JAN 17 1901 Jrc^ 6V^ Qoonu ^>vV J >-^hJl^ C<'>x-t^>a.^k^ ^^ LIBRARY University of California. OK THK OIKT <3K Received ^Jt/r- - 'Q^ / - Accession No, ^ Sj/ 3 G • Class No. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflegalOOphidrich OF THR UNIVERSITY 'slCALIFOB^^ D-r^«/t. PoMEROY — Hastings College of the Law, University of California. San Francisco, Cal. 884 Marshall — Law School of the Columbian University, Washington, D. C. 884 Jay — Albany Law School, Union University, Albany, N. Y. (1893). 885 Webster — Boston Law School, Boston University, Boston, Mass. 886 Hamilton — Cincinnati Law School, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 886 Gibson — Department of Law, University of Pa., Phil- adelphia, Pa. 887 Choate — Harvard Law School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 887 Waite — Yale Law School, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 887 Field — Law School, New York University, New York City, N. Y. 888 CoNKLiNG — Law Department of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 890 TiEDEMAN — Law Department, University of State of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. xii PHI DELTA PHI. 1890 Minor — Law Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va, 1 89 1 Dillon — Law Department, University of Minn., Min- apolis, Minn. 1891 Daniels — Buffalo Law School, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. 1891 Chase — Law Department; University of Oregon, Port- land, Ore. 189 1 Harlan — College of Law, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. 1893 Swan — School of Law, Ohio State University, Colum- • bus, Ohio. 1893 McClain — Law Department, State University of Iowa, ^ Iowa (^ity, Iowa. 1895 Lincoln — College of Law, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1896 OsGOODE — Law School of Upper Canada, Toronto, Ontario. 1896 Fuller — Chicago College of Law, Lake Forest LTni- versity, Chicago, 111. 1897 Miller — Law Department, Leland Stanford, Jr., Uni- versity, Palo Alto, Cal. 1897 Green — School of Law, University of Kansas, Law- rence, Kansas. The charter of ''Benjamin" was withdrawn by the Council because of the small amount of material upon which the Chapter depended for membership. The charter of ''Jay" was withdrawn for a similar reason, in 1893, by the Third National Convention. THE brief. In October, 1887, Brother Baird, then Secretary of the Council, started the publication of a journal devoted to the interests of the Fraternity and known as ^^ The Brief." It contained, in addition to letters from the Scriptors of the several chapters, an appendix showing the geographical dis- HISTORY OF PHI DELTA PHI. xiii tribution of the members. Only five numbers were issued, the publication being suspended in June, 1888. In number 2, the December number, appears a call for a general con- vention of the Fraternity to take place in New York City in April, 1888, while in number 5, the last issue, appears a similar call fixing the date of a convention to be held on Tuesday, August 14, i. THE SECOND NATIONAL CONVENTION was held at New York City, May 7 and 8, 1889, delegates from eleven chapters being in attendance. It was called to order at ten A. M., Tuesday, May 7, in Room No. 58, New York University Building, by Brother Baird. Several constitutional amendments were proposed and carried, and action was taken relative to official jewelers, a book of songs, and annual letters. The membership of the Council was increased to five, the following being elected: James E. Howell, Kent, '70, Newark, N. J. Wm. R. Baird, Story, '82, New York City, N. Y. Henry W. Jessup, Field, ^ZZ, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chas. W. Artz, Story, '86, New York City, N. Y. Edward I. Smith, Choate, '89, New York City, N. Y, Upon motion it was enacted that the next convention be held in New York City, the second Tuesday in October, 1892. Owing to the fact, however, that the World's Fair was to be held at a more centrally located city, the Council post- poned the date of the THIRD NATIONAL CONVENTION to July 17 and 18, 1893, when it was called to order in room No. 309 of the Masonic Temple at Chicago, 111., at eleven, A. M., July 17, by Brother Baird. While the constitutional provision requiring an affirma- tive vote of all the chapters necessary to admission of a new one, remained unchanged, an amendment was added direct- ing the Secretary to ''record an affirmative vote for any chapter from which no negative vote is received within sixty xiv PHI DELTA PHI. days (during term time) of the time when a second notice shall have been sent to such chapter requesting action on a petition." As at the previous convention, a motion to con- sider the establishment of a Fraternity journal was discussed and lost. The committee upon the locality from which the next Council should be selected, and upon the membership of the same, made two reports. It was finally decided to choose neither New York nor Cincinnati, as it was believed that a fuller representation of the chapters could be had at Chicago. The following members of the Council were then elected: Hon. Geo. Mills Rogers, Booth, '8i, Chicago, 111. Harrison Musgrave, Marshall, '84, Chicago, 111. Geo. A. Katzenberger, Kent, '90, Chicago, 111. Harry J. Kendig, Hamilton, '88, Chicago, 111. Wm. F. Pillsbury, Choate, '92, Chicago, 111. Before adjournment, the following resolution upon motion was adopted: ^^ Resolved^ that the thanks of this convention be, and are hereby accorded to Brother Wm. R. Baird for his ser- vices as Secretary of the Council for the last eleven years." The policy of the new Council can be outlined as fol- lows: To keep in permanent and accessable form, for the use of successive Councils, the important papers relating to the Order; to plentifully supply the chapters with printed matter, to draw the bands of fellowship and interest closer by frequent publications of list of Scriptors and Consuls with their respective addresses; to cause a more general observ- ance of the constitutional provision for annual letters; to encourage the keeping of scrap-books, letter-files, records, etc., by each chapter. The songs of the Fraternity were collected and printed. A new edition of the historical leaflet was issued. Sugges- tions were offered to the chapters for a fitting observance of the 25th anniversary of the founding of our Order, conse- quently, on December 13, 1894, a considerable number of the HISTORY OF PHI DELTA PHI. xv chapters celebrated the day by a banquet. Believing that more frequent conventions would be a benefit to both indi- vidual chapters and the Fraternity at large, the Council did not wait for the expiration of the three year limit, but gave notice that the FOURTH NATIONAL CONVENTION would be held in the lecture room of the Northwestern Uni- versity Law School in June, 1895. The following chapters were represented either by delegates or proxy instructions: Booth, Chase, Choate, Conkling, Daniels, Dillon, Field, Hamilton, Harlan, Kent, Lincoln, Marshall, McClain, PoMEROY and Story. The convention was called to order at 10 A. M., June 24, by Hon. George Mills Rogers, President of the Council. The report of the Secretary, Geo. A. Katzenberger, showed that the chapters had never before l)een in such general good standing, and called attention to the fact that, whereas, only Kent and Harlan Chapters had issued annual letters prior to 1893, eight chapters had, since then, observed the ''recommendation" of the convention of 1889. Said recommendation was at this convention, amended, changing the time of issuance of the circular letters by the chapters, from May to February. The constitution was amended to permit the granting of petitions from Canada. An attempt having been made by one of the chapters to elect lady members, the constitution was further amended to pre- vent so radical an innovation. Realizing that the conserva- tive policy of the Fraternity had been the means of excluding several desirable law clubs, the constitution was amended by the addition of the following clause: ''If not more than two (2) chapters dissent, and a majority of the Council shall favor the formation of the proposed chapter, the Secretary shall at once issue a charter to the applicants." Upon recommendation of the Council, the Constitution was also amended, making the election of a Historian by each chapter obligatory. xvi PHI DEL TA PHI. Biennial conventions were provided for, and the Secre- tary authorized to compile and publish a new catalogue. The publication of a Fraternity journal was postponed, with a view, however, to the issuance of such a magazine at a not distant date. The minutes of this convention cover forty- one pages, several pages being devoted to the pro and coti anent the admission and initiation of ladies. Although the Secretary of the Council oifered his resignation, owing to the fact of his removal to another city, the resignation was not accepted and the same Council was elected. The Council organized themselves as before and adopted a continuance of the same policy. New editions of the con- stitution and song book, together with the minutes of both Third and Fourth National Conventions were plentifully sup- plied to each chapter. THE FIFTH NATIONAL CONVENTION was held in the Lecture room of the Northwestern University Law School, No. 711 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111., during the Christmas vacation of 1896-7. It was called to order at 10 A. M., Monday, December 28, 1896, by Hon.'Geo. Mills Rogers, President of the Council. The following chapters were represented either by delegates or proxy instructions: Booth, Chase, Choate, Conkling, Coolev, Daniels, Dil- lon, Field, Fuller, Gibson, Hamilton, Kent, Lincoln, McClain, Minor, Pomerov, Swan, Tiedeman, Waite and Webster. The report of the Council was lengthy and quoted freely from the annual letters of the Chapters, reflecting an increased interest on the part of all Chapters in the matters pertaining to the whole Order. The financial report showed that the ''Law of 1889" assessing each initiate the sum of one dollar was no longer sufficient to defray the expenses of the Order, and that there was a deficit. During the afternoon session the matter of the establish- ment of a fraternity journal was discussed, but the action HISTORY OF PHI DELTA PHI. xvii taken was not sufficiently definite to warrant its publication. The initiation fee was increased to $2.00 and an annual assessment of one dollar on each active member levied. The following brothers were then elected as members of the new Council: Hon. Geo. Mills Rogers, Booth, '81, Chicago, 111. Benjamin S. Cable, Story, '98, Chicago, 111. Wm. Brown, Jr., Cooley, '96, Chicago, 111. Chas. W. Lucas, Fuller, '96, Chicago, 111. Geo. A. Katzenberger, Kent, '90, Greenville, O. The office of Cataloguer was created, and the duties of such officer defined, while the work devolving upon the Scriptor and Historian of each Chapter was more fully out- lined. The Forget-me-not was chosen as the Fraternity flower. The second day session was held on Tuesday, December 29th, and the Secretary of the Council was voted a salary of $75 per college year. After nominations made and roll call, it was decided to hold the next National Convention at Cin- cinnati, Ohio. The minutes of this Convention cover 49 pages, an addenda commemorating a delightful banquet given to the visiting delegates by the Fuller Chapter at its headquarters in the cafe of the Pullman building. Since then the Council has endeavored to carry out all of its own and suggested ideas for the benefit of the Order. It has tried to keep in touch with each officer of every Chap- ter by frequent communications, and has kept them supplied with fraternity literature, songs, blanks, etc. It continued to encourage the issuance of ANNUAL letters, and now presents a list of all annual letters which have come to its notice: Kent — September, 1874, calling attention to the sixth annual convention and reunion in February, 1875; January, 1878; December, 1879; December, 1880; January, 1882; xviii PHI DELTA PHI. February, 1883; April, 1886; May, 1887; May, 1888; June, 1889; May, 1890; May, 1891; June, 1892; June, 1893; May, 1894; May, 1895; May, 1896; May, 1897. Story — April, 1895; April, 1896; April, 1897. CooLEY — March, 1896. PoMEROY — June, 1895; May, 1896; June, 1897. Marshall — June, 1896; April, 1897. Webster — May, 1894; April, 1897. Hamilton — May, 1894; April, 1896. Choate — May, 1894; June, 1896. Field — June, 1895; May, 1896; June, 1897. CoNKLiNG — May, 1894; May, 1895. TiEDEMAN — March, 1896; May, 1897. Minor — May, 1894. Dillon — June, 1894; June, 1895; June, 1896. Daniels -May, 1896. Chase — May, 1895; May, 1896; April, 1897. Harlan — May, 1892; May, 1894; May, 1895; Aprils 1896. Swan — May, 1895; May, 1896. McClain — May, 1894; April, 1896; March, 1897. Lincoln — May, 1896. OsGOODE — April, 1896; May, 1897. Fuller — January, 1897. POLICY OF THE ORDER. It is the settled policy of the Fraternity not to antag- onize the existing social or literary organizations in the law schools which is enters. It includes within its ranks, mem- bers of all the college fraternities, though in one or two instances, there has been local rivalry. For a time, the Booth Chapter had a local rival. Later the Michigan Chap- ter of Sigma Chi, for a while, confined its membership to the law school, while at present that is true of Kappa Sigma at Ann Arbor. The legal fraternity of Delta Chi has chapters in five of the law schools where our own order had already obtained a foothold, but its competition has been welcomed rather than feared. As indicated by the quoted preamble, the character of the membership of Phi Delta Phi is neces- sarily high. Not only does the roll of its honorary members include the Chief Justice of the United States, and several of the Associate Justices, but also the leading professors and legal authors of this country. Its regular members are fast taking prominent places as judges, legislators, managers of great corporations, authors and other positions open to mem- bers of the legal profession. AIMS AND OBJECTS. The exercises of the chapters vary according to local conditions. Each chapter is recommended to frame a sched- ule of work to supplement the law school course; for instance, in Law Schools where practice is not taught, the chapters should turn their attention to such exercises; where political science is wanting, the chapters are expected to take up that; in each case, trying to round out and add to the regular instruction. Several of the chapters conclude each meeting with a dinner, while others hear lectures from Alumni mem- bers and prominent local attorneys. Nearly all arrange for annual reunions and banquets to which the members of sister chapters and resident alumni are invited. XX PHI DEL TA PHI. CATALOGUES. 1 After graduation, the members form a widespread exchange for the interchange of business and information, as well as professional courtesies, which advantage is facilitated by the catalogues of the Fraternity. A sixteen page cata- logue was printed at Ann Arbor, Mich., in i88o, and in September, 1881, a revised edition was published at Fort Madison, la. The following editions were compiled and published by Secretary Baird. Third, Sixty-three pages, 1885. Fourth, supplement to Third, 1886. Fifth, one hundred and forty-nine pages, 18S9. Sixth, two hundred and fifty-one pages, preceded by a history of the Fraternity, 1892. The bond of Union between the graduate members is rather closer than that between members of Greek Letter Fraternities, generally, which is natural where there is a con- tinuous community of interest and pursuits. The Fraternity, though properly ranked among the fore- most of the Greek Letter Secret Societies, does not assume a stringent air of secrecy. It is true, that the motto, the grip, and the pass-words are not communicated to outsiders, but no special secrecy attaches to its constitution, policy or tendency. A number of the annual announcements of Law Schools publish the roll of chapters and their respective location, as well as the names and official positions of the members of the local chapter. Phi Delta Phi has a grand future before it. It is increasing at the rate of about two hundred and fifty mem- bers a year, and thus comprises a large per cent, of all the lawyers who are admitted to practice each year. Com- posed of selected men, who are by training and education, bound to exert a good influence, it cannot but elevate the standard of professional ethics. This organization is certainly one of the happiest and most successful examples of the fraternity idea. KRNT GHAPTE.R IN THE LAW DEPARTMENT OF THE University of Michigan, ON the nth of June, 1805, the City of Detroit, Michigan, was laid in ashes, only two buildings escaping. Funds were subscribed by Montreal and Michilimacinac in aid of the sufferers. Part of this fund remaining undistributed, it was decided to use it in the furtherance of education. A school was established in 1808, which two years later, 1810, had 183 pupils. The Territorial Government of Michigan on the 26th of August, 181 7, passed an act entitled, ''An Act to establish the Catholepistemiad, or University of Michi- gania," to be located in the village of Detroit. Its inception was due to a man of quaint erudition, named Judge Wood- ward. It had thirteen professorships, including chairs of Anthropoglossica, Physiognostica, Polemetica, etc. In the first instance two men absorbed the entire thirteen polysyl- labic professorships. One of these two professors, a Pres- byterian {iivine named John Monteith, occupied seven chairs and acted as President; and the other, the Rev. Father Richard, occupied the other six chairs and acted as Vice- President. The Rev. Gabriel Richard was a remarkable priest who bears the distinction of being the only Catholic clergyman ever elected to Congress, and who gave an impulse to education in the West. The act above referred 2 PHI DELTA PHI. to is as pedantic in its phraseology as is the title. The pedantry, however, was in the phraseology only. It pro- vided for primary schools, high schools, academies and colleges, and their location in the counties, cities and town- ships. The University was to be the climax of all these lesser schools. In 182 1 the act creating the Catholepistemiad, with its ''School of Sciences relative to the minds of animals, to the human mind, to spiritual existence^ to the Deity and Religion," was repealed, and the University of Michigan succeeded to the rights of the old corporation. A further change in plan was made by the State of Mich- igan, in 1837, and the University, with a more intelligible and practical scheme of operation, was removed to the little hamlet of Ann Arbor, where it was located on a 40 acre lot donated to the State for that purpose. A Law Department in the University had been in con- templation from early territorial days, and was required by a mandatory provision in the act of 1837, by which the University scheme was very carefully and fully outlined. The Law Department matriculated its first students in 1859, with J. V. Campbell, T. M. Cooley and C. I. Walker as pro- fessors. The large picture of Judge Cooley, presented to the Law Department by Brother A. D. Elliot, '87, was for several years alone above the rostrum, until on Thursday, May II, 1893, the pictures of the late Judges Campbell and Walker were presented by Justice C. B. Grant. For the history of the forming of Kent Chapter, see previous pages. The names of non-graduates of this Chapter are indicated by a dagger (t), while the names of those deceased are preceded by an asterisk (*) and year of death. HONORARY MEMBERS. Nathan Davis Abbott, ¥ T, Stanford University, California. A. B., Yale, 1877. Member of "Scroll and Key," Student-at-Law, Watertown, Massachusetts, 1877-9. L^- ^-j Boston Law School, 1880. Author of "Descents, Wills, and Administration;" the "Law Reports," MicAigan Law /ournal, ]\xne, 1892; " Testamentary Prom- ises to Pay," Michigan Law Journal, June, 1892; "Testamentary Capacity as affected by Contract," Northwestern Law Review, Jan- uary, 1893. Tappan Professor of Law, University of Michigan, 1 89 1 -2. Professor of Law and Secretary of the Faculty of the North- western University Law School, 1892-4. Professor of Law, Leland Stanford Jr. University, since 1894. No. 23 Salvatierra street. Levi Lewis Barbour, Detroit, Michigan. A. "B., University of Michigan, 1863; LL. B., ibid., 1865; M. A., ibid., 1876. President of the Associated Charities in Detroit, Michigan. Member of Board of Regents, University of Michigan, 1892-7. Thomas Francis Bayard, Wilmington, Delaware. Born in Wilmington, Delaware, October 29, 1828. Educated in Flushing School. LL.D., Harvard, 1877. LL. D., Dartmouth, 1882. LL. D., Yale, 1883. LL. D., University of Michigan, 1891. D. C. L., Ox- ford, England, June 24, 1896. Member of Electoral Commission, 1876-7. U. S. Senator from Delaware, 1869-85. Secretary of State, 1885-9. Address "Individual Freedom: The Germ of National Progress and Permanence," delivered before the Edinburgh Philo- sophical Institution, November 7, 1895, appearing in American Law Reviezv, January-February, 1896. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Great Britain, since 1893. Thomas Ashford Bogle, 128 Hill street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Born in Guernsey County, Ohio, May 14, 1852. Principal of City Schools of Marion, Kansas. County Superintendent of Public Instruction, Marion County. County Attorney of Marion County, Kansas. LL. B., University of Michigan, 1888. Professor of Law in charge of the Practice Court, University of Michigan, since 1894. Henry Billings Brown, A ^ (P, Washington, D. C. Born in South Lee, Massachusetts, March 2, 1836. A. B., Yale, 1856. Attended Lectures at both Harvard and Yale Law Schools. LL. D., University of Michigan, 1887. LL. D., Yale, 189T. Was admitted to the Bar of Wayne County, Michigan, July, i860. Appointed Dep- aty U. S. Marshal, 1861. Assistant U. S. Attorney Eastern District of Michigan. Judge of State Circuit Court of Wayne County, 1868. Judge of District for Eastern District of Michigan, 1875-91. Author of "Admiralty Reports." In 1889, before the American Bar 4 PHI DELTA PHI. Association, he made an address on "Judicial Independence." la 1893, before the same association, he discussed the question of the Distribution of Property and the Proposed Remedies for its Inequali- ties. Address before the Ohio Bar Association, 1892. Address on "The Twentieth Century," Yale Law School, 1895. Address before Harvard Law School Association. June, 1895. Appointed Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, December 23, 1890; was unanimously confirmed December 29, and took the oath of office January 5, 1891. (Res.) Np. 1720 Sixteenth street, N. W. John Wayne Champlin, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Born February 7, 1831, at Kingston, Ulster County, New York. Entered Academy of Rhinebeck, Duchess County, New York, 1844. Com- pleted a course at Harpersfield. Studied Civil Engineering at Dela- ware Institute, Franklin, New York. Removed to Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1854. City Recorder, City Attorney and Mayor of Grand Rapids. Elected Judge of Supreme Court of Michigan, 1893. Author of "Legal Ethics," Res Gestae, 1896. LL. D., University of Michigan, 1887. Professor of I^w, University of Michigan, since J 892. Edwin Forrest Conely, Detroit, Michigan. Law Department, University of Michigan, 1869-70. Member of Michi- gan Legislature, 1877. President of State Military Board. Author of "A Suggestion Concerning the Law of Inter-State Extradition," Michigan Law Journal, June, iSq2. Professor of Law, University of Michigan, 1892-3. Thomas McIntyre Cooley, a J 0, 76 S. State street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Born at Attica, New York, January 6, 1824. His father, Thomas Cooley, was a Massachusetts farmer of the Puritan blood, who settled in Attica with a large family in 1804, having invested his limited means in one hundred acres of wild timber land, which he brought under cultivation with the help of his family. The subject of this notice secured for himself a fair academic education, taught school for three terms, and having decided to study the law, began in the office of Theron R. Strong, of Palmyra, New York, who afterwards became one of the judges of the Supreme Court of that State. He removed to Adrian, Michigan, in 1843 where he continued his legal studies in a private law office until 1846, when he was admitted to the bar. In the meantime he had held the office of Deputy County Clerk and Register in chancery, performing practically all the official duties of his principal. For a while he edited a newspaper, TAe IVatch Tower. In January, 1846, he entered the practice of law in Tecumseh, Michigan, with Judge Consider A. Stacey. But he had not yet fully decided upon a permanent profession, and for the next two years was associ- ated with Mr. J. W. Scott as a dealer in real estate, in Toledo, Ohio. He then returned to Adrian and became a partner of the Hon. F. C. Beman, an able lawyer, afterwards in Congress. KENT CHAPTER. 5 He was elected Circuit Court Commissioner, and also Recorder of Adrian, in 1850. In 1854 he was elected by the Legislature of the State to compile the public statutes of Michigan from the earliest days, a duty which he performed to general public satisfaction, classifying all the laws after a plan originating with himself and followed in the classifi- cations made by his successors. In 1857 he was appointed a reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court. This office he held until 1864, publishing in the meantime eight volumes of reports. When the Department of Law was organized in the State University, in 1859, the Jay Professorship was tendered to him and accepted. As the other professors appointed at the same time resided in the City of Detroit and were not expected to change their residence, it became necessary for him to remove to Ann Arbor, which he did before tak- ing up the duties to which he was chosen. He was lecturer on real estate law and the law of domestic relations from the first. He lec- tured also on Constitutional Law, which soon, from the demands made upon his attention, became the leading subject of discussion and con- tinued to be such while he remained in the position. He was lecturer on Constitutional Law and Medical Jurisprudence from 1861 to 1865. After resigning as Dean of the Law Department in 18S4, he was appointed as Professor of History and Dean of the School of Political Science, a position which he held a number of years. He has been President of the University Alumni Association since 1886. He was elected one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Michigan to fill a vacancy in November, 1864, and re-elected in i86g and again in 1877 for the full terms of eight years each, making his full service upon thalt Court twenty-one years, during part of which time he was Chief Justice. The honorary degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him by the University of Michigan in 1873, ^"^ ^^ 1886 the same degree was given him by Harvard. Princeton University also, in 1896, at its Sesquicentennial celebration, honored him in company with a number of distinguished people of this and other countries with the same degree. When the Interstate Commerce Law was to be put in operation, in 1887, at the special solicitation of President Cleveland he accepted the office of Chairman of the Commission appointed to enforce it, the President speaking of the strong public opinion which called for the appoint- ment and stating that it was in deference to that opinion that he tendered the office. This appointment necessitated his proceeding to Washington for the performance of the duties thereby imposed upon him, and which were found to be very severe and laborious. The chairmanship in particular required great labor, which he performed for the most part with little aid from a stenographer or other clerk. This he found to be gradually undermining his health, and finally to such an extent that he was compelled to divest himself of a consider- able portion of the active labor or resign the duties of the office altogether. This last resource he finally adopted and laid down his office in 1891 with the view of getting the rest which it was obvious he was in need of. He returned to Ann Arbor, where he has since resided in comparative retirement. Judge Cooley was married in 1846 to Mary Elizabeth Horton, a woman of accomplishments and rare ability, with whom he lived happily until her death in i8go, and by whom he had six children., all living. PHI DEL TA PHL Judge Cooley is better known throughout the country as an author than in any other capacity. The translators of von Hoist's "Constitutional History of the United States" dedicated that famous work to Judge Cooley as "one of the most eminent expounders of our Constitution." His "Constitutional Limitations," which first appeared in 1868, is the work by which he is most widely known. It has passed through numer- ous editions, the sixth appearing in 1890, while an edition for students has been published since. An edition of " Blackstone's Commenta- ries," very fully annotated, with the view of its being used in the law schools of the country, has also appeared in several editions and has been universally received with satisfaction. An edition of "Story on the Constitution " has been edited by him, fully annotated, the fourth edition in two volumes appearing in 1873. He is also author of the following works: "Taxation," written especially with reference to taxation for State purposes provided for in State constitutions, and appearing revised in 1886; "A Treatise on the Principle of the Law of Torts or Legal Wrongs of a Civil Nature," which has passed through several editions and been condensed for use in law schools, and "Constitutional Law," second edition, 1891. He edited E. B. Harrington's Michigan Chancery Reports of 1837-42, while the articles on Law in the second edition of the American Encyclopocdia were also edited by him. In 1885 he published a " History of Mich- igan" as one of the American Commonwealth series begun by Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co. He further wrote an Introduction to "The Ameri- can Railway " in 1887. Inasmuch as Judge Cooley has not preserved all of his published papers and addresses, the following list is necessarily imperfect: 1. The Judicial Functions of Surveyors, 1852. 2. What the Law can do for the health of the People. An address at a State Sanitary Convention. 3. Some Checks and Balances in Government, International Review, May and June, 1876. 4. The Cases in which the Master is Liable for Injuries, Southern Law Review, 1876. 5. Liability of Public Officers to Private Actions for Neglect of Duty, Southern Law Rez>ie%i\ 1877. (This paper opens with a sen- tence since widely quoted, "A public office is a public trust.") 6. Limits to State Control of Private Business, Princeton Review, March, 1878. 7. Changes in the Balance of Governmental Powers. Address ta the law students of the University of Michigan, 1878. 8 The Surrender of Fugitives from Justice, Princeton Review, January, 1879. 9. The Recording I^ws of the United States, their Inadequacy and their Danger. Address before the American Bar Association, 1881. 10. Presidential Inability ,A'<3rM American A', Chicago, Illinois. A. B., University of Michigan, 1880. Non-resident Lecturer on Copy- right Law, University of Michigan. (Residence, Riverside, Illinois.) Aldrich, Reed, Foster & Allen, Home Insurance Building. Henry Wade Rogers, A A (P, Evanston, Illinois. Born Holland Patent, near Trenton Falls, New York, 1853. Attended Hamilton College one year. A. B., University of Michigan, 1874. M. A., ibid., 1877. Taught in Buffalo, New York, 1874-5. Student Law Department, University of Michigan, 1876-7. In Law Office of Judge Thomas M. Cooley, one year. Practiced in Minneapolis, Min- nesota, in partnership with Hon. Eugene M. Wilson. Tappan Profes- 12 PHI DELTA PHI, sor of Law, University of Michigan, 1882-5. Tappan Professor of Law and Professor of Roman Law, University of Michigan, 1885-91. Secretary of the Law Faculty, 1884-6. Secretary of the University Alumni Association, 1884-90. Dean of Law Department, ibid.^ 1886-91. LL, D., Wesleyan University, 1890. Author of Illinois Citations (1819-79); "On Expert and Opinion Testimony," Second Edition, 1891; "Constitutional Histt)ry as seen in the Development of American Law,".i88i; article on Municipal, Civil and Constitu- tional Law, in Johnson's Encyclopoedia; an address before the Illinois Bar Association; an address before the Kansas Bar Association, on "The Law- Making Power;" an address before the American Bar Association on "The Treaty Making Power." "Law School, Univer- sity of Michigan," Green Bag, May, 1889. Associate Editor of the American Law Register. Member of the General Council of the American Bar Association. Chairman of the Section on Legal Educa- tion of the same Association, 1894. Chairman of the Committee of the World's Congress Auxiliary on Jurisprudence and Law Reform, President of Chicago Alumni Chapter of Phi Delta Phi, 1893-5. President of Northwestern University since 1890. 1958 Sheridan Road. Henry Harrison Swan, Z ^, Detroit, Michigan. University of Michigan, 1858-62. M. A. (Hon.), University of Michigan, 1 89 1. Judge of United States Court for Eastern District of Michigan since 1891. Lecturer on Admiralty, University of Michigan since 1893. No. 664 Woodward avenue. William Howard Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio. A. B., Yale, 1878; LL. D., 1893. Judge of Superior Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. U. S. Solicitor General. U. S. Circuit Judge, Sixth Circuit, since 1892. Address delivered before graduating Law Class of '94, University of Michigan, "The Rights of Private Property,'' printed in Michigan Law Journal, August, 1 894. Annual address delivered before the American Bar Association at Detroit, Michigan, printed in Michigan Law Journal, September, 1895. Bradley Martin Thompson, A K E, Ann Arbor, Michigan. B. S., University of Michigan, 1858, LL. B., ibid., i860. M.S., ibid., 1861. Captain, Major and Colonel of Cavalry, U. S. A., 1861-5. City At- torney of East Saginaw, 1873-5. Mayor of East Saginaw, 1877-8. Mayor of Ann Arbor, 1893-4. Candidate for Congress in Triangular Contest. Author of "Fixtures and Easements," 1889; " A Manual of Equity Pleading and Practice," 1889; "How may Presidential Electors be appointed," Michigan Laju Journal, March, 1892; "Can the present Jury System be improved?" Michigan Law Journal, May, 1895. Lecturer before Students' Christian Association on " Mo- saic Law." Lecture before Inland League on "Trial by Ordeal and Battle," December 3, 1894. "Postscript," in To Wit, 1894. "Don- ald McDonald Dickinson," The Michigan Alumnus, June, 1895. Lecturer on Real Property, University of Michigan, 1887-8. Jay Pro- fessor of Law, ibid., since 1888. (Res.) 25 East University Avenue. KENT CHAPTER. 13 ♦1895. Charles Irish Walker, A A (P. Born Butternut, Otsego county, New York, April 25, 1814. Taught school at the age of 16 and afterward engaged in mercantile business. In 1835 he removed to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Delegate from Kent County to the Ann Arbor Convention of Assent, December 14-15, 1836. Editor of Grand River T'i?7ies, 1836-8. Justice of the Peace, 1838. Elected Representative in Michigan State Legislature, 1840. Admitted to the Bar at Brattleborough, Vermont, 1842, where he prac- ticed until 1 851, and then returned to Michigan. Judge of Wayne County Circuit Court, 1867. One of the original faculty of the Law Department, University of Michigan. Kent Professor of Law, ibid., 1859-76; 1879-81; 1886-7. LL. D., University of Michigan, 1874. Author of " De la Motte Cadillac and the First Ten Years of Detroit;" "The Early Jesuits in Michigan;" " Michigan from 1796 to 1805;" *'The Civil Administration of General Hull." Address before the Historical Society of Wisconsin on " The North West during the Revo- lution." Contributor to Michigan La7v Journal, " The Detroit Bar," January, 1893. Chairman of Board of State Charities. President of Detroit Board of Education. Died at Flint, Michigan, February 11, 1895. *i89i. William Palmer Wells. A. B., University of Vermont, 1851. M. A., ibid., 1854. LL. B., Har- vard, 1854. Admitted to the Vermont Bar in 1855, and came to Michi- gan in 1856. Lecturer on Law, University of Michigan, 1874-6. Lecturer on American History and Constitutional Law, ibid., 1887. Kent Professor of Law, 1876-85 and 1887-91. First Prize for Essay on "The Adoption of the Principles of Equity Jurisprudence into the Administration of the Common Law." Address before the American Bar Association on "The Dartmouth College Cases," and "Private Corporations," 1886. Member of Legislature of Michigan, 1865-6. Died at Detroit, Michigan, March 4, 1891, while arguing a motion in the Wayne Circuit Court. Charles Rudolphus Whitman, Ann Arbor, Michigan. A. B., University of Michigan, 1870. LL. B., ibid., 1 873. M. A., ibid., 1875. Prosecuting Attorney of Washtenaw County, 1881-5. Regent of the University of Michigan, 1886-93. Vice-President of Michigan State Bar Association, 1892-3. District Attorney for Michi- gan since 1895. CHARTER MEMBERS. SENIORS. WiNFiELD Scott Beebe, Portland, Oregon. Born in Madison County, New Jersey, September 7, 1847. Graduate of Decatur (Van Buren County) High School. Member of Webster So- ciety. Formerly member of the Oregon Legislature. United States Commissioner. Real Estate. No. 500 E. street. Alfred Ernest Hawes. (Address unknown.) Born Columbus, Wisconsin, March 31, 184S. Was the first Proconsul of Kent Chapter. Was Police Judge in Detroit in 1874. James Edward Howell, Newark, New Jersey. Attended Academy. At Second National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, 1889, was elected member of The Council. President thereof , 1889-3. Coult & Howell, No. 765 Broad street. Arthur McArthur Monteith, Belton, Texas. Born in Township of Martin, Allegan County, Michigan, June 2, 1848. Monmouth College, 1866-8. Member of Wa'i(/., 1872. Member of Phila- delphian Society. Public Debater. Vice-President of Webster Soci- ety. First Consul of Kent Chapter. Township Clerk and Justice of the Peace in Iowa. Justice of the Peace and Collector of Taxes in Illinois. Not in practice. *i886. Joseph Dease Ronan. Born Frenchtown, Michigan, June 3, 1849. In 1863 enlisted as Ser- geant in Company E, nth Michigan Cavalry, and served to end of Rebellion. Deputy Register of Deeds. U. S, Inspector, Census Mar- shal, 1867-70. First Tribune of Kent Chapter. Prosecuting Attor- ney, Monroe County, 1 871-4. Commander of Joseph R. Smith Post, G. A. R. Died at Monroe, March 19, 1886. KENT CHAPTER. 15 CLASS OF 1870. Eugene Edward Allen, Grand Rapids, Mich. Univ. of Mich., 1867-8. Was Senior Public Debater of Webster Society. Inventor of Allen Surgical Pump, manufactured by Chas. Truax & Co. Is in the real estate business. Ezra Dayton Lewis, Williamston, Mich, Born in Sussex Co., N. J., October 14, 1842. Mansfield, Pa., Classical Seminary. Member of Webster Society. Has been Pros. Atty. of Ingham Co., Village Atty., also Recorder. John L. Starkweather, Romeo, Mich. Born Romeo, Macomb Co., Mich., Oct, 4, 1844. Romeo High School, 1863. Eastman's Commercial College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1865. Candidate for Representative in State Legislature, 2nd Dist. Village and School Trustee. G. S. of Grand Division of "Sons of Temper- ance." Pension Agent, also has office in Washington, D. C. Frederick Fox Wendell, Fort Plain, N. Y. Salutatory at Cazenovia Seminary. First initiate (Feb. 5, 1870). Gen. Tax Agent of N. Y., W. S. & B. R. R. Office also at No. 5 Vander- bilt Ave., New York City. CLASS OF 187L Frank Butterworth. (Address unknown.) Born New York, May 28, 1851. Grand Tribune for term 1874-5. For- merly Contractor in Chicago, 111. -j-Henry Marsh Clark. (Address unknown. ) Univ. of Mich., 1868-9. Formerly Assistant Supt. Kansas Southern R. R. at Girard, Kan. Warren Chauncey Dewey, Grand Rapids, Mich. Born Cambridge, Mich., June 18, 1850. B. S., Adrian College, 1870. M. A., ibid., 1873. Pres. of Lambda Phi. Public Debater Webster Society. Delegate to State and National Conventions. Importer, Manufacturer, and officer of many ^mercantile associations. No. 56 Ottawa St. *i879. William Robert Edgar. U. S. Army, 1864-5. ^- S., Lincoln College, 1869. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Hutchinson, Kan., 1876. Died at Hutchin- son, Kan., March 8, 1879. Daniel Brown Hibbard, Jr., Detroit, Mich. Born Jackson, Mich., 1847. Formerly Circuit Court Commissioner of Wayne Co., Mich. Not in practice. 1 6 PHI DELTA PHI. Robert Jerome Hill, Austin, Texas. Born Dallasburg, near Loveland, O., Oct. 24, 1849. Ohio Wesleyan^ Univ., 1866-8. Member of Chrestomathean Society. One of Senior Debaters Webster Society. Was Proconsul. Grand Gladiator, 1874-5. Walton & Hill, No. 200 W. Seventh St. George Hiram Hopkins, Detroit, Mich. Bom White Lake, Oakland Co., Mich, Nov. 7, 1842. Private 17th Reg. Mich. Vol. Inf., 1862-5. Graduate Mich. State Normal School, 1867; Univ. of Mich., 1869-70. Member of Webster Society. Private Sec. of Gov. J. J. Bagley, 1873. Private Sec. of Gov. Crosswell, 1877. Chairman of Republican State Central Committee, 1878. Member of the Mich. Legislature, 1879-85; last term, Speaker /r^ tern and Chair- man of the Judiciary Com. Internal Revenue Collector, 1890-94, Adj. Gen. on Official Staff of Gen. Russell A. Alger, G. A. R. En- gaged in manufacturing and various kinds of business. No. 48 Bates St. *i894. James Young Marshall. Member of Legislature, 1880. District Judge of Fifth Judicial Dist., of Colorado, 1882. Died at Rico, Colo., May 22, 1894. *i89o. Martin Morris. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 11, 1847. Member of ffV<5j/'^r Society. Was Gladiator. Judge of Probate, Manistee, Mich., 1872-6. Alder- man 2nd ward, 1873-5; Mayor, 1876-7; Democratic candidate Atty. Gen. of Mich., 1876. Clerk of Criminal Court of Arapahoe Co., Colo., 1883-88. Acted as Chairman Democratic State Com. for Colo., 1890. Died at Denver, Feb. 24, 1890. *i873. WiLLARD Humphrey Perley. B. A., Bowdoin Coll., .1869. Drowned in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, Sept., 1873. .*i873. John Weller Shepherd. Died at St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 30, 1872. « Charles Miner Swallow, Danville, Ills. Born Plainsville, Luzerne Co., Pa., Sept, 8, 1844. Dickinson Sem., one year; Cazenovia Sem., one year. Member of Webster Society. Edi- tor Danville Plaindealer, 1866-7. City Attorney of Danville, 1 8 74-5. States Attorney, Vermillion Co., 1880-4. Pres. and Gen'l Mgr. of the Glenburn Coal Co. Charles Spaulding Thomas, Denver, Colo. Was first Gladiator. Democratic candidate for Congress, 1884. Member from Colo, of the Democratic Nat'l Com., 1888-96. Thomas, Bryant & Lee, No. 622-6 Ernest & Cranmer Block. KENT CHAPTER, 17 CLASS OF 1872. fLouis Blitz, Detroit, Mich. Born at Frankfurt, Germany, March 2, 1850. Was Grand Proconsul. Was proprietor of Detroit City Glass Works. *i883. Charles Worman Derr. Born in Frederick Co., Md., Feb. 16, 1849. Was first Grand Scriptor. Practiced at Playfair and Denver, Colo. Died at Frederick City, Md., Aug. 9, 1883. Jacob Landls Flickinger, Westerville, O. Born Seven Mile, Butler Co., O., March 12, 1848. B. S., Otterbein Univ., 1870. Treasurer of Webster Society. City Solicitor, Hamil- ton, O., 1873-5. Message Clerk, House of Representatives, O., 1876.. Postmaster, Westerville, 1876-7. William Albert Fraser, Lansing, Mich. See Class of '76. William Ball Gilbert,

, Detroit, Mich. Born Detroit, Aug. 21, 1868. In Italy, 1877-8:^. Mich. Mil. Acad- emy, 1885. Post-Graduate, ibid., 1886. Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Coll. Lit. Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1887-8. Member of House of Rep. Michigan Legislature, 1893-6. Griffin & Russell, Suite 1120- 3, Chamber of Commerce. VoLNEY OmeaRa Hildreth, Fort Worth, Tex. Born Scott Co., Ky., April 18, 1862. . A. B., Ky. Univ., i8?6. Cecro- pian Lit. Society. Proconsul, i888-g. Law Class Orator. No. 300 Main St. Ernest Robert Keith, J T J, Indianapolis, Ind. Born Brazil, Ind., Aug. 30, 1866. DePauw Univ., 1884-7. Member of Platonian Lit. Society. Consul, 1888-9. Rooms, 1-3, No. 38 E. Washington St. John McFarland Ormond, ^ F J, Toledo, O. Born Sherau, Penn., Jan. 18, 1865. Ph. B., Univ. of Wooster, 1887. Corr. Scriptor, 1888-9. .Correspondent Columbia Law Times, 1887-9. 513-15 The Nasby Bldg. George John Stoneman, Jr., Globe, Ariz. Born Petersburg, Va., May 4, 1868. Coe College, Cedar Rapids, la. Private School, San Francisco. Scriptor, i888-8g. City Clerk of Seat- tle, Wash., 1892. Practiced in Honolulu, H. I. Edwards & Stone- man, Criminal and Mining Law. Samuel Lennon Thompson, K ¥, Bloomington, Ind. Born Bloomington, June 21, 1867. Ph. B., Class Pres. and Cobden- Medal, at Indiana Univ, 1888. Member of Tau Epsilon Pi (local). Mayor of Bloomington, 1891-5. Archon of III Dist. of Phi Kappa. Psi. Orlando Chester Volkmor, Massillon, O. Born Massillon, O., Feb. 28, 1870. Massillon High School, 1888. Law Class Historian. ■ No. 23 E. Main St. Archie E. Watson, B 8 77, Kansas City, Kas. Born Mt. Union, O., Nov. 21, 1863. Kas. State Univ., 1882-5. Pro* consul. N. E. cor. Seventh and Minnesota Aves. CLASS OF 1891. Daniel Read Anthony, Jr., ATA, Leavenworth, Kas. Born Leavenworth, Kas., Aug. 22, 1870. Leavenworth High School. Mich. Mil. Academy, 1887. Univ. of Mich., 1888-9. Business. Manager The Leavenworth Times. Frederick William Benz, St. Paul, Minn. Born St. Paul, Aug. 2, 1871. St. Paul High School. Univ. of Minn., 1892. fEDWiN Almarian Blakeslee, ^ r a, Galien, Mich. Born Galien, Mich., July 18, 1865. Galien High School. Mich. State Normal, 1887. Class Historian. Univ. of Mich., 1888-9. Tribune, 1890-1. Member of the Michigan Senate from Seventh Senatorial Dist. 46 PHI DELTA PHI. f Charges Wellington Burt, Saginaw E. S., Mich. Born Saginaw E. S., March 21, 1871. Mich. Mil. Academy, 1889. LL. B., Cornell Univ., 1894. Affiliated with Conkling Chapter, 1892-4. Charles Cicero Butler, Cripple Creek, Col. Born Milwaukee, Wis,, Feb, 6, 1865. Practiced in Denver, Specially, Mining Law, Room 7, Tutt & Penrose Blk. Ora Elmer Butterfield, Ann Arbor, Mich. Born Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 9, 1870. High School at Brattleboro, 1886. Child's Business College, Spfingfield, Mass., 1888. Clerk and Regis- ter of Deeds at Greeley, Col., 1889. Member of Webster Society. Contributor to Michigan Law Journal^ "Computation of Time," Jan., 1895. Alderman of Seventh Ward, Ann Arbor. Circuit Court Comr., Washtenaw Co. Lawrence Blk. fWiLSON Spray Doan, Indianapolis, Ind. Born Valley Mills, Ind,, Nov. 22, 1863. Ph. B., Earlham Coll., 1887. Editor of Earlhamite. Membsr of Ionian Society. Bickett & Doan. Olen Lee Everts, Fresno, Cal. High School, Valparaiso, Ind. Everts & Ewing. ♦1894. f James Gordon Foard. Born Hopkinsville, Ky., March 14, 1869. Howard Co., Mo., Schools, 1884-5. Kas. City, Central School, 1885-6. Supt. Gen. Del. K. C. Postoffice, 1886-9. Died Nov. 28, 1894. Williams Cooper Harris, B S II, Detroit, Mich. Born Pontiac, Mich., July 23,1866. Pontiac High School, 1883. Univ. of Mich., 1883-4. Clerk of Justice Courts for Detroit, 1895. Copyright Law. 79 Moffat Bldg. Frederick Augustus Henry, Cleveland, O. Born Geauga Lake, O., June 16, 1867. Cleveland High School. A. B. Class Pres. and Poet., Hiram Coll., 1888. M. A., Univ. of Mich., 1891. Junior Law Class Pres. Prof, of the Law of Personal Property in Western Reserve Univ. Law School. No. 44 Euclid Ave. Henry Alonzo Hickman, J cP, Chicago, 111. Born Wilmington, Del., Nov. 3, 1866. Wilmington High School, 1884. Delaware Coll., 1887. Prize Orator, 1886. U. S. Postoffice Dept. 1886-9. No. 90 La Salle St. IGeorge Erasmus Howes. See Class of 1892. John Clarence Huntoon, Great Falls, Mont. Born Petersborough, Ont., May 13, 1865. Practiced in Detroit, 1891-3. Largent & Huntoon. KENT CHAPTER. 47 George Samuel Johnson, A K E, St. Louis, Mo, Ph. B,, Lafayette Coll., Easton, Pa., 1890. Member of Franklin Lit. Society. City Atty. of Versailles, Mo., 1892-4. Johnson & Hauts, Commercial and Corporation Law. 701 Oriel Bldg. IJanes Sherman Martin,

aw at Northwestern University Law School since 1893. Let- \: Lawrence, 609 First National Bank Building. Julian William Mack, Chicago, Illinois. LL. B., Harvard, 1887. Professor of Law, Northwestern iIniv(Msity Law School, since 1895. Chicago Stock Exchange Building. Kdwin Burritt Smith, Chicago, Illinois. Oberlin College, 1874-5 " I-L- ^y Union College of Law, 1879. •^'- ^"^ Vale, 1880. Peporter of twenty-seven volumes of Illinois Appellate Court Reports, V'olumes 21-47,1887-93. Professor of Law, North- western University Law School, since 1895. 201 First National Bank Building. Member of Council for Illinois of Anitrican Bar Associa- tion. Slasonic Temple. John Henry Wigmore, Kvanston, Illinois. A. B., Harvard, 1883. LL. B. and M. A., 1887. Head of Foreign Law .Department, Keiogijiku University, Tokyo, Japan, 1889-92. One of the founders of JIar7;ard Larv Review. Lecturer on International Law at the Semmon School of Political Science, 1891. New Vork Medico- Legal Society Prize on Essay, "Circumstantial Evidence in Poisoning Cases." Contributor to San Francisco A/ta, Boston Ife?-- a/d and the Japan A/ai/. Special correspondent in Japan of the New York Nation. Contributor to American Law Review, Harvard- Law Rez'ie^o, etc. Author of articles on "Boycotting." "American Nat- uralization and the Japanese," American Laxio Re7'iew, November- December, 1894. "Interference with Social Relations." "Ballot Reform, Its Constitutionality." "Louisiana, the Story of Its Juris- prudence." '■'■Nemo tenetur seipsum probere.''' "A Summary of BOOTH CHAPTER. , 71 Quasi-Contracts." "Legal Institutions in Old Japan." "Legal Education in Modern Japan." Author of "A Digest of the Decisions of the Massachusetts Railroad Commissioners," 1888. "The Aus- tralian Ballot System," 1889; second edition, 1890. "Notes by Dr. Simmons on Land Tenure and Local Institutions in Japan, with Notes and an Introduction," published by the Asiatic Society of Japan, i8gi. "Materials for the Study of Private Law in Old Japan," published by the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1892. Professor of Law at the Northwestera University Law School and Secretary of the Fac- ulty, 1893-5. No. 1625 Hinman Avenue. CHARTER MEMBERS. Lorenzo Gary Brooks, K 2' E, Chicago, Illinois. A. B., Yale College, 1879. Law Department, University of Michigan, 1879-80, where he was admitted to Kent Chapter. 925 The Temple. *i883. Fowler Edward Lansing, J A E. ' A. B. and Valedictory, University of Chicago, 1877. Scriptor, 1880. Olin Asbury McFarland, J K E, Danville, Illinois. A. B., Indiana Asbury University, (xreencastle, 1878. Historian. No. no W. Main Street. William Albert Paulsen, '/' A' W, Chicago, Illinois. A. B., Racine College, 1876. Tribune. President of Central Trust Co. & Savings Bank, ten years. Manager Chicago Yacht Club. No. 119 La Salle Street. Perry Payson Pitcher, Scranton City, Iowa. Hillsdale College. Northwestern University. Gladiator. Mayor of Scranton City. President Farmers & Mechanics Bank. Linus Calvin Ruth, Chicago, Illinois. Proconsul. City Attorney of Hillsdale, Illinois. Rooms 12—13 Borden Block, No. 99 Randolph Street. John Angel James Whipple, <5P K I, Princeton, Illinois. A. B., Northwestern University. Consul. Methodist Episcopal Min- ister. George Frank White, Chicago, Illinois. LL. B., University of Michigan, 1877, where he was admitted to Kent Chapter. Rooms 44-5 No. 162 La Salle Street. SPEQAL MEMBERS. Charles Elliott Anthony, Chicago, Illinois. Phillips Academy, Andover, 1875. Yale College, two years. Formerly Assistant State's Attorney of Cook County. C. E. & G. D. Anthony, 15 12 Ashland Block. James Audubon Burhans, li 8 11, Chicago, Illinois. A. B., Depauw University, 1875. A. M., ifiiJ, 1878. Author of "The Law of Municipal Bonds," and "Digest of Laws Governing Invest- ments by Savings Banks, Insurance Companies, etc.," i88g. Spe- cialty, Law of Real Estate and of Municipal Bonds. Illinois Bank Building, No. 115 Dearborn Street. Olin J. Gary. (Address unknown.) Jay Junius Read, J 7' J, Chicago, Illinois. B. S., University of Michigan, 1878. LL. B., Union Law School, 1879, 410-12 Kedzie Building. Francis William Walker, Chicago, Illinois. First Assistant State's Attorney, 1884-8. County Attorney, 1890. Walker, Judd & Hawley, io20 Chamber of Commerce. Horace Bailey Walmsley. (Address unknown.) Born Oldtown, Ohio, 1852. A. B., University of Michigan, 1878. For- merly in practice at Chicago, and at Eau Claire, Wis. INITIATES 1880-L Fred Laflin Brooks, Chicago, 111. 903 Stock Exchange Bldg. William Loami Davis, Chicago, III. Sheffield Scientific School, 1878. Real Estate Investments. No. 90 Washington St. Ely Benjamin Felsenthal, Chicago, 111. A. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1878, Horton Prize. Member of Board of Trustees of Univ. of Chicago. 103 1-2 Chicago Stock Exchange Bldg. Harry Geohegan, Chicago, III. Univ. of Chicago, 1881. BOOTH CHAPTER. 73 Charles E. Gregory, Chicago, III. N. Wetmore Halsey, Chicago, 111. Beloit Coll. Of N. W. Harris & Co , Bankers, No. 163-5 f^ear- born St. Frank Ambrose Helmer, J A' E, Chicago, 111. A. B., Univ of Chicago, 1878. A. M., ibid. Member of Tri Kappa. Orator Inter-Collegiate Contest, 1877. LL. B. and Salutatorian, Union Coll. of Law, 1881. Smith, Helmer, Moulton & Price, Atwood Bldg. PiNKNEY Grover Lewis, Juneau, Wis. First Initiate, May 8, 1880. Formerly Dist. Atty. for Dodge Co. Adolph Lund, Chicago, 111. No. 84 Adams St. Augustus K. Manning, Chicago, 111. No. 776 W. Monroe St. John Anderson May, Chicago, 111. State Normal School, Potsdam, N. Y. Democratic Nominee for State's Atty., Cook Co., 1888. City Pros. Atty. of Chicago, 1889-90. 920 Chamber of Commerce. George Mills Rogers, ^V T, Chicago, 111. Chicago Univ., 1868-72. A. B., Yale ColL, 1876. Pres. of Yale Univ. Base Ball Club, 1875-6. Union Coll. of Law, 1876-8. Atty. for Citizens' Assn., Chicago, 1883-5. Asst. City Atty., 1885-6.' City Pros. Atty., 1886. Sec. of Yale Alumni Assn. of Chicago. Asst. U. S. District Atty., Northern District of 111. Master in Chancery, Circuit Court of Cook Co. First Vice-Pres. of the Chicago Alumnus Chapter of Phi Delta Phi since 1893. Pres. of the Council of Phi Delta Phi since 1893. 1310 Title & Trust Bldg., No. 100 Washing- ton St. Frank Hamline Scott, // 8 11, (P B K, Chicago, 111. A. B., Northwestern Univ., 1876. Callaghan Prize. Hamline, Scott & Lord, 500-3 The Temple. John P. S. Voght. (Address unknown. ) James R. West. (Address unknown. ) Joseph Harratt Fitch, Chicago, 111. Univ. of Chicago, 1881. Master in Chancery of Superior Court of Cook Co. Boyce Bldg. Charles Emil Ulrich, Peoria, 111. High School. Bryant's College. Loan Broker. Vice-Pres. of Home Savings and State Bank. No. 317 S. Adams St. 74 PHI DELTA PHI. CLASS OF 1883. Lewis W. Goodell, Beardstown, 111. McKendree Coll., 1873-4. Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1886-7. Wholesale Merchant. James Otis Hinkley J 'y, Chicago, III. Formerly Paying Teller, Drovers' National Bank. Rooms 13-16 Mon- tauk Bldg., No. 115 Monroe St. Alfred Eugene Holt, Chicago, 111. Practiced at Rockford, 111., 1883-gi. City Atty. of Rockford, 1887-8. 713 N. Y. Life Bldg., No. 171 La Salle St. Victor (Gerald Lyford, Humphrey, Neb. Ph. B., Hedding Coll., 1880. Daniel Hay Patrick, cP K ¥, Carmi, III. Born Carmi, IlL, Oct. 14, 1858. Depauw Univ., 1876-80. Member of P/aio Society. Gladiator. Class Prizes. City Atty. Candidate for State's Atty. No. 154 Main St. Merritt Willis Pinckney, J ^, Chicago, III. B. S., Knox Coll., 1881. Tribune. Second Prize Orator, 18S0. Pinck- ney & Tatge, 503 First National Bank Bldg. Ora Philander Seward, (P K '/'', Elgin, III. Born New Hackensack, Nl Y., Sept. 14, i860. .\. B. and Salutatory, Univ. of Chicago, 1881. A. M., //;/i(i., 1886. Thesis Prize. Room 69, No. 189 LaSalle St. Houston Carson Adcock, Chicago, 111. Knox Coll., 1877-82. A. B., 111., Coll., 1883. 21 Borden Blk., No. 99 Randolph St. George D. Anthony, Chicago, III. A. B., Amherst Coll. C. E. & G. D. AnthM.,v, R..,,m r = ,? \ Pres. Gladiator. Hiram H. Cody & Sons, 818 Reaper Blk. BOOTH CHAPTER. ^^^ John Henderson Garnsey, Chicago, 111. Christ Church Academy, three years. Proconsul. Editorial writer *'The Literary Northwest." Chief artist Pittsburg Press. Jamaica Corre- spondent of Atlanta Constitutioti. Editorial writer "Alkahest." Or- ganizer of "National Pan-Hellenic Society," at Atlanta Exposition, i8q5. Not in practice. 141 7 Champlain Bldg., State and Madi- son Sts., also Room i. No. 222 N. Chicago St., Joliet, 111. Charles Gilbert Hawley, Minneapolis, Minn. Cornell Univ., 1886. Paul & Hawley, Patent and Trademark Law, 645 ' Temple Court. Samuel Frederick Hawley, /J J (P, Chicago, 111. Ph. B., Univ. of . Mich., 1885, Instructor in Latin at the Mich. Mil. Academy, 1885-8; in the Univ. School, Chicago, 1888-9. Sec. of Chicago Alumni Assn. of Univ. of Mich. Walker^ Judd & Hawley, 1020 Chamber of Commerce. *i895. Ralph W. King. Chauncey White Martyn, A T il, Chicago, 111. B. S., St. Lawrence Univ., Canton, N. Y., 1885. Scriptor. Stillman & Martyn, No. 84 Washington St. Walter Campbell McCallum, Chicago, 111. Contributor to magazines, etc. Not in practice. Actor. Care Otto Heper, No. 84 LaSalle St. Oscar Middlekauff, J T, B K, Sioux City, la. Ph. B., Northwestern Univ., 1888. Declamation and Essay Prizes. Junior Class Pres. 216 la. Savings Bank. George Ralph Mitchell, I 0, Chicago, 111. A. B., and Palladium editor, Univ. of Mich., 1888. Room 60 Port land Blk. Charles Edward Piper, K V^, Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, June 12, 1868. Hinman Essay Prize. Declamation Prize. A. B., Northwestern Univ., 1892. Formerly Postmaster Union Stock Yards. 1258 Stock Exchange Bldg. George Edwin Read, Chicago, 111. Room 44, No. 88 Washington St. Alva Ross, Virden, 111. Walter Willard Ross, Chicago, 111. A. B., Princeton Coll., N. J., 1888. A. M., ibid., 1891. Affiliated with Choate Chapter, 1889-91. Asst. Corporation Counsel of Chicago. Local Atty. at Chicago of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R. Co. Care of C. R. I. & P. Ry. Co. 84 PHI DEL TA PHI. William Henry Safford, Chicago, 111. S. Div. High School, Chicago, 1882-6. Rooms 127-9 ^^- Bank Bldg., No. 115 Dearborn St. Israel Shrimski, Chicago, 111. Univ. of Wis., 1884-7. Proconsul, later Consul. Sec. of the Chicago Alumnus Chapter of Phi Delta Phi, 1893-6. Member of Executive Council of Pan-Hellenic Congress at Atlanta, Ga. Osborne, Guerin & Schrimski, 1 51 1-6 Unity Bldg., No. 79 Dearborn St. Benjamin Mayhew Smith, Chicago, 111. B. S., N. W. Normal, 1885. Commencement Day Orator. Milchrist & Smith, 515 First National Bldg. Leonard Arby Straight, ^ J ^, St. Paul, Minn. Pres. Oratoricaf Assn., 1886-7. B. A., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1887. Con- sul. 1013 Pioneer Press Bldg. Abram Burton Stratton, Chicago, 111. Ph. B., Wheaton Coll., 1888. Member of Beltionian Society. Scriptor. General Atty. for Armour & Co., 205 LaSalle St. Lucius Worrell Winchester, Chicago, 111. 111. State Normal Univ., two years. Tribune. Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook Co. Room 43 Montauk Blk., No. 115 Monroe St. Clarence Whitford Young, Z, '/', ^ H K, Omaha, Neb. Ph. B., Brown Univ., 1888. 44 Barker Blk. CLASS OF 1891. Caleb Ewing Antram, Joliet, 111. B. S., Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1889. Barber Bldg. Lysander Cassidy, (P J 6, Peoria, 111. B. S., Knox Coll., 18S9. A. M., idid., 1892. First Oratorical Prize. Editor-in-Chief Ga/^, 1888. 403-7 Y. M. C. A. Bldg. William Edwin Clark, Jr., J T, Chicago, 111. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1889. Consul. William Anson Conover, Chicago, 111. Room 39 Montauk Blk., No. 115 Monroe St. Eugene Henry Dupee, A K E, Chicago, 111. A. B., Yale Coll., 1889. Second Vice-Pres. Chicago Alumnus Chapter of Phi Delta Phi, 1895-6. No. 185 Dearborn St BOOTH CHAPTER. 85 Myer S. Emrich, Chicago, 111. 422 Ashland Blk. Frank Nathaniel Gavit, Whiting, Ind. Northern Ind. Normal School, two years. Dep. Pros. Atty. Lake Co., Ind. J. Kent Greene, Chicago, 111. Class First Prize. Room 62 Merchants Bldg., No. 92 LaSalle St. Samuel Edwin Knecht, Chicago, 111. B. S., Northwestern Univ., 1886. Knecht, Bullard & Roblin, Room 509 First National Bank Bldg., No. 164 Dearborn St. Charles William I.efler, Chicago, 111. A. B., Vale Univ., 1889. Affiliated with Hamilton Chapter, 1S89-90- RowLAND S. Ludington, Chicago, 111. Mass. Inst, of Technology, Boston, 1887-9. Scriptor. LL. B., Chicago Coll. of Law, 1894. Treas. of Chicago Alumnus Chapter of Phi Delta Phi, 1893-6. Pres. of the Civic Club of Oak Park, 1894-6. Ludington & Jones, Room 609 Title & Trust Bldg., No. 100 Washing- ton St. James Herbert McBroom, Spokane, Wash. B. S., N. W. Normal School, 1887. McBroom & McBroom. 17-8 First National Bank Bldg. Hugh McIndoe, Chicago, 111. B. S., Cornell Coll., la., 1886. Member of Adelphian Society. No. 70 LaSalle St. Will Walker Millner, Chicago, 111. B. L., Jennings Seminary, Aurora, III. Teacher of Elocution. Room 47 Kimball Hall, No. 243 Wabash Ave. Charles Franklin Morse, Chicago, 111. 849, The Rookery. Henry (or) Harry Olson, Chicago, 111. Washburn Coll., 1887-9. 1210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. George Packard, J r, B K, Chicago, 111. A. B., Brown Univ., 1889. Second Greek Prize, First Sophomore Elocu- tion Prize, and First Prize Literary Essay. At U. C. L., First Prize Grad- uation Oration, and Second Thesis Prize. Asst. Atty. for World's Co- lumbian Exposition. Author of " An Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of the State Ownership of Submerged Lands." Of Peckham & Brown, 518 First National Bank Bldg. 86 PHI DELTA PHI. Henry William Schoellkopf, Jr., Chicago, 111. Chicago Univ., 1883-5. Tribune. No. 234 East Randolph St. Perry Post Taylor, n 6 [I, (P B K, St. Louis, Mo. Ph. B., Cornell Univ., 1889. Special mention in history and political science. Honorable mention on thesis. Sec. of Senior Class. St. Louis Law School, 1889-90, where he was admitted to CooLEY Chap- ter. Boogher & Taylor, 312 Commercial Bldg. Ephraim Clarence Westwood, Chicago, 111. Streator, 111., High School. Contributor to University Law Journal. 111. Wesleyan Univ. three years. Pres. of Fuller Lit. Society. One of the incorporators of Kent Law School. Dean of Chicago Correspond- ence School of Law. 824 Reaper Blk. George Henry Wilson, Quincy, 111. A. B., 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 188S. Valedictory. Meember of Sigma Pi Society. No. 401 >^ Hampshire St. CLASS OF 1892. Philip Roy Barnes, Chicago, 111. Was a member of Jay Chapter, 1882-4. Barnes, Barnes & Bartelme, 419 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Henry Moore Bates, A A ^^ Chicago, 111. Ph. B., Univ. of Mich., and Editor of Palladium^ 1890. Business Man- ager of Mich. Argonaut, 1888. Consul. First Prize for Scholarship at Law School, 1891. First Asst. Librarian, Chicago, Law Institute, 1893. Member of Chicago Lit. Club. 1208 Ashland Blk. Guy Brockway, Chicago, 111. Post Graduate. See class of 1888. Carl Curtis Bullock, Chicago, 111. Harvard Univ., one year. In Real Estate business. 56 Hartford Bldg. Frank Richard Covey, Peoria, 111. Belvidere High School. Covey & Covey, Commercial and Corporation Law. 546-9 Woolner Bldg. Perry Davis Creager, Kendallsville, Ind. B. S., Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind., 1885. Member of /rzv;/^ Society. William Herbert Dickson, Chicago, III, 1 104 Marquette Bldg. BOOTH CHAPTER. 87 CtKorge William Dixon, ^ K r,

, Chicago, 111. A. B., Univ. of Mich., i8gi. Member of Omicron Phi. Junior Clas^ Pres., 1890. Business manager U. of M. Glee Club, iSSq-go. Glad- iator. 37 Borden Blk, Stewart Alexander Maltman, P', Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, Aug. 8, 1868. B. S., Northwestern Univ., 1891. Procon- sul. Delegate to the Third National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, 1893. Dummer & Maltman, Room 1406 Ashland Blk., No. 59. Clark St. Thomas Clarkson Moulding, (P K '/*, Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, Jan. 14, 1869. B. A., Northwestern Univ., 1891. Pres^ Sophomore Class. 808 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Arthur Burr Pease, J K E, Chicago, 111. A. B., Middlebury Coll.,. 1890. LL. B., Kent Law School, 1893. Iioi -2- Chamber of Commerce Bldg. William Frederick Poole, Jr., W T, Chicago, 111. B. A., Yale Univ., 1891. 500, The Temple. *i896. Albert Dykeman Rich, B II. Ph. B., Univ. of Mich., 1891. On Chronicle Staff, LL. B., Kent Law School, 1893. While traveling for his health, he died in Brazil, Feb- ruary, 1896. *i896. Edward Hurd Smith, J K E. Ph. B., Univ. of Mich., 1891. Member of Omicron Phi. Consul. Del- egate to Third National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, 1893. Prac- ticed at Chicago, 111. Died at Eddy, New Mexico, March 20, 1896. Frederick Judson Tourtellotte, I X, Chicago, 111. A. B., Northwestern Univ., 1888. No. 84 Washington St. CLASS OF 1894. John Austin Bellows,

, Chicago, 111. B. S., Trinity Coll., 1892. Care of Isham, Lincoln & Beale, 18, The Temple. , Harry Gilson Gardner, Chicago, 111. B. A., Williams Coll., 1892. Room i, No 77 S. Clark St. Herbert Spencer Hadley, K 'F, Kansas City, Mo. Born Olaihe, Kan., Feb. 20, 1872. A. B., Univ. of Kan., 1892. Univ. Orator. Lditor-in-chief Northwestern Laiv Review. Callaghan Prize, 1894. 511-12 N. Y. Life Bldg. Charles Revell Holden, Z V, Chicago, 111. A. B., Yale Univ., 1892. With Moran, Kraus, Mayer & Stein, 836 Unity Bldg. Robert Hoit Johnston, Z '/', (l> li K, Chicago, III. A. B., Williams Coll., 1892. 51 Portland Blk. Dwight Lawrence, Chicago, 111. 609 First National Bank Bldg. George Allen Mason, J K E, Chicago, 111. A. B., Williams Coll., 1891. Member of IV. C. Historical Society. Sophomore Oration. Editor-in-chief, Williams Weekly. Of North- western Law Ke-i'le-iV Staff. Senior Law Class Pres. Member of ♦*The Sons of the Revolution." Consul. With Lyman & Jackson, Room 1610 T. & T. Bldg., No. icxj WashiKgton St. Charles Forrest McLean, J K 11, Chicago, 111. Shattuck School, 1890. Williams Coll., 1890-2. Member of " Circle of the Sphinx." 96 Adams Express Bldg, Marshal Paul Noyes, 'F r, Chicago, 111, A. B., Yale Univ., 1892. 72-8 Adams Express Bldg. Conrad Herman Poppenhusen, Chicago, 111. Abiturienten Examen, Kieler Ober Real Schule. Commercial, Corpora- tion and Real Estate Law. 805-6 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Frederic Perry Vose, 2' X, Chicago, 111. Northwestern Univ., two years. Commercial and Real Estate Lrivv. No. 132 LaSalle St. (Res. 733 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111.) Walter Starr Whiton, Chicago, 111. 1 2 19 Association Bldg. BOOTH CHAPTER. 91 CLASS OF 1895- Hamilton Bishop Bogue, Jr., Chicago, 111. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1893. Member of Cliosophic Society. Scriptor. Delegate to the Fourth National Convention of the Phi Dklta Phi, June, 1895. Specialty, Corporation Law. 4*68, The Rookery. Gerald Mark Borden, I N, Chicago, 111. A. B., Yale Univ., 1893. Consul. Room 6 Borden Blk., or No. 237 Ashland Boulevard. Theodore Garretson Browning, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Princeton Coll., 1891-3. No. 384 LaSalle Ave., Chicago, 111. Albert Beecher Davidson, .V (P, Chicago, 111. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1893. In charge of Chicago office of Mich. Land Co., (Ltd.), at No. 369 Milwaukee Ave. No. 26 Ogden Ave. Walter Joseph Dore, Chicago, 111. Institute of Technology, Boston. 66 Portland Blk. Charles Hull Ewing, oP B K, Chicago, 111. A. B., Yale Univ., 1893. Manager of Realty for the Univ. of Chicago. Grinstead & Ewing, No, 614 W. Lake St. John Hume Kedzie, Jr., h 6 II, Chicago, 111. Ph. B., Yale Univ., 1893. No. 120 Randolph St. Robert Joseph Kerr, I X, 8 N E, Chicago, 111. A. B., Northwestern Univ., 1894. Kerr & Barr, No. 189 LaSalle St. Carl Ray Latham, I X, Willmette, 111. A. B., Northwestern Univ., 1893. Room 12, No. 184 Dearborn St. Frank Fay Pratt, Chicago, 111. Lake Forest Univ., two years. LL. B., Chicago Coll. of Law., 1896. Pres. Junior Class. First Pres. and Founder of Chicago Law Students' Alumni Assn., 1893. Resident Greek Consul for Chicago and the Northwest. Room 713 T. & T. Bldg., No. 100 Washington St. Roger Sherman, I cP, Chicago, 111. A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1894. 'Varsity and Class Foot Ball Teams, three years; 'Varsity Banjo Club. 404-6 Reaper Blk. Leverett Thompson, Chicago, 111. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1892. 1007 The Tacoma Bldg. Kay Wood, Chicago, 111. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1892. 1412 Monadnock Bldg. 92 PHI DELTA PHI. CLASS OF 1896. Alfred Beethoven Connable, d K E, Chicago, 111.' B. L., Univ. of Mich., 1894. Petoskey, Mich. William Clayton Crafts, Chicago, III. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. Scriptor. 717 Chicago Stock Exchange Bldg. William Bennett Cunningham, Jr., Chicago, 111. Business Coll., 1888. Proconsul. 407 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Richard Sweet Folsom, J T, Chicago, 111. A. B., Williams Coll., 1894. Room 30, No. 184 Dearborn St. Elmer Isaac Goshen, A T, Farmington, 111. A. B., Northwestern Univ., 1894. Historian. 79 McVicker's Thea- tre Bldg. Victor Mathews Harding, J K £, Chicago, IlL A. B., Harvard Univ., 1889. Member of Hasty Pudding Club. Of Chi- cago Daily lyibune and Times Staff. George Day McBirney, '/'* T, Chicago, 111. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. Author of Latin Ivy Ode, 1894. Member of K. O. A., Consul. Room 617 Home Ins. Bldg., No. 205 LaSalle St. Ralph Chester Otis, Chicago, 111. Medical School, Univ. of Penn., Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. City. No. 1730 Prairie Ave. William Miner Raymond, ^¥ )\ (p li A', Chicago, 111. A. B., .Yale Univ., 1894. Member of Scroll and Key Society. Oil Inspector of the<^ity of Chicago. 141 2 Monadnock Bldg. • Daniel Jay Schuyler, Jr. Tribute. Address was Room 79 McVicker's Theatre Bldg., and No. 3427 V^ernon Ave. Horace McVicker Sharpe, Chicago, 111. Address was Room 79 McVicker's Theatre Bldg., and No. 145 30th St. HoBART Paul Young, // S II, Chicago, 111. A. B., St. Ignatius Coll., 1894. Room 9, No. 184 Dearborn St. . BOOTH CHAPTER. 93 CLASS OF 1897. Charles Hammond Blatchford, A A <^, Chicago, 111. B, S., Cornell Univ., 1895. Delegate to the Fifth National Convention of Phi Delta Ph[, Dec, 1896. Scriptor, 1896-7. (Res. 375 La- Salle Ave.) 201 First National Bank Bldg. Gail Dray, Chicago, 111. B. S., Princeton Coll., 1895. The Metropole. Howard Frank Gillett, A K E, Chicago, 111. Koenigl. PT-euszische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universitaet, Berlin, 1891-2. Harvard Univ., 1893-4. (Res. 2908 Michigan Ave.) Shirley Tredway High, A K E, (P B K, Chicago, 111. B., A. Yale Univ., 1895. Philosophical appointment. Berkely Premium, one of the De Forest Mathematical prizes. Consul, 1896-7. (Res. No. 2021 Prairie Ave.) No. 103 Adams Ave. Maclay Hoyne, a T, Chicago, 111. B. A., Williams Coll., 1895. Editor Wiliiams Weekly. Manager of Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs. Tribune, 1896-7. (Res. No. 3369 Calumet Ave.) No. 85 LaSalle St. Morris Leidy Johnston, A k E, A A (P, Chicago, 111. Mass. Institute of Technology, Harvard Univ., 1895. (Res. No. 1636 Prairie Ave.) Charles G. Little, A K E, Evanston, 111. ^B. S., Amherst, 1895. (Res. No. 2016 Sheridan Road.) RoswELL Bertram Mason, W T, Chicago, 111. . A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Member of Scroll and Key. Chairman of Yale Daily News. Editor of Yale Record. Proconsul, 1896-7. (Res. No. 1200 Michigan Ave.) No. 88 LaSalle St. Henry Giles Miller, Jr., W T, Chicago, *[11. B. A., Yale Univ., 1895. Member of Scroll and Key. No. 35 Pear- son St. Augustus Stephen Peabody, A K E, Chicago, 111. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Historian, 1896-7. (Res. No. 426 Dearborn Ave.) Care of Peabody, Houghteling & Co., No. 164 Dearborn St. Lynn Ryerson Rutter, Chicago, 111. B. S., Princeton Univ., 1895. Member of American Whig Society. (Res. No. 410 Ontario St.) No. 98 Dearborn St. 94 PHI DELTA PHL CLASS OF 1899. William Southworth Miller, W T, Chicago, III. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. Scroll and Key. Manager Yale Base Ball Club. (Res. No. 35 Pearson St.) Redmond Davis Stephens, Chicago, III. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1896. (Res. N^. 2713 Prairie Ave.) Harry Wheeler Stone, W T, Chicago, III. A. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1896. (Res. No. 3411 Vernon Ave.) Norman Williams, Jr., J K E, Chicago, 111. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. Member of Scroll ami Key. (Res. No. 1836 Calumet Ave.) STORY CHAPTER IN THE COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL BEING THE SCHOOL OF LAW OF Columbia College [N THE CITY OF^ NEW YORK. ESTABLISHED 1881. COLUMBIA COLLEGE in the City of New York is the legal designation of the institution founded in 1754 as King's College by the grant of a royal charter from George II. The title of the corporation, originally the Governors of the College of the Province of New York, is now the Trus- tees of Columbia College in the City of New York. Columbia College is now both a college and a university. The college is known as the School of Arts. It offers a course of four years' duration in the liberal arts and sciences, lead- ing to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, which is conferred on the recommendation of the Faculty of Arts. The L^niversity consists of the following Faculties: Law, Medicine, Mines (covering Architecture and Applied Sci- ence), Political Science, Philosophy, and Pure Science. 96 PHI DELTA PHI. These Faculties have charge of all the graduate work, besides the professional instruction in law, medicine, and applied science. The Faculties are administrative divisions of the teaching body made in accordance with the natural affiliations of the subjects taught. The schools under their charge form convenient groupings of students. Each school bears the name of its Faculty, except that the school conducted by the Medical Faculty is known as the College of Physicians and Surgeons. A course of Law was established in 1793, but the School of Law was not established until 1858. PURPOSES OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW. The design of the School is to prepare students for prac- tice in any State of the Union, and in furtherance of this object the endeavor is made to give a thorough, practical, and scientific education in the principles of the law included in the following subdivisions: First. — The Common Law, in its development and as it exists to-day in the United States^ together with such stat- utory modifications as are generally in force in the several States. Second. — Equity, in its development and as it exists to- day in the United States. Third. — The Law/ of the State of New York, including Practice and Pleading under the Code of Civil Procedure, and the doctrines of substantive law peculiar to that State in regard to Trusts of Real and Personal Property, Powers, Per- petuities, Charitable Bequests, Accumulations, Limitation of Future Estates, Descent and Distribution, Mortgages and Contracts Fourth. — The Public Laws of the United States, and the principal European Countries, including Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, and International Law. Fifth. — Comparative Jurisprudence, Roman Law and the History oC European Law. STORY CHAPTER. 97 COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. The course of instruction leading to the degree of Bach- elor of Laws covers a minimum period of three years, in which there are offered sixty-four hours of instruction per week throughout the year. In the first year are offered four teen hours of instruction per week; in the second year twen- ty-seven hours of instruction per week; in the third , year twenty-three hours of instruction per week. The degree of Bachelor of Laws is conferred only upon students who have passed satisfactory examinations in courses covering a total of forty-two hours. To obtain this degree in three years the student must, ordinarily, take courses covering fourteen hours per week in each of the three years. Story Chapter was instituted on the second day of De- cember, 1 88 1, by Gideon vS. Fuller, Kent, '8i. HONORARY MEMBERS* Francis Marion Burdick, (P U K, New York City. A. B., Hamilton College, 1869. M. A., LL. B.. LL. D., Member of Ad- visory Faculty of American Institute of Civics. Professor of Law, Hamilton College, 1882-7. Mayor of Utica, N. Y., 1882-3. Profes- sor of Law, Cornell College, 1887-91. U. S. Inspector of Coinage, 1888-9. Dvvight Professor of Law, Columbia Law School, since 1891. Member of University Council, 1895-8. West 115th Street, near River- side Drive. George Chase, J I\ A', ' A, New York City. A. B., Yale, 1870. LL. B., Columbia Law School, 1873. Adjunct Pro- fessor of Municipal Law, Columbia College, 1874-8. Professor of Law, Columbia Law School, 1878-91. Dean of New York l^w School since 1891. Author of an edition of Blackstone's Commenta- ries Abridged, 3d ed. Leading Cases upon the Laws of Torts, 1891. Stephen's Digest of Evidence, 1S85. Editor Johnson's Ready Legal Advisor. Legal Contributor to Johnson's Universal Encyclopaedia. (Res., No. 309 West 74th i^lrcet.) Otfice, No. 120 Broadway. Richard Floyd Clarke, J A' E, (p />' h, New York City. A. B., College of the City of New York, 1880. Four medals in College, First prize in Municipal Law, 1882. LL. B., cu/fi laudi\ Columbia, 1882. Specialty, Corp>oratit)n Law. Clarke & Culver, No. 80 Broad- way. Sidney Elbridge Clarke, Haitford, Conn. LL. B., Yale Coll., 1881. Member Board of Education, 14 years', and Sec- retary thereof. No. 297 Main Street. George Miller Gumming, New York City. A. B., Harvard Coll., 1876. Professor of Law at Columbia Law School since 1891. (Res. No. 200 West 55th Street.) William Albert Keener, New York City. A. B., Emory College, Oxford, Ga., 1874. M. A., ibid.^ 1^17- LL- B., Harvard, 1877. LL. D., Western University, Penn., 1895. Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard, 1883-8. Story Professor of Law, ibid., 1888-90. Professor of Law, Columbia College, 1890-2. Author of ♦' A Treatise on the Law of Quasi-Contracts," 1893. Paper on "The Inductive Method in Legal Education," read at meeting of American Bar Assn, Aug., 1894. Kent Professor of Law and Dean of the Law Faculty of Columbia College since 1892. Ex-ojfficio member of Uni- versity Council. (Res., No. 441 Park Avenue) No. 86 East 56th Street. STORY CHAPTER. 99 George Washington Kirchwey, ¥ T, New York City. A. B., Yale, 1879. Townsend Premium, 1879. President of Linonia, 187S-9. Class Orator and Commencement Orator, 1879. Student-at- Law at Albany, 1879-82. Editor of Historical Records of State of New York, 1887-8. Editor Albany Law Journal^ 1891. Professor in Union University and Dean of Albany Law School, 1889-91. Profes- sor of Law and Secretary of the Law Faculty of Columbia College since 1891. West 113th Street and Boulevard. John Ordronaux, '/* }', (P B K, New York City. Born in the City of New York, August 3, 1830. A. B., Dartmouth Col- lege, 1850. M. A., ibid., 1853. LL. B., Harvard, 1852. M. D., National Medical College, Washington, D. C, 1S59. ^^- D., •Trinity College, Conn., 1870. LL, D., Dartmouth, 1895. Professor of Medical Jmisprudence in the National Medical College, and the Law School of Columbia College, since i860; in the University of Vermont, 1865-73; in the Medical Department of Dartmouth College since 1864; in the Law School of Boston since 1873; ^"" ^t Cornell University since 1890. Orator of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1876; Commencement Orator of the Medical Department of the University of Vermont, 1865; and of the National Medical College, 1869-70. Appointment by President Lincoln Surgeon to the Board of Enroll- ment of the First Congressional District of New York, 1863. State Commissioner of Lunacy, 1873-82. Appointed to Codify and Revise the Lunacy Statutes of New York, 1 874. As an author and writer. Prof. Ordronaux has been an extensive contrib- utor to the literature of Law, Medicine and History. The follownng is a list of his publications: CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LITERATURE OF LAW. 1. The Jurisprudence of Medicine in its relation to the Law of Contracts, Torts, and Evidence. 8vo, Phil., 1869, pp. 310. 2. The Proper Legal Status of the Insane. 8vo, N. Y., 1875^ pp. 48. 3. Legislation in New York relating to the Insane. Albany Law Jotirnal, Vol. 15, 1877. 4. Institutes of Equity as revealed through its maxims. Three articles in the Albany Law Jotirnal, Vol. 18, 1878. 7. Judicial Aspects of Insanity. 8vo, Albany, 1878, pp. 517. 8, 9, 10. The Articles on Imbecility, Insanity before the Law,, and Medical Jurisprudence in Johnson's Cyclopiedia, Vol. 2, N. Y.,, 1S76. 11. The Plea of Insanity as an Answer to an Indictment. Crimi- nal Law Magazine, July, 1880. 12. Judicial Problems relating to the disposal of Insane Criminals. Criminal Law Magazine, Sept. and Nov., 1881. 13. On Expert Testimony in Judicial Proceedings. American Jotirnal of Insanity, January, 1874. 14-21. Matter of Staudermann; People vs. Beno Ville; Jeniseh's case; Matter of Waltz; Ayer's case; Matter of Gilbert; Brush's case; People ex rel. N. Y. Hospital. In Abbott'' s New Cases^ Vol. 3, pp^ 187-273, 1878. loo PHI DELTA PHI. 22. Constitutional Legislation in the United States. Its origin and application to the relative powers of Congress and of State Legis- latures. 8vo, Phil., 1891, pp. 697. CONTRIBUTIONS TO MEDICAL LITERATURE. 1. The Legal Status of the Medical Profession in New York. Trans. N. Y. State Med. Society for i860. 2. Hints on Health in Armies. i2mo, N. Y., 1861, pp. 130. 3. Report on Expert Testimony. Trans. Am. Med. Association for 1862. 4. Manual for Military Surgeons, on the Examination of Recruits and Discharge of Soldiers. 8vo, N. Y., 1863, p. 238. 5^ Metrical Translation of the Regimen Sanitatis Salerni (Code of Health of the School of Salernum) into English rhyming verse. 8vo, Phil,, 1870, pp. 167. 6. Commencement Oration before the Medical Department of the University of Vermont, Burlington, 1865. 7. Anniversary Oration before the New York Academy of Medi- cine, 1866. 8. Commencement Oration before the National Medical College, 1867. 9. Commencement Oration before the National Medical College, 1870. 10. Hallucinations Consistent with Reason. American Journal of Insanity, 1862. 11. On Suicide. American Journal of Insanity, litt'i- 12. On Moral Insanity. American Journal of Insanity, January, 1873. 13. Is Habitual Drunkenness a Disease? American Journal of Insanity, April, 1874. 14. The Value of Expert Testimony. American Journal of In- sanity, July, 1870. 15. On Neurasthenia. Brooklyn Medical Journal, June, 1895. CONTRIBUTIONS TO HISTORICAL LITERATURE. 1. The First Discoverers of America. Putnam'' s Magazine, Nov. 1854- 2. History of the Bread Plants and Their Influence upon Civiliza- tion. Union Quarterly Magazine, April, 1856. 3. The Great Cycle— in two parts. American Church Monthly, January and February, 1858. 4. Eulogy on Rev. Z. Green, a Soldier of the Revolution. 8vo, N. Y., 1859- 5. History and Philosophy of Medical Jurisprudence. American Journal of Insanity, October, 1868. 6. Ode for the Centennary of Dartmouth College, 1869. 7. On Corporations, their history and influence upon Commercial progress. Paper read before the Old Colony Historical Society of Massachusetts. Transactions, Vol. 5, 1889. STORY CHAPTER. loi CLASS OF 1882. Frank Shkrrill Babcock, 2' , New York City. Hamilton Coll., 18S3. Joint Author with Brother Baird of " A Guide to the Principles of the Law, for Students, 1889." Compiler of the " Game Laws of the State of New York." Specialty, Elevated Rail- road Law. No. 32 Nassau St. William Raimond Baird, H H //, New York City. M. E., Stevens' Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J., 1878. Gen'l Sec. of the Alpha Sigma Chi, 1878-79. Joint author with Brother Babcock, of " Baird & Babcock's Guide to the Principles of the Law, for Students," 1889. Author of "American College Fraternities," isted. 1879, ist revised ed. 1880, 2d revised ed. 1883, 4th ed. 1890, 5th ed. 1897. "The Study of Languages. " Associate Editor of Ca^logue of Beta Thkta Pi, 18S2. Compiler of the Catalogues of Phi Delta Phi, 3d ed. 1885, 4th, 1886,5th, 1889, 6th, 1892. Delegate to the First, Second and Third National Conventions of Phi Delta Phi, 1882, 1889, 1893. Editor of the Phi Delta Phi Brief, 1887-8. Sec. of the Council of Phi Delta Phi, 1882-93. Editor of Beta Theta Pi A/agazine. Pres. N. Y. Correspondence School of Law. Corporation Law, Patents and Trade Marks. No. 271 Broadway. Charles Platt Barker, New York City. A. B., Yale Coll., 1880. No. 37 Liberty St. De Lagnel Berier, /> H f], New York City. Special Course Diploma, Univ. of City of New York, 1880. Sec. and Vice Pres. of Eucleian Lit. Society. Admiralty and Insurance Law. No. 120 Broadway. James Alexander Briggs, New York City. Sec. Democratic Club. Miller & Briggs, No. 32 Nassau St. Marcus Marcellus Cass, Jr., Watkins, N. Y. U. S. Military Academy. Formerly Editor of the Weekly Magazine of Chicago. *i888. Howard Harold Cleveland, /> S II. • Practiced at St. Paul, Minn. Charles Hawley Nearing, Kansas City, Mo. Attended Fairfield Academy. N. Y. Life Bldg. Robert Wilson Patrick, H 3, Omaha, Neb. Ph. B., Yale Coll., S. S. S., 1879. Honorable mention. Competitive Ex- amination, for German Prize, 1879. Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty., 1885-8. Sec. Executive Com., State Democratic Com;, 1886. Corp>oration and Real Estate Law, No. 300-2 Bee Bldg. I02 PHI DELTA PHI. Edward Vilette Raynolds, k) £, New Haven, Conn. Ph. B., Yale Coll., S. S. S., 1880. LL. B., cum laude, ibid., 1882. M. L., ibid., 1884. D. C. I.., ibid., 1885. Member of Z/;/^«/rt Society. Koenigl. Preuszische Friedrich WilhelmsUniversitaet, Berlin, 1886. Lecturer in Political Science at Yale Univ., 18S6-91. Instruc- tor in Municipal Law, Yale Law School. 1889-90. Lecturer on Con- stitutional Law, ibid., since 1893. At present Instructor in Comparative Jurisprudence. No. 62 Trumbull St. Theodore Roosevelt, J K E, .4 J 0, New York City. Born New York City, Oct. 27, 1858. A. B., Harvard Coll., 1880. Mem- ber of N. Y. Legislature, 1881-3. Delegate to Republican National Convention, 1884. Republican Candidate for Mayor of New York City, 1886. Civil Service Commissioner. Author of "A History of the Naval War of 1812," 1882. " Hunting Trips of a Ranchman," 1883. Life of Thomas H. Benton," 1887. " Life of Gouverneur Morris," 1888. "Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail," 1888. Contributor to Atlantic Monthly, "The College Graduate and Public Life," Aug., 1894. Pres. of Police Commissioners. Police Head- quarters. No. 3CX) Mulberry St. CLASS OF 1883. Otway Wilkinson Baldwin, // S IJ, Duluth, Minn. A*. B., Univ. of Minn., i88r. Formerly practiced at St. Cloud, Minn. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. George Abner Benedict, - ^, Wheeling, Mo. A. B., Univ. of Vt., 1881. Not in practice. George Trimble Davidson, New York City. Real Estate and Corporation Law. No. 123 Liberty St. John Stewart Durand, *F T, New York City. A. B., and Class Poet, Yale Coll.. 1881. No. 146 Broadway. William Forster, New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1881. Formerly Asst. Dist. Attv. No. 59 Wall St. James Meachem Gifpord, J V, (P H A', New York City. A. B., Middlebury Coll., 1877. A. M., Syracuse Univ. Prize Fellow- ship. Instructor in Greek and Latin, four years. Instructor in Colum- bia Coll. Law School, three years. Hobbs & Gifford, Corporation Law, No. 58 Pine St James Mills Jones, Kansas City, Mo. State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis., 1880. Formerly Municipal Judge At present. Mayor. Care of City Hall. STORY CHAPTER. 103 Radclhkk Boorman Lockwood, Binghamton, N. Y. Vice-Pres. Mo. Republican Convention, 1872. Assisting Thos. Waterman, Esq., on "The Law of Corporations." No. 41 Lewis St. *i896. George Bliss Silliman. A. B., Yale Coll., r88i. Accidentally killed at Riverside, Cal, May 15, 1896. •George Miller Tustin, H S II, Bloomsburg, Pa. Lewisburgh Univ., 1877-8. A. B., Brown Univ., 1880. Member of Academy of Political Science. Cashier of Cattawissa, Penn., Deposit Bank, 1884-91, and of First National Bank, 1891-3. *i886. William Wallace Willard. Practiced in New York City. CLASS OF 1884. William Benton Crisp, B 6 II, New York (^ity. Johns Hopkins Univ., three years. LL. B., rufu laude. Pres. of Bal- timore City Convention, 1886, 1887, 1888. No. 40 Wall St. Scott Hopkins, B 6 II, Horton, Brown Co., Kan. A. B. and Valedictory, Univ. of Kan., 1881. A. M., ibid., 1886. Pres. First National Bank. Hopkins & Hopkins, Collections, Real Estate, and Probate Practice. Norton Townshend Horr, J T, Cleveland, O. B. S., Cornell Univ., 1882. Joint Author with A. A. Bemis of "A Trea- tise on Municipal Police Ordinances," 1887. Compiler of "Biblio- graphy of Card Games and of the history of Playing Cards," 1892. Boynton & Horr, 735 Society for Savings Bldg. -Charles Evans Hughes, A T, B K, New York City. A. B,, Brown Univ., 1881. A. M., ibid., 1884. Dunn Premium, Car- penter Premium, and Classical Oration. Columbia Prize Tutorship, 1884-7. Prof, of Law and Special Lecturer, Cornell Univ., 1891-3. Lecturer at New York Law School, since 1893. Carter, Hughes & Dvvight, No. 96 Broadway. Edwin Louis Kalish, New York City. Real Estate and Corporation Law, No. 165 Broadway. Joseph Parker Kirlin, New York City. Univ. of Va., 1880-2. Ph. B., Columbia Coll., 1883. Contributor to Fairplay. (London). Collaborator of La Revue Internationale dti Droit Maritime. No. 5-7 Beekman St. Frederick Gove Paddock, B fl, Malone, N. Y. Franklin Academy, Cornell Univ., one year. Dist. Atty. Franklin Co., N. Y., 1893-9. Court House Bldg. 104 PHI DELTA PHI, JosiAH CuLBER'i Palmer, Ncw York City. A. B., Yale Coll., 1882. No. 165-7 Broadway. Frank Charles Parjridde, J \\ ' A, Rutland, Vt. A. B. and First Honor, Amherst Coll., 1882. Pres. of Senior Class. Private Sec. to the Sec. of War, 1889-90. Solicitor of the Dept. of State, 1890-3. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Venezuela, 1893-4. Mead Bldg. Daniel Addison Pierce, J T, Syracuse, N. Y. Ph. B., Cornell Univ., 1882. Cook, Nottingham & Pierce, 19 Wieting Blk. George Loveland Preniiss, Jr., New York City. ^ Paul Wilcox, H H II, New York City. A. B. and Valedictory, DePauw Univ., 1879. M. A., ibid.^ 1883. Mem- ber of Plntonean Society. Attended Koenigl. Preuszische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universitaet, Berlin, also studied at Leipsic. Counsel for American Press Assn. Wilcox, Barkley & Brodek, Corporation and Patent Law, No. 5 Beekman St. Rynier J. WoRTENDYKE, /)' w //, JcFscy City, N. j. A. B., Rutgers Coll.. 1882. A. M., ibid., 1885. Member of Philflclean Society. Carrick & Wortendyke, No. 76 Montgomery St. CLASS OF 1885. Asa Allino Allinc;, U H II, fp li h', New York City. Ph. B., Cornell Univ., 1883. Woodford Prize Orator. Ivy Orator. Edi- tor of Cornell Sun. Member of Metropolitan, University and Demo- cratic Clubs. Kenneson, Crain & Ailing, Corn Exchange Bank Bldg., No. 11-13 William St. Charles Mason Demond, .-1 J <^, B K, New York City. A. B. and Valedictory, Williams Coll., 1881. Columbia Law School Prize Essay. LL. B., atut laude. Logan, Demond & Harby, No. 58 William St. Frederick Geller, 7. *l'\ H A, New York City. A. B. and Valedictory, William, Coll., 1883. Memb3r of Philoloi^nan Society. First Prize Municipal Law. LL. B., cntn laude. With Turner, McClure & Rolston, No. 22 William St. Benjamin Smith Harmon, J h E,

II h, Chicago, 111. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1883. Ivy Orator. Union Theological Seminary. B. D., Yale Divinity School, iSgo. Pastor Washington (State) three years. Author of pamphlet " Weak and Rival Churches." Studied abroad, 1894. Permanent address, Barre, Vt. Engaged in social work. Hull House, No. 335 S. Halstead St. *i885. Barclay Johnson. A. B., Yale Coll., 1882. Formerly practiced in Greenwich, Conn. Joseph Augustus Kellogg, Glens Falls, N. Y. L. B., Cum laude. Scriptor. Asst. to the Atty. General of the State of N. Y. No. 142 Glen St. Eugene (jEorge Kremer, New York City. Attended School of Political Science, Columbia Coll. No. 120 Broad- way. Harry Woodville Latham, 'F r, Los Angeles, Cal. A. B., Yale Coll., 1883. Member of /Ff;//''j- iY.fr?^' Society. Member of Gamma Ate Society. Graff & Latham, Bullard Bldg. No. 256 N. Spring St. Elmer Lee Maddox, Grand Rapids, Mich. Not in practice. Manufacturer. Myron Henry Phelps, V V, New York City. Univ. of Mich., 1872-4. A. B., Yale Coll., 1876. Post-Graduate at Yale, 1876-7. LL. B., Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C, 1884. Initiated at Marshall Chapter, 1883-4. Townsend Prize, High Oration, Commencement Orator, Civil Engineer, assisting Maj. C. S. Suter, in U. S. Survey of the Missouri River, 1878-82. Examiner in the U. S. Patent office, 1882-4. Philip, Munson & Phelps, No. 7 Beekman St. Charles Woodruff Scovel, Pittsburg, Penn. A. B. and Valedictory, Western Univ. of Penn., 1883. A. M., ibid,^ 1886. Koenigl. Preuszische P'riedrich Wilhelms-Universitaet, Berlin, 1884-5. Of Advisory Council of College Fraternities Congress, 1893. Pres. General Alumni Assn. W. U. of Penn, 1S95-6. Sec. Allegheny Co. Bar Assn. since 1895. 1003-5 Carnegie Bldg. Richard Cutts Shannon, J l\ K, (P // h, New York City. Born New London, Conn., Feb 12, 1839. A. B., Colby Univ., Water- ville. Me., 1862. A. M., I'Md., 1866. LL. D., t/nd., 1892. In Union army during the civil war. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary to the Republics of Nicaragua, Salvador and Costa Rica, 1891-3. Member of LIV. Congress from Thirteenth Dist. of N. Y., 1895-7. Re-elected to LV. Congress in 1896. Purrington & Shan- non, No. 59 Wall St. io6 PHI DELTA PHI. John Montgomery Ward, New York City. Penn. State Coll., three years. Orvis Prize in Mathematics. Capt. N. Y. ( Base Ball Club, 1885. Columbia Coll., School of Pol. Science Prize, in "Diplomacy." LL. B., cum laude. No. n Pine St. CLASS OF 1886. Charles Walter Artz, New York City. A. B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1884. LL. B., cum laude. Vice-Pres. of the Phi Dklta Phi Council, 1889-93. Railroad and Corporation Law. No. 54 Wall St. Robert Munro Boyd, Jr., ^V /', ^ B K, New York City. A. B.; Yale Coll., 1884. ist Berkeley Latin Premium, 1881. Editor of Yale News, \%'^o-i. Cobden Club Medal, 1884. A. M., Columbia Coll., 1886. (Res. 51 Kullerton Ave., Montclair, N. J.) Murphy, Lloyd & Boyd, No. 11 1 Broadway. Stewart Chaplin, J T, (P li K, New York City. A. B., Brown Univ., 1882. Author of "The Suspension of Power of Alienation and Postponement of Vesting," 189I, and " Law of Wills, with Selected Cases," 1892. Prof, of I>aw Metropolis Law School, 1894-5. No. 40 Wall St. Paul Drennan Cravath, New York City. A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1882. A. M., idu/., 1892. Assist, at Columbia Law School, 1886-9. Member of P/ii Delta Lit. Society. Cravath & Houston, No. 120 Broadway. Leonidas Dennis, New York City. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1884. A. M., ibid., 1886. No. 3 Broad St. Curtis Rose Hatheway, New York City. B. S., Amherst Coll., 1884. Member of firm North, Ward & Wagstaff, No. 120 Broad St. Samuel Hudson Kinsley, Colorado Springs, Col. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1884. Police Magistrate, 1889-93. City Atty. of Col. Springs, 1894. Co. Judge, El Paso Co., 1895. Ady & Kinsley, Corporation and Mining Law. 66-7 Bank Bldg. John Deering Lord, Jr., // ^ //, Baltimore, Md. A. B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1884. No. 219 E. Fayette St. -Charles Beatty Reid, J 7 J, New York City. A. B., Washington and Jefferson Coll., 1883. A. M., ibid., 1886. Vale dictory. LL. B., cutn laude. No. 140 Nassau St. STORY CHAPTER. 107 Edwin Milton Royle, New York City. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1883. Also attended Univ. of Edinburgh. Member of Cliosophic Society. Actor and author of " Friends" and «' Mexico," or " Captain Impudence." Address care of Paul D. Cravath, Story, i886. Theodore Eugene Smith, A A , New York City. A. B., Coll. of the City of New York. Frank Lewis Williams. (Address unknown, ) Letter to Panola, 111., returned unclaimed. CLASS OF 1887. Samuel Archibald Anderson, St. Paul, Minn. A. B., Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111,, 1885, Member of Adelphi Society, LL. B,, cum lattde. Chamberlain & Anderson, Gilfillan Blk. Henry de Forest Baldwin, A K E, New York City. A. B., Yale Coll., 1885. Member of Skull and Bones Society, Member of Chi Delta Tlieta Society. Asst, to Corporation Counsel in charge of the Bureau of Street Openings, No. 92 W, Broadway. Office, No, II Pine St. James Burt Best, A A (P, New York City. A, B,, Amherst Coll,, 1885. Formerly City Justice at Tacoma, Wash. Not in practice. Editor of Monthly Magazine Progress of the World. No, 156 Fifth Ave. William Fowler Guthrie, Atchison, Kas. LL. B., cum laude. W, W. & W. F. Guthrie, Real Estate and Corpo- ration Law, Pioneer Bldg, Charles Buxton Hobbs, A K E, New York City. A, B,, Yale Coll., 1885. Member of Skull and Bones Society. Member of Eta Phi. Junior Exhibition Speaker. Nominee for Congress. Hobbs & Gifford, Corporation Law, No, 58 Pine St. Jamin Seth Morse, New York City. A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1882. A, M,, ibid., 1887, No, 234 Broadway. Pliny Leland Soper, />' S II, Vinita, Ind. Ter. A. B,, Univ, of Kas., 1881. A, M., ibid., i8gi. College Orator of Quarter Centennial of Univ., 1891, Asst, U, S, Atty. for Dist, of Kas., 1889-93, Atty, for A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co.; St, L, & S. F. R, R, Co.; G,, C, & S, F, R, R, Co.; and Wagner Palace Car Co, Soper & Sansom, Offices, Vinita and Muscogee, John Perry Wall, Jr., X 0, Tampa, Fla. Emory Coll. Formerly City Atty, io8 PHI DELTA PHI. George Brown Watson, li & II, Kansas City, Kas. A. B., Kas. State Univ., 18S4. Univ. of Mich., 1885-6, where he was- admitted to Kknt Chapter. McGrew, Watson & Watson, N. E. cor. Seventh and Minn. Ave. Walter Francis Willcox, V )\ (If li h, Ithaca, N. Y. A. B., and Commencement Orator, Amherst Coll., 1884. A. M., ibid., 1888. Class Pres., 188 1-2. Seligman Fellow, 1886-7. Post-graduate at Yale, 1888-9. Koenigl. Preuszische Friedrich Wilhclms-Universi- taet, Berlin, 1889-90. Ph. D., Columi)ia Coll., 1891. Associate Prof, of Social Science and Statistics, Cornell Univ., since 1891. Author of <«The Divorce Problem; a Study in Statistics." "Studies in History, Economics and Public l^w." Contributor to various professional periodicals. Sec. of the Faculty of Cornell Univ. No. 27 Stewart Ave. CLASS OF 1885. Paul Klmball Amfs, '/'* T, New York City. Principal of the Newry, Me., Public School, 1 880-1. Pres. of the Dunham Boat Club, 1884-5. Pres. of Yale Univ. Boat Club, 1S85-6. A. B., Yale, 1886. Founder and Proprietor of C>/«;///Vrt' Lmv Times, 1887-94. Seligman Prize Fellow., 1887-8. A. M., Columbia School of Political Science, 1887. Ames & Gavegan, No. 40 Wall St. Joseph Deyoe Baucus, New York City. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1886. A. M., ihid.^ 1889. Member of "Whig Hall." Gayley, Baucus & Fleming, Corporation Law, No. t,i Wall St. Henry Stanford Brooks, J A A', New York City. A. B., Yale Coll., 1886. Member of Skitll and Bones and Eta Phi Societies. Supt. American Telephone and Telegraph Co. No. 18 Cortland St. Henry Charles Cha'rpiot, A J , Denver, Col. B. S., Cornell Univ., 1886. LL. B., cum laude. Annual Prize in Com- parative Constitutional Law and Constitutional History, 1888. Non- resident Lecturer, Univ. of Col., 1893-5. Prof, of Constitutional Law, in Law School of Denver Univ., since 1895. P. O. Box 767. 30-32 Arapahoe Bldg. Edward Luther Dixon, .V V, Denver, Col. A. B., Williams Coll. Riddell, Starkweather & Dixon, 1-5 Duff Bldg. Harry Augustus Garfield, A J (P, Cleveland, O. A. B., and Class Orator, Williams Coll., 1885. Prof, of Contracts at Western Reserve Law School, since 1883. Garfield & Garfield, Gar- field Bldg. STORY CHAPTER. 109 James Rudolph Garfield, A A , Cleveland, O. A. B., and Graduating Orator, Williams Coll., 1885. Member of Senate of 72nd General Assembly of Ohio. Garfield & Garfield, Garfield Bldg. Henry Bell Gayley, New York City. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1884. A, M., ibid., 1887. Member of Amer- ican Whig Society. Essay Prize. Gayley, Baucus & Fleming, Cor- poration Law, No. 52 Wall St. Frederic Rogers Kellogg, New York City. B. S., Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1884. Scriptor, and Contributor to Phi Delta Phi Brief, 18S7-8. Second Prize and Honorable Men- tion, 1888. Dill, Seymour & Kellogg, No. 27 Pine St. Fulton McMahon, New York City. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1884. A. M., ibid., 1886. Member of Ameri- can IVhig Society. Also attended Johns Hopkins Univ., and Koenigl. Preuszische Friedrich Wi!helms-Universitaet, Berlin. Honorable mention in Political Philosophy. Interested in municipal reform. Good Government Club movement. Member of "Committee of Sev- enty." No. Ill Broadway. Edward Miller. (Address unknown.) A. B., Amherst Coll. Edwin Lawrence Miller, Seneca, Kas. Boston Law School, 1884-5, where he was admitted to Webster Chap- ter. In 1886, established and edited the military magazine Ours, in New York City. Formerly Editor of Seneca Chronicle. City Atty. of Seneca, 1889-90. Justice of the Peace, 1890-1. City Council- man, 1896. Reviser and Collator of City Ordinances. Democratic candidate for State Senator, i8lh Dist. of Kas., 1896. William Augustus Moore, // S //, Denver, Col. A. B., and Valedictorian, Univ. of Denver, 1885. Member of Phi Alpha Society. First Prize Law School, 1888. Prof, in Denver Law School. Cranston (Hamilton), Pitkin (Waite) & Moore, 439-42 Equitable Bldg. Henry Townsend Nason, J K E, Troy, N. Y. A. B., Yale Coll., 1886. Member of Scroll mid Key. Townsend, Roche & Nason, 8-9 Times Bldg., Broadway. Edward Liddon Patterson, A J cP, (P /? /i', New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1886. Pres. of Philolexian Society. Asst. Man- aging Editor Spectator. Member of Columbiad Board. Arnold, Greene & Patterson. No. 3 Broad St. no PHI DELTA PHI. Philo Perry Safford, New York City. A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1885. Member of Phi Kappa Pi Lit. Society. Various Oratorical Prizes. Prize Fellowship, 1888-91. Esselstyn, Ketcham & Safford, No. 35 Wall St. Frederick William Slade, Cleveland, O. A. B., Williams Coll., 1886. Oratorical Prizes. Associated with Virgil P. Kline, Cleveland State Hospital. Walter Teis Smith, U S fl, Pekin, 111. Iowa Wesleyan Univ. A. B., and Palladium Editor, Univ. of Mich., 1887. Law Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1886-7, where he was admitted to Kent Chapter. Sec. of St. Louis Convention, Beta Theta Pi, 1885. Chief of Dist. VII, 1886-7; of I^'st. VIII, 1888-91. Manu- facturer. Henry Allen Tenney, K A, New York City. Cornell Univ., 1884-6. Not in practice. Care of Bar Assn., West 44th St. Joseph Nathaniel Tutti^e, J A £, New York City. A. B., Yale Coll., 1884. No. 265 Broadway. CLASS OF 1889. William Lincoln Barnum, Syracuse, N. Y. Author of "The Liability of Railroad Companies and Sleeping Car and Parlor Car Companies for Injuries and Losses to Passengers in Sleep- ing Cars and Parlor Cars," Columbia Laiv Journal^ 1889. Barnum- & Danziger (Daniels, '92) 61 1-6 Granger Bldg., No. 208 E, Gene- see St. Paul Dillingham Carpenter, Milwaukee, Wis. 1009 Pabst Bldg. Charles Buckingham Cole, J K A', ^ // K, New York City. A. B., and Valedictory, Hamilton Coll., 1887. M. A., ihid.^ 1890. Prize in Constitutionol Law. Member of Theta Nti Epsilon No, 45-7 Wall St. Lincoln Cromwell, J K K, (P li A, New York City, A. B., Columbia Coll., 1886.' M. A., ibid., 1887. Member of Barnard Society. Prize Fellow, in Mathematics, 1886-9. Merchant, with Wm. Iselin & Co., No. i Greene St. Norton Murdock Cross, X W^ Minneapolis, Minn. B. S,, and Salutatorian, Univ. of Minn., 1887. Cross, Hicks, Carletott & Cross, 600 N. Y. Life Bldg. STORY CHAPTER. iii Edward Foote Dwight, B II, New York City. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1887. Prize Tutor. Contributor to Columbia Law Journal, "Exoneration in the Law of Surety- Strips," January, 1890. Second Municipal Law Prize. Tutor at Columbia Law School, three years. Special Instructor at New York Law School, 1894-5. Editor of " Law of Persons and Personal Property," by Theodore W. Dwight, 1894. Carter, Hughes & Dwight, No. 96 Broadway and No. 6 Wall St. Charles Philip Easton, New York City. No. 206. Broadway. Thomas Ewing, Jr., New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1885. M. A., i/nd., 1886. Fellow Asst., in Physiology, Columbia. Coll., 1885-8. Asst. Examiner in U. S. Patent Office, 1888-90. Affiliated with Marshal Chapter. LL. B., George- town Univ., 1890. No. 120 Broadway. William Dyer Fullerton, li II, (P Ji K, Ottawa, 111. A. B., Northwestern Univ., 1885. M. A., ibid., 1888. Scriptor, and Correspondent of Phi Delta Phi Brief, 1888. Member of firm of Lackner & Butz, Chicago, 1893-4. Alumni Sec. of Beta Theta Pi. Real Estate Law. No. 609 La Salle St. C'harles Frank Goddard, A J (p, H K, New York City. Prize Scholarship in History, 1885. Chauler Historical Prize, 1887. A. B., and Valedictorian, Columbia Coll., 1S87. M. A., ibid., 1888. Times Bldg., 41 Park Row. ]>ucius Warner Hoyt, J T J, Denver, Col. B. S., Mich. Agricultural Coll., 1882. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, 1884—7. Delegate to Second National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, May, i88g. Associate Prof, of Law, 1892-3. Prof, of Law, Law School, Univ. of Denver, since 1893. Sec. of the Faculty, ibid. Ernest & Cranmer Bldg. Henry Belden Ketcham, '/'" /', New York City. A. B., Yale Univ., 1887. Editor of Yale News, 1885-6-7. Esselstyn, Ketcham & Safford, Mills Bldg., No. 35 Wall St. Charlton Miner Lewis, ^F T,

A', New Haven, Conn. Philosophical Oration . at Junior Exhibition, Yale Coll., 1S85, and at Commencement, ibid., 1886. Editor of Yale Literary Magazine, 1885-6. Scott Prize in German, 1886. A. B., and Class Poet, Yale Coll., 1886. Member of Skull and Bones^oc'iety and of C/ii Delta Theta. Practiced in New York City until 1894. Instructor in En- * glish Literature at Yale Univ. Jonas Fish Mann, zJ K E,

' A, Everett, Wash. A. B., Brown Univ., 18S8. Hewitt Bldg. William Gasten, J )',

, V> />' A, New York City. A. B., stinima cum lati(/e, Amherst Coll., 1886. Pres. of Amherst Phi- losophy Board. Editor of Amherst Student. Class Gymnasium Cap- tain. Manager of Amherst Glee Club. Commencement Orator. Pres. of Phi Bkta Kafpa. Post-graduate at Vale Univ. Prof, at Phillips-Exeter Aca li h, New York City. A. B., Trinity Coll., Hartford, Conn., 1889. Valedictorian. No. 21 E.. Twenty-second St. STORY CHAPIER. 115 Samuel Ewing Smiley, <^ B K, Fort Sheridan, 111. Appointed Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy, West Point, from N, J., July, 1881. Graduated June, 1885. Commissioned 2nd Lieut., 8th Inf. Served in Cal., Mexico, Ariz., New Mexico and Neb. Prof, of Mili- itary Science and Tactics at Rutgers Coll., 1888-91. Columbia Coll. Law School and Columbia Coll. School of Political Science, 1889-91. Promoted ist Lieut., 15th Inf., April, 1882. Appointed Regimental Quartermaster, 1893. LL. B., Chicago Coll. of Law, 1895. Spe- cialty, Military Law and International Law. Permanent address, care of Adjc.-Gen. U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. Arthur Smith, A J (P, (P B K, New York City. B. S., Coll. of the City of New York, 1889. No. 6 Wall St. Felix Freiherr von Wilmowski. See infra, George Hunt Walker, W T, Tacoma, Wash. B. S., and Commencement Orator, Univ. of Rochester, 1886. M. S., t'/nd., 1888. First Davis Prize Medal, 1886. Walker & Fitch, 607-9 Fidelity Trust Bldg. Howard Hunter Williams, A J , New York City. B. A., Yale Univ., 1889. No. 99 Nassau St. Felix Freiherr von Wilmowski, New York City. Teslunonitmi Maturitatis, Berlin Gymnasium, 1878. Koenigl. Preus- zische Universitaet, Marburg, 1879. Graduated from Koenigl. Preus- zische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universitaet, Berlin, with the title Referen- darius, i88i. Published "Synopses of Foreign Corporation Laws," 1895. Specialty, Corporation Law, International Law, and Foreign. Law and Notariat. No. iii Broadway. CLASS OF 1893. Henry Martyn Alexander, Jr., New York City. A. B., Princeton Coll., 18890. Member of Whig Hall. Alexander & Colby, No. 120 Broadway. Samuel Vilas Beckwith, J K E, New York City. A. B., Williams Coll., 1890. LL. B., New York Law School, 1892. Care of Dill, Seymour & Kellogg, No. 27 Pine St. Bainbridge Colby, A A (P, (P B K, New York City. A. B., Williams Coll., 1890. LL. B., New York Law School, 1892. Alexander & Colby, No. 120 Broadway. Joseph Griswold Deane, ¥ T, New York City. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1890. With Deming & Walradt, No. ii Wil- liam St. , ii6 PHI DELTA PHI. Edwin Duffey, A A 0, (P B K, Cortland, N. Y. A. B,, Amherst Coll., 1890. Frederick Smyth Duncan, Englewood, N. J. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1890. No. 120 Broadway, New York City. Hampton Denman Ewing, A A 0, (P B K, New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1888. A. M., i6iJ., 1889. Junior History Schol- arship. Prize Fellowship in Science, 1888-91. Scriptor. Ewing, Whitman & Ewing, No. 41 Wall St. George Houghton Oilman, (P r A, B K, New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1887. M. A., ibid., 1888. Member of Barnard Lit. Society. Fellow in Science, Columbia Coll., 1887-8. University Scholar in Mathemat^ics, Johns Hopkins, 1889. Fellow, ibid., 1890. LL. B., New York Law School, 1892. With Owen & Sturges, No. 71 Wall St. Rodney Lawrence Glisan, Z ^^, Portland, Ore. A. B., Yale Univ., 1800. LL. B., Univ. of Ore., 1892. Admitted at Chase Chapter, 1890-1. M. A., Columbia Coll., 1893. 420 Cham- ber of Commerce Bldg. Herbert Noble, New York City. A. B., St. John's Coll., Annapolis, Md., 1889. Member of Phi Kappa Lit. Society. A. M., Columbia Coll., 1895. Instructor in McDonegh Institute, Baltimore, Md. Lecturer on Suretyship, Carriers and Code, in Columbia Law School. No. 120 Broadway. Louis Penwell, Helena, Mont. Percy Hamilton Stewart, Plainfield, N. J. A. B., Yale Univ., 1890. New York City address was No. 12 E. Forty- seventh St. Charles Thaddeus Terry, (P A 6,

B K, Boerne, Kendall Co., Texas. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1890. M. A., ibid., 1891. Member of Barnard , Lit. Society. Won Joint Senior Debate. Editor of Cohimbia Specta- tor four years. Class Poet three years. Editor of '90 Cohiinbiad. Class Day Prophet. Sophomore Ilaruspex. Historian, Class of '90. LL. B., cmn laude. New York Law School, 1892. At present Co. Atty. of Kendall Co. CLASS OF 1894. DeWitt Bailey, A K E, New York City. A. B., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 189I. A. M., Columbia Coll., School of Political Science, 1892. Bailey & Sullivan, No. 122 Bowery. Robert Chetwood Beatty, Z W, New York City. Proconsul. LL. M., Columbia Coll., 1895. Home address. No. 3 E. Ninth St. Junior Asst. to the Counsel to the Corporation of the City of New York. No. 2 Try on Row. James Floyd Denison, Denver, Col. A. B., Brown Univ., 1888. 501 Equitable Bldg. Frank Ayer Dillingham, A K E, B h, New York City. A. B., Yale Univ., 1891. Freshman Mathematical Prize. Grade "High Oration." Junior appointment. (Res., Summit, Union Co., N. J.) Rounds & Dillingham,* No. 96 Broadway. Hamilton Hill Durand, New York City. A. B., Yale Univ., i8go. With Simpson, Thacher & Barnum, No. 10 Wall St. George Tarleton Goldthwaite, J K E, A A B K, New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., i89"2. M. A., ibid., 1893. Member of Barnard Lit. Society. Alumni Prize, 1892. Tribune. Scriptor. Honorable Mention, 1895. Member of General Committee, Kings Co. Demo- cratic Reform Organization. (Res., No. 49 Garden Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.) No. 48 Wall St. Joseph Edmond Bullen, A K E, B K. New York City. A. B., Brown Univ., i8go. A. M., Columbia Coll., 1894. (Home, New- ton Centre, Mass.) With Sherman & Sterling, No. 44 Wall St. Torrey Everett, A (P, New York City. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1891. No. 27 W. Forty-fourth St. Lewis Herbert Freedman, A K E, New York City. x\, B., College of the City of New York, 1892. Honorable Mention, 1892. W^ith Judge John J. Freedman, County Court House. Edwin Sumner Hunt, A K E, li K, New York City. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1890. No. 41 Wall St. Matthew Tilghman Johnston, New York City. A. B., St. John's Coll., Annapolis, Md., 1890. Member of Philokalian Lit. Society. Consul. (Res., No. 18 W. Twenty-first St.) Room 35, No. 120 Broadway. Arthur Knox, New York City. A. B., Coll. of the City of New York, 1892. A. M., Columbia Coll., 1894. (Res. No. 472 Mott Av.) 44 Wall St. William Belfrage Parsons, New York City. A. B., cum laude, Princeton Univ., 1892. Member of American Whig Society. No. 25 Pine St. Ludwig Claus Magnus Robert Sturcke, New York City. Testimonium Maturitatis, Realschule, Bremen, 1884. M. A., Columbia School of Political Science, 1895. With Cravath & Houston, Equit- able Bldg., No. 120 Broadway. I20 PHI DELTA PHI. Russell Lord Tarbox, (P A 6, (P B K, New York City. A. B., Williams Coll., 1892. Pres. of College Class. Vice-Pres. of Law Class. No. 120 Broadway. Peter Dirk Van Oosterhaut, ^ H h\ Orange City, la. Ph. B., State Univ. of la., 1893. LL. B., ibid., 1894. Initiated at Mc- . Clain Chapter, 1893-4. Hutchinson & Van Oosterhaut. * William Bell Wait, Jr., New York City. Special Student, Columbia Coll., four years. LL. B., ibid., 1894. Ini- tiated as a Post-graduate, 1894-5. LL. M., Columbia Coll., 1895. No. 206 Broadway. CLASS OF 1896. Russell Ely Burke, New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1894. Candidate for A. M. No. 17 E. Fifty- fifth St. Thomas Ives Chatfield, Z '/^, B K, New York City A. B., Yale Univ., 1893. No. 173 Fifth Ave. Archibald Douglas, ^^ T, New York City. Columbia Coll., 18903. Member of Columbian Club and Musical Soci- ety. Managing Editor of Spectator. Editor of Colmnbia Literary Monthly. (Res., Tarry town, N. Y.) No. 156 Fifth Ave. Hermann George Friedmann, New York City. B. S., Coll. of the City of New York, 1893. M. A., Columbia Coll., 1895. No. 922 E. One Hundred Thirty-eighth St. Philip Redington Mudge Hildreth, A J , New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1894. LL. B., New York Law School, 1895. No. 48 Irving Place. ♦1896. Edward Renshaw Jones. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1893. Resided at No. 20 N. Washington Square. Died Feb. 18, 1896. Campbell Erie Locke, A J />' A, New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1894. Consul. No. 23 W. 53d St. Charles Roger Pelgram, New York City. Stevens Institute,. Hoboken, 1892. No. 337 W. 88th St. Harold Sturgis Rankine, K A, New York City. A. B., Hobart Coll., 1892. Junior Assist, in the office of the Counsel to the Corporation of New York City. No. 2 Tryon Row. STORY CHAPTER. 121 Joseph Martin Schenck, Binghampton, N. Y. Oliver Wadsworth Shead, New York City. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1893. LL. B., New York Law School, 1895. No. 309 Broadway. Robert William Thompson, Jr., A J 0, New York City. ^ A. B., Coll. of City of New York, 1893. First- prize in Philosophy. Prize in Political Science. M. A., Columbia Coll., 1894. Member of Phreno Lit. Society. Scriptor, 1894-5. Tribune, 1895-6. (Res. No. 229 W. 97th St.) No. 120 Broadway. Ernest Ingersol White, K A, Syracuse, N. Y. B. L., Cornell Univ., 1893. Member of Curtis Lit. Society. Woodford Oratorical Prize. LL. B., New York Law School, 1895. White Bldg. CLASS OF 1897. Grosvenor Hyde Backus, A A (l>, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 5, 1874. B. S., Amherst Coll., 1894. Kellogg, Lester and Hyde Prizes in speaking. Editor-in-chief of Amherst Student. Consul, 1896-7. No. 57 Livingston St. Henry Burr Barnes, Jr., ^' T, New York City. A. B., Yale Univ., 1893. No. 5 E. 44th St. George Bowen Case, J K E, Kansas City, Mo. A. B., Yale Univ., 1893. No. 706 W. loth St. Alexander Mitchell Crane, Scarsdale, N. Y. Born New York City, Aug. i, 1871. A, B., Harvard Univ., 1894. Frederick Dwight, J K E, Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. Historian, 1895-7. No. 51 Remsen St. Robert Woodward Barnwell Elliott, A T Q, New York City. M. A., Univ. of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., 1894. Member of Sigma Epsilon Lit. Society. No. 117 W. 45th St. or No. 44 W. 46th St. Edwin Olaf Holter, A K E, Helena, Mont. Phillips Exeter Academy. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. Holter Blk. Robert Selden Huse, A 0, Highland Falls, Orange Co., N. Y. Lehigh Univ., 1891-3. LL. B., Univ. of the South, 1894. J22 PHI DELTA PHI. Robert Hamilton Hutchins, A A 'If, li l\, Brandon, Vt. Rom Brandon, Vt., Feb, 23, 1869. A. B., Trinity Coll., Hartford, 1890. M. A., Und., 1894. Scriptor, 1895-6. Tribune, 1896-7. (Home, Brandon, Vt.) New York City address, No. 65 W. 52d St. James Truesdell Kilbreth, Jr., li K, North Adams, Mass. Born North Adams, Mass., Oct. 27, 1S72. A. B.. Yale Univ., 1894. 8 Chestnut St. CLASS OF 1898. Wilbur Laing Ball, New York City. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1895. No. 29 E. 46th St. Anson McCook Beard, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. STORY CHAPTER. 123 Cj.iiNiON Edward Bell, 6 J X, Northampton, Mass. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1895. No. 48 Gothic St. David Criswell Bennett, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, N. Y., 1895. 4th Ave. and 79th St.. Benjamin Stickney Cable, J K E, Chicago, 111. Born Rock Island, 111., Sept. 24, 1872. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Mem- ber of The Council of Phi Delta Phi since 1896. No. 312 Erie St. Walter Frederick Carter, J K E, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born Brooklyn,^L. I., Dec. 10, 1873. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. No. 176 Brooklyn Ave. Walter Evans Cooke, J K E, Paterson, N. J. Born Paterson, N. J., May 3, 1874. A. B., Yale Univ., 1S95. No. 437 Ellison Ave. Alford Warriner Cooley, J K E, Westchester, N. Y. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1895. Edward Ridley Finch, (l> B A, Plainfield, N. J. Born New York City, Nov. 15, 1873. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Two years honors in Political Science and Law. Proconsul, 1896-7. No. 1 106 Park Ave. Edward Codman Parish, A J (P, New York City. Born Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y., July 30, 1873. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1895. Editor of Columbia Spectator. No. I W. 19th St. James William Prendergast, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Born Brooklyn, N. Y., June 19, 1874. A. B., Mt. St. Mary's Coll., Emmitsburg, Md., 1895. ^^- 259 Clinton St. Alfred Roelker, Jr., A' (Z', New York City. Born New Brighton, S. I., April 7, 1875. A, B., Amherst Coll., 1895. No. 202 W. 45th St. Harlan Fiske Stone, A A (D, (P B K, New York City. Born Chesterfield, N. H., Oct. ir, 1872. B. S., Amherst Coll., 1894. No. 17 E. 46th St. Ralph Alonzo Sturges, New York City. Born Lewiston, Maine, April 29, 1871. A. B., Bates Coll., 1893. Mem- ber of Eurosophian Society. No. 61 W. 51st St. John Edwin Walker, Tacoma, Wash. Born Springfield, 111., Oct. 5, 1873. 608 Fidelity Blk. 124 PHI DELTA PHI. Shelton King Wheeler, (P H h, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1872. A. B., Yale Univ., ii;Q4. First National Bank Bldg. Henry Payne Whitney, ^F T, (P Ji A, New York City. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. No. 2 W. 57th St. CLASS OF 1899. Elliot Stewart Benedict, New York City. A. B,, Harvard Univ., 1896. No. 14 E. 70th St. Alfred Loom is Curtiss, (T T, New York City. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 9 W. 56th St. Frederick Hale, Ellsworth, Me. Born Detroit, Mich., Oct. 7, 1874. A. B., Harvard Univ., i8g6. New York City address, Madison Ave. Hotel, cor. 58th St. Washington, D. C, address. No. looi i6th St. May Humphreys, J A E, New York City. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 23 E. 47th St. John Henry Iselin, New York City. Born New York City, Sept. 10 1874. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1896. No. 32 E. 22d St. John Campbell Kerr, Englewood, N. J. Born Alleghany, Pa., Oct. 9, 1873. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1896. Chestnut St. Dwight Whitney Morrow, li 8 II, Allegheny, Penn. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1895. No. 130 Irwin Ave. Walter Palmer Paret, A K E, New York City. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 161 W. 76th St. David Rumsey, ¥ r, Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y. Attended Univ. of Rochester. Theodore Charles Tebbetts, J K E, Lynn, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1892. No. 37 Baltimore St. William Seymour Tyler, ¥ T, Plainfield, N. J. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1895. No. 525 W. 7th St. Roberts Walker, A K E, (P B h, New York City. Born Rutland, Vt., Aug 24, 1874. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1896. No. 55 W. 74th St. COOLEY CHAPTER IN THE ST, LOUIS LAW SCHOOL, BEING THE LAW DEPARTMENT OF THE Washington University. ESTABLISHED 1882. WASHINGTON University, founded in the City of St. Louis, under an Act of Incorporation by the State of Missouri, approved February 22, 1853, is intended to embrace the whole range of University studies except The- ology, and to afford opportunity of complete preparation for every sphere of practical and scientific life. By the eighth article of the Constitution, ''no instruc- tion, either sectarian or religious, or partisan in politics, shall be allowed in any department of the University; and no sectarian or partisan test shall be used in the election of professors, teachers, or other officers of the University for for any purpose whatsoever. This article shall be understood as the fundamental condition on which all endowments, of whatsoever kind, are received." The Constitution also declares the article now quoted ''not subject to alteration at any time;" but to guard against all encroachments in this 1 2 6 PHI DEL TA PHI. important particular, the Directors have obtained from the General Assembly an amendment to the charter, by which said article is incorporated in the same, and thereby placed beyond the power of any future Board of Directors. The Act of Amendment, approved February 12, 1857, declares: "Sec. 2. No instruction either sectarian in religion, or partisan in politics, shall be allowed in any department of said University; and no sectarian or party test shall be allowed in the election of professors, teachers, or other officers of said University; or in the admission of scholars thereto, or for any purpose whatever." On the 2 2d of April, 1857, the formal inauguration of Washington University took place with appropriate exercises in University Hall, and an oration delivered by the Hon. Edward Everett, in the Mercantile Library Hall. An advanced scientific class was organized at that time. The Academy had then been in operation about three years. The College and Mary Institute were organized in 1859, and the first Senior Class was graduated from the College in June, 1862. The Law School was founded in the year 1867, by thr united efforts and counsels of the Directors of Washington University and of members of the profession actually in practice or then on the bench in the City of St. Louis. It first opened to students Sept. 16, 1867, and has consequently been in successful and unbroken operation for nearly thirty years. HONORARY MEMBERS, William Samuel Curtis, St. Louis, Missouri. A. B., Washington University, 1873. LL. B., St. Louis Law School 1876. Dean of the Law Faculty of the St. Louis Law School since 1894. No. 1421 Missouri Avenue. *i894. William Gardiner Hammond, '/'' /. A. B., and Salutatory, Amherst College, 1849. ^- ^^-j ibid., 1852. LL. D., Iowa College, 1870. LL. D., Amherst College, 1877. Editor of the Amherst Indicatoi', 1848-9. Student-at-law at Brooklyn, New York, with Hon. S. E. Johnson, 1849-51. In practice in New York City, 1851-6. Travelled in Europe, 1856-8. Practiced Law in New York City, 1858-9; at Newport, Rhode Island, 1859. Civil Engineer in Iowa, 1859-61. Teacher in Beroen Collegiate Institute, Hopkin- ton, Iowa, 1861-2. Practiced Law at Anamosa, 1S62-6; at Des Moines, 1866-7; at Iowa City, 1867-81; at St. Louis, Missouri, 1881- 94. Chancellor of the Law Department of Iowa University, 1867-81. Lecturer at University of Michigan, 1887-94. Lecturer at State Uni- versity of Iowa. Dean of the Law Faculty of Washington University, St. Louis, 1881-94. Member of the Commission to Revise the State Laws of Iowa, 1871-3. Editor of The Western Jurist, 1871-3. Author of "The American Edition of Sandars' Justinian's Institutes," 1876; " Notes to Lieber's I^egal and Political Hermeneutics," 1880; "Notes to Blackstone," four volumes, 1890; " Historical Connection of Roman and English Law," 1878; "Digest of Iowa Reports," and numeious pamphlets. Contributor to Bibliotfi^ca Sacra, Putnam'' s Magazine, Harper'' s Magazine, Southern Law Reviezv, etc. Died April 12, 1894. Isaac H. Lionberger, St. Louis, Missouri. A. B., Princeton University, 1874. Member of ^/w^r/tTzw ^/^/^ Society. Contributor to American and English Encyclopedia of Law. Assist- ant Attorney Genera) of United States for Interior Department. Lec- turer on Statutes of Frauds and Statutes of Limitations, S -.ouis Law School. CLASS OF 1383. Herbert James Davis, Chicago, 111. Practiced at Omaha, 1883-96. Judge of Dist. Court, Omaha, 1889-93. 807 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. John Nelson Denny, St. Louis, Mo. Ky. Univ., two years. Periclean Lit. Society. Ceased practicing, 1889. In Real Estate business. No. 815 Chestnut St. \ 128 PHI DELTA PHI. Alfred Newton Gossett, Kansas City, Mo. A. B., and Valedictory, Woodland Coll., Independence, Mo., 1880. Cook & Gossett, New England Bldg. William Perley Hixson. (Address unknown.) Former address, Afton, la. WTlliam Winchester Keysor, Omaha, Neb. B. L. and Valedictory, Univ. of Minn., 1879. Contributor to Central Law Journal. Judge of Dist. Court, Fourth Judicial Dist. of Neb., four years, and now serving second term. Res. No. 2724 Cald- well St. George Wilfred Monteith, San Francisco, Cal. City Atty., Riverside, Cal. Dist. Atty., San Bernardino Co., Cal. Nom- inee for Congress First Congressional Dist., Cal. (Res. San Rafael.) Spreckels Bldg. Lucius Paul Nolan, A*T A^ X W, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Wesleyan Univ., iBBi. Union Trust Bldg. Isaac Henry Orr, St. Louis, Mo. 6rr, Christie, Bates &3Bruce. Union Trust Bldg. ♦1890. Robert Howard Payne. A. M., Central Coll., 1879. Harvard Law School, 1881-2. Theodoric Boulware Wallace, B 8 U, Kansas City, Mo. A. B., cum lauJe, Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mo., i88o.«" A. M., t/nd.f 1883. 45 Waterworks Bldg. CLASS OF 1884. Samuel Hart Benton, New York City. A. B., Princeton Coll., 1882. Member of American Whig Soc\t\.y . No, 45 Wall St. Pendleton Taylor Bryan, 2" X, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Princeton Coll., 1882. Member of American IVAig Society . Class honor in Law School. Instructor in St. Louis Law School, since 1892. Lecturer on the Law of Torts and Negligence. Bryan & Richards, 218-19 The Wainwright Bldg. Franklin Wile Ganse, N. Chicago, 111. William Everett Garvin, B fJ, St. Louis, Mo. B. S., Westminster Coll., 1880. Member of /'>5//tf/ 1884. Neal, Welsh & Breyfogle, 605-610 American Bank Bldg. *WiLLiAM Chalmers Dorroh, K A. Ph. B., Furman Univ., 1879. Practiced law at Greenville, S. C, and Birmingham, Ala. John Hugo Grimm, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis High School, 1883. Ph. B., St. Louis Univ., 1888. First honors on final examination. First prize on thesis. Commercial and Corporation Law, 801-2 Commercial Bldg. Joseph Glasby Holliday, V T, St, Louis, Mo. A. B., Yale Coll, 1884. Scott Prize in French, Yale, 1883. Contributor to Yale Lit, Magazine diVid Courant. Probate Law. No. 305 Olive St. Benjamin Julius Klene, St. Louis, Mo. Sparta, 111., High School, Elected to Mo. State Senate, 1894. Member of Judiciary and Educational Coms. of that body. Union Trust Bldg. Seldon Palmer Spencer, J K £, ^ // K, St. Louis, Mo. A.B. and Philosophical Oration, Yale Coll, , 1884, First prize in Law School. Member of State Legislature. Author of " Synopsis of Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence." Circuit Judge elect. No. 304 N. 8th St. Aaron Rosser Titlow, Tacoma, Wgsh. CLASS OF 1887. Clifford Butler Allen, ^V T, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Yale Coll., 1885. Member of Scroll and Key. Wainwright Bldg. James Campbell Davis, St. Joseph, Mo. A. B., Washington Univ., 1885. Law School Valedictory, 1887. Dem- ocratic State Central Committeeman for Fourth Dist. of Mo. John Thomas Dixon. (Address unknown.) B. S., St. Mary's Coll., 1885. Letter to Kansas City, Kas., returned unclaimed. Archibald Gray Douglass, St. Louis, Mo. Not in practice. Manager Agency Dept. of Mo,, Saving and Loan Co. 1205 Union Trust Bldg, Roswell Francis Gilkeson, Warrensburg, Mo. A. B., St. Mary's Coll., 1885. coo LEY CHAPTER, 13 ^Thomas Ramsey Harris. Practiced at Danville, Mo., and at St. Louis. David He-rman, Spokane, Wash. Commercial Law and Collections, TuU Blk. Frank Albert Leonard, San Beinardino, Cal. Univ. of Col. Goodcell & Leonard. Charles Sumner McKelvey, ^ A S, Santa Ana, Cal. Monmouth Coll., 1881-3. Asst. Prof. Mech., Monmouth, 1883. A. B,, Knox Coll., 1884. M. A., ibid., 1887. Editor College Courier, 1882-4. Member from 76th Dist. of the 31st Legislature of Cal. Opera Blk. John Dodd Miller, St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul High School, 1884. Consul. LL. B., magna cum laiide. Com- mercial Editor of St. Paul Dispatch. Not in practice. David Plessner, W T, Denver, Col. A. B., Yale Coll., 1885. Corporation and Commercial Law. 605 Ernest & Cranmer Bldg. Virgil Rice Rule, St. Louis, Mo. A. M., Louisiana, Mo., High School, 1882. Pres. of Jefferson Club. 212-14 Temple Bldg. Marcus Horton Taft, Chicago, 111. Ph. B., Cornell Coll., 1883. M. E. Clergyman. No. 9100 Commercial Ave. ^1895. Earl C. Walker, Jr. Practiced at Chattanooga, Tenn. Died Aug. 15, 1895. Joseph Henry Zumbalen, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis High School, 1879. S. E. Cor. Broadway and Olive St. CLASS OF 1888. Henry Semple Ames, V T, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., YaleColl., 1886. Sec. of the Yale Navy. Memberof the Board of Governors of the Yale Univ. Club. Prize thesis. Class Orator. Mem- ber of Scroll and Key. Not in practice. 706 Union Trust Bldg. Gkrrit Hendrik Ten Broek. See infra. Harry James Cantwell, St. Louis, Mo. Pres. of Central Lead Co. 420 Roe Bldg. 132 PHI DELTA PHI. Albert Ninian Edwards, St. Louis, Mo. Washington Univ., St. Louis, three years. 68 Laclede Bldg. William Morgan Humphreys, Los Angeles, Cal.« Daniel Noyes Kirby, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Washington Univ., 1886. Nagel & Kirby, Security Rklg. John W. Lane, St. Paul, Minn. LL. B., magna cuvi lande. N. Y. Life Bldg. James Arthur May, St. Louis, Mo. B. S., Bellevue Collegiate Institute, 1886. Scholarship and Oratorical Medals. Formerly practiced in Seattle, Wash. Daniel Agnew Moore. (Address unknown.) A. B., Yale Coll., 1886. Eben Richards, // ^ //, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Harvard Coll., 1886. Member of /'/^/n' Society. Special Agent in charge of Census of Mortgages in Missouri, i8f)0. Consul of Costa Rica, residence in St. Louis. Taylor & Richards, 218-ig Wainwright, Bldg. Gerrit Hendrik Ten Broek, St. Louis, Mo. Manager of Ten Broek Mercantile Agency and Editor of Mcrmntile Ad- juster. Hugh Campbell Ward, Kansas City, Mo. A. B., Harvard Coll., 1886. A. B., William Jewell Coll., Mo.; M. A., ibid.y LL. B., cum laude. Representative in State Legislature of Mo. N. Y. Life Bldg. Harrison Ralph Williams, J ^, San Jos^, Costa Rica. Junior Medal, Mo. Univ., 1886. Scriptor. Consul of the United States to Costa Rica. CLASS OF 1889. John Cowan Atwood, St, Louis, Mo. U. S., Naval Academy, Annapolis, three years. Chief Dep. Collector Internal Revenue, First Dist. of Mo., three years. Now, General Manager, The National Ammonia Co., No. 3600 N. Broadway. William Palmer Clarkson, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis High School. Atty. ^[o. Southern R. R. Co. Corporation and Commercial Law. 724 Rialto Bldg. Henry Alfred Clover, Jr., St. Louis, Mo. City Atty. H. A. & H. A. Clover, Jr. & Son, No. 120 N. Third St. CO OLE Y CHAPTER. 133 Walter De Rossett Coles, K ^F, St. Louis, Mo. Rorn Parkersburg, W. Va., Jan. 6, 1867. Washington Univ., 1882-5. Univ. of Va., i886-5. Distinguished in Constitutional and Interna- nional Law. Member of Editorial Staff College Annual, 1887-8. Asst. U. S. Dist. Alty. Eastern Dist. of Mo. Contributor to American Laiv Review, Central Lmv Journal, ^iz. Security Bldg. William Fanuel Cook, La Grange, Mo. Hamilton McMillan Dalton, St. Louis, Mo. Eber Bldg. Matthew Paul Douthitt. (Address unknown.) Edwin Thompson Eversole, Potosi, Mo. Judge of Probate. Andrew McKinley, Jr., New York City. Delegate to Second National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, May, 1889. Address either No. 195 Broadway or No. 34 Pine St. James Edmonson Nevin, Omaha, Neb. Nevin & Nevin, 211 McCague Bldg. \ William Fleet Palmer, Frankfort, Ind. Frankfort High School, 1880. Pros. Att'y for 45th Judicial Circuit of Ind., 1896-8. No. 52>^ N. Main St. Arnold Shanklin, Kansas City, Mo. Carrollton, Mo., High School. Corporation Law. Telephone Bldg. CLASS OF 1890. John HoGAN Boogher, /> W //, St. Louis, Mo. Ph. B., Univ. of Va., 1888. Alumni Sec. of Dist. IX. of Beta Theta Pi. Boogher & Taylor, 312 Commercial Bldg. Howard Henry Galusha, St. Paul, Minn. Germania Life Bldg. *i89o. George Francis Garneau, S 3. Ph. B., Yale S. S. S., 1888. Died Dec. 27, 1890. John Findley Green, St. Louis, Mo. B, S., Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mo. No. 421 Olive St. Marvin Tinsley Haw, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Central Coll., 1885-9. Clergyman of M. E. Church, South. 134 PHI DEL TA PHI. James Love Hopkins, St. Louis, Mo. Washington Univ., 1887-8. Junior Class Pres. Correspondent Colum- bia La7v Journal, 1889-90. Contributor to Central Law Jour- nal, Encyclopoedia of Pleading and Practice, etc. Pres. of the Law and Casually Co.; of Counsel for The Civic Federation of St. Louis. Corporation Law and Life Ins. Parks, Hopkins & Sti-in- wender, 41-4 De Menil Bldg., 7th and Pine St. Alexander E. Horn, St. Paul, Minn. Globe Bldg. George Louis Neuhokf, St. Louis, Mo. Ph. B., Washington Univ., i888. No. 305 or 305>^ Olive St. George Judd Tansey, J )\ St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis High School. B. L., Cornell Univ., 1888. Commencement Speaker. No. 520 Olive St. CLASS OF 189L Trusten Polk Causey, Milford, Del. Haverford Coll., two years. Denton Dunn, (I> A *F, Kansas City, Mo. Born Marshall, Mich., May i, 1868. Business manager and on Editorial Staff of University Courier. A. B. and Valedictory, Univ. of Kas., 1887. LL. B., summa cum laude. Thesis prize. 406 New England Bldg. Halcolm G rover Ei.lis, St. Louis, Mo. Washington Univ., two years. Patent Law. 1104 l^nion Trust Bldg. Randall L. Holden, St. Louis, Mo. Ulysses Simpson Grant Johnson, (l> A '/', Canton, O. Born Wilmot, Stark Co., O., June 29, 1864. Ph. B., Univ. of Wooster, 1887. A. M., ibid. Ueclaimer for /r?-///^ Society. Room 20 Eagle Blk. Howard Kennedy, Jr., // A, Omaha, Neb. A. B., Williams Coll., 1889. Honors in Greek, Latin, Natural History, Political Economy. Editor Williains Literary Monthly. Law Class V«ledictory. Real Estate Law. N. Y. Life Bldg. Wadsworth Daniel Leeper, Chillicothe, Mo. Central Coll., F'ayette, Mo., 1886-9. Member of Phi Alpha Society. LL. B., Yale Law School, 1893. Represented Law School on Joint Debate with Princeton. Awarded Second Honors, Yale Univ. Essay Contest. Mayor of Chillicothe. No. 404 S. Cherry St. coo LEY CHAPTER. 135 Walter W. Praul. (Address unknown. ) A. B., Christian Brothers Coll., 1888. Formerly U. S. Comr. at Neihart, Mont. • Frank Saugrin Reel, St. Louis, Mo. Manual Training School, 1886. 919 Wainwright Bldg. Perry Post Taylor, 7/ //, <^ B K, St. Louis, Mo. Ph. B., Cornell Univ., 1889. Class Sec. Special Mention in History and Political Science. Special Mention on Thesis. Union Coll. of Law, 1890-1, where he affiliated with Booth Chapter. Boogher ('90) & Taylor, 312 Commercial Bldg. CLASS OF 1892 William James Barrette, Salt Lake City, Utah. A. B., Iowa Coll., Grinnell, 1890. 307 McCormick Bldg. Daniel Harry Clark, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1890. Not in practice. Frank Noble Crosby, .V ¥, Hastings, Minn. Univ. of Mich., 1888-9. First National Bank. LiNDELL Gordon, St. Louis, Mo. •Washington Univ. Care University Club. Frank Herbert Haskins, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis High School. 1884. 76 Laclede Bldg. George Collier Hitchcock, J K E, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Yale Univ., 1890. Harvard Law School, 1891-3, where he affili- ated with Choate Chapter. Member of Board of Commissioners on Charitable Institutions. 709 Wainright Bldg. Joseph William Lewis, Jr., St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Princeton Coll., 1890. Member of American Whig Society. No. 421 Olive St. Theodore Gustavus Rombauer, St. Louis, Mo. Washington Univ., four years. Honorable Mention on Thesis, 1892. Post-graduate, 1893-4. Rombauer & Rombauer, 704 Security Bldg. CLASS OF 1893. LeGrand Lapsley Atwood, St. Louis, Mo. Washington Univ. First Thesis Prize. Adjuster for Union Casualty and Ins. Co. Corporation and Ins. Law. 308 Wainwright Bldg. William Christy Bryan. See infra. 136 PHI DELTA PHI. John T. Cochran, St. Louis, Mo. No. 520 Olive St. FuKUSHiMA, Tokio, Japan. Imperial Univ. of Japan. George Frederick Kettell, r J, Hot Springs, Ark. Univ. of Va., 18S9-90. B. L., Univ. of N. C. Historian, Law Class. Sumpter & Surapter. William May Tompkins, St. Louis, Mo. Johns Hopkins Univ., two years. 715 Union Trust Bldg. John Worthington Valliant, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Princeton Coll., 1891. Member of American IVhig 'ttocxtiy . No. 417 Pine St. CLASS OF 1894. William Christy Bryan, St. Louis, Mo. A.B., Princeton Coll., 1891. Charles Cummings Collins,

J ^, St. Louis, Mo. Charter Member of Mo. Gamma Chapter of Phi Delta Theta, 1891. Chancellor's Prize, Declr., 1889. Editor Student Life, i8go. Second Prize, Oratorical Contest, 189 1. Prize Orator, Post- Dispatch Oratorical Contest, 1891. A, B., magna cum iazide, and Commence- ment Speaker, Washington Univ., 1892. 415 Security Bldg. Paul Barbeau Valle, J K E, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1891. Scriptor, 1893-4. 1106 Union Trust Bldg. CLASS OF 1895. Frederick Wesley Dewart, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Hamline Univ., St. Paul, Minn., 1888. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1890. M. A., ibid., i8g2. Consul, 1894-5. Post-graduate, 1895-6. 703 Security Bldg. Mark Ewing. See infra. Louis Maclay Hall, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1 894. Member of Hasty Pudding Club. Real Estate and Mining, Cripple Creek, Col. No. 3817 Washington Ave. Alfred Partridge Hebard, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., magna cum laude. Harvard Coll., 1889. Member of Hasty Pud- ding Club. Honors in Music. Harvard Law School, 1894-6, where he affiliated with Choate Chapter. Care of University Club. (jEORGE Emil Hincke, Pinckneyville, IlL Shurtleff Coll. William Dunham Hudson, (P A S, St. Louis, Mo. Charter Member of Mo. Gamma Chapter of Phi Delta Theta, 1891. Ph. B., Washington Univ., 1893, Union Trust Bldg. Alfred Henry Jones, A K E, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Yale Univ., 1893. Post-graduate, 1895-6. No. 307 Olive St., or No. 3324 Chestnut St. Frederick William Scullin, A 6, St. Louis, Mo. Washington Univ. No. 5218 S. Broadway. John Clarence Taussig, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1893. Scriptor, 1894-5. LL. B., siimma cum laude. Post-graduate, 1895-6. No. 421 Olive St. I 138 PHI DELTA PHI. CLASS OF 1896. Clarence Anur^ Barrows, St. Louis, Mo. LL. B., ctitu lattde. No. 506 Missouri Ave. George F. Beck, St. Louis, Mo. Manual Training School. Consul, 1895-6. Post-graduate at Columbia Law School, 1896-7. No. 3319 Pine St. William Brown, Jr., Chicago, 111. 111. Coll., 1885-8. U. S. Mil. Academy, West Point, 1889-92. Member of Phi Alpha Lit. Society. Scriptor, 1895-6. Member of the Coun- cil of Phi Delta Phi since 1896. Care of I^w Dept. of Chicago & Alton R. R., 307 Monadnock Bldg. Snyder Hoxie Clark, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1894. Member of Ainer'uan fVhi^ Society. Nn. 3501 Pine St. Lucius Ferdinand Culver, - A E, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1894. Honors in Eng. Literature. No. 1901 Washington Ave. John Campbell Cummin(;s, Jr.,

J H, St. Louis, Mo. Washington Univ. No. 38 1 1 Westminster Place, or Union Trust Bldg. (tEOrge Frederic Haid, St. Louis, Mo. No. 4738 Hammett Place. Assistant Clerk U. S. Circuit Court of Ap- peals, Eighth Circuit. 30S Custom House. Randolph Houston Laughlin, Z '/'*, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., cum laude, Univ. of Va., 1895. No. 4426 Lindell Ave. Daniel Catlin Miller, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis High School. Tribune, 1896-7. No. 2830 N. Twenty-third St; No. 4422 W. Bell St., or 211 Century Bldg. Samuel Gayley Mortland, St. Louis, Mo. Blackburn Univ., two years. Member of Orthopatetic Lit. Society. Con- sul, 1896-7. No. 3005 Eads Ave. 140 PHI DELTA PHI. CoND^ Montrose Nast, St, Louis, Mo. A. B., Georgetown Univ., 1894. M. A., ibid., 1895. Member of Mer- rick Lit. Society. Proconsul, 1896-7. No. 3546 Washington Ave. Edward Ernest Paramore, St. Louis, Mo. Ph. B., Yale Coll., 1882. Gladiator, 1896-7. Sec. and Treas. of The Paramore Investment Co., 217 Wainwright Bldg. Luman Frank Parker, Jr., St. Louis, Mo. B. S., School of Mines, Mo., 1889. Private Sec. of Governor of Okla- homa. Reporter of U. S. District Court of Oklahoma. No. 4358 Morgan St. Arthur Behn Shepley, A K E, B K, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 50 Vandeventer St. Luther Ely Smith, '^ T, li h\ Freehold, N. J. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1894. Delegate to the Fifth National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, December, 1896. No. 2910 Pine St. Wilbur Berry Spaulding, B 6 II, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., la. Wesleyan Univ., 1881. A. M., iSid., 1883. No. 714 Leonard Ave. Century Bldg. Royal Augustus Stone, li 6 It, Morris, Minn. Carleton Coll., two years. Univ. of Minn, one year. Class Pres. George Howard Williams, California, Mo. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1894. Member of American IVhig Society, Scriptor, 1896-7. Jared Wilson Young, K I'', B A, 8 N £, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Northwestern Univ., 1894. Business Manager Northwestern. Kirk Oratorical Contestant. No. 1505 Locust St. CLASS OF 1898. Davis Biggs, 0^0, St. Louis, Mo. Univ. of Va., 1895-6. No. 4434 Forest Park Boulevard. James Patrick Birge, .V V^, ONE, St. Louis, Mo. Williams Coll., one year. No. 2949 Euclid Ave. John Dillon, St. Louis, Mo. A. M., Georgetown Univ., 1896. No. 4389 Pine St. John Howard Douglass, Jr., A A 0, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 16 Vandeventer Place. coo LEY CHAPTER. 141 John Blair Edwards, J os Angelcs, Cal. 88 Bryson Blk. CLASS OF 1887. Charles Albert Adams, San Francisco, Cal. Scriptor. Adams & Adams, Mining and Reclamation, 137-141 Phelan Bldg. Eugene Forster Bert, San Francisco, Cal. Member of Cal. Legislature, 1891. State Senator, 1894-3. Atty. for State Ins. Comr. No. 401 California St. f Edward Silsby Farrington, Elko, Nev. A. B., Amherst Coll. *i896. Warren Irvine Hastings. Univ. of State of Washington, three years. Was Councilman at Port Townsend, Wash. Died Aug., 1896. Martin George Loekler, San Francisco, Cal. Cobb^& Loefler, No. 137 Montgomery St. William Francis Sawyer, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Northern Ind. Normal School, 18S3. Columbia Law School, 1885-6. Ninth;Floor, Mills Bldg. Louis Hulett Valentine, Los Angeles, Cal. Member of 32nd Session of Cal. Assembly. Temple Blk. POMEROY CHAPTER. 149 *i895. Millard Fillmore Woodward. Olivet ColL, 1880. Practiced at Los Angeles, Cal. Died at Mentone, Cal., Sept. 23, 1895, ^t. 36 yrs., 8 mos. CLASS OF 1888. *i89o. Charles Nelson Anthony. Practiced at San Francisco, Cal. Died there, Jan. 13, 1890. Howard Anthony Broughton, Pomona, Los Angeles Co., Cal. Robert Harmer Countryman, San Francisco^ Cal. Scriptor. No 130 Sansome St. Thomas Bona Dozier, Redding, Cal. Consul. W1LLLA.M Henry Fowler, San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of Cal., 1881-2.. No. 318 Pine St. Edward Everett Gaddis, Woodland, Cal. St. Augustine Coll., Benicia, Cal., 1882-5. Dist. Atty. of Yolo Co., 1889-90. City Atty. of Woodland, 1895-6. Superior Judge of Yolo Co., 1897-1903. William Hendrickson, Jr., San Francisco, Cal. Member of Cal. Legislature, 30th Session. Parrott Bldg, George Wallace Jones, Fresno, Cal. Asst. Dist. Atty. of Fresno Co. since 1895. Frank Thomas Nilon, Nevada City, Cal. Scriptor and Correspondent for Phi Delta Phi Brief. Dist. Atty. Nevada Co., 1889-93. Author of " Forms of Complaints and Com- mitments in Criminal Cases," 1893. Superior Judge of Nevada Co., 1897-1903. Edward Daniel Swift, San Francisco, Cal. Lumber Dealer. No. 706 Oak St. Edward Rees Thompson, Stockton, Cal. Budd & Thompson. William Carlton Wallace, San Francisco, Cal. Consul. Not in practice. Auditor Mutual Investment Co., No. 14 San- some St. ISO PHI DELTA PHI. CLASS OB 1889. Wallace Alexander Wise, San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco Boys' High School, 1884. Class Essayist. Consul. Rooiiw 11-14, No. 508 California St. CLASS OF 1890. f George Faunce Buck, Stockton, Cal. A. B., Harvard Coll., 1887. Harvard Law School, 1889-90. Dudley & Buck, Odd Fellows Bldg. fpREDERicK Charles Clikt, Oakland, Cal. Justice of the Peace of Oakland Township, since 1893. No. 453 Eighth St. Arthur Inkersley, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Univ. of Oxford, 1877. First Class Honors in Classical Modera- tions. Honors in Theology and in Literae Hunianiores, Oxford. Second Master in St. Peter's Collegiate School, Adelaide, South Aus- tralia. Classical Master Auckland Coll. and Grammar School, New Zealand. Tutor in Classics and Law. Contributor to Overland Monthly, California Illustrated Magazincy - Leslie's Popular Outing, LippincotCs, etc. Pacific Mutual Bldg., No. 709 Hyde St. Arthur Kenningford Shfats. Address unknown. Harry Heinzelman Timken, St. Louis, Mo. Washington Univ., Mo. Sidney McMechen van Wyck, Jr., San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of Cal., 1886-7. Practiced at Seattle, Wash., 1890-2. Crittenden & Van Wyck, No. 927 Market St. CLASS OF 1891. Edgar Clarence Co(^per, Eureka, Cal. Beverly Lacy Hodghead, J K E, San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of Cal., 1887-8. Admitted to U. S. Supreme Court, Oct. 25, 1894. Parrott Bldg. Oscar Adolphe Rouleau, San Francisco, Cal. B. S., St. Ignatius Coll., 1888. Searcher of Records, Safe Deiiosii lildg, Edwin Du Bose Smith, 2' A K, San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of the South, 1886-S. Consul. Correspondent Columbia I. .no Times, 1889-90. Associate Editor of American State Reports, Ban- croft-Whitney Co., Room 9, Ninth Floor, Mills Bldg. FOMEROY CHAPTER. 151 CLASS OF 1892 fjAMES Philip Booth, J K E, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Univ. of Cal., 1888. Editor San Francisco Daily Report. No. 320 Samsome St. William Irvin Brobeck, F H K, San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco Boy's High School, three years. Asst. City and Co. Atty., since 1893. 142-3 Crocker Bldg. Charles James Evans, B>S II, San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of Cal., 1884-6. Examiner U. S. Customs. Room 31 Appraiser's Bldg. Charles Wirtley Jones. (Address unknown. ) Consul. Letter to Fresno, Cal. returned unclaimed. George Whitfield Lane, San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of Cal., 1886-7. Lane & Lane, 202 Crocker Bldg. •("Ernest Sylvester Simpson, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Univ. of the Pacific, 1888. City Editor of the Chronicle, Chron- icle Bldg. CLASS OF 1893. William M^vrtin Abbott, San Francisco, Cal. Scriptor, 1892-3. No. loi Sansome St. Albert Augustine Caldwell, /> 6 11, Riverside, Cal. Univ. of Cal., 188S-90. Consul. Caldwell & Duncan, Rooms S-io Hoyt Blk. James Hickcox Cary, A ' 6 II, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Univ. pf Cal., 1891. A. B., Harvard ^Univ., 1892. Consul, 1893-4. Asst. Prof, of Law, Hastings College of the Law since 1895. No. 101 Sansome St. f Charles Alexander Reynolds, San Francisco, Cal. Chico State Normal School, 1891. Robert Reay Syer, San Jos^, Cal. B. S., Santa Clara Coll., 1888. M. A., Und., 1889. Porter Bldg. Marshall Borel Woodworth, San Francisco, Cal. Contributor to American Law Revieiv. Private Sec. of U. S. Dist. Judge, for Northern Dist. of Cal. Judge's Chambers, U. S. Dist. Court. CLASS OF 1895. IDavid Mahoney Burnett, San Jos^, Cal. B. S., cum laude^ St. Ignatius Coll., 1891. Professor Santa Clara Coll., 1894-5. 21-2 Safe Deposit Blk. Willard Wall Butler, Los Angeles, Cal. Wicks & Butler, No. no Court St. Nathaniel Baker Frisbie, San Francisco, Cal. B. S., Napa Coll., 1885. Member of Orophilean Lyceum. Care of Reddy, Campbell & Metson, Crocker Bldg. POMEROY CHAPTER. 153 Guy Revnof.ds Kennedy, Chico, Butte Co., Cal. Univ. of Cal., 1889-90. Scriptor, 1894-5. Box 108. Abraham Powell Leach, Oakland, Cal. Oakland High School, 1892. Rooms 18-19, ^°- 957 Broadway. George Beeley Littlefield, /' // A', San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco High School, 1892. No. 508 California St. Alfred Bailey McKenzie, Martinez, Cal. Consul, 1894-5. Burbank Gustave Somers, J K E, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Univ. of Cal., 1892. Lavv' Class Pres., three years. McNair & Somers, Parrott Bldg. Fred Lester Stewart, San Francisco, Cal. B. S., Univ. of the Pacific, 1888. Member of Rhizonian Lit. Society. Class Day and Junior Day Orator. Law Class Sec. three years. No. 310 Montgomery St. Also, office at Jackson, Araador Co., Cal. Randolph Virginius Whiting, San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of Cal., 1889-90. Univ. of Cal. Medical Coll., 1890-1. No. 211 Sanson! e St. CLASS OF 1896. Leo Bethell Archer, San Jose, Cal. Santa Clara Coll., 1890-1. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 1891-3. Archer & Archer. No. 33 South Second St. John Joseph Barrett, San Francisco, Cal. B. S., Santa Clara Coll., 1 89 1. Vice- Pres. Law Class. Barret & O'Gara. Parrott Bldg. Louis de Fontenay Bartlett, B 6 //, San Francisco, Cal. Ph. B., and Commencement Speaker, Univ. of Cal., 1893. Charter Day Speaker, 1895. Bartlett & Bartlett, No. 530 California St. Walter Scott Brann, B S II, San Francisco, Cal. Ph. B., Univ. of Cal., 1893. Member of Students' Congress. Price & Brann, No. 530 California St. « Walter Hughes Henry, Z 'F, Oakland, Cal. Ph. B., Univ. of Cal., 1893. Member of Skull & Keys. No. 1221 Har- rison St. John O'Gara, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Santa Clara Coll., 1892. M. A., ibid., 1893. Barrett & O'Gara. Parrott Bldg. 54 PHI DEL TA PHI. Thomas Allkn Perkins, A J ^, San francisco, Cal. Berwick Academy, Me., 1886. A. B., and Grimes Prize, Dartmouth Coll., 1890. M. A., /(^?ancisco, Cal. Ph. B., Univ. of Cal., 1893. Price & Brann, No. 530 California St. John Albert Sanborn, San Francisco, Cal. Oakland High School, 1889. No. 4 Sutter vSt. fjESSE Payne Sayre, Prescott, Ariz. Ph. B., Univ. of Cal., 1893. Founder and first Editor of Berkeleyan. Charles Wesley Willard, />' A', San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1891. Scriptor, 1895-6. Care of Page, McCut chen & Kells, Mills Bldg. CLASS OF 1897. Brousse Brizard, Areata, Humboldt Co., Cal. Oakland High School, 1891. Law Class Vice-Pres., 1895. Sec. of same, 1896. Class President, 1897. Scriptor, 1896-7. San Francisco ad- dress. No. 2030 Scott St. Edward Presley Foltz, Linden, San Joaquin Co., Cal. Ph. B., Univ. of Cal., 1894. Tribune, 1896-7. Robert Brainerd Gaylord, San Francisco, Cal. Valedictorian, San Jose High School, 1S93. Member of Senatr Society Consul, 1896-7. Seventh Floor, Room 13, Mills Bldg. George Louis Jones, San Francisco, Cal. Ph. B., Univ. of Cal., 1895. Commencement Week Pres. Historian. 1896-7. 28-36 Crocker Bldg. Address also, Grass Valley. Lloyd Palmer Larue, East Oakland, Cal. Oakland High School, 1892. Gladiator, 1896-7. No. 1423 ThirteeniK Ave. San Francisco address, No. 120 Sutter St. Abraham Lewis, Gilroy, Cal. A. B., Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 1895. Member of Miller Law Club. Bench and Bar. First editor of Stanford Quad. Member of 'Varsity Foot Ball and Base Ball Teams. San Francisco address, Room 23, loth floor, Mills Bldg. POMEROY CHAPTER. 155 Frank David Macbeth, Marklesville, Alpine Co., Cal. Univ. of Cal., 1894-6. San Francisco address, care of Wilson & Powell, Safe Deposit Bldg.. RoLLiN King Page, Portland, Ore. San Francisco Boys' High School, 1894. Proconsul, 1896-7. San Fran- cisco address. No. 510 Baker St. Edward Francis Treadwell, San Francisco, Cal. (Res., 420 San Jose Ave.) Rooms 17-21, 5th floor. Mills Bldg. CLASS OF 1898. Joseph Perkins Chamberlain X 0, San Francisco, Cal. Harvard Univ., 1892-3. Univ. of Cal., 1894-6. No. 426 Scott St.; also, Santa Barbara, Cal. John Linden Deahl, V A, Irwin, Westmoreland Co., Penn. A. B., Washington and Jefferson Coll., Penn., 1893. Commencement Oration. Master of Ceremonies on Class Day. On Foot Ball Team two years, and Captain one year. Member of College Council, two years. Also address, Burlingame, Cal. Jonathan Edward Gardner, San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of Cal., 1893-6. No. 2200 Post St. Maxwell McNutt, X li l\ , Minneapolis, Minne- sota. A. B., Madison (Colgate) University, 1880. Essay, Greek and Latin Prizes. Fourth Commencement Honor. In United States Civil Ser- vice, holding various positions in United States Pension Bureau. Author of article on ''Pensions," Harper's Magazine^ January, 1893- Not in practice. Post Office Building. CHARTER MEMBERS. Ashley Mulgrave Gould, J K E, Washington, D. C. A. B., Amherst College, 1881. Hyde Prize Speaker. LL. B., George- town Law School, 1884. Secretary Washington Title Insurance Com- pany. Gould & Woodward. No. 507 E Street N. W. Henry Clay Howard, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky. Formerly in United States Treasurer's .Office, Washington, D. C. William Hakmong Lamar, A T Q, Washington, D. C. A. B., A. & M. College, Auburn, Alabama, 1881. Member of IViri Lit- erary Society. Declamation Gold Medal. LL. B., Georgetown Law School, 1884. LL. M., t//it/., 1885. In charge of Magnetic and Meteorological work of the Arctic Exp>edition for the Relief of Lieu- tenant Greeley in 1883. Member of Maryland Legislature, 1894. Secretary Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland, 1893-4. Chief Clerk to First Assistant Postmaster-General. Lamar & Lamar, Fendall Building. Also office at Rockville, Maryland. Charles Taylor Ralston, North Adams, Massachusetts. Phillips Andover Academy. Law Department of University of Michigan, r88i-2, where he was admitted to Kent Chapter. Private Secretary to the Mayor of North Adams. MARSHALL CHAPTER. i6i James Quackenbush Rice, J K E, Washington, D. C. A. B., Yale College, 1882. LL. M., 1886. Principal Examiner of Print- ing and Paper Manufacture to United States Patent Office. WiLLARD Forrester Warner, Washington, D. C. LL. B., National University Law School, 1884. Formerly Deputy Clerk of the United States Courts at Savannah, Georgia, In office of Chief Clerk of Treasury Department. Care of "The Concord." INITIATES.* Harrison J^orrow Musgrave, W T, Chicago, 111. Univ. of Mich., 1878-80. LL. B., 1884. Clerk U. S. Patent Office, 1883-4. Vice-Pres. of the Council of Phi Delta Phi, 1893-6. Flower, Smith & Muse;rave, 403 First National Bank Bldg. Myron Harry Phelps, ¥ Y, New York City. Univ. of Mich., 1872-4. A. B., Yale Coll., 1876. LL. B., 1884. LL. B., Columbia Coll., 1885. Affiliated with Story Chapter, 1884-5. Post-graduate at Yale Coll., 1876-7. Townsend Prize, High Oration, Commencement Orator, 1876. Civil Engineer, assisting Maj. C. S. Suter, U. S. A., on U. S. Survey of the Missouri River, 1878-82. Examiner in U. S. Patent Office, 1882-4. Philipp, Munson & Phelps, St. Paul Bldg. James Lawrence Pugh, Jr., Washington, D. C. Agricultural and Mechanical Coll., Auburn, Ala., 1878-9. Member of Wirt Lit. Society LL. B. LL. M., Georgetown Law School, 1885. Special Asst. Atty. for the Dist. of Columbia. No. 1333 R St., N. W. Joseph H. Stewart, Washington, D. C. In Post Office Dept., Washington, D. C. LL. B. LL. M., 1885. (Res. No. 619 F St., N. W.) Vernon Holbrook Whitman, Washington, D. C. High School, East Bridgewater, Mass. Pensions. No. 2927 M St., N.W. Joseph Shillington, Washington, D. C. Columbian Univ., two years. LL. B, LL. M., 1885. Dorman B. Eaton Prize for Best Legal Essay. Formerly U. S. Dist. Atty. for Dist. of Columbia. No. 468 Louisiana Ave. Martin Welles, New York City. A. B., Yale Coll., 1882. LL. B., 1884. LL. M., 1885. Scriptor. Treas. of Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co. No. 55 Liberty St. *The Classes are omitted, as the length of the course varies with the Degree taken. Where no Law School is named, the one at Columbian University is implied. i62 PHI DELTA PHI. Frederick De Lysle Smith, Z ¥, H K, New York City. A. B., Williams Coll., 1883. VicePres. Philologian Lit. Society. Phil- osophical Commencement Oration. Author of "History of Class of 1883, Williams College," (eleventh annual) 53 pp., 1894. LL. B., 1884. LL. M., 1885. ^o. 100 Broadway. Cleon Josiah Sawyer, ^ B K, New York City. A. B., Williams Coll., 1881. LL. B., 1884. LL. M., 1885. Patent Law. With Philipp, Munson & Phelps, St. Paul Bldg. Edward Nelson Dingley, J K E, Kalamazoo, Mich. A. B., Yale Coll., 1883. Second Lit. Prize. LL. B., 1885. \ice-Pres., State Republican League. Editor, General Manager and part owner of Kalamazoo daily and weekly Telegraph. Not in practice. John Milton Killits, X '/', Bryan, O. A. B., Williams Coll., 1880. -LL. B., 1885: LL. M., 1886. Member of Philologian Lit. Society. First History Prize, and Commencement Orator. Pros. Atty. of Williams Co., O., two terms. Union Noble Bethell, F J, New York City. B. S., Hanover Coll., Ind., 1879. M. A., il>it/.] 1885. LL. B., 1884. LL. M., 1885. Examiner, Principal Examiner, and Asst. Chief Board of Review, U. S. Pension Bureau, 1882-7. Sec, Treas. and Director of N. Y. and N. J. Telephone Co. General Manager of Metropoli- tan Telephone and Telegraph Co. No. 18 Cortland St. Not in practice. Charles Albert Burnett, F A, LaFayette, Ind. A. B., Ind. Univ., 1881. M. A., «^i K '/', Washington, D. C. Born Mt. Pleasant, D. C, March 12, 1867. B. S., Columbia Univ., 1885, LL. B., 1888. LL. M., i88g. Patent Law. Atlantic Bldg. William Palmer Kinney, A J 0, (P B K, Colorado Springs, Col. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1884. A. M,, ibid, 1887. LL. B., 1886. 5 Ga- zette Bldg. •« Joseph Frank Moore, K K K, Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1883. LL. B., LL. M., 1886. No. 311 Nicollet Ave. George Luton Morton, Washington, D. C. M. E., Ohio State Univ., 1884. Pres. of Class. Member of Horton Society. LL. B., National Law School, 1888. On Examining Corps, 1886-1895. Chief Clerk U. S. Patent Office, since April, 1895. Room 33 U. S. Patent Office. Interior Dept. Bldg. 1 66 PHI DELTA PHI. Adolph August Hoehling, Jr., ^ T, Washington, D. C. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1884-5. Lehigh Univ., 1885-7. Class Treas., 1886-7. Atty. for Union Pacific R. R. Co. before General Land Office. No. 1416 F. St., N. W. Jefferson Steuart Rusk, Boston, Mass. Baltimore City Coll., 1876-80. Asst. Examiner U. S. Patent Office, 1885 -90. LL. B., . LL. M., 1890. No. 89 State St. Rudolph Watson Bishop, Washington, D. C. National Law School, 1888. Bishop & Imirie, Patent Law, No. 605 Sev- enth St. Thomas Ewing, Jr., New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1885. M. A., ihid.^ 1886. Columbia Law School, 1887-8, where he was initiated at Story Chapter. LL. B., George- town Univ., 1890. George Rosen Simpson, Washington, D. C. B. S., (C. E.) Univ. of Mich., 1886. LL. B., National I^w School, 1888. Of Examining Corps, U. S. Patent Office. Principal Examiner in charge of the Div. of Railroad Rolling Stock, U. S. Patent Office. Percy Meredith Hughes, ^ K W, Washington, D. C. Born Washington, Feb. 3, 1864. Attended Dickinson Coll. Scriptor. LL. B., 1890. LL. M., 1 891. Prof, of History and Political Economy. Teacher in Washington High School. (Res. Washington Grove, Md.) Theodore G. Arnold, Beaumont, Tex. A. B., Cecilian Coll., 1875. LL. B., 1890. LL. M., 1891. Consul. Edwin Williamson, Washington, D. C. LL. B., 1890. Clerk in War Dept. William Henry Sigel Wood, Howell, Mich. Valparaiso, Ind., Normal, 1879. LL. B., 1890. Sec. State Board of Auditors. Author of Report of 1891. Supt. State Reform School. Author of Report of 1892. Supt. Industrial School for Boys. James Thomas Gibbs, Washington, D. C. LL. B., 1890. LL. M., 1891. Clerk in the Treasury. No. 1707 S St., N. W. Arthur Levi Bryant, Washington, D. C. LL. B., 1890. LL. M., 1891. Patent practice. No. 705 G St. Edwin Charles BrandenbIjrg, Washington, D. C. Washington High School. Legal Essay Prize. LL. B., 1890. LL. M., 1 891. Revised to date, Bouvier's Law Dictionary, i6th edition. No. 1634 Sixth St., N. W. MARSHALL CHAPTER, 167 Harry English, Washington, D. C. A. B. and Graduate Scholarship, Johns Hopkins Univ., i88d. LL. B., 1890. LL. M., 1891. Instructor in High School. Cor. Seventh and O Sts., N. W. (Res., No. 2907 P St., N. W.) Edwin Stanton Henry, Washington, D. C. B. S., National Normal Univ., Lebanon, Ohio, 1886. LL. B., 1890. Asst. Examiner, Patent Office. Leslie Perkins Snow, S A X, Rochester, N. H. A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1886. LL. B., 1890. Member of N. H. Leg- islature, 1887-8. Worcester, Gaffney & Snow. ■Charles Marion Yeates, 2" X, Carthage, Jasper Co., Mo. Attended Randolph Macon Coll., Va., 1873-4. A. B., Emory and Henry Coll., Va., 1878. Philosophical Oration. Pres. of Calliopean Lit. Society, and Valedictorian. U. S. Asst. Engr. of Norfolk, Va., Nov., 1879-Jan., 1880. Asst. City Eng. of Norfolk, Va., Jan. to July, 1880. U. S. Asst. Engr., July, 1880- Jan., 1882. Topographic Engr. of U. S. Geological Survey, since 1882. Contributor to Science, etc. Member of National Geographical Society. Not in practice. U. S. Special Pension Examiner. Harry Gray Griswold. (Address unknown.) LL. B., 1890. LL. M., 1891. Letter to Mt. Pleasant, D. C, returned unclaimed. Jonathan Carpenter Ross, A K E, B K, New York City. A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1889. First Latin Prize. Grimes English Com- position Prize. Commencement Speaker. No. 38 Park Row. Alfred Adams Wheat, A A (P, New York City. A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1889. LL. B., 1891. Consul. Editor of data of Dartmouth Chapter of Revised Catalogue of Alpha Delta Phi, 1895-6. No. 32 Nassau St. Frank C. Townsend, Washington, D. C. LL. B., 1 891. No. 922 North Carolina Ave., S. E. JamiJs Longstreet, Jr., Washington, D. C. North Georgia Agricultural Coll., four years. Member of Phi Mu Sigma Lit. Society. Class Vice-Pres. General Land Office, Interior Dept. Bldg. Avery De Lano Andrews, New York City. U. S. Mil. Academy, West Point, 1886. Lieut. U. S. Army. LL. B., 1891. Senior at N. Y. Law School, 1891-2. Prize Tutor, ibid.y 1893-4. Aid- de-camp to Major-Gen. Schofield. Of Board of Police Commissioners of New York City. No. 97 Cedar St. i68 PHI DELTA PHI. Frederic Carragan, New York City. LL. B., 1 891. Parker Scholarship Prize, Vanderbilt Bldg. No. 132- Nassau St. Frank Lee Graham,

^ Twenty- second St., N. W. NoRVELL Landon Burchell, ^ K *F, Washington, D. C. Born Washington, Dec. 30, 1862. A. M., Columbian Univ., 1883. LL. B., 1891. LL. M., 1892. Student in Patent Law, 1895-6^ Merchant, No. 1325 F St., N. W. (Res., No. 1102 Vermont Ave.) William Osborn Belt, Chicago, 111. LL. B., 1 891. Care of Raymond & Omohundro, 15 15 Monadnock Bldg> Edward Harman Eakle, Washington, D. C. LL. B., i8q:. LL. M., 1892. Formerly Clerk in U. S. Patent Office. Third Asst. Examiner U. S. Patent Office. George Lawrence Wilkinson, K T, Washington, D. C. Born Washington, Sept. 9, 1868. Washington High School, 1886. B. S., Columbian Univ., 1888. Registrar and Librarian of Columbian Univ., 1888-9. Scriptor. LL. B., 1891. LL. M., 1892. Asst. Examiner in U. S. Patent Office. James Colfax Grant, ^ T, Minneapolis. Minn. B. S., Univ. of Minn., 1890. LL. B., 1892. LL. M., 1893. Delegate to Third National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, July, 1893. With Law Dept. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893-4. Rea, Healy & Grant, No. 550 Temple Court. Clarence Woods DeKnight, K ^P, Washington, D. C. Columbian Univ., one year. LL. B., 189I. LL. M., 1892. Bachelor of Patent Law, 1896. Private Sec. of Senator A. P. Gorman. First Asst. Postmaster-General. Clerk to the Com. on Naval Affairs, U.^ S. Senate. (Res., No. 25 Lafayette Squaie.) Government claims, Kel- logg Bldg. =^1894. Edward Francis Ayres, B K. A. B., Yale Univ., 1888. A. M., idi(/., 1890. Consul. LL. B., 1892. Post-graduate, 1892-3. Died in Dec, 1894. Victor Harris Wallace, Washington, D. C. LL. B., 1892. LL. M., 1893. Room 14, Gunton Bldg. No. 472 Lou- isiana Ave., N. W. Arthur Henry Giles, J T, Washington, D. C. A. B., Syracuse Univ., 1878. Ph. D., idi(/., 1882. Consul, 1892-3. LL. B., 1892. Post-graduate, 1892-3. Patent Office. MARSHALL CHAPTER. 169 Ward Baldwin Coe, A T 9.^ Baltimore, Md. A. B., Coll. of Charleston, S. C., 1890. M. A., ibid., 1893. Member of Chrestoviathic Society. Author of several articles in American and English " Encyclopoedia of Pleading and Practice." LL. B., 1892. No. 14 E. Lexington St. Melville Dupignac Hensey, (^ K W, Washington, D. C. Born Washington, Aug. 29, 1869. Attended Columbian Univ. LL. B., 1892. LL. M., 1893. Scriptor, 1892-3. Of Thomas G. Hensey & Co., Real Estate, No. 1300 F. St., N. W. Henry Sterne Woodward, Washington, D. C. A. B., Yale Univ., 1890. Special honors in Political Economy and His- tory, 1890. LL. B., 1892. LL. M., 1893. No. 472 Louisiana Ave. Beverly Kennon Peter, Washington, D. C. LL. B., 1892. LL. M., 1893. Formerly Librarian of Bar Assn., Law Library of Dist. of Columbia. Care of Jos. Willard, Esq. Charles Stanley Albert, Minneapolis, Minn. Washington High School, three years. Valedictorian, ibid., 1890. LL. B., 1892. LL. M., 1893. Affiliated with Dillon Chapter, 1893-4. LL. B., Univ. of Minn., 1894. Water Rights Cases and Common Carrier Cases, 1004 Guarantee Loan Bldg. Walter Irwin I.embkey, Washington, D. C. LL. B., 1892. LL. M., 1893. Clerk in Treasury Dept. Frederick Merritt, Chicago, 111. High School, Springfield, 111., 1891. LL. B., 1893. First National Bank Bldg., No. 164 Dearborn St. Jesse Brooks Kimes Lee, Washington, D. C. Attended Washington Public Schools. LL. B., 1892. LL. M., 1893. No. 1715 H St., N. W. Ralph Richard Upton, B 6 II, Washington, D. C. A. B., Yale Univ., 1892. LL. B., 1893. Scriptor. Consul. LL. M., 1894. Sec. to Hon. Bellamy Storer, M. C, First Ohio Dist., LIII. Congress. No. 1746 M St., N. W. Edward Batchelder Kimball, Washington, D. C. Washington High School, 1890. LL. B., 1892. LL, B., Harvard Law School, 1895, where he affiliated with Ciioate Chapter. Room 168, L. & T, Bldg. No. 902 F St., N. W. Richard Nixon, Portland, Ore. LL. B. and Honorable mention, 1892. LL. M. and First Honor, 1893. Delegate to Third National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, July, 1893. Dolph, Nixon & Dolph, Hamilton Bldg. I70 PHI DELTA PHI. William Oscar Gilbert, X 'F,

^ St., N. W. John Bottrell Sleman, Jr., Washington, D. C. Washington High School, i8gi. LL. B., 1895. (Res. 1302 Columbia Ave., N. W.) Union Savings Bank, No. 1222 F St., N. W. Alan Ogilvie Clephane, Washington, D. C. Washington High School, 1891. LL. B., 1895. Scriptor, 1894-5. Consul, 1895-6. LL. M., 1896. (Res. 1225 K St., N. W.) Fen- dall Bldg., No. 344 D St., N. W. Charles Wardwell Draper, Washington, D. C. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. LL. B., 1894. Private Sec. to Hon. Charles S. Hartman, of Montana. No. 1330 Riggs St. George Andrew Hall Mills, Washington, D. C. Medical and Dental Dept. Columbian Univ., two years. LL. B., 1895. LL. M., 1896. Formerly Confidential Clerk to Asst. U. S. Atty. Gen. Private Sec. to Sec. of the Interior. (Res. 1115 9th St., N. W.) Care Sec. Interior. MARSHALL CHAPTER. 173 James Joseph McEvilly, Washington, D. C. U. S. Mil. Academy, June, 1890, to Jan., 1892. LL. B., 1894. Private Sec. to Hon. L. E. Quigg, M. C. No. 815 Vermont Ave. Edward Hurlbert Parry, Washington D. C. LL. B., 1S94. LL. M., 1895. Master of Patent Law, 1896. (Res. No. 932 K St.) Patent Law and Patents, No. 602 or 1602 F St., N. W. Harry Norman Robison, Philadelphia, Pa. Spent Senior year at Univ. of Penn., 1895-6, where he re-established Gibson Chapter. No. 609 N. Forty-third St. Albert Morris Sames, J T, Rockford, 111. LL. B., Univ. of Wis., 1894. LL. M., Columbian Univ., 1895. Dele- gate to Fourth National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, June, 1895. Representative of Peter Sames, Mnfr. Theodore Taylor Dorman, Washington, D. C. S. B., Mass. Institute of Techdology, 1893. Member of K. 2. S. Soci- ety. Sciiptor, 1895-6. LL. B., 1896. Historian, 1896-7. Fourth Asst. Examiner, U. S. Patent Office. Care of Patent Office. Harry Lincoln Clapp, A T, Boston, Mass. S. B., Mass. Institute of Technology, 1893. LL. B., 1896. Gladiator. Proconsul, 1896-7. Third Asst. Examiner, U. S. Patent Office. Washington address, 35 Patent Office. Albert Thorpe Ryan, A A ^, Washington, D. C. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. LL. B., 1895. Tribune. Sec. to Senate Com. on Public Lands, since Jan., 1896. No. 1416 F St., N. W. (Black- foot, Idaho.) Horace Greeley Van Everen, W T, Brooklyn, N. Y. M. E., Cornell Univ., 1891. LL. B., 1895. LL.M., 1896. Asst. Ex- aminer U. S. Patent Office. Post-graduate, 1895-6. Proconsul, 1895-6. Washington address, Care of Patent Office, or No. 534 Twentieth St., N. W. MoRVEN Thompson, U X, Washington, D. C. Washington High School, 1890. Columbian Univ., 1890-3. Member of Enoshiian Society. LL. B., 1895. LL. M., 1896. (Res. 484 Md. Ave., S. W.) No. 925 F St., N. W. Brainard Avery,

li K, 6 N E, New York City. A. B., Cornell Univ., 1884. Member of Theta Nu Epsilon. Com- mencement Orator. Weed, Story & Stratton, 'No. n William St. CLASS OF 1887. Lawrence White Bigham, Pittsburgh, Penn. A. B., Princeton Coll., 1884. Member of TfTrt^ Society. No. 518 Fourth Ave. Walter Henry Coggeshall. (Address unknown.) Letter to Waterville, N. Y., returned unclaimed. Hariiy Cleveland Green, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo High School, two years. Practiced at Seattle, Wash., three years. Since then, at No. 72 White Bldg. ♦1891. Frederic Anson Johnson. Attended Military Academy, Haddonfield, N. Y. Practiced at Palmyra, N. Y. Died in Southern California, Jan. 23, 1891. JAY CHAPTER. 185 George Lawyer, S A X, (P B /{, Albany, N. Y. A. B., Hamilton Coll., 1885. First Prize Debate, First Prize Declama- tion, High Honor Man, Classical Medal, Legal Oration. Law Class Valedictorian. Contributor to Central Law Journal. Tweddle Bldg. Irving Christopher McDowell, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo High School. 75 Erie Co. Savings Bank Bldg. *i893. William McElroy. A. B., Yale Coll., 1886. Practiced at Albany. Frederick Guy Merrill, Z V", Tacoma, Wash. Bowdoin Coll., 1883-84. Asst. Pros. Atty. 513-5 California Blk. John Alexander Milne. (Address unknown.) Letter to Kansas City, Mo., returned. William McMurtrie Speer, J l\ E, New York City. A. B., Yale Coll., 1884. Formerly Editor Albany Argus. No. 261 Broadway. George Woolverton Stedman, J K E, ^ N E, Albany, N. Y. B. S., Univ. of Rochester, 1885. M. S., ilnd., 1887. Member of Theta Nu Epsilon. Law Class Orator. Scriptor, and Correspondent of Phi Delta Phi Brief, 1887. Stedman & Stedman, No. 445 Broad- way. W^iLLiAM Martin Strauss, New York City. A. B., Yale Coll., i836. Nos. 4-6 Warren St. *i888. Sampson Oliver Wasserman. Practiced at Portland, Ore. Robert Max Wernaer. (Address unknown. ) Attended Koenigl. Preuszische Universitaet, Breslau. Letter to No. 41 Park Row, New York City, returned. Howard Cronkhite Wiggins, Rome, N. Y. Whitestown Seminary. Formerly City Judge. No. 103 VV. Dominick St. CLASS OF 1888. Evan Cooper Abbott, Gowanda, N. Y. Forestville Academy, 1877-80, School Teacher. Jean Pierre Cassidy, Altamont, N. Y. Stonyhurst, Coll. Not in practice. i86 PHI DELTA PHI. Edward Willet Champion, Z , Goshen, N. Y. Attended Cornell Univ. Proconsul. Formerly Dept. Clerk of Dist. Court, at St. Paul, Minn. Florence Clohessy, Waterbury, Conn. St. Michael's Coll., Canada, 1886. ♦1895. Elbert D. Cole. Formerly practiced at Farmers Village, N. Y. Thomas Francis Connealy. (Address unknown.) Formerly at Marlboro, Mass. *i893. Michael Francis Culbert. A. B., St. Bonaventure Coll., 1887. Tribune. City Clerk of Hornells- ville, N. Y., 1887. Marvin Hills Dana, J T, Boston, Mass. A. B., Middlebury Coll., 1886. A. M., ibid., i88g. Author of "Mater * Christi and Other Poems,"i890. Of Editorial Staff, A^^7t; York Herald. Frank Howard Edmunds, Z W, New York City. A. B., and Senior Class Pres., Colby Univ., 1885. Law Class Pres. One of four Class Orators. No. 32 Liberty St. Erastus Upson Ely, Rochester, N. Y. Valedictorian, 1888. 301 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Edward Murry Fethers, East Springfield, N. Y. Fort Edward Coll. Institute, 1881-2. Clinton Liberal Institute, Ft. Plain, N. Y., 1882-3. •George Lovell Flanders, J T, Albany, N. Y. Union Coll., one year. 'Class Orator. Formerly Asst. Dairy Comr. Asst. Comr. of Agriculture of N. Y. True & Flanders, No. 82 State St. James Sheldon Frost, Albany, N. Y. Attended Friends College. Consul. Atty. Granite State Provident Assn. 534 Volckert Bldg., No. 80-82 State St. Hugh T. Hamilton, Livonia Station, N. Y. Formerly at Port Townsend, Wash. James Greer Kirkpatrick, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Scriptor and Correspondent of Phi Dklta Phi Brief, 1887-8. Formerly Corporation Counsel of Canastota, N. Y. Justice of the Peace. Also Erie Co. Savings Bank Bldg. Buffalo. Murray Esek Page, Hornellsville, N. Y. Cornell Univ., 1884-6. First National Bank Bldg. /AY CHAPTER. 187 Shklton Lawrence Smith. (Address unknown.) Attended 111. Wesleyan Univ. Law School, where he was initiated at Ben- jamin Chapter. *i895. Alonzo Wilcox Wheeler, ¥ Y, Union Coll., 1882-3. Traveled in Europe in 1885. A, B., Williams Coll., 1886. Practiced at Schenectady, N. Y., 1888-90. Died Syracuse, April 19, 1895. CLASS OF 1889. John Young Andrews, Jordan, N. Y. High School, 1884. Sec. of Class. Pres. of Debating Club. Town Clerk. Justice of the Peace. George Comstock Baker, 'F T, Albany, N. Y. Williams Coll., 1885-6. Union Coll., i836-8. Editorof Concordiensis, 1886-7. Class Poet. Ivy Poet. LL. M., Cornell Univ., 1891. In Law Dept. of D. & H. Co.'s R. R., two years. Chief of Land Dept., Atty. General's office. Not in practice. Charles Francis Bridge, W T, Albany, N. Y. A. B., Union Coll., Schenectady, N. Y., 1887. Tribune. Editor of Con- cordiensis, 1885-6. Editor of The Garnet, 1886. Delegate to Second National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, 1889. Candidate for Police Justice, 1 891. Mills & Bridge, 44 Tweddle Bldg. Mark Ashley Cadwell, Buffalo, N. Y. Formerly Justice of the Peace at Fredonia, N. Y. 91 White Bldg. Martin Davis, J K E, (P B K, ONE, Rochester, N. Y. A. B,, Univ. of Rochester, 1887. Member of Theta Nu Epsilon. Editor of Inter pres. Commencement Speaker. Sec. of XL. Con- vention Delta Kappa Epsilon, Washington, D. C. Associated with Hon. Charles S. Baker, since 1892. 20I Powers Blk. Edwin Dewey Howe, .V W, Valatie, N. Y, A. B., Midd^ebury Coll., 1887. Scriptor. Author of "New York Civil and Criminal Justices, Digest of Fees, Village Laws, etc." Frederick Cooper Hubbell, Des Moines, la. William Andrews Parshall, A K E, Port Jervis, N. Y. A. B., and Commencement Speaker, Yale Univ., 1888. Cobden Club Medal. Consul. Delegate to the Second National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, May, 1889. Class Orator. Charles Orlando Pratt, Cambridge, N. Y. Fort Edward Coll. Institute, 1885. Proconsul. Class Pres. Justice of the Peace. 1 88 PHI DELTA PHI. Albert Rathbone, A A ^, Albany, N. Y. Williams Coll., 1885-7. Member of Board of Water Comrs. of Albany. No. 25 N. Pearl St. Jacob Charles Edgar Scott, J T, Albany, N. Y. Cornell Univ., 1884-5. Comr. of Police. 25 Tweddle Bldg. Jacob Lansing Ten Eyck, Albany, N. Y. High School, two years. Gladiator. Dyer & Tert Eyck, No. 80-2 State St. Sheridan Paul Waite, Ft. Edward, N. Y. Class Poet. Edward Cyrus Walker, Jr., Batavia, N. Y. CLASS OF 1890. Alanson Page Smith, Albany, N. Y. Correspondent of Columbia Law Times, 1889-90. No. 445 Broadway. CLASS OF 1891. Henry Randall Follett, Norwick, N. Y. Attended Phillips Exeter. Asst. Editor of Morning Sun, Loomis & Follett. 4-5 Cook Blk. Michael Drury Nolan,

/? K, Boston, Mass. A. B., Williams Coll., 1886. Prizes in Political Economy, Essay and- OralMV. Member of Boston School Com., since 1895. Instructor in Equity, Boston Law School, 1892-5. No. 209 Washington St. Frank Abram Appleton, Boston, Mass. No. 5 Tremont St. 200 PHI DEL TA PHI. Henry Willard Austin, Medfield, Mass. 4 *i894. Robert Carver Brown. Formerly practiced at Taunton, Mass. State Legislator, 1893; re-elected 1894. On Judiciary Com. Died Feb. i, 1894. Edward Clarence Colford. (Address unknown.) Walter Coulson, Lawrence, Mass. Harvard Coll., 1885-8. Member of School Board. DeCourcy & Coul- son. Merchants' Bank Bldg. James Porter Crosby, Boston, Mass. Instructor on Bills and Notes, Boston Law School, 1896-7. Sughrue & Crosby, 401 Sears Bldg. Elmer Goodrich Derby, X V', Middletown, Conn. A. B., Wesleyan Univ., 1883. LL. B., cum laude. No. 173 Court St. Bartholomew Richard Doody, Canton, Mass. Frederick Charles Dowd, Boston, Mass. Boston Public Schools, 1887. 449 Tremont Bldg., cor. Beacon and Fre- mont St. Notary Public. Joseph Hooker Dyer, .V , , Boston, Mass. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1889. With Carver & Blodgett, No. 28 State St. Frank Preston Lincoln, Taunton, Mass. Crocker Bldg. Alvin Joseph Lucier, Nashua, N. H. St. Hyacinthe Coll., Canada, i886-go. Room 2 Nutt's Blk. William Andrew Millard, 2' V, Halifax, Pa. Ph. B., Dickinson Coll., 1891. Hiram Churchill Nickerson, Boston, Mass. Wellington, O., High School, 1888. Clerk of the Courts in Bostoi> Univ. Associated with Spitzer & Co., dealers in Municipal and Gov- ernment Bonds, No. 25 Congress St. Walter Cyrus Scarborough, Portland, Me. Not in practice. Scarborough Bros. & Co., Real Estate and Investment Securities, No. 88>^ Exchange St. Abraham Lincoln Wescott, New York City. Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female Coll., 1889. Proconsul. Exam- ining Counsel of Lawyers Title Ins. Co. No. 37 Liberty St. Ralph William Wilbur, ethel. Conn. Herbert Morgan Chase, J '/*, , Kittery, Me. A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1894. Member of Senior Society Sphinx. Guy Houghton Start, Bakersfield, Vt. St. Johnsbury Academy, one year. Brigham & Start. Arthur Hervey Stetson, J X, Bath, Me. A. B., Bowdoin Coll., 1895. Tribune, 1896-7. No. 964 Washing- ton St. Louis Henry Warner, Florence, Mass. Williston Seminary, 1894. N. Main St., Northampton. Edwin Bell Weston, Manchester, N. H. A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1893. Cor. Maple and Myrtle Sts. CLASS OF 1898. Charles Neal Barney, J A, ^ li K, I.ynn, Mass. Born Lynn, Mass., June 27, 1875. A. B., Tufts Coll., 1895. Class Pres. No. 22 Chatham St. Arthur James Dunton, J h E, Bath, Me. Attended Colby Univ., Waterville, Me., 1893-6. Burns Plummer Hodgman, Littleton, N. H. Born Littleton, N. H., Dec. 30, 1875. William Morris Holman, Lowell, Mass. Lowell High School. No. 126 Powell St. Harold Phelps Mosely, J ^, Westfield, Mass. A. B., Williams Coll., 1895. No. 131 Franklin St. Frederick Hapgood Nash, J T,

i(/., 1858. LL. D., Rochester, New York, 1876. LL. D., Kenyon, Ohio, 1877. Author of "Ohio, First Prints of the Ordinance of 1787." Professor of Law, Cincinnati Law School, 1875-91. Died at Cincinnati, March 28, 1891. Henry Albert Morrill, '/'' i', (P /> I\\ Cincinnati, Ohio. Born February 13, 1835. ^- B., Dartmouth College, i860. LL. D,, University of Wooster, 1891. Instructor at Academy, Lisbon, New Hampshire, i860. Instructor at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1860-3. Assistant City Solicitor of Cincinnati, 1865-7. City Solicitor, 1867-9. Author of "The Relations between General Culture and the Practice and Study of the Lavt'." 1874. "The Relations between the Roman and the English Law," 1879. " Jury System, Its Weakness and Strength," 1890. "Municipalities, their Origin, Growth and Government," i886. Member of Cincinnati Literary Society. Professor of Law, Cincinnati Law School, since 1869. Morrill & Jordan, 11 College Building, No. 416 Walnut Street. Hiram David Peck, Cincinnati, Ohio. A. B., Miami University, 1862. A. M., idic/., 1862. LL. B., Harvard College, 1S65. LL. D., University of Cincinnati, i8g2. Judge of Superior Court of Cincinnati, 1882-9. Professor of Law, Cincinnati Law School, since 1891. 30 Atlas Bank Building. *i896. Channing Richards. Born Cincinnati, February 21, 1838. Attended Brooks Classical School. A. B., Yale College, 1858. LL. B., Cincinnati Law School, 1859. M. A., 1868. First Lieutenant 22d Ohio Infantry, 186 r-2. Captain 2i8 PHI DELTA PHI. 1862-5. Provost Marshal. Judge Advocate, 1864. Military Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee, 1865. Member of Loyal Legion and Grand Army of the Republic. United States District Attorney of Southern District of Ohio, 1877-83, being appointed by Presidents Grant and Hayes. Professor of Law, Cincinnati Law School, 1888- 1896. Died at Battle Creek, Mich., September 13, 1896. George Reed Sage, Cincinnati, Ohio. A. B., Granville College, 1849. LL. B., Cincinnati Law School, 1852. LL. D., Dennison University, 1883. United States District Judge, Southern District of Ohio, since 1883. Care of United States Custon* House. *i886. John White Stephenson. A. B., Hampdem Sidney College, 1830. A. B., University of Virginia, 1832. Member of Kentucky Legislature, 1845-57. Delegate to- Democratic National Conventions of 1848, 1852, 1 856. Member of Congress from District, 1857-61. Lieutenant-Governor of Kentucky, 1867. Governor, 1868-71. United States Senator from* Kentucky, 1871-7. Professor in Cincinnati Law School, 1877-86. President of American Bar Association, 1884. CHARTER MEMBERS. SENIORS. James Hartley Beal, Scio, Ohio. Born New Philadelphia, Ohio, September 23, 1861. New Philadelphia High School. Consul. Ph. B., Scio College, 1881-2. Department of Pharmacy, University of Michigan, 1S82-3. Law Department, University of Michigan, 1884-5, where he was initiated at Kent Chapter. Professor of Chemistry, Scio College, 1888-96. Post- graduate in Science, Mount Union College, Ohio, with degree, Sc. D., 189I-2. Dean Department of Pharmacy, Ohio Medical University, 1892-4. Professor of Chemistry, Department of Dentistry, Western University of Pennsylvania, 1896. Secretary of Section of Education- and Legislation of American Pharmaceutical Association, 1895-6. Author of "Pharniaceutical Interrogations," and "Chemical and* Pharmaceutical Arithmetic," and numerous papers and researches pub- lished in Pharmaceutical Journals and Association Reports. Not in- practice. Joseph Hartwell Cabell, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born December 24, 1863. A. B., Urbana University, 1891. A. M.,. ibid. Proconsul, 1885-6. Examination Prize. Gholson & Cabell, 75. Saint Paul Building. HAMILTON CHAPTER. 219 William Marion Cake, Portland, Ore. Born Fostoria, Ohio, November 22, 1S61. Oberlin College, i88o-4» Historian, 1885-6. Corporation Counsel. Chamber of Commerce Building. Joel Cave Clore, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born Hebron, Kentucky, August 28, i85g. B. S., Wittenberg College* Springfield, Ohio, 1884. Member of Philosophian Society. Scriplotr 1885-6. 63-6 Blymyer Building, No. 514 Main Street. J. L. E. Bailey Walker Gilfallan, .V (P, Columbus, Ohio. Born Shelby Co., Ohio, February 12, 1861. B. S., Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1884. Tribune, 1885-6. Tax Inquisitor, care of Court House. Charles Jacob Scroggs, Bucyrus, Ohio. Born Bucyrus, July 14, 1863. A. M., University of Michigan, 1884. Consul, 1885-6. Scroggs «& Scroggs, 1-2 Opera Block. William Emerson White, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Born Columbus, Ohio, November 6, 1862. B. S., Purdue University, 1881. Member of /a-z7«^ Lit. Society. Gladiator, 1885-6. Captain^ Company C, Second Regiment Kansas National Guards, three years, while in practice at Winfield, Kansas. Miller & White. JUNIOR. Frank Howard Morrill, 1 - sey, Friedman, Struble & O'Leary, 34-7 Pickering Bldg. William Robertson. (Address unknown.) Letter to Brownstown, Ind., returned. HAMILTON CHAPTER. 229 Robert Curtis Taylor, Cincinnati, O. Born Richmond, Va., Oct. 21, 1863. Scriptor. Democratic Nominee of Campbell Co. for Representative in Kentucky Legislature, 1895. Room 33 Wiggins Blk. Also, No. 24 W. Fourth St., Newport, Ky. William Lincoln Van Sickle, J 6, Columbus, O. Born Delaware, O., Aug. 20, 1867. A. B., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1889. Athenian Society Orator. Editor of Transcript^ 1 889. Second Honor Forensic Discussion, C. L. S., iSgi. Consul, 1 890-1. 30-2 Board of Trade Bldg. Otto Ernest Vollenweider, McArthur, Vinton Co., O. Born Aug. 26, 1867. B. S., Univ. of Ky., 1889. Gladiator. Mayor of Hamden, O., 1892. Pros. Atty. Charles Albert Winston, Chicago, 111. Born Bullittsburgh, Boone Co., Ky., Dec. 6, 1865. Woodward High School, 1886. LL. B., Harvard Law School, 1893, where he affili- ated with Choate Chapter. Simmons & Winston, Royal Ins. Bldg. Richard Batchelder Young, Boston, Mass. Born Dover, N. H., May 17, 1869. Ohio State Univ., 1887-8. With E. H. Rollins & Sons, Bankers in New York and Boston. Not in practice. No. 53 Statf St. CLASS OF 1892. John Harry Campbell, Forest, O. Born Marseilles, O., Dec. 6, 1868. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1886-8. Carlos Albert Chapman, B /7, Cleveland, O. Born Twinsburgh, O., Jan. 16, 1868. Western Reserve Univ., 1889-90. 602 Hickox Bldg. Harry Carroll Curran, Maysville, Ky. Born Aug. 28, 1866. *i892. John Jacob Ewing. Died Dec. 31, 1892. Frank Elmer Grosshans, East Liverpool, O. Born St. Clair, O., June 20, 1867. Attended Mt. Union Coll., and Woos- ter Univ. City Solicitor. Grosshans & Grosshans, cor. Fifth and Mar- ket Sts. Frederick William Harnwell, ^ T, Chicago, 111. Born Mt. Vernon, O., Sept. 18, 1868. Ph. B., Kenyon Coll., Gambler, O., 1889. Freshman Class Pres., 1885-6. 33 Portland Blk. 230 PHI DELTA PHI. George Daniel Harper, I X, Cincinnati, O. Born Cincinnati, Sept. 24, 1868. Woodward High School, 1888. B. L., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1891. Member of Executive Com. of Univ. of Cincinnati. Editor of McMicken Keviexu. Grand Praetor of Sigma Chi, three years. 307 Johnston Bldg. ^ Walter Briggs Hill, East Liverpool, O. Born E. Liverpool, Sept. 10, 1866. A. B., Princeton, 1890. A. M., ibid. Member of Whig Hall. Scriptor, 1891-2. No. 177 Broad- way. Horace Charles Keifer, Springfield, O. Born Springfield, Nov. 14, 1867. Ohio State Univ., Class of '85. Wit- tenberg Coll., Class of '86. Univ. of Mich., 1889-90. Keifer & Keifer. Dellis Clifton Keller, Cincinnati, O. Born Butlerville, Warren Co., O , Aug. 11, 1869. B. S., National Nor- mal Univ., Lebanon, O., 1886. 509 Lincoln Inn Court, No. 519 Main St. Thomas Noble Lindsey, A T il, Frankfort, Ky. Born Frankfort, Ky., Feb, 10, 1867. Univ. of Va., 1886-7. Lindsey & Lindsey. William Henry Marlatt, Cleveland,' O. Born I^banon, O., Sept. 19, 1869. B. A., National Normal Univ., Leb- anon, O., 1889. Tribune-elect, 1891-2. Yale Law School, 1891-2, where he was reinitiated by Waite Chapter. LL. B., Yale Univ., 1892. Treadway & MaHatt, 302 Society for Savings Bldg. William Charles McLean, I A', Cincinnati, O. Born Northampton, England, May 12, 1869. Univ. of Cincinnati. 15 Fosdick Bldg., No. 41 E. Fourth St. Lionel Sheldon Pardee, Akron, O. Born Wadsworth, Medina Co., O., Aug. 28, 1865. Buchtel Coll. Voris & Pardee, No. 180 S. Main St. Elwin Cadwell Peck, Montpelier, O. Born Williams Co., O, 1864. Hillsdale, Mich., Coll., three years. Member of Alpha Kappa Phi Society. William Pister, Cincinnati, O. Title Examiner for City. Care of City Bldg. Carew Bldg., No. 109 Elder St. John Ray, Jr., Sandusky, Ohio. Born Oct. 18, 1867. B. S., Ohio Normal Univ., 1889. Pros. Atty. of Erie Co., 1894-6. Sloane Blk. HAMILTON CHAPTER. 231 WiLLiAiM Wallace Riddle, I X, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Born Bellefontaine, Sept. 27, 1868. A. B., Wooster Univ., 1890. Director and Treas. of Athletic Assn., 1888-9. City Atty. Charles Watson Scott, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born Hillsboro, O., March 5, 1870. B. S., Hillsboro Coll., 1890. Pro- consul, 1 891-2. St. Paul Bldg., No. iii E. Fourth St. Amor William Sharp, I X, Columbus, Ohio. Born Groveport, Franklin Co., O., Feb. 6, 1865. Ohio State Univ., Class of '87. Pres. of Glee Club, ibid. M. D., Starling Med. Coll., 1889. Consul, 1891-2. 19 Board of Trade Bldg, Orwell James Silliman, Bryan, Ohio. Born Bryan, O., April i, 1865. Attended Fayette Normal Univ. Glad- iator, 1 891-2. One of six Forensic Debaters, C. L. S., 1892. Hays & Silliman. Frederick Lovet Taft, I A £, Cleveland, Ohio. Born Braceville, Trumbull Co., O., Dec. i, 1870. A. B., Mt. Union Coll., Alliance, O., 1890. M. A., ibid., 1893. Member of Linnaean Lit. Society. Pres. of Mansfield Club. Mason & Taft, Society for Savings Bldg. Etienne Randanne Vazeille. (Address unknown.) Born Oct. 12, 1873. Formerly Mgr. for Snow, Church Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Charles Bodman Williams, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born Oct. 28, 1866. Valparaiso, Ind., Normal School. 211 Lincoln Inn Court. Thomas H. Wright, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 203 Mulhall Blk. CLASS OF 1893. Carl Julius Baer, A^ 2' N, Cincinnati, O. Born Gallipolis, O., April 21, 1872. Kenyon Mil. Academy, 1884. Univ. of Va., 1889. Proconsul, 1892-3. Delegate to Third National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, July, 1893. Attended Ohio Med. Coll. (Res. No. 553 Mitchell Av., Avondale.) Biggstaff & Baer, Fosdick Bldg. Edward McClure Ballard, Cincinnati, O. Born Lexington, Mo., Feb. 6, 1872. B. S., Wabash Coll., 1891. Second Prize, Junior Year Examination. First Examination Prize, Senior Year. Second Asst. of Hamilton Co. Pros. Atty. Care of Court House. 232 PHI DELTA PHI. *i894. KiRBY Banning. Died May 19, 1894. Jacob Philip Bauer, Jr., Cincinnati, O. Born Cincinnati, Dec. 4, 1871. Attended Univ. of Cincinnati. County Solicitor's Office, one year. Second National Bank Bldg,, S. E. cor. Ninth and Main Sts. Charles Coleman Benedict, J Y, Cincinnati, O. Born Mason, O., Aug. 4, 1869. Lebanon High School, 1886. B. S.» National Normal Univ., Lebanon, O., 1887. A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1892. Law Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1891-2, where he was initiated at Kent Chapter. Vice-Pres. of Ohio State Republican League, 1896. Pres. of Stamina Republican League. Supreme Court Exam- iner. Swift Bldg., No. 15 E. Third St. Maurice Lawrence Galvin, Cincinnati, O. Born Covington, Ky., July 9, 1872. Title Examiner in office of Corpora- tion Counsel Hertenstein. Jackson & Galvin, 63-7 St. Paul Bldg. Wesley Wilson Knox Hamilton, Dayton, O. Born Cincinnati, Dec. 25, 1871. Gladiator, 1892-3. Mattern & Hamil- ton, 33 Davies Bldg. ♦1892. Martin William Hollenbeck. Born Cincinnati, June 7, 1864. Ph. G., Coll. of Pharmacy, 1883. Pro- ficiency Gold Medal, 1883. Died at Cincinnati, Dec. 2, 1892. Thomas Lightfoot Ppgue, (^ /' J, Cincinnati, O. Born Maysville, Mason Co., Ky., Nov. 28, 1868. A. B., Washington . and Jefferson Coll., 189 1. Univ. of Va., 189 1-2, where he was initi- ated at Ml\or Chapter. Pogue & Pogue, United Bank Bldg. Channing Wolcott Richards, Cincinnati, O. Born Sept. 22, 1870. (Res., No. 75 Southern Ave., Mt. Auburn.) Rich- ards & Richards, 28-30 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. George Samuel Robertson, Sidney, O. Born April 7, 1868. Consul, 1892. George Walter Ross, Highlands, Newport, Ky. Born Feb. 3, 1874. Care of Pogue & Pogue, United Bank Bldg,, Cin cinnati, O. Charles Humes Sanford, 2' X, New Castle, Ky. Born New Castle, Sept. 15, 1870. Hanover Coll., Ind., 1886-8. Centi Coll., Danville, Ky., 1888-9. A. B., Univ. of Notre Dame, Ind 1890. City Atty. of New Castle. HAMILTON CHAPTER. 233 Henry Frederick Schmidt, Cincinnati, O. Born Cincinnati, May 13, 1872. Scriptor, 1892-3. No. 518 Walnut St., or No. 407 Milton St. Hugo Albert Dorn Tafel, Cincinnati, O. Born June 6, 1872. Care of Hon. Gustav Tafel, No. 7 Bavaria Bldg., N. E. cor. Fourth and Walnut Sts. ' Edward Munson Taylor, - X, Columbus, O. Born Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 8, 1870. Univ. of Wooster, 1887-g. Jackson & Taylor, No. 13^ E. State St. Harry Bridell Thompson, Steubenville, O. Born Cadiz, O., Nov. 14, 1868. Ph. B., Scio Coll., 1890. Forensic Discussion Prize. Delegate to Third National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, July, 1893. City Solicitor since 1895. Care of City Bldg. William Collett Tichenor, /^ S 11, Lebanon, O. Born Lebanon, Sept. 3, 1868. A. B,, Univ. of Mich., 1892. Pres. of Republican Club at Univ. of Mich. Pres. of Blackstone Club. For- ensic Disputant. Robert Tucker, (P A 6, Toledo, O. Born Milwood, Knox Co., O., Sept. 5, 1866. Ph. B., Buchtel Coll.,, Akron, O., 1891. Member of Everett Lit. Society. Represented Buchtel Coll., O., at Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest, Springfield, 1890, and won same. Represented Ohio at Interstate Oratorical Contest, Lincoln, Neb., i8go. Consul, 1892—3. Care of Swayne, Swayne & Tyler, 49 Produce Exchange Bldg, Howard Park Williamson, Lima, O. Born Wapakoneta, O., Jan. 30, 1872. Ohio State Univ., two years. Williamson & Blank, Union Blk. William Ray Wood, E X, Cincinnati, O. Born Jan. 14, 1871. Univ. of Cincinnati. Tribune, 1892-3. (Res. Reading Road, Avondale.) Wood & Boyd, 27 Carlisle Bldg. CLASS OF 1894. Charles Elihu Ballard, South Charleston, O. Born Aug. 6, 1867. Wilmington Coll., three years. Charles Teasdale Coppock, 2' X, Cincinnati, O. Born Cincinnati, May 16, i8b8. B. S., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1890. For- merly Treas. of McMickin Pub. Co. Coppock, Hammel & Coppock, 15 Allen Bldg. 234 PHI DELIA PHI. Charles Ferdinand Dolle, Cincinnati, O. Born May 30, 1873. Bodman Bldg. No. 621 Main St. Warren Gard, Hamilton, O. Born Hamilton, July 2, 1872. Forensic Discussion Prize. No. 205 Court St. Harry Kneisley Harkness, S J .V, Salt Lake City, Utah. Born Glendale, O., 1873. Kenyon Coll., 1890-2. Delegate to Third National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, July, 1893. Proconsul, 1893-4. Cherrington & Harkness, 33-4 Commercial Blk. Robert Henry Izor, Cincinnati, O. Born Milton, Ind., Dec. 19, 1872. Attended Miami and Lehigh Uni- versities. Gladiator, 1893-4. 33 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. William Byron Kelly, Chicago, 111. Born Delaware, O., Dec. 3, 1869. B. L., Univ. of Mich., 1891. Con- sul, 1893-4. 720 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Edward Randolph Meyer, Zanesville, O. Born Zanesville, O., July 2, 1873. Zanesville High School. Tribune, 1893-4. No. 47 N. Fourth St. Jay Russell Sweeney, Steubenville, O. Scriptor, 1893-4. Dunbar, Kithcart & Sweeney, No. 107 N. Third St. CLASS OF 1895. Shaler Berry, Newport, Ky. Born May, 1871. B. S., Harvard Univ., 1893. Frank Sanford Brown, 2' .V, Cincinnati, O. Boxn Cincinnati, O., Oct. 6, 1871. B. L., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1894. 305-6 Johnston Bldg. Robert Carhart, . Mentioning the matter to several of his intimate classmates and securing their cooperation, a petition for a charter was presented to the Chapters. The charter was granted under date of January 22, 1887, and the Chapter instituted five days later by mem- bers of the Webster Chapter. HONORARY MEMBERS. Mllville Weston Fuller, X ¥, Washington, D. C. Born Augusta, Maine, Februai-y ii, 1833. A. B., Bowdoin College, 1853. A. M., ibid. Harvard Law School, 1855-6. LL. D., Bowdoin College, 1888. LL. D., Northwestern University, 1888. LL. D., Harvard Uni- versity, 1891. ProprietorandChief Editor of The Age, Augusta, Maine, 1854. Annual address at a convention of the Chi Psi Fraternity, at Springfield, Massachusetts, on the "Crusade of Genius," 1855. City Attorney and President of the Common Council of Augusta, 1856. Delegate to Illinois State Constitutional Convention, 1861. Member of Illinois Legislature, 1863-5. Delegate to National Democratic Conventions of 1864, 1872, 1876, and 1880. Appointed Chief Justice of United States Supreme Court by President Cleveland, April 30, confirmed July 20, and took the oath of office October 8, 1888. No. 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. James Barr Ames, A J (P, Cambridge, Massachusetts. A. B., Harvard College, 1868. A. M., ibid., 1871. LL. B., ibid., 1872. Tutor, ibid., 1 871-2. Instructor in History, ibid., 1872-3. Assist- ant Professor of Law, ibid., 1873-7. Professor of Law, ibid., 1877-9. Bussey Professor of Law, Harvard University since 1879. Dean, ibid., since 1895. Author of " Cases on Bills and Notes," 1881. "Cases in Pleading," 1885. " Cases on Torts, " 1886. "Cases on Partnership," 1887. "Ames and Smith's Selection of Cases on the Law of Torts," 1893. "Cases on Trusts," 1888. Sec- ond Edition, 1893. Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sci- ences. No. II Frisbie Place. John Chipman Gray, Boston, Massachusetts. A. B., Harvard College, 1859. A. M., ibid., . LL. B., ibid., 1861. LL. D., Yale University, 1894. LL. D., Harvard University, 1895. Lecturer in Harvard Law School, 1869-70, also 1 871-4. Story Pro- fessor of Law, ibid., 1875-83. Royal Professor of Law, ibid., since 1883. Author of " Restraints on Alienation of Property," 1883. "Cases -on Property,^' 1888-92. The Rule against Perpetuities," 1886. Fellow American Academy. No. 50 State Street. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Boston, Massachusetts. A. B., Harvard College, 1861. LL. B., ibid., 1866. LL. D., Yale College, 1886. Lecturer in Harvard Law School, 1871-3. Overseer, Harvard University, 1876-82. Professor of Law, ibid., 1882-3. Author of "Common Law," 1881. "Kent's Commentaries," four volumes, thirteenth edition, 1884. Justice Supreme Court of Massa- chusetts. Fellow American Academy. Member of Massachusetts Historical Society. 252 PHI DELTA PHI. Christopher Columbus Langdell, Cambridge, Massachu- setts. A. B., Harvard College, 1851. LL. B., //W., 1S53. A. M., (Hon.), ihid.^ 1854. LL. D., Beloit, Wisconsin, 1875. Dane Professor of Law, Harvard University, since 1870. Dean, ihid.^ i87o-g5. Author of " Leading Cases on Sales of Personal Property," 1871. "Cases of Contracts with Summary of Contracts," second edition, 1879. " Cases in Equity Pleading," 1875. " Summary of the Law of Con- tracts," 1880. "Summary of Equity Pleading," 1883. Fellow of American Academy. No. 37 Quincy Street. Jeremiah Smith, ^ J ^, Cambridge, Massachusetts. A. B., Harvard College, 1856. A. M., ibid. LL. D., Dartmouth Col- lege, 1883. Story Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, since 1890. Justice of Supreme Court of New Hampshire. Fellow Amer- ican Academy. No. 4 Berkeley Street. James Bradley Thayer, Cambridge, Massachusetts. A. B., Harvard College, 1852. LL. B., ibid., 1856. LL. D., Iowa State • University, 1891. LL. D., Harvard University, 1894. Royal Profes- sor of Law, Harvard Law School, 1873-83. Professor of Law, 1883- 93. Weld Professor of Law, ibid., since 1893. Fellow American Academy. Member of Massachusetts Historical Society. No. 5 Phillips Place. CHARTER MEMBERS. MIDDLE CLASS— '88. Frederick Bemis Harlow, Worcester, Massachusetts. A. B., Amherst College, 1885. Master in Chancery. 48-9 Burnside Building. No. 339 Main Street. Fletcher Ladd. (See Class of '90.) John Anderson Waterman, A J (P, H h', Gorham, Maine. A. B., Bowdoin College, 1884. A. M., ibid., 18S7. Scriptor, and Cor- resjxmdent of Phi Delta Phi Brief, 1887-8. Treas. of Gorham Savings Bank. John Charles Zulauf, ^ /' J, Jeffersonville, Indiana. A. B., DePauw University, 1885. LL. B., Louisville Law School, 1886. Scriptor. Vice-President Citizens' National Bank. CHOATE CHAPTER. 253 JUNI0RS-'89. Arthur Fay Foster, Lynn, Massachusetts. Alfred Edward McCordic, Duliith, Minnesota. LL. B,, citm laude. Delegate to Second National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, May, 1889. McCordic & Crosby, First National Bank Building. Samuel Houston Morgan, Macomb, 111. LL. B., 1890. Hknry Ernest Oxnard, Lawrence, Mass. A. B., Harvard Coll., 1886. Andover, Mass., Theological Seminary, 1894. Installed Pastor of the Riverside Congregational Church of Lawrence, January, 1896. No. 50 Butler St. Oirard Godfrey Ruel, St. John, New Brunswick. LL. B., ctim laude. City Councilman. P. O. Box 321. CLASS OF 1888. Henry Lee Hatch. W } , Lincoln, Cal. A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1884. In mercantile pursuits, 1884-6. Colum- bian Univ. Law School, 1887-9, where he affiliated with Marshall Chapter. Clerk, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1887-9. Organ- izer and Sec. of Strafford, Vt., Creamery Assn. Postmaster, 1894-6. Ernest Hoen, Jr., Baltimore, Md. First initiate. Consul, 1887-8. 8-9 Hoen Bldg. CLASS OF 1889. William Francis Bacon, (P H K, Boston, Mass. A. B., swiima cum laude. Harvard Coll., 1885. A. M., iHd., 1889. LL. B., cum laude. (Res., No. 52 Hyde Ave., Newton, Mass.) Room 42, No. 113 Devonshire St. Stephen Smith Bartlett, Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard Coll., 1885. No. 53 State St. Edward Everett Blodgett, B 8 11, Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1887. No. 28 State St. Ernest Lee Conant,

K *!'', Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, Dec. 18, 1864. Univ. of Minn., 1881-3. Univ. of Mich., 1883-6. Editor of Orac/e, 1887. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1887. A. M., idtd., 1890. Member of Signet. Childs & Hudson, 29-30 Borden Blk. Francis Cleaveland Huntington. See Class of 1891. Louis Fiske Hyde, Boston, Mass. A. B., vtngna cum laude. Harvard Univ., 1887. A. M., ibid., 1890. LL. B., cum laude. Correspondent of Cohwibia Law Times, 1889- 90. No. 7 Water St., or No. 81 Milk St. Fletcher Ladd, A J 0, (P B l\, Lancaster, N. H. A. B., Dartmouth Coll., 1884. Originally Charter Member. Consul. Ladd & Fletcher. Charles Plimpton Lincoln, Boston, Mass. No. 209 Washington St. John R. McArthur. (Address unknown.) A. B., Harvard Coll., 1885. Attended Ecole des Sciences Politiques, at Paris. Letter to No. 275 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, returned unclaimed. Charles James Oaks, Albany, N. Y. Abiturient, Baden Gymnasium, 1887. No. 290 State St. Arthur Charles Rounds, X ¥, (P B K, New York City. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1887. A. M., Harvard Univ., 1890. Prof, of Law in Metropolis Law School, 1 893-5. Prof, of Law in Evening Dept. of the Law School of New York Univ. Of Carter, Hughes & Dwight, No. 96 Broadway, also No. 6 Wall St. Philip Sidney Rust, Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1S87. Room 64, No. 40 Water St. 256 PHI DELTA PHI. Henry Schofield, Dudley, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1887. A. M., ibid.^ 1890. Aaron Claflin Thayer, New York City. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1887. A. M., ibid., 1890. Pinney, Thayer & Hadlock ('93), No. 44 Pine St. Joseph Walker, /I J (^, Boston, Mass. A. B., Brown Univ., 1887. A. M., ibid., 1890. LL. B., cum laude. A. M., Harvard Univ., 1890. 730 Exchange Bldg., No. 53 State St. CLASS OF 1891. Richmond Ogston Aulick, New York City. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1889. A. M., ibid. No. 160 Broadway. James Alderson Bailev, Jr., li A', Boston, Mass. A. B., siwuna cunt laude. Harvard Univ., 1888. A. M., ibid., 1891. LL. B., cum laude. Member of Signet Society. Member of Mass. House of Representatives, two years. Published, with co-operation of the author, an edition of "Browne on the Statute of Fraud." No. 53 State St. Ely Whitney Blake, Jr., .\ J , Chicago, 111. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1888. A. M., ibid., 1891. Member of O. K. Asst. Special Assessment Atty. of Chicago. Greene, Robbins & Ho- nore, 617 Home Ins. Bldg., No. 205 LaSalle St. Francis Cleaveland Huntington, J T, A J (P, Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1888. Second Aest. Atty. General of Mass. Commonwealth Bldg. Norman Hapgood, New York City. A. B., magna cum lande. Harvard Univ., 1890. M. A., ibid., 1893. Care of Evening Post. Richard Calhoun Harrison, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1890. Member of Signet Society. loi Crocker Bldg. George Collier Hitchcock, J K E, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., Yale Univ., 1890. St. Louis Law School, 1890-1, where he was initiated at Cooley Chapter. Membar of Board of Commissioners on Charitable Institutions. 709 Wainwright Bldg. George Arthur Hurd, Seattle, Wash. A. B., Yale Univ., 1890. 304 Pioneer Bldg. Richard Field Lewis, J A' E, Juneau, Alaska. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1890. Joseph Wheelock Lund, Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1890. No. 40 Water St. Oliver Reginald Mitchell, Boston, Mass. Rooms 802 Sears Bldg. George Dana Mumford, F J, 4> B K, New York City. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1889. Two prize Scholarships. Member of Barnard Society. M. A., Harvard Univ., 1891. No. 35 Nassau St. James Montgomery Newell,

rEAR, // ^ //, Oakland, Cal. Litt. B., Univ. of Cal., 1890. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1891. No. 957 Linden St. Thomas Nelson Perkins, A A (P, Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1891. 1035 Exchange Bldg. William Richards Sears, Boston, Mass. \. B., Harvard Univ., 1891. M. A., ibid., 1894. Room 839 Tre- mont Bldg. CLASS OF 1895. Edward Brinley Adams, Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1892. John Adams Blanchard, A A , Boston, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1892. No. 50 State St. Herbert Ambrose Rice, A J ^, (P B K, Providence, R. I. A. B., Brown Univ., 1889. M. A., ibid., 1891. Editor of Harvard Law Review. LL. B., cum laude. Member of School Committee, Paw- tucket, R. L, i8gi. Coroner, ibid., 1896. (Res., No. 30 Brown St., Pawtucket, R. I.) No. 48 Custom House St. George Rublee, B K, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1890. Instructor at Harvard Law School, 189576. No. 102 Wisconsin St. John Shoemaker Sheppard, Jr., X W, New York City. A. B., Williams Coll., 1891. Consul, 1894-5. With Evarts, Choate & Beaman. . No. 52 Wall St. Jeremiah Smith, Jr., A K E, Cambridge, Mass. A, B., Harvard Univ., 1892. No. 4 Berkeley St. 264 PHI DELTA PHI. Lewis Sabin Thompson, ^ J , Cambridge, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1892. Highest Honors in Music, 1892. No. 62 Buckingham St. Charles Walcott, Boston, Mass. A. B,, Harvard Univ., 1892. Room 45. No. 85 Milk St. Frank Beverly Williams, U K, Cambridge, Mass. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1888. A. M., ibiJ.^ i8qo. Appointed Fellow, 1890, and as such studied Civil Law in Europe two years. Instructor in Civil Law at Harvard Univ. since 1892. "Institutes of Justinian." ** Selections from the Institutes of Gaius." "The Law of Inherit- ance." "Selections from the Corpus Jurist "The History of European Law." " Early Germanic Law." "Prankish Reforms." Mediaeval French and German Law." " Revival of the Roman Law." "Modern Codes." Member of Parietal Board of Harvard Univ. Appointed Instructor in Property, in Harvard Law School, 1^596. Care of T., No. 29, Harvard Univ. CLASS OF 1896. Gordon Knox Bell, A K E, J , (l> B K, New York City. A. B., magna cum laude^ Harvard Univ., 1893. Detur and three Hon- orable Mentions. (Res., No. 50 W. Twenty-first St.) Care of Tur- ner, McClure & Rolston, No. 22 William St. J USTIN De Witt Bowersock, 2' A, ,

li A', New York City. Born New Haven, Conn., Nov. 30, 1869. A. B,, Yale Univ., 1892. Munson Prize, 1895. LL. B., magna cum laude. With Alexander & Green, No. 120 Broadway. Joseph Stras Peery, Ogden, Utah. Born Ogden, Oct. 5, 1868. Roanoke, Va., Coll., 1887-8. Univ. of Neb., 1888-90. Scriptor, 1894-5. Loar & Peery, 310-13 Utah Loan and Trust Bldg. 2 84 PffI DELTA PHI. James Jav Sheridan, Chicago, 111. Born Gold Hill, Nev., Aug. i6, 1868. Marshall, Mich., High School. Pres. of Univ. of Mich. Republican Club. Chairman of Exec. Com. Am. Rep. Coll. League. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1894. Initiated at Kknt Chapter, 1893-4. M. L., Yale Univ., 1895. 1103 Home Ins. Bldg. Herbert Knox Smith, Z V*, Journal. High Oration. LL. B,, cum laude. Care of Tracy, Boardman & Piatt, No. 35 Wall St. CLASS OF 1896. Edward Marvin Day, J K E, Hartford, Conn. Born Colchester, Conn., Aug. 20, 1872. B. A., Yale Univ., 1894. Betts Prize. Editor Vale Law Journal. LL. B., cum laude^ June, 1896. Representative, Conn. Legislature, 1896-7. Member of Judiciary Committee. Stephen Garretson Doig, // S //, Schenectady, N. Y. Born Berne, N. Y., .\ug. 5, 1873. B. A., Union Coll., 1892. Winthrop Hillyer DuNCAis, B S //, Lowell, Mass. Born Lowell, Jan. 24, 1872. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. (Res., No. 256 Appleton St.) Winthrop Edwards Dwi(;ht, '/^ T, (P li l\, New Haven, Conn. Born New Haven, Dec. 23, 1872. B. A., Yale Univ., 1893. Ph.D., ibid., 1895. I)e Forest Prize. Editor Yale Laiv Journal. John A. Porter Prize, June, 1896. LL. B., magna cum laude, June, 1896. John Loomer Hall, J K E, New Haven, Conn. Born Willimantic, Conn., Jan. 23, 1872. B. A., Yale Univ., 1894. Member of Yale Union. DeForest Prize. Editor Yale Law Journal. Townsend Prize, June, 1896. Post-graduate, Yale Law School, 1896 -7. No. 23 Hillhouse Ave. WAITE CHAPTER. 285. James Sinclair Jenkins, *i>' F, Stamford, Conn. Born Stamford, Oct. 31, 1871. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. Proconsul, 1895-6. (Res., No. II Oliver St.) George Bigelow Bartlett Lamb, New Haven, Conn. Born New Haven, Jan. 30, 1871. New Haven High School. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. Member of Univ. Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, three years. Editor Va/e Law Journal. Tribune, 1895-6. Patent Law. No. 6oi Chapel St. John Hill Morgan, '/ T, New York City. Born Brooklyn, N. Y., June 30, 1870. A. B., Yale Univ., 1893. Editor Yale Law Journal. LL. B, cum laude, June, 1896. Care Taylor & Parker, No. 15 Wall St. Origen Storrs Seymour, '/* T, Litchfield, Conn. Born Bridgeport, Conn., April 19, 1872. B. A., Yale Univ., 1894. Scriptor and Historian, 1895-6. Post-graduate, Yale Law School, 1890-7. Ernest Gray Smith, (P J 8, 6 N E, Martins Ferry, O. Born Martins Ferry, O., Oct. 26, 1872. Ph. B., Lafayette Coll.^ Easton, Penn., 1894. Second Wayland Prize, June, 1896. Frederick Clark Taylor; Stamford, Conn. Born Stamford, Nov. 3, 1866. Chairman Yale Laxv Jotirnal. Consul, 1895-6. Bishop & Taylor, No. 7 Park Row. William Josiah Tilson, Clear Branch, Tenn. Born Clear Branch, Aug. 13, 1874. B. A., Yale Univ., 1894. Editor of " Yale Class Book, '94." Editoi of Yale I^aw Journal. Editor of Yale Shingle. Post-graduate, 1896-7. CLASS OF 1897. Roger Sherman Baldwin, ^¥ T, New York City. Born New York City, Nov. 26, 1873. A B., Yale Univ., 1895. M. em- ber of Cln Delta Theta Lit. Society. Junior Class Honors, 1896. No. 322 Lexington Ave. Samuel Fayerweather Beardsley, Z 9^, (P B K, Bridgeport, Conn. Born Bridgeport, April 17, 1874. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Junior Class Honors, 1896. Proconsul, 1896-7. 11-12 Franklin Bldg. George Clarke Bryant, ^F /, Ansonia, Conn. Born Ansonia, Jan. 8, 1873. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Scriptor, 1896-7^ No. 70 N. Cliff St. 386 PHI DELTA PHI. Michael Gavin, 2D, Y^ }', Memphis, Tenn. Born Memphis, Nov. 2, 1873. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Junior Class Honors, i8g6. No. 454 Vance St. •George Jay Gibson, Jr.,

A', Lebanon, N. H. Born Fort Brown, Texas, Feb. 10, 1873. B. A., Dartmouth Coll., 1895. Managing Editor of Literary Monthly. Commencement Appoint- ment. Junior Class Honors, 1896. WAITE CHAPTER. 287 John Dougherty Thomson, I Z, New Haven, Conn. B. M. E., Purdue Univ., 1893. Member of Tau Beta Pi Engineering Society, at Purdue. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Manager of Base Ball and Foot Ball teams. Treas. of Athletic Assn. Sec. of Western Inter-collegiate Athletic Assn., 1892-3. Delegate to the Fifth National Convention of Pili Delta Phi, Dec, 1896. Tribune, 1896-7. No. 256 E. Columbia St. CLASS OF 1898. William Ansel Arnold, Willimantic, Conn. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 812 Main St. Edward William Beattie, Jr., d K E, Helena, Mont. Born Chicago, 111., Dec. 12, 1874. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Box, 487. No. 59 Park Ave. William Bradford Boardman, Z ^, New Britain, Conn. A. B., Yale Univ., 1893. No. 49 Park Place. Henry Manchester Boss, Jr., Z *F, Providence, R. I. Attended Brown Univ. No. 29 Weybosset St. Walter Haven Clark, A d 0, Hartford, Conn. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 38 WiUard St. Charles Frederick Clemons, Manchester, Vt. Born Manchester, Oct. 9, 1871. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Editor of Yale News. William Newell Drown, A A (P, San Francisco, Cal. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 2550 Jackson St. George Woodbury Duncklee, Brookline, Mass. Walter Buhl Ford, ¥ Y, New Haven, Conn. Born Detroit, Mich., Sept. 22, 1873. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 42 Trumbull St. Emile Godchaux, New Orleans, La. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. No. 1240 Esplanade St. Addison Strong Pratt, Fairport, N. Y. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. Charles Tier Russell, Haddam, Conn. FI^IaD GHAPTE.R IN THE UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL, BEINO THE DEPARTMENT OF LAW OF The New York University. ESTABLISHED 1888. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. THE University of the City of New York owes its foun- dation and its progress until this date to two classes of citizens: first, to public spirited merchants, bankers, and professional men who have given labor and money to promote liberal learning in the metropolis upon the highest academic models. These men are types of the whole body of those who have, even until now, contributed of their time and means to this foundation. The second class of citi- zens who have created this University have been the faculties of teachers. The chief epochs in the history of the Univer- sity are noted. An important fact of which these epochs give no hint is the following early statute of the University, ordaining two 290 PHI DELTA PHI. divisions of the instruction in Arts and Science, correspond- ing to what are now commonly known as Graduate and Undergraduate courses. "The first shall comprise Profes- sorships for instruction in the higher branches of Literature and Science, which shall be increased according to the progress of discovery, the wants of the community, and the financial means of the University. The second shall embrace what is usually deemed a full course of Classical, Philosoph- ical, and Mathematical instruction, and also a complete course of English Literature." Hon. Albert Gallatin, Pres- ident of the Council in 1831, said, in a public meeting, October 20, 1830, as to the chief objects of the University: "One is to complete the studies commenced in the colleges, * * * * another is to diffuse knowledge." The statute named and the view expressed were a half century in advance of the demand in America for university work proper in arts and science, a demand which is only now beginning to be made and to be met. The University, as now existing, comprises the Council, which is by charter the corporation, and three Faculties, each in charge of its appropriate department, viz., the Fac- ulty of Arts and Science, dating from 1832; the Faculty of Medicine, dating from 1841; the Faculty of Law, dating from 1858. EPOCHS IN THE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY. 1829. December 16 — Meeting of nine gentlemen to con- sider "the establishment of a university in the City of New York on a liberal and extensive scale." 1830. January 6 — Public meeting called by the above and others, in the rooms of the Historical Society; appoint- ment by it of standing Committee on Subscriptions. 1830. October 15 — Election, by the subscribers, of members of the Council. T831. April 18 — Act of incorporation. FIELD CHAPTER. 291 UNDER THE FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCE. 1 83 1. October — Opening of college work, closely fol- lowed by the erection (1832-5) of the University Building. 1835. Invention, in the University, of the recording telegraph: "Your Philomathean Hall, the room I occupied — that room in the University was the birthplace of the recording telegraph." — [Extract from address of Projessor Morse at the Alumni Meeting of i8^j.^ 1839. Invention, in the University, of the application of photography to the representation of the human counte- nance. 1864-6. Founding of the General Endowment, in chief part by Mr. Loring Andrews. t886. Organization of Graduate School. 1890. Academic relation established between the Uni- versity and the Union Theological Seminary. 1890. Organization of the School of Pedagogy. 1890. Appointment of the Woman's Advisory Com- mittee. 1892. Purchase of University Heights. 1894. Removal to University Heights of the University College. 1895. Gift of the Library Building and of the Hall for Students. UNDER THE FACULTY OF LAW. 1835. Pl^^ of Hon. B. F. Butler for the School adopted by the Council. 1858. Reorganization of the Department of Law.- 1863. Founding of the Law Library by John Taylor Johnston. 1895. Opening of the new Halls at Washington Square, and establishment of morning, afternoon and evening instruc- tion. 292 PHI DELTA PHI. UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS. In November of 1890, a movement was inaugurated to enlarge the work of the University by the securing of a new site for the University College, the School of Engineering, and the Graduate Seminary (in part). On July i, 1891, a site was secured, extending from Sedgwick Avenue to Aque- duct Avenue, immediately south of the new University Ave- nue (placed on the map of the city at the request of the University), which avenue is also called East iSist Street. The single tract included in the College Campus com- prises over twenty-two acres. In addition to this is a boat- house site on the water front. Further, the University has purchased several adjoining parcels in order to restrict the neighborhood against nuisances, and to secure sites for fraternity houses, professors' residences, and the like. The general verdict of the public who visit University Heights places it second in beauty to no other University site in the world. The Law School was reorganized in 1891, and in April, 1895, the Metropolis Law School became merged in the Uni- versity School to constitute its evening department. Upon the unanimous request of the University corpora- tion, the University R'egents of the State of New York, under the powers committed to them by the Constitution of the State, enacted a statute March 19, 1896, changing the name of the University of the City of New York to the New York University. Henceforth this legal designation should be used in all papers of any kind whatsoever relating to this Univer- sity. The petition of eight charter members was dated February 13, 1888, and after receiving the unanimous affirmative votes of all chapters. Field Chapter was instituted on May 4, 1888. Note. — Although many of the following graduated while the institu- tion was known as U. of C. of N. Y., we have for convenience called it N. y. Univ., its new name. i HONORARY MEMBERS. *i896. Austin Abbott, ¥ Y, (P B A. Born Boston, Massachusetts, December i8, 1831. A. B., New York University, 1851. LL. D., idid., 1886. Editor of Eiuleian. Com- mencement Orator, 1851. Student at Law in New York City with Blatchford & Crosby, 1851-3. In practice, 1853-96. Author of "Collection of Forms of Pleadings in New York State Adapted to the New Practice in Alabama, California, Indiana, Kentucky, Mis- souri, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc," 1858 and 1S71. "Clerks' and Con- veyancers' Assistant," 1866 and 1874. "Trial Evidence," 1880. "Trial Brief — Jury Trials in Civil Actions," 1885. "New Code Practice and Forms," two volumes, 1887. "Trial Brief — A Brief on the Mode of Proving Facts," 1889. "Trial Brief— Brief on the Pleadings," i8gi. " Cases on Evidence," 1895. " Digest of Reports and Statutes, 1 794-1 892," ten volumes. Supplements to same, four volumes. "New York Annual Digest," 1884-92, ten volumes. "Ap- pellate Reports, 1850 to 1869," four volumes. "Select Cases on the Law of Evidence as Applied during Examination of Witnesses," 1896. "New Cases and Index Digest," 1876-93, twenty-nine volumes. Joint Author with B. V. Abbott of " Reports of Cases in Admiralty, District Court of United States, Southern District of New York," 1857. "Practice Reports, 1854-65," nineteen volumes, 1866. Joint Author with W. C. Beecher, "Trial Brief — Criminal Cases," 1889. Law Editor of "Century Dictionary." Editor of New York Daily Register, 1876-86. Editor of University Lazu Review, 1893-4. Lecturer in the Law Department of New York University, 1871-96. Dean of Law Department, ibid., 1891-6. Died at New York City, April 19, 1896. * Thaddeus Davis Kenneson, New York City. A. B., Harvard College, 1880. M. A., LL. B., ibid., 1883. Professor of Law, Evening Division of Law School. Isaac Franklin Russell, W T, // K, New York City. Born Hamden, Connecticut, August 25, 1857. Southold Academy, L. I. A. B., New York University, 1875. LL. B., ibid., 1877. A. M., ibid., 1878. LL. M., Yale College, 1879. ^- C- L., Yale College, 1880. LL. D., Dickinson College, 1893. First Butler Eucleian Prize, 1875. First Fellowship, 1875. Latin Salutatory, 1875. Lec- turer on Law at New York University, 1 880-1. Professor of Political Science, ibid., since 1881. Professor of Law, ibid., since 1881. Au- thor of Lectures on "The Law for Women," second edition, 1893. "Outline Study of Law," second edition, 1895. Contributor to numerous Journals. Member of the Long Island Historical Society. Fellow of the American Geographical Society. (Res., 150 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, New York.) No. 120 Broadway. CHARTER MEMBERS. SENIORS. Thomas William Churchill, J H // K, New York City. B. S. and Salutatory, New York University, 1887. Business Manager of the University Quarterly, 1886-7. Class President, 1886-7. Secre- tary of Eucleian Society. Scriptor, 1 888. Delegate to the Second National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, May, 1889. Einstein & Townsend, Mutual Life Building, No. 32 Liberty Street. CLASS OF 1888. William Francis George Geisse, New York City. Royal Gymnasium of Nuremberg, Bavaria. Formerly U. S. Consular Clerk, Vice-Consul and Acting Consul at Nlirnberg, Bavaria, 1871-80. (Res., Pelham Manor, N. Y.) Gen. Bus. Mngr., A. W. Faber, Man- ufacturer of Lead Pencils. Not in practice. No. 78 Reade St. Philip Francis Olwell, New York City. St/ Francis Xavier Coll., New York. No. 243 Broadway. Mark Winslow Potter, New York City. Cole & Potter, No. 63-5 Wall St. CLASS OF 1889. Sherwood Aldrich. (Address unknown.) Former address. No. 102 Broadway, N. Y. Anthony Arnuux, J T J, New York City. Ph. B., Columbia Coll., 1886. Real Estate and Corporation Law, No. 41-3 Wall St. John David Beals, New York City. (Res., No. 35 Tremont Ave.) No. 203 Bioadway. *i893. John Ulic Burke. Attended St. John's Coll., 1872-6. Formerly Chief Clerk, U. S. Cus- toms Bureau, Postoffice Bldg., New York City. Arthur Herbert Cameron, J T, (p B K, Brooklyn, N. Y. B. S. and C. E., N. Y. Univ., 1887. Pres. oi Phil o mat heart Uw.. Society. Scientific Oration. Class Treas. (Res. No. 608 Bainbridge St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) No. 38-40 Court St. James Arthur Hanley, New York City. A. B., Coll. of the City of New York, 1883. (Res., No. 246 W. i3bth St.) Chief Clerk, Register's office. Hall of Records, City Hall Park. Oswald Herbert Knight, New York City. Columbia Law Scnool, 1882-3. (Res., No. 32 W. 32d St.) Patent and Copyright Law. No. 87 Nassau St. 296 PHI DELTA PHI. Jesse Grant Roe, A K E, (P li K, New York City. A. B., Lafayette Coll., 1887. Editor-in-chief of several college publica- tions. Editor of Delta Kappa Epsilon Quarterly. (Res., No. 57 Convent Ave.) No. 160 Broadway. Augustus Frederick Sherman, New York City. Formerly Private Sec. at No. 58 Bank St. James Lambert Suvdam, New York City. Brooklyn High School. Delegate to Second National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, May, 1889. No. 229 Broadway, N. Y. City. Also, Tar- ry town -on- Hudson, N. V. Harvey Cromwell Williams, '/^ Y, New York City. A. B., Wesleyan Univ., Conn., 1885. A. M., ibid., 1888. Prize in Greek, 1882. Commencement Orator, 1885. Teacher in Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1882-3. Teacher in Dickinson Semi- nary, Williamsport, Penn., 1885-8. Formerly Law Reporter for Evening Post. CLASS OF lfe90. Charles Martin Camp, New York City. Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1885. Elliot & Shephard Scholar- ship, in Junior year. No. 155 Broadway. Paul Eugene De Fere, Brooklyn, N. Y. Republican nominee for County Judge of King's Co., 1895. Vice-Pres. of Phi Delta Phi Club, Grout, DeFere & Mayer, No. 189 Mon- tague St. Ralph Hickox, Williamsbridge, N. Y. A. B., Yale Coll., 1886. Park Ave., White Plains Road. Paul Eugene Jones, V r, B K, Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B. and Valedictory, N. Y. Univ., 1888. Second Butler Eucleian Prizes, 1886, 1887, 1888. No. 189 Montague St. Adrian Thomas Kiernan, New York City. (Res., No. 18 E. 47th St.) No. 27 Pine St. Harry Armitage Mathews, Z V^, New York City. A. B., N. Y. Univ., 1888. Junior Class Pres. Sec. of Philomathean Lit. Society. Capt. of Lacrosse Team. Class- Day Orator. (Res., No. 77 W. 94th St.) No. 27 William St. Frank 0*Byrne, New York City. (Res., Bath Beach, L. L, N. Y.) No. 280 Broadway, uiNi VERSITY FIELD CHAPTER. 297 Denis O'Leary, New York City. Junior Scholarship Prize. Senior Examination Honors. Brooke & Brooke, No. 99 Nassau St. William Warner Penfield, A K E, Wakefield, N. Y. A. B., Yale Coll., 1879. Formerly Clerk in U. S. Custom House. Frank Pisek, New York City. No. 203 Broadway. William Seward Russell, Chicago, 111. Ph. B., Lafayette Coll., 1887. M. S., i/>id., 1890. No. 167-9 Wabash Ave. Samuel Scott Slater, (P T J, New York City. Cornell Univ., 1889-90. B. L. and LL. B., Cornell Univ., 1894. Affil- iated with CONKLING Chapter, 1892-4. With Hoadley, Lauterbach & Johnson, No. 22 William St. Alfred Ethelbert Smith, Jr., New York City. Attended Columbia Coll. No. 29 Broadway. Also, Bronxville, N. Y. Daniel Caldwell Stanwood, Boston, Mass. With Chicago, Burlington and Quincy R. R. Co. Sears Bldg. Francis Bergh Taylor, Hempstead, Queens Co., N. Y. Attended St. Paul's Coll., Garden City, R. I. Justice of the Peace. *i896. Minthorne Tompkins. Member of N. Y. Historical Society. Died Nov. 5, 1896. Paul Ransom Towne, New York City. Honorable mention for Scholarship. Senior Butler Prize. Valedictorian. (Res., No. 23 E. 28th St.) No. 229 Broadway. Charles Augustus Wendell, New York City. (Res., No. 153 Lennox Ave.) No. 7 Pine St. CLASSrOF 1891. Winfield Scott Angleman, Plainfield, N. J. Honorable mention on written examination (among first half dozen.) Jarvis Norris Atkinson, J J /», New York City. B. S., N. Y. Univ., 1889. Pres. of Philomathean Society. No. 32 Nas- sau St._ Harold Binney, J , New York City. Mass. Institute of Technology, 1885-8. Columbian Law School, Wash- ington, D. C, 1889-90. Asst. Examiner of Patents, U. S. Patent Office, 1 890-1. Law of Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks. No. 38 Park Row. John Hillric Bonn, Weehawken, N. J. Gregory Ave. M. Bertrand Clover. (Address unknown.) A. B., Columbia Coll., i88r. Letter to No. 7 F'ifth Ave., N. Y. City, returned. Arthur Dixon Davis, J ,

, New York City. B. S., Coll. of City of New York, 1892. No. 38 Park Row. Dean Emery, (P F J, New York City. B. S., Coll. of City of New York, 1893. Honorable Mention, idid., 1893.. Prize Scholarship. Consul, 1895-6. No. 1661 Washington Ave. David Andre L'Esperance, Jr. See infra. Edwin Philip Fischer, New York City, B. S., Coll. of City of New York, 1893. Member of Phrenacosmia Socf- ety. No. 33 W. Ninety-second St. Edward Mumford Fowler, # F J, New York City. Yale Univ., 1892-4. No. 38 W. Fortieth St. Frederick Collins Garrick, New York City. Rooms 307-9 Nassau Chambers, No. 43 W. 35th St. Alfred Charles Jopling, New York City. Attended High School in England. Evening Dept. Class Pres. No. -^oS W. Fourteenth St. ^ Charles Augustus Kalish, New York City. No. 165 Broadway. George Alfred Lamb, New York City. St. Peters|High School, Kensington, London W., 1883-90. With Davies,. Stone & Auerbach, No. 32 Nassau St. 3o6 PHI DELTA PHI. David Andr^ L'Esperance, Jr., New York City. Princeton Univ., 1892-3. Tribune. Room 27, No. 229 Broadway. Roland Hawley Mallory, I K A, New York City. L. H. B., Trinity Coll., Hartford, Conn., 1892. No. 47 Lafayette Place. William Harrison Northrup, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn High School. Scriptor, 1895-6. No. 683 Putnam Ave. Frederick Gregory Reynolds, J K E, (P li K, New York City. B. S., Coll. of City of New York, 1891. Commencement Orator. Con- sul, 1895-6. No. 144 W. i32d St. William Randolph Scharton, Aarau, Switzerland. B. S., Scranton High School. Attended Yale Univ. Franz Sigel, ]r., A J (P, (P li A', New York City. B. S., Coll. of City of New York, 1892. Proconsul, 1895-6. (Res., No. 563 or 583 Mott Ave.) No. 17 Lexington Ave. Robert Alexander Stewart, ^ T J, New York City. Attended Coll. of City of New York, 1891-3. Historian, 1895-6. No. 147 W. 94th St. George Adelbert Voss, New York City. Civil Engineering School, Cooper Union, 1890-2. Metropolis Law School, 1893-5. Law Class Pres., 1894-5. Corporation Law. Pier No. 2, East River. Julius Emil Walscheid, (P V J, Weehawken, N. J. Ph. B., N. Y. Univ., 1896. William Smith Young, S N E, New York City. Cornell Univ., 1886-8. Manager of New York Office of the Deane Steam Pump Co. of Holyoke, Mass. No. 72 Cortlandt St. CLASS OF 1897. W^iLLiAM Baldwin Axford, T J, N E, Jersey City, N. J. Born Jersey City, Dec. 28, 1871. M. E., Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J., 1893. Member of Sketch and Gun Clubs, and of Athletic As- sociation. (Res., No. 310 Eighth St.) No. 76 Montgomery St. Fritz von Briesen, New York City. Born Brooklyn, Nov. 3, 1874. A. B., cum iaude. Harvard Univ., 1895. Member of Freshman Glee Club, and Deutscher Verein. Consul, 1896-7. (Kes., No. I E. 47th St.) Care of Briesen & Knauth, No. 229 Broadway. FIELD CHAPTER. 307 Orion Howard Cheney, New York City. Drake Univ., Des Moines, la., i8gi-2. Univ. of Mich., 1892-3. Class Pres. Proconsul, 1896-7. No. 30 Seventh Ave. Harry Joseph Curtis, New York City. B. S., Coll. of City of New York, 1895. No. 142 E. 36th St. Albert Baldwin Fulton, New York City. Born Salisbury, Md., Dec. 17, 1872. No. 330 W. 46th St. William Kimball Greene, Amsterdam, N. Y. Born Amsterdam, Dec. 15, 1869. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1891. No. 91 Market St. John Thomas Hartigan, <^ T J, New York City. Coll. of City of New York, 1889-93. (Res., No. 71 E. 124th St.) No. 145 Broadway. James Robinson Hatmaker, New York City. No. 8 E. 43d St. Samuel Southey Hinds, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born Brooklyn, April 4, 1875. Graduate of Phillips Andover Academy, 1894. Harvard Univ., 1894-5. Member of 'Varsity Glee and Banjo and Freshman Glee Clubs. Pres. of Freshman Banjo Club. First Draper Declamation Prize. No. 177 New York Ave. Conrad Saxe Keyes, (^ T A, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born Brooklyn, Sept. 11, 1874. A. B., Columbia Coll., 1895. Member of Columbia Coll. Musical Society and Barnard Lit. Society. No. 27 Monroe St. Richard Henry Lee Martin, Hewletts, Queen's Co., N. Y. Born New Brighton, Penn., Oct. 20, 1876. Attended Trinity School, New York City. Scriptor, 1896-7. Care of Davies, Stone & Auer- bach. No. 32 Nassau St., New York City. Ambrose Lee Phipps, New York City. Westboro, Mass., High School, two years. First Vice-Pres. of Law Class. Class Treas. (Res., No. 206 W. 84th St ) No. 203 Broadway. Remington Squire, A A (P, New York City. Born New York City, Feb. 22, 1870. Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn., 1889-91. Formerly with A^6'7£/ York Morning Advertiser ztid New York Journal. (Res., No. 113 W. 96th St.) George Ogden Thomas, New York City. Born Minneapolis, Minn., 1871. Historian, 1896-7. No. 61 W. 54th St. 3o8 PHI DELTA PHI. Fritz von Briesen. See Supra. Charles Girard Wheeler, V J, ' /»', Brooklyn, N. Y. Born Brooklyn, Aug. 5, 1874. Ph. B., N. V. Univ., 189ft. Member of Ball Team and Dramatic Assn. Editor of Quarterly. Editor of Vio- let. Class Poet, 1S92. Class Orator, 1895. ^^No. 5 SO Jefferson Ave. CLASS OF 1898. Asher Mayer, New York City. Attended N. Y. Preparatory School. No. 136 W. 65th St. CLASS OF 1899. Thomas Joseph Regan, New York City. Attended De La Salle Institute. No. 108 E. 86th St. Lawrence Woodward Whitney, V T, (l> li A, Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B., N. Y. Univ. No. 255 Halsey St. CONKLING CHAPTER IN THE LAW DEPARTMENT OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY. ESTABLISHED 1888. CORNELL University was incorporated by the Legislature of New York on the 27th of April, 1865, and opened on the 7th of October, 1868. The existence of the Univer- sity is due to the combined wisdom and bounty of the United States, the State of New York, and Ezra Cornell. By an act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862, it was provided that there should be granted to the several States public lands, from the sale of which there should be established a perpetual fund for educational purposes. Meantime Ezra Cornell was dreaming of a project which he had come to formulate in the memorable words: ''I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study." By a union of his own resources with the proceeds of the land grant, his purpose was realized. Ezra Cornell's direct donation to the Univer- sity was $500,000, 200 acres of land with useful buildings, and smaller gifts for special purposes. In regard to the Board of Trustees, it was provided that ''at no time shall a majority of the Board be of one religious sect, or of no religious sect." 3IO PHI DELTA PHI. At a meeting of the Trustees, held June i6, 1886, formal action was taken establishing a School of Law as a depart- ment'Of the University. The School was first opened for the admission of students September 23, 1887. A building erected for its special accommodation at a cost of over ^100,000 was dedicated February 14, 1893, and was named Boardman Hall, in honor of the first Dean of the School, Douglass Boardman. The petition of five charter members, endorsed by Pro- fessors Collin, Burdick and Hutchins, was dated March 19, 1888. On the evening of June 14, 1888, the Chapter was formally instituted by William R. Baird, Story '82, who was assisted by Judge Boardman, Professors Baker, Collin, Cum- mings, Davis, Elston, Halliday, Hutchins and Smith. HONORARY MEMBERS. James Lawrence Baker, Ithaca, New York. LL. B., Albany Law School, 1871. Formerly City Attorney. Now Spe cial County Judge. Corner Seneca and Tioga Streets. *i89i. Douglass Boardman, J F J, Buffalo, N. Y. Cornell Univ. Mooney Bldg. Clinton Backus Struble, J K E, Penn Yan, N. Y. Univ. of Rochester, two years. Surrogate's Clerk. 15-16 Arcade. Joe Leayet Thistlethwaite, Rochester, N. Y. Cornell Univ., two years. Thistlewthaite & Shuster, 611-13 EUwanger & Barry Bldg. Albert Mack Wittenberg, New York City. Cornell Univ. Merchant, No. i Broadway. Howell Charles Williams, New York City. Formerly with Title Guaranty and Trust Co., No. 55 Liberty St, Ernest G. Gould, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Justice of the Peace. CLASS OF 1892. Henry Florence Albro, Woodsburgh, Long Island, N. ;Y., Formerly Principal of Public Union School, East Rockaway, N. Y. James Donald Bell, Hillsdale, N. Y, B. L., Cornell Univ., 1S90. Honorable Mention on Thesis. Fred L. Clock, Ithaca, N. Y. Justice of the Peace. Llewellyn Davies, Ritzville, Wash. Susquehanna Collegiate Institute. Cornell Univ., two years. Pros. Atty. of Adams Co., Wash. Cronce & Davies. Thomas Henry Dowd, 8 N E, Cortland, N. Y. Cortland State Normal School. Member of Theta Nti Epsilon Society. Junior Law Class Pres. Justice of the Peace. 3i6 PHI DELTA PHI. *" Henry Irving Gordon, Rochester, N. Y. B. L., Cornell Univ., 1890. 62 Trust Bldg. •Carl Magnus Johanson, Duluth, Minn. A. B., Williams Coll., 1889. Post-pjraduate, 1892-3. Frysberger & Jo- hanson, 808-10 Torrey Bldg. Sidney Jay Kelly, Syracuse, N. Y. Fulton Academy. 105 "The Bastable." Louis Philip Lang, Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse Univ., one year. 46-7 Syracuse Savings Bank Bldg. Daniel Webster Moran, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Justice of the Peace since Feb., 1895. Daniels Bldg. Joseph Tanner Richards, B N E, Salt Lake City, Utah. Univ. of Utah, 1887-9. Member of Theta Nu Epsilon Society. Asst. U. S. Atty. for Territory of Utah, 1893-6. Richards & Richards, 501 McCormick Blk. Clarence Grant Tangier Smith, Rexville, N. Y. LL. M., Cornell Univ., 1893. Hugh Clayton Smythe, Pittston, Penn. Wyoming Seminary, 1889. Editor of Cornell Sun. Miners' Savings Bank Bldg. Joseph William Taylor. See Class of 1893. JuDSON David Trax, (P I K, Oil City, Penn. Oil City High School. Ph. B., Cornell Univ., 1892. Trax & Parker, Savings Bank Blk. Guy Thornton Walter, Far Rockaway, L. L, N. Y. Cincinnati Law School, 1 891-2. LL. B. ibid. 1892. Also Woodsburgh, (P. O. Hewlett), Queens Co., N. Y. CLASS OF 1893. Edmond Conger Alger, Cortland, N. Y. Cortland Normal School. Town Clerk, 1894-8. Main St. Frederick Olds Bissell, O K ^, Buffalo, N. Y. Born Aurora, 111., Sept. 19, 1868. A. B., Cornell Univ., 1891. Special Mention in History. Honorable Mention on Thesis on "Jeremy Ben- tham as a Law Reformer." Prize for Thesis on "Codification in State of New York." Editor of Cornell Magazine. Member of Sphinx Head and Mermaid Societies. Real Estate and Commercial Law. 78 Dun Bldg., No. no Pearl St. CONKLING CHAPTER. 317 Charles Wellington Burt, Saginaw, E. S., Mich. Born East Saginaw, March 21, 1871. Mich. Mil. Academy, 1889. Univ. of Mich., 1889-go, where he was initiated at Kknt Chapter. Post- graduate, 1893-4. Henry Dart Coville, Central Square, New York City. LL. M., Cornell Univ., 1894. Burton William Davis, Wilkes Barre, Penn. Ph. B., Cornell Univ., 1891. Member of Cornell Congress. Honorable Mention in History and Political Science. No. 14 N. Franklin St. Russell Dimmick, Scranton, Penn. LL, B., Univ. of Penn., 1894. No. 508 Spruce St. Thomas Cooper Fulton, (P J 6, 6 N E, Pittsburgh, Penn. Ph. B,, Cornell Univ., 1895. Member of Theta A^u Epsilon Society^ No. 202 Smithfield St. Alexander Raymond Graham, Buffalo, N. Y. Clyde, N. Y., High School. LL. M., Cornell Univ., 1894. Commer- cial Law. 414 Mooney & Brisbane Bldg. George Northup Graham, Tacoma, Wash. Granville, N. Y., Mil. Academy. Formerly Bond Clerk in Sheriff's Of- fice, New York City. Also Clerk in Office of Corporation Counsel in New York City. Real Estate, Loan and Investment. 214-15 Bcrlia Bldg. John Alan Hamilton, A J (P, Buffalo, N. Y. Ph.. B., Cornell Univ., 1892. Woodford Orator, 1892. Prize Debate,. 1893. LL. M., 1894. 310 Real Estate Exchange. Fred Benson Haring, Buffalo, N. Y. B. L., Cornell Univ., 1892. 44 City Bank Bldg. Edward N. Jackson, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell Univ., 1890-1. Post-graduate in Law Dept., 1893-4. Civil Jus- tice of City of Ithaca, 1895-9. Savings Bank Bldg. William Greenwood Kellogg, Greenwood, N. Y. Camsted Academy, 1889. LL. M., Cornell Univ., 1894. Haines Allen Machesney, Pittsburgh, Penn. 46 St. Nicholas Bldg. Harold Crowell Mitchell, Rochester, N. Y. 236 Powers Bldg. 3i8 PHI DELTA PHI. Andrew Lee Olmsted, Syracuse, N. Y. Skaneateles Academy, 1888. Syracuse High School. Class Vice-Pres. Scriptor, 1892-3. Commencement Orator. Sec. and Treas. of Cor- nell Republican Club. 612-13 Kirk Blk. Hajime Our.\, Tokio, Japan. LL. M,, Cornell Univ., 1894. Albert Benore Quencer, New York City. A. B., Cornell Univ., 1892. Metropolis Law School, 1894-5. In Office of General Counsel of N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co, Room 9, Grand Central Station. James Tracy Rogers, Binghampton, N. Y. Owego, N. Y., Free Academy. 1881. Junior Pres. of Class. Consul, 1892-3. Law School Prize Debate, 1893. Police Atty. of City of Binghampton. Smith & Rogers. George William Schneck, Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B., Cornell Univ., 1892. Gardner & Shuneck, No. 26 Court St. Herbert Leonardo Smith, Syracuse, N. Y. Member of Cornell Congress. Scriptor, 1892. With Atty. General T. E. Hancock. 27-30 White Memorial Bldg. John G. Snyder. See infra. Harry Leonard Taylor,

r A, New York ('ity. N. Y. Univ. Law School, 1888-9, where he was initiated at Field Chap- ter. Freshman Orator, Cornell Univ., 1890. Junior Speaker. Ed- itor of College Daily. B. L., Cornell Univ., 1894. Commencement Speaker, In Law Schoo] was a Prize Debater, and obtained Prize for Graduation Thesis. With Hoadley, Lauterbach & Johnson. 9th Floor,. No. 22 William St. William Bergan Snowhook, J A', Chicago, III. Cornell Univ. Metropolitan Bldg. John G. Snyder, Valatie, N. Y. Valatie High School. Originally member of Class of 1893. Benjamin Seth Spaulding, 2' X, New York City. Attended Cornell Univ. Care of Putney & Bishop, No. 115 Broadway^ Carl Dyer Stephan, Buffalo, N. Y. Danville High School, 1891. LL. M., Cornell Univ., 1895. No. 660 Ellicott Sq. John Buell Stephens, New York City. Fulton, N. Y., High School, 1890. Cornell-Univ., two years. Care of Tracy, Boardman & Piatt, No. 35 Wall St. Horace Burton Strait, (t> A S, e N E, St. Paul, Minn. B. L., Cornell Univ., 1893. Member of Theta Nu Epsilon. Univ. Foot Ball Team, 1890-3. Manager of Base Ball Team, 1893. Delegate to State, Congressional and National Republican Conventions. 92 Ger- mania Life Bldg. Elmer Ebenezer Studley, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Cornell Univ., 1892. Member of Quill and Dagger (local), also of Cornell Congress. Woodford Orator. Sun Editor. Commence- ment Orator. No. 319 Main St. Walter Williams Wait, A 0, Fort Edward, N. Y. Member of Chancery, Senior, Society. A. D. & W. W. Wait. Glenn Scobey Warner, Springville, N. Y. Captain of Cornell '94 Foot Ball team. Post-graduate, Cornell Law School, 1894-5. J CONKLING CHAPTER. 321 Rennold Wolf, d N E, Buffalo, N. Y. Ph. B., Cornell Univ., 1892. Member of Theta Nu Epsilon and Chan- cery Society. Freshman Crew. Base Ball Team. Foot Ball Team. Class Prophet. Consul, 1893-4. Of Simons & Rockwell, 49-51 Erie Co. Savings Bank. Edwin Parson Young, A A (P, ii N E, Pittsburgh, Penn. Cornell Univ., two years. Member of Theta Nu Epsilon. Carnegie Bldg. CLASS OF 1895. Sewall De Bois Andrews, X W, Minneapolis, Minn. Univ. of Minn., one year. Univ. of Minn., 1895-6, where he affiliated with Dillon Chapter. LL. M., ibid., 1896. 67 Loan and Trust Bldg. Elbert Budd Hand, X W, Racine, Wis. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1892. Member of Philomathean Society. Com- mencement Orator. Hand & Flett. William Henry Hapgood, ^ A 0, 8 N E, Sing Sing, N. Y. Cornell Univ., 1 891-2. Member of Theta Nu Epsilon. College Glee Club, three years. Mandolin Club, one year. Clyde Parker Johnson, - A', Cincinnati, O. Attended Univ. of Cincinnati. A. B., Cornell Univ., 1893. Cincinnati Law School, 1893-4, where he was initiated at Hamilton Chapter. Capt. of Base Ball Team, 1895. Johnson & Levy, Chamber of Com- merce Bldg. Harrison Foster Johnson. (Address unknown.) Letter to Buffalo, N. Y., returned unclaimed. James Henry McArdle, Albany, N. Y. Fred Will McKnight, Ironton, O. Iron ton Academy. Corporation Law. Theron Butler Miller, A A ^, Columbus, O. B. L., Cornell Univ., 1893. Miller & Miller. Edward MacMaster Mills, X A 8y Mount Vernon, Mo. Drury Coll., 1886-7. L. B., Univ. of Mo., 1891. Charles Alexander Keith. (Address unknown. ) Letter to Salisbury, Mo., returned unclaimed. Jay p. Neal, Prairie Grove, Ark. Warren Ashley Parker, St. Louis, Mo. Transylvania Univ., 1879-81. Formerly with Congressman C. F. Joy. Hubert Ney Pittman, B S It, Fayetteville, Ark. Univ. of Ark. Aytchmonde Perrin Shull, Gower, Clinton Co., Mo. Univ. of Mo., 1887-9. Right Guard 'Varsity Foot Ball Team. Past Clerk Olive Branch Camp, No. 12, Woodmen of the World, St. Jo- seph, Mo. James Bowman Sterling, B S I], Memphis, Tenn. Univ. of Mo., 1889-90. Law Class Valedictorian. Continental or Equit- able Bldg. TIEDEMAN CHAPTER. 333 CLASS OF 1892. Jamf.s Marmon Allen, B 8 n, Lamar, Mo. Univ. of Mo., 1889-90. Member of Bliss Lyceum. Consul, 1891-2. LL. B., aim laude. Asst. Pros. Atty. of Barton Co. City Atty. of Minden Mines. Frank Blake, Kansas City, Mo. Notre Dame, Ind., Univ., 1889-90. Univ. of Col., 1890-1. LL B., cum laude. Connected with the Legal Dept. of Kansas City. (Res., No. 209 W. nth St.) Care of City Counselor's office, City Hall. George Washington Bruce, Kansas City, Mo. Univ. of Mo., 1889-91. Member of Union Lit. Society and Bliss Ly- ceum. Stephen's Oratorical Medal, 1892. General Manager of Mis- souri Bldg. and Loan Assn., 424-5 Rialto Bldg. 'George Nelson Cheney, H S IJ, Syracuse, N. Y. A. B., Univ. of Mo., 1887. M. A., idid., 1890. Member of Union Lit. Society. 27-30 Nottingham Bldg. James Humphrey Denny, Glasgow, Mo. A. B., Pritchette School Institute of Glasgow, 1889. Democratic Nomi- nee for Pros. Atty. of Howard Co. S. E. cor. Main and Market St. Prank Pierce Divelbiss,

A 6, St. Louis, Mo. Mo. State Univ., 1886-90. Member of Union Lit. Society. Capt. of Class Foot Ball Team, 1889. Editor-in-chief of Index, 1891-2. Historian of Law Class. Scriptor. Delegate to National Convention of Phi Delta Theta, at Atlanta, Ga., 1891. Sec. of "Young De- mocracy." Sec. of M. S. U. Alumni Assn. Real Estate business. No. 813 Chestnut St. Not in practice. CLASS OF 1893. Guy Carlton Barr, B 2" B, St. Joseph, Mo. Attended Highland, Kas., Univ. Sec. and Treas. of Chapter. Repub- lican nominee for City Atty. German American Bank Bldg. Emory Vivian Beach, I N, Helena, Mont. A. B., Univ. of State of Mo., 1893. 211 Granite Blk. Nicholas Milton Bradley, Warrensburg, Mo. Warrensburg Normal School. Mo. State Univ. Law Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1892-3, where he affiliated with Kent Chapter. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1893. Formerly City Atty. Nominee for Pros. Atty. of Johnson Co. William Dayton Buckley, K A, Fort Smith, Ark. A. B., William Jewell Coll., 1892. Representative of Sebastian Co. in. General Assembly of Ark. TIEDEMAN CHAPTER. 335 Cruch Drue Corum, I N, Boonville, Mo. Boonville Academy. Pilot Grove Institute, Oratorical Contest Prize. LL. B., cum laude. Pros. Atty. of Cooper Co. William Benjamin Cravens, B 8 II, Fort Smith, Ark. Staunton Mil. Academy. Louisville Mil. Academy. City Atty. Cra- vens & Cravens. Sidney Edwards Davis, B II, St. Louis, Mo. Attended Washington Univ. Member of Clay Lyceum. Vice-Pres. of Jefferson Club. 100 Laclede Bldg. James Edward Goodrich, I N, Cameron, Mo. A. B., cum laude, Univ. of Mo., 1892. Member of Athenian Lit. So- ciety. Pres. of Bliss Lyceum. Appleton Latin Prize, 1892. Editor- in-chief of Univ. Argus. Pres. Junior Class, 1891. Distinction in Latin and Metaphysics. Pres. Warner Republican Club, 1893-5. Cashier of the First National Bank of Cameron, 1893-5. Director of same, 1896. City Atty., 1896. Associated with Judge T. E, Turney. Hiram Jackson Groves, 2' N, Lexington, Mo. Attended Univ. of Mo., . Represented University in Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest. Editor of Lexington Intelligencer. Albert Sidney Holmes, I N, Hannibal, Mo. Mo. State Univ., two years. Member of Athenian Lit. Society. City Atty. No. 625 Broadway. IsiDOR Loeb, Columbia, Mo. B. S., Univ. of State of Mo., 1887. M. S., ibid., 1893. Stephen's Medal, 1887. Tutor in History, 1892-3. LL. B., cum laude. Scriptor, 1892-3. Univ. Fellow in Jurisprudence, Columbia Coll., N. Y., 1894-5. Asst. Prof, in History, Univ. of State of Mo,, since June, 1895. Prof., ibid., since June, 1896. Sec. to the Univ. Coun- cil. *i896. George Vest McCurdy. Attended Univ. of Mo., . Practiced at Sedalia, Mo. Died Oct. 29, 1896. Jerre Herbert Murry, Columbia, Mo. . Univ. of State of Mo., three years. LL. M., ibid., 1 895. Consul, 1892-3. Member of Union Lit. Society and Bliss Lyceum. Pros. Atty. of Boone Co. Fred Percival Ray, Kansas City, Mo. Univ. of State of Mo., two years. 518 American Bank Bldg. Samuel Belmere Strother, Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City High School, 1888. Member of Bliss Lyceum. Class Sec. Capt. of Base Ball Team. Formerly Private Sec. of Mayor of Kan- sas City. 612 American Bank Bldg. 336 PHI DELTA PHI. CLASS OF 1894. Casper Henry Lewis Beckers, I N, Normandy P. O., St. Louis Co., Mo. Attended Univ. of State of Mo. Albert Sidney Jonson Beery, Edgerton, Platte Co., Mo. Univ. of State of Mo. Tribune, 1893-4. Penn Brace, Jefferson City, Cole Co., Mo. JefferSop City, Mo., High School, 1889. Proconsul, 1893-4. Also Paris, Monroe Co., Mo. Peter Christian Breit, Savannah, Mo. Representative of Andrew Co. in 38th and 39th General Assembly. Breit & Wade ('95). Charles Mason Cooper, Moberly, Mo. Walter Louis Kinsley, Jarvis, or St. Louis, Mo. Frederick William Niedermeyer, I N, Columbia, Mo. Smith Academy. Member of Bliss Lyceum. Cadet Major of Mo. State Mil. School. Class Sec. Scriptor, 1893-4. Republican nominee for Pros. Atty. of Boone Co. Joseph R. Poland, Addison, W. Va. Ozark Coll., Greenfield, Mo., three years. Pres. of Law Lit. Society. Editor of Legal Dept. Argus. LL. B., cum laude. Anderson Wear Thurman, Butler, Mo. Univ. of State of Mo., two years. Member of Athenian Lit. Society, and Bliss Lyceum. Pres. of Senior Law Class, 1893-4. Consul, 1893-4. Smith & Thurman. Abraham Lincoln Tidd, Aurora, 111. B. S., Northern Ind. Normal Coll., Valparaiso, Ind., 1888. First Honor Prize Thesis. LL. B., cum laude. Author of a work on ''Scientific Temperance." James Winter Wight, IN^ Moberly, Mo. Central Coll., Fayette, Mo., 1884-9. S*- Louis Law School, 1891-2. Represented Phi Alpha Lit. Society at Central Coll. in Intersociety Contest. Society Oratorical Medal. At Columbia, won Stephen's Medal for Oratory. Editor-in-Chief of M. S. U. Tiger. Exchange Editor of Central Collegian. Law Class Orator. Asst. Pros. Atty. of Randolph Co. City Atty. No. 302^ Reed St. Charles Pinckney Wilkson, Bonne Terre, Mo. TIE DE MAN CHAPTER. 337 CLASS OF 1895. Leander Garnett Blair, Bowling Green, Mo. Pike, Bowling Green, Coll., 1893. J. H. Blair & Son. Charles Latham Gaines, I N, Shreveport, La. A. B., Univ. of State of Mo., 1894. Member of Union Lit. Society. LL. B., Vanderbilt Univ , Nashville, Tenn., 1895. No. 524 Spring St. Robert Earle Jarvis, K J, Moberly, Mo. Moberly High School, 18S9. Also Member of Class of 1897. No. 701 W. Rollins St. Charles Roy Macfarlane, J 0, Mexico, Audrain Co., Mo. A. B., Westminster Coll., 1893. M. A., Univ. of State of Mo., 1895. Member of Philalethian Lit. Society. Buckner Political Economy Medal, 1892. Editor of Wesiminster Student. Valedictorian, 1893. Editor-in-chief of M. S. U. Tiger. Pres. Junior Law Class, 1893-4. Scriptor. 1894-5. Delegate Mo. Judicial Convention, St. Louis, 1896. Office with W. W. Fry, Guthrie Bldg. William Deronda Miller, Paris, 111. Studied at Susanville, Cal. Member of Bliss Lyceum. Class Poet. Homer Rawlins Mitchell, I A E, Houston, Texas. Univ. of State of Mo., four years. Two Declamation Medals. Stephen's, Oratorical Medal. Consul, 1894-5. 203 Kiam Bldg. John Patrick O'Shaughnessy, Keytesville, Mo. Moberly, [Mo., High School, 1882-6. Tribune, 1894-5. LL. B., cum laude. John William]Percival Pumphrey, I N, Bakersfield, Mo. Ark. Univ., 1888-90. Member of Bliss Lyceum. Frank Matthews Roberts, B 6 H, Independence, Mo. Attended Notre Dame, St. Mary's, and other institutions. Post-graduate at Columbia Coll., 1885-6. New York Citv address, No. 105 W. 48th St. W. Dale Stepp, I N, Trenton, Grundy Co., Mo. Attended Trenton High School and Gem City Business Coll. Benjamin Lee Thompson. See Class of 1896, he having been initiated while a Post-graduate. 338 PHI DELTA PHI, John Franklin Wade, B //, Savannah, Mo. B. L., cum /aude, Univ. of State of Mo., 1884. B. Pe., cum /aude^ ibid., 1894. Editor-in-Chief of Argus. Pres. of Senior Class. Pros. Atty of Andrew Co. Wade & Breit ('94). Robert Emmett Ward, Birmingham, Mo. Cameron Institute. John William Draper Wilson, Cape Girardeau, Mo. B. S. D., Third Dist. Mo. Normal, 1893. Member of Webster Lit. So- ciety. No. 113 Main St. CLASS OF 1896. Jerry Culbertson, Rich Hill, Mo. St. Francis Institute, Osage Mission, Kas., 188S-9. Sprague, Mo., Acad- emy, 18S9-90. Univ. of Mo., 1891-2 and 1893-4. Pres. of Union Lit. Society. Intercollegiate Debater. Local Editor of Argus, Coll. Magazine. Scriptor, 1895-6. Nominee for Legislature. First Vice- Pres., Bryan Free Silver Club. Kent Leonard Eldred, Canon City, Col. Canon City, Col., Public School, 1889. Bernard Arthur Gow, Liberty, Clay Co., Mo. William Jewell Coll. William Gray, Stanberry, Mo. A. B., Stanberry Normal, 1895. Aubrey Rutherford Hammett, H S //, Huntsville, Mo. Mo. Mil. Academy, 1892. James Hardin Lay, Jefferson City, Mo. Kansas City, Mo., High School, two years. Vice-Pres. of Law Class. Lay & Stampfli, Obermayer Bldg. Joseph Boyce March, Butler, Mo. Pe. P., Academic Dept. of Mo. Univ. LL. B., cum laude. Surveyor of Bates Co. Alexander McHenry Meador, Colorado Springs, Col. Kentucky Mil. Institute, two years. Member of Argonaut Lit. Society. Secona on Shakesperean Contest from Bliss Lyceum. Pres. of Junior Law Class. Consul, 1895-6. 68 Bank Blk. Theodore Clifton Sparks, B 6 11, Kansas City, Mo. Univ. of Mo., 1888-90. Member of Bliss Lyceum. Tribune, 1895-6. With Rieger & Day. 900 N. Y. Life Bldg. TIEDEMAN CHAPTER. 339 George Joseph Stampfli, ^ J S, Jefferson City, Mo. Jefferson City High School. Univ. of Mo. Intercollegiate Committee- man. Asst. Manager of Foot Ball Team. LL. B., cufu laude. Lay & Stampfli, Obermayer Bldg. Benjamin Lee Thompson, I A', B N E, Commerce, Texas. Mo. State Univ., 1890-4. LL. B., ibid., 1895. Center, Mo. State Univ. Tigers, 1883-5. Manager of Glee Club, 1896. LL. M., 1896. Edwin Moss Watsonj (P J 8, Columbia, Mo. A. B., cum laude^Vmv. of State of Mo., 1890. Was on Staff of Gazette, Fort Worth, Texas. Historian, 1895-6. William Fuqua Wilkinson, Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City High School, 1892. Member of Platonian Lit. Society. Pres. of Senior Law Class. LL. B., cum laude. Wilkinson & Wil- kinson, 949 N. Y. Life Bldg. CLASS OF 1897. Reford Bond, K A, Minco, Ind. Ter. Attended Kemper Mil. School, Boonville, Mo. Capt. of Co. B. George Frederick Boothe, De Soto, Mo. Born De Soto, Aug. 18, 1866. De Soto High School. Commissioner of Schools, ten years. Charles Elmer Covert, Houston, Mo. Born Texas Co., Mo., Nov. 24, 1868. Drury Coll., 1892-5. James Archibald De Armond, K A, Butler, Bates Co., Mo. Washington and Lee Univ. Wentworth Mil. Academy. Sec. to Hon. David A. De Armond, M. C, Washington, D. C. George Eastin, Kearney, Clay Co., Mo. Attended Kearney Public Schools. Now at William Jewell Coll., Lib- erty, Mo. George Albert Evans, I N, Golden City, Mo. Born Jasper Co., Mo., April 12, 1872. Attended Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111., 1893-5. . . William Orien Gatewood, B 8 II, St. Louis, Mo. Univ. of State of Mo., 1887-8. Formerly Contributor to St. Louis, Mo., papers. Historian, 1896-7. No. 2806 Locust St. Arthur Gwinn, Sprague, Mo. Born Marshall, Mo., Nov. 20, 1871. B. L., Univ. of State of Mo., 1897. Pres. of Union Lit. Society. Capt. in the Mil. Dept. 340 PHI DELTA PHI, Jesse Eugene Honse, Chamberlain, S. D. Yankton Coll., 18S9-91. Herman Kraemer, K A, ('alifornia, Mo. A. B., iTniv. of State of Mo., 1896. Otho Clay Moore, Clarksburg, Mo. Born Jamestown, Mo., Jan. 19, 1871. Hooper Institute, 1894. Washing- ton and Lee Univ., 1894-5. Tribune, 1896-7. Harvey Dennie Murry, I N, Stephens' Store, Calloway Co., Mo. Born Boone Co., Mo., Aug. 15, 1871. M. Acct., Gem City Business Coll., 1892. Special Student at Univ. of State of Mo., three y^ars. Gladiator, 1896-7. Martin Jackson Ostergard, Kansas City, Mo. Born Kansas City, Sept. 24, 1873. Kansas City High School, TS93. Member of Platotrian Lit. Society. Scriptor, 1896-7. i6th and Madison Ave. RoscoE CoNKLiNG Pat PERSON, - .V, Springfield, Mo. Drury Coll., 1891-4. Kate O' Donald- Ringland Declamatory Prize. Pres. of Coll. Lit. Society. Editor of Drury College Minor. Mem- ber of Bliss Lyceum. Now at Washington Univ. No. 220 College St. Thomas Lawson Clark Price, Z ^'*, Jefferson City, Mo. Univ. of Va., 1893-5. Member of Tilka and Psi. At present Stock- raising. Robert Edwin Roberts,

< E. Short Street. John Wilson, ^ K W, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Born Shrewsbury, New Jersey, May 14, 1861. Phillips Exeter Academy. A. B., Princeton College, 1882. Member of Whig Hall. LL. B., 1890. 1004 Carnegie Building. MINOR CHAPTER. 347 INITIATES. Lancelot Minor Berkeley, New York City. Attended W. Va. Univ. B. Let. B. Ph. B. A. M. A., Univ. of Va., 1890. Formerly on Editorial Staff of the American and English En- cyclopoedia of Law, at Northport, N. Y. No. 32 Nassau St. Sidney Johnson Brooks, San Antonio, Texas. Univ. of Kas., 1885-6. LL. B., 1890. Swearingen & Brooks, Maverick Bldg. John Calvin Doolan, Louisville, Ky. LL. B., i8go. Edwin Enoch Garrett, B II, Leesbiirg, Va. W. E. Garrett & Son. Charles Henry Knapp, Baltimore, Md. Attended St. Charles Coll., Howard Co., Md., 1890-3. Also, St. Vin- cent Coll., Westmoreland Co., Penn., 1893-4. LL. B., Baltimore Law School, 1895. No. 8 E. Lexington St. William Mudd Martin, (P A 6, Birmingham Ala. Attended Univ. of Ala. Gold Medal, Capt. of Best Drilled Co., 1888. Junior Speaker, 1888. LL. B., 1890. Care of W. E. Martin, No. 2026>^ First Ave. David Phares McKay. (Address unknown.) B. S., Univ. of Va. Letter to Dallas, Texas, retnrned unclaimed. John Barbee Minor, Jr., X (l>, Richmond, Va. Univ. of Va., 1883-90. LL. B., 1890. Member of Jefferson Lit. Soci- ety. Correspondent of Cohimbia Law Times, 1889-90. Asst. Prof, of Law at Univ. of Va., 1890-3. Prof, of Law, Richmond Law School. Thomason & Minor, 27 Shafer Bldg. *i896. George Hatley Norton, A T Q. LL. B., 1890. Practiced at Washington, D. C. Edward Wat is Robertson, // K A, Roanoke, Va. Univ. of Va., 1885-7. Member of Jefferson Lit Society. LL. B., 1S90. Watts, Robertson & Robertson, 601-6 Terry Bldg. Alexander Brown Stewart, A 8, Elk Garden, Va. Univ. of Va., 1886-7. Merchant. Also Saltville, Va. Walter Fauntleroy Taylor, J 0, New York City. B. A., Univ. of Va., 1889. M. A., idid, 1890. LL. B., idid., 1891. Care of Carter & Ledyard, No. 54 Wall St. Walter Herron Taylor, A T ^, Norfolk, Va. A. B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1889. B. L., Univ. of Va., 1891. City Atty. of Norfolk. Loyall & Taylor, No. 18 Bank St. 348 PHI DELTA PHI. CLASS OF 1890-91. Edward Landseer Boyle, J K E, Memphis, Tenn. Princeton Univ., 1888-9. Member of Whig Hall. No. 15 Madison St. Robert Spratt Cockrell, J 0, Jacksonville, Fla. A. B., Univ. of Va., 1887. M. A., ifitd., 1888. Student at Berlin, 1888-9. B, L., Univ. of Va., 1891. Editor of Virginia University Magazine, 1887. Frat. Editor of Corks and Curls, 1888-9. Final Pres. of Jefferson Lit. Society. Pres. of School Board of Duval Co. A. W. Cockrell & Son, No. 203 E. Forsyth St. William Henry Thompson Loyall, A T Q, Norfolk, Va. Attended Va. Mil. Institute. LL. B., 1891. Loyall & Taylor, No. 18 Bank St. Robert Voss Marye, . (Address unknown. ) Letter to Wilson & Bynum, 504 Progress Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah^ returned unclaimed. Thomas Lightfoot Pogue, (P V J, Cincinnati, O. A. B., Washington and Jefferson Coll., 189T. Member of Franklin and Washington Lit. Society. Affiliated with Hamilton Chapter, 1892 -3. LL. B., Cincinnati Law School, 1893. Pogue & Pogue, United Bank Bldg. George Harcourt Neale, (P F J, San Diego, Cal. LL. B , 1S92. Trippet & Neale, No. 1015 Fifth St. David Sheppard Garland, B S II, Northport, N. Y. A. B., Emory and Henry Coll., Va., 18S5. Also Randolph-Macon Univ., LL. B., Univ. of Va., 1892. Try No. 1105 Federal St., care of American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. William Rober^ison Gordon, J AE, Roanoke, Va. Univ. of Va., 1887-9. Member of Jefferson Lit. Society. On Editorial Staff of " American and English Encyclopsedia of Law," Northport, L. I., N. Y., one year. Gen. Manager of Norfolk and Western R. R. Co., as Claim Agent. 406 Terry Bldg. James Murray Mason, Jr., X (P, Charles-Town, W. Va. Episcopal High School, near Alexandria, Va. Special United States Atty. City Solicitor. Author of " Laws and Ordinances of Charles- Town." Mason & Mason. William Spiller Stuart, K ¥, Bristol, Va. Born Saltville, Va., Aug. 7, 1870. B. A., Hampden-Sidney Coll., 1890. Member of /Viilomatheati Society. Member of Eli Banana Society. Sophomore Debater's Medal. Senior Orator's Medal. LL. B., 1S92. Was Editor of " American and English Encyclopgedia of Law," at Northport, L. I., N. Y. Judge of Corporation Court. 1-2 City Hall. 350 PHI DELTA PHI. James Houston Gilmore, Jr., Z ^, Fort Smith, Ark. Univ. of Va., three years. Member of Jefferson Lit. Society. Pres. Law Class. Vice-Pres. of Athletic Assn. Scriptor. LL. B., 1893. Merchant's Bank Bldg. James Breckinridge Robertson, A T Q, Northport, L. L, N. Y. Hanover Academy. Univ. of Va. Member of Jefferson Lit. Society. LL. B., 1893. With Edward Thompson Co. •George Ainslie, K A, Richmond, Va. B. S., Va. Military Institute. 1S90. Member of Cat^e/ Society. First Corporal Co. A. First Sergeant Co. A. Capt. Co. A. LL. B., Univ. of Va., 1893. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Oliver Whitehead Catchings, ^ K ff, Washington, D. C. Univ. of Va., 1890-2. LL. B., iSid., 1893. Waters & Catchings, Fen- dall Bldg., No. 344 D St., N. W. Mallorv K. Cannon, A A, (So.) Norfolk, Va. B. Ph., Univ. of Va.. M. A., idii/., 1892. No. 48 Bute St. James Porter Parker, New Orleans, La. C. E., Princeton Coll., 1892. Consul. LL. B., Univ. of Va., 1894. LL. B., Tulane Univ., 1895. Denegre Bldg., No. 217 Carondelet St. FREDERicK B. White, J 'f, Hernando, Miss. Also, Memphis, Tenn, Peter Otey Adams, i' A E, Lynchburg, Va. Robert Dickson Ballantine, X ^ White- hall St. Svieltzer Vernon Kemp, Z ¥, Bedford City, Va. Harper's Ferry, W. Va., Schools. Washington, D. C, Schools. Mem- ber of " Z " and Tilka. LL. B., 1S95. Of Editorial Staff of "Amer- ican and English Encyclopcedia of Law." Burks & Kemp. Tazewell Taylor, K A, (So.), Norfolk, Va. A. B., William and Mary Coll., 1892. Chancellor Scholarship. Consul, 1894-5. Historian of Law Class, 1894-5. LL. B., 1895. No. 102 Plume St. 352 PHI DELTA PHL John Watson, Petersburg, Va. McCabe School, 1891. LL. B., 1895. Thomas Rodman Caktmell, ^ T A, Louisville, Ky. B. L., Law Dept., Univ. of Louisville, 1893. Certificate of Proficiency, in Constitutional and International Law, Univ. of Va., 1893-4. 81 Louisville Trust Bldg. Richard Henry Toler Adams, Jr., B S //, Lynchburg, Va. A. B., Randolph- Macon Coll., 1892. LL. B., 1895. Daniel Mountjoy Cloud, X , Charleston, S. C. B. A. and M. A., Univ. of Va., 1895. No. 69 Church St. Robert E. Lee Marshall, X (P, Baltimore, Md. B. A., Univ. of Va., 1894. No. 1209 St. Pual St. Charles Morgan Harris, K I, (So.), Versailles, Ky. Univ. of Ky., 1894-6. LL. B., 1896. George Petties Raney, Jr., K A, (So.), Tallahassee, Fla. Univ. of Va., 1894-6. LL. B., 1896. William Whithurst Olds, Jr., # K ¥, Norfolk, Va. B. A. and M. A., Univ. of Va., 1894. Sec. of Law Class. LL. B., 1896. No. 140 (or 104) Freemason St. Robert Edward (or Eugene) Lockett, K A^ (So.), Crew, Va. Richmond Coll., Va. Cleveland Coxe Lansing, K A, (So.), Niagara, Can. Va. Military Institute. Member of Theta Nu Epsilon, "Z" and '' Eli.'^ Historian, 1890-7. Joseph Stebbins, Jr., X <^, South Boston, Va. A. B., Hampden-Sidney Coll. LL. B., 1896. George Latham Fletcher, B 6 II, Warrenton, Va, Richmond Coll., Va. Consul, 1896-7., Charlottesville address, care of Univ. of Va., Hotel. NoRBORNE Thomas Nelson Robinson, B 6 II, Washington, D. C. McCabe's Univ. School. Tribune, 1896-7. No. 1315 20th St., N. W. Charlottesville address, Dawson's Row, Univ. of Va. Nathaniel Stuart Bowe, K A, (So.), Richmond, Va. Richmond Coll., Va.. No. 917 W. Franklin St. Charlottesville address, 131 House C, Dawson's Row, Univ. of Va. 354 PHI DELTA PHI. Frederick Wallace, Mill Point, W. Va. A. B., Hampden-Sidney Coll. LL. B., 1896. Edward E. Wiley, Emory, Va. A. B., Emory & Henry Coll. LL. B., 1896. Edward L. L. Cox, Belpr^, O. Member of ♦'^//." Charles Jones Rixey, Jr., ^ K I, Culpepper, Va. Va. Military Institute, 1894. Vice-Pres. Law Class, 1896-7. Scriptor, 1896-7. Alexander H. Sands, Richmond, Va. Eugene Lanier Sykes, A K £, Aberdeen, Miss. Born Glenwood Plantation, near Aberdeen, Miss., Aug. 27, 1873. Attended A. & M. Coll., 1887-8. Univ. of Miss., i888-gi. John Pike Powers, Jr., // K A^ Knoxville, Tenn. Born Mt. Sterling, Ky., Oct. 24, 1875. B. A., Univ. of Tenn., 1890. LL. B., ifii(J., 1895. No. 1516 Henrietta St. William Fife Long, K A, Harris Creek, Va. Born Charlottesville, Va., Feb. 2, 1874. A. B., Richmond Coll., 1894. Henry Carrington Riely, A K E, Richmond, Va. Born Halifax Co., Va., Jan. 15, 1874. Univ. of Va., 1892-6. No. 504 E. Grace St. Ceorge Pilcher,

A' /»', Duluth, Minn. A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1893. Proconsul, 1894-5. Neff & Hartley, 507 -9 Lonsdale Bldg. William Martin Higgins, St. Paul, Minn. Care of Cpurt House. No. 681 St. Peter St. William Franklin Hunt, ^ J ^, St. Paul, Minn. M. E., Ohio State Univ., 1887. Editor of Critic, 1886. Instructor in Mathematics, Natural Science, and Manual Training, in Barnard School. Member of AicyonelAt. Society. LL. M., Univ. of Minn., 1896. Asst. Corporation Atty. Hunt & Prendergast, 909 N. Y. IJfe Bldg. Alfred Findlay Mason, St. Paul, Minn. Care of West Publishing Co. Albert Fuller Pratt, ^ T, H K, Anoka, Minn. r Anoka High School. A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1893. Philosophical Ora- tion at Commencement. Editor of " Annual." Giddings & Pratt. Louis Walter Prendergast, St. Paul, Minn. LL. M., Univ. of Minn., 1886. Hunt & Prendergast, 909 N. Y. Life Bldg. Edward Ambrose Roberts, St. Paul, Minn. Care of Davis, Kellogg & Severance. DILLON CHAPTER. 365 Milton Tully Sanders, St. Paul, Minn. 716 N. Y. Life Bldg. Benjamin Chandler Taylor, W T, (P B K, Mankato, Minn. B. S., Univ. of Minn., 1893. Scriptor, 1894-5. Fletcher & Taylor, No. 430 S. Front St. Thomas Freeman Wallace, Jr., X ^', B l(, Minneapolis,. Minn. B. A., Univ. of Minn., 1893. Member of Fi Beta Nu. Editor of Col- lege Annual, The Gopher, 1892. Champion in Singles Tennis, 1893. Paige Senior Prize for Graduation Thesis. Woods, Kingman & Wal- lace, 909 N. Y. Life Bldg. Henry White Williams,

T J, St. Paul, Minn. B S., Univ. of Minn., 1895. Care of John B., and E. P. Sanborn. George Franklin Dean, Minneapolis, Minn. Guaranty Loan Bldg., No. 65 S. 12th St. Harry Lawrence Donahower, ^V T, St. Peter, Minn. Univ. of Minn., 1892-5. Member of Kappa Beta Phi Siwd Theta .Vu Epsilon. Martin Ernest Goetzinger, Minneapolis, Minn. Attended Public Schools at Fergus Falls, Minn. Class Pres. Connected with Legal Dept. of the Minn. Loan and Trust Co. No. 311 Nicol- let Ave. Harry Reid Hampton, X ¥, Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., Univ. of N. C, 1894. Univ. of Minn., 1894-5. Harvard Law 1895-6. William DeWitt Mitchell, A K E, St. Paul, Minn. B. S., Univ. of Minn., 1895. Member of Kappa Beta Phi and Theta Nu Epsilon. Historian, 1895-6. !;o National German- American Bank Bldg. John Frederick Schurch, ^ Y, Hastings, Minn. Univ. of Minn., 1887-9. Consul, 1896. Charles Edington Swan, St. Paul, Minn. Scriptor, 1895-6. Connected with Legal Dept. of Northern Pacific Ry» Co. (Res., 442 Dayton Ave.) 366 PHI DELTA PHI. De Alton Stephen Thomas, Eau Claire, Wis. Eau Claire High School, 1892. Sec. Eau Claire Co Republican Com. 20-1 Chippewa Valley Bank Bldg. Grant VanZandt, A K E, S N E, Winona, Minn. Northwestern Univ., i8gi-2. Amherst Coll., 1892-3. Univ. of Minn., 1893-5- Samuel Bailey Wilson, Mankato, Minn. Mankato State Normal School. Member of Normal Lit. Society. Pres. of Law Lit. Society. Editor of Law Dept. Ariel. Repre- sented Univ. of Minn, in Annual Convention of the American Repub- lican Coll. League, Chicago, April, 1896. Librarian of Law School, one year. Schmitt & Wilson, 5-6 Ray Elk. CLASS OF 1897. George Kimball Belden, X W, Minneapolis, Minn. B. S., Univ. of Minn., 1892. Consul, 1894-6. Delegate to the Fifth National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, December, 1896. 1028 Guaranty Loan Bldg. Joseph Chapman, Jr., Minneapolis, Minn. Attended Minneapolis High School. Nominee for State Legislature. Consul, 1896-7. Care Northwestern National Bank. George Robert Folds, Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis High School, 1889. Tribune, 1896-7. Asst. Claim Agt. of Minneapolis Street Railway Co. (Res., No. 614 S. 9th St.) George Maxwell Blackstock Hawley, I (P, Minneapolis, Minn. Born Red Wing, Minn., Sept. 18, 1870. Hobert Coll., Geneva, N. Y., 1888-90. Univ. of Minn., 1 891-3. Manager of Glee and Banjo Clubs, 1892. 'Varsity Baseball team, 1891-3. Law Editor of Gopher^ 1896. LL. B,, Univ. of Minn., 1896. Postgraduate, 1896-7- Li- brarian of Law School. Res. 319 Twelfth Av., S. E. Ernest C. Hosmer, Minneapolis, Minn. Born Yellow Springs, Ohio, July i, 1870. No. 66 Eleventh St., S. Horace Gibbs Lazelle, Minneapolis, Minn. No. 2502 W. 22d St.. also No. iioo 5th St., S. E. Mountfort Mills, Minneapolis, Minn. Care of Consolidated Milling Co., Buffalo, N. Y. George Hancock Spear, X W, Minneapolis, Minn. B.. L., Univ. of Minn., 1893. Tribune, 1896-7. (Res., No. 2721 Du- pont Ave., S.) Connected with The Minneapolis Journal. DILLON CHAPTER. 367 Carleton Lyman Wallace, Minneapolis, Minn. Cornell Univ., i8 — . Minneapolis Manager of The St. Paul Pioneer Press. (Res., No. 2003 Queen Ave., S.) David Wallace, 2" X, St. Paul, Minn. Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind., 1894-6. Proconsul, 1895-6-7. (Res., No. 21 Floral St., or No. 345 Suraftnit Ave.) Care of Hadley & Arm- strong, 801 Globe Bldg. CLASS OF 1898. Frederick Carroll Baldy, A K E, St. Paul, Minn. A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1895. Cor. Portland and Mackubin Sts. Frank Clinton Bestor, X ¥, Minneapolis, Minn. Univ. of Minn., 1892-4. Care of Minneapolis Trust Co. Louis L. Dodge, Minneapolis, Minn. No. 1825 9th Ave., S. Ernest Arthur Faulhaber, St. Paul, Minn. No. T97 Nelson Ave. Carl Hitchcock Fowler, ¥ T, Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., Univ. of Minn., 1895. No. 11 15 Nicollet Ave. Albert W. Lindeke, A K E, St. Paul, Minn. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. Care of L. W. & S. Frank Herbert Lusk, ^ K W, Thorp, Wis. Edward Lucas, Minneapolis, Minn. Born New York City, Aug. 20th, 1868. 315 N. Y. Life Bldg. William Paul Moorhead, K W, Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., Washington and Jefferson Coll., 1890. Historian, 1896-7. No. 415 nth St., S. Care of James I. Best & Son, N. Y. Life Bldg. Egbert Simmons Oakley, W T, Buffalo, Minn. Macalester Coll., St. Paul, two years. Consul, 1896-7. Temporary ad- dress. No. 818 7th St., S. E., Minneapolis. George Merton Stebbins, Rochester, Minn. Scriptor, 1896-7. No. 224 E. 5th St. Temporary address. No. 1312 5th St., S. E., Minneapolis. MacLaughlin White, J T, Minneapolis, Minn. B. S., Univ. of Minn., 1895. No. 1316 Fifth St., S. E. Daniel Beedy Wood, ATA, Minneapolis, Minn. No. 204 E. 27th St. 368 PHI DELTA PHI. CLASS OF 1899. Robert Alexander Hastings, X ^, Minneapolis, Minn. Univ. of Minn. No. 1626 9th Ave., S. Alfred L. Hill, Minneapolis, Minn. No. 2426 Hennepin Ave. * Albert Bushnell Loye, K ^, Minneapolis, Minn. Univ. of Minn. No. 511 Ridgewood Ave. George Henry Rogers, Minneapolis, Minn. Univ. of Wis. No. 923 Summit Ave. I ¥ DANIELS CHAPTER IN THE BUFFALO LAW SCHOOL BEING THE DEPARTMENT OF LAW OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO, ESTABLISHED 189^. THE University of Buffalo is unlike other institutions of learning in that its several departments are exclusively professional. The fifth term of the Dental Department of the Univer- sity of Buffalo recently began. The University also com- prises the Buffalo College of Pharmacy, while it has also recently incorporated a School of Pedagogy, with its other professional departments. The fifty-first regular session of the Medical Department of the University of Buffalo commenced on Monday, September 14, 1896. The medical, pharmacal, and dental departments of this University are now occupying their palatial new buildings on High Street, near the corner of Main. The faculty of the institution feel that they have the mos^ 3 7 o PHI DEL TA PHI. tasteful, comfortable and best arranged medical college edifice the United States; perhaps even in the world. The new building covers a ground area of 12,000 square feet, and has a front- age of 160 feet on High Street. It is finished entirely with terra cotta, pressed brick, iron and hard wood, than which nothing can be more attractive, and has been so tastefully designed and so well built that it is now pointed to as one OF the most attractive buildings of any kind outside of New York City. The magnificent college library contains about 5,000 vol- umes, admirably selected for reference and study, and freely accessible to students. The library has been largely aug- mented by the bequest of the rich collection of the late Dr. Geo. N. Burwell, while a handsome fund has been donated for its maintenance. Of Buffalo itself it need only to be said that it contains at present more than 365,000 inhabitants, and is constantly growing with an increasing ratio. It is the terminus of lake and canal navigation, and in wealth and importance even now rivals the largest business centers in the country. It is entered by more than twenty converging lines of railroad, and has within its limits more than 700 miles of trackage. The Buffalo Law School was founded in the year 1887, by members of the Judiciary and Bar of Buffalo. The Buffalo Law School is located on the ninth floor of the EUicott Square, which is said to be the largest, finest and most complete office-building in America. EUicott Square covers an entire block in the business cen- ter of the city, and is in the close vicinity of the City and County Hall and the District Law Library. The Instructors of the School are either judges or lawyers in active practice, and many of the students enter law offices for clerical expe- rience, hence it is necessary to have the school within a short distance of the Court House and the law offices. The lecture-room itself is a large room, elegantly fur- nished, well lighted and ventilated. It is in a quiet part of DANIELS CHAPTER. 371 the building, and in all of its appointments is admirably adapted for law-school work. Immediately adjoining the lecture-room is the Bangs' Law Library, which contains a full selection of reports and text- books, and to which the students have free access. The petition pf eleven Charter members was dated Decem- ber 13, 1890. A Charter was granted under date of April 16, 1891. The Chapter was instituted in April, 1891, by Irving McDowell, Jay, '87, Daniel V. Murphy, Conkling, '91, and Arthur R. Pennell, Waite, '89. HONORARY MEMBERS- Charles Daniels, Buffalo, New York. Justice of New York Supreme Court, 1863-1891. Member of LIII. and LTV. Congress from 33d District of New York. Dean of Buffalo Law School, and Lecturer on Constitutional Law, and Trusts. Carl Thurston Chester, Buffalo, New York. A. B., Yale College, 1875. LL. B., Columbia College, 1877. Secretary Board of Trustees, City and County Hall. Lecturer on the Code and the Law of Insurance. Charles Phelps Norton, Buffalo, New York. A. B., Harvard College, 1880. Author of "Handbook of the Law of Bills and Notes," 1893, and "Norton on Practice." Lecturer in But falo Law School. T17 Erie County Savings Bank Building. Edward Llewellyn Parker, X ¥, Buffalo, New York.. A. B., Cornell College, 1871. Special Lecturer in Buffalo Law School, President of the Associated Good Government Clubs of Buffalo. Par- ker & Hotchkiss, City Bank Building, No. 319 Main Street. Henry Hale Seymour, A A 0, Buffalo, New York. B. S., Cornell College, 1871. United States Commissioner of Jurors, Northern District of New York. Lecturer in Buffalo Law School. CHARTER MEMBERS. SENIORS. Benjamin Franklin Folsom, Buffalo, New York. Buffalo High School, 1889. No. 85 Linwood Avenne. William Wallace Wright, Jr., Washington, District of Columbia. Emarson Institute, 1887. Salutatory Address, B. L. S., 1891. Student of Patent Law, Columbian University, where he affiliated with Mar- shall Chapter, 1895-6.. Patent Law, Duvall & Wright, Rooms 107-8 Loan and Trust Building. JUNIORS. Jesse Hatch Behrends, ^ H K, Buffalo, New York. A. B., Yale Univ., 1888. Philosophical Oration. Lawless, Behrends & Williams, 22 Erie County Savings Bank Building. Henry Danziger, Jr.,

B K, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Yale Univ., 1894. Historian, 1896-7. (Res. No. 388 Elmwood Ave.) Care of G. T. Wardwell, 617-19 Mooney & Brisbane Bldg. Nathaniel Gorham, K A, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Williams Coll., 1890. Tribune, 1896-7. (Res., No. 250 Elm- wood Ave.) Care of Sprague, Moot, Sprague & Brownell, 45 Erie Co. Savings Bank Bldg. 376 PHI DELTA PHI. Frederick Pitkin James, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Vice-Pres. of Class. Proconsul, 1896-7 With Clinton & Clark, 10 12 Guaranty Bldg. Thomas Brown Lockwood, J K E, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Manager Yale Consolidated Foot Ball Team. Pres. of Buffalo Club. Special student Cornell Law School, where he affiliated with CoNKLiNG Chapter, 1896-7. James McCormick Mitchell, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1894. Consul, 1896-7. (Res., No. 268 North St.) 1004 D. S. Morgan Bldg. Spencer Gregory Watson, Medina, N. Y. Medina Free Academy, 1893. Charles Adams White, Buffalo, N. Y. Sec to Mayor. Care of Mayor's Office, City Hall. CLASS OF 1898. Harry W, Barker, S N E, J ^, Buffalo, N. Y. 617 Mooney & Brisbane Bldg. George Sturges Buck, li 6 II, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Yale Univ., 1896. Guaranty Bldg. Walter Ward Cooper, Z 'F, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Williams Coll., 1896. 807 Morgan Bldg. ' Robert Lynn Cox, Buffalo, N. Y. John H. Graves, Buffalo, N. Y. 1002 Ellicott Sq. Bldg. Alonzo J. Hinckley, Buffalo, N. Y. No. 202 Main St. John Lord O'Brien, J T, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1896. 807 Morgan Bldg. Frank Dana Thorne, r r, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., Syracuse Univ., 1896. 46 Erie Co. Bank Bldg. Herbert Clifton Williams, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo High School, 1888. 15-17 City Bank Bldg UNIVERSITY OHASa GHAPTRR IN THE LAW DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. ESTABLISHED 1891 THE University of Oregon, by an act of the State Legis- lature, was founded and located at Eugene in 1872, and it was opened for the reception of students and giving instruction in 1876. The management of its affairs is placed in a Board of Regents, appointed for a term of twelve years by the Gov- ernor of the State and confirmed by the State Senate. The Board of Regents confers such degrees and grants such diplomas as other universities are wont to confer and grant. The permanent endowment of the LTniversity consists of $100,000, realized from the sale of the land granted to the State by the General Government for the purpose of estab- lishing a university, and a fund of $50,000 generously donated the University by Henry Villard, and an annual appropriation from the State. The University is located at Eugene, Lane County, Ore- gon, 125 miles south of Portland, on the Southern Pacific Railroad. Eugene is the county seat of Lane County, has 4,000 inhabitants and is situated amidst scenery of much natural beauty. The University campus lies southeast of 378 PHI DELTA PHI. Eugene, about one mile from the city postoffice, and contains i8 acres of land. The Law Department was organized in 1884 in the City of Portland, a metropolis which offers great advantages to students of law, having an intelligent bar and excellent libraries, and affording an easy access to the courts. The petition of 12 charter members of Chase Chapter for admission to Phi Delta Phi was dated May i, 1890. It was endorsed by members of the fraternity then living in Port- land, Rufus I. Eaton, Kent '83; William M. Cake, Hamil- ton '86, and Benjamin B. Beekman, Waite 'ZZ, who aided in the organization of the C'hapter. Pomerov Chapter, in the Hastings Law School at San Francisco, lent its assist- ance, and to it the thanks of Chase Chapter are in a great measure due for its success in securing a charter. Letters of recommendation were sent by Hon. Wm. W. Thayer, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Oregon; Hon. George H. Williams, ex-Attorney General of the United States; Hon. Jas. K. Kelly, ex-L^nited States Senator, and Hon. Charles B. Bellinger, present United States District Judge for the District of Oregon. The charter was granted under date of May I, 1 89 1, whereupon the Chapter was formally instituted by Benjamin B. Beekman, Waite '87. HONORARY MEMBERS. John Lidell Baker, Portland, Oregon. LL. B., Hastings College of the Law, 1885. Charter Member of Pome- rov Chapter. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Police Court No. 2, at San Francisco, California, 1885-6. Secretary of Railroad Commis- sion of Oregon, 1893-7. Hamilton Building. Charles Byron Bellinger, Portland, Oregon. Judge of the Salem, Oregon, Circuit Court of Oregon, 1878-80. United States District Judge since 1893. Lecturer on Equity at the School of Law, University of Oregon, since 1893. President of the Oregon Bar Association, 1896. Federal Building. CHASE CHAPTER. 379 John Bryson Cleland, Portland, Oregon. Born Janesville, Wisconsin, July 15, 1848. Carroll College, Wisconsin, two years. LL. B., University of Michigan, 1871. Charter member of Kent Chapter. First Scriptor. Justice of the Peace, Osage, Iowa, 1873-5. District Attorney, Twelfth Judicial District, 1877-84. Circuit Judge of same District, 1885-6. District Judge, 1886-8. Cleland & Cleland, Rooms 508-9 Commercial Block. *i893. Matthew Paul Deady. Born near Easton, Talbot County, Maryland, May 12, 1824. LL. D. Regent of the University, 1873-93. President of the Board of Re- gents, 1873-93. United States District Judge, 1859-93. Professor in the School of Law, 1884-93. Died at Portland, March 31, 1893. William Ball Gilbert, Portland, Oregon. A. B., Williams College, 1868. LL. B., University of Michigan, 1872. Member of Kent Chapter, 1870-2. President of Webster Society. Member of Oregon Legislature, 1888. United States District Judge. United States Circuit Judge, Ninth District (California, Idaho, Nevada and Oregon) since 1892. Lecturer on Constitutional Law, University of Oregon, since 1893. Franklin Pierce Mays, Portland, Oregon. B. S,, Willamette University, 1876. Delegate to Republican National Convention, 1888. United States District Attorney for Oregon, 1890 —3. 410 Chamber of Commerce Building. Lewis Linn McArthur, Portland, Oregon. County Judge, Baker County, Oregon, 1868. Judge of Supreme Court of Oregon, 1870-8. Circuit Judge, 1878-82. Member of Board of Regents of University of Oregon, 1 873-1901. Lecturer on Pleading in the Law Department of University of Oregon, since 1884. Bro- naugh, McArthur, Fenton & Bronaugh, 631-8 Chamber of Commerce Building. P. O. Box, No. 168. Richard Hopwood Thornton, Portland, Oregon. Attended Schools in England. A. A. Oxon. LL. B., Georgetown Col- lege, i87(). Lecturer in the Law Department of University of Ore- gon, since 1884. Goodnough Building. Charles Erskine Scott Wood, Portland, Oregon. West Point Mil. Acad., 1874. Ph. B. and LL. B., Columbia College. Delegate to National Democratic Convention, Indianapolis, 1896. National Committeeman for Oregon. Lecturer on Equity Juris- prudence, Univ. of Oregon. Williams, Wood & Linthicum, Chamber of Commerce Building. CHARTER MEMBERS. SENIORS. Eldon Marcellus Brattain, Lakeview, Oregon. A. B., University of Oregon, 1887. County Judge of Lake Countv, 1894-8. Earl Clapp Bronaugh, Jr., (P K 'F, Portland, Oregon. Born Cross County, Arkansas, February 26, 1866. A. B., University of the Pacific, 1888. M. A., ibiJ., 1891. Commencement Orator, 1888. Bronaugh, McArthur, Fenton & Bronaugh, 631-8 Chamber of Com- merce Building. Lawrence Alexander McNary, Portland, Oregon. Willamette University, three years. President of Law Alumni of Uni- versity of Oregon, 1893-4. No. 94 First Street. Frank Limerick Moore, Baker City, Oregon. A. B., University of Oregon, 1887. M. A., ibid., 1S89. Edwin Oscar Potter, Eugene, Oregon. A. B., University of Oregon, 1887. M. A., ibid., 1890. President of Alumni Association, 1891-2. County Judge of Lane County, 1894-8. John Calvin Rutenic, Portland, Oregon. A. B., Calvin College, Cleveland, Ohio, 1881. 627 Chamber of Com- merce Building. Thaddeus Pulaski Wagner, Portland, Oregon. Care of Oregon Railway and Navigation Company. Charles Nicholas Wait, Portland, Oregon. Bishop Scott Academy, four years. Deputy City Attorney. Chamber of Commerce Building. No. 205^ Washington Street. JUNIORS— '91. Herbert Napier Cockerline, Eugene, Oregon. Canadian Collegiate Institute. Representative of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. Calvin I.^rsinus Gantenbein, Portland, Oregon. Testimonium maturitalis, (A. B.) Royal Charles Gymnasium, Stuttgart, 1885. Davis, Gantenbein & Veazie, 401-3 Macleay Building. CHASE CHAPTER. 381 Francis Marion Mulkey, Portland, Oregon. A. B., University of Oregon, 1889. 1 1 Mulkey Building. Guy Glenn Willis, Portland. Oregon. Attended Portland High School and Wasco Academy, The Dallas, Ore- gon. 511 Commercial Block. CLASS OF 1891- Thaddeus Stevens Potter, Portland, Ore. Asst. U. S. Atty. for Ore. Dep. Dist. Atty. for 4th Judicial Dist. of Ore. Lord & Potter, 68 Worcester Bldg. CLASS OF 1892. Charles Hubert Chance, Portland, Ore. Portland High School, 1887. Scriptor, 189T-2. With Hon. P. L. Wil- lis, 511 Commercial Blk. Rodney Lawrence Glisan, Portland, Ore. A. B., Yale Univ., iSqo. Special at Columbia Coll., 1892-3. M. A., Columbia Coll., 1893. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. James R. Greenfield, Portland, Ore. A. B., Univ. of Ore., 1890. M. A., ibid. Member of Laurean Lit. Society. State Sec. C. L. S. C. Greenfield& Woodworth, Managers of Pacific Coast Home Supply Assn. No. 41 (or 51) First St. Daniel James Malarkey, Portland, Ore. Portland High School. Highest Law Class Standing. Consul. 1891-2. Chief Dep. Dist. Atty. for 4th Judicial Dist. of Ore. Spencer & Ma- larkey, Room 723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Russell Elgin Sewall, Portland, Ore. Portland High School. Rooms A, B, C and D Strowbridge Bldg., No. I33>^ ist St. George Combs Stout, Portland, Ore. 501 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLASS OF 1893. John Paul Kavanaugh, Portland, Ore. A. B., Mt. Angel Coll., 1S91. Room 8, No. 205 Stark St. RoswELL Buckingham Lamson, Portland, Ore. Clerk of U. S. Dist. Court. Gammans & Lamson, No. 41 Labbe Bldg. 382 PHI DELTA PHI. George Haskell Marsh, Portland, Ore. Attended Pacific Univ. A. B., Univ. of Ore., 1890. Deputy Clerk of U. S. Circuit and Dist. Courts of Ore. P. O. Box 416. John Labbe McGinn, Portland, Ore. Formerly Asst. Librarian of Portland Law Library. Henry Davis Story, Portland, Ore. Clerk, First National Bank. Paul van Fridagh, Portland, Ore. St. Augustine Coll., 1881. (Res., No. 107 13th St.) In Insurance busi- ness with Boyd & Arnold, No. 102 ist St. Arthur Lyle Veazie, Portland, Ore. A. B., Univ. of Ore., 1890. M. A., ibid.^ 1891. Consul, 1892-3. Pres. of Univ. of Ore. Alumni Assn., 1894-5. Davis, Gantenbein & Vea- zie, Macleay Bldg. Eddy Elbridge Wilson, Corvallis, Ore. B. S., Oregon Agrl. Coll., 1889. Scriptor, 1892-3. CLASS OF 1894. Stuart Armour, Colfax, Wash. Upper Canada Coll., Toronto, Canada, three years. Highest Law Class Standing. Pioneer Blk. Jeremiah England Bronaugh, Spokane, Wash. A. B., Univ. of Ore., 1892. Consul, 1893-4. Atty. for Northwest Trust and Collection Agency, 15-16 First National Bank Bldg. Jesse R. Caples, Tillamook, Ore. B. S., Pacific Univ., 1892. Eddy & Caples. ♦1896. William Connell, Jr. Tribune, 1893-4. Died at Hillsboro, Ore., March i, 1896. Benjamin Lee Eddy, Tillamook, Ore. Eddy & Caples. Joseph Carpenter Harris, Seattle, Wash. Scriptor, 1893-4. Formerly with Union Pacific Ry. (Res., No. 568 Ployt St., Portland.) With Emmons & Emmons, 415 New York Blk. Charles Bradley Sims, Portland, Ore. Attended Horbury School, London, England. Proconsul, 1893-4. (Res., No. 212 7th St.) With Northern Pacific Ry. Co., Worcester Bldg. CHASE CHAPTER. 385 George Tazwell, Portland, Ore. Wells, England, Grammar School, four years. 217 Abington Bldg. Jesse Clarence Veazie, Portland, Ore. A. B., Univ. of Ore., 1891. Special Student, Harvard Law School, 1895-6. Highest Class Standing. Macleay Bldg. CLASS OF 1895. Henry Failing Conner, Portland, Ore. Ph. B., Yale S. S. S., 1893. LL. B., cwn laude, N. Y. Law School, 1895. With Cox, Cotton, Teal & Minor, P. O. Drawer 47. . Harry Willis Gullette, Portland, Ore. San Antonio, Texas, High School, 1885. Care of Dolph, Mallory & Simon, 217 Abington Bldg. John Anson Houck, Portland, Ore. B. S., Monmouth Coll., and Ore. State Normal School, 1888. B. S. D., ibid. Consul, 1894-5. With Boothe & Nash, 408 Commercial Blk. Specialty, Insurance. Otto Julius Kraemer, Portland, Ore. Portland High School, 1892. Proconsul, 1894-5. Care of Dolph, Mal- lory & Simon, 224 Abington Bldg. William Samuel Macrum, Portland, Ore. A. B., Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Ore., 1890. Scriptor, 1894-5. With Merchants National Bank. Elmer Ellsworth Mallory, Portland, Ore. Willamette Univ., Salem, Ore., three years. Care of Dolph, Mallory & Simon, Room 224 Abington Bldg. Arthur Champlin Spencer, Portland, Oregon. Vermont Academy, Saxton's River, Vt., 189 1. Care of Coxe & Coxe^ Room 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLASS OF 1896. Gilbert Allison Adams, Portland, Ore. B. A., Ohio Normal Univ., 18S6. Censor, 1895-6. Principal of W^ard Public School for nine years. No. 212 7th St. Will Quinn Buffington, Portland, Ore. Northwest Normal and Business Institute, Stan berry. Mo., 1884. Pro- consul, 1895-6. Class Treasurer, 1895-6. Not in practice. Asst. Cashier of Citizens' Bank, No. 381 E. Washington St. 384 PHI DELTA PHI. Harry Couch Eastham, Portland, Ore. Roanoke Coll., Salem, Va., 1 890-1. Member of Ciceronean Lit. Society. Scriptor, 1895-6. Care of Cox, Cotton, Teal & Minor, Worcester Blk. Daniel Alexander Grout, Portland, Ore. St. Thomas, Ont., Collegiate Institute, 1884. Tribune, 1895-6. Class Pres., 1895-6. Principal of the North Central HigH School. Princi- pal of the Park School. John Philip Kennedy, Portland, Ore. Attended Wis. State Normal Univ. With Meier & Frank Co., Mer- chants. Box 698. Edwin Mays, Z '/', Portland, Ore. Ph. B., Univ. of Cal., 1893. Pres. of Republican Club, Univ. of Cal. Consul, 1895-6. Care of Chas. B. Carey, Esq., 410 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLASS OF 1897. Robert Wilson Galloway, Portland, Ore. Medford, Ore., Migh School, 1891-3. Historian, 1895-6. Proconsul, 1896-7. Care of Carey & Mays, 410 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Clarence Hirons Gilbert, Portland, Ore. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1893-4. Tribune, 1896-7. Foot of Wash- ington St., or No. 1 169 Salmon St. Harry Eaton Northup, Portland, Ore. Portland High School, 1894. Scriptor, 1896-7. (Res., No. 261 14th !St.) Care of Bronaugh, McArthur, Fenton & Bronaugh, Rooms, 631-8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. P. O. Box No. 168. Lionel Lane Paget, Portland, Ore. Trowbridge High School, Wiltshire, England, four years. First Dux gen- eral average Prize. Censor, 1895-6. Consul, 1896-7. Care of Pick- ens, Fulton & Company, Rooms, 1-3 Sherlock Bldg. Orville Montgomery Rankin, X y'*, Portland, Ore. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., two years. No. 534 Clifton St. John William Roland, Portland, Ore. B. S., Christian Coll., Monmouth, Ore., 1879. Censor, 1896-7. No. 429 7th St. CLASS OF 1898.- George Black, Portland, Ore. Free South Church Coll., Aberdeen, Scotland. No. 777 Johnson St. Allan McLane Ellsworth, Portland, Ore. State Univ. of Ore., two years. Consul-elect, 1896. Professor of Bishop Scott Academy. CHASE CHAPTER. 385 George Powell Goggin, Portland, Ore. Boston High School, 1882. No. 265 14th St. John Joseph O'Connor, Portland, Ore. St. Michael's Coll., 1890. No. 554 Couch St. Harold Guy Rice, Portland, Ore. Couch School, Portland, Ore., 1891. No. 269 N. 15th St. Leon Hirsch Steinhart, I X, Portland, Ore. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., two years. No. 226 13th St. HARLaAN GHAPTB.R IN THE COLLEGE OF LAW OF UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN ESTABLISHED 1891. THE University of Wisconsin, located on the South bank of Lake Mendota, a sheet of water about four miles in width and six miles in length, was incorporated by the Terri- torial Legislature in 1838. Congress made it a land grant of 46080 acres, and in 1859, 46080 acres more. In 1848 the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin made provision for the establishment of a State University. The years prior to- 1866 were years of trial and adversity. At that time it had graduated only 58 students and had not received a dollar from the State or City. From its lands only $500,000 were realized; whereas, if sold under less necessitous circumstances; they would have yielded several million. In 1866 it was reor- ganized by act of the Legislature, and fell heir to the ''Agri- cultural Land Grant," under the act passed by Congress July 2, 1862, covering no less than 240,000 acres. In 1867, the first appropriation of about $7,000 a year was made by the State. Since that date the State has made repeated and large appropriations of money for the construction of buildings 388 PHI DELTA PHI. and for providing apparatus, and also for meeting the ordi- nary expenses of the institution. It is the general policy of the institution to foster the higher educational interests of the State, broadly and gener- ously interpreted. It is its aim to make ample provision for the demands of advanced scholarship in as many lines as its means will permit. By prescribing a large portion of the studies of the regular courses in the earlier years, and by leav- ing a large number in the later portion to the selection of the student, it endeavors to give a wise measure of direction and at the same time leave sufficient room for choice to encourage individual adaptation and special development. The University strenuously avoids all that is sectarian or partisan; but it endeavors to extend its sympathy and influ- ence to whatever contributes to good citizenship and high character. The University recognizes no distinction of race, color, or sex. All who conform to its intellectual and moral require- ments are equally entitled to its privileges. The government of the institution rests upon the inherent •obligations of students to the University and to the State. The University is maintained at the public expense for the public good. Those who participate in its benefits are •expected, as a matter of honor, not only to fulfill the obli- gations of loyal members of the institution, of the commu- nity, and of the commonwealth, but actively to aid in pro- moting their intellectual and moral interests. Every student •owes to the public a full equivalent for its expenditure in his behalf, in the form of superior usefulness to it, both while in the institution and afterwards. Students therefore cannot •claim any exemption from the duties of good citizens and of loyal members of the community and of the University; on the contrary, they are under peculiar obligations loyally to fulfill every duty. As members of the institution, they are held responsible for regular attendance and the proper per- formance of thsir duties. The interests of faithful students HARLAN CHAPTER. 389 and the well-being of the University demand that those who do not conform to these manifest obligations should withdraw from the institution or be excluded. As members of the community, students are amenable to the law; and, if guilty of its infraction, are liable to a termination of their relations with the University. The University recognizes its civic relations and rests its administration upon civic obligations. The libraries of the University are the General Library, the Law Library, the Agricultural Library, and the Wood- man Astronomical Library. They contain in the aggregate over 44,000 volumes and 10,500 unbound pamphlets. The General University Library, including the depart- ment libraries catalogued herewith, contains over 39,- 000 volumes and 8,500 unbound pamphlets. More than 375 periodicals are regularly received. The catalogue is the usual dictionary card catalogue of authors, subjects, and titles, in one alphabetical arrangement. Subject to cer- tain restrictions, books may be drawn by all members of the University. For consultation the library is open twelve hours daily during the academic year except on Sundays and legal holidays. Through the kindness of Prof. Edward T. Owen, the Gen- eral Library contains on deposit the Owen library of works on French language and literature, numbering 900 volumes. Special appropriations in recent years have rendered the library especially strong in the lines of economic and politi- cal science, and in classical philology. At the opening of the college year a course of lectures on the library and methods in library work is given to new stu- dents by the University Librarian. The College of Law has a special library of 3,000 vol- umes; and the Washburn Observatory is provided with the Woodman Astronomical Library, now containing 2,200 books and 1,800 pamphlets. Students also have free access to the State Law Library, comprising about 26,000 volumes, and by special arrangements are enabled to take out books from the 390 PHI DELTA PHI. free library of the City of Madison. This is a well-selected collection of over 14,000 volumes. The library of the State Historical Society contains about 100,000 volumes and 80,000 pamphlets. It is exceptionally rich in manuscript and other material for the study of the history of the Mississippi valley. The collections of the late Dr. Lyman C. Draper are included in the library. Its files of newspapers and periodicals are among the most complete in the United States. There are over 5,000 volumes of bound newspapers published outside of Wisconsin, and the files cover, with but few breaks, the period from the middle of the seventeenth century to the present. There is an excel- lent collection of United States government documents, and the material for the study of American local history. Western travel, the Revolution, Slavery, and the Civil War, is unusu- ally abundant. In English history the library possesses the Calendars of the State papers, the Rolls Series, and other important collections, including works on local history. The Tank collection (Dutch) offers facilities for the study of the Netherlands. The library of the Historical Society is acces- sible to all students of the University, and thus affords excep- tional facilities for the prosecution of advanced historical work. The Historical Seminary of the University has been generously granted special facilities in the rooms of the library. The Historical, State, University, and City libraries afford duplicate copies of historical material most in use, and to a large extent supplement one another. These library privileges are unsurpassed in the interior, and equalled by very few institutions in the country. The College of Law was established in 1868. Its new building, located on the campus, within the limits of the City of Madison, is a stately structure, elegant in design and finish, built of the brown sand-stone of Lake Superior, at a cost of over$86,ooo. The petition of eleven charter members was dated February tq, 1891. Jhe Chapter was instituted May 29, 1891, by John F. Harper, Choate, '90. HONORARY MEMBERS* Robert McKee Bashford, Madison, Wisconsin. A. B., University of Wisconsin, 1870. LL. B,, ibid., 1871. M. A., ibid., 1874. Member of Athenean Lit. Society. Editor of Madison Dem- ocrat, 1S71-6. City Attorney, 1&81-6. Member of Board of Edu- cation, 1884. Mayor of Madison, 1890. State Senator, 1893-5. Member of State Central Democratic Committee, 1895-7. Delegate to Democratic National Convention, Chicago, 1896. Lecturer in Col- lege of Law, 1885. Professor of Commercial Paper and Private Cor- porations, since 1893. Bashford, O'Connor & Aylward, Pioneer Block. Edwin Eustace Bryant, Madison, Wisconsin. Lieutenant-Colonel Fiftieth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers. Adjutant- General of Wisconsin, 1 868-1 872. Member of State Legislature, 1878-80. Assistant Attorney for United States Postoffice Department, 1884-8. Joint Author of "Vilas & Bryant's Notes to Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports," 13 vols. Professor of Pleading and Prac- tice, Equity and Railway Law, and the Law of Public Offices and Officers, and Dean of the College of Law of University of Wisconsin, since 1889. No. 11 E, Oilman St. Jairus Harvlin Carpenter, Madison, Wisconsin. M. A., Yale College, 1874. LL. D., University of Wisconsin, 1876. Dean of the College of Law, 1868, and 1875-84. Reviser of Statutes and of the Probate Laws of Wisconsin, 1887. County Judge Dane County, 1 885-1902. Member of Board of Education 28 years. Presi- dent of same 23 years. Mortimer M. Jackson, Professor of Contracts. (Res., No. 315 Wisconsin Ave.) Law Building. John B. Cassoday, Madison, Wisconsin. LL. D., Albany Law School. Delegate to National Republican Convention of 1864. Member of State Legislature, 1864-6, and Speaker of the same, 1876-8. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, 1881-95. Chief Justice of same, since 1890. Author of "Wills," 1893. Professor of Constitutional Law in College of Law. No. 139 E. Oilman Street. Charles Noble Gregory, W T, Madison, Wisconsin. A. B., University of Wisconsin, 1871. M. A., ibid. Salutatorian. Vice- President of Law Class. Member of Athenean Society. Alderman of City of Madison, three years. District Attorney, Dane County, Wis- consin, 1872-6. Member of Board of Education, one year. Many years member of General Commission of National Civil Service Reform 392 PHI DELTA PHI. Association. Author of "Corrupt use of Money in Politics and Laws for its Prevention," 1893. "Political Corruption and English and American Laws for its Prevention," 1894. Delegate to National Democratic Convention, Indianapolis, 1896. Professor of Law, since 1885, and Associate Dean in College of Law, University of Wis- consin, since 1894. Burr W. Jones, W T, Madison, Wisconsin. A, B., University of Wisconsin, 1870. M. A., tdid. LL. B, District Attorney, Dane County, Wisconsin, 1872-6. Member of Congress, 1882-4. Author of "Jones on Evidence," 1896. Delegate to Na- tional Democratic Convention, Indianapolis, 1896. Professor of the Law of Evidence, Public Corporation and Domestic Relations since 1885. (Res., No. 112 Langdon Street.) Jones & Stevens. Office opposite Park Hotel. John Meyers Olin,

olis, 1878. Professor in College of Law, University of Wisconsin, 1868-85, and since 1889. Re- gent, University of Wisconsin, 1880-5. Reviser of Statutes of Wis- consin, 1878. Joint Author, " Vilas and Bryant's Notes." Wisconsin Supreme Court Reports, eighteen volumes. Member of Wisconsin Assembly, 1S85. Postmaster General of United States, 1885-8. Sec- retary of Interior, 1888-9. United States Senator from Wisconsin since 1891. Delegate to Democratic Convention, Chicago, 1896, and to National Democratic Convention, Indianapolis, 1896. CHARTER MEMBERS^ SENIORS. Henry William Brown, Lancaster, Wisconsin. Bedford College, England. Lowry & Biown. George Thompson Burrows, Chicago, Illinois. A. B., Harvard University, 1889. In Law Department of Illinois Steel. Co. 1030 Rookery Building. Guy Pulford Cobb, Mineral Point, Wisconsin. Racine College. Francis Herman De Groat, West Superior, Wisconsin. Corporation and Real Estate Law. Ritchie Building. Henry Edmond Fitch, W T, Babcock, Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin. Member of /^/w Kappa Upsilon. Municipal- Judge. William Alfred Jackson, W T, Janesville, Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin, 1887-9. Member of /^Ao Kappa Upsilon. District Attorney for Rock County. Jackson & Jackson, Post Office Block. Edward Gaffield Jones, Appleton, Wisconsin. B. L., Lawrence University, Appleton, Wi-consin, i88g. (Res., No. 805 College Avenue.) Jones & Jones, Commercial Bank Building. Frederick William Stearns, B S //, San Diego, California. A. B., University of Wisconsin, 1889. Wadham & Stearns, P. O. Box 44. JUNIORS. Frederic Felker, W Y, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Attended Racine College. Member of J^Ao Kappa Upsilon. '7ii-i& Pabst Building. Leo Haben. See Class of 1894. Charles Copeland Russell, 2' X, Janesville, Wisconsin. A. B., Beloit College, 1889. Manager Base Ball Club, 1887-9. Man- ager Glee Club, 1889. Winans & Russell. 394 PHI DEL TA PHI. CLASS OF 1891. Claire Brayton Bird, B 8 11, Wausau, Wis. A. B., Univ. of Wis., i88g. Member of Hesperian and Forum. Myl- rea, Marchetti & Bird. Loyal Durand, E X, Milwaukee, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1890. Sergt., Lieut, and Capt. in Univ. Battal- lion. Pres. of Univ. Tennis Assn., 1887. Essayist at Sophomore Ex- hibition. Medal for best Capt. in Battalion, 1888. Sec.-Treas. of Coll. Tennis League, 1889. Class Pres. No. io2 Wisconsin St. Elihu Bernard Goodsell, Lancaster, Wis. Attended High School. Brown & Goodsell. Frederick William Kelly, r r, Milwaukee, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1888. Ph. B., Columbia Coll., 1889. Special Honors in English Lit. Author of "Responsibility in Municipal Gov- ernment," published in American Journal of Politics, May, 1 894. Pres. of Wisconsin Chi Psi Assn. Contributor to Purple and Gold. (Res., No. 612 Prospect Ave.) Specialty, Corporation Law, 1003 Pabst Bldg. Patrick Joseph Kelly, Milwaukee, Wis. State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis., 1886-7. Member of Phoenix and Lyceum. City Atty. of S. Milwaukee, 1893-4. Kelly & Kelly, 74-5 Loan and Trust Bldg. Mathew Robert Killilea, Milwaukee, Wis. Fiebing & Killilea, 3rd St. Lynn Spencer Pease, ^ r, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1886. Member of Rho Kappa Upsilon. Member of Athena Lit. Society. Junior Exhibition Orator. Supt. of Wis. State School for the Blind, 1891-5. Instructor in Taxation, Public Officers, and Insurance, in Coll. of Law, Univ. of Wis,, 1895. Sec. State Conference of Charities and Corrections. 403-4 Pabst Bldg., cor. Wisconsin and E. Water Sts. CLASS OF 1892. Edward Everts Browne, Lancaster, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1890. Also Waupaca. Andrew Alexander Bruce, J T, Chicago, 111. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1890. Valedictorian. First Place in Senior Ora- torical Contest. Editor-in-chief of Aegis. Special Honors in Civics. Chief Justice of Law School Moot Court. Sec. to Judge of Supreme Court of Wis. Atty. for Factory Inspectors of State of 111., having in charge eight-hour law and child labor law litigation. 11 14 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HARLAN CHAPTER. 395 Elden Joseph Cassoday, X ¥, Chicago, 111. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1890. Member of Adelphia Debating Society. Asst. Solicitor for 111. in Legal Dept. of the A., T. & S. F. Ry. 1105 Great Northern Bld^. Carlisle Royce Clarke, Rockford, 111. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1890. Clarke & Blaisdell. WiLLARD Charles Cole, Sheboygan, Wis. Pros. Atty. for Sheboygan Co. No. 518 N. 8th St. John Eugene Horan, Everett, Wash. Author of " Horan's Washington Digest." James Bremer Kerr, X W, St. Paul, Minn. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1889. M. A., ibid., 1890. Fellowship in Greek, one year. Land Atty. for Northern Pacific R. R. N. Y. Life Bldg. Theodore Kronshage. Jr., J T, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1891. Member of Philomathean Society. Editor of Aegis. Junior Exhibition Orator. Orator Intercollegiate Contest. Member of Boat Crew. Tarrant & Kronshage, Pabst Bldg. Thomas Jefferson Mathews, Merrill, Wis. Merrill High School, 1882. Member of Arena. City Atty., 1892-3. Co. Judge of Lincoln Co., 1893-8. Lawrence A. Olwell, Milwaukee, Wis. Marquette Coll., Milwaukee. Hoyt, Ogden & Olwell, 1302-5 Pabst Bldg. Joseph Myron Reed, West Superior, Wis. Mich. Mil. Academy. Reed & Reed, 15 Wisconsin Bldg. Samuel T. Swansen, Madison, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., i8qo. Member of Athena Lit. Society. Chief Justice of Sloan Moot Court. Debater vs. Forum Lit. Society of Mil- waukee. Erdall & Swansen, Vilas Blk; Edward Henry Swartzburg, Milwaukee, Wis. With Kieckhoefer Bros., No. 529 North Ave. AVarren Downes Tarrant, A T, Milwaukee, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1890. Member of Philomathean Lit. Society. Managing Editor of Aegis. Junior Exhibition Orator. Class Histo- rian. Tarrant & Kronshage, Trademark Litigation and Corporation Law, 20-21 Metropolitan Blk. Edgar Liberty W^ood, Milwaukee, Wis. No. 322 Reed St. 396 PHI DELTA PHI. CLASS OF 1893. George G. Armstrong, 2' S, Salt Lake City, Utah. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1891. Corp., Sergt. and Lieut, of Univ. Battal- lion. Sophomore Public Debater. Gunner in Univ. Artillery. Pres. of Philomathean Lit. Society. 102-3 Commercial Blk. William Monroe Balch, River Falls, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1891. M. L., ibid., 1896. Pastor of M. E. Church. John Bert Campbell, Darlington, Wis. Ripon, Wis., Coll., two years. Member of Philomathean Lit. Society, Dist. Atty of Lafayette Co. Hogan & Campbell. Francis William Dockery, m" T, Whitewater, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1891. Member of /^ho Kappa Upsilon. Sec. of Wis. Supreme Court, three years. With T. D. Weeks, Atty. William Francis Dockery, ^> T, Chicago, 111. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1891. Member of /^ho Kappa Upsilon. City Editor of Madison Democrat, 1890. Editor-elect of Univ. Annual. With Hoyne, FoUansbee & O'Connor, No. 88 La Salle St. Carl Felker, P K T, Oshkosh, Wis. Vice-Commodore of Univ. Navy, 1893. Felker, Stewart & Felker, Al- goma Bldg. Charles Henry Gaffney, J T J, Neenah, Wis. De Pauw Univ., two years. Nathan Glicksman, (P li K, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Yale Univ., 1891. Consul, 1892-3. Timlin & Glicksman, No. 105 Grand Ave. Casimir Gonski, Milwaukee, Wis. Attended two Colleges in Germany. Also St. Mary's Coll., Khs. Officer of State Militia. Author of articles on Polish Life and History. No. 456 Mitchell St., cor. 2d Ave. George Baine Ingersoll, - .V, Beloit, Wis. Ph. B., Beloit Coll., 18S9. M. A., ibid., 1893. Four Prizes for loo yds. Dash, 1886-7-8-9. Prizes for Base Dash Running, Hop-step-and- jump, and Ball Throwing. Editor of The Round Table, 1887-8. Distinguished Orator on Junior Exhibition. Asst. Postmaster at Beloit, 1889-91. City Clerk. Editor of Beloit Free Press. Not in practice. HARLAN CHAPTER. 397 Hugh Jocelyn McGrath, Walla Walla, Wash. Student at Univ. of Wis., 1873-5. Graduate of the jJ. S. Mil. Acad- emy, West Point, 1880. Delegate to the Third National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, July, 1893. ist Lieut., 4th U. S. Cavalry. Capt. of 4th Cavalry, Fort Walla Walla. Col. of 20th Inf. Instructor at Inf. and Cavalry School, Fort Leavenworth, Kas., 1885-7. Served in the Southwest. Prof, of Mil. Science and Tactics, Univ. of Wis., 189I-3. Henry Hotchkiss Morgan, I Z, Madison, Wis. Univ. of Wis., 1888-90. Corp. and Sergt. -Major in Univ. Battallion. Member of Athena Lit. Society. No. 19 W. Main St. John Hiles Moss, ^V T, Milwaukee, Wis. Univ. of Wis., 1889-91. Member of Fho Kappa Upsilon. Editor of Badger. Member of Athena Lit. Society. Associate Editor of Daily Cardinal. Scriptor, 1892-3. Post-graduate Student in Economics and Political Science, 1893-4. 602 Pabst Bldg. John Vanderpoole Norcross, - X, Janesville, Wis. A. B., Beloit Coll., 1881. Prize in Sophomore Public Archaean Debate. Distinguished Orator at Junior Exhibition and Graduation. Thomp- son Prize Essay, 1887. Editor of Round Table, 1886-7. Second Place on Local Oratorical Contest, 1888. Delegate to Interstate Ora- torical Assn., 1888. Grand Praetor of Sigma Chi, 1889-90. Bank Accountant, 1888-9. Manufacturer, 1889-92. Ruger & Norcross, Jackman Blk. Edward Myron Sabin, Idaho Springs, Col. Nominee for Co. Judge of Clear Creek Co., Col. Specialty, Mining and Corporation Law. i Hanchett Blk. Clyde Hamilton Sedgwick, B Q II, Manitowoc, Wis. A. B., Beloit Coll., 1890. M. A., ibid. G. G. & C. H. Sedgwick. Samuel Melancthon Smith, (P K W, Janesville, Wis. Born Galena, 111., June 20, 1869. A. B., Beloit Coll., 1890 Waterman Prize. Formerly Teacher at Fairfield, la. Whitehead, Smith & Matheson. CLASS OF 1894. Charles Willis Austin, Oak Park, 111. No. 409 Maple St. Theodore Lincoln Coleman, Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee High School, 1879. 84 New Ins. Bldg. Clarence Barker Culbertson, J S, Stanley, Wis. Univ. of Wis., 1890-2. Member of Philoniathean Society. Business Manager of Foot Ball Team of 1893. Business Manager of Badger^ 1894. 398 PHI DELTA PHI. William Lincoln Evans, Green Bay, Wis. Attended Lawrence Univ. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1S92. Sheridan & Evans, Postoffice Bldg. Edward Everett Grey, Oconomowoc, Wis. Attended High School and Whitewater Normal School. Justice of Moot Court. Pres. of Columbian Law Society. Pres. of Univ. of Wis. Republican Club. City Atty., two terms. Nominee for Municipal Jndge. Leo Haben, W T, Victor, Colo. Junior Charter Member, 1890-1, but left Coll. before Charter was granted. Univ. of Toronto, 1892-3. '^Qmheroi Rho Kappa L^si /on. Member of £. G. Ryar Debating Society. Member of Class Foot Ball Team, 1^893-4. Sec. of Democratic Party of Victor. Champion & Haben. Arthur Lincoln Jones, Dodgeville, Wis. Dodgeville High School. Jenks & Jones. Harry Lafayette Kellogg, X ^, Milwaukee, Wis. Univ. of Wis., two years. Krez, Kellogg & Krez, 19 Metropolitan Bldg. Alexander Everett Matheson, 2" X^ Janesville, Wis. Ph. B., Beloit Coll., 1890. M. A., ibid. Valedictorian. Archaean Debater. Prize Declaimer, 1887-8. Rogers Scholarship, i888. Business Manager of The Round Table, 1888-9. Stanley Scholar- ship, 1889. Pres. of Beloit Coll. Christian Assn., 1889. Senior Law Commencement Orator. Whitehead, Matheson & Smith. Marshall Charles Moss, W T, Milwaukee, Wis. Univ. of Wis., 1890-2. Member of Rho Kappa Upsilon. Adjt. Univ. Battalion. Scriptor, 1893-4. Care of The Rockwell Mfg. Co. Clarence Arthur Paul, Spring Valley, Minn. Spring Valley High School, 1891. Columbia Law Society. Warren Blk. Henry Riggs Rathbone, J K E, Chicago, 111. A. B., Yale Univ., 1892. Member of Chi Delia 1 heta Society. Stro- ever & Rathbone, 604 Schiller Bldg. Clarke Milligan Rosecrantz, W T, Milwaukee, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1893. Member of Rho Kappa Upsilon. Mem- ber of Philomathean Lit. Society. Spooner, Rosecrantz & George, Rooms 913-15 Pabst Bldg. Charles Seaman, (P A S, Sheboygan, Wis. Phillips Exeter Academy, 1887-9. Geele Blk. • HARLAN CHAPTER. 399 Philip Sheridan, Green Bay, Wis. Sacred Heart Coll., Watertown, Wis., two years. Sheridan & Evans, Postoffice Blk. Charles Philip Spooner, T ¥, Madison, Wis. A. B., Princeton Univ., 1892. M. A., i/nd., 1895. Member of I^ho Kappa Upsilon. Member of Cliosophic Lit. Society. Member of 'Varsity B. B., Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs. Class Day Orator. Law Class Pres. Spooner, Rosecrantz & George, Rooms 913-15 Pabst Bldg. Herbert Elbridge Swett, Fond du Lac, Wis. State Normal School, Oshkosh, 189 1. Proconsul, 1893-4. Member of Columbian and Phoenix Clubs. Dist. Atty. Swett & Ecke. '■'1894. Robert John Wright. Attended U. S. Mil. Academy, West Point. Consul, 1893-4. Died at his home. No. 392 Van Buren St., Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 9, 1894. CLASS OF 1895. Norvill Blanchford Arnold, West Superior, Wis. Attended High School. Member of Foruvi Lit. Society. Member of Univ. Boat CreA^, 1894. Arnold & Arnold, 31-40 Wisconsin Blk. John Marshall Bunn, X ¥, Spokane, Wash. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1889. Member of Univ. Glee Club, 1889-94. Manager Univ. of Wis. Base Ball Team, 1889. Dudley, Bunn & Dudley. Matthew Simpson Dudgeon, Madison, Wis. A. B. Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kas., i8g2. Lewis, Briggs & Dudgeon, Tenney Blk. Ansel Vickery Hammond, Shawano, Wis. Univ. of Wis., 1889-91. Member of Columbian Law Society. Tribune, 1894-5- William Gershom Hartwell, SAX, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Ripon Coll., two years. Scriptor, 1894-5. Rusk & Hartwell, 26-7 Metropolitan Blk. Charles Hebberd, La Crosse, Wis. La Crosse High School. Menominee, Wis., High School, 1890. Pro- consul, 1894-5. No. 320 Main St. Nelson Sanford Hopkins, X ¥, Milwaukee, Wis. Univ. of Wis., one year. Gladiator, 1894-5. Care of Winkler, Flan- ders, Smith, Bottum & Vilas, Pabst Bldg.' 400 PHI DELTA PHI. George Thomas Kelly, (P A 0, Chicago, 111. Univ. of Wis., three years. Member of Columbian Law Society. Mem- ber of Glee and Dramatic Clubs. 1132 Marquette Bldg. Louis Wescott Myers, 1 A', Chicago, 111. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1893. Senior Capt. of Battalion. Class Pres., 1893. Manager of Base Ball and Foot Ball Teams. Law Class Pres., 1895. Consul, 1S94-5. With Jesse A. & Henry R. Baldwin, 708 Reaper Blk. Alfred Thomas Rogers, J 7' J, Madison, Wis. Univ. of Wis., two years. Univ. of S. Dak., three years, Fairchild Blk. Elmo Wilson Sawyer, Hartford, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1892. Editor of ^'Egis^ 1891-2. Sawyer & Saw- yer. Alexander Kirkwood Sedgwick, B J X, 6 N E, Ishpeming, Mich. Yale, S. S. S., 18S9-91. Yale Freshman Crew. Also Member of Univ. of Wis. Crew. Member of Univ. of Wis. Glee Club. Mortimer Eugene Walker, Racine, Wis. Racine Coll. Grammar School, 1890. Pres. of Forum Debating Society. Class Treas. Member of County Republican Com. Chairman of Town Com. Cooper, Simmons, Nelson & Walker, No. 436 Main St. Samuel Thomas Walker, J 7 J, Rhinelander, Wis. B. L., Lawrence Univ., 1892. Walker & Walker, opposite Postoffice. Frank Antes Wheelihan, A 8, Necedah, Wis. Univ. of Wis., 189O-3. Member of Univ. Base Ball Team, four years. Democratic Nominee for Dist. Atty. CLASS OF 1896. Joseph Bullen Alexander, Z f, De Per^, Wis. Colby Univ., Waterville, Me., 1890-4. Franklin Elisha Bump, (P r J, Wausau, Wis. Neville, Wis., High School, 1891. Univ., of Wis., 1892-5. Member of Hesperia and Forum Societies. Editor-in-Chief Daily Cardinal^ 1893--4. Editor-in-Chief ^gis, 1894-5. Editor of Badger, 1896. Inter-Society Debater, 1893-4. Sec. -Treas. National League Coll. Civil Service Reform Clubs, since 1895. Pres. of Western Coll. Press Assn., 1893-4. Contributor to Good Government, and other reform periodicals. Law Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1895-6, where he affiliated with Kent Chapter. LL. B., ibid., 1896. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1896-7, where he affiliated with Miller Chapter. HARLAN CHAPTER. 401 George Joseph Carroll, Milwaukee, Wis. No. 716 Cass St. William Joseph Carroll, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Marquette Coll., 1892. Member of Forum Society. No. 716 Cass St. Louis Anthony Dahlman, ATA, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Marquette Coll., 1894. Member of Forum Society. Mitchell Bldg. No. 160 Biddle St. William Charles Donovan, ATA, Eau Claire, Wis. High School. Wis. Academy. Member of Foru?fi Debating Society. Law Class Historian. Frawley & Donovan. Percy Spencer Elwell, A 0, ONE, La Crosse, Wis. B. S., Univ. of Wis., 1894. *i896. Charles Fisher Freeman, Jr., W Y, S N E. Univ. of Wis., one year. Member of Rho Kappa Upsilon and Theta Nu Epsilon. Died June r8, 1896. Charles Henry George, A K E, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Member of Univ. of Wis. Base Ball Team, 1895. Spooner, Rosecrantz & George, Rooms 913—15 Pabst. Bldg. Carl Smith Jefferson, A T A, Madison, Wis. Univ. of Wis., 1893-4. . Member of Banjo Club, 1894-6. With Spooner, Sanborn & Spooner. John Thomas Jones, Minneapolis, Minn. Private Sec. to Justice Winslow, of State Supreme Court, 1894-6. Gladi- iator, 1895-6. No. 10 Boston Blk. William C. Leitsch, I X, S N E, Columbus, Wis. Northwestern Univ., 1883-4. Member of F'orum Club. Consul, 1895-6. Maurice Aloysius McCabe, ATA, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Marquette Coll., 1890. Member of Forum Lit. Society. Junior Law Class Pres. Historian, 1895-6. Care of Miller, Noyes, Miller & Wahl. Cranston George Phipps, X ^, Milwaukee, Wis. Univ. of Wis., two years. Proconsul, 1896-7. No. 135 Oneida St. Charles Gilbert Riley, ATA, Madison, Wis. Care of Morris & Morris. 402 PHI DELTA PHI, Frederick James Smith, Merrill, Wis. Represented the Univ. of Wis, in the Annual Debate vs. the Northwes- tern Univ. Scriptor, 1895-6. With Curtis & Reid. WiLLET Main Spooner, W T, Madison, Wis. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1894. Member of /^/lo Kappa Upsilon. Pres. of Senior Law Class. Proconsul, 1895-6. Spooner, Sanborn & Spooner. William Oliver Thomas, Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee High School, 1892. Care of Nath. Pereles & Sons, 472 City Hall Square. Arthur Cleaver Wilkinson, - .V, Chicago, 111. Univ. of Wis., 1S90-2. Univ. of Chicago, 1892-3. Member of ^rtrt^^^r Boar'^. First Pres. of Law Class of 1896. Reporter of Chicne^o Times, Chicago Herald zn^ Chicago Evening Journal. Care of Ull- mann & Hacke, 1632 Monadnock Blk. William Henry Woodard, I X, Watertown, Wis. Ph. B., Beloit Coll., 1894. Member of Delian Lit. Society. Delegate to Fourth National Convention of Phi Dk.lta Phi, July, 1895. LuciAN RoBSON WoRDEN, ^V T, 8 N E, Milwaukee, Wis. Coxswain, Univ. of Wis., Navy. (crew). Member of /^ho Kappa Upsilon. With N. L. Robinson, Mack Blk. CLASS OF 1897. John Brown Amazeen, J 7 J^ Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1896. Scriptor, 1896-7. Henry Newton Bacon, Oshkosh, Wis. Cameron Leander Baldwin, B J -V, La Crosse, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1894. Thomas Sloan Bell, -V r, Milwaukee, Wis. Adelbert Lindley Blackstone, ^ r J, Shullsburg, Wis. Victor Louis Brown, Racine, Wis. Thomas Percy Carter, W T, Milwaukee, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1892. Member of J?ho Kappa Upsilon Society. Member of Univ. Banjo Club. 112 New Ins. Bldg. HARLAN CHAPTER. 403 *i896. Joseph Spalding Coe, B S 11. Univ. of Wis., two years. Member of Hesperia Lit. Society. Private Sec. to Chief Justice Cassoday, State Supreme Court, 1895-6. Died July, 1896. Jacob Fehr, Milwaukee, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1896. Marcus Clizbe Ford, W T, Madison, Wis. Univ. of Wis., i8qo-2. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1895. Member of J^Ao Kappa Upsilon Society. Class Historian. Freshman Declamation Contest. Member of Univ. of Wis. Banjo Club, 1891-2. Member of Dramatic Club. No. 1066 Spaight St. Arthur Augustus Frambach, 'F T, Kaukauna, Wis. Member of Rko Kappa Upsilon Society. William Frederick Hase, J \\ Milwaukee, Wis. Univ. of Wis., two years. Stroke of Freshman Crew. Capt. of Univ. of Wis. Battalion. Editor of Daily Cardinal. Consul, 1896-7. Care of Fiebing & Killilea. Albert L. Hougen, St. Nazianz, Wis. B. A., St. Olaf Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1896. Class Pres. George Almon Kingsley, J T J, Madison, Wis! A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1895. No. 518 State St. Knox Kinney, W T, N E, Madison, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1894. Member of Rho Kappa Upsilon Society.. Asst. Editor of Madison Democrat, 1893-4-5. Sec. of Athletic Assn. Member of Banjo, Glee and Dramatic Clubs. Editor of Daily Cardinal Siud yEgis. Private Sec. to late Chief Justice Orton. Pri- vate Sec. tc Justice Marshall. Private Sec. to Associate Justice Win- slow, since 1896. Historian, 1896-7. Senior Law Class Pres., 1896-7.- Senior Commencement Orator, 1S97. Walter John Luedke, I X, Milwaukee, Wis. Harvard Univ., two years. No. 283 nth St. Eugene Roderick MacDonald, A 0, Cornwall, Ont., Can. Member of Board of Directors of Athletic Assn., 1895-7. Leader of Banjo Club, 1896-7. No. 621 Lake St. C. G. Phipps. See Class of '96. 404 PHI DEL TA PHI. Henry Vilas, ¥ Y, N E, Madison, Wis. ' A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1894. Vice-Commodore, Univ. Navy, 1892. Di- rector of Athletic Assn. Delegate to Inter-collegiate Athletic Assn., Chicago, 1896. Pres. of Middle Law Class, 1895-6. Vice-Pres. and Treas. of Boat House Co. Edgar Victor Werner, Madison, Wis. GuSTAV WoLLAEGER, Jr., I X, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Harvard Univ., 1895. Tribune, 1896-7. No. 271 nth St. CLASS OF 1898. Lewis Losey Alsted, X *F, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1896. Manager of Foot Ball Team, 1896. Cora- modore Univ. of Wis. Navy, 1895-6. *i896. Paul DeGroat, J S. Died at Fond du Lac, Wis., May 28, 1896. Raymond Asa Hollister, ^ T, Oshkosh, Wis. Member of /^Ao Kappa Upsilon Society. No. 922 Algona St. Leslie Thomas Hubbell, J 0, South Manistique, Mich. George Corey Riley, J T J, Madison, Wis. Edgar Beach Warren, J T, Green Bay, Wis. John Irving Williams, Jr., T T, Youngstown, O. Member of /^ho Kappa Upsilon Society. Gladiator, 1896-7. CLASS OF 1899. Charles Richard Barney, S J X^ Mansion, Wis. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1894. John Francis Bertler, Jr., ^V T, Green Bay, Wis. Univ. of Wis., 1895 6. William James Conway, Randolph, Wis. B. L., Unib. of Wis., 1896. Bertrand Herrick Doyon, 'F T, Madison, Wis. Univ. of Wis., three years. Member of /^/w Kappa Upsilon Society. Class Pres., 1893. Capt. of Class Crew, 1893. Fred H. Hartwell, La Crosse, Wis. George Gushing Martin, 'V T, Omaha, Neb. HARLAN CHAPTER. 405 Vroman Mason, W T, S N E, Madison, Wis. A. B., Univ. of Wis., 1895. Member of Rho Kappa Upsilon Society. Author of Monograph on " Fugitive Slave Law in Wisconsin," pub- lished in State Historical Transactions. Junior Orator, 1894. Law Class Sec Langdon St. Charles Anson Mc Gee, J 7" J, Milwaukee, Wis. William Christie Mc Naught, J T J, Madison, Wis. Charles A. Phelps, B 6 U, Madison, Wis. Born Milwaukee, Wis., May 8, 1874. A. B., Univ., of Wis., 1896. No. 614 Langdon St. John Robertson Richards, B S Tl, Lake Geneva, Wis. B. L., Univ. of Wis., 1896. Capt. of Foot Ball Team, 1894-7. Mem. ber of Board of Directors of Univ. of Wis. Athletic Assn. Member of Univ. Crew, 1893-4. Pres. of Univ. Athletic Assn., 1897. Sidney William Smith, W T, Rockford, 111. Univ. of Wis., 1894-6. Manager of Daily Cardinal. Earle Clarence Tillotson, S A X, Baraboo, Wis. Univ. of Wis., 1893-6. Robert Allen Upham, X ^, Shawano, Wis. A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1896. Vice-Pres. of Republican Coll. League. SWAN GHAPTB.R IN THE SCHOOL OF LAW OF THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. ESTABLISHED 1893. UNDER an act of Congress passed July 2, 1862, the State of Ohio received from the United States a large grant of the public lands for the purpose of establishing a "college, where the leading objects shall be, without exclud- ing other scientific and classical studies, and including mili- tary tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such a manner as the Legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the indus- trial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life." Under this Agricultural Land Grant act of 1862, the State of Ohio received 630,000 acres of public land from the L^nited States, and, in accordance with the intention of the act, founded this University. The original endowment has been supplemented, and the objects of the University promoted, by a permanent annual grant from the United States under an act of 1890; by special appropriations of the General Assem- bly, and lastly, in 189 1, by a permanent annual grant from the State. The University is situated within the corporate 4o8 PHI DEL TA PHI. limits of the City of Columbus and about three miles from the State -Capitol. It possesses about 330 acres of land, most of which is devoted to agricultural and horticultural purposes. LIBRARIES. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. The University Library is located. in Ortori Hall, the east end of that building having been designed for its use until a separate building can be erected. Small collections of books specially needed in connection with laboratory and class- room work have been transferred from this room to the dif- ferent departments. With the exception of the books of law and general reference books, the library is a circulating one for officers and students of the University. The collection of law books numbers about 2,500 and consists of the Noble Law Library (presented by the widow of the late Henry C. Noble, of Columbus); the Emerson McMillin Law Library; and two sets of the Ohio State Reports, presented by the Supreme Court of Ohio. The Emerson McMillin Law Library was added during the last year. Mr. Emerson McMillin generously placed in the hands of the Faculty of the School of Law $3,000 to be expended in purchasing books for the library of the school. This sum was carefully expended by the Faculty and has secured to the University a working law library of great use- fulness. STATE LIBRARIES. The State Library, which occupies a large room in the State House, is open to all students as a reference library six days in the week. It contains about 65,000 volumes. The State Law Library is the largest and most complete law library in the State. It consists of about 15,000 volumes and contains complete sets of the English, Scotch, Irish, Canadian, United States and State reports, statutes and digests. The important legal periodicals are on file. SWAN CHAPTER. 409 CITY LIBRARIES. The Students of the University, as residents of Colum- bus, have access to the City Library and the Public School Library under the usual regulations. The City Library in the City Hall contains about 23,000 volumes. The Public School Library has a convenient new building on Town Street. It contains about 27,000 volumes, which are classified according to the Dewey system. The School of Law, established in i^()i, is provided with lecture-rooms and library accommodations in Orton Hall, recently completed at a cost of about $102,000. The petition of 11 charter members bore date of January 19, 1893, and was endorsed by the Scriptors of Kent and Hamilton Chapters, Governor McKinley, the professors in the School of Law, and by A. W. Sharp, of Hamilton '92, who had actively assisted the petitioners. The charter was issued by the Secretary of the Council on April 19, 1893, and on April 27 the Chapter was formally instituted by Brothers C. J. Baer, Hamilton '93; F. A. Davis, Kent '81; J. H. Dyer, Webster '90; B. ¥. James, Waite '87; W. B. Kelley, Hamilton '94; A. W. Sharp, Hamilton '92; C. M. Voorhees, Kent '93, and H. P. Will- iamson, Hamilton '93. At the inaugural banquet at the Hotel (Chittenden there were present the charter members, two seniors, three juniors, the fratres above mentioned, members of the Faculty, Captain Robert Smith, son-in-law of Judge Joseph R. Swan, and R. H. Piatt, grandson-in-law of the Judge. The first annual banquet was held at Smith's, May 11, 1894; the second at the Neil House, May 17, 1895, and the third at Hotel Chittenden, May 15, 1896. HONORARY MEMBERS. Isaac Newton Abernathy, Circleville, Ohio. A. B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1866. M. A., ibid.^ 1869. Member of Chrestomathian Literary Society. Prosecuting Attorney of Pickaway County, 1872-6. Judge of Common Pleas, Third Subdivision of Fifth Judicial District, 1890-5. Professor of Criminal Law, the Law of Extraordinary Legal Remedies, and Circuit and Supreme Court Practice, in the the School of Law, Ohio State University, 1892-6. Orlando Wesley Aldrich, Columbus, Ohio. A. B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1869. Ph. D., ibid., 1872. LL. B. 1875, and LL. D. in cursu, Albert University, Belleville, Ontario 1878. D. C. L.. i88r. Professor of Law, Illinois Wesleyan Univer sity, 1878-81. President of Sons of American Revolution, 1894 Judge Advocate of G. A. R. of Ohio, 1895. President of the Society of the War of 1812, in State of Ohio, and National Vice-President President of the Columbus and Worthington Street Railroad Com pany. Professor of the Law of Real Property and Mortgages, Office Practice, Conveyancing and the Study of Cases, School of Law, Ohio State University, 1 891-6. Aldrich & Critchfield, 11 Wesley Block No. 101 N. High Street. James Haskell Collins, Columbus, Ohio. General Counsel of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company. Professor of the Law of Corporations and Federal Practice, at Ohio State University, since 1891. (Res., No. 57 Lexington Avenue.) Y. M. C. A. Building. William Forrest Hunter, Columbus, Ohio. Dean of the School of Law, Ohio State University, since 1892. Profes- sor of the Law of Sales and Bailments. (Res., No. 1032 E. Town Street.) 18 Board of Trade Building. John Paul Jones, Columbus, Ohio. A. B., Ohio State University, 1880. Member of //^ N. High Street. George Kilbon Nash, Columbus, Ohio. Left Oberlin College at end of Freshman Year to enter army. A. B., conferred by Oberlin College, 1864. Attorney General of Ohio, 1880-3. Member of Supreme Court Commission, 1883-5. Prosecut- ing Attorney of Franklin County. Professor of the Law of Torts and Negligence, Ohio State University, since 1891. Address before the Ohio State Bar Association, July 16, 1896, "Life and Character of Hon. Allen G. Thurman," printed in Michigan Latv Journal, Au- gust, 1896. Nash & Lentz, 1101-7 The Wyandotte. Rutherford Hayes Platt, W T, Columbus, Ohio. A. B., Yale College, 1874. Travelled in Europe, 1874-7. LL. B., Co- lumbia College, 1879. Professor of the Law of Pleading and Prac- tice, Ohio State University, 1891-5. No. 13^ E. State Street. David Franklin Pugh, Columbus, Ohio. Judge of Common Pleas Court since 1887. Professor of Equity Jurispru- dence, Ohio State University, since 1891. (Res., No. 1320 Highland Street.) Office in Court House. Emilius Oviatt Randall, J K E, Columbus, Ohio. Ph. B., Cornell College, 1874. LL. B. LL. M., Ohio State University, 1892. Mercantile and Literary pursuits, 1878-90. Member of Board of Education of Columbus, 1887-90. President of Columbus Board Trade, 1887. Trustee of Ohio Archaeological Society by appointment, 1895. Assistant Secretary of Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in 1893 or 1894, and Secretary of the same since 1894. Ap- pointed Supreme Court Reporter in 1895. Professor of Commer- cial Law, Ohio State University, since 1892. (Res., No. 1025 E. Oak Street.) No. 351^ N. High Street. John Kelvey Richards, Columbus, Ohio. Born Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, March 15, 1856. A. B., Swarth- more College, Pennsylvania, 1875. A. B., Harvard College, 1877. Prosecuting Attorney of Lawrence County, 1880-2. City Solicitor of Ironton, 1885-9. State Senator from Eighth Ohio District in LXIXth General Assembly, 1890-2. Attorney General of Ohio during Gov- ernor McKinley's administration, 1892-6. Delegate to the National Republican Convention at St. Louis, 1896. No. 772 Franklin Avenue. E. O. Ricketts, Columbus, Ohio. No. 1004 Dennison Avenue. Rooms 5-6 Columbia Block, No. 165^ N. High Street. 412 PHI DELTA PHI, Horace LaFayette Wilgus, Ann Arbor, Michigan. B. S., Ohio State University, 1882. M. S., ibid., 1889. Member of Norton Lit. Society. Valedictorian. First honors in Higher Mathe- matics. Secretary to Dr. Orton. President Ohio State University, 1880. Tutor Mathematics, Ohio State University, 1878-81. Chief Clerk of Commissioner of Railroads and Telegraphs of Ohio, 1881-5. Instructor in Physiology, Ohio State University, 1882. Assistant to Receiver of Cincinnati and Mackinaw Railroad, 1885-6. In practice, 1886-1895. Professor of Elementary Law and Secretary of the Fac- ulty of the Law School, Ohio State University, 1891-5. Acting Professor of Law, University of Michigan, 1895-6. Professor of Elementary Law, Torts, Evidence and Corporation, University of Michigan. No. 83 Hill Street. CHARTER MEMBERS. Albert Arlington Clay, Cleveland, Ohio. A. B., Tri-State Normal College, 1891. Delegate to Third National Con- vention of Phi Delta Phi, June, 1895. 313 Society for Savings Building. Ira Crawford, Jr., B 6 II, Dayton, Ohio. B. S., Denison University, Granville, Ohio, 1888. M. S., idid., 1893. Gottschall, Limbert & Crawford, 46-8 Independent Order of Odd Fellows Building. Carl Gregg Doney, li II, Granville, Ohio. B. S., Ohio State University, i8gi. Post-graduate Course at Harvard, 1 891 -2. Editor-in-chief of Lantern. Editor of Makio. President Oratorical Association. Correspondent of Sunday News. Consul. President Alcyone Lit. Society. Contributor to IVestem Christian Advocate. Lecturer on "Mistakes of the Devil." Not in practice. Pastor of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church. Peyton Randolph Emery, X 0, London, Ohio. Attended Ohio Wesleyan University, 1889-91. Durflinger & Emery. Franklin Henry Gale, I X, Columbus, Ohio. LL. B., University of Michigan, 1892. LL. M., Ohio State University, 1893. I Dispatch Building. William Meriden Hill, A A ^ S. High St. Harry Prior Junk, 2' N, Columbus, O. Ohio State Univ., 1 891-3. Member of Alcyone Lit. Society. Scriptor, 1894-5. iioi Wyandotte Bldg. Perry Okey, Columbus, O. No. 303 E. Town St., or No. 105^ S. High St. Merrill Ulysses Ricketts, A T Q, Columbus, O. A. B., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1893. Member of Chrestomatian Lit. So- ciety. Consul, 1894-5. 5 Hayden Bldg. Augustus Theodore Seymour, B II, Columbus, O. Oberlin Coll., 1891-2. Denison Coll., 1892-3. 11 Board of Trade. Roy Spencer, A T Q, 6 N E, Toledo, O. ♦ Heidelberg Univ., Tiffin, O., 1S91-2. B. L., Univ. of Wooster, 1893. Proconsul, 1894-5. 14 Drummond Blk. George Luther Stoughton, VVesterville, O. A. B., Otterbein Univ., 1192. ^Qmhe-v ot Philophronean '^ocie.ty. Mayor of Westerville. Thomas Thomas, Columbus, O. Mt. Union Coll., 1889-90. Wooster Univ., 1890-2. Chief Clerk in Bu- reau of Labor Statistics, State House. (Res., Navarre, O.) Ross J. Wetherald, (l^ F A, Findlay, O. Findlay Coll., one year. No. 222j^ S. Main St. Guy Rulon Williams, 2' X, Havana, 111. Ohio State Univ., 1890-3. CLASS OF 1896. David Mathias Griffith, Kecksburg, Penn. Western Penn. Institute, 1889-92. Ohio State Univ., 1892-4. Editor of Lantern. Scriptor, 1895-6. George Linville Gugle, X (P, Columbus, O. Ohio State Univ., 1890-4. Cadet Capt. Class Pres. ig King Bldg. Leonard Antony Magruder, Columbus, O. Ph. B., Ohio State Univ., 1895. Member of Alpha Digamma. Sec. of Alcyone Lit. Society. Class Sec. 4 Board of Trade Bldg. Edward Thomson Powell, I X, Columbus, O. A. B., Ohio Weslegan Univ., 1894. Pres. of Senior Law Class, 1895-6. Consul, 1895-6. No. 518 E. Broad St. 4 1 6 PHI DEL TA PHI. CLASS OF 1897. Edgar Emmett Bagley, Zanesville, O. Fultonham Academy. Law Department, Univ. of Mich., 1 891-2. Mem- ber of Webster Lit. Society. No. 16 S. 5th St. Joseph M. Blake, Canton, O. No. 917 W. Tuscarawas St. George Washington Bope, Pleasantville, O. Fairfield Union Academy, 1890. Hiram Sherman Bronson, Z ¥, S N E, Columbus, O. B. L., Cornell Univ., 1889. Manager of Cornell Base Ball Team. Man- ager of Ohio State Univ. Annual, Scarlet and Gray. Delegate to the Fifth National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, December, 1896. Prps. of Senior Class, 1896-7. No. 207 W. nth St. Charles Harry Conley, Marion, O. Bellaire High School. Cincinnati Law School, where he affiliated with Hamilton Chapter, 1896-7. Cook Danford, Bellaire, O. Bellaire High School, 1892. William Luther David, Jr., I A E, Findlay, O. Findlay Coll., two years. Olean, N. Y., High School. Treas. of Ohio State Univ. Glee Club, 1896. No. 215 Clinton St. Cicero Earl Ellis, Columbus, O. No. 56 North Fourth St. Charles Thomas Herbert, B 8 11, Columbus, O. Ohio State Univ., 1890-4. Pres. of Dramatic Club. Tribune, 1896-7. Editor on Makio. Editor-in-chief of Lantern. Ohio State Univ. Intercollegiate Orator. No. 96 N. 5th St. Charles Harris Hower, Ben, Akron, O. No. 206 Fir St. Benner Jones, Jackson, O. Born Jackson Co., O., Oct. 23, 1868. B. S., Rio Grande College. Prin- cipal of School. Clyde Hollingsworth Judkins, Flushing, Belmont Co., O. A. B., Scio Coll., 1891. Office at St. Clairsville, Ohio. SWAN CHAPTER. 417 Harry Ellwood King, A T Q, Warren, O. Wooster Univ., 1890-3. Pres. or Junior Law Class, 1894-5. Permanent address, Newton Falls, Trumbull Co., O. Over W. R. Bank. Roy Everett Layton, B IJ, Wapakoneta, O. A. B., Ohio State Univ., 1895. Pres. of Horton Lit. Society, and of Political Science Club. Editor of Lantern. Pres. of Thurman Club. Class Orator. Scriptor, 1896-7. Editor-in-chief of Makio, 1897. George Sidney Marshall, Z A E, Columbus, O. Ph. B., Ohio State Univ., 1894. Managing Editor of The Lantern. Pres. of Class, 1894. Represented Ohio State Univ. in Inter-colle- giate Oratorical Contest. Historian, 1895-6. No. 43 E. 9th Ave. John Grant Mitchell, A K E, Columbus, O. A. B., Yale Univ., 1895. Class Historian. On Editorial Board of Y'ale Record. Student Harvard Law School, No. 432 E. Broad St. Samuel Galloway Osborne, Columbus, O. Ohio State Univ., 1 891-4. Delegate to the Fourth National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, June, 1895. Gladiator, 1895-6. (Res., No. 77 E 8th St. Harold Clapp Parsons, I N, Columbus, O. Ohio State Univ., 1893-4. Edward McMaster Perse, B 6 II, Oak Harbor, O. Oak Harbor High School, 1894. Luzerne A. Rickey, Senecaville, O. Born Senecaville, Nov. 2, 1865. Ph. B., Ohio State Univ. LowRY Francis Sater, J 0, Columbus, O. Ph. B., Ohio State Univ., 1895. Member of Alcyone Lit. Lit. Society. Editor-in-chief of The Lantern, 1894. Editor-in-chief of The Makio. Pres. of Oratorical Assn. Pres. of Class, 1895. Middle Law Class Pres., 1895-6. Proconsul, 1895-6. Consul, 1896-7. No. 114 But- ler Ave. Robert James Shank, J d, Hamilton, O. Miami Univ., 1891, Walker Steck Snyder, A T ^, Allegheny, Penn. Univ. of Penn. Pres. of Dramatic Club, 1895-6. Tribune, 1895-6. Pres. of Thurman Club, 1897. No. 195 Irwin Ave. ' Frank S. Walker, I N, Zanesville, O. A. B., Monmouth, 111., Coll., 1892. Student at Koenigl. Preuszische Georg August-Universitaet, Goettingen, 1893-4. Student at Koenigl. Preuszische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universitaet, Berlin, 1894-5. No. 47 4th St. 4i8 PHI DELTA PHI. Karl Thomas Webber, Columbus, O. Ohio State Univ. Student as Leipzig. Proconsul, 1806-7. No. 2585 W. Broad St. William Charles Wierman, Port Clinton, O. Born Union Town, Pa., Sept. 12, 1849. Oberlin Coll. Milan Univ. Member of Board of Education. Nevin Otto Winter, Bucyrus, O. A. B., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1891. Journalist in Europe, 1893-4. Charles Wallace Ziegler, Canton, Ohio. CLASS OF 1898. John E. Baker, ^ T A, St. Paris, O. Attended Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Harrison William Bock, (P J 6, Canton, O. Ohio State Univ., 1893-5. Frank Tildon Boesel, New Bremen, O. Ph. B., Ohio State Univ., 1896. Student at Harvard Law School. Rawson King Carlin, 2' A E, Findlay, O. Jesse Peck Dice, Akron, Ohio. Born Akron, Nov. 29, 1875. ^o* 216 Sumner St. Thomas Jefferson Green, Shelby, O. ROBKRT HUTCHINS JEFFREY, ColumbuS, O. Ph. B., VVillianns Coll., 1895. Traveling for Jeffrey I^anufacturing Co. E. Town St. Charles A. Keller, B S 11, Kenton, O. Born Kenton, Feb. 20, 1875. South Leighton St. Verne Durand Layton, H 6 11, Wapakoneta, O. Ohio State Univ., 1892-4. John T. Martin, Columbus, O. U. S. Mil. Academy, West Point, 1888, with rank of Second Lieut., U. S. A, Prof, of Mil. Science and Tactics, Ohio State Univ., since Sept., 1895. Promoted to First Lieut. No. 1194 Fair Ave. Norton Slaughter Monsarrat, Columbus, O. No. 515 E. Broad St. SWAN CHAPTER. 419 Charles Borland Nevin, # T J, Dayton, O. No. 428 W. 2d St. Frederick Nicholas Sinks, X ^, Columbus, O. Ph. B., Yale Univ., 1894. Care of Nash & Lentz, Wyandotte Bldg. Edward Travitt Smith, ^ A 0, Holden, Mo. Ohio State Univ., 1892-5. Historian, 1896-7. Lamar Sternberger, A T ^, Jackson, O. Ohio State Univ., 1894-5. CLASS OF 1899. Walter Dew Cline, ^ F A, DaytoN, O. Born Dayton, May g, 1 873. Ohio State Univ., 1895-7. Care of Wood- land. Charles Louis Flory, Newark, O. Born Newark, Nov. 16, 1876, Newark High School. No. 259 West Locust St. Israel Moore Foster,

K W, Chicago, 111. Born Dec. 16, 1869. State Univ. of la., three years. Capt. Foot Ball Team, 1893. Thesis Prize, 1894. Foster & Elliott, No. 59 Dear- born St. Conrad Frederick Hambrecht, Osage, la. Born in Mitchell Co., la., Nov. 3, 1865. B. S., Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage, 1886. Marsh & Hambrecht, Masonic Blk. George Byron Miller, Waterloo, la. Born Waterloo, Feb. 5, 1872. Waterloo High School. Peter Dirk Van Oosterhout, K, Orange City, la. Born Capel, Holland, Sept. 19, 1872. Ph. B., State Univ. of la., i8()3. Pres. of Zetagathian Lit. Society. Member of Tabard Lit. Society. Editor of Videtle- Reporter. Member of 'Varsity Track and Foot Ball Teams, 1893-4. Columbia Law School, 1894-5, where he affili- ated with Story Chapter. Hutchinson & Van Oosterhout. Morris Andrew Zollinger, - N, Northwood, la. Born Sterling, 111., Sept. I, 1869. Ph. B., Cornell Coll., la., 1891. Member of Adelphian Lit. Society. State Tennis Champion four years. 430 PHI DELTA PHL CLASS OF 1895. Joseph Holmes Allen,

ro tern, 1894. Scott & Scott, Bank fo Hamilton Chambers, No. 34 Yonge Street. Henry Campbell Small, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada. Upper Canada College, 1889. Honors in first and second years. Pickup & Small. William Henry Buchan Spotton, Wiarton, Ontario, Can- ada. B. A., University of Toronto, 1889. Consul, pro tem^ 1894. Tucker & Spotton. Hubert Lorne Watt, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Upper Canada College, 1889. Tribune, pro tem^ 1894. Secretary of Osgoode Law Club, 1895. Clarke, Bowes, Hilton & Swaby. Janes Building, No. 75 Yonge Street. CLASS OF 1895. John Furzer Elliott Patterson, Windsor, Ontario, Can- ada. B, A., Trinity University, 1892. Member of Osgoode Foot Ball Team, winning Championship of Dominion, 1892. Captain of Osgoode first Hockey Team, 1895. Patterson, Leggatt, Murphy & Sale. OSGOODE CHAPTER, 449 CLASS OF 1896. Robert Alexander Leo Defries, Toronto, Ontario, Can- ada. Trinity University. Proconsul, pro tern, 1894. Consul, 1895-6. (Resi- dence, No. 105 River Street.) Care of Robinson, O'Brien & Gibson, No. 74 Church Street. Arthur Buchanan Pottenger, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. B. A., Trinity University, 1S92. M. A., ibid.^ 1895. Tribune, 1895-6. No. 323 John Street, South. CLASS OF 1897. Ernest Campbell Cattanach, Toronto, Ontario, Canada A. B., Trinity University, 1894. First Class Honors in Mental and Moral Philosophy. Proconsul, 1895-6. Consul, 1896-7. No. 74. Saint George Street. Featherstone Britton Osler, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. C. E., Royal Military College, 1S94. Quebec Land Surveyor. Member of Osgoode Foot Ball Team, 1894-5. Gladiator, 1895-6. No. 125 College Street. John Thomas Connolly Thompson, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Stonyhurst College, England, 1885-92. Member of Stonyhiirst Union Debating Society. Honors in Greek and Latin. Rowed bow in win- ning boat of Argonaut Racing Crew in annual race, 1894. Scriptor, 1895-6. No. 631 Sherbourne Street. Edmund Carlyon Wragge, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Lincoln College, Sorel, Province of Quebec, 1887, and Upper Canada College. Trinity University, 189 1-2. No. 99 Wellesley Street. CLASS OF 1898. William Martin Griffin, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. University of Ottowa, 1892-3. Captain of Osgoode second Hockey Team. Third Scholarship at Law School in first and second examina- tions. Historian, 1895-7. No. 10 Saint Patrick Street. CLASS OF 1899. Joseph Anthony Thompson, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Stonyhurst College, England, 1887-94. Sec. 0?,goo6.Q Legal and Literary Society. Care of Beatty, Blackstone, Nesbitt, Chadwich & Riddell. INITIATES. CLASS OF 1896. Frederick William Tiffin, Stratford, Ont., Can. Stratford Collegiate Institute, 1890. Member of Collegiate Lit. Society. Sec. of Ontario Hockey Assn., since 1892. CLASS OF 1897. Robert Eugene Gagen, Toronto, Ont., Can. B. C. L., Toronto Collegiate Institute and Tenuly Univ., 1896. Silver Medal, 1896. No. 161 Huron St. CLASS OF 1898. Ernest Talford Bucke, Sarnia, Ont., Can. A. B., Upper Canada Coll. Trinity Univ., 1894. Charles Cochran Hayne, Toronto, Ont., Can. Upper Canada Coll., 1889. Lawrenceville School. Gladiator, 1896-7. No. 185 Beverly St. Elmer Watson Jones, Brockville, Ont., Can. Brockville Collegiate Institute, four years. Proconsul, 1896-7. Lawrence Maxwell Lyon, Toronto, Ont., Can. Trinity Coll. School, Port Hope, 1893. M amber of Editorial Staff of Toronto Globe. No. 5 Peter St. George Glen Moncrieff, Petrolia, Ont., Can. Upper Canada Coll., 1892. James Burrowes Noble, Petrolia, Ont., Can. Upper Canada Coll., 1892. Tribune, 1896-7. Toronto address, No. 117 College St. Edward Glyn Osler, Toronto, Ont., Can. A. B., Trinity Univ., 1895. First year Classical and Second and Third Year Philosophical Scholarships. Member of Osgoode Foot Ball Team, 1895. Scriptor, 1896-7. Timothy John Rigney, Kingston, Ont., Can. B. A., Ottowa and Queen's Coll., 1895. CLASS OF 1899. William Ridout Wadsworth, Toronto, Ont., Can. B. A., Trinity Univ., 1896. First Class Honors in History. First Class Honors in Modern Languages. No. 124 Tyndall Ave. FULLER CHAPTER IN THE CHICAGO COLLEGE OF LAW, BEING THE LAW DEPARTMENT OF LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY ESTABLISHED 1896. LAKE FOREST University was planned and its location selected by Presbyterians of Chicago and Waukegan in the year 1855. In February of 1856 ''The Lake Forest Association" was formed, and purchased 2,500 acres of land where Lake Forest now stands. Half of this land was per- manently set apart as Association property, and the plat of the town was recorded July 23, 1857. Every alternate lot was assigned as an endowment for a university, and 62 acres were set apart as inalienable campus. The institution was chartered by the State Legislature, February 13, 1857, as Lind University, subject to the control of the Synod of Peoria and its ecclesiastical successors. In the fall of 1858 the first building was erected and the academy begun. By an act approved February 16, 1865, the Legislature changed the name to Lake Forest University. 452 PHI DELTA PHI. Lake Forest is a suburb of Chicago, situated on the shore of Lake Michigan, 28 miles north of the city. Its site occu- pies the highest elevation of land along the lake between Chicago and Milwaukee. The town was originally laid out as a park, and is entirely devoted to residences and the University buildings. The charter prohibits the sale of all intoxicating drinks. COLLEGE BUILDINGS. Besides the residences provided for college officers, and student rooms and clubs, four buildings are in use for college work: (i) College Dormitory, used for offices, library, read- ing-room, chapel, society halls, and the departments bf French, Zoology, Physics and Chemistry; (2) North Hall, used -for the departments of Philosophy, Biblical Literature, Mathematics, Political and Social Science, and English, and the Herbarium; (3) Durand Art Institute, the gift of Mr. Henry C. Durand, containing a large hall for public exer- cises, and rooms for the departments of Economics, German, Greek, Latin, and Botany; (4) The Gymnasium, a fine build- ing thoroughly adapted to its purpose. COLLEGE LIBRARY. The Library contains some 13,000 volumes, mostly stand- ard literature. The scientific books are kept in the rooms and in -charge of the several professors of the scientific departments. A large portion of the classical books, in which the library is especially rich, is kept in the room of the Classical Seminar. The remainder of the collection, with the exception of a few books in class-room libraries, is in the general library. This is open to all the college and academy officers and students at stated hours during the day and on certain evenings. The books are classified and shelved on a simple subject-author system, and a complete finding-list is kept up for reference. The Chicago College of Law was organized in 1887, by the late Hon. Jos. M. Bailey, Justice of the Supreme Court FULLER CHAPTER. 453 of Illinois, assisted by the Hon. Thos. A. Moran, ex-Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, and also ex-Justice of the Appellate Court. In October, 1889, it became the Law Department of the above named University. The Melville W. Fuller Law Club was organized in the autumn of 1895, among students who were congenial and whose aims were similar. During the months of October and November they were assisted in the preparation of a petition for a charter by Brother W. S. Holden, Kent '90. Under date of Decem- ber 5, 1895, Brother Chas. W. Lucas submitted to the Council the draft of a petition signed by 19 applicants. It ought to be stated here that the final success of the petition was in a large measure due to the tireless zeal of Brother Lucas. The petition was the finest of its kind ever presented to the Chapters for action. Besides containing short biogra- phies of the members of the Faculty, it was embellished by a group photograph of the petitioners. It contained letters of endorsement from the members of the Faculty, Chief Justice Fuller, Judges of the Supreme, Appellate, Superior, Circuit and County Courts, as well as the approval of numer- ous resident alumni of Kent, Booth, Story, Choate and Harlan Chapters. Owing to misapprehension on the part of several Chapters, the granting of a charter was impossible until May 2, 1896. On May 12 the Chapter was formally instituted at Kinsley's, under the auspices of the Chicago Alumnus (Chapter. The initiatory ceremonies were conducted by the active members of Booth Chapter, the President of the Council formally installing the Chapter. The first banquet, held jointly with the Booth Chapter and the Chicago Alumnus Chapter, occurred on Monday, June 14, 1897, at the Union League Club, five honorary members being then initiated. HONORARY MEMBERS. Elmer Ellsworth Barrett, Chicago, Illinois. (Initiated June 14, 1897.) A. B., Lake Forest University. LL. B., ibid.^ 1891. Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago College of Law. Secretary of the Faculty of the Chicago College of Law, since 1887. Shope, Mathis, Barrett & Rogers, Rooms 1500-4 Title and Trust Building, No. 100 Washington Street. Edmund W. Burke, Chicago, Illinois. (Initiated June 14, 1897.) A. B., Northwestern University. Law De- partment, University of Michigan, 1868-9. Taught Latin and Greek at Northwestern University. Removed to Chicago and entered upon practice, 1871. Circuit Court Judge since 1893. Of the Faculty of the Chicago College of Law. Burke, Hallet & Tinsman. Orrin N. Carter, Chicago, Illinois. (Initiated June 14, 1897.) A. B., Wheaton College, 1878. Admitted to Illinois Bar, 18S0. Completed unexpired term of State's Attorney Dowd, 1886. State's Attorney four years. Attorney for Drainage Board, February, 1892, to June, 1894. Judge of Circuit Court of Cook County since 1894. Of the Faculty of the Chicago College of Law. John Gibbons, Chicago, Illinois. (Initiated June 14, 1897.) A. B., Notre Dame University, Indiana, 1S6S. LL. D., ibid.^ 1888. LL. D., St. Iquating College, Chicago, 1S95. Member of Iowa Legislature, 1876. Author of "Tenure and Toil," a refutation of the Single Tax theory, 324 pp., i88g. Editor of the Chicago Law Journal since 18S8. Judge of Circuit Court of Cook County since 1894. Of the Faculty of the Chicago College of Law since 1896. Thomas A. Moran, Chicago, Illinois. (Initiated June 14, 1897.) Studied Law at Kenosha, Wisconsin. LL. B., Albany Law School, 1866. Jadge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, 1879-85. Justice of the Appellate Court, 1885-9. One of founders of Chicago College of Law, 1887. Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago College of Law. Dean of the Chicago College of Law. Moran, Kraus & Mayer, 813-839 Unity Building. No. 79 Dearborn Street. CHARTER MEMBERS, SENIORS. Charles Hayes Burras, Chicago, Illinois. Oberlin College. (Res., No. 211 N. Kedzie Avenue.) Vermilyea, Burras & Wilcoxon, Room 36, No. 125 La Salle Street.) Charles Lee Caswell, Jr., Chicago, Illinois. Northwestern University. (Res., No. 3751 Vincennes Avenue.) 630 Chicago Opera House Building, No. 112 S. Clark Street. Edward Lee Cheetham, Chicago, Illinois. Lake Forest University. Tribune, 1896-7. (Res., No. 1714 Barry Avenue.) No. 240 W. Lake Street. Justin Melville Dall, Chicago, Illinois. (Res., No. 127 S. Willow Avenue, Austin, 111.) Care of Chicago Title and Trust Company, No. 100 Washington Street. Jerome Joseph Danforth, Chicago, Illinois. (Res., Hinsdale.) Manager of Abstract Department of Chicago Title and Trust Company, No. 100 Washington Street. Arthur William Vincent Eastburn, Chicago, Illinois. Denver University, 1894. (Res., No. 6355 Eggleston Avenue.) Care of Breese & Cummings, New York Life Building. Charles Walter Lucas, Chicago, Illinois. Northwestern University, 1890-3. President of the Melville W, Fuller Law Club, 1895-6. Scriptor, 1896. Delegate to the Fifth National Convention of Phi Delta Phi, December, 1896. Member of the Council of Phi Delta Phi since 1896. (Res., No. 2614 N. Win- chester Avenue.) Care of Moses, Rosenthal & Kennedy, Temple Bldg. Everett Ress McFadden, Chicago, Illinois. 29 Borden Block, corner of Randolph and Dearborn Streets. Frederick Adams Nichols, Chicago, Illinois. Battle Creek, Michigan, High School, 1890. No. 249 Washington Bou- levard. 456 PHI DELTA PHI. Bruce Borthwick Powell, ^ A 6, Chicago, Illinois. Northwestern University, 1893-4. Secretary of the Melville W. Fuller Law Club, 1895-6. (Res., No. 425 La Salle Avenue.) 532 Monad- nock Building. Alva James Shaw, Chicago, Illinois. Proconsul, 1896. (Res., No. 279 Fremont Avenue.) Care of Title and Trust Company, No. icx) Washington Street. Edward Elijah Shaw, Chicago, Illinois. (Res., Hinsdale.) Care of Title and Trust Company, No. 100 Washing- ton Street. Chester Warren Whitmore, Chicago, Illinois. (Res., No. 613 Leland Avenue.) Care of Chicago & Northwestern Rail- road Depot, Wells and Kinzie Streets. Howard Thomas Wilcoxon, T K Bledsoe & Bledsoe, Bogart Building. Hugh Henry Brown, J 7' J, ^ .V E, Steubenville, Ohio. Born Steubenville, May 4, 1872. A. B., Stanford University, 1896. Member of Skull and Snakes, Snake and Key, Dramatic Club, Press Club, Green Bag Moot Court, and other College organizations. No. 313 North Fourth Street. George Edward Crothers, I iV, San Francisco, California^ Born Wapello, Iowa, May 27, 1870. A. B.,in History, Stanford Univer- sity, 1895. A. M., in Law, ibid., 1896. Member of Alpha Lit. Soci- ety, and of Bench and Bar Law Club. Room 29, fourth floor. Mills. Building. Roderick Sammis Dart, J T J, Rock Island, Illinois. Born Rock Island, April 27, 1875. Stanford University, 1893-6. MILLER CHAPTER. 465 Charles Gordon Decker, B d U, Bakersfield, California. Born Charleston, Illinois, September 16, 1873. Stanford University, 1894-7. Member of Glee and Banjo Clubs, Scriptor, 1897-8. Orrison Verde Eaton, J 0, San Francisco, California. Born Indiana, January 25, 1870. Attended Indiana University. A. B., Stanford University, 1895. (Residence, No. 319 Pine Street.) William Pitt Gifford, J T, Erie, Pennsylvania. Born Greeley, Colorado. October 5, 1874. Stanford University, 1893-7. President of Etiphronia Lit. Society and of Bench and Bar Law Club. Secretary of Miller Law Club, 1896-7. Scriptor, 1897. No. 516 West Eighth Street. John Munford Gregory, Jr., B S //, Suisun, California. Born Suisun City, June 26, 1875. A. B., in History, Stanford University, 1896. Member of Track Athletic Team. Member of Green Bag Law Club, 1895-6. Member of Bench and Bar Law Club, 1896-7. Historian, 1897. Caspar Wistar Hodgson, (P J 8, San Francisco, California. Born Spiceland, Indiana, April 30, 1868. A. B., in Law, Stanford Uni- versity, 1896. Member of Grejn Bag Mo-^t Court. No. 327 San- some Street. Charles Ross Lewers, J T, Franktown, Nevada. Born Franktown, Washoe County, Nevada, May 20, 1873. A. B., Nevada State University, 1S93. A. B., in Law, Stanford University, 1896. Member of '96 Class Foot Ball Team. Substitute on 'Var- sity. President of Euphronia Lit. Society. Member of Bench and Bar Law Club. Special course, Harvard Law School, 1896-7. Abraham Lewis, Z W, 9 \ E, Gilroy, California. A. B., in History, Stanford University, 1895. Member of Bench and Bar Law Club, and of MiDer Law Club. First editor of The Stan- ford Quad. Member of 'Varsity Foot Ball and Base Ball Teams. Hastings College of the Law, 1896-7. Initiated at POMEROY Chap- ter, February 11, 1897. San Francisco address. Room 28, loth floor, Mills Building. Wilson Clark Price, A 0, ONE, Jamestown, New York. Born Jamestown, July 3, 1875. Stanford University, 1893-7. Member of Skull and Snakes, (local), and of Sword and Sandals. No. 208 Lake View Avenue. Jackson Eli Reynolds, I P //, New York City, New York. Born Harvard, Illinois, March, 1873. A. B., in Law, Stanford Univer- sity, 1896. Special course, Columbia Law School, 1896-7. No. 50 West Fifty-first Street. 466 PHI DELTA PHI. John MasOxN Ross, A T A, e N E, Steubenville, Ohio. Bom Washington, Indiana, May 6, 1874. Stanford University, 1893-7. Member of Skull and Snakes, Theta Nu Epsilon, Sword and San dais. Bench and Bar, Glee Club, etc. Consul, 1897. Temporary address, Palo Alto, California. William Widgery Thomas, 2D, J K E, Portland, Maine. Born Portland, Maine, April 18, 1873. A. B., Bowdoin College, 1894. Stanford University, 1895-7. Member of Skull and Snakes, Bench and Bar. Gladiator, 1897.* No. 167 Danforth Street. CLASS OF 1896. William Baldwyn Fletcher, Jr., I X, S N E, Indianapolis, Ind. Born Indianapolis, Aug. 9, 1873. Butler Univ., 1S91-2. Stanford Univ., 1892-4. Harvard Univ., 1894-5. Stanford Univ., 1895-6. A. B., in Law, idi(/. No. 130 N. Alabama St. Charles Paul Kaetzjel, Cambria, Cal. Born Cambria, Dec. 13, 1874. A. B., in Economics, Stanford Univ., 1896. CLASS OF 1897. Franklin Elisha Bump, (P V J, Wausau, Wis. Initiated at Harlan Chapter, see Record, p. 400. Affiiliated with Kent Chapter, 1895-6. Evans Holbrook, A A 0y 8 N E, Onawa, la. Born Onawa, Jan. 15, 1875. Univ. of Mich., 1893-5. Member of Skull and Snakes, Sword a^-d Sandals. Tiibune, 1897. Gladiator, 1897-8. Francis Webster Lake,

A' ^, Kansas City, Missouri. Born St. Louis, Missouri, September 13, 1875. Michigan Military Acad- emy, Orchard Lake, Michigan, 1893. University of Kansas, 1893-7. Member of Supreme Court Law Club. Delegate to General Conven- tion of Phi Kappa Psi. 704-8 New York Life Building. Harold Marion Blackshire, I N, 6 N E, Clover Cliff Ranch, Chase County, Kansas. Born Elmdale, Kansas, May i, 1874. College of Emporia, 1892-4. Captain of University of Kansas Base Ball team. Treasurer of Na- tional Division four of Sigma Nu. Saint Louis Law School, 1897-8. Clarence Alexander Burney, (P F J, Ottawa, Kansas. Born Rantaul, Kansas, March 27, 1871. Graduate of Ottawa College. A. B., University of Kansas, 1895. M. A., idit^., 1897. Vice- President of University of Kansas Oratorical Association. Member of Supreme Court Law Club. Manager of University of Kansas Foot Ball team. Thomas Harley, Geneseo, Kansas. Born Roscoe, Illinois, January 6, 1872. Park College, 1886-9. Mana- ger of Kansas University Lawyer. Member of Supreme Court Law Club. Member of Kansas Day Club. William Harris Mason, S N E, Lawrence, Kansas. Born Kansas City, Missouri, October 30, 1871. LL. B., University of Kan- sas, 1896. Member of Adelphic Lit. Society. Manager of The Lotus, 1894-5. Secretary of State Oratorical Association, 1895-6. Mana- ger, later Editor of Kansas University Lawyer. Vice-President of Law Alumni Association. Published a work on Probate Practice for Kansas. Postgraduate, 1896-7. Vice President of Green Law Club, 1896-97. Prosconsul, 1896-7. Poehler & Mason, second floor,. Frazer Building. Wilder Stevens Metcalf, Lawrence, Kansas. Born Milo, Maine, September 10, 1855. A. B., Oberlin College, 1878. Member of Supreme Court Law Club. President of Senior Class, 1896-7. President of Green Law Club, 1896-7. Consul, 1897. Colonel of First Regiment, Kansas National Guards. Russell & Metcalf, No. 620 Ohio Street. GREEN CHAPTER, 477 Clyde Winwood Miller, B II, 6 N E, Osage City, Kansas. Born Des Moines, Iowa, June 30, 1874. A. B., University of Kansas, 1895. M. A., ibid., 1897. Vice-President of Athletic Association. Manager of University of Kansas Comedy Club. Columbia Law School, 1897-8. Adrian Fisher Sherman, (P K ¥, Topeka, Kansas. Born Rossville, Kansas, July 10, 1872. A. B., University of Kansas, 1893. Captain of Foot Ball team. Captain of Track team. Tennis Champion. Member of Glee and Banjo Clubs, etc. Member of Su- preme Court Law Club. Clarence Irving Spellman, B U, S N E, Kansas City, Born Jacksonville, Illinois, February 25, 1874. University of Kansas, 1893-5. Editor-in-chief of /Kansas Unive^'sity Review. Local Edi- tor of Kansas University Weekly, 1897. Member of Glee and Com- edy Clubs. No. 23 Olive Street. Thomas Edward Wagstaff, I X, S N E, Lawrence, Kansas. Born Galesburg, Illinois, July 23, 1875. A. B., University of Kansas, 1897. Secretary and Director of University of Kansas Athletic Asso- ciation. Secretary of Law Class, 1896-7. Member of University of Kansas Glee Club, 1894-6. Of Comedy Club, 1894-7. Robert Wesley Wells, N E, Hyattsville, Maryland. Born Washington, D. C, August lo. 1875. Maryland Academy, Bladens- burg, Maryland. Washington, District of Columbia, High School, one year. President of Kent Law Club, 1S95-6. President of Adelphic Lit. Society, 1896. Junior Law Class Orator at Law Alumni Banquet, i8g6. Local Editor of Kansas University Lawyer, 1895-6. Authorized representative of University of Kansas before the State Legislature, 1897. Secretary of Green Law Club, 1896-7. Scriptor, 1897. Acting Clerk of Probate Court of Douglas County. CLASS OF 1897. Samuel D. Bishop, Lawrence, Kansas. Robert Bruce Campbell, Fort Scott, Kas. Born Fort Scott, Kas., Aug. 5, 1873. Member of Athletic Assn. 12th and Eddy Sts. Alpheus William Cornelius, Ottawa, Kas. Senior Class Orator at Law Alumni Banpuet, June 8, 1897. Marshall Alexis Gorrill, Lawrence Kas. LL. B., Univ. of Kas., 1&95. Frank Everett Howre, (P K ¥, Lawrence, Kas. 478 PHI DELTA PHU Myron Arthur Limbocker, (P A 8, Manhattan, Kas. Born Manhattan, Nov. 9, 1876. B. S., Kas. Agricultural Coll., 1895. Frank D. Merriam, ^ T J, Topeka, Kas. Alexander Clark Mitchell, Lawrence, Kas. County Attorney of Douglass Co. James Hamilton Mitchell, Lawrence Kas. Tribune, 1897. ^ Louis Charles Poehler,

o. '84 75 Douglass, Archibald G., Co. '87 130 Douglass, John H., Jr., Co. '98 140 Douthitt, Matthew P., Co. '89.. 133 Dow, Harvey D., T. '98 341 Dowd, Frederick C, We. '90. 200 Dowd, Glenville A., Co. '94.... 136 Dowd, Thomas H., Cg. '92 315 Dowling, Edward C, Cg. 'gi... 314 Downs, James R., K. '83 33 Doyle, Frederick S., Mar. '94... 174 Doyle, William A., Bo. '87 79 Doyon, Bertrand H., Har. '99... 404 Dozier, Thomas B., P. '88 149 Drabelle, John W., Co. '85 129 Draper, Charles S., K. Hon.... 8 Draper, Charles W., Mar. '94... 172 Dray, Gail, Bo. '97 93 Dresbach, Charles, K. '86 38 Dresser, Alvin C, We. '95 207 Drew, Charles M., Di. '94 362 Drezmal, Max A., Bo. '89 81 Driscoll, Cornelius T., Wa. Hon 271 Drown, William N., Wa. '98... 287 Drum, John S. Jr., P. '94 152 Drury, George A., We. '92 203 Dudgeon, Matthew S., Har. '95 399 Dudley, Charles H., K. '86 38 Dudley, Irving B., Mar. '84 162 Duffey, Edwin, St. '93 116 Du Fresne, Frederick, L. '98... 442 Duncan, Frederick S., St. '93.. 116 Duncan, Robert, P. '93 151 Duncan, Winthrop H., Wa. '96 284 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 547 Duncklee, George W., Wa. '98 287 Dunkin, Robert R., T. '92 333 Dunn, Denton, Co. '91 134 Dunn, Jacob P., K. '76 23 Dunn, Robert W., K. '95.. 53 Dunton, Arthur J., We. '98 212 Dunton Harry I., K. '95 53 Dupee, Eugene H., Bo. '91 84 Durand, Hamilton H., St. '94.. 117 Durand, John S., St. '83 102 Durand, Loyal, Har. '91 394 Durant, John MacW. , Cg. '97.. 323 Durbin, Horace G., G. '89 243 Dutcher, Charles M., Mc. '94... 429 Dutcher, Louis VV., Mc. '98 435 Dutton, Kirk A., Fr. '96 457 Duvall, Edward S. Jr., Mar. '96 176 Dvvight, Edward F., St '89 iii Dwight, Frederick, St. '97 121 Dwight, Winthrop E., Wa. '96.. 284 Dye, Oliver W., J. '86 183 Dyer, Joseph H., We. '90 200 Dyer, Joseph O., Wa. '89 274 Dyer, William S., J. '86 183 Eagles, William B., Min. '94.... 351 Eakle, Edward H., Mar. '91.,.. 168 Earle, Thornton, Fd. '96 305 Earley, Cornelius J., Fd. '91... 298 Earll, Arthur R., P. '85 145 Eastburn, Arthur W. V., Fr.'96 455 Eastham, Harry C, Cha. '96... 384 Eastin, George, T. '97 339 Easton, Charles P., St. '89 ill Easton, Lucian F., K. '80 29 Eaton, Joel M., K. '75 21 Eaton, John Q., Mar. '96 176 Eaton, OrrisonV., Mil. '96 465 Eaton, Rufus I., K. '83 33 Eddy, Benjamin L., Cha. '94... 382 Eddy, Charles B., Wa. '95 2S3 Edgar, William R., K. '71 15 Edmunds, Frank H., J. '88 186 Edmunds, John W., Dan. '94.... 373 Edwards, Albert N., Co. '88.... 132 Edwards, John B., Co. '98 141 Effinger, John R, Jr., K. '92.... 48 Ehle, Louis C, Bo. '93 88 Eichberg, David, Ham. '88 223 Eichhorn, William H., K. '92.. 48 Eldred, Kent L., T. '96 338 Elliott, Albert D., K. '87 40 Elliott, George B., Cho. '9O 264 Elliott, George C, Be. '84 62 Elliott, Horace J., Fr. '97 457 Elliott, Lloyd L., Mc. '94 429 Elliott, Robert W. B., St. '97.. 121 Ellis, Cicero E., Sw. '97 416 Ellis, David. A., Cho. '96 265 Ellis, Halcolm G., Co. '91 134 Ellworth, Allan McL., Cha. '98 384 Elston, Judson A., Cg. Hon 311 Elting, Victor M., K. '92 48 Elwell, Percy S., Har. '96 401 Ely, Frederick D. Jr., We. '90.. 200 Ely, Fred W., Dan. '92 372 Ely, Nathan D., Mc. '95 430 Embler, Edward G., K. '79 27 Emery, Dean, Fd. '96 305 Emery, Peyton R., Sw. '93 412 Emrich, Myer S., Bo. '91 85 English, Daniel B., K. '74 20 English, Harry, Mar. '90 167 English, John T., Be. '82 61 Entwisle, Frank L., Fd. '91 298 Epler, Carl E., K. '79 28 Ernshaw, George W., We. '88.. 197 Errant, Joseph W., Bo. '86 77 Erwin, Frank A., Fd. '91 298 Essick, Henry H., Fd. '95 304 'Este, Rafael A., Fd. '92 300 Esterly, Robert E., Di. '94 362 Estill, Joe G., Wa. '93 280 Evans, Charles J., P. '92 151 Evans, Frederick J., Bo. '92.... 87 Evans, George A., T. '97 339 Evans, Marvin, We. '94 206 Evans, William L., Har. '94 398 Everett, Torrey, St. '95 119 Eversole, Edwin T., Co. '8y 133 Evarts, Olen L., K. '91 46 Ewing, Charles H., Bo. '95 91 Ewing, Hampton D., St. '93.... 116 Ewing John J., Ham. '92 229 Ewing, Mark, Co. '95 137 Ewing, Mark, Co. '96 138 Ewing, S. Blaine, G. '92 245 Ewing, Thomas, Jr., St. '89 in Ewing, Thomas, Jr., Mar. '89.. 166 -^ Fabyan, Harry C, We. '96 209 Fahy, Joseph R., G. '89 243 Fairbank Kellogg, Cho. '93 260 Fairchild, John A., K. '87 40 Fake, Frederick L. Jr., Fr. '97 456 Fallows Edward H., St. '92 114 548 PHI DEL TA PHI. Farley, Robert E., T. '92 333 Farnham, Charles W., Di.'95... 364 Farnsworth, El bridge C, P. '84, 146 Farr, Frederick H., Cg. '97 .... 323 Farrar John A., We. '96 209 Farrington, Edward S., P. '87.. 148 Farwell, John H., L. '96 441 Farwell, William D., Fd. '93... 301 Farwell, William W., Bo. Hon 69 Faulhaber, Ernest A., Di. '98... 367 Faust, Frederick* De C., Mar. '93 171 Fawcett, Jacob, L, Hon 439 Fehr, Jacob, Har. '97 403 Felker, Carl, Har. '93 396 Felker, Frederic, Har. '92 393 Fellows, Edward St. C, We. '92 203 Fellows Homer H., Mc. '94 427 Felsenthal, Ely B., Bo. 'Si 72 Fenley, Greene, Ham. '91 228 Fenlon, Thomas P. Jr., K. '87.. 40 Ferguson, Clarence J., We. '92 203 Fernald, Elbridge S., We. '95.. 207 de Ferrari, Senor Don M. A. M., Mar. '94 172 Ferris, Clarence C, St. '92 114 Fethers, Edward M., J. '6S 186 Ficken, Henry H., Wa. \y. 283 Field, Charles A., Sw. '91 .... 413 Field Freeman, K. '97 56 Finch, Edward R., St., '9b 123 Finley, Percy, Wa. '94 281 Finerty, Owen F., Fd. '91 ' 298 Fischer, Edwin P., Fd. \^6 305 Fish, John K., Bo. '94 90 Fisher, Harry K., We., '97 211 Fisher, Samuel H., Wa. '92 278 Fisk, Otis H., Ham. '99 238 Fiske, Charles W., Bo. '86 77 Fitch, Henry E., Har. '91 393 Fitch, Joseph H., Bo. '82 73 Fitch, Thomas G., K. '82 31 Fitzgerald, William T. A., We. '97 ,. 211 Fitz Gibbon, James R., Sw. '94 413 Flanders, George L., J. '88 186 Fleming, Matthew C, K. '89... 43 Fleming;, Matthew C, Ham. '89 224 Fletcher, Elmer H., We. '96... 209 Fletcher, George L., Min. '97.. 353 Fletcher, William B. Jr., Mil. '96 466 Flickinger, Jacob L., K. '72 17 Flickinger, Karl A., Ham. '89.. 224 Flory, Charles L., Sw. '99 419 Flower, Henry C, K. 'S5 37 Flower, Jewell, We. '99 213 Foard, James G., K. '91 46 Foerster, Constantine E. A., P. '86 147 Folds, George R., Di. '97 366 Follansbee, Mitchell D., Bo.'93 88 Follelt, Charles, Ham. '99 238 Follett, Henry R., J. '9r 18S FoUett, John 1)., Ham. '95 234 Folsom, Benjamin F. , Dan. '91 372 Folsom, Ernest C, L. '98 443 Folsom, Henry H., We. '99 213 Folsom, Richard S.. Bo. '96 92 Folsom, William R., Fr. '98.... 458 Foltz, Edward P., P. '97 154 Foote. Robert B. Jr., Dan. '94.. 373 Foraker, Joseph B. Jr., Ham. '95 235 Forbes, Allen B., Wa. '88 274 Forbes, Charles S., We. '89 19S Forbes, Edwin A., P. '84 146 Force, Manning F., Ham. Hon. 217 Ford, Eugene A., Be. '81 61 Ford, Marcus C, Har. '97 403 Ford, Waller B., Wa. '98 287 Forrest, Samuel W., We. '88.... 197 Forster, William, St. '83 102 Forsyth, William B., Min. '96.. 352 Fosdick, Robert A., J. '84. 181 Foster, Arthur F., Cho. '89 253 Foster, Charles W., K. '96 54 Foster, Dudley H., Sw. '95.... . 414 Foster, Israel M., Sw. '99 419 Foster, Ralph W., We. '85 194 Foster, Reginald, We. '86 194 Foster, Stephen A., Cho. '91... 257 Foster, Stephen O., K. '77 24 Foster, William E., Bo. '88 80 Foster, William H., J. '84 181 Foulke, Roland R., G. '97 2.|6 Fowler, Carl H.. Di '98 367 Fowler, Charles G., K. '79 28 Fowler, Edward M., Fd. '96 305 Fowler, William H., P. '88 149 Foy, Julius L., Co., '94 136 Frailey. Charles L., Mar. '93... 171 Frambach, Arthur A , Har. '97 403 Francis, Charles R., Bo. '89 81 Franklin, Charles W., K. '83... 33 Franklin, Hervey R., Wa. '91... 277 Eraser, William A., K. '72 17 Eraser, William A.,K. '76 23 Frear, Walter F., Wa. '90 276 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 549 Frederic, Charles L., K. '76 23 Freedman, Lewis H., St. '95 ... iig Freeman, Charles F., Jr., Har. '96 401 Freeman, Franklin, We. '96 209 Freeman, Harrison B., Jr., We. '94- 281 French, LeRoy N., Cg. '96 322 van Fridagh, Paul, Cha. '93 382 Friedmann, Hermann G., St. '96 120 Fries, Harry K., G. '87 241 Frisbee, Ernest L., Ham. '87... 221 Frisbie, Nathaniel B., P. '95 152 Frost, Plenry G., We. '86 195 Frost, James S.. J. '88 186 Frost, Ralph A., Fd. '95 304 Frost, Robert W., Cho. '90 254 Frothingham, Louis A., Cho.'96 265 Frye, William B., Dan. '94 373 Fukushima, , Co. '93 136 Fulkerson, Frank B., T. '92 333 Fuller, Frederick B., Bo. '94... 90 Fuller, Frederick D., We. '88... 197 Fuller, Gideon S., K. '81 30 Fuller, Joseph R., We. '96 209 Fuller, Melville W., Cho. Hon. 251 Fullerton, William D., St. '89.. ill Fulton, Albert B., Fd. '97 307 Fulton, Thomas C, Cg. '93 317 Fulton, Walter S., K. '94 51 Furber, George P., Cho. '90 255 a- Gaddis, Edward E., P. '88 149 Gaffney, Charles H., Har. '93.. 396 Gage, Benjamin A., K. '96 54 Gagen, Robert E., O. '97 450 Gaines, Charles I^., T. '95 337 (jale, Franklin H., Sw. '93 412 Gale, John P., K. '79 28 Galentine, William A., \. '86... 183 Gallagher, Andrew E., P. '85... 146 Gallinger, William H., Mar. '93 170 Galloway, Fred J., Cg. '96 322 Galloway, Robert W., Cha. '97 384 Galusha, Howard H., Co. '90... 133 Galvin, Maurice L., Ham '93... 232 Game, Reed H., Sw. '99 419 Games, John I., Gr. '95 473 Games, John I., Gr. '96..-. 474 Games, Moses W., Gr. '96 474 Ganse, Franklin W., Co. '84... 128 Gantenbein, Calvin U., Cha. '91 380 Gard, Warren, Ham. '94 234 Gardner, Harry G., Bo. '94 90 Gardner, James P., Bo. '88 80 Gardner, Jonathan E., P. '98... 155 Garfield, Harry A., St. '88 108 Garfield, Irvin McD, Cho. '96.. 265 Garfield, James R., St. '88 109 Garland, David S., Min. '92 — 349 Garland, George E., J. '84 181 Gaineau, George F., Co. '90... 133 Garnsey, John H., Bo. '90 83 Garnsey, John K., J. '92 188 Garrett, Edwin E., Min. '90 347 Garrett, John O., K. '78 25 Garrick, Frederick C, Fd. '96.. 305 Garrison, Beniarain C, K. '86.. 38 Garrison, Frank P., Ham. '97.. 236 Garrison, Lindley M., G. '86... 241 Garvin, William E., Co. '84.... 128 Gary, George A., K. '75 21 Gary, Olin J., Bo. '80 ....'. 72 Gasten, William, St. '91 112 Gates, Andrew F., Wa. '89 275 Gates, Charles B., K. '74 20 Gatewood, William O., T. '97.. 339 Gatley, Howard P., Mar. '95... 174 Gavin, Michael, Wa. '97 286 Gavit, Frank N., Bo. '91 85 Gayley, Henry B. St. '88 109 Gaylord, Robert B., P. '97 154 Gear, Dale D., Gr. '96 474 Gearhart, Harry G., Di. '91 359 Geary, George R., O., '94 448 Gedney, George W., J. '92 189 Geisse, William F. G., Fd. '88. 295 Geller, Frederick, St. '85 104 Gemmell William H. M., Di.'gs 364 Geohegan, Harry, Bo. '81 72 George, Charles H., Har. '96... 401 George, Ransom G., K. '97 56 George, William, Bo. '85 76 Gerald, Albert K., Cho. '96 265 Gernez, John A., Co. '84 129 Gessler, Theodore A., Fd. '95.. 304 Gibbons, John, Fr. Hon 454 Gibbs, James T., Mar. '90 166 Gibson, George J. Jr., Wa. '97.. 286 Giddings, Arthur E., Di. '92... 360 Giddings, Charles, Fd. '91 298 Giddings, Charles I, Cho. '90.... 255 Gifford, James M., St. '83 102 Gifford, William P., Mil. '95... 465 Gilbert, Clarence H., Cha. '97.. 384 Gilbert, William B., K. '72 17 Gilbert, William B., Cha. Hon. 379 550 PHI DELTA PHI. Gilbert, William O., Mar. '92.. 170 Gilchrist, John F., Fr. '97 457 Giles, Arthur H., Mar. '92 168 Gilfallan, Bailey W., Ham. '86 219 Gilkeson, Roswell F., Co. '87. 130 Gillespie, George B., Be. '87... 64 Gillett, Howard F,, Bo. '97.. 93 Gilman, George H., St. '93 116 Gilmore, James H., Min. Hon., 345 Gilmore, JamesH. Jr., Min. '93. 350 Gilmour, Allan P., K. '95 53 Gilpatric, Fred €., We. '89 198 Given, William B., K. '75 21 Gladden, Frederick C., Cg. '94. 319 Glade, John -H., K. '80 29 Glenn, Edwin F., Di. '91 ., ... 359 Glennon, Edward T. Bo., '84.. 75 Glicksman, Nathan, Har. 93 396 Glidden, Willis B., Ham. '90... 226 Glisan, Rodney L, St. '93 116 Glisan, Rodney L., Cha. '92 381 Godchaux Emile, Wa. 'q8 287 Goddard, Charles F., St. '89... in Goddard, Frank M., K. '85 37 Goetzinger, Martin E., Di. '96 365 Goggin, George P., Cha. '98.. 385 Going, Judson F., Bo. '85 76 Goldthwaite, George T., St. '94 117 Gonski, Casimir, Har. '93 396 Good, Benjamin F., L. Hon... 439 Good, James W., K. '93 49 Gobdbody, Francis W., Bo. 89 81 Goodell, Lewis W., Bo. '83 — 74 Goodenough, LumanW., K. '98 56 Goodner, Ivan W., L. '97 442 Goodrich, James E., T. '03.... 335 Goodsell, Elihu B., Har. 91... 394 deGoosh, Arthur W., We. '96.. 209 Gordon, Henry I, Cg. '92 316 Gordon, James H., Min. '90... 346 Gordon, Lindell, Co. '92 135 Gordon, William R., Min. '92. 349 Gorham, Nathaniel, Dan. '97.... 375 Gorrill, Marshall A., Gr. '97.... 477 Gosbey, Perley F., K. '88 41 Goshen, B21mer I., Bo. '96 92 Goss, John D., Di. '92 360 Gossett, Alfred N., Co. '83 128 Gottry Edward C, Di. '94 362 Gough, Milton Le Roy, Mar. '93 171 Gould, Ashley M., Mar. '84.,.. 160 Gould, Ernest G., Cg. '91 315 Gould, Marshall W , We. '96 .. 209 Gourlay, Frederick W., G. '96. 246 Gow, Bernard A., T. '96 338 Graham, Alexander R., Cg. '93. 317 Graham, Archibald, Wa. '95.... 283 Graham, Frank L., Mar. '91... 168 Graham, George N., Cg. '93... 317 Graham, Thomas R., G. '91... 244 Graham William A., Mc. 97.... 433 Grandy, Albert S., Mar. '85... 163 Granger, Charles T., Mc. Hon. 425 Granger, Rollo S., Mc. '96 431 Grant, Claudius B., K. Hon 8 Grant, James C, Mar. '92 168 Grattan, Robert, Min. '94 351 Graves, Frank P., K. '95 53 Graves, Harmon S., Wa. '94... 282 Graves, John H., Dan. '98 376 Gray, Burton P., We. '96 209 Gray, Gerald H., Cho. '92 258 Gray, James W., Be. '89 65 Gray, John C. , Cho. Hon 251 Gray, Roland, Cho. '98 267 Gray, William, T. '96 338 Gray, William A., G. '97 246 Gray, William E., J. '86 183 Greeley, Arthur P., Mar. '86... 163 Greeley, William B., Mar. '86 163 Graves, Harry C, J. '87 184 Green, Guy W., L. '97 442 Green James W., Gr. Hon 471 Green, John F., Co. '90 133 Green, Philamon B., L. '96.... 441 Green, Reed, Be. '86 64 Green, Thomas J., Sw. '98 418 Greene, J. Kent, Bo. '91 85 Greene, Joseph F., K. '85 37 Greene, Philip F., L. '95 440 Greene, William K., Fd. '97... 307 Greenfield, James R., Cha. '92 3S1 Greenlaw, Ralph M., We. '97.. 211 Greenwood, James Jr., K. '74. 20 Gregory, Charles E., Bo. '82... 73 Gregory, Charles N., Har., Hon 391-2 Gregory, John M., Jr., Mil., '96 465 Gresham, Otto, Mar. '87 165 Grevemeyer, George A., G. '98. 247 Grey, Edwaid E., Har. '94.... 398 Gridley, Martin M., Bo. '85... 76 Grier, James -P., Bo. '92 87 Griffin, Levi T., K., Hon 8-9 Griffin, William M., O. '98 449 Griffin, William W., K. '8g 43 Griffith, David M., Sw. '96.. . 415 Griffith, John K., Ham. '88 223 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 551 Griffith, Sterling P., Be. '85... 63 Griggs, Frank H;, Di. '95 364 Grimm, John H., Co. '86 130 Griswold, Harry G., Mar. '90... 167 Groom, Richard W., K. '85 37 Groom, Richard W., Cg. '94.... 319 Grosshans, Frank E., Ham. '92 229 Grover, Edwin M., We. '97 211 Grover, James H., Co. '96 138 Groves, Hiram J., T. '93 335 Grovit, Daniel A., Cha. '96 384 Gugle, George L., Sw. '96 415 Guilford, William R.-, We. '96 209 Guilford, William R., Di. '94.. 363 Gullette, Harry W., Cha. '95.,. 383 Gunderson, Claus J., K. '83... 33 Gunter, Walker T., T. 'gi 331 Guthrie, Alfred A., J. '84 i8i Guthrie, William F., St. '87... 107 Guthrie, Warren W., Jr., K. '96, 54 Guy, Thomas H., J. '92 1S9 Gwinn, Arthur, T. '97 339 Gwinn, James G., T. '92 332 -EI. Haben, Leo, Har. '92 393 Haben, Leo, Har. '94 398 Hadley, Herbert S. Bo., '94... 90 Hadlock, Albert E. Cho., '93.. 260 Hager, Edgar, We. '91 202 Hagerman, Percy, Wa. '92 278 Haid, George F., Co. '97 139 Haig, Alfred R., G. '91 244 Hale, Frederick, St. '99 124 Hale, Richard W., Cho. '95 263 Hale Silas W., We. '89 198 Hall, Albert H., Mar. '85 162 Hall, Elisha S., We. '87 195 Hall, Frank B., We. '90 200 Hall, Frank H , Mar. '94 171 Hall, John L., Wa. '96 284 Hall, Louis A., We. '97 211 Hall, Louis M., Co. '95 137 Hall, Prescott F., Cho. '92 258 Hall, Walker C, Ham. '90.... 226 Jiall, William R., We. '95 283 Halliday, Alexander B., St. '94 117 Halliday, Samuel D., Cg. Hon 311 Hallock, Charles P., Fd. '93... 301 Hallowell, James M., Cho. '93 260 Halsey, Abram A., Cg. '94 319 Halsey, N. Wetmore, Bo. '82... 73 Ham, Livingston, Cho. '97 266 Hambleton, William G., We. '89 198 Hamblett, Charles J., We. '89 198 Hambrecht, Conrad F., Mc. '94 429 Hamill, Harry, Bo. '88 80 Hamilton Francis E., K. '73 18 Hamilton, Hugh T., J. '88 186 Hamilton James H., Ham. '87 221 Hamilton, John A., Cg. '93 317 Hamilton, Wesley W. K.,Ham. '93 232 Hamlin, Herbert W., Wa. '94.. 282 Hammett, Aubrey R., T. '96... 332 Hammond, Ansel V., Har. '95. 399 Hammond, William G. , Co., Hon 127 Hammond, William W., Ham. '87 221 Hampton, Harry R., Di. '96.... 365 Hancock, Harry P., K. '78 26 Hand, Augustus N., Cho. '94.. 262 Hand, Billings L., Cho. '96... 265 Hand, Elbert B., Cg. '95 321 Handlan, Joseph H., Di. '92... 360 Hanford, Frederick C, Cg. '88 312 Hanley, James A., Fd. '89 295 Hanscom, Frederick C, We. '95 207 Hapgood, Norman, Cho. '93.... 260 Hapgood, William H., Cg. '95. 321 Hard, Edward C, Dan. '96 375 Harding, Robert E., We. '96... 209 Harding, John C, Be. '86 64 Harding, Reinhardt T., P. '85.. 145 Harding, Victor M., Bo. '96 92 Hardon, Henry W., Cg. Hon.... 311 Haring, Fred B., Cg. '93 317 Harkness, Harry K., Ham. '94 234 Harlan, John M., K. Hon 9 Harley, Thomas, Gr. '97 476 Harlow, Frederick B., Cho. '88 252 Harnwell, Frederick W., Ham. '92 229 Harper, George D., Ham. '92.. 230 Harper, John F., Cho. '90 255 Harmon, Benjamin S., St. '85.. 104 Harnsberger, William H.,Be.'83 ^2 Harriman, Edward A., Bo.Hon. 69 Harriman, Edward A., We. '91.. 202 Harriman, Edward A., Ham. '90 226 Harriman, Frederick A., Mc.'97 433 Harrington, Eugene W., Dan., '93 373 Harrington, John T., K. '96 54 Harris, Charles G., Mar. '96 176 552 PHI DELTA PHI. Harris, Charles M., Min. 'g6.... 353 Harris, Fred, Gr. 'g8 478 Harris, Joseph C, Cha. '94 382 Harris, Thomas R., Co. '87 131 Harris, Williams C, K. '91 46 Harrison, George B., J. '92 189 Harrison, John M., Wa. '87 273 Harrison, Richard C, Cho. '93.. 260 Harry, Frederick, K. \)9 57 Harsh barger, Harris N., Ham. '95 •. 235 Hart, Harry G., T. '92.. 333 Harte, Louis B., Dan. '91 373 Hartigan, John T., Fd. 97 307 Hartley, Heber L., Di. '95 364 Hartley, John W., Be. '78 60 Hartman, Emanuel S., Fr. '96.. 457 Harts, Edwin B., K. '93 49 Hartwell, Fred H., Har. '99 404 Hartwell, William G., Har. '95 399 Harvey, John LeG., We. '88.... 197 Hase, William F., Har. '97 403 Haskell, William S., Wa . 94.... 282 Haskins, Frank H., Co. '92 135 Haslam, Lewis S., Wa. '92 278 Hastings, Robert A., Di. '99 ... 368 Hastings, Warren L, P. '87 148 Hatch, Henry L., Mar. '87 164 Hatch, Henrv L., Cho. '88 253 Hatch, William ^L, Mar. '89. .. 165 Hatheway, Curtis R., St. '86.... 106 Hatmaker, James R., Fd. '97... 307 Haw, Marvin T., Co. '90 133 Hawes, Alfred E., K. '70 14 Hawes, Harry B., Co. '96 138 Hawley, Austin, K. '83 34 Hawley, Charles G., Bo. '90 83 Hawley, Edward W., Di. '93.... 361 Hawley, George M. B., Di. '97 366 Hawley, Samuel F., Bo. '90.... 83 Hawman, Albert W., Mc. '98... 435 Haworth, William E., Be. '^Bo.. 60 Hay, Logan, Cho. '97 266 Hayden, Albert F., We. '88 197 Hayden, James H., Wa., '89... 275 Haydon, Curtis, T. '98 341 Hayes, Avery R., Bo. '93 88 Hayes, Gordon, Mc. '96 432 Hayes, John C, Mc. '97... . 433 Hayes, Samuel, Mc. Hon 425 Hayne, Charles C, O. '98 450 Haynes, Frederick W., Mc. '94 427 Hayward, William H., L. '97... 442 Haywood, Charles E., We. 'go.. 200 Healy, Frank, K. '8.^ 35 Healy, John J., Wa. '92 278 Heartt, William A., Fr. '97 457 Heath, William R., Bo. '88 80 Heaton, James S., K. '83 34 Hebard, Alfred P., Co. '95 137 Hebard, Alfred P., Cho. '96.... 265 Hebberd, Charles, Har. '95 399 Heberling, Robert A., G. '91... 244 Hedges, George R., Sw. '94 413 Heiskell, Lawrence, K. '82 31 Heller, David N., Cg. '90 313 Helm, Charles W., P. '84 145 Helm, Douglas W., Be. '82 61 Helmer, Frank A., Bo. '82 73 Helmick, Ambrose E. B., K, '86 38 Henderson, Charles B., K. '95. 53 Henderson, Howard E., R. '74 20 Henderson, John B., Jr.', Mar. '93 170 Henderson, John W., Min. '95 352 Hendrick, John T., Mar. '96... 176 Hendricks, Thomas A., Bo. '89 81 Hendrickson, William, Jr., P. '88 149 Heney, Francis J., P. '85 146 Hennings, Thomas C, Co. '98.. 141 Henry, Edwin S., Mar. '90 167 Henry, Eugene H., Cg. '96 322 Henry, Frederick A., K. '91.... 46 Henry, Walter H., P. '96 153 Hensey, Melville D., Mar. '92.. 169 Hensey, Walter R.. Mar, '94... 171 Herbert, Charles T., Sw. '97... 416 Herbsleb, August F., Ham. '89 224 Herman, David, Co. '87 131 Herndon, Harry T., T. '92 333 Herrick, Israel A., We. '97 211 Hersey, Henry J., We. '86 194 Hervey, William R., K. '94 51 Hess, John J., Mc. '95 430 Hesseltine, Norman F., We. '91 202 Hibbard, Daniel B., Jr., K. '71 15 Hibberd, Dilworth P., G. '97... 247 Hickman, Henry A., K. '91 46 Hickox, Ralph, Fd. 'go 296 Higgins, Ambrose, G. '98 247 Higgins, William M., Di. '95... 364 High, Shirley T., Bo. 97... 93 Hildreth, Philip R. M., St. '96.. 120 Hildreth, Volney O., K. '89 43 Hildreth, Ward, L. '97 442 Hill, Alfred L., Di. '99 368 Hill, Arthur D., Cho. '94 262 Hill, Clarence M., K. '76 23 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 553 Hill, John S., St. '94 117 Hill, Robert J., K. '71 16 Hill, Theodore M., Fd. '94 302 Hill, Walter B., Ham. '92 230 Hill, William M., Sw. '93 412 Hillman, John J., G. '86 241 Hills, George P., Fr. '97 456 Hilsinger, George E., Mc, '98... 435 Hincke, George E., Co. '95 137 Hinckley, Alonzo J., Dan. '98.. 376 Hinckley, Frank L., Cho. '94., 262 Hinckley, John W., Be. '86 64 Hinckley, Walter R., K. '81.. 30 Hinds, Charles G., K. '87 40 Hinds, Samuel S., Fd. '97 307 Hinkley, John I., T. '92 334 Hinkley, James O., Bo. '83 74 Hinsley, Walter L., T. '94 336 Hinton, Edward W., T. Hon.... 331 Hissem, Wilmot T., Ham. '96.. 236 Hitch, Mayhew R., We. '89 ... 198 Hitchcock, Frank H., Mar. '94. 170 Hitchcock, George C, Co. '92. 135 Hitchcock, George C, Cho. '93. 260 Hitchcock, Gilbert M., K. '81. 30 Hixson, William P., Co. '83 ... 128 Hoadley, Carleton E.,Wa. '87. 273 Hoag, William, We. '96 210 Hobart, Everett W., Ham. '97. 236 Hobbs, Charles B., St. '87 107 Hockaday, Rollins M., T. '91.. 331 Hodge, John T., Ham. '87 221 Hodgen, John M., Co. '96 138 Hodghead, Beverly L., P. '91.. 150 Hodgman, Burns P., We. '98... 212 Hodgson, Caspar W., Mil. '96. 465 Hodson, Charles M., Ham. '98. 237 Hoehling, Adolph A., Jr., Mar. '87 166 Hoen, Ernest Jr., Cho. '88 253 Hoffheimer, Harry M., Ham. '89 224 Hoffman, Henry, K. '78 26 Holbrook, Carleton W. Mc. '97 433 Holbrook, Evans, Mil. '97 466 Holcomb, Herbert W., Bo. '9-,. 88 Holcombe, Willis P., We. '86.. 195 Holden, Charles R., Bo. '94 ... 90 Holden, Randall L., Co. '91 ... 134 Holden, Walter S., K. '90 44 Hollenbeck, Martin W., Ham. '93 232 Holliday, Charles K., Gr. '95... 473 Holliday, Joseph G., Co. '86 130 Hollister, Raymond A., Har. '98 404 Holloway, George C, Ham. '87. 222 Holloway, John S. W., K. '92 48 Holman, William M., We. '98. 212 Holmberg, John H., Fr. '97 ... 457 Holmes, Albert S., T. '93 335 Holmes, John H.. K. '84 35 Holmes, Oliver W., Jr., Cho. Hon 251 Holt, Alfred E., Bo. '83 74 Holter, Edwin O., St. '97 I2i Holzheimer, Samuel B., Cg. '97 324 Homans, Robert, Cho. '97 266 Honore, Lockwood, Cho. '9I... 257 Honse, Jesse E., T. '97 340 Hood, Harry R., We. '95 207 Hood, John D., Bo. '93 88 Hooker, George E., St. '85 105 Hopkins, Charles C, K. '76 ... 23 Hopkins, Frederick P., Bo. '86. 77 Hopkins, George H., K. '71 ... 16 Hopkins, Jacob H., Bo. '8g .... Si Hopkins, James L., Co. '90 — 134 Hopkins, Nelson S., Har. '95... 399 Hopkins, Raymond A., We. '94 . 206 Hopkins, Scott, St. '84 103 Hoppin, John J., Cg. '97 324 Horan, John E., Har. '92 395 Hord, Francis T., K. '92 48 Horn, Alexander E., Co. '90... 134 Horr, Norton T., St. '84 103 Horton, Albert H., Jr.,Gr. '96.. 474 Horton, Le Roy, Cg. '96 322 Horton, Nathan C, G. '89 243 Horton, Richard S.. Ham. '89. 224 Hoskin, Alfred E., O. 94 448 Hoskins, Harley H., We. '95... 207 Hosmer, Ernest C, Di. '97 — 336 Houck, John A., Cha. '95 383 Hougen, Albert L., Har. '97.... 403 Howard, Edward D., Sw. '94... 413 Howard, Henry C, Mar 160 Howard, John M., K. '71 14 Howe, Charles E., Mar. '93 171 Howe, Ue Witt C, We. '94 .... 206 Howe, Edwin D., J. '89 137 Howe, Gurdon S., Cho. '92 .... 258 Howe, Walter D., We. '92 204 Howell, James E., K. '70 14 Hower, Charles H., Sw. '97 — 416 Howes, George E., K. '91 46 554 PHI DELTA PHI. Howes, George E,, Jr., K. '92.. 48 Howland, Charles P., Cho. '94. 262 Hoyne, Maclay, Bo. '97 93 Hoyt, Lucius W., St. '89 11 1 Hubachek, Frank R., Mar. '86. 164 Hubbard, Frank W., Wa. '90... 276 Hubbell, Frederick C, J. '89... 187 Hubbell, Leslie T., Har. '98 ... 404 Hubbell, Thomas B., Bo. '86... 77 Hubbs, Irving G., Cg. '91 314 Hudson, Charles, Cho. '90 255 Hudson, Samuel H., We. '89... 198 Hudson, William D., Co. '95... 137 Hufford, Marion F"., Be. '87 .... 64 Hufty, Malcolm, Mar. '93 171 Hughes, Blanchard G., Dan. '94 374 Hughes, Charles E., St. '84.... 103 Hughes, Gordon T., Cho. '94.. 262 Hughes, Oliver H., Ham. '89... 224 Hughes, Percy M., Mar. '90 .... 166 Hull, Warren, Mil. '98 ;. 467 Humes, Willard J., We. '91 202 Humphrey, Charles M., K. '86. 39 Humphrey, Harry P., Cg. '98.. 325 Humphrey, Wirt E., Bo. '92 ... 87 Humphreys, John E., Ham. '90. 226 Humphreys, May, St. '99 124 Humphreys, Robert W., Ham. '99 238 Humphreys, William C, St. 91 112 Humphreys, William M., Co. '88 132 Hunneman, Carleton, Cho. '92.. 258 Hunt, Alfred H., K. '96 55 Hunt, Edwin S., St. '95 119 Hunt, William F., Di, '95. 364 Hunter, William F., Sw. Hon.. 410 Huntington, Francis C, Cho. '90 255 Huntington, Francis C, Cho. '91 257 Huntoon, John C, K. '91 46 Huntress, Frederick F., K. '81. 30 Hurd, Bradford C, Di. '94 363 Hurd, George A., Cho. '93 260 Hurd, Harvey B., Bo. Hon 70 Hurd, John S., K. '94 51 Huse, Robert S., St. '97 121 Huston, John S., Ham, '90 226 Huston, William C, Ham. '86.. 220 Hutchings, Henry M., We. '92. 204 Hutchins, Harry B., K. Hon — 9-10 Hutchins, Robert H., St. '97... 122 Hutchinson, Norman F., Cg.'97 324 Hyatt, Frank H., K. '80 29 Hyde, Louis F., Cho. '90 255 Hyde, Wilham T., Fd. '89 294 Hynes, Benjamin C., Jr., Wa.'9i 277 I Imhoff, Charles H., L. '98 443 Tngalls, Melville E., Jr., Cho. '95 263 IngersoU, George B., Har. '93... 396 Ingram, John, We. '93.... 205 Inkersley, Arthur, P. '90 150 Innes, Charles H., We. '92 204 Innis, Lyman H., Sw. '95 415 Ireton, Louis A., Ham. '95 235 Irish, Edwin M., K. '72 17 Irvine, Frank, L. Hon 439 Irwin, John A., We. '91 202 Isbell, Orland S., Wa. '90 276 Iselin, John H., St. '99 124 Ives, William H., Fd. '94 302 Izor, Robert H., Ham. '94 234 J Jackson, Edward N., Cg. '93.... 317 Jackson, Frank G., Fr. '97 456 Jackson, George F,, We. '94.... 206 Jackson, Harry E., We. '94 206 Jackson, John B., Fd. '89 294 Jackson, William A., Har. '91.. 393 Jackson, William A., Di. '93 ... 361 Jacobs, Frederick B., Cho. '92.. 258 Jacobs, John W., Mc. '97 433 James, Benjamin F., Wa. '87... 273 James, Edred S., J. '86 183 James, Frederick P., Dan. '97.. 376 James, Harry W,, We. '88 197 Jameson, John A., Jr., Bo. '93.. 89 Jamieson, Stillman B., Fr. '98.. 458 Jamison, John B. C, Ham. '87 222 January, Harry C, Co. '96 138 Jarboe, Paul R., Wa. '91 277 Jarvis, Robert E,, T. '95 337 Jefferson, Carl S., Har. '96 401 Jeffery, William J., We. '96 210 Jeffrey, Robert H., Sw. '98 418 Jelke, Ferdinand, Jr., Ham. '86 220 Jenkins, James S., Wa. '96 285 Jenks, James E., Mar. '98 177 Jenness, William W., We. '88... 197 Jenney, Edwin C, We. '90 200 Jennings, William S., T. '91 332 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 555 Jessup, Henry W., Fd. '88 294 Jevvett, Sherman S., 2nd, St. '94 117 Johanson, Carl M., Cg. '92 316 Johnson, Barclay, St. '85 105 Johnson, Charles T., We. '87... 196 Johnson, Clyde P., Ham. '95... 235 Johnson, Clyde P., Cg. '95 321 Johnson, Elias F,, K. Hon 10 Johnson, Frederick A., J. '87... 184 Johnson, George S., K. '91 47 Johnson, Guy H., Mar. '94 174 Johnson, Harrison F., Cg. '95.. 321 Johnson, Jesse W., Wa. '92 278 Johnson, John H., We. '90 200 Johnson, Joseph B., Mar. '93... 170 Johnson, Joseph D., K. '72 17 Johnson, Milton, K. '93 49 Johnson, Ralph E., E. '95 440 Johnson, Richard H., K. '84 ... 35 Johnson, Ulysses S. G., Co. '91 134 Johnston, Matthew T., St. '95... 119 Johnston, Morris L., Bo. '97 93 Johnston, Robert H., Bo. '94... 90 Johnston, William B., Mc. '94.. 427 Johnstone, Frederick B., Fr.'97 456 Jones, Alfred H., Co., '95 137 Jones, Arthur L., Har. '94 398 Jones, Basil, Min. '95 351 Jones, Benjamin F., Fd. '93 304 Jones, Benner, Sw. '97 416 Jones, Burr W., Har. Hon 392 Jones, Cary, Ham. '89 224 Jones, Charles D., Ham. '95.... 235 Jones, Charles W., P. '92 151 Jones, David G., P. '94 152 Jones, Edward Cj., Har. '91 393 Jones, Edward R., St. '96.. 120 Jones, Elmer W., O. '98 450 Jones, Francis W., Min, '95 352 Jones, George L., P. '97 154 Jones, George W., P. '88 149 Jones, James M., St. '83 102 Jones, John P., Sw. Hon 410 Jones. John T., Har. '96 401 Jones, Paul E., Fd. '90 296 Jones, Stephen R., We. '92 204 Jopling, Alfred C, Fd. '96 305 Jopson, Thomas W., G. '92 245 Jordan, Isaac M., Jr., Ham. '97 236 Judge, Harold E., Mc. '94 428 Judge, John C, Fd. '91 298 Judkins, Clyde H., Sw. '97 416 Judy, William S., K. '77 24 Junk, Harry P., Sw. '95 415 1^ Kaetzel, Charles P., Mil. '96... 466 Kalish, Charles A., Fd. '96 305 Kalish, Edwin L., St. '84 103 Kattenhorn, George H.,Cho.'8g 253 Katzenberger, George A.,K.'90 44 Kauffman, Ralph, G. '86 241 Kavanaugh, John P., Cha. '93.. 381 Keating, George P., Dan. '92... 372 Keating, Stephen .H, Fd. '93... 304 Keating, Thomas f., Sw. Hon. 410 Kedzie, John H., Jr., Bo. '95... 91 Keegan, Hugh G., K. '95 53 Keeler, Burr C, Mc. '97 434 Keeler, Eben P., We. '91 202 Keene, Austin McC, K. '87.,.. 40 Keener, William A., St. Hon... 98 Keeney, Willard F., K. '83 34 Keep, Edward K., Dan. '91 373 Keerans, John W., Wa. '90 276 Keeslar, John W., Be. '88 65 Keesling, Francis V., Mil. '98.. 467 Keezer, Frank M., We. '89 198 Keifer, Horace C, Ham. '92 ... 230 Keifer, William W., Ham. '88.. 223 Keith, Charles A., T. '91 332 Keith, Ernest R., K. '89 43 Keith, John C, K. '78 26 Keith, Thomas R., Min. '94 351 Keller, Charles A., Sw. '98 418 Keller, Dellis C, Ham. '92 230 Kelley, James E., We. '87 196 Kelley, Wislar M., Mar. '93 170 Kellogg, Charles P., Wa. '93... 280 Kellogg, Frederic R., St. '88... 109 Kellogg, George A., Wa. '91... 277 Kellogg, Harry L., Har. '94.... 398 Kellogg, Henry T., Cho '92 ... 258 Kellogg, Joseph A., St. '85 105 Kellogg, William Cx., Cg. '93... 317 Kelly, Frederick W., Har. '91.. 394 Kelly, George T., Har. '95 400 Kelly, George T., J. '86 183 Kelly, Patrick J., Har. '91 394 Kelly, Sidney J., Cg. '92 316 Kelly, William B., Ham. '94... 234 Kemp, Samuel E., K. '73 18 Kemp, Smeltzer V., Min. '95... 351 Kendall, Fay B., We. '97 211 Kendall, Messmore, Mar. '93... 171 Kendig, Harry J., Ham. '88 223 Kennard, Edward J., K. '75 22 Kennedy, Guy R., P. '95 153 556 PHI DELTA PHI. Kennedy, Howard, Jr.. Co. 'gi 134 Kennedy, John P.,Cha.'96 384 Kennedy, Levvfs H., Di. '93., . 361 Kennedy, Nathaniel H., K. '96 55 Kennedy, Winfield S.,Jr., Ham. 96 .. 236 Kenneson, Thaddeus D., Fd. Hon 293 Kennon, Albert VV., Ham. '86.. 220 Kent, Charles A., K. Hon 10 Kent, David W., Be. '86 64 Kepner, Thomas E., I)i. '94 363 Kern, Chester D., Mc. '95 430 Kerr, James B., Har. '92 395 Kerr, John C, St. '90 124 Kerr, Robert J., Bo. 95 91 Kerrison, Edwin, Wa. '89.. 275 Ketcham, Henry B., St. '89 iii Ketcham, Horace, J. '85 182 Kettell, George F., Co. '93 136 Keyes, Charles D., We. 93 205 Keyes, Conrad S., Fd. '97 307 Keysor, William W., Co. '83 ... 128 Kiernan. Adrian T., Fd. '90 296 Kilbreth, James T., Jr., St. '97.. 122 Killilea, Mathew R., Har. '91.. 394 Killits, John M., Mar. '85.. 162 Kimball, David H., Fr. '97 458 Kimball, Edward B., Mar. '92.. 169 Kimball, George E., We. '93... 205 Kimball, Gordon N., K. '94.. .. 51 Kimball, Moses D., Cho. '92... 258 King, Arthur M., Fd. '93 301 King, Harry E., Sw. '97 417 King, James G., Cho. '92.. .-..., 25S King, Ralph W, Bo. '90 83 King, Rufus, Ham. Hon 217 King, Rufus, Jr., Ham. '98.... 237 Kingsley, George, Jr., Gr. '96... 474 Kingsley, Geocge A., Har. '97.. 403 Kingston, Harry O., Dan. '92... 372 Kinkead, Edgar B., Sw. Hon... 411 Kinkead, Ellis G., Ham. 'c)i ... 228 Kinnan, Manford E, Be. '83... 62 Kinne, Edward DeW., K. Hon. 10 Kinne, La Vega G., Mc. Hon.. 425 Kinney, Knox, Har. '97 403 Kinney, William P., Mar. '86... 165 Kinsley, Samuel H., St. '86.. .. 106 Kirby, Daniel N., Co. '88 132 Kirchner, Otto, K. Hon 10 Kirchwey, George W., St. Hon. 99 Kirkham, Charles M., We. '91.. 202 Kirkley, Clyde F., Ham. '90... 226 Kirkman, William H., We. '93 205 Kirkpatrick, James G., J. '88... 186 Kirlin, Joseph P., St. '84 .*,. 103 Kitchel, William L., Wa. '95... 283 Kitt, Paul D., T. '98 341 Kittredge, Bernard S., Ham. '97 236 Kittredge, William G., Ham. '95 235 Klene, Benjamin J., Co. '86 13c Knapp, Charles H., Min. '90... 347 Knaus, Frederick J., G. '89 243 Knecht, Samuel E., Bo. '91.... 85 Knight, Oswald H., Fd. '89 295 Knight, Thomas D., Bo. '86... 77 Knowles. Paul S., We. '89 .... 199 Knowlton, Jerome C, K. Hon.. 11 Knox, Arthur, St. '95 119 Knox, Thomas E., K. '74 20 Knudsen, Eric A., Cho. '97 266 Kodama, Toshitaka, Cg. '94 319 Koehler, Edgar F. , K. '90 44 Kopp, William F., Mc. '94 428 Kraemer, Herman, T. '97 340 Kraemer, Otto J.,.Cha. '95 383 Kremer. Eugene G., St. '85 105 Kronshage, Theodore, Jr., Har. '92 395 Kuhn, Benjamin M., Be. '87 ... 64 Kuhn, Franz C, K. '94 51 Kuhn, Oscar W., Ham '87 222 Kyle, William J., Mc. '95 430 X-i Ladd, Charles F., L. '98 443 Ladd, Fletcher, Cho. '88 252 Ladd, Fletcher, Cho. '90 255 Ladue, Pomeroy, K. '92 48 Lake, Francis W., Mil. '97 466 Lamar, William H., Mar. '84... 160 Lamb, George A., Fd. '96 305 Lamb, George B. B., Wa. '96.. 285 Lamb, William E., Mc. '95 430 Lamson, Roswell B.,Cha. '93... 381 Land, George L.. Bo. '86 77 Landon, Benson, G. '86 241 Lane, Edmund C., J. '84 181 Lane, George W., P. '92 151 Lane, John A., We. '96 210 Lane, John W., Co. '88 132 Lane, William N., Cg. '94 319 Lang, Louis P.. Cg. '92. 316 Langdell, Christopher C, Cho. Hon 252 Lansing, Cleveland C, Min. '97 353 Lansing, Fowler E., Bo. '80 71 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 557 Large, Joseph B., G. '93 246 Larue, Lloyd P., P. '97 154 Lassiter, Charles T., Min. '92... 348 Latham, Carl R., Bo. '95 91 Latham, Harry Vy., St. '85 105 Latham, Klcljard B.. K. '82 32 Lathrop, RufuS G., K. '95 53 Laughlin, Randolph H., Co. '97 139 Lavis, David, G. '89 243 Lawrence, Charles G., K. '82... 32 Lawrence, l^wii^ht, Bo. '94 go Lawrence, George N., We. '94.. 20b Laws, Francis S., G. '89 243 Lawson, John D., T. Hon 331 Lawyer, George, J. '87 185 Lay, James H., T. '96 338 Layton, Roy E.. Sw. '97 417 Layton, Verne D., Sw. '98 418 Lazell, Horace G., Di. '97 366 Leach, Abraham P. , P. 'f)5 153 Leach, R'^bert E., Mc. '94 42S Leake, Josiah J., Min. '93 348 Learned, Myron L., We. '87 196 Learned, Roscoe E., We. '93... 205 Lee, Blewett H., Bo. Hon 70 Lee, James P., St. '94 [18 Lee, Jesse B. K., Mar. '92 169 Lee, Thomas L., Ham. '87 222 Leeper, Wadsworth D., Co. '91 134 Leffler, Charles W., Ham. '90.. 226 Lefler, Charles W., Bo. '91.... . 85 LeForgee, Charles C, Bo. '88.. 80 Leitsch, William C, Har. '96... 401 Lembkey, Walter I., Mar. '92.. 169 Lemert, Edward L., K. '77 24 Leonard, Frank A., Co. '87 131 Leonard, George, Ham. '90 226 L'Esperance, David A., Jr., Fd. '9^> 305 L'Esperance, David A., Jr., I'd. '96 306 Lewers, Charles R., Mil. '96... 465 Lewis, Abraham, P. '97 154 Lewis, Abraham, Mil. '()6 465 Lewis, Bur:on K., Mc. '98 436 . Lewis, Charlton M., St '89 11 1 Lewis, Edward E., Dan. '92.... 372 Lewis, Ezra D., K. '70 15 Lewis, Joseph W., Jr., Co. '92.. 135 Lewis, Pinkney G., Bo. '82 73 Lewis, Fvichard F., Cho. '93 260 Lewis, Samuel R., J. '86 183 L'Hommedieu, Irving, J. '86... 183 Liffring, John D., Mc. 98 436 Light, Charles F., We. '87 196 Lile, William M., Min. Hon 345 Limbocker, Myron A., Gr. \)1.. 478 Lincoln, Charles P., Cho. '90.,.. 255 Lincoln, Frank P., We. '92 204 Lincoln, Spencer F., Cg. '91 314 Lindeke, Albert W.. Di. '98 367 Lindley, Jacob P., Be. '83 62 Lindsey, Thomas N., Ham. '92 230 Linn, William B., G. '97 247 Linnen, John T., Fd. '92 300 Lionberger, Isaac H., Co. Hon. 127 Lippencott, Harold E., Fd. '94 303 Littig, Victor L., Cho. '98 267 Littig, Victor L., Mc. '96 432 Little, Charles G., Bo. '97 93 Little, Cyrus H., We. '96 210 Little, John E., Gr. '9s 473 Littletield, George B., P. '95... 153 Lloyd, Raymond, Ham. '97 237 Lloyd, Raymond, Wa. '97 286 Locke, Campbell E., St. '96.... 120 Lockett, Robert E., Min. '96... 353 Lockland, Edgar C, Co. '98 ... 141 Lockwood, Harry A., K. '83 ... 34 Lockwood, Radcliffe B., St., '83 103 Lockwood, Thomas B., Dan. '97 376 Loeb, Isidor, T. '93 335 Loefler, Martin G., P. '87 148 Loewenthai, .Max, P. '84 146 Loller, Thomas H., K. '84 35 Long, Charles D., K. '83 34 Long, Max J., Mc. '94 428 Long, William F., Min. '97 354 Longstreet, James, Jr., Mar. '91 167 Loomis, William H., K. '80 29 Lord, John D. Jr., St. '86 ];o6 Lord, Joseph H., We. '87 196 Lovejoy, Alva B., Mc. '94 428 Lovejoy, Edward F., We. '87... 196 Loveland, Frank O., Ham. '88 223 Loveren, Harry E., We. '90 200 Lovett, Harry A., K. '88 41 Lowden, Frank O., Bo. '87 79 Lowe, Gerald A., St. '97... 122 Lowell, James A., Cho. '94 262 Lowenthal, Solomon L., Bo. '89 81 Lower, Josiah C, Ham. '88 225 Lowndes, Jr., Lloyd, Wa. '97... 286 Lowrie, Roberts, G. '87.. 242 Loyall, William H. T., Min '91 348 Loye, Albert B., Di. '99 368 Lucas, Charles W., Fr. '96 455 Lucas, Edward, Di. '9S 367 558 PHI DELTA PHI. Lucas, Olaf A., Bo. '87. 79 Lucier, Alvin J., We. '92 204 Luckenbach, Edwin M., Cg.'gC 322 Ludington, Rowland S., Bo. 'gi 85 Ludlow, Oliver A., K. '98 56 Luebbert, Louis R., Ham. '91.. 228 Ljiedke, Walter J., Har. '97 403 Lukens, Edward F., G. '89 243 Lummus, Henry T., We. '97... 211 Lund, Adolph, Bo. '82.. 73 Lund, Joseph W., Cho. '93 260 Lunt, Alexander D., Mar. '96... 175 Lusk, Frank H., Di. '98 367 Lyford, Victor G., Bo., '83 74 Lyon, Alfred B., L. '96 441 Lyon, George T., Mc. '95 431 Lyon, Jay F., We. '88 197 Lyon, Job P., J. '85 [82 Lyon, Lawrence M., O. '98 450 Lyons, Joseph P., We. '90 200 Macbeth, Frank D., P. '97 155 MacChesney, Charles E., Fd.'92 300 MacDonald, Eugene R., Har. '97 403 MacDonald, John, G. '86 241 Macfarlane, Charles R., T. '95.. 337 Mac Ginnittie, Walter F., Co. '94 136 MacGregor, John, Wa. '97 286 MacGregor, Lane, Di. '92 360 Machesney, Haines A., Cg. '93 317 Mack, Julian W., Bo. Hon 70 Mackentepe, Frederick E., Ham '91 228 Mackoy, Harry B., Ham. '97... 237 Macomber, James H , We. '95. 207 Macrum, William S., Cha. '05.. 383 McAllister, Robert L. D., Min. '95 351 McArdle, James H., Cg. '95.... 321 Mc Arthur, Henry W., K. '82... 32 McArthur, John R., Cho. '90... 255 Mc Arthur, Lewis L., Cha. Hon 379 McArthur, William B., L. '95. 44.0 McAvoy, Francis S., Fd. '88... 294 McBirney. George D., Bo. '96.. 92 McBroom, James H., Bo. '91,.. 85 McCabe, Edward D., P. '84 146 McCabe, Maurice A., Har. 'ofe.. 401 McCall, Edward M,, Mc. '96... 432 McCall, James St. C, Wa. '93. 280 McCallum, Walter C, Bo. '90. 83 McCandless, John, K. '81 30 McCann, George, Cg. '88 312 McCarter, Edward B., Sw. '94.. 413 McCarthy, John A., G., '92 245 McClain, Emlin, Mc. Hon 424 McClanahan, Archie A., Be. '85 63 McClanahan, Archie A., Bo.'84 75 McClellan, James T., K. '75.... 22 McClung, Benjamin, Fd. '91,.. 299 McClure, JohnT., Be. '78 60 McCordic, Alfred E., Cho. '89. 253 McCormack, Harford T., Mc. '96 432 McCoy, James H., Be. '80 61 McCreary, Robert H., Wa. '91. 277 McCulIoch, Frank H., Bo. '86.. 77 McCurdy, George V., T. '93... 335 McCutcheon, Harvey S., St. '94 118 McDiarmid, Campbell J., Ham. '91 228 McDonaUi, Louis A., Bo, '85... 76 McDougall, Daniel C, We. '89 199 McDowell, Charles S., K. '95... 53 McDowell, Irving C, J. '87 .... 185 McDowell, John G., Cg. '90.... 313 McElroy, William, J. '87 185 McEvilly, James J., Mar. '94... 173 McFadden, Everett R., Fr. '96. 455 McFarland, Olin A., Bo. '80... 71 McGee, Charles A., Har. '99.. 405 McGinn, John L., Cha. '93 382 McGrath, Hugh J., Har. '93 ... 397 McGuffin, J. Robert, K. '78 26 McGuire, Murray M., Min. '96 353 Mclndoe, Hugh, Bo. '91 85 McKay, David P., Min. '90... . 347 McKay, William L., K. '80 29 McKeever, John A., Bo. '89.... 82 McKelvey, Charles S., Co. '87. 131 McKenzie, Alfred B., P. '95 ... 153 McKinley, Andrew, Jr., Co. '89 133 McKinney, Charles E., K. '8r.. 31 McKinney, William M., Bo. '86 77 McKnight, Fred W., Cg. '95... 321 McLanahan, James C, G. '87.. 242 McLane, (jeorge B., K. '84 35 McLean, Charles F., Bo. '94... go McLean, Milton H., Ham. 'gi. 228 McLean, William C, Ham. 92 230 McMahan, William L., Bo. '92 87 McMahon, Fulton, St., '88 log McMillan, Philip H., Cho. '98.. 267 McMillan, Seth L,, Sw. '94 414 Mc.Murran, William T., Di. '93 361 BLPHABETICAL INDEX. 559 McMurray, Orrin K., P. '93.... 151 McNary, Lawrence A., Cha. '90 380 McNaught, Joseph F., K, '79... 28 McNaught, William C, Har.'9g 405 McNear, Frederick W., Cho. '94 262 McNutt, Maxwell, P. '98 155 McPherson, Donald P., Cho. '95 263 McQuaid, William A., Wa. '92 278 McOuigg, John R., Cg. '90 313 McShea, Walter R., G. '97 247 Madden, Terry J., Gr. '90 474 Madden, John F., Bo. '88 80 Maddox, Elmer L., St. '85 105 Magee, Ernest De L., Cg. '97.. 324 Magruder, Albert S. J., Bo. '86 77 Magruder, Leonard A., Sw. '96 415 Maher, Edward, Bo. '85 76 Maher, Lester E., K. '98 56 Mahoney, Joseph J., We. '85... 194 Malarkey, Daniel J., Cha. '92.. 381 Mallon, Guy W., Ham. '88 223 Mallon, Neil B., Ham. '99 238 Mallory, Elmer E., Cha. '95 363 Mallory, Roland H., Fd. '96.... 306 Maltraan, Stewart A , Bo. '93... 89 Manley, Robert C, Gr. '96 475 Manly, George C, K. '87 40 Manly, Robert W., K. '96 55 Mann, Jonas F., St. '89 iii Mann, Medary D., K. '77 25 Mann, Nathan A., K. '77... 25 Manning, Augustus K., Bo. '82 73 Mansfield, John A., K. '79 28 Manville, Mahlon F., L. '97.... 442 March, Joseph B., T. '96 338 March, Moncure, St. '97 122 Markham, George W., Di. '91.. 360 Marks, Nicholas B., Min. '96... 353 Marks, Russell A., Mq. '97 434 Marlatt, Herbert R., K. '96 55 Marlatt, William H., Ham. '92 230 Marlatt, William H., Wa. '92... 278 Marley, Carlton C, L. '95 440 Marriott, Abraham R., Fr. '97.. 458 Marrs, William R., Min. '95 352 Marsh, Charles C, St. '94 118 Marsh, George H., Cha. '93 382 Marsh, Norman J., Fd. '91 299 Marshall, George S., Sw. '97... 417 Marshall, Henry M., Mar. '96.. 176 Marshall, James M., Min. '94... 351 Marshall, James Y., K. '71 16 Marshall, Robert E. L., Min. '96 353 Martin, Adam W., We. '90 201 Martin, Alexander, T. Hon 331 Martin, Bradley, Jr., Cho. '97.. 266 Martin, Clement G., J. '85 182 Martin, Forest J., We. '90 201 Martin, George C, Har. '99 404 Martin, George G. , Co. '96 138 Martin, James S., K. '91 47 Martin, John T., Sw. '98 418 Martin, Joseph W., K. '74 20 Martin, Richard H. L., Fd. '97 307 Martin, William M., Min. '90.... 347 Martyn, Chauncey W., Bo. '90 83 Marvin, Loren P. W., Wa. '94.. 282 Marye, Robert V., Min. '91 348 Masao, Tokichi, Wa. '97 286 Mason, Alfred F., Di. '95 364 Mason, Edward C, K. '90 45 Mason, George A,, Bo. '94 90 Mason, James M. Jr., Min. '92. 349 Mason, Norman T., K. '86 39 Mason, Roswell B., Bo. '97 93 Mason, Vroman, Har. '99 405 Mason, William H., Gr. '9(1 475 Mason, William H., Gr. '97 476 Mather, Richard H., Bo. '92 ... 87 Matheson, Alexander E., Har. '94 398 Mathews, Harry A., Fd. '90 296 Mathews, Thomas J., Har. '92. 395 Matteson, Charles D., Di. '92... 360 Matthews, Randolph, Ham. '97 237 Mattison, John A., Fd. '94 303 Mauck, Roscoe J., Sw. '93 412 May, James A., Co. '88 ., 132 May, John A., Bo. '82 73 Mayberry, Edward F., Min. '94 350 Mayer, Asher, Fd. '98. 308 Maynard, Alfred F., K. '80 29 Maynard, Reuben L., Cg. '91... 314 Mays, Edwin, Cha. '96. 384 Mays, Franklin P., Cha. Hon... 379 Meador, Alexander McH., T.'gb 338 Meadows, William G., Dan. '92 372 Meads, Albert H., Ham. '87.... 222 Means, James W., Gr. '98 478 Mechem, Floyd R., K. Hon.... 11 Medbury, Samuel, K. '94 51 Meeker, Adam H., K. '85 37 Meeker, Walter S., K. '86 39 Meers, Eneshia, K. '76 23 Meighan, Burton C, Fd. '94 303 Meighan, Howard S., Fd. '95... 304 Mellish, William C, We. '95... 207 56o PHI DELTA PHI. Melton, Richard L., K. 'oi 47 Mentzer, William C, L. 95.. .. 440 Menzie, Herbert J., Wa. '90 276 Merchant, Huntington W., Di. '93 361 Merriam, Frank D., Gr. '97 478 Merrill, Frederick G., J. '87. .. 185 Merrill, George I., G. '97 247 Merritt, Addis D,, Mar. '87 164 Merritt, Frederick, Mar. '93 169 Merritt, Willis, K. '74 20 Mershon, Abner H., G. '87 242 Meserve, Edwin A., P. '86 147 Meservey, Edwin C, Co. '85... 129 Metcalf, Wilder S., Gr. '97 476 Metson, William H., P. '86 147 Metz, William S., Be. '78 60 Metzler, Curtis G., We. '97 211 Meux, Joseph P., P. Hon 144 Meyer, Edward R., Ham. '94.,. 234 Middlekauff, Oscar, Bo. '90.. .. 83 Millar, Samuel R., Min. '92 348 Millard, William A., We. '92... 204 Miller, Clarence J., Mc. '96 432 Miller, Claude E., Mar. '96.. .. 175 Miller, Clyde W., Gr. '96 475 Miller, Clyde W , Gr. '97 477 Miller, Daniel C, Co. '97 139 Miller, Edward, St. '88 109 Miller, Edwin L., St. '88 109 Miller, Edwin L., We. '87 196 Miller, Geo. B. , Mc. '94 429 Miller, Henry G., Jr., Bo. '97.. 93 Miller, James, Be. '81 61 Miller, John D., Co. '87 131 Miller, Justus A., Mc. '97 434 Miller, Rice, Cg. '98 325 Miller, Richard W., Wa. '91... 277 Miller, Samuel F,, K. Hon 11 Miller, Theron B., Cg. '95 321 Miller, William D., T. '95 337 Miller, William S., Bo, '99 94 Millner, Will W., Bo. '91 85 Mills, Calvin H., We. '91 203 Mills, Edward MacM., Cg. '95 321 Mills, George A. H., Mar. '95.. 172 Mills, George E., Ham. '95 235 Mills, Mountfort, Di. '97 366 Milne, John A., J. '87 185 Milton, Charles C, We. '93 205 Minor, John B., Min. Hon 344 Minor, John B. Jr., Min. '90... 349 Minor, Raleigh C, Min. Hon .. 345 Minshall, William E., Sw. '99.. 419 Minton, Charles, T. '92 334 Mitchell, Alexander C., Gr.'97 478 Mitchell, Arthur P., K. '80 29 Mitchell, Edward L., We. '89.. 199 Mitchell, George R., Bo. '90... 83 Mitchell, Harold C, Cg. '93... 317 Mitchell, Homer R., T. '95 337 Mitchell, James H., Gr. '97 478 Mitchell, James McC, Dan. '97 376 Mitchell, John G., Sw. '97 417 Mitchell, Oliver R., Cho. '93... 260 Mitchell, Rolla R., Gr. '95 473 Mitchell, Rolla R., Gr. '96 475 Mitchell, William DeW., Di. '96 365 Mitchell, William H., We. '87. 196 Moen, Edward C, St. '94 118 Moffatt, John O., K. '76 23 Moffett, George H., Sw. '93.... 413 Moffett, Robert L., St. '92 114 Moffit, John T., K. '86 39 Moll, Theophilus J., Cg. Hon.. 311 Monckton, Frank D., P. '86.... 147 Moncrieff, George G., O. '98... 450 Moninger, John A., K. '76 23 Monroe, Alonzo J., P. '85 146 Monsarrat, Norton S., Sw. '98. 418 Montieth, Arthur McA., K. '70 14 Montieth, George W., Co. '83.. 128 Montgomery, William M., G. '89 243 Montmorency, Arthur F., L.'96 441 Moody, Ralph E., J. '86 1&3 Mooers, Walter, We. 96 210 Moore, Albert R., Di. '91 359 Moore, Charles B., Bo. '87 79 Moore, Daniel A., Co. '83 132 Moore, Edward D., We. '87... 196 Moore, Frank H., Mar. '96 175 Moore, Frank L., Cha. '90 380 Moore, George A., We. '94 206 Moore, George W., K. '73 18 Moore, Joseph F., Mar. '81 165 Moore, Joseph L., T. '91 332 Moore, Otho C, T. '97 340 Moore, Walter J., St. '97 122 Moore, William A., St. '8S 109 Moore, William C, St. '92 114 Moore, William H., K. '88 41 Moorhead, William P., Di. '98. 367 Moorman, Elmore B., Min. '91 348 Moran, Daniel W., Cg. '92 316 Moran, Thomas A., Fr. Hon... 454 Moran, William J., St. '91 II2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 561 Morey, Thomas E., K. '77 25 Morgan, Arthur R., Ham. '97.. 237 Morgan, Ernest I., We. '93 205 Morgan, George N., Bo. '87.... 79 Morgan, Henry, Wa. '94 282 Morgan, Henry H., Har. '93.... 397 Morgan, John C, Jr., Cg. '98 .. 325 Morgan, John H., Wa. '96 285 Morgan, Samuel H., Cho. '89... 253 Morley, Michael J., G. '91 244 Morrassy, Frank W., Be. '89 ... 65 Morrill, Frank H., Ham. '87... 219 Morrill, Henry A., Ham. Hon. 217 Morris, Fritz, K. '79.. 28 Morris, Louis E., K. '74 20 Morris, Martin, K. '71. if) Morris, Robert F., Ham. '95.... 235 Morrison, Samuel, Sw. '93 413 Morrow, Dwight W., St. '99.... T24 MiDrse, Charles F., Bo. '91 85 Morse, Jamin S., St. '87 107 Morseman, Edgar M., Jr., K.'95 53 Mortland, Samuel G., Co. '97... 139 Morton, George L., Mar. '88... 165 Mosely, Harold P., We. '98 212 Mosle, Augustus H., Cho. '92.. 258 Mosle, Augustus H,, Wa, '91... 277 Moss, John H., Har. '93 397 Moss, Marshall C, Har. '94 398 Motter, Samuel I., K. '99 57 Moulding, Thomas C, Bo. '93.. 89 Moulinier, Edward P., Ham. '90 227 Moulton, George W., We. '90 .. 201 Mowry, Louis D. M., Mar. '94. 172 Moyer, Linnaeus E., T. '92 334 Mueller, Albert C, Mc. '97 434 Mulkey, Francis M., Cha. '91... 381 Mullan, George V., Fd, '93 304 Mulligan, William G., Fd. '92.. 300 Mumford, George D., Cho. '93 260 Munger, John C, K. '96 55 Munns, Horace G., T. '91 332 Munson, Cyrus LaR., Wa.Hon. 271 Munson, Harlan L., Cg. '91 314 Murphy, Daniel V., Cg. '91 314 Murphy, Edward, 2nd, J. '92... 189 Murphy, John A., K. '88 42 Murray, Michael J., We. '89 199 Murry, Harvey D., T. '97 340 Murry, Jerre H., T. '93 335 Musgrave, Harrison M., Mar. '84 161 Muxen, Christopher D., Mc. '94 428 Myers, Harl, Mc. '94 428 Myers, Louis W., Har. '95 400 Myers, Samuel H., G. '92 245 Naramore, Milton O., Bo. '89... 82 Nash, Frederick H., We. '98... 212 Nash, George K., Sw. Hon 411 Nash, William G., We. '95 207 Nason, Henry T., St. '88 109 Nast, Conde M., Co. '97 140 Naylor, Levi W., Mar. '86 163 Neal, Henry A., K. '73 18 Neal, Jay P., T. '91 •. 332 Neal, Richard F., L. '95 44^ Neale, George H., Min. '92 349 Neale, Robert, Fr. '98 458 Nearing, Charles H., St '82 loi Needham, Harry B., Mar. '94.. 172 Nellany, Charles V., J. '92 189 Nelson, Charles C, K. '78 26 Nelson, James B., K. '93 49 Neuhoff, George L., Co. '90 134 Nevin, Charles B., Sw. '98 419 Nevin, Edwin C, G. '93 246 Nevin, James E., Co. '89 133 Newbrook, William G., Dan. '93 373 Newcomb, Herman D., Min. '95 351 Newell, Emerson R., Mar. '95.. 175 Newell, Grant, Bo. '86 78 Newell, James M, Cho. '92 258 Newell, James M., Cho. '93 260 Newitt, Harvey C, Jr., G. '89.. 243. Newman, James B , Mc. '97.... 434 Newman, John M., Be. '85 63. Newton, Alfred P., Cg. '96 322 Niblack, Mason J., K. '82 32 Nichols, Frederick A., Fr. '96.. 455 Nichols, Galen F., Gr. '95 473. Nichols, John R., We. '97 211 Nickerson, Hiram C, We. '92.. 204 Niedermeyer, Frederick W., T. '94 336 Nields, John P., Cho. '93 261 Niles, Edward C, Cho. '92 259 Niles, William W., J. '86 183 Nilon, Frank T., P. '88 149 Ninde, Daniel B., K. '95 53 Nippert, Alfred K,, Ham. '97.. 237 Nixon, Richard, Mar. '92 169 Noble, Frank H. S., Mc. '94... 428 Noble, Herbert, St. '93 116 Noble, James B., O. '98 450 Noble, Osian G., Cg. '89 312 Noble, William M., We. '88 197 562 PHI DELTA PHI. Nolan, Lucius P., Co. '83 128 Nolan, Michael D., J. '91^ 188 Norcross, John V., Har. '93 397 Nordon, Gabriel J., Bo. '88 80 Norris, George M., Ham. '88... 223 Norris, William B., Mar. '86... 163 NorthcoU, Elliott, K. '92 48 Northrup, GeorgeW.,Jr.,Bo.'84 75 Northrup, William H., Jr., Fd. '96 306 Northup, Harry E., Cha. '97... 384 Norton, Algernon S., Fd. '92... 300 Norton, Charles P., Dan. Hon. 371 ^orton, Fred L., We. '89 199 Norton, George H., Min. '90... 347 Norton, John Q. A., Gr. Hon... 472 Norval, Theophilus L., L. Hon. 439 Noyes, Alfred H., Gr. '98 478 Noyes, Marshal P., Bo. '94 90 Nutter, George R., Cho. '89.... 254 O Oakley, Egbert S., Di. '98 367 Oaks, Charles J., Cho. '90 255 Obenauer, Victor J., K. '95 53 Obermeyre, Joseph G., Ham. '89 224 O'Brien, Edward D., J., '92.... 189 O'Brien, John L., Dan. '98 376 O'Byrne, Frank, Fd. '90 296 O'Connor, John J., Cha. '98 385 Odell, Hammond, St. '92 114 Odell, Samuel W., Be. '87 ... 64 Oden, William E., Bo. '92 87 O'Gara, John, P. '96 •. 153 Ogden, Hugh W., Cho. '96..... 265 Okey, Perry, Sw. '95 415 Olds, William W., Jr., Min. '96 353 O'Leary, Denis, Fd. '90 297 O'Leary, Florence A., Ham. '91 228 Olin, John M., Har. Hon 392 Oliver, Leander D., Ham. '99.. 238 Olmsted, Andrew L., Cg. '93... 318 Olney, Warren, Jr., P. '94 152 Olson, Henry (or) Harry, Bo. '91 85 01 well, Lawrence A., Har. '92.. 395 Olwell, Philip F., Fd. '88 295 O'Neal, Joseph T., K. '73 18 Opdyke, Alfred C. P., Fd. '94.. 303 Ordronaux, John, St. Hon ...99-100 Ormond, John McF., K. '89 43 Orr, Isaac H., Co. '83 128 Osborne, James W., We. '00.... 201 Osborne, Samuel G., Sw. 97... 417 O'Shaughnessy, John P., T. '95 337 Osier, B. B., O. Hon 447 Osier, Edward G., O. '98 450 Osier, Featherstone B., O. '97.. 449 Oslergard, Martin J., T. '97 340 Ostrander, Russell C, K. '76... 23 Otis, Ralph C, Bo. '96 92 Ougheltre, Edgar E., J. '86 183 Oura, Hajime, Cg. '93 318 Owen, Walter E., Co. '85 129 Owen, Wilber A., Mar. '96 176 Owen, Wilbur, K. '88 42 Oxnard, Henry E., Cho. '89.... 253 Packard, George, Bo. '91 85 Paddock, Frederick G , St. '84 103 Paden, Joseph E., Bo. '85 76 Page, Charles H., Jr., J. '92.... 189 Page, David P., We. '95 208 Page, Murray E., J. '88 186 Page, Rollin K., P. '97 155 Page, William H., Sw. '93 413 Paget, Lionel L., Cha. '97 384 Pagin, Oliver E., K. '82 32 Paige, James, Di. Hon 358 Paine, A. H., DeF., K. '73 19 Paine, Louis H., We. '98 .. 212 Palmer, Jonathan, Jr., K. '93... 49 Palmer, Josiah C, St. 84 104 Palmer, Leslie R., Cg. 97 324 Palmer, William F., Co. '89 133 Palmeter, Roy A., Mc. '97 434 Paramore, Edward E., Co. '97.. 140 Pardee, Lionel S., Ham. '92 230 Paret, Walter P., St. '99 124 Parish, Edward C, St. '98 123 Park, M. C. H., Co. '84 . 129 Parker, Edward L., Dan. Hon. 371 Parker, Force, St. '91 112 Parker, Henry H., J. '86 183 Parker, James A., St. '94 118 Parker, James P., Min. '94 350 Parker, Jesse T,, L. '97 442 Parker, Luman F., Jr., Co. '97 140 Parker, Warren A., T. '91 332 Parker, William C, We. '89.... 199 Parkhurst, Elmer W., K. '83... 34 Parks, Rufus H., Be. '86 64 Parks, Samuel S., Bo. '88 80 Parmelee, Carroll H., K. '84... 36 Parmely, Melvin B., Jr., K. '92 48 Parmenter, William L., K. '88 42 Parr, Franklin J., Be. '88 65 Parry, Charles M,, Di. '93 361 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 563 Parry, Edward H., Mar. '94.... 173 Parshall, Charles H., Cg. '91.... 315 Parshall, William A., J. '89 187 Parsons, Birney C, We. '94 206 Parsons, Carleton H., We. '97.. 211 Parsons, Francis, Wa. '97 286 Parsons, Harold C, Sw. '97 417 Parsons. Hinsdill, J. '85 181 Parsons, James A., Cg. '90 313 Parsons, Robert S., Cg. '88 312 Parsons, William B., St. '95 119 Partridge, Frank C, St. '84 104 Pashley, Charles L., Fd. '89... 294 Pastene, Joseph N., We. '88.... 197 Patrick, Daniel H., Bo. '83 74 Patrick, Robert W., St. '82 loi Pattee, William S., Di. Hon 358 Patterson, Edward L. , St. '88.. 109 Patterson, Frederick B., Bo. '88 81 Patterson, John F. E., O. '95... 448 Patterson, Roscoe C, T. '97 — 340 Patterson, Walter B., Mar. '85. 163 Patton, Robert H., Be. '85 63 Paul, Clarence A., Har. '94 398 Paulsen, William A., Bo. '80... 71 Pavey, George M., Wa. '90 276 Paxton, Thomas B., Jr., Ham, '99 238 Payne, Robert H., Co. '83 128 Payne, William T.,Bo. '92 87 Peabody, Augustus S., Bo. '97.. 93 Pearson, Fisher H., We. '89.... 199 Pease, Arthur B., Bo. '93 89 Pease, Edward L., Sw. '99 419 Pease, Frank B., Bo. '87 79 Pease, Franklin A., Mar. '86... 163 Pease, Lynn S., Har. '91 394 Peck, Bayard L., Fd. '94 303 Peck, Elwin C, Ham. '92 230 Peck, Hiram D., Ham. Hon.... 217 Peck, James F., P. '85 147 Peck, John W., Ham. '98 237 Peckham, Henry A., J. '91 188 Peckham, Rufus W., Jr., J. '92 189 Pelgram, Charles R., St. '96.... 120 Pelton, Florentine A., We. '90. 201 Pemberton, James E., P. '86... 147 Pendleton, Edmund, Mc. '97... 434 Pentield, William W., Fd. '90,. 297 Pennel, Frank M., J. '86 183 Pennell, Arthur R., Wa. '89.... 275 Penney, Thomas H., Wa. '89..,. 275 Penwell, Louis, St. '93 116 Perham, Frederic E., Fd. '93... 301 Perkins, Arthur, Wa. '89 275 Perkins, Edwin Z., K. '78 26 Perkins, Thomas A,, P. '96 154 Perkins, Thomas N., Cho. '94.. 262 Perkins, William T., K. '84 36 Perkins, Willis B., K. '83 34 Perley, Lyman O., Wa. '90 276 Perley, Willard H., K. '71 16 Perse, Edward McM., Sw. '97.. 417 Peter, Arthur, Min. '92 349 Peter, Beverly K., Mar. '92 169 Peter, James B., K, '73 19 Peters, Theodore L., St. '94.... 118 Petersberger, Isaac, Mc. '97 .... 434 Peterson, Charles F., Wa. '97.. 286 Pettingill, Claude K., Di. '94... 363 Pettis, William, Bo. '92 87 Phelps, Alfred H., Wa. '93 280 Phelps, Charles A., Har. '99 405 Phelps, Edward J., Wa. tlon... 271 Phelps, Mark W., K. '75 22 Phelps, Myron H., Mar. '84 161 Phelps, Myron H., St. '85 105 Philbrick, Eliphalet F., We. '97 21 1 Philbrick, Samuel L., K. '88... 42 Phillips, Abraham L., Be. '84 .. 62 Phillips, Bradley H., J. '91 188 Phillips, Frank H., Ham. '89... 225 Phillips, Norman A., K. '91 47 Phipps, Ambrose L., Fd. '97... 307 Phipps, Cranston G., Har. '96.. 401 Piatt, William H. H., Gr. '96... 475 Pierce, Charles S., K. '87 40 Pierce, Curtis E., K. '82 32 Pierce, Daniel A., St. '84 104 Pierce, Paul, Bo. '88 81 Pierce, Wilson L., Di. '93 361 Pike, Charles B., Cho. '96 265 Pike, Frederick A., Mar. '87 ... 165 Pilcher, George, Min. '97 354 Pillsbury, Horace D., P. '98.... 155 Pillsbury, William F., Cho. '92 259 Pinckney, Merritt W., Bo. '83.. 74 Piper, Charles E., Bo. '90 83 Pirce, James A., Cho. '97 266 Pisek, Frank, Fd. '90 297 Pister, William, Ham. '92 230 Pitcher, Perry P., Bo. '80 71 Pitkin, Robert J., Wa. '88 274 Pittman, Hubert N., T. '91 332 Pitts, John J., Be. '83 62 Pizey, Paul, L. '95 440 Piatt, Harrison G., Wa. Hon... 271 Piatt, Johnson T., Wa. Hon 272 5^4 PHI DELTA PHI. Piatt, Robert T., Wa. '92 279 Piatt, Rutherford H., Sw. Hon 411 Plessner, David, Co. '87 131 Plummer, William A., We. '89 199 Pochin, Frederick L., Bo. '92.. 87 Poehler, Louis C, Gr. '97 478 Pogue, J. R., Be. '87 64 Pogue, Thomas L., Ham. '93... 232 Pogue, Thomas L., Min. '93 349 Poland, George W., K. '76 23 Poland, Joseph R., T. '94 336 Polk, Frank L., St. '97 122 Pomerene, Atlee, Ham. '86 220 Pomeroy, John N., P. Hon 144 Pomeroy, John N., Jr., St. '91.. 113 Pomeroy, Robert W., Cho. '95.. 263 Pomeroy, Robert W., Fd. '93... 301 Pond, Philip, 2d.,Wa. '90 277 Pond, William H., Wa. '91 277 Poole, William F., Jr., Bo. '93 89 Pope, Horace G., Gr. '96 475 Pope, Warner St. C, Gr. '96... 475 Pope, William S., Jr., Co. '96.. 139 Poppenhusen, Conrad H., Bo. '94 90 Porter, Gilbert E., Bo. '84 75 Porter, James H., Cg. '97 324 Porter, Valentine M., Co. '94... 136 Post, Waldron K., St. '94 ii5 Pottenger, Arthur B., O. '96... 449 Potter, Edwin O., Cha. '90 380 Potter, George E., Gr. '98 478 Potter, Henry J., Cg. '89 313 Potter, Mark W., Fd. '88 295 Potter, Thaddeus S., Cha. '91.. 381 Pound, Cuthbert W., Cg. Hon.. 311 Powell, Bruce B., Fr. '96 456 Powell, Edward T., Sw. '96 415 Powell, Elmer N., Gr. '95 473 Powell, William H., We. '90... 201 Powell, William H., G. '92 245 Powers, John P., Jr., Min. '97.. 354 Pratt, Addison S., Wa. '98 287 Pratt, Albert F., Di. '95 364 Pratt, Arthur E., K. '90 45 Pratt, Charles O., J. '89 187 Pratt, Frank F., Bo. '95 91 Pratt, George E. M., Bo. '88... 81 Pratt, Harry E., Bo. '93 87 Pratt, Henry V., Cg. '90 313 Pratt, John L., J. '84 181 Pratt, Louis W., J. '85 182 Praul, Walter W., Co. '91 135 Prendergast, James W., Jr., St. '98 123 Prendergast, Louis W., Di. '95. 364 Prentis, George G., K. '93 49 Prentiss, George L., Jr., St. '84 104 Prescott, Oliver, Jr., Cho. '92.. 259 Price, Gilmore D., K. '95 54 Price, Robert M., P. '96 154 Price, Simeon T,, K. '74 20 Price, Thomas L C, T. '97 340 Price, William H., G. '86 241 Price, Wilson C, Mil. '96 465 Prime, William C,, Fd. '93 301 Pringle, Ralph, Mc, '96 432 Prouty, Henry W., J. '85 182 Provine, Walter M., Cg. '97 324 Prunty, Leonard W., Gr. '96... 475 Puckett, Oscar R., T. '92 332 Pugh, David F., Sw. Hon 411 Pugh, James L., Jr., Mar. '84.. 161 Pulsifer, George R., Cho. '93... 261 Pumphrey, John W. P., T. '95.. 337 Putnam, Alfred W., We. '96... 210 Putnam, Charles E., Di. '93 361 Putnam, George E,, K. '75 22 Putnam, James L., Cho. '95 263 Putnam, Robert M. S., J. '92... 189 Purcell, James M., Bo. '87 79 Q Quencer, Albert B., Cg. '93 318 (^uerry, Archibald R., Gr. '95.. 473 Querry, Archibald R., Gr. '96.. 475 Quimby, Allen, We. '97 212 Quinby, William, Mar. '87 ... 165 Quinby, William L., We. '89... 199 Rainey, Henry T., Bo. '85 76 Ralston, Charles T., K. '83 34 Ralston, Charles T., Mar 160 Ralston, George S., L. '98 443 Ramsey, William G., K. '94.... 51 Rand, William H., Jr., Cho. '91 257 Randall, Emilius O., Sw. Hon. 411 Randall, Seth C, K. '74 21 Raney, George P., Jr., Min. '96 353 Rankin, Orville M., Cha. '97... 384 Rankine, Harold S., St. '96.. .. 120 Ranney, Rufus P., K. '98 56 Ransdell, J. W., Be. '83 62 Rathbone, Albert, J. '89 188 Rathbone, Henry R., Har. '94.. 398 Raum, Green B., Jr., Mar. '86 163 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 565 Rawson, Edward S., St, '94 118 Ray, Fred P., T. '93.! 335 Ray, John, Jr., Ham. '92 230 Raymond, William H , J^. '95.. .140 Raymond, William M., Bo. '96 92 Raynolds, Edward V., St. '82 .. 102 Read, Abram C, Fd. '88 294 Read, George E., Bo. '90.. 83 Read, Jay J., Bo. '80 72 Reardon, Daniel W., K. '78 26 Reber, William R., Co. '94 137 Reed, Charles, K. '87 40 Reed, Frank F., K. Hon 11 ■Reed, Joseph M., Har. '92 395 Reed, Louis F., Fd. '92 300 Reed, Morris H., K. '99 57 Reeder, Charles W., Gr. '95 473 Reel, Frank S , Co. '91.. 135 Reese, Henry A., K. '93 50 Reese, Manoah B., L. Hon 459 Reeside, Howard S., Mar. '93.. 171 Regan, Thomas J., Fd. '99 308 Reherd, Harry A., Mc. '97 434 Reid, Charles B., St. '86 106 Reifsnider, Yolney G., Di. '91.. 360 Remich, Daniel C, K. '78 26 Remich, James W., K. '82 32 Requa, Robert R., Fd. '93 304 Rex, Harry R., Ham. '90 227 Reynolds, Allen H., We. '93 ... 205 Reynolds, Charles A., P. '94.,. 152 Reynolds, Frederick, K. '84 36 Reynolds, Frederick G., Fd.'g6 306 Reynolds, Henry L., Jr., Mar. '85 162 Reynolds, Jackson E., Mil. '96 465 Rice, Frederick D., Di. '93 361 Rice, Frederick D., Di. '94 363 Rice, Harold G., Cha. '98 385 Rice, Plerbert A., Cho. '95 263 Rice, James Q., Mar. '86... 161 Rice, Mervyn A., St. '92 114 Rich, Albert D., Bo. '93 89 Rich, Edgar J., Cho. '91 257 Richards, Channing, Ham. Hon 217-8 Richards, Channing W., Ham. '93 232 Richards, Eben, Co. '88 132 Richards, Elmer E., K. '83.. . 34 Richards, James S., Ham. '98.. 238 Richards, John K., Sw. Hon... 411 Richards, John R., Har. '99.... 405 Richards, Joseph T., Cg. '92... 316 Richards, Paschal L., Ham. '97 237 Richardson, Charles P., K. '93 50 Richardson, Eben A., Be. '83.. 62 Richardson, Granville A., K.'84 36 Richardson, Granville A., K.'86 39 Richardson, Hedley V., K, '94 51 Richardson, Herbert G., Di.'92 360 Richardson, Owen D., Cg. '96.. 322 Richardson, William D., liam. '90 227 Richcreek, Hiram, Be. '87 64 Riddle, William W., Ham. '92 231 Ricketts, E. O , Sw. Plon 411 Ricketts, Merrill U., Sw. '95... 415 Rickey, Luzerne A,, Sw. '97 ... 417 Riely, Henry C, Min. '97 354 Riggs, Samuel A., Gr. Hon 472 Rigney, Timothy J., O. '98 450 Riley, Charles G., Har. '96 401 Riley, George C, Har. '98 404 Rinaker, Thomas, K. '78 26 Rinard, Leonard C, Mc. '96... 432 Rinehart, Clement D., Wa.'88.. 274 Ringolsky, Issie J., K. '84 36 Risley, Theodore G., Be. '88... 65 Risser, George H., L '97 ., 442 Ritsher, Edward C, St. '89 112 Ritter, Herman, K. '78 26 Rixey, Charles J., Jr., Min. '97 354 Robbins, Charles A., Bo. '85... 76 Robert, Douglas W., Co. '98 — 141 Roberts, Edward A., Di. '95 ... 364 Roberts, Frank M., T.,'95 ... 337 Roberts, Leonard G., We. '90.. 201 Roberts, Odin B , Cho. '91 257 Roberts, Robert E., T. '97 340 Roberts, William H., We. '90., 201 Robertson, Edward W., Min. '90 347 Robertson, George S., Ham. '93 232 Robertson, James B., Min. '93.. 350 Robertson, John C, Min. '95... 352 Robertson, William, Ham. '91.. 228 Robinson, Allan G., St. '94 118 Robinson, Chistopher, O. Hon. 447 Robinson, George W., Wa. '88. 273 Robinson, Gifford S.,Mc.Hon..425-6 Robinson, Henry J., Mar. '95... 174 Robinson, Leonard B., Mc. '95 431 Robinson, NorborneT. N,,Min. '97 353 Robinson, Omar E., T. '92 334 Robinson, Rush A., Fd. '92 300 Robison, Harry N., Mar. '96 ... 173 Robison, Harry N., G. '97 247 566 PHI DELTA PHI. Roby, Frank C, Bo. '89 82 de Rochemont, Louis L. jG., We. '94 206 Roe, Jesse G., Fd. '89 296 Roelker, Alfred, Jr., St. '98.... 123 Rogers, Alfred T., Har. '95 400 Rogers, Arthur R., Di. '91 360 Rogers, Christopher H., We.'96 210 Rogers, Edward S., K. '95 54 Rogers, Frederick W., We. '86 191; Rogers, George H., Hi. '99. ... 368 Rogers, George M., Bo. 'S2 73 Rogers, Henry W., K. Hon 11-2 Rogers, James T., Cg. '93 318 Rogers, Thomas C., Cg. '95.... 321 Rogers, William A., Gr. '96 475 Rogers, Willis A., K. '82 32 Rohbach, James A., Mc. Hon.. 426 Rohr, Leo M., Dan. '96 375 Roland, John W., Cha. '97 384 Rollins, ilarry L., We. '80 199 Rollins, Richard R., Mc. '98... 436 Rombauer, Theodore G., Co. '92 135 Ronan, Joseph D., K. '71 14 Roosevelt, Theodore, St. '82. 102 Rorick, David, Co. '93.. 136 Rose, Edward P., K. '78 26 Rosecrants, Clarke M., Har. '94 398 Rosenstock, Edgar H., Cg. '94 319 Rosling, Eric E., We. '89 199 Ross, Alva, Bo. '90 83 Ross, George W., Ham. '93 232 Ross, John M., Mil.- '96 466 Ross, Jonathan C, Mar. '90 167 Ross, Thomson L., Cho. '97 266 Ross. Walter W., Bo. '90 83 Ross, Walter W., Cho. 'gi...... 257 Rotan, Samuel P., G. '92 245 Rouleau, Oscar A., P. '91 150 Rounds, Arthur C, Cho. '90 255 Rounds, Ralph S., St. '92 114 Rountree, John S., K. '93 50 Rouse, Shelley, Ham. 'go 227 Rowley, Walter E., J. '92 189 Royce, Herbert B., Cg. '96 ... . 323 Royle, Edwin M., St. '86 107 Rozzelle, Frank F., K. '78 26 Rublee, George, Cho. 'g5 263 Ruddell, Frank S., Mil. 'g7 466 Ruef, Abraham, P. '36 148 Ruel, Girard G., Cho. '8g 253 Rugg, Arthur P., We. '86 ig4 Rule, Adrian O., Co. '85 I2g Rule, Virgil R., Co. '87 131 Rumsey, David, St. 'gg 124 Runyan, Eben F., Jr., Bo. '86.. 78 Rush, George F., K. 'go 45 Rusk, Jefferson S., Mar. '88 166 Russell, Charles C, Har. 'g2... 393 Russell, Charles T., Wa. '98 ... 287 Russell, Daniel L., Jr., K. '94. 51 Russell, Isaac F.. Fd. Hon 293 Russell. William S., Fd. 'go 2g7 Rust, Philip S., Cho. 'go 255 Ruston, Jof^n E., Kd. 'g3 304 Rutenic, John C., Cha. 'go 380 Ruth, Linus C, Bo. '80 71 Rutherford, Livingston, J. '91.. 188 Rutledge, Thomas G., Co. '94.. 137 Rutter, Lynn R., Bo. '97 93 Ryan, Albert H., Cg. 'gg 325 Ryan, Albert T., Mar. 'g5 173 Ryan, David, Mc. Hon 126 Ryan, John B., Mc. 'g6 432 Ryan, William L., Mc. g6 432 S Sabin, Edward M., Har. '93.... 397 Sackett, Charles E., Mar. '87... 164 Safford, Edward H , We. '97... 212 Safford, Philo P., St. '88 no Safford, William H., Bo. 'go... 84 Sage, George R.. Ham. Hon... 218 Saint, Harry Y., K. 'g6 55 St. George, Herbert A., Cg. '96 323 Sale, Lee, Co. '85 129 Saltonstall, Endicott P.,Cho.'97 266 Sames, Albert M., Mar. 'g5 173 Sampson, Alexander, K. '75 22 Sampson, William, Ham.'Sg... 225 Sanborn, John A., P. 'g6 j 54 Sanders, Milton T., Di. 'g5 365 Sanderson, George A., We. '87 ig6 Sanford, Edward, Cho. 'g7... 266 Sandford, Edward R., Fd. 'g4. 303 Sands, Alexander H., Min. 'g7.. 354 Sanford, Charles H., Ham. 'g3 232 Sanford, Edward T., Cho. '8g.. 254 Sanford, Wavland W., K. '84.. 36 Sargent, Bradley V., Jr., Wa. '87 273 Sarrls, Rutus, K. '75 22 Sater, Lowry F., Sw. 'g7 417 Saunders, James N., K. '87 41 Saussy, Gordon, Cg. 'gO 323 Sauter, Louis E., Bo. 'g2 87 Sauter, Otto E., K. '82 32 Sawyer, Cleon J., Mar. '84 162 Sawyer, Elmo W., Har. 'g5 400 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 567 Sawyer, William F., P. 'Sy 148 Sawyer, William H., We. 'go... 201 Sayre, Jesse P., P. '96 154 Scaife, Walter B., K. '80 30 Scarborough, Walter C.,We.'92 204 Schaper, Jesse H., T. '92 334 Scharton, William R , FJ. '96.. 306 Schenck, Joseph M., St. '9') 121 Scheu, Alfred C, Dan. '94 374 Schmidt, Henry F., Ham. '93. 233 Schmitt, Frank P, J., '85 182 Schneck, Georije W., Cg. '93... 318 Schoellkop^, Henry W , Jr., Bo. '91 '. 86 Schofield, Henry, Cho. '90 256 Schoonmaker, Oliver P., We. '98 212 Schiitz, Walter S.. Si. \)~i.. 122 Schumann, Carl G. A., Fd. '93 301 Schurch, John F. , Di. '96.. . 365 Schuyler, Daniel J., Jr., Bo. '96 92 Scott, Charles W., Ham. '92 ... 231 Scott, Edward H., We. '91 ... 203 Scott, Frank H., Bo. '3? 73 Scott, George W., Cg. '98 325 Scott, Jacob C. E., J. '89 188 Scott, Jamis P., O '94 448 Scott, Perley K., K. '75 22 Scovel, Charles W., St. '85 105 Scovell, Josiah B., Cg. '91 315- Scroggs, Charles J., Ham. '86.. 219 Scudder, Willard, St. '92 114 ScuUin, Frederick W,, Co. '95. 137 Seaman, Charles, Har. '94 398 Sears, Charles B., Cho. '96 265 Sears, George B., We. '95 208 Sears, William R , Cho., '94 ... 262 'Sedgwick, Alexander K., Har. '95 \^0 Sedgwick, Clyde H., Har. '93.. 397 Sedgwick, John H., St. '91 113 Seipp, Philip W., K. '99 57 Selfridge, Edward A., Jr., St. '97 122 Selkirk, John E., Dan. '94 374 Sengens, William E., Fd. '93... 302 Sensner, Charles F., Mar. '95... 175 Sewall, Russell E., Cha. '92 381 Seward, Ora P., Bo. '83 74 Seward, Oscar M., K. '76 24 Seymour, Augustus T., Sw. '95 415 Seymour, Carl J., Cg. '91 315 Seymour, Henry H., Dan. Hon 371 Seymour, Origen S., Wa. '96... 285 Shaffer, William A., Cg, '96.... 323 Shank, Robert J., Sw. '97.. 417 Shanklin, Arnold, Co. '89 133 Shannon, Richard C, St. '85... 105 Sharp, Amor W., Ham. '92 23T Sharp, David B., Sw. '93 413 Sharp, Edward F., Mc. 98 436 Sharp, George M., Wa. Hon... 272 Sharpe, Horace McV., Bo. '96. 92 Sharpstein, William C, P. '85.. 147 Shaw, Alva J., Fr. '96 456 Shaw, Edward E., Fr. '96 456 Shaw, Joseph J., Fr. '96 457 Shead, Oliver W., St. '96 121 Sheats, Arthur K., P. '90 ........ 150 Sheller, William, Fr. '98 458 Shepherd, John W., K. '71 16 Shepley, Arthur B., Co. '97 140 Sheppard, John S., Jr., Cho. '95 263 Sheridan, Henry C, Mar. '94.. 174 Sheridan, James J., K. '94 52 Sheridan, James J., Wa. '95 284 Sheridan, Philip, Har. '94. 399 Sherman, Adrian F., Gr. '96... 475 Sherman, Adrian F., Gr. '97... 477 Sherman, Augustus F., Fd. '89 296 Sherman, Frederick F., We. '98 212 Sherman, Philemon T., St. '91. ir3 Sherman, Roger, Bo. '95 91 Sherrill, Charles H., Jr., Wa. '91 278 Sherwood, Jonathan W., Cg. '94 320 Shewmon, Allen, K. '86 39 Shields, Edmund C, K. '96.... 55 Shields, George H., Jr., Mar. '93 170 Shillington, Joseph, Mar. '84 .. 161 Shindel, J Martin, G. '89 243 Shine, Cheever L., Min. '95 352 Shinn, Roswell, J. '86 184 Shrader, Jackson L., P. '86 148 Shrimski, Israel, Bo. '90 84 ShuU, Aytchmonde P., T. '91 .. 332 Shurtleff, Charles W., Bo. '84.. 75 Sigel, Franz, Jr., Fd. '96 306 Silber, Arthur M., Fd. '92 300 Silliman, George B., St. '83 103 Silliman, Orwell J., Ham. '92.. 231 Silliman, Oscar R., Be. '83 62 Simmons, John W., G. '89 243 Simmons, Robert C, Ham. '88 223 Simonds, Lincoln S., We., '94.. 206 Simons, William A., Co. '96 139 Simpson, Ernest S., P. '92 151 Simpson, George R., Mar. '88.. 166 Sims, Charles B., Cha. '94 382 568 PHI DELTA PHI. Sims, Harry U., Cho. 'qy 267 Singleton, Shelby M,, Bo,, 'g2. 87 Sinks, Frederick N., Sw. '98... 419 Sinnett, Harold B., T. '97 340 Skewis, Edward J., Mc. '98 436 Skinker, Charles R., Co. '96... 139 Skinner, Frederick B., Cg. '96.. 323 Skinner, Le Roy J., Cg, '95 321 Slack, Charles W., P. Hon 144 Slade, Frederick W., St. 'S8 110 Slade, Samuel I., K. '87 41 Slater, Samuel S., Fd. '90 297 Slater, Samuel S., Cg. '94 320 Slayback, John C, K. '79 25 Sleman, John B., Jr., Mar. '95 172 Sloan, Ithomas C., Mar. Hon.. 392 Small, Edward A., Bo. '85 76 Small, Henry C, O. '94 448 Smiley, Samuel E., St. '92 115 Smith, Alanson P., J. '90 188 Smith, Alfred E , Fd. '90 297 Smith, Arthur, St. '92 II5 Smith, Benjamin M., Bo. '90... 84 Smith, Charles M., Dan. '93 . . 373 Smith, Charles S., K. '81 31 Smith, Charles W.,Cg. '89 312 Smith, Clarence G T., Cg. '92 316 Smith, Edgar R., Mc. '95 .431 Smith, Edward H., Bo. '93 89 Smith, Edward I., Cho. '89 254 Smith, Edward T., Sw. '98 .... 419 Smith, Edwin B., Bo. Hon 70 Smith, Edwin Du B., P. '91 150 Smith, Ernest G., Wa. '96 285 Smith, Felix O., Mar. '93 171 Smith, Frank .A., Bo. '83 74 Smith, Frank C, K. '93 50 Smith, Frederick De L., Mar. '84 162 Smith, Frederick J., Har. '96.. 402 Smith, Frederick P., Di. '91... 360 Smith, Griswold, Co! '98 141 Smith, Henry L., Cg. '89 313 Smith, Herbert K., Wa. '95 284 Smith, Herbert L., Cg. '93 318 Smith, Hiram, Jr., K. '73 19 Smith, James G., K. '86 39 Smith, Jeremiah, Cho. Hon 252 Smith, Jeremiah, Jr., Cho. '95.. 263 Smith, John De Y., L. '97 442 Smith, Loyal L., Bo. '86 78 Smith, Luther E-, Co. '97 140 Smith, Mendel L., Min. '93 319 Smith, Milton, Cg. Hon 311 Smith, Samuel M., Har. '93 397 Smith, Shelton L., Be. '87 64 Smith, Shelton L., J. '88 187 Smith, Sidney W., Har. '99 405 Smith, Theodore E. , St. '86..... 107 Smith, Wallis C, K. '99 57 Smith, Walter T., K. '88 42 Smith, Walter T.. St. 'SB no Smith, William H„ Wa. '92 279 Smith, William M., Min. '96... 353 Smith, Zeliffskie P., Min. '90... 346 Smythe, Hugh C, Cg. '92 316 Snearer, William, jr., K. '83... 34 Snell, William l).,"Gr. '96 475 Snow, Charles B , Jr., We, '94 206 Snow, Herbert M., K. '83 34 Snow, Leslie P., Mar. '90 167 Snow, Samuel D., Bo. '85 76 Snowhook, William B., Cg. '94 320 Snyder, John G., Cg. '93 318 Snyder, John G., Cg. '94 320 Snyder, John H., Jr., We. '93.. 205 Snyder, John M.. G. '91 244 Snyder, Walter S., Sw. '97 417 Somers, Burbank G., P. '95 153 Soper, Pliny L., St. '87 107 Soren, Walter, We. '86 195 Soule, Ellis G., K. '99 57 Southgate, Butler T., Min. '94.. 351 Southwick, George N., J. '85... 182 Spafford, Joseph H., We. '67... 196 Sparks, Theodore C, T. '96.... 338 Spaulding, Benjamin S.,Cg.'94 320 Spaulding, Oliver L., Jr., K.'96 55 Spaulding, Wilbur B., Co. '97.. 140 Spear, George H., Di '97 366 Speer, William McM., J '87.... 185 Spellman, Clarence L, Gr. '97.. 477 Spellman, John M., Mar. '96... 176 Spencer, Arthur C, Cha. '95... 383 Spencer, Roy, Sw. '95 415 Spencer, Seldon P., Co. '86 130 Spicer, Errol H., K. '98 56 Spock, Benjamin L, Wa. '97... 286 Spooner, Charles P., Har. '94.. 399 Spooner, Willet M., Har. '96... 402 Spotton, William H. B., O. '94. 448 Squire, Remington, Fd. '97 307 Squires, George C, K. '75 22 Stackpole, Joseph L.. Jr., Cho. '98 267 Stafford, Harry E., Sw. '94 414 Stahl, Samuel D., Be. '84.. 63 Staley, Calvin C, K. '77 25 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 569 Stampfli, George J., T. '96 339 Stanley, Henry M., Wa. '87.... 273 Stanton, George D., Jr., Cg.'go 314 Stanwood, Daniel C, Fd. '90... 297 Stark, Gilbert M., K. '75 22 Starkweather, John L., K. '70.. 15 Starr, Lewis, G. '87 242 Start, Guy H., We. '97 212 Stearns, Clare H., K. '97 56 Stearns, Frederick W., Har.'9i 393 Stebbins, Charles H., We. '95.. 208 Stebbins, George M., Di. '98... 367 Stebbins, Joseph, Jr., Min. '96.. 353 Stedman, George W., J. '87 185 Stedman, Livingston B., Cho. '91 • 257 Steele, James D., G. '86 241 Steele, Marion, K. '76 24 Steere, Asel, Jr., J. '86 184 de Steiguer, George E., Ham. • '86 220 Steinhart, Leon H., Cha. '98... 385 Stephan, Carl D., Cg. '94. 320 Stephan, Frederick, Jr., J. '86.. 184 Stephens, Alonzo S., K. '73..... 19 Stephens, John B., Cg. '94 320 Stephens, Redmond D., Bo. '99 94 Stephenson, John W., Ham. Hon 218 Stepp, W. Dale, T. '95 337 Sterling, James B., T. '91 332 Sternberger, Lamar, Sw. '98.... 419 Stetson, Arthur H., We. '97 212 Stetson, George W., We. '90... 201 Steuart, Alexander S., Mar. '86 164 Stevens, Francis E., K. '98 56 Stevens, William W. B., P. '86. 148 Stevenson, Albert E., K. '83... 35 Stewart, Alexander B., Min. '90 347 Stewart, Daniel M., G. '92 245 Stewart, Douglas, Min. '91 348 Stewart, Fred L., P. '95 153 Stewart, George B., K. '88 42 Stewart, John W. M., K. '87... 41 Stewart, Joseph H., Mar. '84... 161 Stewart, Percy H., St. '93 116 Stewart, Robert, Jr., Fd. '91... 299 Stewart, Robert A., Fd. '96.... 306 Stewart, Robert W., Wa. '88... 274 St. George, Herbert A., Cg.'96 323 Stifel, Louis F., K. '77 25 Stillman, Herman W., Bo. '86.. 78 Stillwell, Charles C, Bo. '89... 82 Stoddard, Henry, Wa. Hon 272 Stone, Colver J., We. '95 208 Stone, George F., Mar. Hon... 160 Stone, Harlan F., St. '98 123 Stone, Harry W., Bo. '99 94 Stone, John G., K, '94 52 Stone, John S., Di. '91 359 Stone, Royal A., Co. 97 140 Stoneman, George J., Jr., K.'89 43 Stoney, Donzel, P. '93 151 Storer, Oscar, We. '95 208 Story, Elmer G., Fd. '94 303 Story, Henry D., Cha. '93 382 Stoughton, George L., Sw. '95. 415 Stout, George C, Cha. '92 381 Stoutenburgh, Arthur T., Mar. '86. 165 Stover, Willis W., We. '96 210 Straight, Leonard A., Bo. '90.. 84 Strait, Horace B., Cg. '94 320 Stratton, Abram B., Bo. '90 84 Strauss, William M., J. '87 185 Street, Cliarles S., We. '90 20i Stribbling, Robert C, Min. '96 353 Strickland, Lemuel S., We. '95 208 Stringham, Frank D., P. '98... 155 Stroman, Charles F., L. '95 440 Strother, Samuel B., T. '93 335 Struble, Clinton B., Cg. '91 315 Stuart, William, Fd. '93 302 Stuart, William J., K '72 17 Stuart, William S., Min. '92 349 Studley, Elmer E.»Cg. '94 320 Sturcke, Ludwig C. M. R., St. '95 • 119 Sturges, Ralph A., St. '98 123 Sturtevant, Charles L., Mar. '88 165 Sturtevant, William T., We. '86 195 Swallow, Charles M., K. '71 ... 16 Swan, Charles E., Di. '96 365 Swan, Henry H., K. Hon ,. 12 Swansen, Samuel T., Har. '92.. 395 Swartzburg, Edward H., Har. '92 395 Swayne, Robert H., P. '85 147 Swearingen, Orson H., T. '97.. 340 Swearingen, Otho D., Be. '88... 65 Sweeney, Jay R., Ham. '94 234 Sweet, Burton E., Mc. '95 431 Sweet, John C, Di. '93 362 Swett, Herbert E., Har. '94 399 Swift, Edward D., P. '88 149 Switzer, John F., We. '88 198 Swope, Frank D., Cho. '89 254 Sughrue, Michael J., We. '88... 198 570 PHI DELTA PHI. Sullivan, John J., Ham. '89 225 Sullivan, Patrick H., We. '90... 20 f Summerfield, Marcus, Gr. Hon 472 Summers, Williamson S., L. Hon 4|39 Sumpter, Orlando H., Co. '93.. 136 Sutherland, William A., Mil. '98 467 Suydam, James L,, Fd. '89 296 Syer, Robert R., P. '94 152 Sykes, Eugene L., Min. '97 354 T Tafel, Hugo A. D., Ham. '93.. 233 Taft, Marcus H., Co. '87 :.. 131 Taft, William H., K. Hon 12 Talbot, Minton W., Min. '90... 346 Tansey, George J., Co. '90 134 Tarbox, Russell L., St. '95 120 Tarrant, Warren D., Har. '92 .. 395 Tasker, Frederick E., Mar. '86 163 Taussig, John C, Co. '95 137 Taylor, Benjamin C, Di. '95... 365 Taylor, Carl, Di. '92 360 Taylor, Charles W., K. '85 38 Taylor, Edward K., P. '8b 148 Taylor, Edward M., Ham. '93.. 233 Taylor, Edward T., K. '84 36 Taylor, Edward W., Di. '93 362 Taylor, Francis B„ Fd. '90 297 Taylor, Frederick C, Wa. '96.. 28^ Taylor, George H., G. '88 242 Taylor, Harold, K. '91 47 Taylor, Harry L., Cg. '93 318 Taylor, Henry R., St. '94 118 Taylor, Herbert W., Fd. '91 ... 299 Taylor, Joseph W., Cg. '92 316 Taylor, Joseph W., Cg. '93 318 Taylor, Martin S., K. '74 21 Taylor, Perry P., Bo. '91 86 Taylor, Perry P., Co. '91 . .. 135 Taylor, Robert C., Ham. '91... 229 Taylor, Robert N., Ham. '90... 227 Taylor, Tazewell, Min. '95 35t Taylor, Thomas A., K. '74 21 Taylor, Walter F., Min. '(^i 347 Taylor, Walter H., Min. '91 ... 347 Tazwell, George, Cha. '94 383 Tebbetts, Theodore C, St. '99. 124 Tefft, Clarence E., L. '96 441 Temple, Charles E., K. '82 32 Templeton, Charles B., J. '86.. 184 Templeton, James D., Be. '81.. 61 Ten Broek, Gerrit H., Co. '88.. 132 Ten Eyck, Jacob L., J. '89 188 Ten Eyck, William B., J. 'S6... 184 Tenney, Henry A., St, '88 no Terrill, H. R., V. '92 332 Terry, Charles T., St. '93 116 Thayer, Aaron C, Cho. '90 256 Thayer, Charles M., Cho. '92.. 259 Thayer, Ezra R., Cho. '91 357 Thayer, James B., Cho. Hon... 252 Thayer, Wade W., K. '96 55 Theall, Maurice V., Fd. '93 302 Thistlethwaite, Joe L., Cg. '91 315 Thom, Corcoran, Mar. '93 171 Thomas, Benjamin F., Ham. '87 222 Thomas, Charles S., K. '71 16 Thomas, De Alton S., Di. '96. 366 Thomas, Ellis J., St. '93 116 Thomas, George O., Fd. '97 ... 307 Thomas, Thomas, Sw. '95 415 Thomas, William O., Har. '96.. 402 Thomas, William W., 2d, Mil. '96 466 Thompson, Benjamin L., T.'95 337 Thompson, Benjamin L., T.'96 339 Thompson, Bradley M., K. Hon 12-13 Thompson, Burton M., T. '92... 334 Thompson, Charles Y., L. '97 .. 442 Thompson, Edward R., P. '88.. 149 Thompson, Harry B., Ham. '93. 233 Thompson, John W., Wa. '97.. 286 Thompson, Joseph A., O. '99... 449 Thompson, Leverett, Bo. '95... 9I Thompson, Lewis S., Cho. '95.. 264 Thompson. Louis W., Co. '96.. 139 Thompson, Morven, Mar. '95... 173 Thompson, Ralph J. '92 189 Thompson, Robert F., K. '93... 50 Thompson, Robert W.,Jr., St. '96 121 Thompson, Samuel L., K. '8q.. 43 Thompson, William G., Cho. '91 257 Thomson, John D., Wa. '97 287 Thorne, Albert G., Dan. '95 374 Thome, Frank D., Dan. '98 376 Thornton, Charles E., K. '73... 19 Thornton, Richard H., Cha. Hon 379 Thurman, Anderson W., T. '94 336 Thurston, Walter A., T. '98 341 Tichenor, William C, Ham. '93 233 Tidd, Abraham L., T. '94 236 Tiedeman, Christopher G., T. Hon 330 Tierney, Edward F., K. '82 33 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 571 Tiffin, Frederick VV., O. '96 45° Tillotson, Earle C, Har. '99... 405 Tilson, John Q., Wa. '93 280 Tilsonj William J., Wa. '96 285 •Tilton, George K., Be. '84 63 Timken, Harry H., P. 'go 1 50 340 274 Tinimonds, Harry W., T. '97 Tingier, Lyman T., Wa. '88.. Titlow, Aaron R., Co. '86 130 Titus, Frank J., Dan. '94 374 Tobey, George E., L. '98.... Tompkins, Leslie J., Fd. '92 Tompkins, Minthorne, Fd. '90.. 297 Tompkins, Odell D., Fd. '93... 302 Tompkins, Thomas S., Di. '91.. 359 Tompkins, William M., Co. '93 136 Tourtellotte, Frederick J., Bo. '93 89 Towne, Paul R., Fd. '90 297 Townley, George F., Co. '96... 139 Townsend, Frank C, Mar. '91 ; 167 Townsend, Frederick, Jr., Cho 443 300 97 267 295 Townsend, Gerard B., Fd. 'Sg. Townsend, James M., Jr., Wa. Hon 272 Townsend, William K., Wa. Hon 272 Tracy, Fred W.,We. '86 195 Trafford, Perry D., Cho. 'gi 258 Trax, Judson D., Cg. '92 316 Tread way, Francis W., Wa, 'g2 27g Tread well, Edward F., P. 'g7.. 155 Troxel, Cloyd R., Gr. 'g5 473 Troxel, Cloyd R., Gr. '96 475 Trude, Samuel H. G., Bo. '89.. 82 True, Sidney M., L. '97 442 Trumbull, William, Wa. '89 275 Tucker, Robert, Ham. '93 233 Tuckerman, Eliot, Cho. '97 267 Turner, Robert H., P. '98 155 Turney, Winlhrop, Wa. '90 277 Turrill, George A., Ham. '86... 220 Tustin, George M., St. '83 103 Tuttle. Joseph N., St. '88 iro Twitchell, La Fayette, Be. '80.. 61 Tyler, Albert DeF., Di. '93 362 Tyler, Rollin U., Wa. '93 280 Tyler, Walter B., Cg. '96 323 Tyler, William S., St. 'gg 124 Tylor, George S., Ham. '86 220 Tyng, Sewell T., St. 'gr 113 Ulrich, Charles E., Bo. '82 73 Upham, Robert A., Har. 'gg... 405 Upton, Ralph R., Mar. '93 169 Urban, Charles H., Ham., '97.. 237 Valentine, Louis H., P. '87 Valle, Paul B., Co. '94 Valliant, John W., Co. '93 ... Van Allen, Alfred M., Mc. 'g4. Van Bergen, Harold M., Cg.'93 Van Buskirk, Lawrence, K. '90 Van Campen, Charles H., Di. '94 Vance, Samuel W., K. '78 Van Cleft, John B., Cg. '88 Vande venter, Roland D., Be. '88... Van Dyke, George A., K. '79.. Van Everen, Horace G., Mar. '95 van Fridagh, Paul, Cha. '93 Van Home, Robert M., Ham. '86 Van Ingen, Edward, Wa. '93... Van Oosterhout, Peter D., Mc. 94 Van Oosterhaut, Peter D., St. '95 • • Van Schaack, Henry C, Bo. '83 Van Sickle, William L., Ham. Van Slyck, George F., St. Van Swearingen, John Q. 97" K. Van Voast, Albert B., J. 'g2.. .. van Wyck, Sidney Mc.M., Jr . P. 'go VanZandt, Grant, Di. 'g6 Vazeille, Etienne R., Ham. '92 Veazie, Arthur L., Cha. '93 Veazie, Jesse C, Cha. '94 Veazie, Jesse C, Cho. '98 Veeder, John DeW., K. '79 Velde, Franklin L., Bo. '8g Vermilyea, Samuel E., Bo. '8g.. Verrill, Harry M., Wa. 'gi Vilas, Henry, Har. 'g7 Vilas, William P\, Har. Hon... Villard, Harold G., St. 'g4 Vinsonhaler, Duncan MacA., K. 'gi 148 137 136 429 318 45 363 27 312 65 173 382 220 280 429 120 74 229 122 42 189 150 366 231 382 383 267 28 82 82 278 404 392 118 47 572 PHJ DELTA PHI. Vogelsang, Alexander T., P.'86 148 Voght, John P. S., Bo. '82 73 Volker, William J., J. '86 184 Volkmor, Orlando C, K. '90... 45 Vollenweider, OttdE., Ham.'gi 229 Vollmer, Frederick, Mc. '96 432 von Briesen, Fritz, Fd. '97 306 von Schrenk, Otto, Fd. '95 305 von VVilmowski, Felix F., St. '92 115 Voorhees, Burt ?.. Sw. '94 414 Voorhees, Campbell M., K. '93 50 Voorhees, Campbell M., Sw.'94 414 Voorhees, Charles \V,, Sw. '94.. 414 Voorhees, Frederic N , Fd. 'qi 299 Vose, Frederic P., Bo. '94 90 Voss, George A., Fd. '96 306 Wade, John F., T. '95 338 Wade, Martin J., Mc. Hon 426 Wadleigh, Luther O., K. '94... 52 Wadley, William H., K. '91.... 47 Wadsworth, William R. O. '99 450 Wagner, Thaddeus P., Cha. '90 380 Wagstaff, Thomas E., Gr. '97... 477 Wait, Charles N., Cha. '90 380 Wait, Walter W., Cg. '94 320 Wait, William B,, Jr., St. '95... 120 Waite, Edward F., Mar. Hon .. 160 Waite, Morrison, R., Wa. Hon. 271 Waite, Sheridan P., J. '89 188 Wakefield, Albert O., Mc. '97.. 435 Wakelee, Edmund W., Fd. '91.. 299 Walcott, Charles, Cho. '95 264 Walker, Buffon S., K. '81 31 Walker, Charles C, Cho. '97... 267 Walker, Charles I., K. Hon 13 Walker, Earl C, Jr., Co. '87... 131 Walker, Edward C, Jr., J. '89 188 Walker, Fisk M., We. '95 208 Walker, Francis W., Bo. '80.... 72 Walker, Frank S., Sw. '97 417 Walker, George H., Mar. '92... 170* Walker, George H., Co. '96 139 Walker, George H., St. '92 115 Walker, John E., St. '98 123 Walker, Joseph, Cho. '90 256 Walker, Mortimer E., Har. '95. 400 Walker, Myron H., K. '78 27 Walker, Roberts, St. '99 124 Walker, Samuel T., Har. '95... 400 Wall, John P., Jr., St. '87 107 Wallace, Carleton L., Di. '97... 367 I Wallace, David, Di. '97 367 Wallace, Frederick, Min. '96... 354 Wallace, Theodoric B., Co. '83 128 Wallace, Thomas F., Jr., Di.'95 365 Wallace, Victor H., Mar. '92... 168 Wallace, William C, P. '88 149 Wallace, William C, Dan. ()2.. 373 Walmsley, Horace B., Bo. '80.. 72 Walscheid, Julius E., Fd. '96... 306 Walsh, Alfred E., Mc. '96 .. 432 Walter, Guy T., Cg. '92 316 Walters, Festus, K. '72 17 Walters, John H., Cg. '96 323 Walthall, John M., P. '98 155 Warburton. William J., St. '93.. 117 Ward, Christopher S., P. •86... 148 Ward, Clarence E., J. '92 189 Ward, Hugh C, Co. '88 132 Ward, John M., St. '85 106 Ward, Robert E., T. '95 338 Ward, Robert E., Fr. '97 456 Wardner, George P., Cho. '93., 261 Ward well, Charles H., We. '95 208 Ware, Henry, Cho. '9ri 265 Ware, Richard D., Cho. '93 261 Waring, Frank W., K. '7 24 Warner, Elton I)., Cg. '89 313 Warner, Glenn S., Cg. '94 320 Warner, Louis H., We. '97 212 Warner, Willard F., Mar. '84.. 161 Warrer, Edgar B., Har. '98 404 Warren, George F,, Jr., St.' 91 113 Warren, Grant A., Sw. '94 414 Warrington, George H., Ham '99 238 Warwick, Walter W., Ham. 'go 227 Washburn, Cyrus V. N., Fd. '91 299 Washburne, Charles H., Mc.'97 435 Washington, Charles M.,Wa.'95 284 Wason, Edward H., We. '90... 201 Wassell, Albert, K. '74 21 Wasserman, Sampson O., J. '87 185 Waterman, John A., Cho. '88... 252 Waterman, Jot S., Cg., '93 318 Waters, Frederic J., Ham. '96.. 236 Waters, Henry J., G. '92.,. 245 Waters, Thomas L. . Min. '91... 348 Watrous, George D.. Wa. Hon. 272 Watson, Archibald R., Min. '94 350 Watson, Archie E., K. '90 45 Watson, Edwin M., T. '96 339 Watson, George B., K. '87 41 Watson, George B., St. '87 108 Watson, John, Min. '95 352 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 573 Watson, John C, K. '73 19 Watson, Spencer G., Dan. '97.. 376 Watt, Hubert L., O. '94 448 Wean, Frank L., K. '87 41 Wean, Frank L., Bo. '87... ..... 70 Weaver, Arthur J., L. '96 441 Weaver, Floyd W., Min. '90.... 346 Weaver, Harry B., Sw. '94 414 Webb, George C., Min. '90 346 Webb, Robert W., Di. '93 362 Webber, Karl T., Sw. '97 418 Webster, Henry E., Dan. '96. .i 375 Webster, Joseph R., L. Hon ... 439 Weed, Oscar D., J. '86 184 Weeks, Charles M., Fd. '92 300 Weeks, Edgar, We. '95 208 Weeks, James L., J. '84 181 Weeks, Jean I., Cg. '95 322 Weeks, William A., K. '79 28 Weeks, William A,, K. '80 30 Wehrle, Edward F., K. '97 56 Weimers, William F., Bo. '84.. 75 Weinland, Edgar L.. Sw. '93 413 Weinschenck, Lucius, Bo. '84... 75 Weiser, Charles, Wa. '94 282 Weissinger, Muir, St. '94 118 Welles, Martin, Mar. '84 161 Wells, Arthur R., Mc. '99.. 435 Wells, Hosea W., B. '89 82 Wells, John W., Cg. '90 314 Wells, Philip P., Wa. '93 281 Wells, Robert W., Gr. '97 477 Wells, William P., K. Hon 13 Welsh, J. D., Be. '87 65 Wendell, Charles A., Fd. '90... 297 Wendell, Frederick F., K. '70.. 15 Wenzlick, William, P. '85 147 Wernaer, Robert M., J. '87 185 Werner, Charles H., Cg, '95.... 322 Werner, Edgar V., Har. '97 404 Wertz, George W., Mc. '94 429 Wescott, Abraham L., We. '92 204 West, James R., Bo. '82 73 Westbrook, Alfred B., Cg. '90.. 314 Weston, Edwin B., We. '97 212 Westwood, Ephraim C, Bo. '91 86 Wetherald, Ross J., Sw. '95 415 Wetmore, Charles D., Cho.'92.. 259 Wheat, Alfred A., Mar. '91 167 Wheeler, Alonzo W., J. '88 187 Wheeler, Arthur D., Bo. '84 ... 75 Wheeler, Charles G., Fd. '97... 308 Wheeler, Charles M., P. '84 145 Wheeler, James E., Wa. '94.... 282 Wheeler, Maxwell S., Dan. '96 375 Wheeler, S. Arthur, Bo. '86.... 78 Wheeler, Shelton K., St. '98... 124 Wheelihan, Frank A., Har. '95 400 Whieldon, William J., We. '90.. 201 Whipple, John A. J., Bo. '80... 71 Whipple, Otis G., L. '95 441 White, Alberts., L. '97 442 White, Charles A., Dan. '97 376 White, Edward J., T. '92 332 White, Elias H., G. '91 244 White, Ernest I., St. '96... I2i White, Eugene McL., Cg. '90.. 314 White, Fred R., Cg. '95 322 White, Frederick B., Min. '94.. 350 White, George F., K. '77 25 White, George F., Bo. 80 71 White, McLaughlin, Di. '98 367 White, Roy W., G. '98 247 White, William E., We. '86 195 White, William E., Ham. '87... 219 White, William P., St. '91 113 Whitehead, Joseph, Min. '91 ... 348 Whitehill, Frank P., Fr. '98 458 Whiteside, Alexander, Jr., Cho. '98 267 Whitford, John S., K. '78 27 Whiting, Randolph V., P. '95.. 153 Whitman, Charles R., K. Hon. 13 Whitman, Charles S., Fd. '94... 303 Whitman, Vernon H., Mar. '84 i6r Whitmore, Chester W., Fr. '96 456 Whitmore, Clifford C, Cg. '96. 323 Whitney, Edgar F., Dan. '93... 373 Whitney, George D., Mar. '96.. 174 Whitney, Henry P., St. '98 ..... 124 Whitney, Lawrence W.,rd. '99 308 Whitney, Max, Fr. '96 457 Whitney, Myron H., Bo. '83... 74 Whiton, Walter S., Bo. '94 go Whittlesey, Henry L.. We. '86. 195 Wickwire, Arthur M., Di. '93.. 362 Wier, Fred N., We. '87 196 Wierman, William C, Sw. '97.. 418 Wierum, Otto C, Jr., St. '89... II2 Wiggin, Joseph, Cho. '96 265 Wiggins, Henry L., Ham. '89. 225 Wiggins, Howard C, J. '87 185 Wight, James W., T. '94 336 Wigmore, John H., Bo. Hon. 70-71 Wilbur, Ralph W., We. '92 204 Wilcox, Edwin A., K. '93 50 Wilcox, Paul, St. '84 104 Wilcox, Roy P., Cg. '97 324 574 PHI DELTA PHI. WilCoxon, Howard T., Fr. '96.. 456 Wiley, Edward E., Min. '96 354 Wilgus, Horace LaF., Sw. Hon. 412 Wilkinson, Arthur C, Har. '96 402 Wilkinson, George L., Mar, '91 168 Wilkinson, William F., T. '96.. 339 Wilkson, Charles P., T. '94 336 Willard, Charles W., P. '96 154 Willard, William W., St. '83... 103 Willcox, Walter F., St. '87 108 Williams, Arthur H., Dan. '94 374 Williams, Charles B., Ham. '92 231 Williams, Charles H., Dan. '92 373 Williams, Edward H., K. '92... 50 Williams, Frank B.,Cho. '95... 264 Williams, Frank L., St. '86 107 Williams, Frank P., K. '81 31 Williams, George D., J. '91 188 Williams, George H., Co. '97.. 140 Williams, Guy R., Sw. '95 415 Williams, Harris S., Dan. '96.. 375 Williams, Harrison R., Co. '88 132 Williams, Harvey C, Fd. '89... 296 Williams, Henry W., Dil. '95... 365 Williams, Herbert C, Dan. '98 376 Williams, Howard H., St. '92.. 115 Williams, Howell C, Cg. '91... 315 Williams, James D., St. '97 122 Williams, John I., Jr., Har. '98 404 Williams, John S,, We. '90 201 Williams, Louis T., We. '93 205 Williams, Norman, Jr., Bo. '99. 94 Williams, Theodoric A., Min. '96 352 Williamson, Alonzo P., Di. '94 363 Williamson, Edwin, Mar. '90... 166 Williamson, Howard P., Ham. '93 233 Williamson, William H. H., K. '79 28 Willis, Guy G., Cha. '91 381 Wilson, Archibald W., Di. '94.. 363 Wilson, Burton W., L. '98 443 Wilson, Eddy E., Cha. '93 382 Wilson, Edward E., K. '81 31 Wilson, George H., Bo. '91 86 Wilson, Henry H., L. Hon 440 Wilson, John, Min. '90 346 Wilson, John C, Mar. '04 172 Wilson, John F., Ham. 90 227 Wilson, John W. D., T. '95 338 Wilson, Percy, K. '94 52 Wilson, Robert H., Cg. '89 313 Wilson, Samuel'B., Di. '96 366 Wilson, William A., Min. '92.. 349 Wilson, Wilmer W., L. '95 441 Winchester, Lucius W., Bo. '90 84 Windisch, Charles F., Ham. '87 222 Wineteer, Charles T., (or G.,) Be. '87 65 Wine, Horace B., K. '82 33' Wing, Louis F., Dan. '95 374 Wing, Thomas E., L. '95 441 Winkler, Frederick W., K. '96. 55 Winningham, Theodore, K.'76. 24 Winston, Charles A., Ham. '91 229 Winston, Charles A., Cho. '93.. 261 Winter, Nevin O., Sw. '97 418 Winter, Philip E., Bo. '83 74 Winter, William H., Gr. '95.... 473 Winters, James H., K. '72 17 Winthrop, Grenville B., St. '94. 118 Wise, Wallace A., P. '89 150 Witbeck, Charles S., K. '92 48 Wittenberg, Albert M., Cg.'9i. 315 Woerner, William F., Co. '85... 129 Wolf, Rennold, Cg. '94 321 WoUaeger, Gustav, Jr., Har. '97 404 WoUmann, Henry, K. '78 27 Wood, Charles E. S., Cha. Hon 379 Wood, Charles H., We. '94 206 Wood, Charles S., G. '91 245 Wood, Daniel B., Di. '08 367 Wood, Edgar L., Har. '92 395 Wood. Elisha B., K. '74 21 Wood, George H., K. '89 43 Wood, George H., Ham. '89 ... 225 Wood, Henry C, Mar. '86 164 Wood, Howard O., St. '89 11*2 Wood, Kay, Bo. '95 91 Wood, Leonard C, Mar. '86... 163 Wood, Lyndon D., Cg. '88 312 Wood, Thomas S., G. '86 241 Wood, Walpole, Bo. '84 75 Wood, William H. S., Mar. '90 166 Wood, William R., Ham. '93... 233 Woodard, William H., Har. 96.. 402 Woodruff, James P., Wa. '93... 281 Woods, Edward O., J. '85 182 Woods, Frank T., T. '97 340 Woods, Richard H., T. '97 341 Woods, Robert E., Mar. '92 170 Woodward, Frank L., Wa. '90.. 277 Woodward, Henry S., Mar, '92 169 Woodward, Jesse M., Mar. '98.. 177 Woodward, Millard F., P. '87.. 149 Woodworth, Marshall B,, P. '94 152 Woodworth, Samuel K., K, '84 36 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 575 Woolner, Alfred C, Wa. '95.... 284 Woolsey, Clarence H., Fd. '92 300 Worden, George G., Cg. '97.... 324 Worden, Harry F., K. '94 52 Worden, Lucian R., liar. '96... 402 Work, James C, K. '86 39 Worman, George W., G. '88... 242 Wortendyke, Rynier J. St. '84.. 104 Worthen, Samuel E., We. '94 .. 206 Wragge, Edmund C., O. '97 ... 449 Wright, Charles D., K. '72 17 Wright, Craig T., Me. '95 431 Wright, Edgar B., K. '84 36 Wright, Edward C, Cho. '89... 254 Wright, George E , Cho. '92... 259 Wright, George G., Mc. Hon... 426 Wright, John A., Di. '94 363 Wright, Nathaniel, Jr., Ham. '89 225 Wright, Orestes H., K. '98 57 Wright, Robert J., Har. '94 399 Wright, Thomas H., Ham. '92. 231 Wright, William W., Jr., Mar. '95 176 Wright, William W., Jr., Dan. '91 372 Wulfekuhler, Louis H., Gr. '95 474 Wurts, Pierre J., Wa. '93 281 Wurzburg, Francis L., K. '99 57 Wynn, William H., Jr., Gr, '95 474 •^ Yantis, James A., T. Hon 331 Yates, Richard, K. '82 33 Yates, Richard, K. '84 37 Yeates, Charles M., Mar. '90... 167 Yerkes, George B., K. '88 42 York, Samuel A., Jr., Wa. '92.. 279 Yost, Nicholas D., Cg. '98 325 Young, Clarence W., Bo. '90... 84 Young, Edwin P., Cg. '94 321 Young, Hobart P., Bo. '96 92 Young, Jared W,, Co. '97 140 Young, Owen D., We. '96 210 Young, Richard B., Ham. '91.. 229 Young, William, Cg. '93 318 Young, William S., Fd. '96 306 Ziegler, Charles W., Sw. '97 ... 418 Zimmer, Walter J., Cg. '95 322 Zimmerman, Joshua S., Mar. '96 175 Zollinger, Charles, K. '95 54 Zollinger, Charles, Mc. '95 431 Zollinger, Morris A., Mc. '94... 429 Zulauf, John C, Cho. '88 252 Zumbalen, Joseph H., Co. '87.. 131 or TMB tTNIVERSITY '2lCAUF0fifii> THAT YOU NEEB YOUR ORDER SOLICITED, What is Code Pleading ? Where did it come from, and why has it grown ? being Hepburn's Historical Development of Code Pleading, $3.00 Modern Equity Practice, in both Fed- eral and State Courts, by Charles Fisk Beach, Jr. Two vols, $13.00 If you practice in the Federal Courts, you will need this book as a guide. Loveland^s Forms of Federal Proced- ure, being Forms of Practice and Procedure in the United States Courts, by Frank O. LovELAND, (Clerk U. S. Circuit Court of Ap- peals, sixth circuit, ) i Vol. $6.00 If you have any case in the U. S. Courts, you will need this book for its aid in drawing your Forms. 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