LIBRARY JACHETTE AND COMPANY JNIV-:RSJTY CAUFOKN.A, ^^__ Frangais A CHOICE SELECTION OF POPULAR FRENCH PLAYS With Summaries of the Plots, and Explanatory Notes by some of the most distinguished and experienced French Masters in England. General Editor: Professor HENRY TESTARD, B.A., B.D., Officier de V Instruction Publique, Membre de la, Societt des Gens de Lettres de France ; Senior French Instructor at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. The Collection is divided into two Series : The First Series consists of clever and humorous plays, adapted, by their purity of tone and expression, for reading in Schools and Families. One of the main objects of this Series is to enable young students to acquire, in the most interesting way, a sound knowledge of colloquial and idiomatic French. The lively dialogues, with their amusing witticisms, that occur in a Comedy, are calculated to impress both words and constructions more forcibly than the sentences of cut and dried Conversations. The plays of the Second Series are suited only for adult students, being less restricted in the choice of subject and dialogue. This Series will include some of the best specimens of the French stage in its various aspects. A careful study of these plays, abounding in wit and humour, will afford a student the readiest means of mastering those subtleties of the language which it generally requires a long stay in France to appreciate thoroughly. In the notes, the principal difficulties arising from grammatical construc- tions, idiomatic phrases and unusual words, are carefully explained. Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the text, which is printed in a new, clear type, and on superior paper. ( The figures indicate the number of Characters : M.~ male, F. = female.) FIRST SERIES. {For Schools and Families]. Price per Volume, in Paper Covers, 9d, Vol. i. Labiche, E., et Jolly, A. Le Baron de Fourchevif. Com^die en un Acte, en Prose. (A uthorised Edition). Characters : M. 4, F. 2. With Notes, etc., by H. TESTARD, B.A., B.D., etc. London : 18 King William Street, Charing Cross. Thc&tre Frangais FIRST SERIES (continued). Vol. 2. Scribe, E. La Camaraderie, ou Lacourte Echelle. Come"die en cinq Actes, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) Char- acters : M. 13, F. 3. With Notes, etc., by H. BUE, B. es L. ; Officier d'AcacUmie ; Principal French Master, Christ's Hospital, London ; Late Examiner in the University of London. Vol. 3. Legouve* et Labiche. La Cigale chez les Fourmis. Come'die en un Acte, en Prose. (Authorised- Edition.) Characters : M. 3, F. 2. With Notes, etc., by H. TBSTARD, B.A., B.D., etc. Vol. 4. Raymond et Ordonneau. Maitre Corbeau. Co- medie en deux Actes, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.') Characters; M. 5, F. 3. With Notes, etc., by F. JULIEN, Officier d'Academie ; French Master at the King Edward's School, Five Ways, Birmingham. Vol. 5. Labiche, Lefranc et Jesse. Le Major Cravachpn. Come'die-Vaudeville en un Acte, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.} Characters: M. 4, F. 2. With Notes, etc., by FRANCIS TARVER, M.A. Oxon ; Formerly Assistant Master at Eton College. Vol. 6. Qreville, H. Ma Tante. Comedie de paravent en un Acte, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.} Characters: M. i, F. i. With Notes, etc., by CH. DELHAVL, B.A. Vol. 7. Bisson, A. Le Sanglier. Comedie en un Acte, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) Characters: M. 3, F. 2. With Notes, etc., by Professor H. ATTWELL, K.O.C. Vol. 8. Legouve, E. Ma Fille et mon Bien. Comedie en deux Tableaux, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.} Characters : M. 4, F. 2. La Matinee d'une Etoile. Comedie en un Acte, en Prose. {Authorised Edition.} Characters: M i, F. 2. With Notes, etc., by L. SERS, B. es L. ; French Master at Wellington College. Vol. 9. Cornier, H. de. Un Cousin de Passage. Comedie en un Acte, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) Characters: M. 2, F. 2. With Notes, etc., by S. BARLET, B.Sc. (Univ. Gall.) ; Senior Assistant Master at the Mercers' School ; Examiner in French under the Board of Admiralty, to the College of Preceptors, etc. Vol. 10. Ordonneau, Valabregue et Keroul. Les Bouli- nard. Comedie- Vaudeville en trois Actes, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) Characters : M. 12, F. 4. With Notes, etc., by A. P. HUGUENET, Officier d'Academie ; French Instructor at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Vol. ii. Femer,P. Le Codicille. Comedie en un Acte, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) Characters : M. 3, F. i. With Notes etc., by G. LEPREVOST, M.R.C.P. ; Officier d'Academie (Univ. Gall.) Professor of French at the City of London College. Vol. 12. Labiche, E. La Lettre Charged. Fantaisie en un Acte, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) Characters: M. 2, F. 2. With Notes, etc., by H. TESTARD, B.A., B.D., etc. HACHETTE AND COMPANY, Theatre Frangais FIRST SERIES (continued). Vol. 13. Gill et Richard. Un Caissier. Comedie en un Acte, en Prose. {Authorised Edition.} Characters : M. 2, P. o. With Notes, etc., by A. ANTOINE, French Master at the Birkbeck Institution, the Jews' College, etc., etc. Vol. 14. Greville, H. A la Campagne. Comedie de para- vent en un Acte, en Prose. {Authorised Edition.) Characters : M. 2, F. 4. With Notes, etc., by H. TOUZEAU, B. es L., B.Sc. (Univ. Gall.) ; Lecturer in French Literature, History, etc. ; formerly French Master at Eton College. Vol. 15. Augier et Sandeau. Le Gendre de M. Poirier. Comedie en quatre Actes, en Prose. {Authorised Edition?) Charac- ters : M. 10, F. i. With Notes, etc., by G. PETILLEAU, B.A., Officier de 1'Instruction Publique ; French Master and Lecturer in French Literature, Charterhouse, Godalming, etc. Vol. 1 6. Greville, H. Les Cloches casses. Comedie de para vent en un Acte, en Prose. {Authorised Edition.) Characters: M. 4, F. 3. With Notes, etc., by A. E. VASSELIER, B. es L. ; Instructor at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; French Master at Captain James's, Lexham Gardens, London, S.W. Vol. 17. Labiche et Martin. La Poudre aux Yeux. Co- me'die en deux Actes. en Prose. {Authorised Edition.) Characters: M. 8, F. 7. With Notes, etc., by L. G. BURNBLUI.I. {Other volumes will be issued shortly. SECOND SERIES./^ Adult Students, etc. Price per Volume, in Paper Covers, Is. Vol. i. Coppe'e, F. Le Passant. Comedie en un Acte, en Vers. {Authorised Edition.) With Notes, etc., by.H. TESTARD, B.A., B.D., etc. Vol. 2. Scribe, E. Une Chaine. Comedie en cinq Actes. en Prose. {Authorised Edition.) With Notes, etc., by A. BARRERE, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur ; Officier de 1'Instruction Publique, etc. Vol. 3. Damien, E. La Peur d'etre Grand'mere. Comedie en un Acte, en Prose. {Authorised Edition.) With Notes, etc., by J. A. PERRET, French Instructor at the Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, etc. Vol. 4, Ohnet, G. Le Maitre de Forges. Piece en quatre Actes en cinq Tableaux, en Prose. {Authorised Edition.) With Notes, etc., by H. TESTARD, B.A., B.D., etc. Vol. 5. Ordonneau et Chivot. Les Petites Godin. Co- me"die- Vaudeville en trois Actes, en Prose. {Authorised Edition. With Notes, etc., by AUG. MARROT, B.A., B.Sc., Officier d'Acaddmie. Vol. 6. Coppee, F. Pour la Couronne. Drame en cinq Actes, en Vers. {Authorised Edition.) With Notes, etc., by Pro- fessor H. ATTWELL, K.O.C. {Other volumes will be issued shortly.) Dr. F. J. WERSHOVEN'S Technical Vocabularies. ENGLISH AND GERMAN PART, 1 vol., 16 cloth. Price 3s. 6d. FRENCH AND GERMAN PART, 1 vol., 16 cloth. Price 2s. 6d. IRON (London), XIV., No. 355. The plan adopted for French and German has now been adopted for the present work, with results which we'are glad to characterise as remarkably happy. The application to technical matter is made with great skill and intel- igence. The chapter on chemical terminology is par- ticularly full and satisfactory ; the mining and metallurgical sections are also full. The respective differences of idiom have been keenly appreciated. THE MINING JOURNAL (London), No. 2307. The admirable little book is one which all technical stu - dents and professional men should possess themselves of. NATURE (London), No. 577. A good example of the thoroughness of German educa- tion. a MONITEUB INDUSTBIEL, VI., No. 33. Indispensable a ceux qui veulent etudier la litterature technique etrangere. HOFEAT PBOF. DE. E. VON WAGNEK. Ein iiberaus niitzliches und zeitgemasses Unternehmen. [Chem. Jahresbericht, 1879, p. 524.] PBOF. DR. K. MULLEB (Halle). Der Verfasser verdient den Dank Aller, indem er seine Aufgabe mit ebenso viel Fleiss und Geschick, als Kenntniss und geschmackvoller Anordnung des Stoffes loste. [Natur, No. 51.] GEH. BEG.- und BAUBAT, PBOF., DB. A. VON KAVEN, Director of the Royal Technical High School in Aix-la-Chapelle. Es bedarf keiner besonderen Empfehlung dieser Arbeit an die Fachgenossen. Die praktische Einrichtung und die Handlichkeit des Buches diirften uberdies nicht wenig zu seiner Einfiihrung beitragen. DR. D. ASHEE (Leipzig). Ein hochst zeitgemasses und ausserordentlich gliicklich durchgefiihrtes Werk. Kein niitzlicheres Buch konnte f iir technische Schulen gedacht, keines mehr zur Einfiihrung empfohlen werden. Der Verfasser zeigt sich auf dem grammatisch-etymologischen Gebiete nicht minder gut unterrichtet als auf dem sachlichen ; auch die Orthoapie wird beriicksichtigt und die Lexicographie bereichert. [Prof. Dr. Kolbing's Engl. Studien, IV. No. 2.] TECHNICAL VOCABULARY. ENGLISH-FBENCH. VOCABULAIRE TECHNIQUE. FBANQAIS-ANGLAIS. VOCABULAIRE TECHNIQUE ANGLAIS-FRANgAIS A L'USAGE DES ELEVES DES ECOLES SCIENTIFIQUES ET INDUSTRIELLES LE DR. F. J. WEKSHOVEN, Auteur des Vocabulaires techniques anglais-frangaii et frangais-allemand, etc. LIBEAIEIE HACHETTE & C IE - LONDON : 18, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND, W.C, PAEIS: 79, BOULEVARD ST. GERMAIN. BOSTON : KARL SCHOENHOF. 1881. [Tons droits rserv&s.] TECHNICAL VOCABULARY ENGLISH-FRENCH FOR SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL, AND INDUSTRIAL STUDENTS Dr. F. J. WERSHOVEN, Author of the English and German, and French and German Technical Vocabularies, etc. LIBEAIEIE HACHETTE & C IB - LONDON : 18, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND, W.C. PARIS : 79, BOULEVARD ST. GERMAIN. BOSTON: KARL SCHOENHOF. 1881. [All Rights Reserved.] J. S. LEVIN, STEAM PRINTER, 2, MARK LANE SQUARE, GREAT TOWER STREET, LONDON, E.C. T/o PREFACE. The favourable reception universally accorded in Germany and elsewhere to Dr. Wershoven's " Vocabulaire technique fran9ais-allemand," and the " Technical Vocabu- lary, English and Ger- man," has induced the publishers to issue an edition of the same work in English and French. It is hoped thus to supply those engaged or interested in the physical, mechanical, and chemical sciences, and in their applications to the various industrial arts, with a competent L'accueil favorable que tout le monde a fait en Allemagne et dans diffe- rents pays au " Vocabu- laire technique fran9ais- allemand " et au "Vo- cabulaire anglais- alle- mand," du Dr. Wers- hoven, a decide les editeurs a publier une edition du meme ou- vrage en anglais et en Hs esperent ainsi aider les personnes qui se livrent ou s'interes- sent aux sciences me- caniques, physiques et chimiques dans leur application aux diffe- 019 Till PBEFACE. aid to the study of the technical and scientific works and periodicals published in the two languages. The Vocabulary will also be found useful in technical schools, and by visitors to inter- national exhibitions. rents arts industriels, et etre d'un puissant secours a celles qui se livrent a 1' etude des ouvrages techniques et scientifiques et des publications periodiques publiees dans les deux langues. Les eleves des e*coles scientifiques et les visi- teurs des expositions internationales trou- veront aussi ce vocabu- laire d'une immense utilite. CONTENTS. PHYSICS. MECHANICS. PAGE. 1. General Notions ... ... ... ... ... 1 Notions generates. 2. Force and Motion 4 Force et Mouvement. 3. Gravity ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Pesanteur. 4. Lever. Balance ... ... ... ... ... 9 Levier. Balance. 5. Fall of Bodies. Pendulum 11 Chute des Corps. Pendule. 6. Pressure and f Equilibrium of Liquids ... ... 13 Pression et Equilibre des Liquides. 7. Hydraulic Press. Syphon. Water-Level. Artesian Well 17 Presse hydraulique. Siphon. Niveau d'eau. Puits artesien. 8. Principle of Archimedes. Hydrometer ... 19 Principe d'Archimede. Are"ometre. 9. Atmosphere. Barometer. Manometer ... ... 21 Atmosphere. Barometre. Manometre. 10. Air Balloon. 23 Aerostat. 11. Air-Pump ... ... ... ... ... -... 25 Machine pneumatique. 12. Pumps 27 Pompes. 13. Acoustics 30 Acoustique. 14. Musical Tones 33 Sons musicaux. 15. Heat. Heating 35 Chaleur. Chauffage. % CONTENTS. PAGE. 16. Thermometer 40 Thermometre. 17. Fusion. Solidification. Ebullition. Hygrometer. 42 Fusion. Solidification. Ebullition. Hygrometre. 18. Light. Polarisation ... ... ... ... 46 Lumiere. Polarisation. 19. Reflection. Refraction. Mirrors. Prism. Lens. 49 Be" flexion. Kefraction. Miroirs. Prisme. Lentille. 20. Solar Spectrum. Spectrum Analysis ... ... 53 Spectie solaire. Analyse spectrale. .21. Optical Instruments. Photography. Eye ... 55 Instruments d'Optique. Photographie. CEil. 22. Magnetism 60 Magnetisme. 23. Electricity 63 Electricity. 24. Electrical Machines ... ... ... ... 66 Machines e*lectriques. 25. Electric discharge and its Effects ... ... 68 La de*charge de I'^lectricite et ses effets. 26. Voltaic Pile. Bunsen's Battery 70 Pile de Volta. Batterie de Bunsen. .27. Electric Lighting. Electrolysis. Electro-Metal- f lurgy. Electro-Magnetism ... ... ... 73 Eclairage electrique. Electrolyse. Galvano- plastie. Electro-Magn6tisme. 28. Electric Telegraph 77 Telegraphe electrique. 29. Induction. Inductorium... ... ... ... 80 Induction. Machine d'induction. ,30. Meteorology. Lightning Conductor ... ... 83 Me"teorologie. Paratonnerre. CHEMISTRY, METALLURGY. 31. General Notions 88 Notions ge"nerales. 32. Names of the Elements 90 Noms des Elements. CONTENTS. XI PAGE. 33. Nomenclature of Compounds 92 Nomenclature des Corps composes. 34. Apparatus 100 Appareils. 35. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Nitrogen ... ... ... 104 Hydrogene. OxygSne. Azote. 36. Atmospheric Air. Water 107 Air atmosphe'rique. Eau. 37. Sulphur. Chlorine. Phosphorus ... ... 110 Soufre. Chlore. Phosphore. 38. Caroon. Coal. Charcoal 116 Carbone. Houille. Charbon de bois. 39. Potassium. Sodium. Potash. Saltpetre. Salt. Soda 121 Potassium. Sodium. Potasse. Salpetre. Sel. Soude. 40. Calcium. Silicon. Aluminium. Lime. Clay. Alum 127 Calcium. Silicium. Aluminium. Chaux. Argile. Alun. 41. Mining. Metallurgy ... .. ... ... 133 Exploitation. Metallurgie. 42. Tin. Zinc 141 Etain. Zinc. 43. Lead. Mercury. Copper ... 144 Plomb. Mercure. Cuivre. 44. Silver. Gold. Gilding. Assay ... ... 150 Argent. Or. Dorure. Essai. 45. Blast Furnace. Iron. Steel 156 Haut fourneau. Fer. Acier. MACHINERY, RAILWAYS, ARTS, AND MANUFACTURES. 46. Machines in General ... ... ... ... 171 Machines en general. 47. Elements of Machinery ... .., ... ... 175 Elements de Machines. Xll CONTENTS. PAGE. 48. Toothed Wheels. Gin. Crane. Horology ... 178 Eoues dente*es. Chevre. Grue. Horlogerie. 49. Engines for Raising Water. Dredgers. Water- supply 182 Machines a Clever 1'eau. Dragues. Distribution des eaux. 50. Water as Motive Power. Lock. Pile-driver. Water-wheels , 184 L'Eau comme moteur. Ecluse. Sonnette. Koues hydrauliques. 51. Mills 188 Moulins. 52. Steam-Engine , 191 Machine a Vapeur. 53. Locomotive. (See Nos. 52, 55) 203 Locomotive. 54. Workshop. Tools. Machine Tools 207 Atelier. Outils. Machine-Outils. 55. Railway ... ... ... ... ... ... 214 Chemin de fer. 56. Coal Gas 229 Gaz de Houille. 57. Glass 233 Verre. 58. Pottery 238 Poterie. 59. Spinning ... ... ... ... ... ... 243 Filature. 60. Paper 249 Papier. 61. Sugar 253 Sucre. 62. Beer 259 Biere. Appendix. The Principal Timber Trees. ... 265 Index 269 PHYSICS. MECHANICS. General Notions NOTIONS GENERALE8. Matter, substance the indivisible elements of bodies are called atoms a group of atoms forms a molecule particle a simple body a compound body states of bodies solid state liquid state gaseous state a solid body liquid gas fluid La matiere, la substance les elements indivisible* des corps se nomment atomes un groupe d'atomes forme' une molecule la particule un corps simple un corps compost Stats des corps l'6tat solide Mat liquids &at gazeux un corps solide le liquide legaz le fluide GENEEAL NOTIONS. physical agents, natural forces a physical phenomenon natural phenomena a physical law a hypothesis a theory the ether imponderable law of the conservation of energy (No. 46.) an experiment to demonstrate by ex- periment, to verify ex- perimentally an apparatus an instrument properties of bodies general properties specific properties extension, or magnitude every body occupies a limited portion of space the vernier a graduated scale the micrometer screw the cathetometer the spherometer the volume real, apparent volume impenetrability agents physiques, forces riaturelles un phe"nomene physique des phenomenes nature! s une loi physique une hypothese une theorie Tether imponderable loi de la conservation des forces vives une exp6rience d&montrer par Fexperi- ence, verifier experi- mentalement un appareil un instrument proprie"t6s des corps propriety gen6rales propriety particulieres l'6tendue tout corps occupe une portion Iimit6e de Fes- pace le vernier une e"chelle gradue*e la vis micrometrique le cathe"tometre .e spherometre le volume volume r6el, apparent Fimpe r netrabilit6 NOTIONS G^N^EALES. divisibility the limit of divisibility the dividing machine porosity an interstice porous the pore sensible pores physical pores compressibility compressible pressure to compress elasticity (No. 46.) perfectly elastic inelastic to resume (to regain) the original form the force which altered that form ceases to act a ball of ivory will rebound the limit of elasticity dilatation ; contraction (No. 15.) mobility (No. 2.) inertia law of inertia a body cannot of itself change its own state of motion fluidity la divisibility la limite de divisibility la machine a diviser la porosit6 un interstice poreux le pore pores sensibles pores physiques ou dn- termoleculaires la compressibility compressible la pression comprimer 1'elasticite" parfaitement elastique non elastique reprendre la forme pri- mitive la force qui alterait cette forme cesse d'agir une bille d'ivoire rebondit la limite d'elasticite la dilatation ; la contraction la mobilite 1'inertie loi d'inertie un corps ne peut pas de lui-meTne changer son etat de rnouvement la fluidity FORCE AND MOTION. density dense hardness hard flexibility brittle tenacity tenacious malleability malleable ductility, molecular forces attraction repulsion adhesion cohesion la density dense la durete dur la flexibility cassant la te*nacite* t6nace la malleability malleable la ductilite forces moleculaires Fattraction la repulsion 1'adhesion la cohesion. 2. Force and Motion. FORCE ET MOUVEMENT. Motion rest to be at rest to be in motion to put in motion absolute, relative motion the path or trajectory the space described Le mouvemeut le repos 6tre en repos e"tre en mouvement mettre en mouvement mouvement absolu, relatif la trajectoire le chemin (ou Tespaca parcouru FORCE ET MOUVEMENT. rectilinear, curvilinear mo- tion to move in a straight, curved line motion in a circle, central motion uniform, variable motion to describe (un)equal portions of space m equal times velocity a velocity of 5 feet per second acceleration to accelerate retardation to retard uniformly accelerated mo- tion the spaces passed over are proportional to the squares of the times occupied in the pas- 1 sage initial velocity mean velocity to throw vertically up- wards a body projected horizon- tally or obliquely a parabola parabolic angular velocity motivement rectiligne, cur- viligne se mouvoir en ligne droite, courbe motivement circulaire mouvement uniforme, vari6 parcourir en temps 6gaux des espaces (in)egaux la vitesse une vitesse de 5 pieds par seconde Facceleration accelerer la retardation retarder mouvement uniforme'ment acce!6re* les espaces parcourus sont proportionnels aux car- r6s des temps employes & les parcourir la vitesse initiale la vitesse moyenne lancer verticalement de bas en haut un corps lance* horizontale- ment ou obliquement une parabole parabolique vitesse angulaire 6 FOKCE AND MOTION. velocity of 100 revolu- tions a minute a force rotation, rotatory motion alternate motion to impart motion instantaneous or impulsive force continuous, constant force accelerating, retarding force an increase of velocity two forces neutralise each other to be in equilibrium to represent a force by a straight line the point of application to apply a force the direction the same direction the contrary (opposite) direction the intensity unit of force (No. 46.) composition, resolution of forces to compound the centre of the parallel forces the resultant vitesse de 100 tours par minute une force mouvement de rotation mouvement de va-et-vient imprimer un mouvement force instantanee force continue, constante force acceleratrice, retar- datrice un accroissement de vitesse deux forces se neutralised mutuellement e*tre en e"quilibre, se faire e*quilibre representer une force par une ligne droite le point d' application appliquer une force la direction la me"me direction la direction contraire Fintensite unite de force la composition, la d6com- position des forces composer le centre des forces pa- ralleles la resultante PESAXTEUR. the components (lateral forces) the principle of the paralle- logram of forces if two forces act on a point in different direc- tions, their resultant will be represented in magnitude and direc- tion by the diagonal of the parallelogram con- structed on those forces the collision (or impact) of two bodies direct, oblique impact les composantes le theoreme du parallelo- gramme des forces la re"sultante de deux forces appliquees a un point, suivant des di- rections differentes, est represented, en direc- tion et en grandeur, par la diagonale du paralle"logramme con- struit sur ces forces le choc de deux corps choc direct, oblique. 3. Gravity. PESANTEUR. Universal attraction gravitation the attraction between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely propor- tional to the square of their distances L'attraction universelle la gravitation les corps s'attirent pro- portionellement aux masses et en raison inverse du carr6 des distances GRAVITY. gravity a vertical line a horizontal (or level) plane the plumb-line weight absolute, relative weight light; heavy to weigh specific gravity (No. 8.) the relation of the weight of a body to the weight of the same volume of distilled water at a temperature of 4 C. the centre of gravity the point through which the resultant of the at- tractions of the earth on the molecules of the body always passes the centre of gravity of a triangle is in the line which joins any vertex with the middle of the opposite side, and at a distance from the vertex equal to two thirds of this side equilibrium stable, unstable, neutral equilibrium la pesanteur une ligne verticale un plan horizontal le fil a plomb le poids poids absolu, relatif 16ger ; pesant peser poids spScifique le rapport du poids d'un corps a celui d'un 6gal volume d'eau distillee et a 4 degre"s au-dessus de z6ro le centre de gravit6 le point par lequel passe constamment la resul- tante des actions de la pesanteur sur les molecules de ce corps le centre de gravite d'un triangle est sur la ligne qui joint le sommet au milieu de la base et au tiers a partir de la base I'&quilibre 6quilibre stable, instable, indifferent LEVIER BALANCE . 9 the point of support centrifugal force a body moving in a circle it tends to fly from the axis of rotation the flattening of the earth at the poles the centripetal or central force le point d'appui la force centrifuge un corps anime d'un mouvement circulaire il tend a s'eloigner de Faxe de rotation Faplatissement de la terre aux p61es la force centripete. 4. Xiever. Balance. LEVIER. BALANCE. The lever a straight or curved bar it turns upon a fixed point the fulcrum (or prop) toe power the weight, or resistance the arm the power and weight will be in equilibrium when they are in the inverse ratio of their arms straight lever Le levier une barre droite on courbe il tourne autour d'un point fixe le point d'appui la puissance la resistance le bras de levier la puissance et la re*si- stance se font equilibre lersqu'elles sont en raison inverse des bras de levier levier droit 10 LEVER BALANCE. bent lever lever of the first (second) kind the balance the beam a steel prism called a knife edge the sharp edge rests upon two supports of polished agate or steel the axis of suspension the scales, scale pans the hook the oscillations of the beam the needle or pointer a graduated arc the two arms of the beam ought to be precisely equal a just, accurate balance accuracy sensibility, delicacy delicate, sensible the glass case the arrangement for lifting the weighing to weigh . the weights the load the method of double weighing the ordinary or common balance levier coude* levier du premier (second) genre la balance le fleau un prisme d'acier qu'on nomme couteau Tare~te vive repose sur deux pieces polies d'agate ou d'acier 1'axe de suspension les plateaux ou bassins le crochet les oscillations du fleau Paiguille un arc gradue* les deux bras du fle"au doivent 6tre rigoureuse- ment e"gaux une balance juste, precise la precision la s.ensibilite sensible la cage de verre Fappareil a fourchettes la pesee peser les poids la charge la me*thode des doubles pesees la balance ordinaire CHUTE DES COKPS PENDULE. II the Roman balance, or la balance romaine steel-yard the weight, slide weighing machine the platform the weigh bridge the letter balance the bent lever assay balance le curseur balance de Quintenz, ba- lance-bascule la plate-forme, le pont la bascule, le pont & bascule d*~t~* le pese-lettre le peson balance d'essai. Fall of Bodies. Pendulum. CHUTE DES CORPS. PENDULE. The laws of falling bodies (No. 2.) in a vacuum all bodies fall with equal rapidity a glass tube is suddenly reversed (inverted) the resistance of the air a body falling freely an inclined plane Morin's apparatus a wooden frame-work a tipper a string Les lois de la chute des corps tous les corps, dans le vide, tombent 6galement vite un tube de verre est retourne brusquement la resistance de Fair un corps tombant librement un plan incline appareil de Morin un bati de bois un mentonnet une corde 12 FALL OF BODIES PENDULUM. a vane a toothed wheel (^Vb.48.) an endless screw a pencil traces a curve a cylinder turning freely about its axis Attwood's machine a fine silk thread passes over a pulley a time-piece the scale or rod the plate a ring ; annular the stages a fixing-screw the overweight, addi- tional weight the pendulum the simple or mathematical pendulum a material point sus- pended by a thread without weight the compound or physical pendulum a lens -shaped metallic mass the rod the boh the axis of suspension une ailette une roue dent6e une vis sans fin un crayon trace une courbe un cylindre tournant librement autour de son axe la machine d'Attwood un fil de soie delie s'en- roule sur une poulie un mecanisme d'horlo-^ gerie l'6chelle ou regie le disque un anneau ; annulaire les curseurs une vis de pression le poids additionnel le pendule le pendule simple un point materiel sus- pendu par un fil sans poids le pendule compose une masse me"tallique lenticulaire la tige la lentille Paxe de suspension PBESSION ET EQUILIBRE DBS LIQUIDES. 13 the axis of oscillation the length of the pendulum an oscillation, vibration to oscillate the time of vibration is proportional to the square root of the length the amplitude an arc small oscillations are iso- chronous isochronism a seconds' pendulum to beat seconds ballistic pendulum conical pendulum (No. 46.) reversible pendulum compensation pendulum compensation piece gridiron pendulum mercurial pendulum 1'axe d'oscillation la longueur du pendule une oscillation osciller la duree des oscillations est proportionnelle a la racine carr6e de la longueur 1'amplitude un arc les petites oscillations sont isochrones Tisochronisme un pendule a secondes battre la seconde pendule ballistique pendule conique pendule a retournement pendule compensateur lame compensatrice pendule a gril pendule mercure. 6. Pressure and Equilibrium of Liquids. PRESSION ET EQUILIBRE DES LIQUIDES. The science of hydrostatics treats of the conditions of the equilibrium of li- quids, and of the pres- sures they exert LVhydrostatique traite des conditions d'6quilibre des liquides et des pres- slons qu'ils exercent 14 PRESSURE AND EQUILIBRIUM OF LIQUIDS. hydrodynamics hydraulics (No. 49, 50.) the art of conducting and raising water principle of the equality of pressure the pressure exerted any- where upon a liquid is transmitted undimi- nished in all directions downward (upward) pres- sure buoyancy a column of liquid the piezometer the pressure on any given portion of the side of a vessel is equal to the weight of a column of liquid, which has this portion of the side for its base and whose height is the vertical distance from the centre of gravity of the portion to the surface of the liquid the centre of pressure the hydrostatic paradox the pressure is independent of the shape of the vessel to exert, to support a pres- sure Fhydrodynamique 1'hydraulique 1'art de conduire et d'elever les eaux principe d'egalite de pres- sion toute pression exerce"e sur un liquide se trans- met en tous sens avec la m6me intensity la pression de haut en bas (de bas en haut) la poussee une colonne liquide le piezometre la pression sur une portion de paroi laterale est egale au poids d'une colonne liquide qui aurait pour base cette portion de paroi et pour hauteur la distance verticale de son centre de gravite a la surface libre du liquide le centre de pression le paradoxe hydrostatique la pression estinde"pendante de la forme du vase exercer, supporter une pression PRESSION ET EQUILIBRE DES LIQUIDES. 15 the equilibrium of liquids the free surface is plane and horizontal several heterogeneous li- quids superposed, ar- range themselves in the order of their decreas- ing densities from the bottom upwards the phial of four elements communicating vessels the same horizontal plane to be in the inverse ratio of the densities to be inversely as the den- sities the two legs of a bent glass tube capillary phenomena capillarity the capillary tube the curvature of liquid surfaces in contact with solids ascension depression the liquid is raised up- wards against the side it is depressed to moisten dipped in water the ascent of sap in plants Fe"quilibre des liquides la surface libre est plane et horizontale plusieurs liquides h6tero- genes superposes se dis- posent par ordre de densites croissantes de haut en has la fiole des quatre elements vases communiquants le me"me plan horizontal 6tre en raison inverse des den site's 6tre inversement propor- tionnel aux densit6s les deux branches d'un tube coude phe"nomenes capillaires la capillarit6 le tube capillaire la courbure des surfaces liquides au contact des solides Tascension la depression le liquide se releve vers le bord il se deprime mouiller plong dans 1'eau 1'ascension de la seve dans les plantes 16 PRESSURE AND EQUILIBRIUM OP LIQUIDS. endosmose the endosmometer exosmose diffusion ; dialysis absorption imbibition effusion occlusion transpiration the efflux of liquids water issues from a lateral orifice the velocity of efflux the fluid vein a contracted vein, vena contracta a jet of water the actual (theoretical) dis- charge or amount to fit an ajutage the friction the knee, elbow the coefficient of discharge Mariotte's bottle the watercourse the hydraulic tourniquet, or Barker's mill the hydrometrical pen- dulum Woltmann's mill or wheel the pole the beam 1'endosmose Tendosmometre Texosmose la diffusion ; la dialyse Fabsorption 1'imbibition T effusion Focclusion la transpiration r^coulement des liquides Feau s'e"coule par un orifice lateral la vitesse d'6coulement la veine fluide une veine contract^ un jet d'eau la defense effective (theV rique) adapter un ajutage le frottement le coude le coefficient de defense le flacon de Mariotte le cours d'eau le tourniquet hydraulique le pendule hydrom6trique le moulinet de Woltmann latige 1'arbre PRESSE HYDRAULIQUE SIPHON, ETC. 17 a rod a projection toothed wheels (No. 48.) the vanes une tringle une saillie roues dentees les ailettes. 7. Hydraulic Press. Syphon. Water-level. Artesian Well. PRESSE HYDRAULIQtJE. SIPHON. NIVEAU D'EAU. PUITS ARTESIEN. The hydraulic press the press-ram a cast-iron plate the follower, or pressing table the head of the frame four iron columns the material to be pressed a force-pump (No. 12.) the safety-valve a leaden pipe communi- cates with the pump the lever, the handle the piston drives the water into the tube the leather collar saturated with oil impervious to water it prevents the escape of water La presse hydraulique le piston compresseur un plateau de fonte le plateau mobile le plateau fixe quatre colonnes de fer 1'objet a com primer une pompe foulante la soupape de surete" un tuyau de plomb com- munique avec la pompe le levier, la poignee le piston refoule 1'eau dans le tuyau le cuir embouti imbibe" d'huile impermeable k Teau il s'oppose a la fuite da Feau 18 HYDKAULIC PKESS SYPHON, ETC. it fits tightly against the sides of the cylinder the syphon the shorter leg is dipped in the liquid to exhaust the air to transfer liquids the intermittent syphon, or Tantalus's cup an intermittent fountain Hero's fountain the water-level a tuhe bent at hoth ends placed on a tripod levelling (No. 56.) the spirit level is more delicate and accurate a brass case a bubble of air a slightly curved glass tube the Artesian well the earth's crust a stratum (pi. strata), a layer (im)permeable the rain-water filters through the soil to feed the well il s'applique fortement contre les parois du cylindre le siphon la petite branche est plongee dans le liquide faire le vide, aspirer Fair transvaser des liquides le siphon intermittent on vase de Tantale une fontaine intermittei ite la fontaine de Heron le niveau d'eau un tube coude a ses deux extremites dispose sur un trepied nivellement le niveau a bulle d'air est plus sensible et plus precis un etui de cuivre une bulle d'air un tube de verre legere- ment courbe* le puits artesien F6corce terrestre une couche (im)permeable les eaux des pluies s'in- filtrent a travers les terrains alimenter le puits. PRINCIPE D'AECHIMDE 19 8. Principle of Archimedes. Hydrometer. PRINCIPE D'ARCHIMEDE. AREOMETRE. Buoyancy the principle of Archimedes a body immersed in a liquid loses a part of its weight equal to the weight of the displaced liquid the hydrostatic balance a hollow, solid cylinder immersion floating equilibrium of floating bodies the draught of a ship the metacentre the Cartesian diver the swimming-bladder swimming an areometer, a hydrometer weight-areometer, hydro- meter of variable weight scale-areometer, hydrome- ter of variable volume La poussee le principe d'Archimede un corps plong6 dans un liquide perd une partie de son poids 6gale au poids du liquide deplace* la balance hydrostatique un cylindre creux, plein Timmersion la flottaison 6 quilibre des corps flottants le deplacement d'un navire le metacentre le ludion la vessie natatoire la natation un areometre are"ometre (volume con- stant et a) poids variable areometre & (poids con- stant et a) volume varia- ble 20 PRINCIPLE OF ARCHIMEDES HYDROMETER. the determination of speci- fic gravity Nicholson's hydrometer the float a hollow metal cylinder a cone the stem the pan to add weights the standard point, mark hydrometer of variable volume Beaum6's hydrometer a glass tube the graduation a graduated scale he centesimal alcoholo- meter the salimeter the lactometer the vinometer the oleometer the acidometer the urinometer the densimeter la determination du poids specifique I'ar6ometre de Nicholson le flotteur un cylindre creux de me"tal un c6ne la tige le plateau lester Fappareil le point d'affleurement fixe areometre a volume variable rare*ometre de Beaume" un tube de verre la graduation une 6chelle gradu6e 1'alcoolometre centesimal le pese-sel le pese-lait le pese-vin le pese-huile, 1'oleometre le pese-acide le pese-urine le densimetre. ATMOSPHERE BAROM&TRE MANOMETRE. 21 9. Atmosphere. Barometer. Manometer. ATMOSPHERE. BAROMETRE. MANOMETRE. Gas expansibility, tension, or elastic force a permanent gas vapour gases possess weight Mariotte's law the volume of a given quantity of gas is inver- sely as the pressure the density of a gas is pro- portional to its pressure the atmosphere the layer of air which surrounds our globe a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen aqueous vapour carbonic acid rarified air rarefaction atmospheric pressure the Magdeburg hemi- spheres Le gaz Pexpansibilite, la force ex- pansive un gaz permanent , la vapeur les gaz sont pesants la loi de Mariotte le volume d'une masse don- ne'e de gaz est en raison inverse de la pression la density d'un gaz est pro- portionnelle la pression qu'il supporte 1'atmosphere la couche d'air qui en- veloppe notre globe un melange d'oxygene et d'azote . de la vapeur d'eau acide carbonique Fair rarefie la rarefaction la pression atmosphe'rique les hemispheres de Magde- bourg 22 ATMOSPHERE BAROMETER MANOMETER. Toricelli's experiment a glass tube 80 centime- ters long closed at one end to fill with pure mercury the tube is inverted the open end is placed in a mercury trough the Toricellian vacuum the mercurial column the pressure of the atmo- sphere sustains the mercury in the tube it is equal to that exerted by a column of mer- cury the height of which is 30 inches the pressure on a square inch of surface is equal to 14.7 pounds the barometer the cistern barometer a scale graduated in millimeters syphon barometer the two branches or legs of a bent tube wheel barometer the correction for tempera- ture Fexperience de Toricelli un tube de verre long de 80 centimetres ferm6 a Tune de ses ex- tremites remplir de mercure pur en retourne le tube on plonge 1'extremite ouverte dans tine cu- vette pleine de mercure le vide de Toricelli la colonne de mercure la pression atmospheri- que soutient le mer- cure dans le tube elle equivaut a celle exer- cee par une colonne de mercure de 76 centi- metres la pression sur un centi- metre carre est de 1033 grammes le barometre le barometre a cuvette une echelle graduee en millimetres barometre a siphon les deux branches d'un tube recourb6 barometre a cadran la correction de tempera- ture AEROSTAT. 23 the barometric height it varies the mean daily height monthly height mean height at the level of the sea the mean harometric variations daily (accidental) variations a minimum ; the maxima the barometer rises, falls the measurement of heights, measuring altitudes the aneroid barometer pocket aneroid barometer the manometer open-air manometer compressed-air manometer mercury manometer Bourdon's metallic mano- meter barometric manometer, or differential barometer la hauteur barometrique elle varie la hauteur moyenne diurne hauteur mensuelle hauteur moyenne au niveau de la mer la moyenne variations barometriques variations diurnes (acci- dentelles) un minimum ; les maxima le barometre monte, baisse la mesure des hauteurs le barometre aneroide barometre aneroide de poche le manometre manometre a air libre manometre a air comprime" manometre a mercure manometre metallique de Bourdon manometre barometrique ou barometre differential. 10. Air Balloon. AEROSTAT. The principle of Archime- Le principe d'Archimede des applies to gases est applicable aux gaz (No. 8.) 24 AIR BALLOON. the baroscope the force of the ascent it is equal to the excess of the buoyancy over the weight of the body an air balloon the envelope a sphere ; spherical the volume the superficies the radius ; the diameter bands of silk sewed to- gether to cover with caoutchouc varnish to render air-tight the safety valve closed by a spring to open by means of a cord it allows gas to escape the net, net-work the wicker-work boat or car suspended from ropes the accessories, appendages to fill with hydrogen gas coal gas to inflate the gas expands, dilates to rise, to ascend to descend le baroscope la force d'ascension elle est egale a Fexces de la poussee sur le poids du corps un aerostat, un ballon Fenveloppe une sphere ; spherique le volume la surface le rayon ; le diametre des fuseaux de taffetas cousus ensemble enduire d'un vernis au caoutchouc rendre impermeable a Fair la soupape de surete ferrn6 par un ressort ouvrir a Taide d'une corde elle donne issue au gaz le filet la nacelle d'osier suspendue par des cordes les accessoires remplir d'hydrogene gaz d'eclairage, gaz de houille gonfler le gaz se dilate s'elever, monter descendre MACHINE PNEUMATIQUE. the ascent the descent to float in the air the ballast the sand-bags the grappling iron captive balloon the parachute an ae'rial voyage to guide the balloon a current of air an aeronaut ae'rostation, aerial naviga- tion Tascension la descente flotter dans les airs le lest les sacs pleins de sable Tancre ballon captif le parachute un voyage ae>ien guider le ballon un courant d'air un a6ronaute I'a&ro station, la navigation; a6rienne. 11. Air-Pump . MACHINE PNEUMATIQUE. The air-pump to produce a vacuum to rarefy the air rarefaction a plate cylinder, piston, (No. 12.) a rack (No. 48.) the pinion the handle La machine pneumatique faire le vide rarefier 1'air la rarefaction une plate-forme etc. cylindre, piston, etc. une cremaillere le pignon la poignee AIB PUMP. a crank a leather disc to saturate with oil to pierce perforated by a channel a valve (No. 12.) a rod passes through the piston it is lifted through a small distance a tube or pipe to effect (to close, to cut off) a communication the cock to turn the stopcock doubly-exhausting stop cock the plate, the table an orifice the receiver the action of the machine to work tie air escapes into the at- mosphere double-acting pump the (air-pump) gauge mercurial air-pump, mer- cury pump condensing pump the compressed air the air-gun une manivelle une rondelle de cuir imbiber d'huile percer travers6 par une tubulure une soupape une tige traverse le piston elle est soulev6e d'une petite hauteur un tuyau, un conduit etablir (interrompre) la communication le robinet tourner le robinet robinet a double 6puise- ment la platine un orifice le recipient le jeu de la machine fonctionner Fair s'echappe dans 1'atino- sphere machine a double eifet J'eprouvette, le barometre tronqu6 pompe pneumatique a mercure pompe de compression 1'air comprime' le fusil a vent POMPES. 27 the diving-bell the diver a diving apparatus the mercurial rain a bladder distends the bursting bladder the Magdeburg hemi- spheres a flame is extinguished substances liable to ferment are kept without alter- ation in hermetically closed cases la cloche de plongeur, la cloche a plonger le plongeur un appareil de plongeur la pluie de mercure une vessie se gonfle le creve-vessie les hemispheres de Magde- bourg une flamme s'6teint les substances fermentes- cibles se conservent sans alteration dans des boites herm6tiquement closes. 12. Pumps. POMPES. A pump it serves to raise water by suction by pressure suction pump force pump suction and forcing pump the barrel the cylinder the cover Une pompe elle sert a. elever Feau par aspiration par pression pompe aspirante pompe foulante pompe aspirante et foulante le corps de pompe le cylindre le couvercle 28 PUMPS. the stuffing-box the bottom the piston it slides with gentle friction the stroke (No. 52.) the length of the stroke the piston rises, ascends it descends a reciprocating motion the piston is at the bottom of its course the packing to wrap with tow hemp-packed piston the hemp packing metallic piston full piston, solid piston the piston-rod the plunger the valve the seat the valve-box or chamber the clack-valve a metal disc turning on a hinge the edge of the orifice la boite a 6toupes le fond le piston il glisse a frottement doux la course, le coup du piston la longueur de course le piston s'61eve il descend un mouvement de va-et- vient le piston est au has de sa course la garniture garnir d'etoupes piston a garniture de chanvre la garniture de chanvre, r&oupage piston metallique piston plein la tige da piston le piston plongeur la soupape le siege la boite a soupape, la chapelle la soupape a clapet un disque metallique mobile autour d'une charniere le bord de 1' orifice POMPES. 29 to open upwards to open, to close (or in- tercept) the communi- cation conical valve the cone the spindle (bolt) passes through an iron loop ball clack the wire guards double-seat valve throttle valve shde-valve (No. 52.) suction valve forcing valve suction tube it dips into the water to fetch the pump the air escapes the spout the discharge (No. 6.) the forcing pipe, ascending or discharge pipe the water is forced into the tube the pump-handle, pump- brake the fire-engine steam fire-engine the tank the air-chamber the lever ouvrir de has en haut 6tablir, interrompre (ou intercepter) la com- munication soupape conique le c6ne la tige (le boulon) tra- verse une bride de fer soupape a bouiet le museau soupape a double siege soupape a gorge le tiroir la soupape d'aspiration la soupape de refoulement le tuyau d'aspirafion il plonge dans 1'eau amorcer la pompe Fair s'e"chappe, se degage le degorgeoir la defense le tuyau d'ascension Feau est refoulee dans le tuyau le levier, la brimbale la pompe a incendie pompe a vapeur pour incendie la bache le reservoir d'air le balancier ACOUSTICS. the hose the pipe a continuous jet to let the engine play the firemen the fire-brigade a fire-escape plunger pump lifting pump centrifugal pump rotative or rotary pump double-acting pump the chain-pump (No. 49.; le tuyau la lance un jet d'eau constant faire jouer la pompe les pompiers le corps des sapeurs pompiers un appareil de sauvetage pompe a piston plongeur pompe elevatoire pompe a force centrifuge pompe a rotation pompe a double effet le chapelet. 13. Acoustics* ACOUSTIQUE. Acoustics sound noise a sensation excited in the organ of hearing the tympanum a sonorous body a vibration* L'acoustique le son le bruit une sensation excitee dans 1'organe de Foui'e le tympan un corps sonore une vibration double on complete* *As understood in England and Germany, a vibration comprises a motion to and fro ; in France, on the contrary, a vibration mean* a movement to or fro. ACOUSTIQUE. 81 a semi-vibration the motion to or fro a rapid vibratory motion the propagation of sound to propagate, to transmit conductibility sounds are not propa- gated in vacuo an elastic medium an undulation the condensed wave the expanded wave spherical wave the length of the undulation the amplitude of vibrations the co-existence of waves the intensity of sound it is inversely as the square of the distance intense to strengthen sound the use of sounding boxes in stringed instruments to vibrate in unison the velocity of sound reflection of sound (No. 19.) an echo a monosyllabic, dissyl- labic, multiple echo the speaking tube une vibration simple 1'allee ou le retour un mouvement vibratoire rapide la propagation du son propager, transmettre la conductibilite le son ne se propage pa& dans le vide un milieu elastique une onde sonore Tonde condensee Fonde dilatee onde spherique la longueur de 1'onde 1' amplitude des vibrations la coexistence des ondes rintensite* du son elle est en raison inverse- du carre de la distance intense renforcer le son Temploides caisses sonores dans les instruments & cordes vibrer a Tunisson la vitesse du son reflexion du son un echo un e"cho monosyllabique, dissyllabique,multiple le tube parlant 32 ACOUSTICS. the speaking trumpet the bell the ear trumpet to be hard of hearing the stethoscope the limit of perceptible sounds Savart's toothed wheel the syren a cylindrical box a fixed plate the disc ; the rod equidistant holes inclined in the opposite direction a current of air strikes obliquely against the sides i t imparts a rotary motion to the disc a series of effluxes and stoppages an endless screw the turn the needle, index the dial the bellows the wind-chest the pedal graphic method an undulated tracing the phon autograph manometric flames le porte-voix le pavilion le cornet acoustique avoir Foreille dure le stethoscope la limite des sons percep- tibles la roue de Savart la sirene une caisse cylindrique un plateau fixe le disque ; la tige des trous e*quidistants inclines en sens contraire un courant d'air frappe obliquement les parois il imprime au disque un mouvement de rotation une suite d'ecoulements et d'arrets une vis sans fin la revolution 1'aiguille le cadran le soufflet le sommier la pe"dale me*thode graphique un trait ondule le phonautographe flammes manometriques SONS MUSICAUX. a resonator a tuning-fork the vibration of rods longitudinal, transverse vibration the vibration of plates a nodal line un r6sonnateur un diapason la vibration des verges vibration longitudinale, transversale la vibration des plaques une ligne nodale. 14. Musical Tones. SONS MUSICAUX. Musical tone pitch acute; grave intensity timbre, or stamp the primary tone the harmonics Helmholtz's resonance globe the musical scale the diatonic scale or gamut chromatic the harmonic triad the major chord, minor chord atone a semitone an interval Le son musical, le ton la hauteur aigu; grave 1'intensite le timbre le son fondamental les (sons) harmoniques le (globe) resonnateur de Helmholtz Techelle musicale la gamme diatoniqus chromatique Taccord parfait Taccord majeur, mineur un ton plein un demi-ton un interval^ MUSICAL TONES. a comma an octave the third, the fifth, the seventh to sharpen, to flatten a note the sharp ; the flat the natural C sharp, C flat the clef treble clef, or G clef bass clef, or F clef the staff, or stave the bar to keep time a semibreve ; a minim a crotchet a quaver a semiquaver a tuning-fork a bent steel rod to be in unison a string a stringed instrument wind instrument to stretch, the tension the bridge the bow the sonometer or mono- chord the node the nodal line un comma une octave la tierce, la quinte, la septieme die"ser, bemoliser une note le diese ; le b6mol le be"carre ut diese, ut b&nol la clef clef de sol clef de fa la ported la barre de mesure observer la mesure uneronde; une blanche une noire une croche une double croche un diapason une verge d'acier re- courbee 6tre a Tunisson une corde un instrument a cordes instrument a vent tendre, la tension le chevalet Farchet le sonometre ou mono- corde le noeud la ligne nodale OHALEUB CHAUFFAGE. 35 the loop the beat an organ pipe open, stopped pipe sounding tube a reed pipe the tongue the free reed beating reed the tuning wire a mouth pipe the mouthpiece the foot the mouth the upper (under) lip the wind-way le ventre le battement un tuyau d'orgue tuyau ouvert, ferm6 tuyau sonore un tuyau a anche la languette Fanche libre anche battante la rasette un tuyau a bouche Tembouchure le pied la bouche la I6vre supe"rieurd (inferieure) la lumiere. 15. Beat. Heating". CHALEUR. CHAUFFAGE. Heat the theory of emission theory of undulation, un- dulatory theory thermodynamics mechanical theory of heat La chaleur la throne de remission theorie des ondulations la thermodynamique the*orie mScanique de chaleur la 86 HEAT HEATING . transformation (conversion) of heat into mechanical work the mechanical equivalent internal (external) work sensible heat latent heat dilatation, expansion to dilate, to expand dilatable linear, cubical expansion Gravesande's ring absolute, apparent expan- sion contraction to contract an increase of volume the pyroscope a metal rod the coefficient of linear ex- pansion the elongation of the unit of length of a body when its temperature rises from zero to 1 degree calorimetry the quantity of heat the thermal unit to determine the specific heat la transformation de la chaleur en travail m6- canique Tequivalent me*canique travail inte"rieur (exterieur) chaleur sensible chaleur latente la dilatation (se) dilater dilatable dilatation lineaire, cubique 1'anneau de Gravesande dilatation absolue, appa- rente la contraction (se) contracter un accroissement de vo- lume le pyroscope une tige (ou barre) me*- tallique le coefficient de dilatation lineaire Tallongement que prend 1'unite" de longueur lors- que la temperature s'6- leve de ze"ro a 1 degr6 la calorime"trie la quantity de chaleur runite" de chaleur determiner la chaleur sp6- cifique CHALEUR CHAUFFAGE . 37 the calorific capacity, capa- city for heat the method of the fusion of ice the ice calorimeter method of mixtures method of cooling latent heat of fusion heat of vaporisation good, bad conductor to conduct heat badly conducting sub- stance the conductivity or con- ducting power to increase (to decrease) in arithmetical (geo- metrical) progression the radiation of heat radiant heat to radiate heat the nocturnal radiation a thermal ray, a ray of heat luminous (obscure) ray the radiating or emissive power the radiometer the mobile equilibrium of temperature la capacite* calorique la me"thode de la fusion de la glace le calorimetre de glace m6thode des melanges methode du refroidisse- ment chaleur latente de fusion chaleur de vaporisation bon, mauvais conducteur conduire la chaleur corps peu conducteur le pouvoir conducteur croitre (de"croitre) en pro- gression arithmetique (g6om6trique) le rayonnement (ou la radiation) de la chaleur chaleur rayonnante e*mettre de la chaleur le rayonnement nocturne un rayon de chaleur, un rayon calorifique rayon lumineux (obscure) le pouvoir 6rnissif ou rayon- nant le radiometre Tequilibre mobile de tem- perature 88 HEAT HEATING. the surrounding air the surrounding medium reflection burning mirror ny 0> ^9 \ refraction absorption the absorbing (absorptive) power to transmit diathermancy diathermanous athermanous sources of heat mechanical, physical, chemical sources friction (No. 46.) the flint and steel, tinder- box pressure and percussion the pneumatic syringe the piston is suddenly plunged downwards the compressed air ig- nites the tinder olar radiation terrestrial heat the layer of constant (in- variable) temperature Dobereiner's lamp spongy platinum platinum black 1'air ambiant Fenceinte reflexion miroir ardent refraction absorption le pouvoir absorbant transmettre,laisser passer la diathermanelte" diathermane athermane sources de chaleur sources mecaniques, phy- siques, chimiques le frottement le briquet a pierre pression et percussion le briquet a air on enfonce brusquement le piston Fair comprime" enflamme Famadou la radiation solaire la chaleur terrestre, la chaleur centrale la couche invariable le briquet a mousse de platine la mousse de platine le noir de platine CH ALEUB CH AUFFAGE . 89 heat is disengaged in chemical combinations (Ho. 32.) combustion (No. 36.) animal heat heating a heating apparatus the fuel (No. 38.) calorific effect the draught an exhaust apparatus a blast apparatus the flue the damper the hearth the space (room) to be heated the chimney the grate (No. 52.) _ the ash-pit heating dwelling-houses heating by stoves an iron stove fire-clay stove compound stove the tube the flues heating by hot air heating by flues hot- water heating les combinaisons chimiques sont accompagnees d'un degagement de chaleur la combustion la chaleur animale le chauffage un appareil de chauffage le combustible effet calorifique le tirage un exhausteur une soufflerie le renard le registre le foyer, la sole de com- bustion Tespace a chauffer la chemine'e la grille le cendrier le chauffage des habita- tions chauffage par les ponies un po&ie en fer po61e en argile cuite poe*le mixte le tube les carneaux chauffage par 1'air chaud chauffage par des carnaux chauffage a 1'eau chaude 40 THERMOMETER. high-pressure heating steam heating gas heating hot-water chauffage & haute pression chauffage a la vapeur chauffage au gaz. 16. Thermometer. THERMOMETRE. The temperature the thermometer mercurial thermometer a capillary tube the bulb cylindrical or spherical the stem the division of the tube into parts of equal capacity, the calibration the diameter a thread of mercury must occupy the same length filling the thermometer a funnel to expel the air; it escapes to heat with a spirit lamp to allow to cool La temperature le thermometre thermometre a mercure un tube capillaire le reservoir cylindrique ou sphe"rique la tige la division du tube en parties d'e"gale capacite* le diametre une colonne de mercure doit occuper la m6me longueur le remplissage du thermo- metre un entonnoir chasserl'air; ils'echappe chauffer avec une lampe a alcool laisser refroidir THERMOMETRE. 41 the graduation to graduate determination of the fixed points the freezing point, or zero melting (pounded) ice the boiling point the degree the division is continued below zero the thermometer is at (shows) 15 degrees of heat it is at 3 degrees below (above) zero a degree of heat, of cold the scale therm ometric scale centigrade scale to convert into R6aumur degrees the displacement of zero the zero tends to rise a delicate thermometer the delicacy to indicate small changes of temperature it quickly assumes the temperature of the sur- rounding air la graduation graduer determination des points fixes le point de congelation ou zero de la glace fondante (pilee) le point d'ebullition le degr6 on continue les divisions au-dessous de zero le thermometre marque 15 degres de chaleur il est a 3 degr6s au-dessous (au-dessus) de zero un degre de chaleur, de froid l'6chelle e"chelle thermometrique e*chelle centigrade convertir en degres Reaumur le deplacement de z6ro le zero tend a se relever un thermometre sensible la sensibilit6 accuser de tres petites variations de temp6ra- ture il se met promptement en equilibre avec 1'air ambiant 42 FUSION SOLIDIFICATION, ETC. standard thermometer alcohol thermometer minimum thermometer maximum thermometer the mercury pushes the index before it Breguet's metallic thermo- meter founded on the unequal expansion of metals the metallic ribbon (strip) to coil in a spiral form to unwind itself weight thermometer electrical thermometer air thermometer differential thermometer the thermoscope a pyrometer thermometre 6talon thermometre a alcool thermometre a minima thermometre a maxima le mercure pousse devant lui Findex thermometre me'tallique de Bre*guet fonde sur 1'inegale di- latabilite des metaux le ruban me'tallique contourner en helice se derouler thermometre & poids thermometre electrique thermometre a air thermometre differentiel le thermoscope un pyrometre. 17. Fusion- Solidification. Ebullition. Hygrometer. FUSION. SOLIDIFICATION. EBULLITION. HYGROMETRE. Fusion the passage from the solid into the liquid state to fuse ; fusible fusibility La fusion le passage de I'Stat solide a 1'etat liquide fondre; fusible la fusibilite FUSION SOLIDIFICATION, ETC. 43 refractory fire-brick melting point, fusing point the heat of fusion the solution to dissolve solidification to solidify crystallisation the crystal crystalline to crystallise (un)crystallisable by the dry (moist) way congelation the freezing point water expands on freezing it has its maximum density at 4 C. ice floats on the surface the expansive force the regelation two pieces of ice freeze into one a freezing mixture an ice (ice-making) machine sulphate of sodium hydrochloric acid dilute nitric acid the vaporisation the vapour a volatile liquid refractaire pierre refractaire le point de fusion la chaleur de fusion la dissolution dissoudre la solidification (se)solidifier la cristallisation le cristal cristallin cristalliser (m)cristallisable par voie seche (humide) la congelation le point de congelation Teau augmente de volume en se congelant elle atteint son maximum de density a 4 degres C. la glace flotte a la surface la force expansive la regelation deux morceaux de glace se soudent ensemble un melange refrigerant une glaciere sulfate de soude acide chlorhydrique acide azotique e"tendu la vaporisation la vapeur un liquide volatil 44 FUSION SOLIDIFICATION, ETC. a fixed liquid aqueous vapour evaporation to evaporate a slow production of vapour at the surface ebullition, or boiling a rapid production of bubbles of vapour in the mass of the liquid itself the singing the temperature of ebulli- tion it increases with the pressure it remains constant the hypsometer or ther- mo-barometer *cold due to evaporation the cryophorus an alcaraza io accelerate the evapora- tion the spheroidal state Papin's digester a closed vessel the cover ; the screw the safety valve saturated vapour saturation un liquide fixe vapeur d'eau l'e*vaporation s'evaporer une production lente de vapeur a la surface 1'ebullition une production rapide de vapeur, en bulles, dans la masse m6me du liquide le bruissement la temperature d' ebullition elle augmente avec la pression elle reste constante le thermometre hypso- me*trique froid du a 1'evaporation le cryophore un alcaraza acce"le>er 1'evaporation 1'etat spheroidal la marmite de Papin, le digesteur un vase clos le couvercle ; la vis la soupape de surete* la vapeur saturee la saturation FUSION SOLIDIFICATION, ETC. a space saturated with va- pour the maximum of tension the liquid in excess liquefaction or condensa- tion to condense cooling to cool dry, moist air the deposit to deposit hygrometry the hygrometric state, or degree of saturation the hygrometer the dew point chemical hygrometer condensing hygrometer hygrometer of absorption DanielFs hygrometer two glass hulbs a glass tube bent twice to cover with muslin to drop ether upon it the psychrometer or wet bulb hygrometer (he hygroscope a twisted string of catgut untwists un espace sature de va- peur le maximum de tension le liquide en exces la liquefaction ou conden- sation condenser le refroidissement refroidir Fair sec, humide le depdt, le precipite se deposer Fhygromeirie Fetat hygrom6trique ou fraction de saturation Fhygrometre le point de ros6e hygrometre chimique hygrometre a condensation hygrometre a absorption Fhygrometre de Daniell deux boules de verre un tube deux fois re- courb6 envelopper de mousse- line verser dessus, goutte a goutte, de F6ther le psychrometre Fhygroscope une corde a boyau tordue se detord 46 LIGHT POLARISATION. hair hygrometer a brass frame a hair fastened in a clamp it passes round a pulley the needle the graduated scale the hair elongates it contracts hygrometre a cheveu un cadre de cuivrejaune un cheveu maintenu par une pince il s'enroule sur une poulie I'aiguille l'6chelle gradue le cheveu s' allonge il se raccourcit. 18. Polarisation. LUMIERE. POLARISATION. Optics light the emission theory undulatory theory the ether transverse vibrations a wave the wave-length a luminous body to emit light the luminosity transparent or diaphanous to transmit light translucent L'optique la lumiere la th6orie demission la theorie des ondulations Tether des vibrations transver- sales une onde lumineuse la longueur d'ondulation un corps lumineux e"mettre de la lumiere la luminosite transparent ou diaphane laisser passer la lumiere translucide LUMrfjRE POLARISATION. 47 opaque the luminous ray the luminous pencil parallel, divergent, con- vergent propagation of light in every homogeneous medium light is propa- gated in a right line a shadow umbra, complete shadow the penumbra images through small aper- tures they are inverted to receive the luminous rays upon a screen they cross one another the velocity of light the intensity is inversely as the square of the distance from the source of light the illuminated surface rays received obliquely the photometer fluorescence phosphorescence spontaneous opaque le ray on hmiineux un faisceau (un pinceau) luminetix parallel e, divergent, con- vergent la propagation de la lu- miere dans tout milieu homogene, la lumiere se propage en ligne droite une ombre ombre pure la penombre images au travers de petite s ouvertures elles sont renversees recevoir les rayons lu- mineux sur un ecran ils se croisent la vitesse de la lumiere I'intensit6 est en raison inverse du carr6 de la distance k la source lumineuse la surface 6clair6e des rayons obli- quement le photometra la fluorescence la phosphorescence spontanee 48 LIGHT POLARISATION. by insulation the phosphoroscope interference diffraction the fringes the grating colours of thin plates Newton's rings bright (dark) rings the polarisation of light polarised light by reflection, by refraction (No. 19.) the polarising angle the plane of polarisation the extra(ordinary) ray uniaxial, biaxial crystals Iceland spar tourmaline the saphire ; the ruby ferrocyanide of potassium emerald; quartz the optic axis a principal section coloured rings the refractive index double refraction rotatory (circular) polari- sation right-handed or dextro- gyrate par insolation le phosphoroscope Interference la diffraction les franges le reseau couleurs des lames minces anneaux de Newton anneaux brillants (ob- scurs) la polarisation de la lumiere lumiere polarisee par reflexion, par refrac- tion Tangle de polarisation le plan de polarisation le rayon (extra) ordinaire cristaux a un axe, a deux axes le spath d'Islande la tourmaline le saphir ; le rubis le prussiate de potasse l'6meraude ; le quartz 1'axe optique une section principals anneaux colores 1'indice de refraction double refraction polarisation rotatoire (cir- culaire) dextrogyre INFLEXION REFRACTION, ETO. 49 left-handed, or loevogy- rate the rotatory power an (in)active liquid a tourmaline plate the tourmaline pincette to fit in a blackened copper disc a double refracting prism of Iceland spar Nicol's prism an (un) silvered mirror the polariser the analyser Soleil's saccharimeter a brass tube tinned in- side the support, the foot the amplitude of an angle the transition tint a scale the vernier the compensator ; to compensate a lens [No. 19.} le*vogyre le pouvoir rotatoire un liquide (in)actif une lame de tourmaline la pince a tourmaline enchasser dans un dis- que de cuivre noirci une prisme bire"fringent de spath d'Islande le prisme de Nicol une glace (non) 6tame*e le polariseur Fanalyseur le saccharimetre de Soleil un tube de cuivre 6tam6 inte*rieurement le support Famplitude d'un angle la teinte de passage une e"chelle le vernier le compensateur ; com- penser une lentille. 19. Reflection. Refraction. Mirrors. Prism. liens. REFLEXION. REFRACTION. MIROIRS. PRISME. LENTILLB. Reflection La reflexion the angle of reflection is Tangle de reflexion est 6gal equal to the angle of in- a 1'angle d'incidence cidence 50 REFLECTION REFRACTION, ETC. the incident ray the reflected ray the normal diffusion scattered, diffused light the mirror a polished surface plane mirror the image is formed at an equal distance be- hind the mirror on the perpendicular let fall from the given point on the mirror of the same size as the object an image real image virtual image symmetrical inverted; erect multiple images the kaleidoscope concave mirror a curved surface the curve convex mirror spherical mirror concave spherical mirror the centre of curvature, or geometrical centre the centre of the figure the principal axis le rayon incident le rayon refl6chi la normale la diffusion la lumiere diffuse le miroir une surface polie miroir plan Fimage se fait derriere le miroir a une distance egale sur la perpendiculaire abaissee du point donne sur le miroir de meme grandeur que 1'objet une image image r6elle image virtuelle symetrique renversee; redressed images multiples le kaleidoscope miroir concave une surface courbe la courbe miroir convexe miroir spherique miroir spherique concave le centre de courbure le centre de figure Faxe principal BipLEXION KfiFKACTION, BTO. 51 the secondary axis the aperture the principal or meridional section the focus (pi. foci) the principal focus the conjugate foci the focal distance spherical aberration the caustic parabolic mirror generated by the revolu- tion of the arc of a para- bola round its axis theheliostat; the heliotrope the goniometer reflecting sextant (No. 56.) refraction of light luminous rays undergo a deflection (bending) in passing obliquely from one medium to another the refracted ray the sine of the angle of re- fraction the refringent (refracting) medium single refraction double refraction (No. 18.) the index of refraction, or refractive index 1'axe secondaire Touverture la section principals le foyer le foyer principal les foyers conjugu6s la distance focale aberration de sph6ricit6 la caustique miroir parabolique engendre par la revolu- tion d'un arc de para- bole autour de son axe Pheliostat ; 1'heliotrope le goniometre sextant a reflexion refraction de la lumiere les rayons lumineux 6prou- vent une deviation lors- qu'ils passent oblique- ment d'un milieu dans un autre le rayon reiractS le sinus de Tangle da refraction le milieu refringent refraction simple double refraction 1'indice de refraction 52 BEFLECTION INFRACTION, ETC. the ratio between the sines of the incident and refracted angles total reflection the critical angle refrangibility the refractive power mirage the prism right-angled prism triangular prism the edge two plane faces inclined to each other the summit the base the principal section the emergent ray the angle of deviation the minimum deviation the polyprism prism with variable angle a lens converging lens diverging lens, dispersing lens double convex, plano- convex converging concavo- convex le rapport entre les sinus des angles d'incidence et de refraction reflexion totale Tangle limite la r6frangibilite la puissance refractive le mirage le prisme prisme rectangulaire prisme triangulaire Tarete deux faces planes incli- nees Tune sur 1'autre le sommet la base la section principals le rayon Emergent Tangle de deviation la deviation minimum le polyprisme prisme a angle variable une lentille lentille convergente lentille divergente biconvexe, plan-convexe concave-convexe con- vergente SPECTBE SOLAIBE ANALYSE SPECTRALE. 53 double concave, plano- concave, diverging con- cavo-convex the meniscus the optical centre focus, etc. (see mirror) the laryngoscope achromatic lens the iridescent (coloured) edges Echelon or light-house lenses a light-house biconcave, plan-concave, concave-convexe diver- gente le mSnisque le centre optique foyer, etc. (voyez miroir) le laryngoscope lentille achromatique les bords irises lentilles a echelons un phare. Solar Spectrum. 20. Spectrum Analysis. SPECTRE SOLAIRE. ANALYSE SPECTRALE. Dispersion the solar light the decomposition of white light to decompose dispersive the tints of the rainbow the colours are unequally refrangible recomposition of white light Newton's disc simple colour complementary colour homogeneous light La dispersion la lumiere solaire la decomposition de la lumiere blanche decomposer dispersif les teintes de l'arc-en-ciel les couleurs sont in6gale- ment relrangibles r6compositionde la lumiere blanche le disque de Newton couleur simple couleur eompl6mentaire lumiere homogene SOLAK SPECTRUM SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. ^primitive or primary light properties of the solar spectrum luminous, calorific, che- mical properties chemical or actinic rays continuing rays phosphorogenic spec- trum to render luminous in the. dark the extra or ultra-red ray s the thermal curve the thermal spectrum spectrum analysis Frauenhofer's (dark) lines telluric lines the spectroscope the foot, the support the telescope (No. 21.) the prism, etc. (No. 19.) a scale the micrometer a clamping screw an adjusting screw to displace laterally a narrow slit Bunsen's burner (No. 35.) a hollow stem lumiere primitive propri6tes du spectre so- laire propriety lumineuses, caloritiques, chimi- ques les rayons chimiques rayons continuateurs spectre phosphorogeni- que rendre lumineux dans I'obscurit6 rayons ultra-rouges la courbe thermique le spectre calorifique I' analyse spectrale les raies (obscures) de Frauenhofer raies telluriques le spectroscope le pied, le support le telescope le prisme une Schelle le micrometre une vis de pression une vis de rappel d6placer late>alement une fente etroite le bruleur (la lampe) de Bunsen une tige creuse INSTRUMENTS D'OPTIQUE, ETC. 55 a lateral orifice admits air a jet of gas a metallic salt in solution the platinum wire un orifice lat&al laisse entrer Fair un bee de gaz un sel me"tallique en dis- solution le fii de platine. 21. Optical Instruments. Photography. Eye. INSTRUMENTS D 7 OPTIQUE. PHOTOGRAPHIE. (EIL. An optical instrument the microscope the magnifying glass the magnification, or mag- nifying power a magnified image diminished or reduced image the linear magnification superficial magnification the apparent diameter the simple microscope Wollaston's doublet compound microscope lenses (No. 19.) the support a brass tube a reflector to light the object Un instrument d'optique le microscope le verre (la lunette) grossis- sant(e), la loupe le grossissement une image amplified image r6duite le grossissement line*aire grossissement superficiel le diametre apparent le microscope simple ou loupe le doublet de Wollaston microscope compose" lentilles le support un tube de cuivre jaune un re"flecteur e*clairer Tobjet 56 OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, ETC. the illumination the stage the black eyepiece the object-glass, or ob- jective the eyepiece, or power the field lens the diaphragm, or stop focussing to focus the distance of distinct vision the distinctness of the image the field of view the telescope dioptric or refracting teles- cope the astronomical telescope the finder the cross-wires spider threads streched across the optical axis the line of sight terrestrial telescope Galileo's telescope the opera-glass a catoptric or reflecting telescope the mirror (No. 19). l^clairement le porte-objet Poeilleton noir Fobjectif Foculaire la lentille de champ le diaphragme la mise au point mettre au point la distance de la vue dis- tincte la nettete de Timage le champ le telescope telescope dioptrique ou telescope par refraction la lunette astronomique le chercheur le reiicule des fils d'araignee tendus en croix Faxe optique la ligne de vis6e lunette terrestre ou longue- vue la lunette de Galilee lunette de spectacle ou ju- melles un telescope catoptrique ou a reflexion le miroir INSTBUMENTS D OPTIQUE, ETC. 57 the Newtonian (Herschel- ian) telescope the camera obscura the camera lucida the magic lantern to project the image on a screen the solar microscope the photo-electric micro- scope (No. 27.) photography photography on metal a Daguerreotype a carefully polished plate of copper coated with silver to expose to the action of iodine vapour a substance sensible to light the accelerator a wooden case a ground-glass plate the slide mercurial vapour hyposulphite of sodium photography on paper chloride, iodide of silver (No. 33.) a uniform layer (film) of collodion le telescope de Newton (d'Herschel) la chambre obscure la chambre claire ou came- ra lucida la lanterne magique projeter Fimage sur un 6cran le microscope solaire le microscope photo-61ec~ trique la photographic photographic sur plaque metallique un Daguerreotype une plaque de cuivre polie doublee d'argent exposer a Faction de va- peurs d'iode une substance sensible a la lumiere la substance acce!6ratrice un chassis de bois une plaque de verre depoii Fecran a coulisse des vapeurs de mercure hyposulfite de soude photographic sur papier chlorure, iodure d'argent une couche le collodion uniforme OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, ETC. iodide of potassium to immerse in a bath of nitrate of silver to develop; the develop- ment pyrogallic acid to fix the picture the positive the negative the light parts, the lights the shaded parts, shades to tone auric chloride a solution of cyanide of potassium albumen album enised paper a photograph the photographer the collodion process the eye the organ of vision the structure of the eye the orbit the eyelid the cornea the iris the pupil the aqueous humour the crystalline lens iodure de potassium plonger dans un bain d'a- zotate d'argent developper; le d6veloppe- ment acide pyrogallique fixer 1'image l'6preuve positive F6preuve negative les parties claires les parties ombr6es, les ombres virer chlorure d'or une solution de cyanure de potassium Talbumine papier albumine" une photographic le photographe la photographic an collo- dion Toeil Porgane de la vision la structure de Pceil hum am Torbite la paupiere la corn6e Tiris la pupille Thumeur aqueuse le cry stall in INSTRUMENTS D OPTIQUE, ETC. 59 the vitreous body, vitreous humour the retina the optic nerve the inversion of images estimation of the distance and size of objects the optic axis the optic angle the visual angle the accomodation the distance of distinct vision short-sighted or myoptic long-sighted or presbyoptic short sight, myopy long sight, presbytism spectacles by the naked eye the stereoscope the persistence of impres- sions on the retina the thaumatrope the kaleidophone accidental images accidental haloes the contrast of colours diplopy the ophthalmoscope achromatopsy, daltonism, colour-blindness le corps vitr6, 1'humeur vitree la retine le nerf optique le renversement des images 1'appreciation de la distance et de la grandeur des objets Faxe optique Tangle optique Tangle visuel Tadaptation, Taccommoda- tion la distance de la vue di- tincte myope presbyte la myopie le presbytisme les lunettes a Toeil nu la stereoscope la persistance des impres- sions sur la r&tine le thaumatrope le kaleidophone images accidentelles aureoles accidentelles le contraste des couleurs la diplopie 1'ophtalmoscope Fachromatopsie, le dalto- nisme. 60 HAGNETISM. 22. Magnetism. MAGNETISMS. The natural magnet the loadstone artificial magnet a bar of steel the property of attracting iron iron filings adhere the north pole (theredpole) the south pole (the blue pole) the neutral line the intermediate or conse- quent poles the magnetic force the attractive power magnetic attractions and re- pulsions are inversely as the squares of the dis- tances the torsion balance poles of the same name (or L'aimant naturel la pierre d'aimant aimant artificiel un barreau d'acier la proprie"te d'attirer le fer la limaille de fer adhere le p61e austral * le p61e boreal la ligne neutre les points consequents la force magnetique le pouvoir attractif les attractions et les re*pul- sions magnetiques s'exer- cent en raison inverse du carre* de la distance la balance de torsion les p61es de meme nom se * The French designation is based on the hypothesis of a terrestrial magnet, and on the law that poles of the same name repel, and poles of contrary names attract one another. MAGN&TISME. 61 like poles) repel one another poles of contrary names (unlike poles) attract one another the magnetic fluids the Amperian currents the coercive force magnetic induction or in- fluence terrestrial magnetism directive action of the earth the terrestrial magnetic couple the magnetic needle the declination the angle which the mag- netic makes with the geographical meridian it is east or west diurnal, annual, secular variations accidental variations, per- turbations the isogonic lines the amplitude the declination compass the graduated circle to correct errors the method of reversion repoussent les p61es de noms contraires s'attirent les fluides magne'tiques les courants d' Ampere la force coercitive aimantation par influence magne*tisme terrestre Faction directrice de la terre le couple magnetique ter- restre F aiguille aimante la d6clinaison Tangle que fait le meri- dien magn6tique avec le meridien astronomi- que elle est orientale ou oc- cidentale variations diurnes, annu- elles, seculaires variations accidentelles ou perturbations lignes isogones Pamplitude la boussole de declinaison le cercle gradue corriger les fautes la methode du retourne- ment 62 MAGNETISM. the manner's compass the box the needle is placed on a pivot by means of a cap the rose, or compass-card the eight rhumbs the inclination, or dip it decreases with the la- titude the dipping needle the magnetic equator or aclinic line isoclinic lines the inclination compass the intensity isodynamic lines an astatic needle an astatic system magnetisation the bar to be magnetised to saturate, to magnetise to saturation method of single touch separate touch double touch a magnetic battery or ma- gazine the armature ; the keeper a powerful magnet the portative force a horse-shoe magnet la boussole marine, le com- pas de mer la boite raiguille repose sur un pivot au moyen d'une chape la rose des vents les huit rumbs Finclinaison elle decroit avec la lati- tude 1'aiguille d'inclinaison l'6quateur magn&ique lignes isoclines la boussole d'inclinaison 1'intensite lignes isodynamiques une aiguille astatique un systeme astatique 1'aimantation le barreau a aimanter aimanter a saturation m6thode de la simple touche la touche s6par6e la double touche un faisceau magnetique Farmure ; le portant un aimant puissant la force portative un aimant en fer a cheval electro-magnetism [No. 27.) diamagnetism diamagnetic axial, equatorial electro-magne'tisme le diamagn6tisme diamagn6tique axial, Equatorial. 23. Blectricity. ELECTRICITY. Electricity statical, dynamical elec- tricity the tension to electrify development of electricity by friction to rub a stick of sealing- wax a cat's skin, catskin frictional electricity to conduct electricity the conductivity, conduct- ing power a good, a bad conductor a non-conductor a badly conducting stance an insulator to insulate sub- electricite statique, dyna- mique la tension electriser d6veloppement de Pe'lec- tricite par le frottement frotter un baton de cire a cacheter une peau de chat electricity de frottement conduire MectricitS le pouvoir conducteur un bon, un mauvais con- ducteur un non-conducteur un corps mauvais con- ducteur un isoloir, un corps isolant isoler ELECTBICITY. to communicate with the ground positive, negative elec- tricity vitreous electricity resinous electricity to be positively (negatively) electrified to be in the natural or neutral state two bodies charged with the same electricity repel each other to attract each other to be distributed over two bodies brought into contact to accumulate on the surface an extremely thin layer the carrier, or proof plane to escape into the air the power of points to electrify by influence or induction the neutral electricity is decomposed a brass cylinder a glass support pith balls communiquer avec la terre electricite positive, negative electricite vitree 61ectricit6 resineuse s'electriser positivemcnt (negativement) 6tre a l'e"tat neutre deux corps charges de la m&me electricity se re- poussent s'attirer se distribuer sur deux corps mis en contact s'accumuler a la surface une couche extrSmement mince le plan d'e*preuve se d6gager dans 1'air le pouvoir des pointes 61ectriser par influence ou par induction r61ectricit6 neutre se decompose un cyltndre de laiton un pied de verre des balles de moelle de sureau 65 suspended by linen threads the pendulums diverge the inducing (inductive) action the inductive power the electric pendulum the gold-leaf electroscope to coat with an insulating varnish the metal rod terminates in a knob the quadrant or Henley's electrometer the scale the whalebone index dynamical electricity (No. 26.) a thermo-electric current a plate of copper is soldered to a plate of bismuth the soldering thermo-electric couple the pile, the battery Melloni's thermo-multiplier electric thermometer (pyro- meter) the magnetometer suspendues par des fils de chanvre les pendules divergent Faction induisante le pouvoir inducteur le pendule electrique 1 J electroscope k feuilles d'or recouvrir d'un vernis isolant la tige metallique est ter- min6e par une boule Felectrometre de Henley ou electrometre a cadran le cadran Paiguille de fanon de baleine 61ectricit6 dynamique un courant thermo-e*lectri- que une lame de cuivre est soude*e a une lame de bismuth la soudure couple thermo-electrique la pile, la batterie le thermo-multiplicateur de Melloni thermometre (pyrometre) electrique le magnetometre. 66 ELECTRICAL MACHINES. 24. Electrical Machines. MACHINES ELECTRIQUES. The electrophorus the cake of resin a wooden mould or disc lined with tinfoil the glass handle to flap with a catskin a smart spark passes the electrical machine wooden supports to turn the circular glass plate the cushions, or rubbers to stuff with horse hair to coat with aurum musivum (sulphuret of tin) an amalgam to communicate with the ground by means of a chain yellow oiled silk a brass rod shaped like a horse shoe provided with points the comb L'electrophore le gateau de resine un plateau de hois re- convert d'une feuille detain le manche de verre battre avec tme peau de chat il jaillit une etincelle vive la machine electrique des montants de bois faire tourner le plateau cir- culaire de verre les coussins ou frottoirs rembourrer de crin enduire d'or musif un amalgame communiquer avec le sol par une chaine du taffetas de soie jaune hui!6e une tige de laiton en fer a cheval arai6e de dents le peigne, la machoire MACHINES ELECTRIQUES, 67 the conductor hydro-electric machine Holtz's machine two large apertures, windows the armature, coating to prime the armatures to glue a band of paper to cover with shellac varnish a tongue of cardboard the condenser an apparatus for condens- ing a large quantity of electricity on a compa ratively small space the fulminating pane, Franklin's plate the Leyden jar a glass bottle to fill with gold leaf to coat the outside with tinfoil the internal, external coating a brass rod passes through the cork to terminate in a knob jar with movable coat- ings le conducteur machine hydro-electrique machine de Holtz deux grandes ouvertures, fen&tres 1'armure amorcer les armures coller une bande de papier recouvrir de vernis a la gomme laque une languette de carton le condensateur un appareil qui sert a accu- muler, sur une surface relativement petite, une quantite considerable d'e*lectricite* le carreau fulminant la bouteille de Leyde un flacon de verre remplir de feuilles d'or battu recouvrir 1'exterieur d'une feuille detain i'armature interieure, ex- terieure une tige de cuivre passe par le bouchon 6tre terminee par un bouton bouteille a armatures mobiles 68 ELECTRIC DISCHARGE AND ITS EFFECTS. an electric battery Volta's condensing electro- scope the collecting plate une batterie electrique 1'electrometre condensateur de Volta le plateau collecteur. 25. Electric Discharge and its Effects. LA DECHARGE DE I/ELECTRICITE ET SES EFFETS. The discharge, to discharge the charge, to charge slow or continuous dis- charge instantaneous, sudden dis- charge the recombination of the opposite electricities the discharging rod two bent brass wires, terminating in knobs and joined by a hinge glass discharging rod the handle the universal discharger the striking distance physiological effects to form a chain a commotion mechanical effects La decharge, decharger la charge, charger decharge lente d6charge instantanSe la recomposition des elec- tricit6s contraires Texcitateur deux fils de laiton re- courbes, terminus par des boules et reunis par une charniere excitateur a manche de verre le manche Fexcitateur universel la distance explosive effets physiologiques former une chaine une commotion effets me"canigues LA DISCHARGE DE L'^LECTBICITE ET SES EFFETS. 69 a glass plate is perforated Kinnersley's thermo- meter Lichtenberg's figures the insulating stool with glass legs the hair diverges electrical chimes the electrical whirl or vane the electrical aura luminous effects to draw a spark a smart crack accompanied by a prickly sensation a zig-zag form the brush the electric egg the luminous tube the luminous pane heating effects the spark inflames in- flammable liquids a steel wire becomes heated, incandescent, is melted, volatilised chemical effects the passage of the spark effects combinations and decompositions the electric pistol une lame de verre est percSe le thermometre de Kin nersley les figures de Lichtenberg le tabouret isolant a pieds de verre les cheveux se hSrissent le carillon electrique le tourniquet 61ectrique le vent electrique effets lumineux tirer une e*tincelle un bruit petillant accompagn6 d'une piqure une forme en zig-zag 1'aigrette 1'oeuf electrique le tube etincelant le carreau magique effets calorifiques Fetincelle enflamme des liquides combustibles un fil d'acier s'echauffe, devient incandescent, fond, se volatilise effets chimiques Fetincelle determine des combinaisons et des decompositions le pistolet da Yolk* 70 TOLTAIC PILE BUNSBN S BATTRRY. 26. Voltaic Pile. Bun sen's Battery. PILE DE VOLTA. BATTERIE DE BUNSEN. Galvani's experiment the leg of a frog to expose the lumbar nerves a metal conductor com- posed of zinc and cop- per the muscles are con- tracted Volta' s contact theory fundamental experiment the electromotive force electropositive the electromotor the Voltaic pile an element, or couple a copper disc, zinc disc soldered to each other to pile one over the other a disc of cloth moistened by acidulated water Inexperience de Galvani une cuisse de grenouille mettre a nu les nerfs lombaires un conducteurmetallique forme" de zinc et de cuivre les muscles se contrac- tent la theorie du contact de Volta experience fondamentale la force electromotrice electro-positif relectromoteur la pile de Volta, pile a co- lonne un couple un disque de cuivre, de zinc soudes Tun a 1'autre empiler les uns sur les autres une rondelle de drap mouillee d'eau aci- dulee PILE DE VOLTA BATTEEIE DE BUNSEN. 71 the positive pole the electrode the conducting ~wire the charge the tension the current closed, open Zamboni's dry pile the galvanic trough Wollaston's battery enfeeblement of the current secondary battery secondary currents the polarisation caused by deposits a Bunsen's element zinc-carbon element a constant current two-fluid battery diluted sulphuric acid a hollow cylinder of amal- gamated zinc a porous vessel the diaphragm ordinary nitric acid a plate of carbon an intimate mixture of coke and coal, finely powdered and strongly compressed to calcine in an iron mould le p61e positif l'lectrode ou rheophore le fil conducteur Ja charge ou densit6 la tension le courant ferm6, ouvert la pile seche la pile a auges la pile de Wollaston oupile a bocaux Faffaiblissement du courant pile secondaire courants secondaires la polarisation engendree par des dep6ts un element de Bunsen pile de charbon un courant constant pile a deux liquides de 1'acide sulfurique etendu d'eau un cylindre creux de zinc amalgame" un vase poreux la cloison de 1'acide azotique ordinaire un plaque de charbon un melange intime de coke et de houille, bien pul- v6rise et fortement tasse* calciner dans un moule de fer 72 VOLTAIC PILE BUN SEN S BATTERY. a binding screw the chemical action hydrogen a battery of several cells to connect by strips of copper and clamps Grove's battery a plate of platinum bent in the form of an S fixed to a cover DanielPs battery a solution of sulphate of copper the strength of a current the conductivity the reduced length the internal resistance Siemens 7 unit the rheostat derived currents the point of derivation primitive, partial, prin- cipal current the derived wire une vis de pression Faction chimique Thydrogene une batterie de plusieurs elements (couples) relier au moyen de lames de cuivre et de pinces pile de Grove une lame de platine re- courbe"e en S iix6e a un couvercle pile de Daniell une dissolution de sul- fate de cuivre Tintensite d'un courant le pouvoir conducteur la longueur r6duite la resistance inte"rieure 1'unite Siemens le rheostat courants derives le point de derivation courant primitif, partiel, principal le fil de derivation. ECLAIBAGE ELECTRIQUE, ETC. 73 27. Electric lighting. Electrolysis. Electro-Metal- lurgy. Electro-Magnetism. ^CLAIRAGE ELECTRIQUE. ELECTROLYSE. GALVANOPLASTIE. ELECTRO-MAGNETISME . The electric light electric lighting the oxy-hydrogen or Drum- mond's (lime) light photo-electric microscope [No. 21.) the Voltaic arc a luminous arc of great brilliancy carbon points to become incandescent the positive carbon wears away, diminish- es, becomes hollow the regulator the Jablochkoff candle two rods of carbon se- parated by a seam of kaolin a brass socket an opal glass globe electrolysis La lumiere 61ectrique 1'eclairage electrique la lumiere de Drummond le microscope photo-elec- trique Tare Voltaique un arc lumineux d'un 6clat eblouissant des pointes de charbon devenir incandescent le charbon positif s'use, decroit, se creuse le re"gulateur la bougie Jablochkoff deux baguettes de char- bon sep^rees par une lame de kaolin une douille en laiton un globe en verre opale Telectrolyse, I'electrolysa- tion 74 ELECTRIC LIGHTING, ETC. the anode ; the kathode an electrolyte the anion, kation electropositive, electrone- gative the voltameter the unit of strength the decomposition of salts the metal passes to the negative pole electro-mettailurgy, or gal- vano-plastics to precipitate metals from their solutions the mould, matrix wax, gutta-percha, plaster of Paris the impression to brush over with finely powdered graphite to metallise the surface, to make it a conductor metallising the trough copper rods are stretched over it and connected with the poles a sheet of copper is sus- pended from the positive rod a solution of sulphate of copper 1'anode ; le catode un electrolyte Tanion, le cation 61ectro-positif, electro-ne- gatif le voltametre 1'unite" d'intensite la decomposition des sels le metal se rend au p61e n6gatif la galvanoplastie pre"cipiter les metaux de leurs dissolutions le moule, la matrice la cire, la gutta-percha, le platre Tempreinte enduirede plombaginebien pulverisee, a 1'aide d'une brosse me'talliser la surface, la rendre conductrice la metallisation la cuve des baguettes ou tiges de cuivre sont posees dessus communiquantaux p61es on suspend une plaque de cuivre a la baguette posi- tive une dissolution de sulfate de cuivre ECLAIRAGE ELECTRIQUE, ETC. 75 the metal is deposited the deposit a thin layer the reproduction of en- graved copper-plates gilding electro-silvering (No. 44.) a bath of auric cyanide, potassic cyanide, and water electro-coppering potassio-tartrate of soda caustic soda electro-steeling metallochromy, or galvanic painting of metals electrodynamics Ampere's stand the mercury cup rectilinear, sinuous, an- gular, circular currents they attract (repel) each other finite movable current fixed infinite current the directive action we imagine an observer placed in the wire in such a manner that the le metal se depose le d6p6t une mince couche la reproduction de planches gravees la dorure 1'argenture galvanique un bain forme decyanure d'or, de cyanure de potassium et d'eau le cuivrage galvanique le tartrate de sodium et de potassium la soude caustiqne 1'acierage la me"tallochromie ou colo- ration galvanique des metaux l'61ectro-dynamique Tappareil d' Ampere le godetplein de mercure courants rectilignes, si- nueux, angulaires, circulates ils s'attirent (se repous- sent) courant fini mobile courant fixe indefmi Faction directrice on conQoit un observa- teur plac6 dans le fil de maniere que, le 76 ELECTBIC LIGHTING, ETC. current entering by his feet issues by his head, and that his face is always turned towards the needle the current deflects the north pole of the needle towards the left the angle of deflection the galvanometer, or multi- plier a wire covered with silk coiled on a frame the turn the graduated circle astatic system (No. 22.) suspended from a fine filament of silk the levelling screws the differential galvano- meter the tangent compass, or tangent galvanometer the sine galvanometer Thomson's reflecting galva- nometer the solenoid to coil in the form of a helix or spiral right-handed or dex- trorsal helix left-handed or sinis- trorsal courant entrant par les pieds et sortantpar la tete, la face soit constamment tournee vers Paiguille le courant fait devier le p61e austral de r aiguille aimante"e vers la gauche Tangle de deviation le galvanometre ou multi- plicateur un fil recouvert de soie s'enroulant sur un cadre le tour, la circonvolution le cercle gradue* systeme astatique suspendu a un fil de soie delie les vis calantes le galvanometre difierentiel la boussole des tangentes la boussole des sinus le galvanometre de Thom- son le soleiioide enrouler en helice helice dextrorsum sinistrorsum TELEGRAPHE ELECTRIQUE. 77 the terrestrial current magnetisation by currents an electromagnet (No. 22.) the horse-shoe two bobbins or coils remanent magnetism the telephone le courant terrestre aimantation par les cou rants un 61ectro-aimant le fer a cheval deux bobines magn6tisme remanent le t616phone. 28. Electric Telegraph. TELEGRAPHE ELECTRIQUE. The electric telegraph the double needle telegraph the dial telegraph the electro-chemical tele- graph printing telegraph writing telegraph Morse's telegraph Caselli's autographic tele- graph two pendulums the pencil a metallic paper Wheatstone's apparatus the perforator Le telegraphe electrique le telegraphe a deux ai- guilles le telegraphe a cadran le telegraphe electro-chi- mique tetegraphe imprimant telegraphe 6crivant t616graphe (de) Morse telegraphe autographique de Caselli deux pendules le stylet un papier m6tallique appareil de Wheatstone le perforateur 78 ELECTRIC TELEGKAPH. a punched paper slip (or ribbon) a groove the key the punch the transmitter the receiver the battery (No. 26.) the circuit a galvanised iron wire the telegraph wire suspended by porcelain supports an insulator a cup to transmit the current the departure station the arrival station the telegraph-pole aerial, overland wire subterranean (underground) line a submarine cable the transatlantic cable the core copper wires twisted in a spiral strand a layer of gutta-percha a coating of tarred hemp the indicator, the receiver une bande de papier perfor6e une rainure la touche le poincon, Femporte- piece Fappareil transmetteur le re"cepteur la batterie, la pile le circuit un fil de fer galvanise le fil telegraphique suspendu a des supports de porcelaine un isolateur une clochette transmettre le courant la station de depart la station d'arrive"e le poteau telegraphique ligne ae>ienne ligne souterraine un cable sous-marin le cable transatlantique Fame des fils de cuivre tordus en helice allonge"e une couche de gutta- percha un enduit de chanvre goudronnS le re"cepteur T^L^ GRAPHS &LECTRIQUE. 79 the clockwork the band of paper is rolled round a drum an electromagnet (No. 27.) fixed to an armature of soft iron a lever movable about an axis raised by a spring the amplitude of oscillations to regulate by screws the current is open, passes it is broken the pencil it produces an indentation the dash the dot the telegraphic alphabet Thomson's reflecting gal- vanometer the key, or communicator a metallic lever one extremity is pressed upwards by a spring beneath it strikes a button a binding screw the relay the local battery the lightning conductor the electric alarum a telegraph office to telegraph le mouvement d'horlogerie la bande de papier est enroule'e sur un rouleau un electro-aimant fixe" a une armure de fer doux un levier mobile autour d'un axe releve" par un ressort Pamplitude des oscillations re"gler par des vis le courant passe it est interrompu le poinQon il produit un gaufrage le Irait le point 1'alphabet telegraphique le galvanometre r6cepteur de Thomson le manipulates un levier me"tallique Tune des extremes est soulevee par un ressort plac6 dessous il frappe un bouton une vis de pression le relais la pile locale le paratonnerre le sonnerie electrique un bureau telegraphique te"le*graphier 80 INDUCTION INDUCTORIUM. telegraphy the telegraphist a telegram a telegraphic message or dispatch la telegraphie le te"le*graphiste un te"legramme une d6pe"che telegraphique. 29. Induction. Inductorium, INDUCTION. MACHINE o'lNDUCTION. Induction an induced current inducing current direct current (in the same direction) inverse (in the contrary di- rection) instantaneous, continuous a closed circuit Delezenne's circle the extra current the extra current on open- ing, or direct extra cur- rent the extra current on closing, or inverse extra current the coil, bobbin a magneto-electrical ma- chine L'induction un courant induit courant inducteur courant direct (de mtoe sens) inverse (de sens con- traire) instantane", continu un circuit ferme le cerceau de Delezenne Fextra-courant 1'extra-courant d'ouverture ou extra-courant direct Textra-courant de fermeture ou extra-courant inverse la bobine une machine magn6to-e*lec trique INDUCTION MACHINE D INDUCTION. 81 magnetic battery (No 32,.) the core cylinders of soft iron to join by an iron plate movable round an axis the direction of the cur- rent changes at each half-turn the commutator to rectify the currents, to bring them to the same direction the ferrule a tongue an elastic spring Siemens' armature, or bobbin a groove the wire is wound longi- tudinally Gramme's machine an axis is rotated be- tween the branches of the magnet each wire is bent inside the ring, and is soldered to an insulated piece of brass an inductorium, or induc- tion coil Ruhmkorfl's coil faisceau magne"tique le noyau des cylindres de fer doux relier par une plaque de fer mobile autour d'un axe le courant change de direction a chaque demi-re'volution le commutateur redresser les courants, les ramener a 6tre de m6me sens la virole une languette un ressort elastique la bobine de Siemens une gorge le fil s'enroule longi- tudinalement machine de Gramme un arbre regoit un mouve- ment de rotation entre les branches de 1'ai- mant chaque fil se replie en dedans et se soude a une piece de laiton iso!6e une machine d'induction bobine de Ruhmkorff 82 INDUCTION INDUCTORIUM, a hollow cylinder of card- board, caoutchouc the primary or inducing wire the secondary or induced wire, one-third milli- meter in diameter each coil is insulated by a layer of melted shellac a bundle of iron wires the commutator, or key the hammer oscillates ra- pidly the anvil the interruption, to inter- rupt Foucault's mercury con- tact-breaker the condenser (No. 24.) sheets of tinfoil effects (No. 25.) the stratification of the electric light alternately bright and dark zones lustrous striae a Geissler's tube it contains highly rare- fied gases two platinum wires un cylindre creux de car- ton, de caoutchouc le gros fil, le fil inducteur le fil fin, le fil induit, d'un tiers de millimetre de diametre chaque spire est isolee par une couche de gomiue laque fondue un faisceau de fils de fer le commutateur le marteau oscille rap i de- ment 1'enclume Finterruption, interrompre FinteiTupteur a mercure le condensateur des feuilles detain effets la stratification de la lu- miere electrique des zones alternativement lumineuses et obscures des stries brill antes un tube de Geissler il contient des gaz tres rarefies deux fils de platine. M^T^OROLOGIE PARATONNERRE. 30. Eeteorology. Iilgrhtning- Conductor. METEOROLOGIE. PARATONNERRE. A meteor aerial, aqueous, luminous meteors the meteorograph an automatic or self- registering apparatus to register meteorological phenomena the wind the velocity the direction a vane Robinson's anemometer the hemispherical cups the counter the curve of velocities the dial north wind, south wind east wind, west wind the wind is in the east it has changed, gone round it is falling the rhumbs (No. 22.) the barometer (No. 9.) the compass card the four quarters, or car- dinal points Un mete"ore me"te"ores aeriens, aqueux, lumineux le me"teorographe un appareil enregistreur enreg istrer les phenomenes meteorologiques le vent la vitesse la direction une girouette le moulinet de Robinson les coupes hemisphe'- riques le compteur la courbe des vitesses le cadran le vent du nord, du sud le vent d'est, d'ouest le vent est a 1'est il a change, tourne il s'abat, tombe les rumbs le barometre la rose des venls les qualre points cardinaux 84 METEOKOLOGY LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR. the anemometer regular winds the trade winds periodical winds the monsoon; the sirocco a land breeze sea breeze the whirlwind the hurricane Dove's law of rotation of winds mist, fog cloud to float in the air the nimbus, or rain cloud stratus; cumulus; cirrus rain the annual rainfall the rain gauge, pluviometer a funnel a lid a waterspout aqueous vapour serein, night-dew dew hoar frost snow the flake sleet hail 1'anemometre vents re"guliers les vents aliz6s vents periodiques la mousson ; le sirocco une bise de terre bise de mer le tourbillon, la rafale Touragan la loi de Dove, loi de la rotation des vents le brouillard, la brume le nuage flotter dans 1'air le nimbus ou nuage de pluie stratus; cumulus; cirrus la pluie la quantite de pluie qui tombe annuellement le pluviometre ou udometre un entonnoir un couvercle une trombe de la vapeur d'eau le serein la rose*e la gele*e blanche la neige le flocon le gre*sil la grele METEOROLOGIE PARATONNERRE. 85 a hailstone ice glacier the rainbow the effective rays the angle of deviation the visual axis the aurora borealis, or polar aurora a halo a parhelion, or mock sun atmospheric electricity Franklin flew a kite pro- vided with a metallic point the thunderstorm the thunder rolls a clap of thunder the lightning has struck a house a flash of lightning a zigzag flash heat lightning a fulgurite the return shock, back- stroke the lightning conductor the rod a bar of iron terminating in a point un grain de grele, un grelon la glace le glacier Tarc-en-ciel les rayons efficaces Tangle de deviation 1'axe de vision 1'aurore bor6ale un halo un parhe*lie ou faux soleil I'electricite" atmosphe~rique Franklin lanca un cerf- volant muni d'une pointe metallique Forage la tonnerre gronde un coup de tonnerre la foudre est tombe"e sur une maison un 6clair un Eclair en zigzag des 6clairs de chaleur un tube fulminaire, un ful- gurite le choc de retour le paratonnerre la tige une barre de fertermine*e en pointe 86 METEOROLOGY LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR. so large as not to be melted the conductor an iron bar a wire cord it branches out at the end the cloud acts inductively the lightning conductor pre- vents the accumulation of electricity on the sur- face power of points (No. 23.) the lateral discharge climatology the mean temperature the thermometer f No. 16.) the layer of constant tem- perature influence of latitude, height, direction of winds, proximity of the sea isothermal, isotheral, iso- chimenal lines the climate warm, hot climate mild, temperate climate cold, arctic climate extreme climate constant, variable land climate assez grosse pour ne pas tre fondue le conducteur une tringle de fer une corde de fils me- talliques il se ramifie le nuage agit par influence le paratonnerre s'oppose a Faccumulation de 1'elec- tricite a la surface pouvoir des pointes , la dScharge laterale la climatologie la temperature moyenne le thermometre la couche invariable influence de la latitude, de Taltitude, de la direction des vents, de laproximite des mers lignes isothermes, iso- theres, isochimenes le climat climat chaud, brulant climat doux, tempere" climat froid, glace climat excessif constant, variable climat continental METEOROLOGIE PARATONNERRE. 87 sea climate climat marin the tropics, the torrid zone la zone torride frigid, temperate zone zone glaciale, tempe're'e oceanic currents courants rnarins the Gulf Stream le courant du golfe, le gulf- stream. CHEMISTKY. METALLURGY. 31. General Notions. NOTIONS GENERALES. Chemistry (in)organic chemistry applied chemistry technical or industrial chemistry a chemical manufactory the chemist chemical chemicals simple or elementary hody, element compound body, com- pound (No.1.) analysis, synthesis analytic, synthetic quantitative, qualitative analysis the combination a mechanical mixture to mix to combine a decomposition La chimie chimie (in)organique chimie applique*e chimie technologique ou industrielle une fabrique de produits chimiques le chimiste chimique les articles chimiques un corps simple, un e*le*- ment corps compose F analyse, la synthese analytique, synthetique analyse quantitative, quali- tative la combinaison un melange melanger (se) combiner une decomposition NOTIONS G&N&RALES. 89 to decompose to expose to the action of heat double decomposition chemical affinity it only acts through ex- tremely small distances in the nascent state the evolution of heat nothing is lost a reaction to react to neutralise the reagent a solution to solve, dissolve soluble the precipitate the sediment, deposit to deposit, precipitate the residue, residuum the law of constant pro- portion chemical combination in- variably takes place in certain definite propor- tions by weight the law of multiple pro- portion the atomic theory the atom (No. 1.) decomposer exposer a Faction de la chaleur double decomposition I'affinit6 chimique elle ne s'exerce qu'a des distances infiniment pe- tites a 1'etat naissant le de"gagement de chaleur rien ne se perd une reaction r6agir neutraliser le re*actif une solution ou dissolution dissoudre soluble le pre"cipite le dep6t deposer, pre*cipiter le r6sidu la loi des proportions de- finies les rapports ponde>aux suivant lesquels les corps s'unissent sont invariables pour chaque combinaison la loi des proportions mul- tiples la theorie atomique Vatome 90 NAMES OF THE ELEMENTS. the atomic weight the molecular weight atomicity, quantivalence monatomic, monovalent diatomic, divalent triatomic ; tetratomic mono\alent element, monad the radicle the equivalent specific heat (No. 15.) volume of gases (No. 9. chemical notation symbol it represents an atom formula a chemical equation le poids atomique le poids moleculaire ratomicite" monoatomique diatomique triatomique, telratomique or element monoatomique le radical F6quivalent chaleur specifique volume des gaz la notation chimique le symbole il represente un atome la formuie une Equation chimique. 32. Wames of the Elements. NOMS DES ELEMENTS. a} Metalloids, non-metallic elements, non-metals oxygen hydrogen nitrogen carbon chlorine fluorine a) Metalloids oxygene hydrogene azote carbone chlore fluor NOMS DES ELEMENTS. 91 bromine brome iodine iode selenium selenium tellurium tellure sulphur soufre phosphorus phosphors boron bore arsenic arsenic silicon silicium. b) Metals b) Metaux metallic lustre eclat m6tallique potassium potassium sodium sodium lithium, barium lithium, baryum calcium, strontium calcium, strontium cadmium, thallium, iri- cadmium, thallium, dium, etc. dium, etc. magnesium magnesium bismuth bismuth antimony antimoine iron fer zinc zinc cobalt cobalt nickel nickel manganese manganese tin 6tain lead plomb mercury mercure copper cuivre silver argent gold or platinum platine. 92 NOMENCLATURE OF COMPOUNDS. 33. Nomenclature of Compounds NOMENCLATURE DES CORPS COMPOSES. a) An acid the base the salt dilute, concentrated acid an acid turns blue litmus- paper red a soluble base restores the blue colour of reddened litmus electropositive, electro- negative (No. 26.) an oxi-acid a hydracid neutral, basic, acid salt efflorescent salt deliquescent double salt an alkali monobasic bibasic ; tribasic hydroxide; hydrate halogen; haloid haloid salt b) Oxidised compounds the anhydride a) Un acide la base le sel acide e*tendu, concentre* les acides rougissent le pa- pier bleu de tournesol les bases solubles le ra- menent au bleu electro-positif, electro-ne"- gatif un oxacide un hydracide sel neutre, basique, acide sel efflorescent deliquescent sel double un alcali monobasique bibasique ; tribasique hydroxyde; hydrate halogene; haloide sel haloide. b) Corps oxygenes Y anhydride,}' wide anhydre NOMENCLATIVE DES CORPS COMPOSES. 93 it generally results from the combination of a me- talloid with oxygen binary oxidised compound oxide it is formed by the com- bination of a metal with oxygen zinc oxide, chlorine oxide oxide of copper calcium oxide the degree of oxidation is indicated by the termi- nations ous, io ferrous oxide ferric oxide mercurows oxide mercuric oxide cuprous oxide cupric oxide sulphurous anhydride sulphuric anhydride phosphorous anhydride phosphoric anhydride nitrows anhydride il resulte generalement de la combinaison d'un me- talloide avec 1'oxygene corps oxygene binaire Y oxyde il se forme par la combi- naison d'un me*tal avec Foxygene oxyde detain, oxyde de chlore oxyde de cuivre oxyde de calcium le degre" d'oxydation est marque* par la termi- naison en eux ou ique de 1'adjectif oxyde ferreux oxyde ferrique oxyde mercuraja? oxyde mercuri^ oxyde cuivr^wa; oxyde cwvrique anhydride sulfar^o? (acide sulfurcMa; anhydre) anhydride sulfarique (acide sulfarique anhydre) anhydride phosphora^ (acide phosphor^wa; an- hydre) anhydride phosphorite (acide hydre) anhydride 94 NOMENCLATURE OF COMPOUNDS. nitrw anhydride arseniows anhydride hypochloYous anhydride chlorous anhydride chloric anhydride perchloric anhydride The following denomina- tions are also used : protoxide of nitrogen, ni- trogen mowoxide (=ni trous oxide) dioxide of nitrogen, ni- trogen dioxide (= nitric oxide) nitric tfrioxide (= nitrous anhydride) tetfroxide sesquioxi&e protoxide of potassium, potassium monoxide, potassic oxide manganous oxide, or man- ganese monoxide manganic sesquioxide stannous oxide, tin mon- oxide iron sesquioxide, ferric oxide bioxide or peroxide of manganese baric peroxide anhydride azotique anhydride arseni^w^ anhydride hypochloreux anhydride chloimr anhydride chlovique anhydride perchlonque. On ernploie aussi les deno- minations suivantes : protoxyde d'azote ( = oxyde azoteux) fooxyde (ou deutoxyde) d'azote (=oxyde azotique) trioxyde d'azote (= anhy- dride azoteux) quadroxy&Q joeroxyde sesquioxydQ protoxyde de potassium oxyde manganeux, prot- oxyde de manganese oxyde manganique, sesqni- oxyde de manganese oxyde stanneux, protoxyde d'etain sesquioxyde de fer, oxyde ferrique bi oxyde ou peroxyde de manganese peroxyde de baryum NOMENCLATURE DBS CORPS COMPOSES. 95 sulphur dioxide = sulphur- ous anhydride c) Acids hypochlorous acid, hydric (or hydrogen) hypo- chlorite chlorous acid, hydric chlorite chloric acid,hydric chlorate perchloric acid, hydric per- chlorate hyposulphurous acid sulphurous acid hyposulphuric acid sulphuric acid, or hydric sulphate hypochlorous acid (hydric hypochlorite) chlorous acid perchloric acid (hydrogen perchlorite) phosphoric acid (hydric or hydrogen phosphate) acetic acid (hydric acetate) arsenic (arsenious) acid silicic acid nitric acid (hydric nitrate] nitrous acid hydrate, hydroxide potassic hydrate, potas- sium hydroxide sodic hydrate calcic hydrate anhydride sulfureux. c) Acides acide hypochlorew* acide chloreux acide chlorique acide jt^rchlorique acide hyposulfureux acide sulfureux acide hyposulfurique acide sulfurique acide hypochloreux acide chloreux acide perchlorique acide phosphorique acide aceHique acide ars6nique (arsenieux) acide silicique acide azotique acide azoteux hydrate hydrate de potassium hydrate de sodium hydrate de calcium. NOMENCLATURE OF COMPOUNDS. d) Sabs the hydrogen of the acid is replaced by an equivalent quantity of metal the salt takes the name of the acid: hypochlorite Monte chlorate perchlorate hyposulphite sulphite sulphate phosphite hypophosphite phosphate Bicarbonate these names are preceded by the English or by the Latin names (ending in ic) of the metal : potassic sulphate, or potas- sium sulphate sodic sulphate, or sodium sulphate cupric sulphate, copper sulphate sodic sulphite lead chromate silver or argentic nitrate calcic carbonate, calcium carbonate potassic nitrate d) Sels 1'hydrogene de Pacide est remplace" par une quan- tit6 6quivalente de m6tal le sel prend le nom de Facide : hypochlorite chlorite chlorate perchlorate hyposulfite sulfite sulfate phosphite hypophosphite phosphate bicarbonate k ces mots on ajoute le nom du me*tal : sulfate de potassium * sulfate de sodium sulfate de cuivre sulfite de sodium chromate de plomb azotate d'argent carbonate de calcium azotate de potassium NOMENCLATURE DBS CORPS COMPOSES. 9T plumbic acetate calcic hypochlorite sodic hyposulphite potassic perchlorate bicarbonate of soda potassium chromate potassic dichromate potassium sulphate bisulphate of potash, or potassium hydrogen sul- phate different degrees of oxid- ation are distinguished: ferrous sulphate ferric sulphate mercurous nitrate mercuric nitrate acetate de plomb hypochlorite de calcium hyposulfite de sodium perchlorate de potassium- bicarbonate de soude chromate de potassium bichromate de potassium sulfate de potassium sulfate acide de potassium- on distingue different* degres : sulfate ferreuas sulfate terrique azotate mercureux azotate mercurique. e) Non-oxyyenised com- pounds the name of one body end- ing in ide is preceded by the (English or Latin) name of the other : sodium chloride, or sodic chloride potassic iodide potassic sulphides sodic (or sodium) sulphide zinc, lead sulphide silver (or argentic) chloride e) Corps non-oxygenes on fait suivre le nom de Fun des corps termine* en ure de celui de 1'autre : chlorure de sodium iodure de potassium sulfures de potassium sulfide de sodium sulphure d'etain, de plomb' chlorure d'argent H NOMENCLATURE OF COMPOUNDS. the different sulphides, chlorides, &c. are distin- guished : potassium ^rotosulphide wowosulfure (ftisulfure, tri- (fcisulphide, tersulphide) ^^mchloride on distingue les divers su fures, chlorures, etc. : sulfure) de potassium phosphorus (or phosphoric) pentachloride antimonic (or antimony) pentachloride carbon(ic) disulphide cuprows chloride cupric chloride aurous chloride auric chloride mercurotts sulphide mercuric sulphide femws chloride ferric chloride tin bichloride, or stannows chloride tin fctfrachloride, stannic chloride the combinations of hydro- gen are called : hydric (or hydrogen) chloride, or chlorhy- dric acid hydric fluoride, or hydro- fluoric acid hydric iodide, or hydrio- dic acid pentachlorure de phos- phore pentachlorure d'antimoine sulfur e de carhone chlorure cuivrewa? chlorure cuivrique chlorure aureux chlorure aurique (per- chlorure d'or) sulfure s ilfure c ilorure ferreux chlorure ferrique ^ichlorure d'etain ou chlorure stmneux ^'^rachlorure d'etain, chlo- rure simnique les combinaison de Thy drogene se nomment : acide chlorhydrique acide fluorhydrique acide iodhydrique NOMENCLATURE DES CORPS COMPOSES. 99 hydric sulphide, or sul- phuretted hydrogen (or hydro-sulphuric acid) arseniuretted hydrogen, or hydric arsenide antimoniuretted hydro gen phosphuretted hydrogen; etc. sulpho-salts sulpharsenite f) Alloys the metals comhine with each other to form alloys the alloys of mercury are called amalgams brass bronze tomhac gun-metal bell-metal Mannheim gold German silver, argentan, packfong speculum metal yellow or Muntz metal mosaic gold pewter hard solder soft solder Britannia metal aluminium bronze acide sulfhydrique ou hydrogene sulfure hydrogene arse*nie" / hydrogene antimonie hydrogene phosphore ; etc. sulfo-sels sulfoarsenite. f) Alliages on nomme alliages les com- binaisons des metaux entre eux on nomme amalgames les alliages du mercure laiton, cuivre jaune bronze tombac m6tal des canons m6tal des cloches or de Mannheim argentan, maillechort me"tal a miroirs metal de Muntz or musif potin soudure forte, brasure soudure tendre me"tal anglais bronze d' aluminium. 100 APPABATUS. 34. Apparatus. APPAREILS. The laboratory an apparatus a tube, glass tube capillary tube combustion tube U-(shaped)tube safety funnel delivery tube chloride of calcium tube arsenic reduction tube condensing tube for sul- phurous acid caoutchouc tube a tube brush fractional distillation tube the eudiometer, graduated glass rod beaker with ground edges with spout flask with wide (narrow) mouth Le laboratoire un appareil un tube, tube de verre tube capillaire tube a combustion tube en U tube de surete, tube entonn oil- tube de degagement tube a chlorure de calcium tube a reduction de Tarsenic tube pour la condensation de Tacide sulmreux tube en caoutchouc une brosse pour nettoyer les tubes tube pour la distillation fractionnee Peudiometre, gradue la baguette en verre le gobelet k bord rode* a bee le flacon a large (etroite) ouverture APPAREILS. 101 stoppered, with stopper a perforated stopper washing bottle the neck or tubulus a glass globe a glass bell-jar, with knob an adapter straight; curved the receiver the retort the neck the bulb tubulated a retort stand the support the clamp, the holder iron wire gauze the tripod stand Liebig's potash bulbs volumetric apparatus the burette the float the pipette a conical measure the gasholder the aspirator japanned tinplate aspirator hydrometer (No. 8.) optical instruments( jVb . 21 . ) hygrometer (No. .17) bouche* un bouchon perce" le flacon laveur la tubulure un ballon de verre une cloche en verre, a bouton une allonge droite; courbe le recipient, la bonbonne la cornue le col la panse tubulee un support pour cor nues le support la pince toile en fil de fer le trepied tube a boules de Liebig appareil volumetrique la burette le flotteur la pipette une mesure conique le gasometre Paspirateur aspirateur en fer blanc, verni areometre instruments d'optique hvgrometre 102 APPARATUS. barometer (No. 9.) thermometer (No. 16.) siphon (No. 7.) Voltaic pile (No. 26.) air-pump (No. 11.) balance (No. 4.) the pneumatic trough the mercury trough the water-bath, with rings and constant level the stopcock the pinchcock DanielPs safety stopcock the test paper red (blue) litmus paper a test tube the alembic a funnel the drainer the filter the filtering paper the filter stand the filter hook the sieve the file (No. 54.) the mortar the pestle the spout the sand-bath barometre thermometre syphon pile de Volta machine pneumatique balance la cuve pneumatique la cuve a mercure, cuve hydrargo-pneumatique le bain-marie, a anneaux et a niveau constant le robinet la pince robinet de Daniell le papier reactif papier rouge (bleu) de tournesol un tube a essais, une eprouvette r6actifs 1'alambic un entonnoir la passoire le filtre le papier a filtrer le support a entonnoirs le crochet le crible la lime le mortier le pilon le bee le bain de sable APPAEEILS. 103 the evaporating basin of porcelain with spout with flat bottom the crucible biscuit porcelain crucible with perforated cover and leading tube Hessian fire-clay crucible plumbago crucible the crucible tongs the stirrer the cover the blowpipe the mouth-piece the nozzle the oxyhydrogen blowpipe iron spoon with handle blowpipe assays the spatula Bunsen's gasburner the jet the chimney the rose the porcelain plate apparatus for spectrum ana- lysis (No. 20.) the spirit lamp the wick-holder glassblower's lamp platinum foil (wire) la bassine en porcelaine a bee a fond plat le creuset creuset en porcelaine bis- cuit avec couvercle per fore et tube creuset de Hesse creuset de graphite la pince a creusets la baguette le couvercle le chalumeau Tembouchure le bout le chalumeau a gaz hydro- cuiller en t61e, a Blanche- essais au chalumeau la spatule le bruleur a gaz de Bunsen le bee la cheminee le couronnement le plateau en porcelaine appareils pour 1'analyse spectrale la lampe a alcool ou esprit-de-vin le porte-meche lampe d'e*mailleur feuille (fil) de platine 104 HYDKOGEN OXYGEN NITROGEN . spongy platinum the furnace portable furnace the combustion furnace cupelling furnace (No. 44.) the cupel the muffle reverb eratory furnace (No. 43.) Sponge de platine le fourneau le fourneau portatif la grille fourneau a coupellation la coupelle le moufle fourneau a reVerbere. 35. Hydrogen. Oxygren. Nitrogen. HYDROGENE. OXYGENE. AZOTE. Hydrogen a colourless gas pure hydrogen is without odour combustible scarcely soluble in water it burns with a pale flame it is fourteen and a half times lighter than air it forms an explosive mix- ture with air the preparation of hydrogen granulated zinc tube-funnel, etc. (2V0.34.) L'hydrogene un gaz incolore Fhydrogene pur est sans odeur combustible peu soluble dans 1'eau il brule avec une flamrne pale il est 14 fois et demie plus leger que Fair il forme avec Fair un m6- lange explosif la preparation de Fhydro- gene de la grenaille de zinc tube a entonnoir etc. H YDROGfc NE OXYGENE AZOTE . 105 to pour in sulphuric acid hydrogen gas is evolved to collect the gas in a test-tube Oxygen it is obtained by heating potassic chlorate in a retort it supports combustion a red-hot match it is plunged into ajar filled with oxygen it is rekindled, it bursts into flame phosphorus burns with great brilliancy a spiral watch-spring sparks are projected breathing (respiration) is a slow combustion, the source of animal heat carbonic acid is formed lime-water becomes milky, turbid an oxidation oxides (No. 33.) ozone oxyhydrogen ajouter de 1'acide sul- furique il se degage de Y hydro- gene recueillir le gaz dans une eprouvette. Ijoxygene on Pobtient en chauffant du chlorate de potassium dans une retorte il entretient la combustion une allumette incandescente on le plonge dans une cloche pleine de gaz oxy- gene il se rallume, il s'enflamme de nouveau le phosphore brute avec un vif eclat un ressort de montre il projette des etincelles la respiration est une com- bustion lente, source de la chaleur animate il se forme de 1'acide car* bonique 1'gau de chaux se trouble une oxydation oxydes 1'ozone le gaz oxyhydrogene 106 HYDROGEN OXYGEN NITROGEN. oxyhydrogen blow-pipe (No. 34.) hydric oxide, hydrogen monoxide, or water hydric peroxide [or dioxide) prepared from baric per- oxide Nitrogen anhydrides, oxides(7V0.33.) laughing gas nitric peroxide (or tetrox- ide) by heating plumbic ni- trate ammonia volatile alkali ammoniacal salts (sesqui)carbonate of am- monia salts of hartshorn smelling salts spirits of hartshorn liquor ammoniae the aqueous solution sulphate of ammonia chloride of ammonium, ammonic chloride, mu- riate of ammonia sal ammoniac prepared from camels* dung chalumeau a gaz oxyhy- drogene protoxyde d'hydrogene, ou eau peroxyde d'hydrogene prepar6 du peroxyde de baryum. ISazote anhydrides, oxydes gaz hilarant peroxyde d' azote ouvapeur nitreuse en chauffant de Fazotate de plomb Fammoniaque alcali volatil sels ammoniacaux (sesqui)carbonate d'am- momaque sel de corne de cerf sel volatil ammoniaque caustique ammoniaque liquide la solution aqueuse sulfate d'ammoniaque chlorure d'ammonium, chlorhydrate d'ainmo- niaque sel ammoniac prepare* de la fiente des chameaux AIR ATMOSPHERIQUE EAU. 107 fermentation distillation from the gas liquor, am- moniacal liquor of gas works sublimation a cast-iron cauldron an earthenware vessel a glass flask nitric acid, hydric (hydro- gen) nitrate corrosive fuming nitric acid aquafortis potassium (sodium) ni- trate to condense in stoneware receivers bleaching condensation apparatus hyponitric acid nitre-glycerine dynamite gun-cotton la fermentation la distillation de 1'eau du gaz, des eaux ammoniacales des usi~ nes a gaz la sublimation une chaudiere de fonte un pot de gres un ballon de verre acide azotique corrosif acide azotique fumant eau forte azotate de potassium (de sodium) condenser dans des bon- bonnes de gres le blanchiment appareil de condensation acide hypoazotique la nitro-glyce"rine la dynamite le coton-poudre. 36. Atmospheric Air. Water. AIR ATMOSPHERIQUE. EAU. The air the atmosphere (No. 9.) carbonic acid aqueous vapour L'air Tatmo sphere acide carbonique la vapeur d'eau 108 ATMOSPHEKIC AIR WATER. traces of ammonia, sul- phuretted hydrogen, ozone the composition of air composition by volume the eudiometer a glass tube platinum wires are sol- dered (melted) into the glass an electric spark is passed composition by weight a glass globe exhausted of air (No. 11.) an aspirator the stop-cock a U-(shaped) tube the bulbs, potash bulbs -caustic potash pumice-(stone) moist- ened with sulphuric acid the increase in weight is ascertained Water the Voltaic current decom- poses water the voltameter [No. 27.) acidulated water small bubbles of gas water contains substances in solution des traces d'ammoniaque, d'hydrogene sulfure, d'o- zone la composition de Fair composition en volumes Feudiometre un tube de verre des fils de platine sont scelles dans le verre on fait passer une etin- celle electrique composition en poids un ballon vide d'air un aspirateur le robinet un tube en U Fappareil a boules de la potasse caustique de la pierre ponce im- pregnee d'acide sulfu- rique on determine 1' augmen- tation de poids. L'eau le courant de la pile de- compose Feau le voltametre de Feau acidulee de petites bulles d'air Feau contient des matt- riaux en dissolution AIR ATMOSPHERIQUE EATT. pure water to purify stagnant water running water a watercourse filtration to filter the filter distillation soft water hard water it contains calcic salts drinkable, potable water sea water fresh water rain, spring, river, well water water-supply (No. 49.) water of crystallisation efflorescent, deliquescent salts mineral waters acidulous waters alkaline waters , chalybeate waters, chaly- beate springs brine, muriated waters sulphurous (or hepatic) waters bitter waters warm springs, thermal springs eau pure purifier eau stagnante, dormante eau courante un cours d'eau le filtrage filtrer le filtre la distillation eau douce ou potable eau crue ou dure elle renferme des sels calcaires eau potable eau de mer eau douce eau de pluie, de source, de riviere, de puits la distribution d'eau eau de cristallisation sels efflorescents, deliques- cents eaux minerales eaux acidules eaux alcalines eaux ferrugineuses eaux salines, chlorurSes eaux sulfureuses eau magnesiennes sources thermales. 110 SULPHUR CHLORINE PHOSPHORUS. 37. Sulphur. Chlorine. Phosphorus. SOUFRE. CHLORE. PHOSPHORE. Sulphur or brimstone it is found native in vol- canic districts extraction by melting, by distillation a cauldron a shaft furnace the ladle the condenser crude sulphur purification, refining flowers of sulphur, or subli- med sulphur roll, stick or lump sulphur to cast in wooden moulds pyrites, iron pyrites fire-clay vessels placed in a slanting position the receiver the roasting of copper pyrites sulph'ir obtained as a by product of gas manu- facture Le soufre on le trouve & 1'etat natif dans certaines contrees volcaniques extraction par fusion, par distillation une chaudiere un fourneau & cuve la cuiller le condensateur soufre brut la purification, le raffiime fleurs de soufre soufre en canons verser dans des monies de hois la pyrite, le fer sulfure des vases en terre refrac- taire disposes en pente le recipient le grillage du cuivre sul- fur6 soufre produit accessoire de la fabrication du gaz de houille SOUFRE CHLORE PHOSPHORE. Ill soda waste, or alkali-waste precipitated sulphur, milk of sulphur amorphous sulphur crude sulphur to crystallise in trans- parent crystals sulphurous anhydride a pungent suffocating odour sulphuric anhydride or tri- oxide hyposulphurous acid sulphurous acid, hydric (or hydrogen sulphite) hyposulphuric acid sulphuric acid diluted, concentrated oil of vitriol fuming sulphuric acid, Nordhausen acid the leaden chamber the sulphur burner or furnace the bed a cast-iron plate a compartment the pot or crucible the sulpurous acid and nitrous vapours escape through a tube des rSsidus de soude le lait de soufre soufre amorphe, soufre mou soufre cabalin cristalliser en cristaux transparents anhydride sulfureux on acide sulfureux anhydre une odeur piquante et suffocante anhydride sulfurique, acide sulfurique anhydre acide hyposulmreux acide sulfureux acide hyposulfurique acide sulfurique etendu, concentr6 huile de vitriol acide sulfurique mm ant ou de Nordhausen la chambre de plomb le four (a soufre) la sole une plaque de foiite un compartiment le creuset Facide sulfureux et les vapeurs nitreuses s'e- chappent par un tuyau 112 SULPHUR CHLORINE PHOSPHORUS. hydrogen nitrate, nitric acid a jet of steam Gay-Lussac's condenser a Mariotte flask the denitrificator to denitrify concentration to concentrate in large platinum retorts a leaden pan purification the crystals of the leaden chambers the chamber acid a sulphate (No. 33.) ammonium sulphate ferrous sulphate, green vitriol acid sulphates or bisul- phates neutral or normal sul- phates baric sulphate, heavy spar hydric(hydrogen) sulphide, or sulphuretted hydro- gen the odour of rotten eggs hydric persulphide antimonious sulphide acide azotique un jet de vapeur le condenseur de Gay- Lussac un flacon de Mariotte le denitrificateur denitrifier la concentration concentrer dans de grandes cornues de platine tine chaudiere de plomb la purification les cristaux des chambres de plomb 1' acide des chambres un sulfate sulfate d'ammonium sulfate ferreux, vitriol vert, couperose verte sulfates acides sulfates neutres sulfate de baryum, spath pesant acide sulfhydrique ou hydrogene sulfure Todeur d'oeufs pourris persulfure d'hydrogene sulfure antimonieux SOUFKE CHLORE PHOSPHOEE. 113 carbon(ic) disulphide vulcanized caoutchouc sodic hyposulphite dithionic acid trithionic acid tetrathionic acid pentathionic acid Chlorine a yellowish-green gas to heat manganic oxide with hydric chloride it has a great affinity for hydrogen it is used for bleaching disinfectant chlorine gas chlorine water hydric chloride, hydro- chloric acid, muriatic acid it forms white fumes in the air aqua regia (nitro-hydro- chloric acid) a mixture of hydric chloride and hydric nitrate it dissolves gold chloride of lirne acids, salts, etc. (No. 33.) bromine sulfure de carbone caoutchouc vulcanise" hyposulfite sodique acide dithionique acide trithionique acide te"trathionique acide pentathionique. Chlore un gaz jaune verdatre chauffer du peroxyde de manganese avec cle 1'acide chlorhydrique il a une puissante affinite" pour 1'hydrogene il est employe" pour le blanchiment des 6toflfes le disinfectant gaz chlore eau de chlore acide chlorhydrique il re*pand a Fair des fu- me"es blanches eau regale un melange d'acide azo tique et d'acide chlor- hydrique elle lissout Tor chlorure de chaux. acides, sels, etc. brome 114 SULPHUR CHLORINE PHOSPHORUS. hypobromous acid bromic acid phosphoric bromide hydric (or hydrogen) bromide, hydrobromic acid iodine hydric (hydrogen) iodide, hydriodic acid potassic (or potassium) iodide iodic acid, hydrogen iodate periodic acid, or hydro- gen periodate fluorine silicic fluoride, silicon tetrafluoride hydrofluoric acid etches (corrodes) glass calcic fluoride, fluor spar hydro-fluo-silicic acid Phosphorus apatite, phosphorite preparation powdered bone-ash to filter calcic phosphate, sul- phate to evaporate acide hypobromeux acide bromique bromure de phosphore acide bromhydrique iode acide iodhydrique iodure de potassium acide iodique acide p&iodique fluor fluorure de silicium Tacide fluorhydrique corrode le verre fluorure de calcium, spath fluor acide hydrofluosilicique. Phosphore Tappatite, la phosphorite preparation de la cendre d'os pul- filtrer phosphate, sulfate de chaux Svaporer SOUFRE CHLORE PHOSPHORE. 115 to mix with powdered charcoal a retort to purify to cast into sticks properties yellow, soft, transparent it takes fire spontane- ously it is kept under water it is luminous in the dark white or ordinary phos- phorus red or amorphous phos- phorus lucifer matches a splint a plane the sulphur-dipping the dipping into the phosphorus compo- sition paraffin, stearic acid the composition, paste to coat with a mixture of phosphorus, potas sic chlorate and glue oxydised red-lead drying a drying-room safety matches the rubber meler avec du charbon en poudre une cornue purifier, e*purer mouler en batons proprie'te's jaune, mou, transparent il s'enflamme spontan6- ment on le conserve sous 1'eau il luit dans I'obscurit6 phosphore blanc ou or- dinaire phosphore rouge ou amor- phe allumettes un baguette un rabot le soufrage le chimicage, Papplica- tion de la pate phos- phor6e paraffine, acide ste"arique la pate inflammable recouvrir d'un melange de phosphore, de chlorate de potassium et de colle forte minium oxyde* la dessication une 6tuve allumettes de surete* le frottoir 116 CARBON COAL CHARCOAL. wax match hydric phosphide, phos- phoretted hydrogen, or phosphorine .acids, salts (No. 33.) pyrophosphoric acid, hy- drogen (or hydric) pyro- phosphate metaphosphoric acid metaphosphate superphosphate (of lime) phosphorus trichloride phosphorus pentachloride phosphorus oxychloride allumette-bougie hydrogene phosphor^ acides, sels acide pyrophosphorique acide me*taphosphorique metaphosphate superphosphate trichlorure de phosphore pentachlorure de phos- phore oxychlorure de phosphore. 38. Carbon. Coal. Charcoal. CARBONE. HOUILLE. CHARBON DE BOIS. The diamond it scratches all other bodies glaziers use it for cutting glass a convex edge, face it is ground by its own dust Le diamant il raye tous les corps les vitriers Temploient pour fendre le verre une ar&te, une face convexe, courbe on le taille avec sa. pro- pre poussiiire CARBONE HOUILLE CHARBON DE BOIS. 117 its refractive power sa puissance refractive (No. 19.) it refracts light a diamond mine to cut diamonds bort, diamond dust graphite, plumbago, black- lead hexagonal tables it leaves a dark trace on paper employed in the manu- facture of pencils coal, mineral coal impressions (casts) leaves are found of coal-formation the coal-field, coal deposit the basin the coal-grit, post the coal-seam, vein the outcrop the coal-pit, coal-mine, col- liery the collier coal mining (No. 41.) coal-gas (No. 57.) anthracite, glance coal, blind coal bituminous coal il re*fracte la lumiere une mine de diamants tailler des diamants 6gns6e le graphite, la plombagine, la mine de plomb des lamelles hexagonales il laisse une trace noire sur le papier employ^ dans la fabri- cation des crayons la houille, le charbon de terre on trouve des empreintes de feuilles le terrain houiller le gisement houiller le bassin le gres houiller la couche de houille, la veine I'affleurement la mine de houille, la houil- lere le houiller exploitation houillere gaz de houille 1'anthracite charbon bitumineux 118 CARBON COAL CHARCOAL. blacksmith's coal, smithy coal boghead coal long flaming coal caking coal, fat coal open-burning coal slate coal, splinter-coal close-burning coal, sandy coal brown coal, lignite jet gas coal household coal steam coal the calorific effect the evaporative power coal washing coke coking coking in heaps coking in piles coking in ovens a coke-oven charcoal, wood charcoal to char (to coal) wood the carbonization, char- ring (coaling) of wood, charcoal-burning charbon de forge, houille mare"chale charbon de boghead, le boghead houille grasse a longue flamme houille grasse houille demi-grasse houille schisteuse houille seche ou maigre le lignite le jais charbon a gaz charbon pour le chaufifage des habitations charbon pour le chauffage des chaudieres a vapeur Feffet calorifique le pouvoir de vaporisation lavage de houilles le coke la carbonisation (des houilles) carbonisation en tas carbonisation en meules carbonisation en fours un four a coke le charbon de bois carboniser le bois la carbonisation du bois CARBONE HOUILLE CHABBON DE BOIS. 119 the charcoal burner the place where char- coal is made, the coal-pit the charcoal-pile, heap lying (or laid) meiler or pile standing meiler the chimney the top kindling to kindle at the bottom from the top sweating the brands to draw the charcoal charring of wood in mounds a covering of earth an oven, a kiln the retort a tube dry distillation the tar-vessel pyroligneous acid wood-spirit the yield animal charcoal bone-black the calcination of bones in retorts le charbonnier la charbonniere la meule meule horizontale meule verticale la chemin6e la chemise Tallumage allumer par en has par en haut la sue" e les fumerons tirer le charbon carbonisation en tas un rev&tement de terre un four la cornue un tube distillation seche le tonneau a goudron vinaigre de bois esprit de bois le rendement charbon animal le noir d'os la calcination d'os dans des cornues 120 CARBON COAL CHARCOAL. ivory-black lamp-black it is prepared by burning tar or resinous matters China-ink absorbing, desinfecting, decolourising properties hydrocarbons, carburetted hydrogens ethylene, olefiant gas methyl(ic) hydride, marsh- gas cyanogen potassic cyanide (No. 39.) prussic acid, hydrocyanic acid carbonic oxide carbonic acid it is given out by com- bustion, respiration, fermentation, putre- faction carbon (ic) disulphide vapour of sulphur is passed or driven over red-hot charcoal it dissolves caoutchouc the flame a burning gas le noir d'ivoire le noir de fum6e on le prepare en brulant du goudron ou des r6- sines encre de Chine proprietes absorbantes, desinfectantes, decolo- rantes hydrogenes carbon6s, car- bures d'hydrogene gaz olefiant, ethylene gaz des marais cyanogene cyanure de potassium acide cyanhydrique, acide prussique oxyde de carbone acide carbonique il se produit par la com- bustion, la respiration, la fermentation, la putrefaction sulfure de carbone on fait passer du soufre en vapeur sur du char- bon incandescent il dissout le caout- chouc la flamme un gaz en combustion POTASSIUM, ETC. 121 the luminous zone, the area of incomplete combustion the dark central zone a luminous cone fuliginous, sooty, smoky the flame owes its bright- ness to the solid, white- hot carbon the Davy or safety lamp it prevents explosions a wire-gauze cylinder the gases down the fire-damp are cooled la partie lumineuse lapartie centrale sombre, le c6ne obscur un c6ne lumineux fuligineux la flamme doit son eclat au carbone solide et incandescent la lampe de surete* elle previent les ex- plosions un cylindre en toile me"- tallique les gaz se refroidissent le feu grisou. Potassium. Sodium. Potash. Saltpetre. Salt. Soda. POTASSIUM. SODIUM. POTASSE. SALPETRE. SEL. SOUDE. Potassium Le potassium it takes fire (kindles) il s'enflamme spontarie 1 - spontaneously on water ment sur 1'eau potassic hydrate, potassium hydrate de potassium hydroxide UvStic potash potasse caustique 122 POTASSIUM POTASH SALTPETRE . slaked lime is added to a boiling solution of potassic carbonate hydrogen potassium carbon- ate, bicarbonate of potash potassium (or potassic) car- bonate crude pot-ashes (pots) pearl-ash(es) (pearls) to lixiviate the ashes of burned wood to evaporate to dryness a caldron to stir with an iron rake to calcine nitre, or (potash) saltpetre potassic (potassium) nitrate to lixiviate the soil im- pregnated with nitre the raw lye is broken up rough or crude saltpetre the purification or re- fining East-India saltpetre a nitre plantadon,nitriary gunpowder is an intimate mixture of saltpetre, char- coal, and sulphur potassium monoxide on ajoute de la chaux eteinte a une dissolu- tion bouillante de car- bonate de potassium carbonate monopotassique, bicarbonate de potasse carbonate de potassium, carbonate dipotassique la potasse brute, le satin, la potasse cass6e la perlasse lessiver les cendres du bois 6vaporer a siccit6 une chaudiere agiter avec un ringard calciner le nitre , le salpetre azotate de potassium lessiver la terre im- pregne"e de salp&tre la lessive brute est saturee salpetre brut le raflmage salptre indien une nitriere artificielle la poudre a canon est un melange intime de sal- p6tre, de charbon et de soufre protoxyde de potassium POTASSIUM SA.LPE THE SODIUM. 123 potassium sulphides neutral potassium sulphate hydrogen potassium sul- phate potassium iodide potassium chlorate, chlo- rate of potash potassium chloride potassium (or potassic) cyanide potassium ferrocyanide, or yellow prussiate of potash Prussian blue ferric ferrocyanide potassium ferricyanide, red prussiate of potash Turnbull's blue nitro-ferrocyanide Sodium caustic soda sodium hydroxide Chili saltpetre sodium nitrate converted saltpetre Glauber salts sodium sulphate sodium sulphide lapis lazuli ultramarine sodic dihydric orthophos- phate, or dihydrogen sodium phosphate sulfures de potassium sulfate neutre de potassium sulfate acide de potassium iodure de potassium chlorate de potassium chlorure de potassium cyanure de potassium ferrocyanure de potassium, prussiate jaune de potasse le bleu de Prusse ferrocyanure ferrique ferricyanure de potassium, prussiate rouge de potasse bleu de Turnbull nitroferrocy anure . Sodium soude caustique hydrate de sodium salp&tre du Chili azotate de sodium salp&tre de conversion sel de Glauber sulfate de sodium sulfure de sodium lapis-lazuli outremer phosphate monosodique 124 SODIUM SALT SODA. disodic hydric orthophos- phate, rhombic phos- phate of soda bicarbonate of soda effervescing powder sodium chloride, salt common or culinary salt sea-salt rock-salt, sal gem salt decrepitates in fire the salt-garden the evaporation of sea- water the salt-mine the salt-works, saltern the graduation the brine, brine-spring table graduation drop graduation roof graduation the graduation-house to concentrate the thorn wall the tank the spigot the drop-spout the brine is allowed to trickle down the fagots phosphate disodique, phos- phate neutre de soude bicarbonate sodique poudre effervescente ou gazeuse chlorure de sodium, sel sel commun sel de mer sel gemme le sel decrepite au feu le marais salant F evaporation de Feau de mer la mine de sel, la salin la saline la graduation Feau sa!6e, la source sale"e graduation par ecoule- ment graduation sur les epines graduation sur couver- tures le batiment de graduation concentrer le mur d'epines le reservoir de gradua- tion le robinet la rigole on fait tomber Feau sa!6e sur les fagots SODIUM SEL SOUDE. 125 the brine-cistern, soole- shiff the salt-pan to evaporate to saturate the drying- room, stove- room Soda carbonate of soda barilla; salicor varec; kelp native, artificial, refined soda crude soda, soda-ash sulphuric acid converts common salt into so- dium sulphate Leblanc's process the salt-cake, sodium sul- phate the salt-cake furnace a reverberatory furnace (No. 43.) hydrochloric acid the condensing tower conversion of the sul- phate into crude soda by roasting with a mixture of chalk and small coal le bassin la chaudiere evaporative, le pole 6vaporer saturer Pe'tuve. La soude carbonate de soude barille; salicorne varech ; kelp soude native, artificielle, raffin6e soude brute, cendre de soude 1'acide sulfurique trans- forme le chlorure de so- dium en sulfate de sodium le precede Leblanc le sulfate de sodium le four & sulfate de sodium un four a reverbere acide chlorhydrique le condensateur, la tour a coke transformation du sulfate en soude brute par grillage avec un m6- lange de craie et de merwe houilie 126 SODA. the sodic sulphide and lime-stone produce cal- cic sulphide and sodic carbonate the balling furnace the upper stage the working furnace the decomposing hearth or laboratory the preparation shelf the rake to rake, to stir furnace with rotatory hearth an iron cylinder lined with fire-brick the black-ash, black ball by simple filtration a tank with a perforated false bottom a plug a tap to run off the liquid into the channel washing the mother-water the lixiviation a lixiviating apparatus le sulfure de sodium et la chaux forment du sulfure de calcium et du carbo- nate de soude le four a soude (a deux etages) Fetage superieur le four de travail la sole de calcination la sole de preparation le rable brasser, remuer four a sole tournante un cylindre de fer revelu a Finterieur de briques refractaires la soude brute par filtration simple une cuve munie d'un faux fond perc6 de trous un tampon un robinet faire ecouler le liquide dans le caniveau le lavage la lessive, 1'eau mere la lixiviation un appareil a lixiviation, un lixiviateur CALCIUM CHAUX . 127 the clearing or settling tank methodical filtration the evaporation to evaporate to dryness a boat-pan calcined soda refined soda the soda-crystals, crystal- lised soda soda is used in bleaching, soap-making, glass-ma- king le bassin de repos filtration methodique Tevaporation e"vaporer a sec une chaudiere en bateau soude calcinee soude raffine'e cristaux de soude, soude cristallise"e on emploie la soude au blanchissage, a la fabri- cation du savon et du verre. 40. Calcium. Silicon. Aluminium, lime. Clay. Alum. CALCIUM. SILICIUM. ALUMINIUM. CHAUX. ARGILE. ALUN. Lime quick lime, caustic lime slaked lime calcic hydrate, calcium hydroxide the slaking (slacking) of lime to swell, to increase air-slaked lime fat or rich lime poor lime La chaux chaux vive, chaux caus- tique chaux 6teinte hydrate de calcium Pextinction de la chaux foisonner chaux fuse"e chaux grasse chaux maigre 128 CALCIUM LIME . wetted lime, dry-slaked lime dead lime lime-water lime-milk, milk of lime the lime-rake lime-paste short (rich) lime-paste the lime-pit limestone to burn lime lime-burning the lime-burner the lime-kiln annular kiln periodical kiln perpetual kiln, draw-kiln the shaft has the form of two truncated cones the lining wall the counter- wall the outer wall the mouth threefold kiln mortar to harden, to set lime mortar to mix the mortar buil ding-mortar, com mon mortar hardening chaux 6touffee, chaux e"teinte a sec chaux morte Teau de chaux le lait de chaux le rable a chaux la pate de chaux pate courte (liante) la fosse a chaux le calcaire, la pierre a chaux cuire la chaux la cuisson de la chaux le chaufournier le four a chaux, le chaufour four annulaire four pe"riodique on inter- mittent four continu la cuve a la forme de deux c6nes tronques ia paroi interieure Ja contre-paroi la paroi exterieure le gueulard four a trois foyers le mortier prendre, faire prise mortier a chaux et a sable gacher le mortier mortier ordinaire, mortier ae"rien le durcissement CALCIUM CHAUX MORTIER. 129 hydraulic mortar hydraulic lime slightly hydraulic eminently hydraulic Roman, Portland cement hydraulic cement natural; artificial trass pozzolana to set (harden) under water concrete; beton calcic sulphate gypsum alabaster anhydrite calcium chloride chloride of lime, or bleach- ing powder calcium phosphate superphosphate of lime calcium carbonate, car- bonate of lime calcareous spar, Iceland spar, double refracting spar arragonite marble chalk the stalactite the stalagmite mortier hydrauliinie chaux hydraulique rnoyennement hydraulique eminemment hydraulique ciment romain, de Portland le ciment hydraulique naturel; artificiel le trass la pouzzolane prendre (faire prise, dur- cir) sous Peau le concrete ; le b6ton sulphate de calcium, chaux sulfatSe le gypse, la pierre a platre 1'albatre 1'anhydrite chlorure de calcium chlorure de chaux phosphate de calcium superphosphate de calcium carbonate de calcium, de chaux le spath d'Islande Farragonite le marbre la craie la stalactite la stalagmite 180 SILICON CLAY ALUMINIUM. caic-tnfa, calc-sinter Silicon silicic (silicon) anhydride, silicic dioxide, silica amorphous, crystallised quartz rock-crystal chalcedony agate opal silicic acid, hydrogen sili- cate dialysis crystalloids colloids silicic chloride, silicon tetrachloride silicic (silicon) tetrafluoride (No. 37.) hydric fluoride hydro-fluo-silicic acid silicon hydride potassium silicate mica feldspar granite disintegration Clay fire-clay porcelain clay, kaolin earth tuf calcaire. Silicium Fanhydride silicique, l*a- cide silicique anhydre, la silice amorphe quartz cristal de roche calcedoine agate opale acide silicique la dialyse cristalloides colloides chlorine de silicium fluorure de silicium acide fluorhydrique acide hydrofluosilicique hydrogene silicie* silicate de potassium le mica le feldspath le granite la desagregation. Argile argile reTractaire le kaolin, la terre porcelaine SILICIUM ARGILE ALUMINIUM. 181 plastic clay argile plastique plasticity la plasticite fusible clay argile fusible potter's clay la terre glaise, terre & potier fuller's earth terre a foulon, argile smectique effervescing clay argile eifervescente marl la marne calcareous marl marne calcaire clayey marl marne argileuse, argils marne sandy marl marne sableuse ochrey clay argile ocreuse bole le bol. Aluminium Aluminium bauxite la bauxite cryolite la cryolithe corundum le corindon sapphire le saphir ruby le rubis emery I'emeri aluminic (aluminium)oxide, oxyde d'aluminium ou or alumina alumine aluminium sulphate sulfate d'aluminium ultramarine Poutremer the lapis lazuli le lapis-lazuli acetate of alumina acetate d'aluminium red liquor le mordant rouge hypochlorite of alumina hypochlorite d'aluminium Wilson's bleaching-li- le liquide decolorant de quor Wilson 132 ALUM. alum aluminium potassium sul- phate ammonia alum -common or potash-alum burnt alum Roman alum feather alum, hair-salt -concentrated alum the alum-work alum-ores raw material the alum stone alum schist, alum slate alum earth roasting the lixiviation to lixiviate in stone -built cisterns the crude lixivium the evaporation, the con- centration (No. 39.) clearing the sediment the precipitation the precipitation cistern the precipitant the flour, or powder of alum the washing or edulcoration a centrifugal machine the crystallisation Valun sulfate double d'aluminium et de potassium alun d'ammonium alun de potassium alun calcin6 alun de Rome alun de plume alun concentr^ Falunerie minerais d'alun la matiere premiere la pierre d'alun le schiste alumineux la terre alumineuse le grillage le lessivage lessiver dans des cuves en pierre la lessive brute 1'evaporation, la concen- tration la clarification le sediment la precipitation la cuve a precipitation le precipitant ou flux Falun en farine ou en poudre le lavage ou 6dulcoration un appareil centrifuge la cristallisation EXPLOITATION METALLURGIE. 133 the rocking casks a cask a stave a hoop les cristallisoirs oil mas ses un tonneau une douve un cercle. 41. Mining. Metallurgy. EXPLOITATION. METALLURGIE. Geological formation primary rocks, primitive formation secondary formation stratified unstratified the layer, stratum (pi. strata) transition rock the dip, or inclination the direction the deposit the mass, shode flat shode nests, concretions, nodules lode, vein the clift, rent the bed the gangue, rubbish Formation ge"ologique roche primitive, originaire roche secondaire, strati- forme stratifie" non stratifi6 le lit, la couche, 1'assise roche de transition 1'inclinaison la direction, Failure le gite, le camp le bloc bloc couche" des minerais en rognona le filon la fente, la crevasse la couche, le lit la gangue, la roche 184 MINING METALLURGY. the rubbish disseminated rake vein 4he thickness, power ihe interlaced mass, or vein .accumulated veins, pockets ihe coal seam, layer of coals, coal vein the parting back ihe upper wall, hanging wall, roof the under wall, floor-pave- ment, foot-wall, under- laying wall Ihe outcrop Ihe dislocation, fault, throw 4;he upcast dyke, upcast fault, upcast, up- throw down cast dyke, down- cast fault the dyke, fault, slide, slip, bar the hitch (small and par- tial slip), channel troubles open working les d6blais dissemin6 filon droit, perpendicu- laire la puissance le massif de minerai, ou amas entrelace gites en poches le bane de houille, la couche de houille le clivage, la fissure le plan de couche le toit le mur, le lit Faffleurement,le soppenlent le rejettement, le rejet, le saut le rel6vement le renfoncement la faille, le crain (filon st6rile) le crein, le crain (petite faille) accidents ouvrage (exploitation, tra- vail) a del ouvert EXPLOITATION M^TALLUKGIE . 185 subterraneous working, underground winning boring tools the pick the poll pick the gad, wedge the shovel the wheelbarrow the kibble, or bucket blasting, or shooting the sledge, or mallet the borer the scraper the needle, or nail the claying bar the tamping bar tamping, tamping the borehole the powder the cartridge the pit, or shaft the gallery, stulm to sink a shaft tubbing plank tubbing, wood- tubbing, solid tubbing, crib-tubbing metal tubbing the quicksand exploitation souterraine la perforation, le forage Toutillage, les outils des mineurs le pic a roc le pic a t6te le coin en fer, Faiguille la pelle la brouette le seau, la tonne, la tine, la benne le percement la massette, le petit mar- teau de mine 1' aiguille, labarre a mine, le fleuret le grattoir, la curette 1'epinglette le pilon, le boulon le bourroir le bourrage du trou de mine la poudre la cartouche le puits la galerie creuser un puits le cuvelage, le tubage cuvelage (tubage) en bois (circulaire) cuvelage en fonte * le sable mouvant 136 MIXING METALLURGY. the traverses the joints the crib, curb wedging crib shaft-timbering walling, ginging walled shaft winning coal mine, colliery coal formation draining, drainage, dis- charging the adit-level, adit, sough wind-way, air-head drift, gallery, level gallery-head-way road, rolley-way, gate-way cross-cut the stope, or step long wall, broad wall, long-way-work working in direct steps working in reverse steps working by the mass, of large mass the pillar les traverses les joints le rouet, la trousse rouet ou trousse a picoter le boisage des puits le muraillement puits murail!6 Fexploitation la houillere, la mine de houilie le terrain houiller 1'exhaure, Tepuisement la galerie d'ecoulement galerie d'aerage galerie d'allongement, voie, chantier galerie de fond galerie de roulage, voie, chantier galerie a travers bane, la bouvette, la bowette le gradin, le stross, le maintenage exploitation par gradins couches en grandes tailles ouvrage en gradins droits ouvrage en gradins ren- verses ouvrage en masses ou en amas le pilier, le massif EXPLOITATION METALLURGIE. 137 the stage, or floor cross-working to drive galleries the face of the working, the breast, the cut to be worked to work a mine, a vein working by fire working with post and stall the room, board, stall crop or rising gallery a pillar a prop pannel work a pannel worked out the gobbin, or gobb-stuff a holer to hole, or pool ; holing the punch, puncheon, stampel, prop the getter to strip the vein the butty-man timbering the upright, stanchion the sole the cap le massif de minerai Touvrage en travers percer des galeries la taille, le front de taille, le maintenage 6tre exploite exploiter une mine, une veine P exploitation par feu Texploitation par galeries et piliers la taille, voie, coistresse galerie ou taille montante un pilier un etai le depilage par comparti- ments (methode par pan- neaux) un compartiment depile les remblais un haveur haver; le havage 1'etai ou 6taie, le mon- ta*it Tabatteur degager la couche le coupeur de mur le boisage le montant (d'un cadre dans le boisage d'une galerie) la sole, la semelle le chapeau 188 MINING M&TALLUKGY. the facing boards the sides to support, to stay to fill up (with rubbish) walling conveyance underground the hutch, basket the sledge, skip the tram, wheel-barrow the trammer, barrow- man the rolley the deep-pit double, triple, quadrant pit the ventilation of mines the air-shaft, air-pit a trap-door the air-furnace, ventilat- ing furnace the downcast (upcast) shaft the fan, fanner, ventilat- ing fanner the drawing-shaft, whim- shaft the drawing-cage the tub, tun the safety apparatus le planchetage les parois laterales etayer, etanconner remblayer, restabler, re- bourer le muraillement le roulage 1'auge, le panier le traineau la brouette le rouleur, traineur, hiercheur le wagon de mine ou de roulage, le chien de mine la bure puits de deux, de trois, de quatre compartiments 1'aerage, la ventilation des mines le puits d'aerage une trappe d'aerage le foyer d'aerage le puits d' entree (de sor- tie) d'air le ventilateur, la machine pneumatique le puits d' extraction la cage d'extraction le cuffat, la couffade le parachute EXPLOITATION M&TALLURGIE . 139 the whim the engine-pit, pump-pit the hoggar, hoggar- pump wind-bore, snore-hole piece delivery-pipe the pump-spear the pump-rod the sump the water-feeder the man-engine the ladder the rods of a man-engine the platform, step Metallurgy the dressing or mechanical preparation of ores and coals the dressing floor, washing place washing ragging to rag the ragging hammer spalling, bucking the spaller sizing apparatus the riddle, sieve le baritel le puits d'6puisement, d'ex- haure le tuyau deversoir tuyau d'aspiration tuyau de refoulement la tige du piston la tige de pompe le puisard la venue d'eau les echelles mobiles ou fahrkunst Fechelle les tiges de fahrkunst la botte, le marchepied. Metallurgie la preparation m6canique des minerais et des houilles le lavoir le lavage la separation separer le gros marteau le scheidage, triage le marteau a scheider appareils de criblage le tamis, le rsetter, le crible 140 MINING METALLURGY. the circular riddle, (sizing-) trommel flat separating sieve separation crop the jigging sieve the hand jigging or brake sieve, percussion-jig(ger) machine jigger plunger-jig (or jigger) the crushing mill the rolling mill the roller the stamping mill, pool- work the stamp, pestle a battery or set the cofer, or battery box the stamp grate the lifter, or stem the guides the stamp-shoe-head the bottom the cam-shaft the cam the tappet the stamped ore, or sand le trommel, le cylindre classeur crible plan, tamis plan la separation le minerai de scheidage le crible le crible a cuve le crible crible hydraulique le moulin a minerais le laminoir le rouleau le bocard, le bocambre le pilon plusieurs pilons qui tra- vaillent ensemble dans une caisse du bocard la caisse, Fauge du bocard la grille du bocard le levier les glissieres le sabot du pilon la semelle en fer du bocard Faxe de la roue du bocard la came le taquet la farine de minerai ZINC. 141 the slime the tye, strake the budde, frame the round budde sleeping table, or sweep table percussion table or frame frame covered with toils the assay of ores mechanical assay the roasting of ores roasting in heaps the roasting furnace, kiln for roasting ore the furnace smelting la vase la caisse allemande^ le caisson la table la table conique, le rond huddle table dormante, table & balais table a secousses ou table mobile table a toile I'essai des minerais essai mecanique le grillage des minerais grillage en tas le four de grillage le fourneau la fonte, la fusion. 42. Tin. Zinc. TAIN. ZINC. Tin tin-stone in disseminated masses, called stockwerks in veins, tin-floors Detain la cassiteride en masses disse'mine'es, nomme'es stockwerks en filons 142 TIN ZING. tin pyrites alluvial tin-ore the reduction furnace the shaft the sole-stone the fore-hearth block-tin refining liquation putty, putty powder tin-ash a bar of tin, when bent, produces a crackling sound, called the creak- ing of tin stannic acid metastannic acid stannous oxide stannic (stannous) chloride tin-salt used in dyeing as a mor- dant sodium stannate, tin pre- pare liquor stannic sulphide mosaic gold, musivegold tin-foil tin plate crystallised tin-plate tinning F6tain pyriteux le minerai d' alluvion le fourneau a manche la cuve la pierre du fond 1'avant-creuset zinc en saumons ou en blocs le raffinage la liquation la potee d'etain la crasse d'etain lorsqu'on plie un saumon d'etain on entend un craquement, qu'on nomme le cri de 1'etain acide stannique acide metastannique oxyde stanneux chlorure stannique (stan- neux) sel d'etain employe en teinture comme mordant stannate de sodium, sel d'appr&t sulfure stannique ou bi- sulfure d'etain or mussif feuille d'etain fer-blanc moire me"tallique l'6tamage &TAIN ZINC. 148 to tin kitchen utensils foliation, silvering the foil Zinc calamine zinc carbonate (zinc-) blende zinc sulphide red zinc ore, zinkite the Silesian (Belgian, Eng- lish) method the muffle the retort the adapter the crucible distillation per descen- sum zinc tarnishes in the air zincing galvanised iron zinc sulphate white vitriol, zinc-vitriol zinc oxide, zinc-white used as a pigment in place of white-lead etamer les ustensiles de cuisine Damage ou mise au tain le tain. Le zinc la calamine carbonate de zinc la blende sulfure de zinc zinc oxyde rouge systeme silesien (beige, anglais) le moufle la cornue Tallonge le creuset la distillation par des- censum le zinc se ternit dans 1'air le zincage fer galvanise sulfate de zinc vitriol blanc, couperose blanche le blanc de zinc, 1'oxyde de zinc employe* dans la peinture au lieu de blanc de plomb. 144 LEAD, 43. Mercury. Copper. PLOMB. MERCURE. CUIVRE. Lead it is scratched by the finger-nail the bright surface becomes tarnished in moist air a film of oxide galena lead sulphide serusite lead (plumbic) carbonate lead (or plumbic) sulphate pyromorphite, phosphate of lead method by double decom- position process by affinity the reverberatory furnace the tap-hole the work- (or working) door the back-side the front-side Le plomb on peut le rayer avec 1'ongle la surface brillantese ternit dans 1'air humide une mince couche d'oxyde la galene sulfure de plomb la cerusite carbonate de plomb sulfate de plomb pyromorphite,plomb phos- phate" m6thode par precipitation me"thode par grillage et reaction le four reverbere le trou de coulee la porte de travail le c6te" posterieur le c6te ou s'effectue la coulee, le cote ante- rieur PLOMB. 145 the bed, hearth, sole to feed the charge the hopper the dust (condensing) chamber to draw out the slags the rake the outer basin, lead pot lead matt raw (crude) lead cupellation, Pattinson's process (No. 44.) refined lead hard lead litharge massicot lead monoxide red lead red oxide of lead salts of lead lead or painter's colic plumbic (or lead) nitrate chrome-yellow plumbic (lead) chromate sugar of lead plumbic (lead) acetate acetic acid white-lead body Clichy process Dutch method la sole charger la tre"mie la chambre de condea^ sation retirer la scorie le rable le creuset exterieur la matte plombeuse le plomb d'oeuvre la coupellation, le pattin sonage plomb raffine* plomb dur la litharge le massicot protoxyde de plomb le minium oxyde de plomb inter- me"diaire sels de plomb la colique des peintres,. colique saturnine azotate de plomb jaune de chrome chromate de plomb le sucre ou sel de Saturne acetate de plomb acide acetique la ce* ruse ou blanc de plomb la propri6t6 couvrante methode francaise precede hollandais L 146 MERCU R Y COPPER . a bed of dung or tan strips of lead rolled into spirals (coils) the pot, jar vinegar to subject to the action of the vapour of acetic acid basic chloride of lead Krems white lead pearl white Mercury (or quicksilver) cinnabar, vermilion the condensing chamber mercuric sulphide mercurous sulphide mercuric (mercurous) oxide corrosive sublimate mercuric chloride calomel mercurous chloride horn mercury white precipitate amalgam (No. 33.) fulminating mercury the ranges of aludels the terrace a gutter mercurial vapours une couche de fumier ou de tannee des lames de plomb rou- lees en spirale le pot le vinaigre exposer a Faction des vapeurs d'acide aceti- que chlorure de plomb basique blanc de Krems blanc de perle. Le mercure le cinabre, le vermilion la chambre de conden- sation sulfure mercurique sulfure mercureux oxyde mercurique (mer- cureux) le sublime corrosif chlorure mercurique le calomel chlorure mercureux inercure corne le precipite blanc 1'amalgame mercure fulminant, fulmi- nate de mercure les files (series) d'aludelles la terrace une rigole vapeurs mercurielles. MEKCUKE CUIVRE. 147 Copper copper ores native copper copper sand, copper barilla copper glance red oxide, red copper copper pyrites variagafced copper ore malachite azurite grey copper the extraction of copper continental method shaft-furnace tuyere (No. 45.) the smelting-pot the crude or coarse slag roasting of the regulus the refined regulus refining in the German hearth the crucible rose-copper a disc, cake a refinery furnace the smelting hearth liquation Welsh process to mix the ores Le cuivre minerals de cuivre cuivre natif sable de cuivre, barille de cuivre cuivre sulfure, sulfure cuivreux cuivre oxydule, cuivre rouge cuivre pyriteux, pyrite cuivreuse cuivre panache la malachite 1'azurite cuivre gris T extraction du cuivre m6thode continentale fourneau a cuve tuyere, etc. le creuset la scorie pauvre le grillage de la matte la matte de concentration le raflinage au petit foyer le creuset cuivre rosette une rondelle un four de raffinage la sole de fusion la liquation me'thode galloise melanger les minerals 148 COPPER. a lot a flux fluor spar roasting, calcination the roasting furnace, cal- ciner copper smoke melting for coarse metal the ore furnace the mat, regulus the tap-hole a gutter to be granulated calcination of the coarse metal fusion for fine metal roasting of the fine metal black copper blistered copper to cast into ingots (pigs) in sand moulds refining toughening a proof poling to pole a pole of birch-wood refinery slag oveifined, dry unlot un fondant le spath fluor le grillage le four de grillage les fumees de cuivre la fusion pour matte brute ou matte bronze le four de fusion la matte le trou de coulee une rigole se grenailler grillage de la matte bronze fusion pour matte blanche rdtissage de la matte blanche cuivre noir cuivre ampou!6 couler en lingots (en sau- mons) dans des moules en sable 1'affinage le raffinage un essai le brassage brasser une perche en bois de bouleau la scorie d'afiinage surraflme, sec OU1VBE. 149 cementation exhausting the ores blue water to precipitate cement copper cupric (cuprous) oxide copper sulphate blue vitriol cupric, cuprous chloride copper carbonate (nitrate) verdigris acetate of copper basic ; neutral acetic acid French verdigris a bunch copper pigments Brunswick green Bremen blue Scheele's green, or mineral green mineral blue alloys [No. 33.) la cementation le lessivage des minerais eaux ce"mentatoires ou vitrioliques precipiter cuivre de cement oxyde cuivrique (cuivreux) sulfate de cuivre le vitriol bleu, la cou- perose bleue chlorure cuivreux, cui- vrique carbonate (azotate) de cuivre le vert-de-gris acetate de cuivre basique ; neutre acide acetique vert-de-gris bleu ou franc, ais une grappe couleurs de cuivre vert de Brunswick bleu de Breme vert de Scheele ou vert mineral bleu min6ral ou bleu de montagne alliages. 150 SILVER. 44. Silver. Gold. Gilding-. Assay. ARGENT. OR. DORURE. ESSAI. Silver native silver argentiferous ores silver glance, vitreous silver silver sulphide ruby silver, pyroargyrite, dark-red silver light-red silver, proustite horn silver silver (argentic) chloride copper ores (No. 43.) argentiferous galena cupellation (No. 43.) the cupelling furnace a reverberatory furnace the sole the fire-place marl the scum, froth, abstrich the small aperture for giving issue to the litharge the outlet (gutter, escape) for the litharge L 'argent argent natif minerals argentiferes argolyse, argent sulfure^ argent vitreux sulfure d'argent argent rouge fonce, argent antimonie sulfure, sulfo- antimoniure d'argent argent rouge clair, argent arsenio -sulfure, prous- tite argent corne chlorure d'argent minerais de cuivre galene argentifere la coupellation le four de coupellation un four a reverbere la sole le foyer la marne 1'ecume, I'abstrich le trou de coulee des litharges la voie (rigole) des li- tharges ARGENT. 151 yellow litharge red litharge a sheet-iron dome suspended by chains a crane internally plastered with fire-clay a thin film of litharge brightening, fulguration the Pattinson process desilverizing to melt up in a pot the molten mass is al- lowed to cool to ladle out the crystals the perforated ladle the high system, two- thirds system low system, system rich lead poor lead to enrich the lead enriching refining the test the muffle refined silver extraction by the wet (dry) method litharge d'argent litharge d'or un d6me en t61e suspendupardes chaines une grue garni interieurement d'argile re"fractaire une pellicule de litharge l'e"clair le pattinsonage la desargentation fondre dans une chau- diere on laisse refroidir la masse liquide enlever les cristaux an moyen d'une cuiller la cuiller perce"e de trous la me"thode par tiers me"thode par huitiemes plomb riche plomb pauvre enrichir le plomb renrichissement le raffinage letet le moufle argent raffin6 extraction par voie humide (seche) 152 SILVER SILVERING. lixiviation roasting (No. 43.) amalgamation patio amalgamation the arrastra or grinding- mill the lama or slime the patio or amalgama tion floor to tread the heaps (tortas) treading (repaso) the addition of magistral distillation by the bell or capellina Freiberg process the amalgamation cask teller (or dish) silver silver for argentic) nitrate lunar caustic marking ink the spitting of silver fulminating silver silvering by plating to silver silvering with the cold bath silver-plating by dipping silver-leaf plating by mercury electro-silvering (No.TI.) la lixiviation le grillage I'amalgamation amalgamation ame"ricaine Parrastre ou moulin la bouillie la cour dallee, appelee patio pi^tiner les tas le pigtinement 1' addition du magistral la distillation dans le fourneau a cloches precede" de Freiberg le tonneau d'ainalgama- tion argent d'assiette azotate d' argent la pierre infernale 1'encre a marquer le rochage argent fulminant Targenture par placage argenter argenture a froid argenture par voie hu- mide les feuilles d'argent argenture au feu argenture galvanique. ARGENT ARGENTURE OB. 158 QoU native gold in form of spangles or grains the lump, pepita, nugget of gold gold-dust wash gold the digging, gold-mine the gold-finder, gold-seeker auriferous sand to crush to wash in wooden tubs or on inclined tables the cradle parting quartation refining gold-foil gold-leaf Dutch gold beating an ingot gold-beater's skin aurous chloride auric chloride purple of Cassius aqua regia dissolves gold aurum potabile fulminating gold L'or or natif sous forme de paillettes ou de grains la p6pite la poudre d'or or de lavage la mine d'or le chercheur d'or le sable aurifere broyer laver dans des sebiles de bois ou sur des tables inclines le berceau le depart 1'inquartation I'affinage feuille d'or or en feuilles, or battu or en coquille, or moulu, bronze d'or le battage un lingot la baudruche chlorure aureux chlorure aurique le pourpre de Cassius 1'eau regale dissout Tor or potable or fulminant. 154 GOLD GILDING ASSAY. Gliding to gild oil gilding burnished gilding, gilding in distemper the glue coating to clean with a sponge shave-grass to ungrain to yellow the coat of assiette, tren- cher coat the gold leaf is applied with a brush the cushion to mend bloodstone varnish wash or water gilding gilding by mercury the preparation of the amalgam the mercurial solution annealing decapage to dip in sulphuric (nitric) acid to dry with sawdust a scratch-brush of brass wire to volatilise the mercury La dorure dorer dorure a Fhuile dorure en detrempe Fencollage degraisser avec une eponge la prlo 6grainer meltre le jaune la couch e d'assiette on applique les feuilles d'or avec un pinceau le coussin du doreur ramender la sanguine le vernis dorure au feu dorure au mercure la preparation de Famai- game la solution mercurielle le recuit le decapage plonger dans de Facide sulfurique (azotique) s6cher avec de la sciure de bois une gratte-brosse en fils de laiton volatiliser le mercure OK DORURE ESSAI. 156 volatilisation pincers to repair the defective spots to burnish the burnisher deadening to deaden to protect protection colouring ormolu red-gold colour gilder's wax the draught furnace the deadening pan gilding by immersion, by dipping cold gilding electro-gilding (No. 27.) The assaij of alloys assay by the dry (wet) method titration the assayer assay of silver, of gold to assay a sample cupellation the muffle the cupel, test la volatilisation les pinces corriger les endroits de*- fectueux brunir le brunissoir la mise au mat mettre au mat, donner le mat re* server, epargner Tepargne la mise en couleur For moulu la teinture d'or rouge la cire a dorer le fourneau d'appel le potion & mater dorure au trempe ou par immersion dorure a froid dorure galvanique. L'essai des alliages essai par voie seche (humide) methode volumetrique Tessayeur essai d' argent, d'or essayer un echantillon la coupellation le mouffle la coupelle 156 BLAST FURNACE. the button (regulus) the touch-needle the touch-stone fine silver the standard the standard of French gold coins is 9 / 10 the law allows a variation (an allowance) of 3 / 1000 le houton le toucheau la pierre de touche argent fin le titre la monnaie d'or de France est au titre de 9 / 10 la loi accorde une tolerance de 3/1000. 45. Blast Furnace. Iron. Steel* HAUT FOURNEAU. FER. ACIER. 1. The blastfurnace. The mouth, or throat the diameter of the mouth the shaft the cone, or body the belly the boshes the slope or inclination of the boshes the form of two frustums of (or two truncated) cones meeting each other at their base the lining, or in- wall the rough wall the hearth 1. Le\ Le gueulard le diametre du gueulard la cuve la cheminee superieure, la grande masse du fourneau le ventre les etalages Finclinaison des etalages la forme de deux c6nes tronques superposes par leur base la chemise ou paroi in- te"rieure le massif, le inuraillement 1'ouvrage HAUT FOURNEAtJ. 157 the crucible, or hearth the side stones the back stone the tuyere stone, blast-stone the front or tymp stone the tymp plate the bottom stone the tuyere, twyer the nozzle the eye the nose hot (cold) blast the blowing-machine,blast- machine the heating furnace the breast-pan the dam-stone the breast the work-arch, tymp-arch the tuyere arch, tuyere house the char ging-platf orm the bridge the furnace-hoist, lift an inclined plane charcoal furnace coke furnace the collecting or taking-off of the gases le creuset les costieres la rustine le contre-vent la tympe le fer de tympe la sole la tuyere la buse 1'oeil le museau Fair chaud (froid) la soufilerie, la machine soufflante le four a chauffer 1'air 1'avant-creuset la dame la poitrine rencorbellement de la tympe, 1'embrasure de travail rencorbellement des soufflets, 1'embrasure de tuyere la plate-forme le pont de gueulard le monte-charge un plan incline fourneau au charbon de bois fourneau au coke la prise des gaz 158 BLAST FURNACE IKON ORES. to draw off and utilise the waste gases the hopper the cone the cup and cone waste heat to dry, to heat the furnace to blow in, to put in blast bio wing-in blowing-out to blow out .a campaign to throw (or blow) air into the furnace to turn on (or apply) the blast to stop the blast to charge the furnace charging the charge, burden the flux the limestone-flux the clay the batch the descent of the charges working, working order regular, good working irregular working hot (cold) working a scaffolding the carbonic oxide reduces the ferric oxide recueillir et utiliser les gaz perdus la tremie le c6ne la trappe conique la chaleur perdue secher, fumer le fourneau mettre le fourneau en leu, en activite la mise en feu la mise hors feu mettre hors feu, arreter une campagne injecter 1'air dormer le vent arr&ter le vent charger le fourneau le chargement la charge le fondant la castine 1'erbue le lit de fusion la descente des charges 1'allure, la marche bonne marche, allure re*- guliere allure irreguliere allure chaude (froide) un engorgement le gaz oxyde de carbone reduit F oxyde de fer HAUT FOURNEAU MINERAIS DE FER. 159 cinder, slag the first heating zone the reduction zone the carburation zone the melting zone the combustion zone to tap the tap-hole, tapping-hole the stopper of clay a channel or run, dug in sand the pig 2. Iron ores magnetic iron ore, black, or magnetic oxide of iron loadstone magnetic iron pyrites red haematite, red oxide bloodstone ferric oxide, iron ses- quioxide specular iron ore silicious ironstone brown haematite bog ore spathose, spathic or sparry iron ore ferrous carbonate clay ironstone brown ironstone le laitier la zone de dessiccation ou de distillation la zone de reduction la zone de carburation la zone de fusion la zone de combustion percer le trou de coulee le tampon d'argile un canal creuse dans du sable la gueuse. 2. Minerals defer fer magnetique, fer oxy- dule, oxyde magnetique la pierre d'aimant la pyi'ite magnetique I'hematite rouge la sanguine oxyde ferrique fer speculaire, fer oligiste fer oxyde siliceux h6matite brune la mine des marais, la li- monite fer spathique carbonate ferreux fer argileux fer hydroxyde 160 IRON. yellow ironstone pea iron ore franklinite blackband, or carbonaceous iron ore mispickel iron pyrites ferric sulphide, iron bi- sulphide native iron is found in me- teoric stones nickeliferous or meteoric iron 3. Iron pure iron ferrous, ferric oxide colcothar ferric hydrate [No. 33 ferrous, ferric chloride ferrous sulphate green vitriol potassic ferrocyanide (No. 39.) iron plate boiler-plate corrugated plate galvanised iron tin-plate malleability malleable (No. 1.) fer oxyde jaune fer pisiforme la franklinite le blackband le mispickel la pyrite bisulfure de fer on trouve le fer natif dans les meteorites fer meteorique. 3. Lef&r fer pur oxyde ferreux, ferrique le colcothar hydrate ferrique chlorure ferreux, ferrique sulfate ferreux vitriol vert, couperose verte ferrocyanure de potassium la ttle t61e a chaudiere, forte t61e ondu!6e fer galvanise" fer-blanc la malleability malleable t61e FEB. 161 to roll tenacity, tenaceous ductility ductile to draw out into wires, to wire-draw the draw-plate the gauge to weld the texture of iron granular texture fibrous crystalline fibrous iron fracture fine-grained iron coarse-grained cold-short iron hot-short, red-short hot (cold) blast iron cast-iron, or pig-iron gray pig-iron white pig-iron mottled pig-iron charcoal (coke) pig white pig-iron with a gra- nular fracture spiegeleisen fine metal, fine iron foundry-pig merchant iron laminer la te'nacite' ; te*nace la ductilit6 ductile etirer en fils la filiere la jauge souder la texture du fer texture grenue fibreuse cristalline fer nerveux la cassure fer a grain fin, fer dur a gros grains fer cassantafroid, fertendre fer cassant a chaud, fer me"tis fonte a 1'air chaud (froid) la fonte fonte grise fonte blanche fonte truite'e fonte au charbon de bois (au coke) le floss a fleurs fonte (blanche) miroitante fonte maze*e, fine-me* tal fonte de monlage fer marchaud 162 FOUNDING. soft iron scrap-iron weld-iron ingot-iron malleable iron, wrought iron bar-iron fined iron puddled iron rolled iron iron filings (iron) scales rust ; to rust 4. Founding the founder an iron foundry a crucible a reverberatory furnace (No. 43.) re-melting the cupola furnace the shaft the interior lining a gutter lined with loam the hoops the charcoal mill to black the crane the ladle the stove, drying stove fer mou fer de riblons, fer de masse fer soude fer fondu fer malleable, fer ductile fer en barres fer affine fer puddle fer lamine la limaille de fer la battiture de fer larouille ; se rouiller. 4. Lafonderie le fondeur une fonderie de fer un creuset an four a reverbere la seconde fusion le cubilot la cuve la chemise ou enveloppe interieure une gouttiere inte>ieure- ment garnie d'argile les armatures le moulin a noir noircir la grue la poche l'6tuve FONDEKIE. 16$ the pit moulding green sand moulding dry sand moulding loam moulding shrinking, shrinkage to distort a mould dead mould the moulder the pattern open sand moulding flask moulding the flask, the hox the upper box, the cope the lower box, the drag a moulding-board the gate, ingate, git an air-gate the head, the sullage-piece the core, the newel the false core, the draw- back the core-box the lantern the templet the thickness casting in iron moulds, case-hardening pouring the ingot-mould la fosse le moulage moulage en sable vert (on maigre) moulage en sable gras moulage en terre la retraite se deleter un moule moule perdu ie mouleur le modele moulage a de*couvert moulage en chassis le chassis le chassis supe>ieur le chassis inferieur une planche a mouler le jet un event la masselotte le noyau la piece de rapport la boite a noyau la lanterne 1'echantillon, le calibre la chemise, le modele le moulage en coquilles le coulage la lingotiere. 164 IRON REFINING PUDDLING. 5. Malleable Iron the extraction of malleable iron directly from the ores Catalan method the Catalan forge the bloomery hearth, bloomery fire the stuck-oven or salaman- der furnace refining to convert crude iron into malleable iron refining on a hearth the German refining process a German forge the hearth, or crucible the plate the bottom plate the front plate the tuyere plate the back plate the floss hole the loup, bloom, lump the bloom, slab stirring up, raising up to break up to shingle the Walloon process English method of refining refining 5. Fer ductile Fextraction directe du fer ductile methode catalane la forge catalane le foyer a loupe le fourneau a loupe 1'affinage transformer la fonte en fer ductile Faffinage au petit foyer Faffinage a Fallemande une forge a Fallemande le creuset la taque la taque de fond, la sole le laiterol ou chio la varme la rustine ou haire le chio la loupe la maquette, le lopin le soutevement avaler cingler la methode suedoise, le procede" wallon methode anglaise le raffinage, le mazeage FEE AFFINAGB PUDDLAGE . 165 the refinery furnace, the finery the rectangular hearth the water-blocks slag fine metal the tap (tapping) hole puddling dry puddling boiling, or wet puddling the puddling furnace reverberatory furnace [No. 43.) the fire-place the grate (No. 52.) the hearth, the bottom- plate the fire-bridge the working door to charge the iron the damper to regulate the draught to become pasty to puddle the rabble the balling up the (puddle-) ball to withdraw, to lift out the ball with the tongs revolving furnace shingling to shingle la finerie, le feu de finerie le creuset rectangulaire la caisse a eau la scorie le fine-m^tal le trou de coulee le puddlage puddlage sec puddlage au four bouillant le four a puddler four a rSverbere le foyer la grille la sole Tautel la porte de travail introduire le fer le registre re"gler le tirage devenir pateux puddler (brasser) le crochet ou rabot le ballage la balle retirer la balle avec la tenaille fourneau rotatif (ou tour- nant) le cinglage cingler 166 IRON STEEL. the hammer, forge-ham- mer the steam-hammer the cylinder, etc. (No. 52,4.) front-hammer lift-hammer tilt-hammer the helve the head the pane the cam-ring the cam-ring shaft the cam, tappet, catch the anvil the anvil face the foundation the frame work the lift the squeezer rotary squeezer the shears the rolling mill rolling a rolling train plate-rolling mill preparatory rolls puddling rolls, roughing rolls the finishing rolls, the rollers the housing frames the standards le marteau le marteau-pilon le cylindre, etc. marteau frontal marteau a soulevement marteau a hascule, a queue le manche la tete la panne la bague a cames 1'arbre des cames la came Tenclume la table de Fenclume la fondation le bati, Fordon la levee le squeezer squeezer rotatif la cisaille le laminoir le laminage un train de laminoir train (ou laminoir) a t61e cylindres preparateurs cylindres degrossisseurs les cylindres fmisseurs les cages les fermes FEB ACIER. 167 the top roll the bottom roll the two rolls the gudgeon, trunnion (No. 47.) the grooves gothic (or oval) grooves flat iron round iron square iron hoops the slitting-mill, the slitters the mill-bars the (rail) pile piling reheating the reheating- (or ball- ing, or mill-) furnace welding heat 6. Steel methods of producing steel from the ore direct from pig-iron by decar- burisation from wrought-iron by carburation to convert iron into steel le cylindre supe"rieur le cylindre inferieur la paire de cylindres, Pequipage le tourillon les cannelures cannelures de profil ogival fer plat, fer ni6plat ier rond fer carre le feuillard les cylindres fendeurs, la fenderie le fer ebauche, les barres plates le paquet la mise en paquet le corroyage le four a rechaufier la chaude suante. 6. Dacier methodes de la fabrication de Facier directement des minerals par d^carburation de la fonte par carburation du fer ductile convertir le fer en acier 168 STEEL. cementation the converting furnace two chests, called pots the flues the vault the cement a layer of carbonaceous powder to draw the proof-bar a damper cementation or cemented steel blister(ed) steel a blister cast-steel the crucible or pot refined steel, shear steel double shear steel puddled steel Krupp's steel natural steel rough steel, German steel Indian steel, or wootz Siemens-Martin process Siemens' furnace the gas furnace the gas producer, gas generator the regenerator the Bessemer process Bessemer steel la cementation le four a (ou de) ce"menta- tion deux caisses les conduits, canaux la voute le cement une couche de poudre carbonifere retirer la barre d'epreuve un registre acier de cementation, acier c6ment6 acier poule une ampoule acier fondu le creuset acier corroye" acier deux fois corroy6 acier pudd!6 acier Krupp acier naturel acier d'affinage, acier de forge acier indien, ou wootz procede Siemens-Martin four Siemens le four a gaz le generateur ou gazo- gene le regenerateur le procede Bessemer Facier Bessemer ACIEB. 169 a Bessemer plant the converter, the con- verting vessel, the kettle made of iron-plates lined with fire-clay mounted on two trun- nions the nose the tuyere-box the tuyere to inject air to introduce or enter the charge to turn the vessel up to admit, to shut off the blast spiegeleisen is run in the casting ladle the ingot-mould the hydraulic crane hardening to harden to cool down rapidly case hardening tempering the tempering colour straw-yellow purple un atelier Bessemer le convertisseur en t61e revetu inte>ieurement d'argile r6fractaire suspendu sur deux tou- rillons le col la boite a air la tuyere injecter de Fair introduire la charge redresser le convertis- seur faire arriver, arr&ter le vent on y fait couler (on y introduit) de la fonte miroitante la poche la lingotiere la grue hydraulique la trempe tremper refroidir brusquement la trempe en packet le recuit la couleur de recuit jaune-paille rouge-pourpre 170 STEEL. a film of oxide une mince couche (une pellicule) d'oxyde Damascus steel acier damasse a Damascus blade une lame damasquine"e, lame de Damas weld-steel acier soudu ingot-steel acier fondu. MACHINEKY. EAILWAYS. AKTS AND MANUFACTUEES. 46. Machines in General. MACHINES EN GENERAL. A force [No. 2.) moving force resisting force the point of application resistance useful resistance the resistance overcome work useful work lost work total or gross work the quantity of work the unit of work effect the kilogrammetre Une force force motrice force resistante le point ieurement le tube adducteur le tube abducteur la caisse les cloisons la citerne a goudron le laveur Fe*puration F6purateur 6purateur sec (humide) GAZ DE HOUILLE. 231 the purifying agent the gas passes through the lime spread over the surface of sieves a cast-iron box oxide of iron the Laming mixture the revivification the spent lime the gasholder, gasometer to store the gas a storage capacity of 60 cubic meters the bell telescope-gasholder the tank, the water- cistern the inlet-pipe the outlet-pipe the governor the hydraulic valve the meter, station-meter the distribution a conduit the main the service-pipe the socket the syphon-pot the consumption the consumer 1' agent e*purateur le gaz passe a travers la chaux e*tendue sur des claies une caisse en fonte oxyde de fer le melange de Laming la revivification la chaux e'puise'e (ou consume'e) le gazometre emmagasiner le gaz une capacity de 60 metres cubes la cloche gazometre telescopique la cuve, le reservoir k eau le tube (ou tuyau) d'arrive'e le tube de sortie le re"gulateur la soupape hydraulique le compteur de fabrication la distribution une conduite, un tuyau de conduite la conduite principale le tuyau de distribution le manchon le siphon de purge la consommation le consommateur 232 COAL GAS. the illuminating power testing illuminating gas the gas-burner flat burner the slit jet-burner bat's-wing (burner) fish-tail (burner) Argand the gas-meter the case the drum the compartments, or chambers the valve the float the index registers the number of revolutions dry (wet) gas-meter the residual products, by- products coke (No. 38.) ammonia (No. 35.) ammoniacal liquor ammoniacal salts (coal-)tar heavy oils benzole, or benzine aniline aniline colours le pouvoir eclairant essai du gaz d'eclairage le bee, on bruleur bee plat la fente bee a jet bee a papillon, ou bee en ailes de chauve- souris bee Manchester, bee en queue de poisson bee d'Argand le compteur la boite le tambour les compartiments on chambres la soupape le flotteur I'index enregistre le nombre des tours compteur sec (humide) les sous-produits, les pro- duits secondaires coke Fammoniaque eaux ammoniacales sels ammoniacaux le goudron (de houille) huiles lourdes la benzine 1'aniline couleurs d'aniline VERRE. 238 aniline red phenol, carbolic acid salicylic acid picric (or carbazotic) acid naphthaline le rouge d'aniline Ieph6nol,l'acide carbolique acide salicylique acide picrique la naphtaline la paraffine. 57. Glass. VERRE. Glass bottle glass window glass sheet glass crown glass Bohemian crystal plate glass, mirror glass opal glass optical glass flint glass crown glass strass enamel soluble glass, water glass pressed glass toughened or hardened glass devitrified glass, Reaumur's porcelain devitrification Le verre le verre a bouteilles, verre commun verre a vitres verre en manchons verre a boudines le cristal de Bohe"me verre a glaces verre opale verre d'optique le flint-glass le crown-glass le strass Ismail verre soluble verre moule verre trempe ou durci le verre de"vitrifie, la porce- laine de Reaumur la devitrification GLASS. glass is fusible, fragile, brittle, transparent, co- lourless it may be drawn out into threads Prince Rupert's drops, la- crimes Batavice the philosophical phial reticulated glass filigree millefiori frosted glass artificial gems artificial or false pearls solid blown scales of the bleak essence of the east coloured glass to colour by metallic oxides glass-painting flashed glass hyalography the art of etching on glass hydrofluoric acid (No. 37.) le verre est fusible, fragile, cassant, transparent, in colore il peut se tirer en fils fins les larmes bataviques, larmes de verre la fiole philosophique verre r6ticu!6 verre filigran6 verre mosai'que, millefiori verre craque!6 pierres prScieuses artifi- cielles perles artificielles solides creuses (souffles) des ecailles d'ablette essence d'Orient verre colore teindre par des oxydes m6talliques la peinture sur verre verre double ou plaquS 1'hyalographie 1'art de graver sur verre Facide fluorhydrique. The glass-house, glass- La verrerie icorlts the composition la composition TEBRE. 235 cnllet raw materials silica, soda, potashes, Glauber's salt, lime, quartz, sand, felspar, minium or red lead, litharge, zinc-white, glass-maker's soap, peroxide of manga- nese, etc. smelting the pot, smelting pot open pot the form of a truncated cone covered pot or crucible the dome-cap the mouth to dry, to anneal, to glaze the pots the glass furnace the melting oven eight-pot furnace the working hole the fire-hole the siege or seat Siemens's gas oven the (re)generator the arches, fire arches fine arch the frit to frit le groisii matieres premieres la silice, la soude, la potasse, le sel de Glauber, la chaux, le quartz, le sable, le feldspath, le minium, la litharge, le blanc de zinc, le savon de verrerie, le peroxyde de manganese, etc. la fusion le pot, le creuset creuset ouvert la forme d'un c6ne tron- qu6 creuset couvert la voute, le chapiteau 1'ouverture dessecher, attremper, vitri- fier les pots le four de verrerie le four de fusion four a huit creusets Fouvreau 1'ouverture de feu Je siege le four a gaz de Siemens le (re)generateur les arches arche a fritter la fritte fritter 21)6 GLASS. fritting the fire-man the glass-gall, sandiver, salts the ladle refining the pole the journey a defect an impurity a stria a thread a drop, a tear an air bubble, or blister a knot pasty consistence blowing the blower the assistant the gatherer the finisher the tool the pipe to dip into the glass to gather a gathering the rest the sheet-iron blade the shears the mould the maver, mavering table the bridge le Mttage le chauffeur le fiel (ou sel) de verre la cuiller Faffinage la perche la journee un defaut une impurete" une strie une filandre une goutte, une larme une bulle un no3ud consistance pateuse le soufflage le souffleur Faide ou gamin le souffleur le finisseur Foutil' la canne plonger dans le veira cueiliir une prise la fourche, le support de la canne le racloir les ciseaux le moule le mabre le treteau VERRE. 237 to swing to assume the form of a cylinder the pointel, punto to detach, to crack off the neck to open the cylinder to draw out glass tubes a glass rod spreading, flattening flattening kiln, spreading furnace annealing the annealing kiln crown glass the jipple, bullion plate-glass casting to cast (he cuvette the girdle by which it is grasped the tongs the crane the tunnel lading the casting table the roller the rulers, ruler bars the wiping bar the head of the mirror balancer prendre la forme d'un cylindre le pontil detacher le col, le chapiteau, la calotte ouvrir ou fendre le cylindre e"tirer des tubes de verre une baguette de verre Te"tendage le fpur d'etendage, four Si etendre le recuit le four a recuire le verre a boudines la boudine, 1'oeil de bceuf le verre a glace, la glace le coulage, la coulee couler la cuvette la ceinture par laquelle elle est saisie la tenaille la grue la tonnelle le trejetage la table a couler le rouleau les tringles ou regies la croix a essuyer le bord recourbe POTTERY. to push into the carquaise or annealing oven the front door, or throat glass cutting roughing-down smoothing polishing the lathe the disc, wheel emery ; putty; colcothar ; tripoli to cement the mirrors on a stone table (hench) silvering pousser dans la carcaise la gueule 1'art de tailler les verres, la taille des verres F6bauchage, le degros- sissage Padouci le polissage le tour, le bane a tailler la meule l J 6meri ; la potee d'etain ; le colcothar ; le tripoli sceller les glaces sur une table en pierre Teiamage. 58. Pottery. POTERIE. Ceramic art, pottery preparation of the materials clay (No. 40.) weathering to weather a frost to temper treading, tempering kneading to knead La ceiamique preparation des materiaux argile la decomposition a 1'air abandonner a 1'air libre une ge!6e d^tremper le marchage le petrissage p^trir, malax cr POTEBIE. 289 the pit the vat the pug-mill, pugging ma- chine the hopper to work into a thin pulp to dilute with water to run off through sieves drying to crush, to grind to wash to pulverise to reduce into an impal- pable powder ripening in a damp place the paste moulding throwing the potter's lathe the templet the slip the thrower to dry in the stove-room the shrinkage turning the turning-lathe to turn the (turning-jtool the chuck la fosse la cuve la machine a pe"trir, le de- coupoir m6canique la tre*mie transformer en une bouillie peu 6paisse delayer avec de 1'eau faire couler a travers des tamis la dessication, le ressua^a Lroyer laver pulv6riser require en poudre impal- pable la pourriture dans un lieu humide la pate le faQonnage T6bauchage le tour a potier Testeque, FSbauchoir la barbotine le tourneur dessecher dans le se"choir le retrait le tournassage le tour tournasser le tournassin le mandrin 240 POTTERY. press-work casting the piaster mould the pattern glazing by immersion by dusting by watering, by washing by volatilisation the glaze to apply lead glaze enamel lustre gold lustre a flux burning, baking the kiln, oven the porcelain oven the fire-place, furnace the laboratory the howell, or crown the peep-hole the upper floor the charging of the kiln the sagger, or seggar to sagger cock-spur the bung the watches the great fir* le rnoulage a la presse le coulage le moule en platre le modele la mise en glacure par immersion par saupoudration par arrosement par volatilisation la glacure, la couverte poser la glacure plombifere on vernis l'email le lustre le lustre d'or un fondant la cuisson le four le four a porcelaine Falandier le laboratoire le couronnement la visiere 1'efage superieur 1'enfournernent, le charge- in ent du four la cazette ou gazette encazeter patte de coq la pile de cazettes les rnontres le grand feu POTERIK. 241 emptying the oven sorting porcelain painting a muffle gilding porcelain, china hard porcelain translucid sonorous fine-grained fracture dense tender (soft) porcelain, soft china-ware biscuit pottery stone-ware earthenware unglazed stone-ware or Wedgwood (-ware) fayence fine white fayence common enamelled fayence painting casting printing lustre flowing- col ours an alcarraza Parian common pottery le defournement le triage la peinture sur porcelain un moufle la dorure la porcelaine porcelaine dure translucide sonore cassure finement granu- leuse compact porcelaine tendre le biscuit la poterie le gres-cerame, la poterie de gres la faience fine cailloutee, le cailloutage gres nonvernisse* ou Wedg- wood la faience faience blanche fine faience commune ernaille la peinture 1'engobage Pimpression le lustre les flowing-colours un alcaraza le parian poterie commune 242 LOTTERY. Majolica terra-cotta The brick preparation of the clay brick clay, brick earth brick moulding the mould to strike off the clay the strike brick-making machine the press-roller a continuous bar of clay drying the drying shed to set on edge burning the clamp the brick kiln annular kiln burnt brick unburnt or air-dried brick stock, grey and red stock hollow brick floating brick compressed brick Dutch clinker the tile plain tile la majolique la terre cuite. La brique preparation de Targile la terre a briques le moulage des briques le moule retrancher Targile la plane machine a briques le rouleau compresseur un ruban d'argile la dessication le se"choir placer de champ la cuisson le four de campagne on. meule le four a briques four annulaire, four Hoff- mann brique cuite brique crue brique vitrifie"e brique creuse brique legere, brique flol* tante brique pressed brique hollandaise la tuile tuile plate FILATURE. 243 ridge tile gutter tile pantile paving tile drain pipe Dutch tile fire-brick the crucible (No. 34) tuile faitiere tuile gouttiere tuile flamande, tuile courbe le carreau le tuyau de drainage tuile hollandaise brique refractaire lecreuset. 59. Spinning-. FILATURE. Flax hemp rotting breaking to break the break the mail breaking-machine scutching the bench the scutch-blade scutch-mill, scutching- machine hackling hackling-machine Le lin le chanvre le rouissage le macquage, le broyage macquer, broyer la macque, la broie le battoir machine a broyer le teillage le chevalet 1'espade machine a teiller le peignage machine a peigner, gneuse pel- 244 SPINNING. the hackle the pins the strick the tow long line or flax cut preparing spreading or first drawing the spreader the sliver carding, roving, etc. (see p. 246) dry (wet) spinning the hobbin winding the hot water frame twisting frame reeling the reel Wool sheep's wool sheep-shearing lamb's wool dead wool the fleece suint Cashmere wool vicuna wool alpaca wool, pacos hair mohair, camel's wool long (short) wool carding wool combin? wool le peigne les dents la poignee les etoupes le long brin ou lin coupe la preparation le premier etirage la table a etaler le ruban cardage, filage en gros, eh... lefilage a sec (a eau chauda) la bobine le bobinage le metier a eau chaude machine a retordre le devidage le devidoir. La laine laine de mouton la tonte des moutons laine d'agneau laine morte, ou moraine la toison le suint laine de Cachemire laine de vigogne laine d'alpaca le mohair laine longue (courtej laine a cardes laine neigne FILATURE. 245 sorting washing the hydro-extractor scouring oiling to oil combing the combing machine the comb-pot the noyls the sliver the devil, willow willowing carding, etc. (p. 246) slub(bing), roving warp weft le triage le lavage Pessoreuse, la toupie le desuintage le graissage huiler, graisser le peignage la peigneuse le pot a peignes, le poe"le les peignons, les blouses le trait le loup, le diable le louvetage cardage, etc. la meche la chaine la trame. Cotton the gin, cotton-gin to gin to separate the fibre from the seed the roller gin the saw-gin a cotton factory the willow the beater the feed(ing) roller fluted roller the grid a fan the conical willow Le Colon la machine a grener egrener separer les fibres d< graines le roller-gin le saw-gin une filature de coton le willow le frappeur le cylindre alimenteur cylindre cannele la grille un ventilateur ' le panier conique 246 PINNING-. the cotton opener the first scutcher the lap machine the lap carding the card the teeth, hooks the card-sheet, sheet- card the fillet-card, card-fillet the breaker the finisher double card cylinder cards carding engine the main cylinder the urchins, or squirrels the tops, top flats, top cards the doffer the comb, doffer-knife the licker-in the worker the clearer the card-end, riband, sliver self-acting stripper the combing machine a conductor the feeding roller 1'ouvreuse le batteur-e*plucheur le batteur-etaleur la nappe le cardage la carde les dents la feuille, la plaque de cardes le ruban de cardes le briseur, la carde en gros ou briseuse le finisseur, la carde en tin ou finisseuse carde double cardes a cylindres machine a cardes le tambour les herissons les chapeaux le peigneur le peigne le briseur le travailleur le debourreur le ruban debourreur me'canique la peigneuse un guide le rouleau alimentaire FILATURE. 247 a star- wheel the jaws of a nipper the combing cylinder the detaching rollers ahead drawing the drawing frame drawing roller, front roller top roller, or presser the turning can doubling roving stubbing frame, coarse rov- ing frame intermediate frame tube roving frame can roving frame the bobbin and fly frame the spindles the bobbin the flyer to twist twisting the twist a drum pulley fine bobbin and fly frame, fine roving frame spinning water-twist frame, water- frame, throstle une roue a e"toiles les machoires d'une pince le cylindre peigneur les cylindres arracheurs une tte Petirage, le laminage le bane d'6tirage cylindre 6tireur cylindre de dessus, ou presseur la lanterne tournante le doublage le filage en gros bane a broches en gros bane a broches en moyen machine (ou bane) a tubes bane a lanternes le bane a broches les broches la bobine 1'ailette tordre la torsion le tors un tambour-poulie bane a broches en fin le filage en fin le metier continu (ou metier hydraulique) 248 SPINNING, the jenny the mule self acting mule, self-actor the creel the carriage running in, going in running out, drawing out the stretch, draw the second stretch the copping wire, faller- wire counter-faller the cop backing off warping weaving the loom power loom burling fulling teasling shearing dressing lustring brushing pressing la jenny le mule-jenny le self-acting, le metier h filer automate le porte-bobiries le chariot la rentre"e la sortie la course, Taiguill^e Petirage supplemental re la baguette contre-baguette la cannette, la bobine le de"tournage, le depoin tage 1'ourdissage le tissage le metier metier mecanique l'e"pinQage le foulage le lainage la tonte l'appre*tage le de"catissage le brossage le pressage. PAPIER. 249 60. Paper. PAPIER. The paper manufacture the paper-mill the paper-maker preparation of the materials the rag linen, cotton, silk rags vegetable substances stamps or printsfcoloured rags) rag paper the rag store-room sorting the rags cutting into small pieces cleansing the rag-cutting machine the devil, willow the dusting machine, the rag duster . a wire-cloth the rag-boiler washing the lye a boiler hollow trunnions La fabrication du papier la papeterie le fabricant de papier preparation des matieres premieres le chiffon chiffons de lin, de coton, de soie substances vegetales chiffons col ores papier de chiffons le rnagasin de chiffons le triage des chiffons le decoupage, derompage le nettoyage le derompoir, la coupeuse le willow, le loup la machine a bluter un tissu metallique le lessiveur, la chaudiere rotative le lavage la lessive une chaudiere des tourillons creux 250 PAPER. a jet of steam bleaching chloride of lime the bleaching vat fermentation, putrefaction the stamp-mill the rag-engine the vat, cistern the partition, called mid- feather the axle, driving-shaft the cylinder the blades, cutters the case, cap the plate the back-fall the sieve, hair-sieve the sand trap the soiled (dirty) water escapes, flows away the washing drum the washing engine the stuff the half-stuff the pulp the beating-engine the pulp-engine bluing un jet de vapeur le blanchissage, le blanchi- ment chlorure de chaux la caisse ou cuve de blanchiment le pourissage le moulin a maillets ou a pilons la pile (k cylindre) laboite, la caisse, la cuve la cloison Parbre le cylindre, le rouleara les lames le chapiteau la platine la gorge le chassis (garni de toile metallique) le sablier Feau sale s'6coule le tambour-laveur la pile (Jefileuse (ou effi- locheuse) la pate la demi-pate, le defile la pate raffinee, le raffin6 la pile raffineuse la raffineuse centrifuge ou pulp-engine Fazurage PAPIER. 251 sizing in the pulp the pulp vat hand-making hand-made paper the mould the frame the cross-pieces the laid wire wove paper laid paper the water-mark the deckle dipping the vatman the coucher to couch the post the felt the press drying the drying loft water-leaf glazing to pass through polished rollers machine-made paper, end- less paper paper(-making) machine the chest to dilute the pulp with water le collage a la pile ou en pate la cuve a ouvrer fabrication a la main papier a la main, a la forme' la forme le chassis les pontuseaux la vergeure papier v61in papier verge" le filagramme ou iilfc- grane la frisquette le puisage Fouvreur le coucheur coucher la porse le feutre ou fl6tre la presse le s6chage le s6choir ou 6tendoir papier sans colle le satinage, le glacage passer entre des cylin- dres polis papier a la mecanique, pa- pier sans fin ou continu machine papier le reservoir a raffine" delayer le raffing avec de? 1'eau 252 PAPER. an agitator the lifter 4 he knotter, or strainer the web of paper the endless web of wire cloth, the endless wire copper rollers a shogging motion the deckle or boundary strap the dandy roller an air-pump a suction apparatus the vacuum the press-rolls the first press-rolls the endless web of felt, the felt sheet the drying cylinders heated by steam the calenders or glazing rolls sizing the tub of size the paper is wound upon a reel to cut the paper longitu- dinally paper-cutting machine un agitateur la noria I'Spurateur le ruban de papier la toile metallique sans fin des rouleaux de cuivre un mouvement lateral de va-et-vient la courroie, la couverte le rouleau Sgoutteur une pompe pneumatique un aspirateur le vide la presse la premiere presse ou presse humide le feutre sans fin les cylindres secheurs chaulfes par la vapeur les calandres le collage la cuve a coller, le mouil- loir le papier s'enroule sur un devidoir couper le papier en long machine a couper, cou- peuse SUCEE. 253 the sheei the quire the ream writing paper letter paper printing paper wrapping paper drawing paper blotting paper filtering paper tracing paper mill-board pasteboard papier-mache" coloured paper stained paper parchment paper vegetable parchment la feuille la main la rame papier ecolier, papier ecrire papier a lettres papier d'impression papier d'emballage papier a dessiner papier buvard papier a filtrer papier a calquer le carton de couch age le carton (de collage) le papier mache papier colore papier de couleur papier parchemin parchemin vegetal. Cane sugar, or sucrose 61. Sugar. SUCRE. Sucre de canne ou saccha- rose grape or starch sugar, or sucre de raisin ou glucose glucose fruit sugar, or levulose milk sugar, or lactose uncrystallisable sugar to crystallise in prisms the Spain sucre de fruits ou levulose sucre de lait ou lactose sucre incristallisable cristalliser en prismes !e grain -254 SUGAR. polarisation, sacchari- polarisation, sacchari- meter, etc. (No. 18) metre, etc. saccharic acid acide saccharique mucic acid acide mucique sacchariferous saccharifere saccharine, sugary saccharin the saccharate le saccharate Spindelbaum Fagus sylvatica, h^tre commun, beech, gemeine Roth- buche Fraxinus, fr^ne, ash, Esche Fraxinus ornus, fr^ne a fleurs, flowering ash, gemeine Steinesche Genista, gene% broom, Ginster Genista tinctoria, gen&t des teinturiers, dyers' greenwood, Farbe-Ginster GUditschia triacanthus, f^vier a 3 Opines, honey locust, dreidornige Gleditschia Hedera, lierre, ivy, Epheu Hyppophae rhamnoides, argousier rhamnoide, sea buck- thorn, gemeiner Sanddorn Ilex aquifolium, houx commun, holly, Stechpalme Juglans regia, noyer commun, walnut, edler Wallnuss- JDaum Juniperus, gen6vrier, juniper, Wachholder APPENDIX. 267 Laburnum vulgare, faux 6b6nier, laburnum, Bohnenbaum Larix cedrus, cedre, cedar (of Lebanon], Ceder. Larix decidua, meleze, larch, gemeine Larche Ligustrum vulgare, troene commun, privet, gemeine Rainweide Mespilus germanica, n6flier commun, medlar, achter Mispelstrauch Mespilus oxyacantha, aubepine 6pineuse, common haw- thorn, stumpfblatteriger Weissaorn Morus, murier, mulberry, Maulbeerbaum Pinus austriaca, pin noir d'Autriche, Austrian fir, Schwarz-Kiefer Pinus silvestris, pin sylvestre, Scotch fir, gemeine Kiefer Pinus strobus, pin de Lord Weymouth, Weymouth, pine, Weymouth-Kiefer Pirus achras, poirier, pear, Birnbaum Pirus cydonia, cognassier, quince, Quittenbaum Pirus mains, pommier, apple, Apfelbaum Platanus, platane, plane, Platane Populus alba, peuplier blanc, white poplar , Silberpappel Populus pyramidalis, peuplier pyramidal, Lombardy poplar, Pyramidenpappel Populus tremula, peuplier-tremble, aspen, Zitterpappel Prunus armeniaca, abricotier commun, apricot, Apri- kosenbaum Prunus cerasus, cerisier, cherry, Kirschbaum Prunus ceconomica, prunier, plum, Zwetschenbaum Prunus padus, cerisier a grappes, bird cherry, Trauben- kirsche Prunus spinosa, prunellier 6pineux, sloe, Schlehen- strauch Quercus cerris, ch^ne chevelu, Turkey oak, Zerr-Eiche Quercus pedunculata, ch6ne p6duncu!6, British oak, Stiel-Eiche Quercus suber, ch^ne-liege, cork tree, Kork-Eiche 268 APPENDIX. Rhamnus, nerprun, buckthorn, Kreuzdorn Robinia pseudoacacia, robinia faux acacia, acacia, ge - meine Akazie Salix alba, saule blanc, common willow, Silberweide Salix caprea, saule marceau, goat willow, Palmweide Salix fragilis, saule fragile, crack willow, Bruchweide Sambucus ebulus, sureau yeble, dwarf elder, Zwerg Hollunder Sorbus aucuparia, sorbier des oiseleurs, mountain ash, rowan, ge meine Eberesche Sorbus domestica, cormier domestique, service-tree, achter Spierling Staphylcea pinnata, staphylier penne, bladder -nut -tree 9 Pimpernussstrauch Swietenia mahogani, mahogon, mahogany, Mahagoni- baum Syringa vulgaris, lilas commun, common lilac, gemeiner Flieder Taxus baccata, if commun, yew, gemeiner Eibenbaum Tectona grandis, te(c)k, teak, Teckholzbaum Thuja occidentalis, thuya du Canada, American cedar ', abendlandischer Lebensbaum Tilia euchlora, tilleul a feuilles vertes, brightgreen-leaved lime-tree, freudig griine Linde Tilia tomentosa, tilleul de Hongrie, downy lime-tree, morgenlandische Silberlinde Tilia ulmifolia, tilleul a petites feuilles, small-leaved lime-tree, Steinlinde Tilia vulgaris, tilleul intermediate, common lime-tree, Zwischenlinde Ulmus campestris, orme champ^tre, common elm, Feld- Ulme Ulmus campestris suberosa, orme champ&tre subereux, corkbarked elm, Kork-Ulme Ulmus scabra, orme montagnard, mountain elm, Wald- TJlme. 269 ENGLISH INDEX. A. Amperian currents, auger, 210 61 aurora borealis, 85 aberration, 51 analysis, chemical, axe, 207 absorption, 38 88 axis (of mirror), 50 acceleration, 5 anemometer, 83 axle, 206 accident, 228 aneroid barometer, accommodation, 59 23 B. acids, 92-95 anhydrides, 93 acoustics, 30-33 aniline, 232 back-lash, 179 actinic rays, 54 animal charcoal,119 back-pressure, 200 adapter, 101 annealing (glass), back-water, 184 adit, 136 237 backing-off, 248 adze, 207 anode, 74 bagasse, 256 aerostation, 25 anthracite, 117 baking, 240 affinity, 89 apatite, 114 balance, 10 air, 21, 107 apparatus, 100, etc. balance- weight, 201 air-balloon, 23-25 air-gun, 26 appendages of a boiler, 196 ballasting, 218 balling furnace, 126 air-pump, 25 apron, 185, 187 balloon, 23, 24 ajutage, 16 aquafortis, 107 Barker's mill, 16 alabaster, 129 aqua regia, 113, 153 barm, 263 alarum, electric, 79 albumen, 58 arch, 157, 235 Archimedean screw barometer, 22-23 barrel, 27, 203 alcoholometer, 20 182 base, 92 alembic, 102 Archimedes' prin- battery, electric, 68, alloys, 99 ciple, 19 72 aludel, 146 areometer, 19, 20 battery, magnetic, alum, 132 armature, 67 62 aluminium, 131 Artesian well, 18 bay, 185 aluminium bronze, aspirator, 101 beaker, 100 99 assay of alloys, 155 beam, 10 amalgam, 99 astatic needle, 62 bearing, 177 amalgamation, 152 atmosphere, 21, 107 beat, 35 ammonia, 106 atom, 1, 89 beer, 259-264 ammonium, 106 attraction, 7 beet, 254 amorphous, 111 Atwood's machine, beetle, 185 Ampere's stand, 75 12 bell-metal, 99 270 ENGLISH INDEX, belt, 177 breaker, 246 carbonate, 122 bench, 217 breaking, 243 carbonic acid, 120 bent lever, 11 breast, 137 carbonization, 118 Bessemer steel, 168 breathing, 105 carburetted hydro- beton, 129 brewing, 262, 264 gens, 120 bevel wheels, 179 bricks, 242 carding, 246 bitt, 210 black-ash, black bridge (furnace), 193 carquaise, 238 carriage, 224 ball, 126 bridge (glass), 236 carrier, 64 black-lead, 117 bridges, 223 Cartesian diver, 19 blast, 157 brimstone, 110 case hardening, 169 blast furnace, 156 brine, 109, 124 cask, 263 blast pipe, 194, 204 Britannia metal, 99 casking, 263 blasting, 135 bromine, 113 cassonade, 254 bleaching, 250 brush, electric, 69 cast-iron, 161 blende, 143 block, 176 budde, 141 buffer, 205 casting (glass), 237 casting (pottery), blowing, 236 bulb, 40 240 blowing-in, 158 bio wing- out, 158 bung, 240 Bunsen's burner, 54 Catalan forge, 164 cathode, 74 blowpipe, 103 Bunsen's element, cement, 129 bluing, 250 71 cementation (of boat-pan, 127 Bunsen's gasburner, copper), 149 bob, 12 103 cementation (of bobbin, 80, 81, 244, buoyancy, 14, 19 steel), 168 247 burette, 101 centre of gravity, 8 body, 1, 224 burner, 232 centreing, 212 boiler, 194 burnishing, 155 centrifugal, 258 boiling, 41, 42, 165 by-product, 232 centrifugal force, 9 bolter, 189 chain, 178 bone-black, 119 C. chain pump, 182 booking-office, 228 chair, 219 borers, 210 calamine, 143 chalk, 129 boring, 135 calc-tufa, 130 chalybeate, 109 boring machine, 213 calcium, 129 chamber acid, 112 borrowing, 216 calenders, 252 charcoal, 119 bort 117 calibration, 40 charring, 119 boshes, 156 calomel, 146 chemistry, 88, &c. bottle, 101 calorimetry, 36-39 chimney, 194 bottling, 264 camera obscura, 57 chisel, 209 box, 163 canal-lock, 184 chlorates, 96, 123 boxing, 218 cane (sugar), 254 chlorides, 113, 116, Boyle's law, 21 capillarity, 15 123 brake, 174, 225 capstan, 177 chlorine, 113 Brahma's press, 17 car, 24, 224 chlorites, 96 brass, 99 caramel, 254 chuck, 212 break, 225 carbon, 116 cinder, 159 ENGLISH INDEX. 271 cinnabar, 146 condenser (of elec- cross-wires, 56 clack-valve, 28 clamp, 101, 242 tricity), 67 condensing pump,26 cross- working, 137 crossing, 222 clarifying, 256, 263 condensing tower, crucible, 103 clay, 130 125 crushing, 173 claying, 258 conductivity, 37, 63 crystallisation, 43 cleading, 196 conductor, 63, 67, 86 cullet, 235 clearance, 199 conductor of heat,37 culvert, 218 clearer, 246 conduit, 231 cup, 78 clearing, 127, 132 clef, 34 congelation, 43 connecting-rod, 177, cup and cone, 158 cupelling furnace, clift, 133 201, 222 150 climatology, 86 clinker, 242 contact-breaker, 82 contact theory, 70 cupola furnace, 162 curb, 136 clouds, 84 contour-line, 215 curing-house, 256 coal, 117 contraction, 36 curvature, 50 coal seam, 134 converter, 169 curve, 215 coating, 67 converting furnace, cushion, 66 coefficient of elasti- 168 cut, 209 city, &c., see elas- conveyance of earth, cut-off, 200 ticity, &c. 217 cutting (railway), coercive force, 61 conveyor, 189 217 coffer-dam, 186 cooler, 262 cutting (glass), 238 cog-wheel, 179 cop, 248 cyanogen, 120 coil, 80, 255 copper, 147, 262 cylinder, 198 coke, 118 core, 78, 81, 163 coking, 118 corrosive sublimate, D. collision, 7 146 colour-blindness, corundum, 131 daguerreotype, 57 59 cotton, 245 daltonism, 59 comb, 66 coucher, 251 Damascus steel, 170 combing, 245, 246 counter, 199 damper, 193 combustion- furnace countersink, 210 Davy lamp, 121 104 couple, 70 dead-point, 201 communicating ves- sels, 15 coupling, 205 cover of slide-valves, deadening, 155 deckle, 251, 252 commutator, 81 200 declination, 61 compass, 61, 62, 76 composition oi cradle, 153 crane, 180 decomposition, 88 decomposition forces, 6 crank, 177 of light, 53 compressibility, 3 creel, 248 deep-pit, 138 compression, 173 creeper, 189 defecation, 255 concrete, 129 creosoting, 219 degree, 41 condensation, 45 crib, 136 denitrificator, 112 condenser (steam critical angle, 52 deposit, 89 engine), 202 cross-cut, 136 derailment, 228 condenser (gas), 230 cross-head, 201 derivation, 72 272 ENGLISH INDEX. derived currents, 72 evaporating basin, development, 58 deviation, 52 103 evaporation, 44, 125 devil, 245 ear-trumpet, 32 excavating, 216 dextrogyrate, 48 earthenware, 241 exhauster, 230 diamagnetism, 63 earthwork, 216 exosmose, 16 diamond, 116 eccentric, 200, 204 expansion, 36, 200 diathermanous, 38 echo, 31 experiment, 2 die, 211 edge-mill, 190 explosion, 197 diffraction, 48 edging, 189 extension, 2 diffusion, 50, 255 edulcoration, 132 extra- current, 80 dilatation, 36 efflux of liquids, 16 eye, 58 dip, 62, 133 elasticity, 3 discharge, 16 elbow, 16 F. discharge, electric, electric currents, 71, 68,86 75, 80 face-plate, 213, discharging rod, 68 diving, '27 electricity, 63, &c. electro-coppering,75 facing board, 138 fall of bodies, 11 divisibility, 3 electro-gilding, 75 faller, 248 Dobereiner's lamp, electro-metallurgy, fault, 134 38 74 fayence, 241 doffer, 246 electro-silvering, 75 feather- alum, 132 donkey-engine, 196 electrodynamics, 75 feed- water, 196 doubly-exhausting electrolysis, 73 feldspar, 130 stopcock, 26 electromagnet, 77 fencing, 216 downcast, 134 electrometer, 65 fermentation, 262 drainage, 218 electromotive force, ferrocyanide, 123 draught-furnace,155 70 ferrule, 81 draw-rod, 205 electeophorus, 66 ferry, 223 drawing, 244, 247 dredger, 182 electroscope, 65, 68 element, 70 field lens, 56 field of view, 56 dressing, 217, 218 elements, names of files, 209 dressing of ores, 139 90 filigree, 234 drill, 210 embankment, 217 filings, 162 drilling machine, emergency, 52 filling up, 138 213 emery, 131 filter, 102, 109, 257 drum, 178 emission, 35, 37 finder, 56 Drummond's light, endosmose, 16 fine metal, 148 73 equilibrium, 8 fining, 263 duster, 249 equilibrium of finisher, 236, 246 duty, 194 liquids, 15 fire-box, 203 dyke, 134 equivalent, 36, 90 fire-brick, 43, 243 dynamite, 107 dynamometer, 174 escapement, 181 etching, 234 fire-bridge, 193 fire-clay, 130 ether, 2 fire-damp, 121 ethylene, 120 fire-engine, 29 eudiometer, 108 fire-escape, 30 ENGLISH INDEX. 278 firing, 194 G. grappling iron, 25 fish-Joint, 221 grate, 193 flame, 12JL galena, 144 gravitation, 7 flask, 100, 163 gallery, 136 gravity, 8 flat, 34 Galyani's experi- grease-box, 206 flattening (glass), ment, 70 grindstone, 207 237 float, 196 float- wheel, 187 galvanic trough, 71 galvano-plastics, 74 galvanometer, 76 grist, 261 Grove's battery, 72 guide, 201, floating, 19 gangue, 133 gun-cotton, 107 flue, 193 gas, 21, 229 gun-metal, 99 fluorescence, 47 gas-meter, 232 gunpowder, 122 fluorine, 114 gasholder, 231 gypsum, 129 fly-wheel, 174 gasometer, 231 flyer, 247 gauge, 210 H. focus, 51 gauge (air-pump), 26 focussing, 56 gauge (railway), 221 hackling, 243 foot-wall, 134 gauge-cock, 196 hair-salt, 132 force, 6 Geissler's tube, 82 halo, 85 forge, 164 geological forma- haloes, accidental, formation (railway), tion, 133 59 218 German silver, 99 haloid, 92 formations, geo- germination, 260 hammers, 166 logical 133 Giffard's injector, hand-rail, 204 founding, 162 foxing, 262 frames (spinning). 244, 247 196 gilding, 154 gin, 180 gin (cotton), 245 hanging wall, 134 hardening, 169 hartshorn, salt of 106 framework, 205 girder, 223 head, 184 Franklin's plate, 67 glass, 233 headstock, 212 Frauenhofer's rays, glass furnace, 235 heat, 35-39 54 glassblower's lamp, heater, 195 freezing, 43 103 heating, 39 freezing point, 41 Glauber salts, 123 heating-kettle, 190 friction, 172 glazing, 240, 251 heating- surf ace, 196 frit, 235 globe, 101 heliostat, 51 frog, 222 gobbin, 137 hematite, 159 fulcrum, 9 gold, 153 hepatic, 109 fulgurite, 85 goniometer, 51 hitch, 134 fuller's earth 131 governor, 174 hoggar, 139 fulling, 248 gradient, 216 hoist, 180 funnel, 102 furnace, 192 grading, 218 graduation, 41, 124 holing, 137 Holtz's machine, 67 furnaces, 104 grains, 261 hoop, 133 fusion, 42 Gramme's machine, hopper-barge, 183 81 hops, 259 graphite, 117 horology 180 T 274 ENGLISH INDEX. hose, 30 isinglass, 263 lathe, 211, 238, 239 hot- well, 202 isochronism, 13 lattice, 223 howell, 240 isoclinic lines, 62 laughing gas, 106 Hungarian machine isodynamic lines, 62 layer, 133 187 isogonic lines, 61 laying out, 214 hydrate, 92, 95 isothermal lines, 86 lead, 144 hydraulic main, 230 lead of slide-valves, hydraulic mortar, J. 200 129 leaden chamber, 111 hydro-electric ma- Jablochoff's candle, leading of earth, 217 chine, 67 73 lens, 52 hydrobromic acid, jacket, 199 levelling, 215 314 jenny, 248 lever, 9 hydr ^carbons, 120 h} dro ahloric acid, 113, 125 jet, 118 jet of water, 16 jigging, 140 Leyden jar, 67 Lichtenberg's figures, 69 hydrofluoric acid, joint, 178 licker-in, 246 114 joint, rail-joint, 221 Liebig's potash hydrogen, 104 jointer, 208 bulbs, 101, 108 hydrometers, 19, 20 journal, 177 life, 219 hydrostatic bal- lift, 157, 180 ance, 19 K. lift (of a lock), 185 hydrostatics, 13-14 light, 46, &c. hydroxide, 92, 95 kaolin, 130 lighting, 229 hygrometer, 45 key, 78, 79, 82 lighting, electric, 73 hygroscope, 45 kibble, 135 lightning, 85 I. kiln (lime), 128 kilogrammetre, 171 lightning conductor Kinnersley's ther- lignite, 118 ice, 43 mometer, 69 lime, 127 ice-house, 264 knee, 16 line (railway), 221 Iceland spar, 48, 129 knotter, 252 line of sight, 56 images, 50 kyanising, 219 link-motion, 204 impact, 7 liquefaction, 45 impregnation, 219 L. liquids, 13-16 inclination, 62, 133 liquor ammoniae,106 incrustation, 197 lacrimse Batavi, liquoring, 258 indicator, 202 234 litharge, 145, 151 induction, 80 inductorium, 81 ladder- wheel, 177 lading, 237 litmus paper, 92 lixiviating, 122, 126, inertia, 3 lasvogyrate, 49, 132 insulation stool, 69 lamp-black, 120 load, 173 insulator, 63, 78 lantern, 179 loadstone, 60 interference, 48 lap machine, 246 lock, 184 iodine, 114 lap of slide-valves, locomotive, 208 iron ores, 159 200 lode, 133 iron -plate, 160 laryngoscope, 53 long wall work. 136 ENGLISH INDEX. 275 loom, 248 metalloids, 90 nitrates, 96 loop, 35 metallurgy, 139 nitre, 122 lubricant, 172 metals, 91 nitric acid, 107 lucifer matches, 115 metaphosphate, 116 nitrites, 96 luggage, 228 meteor, 83 nitro-ferrocyanide, luminosity, 46 meteorology, 83 123 lump, 254 lunar caustic, 152 meter, 231 microscope, 55, 67 nitro-glycerine, 107 nitre-hydrochloric lye, 122, 126 mill bar, 167 acid, 113 TIT millefiori, 234 nitrogen, 106 M. milling-tool, 212 node, 34 maceration, 255 mills, 188 nodule, 133 machine-tools, 213 mining, 133 nomenclature, che- machines,electrical, mirror, 50 mical, 92, &c. 66 mitre, 185 non- oxygenised magazine, 62 mixture, 88 compounds, 97 Magdeburg hemis- modulus, 173 Nordhausen acid, pheres, 21 molasses, 256 111 magic lantern, 57 molecular forces, 4 noria, 182 magnetisation, 62 molecule, 1, 90 nugget, 153 magnetism, 60 monkey engine, 185 nut, 175 magnetometer, 65 magnification, 55 monochord, 34 monte-jus, 255 0. mail, 243 Morin's apparatus, main, 183, 231 11 oast, 259 malt, 260 Morse's telegraph, oil of vitriol, 111 malt-kiln, 261 77 oil-mill, 190 man-engine, 139 mortar, 102, 128 oiling, 245 man-hole, 197 motion, 4 olefiant gas, 120 manometer, 23 marble, 129 Mariotte's bottle, 16 moulding (iron), 163 moulding (pottery), 239 opera-glass, 56 optic angle, 59 optical instruments, Mariotte's law, 21 mouth-pipe, 35 55 marl, 131 mule, 248 ore furnace, 148 marsh gas, 120 multiplier, 76 oscillation, 13 mashing, 261 muriatic acid, 113 outcrop, 134 mass, 133 muscovado, 254 over-bridge, 222 masting-sheers, 180 musical tones, 33 oxides, 93 matches, 115 myopy, 59 oxy-hydrogen li ;kt, matt, 145, 148 73 matter, 1 Ni oxychloride, 116 maver, 236 oxygen, 105 megass, 256 natural, 34 meiler, 119 navvy, 216 P. meniscus, 53 net, 24 mercury, 146 Newton's disk, 53 packing, 28, 199 metallising, 74 Nicol's prism, 49 pan (sugar), 256 276 ENGLISH INDEX. pannel work, 137 plane-table, 215 proof plane, 4 paper, 249 planes, 208 prop, 9 Papin's digester, 44 planimeter, 215 properties, 2 parallelogram , planing - machine, proportion, 89 Watt's 201 213 proustite, 150 parallelogram of plate-layer, 221 Prussian blue, 128 forces, 7 platform, 229 prussiate of potash* parchment, 253 plating, 152 123 parting, 134, 153 plough, 208 psychrometer, 45 paste, 128 plumbago, 117 puddling, 165 pasteboard, 253 plummer-block, 177 pug-mill, 239 Pattinson's process, plunger, 28 pulley, 176 151 pneumatic trough, pulp-engine, 250 paul, 180 102 pumps, 27, 29 pearl-ash, 122 pocket, 259 punch, 211 pearls, 234 pointel, 237 purifier, 230 pedal, 32 polarisation, 48 purple of Cassius, pencil, luminous 47 poles of magnets, 60 153 pendulum, 12-13 poling, 148 putty, 142 pendulum, hydro- polishing (glass),238 pyrites, 110 metrical 16 porcelain, 240, 241 pyroargyrite, 150 penumbra, 47 porosity, 3 pyroligneous acid, permanent way, 218 port (steam), 198 119 pewter, 99 Portland cement, pyrometer, 42 philosophical phial, 129 pyrophosphorio 234 post and stall, 137 acid, 116 phosphate, 96, 129 pot, 235 pyroscope, 36 phosphorescence, 47 potash, 122 phosphorus, 114 potassium, 122-123 Q. photography, 57, 68 potter's clay, 131 photometer, 47 pick, 135 pottery, 238 power of points, 86 qnantivalence, 90 quartation, 153 pig-iron, 161 powers, mechanical quartz, 130 pile, 119, 186 175 quicksilver, 11 ft pile-driver, 185 precipitate, 89 piles, electric 70-72 precipitation, 132 B. piling, 167 presbytism, 59 pillar, 136 press, hydraulic 17 race, 186 pinchcock, 102 pressure of liquids, rack, 179 pinion, 179 14 radiation, 87 pipe, 29, 30, 236 pressure of steam, radicle, 90 pipette, 101 200 radiometer, 87 pistol, electric 69 piston, 28 prime mover, 173 Prince Rupert's radius of gyration 172 pitch, 175 pitch- circle, 178 drops, 234 prism, 52 rag-boiler, 249 rag- engine, 250 pitching, 217 proof (sugar), 257 ragging, 139 ENGLISH INDKX. 277 rags, 249 rock crystal, 130 self-actor, 248 rail, 220 roller, 256 seggar, 240 rail-guard, 204 rolling, 166 service pipe, 231 railway, 214 rolling stock, 223 settlement, 217 rain gauge, 84 rainbow, 85 rolls, 252 Boman cement, 129 settling tank, 127 sextant, 51 rake vein, 134 rose engine, 213 shadow, 47 rasp, 209, 254 roughing-down, 238 shaft, 135 rat-tail, 209 roving, 247 shaft furnace, 147 ratchet-wheel, 180 rubber, 66, 209 sharp, 34 rays of heat, 37 rubbish, 134 shearing, 173 reagent^ 89 RuhmkoriFs coil, 81 shears, 211 receiver, 26, 78, 101 rupture, 173 sheave, 176 red liquor, 131 shelling machine, red-lead, 145 S. 189 redressing, 189 shingling, 165 reduction furnace, saccharimeter, 49 shooting, 135 142 reed-pipe, 35 reel, 244 safety lamp, 121 safety-valve, 197 safety- whistle, 197 shunting, 221 Siemens' bobbin, 81 Siemens' unit, 72 refining (sugar) 256 refining of iron, 164 saggar, 240 sal ammoniac, 106 siding, 221 signal, 226 refining of silver, salt, common, 124 sight-vane, 214 151 salt-cake, 125 silica, 130 reflection, 49 saltpetre, 122, 123 silicon, 130 reflective index, 48, salts, 92, 96, 109 silver, 150 51 sand-bath, 102 silvering, 152 refraction, 51 sandiver, 236 silvering (mirrors) reheating, 167 saturation, 44 238 relay, 79 Savart's wheel, 32 six-feet, 221 rest, 4, 212 saws, 207-208 sizing, 251 retaining works, 217 retardation, 5 scale, 2 scale, musical, 33 slaking, 127 sleeper, 218 retort, 101, 229 scale,thermometric, slide, 212 reverberatory fur- 41 slide-valve, 29, 198 nace, 144 scales, 10, 162 slip, 217, 218 reversing, 204 screw, 175 slitting mill, 167 revetment, 218 scrubber, 230 sliver, 244, 246 rheostat, 72 scum, 150 slope, 217 rhind, 188 scutcher, 246 slubbing, 245, 247 rhumb, 62 scutching, 243 sluice, 186 riddle, 139 seam, 134 smelling salts, 106 ripening, 239 section, 215 smelting, 141 rivet, 195 section (of mirror] smoke-box, 204 rivetment, 218 51 smoke consuming. roasting, 141 self-acting inclined 194 rocking cask, 133 plane, 216 smoothing, 238 278 ENGLISH INDEX. snifting-valve, 202 stearic acid, 115 T. snow-plough, 204, steel, 167-170 228 steel-yard, 11 tackle, 176 soda, 125 steeping, 260 tank, 29, 124, 127, soda waste, 111 stem (of thermo- 224, 230 sodium, 123 solar spectrum, 53 meter) 40 step, 136 Tantalus's cup, 18 tapping, 159 solder, 99 stethoscope 32 tar, 230 solenoid, 76 stock, 242 teache, 256 solidification, 43 stone-block, 219 teasling, 248 sonometer, 34 stoneware, 241 telegraph, 77-80 sound, 30 sounding-box, 31 sources of heat, 38 stopping, 174 storing, 263 stove, 39, 125 telephone, 77 telescopes, 56 tempering (clay), spalling 139 strain, 173 OQQ 80O spar, 129 stratum, 133 tempering (steel), speaking-trumpet, strength of mate- 169 32 rials, 173 tender, 224 speaking-tube, 31 stretch, 248 tension, 173 specific gravity, 8, 20 string, 34 terminus, 228 spectroscope, 54 stroke, 28, 199 terra-cotta, 242 spectrum analysis, stuff, 250 test, 197 53, 54 stufdng-box, 28, 199 test-paper, 102 speculum metal, 99 sugar, 253 theodolite, 215 spinning, 243 sugar of lead, 145 thermal curve, 54 spirit-lamp, 103 sulphates, 96, 97, thermo - electricity, spitting, 152 112, 123 65 spoil-bank, 216 sulphides, 97, 112, thermo - multiplier, spout, 29 120, 123 65 spreading, 244 sulphites, 96 thermometer, 40-42 spreading(glass),237 sulpho-salts, 99 thickness, 134 squeezer, 166 sulphur, 110 thionic acid, 113 staff, 34 sulphur-dipping,115 Thomson's galvano- stall, 137 sulphuric acid, 111 meter, 79 stamp-mill, 250 super- elevation of thread, 175 stamping mill, 140 rails, 221 throstle, 247 standard, 156 superphosphates, throw, 134 starting, 174 116 throwing, 239 starting lever, 198 superstructure, 218 thrust, 173 states of bodies, 1 surveying, 214 ticket, 228 station, 228 swimmer, 263 tie-rod, 195, 219, 223 station meter, 231 switch, 221 tiles, 242 stay, 195 syphon, 18 timbering, 136, 137 stay-bolt, 203 syren, 32 tin, 142 steam-dome, 203 syringe, pneumatic, tin-plate, 142 steam engine, 191 38 tinder box, 38 steam-whistle, 197 syrup, 258 tinning, 142 ENGLISH INDEX. 279 tire, 205 U. volume, 2 tone, 33 volumetric appar- toning, 58 ultramarine, 123 atus, 101 tools, 207 umbra, 47 tools, miner's, 135 underback, 262 W. toothed wheels, 178 under wall, 134 tops, 246 undulation, 31 wagon, 224 Toricelli's experi- undulatory theory, wall, 134 ment, 22 35,46 walling, 136, 138 torsion, 173 up-take, 193 wallower, 179 torsion balance, 60 upcast, 134 wasting, 216 touch, 62 urchin, 246 watch, 181, 240 toughening, 148 water, 108, 109 tourmaline, 48 water as motive track, 221 V. power, 184 traffic, 226 water-bath, 102 trains, 205, 227 vacuum, 25 water- crane, 229 transatlantic cable, vacuum pan, 257 water-frame, 247 78 valve, 28, 29 water-gauge, 196 transmitter, 78 valves, 198 water-leaf, 251 traverser, 222 van, 225 water-level, 18 tread-mill, 177 vane, electric, 69 water-line, 195 tree-nail, 219 vapour, 43 water-pressure en- triangulation, 215 variations, barome- gine, 187 truck, 225 tric, 23 water- screw, 182 tub, 260 variations of mag- water-supply, 183 tubbing, 135 netic needle, 61 water-wheels, 186 tube-plate, 203 vat, 250 wave, 31, 46 tubes, 29, 100 vatman, 251 weathering, 238 tuning-fork, 34 vein, 133 weaving, 248 tunnel (furnace), 237 vein, fluid 16 wedge, 175 tunnelling, 222 velocity, 5 wedge-press, 191 turbine, 187 ventilation of mines weighing, 10 turn-table, 222 138 weight, 8 TurnbulTs blue, 123 verdigris, 149 weir, 184 turning (pottery) vernier, 2 wheel, 205, 224 239 vibration, 30 wheel and axle, 177 turning-tools, 212 vice, 176 wheels, toothed, 178 tuyere, 157 visual angle, 59 whim, 139, 182 tuyere-box, 169 vitriol, white, 143 white lead, 145 twist, 247 vitriol, blue, 149 white precipitate, twisting, 173 vitriol, green, 160 146 tye, 141 Yolta's condensing willow, 245 tympanum, 182 electroscope, 68 Wilson's bleaching Volta's pile, 70 liquor, 131 Voltaic arc, 73 wind-chest, 32 voltameter, 74 wind-mill, 190 FRENCH INDEX. winding, 244 windlass, 177 winds, 83 winning, 136 Wollaston's doub- let, 55 Woltman's mill, 16 wood spirit, 119 wool, 244 work, 36, 171 working, 134, 136 working railways, 226 workshop, 207 worm, 175 wort, 261 Y. yeast, 263 Z. Zamboni's pile, 71 zinc, 143 zones, 87 PEBNCH INDEX. A. affleurement, 134 ammoniaque, 106 aigrette electrique, ammonium, 106 aberration, 51 69 amorphe, 111 absorption, 38 abstrich, 150 aiguille, 10, 221 aiguille aimantde,61 analyse chimique, 88 acceleration, 5 aiguillee, 248 analyse spectrale, accessoires de la aimant, 60 53, 54 chaudiere, 196 aimantation, 62 anche, 35 accident, 228 air, 21, 107 anemometre, 84 acides, 92-95 ajutage, 16 aneroide,barometre acide azotique, 3 07 alambic, 102 23 acide carbonique, albatre, 129 angle limite, 52 120 albumine, 58 angle optique, 59 acide des chanibres, alcoolometre, 20 aniline, 232 112 alesoir, 211, 213 anode, 73 acide chlorhy- alimentation des anthracite, 117 drique, 125 chaudieres, 196 appareils, 100, etc. acide silicique, 130 alliages, 99 appareil de Morin, acide sulfurique, allonge, 101 11 111 allumettes, 115 appareil four- acier, 167 allure, 133 chettes, 10 acierage, 75 alphabet telegraphi- appareil de sauve- acoustique, 30-33 que, 79 tage, 30 adaptation, 59 aludelle, 146 appatite, 114 adouci, 238 aluminium, 131 arc voltai'que, 73 ae*rage des mines, alun, 132 arc-en-ciel, 85 138 amalgamation, 152 arche, 235 aerostat, 23-24 amalgame, 99 Archimede,principe affinity, 89 ame, 78 d', 19 FKENCH INDEX. 281 are*ometres, 19, 20 ballon de verre, 101 boite a e"touper 28 argent, 150 bane, 134 199 argentan, 99 bane a broches, 247 bolte a feu, 203 argenture, 152 banquette, 217 boite a fumee, 193 argile, 130 barillet, 230 204 armature, 67 barometre, 22-23 boite a graisse, 206 armure, 67 barometre tronque*, boite a vapeur, 198 arpentage, 214 26 bonbonne, 101 arret, 174 barrage, 184 bougie de Jabloch- aspirateur, 101, 230 bascule, 11 koff, 73 assainissement, 218 base, 92 bouilleur, 195 astatique, systeme, bassin, 10, 125, 127 bourreur, 218 62 bassine, 103 boussole, 61, 62, 76 atelier, 207 batardeau, 186 bouteille de Leydo, atmosphere, 21, 107 batte, 185 67 atomicite, 90 battement, 35 bouvette, 136 atome, 1, 90 batterie electrique, brassage, 148, 261, attelage, 205 48, 72 264 attraction, 7 batteur, 246 brin, 178 Attwood, machine battiture de fer, briquer, 242 d', 12 162 briquet, 38 aube, 187 battoir, 243 briseur, 246 aureoles, 59 baudruche, 153 broche, 247 aurore boreale, 85 bee, 231 brome, 114 autel, 193 bee d'ane, 210 bronze, 99 avance du tirior, 200 becarre, 34 beffroi, 188 broyage, 243 bruleur, 231 axe (d'un miroir), b6mol, 34 bruleur de Bunscn, 50 benne, 135 54, 103 azote, 106 Bessemer, 169 brunissoir, 155 azurage, 250 beton, 129 Bunsen, elementde, betterave, 254 71 B. bief, 186 bure, 138 bielle, 177, 201 bureau, 227 bac, 223, 262 biere, 259,264 burette, 101 bache, 29, 202 billet, 227 burin, 210, 213 bagages, 228 blanc de ceruse, 145 busc, 185 bagasse, 256 blanchissage, 250 bain de sable, 102 bleu de Turnbull, C. bain-marie, 102 de Prusse, 123 balance, 10 bloc, 133 cabestan, 177 balance de torsion, blonde, 143 cable transatlan- 60 blutoir, 189 tique, 78 balance hydrosta- bobine, 80, 81, 244, cadre, 205 tique, 19 247 caisse, 224 ballastage, 218 bocard, 140 caisse sonore, 31 ballon, 23-25 boisage, 136, 137 calamine, 143 282 FRENCH INDEX. calandres, 252 charge, 173 clapet, soupape a, 28 calamus, 122 chariot transpor- clarification,256, 263 calomel, 146 teur, 222 clef, 34 calorimdtrie, 36-37 chasse-pierres, 204 clef H vis, 176 canne, 236, 254 chassis, 163, 205 climatologie, 86 capillarity, 15 chaudiere, 194 clivage, 134 caramel, 254 chaudiere a cuire, clochette, 78 carbonate, 122 257, 262 cldture, 216 carbone, 116 chaudieres ( sucre), coefficient de de"- carbones d'hydro- 256 pense, etc., 16 gene, 120 chaudiere en ba- coeur, 222 carbonisation, 118, teau, 127 cogne"e, 207 119 chauffage, 39, 190, coin, 175 carcaise, 238 194 coke, 118 carde, 246 chauffoir, 190 collage, 251, 252, carneau, 193 chaufour, 128 '263 carreau, 243 chaux, 127 colombe, 208 carreau fulminant, chemin de fer, 214 commutateur, 81 67 chemine*e, 194 composition de for- carton, 253 chemise du cylindre, ces, 6 cassonade, 254 199 compressibility, 3 catode, 74 chercheur, 56 compression, 173 cazette, 240 cheville, 219 compteur, 199, 231 cementation, 149, chevre, 180 concrete, 129 168 chiffons, 249 condensateur, 68 centre de gravite", 8 chimicage, 115 condensateur centreur, 212 chimie, 88, etc. d'electricite", 67 ce*ramique, 238 chlorates, 96, 123 condensation, 45 ceruse, 145 chlore, 113 condenseur, 202, 230 chaine, 178 chlorides, 113, 116, conducteur, 63, 67, chaleur, 35-39 123 86 chalumeau, 103 chlorites, 96 conduire la chaleur, chambre de plomb, chlorhydrique, 37 111 acide, 113 conduite, 183, 231 chambre obscure, chlorure, 97 congelation, 43 57 choc, 7 consolidation, 217 champ, 56 chute d'eau, 184 contraction, 36 champignon, 220 changement de chute des corps, 11 ciel, 203 contre-pression, 200 convoi, 227 marche, 204 ciment, 129 corde, 34 changement de voie, cinabre, 146 cornet acoustique, 221 cinglage, 165 32 chape, 176 circulation, 226 cornue, 101, 229 chapelet, 182 cisaille, 211 corps, 1 charbon animal, 119 cisaillement, 173 corps non-oxyge"ne"s. charbon debois, 1.18 ciseau, 209, 212 97 charbon de terre,117 clairQage, 258 corps cylindrique,20 FKENCH INDEX. corps de pompe, 27 corroyage, 167 cuivrage, 75 cure-m61e, 182 diapason, 34 diathermaneite*, 38 coton-poudre, 107 cuve, 250, 260 dieze, 34 couche, 133 cuve-matiere, 261 diffraction, 48 coucheur, 251 cuve pneumatique, diffusion, 50, 255 coude, 16 102 digesteur, 44 coulage, 237, 240 cuvelage, 135 dilatation, 36 coulee, 159 cyanogene, 120 diplopie, 59 coulisse, 204 cylindre, 198 disque de Newton, coulisseau, 201 53 coup, 199 D. distribution des coup de piston, 28 / eaux, 183 coupellation, 150 daguerreotype, 57 divisibilite, 3 couperose blanche, daltonisme, 59 doloire, 207 143, bleue, 149 de', 219 d6me, 203 couple, 70 debourreur, 246 dorure, 154 courant d'Ampere, decharge electrique, doublet de Wollas- 61 68,86 ton, 55 courants derives, 72 decoupoir, 211 drague, 182 courants eiectri- declic, 180 drainage, 218 ques, 71, 75, 80 dedinaison, 61 dreche, 261 courbe, 215 decomposition, 88 dressement, 217, courbe de niveau, decomposition de la 218 215 luiniere, 53 dynamite, 107 courbe therrnique, decoupoir, 239 dynamometre, 174 54 defecation, 255 courbure, 50 defile, 250 E. courroie, 177 deformation, 173 course, 199 degorgeoir, 29 eau, 108, 109 course de piston, 28 degre', 41 eau employee coussin, 66 demelage, 261 comme moteur,184 coussinet, 177, 219 denitrificateur, 112 eau forte, 107 craie, 129 depense, 16 eau regale, 113 153 crein, 134 depilage, 137 ebauchage, 238, 239 cre'maillere, 179 depot, 89 eboulement, 217 creosotage, 219 dep6t des terres, 216 ebullition, 44 creuset, 103, 135 deraillement, 228 echappement, 181 crible, 140 derivation, 72 . echelle, 2 cristal de roche, 130 derompoir, 249 echelles mobiles, 139 cristallisation, 43 detente, 200 echelle musicale, 33 cristallisoirs, 133 croisement, 222 developpement, 58 deversoir, 184 echelle thermo- metrique, 41 cubilot, 162 deviation, 52 echo, 31 cuivre, 147 devidoir, 244 eclair age au gaz,229 cuir embouti, 17 dextrogyre, 48 eclairage electrique. cuissard, 195 diamagnetisme, 63 73 cuisson, 240,242, 262 diamant, 117 eclissage, 221 284 FEENCH INDEX. cluse, 148 essai des alliages, figures de Lichten- ^coulement, des li- 155 berg, 69 quides, 16 essieu, 206 filage, 247 crasement, 173 essoreuse, 245 filature, 243 6crou, 175 e"tain, 142 filet, 24, 175 , Sernani, by Gus- TAVE MASSON, B.A., Harrow School, Examiner ID the Uni- versity of London. 3. .O el ivi !!, Lex Enfants iclie t .Tolly, La Grammaire. 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(Le Major- Cravachon ; Le Baron de Fourchevif; Ma Fille et Mon Bien, and La Matinee dune ittoile.) These, from their liveliness and idiomatic construction, form excellent reading books.' Manchester Guardian. La Cigale chez les Fourmis). ' This charming comedietta is nothing but a trifle : it is a trifle at any rate exquisitely witty ; it can be acted by amateurs, there is not an objectionable word from beginning to end, and the English notes of M. Henri Testard are well calculated to make all allusions and idioms clear.' Sun.