r^@@^@^@^@^^ Mr. Hooper'^ SERMON . ON Coloffians iii. 4. ^ CHRIST the Life of true Believers, and their Appearance with him in Glory. A SERMON On Coloffians III. 4. Preach'd at the Weft Church in Bofton^ October 4th. 1741. Publiflied at the earneft Defire of the Hearers. By WILLIAM HOOPER,A.M Paftor of the (aid Church. BOSTON, Printed by D. Fowle, for y. Edwards in Cornhill. 1741. ****######*#*##**##*****#*###*** " CHRIST the LIFE OF True Believers, And their Appearance with him in Glory. COLOSSIANS III. 4. When Chrifl who is our Life Jhall appear ; then jhall ye alfo appear with him in Glory. MY Brethren^ Our LORD JESUS CHRIST is a Pattern and Reprefentation of all his faithful Followers. 'Tis impofiible for us to be his Difciples and to partake of :^_^_ the Happinefs of the Gofpel, unlcfs we l>e conforpied to our LORD and MASTER, and are as it were fo ^ny Copies of this divine Original. Whild he lived in tt*is World among Mankind, he was ftri&ly pious, niy, righteous and good ; Thoughts, Wifhe^sand Defigns tended to from whence he cam\ At the fame Time, in a poor and low Condition, he fuffered Pain and Affli&ion, and was at laft put to a cruel and igno- minious Death. But very foon he arofe again from the all his Heaven he lived 6 Appearance of Believers the Dead, afcended to Heaven, and was exalted to the higheft Degree of Glory and Happinefs at the right Hand of the Father. Suqh is thy Life in this World, fmcere Cbriftian, and fuch are thy Hopes with refpe& to a future State. Here it is thy great Bufmefs to fhun every wicked and evil Inclination and Practice, to ftudy a divine Temper andDifpofition of Mind,and to endeavour a perfe&Obe- dience to the Commands of GOD, according to the Pattern and Example of thy blelFed Saviour. Thou art always engaged in fighting with Flefh and Blood, thou art furrounded with fpiritual Enemies, often involved in Calamities and Afflictions, and at laft thou fhalt fuffer Death, and thy Body {hall be laid in the Grave. But when the Son of Man (hall come in his Glory to judge the World, thy Body fhall be raifed from Corruption, and united to thySoul again, and then thou (halt beGlo- rious as thy Saviour is Glorious. This is the great and important Truth taught us by the Apoftle in the Words of our Text, When CHRIST who is cur Lip Jball appear y thenjhallye alfo appear with him in Glory, In the Management of (his Subject, we fhall obferve this Method, I. We {hall confider this Phrafe, CHRIST who ;; II. The Appearance of JESUS CHRIST; JVhtn b& who is our Lift Jhall appear. III. The Glory in which he fhall appear : /' *-'-' appear in Glory. IV. The Appearance of all true Chriftians with him in Glory. Thefe are the principal Parts of. what I propofe to deliver upon this Subject. May GOD make our Dif- courfe promote his Glory, and your fpiritual and eter- nal Happincf?, To begin with the I. Thing with CHRIST in Glory. 7 I. Thing propofed, namely, To confider this Phrafe, CHRIST who is our Life. That we may the better underftand the Meaning of the Apoftle, it will be ne- ceflary to reflect on the preceeding Verfes. In the fecond Verfe of this Chapter, the Apoftle exhorts us to fet our Afftttions on Things above, not on Things on the Earth ; that is, to be chiefly follicitous for the excel- lent and glorious Things that are in Heaven, and the Means which GOD hath appointed for the obtaining of them, and not to mind fuch poor Matters, as infig- nificant Rites and Obfervanccs, and fenfual and world- ly Enjoyments. But becaufe he knew that it is difficult for us to raife our Affc&ions to Heaven, befide the Ar- gument he made ufe of in the firft Verfe to this Purpofe, taken from the Refurretion of CHRIST, and his glorious Dominion in thofe Places to which he calls us, he fays in the third Verfe, You are dead, and your Life is bid with CHRIST in GOD : You are dead to all linful Thoughts, Defires and Actions ; you have for- merly renounced every Thing contrary to the Laws of Religion and Virtue, and you are refolved to mind the fenfual Enjoyments of this World no more than if you were dead. But though you be dead to Sin, you are alive to GOD ; you have devoted your Lives, all the Affe&ions and Powers of your Souls, all the Abilities of your Bodies, and all your outward Advantages to the Caufe of JESUS CHRIST and of his Gofpel. 'Tis true, this Life is in a great Meafure hid from the World, the true/I and beft Religion being mojl private, fo that thoughtlefs Men cannot perceive any Thing beautiful and excellent in you : On the contrary, they look upon iras tile moft contemptiblePeople uponEarth,and your ives as Folly and Extravagance. But your Life is hid in GOD ; by this the Apoftle means, that the Life of true Believers isff*r*^ thit gives Being to the ele& World, that fuftains, nou- riOies and perfects them all. But more particularly, JESUS CHRIST is our Life, Firft, As it is through him that we are juftified. This, no doubt, is partly the Meaning of the Apoflle in thefe Words ; and this great Blefiing is in other Phces of Scripture called Life, as in Rom. 5.18. By the ewfnej} cf One, the free Gift wmf upw all Men to with CHRIST//? Glory. 9 to J unification of Life. As we are dead in Law, while we are under the Sentence of Condemnation ; fo being juftified, being pardoned and accepted of GOD, we are reftored to Life. By Nature we are under the Con- demnation of the Law, and liable to the Wrath of GOD ; but by Virtue of the Obedience of JESUS CHRIST, embraced by a lively Faith, we are freed from the Curfe of the Law, and made righteous in the Sight of GOD. This I take to be the Meaning of that PafTage, Phil. 3. 9. That I may be fand in CHRIST, not having mine own Righteoufnefs which is of ttie Law^ but that winch is through the Faith ^CHRIST, the Righ- ieoufnefs which is of GOD by Faith. Secondly, JESUS CHRIST is our Life , as it is through him that we are fan&ified. This efpecially is the Mean- ing of the ApoPcle when he fays, JESUS CHRIST is our Life-, he purifies our Hearts and Manners from all Wickednefs and Vice, and forms us into the divine Image, in Righteoufnefs arid true Holinefs. He not only purchafed this for us, but he works it in us ; he reveals to us in the Gofpel " the Nature of Religion and Virtue ; he hath given us a perfect and moving Pattern cf it in his own Perfon ; he hath recommended it with the moft powerful Arguments and Motives ; he im- prints it upon our Minds and Hearts by his Holy Spirit ; he cherifhes and caufes it to grow up to Perfection. To this Purpofe we may apply the Words of the Apoflle, Gal. 2. 20. I live, yet not /, but JESUS CHRIST Iheth in me : and the Life "which / now live in the F/f/h, I live ly the Faith of the Son of GOD 9 who loved me^ and gave himfclf for me. JESUS CHRIST begins, carries on, and accomplishes the Work of San and his Feet like unto fine Brafs, cis if they burned in a Furnace. Mofis's converting a few Days with GOD upon the Mount, made his Face ae, fo that the Children of Ifrael were not able to look upon it, for the Brightnefs and Glory of it. How glorious then muft the Body of JESUS CHRIST be, when he ihall defcend from converfing with the Father, and from fitting at his right Hand in the higheft Heavens ? It will outmine the Sun in its greateft Radiancy ; all the heavenly Bodies fhall receive new Light frorn the Glory of his Prefence. The Sun fhall appear dark, and the Moon as Blood, when Compared to his Light and Glory, Secondly, 1 6 Appearance of Believers * Secondly, The Glory of JESUS CHRIST will confift in the Number of his Attendants and Adorers. He will defcend from Heaven fitting upon aCloud of Glory with a vaft and numberlefs Army of Angels, whom he will fummon from all the Provinces of the Univerfe, to wait upon his Perfon. And whilft all that are alive upon the Earth are gazing at the Son of GOD and his heavenly Haft, as they defcend, one of the Angels will found a dreadful Trumpet, which will roll the wide Circuit of the Creation, make the Earth to tremble and fhake, and piercing into the deepeft Tombs, will awake all the Dead, and call them to the Prefence of the great Judge. Around our Saviour likewife will be the Saints of all Kindreds, and of all Nations come out of Tri- bulation, the Martyrs with Palms in their Hands, the Virgins with white Robes, the Church in pure Linnen with all her Children, calling down their Crowns be- fore the Throne of the Lamb, and fmging this Song, 7o him that fits upon the Throne, to the Lamb thai was fain, and redeemed us by bis Blood, be the Honour and Glory ,, the Dominion and Power. Wicked Men and Devils fhall. then likewife bow the Knee to the Son of GOD. Here they oppofed his Intercft, they contem- ned him, they afronted him ; but then they {hall fee their Folly and fall down and adore him. Thirdly, The Glory of JESUS CHRIST at his fecond Appearance will confift in his great and extenfive Power. He will call all the World to appear before him, and to receiveSentence from his Mouth. None (hall be able to refifthisPower. The Judges of^theEarthjthegreatPnnces^ the mighty Ernperors,(hall not be exempted any more than the poorelt,the meaneft, & weakeft of Mankind. Tribes,. Provinces, Armies, Nations, Worlds, (hall be gathered together, and pour along towards the Judgment Seat of CHRIST, and Adam with all his Sons fhall appear upon even Ground and upon equalTerms. He .will lay open the Secrets of all Mens Hearts ; his Condemnation of the Wicked will be fo evident and juft, that they them- fdves fhajl acknowledge it, Yes, unhappy Wretches, vou with CHRIST in Glory. 17 you fhall have the Confufion to condemn your felves, your Punifliment (hall be everlafting, your Torments unfupportable. Death the King of Terrors, and the moft cruel of Enemies, fhall be fwallowed up in Victory at the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST. The Devils fhall be fpoiled of all their Power, and loaded with Chains of Darknefs, the Foundations of the Earth /hail be Jhaken^ the Heavens Jhall pafs away with a great Noife^ and the Elements Jhall melt with fervent Heat, Jor we look for a new Heaven and a new Earth. And as the Power of JESUS Cr-tRisT will be mani- fefted in punifhing wicked Men and Devils, fo in faving the Wife and Good. You that renounce the Follies and Corruptions of the World, that make the Laws of JESUS CHRIST the Rule of your Conducl, that take Care to fecurc an Interefl in his Favour by loving aud obeying him, you have nothing to be afraid of from the glorious Power of the Son of Man. Towards you, he will exercife Goodnefs and Mercy, in delivering you from all the Remainders of Sin, and crowning you with Perfection and Happinefs. What Glory to the Son of GOD to defcend from Heaven in the Glory of his Father, and with all the Angels his Father's Minifters ! What a Glory to the great Shepherd and Bimop of Souls, to fee his Followers who were fcattered like Sheep, gathered together in the Regions of Immortality, and triumphing over their Enemies ! What Glory to the Author and Teacher of Truth, to fee Ignorance and Error dcftroyed, and -vxwledge and Truth eftablifhed ! What a Glory to / the Lover of Mankind, to fee Sin and Mifery banifhed / from among them, and Pvighteoufnefs and Hnppinefs prevailing and flourishing f)r ever ! ThenflwllyQu beheld the l*/ord that was made Flefh y and dwelt among us, //,// of Grace and Truth ; then Jhall you behold his Glory , the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father. He was brought forth in a Stable and laid in a Manger inflead of a Cradle ; He fhall appear in all the Majefty of Hea- ven : He lived in a mean and obfcure Condition ; he ihail sons again in the higheit Degree of Power and C Grandeur : 1 8 Appearance of Believers Grandeur : He had not where to lay hisHead ; He fhaSl appear PofTeflbr of theUniverfe, and the fovereign LORD of Heaven and of Earth : he was defpifed and rejected of Men 5 He fhall be attended on by Angels,and all the World (hall bow the Knee to him : He was arraigned and condemned and crucified by earthly Powers ; He (hall fummon all both fmall and great, the Kings and great Men, and Judges of the Earth, to appear at his JBar, and to receive Sentence from his Mouth. The two different States of this Perfon are the Wonder of Mankind, and not of Mankind only, but likewife of the Angels above, that deftre to look into them. Let us in the IV. Place, Confider the Appearance of all true Chriftians with their Saviour in Glory: You flwll appear with him in Glory, Here in this World the true Chriftian is often jiid from the Obfcrvation of Mankind, his Graces are weak and imperfect 5 fometimes he conceals himfelf under a Vail of Humility ; at other Times h^ is covered with aCloud of Affliction ; fo that it does not appear either what he is, or what he fhall be ; iand. Death feizes him as well as the wicked Man, and Jays him low in the Duft. But when JESUS CHRIST lhall appear in Glory, the Body of the true Believer fhall be raifed again out ojf the Grave and united to his Soul, he fhall be .made perfect in Holinefs, openly ac- knowledged and acquitted before ail the World, and rewarded with eternal Felicity and Glory in Heaven. Firft, At the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST our Bodies fhall be raifed out of the Grave glorious Boditj What Horror will fill the Souls of wicked Men, wherf they fhall fee them felves obliged tore-enter their Bodies, not to enjoy fmful Pleafures as formerly, but in order to apn'ear before the Tribunal of GOD and to be judged and condemned by him ! What muft be their Shame at the Sight of thofe Bodies, thofe wretched Bodies, which wtre the Inftruments of their Rebellion and Ingratitude, and which are about to be the Inftruments of their eter- nal Mifery ! Qn the other Hand, what wiU be joy of upright with CHRIST in Glory. 19 upright and virtuous Souls, to re-unite to themfelves Bodies, that peihaps carried the Marks of the LORD JESUS, and that will not only be cloathed with Glory to all Eternity, but even be aiMing to the Souls in their Operations ! The Apoftle Paul fpeaking of the Refur re&ion of the Body, fays, i Cor. 15. 42, 43, 44 ; It is fown in Corruption^ it is raifed in Interruption ; // is fown in Difoonour^ it is raifed in Glory ; // is fown in IVeaknefs^ it is raifed in Power ; It is fown a natural Body^ it is raifed a fpiritual Body. The fame Bodies that died /hall be raifed again, but they (hall be raifed with very great Alterations, It is fown in Corruption^ it flail be raifed in Incorruption. Our Bodies here in this World are made up of fuch Particles, and they are framed after fuch a Manner, that they are continually tending to Corruption and Diflblution j but at the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST, they fiiall be freed from all Seeds of Mortality and Corruption, and he made incorruptible and immortal Subflances, like the Heavens in which they (hall dwell for ever ; for fo our Saviour fays of thofe that fliall be accounted worthy to attain to this blefied Returrection, that they cannot die any more. It is fewn in Diflonour y it is raifed in Glory ; our Bodies when they are buried, are bafe and vile, not to be en- cured above Ground for their ghaflly Looks and naufe- ous Putrefaction. At the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST, they ihall be transformed into bright, beautiful and glorious Bodies ; for fo our Saviour allures us, that after the Refurrection, the Righteous Jball Jhine as the Stars Firmament. It is fown in Weaknefs^ it flail be' rciijed in Power ; our Bodies now are weak and feeble, liable to many Indifpofitions and Difeafes, capable of doing very little, but of foffering much. At the Re- furreclion they (hall be freed from all Weaknefs, Dif- eafes, and Infirmities, and be made ftrong, active and vigorous, fo as even to be helpful to the Soul in its fpi- ritual Operations ; for GOD flail wipe away all Tears from their Eyes^ and there (nail be no more Death, neither Sorrow ) nor cry ing , neither foall there be any more Pain \ C 2 2 o Appearance of Believers for the former Things are poffed away. Rev. 21.4. It is f own a natural Body> it is raifed afpiritual Body ; our Bodies now muft be repaired with fuitableNourimment, kept in Health with Labour and Exercife, and refrefhed with fenfual Pleafures. At the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST, they fhall be made fpiritual Bodies : not that they (hall be converted into Spirits, for they will ftijl remain Bodies, but they {hall be wrought into pure and fine Subftances, fo as no more to want to eat or drink, or to be refrefhed, or kept in Order, with grofs and carnal Enjoyments ; for as pur Saviour fays, Luke 20, 35. They neither marry y nor are given in Marriage^ but they are like to the Angels in Heaven. Such (hall be the Glory of the Bodies of good Men at the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST : And if their Bodies mall be To glo- rious, what will be their Souls, that are capable of far greater Perfection ? For Secondly, As our Bodies,, fo fhall our Souls ?ppear with JESUS CHRIST in Glory. Wherein the Glory of _ our Souls will then confift, and how great it will be, we cannot particularly delcribe to you. Only in general, all our Sins {hall be perfectly done away, and we /hall be cloathed with Robes wafoed and made luhite in the Blood cf the Lamb. When the Marriage of the Lamb Jhali come, and his Wife Jhall be ready , Jhe Jhall be arrayed in fine Linnen, clean and white, ivhich is ihc righieonfnefs cf the Saints. Then our Souls (hall be freed from all Error, Ignorance and Prejudices, and endowed with full and perfect Knowledge. Here cur Undcrftandings are low and weak, futed to this State of Mortality but at the Refurreition they fhall be highly elevated^' and made capable of receiving the greateft ManifeftatP^ ens of .Truth, the fublimeft Difcoveries of the divine Perfections, and of every Thing that may any way make us perfect, or happy. Here we fee through a Glafs darkly ; but then wefiall fee Face to Face. Now we have fome fmall and imperfect Difcoveries of Things, as at a great Diftance ; but at that Day we lhall fee Things diftinctly in their full and true Dimenfions. Now luednov) in_part only ; but then W jhall know GOD and with CHRIST in Glory. 21 other Beings, as they know us. No Clouds, na Darknefs fhall cover our Minds in that glorious State : We fhall dwell in Circles of Light, in the Sunfhine of the Almighty's Prefence. And as our Souls {hall be perfect in Knowledge, fo {hall they be free from all Corruption and Diforder, and endowed with pure and regular Defires and Inclinati- ons. Here, there are Spots and Blemifhes in the beft of Men ; but then they jball be holy as GOD is holy ; they {hall have all the Wifdom and San&ity their exalt- ed Natures are capable of. And how glorious will our Souls then appear, when they (hall be filled with true and excellent Knowledge, and with the greateft De- grees of Holinefs ! But Eye hath not feen^ nor Ear heard ; neither hath it entered into the Heart of Max. to conceive , the Glory which GOD hath prepared for thofi that love him. h Thirdly, Our Souls and Bodies thus refined and ex- alted, {hall be again 'united in one Perfon, and appear before the Judgment Seat of CHRIST. What this Judgment Seat will be, and where it will be placed, we know not certainly. Only it is probable it will be placed in the Air, and compofed of a radiant Cloud, Jftreaming with Light and throwing forth a Flood of Glory. Hence it is called, The Throne of his Glory ; and out of it are faid to proceed Lightnings and Thun- der ings. Before this glorious Tribunal fnall appear all the Redeemed of the LORD, the Prophets, the Apo- ftlc^ the Martyrs, the whole Church throughout all the World, and they fhall all give an Account of them- civeV.to GOD. Then their Innocence lhall be vindi- cated, the Scandal that v/, t ; thrown upon them by the World frail be wiped oft before Men and Angels, their fecret A&s of Piety and .Virtue fhali be proclaimed, their Faith, and Repentance for their Sins declared, the divine Goodnefs and Mercy manifefted, and the power- ful Virtue of the Blood of Jfsus CHRIST in the Sanc- tification of Believers made evident to the vail Aflembly of Spirits, After they have been tried and- acquitted, the Appearance of Believers the Judge fhall rife out of his flaming Throne, and fay to them with an audible Voice and failing Majefty, Come yeblejfed of my Father^ inherit the Kingdom , prepared for you from the Foundation of the World j To which no doubt their Voices will immediately refound, Hallelu- jah, Salvation and Glory to him that fits upon the Throne^ and to the Lamb for ever and ever. After which he will fay to the Wicked on his left Hand, Depart from me ye curfed into everlajling Fire prepared for the Devil and bis Angels. What featful Shrieks and Lamentations will then be heard from that miferable Company ? LORD, who can dwell with devouring Fire ? Who can inhabit everlafting Burnings ? Fourthly, When the Sentence (hall be pronounced, the Wicked fhall be carried to the Place of eternal Torments ; and the Judge will arife from his Throne, and afcend t^ Heaven in Triumph and Glory, attended with all his Saints and Angels, who as they follow him through the Air, will with loud Hofannas and trium- phant Acclamations, celebrate the Praifes of their Re- deemer ; To him that redeemed them and wajhed them in his Blood, and made them Kings and Priejls to GOD for ever and ever. Then the Ranfomed of the LORD Jhall return to Zion with Songs and everlafting Joy upon their Heads They ft/all ftand before him, and ferve him Day and Night in his Temple , and he that fits upon the Throne /hall dwell among them* As to the particular Time when JESUS CHRIST fhall thus appear in Glory, we are altogether ignorant of it. This is one of thofe Secrets, which GOD for v;\C* Reafons, hath referved in his own Power. Of that Day and Hour knoweth no Man^ no not the Angels in Heaven, neither the Son, lut the Father , Matth. 13. 32. The primitive Chriftians from a Miflake of fome raflages in Scripture, and an impatient Defire to be freed from their grievous Perfections, thought that the Appearance of the Son of Man was then at Hand. And fome in the laft Century were fo ram as to fix the par- ticular Year gf his Appearance. But the Event hath ftiewn with CHRIST in Glory. fhewn their Folly. How could they pretend to foretell the particular Time of the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST, when JESUS CHRIST himfelf as to his human Nature, was ignorant of it ? It is a certain Truth, that JESUS CHRIST {hall appear in Glory, and that we fhall appear with him ; and this is fufficient. Let us fix here, my Brethren^ and be afTured, that if our Life is hid with CHRIST in GOD, when CHRIST whs is our Life (hall appear ', we Jhall alfo appear with him in Glory. And now let us apply what hath been faid in a few Inferences. We might take Notice of a great many important Leflbns from this glorious Subject, but we fhall mention only the Following. APPLICATION. Firflr, Is JESUS CHRIST our Life? What Love and Gratitude, Truft and Confidence, Subje&ion and Obe- dience do we owe him ? Is it through him that GOD is reconciled to us, and treats us with peculiar Love and Complacency ? Is it he that fantifies and makes us Partakers of the divine Nature ? And is he pre- paring Manfions of Blifs for us in Heaven ? Let us warm our Hearts with Love and Gratitude to our moft merciful Redeemer, who loved us and gave himfelf for us. Let us call upon our Souls and all that is within us us to praife and magnify his Name, who delivered us from Sin and Mifery, and who makes us perfect and happy, who caufes us to pals our Lives comfortably in fti^World, and who will carry us to unfpeakable Felicity and Glory in another. We love and are grate- ful to Men, who fave us from temporal Death, and beftow upon us the Neceflaries and Comforts of this prefent Life. How much more ought we to love and to be thankful to him, who faves our Souls from eternal Death, and freely beftows upon us all fpiritual and heavenly Bleflings ? Let us likewife truft and con- fide in him for all the good Things we ftand in need of ; let us depend upon his Merits a.nd Mediatipn for 24 Appearance of Believers the Pardon of our Sins; let us pray to him for his Holy Spirit for the Sanclification of our Natures, and for Affiflance, Direction and Comfort, in all Cir- cumfrances, Temptations and Difficulties. He is not only able, but he is alfo willing to fave us. His Death for us is a Demonitration of this. And let us devote our felves and all our Advantages to his Glory, and to the Caufe and Intereft of Religion and Virtue, As we live by the Son of GOD, let us live for him; let us in Imitation of his Example, and following his Steps, make it our great Buiinefs and Delight, to ma- fiifeft the Wifdom, Goodnefs and Mercy of GOD, ancj to promote the Welfare and Happinefs of Men. Let us look unto JESUS, the Author and Finifher of our Faith, and follow him with Ardor and Eagernefs in the Ways of Piety and Virtue. Secondly, Is JESUS CHRIST to appear at the End of the World, and to call all Mankind to his Judg- ment Seat ? What manner of Perfons ought we to be in all holy Conversation and Godlinefs, waiting for, and. . hajlening to the coming of the LORD, when he foall defcend from Heaven with a Shout, with the Voice of the Arch- Angel \ and the Trump of GOD ? Did we feri- oufly believe this great Principle of Religion, what a mighty Influence would it have upon us ? Like the Apoftle, we would labour , whether abfent or prefent, in all Conditions, in all Places, and at all Times to be accepted of him -, for we muft all appear before the judgment Seat 0/* CHRIST. We intreat you, my Bre~ thren^ to be firmly perfwaded of this awful Truth. Even the Light of Nature teaches us, that a future Sr^ of Rewards and Punishments is highly probable ; but Scripture demonftrates this Point ; Life and Immortality are clearly brought to Light by the Gvfpd. He hath ap- pointed a Day, in which, he will judge the World in Righteoufnefs by that Man whom he hath ordained. Our blefTed. Saviour hath peremptorily declared this, and he hath been true to his Word hitherto, whether in his Promifes, or in his Threatnings. He promifed to fend down the Holy Ghoft after his Afceftfion j and that was with CHRIST in Glory. 25 was fully accomplished. He threatned to deftrcy Jeru- J'alem, and he did fo. He hath told us, that be will come in the Cliuds of Heaven in flaming Fire, to punijb the Wicked and to reward the Righteous. How fliould this Thought awaken us, that there is fuch a Prc mife on Record, by one who never failed in his Word. Let this Confideration always fill your Minds. Think continually, you hear the Sound of the laft Trumpet, Arife ye Dead, and come to Judgment. Let not the Pleafures, nor the Bufinefs of this World put far from you this important Confideration. Whether you think of it or not, this Day will come. And if it fhould come before you are prepared for it, your Buiinefs, your Pleafurcs, your Riches, your Honours will be of no Benefit to you. Think then of the Day of the LORD, and think of it in fuch a Manner as to prepare thy felf for it. Leave all thy wicked Thoughts and Practices ; court the Favour of him that is to be thy Judge, fubmit to his Scepter, pay a willing Obedience to his Laws. Be wife therefore, O ye Kings, and be znftrutted, ye Judges of the Earth. Serve the LORD with Fear, and rejoice with Trembling. Kifs the Son, leafl he be angry, and ye perijb from the Way, when hit Wrath is kindled but a little. Thirdly, Shall all true Chriftians appear with JESUS CHRIST in Glory ? This teaches us that while we are here in this World, we fhould endeavour to be like to our Saviour. Thus reafons the Apoftle, I John 3. 2. We Jhall be like him, for we Jhall fee him as he is j and every Man that hath this Hope in him, purifies bim/elfeyen as he is pure ; that is, he fets the Exam- ^etS^Esus CHRIST before him, and imitates him in all his imitable Perfections. N As it was by a patient Continuance in well doing, and a perfect Submiffion to the divine Will, that JESUS CHRIST merited the Glory in which he will appear at the 'Day of Judgment, fo your Bodies muft be cleanfed, and your Souls purifi- ed from all fenfual, worldly, vain and wicked Inclina- tions, and you muft be holy as GOD is holy, if you would partake of his Happmefs and {hare of his Glory. D There a 6 Appearance of Believers There is no Agreement between Light and Darknefs, no Concord "^between GOD and Belial, no Fellowftiip between JESUS CHRIST and Sinners. 'Tis true, after all your Endeavours to become holy here upon Earth, you (hall ftill be far fhort of that Holinefs which be- comes the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST. But you muft ufe your beil Endeavours, and prefs towards the Mark for the Prize of the high Calling of GOD in JESUS CHRIST. Without Holinefs, no Man (hall fee the LORD. Not that wicked Men fhall not like- wife appear at the Day of Judgment, and do Homage to the Son of GOD. But they (hall not appear in Glory : They fhall appear cloathed in Shame and Confufion, in dreadful Expectation of the terrible Sen- tence to be pronounced upon them. So that you rnuft either give over ail Thoughts of appearing with JESUS CHRIST in Glory, or you muft prepare your- felves for that Appearance by Faith and Love, by Puri- ty and Holinefs. Chriftlan, thy Life is in Heaven ; there is thy Happinefsand thyGlory. Do not debafe thy felf by purfuing the mean and bafe Enjoyments of this World, and which are but Shadows of Felicity, whilft thou negle&eft the Body and the Subftance, JESUS CHRIST. Imitate the Children of the World, in their Ambition. Thofe among them that are nobly bprn, and much more thofe that are Heirs to a Crown and Kingdom, will not engage in any low Employment, nor defcend to a mean A&ion. As for thee, thou art of heavenly Extraction, a Brother to Angels, an Heir to an immortal Diadem and never failing Kingdom. Keep in Mind thine Honour and Dignity. Difdain to mix with the Slaves of this Earth ; fcorn to-4L their mean and grofs Delights ; raife thy Thov-Ms to Heaven ; meditate on *the Glory in y.hich thou ihalt appear at the great Day, do nothing unworthy the Son of a King, of the King of Heaven. Fourthly, Is JESUS CHRIST to appear to take Ven- geance oa all them that know not GOD, nor obey Xhe Gofpelof his Son ? This is Matter of great Ter- ror to the wicked W^rld. . Now you put far away tDe Thoughts I with CHRIST in Glory, 27 Thoughts of the Appearance of JESUS CHRIST, you infolently break his Laws, you abufe his Favours, you trample under Foot the Son of GOD, you declare by your wicked Lives, that you will not have him to reign over you ; you fay, that the LORD delay eih hi* coming^ you beat your fellow Servant. But "pro- fane arid wicked Man, the LORD is not flack concern- ing his Promife. There is a Day coming, and perhaps is near at Hand, when thou {halt pay dear For thy Folly and Madnefs ; when he whom thou now reje&eft and defpifeft, and whofe Laws thou clfteft behind thy back, {hall appear in the Glory of his Father y with all his holy Angels, and punifli thee according to thy Deferts. What Horror and Amazement will feize thee, when raifed out of the Grave, thou {halt behold the Son of GOD w'hom thou haft made thine Ene- my, coming in Power and Majefty ? How wilt thou fhrink back from the Light, and wifh to hide thy felf again in the Grave. Yonder comes He whofe Laws I have broken, whofe Love I have defpifed, whofe Name I have blafphemed ; he comes in terrible Wrath ; wretched and forlorn, how {hall I abide his Appearance, or whither {hall I flee from his Prefence f Mountains, Mountains, fall upon me, Hills cover me from his Sighf, But the Hills and Mountains will me!: away, and nothing {hall be left but thv felf for his fiery Indigna- tion. Thou {halt be dragged to his Judgment Seat. How wilt thou endure the Face of thy J udge ? Where wilt thou hide thy felf from the Lightning of his Eyes ? mell with all its Torments is not to be com- pared toAhe Look of an angrv GOD. He th-.it made ^^ have no Mercy upon thee^ and he that for- faw thee no Favour, Laftly, Shall we appear with jEsusCn R IST inGlory? This is Matter of greatComfort and Jo y to d Man under all the Afflictions of this Life. FaithSjlC Indian, thou art while in this World, liable fo grear Affections and Calamities ; thou art fubjecl: to Pain an .! Sickuefs, to Poverty and Want, to Shame and Difs>tace 3 to Croflcs and Difoppointments, to Perfecution and Dt-atb ; thy X *ance of .Relievers !hjG. c- c are weak, thy Temptations many and ftrong^ t> out of Sight, beyond the higheft Heavens., f good Courage ; *yet a little while and all Jc Things fhall come to an End, and hr that [hall ; v?f, ft 1 /// ow,?t', tf;j^ w.'// 720/ tarry* Yet a. little v/hile and thy Uody (hall become like unto the glori- ous Body of the Son of. GOD, and thy Soul fhail be \afedto the higheft Degree of Perfection and Happi- a iiitie while and thou fha^i be purified from all in andCorruption, and confequcntly from all Mifery, andWaken up mto the Air to meet thy Saviour. Thefc light Afflictions fhall work for theea far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory. Thy Saviour fufFered much greater Afflictions than any thou art liable to, Sin only cxceptevj. But the Glory he had before i-Iiu, made him patiently endure the Crofs, and defpife thj Shame. And jiow he is fet down at the right Hand of GOD. ,-Bs thou likewife ftedfaft, and thou fn:;k obtain the Crown 6f Life. Lift up thy Head witr\ Joy and Rejoicing, for thy Redemption draweth nigh. Thy* Deliverance may come fooner than thou thinkeft of. The End of all Things, may be, is at Hand. Perhaps the Order is already given in Heaven for th'j general Judgment of the World ; perhaps the / arc alreaoy fummoned to attend the Son of GOD ; perhaps he is juft about to appear in Glory ; perhaps the Sound of the laft Trumpet will this Moment fill our Ears. Comc 9 even fu cwie, LORD JESU?. Now t9 t-'im that Jilictb upon the Throne, and it tie La ml) that was Jlain^ c.,-td hath redeemed us fron>\ our f S ins is Blocd, end will give us io zpp*ar ibhh him\ jj-y- tht Pmiinion and Power jar and e f *i,t\ A^'l&L^., P I N I S. ERRATA. J 2. line i . for Indeeft read Indeed. P. 13. 1.7 ties reutl Y acuities. Pj 18. 1. laft read thejoy, J, read- re- unite themfdves to Bodies.