IMP "VALENTINE'S" SOUTH COUNTRY ROAD IBOOKHAVEN* LONG ISLAND OP THE TOWN OF BROOKHAVEN, SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. THIS VOLUME CONTAINS THE ENTIRE RECORDS PROM 1798 TO MARCH, 1856, INCLUSIVE, COPIED FROM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS, IN THEIR ORDER, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SUPERVISOR AND JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, AND PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE TOWN. PORT JEFFERSON, N. Y. TIMES STEAM JOB PRINT. 1888. CERTIFICATE OF THE TOWN CLERK. Suffolk County, 88. Town of Brookhaven. I hereby certify that I have compared the printed records in this volume, with the original records in my office and found them to be literal and accurate transcripts thereof. HENRY P. HUTCHINSON, Middle Island, August 4, 1888. Town Clerk. CORRECTIONS OF MISPRINT. Page 34. May 1800. " 34. first Obtain. " 46. Phillopa Roe. SRLl U/?fl MC; 52^05 7- PREFACE. At a meeting of the following town officers, to wit : Super- visor, James E. Bayles ; Town Clerk, Henry P. Hutchin- son and Justices, D. H. Buckingham, George W. Hopkins, Timothy Ketchum, A. H. Mills, George T. Osborn, D. H. Raynor, Charles R. Smith, and Wm. J. Weeks at the Clerk's office, on Tuesday, March 3d. 1885, among the reso- lutions adopted and to be submitted to the electors of the town at the ensuing annual town meeting, was the following : " Resolved, that the copying and publication of the Rec- ords of the town of Brookhaven now in the clerk's office, be continued from the close of the present published volume under the direction of the Supervisor and Justices of the Peace." At the ensuing annual town meeting, the whole number of ballots cast, in reference to the above resolution, was two hundred and seventy-two, of which two hundred and fifty- two were in favor of it, and twenty against it. At a meeting of the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices, held in Patchogue, May first, 1885, the following resolu- tion was adopted : " Resolved, that the Supervisor, James E. Bayles Geo. T. Osborn Esq. and William J. Weeks Esq. be and hereby are appointed and authorized to take charge of the copying and publication of the " Records" of the Town of Brook- haven, in accordance with Resolution, No. 2, passed at Town Meeting, April 7, 1885." In executing the trust comprised in the foregoing resolu- tions, the committee first met at the town clerk's office, June 16th. 1885 and engaged Miss Cynthia Hutchinson who had convenient access to the records and experience in copying to prepare a manuscript copy of the records, and whenever IV PREFACE. a supply of this manuscript was ready, the committee has met from time to time to compare the copy with the origi- nal records and correct any errors which might appear in the copy. In doing this work, the records have been followed in their order as they appear, and the copy has been carefully and diligently compared with the originals, exhibiting the capital letters, the spelling, the abbreviations, the punctua- tion and the OMISSION to punctuate, in fact omitting nothing which seemed to be an authentic part of the records. The undersigned believe that to all intents and purposes, the present volume is an accurate transcript of the entire records within the dates specified. A few notes have been introduced here and there, which might be useful for reference or explanation. Owing to the greater amount of recorded material of late years, it is possible another volume, equal to or larger than the present one, may be required to include the records down to the year 1885. January 6th, 1886. TABLE OF CONTENTS. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY W. J. WEEKS. A. Book, Introduction 5 Amendments to Constitution, votes upon, 1826 283 Appeal of Christopher Robinson, alteration of district 306 " " Win. Sidney Smith, boundary between school districts 18 &19 535 Application, Vincent & M. Dickerson, ship yard 456 E. Darling, to purchase land, denied 491 of several Gentlemen from Stony Brook for liberty to set an Academy 545 Arbitration, boundary line between B'haven and Smithtown, at Stony Brook 388 Articles of agreement, John Wade, Water Mill in Setauket 260 first Presbyterian Church 151-2 19 33 1801, ank, application to establish, in the town 188 Bass, toleration for selling, to any foreign market 148 Bay, (See East, South and West Bay) Beaver Dam Swamp (see Distance) VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Barney O Goram, Tho's S. Strong to take care of 57 Bound, Phebe Smith, to David Cole 57 " Indian Boy, James, to James Foster 94 " Wm. Arch, to David Day 80 " Sonney " Capt. John Havens 30 " Hannah, " Wm. Scidmore 30 Shadrick Bur, to Gabraell Mills 104 " James Bur " " " 104 " Isaac " Cephas Foster. ., 110 " Henry Smith, colored boy, to Wm. Hawkins 432 Boundary Line between B'haven & Islip, inquiry 480 " " Supervisors to cause a true survey of 481 Brant, penalty for killing and marketing, except 107 " " " " or taking out of town 126 Burying ground, negro, at Laurel Hill 496 Baileys Hallow, Certain Road 205 Bay in Partnership with Gen'l John Smith 66 " ' " " 68 107 126 ' ' in Company with 141 142 163 " belongs to " 194 ' ' belonging to 174 c, /attle, not to run at large, West Meadow Beach 7 Census, 1801, Electors possessing freeholds '. . 4(> Charles's pond, privilege to Rich'd Hudson 27 Church, first Presbyterian, Meeting 150-1 Grant of land to 152 Clambs, or Other Shellfish East of Woodhull point, not to be carried out, except by permission, & 3 cts. per bushel 34 " not to be carried out of the Town 58 " Toleration for taking out of " 97 " voted not to be " Catched by fourigner^ " 103 " penalty for removing without liberty 106 " Jaw respecting, confirmed 114 ' ' Act concerning, revised 124 confirmed 131 ' ' Toleration for taking out 131 " Tolerating Masters appointed to tolerate to Catch 131 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Vll PAGE Clambs not to be taken away without toleration 159 " Act to prevent catching 173 Clambing in Flax pond reserved to inhabitants 219 Chattel mortgage, Walter F. Smith, to Geo. W. Smith 520 Commiss'rs to locate boundary between B'haven & Smithtown . . . . 387 Commissioners fix the western line of the fisheries 339 set up monuments of Stone " 341 Comm'rs of highways (see also Road) appeal of Warden Toby, decided 234 determine certain encroachments 246-7 divide a division fence bet. Hawkins & Ru- land 303 " 1830, number and define districts 308-9 " permission to Smith and Qillett, to build dam 328 " " stake out a tract of land in Setauket 330 " appoint to fill vacancies in Overseers of h .. 351 " " Agreement with Dan'l Hawkins for dam- ages. 397 " grant private R. District to Sam'l Hopkins.. 431 assign " " " Wm. Sidney Smith 516 " " divide District 21, Robinson Mill Stream... 482 No. 1. in Stony Brook 507 " 22 " " 511 alter " "20 " " 511 " " to remove obstructions around Setauket har- bor 500 " 1854, dividing line of Dist. 4 & 49 altered. . . 517 " " Appeal of D. Robinson from order of. 531-2 Commis'rs of Schools, special town meeting to vote in, 1799 20 " " divide the town into school districts, 1813 178 " " set off a district in Bald Hills 189 Westfield 189 divide first District 252 " " part of district 15, annexed to, in Southamp- ton 276 " " divide 21st school dist. from Islip line 283 part of dist. 20 annexed to 21 297 " " resolution to extend dist. 14 to M. Robinsons. 301 " " form a new dist. Daytons Creek 320 " " in relation to division of districts 11 & 12. ... 334 " " division of 3d dist. Setauket. . ... S38 Vlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGX Commis'rs of Schools, define boundaries of district 4 345 " " of Riverhead & B'haven form a new dist 357 " " define district 35 358 " ' Change site of school house in dist. 15 359 " " alter No. 20 and form a new district 366 " " districts in the town renumbered 525 " " Boundary line between North Side & Middle Island 526 " " form a new dist. No. 10 from several dists 529 " " alter line between 15th & 16th dists 186 " " " District in Manor 187 : " divide district in the fireplace 188 " " change site of school house in Moriches 528 " " Joint dist. No. 2 altered to include part of Islip 528 Collectors Books, &c. to be cast up 26 Committee to take charge of J. looker's property 36 " to View the Flax pond at Crane Neck 42 " to view the bay, in Setauket, where Selah Strong has petitioned, for Dam & Mill 47 Convention, 1801, delegates elected 45 " 1821, Election to determine 231 " 1821, delegates elected to 233 " 1822, Estimate of votes given 235 Congress, Representative elected, 1799 24 1800, p. 33 1802, p. 54 1804, p. 76 '06, 103 '08, 122 '10, 140 '12, 160 Dec. '12, 167 '14, 183 '16, 201 '18, 209 '21, 230 '22, 244 '24, 264 '26, 282 '28, 291 '30, 306 Conscience Bay at St Georges Manor 262 Coroner, candidates, votes for, 1828 293 1831 316 County Poor House, vote taken on the question of, 1831 311 " " " " " whether to erect, 1839 362 Crambary Marsh, the pond called ... 58 Cranes Neck and flax pond 192 D. Book, Introduction 81 Dam, Benjamin Strong to build, Setauket Harbor 70 " permission across little Patchogue Stream 327 TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX PAGE Daytons swamp, distance from Beaver Dam 372 Dear or other Game, No foreigner to hunt 8 Deer, No furener Shall Chase within this Town With Howns 17 Dispute, Negro Man, Tite, B'haven & Smithtown 17, 21 " Brookhaven & Smithtown, boundary at S. Brook 387 " Southern boundary of lanes at Bellport 435 " Smalling & Smith, division fence, decided 439 Distance from Winthrop's Patent to Yaphank line 372 " " Yap'k line, south end, to Beaver D. Swamp 372 " " Beaver Dam Swamp to Dayton's Swamp. 372 " " Dayton's Swamp to little Division 372 Divisions, great & little, survey in, by B. Woodhull 368 " " " Transcript of a survey, 1839 371 Dock, liberty to build, Swan Neck creek 63 Benj'n Petty 99 " " " Nethaniel Woodruff. 110 " Trustees join John Wilsey in Building 115 " Application and grant, Zecheriah Sandford 130 " John Wilsey, Drown Meadow Bay 132 " Liberty, Geo. Hallock, S. B. Harbor, deep hole 133-34 " Elkanah Smith, Blue Point 142 " " Geo. Hallock, to extend 169 " " Zophar Tooker, to set up frame 213 " " Smith Mott, into the South Bay 213 " " John Willse, in Drown Meadow 218 " " Epenetus Mills, Blue Point 240 " Israel Davis, to keep in good repair, drown meadow 266 " Brewster Hawkins, Robbins's Point, Setauket 272 " Geo. Hallock, right & privilege forever 277-8 " Coll. Wm. Howell, Thomas & John Bell 296 " Cha's D. Hallock, complaint about wharfage 304 " Jonas Smith, west meadow creek, S. B 312 " at Stony Brook, wharfage raised 314 " Stoney Brook, 4 rods square, free from incumbrance 315 " Charles Osborn, in South Bay, 1833 321 " Smith & Darling, Drown Meadow 332 " Cha's D. Hallock, lease of land to extend 342 " Wm. L. Jones, Drown Meadow Bay 365 ' ' James R. Davis, formerly to John Wilsie 376 " Sylvester Smith & M. Darling, Drown meadow 377 " Jonas Smith, with rates for wharfage 406-7 " Cha's S. Newey, or railway, South Bay 413 ' ' Willet Griffing, South side, Patchogue 422 X TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Dock, W. C. Smith & Walter Howell, Patchogue 423 " Oha's Homan, of Islip, into Bay 427 " Austin Roe, South Bay, on his own land 434 " Mary Smith, application to extend 434 " Ahira Hawkius & Wm. Darling at Port Jeff. 440-450 " Bedell & Darling, petition presented by, 1851 443 " " " privilege of building, P. J. Bay 448 " I. L. Jones, complaint, obstructions about 457 " Jonas Smith's, Committee to view 462 " Wm. L. Jones, head of Drown Meadow Bay 464 44 information, constructing in Islip, without grant .509-511 " Lewis Hulse, application for renewal 537 Docks at Port Jeff, all obstructions to be removed 490 Drift, inhabitants not to be hindered from taking 75 " on Road at the Bay, to belong to Warden Toby 80 Drown Meadow (now called Port Jefferson), 1850 436 E J_J, E, Book, beginning 475 last Bay, grass on Islands, J. Robinson to dispose of 501 " " new made Islands in, leased for 5 yrs. 1856 546 Eels, application to catch, in great west Bay 499 " right to catch, to be put up at auction 500 " several applications to take for foreign market 510 " in great South Bay, applications for priv. and Right 510 " Lease to Individuals or companies in West Bay 510 " Notices, forbidding in Great West Bay, without License 518 Eeling privileges in W. Bay, to advertise & sell to highest Bidder. . 522 Eels, no person shall catch with Seine or nets in the waters on the North side of town 550 ,1* iddleton, sale of grass on the Islands of 457 Fish not to be carried out of the Town 8 " " " <4 " penalty 32 44 permission to Elias Hedges to catch, But, &c 55 " penalty for catching in the South Bay 66 44 41 & forfeit, for catching & carry ing out 59 4 " catching for the purpose of sending to market 97 44 Liberty to Geo. Brown & others, to catch lor market 67 44 penalty for catching and taking out 123 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI PAGE Fish Act concerning, reinacted 79 " penalty for attempting to sell to a foreign market, or to any " foreigner " 149 " law prohibiting taking any kind, in full force & Virtue 185 " " " " " " " 174 " " " ' " " " 194 " penalty for taking in the Bays, Rivers or Creeks 206 " Inhabitants to catch for their own Consumption 148 " forfeit for taking, except on Tuesday and Friday 337 Fishing in South Bay, E. Chichester allowed to catch and carry to market 43 " let to Josiah Smith and H. Howell 113 " & Fowling, Act to regulate 141 " " " in South Bay 163 " & clambing in flax pond, reserved 219 " in West Bay, leased to Alexander Smith **vt82 " " " " " 530 Fisheries, boundary fixed bet. B'haven & Islip 340 Fish House, liberty to set on Moger's shore 898 Flax pond, committee to view, to let into the sound 42 " " division of, by Commissioners 193 " " all the Right in, sold by the Trustees 219 Fowl, wild, ordinance against carrying out of South Bay 56 " permission to Wm. Alibeen, to fowl for a tenth 56 " wild, not to be killed after May 7, 1803 67 " " Act concerning, revived & reinacted 78 " " Law prohibiting killing in full force & Virtue 174 185 194 " " forfeit for killing in the Bays, Rivers or Creeks, without first obtaining leave 206 Fowling in South Bay hired to Wm. Alibeen 19 " " " to the Highest Bidder, Willet Rayner & Co. . 31 " for market, to Willet Rayner 42 " " " hired to Hampton Howell 113 " toleration on, $50 in full, from Willet Rayner 31 Fox, bounty of 50 cents for Each fox caught, 1806 103 Foxes, " vote for the destruction of, 1833 327 Flax pond, application to lay down oysters in, 1855 537 " " right of fishing and clambing, reserved for inhab'ts. . . . 219 ate, One Good Easy Swinging, Owner to hang 61 an Easy Swinging, Tho's S. Strong, to Hang ' 100 Xll TABLE OF CONTENTS. FACIE Gates, Good handy Swinging, Owners to Erect 9 " two good easy swing, at Millers place 195 " two or more good easy swinging, on Granny Road 269 Governor & Lieut. Gov., Election of 1801 43 1804, p. 76 1807, p. 112 1810, p. 139 '11, 147 '13, 176 '16, 200 '17, 204 '20, 224 '22, 243 '24, 264 '26, 281 '28, 291-2 '30, 306 Grass on the Islands in the west Bay, vote to sell 456 " " out shore Ridge, lease to H. F. Osborn 459 " " Pelican Island " " Capt. Cha's Rider 531 " " Islands in West Bay, D. Hedges to sell 500 " " " in East " J. Robinson to dispose of 501 Grove place & gipsey Square 517 Gunning for market, to Willet Rayner, for four persons 42 " " Excepting Such Persons as Has Hired the Previlege of ". 107 " not to debar inhabitant, except on their own Bars 113 " privileges in west Bay, W. C. Booth to attend to 469 " West Bay, lease to John Homan 472 " " South Bay, lease to John B. Dan, from Fid- dleton to Wm. Smith line 519 .aisle's Manor, grant of land in, Phebe Howell to Zephaniah Bowers 11 " " Oliver Smith to Benj'n Downs 12 " " Wm. Floyd, bond, lot in, to B. Downs 13 Hannah Hanabel bound, her Daughter Hannah 30 Highway, (see Road). " Hoggs," not to run on Commons without yokes, &c 29-73 Hogs, not to run, &c. penalty 33 " Town meeting, votes against running on highways 54 " "No Hogs Except Sucking Piggs Shall Run or go On Com- mons" 64 " Act concerning, reinacted &c 78 " on Commons, to be Yoked and Ringed 128 " Vote, Act, concerning, to be revised 159 Hog, Suffered to run on Commons, penalty for 280 " "No Hog or Shoat Sucking Piggs Onely Excepted shall Run ". 107 Horsefish, not to be taken out of the town 58 " no person shall Smuther or Bury them &c 68 " Act concerning, reinacted 78 " not to be carried out, under any Pretense 106 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Xlll PAGE Horsefish, Law respecting, confirmed 114 " Act concerning, Revised and to Continue 124 " Act passed June 1806, Revised & confirmed on penalty of Twenty Dollars 131 Hot water Pond 58 " " Street, through Halsie's Manor 58 Hope Flat Beach Co., for planting Oysters 478 I ndenture, Trustees to Qeo. Davis, land in Stony Brook 47-48 & Qeo. Davis' s allowance to Joseph Davis . ., 48 "to Rich 'd Floyd & others, half of Flax pond . . 49-50 " to John Taylor, E. &. P. Morin acknowledge 79 ' " Cha's D. Hallock, lease in Stony Brook 341 " " Lewis Hulse, lease of shore for Railways 346 " " " use & improvement of common land . . 374 " " Silvester Randal, land for blacksmith shop 375 " " James R. Davis, Dock formerly to John Wilsie 376 " " Rob't Hawkins, west side of Beaver Dam River. . . . 386 " " Jonas Smith, sand flat at Stony Brook 406 " " Willet Griffing, dock, South side, Patchogue 422 " Wm. C. Smith & Walter Howell, dock, " 423 " " C. L. & J. M. Bayles, railway, renewal of lease 424 " " Charles Homan of Islip, privilege, building dock. . .. 427 " Mary Smith, to enlarge dock at Port Jeff. 436 " Jer. Darling & Ed'd Bedell, priv. of a dock 448 " A. Hawkins & W. Darling, " " 450 " Consequence of refusal of Austin Roe, to execute 452 to J. R. Mather & T. B. Hawkins, Stone wall, P. J. Bay 462 t u \y m L f Jones, grant for Railway, continued 464 " " " Liberty to construct, 1836 464 " Edm'd T. Darling, land for Boat Builders Shop ... 470 " " V. & M. Dickerson, for Ship Yard 473 " Harvey West, Beach or Shore, head of P. J. Bay. . . 493 " Edm'd Darling, " " " ...494 " " C. L. Bayles, Railway at Port Jefferson & work Shop at Port Jefferson 547 " " Elizabeth Darling, right to construct a Pier 548 Inspectors of Common School, vote, allowing fifty Cents a day 362 " " Com. Schools, vote, " one Dollar a Day 381 J ustice of Peace, vote to elect by the people 283 " Canvass of votes for, 1827 287 XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Justice of Peace, Supervisor & Justices ballot for term 288 ". Election of 1828 292 " votes for, inspectors certify, 1829 300 L, jaurel Hill, negro burial ground laid out at 496 " Trustees, to defend the sale of timber on 510 " piece of land in Setauket, quit claimed. 261 Lubber Street or Dickersons Settlement 178 " Grove place 517 .eeting, (See Town and Trustees). Mill, permission to erect, to Benj'n Strong & Bro's 70 " at Wading River, grant examined 137 " Liberty to build, to Daniel Homan 232 Monument erected at Wading River, between Brookhaven & River- head .. . 385 eat Cattle, horse or sheep not to run on the west meadow Beach. 251 Negro Burying Ground, Laurel Hill, Setauket 496 " " Committee appointed to view 500 " alleged trespass upon 501 ' " timber standing on, to be sold 508 application to exchange land for what tim- ber may grow on 521 "aid mans path 97 Old Field Beach, 150 feet for ship yard 456 " grant extended 5 years 469 forshipyard 473 Oosence, branch or creek of Connecticut River 117 Ottor Swamp, Beaver Dam River 117 Overseers of highways, List of, for 1833 325 Oysters, Voted, No Oys. or fish " Be Ketched By foreigners " 8 " " Clambs, by persons not inhabitants 8 " to carry out, shall first obtain liberty 8 " & Clambs, law concerning, confirmed 20 " or shells, not to be sent out of the town 21 " Privilege to Dan'l Smith, to Lay Down 25 " or shells, not to be sent out within certain dates 35 penalty for removing, in South Bay 45 " privilege to lay down, in Drown M. Harbor, John Woolsey. 47 " or shells, not to be taken out of the town 58 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV PAGE Oysters, Great Destruction of, Act to prevent 106 " or shells, law passed to prevent, repealed 109 " Law passed in June 1806 confirmed 114 " Act to preserve young, growing in S. Bay 118 " permission to take in case of sickness 119 " in Case of sickness, Tobey & Baker to give permits 119 " Act revised, no permits to be given 123 " Inhabitants not to be prevented, provided &c 126 " Act to preserve for town & heirs of Win. Smith. . . 130 " if found on board of any vessel, excepting 131 " permission to take, restrictions 132 " Agent to regulate quantity & receive Acc't 132 " all foreigners excluded from Catching 133 " Agent, Epenetus Mills appointed 133 " penalty for taking without a permit 143 " or Shells, Act of May, 1810, prohibiting, repealed 143 " in the South Bay, Catching prohibited 149 " & shells, between May & Oct. penalty for catching 291 " laying down & taking up, entire priv., Wm. looker 294 " penalty for taking between May & Oct., 1829 298 " shells of, from Oyster Beds, penalty for taking away 298 " privilege of laying down, to Wm. Smith 298 " penalty for selling to or for any foreign market 382 " no person shall Dredge or drag for, 1841 405 Act for the preservation of, 1847 408-9 " " against dredging repealed, 1848 413 " " of 1847, public notice enforcing 434 " " " amended, forfeit for catching 439 " no person to dredge or drag for after Feb., 1851 440 " allotment for planting in west Bay 442 ' ' lots for planting in Great west Bay, leased 456-9 " lots for planting, Beach flats near Quanch 459 " persons to sell, required to obtain license s ...... 491 Oyetering, Mr. Booth to hire out, in west Bay 440 in Suffolk Co., to remonstrate against action of the Leg- islature 445 " license to all applicants who pay in advance 500 " privilege of, rent for, 1851 453 " & fishing, to regulate the Bye Laws, as to penalties 459 " privileges for market, refusal to pay for, subject to prosecution 469 privileges, agents to, appointed for Great West Bay 470 " " Daines & Newius appointed agents, G. W. B. 472 XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS. Oystering "privileges, N. M. Terrill to superintend, in Q. S. B. 1853. 492 " " Mr. Case to take charge of, 1853 501 " " N. M. Terrill, to oversee in the West Bay. . . 502 " " of the West Bay, decided to sell to the highest Bidder 522 " " of the South Bay, decided to sell at public auction 551 Oyster planting, annual rents to be paid Foremen, or forfeit 478 Oysters or shells, no authority to grant liberty to dredge for 531 " dredging for, petition to Supervisors to amend the law 535 Jtalace Brook (so-called) Patchogue 454 Partnership, (See West & South Bay). " Cha's L. & James M. Bayles, agree to dissolve 547 Pelican Island, grass growing on, to be leased 531 Peperidge tree, monument erected where it stood in Wading River. 385 Pigs, sucking excepted, on the Commons 64, 107 Pomp & Sarah Arch bind their sons, Wm. & Sonney 30 I f 1803, p. C8 1806, p. 109 1807, p. 116 w " '08, 124 '10, 143 '11, 153 '23, '24, '25, 270 11 '26, 276 '27, 276 '30, 305 " '31, 317 '34, 333 '48, 418 " '49, 426 '50, 435 '51, 460 " '52, 488 '53, 502 '54, 519 House. vote to provide. Town Meeting, 1817 204 " " County, vote taken on the question of, 1831 311 " " " " whether to erect, 1839 362 Punks hole, " An Easterly Course unto " 10 Q R uanch, Beach flats, oyster lots granted near 459 L ailway, permission to build at Drown Meadow 328 " Road or way, to Smith and Darling " 333 " ways, to Lewis Hulse, Drown Meadow Bay 347 " way, renewal of lease to C. L. &. J. M. Bayles 425 " " Lewis Hulse's annuity reduced 481 Ram Sheep not to run on the Commons 73 " vote not to run between Aug. & Nov 159 Rams, Act to prevent running at large - 162 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV11 PAGE Rama, Act to prevent running, &c. Revised 174 " " " " in full force & Virtue 194 Ram found running, forfeit for securing 280 " " " without being sufficiently hoppled, penalty of two Dollars 280 Rams or Swine, vote to prevent, running in commons 274 Road, through the Land, By name, the Hundred Acres 9 " the above made Void, 1801 9 " across the land of Isaac Satterly 9 ' ' from the corner to the mill Dam 9 " " Wading River Road to St. George's Manor 10 " " Jeremiah Randals to John Bayles lot. . . 14 " " the Granny Road to fulling mill 15 " " B. Smith's house to Winthrops Patent 17 " " John M. Longs Sawmill to Little Branch 18 ' ' all and Every, in Brookfield, confirmed 20 " altered, Millers Place, Hay Path 22 " from Ezra Tuthill's, Smith's Neck Road 22 " " Mooneponds 29 "' from Sheeppasture Road, Setauket 38 " West of Simeon Hawkinses, Null & Void 38 " joining Yaphank Line to be shut up 40 " from Elijah Davises to Dan'l Bayle's shut up 43 " Exchange of, across Old Mill Dam, Setauket 57 " in Halsies Manor, Hotwater Street 58 " to Wading River Great Lots 60 " " Scidmores Landing 61 " Alter, from Charles's Pond to the Mooneponds 62 " Regulations to repair in East Setauket 69 " John Wilsies House, (at Drownmeadow) 74 " In Tookers Neck, at Bluepoint 79 " at Comsewague, also a part shut up 97 " Alteration from Christopher Swezeys Mills 108 " from Chrystle Brook Hollow to Benjamins R 115 " Stopped up & laid out, Beaver Dam River 117 " " &c. between Wm. Hawkins & John Munsil 125 " Western part of Setauket 136 " Old Mans, to Wading River, continued 136 " from Stoney Brook to Setauket town 146 " " Daniel Homan's Mill to South Country Road. 146 " " Rocky pond to Setauket 146 " Private, laid out for N. Overton 153 " at the North End of the Long Lots 154 XV111 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Road, in the fireplace to Bartoe's Landing Place 155 " Shut up between Nassakeag Road &c 156 ' ' established between N. Tuthill & J. Woodhull 157 " to Landing place of X. Tuthill 157 " altered in Millers place 159 " at Patchogue, through land of Dan'l Smith &c 166 " from " to Coram 166 " " Middle Island to Dan'l Swezeys Landing 166 " in the fireplace, from Gerard's R. Southward, stopped 168 " laid out from S. W. corner of Lot five 168 " altered, East side of Beaver Dam Swamp 168 " old pine Neck, Coram Road to horse Block 171 " in Lubber Street, beginning at temps House 187 " from Rocky point R. to M. S. Woodhull's Landing 195 " at Moriches, southwesterly, swift stream 217 " in the village of Westfield 219 " in Stony Brook, staked out 220 " through the hind of John Elderkin 225 " Jury of inquest to appraise damage of 227 " from Westfield to Coram 235 " leading to John Mott's Mills, Patchogue 241 " from Patchogue creek, west, closed. 248 " " Old Mans to Drown meadow, widened 254 " two pole, opened, bet. Stores of Parsons & Hulse 255 Roads, two certain, in Middle Island, closed 255 Road, from C. Swezey's to Rob't Hawkins's Mills, altered 256 ' ' at the East line of the late Joshua Smith 260 " in the renewal of the grant to Qeo. Hallock, S. B 280 " that leads down the fireplace neck altered 288 " from the highway between Setauket & Drown M. inspected, defined & opened 299 " districts numbered & set off, 1830 308-9 " from paper Mill in Moriches to Maple Hollow 820 " Bell's Dock, northerly 323 " " Bellville Dock, consent to lay out 324 " land for, in Patchogue, release of Sillick Wicks 325 " in Setauket staked out 330 " " to dock of Jonas Smith 334 " from S. Glover's to R. Hawkins's Mills, alteration 339 " commencing near the Meeting House in Old Mans 346 " private, on application of Isaac Overton 352 " from Setauket to Tho's S. Strong's altered 355 " through lands of Jos. Avery & others, to the Bay at Blue Point 356 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XIX PAtlE Road, South Post R. Survey of, through Moriches 373 " Westerly from the Beaver Dam, ancient Section established.. 390 " from the South Country R. Northwardly (Yaphank Av.) 396 " " Dan'l Homan's Mill dam to Gerard's R. stopped 397 Roads, at Manor Station, release of 417 Road " through Sundry lands 418 " to run Westerly to Patchogue Millpond 426 " Release of the foregoing. North Street, Patchogue 426 " South Country, west of little Patchogue stream, altered 432 " South Street, alteration of, Patchogue 434 " above, Hawkins & Chadeayue, release for damages 434 " from Carman's Mills to Fireplace neck altered 438 " Slippery Lane, survey of, 1850 444 " from Bellport to Tookers turnout, L. I. R. R 454-5 " " Head of the neck on Bellport Dock Road 456 " South Country, adjoining Parish Ground, Moriches 458 " in Moriches, suit for taking earth from 458 " from Seatuck Mills to Hot water Street 460 " " land of Josiah Smith to S. Country Road, East Moriches 461 " " the Bay Shore, east side of little Patchogue creek 466 " near Congregational Church in Patchogue 474 " " Moriches Church to Wading River Road 479 " from Fireplace neck to Coram 482 " between D. Robinson & W. Avery to the Bay Shore 482 " from Bellport Station, L. I. R. R. nearly north 483 " release all claim to damages, W. E. Conkling & others 484 " " " " D. Robinson & Wm. Avery 484 " " " Wm. H. Newins & others 485 " from South Country R. to the South Bay 486 " " above road, along shore to Swan creek 486 " " South Country R. near Wm. Avery's to S. Bay 487 " Rocky Pt. R. to M. S. Woodhull's landing Millers Place 489 " " Medford Station to old Coram Road 492 " " Horse Block R. to Waverly Station & southward 503-4 " on fireplace Neck, from highway to South Bay, near west line of J. L. Ireland 505-6-7 " to Rose's landing discontinued 507 " Southerly through Port Jeff, altered from two to three rods. 509 " Application for a new road in Moriches 539 " South Bay to South Country Road in Moriches nearly opposite Methodist Church 542 " from Centre of Moriches to S. Bay, Quit claim 544 " " Patchogue to Mott's Mills, Canaan 549 Robbins's point in Setauket harbour, dock 272 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. SPAGZ aints Orcliurd, westermost point of 47 Sand, petition to fence, to preserve meadows 74 " not to be taken without tolerating 159 " Act to prevent taking 173 " taking without leave, guilty of trespass 212 Seaweed, No person entitled to, By Heaping 7 Senate, (see Assembly). Shore, about Setauket Harbor, obstructions to be removed 457 School Districts, Town divided into, 1813 178 " renumbered by the Comm'rs, 1842 525 30, 31, & 32 altered by Supts 529 " district, Second, set apart, separate D 205 " First, divided 252 Part No. 1, Wading River 254 " partly in B'haven & partly in R'head 261 Trustees No. 18 versus Trustees No. 19 522 " " decision of V. M. Rice, in above 525 " House, Liberty to build in Stony Brook 39 " petition & liberty to build in Fireplace 52 " Hill, committee to view, for Academy 538 Sheepsliead, toleration for selling 148 Sheriff, candidates, votes for, 1828 293 Shells, Act to prevent Catching, 1810 141 " " " " repealed 143 Shell fish, forfeit for taking in the Waters or harbors on the North side of the Island 217 Slaves, Manumission of, under Act of 1788. Slave, Mrs. Ruth Woodhull, applies for, Ben 7 " Thomas Helme " " Jack 14 " Elisha Hammond " " Ziporah 23 " Dr. David Woodhull " "Silos 86 " Noah Hallock " " Pompe & Candis 39 " Tho's S. Strong " " Keder & Susan 71 " Abraham Woodhull " " Juleaner 98 " JohnHoman " " Phelis 99 " Wm. Tooker " " Primous 99 " John Howard " " Pompe 105 " Noah Hallock " "Tim 114 " Wm. Helme " " Viner 114 Selah Strong " " Seylvia 124 " Joseph Homan " " Jude 124 " Mariam Brown " "Jude , 125 " Joseph Davis " "Elizabeth 135 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXI PAGE Slave, Jeremiah Havens, applies for, David 135 " WessellSell " " Titus 150 " Joseph Jayne " " Limas 156 " Phillips Roe " "Betty 162 " Jonas Hawkins Jr. & Tho's S. Mount, apply for Harry 172 ' ' " personally came and appeared" Killis 177 " Hannah Woodhull, applies for Tamer. 180 Thomas Strong " " Killis 180 " Theophilus Smith " "Sarah 180 " Robert Hawkins " " Margett 186 " WessellSell " " Juleanor 186 " Gideon Mills & Rich'd Oakley, apply, lor Sampson 187 " Dan'l Davis, applies for Matilda 194 " Tho's S. Strong " Abel 196 " Rich'd Robinson " Clarisa & Jeremiah 196 " Tho's S. Strong " Rose Akerly 197 " Elizabeth Smith " Stephen 197 " Sarah Helme " Nimrod. 197 Henry Smith " Richard 206 " Elizabeth Smith " Candas 210 " Daniel Jones " Rhoda 211-2 " Timothy Miller " Huldah 216 ' ' Zophar Hallock " Philopenea. 221 " Mary Davis " Permelia 225 " Wm. Helme " Oliver 226 " Henry Smith " Jemima 227 " Woodhull Smith " Samuel 233 " Tho's S. Strong " Darcas 234 " Henry P. Orsbon " Thomas 236 " Tho's R. Smith " Irenea 237 " Josiah Smith " John Perdue. 242 Dorothy 243 " Tho's S. Strong " Unice 248 " Sam'l L. Thompson, applies for Simon 248 " Abraham Woodhull " " Harry 249 " Wm. Howell " "Peter 254 " Ebenezer Smith " " Joel 256 " John Havens " "Ira 257 & 263 " John Woodhull " " Benjamin Rafe 257 " Mills Brewster " "Peter 269 Henry P. Osborn " "Reuben 269 " ' " Judas 270 " Wm. Tooker " " Aaron.. 275 XXII TABLE OF CONTENTS. Slave, Sam'l L. Thompson, applies for Hannah 281 " Nathaniel Miller " " Jeremiah 307 Birth Records, Children of Slaves. Slave, Born of a, Aner, Reported by Sam'l Smith 23 " " Rachel & Hector, Reported by Gen'l Wm. Floyd. .24-5 " Selah, Reported by Sam'l Carman 25 Peter " Jehiel Woodruff. 27 " Paul " Ruth Woodhull 36 " Dence " M. S. Woodhull 37 " " Elisabeth " Joseph Davis 37 " Lew " Coll. Nicoll Floyd 37 " Rachel " Joseph Brewster 37 " Peter " Dan'l Robart 56 " " Bet & Jim" Oliver Smith 61 " Jim " Coll. Nicoll Floyd 61 " Tamer " Wd. Ruth Woodhull 62 " " Rosawell " Joanna Smith 62 " " Aaron " Wm. Tooker 62 " " Apolis " James Woodhull 62 " Nel " OliverSmith 71 " Primus " Wm. Smith 81 ' Paul ) " Rachel j. " Wm. Smith 82 " Lucy ) : Nicoll F,o 7 d 82 Phillip " Rich'd Robinson 82 Charles " Dan'l Petty 82 Peter " Josiah Smith 83 Silas " Goldsmith Davis 83 " Sarah Hallock 83 Rachel ^ S" [" Tho'sS. Strong 83 Ellen J Elijah, I |j I Reported by Nicoll Floyd 84 Charity Ann, J Re P rted b 7 Wm - Smith 84 ' ' Jobn Woodllu11 85 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XX111 Slave, Born of a, Jane, Reported by Timothy Miller 85 " " Isaac Jayne " Elizabeth Smith 85 Lunn " Wm. Smith 85 " " (male child) " Ebenezer Jones 85 " Sarah ) " Tamer) " Sebra " Nath'l Tuthill. . 86 Nicoll Floyd 86 Tamer Margett Cicera Fan Dinah ^ Charlott Margarett Franics Pedro Isabellah Arthur Sampson ~) Rose Hannah j" Fanny j Ally ) Experience) Richard Huldah Ann ) Harriet ) David Bowse Silas Thankful Oliver Armina ) Charles f Apollas Jeremiah Tamer f Ben f Cloe Charles! Isaac > Lil \ Phillis Hannah Harry ) Mary ) Mary Reported by John Smith Qen 86 Mary Woodhull 86 Rob't Hawkins 87 Wm. Smith. . 87 Mrs. Mary Robert 87 Theophilus Smith 88 Woodhull Smith 88 Coll. Nicoll Floyd 89 Ruth Thompson 89 Elizabeth Smith 89 Capt. Josiah Smith. ... 89 Benj. Woodhull 89 Rich'd Robinson 90 Sarah Miller 90 Joseph Miller 90 Timothy Miller 90 Nicoll Floyd 90 Amos Smith 91 Coll. Nicoll Floyd 91 Joseph Jayne 91 Stephan Swezey 91 Josiah Smith 92 Sarah Miller. . ,92 XXIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Slave, born of a, Sharper Reported by Selali Strong 92 " " Zacheus " John Payne 92 " " Mary " Gen'l John Smith 92 Harry!" " Rich' d Robinson 92 Silve ) Phebe V " Judge Selah Strong. .. 93 Oliver ) David " Judge Ab'm Woodhull. 93 Katura " Rob't Hawkins Jr 93 Margaritt " Sam'l Turner 93 Pomp " Coll. Nicoll Floyd 93 Tite " Oliver Smith 93 Sle child f " Capt. Joseph Hedges ... 94 Gorier " Woodhull Smith 94 " Gen>1 John Smith 108 Slippery Lane road, centre line of, (Patchogue) 444 South Bay, belonging to Town and Wm. Smith 45, 55, 56, 59 " "and Heirs of " 141,143,163,174 " " " " " and Wm. S. Smith or Wm. Smith 206 " that belongs to " & Heirs of Capt. Wm. Smith 194 " belonging to " and Wm. S. Smith 291, 297, 382, 409, 439, 440, 491 " " in Company with the Heirs of Wm. Smith 141 Town& " " " " 142 " in Co. with " & " " " " 163 " " in Partnership " & Wm. Smith, 1798 8 " " " " " " " 56-109 " " " " & Capt. Wm. Smith.. 31, 42, 59, 66, 67 " " " " & heirs of Major Wm. Smith. ... 105 " " " " &c 107,113,126 " " " " & Heirs of Wm. Smith... 118, 126, 130 148, 185 " " " " " and Wm. Sidney Smith 492 " " Complaint, penalty for staking out 164 Sail Boat, Geo. W. Robinson sells to Oliver Robinson 530 Steam boats, wharfage for, June, 1851 457 Stone or Stones, penalty for taking, from public Shores 252 Swine, not to run on Commons, ringed & yoked 145 " (Sucking Pigs excepted) not to run on Commons 149 " Act to prevent, revised 1812 162 " 1813.. . 174 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXV PAGE Swine, Act to prevent, in full force & Virtue 185 194 Terry, Nelson, sells to W. Carman Terry, goods & chattels 451 Tockhouse, Robin, Consent to indenture to Tho's S. Strong 56 Tolerateing master Be a resident of Sd Town 7 Toleration for Clambs, Two Cents on a Bushel, 1805 97 three " " " 1806 181 1813 173 " " not to be carried away, without 159 " on Fowling, Fifty Dollars, in full from Willet Rayner.. . 31 " " Oysters, pay to Agent, Six Cents per 100 133 " " " two Cents on every Bushel 382 " " four cents, law passed May, 1841, repealed.. 382 " Bass, three Cents for every 148 " Sheepshead, six Cents for every 148 " any fish, selling or carrying out without paying, forfeit. 149 " Sand, from shores or harbours, one Cent pr Bushel. . 173 men, S. L. Newins & N. Daines, agents, west Bay . 452 Tolerators, Hawkins, Baker & Mills appointed 149 _L own Meeting, 1798, p. 6 1799, p. 15. 1800, 27 1801, 40 1802, p. 53 '03, 63 '07, 110 11, 143 '15, 189 '19, 213 '23, 249 '27, 284 '81, 309 '35, 335 '39, 362 '43, 390 '47, 409 '51, 445 '55, 532 " Special Comm'rs of Schools, Counstable, &c., 1799. . 20 " " Constable & a number of Fence Viewers, 1801 46 " " " to determine by Ballot, Licence or no, 1846.. 404 " " " elect Supervisor in room of, 1847 410 " " " " determin by Ballot, licence or no, to Sell Strong & Spirituous liquors, 1847 . ... 412 '04, 72 '05, 94 1806, p. 101 '08, 119 '09, 126 '10, 139 '12, 157 '13, 172 '14, 181 '16, 197 '17, 202 '18, 207 '20, 221 21, 227 '22, 237 '24, 25? '25, 266 '26, 273 '28, 288 '29, 294 '30, 302 '32, 317 '33, 322 '34, 330 *36, 349 '37, 353 '38, 359 '40, 368 '41, 378 '42, 382 '44, 393 '45, 398 '46, 402 '48, 414 '49, 419 '50, 428 '52, 475 '53, 496 '54, 512 XXVl TABLE OP CONTENTS. PAGE Town Meeting, Special, to fill vacancy in the office of Trustee, 1849.. 419 " " Called Expressly for that Purpose, " Counstable," 1802 60 " vote taken, propriety of dividing the town, 1830.. 303 " " " " proposed division of the " 1831.. 311 " " " by Ballot for & against division of " 1841.. 381 " " vote next town M. be held at house of Rich'd W.. Smith, 1841 380 " " vote the next Annual meeting at House of Lester H. Davis, 1848 414 " Superintendent sets off South portion of District 26 into a separate district 453 _L rustees " 1798, pages 7, 8, 14. " '99, " 17,19,21,23. " 1800, " 25,26,30,34,35,36. " '01, " 38, 41, 42, 44. 46. " '02, " 52,53,55. " '03, " 62,66,67,68,69. " '04, " 71,78,79. '05, " 97,98,99. " '06, " 105, 106, 108, 109. " '07, " 113, 115, 116. " '08, " 117, 123, 124, 126. " '09, " 129,130,132,133. " '10, " 142, 143. " '11, " 148, 152. " '12, " 161, 164, 165. " '13, " 169, 170 '14, pp. 185, 386. " '15, " 188, 194 '16, " 196. " '17, " i97 '18, p. 206. " '19, " 206, 212, 213, 216, 218, 219. " '20, " 221, 226 '21. p. 226. '22, " 242 '23, p. 248. " '24, " 256 '25, pp. 257, 268, 269. " '26, " 275, 276, 280 '27 p. 276. " '28, " 291 '29, pp. 296. 298. " '30, " 305 '31, " 307,311,314,317. " '32, no record. " '33, " 322, 327, 329 '34, pp. 333, 546. " '35, " 333, 341 '36, p. 362 '37, p. 365. " '38, " 377 ('39, p. 377) '40, pp. 373, 376. " " '41, " 382,463 '42 and '43, no record. TABLE OF CONTENTS. XVH PAGE Trustees Meeting, '44, pages 400, 405 '45 pp. 401, 398 '46, p. 401. '47, " k409, 413 '48, " 413, 418 '49, pp. 422, 424, 425. '50, " 427, 431, 433, 434, 436, 437, 438, 441. '51, " 489, 442, 443, 444, 448, 452, 456, 458, 461, 462, 468. '52, " 469, 471, 478, 480, 487, 488, 489, 552. '53, " 490, 491, 499, 500, 501, 502. '54, " 508, 509, 510, 518, 519, 521. '55, " 521, 522, 530, 531, 534, 537, 538, 545. '56 Jan. p. 546, Feb. p. 546, March, p. 550. " Sell a house & land in Setauket 116 " death of president, Selah Strong appointed 135 " sell Jacob Hawkins land in Setauket 156 " grant to Smith Mott to set up a frame 162 " liberty to set a dwelling house 164 >-" sell to B. Brown land E. side Beaver dam River 171 " should provide a Poor House, 1817 204 " sell to John Rose land in the fireplace 210 sold to " " & Dr. Nath'l Miller, land, &c 211 " Isaac Brewster & others, Right in Flax pond 219 " grant to Dan'l Homan to build a mill 232 " Tho'sS. Strong, Esq., dam and bridge, Setauket.. 262 " Committee of, locate a highway in Stony Brook. 280 " order Cha's D. Hallock to remove a certain log 362 " grant to Cha's Phillips to set a fish House 398 " reduce annuity, Lewis Hulse, Railways, &c 401, 481 " grant Cha's D. Hallock rates for sundry articles 481 " vote Overseers of Poor keep acc'ts separate 431 " Dr. Brown as Alms House Physician .... 433 " adjust dispute about lanes at Bellport 435 " case of the Colored Boy at Rich'd Corwins 437-8 " to Hawkins & Mather to build a stone wall 439 " decided, Mrs. Horton have money to convey her to N. Y.. 441 " allotment for oystering in west Bay 443 " decided not to pay bill of Rich'd Corwin 443-5 " in relation to lunatic son of David Smalling 452 " application, E. T. Darling, Boat Builder's Shop 452-7 " resolve, Dr. Brown, Alms House physician, 1851 452 " vote to sell grass on Islands, 1851 456 " lease Oyster lots for 5 years 456 " contract with V. & M. Dickerson, shipyard 456 " proceed to sell grass on Islands of Fiddleton 457 XXV111 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Trustees to consult Counsel respecting Islands, &c 457 " grant Oyster lots near Quanch, Brown & Woodruff. 459 " similar grants in Great west Bay 459 " indemnify parties, suit, taking earth from high way 459 " lease grass on out shore Ridge 459 " V. & M. Dickerson 150 ft. Old field Beach 459 " Resolved, suit for obstructions in Setauket Harb 459 " " D. Smalling, Lunatic, conveyed to Alms House.. 461 " " B. Brewster take Wm. F. Ruland from the house 468 " propriety of Binding Ann Duick's Child to J. Biggs 468 " Messrs. Vinson & M. Dickerson, grant extended 469 " lease Fishing privilege of West Bay for 3 years 472 " decided to quitclaim land to Henry Hawkins 472 " decided that Frances Howell be indentured 472 " lease of Old field Beach for ship yard 473 " resolved to Lease Mrs. Bo wen adjoining old field strand. . 478 " Mr. Wickham's bill, defending road suit, al- lowed 478 " Boundary bet. Town & Islip, Supervisor, a true survey.. . 481 " request Hawkins & Hallock to remove obstructions 481 " resolve, suit against B. Hawkins, causing obstructions. .488-9 Mrs. E. Darling liberty to build a Pier 488 " lease land on Port Jefferson Beach 490 " Notice be posted, licence to catch & sell oysters 491 lease to E. T. Darling 50 ft. shore, P. J. Bay 491 " Mr. Swezey to procure printed licences for oyster 'g 492 " lease Harvey West, shore, head of P. J. Bay 493 " Clerk of Board to receive same compensation as Trus... . 499 " decided public notices to lease Shores or Beaches 499 " " that John Pinkard be kept at the alms House.. . . 501 " appoint Joel Robinson, grass on Islands in E. Bay 501 " decided to raise Rent of Lewis Hulse's Dock, &c 502 " resolve to sell timber on Negro Burying ground 508 " authorise gale of timber on " " 510 " lease to Capt. H. Tyler, renewed, shore, at Setauket Harb. . 510 " " Cha's L. Bayles liberty to Set a shop, 1854 519 " resolve to petition Supervisors to amend law for dredg- ing 535 " quit claim to Sam'l L. Thompson narrow scrap of land. . . 539 " " " Wm. M. Jones a piece of meadow 538 " voted to lease to E. T. Moore & others 50 or 60 acres in Great South Bay 538 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXIX PAGE Trustees lease new made Islands in E. Bay to J. M. Fanning 546 " meeting, Jan. 1856, " Nothing of much importance was transacted , 546 est Bay, in partnership, Town & Wm. Sidney Smith 443 " Great, " " " " " 499 " right & privilege of Oysteringto Austin Roe 443 " " for planting Oysters leased for 5 years 456 " " grass on Islands in, Wm. C. Booth to sell 456 D. Hedges " 500 " " Oystering privileges, agents to be appointed 470 " " Eeling forbidden without licence 518 " " 10 lots leased for planting oysters 521 " " Oystering & Eeling to the highest Bidder 522 " " fishing privilege leased to Alex. Smith of Hunt- ington, 1855 530 Watring Place, for use of inhabitants, reserved 211 Wharfage, rates for, (see in the grants for Docks). " raised, Cha's D. Hallocks Dock at Stoney brook 314 " addition to, allowed Capt. C. D. Hallock 457 Woodhull, Mitty, condition & wants to be inquired into 459 Note. The careful reader may, perhaps, find many treasures in this volume not indicated in the foregoing Table, but probably the list will be found sufficiently comprehensive and minute for all prac- tical purposes. W. J. W. YAPHANK, Aug., 1888. INTRODUCTION. BOOK A. PART This book consists of two parts. The first part to page 76 contains a copy of the records found in two older books in the clerk's office, copied in accordance with a resolution recorded on the first page of said Book A, as follows : "Whereas there is two old Books of Record very much out of repair. The Trustees at a meeting on the 4 day of february 1773, passed a Vote that the said old Books Shall be Transcribed and entered in this Book by Daniel Smith and his Son Elijah Smith which said Transcription is done in the pages following." The transcription ends about the year 1686. On page 209, the regular records of the town are resumed in their order, beginning in April 1790. The word PAGE, and the number annexed refer to the page of the original book in the town clerk's office. PAGE 307. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Brookhaven held agreeable to a Law of the State for Regulating Town meetings the following Town Oficers BROOKHA.VEN TOWN RECORDS. - Trustees Assessors ware Chosen this 3d Day of April 1798 (Being the first Tuesday) Daniel Roe presdt Joseph Brewster Junr. ] Meritt S. WoodhuU Richard Robinson Capt John Havens Austin Roe Caleb M. Hulse Isaac Hnlse Clerk & Treasurer Genl. John Smith Supervisor Selah Strong Memtt S. WoodhuU Caleb M. Hulse Genl John Smith Joseph Hedges Capt Win. Smith Daniel Saxton Joshua Smith CoUector Capt James Smith } Stephan Swezey > Commissioners of Highways Jonathan Worth ) Joseph Brewster Jun ~| Caleb M. Hulse John Bayles J- Commissioners of Schools. Merit S. WoodhuU Austin Roe Jesse Hulse Isaac MiUar Joshua Smith PAGE 308. Higbe Rayner \- Constables Obediah Reve Samuel Bishop Simeon Smith OVERSEERS OF ROADS. Abraham WoodhuU WiUiam Swezey Nethanl looker FENCE VIEWERS Timothy MiUar and Samuel Phillips Isaac Satterly BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Jonathan Dickerson Henry Rayner Saml Roberson Goldsmith Davis Nethanl Overton Micael Ruland Wm. Newins Mordica Honian Richard Hulse Jeremiah Wheelar William Hawkins Caleb Helme Wessel Sell David Carter James Swezey Henry Dayton Jeffery Randal Obediah Reve . John Luvet Caleb Perie Isaac Smith Hills Daniel Terry Briant Norton Jonas Hawkins John Hallock Zephaniah Conkling PAGE 309. Brookhaven 5 March 1798 We the Undersigned in Conformity to the Act of the Leg- islature of the State of New york intitled an Act Concern- ing Slaves passed 22 feb-y 1788 do hereby Certify that on Application of Genl. Smith in behalf of Mrs Ruth Wood- hull have Examined a Certain Negro man Slave Named Ben and are of Opinion that Said Negroman is of Sufficiant ability to provide for himself and that the Said Negro man is Under the Age of fifty Years NICOLL FLOYD "] RICHARD ROBINSON I m^, STEPHAN OVERTON JOSEPH BREWSTER JUR J CALEB M. HULSE MERITT S. WOODHULL f PAGE 310. Justices It is Voted By the Inhabitants of sd Town April 3d 1798 that No person is Intitled to Seaweed By Heaping it up on public Beaches also voted that a Tolarateing master Be A resedent of Sd Town Voted that No Cattle Run at Large West Meadow Beach 8 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. under the Pennalty of Two Shillings for Every Head for Every Offence Also Voted that No Oysters Or fish Be Ketched By for- eigners Also Voted that No forigners Hunt Dear or Other Game in said Town PAGE 311. At a meeting of the Trustees of the free holders and Com- monality of the Town of Brookhaven Held this 7th day of May 1798 Present at Sd Meeting Daniel Roe Presdt. Austin Roe "1 Caleb M. Hulse Joseph Brewster Junr [ Trustees Meritt S. Woodhull & John Havens, J At Said Meeting it was Voted and Agreed that No fish Should Be Carried Out of the Town, under Any Pretence whatever Also it Was further Voted and Agreed that No Oysters or Clambs Shall be Catched in the South Bay in Partnership with Win Smith and the Town By Any Person Or Persons who are Not Inhabitants of said Town Also it is further Voted and Agreed that If Any Oysters or Clambs are Carried Out of said Town the Person or Persons that Carries Sd Oysters Out of Said Town shall first Obtain Liberty of said Trustees or their Agent and Pay the sum of five Shillings for Every Tons Bui-den of the Craft or Vessel that Carries them Out of said Town or the sum of Eight Pence for Every Hundred Oysters and the Sum of Two pence for Every Hundred Clambs so Carried to Market. PAGE 312. Also it is further Voted and agreed that Every Person or Persons that Catches fish Oysters Or Clambs Contrary to the BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECOEDS. 9 ' True Intent and Meaning of this Law Shall forfit to said Town the Sum of Ten Pounds to Be Sued for and Recovered as any Other Debt Before Any Justice of the Peice in Said Town together with Costs of Suit DANIEL ROE Presdt L s We the Commissioners Being Called by Nathaniel Tooker and Nathaniel Akerly and Others to Open a Road Threw the Land known By the Name of the Hundred Acres ( Shut up By Simeon Hawkins and Benjamin Hawkins ) We Order the Owners of said Land to Take away the fence and Erect Good handy Swinging Gates as Many as Appears to them; Requisite to Enclose their Land and Any Person to Pass or Repass in Testimony Whereof and for the True performing of Everything herein Contained We have hereunto Set Our hands and Seals this Twenty third Day of April 1798 and Sente it to Be Recorded JAMES SMITH L s ) Commissioners STEPHAN SWEZY L s [of Highways March 10th 1801 the above Road maid Yoid* PAGE 313. Brookhaven May the 8 1798 Whereas we the Commissioners of the Town of Brook- haven being Called By Isaac Satterly have Seen fit to Lay Out and Order a Road Opened from the End of the Road a Cross the Land of Isaac Satterly then Comeing into the Road that Now is Occupyed and also we Commissioners of Said Town do Order Daniel Satterly to move his fence fur- ther Out of the Road, to the Bounds that we Commissioners have staked Oat and we further Do Order Isaac Satterly to Make and Maintain a Road Twenty feet wide from the Corner of the Road to the mill Dam that is Now in Building By sd Isaac Satterly and we further Do Order the said Isaac Satterly and Daniel Satterly to Move their fence to the [*NOTE. See page 356. Committee. ] 10 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Bounds that We the said Commissioners have Staked Out By the first Day of August Next Ensueing Given Under Our hands and Seals and Ordered On the Town Record. JAMES SMITH L s | Commissioners STEPHAN SWEZEY L s j of Highways N. B. the first stakes the North one By a Cherry Tree in Isaac Satterlys fence marked thus X Second 22 feet from a Large willow in Daniel Satterlies Garden the third 7 feet from a Damson Tree in the Corner of the X in the corner of the Gerden PAGE 314. We the Commissioners Being Called by W T m. Smith and Others to Lay Out, a Road* Beginning on the Wadeing River Road Between Wm. Phillips and Henry Dayton's Land On the North side of the Line Between sd Phillips and Day tons Land So Runing to St. Georges Manner and from thence An Easterly Course unto Punks hole in Testimony Whereof and for the True Preforming of Every tiling herein Con- tained We have hereunto Set Our Hands and Seals this 8th Day of May 1798 JAMES SMITH L s ) Commissioners STEPHAN SWEZEY L s f of Highways. PAGE 315. To all people to whome these presents Shall Come Greet- ing know ye that I Phebe Howell of Bridghampton in the County of Suffolk and State of New york, for a Valuable Consideration Received to the full Satisfaction of Zephaniah Bowers of Kilingsworth in the County of Middlesex and State of Connecticut do Give Grant Sell and Make Over to the Said Zephaniah Bowers his Heirs and assigns a Certain [ * NOTE. Called and known as the New Road, leading from Middle Island to Manorville. Com. ] BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 11 Tract of Land Lieing in Southampton on Long Island State of New york at a place Called Halsies Manner in the North Division formerly belonging to my Hond. father John How- ell Being the One Half of the Lot Number Seven in said Manner Containg By Estimation Two Hundred Acres Be the Same More or Less bounded North by the River West By Land Belonging to Mathew Smith's widow South By Hot water Street East By the Lot Number Six it Being the Tract of the Land I have in that Place ; To Have and To .Hold to him the said Zephaniah Bower his heirs and Assigns forever the Above Discribed premisses with all the previd- ledges and Appurtenances to the Same Belonging to their proper use Benefit and Behoof and that I the Said phebe Howell have Good Bight to Sell the same in Manner & form as above Written -and that the Same is free of all Incum- brance what Ever, and furthermore The Said Phebe Howell do By these presents Bind My Self My Heirs Executors & Administrators, to Warrant Secure and Defend the above Granted Premises to him the Said Zephaniah Bowers his heirs and Assigns against all Claims and Demands whatso- ever In Witness I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 22nd Day of June AD 1789 PHEBE HOWELL L s Signed Sealed and Dilivered In presents of MARY CLARK MIRIAM CLARK. PAGE 316. Middlesex County ss Kilingsworth September the 6th 1790- Parsonally Appeared Phebe Howell Signer & Sealer of the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged the Same to be her free act and Deed before me, HEZH LANE Justice of Peace. This Indenture Made this Eighteenth Day of January In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and 12 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Ninety Eight; Between Oliver Smith of Moriches of the first Part, & Benjamin Downs of River Head Town of the Second Part Witnesseth that the Said party of the first part for and In Consideration of the Sum of Two Hundred & Eighty five Pounds five Shillings Lawfull Money of the State of New York To Him in Hand paid by the Said Party of the Second part, the Receipt Whareof is hereby Acknowledged Hath Given Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Remised Re- leased and Confirmed unto the Said party of the Seccond part, his Heirs and Assignes forever the One Equal undivided Half of Lot Num 10 in the North Division of Halcys Mannar in the Township of Brookhaven County of Suffolk & State of New york Bounding as follows: on the North by the Peaconick River East By Lot Num, 11 Laicl out to Mathew Smith South By the Highway west By Lot Num. 9 Laid out to James petty Containing Eight Hundred and Seventy three Acres, together with all & singular the Heri- ditaments and Appurtenances there unto Belonging Or in any wise Apertaining and the Revertion & Revertions Re- mainder and Remainders PAGE 317. Rents Issues and profits thereof and all the Estate Right Title Interest Claim and Demand Whatsoever of the Said party of the first part. Either in Law Or Equity of in and to the above Granted and Bargained premises with the Said Hereditaments & Appurtenances To HAVE AND To HOLD the said Half of the Said Lot of Land with the Appurtenances to the Only Proper use and Behoof of the Said Party of the Seccond part His Heirs and Assigns for Ever And the said party of the first part for Him Self His Heirs Executors & Administrators Doth Covenant Bargain Promise & Agree to and with the Said Party of the Second part His Heirs and assigns to Warrant and for Ever Defend the Above Bargained promises and Every part and parcel thereof Now Being in the Quiet and Peassible possession of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 13 the said party of the first part his Heirs and Executors Ad- ministrators & Assigns & a gainst Every Other Person Or persons Claiming or to Claim the Said Premises Or Any part Or parcel thereof By Him Or under Him Or them, Or any of them In Witness Whereof the Said party of the first part Hath Hereunto Set his hand and seal the Day and year first .above written. OLIVER SMITH L s Sealed Commisson of liighway Daniel Saxton j Jesse Hulse Isaac Millar Higby Rayner PAGE 324. "Wardin Toby ^ Cunstables Jacob Newton j Joseph Hulse J OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS. Capt James Smith Daniel Jones Benjamin Eaton Henry Rayner Thomas Aldridge Richard Hulse Benajah Risley Wm Tooker, Justus Overtoil .John Bayles Wm Hawkins Elijah Ackerly Capt James Davis James Woodhull Azel Robinson Theofelas Smith Rogers Avery John WoodhuU Henry Smith John Overtoil Gillard Mills PAGE 325. FENCE VIEWERS Israel Bennet James Davis James Woodhul Henry Rayner Benjamin Hawkins Timothy Millar Nethane Tuthill Higby Rayner BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 17 Obediah Eeves Oliver Smith Jesse Rose Joseph Terry Wm Newins Nathan Mulfor,d Geo. Hallock Greo. Mills John Overton Joshua Smith Voted that No furener Shall Chase Deer within this Town With Howns Voted that No hogs Shall Run on the Commons with out Rings PAGE 326. At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Com- monality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in Said Town this 2d of April 1799 Present at Said Meeting DAME ROE Presdt AUSTIN ROE MERITT S. WOODHULL RICHARD ROBINSON i rp, JOSEPH BREWSTER JOHN HAVENS CALEB M. HULSE At Said Meeting the Said Trustees and Samuel Smith of Smithtown Administrator to the Estate of John Havens Late of Brookhaven Decst Did Jointly and Seaverly Agree to Leave all Their Desputes Concerning Maintaining a Negro Man By the Name of Tite to Refferance to Be Decided By John Cooper Josiah Fauster & Capt. Josiah Howell Esqrs of the Town of Southampton and that the Cost of Said Refferance should follow the suit Brookhaven September. 1798 We the Commissioners of Roads Being Called By Benja- min Smith to Open a Road that Leads from his House to Wmthrops Pattent Shut up By John Woodhull Which we the Commissioners Do Order to Be Opened as a Pub- lick Road 18 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. JAMES SMITH | Commisiouers N B the Keturn of STEPHAN SWEZEY ( of Highways the above Road was Made to the Reccord after sd Commissioners were out of office Townd meeting Day April the 2, 1799 Sd Road made void or a part altered 343 PAGE 327. March 1799 We the Commissioners Being Called upon By anumber of Inhabitance for Laying Out a publick Highway and By Advise and Consent of the Owners of the Land we have Laid Out a Publick Road three Rods Wide from John M Longs Saw mill Dam Southwesterly to the Little Branch then Southerly as the Line Runs haveing Theofelus Smiths & Higby Rayners Land & Samuel Rayners Land On One Side and Enos Swezys And Samuel Rayners Land on the Other Side to Samuel Rayners Barn and So to the Middle Road STEPHAN SWEZEY ) Commissioners JONATHAN WORTH ) of Highways. PAGE 328. We the Inspectors of the Election in and for the Town of Brookhaven have Proceeded to Close the Poll of j>aid Elec- tion as the Law Directs and further agreeable to an Amendment of Said Law have proceeded to Open the Bal- lots and do hereby Certify the Names of Candidates and Number of Votes Taken for Senate and Assemblymen to Be as followeth Viz FOR SENATE Piere Vancortland Junr Sixty five Votes Ezekiel Robins Sixty Six Votes John B. Coles fifty three Votes BBOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 19 Richard Hatfield fifty three Votes FOB ASSEMBLY Nicoll Floyd Seventy Seven Votes Silos Wood One Hundred & Twenty Six Votes Jerard Landon Sixty Eight Votes John Howard fifty one Votes Jonathan Rogers fifty Six Votes Doct John Smith Seventy Two Votes James Reve fifty Eight Votes as Witness Our hands MERITT S WOODHULL ) Done this 3d Day of may 1799 WM JAYNE JUNK v Inspectors. AUSTIN ROE j I do hereby Certify the above to Be a True Coppy of the Returns made to the Reccord By the above Said Inspect- ors ISAAC HULSE Town Clk N B John Overton Debt Seriff and Isaac Hulse served as Clerks of sd Election PAGE 329. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brook haven held this 6th of May 1799- Present at sd, Meeting DANIEL ROE Presdt RICHARD ROBINSON ] AUSTIN ROE CALEB M. HULSE ! , JOSEPH BREWSTER ( J MERITT S. WOODHULL JOHN HAVENS At sd Meeting the Fowling in the South Bay in Partner- ship With Capt Wm Smith and Sd Town Was Hired to Wm Alibeen for One Year from the above Date Reserveing to the Inhabitants of sd Town the Previledge of fowling in 20 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Said south Bay, and the sd Alibeen Agreed to pay to the sd Trustees for the sd Previledge the Sum of forty Two Dol- lars and fifty Cents Also at the above said meet it was voted and Agreed By sd Trustees that the Law Concering Oysters & Clambs Pased the 7th Day of may 1798 and Entered in Page 311 is hereby Confirmed By sd Trustees until a further Vote of sd Trustees and Entered By me By Order of sd Trustees & Joseph Homan to tolerate for the same ISAAC HULSE Town Clk PAGE 330. To all Whome it may Concern We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brookhaven haveing Been Called to Brookfield By a Num- ber of the Inhabitants of that Place To Regulate Highways in said Brookfield and We Do hereby Lay Out and Confirm all and Every Highway or Road in sd Place as they Was Laid Down on the map of said Pattent By the Commission- ers Appointed By the Court for Makeing Partition of sd Pattent--as they was Laid Out in the Year of 1793 and as May Appear By the Map and Return of the Survey of Brookfield Refterance thereto Being Had Done By us in May in the Year of One Thousand Seven Hundred & Nine- ty Nine JOHN BAYLES ) Commissioners JONAS HAWKINS f of Highways PAGE 331. At a Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Brookhaven the 3d of June 1799 Being a Special Town Meeting for the Purpose of Voteing in Commission- ers of Schools One Counstable &c Notified for that Pur- pose BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 21 JOSEPH BREWSTER ) n MEKKTFT S. WOODHULL I Commissioners JOHNBAYLES f of Schools SAMUEL BISHOP Constable JAMES WOODHULL -VT r fence Viewers NETHANIEL TUTTEL At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Conamonalitoy of the Town of Brookhaven this 3, of June 1799 Present at sd Meeting DANL ROE Presdt CALEB M. HULSE "] MERITT S. WOODHULL | JOSEPH BREWSTER V Trustees JOHN HAVENS AUSTIN ROE At sd Meeting sd Trustees Voted and agreed that No Oysters or Shells Shall be Taken up in the South Bay for to Be Sent Out of the Town Or to Be *Laid Down in the Water from and after the fifteenth of June Instant until the first of September Next Ensueing PAGE 332. under the Penalty of Twenty Dollars for Every offence to Be Sued for and Recovered Before Any Justice hi sd Town With Costs of suit Danl Roe Pesdt at sd Meeting on the 3 of June Capt Joseph Brewster By a Geement of the Trustees Was to Go to Saml Smith of Smith Town and Draw notes to Leave the Dispute Between sd Smith and sd Town to Reffrores PAGE 333. We the Commissioners of Brookhaven Being Called By the People of Millars Place and the Eastern Part of Coram, to alter a Certain Road or highway that Turns out of the Town Road in Millars Place on the East Side of Timothy and Joseph Millars house that they Now Live in & Runing 22 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECOEDS. Northerly & Westerly until it Comes to the foot of the Beach known By the Name of the Hay Path which alteration Takes Place By Moving the fence at the Begining Two Rods East and Runing a Straight Course Northerly to a Certain Bar-Poast Standing in the Line fence Between the Lands of the Heirs of NethanielMillar Decst and Nethaniel Davis thence Leading to the Oald Road that Goes to Millars Landing Two Rods Wide until it Comes within fifteen Rods of the Broken Groundwhere On Cord- wood is Lain, tis Ment it should Be four Rods wide West of Said Road fifteen Rods in Length and from thence three Rods wide to the Sound and do Give the forementioned Road in Exchange Reserving the Previledge to Justice Hehne Timothy and Joseph Millar and their Heirs and Assigns forever of Carting up Hay Subjecting to Shuting Gates also it is Our Meaning that the New Road Should Be Subject to the same Which We Return to Be Recorded this 18th Day of June 1799 JONAS HAWKINS [ Commissioners JOHN BAYLES \ of Highways PAGE 334. We the Commissioners Being Called to Alter a Road Laid Out that Leads from Ezra Tuthills to the Oald Smiths Neck Road we Order said Road to Run from Said Tuthills as it Now Runs until it Comes to the Countery Road then Turning Westerly a Long the Countery Road until it Comes to the Line Between Wardin Tobys Land and the Land of John Rider from Thence Turning Between the Land of sd Toby and Rider until it Comes to the Said Smiths Neck Road Which we Return To be Recorded three Rods wide Brookhaven December the 2, 1799 DANIEL SAXTON ) Commissioners JONAS HAWKINS | of Highways We the Commissioners Order a Road to Be Opened thir- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 23 ty feet wide Begining at Keve Howells so Riming southerly as the Laiie Now Leads until it Comes to the Bars Turning into Nethaniel Homans Lot from thence Going threw the Lot Nearly where the Road Now Runs until it Comes to the Granny Road from thence Runing Westerly until it Conies to the West Line of John Howells Land from thence South- erly On the Line Between John Howells an Reve Howells Land until it Comes to the Top of the hill North of Isaac Howells House then Takeing the Best of the Ground for a Road East of Isaac HoweUs House to the Coram Road Brookhaven December the 2, 1799 JOHN BAYLES | Commissioners DANIEL SAXTON ( of Highway PAGE 335. Agreeable to a Law of this state for the Gradual Aboli- tion of Slavery Passed the 29 of march 1799 Samuel Smith of the Town of Brookhaven Makes Return to the Reccord of sd Town that he had a feemale Child Born of a Slave of his On the first Day of September 1799 Childs Name is Aner Entered the 24 of December 1799 Pr me ISAAC HULSE Town Clk These may Certify all Whom it may Concern that Eli^ha Hammond of the Town of Brookhaven has made Application To the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town ( of Brookhaven aforesaid) to manumate and set free a Certain Negro female Slave By the Name of Ziporah Agreeable to an act of the Legislator of the State of New york in Such Cases made the 22 of february 1788 the Trustees Aforesaid Haveing Examined the Said Negro and finding her to Be under fifty years of Age and of Sufficcant Ability to Provide for herself have Given this Setificata Agreeable To sd Law Given under Our hands in Brook- haven this second Day of December 1799 24 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. DANIEL ROE Presdt "] AUSTIN EOE JOHN HAVENS } Trustees ElCHAR EOBINSON | JOSEPH BREWSTER J CALEB M. HULSE \ j ustices MERITT S. WOODHULL j PAGE 336. We the Inspectors of the Election for the Town of Brook- haven haveing Proceeded as the Law of this State Directs for Regulateing Elections and Closed the Poll for the Representative in Congress of the United States and Counted the Votes and find them to Be as follows that is for (General) John Smith One hundred and Twenty Nine Votes for Silos Wood forty Eight Votes as Witness Our Hands in Brookhaven this 30th Day of December 1799 MERITT S. WOODHULL j JOHN ROBINSON V Inspectors AUSTIN ROE j N B Wm Jayne Esqr ) Servd as Clerks of sd and Isaac Hulse f Election January the 6th 1800 I Do hereby Certify that the above is a True Coppy of the Returns from the Inspectors of the election to Brook- haven Reccord Pr ISAAC HULSE Town Clk. PAGE 337. Agreeable to a Law of the State of New York for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Passed the 29th of march 1799 General Wm Floyd of the Town of Brookhaven Made Return to the Reccord of said Town that he had a feemale Child Born of a slave of his on the Third Day of October 1799 Sd Childs name is Rachel BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 25 Entered By me ISAAC HULSE Town Clk January the 28, 1800 Agreeable to a Law of the State New york for the grad- ual Abolition of Slavery Passed the 29th of March 1799 Samuel Carman of the Town of Brookhaven made Re- turn to the Record that he had a male Child born of a Slave of his on the furth of August 1800 Childs name Selah Entered 24 August 1801 APOLLOS WETMORE Town Clk Agreeable to a law of this State Genrl Wm Floy made return to the Record of Brookhaven that he had a male child born of a Slave of his on the 23rd Day of November 1801 Childs Name is Hector Recorded April 5th 1802 A WETMORE T Clerk PAGE 338. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held in said Town this 3d day of January 1800 Present at sd meeting Daniel Roe Presdt "] Meritt S Woodhull | John Havens }- Trustees Austin Roe Richard Robinson At Said meeting sd Trustees Voted and Agreed that Dan- iel Smith in Setauket in sd Town should have the Previ- ledge of a Part of Drown meadow Bay herein After Limited to Lay Down Oysters Viz On the West side of said Bay Bounded By the west End of the third Salt Pond so Extending to the North End of the fourth Salt Pond and so to Extend thirty Rods Out Into the Bay from Low Water mark the sd Previledge above Granted to Be the Property of sd Daniel Smith 26 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Done By the Trustees above sd DANL KOE Presdt PAGE 339. year 1800 Brookhaven March 5 At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Present at Said meeting Daniel Roe Presdt Austin Roe ") Richard Robinson John Havens \- Trustees Caleb M. Hulse Meritt S. Woodhull J At Sd meeting Said Trustees Appointed Meritt S. Wood- hull Esq. and Mr Richard Robinson Two of the aforesaid Trustees to Cast up the Collectors Books and the Receipts Paid there on and See How much money there is Comeing to the Town from said Collector At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held this 31 of march 1800 Present at sd Meeting Daniel Roe Presdt Austin Roe Meritt S. Woodhull Caleb M. Hulse \- Trustees Richard Robinson John Havens Joseph Brewster Junr at sd Meeting It was voted and agreed that sd Trustees Take the Estate of * into their Hands as the Law Directs If it Be agreeable to Samuel Smith of Smith Town the Executor to sd Estate PAGE 340. * NOTE. Blank in the original record. Com. BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 27 We Daniel Roe & Caleb M. Hulse being Appoind a Committee to View Charles,es pond do Return that Rich- ard Hudson Shall have the Privaledge Set of to him for the term of Ten years and Longer If agreeable to the Succeed- ing Trustees the Said Richard Hudson Paying to the Trustees of Brookhaven Annually the Sum of 25 Cents Agreeable to a Law of the State of New York for the gradual abolition of Slavery Passed the 29th of March 1799 Jehiel Woodruff of the Town of Brookhaven made return to the Record that he had a Male Child Bom of A Slave of his Named Tamar on the third day of August 1806 Childs name is Peter MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk PAGE 341. At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitans of the Town of Brookhaven held this first Day of April 1800 Agreeable to a Law of the State of New york in Such Cases made & agreeable to the Pattent of sd Town In- corporateing the Same the following Town Officers Were Chosen Viz Meritt S Woodhull Presdt Joseph Brewster Junr Richard Robinson John Havens - Trustees Austin Roe Caleb M. Hulse Stephan Swezy J Isaac Hulse Clerk & Treasurer Meritt S. Woodhull supervisor Wm Jayne "] Meritt S. Woodhull John Robinson \- Assessors. Austin Roe Isaac Hulse Isaac Millar Collector BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Bichard Floyd Isaac Hulse Danl Saxton > Commissioners of Highway Eichard Floyd Isaac Hulse John Havens Danl Comstock J Jesse Hulse Isaac Millar James Eobinson Samuel Bishop Samuel Hammond I Commissioners of Schools J PAGE 342. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Isaac Brewster Benjamin Hawkins Benjamin Eaton Joseph Eayner Jeremiah Havens Daniel Smith Wm Tooker Jonas Davis Palmer Overton Stephan Bandal Wm Swezey Wells Davis James Woodhull David Eobinson Oliver Hulse Wm Newins Jeremiah Wheelar Daniel Tooker John Turner Zophar Garard FENCE VIEWERS Jeremiah Havens Zackery Sanford Goldsmith Davis Nethaniel Overton John Van Brunt Wm Swezy Joseph Wells Henry Smith John Mott Moses Wicks Nathan Post Jeremiah Wheelar John Hallock James Davis Timothy Millar James Woodhull Nethaneel Tuthll Barnabas Winds Israel Bennet Jacob Hawkins Zephaniah Conklin PaGE 343. April the 1, 1800 in Open Town Meeting the following BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 29 Votes were Taken No Hoggs Shall Bun On the Commons with Out haveing yokes On that Shall be thought to Be Sufficcend By the fence viewers and Rings in their Noses and Marked with the Owners Proper Ear mark also that no fishery or Guning should be hired Out ToDanl Brookhaven April the 5th 1800 We the Commissioners of Highways for said Town Be- ing Called By a number of the Inhabitants of sd Town to Alter a highway in the Neighbourhood of the Mooneponds in sd Town and after Vieweing the Premises we do hereby Order a Certain Road made Void that was Laid out By Stephan Swezey & James Smith and Entered in Page 326, that Turns Out of the Road Leading from Mary Wickses to Abel Biggses Threw Isaac Ketcham,s & John Woodhulls Land until it meets the Road here After Laid Out viz Be- gining and Turning Out of the Road at the Northeast Corner of the wd Mary Wickse,s Garden so Runing South- erly On the East side of sd Gardain until It Conies to the South East Corner thereof then Turning Gradually Onto the Line Between Benjamin Smiths PAGE 344. and Caleb Newtons Land until it comes to the Portion Road then Turning a Long the Portion Road Easterly until It Comes to a Certain Road Begining on Jacob Smiths Land thence Runing Southeasterly as sd Road now Runs until it Comes to the Oald Road Runing to Islip Patent It is to be Understood it is to Be three Rods Wide On the East side of sd Mary Wicks,s Garden until It Comes to the South end thereof then Turning Gradually onto the Line Between Benjamin Smiths and Caleb Newtons Land three Rods wide One half on Each Side sd Line to the Portion Road then Continueing three Rods wide as far as Before Mentioned Leading to Islip Which we Return to Be 30 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded RICHARD FLOYD ) Commigi ISAAC HULSE V , . , DANIEL SAXTON) of ^g^ys PAGE 345. Brookhaven Moriches April the 8th 1800 Personally Appeared before me Benjamin Edwards one of the Justices of the Peace Pomp a Melatter man & Sary Arch his wife and Acknowledged that they of their Own free and Voluntary Will have Bound their Son named William unto David Day to Serve him untill he Arrives to the age of Twenty One years BENJAMIN EDWARDS Justice Brookhaven Moriches April the 8, 1800 Personally Appeared before me Benjamin Edwards Jus- tice of the Peace Pomp a Melltterman & Sarah Arch his Wife and Acknowledged that they of their Own free and Voluntary Will have Bound their Son Named Sonney unto Capt John Havens to Serve him he Arrives to the Age of Twenty One years of age BENJAMIN EDWARDS Justice Suffolk ) County ( This may Certify that Hannah Hanabel hath bound her Daughter Hannah to William Skidmore for the term of Ten Years from the first day of June next with my approbation BENJAMIN PETTY Justice Recorded Augus 3rd 1801 PAGE 346. At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd Town this fifth day of May 1800 Present at sd Meeting Meritt S. Woodhull Presdt BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Austin Roe John Havens Caleb M. Hulse } Trustees Joseph Brewster Stephan Swezy J At sd Meeting sd Trustees Voted & Agreed that the fowling in the South Bay in Partnership with sd Town and Capt Wm Smith Shall be hired for One year from this Date at Vendue to the Highest Bidder Provideing Always that no more than four Persons Shall Occupy the Previ- ledge of sd foiling at Any One. Time And always the Previledge of fowling To the Inhabitants of sd Town the Above sd Previledge is hired to Willet Rayner and Co. for fifty Dollars and they Are te Occupy two Certain Bars that they may Chuse in any Place in the Bay to the Exclusiance of Any of the Inhabitants of sd Town By four Persons Onely Recivd Brookhaven 4th May 1801 from Willet Rayner Fifty Dollars in full for the toleration on Fowling in the South Bay in Pertnership with Capt Wm Smith PAGE 347. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd. Town this fifth Day of May 1800 Present at sd meeting Meritt S. Woodhull Presdt Austin Roe Joseph Brewster John Havens Caleb M Hulse Stephan Swezy At sd Meeting the sd Trustees Takeing into Considera- tion the Great Destruction of fish in the South Bay in Partnership AVith sd Trustees and Capt Wm Smith By the fish Being Carried Out of sd Town to Market 32 BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. sd Trustees at Said meeting Voted and agreed and hereby Enacted that No fish Should be Caried Out of sd Town By Any Person or Persons What soever under the Penalty of Twenty five Dollars On Every Person that Catches fish with an Intention to Carry or send them Out of the Town or Carries them Out of the Town to Be Sued for and Re- covered before any Justice of the Peace in Said Town Together with full Costs of Suit for the Bennefit of the Town MEEITT S. WOODHULL Presdt L s PAGE 348. At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in' Sd Town this 5th Day of may 1800 Present at sd Meeting Meritt S. Woodhull Presdt John Havens ] Stephan Swezy Austin Roe \- Trustees Caleb M Hulse Joseph Brewster Junr J At Sd Meeting sd Trustees Considering the Great Dam- age that Hogs do in Runinging on the Commons in Sd Town With Out Rings or yokes Do in Compliance With the Vote of the freeholders & Inhabitants of Sd Town at their Anual Town Meeting held the first Day of April Last for the Preventing sd Damage Being Done in future It is Voted and agreed And hereby Enacted By sd Trustees that If Any Hog Or Shoat Excepting Sucking Piggs onely, shall Be found on any of the Commons in sd Town Or on any Persons Inclosed Land Excepting the Inclosed Lands of the Owner of sd Hogs with Out Being yoked with Good and Suflicient yokes and Ringed in the Nose With Suffi- ciant Rings and Markd With the Owners Proper Ear marks r then the Owner or Owners or Possessor of Such hog or BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 33 hogs so found On the Commons or On any Other Persons Inclosed Land Except the Owner,s Then the Person Or persons that Owns Such Hog or hogs shall forfit the Sum of Seventy five Cents for Each and Every Hog so Trans- gressing this Law to Be Sued for And Recovered, By any free Person in sd Town as any Other Debt together with Costs of suit Before Any Justice of the Peice in sd Town MERITT S. WOODHULL Presdt PAGE 349. Election Returns 1800 We the Inspectors of the Election of the Town of Brook- haven Haveing held an Election Agreeable to a Law of this state for a Representative in Congress and Canvesed the Votes and find them to Be as follows "Viz Genl John Smith Seventy nine ) ,, o ., Qn ~ Silos Wood One Hundred and Six f Ma ^ *~ We the Inspectors of Election for the Town of Brook- haveing Held An Election for Senators for the southern District of the state of new york and Canvessed the Votes and find them to be as follows Viz Selah Strong One Hundred & one Samuel Jones Ninety Seven Samuel Height Ninety five Benjamin Hunting Fifty five Ebenezar Purdy Forty Nine William Dening fifty We the Inspectors of the Election for the Town of Brookhaven Haveing held an Election for Members of Assembly for the County of Suffolk agreeable To Law, ond Convesed the Votes and find them to Be as follows Viz Nicoll Floyd one Hundred & Sixty five John Howord One Hundred & Seven John L. Gardner One Hundred & Seven Josiah Reves One Hundred and Thirty one 34 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Mills Phillips thirty Eight Abraham Millar thirty Two Jerard Landon thirty One Israel Carll One (John Smith One) Given under Our Hands In Brookhaven this 2d Day of May 1880- MERITT S. WOODHULL "1 T AUSTIN ROE Inspectors WMJAYNE M the above JOHN ROBINSON PAGE 350. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held this Second day of June 1800 Present at sd Meeting Meritt S. Woodhull Presdt John Havens ") Stephan Swezey Austin Roe I m . Richard Robinson j Joseph Brewster Caleb M. Hulse J At sd Meeting sd Trustees Voted and Agreed and hereby Enacted that no Clambs or Other Shell fish shall Be Car- ried Out of the south Bay East of Woodhulls Point or Catched for the Purpose of Carrieing them Out of sd Town under the Penalty of Twenty five Dollars on Every Person for Every Offence to Be Sued for and Recovered By the Trustees as any Other Debt With full Costs of suit Before any Justice in the Town Except the Person or Persons that Catches sd Clambs Or Shell fish for the Pur- pose of Carrieing them Out of the Town shall fish Obtain a parmit from the Trustees Thofles Smith or their Agent and Pay the sum of three Cents Pr Bushel for Every Bushel of Clambs Or other Shell fish they shall Catch for the Purpose BBOOKHAVEN TOWN BECOEDS. 35 of Carrying them Out of the Town MEBTT S. WOODHULL Presdt PAGE 351. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held this Second Day of June 1800 Present at sd Meeting Meritt S WoodhuU Presdt Richard Robinson Caleb M. Hulse Stephan Swezey - Trustees Joseph Brewster John Havens Austin Roe At sd Meeting sd Trustees Voted and agreed that No Oysters or Shells Shall Be Taken up in the South Bay to Be sent Out of the Town Or Be Laid Down in the Water from and after the fifth Day of June Instant until the Twentieth Day of August next Ensueing under the Pen- ality of Twenty Dollars On Every Person for Every offence to Be Sued for and Recovered Before any Justice in the Town With full Costs of suit MEBITT S WOODHULL Presdt PAGE 352. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held at the House of John Bayles in sd Town this 4 Day of August 1800 Present at sd Meeting Meritt S WoodhuU Presdt John Havens Caleb M. Hulse Richard Robinson Austin Roe Joseph Brewster Stephan Swezey 36 BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. at sd Meeting Doctor David Woodhull Made Aplication to Manumate and set free a Certain male Slave By the name of Silos agreeable to a Law of the State of New york in Such Cases made and provided pased the 22 of february 1788 the Trustees aforesaid haveing Examined said Negro and finding him to Be of Sufficiant Ability to Provide for himself and under fifty years of Age We have Given this Setificate agreeable to sd Law for the Pur- pose to Manumate and set free said Negroman Given under Our hands this 4th of August 1800 CALEB M: HULSE PAGE 353. Agreeable to a Law of the State of New york for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Passed the 29th of March 1799 the Wido Euth Woodhull of the Town of Brook- haven had a Male Child Born of a Slave of hers on the 18th Day of October in the year of 1800 Childs, name is Paul Entered November 3 -- 1800 Pr ISAAC HULSE At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders & Com- monality of theTown of Brook Haven held in sd Town this 3d of Novr. 1800 Present at sd Meeting Meritt S. Woodhull Presdt Richard Robinson Stephan Swezey Austin Roe , Caleb M. Hulse John Havens Joseph Brewster At sd meeting sd Trustees Voteded and Agreed that Meritt S. Woodhull and Joseph Brewster Esqrs Be a Coin- mitty to Take the Charge of Joseph Tookers, Property and Sell as much wood as they Shall think Best for the Support BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOBDS. 37 of sd Tooker and family and to Dispose of sd looker as they Shall think Best for him PAGE 354 .Agreeable to a Law of the State of New york for the Gradual Abolision of Slavery Passed the 29 of March 1799- Meritt S. Woodhull Esqr of the Town of Brookhaven Made Return to the Record of sd Town that he had a fee- male Child Born of a Slave of His On the 7th Day of July 1800 sd Childs Name is Dence Entered By me this 12 Day of December 1800 ISAAC HULSE Town Clk Agreeable To a Law of the State of New York for the Gradual Abolission of Slavery Passed the 29th Day of March 1799 Joseph Davis of the Oaldmans in the Town of Brookhaven Made Return to the Record of Sd Town that he had a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the first Day of July 1800 Sd Childs name is Elisabeth Entered By me this 12 Day of December 1800 ISAAC HULSE Town Clk PAGE 355. Agreeable to a Law of the State of New york for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Pased the 29th of March 1799 Coll. Nicoll Floyd of Town of Brookhaven had a male Negro Child Born of a Slave of His on the Twenty Eight of November 1800 Sd Boys Name is Lew Entered the 3 Day of January 1800 Pr ISAAC HULSE Town Clk Agreeable to a Law of the State of New york for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Passed the 29th Day of March 1799 Joseph Brewster Esqr of the Town of Brook- haven had a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the third day of November in the year 1800 sd Childs Name is Rachel 38 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Pr ISAAC HULSE Town Clk PAGE 356. We the Commissioners of highways of Brookhaven Be- ing Pettitioned to By Sixty Eight of the freeholders and Inhabitants of Setauket in Said Town to Lay Out a Road from Setauket Southerly Agreeable to sd Petition We have Laid Out sd Road from the Sheeppasture Road By Saml Hawkins Southerly threw a Peice of Land that is Called the Hundred Acres Runing Between Simeon Hawkins House & Barn So to Continue Southerly as the the Oald Tract Now goes to the Countery Road or Post Road at a Place Called the Marked Trees Also Agreeable to sd Peti- tion we have Laid sd Road four Rods Wide Also agreeable to sd Petition we have made Null i f- -L I Lin LtJco Richard Robinson Joseph Brewster Stephan Swezey at Sd Meeting Noah Hallock Made Application to Manu- mate and Set free a Male Slave By the Name of Pompe and a feemale Slave By the Name of Candis Agreeable to a Law of the state of New york Pased the 22 Day of february 1788 The Trustees aforesaid haveing Examined sd Slaves Namely Pompe and Candis and do find them to Be under fifty years of Age and of Sufiiciant Ability to maintain themselves do hereby Agreeable to sd Law Manumate and set free sd Pompe and Candis Given under sd Trustees Hands MEEITT S WOODHULL Prest Recorded By me ISAAC HULSE Town Clk 40 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN KECORDS. PAGE 360. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders & Com- monality of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd Town this 7 of April 1801- Present Meritt S. Woodhull Richard Robinson Caleb M. Hulse, Austin Roe Trustees. Joseph Brewster Junr John Havens Stephan Swezey. At sd Meeting it was agreed By sd Trustees that Isaac Homan Should Shut up the Road Joining yaphank Line Reserved By the Town a Crost Connecticut River and In Lue there of Leave one Open the Same Wedth Between fifty & one Hundred Rods to the Westward Where there are Two Pine Trees Marked With the Letter D [NOTE. Page 359 is occupied with th,e" same 'record as page 857. Com. ] PAGE 361. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Brookhaven held this 7 Day of April 1801 Being first Tuesday Being Town Meeting Day By the Law of this State the following Officers Were Chosen Viz Meritt S Woodhull Presdt^ Joseph Brewster Junr Richard Robinson Nicoll Floyd } Trustees Joseph Hedges Caleb M. Hulse Stephan Swezey Apollos Wetmore Clerk & Treasurer, Meritt S. Woodhull Supervisor William Jayne \ Caleb M Hulse > Assessors. John Rose ) BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 41 Isaac Millar Collector Elijah Akerly WIM ) Commissioners T T! ITT jt: n Middle ( T T ITT jt: n John W oodhull T -, -, V ot T i T> island ( -TT- i John Rose J Highways Jesse Hulse Isaac Millar James Eobinson \ n ci i T>- i, . xCounstables Samuel Bishop Joseph Hulse XEbenezer Hulse J PAGE 362. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Jonathan Mills Oliver Hulse Isaac Brewster Zophar Hawkins George Munroe Annanias Smith Capt. James Davis Jonas Payn Timothy Millar Simeon Smith James Woodhull Briant Norton Joseph Rayner Stephan Overton Azer Robinson George Hallock Thomas Stanbrow Davis Overton Josiah Smith John Bailey William Hawkins Gilliard Mills Jeffery Randal FENCE VIEWERS. . Israel Bennet Thomas Stanbrow Nethaniel Tooker Junr John Mott James Swezey Moses Wicks Stephan Overton John Homan Timothy Millar Joseph Terry Timothy Norton Joseph Wells Benjamin Woodhull Henry Smith Nethaniel Tuthill Timothy Rose Davis Overton Oliver Hulse John Robinson PAGE 363. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Free holders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd Town 42 BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of Brookhaven this 4th day of May 1801 Present at sd meeting Men-it S Woodhull President Caleb M Hulse ] Joseph Brewster m o, i" a r Trustees Stephen Swezey f Joseph Hedges At sd Meeting it was agreed that Merrit S Woodhull Caleb M Hulse, & Joseph Brewster should be appointed a committe to View the Flax pond at Crane Neck & see if it would answer to let it out into the sound agreeable to the request of Vincent Jones & Richard Floyd At sd meeting the said Trustees agreed to sell the priva- ledge of Fowling in the South Bay in partnership with said Town and Capt Wm Smith to Willet Rayner and it is hereby agreed to in the manner following viz that the said Willet Rayner shall for the Consideration of forty Dollars have the previlege of Gunning for market for four persons on the bars lying in the Bay belonging to William Smith & this Town for the term of one year from this date PAGE 364. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the free-Holders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd Town this 1st day of June 1801 Present at sd Meeting Merrit S. Woodhull Caleb M Hulse Joseph Brewster - Trustees Stephen Swezey Joseph Hedges NicoU Floyd j At said Meeting it was agreed that the priviledge of Fishing in the South Bay should be hired out until the first day of November next, accordingly it was hired out to Elijah Chichester for One Hundred Dollars for said term of time And furthermore there is no other person or persons BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 4 allow'd to fish or catch any fish in said Bay to carry out of the Town to any market Brookhaven April 21st 1801 Whereas we the Commissioners being duly called by Elija Davis and a number of others and requested us to stop up a certain Highway or road that appears to them to be useless leading from Elijah Davises to Daniel Bayle's in the old mans and we the said Commissioners having Re- viewed the sd Road do allow it to be shut up JOHN ROSE ) JOHN WOODHULL > Commissioners ELIJAH AKERLY ) PAGE 365. Election Returns with a Statement of Vote County of Suffolk ss Stement of Votes taken at the Anniversary Election for Governor Lieut Governor and Senators which commenced on the last Tuesday of Aprill one thousand Eight Hundred and one For Governor George Clinton One Hundred & thirty five I V t Stephen Van Rensellaer one Hund & twenty thre J Lieut Govornor Jeremiah Van Rensellaer One Hundred & thirty } four V Votes James Watson One Hundred & twenty seven ) Senators Ezra LHommedieu one Hundred & twenty six ) y , Selah Strong one Hundred & twenty seven \ We certify the above to be a true statement and estimate of the votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the afore- said Election closed April the thirtieth day eighteen hun- dred and one MERRITT S. WOODHULL } WILLIAM JAYNE >- Inspct JOHN ROSE ) 44 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. - Votes C M HULSE A WETMORE Attest a true Coppy Apollos Wetmore } Town Clerk PAGE 366. County of Suffolk }- ss Statement of Votes take at the anniversary Election for Members of Assembly which commenced on the last Tues- day of April one thousand eight hundred & one Isaac Hulse Two Hundred & twenty two Israel Carll Two Hundred & thirty five Abraham Miller Eighty five Jared Langdon Eighty Six Tredwell Skudder Seventeen John Howard One Abraham Woodhull One Edward King One We Certify the above to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election closed April 30th 1801 MERITT S WOODHULL ) WILLIAM JAYNE > Inspectors JOHN EOSE j A true Coppy Attest Apollos Wetmore Town Ck PAGE 367. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held this 16th day of June 1801 Present President Trustees Merritt S Woodhull Caleb M Hulse Richard Robinson Joseph Brewster Nicoll Floyd- Joseph Hedges Stephen Swezey Be it enected by the trustees aforesaid that if any per- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 45 son or persons shall take and carry out of the South bay (belonging to the Town of Brookhaven and William Smith) or lay down in the Water any Oysters or Shells after the 20th of June Inst and before the first day of September next he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty Dollars for every such offence to be sued for and recoverd before any Justice of the Peace with costs of suit MERITT S WOODHULL } President L 8 True Coppy Attest Apollos Wetmore Town Clk PAGE 368. County of Suffolk \- ss Statement of Votes taken at the Election for Delegates to meet in Convention agreeable to a Law of the State of New York passed the sixth day of April one Thousand eight hundred and one 1801 Samuel L Hommedieu forty five Ezra L Hommedieu Forty eight Wm Floyd- Joshua Smith Jun Selah Strong James Reeve John Woodhull John Howard B B Blydenburg Richard Udle Isaac Hulse Thomas Smith Henry Smith Benjn Floyd Daniel Jones James Smith Moses Blachley Jedediah Williamson Mills Phillops Nicol Floyd Benjn Edwards John Havens Jacob Hawkins Benjn Tyler one Justice Roe two Fifty one Forty nine Nine Six four four four four four One One One One Two one two One one one one two Stephen Edwards one Isaac Brewster one Saml Thompson one Isaac Satterly one Nathl Woodhull one Jacob V Brunt one Joseph Jayne one Danl Smith one George M Punderson one Richard Dewick one Benjn Jones one Benjn Tyler Jur one Simeon Hawkins one Wikam Mills one John Floyd one Thomas Floyd one George Hallock one Alx Hawkins one Abm Woodhull one Elijah Akerly one Charles Delias one 46 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Selah Smith one Stephen Jayne one Thomas Mount two Wm Jayne one Jonas Hawkins one Wm Tooker one Richard Floyd three Thos Strong one Isaac Hawkins one Morris Jayne one Phillops Bee one Bobrt Jayne one Jonathan Mills one John Denton on Jonath' Dickerson one Vinsent Jones one Joseph Brewster two PAGE 369. Beturn of the Electors in Brookhaven Is as follows Electors possessing freeholds of 100 462 of, 20 31 and Benters 81 The above Census taken in august 1801 By Caleb M Hulse, Wm Jayne and John Bose PAGE 370. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitance of the Town of Brookhaven on the 2nd day of November 1801 It being a special Town Meeting for the purpose of choosing a Constable & a number of Fence Viewers The following persons were chosen by a unan a mous Vote Viz Bichard Hudson Constable Joseph Terry "1 JohnHoman i Fence viewers Abm Cherry Laban Worth j At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the town of Brookhaven held this 7th Day of December 1801 Present Meritt S Woodhull President Caleb M Hulse Bichard Bobinson Joseph Brewster Jun Nicoll Floyd Joseph Hedges Stephen Swezey ^ Trustees BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECOKDS. 47 It was "Voted and agree that Meritt S Woodhull Caleb M Hulse & Joseph Brewster be a Committee to view the bay in Setaukett where Selah Strongs has pititioned for the priviledge of erecting a Dam & Mill and see upon what condition he shall the privildge PAGE 371. Decemb, 7th 1801 At said Meeting it was also agreed by said Trustees that John Woolsey should have the privilege of a certain piece of Land under water lying, in Drown Meadow Harbor Bounded as follows Viz beginning at the wester most .comer of the Dweling House of sd Woolsey from thence west twenty Bods to the bay or Harbor from thence on a direct line to the westermost point of Saints Orchard, To HAVE and To HOLD the said Land under Water to him the said John Woolsey and to his Heirs and Assigns for ever for the sole purpose of planting or laying down oysters, re- serving to the Town the right of improving the sd premises for any other purpose MERITT S WOODHULL President Becorded December 8th 1801 APOLLOS WETMOEE Town Clerk NOTE. Saints Orchard is upon the east side of Port Jefferson harbor. Com. THIS INDENTURE made the seventh day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and one Between The 'Trustees of the Freeholders and commonality of the Township of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk & State of New York of the one part and George Davis of the Township, County & State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Township of Brookhaven for and in .considiration of the Value of Ten Pounds currant money of J^ew York, as exchange of Lands, to them in hand paid by 48 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. George Davis at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the Receipt whereof is hereby Acknowl- edged Hath granted bargain Sold aliend, conveyed and confirmed & by these Presents PAGE 372. doth grant, bargain, sell, alien convey & confirm unto the said George Davis and to his Heirs & Assigns for ever, All of a certain Tract and parcel of Land situate at a place called Stoney Brook in the Township of Brookhaven afore- said & bounded as follows viz Westerly by the road that leads to the Landing, easterly by the road running through said Stoney Brook ending opposite Joseph Wells' House Northwardly by the Land that said George Davis bought of George Hallock together with all and singular the privi- leges, profits, commodities Hereditaments & Appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining To Have & To Hold the aid Tract or parcel of Land and all and singu- lar the premisis hereby granted & sold unto the said George Davis his Heirs & Assigns for ever, to the only use and be- hoof of the said George Davis his Heirs & Assigns for ever Signed Sealed & de- "] MERRITT S WOODHULL , ^, liverd In presenc ( NICOLL FLOYD j Town ) of [ JOSEPH BREWSTOR JUNR ( Seal ( APOLLOS WETMORE J RICHARD ROBINSON JOSEPH HEDGES STEPHEN SWEZEY Recorded 8th Dec 1 CALEB M HULSE 1801 By A WETMORE Town Clk. To the Trustees of the freeholders & commonality of the Township of Brookhaven These lines may certify that I do and will allow unto Joseph Davis the Land his House stands on with six feet therefrom dureing his natural life, meaning the Land that is Deeded to me from s,d Town but BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 49 it is my meaning that at his death said house should be re- mooved. Witness my hand & Seal this seventh day of December 1801 JONAS HAWKINS ) GEORGE DAVIS L s GEORGE BURTON j Eecorded p A W 8th Dec 1801 PAGE 373. THIS INDENTURE made between Meritt S Woodhull Caleb M. Hulse, Richard Robinson, Joseph Brewster Stephen Swezey Joseph Hedges & Nicoll Floyd Trustees of the free- holders and commonality of the town of Brookhaven, in the county of Suffolk & State of New York, of the one part, and Richard Floyd Vincent Jones, and Jonathan Mills of the same place of the other part Witnesseth that the said Trustees for and in consideration of the sum of Fifteen Dol- lars, do give, grant, bargain sell and convey unto the said Richard Floyd Vincent Jones & Jonathan Mills the one equal undivided half part of a certain Pond or Marsh, situ- ate lying & being in s,d Town of Brookhaven known by the name of the Flax Pond in the Old Field containing agreea- ble to a Map of the same fild in the Clarks office of s,d Town fifty nine Acres 'one quarter and twenty one Rods be the same more or less, it is bounded as follows, Viz. Begin- ning nine chains and sixty four Links north twenty-five and a half Degrees east from the North East corner of sd Vincent Jone's barn then running agreeable to sd Map and field Book south forty four Degrees east two Chains Twelve Links, east one Chain forty one Links North forty one de- grees east one chain eighty nine .Links, south seventy nine Degrees east three Chains seventy five Links south fifty eight Degrees east three chains fifty five Links, North fifty Degrees east three Chains ninety four Links, North five De- grees West one Chain ninety two Links north seventy De- 50 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. grees east three Chains North sixty three deg East three Chains thirty six Links North seventy four deg east two Chains ninety four Links South eighty one Deg East three Chains sixteen Links, North seventy six Deg East three Chains eighteen Links to Henery Smith's bound or Line then North fifty four degrees East two Chains Sixty sevn Links North forty Deg West two Ch nine Links North forty seven deg east One Chain North Sixty nine Deg East one Chain PAGE 374 North fifteen Degrees east one Chain north thirty Degrees East two Chains thirty four Links North Five deg West one chain forty three Links North Twenty five Deg west one chain sixty nine Links to Richard Floyds bounds then North forty five Deg West One Chain North six Deg west one Chain North twenty three Deg East one Chain sixteen Links north five deg West three chains forty eight Links North fifty five dg West three Chains nineteen Links South thirty two deg west one chain forty five Links South Sixty five deg west two chains four Links West five Chains four- teen Links to the Inlet of sd Pond then South eighty deg West one chain seventy five Links South seventy Deg West one chain forty two Links South thirteen deg east one chain seventy one Links South sixty five deg west two chains fifteen Links South seventy five deg West one Chain seventy links South sixty five deg West one Chain seventy seven Links South eighty deg West three chains seven links South eighty three deg West four chains sixty links South twenty two deg West three Chains twenty two links South sixty five deg West one chain fifty three Links North seventy two degrees West one chain South fifty eight deg West two chains South twelve deg East one Chain thirty one Links South Sixty four deg West four chains thirty six links South One Chain South sixty two deg West three BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 51 chains sixty Links South seventeen deg east two chains fifty five links south forty five deg east four chains four Hnlrg South eighty deg east four chains south thirty eight deg east one chain ninety Links to the place of beginning, To have & To Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Richard Floyd Vincent Jones & Jonathan Mills together with all the previledges & Appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any PAGE 375. Wise Appurtaining unto sd Richard Floy, Vincent Jones and Jonathan Mills and their Heirs and Assigns forever. Ex- cepting and reserving at the same time and before the sign- ing and delivery hereof the sole and exclusive right of Fish- ing Clambing & Oystering for ever unto said Trustees and their successors & the Inhabitance of said Town of Brook- haven for ever and the said Trustees Viz. Meritt S Wood- hull Caleb M Hulse Richard Robinson Joseph Brewster Stephen Swezey Joseph Hedges & Nicoll Floyd do hereby covenant and agree to and with the s,d Richard Floyd Vin- cent Jones & Jonathan Mills and their heirs and assigns for ever that at and before the signing sealing & delivery of these presents the s,d Trustees had full power & lawfull au- thority to grant and sell the before described Premises in manner and form before mentioned by Virtue of the power and Authority vested in them by the Letters Pattent of sd Town of Brookhaven and the several Laws of the state of New York in such cases made In Testimony whereof the said Trustees have hereunto set their hands and caused the common seal of sd Town to be fix'd this seventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one 1801 Signed sealed & deliv- ) MERITT S WOODHULL ^-^A__ ered In the presence V JOSEPH BREWSTER Junr j Town ) of us ) CALEB M HULSE ( Seal \ JOHN WOOLSE STEPHEN SWEZEY *- ' 52 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. F APOLLOS WETMORE Recorded Jany 1st 1802 A WETMORE T Clk RICHARD ROBINSON JOSEPH HEDGES PAGE 376. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders & com- monality of the Town of Brookhaven held this forth Day of January 1802 Present Meritt S Woodhull President Joseph Brewster JUT ") Caleb M Hulse Richard Robinson [-Trustees Stephen Swezey Joseph Hedges At sd Meeting there was a petition from the Inhabitance of Fireplace handed in by John Rose and signed by sd John Rose James Greenfed Nothaniel Woodruff Phinehas Rose Nathan Post Timothy Rose Jonathan Howel Assessors William Smith Capt ) Isaac Miller J- Collector Isaac Hulse William Tooker Isaac Satterly f of Jesse Hulse James Robinson | Commissioners > Samuel Bishop ^ , -, , T>- t, j TT j ^Constables Richard Hudson [ Oliver Hulse Daniel Davis 2d J PAGE 378. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Jacob Hawkins James Smith Senr William Swezey James Davis Junr Nathaniel Davis Nathaniel Ruggles Joseph Rayner David Robinson Jonathan Worth William Hawkins Josiah Smith David Homan Isaac Munsil William Risley Micah Ruland John Hammond William Hawkins John Overton Senr Isaac Howell Daniel Homan. 54 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Henry Dayton Jeffery Randle Woodhull Smith FENCE VIEWERS Isaac Davis Stoney Brook Henry Smith John Homan Senr Nathaniel Tooker Jr David Davis Senr Israel Bennet Davis Overton Moses Weekes Isaac Howell Samuel Bishop Jeffry Handle Abraham Cherry Jonathan Worth Laban Worth Jacob Newton Phinehas Hose James Smith monpnd William Rose At sd Town Meeting it was also voted & agreed that no Hogs should go in the public Highways & Strees unless, they are Yok,d Ringed & mark with the owners proper Ear Mark &c PAGE 379. At an Election Held in the Town of Brookhaven on the 27th 28th and 29 Days of April in the year of 1802 and After Examining the Votes it is found that Genl John Smith for Representitive To Congress had One Hundred and Two Votes fc and Samuel Jones for Member of the Senate of the Southern District of the state of New york Had Seventy Two Votes John Schenk for Member of senate for sd Southern Dis- trict of sd State had fifty Seven Votes for Members of Assembly for the County of Suffolk the following Persons had the following Number of Votes Viz Israel Carll Ninety One Josiah Reve Eighty Six David Hedges forty five Jonathan Dayton forty Seven John Smith Two Isaac Hobes One BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 55 John Overton Two John Rose One Given under our hands this 29th Day of April 1802 ABRAHAM WOODHULL') JOHN ROSE I Inspectors WM. SMITH , j of Election ISAAC HULSE JOHN OVERTON JNR. I ^ ZACHARIAH HAWKINS j PAGE 380. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd. Town this 3 Day May 1802 Present at sd. Meeting Nicoll Floyd Presdt. Richard Floyd Palmer Overton Thomas S Strong Trustees John Rose Wm. Tooker James Woodhull At said Meeting it Was Voted & a Greed By sd Trustees that the sd Town of Brookhaven Shall Raise By Tax on the freeholders & Inhabitants for the support of the Poor of sd Town and other Contingent Charges of sd Town the Sum of One Thousand Dollars at sd. Meeting Permission is hereby Given to Elias Hedges To Take or Catch Fish in the Bay Belonging to the Town of Brookhaven and William Smith But not To Carry any fish Out of the sd Town He paying therefor forty Dollars for One year from this Day May 3d. 1802 NICCOL FLOYD Presdt Attest ISAAC HULSE T,Clk PAGE 381. May 3 ) at the Before Recited Meeting of the 1802 j Trustees Entered on pag 380 it Was Ordained as followeth Viz Be it Ordained By the sd Trustees 56 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven that is If any Person or Persons Shall Take or Carry away any Wild Fowl out of the South Bay belonging To the sd. Town and Win Smith after the Date hereof Without Leave first Obtained of the sd. Trustees lie or they Shall forfit and Pay the Sum of Twenty five dol- lars for every offence to Be sued for and Recovered with Costs of Suit By the Trustees or their Order Together with Costs of Suit By Vote and Order of sd Trustees May 3 1802 NICCOLL FLOYD Presdt. Attest ISAAC HULSE T Clk At the Before Recited Meeting sd Trustees Gave Permis- sion To William Alibeen To fowl in the south Bay in Part- nership with sd Town and Win. Smith he Paying the Trustees for the Town and Wm. Smith One Tenth of the Money the fowls Sells for Attest ISAAC HULSE T Clk NICCOLL FLOYD Presdt, Agreeable to a Law of the state of New york for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Past the 29th March 1799 Entered that Daniel Robart of the Town of Brookhaven had a Male Child Born of a Slave of his on the 24 of May year of 1801 sd Childs Name is Peter Entered this 11 Day of May 1802 By me ISAAC HULSE Town Clk PAGE 382. I Meritt S Woodhull Esquire one of the Justices of the Peice for the County of Suffolk do hereby Declare my Con- cent to the Puting fourth an Indian Boy Named Robin Tockhouse as will appear by an Indenture Given By John Tockhouse and Cretia his Squaw) an Apprentice To Thomas S. Strong According to the Intent and Meaning of the sd. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 57 Indenture Brookhaven february 20" 18Q2 August the 20" 1801 " We the Commissioners of Highways of Brookhaven Be- ing Called By Isaac Satterly to Take a View of a Certain Road in Setauket Runing a Crost the Stream Below the Oald Mill Dam we the said Commissioners have Attended And Viewed the Said Road and finding it Inconvenient for the Publick We therefore Do Agree with sd. Satterly to Exchange the former Road for the One Acrost the Oald Mill Dam & the sd. satterly Obligateing Himself to keep up the flew at his Own Expence and sd Isaac Satterly is To Have the Oald Road for the One a Crost the Dam In Ex- change Returned to Be JOHN WOODHULL ) Commissioners Recorded. JOHN ROSE j of Highways PAGE 383. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Com- monality of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd. Town this 7 June 1802 Present at sd. Meeting Nicol Floyd Presdt Thomas S Strong "" Wm. Tooker Palmer Overton m T - ji. n ^Trustees James Woodhull John Rose Richard Floyd Resolved By sd. Trustees at sd Meeting that in the Case of Barney O Goram that the Overseers of the Poor of the City of New york and that Thomas S Strong Esqr Be Ap- pointed By the Trustees To Take the Care of Him Resolved that Phebe Smith Daughter of John Smith be bound to David Cole untill she arrives at the age of eighteen years the Trustees paying him twenty two Dollars 50-100 58 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brookhaven do Lay Out a Road threw Halsies Manner Be- tween the North and South Devisions of Lots as the same is Laid Out and Reserved on the Card of sd Manner By the Name of Hotwater Street as follows Viz Begining at Brookfield East Line so Runing North 88 degrees East 190 Chain then North 50 Degrees East 109 Chains four Rods Wide with sd. Reserve to Southampton Line, also the pond Called Crambary Marsh we order throwed Out as the same is Laid Out on sd. Card four Rods wide all Round sd pond also a Small pond Designated on sd Card By the Name of Hot water Pond we order thrown Out the wedth of sd pond from Hot water Street four Rods wide upon the North East and South west sides of sd pond we do hereby Re- turn the same To be Recorded Novr 18 1800 RICHARD FLOYD ) Commissioners ISAAC HULSE j of Highways PAGE 384 At the Before Recited Meeting of the Trustees Present as aforesd. this 7 June 1802 It was Voted and Agreed and hereby Enacted By sd. Trustees that No Oysters Shells Clambs or Horse fish Shall Be Taken or Carried Out of the Town By Any Per- son or Persons Whatsoever from the Present Date until the Twentieth Day of September Next Ensueing under the Penalty of Twenty five Dollars on Each Person for Every Offence to Be Sued for & Recovered By sd. Trustees Before Any Justice in sd. Town Together With Costs of suit NICCOLL FLOYD Presdt. PAGE 385. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in sd. Town this Third Day of May 1802 Present at Sd Meeting BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 59 Nicoll Floyd Presdt. Thomas S. Strong "] Richard Floyd Palmer Overton m John Rose j- Trustees Wm Tooker James Woodhull J at sd Meeting it Was Voted and Agreed and hereby En- acted By sd. Trustees That No Fish Should Be Katched In the South Bay in Partnership with Capt. Win. Smith and sd. Trustees or Caried Out of the sd Town of Brookhaven By any Person Or Persons Whatsoever under the Penalty of Twenty five Dollars on Every Person for Every offence to Be Sued for and Recovered With full Costs of Suit Sign- ed By Order of the Trustees Attest NICCOLL FLOYD Presdt ISAAC HULSE Town Clk PAGE 386. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held at Corum on the third Day of May One Thousand Eight Hundred and Two- Present Nicoll Floyd President Thomas S Strong Richard Floyd Palmer Overton m TIT* > Trustees John Rose Wm. Tooker James Woodhull Be it Ordained By the athority of the Trustees aforesaid that If Any Person or Persons Shall Catch any fish in the South Bay Belonging To the Town of Brookhaven and William Smith or Carry Any Out of the Town Being Taken in the Bay Aforesaid he or they So offending shall" Jforfit and Pay for Every Such Offence Twenty five Dollars, to'be Sued for and Recovered in the Name of the Trustees Af ore^ 60 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. said L s NICOLL FLOYD President June the 10 1802 At a Town Meeting Held at Isaac Brewsters in the Town of Brookhaven Daniel Robbing was Elected and Chosen Counstable at a Town-Meeting Called Expressly for that Purpose it Being Previously Notifyed a Greeable to a Law of this State In Such Cases made PAGE 387. We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brookhaven Being Called By a Large Number of Inhabi- tants freeholders of sd. Town to Lay Out a Publick High- way in sd. Town from the North Country Road to Scidmores Landing We the sd Commissioners do hereby Lay Out a Publick Open Highway from sd. North Country Road in the Same Track Where the Road Now Goes to Scidmores Landing as far Northward from sd. Country Road as the Division of Lots Runs Called Wading river Great Lots a Greeable to a Reserve for Roads in sd. Division we Lay sd. Road three Rods wide from the west Hedge Easterly to the North End of sd. Lots as the Reccords of Brookhaven of sd Lots May Appear and we Return the Same Road To Be Recorded Done By us August the 4 1802 ISAAC HULSE } ^ ISAAC SATTEKLY I Commissioners WM.TOOKER ) f Highways PAGE 388. We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brookhaven Being Called by a Large Number of freeholders Inhabitants of sd Town to Lay out a Publick highway from the North End of the Great Lots where we Laid Out a road to on the 4 Day of this Instant We Meeting with Two Justices of the peice of the County of Suffolk and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECOBDS. 61 Twelve freeholders Inhabitants of Smith Town Save One which was of RiverHead Both Towns in Sd. County who Did Apprise Sd Road at Ninety Dollars and we Return the Same Road To be Recorded in the following Manner. Viz Begining Where the Before Mentioned Road stoped at the North End of the Long Lots in the Same Tract where the Road Now goes to Scidmores Landing Runing three Rods Wide from the East Hedge By sd Road Westerly until It Comes to the Cherry trees By the House where John Scid- more Now Lives So keeping the Same Tract from the Cherry Trees four Rods Wide Viz Two Rods Wide on Each Side of the Tract that goes Down the Gully to Run to the Sound to Lowe water mark and We Do Allow the Owner of sd Land threw which sd. Road Runs to hang One Good Easy Swinging Gate on sd Road Wid Enough for a Waggon & Cart way at any Place where they Shall Chouse from sd Cherry trees By sd House To the North End of sd Long Lots Supposed to be Where a Gate post now stands about 80 Rods from the Shore we Order sd. Road To be Recorded August 9th 1802 ISAAC HULSE ISAAC SATTERLY WM. TOOKER PAGE 389. I Oliver smith of Brookhaven Suffolk County do Certify that a female Child Named Bet was Born in my House of a Sla\e on the 23d Day of December in the year of 1800 The aforesaid Oliver Smith of the Town and County -jjforsaiijda-he*ehy_^ jFhat A. male Child Born ^ot a Slave of mine in my House on the 23d Day of Septem- ber 1802 Childs Name is Jim } Born the 4th Day of July 1802 of a Slave in the family of Coll Nicoll Floyd a Male Child Named Jim- Born the 13th Day of february 1802 a female Child Named 62 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Tamer of a Slave of the Wd. Ruth Woodhull Born of a Slave of Joanna Smith Corum feemale Child on the 28 of July 1802 sd Child Name is Rosawell Born of a Slave of William looker Mooneponds in sd Town a Male Child on the first of March 1802 Sd Childs Name is Aaron Meritt S. Woodhull Esquire Had A Negro Boy Born o! a Slave of His On the first Day of December 1801 Sd Boys Name is Ben PAGE 390. James Woodhull of the Town of Brookhaven Suffolk County Does hereby Certify that a Male Childs Named Apolis was Born of a Slave of his in family on the fifth Day of February 1803 PAGE 39L We the Commissioners of Highways do hereby Alter the Road that Goes from Charles's Pond to the Mooneponds as far as it Runs a Crost the 29 Lot in sd Division of Land and do Lay Out the same Where the Road Now Goes a Crost sd Lot and Leave the Other part of sd Road as it Was formerly Laid Out three Rods Wide January 3 1803 ISAAC HULSE ) Commissioners WM. TOOKER j of Highways PAGE 392. At a Meeting of the Trustee of the Freeholders And Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held this 7th of March 1803 Present at sd Meeting Nicoll Floyd prs,dt~ James Woodhull John Rose Palmer Overton Tho. S. Strong BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 63 Wm. Tooker J At Sd Meeting Annanias Smith Made Application to sd Trustees for Leberty to Build a Dock from the Shore of his Own Land on Swan Creek Neck Where He now Lives Out into the South Bay where his Dock Now is and Said Trustees Agreeable to His Bequest Granted Said Annanias Smith Liberty to Build Sd. Dock PAGE 393. At a Publick Town meeting of the Freeholders and free- men of the Town of Brookhaven held in Said Town this 5th Day of April 1803 Agreeable To the Town patent & the Law of the State of New-york in Such Cases made (it Being the first Tuesday of April) The following Town Officers Ware Chosen By Majority of Votes Viz Selah Strong Presdt ^ Meritt S. Woodhull William Tooker Palmer Overton J- Trustees John Rose Benjamin Petty Isaac Overton Isaac Hulse Clerk & Treasurer Meritt S. Woodhull Supervisor Isaac Millar Collector Joseph Brewster "1 John Hose Wm. Smith Capt ^ Assessors Mritt S. WoodhuUJ Isaac Satterlv ) /-, John Woodhull (Commissioners Stephan Swezeyf of Amos Smith Samuel Bishop Richard Hudson Nehemiah Hulse James Robinson George Norton Junr BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 394 OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Jedediah Williamson Kobert Hawkins Junr Israel Bennet Jehiel Woodruff Alvaham Woodhull John Overton Crum J)aniel Jones Daniel Tooker Wells Davis Joshua Terry Peter Skidmore Samuel Muncel Jonathan Worth William Newins Jeffry Eandal Austin Roe Timothy Millar Isaac Overton Phillip Hallock Oliver Hulse Luis Gurden James Post James Stan Brow Ebenezar Hart Joseph Hawkins James Robinson Henry Smith Henry Dayton Elenerser Smith David Davis J Wm Dickerson Caleb M Hulse Joseph Brewster Danl Roe James Smith James Smith V James Davis Jeremiah Wheelar Daniel Davis Humphry Avery Meritt S Woodhull Warden Toby * Nethaniel Davis James Greenfield Jonathan Worth Nathl WoodRuff Jefery Randal Ebenezar Hart Barney Wines Josiah Smith PAGE 395. Also at the foregoing Town meeting it Was Voted By a Majority of Votes that No Hogs Except Sucking Piggs Shall Run or go On the Commons in the Town of Brook- haven Except they Be Ringed in the Nose With Sufficiant Rings and yoaked With Good and Sufficiant yoaks under the Penalty of 75 Cents for Every Hog for Every Offence If a Despute Shall Arise Concerning the Sufficiany of Either Rings Or yoaks to Be Determined By the Two Nearest fence Viewers BBOOKHAVEN TOWN BECOBDS. 65 County of Suffolk }- ss a Statement of Votes Taken at the Anniversary Election for a Senator which Comminced on the Last Tuesday of April one Thousand Eight Hundred and Three Egbert Benson Eighty three I John Broom Eighty four f We Certify the Above to Be a True Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes Taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election Closed April the Twenty Eighth One Thousand Eight Hundred & three MERITT S. WOODHULL ) JOSEPH BREWSTEB JUB > Inspectors JOHN HOSE j PAGE 396. County of Suffolk ^ ss Statement of Votes Taken at the Annaversary Election for Members of Assembly which Commenced on the Last Tuesday of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three Israel Carll one Hundred & nine David Hedges one Hundred & Two William Smith Forty Six- Sylvester Dering thirty four Benjamin Floyd Eleven Isaac Hulse Ten John Overton three Daniel Roe Two John Hose Two John Mott one Joseph Brewster one Apofis Wetmore one Thomas Aldridge one Thomas Strong one We Certify the Above to Be a True Statement and Es- timate of the Votes Taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election Closed the Twenty Eight Day of April one Thousand Eigh Hundred & Three -Votes 66 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. MERITT S WOODHULL) JOSEPH BREWSTER > Inspectors JOHN KOSE j PAGE 397. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaveu Held in sd Town this 2 Day of May 1803 Present at sd. Meeting Selah Strong President Meritt S. Woodhull Palmer Overton John Rose Trustees William Tooker Benjamin Petty Isaac Overton At sd A meeting it Was Voted and Agreed and hereby En- acted By the a thority a 1'oresaid that If any Person or Per- sons Shall Catch fish in the South Bay in Pertnership with sd Town and Capt. Win Smith Or In the Bay in Partner ship with Genl. John Smith and sd Town for the Purpose of Conveying them Out of sd Town to Market Or Carry them Out of the sd Town to Market Being Taken in Either of the Bays aforesaid Every Person, Or Persons So Offending Shall fortit and pay for Every Such Offence Twenty five Dollars to Be Sued for and Recovered in the Name of the Trustees aforesaid Together with Costs Except Such Per- sons as may or Shall have Obtained Leave of sd Trustees for the Purpose of Catching fish and Carrying them Out of sd Town, and Be it further Inacted By the Athority afore- said that all Laws of the Town Conseming fish which have been Passed Before the Date hereof Shall be and hereby Are Repealed PAGE 398. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in sd Town BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 67 this 2 Day of may 1803 Present at sd Meeting Selah Strong Presdt MerittS. Woodhull Palmer Overton Wm Tooker ,,, John Hose !- Trustees Benjamin Petty Isaac Overton At Sd. Meeting sd Trustees for the Consideration of One Hundred Dollars To them In hand Paid By George Brown John Turner and Isaac Wells have hereby Granted Liber- ty to sd Geo. BrownJohn^Turnj^Qr any Other Person Or Persons to be Authourised By them to Catch fish in the South Bay in Pertnership With sd Town and Capt William Smith for the Term of One year from the Date Here of and Send them To Market Where and how they Please Signed in Behalf of the Trustees Town Seal hereunto fixed SELAH STRONG Prsdt L S Attest ISAAC HULSE Clk PAGE 399. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders And Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in Said Town this 2d Day of may 1803 Present at sd. Meeting Selah Strong Presdt ' Meritt S WoodhuU Palmer Overton John Rose J- Trustees Wm. Tooker Benjn Petty Isaac Overton At sd. Meeting sd Trustees Hereby Resolved that No Person Or Persons Shall After the 7th Day of this Instant kill any Wild fowl In the South Bay in Partnership With 68 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. sd Town and Capt.Wm. Smith or in the Bay in Partnership With sd TOWTI & Genl. John Smith or On any of the Islands in Either of sd Bays or On any of the Beaches Adjoining thereto for the Purpose of Carrying them Out of sd Town or shall Carry them Out of sd town Shall forfit and Pay Twenty five Dollars for Every Offence to Be Sued for and Recovered in the Name of the Trustees with Costs Allways Excepting Such Persons as hath or Shall Obtain Leve of sd Trustees By Order of sd Trustees ISAAC HULSE Town Clk PAGE 400. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in Said Town this 6 Day of June 1803 Present at Sd. Meeting Selah Strong Presdt ] Meritt S Woodhull Palmer Overton John Rose - Trustees Win. Tooker Benjn Petty Isaac Overton At Sd. Meeting the Trustees Voted and Agreed and here Enacted that No Person Or Persons Shall Catch Horse fish in the South Bay for the Purpose of Plowing them in Or Burying them or after Being Catched Shall Smuther or Bury them or Plow them in to make Menure or Send them Out of the Town Every Person that Shall Be Guilty of Either of the Aforesaid Offences Shall forfit and Pay for Either of the aforesaid offences Shall forfit and Pay for Every Offence the Sum of Ten Dollars To be Sued for and Recovered in the Name of the Trustees Also at sd. Meeting sd Trustees Voted and agreed that there Shall be Six Hundred Dollars Rased in sd Town By a Rate on the Inhabitants for the Support of the Poor and BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 69 for Other Contingent Charge of sd Town for the Present year. PAGE 401 BLANK. PAGE 402. Be it Remembered On the Eighteenth Day of June 1803 We the Commissioners of Brookhaven being Called upon By a number of the Inhabitants aforeSaid To Alter and Lay Out the Regulations How to mend and Repair the Highways of The East part of Setauket that Is to say that the Inhabitants Shall mend and Repair all the Said Roads in their District Begining at the East End of the Oald mill Dam Going Eastward to the Drownmeadow Runs on that Road and Also the Southermost Road To the Top of Drownmeadow Hills also the Country Road Leading from Town that is To say one Half of the way to Corum Given under Our Hands and Seals the Day and year first above Mentioned We do Order the Same To be Recorded on the Town Reccords ISAAC SATTERLY L s Commissioners STEPHAN SWEZY L s of Highways PAGE 403. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the ^Town of Brookhaven Held at the House of Goldsmith Davis the 5 Day of Septr. 1803. Present Selah Strong Presdt. Meritt S. Woodhull Palmer Overton rru- -D ^Trustees John Rose Wm. Tooker Isaac Overton Whereas Thomas S Strong Benjamin Strong and Joseph Strong have Application to this Board, for the priviledge of Erecting a Dam and Mill a Cross the Channel Between the 70 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Point of Land belonging To Selah Strong Esquire and the Shore Oposite to the Land Belonging to Coll. Benjamin Floyd Within Setauket Harbour It Was thereupon Voted and Agreed that the Said Thomas S Strong Benjn Strong & Joseph Strong their Heirs and Assigns should Be Permitted to Build & Erect a Dam And Mill a Crost the Said Channel upon the follow- ing Conditions first that the Said Thomas S. Strong Benjn Strong & Joseph Strong shall Pay to sd Trustees the Sum of Seventy five Dollars for the said Previledge in full Consideration for their Right and Title for the Same Vested in the sd Town or their Successors Secondly the Said Thomas S. Strong Benjn Strong & Joseph Strong for them Selves their heirs and Assigns Doth Covenant and Agree that So Soon as the said Dam and Mill are Erected and Compleated Eeady to Grind PAGE 404. That they Will Reserve One Run of stones to Grind for the Inhabitants of the Said Town as Long as the Mill is kept up and in Order to make flower and meal and that they Will when the Quantity of Grain Will admit make Good & Wholesome flower and Meal. Reserving for the use of sd Mill as Toal One Tenth Part of the Grain So Manufactur- ed Thirdly the Said Thomas S Strong Benjn Strong and Joseph Strong for them Selves their Heirs & Assigns doth further Covenant and Agree, to Have the said Dam and Mill Erected and Compleated within Eight years from the Date of this Grant or to forfit the Previledge of the Same and also Not to Deprive the Inhabitants of the Said Town of Brookhaven from the same priviledge They are Now En- titled To of fishing and fowling in the said pond & Bay And the Said Trustees for themselves and their Succes- sors do further Grant to the Sd Thomas S Strong Benjn Strong & Joseph Strong their Heirs and Assigns all their BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 71 right and Title to that Certain Point or Peice of land near the Place Where the Dam is to Be Built and on which Pompes House formerly Stood to Be used in makeing the Said Dam Provided the same is Dug so low as to Be Overflowed at High water by Common Tides In Testimony Whereof the Trustees have affixed to these Presents the Common Seal of the Said Town and Signed the same By their President this fifth Day of Septr 1803 Signed Sealed & De- livered in presents of SELAH STRONG Presdt THOMAS S. STRONG L s BENJN. STRONG L. s JOSEPH STRONG rL s ISAAC HULSE , ISAAC MILLAR f Attest ISAAC HULSE j TownClkJ PAGE 405 Born Of a Slave in the family of Oliver Smith a female Child By the Name of Nel Born On the 12 of May 1803 At a Meeting of The Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in sd Town the 5 Day of March 1804 Present at sd. Meeting Selah Strong Presdt. Meritt S Woodhull Isaac Overton John Rose , Trustee -VTT mi r J.I UnUt'cb Wm Tooker Benjn. Petty Palmore Overton This may Certify that we the Undersigned Overseers of the Poor in the Town of Brookhaven have Examined into the age of Keder a Black man and Susan a Black Woman Late the Property of Thomas S Strong, and 72 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. finding that the Said Negroes are under the Age of fifty years and Appear to Be Helthy Persons and able to Get their Liveing BrookHaven march 5th 1804 the Trustees & Overseers of the Poor -{ L s }- SELAH STRONG Presdt PAGE 406 BLANK. PAGE 407. At a Town Meeting of the freeholders and freemen of the Town of Brookhaven held this 3 Day of April 1804 Agreeable to A Law of the State of N. york in Such Cases made the following officers was Chosen Selah Strong Presdt") Meritt S Woodhull William Tooker n, Samuel Davis- f Trustees John Kose James Post David Davis Junr. Isaac Hulse Clerk & Treasurer Meritt S Woodhull Supervisor Isaac Miller Collector Joseph Brewster Junr ~) Meritt S. Woodhull John Rose J- Assessors Henry Rayner Brookfield j William Tooker John Woodhull M ponds ) ^ . . James Smith Capt- I Commissioners Josiah Smith- ) of Amos Smith Samuel Bishop Richard Hudson ^ , , , James Robinson ^Constables Samuel Homan Isaac Millar BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 73 OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Isaac Smith Corum Isaac Hulse Abraham Woodhull Judge Jonas Hawkins John Taylor Tho S Strong Daniel Davis 2d oaldmans Nethaniel Tooker William Skidmore Jonathan Worth Briant Norton PAGE 408. Phillop Hallock Azel Robinson James Stanbrow Geo Brown Henry Dayton Theoflis Smith John Leek Richard hulse Nethanl Woodruff Benjamin Laws Caleb M, Hulse Joshua Terry John Davis Joseph Robinson David Smith Sam. Smith FENCE VIEWERS Stephen Edwards John Rider Isrel Bennet Wardin Toby John Mott Isaac Akerly Nathan Mulford Jeremiah Wheelar Richard Hulse Benjamin Garrard Nathaniel Hawkins Isaac Hammond James Stanbrow Caleb M. Hulse Justus Overton Daniel Roe Wm Penny Jonathan Worth Peter Havens Jeffery Randal Isaac Smith Capt James Davis Daniel Overton Danl Davis Henry Smith PAGE 409. also Voted that No Ram Sheep Shall Run on the Com- mons in sd Town from the Last of July Next for three months No Hogg to Run on the Commons With Out Being Ring- ed in the Nose & Yoaked. PAGE 410. 74 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Be It Remembered on the 18 Day of June 1803 We the Commissioners of Brookhaven Being Called Upon By a Number of the Inhabitants for to Lay Out a Regular Road John Wilsies House (at Drownmeadow) Begining at a Comer Chesnut post Marked X Standing in the Comer of Wilsies fence from thence Runing Southwstrly Course Three Rods from the Post then to Run Parrallel With mr Wilsies fence To Lowwaterrnark makeing the Road three Rods Wide Given Under Our Hands & Seals the Day and Date above Mentioned Commissioners j ISAAC SATTERLY (L s) of Highways ( STEPHAN SWEZY (L s) PAGE 411. Whereas a Number of the Inhabitants of the Town of Brookhaven have by their petition Represented to the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town aforesaid, that by feeding off the Grass that Groes on the West meadow beach it Causes the Sand to Blow On the Meadows ajoining to Said Beach and Cover up the Same therefore they Pray for Leave and Liberty to fence So much of the Same as Will Be of use to preserve their Meadows at a Meeting of the sd. Trustees the 3 Day of April 1804 held at the House of Goldsmith Davis in sd Town Present at sd Meeting Selah Strong Presdt. Isaac Overton Meritt S Woodhull Wm. Tooker Palmer Overton John Rose Benjn. Petty It Was Voted and agreed at sd. Meeting that the Owners of sd. meadow Should have Leave and Liberty BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 75 to fence the Beach on the Higest Part of the Same, so as to Leave the Space of One Rod Wide on the Sound Shore above Highwater mark for all Persons to pass with Teams and Cariages for the Purpose of Collecting the Drift that Comes on the same, and also to make as many Bars or Gates as Shall Be Sufficient for the Inhabitants to Go within the fence to put Down the Said Drift or Spread their Thatch or for any Other Purpose Whatso- ever and also not to Prevent any Person or persons Parsons passing on any Highway Already Laid Out, or that may hereafter be Laid Out: and also Whenever Ten Substantial Freeholders being Inhabitants Shall Request the PAGE 412. fence Taken down and the Beach Lay in Common as at Present it ShaU be Complied with and the Owners of said Meadow Shall Remove their fence and it is also further Agreed that this Liberty Granted Shall not Oper- ate So far as to Give the Owners of the said meadow notwithstanding any Right Or Title to the Said Beach nor Shall this Liberty Granted to them of fenceing the same Operate so as to Impower the Owners of sd Medow to hender any (Personsons) Inhabitants of sd Town from Takeing any Kind of Hay or Mulch, or any other thing Whatsoever that Shall Either Be Drifted By the Tide Carted or any of them Within the same and as hereto to pass and Repass freely without Molistation or henderance with Teams Carts Waggons Horses or any Other Way or manner as they Shall think proper or Do within the same by Drawing Bars or Opening Gates from Time To Time and at all Times forever hereafter the Inhabitants of the Town that Pass Carefull To Shut up Bars and Grates after them PAGE 413. Haveing held and Closed the Poll of the Election in the 76 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Town of Brookhaven the Twenty seventh Day of April One Thousand Eight hundred and four and Cauvessed the Votes agreeable to the Act Entitled an Act for Regulateing Elect- ions Passed the Twenty fourth Day of March One Thousand Eight Hundred and One do find the votes to be as f olloweth Viz For Gouvornor Morgan Luis One Hundred & fifty one votes and Aaron Burr One hundred and four Votes. For Leut Governor John Broom One Hundred and forty Nine Votes and Oliver Phelps One Hundred and four Votes For Senators William Denning Two Hundred and Twenty Eight Votes Ebenezar Purdy One Hundred and Thirty five Votes Thomas Thomas One Hundred and Thirty five Votes Cornelious C. Rosevelt One Hundred and Two Votes John Smith One Hundred Votes William Edgar Five Votes William Smith three Votes MERITT S. WOODHULL") JOHN ROSE JOSEPH BREWSTER [-Inspectors HENRY RAYNER WILLIAM TOOKER Haveing held and Cosed the poll of Election for the Town of Brookhaven the Twenty Seventh Day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and four and Canvesed the Votes agreeable to an Act passed the Twenty fourth Day of March One Thousand Eight Hundred and One for the Pur- pose of Regulateing Elections do find the Votes to Be as followeth Viz for Congress to fill the Vacancy of Genl. John Smith. Elifalet Wicks had One Hundred and Six Votes Joshua Smith Sixty Three Votes Samuel Riker had three Votes BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 77 MERITT S. WOODHULL ") JOHN BOSE JOSEPH BREWSTER }- Inspectors HENRY EAYNEK WM. TOOKER PAGE 414. Haveing held and Closed the Poll of the Election in the Town of Brookhaven the Twenty sixth Day of April One Thousand Eight hundred and four and Canvesed the Votes a Greeable to the Act Entitled an Act for Eegulateing Elections Passed the Twenty fourth Day of March, One Thousand Eight Hundred and One" do find the Votes to Be as followeth Viz For Eepresentitive To Congres Eliphalet Wicks One Hundred & Seventeen Votes Joshua Smith Ninety five Votes Samuel Hiker four Votes MERITT S. WOODHULL ~] JOHN EOSE JOSEPH BREWSTER [ Inspectors HENRY EAYNER | WILLIAM TOOKER J Brookhaven april the Twenty seventh Day of April Eighteen Hundred and four held and Closed the Pole of Election and Canvesed the Votes, agreeable To a Law Passed the Twenty fourth Day of March Eighteen Hundred and one for the Purpose of Eegulateing to find the Votes to Be as followeth Viz for Member of Assembly for the County of Suffolk Jared Landon had Ninety one Votes Jonathan Dayton had Eighty Nine Votes Israel Carll had Ninety Votes Silvester Deering had four Votes David Warner had One Vote John Eose had One Vote 78 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. John Mott had One Vote William Tooker had One Vote Calico Hawkins had Nine Votes MERITT S. WOODHULL^J JOHN KOSE JOSEPH BREWSTER \- Inspectors HENRY EAYNER WILLIAM TOOKER PAGE 415. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd Town this 7 of May 1804 Present at sd Meeting Selah Strong Presdt John Rose Meritt S. Woodhull Wm Tooker \- Trustees Saml Davis David Davis James Post At sd Meeting sd Trustees Voted and a Greed that the Act Concerning Hoggs Riming on the Commons Passed By the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven On the 5 Day of May 1800 Is hereby Reinacted & Revived and Declared By sd Trustees to Be a Law of this Town sd Act was Entered in page 348 Also at sd Meeting sd Trustees Voted and a Greed that the Act Concerning Wild fowl Passed the 2d of May 1803 and Entered in page 399 is hereby Revived and Reinact- ed By sd Trustees and is Declared to Be a Law of this Town also at sd Meeting sd Trustees Voted and Agreed that the Act Concerning Horse fish which was Passed on the 6th Day of June 1803 and Entered hi page 400 is hereby Rein Acted and Revived and Declared to Be a Law of this Town also at sd Meeting sd Trustees Voted and agreed that the .;.. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 79 Act Concerning Catching fish Passed the 2d Day of May 1803 and Entered in Page 397 is hereby Revived and Rein- acted and is a Law of this Town PAGE 416. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd Town this 7 of May 1804 Present at sd Meeting Selah Strong Presdt Meritt S. WoodhuU John Rose Wm Tooker \- Trustees Saml Davis David Davis James Post PAGE 417. Brookhaven October third 1803 Be it Remembered that on this Day Personally Appeared Before me Joseph Brewster one of the peoples Justices in and for the County of Suffolk Edmon Morin & Phebe Morin his Wife Who Acknowledged their Indenture Given to John Taylor to Be of their Own free act and Deed Taken Before me the Day and year above Written JOSEPH BREWSTER Justice Whereas there was a Highway Laid Out In Tookers Neck at Bluepoint In the year of 1790 By Daniel Roe Wm Phil- lips and Austin Roe 20 feet Wide from the Bay Entered in Page 223 they Not saying where sd Road Goes from the Bay and We the Commissioners of Highways Haveing Viewed the premises and sd Road we do hereby Order that the West side of sd Road shall go from the Bay In Range of the East End of Worden Tobys Two Houses Viz Bring- ing the East End of sd Tobis Two Houses in Range so Go- ing 20 feet Eastward By the Bay so Keeping sd Wedth un- 80 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. til it Comes within 20 feet of sd Tobys House By the Bay then Turning Gradualy East ward so as to Clear the south East Corner of sd House 3 foots Keeping the Wedth of 20 feet from thence following the Road as it Was Laid Out To the Country Road as Witness Our Hands Brookhaven February 1806 JOHN WILEY ) Commissioner ISAAC HULSE \ of Highways N B, it was agreed By sd Commissioners that the Drift that Comes Onto the Road at the Bay Shall Belong to Warden Toby RECORDS OF BROOKHAYEN. BOOK D. INTRODUCTION. A number of the pages in the beginning of Book D, up to the page numbered 3 are occupied with the register of the births of children of slave parents belonging to various residents of the town at the time they were entered. They are copied in the order in which they occur in the original records. Twelve pages in the beginning are not numbered ; they have been marked for reference with the letters A, B, C, &c. Two pages are each numbered 1. Two pages are each numbered 12. This form | SEAL | at the end of a record indicates an actual seal on the page of the record, while the letters L s which appear in the records, represent only a nominal seal COMMITTEE. PAGE A. William Smith of the Manor of St. George made return that he had a Male child Born of a Slave of his on the llth day of April 1832 childs name is Primus enterd this 27th March 1833 "William Smith of the Manor of St. George made return 82 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECOKDS. that he has a male Child Born of a Servant of his on the 4th daj of November 1834 Ohilds Name is Paul . euterd this 12th January 1836 PAGE B. William Smith Made return that he had a female child Born of a Slave of his on the llth day of October 1820 Child name is Rachel enterd this 10th day of March agr3eable to the Law of this State for the Abolition of slavery Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Nicoll Floyd made return that he had a male child born of a slave of his on the tirst day of April 1822 Childs name is Phillip born of hannah enterd this 8th November 1823 for the Abolition of Slavery Attst MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Richard Robinson made return that he had a male child Born of a slave of his on the 15th of March 1813 Childs name is Phillip Enterd this 3d July 1824 M. HOMAN town Clerk Daniel Petty made return that he had a male child born of a slave of his on the 17th June 1817 child name is Charles enterd this 27th July 1825. William Smith made return that he had a female Child born of a Slave of his on the 29" May 1822 chils name Lucey Enterd this 6th August 1825 M. HOMAN town Clerk Nicol Floyd made return that he had a Male child born of a slave of his named Hannad Childs Name is Cyrus En- terd this 16th May Child Born on the 12th September 1825 MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk PAGE C. I Josiah Smith made return that he had Male child Born BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 83 of a slave of his named Dorothy on the 25th September 1819 Childs names is Peter enterd this 4th day of April 1820 According to the Act for the Abolition of Slavery Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Goldsmith Davis made return that he had Male child Born of a Slave of his on the 4th day of february 1821. Childs Name is Silas Enterd this 3rd April 1821 According to the Act for the Abolition of Slavery Attest M. HOMAN Town Clerk Sarah Hallock made return that she had a Male Child Named Dick. Bom of a slave of hers in April 16 1808 enterd this 7th April 1821. According to the Act for the Abolition of Slavery Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Also Sarah Hallock made Return that she had a female Child Named Viner Born of a Slave of hers on the tenth day of January 1818 Enterd this 7th day of April 1821 Ac- cording to the Act for the Abolition of Slavery Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Suffolk County ss. Thomas S. Strong of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk being duly sworn de- poseth and saith that he owns and posesses four female Children who are slaves whose names and ages are as fol- lows Viz. Rachel Born 22nd day of August 1805 Tamar Born 25th day of September 1807 Cealia Born 15th day of January 1810 and Ellen or Nell Born 23rd day of October 1815 that the said slave are all the Children of Unice who was a slave of the deponents at the time of their Respective Births Sworn the 4th day of Decem- THOMAS S. STRONG ber 1821 before me RICHARD UDLE Justice Enterd according to the law of this state for the abolition 84 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of Slavery Attest MORDECAI HOMAN TOWD Clerk PAGE D. Nicoll Floyd made Return that he had a Child Born of a Slave of his on the 15th april 1818 sd Childs name is Elijah Born of Rose Also Nicol Floyd made return that he had a Child Bom of a Slave of his. Childs Name is Sam Born of Hannah on the 21st January 1818 Enterd this 5th day of June 1818 Attest MOHDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk William Smith of the Manor of St. George made return that he had a female Child Born of a Slave on his on the iirst day of September 1817 Childs name is Peggy Enterd this 20th day of Octr 1818 Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Nicoll Floyd made return that he had a Male child Born of a Slave of his on the 28th day of January 1818 Named Sam. Enterd this 8th day of December 1818 According to Law Sworn before James fanning Esq. attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk William Smith of the Manor of St. George Made Return that he had a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the tenth day of April 1818 Childs name is Mary Enterd this 19th April 1819. According to Law for the Abolition of Slavery Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Nicoll Floyd made return that he hand a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the twenty first day of June 1819. 'Childs name is Charity Ann. Sworn before THOMAS S. STRONG Judge Entered this 2d Nov. 1819 According to Law BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 85 MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk PAGE E. John Woodhull Made return of a Slave of his Named Herculas that was Born on the 19th day of September 1798 Enterd this 13th February 1816 MOKDECAI HOMAN Clerk John Woodhull Made return that he had a Male Slave Named Ben. that was Born on the 22nd November 1801 Enterd this 13th day of february 1816 MOEDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Timothy Miller Made return that he had a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the 8th day of June 1815 Child Name is Jane Enterd this 20th March 1816 Agreeable to the Law of this State for the Abolition of Slavery. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Elizabeth Smith Widow of Gen. John Smith Made re- turn that she had a Male Child Born of a Slave of her's on the 16th day of March 1816 Childs Name is Isaac Jayne Enterd this 6th day of November agreeable to the Law of this State for the Abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk William Smith Made return that he had a Male Child Born of a Slave of his on the 24th Day of March in the Year 1816 Childs name is Lunn Enterd this 25th day of March 1817 MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Ebenezer Jones Made return that he had a male Child Born of a Slave of his on the 20th June 1808 said Wenech being the property of Daniel Jones Enterd 4th february 1818 MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE F. Nicoll Floyd made return that he had a female Child 86 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Born of a slave of his Named Hannah on the first day of March 1814 Childs Name is Sarah Enterd According to Law for the Abolition of Slavery this 9th day of March 1815 MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Also Nicoll Floyd made return that he had a female Child Bom of a Slave of his on the 29th day of November 1814. Named Rose Childs Name is Tamer Enterd this 9th Day of March 1815 According to Law for the Abolition of Slavery MORDEGAI HOMAN Town Clerk Nathaniel Tuthill made Return that he had a Male Child Bom of a Slave of his on the 2nd day of November 1803 Childs Names is Sebra Enterd for the Abolition of Slavery pr. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk John Smith Gen. Made Return that he had a Male Child Born of a Slave of his on the 9th day of Sept. 1814 Named Samuel Jayne Enterd this 12th day of Octr 1815 MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Also John Smith Gen. Made return that he had a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the 4th day of April 1815 Named Charlotte Enterd this 12th day of Octr 1815 MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Mary Woodhull made return that she had a female Child Bom of a Slave of hers on the 8th day of September 1815 Childs Name is Tamer Enterd this 13th febuary 1816 for the Abolition of Slav- ery. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE G. Robert Hawkins Made return that he had a female Child BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 87 Boru of a Slave of his on the fifth clay of September 1811 Named Margett Cicera enterd this fourth day of May Ac- cording to Law for the Abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk William Smith made return that he had a female Child Bom of a Slave of his on the Ninth day of November 1813 Childs name is Fan. enterd this 10th day of Novem- ber 1814 for the Abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Mrs Mary Robert made return that she had a female Child Born of a Slave of hers on the 20th July 1803 Child Nam is Dinah Also Mrs Mary Robert made return that She had a fe- male Child Born of a Slave of hers on the 20th day of Octr 1806 Childs Name is Charlott. Also Mrs Mary Robert made return that she had a female Child Born of a Slave of hers on the 30th April 1808. Chils name is Margarett Also Mrs Mary Robert Made Return that she had a fe- male Child born of a Slave of hers on the 12th October 1808 Chils Name is frames Also Mrs Mary Robert made Return that she had a male Child Born of a Slave of hers on the 3rd day of May 1813 Childs Names is Pedro. Also Mrs Mary Robert made Return that she had a fe- male Child Born of a Slave of hers on the 7th day of Jan 1814 Childs Name is Isabellah Also Mrs Mary Robert made Return that she had a Male Child Born of a Slave of hers on the 12th day of October 1814 Childs Name is Arthur Enter According to Law for the Abolition of Slavery PAGE H. Theophilus Smith made return that he had a male Child Born of a Slave of his on the fifteenth day of November 88 BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. One Thousand Eight hundred and Eight Named Sampson Also a female Child Bom of a Slave of his on the twelvth day of November one thousand Eight hundred and Ten Childs name is Rose Also a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the twentieth day of October on Thousand Eight hundred and twelve Childs name is Hannah Also a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the fourth day of April one thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen Childs name is Fanny and also at the same tune the sd Theophilus Smith did Elict to Abandon the s,d Child Nam- ed Fanny entered this first day of March one thousand Eight Hun- dred and fourteen agreeable to the Statute of the State of New York for the Abolition of Slavery Enterd this first day of ) March 1814 j MORDECAI HOMAN TOAVTI Clerk Woodhul Smith made return that he had a Male Child Born of a Slave of his on the first day of March 1808 Named Ally enterd this fourth day of May 1814 agreeable to the Statute of this State for the abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Also Woodhull Smith Made return that he had a female Child Bom of a Slave of his on the first Day of December 1811 Named Experience Enterd this fourth day of May 1814 agreeable to the Statute of this state for the Abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE L ColL Nicoll floyd made return that he had a Male Child Born of a Slave of his on the third day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twelve enterd this 28th day of February 1813 agreeable to the Statute of this State for the Abolition of Slavery Child BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 89 Name is Eichard MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Brookhaven 5th April 1813 Ruth Thompson made return that she had a female Child born of a Slave of hers on the 14th June 1811 Childs name is Huldah Ann enterd this 6th day of April 1813 agreeable to the Statute of this State for the Abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk Ruth Thompson made return that she had a female Child Born of a Slave of hers on the third day of January 1813 Childs Name is Harriet Enterd this sixth day of April 1813 agreeable to the Statute of the State of New York for Abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk Elizabeth Smith made return that she had a Male Child Born of a Slave of hers on the 1st day of April 1812 Childs Name is David Bowse Entered this fifteenth day of febru- ary 1814 agreeable to Statute of the State of New York for the Abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE J. Capt. Josiah Smith made return that he had a Male Child Born of a Slave of his on the tenth Day of February 1811 Child Name is Silas Enterd this 22nd May 1811 agreeable to a Statute of the State of New York Benjamin Woodhull made return that he had a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the tenth day of April 1811 Childs Name is Thankful Enterd agreeable to the Statute of the State of New York this 13th September 1811 by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Richard Robinson made Return that he had a Male Child 90 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Born of a Slave of his on the 21st day of March in the Year one Thousand and Eight hundred and Eleven Child's Name is Oliver Enterd this 22nd June 1812 Agreeable to the Statute of the State of New York for the Abolition of Slavery by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Sarah Miller made return that she had a female Child Born of a slave of hers on the 14th day of february 1812 -Childs Name is Armina Enterd this 12th February 1813 agreeable to the Statute of the State of New York for the Abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk PAGE K Joseph Hedges made return that he had a male Child Born of a Slave of his on the Twenty Second day of Sep- tember 1809 Child.s Name is Apollas euterd this Seventh day of Dec. 1809 agreeable to the Statute of New York for the Abolition of Slavery Timothy Miller made Return that he had a male Child Born of a Slave of his on the first of December 1809 Childs name is Jeremiah Enterd this Seventeenth day of May 1810 agreeable to the Statute of the State of New York for the Abolition of Slavery Nicoll Floyd made return that he had a Women Child Born of a Slave of his on the 15th June 1810 Childs name is Tamer Also a Male Child Born of a Slave of his on the 5th March 1809 Boys name is Ben. Enterd this 4th September 1810 Agreeable to an Act of the Assembly for the Abolition of Slavery. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clrk Sarah Miller made return that she had a male Child Born of a Slave of hers on the fourteenth Day of October 1809 Childs Name is Charles Enterd this 4th Day of March 1811 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 91 agreeable to an Act of Legislature of New York MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE L. Amos Smith made return that he had a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the 12th Day of March 1803 Childs name is Cloe enterd the 6 April 1808 agreeable to a law of this State for the Abolition of Slavery- Agreeable to a Law of the State of New York for the gradual abolition of Slavery Coll. Nicoll Floyd made re- turn that he had a male Child born of a Slave of his on the 24th November 1804 Boys Names is Charles Also one other Male Child Born of a slave of his on the 22nd June 1806 Boys name is Isaac Also one female Child Born on the 9th November 1807 Giils Name is Lil Enterd this 8th Day February 1809 by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Joseph Jayne made return that he had a female Child Born of a Slave of his on the 30th day of April in the year 1805 Childs Name is Phillis enterd agreeable to an act of the Legislature Enterd this 4th April 1809 by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Nicol Floyd made Return that he had a male Child Born of a Slave of his on the fifth day of March 1809 Bys Name is Ben. Enterd this 16 May 1809 agreeable to an Act of the Legislature of New York by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 1. A Negro Girl Born of A Slave of Stephan Swezey on the third day of October 1802 Girls name is Hannah 92 BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Entered Agreeable to A Law of this state for the Gradu- al Abolition of Slavery Josiah Smith Made return that he had a Male Child Nam- ed Harry Born of A slave of his on the twenty Sixth day of July 1802 enterd agreeable to a Law of this State for the gradual abolition of Slavery Also Josiah Smith made return at the same time of A Female Child Named Mary Bom of A Slave of his on the 12th of August 1806 Enterd agreeable to A Law of this State for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery this 6th Day of May 1807 By me MORDECAI HOMAN Clk A Negro girl Bom of A Slave of Sarah Miller on the 15th Day of Sept last Viz 1806 Girl,s Name is Mary enterd agreeable to a Law of this State for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Selah Strong Made Return that he had a male Child Bom of a Slave of his on the Second day of february 1807 Childs Name is Sharper Recorded this 1st March according to the Stature Law John Payne made return that he had a male Child named Zacheus Born of a Slave of his on the 13th day of August 1807 Childs Mothers name is Fan. Recorded this 23rd March 1808 agreeable to Law for the abolition of Slavery MORDECAI HOMAN Clk PAGE 1. (SECOND). A Negro Girl, born of a Slave of Genl. John Smith on the 4 of April 1803 Gerls name is mary Entered a Greeable to a Law of this State for the Gradual Abolition of Slav- ery A negro Male Child Born of a Slave of Richard Robin- son on the 8th Day of October 1802 sd Boys Name is Silos One Other Male Child Born of a Slave of sd Richard BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 93 Robinson on the 4th Day of June 1804 Sd Boys Name is Harry - Entered According to a Law of this state of New york for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery A Negro female Child Born of a Slave of Judge Selah >Strong November the 20 1799 Sd Girls Name is Silve One Other female Child Born of a Slave of sd Judge Se- lah Strong March the 24th 1802 Sd Girls Name is Phebe One Other Male Child Born of a Slave of sd Judge Selah .Strong on the 6th of March 1804 Sd Boys Name is Oliver Entered Agreeable to a Law of the State of New york in iSuch Cases Made these may Certify, that Judge Abraham Woodhull of sd Town had a Male Child Bom of a Slave of his on the sev- enteenth Day of January Last past sd Boys Name David sd Judge Woodhull does further Certify that he shall Not abandon sd Child But shall Keep him as his Property until he Shall Arive to the age of 28 years Entered this 8th Day of August 1805 PAGE 2. A Negro Girl Named Katura Born of a Slave of Robert Hawkins Junier on the Seventeenth Day of September 1804 Entered Agreeable to a Law of this State Samuel Turner Turner Had a female Child Born of a slave of his on the 8th Day of february in the year of 1803 sd Girls Name is Margaritt . These May Certify that Coll Niccoll Floyd Had a Negro Boy Named Pomp born of a Slave of His on the 17 Day of August 1805 Recorded on the 29th of Deer 1805 agreeable to Law Mr Oliver Smith makes Return that he had a Child Born ,of a Slave of his on the 14 Day of february 1805 sd Child is a Male Child his name is Tite 94 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Capt Joseph Hedges makes Return that he had a Male Child Born of a Slave of His on the third Day of October 1803 Childs Name Is Jesse at the Same Time sd J oseph Hedges makes Return that he Had a feernale Child Born of a slave of His in his family on the 5th Day of November 1805- Woodhull Smith makes Return that he had a female Child Bom of a Slave of His on the fifteenth Day of Octo- ber 1804 Childs name is Gorier This may Certify that there was this day in my presents and By my Concent, an Indian Boy Named James & aged four Years Ten months and 26 Days oald Bound By an In- denture to James Foster of Southampton until he Arives to the Age of Twenty One Years by Sary Arch the 26 day of March 1806 JOHN ROSE Justice PAGE 3. at a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Brookhaven held this 2 Day of April 1805 it Be- ing the first Tuesday and Town Meeting Day Agreeable to a Law of the State of New york in such Cases made and Provded the following Town officers ware Chosen Viz Selah Strong Presd Meritt S Woodhull William Tooker Joseph B Roe - Trustees John Rose John Robinson David Davis Isaac Hulse Clk & Tresury John Rose Supervisor Meritt S Woodhull 1 Joseph Brewster Jur Win Tooker [ Assessors. Henry Rayner John Rose BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 95 John Wilsey j Niccol Floyd >- Commissioners of Highways Isaac Hulse ) Amos Smith Collector CONSTABLES Amos Smith James Robinson Saml. Bishop George Norton Richard Hudson Saml Homan Ebenezar Pain OVERSEERS OF ROADS Majar Jonas Hawkin Phillip Hallock Simeon Hawkins Thomas Strong Joseph Brewster Merritt S Woodhull Daniel Jones Wm. Skidmore Capt James Davis PAGE 4. Johathan Worth John Leek Justus Overton Richd Hulse Luis Gurdon Nehanl Woodruf Nethanl Smith John Mott Esqr Michh Ruland Johathan T Baker Jacob Newton John Akeiiy Benjamin Garard Elisha Hammond Briant Davis John Overton Sherif Josiah Tuthill Wm Randal Briant Norton FENCE VIEWERS & DAMAGE PRISERS Jonathan Worth Saml Bishop Peter Skidmore Terry Baker George Hallock Woodhull Smith Elenezar Smith Nathl Akerly Micah Ruland Wm Newins John Mott Nathan Mulford Laban Worth Enos Cherry James Post Jonathan Robinson. Iccebud Carter John Robinson Nethaniel Muncel John Turner Mordecai Homan. Zophar Tooker PAGE 5. 96 BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Haveing Held and Closed the Poll of the Election in the Town of Brookhaven this Second day of May in the year of one Thousand Eight Hundred and five, and Canvesed the Votes agreeable To the act, Intitled an Act for Regulateing Elections passed the Twenty fourth Day of March one one Thousand Eight Hundred and one, and Do find the Votes to be as follows, Viz for Senators Dewit Clinton fifty Eight Votes Ezra LeHumiedieu fifty Two Votes John Floyd Nineteen Votes MERITT S. WOODHULL 1 JOHN BOSE WILLIAM TOOKER Inspectors HENRY KAYNOR Haveing Held and Closed the Poll of the Election in the Town of Brookhaven this Seccond Day of May one Thous- and Eight Hundred and five and Canvesed the same Votes agreeable to the Act Entitled an act for Regulateing Elect- ions passed the Twenty fourth Day of March One Thous- and Eight Hundred and one and Do find the Votes to Be as follows for Assembly Jarrard Landon had Thirty Nine Votes David Hedges had Sixty one Votes David Warner had twenty nine Votes Israel Carll had Sixty One Votes MERITT S. WOODHULL "] JOHN ROSE T WILLIAM TOOKER f Inspectors HENRY RAYNER PAGE 6. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Com- monality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in sd. Town this 7th of May 1805 Present at sd. Meeting BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 97 Selah Strong Presdt Meritt S. Woodhull David Davis m WiUiam Tooker John Rose John Robinson at sd. Meeting sd. Trustees Voted and a Greed and hereby Enacted that No fish Shall Be Catched In the South Bay in fid. Town for the Purpose of Sending or Carrieing them out of said Town or Be Carried Out of the Town To Market By any Person Or persons, Except such persons as Are Authorised and permited to Catch sd fish and Carry them to Market on penalty of Twenty five Dollars fine, To Be paid By Every Person for Every offence also It was Voted and a Greed and hereby Enacted By sd. Trustees that No Clambs shall Be Carried Out of sd Town By any Person or persons Without first Obtaining Leave and Paying Two Cents on a Bushel as Toleration on penalty of Paying Twenty five Dollars fine On Every Person or Persons for Every Offence L s SELAH STRONG Presdt. PAGE 7. We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brookhaven Being Called To View a Road or Highway near Setauket at a place Called Comsewague Leading from the Oald mans Path By the Corner of Phillips Roes Lot to Daniel Jone's Bars we do Allow the Owners of the Land to Keep one Gate on said Road at the Oald mans Path, and from thence we do hereby Allow the Road as it Runs from Daniel Jonese,s Bars Southerly Between Daniel Jones Land and Benjamin Jones In part and William Jaynes and Dan- iel Jones,s In part until it Comes to the Long Lots we do Allow to Be Shut up Given under our Hands this 4th of June 1805 98 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ISAAC HULSE ) Commissioners JOHN WILLSE ) of Highways At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held at the House of Goldsmith Davis this 4th Day of June 1805 Present at sd Meeting Selah Strong Presdt. Meritt S. Woodhull John Rose Joseph B Roe [ Trustees David Davis Wm Tooker John Robinson Upon Aplication of Abraham Woodhull Esquire of sd Town To sd Trustees To Manumate a Negro Woman slave Named Juleauer and the said Negro woman Slave Named Elianer appearing To sd Trustees To Be Healthy and of sumciant Ability to support Her Self, , of the John Robinson Joseph B Roe at sd. Meeting Aplication was made To sd Trustees By Samuel Homan in Behalf of John Homan senr to Manumate and set free A Certain Negro woman Now a Slave To sd BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 99 John Homan Named Phelis and Agreeable To a Law of the state of New york Passed the 8th day of April 1801 sd Trustees & overseers of the Poor Haveing Examined sd. slave and finding Her To Be under fifty Years of Age and of Sufficient Ability To Maintain Herself Do Hereby Man- umate and set Her free Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk at sd Meeting Application was Made To sd. Trustees By William Tooker To Manumate and set free a Certain Negro man a Slave To sd Wm Tooker Named Primous and agreeable To a Law of the state of New York Passed the 8th Day of April 1801 sd Trustees & overseers of the Poor Haveing Examined sd Slave and finding Him To Be under fifty years of Age and of sufficient Ability to Maintain Him- self Do Hereby Manumate and set him free Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk PAGE 9. at a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in sd. Town this 5th Day of November 1805 Present at sd Meeting Selah Strong Presdt. ] Meritt S Woodhull David Davis John Rose j- Trustees John Robinson William Tooker Joseph B Roe at sd Meeting Application Was Made To sd Trustees By Benjamin Petty Esqr fr Liberty to Dock out Into the south Bay from the Bottom of the Neck where he Now Lives at Moriches in sd Town and after hereing sd Aplication or petition sd. Trustees Granted Liberty to sd. Benjamin Petty Esqr To Dock out into the Bay from the Bottom of his sd Neck of Land 100 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. We the Subscribers are Willing that Thomas S Strong Shou,d Be permited to Hang and Erect an Easy Swinging Gate a Cross the Road that Leads from Ebenezar Pains To the said Thomas S. Strongs, To be Hung at the North End of the Watering place To the Northward of sd pain, and also the said Thomas S. Strong to Be permited Hang an Easy Swinging Gate a Crost the Road that Leads from John Wilceys to sd Thomas S. Strongs to Be Placed East of the Road that Turns to the Left as you Go west to William Swezys Provided that the sd Thomas S. Strong Keeps the Grates in Good Repair at his own Expence, and further we do not think that the sd PAGE 10. Gates will be any Inconvenance to the publulick as the said Roads are Used But Very Little By the Publick Brook- haven February the 19th 1806 EBENZAR PAYN JOSEPH MILLAR NETHANIEL DAVIS TIMOTHY MILLAR JAMES DAVIS ELISHA PETTY PHILIPS BROWN PHILIPS ROE DANIEL DAVIS JNO. TAYLOR SPICER DAVIS BERIAH PETTY DANIEL BAILES WILLIAM SWEZEY BENJN. CLARK THOS BELL DAVID ROBINS ISAAC SATTERLY ELISHA DAVIS RICHARD DAVIS JOSEPH DAVIS KENHY TOOKER WELLS DAVIS DANIEL DAVIS SAML. HOPKINS JESSE DAVIS THOMAS BAYLES ISRAEL DAVES WILLIAM GARRARD JOSEPH GARARD ELISHA BAYLES (>EO NORTON SENR JOHN DAVIS Agreeable To the petition of Thomas S. Strong Esq Ac- companyed with the foregoing Names Requesting the Com- missioners of the Town of Brookhaven to allow him sd. Thomas S- Strong Esq To Hang Good Easy Swinging BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 101 Gates at the places mentioned in sd petition We the Com- missioners of Highways for sd Town Haveing Examined sd premises and petition and Do Allow sd Gates to Be Hung at the following places Viz one at the North End of the watering place By Ebenezar Payns One other a Cross the Road that Leads from John Wilceys To Thomas S. Strongs to be Placed East of the Road that Turns to the Left as you Go West To William Swezeys sd Thomas 8. Strong to Keep gd Gates In Good Repair at his Own Ex- pence Done By us this 17th Day of March 1806 ISAAC HULSE ) Commissioners JOHN WILCEY f of Highways Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk PAGE 11. At a Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Brookhaven, Held this first Day of April 1806 Being first Tuesday and Town Meeting Day Agreeable To a Law of the State of New york in such Cases Made and Provided The following Town Officers Were Chosen By a Majority of Votes Viz Selah Strong Presdt "] Meritt S WoodhuU Wm. Tooker Caleb M. Hulse }- Trustees John Rose Josiah Smith Moriches Isaac Homan J Isaac Hulse Clerk & Treasurer John Rose Supervisor Amos Smith Collector Meritt S. WoodhuU ~] Joseph Brewster Esqr Wm. Tooker [ Assessors Josiah Smith John Rose J 102 BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. John Wilcey j Win Smith Moriches. > Commissioners of Highways Joseph B Roe ) CONSTABLES Anios Smith Saml, Bishop Richard Swezey Wm Howell James Robinson David Overton Junr Saml. Homan Henry Dayton PAGE 12. Stephan Edwards Simeon Hawkins Jonas Hawkins John Taylor Nethanl Davis oald mans Nethanl Davis, Merchant Phillip Hallock Wm. Skidmore Jonathan Worth Wm. Randal Gilbert Homan Stephan Swezy Jacob Corwin B. Smith Isaac Homan Isaac Rayner Asel Robinson Barnabas Wines John Barker Ebenezar Hart Briant Davis Stephan Reves Stephan Robinson Micah Ruladd John Mott Danl Tooker Wm Tooker John Roseman John Overton sheriff Humphry Avery Danl Roe. Esqr Elisha Hammond the above Named is Overseers of Highways for this year FENCE VIEWERS Israel Hawkins Jonas Davis " -Nethaniel Akerly Ebenezar Bayles Jonathan Worth Peter Skidmore Capt David Davis Danl Swezy Danl Davis Wells Davis Robert Elison Richard Corwin John Mott Joseph Hedges Micah Ruland Wm, Newins John Bishop Laban Worth Zacharier Sanford Saml. Terry Capt. John Robinson James Stanbrow Saml. Bishop BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 103 Voted that there Shall Be a bounty of 50 Cents for Each fox that Shall be Ketched voted that thare shall Be No Clambs Catched in the Town By fourigners. PAGE 12. (SECOND). Suffolk County ss Statement of Votes taken at the Annavarsary Election for senators Which Commenced on the Last Tuesday of April one Thousand Eight Hundred and six Senators Benjamin Coe one Hundred & fifteen ) y , Jonathan Ward one Hundred & fifteen [ Samuel Jones forty Seven "I y , James Moris Forty Six j We Certify the above to Be a True statement and Esti- mate of the Votes Taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election May first one Thousand Eight Hundred and six MERITT S. WOODHULL "] ISAAC HULSE WILLIAM TOOKER JOHN ROSE Suffolk County ss Statement or Votes taken at the Anniversary Election for Congressmen Which Commenced on the Last Tuesday of April one Thousand Eight Hundred and six Congressmen Samuel Riker one Hundred & Thirty Two Votes Eliphalet Wicks One Vote We certify the above to be a True Statement & Estimate of the votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the afore- said Election May first 1806 MERITT S. WOODHULL "1 WILLIAM TOOKER I Tv, snectorB JOHN ROSE as P e ' ISAAC HULSE 104 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 13. Suffolk County ss Statement of Votes Taken at the Annaversary Election for Members of Assembly Which Commenced on the Last Tuesday of April one Thousand Eight Hundred & six viz David Hedges one Hundred and Thirty Two j Israel Carll one Hundred and Thirty Two > Votes David Warner one Hundred and Thirty Two ) James Reve one } B B Blindingburgh one v Vote Richard Udall one ) We Certify the above to be a True statement and Esti- mate of the Votes Taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the afore sd Election may first 1806 MERTTT S. WOODHULL ISAAC HULSE December the fourteenth Day Eighteen Hundred and five this Day Keeder Bui- and Margarett Bur his Wife Bound their son Shadrick Bur Now of the Age of Eight Years seven months and thirteen Days to Gabraell Mills before me MERITT S WOODHULL Justice December the fourteenth Day Eighteen Hundred and five This Day Keeder Bur and Margarett Bui- his Wife Bound their son James Bur Now of the Age of six years Eleven months and Two Days To Gabrell Mills before me MERITT S. WOODHULL Justice PAGE 14. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Com- monality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in said Town. this third Day of June 1806 Present at said Meeting Selah Strong Presdt. Meritt S. Woodhull. vBROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. 105 Caleb M. Hulse Win. Tooker }- Trustees John Rose Josiah Smith | Isaac Homan At sd. Meeting John Howard Esquire made Application to sd Trustees to manumate and set free a Certain Male Slave By the name of Pompe the property of the Estate of David Howell Late of Brookhaven Deceast. said Trustees Haveing satisfactory Evidence that sd Pompe is under fifty years of Age, and of Sufficiant ability to provide for and Maintain Himself We do hereby Manumate and set sd Negro man Pompe a Greeable To a Law of the State of New york Passed the 8 Day of April 1801 Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk. PAGE 15. At a Meeting the Trustees of the freeholders and Com- monality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in said Town this third Day of June 1806 Presant at said Meeting Selah Strong Presdt. Meritt S. Woodhull Caleb M. Hulse Wm. Tooker Trustees John Rose Josiah Smith Isaac Homan at said Meeting it was Represented to said Trustees that there Hath Been Great Destruction Made to the young Oysters By Reason of the Inhabitants Catching and Take- ing up Young Oysters and Shells With Them in the South Bay in Partnership With said Town & the Heirs of Major Wm. Smith Now therefore for the Preventing of such De- struction, to said young Oysters Being Done hereafter said Trustees Hath Voted and Agreed and hereby Enacted By the athority a fore said that If any Person or Persons shaU 106 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Catch or Take up any Oysters or Shells from the Beds on Which they Lay with in said Bay Every Person Or Persons Shall forfit and Pay Twenty Dollars for Every offence To be sued for and Recovered In the Name of the Trustees for the Use of the Town Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk SELAH STRONG Presdt L s PAGE 16. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in Said Town this third Day of June 1806 Present at said meet- ing Selah Strong Presdt. "} Merritt S. Woodhull | Caleb M. Hulse John Rose [ Trustees Wm. Tooker Josiah Smith Isaac Homan at said meeting sd Trustees Voted and Agreed and Here- by Enacted By the a thority a foresaid that If any Person Or persons Shall Catch any Clambs or Horsefish in any of the Bays or Harborus Within the Limits of the said Town for the Purpose of Carrying them Out of the Town, Or Car- ry them Out of the said Town To Market Being Catched or Taken in Either of the Bays or Harbours Within the Limits or Bounds of sd Town Every Person or Persons shall for- fit and Pay Twenty Dollars for Every Such offence, to Be Sued for and Recovered In the Name of the Trustees for the use of sd Town allways Excepting such Persons as Shall Obtain Leave of sd Trustees or their Agent To Carry Clambs Out of said Town, and Pay to said Trustees or their Agent three Cents for Each and Every Bushel of Clambs Intended To be Carried Out of said Town, But Not to Cany Horsefish Out of sd. Town under any Pretence BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 107 Whatsoever Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk SELAH STRONG Presdt L s at the Above said Meeting sd Trustees Voted and Agreed and Hereby Enacted that If any Person or Persons shall Kill any Brant or Other Wild in the south Bay in Partner- ship With said Town and the Heirs of Major Wm. Smith or In Partnership with sd Town and Genl. John Smith for the Purpose of Carrieing them out PAGE 17. of the Town or Carry them out of the Town to market Every person shall forfit and Pay the Sum of Twenty Dol- lars for Every such offence to Be Sued for and Recovered in the Name of the Trustees Excepting Such Persons as Has Hired the Previledge of Guning in said Bays and their Assosiates Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk SELAH STRONG Presdt. L s At the Aforesaid Meeting on the Day aforesaid s,d Trus- tees Voted and Agreed and Hereby Enacted that No Hog or Shoat Sucking Piggs Qnely Excepted shall Bun on any of the Commons in sd Town or on any Persons Enclosed Lands Except the Enclosed Lands of the Owner or Own- ers of such Hogg or Hogs or Shoats on the Penalty or forfiture of Seventy five Cents for Each Hog or shoat that is found on the Commons or On any Persons Enclosed Land Except the Enclosed Lands of the Owner of such Hog or shoat, Excepting such Hog or Hogs Shall Be Ring- ed in the Nose with Good and Sufficient Rings Said for- fiture to Be Recovered By any Person who will sue for the same Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk ._._. SELAH STRONG Presdt { L.S }- 108 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 18. Brookhaven June the 9th 1806. We the Under Signed Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and state of New york do agreeable To Apertition of a Large Num- ber of freeholders and Inhabitants of sd Town Make the following Alteration in the Road that Runs on the East Side of Coneticut River from Christophar Swezeys Mills South ward Between the House of Christophar Hurtons and the House of Isaac Homan viz Turning Out of the Oald Tract against sd Hurtons Barn to the Eastward on the south side of the Woodland and So Continueing along the Southerly side of said Woods and a Crost the Corner of the Lot so as to Come Out in to the sd Oald Road a Little West Ward of sd Homans shop three Rods wide, and the sd Oald Road from where sd Alteration Takes place to where it Comes Into the same we the sd Commis- sioners to Allow to Be shut up Given under our Hands the Day and year first above Written WM. SMITH ) Commissioners JOSEPH B. ROE j of Highways These may Certify that Genl. John Smith of sd Town had a Male Child Born of a Slave of His Named Horrace on the first Day of Deer 1805 Also sd Genl. Smith Had another Male Child Born of a Slave of His Named Paris on the 12 Day of June 1806 Entered Agreeable to a Law of this state Pased the 4 Day of April 1801 for the Gradual Abolition of slavery PAGE 19. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held In sd. Town this 5th Day of August 1806 Present at sd. Meeting BKOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 109 Selah Strong Presdt Caleb M Hulse Meritt S. Woodhull Win. Tooker >- Trustees. John Eose Isaac Homan Josiah Smith Whereas said Trustees Passed a Law on the third day of June Last for the preventing any Oysters Or Shells Be- ing Gatched in the South Bay in Partnership with the Town and Wm. Smith and at the above said Meeting a Greeable to the Request and partition of a Number of the Inhabi- tants of sd Town sd Trustees at their above said meeting Have Passed a Law Repealing so much of the first Men- tioned Law as to Grant Liberty to the Inhabitants of sd Town To Take shells and Oysters in that part of sd Bay that Lieth East ward of a south Line from a Creek on the East side of Pine Neck Called Muddy Creek Extending sd Line to the south Beach SELAH STRONG Presdt PAGE 20. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven Held in said Town this 2 Day of September 1806 Present at sd Meeting Selah Strong Presdt Meritt S. Woodhull Caleb M. Hulse m T i, T> r rruates John Rose Wm. Tooker Isaac Homan at s,d Meeting the said Trustees Voted and Agreed that there Should Be One Thousand Dollars Raised in said Town By a Rate on the Inhabitants of said Town for the Support of the Poor and the Town Expences Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and 110 BROOKHAVEN TOWN KECOBDS. Commonality of the Town of Brook haven Held in sd Town this 6 Day of January in the year of 1807 Present at said Meeting Selah Strong Presdt Meritt S. Woodhull Caleb M. Hulse }- Trustees John Rose Wm Tooker Isaac Homan at said Meeting said Trustees Voted and a Greed that Nethaniel Woodruff should Have Liberty to Build a wharf or Dock Out into the south Bay against his Own Land which he Now Possesses PAGE 21. so as to Extend Out in to said Bay Six Rods and the said Trustees doth hereby Confirm unto said Nethaniel Wood- ruff the Right To Build said Wharf and to Occupy the same as his Own Property Attest ISAAC HULSE Town Clk This may Certify that there is this day Bound by Ephraim and Phillis Black People by an Indenture to Cephas Foster Isaac their Son aged three years old the fifth day of January Instant to serve until he is twenty one Years old done hi the presence and by the consent of me this 19 Day of January- 1807 JOHN ROSE Justice PAGE 22. At a Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Brook Haven Held in said Town this 7th Day of April 1807 it Being Town Meeting Day Agreeable to a Law of this state the following Town Oflicers was Unan- imously Chosen Viz Selah Strong Presdt Meritt S. Woodhull William Tooker Daniel Roe Trustees BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Ill John Rose Esqr William Smith Capt. David Davis Mordecai Homan Town Clerk & Treasurer John Rose Esqr Supervisor Amos Smith Collector William Jayne ] Meritt S. WoodhuU I WiUiam Tooker {-Assessors John Rose Esqr Josiah Smith John Rose Esqr j Meritt S Woodhull V Commissioners of 1 Highways William Jayne ) PAGE 23. CONSTABLES Amos Smith William Howell Elisha Davis Sarnl. Bishop James Robinson Sainl. Davis Junior Saml Homan Israel Smith OVERSEER OF HIGHWAYS. Zecheriah Hawkins Richard Hulse Joseph Miller WiUiam Howell Phillip Hallock Barnabas Smith Peter Skidmore Humphrey Avery Jonathan Worth Isaac Mills Capt. James Davis Jehiel Woodruff Ichabod Carter David Davis Azael Robinson Saml Hammond Henry Rayner Isaac Smith Ebenezer Hartt John Hulse Willm. Smith WiUiam Tooker Michal Ruland Jesse Overton Jonas Hawkins Capt Benjamin Jones Morris Javne Benjamin Smith Capt David Davis FENCE VEIWERS & DAMAGE PRIZERS Nathl. Akerly PhiUp HaUock Ebenezer Bayless Hendrick Hallock 112 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. John Van brunt Jonathan Worth Jesse Roe James Woodhull Jesse Davis Justus Overton Capt James Davis Barnabas "Wines PAGE 24. Nathan Post James Post Stephen Robinson William Smith Joseph Hedges Titus Goold Barnabas Smith Jeremiah Whelor Ketcharn Terry Daniel Tooker William Newins Bryant Norton Jehiel Woodruff John Bishop Benjamin Hutchinson Robert Hawkins Junr Saml. Bishop Humphrey Avery Suffolk County ss. Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election for Governor Lieut. Governor & Senator which Commenc- ed on the Last Tuesday of April one thousand Eight Hun- dred and Seven Governor Daniel D. Tompkins one Hundred and Ninty four ) y , Morgan Lewis one Hundred and Six j Lieut Governor John Broom one Hundred and Ninety Seven ] Thomas Storn one Hundred and two > Votes Thomas Lewis one ) Senators Dewitt Clinton one Hundred and Eighty Nine ! y 4- . Samuel Jones one Hundred and three ( We Certify the above to be a true Statement and esti- mate of the Votes taken in the town of Brookhaven at the nfores,d Election May the first one thousand Eight Hun- dred and Seven MERIT S. WOODHULL JOHN ROSE ) T WILLIAM JAYN WILLIAM TOOKER f 1 PAGE 25. Suffolk County ss, Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 113 for Members of Assembly which commenced on the last Tuesday of April one thousand Eight Hundrd and Seven Assembly. Jonathan Dayton One Hundred and Sixty four. Israel Carle One Hundred and Sixty five Daniel T. Terry Ninety three Votes Thomas S. Lester Seventy one- David Warner one David Hedges one We Certify the above to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election May the first one thousand Eight Hun- dred and Seven MERIT S. WOODHULL "j JOHN ROSE nr Y Inspectors WILLIAM JAYNE WILLIAM TOOKER PAGE 26. At a meeting of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held this 5th Day of May 1807 Pres- ent at s,d Meeting Selah Strong Presdt Merit S. Woodhull Daniel Roe m TA -J T\ - Irustees David Davis Wm Tooker John Rose * At sd Meeting the Priviledge of Fowling in the South Bay Belonging between the Town and the Heirs of Major Wm Smith Deceas,d was hired out to Hampton Howell for fifty Dollars for one Year from this date With the Privi- ledge of Vending them wheresoever they Can find a Market but not to debar the Inhabitant of s,d Town from Gunning except on their own Bars *Also the Priviledge of fishing in s,d Bay in Partnership with s,d Town and s,d Wm. Smith Was let out upon Shares to Capt. Josiah Smith and Hampton Howell 114 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. who is to pay unto the .Trustees one tenth part of all the fish they Catch in s,d Limits but not to hinder the In- habitants of s,d Town from fishing Also at s,d Meeting it was agreed By s,d Trustees that the Law respecting Oysters and Clambs and Horsefish Passed the third day of June 1806 is hereby confirmed or revised by s,d Trustees until a further Vote of s,d Trustees Enterd by me By order of s,d Trustees MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 27. Brookhaven 2nd June 1807 this May Certify that on the Second day of June on thousand Eight Hundred and Seven Noah Hallock of S,d Town Made application to the Trustees to Set free A Ne- gro Male Slave of his by the Name of Tim and s,d Trustees having Satisfactory evidence the s,d Tim is under the age of fifty Years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain himself we the s,d Trustees do hereby Manumate and Set free s,d Negro Man Tim agreeable to a Law of the State of New York Passed the 8th Day of April 1801- Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk this May Certify that on the Second day of June one thousand eight Hundred and seven Wm Helme of s,d Town Made application to the Trustees of s,d Town to Manumate and set free A Woman Slave of his by the Name of Viner and s,d Trustees having Satisfactory evidence that s,d Viner is under the age of fifty Years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain herself we the s,d Trustees do hereby Manumate and set free s,d Negro Woman Viner agreeable to a Law of the State of New York Passed the 8th Day of April 1801- Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk *NOTE. The two items above were found crossed and a note on the margin as follows: "Entered in cash book." Com. BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 115 PAGE 28. Brookhaven 18th June 1807 We the Commissioners of high Ways of the Town of Brookhaven being Called upon by William Still Samuel Hammond and others to lay out a Road from Chrystle Brook hollow Road to a Road Calld Benjamins Road there- fore We the s,d Commissioners having Viewed the premises and Supposing it Nessasary have laid out a Public high Way three Rods wide beginning at the Road Calld Chrys- tle Brook hollow Road Near the North East Corner of William Stills Lot Runniug^orth Westerly to a Road Call,d Benjamins Road and We the s,d Commissioners do order the same to be enterd on the town Record as Witness our hands MEBITT S. WOODHULL) Commissioners WILLIAM JAYNE V of JOHN ROSE ) highways Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 29. At A meeting of the Trustees of the Commonalty and freeholders of the Town of Brookhaven held this 7th July 1807 present at sd Meeting Selah Strong President ] Meritt S. WoodhuU Daniel Roe j* Trustees David Davis John Rose At S,d Meeting the Trustees agreed to Join John Wilsey in Building a Dock at the head of Drown Meadow Bay on the Towns priviledge Jointly in partnership and appointed Judge Strong Merritt S. Woodhull and Daniel Roe as A Committee to View the premises At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in s,d Town this 1st of Septr 1807 Present at s,d Meeting 116 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Selah Strong President Merrit 8. Woodliul "] Daniel Roe Wm. Tooker [-Trustees Wm. Smith John Rose J At s,d Meeting s,d Trustees Voted and agreed that there should be one thousand Dollars Raised in said Town by a Tax or Rate on the Inhabitance of s,d Town for the support of the poor and Town Expences Attest MORDECAT HOMAN Town Clerk. PAGE 80. Brookhaven 1st Septr 1807- This may Certify that on the first day of September AD 1807 the Trustees of s,d Town Sold a House and piece of land belonging to s,d Town lying in Setauket on the Road that leads to Morris Jayns from Isaac Satterlys Mill dam s,d premise Was sold to Wm. Hulse for Two Hundred and Forty five Dollars attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Brookhaven 2nd Feb 1808 at a Meeting of the Trustees for the Time being held on s,d day it was desired by s,d Wm Hulse above Written that the Deed given to him for the above s,d premises should be Changed to Stephen Hulse and Jesse Hulse the Tins- tees therefore at the Request of sd Parties took the Deed given to Win Hulse back again and gave a Deed for the same premises to sd Stephen and Jesse HuLse attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk PAGE 31. Brookhaven 13 Jan 1808 We the Commissioners of high Ways being Called by Robert and Charles Ellison and others to stop up the Road Laid out on the West side of the Beaver Dam River hav- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 117 ing Viewed s,d Road do Judge it to be intirely useless and unnessary to accommodate the Public have Stoped it up from the head of the Beaver Dam River or Swamp on the Wast side of s,d River to the Lower going Over and have Laid out a Road from the head of the ottor Swamp Northeast- erly as it now Runs Crossing the Beaver Dam River at a place Called the uper going Over sd Road to be four Rods Wide the old Road Stopped up and the New one Laid out by us this thirteenth Day of January AD 1808 WILLIAM JAYNE ) T, ' Commissioners JOHN ROSE \ Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 32. Suffolk i County f S Personally appeared before me Meritt S. Woodhull one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the s,d County Robert Hawkins Sinior and upon his Oath doth Say that a Certain Branch or Creek putting out of Con- necticvit River on the West Side at a hill of upland and running Northwesterly is Called Oosence and is and has al- ways Been considered the Northwestermost Bounds of Yaphank Sworn before me } His MERITT S. WOODHULL > ROBERT X HAWKINS Justice ) Mark 22nd. February 1808 enterd by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk OYSTER ACT At a Meeting of the Trustees of the free- holders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held at the House of Goldsmith Davis Inn Keeper in s,d Town on Tuesday the first day of March in the Year of our LORD one thousand Eight Hundred and Eight present at s,d Meeting Selah Strong President. 118 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Merrit S. Woodhull ] Daniel Roe John Rose I rr. . William Tooker David Davis WiUiam Smith PAGE 33. Whereas it hath been represented to the s,d Trustees by a number of the Inhabitance of s,d Town that there is great Quantities of young Oysters growing in South Bay within the limits and Bounds of s,d Town that is in partnership with s,d Town and the Heirs of William Smith Deceas,d and if they could be preserved and not taken or Oatched during the continuance of the following Act, or order it would not only be very beneficial to a number of Individ- uals but to the Inhabitance of s,d Town in general, there- fore in order to preserve the s,d Oysters in s,d Bay it was Voted and agreed on at s,d Meeting that no Oysters nor shells of Oysters shall be taken or Catched out of s,d Bay as aforesaid by any Person or Persons after the fourth day March Instant on penalty of forfeiting to the s,d Trustees or their order the sum of Twenty Dollars for each and every offence to be applied to the use of s,d Town to be Sueed for and recovered as any other Debt before any -Tus- tice"of the Peace of s,d Town. And also at s,d Meeting it was Voted and agreed that if any Oysters or Shells of Oysters shall be found on Board of any Boat or small Craft belonging to any Person or Persons within the Bounds and limits as aforesaid or if any Person or persons shall aid or assist in conveying or shall Carry any oysters or Shell of Oysters out of s,d Town or who shall have any Oysters or shells of Oysters found in his or their possession taken or Catched after the passing of this Act it shall be deemed sufficient proof to convict him or them of the of- fence aforesaid Provided such owner as aforesaid shall not BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 119 make it appear that s,d Oysters or shell of Oysters were put on Board of s,d Boat or small Craft or in his or their pos- session by some evil dispos,d person for the purpose of fraud PAGE 34 and also at s,d Meeting it was further Voted and agreed notwithstanding the aforesaid act that where any Person or family shall be Visited with severe sickness or other in- disposition and the afflicted peson or family shall be desir- ous of some Oysters that in Such Case any person or persons applying to the Trustees or their order shall have a permit for such Quantity as may be deemed suffi- cient for the purpose aforesaid such permit specifying the Quantity to be taken and the s,d Oysters to be left with such person for inspection as the trustees shall appoint, this Act to continue in force until Repealed by the s,d Trustees or their successors. all former Acts or orders of s,d Trustees Rsspecting Oysters and shells of Oysters are hereby Repealed N. B. it was also Voted and agreed that Warden Tobey at Blue point and William Baker at Patchogue be appoint- ed to give permits agreeable to the aforesaid acts in Case of sickness. SELAH STRONG President [L s] Attest, MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 35 BLANK. PAGE 36. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitance of the Town of Brookhaven held in s,d Town this fifth day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hun- dred and Eight it Being Town Meeting Day agreeable to a Law of this State the following Town Officers were unani- mously Chosen 120 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Viz Trustees Wm Jayne President Thomas Strong Daniel Saxton Benjamin Hallock Ebeneser Hartt John Rose Barnabas Smith Mordecai Homan Town Clerk and Treasurer John Rose Sepirvisor Amos Smith Collector Wm Jayne Merritt S. Woodhull John Rose William Beale Josiah Smith John Rose Esq. Merritt S. WoodhuU John Wilsey Assessors Commissioner of high Ways PAGE 37. Amos Smith Daniel Brown Ebeueser Payn Sylvanus Overton James Robinson Israel Smith Nathan Post Samuel Homan Samuel Bishop Jonas Hawkins Major Jacob Hawkins John Vanbrunt.. Samuel Davis George Norton Nathaniel Davis Constables Charles Garrard John Bishop Wm Swezey Briant Norton Brewster Terry Jeremiah Wheeler Nathaniel Davis Millersplaee Jeremiah Sqires Phillip Hallock John Bishop Moriches Daniel Brown Wm Smith John Robinson Joseph Hedges BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 121 Capt. Worth Jonathan David Leek Joseph Raynor Esqr. Horten Justus Overtoil Micah Ruland Azel Robinson Ebeneser Hawkins Gilbert Homan Ebeneser Bailey Thomas Aldrich Isaac Brewster Stephen Swezey David Case Benjamin Hallock Josiah Tuthill PAGE 38. FENCE VIEWERS Ebenezer Hawkins Isaac Hammond Ebenezer Bailey John Vanbrunt John Davis Josept Jayne Daniel Davis Zechriah Sanford Nathaniel Davis Benjamin Petty Merrit S Woodhull Mordecai Homatf^ Jonathan Worth Charles Ellison 01 * John Robinson Mical Ruland Jeremiah Wines Samuel Bishop Ebenezer Wines Moses Wick Henry Dayton Win Arthur Jur / John Turner- Barnabas Smith Robert Hawkins Josept Hedges John Bishop Nathan Mulford Wm Swezey Esq Hortou PAGE 39. Suffolk County ss Statement of Votes taken at the annaversary Election for Senators which Commenced on the last Tuesday of April one thousand Eight Hundred and Eight Senators Samuel Jones one hundred and fourteen "] James Morris one hundred and f ourteen I v f William W. Gilbert one hundred and forty eight, Benjamin Coe, one hundred and fifty We Certify the above to be a true statement of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election April 29th 1808 122 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. MERHITT S. WOODHULL } JOHN ROSE T -JOSIAH SMITH f Inspectors WILLIAM JAYNE Suffolk \ County i Statement of Votes taken at the Anna- versary Election for Representatives in Congress which Commenced the last Tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Eight Representatives in Congress Ebeiieser Sage Twenty six ~\ Benjamin B. Blydenburgh one hundred and [ y , Twenty two John W. Seamou one Hundred and fifty We Certify the above to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election 29 April 1808 MERRITT S. WOODHULL WILLIAM JAYNE PAGE 40. Suffolk County ss Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election for Assembly which commenced the last Tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Eight Assembly Thomas S. Lester one hundred and Sevent two " Abraham Rose one hundred and forty Mills Phillips one Hundred and Eighty Capt. Nethiel Smith one Hundred and seventeen Votes Daniel Terry Ten. David Hedges thirty five John Woodhull one j We Certify the above Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this 29th April 1808 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN BECORD8. 123 MEBRITT S. WOODHULL] JOHN ROSE JOSUAH SMITH f Inspectors WILLIAM JAYNE PAGE 41. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in s,d Town this third day of May one thousand Eight Hundred and Eight Present at S,d Meeting William Jayne President Thomas Strong Daniel Saxton Benjamin Hallock Ebenezer Hartt John Rose Barnabas Smith Trustees At s,d Meeting it was Voted and agreed on by s,d Trust- tees and hereby Enacted by the authority of the Same that if any Person or Persons Shall Catch any fish in any of the Bays or harbours belonging to s,d Town or if any Person or Persons shall Carry any fish out of s,d Town every person or persons so offending shall pay to the Trustees aforesaid the sum of -Twenty Dollars for each and every Offence to be sued for by s,d Trustees or their orde r in any Court having Cognizance thereof to be applied to the use of s,d Town Also at s,d meeting s,d Trustees Voted and agreed and hereby Enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Ac t Respecting Oysters and shells of Oysters passed the first day of March 1808 should be Revised until a further order of s,d Trustees except that Certain Clause in s,d Act that was to grant permits in Certain cases which is hereby pro- hibited Viz. there is no permits to be given in any Case whatever PAGE 42. Also at s,d Meeting s,d Trustees Voted and agreed and hereby Enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Act Concerning Clambs and horsfish passed the third day of June 1806 should be Revised and the foregoing Acts are 124 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. hereby Revised and to Continue in force until Repealed or a further order from s,d Trustees or their Successors WILLIAM JAYNE President L s attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brook havea held this (>th Day of Sept. 1808 Present at sd Meeting Win. Jayne President Daniel Saxton ") Thomas S. Strong j Barnabas Smith I T , John Rose f J Ebenezer hart Benjamin Hallock At s,d Meeting s,d Trustees Voted and agreed that there should be Eight hundred dollars Raised in s,d Town for the use of the Poor and other expenses thereof MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 43. This May Certify that on the sixth day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Eight Selah Strong Made application to the Trustees of S,d Town to Manuinate and Set free a Woman Slave of his Named Seylvia and s,d Negro Woman appearing to s,d Trustees to be under the age of fifty Years and of Suffi- cient ability to provide for and Maintain herself We the s,d Trustees do therefore Manuinate and Set free s,d Slave ac- cording to a Law of the State of New York passed the 8th Day of April 1801- Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk This may Certify that on the Sixth day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Eight Joseph Homan made application to the Trustees of s,d Town to Manumate and set free a Negro Slave of his Named Jude and s,d Negro Woman appearing to s,d Trus- BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 125 F /tees to l)e under the age of fifty Years and of Sufficient I ability to provide for and maintain herself we the s,d Trus- I tees do therefore Mauumate and set free s,d Negro Woman Jude agreeable to a Law of the State of New York passed | the 8th. day of April 1801- Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk PAGE 44. Brookhaven the 6th September 1808 We the Commissioners of highways for the town of Brookhaven being Call'd by John Munsell William Hawk- ins Junr. and others to stop up a Road begining at the south Country Road to the East of John Munsels House Riming North to the Middle of the Island and to Lay it out in the Line betwieen Win. Hawkins Junr. John Munsll and Isaac Overton Esqr. we the s,d Commissioners having Viewed the premises do think it necessary and Convenient for the Public and have ordered it Recorded Accordingly given under our hands this day and date above Written MERRITT S. WOODHULL ) n JOHN ROSE Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk PAGE 45. This may certify that on the first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and eight Mariam Brown made application to the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven to manumate and set free a Women Slave of hers Named Jude and s,d Trustees being Satisfied that s,d Jude is under the age of fifty Years and of Sufficient ability to support and maintain herself We the s,d Trustees do therefore manumate and set free s,d Jude agreeable to a Law of the State of New york made and provided in such cases Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and 126 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held this first Day of Nov. 1808 Present at s,d Meeting Wm. Jayne Pres- ident John Rose Ebenezer Hartt Thomas Strong Daniel Saxton Barnabas Smith Trustees at s,d Meeting s,d Trustees Voted and agreed that they would not prosecute any Inhabitant or Persons of the Town of Brookhaven for Catching Oysters in the South Bay that is in partnership with s,d Town and the Heirs of Major William Smith Deceas,d providing s,d person or persons do not carry any of s,d Oysters out of s,d Town or dispose of any of s,d Oysters to any foreigner or person for the purpose of. Car- rying S,d Oysters out of s,d Town PAGE 46. Also at s,d Meeting it was Voted and agreed and hereby Enacted by the authority of the Same that if any Person or Persons do kill any Brant or other Wild foul in the South Bay that is in partnership with s,d Town and the Heirs of Wm. Smith Deceas,d or that is in partnership with s,d Town and Gen. John Smith or shall cany them out of s,d Town every Person so offending shall forfeit and pay to the Trustees aforesaid or their order the Sum of Twenty Dollars for each and every offence to be sued for and recovered by s,d Trustees or their order before any Court having Cognizance thereof to be applied to the uwe of s,d Town Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk PAGE 47. At a Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitauce of the Town of Brookhaven held at the House of Goldsmith Da- vis, s Inn keeper in Coram on Tuesday the fourth day of April 1809 it Being Town Meeting Day agreeable to a Law of the State of New York and the following Town officers were unanumously Chosen Viz Caleb M. Hulse President BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 127 Isaac Davis Stoney- Brook William Helme Isaac Overtoil Esq. Daniel Tooker Benjamin Hallock Barnabas Wines Mordecai Homan Town Clerk and Treasurer John Hose Supervisor Amos Smith Collector Jonas Hawkins ) William Helme Benjamin Hallock j- Assessors Isaac Overton Esq. | John Robinson John Wilsee j Jacob Hawkins > Commissioners James Robinson ) PAGE 48. Amos Smith Ebenezer Pain James Robinson Nathan Post \ Constables Samuel Hoiuan Israel Smith Sylvenas Overton OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Jonas Hawkins Jonathan Hallock ^Nathaniel Akerly John Robinson Wm Jayne Isaac Homan Ebenezer Jones Henry Dayton Daniel Bailey George Brown Nathaniel Davis Thomas Aldrilch Timothy Miller Benjamin Halock Ichabod Carter PAGE 49. Samuel Hammond Joseph Raynor Isaac Smith Hills David Robinson Wm. Still Jeremiah Havens Junr. ^>Tohn Hulse and Benjamin Smith /William Swezey James Moore 128 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. James Gonklin . David Davis William Hawkins Briant Norton Phiehas Bobinsou Caleb Newton Daniel Smith . William Tooker Ketcham Terry Isreal Hawkins FENCE VIEWERS Jonas Davis Benjamin Smith Timothy Davis Mordecai Homan Ebenezer Baile Ira Downs Benjamin Hawkins Joseph Hedges Wm Jayne Barnabas Smith Isaac Bre\vster PAGE 50. Daniel Smith James Davis Moses Wicks Nathaniel Davis Samuel Bishop Nathaniel Davis Epeuetus Mills William Hehne Mordecai Homau Peter Skidmore William Phillips Jonathan Worth Nehemiah Overton Ebenezer Wines Brewster Terry Jerrns Wines WiUiam Swezey James Stansbro Isaac Hammond Ichabod Carter James Post PAGE 51. Voted that all hogs riming on the Commons to be Yoked and Rignd PAGE 52. Suffolk County ss. Statement of Votes taken at the Anniversary Electon for Senators which Commencd on the last Tuesday of April one thousand Eight hundred and Nine Senators Isreal Carll two hundred and thirty three "j Benjamin B. Blydenburgh one hundred and Nine- j teen j- Votes Benjamin Blydenburgh two Brewster B. Blydenburgh one BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 129 We certify the above to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this Twenty Seventh day of April 1809 JOHN ROSE ISAAC OVERTON WILLIAM H. HELME ) Inspectors JONAS HAWKINS JOHN ROBINSON Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 53. Suffolk County ss. Statement of Votes taken at the anniversary Election for Assembly which Commenced on the last Tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Nine ASSEMBLY John Rose two hundred and Seventy Abraham Rose two hundred and Seventy one > Votes Tredwell Scudder two hundred and Seventy one Merritt S. Woodhull one hundred and thirty one John Woodhull one hundred and thirty Cornelius Sleight one hundred and twenty Nine We Certify the above to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken at the aforesaid Election this 27th April 1809 JOHN ROSE ^ ISAAC OVERTON WILLIAM H HELME ^ Inspectors JONAS HAWKINS JOHN ROBINSON Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 54. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholdrs and Com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven held this 6th day of June 1809 Present at s,d Meeting Caleb M. Hulse President 130 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. William Heline ^ Isaac Overtoil Isaac Davis } Trustees Benjamin Halliock | Barnabas Wines J At s,d Meeting application was made to sd, Trustees by Zecheriah Sandford to Build a dock out into the South Bay against his own Land and the Sjd^ Trustees after Con- sulting the Matter Granted the Request accordingly Vis. that Zechariah Sandford should have Liberty to Build a Dock out into the South Bay against his own Laud Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 55. ACTS OF TRUSTEES at a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in s,d Town this first Day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Nine present at s,d Meeting Caleb M. Hulse President Isaac Davis William Helme Isaac Overtoil Benjamin Halliock Daniel Tooker Barnabas Wines Trustees at s,d Meeting s,d Trustees in order to preserve the Oysters that is in the south Bay for the benefit of the Inhabitance of s,d Town in general and the heirs of Win. Smith Deceas,d, therefore we the s,d Trustees have Voted and agreed and hereby Enacted by the Authority in us invested that no Oysters nor shells of Oysters shall be taken or Catched in the south Bay that is hi partnership with s,d Town and the Heirs of William Smith Deceas,d by any person or persons whoever after the Eighth Day of May Instant on penalty of forfeiting to the s,d Trustees or their Successors the Sum of Twenty Dollars for each and every offence to be Sued for as any other debt by the s,d Trustees or their order and recovered in any Court having Cognizance thereof to be applied to the use of S,d Town &C and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if any Oj'sters or shells of Oysters BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 131 PAGE 56. Shall be found on Board of any Vessell or Small Craft within the Bounds or Limits as aforesaid or if any Person, or Persons snail aid or assist in Conveying or shah 1 carry any Oysters or Snells of Oysters out of s,d Town or if any person or Persons wnoever shah have any Oysters or shells of Oysters found in nis ner or their possession it shah 1 be deemed Suiticieut proof to convict the offender as afore- said unless sucn person or persons shall make it appear to tne satisfaction of s,d Trustees that such Oysters or Shells of Oysters were put on Board of such Vessel or Small Craft or in nis ner or tneir possession for the purpose of fraud ail former Acts orders or Resolves Respecting Oys- ters or shells of Oysters are hereby Repealed Also an Act passed the third day of June in the year of oui' Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Six which pro- hibits the taking or Catching any Clambs or Horsfish in any of the Bays or Harbors within the Bonds or Limits of the Town of Brookhaven for the purpose of Conveying them out of s,d Town or shall Carry them out of s,d Town is hereby Revised and confirmed on penalty of Twenty Dollars for each and every Offence excepting such persons as shall obtain leave of the sd Trustees or their order to Carry Clambs out of sd Town on paying a toleration of three Cents on every Bushel to be Carry,d out of s,d Town CALEB M. HULSE President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk . PAGE 57. Also at the aforesaid Meeting Josiah Smith of Morriches and Epenetus Mills at Bluepoint were appointed tolerating Masters to tolerate people to Catch Clambs for the purpose of Carrying them out of the Town on paying three Cents on eveiy Bushel Attest, MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk 132 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held this first day of August one thousand Eight hundred and Nine Caleb M. Hulse President Isaac Davis Daniel Tooker Win. Helme Benjamin Halliock Isaac Overton Barnabas Wines Trustees at s,d Meeting John Wilsey made application for Liberty to Dock out into Drown Meadow Bay against his own Land and the Trustees having Consulted on the Businesses do by these presents grant Liberty to the s,d John Wilsey to Dock out into Drown Meadow Bay against his own Land the Distance of Six Bods from Common low Water Re- serving a Right for the Inhabitance of Brookhaven to pass and Repass on s,d Dock free from any Tax or Toll with any Bundle or Burthen not exceeding one hundred Weight- Attest, MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 58. Brookhaven 12th Sept. 1809 At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven for the time be- ing held in s,d Town this fifth Day of September one thousand Eight hundred and Nine at s,d Meeting s,d Trus- tees Voted and agreed and hereby Enacted that any Inhabi- tant of the Town of Brookhaven and those persons living within the outlines of s,d Town Viz a South Line from Stoney Brook to the South Bay shall after the first Day of October Ensueing have liberty to Catch Oysters in the South Bay for their own Consumption and the Inhabitance of s,d Town providing such Person do not Act Contrary to the Restrictions hereafter mentioned Viz No Person or Persons are permitted Either foreigner or Inhabitant of s,d Town to Carry any Oysters out of s,d Town unless Such Person shall obtain a permitt of the Agent of s,d Trustees appointed for that purpose for Such Quantity of Oysters as shall be thought proper by s,d Agent and shall give a true BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 133 Account thereof unto the s,d Agent and before they depart from s,d Town with their Vessels Crafts or Carriages shall be inspected by s,d Agent and shall pay unto the sd Agent Six Cents on every hundred of Oysters they shall so have as a toleration for the use of the PAGE 59. Town of Brookhaven. any Person Acting contrary to these restrictions shall be considered as transgressors and shall pay unto the sd Trustees or their order the forfieture of Twenty Dollars for each and every offense to be sued for by the s,d Trustees or their order and recovered in any Court having Cognizance thereof and applied to the use of s,d Town, and if any Person or Persons shall put any Oys- ters on Board of any Vessell Craft or Carriage or dispose of any Oysters to any Person for foreign Market the Own- er whereof or Person having not obtaine,d permission as aforesaid such person shall be considered as an offender and subject to the aforesaid penalty, Also the privilege of Catching s,d Oysters is reserved for the Inhabitance of s,d Town and all foreigners are hereby excluded from Catching s,d Oysters on penalty as aforesaid as Witness my hand and the Seal of Brookhaven Day and date above Written. CALEB M. HULSE President L s. Attest. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk N. B Epenetus Mills at Blue point is appointed as Agent in sd Business PAGE 60. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven for the time Be- ing held in s,d Town this fifth Day of November in the Year of our LORD one thousand Eight Hundred and Nine Whereas George Hallock of s,d Town hath made appli- cation to s,d Trustees for Liberty to Build a Dock or Wharff at Stoney Brook Harbor at a place Call,d the deep 134 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. hole adjoining his own Land and the s,d Trustees after duly Considing the matter do by information and what they PAGE 61. know of the matter consider it to be of Material Advantage not only to individuals but to the public in general there- fore we the s,d Trustees do hereby Grant Liberty to the s,d George Hallock to Build a Dock or Whrff at p,d place adjoining his own Land under the following Bestrictions Viz. the s,d George Hallock is hereby permitted to Build a Dock or Whrff at the aforementioned place one Hundred feet in Length on the shore and fifty feet in "Width from Common high Water mark but not to hinder or obstruct people from passing or repassing to and from the West meadow as usual and the s,d George Hallock is hereby allowed the Sum of Seventy five Cents for any Vessel of thirty Tons Burthen or upwards to load or unload at s,d Dock to be paid by the Master or Owener of such Vessel and all light Vessels making fast to s,d Dock and Lying a day or part of a Day shall pay the sum of twelve and half Cents unless such Vessell makes fast to s,d Dock for the purpose of geting under Way only and all empty Vessells shall make way for Vessels to Load or unload and the s,d George Hallock is to keep s,d Dock in good Bepair other- wise this Grant to be Void and of no effect and any person shall have the priviledge of making fast to s,d Dock with their small Crafts and pass and repass on sd Dock with any Bundle or Burthen not exceeding five Hundred Weight free from any Tax or Toll As Witness our hands this day and Date above Written CALEB M. HT.THE president Attest by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk. PAGE 62. This doth certify that on the Second day of January one BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 135 thousand Eight Hundred and Ten Joseph Davis of the Town of Brookhaven Made application to the Trustees of s,d Town for the time being to Manumate a Negro Woman of his by the name or named Elizabeth and the s,d Trus- tees Being satisfied that the sd Negro Woman is under the age of forty five years and of Sufficient ability to support herself do therefore at the Request of the s,d Joseph Davis Manumate and set free s,d Elizabeth according to the Stat- ute Law of the State of New York made and provided in such cases Attest,d MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk This doth certify that on the Second day of January one thousand Eight hundred and Ten Jeremiah Havens of the Town of Brookhaven made application to the Trustees of s,d Town for the time Being to Manumate a Negre Slave of his named David and s,d Trustees being Satisfied that s,d Negro Man is under the age of forty five Years and of Suf- ficient abilities to support himself do therefore at the re- quest of the s,d Jeremiah Havens Manumate and set free s,d David agreeable to a Statute Law of the State of New made and provided in such cases Attest, d MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 63. Suffolk County ss Whereas providence hath removed by Death the presi- dent of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven and whereas the Statute Law of the State of New York Relative to the duties and privi- ledge of the Several Towns in this State Bearing date the Twenty seventh of March one thousand Eight Hundred and one wherein s,d Act makes it the duty of three Jus- tices of the Peace in the Same County Residing near to Such Town we whose names are hereunder Written do Nominate and appoint Selah Strong Esq. To act as presi- 136 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. dent of s,d Trustees until the next Annual Town Meeting given under our hands and Seals this Sixth Day of Febru- ary in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Ten JONAS HAWKINS ) JOHN NEWTON v Justices ISAAC SATTERLY j Enterd by order of s,d Justices Attest,d MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 64 Brookhaven 5th March 1810 Description of a Road Laid out by Jacob Hawkins James Robinson and John Wilsie We the Commissioners of high Ways for the Town of Brookhaven being petitioned by a Number of freeholders of sd Town have proceeded agreeable to Law to Lay out a Road in the Western part of Setaket Beginning at a large Chesnut tree upon the South Side of the highway leading from the Mill at Setaket to the Landing at Stoney Brook (by the House of Neheiniah Hawkins) thence Running Easterly across the Land of Isreal Bennit the Second Eighteen Rods more or less to the end of Ditch in the Land of Israel Hawkins three Rods Wide as Witness our hands JACOB HAWKINS } n . JAMES ROBINSON I Commissioners JOHN WILSIE ) of hl & hwa y Enterd 7th March 1810 by MORDECAI Town Clerk We the Commissioners of highway for the Town of Brookhaven on examining the Record we find a highway Laid out from the old Mans to the Wading River we Con- tinue the s,d public highway to the Middle of Mr. Jona- than Worths Mill pond to a Certain Stake we set up by his Consent as Witness our hands in Brook haven this Tenth Day of March 1810 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 137 JOHN WILSIE ) JAMES ROBINSON f Enterd this 12th March 1810 by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 65. Brookhaven 10th April 1810. Whereas Jonathan Worth of the Wading River insd Town made application to the Trustees of s,d Town to appoint a Committee from the Body of Trustees to examen into the Grant that was Given by the Town to Build a Mill at the Wading River and we the s,d Committee having Viewed the s,d premises do give it as our Opinion that he the sd Jonathan Worth has not gone beyond his Limits or Grant as Witness our hands this 13rd Day of April 1810 WILLIAM H. HELME / n ... BENJAMm HALLOCK } Committee Enterd this 13d April 1810 by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk NOTE. Page 66 blank. Com. PAGE 67. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS. Jonas Hawkins Isreal Bennett Jedediah Hartt John Wilsee Spicer Davis Nethaniel Davis Nethaniel Davis Millrs place Jonathan Hallock Daniel Swezey Zopher Mills Benjamin Raynor Noadiah Carter David Robinson Jeremiah Havens Ebenezer Hartt Wm. Smith -Joseph Homan Wm Hawkins Phinehas Robinson Justus Roe David Leek Charles Gerard Jacob Corwin George Brown Jeremiah Randal Benj. Hallock Samuel Hamond Brewster Terry Noah Overton Wm. Swezey David Davis Briant Norton Wm. Tooker Caleb Newton 138 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Isreal Hawkins Daniel Saxton FENCE VIEWERS. Jonas Davis Jacob Hawkins Jr Wm Jayne Nethaniel Davis James Davis Peter Skidmore James Robinson James Post Timothy Rose Wm. Beale Samuel Bishop Barnabas Smith Daniel Saxton Nathan Corwin David Davis Brewster Terry Timothy Davis Nethaniel Tooker Isaac Brewster Timothy Miller Nethaniel Davis Jonathan Worth Justus Overton Benj Smith Robert Ellison Justus Roe Epenetus Mills Joseph Hedges James Smith Wm. Saxton Henry Dayton Daniel Overton Trustees PAGE 68. Nicoll Floyd President of trustees James Davis Justus Overton John Robinson Benjamin Hallock Robert Ellison Abraham Woodhull J Jonas Hawkins Supervisor Mordecai Horaan Town Clerk & Treasurer Nathan Post Collector Josiah Smith Daniel Tooker Merritt S. Woodhull James Smith William Helme or Isaac Overton William Helme } Jacob Hawkins V Commissioners Isaac Overton E ) CONSTABLES BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 139 Samuel Homan Nathan Post Isreal Smith Ebenezer Payne John Bishop Timothy Davis Richard Robinson Amos Smith NOTE. The records do not state when the above town officers were elected. Com. PAGE 69. Suffolk County s s Statement of Votes taken at the Anniversary Election for Govenor Lieut. Govenor and Senator which Commenced on the last Tuesday of April one thousand Eight hundred and Ten GOVENOR Daniel D. Tompkins had two hundred and forty ) nine > Votes Jonas Platt had one hundred and thirty one ) LIEUT. GOVENOR John Broom had two hundred and forty Nine ) ^ \ Nicholas Fish had one hundred and thirty one \ SENATOR,S Ebenezer White had two hundred and forty) Eight V Votes Richard hatfield had one hundred and thirty one ) We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election 27th April 1810 JONAS HAWKINS "] MERRITT S. WOODHULL I . JAMES SMITH WILLIAM H. HELME j Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 70. Suffolk County s s Statement of Votes taken at the Anniversary Election for Representative to Congress which Commenced on the Last Tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and 140 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Ten CONGRESS Ebenezer Sage had two hundred and Eighty ^ two I David Gardiner had one hundred and Twenty f four We Certify the above Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election April 27th. 1810 JONAS HAWKINS "] MERRITT S. WOODHULL I T,, st3ector9 JAMES SMITH WILLIAM H. HELME Attest. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 71. Suffolk County ss Statement of Votes taken at the Anniversary Election for Assembly which Commenced on the last Tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Ten ASSEMBLY Jonathan S. Conklin had two hundred and] Eighty three L V f Thomas S. Lester had two hundred and Eighty f four Tredwell Scudder had two hundred and Eighty "] three I Votes Samuel Jayne had one hundred and twelve Charles Colyer had one hundred and Eighteen j We Certify the above Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken at the aforesaid Election April 27th. 1810 JONAS HAWKINS MERRITT S. WOODHULL JAMES SMITH WILLIAM H HELME Attest, MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 72. BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 141 AN ACT to regulate the fishing and fowling in the South Bay passed this Second day of May one thousand Eight hundred and Ten Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven that if any per- son or persons shall kill or take any Wild fowl on any of the Barrs or flatts lying in the South Bay in Company with the Heirs of William Smith Deceasd or in Company with Gen. John Smith without leave first obtained of the s,d Trustees or their Agent he or they for every such Offence shall forfeit and pay to the sd Trustees the Sum of twenty five Dollars to be Sued for and recovered in the Name of the Trustees aforesaid And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid that if any person or persons shall take or Catch any fish of any kind whatsoever in the South Bay belonging to the Town of Brookhaven the Heirs of William Smith Deceas,d and General John Smith without leave first obtain,d of the Trustees or their Agent he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty five Dollars to be sued for and recovered in the Name of the Trustees aforesaid. And be it further Ordain, d by the Authority aforesaid that all former Acts relating to Shooting or killing Wild fowl and taking or Catching fish PAGE 73. of any kind whatsoever in the Town aforesaid shall and are hereby Repealed. { SEAL. } NICOLL FLOYD President An Act to prevent the Catching or taking Shells passed this Second day of May 1810 Be it ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders of the Commonalty of the town of Brookhaven that if any person or persons shall Catch or take any shells hi the South Bay 142 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORD*. in Company with the Town of Brookhaven the Heirs of William Smith Deed and General John Smith without leave first Obtained from the sd Trustees or their agent he or they for every Ofence shall forfeit and pay to the sd Trustees the sum of Twenty five Dollars to be Sued for and recovered in the Name of the Trustees aforesaid -{ SEAL } NICOLL FLOYD President NOTE. Page 74 Becord cancelled. Com. PAGE 75. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brook Haven held on the 7th day of August 1810 Present Nicoll Floyd president Abraham Woodhull ] James Davis Justus Overton } Trustees John Robinson & Robert Ellison Liberty was Given unto Elkanah Smith to build a Dock opposite the land of the said Elkanah Smith at Blue point to extend six rods into the bay at right angles with the shore the inhabitants of the Town aforesaid not to be de- prived of the priviledge of using the dock provided they do not incumber or damage it By order of the Trustees NICOLL FLOYD President Attest, MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 76. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held on the 4th day of September 1810 Present BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 143 Nicoll Floyd president Abraham Woodhull "] James Davis Benjamin Hallock [ Trustees Justus Overton Eobert Ellison It was Ordaind that if any person shall take any Oysters in the South Bay belonging to the Town aforesaid and the Heirs of William Smith Deceas,d or carry any out of the Town being taken or Catch,d therein without first obtain- ing a permit from the Trustees or their Agent and paying Eight pence for every hundred so taken shall for every such offence pay the Sum of Twenty five Dollars to be Sued for and recover,d in the name of the Trustees aforesaid And be it further ordaind that so much of that Act pass,d on the Second day of May last as relates to the prohibition of the Cathing of Oysters and Shells in the South Bay is hereby Repealed. -{ SEAL ^ NICOLL FLOYD President PAGE 77. This doth Certify that on the fourth Day of September 1810 the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven for the time being agreed to raise one thousand Dollars by a Tax on the Inhabitance of sd Town to defray the Charges of the Poor and other Ex- pences of sd Town Attest. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 78. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitance of the Town of Brook haven held in the sd Town on the 2nd. Day of April 1811 at the House of Goldsmith Davis Inn- keeper in sd Town it being Town Meeting day the follow- ing Town Officers were unnanomously Elected agreeable to a 144 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Law of the State of New York in such case directing OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Jonas Hawkins Michael Wiggints Nethaniel looker Wm. Newins Gilbert Floyd Robert Hawkins George Monroe Jacob Corwin Spicer Davis George Brown Isreal Davis Jeremiah Randal Wm H. Helme Benj Hallock Jonathan Hallock Samuel Hammond James Moore Senio Brewster Terry Zopher Mills Noah Overton Freeman Lane David Davis Lewis Gorden William Swezey John Havens Wm Tooker John Leek, Jur Caleb Newton -^Joseph Homan Daniel Saxton Elias Parshall Isreal Hawkins Isaac Woodruff Asa Swezey FENCE VIEWERS Timothy Davis Nathan Bartoe Jonas Davis Wm Beale Jacob Hawkins Justus Roe Nethaniel Tooker Samuel Bishop Wm Jayne Epenetus Mills Isaac Brewster Austin Roe Daniel Davis Phinehes Robinson Wells Davis Daniel Saxton Joseph Miller John Akerly Samuel Davis Nathan Corwin Peter Skidmore John Bishop Jonathan Worth Davis Overton Isaac Raynor Daniel Terry Joseph Raynor James Howell James Post Wm Swezey Benjamin Smith David Davis Nethaniel Hawkins Nath. Munsel PAGE 79. Also a Vote Was taken by the freeholders that no Swine BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 145 should run in the Commons unless it is Sufficiently ringed and Yoked and if they were found trespassing without being sufficiently ring,d and Yoked that the Owners thereof should pay such a fine as the Trustees of the Town shall inflict PAGE 80. Abraham Woodhull President James Davis Benjamin Hallock Justus Overton William Beale Timothy Rose Zecheriah Sandford >- Trustees Mordecai Homan Town Clerk & Treasurer John Rose Supervisor Nathan Post Collector Merritt S. Woodhull James Smith Josiah Smith William Beale Barnabas Wines > Assessors Elias Parshall Isaac Davis Timothy Miller ) Samuel Homan Nathan Post, Isreal Smith Noah Overton Elias Norton Timothy Davis Amos Smith Richard Robinson Isaac Woodruff ) Commissioners of highways [ Constables PAGE 81. County of Suffolk \ Brookhaven. I We the Commissioners of highways of said Town being 146 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN BECOBD8, Call,d by Doctr. Samuel Thompson and others have laid out a Public highway three Rods wide through Isreal Ben- nitt Junr. Land in said Town begining at a Chesnut tree Standing on the West Side of said Land by the Road lead- ing from Stone}* Brook to Setaket town between the two houses of Israel and Nehemiah Hawkins and riming East- erly Across sd Land until it Conies to Israel Hawkins Line where the Path now goes for which we have agreed that the Town of Brookhaven shall pay unto the sd Isreal Ben- nitt the Sum of Twenty one Dollars and fifty Cents which we return to be recorded this llth March 1811. JACOB HAWKINS ) WILLIAM H. HELME > Commissioners ISAAC OVEBTON ) Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Enterd 3rd. April 1811 PAGE 82. We the Commissioners for the Town of Brookhaven be- ing Call,d by Daniel Homan and others have laid out a Road begining at the South end of Daniel Homans Mill Dam and runing Southerly where the Road now is that is calld Hubbards Road, until it Comes to Gerards Road thence southwesterly until it comes to the South east Corner of Barnabas Riders Cleared Lot South of the Horseblock Road thence a direct Course to the South Country Road at the place where the Road leading to the head of the Beav- er dam River parts from the South Country Road the sd Road is to be three Rods Wide Layd out 3rd. August 1810 JACOB HAWKINS j WM. H. HELME V Commissioners ISAAC OVEBTON ) Enterd 3rd. April 1811 We the Commissioners for the Town^of Brookhaven be- ing Calld by George Lee and others to alter and Lay out a Road leading or runing from Rocky pond to Setauket we BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 147 have laid it out from Zophar Hawkins,s House by the fence on the East side of the fence till it Comes to the Country Boad four Rods Wide and then where the Said Road comes on the Line Between Ezra Hawkins and George Lee then we have altered it again and laid it out four Rods wide on the Line Between them till it Comes to the End of the Ditch then a Northwest Course til it Comes to the old Road Laid out 30th August 1810 JACOB HAWKINS ) WILLIAM H. HELME v Commissioners ISAAC OVERTON j Enterd 3rd. April 1811 Attest. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 83. Suffolk ) gg County j Statement of Votes taken at the Anniversary Election for Lieut. Govenor and Senator which Commenced on the last Tuesday of April one thousand Eight hundred and Eleven LIEUTENANT GOVENOR Dewitt Clinton had one hundred and Seventy ] Marinus Willet had forty two I Votes Nicholas Fish had Eighty six j SENATORS Nathan Sandf ord had two hundred and fourteen | v John Vanderbilt Jun had Eighty two } Votes We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Es- timate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election May 2nd. 1811 JOHN ROSE 1 MERRITT S. WOODHULL T JOSIAH SMITH -Inspectors BARNABAS WINES Attest. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 84. 148 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Suffolk ) County | s Statement of Votes taken at the Anniversary Election which Commenced on the last Tuesday of April one thous- and Eight hundred and Eleven for Members of Assembly ASSEMBLY Abraham Rose Two hundred and thirty five ") Nathaniel Potter Two hundred and thirty Six | Usher H. Moore one hundred and Seventy }- Votes five Thomas S. Lester Sixty one We Certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this 2nd. of May 1811 JOHN ROSE 1 MERRITT S. WOODHULL T JOSIAH SMITH ^Inspectors BARNABAS WINES Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 85. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held this Seventh day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven at sd Meeting it was Voted and agreed and hereby Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that any Inhabitant of the Town of Brookhaven shall have Liberty to Catch fish in the South Bay that is in partner- ship with the Town of Brookhaven and the Hiers of Wil- liam Smith Decesd or General John Smith and make use of them for their own Consumption and for the Consump- tion of the Inhabitance of s,d Town but not to Sell any Such fish to any foreigner or send or sell them for any for- eign Market unless such person shall pay unto the Trustees aforesaid or their Agents a toleration of six Cents for every sheepshead and three Cents for every Bass that they ( or BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 149 any person ) shall so attempt or wish to Carry to any for- eign Market and any person or Persons who shall be guilty of Selling any fish to any foreigner or whoever shall Carry and fish out of the Town of Brookhaven without first hav- ing their fish Inspected by the Agent or Agents appointed by this Board for that purpose and paying the toleration before mentioned every person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay unto the Trustees or their Order the Sum of Twenty five Dollars to be Sued for and recoverd in the Name of the Trustees aforesaid in any Court having Cog- nisance thereof and applied to the use of the Town and any person who shall be guilty of sending PAGE 86. or Selling any fish as aforesaid shall be debarred from the priviledge of Catching fish and be liable to be fined as was specified in an Act passed the 2nd. May 1810 pnd be it further Ordained that all and every person are prohibited from Catching any Oysters in the South Bay from this date until a further order of sd Trustees, and William Hawkins William Baker and Epenetus Mills is appointed as Agents and tolerators to inspect and receive the toleration above mentioned ABRAHAM WOODHULL President -{ SEAL }- , 7th May 1811 Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Ck. An Act to prevent Swine from runing in the Commons unless Sufficiently ringed and Yoked Be it ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven that no Swine shall be permitted to run on any of the Commons be- longing to the Town of Brookhaven (Sucking Pigs ex- cepted) unless such Swine is Sufficient Yoked and ringed in the Nose on penalty of twelve and half Cents for every day such swine shall run on the Commons aforesaid to b Sued for and recovered in the Name of the Trustees afore- 150 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. said and applied to the use of the Town ABRAHAM WOODHULL Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk PAGE 87. This doth Certify that Wessell Sell of the Town of Brook haven on the 7th April 1811 made application to the Trustees of the Town of Brook haven to Manumate a Negro Slave of his named Titus and S,d Trustees being Satisfied that sd Negro Slave was under the age of forty five Tears and of Sufficient ability to Support and main- tain himself do therefore Manumate and Set free sd Negro Slave according to the Satnte of this State in such Cases made and provided ABRAHAM WOODHULL Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 88. At a Meeting of the members and Congregation of the first Presbyterian Church in the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County held the Twenty fourth day of January in the Year of our LORD one thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven 1811 it was agreed to by all the s,d Members and Congregation whose names are hereunto Subscribed that the Worship of the true GOD is infinately important and is esteemed by his sincere friends and followers the greatest and most precious priviledge they enjoy on Earth. In Ancient Days the Tabernacle the Temple and afterwards the Synagogues were Erected for that purpose. In them GOD met his people blessed and comforted them and from the Introduction of the Gospel by the Son of God the priviledges and Blessings of his Deciples have been greater and more extensive and wherever they with meek- ness and unanimity Build a house for his Honour and Wor- ship there they have reason humbly to hope he will Come BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 151 and Record his Name and graciously establish enlarge and Build them up in the pure Doctrins and faith of the Gos- pel Therefore in the View of these benign and Christian sentiments we the aforesaid Members and Congregation of the first Presbyterian Church in the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County and State of New York having taken into PAGE 89. Consideration the necessity of a New convenient and com- fortable House for the public and honorable Worship of GOD, do unanimously agree to the following Articles which shall be Binding upon ourselves and our Heirs Viz Article first We mean to be known by the title of the first Presbyter- ian Church and Congregation in Brookhaven and be Gov- erned According to the word of God as explained and understood in the Directory of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of AMERICA Article 2nd. The House shall be known by the Name of the first Presbyterian Church in Brookhaven Article 3rd. The use and priviledge of the pulpit shall uniformly be under the controul and directions of the Stated Pastor of the Church and Congregation and shall not be occupied occasionally by any other person except by the Consent of the Church session whose decision shall ever be in con- formity to the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America PAGE 90. Article 4th. All persons desirous of uniting with this Church and Congregation in their mode of Worship and being willing to bear their proportion of expence shall be admitted to 152 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. such priviledges. Article 5th. When the Church is compleated and fit for use it shall be free for the Members and Congregation who have hereunto Subscribed their names to take their Seats where they think proper only with the exception of a Seat reserved for the Ministers family and a due respect to old age and it shall Continue in this Situation till a Majority of the proprietors Judg it necessary to make other Arangments At the Same Meeting Abraham Woodhull Thomas Strong Isaac Brewster Isaac Satterly John Mount Nethaniel Akerly and Jacob Hawkins were Chosen Trustees to Erect the sd Meeting House. Registered by me this 4th June 1811 MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 91. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd Town this third day of September 1811 Present at sd Meeting Abraham Woodhull President James Davis Zecheriah Sandford Justus Overton Timothy Rose Benjamin Hallick William Beale Trustees. Application being made to the Trustees aforesaid that they would Grant unto the Society of the first Presbyterian Church in the Town of Brook- haven a Certain piece of Land Situate in Setaket and the sd Trustees after a due consideration had in the premises, do hereby grant unto the sd Society and to their Success- ors a Certain Piece of Land belonging to s,d Town lying in Setaket, Begining at the Northwest Corner of Benjamin Floyd,s home lot near the Episcopal Church running a Strait Line Southerly to a Certain Rock nearly level with the Ground and about two Rods or thereabout lying wester- ly in front of the New first Presbyterian Church in the Town of Brookhaven and from thence a strait Line runing BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 153 Southerly to the Southwest Corner of the Burying Ground in Witness whereunto the President of the Trustees has set his hand and afixed the Seal of the Town of Brookhaven in the name of the Trustees aforesaid day and date above Written in presence ABRAHAM WOODHULL President L s . Mordecai Homan Samuel Bishop -j SEAL }- Eegisterd by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 92. Be it remembered that on the 3rd. day of September 1811 the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven agreed to raise Eight hundred Dollars as a Tax on the Inhabitance of the Town aforesaid for the Support of the Poor and other expences of sd Town for the ensueing Year Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Ck. We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brookhaven being Call,d by Nehemiah Overton to Lay out a private Road for his use Across the Land of Isaac Smith Whitehead K. Hulse and Caleb M. Hulse and we the sd Commissioners after having Viewed the premises have laid out a Private Road for the use of the s,d Nehemiah Over- ton Twenty feet in Width turning Easterly out of the Road that runs from the House of Joshua Smith,s Deceas,d to Isaac Smith, at a Certain place where there is a Cartway and where we have fixed the Bounds Extending Eastward across the Land of s,d Isaac Smith and Whitehead Hulse until it Come to the Road Leading Northward from David Overton thence Northard along the sd Road a few Rods until it Comes to a Road leading Eastward acros Caleb M. Hulse,s Land so Continuing Eastward on s,d Road until it Comes PAGE 93. 154: BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. to the Land of the sd Nehemiah Overton sd Road is to be Twenty feet wide Viz ten feet each way from the center of the oald Road and good easy swinging Gate allowed to be kept in Repair by the owners of the Land which we order to be Recorded as Witness our hands in Brookhaven this 25 September in the Year 1811 Commissioners o highways Enterd by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brookhaven being Call, d by a number of Inhabitance of s,d Town to lay out a highway at the North End of the Long Lotts and after Viewing the primises do think it proper and Convenient therefore we the sd Commissioners have laid out a Public highway beginning at the Road Runing from Stoney Brook to Titus Gould,s at the North End of the Long Lotts in the first Division Runing Easterly by and with s,d long Lotts until it comes to the Eleventh Lott and to extend to the Northward the width of three Rods which we order to be Recorded this llth October 1811. ISAAC DAVIS ) Commissioners TIMOTHY MILLER V of ELIAS PARSHALL ) highways Enterd by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 94. We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brookhaven Being duly Call,d by a Sufficient number of freeholders of s,d Town to Lay out a highway in the fire- place down through the Neck of Land belongin to Widow ;abeth Terry and Stephen Bartoe and after Viewing the premises do Consider it necessary and Convenient for the Public and have therefore Laid out a Public highway with Gates Beginning a little to the Westward of the sd Eliza- beth Terry,s House at the South Country Road and to run 4 v >^ N BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 155 on the West Side of the sd Mrs Terrys Land and to run Southerly across her Lot adjoining the s,d Country Road Twenty feet in width then continuing Southerly acros the Land of the sd Mrs Terry as the Road now runs as far as the Gate Between her and Stephen Bartoe two Rods wide with the priviledge of six easy swinging Gates and then Continuing Southerly as the Road now Runs across the Land of the s,d Stephen Bartoe until it Comes to his Land- ing Place or the River where he has a Dock already Built or dam and the s,d Road is to be two Rods in width across the Land of s,d Bartoe from the Gate Between him and the sd Mrs Terry until it Come to the fence below his Barn and then three Rods in Width across the Lott and meadow to the Landing place or River which s,d three Rods is allowed for to accommodate the Public to Lay Wood Coal Lumber &.C. so as not to hinder people from passing and repassing reserving to the sd Stephen Bartoe the Right of two easy swinging Gates on sd Road to be by him kept in repair and a right for him to Straiten PAGE 95. the Road through his woods in such manner as will not discommode or hurt the highway which s,d highway with all its priviledges we order to be Recorded in the Book of Records for the Town of Brookhaven Given under our hand in Brookhaven this 15th day of Octr. 1811 ISAAC DAVIS ) Commissioners ELIAS PARSHALL I of highways Enterd by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk A Jury of View was Call,d to prize sd Road and al- lowed unto the s,d Mrs Terry the Sum of Seventy five Dol- lars and to Mr Bartoe Ninety Dollars for their Land and Suffolk ) Brookhaven loth October 1811 County | 156 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. We the Commissioners of highways being Call,d by' Benjamin Jones and Stephen Edwards to Stop up a Road which had been used Occasionally by the Inhabitance of s,d Town and after taking a View of the Same and finding Said Road to lie between the Nassakeag Road and the Road leading from Setaket to Coram and on finding s,d Road to- be of little use to the public do order the Same to be shut up at the discretion of the Owners of the Land through which it Runs which we return to be Recorded ISAAC DAVIS ) ELIAS PARSHALL V Commissioners TIMOTHY MILLER ) Enterd by me MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 96. Be it Remembered that on the Second day of December 181L Joseph Jayne of the Town of Brookhaven Made ap- plication to the Trustees of sd Town of Brookhaven to- Manumate and set free a Certain Man Slave of his named Limas and sd Trustees being Satisfied that sd Servent is under the age of fifty Years and of Sufficient ability to- Support and maintain himself do therefore at the request of the Master and agreeable to the Statute of the State of New York Manumate and Set free sd Servent Accordingly Attest, MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Brook haven 2nd Dec. 1811 This doth certify that on the 7th day of January 1812 in' the Year of our Lord the Trustees of Brookhaven Sold unto Jacob Hawkins a piece of Land belonging to sd Town lying in Setaket Bounded West by the Road that goes to old field North so as to take in the House of Samuel Sibbs East by the Bank and South by the Land and Meadow of the sd Jacob Hawkins Containing about two acres more or less sd Land was Sold for the Sum of Ten Dollars 1812- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 157 Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 97. We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of ^Brookhaven being Call,d to View and Establish a Road or highway that runs between the Land of Nathaniel Tuthill .and James Woodhull and having Viewed the Same do ad- judge and order the Same to be where it now Runs And also we the Subscribers have established a Road to the Landing place setting off from the highway between Nathaniel Tuthill and James Woodhull and running through the Land of Nathaniel Tuthill as the Road now Runs to the Landing place of the sd Nathaniel Tuthill and request the same to be Recorded ELIAS PARSHALL ) Commissioners TIMOTHY MILLER I of highways Brookhaven 14th March 1812 MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 98. At a general Town Meeting of the freeholders and In- habitance of the Town of Brookhaven held this 7th. day of April 1812 at the House of Goldsmith Davis Trm keeper in Coram for the purpose of Choosing Town Officers agreeable the Law of this State in such Case directing the following Persons were unanimously elected William H. Heline President Joseph B. Roe Nathan Post Benjamin Hutchenson - Trustees William Beale Isaac Satterly John Robinson John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Homan Town Clerk Nathan Post Collector Josiah Smith "1 Isaac Satterly William Beale \- Assessors 158 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Benjamin Hallock | Merritt S. WoodhuU J Nethaniel Akerly } ^ . . John Rose (Commissioners Benjamin Hallock j Nathan Post Samuel Smith Nathaniel Robinson Hedges Osborn j- Constables David Carter Elias Norton Stephen Still PAGE 99. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS. Jonas Hawkins Samuel Satterly Spicer Davis Isaac Miller Hendrickson Hallock Aron Robinson John Havens Joseph Homan Joseph Robinson David Leek Isaac Mills George Brown Joshua Swezey Jur. Brewster Terry David Davis William looker Daniel Saxton Samuel Lane Daniel Tooker Deacon Ebenezer Jones Isreal Davis Phillip Hallock Zopher Mills Lewis Gorden John Leek Jur Eh'as Parshall Michael Wiggints Humpry Avery Jacob Corwin Jur Jeremiah Randal Samuel Hammond Noah Overton William Swezey Caleb Newton Isreal Hawkins FENCE VIEWERS Timothy Davis Jacob Hawkins William Jayne Daniel Davis Joseph Miller Peter Skidmore Jonas Davis Nethaniel Tooker Isaac Brewster Wells Davis Samuel Hopkins Jonathan Worth BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOKD8. 159 Isaac Baynor Joseph Baynor James Post Benj. Smith Nethaniel Hawkins Nathan Bartoe Phinehas Bobinson Hedges Osbon Wm. Beale Justus Boe Epenetus Mills ^Joseph Homan Daniel Saxton Gideon Mills Nathan Corwin Davis Overton James Howell William Swezey George Munroe Willard Buland William Phillips Nathaniel Munsel David Terry PAGE 100. By a Vote of the freeholders and commonalty the Act concerning hogs mning in the commons should be revised Also A Vote that no person should take any sand from this town without tolerating wishd that Joseph Hawkins should be inspeter also that no Clambs should be carryed away without toleration Also that no Bam should run in the Commons between the last day of August until the first day of November We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brookhaven being Call,d by Merritt S Woodhull to view and alter a Boad that runs Eastward through the Millers place towards the Landing place of the s,d Merritt S. Woodhull Viz the Boad that now Buns Between his Dwell- ing house and Store house and after having Viewed the same and finding that it will not discommode the public to alter s,d Boad do hereby allow and permit the sd Merritt S. Woodhull to stop up the s,d Boad and open it from the Corner of James Davis,s Land and so to Continue it along by the side of James Davis Land to the pond of Water which lies in the open way near the House of the sd James Davis which we return to be recorded in the Becord of Brookhaven as witness our hands this 30th April 1812 JOHN BOSE f . . BENJAMIN HALLECK Commissioners 160 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 101. Suffolk I County f s Statement of Votes taken at the Annivarsary Election for Senators which commenced on the last tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and twelve William Furman had two hundred and thirty three John Garretson had two hundred and thirty Peter W. Eadcliff had Ninety Six ^ Votes Elbert H. Jones had Ninety Six John Bingham had two Robert Moore had two We Certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and estimate of the Votes taken in the town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this 30th April 1812 MERRITT S. WOODHULL "j JOHN ROSE ISAAC SATTERLY }- Inspectors BENJAMIN HALLICK JOSIAH SMITH Suffolk ) County \ Statement of Votes taken at the Anniversary Election for Congress which commenced on the Last tuesday in April one thousand Eight Hundred and twelve Ebenezer Sage had two hundred Seventy five '( -y f John Floyd one hundred and eleven j We Certify the above to be a true Estimate and State- ment of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this 30th April 1812 JOHN ROSE "] MERRITT S. WOODHULL ISAAC SATTERLY \ Inspectors BENJAMIN HALLICK BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 161 PAGE 102. Suffolk I County \ Statment of Votes taken at the anniversary Election for Members of Assembly which commenced on the last tues- day of April one thousand Eight hundred and twelve Caleb Smith had two hundred and seventy Henry Rhodes had two hundred and Seventy one Benjamin F. Thompson had two hundred and Sixty I v , Nathaniel Potter had Eight John Jermain had one hundred thirteen William Blydenburgh had one hundred thir- teen John Woodhull had one hundred fourteen We Certify the above to be a true Estimate and State- ment of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this 30th april 1812 JOHN ROSE "| MERRITT S'. WOODHULL I ISAAC SATTERLY [-Inspectors BENJAMIN HALLICK JOSIAH SMITH At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd Town this fifth day of May 1812 Present at sd Meeting William H. Helme President William Beale Isaac Satterly Nathan Post Joseph B. Roe Benjamin Hutchinson John Robinson Trustees. At sd Meeting Smith Mott made Application to sd Trus- tees for liberty to set up a frame in the South Bay about twenty -five Rods from the Shore opposite his own Land for the purpose of laying his Wood on and We the sd PAGE 103. Trustees after due consideration had in the premises do 162 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. consider that the sd priviledge will not discommode the public Navigation nor in nowise injure the public, do here- by grant liberty to the sd Smith Mott to set up a frame as aforesaid in the South Bay nearly opposite his own Land a little to the Westward of Connecticut River for the con- veniancy of lajing his wood on for Vessels to Land from 8,d frame is to be forty feet by Sixteen and this Grant is Given for two Years and no longer which is done Accord- ingly WILLIAM H. HELME President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clrk Also at the aforesaid Meeting the Act to prevent Swine from Running in the commons without being sufficiently Yoked and ringed in the Nose which was passed the 7th May 1811 is hereby revised WILLIAM H. HELME President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk. PAGE 104. This doth Certify that on the Second day of June 1812 Phillips Roe made application to the Trustees of the free- holders and commalty of the Town of Brookhaven to Manumate a Woman Slave of his named Betty, and the sd Trustees being Satisfied that sd Slave is under the age of fifty Years and of sufficient ability to provide for -and maintain herself do therefore Manumate and Set free sd Woman Slave According to the Statute of the State of New York in such case directing Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk An Act to prevent Rams from riming at large for a cer- tain time passed this second day of June one thousand Eight Hundred and twelve Be it Ordained by the Trus- tees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 163 Brookhaven that if any Ram shall be found riming in the Commons or out of its Owners Inclosure Between the last day of August and the first day of November Ensueing the Owner thereof shall for Each and every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of fifty Cents to be sued for and Recover,d by any person who will sue for the Same Ac- cording to the true intent and meaning of this Act. WILLIAM H. HP.T.IVI-P. President PAGE 105. An Act to regulate the fishing and fowling in the South Bay passed this Second day of June 1812 Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven that if any person or persons shall kill or take any wild fowl on any of the Barrs flats or Waters in the South Bay that is in Co with the Town of Brookhaven the Heirs of William Smith deceas,d or Gen- eral John Smith without leave first obtaind of the sd Trus- tees or their Agent he or they for every such Ofence shall forfeit and pay to the sd Trustees or their Order the sum of twenty five Dollars to be Sued for and recovered in the name of the Trustees Aforesaid And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid that if any person or persons shall take any fish of any kind whatsoever in the South Bay belonging to the Town of Brookhaven the Heirs of William Smith deceas,d or General John Smith without leave first obtained of the sd Trustees or their Agent he or they for Each and every such offence shall forfeit and pay to the sd Trustees or their order the sum of Twenty five dollars to be sued for and re- covered in the Name of the Trustees aforesaid and applied to the use of the Town in witness whereof we have Caused the Seal of our s,d town to be affixed Isaac Over- ton and William Hawkins Jun is appointed Agents or In- spectors in the aforesaid premises 164 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. \ President. ) WILLIAM H. HELME 1 g ea j Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town C.k PAGE 106. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in s,d Town this first day of September 1812 complaint being made to sd Trustees that some persons have Staked out into the South Bay which greatly obstructs the Navigation thereof and prevents the drift from having its Natural course to the great disadvantage of Individuals and the public in general therefore Be it Ordained by the Authority afore- said that if any person or persons shall Stake dock or fence out into the South Bay below low Water Mark with- out leave first obtain,d of s,d Trustees and if any person having made any such Obstruction and shall not within one Week from the passing of this Act remoove and take away the same shall be considered an Offence and shall for each and every such offence forfeit and pay unto the s,d Trustees or their order the Sum of Ten Dollars to be sued for and* recove,d by the s,d Trustees or their order in any Court having cognizance thereof and applied the use of sd Town Provided always that this Act shall not prevent any person from making fence out into the South Bay at such place and places and to such a distance into the Bay as will be absolutely necessary to fence against Cattle and if any dispute shall arise concerning the place that is Necessary and the distance into the Water such dispute shall be decided by the fence Viewers of the Same district in Witness whereunto we have Set our hands and Caused the Seal our s,d Town to be fixed ISAAC SATTERLY NATHAN POST > Trustees BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 165 Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk -{ Seal }- PAGE 107. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held on the first day of September in the Year one thousand Eight hun- dred and twelve a petition was presented to the s,d Trus- tees for James Homan Junr. to have liberty to Set a dwell- ing House on the Common Land belonging to the town in the fireplace Between the House of Richard Corwin$ and Robert Ellison, on the West side of the highway and the s,d Trustees after due consideration had do hereby Grant liberty to the s,d James Homan to set a dwelling house on the West side of the highway Between the House of Robert Ellisons and Richard Corwins on the Common Land that belongs to s,d Town and also to have the privilege of one Quarter of an Acre of Ground for the use of a garden which grant is on the following Viz. the s,d James Homan shall not discommode the highway and shall take his House from off s,d Land at any time when ever the s,d Trustees shall see fit on their giving him three Months Notice or the House shall be forfeit and also when such order shall be given the Land is to return back to the Town again and the sd Homan shall have liberty to re- move or sell his house to be removed at any time until it is forfeited but shall not Settle any other family there with- out a further grant from sd Trustees or their successors which is granted accordingly Attest, MORDECAI HOMAN, Town Clk PAGE 108. We the Commissioners of high Ways for the Town of Brookhaven being call,d by Goldsmith Davis and others to lay out a public highway at Patchogue and having Viewed 166 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. and examined into the premises have laid out a Road be- gining at the Country Road, Riming Southward til it comes to the head of Jonathan Bakers Meadow the width of the same being thirty feet from thence Riming the same di- rection to the Bay the Width of Eighteen feet we also allow one Easy swinging Gate on sd Road at the North end by the Country Road sd Road is to Run through the Lands of Daniel Smith Nathan Mulford and Jacob Baker and we do order and allow the Same to be recorded given under our hands in Brookhaven this 3rd. day of June 1812 JOHN ROSE ) . . BENJAMIN HALLICK f Commissioners Attest MOBDECAI HOMAN Town Clk. We the Commissioners of highways being Calld by a Number of the Inhabitance of Patchogue to Lay out a Certain Road runing from sd place to Coram & having Viewed sd Road do think it Necessary for the public in general do therefore Lay out sd Road three Rods Wide be- gining at the south Country Road a little to the westward of John Mills, House from thence Runing Northward to Coram as the Road now runs wich we allow and order to be receded JOHN ROSE ) ^ . . BENJAMIN HALLICK [ Commissioners Brookhaven 18th Dec 1812 PAGE 109. We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brookhaven being Call,d by a Number of petioning In- habitance of the Town of Brookhaven to lay out a high- way Riming from the Middle Island to Daniel Swezeys Landing and having Viewed sd Road do think it is really necessary and convinient for the public or people adjoining thereunto in general we the sd Commissioners do Accord- lay out sd highway begining at the Middle Country Road a few Rods Eastward of Mr. Jacob Corwins house from BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 167 thence Runing Northwardly Across the sd Cor wins Lott and so Continuing Northwardly to the North Country Road to the place where the Road goes down the hill to sd Swezeys Landing sd Road is three Rods in Width and is to run where the Road is now used and we also allow the sd Jacob Corwin to keep two good easy Swinging Gates on sd Road Viz one Each Side of his home Lott adjoinig the Country Road which s,d Road and the priviledges Respect- ing the same we do hereby order to be enterd on Brook- haven Record JOHN ROSE ) Commissioners BENJAMIN HALLICK j Brookhaven 18th. December 1812 Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk The allowance of gates was released by J. Rockwell Smith for $30 in 1835 and release is found filed B. T. H. Clerk. PAGE 110. Suffolk ) County f Statement of Votes taken at the Election held for Rep- resentatives in Congress which Commenced on the third Tuesday in December one thousand Eight hundred and twelve Ebenezer Sage had three hundred and six John Lefferts had three hundred and Seven Benjamin B. Blydenburgh had one hundred I -r r , and Twenty Six f > Peter A. Jay had one hundred and Twenty Seven We Certify the Above to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election MERRITTS. WOODHULL! Commionrs JOSIAH SMITH ISAAC SATTERLY f BENJAMIN HALLICK J 168 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Enterd pr MORDECAI HOMAN Town Ck Suffolk ) County j We the Commissioners of Highways for the town of Brookhaven being Called by a number of the Inhabitance of sd town to Stop a Eoad in the fireplace leading from Gerards Eoad Southward to the South Country Eoad which was laid out by Isaac Overton Esq. and William H. Helme Commissioners on the third day of August 1810 which s,d Eoad we have Stoped as far Northward as Gerards Eoad and have laid out another Eoad begining at the Southwest Corner of the Lott No-five at the South Country Eoad three Eods Wide Euning upon the West side of sd Lott to PAGE 112. the North end of the Cleared Land then turning Northeast til it comes to the old Eoad then Northerly as the old Eoad now runs til it comes near the South end of Nehe- miah Hands Cleared Land thence Northeasterly til it Crosses the Lot No. four thence Northerly til it strikes the Eoad then with the Eoad to gerards Eoad which s,d Eoad we return to be enterd of Eecord as Witness our hands this 2nd. day of February 1813 JOHN EOSE ) Commissioners BENJAMIN HALLICK j of highways Suffolk I County \ s We the Commissioners of highways for the town of Brookhaven being Call,d by the Trustees of s,d Town to lessen a Eoad on the East side of Beaver dam swamp in the fireplace and after having Viewed the premises do alter and lessen the same from a six Eod Eoad to four Eods from the going over at Mrs. Ketchams Northward to the head of the Beaver dam swamp which sd Eoad is Bounded East by the fence as the fence now stands leaving the Common Land on the West side of sd Eoad which we al- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 169 low and return to be enterd on the Record of Brookhaven as Witness our hands in Brookhaven this second day of february 1813 JOHN ROSE I Commissioners BENJAMIN HALLICK j of highways PAGE 113. Be it remembred that at a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brook- haven for the time being, held on the fifth day of Novem- ber in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Nine George Hallock of s,d town made application to the sd Trustees for liberty to Build a Dock or Wharff at a place Calld the deep hole in Stoney Brook harbour against his own Land and sd Trustees after due Consideration had in the premises did grant that the sd George Hallock should Build a Dock or Wharff at the aforementioned place one hundred feet in Length on the shore and fifty feet in Width from common high Water Mark under Cer- tain restrictions and regulations And whereas the sd George hallock did on the fifth day of December one thousand Eight hundred and twelve make application to the Trustees of the sd Town of Brook- haven for the time being for liberty to extend his aforesaid dock further to the Northward and to make further regula- tions concerning the same and the s,d Trustees having ap- pointed a Committee to go and View the s,d premises do therefore According to the report of the sd Committee and after further Consideration had in the premises Grant and allow the s,d George Hallock to extend his said Dock two hundred feet to the Northward and to be equal in width as the former dock Viz fifty feet from Common high Water Mark and the sd George Hallock shall be allowed the sum of one Dollar for any Vessel of thirty Tons or upwards that may load at sd Dock one half to be paid by the Mas- 170 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ter of the Vessell and the other half by the Fanner or freightier but the sd George Hallock PAGE 114. is to Consider the Owner of the sd Vessells accountable to him for the whole sum and all light Vessels making fast to sd Dock and laying a day or part of a day shall pay to the sd George Hallock the sum of twelve and half Cents pr day except such Vessell shall make fast to sd Dock for the purpose of getting under way only, and all light Vessells shall make way or give room for Vessels to load or unload at s,d Dock And the sd George Hallock for and in Con- sideration of the aforesaid Grant doth give unto the s,d Town of Brookhaven a Road twenty feet in width leading from s,d Dock to the Road that leads to Isreal Hawkins,s and also that all homebound Cargoes or Articles which are for the use and conveniance of the Inhabitance of sd Town shall be Landed on s,d Dock free from any expence and the sd George Hallock shall not hinder or Obstruct people from passing and repassing to and from the west Meadow nor hinder people from making fast to sd Dock with small Crafts provided they do not hinder or Obstruct Vessells from Loading or unloading all of which is Granted Accord- ingly whereunto we have Set our hands and Cused the Seal of our sd Town to be fixed this Second day of february 1813 ^ AAcSA LY I L.S. Trustees WILLIAM BEALE f Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 115. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held on the Sec- ond day of March in the Tear of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen present at s,d Meeting Isaac Satterly Benjamin Hutchenson Joseph B. Roe John Robin- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 171 son Nathan Post William Beale Trustees At sd Meeting the aforesaid Trustees Sold a Certain piece of common Land unto Benjamin Brown lying on the East side of Beaver dam River in the fireplace which sd land was sold for fifty Dollars and Bounded as follows Viz Bengining at the Southeast Corner at a certain Stake Set up about three Bods to the Northward of the going over against Mr. Ketcham,s House from thence Runing Southwest to a Cer- tain Maple Bush Marked in the swamp from thence Run- ing Northward by the Bank or River about twenty Rods to Certain Bounds fixed from thence runing Eastward to the Road and thence Southward by the Road as the Road has lately been fixed and altered to the aforementioned Bound leaving the Road four Rods Wide which s,d piece of Land Contains about one Acre More or less ISAAC SATTERLY ) T a rr, T-TT T> > L. S. Trustees WILLIAM BEALE PAGE 116. Suffolk ) County } We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brookhaven in sd County being Called by a Number of Inhabitance of sd Town to lay out a Road Calld the old pine Neck Road Runing from the Coram Road to the horse Block Road and after Viewing the premises have laid out the aforesaid Road three Rods Wide and order the same to be enterd on the Record of sd Town of Brookhaven as Witness our hands this second day of March 1813 JOHN ROSE ) ^ . . BENJAMIN HALLOCK Commissioners NATHANIEL AKERLY f of Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Ck This doth Certify that on the sixth day of April in the Tear of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and thir- 172 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. teen Jonas Hawkins Junr and Thomas S. Mount made ap- plication to the Trustees of the freeholders and Common- alty of the Town of Brookhaveu to Manuinate a Certain Man Slave of theirs Named Harry and sd Trustees after examining into the premises do find s,d Negro Man to be under the age of fifty Years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do therefore set free sd Negro Man According to the Satute of this State in such case made and providng Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk PAGE 117. At a general Town Meeting of the freeholders and Com- onalty or Inhabitance of the Town of Brookhaven held this 6th. day of April 1813 at the House of Goldsmith Davis Innkeeper in Coram for the purpose of Choosing Town Officers agreeable to the Statute of this State the fol- lowing Town Officers were Unanamously Chosen and Elected Josiah Smith President. Phillip Hallock ] Lewis Rich Nathan Post m John Mills * Trustees- Briant Norton William Dickerson J Constables. Thomas Mount Timothy Davis David Carter Nathan Post Nethaniel Robinson Nathan Corwin Alexander Wicks Isreal Davis John Leek Jur John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Homan Town Clk and treasr Nathan Post Collector BBOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 173 Isaac Satterly "] John Davis Barnabus Wines \- Assessors. William Beale David Davis-Coram. I Jedediah Williamson ) Daniel Overton V Commissioners of highways Timothy Hose ) Benjamin F. Thompson i John Hose v Commisioners of Schools. Mordecai Homan j PAGE 118. An Act to prevent people from taking sand or Catching Clambs in any of the Harbours or on or from any of the Shores Belonging to the Town of Brookhaven passed this sixth day of April 1813. Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven for the time being that if any person or persons shall take any sand from any of the shores or harbours of the Town of Brookhaven or if any person shall Catch any Clambs in any of the Bays Creekes harbours or Waters within the Bounds of the Town of Brookhaven aforesaid without first having a permitt from sd Trustees or their order and paying a toleration of one Cent pr Bushel for every Bushel of sand and three Cents for every Bushel Clambs so taken shall be deemed an offender and transgressor and shall pay for each and every such Offence the sum of Twenty Dollars to be Sued for and recovered in the Name of the Trustees aforesaid be- fore any Court having Cognizance thereof and applied to the use of the Town aforesaid given under our hands and Seal in Brookhaven this day and date aforesaid. ISAAC SATTEELY { JOHN ROBINSON \ Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk 174 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 119. At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in s,d town this fourth day of May one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen present at sd Meeting Josiah Smith president William Dickerson John Hills Briant Norton David Davis Nathan Post and Lewis .Rich Trustees at sd meeting sd Trustees agreed and by the Authority in them Invested did Revise the Laws passed on the Second day of June 1812 which prohibits the taking or Catching of any fish of any kind whatever or of killing any Wild fowl of Any kind whatsoever within the Bounds and Limits of the South Bay or parts belonging to sd Town and the Heirs of William Smith deceasd, or Gen. John Smith which s,d Laws are hereby Revised and to be in full force and Virtue until Re- pealed And also the Act to prevent Rams from runing in the Commons from the last day of August until the first day of November be and is hereby Revised And also the Act to prevent Swine from runing in the Commons without being sufficiently ringed and yoked passed the 7th day of May 1811 be and the same is hereby revised given under our hands and Seal of the Town of Brookhaven. JOSIAH SMITH President L s Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 120. Rev Zecariah Green Rev Noah Hallock Nicoll Floyd William Beale Rev Ezra King Joseph B. Rowe - Inspectors of Schools BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 175 1 OVERSEERRS OF HIGHWAYS. Jedediah Williamson Daniel Smith Ebenezer Baily William Osborn Samuel Satterly David Leek Frederick Halsey Warden Tobey Spicer Davis Isaac Mills Isreal Davis Jacob Corwin Nethaniel Davis Jeremiah Randal Jonathan Hallock George Brown Peter Skidmore William Swezey Zopher Mills John Smith Aron Robinson Samuel Hammond Samuel Lane Brewster Terry Lewis Gorden George Smith John Havens David Davis John Leech Jur Justus Overton Zopher Tooker Jeremiah Wheeler Robert Ellison Israel Hawkins William Rose David Overton Jacob Bell James Smith FENCE VIEWERS. Timothy Davis Hedges Osborn Joseph Hawkins William Beale Jacob Hawkin Justus Rowe Nethaniel Tooker William Osborn William Jayne Humphy A very Isaac Satterly James Smith Daniel Davis Daniel Saxton Wells Davis Nathan Corwin Joseph Miller Davis Overton Samuel Hopkins Azariah Hawkins Peter Skidmore Justus Overton Jonathan Worth George Munroe Henry Raynor Jur. Willard Ruland Nethaniel Robinson Robert Hawkins James Post William Phillips Benjamin Smith William Randal Nehemiah Hand John Laws Nathan Bartoe Caleb Newton Phinehas Robinson Zopher Hallock 176 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 121. Suffolk ) County j s Statement of Votes taken at the Anneversary Election for Governor Lieutenant Governor and Senator which com- menced on the last Tuesday in April one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Governor Daniel D. Tompkins had three hundred and "] fifty one I Votes Stephen Van Bensselear had one hundred and j forty six Lieutenant Governor John Tayler had three hundred and fifty one ) George Huntington had one hundred and forty j- Votes six ) Senator Jonthan Dayton had three hundred and fifty "] one J y , Jeremiah Johnson had one hundred and forty \ five We Certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid election this 29th day of April 1813 JOHN KOSE "] ISAAC SATTERLY I BARNABAS WINES | DAVID DAVIS J Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 122. Suffolk County Statement of Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the Annaversary Election for Members of Assembly which commenced on the last tuesday hi April one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen. BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 177 Thomas S. Lester had three hundred and Eigh- ty eight Jonathan S. Conklin had Three hundred and v . * , -i j_ f~ * O WJB eighty eight Nathanel Potter had three Hundred and Eigh- ty eight Richard Udall had one Hundred fifty four James Hallock had one Hundred fifty _ four i- Votes Thomas Beebe had one Hundred fifty four David S. Conklin had one We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election. JOHN ROSE 1 BARNABIS WINES J Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 123. Know all men by these presents that we the under- signed overseers of the Poor of the Town of Brookhaven do hereby Certify that on the day of the date hereof be- fore us personally came and appeared Killis lately a slave to Samuel Thompson physician Deceasd who is now Manu- mitted by the Executors to the Estate of the said Samuel Thompson deceas,d by Virtue of an agreement entered into Between the sd Samuel Thompson the sd Killis and we do further Certify that the sd Killis appears or is under the age of fifty Years and of Sufficient ability to provide for himself in Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this Seventh day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen 178 BROOKHAVEN TOWN BECOEDS. Josiah Smith John Mills | Overseers of the Poor Nathan Post . of the Phillip Hallock | Town of Brookhaven Wilham Dickerson } Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 124. The Commissioners of Common Schools for the Town of Brookhaven met at Coram on Tuesday the 3rd. day of November 1813 and Divided the town into School Districts According to Statute of this State in such Case provided JOHN ROSE j Commissioners FRANKLIN B. THOMPSON V of MORDECAI HOMAN. ) Common Schools No. one is to Embrace the Inhabitants or Neighbourhood of Stoney Brook No. two is to Embrace the Western part of Setaket in- cluding the Inhabitants of Lubber Street and Dickersons Settlement No. 3rd. is to Embrace the Eastern part of Setaket No 4 is to Embrace the Neighbourhood of Drown meadow and Adjoining Inhabitants No. 5. is to Embrace the Neighbourhood of oldmans and adjoining Inhabitants No 6 is to embrace the Village of Millersplace and hop- kins Settlement No 7 is to Embrace the Inhabitants of Rocky point and people Adjacent No 8 is to embrace the Inhabitants of the Western part of Western Middle Island About Rocconcama Pond to Sinithtown line. No. 9 is to Embrace the Inhabitants or Settlement of New Village as far West as James Hawkins and East to Richard Norton and Joseph Roes No 10 is to Embrace the Inhabitants of Coram as far BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 179 West as James Nortons No 11 is to Embrace the Inhabitants of the North part of Middletown and Sweazey town 12 is to embrace the Inhabitant of the lower part of Middle Island as far west as Isaac Howells (Deceasd) North to James Daytons and West to James Barnaby,s PAGE 125. No 13 is to Embrace the Inhabitants of the Manner as far West as George Cobits and prosper kings and East by Southampton including Halseys Manner No. 14 is to Embrace the Remainder part of the Man- ner No. 15 is to include the Inhabitants of the Eastern part of Moriches as far West as Havens Mills No 16 is to Embrace the remainder part of Morriches as far West as the paper Mill No. 17 is to Embrace the Inhabitants of Mastick as far West as fireplace No 18 is to Embrace the Inhabitants West of fireplace Mills as far West as Jeffrey Brewsters No. 19 is to Embrace the Inhabitants West of Jeffrey Brewsters as far West as Austin Roe,s No. 20 is to Embrace the Inhabitants West of Austin Roes as far West as Patchogue Stream No 21 is to Embrace the Inhabitants West of Patchogue Stream as far West as Islip line No 22 is to Embrace the Inhabitants East of Thomas Aldrich in Middletown extending East to the Wading River Line No. 23. is to Embrace the Inhabitants of Coram hills as far East as the Widow Howells On the 14th. January 1814 John Rose and Mordecai Homan Commisioners were Calld to alter the Districts in the Manner and did Extend the Western District on the 180 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. South Road to include the House Barnabas Wines and on the North as far East as to include Nathaniel Brower,s House PAGE 126. This doth Certify that on the first day of March 1814 Hannah Woodhull made application to the Trustees to Manumit a Certain Slave of hers Named Tamer and s,d Trus- tees being Satisfied that sd Slave is under the age of forty five Years and of Sufficient abilit}' to provide for and maintain herself do therefore manumitt and set free s,d Tamer as the Law of this State directs JOSIAH SMITH President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clk This doth certify that on the first day of March 1814 Thomas Strong made applications to the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven to Manumitt a Certain Negro man a Slave of his Named Killis and sd Trustees being Satisfied that said Killis is under the age of forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do Manumitt and set free sd Slave and the Law of this State directs JOSIAH SMITH President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk This doth Certify that on the first day of March 1814 Theophilus Smith made application to the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven to Manumitt and Set free a Certain Woman Slave of hers Named Sarah and sd Trustees being sadisfied that sd Sarah is under the age of forty five Years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain herself do therefore Manumitt sd Slave as the Law of this State directs JOSIAH SMITH President MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 127. At a general Town meeting held in the Town of Brook- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 181 haven at the house of Goldsmith Davis on the fifth day of April 1814 by the Inhabitants and Commonalty of s,d Town for the purpose of Choosing Town Officers as the Statute of this State directs the following persons were unanimous- ly Elected John Rose President of the Trustees Daniel Davis "] Benjamin Halliock | William Dickerson I m Briant Norton ^ Trustees John Mills Barnabas Wines John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Homan Town Clerk & Treasurer Nathan Post Collector Isaac Satterly "1 Peter Skidmore Theophilus Smith J- Assessors William Beale Benjamin Hallock j Benjamin F.Thompson ) John Ros e V Commisioners of Schools Mordecai Homan j Jedediah Williamson j Lewis Rich V Commissioners of highways John Rose j John Denton Benjamin Hawkins Jur David Carter Nathan Post Tathaniel Robinson Nathan Corwin Elisha Bailes John Leek Jur Samuel Bishop Constables 182 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. PAGE 128. Rev. Zechiarah Green Eev. Noali Hallock Rev. Ezra King NicoU Floyd Wm Beale Joseph B. Roe Inspectors of Schools OVEBSEEBS OF fflGHWAYS Jedediah Williamson Daniel Smith Jr John Davis Samuel Davis Peter Skidmore Henry Raynor John Havens Mordecai Homan Isaac Biggs Daniel Smith William Arthur Jr James Dayton Herrick Aldrich Samuel Davis Jur Willard Ruland Briant Norton Phinehas Rose James Smith Nathaniel Akerly Ebenezer Jones Nathaniel Davis Jonathan Halliock Aron Robinson Lewis Gordon John Leek Stephen Overton Jacob Bell Isaac Willits Isaac Mills John Laws William Swezey Isaac Overton Sylvanus Overton Azariah Hawkins Jeremiah Wheeler Isreal Hawkins FENCE YIEWEBS Woodhull Smith Benjamin Hawkins William Jayne Daniel Davis 2nd Joseph Miller Peter Skidmore Henry Raynor Richard Smith Ebenezer Bailey Isaac Satterly Wells Davis Samuel Hopkins David Worth Nathaniel Robinson BKOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 183 Beujamin Smith Jonathan Hawkins Zophar Tooker Mordecai Homan Phinehas Robinson Hedges Osborn Nathan Mulford Ebeuezer Akerly William Arthur Jr Samuel Bishop James Smith Daniel Saxton Joshua Overton Nathan Corwin Azariah Hawkins Justus Overton Willard Ruland George Munroe Simmons Laws Robert Hawkins William Randal John Laws Jeremiah Wheeler Titus Gould PAGE 129. Suffolk | County i" S Statement of Votes taken at the Anaversary Election for Senators which Commenced on the last tuesday in April ope thousand Eight hundred and fourteen Viz Darius Crosby had two hundred and Eighty six ( y , Abraham Odell had one hundred and Seventeen f We Certify the above to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this twenty eighth day of April one thousand Eight hundred and fourteen Isaac Satterly "1 John Rose L Inspectors Benjamin Hallock Peter Skidmore Suffolk ) County j Statement of Vote taken at the Anaversary Election for Congress which commenced on the last Tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and fourteen Viz - Votes 184 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Henery Crocheron had three hundred and thirty one George Townsend had three hundred and thirty one William Townsend had one hundred and twenty six Cornelius Bedell had one hundred and twenty six We Certify the above to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this twenty eighth day of April one thousand Eight hundred and fourteen Isaac Satterly "j John Rose Benjamin Hallock Peter Skidmore J Attest Mordecai Homan Town Clerk PAGE 130. Suffolk ) County | s Statement of Votes taken at the Anaversary Election for Members of Assembly which Commenced on the last tues- day in April one thousand Eight hundred and fourteen Viz John P. Osborn had three hundred and twenty Nine John Wells had three hundred and twenty Six Tredwell Scudder had three hundred and twen- ty Nine Thomas S. Lester had three >- Votes Abraham Vanwyck had one hundred and twen- "] ty Nine ( V f James Eeeve had one hundred and twenty Nine f Votes Silas Howell had one hundred and twenty Nine J We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement of Votes taken in the Town of Bro )khaven at the aforesaid Election BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 185 this twenty eighth day of April one thousand Eight hun- dred and fourteen. Isaac Satterly 1 John Rose Benjamin Hallock ^ 8 P ectors Peter Skidmore J Attest Mordecai Homan Town Clerk PAGE 131.* At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in sd town on the fourth day of May 1814 the Law prohibiting the taking or killing Wild fowl : or of taking or Catching fish of any kind whatever passed on the Second day of May 1812 as Respects the South Bay in partnership with the Town of Brook Haven the Heirs of William Smith deceas,d or General John Smith be and they are hereby revised and declared to be in full force and Virtue Given under our hands in Brook- haven this fourth day of May 1814 whereunto we have Caused the Seal of the Town of Brookhaven to be affixed. JOHN ROSE President. L s Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk *Note. The two following pages are each numbered 131 in the Records. COM. Also at the aforesaid Meeting the Act passed on the 7th. day of May 1811 which prevents Swine from Runing in the Commons without being ringed and Yoked be and is hereby Revised and declared to be in full force and Virtue Given under our hands and Seal in Brookhaven this 4th day of May 1814 JOHN ROSE President L s Attest MORDECAI HOMAN PAGE 131. ' This doth Certify that on the fourth day of May 1814 Robert Hawkins of the Town of Brookhaven made Appli- cation to the Trustees or Overseers of the Poor of s,d Town 186 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. to Manumitt a Certain Slave of his Named Margett and the s,d Trustees being Satisfied after due Consideration had in the premises that the said Slave Named Margett is under the age of forty five years and of sufficient ability to pro- vide for and Maintain hersslf do therefore Consent that the s,d Slave shall be Manumitted as the Law in this state directs given under our hands in Brookhaven this day above Written. JOHN ROSE President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk We the Commissioners of Common schools for the Town of Brookhaven being Called upon by the mutual Consent of the Inhabitants of the fifteenth and sixteenth school dis- tricts to alter the Line or division Between s,d Districts in order to give Each District its Just proportion of Inhab- itants do therefore extend the fifteenth District as far West as the Lane that leads down to the house of Isaac Bishops given under our hands in Brookhaven this 10th July 1814 JOHN ROSE ) Commissioners MORDECAI HOMAN f of Common schools PAGE 131. This doth Certify that on the 6th day of Sept. 1814 Wessell Sell of the Town of Brookhaven made application to the Trustees thereof to manumitt a certain female Slave of his by the name of Juleanor and sd Trustees being Sat- isfied that said slave is under the age of forty five Tears and of sufficient ability to Support and maintain herself do consent that she should be manumitted as the Law of this i state in such case directs given under our hands in Brook- haven this day aforesaid JOHN ROSE President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk This doth Certify that on the 7th day of february 1815 Gideon Mills and Richard Oakly of the Town of Brook- BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 187 liaven Made application to the Trustees of s,d Town to Manumitt a Certain Negro Man of theirs Named Sampson formerly the property of John Ackerly Deceas,d and sd Trustees being satisfied that s,d Sampson was under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain himself did consent that s,d Negro Man should be manumitted According to the Statute Law of this State .given under our hands in Brookhaven this day aforesaid. JOHN ROSE President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk . PAGE 132. We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brookhaven being Called upon by Elijah Bailes and others to open a highway in Lubber Street and sd Com- missioners after Viewing the premises do order and agree -that the Road shall be opened Begining at a place Call,d temps House Runing Westwardly to a Certain Stake at Elijah Bayles Stacking place or spreading place four Rods Wide which we order to be recorded given under our hands in Brookhaven this 7th February 1815 JOHN ROSE ) Commissioners JEDEDIAH WILLIAMSON { of highways Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk This doth Certify that about the 8th. day of December 1814 Mordecai Homan and John Rose were Calld upon as Commissioners of Common Schools to alter the school dis- trict in the Manor and did agreeable to the request of the Inabitants form a District on the North Road so as to in- clude all the Inhabitants on said Road from the place or House of Caleb Smith deceas,d to the Eastern part of the Neighbourhood which Will be No. 24 as Witness our hands MORDECAI HOMAN ) Commissioners of JOHN ROSE \ Common Schools 188 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS, PAGE 133. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and! Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven for the time being, held in s,d Town on the Third day of January one thousand Eight hundred and fifteen at s,d meeting Sundry Merchants and others of s,d Town made Application to the ; Trustees aforesaid praying them to establish a Bank Con- sisting of Small Bill for the Accommodation of Change and s,d Trustees after due Consideration had in the premises did Vote and agree that there should be a quantity of Bills- struck for the Accommodation of Change during the present scarcity of Specie Change, to be sub to the orders and reg- ulation of s,d Trustees and their Successors in Office and Accordingly the sd Trustees did apply to Mr. Alden Spooner Printer and had twelve hundred Nine Dollars and Ninety two Cents. $1200 92-100. Struck which was de- posited with Mordecai Homan Town Clerk and Treasurer to be by him Signed and put in Circulation if Call,d for Be it Rembred that on the 12th. day of May 1815 the Inhabitants of the 18th. District made application to us Commissioners of Common Schools to have their District- Divided which we do Accordingly and have set off that part of the fireplace Begining at the point of the Middle Island and the Mill Roads so Extending Across the Neck in a Southeasterly direction so as to include the House of Stephen Bartoe in the 26 District which will be that part towards th e Mills and the Remainder to be in the 18th. District. MORDECAI HOMAN ) Commissioners WILLIAM BEALE } of Schools PAGE 134. Suffolk ) County ( Be it remembered that on the first day of May 1817 the Inhabitants of the Neighborhood of Ball,d hills made appli- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 189 Cation to us commissioners of common schools for the Town of Brookhaven to be set off in a District by themselves and we the sd Commissioners after due consideration had in the premises do hereby set them off the West Bound to extend to the east line of Daniel saxtons land so extending Northward ,so as to include Christopher lookers and Eastwardly so as to include the house and premises of John Hulse Jur which will be District No. 27. Given under our hands at Brook- haven this day aforesaid M VeMonWhee\er MORDECAI HOMAN I Cnmisioners .and Capt Wheeler to WlLLIAM BEALE Y of be united with the j Common Schools Ninth District On the Ninth day of May 1815 Mordecai Homan and William Beale Two of the Commissioners of Common Schools for the Town of Brook haven were Calld by a num- ber of the Inhabitants living on the extremities of the Ninth and Tenth School District of the Town of Brook haven Stateing to sd Commissioners that their Districts were too large and praying to have a District formd from the two Districts and sd Commissioners after due Consideration had in the premises did set off a district to Include the Inhab itants in that part of the Vilage Calld Westfield which shall include the House now Ocupied by Lemuel Smith Westerly and to extend East so as to include George Smiths on the North side of the Country Road and David Fordham on the South side which Will be District No. 25 MORDECAI HOMAN ) Commissioners WILLIAM BEALE ( of Common Schools PAGE 135. At a General Town Meeting of the freeholders and Com- monalty of the Town of Brook haven held at the House of Goldsmith Davis in Coram on the fourth day of April 1815 the following Town Officers were Unanimously Chosen Viz. Isaac Satterly President 190 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. John Havens Daniel Smith Benjamin Hallick f rj, Briant Norton [ J Robert Hawkins MerrittS. WoodhuUJ John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Homan Town Clk and Treasurer Nathan Post Collector Hampton Howell Ichabod Carter Benjamin Hallick WoodhuU Smith Merritt S. WoodhuU Assessors Isaac Overton } Lewis Rich >- Commissioners of highways Timothy Davis) William Beale } ^ f Mordecai Homan I Commissioners of John R. Satterly f Common Schools Nathan Post Samuel Bishop Nathan Corwin John L. Merritt William Homan ^Constables Azel Robinson John Leek Jur Benjamin Hawkins Robert Stivers PAGE 136. Rev. Zecheriah Green Rev. Noah Hallock Rev. Ezra King Coll Nicoll Floyd William Beale Joseph B. Roe OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Jonas Hawkins James WoodhuU Daniel Smith Elisha Bayles Inspectors of Common Schools BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 191 Spicer Davis Samuel Davis Phillip Hallock Zophar Mills Jur Aaron Robinson Joseph Raynor Lewis Gourden Jeremiah Culver Isaac Petty Mordecai Homan Timothy Rose Josiah Woodhull Joseph Wood John Mills William Arthur Simmons Davis James Dayton John Laws William Swezey Jur Samuel Darr's Isaac Overton Willard Ruland Sylvanus Overton Briant Norton Azra Hawkins Titus Gould Isaac N. Gould. FENCE VIEWERS Woodhull Smith Richard Smith Benjamin Hawkins Ebenezer Bailis William Jayne James Hulse Elisha Davis John Davis Joseph Miller Samuel Hopkins Peter Skidmore David Worth Henry Raynor Nathaniel Robinson Benjamin Smith Jonathan Hawkins Zophar Tooker Mordecai Homan Phinehas Robinson Hedges Osborn Nathan Mulford Ebenezer Ackerly William Arthur Samuel Bishop James Smith Daniel Saxton Joshua Overton Nathan Corwin Azariah Hawkins Samuel Hammond Willard Ruland George Munroe David Davi's Thomas Homan William Randal John Laws PAGE 137. Statement of Votes taken at the Anavarsary Election for Senators in the Town of Brookhaven which Commenced on the Last tuesday of April one thousand Eight hundred and fifteen Viz 192 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Jacob Barker had two hundred and forty five '( v , Leffert Lefferts had Eighty Eight j ! We Certy the foregoing to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brook haven at the aforesaid Election John Rose 1 Ichabod Carter T Merritt S. Woodhull f ^P 60 ^ Hampton Howell J Statement of Votes taken at the Anavarsary Election for Members of Assembly which Commenced on the last Tues- day in April one thousand Eight hundred and fifteen Abraham Rose had three hundred and forty eight Josiah Smith had one hundred and Eighty one Benjamin R Thompson had one hundred and Eighty two }- Votes John Saxton had Ninety Six Isreal Carll had one Phinehas Carll had two hundred and fifty six J We Certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election John Rose ] Merritt S. Woodhull T Ichabod Carter \ Inspectors Hampton Howell PAGE 138. Be it remembered that whereas there is Certain property known the name of the flax pond lying at a place Call,d Cranes Neck in the Town of Brookhaven that is Equally owned 1by the Town of Brookhaven of the one part and Vincent Jones William Wickham Mills, and Stephen Hulse deceas,d of the other part and the aforesaid parties being desirous to make a Division in the aforesaid premises did Choose us the Undersigned Viz. Timothy Miller William BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 193 Dickenson and Mordecai Homan as Commissioners to make a Division thereof and the s,d parties together with Ebene- zer Smith did enter into Bonds of one hundred Dollars each to abide and agree to the Division and Bounds that shall be made and fixed by us the aforesaid Commissioners And we the s,d Commissioners after having Viewed and Made a Survey thereof with the Assistance of Mr. Daniel Saxton Surveyor do find it very difficult to Ascertain where the original Bounds were the aforesaid parties did agree that we the s,d Commissioners should make a Division and Set the Bounds According to our Judgment and we the sd Commissioners afer due Consideration and examenation had in the premises do make and establish the Bounds as follows Viz. the Bounds is a Stake Set on the Bank on the South Side of the pond which is due West from a Certain Ceder Tree standing in the fence between the land of the sd Vincent Jones and the flax pond Lane which sd stake Stands five Chains and five Links due West from s,d Ceder tree which Division appears to us Commissioners to be equal PAGE 139. and from sd Stake to run a due North Line to the Norther- most side of the s,d pond and Marsh and the s,d parties after haveing heard the Division and seen the Bounds that were fixd did proceed to make Choice as to the share that should belong to them, and the aforesaid Vincent Jones Wm. Wick ham Mills and Thomas S. Strong Executor to the Estate of Stephen Hulse Deceas,d did Choose the West- erniost half and Coll Isaac Satterly President of the Trustees for the Town of Brookhaven did Choose the East- ermost half, or part in behalf of the Town and the aforesaid parties did agree to pass Quit claims to each other Accord- ingly given under our hands in Brookhaven this 12th day of April 1815 194: BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Timothy Miller ) Cornmisioners William Dickenson v appointed by Mordecai Homan ) the parties This doth Certify that on the Seventh day of November 1815, Daniel Davis Made application to the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven to Manumitt a Certain female Slave of his Named Matilda and s,d Trustees being Satisfied that slave was under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain herself did Consent that sd Davis should Manumitt sd slave as the Law in such Case directs ISAAC SATTEKLY President Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 140. At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in s,d Town on the 2nd day of May 1815. the Law passed on the 2nd day of June 1812. which prohibits the taking or killing wild fowl or of taking or Catching fish of any kind what- ever in the South Bay that belongs to the Town of Brook - haven the Heirs of Capt. William Smith deceas,d or General John Smith be and they are hereby declared to be in full force and Virtue ISAAC SATTERLY president ' Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Also the Act passed on the 7th day of May 1811. which prevents Swine from Runing on the Commons without being Ringed and Yoked be and the same is hereby declared to be in full force and Virtue ISAAC SATTERLY President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Also the Act passed on the 2nd day of June 1812 which prevents Rams from runing on the commons Between the Last day of August and the first day of November be and the same is declared to be in full force and Virtue given BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 195 under our hands and Seals in Brookhaven this day afore- said ISAAC SATTERLT President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk {SEA,} PAGE 141. Be it Remembred that on the 15th day of June 1815 We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brook- haven was Call,d by a number of the Inhabitants of sd Town to lay out a highway at Millers place from the Rocky point Road to Merritt S. Woodhull, Landing and We the s,d Commissioners after Viewing the same did lay out a highway for the public three Rods wide through the land of Lyba Brown Samuel Davis and Merritt S. Woodhull to low Water mark Begining at the Rocky point Road four feet to the West of the West Waggon Rut and extending East so as to make the above mentioned three Rods until it comes to the Land of the s,d Samuel Davis and then through the Land of the s,d Samuel Davis and the Land of the s,d Merritt S. Woodhull the same Width as it was Staked out by the s,d Commissioners, and the s,d Samuel Davis is to have liberty to keep two good easy swing Gates on s,d Road where they now are at his own expense and likewise to have liberty to erect one more gate Easy swing- ing Gate at some other Convenient place on s,d Road so as not to discommode the traveling any more than the other two Gates does. Likewise the sd Merritt S. Woodhull is to have liberty to Erect one good Easy swinging Gate Across the Road leading from his House to the landing aforesaid at any Convenient place to the Eastward of the the s,d Samuel Davis House which s,d Road we order to be Recorded 196 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Lewis Bitch ) Commissioners Isaac Overton J of highways M. HOMAN Town Ck PAGE 142. This doth Certify that on the 6th day of Febuary 1816 Thomas S. Strong Esq. made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brook- haven to Man mitt a Certain Slave of his Named Abel and s,d Trustees being Satisfied that s,d Slave was under forty five Years and of Sufficient Ability to provide for and maintain himself do Consent that the sd Abel should be Manumitted According to the Statute of this State in such case made and provided ISAAC SATTEKLY President Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk This doth Certify that on the 6th day of February 1816 Richard Robinson Made application to Manumitt a Certain Slave of his Named Clarisa and s.d Trustees being Satisfied that sd Slave was under forty five Years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain herself do Consent that the s,d Clarisa should be Manumittd According to the Satute of this state in such Case made and provided ISAAC SATTEKLY President Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk , PAGE 143. This doth Certify that on the fourth day of March 1816 Richard Robinson made application to the Overseers of the poor of the Town of Brookhaven to Manumitt a Certain slave of his Named Jeremiah, and s,d Trustees being Satis- fied that sd Slave was under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain himself do Consent that he should be Manumitted According to the Law of the state in such Case made and provided Attest MOBDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 197 This doth Certify that on the sixth day of November 1816 Thomas S. Strong Executor to the Estate of Samuel Thompsen Deceas,d Made application to the Overseers of the poor of the Town of Brookhaven to Manumitt a Certain Slave belonging to said Estate Named Rose Akerly and s,d Overseers being satisfied that said Rose was under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and Main- tain herself do consent that she should be Manumitted According to the Law of this state in such case made and provided Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Ck PAGE 144. This doth Certify that on the 2d Day of June 1817 Eliza- beth Smith Exeexutrix to the Estate of John Smith Deceasd made Application to the Overseer of the Poor of the Town of Brookhaven to manumitt a certain Slave Belonging to said Estate and said Overseers being Satisfied that said Slave whose name is Stephen is under forty five years and of Sufficient Ability to Maintain himself do consent to his manumition as the law in such Case is made and provided Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Tow Clk This doth Certify that on the 2nd Day of September 1817. Sarah Helme made application to manumitt a certain Slave of hers named Nimrod and the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven being Overseers of the Poor being Satisfied that said Slave is under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do consent that said Nimrod should be manumitted as the law directs Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clk PAGE 145. At a meeting of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brook haven held at the house of Goldsmith Davis in Coram on the 2nd. day of April 1816 being the Annual 198 BHOOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. K Trustees Town Meeting Day the following persons were Unanomously Elected as Town Officers Yiz. Thomas S. Strong President Isaac Brewster Benjamin Hallick William Tooker Ichabod Carter Issac Hammond William Phillips Mordecai Homan Town Clerk & Treasurer John Rose Supervisor Hendrickson Hallock Collector Benjamin Hallick Hampton Ho well Josiah Smith 1- Assessors Isaac Brewster Timothy Miller Isaac Satterly } Nicoll Floyd > Commissioners of Highways Benjamin Hutchenson ) John R. Satterly 1 Commigsionere of Mordecai Homan V n William Beale f Common Henry Dayton Nathan Post John Penny Freeman Lane Jur Samuel Bishop Jonathan Still Thomas Mount Elias Norton >- Constables PAGE 146. Rev. Zecheriah Green " Rev. Noah Hallock Rev. Ezra King Nicoll Floyd William Beale Joseph B. Roe Inspectors of Schools BROOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. .. 199 OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Jonas Hawkins Josiah Woodhull James Woodhull Stephen Roe Daniel Smith Jur John L. Merritt Zechariah Hawkins Sylvester Foster Spicer Davis Daniel Homan Israel Davis James Dayton Samuel Davis John Laws Phillip Hallock William Swezey Benjamin Robinson Samuel Davis Jur Ebenezer Wines Isaac Overton Joseph Raynor Noah Overton Christopher Robinson Willard Ruland Bartlett Sandford Briant Norton Joseph Hawkins Senior Azariah Hawkins Mordecai Homan Titus Gould Timothy Rose James Smith William Swezey Patchogue FENCE VIEWERS Woodhull Smith Barnabas Smith Richard Smith Justus Roe Benjamin Hawkins Ebenezer Akerly Ebenezer Akerly Samuel Bishop William Jayne Esq John Rider James Hulse James Smith Elisha Davis Daniel Saxton Daniel Davis Joshua Overton Joseph Miller Nathan Corwin Samuel Hopkins Azariah Hawkins Peter Skid more Samuel Hammond David Worth George Munroe Henry Raynor Willard Ruland Nathaniel Robinson William Phillips John Penny Jeffrey Randal 200 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Silas Reeves Zophar Tooker Mordecai Horn an Hedges Osborn "William Randal John Laws Davis Overton Brewster Terry ss PAGE H7. Suffolk County Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election for Governor Lieutenant Governor and Senators which commenced on the Last Tuesday in April 1816 Viz. Governor [ Votes Votes > Votes Daniel D. Tompkins had two hundred and Sev- enty three Rufus King had Seventy three Lieutenant Governor John Taylor had two hundred and Seventy three George Tibbits had Seventy Nine Senators John D. Ditmis had two hundred and Seventy three Walter Bowne had two hundred and Seventy three Elisha W. King had Seventy Eight- John Johnston had Seventy Eight We certify the above to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this second day of May one thousand Eight hundred and Sixteen John Rose Isaac Brewster Timothy Miller \- Inspectors Hampton Howell Benjamin Hallick Attest MOBDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOKDS. 201 PAGE 148. Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election for Assembly which commenced on the last tuesday in april 1816 Viz.- Israel Carll had theee hundred and sixteen Abraham Parsons had three hundred and Sixteen Thomas S. Lester had three hundred and sixteen James Halliock had sixty Nine 69 Stephen Mitchael had sixty Eight, 68 John H. Jones had sixty Nine 69 >- Votes We Certify the foregoing Statement to be a true Esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this second day of May one thousand Eight hundred and Sixteen John Rose Isaac Brewster Timothy Millr \- Assessors Hampton Ho well j Benjamin Hallick j Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Suffolk ) County j" 8I Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election for Congress which commenced on the last tuesday in april one thousand Eight hundred and sixteen Viz. George Townsend had three hundred and twenty five Tredwell Scudder had three hundred and twen- i -TT- , ty five Samuel Jones Jun had Ninety one Nethaniel Smith had Ninety three We Certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this 2nd. day of May 1816 202 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. John Rose Isaac Brewster Timothy Miller - Inspectors Hampton Howell Benjamin Hallick Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 149. At a Meeting of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in said Town on the first day of April in the Year of our LORD one thousand Eight hun- dred and Seventeen the following Town Officers were unan- omously and duly Elected Nicoll Floyd President Thomas S. Strong "1 Isaac Satterly Justus Overton I T , Daniel Overton f Isaac Overton William Beale J John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Homan Town Clerk and Treasurer Nathan Post Collector William Tooker "j Benjamin Hallock Isaac Brewster >- Inspectors Timothy Miller Joseph Raynor J John Rose ) Commissioners William Phillips V of Isaac Brewster ) highways William Beale ) n . . ,. Mordecai Homan f Commissioners of John R. Satterly J Common Scho l8 BROOKHAVEN TOWN BECOEDS. 203 Samuel Bishop Silvanus Overton Samuel Homan Evi Smith James Woodhull Thomas S. Mount > Constables PAGE 150. Reverend Zecheriah Green Rev. Noah Hallock Rev. Ezra King Nicoll Floyd William Beale Joseph B. Roe - Inspectors of Schools OVEKSEEKS OF HIGHWAYS Joseph Hawkins James Woodhull Daniel Smith Zecheriah Hawkins Spicer Davis Israel Davis Samuel Brown Phillip Hallock Benjamin Robinson Zophar Mills Ebenezer Wines Isaac Raynor Senior Christopher Robinson Henry P. Orsborn James Fanning Mordecai Homan > South Doct. Nathaniel Miller Isaac Overton Austin Roe Justus Roe Isaac Willetts Isaac Mills Isaac Haff John Laws Joshua Swezey Samuell Davis Isaac Overton 2nd Willard Ruland Briant Norton Azariah Hawkins Edmind Wheeler James Smith Caleb Newton William Swezey FENCE VIEWERS Timothy Davis Hedges Orsbon Joseph Hawkins Barnabas Smith Benjamin Hawkins Justus Roe Ebenezer Bailey Ebenezer Akerly William Jayne Samuel Bishop 204 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. James Hulse Isaac Willetts Elisha Davis James Smith Daniel Davis Daniel Saxton Joseph Miller Joshua Overton Samuel Hopkins Nathan Cor win Peter Skidmore Azariah Hawkins David Worth Samuel Hammond Henry Raynor David Overton Nathaniel Robinson Willard Ruland John Penny Robert Hawkins Silas Reeves Isaac Mills Nathan Bartoe William Randal Samuel Hawkins John Laws Briant Davis Daniel Overton PAGE 151. At the aforesaid Town Meeting a Vote was taken that the Trustees of said Town should provide a poor House for the Accommodation of the poor and to unite with the Towns of Smith Town and Islip for that purpose which was Carried TJnanomously in the Affirmative and Nicoll Floyd Thomos S. Strong and William Tooker were ap- pointed as a Committee to meet a Committee for the Towns of Smith Town and Islip for said purpose Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN, Town Clerk Suffolk County Statement of Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the Annaversary Election for Governor and Lieut. Gover- nor and Senators which commenced on the last tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Seventeen Dewitt Clinton had ninety five ) Votes for Peter B. Porter hand Seventeen j Governor John Taylor had one hundred and Seventeen Votes for Lieutenant Governor ! BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 205 Senators Stephen Barnum had one hundred and ten } Jonathan Dayton had one hundred and seven > Votes Stephen B. Porter had three for Senators ) We Certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Yotes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this first day of May 1817 John Rose "] Isaac Bewster I TTID William Tooker In8 P ectors Joseph Raynor J PAGE 152. Suffolk County r8 Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election for members of Assembly in the town of Brookhaven which commenced on the last tuesday in April one thousand eight hundred and seventeen Viz John P. Orsborn had one hundred and sixteen "I Nathaniel Miller had one hundred and seventeen I y , Charles H. Havens had one hundred and twelve f Jeffrey Randal had four We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Yotes taken in the town of Brook haven at the aforesaid Election dated this first day of May 181 7 John Rose ~\ Isaac Brewster I T William Tooker Ins P ectore Joseph Raynor J Brookhaven 2nd June 1817 This is to certify that all that part of the Second School District of the Town of Brookhaven lying South of Benja- min F. Thompsons Esq. and a Certain Road known by the Name of Baileys Hallow is hereby set apart into a Seperate District and are entitled to all the priviledges of the Law to be denominated the 28th School District of the Town of Brookhaven given under our hands in Brook haven this 4th. february 1818 206 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Mordecai Homan ) Commissioners of John R. Satterly J Common Schools PAGE 153. Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven that if any person shall catch or take any fish of any kind whatsoever in any of the Bays Rivers or Creeks belonging to the Town of Brookhaven and "William S. Smith or William Smith or shall kill or take any Wild Fowl therein without first obtaining leave from the Trustees of said Town or their Agent he shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay to said Trustees or their order the sum of Twelve Dollars and fifty Cents, to be sued for and recoverd in the Name of the Trustees aforesaid Dated this 7th day of April 1818 at Brookhaven and sealed with our Seal ( ' ) Josiah Smith Presdt < Seal > \ _ ^ -i ' * W Sidney Smith j Seal J N - _f- , -m_ ' f Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Be it remembered that on the 2nd day of february in the Year one thousand Eight hundred and Nineteen Henry Smith made application to the Overseers of the poor for the Town of Brookhaven to Manumitt a Certain Male slave of his namd Richard and s,d Overseers being satisfied that said Richard is under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do consent that he should be manumitted as the Law of this State directs given under of hands. Josiah Smith President MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 154. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in said Town of the first Tues- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 207 day in April one thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen being Town Meeting day the following Town officers were duly and unanomously elected. Vis Josiah Smith President Isaac Overton Justus Overton Daniel Overton Trugtees Isaac Satterley Timothy Miller Joseph Raynor John Kose Supervisor Mordecai Homan Town Clerk & Treasurer Nathan Post Collector Theophilus Smith ") William Beale Benjamin Hallock i- Assessors Isaac Brewster Thomas S. Strong J John Rose ) ^ . . TUT- IT TT,MT ( Commissioners William Phillips V * , . i & v Isaac Brewster Mordecai Homan Commi8sioners of Schools Constables Timothy Davis* Nathan Corwin James Woodhull Samuel Bishop Smith Mott Israel Davis Noadiah Carter Jeremiah Gourder Daniel Havens Samuel Homan Silvanus Overton PAGE 155. Rev. Zeceriah Green Rev. Ezra King: Rev. Noah Hallock Nicoll Floyd Joseph B. Roe William Beale Inspectors of common Schools 208 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Joseph Hawkins Jacob Hawkins James Wood hull Daniel Smith Jur Zecheriah Hawkins Spicer Davis Elisha Davis Samuel Brown Peter Skidmore James Woodhull Junr. James Stansbro Isaac Reynor Christopher Robinson Henry P. Osbon James Fanning Mordecai Homan Jeremiah Selah Hawkins Isaac Overton George Smith Justus Roe Nathaniel Smith Simmons Laws Gershom Osbon John Hutchinson James Dayton Joshua Mott James Howell Samuel Hammond George Hawkins Caleb Newton Briant Norton Epenetus Mills Gourden FENCE VIEWERS Jedediah Williamson William Rudyard Benjamin Hawkins Ebenezer Bailes William Jayne James Hulse Andrew Still Alfred Edwars Elisha Davis John Davis Joseph Miller Samuel Hopkins Miller J. Woodhull Benjamin Robinson Barnabas Wines Hedges Osbon Barnabas Smith Justus Roe William Beale Samuel Bishop Epenetus Mills James Smith Daniel Saxton Joshua Overton Nathan Corwin Azariah Hawkins Samuel Hammond David Overton Jur Willard Ruland Robert Hawkins BROOKHAVEU TOWN RECORDS. 209 Isaac Mills John Laws. William Kandal Daniel Overton Briant Davis PAGE 156. Suffolk ) County j Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election for Senators in the Town of Brookhaven which commenced on the last tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen. Darias Crosby had Seventy one ) y . Jacob Dela Montagnie had Seventy two f "We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election Dated this 30th. April 1818 John "Rose "j Isaac Brewster Benjamin Hallock f In8 P ectors Theophims Smith j Suffolk \ County \ Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election for Congress which commenced in the Town of Brookhaven on the last tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen Viz Ebenezer Sage had Eighty four "] James Guyon Jun. had Eighty three [ Silas Wood had Seventy Nine F John Garretson had Seventy Nine We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken in the town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election dated this 30th. April 1818 John Rose " Isaac Brewster Benjamin Hallock Theophilus Smith 210 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 157. Suffolk ) County J Statement of Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven for Members of Assembly which commenced on the last tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen Viz. John P. Osborn had one hundred and fifty one "j Daniel Youngs had one hundred and fifty one [ v * Isaac conklin had one hundred and forty one f Ebenezer W. Case had one We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and esti- mate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election dated this 30th. April 1818 John P.ose "1 Isaac Brewster T Benjamin Hallock In8 P ect rs Theophilus Smith J This doth certify that on the 2nd. day of August 1818 Mrs Elizabeth Smith Widow of John Smith Deceasd made application to the Trustees of the Town of Brook- haven to Manumitt a certain Woman Slave Belonging to the Estate of said Smith and said Trustees being satisfied that said Woman Slave whose name is Can das is under forty five Years and of sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain herself do consent that said Candas should be manumitted as the law directs and an entry made on the Town Record JOSIAH SMITH President Attest MOEDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 158. Be it Remembered that on the 2nd. day of August 1818 the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven sold unto to John Rose Esq. a piece of common Land belonging to said Town lying in the fire- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 211 place on the east side of Beaver dam River and bounded East by the highway South by the land of Doctr. Nath. Miller West by said River and North to a certain Bound to be set so as to range with the south part of Richard Corwins Milk house Also one other piece of Land lying four Rods to the Northward of the last mentioned Bound which said four Rods is reserved, extending from the high- way to the River for a Watring place for the use of the Inhabitance of said Town which is not to be obstructed the last mentioned piece is Bounded south by the said four Rods West by the Land of Richard Gerard North within two Rods of the going Over Nearly oposite the house of Alexander Hawkins and East by the highway including all the Land belonging to said Town within the Bounds afore- said the aforesaid Lands was sold for the sum of fifty Eight Dollars at public sale as may appear by the title given for the same Sold for the sum of $60. JOSIAH SMITH President L. S. Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk. Also on the fourth day of June 1819 the said Trustees sold to John Rose and Doctr. Nathaniel Miller all the Remainder of the common land belonging to s,d town lying to the Northward of the going over against Elizabeth Elli- sons house on the Beaver dam River reserving a highway four Rods Wide at said going over THOMAS S. STRONG President L. S. Attest M. HOMAN Clerk for the sum of forty Dollars PAGE 159. Be it remembered that on the 3rd. day of November 1818 Daniel Jones made application to the Trustees of Brookhaven to Manumitt and set free a Certain female 212 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Slave of his named Rhoda and said Trustees being Satisfied that said slave is under forty five Years and of Sufficient Ability to provide for and maintain herself do consent that she should be Manumitted as the Law of this state in such case directs J OBI AH SMITH President. Attest MORDECAI ROMAN Town Clerk Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brook haven that if any person or persons shall take any sand from any of the strands or shores belonging to the commons of Brook haven without first obtaining leave from said Trustees or their angent and paying a toleration at the Rate of one Cent for every Bushel so to be taken shall be deemed guilty of Trespass and shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the said Trustees or their Agent the sum of twelve dollars and fifty Cents to be sued for and recoverd in the Name of the Trustees aforesaid before any Court having Cognizance thereof and applied to the use of said Town and further we do hereby appoint Joseph Hawkins our Lawful Agent, hereby Ratify- ing and confirming whatever our said Agent may lawfully do in the premises Given under our hand and Seal of Brook- haven this 2nd. day of february 1819 JOSIAH SMITH President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk Seal PAGE 160. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven for the time being held in said Town on the 2nd. day of february 1819. Zophar Tooker made application to said Trustees for liberty to set a Dock or frame in the south Bay for the purpose of BROOKHAVKN TOWN EECORDS. 213 laying Wood on and said Trustees after due consideration had in the premises did Grant liberty to the said Zophar Tooker to set up a frame or Dock in the south Bay a little to the Westward of long point at a place that shall be con- venient for Vessels to load at which said Grant is to extend for the space of one Year from this date aforesaid given under our hands in Brookhaven JOSIAH SMITH President Attest MOEDECAI HOMAN Clk At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brook haven held on the second day of March 1819. Smith Mott of said Town made appli- cation to said Trustees for liberty to Build a Dock in the south Bay against his own Land & said Trustees after due consideration had in the premises did grant liberty to the said Smith Mott to Build a Dock out into the South Bay against and adjoining to his own Land and to extend out into the said Bay to Eighteen Inches Water at common low Water Given under our hands in Brookhaven this second day of March 1819 JOSIAH SMITH President Attest MOEDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 161. At a Meeting of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven held in said town on the Hth day of April 1819 being Town Meeting day the following persons were unanamously Elected as town Officers Viz. Thomas S. Strong President of Trustees Samuel Satterly Nathaniel Smith Nicoll Floyd Daniel Overton Justus Overton Phillip Hallock Trustees 214 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Roman Town Clerk & Treasurer Nathan Post Collector Barnabas Wines Timothy Miller Isaac Satterly William Beale Benjamin Hallock [ Assessors f Commissioners of highways Nathan Post Le\vis Ritch > Isaac Brewster ) Mordecai Roman ) ^ . . f Archabald Jayne [Commissioners of Nathaniel Miller j Commori S Timothy Davis James Davis Jur Stephen Still Noadiah Carter William C. Overtoil [ Constables Micah Smith Samuel Dayton Samuel Roman Joseph Bennitt PAGE 162. John R. Satterly Russell Green Rev. Ezra King Nicoll Floyd William Beale Joseph B. Roe Inspectors of Common Schools OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Joseph Hawkins Mordecai Roman Jacob Hawkins Isaac Satterly Daniel Smith Nathaniel Miller William Tooker Joseph Hedges BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 215 Zecheriah Hawkins Justus Roe Spicer Davis William Arthur Henry C. Mathers Simmons Laws Samuel Brown Jeffrey Randal Peter Skidmore Silvanus Overton Miller I. Woodhull John Hutchenson Wells Davis Nathan Corwin James Stansbro Brewster Terry Jacob Carter Daniel Terry David Peterson Samuel Hammond Silas Reeves Zophar Hallock John S. Havens Austin Roe Jur. Jeremiah Gourden FENCE VIEWERS Jedediah Williamson Hedges Osborn William Rudyard Barnabas Smith James Woodhull William Beale Isaac Jayne Justus Roe Samuel Satterly John Rider James Hulse Epenetus Mills Andrew Still James Smith Alfred Edwards Daniel Saxton Wells Davis Joshua Overton John Davis Nathan Corwin Joseph Miller Azariah Hawkins Samuel Hopkins Samuel Hammond James Woodhull Jur David Overton Ju Benjamin Robinson Willard Ruland Barnabas Wines Robert Hawkins James Stansbro Isaac Mills Samuel Terry William Randal Elisha Raynor John Laws Nathan R Bartoe Daniel Overton Samuel Hawkins Briant Davis 216 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 163. Suffolk ) County f 8l Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election for Senators which commenced on the Last tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Nineteen Pierre Yan Cortlandt had one hundred and thirty three James Tallmadge Jur. had one hundred and thirty five I v f Peter R. Livingston had Eighty Nine John Townsend had Ninety one Phillip I Schyler had two James Morris had two We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Votes taken in the Town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this 29th. April 1819 Isaac Satterly Barnabas Wines Benjamin Hallock j- Inspectors John Rose Timothy Miller At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brookhaven held on the 2nd. day of April 1819- -Timothy Miller made application to manu- mitt a certain slave of his named Huldah and said Trustees being Satisfied that said slave was under forty five Years and of Sufficient Ability to provide for and maintain her- self do give their consent that she should be Manumitted as the Law of this State in such case directs JOSIAH SMITH President Attest MOEDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 164. Suffolk County f 8I Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 217 for Members of Assembly which commenced on the last tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and Nine- teen Israel Carll had one hundred and Seventy Eight John Rose had one hundred and Ninety one Ebenezer W. Case had one hundred and Ninety Six Charles H. Havens had Seventy Eight j- Votes Abraham Parsons had Eighty live Samuel Dickinson had fifty Lewis Hitch had one Ebenezer Case had one J We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Yotes taken in the town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election this 29th. April 1819 Be it Ordained by the trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven that if any person or persons shall take or catch any shell fish in any of the Waters or harbours on the North side of the Island belong- ing to the town Brookhaven he or they so offending shall for every such Offence shall forfeit and pay the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents Dated this 7th. day of September 1819 THOS. S. STRONG president Seal PAGE 165. We the commissioners of the town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk being call,d upon by a sufficient number of the Inhabitants of said town to lay out a highway at Moriches and after having viewed the premises have laid out a public highway four Rods wide begining at a certain Stake set a little to the eastward of the Mill dam at swift stream and from thence extending Southwesterly across the land of Mr. Silas Woodruff and the land of James Faning to 218 BROOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. a certain stake set about Eighty seven links to the Eastward of a certain pine stump near the River and from thence extending into the River about thirteen Links and from thence Runing Northeasterly to the highway across the Dam aforesaid four Rods wide. Which we return to be Recorded Nathan Post ) Commissioners Lewis Ritch f of highways the aforesaid road was appraised by a Jury call,d for that purpose by the assistance of John Rose and Barnabas Wines Justices of the peace for said County which said Jury did alow unto Mr. Woodruff the sum of two Dollars and to James Faning the sum of thirty five Dollars for damages of said Road done in Brookhaven this third-day of July 1819 John Rose ) T L- Barnabas Wines } ' Tustlce8 Enterd this 3rd. day of July 1819. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 166. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven held on the seventh day of September 1819 present at said Meeting Thomas S. Strong President Nicoll Floyd Nathaniel smith Daniel Overton Justus Overton Samuel Satterly Trustees 'At said Meeting said Trustees Granted to John Willsethe priviledg of Building a Dock or Wharf in Drown Meadow Bay against the Land of John Willse Deceasd for the sum of one Dollar and to have it for the space of twenty one Years to him and to his heirs and Assigns, under the following regulations and restrictions Viz the said John Willse shall be allowed and paid for putting on Board of any Vessel or craft from off of said Dock six Cents for every six feet Cord of Wood and for every Vessel laying along side of said Dock when not loading twelve and half cents pr day BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 219 for taking in or out Cattle fifteen Cents pr head for Calves or lambs two Cents pr head for every hogshead fifteen Cents for every Barrell of Liquor or pork six Cents for every Barrell of flour four Cents for every thousand of long shingle twenty five Cents and four Cents for every Bundle of short shingle for every thousand feet of plank twenty five Cents for every thousand feet of Boards Eighteen and three quarter Cents, and for every ten Gallon keg three Cents for five Gallon do. two cents Reserving a Right of Landing on said Dock any Article belonging to the corpo- ration of Brookhaven free from duty, and at the expiration of the said 21. Years the aforesaid Grant shall return to said town and the Dock appraised by indiferent men or further arrangments made Between said Trustees or their Successors and the said John Willse his Heirs or Assigns concering the premises. THOMAS S. STRONG President (L S) Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 167. Be it rerabered that on the 7th day of December 1819 the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of Brook- haven for the sum of three hundred and fifty Dollars sold to Isaac Brewster Stephen Edwards and Ebenezer Smith all the Right in the flax pond belonging to said town, ex- cepting and reserving the right of fishing and clambing in said pond for the Inhabitants of said town, to be under the controul of said Trustees or their Successors THOMAS S. STRONG President Attest. MORDECAI HOMAN. Town Clerk "We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brookhaven being call,d to open a Road in the Village of Westfield begining at the house of Isaac Hammonds and thence to Justus Overtoils begining at the said Hammonds 220 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. on the South side East to a Road leading South at a Locus tree from thence East to a black Oak tree before Wm Overtons house thence East to a Stake thence East to Joseph Rulands House Intended for one of his sons twenty one feet North from the House from thence to a White oak tree by the hedge fence within four feet of the same from thence as the fence now stands to a certain Locus tree from thence to a black Oak Saplin marked with two notches thence East within two feet of an Apple tree East of Albert Overtons House from thence to a Locus tree before Joseph Rulands house from thence by and with the Roe of Locus trees and from thence to a Black Oak tree Marked from thence East to a stake twenty three feet soth of a large White oak tree standing in the Road from thence east to a black Oak tree west of Justus Overtons Barn from thence East to a Stake in the Ditch at the North east Corner of Joseph Rulands Land the above mentioned Road to be opened four Rods Wide extending North from the above mentioned line which we return to be recorded this 7th. June 1819 as Witness our hands Lewis Ritch ) Commissioners Nathan Post f of highways Enterd 1st february 1820 Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 168. We the commissioners of highways for the Town of Brookhaven being call,d to Stake out a Road in the Village of Stoney Brook begining at the Road leading from Setaket to Stoney Brook from the abovesaid Road Westerly to George Hallock Dock begining at a Red Ceder post on the south side twenty feet North thence Westerly to the south- west corner of George Hallock Junr. Garden fence twenty feet North to a Stake thence West to a Red Ceder tree on BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 221 the North side twenty feet south thence West to a Ked ceder stake from thence to a large Red Ceder tree twenty feet south thence Westerly to a Red Ceder on the south side twenty feet North to a stake thence Westerly to Stakes on the North and south side of the above mentioned Road being the Width of twenty feet from the begining to said Hallocks Dock which we return to be Recorded this 8th. day of June 1819 as Witness our hands Lewis Ritch } Commissioners Nathan Post f of highways Enterd this 1st. feb. 1820 Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk This doth certify that on the fourth day of April in the Year 1820. Zophar Hallock made application to the Trus- tees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven to Manumitt and set free a female slave of his named Philopenea and said Trustees being satisfied that said slave is under forty five years of age did consent to said Manumition According to the Statute of this state in such case made and provided, said slave being of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain herself Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 169. At a Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants held in said Town on the fourth day of April 1820 being town Meeting day the following persons were unanimously Elected Viz Thomas S. Strong President Davis Norton "] William Phillips Manor Nathaniel Smith m Samuel Satterly f Trustees Timothy Miller Barnabas Wines 222 BROOKHAVEN TOWN" RECORDS. John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Hoinan Town Clerk and treasurer Nathan Post collector Nathan Post "] Theophilus Smith Benjamin Hallock [-Assessors Phillip Hallock Woodhull Smith Isaac Brewster Lewis Ritch / ,. Isaac Overton j Mordecai Horn an ) . . Archabald Jayne I ^mmisioners of Nathaniel Miller j common schools William C. Overton Micah Smith Silvanus Edwards ^ Joseph Bennitt Constables Noadiah Carter James Robinson I In Schools Russell Green / T ,. Rev. Ezra King [ Inspectors of TIT'IV TJ l ' Sohnnla William Beale PAGE 170. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Joseph Hawkins Mordecai Hoinan Jacob Hawkins senior Benjamin Guildersleve Thomas Bailey William Tooker James Woodhull Justus Roe Samuel Satterly Joseph A very James Hulse William Phillips Zecheriah Hawkins Briant Davis Daniel Davis Sylvanus Overton Isaac Davis Joshua Mott Samuel Davis Brewster Terry, BROOKHAVEN TOWN KECOBDS. 223 Henry C. Mathers Samuel Hammond Zophar Mills Daniel Terry James .Robinson Zophar Hallock Jacob Carter Austin Roe Jur Lewis Gourden. Jur. Jeremiah Gourden Samuel Terry Daniel Hulse William Penny John Randal Kicoll Floyd FENCE VIEWERS Jedediah Williamson Joseph Hedges William Rudyard Barnabas Smith James Woodhull William Beale Isaac Jayne Justus Roe Samuel Satterly John Rider James Hulse Epenetns Mills Ebenezer Jones James Smith Alfred Edwards Daniel Saxton Elisha Davis Joshua Overton Isaac Davis Joshua Mott Samuel Hopkins Azariah Hawkins Joseph Miller Samuel Hammond James Woodhull Jr David Overton Jur Benjamin Robinson Willard Ruland Isaac Raynor Jur Robert Hawkins Joseph Raynor Jur Isaac Mills Samuel Terry, William Randal Elisha Raynor , John Laws Nathan R Bartoe Daniel Overton Samuel Hawkins Briant Davis PAGE 171. Suffolk ) County j Statement of Votes taken at the Annaversary Election in the town of Brookhaven for Governor lieutenant Governor 224 BROOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. and Senators which commenced on the last tuesday in April one thousand Eight hundred and twenty Yiz Vote for Governor Daniel D. Tompkins had two hundred and Eleven De Witt Clinton had one hundred and forty three Vote for Lieut. Governor Benjamin Mooers had two hundred and ten John Taylor had one hundred and forty four. Yotes for Senators Walter Bown had two hundred and Eleven John Lefferts had two hundred and Eleven Samuel Jones had one hundred and forty one John C. Yanderveer had one hundred and forty three Benjamin Hutchenson had one W Sidney Smith had one Yote for Lieutenant Governor We certy the foregoing to be a true Statement and Esti- mate of the Yotes taken in the town of Brookhaven at the aforesaid Election dated this 27th. April 1820 John Rose Benjamin Hallock Woodhull Smith Nathan Poet Phillip Hallock Inspectors Suffolk ) County [ Statement of Yotes taken at the Annaversary Election in the town of Brookhaven for Members of Assembly which commenced on the last tuesday in April in the year 1820 Yiz. Yotes for Assembly Isaac Conklin had two hundred and forty four John P. Orsbon had two hundred and forty three John M. Williamson had two hundred and forty three Abraham Rose had one hundred and six John R Satterly had one hundred and Eight Jonathan Gardner had one hundred and five BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 225 Mordecai Homan had two Nathan Poet had two Nathaniel Miller had two Benjamin F Thompson had one "We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and Estimate of the Vote taken in the town of Brookhaven in said County at the aforesaid Election dated this 27th. May 1820 John Rose Benjamin Hallock Woodhull Smith Nathan Post Phillip Hallock Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 172. This doth certify that on the fifth day of September 1820 Mary Davis made application to the Overseers of the poor for the town of Brookhaven to Manumitt a Male slave of hers Named Permelia and said Overseers being satisfied that said slave is under forty five Years of Age and of Sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain herself did consent that she should be Manumitted as the law of this state in such case directs Attest. MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Suffolk County ss We the Commissioners of highways of the town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk do hereby certify that a public highway was laid out by us on the twenty eighth day of September 1820 through the lands of Warden Tobey and Henry H. Howell (now the land of John Elder- kin) Begining at a certain Chesnut post standing in the fence of Warden Tobey near the Road leading from Isaac Jaynes to Westmeadows by which a Stake is fixed and runing thence northward to the poplar tree standing near- 226 BROOKHAVEN TOWX RECORDS. est the House of Henry H. Howell and so on to the south corner of Isaac Satterlys House and then three Rods East nearly to the Mill pond thence south parallel with the aforesaid line till it strikes the same fence which it begins at being three Rods wide throughout given under our hands and seals in Brookhaven this 28th. October 1820 Lewis Bitch L S j Commi88ioners Enterd this 31. Octr. 1820 ) J by me. MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 173. Be it Remembred that on the Seventh day of Nov. 1820 William Helme'made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of Brookhaven to Manu- mitt a certain Slave of his named Oliver and said Trustees being Satisfied that said slave is under forty five years and of sufficient Ability to provide for and maintain himself do hereby consent that he should be Manumitted as the Statute of this State directs THOMAS S. STRONG Presdt Attest MORDECAI HOMAN. Town Clerk Be it Remembred that on the 6th. day of March 1821 Henry Smith made Application to the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven to Manumitt a certain Slave of his named Jemima and said Trustees being Satisfied that said Slave is under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain herself do hereby consent that she the said Jemima should be Manumitted as the Law of this State directs THOMAS S STONG Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Be it remembred that on the 3rd. day of April 1821 Benjamin Jones made Application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 227 Manumitt a Certain slave of his Named Mingo and said Trustees being satisfied that said Slave is under forty five Years and of Sufficient Ability to provide for and Maintain himself do hereby consent that the said Mingo should be Manumitted as the Law of this state directs Attest THOMAS S. STRONG president MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Be it remembred that on the 28th. of October 1820 a Jury of Inquest was call,d to appraise the damage of a Road laid out through the land of Warden Tobey and John Elderkin and allowed to Warden Tobey fifty Dollars and to John Elderkin twenty Dollars, said Road was laid out by Lewis Ritch and Isaac Overton on said day and Returns thereof Made Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 174. At a Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Brookhaven held on the third day of April 1821 being town Meeting day the following persons were unan- imously Elected as town Officers for the ensuing Year Viz. Nicoll Floyd President of Trustees Merritt Learned "] John Brewster Timothy Miller Robert Hawkins j Samuel Davis Henry P. Orsbon J John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Homan Clerk and Treasurer Nathan Post Collector Robert Hawkins ^ Trustees Barnabas Wines Timothy Miller Daniel Davis Nathan Post Woodhull Smith - Assessors. 228 BROOKHAVEN TOWN" RECORDS. Josiah SmiUi j Commi680nere " Commissioners of A , , i , T ( Common Schools Archabald Jayne ) William C. Overton Noadiah D. Carter Sylvanus Edwards Micah Smith Joseph Bennitt Daniel I. Havens Isaac Davis - Constables At said Meeting it was Yoted that no Hams should run in the Commons from the first day of Sept. to the first day of Nov. PAGE 175. INSPECTORS OF COMMON SCHOOLS Russell Green Rev. Ezra King William Beale OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Joseph Hawkins Mordecai Homan South Jacob Hawkins Benjamin Guildersleve Thomas Bailey William Ho well Joseph Bennitt Daniel G. Gillette Samuel Satterly Joseph Avery James Hulse Simmons Laws Zecheriah Hawkins Samuel N. Hurtin John Davis John Hutchenson David Robbins Albert Davis Charles Woodhull Joshua Mott Josiah Lupton Brewster Terry Daniel Swezey. Samuel Hammond Benjamin Robinson James Howell James Robinson Zophar Hallock BROOKHAVEN TOWN" RECORDS^ 229 Noadiah D. Carter Lewis Gourden Jur Bartlett Sandford Mott Raynor Nicoll Floyd Davis Norton Jeremiah Gourden Daniel Davis John Randal William Swezey FENCE YiEWERS Jedediah Williamson William Rudyard Morris Jayne Isaac Jayne Samuel Satterly James Hulse Ebenezer Jones Alfred Edwards Elisha Davis Isaac Davis Samuel Hopkins Joseph Miller Charles Robinson Moses Swezey. Isaac Raynor Joseph Raynor Joseph Hawkins senior Elisha Raynor Nathan R. Bartoe Samuel Hawkins Joseph Hedges Barnabas Smith Wm. Beale Justus Roe John Rider Epenetus Mills James Smith Daniel Saxton Joshua Mott Noah Overton Azariah Hawkins Sammuel Hammond David Overton Jur Witlard Ruland Robert Hawkins Isaac Mills Benjamin Hutchenson Ezra Guildersleve John Laws. William Randal PAGE 176. No 1. For Senators Suffolk County . ) m TTT... Town of Brookhaven f io A true canvas and estimate of the Votes taken at the annual general Election held on the last tuesday in April 1821 and on the two succeeding days inclusive in the town 230 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk for the purpose of Electing two Senators for the southers District of the State of New York to Wit Peter Stephens had one hundred and sixty one 1 Abraham Rose had one hundred and sixty three ! y . Abel Huntington had one hundred and thirteen f Abraham Gurnee had one hundred and twelve J Given under our hands in the said town of Brookhaven this 26 day of April 1821 Timothy Miller Daniel Davis Woodhull Smith j- Inspectors John Rose Barnabas Wines J 1 To Wit. No. 2. For Members of Congress Suffolk County- Town of Brookhaven A true Canvas and estimate of the Votes taken at the Annual General Election held on the last tuesday in April and on the two succeeding days inclusive in the town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk for the purpose of Electing two Members of Congress to Represent the first District of the state of New York in the house of Repre- sentatives of the united States To Wit. Cadwallader D. Golden had two hundred and] twenty Silas Wood had two hundred and thirty Eight [ c Votes Joshua Smith had one hundred and forty three Peter sharp had one hundred and twenty seven j Given under our hands at the said town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk this 26,th day of April 1821 Timothy Miller Barnabas Wines ) Daniel Davis John Rose v Inspectors Woodhull Smith J BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECOBDS. 231 PAGE 177. No 3. For Members of Assembly Suffolk County / m -ry.. Town of Brook haven f A true Canvass and Estimate of the Votes taken at the Annual General Election held on the last tuesday in April and on the two succeeding days inclusive in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk for the purpose of Electing three Members of Assembly to Represent the said County in the house of Assembly of the state of New York. To. Wit Mordecai Homan had two hundred and sixteen William Platt Buffett had two hundred and twelve Oliver Post had two hundred and Eleven John M. Williamson had one hundred and }- Votes twenty five Hugh Halsey had one hundred and twenty seven Tredwell Scudder had one hundred and twenty four J Given under our hands at the said town of Brook haven this 26. April 1821 Timothy Miller Daniel Davis ) Inspe- Woodhull Smith John Rose Barnabas. Wines f ctors No. 4. For and against Convention Suffolk County Town of Brook; haven A true Canvass and Estimate of the Votes taken at the Annual General Election pursuant to the Act entitled an Act reccommending a convention of the people of this passed 13 March 1821. held on the last tuesday in April and on the two succeeding days inclusive in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk for the purpose of determining whether a Convention shall be Called pursuant to said Act. To Wit. 232 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Convention Sixty six 1 V t Xo Convention two hundred and twenty ) Given under our hands at the said town of Brook haven this 26th. April 1821 Timothy Miller Daniel Davis ) T Woodhull Smith John Rose Barnabas Wines f * PAGE 178. Be it Remembred that on the fourth day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty Daniel Homan made application to the Trustees of the town of Brookhaven for liberty to Build a Mill or Mills on the River calld Connecticut River Below where his Mills now standeth and said Trustees after due considera- tion had in the premises did for and in consideration of the sum of five Dollars to them in hand paid Grant unto Daniel Homan and to his Heirs liberty to Dam across the said River at any place between where his Mills now Standeth and Yamphank line and to Erect thereon a Grist Mill Saw Mill and such other Machinery as he or they shall think proper to Erect and to have the priviledge of the town Right to the Stream of Water above Yamphank line for the aforesaid use and the said Homan his Heirs and Assigns shall be allowed the one Eleventh part for Grinding all sorts of Grain and the said Homan his Heirs and Assigns shall keep Sufficient Bolting Cloths for Bolting and pro- vided also the said Mills or a considerable part thereof shall be erected within the term of six Years from this date by the said Homan or his Heirs or otherwise the aforesaid Grant shall return to said town again but in case the said Mills or a considerable part thereof shall be Erected within the term aforesaid by the said Homan or his Heirs then the aforesaid Grant shall extend to his or their Assigns pro- vided also that he or they shall keep the same in good re- BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 233 pair and also keep an Approved Miller which is Granted Accordingly in presence of MOBDECAI HOMAN j L S THOMAS S. STRONG President PAGE 179. Delegates for Convention Suffolk County ) T -trr. f Town of Brook haven f J A true canvas and estimate of the Votes taken on the third tuesday in June 1821 and on the two succeeding days inclusive in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk for the purpose of Elicting Delegates for said County to meet in convention agreeable to the Law of this State passed 13th. March 1821. Viz. Nicoll Floyd had one hundred and Ninety "J Joshua Smith had two hundred and forty three Ebenezer Sage had two hundred and thirty six Usher H. Moore had fifty five Judge Woodhull had one Ebenezer Smith had one Given under our hands at the said town of Brook haven in the said County of Suffolk this 21st. day of June 1821. John Rose "1 Daniel Davis Timothy Miller [-Inspectors Barnabas Wines Woodhull Smith j At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven held on the fourth day of Dec. 1821 Woodhull Smith made application to said trustees to Manumitt a certain Slave of his named Samuel and said Trustees being satisfied that said Slave was under forty five Years and of sufficient ability to provide^ for and 234 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. maintain himself do hereby consent to the Manumision of said Samuel as the law of this State directs Attest NICOLL FLOYD President MOEDECAI HOMAN Clerk PAGE 180. Be it remembered that on the fourth day of December 1821 Thomas S. Strong made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to Manumitt a certain slave of his named Darcas and said Trustees being satisfied that said slave is under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and main- tain herself do hereby consent to the Manumition of said Darcas agreeable to the Law of this state in such case made and provided NICOLL FLOYD President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk / Suffolk County ss : V V "We Thomas S. Strong Joshua Smith and Divine Hewlett three of the Judges of the court of common pleas of the County of Suffolk having been call,d to decide an appeal brought by Warden tobey against the proceedings of the commissioners of highways of the town of Brook haven in the said County laying out a public highway in the said town through lands of Henry H. Howell (now of John Elderkin) and of the said Warden Tobey and having heard the proofs and Allegations of the said Warden Tobey and the said commissioners do adjudge that the said highway has been correctly laid out and was required for the con- venience of the public and do in all things confirm the said proceedings of the said commissioners in witness whereof we have hereunto set our respective hands and seals this 17th. day of November 1820 Enterd this 16th. Dec. 1820 Thomas S. Strong L S Joshua Smith L S Divine Hewlett L S MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk BROOKHAVE1T TOWN RECORDS. 235 PAGE 181. Suffolk County ) town of Brook haven j A true canvas and estimate of the Votes given in the town of Brook haven and County of Suffolk on the third tuesday in January 1822 and the two days succeeding inclu- sive under certain resolutions of the late convention of this state submitting to the decission of the people the amended constitution of this state adopted by the said convention. Viz ; one hundred an sixteen Votes were given for the said amended constitution by that number of Ballotts being Written or printed with the word Yes Ninety five Votes were given against the said Amended constitution by that number of Votes being Written or printed with the word No given under our hands at Brook haven this 17th. Jan- uary 1822 Woodhull Smith] Nathan Post T Daniel Davis K^pectors John Rose Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk We the Commissioners of the town of Brookhaven being calld to open the Road leading from the Village of West- fields to coram and finding the same to be in many places too narrow and much obstructed by fences and other ob- structions we hereby order the same to be cleared of all the obstructions above named by the different owners of the Lands adjoining the same on or before the first day of may next, within or on that portion of Road leading from the house of Isaac Hammonds to the house of Justus Overtons the same to commence at a stake by the side of the cross Road between the Lands of Isaac Hammond and William Overton, and running Easterly within two feet of the North- west corner of sd Win. Overtons House to a stake then Easterly to a stake standing within twenty feet of the front 236 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of Israel Rulands House from thence Easterly to a White Oak tree by the hedge fence within four feet of the Ditch from thence Easterly to a stake standing in the line fence of Albert Overton at or near his Northeast corner from thence the same to continue on Easterly to a Red Oak sapling marked with two Notches on the same from thence Easterly to a stake standing two Rods south of a large white Oak tree at the Northwest corner of Joseph Rulands lott and on the east side of the woodland of Austin Roe from thence Easterly Across said PAGE 182. Rulands lott to a Stake Standing in the Ditch on the south side of the Road opposite Justus Overtons Barn the above Road to be opened four Rods in width extending North from the above mentioned Bounds which we return to be recorded this 27th day of October 1821. as Witness our hands Josiah Smith ) ^ . . Benjamin Hutchenson I Commissioners Isaac Satterly- j of hl g hwa J 8 Enterd this 5th. day of February. 1822 MORDECAI Ho- MAN Clerk Be it remembred that on the fifth day of March 1822 Henry P. Orsbon made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven to Manumitt a certain slave of his named Thomas and said Trustees being satisfied that said slave is under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do hereby consent to the Manumition of said Thomas agreeable to the Law of this State in such case made and provided. NICOLL FLOYD President Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk Be it remembred that on the fifth day of March 1822 Thomas R. Smith made application to the Trustees of the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 237 freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to Manumitt a certain slave of his named Irenea and said Trustees being satisfied that said slave is under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do hereby consent to the Manumition of said Irenea agreeable to the Law of this State in such case made and provided NICOLL FLOYD. President Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 183. At a Meeting of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven on the first tuesday in April 1822 being town Meeting day the following persons were Elected as town Officers. Viz Thomas S. Strong President Nathaniel Smith ) Trustees and Jesse Woodhull j Overseers of the poor Barnabas Wines "] Briant Davis m Samuel Davis f Trustees Phillip Hallock j John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Homan Town Clerk Nathan Post Collector Henry P. Orsbon "] Nathan Post Justus Overton [^Assessors Woodhull Smith Timothy Miller Isaac Satterly 1 Samuel Davis v Commissioners of Nathaniel Miller ) highways BROOKHAVEtf TOWN EECOEDS. Mordecai Homan 1 Commissioner Archabald Jayne of Nathaniel Miller ) common schools William C. Overton Noadiah Carter Sylvanus Edwards Micah Smith Jesse Hulse Robert Stivers Israel Davis James Robinson John Buckingham PAGE 184. .Russell Green ] Ezra King I Inspectors of common schools William Beale ) OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Timothy Davis Aceptd Jacob Hawkins Accepted Samuel Satterley Acepted Thomas Bailey Daniel Smith Acceptd Isaac Satterly Accepted Zecheriah Hawkins Acepted Daniel Davis Isaac Davis Accepted William Hopkins Henry C. Mathers Accepted Benjamin Robinson Acceptd James Robinson Accepted Jacob Carter Accepted Solomon Bishop Acepted James Fanning Accepted Mordecai Homan Acepted Nathaniel Miller Accepted William Tooker Accepted BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 239 James Woodliull Accepted Joseph A very Jeffrey Randal Accepted Benjamin Hutchenson Accepted Albert Davis Accepted Noah Overton Elisha Overton Accepted Samuel Hammond Accepted Daniel Saxton Zophar Hallock Accepted Briant Norton Accepted Jeremiah Gourden Accepted Daniel Hulse Accepted William Randal Accepted Nicol Floyd Acepted Appollos Mills Accepted FENCE VIEWERS Jedediah Williamson William Beale William Rudyard James Smith Jesse Woodhull Daniel Saxton Isaac Jayne Joshua Overton Ebenezer Jones Daniel Bishop. Zecheriah Hawkins Azariah Hawkins Samuel Hopkins Samuel Hammond Joseph Miller Davis Overton James Woodhull Jr Willard Ruland Benjamin Robinson Robert Hawkins Isaac Raynor Ju Isaac Mills Joseph Raynor Jur William Randal Samuel Hawkins John Laws Nathan R. Bartoe Daniel Overton John Rider Briant Davis Epenetus Mills Isaac Davis Justus Roe Elisha Davis 240 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 185. To all to whoroe the presents shall come we the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven send Greeting, Whereas we have heretofore granted to Warden Tobey the priviledg of erecting and construct- ing a Dock or Wharfe at a place called Blue point on cer- tain conditions and whereas the said Warden Tobey after having constructed such Dock or wharfe has assigned his right therein to Epenetus Mills of the said town of Brook- haven and whereas the said Epenetus Mills has offered to relinquish the grant made to the said Warden Tobey and assigned to him on the condition that he shall receive a new Grant and whereas we believe that it will be for the con- venience and adventage of the freeholders and inhabitants of the said town to make such Grant ; Now therefore Know ye that we the said Trustees in consideration of the premises and of one Dollar to us in hand paid by the said Epenetus Mills the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold Granted and conveyed and by these presents do sell grant and convey to the said Epenetus Mills his Exec- utors Administrators and Assigns all our right and title to the said Dock or wharfe and the land on which it has been constructed comprehended within the limits or Boundaries mentioned in the original grant to the said Warden Tobey it being understood that the said Dock shall be and con- tinue fourteen feet wide and one hundred and sixty Seven feet long or thereabouts, provided nevertheless and these presents are upon the express condition that the said Epe- netus Mills shall not charge any greater rates of wharfage to any freeholder or Inhabitant of the said town than the following to wit, for every four feet cord of Wood lying on the said wharfe over four hours and not exceeding one callended Month thje sum of six Cents for every common Waggon load of hay drawn by a common team and lying BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 241 over four hours and not exceeding twenty four hours the sura of Nine cents for every sail Boat lying at the said Dock over four hours and not exceeding twenty four hours four Cents and every sail Boat paying by the year if nor sunk by the Dock one Dollar and twenty five cents the year if lying sunk by the Dock four Cents for every twenty four hours, and all other articles in the same proportion the said trustees however PAGE 186. reserving to themselves the right to fix the rate of wharfage for all articles not herein particularly designated, and also to put thereon the goods belonging to the town on such terms as they may thing proper and it is further understood and do hereby grant that if any person shall obstruct the said Dock by setting up stakes Anchoring Boats near thereto or other- wise he or they shall be liable to pay the same wharfage as if the vessel was lying by or other obstruction placed on the said wharfe and all damages occasioned by such ob- struction : to have and to hold the said dock or wharfe with the privileges above mentioned, but subject to the conditions above stated to the said Epenetus Mills his Exec- utors Administrators and Assigns to and for his and their own benefit for the period or term of twenty Years from the date of these presents in Witness whereof we have caused these presents to be signed by our president and countersigned by our Clerk and affixed our seal thereto the fifth day of June in the Year one thousand eight hundred and twenty one NICOLL FLOYD President L. S. Attest MOEDEOAI HOMAN town Clerk We the commisioners of highways for the town of Brook haven being call,d to open a certain Road at patchogue which was formerly open from the south country Road begining near the house of Justus Roe in patchogue and leading to John Motts Mills but is now shut up by Stephen 242 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Jayne of the said patchogne and others we hereby order the said Stephen Jayne and others to open the said Road where they have shut the same to the width of three Rods the same to commence at and between the Barn of Oliver Russel and the Dwelling house of Justus Roe and running Northerly across the Lands of Stephen Jayne as the Road formerly Ran to the Gate which lets the Road into Ebe- nezer Akerleys land thence Northwesterly through a small Grove of Oaks till it comes to a ditch to another Gate and from thence Northerly as it is now marked across the Land of said Akerley to the Land of James Smith thence Across his land as it is marked to the Lands of Ebenezer Jones thence Across said Jones Land to the Lands of Stephen Jayne and PAGE 1ST. then across said Jaynes Lands to the house of John Mott senior and thence to continue on the said Road in the place where it now Runs til the same shall hit the Coram Road at sandy Mile Hollow which we return to be recorded this 20th. day of March 1822 Isaac Satterly ) Commissionrs of Josiah Smith j highways Enterd this 3rd. April 1822 MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Be it remernbred that on the 4th. day of June 1822 Josiah Smith Made application to the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to Manumitt a certain Slave named John Perdue belonging to the Estate of Oliver Smith Deceas,d and said Trustees being Satisfied that s,d Slave is under forty five Years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain himself do hereby consent to the Manumition of said Slave according to Law of this State in such case provided THOMAS S. STKONO President Attest. MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk BttOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 24:3 Be it remembred that on the 4th. day of June 1822 Josiah Smith made application to the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to Manumitt a certain slave of his named Dorothy and said Trustees being satisfied that said Slave was under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain herself do hereby consent to the Manumition of said slave According to the Law of this State in such Case provided THOMAS S. STRONG President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 188. A true Canvass and estimate of the Votes taken at an Election held in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk on the fourth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty two and on the two succeeding days inclusive for a Governor Lieutenent Governor and four Senators viz one hundred and eight votes were given for Joseph C. Yates for the Office of Governor Seventy one votes were given for Erastus Root for the Office of Lieu- tenent Governor Twenty seven votes were given for Henry Huntington for the Office of Lieutenant Governor for the Office of Senator Sixty eight votes were given for Walter Bown Sixty eight votes were given for Jasper Ward Sixty nine votes were given for John Lefferts Sixty nine votes were given for John A King twenty five votes were given fx>r abel Huntington one vote were given for John Rose one vote were given for Nathan Post one vote were given for Mordecai Homan 244 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. given under onr hands at Brook haven this sixth day of November 1822. Nathan Post ~) John Rose Woodhull Smith }- Assessors Justus Overton Timothy Miller j A true Canvas and Estimate of the votes taken at an Election held in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk on the fourth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty two and on the two succeeding days inclusive for a Representative to Congress. Viz. for the Office of Congress Seventy seven votes were given for John P. Osborn One hundred and twenty three votes were given for Silas Wood given under our hands at Brook haven this sixth day of November 1822 Nathan Post "| John Rose Woodhull Smith }- Assessors Justus Overton Timothy Miller J PAGE 189. A true Canvas and estimate of the votes taken at an Election held in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk on the fourth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty two and on the two Succeeding days inclusive for two Members of Assembly one Sherriff one Clerk and four Coroners for the County of Suffolk. Yiz : for the Office of Assembly Sixty seven votes were given for Samuel Strong gixty seven votes were given for Joshua Fleet " BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 245 Sixty three votes were given for Abraham H. Gardiner for the Office of Sherriff One vote were given for John G. Gardiner for the Office of Sheriff for the Office of Clerk Sixty three votes were given for Charles H. Havens One vote were given for Charles A. Floyd for the Office of Coroners Sixty five votes were given for Selah Carll Sixty four votes were given for Samuel F. Norton Sixty four votes were given for Levi Hildreth Thirty four votes were given for John S. Conklin Thirty four votes were given for George L. Conklin Given under our hands at Brook haven this sixth day of November 1822 Nathan Post ") John Rose Woodhull Smith }- Assessors Justus Overton Timothy Miller J Mordecai Homan ) n1 i Henry P. Osborn. f l Be it remembred that on the eighth day of June 1822 the Inhabitants of the 16th school District made application to the commission of common Schools for the town of Brook haven to divide their district and after due consider- ation do find the said district too large and have set off all that part of said district lying to the westward of the East line of John Penny so extending westward on the Country Road as far as the house formerly occupied by Ben. a Coulerd man not including the houses down the neck on the west side of the River which said district will be No. twenty nine 29. Nathaniel A. Miller ) Commissionrs Mordecai Homan f of Schools 246 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. PAGE 190. To whome it may concern We the commissioners of highways of the town of IJrook haven in the County of Suffolk having taken a view of the public roads landings and watering places in and abont the village of Setauket as directed by the Act entitled an Act to regulate highways in the Counties of Suffolk Queens and Kings passed the 2nd. April 1813 and having heard and considered the allegations of the respective parties inter- ested do hereby certify adjudge and determine the fol- lowing encroachments upon the highways herein hereafter mentioned and have opened the same to such width as to us seems necessary for the public convenience and as the same were originally laid out and recorded. 1st We adjudge and determine that the highway and watring place in setaiiket near the head of the Mill pond and on both sides of the Mill stream are encroached upon by the fences of John Jayne and Warden Toby and have opened and regulated the said highway and watering place by certain stakes and Boundaries fixed by us agreeable to the record of the said highways arid watering places as orig- inally laid out and regulated by the commissioners of high- ways of said town on the 8th. february 1757 as by reffer- ence to said Record will more fully and at large appear 2nd. We adjudge that the highway leading from the house of Samuel Sattcrly to the harbor is encroached upon in divers places by the fences adjoing the lands of the said Samuel Satterly of Stephen Edwards William Jayne John "Cleves Isaac Brewster and Benjamin Jones and have opened the same to certain marked Boundaries fixed by us to desig- nate the said encroachments . 3rd. We do adjudge and certify that the road runing upon the east side of the house occupied by Edward King has become unnecessary for public use or convenience and allow the same to be closed by the person or persons BBOOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. 247 PAGE 191. Owning the land coverd by the said road or highway 4th. we adjudge and determine the division of the road districts of which Samuel Satterly and Daniul Smith Jur. are overseers to be at opposite the North end of the said Edward King house so as the Bridge west of said Kings house shall be in the District of which the said Sam- uel Satterly is Overseer 5the. We adjudge and determine that the highway lead- ing from the said Bridge to the head of the lane is en- croached upon by the fences of Mills Brewster and have opened the same to the width of four Rods throughout 6th. We adjudge and determine that the highway lead- ing from the public green to coram by the house of John Dewick is encroached upon by the fences of John Brewster Mills Brewster and the said John Dewick and have opened the same accordingly to certain Bounds fixed by us 7th. We adjudge and determine the highway leading from the Mill in setauket to Nassekig is encroached upon by the fences of Benjamin Hawkins and we have opened the same so as the fences of the said Benjamin Hawkins be in a direct line from the southeast corner of the Garden of Obediah D. Wells to the Northeast corner of the home- stead of the late Richard Dewick (deceasd) all of which we certify and authorise the town Clerk of Brook haven at any time hereafter to file this document of Record in his office given under our hands and seals this 22nd. May 1822 L S- Nathl Miller ) Commisionr of PAGE 192. We the Commissioners of highways for the Town of Brook haven <3o hereby certify and determine that we have stopped and closed the Road from patchogue Creek west 248 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. of the same as heretofore passed betwixt Ebenezer Akerleys and smith Hammonds in exchange for the Road four Rods wide as the same now runs on the north side of the house of Capt. Daniel G. Gillett. Nathl. Miller ) n Samuel Davis [Commissioner Isaac Satterly f f hl g hwavs - Brook haven 4th feb. 1823 Be it remembred that on the first day of April 1823 Thomas S. Strong made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven being Overseers of the poor to Manumitt a Certain slave of his named Unice and said Trustees being Satisfied that said slave is under forty five years and of Sufficient Ability to provide for and maintain herself do consent to her Man- umission according to the Act in such case made and pro- vided Jesse Woodhull "] Attest Briant Davis MOKDECAI HOMAN Samuel Davis }- Trusees town Clerk Phillip Hallock Barnabas Wines Be it remembrid that on the first day of April 1823 Samuel L. Thompson made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Brook haven being Overseers of the poor to Manumitt a certain slave of his named Simon and said Trustees being satisfied that said slave is under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do consent that he the Samuel L Thompson should manumitt said slave According to the Act in such case made and provided THOMAS S. STRONG President Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 249 PAGE 193. Be it remembred that it satisfactorily appears to us the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven that Harry a coulerd man this day Manu- mitted by Abraham Woodlmll of the said town of Brook haven to whome he has heretofore been a Slave is under the age of forty five years and of Sufficient ability to pro- vide for and maintain himself do hereby consent to his Manumission as Law of this State in such case directs Dated this 1st April 1823 THOMAS S. STRONG President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk At a Meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of the town of Brook haven on the first tuesday in April being town meeting day the following persons were Elected as town Officers Viz Josiah Smith President Nathl. Smith Isaac Brewster "William S. Robert i m Daniel Overton Elisha Overton Samuel Davis Millers place John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Homan town Clerk Nathan Post Collector Timothy Miller "1 Barnabas Wines Daniel Davis [ Assessors Nathan Post Woodhull Smith J Timothy Davis ) Samuel Davis > Commissioners of highways Isaac Overton ) 250 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Act. Mordecai Horaan ) n . . Act. Nathl. Miller I Coimmssioners Arcliabald Jayne ) of Schools Constables Sylvanus Edwards James Robinson George D. Lee Noadiah D. Carter Israel Davis Rumsey Rose Jesse Hulse Robert Stivers Henry Blydenburgh John B. Overton John Buckingham Selah Oakley Seth Worth. PAGE 194. Russell Green ) Act. Ezra King Inspectors of Schools William Beale j Act. ">* OVERSEERS of HIGHWAYS Timothy Davis Act William Tooker Jacob Hawkins Act. Nathaniel Smith Act Thomas Bailes Act John Rider Isaac Satterly Appollos Mills Act Samuel Satterly James Dayton Samuel Jayne Benjamin Hutchenson Israel Davis Act William Swezey Act. Nathaniel'Davis William Randal John Davis Act Joshua Overton Act Russell Green Ac,t Willard Ruland Act Henry C. Mathers Davis Norton Act James Woodhull Jur Elijah Terry Act Jacob Carter Zophah Hallock Act James Robinson Act Benjamin Halloek Act Si^as Reeve Actpt. Caleb Newton Jur. James Fanning Act. Moses Wicks BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 251 Sinews C. Miller Act David Peterson Nathl. Miller Act Samuel Hammond Act Noadiah Carter Act FENCE VIEWERS Jedediah Williamson William Beale William Rudyard James Smith Jesse Woodlmll Daniel Saxton Isaac Jayne George D. Lee Ebenezer Jones Daniel Bishop Zecheriah Hawkins Austin Roe Samuel Hopkins Davis Norton Joseph Miller Azariah Hawkins Charles Robinson Samuel Hammond Moses Swezey Davis Overton Isaac Raynor Jr Willard Ruland Joseph Raynor Jur Robert Hawkins Elisha Raynor Isaac Mills Samuel Terry William Randal Nathan Post John Laws Timothy Rose Daniel Overton Jonathan Burwell Briant Davis Joseph Avery Isaac Davis Justus Rowe Elisha Davis PAGE 195. Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven that if any person 'or persons shall suffer or permitt any Neat Cattle horse or sheep to run on the west meadow Beach at any time after the tenth day of June Instant shall forfiet and pay unto the said Trustees the sum of fifty Cents pr head for each and every such offence to be sued for and recovered in the name of the said Trustees or any person who will prosecute for the same and applied to the use of the town provided 252 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. however that nothing in this Act shall prevent people from Carting on said Beach as usual but not to suffer their teams to run at large on said Beach Given under our hands and seal of Office this 3rd. day of June 1823 at Brook haven MORDECAI HOMAN Nath'l Smith town Clerk Wm. S Robert Seal Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven that if any person or persons shall take any Stone or Stones from any of the public Shores or landings belonging to the town of Brook haven without leave be first obtained from the Board of Trustees of said town shall for each and every such offence forfiet and pay to the said trustees or their order the sum of twelve Dollars and fifty Cents to be sued for and re- coved in the name of said trustees by them or their order and applied to the use of said town in witness whereof we affix our names, and seal of Office this 2d. Sept 1823 Nathl. Smith ) Trustees Isaac Brewster f | Seal MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 196. Be it remembred that we the undersigned Commissioners of common Schools for the town of Brook haven being call,d by the inhabitants of the first school District to Divide said District and after having viewed the same have by the mutual consent of said District set off a District begining at and including the houses of Richard Garrett and the Widow of Beriah Petty and to embrace all the North and east part of said first District which said last District will be Number thirty of School Districts in said town given under our hands at Brookhaven this 28th. Octr. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 253 1823 and said District extends Northerly so as to include lubber street Nath,l Miller ) Commissors M j -a r oi common Mordecai Horn an ( <-, , ) Schools Suffolk County \ gg town of Brook haven j A true Canvas and estimate of the Votes taken at an Election in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk on the third day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty three and on the two succeeding days inclusive for the Office of one Senator given under our hands at said town of Brookhaven this fifth day of Nov. 1823 Seventy four votes were given for Abel Huntington for the Office of Senator one hundred and Sixty three votes were given for David Gardiner for the Office of Senator John Rose ] Woodhull Smith Timothy Miller [ Inspectors Barnabas Wines Daniel Davis PAGE 197. Suffolk County ) town of Brookhaven j A true canvas and estimate of the votes taken at an Elec- tion held in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk on the third day of November in the year one thousand Eight hundred and twenty three and on the two succeeding days inclusive for the Office of two Members of Assembly given under our hands at Brook haven this fifth day of Nov. 1823 fifty six votes were given for Charles H. Havens for the Office of Member of Assembly 254 BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. one hundred and seventy four votes were given for Josiah Smith for the Office of Member of Assembly two hundred and thirty three votes were given for Hugh Halsey for the Office of Member of Assembly John Rose Woodhull Smith Timnthv MilW Timothy Miller Barnabas Wines Daniel Davis >- Asessors Be it remembred that on the 3d. day of febuary 1824 JSQlliam Howell made application to us the Trustees of the town of Brook haven to Manumitt a certain slave of his _x/> ^~ _ named^Peterjand it satisfactorily appears to us that said ^ X^slave is" under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to 5 provide for and maintain himself do hereby consent to his . OA^^i Manumition according to the Law of this state in such Case * tor' i i '-11 made and provided Nathl Smith ) m T>A^W . Daniel Overton } Trustee8 ^ i Attest MOEDECAT HOMAN town Clerk Part of District No. 1 is to embrace the Inhabitants in Brook Haven Bounded east by Wading River Creek and west by the west line of James Woodhulls Land Brook Haven Mordecai Homan | Commissioners 4 Dec. 1823 Nathl. A. Miller j of Schools PAGE 198. We the commissioners of highways for the town of Brook haven being Call,d by a number of the Inhabitants of Drown meadow to widen the road leading from the old mans, Across Drown meadow &.C. and have opened the Road that leads from the old mans to Drown meadow be- gining near Drown meadow at the shop owned by Benjamin Brown the southwest line begining three feet in front of said shop and runing a strait line to the old part of Lewis BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 255 Hulses Store and Celler fifty six feet wide to where the two pole road crosses the same, Also opened the two pole Road between the Store of Solon Parsons, and that of Lewis Hulse,s riming eighteen Inches .from the House of Solon Parsons on the west side to the lot of Land belong- ing to Ebenezer Jones on the east side two pole wide and so to continue on south through Drown meadow two pole wide Isaac Overton ) ^ ._,, . . -,010 rr- L\ T\ I Commissonrs 7th August 1833 n>* of highways We Samuel Davis Isaac Overton and Timothy Davis Commissioners of highways for the town of Brook haven being calld by a number of the Inhabitants of said town to stop up two certain Roads in the Middle of the Island and after having Viewed said Roads do find they are very bad to be repaired and of little or no use to the public in gen- eral do accordingly stop up the Road begining at the Road calld the Granny Road near the South East corner of Briant Da vises Lott and from thence riming Southerly to the Road that leads from Coram to Christopher Swezeys Mills and also the Road commencing at the same place on the Granny Road and from thence Riming Easterly across the old full- ing Mill dam to the Road that runs Northerly from Chris- topher Swezeys House to the house of Samuel N. Hurtin given under our hands at Brook haven this 2nd. day of August 1823 Enterd 2nd. March 1824 Isaac Overton ) & ^ T\ ( Commiss- Samuel Davis V . m- 4.U -n I loners Timothy Davis ) PAGE 199. We Samuel Davis Isaac Overton and Timothy Davis commissioners of highways for the town of Brook haven being call,d by a number of the Inhabitants of said town 256 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. to alter a Road leading from Christopher Swezeys to Robert Hawkins,8 Mill and after having viewed said Road do con- sider it necessary and beneficial for the public conveniency to alter said Road and have acordingly altered the same by turning out of the old Road about twenty Rods to the Northward of Samuel Randals Barn and from thence run- ing a Southeasterly course across the land of Samuel Randal and the Land Josiah Corwin until it hits the said Road again as the same is Staked out a little to the southward of Josiah Corwius land crossing the Land of Paul Terry and have given unto the said Samuel Randal ten Dollars in money and his fence against Josiah Corwins land to remain where it now is and the old Road against his other land to the Northward of s,d Corwins land is given in exchange for the new together with the said ten Dollars for the Damage he may sustain and also have given unto the said Josiah Corwin the old Road against his land up to said Randals fence and the fence of Paul Terry extending as far East- ward as the line between said Corwin and said Paul Terry said Road is to be three Rods wide and opened by the first day of October ensueing which we return to be enterd of Record in Brook haven this 2nd. day of September 1823 Samuel Davis ) Commissionrs Enterd this 2nd. March Isaac Overton > of 1824 Timothy Davis ) highways Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clk PAGE 200. Be it Remembred that on the 2nd. day March 1824 Ebe- nezer Smith made application to the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to Manumitt a certain slave of his named Joel and said Trus- tees being Satisfied that said slave is under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain him- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 257 self do hereby consent to his Manumition as the law of this State in such case directs Nathaniel Smith \ m , Isaac Brewster J Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Ck Be it remembred that on the fourth day of January 1825 John Havens made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to manumitt a certain slave of his named Ira and said Trustees being satisfied that said slave is under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do consent to his Manumtion as the law of this state in such case directs THOMAS S. STRONG President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Be it remembred that on the fourth day of January 1825. John Woodhull made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to manumitt a Certain slave of his and said Trustees being sat- isfied that said slave is under forty five years and of suffi- cient ability to provide for and maintain himself do consent to the Manumition of said slave as the law of this state in such Case directs said Slave is named Benjamin Rafe PAGE 201. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Brook haven held on the 6th. day of April 1824 the following persons were Elected town Officers for the ensueing Year Viz Thomas S. Strong President Isaac Brewster Samuel Hopkins Robert Hawkins i T t Briant Norton Barnabas Wines William Beale 258 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Isaac Brewster 1 ^ ,. .-, ^ . William Beale } Overseer8 of the Poor John Rose Supervisor Mordecai Homan town Clerk Nathan Post Collector Lewis Rich ") . Woodhull Smith Henry P. Osborn \- Asessors Nathan Post Timothy Miller J Benjamin Hutchenson ) -, Nathaniel Smith I Commissions Timothy Davis j of highways Mordecai Homan ) ^ JohnR.Satterlyt Commi f loner8 Sineus C. Miller f of Schools Robert Stivers James Robinson Henry Blydenburgh Jesse Hulse n ^ . ,, Noadiah Carter Constables George D Lee John B. Overton Charles A. Tooker PAGE 202. Sereno Burnell ) Inspectors Ezra King > of common William Beale ) Schools OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Timothy Davis Nathaniel Miller Accepted Nehemiah Hawkins Capt Isaac Overton Isaac Satterly Nathaniel Smith Accepted Stephen Edwards Jonathan Burwell Acepte< William Jayne Esq Simmons Laws Israel Davis Aceptd James Dayton Isaac Davis. Accepted Lewis Ritch Acceptd BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. 259 John Davis. Accepted William Randal Accepted Samuel Davis Acepted Joshua Overton Henry C.Mathers Accptd Willard Rouland Accepted James Woodhull Jur. Davis Norton Acceptd Henry Raynor Elijah Terry James Robinson Acepted Samuel Davis Jur Acepted Jonathan Robinson Geore Hawkins acept William Smith Richard Woodhull Benjamin Raynor Samuel Hammond Silas Payne Benjamin Hutchenson Acepted Sineus C. Miller Acepted Jacob Hawkins Aceped FENCE Jedediah Williamson William Rudyard Jesse Woodhull Isaac Jayne Ebenezer Jones Zecheriah Hawkins John Davis Isaac Davis Samuel Hopkins Joseph Miller Timothy M. Woodhull James Woodhull Jur. Isaac Raynor Joseph Raynor Elisha Raynor Samuel Terry Nathan Post Timothy Rose Justus Rowe VIEWERS William Beale Jonathan Burwell Joseph Avery James Smith Israel Smith Messenger Overton Joshua Overton Austin Rowe Davis Norton Azariah Hawkins Samuel Hammond Davis Overton Willard Ruland Robert Hawkins Isaac Mills William Randal John Laws Daniel Overton Briant Davis PAGE 203. Brook haven, ss. To, Mordecai Homan Clerk of the town of Brook haven, 260 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. We the Commissioners of highways for said town have this day laid out a Road from the Road that leads from Coram to the Middle Island Mills at the East line of the late Joshua Smith Deceas,d through the land of Josiah Smith adjoining the land of said Joshua Smith deceas,d to be three Rods in width and to continue on Southerly by the land of said Joshua Smith until it meets the Patchogue Road for which Priviledge we agree to pay the said Josiah Smith the sum of twenty Dollars to be paid out of the town Treasury said Road to be opened on or before the 10th. day of Octo- ber next given under our hands at Brook haven this 19th. June 1824 N. B. the old Road on the East side of said Josiah Smith, s land is to be given up to him Nathaniel Smith } Commissioners Benjamin Hutchenson > of Timothy Davis ) highways To. All to whome these presents shall come Whereas by certain Articles of agreement made and enterd into on the thirty first day of March one thousand six hundred arid Eighty Between the town of Brookhaven of the one part and John Wade his Heirs and Assigns of the other part it is among other things promised and agreed by the said town of Brook haven that in consideration the said John Wade his Heirs and Assigns would Build maintain and keep in good order a Water Mill in the village of Setaket for grindin the Corn and other Grain of the Inhabitants they the said Inhabitants would keep and repair the dam apper- taining to PAGE 204. the said Mill and if Occasion should require to make and construct a new dam Now therefore know ye that I Isaac Satterly of said town of Brook haven Owner and Occupier of the Mill in BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 261 Setauket and succeeding to all the Right title and priv- i ledges of the said John "Wade so far as regards the said Mill and dam, and entiteled of course to all benefits and advantages in law and equity secured or intended to be so, in and by the said Articles of agreement as well in consid- eration of one Dollar to me in hand paid as also on account that the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the said town of Brook haven by an Instrument bearing date herewith have quitclaimed to me a certain piece or parcel of Land in the said village of Setauket called Laurel Hill and also all the right and title of the said town of Brook haven to the land and soil covered by the Waters of the old or new Mill pond or tipper Mill pond, do by these presents remise release and discharge the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the said town of Brook haven and all and every of the Inhabitants of said town and their success- ors forever of and from all and every contract promise bar- gain, clause matter or thing contained expressed or declared in and by the articles of agreement above refer,d to so far as obliges the said Inhabitants of the said town of Brook haven and their Successors to repair the dam or dams ap- pertaining to the said Mill and the constructing of a new one in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of april one thousand eight hundred and twenty four ISAAC SATTEKLY L S Sealed and delivered in the presence of MORDECAI HOMAN Be it remembered that on the 4th. day of Nov. 1824 the undersigned commissioners of common schools formd a School District partly in Brook haven and partly in River- head by taking a part of the thiteenth District in Brook haven and uniting it with the 4th Dist in Riverhead and bounded East by Southampton line South by a line parallell with peaconic River one Mile south of it and west by the 262 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. west line of David Hulses land which will be part No three of Brook haven the other part described Sineus C. Miller ) Commissioners in Riverhead Mordecai Homan ) of Brookhaven PAGE 205. To all to whome these presence shall come the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven send Greeting. Whereas Thomas S. Strong Esquire has by his petition presented to the said Trustees requested permission to construct a dam and bridge over and across the westerly branch of Setauket harbour commencing at the southermost point of the peninsula forrnd by Setauket har- bour and Conscience Bay known by the name of little neck or st Georges Manor and runing from thence over and across the said harbour Southerly to the most convenient point at high water mark on the opposite shore and to con- struct a wharf on the easterly side of said dam and bridge, and whereas it appears to the said Trustees that it will be proper to grant the prayer of the said petitioner inasmuch as notice has been duly given and published and no opposi- tion has been made thereto as it cannot be productive of injury to any individual and as the construction of a wharf as propos'ed will be beneficial to the public Now therefore know ye that the said Trustees in consideration of the premises and also of one Dollar to them in hand paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presence by the said Thomas S. Strong the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged, do by these presence grant Bargain sell alien convey and confirm to the said Thomas s. Strong and to his Heirs and Assigns forever so much and such land covered with water as it will be necessary to have use and take oc- cupy possess and enjoy for the construction and continuance of such dam bridge and wharf and they do hereby authorize the said Thomas S. Strong his Heirs and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 263 PAGE 206. Assigns to construct Build finish keep in repair and con- tinue a dam Bridge and wharf over and across the said har- bour at the place herein before specified and to charge de- mand sue for recover and receive a reasonable compensation and wharfage from all persons useing the said wharf the rates of wharfage however to be subject to the controul of the Trustees of the said town provided that they shall not be reduced by the said Trustees below the average wharfage chargd for the use of the wharfs in the said town on the North side of the Island and provided that the Trustees for the time being may load and unload goods Chattels belong- ing to the Corporation of the said town free of wharfage in witness whereof the said Trustees have caused the seal of the said Corporation to be affixed thereto and these presence to be signed by two of the said Trustees and countersigned by the Clerk of the said town the fourth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty five re- serving that there shall be forty feet space left for the ebbing and flowing of the water } Bryan Norton ) Trustees in the in P m e . ( Robert Hawkins V absence of the of Brewster Hawkins f i TJ i f -j Samuel Hopkins ) president Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk PAGE 207. Be it remembred that on the 4th. day of January 1825 John Havens made application to the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty to Manumit a certain Slave of his named Ira and said Trustees being satisfied that sd slave is under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do hereby consent to said Manu- mition according to the Law of this state in such made and provided THOMAS S. STRONG President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Suffolk County town of Brookhaven r ' A true Canvas and estimate of the Votes taken at an Election at the town of Brook haven in the town of Brook- haven in the County of Suffolk on the first day of Novem- ber in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and the two Succeeding days inclusive for the Office of governor Lieutenant Gov. and Senator two hundred and five Yotes were given for Dewitt Clin- ton for the office of Governor one hundred and fifty eight votes were given for Samuel Younge for the office of Governor two hundred and ten votes were given for James Tall- madge for the Office of Lieutenant Governor one hundred and fifty Seven votes were given for Erastus Root for the Office of Lieutenant Governor two hundred and Eleven votes were given for Cadwel- lader D. Golden for the Office of Senator one hundred and fifty five votes were given for* Walter Bown for the Office of Senator Given under our hands at said town of Brook haven this third day of Novr. 1824 Timothy Miller Henry P. Osborn Nathan Post Woodhull Smith PAGE 208. Suffolk County ) town of Brook haven j A true canvas and estimate of the votes taken at an Elec- tion held in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk on the first day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and on the two Succeeding days inclusive for one Representative to the Congress of the United States of America BROOKHAVEN TOWK RECORDS. 265 two hundred and twenty one Votes were given for Silas "Wood for the Office of Congress one hundred and forty Nine votes were given for James Lent for the Office Congress Given under our hands at Brook haven this third day of November 1824 r Timothy Miller T Henry r. Osborn Inspectors J ^^ Pogt Woodhull Smith [ Suffolk County ) gg town of Brook haven f A true Canvas and estimate of the votes taken at an Elec- tion held in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk on the first day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and on the two succeeding days inclusive for two Members of Assembly for the County of Suffolk- two hundred and six votes were given for Josiah Smith for the Office of Assembly one hundred and Ninty two votes were given for Abra- ham T. Rose for the Office of Assembly one hundred and Seventy two votes were given for Joshua Smith for the Office of Assembly one hundred and Sixty six votes were given for David Hedges Jur. for the Office of Assembly , Given under our hands at Brookhaven this third day of November 1824 Timothy Miller 1 Henry P. Osborn I T Nathan Post Inspectors Woodhull Smith J PAGE 209. Be it remembered that on the first day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty five Israel Davis of the 266 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. town of Brook haven obligated and agreed with the Trus- tees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven and their Successors in Office that he his Heirs and Assigns would repair and keep in good repair the Dock now owned by him at drown meadow so at that said Dock shall be sufficient for four Vessels to load to at one time at common tides that is to say two Vessels of eight feet one of six and one of fi ve feet water and also the sufficiency and repairs of said Dock are to be left to a committee of three men to be Chosen by said Trustees for that purpose who are to decide on the sufficiency of said Dock and Zecheriah Hawkins William Jonenes and William H. Brewster are chosen as an examining Committee in the premises who are to be the said committee until the first day of March 1826 and until others are Chosen in their stead and in case of failure on the part of said Davis his Heirs or assigns he or they sail be liable to an Action of Damage to any person agriev,d or interested witness my hand ISRAEL DAVIS in presence of MOKDECAI HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 210. At a Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Brook haven held at the house of Daniel Davis in Coram on the fifth day of April 1825 the followin persons we Elected as town Officers Thomas S. Strong President of Trustees Henry P. Osborn Nathaniel Smith William Phillips I Trustees Davis Norton Samuel L. Thompson Wm. H. Helme BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 267 Thomas S. Strong Supervisor Mordecai Homan town Clerk and treasurer Nathan Post Collector Barnabas Wines "] Nathan Post Timothy Miller [-Assessors Woodhull Smith Isaac Hammond J Timothy Davis- } Commissioners of Beniamm Hutchenson > , . , Nathaniel Smith f highways- Selah B. Strong ) ^ . . ,. -if TT f Commissioners or Mordecai Homan f common Schools Sineus C. Miller Constables James Robinson Charles A. Tooker Henry bliydenburgh Daniel Woodhull George D. Lee John Buckingham Robert Stivers Rumsey Rose Jesse Hulse James Smith Noadiah D. Carter PAGE 211. John R Satterly ) Rev. Ezra King > Inspectors of Schools Jonathan Burwell ) OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Henry Smith Nathaniel Smith Thomas Baylis Thomas R. Smith Daniel Smith Epenetus Mills Acpt. John Elderkin Acpt. Josiah Corwin Acpt. Floyd Smith William Phillips William Taylor Acptd. Horace Randal Charles Woodhull Acptd. Daniel Overton Acpt. Josiah Lupton Acptd. Wm. S. Smith Acpt. 268 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. James Woodkull Jur. Acpt. Kichard Norton Acpt. Henry Raynor Samuel Hammond Acpt. Gideon Robinson James Smith John Raynor Richard "W. Smith Jeremiah Culver "Willard Ruland John Howell Acpt.d. Samuel Davis Jur Acpt. Joseph Hawkins Jur. Isaac N. Gould Acpt. Barnabas Rider Richard Woodhull Nathaniel Miller Ezra Guildersleve Acpt. William Tooker Israel Bennitt FENCE YlEWERS Jedediah Williamson William Beale William Rudyard Jonathan Burr well Jesse Woodhull Joseph Avery Amos Smith James Smith Ebenezer Jones Israel Smith Zecheriah Hawkins Richard W. Smith John Davis Noah Overton Isaac Davis Davis Norton Samuel Davis Henry Longbothon Charles Woodhull Ezrah Hawkins Timothy M. Woodhull Samuel Hammond James Woodhull Jur Davis Overton Jr William Terry Jr Scudder Terry Joseph Raynor Jr. Robert Hawkins Elisha Raynor Isaac Mills Samuel Terry William Randal Nathan Post John Laws Timothy Rose Briant Davis Justus Rowe Ezra Guildersleve PAGE 212. Be it remembered that on the fifth day of April 1825 Mills Brewster Made application to the Trustees of the free- holders a,nd commonalty of the town of Brook haven to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 269 Manumitt a certain Slave of his Named Peter and said Trustees being satisfied that said Slave is under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do hereby consent that he should be Manumitted as the Law of this State directs THOMAS S. STRONG president Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk We the commissioners of highways for the town of Brook haven being calld by the petition of Albert B. David and others to grant liberty to the said albert B. Davis to put two or more good easy swinging gates on the Road calld the Granny Road leading Southerly from the house of James Barnaby throug the land of said Davis, we the said commissioners after duly considering the premises find said Road to be of little use to public in general do therefore grant the request of the aforesaid petition and direct it to be recorded as Witness our hands this 13th. March 1825 Benjamin Hutchenson ) ^ Natfi. Smith I Commissioners . Timothy Davis J ' PAGE 213. Be it remembered that on the 14th. day of June 1825 Henry P. Osborn made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook Haven to manumitt a certain Slave of his named Reuben and said Trustees being Satisfied that said Slave is under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do hereby consent to the manumition of said Reuben according to the law of this state in such case provided THOMAS S. STRONG president Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Be it remembered that on the 14th. day of June 1825 270 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Henry P. Osborn made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to Manumitt a certain slave of his named Judas and said Trus- tees being satisfied that said slave is under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself do hereby consent to the manumition of said Judas accord- ing to the law of this state in such case provided THOMAS S. STRONG President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk 4th Sept. 1823 the Overseers of the Poor agreed to rase 1200 Dollars for the town expences 5th. Sept. 1824 the Overseers of the poor agreed to raise 1000. Dollars for the town expences 6 Sept 1825 the Overseers of the poor agreed to raise 850 Dollars for the support of the poor PAGE 214. A true Canvas and estimate of the Votes taken at an Election held in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk on the Seventh day of Nov. one thousand eight hundred and twenty five and on the two succeeding days inclusive for one Senator for the first District of this State two Members of Assembly one Clerk one Sheriff and four Coroners for the County of Suffolk and for the purpose also of taking the sense of the Electors of the town of Brook haven as to the Manner of Choosing Electors of President and vice president of the United States given under our hands at the said town of Brook haven this Ninth day of March 1825 Senators One hundred and ninety one votes were given for Joshua Smith for the Office of Senator One hundred and forty three votes were given for Nicholas Wyckoff for the Office of Senator BROOK HAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 271 Assembly One hundred an fifty four votes were given for Isaac Conklin for the Office of Assembly One hundred and Seventy three votes were for Abraham T. Rose for the Office of Assembly One hundred and Seventy four votes were given for John M. Williamson for the Office Assembly One hundred and fifty two votes were given for Usher H. Moore for the Office of Assembly Clerk One hundred and Sixty five votes were given for Charles A. Floyd for the office of Clerk one hundred and Sixty two votes were given for Charles H. Havens for the Office of Clerk Sheriff Two hundred votes were given for Nathan Post for the Office of Sheriff one hundred and thirty votes were given for Samuel Smith for the Office of Sheriff PAGE 215. three hundred and twenty one votes were given for Levi H. Hildreth for the Office of Coroner One hundred and sixty four votes were given for Elijah Terry for the Office of Coroner one hundred and sixty five votes were given for Mordecai Homan for the Office of Coroner One hundred sixty four votes were given for David Carll for the Office of Coroner One hundred and fifty four votes were given for Selah Carll for the Office of Coroner one hundred and fifty four votes were given for Samuel Davis Jur. for the Office of Coroner 272 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. one hundred and fifty four votes were given for Joseph C. Conklin for the Office of Coroner Eighty votes were given for Districts } on the Election Eight votes were given for general ticket v Law for Plurality ) President Timothy Miller "1 Isaac Hammond T Woodhull Smith In8 P ectors Barnabas Wines j At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brook haven held in said town on the seventh day of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty five Brewster Hawkins made application to said Trustees for liberty to Build a dock or wharf at a place call,d Robbins,s point in Setauket harbour and said Trustees after due consideration had in the premises did Grant unto the said Brewster Hawkins and to his Heirs and Assigns forever the priviledge of Building constructing and keeping PAGE 216. in repair a Dock or wharf at the aforesaid point against his own land to be fifty feet in width on the the shore and two hundred and fifty feet in length from common high water mark reserving to said Trustees and their successors in Office the right of regulating the rate of wharfage and the priviledge of landing and sending off all articles belonging to the Corporation of said town free of wharfage and the said Brewster Hawkins his Hiers and Assigns is to furnish a reasonable pathway for teams and Carriages to pass and repass to and from said Dock through his own land on the shore above high water mark or where the pathway now runs and the said Brewster Hawkins his Heirs and Assigns are to be allowed one cent per foot for loading cord wood from said Dock and for all light vessels lying alongside of said Dock when not loading twelve and half cents pr day BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 273 and always to give way for Vessels to load for taking in or out Cattle fifteen Cents pr head Calves sheep or lambs two Cents pr head for every hogshead fifteen Cents every Bar- rell of liquor or pork six cents every Barrell of flour four Cents for every thousand long shingle twenty five cents for every thousand feet of short shingle four Cents for every thousand feet of plank twenty five Cents, for every thousand feet of boards eighteen cents ; for every ten gallon keg of liquor three Cents for five Gallon do two Cents for every Hundred Bushel of Ashes nine Cents all other manure two Cents pr waggon load and every other article not enu- merated three Cents pr load in that proportion in presence of THOMAS S. STRONG President L S MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 217. At a public town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Brook haven held on the 4th. day of April 1826 the fol- lowing persons were Elected town Officers for the ensueing year Viz. Thomas S. Strong president of Trustees Barnabas Wines Merritt Learned Daniel Overton Davis Norton Isaac Brewster William H. Helme J Thomas S. Strong Supervisor Mordecai Homan town Clerk and treasurer James Robinson Collector Henry P. Osborn "] Nathan Post Timothy Miller }- Assessors Samuel Hammond Woodhull Smith j Trustees 274 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Timothy Davis 1 Commissioners Beniamm Hutchenson > f > . i William Tooker f of K&7* Selah B. Strong ) Commi8sioner8 of Mordeeai Homan V g j }& William Beale ) Charles A. Tooker George D. Lee James Smith James Robinson Constables Jesse Hulse Jacob Hawkins Jur at the aforesaid meeting a vote was taken to prevent Rams and swine from runing in the commons and carried in the affirmative PAGE 218. John R. Satterly ) Josiah Smith v Inspectors of Schools Nathaniel Smith ) OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Richard Smith Daniel G. Gillett Acepted Thomas Bailes Epenetus Mills Accepted Daniel Smith Aceptd Appollos Mills Accepted Ebenezer Smith Horace Randal Acepted Samuel Satterly Acceptd Sylvanus Overton Acepted Israel Davis Accepted William S. Smith. Wm. H. Helme Accepted Richard Norton Josiah Lupton Acepted Samuel Hammond Acepted James Woodhull Acepted James Smith Henry Raynor Richard W. Smith Acepted Gideon Robinson Manly Ruland Jehiel Raynor Benjamin Clerk John Penny Jr. Zophar Hal lock James Fanning Aceped Richard Woodhull William Robert Briant Davis BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Silas Homan Accepted Israel Bennett Nathaniel Miller Isaac Davis Accepted William Tooker Daniel Davis old mans Aceptd Jeremiah Gourden Jedediah Williamson William Rudyard Charles Jayne Amos Smith Ebenezer Jones Zecheriah Hawkins John Davis Isaac Davis Samuel Davis Charles Woodhull James Woodhull Jur. Miller I. Woodhull Jerrus Wines Christopher Robinson Elisha Ray nor Samuel Terry Nathan Post Timothy Rose Justus Rowe Wm Beale Joseph A very William Arthur Noah Overton Richard W. Smith Davis Norton Henry Longbotham Azariah Hawkins Samuel Hammond Davis Overton Jur. Scudder Terry Robert Hawkins Isaac Mills William Randal John Laws Briant Davis Ezra Guildersleve * Note. No title given, but probably the names in this column indi- cate fence viewers. COM. PAGE 219. Be it rembered that on the 4th. day of April 1826 Will- iam Tooker made application to the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to Manumitt a certain Slave of his Named Aaron and said Trustees being Satisfied that said Slave is under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and maintain 276 BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. himself do hereby consent to his Manumission as the law of this State in such directs THOMAS S. STRONG President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Be it remembered that we the undersigned commissioners of common Schools of the Town of Brookhaven by and with the consent of the Commissioners of the town of Southampton have set off a part of School District No. 15 to be Annexed to School District No. one in Southampton embracing the families of Joel Hawkins Silas Edwards Matthew Roders Robert Gourden Jonah Hallock and Henry Raynor to be part No two of Brookhaven this fourth day of April 1826 Selah B. Strong ) Commissioners Mordecai Homan j of common Schools 5th. September 1826. the Trustees of this town ordered that there should be one thousand dollars raised in said town for the support of the poor and othr contingent Charges in said town for the ensueing year Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk 4th. September 182T the Trustees of the town of Brook haven agreed to raise eight hundred Dollars for the support of the poor and other contingent charges for the ensueing year Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk PAGE 220. To All to whome these presents shall come the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven send Greeting. Whereas the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of said town did on the fifth day of De- cember one thousand eight hundred and Nine by their cer- tain deed bearing date on that day Grant to George Hallock of said town the liberty priviledge and Right to build a dock or wharf at a place call,d the deep hole in Stoney brook BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 277 harbour against his own land one hundred feet in length on the shore and fifty* feet in width from common higm\ water mark for the consideration and under the restrictions and regulations therein mentioned and did thereby Author- ise him to receive for the use thereof certain rates of wharf- age therein specified and Whereas the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty of the said town of Brook haven did on the second day of february one thousand eight hun- dred and thirteen by their certain other deed bearing date on that day Grant and allow the said George Hallock the liberty priviledge and right to extend the said dock two hundred feet in length to the Northward and to be equal in width as the first mentioned dock that is to say fifty feet in width from common high water mark for the further con- sideration and under the restrictions and regulations therein mentioned and did thereby authorise him to receive for the use of the said wharf the compensation therein specified, And whereas the said George Hallock by his petition pre- sented to us the said Trustees that at the time when the said deeds were executed and delivered to him it was the inten- tion of the said Trustees by whome the said Deeds were executed and deliverd to him to grant and convey to him the said George Hallock his Heirs and Assigns forever the right Interest PAGE 221. and priviledge therein mentioned subject however always to the restrictions therein mentioned and under a full belief that such their Intention was well Sufficiently expressed in the said Deeds, he had constructed a wharf of the dimen- tions therein mentioned and at a very great expense and had conformed in all things to the provisions contained in the said Deeds but that he had been advised that the said Deeds only Granted and conveyed to him a life estate in the said wharf and has also prayed us the said Trustees to extend the right interest and priviledge mentioned in the 278 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. said Deeds subject to the restrictions and reservations there- in contained to him his Hiers and Assigns forever as was originally intended. Now therefore know ye that we the said Trustees in consideration of the premises of the provi- sion herein after contained and also of one Dollar to us in hand paid by the said George Hallock before the Ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged have granted and conveyd and by these presents do Grand and convey to the said George Hallock and to his hiers and Assigns forever the right and privi- ledge to continue and keep in repair the said dock or wharf as located in and by the said deeds and if necessary at any time to rebuild the same and to Ask demand sue for re- cover and receive for the use thereof wharfage at the rates and in the manner specified in the said two former deeds and such other or further wharfage as shall or may be allowed to him or them by the said Trustees of the free holders and commonalty of the said town for the time being Provided howevr that the said George Hallock his Beirs or Assigns shall agreeable to an offer which he has voluntarily made widen the road to the width of three rods to start from Zepheniah Hallocks corner until it comes to the corner in said PAGE 222. George Hallock Land from thence four rods wide to the new made ground to be laid out and regulated by a com- mitte to be appointed for that purpose from said Board of Trustees, the express purpose of said Road is for the public to lay wood on but not so as to hinder or obstruct people from passing and repassing to and from said Dock nor to lay any wood within four Rods of the new made ground. And also reserving a right for people to pass and repass to the southward of said Dock through the land of the said George Hallock that he or they also keep said Dock free from incumbrances so as that people may pass and repass to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 279 the northward with teams and carriages to and from the west meadow also reserving the priviledge of landing on said Dock (free from wharfage) all articles belonging to the corporation of said town. And a right for the said Trustees or their successors for the time being to regulate the said rates of wharfage in future, And also reserving a right for all light vessels to lay along side of said Dock twenty four hours free from wharfage but always to give way for vessels to load or unload, And also he the said George Hallock his Heirs or Assigns pay unto the said Trustees or their Successors in Office yearly and once in every year on the first tuesday in April forever an Annuity of fifteen Dollars for the use of said town the first payment to be made in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, And the said George Hallock shall be allowed to him and to his heirs and Assigns forever wharfage for shipping every Ox steer heifer or Cow twelve and an half cents for every Cask of flaxseed shipped four Cents, for shipping or landing full hogsheads six Cents for every Barrell of liquor or provision, s or flour two Cents for every Cask of Rice four Cents for every Crate of PAGE 223. Earthan three Cents for every load of Stone or lumber drawn by one pair of horses or Oxen two Cents for all foreign vessels unloading Ashes or other Manure six Cents for every hundred Bushels, And for putting on Board Cord wood one Cent pr foot to be Jointly paid by the Master and Owner of such vessel done at Brook haven and sealed with the seal of said town this seventh day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty six 1826 in presence of THOMAS S. STRONG President L S MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven that if any Rain 280 BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. shall be found running on the commons in said town be- tween the first day of June and the fifteenth day of Novem- ber in any year such Ram shall be forfeited the one half to any person that will take up and secure such Ram and give information to the Trustees of said town and the other half to the use of said town and if any Ram shall be found running on the aforesaid commons within said term without being sufficiently hoppled the Owener thereof shall in addi- tion to the aforesaid forfeiture pay a penalty of two Dollars to be sued for by said Trustees before any Court having cognisance thereof and applied as aforesaid. And be it further Ordained PAGE 224. that if any person shall wilfully suffer any hog to run on the commons of said town at any time of the year after the first day of June ensueing except it be to drive such hog to market or to some field or a reasonable time to water shall for each offence pay the sum of fifty cents to be sued for by said Trustees as aforesaid and applied the one half to the person complaining and the other half to the use of said town, done at brookhaven this 2nd. day of May 1826 Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Tnos S. STRONG President town clerk Seal The Subscribers a committee of the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven have laid the highway mentioned in the renewal of the Grant to George Hallock of his wharf at Stoney Brook dated the seventh day of March 1826 as follows commencing at the Northeast corner of the road at a Cedar post in the fence on the west side of Zepheniah Hallocks Garden marked with three Cuts and running from thence in a direct line southerly to the fence thence by and with the fence to the Northwest corner of the square lott so called to which place BROOKHAVEX TOWN RECORDS. 281 the Road is three Rods wide and the northerly side is desig- nated by stakes which they have set up from thence the sotherly side winds around the said Corner to a Stake marked in the fence from thence it runs westerly to a Ceder tree Marked from thence to a Chesnut Marked Stake in the fence from thence westerly with the fence to a marked Post and from thence with the fence to a marked Stake and from thence westwardly to a stake PAGE 225. near the fence from thence Crossing east war dly to a Slake and from thence Northeasterly four Rods wide from the southerly side as the stakes are set up to the three Rod,s Road just above mentioned Dated 16th. May 1826 Thomas S. Strong "I p ., Isaac Brewster j Be it remembred that on the fifth day of September 1826 Samuel L. Thompson made application to manumitt a certain Slave of his named Hannah and said Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven being Satisfied that said Slave is under forty five years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain herself do hereby consent that she shall be manumitted as the law of this State in such case provides THOMAS S. STRONG President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Suffolk County ) town of Brook haven f A true Canvas and Estimate of the votes taken at an Election held in the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk on the Sixth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty six and on the two succeeding days inclusive for the Office of one Governor one Lieutenant 282 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Governor for this State one Senator for the first Senatorial District in this State one Representative to Congress for the first Congressional District in Said State and two Mem- bers of Assembly for the County of Suffolk viz one hundred and thirty Nine votes were given for William Rochester for the Office of Governor. One hundred and Sixty one votes were given for Dewitt Clinton for the Office of Governor one hundred and thirty Nine votes were given for Na- thaniel Pitcher for the Office of Lieutenant Governor PAGE 226. One hundred and Sixty two votes were given for Henry Huntington for the Office Lieutenant Governor One hundred and forty two votes were given for Stephen Allen for the Office Senator One hundred and fifty five votes were given for Robert Bogardus for the Office of Senator One hundred and Sixty one votes were given for Silas \V T ood for the Office of Representative to Congress One hundred and fifty votes were given for Samuel Strong for the Office of Assemblyman One hundred arid fifty votes were given for George L. Conklin for the Office of Assemblyman One hundred and forty eight votes were given for Charles I. Deering for the Office of Assemblyman One hundred and forty four votes were given for Isaac Conklin for the Office of Assemblyman Given under our hands at Brook haven this eighth day of Nov. 1826 Thomas S. Strong ] Timothy Miller Woodhull Smith f Inspectors Samuel Hammond Henry P. Osborn BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Suffolk County ) Town of BrooK haven j A true Canvas and estimate of the votes taken at the annual Election held on the first Monday in November one thousand eight hundred and and twenty six and on the two succeeding days inclusive in pursuance of an Act to Submit to the people of this State certain Amendments to the Con- stitution passed April the seventeenth one thousand Eight hundred and twenty six PAGE 227. one hundred and fifty seven votes were given for Elect- ing Justices of the peace by the People One hundred and fifty Nine votes were given for extend- ing the Elective franchise Seven votes were given against Electing Justices of the peace by the people One vote were given against extending the Elective franchise Given under our hands at the town of Brookhaven this eighth day of November 1826 Thomas S. Strong ] Timothy Miller Henry P. Osborn I Assessors Samuel Hammond Woodhull Smith J This doth certify that we the commissioners of common Schools for the town of Brook haven being called by the Inhabitants of the 21st. school district in said town to divide said District and after viewing said district do consider it necessary that said district should be divided and have set off all the westward part of said District from Islip line as far east as to include all the Houses and Inhabitants living on the Road call,d Smith, s Road Vdz the Road that Joseph Homan and the Rev. Mr. Tuthill now lives on as witness 284 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. our hands this 6th. day of June 1827. which said District is no thirty one Mordecai Homan ) Commissioners Selah B. Strong j of Common Schools PAGE 228. At an annual town Meeting of the freeholders and Inhab- itants of the town of Brook haven held in said town on the third day of April 1827 the following persons were unan- imously Elected for town Officers for the ensueing Year Vis Isaac Brewster President of trustees Silas Reeve "1 Smith Rider William Phillips Isaac Hammond f Trustees Timothy Miller Samuel Carman j Isaac Brewster ) ^ . , , Smith Rider f ' seer8 of the P Thomas S. Strong Supervisor Mordecai Homan town Clerk and treasurer Isaac Davis Collector Barnabas Wines "] William H. Helme Davis Norton }- Assessors Timothy Davis Nathan Post Timothy Davis ) ^ Benjamin Hutchenson I Commissioners William Tooker j of highways Mordecai Homan cept ) r> SelahB. Strong cept F I Commissioners James M. Fanning* j of common Scho l8 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 285 Jacob Hawkins Abel Bennett Samuel Davis Jur. Clerk Longbothom Charles A Tooker William Hulse - Constables PAGE 229. John R. Satterly William S. Smith Nathaniel Smith Inspectors of common Schools OVEESEEES OF HIGHWAYS Richard Smith Acept. Thomas Bailes Isaac Satterly Daniel Smith Acpt Samuel Satterly Acpt. Lewis Hulse Acpt. Samuel Davis Phillip Hallock Jur. Acpt. Miller I. Woodhull Acpt. Henry Raynor Gideon Robinson Jehiel Raynor Henry Raynor John Hallock William Robert Acept. Samuel Carman Acpt. Nathaniel Miller Acpt. William Ho well Isaac Howell Daniel Haff Acpt. Joseph A very Acpt. Simmons Laws Acpt. George Davis Acpt. Lewis Ritch Acpt. John Randal Davis Norton Samuel Hammond Acpt. Bithar Hawkins Acpt. Noah Overton Acpt Willard Ruland Daniel Davis Zophar Hallock Elijah Terry Acpt Briant Davis Israel Bennitt Setauket Nathaniel Davis old mans Henry Hawkins old mans Middle island William Rudyard Jedediah Williamson Archabald Jayne Justus Rowe William Beale Joseph Avery BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Amos Smith William Arthur Ebenezer Jones Mathusela Overton Zecheriah Hawkins Joshua Overton John Davis Austin Roe Elisha Davis Henry Longbothom Samuel Davis Azariah Hawkins Charles Woodhull Samuel Hammond Jonathan Worth Willard Ruland Miller I. Woodhull Daniel Terry Jur Jerrus Wines Robert Hawkins Christopher Robinson Isaac Mills Elisha Raynor William Randal Samuel Terry John Laws Nathan Post Briant Davis Timothy Rose Ezra Guildersleve * Note. No title, but probably fence viewers. COM. PAGE 230. Suffolk County ) town of Brook haven j ' A true Canvas and Estimate of the votes taken at an Election held in the town of Brook haven in the County aforesaid on the fifth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven and on the two succeeding days inclusive for two Senators for the first Dis- trict in this State two Members of Assembly for the County of Suffolk and four Justices of the peace for the said town of Brook haven Viz -.-I j one hundred and Seventy one votes were given for ( John I. Schenck for the Office of Senator 1>~I j One hundred and Seventy one votes were given for * ( Jacob Tyson for the Office of Senator 1ft . ( One hundred and sixty seven votes were given for ' \ Peter Sharp for the Office of Senator BROOKHAVEK TOWN RECORDS. 287 j one hundred Sixty five votes were given for ( John D. Ditmas for the Office of Senator r~K \ one hundred and Seventy votes were given for | Tredwell Scudder for the Office of Assembly j one hundred and Seventy three votes were given for ( Abraham H. Gardiner for the Office of Assembly j one hundred and Sixty eight votes were given for ( Nathaniel Miller for the Office of Assembly one hundred and sixty five votes were given for Isaac Conklin for the Office of Assembly O../N. j three hundred and seventeen votes were given for ( John S. Mount for the Office of Justice of the peace ( one hundred and Seventy seven votes were given 177 -I for Samuel Davis Jur. for the Office of Justice of the ( peace {one hundred and sixty nine votes were given for William H. Helme for the Office of Justice of the peace PAGE 231. ione hundred and sixty eight votes were given for William Beale for the Office of Justice of the peace one hundred arid fifty seven votes were given for Smith Rider for the Office of Justice of the peace {one hundred and fifty three votes were given for Barnabas Wines for the Office of Justice of the peace ( one hundred and thirty six votes were given for 136-j James M. Fanning for the Office of Justice of the ( peace Given under our hands at Brook haven this 8th. day of November 1827 Thomas S, Strong ") Barnabas Wines William H. Helme [-Inspectors Timothy Davis Davis Norton 288 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. This doth Certify that on the 30th. day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven agreeable to the Statute of this State the Supervisor of the town of Brook haven met with the Justices of the peace that were elected at the foregoing Election for the purpose of Ballotting for the term the said Justices are elected for and after the said Ballots were duly drawn they stood as follows Viz f John S. Mount four Years y ,. ] William Beale three Years ] Samuel Davis Jur. two Years [ William H. Helme One Year Attest Thomas S. Strong Supervisor. PAGE 232. We the Commissioners of highways for the town of Brook haven being call by a number of the freeholders of the town of Brook haven to alter a Road that leads down the fireplace neck and after viewing the same do think an * alteration would be proper and have Accordingly alterd said Road runing through John Roses land from the lo\ver fejice_to_run in a Strait line or Course to the Bay Joining Richard Corwins meadow agreeable to a petition presented to said commissioners by the Inhabitats of this place and N the said John Rose is to work twenty days on said Road and also to allow the Inhabitants to take dirt for the repairs of said Road on his land off from the highway where it will ft be convenient which we order to be recorded this 5th. March 1828 Benjamin Hutchenson / Commissioners of William Tooker j highways PAGE 233. At an annual town Meeting held on the first tuesday Viz the first day of april 1828 the following persons were Elected town Officers for the ensueing Year Viz BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 289 Isaac Brewster President of Trustees Samuel Carman Smith Rider Barnabas Wines , m Daniel Overton ^ Tmstee3 Davis Norton John Davis Thomas S. Strom? ) ,. ,, Samuel Carman \ Overseers of poor Thomas S. Strong Supervisor Mordecai Homan town Clerk Isaac Davis Collector William H. Helme } Nathan Post Henry P. Osborn \- Assessors William Phillips John R. Satterly j John S. Mount ) r , Lewis Bitch [ Commissioners Wm S. Robert, ) of hl g hwa J 8 Selah B. Strong, ) Mordecai HomSn I Commissioners James M. Fanning f of Common Schools Charles A. Tooker James Robinson Noah Overton Constables Win. H.Buckingham Rumsey Rose Abel Bennitt James Smith William Hulse j PAGE 234. John R Satterly ) T William S. Smith I In8 pectors of Nathaniel Smith ) Comni on Schools 290 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Phillip Longbothom William Howell Thomas Bailee Justus Roe Isaac Satterly Epenetus Mills Stephen Jayne Simmons Laws John Brewster "William C. Booth Samuel L. Thompson Isaac Howell Zecheriah Hawkins James Dayton Charles A. Tooker Accept, d Lewis Ritch Isaac Davis Acceptd Daniel Petty Jur. Daniel R. Miller John Randal Acept Phillip Hallock Jur. Acptd Samuel Hammond Acpt Timothy M. Woodhull Acpt. Davis Norton Aceptd Henry Raynor Bither M. Hawkins Gideon Robinson Acceptd Richard W. Smith Lewis Gourden Jur. Acceptd Manly Ruland Moott Raynor Accept. Brewster Terry William S. Robert Daniel Davis Acept Samuel Carman Davis Overton Jur. Selah Hawkins Solomon Bishop Aceptd George Hawkins Acptd FENCE VIEWERS Nathaniel Hawkins Justus Roe Jedediah Williamson Jacob Bell John Elderkin Joseph Avery Acp. Amos Smith William Arthur Azel Roe Mathusela Overton Zecheriah Hawkins Noah Overton David Robbins Davis Norton Robert Stivers Henry Longbothom Samuel Davis James Howell Charles Woodhull Samuel Hammond Phillip Hallock Jr Charles Swezey Acpt Hiram Tuthill Daniel Terry Jur. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 291 Christopher Robinson Robert Hawkins Jerrus Wines Isaac Mills Mott Raynor Act Briant Davis Samuel Terry Ezra Guildersleve Nathan Post William Randal John Hallock John Laws PAGE 235. Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven that if any person or persons shall take or catch any Oysters or shells of Oysters in the South Bay belonging to said town and Will- iam S. Smith between the tenth day of May and the first day of October in any year shall for every such offence for- feit and pay to said Trustees or their order the sum of twelve Dollars and fifty cents to be sued for and recoverd in the name of said Trustees before any Court havin cog- nisance thereof done at Brook haven this 6th. May 1828 ISAAC BREWSTER Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk President Seal We the Board of Inspectors of Election for the town of Brook haven .in the County of Suffolk do certify that the following is a correct statement of the result of a General Election held in said town on the third fourth and fifth days of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight Six hundred and eighty seven votes were given for the office of Governor Six hundred and eighty six votes were given for the office of Lieutenant Governor. Six hundred and eighty six votes were given for the Office of Senator. Seven hundred and four votes were given for the Office of Congress Seven hundred votes were given for the office of Elector for President and vice President of the United States thirteen hundred and ninety four votes were given 292 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. for the Office of Assembly six hundred Ninety three votes were given for the office of Sherriff six hundred and ninety votes were given for the Office of Clerk PAGE 236. two thousand seven hundred and fifty five votes were given for the Office of Coroner four hundred and twenty votes were given for the office Justice of the Peace. Of the votes given for the office of Governor Martin Yanburen received four hundred and five votes Smith Thompson re- ceived for the same Office two hundred and eighty two votes of the votes received for the Office of Lieutenant Governor Enos T. Throop receivd four hundred and fifteen votes Francis Granger receivd for the same office two hun- dred and seventy one votes of the votes received for the office of Senator Stephen Allen received four hundred and fifteen votes Daniel Gardined receiv,d for the same Office two hundred and severity one votes, of the votes given for the office of Congress James Lent receivd four hundred and ten votes Silas wood received for the same office two hundred and Ninety four votes, of the votes receiv,d for the Office of Elector for president and vice president of the United States. Moses Eolph Receivd four hundred and ten votes Elbert H. Jones received for the same Office two hundred and ninety votes of the votes received for the Office of Member of Assembly John M. Williamson received four hundred and twenty votes David Hedges received for the same Office four hundred and twelve votes. Samuel S. Gardiner received for the same office two hun- dred and eighty two votes. William P. Buffett receiv,d for the same Office two hun- dred and eighty votes of the votes given for the Office of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 293 Sheriff .Abraham H. Gardiner received four hundred and five votes Nathan Post receiv,d for the same Office two hundred and -eighty eight votes of the votes given for the Office of Clerk Joseph R. Hunting received three hundred and ninety three votes George Miller Receid for the same office two hundred and Ninety seven votes of the votes given for the office of Coroner Selah Carll received four hundred and Nine votes PAGE 237. Samuel F. Norton recievd for the same Office four hun- dred and two votes. Jonah Halsey reed for the same Office four hundred and five votes Nathaniel Topping received for the same Office four hun- dred and seven votes. Josiah Smith received for the same Office two hundred and eighty nine votes Levi H. Hildreth receivd for the same office two hundred and eighty two votes Renssellear Horton receivd for the same Office two hun- dred and eighty four votes Daniel Wheeler receivd for the same Office two hundred and Seventy seven votes, of the votes given for Justice of the peace Barnabas Wines receivd three hundred and thirty votes Spencer Dayton receivd for the same Office Ninety votes in witness whereof we have subscribed our hands this 5th. day of November 1828 Nathan Post "1 Henry P. Osborn . iiT-ii- TT TJ i ^Assessors William H. Helme f William Phillips J on the 2nd. September 1S28 the Overseers of the poor of the town of Brook haven agreed to raise eight hundred 294: BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Dollars for the support of the poor and contingent charges of said town Be it remembred that on the third day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty Nine the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven Granted unto William looker Esq and to his hiers and Assigns for the term of fourteen years and no longer the exclusive or entire priviledge of Laying down and taking up Oysters in the south Bay on a space of ground containing ten Acres to be located about one half Mile Southward of the neck of land now Owned by said Tooker in a square plot given under our hands and seal of Office this day afore- said ISAAC BKEWSTEK President L S in presence of MOKDECAI HOMAN Clerk PAGE 238. At an Annual town Meeting held in the town of Brook haven on the first tuesday being the 7th. day of April 1829 the following persons were Elected town Officers for the Ensueing year Yiz. Isaac Brewster President John Penny Isaac N". Gould John Davis rp T i TT if Irustees John Havens Austin Roe Daniel Overton William S. Smith Supervisor Mordecai Homan town Clerk Isaac Davis Collector. WilliamH. Helme ] David Brown Barnabas Wines > Assessors Davis Norton Timothy Davis BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 295 John S. Mount ) /^ . . G i T\ - ( Commissioners of feamuel Davis >. i T Smith Rider f Mordecai Homan ) Sereno Burnell > Commissioners of Schools William S. Smith) Isaac Brewster ) John Havens j Overseers of Poor Joseph C. Hammond ~) John Roseman Noah Overton Charles W. Darling J- Constables James Robinson John B. Overton Smith Rider John R. Satterly } James M. Faning > Inspectors of Schools Nathaniel Smith ) OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS Phillip Longbothom Thomas Bailes Wm Dickenson Acpt. James Vanbrunt. John Brewster Israel Bennitt Acpt Israel Davis Acpt Daniel Davis Acpt Charles Phillips Acpt Daniel R. Miller Acpd. Samuel B. Hallock Acpt James Woodhull Jur. William Terry Acpt. Henry Turner Jur. David Peterson Mott Raynor Acpt. Charles F. Smith Samuel Carman William Howell Acpt. Daniel Haff. Epenetus Mills Simmons Laws Wm. C. Booth Davis Overton Acpt. Sylvanus Overton Lewis Ritch Daniel Petty Jur. John Randal Samuel Hammond Acpt Davis Norton George Hawkins Acpt David Fordham Acpt Manly Ruland Brewster Terry 296 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Win. S. Robert Dea Daniel Davis Selah Hawkins Davis Overton Jr. Acpt Joseph Newton Acpt. FENCE VIEWERS Nathaniel Hawkins Charles Homan Jedediah Williamson Martin Mott John Elderkin Joseph A very Amos Smith William Arthur Azel Eoe Methusela Overton Zecheriah Hawkins Noah Overton David Robbins Davis Norton Robert Stivers Henry Longbothom Samuel Davis James Howell Charles Woodhull Samuel Hammond Hiram Tuthill William J. Swezey Phillip Hallock Jr Daniel Terry Christopher Robinson Robert Hawkins Abel Raynor Isaac Mills Mott Raynor Briant Davis Samuel Terry Ezra Guildersleve Nathan Post Win Randal John Hallock John Laws PAGE 239. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brook haven held this third day of March 1829 Coll William Howell Thomas Bell and John Bell made application for the priviledg of Building a Dock in the South Bay at or near the North line of the land be- longing to the said Howell and said Trustees after due Notice having been given and not considering said dock to be injurous to the public in general do by these presents grant unto the said William Howell Thomas Bell and John Bell and to their heirs and assigns forever the priviledge of BIIOOKHAVEN TOWX RECORDS. 297 Building constructing and keeping in repair a Dock at the aforesaid place to extend into the Bay to six and half feet water at common highwater and for which the said William Howell Thomas Bell and John Bell their heirs or Assigns shall pay unto the said Trustees or their Successors in Office Annually the sum of two Dollars on the first tuesday in April forever the first payment to commence on the first tuesday in April 1832, in Witness whereof we have sub- scribed our hands and affixed our seal of Office this 7th. April 1829 Seal ISAAC BREWSTER President L. S. Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk Be it remembered that on that 7th. April 1829 the Trus- tees of School District No. 20 and 21. Made application to us the undersigned Commissioners of common Schools to have a part of the District No. 20 annexed to District No 21. and -after due consideration had in the premises have set off all that part of School District No. 20 to extend as far east as Between the house of Hiram Gerard and Jacob Bell on the South side of the Road and to the Road between the house of Justus Roe and Brewster Woodhulls store on the North side of the road all to the west of said Bounds is annexed PAGE 240. to the 21 School District which is done by the request and consent of both Districts Selah B. Strong ) Commissioner Mordecai Homan j of common Schools An Act for the preservation of Oysters Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven that if any person or persons shall take or Catch any Oysters in the South Bay belonging to said town and William S. Smith between the 298 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. tenth day of May and the first day of October in any year shall for every such offence forfiet and pay unto said Trus- tees the sum of twelve Dollars and fifty cents And be it further Ordained that if any person or persons shall take and carry away any shells of Oysters from the Oyster Beds in said ]^ay at any time of the year shall for every such offence forfiet and pay unto said Trustees the like sum of twelve Dollars and fifty cents to be sued for arid recoverd in any Court having cognisance of the same and applied to the use of said town done at Brook haven this 5th May 1829 ISAAC BREWSTER President L S Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk Be it remembered that on 2nd. day of June 1829 the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven Granted unto William Smith of Patchogue the entire priviledge of laying down and taking up Oysters to him and to his Hiers and Assigns for the term of four- teen Years from this date on a space of Ground in the south Bay on a space of Ground containing ten acres to be located South South West from the mouth of Mud Creek on the north side of the Channel to be forty Rods square given under our hand and seal of Office this 2nd. June 1829 Seal ISAAC BREWSTER President L S Attest MORDECAI HOMAN ) town Clerk j PAGE 241. We Samuel Davis Junr. John S. Mount and Smith Rider commissioners of highways of the town of Brook haven do hereby certify that on this day we have inspected a certain road leading from the highway between Setauket and Drown meadow to the land of Brewster hawkins commenc- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 299 ing nearly opposite the store of Charles Tyler in Setauket and riming from thence Northerly by the Land in the pos- session of harvey hulse and Eliza his Wife Daniel Bobbins and Walter Jones on the East side thereof and David Cleves on the west side thereof about Seventy Rods until it reaches the land of the said Brewster Hawkins about seven rods to the Northward of the house of the said David Cleves. And we have also made due enquiry relative to the said Road and find that no record thereof has been made in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk or of the town of Brook haven but we are Satisfied and do adjudge that the said Road has been used as a public high- way for twenty years and more next preceding the twenty first day of March one thousand Seven hundred and ninety seven and from thence to this date and it appearing to us on inspection of the said road that the same is less than three Rods wide we proceeded to mark and designate by stakes where the respective owners of the land adjacent to the said road shall or may set their respective fences making the road three rods wide ; And we do hereby order and direct that the Overseer of the highways in whose District it is situated to open the said Road to the width and plapes which we have thus designated in pursuance of the Act in such case made and provided And we do further Judge that the said Walter Jones as it respects the land in his possession which we have thus taken the said Harvey Hulse and Eliza his wife and her Daughter Eliza Hulse the younger as it respects the land in PAGE 242. the possession of the said Harvey Hulse and Eliza his wife which we have thus taken the Said Daniel Robbins and Phillip Longbothom as his Mortgage as it respects the land in the possession of the said Daniel Robbins which we have thus taken and the said David Cleves as it respects the land 300 BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. in his possession which we have thus taken (so far as it re- lates to the several portions of the said several tracts of land now actually within fence and have been within fence with- in the last twenty years precedeing this date) are respectively entiteled to the value thereof with such damages as they shall respectively sustain by our taking the same for a high- way dated this Seventh day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine JohnS Mount ) Commis8ioners Samuel Davis Jur > ^ ^ Enterd by Smith Rider ) o hl g hwa .y s M. HOMAN town Clerk We the board of Inspectors of Election for the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk do certify that the following is a correct Statement of the result of a Election held in Said town on the 2nd. 3rd. and 4th. days of Novem- ber in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine Viz Six hundred and Seventy eight votes were given for the office of Senator ; Six hundred and eighty two votes were given for the Office of Member of Assembly ; Two hundred and sixty four Votes were given for the office of Justice of the Peace Of the votes given for the Office of Senator Alpheus Sherman received two hundred and fifty Nine Votes Jonathan S. Conklin recieved for the same Office two hundred and Sixty three votes ; Peter A. Jay Received for the same Office Seventy Eight votes Jeremiah Johnson Received for the Same Office Seventy eight votes Silas Wood received for the same Office one vote PAGE 243. Of the votes given for the Office of Member of Assembly Samuel Strong recievd two hundred and sixty votes Noah Youngs Recievd for the same Office two hundred and Sixty one votes ; Josiah Smith Reciev,d for the same Office eighty votes George Miller Reciev,d for the same Office eighty one votes. Of the votes given for the Office of Justice of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 301 the Peace Samuel Davis Jar. Reciev,d two hundred and fifty four Votes Silvanus Overton receiv,d for the same Office ten Votes In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this fourth day of November one thousand eight hundred an twenty Nine William S. Smith "] Barnabas Wines ! Irspectors Timothy Davis f of Election Davis Norton Mordecai Homan ) , David Brown f We the commissioners of common Schools for the town of Brook haven having met at the house of Gideon Robin- son in said town in pursuance of previous Notice to each of the said commissioners do hereby adopt the following reso- lution relative to extending School District No. fourteen Resolved unanimously that School District No. 14. shall be extended as far East as Moses Robinson, s house including his house and Lands and also all the Inhabitants who live west of a North and South line to be run from the East- ward extremity of said Moses Robinsons land that is to say by adding the following Inhabitants hereafter named to District No. 14. Moses Robinson Benjamin Gould Giles Bradley Isaac Carter Stephen Turner Daniel Terry Calvin King Moses Gould Gideon Robinson Nathaniel Tyler Reeves Davis Joseph Turner Jasper Griffing James Robin- son the Consent of the Trustees of Both District is given except one Trustees from the 13th. School District * Dated Brook haven 23rd. December 1829 Mordecai Homan } Commissioners Wm Sidney Smith v of Sereno Burnell ) Schools * Note. This alteration was set aside by the Superintendent. Page 248. COM. 302 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECOKDS. PAGE 244. At an annual town Meeting of the freeholders and inhab- itants of the town of Brook haven held on the 6th. day of April 1830 the following persons were duly elected town officers for the ensueing year viz Daniel Overton president Barnabas Wines Austin Roe Samuel Davis Timothy Davis Smith Rider Samuel Satterly J William S. Smith Supervisor Mordecai Homan Clerk and treas Isaac Davis Collector Phillip Hallock] Isaac JS". Gould Barnabas Wines \- Assessors Smith Rider Timothy Davis J Samuel Davis Jur ) Commissioner Smith Rider of John S. Mount ) highways Mordecai Homan ) Commissioner Selah B. Strong V of Samuel F. Norton ) Schools William Beale Justice of the peace Noah Overton "] John W. Yarington Joel Robinson \- Constables Joseph C. Hammond | Samuel Tooker BROOKHAVEJST TOWN RECORDS. 303 PAGE 245. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS FOR THE TEAR 1830. Thomas Wiggins Thomas Bailes William Dickenson Brewster Hawkins Floyd Smith Israel Bennitt Israel Davis John Hutchenson Parshall Davis Charles Wopdhull James Hallock James Woodhull Jur John Carter Joel Robinson Jonathan Robinson William Hawkins David Terry William S. Robert Samuel Carman Nelson Smith Daniel Haff. Epenetns Mills Wm. H. Buckingham Wm. C. Booth Isaac Overtoil Hills James Dayton Franklin Overton Ezra Guildersleve John B. Laws Davis Norton Samuel Hammond George Hawkins Noah Overton Manly Ruland Davis Overton Jr Richard Woodhull John Rose William Ho well at the same time a vote was taken as to the propriety of dividing the town and the vote were about five to one against dividing said town MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 246. Town of Brook haven We Samuel Davis Junr. and John S. Mount two of the Commissioners of highways now fence viewers for the town of Brook haven on application of Azariah Hawkins and after due Notice being given to Alexander S. Ruland do hereby certify that we have this day divided a division fence between the lands of the said Azariah Hawkins and the said Alexander S. Ruland leading from the Middle 304 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Country road and extending North by the side and on the east side of a lane about one hundred and fifty rods to a short ditch across said lane setting off to the said Azariali Hawkins the south half of the said fence from a certain stake and mark on a bush by the side of said fence to be by him maintained and kept in repair the other part of the said fence we leave for the said Alexander S. Ruland from the said stake and mark to the before mentioned Ditch across said lane to be by him maintained and the said Azariah Hawking paying to the said Alexander S Ruland eighteen Dollars and seventy five Cents for the said fence so set off to the said Azariali Hawkins, the said Alexander S. Ruland being the owner of the whole of the fence so divided given under our hands at Brook haven this 20th. day of April 1830 Samuel Davis Jur ) fence enterd this 29th April 1830 John S. Mount j viewers MOKDECAI HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 247. Be it remembered that whereas there has been much complaint to us the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brookhaven respecting the rate of wharfage at the Dock at Stoney Brook harbour formerly granted by said Trustees to George Hallock and now owned by Charles D Hallock and after hearing the proofs and allegations of both parties and also appointing a committee to inspect into the premises do make the following altera- tions and restrictions viz. vessels lying next to the Dock to pay as usual all other vessls lying second third or fourth from said Dock to pay six cents a day after lying twenty four hours. All Barrels of flour or other provisions landed on said Dock one Cent pr. Barrel, for landing Stone one Cent pr load for a common team for putting on Board Cord wood four Cents for every five feet cord or in that BROOKHAVEN' TOWN RECORDS. 305 proportion. Any person letting stone or lumber lie on said Dock for more than twelve days to pay one Cent pr day on every load for every day thereafter. Neither Mr. Hallock nor any other person to lay wood in the road within four rods of the new made ground or to take pay therefor. Done at Brook haven this first day of June 1830. under our hands and seal of office DANIEL OVEBTON President L S On the 7th. September 1830 the Overseers of the Poor of the town of Brook haven Directed that a tax of seven hundred and fifty Dollars should be raised in said town for the support of the poor and other expences M. HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 248. State of New York ) A]b lgth June 183Q [secretaries. Omce j In the Case of the appeal of Christopher Robinson and others Inhabitants of District No. 13 in the town of Brook haven it appears that on the 23rd. Dec. 1829. the commis- sioners attached a portion of said District to an adjoining District No. 14. and established the line so as to leave the School House No. 13. in District No. 14 it ig said the school House was of little value was near one line of Dis- trict No. 13. and was built by proprietors but it seems to have been the District School House and was used as such, before the alteration 13 had many more Scholars than 14. since the change 14. has much the greater number as to the precise number is is not easy to acertain from a contradic- tion in the statements if District No 14 was too small the two should have been consolidated and not divided so as to leave reason to complain after the alteration as 14 had be- fore after reading all the paper in this case I am induced to think that No. 13. ought to have her school house poor as it is therefore decided that the alteration made between 306 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Districts No. 13. and 14. on the 23 Dec 1829. in setting a part of No. 13. including the school house to No. 14. be and the same is hereby set aside and the two districts are restored to their original boundaries Given under my hand and seal of Office 15th. June 1830. A. C. Flagg- Superintenant of common Schools PAGE 249. We the board of Inspectors of Elections for the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk do certify that the following is a correct statement of the result of a general Election held in said town on the first second and third days of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty Five hundred and thirty eight Votes were given for the Office of Governor Five hundred and thirty four votes were given for the Office of Lieutenant Governor Five hundred and thirty eight votes were given for the Office of Senator . Five hundred and forty two votes were given for the office of Representatives to congress one thousand and seventy five votes were given for the Office of Members of Assembly. Of these votes given for the Office of Governor Enos T. Throop recieved three hun- dred and sixty Nine votes ; Francis Granger recieved for the same Office one hundred and sixty eight votes Samuel L. Thompson received for the same office one vote. Of the votes given for the Office of Lieutenant Governor Edward P. Livingston recieved three hundred and sixty seven votes Samuel Stevens recieved for the same office one hundred and Sixty seven votes Of the votes given for the office of Senator Jonathan S. Conklin recieved three hun- dred and seventy one votes, Harmanus Guyon reciev,d for BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 307 the same Office one hundred and sixty seven votes Of the votes given for the Office of representative to Congress James Lent recieved three hundred and seventy three votes John A. King recieved for the same Office one hundred and Sixty six votes. Of the votes given for the Office of Member of Assembly George S. Phillips recieved three hundred and seventy six votes PAGE 250. George L. Conklin recieved for the same office three hundred and seventy five votes Josiah Smith recieved for the same Office one hundred and sixty two votes Josiah P. Howell recieved for the same Office one hun- dred and sixty two votes, in Witness whereof we have here- unto subscribed our names this third day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty Be it remembered that on the fifth day of April one thousand eight hundred and thirty one Nethaniel Miller made application to the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven to Manumit a cer- tain slave that belong, d to the Estate of Timothy Miller de- ceas,d and said Trustees being Satisfied that said slave was under forty five years and of Sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain himself do therefore Manumitt the said slave according to the Statute of this state said Slave is named Jeremiah DANIEL OVERTON President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 251. List of Road districts No.ed and set off by the Commis- sioners of highways in the year 1830 308 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. No. 1. is to embrace the inhabitants of Stoney brook in part No. 2 Stoney Brook do. 3, Setauket do. 4, Nasakeage do. 5, east side of Setauket do. 6, east side of setanket do. 7, Drowned Meadow do. 8, lower part of oldmans do. 9, uper part of oldmans do. 10, Millers place do. 11, Rocky point do. 12, "Wading River do. 13, Manor North part of Manor do. 14, Manor South part do. 15, east part Moriches do. 16, West part of Moriches do. 17, Mastick do. 18, fireplace Mills do. 19, fireplace do. 20, Jew street do. 21, west part of do do. 22, Swan Creek do. 23, Patchogue do. 24, "West part of do do. 25 Blue point do. 26, Mooney ponds do. 27, "West middle Island do. 28, North part of do do. 29, Westfields do. 30, Coram do. 31, East part of do do. 32, Balldhills do. 33, West part of do do. 34, Coram Hills BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 309 No. 35, East Middle Island do. 36, North part of do do. 37, Middle part of do do. 38, uper Mills in do do. 39, lower Mills in do do. 40, Ridgefield 5th. March 1832 the Commissioners of highways erected two New districts viz. No. 42 to be Between the district of Manny Ruland and David Overtons No. 41 to embrace all that part between James Robinsons West line eartr to David Robinsons West line Also the District No 2. in Setauket is disolved and Set 'over to No. 3. 43. is Swezey town John S. Mount ) n 44. is the Middle part Barnabas Wines imiss ' of Moriches Samuel Hammond ) PAGE 252. At an Annual town Meeting held in the town of Brook- haven this 5th. day of April 1831 the following town Officers were elected William Sidney Smith Supervisor Acpt Daniel Overton President of Trustees Acpt Samuel Davis "} acpt Samuel Satterly John Penny Jur I T , acpt Davis Norton Smith Rider acpt,d James H. Weeks Mordecai Homan Clerk and treasurer acpt Isaac Davis Collector acpt. Samuel Satterly | Overseerg of the acpt Smith Rider \ 310 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Barnabas Wines Smith Rider Isaac Davis Isaac Brewster Davis Norton >- Assessors acpt John S. Mount } acpt Samuel Hammond > Commissioners of highways Barnabas Wines ) acpt. Mordecai Homan ) ^ . . f acpt. Selah B. Strong I Commissioners of acpt. Samuel F. Norton j common Schools John S: Mount Justice of the peace I- Constables Daniel Tooker Noah Overton John W. Yarington Jacob Hawkins Jr. J " PAGE 253. acpt John R. Satterly ) acpt William Beale > Inspectors of common Schools acpt Joel Robinson ) OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS District No. 1, Richard Garrett acpt do. 2, Thomas Bailes acpt do. 3, Isaac Satterly acpt do. 4, Israel Bennitt do. 5, Floyd Smith acpt do. 6,. James Hulse acpt. do. 7, James R. Davis do. 8, Henry Hawkins do. 9, Charles Phillips acpt. do. 10, Thomas Helme acpt do. 11, Charles Robinson acpt. do. 12, Hiram Tuthill acpt. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 311 District No. 13, John Carter do 14, Joel Robinson acpt. do 15, David Terry do 16, William Hawkins Jr acpt. do 17, William S. Robert do 18, David W. Homan acpt do 19, Azel Hawkins acpt do. 20, William Ho well do. 21, Barnabas Smith do. 22, Ananias Smith Jr do. 23, Clerk Smith, acpt. do. 24, James Smith acpt. do. 25, Epenetus Mills acpt do. 26, Mills Hawkins acpt. do. 27, Albert L. Homediewe do 28, Isaac Hammond acpt do 29, Richard Norton acpt do. 30, Richard W. Smith acpt do. 31, Benjamin Clerk acpt do. 32 Scudder Terry acpt. do. 33 Manly Ruland acpt do 34, David Overton acpt do 35 Franklin Overton - 36 do. Henry P. Hutchmson acpt 37 do. John Ruland acpt 38 do. Nathaniel Tuthill acpt 39 do. Apollos A. Mills acpt 40, Jeremiah Randal acpt. 41, Lewis Gourden acpt At the aforesaid Meeting a vote was taken on the ques- tion of a County poor house and the vote was unanomonsly opposed to it And also on the proposed division of the town and the vote was unanomously oppose.d to such divi- sion MOKDECAI HOMAN town clrk 312 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 254. To all to whome these presents shall come the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven send Greeting. Whereas Jonas Smith of the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York did on the fifth day of April one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty one petition to said Trustees for liberty to build a dock or wharf at a place called the west meadow creek at stoney brook harbour against his own land and said Trustees having appointed a committee to view said prem- ises and having received a report from said committee that said Dock will not be injurous but necessary for the public in general. Do by these presents grant unto the said Jonas Smith and to his Hiers and assigns forever liberty to Build construct and keep in repair and if need be to rebuild a Dock or wharf at the aforesaid place according to the fol- lowing description and deuaentions Viz. commencing at the Northeasterly corner at a certain Stake near a small Ceder tree at the bottom of the bank or cliff from thence runing south fifty nine degrees west one Chain and eighty two Links, thence south thirty four degrees west one Chain and fifty seven Links thence south forty one and half degrees West one Chain and forty links thence North eighty five degrees West one Chain and eighty seven links thence south seven and an half degrees east two Chain and thirty links thence south fifty degrees east one chain and ninety two links to the bottom of the bank or cliff to be in range with the line of Charles D. Hallock subject however to the following Annuity restrictions regulations and compen- sation, that is to say the said Jonas Smith his Heirs execu- tors Administrators or assigns for and in consideration of the above said Grant shall well and truly pay or Cause to be paid unto the said Trustees or their Successors in Office for the use of the said town on the first tuesday in April Anually forever the yearly rent or Annuity of four Dollars BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 313 and to be at the expence of the surveying and laying out said Dock and also to give the public the privilege of a passway with teams "Waggons andsofourth from the School House PAGE 255. throug his land to said Dock so long as he shall receive wharfage for the use of Said Dock, and shall also allow the public to pass and repass on said Dock to and from the west meadow without any let or hindrance with teams Carts andsofourth and the said Jonas Smith his heirs or Assigns shall be allowed to ask for demand and sue for and recover for the use of said Dock wharfage at the following rate, Viz. for putting on board Cord wood at the rate of four Cents for every five feet cord for shipping every ox Steer Cow or heifer twelve and an half cents pr head for every cask of flaxseed four cents for shipping or landing full hogs- heads six cents for every Barrel of liquor two Cents for every Cask of Rice four cents for every crate of earthan three Cents for every Barrel of flour or other provisions one cent for every load of Stone lumber or other such article one cent pr load for a common team for all foreign vessels unloading ashes or other Manure six Cents for every hun- dred Bushels all light vessels making fast to said Dock and laying over twenty four hours the vessel lying next to the Dock to pay twelve and an half cents pr day after laying twenty four hours and the vessels lying second third or fourth from the Dock to pay six cents pr day over twenty four hours and all light vessels to make way for vessels to load or unload the aforesaid wharfage to be paid by the master or owner of such vessel and also reserving a right for all articles belonging to the town of Brook haven viz. the Corporation of Brook haven to be landed on said dock free from wharfage and a right for the Trustees of said town to regulate the rate of wharfage for said Dock in future and the said Jonas Smith doth hereby bind himself 314 BROOKHAVEST TOWN RECORDS. his Hiers Executors Administrators or Assigns to pay unto the said Trustees or to their Successors in Office the afore- said sum of four Dollars Annually and also to keep said Dock in good repair so long as he or they shall hold the grant for said Dock the first Annual payment to be made on the first tuesday in april one thousand eight hundred and thirty two but in case the aforesaid Jonas Smith his Hiers PAGE 256. or Assigns shall neglect to pay the aforesaid sum of four Dollars Annually at the time above specified or when de- manded or to keep said Dock in good repair when reason- ably requested then the aforesaid grant shall be nul and void or otherwise in force and virtue the aforesaid Smith shall be allowed to build his dock in a sweep or curve from .the second Station to the fifth so as for the outer part not to extend more than ten feet beyond the fourth corner into the harbour in witness whereof the aforesaid parties have set their hands and seals this third day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty one. DANIEL OVERTON President L S , JONAS SMITH L S in presence of MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk At a Meeting of the Trustees of the f reeholders and Com- monalty of the town of Brook haven held on the 7th day of June 1831. the said Trustees agreed to raise the rates of wharfage for Charles D. Hallocks Dock at Stoney brook to what they were before the deduction or alteration made in said rates of wharfage by the Trustees of said town of the first day of June 1831. DANIEL OVERTON, President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk and that the said Charles D. Hallock his hiers or Assigns pay the said Trustees four Dollars annually from the firs^. BKOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 315 day of April last for the use of the excess in length of his dock beyond the limits of his Grant DANIEL OVEKTON President Attest MOEDECAI HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 257. We the Subscribers being a committee of the Trustees of the freeholders arid commonalty of the town of Brook haven to whom was referred the subject in relation to George Hallock wharf at Stoney Brook do hereby make the follow- ing report that after a due examination of the grant relative to the said wharf and of the premises in question, we are fully satisfied that a part of the road which was given by George Hallock for the use of the public (upon the renewal of the grant for the said wharf) to wit the four rods square adjoining to the new made ground is to be kept entirely free from all incumbrances and that the Owner of the said wharf nor any other person have any right to use it as a depository for wood Ashes or any other article but that the same is to be kept free and clear for the purpose of driving to and from or turning Wagons and carriages at said wharf Brook haven 8th. May 1831. Samuel Satterly } Davis Norton > Committee James H. Weeks ) Attest M. HOMAN town clerk We the Board of Inspectors of Election for the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk do certify that the following is a correct Statement of the result of a General Election held in the said town on the 7th. 8th and 9th. days of November one thousand eight Hundred and thirty one Viz. five hundred and twenty one votes were given for the Office of Senator one thousand and twenty seven votes were 316 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. given for the Office of Member of Assembly Five hundred and Eleven votes were given for the Office of clerk two thousand and forty one votes were given for the Office of Coroners Of the votes given for the office of Senator Harman B. Cropsey recieved three hundred and Sixty four votes Jacob Tyson recieved for the same office one vote Silas Wood recievd for the same office one hundred and fifty six votes PAGE 258. of the votes given for the Office of Member of Assembly John M. Williamson reciev,d three hundred and ninety six votes Samuel L.Homedieue reciev,d for the same Office three hundred and Ninety two votes Henry P. Osborn re- ciev'd for the same Office one hundred and twenty votes James Halliock recievd for the same Office one hundred and Nineteen votes of the votes given for the Office of Sherriff Richard W. Smith recievd three hundred and eighty seven votes Nathan Post recievd for the same Office one hundred and twenty five votes Jeffrey Randal recievd for the same Office two votes Of the votes given for the Office of Clerk Joseph R. Hunting recievd three hundred and Ninety one votes James M. Fanning recievd for the same Office one hundred and nineteen votes Mordecai Homan recievd for the same office one vote Of the votes recievd for the Office of Coroner Selah Carll recievd three hundred and Ninety votes Samuel F. Norton recievd for the same Office three hundred and eighty nine votes Jonah Halsey recievd for the same Office three hun- dred and Ninety votes Nathaniel Topping recievd for the same Office three hundred and Ninety votes David Hand recievd for the same Office one hundred and twenty votes Joseph Moore recievd for the same Office one hundred and nineteen votes Mordecai Homan recievd for the same Office one hundred and twentv two votes BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 317 Edward Dodd recievd for the same Office one hundred and twenty one votes In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our hands at Brook haven this ninth day of November one thousand eight hundred and thirty one Win Sidney Smith "| Isaac Brewster | I lnsector8 of DavisNorton Isaac Davis Smith Rider On the 2nd. Day of Sept. 1831. the Trustees of Brook Haven agreed to raise one thousand dollars for the support of the poor of said town M. HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 259. At a Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Brook held on the 3d. day of April 1832 the fol- lowing persons were Elected town Officers it being town Meeting day viz Barnabas Wines Justice of the Peace Davis Norton president of the Trustees Smith Rider William H. Brewster Samuel Davis Henry P. Hutchenson James H. Weeks Joel Robinson William S. Smith Supervisor Mordecai Homan Clerk and treasurer Rider H Brewster f Isaac Davis Collector 318 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. John Penny Jur "] John Havens John R. Satterly I Assessors Isaac Davis Davis Norton Samuel Davis Jur ) ^ James H. Weeks ( Commissioners JohnS. Mount ) of h 'g hwavs Selah B. Strong ) n Mordecai HomSn 1 Commissioners Samuel P. Norton ) of comrnon Schools Jesse J. Porter Sealer of weights and measures John "W. Yarington "j Briant Hawkins /-, , , -, NoahOverton Constables James Robinson PAGE 260. John R. Satterly ) 7 ,. William Beale ^ t Inspectors of Joel Robinson ) Common Schools OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS No. 1, William S. Williamson acpt. do. 2, dissolved do. 3, Isaac Satterly do. 4, Israel Bennitt do. 5, Stephen Edwards do. 6, Walter Jones do. 7 William T. Robbins do. 8, Jehiel Norton do. 9, Isaac Davis accept, do. 10, Daniel Hawkins do. 11, Joel Brown do. 12 Hendrickson Hallock acept. do. 13, Noadiah D. Carter acpt. do. 14:, Nathaniel Robinson BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 319 No. 15, John Penny acept do. 16 John Ross do. 17 William Smith point do. 18 David Homan Jur do. 19 Smith Mott do. 20 Charles Osborn do. 21, John Havens do. 22 Joseph Marvin do. 23, Sillick Wicks do. 24, James Smith do. 25, William Arthur do. 26 Mills Hawkins acept. do. 27, Isaac L Homedieue do. 28, Wickham Ruland accept do. 29, Henry Longbothom acept do. 30, Clerk Longbothom acept do. 31, Benjamin Clerk acept. 32, Scudder Terry acept 33, Daniel Terry 34, Jeremiah Gourden 35, Isaac Hulse accept 36, Ezra Guildersleve 37, John Ruland 38, D. D. Swezey. 39, Lewis G. Davis accept. 40, Jeremiah Randal 41, Lewis Gourden Jur. 42, Brewster Terry Jur. PAGE 261. We Samuel Davis Jur. and James H. Weeks two of the Commissioners of highways for the town of Brook haren having by request of a Number of the freeholders and In- habitants of the said town taken a view of Part of the high- way (call,d the south Country Road) leading from the paper 320 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Mill in Moriches to the Maple Hallow, do deem it necessary and expedient to regulate and establish the Bounds of the said highway agreeable to the following Survey viz. Com- mencing at a certain Stake Standing N. 82 East from the North east Corner of the Paper Mill distant 58 Links and thence running N. 28^ East 50 Links to the Middle of the highway thence running as follows 1st. N. 52|- East 3 Chain 77. Links to a point in the road or Middle of the highway whence the Northwest Corner of John Leeks house bears S. 39 E. distant 74 Links 2nd. N. 54 E. eight Chain 27 links 3rd. N. 86 E. 4.87 links 4th. S. 85 E. 10.40 links to the east side of James Fannings land 5th. S. 86 E. 2.70 links 6th. 8. 69 E. 13.00 links whence the South east corner of Charles Hulses house bears N. 2J W. distant 62 links 7th. S. 72| E. 4.61 links to a point in the highway whence to a certain Stone in the Northeast corner of Joseph Hawkins land bears S. 12 W. distant 50 links 8th. S. 68 E. 3.50 links 9th. S. 51| E. 12.80 to a point in the highway where a Certain white Oak tree marked with three Notches bears S. 13^ "W". distant 59 links ; the width of the highway from the beginning to the termination of the four first Courses is four Rods that is to say two rods on each side of the line run for the middle PAGE 262. from thence to the termination of the five last Courses three and a half rods wide being two rods on the south and one and a half rods on the North side of the said Courses Dated at Brook haven this 13th. Sept. 1832 James H. Weeks ) Commissioners Samuel Davis Jur. f of highways MOEDECAI HOMAN town clerk This doth certify that we the undersigned commissioners of common Schools being call,d by the Inhabitants of school Districts No. 18. and 19. to form a new District on the "Western and Eastern parts of said Districts and after BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 321 having met for that purpose and hearing the reasons given and fully believing that the said Districts were too large, have accordingly set off a New District to commence at Daytons creek on the east and to extend westward to the west line of Samuel Tookers land which said District is No. thirty two Dated at Brook haven this 10th. day Of Jan. 1833 at the same time Samuel F. Norton ) Commissioners the school hou- Mordecai Homan j of common Schools ses were valued and the 18 Dis- trict is to pay to No. 32 the sum of $47.81. and the 19 the sum of $36.60 being their re- spective pro- portions To all to whom the presents shall come the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven send Greeting Whereas Charles Osborn of the town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York did on the fifth day of March last petition to said Trustees for liberty to Build a dock or wharf in the South bay against his own land and adjoining thereto and Said Trustees after due consideration had in the premises and believing PAGE 263. that it will be a benefit to the publick in General (and for and in consideration of the Yearly rent or Annuity of the sum of ten Dollars Annually to be paid to said Trustees or their Successors in Office on the first tuesday in May Yearly during the term of this Grant) do by these presents Grant unto the said Charles Osborn his heirs Executors Adminis- trators and Assigns the liberty to Build construct and keep in repair a dock or wharf in the south Bay against his own 322 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Land and to extend in length into the Bay seven hundred feet from common high water mark and to be one hundred feet in width on the shore the aforesaid Grant or lease is for the Space or term of one hundred years from the date of these presents at the expiration of which said term or in case default shall be made in the payment of the aforesaid Annuity, by the said Charles Osborn his Hiers Executors Administrators or Assigns when reasonably demanded then the aforesaid Grant shall cease and be void and the right thereof return again to said town the first Annual payment for the use or priviledge of the aforesaid Grant shall be paid by the said Charles Osborn his Hiers Executors Ad- ministrators or Assigns on the first tuesday in May one thousand eight hundred and thirty four in Witness whereof the aforesaid Trustees have Set their hands and caused the said of said town to be affixed this second day of April one thousand eight hundred and thirty three DAVIS NORTON President L. S signed sealed and delivered in the presence of MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 264. At an Annual town Meeting of the freeholders and In- habitants of the town of Brook haven held on the 2nd. day of April 1833 the following town Officers were unano- mously Elected viz. Samuel Davis Jur. Justice of the Peace Davis Norton President of Trustees William H. Brewster "] Miller Woodhull Henry P. Hutchenson m James H. Weeks Trustee8 Abraham Osborn Almerin Barns BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 323 William Sidney Smith Supervisor Mordecai Homan town clerk and treasurer William H. Brewster ) , . ,. ,, ^ Almerin Barns ( Overgeer of the Poor Isaac Davis Collector ASSESSORS CONSTABLES Joel Robinson Noah Overton Joseph Avery Samuel Overton John R. Satterly Spencer Dayton Isaac Davis Briant Hawkins Davis Norton Rumsey Rose James T. Clayton Samuel Hammond ) ^ . . John S. Mount- ( Commissioners of David Worth- f hl g h W Selah B. Strong i Coramissioner8 of Mordecai Homan V n c , o i v -v- ( Common Schools Samuel F. JSorton ) . John R Satterly, } Daniel G. Gillet > Inspectors of Schools Lester H. Davis ) Lester H. Davis Sealer of weights and Measures PAGE 265. We the Commissioner of highways for the town of Brook haven have laid out a public Road or highway from Bells Dock as follows viz No. 1. Commencing at the North end of said Dock where the post on the Northeast corner of the Same bears N. 51. E. from said poet No. 2. N. 38 00' West three Chains where Thomas Bells store on . the southwest Corner bears N. 45. 00' E. C L 0-51. from thence running the same Course until it reaches 324 BROOKHAVEX TOWN RECORDS. the South Country Road distance 29 Ch. 38 Links fonr Rods wide No. 3 N. 20. 00' W. 1 Chain 31. links where the southwest Corner of Charles Osborhs Store bears N. 64. 00' E distance Chain 68 Links No. 4. N. 0. 45' E. 6 Chains 54 Links where the Southwest Corner of Aarons* House bears N. 84 E dis- tance 37 Links (Note. * Aaron, a colored man.) No. 5 N. 30' E. Distance 47 Chains near the North end of Gardiners Land No. 6 N. 14. 00' E. distance 7 Chains to Gardinere Road No. 7 N. 7 E. distance 3 Chains 20 Links to Robinsons Road No. 8. N. 0. 30' E. Distance 215 Ch. 92 Links until it reaches a large pine tree Marked Ex on the South side Standing on the South of the horsblock distance three Chains 38 Links No. 9 N. 10. 30' East distance 12 Chains. No. 10. N. 9. 30' E. distance 95 Ch. 75 until it inter- sects the road that leads from tire place to Coram and the road that leads from Swezeys Mills to Patchogue three rods wide Dated this 17th. Sept. 1833 John S. Mount. ) n . . Samuel Hammond Commissioners David Worth- f of ^ghway? M. HOMAN town Clerk PAGE 266. We the Subscribers do hereby consent to the laying out and opening of a public highway through our Lands as dis- cribed in the Survey taken by Richard W. Smith Esq. under the commissioners of highways from Bellville* Dock to Swezeys Mills Middle Island in the fall of 1832 and we BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 325 also agree to relinquish all claims or demands for Damages that we may Sustain in consequence of the laying out and opening the said Road Brook haven 1st. Sept 1833 Henry Gardiner John Bell Thos. Bell Chs. Osborn Attest MOKDECAI HOMAN town Clerk * Note. now Bellport. COM. , This doth certify that I Sillick Wicks of the town of Brook Haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York for and in Consideration of the sum of ten Dollars to me in hand paid do release to the town of Brook Haven a certain piece of land on the East side of the Lane that leads from Justus Roes to the Bay beginning at a Locust Stake near my house from thence to the Bay leaving said * Road thirty feet wide this 15th. day of March 1834. SILLICK WICKS David Worth ] n . . , . *, Samuel Hammond | Commissioner* of highways MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk * Road in Patchogne laid out in 1812, now Ocean Avenne. COM. PAGE 267. LIST OF OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS FOR 1833 District No. 1, Timothy Davis do 2, Dissolved do. 3, John C. Bailis do 4, Israel Bennitt do. 5, John Rose man do. 6, Walter Jones do. 7, Israel Davis do. 8, Charles A. Tooker Acpt 326 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. District No. 9, Parsliall W. Davis do. 10, Nathaniel Miller Acept do. 11, James Hallock ' do. 12, Moses Swezey do. 13, John Carter do. 14, Nathaniel Robinson do. 15, Nelson Terry, do 16, James Fanning do. 17, Silas Payne do 18, Thomas Jenings do. 19, William itose do. 20, Isaac Overtoil Jur do. 21, Joseph C. Hedges do. 22, William Swezey do. 23, William Smith do. 24, Daniel G. Gillett do. 25, Epenetus Mills cceptd do. 26, Mills Hawkins do. 27, Isaac N. Gould do. 28, Wickham Ruland Acpt do. 29, Nelson Norton, do. 30, Noah Overton do. 31, Benjamin Clerk Acpt do 32, Richard Smith Pond do. 33, Willard Ruland Aceptd .34, David Overton .35, Isaac Hulse .36, Ezra Guildersleve acpt .37, George Davis .38, Daniel D. Swezey .39, James H. Weeks acpt .40, Jeremiah Randal 41, Lewis Gourden .42, Brewster Terry Jur .43, Oscar F. Swezey BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 327 at the aforesaid Meeting a vote was take to raise a Bounty for the distuctioji of foxes and carried unanamously PAGE 268. Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven that if any person or persons (except the lessee of said town) shall take or catch any shell fish in any of the Bays waters or harbours on the North side of the Island belonging to said town of Brook haven except it be on tuesday and friday in each week he she or they shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of twelve Dollars and fifty cents for every such offence given under our hands and Seal Dated at Brook haven this llth. day of June 1833 James H. Weeks. TJ T> TT i t,- t Trustees in presence H. Jr. Hutchmson MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk Seal At a Meeting of the Trustees and freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brook haven held on the 17th. day of Sept. 1833 said trustees agreed to allow Charles D. Hal- lock wharfage for putting on Board or landing any Horse 12 cents, for every thousand Brick six cents, for every Cask of lime three cents done at Brook haven this day aforesaid DAVIS NORTON President Seal PAGE 269. Whereas application has been Made to Barriabas Wines Samuel Hammond and John S. Mount Commissioners of highways for the town of Brook haven by Nathaniel Smith and Daniel G. Gillett for permission to Make and construct a dam across little Patchogue Stream whear it crosses the 328 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. South country road for the purpose of obtaining water Power to be applied to Milling or Manufacturing purposes and we the undersigned having examined the premises and believing tliat the public Interest will not Suffer but rather be promoted by the proposed measure permission is hereby given to the said Nathaniel Smith and Daniel G. Gillett and who ever else may be associated with them in the premises to build and raise said Dam on the Site above designated as high as may be necessary for the purpose above mentioned provided that they the said Nathaniel Smith and Daniel G. Gillett and whoever else may occupy or own said premises shall make and construct a good and Sufficient Road across said Dam and also make as many bridges as may be necessary across the flues and wast gates connected with the same for the purpose of passing and re- passing with carriages or otherwise and also clear out and open a pathway below said dam for the convenience of passing through said brook and further the said Nathaniel Smith and Daniel G. Gillett or their legal representatives shall ever after at their own expence and cost make and keep in repair all bridges more than one over or on said Dam so long as they shall use or occupy the premises for Milling or Manufacturing purposes and also the said Dam PAGE 270. Dated April 1832 John S. Mount ) Commissioners Samuel Hammond \ of highways At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders of the commonalty of the town of Brook haven on the 6th. day of May 1834 Messrs Isaac Bobbins and Charles T. Jones made application for liberty to build a rail way at Drown meadow for the purpose of hauling out vessels to repair &. C. and said Trustees after having duly considered the prem- ises (and for and in consideration of the yearly rent or BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 329 Annuity of the sum of eight Dollars annually to be paid to said Trustees or their Successors in Office on the first tues- day in May hereafter) Do by these presents grant unto the said Isaac Robbins and Charles T Jones their hiers or Assigns for the term of twenty one years the right to build and construct a Railway for the aforesaid term on a certain tract or space of ground on Drownmeadow shore the first Bound to set sixty feet to the westward of the west side of the Dock at Drownmeadow now Owned by James R. Davis at high water mark and from thence to extend westward on the shore Seventy feet and to extend southward to the high- way and Northward into the harbour one hundred and thirty feet from highwater mark, for which said priviledg the aforesaid Isaac Robbins and Charles Jones their Hiers or Assigns shall pay unto the said Trustees or their success- ors in Office the yearly rent of eight Dollars on the day aforesaid. Provided however that the said Isaac Robbins and Charles Jones their hiers or Assigns shall have a right to relinquish and give up this grant at any time hereafter within said term with their paying up all arrearages to said town and removeing all obstructions (if any there be) that shall remain in the way of the public all of which is Granted accordingly this day aforesaid in presence of DANIEL OVERTON President MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk On the 1st. Nov. 1836 the first Bound sixty feet on the shore was extended to seventy feet that being the first intent Attest M. ROMAN clerk PAGE 271. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brook haven held on the 17th. Sept. 1833 the Act paeed on the llth. day of June 1833 to prevent the taking of any shell fish in the Bays harbours or Waters on the North side of the Island are hereby repealed. 330 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. but Nothing herein contained shall revive any former law as to the taking of any shell fish on the North side of the Island done under the hand of the president of said Trus- tees and seal of said town Attest DAVIS NORTON President MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk j Seal Town of Brook haven The undersigned Commissioners of highways of Said town being calld by Samuel Woodhull to Stake of the tract of land or meadow formerly belonging to George King of said town 'deceased Situate in Setauket discribed and staked as follows viz begin! ng at the North east corner of said tract at a Stake thirty eight feet west from the Northwest corner of John C. Baileys Store then runing Southwardly one Rod from Walter Jones fence as it now Stands until it comes to the road that leads from the house of Isaac Brewster to William Smiths Black Smith shop then runing North- westwardly until it comes to a Stake thirty feet east from said William Smiths Shop leaving said road three rods wide from the said Walter Jones, s fence and Stone wall above said shop then runing east from said Stake across the runs to the first mentioned Stake declaring the road leading across said runs four rods wide from the North bounds of said land given under our hands this 26 day of february 1834 John S. Mount ) David Worth > Commissioners. Samuel Hammond ) PAGE 272. At a public town meeting held in the town of Brook haven on the first day of April 1834 the following town Officers were duly Elected viz BROOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. 331 Smith Rider Justice of the Peace John M. Williamson Supervisor Daniel Overton President of Trustees Timothy Davis "] Isaac N. Gould Almerand Barns I T . Barnabas Wines William H. Brewster j James H. Weeks J Mordecai Homan town clerk & treasurer William H. Brewster ) ^ r ,, r> Almerand Barns Almerand Barns Collector Isaac Davis "] . David Worth Daniel G. Gillett \- Assessors William H. Brewster j Lester H. Davis J James R. Davis ) Samuel Davis Jur > Commissioners of Highways Smith Rider ) Selah B. Strong ) Mordecai Homan > Commissioners of Schools Samuel F. Norton ) John R. Satterly | James M. Fanning I Inspectors of Schools Daniel G. Gillett ) James H. Weeks. Inspector of weights & measures Noah Overton Albert A. Overton James T. Clayton \- Constables Spencer Dayton Charles a Tooker J 332 BROOKHAVEIf TOWN RECORDS. 3, 3, *, 5, 6, T, 8, District No. 1, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 9, do. 10, do. 11, do. 12, do. 13, do. 14, do. 15, do. 16-, do. 17, do. 18, do. 19, do. 20, do. 21, PAGE 273. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAY FOR 1834 District Charles Seabury dissolved John C. Bailes Israel Bennitt Floyd Smith Walter Jones William L. Jones Charles A. Tooker Isaac Davis Shelden Roe do. 22, William Swezey do. 23, William O. Smith do. 24, Daniel G. Gillett do. 25, Epenetus Mills do. 26, Joseph Newton do. 27, John F. Hallock do. 28, Samuel A. Hawkins do. 29, George W. Ruland do 30, Clerk Longbothom No 31 Lester H. Davis Phillip Hallock Jur do. 32 Richard Smith Jur Moses Swezey John Carter Nathaniel Robinson Nelson Terry James Fanning Silas Payne Thomas Jennings William Rose William Howeli Joseph C. Hedges do. 33, Scudder Terry do 34, Lewis Gourden do 35, John Swezey do. 36, Jesse Aldrich do. 37, Joshua Terry do. 38 Simmons Laws do. 39 James H. Weeks do. 40. Horace Randal do. 41, Henry A. Gourden do. 42, Samuel Overton do. 43, Oscar F. Swezey PAGE 274. Be it remembered that on the second day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty four Messrs. Smith and Darling made application to the Trustees of the free- holders and commonalty of the town of Brook haven for liberty to construct and build a Dock or wharf on the west side of Drownmeadow Bay against their own land and said Trustees after due consideration had in the premises and for and in consideration of the yearly rent or an Annuity BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 333 of two Dollars annually to be paid on the first tuesday in September during said term have by these presence Granted unto the said Smith and Darling and to their hiers and Assigns for the term of forty years and no longer the right and priviledge to construct Build and keep in repair a Dock or wharf on the west side of Drownmeadow Bay and to commence at a certain Bound to be set due east from the dwelling house of the said Smith and Darling at highwater mark and from thence to extend Northwardly on the shore one hundred feet and from each Bound on the shore to ex- tend into the Bay one hundred and twenty five feet from common high water mark for the use of said Smith and Darling and the public in general in witness whereof we have caused the seal of our said town to be affixed this day aforesaid DANIEL OVEKTON President L. S. in presence of MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk The Trustees of Brook Haven on the 2d. day of Septenr ber 1834 directed a tax to raised in said town for the sup- port of the poor and other contingent expences in said town the sum of $800. for the ensueing year Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk Also on the 10th. day of November 1835. the Trustees of Brook Haven Granted that the above Smith and Darling might construct a Kail Road or way on the limits of the above grant for the sum of five Dollars annually from the first of Sept last for the above term or grant PAGE 275. The Commissioners of highways for the town of Brook haven have laid out a highway commencing at the place where the road leading from Setauket by the Store of Nathaniel Hallock thence extending along the shore adjoin- ing the upland of Nathaniel Hallock and Charles D. Hal- lock four rods wide from the Bottom of the slope of the bank 334 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of said upland to the dock of Charles D. Hallock and Jonas Smith the eastern side a part of said road to extend quite on to the new mad ground of said Charles D. Hallocks dock in a direction with the general course of the said bottom of the slope of said bank thence along the said new made ground to the shore thence along the shore four rods in width from the bottom of the slope of the bank commonly calld deep hole bank to Jonas Smiths lower dock and from said dock to the west meadow which we return to be recorded this 13th. Sept 1834 Smith Rider } Commissiones Samuel Davis Jur > of James R. Davis ) highways MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk The commissioners of common Schools of the town of Brook Haven having met at the house of D. D. and V. R. Swezey in said town in pursusance of previous Notice to each of the said commissioners do hereby adopt the follow- ing resolution in relation to the division of School Districts No. 11. and 12 and forming a new District from the eastern part of the District No. 11. and the Northern part of Dis- trict No 12. viz. first by setting off all that part of District No. 11. Bounded on the West by the West line of Daniel Pettys land extending south to include the land of Henry P. Hutchenson North to include the house and lands of Jonathan Edwards east to include the house and land of Joel Turner and to extend South into the 12. District so as include the houses of Zecheriah and that of James Dayton to the North line of the land of Sylvanus Overton includ- ing all the Inhabitants within said Bounds which new Dis- trict will be No. 33. Dated at Brook Haven this 6th. day of March 1835 Selah B. Strong ) ^ Samuel F. Norton > Attest MORDECAI HOMAN clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 335 PAGE 276. At an Annual town Meeting of the freeholders and in- habitants of the town of Brook Haven held in said town on the 7th. day of April 1835 the following town Officers were duled Elected viz. John M. Williamson Supervisor Brewster Woodhull Justice of the peace for the term of three years in the place of Smith Eider Charles Phillips Justice of the peace for the term of four years in the place of John S. Mount Davis Norton president of Trustees "William H. Brewster ") Phillip Hallock Jur Isaac K. Gould rp John Penny Jur ^ Trustees John Havens Henry P. Hutchenson Mordecai Homan town clerk and treasurer qualfi Almerin Barnes Collector William H. Brewster ) ^ ,. , , John Havens f Overseers of the poor ASSESSORS CONSTABLES Isaac Davis Oscar F. Swezey John R. Satterly Albert A. Overton Lester H. Davis qualifid Joel Davis John Havens Spencer Dayton Joel Robinson qualifd . Noah Overton Isaac Davis ) Commissioners ) Samuel Davis Jur > of . > qualifd Smith Rider ) highways ) 336 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Selah B. Strong ) ~ . . , Wm. Sidney Smith I Commissioners ) ]fid Samuel F. Norton j Beniamin T. Hutchenson acpt ) T f A j ( Inspectors 01 John K. Satterly Aceptd , , , T AT -c- ( schools James M. .banning PAGE 277. LIST OF OVERSEER OF HIGHWAYS FOR 1835 District No. 1 Charles A. Seabury do. 2, Dissolved do. 3, John C. Bailey do. 4, Samuel L. Thompson do. 5, Joseph Danton do. 6 Walter Jones do. 7, William L. Jones do; 8, Smith Davis acept. do. 9, Isaac Davis do. 10, Conklin Davis do. 11, Amos Hallock acept do. 12, Hiram Noyes accept do. 13, John Carter do. 14, Nathaniel Robinson do. 15, James Stanshough do. 16, Spencer Dayton do. 17, Nicol Overton do 18, Samuel Carman do. 19, Isaac Ketcham do. 20, William Howell acceptd do. 21, Charles Smith acceptd do. 22, Daniel Overton aceptd do. 23, Lewis Wicks acceptd do. 24, James Smith do. 25, John Corey BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 337 District No. 26, Samuel Newton do. 27, John F. Hallock do. 28, Samuel A. Hawkins acceptd do. 29, Nelson Norton do. 30, Richard "W. Smith acceptd do. 31, Lester H. Davis acept do. 32, Richard Smith pond do. 33, Daniel Terry Jur do 34, Jeremiah Gourden do. 35, Isaac Hulse do. 36, Daniel Petty Jur do. 37, Briant N. Overton do. 38, Daniel D. Swezey acceptd do. 30, Edmund Hawkins acpt do. 40, Horace Randal do. 41, Henry A. Gourdon do. 42, Elisha Overton accptd do. 43, Joshua Swezey Jur do. 44, Albert Terrill We certify the foregoing to be a tru Statement of the foregoing Election at the annual town Meeting held in Brook Haven on the 7th. day of April 1835 SAMUEL DAVIS Justice MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk present Justices of the peace Barnabas Wines Samuel Davis Brewster Woodhull Charles Phillips PAGE 278. The Commissioners of Common Schools having met at the house of Harvey Hulse in said town in pursuance of 338 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. previous Notice to each of the said commissioners do hereby adopt the following resolution in relation to the Division of the third School District in said town (viz) that the said District number three be and the sames is hereby bounded as follows the division line commencing at Setauket harbour at the division line of John Oaks and Joseph Jaynes land following the line of Joseph Jaynes property southwardly and westwardly until it strikes the property of Stephen Hulse Deceas,d thence by the property of said Hulse west- wardly until it strikes the lane thence southwardly with the lane and Road between William Smith and Walter Jones, s property until it Strikes the lands of Isaac Brewster thence Eastwardly and southwardly by the land of said Isaac Brewster until it Strikes the road leading from said Isaac Brewster to Carlton Jaynes. (late William Jayne,s) thence Eastwardly along said road until it Strikes the division line between the land of the late charles Tooker deceasd, and the lands of James Hulse thence Southwardly and east- wardly by the land of the said James Hulse to the Road from John Dentons to cumsewague thence Eastwardly along said Road to the east end of said District all of said District No. 3. lying westwardly and Southwardly of said line to remain in said District No. 3. and all that part of said District lying to the eastward and Northward of said line is hereby set off and form,d as a New District being No. 34 and having examined the School House in said Dis- trict do appraise the same at the sum of one hundred Dol- lars and that the part of said District No 3 retaining the old School House pay to the New District No. 34 the sum of forty five Dollars eighty seven cents dated at Brook Haven this 30th. day of March 1835 Attest Selah B. Strong ) ^ . . ,. MORDECAI HOMAK Mordecai Homln I Commissioners of Clerk Samuel F. Norton f coramon Scho l8 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 339 PAGE 279. Memorandam of an alteration made in the road leading from the farm now occupied by Samuel Glover to the Mills of -Robert Hawkins by Samuel Davis Jur and Smith Rider two of the Commissioners of Highways for the town of Brook haven The alteration above mentioned commences at a Stone marked "W and placed in the ground on the south side of the highway thence running westwardly to a Stone marked 3. thence North 75. West to another Stone marked S. thence North 66. 30' west to a Stone Marked A lying in Yamphank line thence running the last mentioned course to a Stone Marked M. placed in the ground at the foot of a Bar post on the west side of the Road leading into Robert Hawkins,s Woods and in the Margin of the highway the whole road to be North of the line above described and to be three rods wide in Witness whereof we have hereunto Subscribed our names this 7th. day of April 1835 Smith Rider ) Commissioners Samuel Davis Jur j of highways MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk To all to whom these presents shall come the subscribers commissioners of the towns of Brook Haven Huntington and Islip in the County of Suffolk send greeting Whereas we have been duly authorised by our respective towns to determine and fix the western Boundary line of the fisheries of the said Town of Brook Haven in the south Bay and also to settle a Suit relative to the said fisheries wherein Joseph Homan Jur. and Benjamin Wicks are plaintifs and Phinehas Smith Alexander Smith and Samuel Birch are De- fendants which suit is now pending in the court of common pleas in the said County and is prosecuted by the PAGE 280. said town of Brook Haven and defended by the said towns of Huntington and Islip Now therefore know ye that we 340 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the said commissioners after a full examination of the said matter do agree of and concerning the same as follows that is to say the western Boundary line of the fisheries of the said town of Brok Haven under the two patents of that town and the Patent of Coll William Smith or by any other title shall be as follows that is to say it shall commence at the Northermost range pole on the south Beach and shall run from thence a due North Course polar direction across the South Bay to the Main shore of the Island it is further agreed that a permanent monument shall be erected at the above said range pole and also on the Island on the North shore of the Bay the said Suit is hereby discontinued the Cost of Each Party shall be duly taxed and the one half of the taxable Cost shall be paid by the town of Brook Haven and the other half shall be paid by the towns of Huntington and Islip In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this fifteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty four Nathaniel Potter ) Joel Jervis > -rr ^ SelahCarll ) Huntmgton Mordecai Homan ) * Davis Norton f Brook Haven James M Fanning Eliphalet Smith Tredwell Scudder Richard A. Udall Recorded in the town clerks office of the town of Hnn- tington MOSES ROLPH town clerk Recorded in the town clerks office of the town of Islip this 16th. Sept. 1835. ELIPHALET SMITH town clerk Recorded in the town Clerks office of the town of Brook Haven, this 17th. Sept. 1835 MOKDECAI HOMAN town clerk BROOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. 341 This may certify that we the subscribers have set up monuments of Stone at the two places designated in the above award (viz) One at the Northermost range pole on the Beach from "which Jones, s House on the Beach bears N. 85 W. distant 45. Chains 90 Links to the Northwest PAGE 281.* Corner thereof also one on the North shore of the Bay due North (N. 5. E. pr. compass) from that at the range pole on the Beach from the monument on the Bay shore the House of or occupied by Daniel Whitman Bears N. 24 45' W. and Jacob Morris House bears N. 37. 45' E. these are the Courses pr Compass the variation is now 5. Westerly Dated this 15th. day Mordecai Homan. of Sept. 1835 Dav is Norton James M. Fanning > Comniissioners Selah Carll Eliphalet Smith * Note. This page and the next page are each numbered 281. COM. This Indenture Made the 29th. day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty five between the Trus- tees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook Haven of ^ the first part and Charles D. Halloc of same place of the second part. Whereas the said Charles D. Hallock has by his certain petition presented to the said Trustees requested of them a lease of certain premises situ- ate at Stony brook in the said town adjoining the land de- scribed and intended in two former grants made by the said Trustees to George Hallock of and for the priviledge and right of constructing and continuing a Dock or Wharf thereon hereinafter particularly described for the sole pur- pose of continuing an addition to the said Dock or wharf which he has heretofore constructed or built thereon, and whereas the said Trustees has deemed it proper to grant such lease with the provisions conditions restrictions and 342 BROOK HAVEN TOWN RECORDS. reservations hereinafter contained. Now therefore this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Trustees in consideration of the rent covenants and conditions herein after contained on the part of the said Charles D. Hallock his Heirs Ex- ecutors administrators and assigns to be paid kept and per- formed have Bargained demised and leased and by these presents do bargain demise and lease unto the said Charles D. Hallock his heirs Executors administrators and assigns all that certain piece of Land commencing at the Southwest corner of his present wharf and running PAGE 281. 2d from thence with the front of the said wharf North fifty two Degrees East thirty feet and running from the said South- west corner and also from the termination of the said thirty feet front South twenty seven and an half degrees East fifty feet the Southeastern Boundary being parallel with the front of the wharf, And also all that certain piece of land com- mencing at the Northeast corner of the wharf and running from thence with the front of the said wharf sixty feet being South fifty two degrees West then south twenty nine and an half degrees East fifty feet then commencing again at the said Northeastern corner and running from thence North Seventy two and an half degrees East Sixty four feet and from thence running a Straight line to the Southeastern termination of the said Second Boundary line of this last mentioned pice leaving the West meadow Road unincum- bered, for the sole purpose of continuing Building or con- structing thereon a dock or wharf in connection with that part of the said dock or wharf constructed on the land covered by the said two former Grants the whole to con- stitute one dock or wharf and to be subject to the same regulations to have and to hold the said premises herein- before described unto the said Charles D. Hallock his Heirs Executors administrators and assigns from the day of the BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 343 date hereof for and during the term of fifty years fully to be complete and ended yielding and paying therefor during the continuation of the said term unto the said Trustees and thier Successors the Annual rent of five Dollars on the first tuesday of April in each and every year, and the said Trus- tees do hereby Authorise and empower the said Charles D. Hallock his Executors administrators and assigns to continue and if necessary to rebuild a dock or wharf on the said premises and to recieve dockage or wharfage for the use of the same the rates of which shall be until some future reg- ulation shall be made by the said Trustees or their Success- ors the same as those which have been established by the said Trustees and are at present subsisting and the rates of which said dockage or wharfage shall at all times be regulated by the said Trustees or their Successors for the time being and it is hereby mutually declared agreed and covenanted that the said Dock or PAGE 282. wharf shall at all times hereafter be Subject to the controul directions and regulations of the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brook Haven for the time being as to the incumbrances which may be placed thereon and that no incumbrance shall be placed or deposited on the road or highway leading from Stoney brook to the west meadow,8 and it is also hereby mutually agreed that the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook Haven for the time being shall have the priviledg of landing or putting on board of vessels at the said Dock or wharf any articles belonging to the said Corporation free from any wharfage or charge whatever and the said Charles D. Hallock for himself his Executors Administrators and assigns hereby covenants to and with the said Trustees and their Successors to pay to the said Trustees or thier Success- ors the said rent at the time hereinbefore mentioned for the payment thereof and also to submit to and abide by the 344 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. order directions and regulations of the said Trustees and their successors concerning the rates of wharfage and the incumbrances on the said Dock or wharf and road or high- way and it is hereby mutually understood agreed and cove- nanted that if a default shall be made in the payment of the said rent for forty days after the times above specified for the payment thereof or if the said Charles D. Hallock his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall fail to comply with and fulfil the orders directions or regulations of the said Trustees or their successors for fourteen days after having been Served with a Copy of the same or at any time after the expiration of the said fourteen days relative to the rates of wharfage or such incumbrances or shall use the said premises or any part of them in any other manner or for any other purpose than a Dock or wharf without the Writ- ten consent of the said Trustees or thier Successors that then and from thencefourth and in either of the said cases it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Trustees and their successors into and upon the said demised premises to reenter and the same to have again repossess and PAGE 283. enjoy as in their former State and right these presents or any part thereof to the contrary notwithstanding and it is hereby mutually agreed that if the said Charles D. Hallock his Executors administrators or assigns shall and do in all things perform fulfil and keep the covenants hereinbefore mentioned on their part during the whole of the said term this lease shall at the expiration of said term be renewed on reasonable terms with a similar clause of renewal or that the said Trustees shall and will pay to him or them the value of the Dock or wharf which shall then be on the said prem- ises or that the said Charles D. Hallock his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns may remove the material of which the same shall then consist at the option of the said BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 345 Trustees or their Successors in witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and Seals this day and year first above Written DAVIS NORTON President of Trustees L. S. in presence of CHARLES D. HALLOCK L. S. MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk A true copy of a lease given to Charles D. Hallock and acknowledged before S. B. Strong Commissioner Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk The undersigned commissioners of common Schools in. the town of Brook Haven having been calld to define and designate the Boundaries of School district No. 4. in said town which has heretofore been left vague and uncertain and having been attended by the Trustees of that District and by a Trustee of each of the adjoining Districts do hereby direct that the following shall be the boundaries of said District No. 4 Viz. commencing at the bridge crossing Drowmeadow runs and running from thence westwardly on the highway leading to Setauket to the Brickkiln Road at the foot of Drownmeadow hill from thence with said Brick- kiln .Road to the road leading from Setauket PAGE 284. to Zecheriah Hawkins's thence Eastwardly on said last men- tioned Road to the road at the foot of the hill thence South- wardly with said last mentioned Road up Dark Hallow to the sheep pasture Road from thence a due South line half the length of the long lotts from thence on a due East line to the Road leading from the house of Thomas S. Strong through Christial Brook Hallow to Coram thence North- wardly with said Road to the division line between the lands of Thomas S. Strong and the lands late of Nathaniel Tooker dece,sd at the Springs from thence with the brook to the old mans Harbour thence Northward with the West- 346 BROOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. ern shore of said old mans Harbour to the Sound thence Westwardly with the sound to Drown meadow Bay and Southwardly with the Eastern Shore of said Bay to the place of begining Drown Meadow 12 March 1836 Selah B. Strong } Commissioners Samuel F. Norton > of common Wm Sidney Smith ) Schools Attest MORDECAI HOMAN Clerk We the commissioners of highways for the town of Brook Haven have laid out a highway through the land of Lester H. Davis three rods wide commencing in the hallow near the Meeting House in the old Mans running a Northwesterly course to the southeast corner of titus Silles House thence along through the hallow a Westerly direction to a certain Locust tree on the North side of the aforesaid highway and thence along westwardly until it intersects the Road that leads from Richard Davis, es to Kinners shore Given under our hands this twenty Ninth day of Decem- ber 1835. Samuel Davis ) Commissioners Smith Rider V of Enterd by Isaac Davis ) highways MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 285. This Indenture made this 29th. day of December 1835 Between the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook Haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and Lewis Hulse of the same place of the Second part Witnesseth. that the said Trustees of the first part for and in consideration of the Rents Annuities and covenants herein after contained and to be paid kept and performed on the part of the second part his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns they the said Trustees have Bargained demised and to farm let and BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 347 by these presents doth bargain demise and to farm let unto the said party of the second part his Heirs Executors Ad- ministrators or Assigns all that certain piece of common land or shore belonging to said town of Brook Haven lying at the head of Drownmeadow Bay and Bounded on the east by the land or shore granted by said Trustees to Isaac Hob- bins and Charles I Jones for the purpose of Building a Railway from thence extending westwardly on the shore one hundred feet and to extend Southward to the highway and Northward into the harbour one hundred and Ninety feet from common high water mark leaving the highway entirely unincumbered for the sole purpose of Building thereon con- structing laying down and keeping in repair Railways for the purpose of hauling out vessels to repair and so fourth and also for the purpose of laying on wood and other lumber or materials for said dock. To have and To hold the said premises hereinbefore described unto* the said party of the second part his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns from the day of the date hereof for and during the term of Nineteen years from the first tuesday in May next fully to be complete and ended they the said party of the second part yielding and paying therefor unto the said party of the first part or thier Successors in Office during said term the Yearly rent or annuity of fifteen Dollars PAGE 286. on the first tuesday in May once in every year and the said party of the Second part for himself and his Heirs Execu- tors Administrators and Assigns doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Trustees and their Successors in Office to pay to the said party of the first part or their Suc- cessors in Office the aforesaid Rent or Annuity at the sev- eral times above specified for the payment thereof And it is hereby mutually understood covenanted and agreed by each party to these presents that if a default shall be made by the said party of the second part his Heirs Executors Ad- 348 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ministrators or Assigns in the payment of the said yearly rent for forty days at any time a^ter such payment shall have become due or shall use the said premises for any other use or purpose other than is before mentioned with- out the Written consent of the said Trustees or their Suc- cessors in Office that then and in such case this present grant at the option of the said Trustees or their Successors in Office shall cease be null and void and the said Trustees or their successors in Office into and upon the said demised premises may reenter and the same to have hold possess and enjoy again as in their former State and right any thing in this present grant to the contrary Notwithstanding AND it is further mutually understood covenanted and agreed by either party to these presents they the said Trustees as well for themselves and their successors in office as also the said party of the second part his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns that at the expiration of this present lease it shall and may be lawful for the then said parties to enter into a new contract for the abovesaid premises on such terms as may then appear Just and equal and in case the aforesaid parties cannot agree as to a further extension of said lease or any other contract in the premises that then and in such case the improvements then existing on said premises for the above said purpose shall be appraised by three indifferent men for the benefit of the said second part his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns PAGE 287. and the primitive right return to said Trustees or their Suc- cessors in office for the use of the town aforesaid in "Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have set their hands and seals this day above written DAVIS NORTON president of Trustees L. S. in presence of LEWIS HULSE L. S. MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 349 At an Annual town Meeting held in the town of Brook Haven on the 5th. day of April 1836 the following town Officers were Elected for the ensuing year John M. Williamson Supervisor Daniel Overton President of trustees Timothy Davis 1 Conklin Davis Richard Smith , T , Lewis G. Davis John Penny Jur Barnabas Wines Lewis G. Davis ) Overseers of Conklin Davis ) the poor Mordecai Homan clerk and treasurer Floyd Smith Collector William H. Brewster "] Phillip Hallock Jur Davis Norton !- Assessors John Havens Joel Robinson Charles I. Jones ) John Havens > f u . u Samuel Davis Jur) of ^W Selah B. Strong ) Wm. Sidney Smith V Commissioners of Schools Samuel F. Norton ) Benjamin T. Hutchenson } James M. Fanning v Inspectors of Schools John R. Satterly ) Lester H. Davis Sealer of weights and measures Walter Jones "] Noah Overton Albert A. Overton \- Constables David Terry Charles A. Tooker J David Worth Justice of the peace 350 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Charles Phillips Justice of the peace to fill a vacancy occa- sioned by said Phillips not qualifying in January last PAGE 288. LIST OF OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS FOR 1836 District No. 1, Charles A. Seabury . do. 2, Dissolved do. 3, Ebenerfer Bailes Jur do. 4, Samuel L. Thompson do. 5, John Roseman do. 6, Walter Jones do. 7, William L. Jones do. 8, Smith Davis do. 9, Isaac Davis do. 10, Charles Woodhull do. 11, Isaac Brown do. 12, Jonathan W. Mapes do. 13, John Carter do. 14, Joel Robinson do. 15, Enoch Miller do. 16, Rogers Robinson do. 17, Joseph Hawkins Jur do. 18, Samuel Carman do. 19, George W. Ruland do. 20, William Howell do. 21, David Hedges do. 22, John Havens do. 23, Clerk Smith do. 24, Edward N. Douglas do. 25, John Corey do. 26 Sylvanus Newton do. 27, John F. Hallock do. 28, Samuel Hammond BROOKHAVEN TOWN" RECORDS. 351 District No. 29, Isaac A. L Homedieue do. 30, Kichard W. Smith do. 31, Lester H. Davis do. 32, Israel Smith do. 33, Davis Overton Jur .34, William Barnaby .35, John Buckingham .36, Ezra Guildersleve .37, Zecheriah Dayton .38, D. D. Swezey .39, Apollos A. Mills .40, Luther Topping .41, Nathaniel Tyler .42, Samuel Overton .43, William Swezey .44, David Worth. on the 19th. May 1836 the commissioners of Highways appointed the following persons to fill Vacancies in Over- seers of Highways viz District No. 6, Carlton Jayne do 9, Isaac Davis do. 20, William Howell do. 25, John Corey do. 29, Isaac A. L, Homedieue do. 27, John F. Hallock do. 40, John Randall do. 43, William Swezey Enterd this 31st. May 1836 M. HOMAN town clerk PAGE 289. At a Meeting of two of the Commissioners of highways of the town of Brook Haven in the County of Suffolk all of 352 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the said commissioners having been duly Notified to Attend said Meeting for the purpose of deliberating on the subject of this order upon the application of Isaac Overton for the laying out of a private Road hereafter discribed and on the certificate of twelve Reputable freeholders of said town that it is proper and necessary for the use of the said Isaac Over- ton pursuant to his application to lay a private Road through the land of William Hawkins (now Occupied by Benjamin Hawkins.) it is therefore ordered and determined by the said commissioners that a private road be laid out for the use of the said Isaac Overton pursuant to his application com- mencing at the East line of the saaid Isaac Overtons Land at a certain Stake drove in the Ground near the Middle of a certain pair of Bars which open into the said Hawkins, land and running South ten Minutes west six chains seventy five links to another stake Standing Just beyond the Bars in second lot and from thence running south three degrees thirty five minutes West eight Chains sixty seven links parallel to a post and Rail fence and ten feet distant til it comes to another stake and to the fence at the south end of said lot according to a Survey which has been made thereof and it is further ordered that the line above discribed shall be the center of said road and that the said Road shall be on the width of twenty feet in Witness whereof the said Commissioners have hereunto discribed their Names the 15th. day of September 1836 Recorded this John Havens ) Commissioners 19th Sept. 1836. Samuel Davis Jur. j of Highways MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk the above order was reversed by the Judges of this County on the 18th. day of October 1836. Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 290. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Brook Haven held in Coram the 4th. day of April 1837. being the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECOEDS. 353 Annual town Meeting the following town Officers were Choses Samuel Davis Esq. Justice of the peace John M. Williamson Supervisor. DanielOverton President of Trustees Lewis G. Davis Conklin Davis William H. Brewster Joel Robinson William C. Booth Manly Ruland > Trustees Isaac N. Gould William L. Jones Phillip Hallock Jur John Havens Joel Robinson - Assessors Charles Phillips ) John Havens > Commissioners of Highways . Samuel Davis ) Selah B. Strong ) Commissioners of William S Smith t g } , Samuel Lafaette JN orton ) Benjamin T. Hutchenson ) John R. Satterly > Inspectors of school James M. Fanning ) Lester H. Davis Sealer of Weights and measures Noah Overton 1 Charles A. Tooker Oscar F. Swezey > Constables Albert A. Overton Spencer Dayton 354 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 291. OVEESEEE OF HIGHWAYS District No. 1, Nathaniel Hawkins do 2 dissolved 3, Samuel L. Thompson, ac 4, Obediah D. Wells 5, John Roseman 6, William Satterly 7, Lewis Hulse 8, Jonathan Pike ac 9, Joel Davis ac 10, Thomas Helme ac 11, William Horton 12, James Woodhull 13, John Carter 14, Joel Robinson 15, David Terry 16, Rogers Robinson 17, Joseph Hawkins ac 18, Samuel Carman ac 19, Azel Hawkins ac 20, William Howell ac 21, John Avery ac 22, Nathaniel Conklin ac 23 William Clerk Smith 24, Daniel G. Gillett. ac 25, John Corey 26, Sylvester Newton 27, Isaac A. L Homedieue 28, Samuel Hammond 29, Nelson Norton 30, Richard W. Smith ac 31, Lester H. Davis ac 32, Israel Smith ac BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 355 District No. 33, Phinehas Smith 34, Whitman Overton 35, Simeon H. Hitch 86 Ezra Guildersleve ac 37, Zecheriah Dayton ac 38, Simmons Laws ac 39, Edmund T. Hawkins ac 40, Matthew Eandal ac 41, Nathaniel Tyler 42, Brewster Terry ac 43, William Swezey 44, Josiah W. Bishop ac 45, Joseph Penny ac * Note. No collector is recorded for this year, but probably Floyd Smith was collector. COM. PAGE 292. We the Commissioners of highways for the town of Brook Haven being all Notified and called by Caleb Kinner and others to alter the Highway leading from Setauket across the runs at the head of Drown meadow Bay to Thomas S. Strongs the said Highway being recorded four rods wide and on the petition of twelve freeholders of said town we the said Commissioners have narrowed a part of the aforesaid Highway to three rods wide beginning at the bridge at the head of Drownmeadow Bay and running easterly along the beach the North side of Israel Davis House and so on by the Store of Charles I. Jones and Lewis Hulee to the foot of the Gully about forty rods East of William Tylers House dated the 4th. day of April 1837 Samuel Davis Jur. ) Commissioners Charles I. Jones j of highways At a meeting of the Commissioners of highways of the town of Brook Haven in the County of Suffolk at the house of Joseph Avery in the said town on the 19th. day of feb- 356 BROOKHAVEX TOWN RECORDS. ruary 1838 for the purpose of deciding on the application and petition of Daniel G. Gillett and other twelve reputable freeholders of said town Verified by their Oaths that a Highway is proper and necessary to be laid out through the lands of Joseph Avery William Avery and Epenetus Mills from the Eastern extremity of a certain new Road lately laid out and opened in the Eastern part of the town of Islip to the Road leading from the Country road by William Arthurs to the Bay at Blue point all the said Commissioners of the town being only two surviving ones having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order, it is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners that a highway be laid out pursuant to said application and petition PAGE 293. and that the same has been laid out by us on actual Survey the Course and Distance whereof are as follows by the Compas No allowance being made for variation beginning at the Eastern extremity of the Road aforesaid in Islip at a certain Cherry tree on or near the line of Brook Haven and Islip and running across the land of Joseph Avery first Course North 57 45' East seven Chains and Sixty nine links to the Southwest Corner of his shed or Cart house thence North 72. 30' East five Chains by and with the fence and near by the front of his House thence North 64 30' East two Chains thirty seven links to a Certain post marked in the fence being the third from the Corner between Joseph and William Avery thence Across William Averys land first turning across the Corner of his lot North 24. East sixty eight links to another marked Post, (being the third North of the Corner) thence North 9. 15' west ten Chains sixty five links thence North 15. 30' West 'four Chains thirty five links thence North 65 15' East five Chains to the Creek and line between him and Epenetus Mills,s thence across Epenetus Mills, land first North 72. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECOEDS. 357 30' East seventeen chains thence North 53 East fifty links to the Road aforesaid leading from the Country Road to Blue point and it is further ordered that the line above dis- cribed be the North and Westerly side of said Highway and that the said Highway be of the width of three Rods In witness whereof the Commissioners have hereunto sub- scribed their names the 19th. day of February 1838 John Havens ) Commissioners Enterd by Charles Phillips ) of highways MOBDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 294. At a Meeting of the Commissioners of Common Schools of the towns of Riverhead and Brook Haven on the 24th. day of february 1838 at the Inn of Peter skidmore for the purpose, of forming a New District by taking a part of dis- trict No 7. lying in Brook Haven and a part of of School District No. 1. lying partly in Riverhead and partly in Brook Haven Jonathan Horton Esq of Riverhead was Chosen President and William Sidney Smith of Brook Haven Sec- retary present all the Commissioners from Brook Haven, and two from Riverhead and Samuel Young one of the Commissioners from Riverhead was duly notified. Re- solved that so much of Joint District No 1 as lies west of a line commencing on the Sound at the Mouth of Wading River Creek and running Southwardly with said Creek until it strikes the land of Miller Woodhull at East Brook Creek then with that Creek and the Hallow leading from it to the main Country Road then Eastwardly with that road to the westerly Boundary line of Benjamin Woodhulls home place then Southerly with that line to the Butt line, be and the same is hereby seperated from the said Joint District No. 1 for the purpose of forming a new District in the town of Brook Haven the Inhabitants of such part of 358 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. District being willing to relinquish their claim under the Statuts to the School House in School District No 1. Jonathan Horton ) Commissioners Enterd by Sylvester Miller j of Riverhead M. HOMAN town clerk Selah B. Strong ) Commissioners Samuel F. Norton I of Win Sidney Smith ) Brook Haven PAGE 295. At a Meeting of the Commissioners of common Schools of the town of Brook Haven on the 24th. day of February 1838 at the house of Peter Skidmore Commissioners all present. On recieving the petition of Several of the In- habitants of Joint District No. 1 and District No 7 for the formation of a new District from parts of those Districts together with the written consent of the Trustees of those Districts and it appearing that on a Joint Meeting of the Commissioners of Brook Haven and Riverhead held on this day so much of said District No. 1 as is comprised within the new District herein after discribed has been duly sepe- rated from said District No. 1. and is comprised within the new District. It was Resolved and ordered that all that part of said town of Brook Haven Bounded Northwardly by the sound East by Wading River Creek until it reaches East Brook Creek thence by said Creek and the hallow lead- ing from it to the North Country Road thence by that Road to the western Boundary line of Benjamin Woodhulls home place then by that line to the Butt line on the South by the Butt line on the west by the westerly bounds of Peter Skid- mores Land be and the same is hereby formed into a New District which shall be called and known District No. 35 Enterd by Selah B. Strong j Commissioners MOBDECAI HOMAN elk Samuel F. Norton v of Wm Sidney Smith ) Schools At a Meeting of the Commissioners of Common Schools BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 359 of the town of Brook Haven on the 26th. of February 1838 at the house of Henry P. Osborn Present all the Commis- sioners. on recieving the application of School District No. 15 for the consent of the Commissioners to change the Site of the school House in said District after examination into and consideration of the matter the commissioners are of Opinion that a change of the Site and removal of the School House from its present location to a certain tract of Land lying on the South side of the South Country Road between the Barn of PAGE 296. Henry P. Osborn Esq. and the Black Smiths shop of Selah P. Parsons being on the East South and West by the Land of the said Henry P. Osborn being about four Rods square which has been designated by the Inhabitants of said Dis- trict for that purpose as necessary and the said Commis- sioners consent to such change of said Site and removal of said School House Selah B. Strong ) Commissioners Samuel F. Norton V of Common Win. Sidney Smith ) Schools At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Brook haven on the 3d. day of April 1838 being town Meeting day the following persons were elected town officers for the ensueing year viz John M. Williamson Supervisor Brewster Woodhull Justice of the peace for four years David Overton Justice of the peace to fill a vacancy of 3 years Daniel Overton President John Havens Silas Homan William Penny Jur William H. Brewster Philip Hallock Jur Richard Smith pond - Trustees 360 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. .Mordecai Homan town clerk and treasurer John Havens ) / , *' William H. Brewster } overseers of the P oor Floyd Smith collector Isaac N. Gould "1 John E. Satterly Isaac Davis i- Assessors John Havens John Penny Jur J Commissioners of Nathaniel Tuttle Jur J Selah B. Strong ) Nathaniel Conklin v Commissioners of Schools Simeon H Eitch ) John E. Satterly } Benjamin T. Hutchenson > Inspectors of Schools William S. Preston ) John Bunce Sealer of Weights and Measures Noah Overton ") Charles A. Tooker | John C. Smith ^ Constables Albert A. Overton Samuel Overton J PAGE 297. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS District. No. 1, William S. Williamson 2, dissolved 3, Samuel L. Thompson 4, Obediah D. Wells 5, John Brewster 6, Daniel Skidmore 7, Lewis Hulse 8, Jonathan Pike BROOKHAVEN" TOWN EECORDS. 361 District No. 9, Joel Davis 10, Thomas Helme - 11, Noah H. Jones 12, Jonathan W. Mapes 13, John Carter 14, Joel Robinson 15, Austin Culver 16, Rogers Robinson 17, Nicoll Floyd 18, Samuel Carman 19, Azel Hawkins 20, William Howell 21, Barnabas Smith Jar 22, Daniel Overton 23, William C. Smith 24, Daniel G. Gillett 25, John Corey 26, Mills Hawkins 27, John F. Hallock 28, Samuel Hammond 29, Davis Norton 30, Joshua Overton 31, Lester H. Davis 32, Israel Smith pond 33, Scudder Terry 34, Hampton Overton 35, Franklin Overton 36, Samuel Overton 37, Briant Davis 38, Simmons Laws 39, James H. Weeks 40, Sylvester Randal 41, Nathaniel Tyler 42, Caleb H. Hammond 362 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. District No. 43, Thomas King 44, John Duryea 45, Joseph Penny PAGE 298. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brook Haven held at the Inn of Richard W. Smith in the said town on the first day of November 1836 Ordered that Charles D. Hallock remove a certain log now lying on the westerly side of his wharf at Stony Brook and which is hereby declared to be an ob- struction thereon within fourteen days next after his being served with a notice of this order and that in default there- of the attorney of this board commence an action of Eject- ment against him. MOBDECAI HOMAN tOWH clerk To Charles D. Hallock Pursuant to an order of which the foregoing is a copy you are hereby Notifyed to remove a certain log now lying on the westerly side of your wharf at stony Brook which is declared in the said order to be an obstruction thereon with- in fourteen days next after your being served with a Notice of the said order dated this 1st. day of November 1836. MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk On the 2nd. day of April 1839 being town Meeting day a vote was taken whether this town would consent to erec- tion of a County poor house and it was un&nomously objected to Also a vote was taken allowing the Inspectors of Com- mon School fifty Cents a day for their Services attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 299. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Brook Haven on the 2d. day of April 1839 being Annual town BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. 363 Meeting the following persons were Elected town Officers for the ensueing year (Viz) John M. Williamson Supervisor Charles Phillips Justice of the peace for four years. Daniel Overton President of Trustees Lewis G. Davis Silas Homan William Penny Jur John Randal William H. Brewster Richard Smith pond >- Trustees Lewis G. Davis ) r\ j.i William H. Brewster [ rseer8 of tlie P"<> r Mordecai Homan town clerk and Treasurer Floyd Smith Collector Isaac N. Gould William S. Williamson Phillip Hallock Jur }- Assessors Moses Swezey John Penny Jur Charles Phillips ) Nathaniel Tuttle > Commissioner of Highways John H. Duryea ) Selah B. Strong ) Simeon H. Ritch v Commissioners of Common Schools Brewster Woodhull ) John R. Swezey ) James Rice > Inspectors of Common Schools Orlando Burnell ) John Bunce Sealer of Weights and measures Noah Overton "1 Charles A. Tooker I n . , , Daniel Overton f Constable8 Gershom R. Smith J 364 BROOKHAVE5T TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 300. LIST OF OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS FOR 1839 Dis No. 1, "William S. Williamson do. 2, Dissolved do 3, Youngs Howell do 4, Obediah D. Wells do 5, Samuel Woodhull do 6, Daniel Smith do 7, Benjamin T. Wiltsie do 8, Henry Hawkins do. 9, Parshall Davis 10, Charles Woodhnll 11, Sylvester Hallock 12, Charles Hudson 13, John Carter 14, Isaac Raynor 15, Usher Benjamin 16, Rogers Robinson 17, David Floyd 18, Silas Hornan 19, Azel Hawkins 20, Samuel Willetts 21, Jeremiah T. Bell 22, William H. Buckingham 23, Sillick Wicks 24, Daniel G. Gillett 25, Epenetus Mills 26, Mills Hawkins 27, Isaac A L,Homedieue 28, James Howell 29, Joel D. Norton 30, Richard W. Smith 31, Lester H. Davis 32, Israel Smith BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 365 Dis No. 38, Ebenezer Terry. 34, Jeremiah Gourdon 35, Franklin Overton 36, Gershom Hawkins 37, Abner Van Horn 38, James R. Laws 39, James H. Weeks 40, William Randall 41, Albert Hulse 42, Caleb Hammond 43, John Swezey 44 Joel Reeves 45, William Penny Jur 46, James Hallock PAGE 301. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders of the town of Brook Haven on the tenth day of November 1837. liberty was granted to William L. Jones to build and con- struct a Dock or wharf at the head of tlie Drown meadow Bay on the premises within the following limits or Bounds that is to say commencing at common high water mark Seventy feet west of Israel Davis Barn and running west- wardly at common high water mark forty five feet and run- ning from thence into the Bay the same width five hundred feet with a T across the end of one hundred and fifty feet in length the direction of the Dock into the Bay to be North west half North or thereabout the aforesaid grant to be for the term of thirty years from the first day of May 1838. And for and in consideration of which the said William L. Jones is to construct a Road or causeway across the Marsh or Slough leading from his house to said Dock sufficiently high to be out of the way of tide at common high water and to be of the width of eighteen feet to be Stoned up on each side and filled in with proper materials and to be made 366 BROOKHAVEN TOWH RECORDS. permanent for public use and the public is to take charge of said Road after it is completed and keep said Road in re- pair as other public Roads and also the said "William L. Jones his heirs or Assigns are to pay unto the said Trustees or their Successors in office the yearly rent or Annuity of the sum of one Dollar annually to paid on the first tuesday in May the first Annuity to be paid on the first tuesday in May 1840. and the said Dock is to be completed within three years from May next the Rates of Wharfage to be regulated by the Board of Trustees or thier Successors in office, the rate of wharfage until so regulated to be the same as at the Dock granted to John Wilsie Deceasd, And at the expiration of said term of thirty years the said parties are to make a New contract or agreement as to the Annuity to be paid by the said William L. Jones or his Assigns PAGE 302. for the grant of said Dock and in case said parties cannot agree as to the price or Annuity to be paid for said grant Each party shall choose one arbitrator to decide in the premises and in case said arbitrators cannot agree they two shall choose one umpire or third Man and the decision of the two shall be final Sealed with our Seal and dated at Brook haven this day a foresaid DANIEL OVERTON President L. S. Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk At a Meeting of the undersigned Commissioners of Com- mon Schools at the Inn of Justus Roes in patchogue in said town on the 17th. day of October 1839. it was resolved that District No. twenty in the said town be and the same is altered and a new District formed from the same as follows that is to say such new District shall consist of all that part of the said 20th. District which is Bounded West by num- ber twenty one on the South by the South Bay on the East by a line commencing at the mouth of a Small creek form- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ing the westerly bounds of Joshua Smiths farm and running from thence Northerly by the westerly bounds of the said Joshua Smiths farm until it Strikes the Southerly boundary of Smith Riders land then westerly by the Southerly Bounds of said Smith Rider Daniel Overton Smith Rider again Samuel Willett Justus Roe Ebenezer Roe Smith Rider again John Roe to Justus Roes Easterly Boundary line then Northerly with that line to the Country road then crossing that road Northwardly to the boundary line be- tween the lands of the said John Roe and the said Justus Roe and then Northwardly with that boundary line and in the same direction until it strikes the road running from Justus roes Dwelling house to Coram and then Northwardly with that road to the North Bounds of said District Number twenty and on the North by the Northerly Boundary line of the District such New District shall be Number thirty six we have also Inspected the School House belonging to such District Number PAGE 303. twenty previous to its present Division which is retained by the old District and value it at one hundred and twenty three Dollars and the other District property and eighty seven and half cents and we acertain and determine the amount Justly due to the said New District as the propor- tion of such New District of the value of the said School House and other District property at the time of the divi- sion to be fifty Nine Dollars and eighty two Cents Selah B. Strong } Commissioners M. HOMAN Simeon H. Ritch v of Common Clerk Brewster Woodhull ) Schools This certifies that I have made the following Survey at the request of James Hurtin and others Inhabitants of the town of Brook Haven and proprietors in the lands called great and little Divisions we first traced a line called the 368 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. west bounds of little division adjoining Winterups Patent and found it to run by the Compas as near as I could ascer- tain North 1. and degrees East At a point on that line where the Horsblock road crosses it we turned to the east- ward at right Angles with the aforesaid line and measured in a direct line across little Division and on to Great Divi- sion until we came to the old middle Island road (or Sills.s path) to a white Oak Sapling on the east side of the said road measures whole distance one hundred and five Chains Seventy two links Dated April 1st. 1836 B. WOODHULL Surveyor We Jeremiah T. Bell and Daniel Chi Chester of the town of Brook Haven being Sworn do Say that we were Chain bearers in the above Survey mad by B. Woodhull and that the measurment as Stated above is Correct according to the best of our belief JEREMIAH T. BELL Sworn before me the DANIEL CHICHESTER 28th May 1836 B. WOODHULL Justice N. B. the white oak tree above mentioned Stands five links from the east rut of Sills,s path and 63. Chs. 39 links from the North rut of the Horse block Road and 27 chs. 26 links from the west side of the Dock Road Measuring along Sills, s path PAGE 304. At an Annual town Meeting held in the town of Brook Haven on the 7th. day of April 1840. the following persons were duly Elected as town Officers (viz) John M. Williamson Supervisor nes Justice of the peace for the years Daniel Overton president of Trustees Barnabas Wines Justice of the peace for the term of four years BROOKHAVEN TOWN KECORDS. 369 Silas Homan William Penny Jur Moses Swezey Eichard Smith pond Daniel Skidmore Phillip Hallock Jur. h Trustees Daniel Skidmore ) Overgeer8 of the Moses Swezey j Mordecai Homan town clerk Floyd Smith Collector Isaac Davis William S. Williamson David Overton 1- Assessors John H. Duryea Joseph Avery Charles Phillips ) Nathaniel Tuttle > Commissioners of highways Eobert Smith ) Selah B. Strong ) Simeon H. Hitch > Commissioners of common Schools Brewster Woodhull ) Orlando Burnell ) John R. Swezey > Inspectors of Common Schools James Rice ) John W. Bunce Sealer of Weights and Measures Noah Overton Daniel Overton 2d Charles A. Tooker 1- Constables Edward L. Conklin John Hallock PAGE 305. OVEBSEEKS OF HIGHWAYS Distct No. 1 Charles D. Hallock do. 2 dissolved 370 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Distct No. 3, Youngs Howell " 4 Benjamin Brewster " 5 Samuel Woodhull " 6 Briant Hawkins " 7 John Mather " 8 John Hutchenson " 9 Henry Bobbins " 10 Charles Woodhull " 11 AmosHallock " 12 Hiram Noyes " 13, John Carter " 14 Isaac Raynor " 15 Usher Benjamin " 16 Ebenezer Jayne " 17, David G. Floyd. " 18 Samuel Carman 19, Briant N. Overton 20, Thomas Bell 20, Jehiel Woodruff 21, Jeremiah T. Bell 22, Daniel Overton 2 23, Micah Smith 24, Brewster Woodhull 25, Epenetus Mills 26, Mills Hawkins 27, William I. Gould 28, Isaac Hammond Jur 29, Joel D. Norton 30, Richard W. Smith 31, Lester H. Davis 32, Richard Smith pond 33 L.Homedieue Smith 34 Jeremiah Gourden. 35, Franklin Overton 36, Benjamin T. Hutchenson BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOBDS. 371 Distct No. 37 Abner Venhorn " 38 Nathaniel Homan " 39 James H. Weeks 4tO, John Randal 41, Albert Hulse " 42 Elisha Overton 43, Oscar F. Swezey '44, John Penny Jur 45 William Penny Jur 46, Phillip Hallock Jur 47 Peter Skidmore PAGE 306. To all persons interested in the Great and little Divisions of land in the town of Brook Haven Transcript of a Survey taken by me on the 20th. of february and 4th. of March 1839. Started on the Rail Road line at a point 105. ch 72 Links South from Wintrups patent 1. West from a certain Oak tree Marked near the Middle Island Road on the east side of which tree was the East end of a certain line ran by me in 1836 a transcript of which Survey has been already filed, and ran along said R. Road line* 67. 50' East, 173 Chains 75 links to Yaphank line which is East of Connecti- cut River 17. Chains 25. links we next began on Yaphank line on the South Country Road and ran westerly along said Road to a Marked pine tree Standing on the west side of Ellisons Swamp said to be the Middle of the lot No. 15. in the Grat division Courses and distance as follows 1st. South 45. 20' W. 3 C. 00. 2nd. 65. 20 W. 18. C. 00. 3rd. 55 30 W 20. C. 00 this brought us to Priest Hawkins Corner being West side of lot No. 8 4th. South 74. 25' W. 7 *Note. The Rail Road was not constructed upon this line, which was about half a mile north from Yaphank Station, and passed near the residence of the late James H. Weeks. COM. 372 BROOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. F <2_ Chain 00 5th. S. 83. W. 10 Chain 00 6th. 67. 50' W. 5. Chain 00 this brought ns to West side of lot No. 11 7th. South 81. W 7 Chain 8th. 77 West 3. Chain 9th. 53. W. C L 6. 67. to the pine tree in Ellisons Swamp above named 4th. March 1839 first 11. Lots. 20. Rods Each next 10 Lots. 18. Rods Each next 14. Lots. 19. Rods Each next 20. Lots 13. Rods Each little Division said to Contain 55 Lots of 4 Rods an 13. feet Each in width We this day Started on the horsblock road on the East line of Winterups Patent and ran 1. 30' East to the Middle Island line then measured Easterly at right angles PAGE 307. ten lots and put up a Stake 6 lots and put up a Stake 6. do and put up a Stake and then ran down between 33rd. and 34th. Lots parallel to Winterups Patent East line B. WOODHDLL Surveyor Distance from Winterups Patent to Yaphank line by Measurment is 1065. Rods 14 feet Distance Required is 1051 54 feet. excess in difference 14 9 feet from Yaphank line on the South end to Beaver dam Swamp on a right Angle from said line is 285 Rods from Beaver Dam Swamp to Daytons Swamp is on the right Angle 271 Rods j from Daytons Swamp to little Division 260 Rods Across little Division 263 Rods 5 ft 1079 5 Distance required is 1051 5 Excess of land in difference is 28 Rods enterd this 6th. August 1840 [. HOMAN town clerk CeC BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 373 Field Notes of a Survey of a part of the Highway or Road Calld the South Post Road as laid out by Commis- sioners passing through Moriches Commencing in Moriches aforesaid at a certain Marked white Oak tree on the South side of the highway and near the west line of the land of Jonathan Hawkins being the tree at which other Commis- sioners Discontinued laying out said Highway in the year 1832. on the 13th. Sept. running on the south side of the highway as follows (viz) S. 52J. E. 11. 38 S. 68J. E. 10. 00 S. 68. E. 5. 10. S. 73f E. 3. 00 S. 57| E. 9. 36 S. 57i E. 9. 70. S. 66^ E. 6. 00 S. 49. E. 17. 21. S. 78. E. 1. 12 N. 88 | E. 5. 25 N. 86 E. 4. 27 S. 89 E. 10. 52 S. 85 E. 3. 47. S. 75* E. 7. 26 to the west line of land formerly of Elisha Raynor Deceased being the termination of this Road District said Road is four Rods wide. PAGE 308. the above or foregoing Courses are given as the needle now points the variation being near about 5. 30'. "W. llth. June 1840 J. M. FANNING Surveyor Charles Phillips ) ^ . . Nathaniel Tuttle I Commissioners Robert Smith* [ <***&**!*. *0f Mastic This Indenture Made this first day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty Between the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook Haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and Lewis Hulse of the Same place of the second part Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the yearly rent or annuity of the sum of one Dollar Annually to be paid on the first tuesday in May in each year during the continuance of this grant ; they the said party of the first part have 374: BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Granted farmed and to farm let, and by these presents doth grant demise and to farm let unto the said party of the second part and to his Heirs and Assigns for and during the term of fourteen years from the first tuesday in may next the use and improvement of all that common land or shore lying at the head of Drown meadow Bay lying on the North side of the highway that runs across the runs at the head of said Bay and Bounded North by the Bay East by the shore or land formerly Granted to said Hulse south by the said Road and to extend westward on the shore about twenty eight feet or to the West line of the land of said Hulse on the south side of said road thence extending square across said road to the Bay for the purpose of laying on wood lumber and othr articles and the launching of Vessels and PAGE 309. other Such uses leaving the said highway free and not in- cumbered by any such Articles and the said party of the Second part doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said party of the first part and their Successors in office that he or they will pay or Cause to be paid unto the said Trustees or their Successors in Office at the times above Stated for the payment thereof the aforesaid rent or an- nuity of the sum of one Dollar Annually during the contin- uance of this grant and at the expiration of said term will remove all such incumbrances as may then be on said prem- ises unles a new agreement be made between the said parties. In witness whereof the said parties have Set their hands and Seals the president of said Trustees his hand and Corporate seal of Brook H and the said Hulse his hand and seal this day aforesaid in presence of DANIEL OVERTON president L. S. MORDECAI HoMAN town clerk LEWIS HULSE L. S. This Indenture made this first day of December one BROOKHAVEN" TOWN" RECORDS. 375 thousand eight hundred an forty Between the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Brook Haven of the first part, and Silvester Randal of the same place of the Second part Witnesseth. that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of three Dollars and fifty Cents Annually to be paid on the first tuesday in May in each year by the said Silvester Randal his Heirs or Assigns Have granted Bargained and let unto the said party of the second part his Heirs or Assigns the use and privi- ledge of a Certain piece of land or Shore belonging to said town for the purpose of Setting a blacksmith shop on for the term of twenty years from the first tuesday in May next. And Situated at the head of drown meadow Bay lying on the North side of the highway that leads PAGE 310. Across the runs at the head of said Bay and Bounded East by the land lately granted to Lewis Hulse. South by the said Road and to extend westward on the said road thirty five feet and North by the said Bay. for the express pur- pose of erecting a blacksmith s shop on and its accomodations and the said Silvester Randal for himself his Heirs and Assigns doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Trustees and their Successors in Office to pay unto the said party of the first part or their Successors in Office on the first tuesday in May Annually for the said term of twenty years the sum of three Dollars and fifty Cents the first payment to be made on the first tuesday in May 1841. In witness whereof the said parties have set their hands and seals the president of said Trustees his hand corporate seal of Brook Haven and the said Randal his hand and seal this day above Written in presence of DANIEL OVERTON President L. S. MORDECAI HOMAN SYLVESTER RANDAL L. S. town clerk the aforesaid annuity is reduced to $2. a year 376 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. This Indenture Made this first day of December one thousand eight hundred and forty Between the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook Haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and James R. Davis of the second part Wit- nesseth. that the said Trustees the party of the first part for and in consideration of the yearly rent or Annuity of the sum of one Dollar annually to be paid on the first tuesday in May in each year and also in consideration of other priv- iledges herein after mentioned they the said party of the first part have granted farmed and to farm let and by these presents doth grant rent and to farm let unto the said party of the second part and to his hiers and Assigns, the privi- ledges of using holding occupying building repairing and conveying PAGE 311. the Dock or wharf now owned by him the said James R. Davis for and during the term of twenty years from this date (which said Dock was formerly granted to John Wilsie) under the following regulations and restrictions viz, the said party of the first part shall be allowed and paid for putting on board of any vessel or craft from said Dock one cent for every foot of Cord wood and for every vessel laying alond side of said Dock when not loading twelve and an half Cents for every day for taking in or out Cattle such as Oxen Cows or horses fifteen Cents pr head for Calves or lambs two Cents pr head for every full hogshead of liquor Molasses or other liquid fifteen Cents for every barrel of pork liquor or other liquid six Cents for every Barrel of flour four cents, for every ten gallon keg of liquor three cents for five gallon kegs two Cents for every thousand long Shingle twenty five Cents for every Bundle of Short shingle four Cents for every thousand feet of plank twenty five Cents for every thousand feet of Boards eighteen and three quarter cents, reserving a right of landing or Sending off BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 377 all articles belonging to the Corporation of said town of Brook Haven free from wharfage, and also that the said party of the second part keep said Dock in good repair for the accommodation of the public for the above said uses and at the expiration of said term of twenty years this present grant shall return to said town and the Dock appraised by indifferent men or further arrangrnent or agreement made between said parties or their Successors, and the sai(J party of the second part doth hereby bind himself and and his Assigns that he or they will pay unto the said party of the first part or their Successors in Office at the times above Stated the said Annuity of one Dollar and keep said Dock in good repair for the accommodation of the public and in case any dispute shall arise in regard to the rate of wharfage such rate shall be fixed by the board of Trustees according to the true Intent and meaning of this instrument in Wit- ness whereof the said partis have set their hands and Seals this day aforesaid DANIEL OVERTON President L. S. JAMES R. DAVIS L. S. in presence of MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 312. Be it remembered that on the fourth day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight Sylvester Smith and Mathew Darling made application to the board of Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Brook Haven for liberty to build and erect a Dock in Drown meadow Bay and to extend Southward from their Railway to the old Dock (so Called) and to extend into the Bay to Common low Water with one pier a few feet farther from low water mark for the purpose of landin plank timber lumber and other articles for the use of their shipyard, and said Trustees after due consideration had in the premises 378 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. and for and in consideration of the yearly rent or annuity of the sum of four Dollars annually to be paid on the first tuesday in September during the continuance of this Grant the first annuity to be paid on the first tuesday in September 1840. did Grant unto the said Smith and Darling for the term of thirty six years from this date and to thier heirs and Assigns liberty to Construct build and keep in repair a Dock to extend Southwardly from thier Railway to the old Dock (so called) against thier own land and to extend into the Bay to com- mon low water mark with one pier a few feet farther into the Bay for the purpose of landing plank timber lumber and other articles for thier accommodation in thier shipyard for Ship Building but not to hinder or obstruct people from passing and repassing on the Beach as usual above high water mark and the said Smith and darling doth hereby covenant and agree for themselves their heirs and Assigns to pay unto the said Trustees or their Successors in Office at the times above Stated the said yearly rent or annuity of four Dollars and in case default shall be made in any part thereof for the payment for the term of twenty days after such payment shall be demanded then this PAGE 313. present grant shall be void and of no effect and the prem- ises revert back to the town again unless some further agreement be made between the tow said parties In witness whereof the said parties have Set their hands and Seals this day aforesaid DANIEL OVEKTON President L. S. in presence of MOBDECAI HOMAN town clerk At an annual town Meeting of the freeholders and In" habitants of the town of Brook Haven held at the house of Lester H. Davis on the 6th. day of April 1841 the follow- BROOKHAVEN" TOWN" RECORDS. 379 in persons were elected town Officers for the ensueing year (viz) Nathaniel Conklin supervisor David Overton Justice of the peace Silas Homan President of Trustees "William S. Williamson John Randal William C. Booth , T Joel Kobinson Thomas Jefferson Ellison William J. Gould j William S. Williamson ) ^ ,. ,, Silas Homan [ Overseers of the poor Mordecai Homan town clerk Floyd Smith Collector Hiram S. Tuttle Davis Norton John R. Satterly \- Assessors James Ketcham William Penny 2d. J Daniel Skidmore ) Brewster Terry > Commissioners of highways Robert Smith ) Selah B. Strong ) Brewster Woodhull > Commissioners of Com Schools Simeon H. Ritch ) Elias H. Luce j John R. Swezey > Inspectors of Com Schools Orlando Burnell ) Noah Overton Charles A. Tooker ( ^ William Penny 4th. Constables Daniel Overton John W. Bunce Sealer of weights and Measures 380 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. At said Meeting a vote was taken as to where the next town Meeting should be held and was voted to be held at The house of Kichard W. Smith in Coram PAGE 314. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS ELECTED IN 1841. District No. 1, Charles D. Hallock do. 2, extinct do. 3, Youngs Howell do 4, Benjamin Dickenson do 5, Nicoll Smith do. 6, Briant Hawkins do. 7, Lewis Hulse do. 8, Elisha Norton do. 9, William Tillotson do. 10, Thomas Helme do. 11, William Horton do. 12, James Woodhull do. 13, John Carter do 14, Nathan Davis do 15, David Terry do 16, Ebenezer Jayne do. 17, David G. Floyd do. 18, Samuel Carman do. 19, John Downs do. 20, Jehiel Woodruff do. 21, Daniel Robinson do. 22, Daniel Overton do. 23, Micah Smith do. 24, Brewster Woodhull do. 25, John Corey do. 26, Silvester Newton do. 27, Daniel R. Hallock do. 28, Isaac Hammond Jur BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 381 District No. 29, Joel D. Norton do. 30, David Fordham do. 31, Lester Davis do. 32, Richard Smith pond do. 33, Thomas Terry do. 34, Jeremiah Gourdon do 35, Franklin Overton do 36, Benjamin T. Hutchenson do. 37, Abner Van Horn do. 38, Vanrenselear Swezey do. 39, James H. Weekes do. 40, Wm. S. Smith do. 41, Stephen Turner do 42, Caleb H. Hammond do 43, Oscar F. Swezey do 44, Ketcham Chichester do. 45, Mott Raynor do. 46, Charles Robinson do 47, Silvester Randal At the aforesaid town Meeting a vote was taken whether there should be a vote taken for and against the division of said town and was Carried in the Affirmative the said vote was given by Ballot, and there was 260. votes given against the division of said town and none in favor of said Division. Also a vote taken and Carried allowing the Inspectors of Com Schools one Dollar a Day Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town Clerk total No. of votes 260 PAGE 315. Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Brook Haven that if any person or persons being an Inhabitant of said town shall take or 382 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Catch any Oysters in the South Bay belonging to said town and William Sidney Smith for the purpose of Selling them to or for any foreign market or that shall be sold or carried out of said town of Brook Haven unless such person or per- sons shall first obtain permission from said Trustees or one of their Agents and also pay a tolleration of two Cents on every Bushell of Oysters so to be taken shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of twelve Dollars and fifty Cents to be sued for and recovered in the name of the said Trustees before any Court having cognizance thereof And if any person or persons not being an Inhabitant of said town shall take or catch any Oysters in the aforesaid Bay without first obtaining permission as aforesaid and also pay the said tolleration of two cents on every Bushel so to be taken shall for every such offence pay the like sum of twelve Dollars and fifty cents to be sued for and recovered as afore- said, the law respecting the tolleration of four cents on every Bushel passed the 4th. May 1841. is hereby repealed, but no dredges to be used in taking Oysters done at Brook Haven this first day of June 1841. SILAS HOMAN president L. S MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk Barnabas Smith Jur Benjamin Wicks Lewis Wicks Jonas Mills PAGE 316. At an Annual Town Meeting held on the fifth day of April 1842 at the house of Richard W. Smith in Coram the following persons were duly Elected town Officers for the ensuing year (viz) Nathaniel Coiiklin Supervisor Brewster Woodhull Justice of the peace Davis Norton President of Trustees BROOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. 383 Silas Homan William S. Williamson John H. Duryea Nathaniel Tuttle Miller Woodhull David W. Case. - Trustees Silas Homan ) ^ _-, William S. Williamson } Overseer of the P oor Mordecai Homan town clerk Floyd Smith Collector James Ketchain Joel Robinson John Davis John R. Satterly Davis Norton - Assessors Charles Phillips ) Nathaniel Tuttle > Commissioners of Highways David Worth ) Selah B. Strong ) Simeon H. Ritch > Commissioners of common Schools Albert A. Overton ) Noah Overton "1 Daniel Overton William Penny 4th. \- Constables Charles A Tooker Jonathan Pike J John W. Bunce Sealer of Weights and Measures PAGE 317. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS FOR 1842 District No. 1, William S. Williamson " 2, Daniel S. Hawkins 3, Youngs Howell 384 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. District No. 4, Benjamin Dickerson 5 John Brewster 6 Henry Tyler . 7 Henry K. Townsend 8 Jonathan Pike 9 Parshall Davis 10 Conklin Davis 11 Amos Hallock 12 Henry Tuttle 13 John Carter 14 Sylvester "W. Wines 15. David Terry Jur. 16, Joseph Dayton IT David G. Floyd 18 Samuel Carman 19, Azel Hawkins 20 Jehiel Woodruff 21 Daniel .Robinson 22 Kichard R. Davis 23, Edward Mulford 24, Isaac S. Douglass 25, John Corey 26 Silvester Newton 27, John F. Hallock 28, Isaac Hammond Jur 29, Joel D. Norton 30 Albert Terrell 31, Lester Davis 32 Richard Smith pond 33, L Homedieue Smith 34, Jeremiah Gourden 35, Franklin Overton 36, Benjamin T. Hutchenson 37, Herman Petty BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 385 District No. 38 William Phillips Esq 39, James H. Weeks 40, William Sidney Smith 41, Jonathan Robinson 42, Caleb H. Hammond 43, Oscar F. Swezey 44, John H. Duryea 45, John C. Smith 46, Charles Robinson. 47, Hendrickson Hallock. 48 James Fanning appointed State of New York ) .->. Suffolk County f l Certifies that we the undersigned Inspectors of town Election having canvassed and examined the tickets polled at a town Meeting held at the House of Richard W. Smith in Coram on the 5th. day of April 1842 in the town of Brook Haven do State a certify that the foregoing persons were duly Elected for town officers for the ensueing year Brewster Woodhull ) Justices Charles Phillips f of the peace PAGE 318. on the 2nd. day of November 1840 a Monument or Stone was erected at Wading River Between the town of Brook Haven at the request of Each town By David Worth Esq. of Brook Haven and Noah Yound Esq. of Riverhead being a committee appointed for that purpose from each town (viz) a Stone Marked on the west side with the letter B and on the East side with the letter R. to Stand and remain as a Monument between said towns being erected in the place where the old peperidge tree Stood as a dividing line be- tween said towns in presence of 386 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Jonathan "W. Mapes ) Henry Hudson > of Brook Haven Charles Hudson. ) and Robert Woodhull ) Vincent Mapes > of Riverhead Gabriel Mills ) David Worth ) Committee Noah Young J This Indenture made this Seventh day of June in the year- of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen Between the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Brook Haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and Robert Hawkins of the Same place of the second part Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of twenty Dollars to them in hand paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they the said party of the first have granted bargained and Sold and by these presents do grant Bargain and Sell unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece of Swamp and upland on the PAGE 319. west side of Beaver dam River it being a part of the land reserved for the use of the town in the Great Division of Land Between Connecticut River and the land formerly Mr. Winterups the aforesaid piece of land is Bounded South by the road that leads westward over the Brook op- poside the house of Scudder Ketcham deceasd East by the aforesaid Beaver dam River West by the land of the said Robert Hawkins and to extend or run Northward as far as the Inclosed or cleared land of the said Robert Hawkins To have and To hold all and Singular the premises above mentioned with all and every of the hereditaments profits priviledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in BROOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. 387 anywise appertaining unto the said party of the 'second part to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part and to his Hiers and assigns for- ever and the said party of the first part doth hereby declare that .^t the time of the ensealing and delivery of these pres- ents they were lawfully siezed of the aforesaid premises and that they had lawful Authority to grant and dispose of the same in manner as aforesaid and the said party of the first part doth hereby bing themselves and thier successors in Office to warrant and defend the aforesaid premises unto the said party of the Second part and to his Hiers and Assigns forever against all the just and lawful claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever in witness' whereof the said party of the first part hath set their hands and caused the Seal of said town to be affixed Signed Sealed and delivered in the presents JOHN ROSE President L S of MORDECAI ROMAN town clerk of Trustees DAVID ROBINSON PAGE 320. Whereas a dispute has arisen between the towns of Brook Haven and Smith town County of Suffolk relative to the boundary line between them from the Mill dam at Stoney brook to Long Island Sound. And Selah B. Strong Davis Norton and Charles Phillips of Broo Haven and Joshua B. Smith William Wickham Mills and Joseph R. Hunting of Smith town were appointed by their respectiv^ towns to locate such line and in case of thier disagreement to Submit the matter in difference to arbitration with authority to bind thier respective towns to abide by and perform the award to be made by the arbitrator to be selected by them. And whereas the persons so appointed having examined and considered the said Matter in dispute and having dis- agreed as to the location of the said Boundary line and hav- ing thereupon appointed and selected the undersigned 388 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Charles H. Ruggles of Poughkeipsie in the County of Dutches sole Arbitrator to locate fix and determine the said boundary line between the said two towns from the said Mill dam to the Sound and agreed each Committee for their own town that their respective towns should submit to abide by and perform the Award of the undersigned Arbitrator in the premises provided such Award should be made in Writing and subscribed by the said Arbitrator in duplicate on or before the first day of January 1842. as may more fully appear by the said Instrument of Submission in Writ- ing duly executed and dated the sixth day of September 1842 AND whereas the undersigned Arbitrator did take upon himself the burden of such Award and upon the said sixth day of September being attended by both the parties had a view of the premises and then and there heard their allega- tions Writings and proofs on both sides but omitted to make his Award on or before the said first day of January in the year 1842 PAGE 321. And whereas the said Selah B. Strong Charles Phillips and Davis Norton Commissioners appointed on the part of the town of Brook Haven aforesaid and the said William Wick- ham Mills Joshua B. Smith and Joseph R. Hunting ap- pointed on the part of Smithtown agreed by an instrument under thier hands dated January 1st. 1842 to extend the time for making the award of the undersigned in the Matter herein before mentioned to the 22d. day of February then next and thereby agreed that if an award should be made concerning the premises by that day it should be binding and conclusive upon their respective towns. NOW there- fore I the said Charles H. Rnggles in pursuance of the Authority contain,d in the said Instrument in Writing and after having Viewed the premises and been attended by the parties and having heard their Witnesses proofs and allega- BROOKHA.VEN TOWN RECORDS. 389 tions as aforesaid, Do by these presents Arbitrate Award order adjudge and'determine of and concerning the premises as follows that is to say that the Boundary line between the town of Brook haven and the town of Smithtown from the Mill dam at Stoney Brook to long Island sound begins in the Middle of the main Channel of the Middle Branch of the said Stoney Brook at the said Mill dam and runs thence down the Middle of the said Main Channel of the aforesaid brook or Stream as the same now runs into the harbour and so along the Channel or deepest part thereof into Long Island sound, And the Middle of the main Channel of the said Stream until it comes to the harbour and thence the middle of the Channel of the harbour is hereby located fixed adjudged and awarded to be the boundary line between the two towns aforesaid from the Mill dam aforesaid to the Sound. In witness whereof I have made this my award PAGE 322. in "Writing in duplicate and subscribed the same this 14th. day of February in the year 1842 CHAKLES H. RTJGGLES State of New York ) Dutches County f Sl on the fourteenth of f ebruary one thousand eight hundred and forty two before me came the honourable Charles H. Kuggles known to me as the person described in and who executed the foregoing Award and acknowledged that he had signed and executed the said Award for the uses and purposes therein expressed I find no alterations therein let it be recorded let it be made in evidence JOHN BRUSH Supreme Court Commissioner We the Commissioners of Highways of the of Brook Haven being call,d to istablish an ancient Section of a Road J v V > 390 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. r leading Westerly from the Beaver Dam in fireplace to the Country road which said Road although used as a publick Highway was not found to be recorded which is as follows (viz) commencing on the east side of Beaver Dam river at <\) a Stake in the center of the roadlbeing the termination of a former Survey surveying the centre track throughout to the center of the South country road the road to be three rods wide and four if necessary Bearing as follows (viz) first North eighty seven and three quarter degrees West three chains and eighty eight links thence North Seventy nine West three chains thence North eighty six and and half West one chain and lastly South eighty five and one third West Seven chins and four links to the Centre of the South country road as witness our hands this 29th. June 1843 Smith Davis Charles Phillips ) Commissioners Surveyor John Havens of Nathaniel Tuttle ) Highways PAGE 323. At an annual town Meeting held at the house of Richard W. Smith in Coram on the 4th. day of April 1843 the following persons were duly elected town officers for the ensueing year (viz) Nathaniel Conklin Supervisor Charles Phillips Justice of the peace Davis Norton President of Trustees Simeon H. Ritch "] Hiram S. Tuttle Nathaniel Tuttle I T , Joel Robinson Silas Homan William C. Smith J Silas Homan ) ^ .-, Simeon H. Ritch } rseers of the poor BROOKHAVEN TOWN BECOBDS. 391 Mordecai Horaan clerk and treasurer Floyd Smith Collector "William Penny 4th "] Neck Albert A. Overton Davis Norton ^ Assessors Isaac Davis John R. Satterly Charles Phillips ) Nathaniel Tuttle V Commissioners of Highways John Havens ) Selah B. Strong ) Benjamin T. Hutchenson > Commissioners of Schools William Wickham Jur ) Noah Overton Daniel Overton n ., , William Penny 4th. * Constable8 Elisha Norton John W. Bunce Sealer of weights and measures Inspectors of Elections 1st. District 3d. District William S.Williamson Joel Robinson Henry K. Townsend David Worth Zechariah Hawkins James M. Fanning 2d. District 4th. District Isaac Davis Joseph Avery Hiram S. Tuttle Nathaniel Conklin Charles Woodhull John Post 5th. District Lester H. Davis Elihu S. Overton William Phillips 392 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 324. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS District No. 1, Joseph S. Hawkins 2, Charles D. Hallock 3, Charles Smith 4, John Dickerson 5 William M. Smith 6, John Oaks 7, Henry K. Townsend 8, Charles Hawkins 9, Selah Tooker 10, Charles Woodhull 11, William Horton 12 Henry Tuttle 13, John Carter 14, Silvester W. Wines 15, Usher Benjamin 16, Joseph Dayton 17, David G. Floyd 18, Samuel Carman 19, Wm Bobbins 20, William Howell 21, Moses Swezey 22, Austin Roe 23, Daniel G. Gerard 24, Albert A. Overton 25, Joseph Homan 26, George S. Raynor 27, Joseph C. Hammond 28, Daniel A. Hawkins 29, Joel D. Norton 30, Richard W. Smith 31, Alfred Davis BROOKHAVEN TOWK RECORDS. 393 District No. 32, Israel Smith 33, Daniel Terry Jur 34, Jeremiah Gourden 35, Franklin Overton 36, Herrick Aldrich 37, Abner Vanhorn 38, William Phillips 39, James H. Weeks 40, Wm. Sidney Smith 41, Jonathan Robinson 42, Brewster Terry 43, Jothom Swezey 44, William Penny 4th. 45, John C. Smith 46, James Hallock 47, Silvester Randal 48, Edward L. Conklin PAGE 325. At an Annual town Meeting held in the town of Brook Haven on the 2nd. Day of April 1844 the following per- sons were duly elected town Officers for the ensueing year (viz) Richard Robinson Justice of the peace Thomas J. Ritch Supervisor William S. William President of Trustees John Hutchenson Richard Smith pond Richard Robinson Lester H. Davis 394 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Mordecai Homan town clerk and treasurer Floyd Smith Collector Silas Homan Lewis G. Davis Brewster Terry John R. Satterly Hiram S. Tuttle - Assessors Charles Phillips ) Nathaniel Tuttle > Commissioners of highways John S. Havens ) William Sidney Smith j town Noah Overton Daniel Overton n , , , William Penny 2d. f Constables Elisha Norton Lester H. Davis Sealer of weights and measures Inspectors of Elections 1st. District John M. Williamson 3d. William Penny 2nd. Henry K. Townsend Joel Robinson Zecheriah Hawkins John Stephens 2d. Isaac Davis 4. John Roe Hiram S. Tuttle Joseph Avery Charles Miller Nathaniel Miller Doctr 5 Benjamin T. Hutchinson Davis Norton William Phillips Esq PAGE 326. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS FOB 1844 District No. 1, Richard M. Smith 2d. Daniel S Hawkins 3d Charles Smith BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 395 District . No. 4, Isaac Smith 5, Samuel Woodhull 6, James Hulse 7, Lewis Hulse 8, John Hutchenson 9, Timothy Davis 10, Conklin Davis 11, Joel Brown 12, Charles Hudson. 13, John Carter 14, Silvester Wines 15, Jacob Miller 16, Parker S. Robinson 17, Silas Hawkins 18, Samuel Carman 19, William Eobbins 20, Isaac Overton 21, Smith Roe 22, John Havens 23, Epenetus Hendrickson 24, James Ketcham 25 Jonas Mills 26, Joseph Newton 27, Ansel Reeve 28, Samuel A. Hawkins 29, Samuel F. Norton 30, Lewis R. Overton 31, Benjamin Clerk 32, Israel Smith 33, Willard Ruland 34, Alfred Overton 35, John Buckingham 36, Ezra Guildersleve 37, Minor Davis 396 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. District No. 38, Daniel D. Swezey 39, James H. Weeks 40, Wm. Sidney Smith 41, Sidney Griffin 42, Brewster Terry 43, Jothom Swezy 44, John H. Duryea 45, William Penny 2d 46 Phillip Hallock 47 Walter Dickinson 48, Edward L. Conklin We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement of the Officers of Elected at the aforesaid Election Charles Phillips } Justices Brewster Woodhull V of the David Overton j peace PAGE 327. rJL^uAv At a Meeting of the Commissioners of highway of the town of Brook Haven in the County of Suffolk at Millville in said town on the 16th. day of April 1844. all the said commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order it is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners that a highway be laid out in the said town of the width of three rods on the application of twelve freeholders of the said town certified to on oath that such road was necessary and the said Commissioners having ex- amined the premises do order and determin that the said road commence at the South Country road a little to the west_of the dwelling of the Revd. Nathaniel Hawkins in fireplace in said town running" Northwardly by the land of Stephen Bartoe and the land of Daniel Hawkins and Bounded on the east by the fence of the said Stephen Bartoe as it now Stands until it Comes to the horse block BROOKHAVEX TOWN RECORDS. 397 road thence running North 25. degrees East one chain and thirty five links then taking the Course of the line between the said Stephen Bartoe and Daniel Hawkings two rods on the land of the said Stephen Bartoe and one rod on the land of the said Daniel Hawkins until it comes to Gerards road and thence continuing Northwardly through the land of William Phillips Esq and the land of Daniel Homan de- ceased according to the line of Division one equal half on each until it intersects with the Patch ogue road that leads from the fulling Mill at Millville in witness whereof the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said town have hereunto subscribed thier names this 6th. day of May 1844 Charles Phillips ) /^ . -* Ti AT A u i m 1 f Commissioners MORDECAI HOMAN Nathaniel Tuttle > f ji- ^ town clerk John S. Havens ) & J Daniel Hawkins appeald to the Judges and was allowed the sum of twenty five Dollars which was paid PAGE 328. This doth certify that whereas there was a new Road laid out between the land of Samuel Carman and William Phil- lips on the 6th. day of May 1844 the Commissioners ordered that the road formerly laid from Daniel Homans Mill dam to Gerards road might be Stopped up whenever the new road was sufficiently cleared for traveling Brook Haven attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk 6th May 1844 It is agreed by and between Daniel Hawkins of the one part and the commissioners of Highways of the other part all of Brook Haven as follows that the damages sustained by reason of the laying out and opening a Highway trough his lands by the commissioners Dated the 6th. May 1844 be fixed and liquidated at the sum of twenty five Dollars, and the Said Daniel Hawkins doth hereby release to the 398 BROOKHAVEN" TOWN EECORD8. said town all further claim to damages by reason of the lay- ing out and opening the said road Dated at Brook Haven this llth. June 1844 DANIEL, HAWKINS L. S. in presence of WM. P. BUFFETT Charles Phillips ) Commissioners Nathaniel Tuttle j of Highways Reed of the commissioners of Highways for the above said Damages the sum of twenty five Dollars Daniel Hawkins Be it remembered that on the 1st. day of April 1845 the Trustees of Brook Haven Granted liberty to Charles Phil- lips Esq. to set a fish House on Mogers shore in the old mans on the east side of the highway but not so as to inter- upt the public traveling attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 329. At an annual town Meeting held in the town of Brook Haven on the 1st. day of April 1845 the following town Officers was duly elected viz Thomas J. Bitch Supervis Brewster Terry Justice of the peace Nathaniel Tuttle president of Trustees John Hutchenson ^ Benjamin Brewster Lester H. Davis m Lorenzo D. Vail Trrustees Smith Rider Silas Homan Mordecai Homan town clerk and treasurer Floyd Smith Collector BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. 399 John Symms Havens Lewis G. Davis Benjamin T. Hutchenson \- Assessors John R. Satterly Hiram S. Tuttle Lester H. Davis Sealer of Weights and measures Charles Phillips ) Nathaniel Tuttle > Commissioners of Highways John Havens ) William Wickham Jur Superintendent of Common Schools Enos Freeman "1 Elisha Norton Wm. Penny 4th V Constables Briant N. Overton Noah Overton Inspectors of Elections 1st. District Zecheriah Hawkins 3d. John Stephens John M. Williamson William Penny Henry K. townsend Joel Robinson 2d. Charles Woodhull 4th. George P. Mills Isaac Davis Nathaniel Conklin Hiram S. Tuttle John L. Ireland 5th. Davis Norton Benjamin T. Hutchenson William Phillips Esq 1842 Brewster Woodhull ") 1843 Charles Phillips T .. 1844 Richard Robinson f ' 1845 Brewster Terry PAGE 330. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS FOR 1845 District No District No 1, Richard N. Smith 25, James Smith 2, Charles D. Hallock 26, Silvester Homan 400 BROOKHAVEN TOWS' EECORDS. District No 3, John Bennett 4, Isaac Smith 5, Samuel Woodhull 6, Charles Jayne. 7, John K. Mather 8, Charles Hawkins 9, Lorenzo G. Davis 10, Conklin Davis 11, Joel Brown 12, Hiram S. Tattle 13 John Carter 14, Isaac Raynor 15, Henry P. Osborn 16, Parker S. Robinson 17, Silas Hawkins 18, Samuel Carman. 19, Azel Hawkins 20, Jehiel Woodruff 21, John A very 22, Giltson Gillett 23, Wm. C. Smith 24, James Ketcham District No 27, Ansel Reeve 28, Samuel A. Hawkins Joel D. Norton Albert Terrell Alfred Davis 32, Richard Smith pond 33 L.Homedieue Smith 34, Silvester Homan 35, William M. Turner 36, Ezra Guildersleve 37, Joseph Davis 38 Yan. Renselear Swezy 39, Apollos A. Mills 40, Wm. Sidney Smith 41, Elkana Robinson 42, Caleb Hammond 43, Joshua Swezey. 44, John S. Havens 45, William Penny 2d. 46, Charles Robinson 47, James Woodhull 48, Edward L. Conklin the foregoing is a true statement of the result of the fore- going Election for town officers Brewster Woodhull ) Justices of Charles Phillips f the peace PAGE 331. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brook Haven held on the 4th. day of June 1844 It was voted and agreed that there be a toller- ation of three cents on every bushel of hard clams that shall be taken in any of the Bays or harbours on the North side BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 401 of the Island and carried out of said town of Brook Haven, and if any person or persons shall take and carry or shall carry any clams out of said town without paying such toller- ation shall for each and every such offence forfeit and pay to said Trustees or their Successors in office the sum of twelve Dollars and fifty cents to be sued for and recovered in the name of the said Trustees and applied to the use of said town done at Brook Haven this 4th. day of June 1844 WILLIAM S.WILLIAMSON President L. S. Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk At a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brook Haven on the 3d. day of March 1846. said trustees agreed with Lewis Hulse to re- duce the Annuity of his Grants for Railways and ground at Drownmeadow from $16. to $12 a year from the first tues- day in May last with a reservation to raise the said Annuity to $16. at any time by giving twenty days Notice previous to the expiration of any one years, grant to the said Hulse or his heirs or Assigns the Annuity to remin a twelve Dollars a year until such notice shall be given done at Brook Haven this day aforesaid NATHANIEL TUTTLE President L. S. Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 332. at a Meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brook Haven held on the llth. day of November 1845. the said Trustees granted that Charles D. Hallock his Heirs or Assigns recieve six cents for every Hundred Bushel of Ashes Bone or other manure that may be landed or taken from his Dock from any vessel whether such vessel belong or be Owned in the town of Brook 4:02 BROOKHAVEN TOWN KECORDS. Haven or elsewhere to be paid by the Master or Owner of such vessel done at Brook Haven this day aforesaid NATHANIEL TUTTLE President L. S. Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk At an Annual town Meeting held in the town of Brook Haven on the 7th. April 1846 the following town officers were by Majority elected (viz) Thomas J. Eitch Supervisor Brewster Woodhull Justice of the peace Nathaniel Tuttle President Benjamin Guildersleve Win. C. Smith John S. Havens Lester H. Davis Noah H. Jones Henry K. Townsend J Wm. C. Smith ) , Henry K. Townsend. [ Oyer8eers of P oor Mordecai Homan town clerk and treasurer Lester Davis Collector 1 year John Havens \ 2 years John R. Satterly > Assessors 3 years Davis' Norton ) 1 year Nathaniel Tuttle \ 2 years John Havens > Commissioners of highways 3 years Charles Phillips ) William S. Preston town superintendent of common Schools Lester H. Davis Sealer of weights and measures Daniel Overton "] Gershom R. Smith Elish Norton \- Constables Alfred Davis William Penny 4th. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 4:03 PAGE 333. Inspectors of Elections 1 District 3d. District John M. Williamson Wm. Penny 2d. Henry K. Townsend Joel Robinson Carlton Jayne . James M. Fanning 2d. District 4th. District Isaac Davis George P. Mills Horace Hudson Wm. Wickham Jur Charles Woodhull "Wm. Ray nor. 5th. District Richard W. Smith Nelson Norton Lewis Overton OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS 1st Distct Shepherd Smith 2 Charles D. Hallock 3 Samuel L. Thompson 4 Isaac Smith 5, Samuel Woodhull 6, Henry Tyler 7, Lewis Hulse act 8, Charles Hawkins act 9, Isaac Davis act 10, Caleb D. King act 11, Noah H. Jones 12, Hiram S. Tuttle 13, Seth Raynor 14, Isaac Raynor 15, George Terry. 16, Jesse Rogers 17, Daniel Lane 18, Samuel Carman 404: BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 19, Azel Hawkins 20, George P. Mills act. 21, John A very 22, Daniel Overton 23, Epenetus Hendrickson 24, Samuel S. Hammond ^25, Joseph Homan. 26, Joseph Newton 27, Abraham W. Roseman 28, Samuel A. Hawkins 29, Joel D. Norton 30, David Fordham 31, Lester Davis ac 32, Richard Smith pond 33, Thomas Terry 34, Jeremiah Gourden 35, William M. Turner 36, Ezra Guild ersleve 37, Joseph Davis 38, Yanrenselar Swezey 39, Apollos A. Mills 40, John Randal 41, Elkanah Robinson 42, Caleb Hammond 43, Joshua Swezey 44, Josiah H. Bishop 45, Jonah Turner 46, Henry C. Mather act 47, Albert Skidmore act 48, John Ross PAGE 334. At a Special town Meeting held in the town of Brook Haven on the 19th. day of May 1846 to determine by Ballot whether there should be Licence or no Licence granted in TOWN RECORDS. 405 said town to Sell Strong or Spirituous Liquors Six hundred and Seventeen votes were given of which four hundred and sixty seven votes were given for no licence and one hundred and fifty votes were given for Licence no Licence 467 Dated at Licence 150 Brook Haven total 617 19th. May 1846 Brewster Terry j Justices Charles Phillips j of the peace We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement of the result of the foregoing town Meeting MORDECAI HOMAN Brewster Terry ) Justices town clerk Charles Phillips f of the peace Be it ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook Haven that no person or persons shall Dredge or drag for Oysters in the waters of this town in the south Bay and that any person or persons offending against the provision of this ordinance shall f orfiet the sum of twelve Dollars and fifty Cents for each and every offence to be recovered by and in the name of the said Trustees before any Court having Jurisdiction of the Matter done, at Brook Haven this fourth day of May 1841. this act to take effect immediately SILAS HOMAN President, of Trustees L. S. attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 335. This Indenture made this tenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four Between the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brook Haven County of Suffolk and State 406 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of New York of the first part and Jonas Smith of the Same place of the Second part Witnesseth. that the said party of the first part as well in consideration of the sum of one dol- lar to them paid at or before the Sealing and delivery of these presents by the said party of the Second part as well as also of the rents covenants and agreements herein after reserved and contained on the part and behalf of the said party of the second part his Executors admistrators and assigns to be paid kept and performed have demised granted and to farm let and by these presents do demise grant and to farm let unto the said party of the second part and to his Executors Administrators and Assigns forever a certain tract of sand flat lying at Stoney Brook beginning at a cer- tain Rock which bears from another Rock on the Shore South fifty nine degrees East and distant one chain and forty two links and from thence North eleven degrees West four Chains thence North four and one half degrees West Six Chains and eighty four links thence South fifty five de- grees West six chains thence South nineteen degrees East five Chains thence North seventy Six and one half degrees East seven Chains and fifty two links to the place of begin- ning for the purpose of Building Erecting and keeping in repair a Dock or wharf thereon and for making such other improvements thereon as the said party of the second part shall or may think proper to erect To have and to hold all and singular the said premisis with the appurtenances unto the said party of PAGE 336. the second part his Executors Administrators and Assigns forever he or they yielding and paying therefor from the first tuesday in april one thousand eight hundred and forty four annually unto the said parties of the first part or their successors in Office the sum of Nine Dollars yearly and every year on the first tuesday in April And the said Jonas Smith doth for himself his Executors Administrators and BBOOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. 407 Assigns covenant grant and agree to and with the said par- ties of the first part and their Successors in Office that he or they will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said parties of the first part and their Successors in Office the aforesaid yearly rent of Nine Dollars at the days and times above mentioned over and above all taxes and repairs thereon and it is hereby further covenanted and agreed by and between the parties to these presents that the said Jonas Smith his Executors Administrators and Assigns Shall be allowed to ask demand sue for recover and recieve for the use of said dock wharfage at the following rates (viz) for Shipping or putting on board Cordwood one cent pr foot to be paid equally between the owner of said wood and the Master or owners of the vessel but the Master or owners of the vessel to be responsable for the whole for shipping or landing full hogsheads six cents and for shipping or landing every tierce of salt rice flax seed (&. C) four Cents for Ship- ping or landing every crate of Earthan ware &.C. three cents for Shipping or landing every Barrel of liquor or pro- vision one cent for shipping or landing every horse ox steer Cow hiefer or Bull twelve and an half cents pr head for shipping or landing 1.000 feet of Boards or plank four cents for every 1.000 feet board measure for shipping or landing every 1.000 Brick four Cents pr 1.000 for shipping or land- ing all other lumber not usually ineasurd PAGE 337. or bought by the foot two cents pr load to be drawn by two horses or Oxen for shipping or landing every load of Stone one Cent pr load all manuresto be landed free of expence to the farmer from vessels that belong to Stoney Brook and Smithtown harbour but the vessel to pay the ordinary duties by the day all manures landed from transient or foreign vessels shall pay a sum not exceeding the following (viz) for every hundred bushel of Ashes six cents for every other BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. kind of manure one cent pr load all vessels that belong to or are owned in Brook Haven shall be entiteled to lay along side of said dock or wharf twelve hours free of wharfage after that time the vessel that lays next to the wharf to pay twelve and an half cents pr day vessels that lay second third &.C. to pay six cents pr day all foreign or trancient vessels to pay twelve and half Cents pr day when they lay next to the wharf when seco'nd or third to pay six cents pr day the time to be computid from the arrival and making fast of such vessel to said Dock the aforesaid wharfage to be paid by the Master or Owner of Such vessel all light vessels to make way for vessels to load or unload all articles belonging to the Corporation of the town of Brook Haven for the use of the public poor to be landed free and it is hereby cove- nanted and mutually agreed by and between the said parties to these presents that in case the said party of the second part his Executors administrators or Assigns shall neglect or refuse to pay the aforesaid sum of Nine Dollars annually at the times above specified or when demanded after having reasonable notice for that purpose then and in such case these presents shall cease determine and be void otherwise to remain in force PAGE 338. in witness whereof the parties to these presents have set their hands and Seals this day above written the president of said Trustees his hand and Corporate seal of said town the second party his hand and Seal countersigned by the clerk of said town of Brook Haven in presence of WM. S* WILLIAMSON president L S JONAS SMITH L. S. MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk An Act for the preservation of Oysters. Be it ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and BROOKHAVEKT TOWN RECORDS. 409 commonalty of the town of Brook Haven that if any person or persons shall take or catch any Oysters or Shells of Oysters in the South bay Belonging to said town and Will- iam Sidney Smith between the 15th. day of June and the 15th. day of September in any year shall for every offence forfiet and pay to said town the sum of twelve dollars and fifty Cents to be sued for and recovered in any Court hav- ing Cognizance thereof and applied to the use of said town done at Brook Haven this 2d. day of March 1847. NATHANIEL TDTTLE president L. S. attest MOKDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 339. At an Annual town Meeting held on the 6th. day of April 1847 at the house of Richard W. Smith the following town Officers were duly Elected (viz) Thomas J Ritch Supervisor Charles Phillips Justice of the peace Nathaniel Tuttle President Henry K. Townsend. Joel Brown Lester H. Davis rp John S. Haven ^ Trustees ' Wm. C. Smith Benjamin Guildersleve William C. Smith ) ^ ,. , , Henry K. Townsend [ Over8eer8 of the P or Mordecai Homan town clerk Lester Davis Collector John Havens Assessor William J. Weeks town superintendent of Common Schools Nathaniel Tuttle Commissioner of highways Lester H. Davis Sealer of weights and measures 410 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Inspectors of Elections 1st. District 3d. John M. Williamson William Penny 2d. Henry K. townsend Joel Robinson Carlton Jayne James M. Fanning 2d. district 4th. District John Hutchenson George P. Mills Horace Hudson William Wickham Charles Woodhull William Raynor 5th. Nelson Norton Lester H. Davis Lewis R. Overton Daniel Overton William Penny 4th Noah Overton Elisha Norton Briant N. Overton >- Constables George P. Mills was elected Supervisor on the 18th. May 1847 in the room of Thomas J. Ritch resigned, as a Special town Meeting attest M. HOMAN town clerk PAGE 340. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS FOR 1847 District No. 1, Egbert Smith do. 2, Ebenezer Hallock do. 3, John Bennitt 4, John S. Mount 5, Floyd Smith 6, Carlton Jayne 7, Lewis Hulse 8, Charles A. Hawkins ac 9, Joel Davis BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 411 District 10, Thomas Helme 11, Noah H. Jones 12, Miller Woodhull 13, Seth Raynor 14, Mitchel Carter 15, Joshua Terrry 16, Rogers Robinson 17 Daniel Lane 18 Samuel Carman 19, John Downs ac. 20, George P. Mills a.c. 21, John Avery . 22, James "W. Sell appointed 23, Wm C. Smith 24, Samuel S. Hammond 25, Joseph Avery a.c. 26, Joseph Newton 27 Alfred Hawkins ac 28 Samuel A. Hawkins 29, Charles W. F. Dare 30, David Fordham ac 31, Lester H. Davis ac 32, Richard Smith pond 33, Thomas Terry 34, Jeremiah Gourden 35 Daniel L, Homedieue 36 Lester Ruland 37 Joseph Davis 38 YanRenselear Swezy 39 John Mills 40 Jelriel W. Randal 41 Job Raynor Jur 42 Caleb Hammond 43 Enos Cherry 412 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. District 44 John S. Havens 45 Jonah Turner 46 Herman Hallock 47 Elbert Woodhull 48 Elihu Hawkins We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement of the result of the foregoing Election B. Woodhull | Justices M. HOMAN Brewster Terry > of the town clerk Richard Robinson ) peace PAGE 341. At a Special town Meeting held in the town of Brook Haven on the 27th. day of April 1847 for the purpose of determing by Ballot, whether there should be licence or no licence granted in this town to Sell Strong and Spirituous liquors eight hundred and forty two vote were polled of which four hundred and fifty eight votes were given for Licence and three hundred and eighty four votes were given for no Licence For Licence 458 ) , . , C10 T oo^ r total 842 no Licence 384 [ Majority for Licence 74 we certify the foregoing to be a true Statement and can- vas of the foregoing or Special town Meeting Attest Brewster Woodhull j Justices MOKDECAI HOMAN Charles Phillips [ of the peace town clerk At a Special town Meeting held in said town of Brook Haven on the 18th day of May 1847 to Elect a Supervisor in the room of Thomas J. Ritch resignd two hundred and Seventy five votes were given of which George P. Mills received two hundred and Seventy one votes. Thomas J. Ritch received two votes Dick Smith received one vote and Dick W. Smith received one vote BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 413 George P. Mills 271. votes Thos. J. Eitch 2. votes Dick Smith 1. vote. Dick W. Smith 1. vote. total 275 "We certify the foregoing to be a true Statement of the foregoing town Meeting Charles Phillips ) Justices Brewster Terry > of the Attest Richard Robinson ) peace MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk PAGE 342. Be it Ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brook Ha yen that the Act passed the 4th. day of May 1841. prohibiting people from dredging for Oysters in the waters of the South Bay be and is hereby repealed done at Brook Haven this 7th. day of March 1848 NATHANIEL TUTTLE President in presence of L. S. MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk Copy Be it remembered that on the 9th day of November 1847. the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Brook Haven granted liberty to Charles S. JSTewey liberty to build and construct a Dock or railway into the south Bay against the strand of Wm. C. Smith by his con- sent for the term of ten years and to be 20 feet in width and to extend into the Bay six rods for and in consideration of the sum of one Dollar and fifty Cents Annually to be paid by said Charles S. Newey or hiers or assigns to the said Trustees or thier Successors in office on the first tuesday in april the first payment to be made the first tuesday in april 1848 NATHANIEL TUTTLE President Attest MORDECAI HOMAN town clerk 4:14 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 343. At an Annual town Meeting held in the town of Brook Haven on the 4th day of April 1848. at the house of Lester H. Davis the following town officers were duly elected viz George P. Mills Supervisor Richard Robinson Justice of the peace William S. Williamson President of Trustees > Trustees Isaac Davis William Phillips William Penny Floyd Smith William Hawkins Richard Smith pond Isaac Davis ) ^ ,. . , Floyd Smith | Over8eer of the P oor Benjamin T. Hutchonson town clerk Lester H. Davis Town treasurer Lester Davis Collector John R. Satterly Assessor Isaac Overton Coll* commissioner of highways William J. Weeks town Superintendent of Common Schools Lewis R. Overton Sealer of Weights and Measures Noah Overton "I Daniel Overton Elisha Norton }- Constables William Penny 3d. | Ebenezer Roe J Note. * Colonel. COM. At said Meeting it was voted that the next Annual Town- meeting be held at the House of Lester H. Davis in Coram in this Town BROOKHAVEtf TOWN" RECORDS. 415 PAGE 344. Inspectors of Elections 1st. District 3d. do John M. Williamson William Penny Carlton Jayne James M. Fanning Orrin W. Rogers William Penny 3d. 2d. do 4th do Phillip Hallock Bre water Woodhull Charles Miller William Beale Isaac Davis Albert A. Overton 5th. Franklin Overton Joel D. Norton Lester Davis OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS 1st. District Egbert Smith 2d. Charles Mills 3d Ebenezer Hawkins (ac) 4th. William C. Tooker (ac) 5 Floyd Smith (ac) 6 Daniel H. Skidmore (ac) 7 Lewis Hulse (appointed) (ac) 8 Jonathan Pike (ac) 9 Lorenzo Davis (ac) 10 Alfred M. Davis (ac) 11 Noah H. Jones, (ac) 12 Hiram H. Noyes 13 George C. Raynor 14 Isaac Raynor 15 Edward D. Topping (ac) 16 Rogers Robinson (ac) 17 Daniel Lane 416 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 18th. District Mordecai Overton (ac) 19 Lewis Hawkins (ac) 20, George P. Mills (ac) 21, Smith Eoe 22 James Sell 23 Edward Mulford (ac) 24, William Rowland (ac) 25, Joseph Homan 26, Joseph Newton 27, Abram W. Roseman 28, Samuel A. Hawkins (ac) 29, Joel D. Norton 30, Albert Terrell (ac) 31, Lester H. Davis (ac) 32, Richard Smith pond 33, Noah T. Terry. 34, Silvester Homan 35, Daniel L.Homedieue 36, Lester Ruland (ac) 37, Gershom O. Overton (ac) 38, Lester Horaan (ac) 39, John P. Mills 40, Matthew Randal 41, Job Raynor 42, Caleb H. Hammond 43, Edward Swezey 44, John S. Havens 45, Sidney Penny 46, James Hallock 47, Hendrickson. Hallock (ac) 48, Elihu Hawkins. we certify the foregoing to be the result of the said Election Brewster "Woodhull ) T , . Charles Phillips | Jusflce8 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 417" PAGE 345. Release of Roads at Manor Station 1848 We the subscribers do hereby release to the Town of Brookhaven all claim to damages arising from the use by the public of a private way to all persons who may travel, ride or drive thereon, which private way shall commence at the Highway north of the Manor Station and running Southerly to the Rail Road track, which said private way shall be two rods wide, that is one rod on each of us the said subscribers Given under our hands the 24th day of June 1848 J. G. WILBUR In presence of SETH RAYNOR CHARLES PHILLIPS Aso I the said Seth Ray nor do also release to the Town of Brookhaven all claim to damages from the use by the pub- lic of a private road Commencing at the Highway adjoining the land of J. G. Wilbur, South of L. I. Rail road running westerly across the land of the said Seth Raynor Given under my hand the 24th day of June 1848 In presence of SETH RAYNOR CHARLES PHILLIPS Recorded on the 26th day of June 1848 by me BENJAMIN T. HUTCHINSON Town Clerk PAGE 346. Highway from Manor Station Easterly At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk at the house of J. G. Wilbur in said Town on the 24th day of June 1848 all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this order for the laying-out of a Highway hereafter described, and on the Certificate of twelve reputable freeholders of said Town convened and duly sworn certifying that such Highway is necessary and 418 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. proper, and previous notice having been given that the Commissioners would meet at this time and place to hear all reasons offered for and against laying out such highway, and the undersigned having heard all reasons for and against the same, It is Ordered, determined and certified that a public Highway shall be and the same hereby is laid out, whereof a Survey hath been made and is as follows to wit Beginning at the Manor Station at the Rail-road passing through the lands of Seth Raynor, J. G. Wilbur, Samuel Lane, Thomas Osborn, "William Terry, Stephen Turner, Gideon Robinson, George Corwin, David Robinson, Free- man & Daniel Lane, David Robinson and Lewis Gordon to the Highway near said Lewis Gordon's barn which survey shall be the centre of said highway which highway shall be three rods wide In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this the 24-th day of June 1848 Chas Phillips ) Commissioners Nathl Tuttle of Isaac Overton ) Highways Recorded on the 26th June 1848 by me BENJ T. HUTCHINSON Town Clerk \ PAGE 347. At a Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on the 5th day of September 1848 present Wm. S. Williamson, Floyd Smith, Wm. Phillips, William Penny, & Wm. Hawkins it was unanimously voted that the sum of fourteen hundred dollars be raised by tax for the support of the Town-poor during the coming year WM. S. WILLIAMSON Attest President B. T. HUTCHINSON Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 419 At a Special Town-meeting held pursuant to publick Notice at the House of Lester H. Davis in the Town of Brookhaven on the 4th day of January 1849 to choose a person to fill the vacancy in the office of Trustee and Over- seer of the poor caused by the death of Isaac Davis on the 20th Tilt. Brewster Woodhull & Charles Phillips Justices of the peace being present presided, and Benj. T. Hutchin- son Town- Clerk, acted as Clerk whereupon after canvassing the votes it was decided that Samuel Carman was chosen to fill said vacancies BREWSTER WOODHULL Justice of the Peace BENJN T. HUTCHINSON Town-Clerk. PAGE 348. At an Annual Town meeting held on the 3d day of April 1849 in the Town of Brookhaven and at the house of L. H. Davis in Coram the following officers were duly chosen viz. Supervisor George P. Mills Justice Franklin Overton 4 years President of Trustees Samuel Carman Trustees Benjamin Brewster Horace Hudson William Phillips Isaac N. Gould William Hawkirts Samuel A. Hawkins Overseers of the Poor Benjamin Brewster William C. Smith Town Clerk & Treasurer Benjamin T. Hutchinson Assessor William Phillips 3 years 420 BROOKHAVEST TOWN RECORDS. Collector Floyd Smith Town Superintendent of Schools Lewis R. Overton Town Sealer Lewis R. Overton Constables Noah Overton Daniel Overton Briant N. Overton Elisha Norton William Penny 3d PAGE 349. Inspectors of Elections District No. 1 John M. Wiliamson Floyd Smith Carlton Jayne apptd. No. 2 Smith Davis James Hallock Lewis Davis apptd. No. 3 Egbert T. Smith Joel Robinson James M. Fanning appd No. 4- Isaac Overton Brewster Terry Moses Swezey appd No. 5 William Swezey Apollos A. Mills Lester Davis appd Commissioner of Highways Phillip Hallock 3 years r BROOKHAVEBT TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 350. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS 1849 Die. no. Names 1 Egbert Smith 2 Lewis Hallock 3 John Bennet 4 Alexander Hamilton 5 Floyd Smith 6 Amasa T. Sturtevant 7 Israel I. Davis 8 Charles Hawkins 9 Parshall W Davis 10 John M Brown 11 William Horton 12 Jeremiah Hummister 13 Jeremiah S. Wilbur 14 David Davis 15 Solon Culver 16 Parker S Robinson 17 Jeremiah Glover 18 Samuel Carman 19 Azel Hawkins 20 Geo. P. Mills 21 David Hedges 22 Daniel Overton 23 Walter Howell 24 Edward Jayne no. Dis Names Joseph Homan 26 James Russel 27 A. Woodhull Roseman 28 Samuel A. Hawkins 29 James Mott 30 William Fordham 31 Lester H Davis 32 Richard Smith 33 Bradford Ruland 34 Jeremiah Gordon 35 Daniel L'Hommedieu 36 Lester Ruland 37 Joseph Davis 38 Samuel F Norton 39 John P. Mills 40 Hiram Edwards 41 Stephen Turner 42 Dissolved 43 Thomas J. King 44 Franklin Reeve 45 Sidney Penny 46 Henry C. Marther. 47 John I. Woodhull 48 Elihu Hawkins We the board of canvassers certify that the foregoing re- port of the result of the election at the said annual Town meeting is correct Brewster Woodhull Brewster Terry BENJN T. HTJTCHINSON Clerk Brook Haven 3d april 1849 Justices 422 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. PAGE 351. This Indenture made this third day of April One thou- sand eight hundred and forty nine between the Trustees of the freeholders and commonality of the Town of Brook- haven of the first part, and Willet Griffing of the same Town of the second part Witnesseth that in consideration of the hereinafter mentioned annuity the said parties of the first part have granted and do hereby grant unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns for the term of ten years the privilege of building and keeping a Dock for the purpose of raising and repairing vessels, on the South side of said Town at the West side of Walter Howells land in Patchogue to extend into the South Bay one hun- dred and fifty feet and thirty feet in width, to have until the first day of August next to build the same, and the said party of the second part hereby agrees to pay annually for the above privilege to the said Trustees or their successors the sum of two dollars per year commencing from said first day of august In fulfillment of which covenants the parties hereby bind themselves their heirs and successors and have hereunto affixed their hands and seals the day and date above written WM. S. WILLIAMSON President WILLET GRIFFIN Seal Seal Signed and Executed on the part of Mr. Griffin on the 4 day of June 1850 attest SAML. A HAWKINS Clerk PAGE 352. This Indenture made the third day of april One thousand eight hundred and forty nine between the Trustees of the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 423 freeholders and commonality of the Town of Brookhaven of the first part and William C. Smith and Walter Howell of the same Town of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in Consideration of the an- nuities hereinafter mentioned have granted and by these presents do grant to the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns for the term of twenty five years the priv- ilege of building, repairing, holding and conveying a Dock on the South side of said Town, near the East side of the lane or road leading from the south country road at Patch- ogue to the Bay, said Dock to be fifty feet wide with the privilege to extend the same into the South Bay five hun- dred feet, paying for the first one hundred feet one dollar annually, for the second one hundred feet three dollars annually, and for every one hundred feet after the said two hundred feet two dollars, or in that proportion annually to have until the first day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty to build the first part of said dock, and to pay on the 1st Tuesday in april one thousand eight hundred and fifty one for so much as may be then built and annually there- after on said day for the same and for as much more as may be at that time added thereto, the said Trustees and their successors to have the privilege of regulating the rates and rules of wharfage and usages thereof PAGE 353. which rates and usages are at this present granting allowed to be the same as those docks on the north side of the Town so far as they agree and where they differ to be allowed the lowest rate, and all articles belonging to the Corporation of the Town of Brookhaven for the use of the public poor to be landed free, and the said parties to be allowed to charge wharfage on all articles to all other parties without excep- tion ; and the said parties of the second part do hereby agree to pay to the said Trustees or their successors the said 424 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. annuity or annuities at the times they may be due accord- ing to the condition and intent of this grant, and keep said Dock in good repair for the accommodation of the public and in case any dispute shall arise in regard to the rate of wharfage, such rate shall be fixed by the Trustees accord- ing to the meaning and intent of this instrument ; and it is hereby agreed that at the expiration of said term of twenty five years, this present grant shall return to said Town and the Dock appraised by indifferent men or further arrange- ment or agreement made between the said parties or their successors of the first part and the said parties or their heirs or assigns of the second part In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals of office binding themselves & success- ors on the one part and themselves, heirs and assigns on the other part the day and date above written WM. S WILLIAMSON President WILLIAM C. SMITH WALTER Ho WELL Seal Seal Seal PAGE 354. This Indenture made this seventh day of August 1849 between the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven of the first part and Charles L. and James M. Bayles of the same Town of the second part, Witnesseth that whereas the said parties of the second are in lawful possession of the privileges of a rail-way at Port Jefferson granted to Robbins & Jones and recorded in this Book at page 270 which grant will expire on the 6th of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 425 May 1855 and whereas the said parties of the second part wish to lay down new and costly ways have petitioned for a renewal to them of said lease, now then by these presents it is hereby covenanted and agreed that the said grant as above recorded with the additional privilege of extending it into the water two hundred feet instead of 130 as in the former grant, shall be and hereby is renewed or extended to the said parties of the second part for the term of Twenty years after the said 6th may 1855 to the 6th May 1875, and the said parties of the second part hereby covenant and agree to pay to the parties of the first part or their success- ors in office the yearly rent of Eight dollars according to the conditions of the said recorded former grant. In witness whereof the parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals binding the first parties and successors and the second parties and their heirs & assigns SAMUEL CABMAN President CHARLES L Seal Seal JAMES M BAYLES Seal PAGE 355. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on the 4th day of Sept. 1849 Present Samuel Carman, Isaac Gould, Samuel A. Hawkins Benjamin Brewster, and Horace Hudson, it was resolved that whereas no vote was taken at the Town meeting to raise funds, therefore by virtue of the authority given us by our charter and in accordance with all former custom, we unanimously order that the sum of Sixteen hundred dollars be raised by 426 BROOKHAVEX TOWN RECORDS. tax for the support of the Poor of this Town during the ensuing year SAMUEL CABMAN President BENJN T. HUTCHINSON Clerk North Street at Patchogue At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk it is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners that a Highway be laid out in the said Town of the width of Three rods on the application and consent of Eobert Jayne Edmund Jayne, Eunice Jennings, and Mary E. Huggins, through whose improved land the said Highway is to pass Such Highway to commence at the road leading from Patchogue to Canaan and to run thence Westerly to Patchogue Mill- pond, a Diagram or Survey of which is as follows Dis- tance from Country road 5 Ch. 75 L course N. 11 E then the Highway laid out by the Commissioners runs N. 80 "W. the courses magnetic without noticing the declination In witness whereof the undersigned Commissioners of High- ways of the said Town of Brook Haven have hereto sub- scribed their names this 7th day of September in the year 1849- Kathl Tuttle ) Commissioners of Isaac Overton f Highways Thomas J De Verell Surveyor PAGE 356. Release of the foregoing North Street, Patchogue. We do hereby release to the Town of Brookhaven all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening of a Highway through our lands commencing at the Road leading from Patchogue to Canaan and running Westerly to Patchogue mill-pond, by order of the commissioners of Highways of the said Town dated the 7th day of Septem- ber 1849. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 427 seals this Twenty sixth day of September one thousand eight Hundred and forty nine Witness present Edmund Jayne L S E. JOHN HUGGINB Eunice Jennings L S Mary E. Huggins L S Kobert Jayne L S This and the foregoing recorded by me BENJ. T. HUTCHINSON Clerk This Indenture made this Fifth day of March 1850 between the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonality of the Town of Brookhaven of the first part and Charles Homan of the Town of Islip in the County of Suffolk of the second part witnesseth that the Said party of the first part for and in consideration of the annuities hereinafter mentioned have granted and by these presents do grant to the said partie of the second part his heirs and assigns for the term of twenty years the privelage of building reparing holding and Constucting a Dock opposit his land about ten rods East of the road which starts near the house of the said Charles Homan and runs down to the Bay PAGE 357. Such wharf or dock to extend out into said Bay two hun- dred feet paying for the privelage two dollars annually to have until the first day of April One thousand Eight hun- dred and fifty one to pay the first annuity and annually thereafter on said day for the Same the said Trustees and their Successors to have the privilage of regulating the rates and rules of wharfage and usages thereof which rates and usages ar at this presant Granted allowed to be the same as those docks on the north side of the Town and all articals belonging to the Corporation of the Town of Brookhaven for the use of the public poor to be landed free and the parties to be alowed to charge warfage on all articals to all 428 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. other parties without Exception and the said partie of the second part do hereby agree to pay to the said Trustees or their successors the said annuity or annuitys at the times they may be due according to the Condition and intent of this grant and keep said Dock in good repair for the accom- modation of the public and in case any dispute shall arise in regard to the wharfage such rate shall be Fixed by the Trustees according to the meaning and intent of this instru- ment and it is hereby agread that at the expiration of said term of twenty years this presant grant shall return to said Town and ^the Dock appraised by indifferant men or further arrangement or agreement made between the said parties or their successors of the first part and the said partie or his heirs or assigns of the second part In witness where- of the said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and scales of Office binding themselves & successors on the one part and he and his hares and assignes on the other part the day and date above written WM. C. BOOTH CHARLES ROMAN Seal Seal Signed sealed & delivered this 4 day of June 1850 SAMUEL A HAWKINS T. Clerk PAGE 358. At an annual Town meeting held on the 2nd. day of April 1850 in the Town of Brookhaven and at the house L. H. Davis in Coram the following officers were duly chosen viz Supervisor George P. Mills Justice of the Peace Brewster Woodhull BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 429 President of Trustees "William C. Booth Trustees Benjamin Bruster Horace Hudson Isaac N. Gould Nathaniel Tuthill Thomas J. Elison Joel Robinson Overseers of the Poor William C. Booth Horace Hudson Town Clerk Samuel A. Hawkins Collector William S. Williamson Assessor Moses Swezey 3 years Commissioner of Highways Nathaniel Tuthill 3 years Constables Noah Overtoil Charles Hopkins John Hawkins William Penny 3rd. Briant N Overton Sealer of Weights and measures Lewis R. Overton PAGE 359. Inspectors of Election 1 Dist 1 Floyd Smith 2 John M Williamson 3 John R Satterly 430 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 2 Dist 1 James Hallock 2 Smith Davis 3 Walter Dickerson 3 Dist 1 Joel Robinson 2 John S Havens 3 James Stephens 4 Dist 1 James Ketchum 2 Bmster Terry 3 William Raynor 5 Dist 1 Davis Norton 2 Lester H. Davis 3 Franklin Overton OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS No Dist 1 Edward Seabury 2 Lewis Hallock 3 Sylvester Hawkins 4 William C Tooker 5 Floyd Smith 6 Amesy Sturdevan 7 Charles Jayne 8 Henry Hawkins 9 Lewis G Davis 10 George P Hellem 11 Joel Brown 12 Henry Tuthill 13 Jeramiah G Wilbur 14 Nathan Raynor 15 Solon Culver 16 Parker S Robinson 17 Nicol Overton 18 Samuel Carman 19 Azel Hawkins 20 Henry W Titus CHOSEN 2ND. APRILL 1850 No 25 John Corey 26 James Russel 27 Joseph C Hammond 28 William E Gould 29 Davis Norton 30 John E Smith 31 Ham Smith 32 Richerd Smith Pond 33 Lhomadue Smith 34 Hiram Overton 35 Daniel Lhommadue 36 Lester Rowland 37 Joseph Davis 38 Samuel F Norton 39 Richard W Hawkins 40 Jehial Randal 41 Lewis Gordon 42 Disolved 43 Thomas J King 44 Jefry S Hutchinson BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 4:31 No Dist No 21 David Hedges 45 Jonah Turner 22 William S Preston 46 Hurman Hallock 23 Walter Howell 47 Nicolas Terril 24 William Kowland 48 Elilm Hawkins LESTEE DAVIS Town Clerk PAGE 360. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Brookhaven on the 7th day of May 1850 present Wm. C. Booth president Nathl Tuthill Isaac N Gould Horace Hudson Benjamin Brewster Thomas J. Ellison it was re- solved and voted that The Overseers of Poor keep their accts Seperate from the Board of Trustees and that a Book be procured at the expence of the Town for that purpose For the ensuing year. W. C. BOOTH Prsd. adjourned to June 4th SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Clerk To the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven Your petitioner respectful represents to your Board that He is desirous of Having a private Road District set off to him for the term of three years commencg at the Harbour and running southeastly till it comes to the road leading from Millers place to Mount Sinai thence south till it comes to the road leading from Mount Sinai to Coram distance about two and three quarter Miles Dated at Brookhaven April 16th 1850 SAMUEL HOPKINS We the Commissioners of Highways do grant the above application Isaac Overton ) Commissioners Philip Hallock of Nathaniel Tuthill ) Highways Recorded May 7th 1850 SAML. A HAWKINS Clerk 432 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 361. At a Meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk at Patchogue in the Said Town on the 9th day of March 1850 all the said commissioners having been duly notified to attend the said Meeting for the purpose of deliberating on the subject Matter of this order I it ordered and determined by the said Commissioners upon the application and by the consent of John G. Westervelt and Epenetus Mills through whose hands the alteration hereafter described is to be made that the south country road or Highway west of little Patchogue stream in said Town be altered according to the following survey which the Commissioners Have caused to be made thereof as follows (viz) The centre line of the alteration is to begin at the centre of the present Highway opposite the northwest corner of the Land of Eicherd Woodhull and to run thence south fifty five Degrees fifteen minutes "West seventeen chains and Eighty links until it comes again to the centre of the present Highway opposite Homans Lane And that the Said alteration be of the width of four Rods In Witness Whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this 9th day of March 1850 Isaac Overton ) Commissioners Philip Hallock of Nathaniel Tuthill ) Highways Recorded 7th May 1850 S. A HAWKINS Clerk PAGE 362. I John Wood a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Islip do certify that Henry Smith a Colored Boy the Child of Rachel Ceasar an Indian woman was in my presence and with my consent bound by Indenture dated the 28th day of March 1850 and this day duly Executed in the Town of Islip as an Apprentice to William Hawkins of the Town of B^OOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 433 Brook-Haven and to which Indenture I Subscribed my name as a Witness Dated the 24th day of April 1850 JOHN WOOD Justice of the Peace At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 4th of June 1850 Present Wm. C. Booth President Horace Hudson Benjamin Brewster Nathaniel Tuttle Isaac N. Gould s Thomas J Ellison & Joel Robinson. Voted and agreed that Dr. Brown be employed as Alms House Physician to be allowed five Shillings per. Visit On application of Mr. H. Marvin for the priviledge of making a Break Water on his own land Nathl. Tuttle and Thomas J. Ellison was chosen a committee to view the premises and report at next Meeting at the Expense of Mr. Marvin adjourned to 6th Aug. next W. C. BOOTH Prest. SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Clerk PAGE 363. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven in the county of Suffolk at the village of Patchogue in the said Town on the Eighteenth day of May 1849 upon the application of William Hawkins and Joseph C. Chadeayne of the Said Town for the alteration of the road or Highway in the said village called South Street adjoining the lands of the said William Hawkins and Joseph C. Chadeayne The said Commissioners having ex- amined the same and a diagram &c thereof being made It is ordered and determined by the said commissioners that all that part of the Said street opposite the dwelling House of the said Joseph C. Chadeayne measuring the distance of Four Rods westerly from the west boundary line of the land of Hiram Gerard be and the same is hereby discon- tinued and that the land included therein belong to the said William Hawkins and it is further ordered that in lieu 434 BROOKE AVEN TOWN BECORDS. thereof the said Street shall turn nearly at a right angle the easterly margin thereof running southerly four rods distant from and parallel with the said westerly boundary line of the land of Hiram Gerard about one Hundred and Seventy feet then turning at nearly a right angle and uniting with the north margin of the continuation of South street afore- said between the lands of Hiram Gerard and Daniel G Gerard the said new road being three rods wide and is laid out over land of the said William Hawkins with his consent Nathaniel Tuttle ) Commissioners Isaac Overton ) of Highways PAGE 364. We William Hawkins and Joseph C. Chadeayne do here- by 'consent to the alteration of the road as mentioned in the annexed order of the Commissioners of Highways and Diagram endorsed thereon and We do respectively release all right and Claim for damages arising from such alteration and from laying out the new road as therein mentioned Dated May 18th day 1849 Witness present William Hawkins Win. Wickham Jun Joseph C. Chadeayne At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven held the 6th day of August 1850 Austin Roe made application for the privilege of Building a Dock in the south Bay on his own land after due consideration had in the premises did grant to said Austin Roe the right and privilege to build a Dock as aforesaid On application also of Mary Smith for the right and privilege of extension of limits of the dock granted to Smith and Darling AD 1834 She claiming lawful possession of the same after due consideration did Grant her the priv- ilege to extend the same as in the indenture will more fully appear the Board agreed also that public notice be given enforceing the Oyster act passed 1847 Voted and agreed BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 435 unanimously that Sixteen hundred Dollars be raised for the poor of this Town the ensuing Year adjourned to 2d. tuesday in Oct. next W. C. BOOTH Prest. SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Clerk PAGE 365. Whereas differences have arisen betwixt the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven the party of the one part and Raynor & Post & Hammond Marvin the parties of the Second part respecting the Southern boundary of the lanes of the said party of the second part lying on the south bay between Bellport Lane and George Brown, s Lane and whereas 01 or about the 4th of June 1850 the said Trustees for adjusting and settling said Differences did appoint and depute Thomas J. Ellison and Nathaniel Tuttle two of the members of the Board to meet with the said party of the second part for the purpose of peaceably and amicably settling and adjusting all differences and disputes respecting said boundary & Whereas the said Thomas J. Ellison and Nathaniel Tuttle accepted said appointment Now know all men that the said Thomas J Ellison and Nathaniel Tut- tle appointees as aforesaid of the one part & the said Raynor & post and Hammond Marvin of the other part have agreed decided and determined and by these presents do agree decide and Determine that from the north side of the twenty foot lane or road leading from Bellport lane said George Brown's lane the Lands of Raynor & Post adjoint to Bellport lane shall extend south 240 feet and that the said raynor and Post,s lands on the east side and adjoining the land of Hammond Marvin shall extend south 179 feet and that Hammond Marvin land on the east and adjoining the lane called G. Brown's lane shall extend south 124 feet & that all to the south of those three several points shall be and remain as the South Bay & property of the Town of 4:36 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Brookhaven. signed & sealed by the s,d parties in the Town of Brookhaven June 8th 1850 Thomas J. Ellison In presence of Nathaniel Tuttle Kaynor & Post Hammond Marvin Kecorded the 7th Aug. 1850 by me S. A. HAWKINS. T. Clerk PAGE 366. This Indenture made this sixth day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty. Be- tween the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven and Mary Smith of the same Town of the second part "Witnesseth that Whereas the said party of the second part is in lawful possession of the priv- ilege of a Dock or wharf on the west side of Drown Meadow Bay (now called Port Jefferson) granted to Smith and Darling on the 4th day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight and recorded in Liber D. page 312 And whereas the said party of the second part de- sirous to enlarge said Dock has made application for Liberty to enlarge and extend the same. !Now then by these pres- ents it is hereby covenanted and agreed with the said party of the Second part that said dock or wharf be enlarged and extended forty feet farther into the Bay with the additional annuity of one Dollar a % PAGE 367. year This grant of extension of limits to continue and expire with the said former grant and the said party of the second part does hereby covenant and agree to pay to the parties of the first part or their Successors in office the yearly rent of one dollar in addition to the sum specified and paid in the former grant And also by request it is hereby cove- nanted and agreed that the said party of the second part have BROOKHAVEX TOWN RECORDS. 437 liberty to occupy and have the privilege of occupying one hundred feet on shore south of said former grant for laying timber lumber railways &c so as not to interfere and with this express provision that it does not interfere or obstruct the road or pass way on shore for teams carriages &c In Witness whereof the parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals binding the first parties and their successors and the second party and their heirs and assigns during the continuence of this grant WM. C. BOOTH President L S MAEY SMITH L S In presence of SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 368. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven on Tuesday the 8th day of October 1850 The Trustees all present in the case of the Colored Boy George W. at Richard Corwins Mr Corwin claiming the right to the Boy by Indenture according to an agreement with the overseers of the poor at the time the Boy was a pauper for some cause it was de- fered The Boy has since been Indentured by the Mother to Austin Roe Mr Roe claiming the right to the said boy by Indenture on the ground that the boy was not a pauper at the time and therefore was not under the controle of the overseers The Board coneluded^to defer the matter until next meet- ing to assertain the Legality of the Indenture &c adjourned until the first tuesday of Dec. next at 9 oclock A.M W C BOOTH Prest SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Clerk PAGE 369. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk at Fireplace 438 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. in said Town on the twenty Seventh day of May 1850 all the said Commissioners being present at said meeting for the purpose of deliberating on the subject matter of this order It is ordered and determined by the said Commis- sioners upon the application and consent of Silas Homan & Charles Homan through whose lands the alteration hereafter described is to be made that the South Country road or Highway leading from Carmans Mills to Fireplace neck be so altered from the southwest corner of the land of Silas Homan easterly till it comes opposite the northwest corner of the land of Gilbert Miller That the. north side of said Highway shall be where and as the fence now stands In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this 27th day of May 1850 Isaac Overt on ) Commissioners Phillip Hallock V of Nathaniel Tuttle ) Highways Kecorded on the 7th Dec. 1S50 by me SAML. A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 370. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the day of Dec. 1850 the Board all present the Board decided that the Overseers of the poor had no right to interfere with the Colored boy George W. Indentured to Austin Roe by his Mother as he was not a pauper at the time, adjourned to the 14th day of Jan. next at 9 oclock A.M WM. C. BOOTH President SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Clerk A dispute having arisen between David Smalling and Uriah Smith concerning the proportion of the division fence to be maintained or made by them respectively between their adjoining lands which fence commences at the north- east corner of the land of Coleman N. Smith and runs BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 439 thence northerly the distance of 4 Chains & 75 links and the undersigned Isaac Overton a Commissioner of High- ways and Moses Swezey an Assessor of the Town of Brook- haven having been selected to act as fence viewers in the said matter and having examined the premises and heard the alligations of the parties do order and decide that the said Uriah Smith shall make & maintain the south half of the said fence commencing at the northeast corner of Cole- man N. Smith's land and running thence northerly two chains and thirty seven and half links to a ceder tree marked and the said David Smalling shall make and maintain the north half of Said fence commencing at the said Cedar PAGE 371. tree and running thence northerly two chains and thirty seven and a half links Dated June 14th 1850 Isaac Overton ) Fence Moses Swezey j Viewers Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven met at the house of Lester H. Davis on the 14th day Jan. 1851 all the Board present it was agreed and voted that the Oyster act passed the 2.d day of March 1847 be so amended as to read as follows viz. that if any person or persons shall take or catch any Oysters or Shells of Oysters in the South Bay belonging to Said Town and Wrn. Sidney Smith be- tween the 15th day of June and the 1st day of September in any year shall forfeit and pay the said Town the sum of twelve Dollars & fifty cent &c On the Petition of John C. Mather & Thomas B. Hawkins for a grant and the privilege of building a Stone wall opposite their land The Board voted and agreed that their request be granted commencing from the dock granted to Win L. Jones Nov. 1837 and ex- tending east or northeasterly on shore at low water mark 180 feet at the yearly rent of five Dollars a year. 440 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. on the petition of Ahirah Hawkins & Wm. Darling for a grant to erect or build a Dock or wharf at Port Jefferson opposite their own land The Board granted them the priv- ilege to erect a Dock 40 feet in width on shore and 150 feet out into the Bay for the term of 20 years at 3 Dollars annuity per year &c. also on PAGE 372. the petition of a large and respectable number of Inhabi- tants on the south side of the Town asking for a law to be passed prohibiting the dredging or Draging for Oysters in the south Bay belonging to the Town and Wm Sidney Smith the Board unanimously determined and Enacted as follows viz. That no person or persons shall after the 1st day of Feb 1851 dredge or drag for Oysters in the waters of this Town under the penalty of 50 Dollars the com- plainer to be entitled to one half upon condition he be at one half the expence or cost of the suit also that six notices be posted up at different places on the south side of the Town to give notice thereof also A petition was presented by a large number of Subscribers praying for an allotment of the north side of the Bay for laying down Oysters Yiz from Bluepoint to Ho well point from 3 feet to 6 feet water or outer Bar also the beach flatts viz in 2 acre lots for 10 years and that no Individual lease more than one lot each at a yearly rent to be paid in advance decided that this petition lay over to next meeting Board decided that Mr. Booth be orthorised to hire out the right and privilege of Oystering in the west Bay for the ensuing year at not less than 150 Dollars reserving the Beach PAGE 373. flatts and the north side of said Bay from Blue point to Howells point for the uses and purposes above mentioned and that the Clerk give notice by posting Notices at 6 or 7 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 441 public places on the South side of Town Board decided that Mrs Horton be furnished with a sum of money suffi- cient to convey her to the city of new York Adjourned to meet at Patchogue at the Inn of Austin Roe's on Saturday the 25th Jan. 1851 W Q BOOTH. Prst Trustees SAM. A. HAWKINS T. Clerk. This Indenture made the sixth day of August one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty Between the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven of the first part and Austin Roe of the Same town of the sec- ond part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the annuities hereinafter men- tioned Have granted and by these presents do grant to the said party of the second part his heirs and Assigns for the term of Twenty five years the privilege of building repair- ing holding and conveying a Dock or wharf on the south side of said Town opposite his own land on the west side of the lane or road leading from the south country road at Patchogue to the Bay said dock to be thirty feet wide and to extend out into the Bay at right angles One hundred and fifty feet paying for the privilege two dollars annually the first payment in advance on the day of the date hereof and PAGE 374. annually and every year thereafter the like sum of two dollars during the term of time specified in this grant The Trustees and their successors to have the privilege of regu- lating the rates and rules of wharfage and usages thereof which rates and usages are at this present granting allowed to be the same as those Docks on the north side of the town and all articles belonging to the corporation of the town of Brookhaven for the use of the public poor to be landed free and the parties to be allowed to charge wharfage on all articles to all other parties without exception and the said party of the second part does hereby agree to pay to the 442 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. said Trustees or their successors the said annuity at the times they may be due according to the conditions and in- tent of this Grant and keep said Dock in good repair for the accommodation of the public and in case any dispute shall arise in regard to the. wharfage such rates shall be fixed or regulated by the Trustees according to the meaning and intent of this instrument and it is hereby agreed that at the expiration of said term of twenty five years this present grant shall return to said Town and the Dock appraised by indifferent men or further arrangements or agreement made between the said parties or their successors of the first part and the said party or his heirs and assigns of the second part In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals of Office binding themselves and their successors on the one part and himself his heirs and assigns PAGE 375. on the other part the day and date above written WM. C. BOOTH President L S AUSTIN ROE L S Signed sealed and Delivered this 6th. day of August 1850 in presence of SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven held at the Inn of Austin Roe in Patchogue the Board took into consideration the Petition presented at the last meeting in relation to the allotment of a portion of the west Bay for planting oysters for a number of years and decided by vote that the north part of said Bay from 3 to 6 feet water or outer Bar extending from Blue point to Howells Point also the Beach flats be laid out in two acre lots for the above purpose and leased for five years at two Dollars per Year paid in advance if not paid in advance to revert Back to the Town and that no indi- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 443 vidual lease but one lot As the petitioners have formed themselves into associations the Board decided to lease to the foreman of Each association as many lots as will be sufficient to supply each member with one lot each The Trustees reserving to all the right and privilege of driving into the Bay for loading or unloading any vessel or vessels (fee as formerly decided that Win C. Booth and T. J. Ellison be a committee under the counsel of Mr. PAGE 376. Wm. Wickham to make a survey and an allotment of said leased premises The right and privilege of Oystering in the west Bay in Partnership with this Town and Wm. Sidney Smith for the ensuing year exclusive of the reservations was leased to Austin Roe for 210 Dollars commencing on the first of Feb. 1851 Adjourned to meet at Lester H. Davis in Coram on tues- day the 4th day of March next. This Jan. 25th 1851 W. C. BOOTH Prst Trustees SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven Met at the House of Lester H. Davis in Coram on the 4th March 1851 Present the whole Board viz Wm. C. Booth Horace Hudson I. N. Gould T. J. Ellison B. Brewster J. Eobinson N Tuttle a Bill was presented by David Smalling in behalf of his son a Lunatic at Utica laid over to next meeting A petition was presented by Jeremiah Darling and Edward Bedell for a Dock at Port Jefferson 40 feet wide and 150 feet into the Bay together with an abutment Their request was granted at the yearly rent of Five Dollars PAGE 377. a year for the term of 25 years an account was presented by Richard Corwin for keeping a colored Boy G. W . laid 444 BROOKHAVEN" TOWN BECORDS. on the Table until next meeting Adjourned until the first day of April next at 9 oclock A M at Lester H. Davis W. C. BOOTH Prst Trustees SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk Survey of Slipery lane by request of the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brookhaven made on the 26th day of June 1850 Present Isaac Overton ) Nathaniel Tuttle > Commissioners Phillip Hallock ) Started at a locust stake on the south side of the Country road about the middle of the entrance of Slippery lane road called water Street and ran South 14 15' East (Magnetic) 33 Ch 90 Links till opposite a white oak tree near Edward Mulfords fence and a little to the north of Wm C. Smith House then South fourteen Degrees East 6 Ch 25 Links till opposite Wm. C Smith's Southwest corner adjoining John Priors north west corner then south 12 45' East 8 Cli 38 links till opposite Lewis Bakers southwest corner then con- tinuing same course 10 ch 9 Links till opposite Austin Roe's Northwest corner then continuing same course 5 Ch till opposite the line between Abiathar Petty & John W Underwood and then south 10 East 2 chains till opposite Austin Roe's southeast corner Let this be the centre of Slippery Lane and the Side lines to be parallel fifteen feet Each way of this centre line B. WOODHULL. Surveyor PAGE 378. Pursuant to Adjournment the Board of Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven met at Lester H. Davis on the first day of April A.D. 1851 Present Wm. C. Bootb, Isaac N. Gould Horace Hudson Nathaniel Tuttle Benjamin Brewster The Bill of David BROOKHAVEJST TOWN RECORDS. 445 Smalling in Behalf of his son a Lunatic was reconsidered and the Board decided to refer the matter to the new board of Trustees for the ensuing year The Bill presented by Richard Corwin was reconsidered & the Board decided that they should not pay the Bill the board decided that in case of further action of the Legisla- ture of this state concerning the Oystering in Suffolk County that the President of the Board of Trustees be authorised to remonstrate against said action W C. BOOTH Prest. SAML. A HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 379. At an annual Town Meeting held on the first day of April 1851 in the Town of Brookhaven at the House of Leste H. Davis in Coram the following officers were duly Elec & chosen for Said Town Viz. Supervisor George P. Mills Justices Jesse W. Pelletreau To fill vacancy Charles Phillips 4 years President of Trustees William C. Booth Trustees Lewis Davis Benjamin Brewster Richard Smith Silas Carter Thomas J. Ellison John S. Havens' Overseers of Poor Lewis Davis and Thomas J. Ellison 446 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Town Clerk Samuel A. Hawkins Commissioner of Highways Isaac Overton 3 years Town Superintendent of common Schools Lewis R. Overton 2 years Assessor John R. Satterly 3 years Collector William S. Williamson Sealer of Weights & Measures Jarvis Thurber Constables Noah Overton PAGE 380. John Hawkins Win Penny 3d Briant N. Overton Charles Hopkins Inspectors of Elections {Carlton Jayne John M. Williamson Z. F. Hawkins ( Phillip Hallock 2d District -I Charles Woodhull ( Noah H. Jones ( Jacob H. Miller 3d District < Edward D. Topping ( John S. Havens {Joseph B. Wilcox William Wickham Jur Smith L. Newins BROOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. 447 i Nathaniel Tuttle 5th District < Franklin Overton ( Davis Norton We the undersigned certify the foregoing is the true re- sult of the annual Town Election held this 1st. day of April 1851 in the Town of Brookhaven Brewster Woodhull ) Justices Franklin Overton j of Peace PAGE 381. OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS A.D 1851 District, no. 1 Richard N. Smith 2 Charles Mills 3 Charles Smith 4 Wickham Wheeler 6 Alfred Darling 7 Buel Randall 8 Smith Davis 9 James W. Davis 10 James Brown 11 Isaac W. Brown 12 Henry Tuttle 13 Seth Raynor 14 David C. Davis 15 Solon Culver 16 Joseph Dayton 17 Nicol Overton 18 Samuel Carman 19 Timothy Ketcham 20 Henry W. Titus 21 David Hedges 22 Daniel Overton 23 John W. Underwood 25 Garret A. Wester velt 26 Richard Davis 27 John F. Hallock 28 Richard O. Howell 29 Joel D. Norton 30 Lewis R. Overton 31 Alfred Davis 32 Richard Smith 33 Eberiezer Terry 34 Hiram Overton 35 Franklin Overton 36 Lester Ruland 37 Joseph Davis 38 Saml. F. Norton 39 Edmund T. Hawkins 40 Hiram Edwards 41 Christopher Robinson 42 Disolved 43 James Swezey 44 Jeffrey S. Hutchinson 45 Jonah Turner 46 James Hallock 24 Benjamin Wicks Sen. 47 Nicolas Terrill 48 John Dolon 44:8 BROOKHAVEN TOWtf RECORDS. We certify that the above is a true result of the overseers of Highways chosen at an annual Election held the 1st day of April A D 1851 B. Woodhull ) T ,. T^, 1 1 /^ r J ustices Franklin Overton j PAGE 382. This Indenture made the fourth day of March one thou- sand Eight hundred and fifty one Between the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brook- haven of the first part and Jeremiah Darling and Edward Bedell of the same Town of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the annuities hereinafter mentioned have granted and by these presents do grant to the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns for the term of Twenty five years the privilege of building repairing holding and con- veying a Dock or wharf on the north side of said Town at the head of Port Jefferson Bay opposite their own land said Dock not to exceed forty feet in width with the privilege of extending the same into the Bay one hundred and fifty feet said Dock to extend out into the Bay the same course as Bayles Dock together with an Abuttment from said Dock westerly to meet the abuttment of Bayles Dock which is about 190 feet paying for the privilege five Dollars annually to have until the fourth day of Mar. 1852 to pay the first annuity and PAGE 383. annually thereafter on said day for the same the said Trus- tees and their successors to have the privilege of Regulating the rates and rules of wharfage and usages thereof which rates and usages are at this present granting allowed to be the same as those docks on the north side of the Town so far as they agree and where they differ to be allowed the lowest rate and all Articles belonging to the corporation of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 449 the Town of Brookhaven for the use of the public poor to be landed free and the said parties to be allowed to charge wharfage on all articles to all other parties without excep- tion and the said parties of the second part do hereby agree to pay to the said Trustees or their successors the said annuity or annuities at the time they may be due according to the conditions and Intent of this Grant and keep said Dock in good repair for the accommodation of the public and in case any dispute shall arise in regard to the rates of wharfage such rates shall be fixed by the Trustees accord- ing to the meaning and Intent of this Instrument and it is PAGE 384. hereby agreed that at the expiration of said term of Twenty five years this present Grant shall return to said Town and the Dock appraised by Indifferent men or further arrange- ment or agreement made between the said parties or their successors of the first part and the said parties or their heirs or assigns of the second part In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals of office binding themselves and successors on the one part and them- selves their heirs and assigns on other part the day and date above written WM C. BOOTH L S Signed sealed and Delivered President Trustees in presence of JEREMIAH DARLING L S SAMUEL A. HAWKINS EDWARD BEDELL L S Town Clerk PAGE 385. This Indenture made the fourteeneth day of January one thousand Eight hundred and fifty one Between The Trus- tees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven of the first part and Ahirah Hawkins and William Darling of the same Town of the second part Wit- 450 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. nesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in con- sideration of the annuities hereinafter mentioned have granted and by these presents do grant to the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns for the term of Twenty years the privilege of building constructing repair- ing holding and conveying a private Dock or wharf on the north side of said Town on the east side of Port Jefferson Bay opposite their own laud said Dock not to exceed forty feet in width with the privilege of extending the same into the Bay one hundred and fifty feet from common high water mark paying for the privilege three Dollars annually to have until the fourteeneth day of Jan. 1852 to pay the first annuity and annually thereafter on said PAGE 386. day for the same, and all articles belonging to the corpo- ration of the Town of Brookhaven for the use of the public poor to be landed thereon if necessary and the said parties of the second part do hereby agree to pay to the said Trus- tees or their successors the said annuity or annuities at the time they may be due according to the condition and Intent of this Grant and it is hereby agreed that at the expiration of said term of Twenty years this present Grant shall return to said Town and the Dock appraised by Indifferent men or further arrangment or agreement made between the said parties or their successors of the first part and the said parties or their heirs or assigns of the second part. In Witness whereof the said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals of office binding themselves and suc- cessors on the one part and themselves their heirs and as- signs on the other part the day and date above written L. S WM C. BOOTH President AHIRAH HAWKINS L S WM. DARLING L S BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 451 Signed sealed and Delivered in presence of SAMUEL A HAWKJNS Town Clerk PAGE 387. Know all men by these presents that I Nelson Terry of the Town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of live hundred Dollars lawfull money of the United States to me paid by W. Carman Terry of said Town County and State aforesaid of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have Bargained and sold and by these presents do grant & convey unto the said party of the second part his heirs executors administrators and assigns four Acres of corn one and half acres potatoes 2 Acres of oats ten acres of English Grass five Beds and the Bedding two Doz Winsor and wood bottom chairs five Looking Glasses five wash and candle stands two Ingrain carpets one Rag carpet five window Shades bar fixtures and clock stove in Bar Room four dining Tables one Bureau two long tables and four Benches one Rocking chair now in my possession to have and to hold unto the said party of the second part his executors administrators and assigns and I do for my self, my heirs Executors administrators and assigns covenant and agree to' and with the said party of the second part his executors administrators and assigns to "Warrant and defend the sale of said property goods and chattels hereby made unto the party of the second part his ex- ecutors administrators PAGE 388. and assigns against all and every person and persons whom- soever In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and eal this 19th day of May 1851 NELSON TERRY L S Signed sealed & delivered in presence of J. W. PELLETREAU 4:52 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Suffolk county SS ) Town of Brookhaven f On the 19th day of May 1851 personally came before me Nelson Terry to me known to be the person who executed the within conveyance and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein mentioned J. W. PELLETRAU Justice of the peace Kecorded 19th day of May 1851 per SAML. A. HAWKINS Town clerk PAGE 389. At a- meeting of the Board of Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven on the 6th May 1851 Present Win C. Booth Benjn. Brewster Richd. Smith John S. Havens Lewis Davis Silas Carter In the case of David Smalling in relation to his Son a lunatic the Board decided that Mr Smalling, s proper course of proceeding would be to Make application to Judge Rose of Nathaniel Tuttle ) Highways Recorded Aug. 5th 1851 in Liber D page 397 In Town Clerks office by me S. A. HAWKINS Town clerk PAGE 398. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on the 5th Aug. 1851 Present William C. Booth Benjamin Brewster Lewis Davis John S. Havens Richard Smith Thomas J Ellison Silas Carter It being rep- resented to the Board that a suit has been commenced against Jeffrey S. Hutchinson Road Master in 44th Road District in this Town and John S. Havens for taking and removing Earth from a certain Highway Running north of the Meeting House in Moriches and carrying and useing the BKOOKHAVEiT TOWN RECORDS. 459 same to mend the main Road being within the Bounds of said District Resolved that we the Trustees of this Town do Indemnify those Individuals against the expences of said Suit so far as the public Interest of the Town is concerned By request of Jason Brown & Edmund Woodruff for Lots for the planting of oysters the Board decided to grant to the above named Individuals lots of 2 Acres Each for the term of 5 years on the Beach flatts near Quanch upon con- dition they be at all the expence of surveying the same at 2 Dollars per lot annually Board resolved that Wm C Booth be empowered to give similar grants to any applicants wish- ing to take lots in the Great west Bay for the above named purpose upon the same conditions. On motion the Board resolved that Wm C. Booth be a committe to confer with Win Smith and Wm Sidney Smith in relation to petition- ing the Supervisor to regulate the Bye Laws pertaining to the penalties e ascertained described and entered of Record And the said Commissioners do further order that the de- scription courses arid distances of said Road be according to a survey which they have caused to be made of the same as follows. Starting at the north side of the Country Road in the middle of the travelled waggon Path Just west of the school house near said Church and running thence north seventeen and three quarter Deg. East two chains and ten links thence north two and a half Deg. East seven chains and sixty links thence north three and a half Deg. west five chains and thirty Seven links thence north two Deg. East sixteen Chains thence north five and a quarter Deg. East six Chains and sixty links thence north five Deg. west two chains and sixty three links thence north Eight Deg. East one chain and Seventy Eight links thence north twenty Eight and three quarter Deg. East six 480 BROOKEAVEN" TOWN" RECORDS. PAGE 4. Chains and Eighty one links thence north Thirty two and one half Deg. East one chain and fifty nine links and thence north Twenty two and a half Beg. East one chain to the said "Wading River Road : And that the line of the said survey be the centre of the said Road or highway and that the Said highway be of the same width as it is now fenced used and travelled In Witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands this 24th day of January 1852 Isaac Overton ) Commissioners Nathaniel Tuttle V of Phillip Hallock ) Highways At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 4th day of May 1852 Present Wrn Phillips Lewis Davis Thomas J Ellison Wm R. Sat- terly Richard Smith John R Swezey and Sylvester W. Wines. By request of Mr Walkman and Mr Millward for Information Respecting the Boundary line between Brook- haven and Islip the Board resolved that inquiry and search of record be made concerning thereof and acted upon at next Meeting On application of James Howell for compen- sation for keeping a grand child the Board decided that said child be brought to Alms House Board voted to allow Telem Smith 75 cts per week until next meeting adjourned to meet at the House of Horace G Randalls on tuesday the 1st day of June next at 9 o clock AM WM PHILLIPS President SAMUEL A HAWKINS Town Clerk At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 1st day of June 1852 at the Inn of Horace G. Randal's Present Wm Phillips Thomas J Ellison Lewis Davis Richard Smith Win R. Satterly and Sylvester W. Wines In Rela- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 481 tion to the Boundary line between this Town and the Town of Islip Board decided that Information be given to the Supervisors of the two towns requesting them to cause a Just and true survey and legal settlement of said Boundary line, on application of Lewis Hulse Requesting a Reduc- tion of his annuity for his Railway at P. Jefferson board decided to reduce sd annuity from 12 Dollars to 10. upon condition that all arrearages be paid up to the present time at the former Rate The Board decided that Brewster Haw- kins be notified to remove all obstructions on shore west of his dock and that Mr. Wickham notify him to that effect, decided that Capt Charles D Hallock be Requested to re- move all obstructions on the line between his Dock and Capt Jonas Smith Dock adjourned to 1st tuesday in August PAGE 5. next at 9 oclock A.M. at Horace G. Randals WM PHILLIPS President SAMUEL A HAWKINS Town Clerk For value Received we the Subscribers do hereby release to the Town of Brookhaven all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening of a highway through our lands by order of the Commissioners of highways Dated this the 24th day of June 1848 In presence of David Robinson CHAKLES PHILLIPS Wm Terry Lewis Gordon Seth Raynor J. G. Wilbur Freeman Lane Daniel Lane Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk to lay out a highway rods wide in said Town 482 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. beginning at the Road leading from Fireplace neck to coram near Sylvester Homans house and running in a Southerly direction to Bellport Station on the Long Island Rail Road. Which proposed Road will run through our unimproved lands Now therefore in consideration of the laying out and opening said highway we the subscribers do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof. Brookhaven February 14th 1852 CHARLES GODFREY GUNTHAR O SAMUEL F TOOKER O SYLVESTER HOMAN O Whereas application has been made to the commissioners of highways of the Town of Brook haven to lay out a high- way three Rods wide in said Town commencing at the south side of the Country Road at a point on the line between the lands of Daniel Robinson and William Avery Stephen Roe and the heirs of Lester Roe deceased to the Bay shore which proposed Road will run through my improved land Now therefore in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty five Dollars to me in hand paid I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof. Brookhaven Feb 26th 1852 SARAH ROE PAGE 6. The undersigned Commissioners of highways of the Town of Brookhaven do hereby order that Road district Number 21 in said Town be and the same is hereby divided as follows that is to say that all that part of said district lying Eastward of Robinson Mill Stream together with all cross Roads in said district that connect with the south country Road East of the said Mill Stream continue to be known and numbered as Road district Number 21 And that all the remainder of Said district lying west of tlie said Mill Stream including all cross Roads therein that connect with the south country Road to the west of Said Mill Stream be BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 483 formed into a new Road district to be known and numbered as Road district number 42 and that the Inhabitants resid- ing within the Boundaries above described and liable to work on the highways be and they are hereby assigned to work in the Road district in which they respectively reside dated the 25th day of June 1852 Isaac Overton ) Commissioners Nethaniel Tuttle V of Phillip Hallock ) highways Recorded June 30th 1852 SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk At a meeting of the commissioners of highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk at Bellport Station in said Town on the 27th day of February 1852 all the Said commissioners having met and deliberated on the Subject matter of this order upon the application and con- sent of C. Godfrey Gunther Samuel Tooker and Sylvester Homan the owners of the lands through which the high- way hereafter described is to run the undersigned Commis- sioners of Highways of the said Town do hereby order de- termine and certify that a. public Highway Shall be and the same is hereby laid out in the said Town pursuant to such application whereof a survey has been made out and is as follows (viz) Beginning on the Long Island Rail Road at Bellport Station at the termination of the Bellport road thence running (Compass course) north two Deg. E to the Middle Island line then running north one half of a Deg. East until it Intersects the old Road near Sylvester Homan' s East line (formally owned by John Roe) then following the old road as it now Runs until it Intersects the Road Running PAGE 7. from Coram to Fireplace (near Sylvester Homans) the line of the said survey to be the centre of the said Highway which is to be three Rods in width 484: BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. In witness whereof the Said commissioners have hereunto Subscribed their names this 30th day of April 1852 Nathaniel Tuttle ) Commissioners Isaac Overton of Phillip Hallock ) highways Know all men by these presents that we the undersigned do hereby release to the Town of Brookhaven all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening of a High- way through our respective lauds by order of the Commis- sioners of highways Dated the 26th day of March 1852 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seals this 26th day of March 1852 In the presence of W. E. Conkling L S W. E. CONKLING Brewster Terry L S BEEWSTER TEREY John R. Swezey L S Calvin Hait L S Lester Glover mark X L S Daniel W. Case L S Joshua Hammond L S Albert Terrell L S Rumsey Rose L S Whereas application has been . made to the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the couuty of Suffolk to lay out a highway three Rods wide in said Town beginning at the South side of the country road at a point on the line between the lands of Daniel Robinson and Will- iam Avery and running southerly over the several lands of Daniel Robinson William Avery Stephen S Roe and the heirs of Lester Roe deceased to the Bay shore which pro- posed road will Run through our improved lands Now therefore in consideration of the laying out and opening Said Road we. the subscribers do hereby release all claim to damages by Reason thereof BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 485 Dated at Brookhaven this 23d. day of February 1852 DANIEL ROBINSON STEPHEN S ROE WILLIAM AVERT PAGE 8. Know all men by these presents that we the undersigned do hereby Release to the Town of Brookhaven all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening of a High- way through our respective lands by order of the commis- sioners of Highways Dated the Twenty Sixth day of March 1852 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 26 day of March 1852 In presence of William H. Newens EDWARD N. DOUGLAS Nancy E. Newens BREWSTER TERRY Elizabeth Smalling Uriah Smith Richard R Davis Sylvester Gordon Allen Barnes Hiram Swezey At a meeting of the Commissioners of highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk at the House of Richard R. Davis in Patchogue in the said Town on the 26th day of March 1852 all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this order upon the application and consent of William E. Conkling Brewster Terry John R Swezey Calvin Hait Lester Glover David W. Case Joshua Hammond Albert Terrell Rumsey Rose William H. Newens Nancy E. Newens Elizabeth Smalling Uriah Smith Richard R Davis Sylvester Gordon Allen Barnes and Hiram Swezey through whose lands the Highway hereafter described is to run It is ordered deter- mined and certified by the Said Commissioners that a public Highway be and is hereby laid out in the said Town pur- suant to the said application a survey whereof has been 486 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. made and is as follows (viz) Commencing at the south side of the south country Road nearly opposite the dwelling House of the said Richard R. Davis at a stake on the East line of the said highway thence running (compass course) South Twelve and a half Degrees west seven chains and twenty seven links thence south fifteen degrees west Thirty four chains and ninety Eight links thence south Four and a half degrees West five chains thence south Two degrees East Ten chains Thence south Eight degrees West Twelve chains and seventy links thence continuing the same course two chains and twenty five links which last mentioned dis- tance of two chains and twenty five links the said Road PAGE 9. is to be but two rods wide to avoid the House belonging to Hiram ( Swezey and Lester Glover the rod to be left from the west line of the said Highway Then running south three quar- ters of a degree East thirteen chains and seventy five links Thence south six and a half degrees west nineteen chains and five links to the South Bay The line of the said Survey to be the East line of the said Highway which is to be three Rods in width Except as herein before mentioned And it is also ordered determined and certified by the said commissioners with the like consent that a highway be and the same is hereby laid on the beach or shore Com- mencing on the East line of the Highway above described at a certain Stake at the Edge of the Plowed land thence Running (compass course) south seventy nine Deg. East to the mouth of Swan creek the line of the said survey to be the north line of the said Highway which is to be three Rods in width In witness whereof the said commissioners have hereto Subscribed their names this 26th day of March 1852 Nathaniel Tuttle ) Commissioners Isaac Overton of Phillip Hal lock ) Highways BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 487 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk at the House of Stephen S. Roe at pine Neck near Swan creek in the said Town of Brookhaven on the 26th day of March 1852 All the said Commissioners having been notified and having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this order upon the application and consent of Daniel Robinson Will- iam Avery Stephen S. Roe. and Sarah Roe the owners and occupants of the land through which the said Highway here- after described is to run and upon the petition of Twelve Freeholders of the said Town of Brookhaven verified by their Oath it is ordered determined and certified by the said Commissioners that a Public Highway be and the same is hereby laid out in the said Town pursuant to the said appli- cation a survey whereof has been made and is as follows (viz) Commencing at the south side of the south country Road at a certain stake a little East of the house of William .Avery thence running (Compass course) South Thirteen and a half Deg. West Eighty chains thence south one and a half Deg. West four chains thence South Eleven and one quarter Deg. East thirteen chains to the south Bay the line of the said survey to be the centre of the said Highway which is to be three Rods in width In witness whereof the said Commissioners have hereunto set their hands this 30th day of April 1852 PAGE 10. Nathaniel Tuttle ) Commissioners Isaac Overton of Phillip Hallock ) Highways At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven on the 4th day of August 1852 Present William Phillips President and L. Davis Thomas J Ellison Richard Smith Wm R Sat- terly Sylvester W. Wines and John R Swezey Board Re- solved that under existing circumstances a suit be com- 488 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECOKDS. menced against Brewster Hawkins in consequence of the several obstructions he has caused in and about Setauket Harbor and that Mr T. J Ellison be authorised to employ Mr Wickham Instructing him to write to Mr Hawkins before commencing a suit adjourned to 2d tuesday in Sept. next at nine O clock A M WM PHILLIPS President S. A. HAWKINS Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 14th. September A.D. 1852 Present Wm Phillips Tho J. Ellison Lewis Davis Richard Smith John R Swezey Sylvester W. Wines on application of Mrs Elizabeth Darling the Board agreed and decided to grant her liberty to build a Pier of one hundred feet from the front of her dock north to prevent the sand from wash- ing and collecting around her Dock this pier to be built opposite her own land In relation to the difficulty with Brewster Hawkins the Board decided to commence a Suit in Supreme Court against him that Mr Ellison Instruct Mr "Wickham to proceed m said Suit On motion the Board de- cided that the Sum of Sixteen hundred Dollars Be Raised By tax in this Town the Ensuing year for the use and Bene- fit of the poor thereof, on complaint being made Board decided that Mr J R Swezey be authorised in Behalf of the Town to prosecute any Individuals who may be found Tresspassing on the Laws of this Town in Relation to oyster- ing priviledges thereof Adjourned to meet on 2d tuesday in Nov. next at 9 ock A.M. WM PHILLIPS President SAML. A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 11. At a meeting of the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven on the 23d. day of August 1852 called BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 489 for the purpose of tracing out the Highway at Millers place leading from the Rocky Point Road to Merritt S Wood- hulls landing which Highway was laid out by an order bear- ing date the 15th. Day of June 1815 and is duly recorded &c We the said commissioners having examined the prem- ises and heard the parties interested therein do certify and determine that the portion of Said Highway leading from the gate standing at the South line of land late of Merritt S Woodhull to the Sound adjoins the land of Lewis Davis and that the East line of the Said Highway is distant three rods from the land of the said Lewis Davis as the fence now stands until it comes near the Bank of the Sound and that the said Highway then turns North Easterly to low water mark and that we have designated the East line of the said Highway by stakes set up by us Dated the 23d. day of August 1852 Isaac Overton ) commissioners Nathaniel Tuttle [ of Philip Hallock ) Highways At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 9th Nov. 1852 Present Win Phillips President T. J Ellison John R. Swezey Wm R Satterly Sylvester W. Wines Lewis Davis in Relation to the matter of Difficulty with Brewster Hawkins the Board thought Best to have the commissioners of Highways called to see whether the obstructions complained of are in the Highway or not as complaint has been made that Charles D. Hallock has placed obstructions upon his Dock adjoining to Jonas Smith's Dock the Board decided that Mr Wick- ham be requested to Examine the grant to C. D. Hallock and serve a Written notice on Mr Hallock in behalf of the Trustees of the Town requesting him to remove the same as application has been made to lease certain premises at Port Jefferson by Henry Hallock and Harvy West Board concluded to act upon the matter at next meeting 4:90 BKOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Adjourned to the first tuesday in Jan. next at 9. oclock A.M. WM PHILLIPS President S. A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 12. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven on the 4rth Jan. 1853 f Win Phillips President Win R. Satterly Present -| Sylvester W Wines I Lewis Davis (_ Thomas J Ellison on application the Board resolved and agreed to Lease to Henry Hallock a certain piece of land on Port Jefferson Beach commencing twenty five feet west of the Bridge north side of the Road for the term of forty years for the sum of three Dollars annually On application the Board Resolved also to Lease to Harvy West another piece of said Beach west of the sd Henry Hallocks for the term of forty years for the sum of two Dollars annually Board agreed to pay to Martha Horton one Dollar per week from the 16th Nov. last On complaint of Capt Thomas Hallock Board Resolved that all obstructions be removed from the Docks at Port Jefferson adjourned to the first tuesday in Feb next WM PHILLIPS President SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 1st of Feb 1853 Present Wm Phillips Lewis Davis Thomas J Ellison John R Swezey Richard Smith Sylvester W. Wines on application of Edmund T. Darling to purchase a certain piece of Land BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 491 already leased to him Board decided in negative. Then Mr Darling applied for an extension of limits of said leased premises the Board thought Best to defer the matter until next meeting and appointed Lewis Davis to view the prem- ises and report at next meeting The Board voted and agreed that Notice be posted on the south side of the Town at the most public places giving information of the following Reso- lution viz Be it ordained that all persons who may wish to catch or take oysters the ensuing season in the waters of the Great South Bay belonging to said Town and Wm Sidney Smith for the purpose of Selling them to or for any foreign market or that shall be sold or carried out of the said Town of Brookhaven shall and are hereby required first to obtain liberty or licence from one of the said Trustees on or before the first tuesday of March next who will on the Receipt of one Dollar from PAGE 13. each applicant in advance give a written licence for the sea- son and be it further ordained that if any person or persons are found takeing or catching oysters in said Bay during the ensuing season for any foreign market &c without first ob- taining a written licence as aforesaid he or they will be liable to pay for every offence the sum of twelve Dollars and fifty cents to be sued for and recovered in the name of the said Trustees in any court having Cognizance thereof adjourned to first .tuesday in March next at 9 Oclock A.M. WM PHILLIPS President of Trustees SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk at a meeting of the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the first day of March A.D. 1853 Present Will- iam Phillips President Lewis Davis Tho J. Ellison Richerd Smith John R. Swezey and Sylvester W. Wines The Board decided to Lease to Edmund T. Darling about 50 feet of the Shore at the head of Port Jefferson Bay for the term of 23 years at 2 Dollars a year. 492 BROOKKAVEN TOWN RECORDS. On motion it was Kesolved that Nathaniel M. Terrill be appointed and authorised to superintend the oystering priv- ileges of the great south Bay (in partnership with this Town and Win Sidney Smith) for the ensuing year for which to Receive reasonable compensation and Resolved further that Mr Swezey one of the Board be authorised to procure printed licences fdr oystering and issue the same to all who pay over to him one Dollar in advance time extended to first tuesday in April adjourned to meet on first tuesday in April next at 9 Oclock A.M. WM PHILLIPS President of Trustees SAML. A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 14. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk at Medford Station on the 24th day of March 1853 all the said Com- missioners having been duly notified to attend the said meet- ing for the purpose of deliberating on the Subject of this Order It appearing to the said commissioners that the road in said Town used as a highway leading from the old Coram Road starting nearly opposite the House of Jesse Haff to Medford Station and so northerly from Medford Station until it again intersects the old Coram Road has been laid out but not sufficiently described of Record It is ordered by the said Commissioners that the Said Road be ascertained described and entered of Record And the said commis- sioners do further order that the description courses and dis- tances of said Road be according to a survey which they have caused to be made of the same as follows (viz) Commencing at the old Coram Road north of the Long Island Rail Road thence Running south Eleven and one third degrees west two chains being fifty five and a half BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS, 493 links west from the northwest corner of the Kitchen part of the house lately built by John Smith thence south one and one third degree west five chains and Eighty two links (from the Northwest Corner of said Kitchen to the Rail Road track on said course being two chains and forty five links) thence south nineteen and two thirds degrees west Eighty chains thence south Twenty Degrees west Eighty four chains until it Intersects the old Coram Road near the said house of Jesse Haff and that the line of said survey be the Centre of Said Road and said Road be and the same is of the width of three Rods In witness whereof we have hereunto placed our hands this 24th day of March 1853 Isaac Overton } Commissioners Nathaniel Tuttle [ of Phillip Hallock ) Highways PAGE 15. This Indenture made this fourth day of January one thousand Eight hundred and fifty three Between the Trus- tees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven of the first part and Harvey West of the same Town of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of two Dollars annually to be paid on the first tuesday in January in Each year by the said Harvey West his heirs or assigns Have granted Bargained let and leased unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns the use and privilege of a certain piece of Beach or Shore belonging to said Town situate and lying at the head of Port Jefferson Bay north side of the Road leading from Port Jefferson to Setauket for the term of forty years from the date hereof. Begin- ning at the west line of Henry Hallock and extending west- erly two hundred and twenty five feet then northerly to com- mon Low water mark then Easterly to the sd Hallocks line 4:94 BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. then southerly by said line to the place of Beginning And the said Harvey West for himself his heirs and assigns doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Trustees and their successors in office to commence Improvments on the above leased and described premises the ensuing season and to pay unto the said parties of the first part or their successors in office on the first tuesday in Jan annually for and during the said term of forty years the above said annuity of two Dollars. And at the expiration of the said term this present grant shall return to said Town and the improvments thereon appraised by indifferent men or further arrangment or agreement made between said parties of the first part or their successors and the said party of the second part his heirs or assigns In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals of office binding themselves and suc- cessors on the one part and himself his Heirs and assigns on the other part the day and year above written WILLIAM PHILLIPS (President L S) HARVEY WEST L S Signed and sealed in presence of SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 16. This Indenture made this third day of June one thousand Eight hundred and fifty three Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven of the first part and Edmund T. Darling of the same Town of the Second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of two Dollars annually to be paid on the first tuesday in June in Each year by the said Edmund T. Darling his heirs or assigns have Granted, Bargained Let and Leased unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns the use and privilege of a certain piece of Beach or shore belonging to said Town Situate and lying at the head of Port Jefferson Bay for the term of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 495 twenty three years from the date hereof and Bounded as follows (viz) Beginning at the Southwest corner of the premises already leased to the Said E. T. Darling By the trustees of said Town in June 1851 from thence westerly about forty or fifty feet to the bridge but not to interfere with the free passage througli said Bridge then northerly to low water mark from thence Easterly by and with low water mark in rear of said E. T. Darling's leased premises to Wm Jone's west line then southerly to the bounds of the said first lease This lease is intended to Extend continue and terminate with the said former grant and the said Edmund T. Darling for himself his heirs and assigns doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Trustees and their successors in office to pay unto the said parties of the first part or their Successors in office on the first tuesday in June annually for and during the said term of twenty three years the sum of two Dollars the first payment to be made on the first tuesday in June 1854- and at ihe Expiration of the sd term this present grant shall return to said Town and the improvements thereon appraised by indifferent men or further arrangment or agreement made between said par- ties of the first part on their successors and the said party of the second part his heirs or assigns In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals of office binding themselves and successors on the one part and himself his heirs and assigns on the other part the day and year above written WILLIAM PHILLIPS President L S EDMUND T. DARLING L S Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 17. Be it remembered that I Isaac Satterly and Benjamin F. Thompson were duly appointed by the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven in the year of Eighteen hundred and 496 BROOKHAVEN TOWN" RECORDS. fifteen to lay out A negro burying Ground in the Village of Setauket known and called by the name of Laurel Hill the Bounds of Said Burying ground are as follows -begin- ning at a certain Cedar Tree standing in by the fence of Obediah Wells Deced. and thence running northerly in Range to a Rock in the second fence from the Road leading from Isaac Jayne's deceased to the west Meadows in Ruth Toby's Lot and then Southerly from the Road to the centre of the hollow till it strikes the fence of Ruth Toby now owned by Benjamin Dickerson and then East by the said fence of Benjamin Dickerson and Obediah Wells deed, to the place of Beginning being about one Acre more or less ISAAC SATTERLY State of New York ) County of Suffolk. f 88 ' on the llth day of April 1853 personally came before me Isaac Satterly and made Oath in due form of law that the facts contained in the above Statement are correct and true to the best of his knowledge and belief S. B. STRONG Justice of the Sepreme Court Recorded on the 16th May 1853 by me SAML. A. HAWKINS Clerk PAGE 18. At an annual Town Meeting held on the 5th day of April A.D. 1853 in the Town of Brookhaven at the House of Lester H. Davis in said Town the following named Indi- viduals were duly Elected Town officers (viz) For Supervisor John M. Williamson For Justices of the Peace Samuel F. Norton for 4 years Jesse W. Pelletreau for vacancy BROOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. 497 President of Trustees Davis Norton Trustees Horace Hudson Henry K. Townsend John F Hallock David Hedges David W. Case Joel Robinson Overseers of Poor Horace Hudson David "W. Case Town Clerk Samuel A. Hawkins For Assessor Isaac Overton for 3 years Commissioner of Highways Nelson Norton for 3 years For Collector Daniel W. Davis Superintendant of Com. Schools Lewis K. Overton Constables Edward A. Swezey Samuel Cooper Cyrus Griffin . Lorenzo D. Vail Daniel T. Overton Inspectors of Election 1st District 2d District Henry K. Townsend John Davis Floyd Smith Phillip Hallock Thomas J. Ritch Charles Miller 498 BKOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 3d District Jeremiah G. Wilbur Seth Raynor Jacob H. Miller PAGE 19. 4th District 5th Dis William Wickham Jr. Lewis R. Overton John B. Terry Daniel D. Swezey Smith L Newins Lester H. Davis We the undersigned Justices of the Town of Brookhaven certify that the foregoing is a true Result of the annual Town Meeting held in Said Town on tuesday the 5th day of April A D 1853 Brewster Woodhull Charles Phillips SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk ( Justices OVEKSEEKS OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF BKOOKHAVEN Chosen April 5th 1853 at an annual Town Meeting District No 1 William Davis 25 Nelson Daines 2 Charles D. Hallock 26 Joseph Newton 3 Sylvester Hawkins 27 Isaac A. L Hommedieu 4 Benjamin Brewster 28' Horace Ruland 5 Benjamin N. Smith 29 Joel D. Norton^ 6 John L Denton 30 Joshua Overton 7 Cyrus Griffin 31 Wm L. Lee 8 Charles A Hawkins 32 Richard Smith (pond 9 Charles Davis 33 L Hommedieu Smith 10 Horace Hudson 34 Hiram Overton 11 Sylvester Hallock 35 Daniel L Hommedieu 12 Nathaniel M Tuttle 36 Lester Ruland 13 George C. Raynor. 37 James Dayton 14 Sylvester W. Wines 38 Samuel L Homan BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 499 District 15 Usher Benjamin 39 Apollos A. Mills 16 Parker S. Robinson 40 Orlando Randall 17 Robert Smith 41 Lewis Gordon 18 Samuel Carman. 42 John A very 19 William Snow 43 Orlando Edwards 20 Henry Hawkins 44 Jeffrey S. Hutchinson 21 David Hedges 45 Jonah Turner 22 John Davis 46 Sylvester D. Tuttle 23 Floyd Smith 47 Sylvester Woodhull 24 Israel Green 48 John Dolan 49 Win C. Tooker. We certify that the above is a correct List of Overseers chosen as above stated Brewster Woodhull ) T , . Charles Phillips ' J Just: SAMUEL A. HAWKINS T. Clerk PAGE 20. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the day of May 1853 Present Davis Norton President Henry K. Townsend Horace Hudson David W Case John F. Hallock David Hedges on motion Samuel A Hawkins was chosen Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year to Re- ceive the Same compensation as Trustees per Day applica- tion being made for the right and privilege to take or catch EEls in the waters of the great west Bay in partnership with this Town and Wm. Sidney Smith for one or more years Boar"d decided to advertise and Sell Said Right and privilege on tuesday the 7th June next Some one presented a Bill for Dr. Jarvis for Medical aid Rendered F. Ho wells wife Board decided that Dr Jarvis present his Bill himself It was decided by the Board that when any application is made for to lease any of the Shores or Beaches belonging 500 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. to Said Town that public notice be given at least in three different places in Said village or vicinity on complaint of Capt Henry Tyler the Board decided to act upon at next meeting Board appointed David W. Case and David Hedges to issue lisence for Oystering to all applicants who pay in advance during the Season adjourned to first tues- day in June next at 9 Oclock A. M. DAVIS NORTON President SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 7th day of June 1853 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hud- son David W. Case John F. Hallock David Hedges Henry K. Townsend and Joel Robinson Board decided to allow Alexander Hawkins 3/. per week a Bill was presented by Robert Jayne for keeping or boarding Amanda Moger laid over till next meeting, the Bill presented by Dr. Preston to be Settled discretionary by Mr Hedges and Mr. Case In relation to the highway or pass- way in or around Setauket Harbor (complaint being made at last Meeting) that said pass-way was obstructed by Stone &c. The commissioners having been called to view the premises have ordered the Overseer of Highways in that district to Remove Said ob- structions The Board decided to Indemnify said overseer against all damage he may sustain in Removing the same. Henry K. Townsend and Horace Hudson were appointed a committee to PAGE 21. view the negro Burying Ground in Setauket and Report at next meeting (Mr Satterly having entered a complaint con- cerning the Same) The Right and privilege of taking or catching EEls in South Bay was put up at auction but was Bid in by one of Trustees for about 21 Dollars Board ap- pointed David Hedges to Sell the Grass on the Islands in BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 501 west Bay for the present Season Board decided that John Pinkard a county pauper be kept at the alms House in this Town for one Dollar per week. Board decided that a writ- ten notice be served on Captn C. D. Hallock Requiring him to Remove the obstructions complained of on his Dock adjourned to first tuesday in August next at nine oclock A. M. DAVIS NORTON President SAML. A. HAWKINS Town clerk At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 2d. day of Aug. 1853 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson David Hedges David W. Case Henry K. Townsend John F. Hallock Joel Robinson It having been alledged that Captn Isaac Smith has tres- passed upon the the negro Burying Ground in Setauket by cutting and carrying off trees of timber from sd ground which is considered belonging to the Town. Board decided that the clerk write to Mr Smith on the Subject before com- mencing a suit. Board authorised Mr. Hedges to collect from Mr Smith L Newens what money he may have Re- ceived as agent of the Oystering Privileges for last Season. Board decided to allow Sidney S Griffing 1 Dollar for con- veying Margaret Robinson to the Alms House The Bill presented by Robert Jayne for keeping Amanda Moger Board decided that Mr Case Settle according to his own discretion also the Expence of Mary Vail's confine- ment and Support of the Child Board appointed Joel Rob- inson to dispose of the Grass on the Islands in East Bay the present Season. Board Authorised Mr Case to take charge of the Oystering privileges for the present Season and ap- point an agent &c Consult Mr Wickham on the Subject and proceed in the matter according to his discretion and advise of Mr Wickham commence a Suit in Justices court against those found Trespassing if thought advisable by his counsel 502 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. adjourned to the 2d Tuesday in Septr next at 9 Oclock AM DAVIS NORTON President SAML. A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 22. At a meeting of the board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 13th day of Sept. 1853 Present Davis Norton Horace Hudson David W Case Henry K. Townsend >- Trustees John F. Hallock Joel Robinson. David Hedges one motion the Board decided to Raise by Tax in the Town of Brookhaven the present year the Sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars for the benefit of the poor of sd Town. The board agreed to accept and sanction the appointment of Nathaniel M. Terrill to Oversee and take charge of the Oystering privileges of the West Bay the present Season. Board decided that the Bill presented John R. Swezey be laid over to next meeting of the Board. On complaint Davis Norton and Henry K Townsend was appointed a committe to view the Dock and premises of Smith and Darling at Port Jefferson and report at next meeting adjourned to the first tuesday in Nov. next at nine Oclock A.M. DAVIS NORTON President SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brook Haven on tuesday the 1st. day of Nov. 1853 all the Trustees Present on motion the Board decided that the annuity or Rent of Lewis Hulse's Dock or Railway be Raised to twelve Dollars annually as it formerly was pre- vious to the reduction in June 1852 Wid Daines pension discontinued BBOOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. 503 Board adjourned to the first tuesday in Jan. next at nine O clock A M DAVIS NORTON President SAMUEL A HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 23. Brookhaven May 27th 1853 To the commissioners of Highways We the undersigned Freeholders of the Town of Brook- haven Respectfully Petition the said commissioners of said Town of Brookhaven to lay out a Road from Waverly Station through A. Me. Cotters East Avenue to the horse- Block Road and as much farther as the Said Commissioners Shall in their Judgment Deem it necessary for the conveni- ence of the said Inhabitants and freeholders in the vicinity of Said Road and your petitioners will Ever Pray Joel D. Norton Smith P. Gamage Daniel T. Overton Thomas Terry W. C. Barrett John Norton A. Me. Cotter Patrick Coleman John M. Fountain Richard O. Howell John H. Gamage Hiram E. Terry Davis Overton Ebenezer Terry Daniel Terry A. H. Smith Sidney Terry Scudder Terry Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk to lay out a Highway three Rods wide in Said Town beginning at the Horse-Block Road where it intersects A Me. Cotters East, avenue and running South by and with said Avanne to Waverly Station on the Long Island Rail Road and thence continuing South till it Intersects the old Road leading from Said Station to Patchogue. Now there- fore in consideration of the laying out and opening the Said Highway we the undersigned do hereby Release all claim to damages by Reason thereof 504 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Dated at Brookhaven June 4th 1853 Witness A. Me. Cotter ) DANIEL T. OVERTON Hugh Me. Cotter V (L S) by A. Me. Cotter ) John Gammage (L S) W. C. Barrett (L S) Wm Walkman (L. S) Nelson Daines (L. S.) PAGE 24. At a meeting of the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk at Waverly in Said Town on the fifth day of June 1853 (all the Said commissioners Having been duly notified to attend the said meeting for the purpose of deliberating upon the Subject matter of this order) On the application of Daniel T Over- ton W. C. Barrett A Me. Cotter and others and by the consent of the owners of the land through which the High- way Hereinafter described is to pass The said Highway being through lands not enclosed. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Said Town of Brookhaven Do hereby order determine and cer- tify that a Public Highway Shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to such application a Survey whereof has been made and is as follows (viz. Commencing on the Horse-Block Road in the centre of Me Cotters East Avanue and Running South one half of a degree East ninety nine chains thence due South twenty one chains to a Stone oppo- site the South East corner of the House late of Robert Hubbard deceased thence South four degrees west two chains and twenty nine links to a Stake on the South side of the L. I. Rail Road thence South one Degree East untill it intersects the old Road leading to Patchogue the line of the Sd. Survey to be the centre of the Said Highway which is to be three Rods in Width In Witness whereof the Said commissioners have here- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 505 unto Subscribed their names this 5th day of June one thousand Eight hundred and fifty three Isaac Overton Nelson Norton f Commrs Whereas application has been made to the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk to lay out a .Highway on fireplace Neck in Said Town beginning on the Highway leading from Beaver Dam creek to carmans River at or near the west line of the lands of John L. Ireland and Running South by and with Said line to the South Bay or Shore, which proposed Road is to be three rods wide and will pass through our improved or cultivated lands. Now therefore we the undersigned in consideration of the laying out and opening the sd Highway and discontinuing of the old road leading to Roses landing do hereby release all claim to damages by Reason thereof. Youngs Moger. (L S) Charles Swezey L S John C. Downs (L S) Horace G. Randall L S David H. Hulse (L S) Samuel W. Randall L S Brookhaven June 8th 1853 PAGE 25. To the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk. The Subscribers residents of said Town and liable to be assessed for High- way labor therein hereby apply to the said commissioners of Highways to lay out a new road three Rods wide com- mencing on the Highway leading from Beaver Dam creek to carmans River at or near the west line of the lands of John L. Ireland and running south by and with tlie said line to the South Bay or Shore which proposed Road will pass through the Enclosed or cultivated lands of David Hulse Charles Swezey Youngs Moger John Downs Samuel 506 BROOKHAVEff TOWN RECORDS. W. Randall and Horace G Randall, who consent thereto, and further that the old Road leading to Roses landing be discontinued Brookhaven May 30th 1853 Signers Wm S. Swezey Andrew M. Gildersleve Joseph Davis Charles H. Hulse Orlando Randall David B Reeve Henry N. Moger Jacob B. Smith Youngs Moger Benjamin Gildersleve Richard Corwin Albert D. Randall N. Miller Jur Charles Swezey N. Miller Saml. W. Randall Horace G. Randall At a meeting of the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk at Fireplace in the said Town on the 8th day of June 1853 (all the said commissioners having been duly notified to attend the Said Meeting for the purpose of deliberating upon the Subject matter of this order) on the application of Andrew M Gildersleve and Sixteen others and by the consent of David H. Hulse Charles Swezey Youngs Moger John Downs Samuel W. Randall and Horace G. Randall through whose improved land the Highway hereinafter described is to pass. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town do hereby order determine and certify that a public Highway Shall be and the Same is hereby laid out pursuant to Such application three Rods wide on the East Side of the neck or tract of land formerly belonging to William Swezey at Fire place in the Said Town and county and the Said commissioners have caused a Survey thereof to be made as follows. The centre line of the said Highway is to begin at the South Side of the Beaver Dam or Fireplace neck Road at the distance of one Rod and a half from the north BROOKHAVEff TOWN RECORDS. 507 west corner of the land of John L. Ireland thence Running South three and a half degrees west twenty Eight chains and twelve links then South twelve and one quarter degrees West Eleven chains and twenty one links then South Six degrees west twenty Chains and Seventy five links Then South fourteen and a half degrees "West Eleven chains or to the South Bay. And it is further ordered upon the like application and consent PAGE 26. that the old Road on the west side of the Said neck leading to Rose's landing be and the same is hereby discontinued the Road down Said neck having been Altered and the High- way hereby laid out being Substituted for the Said old Road by the Said commissioners with the consent of all persons Interested therein In witness whereof the Said Commissioners have hereunto Subscribed their names this 8th day of June 1853 We the commissioners of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk for the year one thousand Eight hundred and forty two having been notified by the Inhabitants of the village of Stoney Brook to divide the Road district No. one in Said Town did by said notice propose to said village on the fifth day of March 1842 We the undersigned Brewster Terry and Daniel H. Skid- more Commissioners of the Town aforesaid appearing and Robert Smith the other Commissioner not appearing although legally notified by us to appear, did proceed to divide Said District into two Seperate districts as follows (viz) No. one to commence one hundred Rods on the Road that leads from Stony Brook to Goulds to the South of Richard Hawkin's house situate at the South end of Said village from thence northerly as far as the Square extends 508 BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. to the north including all the Inhabitants residing on Said Square excepting the Road to the west and north of Said Square taking all cross Roads as far as the aforesaid hounds extends to be included in said district No. one as aforesaid District No 2 to commence at the southwest corner of the Square aforesaid and the Road north of Sd Square and so on to the Docks of Charles D Hallock's and Jonas Smith and all other Roads to the northeast and East excepting the Road to the east of the aforesaid Square and adjoining Said Square as were formerly worked within the bounds as afore- said In witness whereof we the Commissioners as aforesaid have Set our hands this twenty second day of March on thousand eight hundred and forty two Brewster Terry ) ^ . . Tk i TT 01 -i f Commissioners Daniel H. Skidmore j PAGE 27. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 3d day of Jan. 1854 Present at sd meeting Davis Norton President Horace Hudson David W. Case David Hedges John F Hallock Joel Robinson At said meeting it was resolved that the timber standing on the land known as the negro Burying Ground at Setauket be sold at auction on thursday the 17th Feb 1854 adjourned to meet on tuesday the 7th day of Feb next at 9 oclock A.M. DAVIS NORTON President County of Suffolk ) Town of > s s Brookhaven ) It is hereby ordered and determined by Isaac Overton Philip Hallock Nelson Norton Commissioners of Highways BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 509 of Said Town that the Highway leading southerly through the village of Port Jefferson be altered from two Rods to three Rods in width commencing on the eastern Side of Said Highway at a point Six feet distant Southerly from the Stone wall near the House of John Roe in said village thence Running South thirty degrees and thirty minutes East Four Chains & eighty four links thence South Sixty two degrees East four chains to the Intersection of said highway with the Road Running on the north side of Z. Hawkins house in Said Village to Mount Sinai In witness whereof We the Said Commissioners have hereunto Subscribed our names this 2d. day of Feb. 1854 T r\ 1 Commissioners Isaac Overton f Philip Hallock [ * N rt j of PAGE 28. At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 7th day of Feb. 1854 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson "1 David W Case John F. Hallock I T . Henry K. Townsend f David Hedges Joel Robinson The board being informed at this meeting that some per- son residing in Islip was constructing or about to construct a Dock or wharf in the waters of this Town opposite Islip without obtaining a grant from the Town David "W. Case and David Hedges two of the Trustees were appointed a committe to go and enquire into the affair and report at next meeting. On motion the Board decided to lease to Jonas Mills of Blue point the Island in the South Bay called 510 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the inshore Ridge opposite Bell Port for five years at 3 Dollars per year The board decided to authorise Horace Hudson to adver- tise and Sell the timber standing on Laurel Hill or the negro Burying ground in Setauket belonging to the Town As Several applications were made for the priviledge and Eight to take EEls in the waters of the great South Bay for for- eign market the Board decided to give them an answer at next meeting of the Board Adjourned to the first tuesday in March next at nine oclock A M DAVIS NORTON President SAML. A HAWKINS Town Clerk At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 7th day of March 1854 Present the full Board By request the board decided and agreed to Renew the Lease to Capt Henry Tyler for the Shore at Setauket Harbor for two years longer at the same Rate of two Dollars per year on motion the Board decided that in case of any difficulty to defend to the purchaser the Sale of the timber Sold by said trustees on Laurel Hill in Setauket. Board decided to Lease to Individuals or companies the privilege of EEling for one year from the date hereof in the west Bay with nets and pots for foreign or any market who apply to the Trustees for a certificate each company to consist of not more than four persons each company or In- dividual So EEling to catch skin and prepare for market all such EEls taken in said Bay and out of the proceeds de- rived from the Same take one quarter of the Same for ex- penses and out of the remaining PAGE 29. three quarters to pay to Said Trustees or their Successors one tenth of that amount and present to Sd trustees all the Bills and accounts of EEls So taken or caught and disposed of under oath The committe appointed to enquire into the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 511 matter of Docking out into the west Bay opposite Islip without liberty reported that they Saw the Individual so trespassing and obtained his promise to meet the board at this meeting but being drawn on Jury at Riverhead will not be able to come adjourned to the first tuesday in April next at 9 oclock A.M. DAVIS NORTON President SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven having met and deliberated on the subject embodied in this order do hereby order and deter- mine That Road district number Twenty two in said Town be and the same is hereby divided into two Districts as follows. All that part of Said District south of the South Country Road which is west of the west line of the land late of Joshua Smith deed, and all that part of Said district north of the south margin of said country Road which is west of the East margin of the Road leading past the House of Edward II Whiting from Patchogue to Medford Station including the said Road leading to Medford Station shall be known as Road District number Fifty, and all the In- habitants residing in the present Road District west of the line above designated are hereby assigned to work in said Road District Number Fifty. and all that part of Said District East of the line above designated shall be known as Road District number Twenty two and all the Inhabitants residing in the present Road District East of the line above designated are hereby as- signed to work in said Road District Number twenty two That Road District Number twenty be altered so that all that part of Said District west of the east line of the farm of Win Munsell including all that part of the Munsell Road 512 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. until it intersects the Bellport Road shall be known as Road District Number Fifty one And all the Inhabitants residing therein "West of the line above designated are hereby as- signed to work in Said District Number Fifty one That Road District Number Twenty shall include the Territory in said district between the East line of the land of William Munsell on the west and Osborn's Brook on the east That the Territory included between PAGE 30. Osborn's Brook on the west and Beaver Darn Creek or Brook on the East shall be a new Road District to be known as Road District Number Fifty two and the Inhabitants residing therein are hereby assigned to work on the Roads therein That Road District Number Nineteen Shall include all the Territory in Said district East of Beaver Dam Creek or Brook Given under our hands at the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk this 21st day of March one thousand Eight hundred and fifty four Isaac Overton { Commissioners Nelson Norton f of Highways PAGE 31. At an annual Town Meeting held on tuesday the 4 day of April A.D. 1854 in the Town of Brookhaven at the House of Lester H. Davis in Said Town the hereinafter named Individuals were duly Elected Town officers in sd Town for the Ensuing year viz. For Supervisor John S. Havens* Note. * John Syms Havens, of Moriches For Justice of the Peace Samuel C. Hawkins BROOKHAVEN TOWN KECOBDS. 513 President of Trustees Davis Norton For Trustees Horace Hudson Micah Jayne David "W. Case Charles Rider Joel Robinson Daniel D. Swezey For overseers of the Poor David W. Case & Horace Hudson For Commissioners of Highways Isaac Overton For assessor Floyd Smith Collector Daniel W. Davis For Constables G. Osborn Overton Daniel Overton Gilbert K. Vail George W. Overton and Daniel W. Davis Inspectors of Election 1st district Thomas J. Ritch Eden L. Roseman and Wm S. Williamson 2d. district John Davis Charles Miller and Charles Phillips 3d district John Hallock Seth Raynor and James M. Fanning 4th district John B. Terry Smith L. Newins and Geo. P. Mills 5th district Morgan L. Gould Lester H. Davis and Lester Davis 514: BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. For additional Justices of the Peace Joel Kobinson Z. Franklin Hawkins Silas Homan & Richard O. Howell PAGE 32. For additional assessors Conklin Davis Isaac N. Gould and James M. Fanning Said additional Justices and assessors are classified as fol- lows viz Joel Robinson for one year Z. Frankin Hawkins 2 years Silas.Homan for 3 years and Richard O. Howell 4 years additional assessors Conklin Davis for one year Isaac IN". Gould ' ' two years James M. Fanning. " three years "We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Statement of the Result of the annual town meeting held in Said Town on the 4th day of April 1854 Brewster Woodhull 1 Charles Phillips T ,. Jesse W. Pelletreau f Justlces Saml. F. Norton J OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF BROOKHAVEN chosen April 4th 1854 1st. district Charles Howe 2 do Shepherd S. Jones 3 Sylvester Hawkins 4 Benjamin Brewster 5 Benjamin N. Smith 6 Wm B. Hawkins 7 William Fordham BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 515 8 * Luther M. Satterly 9 James M. Hulse 10 Charles Woodhull 11 Sylvester Hallock 12 Nathaniel M. Tuttle 13 Ichabod G. Carter 14 Henry Carter 15 Solon Culver 16 John Iverson Raynor 17 Robert Smith 18 David T. Hawkins 19 John W. Petty 20 Edward Osborn 21 David Hedges 22 John Newton app'ted 23 Floyd Smith 24 Benjamin Hawkins 25 Nelson Daines 26 Joseph Newton 27 Ansel Reeve 28 Horace Ruland -29 Joel D. Norton 7 30 Richard W. Smith 31 Wm L. Lee 32 Richard Smith pond 33 LHommedieu Smith 34 Sylvester Homan 35 Holmes Swezey 36 Lester Ruland 37 James Dayton 38 Saml. L. Homan 39 Apollas A. Mills 40 Jehial Randall 41 Lewis Gordon 42 Humphrey Avery 516 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 43 Orlando Edwards ' 44 Gilbert K. Yail appointed 45 Jonah Turner 46 Henry C. Mather 47 Sylvester Woodhull 48 John Dolon 49 Samuel Floyd PAGE 33. 50 John Davis 51 Isaac Overton 52 Isaac Seaman appointed I certify that the above or foregoing is a correct List of the overseers of Highways chosen and appointed in the Town of Brookhaven.for the ensuing year Brookhaven April 4th 1854 SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town clerk The commissioners of Highways of the town ofBrook- haven at their first meeting Subsequent to their Election do hereby assign to Wm Sidney Smith of sd. Town the follow- ing roads as a private Road district for the period of five years from this date (viz) commencing at a point on the Road leading from Middle Island to the Manor known as the new Road at the top of the Big hill and running from thence on sd new Road to the Hay Road a distance of about two and an half miles and from thence commencing north of the New Road on the Hay Road one mile and running from thence Southerly on the said Hay Road to the Rail Road a Distance of about 3 Miles Given under our hands this 18th day of April 1854 at Coram Isaac Overton } commissioners Nelson Norton of Phillip Hallock ) Highways I hereby consent to take the above described roads for a BROOK HAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 517 private Road district and keep in repair for live years next ensuing Corara April 18th 1854 WILLIAM SIDNEY SMITH To the Honorable the commissioners of Highways and public Roads in the Town of Brookhaven The undersigned Respectfully solicit you so to alter the boundary line of path district No four and 49 so as to leave the district No. 4 all Roads in the vicinity of Grove place or lubber Street and to district No 49 the Road leading from the Mill pond to gipsey Square and all roads north of a westerly line from thence to the head of the meadows. All Roads South of sd westerly line to belong to district No 4 and your petitioners will ever pray &c Setauket April 3d 1854 Win 0. Tooker Wickham Wheeler Vincent Jones Minor Dickerson Vincent I Dickerson Robert Jayne Daniel Edwards Samuel Floyd PAGE 34. William T. Wiltsie Henry E Smith Charles Dykes Sidney W. Darling James Howell Henry Mulford Charles Dickerson John Dickerson William Mitchell Stephen Howell Luther Darling Benjamin Brewster Elias Terrell Stephen Swezey at a meeting of the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk held at the House of Lester H. Davis in Said Town on the 18th day of April 1854 for the purpose of deliberating on the Subject matter of this order it was ordered and determined that the request of the within named Petitioners be granted and that the dividing line of Road Districts No. 4 and 49 be and the same is hereby altered accordingly 518 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Brookhaven April 18th 1854 Isaac Overton ) Commissioners Phillip Hallock ! of Nelson Norton ) Highways At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 2d. day of May 1854 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson David W. Case Daniel D. Swezey Charles Rider Micah Jayne Joel Robinson >- Trustees The Board decided to pay Miller Woodhull 4 Dollars for keeping and transporting a colored women to the Alms House. Board agreed to help Hannah Smith to one Dollar as tempory aid The Board decided that Notices be posted in at least four of the most public places on the South Side of the Town forbiding all persons EEling in the waters of the Great west Bay with pots nets or otherwise for any foreign market without first obtaining License of the Trus- tees of the Town adjourned until first tuesday in June Next. S. A. HAWKINS DAVIS NORTON President Town Clerk PAGE 35. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 6th June 1854 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson David W Case Joel Robinson m Daniel D Swezey Charles Rider Micah Jayne BBOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 519 By Special Request the Board decided to lease to Charles L. Bayles the premises formerly leased to James M. & C. L. Bayles at Port Jefferson granting him liberty to Set a shop on Sd premises for which he is to pay five Dollars in addition to the former annuity Board agreed to allow Mrs Norton 5 Dollars per month from and after the 3d day of June for Superintending the Alms House Board decided to allow Mrs Gould 25 cent per week from June 6th 1854 Decided also to pay Bill presented by Parker S Robinson for keeping Nancy Lane adjourned to first tuesday in Sept. next at 9 Oclock A M S. A HAWKINS DAVIS NORTON Present Town Clerk At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven held on tuesday the 5th day of September 1854 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson ~) Micah Jayne Daniel D Swezey m Joel Robinson Charles Rider D. W. Case at Said Meeting it was Resolved and voted that the sum of Eighteen Hundred Dollars be assessed and Raised for the benefit of the Poor of Said Town for the ensuing year. Board decided on application to lease to John B Dan the gunning privileges in that part of the South Bay herein described viz from Fiddleton to Wm Smith line for the term of five years for 5 Dollars per year in advance yearly Board agreed to assist Mary Raynor to 75 cts per week in stead of 50 cts from this date. 520 BROOKHAVEN TOWN" RECORDS. adjourned to meet the 2d tuesday in Nov. next at 9 oclock A.M. , DAVIS NORTON President S. A HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 36. Whereas 1 Walter F. Smith of the Tewn of Brookhaven County of Suffolk and State of New York am Justly In- debted unto George W. Smith of town County and State aforesaid in the Sum of three Hundred and fifty Dollars being on a Note Said Geo. W. Smith holds against me to be paid on or before the 20th day of Sept. 1855 with Inter- est on the Same from the. date thereof Now therefore in consideration of Such Indebtedness and in order to secure the payment of the same as aforesaid I do hereby Sell assign and Set over unto the said George W. Smith the property consisting of goods wares and merchandise now in or which may be in the Store I now occupy at Moriches in aforesaid Town. Provided however that if the said debt and Inter- est be paid as above Specified this sale shall be void and this grant is also Subject to the following conditions The property hereby -Sold is to remain in my possession untill default be made in the payment of the debt and Interest aforesaid or some part thereof unless I suffer Such prop- erty to depreciate to an unreasonable amount in which case the said Geo. W. Smith may take Said property or any part thereof into his own possession and proceed on the same as by law provided Witness my hand and Seal this 20th day Sept 1854 Signed Sealed and WALTER F. SMITH (L. S) delivered in presence of J. W. PELLETREAU Suffolk County s s on the 20th day of Sep 1854 personally appeared before me Walter F. Smith to me known to be the Individual described in and who Executed the above BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 521 chattel mortgage and Acknowledged that he executed the Same JESSE "W. PELLETKEATJ. Justice of the Peace At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders & com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 14th day of Nov. 1854 Present all the Board Viz Davis Norton President Horace Hudson David W. Case Danl. D. Swezey Hicah Jayne Charles Rider & Joel Robinson on application the Board decided to Lease to C. Green 10 lots in West Bay for planting Oysters. Board Resolved that Wm S. "Williamson Ex collector be written to by Wm Wickham in relation to a Settlement, adjourned to meet first tuesday in Jan. next at 9 oclock A.M. S. A. HAWKINS DAVIS NORTON President Town clerk PAGE 37. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on the 2d day of Jan. 1855 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson "] D. W. Case Daniel D. Swezey I T Micah Jayne Joel Robinson. Charles Rider Isaac Satterly made application to sd Trustees for an Ex- change of some land adjoining the negro Burying ground for what timber may grow on sd Burying Ground* but the Trustees decided in the negative not to make the ex- change Board decided to add one Shilling per week to the pen- sion of from this date, the Board decided to add 2/ per week to the pension of Jacob fe Rose from this date 522 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. adjourned to meet the first tuesday in Feb. next at 9 Oclock A.M DAVIS NORTON President S. A. HAWKINS Town Clerk * Note. At Laurel Hill in Setauket at a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 6th of Feb 1855 Present Davis Norton President. Horace Hudson David W. Case Micah Jayne Daniel D. Swezey Charles Eider Joel Robinson >- Trustees Board decided to allow Brewster Woodhull Bills which he presented amounting to $17.67 cts. adjourned to meet on tuesday the 6th day of March Next at 9 Oclock A.M. at the House of L. H. Davis at the above meeting the Board decided to advertise the Oystering and EEling privileges of the West Bay and sell the same to the highest Bidder DAVIS NORTON President S. A. HAWKINS Town clerk PAGE 38. Trustees of School District No. 18 in the Town of Brookhaven Trustees o/fchool District >. V ' M ' Rice Superintendent No 19 also versus Town Supt Supervisor and Town Clerk of Said Town From the statements presented in the two appeals Signified in the title of this paper it appears that on the 28th of Oct. BROOKHAVEff TOWN RECORDS. 523 1854 The Town Superintendent of Brookhaven Suffolk County in concert with the Supervisor and Town Clerk of Said Town associated with him upon the application of the Trustees of District No 18 in said Town did determine & describe the boundaries of said district. In so doing they set off a portion of its admitted territory to District No. 17 which adjoins on the north They failed to find any Recorded boundary on the eastern side nor as it appears any boundary very clearly defined by occupation or actual exercise of Jurisdiction They however established a line from which the Trustees of the conterminous dist. No 19 dissent regard- ing the order as an alteration of their district as well as of Dist No 18 The appellants deny that the establishment forming the eastern boundary was an alteration because there has been no boundary previously established and insist that conse- quently the newly defined line became that boundary at once instead of remaining inchoate until the first day of May 1855 as must otherwise be the case It is impossible under the circumstances to determine whether the line established between districts 18 and 19 was a new boundary the law presumes that there was an ascertainable boundary heretofore tho its precise location has been lost. The appellants state that some of the Inhab- itants of district No. 19 claim that a line known as the Yaphank line constituted that boundary : an attempt to dis- prove this allegation by showing that Individuals Residing in houses east of that line have sent their children to school in district No. 18 which children have been for years in- cluded in their annual reports made by the Trustees of said district : moreover, that Samuel Glover while Inhabiting the house fartherest east of the Yaphank line and nearest the line established in Oct. last was elected Trustee of district No. 18 so long ago as 1829 The map accompanying the appeal shows that the land appertaining to and occupied 52i BROOKHAVEtf TOWN RECORDS. with one of the houses above mentioned comes up to the eastern boundary as established in Oct. But that land does not extend the whole length of that PAGE 39. boundary and in opposition to the inference that might be drawn from it. stands the fact that the house of one Thos. Aldrich was recorded as the western boundary of a district which is now No. 19 This house stands northward of the old boundary of district No 18 but much nearer the Yaphank line than to a continuance of the new line The evidence is not sufficient to enable Supert. to decide whether the line established in Oct. last is the veritable ancient boundary of the district tho probably it does not widely diverge therefrom : Whereas it should be definite enough to enable a private Individual to recover in an action of ejecment. So long as it remains a matter of reasonable doubt whether the order in question amounts to an alteration. No 19 tho not affected by an actual alteration would be seriously affected by the division that such alteration has not been made & should therefore in equity be considered as entitled to the same delay before the order becomes operative In fact the commissioners have no jurisdiction in the matter except for the purpose of making an alteration and their declaration in respect to an old boundary is of no more legal force than that of the same number of other inteligent persons except that they can make it the boundary tho it was not before The order of Oct. 1854 due notice thereof having been given will take effect upon the first day of May next, so far as the eastern boundary of said district No 18 is con- cerned No question relative to the other boundaries is properly before this department on the two : ppeals but if evidence BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECOEDS. 525 is obtained of the assent of the trustees of the other districts affected this decision will not prevent said order from tak- ing effect as to the alterations aforesaid immediately upon the day when it was granted by the officers named in this paper These appeals are therefore dismissed. The Town Clerk of the Town of Brookhaven and the clerks of districts No 18 and 19 are directed to record this decision Given under my hand and the Seal of Office of the de- partment of public Instruction at the City of Albany this thirty first day of January 1855 T-T- V. M. RICE beal .*>,, -, Supt. of Public Instruction (Copy) PAGE 40. School districts Renumbered 24th Oct 1842 by Selah B. Strong ) n , Simeon H Ritch V n l '"^ i A. A. Overtoil ) Com - Scho l8 Former No. Present No. 30 1 K E. part of Stony Brook 2 2 W. Setauket 28 3 Nassakeag 3 4 E. Setauket 34 5 N. E. Setauket 4 6 Port Jefferson 5 7 Mt. Sinai 6 8 Millers Place 7 9 Rocky Point 35 10 Woodville 9 11 New Tillage 25 12 West fields 27 13 Bald Hills 10 14 Coram 23 15 Hills 526 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Former No. 11 33 12 22 24 14 13 31 21 20 36 19 32 18 26 IT 29 16 15 Part No 1 Part districts 1 No 8 2 part No 1 3 3 4 District 35 36 37 Present No. 16 Middle Island church IT Middle District 18 Millville Ridge Manor North Manor W. Manor . Bluepoint Patchogue "W. Patchogue E. Patchogue Lane Union St Bellport Fireplace Neck Fireplace Mills Mastic Moriches W. Moriches Centrel Moriches E.. Stony Brook S. Pond Wad. River Conungum Mills Patchogue S. Shore Canaan N. of Patchogue Seatuck 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2T 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Part District No 6 organised 184T West of J. F. Hallock. PAGE 41. Boundary Line between north Side and Middle Island Districts Decision of Commissioners 1842 Ordered that where School Districts on the north side of Brookhaveu and those in or near the Middle of the Island BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 527 adjoining each other and where no definite boundary has heretofore been made. The Butt line so called shall consti- tute the boundary lines and line of said districts Also that when districts on the south side of sd town and those in or near the middle of the Island lying west of Smith's patent line adjoining each other and where there has been no defi- nite line between them Such definite line to the north shall be the Long Island Rail Road That the Long Island Rail Road shall also be the bound- ary line between districts No. 20 21 and 22 and that Dongans line be the south Boundary of No. 21 & 22 and the north boundaries of Nos. 33 and 34 And that No. 31 extend north to the boundary stone Between Wm Smith and Wm Sidney Smith District No. 17 formed from No 16 & 18 by Commissioners S. B. Strong and Saml. F. Norton on the 6th March 1835 Resolved that a new district be formed from the eastern portion of No. 11 (now 16) and north part of No. 12 (now 18) lst. by setting off all that part of district No. 11 bounded on the west by the West line of Daniel Pettys land extending south so as to include the land of H. P. Hutchinson north to include the house and land of Jonathan Edwards east to include the lands and house of Joel Turner and to Extend south into the 12 district so as to include the houses and lands of Zechariah and James Dayton into the north line of the lands of Silvanas Overton including all the Inhabitants within said bounds which new district will be No. 33 (now 17) Removal of Site of School House in district 15th now 3- At a meeting of the commissioners at Henry P. Osborn's in sd district 26th Feb. 1838 on Receiving the application of School district 15 for consent of commissioners to change the Site of School house in sd district after examination into and consideration of the matter the Commissioners are of opinion that a change of the Site and removal of sd School 528 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. House from the present location to a certain tract of land lying on the South side of the South country Road between the barn of H. P. Osborn and the Black-Smith Shop of Selah B. Parsons being bounded on the east south and west by the land of Said H. P. Osborn being about 4 Rods Square which sd tract has been designated by the Inhabi- tants of Said district for that purpose as necessary and the Said PAGE 42. Commissioners consent to such change of site and removal of School-House Selah B. Strong ) Wm Sidney Smith > Commissioners Saml. F. Norton ) Alteration of School district Part No. 2 so as to include a part of Islip At a meeting of the Town Supert. of Brookhaven and Islip and Smith Town at John Newton 26 Feb. 1846 Resolved that Joint district No. 2 of Brookhaven 5 of Smith Town now composed of parts of Sd towns be and the same is hereby altered and enlarged so as to include all that part of Islip to be Part no. 10 in Sd town within the following boundaries (viz) commencing at the point where the Nicoll Road Intersects the S. and Islip line thence running Southerly along the Nicoll Road till it comes to the Oxhead Road & thence continuing Southerly along the sd Oxhead Road till it comes to the tire Road twenty Rods south of the L. I. R. Road Thence Running easterly along the sd fire Road & parrallel with the R. R to the Islip and Brookhaven line and continuing thence east along Sd fire Road as far as the present east bounds of sd district so as to include all that part of B. Haven which lies between the present S. boundary line and fire Road sd territory being mostly uninhabited those persons included in sd bounday having consented to Such alterations BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 529 H. Brewster. J. K. Hunting. Wm Wickham Super- intendents Alteration of Districts Nog. 303132 by Wm Sidney Smith Supert. Nathl. Conkling Supervisor and M. Homan Town clerk 16 Sep. 1843 Resolved and ordered that School dist. no. 30 be altered by annexing thereto the House and triangular portion of ground now occupied by Jeremiah Glover bounded South- erly by the country Road easterly by the Road leading to the Middle of the Island northerly by the Road leading from sd last mentioned Road to Saml Carmans and that dis- trict No 32 be altered by annexing the former parcels of lands belonging to Silas Paine Wm. Paine Nicoll Overton Charles Murray John Thurston Daniel Paine to sd district No. 32 and that district no. 31 be altered in conformity to the above described alterations of districts 30 & 32 Petition of Trustees of No 31 and consent of those of 30 and 32 having been had Formation of School dist. No. 10 formerly 33 At a meeting of the Com. of Com. Schools of Brookhaven at Peter Skidmores 24 Feb. 1838 On Recg the Petition of several of the Inhabitants of dis. no 6 now 8 and of part dis. no. 1 now 3 for the formation of a new dist. from parts of those dists. together with the written consent of the Trustees of those dists. and it appearing that on a Joint meeting of the Com. of Brookhaven and Riv. Head held on this day so much of sd dists. no 1 (3) as is comprised within the new district hereafter described has been duly Seperated from dist. no 1 it was Resolved and ordered that all that part of the Town of B Haven bounded northerly by the Sound East by wading River creek until it Reaches east thence by said creek and the Hollow leading from it to the north country Road thence by that Road to the western boundary line of Benjamin Woodhull home place then by that line to the Butt line & on the west by the westerly 530 BROOKHAVEN. TOWN BECORDS. bounds of P. Skidmore land be and is hereby formed into a new dist. known as dist. No 33 now 10 Woodville agreed to by the Com. of Brookhaven and Riverhead PAGE 43. Know all men by these presents that I Geo. Robinson of the Town of Brookhaven county of Suffolk and State of New York for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy five Dollars to me in hand paid by Oliver Robinson of the same place at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained, sold and delivered and by these presents do bar- gain sell and deliver unto the said Oliver Robinson a one mast Sail boat to have and to hold the said boat unto the said Oliver Robinson his Executors administrators heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use and benefit forever and I the said Geo. Robinson for myself and my heirs Executors and administrators will warrant and defend the said bargained premises unto the sd Oliver Robinson his Executors administrators and assigns from and against all persons whomsoever In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eighth day of Jan. one thousand Eight hundred and fifty five In presence of GEORGE W. ROBINSON (L. S.) MATHEW E WOODRUFF At a meeting of the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on the 6th day of March 1855 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson David W. Case D. D. Swezey >- Trustees Charles Rider Micah Jayne Joel Robinson J at said meeting the Board decided to lease the fishing privileges of the west Bay to Alexander Smith of Hunting- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 531 ton for the term of three years from May next for fifty Dollars for the whole term on complaint the Board de- cided that David Robinson be written to and Requested to take care of his son David who is unable to provide for himself adjourned to the first tuesday in April next at 9 oclock A.M. DAVIS NORTON Prest. SAML. A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 44. At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 3d. day of April 1855 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson David W. Case Micah Jayne D. D. Swezey Charles Rider Joel Robinson Trustees On application the Board decided to Lease to Capt. Charles Rider Pelican Island or the Grass growing on Said Island for the term of five years, at three Dollars a peti- tion was presented asking for liberty to dredge or drag Oysters or Shells in west Bay Bay decided that they had no power or authority to grant Such liberty Board decided that Danl. Overton a constable proceed to collect of Benja- min Homan the sum due from him to the town on a obliga- tion adjourned Sine die DAVIS NORTON Prest. SAML. A. HAWKINS Town clerk Suffolk County S s Whereas on the 26th day of March 1855 David Robinson Jun appealed to the County Judge of Suffolk Co. from an order and determination of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven made on or about the 10th day of March aforesaid laying out a highway in sd town from 532 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the south country Road nearly opposite the House of Andrew Ketcham (in the Village of Moriches) to the south Bay and whereas the said County Judge at a time and place for that purpose appointed has heard the proofs and allega- tions of the parties now the Said court have does hereby ad- judge decide and determine that said order and determina- tion of Said commissioners be and the same is in all things approved In witness whereof I Wm P. Buffett County Judge of Suffolk County have hereunto set my hand the 14th day of June 1855 WILLIAM P. BUFFETT PAGE 45. At an annual Town Meeting held in and for the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 3d. day of April 1855 for the Election of Town officers the hereinafter named Individuals were duly Elected for the ensuing year (viz) For Supervisor John S. Havens For Justices of the Peace Richard W. Smith for Vacancy and also for the full term of 4 years Samuel R. Davis for Vacancy and also for the full term o 4 years President of Trustees Davis Norton For Trustees Horace Hudson George F. Carman Micah Jayne John Hallock David Hedges Daniel D. Swezey For Overseers of Poor Horace Hudson and George F. Carman For Superintendent of Schools Lewis R. Overton BROOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. 533 For Town Clerk Samuel A. Hawkins For Commissioners of Highways James Hallock For Assessors Conklin Davis William H. Clark and John S. Havens For Collector Daniel W. Davis For Constables Daniel "W. Davis G. Osborn Overton Gilbert K Yail George W. Overton and Daniel Overton For Inspectors of Election 1st district Thomas J. Bitch Nehemiah Hand and John M. Williamson 2d. district John Davis Charles Woodhull and Walter Dickerson 3d district Seth Raynor John C. Stephens and Egbert T. Smith 4th district Washington Wads worth Brewster Terry and Jacob G. Horton 5th district Nelson Norton Orlando Randall and Hiram Overton We the undersigned Justices of the peace in and for sd town do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true State- ment of the result of sd annual town meeting Saml. F. Norton Charles Phillips ) T .. Samuel C. Hawkins Z Franklin Hawkins j d PAGE 46. LIST OF OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF BROOK- HAVEN Chosen Apr. 3d 1855 district 1st William S. Williamson 27 Morgan L. Gould 2 Scudder S. Wells 28 Richard O. Howell 534 BROOKHAVEN TOWN" RECORDS. district 3 Ebenezer Hawkins 4 Joseph Jayne appointed 5 William Smith 6 James Anderson 7 Tuttle Dayton 8 Jonathan Pike 9 Timothy Davis 10 John M. Brown 11 Joel Brown 12 Benjamin Tuttle 13 Charles M. Petten 14 Nathan Davis 15 Samuel S. Stansbrough 16 Ebenezer Jayne 17 Silas Payne appd 18 David T. Hawkins 19 Sylvester N. Corwin 20 Briant N. Overtoil 21 David Hedges 22 Wm E. Conkling 23 Wm J. Horton 24 Wm Rowland appd. 25 Jonas Mills 26 29 Davis Norton 30 Smith Still 31 Lester Davis 32 Richard Smith pond 33 Martin V. B. Ruland 34 Daniel T. Overton 35 George W. Ritch 36 Floyd Edwards 37 Joseph N. Hurton 38 Edward Homan 39 Apollas A. Mills 40 Hiram Edwards 41 Henry A. Gordon 42 Daniel Robinson 43 James Swezey 44 David Robinson 45 Sidney Penny 46 Herman Hallock 47 Elbert Woodhull 48 John Dolon 49 Wm Clark Tooker 50 John Roe 51 Isaac Overton 52 Joel Hawkins Joseph Newton I certify that the foregoing is a correct List of Overseers of Highways chosen and appointed in and for the Town of Brookhaven for the ensuing year Brookhaven April 3d. 1855 SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town clerk At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 1st day of May 1855 Present Davis Norton Prest. Horace Hudson Geo. F. Carman D. D. Swezey Micah Jayne David Hedges & John Hallock Resolved to allow Deborah Ho well 5/ a BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 535 week from April 3d 1855 Resolved to reduce Mrs Cherry pension to 3/ per week Board paid Alfred Davis fifty Dollars in advance as overseer of poor house and engaged him to oversee for one year from this date. Board Resolved to petition or Recommend to Board of Supervisors to amend the law in relation to dredging for Oysters in the waters of this Town and that a petition be drafted to that effect ad- journed to the first tuesday of June next at 9 O clock A.M. SAML. A. HAWKINS DAVIS NORTON President Town clerk PAGE 47. 3 >- Rice Superintendent In the matter of the appeal of Wm Sidney Smith from an order of the Town Supt. and Town clerk of Brook haven to establish the boundary between School dis- tricts Nos. 18 and 19 in sd town The facts presented upon this appeal were in great part before the Department upon an appeal in Jan. last It was then decided that the line established by the order appealed from was not so proven to be the ancient boundary as to Justify the department in regarding that order otherwise than as an alteration of the districts concerned. The propriety of that conclusion is strengthened by the evi- dence now adduced. Though not entirely conclusive it goes far to prove that the " Yaphank Line " so called has been for many years claimed and regarded by the Inhabitants of district no. 19 as the boundary dividing them from district no. 18 Occasional acts of the Trustees of district No 18 in admitting Children as pupils whose residence was in dist. no. 19 if the Yaphank line was the true boundary, and in one case even electing as a trustee the Father of some of those children whose residence is closely adjoined to that boundary, have tended in some degree to obscure a ques- tion the solution of which has been left to depend upon oral 536 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. tradition and acts of use, instead of documentary evidence. These acts are capable of explanation on the ground of in- dulgence to the children and mistake as to the proper place for their enumeration, arising from the fact that such indul- gence has been suffered to grow into custom. If however the evidence in favor of the Yaphank Line as the former boundary is not so satisfactory as is desirable, there is on the other hand a total of all evidence in favor of the Hay Road the newly established boundary. The most that is proven is that the Yaphank Line was sometimes oversteped, but there is nothing to fix the hay Road as the limit. The order must therefore be regarded as an alteration of the dis- tricts ; and regarded in this light there is no evidence of any such necessity or expediency as should Justify the trans- forment of a large amount of taxable proper from district no. 19 which is very weak and has very small population to district no 18 which already possesses a much greater amount of property. It is quite possible that an alteration ought to be made which would transfer to dist. No 18 that portion of the territory in the extreme southern part of dis- trict no. 19 the Inhabitants of which have been permitted to send pupils to the School in dist. no 18 for the purpose of promoting the convenient access of such pupils to the means of Instruction. The Supt. however has not the req- uisite information to define such Territory This appeal is sustained and the order appealed from, so far as it estab- lishes the eastern boundary of School dist. no 18 is vacated. The Town clerk of Brookhaven is directed to record this decision PAGE 48. Given under my hand and the Seal of office of the De- partment of Public Instruction at the city of Albany this sixteenth day of April 1855 Y. M. RICE Superintendent of Public Instruction BKOOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. 537 At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 5th day of June 1855 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson George F. Carman Daniel D. Swezey >- Trustees John Hallock David Hedges Micah Jaye on application of Wm C. Tooker to purchase a piece of public land at old field the Board decided to defer action on the subject until next meeting. Mr Jones also applied for a piece of the Shore at Port Jefferson Board decided to defer the matter until next meeting also Resolved that Mrs Nicoll Receive 4/ instead of 3/ from this time on application of Lewis Hulse for a renewal of his grant for Dock and Rail way the Board appointed, Davis Norton & Micah Jaye a committe to Yiew premises and report at next meeting On application of Mr Spenola for liberty to lay down Oysters in Flax pond. The Board appointed Mr Jaye to View the premises and report at next meeting adjourned until first tuesday in Sept. next at nine Oclock A.M. DAVIS NOETON Prest. SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Town Clerk PAGE 49. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders an com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven held Sept. 4th 1855 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson Geo. F. Carman John Hallock Micah Jayne David Hedges > Trustees 538 BROOKHAVEN TOWN BECORDS. Board voted to reduce Mrs Terrells Pension to 5 S. per Week from this date William M. Jones made application for a piece of Meadow near the harbor of Port Jefferson Board voted and agreed to Quit Claim to sd Jones about J part of an Acre for the Sum of 50 Dollars on application Board voted and agreed to allow Mrs Gould 6/. per week from this date On application the Board voted and agreed to lease to Edward T. Moore as President Martin Mott Alfred Mott John Ruland as Directors 50 or 60 Acres of land under water in the Great South Bay for the purpose of laying down or planting Oysters for the term of three years at a Dollar a year per Acre in advance with the privilege of the same for two years longer, at the Same Rate On application the Board decided to Renew the lease to Lewis Hulse for liberty to Erect a Railway in Port Jefferson at 13 Dollars annuity to continue as long and to extend as far into the Bay as C. L. Bayles Lease The Case of the Barnes Children who are now living with their Grand Father Joel Wicks be left discretionary with Mr Carman till next meeting Davis Norton and Micah Jayne were appointed a com- mitte to Stony Brook to view the School House Hill in re- lation to Setting an Acadamy thereon adjourned to the 2d. tuesday in Oct. next DAVIS NORTON Prest. S. A. HAWKINS Town clerk PAGE 50. At a meeting of Trustees of the Freeholders and Com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 9th day of Oct. 1855 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 539 Present Davis Norton Prest. Geo F. Carman Horace Hudson David Hedges m Daniel D. Swezey } Micah Jayne John Hallock j at this Meeting it was voted and agreed to allow Joel Wicks 4/ per week for keeping the Eldest Boy of the Barnes Family also agreed to allow Carman Wicks 3/ for keeping the younger Boy of Sd family per week Board agreed to Quit Claim to Saml. L. Thompson a narrow scrap or piece of Land at Old field adjourned to the first tuesday in Dec. next at 9 Oclock A.M. DAVIS NORTON Prest SAML. A. HAWKINS Town clerk To the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook- haven in the County of Suffolk The undersigned freeholders of the Town of Brook Haven do hereby make application to you to lay out a new high- way of the width of three Rods through the enclosed lands of John S. Bishop Isaac Bishop Robert Jones David Robin- son Jun Andrew Ketcham and James Ruland Said Road to begin at the South Country Road opposite or nearly opposite the Protestant Methodist Meeting House and to extend in a southerly direction over or nearly over the Road now travelled and in as direct a line as may be practicable to the South Bay Dated December 15th 1854 Josiah H. Bishop Cephus Rodgers David Terry Silas Reeve E. P. Jarvis M.D. John R. C. Smith John Bishop Sen Henry P. Osborn John S. Bishop Laban Raynor John T. Robinson W. R Howell John Howell Josiah Smith 54:0 BROOKHAVEN" TOWN RECORDS. S. S. Stansbroiigh Win Smith Edward D. Topping Epenetus Rodgers J. C. Lamphier Nelson Bishop Lester Hulse PAGE 51. Suffolk County, ss Town of Brookhaven Epenetus Rogers Wm Smith Josiah Smith John Bishop Sen David Terry Nelson Bishop John Ho well John T. Robinson Silas Reeve John S. Bishop Lester Hulse and John R. C. Smith The Subscribers to the within application being Severally duly Sworn each for himself says he has Read the within application by him Subscribed and he further Says that he verily believes the Highway therein applied for is required for the public good Sworn before me this 18th day of December 1854 J. W. PELLETREATJ Justice of the Peace Freeholders. Epenetus Rogers John Ho well Wm Smith John T Robinson Josiah Smith Silas Reeve John Bishop Sen John S. Bishop David Terry Lester Hulse Nelson Bishop John R. C. Smith Suffolk Countv S s Town of Brookhaven We the subscribers the Jurors drawn, Summoned and Sworn to assess the damages for laying out the Highway Running from the South country Road to the South Bay in the Village of Moriches and nearly opposite the House of Andrew Ketcham according to a Survey made by Jesse W. Pelletreau Esq. Pursuant to the order of Isaac Overton Phillip Hallock and Nelson Norton Commissioners of High- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 541 ways in and for the Town of Brookhaven aforesaid bearing date the 10th of March 1855 having viewed the premises and heard the parties and Such witnesses as were offered before us do hereby assess the damages aforesaid as follows. To pay David Robinson the Sum of one hundred and Twenty Dollars for the damages Sustained by him by Reason of the laying out the said Highway In witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands this Tenth day of March 1855 Israel Howell "] John T. Pugsley. Richd A. Norton T David W. Howell \ Juror8 Nelson S. Woodhull Daniel G. Howell J PAGE 52. Suffolk County S s ~| Town of Brooldiaven J Jesse W. Pelletreau one of the Justices of the Peace of Said town do hereby Certify that the above is the verdict of the Jury Summoned by my Summons and drawn and Sworn by me to determine and assess the damages for the laying out the highway mentioned in the Said Verdict Given under my hand this 10th day of March 1855 J. W. PELLETREAJT Justice of the Peace Suffolk County S s ~| Town of Brookhaven J Whereas upon the application of John Bishop and others residents in Said Town of Brookhaven and liable to be assessed to work on the Highway hereinafter described and on the certificate of twelve reputable freeholders of the Town convened and Sworn after due public notice, as re- quired by the Statute certifying that such highway was necessary and proper. Now therefore in conformity to the Special Act provided in Such cases We the undersigned 54:2 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. commissioners having met and after hearing all the reasons for and against the same, have ordered and determined and certified that a public highway shall be laid out pursuant to said application whereof a Survey has been made and is as follows to wit : Running from the Bay to the South Country Road coming out nearly opposite the Protestant Methodist church in Moriches. Said highway running through the lands of Isaac Bishop John Bishop David Robinson Robert M. Jones John S. Bishop Nelson Bishop James Ruland and Andrew Ketcham courses and distances to wit : Commencing at the Bay from a certain Stake (all Stakes hereinafter mentioned are put down as the centre of said highway) and running north 5 E 18 Chains to a Stake thence north 5 E 4 chains to a Stake thence N. 5 E. 1 chain to a stake thence N. 24 E. 18 Chains to a stake thence N 18 E. 10 chains to a stake thence N. 15 E. 6 Chains & 80 links to a Stake thence north 12 E 6 Chains and 20 links to a stake thence N. 18 E. 12 chains & TO links to a stake Thence N. 12 E. 7 chains and 25 links to a stake thence N. 16 E 6 chains & 30 links to a stake thence north 13 E 4 Chains & 10 links to a Stake thence N. 13 E 3 Chains to a stake thence due N 4 chains & 40 links to a stake on the south side of the south Country Road said Road or highway to be of the width of three rods Dated this 10th day of March 1855 Isaac Overton ) Commissioners Phillip Hallock V of Nelson Norton ) Highways PAGE 53. A Highway having been this day the 10th day of march 1855 laid out by Isaac Overton Phillip Hallock and Nelson Norton Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook- haven and County of Suffolk on the application of Epenetus Rogers William Smith Josiah Smith John Bishop Sen. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 543 David Terry Nelson Bishop John Ho well John T. Robin- son Silas Reeve John S Bishop Lester Hulse John R. C. Smith through certain improved lands belonging to us com- mencing at the country Road and running to the South Bay agreeable to a Survey made by Jesse W. Pelletreau Esq on the 9th Jan. 1855 Now therefore know all men by these Presents that we Andrew Ketcham James Ruland John S. Bishop Nelson Bishop John Bishop and Isaac Bishop for value Received and in consideration of the benefits accruing from the priv- ileges of Such and by Reason of the laying out and opening the Said Road do hereby release all claim to damages by having Such Road opened Witness our hands and Seals this tenth day of March 1855 James Ruland (L S) John Bishop (L S) Andrew Ketcham (L S) John S. Bishop (L S) Nelson Bishop (L S) Isaac Bishop (L S) A highway having been this day the 10th of March 1855 laid out by Isaac Overton Phillip Hallock and Nelson Norton commissioners of Highways of the town of Brook- haven and county of Suffolk on the application of twelve freeholders of the Said Town through certain improved lands belonging to me commencing at the South Country Road and running to the South Bay in the Village of Moriches Now therefore know all men by these presents that I Robert M. Jones for value Reed, and in consideration of the benefits accruing from the privileges of Such Road do hereby release all claim to damages by Reason of the laying out and opening such Road Witness my hand and Seal this 14th day of March 1855 ROBERT M. JONES (L S) 544 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. J W. Teller no. 80. Second St.") City and County of N. York S sj On the 14th day of March 1855 personally appeared before me Robert M. Jones to me known to be the person within described and who in my presence Executed the within consent and he acknowledged he executed the Same for the purposes therein mentioned T. W. TELLER. Commissioner of deeds PAGE 54. Quit Claim Deed. Know all men by these presents that we whose names and Seals are hereunto Subscribed for and in consideration of the benefits of a public Highway from the centre of Moriches to the South Bay do hereby give and Quit-claim unto the town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk and State of New- York The land for Said Highway which is to be two rods wide and to run in accorance with a Survey taken by Jesse W. Pelletreau Esq as follows The Stakes are Set on the west side of Said road Commencing at a Stake on the Bay Shore and running North 30 W. 5 Chains and 86 links to a Stake thence N. 17 E. 11 Chains and 10 links to a Stake thence N". 17 E 6 chains to a stake thence N. 27 E. 12 Chains and 57 links to a Stake Thence N. 37 E. 5 Chains and 54 links to a Stake thence N. 37 E 5 Chains and 90 links to a Stake thence N. 37 E 10 Chains & 68 links to a Stake where it connects to and with the already laid out Road leading out of the Country Road at the Store of Win Penny. The above land to be used for a Public road and for no other purpose In witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals, this thirty first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty five BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 545 In presence of L. D. VAIL Silas E. Topping (L. S) D. E. RHODES Strong Terry (L. S) Elias Topping (L. S) Paul A. Cartwright (L. S) John Baldwin (L. S) Serepta Ellison (L. S) Silas Topping (L. S) John Bishop (L. S) John T. Robinson (L. S) Richard Robinson (L. S) Daniel Brown (L. S) We the undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk do hereby Signify our acceptance of the foregoing Quit claim and order the Same to be filed in the office of the Town Clerk Dated Brookhaven April 17th 1855 Isaac Overton } Commissioners Nelson Norton f of Highways Entered by me S. A. HAWKINS Town clerk PAGE 55. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and com- monaty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 4th Deer. 1855 Present Davis Norton Prest. Horace Hudson Geo. F. Carman Micah Jayne D. D. Swezey David Hedges John Hallock - Trustees Application was made by several Gentlemen from Stony Brook for liberty to Set an Acadamy on the town land near 546 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the School House in sd village The board defered action in Said matter until next meeting adjourned to meet the first tuesday in Jan. Next 1856 S. A HAWKINS Town clerk DAVIS NORTON Prest. at a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and com- monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the first day of Jan. 1856 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson Geo. F. Carman Micah Jayne David Hedges D. D. Swezey Trustees Nothing of much importance was transacted at sd meet- ing the Bills were Settled and the Board adjourned to the first tuesday in Feb. 1856 D. NORTON Prest SAML. A. HAWKINS Town clerk at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 5th Feb. 1856 Present all the said Board of Trustees on application the Board decided to lease to James M. Fanning the new made Islands in the. East Bay for five years at $6.50 per Year. adjourned to meet on tuesday the 4th March next at 9 Oclock A.M. D. NORTON Prest. S. A. HAWKINS Town clerk PAGE 56. Whereas Charles L. and James M. Bayles are in lawful possession of the privilege of a Rail way at Port Jefferson granted to Robbins and Jones the 6th day of May 1834 and Recorded in Liber D. page 270 and to them renewed and extended August 7th 1849 and also recorded in Liber D. page 354 and as the said Charles L. and James M. Bayles BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 547 have mutually agreed to disolve partnership James M. re- linquishing all Right to said privilege Charles L. has peti- tioned for a new lease to him alone of Said premises with the additional privilege of setting a work Shop thereon for which he agrees to pay five Dollars additional annuity Now therefore This Indenture made this Sixth day of June in the year one thousand Eight hundred and fifty four Be- tween the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven of the first part and Charles L. Bayles of the same Town of the Second part Witnesseth that the Said parties of the first part for and in consider- ation of the yearly rent or annuity of thirteen Dollars to be paid annually to said Trustees or their Successors in office on the first tuesday in June in each year during the contin- uence of this Lease Have granted leased and to farm let and do by these presents grant lease and to farm let unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns for and during the term of twenty one years from the date hereof the Right and privilege to build construct and keep in repair a Rail way for hauling out Vessels to repair &c. on a certain tract or space of ground on Port Jefferson Shore belonging to said Town the first bound to set Sixty feet to the west- ward of the west side of the Dock at Port Jefferson owned by James R Davis at high- water mark and from thence to extend westward on the Shore Seventy feet and to extend Southward to the highway and northward into the Harbor two hundred feet from high water mark also the parties of the first part for and in consideration of the additional annuity (above refered to) do hereby further covenant and agree and grant unto the sd. party of the second part the Right and privilege of Erecting and setting on the above described and leased premises a work Shop or store house providing however that nothing be placed or stored therein that shall be offensive or be considered a nnisance to the Village 54:8 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOBDS. PAGE 57. and the said Charles L. Bayles for himself his Heirs and assigns doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the Said Trustees and their Successors in office to pay unto the said parties of the first part on the first tuesday in June annually for the said term of twenty one years the sum of thirteen Dollars the first payment to be made the first tuesday in June 1855 and it is hereby agreed that at the expiration of said term of twenty one years this present grant Shall re- turn to said town or further arrangment or agreement made between the Said parties or their Successors of the first part and the Said party of the second part or his heirs or assigns In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and Seals of office binding themselves and Suc- cessors on the one part and himself his heirs and assigns on the other part The day and year above written Signed and Sealed DAVIS NORTON President (L S) In the presence of CHARLES L. BAYLES (L S) SAMUEL A. HAWKINS Entered Sep. 5th 1855 by me. S. A. HAWKINS Town clerk This Indenture made this fourteenth day of Sept. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two Between the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven of the first part and Elizabeth Darling of the same town of the Second part Witnesseth that the Said parties of the first part for and in consider- ation of the annuities hereinafter mentioned have granted and by these presents do grant to the Said party of the second part her heirs and assigns for the term of twenty two years (corresponding with and to continue and termi- nate with the grant given to Smith and Darling in 1834) The Bight and privilege of constructing building repairing hold- ing and conveying a Pier of one hundred feet in length BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 549 from the front of the above mentioned Dock northerly to prevent the Sand from collecting around the said Dock this Pier to be constructed opposite her own land She paying for the privilege three Dollars annually and every year dur- ing said term of time the first payment to be made on the fourteenth day of Sep. 1853 and the Said party of the Sec- ond part doth hereby agree to pay or cause to be paid unto the said Trustees or their Successors the said annuity or annuities at the time they may be due according to the con- dition and Intent of this grant and it is hereby agreed that at the expiration of the Said term of twenty two years this present grant shall PAGE 58. return to Said Town and the dock appraised or further arrangment or agreement made between the Said parties or their Successors of the first part and the Said party or her heirs or assigns of the Second part In witness whereof the Said parties have hereunto affixed their hands and Seals of office binding themselves and Suc- cessors on the one part and herself her heirs and assigns on the other part the day and year above written Signed Sealed and WM PHILLIPS President (L S) Delivered in presence ELIZABETH DARLING (L S) of SAML. A. HAWKINS Town clerk Recorded Jan. 2d 1856 S. A. HAWKINS Town clerk Suffolk County S s. "I Town of BrooidiavenJ Whereas a Road leading from the Village of Patchogue to Mott's Mills at a place called Canaan in said Town now used as a public highway was laid out by the commissioners of the said town on the 20th day of March 1822 but not sufficientlv described of Record now therefore we two of 550 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the said Commissioners of Highways of Said town all of the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the Subject matter of this order, Do hereby order that said Road be ascertained and described and entered of Record in the office of the town clerk of Said town according to a Survey which has been made under our direction as follows Beginning at the Junction of the said Road with the Coram Road at a point in line with a Stone proved to be the corner Stone of Oliver Rnssel's Barn as the same stood on the 20th of March 1822 and from thence running north six degrees thirty five minutes east to the northeast corner of the land of Eunice Jennings and William K. Thorn at the division line of the said land and the land of Austin Roe as the corner of the division fence now stands, and we do further order that the line of said Survey be the west line of Said Road and that the Said Road be of the width of three Rods Given under our hands this 28th day of Dec. 1855 Isaac Overton ) Commissioners Nelson Norton f of Highways PAGE 59. At a meeting of the Trustees of the freeholders and com- monalty of the town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 4th Mar. 1856 Present Davis Norton President Horace Hudson. John Hallock David Hedges , T , Daniel D. Swezey > Micah Jayne Nelson Daines On application the Board decided to assist Margaret Arch Colored to four Dollars as tempory Aid. on complaint the Board at sd meeting passed the following act viz. that no person or persons shall take or catch EEls with Seine or nets BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 551 or pots in any of the waters on the north side of this town under the penalty hereinafter set forth Be it ordained by the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven that if any person or persons shall take or catch EEls by or with seines or nets or pots from any of the Bays ponds creeks or harbors on the north side of the Town of Brookhaven to take to any foreign market or to Sell to any person or persons to be taken to any foreign market shall forfeit and pay to said town the sum of $12.50 cents to be sued for and Recovered in any court having cogni- zance thereof one half of the said sum of $12.50 so recovered to be paid to the person entering the complaint the other half to the use of the town poor Board decided to sell the oystering privileges of the South Bay for the ensuing year and that notices be posted at several public places on the south side offering sd privileges for sale at public Auction on the 15th March under the same restrictions that it was sold last year adjourned to meet on tuesday the first day of April 1856 at 9 oclock A M. DAVIS NOBTON President S. A. HAWKINS Town clerk NOTE. The Records continue from page 60, Book E. COM. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FAOUTY I II I