American Reports. 1888. 1 vol. Free upon application. American State Reports. 1886-1911. 140 vols, now out. Per volume, $4.00.* Write for prices and terms of sale. Green, E. S. Digest of Vols. 1-120, inclusive. 1909. 4 vols. $24.t)0. Volume 5 covering vols. 121 to 140 of A. S. R. in preparation. Numerical Table of Cases, reported in American De- cisions, American Reports, American State Reports, with references to the monographic notes. 1911. 1 vol. American Annotated Cases. 1912A et seq. Per vol., $5.00. Full descriptive circulars sent on application. American and English Corporation Cases. 1883-1896, with Digest. 49 vols. Per vol., $4.50. The cheapest and best — American Decisions, American Re- ports, and American State Reports, American Annotated Casep. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 209 American and English Corporation Cases. New Series. 1897-1903. 19 vols. $47.50. American and English Eailroad Cases. 1881-1895. 61 vols. Per vol., $4.50. Digest of vols. 1-45. 2 vols., $9.50. American and English Railroad Cases. New Series. 1897- 1911. 62 vols., $4.50 per vol. American and English Railroad Cases. New Series. Di- gest (1-23). $4.50.* American and English Railroad Cases. New Series. Di- gest (24-43). In press. American Bankruptcy Reports. Annotated by W. M. Col- lier. 1899-1911. 25 vols. Per vol., $5.00.* American Bankruptcy Report Digest (1-14). 1906. $5.00.* American Bankruptcy Reports Annotations. 1903. $5.30. American Criminal Reports. 1874r-1909. 15 vols, and digest. Buckram, $80.00. Known as Green's Criminal Law Reports, 1874-75. 2 vols. $12.00. Hawley and Gibbon's Criminal Law Re- ports. 1876-1909. 15 vols. Buckram, $75.00. American Criminal Report Digest (1-15). 1909. Buckram, $6.00.* American Electrical Cases. 1873-1909. 9 vols. Per vol., $6.00. American Negligence Cases. 1897-19-06. 16 vols. Per vol., $6.50. American Negligence Reports (current series). 1897-1904. 21 vols. Per vol., $5.50.* American Negligence Reports Digest (1-18). In press. American Probate Reports. By Wm. P. Ladd. 1881-1895. 8 vols. $40.00.* American Probate Reports, Annotated (new series). 1897- 1911. 14 vols. Per vol., $5.50.* Ballard's Annual on the Law of Real Property. 1892- 1911. Vols. 1 to 13. Per vol., $5.00. British Ruling Cases. $5.00 per vol., about 2 vols, per year. Vol. 1 now ready. Current Law 1904-1911. 2 vols, per year. 16 vols, now out. Per vol., $6.50.* English Reports. Complete Verbatim Reprint of all Eng- lish Reports from 1300-1865. In 150 books, at $7.50 per book. English Revised Reports. 1785-1865. 123 vols, now out. Per vol., $6.00.* English Ruling Cases. Edited by Robert Campbell, with American Notes by Irving Browne. 1785-1865. Per volume, $5.75. Harlow on Sheriffs and Constables 3rd edition. 1907. 1 vol. $6.00 delivered REVISED— ENLARGED— REWRITTEN Important to every Practicing Lawyer, as well as to Sheriffs and Constables THE THIRD EDITION Of Mr. Harlow's well-known and reliable Treatise on the Duties and Liabilities of SHERIFFS AND CONSTABLES, though based upon the Statutes and Decisions of California, is adapted to all the States of the Pacific Coast whose laws are similar to those of California. IT TREATS FULLY OF Original and General Duties of Sheriffs and Constables, of Summons, Subpoenas and Citations, Arrest and Bail, Claim and Delivery, (Replevin), Injunction, Attach- ment and Execution, Personal Property, Real Prop- erty, Exemption and Redemption from Execution Sale, Sheriffs' Deeds, Foreclosure, Fraudulent Transfers, Fixtures, Suits Against Sheriffs, Writ of Attachment, Writ of Restitution, Arrests, Habeas Corpus, Fugitives from Justice, Rewards, Search Warrants, County Jail, Fees and Salaries, and gives a full collection of Forms. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 211 Interstate Commerce Commission Eeports. 1887-1911. 21 vols. Prices on application. Lawson, John D. Defenses to Crime. 1874-1892. 6 vols. $36.00. Closing out the edition at $18.00 per set. Lawyers' Reports Annotated. Extra Annotated Edition. 1887-1905. 70 vols. $280.00. Lawyers' Eeports Annotated Digest. 1-70. 3 vols. $15.00.* Lawyers' Eeports Annotated. New series. 1905-1911. 35 vols. Per volume, $4.00. Lawyers' Eeports Annotated. Digest. New Series, 1-24. 1910. 1 vol. $4.00. Morrison, E. S. Mining Eeports. With Index. 1881- 1906. 22 vols. Buckram, $110.00. Mining, Water and Irrigation Eeports Annotated. 1911. Per vol., $6.50. Negligence Eeports Annotated. 1911. Per vol. $6.50. Smith, J. W. Leading Cases. 8th Am. ed., by J. I. Hare, Landreth and Lewis. 2 vols, in 4. 1885. $12.00.* Smith, ,T. W. Leading Cases Common Law. 11th English ed. 1903. 2 vols. $17.50. Street Eailway Eeports. By Frank B. Gilbert. 1903-1911. 6 vols. $30.00. Thompson, Isaac G., and Browne, Irving. National Bank Cases. 1878-1889. 3 vols. $18.00. Closing out the edition for $12.00 per set. SELF-DEFENSE. Lawson 's Defenses to Crime. 1874- 1892. 6 vols. $36.00. Selling out edition at $18.00. SERVICE OF PAPERS. Alderson, W. A. Judicial Writs and Process. 1895. $6.00.* SHERIFFS. Crocker, J. G. On Sheriffs. 3d ed. 1890. $5.00.* Harlow, W. S. On Sheriffs and Constables. The Duties of Sheriffs and Constables, particularly under the prac- tice of the Pacific States and Territories, including Arizona, California, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming; with practical forms for official use. 3d ed. 1907. Buckram, $6.00.* SLANDER. (See Libel and Torts.) SOCIETIES. (See Benefit Societies.) Annotations in Am. Dec, Am. Rpts., and Am. St. Rpts., offer the largest field. Consult them. Page's California Street Laws One Volume Buckram Price $7.50 Delivered BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 213 SOVEREIGNTY. Bliss, P. On Sovereignty. 1885. Cloth, $2.00. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. Pomeroy. (See Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence and Equitable Remedies.) Pomeroy, J. N. Specific Performance. 2d ed. 1896. $5.00.* (See Contracts.) STATUTE LAW. Black, H. C. Construction and Interpre- tation of Laws. 1911. $3.75.* Curtis, B. R. Federal Statutes Annotated. 1891. $2.00.* Federal Statutes Annotated to January 1, 190G. 10 vols. $60.00.* Federal Statutes Annotated. Supplement. 1909. $6.00.* Federal Statutes Annotated. Supplement. 1912. 2 vols. $12.00.* Federal Statutes Annotated. 10 vols, with 1909 supp. 1 vol. and the 1912 supp. 2 vols.. 13 vols., one order. $78.00.* Gould, J. M., and Tucker, G. F. Notes on the U. S. Re- vised Statutes, 1889. Royal 8vo. Vol. 1. $10.00.** Vol. 2. 1889-1898. $7.50.** Vol. 3. 1899-1903. $6.00.** Set of 3 vols. $18.00.** Stimson, F. J. American Statute Law Relating to Persons and Property. With Supplement. Vol. I. 1886-88. Royal 8vo. $7.50.* Stimson, F. J. American Statute Law. Vol. II. Corpo- rations. 1892. $6.50.* Annotations in Am. Dec, Am. Rpts., Am. St. Rpts. and American Annotated Cases, offer the largest field Consult them. Sutherland, J. G. Statutes and Statutory Construction. 2d ed. By Lewis, John. 1904. 2 vols. $12.00.* For Federal Reports, Statutes, Digests;, etc. See page 227. STOCK AND STOCKHOLDERS. Dos Passos, J. R. On Stockbrokers. 2d ed. 1904. 2 vols. $12.00.* Harvey, R. S. Rights of Minority Stockholder. 1909. Cloth, $2.00.* Helliwell, A. S. Stocks and Stockholders. 1903. $6.00. Lowell, A. L., and F. C. Transfer of Stock. 1884 $3.00.* (See Corporations; Bonds.) STREET RAILWAYS. Booth, H. J. Street Railways 2d ed. 1911. Buckram, $6.50. Clark, E. H. Street Railway Accident Law. 1904 $5.00. The American Series of Selected and Annotated Cases American Decisions, 1760-1869 100 vols. New extra annotated edition. American Reports, 1869-1886 60 vols. New extra annotated edition. American State Reports, 1886-1911 140 vols. Completely covered by Rapalje's Digest of American Decisions and Reports (3 vols.) and Green's Digest of American State Reports, 5 vols. American Annotated Cases (Cited Ann. Cas. 1912 A et seq.) The KEYNOTE set (of the Keynote Series), connect- ing without break or duplication with Volume 140, American State Reports. Royal octavo volumes, each containing about 225 cases, and every case annotated. Published about five volumes a year. $5.00 per volume, bound in modern law buckram. Prices, Terms and Full Particulars on request. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. BANCB0FT-WH1TNEY COMPANY. 215 Nellis, A. J. Street Railways. 2d ed, 1911. 2 vols Buckram, $13.00.* Nellis, A. J. Street Railway Accident Law. 1904. Buck- ram, $6.30.* Street Eailway Eeports Annotated. 1903-1910. 6 vols. Canvas, per vol. $5.00.* (See Municipal Corporations and Eailroads.) STRIKES. Cogley, C. G. Strikes and Lockouts. 1893. $4.00.* Cooke, F. H. Trade and Labor Combinations. 2d ed. 1909. $6.00.* (See Labor Unions.) SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA. Examinations for admission will be based upon the following books: Cooley's Blackstone. 4th ed. 1899. 2 vols. $9.00. Gould's Pleading. $5.00. Greenleaf's Evidence. Vol. 1. $4.00. Kent's Commentaries. 14th ed. $16.00.* Lube's Equity Pleading. Parsons on Contracts. $18.00. Pomeroy's Municipal Law. Story's Equity Jurisprudence. 2 vols. $12.00. Code of Civil Procedure, Pocket Edition. Buckram, 1909. Civil Code of California, Pocket Edition. Buckram. 1909. Constitution of California, Pocket Edition. 3d ed. Buck- ram. Eevised to 1911. SUBROGATION. Harris, G. E. Law of Subrogation. 1889. $6.00.* Sheldon, H. N. Law of Subrogation. 2d ed. 1893. $5.00.* SUNDAY LAW. Harris, G. E. Sunday Law, Civil and Criminal. 1892. $3.50.* Einggold, J. T. Sunday Law. 1891. $3.50.* SURETYSHIP. Baylies, E. Sureties and Guarantors. 1881. $5.00. Brandt, G. W. Surety and Guaranty. 3d ed. 1904. 2 vols. $12.00. Childs. Guaranty and Suretyship. 1907. Buckram, $3.75.* For up-to-date case law and annotations, consult American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. Limitations of The Taxing Power Including Limitations Upon Public Indebtedness A Treatise upon the Constitutional Law governing Taxation and the incurrence of Public Debt in the United States, in the several States, and in the Ter- ritories. By JAMES M. GRAY One large volume of 1,400 pages Price, $6.50 net delivered BANCBOFT-WEITNEY COMPANY. 217 Frost, T. G. Guaranty Insurance. 2d ed. 1909. Canvas, $6.00.* Hening. Cases on Suretyship. 1911. Buckram, $4.00. Pingree, D. H. Suretyship and Guaranty. 1901. $4.00.* Stearns, A. G. Suretyship. 1902. $6.00. Walker, M. B. Fidelity Bonds. 1909. Cloth, $3.00.* TARIFF. Carr, W. W. Judicial Interpretation of the Tariff. 1894. $5.50.* TAXATION. Beale, J. H., Jr. Foreign Corporations and Taxation of both Foreign and Domestic Corporations. 1904. $6.00.* Burroughs, W. H. Taxation. 1883. $6.00. Cooley, T. M. Taxation. 3d ed. By Jacobs, A. P. 1903. 2 vols. $12.00. Dos Passos, B. F. Collateral Inheritance Tax. 2d ed. 1895. $6.00.* Ess, Henry N. The Power of Special Taxation. 1907. $4.50.* Frost. Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1 vol. 1911. $4.00'. Gray, Jas. M., Limitation of the Taxing Power. Limita- tions of the Taxing Power, including Limitations upon Public Indebtedness; a treatise upon the constitutional law governing taxation and the incurrence of public debt in the United States, in the several States and Territories. By James M. Gray. 1 vol. 1906. $6.50. Hamilton, C. H. Taxation and Special Assessments. 1906. $7.50.* Judson, F. N. On Taxation. 1902. $6.00. Machen, A. W. Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1910. Cloth, $1.50.* Page, W. H., and Jones, P. Taxation by Assessment. 1909. 2 vols. Buckram, $12.00.* Turpin, E. Federal Corporation Tax Law. 1910. Cloth, $2.00.* Wolfe, S. H. Inheritance Tax Calculations. 1905. Buck- ram, $4.50.* TAX TITLES. Black, H. C. Tax Titles. 2d ed. 1893. $6.00.* TECHNOLOGY OF LAW. Hughes, W. T. Technology of Law. 1893. $7.50. 218 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. TELEGRAPHS AND TELEPHONES. Jones, S. W. Tele- graph and Telephone Companies. 1906. $6.00.* (See Electricity.) TENDER. Hunt, A. R. Law of Tender. 1903. $6.00. THEATRICAL. Braekett, J. A. Theatrical and Amuse- ment Law. 1907. Buckram, $4.00. Sheep, $5.00. Beale, J. H., Jr. Law of Hotels, Innkeepers, including other public houses, theaters and sleeping-cars. 1906. Buckram, $6.00.* TITLE. Dembitz, L. N. Land Titles. 1895. 2 vols. $12.00.* Maupin, C. W. Marketable Title to Real Estate. 2d ed. 1907. Buckram, $6.00.* Rawle, W. H. Covenants for Title. 5th ed. 1887. $6.50.* Sedgwick, A. G. and Wait, T. S. Trial of Title to Land. 2d ed. 1886. $6.00. Warvelle. Abstracts of Title. 3d ed. 1907. $6.50. (See Conveyancing; Land Laws.) TORTS. Bigelow, M. M. Laws of Torts. 8th ed. 1907. Buckram, $3.00.* Bishop, J. P. Noncontract Law. 1889. $6.00.* Burdiek, F. M. Law of Torts. 1905. 2d ed. 1908. Can- vas, $3.00* j Sheep, $3.50.* Cooley, T. M. The Law of Torts. 3d ed. 1906. 2 vols. $12.00.* Cooley, T. M. Torts. (Law School Ed.) 1907. Buckram, $5.00.* Hale, W. B. Torts. 1896. $3.75.* Jaggard, E. A. Torts. 1895. 2 vols. $7.50.* Pollock, F. Law of Torts. 8th Eng. ed. Buckram, $6.00.* Pollock, F. On Torts, by Webb, J. A. 1894. $5.00.* Tiffany, F. B. Death by Wrongful Act. 1893. $4.50.* Williams, W. L. Liability of Municipal Corporations for Tort. 1901. Buckram, $3.50.* (See Damages.) TRADE. Beach, C. F. Monopolies and Industrial Trusts. 1898. $5.00.* Cooke, F. H. Trade and Labor Combinations. 2d ed. 1909. $6.00.* A Mine of Law — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 219 Nims, H. D. Unfair Business Competition. 1909. Buck- ram, $6.50.* (See Trademarks.) TRADEMARKS. Browne, W. H. Law of Trademarks. 1898. With supplement. $7.50.* Cox, R. Manual of Trademark Cases. 2d ed. 1892. $6.00.* Greely, A. P. Foreign Patent and Trademark Laws. 1899. $5.00.* Hesseltine, N. F. Digest of the Law of Trademarks and Unfair Trade. 1906. Buckram, $5.00.* Hopkins, J. L. Law of Trademarks. 1905. $7.50.* Newton, J. T. Digest of Trademarks. 1896. $5.00.* Paul, A. C. Law of Trademarks. 1903. $7.50. Singer, B. Patent Trademarks. 2d ed. 1909. Cloth, $2.50.* (See Copyright and Patents.) TREATY CLAUSES. (See International Law, Constitution.) TRIALS. Donovan's Modern Jury Trials. 4th ed. 1909. Buckram, $4.50.* Elliott, B. K. and W. F. The Work of the Advocate. 1 vol. 1911. Cloth, $4.00. Flexible morocco, $5.00. Elliott, B. K., and W. F. General Practice. 1894. 2 vols. $12.00.* Hayne's New Trial and Appeal. Revised 1912. 2 vols. Buckram Net $13.50.* Hirschl, A. P. Trial Tactics. 1906. Cloth, $2.65.* Holmes, H. H. Murder Trial. 1897. $3.00.** Lloyd, C. E. State Trials. 1899. Cloth, $3.00.* Thompson, S. D. Law of Trials. 1913. 4 vols. $26.00. (See Advocacy, Juries, Pleading and Practice.) TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES. Chaplin, S. Express Trusts and Powers. (N. Y.) 1897. $6.00.* Lewin, T. Trusts and Trustees. American notes by Flint, J. 1889. 2 vols. $11.00.* Loring, A. P. Handbook for Trustees. 3d ed. 1907. Cloth, $1.50.* Perry, J. W. Law of Trusts and Trustees. 6th ed. 1911. 2 vols. Canvas, $13.00.* Underhi-11, A. Trusts and Trustees. 1st Am. ed. 1896. $5.00.* Woodman, A. S. Trustees in Bankruptcy. 1909. Canvas, $6.50.* 220 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. ULTRA VIRES. Reese, R. A. Ultra Vires. 1897. $4.00.* (See Corporations.) UNFAIR TRADE. (See Interstate Commerce; Labor Law and Strikes.) UNITED STATES COMMISSIONERS' MANUAL. Wat- son, Warren. United States' Commissioners' Manual. 2d ed. 1881. 12mo. $1.50. UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. (See Constitution and Constitutional Law.) UNITED STATES COURTS. Armes, Chas. H. Cases on Motion in the United States Supreme Court. 1887. . $3.00.* Atwell, W. H. Federal Criminal Law. 1910. $5.00.* Bates, C. L. Federal Equity Procedure. 1901. 2 vols. $12.00.** Bates, C. L. Federal Procedure at Law. 1908. 2 vols. $12.00.* Bradbury. Jurisdiction of U. S. Courts in Bankruptcy. 1900. $1.50. Carson, H. L. History of U. S. Supreme Court. 2d ed. 1902. 2 vols. Sheep, $8.00. Carter, H. M. Jurisdiction of U. S. Courts. 1899. $3.50.* Curtis, B. R. Jurisdiction and Peculiar Jurisprudence, United States Courts. 2d ed. 1896. 12mo. Cloth, $2.50.* Dewhurst, Wm. M. Annotated Rules of the Federal Courts. 1907. $5.50. Dwyer, J. W. Law and Procedure U. S. Courts. 1901. $3.50. Fletcher, William Meade. Equity Pleading and Practice U. S. Courts. 1902. $6.00. Foster, Rodger. Federal Practice. 4th ed. 1909. 3 vols. Buckram, $19.50.* Gray, Jas. M. Limitations of the Taxing Power. Limita- tions of the Taxing Power, including Limitations upon The latest and up-to-date exposition of the law — American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 221 Public Indebtedness; a treatise upon the constitutional law governing taxation and the incurrence of public debt in the United States, in the several States and Ter- ritories. By James M. Gray. 1 vol. 1906. $6.50. Gunckel, Patrick H. Costs in Federal Courts. 1903. $5.00. Holt, G. C. Concurrent Jurisdiction of Federal and State Courts. 1888. $3.00.* Hopkins, J. L. U. S. Judicial Code. Annotated. 1911. Buckram, $2.50.* Long on Federal Courts. 1911. $2.50. Loveland, F. O. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts. 1910. Buckram, $6.50.* Loveland, F. O. Forms of Federal Practice. 2d ed. 1903. 2 vols. $12.00. May, H. J. Practice and Procedure U. S. Courts. 1899. $6.50.* Pagin, O. E. Forms U. S. Courts. 1894. $6.00.* Eoe, E. T. Criminal Procedure. U. S. Courts. 1887. $3.50.* Rose, Walter Malms. Code of Federal Procedure. Em- bodying the enactments of Congress, constitutional pro- visions, established principles, and court rules in force December 1, 1906, and the Bankruptcy Act of 1898, with amendments and orders, together with a collection of forms and precedents. By Walter Malins Eose, au- thor of " Notes on United States Reports" (supersed- ing Desty's Federal Procedure). 3 vols. 1907. Buck- ram, $18.00. Rose, W. M., and Thompson, C. L. Notes on the U. S. Re- ports. 1899-1909. Sheep or Buckram. Complete set, 18 vols. Covering 1-202 U. S. $117.50* Separately, as follows: Eose's Notes, 12 vols, and Index. Covering 1-172 U. S. 13 vols. $85.00.* Supplement. (1901-1904.) Covering 1-192 U. S. 3 vols. $19.50. Supplement. (1904-1909.) Covering 1-202 U. S. 2 vols. $13.00.* (See U. S. Reports, Part III.) Ship, E. R., and Daish, J. B. Equity Pleading and Prac- tice U. S. Supreme Court. 1901. Buckram, $3.00.* Shiras, O. P. Equity Practice. 2d ed. 1898. $2.50.* Simkins, W. S. Federal Suit in Equity. 2d ed. 1911. $6.50.* Simonton, C. H. Lectures on the Federal Courts. 2d ed. 1898. $2.00. READY FOR DELIVERY Third Edition Revised and enlarged to two volumes, containing ALL important Decisions and Statutes "UP TO THE MINUTE" Water Rights in the Western States By SAMUEL C. WIEL of the San Francisco Bar A treatise and general presentation of case law, statute law, and forms, relating to the law of the use of waters for irrigation, domestic use, water-power, mining and general supply in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colo- rado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Two Large Volumes in Approved Law Buckram PRICE, $15.00 NET, DELIVERED Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Office, 204 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. The Standard Wiel's Water Rights in the Western States 3Itttt*fc &tuttB (Eirruit (tart of Appeala, Ninth lluntrial Cdtrruit- Jtoogpa* (Etjautbtfra, g>ait Jffrattrtaro, (ftalrfuntta. AugUSt 22, 191 I. Bancroft-Whitney Company, Law Book Publishers, San Francisco, Cal. Dear Sirs: I have read the proof-sheets of a number of the chapters of Mr. Wiel's forthcoming Third Edition of his work on "Water Rights in the Western States." It is practically a new work, treating the subject in all its new and different phases. His historical review of the law of "Water Rights" through the civil and common law and his syste- matic classification of cases and stat- utes in this country as the development of the law has progress, are of excep- tional merit and value; and as the subject is just now of great interest to the public as well as the legal profes- sion, no library should be without this work. The new and difficult questions constantly arising in the West, with respect to water rights, should be con- sidered by the public as well as by the courts in the light of all the reason and conflicting views upon the subject here presented. Very truly yours, U. S. Circuit Judge. 224 TOPICAL LIST OF TEXT-BOOKS. Taylor, H. Jurisdiction and Procedure. IT. S. Courts. 1905. $6.00.* Tucker, G. F., and Blood, C. W. Federal Penal Code. 1910. Canvas, $5.00.* (See Equity; Practice; Forms; Federal Procedure; Juris- diction.) USURY. (See Interest.) V VENDORS AND PURCHASERS. (See Real Property.) W WAGERS. Dewey, T. H. Contracts for Future Delivery and Commercial Wagers. 1886. $4.00. Pingrey, D. H. Extraordinary Industrial and Interstate Contracts. 1905. $6.30.* WAREHOUSEMEN. Mohun, B. Warehousemen. 1904. $6.00. WARRANTIES. Biddle, A. Warranties in the Sale of Chattels. 1884. $3.00.* (See Sales.) WATERS AND WATERCOURSES. Craig, G. W. Cases on Water Rights in Western States. For Students. 1910. Buckram, $3.00.* Farnham, H. P. Law of Waters. 1904. 3 vols. Buckram, $18.00. Gould, J. M. Waters, Tidal and Inland. 3d ed. 1900. $6.00.* Kinney on Irrigation. New Edition. In preparation. Long, Jas. R. Irrigation. 1901. $5.50.* Meade, E. Irrigation Institutions. 1903. Cloth, $1.25. Mills, J. W. Irrigation Manual. 1907. $4.00. Pomeroy, J. N. Riparian Rights. 2d ed., by Black, H. C. 1893. $5.00.* Ware. Roman Water Law. 1905. $2.50.* Wiel, S. C. Water Rights in Western States. 3d ed. 1911. 2 vols. $15.00. They have no equal — American Decisions, American Re- ports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases. BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 225 WILLS. Bigelow, M. M. Elements of Wills. 1898. Cloth, $2.50.* Sheep, $3.00.* Borland, Wm. P. Notes on Law of Wills and Administra- tion of Estates. 1908. Buckram, $3.50. Cassody, J. B. Wills. 1893. $3.50.* Chaplin, S. Law of Wills. 1892. Canvas, $3.50.** Gardner, George E. Wills. 1904. $3.75.* Harris, V. M. Ancient, Curious and Famous Wills. 1911. Cloth, $4.00.* Hawkins, F. V. The Construction of Wills. 2d Am. ed. 1885. $5.00. Jarman, T. The Law of Wills. 6th Am. ed., by Bigelow, M. M. 1893. 2 vols. $12.00.* Page, W. H. Concise Treatise on Wills. 1901. $6.00.* Eemsen, D. S. Preparation and Contest of Wills. 1906. Buckram, $6.00.* Eood, J. E. Wills. 1904. $5.00. Schouler, J. Wills and Administration. (Superseding Schouler on Wills and Schouler on Executors and Ad- ministrators.) 1910. Buckram, $6.00.* Thornton, W. W. Lost Wills. 1889. $2.50.* Underhill, H. C. Law of Wills. 1900. 2 vols. $12.00.* Woerner, J. C. Law of Administration. 2d ed. 1899. 2 vols. Canvas, $13.00.* (See Executors and Probate.) WITNESSES. Eapalje, S. Law of Witnesses. 1887. $6.00.* WORDS AND PHRASES. (See Dictionaries.) WRITS. (See Service of Papers.) WRITTEN INSTRUMENTS. Houk. Written Instruments in Texas. 2d ed. 1908. Buckram, $5.50.* WRONGS. (See Torts.) Nothing is so sweet to the ears of a busy lawyer as the sound of a Keynote Strike the KEYNOTE to success in the Keynote Series AMERICAN DECISIONS AMERICAN REPORTS AMERICAN STATE REPORTS AMERICAN ANNOTATED CASES BANCS0FT-WE1TNET COMPANY. 227 PART FIVE. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS, DIGESTS, ETC. [Select cases, etc., see pages 208-211.] FEDERAL REPORTS, STATUTES, DIGESTS, ETC. United States Supreme Court Reports. — Following is a com- plete list of the original volumes: Dallas 1790-1800 (1-4), 4 vols. Cranch 1801-1815 (5-13), 9 vols. Wheaton 1816-1827 (14-25), 12 vols. Peters 1828-1842 (26-41), 16 vols. Howard 1843-1860 (42-65), 24 vols. Black 1861-1862 (66-67), 2 vols. Wallace 1863-1874 (68-90), 23 vols. U. S. (Otto) 1875-1882 (91-107), 17 vols. U. S. (Davis) 1882-1902 (108-186), 79 vols. U. S. (Butler) 1902-1910' (187-221) 35 vols. Lawyers' Edition, Extra Annotated. — Complete set, single vols. 1-221, in 55 books $275 00 [Books 1-43 contain Eose's Notes on 1-172 U. S. The extra annotations to books 44 and fol- lowing are published separately in Supplements to Eose's Notes. See below.] Rose's Notes on U. S. Reports. — Showing the present authority of each case in the U. S. Supreme Court Eeports as disclosed by the subsequent citations found in all the reports of that court, the intermediate and inferior Federal courts, and the courts of last resort of all the States. Parallel references to the American Decisions, American Eeports, American State Eeports, Lawyers' Eeports Annotated, and the Eeporter System. Volumes 1-13, by Walter Malins Eose; Supplementary volumes (14-18), by Charles L. Thompson. 1899-1909. Sheep or Buckram. 228 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS, DIGESTS, ETC. Complete set, 18 vols., covering 1-202 U. S., containing about 330,000 citations $117 50 Separately, as follows: Rose's Notes, 12 vols, and Index, covering 1- 172 U. S., containing about 250,000 citations. !3 vols 85 00 Supplement (1901-1904), 3 vols., covering 1- 192 U. S., containing about 45,000 citations 19 50 Supplement (1904-1909), 2 vols., covering 1- 202 U. S., containing about 35,000 citations 13 00 Subject Index (Vol. 13), separately. 1 vol 7 00 [The first 12 volumes of Eose's Notes show all citations made to the cases in vols. 1-172 U. S. from the earliest date to 1899. The Supplements show all subsequent citations to these volumes and also all citations to later volumes of the U. S. Reports. The Supplements are not cumulative and there is no duplication of material.] [The Lawyers' Edition, extra annotated, of the U. S. Reports has the first 12 volumes of Roses' Notes bound into the set. Vol. 13, which is a valuable Subject Index, is not included. Owners of that edition should have Vol. 13 and the 5 Supplementary Volumes. Write for special terms.] Digest of U. S. Supreme Court Reports. — Covering books 1-51 (single vols. 1-206) under one alpha- bet. 6 vols 45 00* Bank's Edition U. S. Supreme Court Reports. — Vols. 1-58 are a reprint of the original official edition, containing Brightly and Rapalje's notes. Vols. 59-221 are the original official edition. Com- plete set, 221 vols., bound singly or 2 vols, to a book. Curtis and Miller Edition. — A reprint of the original vols, as follows: Curtis (1 Dallas— 17 Howard) (1-58), 22 vols. Miller (18 Howard— 2 Black) (59-67), 4 vols. Balance of set made up of original official edition. Supreme Court Reporter. — Containing 106-221 U. S. in 31 books. Circuit Court of Appeals Reports. — (C. C. A.) 1892- 1912. Ill vols. BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 229 Digest of C. C. A. Keports.— (1-60.) 1892-1905. 2 vols $10 t)0* Federal Reporter.— 1880-1912. 192 vols. Containing all decisions of the U. S. Circuit and District Courts from 1880 to date, and of the Circuit Court of Appeals from its organization in 1891. Federal Digest. — (1-180 Federal Reporter; 1-30 Su- preme Court Reporter.) 1908. 8 vols. Obiter Digest of U. S. Supreme Court Reports. — (1- 197.) 1906. 2 vols 12 00* Encyclopedia of the U. S. Supreme Court Reports. — 1908-1910. 11 vols 66 00* Federal Cases. — A reprint of all U. S. Circuit and District Court decisions from 1789 to 1880, con- necting with the Federal Reporter. 30 vols, and Digest 1 vol. Complete set 200 00* United States Compiled Statutes.— 1901. 3 vols 18 00* Supplement embracing legislation 57th to and in- cluding special session of the 62d Congress. 1 vol. Sheep or Buckram 7 50* Complete set as above. 4 vol®. Sheep or Buck- ram 25 00* Federal Statutes Annotated. — Up to and including Special Session of 61st Congress. 1909. 11 vols.. 66 00* Supplement. 2 vols. 1912 $ 12 00* Rose's Code of Federal Procedure. — A Code of Federal Procedure. (Superseding Desty's Fed- eral Procedure.) Embodying enactments of Congress, Constitutional Provisions, Established Principles, and Court Rules in force December 1, 1906, and the Bankruptcy Act of 1898, with amendments and orders, together with a collec- tion of Forms and Precedents. By Walter Malins Rose. 1907. 3 vols. Buckram net 18 0-0 [A large part of the difficulty of federal prac- tice arises from the diverse and unrelated sources where the law must be sought. This code col- lects in one harmonious arrangement all the diverse rules and provisions which, taken to- gether, make the law of federal procedure.] See Constitution, Federal Procedure, and United States Courts, under Index to Text-books arranged by Subjects. Keynotes establish harmony in the law and dispel discord Use the Keynote Series AMERICAN DECISIONS AMERICAN REPORTS AMERICAN STATE REPORTS AMERICAN ANNOTATED CASES BANCBOFT-WHITNEY COMPANY. 231 NATIONAL REPORTER SYSTEM. Atlantic Eeporter. 1885-1912. 82 vols. New York Supplement. 1888-1911. 130 vols. Northeastern Eeporter. 1885-1912. 97 vols. Northwestern Eeporter. 1879-1912. 134 vols. Pacific Eeporter. 1883-1912. 120 vols. Southeastern Eeporter. 1887-1911. 73 vols. Southern Eeporter. 1887-1912. 57 vols. Southwestern Eeporter. 1886-1912. 143 vols. Digest of Reporter System. Atlantic Eeporter Digest of vols. 1-65. 2 vols. New York Supplement Digest of vols. 1-110. 6 vols. Northeastern Eeporter Digest of vols. 1-80. 5 vols. Northwestern Eeporter Digest of vols. 1-115. 7 vols. Pacific Eeporter Digest of vols. 1-95. 5 vols. Southeastern Eeporter Digest of vols. 1-55. 3 vols. Southern Eeporter Digest of vols. 1-40. 3 vols. Southwestern Eeporter Digest of vols. 1-120 1 . 8 vols. Prices on request. AMERICAN DIGEST. Century Digest. — A digest of the decisions of all American courts of last resort, State and Federal, from 1658 to 1896 inclusive, under one alphabet. 50 volumes. Sold by subscription only $300 00* Decennial Digest. — A digest of the decisions of all American courts of last resort, State and Federal, from 1897 to 1906 inclusive, under one alphabet 25 volumes. Sold by subscription only 150 00* American Digest. Key Number Series. — A digest of the decisions of all American courts of last resort, State and Federal, 1907 to 1911. 11 volumes now out. Per vol 6 00* o "The condensed nutriment Mr. Abraham Clark Freeman gives is rarely met in recent law books." — American Law Review. Use the American Decisions, American Reports, American State Reports and American Annotated Cases, and secure the "milk in the cocoanut." Sample pages, price, easy terms and full particulars on re- quest. g^- /CFC Keynotes /?IZ Ring Clear and True... Strike the Keynote to your specific proposition You will find it in the Keynote Series AMERICAN DECISIONS AMERICAN REPORTS AMERICAN STATE REPORTS AMERICAN ANNOTATED CASES After your own State - What? Of course you buy the Reports of your own State first. But after that— what? The library of greatest utility; secured at the mini- mum cost ; and of the most permanent value, is made up of — First: your own State Reports, and then— r- the great series of Selected Cases and the U. S. Su- preme Court Reports, viz : AMERICAN ANNOTATED CASES (Cited Ann. Cas. 1912 A et seq.) AMERICAN STATE REPORTS (A. S. R.) complete in 140 vols, and Digest 5 vols. AMERICAN DECISIONS AND REPORTS New Extra Annotated Edition 160 vols, and Digest 3 vols. U. S. SUPREME COURT REPORTS Extra Annotated Edition, to date 55 Books (single vols. 1 to 221), and Digest 6 vols.; Supplements to Rose's Notes 5 vols. AFTER you have all of the above you may wish to add to your library the Reports of some one or more of your neighboring States. We have a stock of Reports of every State and Ter- ritory, also a large stock of Reporters and Digests. Write us for prices and terms. It will pay you to get our offer. Bancroft- Whitney Company Law Book Publishers 200-214 McAllister Street, San Francisco, Cal. 55& American Annotated Cases Cited Ann. Cas. 1912 A (et seq.)