/- 3 c ■>■/'/ V C Zy^^^^^^^^^^ ^ t i^L^ r Of this Edition 0/ ^ C MtV\] Calpsf, one hundred and thirty -seven copies in all are printed. of which 125 ONLY ARE FOR SALE. 5 Copies for the British Museum and Public Libraries. 1 Copy for the Gottingen Library. 6 Copies for Private Distribution. All of which are numbered. No. 6t) untJiTli jSf rrg CalfS : THE EARLIEST ENGLISH JEST-BOOK NOW FIRST REPRODUCED IN PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHY FROM THE UNIQUE COPY OF 1526 IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY AT GOTTINGEN. WITH AN INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX W. CAREW HAZLITT- LONDON : J. IV. JARVIS &- SON, 2S, A'AVG WILLIAM SI^REET, STRAND. 1SS7. EDITOR'S PREFACE. THERE may be some, who will attach value and interest to the singular old volume, now first reproduced in exact imitation of the original, on account of the casual mention of it by Shakespear in one of his plays ; but I hope and think that many more will welcome its appearance on another and higher ground, and will become of opinion that, where a solitary copy of such a relic as the earliest jest-book in the national tongue of England is only to be found in a foreign repository, and is liable to destruction at any moment, the survival, not of its mere substance alone, but of its very identity, in the shape of a facsimile, is one of those minor duties, which we owe to suc- ceeding generations. In the good former days, a gentleman who did his friends and the public the favour of reprinting a curious old book, was re- garded as a sort of benefactor by a few who knew a little about the matter, and by the greater number, who knew nothing, he was considered a person of elegant tastes and of liberal disposi- tion ; for he usually engaged in the speculation on his own responsibility. The case is now altogether altered, and any one who proposes to give to the world a new edition of an old book or tract, is in peril of being received as a Frenchman receives the news of his third child, unless he can make out a pretty strong plea for his proceeding. He must bring his justification in his hand. The burden of proof is upon him. 206116f n Editor's Preface. In the present instance, tlie enterprise on which the Editor has entered, is one which seems, at first sight, not to be without its element of supei-fluity, for in 1866 the book which is now in question was brought out under the care of Dr. Herman Oesterley from the same copy which I employ.^ But I believe that I hold, notwithstanding, a very fair brief for my clients ; for it was considered that the Hundred Memj Tales had so many claims to special consideration ; — as being the most ancient book of its kind in the English language ; as existing only in a complete state in a single copy preserved in a Continental library ; and as the volume, out of which, in Much Ado about Nothing, 1600, Beatrice tells us she had been charged with stealing all her good wit. So the great poet makes her say, at least ; but the accusation was, so far as we can judge, an unfair one, and between the wit of the book and that of the lady there is little in common. When the present editor republished the work as one of a collection more than twenty years ago, he had access only to the text of Singer ; he had, at a later period, an opportunity of collating it with the original, at that time in the possession of ]\Ir. Halliwell-Phillipps ; but the copy, as it is tolerably well- known, had been made up from an assortment of mutilated leaves, and presented a considerable number of lacunce, includ- ing entire tales, so that, until the Gottingen copy occurred, we had in fact no means of studying this, in every sense, unique publication in its full integrity. But the Gottingen copy and that included in Old English Jest Books, 1864, belonged to different impressions, and the former contains matter, which never formed part of the lat- ter. Some items were left out to make room for others which were deemed fresher and more attractive ; and the entire arrangement was altered. The edition of 1526 includes four tales, which are not in that without date, but omits three found in the latter. The articles special to the present issue are the second, ^ Shakespeare's Jest Book. A Hundred Mery Talys, from the only perfect copy known. Edited, with Introduction and ^'otes, by Dr. Herman Oesterley, Loudon, 1866, 12mo, pp. 160 -f XX. Editors Preface. Hi ninth, ninety-first, and ninety-eighth stories. It does not give Numbers 97, 99, and 100 of the other issue, which I annex in an Appendix, all being unhappily defective. There appears more than one error in the numeration of the calendar or table , for there is no Number 42 in it, although a title, which should have been so registered, intervenes between 41 and 43 ; while, again, there is no 98 either in the Table or the text. These irregularities are of course of perpetual occurrence in the literary and typographical work of the period. The Gottingen copy of 1526 consists of twenty-eight leaves in small folio, precisely answering to the present reproduction. It is stated by Dr. Oesterley that, according to an entry in the books of the Library, the volume was purchased in December, 1767, at an auction in Liineburg, but that no clue could be discovered to its antecedents. Dr. Oesterley puts forward a somewhat elaborate argument in favour of the priority of the impression first edited by him- self in 1866, over the undated copy brought to light by Cony- beare, and printed by Singer^ and the present writer." I shall subjoin what the learned gentleman advances : — " The question, which of the two copies recovered up to the present momeut is the original and older edition (and there is very little hope of ever discover- ing a third copy), will be very difficult to prove to an absolute certainty. By tlie want of any authentic indication, the inquiry is thrown back on a mei-e circumstantial proof ; but I think the reasons to be given hereafter will be strong enough to produce a firm conviction of the priority of our original. The first argument in favour of the edition of 1526 is founded on the selec- tion and disposition of the tales. When a reprint of a collection of a hundred tales like the one in question is being prepared, and the removing of four stories seems desirable, it is unlikely enough, that the three or four last pieces should be cast off; but it is much more unlikely that tlie number required to complete a hundred should be inserted in entirely chance places. This, how- ever, would have been the case in the Nos. 2, 7, 91 and 98 of our edition, if it had been a revision of the undated copy. On the other hand, it is quite natural simply to throw out the tales considered as unserviceable (which, as before mentioned, would hardly be placed together, but be scattered through- out the work), and to subjoin the additions at the end. This has been the case, if the undated edition is the result of a revision : Nos. 2, 7, 91 and 98 ^ Shakespeare Jest Book, 1814, 12mo. ^ Shakespeare Jest Books, 1804, 12mo, 3 vols. iv Editor's Preface. of the original edition have been suppressed, and in their stead Nos. 97 to 100 of the later impression are added. I must say, that this mode of revision, in a work where the disposition of the matter is entirely arbitrary, seems to me more natural than even putting the new stories in the place of the old ones. The substance of the tales in discussion can be of no moment for the question, for indeed the one is about as insipid as the other, and moreover, the taste of our ancestors in regard to jests and popular tales was so very different from ours, that it is next to impossible at present to decide which of them might be considered more palatable to the public at that time. The transposition of a single tale to another place^ can, of course, be no conclusive argument either for one view or the other, whereas the want of the morals in the undated copy is of consequence, if it really be found in the ori' common story. It may be found, told some- what differently, in Boccaccio, 7th Day, 7th Novel, in the Pecorone of Ser Giovanni Fiorentino, in Barbazan's Fabliaux, where it is related of the Bourgeoise d' Orleans, and in the Facetiae of Poggius {de Muliere qicce virum defraudavit). The imitations in more modern works are innumerable. Tale IV., f. i. vo?\ In the undated edition this is described as the tale IT Of John Adroyns in the dyuils apparell. A story very similar, as an actual incident, is inserted in the Autobiography of Wallett the Queen's Jester, 1870. See John Heywood's Epigrams, dr'c., Spenser Soc. ed., p. 214. At the bottom of fol. i. verso there is in the original copy an imperfection in the text after broke, where the words his nek, found in the other edition, are required to complete the sense. Tale V., f. ii. uo^ In the undated edition this is IF Of the ryche man and his two sonnes. It is mutilated. Tale VI., f. ii. vo.'\ Compare Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, No. 62 ; Celio Malespini, Novelle, 1609, nov. 2; Decker and Webster's Northward Hoe, 1607 (Webster's works, by Hazlitt, 1857,1, 178 — 9). Tale VII., f. iii. r^.] Not in the undated edition. This is a well known story in German ; and compare Taylor's Wit and Mirth, 1630, p. loi, and Dr. Oesterley's edit., 1866, p. 14. Tale IX., f. iii. vo^ This tale has served me as a clue to the probable or supposed authorship of the book. See what I have said in the Introductiott. Dr. Oesterley observes: — The source of this tale is Johannes de Bromyard, Summa Praedi- cantium, s. 1. «& a. fol. Litt. L. v. § 21, Exempl. i.: " Patet per hifloriam qua fertur infirmum refpondiffe medico dicenti: quod comederet de parte pifcium caudepropin- quiori: quia fanior erat pars: quia plus mouebatur : ergo inquit infirmus: lingua uxoris mee faniffima eft, quia continue mouetur," See also Wright, " Latin Stories from MSS. of the 13th and 14th Centuries," 1842, No. 132: " DeLinguis Muherum." Another verfion is found in Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum Morale, Duaci, 1624. fol. 86: Narratvr de quodam, quod cum ipfe in marl haberet vxorem fuam fccum 1 8 Notes. lingualam, grauem ad tolerandum : cum imminente tempeftate clamatum efTet a nautis, quod grauiora de naui proiicerentur, ille exhibuit \-xorem dicens quod in tola naui non erat aliquid grauius lingua eius. It is imitated in H. Bebelii Facetia;, opufcula, s. 1. «&: a. (circa 1512), 4°. fign. Cc verfo: De quodam in tempeftate maris deprehenfo (de alio)," and repeated in Job. Gaflius " Convivalium Sermonum, torn, i. p. 2S1, BaUl. 1549. Tale XL, f. iiii. ro?\ Compare Bebelius, Facetia, sign. Gg2, "De muliere citis- sime nubente post obitum primi viri." It is versified in the Uncasing of Machivils Instructions to his sonne, 1613, sign. C3 : " If thou be slow to speake, as one I knew. Thou wouldst assure thy selfe my counsels true ; Hce (too late) finding her upon her knees In Church, where yet her husbands coorse she sees, Hearing the Sermon at his funerall. Longing to behold his buriall. This sutor being toucht with inward love, Approached neare his lovely sute to move, Then stooping downe he whispered in her eare Saying he bore her love, as might appeare. In that so soone he shewed his love unto her, Before any else did app[r"'och to woo her, Alass (said she) your labour is in vaine, Last night a husband I did entertaine." See Notes and Queries, 3rd Series, v. 491. Stories of this kind are of ver\- com- mon occurrence in the modern collections of facetiae. Tale XII., f. iiii. ro^ See Retrospective Review, New Series, ii, 326, where it is said that the tale of the miller with the golden thumb was still a favourite in York- shire in 1S54. There is a Somersetshire proverb, "An honest miller hath a golden thumb, but none but a cuckold can see it." The reader may refer to my Popular Ajitiquities of Great Britain, 1870, iii, 342, where a good deal of information on this subject is collected. *' When Davie Diker diggs, and dallies not, When Smithes shoo horses, as they would be shod, When millers toll not with a golden thumb." — Gascoigne's Steel Glas, 1576. (Works by Hazlitt, ii, 211 and Note) Tale XI 1 1., f. iiii. roP\ Dr. Oesterley enumerates two German imitations of this Stor\- in his edition, 1S66, p. 22-3. But compare Ellis's Original Letters, 2nd. Series, ii, 99, loi, for a glimpse of the disturbed condition of Ireland at this verj- juncture. Tale XIV., f iiii. vo."] The Archdeacon here intended was probably Richard Rawson, who held the Archdeaconry of Essex from 1303 to 1343 (Le Neve's Fasti, ed. Hardy, ii, 336). Tale XVI., f v. roJ] Compare Poggii Faeetice, ap. Opera, 1538, fol. 439.— De quodam paftore fimulatim confitente. Paftor ouium ex ea regni Neapolitani ora, quae dim iatrociniis operam dabant femel confefforcm adi jt, fua peccata didturus. Cum ad facerdotis genua procubuiffet, parce mihi (inquit ille lachrimans), pater mi, quoniam graviter deliqui. Cum juberet dicere quid elTet Atque ille fiepius id verbum inte- raffet, tanquam qui nepharium admifilTet fcelus. Tamden hortatu facerdotis, ait fe, cum cafeum faceret, ieiunij tempore, exprelTuri laclis guttas quafdam quas non Notes. 19 fpreuiffet in os defilijffe. Turn facerdos qui mores illius patriae noffet fubridens, cum dixiffet ilium deliquiffe qui quadragefimam non feruaffet, qua^fivit numquid aliis obnoxius effet peccatis ? Abnuente, paflor rogauit num cum alijs pafloribus quen- quam peregrinum ut mos effet illius regionis tranfeuntem fpoliaffet aut peremiffet ? Scepius, inquit, utraque in re cum reliquis fum verfatus. Sed iflud, ait, apud nos ita ell confuetum, ut nulla confcientia fiat " Tale XVIII., f. v. w.] The fource of this tale is perhaps the fabliau Etula, in Legrand d'Auffy, " Fabliaux," tom. iii. p. 'j'] ; better in Sinner, "Catalogus Codicum MSS."tom. iii.p. 379, No. 14. It is also related in the Scala Celi,i48o, de furto quinto, fol. loi verfo: " Legitur quod cum duo latrones conveniffent ut furarentur, unus nuces et alter carnes ; perveniens ad fores ecclefias qui furatus fuerat nuces, incepit frangere et comedere eas ibi. Cujus fonitum audiens ille, qui cuflodiebat ecclefiam, credens quod daemon ingreffus efl. clauflrum et cuidam claudo, qui ire non potuit et forti ruflico videnti nunciavit. Et dum ingreffi fuiffent ecclefiam, latro comedebat nuces, credens quod effet focius fuus, qui portaret arietem, incepit clamare : Eftne bene pinguis quem portas ? Tunc rufticus territus qui portabat claudum, credens quod effet daemon : Nefcio fi eft pinguis vel macer, fed nunc relinquo eum vobis. Et projecflo claudo ad terram tibiam aliam fibi fregit." Alfo in J oh. de Bromyard, " Summa praedicantium," Litt. O, ii, § 6. Imitations are : J. Pauli, " Schimpff und Ernft," Straffburg, 1535, fol. No. 76, fol. IS ,- G. Wickram, " Der RoUvvagen," s. 1. 1557, No. 67, ( Frankf. 1590, fol. 72 : " Wie zween Dieb einem Pfaffen das Podagram vertriben"), reprinted in Wacker- nagel, " Deutfches Lefebuch," Wickram ; Hans Sachs, "Gedichte," vol. ii. 1. 4, fol. 73, Niirnberg, 1592, fol.: " Die zwen diebifchen Bachanten in dem Toden Kercker." — O ester ley. Tale XIX., f. vi. vo^ Dr. Oesterley notes some modern German imitations of this anecdote. But it may perhaps be read advantageously with the Interlude of 15 19 in my Dodsley, vol. i. Tale XX., f. vii. w.] The judge Vavasour here mentioned was probably John Vavasour, a member of an old Yorkshire family, who was Recorder of York, ist Henry VII., and became a justice of the Common Pleas in 1490. See Foss, v. 78-9. Compare Merry Tales and Qiiicke Answers, No. 54. Tale XXII., f. vii. vo.'\ Dr. Oesterley says that this story originates in the Sitmma Pradicantiiun ofjohannesde Bromyard, and is found in Holkot, ^«/^r Libros Sapientice, 14S9, fol. iii. He also cites imitations of it in modern German works of later date. Tale XXIV., f. viii. ;-"ing, and drinking, as well as a certain stolid malignity, has not deserted them. Had thev been papists, instead of being mainly Protestant Dissenters, they would have been found even more troublesome than the Irish, to whom they are in many re- spects inferior. Tales XXXIII. — IV., f. x ro^ Both these are imperfect in the undated copy, where they are Nos. 31 — 2. Tale XXXV., f. x. tv.] "Dr. South, visiting a gentleman one morning, was ask'd to stay Dinner, which he accepted of ; the Gentleman stept into the next Room and told his Wife, and desired she"d provide something extraordinary-. Hereupon she began to murmur and scold, and make a thousand Words ; till at length her hus- band, provok'd at her Behaviour, protested, that if it was not for the stranger in the next Room, he would kick her out of Doors. Upon which the Doctor, who heard all that passed, immediately stept out, crjing, I beg. Sir, you'll iruike no Stranger of tne." — Complete London Jester, ed. 177 1, p. 73. Tale XXXVI^ f. x. vo."] Too fragmentan- in the other copy to make out the text or sense. Dr. Oesterly points out an analogue in Des Periers, JVouz-el/es Recreations, 1735) i) Xouv. 23, " Du jeune fils qui fit \-aloir le beau Latin que son Cure lui avoit monstre.'" Tale XXX\'III., f. x. vo."] In El Conde Lucanor, an early collection of Spanish stories by Juan Manuel, a similar division of a woman occurs, except that there the servant girl has only two claimants, the \'irtue and the ^'ice, of whom the latter selects the lower half. The same idea has been used in German literature. T.\LE XL., f. xi. vo^ This stor>- is in the Fabliaux under the title of Les Trois Aveugles de Compiegne, in Straparola, &c., and two variants occur in Scoggin's Jests, Old English Jest Books, 1S64, ii, where I mention that the same material is worked up again in Hobsoti^s Conceits, 1607. Sarcinet, at the period to which the original anecdote points, was a texture,which only certain persons were entitled to wear. See note by Sir Harris Nicolas to the Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York, p. 220. Tale XLI.. f. xi. tv.] This is repeated in the Merrie Tales of Skelton, No. 6 ; but there capons are substituted for the pheasants. A similar anecdote occurs in the Jests of Scoggin. See Old English Jest Books, 1S64, ii, pp. 10, 130. Tale XLI I., f. xii. xv.] A carter, when this book was published, and long after indeedj'was not necessarily what we should now understand from the term, as ordinary Notes. ^ J vehicles for the conveyance of passengers-in fact, carriages- were down to the Jacobean penod of a form very simUar to our carts. See Sussex Arckc^a'agTal Conectw?is,i, 178, andmynoteinthe^«//^/^.;rj/, XIV, 252. Tale XLIII., f. xii. vo.] This is No. 33 of the other copy. the TahT; ^nT"' ^' •'''"■' ri- -^^ '\' "'^'' '°P^ ''^'^ '^ ^°- 42- It d°es "«t occur in the Table to the original edition, though Singer, and after him the present writer msened the heading both there and before the tale, which is found in the Sum2 Prc^d^cantuun of Johannes de Bromyard, as follows.-" De quodam domino, q fatuum fuum infirmum frequenter cum per ilium tranfiret, confortari folebat. dicendo- Spera in deo: ibis ad coelum. Cui ille femper refpondit : nolo illuc ire : a quo cum uno die quereret, quare nollet illuc ire, refpondit : quia volo ire ad infernum quare ? mquit; quia, inquit, dihgo te : &ficut fui tecum in vita, ita volo tecum ^^i^ i^ morte & poll mortem: & quia tu ibis ad infernum : ita volo ego ratione focietatis. Cui do- minus : quomodo fcis quod ego illud vadam ? quia, inquit. tota patria loquitur fie. di- centes quod tu es pelfimus homo, et ideo ibis ad infernum: Et in veritate: qui malus homo fuit pnus. ex verbis illius compunaus: optime fe portea correxit." . y.nl^'^^ ^-^V^k' ^'fi ""-^ J^'' anecdote is also in the Summa Prcedu-anfann, a book very hkely, by the by, to have fallen in Sir Thomas More's way; but probably the original germ is the Latin Famau printed by Wright in his selection of Latin Stones, 1842, No. 129, under the title of " De rustico et simia." The text is incom plete in the copy of the other impression. The imitations of it are very numerous. Tale XLIX., f. xiiii. m] This is also mutilated in the copy of Rastell's other rllT;. ;• ?Tt\^:' T^'f ^ '''^-' ^^'y °f -^^^'-- and InLgu {^iiliakesp. Jest Book, 1866, p. 83—4). '^ Tale LL, f. xiiii. w.] Imperfect in the undated copy. Tale LII, f xv. m] The Church of St. Nicholas Shambles was in New-ate Market ; it was demolished at the Reformation. '^ Tale LIV., f. xv. ro.'\ Thus these sysmatickes, And lowsy lunatickes, With spurres and prickes Call true men heretickes. They finger their fidles, And cry in quinibles, Away these bibles, For they be but ridles ! And give them Robyn Whode, For to red howe he stode, In mery grene wode, Where he gathered good, Before Noyes Floodd. The Image of Ipocrysy, part 3. Tale LV., f. xv. w.] Defective in the undated copy. The storv is adonfPrl \..r the compiler of Scoggins Jests, where we are told, " How the PriestTaM /; ^■ .igintijliii tui, when he should have said Dens ^ui ...vi'^^Tut tL^: ^£L Tale LVL, f. xvi. r^.] The miracle play in Warwickshire was one of the series performed at Coventry, but does not occur in the printed collection entitled Ludus 2 2 jN'oies. Coventrise. There is, however, the "Emission of the Holy Ghost," inserted aniong the Chester Mysteries, edited by Wright for the Shakespeare Society, ii, 1 34 : — ''Pctrus. I beleeve in God omnipotente. That made heaven and eirth and firmament, With fteadfaft harte and trewe intente, And he is my comforte. Ajidreas And I beleeve more I be lente, In Jefu his fonne from heaven fente, Vereye Chrifl that us hath kente, And is our elders lore. "jacobus Major. And I beleeve, with bofle, In Jefu Chrifle, in mightell mofle, Confeveith through the holye ghofte, And borne was of Marj'e. yokannes. And I beleeve, as I cane fee. That under Pilate fuffred he, Skourged and nayled on roode tree, And bur)ed was his fayre bodye. Thotnas. And I beleeve, and fouth can tell, That he ghollly wente to helle : Delivered his that there did dwell, And rofe the thirde dale. yacobus Minor. And I beleeve fully this. That he fteyed up to heaven blefle. And on his fathers righte hand is, To raigne for ever and aye. Philipus. And I beleeve, with harte fleadfafte, That he will come at the lafte, And deeme mankinde as he has cafle, Bouth the quicke and the dead. BartJielejneiue. And I beleffe fhalbe mofle In vertue of the holye ghoft, And through his helpe, without bode, ^ly life I thinke to leade. Notes. 23 Mathieus. And I beleeve, through Godes grace, Suche beleffe as holye chourch has, That Godes bodye graunted us was To ufe in forme of bredde. Sy7non. And I beleve with devocion Of fynne to have remiffion, Through Chriftes bloode and paffion, And heaven, when I am dead. Jjide. And I beleeve, as all we mon, In the generall refurrexcion Of eiche bodye, when Chrifle is borne To deme bouth good and evill. Matheiis. And I beleeve, as all we maye, Everlaflinge life after my daye In heaven to have ever and aye, And fo overcome the devill." Tale LVII.,f. xvi. voi\ Dr. Oesterley here writes : — "The divifion of the De- calogue followed in this tale is taken from Exodus xx; it was adopted by the Council of Trent, and ufed by the whole Latin Church. Luther approved of it, and it is ftill in ufe with the entire Lutheran denomination. The divifion nowemployed by the Church of England is the fame which has always been ufed by the Greek Church. It was flrongly recommended by Calvin in 1536, adopted by Bucer and the Tetrapohtans, and is to be found in any Englifh formulary fmce 1537. Mr. Hazlitt's conjecflure for the lacuna in his edition, p. 28, is therefore inadmiffible ; and this is more clearly fhown by the fafl, that in his interpolation either the feventh or eight command- ment is omitted. To judge from the undamaged paffages, however, there must have been fome difference between Mr. Hazhtt's original and mine : the text of the mutilated copy cannot have read but thus : The eighth, tiot to bear falfe witriefs agaiffjithy neighbotir. The ninth and tenth, not to cotcete nor defyre no mamies goodes vnlefully. ThotiJJialt not defyre thy neyghbours wyfe, &c., this being exacflly the form, which was nearly exclufively ufed fmce its acceptation by the Council of Trent Catechiflm. It is likewife found in Mafkell's and Bifhop Hilfey's Primers. The feven deadly fins have always been the fame, but their divifion is fometimes different. See Mr. Hazlitt's edition, p. 83, note '2, and Malkell's " Prymer," in " Monum. Ritual. Anglic." vol. ii. p. 178, London, 1846." Richard Whitford, in his Werke for Householders, ^rsi printed before 1530, says of the Seven deadly Sins : — "yet must you have a lesson to teche your folkes to be- ware of the vii pryncipall synnes, whiche ben communely called the seven dedely synnes, but in dede they done call them wronge : for they be not alway dedely synnes. Therefore they sholde be called capytall or pryncipall synnes, and not dedely synnes. These ben theyre names by ordere after our dyvysion; Pryde, Envy, Wrath, Covetyse, Glotony, Slouth, and Lechery." 24 Azotes. Tale LVIII., f. xvi. vo.'\ A me'rical imitation of this is to be found in John Cotgrave's Wits Interpreter, ed. 1662, p. 2S6. Tale LXII., f. xvii. f^.] This is introduced by Rabelais into his narrative, lib. 3, c. 34 ; but he puts a physician in the devil's place. A metrical version is found in the Scholehouse of Women, first printed about 1540. In the undated copy the text is imperfect Tale LXII I., f. xviii. r^.] It is by no means unlikely, as Dr. Oesterly first suggested, that the editor of A C. Mery Talys borrowed this from Ottomarus Luscinius, "Joci ac Sales mire festivi," 1524, No. 50, where however, it is related of Aristotle, There are later imitations. Tale LXVI., f. xviii. vo^ In the Table to the undated copy, this purports to be told '"of him that woulde gette the maystr\-e of his wyfe." The text is incomplete at the end ; but in the SchoolJioiise of Women we have a metrical paraphrase, which supplies the deficiency: — " A husband man, having good trust His wife to him bad be agreeable, Thought to attempt if she had be reformable, Bad her take the pot, that sod over the fire, And set it aboove upon the astire. She answered him : ' I hold thee mad, And I more fool, by Saint Martine ; Thy dinner is redy, as thou me bad. And time it were that thou shouldst dine, And thou wilt not, I will go to mine.' * I bid thee (said he) vere up the pot.' ' A ha ! (said she) I trow thou dote.' Up she goeth for fear, at last, No question mooved where it should stand Upon his hed the pottage she cast, And heeld the pot still in her hand, Said and swore, he might her trust. She would with the pottage do what her lust." Tale LXIX., f. xix. vo^ This is a ver}' common and favourite hoax. In foake upon joake, 1721, it is inserted of Charles II., Nell Gwynn, and the Duchess of Portsmouth, the last being made the sufferer. But the editor of the Tales was probably indebted to the yod ac Sales of Lus- cinius, 1524, already cited, although their texts do not perfectly accord in the de- tails. The incident occurs with a slight variation among the yests of Scogin. Tale LXX., f. xix. vo.'\ There is a similar story in TarltorCs Newes out of Purgatory. Both have the air of having had a common Italian origin. Tale LXXI., f. xx. rs lap irit^ iKC m ber bet) '0.1* Cof Ijpm t^at piapD ttje Daipll anD came tIjo:oto tl;e txjaren $ mapD ttjepm tOat dale tl]c connps to ronne atoap. fo.u f of t^ (jt man t^at bcquctijpD \}v^ rt)pj;t) (on a litpll grounti toit^ t!)C ga*, ioro&» fo.iu tof tt)c gcntplman tl)at loH l)is rjmg in tlje gentpltwoman? bcD a^ a tiotljcc gtntplman foiu:D itafter m tl)e fame bet). fbai. Cof tl)c iKifbanD man tljat aftpD to: maftcc pptpot tt)cpl)pfpfpo» fo.iu* Cof tl)e fcolct tl)at bare l)is fljops to cloutpng. fo.iiu lof bim tl)at (apt) t!)at araomas tong teas ligljtia met of Dcgeftio* fo.uu Cof tl)C tdoman tijat folotnpD ^r fourtl) ijufbanbps ^erce j ttjcpt. fo.iiu lof tt)€ U30inan tijat fapD i^zt iwooet came to liite* foaiu Cof tbe mplncr ixiitl) ttje golDen tl)ombe» fo.iiitf Cof tbe tjozfman of pjclont) t^at pjapD Dconec to f^g tjp t^ frece. foam*, Cof tljc pzefl: t^at fapD nottjec cojipus mens no.: cocpum meiim {^mu Coftt;e.u.freri^ U)fJecof tlje one loupD not tlje ele ^D noi t^ ott;ec tljc tap le fbaiiu Coftlje i»clct)mat!)atff)zoiiel)pmfoib2efepng fjisfmtont^efrptiap^fo.i?^ Cof tl;e mcrdiaut of loDo tijat put nobles i^is moutlj i t)is Oetl) heu* fo.tj* C of ttje mrlncc ttjat Uale tl)e nuttj^ at of tljs t^plec tljat ftale a Ct^p"^fo,tj.. C of t^aiu.elemetj^ toljece tt)ep ftjulDc fone be founD* fo^bf. Cof ^t taoman tl)at pou):rb tl^ potage m t^ Juggi^ nialc, fo .biu C of tl)C tucDDpD men tl)at cam to \mim to clapmc tijep.z l)ecptage» fo.tJi^ C of tl)e mccc^auntc tl)at cl)argpb ipi^ fonnc to fpnDe one to ipnge foi ^ps iot»lc. foijiu C of tl)C mapt) b33ftpng cIotljpsanD anftwecpt) ftc frere fb.bii. C of i!;e.m.ixii re men of gotam» fo.biiu C of tljcgrap frcrc ttet anfmcrpt) l)is pcnptent toMi C of tl}c gentplmrin ttet bare tlje fcgc boibc on l}is neb folio hxiu Cof tlje marctjafiti's ix)pfc tt)at fcpt) ibc liolDc taue a nap at fetmon. fo.ir* C of tt)c ix)oman tt)at icpD ^f()c Ipffpti a notljcr perc llje ixiolbe Ijauea Uol?ol 1)13 bat of tjccoujne foar^ C of ^t gcntplman tl)at ^pfljpD fjis totb in tl]c gentpltooman0 ta0e.foa]c ^of tlje ixjclcljman tljat confedpD \}vn\ 1}0U3 l;e l)aD flapn a fccre fo.ir* C of tbe toclcbman ttjat coiwDe not get but a IptpU male fo.ir^ C of tljc gcntrll twoman ti)at fapD to a gentilman pc Ijatie a becDe ^ boue ^ none bencti.K. fo,]c* .Q,U £Dl ri}c itant^elrrc mt UiclD bane ijaD tl>c frcrc acn, fc.r^ ^1 tlje gcoD ri in ti)at (ai D to l)i^ norle i)e l^ati ^iffar c» fo«r £)frt}ctrerct itbaD!;psc5pitettmbea!aten» fb.r'' £)f ti)c gcntjiihL II ttet n\m ttjc fccrc foj i}r5 beucr* fB^vl ^ttU m, \mn Hm ctalc t!]C ijaoma* foa', of ttje getrlma tije t taugiit Ins m^t Ac meticfrnc foj tljc tort^Ke. fo.icf J £)f tbe gctrluia ttv.it piomr& D t!;c lirolcr of o^fc^D a farcenet trpct. tc'^.th £)f maftcr (aelton ii)at b?oiigi]t t!}c brtliop of Bo: toicbaiJcfantps fo.jti., £)t tJ)c mmn ol garts tl]at fa)?D l;e tuolD bete tl)£ carter* fo.ncw £» f the m^^ tijiit fsrti onr inhv ixas not fo cutfoasa tooman* fo.ntv ^f tftefolc teiKoiD go to m DeurU*, fo,rm.S i^f t\)c plotojiiannrg fonne tijat (art) Ijc fatxj one maKc a ^fe to fecefee iw ig)f tljC mapDps anfijoete tljat teas ^'t^ ri)rltJe. fe.nii^^ ^f tl]e reruant t!)at rrmp^ loottb bj'S maftcr . to^niU £)f tl;c toelcljrnan tijat Del^tier pD ttjc iettcc to t^ ape* foM^ mWm tbatfolD a^it nougtit. fo^iU £)itt)efrere t^attolDttjc uu ctelDersfoztuttpisf, fo.muV £)f t^e bor tl)at bare tl)c frerc tjps imttecs inoner* fo»rnu^ £)f i^bplrp (pcncer tbe bocljers man* fs.gl3«j £)f t!)e courtear anD tlje carter* fo.jcjj^j ^f tije ponge man tfjat paapD Ijis fdob to teclj to>in W pater K©a:ee*fG*^|j^ £)f ttje frere ti^at p^ecbrD in rpme etpobonpng tf)e aue marta* ^,%t% 0mz airat tbat p^etbrb t^e artrries of tlje CreDe, fo,vt3u ^f tl)e frcre ti^at p^ecljpD t!)e,i;.comaiin!Jcjnentp0 fa,n)i«» i^f tbe U)rfe ttjat baD in Wbmh cte tlje canDellfuclt (^,ttu £r)f ti)e man cf fatops fonnpg anfjxier* fo-^itJ £)f tbe frere in t^ pulpit tliat baD t\K teoman leue ter ball Ipng, fo.ruii^ £Df t!)e toelcljman tf^atcaft tlje ifeot m to t!;e fee* kshiu Mt\)Z man tljat baD tbe Dome tojfe fo.^jii £)f t!}e ppctoi of arcl)es tijat IjaD tlje IptcU topfe* iM\)Uil i©f tfje^u.nonni'S tfjat ixjcre ft^^rurn of one pzeO:* to^tUiC i©f t(]C efquycr tijat ftolDe baue bene matic ^nv%iu fo^rbiiu :©f tbeman tijat trolU bane ttje pot ftanti tljere as be teolii* fo.rbwC £>f tl]c penitent tbat fapD tbe n;cpe of aoD ijaue mercp i;pcn me* fd m^ t of tbe bu^banD tlmkrli !)c inag Jofm bato» fo^-tjc^ tof tl;e Tboler of ocfozb iliat pzoupb bp foupljeHf i\»,c!;efeiTO*uu fo^m^ of ttje frcre ttjat ftale tljc pobpng* fo.?:!?;? Of ttie fraiif^eii'ns lon n^t cam to wfec ozDet^ tbiicriC* ii.>f rtic titubanrjiiian rt)at loDgrt) t!;e frcrc m [)ys oti^nc b^ ^. fc^jnc. .ia^tftjt' p:cil tl)at ujolD laiMi.goipels fo; a grotc, fo.i^i^^ ix>tt!;e courncar tl)at Dr-D caft tf^c km oiier ttjc tote fo.RJ* vt ct)c frcrc ti}at PKcl}i^D ix)t}at iiKimrs foijol j'S uocrc foMo^ sDtrtjc t;ii(tjanD t[}at cc^vD blc ijnDcc tl)c bcD, fo»Wt ^UiK itjoinaKcr ttjat ait^vD tt;e cola^c iwtet trDrng^^'m ocll. fcFi^-. ;uflcrnt^ctcrrt)atcrpeDcaurcbobe fo.JCF. u)! t^nn rtwt anuenmrvD botiv >^ ToujIc fo; fjisi pipnc? fo.PP, i*)f tljc paclcn tl}at (tall tl)C inv Uicrs dps fb-ciCH ijftl)€ix)clcl)mantt)atfa\xione.i:l.fl;rl,bcttcc tbangoti fojciw^ £)f tt)c frcrc ti)at lapD iJi^ige foi tbc ^oggi's foiiJlc fo.ictUu jCf 4l)e parfon ttjat Cart) niadc of rcqiucfo; Ccpftj^ fot»le lo.rc«% ijf ti;c ticrDman tl}at fart) rrDc apace vc iball l^mic ram fcWU^ v^f bnn tljat lapD 3 (l]a!l !;aiic nerc a penp. fb.jPW^ iDf ri^ f;tirbant};u}at fapD bis'mr^^ anD be agrccDixieU l^,wi, QU\}^ pitecfttbatlapticonicbeepifcopc fo.iricit, jOf tbetwjman tbat ftall tbepot kMin^ )Qf inailcr U)bittrntcns bjicrni fowu^ iQf tbc pzcit tt)at feFiiyn bi's bojfc caiiru moWamu fo^mu Of tt^c mainnan of Colbzobc, fOtCinil £)f tt)c oicicbinan tbat ftale tljc tn^tX^mns co6 fo.pmtif Of brm ft)a£ bzougbt a bote II to a pzeft " fo»fftt«j Of tbc enDrtenictof jEbctu ofi^ajaretfj. fe tcioil £)f\)m tbat picrbKt) agapnH t^rm tl>at robe on ^ fc«te? fo.jtiiii^ oftbconcbioDertbatfoiintcapur5» " " ' fc^rctfi Of tbc antocce of cbc niailccs to tbe rnapD* b/wt;i Of a ccrtarn alDeruianB DcDj^ of lonDoh* foTcriPB Of tt)c PAitbcrn man t\^t \ms all^rn fD»tci» Oftt^cburnpngotclDJobm ^ feltOiPrgj Cectapn Curat m t!?c conttep tWt \3om ttet pzerijeD m t^t pulpit of tlie ten commanOeinentrs feeing t^ai tliecetoeretencomauDemete^ tlftateucrpman ougbt 31 to bcpe / a^ tie tl^at bjafec anp of tie / comrtteD greucu^ ipn/i]oto be it Ije (apD tijat fomtptne it looas DeBlp (pn ^ faintvim tjcnpall/ ©iirtwtjeu it iwas DeDlp fpn ^ i»l|m tcnraU/ tijerc toerc manp tioutg t^ctui Mti a mplnec i l^ngmaa ihali ftloiw tbat cam (eiUom to djiicci) / at s^au ben at beep fetoe ftttnos 0^ none m all Ijis Ipfe anftxjcrD \)vm tl)a iljo^ztip tljis tojle* 1 mcrucl inaCler parfon tl)atpe (ap tljec be fo manp comaut^emetis ^ Co ntanp tout^^ f oj 3 neuec fiarD tell but of u.comanlitmets ttjat is to fap couianie me to ?ou^comapDemefropou.0oi3ineucrlKrt?te!lofinotioutis but ti»apn i!)at ^ to Cap ODut t!}e canbell.^ Dout ttie fp^je^t ac^icl) anfixiete all ttje pe^ ^Bp t^|t0 tale a man map toell ^ttvm tljat tbep tljat be hm&}t ^miti} mit lerpng o^ gooU manec (ball neuec be, but cube anb befteip all tbougl^ ifjep ^ue goob natutall ujpttps?. '0 n tpme tl^re tMas ^ 3olp Citefpn iMalftpng in tl}e c6trep foi 5fi fpozt boljirtl n^t i»Etl3 a folpfl) paeft/gt m bicpCpo m comunpcado tM \)ym ^vp 3o^n»tl)is pjeft unberftonbms bis mocbpng calbe |im maftec tafe/bo^pquob ttje cpteCpn bode tl)ou call me matter rafe/marp gaoD tl)e p^eft tojftp callpll me tp;t io^fucijm quob tfje cptefen 3 call tljc fp? gc^ becabofe euetp Mvi\) pjefte moH comonlp ijs calbe fir JoW^ty qd t^ pjed ^ 3 call t!)e maftec rate becaufe eticrp pzoub Cofolb mod comcnlp ig ciUpb maaet iftafe* M tl)c bsl^icl) anfo^cc all tbat boere bv Im^t a pace ^muie i)puecj5 t^re liippofpb tl^ fame cptefen to be a c ol^colb m ^ebe» C23P tljp5 tale pe map fe tl?at lie t^at belptel) to terpDe ^jaugbe otljcs^ 10 fao^ne ts Ibmtpme ^pm ielfe mo^e berpbpb^ Wpfe tl^ec m^ to W l)ab apointeb Ijer p.:ftp$ to com to !)cr bed U in tl^e ntgljt babicb fertiat bab long toopb l)er to Ijaue l)t$ plelitrc boW acoiDige to tlje apoitm^'; t^ to !;cr beb fpbe i t!)c nigtt !)e0 Wbab Kpng bp ber at toljen ll)e gcepupb tpm tljer ftje caugbt fti bp ti^e tab ^ feplD ^pm fait ^ mcotiiict i^ai^cneb ber buCbob ^ fapD / S^it it is (o pe baue H fals ri an bntru fcruar to pou tol)icb is boilliam i^uc pzcntj's $ Ijatb loge jtoopb irn to Ijaue W plefur/ at bccaijolc 3 coub nat auoptie Ijis impoztimate mm^ 3 baue appoitpb bpm tl)is nigl)t to met me in tbc garte i tbe l;crber f pf pg topU atap \mv. fclf m mpn arap \it go ttjebcc pc (ball fe tbe pic tberof |i tl;cn pe map ccbufee bpin as pc tbiUe bea h^ pcuc bpfcrecpon / tbis ftufbab ^ij3 sDuertilcb bp ^is &)pfc/ put bpo ^pm Iji^ tomes rapmt^ ^ toent to tl^ ijctUf nnt))i'-l)cn fie ws gone tljrtict t\x pjcntrs c5 tn tc bcD to l^ rmn- rc3 U)!;n; fb: 3 leaio tl)cv ixicr botl) contct ^ pleaipt) ce^ otlKf tr t^ fpacc of an i;our o^if .ti:t ir.Ijen ft;e ti;cug!)t tr incioiienj ft ftjc layti to ttjc p:tnt>1e /:^oiD go tbv koar in to tl}e bcrbcr ^ !iicte tjjtn ^ tai^e a gooD txiaftcr in tl)p l^aD ri my t\)0'A DrD^^ it but to ,p;ic ujtxtner ji xooiDbe a 900D toorri! oz no i re irarD brin as tftou tbrn&tHlbcft.Ctiis pzcnt^^ tJoig after l)is maarcs to cell net to ttc Lcrbcr n3ijcr be founDc tjis maHcc iljis inaftrcs appcl ^ farD ^ ttou tjarloc art tljou come l}ct!)cc/nom 5 1<^ t»ell vf 3, ttiolti be fels to mp rnaftcr tt^oii a ciDeft be a ftrcg liore but 3 ^aD leucc tl;oii uocr l]agi D tt}a jl tcolt) Do btm lb trritcrous a DcDe tl)erfo;c i fi)all gjuc ttje foine puniftinenc as ttjoii ir^e an f;o:c liaft Dclcrurt/^ ttjcrtxntb lapi t]i toel about ttc itolCs iiibafe-=jgauct)rmat)olcoi.ii.gooD ftrrPJ'SttK rnaftcr fclpngtjj'm fclteCo^ tcljat to unart (a^D peic iiiilHa mrne otiin true gooD feruat to: goDrs (abe I'oiD tl)r taDji5 fo: J a tbnnaftcr ft not tt)i maftrcs na t;oze qSbe tl?ou l^ft tfeou art but an l^rlot :i ^ Dpti but to ^ic tljer ^ Gnote !jl agarn 3Elas mait rnoD tt)c maftcc i bckdK t\K ncmoze toil am not \\)c ioij am tljj^ matter fcic Co: 3 !>aue a bcrD ant) tljermitt) be fparrD Ins bat) ri telt bJ^ berD illas matter qi5 t\}c p:rntrs 3 crre rou merer =1 tben tbe majittcr toent tnto bj'S ijorfc ri li}C nWv^ \)m boixi fee bat) fpcti ^ be afirerD Stxiisu^rfe 3 t;auc bene fl)Ui3ot)lr betrnbotx) be it 3 Ijaue caufe to be glaD foz 3 tt)ani>e goD 3 b^uc as treto a wic a^ as treip a feruant as anp man batb m englonD^ V5v tbis tale re map fe tl^t it is not baiiiome fb^ a man to be ruI?D aiiaai^ after fe'S jwnies councelU C foztunrt) tbat in a market totxine in tbe rounte of feuffolfe' tlxre toas a ttage plar i tbe tnbieb plapc on callpD 3oW at)zo 3 pns witi) DUcelrD i a notbcr Ml^g,t u .rnjie fro tbes plarti tbe tieurlL^iUD ti3be tt)c plar mas tione tbts 3obii ati^opns i tbe euenpug tiepartpD fro tt;e («irt) market toticne to go boinc to bis dtnnt botztc ^ be caufc \jz baD tterc no cliagc of eloti)ige be toent foztb i bi5 trcmlls agcll tobicbv t the \3^ar comrr g bomucartira tbozcte a txjaren of conj^ beiogpng to a gctrlma of cbe t)iila3C iiil}C5 be to^'n I'clfc D3oeit»at iobieb tv^rr^ it foztu* nrb a pzctt a tjjtar ot a cburcl) tiKrbr toitb i? 0: iii.otbee ijntb^rftj' felotocs bat) b:ougbt U3itb tt,e a l:ozs a \kv ^ a fscet to tbeiet t^r to get corns ^ inte tbe ferct soas m tbe ? errl) ^ tbe ber fct ouec tU patb ixav tx.beri rbi^ Jobfi atizorns il]olD com.tbis pzett ^ tbis otber felouoesfato hm com i tbe Deupis rarmet culyt^r ig tbat tl)sv xotn i tbe Deupls fcruvfe "t tteiig of cones ii I'up*. poft^gc it bat) ben ri>c Dciipll m litlK fo; fere ran aicar.tbis lobn at)zopns i rt;e Dcurls rapmet ^ be caulc itttias imlj^t DarK lato not tl)C bep but ixet toitb i batt ^ ftobiiti tljcrat ^ fell Dcwon ^ twptb ttjc fall be b^O almott biWJfep 75i\t "oal^ l)c tOits a Ivtv^l rcuwD !]e loHpU bp ri fpret) it'tats a Ijar ro rhacli coanj^is a^ lol^rD ftict^r /^ Caiw ttjat tl)C):' ran atwap fo^ fete of i^rm/^ ittm ^ Ijojtfc tpcD to a bull) laDcn uoittj conn?^ \3)t)pcl) tl)cp !)aD taben/^ l)c to^e tl;C ^oiie ^ tl)c ^ape at Icpc ^p5 tl)e ijozfc ri roDcr to tt)C gentplniannrs place tfjat ixias lo^Dc of tfte tjoarcn/ to tljc entente to t3aac tUanue foi tafernge liicl}e n pzar.3linD i»ten l)e cam^ imol^pD at tt)e gatps* Co m\}omz anonc one of tl^ gentplnmnni's feruaimtps ai brD ujip iwa^^ tljcce/anD foliernlr opcnpo t^c gate ^ ant) afibne m t)e pcrccmipli ijrni m tljc Deiipis capmcntc )xxas CoDenlp aba(t)rD/anD fpat ri>D tl)e tJo;e agapn/at txient m to !)i3 niapdcr/ant! fap?3 ^ fujate to t)P5mapftcc tbattljc Dcupil toas at tl}C gate/ani) iroroe comcm* •etc gentrltnan bctpng linn lap io caUr& anotlicc ot \}V^ Icnmuntv^ ij batJ Ijpm go to tljc gate to linoii3e ^l}o iDas tljcrc » cbis fecouDe feruailt cam to tbe gate Durft not open u^bat aiupt) witl) toiwD l3orcc tt)l3o neas tiierc.rrji)^' Sobn InDjoj^ns in tlje Deiiris apperell ai ia3erti mt^ a l)pe toftt anD latD cell tl^p maftec 3 muft nci5rs (pcue mt\\ \wm oi 3 go.'cre t!)e cbaplapn boitb bolp boojbpis of coniuracpon iaptc/ 3n tbe name of tbe fat?cr/fonne anb boipgooQ-' J ^oniurc tbe anb cbarg rfje m tlje iiolp name of gob to tell me ix)bp anb u^fierfoic tba^e conimpfte liitljtt, Cbis 3!obu ^nb^topnps intl)e tmvUv^ apparel I becpng tbepm bcgpnneto coiure after fuche marier fapb/Bap nap be net a ferD of mefoi Jama goon bpuell 31 am Jobn ^bropns j^ur negbbccur b^joeUvng m tbps toujne anD be tbat plapcb ttie DpiKil/to bap in tbe plap/J baue bzoiigbt mp inapacr a Dofen ojt/ii.of bP^ o^^'«^ connpeis tbat ijoere ftolpn in bps twaren anb mu WWPt t\}cvi l?ap/anb mal e tbepm for fere to ronnc atoap/anb tuljen tt^c^ trf rtc t)V\r\ ti)us ivt^t br Ijrs borcc rtjcr hnctxi ijrrn iwcll rnciigi,»c anD oi^^ nrD tl;c garc ar;ii let l)yin ronic in/an6 lb nil tljc foaapD tcrc diiD D:ct) toas toznvD ro nir, it) ant) Dilpozf c. . - * ii3r tliis talc re mv tc tljat mc fear n^uinr tpnrs mo.:c tl)an ttrrr !:cDc ixjfjici) l]«cl) cauf^D mc to bclcuc rt)at rpvrrttT^ ^ticnris Ijaiic bene fenc m iDrucrs plan's tc^cn it tjatt) bene noti^rngc lo^ rTV l^cr uuas a nct)cman ix)l)ict) lav loic tckc in l)i5 beDlrbe. to tr totec VA-fo:c l;i3 clDrft ro:i cam to Win t b^\\c\)Yn \)ym to griic \}m Ins blrC Cvng to roljoin tl}c fa^er larD fon ti;oii (tjalt l;auc goDDx^ blcHjirg ^ mvnc/^ foz tl;at tt}at ri:oii l)aft bcn cucr goot) of coDrti'cns 5 gruc ^ bcqiictli tl-^ ail mr lanti / to t)3t;cin l)C anfixicrcD ^ favD nar fafi 3 truft rou ftai Ivr.c ^ orni pr tbcm roar iclic full ijoell br gotiDrs grace . S^onc atter cainc tjis u . lone to In'in ivt^c ixiric ^ Defvzet) l}i5 blcffvng/to mtjom tlje fad iarti bcrauie t^ l;aft tc cucr l^rntJc \ gcntvll .^ 3. g^^uc ttje qct^vs bicdrngc ^ mrn antJ alio 1 bequctt) tt^ all mv mouable gootii^ to U5t)oni l)C ainbcrD anD farti'-nap faDcr i truft re ri)aU iycc ^ Co ixiell ^ ipcnl) anti ble rcuc gooDi-s roue iclfe br goLiDrs grace, anon after the lii .(one cam to t;rm ^ tJei'v;cD bis bicffrng to lit-oin ttje faDcr anfiwrD =e fart) br caulc tl}ou Ijaft bene ciirU at (lobozne of conDrcrons ^ txolDc ncuec be rulcb after mr coufell 3, t;auc ^ot^/Cr iant) noi gootn^ onbcquctlirt) but onclr a Irtell uac^nt grour.D ruijcr a galoios (lanDrtlj \xil}icb noin 3 gcue ant) lequetg to tbc ' anD gotiDrs rurfc mitt}all to u.'t)om tt)c fonne anfuocrD as i^i'S b^ttxcne brti ^ liu t) nar faDer 3 trull re fl^U Irue ^ be m gooD l}clti) anb t)aue rt ant) ocaipr it j^ur feltc br goD« Drs grace. Sut after rl;at tlic fatierDret) rt rt}is tJjrjt) ton cotrnurti Wl tirs l3ntl).:rfn^ conbrcrons u^tjcrefozc yt la^as t)i^ foztune aftcrix-artic foz Ijt^ be ferurng to be l}angrt) on tl)e fa)ne galotxs 23r tl;is talc men mar inel perccrue tl;ai rong people tijat mil not be ru Ipb br t1;erz frentrs coimccll m j'cuti) m tMixr^ come to a ttjamfiiU cnt5c» too getrliucn of accorntauce ir-cr npporntrt) to Ir ixulj a ecrii lvo C ma in one nrgl^t t!?e one not i^noa^igc of tte oti;cr at t^aicrs p/ints Ci,i3 fi\zn: ab tis t)ourc apporntrD r.i ri m tl)e bcb tljcr 1a foztimiD tolcfc a rrng/il]e.u.gcntrlma iDben be tDSS gone cam / i^foitunrb to fj^nD tbc tantc rrngc ^ tobrcn be lia'o fpeb brs bel'rnes Deparnb^ ri.u.oz.m.Daits after tt)c fiirft gctrlman fcrng f}i5 rrng on rt)e ott)ers frnger ciTalengrD rt of l)]'m iK ^ Dcnjvb rt brm ^ bab \)i tell txiber t;e l}ab loll it =i Ijc fcrb t liici) a gentrliDomans bct) than quob ttje other t tl;er founDc 5 rt. n tljc one (avD l)C iDolDc bane rt/t[?c other fart) he ffjulbc net/ tba thcr agrcrt) to be itiggib br the nert ma tl)a t tlxr mote / =t it fcztuniD tljerm to mca tcith tl jc nulbati of tiK iarti gentrli lipoma ^ bcfrzrb hrm of Ins licft Jugcmct li;ebovnghj m all hole mater tocn qt;n-? !:c br imnugemct he that o^job the u:ctr5 ihiiib Ija m t^ rrr.g/the quob t'ocr ^ foz rour gooD lugcmct roti ii)nii Ijaut tl;c rrng» 15 a.tjr^ge in Mtv ^m 5bdi!pt) a IjufbantJma bW^ Wfe J fo^tunvo to tall fpli. C(;ps Wbanmnm came to tl^eprceil of t^ cfturcb attD DcfprpU ^ps tomccii iirfjat tlipng luas bed tci iuasa connpng ^tjefrci^on tsljicCe iiai4*c isi^ilipi:) maftec 3ioj:tjeipne/<56 to J) vtu (^ C^iu o^ai tl)in top itjpfe is fpl^, atio jmpotmt ^noi cMz to go $ H^etDljvmfjci; ioater ^no befccc^j^piii to Ugood inads* to t(K/antJ piarc l)m to Uo !?F0 cute tjppon IjcnanD 3 tuatmnt fee Ujj?U tcc!^ tl)e foaic meUs (ym t^dt&ali WP ImMim l^ufbanDinasi forobpag !?r^ cuunccU ca to lonmn (taffepB of Dpucra incn ts^ljtch Ujas tlie isap to gdoD ale fltttz fo f C5ICIT 2mii f Wo Umi taught f>i>in to Qomc.Zt tt;c UM om p Wh^ W^n af^pD biiu ujf^ettjcr It tocre not^teD (Icete t(|tit l)z VjoVo l)mz/^v So^ Q^ tijc^uCbanDina pcfar trciu^l^:fc? 3 UjyUlBeU jt iuae otJjer bpcDe ojD?tntiJ ^0 iD^e t^ep IjaD taugl^t (jpin tJje t»ap to hjto flcete (e toae Itet pD into p frrcte ijeafl^piiJ of tFucr£iiicnM;cr€onetimaer}aprpott)tt)dlpD)a)l)pc^ fapD tljcpUnctu no fuel; ma (t laug^t at ^ptn apace 4it Jail ipne affepu t)m VDijctijcr u tecixr ot iiivifUT^o^oapn p pWrn^^Vf^piaim qtn p (lutbanb \m fo; 3 lajot lucU a lo.roapn t a ppfpot isaU »5tic,;^o iDlje t^ep ^aD C^c^ iu:pD Ijpin l)F9 !;o ufc be voit tbptJcc ft c5 to f^pui (i t ph l^vs era£i tljus d fapft ^•p?if It picafc poar uiai^rp jtjRHcrlfanD pcaccaUp&a tmvn^contu^ inm^Q it IB inp mvfc 10 ip^ ^ oiiinppotcnt f map not go * fjcre 3 ^a«0 b^ougi^ pou i)Qt ^^atctjhzktl) pou Do potic coragc l?ppoh b^Ctt 3 ftall cpilp if be f ouD let bet liaue a poaDgamet d to letter not duercbtiie l;€e iJonml^^^nipc^metetpilf^cl^aueanapetpee^'Ciips^uiMDmSIjwDljto fpdicof a pomiDgatnetdauapetlte^atJtucnOfje baDfpohenbfapouni^ iit garspfe atiB of an spe (fc fto^tipboug^ta munt) of garri^ d after ticnt to t^e ^iparij ^ lioag^t an ape of one of tfje marcfjantf (t brought bot^i ^cmc to ^ps Ispfc ^ tpeD ^e ape tJ} a djepn at l)VQ beoDf {m4 maDc fjps tepixto etc t^epoutiD of gaclpl^ iDl^cil^et fte Isjotteo? nb/to^erebp fte fell in fo grcc a lalli rbat it putgpD all tl;e c o;:upcta out of (jet bol5p:teijerbp ftbp'v^fo f t^eapetlKitt».^0tpoct^ci;maOcrdmanprncfefepsflipppp6« hmW tbac mat^c l;cr oftpmpa to be nicrp d laiig^ ti^at t^anlipb be goi» Ci}€ ^^B ii) o,:tip tcl^otpD to ^Itf;* C:^ptbps talepc map CetfiatoftrpinpoiucDelpns taken at ai>^ ncrtmrp^tidao mir^gooDtot^ea^acpentasmeOefpns gcuen bftl;z toUiw-gm tcucal of conpng pfjpfptpona* $71 tijc bti?uerl>tCDf £)jtt)nf0?*O t^ercbas a ffeolcc p Delv.^yti 31 nuf^ to fpclic eloquent cnglti^ (i. ainouo tenms/^tnD ca to y fobler tuptlj IjJ'b Ci^'oi^s tplj^ctj tucccpiiiiD before m tljc j^iJipli \> teCon to ^c tfjetn cfout yD ?t fart) ti,?0 luyrc/Cot Icr j p^ev ttje let mcu rrrangpis (t.u.fenipccrclcs tppotunyiuUpctircalsd^l^fltiSVuctljcio: tt}viabcr/''^Op6cobIcrbcf0UleOc iDnDcrtiDDc^.;m not^alfi^dtaftoctiD lbo;tlv (t favt) /^Vf ?ourc eloquata^ paflit^ invnc itclUgcnce/buc 3 p;o tiii>rc vou pf ^ incDtiyll lopt^ inr/tl;c dototv»5 ot rou>c C^oue QjaU code C25 V tl)rs f ale mf n:ap Icmc p it is f ol v to ftuov to rpcfei? cioquct Ir bcfo;ic tfjcui tljat be ruDc d ijnlcruyii; ^ertaj'nartififnjittionljfitljetcbastDJ^frf; 11190 ft)?^ ^ rouD notuiell D^'gc(li>?0inetc/toU3i^6apt)yiVfacamto gyuc fc Jin CO uncell (t ley D p ^c anufi: tjie to ete niette p be Ug^t ot op^ gcH'^'on as inmU bpcDps/asrparousocitDaiiousitefpccj'alli^bp^iQip ys ^aUpD a Iragtnple ttHjoletlcltjc psmerucloiuc Ipg^toi i^rgeuyo became, t^at liy2Dyscucnnoupng(tCp^png.CteuKntanl)eryngt^ep(^eunon fcrtJfo anfitJcrpD Ijn^^t^repD/^p^til^atbetl^efaufeiptljofebijDpsbr ipgl]t f oygc ron €l]an 3 l^noto a liiete mpc^lpgljtet of tpgeftion tiu ot^ecfparoiD lipailob or iragtaplc/dt^tpe mp jDpaf 6 togto^uifi nc- wetin rcabuteuermoupngtiRp^^pr.g. C*? tbvgtale re nia^iernea goot) genctaUtUIe ijf pf^cfpft. ^ iuomS t^et toas to^ptp 2|dD ^aD«iiti.l^u(baDr^3tfo;tttmpDa!fo t^at tljifi f curtly ^ulbano DteO (5 h;a8 b;ou^t to c^irci^ bppon ^ fcerc/tDJifi tl)is tccma f olo top& * inaDc gret fit one $ toe;:t Ijerp lo^p.^in lo tiipci^tl;at!jernepbourBtf;ougfjtfteboltifotDne5trjpfo?ro?otu/U3ijcrfo? oncotljcrgo(iyii6f6intotjcrttrpafccroi;ceinl)erei:e*baDlierfo?gcn,?5(" fafec to conito?t ^er lelf (t refwpne t^at lamentaccn o? eltps it toons inirt: l)er grcttp (i jjflut nture imr l;cr m ieoglp of fjet ipfe.^E o lu^o tlji^ t»onia afit5ervti*fapC/3,U)rofto3iig0rppj,5auegcetfauretomo;neirpefenclji fiU/fo? 3 tjaue brjpcO.Au.t^ufbancps befpbe tl;p6 man/but j, i^j^ts neucc i tlje cafe p y am noir/(o? tljc^e teas not one of t^e but tr ^e tt^at 3, foIoitiD tl;e co?[c to cljp;tl^Kt 3. toae fure aliuap of an ot^ecl^ufbaD beto?c tfyrcp torferamoutcfn;ptoufe/^noto3!arnfuwofnonot^etijUibmiD:i%i? lo;e re rmy be fure j Ijaue gret raufe to be faD i l^mv* <[::3p tljy0tale pc map fe t^t tt;e olDe^ue;be p0 ttcltj tfwt pt 10 as gmppterofeaujeniantocpeaoagofetogob^mcftr- folioAUi. Z iFlotljer boinan djztc loas t^at hndptj ntp masjof rcqme iuljplc tljc coiCc of l)cc IjuroaEtDc lap on tlje bere in t^e c^p;clj»rCo tuljom a ^'ongc man came to fpeUe U)ptljtjci; in ^tt at as tljoug^e \)vt l^aD bene f 0? fom niatrc concerning tlje funccallps/ljotue be pt \)c fpaUe of no fud^ matter hut onlp iyo\urO i)cr tfj.it Ije mpgljte be Ijerl&ufbanoe /"totoljomc li)c anriDCcpDc * fapDc t\}n3/^v^ bp mp tcoutlje 3 atn (oj:j> tliat ve come lo late/ fo?3iamfpeD ailicDv/ J'o^jj^waamaDel'ucereftecDaptoa nc^^ tljccman. C^Sp t!?p0 taleye mape peccepuc tf^attuomcnofte ti>me0be,lopfe anD lotljctOioCeanptpme. Z ^ercl;ant tl>it tljougljt to Deriue a mpUnei; fepD tnto ? mplnec fpttvng among company? ♦ ^it 0! Ijaue Ijaro fap tl^at euer^ trelu mplner tl)at toIlptOetreiMipeOarljagplDepntliombe/t^empInei: anftDC reo d lepo It nias treiutO/ Cljcn quoo tljc metcl^aunt 3 prap t^e let me fc tljp tljomb/* tul;cn tl)e mvlner U^etupD ^ps tfjomb tJ;e merc^aunt fapn 3 can notpercepuep tl)p tijombeis gplc/but pt ps but as all ot^et mennps t^obis be/to tofjom t()e mplner anlujecpD ^ fcpD/ ^vc t;etDt|je vt pa tljat mp tl)0b.i8 gpit t^ouj be it pe i;aue no pomv to Ce it/for tlje; is a p^opcrtc cue t mciDet tl;ecto ^ \)c p ps a coUecoiD f^all neuec Ijaue poluec c o k pt» £) j3e callpD j^concc an pjifl) loiDe tofee an l;o;feman p?pfonec tl)at: teas one of Ijps gu:t e nmps/ lifjiclje f o? anp cequed o? vtittav ^ p IjojfmanmaDe gaue iugeu?ent tljat \)z ftuloe incotpnet be l)agpD/(i ma- *oe a f cere to Ift^pue l^pm ano baD ^pm \mU ^pm reop to Dpe (C^ps ftere |> C^?oue ()pm ejcampneD ijpm of opuers fpnes ft af kpD ^pm amog ot^ece ujl)pct)e loere tl^e g^ettpfte fpnnps tljat zutt i)z opDe/t^ps l)o?remane an -- fiDctpD (e CapDe one of tlje gcettpd actps tljat eue; 3 UpOe lo^pcl^ 3 nolo moft repent is t^at toljen j tofee ^tomt t\)z lafte loeke m a c^urclje anD tljer 3 tnpgfjt l;aue b;enn vb Ijym cljurcl) ano all i bccaufe j Ijab conl'cpeu ce d ppte of b?ennpng of tlje clju^clj j tamo p t j juc To long p oconer efca pcti/d t^at fame Ocf citing of b;ennpng of tlje cljiucij it fo long ta.ipeng of tl^t tpme IS one of t^e Ujo^ft actps p euer j tJpo iuJjevof 3 mode rcpente/ C^ps frere perce^^upng Ijpm m t^jat mpnb Capo pece man in t^e name of c^oo (I c^ngef inpnoe ti &ye in cljacite o? els ttjou (Ijalt ucuer come m Ije-- vcn/nap quoD t^e !jo?8 man 3 topH neucr cl^ange pmpnbe lol^at fo euer (^all come to mp f oule/tljps f lere pcepupng Ijpm tljus (Ipll to contpneto l)V6 inioe ca to oconer (t fepb ip? m p name of goD Ijaue fon.^ ppte uppo t^psmannpsfotoie(tlet Ijpm not openolutpaijebeinabettermpnoe/ if 0! vf f)C b5?r!tcb!jcl)V5ro far out of n>c)tcf ^frctl>iiV6rnuIc fl) r)fii»:pnrD /aiiD fl)C i^yD \}ym \x)\mniymcl)C iuds m i aii.tljc^jolc uuiitcc Bsj'5 before a)cu>>>D..cOF6ljo;fnu^nl;crvimpircrctijuPi!itrctct^ l^vDto oconcctI.uiB/£>conccrl)ou fccvft U)clii?r tl;p6n:anursrcpo:tcp yf3t^rcnoto3m!toutcfcl?flr)tc;inotrctivtogotohcurntfoirr3p3 Bmiictooutofri;arrtcinDcDtvburti^ufa(ttocUi>ct)iritrcrcp6a5ooo liKin f)t IS tioiu tocU DyfpofvD tt ill ((>n>'rc/ti!iD Ij: is rcD^ to c o to tjcucu ft fo atii not 3 /tljcrfo;c 3p;av tijcljang i3p tljys frcic Vj^rlctliat ijcljys ittJr tc go to Jjcara ano !citc jiic tarv t}A a noUjcr t vine j' j may be i tlja? iioprtc/!]C(:ant}oiiol)atcrtl;anfl^cU)tc!)yiijt!jcWcni;oacottji'S liiftl^f you0 mrimc tDljycfj tl;at f;e bet >>rb toujaitj l?r)n. i^c firff/Dc'ayn of €flc,t $ ^t bene lonig in auf to:ytc itt a tyme etoyfe bet aui'e be tuolD iitmc bab ot tlje tny obyll |3te of p ele f ayr* ^ iouytinoclctfiyly0.CljrsgentyInmpcrccyuyngtbac:gauedjetayiero ibc f rcte ip CayDbc It mo not ti]el;eb/f qmc tljc hch to ijvn^ tbatfartibc imn not p tayig*:3li.b ao f 0: i lie wriDvil pmc ot tlje cle be m parr i)nu mf%pMf)cqaiiztootl}ctto\Uatpmit/td\)ctf6te tl)z[z tmzs fot ati gerojjinctcncuera ui^STdt/tiotoepfocaHt^epr craft (tfubtvlte icepc mtonclvmtvut^ Oip 'omitomioff^ck/biatl^ccoUpDnopmatuU C^p tljispeicUjattf^ppcoue'c tijebcapart fomtPUK i*erfoc« lore tiieiueaa: part dnoau. ' - ▼ . H tucld^tnan Dtucllptige m a ioHoe place of Mps came to hpg . curate m tijc tmz ot lent * tuas coreOpD^tt tofjcn tjts confeir^on iaa0 III uuinet at t^jc c«o t{)c cui^ite ataeO i)Un is^ctfjcr f^c i^D anv otl)z% tljpng to fiip )) grcu^'D f;pd cofcpece/Ui^pi^ fore abaC^pD anfUiecpD na tooro agree ir?9Ple/'at!a(l:ijpe;cottactonot ^pggooftipfaoet: l^e rapD § ttjctc luao one tijpug in (jis mpuO tl^t gtetlp gteupD ^ps cofci^ce lasted Ije ictas aCbsmeD to tetter /for it bae to gti'uoua f i)e troijjiD goD tuoli> Kcuetfo;gpuc9>m/tQUJljomtije curate afiucrpD^iTaFtipgoDDf' luercg luas aboue a!f /d bao ^pui not upfpap^e in ti)z mercp of goD/jf o? b^at fo cucr it luas pf ijc toerc tcpentautep goD bclD forgpue ^pii]/'4inD fo bg iongeroi^taceouattlicUUl^eftelDpoittt fepDtl}u5 /^pr it i^appenpJi CJnis tiaras mpiupfe teg tna^mga c^efeupponafrpDapJ^olJ^^aus fapco xol)ctl)cr itljaD ben fait ocfcetft ano tofeca Iptptlof ti)e l»!)ep in mg it;aiiD\t putttm mp mo utijti or J iuasuiare pact of it tiient Doionem? lO^oicagapnfl; mp lypU j Co 3 b,:eJwmp faS/to luijom tbc curate Capo at if tijci* be no nottjcr ttipag 3 toarant goo fljaU fo-^iue tl;e,^o lu^a (je ^ao ikU comtojtpD ^jpiu b5 p nicrcp of goD tlje curate p^apDljpm to amtoer « qucfticn [I to ceil tjpm treut!|/{5 ^'qzti t^z taelc^man ^ah p^ompfpD to tell t^ creut^/t^e cueate lapD t^t t^ei;e uiere mbim^s ^ mucDers Done hpfi the place uiIk« ^e Dtuelt d tjpuers men fouo napne (t aC&pD Ijpm ^fte^es ^eijserscdfentpng to anp of ^cm/to l9^o!?e anCtDerto a^fepD pes (t C^pij l^e tDae ctec to manp of djem * opo fjelpe to robbe $ toOe Opuersof t^erit {^enttiecuratc afivpo l}^m ^\)V ¥ opo not cofeUe l^im t^erof/t^e toelt^ imn aitttctpD ^ favD Ije to^e p to? no fpnne fo? tt itias a cudome amonge t^cm ^ ict^an aup botp came of anp rpc!; merci;aunt tpr^png ^ tt toa^but a gooD nepboucs BcDe one to l^clp a notl^er tuljen one callpo a notice/* iQ \\^ to^ t^at hvit iO} gooB tz\v{!^\'p ^ nevbour^oo. Ci)ctc pc map fe p loine iKiue remote of confcpence of fmall tJenpall tinps ^ fete not to l^o gcec oScncr l^outftame otf too?lD 0? o^teDeof goo :(t ae ? cccn ^uecb is t^ep lliibleat a ftrato (t lepe ouer a biolJ^ 31 l^pcl? coucteus marx{)ate tfjet toaa ^ t)foe!lpD in )LSDon Jolipcl^ euer ga'oerpD moncp ti couD neuer fpntJ in ^pa ^ert to fpenD n» g^t tppon tjpm feU no.i tjppon no mS elj^/^^pcl^ fell ro?e fpfe/d a9 ^e la g P^.iii. on F)vs t)Cttj bet) Ijab !)ys purs l^enfj at 1)18 bct)t)^-B lict)/(t !]aD fucljc a louc tol)V5ino!tcrii)aiijcpurlji6i^tuiDiulji6pu;8,ttoUcourctjcrof.;c.o^niii inol)irstpurt1jciinnf)i0inouU)/:^nDbccaulcijt6Ujj>fC!tortjcrgcn'iivo tji?mtcrviyktryUctoD)TUjcvcra:tyDi)yintobcconrcirpDanDt»;o'ugljC p ciiccitc n tiro innv loln^) ^im tljcv l;rtD caui'vO innn to lep I5enemcirc p curat b;)n innn rrpgoD nicrcv ;t ftjciu {)ib lynnvs.Cljan rtjisCpfe man bci^ fan to rep J CIV goD nicrq>j ijauc cffcnOvD uif ♦Hii.DCDlp rpnnps ;t b^o^ cix ttjc.j-.couraunocincntps/i bccaufc or rljc golD m [jps inouttj be mut- f IcDe Co m bps fpecOc tbat tijc curate coiuDc not luell >3nDcrftanD'c Ijpni / tubn-efozc t\}c curate afkeD l;pui lybat (je tjaDDe m tjps nioutljc ttiat UtteU bp0 Tpectje / jicps nmftereperfonc quoD t\jc iy^ man muffeipnge 3 bau€ notl;vng ui mp moutlj but a IvrtpU moncp because j. tuot not U)bciljer 31 flj^ili go J tt)oug!jre:3; UJOlDe tabe fome IpenDpngmonep toptfjme fo?3 luot not iut;at neOe j Ojall l;auc tljerof /:^nD mcontpncnt after tijut fep t pngc Dperj befo;e (jc luas confelTet) o; repentant tljat onp man coulD pcf ' ceue/ano To bp ipKIp^oDe toent to t^c Deupll. C^p H)vs tale ^e map fc tljat t\)tv tl)at ali tl)cv;t Ipups luplle neuer dd r!;arpte ro tl)crr nepgljboure/tljat goo in tpme of tijcp; Derive UjpUnot fuffer ti;an to l;auc g.^accof repcntaunce. rJ**yi5ercU)a6acertapnrrcbe!)u(lantmottma)DpltagclD!;pcliloueD . VJL ttortesmeruelouflpiucll :t fct trees of filbciDps^oiljcr nut trees in l}iQ o;cl'arD/ j nor^ (^iD f ijem Uiell all im ipfe/ :t lul;en (je OpeD l)c maDc ^psejcecutourstomaHe p2omtre toberpr^bpmpnbpsgrauea bageof nottis o: ele tljep djoicie not be l;ps e]i'ccutour6/ u;t;iclKjtecutour3 fo: fC' re of lofpng iljep^e temps fulfplipD bps Itjpll t tipD lo. 3t ijtippenpD p tijc fame npgbt attcr tljeit l)t teas berpeo tbere iraa a n.pinrre ni a M}vtc f o^ te came to tbis maps garben to t\)tUt to flele a bag of nott is/i m p voqt Ije inet li3 a taplcc ni a biaU cote an tintiiiir of i)ps accopntauce >t fljetopo l^pm tjps intent/ ^ijis tapler Ipfeelupfe ftelopn t^riu ^ ^c mteDvD p fame tpme to ftcic a tijcpe/d to tljep bott; t!jereagrepo to go fc;tbtoarD euer^' man fcuc vallp xi) ijye puipofe ,^ufcer p tl;epapopnteD to n;aue gooD t\)Q' re ectj 16 oti, er i to mere agapne m p cbp?clj porcb/j be tljac came furll to tarp fo: tlje ct(;er CaLIjis mplncr xoijt n \)c bab fpece ot bps nottps came firrft to ti)c c^pzclj porclje ,t tljcre taipeti to: tjps tcloireant) tl)t mcne lul^p !cfattc(tpII.ttjere^UnaUbet)nottp6.Ci^tio:tuneDtljantt,:crertcnoftbe cburc^ becaiUe yt tuas abotot.v.of tljc cIoU cam to rpng cut fu. f inljen l;c iohV^'infpotc^fiXah one all in tul)ptc umi^kpn^ nottf /fj? l)aD toznt ittjaDbcnep'fieDcinartuplcuoujt ofljpagrauciinaltiipngef nortes ^ luce bpcycD t6 ^pin d ran t^omc agapn m ail ball ano tolDe to a iiJccpvU p toao mlji>5 Ijonile lul;at m l^ao unc.(C.)is crcprll tyusj^ictTng rcbu UvD^Ccucii jfe^^DprtljcidcccablctogotjcUJoiD gotijpnci;^ coiure |i f pcrte/bp lur troutj) qDi p fc^tte t yf ttjoii Darll Do p3B tuplbei^e d)C on m^ ncfe (t f c{)c f 6dr^ aqxoM'^z lecf en toac ^ crepiu on ^ps neU ti cam m tofc{}v:c:f}yiitoaQxyih\ip mpinet; in fpordj faw on;^ coming bcnng ett^mgon Otsbatiijao uimcit tiaobcn^rapldui: coining x^tljelftcpc !trorei3ptomctcr!)eAtasf)ccam totuaroct^etjc afUcvDct fcvD/33(jc taviQ be fat/p fe^'ccn1)ccpng Ijpai f ep Co/for fecc cad tijc cccpuU douju /{ fcpD fat or [cm taUebpm tl)zc tor uie/(e ran aiuap / ;i tbc crcple bp mprii clciuasHiaocOole ctraaioap aa^ffafi(l|iLor falter /itjDijts mplncrpcr- ccpumg^tbcp)ticrc.u.(t^onc ranafccranotOcrruppolpag^ diKijaft fpreo p rapier ftcipng p Q^tpz ano p ijc lja>roit after ijpnt to baue taUcti l)Pin/ano tcrcD f iom boop alf o bao fppciJ Ijtni ftclpng nottt^J l)e fcr fc^ re left lips nortes bcljpiiD f;pni ano as Cecrcclp a^ \)c coiuoe ran bonie ta f)V3 nipil/ 3inD anon after p i)c ujas gon p tapicr cam li5 tOe ftolpn 0)cpc tJppon t)ps ncK to U)t c\)ncx) p orcli to lesc rbc lUpincr * )}il)ca i)z fdiunDf tljer tbe not (Ijatpa ije f ti'ppoico p bV^ feloto \)m be t^cr anD gone l^oms as i)c ujas in ococ/uil)erefore be co^e \}p p d^tpe agapne on bps neti mi^ UjenttoujarDd;enipi/i3utpctDurpng U)i5tUi)pie ti^e fejrtc lul^pc!) ra« au)ap vamc not to i)yB o mne bouCc but luet to tbe gp^ prpilis cbaber/t UjctoD fjpiii !)0U) tbe fprpte of ^ ntan U?as rpCc out of Ijps graue Unal^lug nottes as PC ban: ijar o bef orc/iuljcrfor p prelt f apD tl)at be iiJolD go com rcbpmpftije rettcnnjolDgotijt/pmAtfotl^epbot^agrceo/^prefl; DpD on bis lurptes ft a Hole about l)ps nek ^ toU bol^ tdater tO \)^m anD cajil 16 ti^e fe^te toluaro p cljurcb /(t as fonc as \)z enter^D in to p ctuml] vav De /(€i)c tafxt \)b tl)z luljpte ©?pe on ips ncfe mtcnbpng as j before IjS uc fteujio poUj to go bo uin to p nipU met 16 tbeni * Ijao tocnt p ^ pteft in IjpsCurplesfjaD bcnpmplner mOpsnjljptecorc /:i(epDtoljpnibp gom 3 ^aue Opui 3 Muc t)pni incanpng bp tljc ftepc p Ijc Oao (lolvn/tbc prell pc^ccpupngc tbe tapicr all in biak ^t a Uitjpte topng on Ijps ncH baD tuent It i)ao ben p ueupU berpng aioav tbe fp;prc of j^ Droc man f toas bcrpcD (I ran a)i?ap as fade as be cotio tafrptics ^ toap Doujuc toUiarD ti}t mpl!/(t p rejTtcn ronnpng after Iji.Cljis ta vicr f epng one foloU)png !ii IjaD UieC p one IjaD foiou?eoilje mpiner to baue Don \}vm {omt Imtt ^ tl}oug!;t l)C iuolD toloiu if ncDe lucre c o belp p iriphicr.d Ujcnt foztlj tvi xje Ccan co rljc iiipU (t HnoUUcD at P uiplQorc/p uiplner bcpng M^vn af ucD tobo luas n^cF f tapicr aftoero % faio bp gob 3 b*iu? mu^ln ong of tl)cm t maoe Infurc n tn^^ f) J^n faft hv t> Icagrs mcnvngc hv Ac ftepc p ^c Ijan Rolvn $ l;aD tijcoti t)r^ ticu IFCD fall bp]^ Icggrs.X3ur ^iuyintr ^cr^ugljuu lev p ^e l^aD Inmi tycD fc.ft bp tijc Icggrs 6aD luciuc ir tjaD be H)C conitdbic p t?aD tal^c'rlie raylcr fo: (leirng ot il}c f^rpc .t Lao tycD tjun bpp Icggr At fcno f f;efjaD coiiien to Ijdue tni%cn ^pni mio to; aeivng ot tt)c nouj e/ic^erto 2C t^c ir.plncr cpcnyD a baU i:o;c ^ ran au aj* as fad ae ^c ccuD.C^c tap; lour tapng lijc baK tJo:c openjng Voci zup ctijcr i^U otp u.pll/^i t^cre fan) the inylncr ronnpng airap/t ftoDc tl;erc aiutvll iuljplc inufyng t6 p ftcpc on lji6 ticfe-CljCu me tt)C pmrft p;eca it il;c icjric ftanoyng tijer^ tntier ti^c niptl;oufebr^rngtl^cinio? tcic dtatuitjctarlcutagaiuXi^]? ^epc on Ijifi neb baD iccnn lt;ll it J;aij bene tt;e lyupli l\j tl;c fp;pt otttjc tttc man on l;rs neb 5 foj fere ran aii-av/fcui bittiuic il;c^ kniU) nor t^e grounD UjcK/i^c p:f eft leptc into a t\'c^c almoft ouer ttjc l;eD Ipbe to be ti;cunpO tljat \}t frreo toptlj a icuo lorec l^elp ^eip-'^E^en tl;e tapiouc lo fcpo about % faiD tt^e n.plner ror.c airap d t^e tcjcten a notl^ei: irav jt ^ai;0 t^e pucft ftp l^elp.taD icenD it l;ati bene l^c ccdable Xii a g,€c copanp ctp cng fo: Ijelp to tabe l;jin n to b;vrjg ijpni to p:pron fo; fteij ng ot p Ujep^ tt)l)erfo:c he rb:eto Dotone tijc iQepc ^ ran atoav q notbec Uiap as taftc as ^e cout^/ie fo euerr men iraeatiirD of cttjenDpttjout tame* Ci3p tijps pt «;ap fe tuell it is folp fo? anp man to fere a tijpiig to cipdj tplt tljat tc icionx p;oue o? taulc. fif olD bt;\t tjj^icnall t^png foun fptbef .ntt.dfinfntCmct 3 to genet foiiiiani^ ^^V^^%t UjtjVtt^ t^eptjao' to oo beraufe cljcp muft metJOpll oiuiap one icittj a nottjer: * ^D coniunicaao to gcter of o^uere matters/ .-t beraufe tl;^v to"^ not rontiunc all t^t p? ma^ ters at f feafon t^ep appopnipD to b;ebe e cHmnpracpn f o: f tpn^e (t to jr.ete8gavnaiiottertvnie,r^etfo:eef^oneofi^eftelDyDtoo(t^cctol^ei; tbepie mcft ebpDyng tras ^ irljere tl;cp; leloiiJt ftull; tyni) tljc m if neoc (^uiO tequr:e: t f la U- j^ }f:ttl) faj'D biet^ern r e Hnobj Uje?l as to: mc j am i^maneralUjnp * notremouable ttcrfo? ix mapbe lure to ^aue meaitoap iBljan pe IpO-.Cbc U'ater fcpDyf j c Ivfte to febe mepe fljaibc furc eucno l;aue me\jnr)etarottotgrenerull)VBo?elipsmaiDcmanseye. '^ije luyni^elapDpfvcIifi: toiebcme ixC^aibe futceuettoljauemeamongc afppn leiijrs c: els m a ircuicins tong.f^Oen quoD tlje fp:e pf unj oi pcu tlfttofefeeme:ref^alIeuerbe furetofvnDmeinafl}nt(lQneo,2eisiua iDcniansljart. C^vtljpsta[citmapltrncatoeUtbep?opertesoffiiu.c:cmct«i tps as t^e p:cpmc of a toonmn. O-^i^nciociBaiimm liutlateftt?rertrme6fehglortt)cal!eD imitct ucr ro I'peo mvd) money /Cfiie iiiairci- MmvtouvtoiKon a vmc ini^fd cvrciite m(iplaccoft\)tmttiitmcv iQljcceOe^ao agceco x^ tfjcO^pri^f lora ccrtai^nfomeofuioncptor tjpscljacgps t^orotoe t^c^pcc/fo tbat arcucrrJnnettloDgrngttjj'siualtccijaucrourparDfoi-ljpsoUincoays Ittortim^DfopUJljen f?ccaintoacertapntoDgpng()ccomaunDcD cue (^ofpvnOi^sfcmattoicpij^ijrcogooDtjurt^onDry (ito i'au2fucl)etl;pri gcsas toecclaftj to cacp it \]6f;piiito feruc ijpiii attije nejct baptpna/ ai:i)V3 Corppn Dorng tipsaiaftcrs co^mmmt toUc pbroUpn bceDc lirofeprt mere (tall fpct) tijtgp taasiaftttputit m(?p3inile/C0e uipfe of pljoufc gccpupngplje to^ealiruclje fmgiiientps (t tjptapicxi^ljpinp teglaft tputitmt)p6 male/I^c biougijt »p ^poDege^ teas laftitlje pot I Uif|CiUorppnijaD tomto tjpa baHalptpiifpDefte poutpD^ poue gcmto^uialcuj^pdiirarit)pont)y0cob2ot ffeadet (toc^ep I)p3 qmim rpsft rapeD tt)mi rjtt^cuvi^ tljatajcp toeccmpc^^urtt<)etXi5.(€^^p0rCoi? ppn CoDepnlp tocnpD i}im r^ fauj tt/i:euplpD ttjc topfe t\)zttot (e van to Ijvs mate d toi J^pm njijat llje Ijao Don/uj^epfor madci; (OaueCour ir^cort nftrailpDp ituptc J fcpD to ocr tfjus.Cijou otab qtnOe taliatOafl: t^ou 00 tohptjaitt^oupottPpoppoDirgcmiupmiletJuiarppoinprvipmettigere/ Q fp;quoiD ^ topfc jKnom losUpe acamoge of p peahiij/ 1 3 pewe^iie hv poiKpou.: tniD is to Do rpgl)t ae to t|aue tljat t(|at i$ pour otone/* pout; mpnt) IB to ^auc al! d)?>ng ti5 pou ^ peljaiie papD for / botl) bumftt breDe mctc itotJjecdipagrpi6iefc:troitt9rearoiit94t pc!jaue/j ttofo^ebe* cautc pou? fcruant batij talicn t^e b^D? $ t^ie injte ^ patitinmimlc 3 Ijaue tljerio?c put in pour male ttje poDege f be Mt bzcauit pe ^'aue iceil (ttmlppapDfortbemtorpt^il^ulD^cpeoniptlipngftompou ^pc l^am papDf o?;peraDuenturepc toolD tcobleme tntiie iato an ot^ep tpmc. C.i5ere pc map f c ^ Ije ^ piaptij t^e tipgatOe to^iipc^ Coiugtpme ^t tomcti) i)pmto!jp6 oioncJolle. CertflpuctDeDrjpbmantijecetBaB toljpc^cb^anliefjfaa Dc^f 3t ca to l^euen gatpjjto fapnt ^ztcv * CapDbe ca to dapin Ijis i)r rptage IdI)icIi tje b^^D oefcpupo* ^epnt ^eccr af^pD !|pm bbat f)c toas/it Ije {apo a tucoijptJ ma/anon^^cpnt peter opcnpD p gatf ft b,%^ ^puifomernd fapbljeteaBtoQ^djptobauebpsbecptage becaufelieoao Ijati mm\) trobpll (t teas it)o;tljp to ijauea crotone of glorp.:a{tnonafter p UKtc mn a notuct man dm mvinvo Ijzixvn ;t fapo ro ^cput ^mv l|t i?ati!iaDai.topup9/toU)()Oin &cpm peter aftoecpUanD fapDeome info? luouart UJ0/tt)p ro banc a Doblc rrohju of glozp/ foi tt}oubBft^»0 iDoHr twUc/atp lail t|^n-e cam a t^^p^D claprapng Oeiieu ,i fapD to ^apnt vm^ }l^[}dXi [)aX)Ait\sv^m i Ucf)>:^tJ to romein/lu^nt quot) ^c j^nrc ^ctc: t^ou^adbcnc unye uitroble t ttjccof OriyuerrD/^ti^cnltjyllyngiptDol Drft be r : obylD tigaim t Vt r aga^m tticrof DcipucrrD. t fo; all >> co utnr not bctoarc^tljviDctyiKC/burcmrrcfi: U)yll>^gclv m trobpUagaytic there fo:e go tt)v uiap ro fjell f o: tljou djaltc neiicc conic in beuen fo.:t1)ou arte" nottJo;iljp. C '^l^ys talc id a toarnyng to tljcn! tljnt Ijouc bene tteyfc in parcll to betoare Ijou) tl^cy come rtjcrin tl;c tl}y:D tvmc. i^ vilje uietcfjant of lonUon tl;crc lua^ luljict) l;a^ but one fonnc % f toae fomete^a: vntl;,.ytry t^crcf o.e 1,18 fact t' bppon \)ve Dct^ bed cnlleCi t}vm to In ' ^^ :t Ui't tjc Uncto "ojcU jf;r \)aQ btu tntlj;ir tp l)obbeyt pf ^e Hnei i^e iDolD auieno i)ps conDicioe U UiolD inafee \)nn l)\6 eiecutoure t leue ^r n; t^w gooin-s lo p lj€ toolD p2oniv;c to p;a?e to: ljpefoiDle:.^tcfTnDconetiaplptoipngto;^nn^brf^>cn)vngicpeiro;'' inei^psfon ttjerenmocafavrt)fuUp;o{npfc.2;frcrpttjpsmau]a9c^r«n' ^y6eTecutoure(iDreD/i?urattertljai:ijp0icncfeepciuit^rrot^iuU}o:t tpuicljcljaOsafteD:ifpcnr;f^Jl!tl}aDnort^jugcleftbucu*^(n^acoUti]at teas f)rs faoetg.^t f on impD tfy^n tfear one or ^pe j:rcniDps can»e cc hm t fapO Ijc^ns fo;p v Jic ?;at3 irafl v^ ic jnvrf; ^al^pDc l^i la ljoU)^c Ujoicc gfo;in l;'r6 ^nipfe jfiaD? tc i^'s f^Kljct -c* Jjc t»oiD Hipc one ro fmg to}^nin C€^p6rongnianaru3i:tvi):tfi^r^brgc]Dvcr3io>ilpcrto;tne nip pio-- 8npre/fo?3topllfccpctl)pstmne ;cfe6!pueaplidnD ^topUferotoceuccp tape anDfo ^cQ^aU(pngecur:pDap[o;mptaDersfotole- tros^rpU'^ia; fo;inc Hip piomr ic Uieil pnougt;' C^p iijpspenmpre tljatiti?? jupftciniefo^amantoticGactjf Wtip6f)pnifdftt»{jpie6€isfyactnouotrufttat^prapi?^inD pjunips otl^pscjcecutours. f^V^cre bas a nmpDc (loticbp a rpucra fpDe in bet finol^ isfi^Tng'^ vJL^^otl^ps, 3:nl5asl^crroupyDoiftpinpoljecfnioKiu;clcuiCt'v ttocnct;erburofekrs/::3vte^onicri]CLTcauieaticrefrpngcljC!:ano(apr»e in fpojt.^apD niapDe faUc IjcDc fc; i^paro bpt^s on c^e b;yDpU. j^m Uipe nuaftcr frerc qtJoD (be nmpDcn i;e Dctfc liut toppe l^ps anour^ antJ '^p? tiyii) PC topli ccii.e ^ ^yUe lyiuu CSp tf/ ps PC iiu-p fe tt;6t a tccinanx? mjCtDCt le neuer. tolcftc. Certain man t^cre luasDbellpgc in lfifcotdnecallpi)<5otau> "^ ^t)Ul) mcnt to a tam.UiAn^lz of to bp Cftepe/ii as ^^ wm ouei? « iJ^Poge (?c met X6 one of Ops ncpbouro ^ tolD ^uii iuJ^ct^cp ^e: bent/ jljeallfeyD iwn "m^v^ ^^v^jt luolbfcpng tije/ tol^pc^lapU^jc tooio b:igtl;eouert{jcrauieb^l?Dgc/napquoDt^cot9crmabuttOou(^altno( b^ goD q^^cbut 3 topil/^ ot^ciragavnfeiD Ije (^ullj not/* tjc agayn fatOt IK luolD b^i>ng tijcm oua* ip^tc of i)is mi) d fo fell at toezor'/* at tl)e lad to bufettrttjatec^e one knoliUi?D o^er toellabouttl^elieDbpsi^ t\)tnt fpftpaCd iw^oni ttjcre cam a ^p?D man tDljic^ tuas a mpinep toprlj a lat^ . of « lelc bppo a !;o;re a tiepbour f ti>cpis % pattjo ttjein taffepD ^g: bjtiac tjjas ttjecaufe of tl)c?;tbar?»aunce/to^Ft?? t^fteuip'ogprn t^e matter * caufe as vc fjaue ^atDc/ (^im t^V}^ "^^^ ^*)^ mplne^ t'gougl;t to tebvM tljcr;f0i^Il)nc6 UJitija fanivipeteJcampieasro^e^l'sCaii of melefromljis t;o;9 baK ^ opcnvo it (t pour j>p au tlje inelc in t^z iau ouer ci)e bnoge intOi tf|e tonpng ruicc Wijatvali t^e tnelc toas.Ioit j fap^ t^u3.Ji>i^ im tcoutii riiitors beeaufc ye lli>>ue ^c ti jviipng ouet r^e b.pDge i^ole tJ^m^Wk benctmbougt)£no^^otnot^erettJC|>be/mctf)pn^^tijt(jerfo?et^er€ is aipn as uipcl) loi't m pout ^ebops as ti^tc is nieie ininv fafe. CC(JV8tale(5ietortIj pout!;atromcm;intal5pt!jbpp5 '^mt^ fteui otter liiviiWfooiuetijijenlje isbutafoie^pm rdt si;an there imm tf;at caine to cottfeflc \)vm Ceif to a grap f rere i :S 0j?oueijun djat ^cljao lapne b)it^ a pong gentiltooiria^ frcre tt^an afupD ijpm in iDijat place/*^e laio it uias in a gooolp rijS ber all npgtjc iog in a toixe ijjanne bcD/Clje f rerc ^fcrpng tfet fl|;uggpii mf^^s dotf/FS^Ca^d/notobpCiDecerepntfraunccst^en i^all^ t^au )9ei;pe ivcUateafe* iOjattbclcr bctga tDpuottJccbtDeUfgat^olboineb^ige inloDo 31 ^ao a fap;c ooug!;tcr/ toljoiii a p5g gcntplman of oaups jnnc Ujopo g^p to^aue ^s plcaVure ot ijer/iofjprt) bp long lute to fjer matJcat ^laft g^awb ^inu popntpb i;piiuoc.5e Uppo a nig^t toljcc facers boufeinf euenpng dl^e ujoio fonuepijinunto^er c^aberfectedp tn^pci^ loas an inuet c^jauibec topiijtn l)er faocrs ctjaber/;S>o acco^?jig ro *^poitm^tallt^igt»asi)fo?uipi)top()clapx6ljerallnpg{)t (tinaoe gooD a)ere tpll about4iii.a cioU i ^ mo?nig/at toi;i(^ imc icfo;tunpO tbispSg g^tplntS feU a toug^tg/Uilj j^cb ca bjjpo brmXo foie p l;e eouD not ref^^ C^0 ^cng focttdj t^ fo1n$ bet fatcr tf;-acf a^ ;n i5£ nat rJwfib^^ eft€tt)cv fouiudlrofe in ^ps fty;t * fo OfD /buttle bcwufc of tt^ fauo: ofrfjc Draugl^t 'traufvDI^pinto coug^imc^moicit louDcrttop wtdns facet IjarDljnn^af^pDott^pstousBcn^to^ritnianujaBrtaiPiougijioi fjer c^lija/ftc aiiCtocr^D ;t Qapo no bor)p.:6ut cuec i\)V5 yog nw coug^io Orinnc;^ jino;eb{^omt!?cfaDct(^ci:rng rcpD/br goDOr t)oDvt)o;etijou ipca3tDp^^cto^>o{jp8r!;^;l:itrD^CDUtotl>psbc'ti:t''^^rsUK^lci^pa:«^ lil^ng^ctfaDctti'rvngcQmtotl^c gcntrlniaiirapiitali€^ct)cfp:to roiir felf uir faDcc f omrt^.5i^elo,pp$rainto?arcteU)rti^i> JJcaug^ bo?De about S^b nek roU)fi?D uup0 ^nnc as raft oa b€ touo. ^l^i6toef^tP?fttcr4Qucoftjctf^r'cr0t,oulC5fec^nott^crcamGnctbaf= tcr.1II?p0gcRtpIrtmnas(;C:aRt'Ppcnl;olbo>ncb?pi5gcinct\)54folp£rs «rt!ar)cnttco!v0tof)er€j;^retoa9.n»o2m.ilimri^^o?rp5/i»l)id)^ t^cpfatottpagcntpUr^anronrng DttrtafpDcftc^wUjCio^npDut Ujpf^ coJv«/*Dmt?irarpDc*b;^^e*^f{irrropc/5rbcrbptl^cco:V0teuoutfo:nc tncncplacc (cicxmanot^/'^(iUttP:;ti)o;(rQ^u\\iitim twCps ncati ftmc totoati) rmptgfelOtrfometotoaco ncto^ate i^at ti?e col^^ct r^ aftcp ftem*toa0a.^ouji;e(^ino?cc;f;ci-ouDgaC;i8i;orlctoget'ecagapn/S5|? t^?£^ tj^uic t^ people of t^f firctc u»c;c n>icn ant) w re ? i. rea * fats r^ CraUipD tept^ colp0ciia:p oncfo^ i^^spari gaDapiJ up t^c folp0:f^t ]^ utott parr of t^e eolps tecrc 30KC 0^ i^e copper (\it! got i,n^£f;0;fp0,c.ij>ii^ Ijurpng t^P0 labr^ t^e getpliran !r £f t^orotn (ipm anC-rc to0 c^pte^^-i^ca toiraro Oaur0 Jmmtfytt met bptt, tb^ fca^ ^^cnipti g to c^ure^ i rig to mo^oto ma0:ltj|;pd; lof^tt [^ fate t^e gent pltnan m tt^e c^urt^pot De iti ^■P0i5v?ttt t^ D,i9g^tbo?D about bpsnr^ /.»;aDUifD!t ^Obcn£arp:pc: itcrpeoa!a0flia0atprptifranbafeQa8pnto(/t0^oufealnioaotpuartpg *^^^^^^^^^'^'^^^^»t of QV0icprp(|ctua0^too;fe(^lfeapcc? attm i?^lf genrui^'in tban bccmk tjaup0 jnne gatpo ioere not open tocnt on t^bafefptcdlept oner tfjegarDentoali/buttnleppngrde lege bo:tJ iV ^^^ ^^ ^''^ ^ '^^^ ^^° ^^^•^' *^"^^ qaobciiapn^ (trtjercfan oucr p xuaa * Duttt not come npefjnn tpU i^ ^sd caUpD bp()p0 e on?panv/iui;vclj iiir^n rnanr of ttjegent^Inim icbetcomc to gft^r/lobpDi:>cil uppobuii «nv» Hnci^ opui % iimt rdcuj-D i/?ni/;iput t^ bo-Oe t ioas about {;p0 nc^ tmift^ \)m hth fo to (mil tWtW eouts mt get it ottpll tlitv toere faj^ne to aitte it of mitti i)atci}Cttps.'Cftiis iwas tl?e mm^ mil Japp?)/ g^ fb: fere (Iftc tan fco l)er faDcr/l^ei: feds armetoap l;utt tljie coij ac Mt Ijiis colps tfte fejcte ixjs^ alniod oiu of l;is ^pt''*^ tl;^ gencplman i)sli aimoO: b jofee i^i^ tm ^ matcfiantp?? l^pfe ttjet ix3agi in bolxie patrft; in lonDon fomc loofjat Slept in age to bl)o !)cc majptr cam cjk ii foniDap m lent after Dpnee ^ faptJ mapdres quo!) fl}e tt)cp rptig at fepnt Gliomas of acregs foj tlier lljall Ije a Cermo pimltv^ anon ^ to mlm\ tfjt mardtes aiifijoerti a- fapD marp goU hv^ blv^mu on itF ijart fo^i i^arfiFngine tljttd ^ l-^ecauCe 3 Oept not U)ei a!l t!)is nv^l'jt 3 PPF tljeijzpnge mp.ilole mti) me fo^ 31 tBpU go t^ipDer ta lofie m\)^t\)tt 31 Qii tafee a imp tl)C|^ ix5t)p!e rljc pzcCi ib preclFiig 25p tHjifei pe map fe tW manp on goti) to eijurdje a^ mocljefo^ otfiee ti^pngp^ as foi ^euoci'on* l^er isa^ a ccitapn companp of mmm gattjcii'i) to ge*j Uer in comimi'caci'on one ^ppenpD rl)iis to lap Ijec ppg ^ gps after tlpp ^ers faroix^pD iJpetjanD ^ol^e not Uw nnH one olDe mvU ol ijer acfopntance Ijerpng l)er far fe baU !}er get a coc^ol^piBi i^at an^ put efn ppggp^ rij^riti i fe!?pl€ after lljep teaere farrolxjp^ mt) r^ep i^olDt Ipue/ix^ljf^fn ^jopfe inten i^piiii to U ^tu-t tjct coimicll came to one ct fter gcsOppp^^s an^' llje'oopi) Ijei^ n^tiat mc^ecpne ti3a0 tl)aiigl) tjgc fo j Ijet ppgg?^ ^ p^apD Ijer to lenD ijer i^eis l)tt.rbti.nDps ljat/ixj!]pcl| anft^grp'O ^er angerlp ants far!s J iijoio tljou feneixii rfc It SBjiabbe 1 liaue rsone foj mp ljufbantje is m cooiiolD . for 3 am a gooiB ixjoiBan um Co lpfe€ ^p(e euerp iopfe anfiDoerpH tjer in ipfee maner tliat fjjc EieparipD fcome manp of t^em in anger an^ faolDpnge/aaut \]o^an(!)e vm^ ft^ couUe get none C^e came agapne to Ift goiTpppp0 all anf|crlp anD fai a 31 feaue 'gone round aljoute to houtM a coolia'^i'H lint mti i tm %u mm fcoijerefoie pf 3 Ipiie another pere J Wli tjaue one of nipn o'&)n mo be out ofmp ncpg^bours temger <[25p tt}is tale a man map ierne tliat it is inoze WpiMnt fo^ a man ts ItnO: mc^e re bis oixsne Uott tljan to bis nepgbtorir^ Qentplneis* (Senrpinian tja gentpi^onian fat m^^ut m^vn nMt^t gen*-- trlmm inh gret vavn in om of bi^ tetl),^ ^apnpD so kv m tl}^ rale it miD 'm vt hut iptpli gooD/biit pf rticre bf anp cbpnge in mp tnU ttiat can Do pour totlj gcoD i mih vtmit m pour, torfi. C^p tiu^ 15 map fc ttint b ijoomansi anli^ei:- ?0 klMm to kht. € U ^ tljetrmcoflcntaiJoelAman cam'tobcconfedrlibfln^airat^ a ix)t)iTi) m to^ cofclTron (arO tljat !}C t}aD bptlrt) a fccre/to toljo ttjc curat fapD Ije couDc not aflbplc Ijritvrcs qi^ tlie toalcfjma rf tljcu bnctocft all tljoii toolUyft altbplc me iiocli inougt)/^^ U3l)cn tbe curat IjaD co manDrt) l)m to ftcii) t)rm all tt)e cafe t)c (art) thus marr tljcr mtun freers Ji 3 nii'al)t l}aue flarn tl)cm botl3 vt 31 i)at) l^ft but J let tlje one fbape mt foiz inaftcc cucat (et ttK tone agarnit ti^ totljer ^ tt^n tftc offence ^>s not fo great but pemavafforlentctocllrnougl). ^ . » , C ^V tt)is re mar fe tljat Dpuets menne !)aue fo cupll f large cofcp cn^ ttjat tl^er tljrnHe rf tljep Do one goot) tieUe o; refrarne from t^ tojnge of one curU fpnnc tl)at rt rs a fatrCfeccpon fo^ otljer fpnnis anboffencp?* jgete toas a companr of gctrlnten m noztljatonlljp^c tx»!)pcl) trem to liunt? fb; Deere m tl)e pozlctx)^ m ttse gollct tefrlje aonp ftrat*; C (oiD'^^lmong U)W gentplmen tl}et ijja? oneu^^icl) l.iaD a ttialclje man to l)is (pruaunte a gooti ard^r/ i»^ic^ i»!)en tbcp came to as place ^fjerc tljep t^ugji t^ i^olD l)auc game/ tl)ep matfc a (ton trna anD poptitrD tl)P3 toelc^n to ftanD bp a tte npgi) tbe tjpe loap anD ban farm m my txjifs to ta&e ^Dc t^t ^ f^t at no raf&aU no^ meDIe nat toitb out It \»ece a male ^viit t»ete a male to fpatc mtmtl ofi tU^ deleft man let m alcne» Znh i»t;an tljis i»ald)man m ^nnu t\m a ^^'^e !?c (acoc modje l!w:e compnge / as ujell of aiuntciere as of Ba^ll / but eur Ijc let them go anD toHc no tjeDe to tljepm- S2lnD toithin an tpXDie after he fatn come rpDvng m tt]c h/t Hiap a man of the countrep xdjidy l;aD a bogct hangpnge at hisiaDpU boi»c. toeldi man 5»as bcrp glaD $ went mcontinicnt to fefee ^ mafter ii at laa fonutt hrm tx)ith his companp/anD ti3ha he feooe hpm he come to hl'm i^ fapD tlnis ^ftcr bp cottps plut ^ l)cr naplc J haue ftanDe ?^nDer ttjps tuao hotajps anD 5 cotoD fc neucr a male but a Utell male that a man haD hangpng at his labeU boix)/^ rhac I hauc gotten/=t lo here it is^anD tohe his maacr tl}z bogct iwhpch l;e huD tauen atoep from the foifapD maiv foi the lx)hpcl;e teDc bothe tiie rnaOer pl the feruant ujcre aivertxiarDe m great trouble^ 4 2Dt' il)i^ )h: map lernc }t vz gret foip foz a mafter to put a fcruaut to that befriies u^^erof l)c can not^uig ffepll anD ui!;etin Ije ^uh nat bebfpD* * mb mut lu/'ie aiiD alio inetp.tljis oentpli tajoman as (be Lii hut ]PonganD grotccn foine \30lmt Ijppon the oner Irum atihhttf^ fsvn tojjrm tfjus^p^ It banc a berDe nmz anD none benS^ ffi abouc/marpquoH fije/tijen fettbc torn agaj^nft tl}e tother/tob cb Sere m^ toasf a cct tarn t^^ite fr etc mjkl) m^ a berr alotton ann a great npggra U}ljrd)e m m bngracpoufe bop that cuec foio*) C ^pp !/pm anb bare i^ tl^vum tx>^t fo^ tfte ftcrp0giottonp * fo^^iscljo.ilpUjncs t^ebcp lx)l;ere!)ctoentcoubefkant act mete mougl^ foe tljc frere tcoibe ecr almoae all })m felfe» But oti a tpmt m feece »mbe a rccmon in m wmv ^Ijcnn ije toiidiptc bccp nm<»' KP ntpzacle0 bDljictje cr pa bpb afoite bis paHpon amonge ijobiche be fpecpalU rebcrfpDe tbe mpiacic tljatcrpfte bpb mfcbpngefpuc tt^oufaiil)e mpkml tm fpiie loui^ of bieDc anb mtl) in iittcli fp%si anb tibps frcrp3 bop toinrfi ratPb not grctelp fo.^ m mmct Ijerpnge ton lap fo aab confpbecpna that m mailer m^ fo great a c!?uric mh glotton autoercc ixiith a lout^ tjopcc mt nil tlic muf^ barb ^ fapb bp mp troutlj mapaer fCften there toetc no frpcr0tf)crc»U)iW)canfii3eremaDe all f!)e people to fan on toie a lai»ah^i pnge tl3at foi fijiamc ttje frere i»cnte mit of ri;c pmpet»anb as m the fterps bop Je tljan bcpartpb out of t^e rfturctj that the frere neuer faiuo hm after; C23p tlip$ pe map fe tljat it m ijoneftp fer a ma tf;at isat mete to depart UJith fuchc as l)e Ijattj to tljcrn that bt pzcfent^ i^pclje frapnfelpng bujellpng in tf;e countrep teb a freer bfpng to (n$ l)pb3fe of toljom he roub neiier be rpb fi hab tarpeb itJith f^m t^ (pace or a Cenpght ^ neiier bepart Ixjljerfoze the frapniiipng bepng ixjerp of mrt/on a tpme^^as tjc ^ \}\s njopfc ^ tljis frere fat to gebcr at fupper tonpD mn felft bcrp angrp txiith l)ps U)pfe Jn fomorije Ije fapb l;e icolbe bete hci^ Chis frere gfepupng tecl mm mv met fapb tl)U5.maftcr franblig 3 haue bene here ttws leuenrgljt i^hen pe toere fr ebps ^ 3 U)pll tarp t^ere ttiiis fb:^ tcnpght lenger but 3 ujpU fe po« frenbpis agapne 0^ 3 go tljps man perfep npng that he cotibe no goob nor bsolbe not bepart bv none Uoneft meanps; anfmcrpb hf fto^tlp ^ fapb bp gob freere but tijoi: fhalte mtt Ijere no lens gcr ^ tobe Ijvmbv t¥ ^nlUt9 ^ ttxuift ^m our of tl;e bo^p^ bv bpolenee. Cat \mm^ to h^'ni roc'iMvD ts loaoit'op lo be fiiugljt ixiity open rctiii^cs» iS'cct: )L}inrtoiu- come into a i- d;c rnaimrs tjoixifc m tlje rountrcp 3^ ann becaufe tl)is po:e nmn tl}cugi)r etjis fcer e mrght no \)m loine gooD ^G tl}erfo;c t\ioiv$\]t to niai^e l}piii soot> cijere / J3iit bjta\j)(c I)r3 txivfc DoolDe Uzedc firm no gooti mm fo:- codc/lje tt)crfo: at Drncf trme la^'Dc tluis '' 23 1' gboW^e bi'caiiore tijou DrDDeS n^zcdc mc no goot? utetc to inv tivmy^)ttc it nat toj, msftcr ^(^rc/ thou i'ljoloert i}Aut ijalf a tol^^n Itrp Pc0^ar nt- QtioDtlje frwc "J p^ap roMfparc imttoi \m^XQ\ftwt)t\}Z ixsvi fcoas angr r ^ tljerfo^c at ibtippcr lf?e caulcb t tiein to far? ^czs, 1 53r' tl'l^ /^ ' W fe It IS goo& poir^p foe aeap5 rf tt)^? borll Ijaue anp goot) ri^rc to picas slujap cl)e m^fr otcije liomfe* ijcre loas a frere iwijiclje tbcugt} ij^: tocre tccll Iccnpt) pet ^e tons C ckiivD topcbeZ) of conorcroni^ ^njictie i)iio a cipc-ntj luiaunrs fonne to Jsjarte bpcn ^pm anD tQum \)m to (pese tatpn ♦ C^^'^P^ frerc came tc djps djplDcjs fatrec feiycUrng m i\)t mimvmxl) bccaivile tijis ftccc irolDijSiie tljcB dsentplinan to "^xioxdz tl^at tljis chPioe ijaD metip loaell Ipa^t i)is trme fo^ tl}c tjo^ple he Ijab bene v»itlj fepm/t]e bat) rt;ts ctjplt) to ma be m iatpn iipatlp f ceres ijuall^s m t^t don^r .trnis divlJ^e !)alfe nftonprli bpcs^fc bts niaHec bati fjrm mafee ct«i^ larpn lo i^oitiv aiUmceei) at ail at? tienturc^ anD (apt) 3« ctrcuitu mipu amljulant. '^ t!)e tctme tpnte a gooD o!b iicntplman bcv^nr? a lai»it r cam to 3 lonton to ae tcrmc ^ as t)c cnmc Ijc i}ape?icD to oucrtai^e a tccre iaJjictiijoas torn bntt)2)^t ^ t^et alone ujitbout l]is tener \:o\moi ftiB getplman alucD t\}\B frerc mtjccc loaas l)is bener i\M ItjoiD s^epe l)rn? co panp'anD Capt) it ti^aa fontrat)^ to lits f eipgpon to §n alone / anD it ixsolljc catofe people to fapyolc bpm to be Ibme apoltata o^ fomc tmtfepft, 23p goti fvt qiiot) tlje frere mp fclotx) comenticti) bpm bnto pcuc ms tterOipp/iwijo qi5 tlje gentplman 5 ^noixje Ijjin nat/ ti]an quoD tlje frere to tijc gentplman pe are ttje nicic to biame to nM foz i;pin. t ©P t!)is tale }t map fc tt)at be tbat gctietl) rouCelto an bntljn'^t mm te ctxtl) \)vm f;ts tiutpe OiaU l)aae oftcntpmes but a mocbe foi bis labour. '^n gcntpime cammto an Jmic tuljcre a fapze ixioman iras tap ^ iter ^jobcrfci as t^;C^c tbic fat tljcr mabpng mccp ectione of riic \!iy( fcb l)cr i nt^»t)c gooD paftpme ^ plefurc Ijotwbcit one ipabc mcrplp ?5fapD J can nnt fe lja-x)tiji3 gcntpltooman is able to inal^e pallpmc ^ plea ^ice to Ds all tljze erceptc tbat Hje ijoerc tepartet) m tluc partes, ^v mp troutiic quob one of tbcpm / pf tbat (be mpgbt be fo Dcpar tcD tl)an 3 U3olbe cfjcfe fo^t mp parte ijer beD anD ijer fapze face tljat 3 mm\)t alwap fepiTe lice foUQ.ri^ tvlmcnvm palTrD tlje tptiie tljcr bvtlK ipace of one tjciir m ii Tticr toiet^et: Im ^ ^m gcpiige ai^ap hut o^ tm ^ent ti]c tl^viti rnn tlm tjatJ eli?i:?i t^ S'^tl ma mu l)a!) c^ofcn tijz face ^ tljz mout!) IkIjp tcft t!}ou £o tliot? Wn me taroitgc to ^ps nip parte tl^t Jj tjsue cijofen of l)er . ^ quo^ tie othct 1 p^ap ftie J3? not mim ^^I ^oibe cctent ttjat tr^ou ftjalt ijps m? pair M iu ■0 mt% tWt mcllvh^ mttvqzmvlnmn toW IjaD a ecofec mllvtf 3 'Ctjomas tl)ae m^ %miv D/icafrD looitHtljz totl) a^e (^ mmpinnvh to !)is mapilec ttercof ijol)id}C TayD he I}aD a hoU ox incUpcis ;^ fep^ \)Z "molt) iolic t)p t)is mu to le U)l)ett|£t ijc co oaD fpnCie aiip ^ncDecpn ttietfot it ^ to imU one of fes r?ougl}ter^ to Ijt^ ilaop foi Ins bafee anD uncontrncne Mfo ^ppcn rr alonge (cafcn rf ti)ari fa) rie tDusio l)ps co^c.-ct^omas qi;ol> lie Ijere 19 a mctierpne fox tt^p totl^feCi^ rf vb a cfiat me btit it ^^fd u fm no gooD zKtcpt vz mdt on Four fence anDafee pi: for icrnt (imns.m^v^mm giaD to be rclelp^ of Dpspapnc KnclpU c^ i^it^D mapllce for klidmmktm tplttiati ^egsn $ (aj^^D tlju^,'C^e bne on el;? fon^a? f:lje forie on mt teto ^iol3 t%mmm)t mcne on tl}c monsap '^?:-c ansnc'on t!;e monDap.the ttp nptc Oil r!}g tctBil}ap t!)e tcinjte on tl)c temf &ap.c^ iKite 5 i\^ itjc&npCDap tijt ijoit on t\^z Uict)npiba|\'Ct}e tioip iji^p tliucfDar ^^,e ticiji) t^i^ir if^tiri^p Zwh ail tf^tfail on frpDap anU ai ttjat feft on frrDar\^!)ire m t!yp moudie on faternaF*Ci)is ctjomas coi^c Ijcrrngc i}m ira^ ecr tUi0 mofetege hm in an anger aart tp ri W^ bp gotiDrs ijoD;^^ moai^png cturie i tx)?'ti neucr IZ^lt !)PS maJtct H m mm. tDat i;e gaiie \ypm ^ ts^tiat foTla^urtVat faeTolie ts gcDer bps gcre to fto^jtir to gcDcr tljc papne cjftlx totnai^c toente fcomlOTi incontrncnt tt/ai: \)\% maftcc com to Ijvnt ^ matJe i)rm tarp ftpU ? tollie torn ttjat Ijps ci)atme u^as tlie cauft of tije safe of tlic papn of l?j^tot^afee» If ,?f ^^^ ^*^ ^ '^^^' ^^ ^^^^^ ^^2^'^ ofti\njr^ piittpt!) atop boDelp ^-rnlcr of Orfoiti latclv itiat'C itraftcc of arte cout: tQ tl)C crtc of 16 ;il t)o:i ^ m polr^ met oiici) d)c layD mecp gctpUnvi of cfici: mljirt i»as ciicc Di'fpofpt) to plapj iniap mcrp paicantr^ untt) t]al)ome Wfojc he Kiti b:ne of faini'licr accoyntance ant; pzavD hvm to gcue l)rm a fcrccncc tvpct ^t)iB gcntviimn ntoic iPberali of promps tl>an of gpft grantvD \)vm 1^ iljclDc i}3uc one vf Ik U)oiDccoinc to Ijis loDgpngc to t!)c figne of d)e bvliz toittiout brf^ps gate m tl)C nert moznpnge at Ui of tl)e cloct>c» -Cbrs ico^-, ler t'jaa^cB imn ^ foi that urcrbt ticpacteD to 1)^3 loOgrngc m flete(lcetc/a^ in the moinrngc crelp as l)c pornteD cam to \)vm to tlje fpgne of tl;c bull/$ non as m gcnnlinan (aiB t)nh 1}C bati \}vm go U3itf) ijrin m to ttjc Cit'c a^ tje (tioitic'bc ipeD anone/ix l^ictj incontvncnt ment togcDcc tyll ll)e cam m to lepnt lauremc cburljc in tt)e Jury inf/Cr tl)c gcntrlman elpreO a pzeft raiie im to mane ^ tolbe ti)c icoicc tl)at ronticr is tl)c pjcfte ti;at l)atbc tnc trprc fo: !t)u ri baDc hrm aneic tiotone m ti)c petxie ^ t)c txioltie ipc(^c to I^rm fo: it/ ano mconnnient t!)is gentilman tocnt to tbc pzcft anD CarD ^vi bcre is n i'colee antibr»f'nanof myne greatly tirfeafcD U3itt)tt)cc!)rncoixigl).3 pzay poto U)l)en mafce rs Done grne t^wtii Dzaugfjtps of your cljaies. tJljc pzeft: grautct) b)^n ^ turnen Ijym to ttje Tcoler anb CapD ^y?3 n}aU feiiie rou osi fon as 5 l^uc (apD matTc.ttje fcoler tt;c tar^xb ftrl ^ t^rb t()C inaffe trnftis tben irljan t!)c m^^ftc ixjas bone tW t^e pzcfte ijoolbe gene l)rm ijis tppet of farcenet. CDi^isgentrlman in ttjcmeaneixjbrlcbeparteb oiitoft!}eciKicd)c Cbis pzeft iDl)an mafTc iaas Don put torne m ttjc ct)alue at cam to tl}t icolct: knelyng m tl)e petja pzofferyng l)nn to bzin^ of ti?e clmles.t^ fcolec lobpb i)Pon ijinnat miaeb (i farb/maftec pecfonboberfoze pw)fec pe mc tf^ ctjalpcc marr qitob rte pzcft^ for tl;c gentrlman tolbc mc ix bocrc bpfefrb boiti^ ttfz rt)icongI)a pza^ D ntc tl:erfb:e ttjat foz a rncbcpn pe mrgtit bzpn^ of ti)C ctjali? ^apbpfcphtmarpcjuobtijeifeolartjcpzompfpb mcpclljolbb belpuennc a tppct of lerccnccij^ap fayb tbe pzcfte be fpafec to me of no tppet but Ije be rvzpb me to gjiic pou brpnl^ of il): cbalcs for tb^ d^pncougb 23p gobbj^ to* bp qiiob tbe fcoier be is as be was eiier baont to be but a moct^png borcdj/af eucr 3 Ijhic 3 (^H qupte it \}m y fo bepartpb out of tt)c cfjurcij i gcct agcc C13P tl)ps tale n map pctcepue it bccre no mKt^om for a man to truft to aman to bo a tl^iige tljat ps contrarp to t)i^ olbe accuftum^b conbpci'ons* % fortuncb tiKc boas a grct barmucc betiwen t\^ byfUop of ^od 35 bobict) \ one mapitcc ^Belton ai pojtt laiuiat.3;n fcmod) tbat tl)c bj'(It;ope ccmannbtbf)pm tl)at f)e ibolbe nat come in aclips gatj>s. CfnS matter l>,clton '(i^^i^ nbfent bpm felfe for a longe fealon but at d}e laft ^ tl^ugijt to Do tjis butp to \)m aiib M\^xppon tl)? tre to com ouec ft ixil^n Ifte toas alinoH ouer l)ps fbtc flrPpiD foz false of fiirc fotpng ^ fell iti to tlje motte bp to tt)e mpUDpl but at t\jc laft l)e rccoucrpb !)pm felfe ^ aCuicl as te couti tiz vcD bpni (clfc agapn/ri foDenlp cam to tl^e bpfljop bcpng in Ijis ^all tijen latclp rplen from tipncr ujIjicI) ixiljen i>e iQ\x) ffeclton c5mtg fotelp Capti to \)vm m\w tbo^^ cbatpfe 3! toacnptJ tl>c tbo\x) ftolDj^ ncuer come vti at mp gat)^ (i cbatgpD mp porter to bepc tlie otot , tf o^fotb mp lo^tie quoD feelton tlioiigl? pc gaue fuclje cijargc ri tbougl; roue gatps be neuer Co fueclp licpt^pct It IS no moze poffpble to fecpe me oivt'^of potwr tozv^, tf)m to feepe out crotocs or ppes fo: 3! cae not in at pouc gatpis.but J came ou tl^ motte tbat 3 l}auc bene almoft liro^xmpb foi mp labour ^ fl)eU)D i^ps clotljps i}o)^ mvll ^ ijjas acapcU tobtcl^ caufpD manp tl)at aoHe t^etebp to laugU a pace ci)cnquoD CHclton pf it Ipbe pouc loiDcftpp 3 i^aue bjto ugbt poto a l^piTi^ to pom: (upper a cople o[ffefantp3»ii5ap qupD tbe bptop 3 Defp tljc anU tl^p f efantps alfo ^uD ujrec!)C a0 tbou art pp&e tljc out of mp Ijoixife fo; J ixipU none of tl)p gt'fci^oiw be it txjitl) as l)umblc toozDps as tje couD tftts (feelton Oefp^pn tlje bpfi;op to be l)ps gooD loitic .j to tafte Ijis Ivtvll gj'ft of ftpm But tbe bpfftop cailpt) t)pm Daijoc fi folc often tpmrs ?t in no uipfe toolDe recepuc tljat gpft .tlE Ijis :^HeltQn tl;an cottfpDerpng tljat tfje bpfl^op callpD l)pm fole lo oft rapD to one of Ins fampUcrs tber bp tl;at tljougij it ixjere mvl to be crif^ tpnpD a fole i^t it toas mocfte too^fe to be coiifp^mpD a folc of fucfje a bpfijop fo: tlje name of confpjmacpo murt ncDes a bpDe t^erfb^e J^ pmagpnpD l^otoi l)e migl)t auopD tljat cofpjmaf lo a^ mufpD a 'm\)vl at at tl^e laft fapD to t^e bp*; (bop tljus If pour loj^Dfbpp bneto tlje namp0 of t\)ziz fefatps pe fcoolD be cotet to tafee tljem/ i»l^p captpf quoH tlje bplljop baftclp ^ angerlp i»t?at be tljep^e tiamp0 Stops mp lo^De quol) feelton tfjis fdmt is callpt) alp^.ps*p^imus tl)c fpzft.^ tljrs is callpD €> tljat ps nouifftmus tlje latitat fo is t^ laft titet euer 3 topi gpue pou tjo^pl 3 Ipae .at t\}z \x>Wi^ aCuoer al tbat leer bp mabe gret lagbter ^ al tbep Defpipli ti}e bpfi;op to be gooD loiD to f;ifo,t l)W5 mer^ conceptps at toijoie rcqueft o? tl^p ijocnt tlje bpCtjop tojas coteut to take \)m t»ntot)i5lationragnvn, C^)' tnrs PC imv ic tot merr camcrtea tictljc a tmti mocfjc mozc gccD toan to&ef: tirm felfc ixjitl) angec anD mclancolr* ^oman of tlje fepngcs gart) Dijocllpng wi a Ijyllagc brfrtie lonDon 2f IjaD a tcvv faric rongc twrfc . tro to^m a care of tlje totonc a tal ftlcttie nioitz^^'i lar witt) l}cr Ciriicrs mncs iDljan qer buftjanD iBis from l)Ojnc/fi to opetUp fenoixe tt)3t nil ttK totxin.lpafec rtKrof/tol)crfoj tiyct a)as a rong inan cUlyc town: Jnell accoj^ntsD tjoit^ ttiis yciwa of gacD t^»r tolD: bi'm that fiitl^B a carter IjaD larnc br l)is tapfc , €:o Do!>omc tt}rs pcnian of garDc kv^i iwmt br goDj^ botiv tbat pf tje met few it itioio cod fe'in l}ii5 irif .-Jl^arr QyoD tlie po'ag mm viyt go Ctrq xyt ciirn nouj the t:^^ vonv }K ft)all oiicttat; fern Diruig of a cart latjrn toitl) bar toixiarD lonDou iDi^crfciC tl]is t^man of garbc mconrvncnt roDc after tnis caitcr/s iBttlKit {l)0U fpace ouertob? ^rm"? mz\x^ i^m Doeil rnougt)/^ mcotrnentcaiieD VqC carr to lii^m ^ larlJ tlnis^ura 3 bnDetftanD ttjat tliou \)oii Iv euerp nig^ toitf) mi> \\)i1c ^l)en 3^ am from ^me ^ti\B carter t crng no tbvng afrarD of ttc ott?er /anf toercD jx jn-: rr ^W tmn / intjat tnan quotj tt}C remsri of gar DC / bv goDHes t)art laDDcCt ttjoii na tolDe mc ttjc troutf i J ioolDe tjaiis b2often t^ i)cDc, 3(ina Co ttjr reman of gs^(3e retoi;rneD anb noljurtctione no J (IroKt ftrrfecn no,i pzofcrcD,^ Ci3P t!)j^ jt mar fc tbat t\]z gteateft crafecc5 fomt^'mc U^^n it comctfi to ttjc pzoic be mofte coooarbrs, B t\]t to)mz of Bottcllcp btccllei) a mrlnec ixibtcijc IjaD a gooD 3 bomelp tocnd) to bis Dougbt^r oabom a curat of tbe nert touinc loHpD'^anti as ti^e fame uocnt bat) ijzv at bis plcUire. C25ut on a tpme tbis curat pzcct^D of tbeie currons mrues nou) a tkarrs/ ^^i tnbctber it iBiTC foz tbe nones oz Dal;'eitKr it romc out at all aDuenturiis l;e bapneD to far tbus ut b^s fcrma. C p^ toMies vt tit fo curious m all roiir marfecs tbat J e ix)otc nat ti>b.it jx mcnc/Mit re fnoID foloixiC our latir.f oz cur laDr teas lUJtbrngc fo rurrous as re be / but tbc tjoas a gooD bomir tx)encbc Vt^c ti)C mjincrs tiougbf of bottcitar.^lt tobiclj fapng all tt}e parrfbons inaDe gret laugljimg?/ ^ fpcc]^^r tber tbat Unciwe tbat ijc loueD tbc fame ujencbe^ li3r tbl^ re map le it is gceat folr for a man tijat r^ fufrecteD fioitb anp pation to pzarle o: to naihe t\)QMrc parfon opcnlr i:^ it bzrng l^rin foi tlxr m iclmmDet* .. folt'o* irftf*' f ole tlKf e toa0 tljat bbjeUrb toit^ agett^mal tijc contmp te^clje toaScall]t>D'a great tpmmtanD an ed:oicponer* laiittefolclaj 3f upD Ijts inaftec mecueloufip bscaule Ijc ctjerrfe't? l^nn Co txitlL ^tl^pptnyh ijppon a feafone one of tlje gentjijnang fectiauntpfi? fapDetotljefolc*ast!;ertalbpD offermon mattec^/bpmptcototlji .3lak ctuoti te tooU?e to got) t^t tl)ou anD 31 toetc boti) of ^s in f)cupn» i^ap hV laDpQUOD t^ folc J topll not go to Ijeupn fo? 3 ijaD leuer go to ^cU tijati jtiie ot^et afei^t) lipm ^bp tje t)aD Icncc go to Ijeli Br mp troutl) qiioti tlje fole te i iJupU go toitl) nip maftct ^ 3! ^»^ ^i^rc mp maaer ftjall go to fteli/ jFo^ euctp man fcpt^ \)Z ftj?*ii go to ti}e Dciij U of tjcli tl^eccfoje 3 t»pll go tljpt^c. 3uoit!jljpm» l^etetxja^acertapnplougliinannrsi fonncoftlje contrcroft^e: age ofc,iciji«pcres ftat ncucr come moclje among companp but al SE t»ep ijoet to plougl) anD l)ufcant);p/on a tpmc tijis pong ial^ ^et to atxjet^tipnge iKit^ ^>ps faHcc i»liere be (ee one lute ijppon a iut^ 3inD i»l)cn ije came i}ome agapne at npgbt ijisi moljec aftp^ l)pni Ixiljat fpo^te l)z Ijalre atbocUDpnge. c^)is laD anft^etpD ants fapD bp m? Jroutti moDer quoli ^ tljec iooas one t!)at biotigbt in a gofe betijoene IrpiS an mps anD ti%ieD Ijer fo bppo tl)e neix t!;at fijc cr eiispb tlje toetlpcft tljat eijet?^ a tjattJ gofe cteKe m mp ipfe ^ a matd^auntps Ijoufe in lonDon t\)zu l^as a ntapD ^feidje tj?a.s gotten tni^ rtjpitie to i»!}ome tl)c mailrcs of tl)e t)oufe came ^ cbac^ ,3 gpD !^i' to tell bet ix)ljo fcoajs tl)c faucr of t!)e cl)pl!5e»co UJbome tij^ mapben anfujetpb foifotb no bobp/ iJOyP qiicD tt)e mapftre^ pt ]^ not pofipble but (bme mane mufte be tin fatici ftcitof. tico iubome tl^e mapD (apD/i»!)p madres D3bp map not 3 ^laue a ct^plUe is^itliout a mart aipocil as a tjej! to lap eggi'ss i»ptl)oat a cob . Ciere pe map fc it is Ijarbe to fpntie a ^omantjoptliout gncjccufe, (I5cntplmati tljece ixsas Dijoellpnge npg!) hpiTgClon ijppon cemp0* 58 r^tJpnge lu tbe contrep >3optli Sis Ictimnte ixibic^ ixjas not tijc moM qimhp^ feloix) Bat coD^ aii3aap Mlv bv bps mapdec anb t)aDe tse^ rp fi^UJ O3ocbi^ igpis mapftec fapbe to Wnx 31oijn qnoD ^)e a))t)P m tjra (b DiDlrJi tolti Ijauc t!ie tell inc fom inctr talps to ^n(l^ tl?c tpinc ixitt& bv mp troiul) maftcr quoti ^ 3 can tell no talps/ to^p qaoD tt}e maltct caft not fpng.no bP mv troutti quoD tips feruaunt 31 codoD iicuer fpng in all mp lpfr/U3l)rqiio6 1^ madcc canft tljou rpine tlwn :6p mv trontljmaOcc quoD f;c 5 can not tell but pf I'c topU bcgmne to rpmej ^pl [olom as toell as J can bp mv troiidie quoD ttje maftcr tljat 10 tnsll lapD tljan 3 topll begpn to inaUe a rmie let me re ^boc ujcU tbou canft folotoc/ (0 tt)e maftcr mufpD a twtjplc anil tl;an began to cpnrc tljus, ^Janp mcnn)^ ftwannts fa)pmmr2( intcmmi>sanDiot:ompnc, C^^^Q"^^^^^'^^^^^""^' HinDmannprnen Ipc bp od)cr mcnnjs mimes anb fo bo i bp tl)pne / tol?at Doft tjoifon qtioD ri>: maftcr/ br mp trout!) mafter nottjpnge qiiob Ik but make i)p ttjc tiwt* but quob toe maftcr ;S cl)argc toe tell me w\)v tl)ou fapft lo^fozfotbc maftcc micb !-•: foi notJ^pngc m tt^ i»ozlDe but to mai-^c up I'ouc rpittc^tjen quoD XiK maftcr t^tiiou Do it ioi xm\)mq clips 3 tm concent/ feo ti)c maftcf foi gaue i)m (5i3 fajnige all tlpiigt) tjc IjaD fapb trcfiotlj* ifenrgljtc m ^pDbpllcrliatJ a fetuaimt b^fjidjliabcommpttcD a fclonp UJiKcof l)e uias cnoptcb / anb becaure ttje terme bzeuj ^ npc l)z fcteD ^ rtolDe be fljouip ara^wb tfterof j m leopcrbpe ofljislpfe»to^rfozinallttfcl)afte Icntalcttcrbpaujalcljma a fcriiaut of tji^s unto ttje fepnge^ J\:iilvit of tl)e bpnges bencft rcQmnpngc hiw to oooe t;ts laij3fuU fauout to l}ps Ccvuant anO comaunbeD \m lehiant ft)Oitlp to bzpnge tjpm an anfuxrc/ tEljts toalctje man came to ti)c cljcfe Juftpcc place anb at t\)t gate latoc an ape fpttpnge tl)ere m a cote mabc fo; i)vm as rt}cp bfe to apparel api^ fo; Dplpozt/tEbisi^alc^nan t^ti of t)ps cap inigc to bi!5 pioutpfet f-Bp ef}(s pe mhv fe tbat often tinnea a Spoman? topt at an eicttempte. is }• lacbe bstta tljan a mannps* Ijcce teas a ccttarn limitout W^) ^ctit a \m\m^ to a mmm miti%t mtmn DttJCllcD a ccrtarn rrc^e rna« of ujDoine i/c mvxv «C cowneijcttcttK ijalctoofanl)alfpcnivrctl)ctl5ougt}tt;ctxolDc go tIn'Dcr agarn to aO^p tDerui. amti as i)C u)€nt tOyDcruoacD ttjc mk ftoutivnge at tl)C Uo:c pcrccj iirngc twm comrngc a farre of thauaI)ttliatheii36l6aoincitn't«ccant) br^byranmiibaDt)ec ri}plDjcn ftanDptig at m ^^ tm rftlje ftcrc afeeD foi t)cr lap m ^as nat i»ttt)m Ct?: frere f«ix) tjer ron tn aiiD lulpected tt}c camlc ann cop to tbe tiozc and nfecD fox tl)c twpfc / the fl>plDzcn as ttjcp twcrc br^tipri / fapDc rbat ii;C mas lUJt toitijm. tlian ftotc l)c ftpllolipng oatl)c c!^plDzcn/anD at tl)e ia(t Ix ral IcD to l)Pin t\)c elDcft at baD lipm let Ijun fc t]!s l)ancc/anli U3t)an fjc oati fene Ins \)nvM Q 3\]C(i\ quoti Ije mtjat foitnne to; tljc is o^tiepneD/iltjan caliel^ \)c tl)c reconne^lcnne to k his tjantf/ anti i)is hanDc fene tl)€ frcrc fapDc/ £> Imt? iwljat a Dcaenp is ioi tW pKpapteti.'Cljan loUcD Ijc m tl^' tt)piD Cones lianD/ fucFlpquoD !}C tljvMiznviB liarDeft of all/ (i tl.erixiitl) U3enxe t«e to i»ap.'Ct)e totnc ijctpnge mt t'opnges foDenip tan out anD a^lizli t\)t fcece s^raRhnc/anDfsrfi: maDe him to come in/ anti after to fpt Dotjonc anU let be* fe je hpm tfje teft mete t\}Ut (^ tjaD/anb JMljan be l^aD mil etim at Dzonuea «rt;» U6-Cn^*.rrht hmn f a ffi! hrr fh£ j^cflenV'es cf l)ec ciiPlDzcu-'iBmcb at the lafl: H ti^ie.C^c tl)trD an bompcpD/ ti5i)i£t)e I'tie l}€cpng fell t!cU)ne in a foiciu v^^ toae It greuouOp^Cl^e frere confoiteU l)tv ann fapli'' tW tliougl) tljefe ix!:re tljcv; foztune ret tijece mpgt?te be temcDp^aD » Ctmnltjc leiougf]t I)pm of ijisxoanftlU t^n lapD tt)e fcerc pe muft niaue tl)C elDeft tljat ftalbe a beg gee a freceKinti tftc leconD ttjat (tjalbe a tljefe a man of lalxicet tlje t^iiep tliat l^be antjompcpDe/a pl)ilpcpon» C©p tbis pe map lecne tW t^p tliat l»p!I come to W fpect)e 02 l^^efencc of app parfoa fo; tl)cpi ot»ne tumk t^ miif? frzfl; cnDcuer tl)epme felfc to (ijeboe fucl^c matei:s as t^fe parlbns moile Delpte m. eertern frcte ban a bop tftat encr ©as boont to berc tWs Uztxs moncp ann on a tpn)fe b3ban tbc bo)' isas farre be* 31 ^pnne Ins maftcc as tftep tboo u^alt^cn rogencc hv tlje toap t^cre met a man t\^ frere xjoljicbe kneijue tijat tbe bop bare tbe frccps monep ann fapne. ]^oUj Jlpailtec frere / Itjall 3 bpn tt?p bop bi'e t)pm apace after tbe/ ^e quon tbe f cere tri^an toettt p mm to^ bo? at fa^U (pmtf^v tnnvM hv^tttM^mt^mi %U,3 topi! not quo^ tliz bop tljen raileJj ttjr man ^Ath m Ijvt Dopre to p ittu i (artJ ftu !)e fapt!) !)e tjopl not/tften quo!) tljeftetcbne l?Fm/$U3bcri t^ie bop ijecHe Ijiis: mapftec fitp fo ijegaiie t^ mmt*i:Lpen!Bf* CBp tliiieipe mape fe itisif olp f Ota man f fap reojttap to a mattet; eicce pt.l}e fenoijoe fuetlp toi^at t^e ma ttet i^, : f**l &oncalirt)i&oule!)at)aferuautcallpDjactet»^^is#etecona; ^-^'^ fonDap tua0a t ^ c Wtcbe ^etpng ma ffe ^ one of iftigf relates; toba fe name i»as ptjplip fpencet wa$ fent to call \)v^ h m mmmnUmmt of 1^10 mapfl;et»^o it l^appeneU at t!ie tpme tbat tljecutat p^c WtSBntJ in ftt0 fccmon toiicbcb manp aiicto^iptees of tbe Ijoip fcrpptiitr^lmonae all t^ctooibc^of tbe ppfteUof fapntPouleaDpDilippenfejS/t^atm be^not onelp boimUe to bef cue in ctpft but alfo to Mzt f oj ctpftps faue$ fapD t!i? fe txjojtjeis in p pu!pet/ix»]&at faptft l^oule aDpWtppcnfe^ to tl)i0* %m p5 ge man ^ tojas calleD fBljiiip fpencbet Ijab ixjen t be b^t) Cpoiien of bpm an ftoeceb (fto^telp ^ fapO/matp fp^ be bab ?aetec come borne ^ tafee bt)S parte of apobpng fojt i[?e (ftolbe gofo^acalfe anone.'Cbecuwbecpng tbi$ toa^ abafl(jipb$all tbe auDpence mabe gtete laugb tec« C^ptbi0tale pemaplemetbatitfenotoketi of a topfe ntantoa^ ueafotiftpneantoet:etoaquefl;robefo^.tbatbefenoi]oerucclpu)to tbematteni5. ^ ^ '|**y^ete came atoutepecipacacteu tbebo^icbein berpfpon p^epfeD VAtbe cattetsbal^ legge^anb otbet membeiK of biafbobp memclouflp tobofe geapng tbe cattec peccepuebs fapb be bab anotbet pzopem tban P touapetetppebinbpm/fs^bantbecouttpecbabbemaubeb )s)bat itfliol be be/be !o&ebafpbe ouet W ffioibet bpon tbe couttpet $ lapb t!ju0/lo tvz tbig i^ m p.iopecte* ft J baue a mm epe m mp beb/f oi i neuet loHe ouec mpttjo!b^«^tbti3 Wfebut J IpgbtlpeCppealjnaue, ftSptbi^tale amanmapefetbat betbatbtebtobervbeanbrnocfee ot^gc f olfep$;/i^ Com tpme bpm felf e mojie becpbeb 5 mocHeb. ^ong ma of i5 age of, icr^pete n\t^ pt bnlempb in p tpme of let eg tobi^cucat tobetofeltpbijubicbeijoljebe uoajBcf bi;3ipfeCet:cbeli 5epamp,mbcoiajenotrapbj?lSatecncftev/tobecfojebii5fofeC*. felt ccotrcti limi to IctiTc lr3 J^atct no(tec/flE (Ti:^i^ hr m ti^^ gooti:\r piavcr It iik^'aE tl)? tE^ct tl;ttof/:i tl)C.tiii.pctrc^'ons tt^nn iicD-trtr: fyi^l petpcpo bcgpnuerij* }3atec noftct, jc» v ts to fape* £) f aUec fisloturl^ be t\}v name atnogc nic in etti) as amoge augcl9 in ^nzn . ^i^t t!,3Etjiicniat.K,lct tl)t^urngt)otnecomc^tfgnct^o«amonge \)Smtnm tttft as amongc afigcls m t)cii:n.Cl)caiu jriat.w.iii^ue l^s to fulfil tw, njpll t^ce in cert) as tlip aagcis m l)cuen»^^4ui*JBanc nolltu. jc^Copue 1)0 oiit Darlr rnltenaucc alujar J iKlpc ijs as t»c gruc «! Ijclpe t^ V l^iic mtieoftJSXl)c»t3»iDimtttc,jEc«jfozgrucb3oucfpnnc3Donetot^astoc fo:gruetti:m vtccfpasagavnftctis,ci)c»t)t.;gtncno$»lilet ^s not be .oiimo";nciriiti)cupUtcmptacroXl}c*buActilibeta»jc»^utl)elpiirt^^sf froatlrarll3mrnX^nt)tl)enl;isconfc(Ibucaftct:tl)ise,cpcrrcrotoijPiti matjc iniopnet) l)rmiii penauce to faft cuecp f cpDap bietw at iuar^ tpll i^ !)ari ^ig ^^atet noftcr torll^ fufirpcpctlp letner>»C^i2!ponge nmn mefecl?i sccepn'tig bts pcn^mcc foDcpactcD ^ cam? Ijome to one of l)is copanvonsi ffraptitot)isfeIoU).foitistt^tmrgolllpfaDcct^tl)gpucnmempcnauce to f aft cuerp fcpnap bitHz j iwatcr tpll J can tap mp ^atet noftet/t!)etf a tt 3 piar p cccije memi' jBatcc ncftct ^ bp mp tcoutl^ 3 ITjall tt;ccfo^ ttj (\)t tkz aibnge of liobpn ^oDc t^c (|)ali be )]3o,:rb.n;«of lu CBp tilts talc PC mapcUwic to fenotrc t^ effect of t^^olg pzapccof t^ p.stccnoftec* 'jTfCtttavn f retc t^ toa^g to!?icl?t ijpo out laDp Dap t!?e 3 nnucp* f~l cpon maDe a (ccmon m t\^ )>}\)vtt f cecpsm ilonnon/anti began — ^*' l)isantetemettn5tx)pfe/2Eueniaciagraciaplcnat)oinimistcca< ^c*^'C\y:k tnozDcs qiioti tl;e f wte iuccctpofecn bp t6c aiingel Sftbipel ta cut laDp ixiljen (iic coccr ucDCtpft/to'^ictje is as morbe to Cap in outinoDec toguc as all ^epie Q^arp i»ell tlfon be p fone of got) is 4^ tlje. $nD f iit^t^ moietheaiigell(iapMlxiul!)altCQncq>ucant)tereafone.^nt)t!}ou("{)alt rail t7.s name Jcfum^ anDeip5abctb tbp Cuoctccofpn/ftc (rjalUonce^^u? rte CiDCtc fapnc 3o!jn.3^nD Co pzoccDpD ftpH in t}ts ^ecmon m Qic^ fonD rpmc tt^at Dpucrs^manp gcntplmcn of tt;c court tw meet ttjcre bega to Cmple 5 laugb. €l)t recce ^petccpupnge CapD t^s i^l^apaas jS piap pou l^ntht'^fbHiitci pouanacracro»tCbcte umsoncsa pongp:ecftp>Joa3 rotall)5bcftclacfeCapt)ma(re5ccDcacolecttt)us»iBeu5iiiJigtntifilifcui ficuc^^cce \n ffioltic ^aue farti tnigenm f ili(nii»5c. i ^nDaf tec ixi!)c maji iwa^nonc ti^ecema.s Ciic^eagenti1mas^oneofpouatnoi«]^ teDi^ecDg W mm came to f p^teeilj fart) t!)u0.^?;t 3PpiV poii tell nte ^oto mam fotmr$t)at)goDalmpgi)tivquol)^piee«:5Bt)pafKeFoiifi.^^atpfp^c|uotJj3 gentrIimn3fuppofe!)ei)aD*itcJonnF0/terefaptirpgi)tnot»»IBcu^qui l)tgmti f till mi* c^^e pzccfi: pecccrupng Ijo tb ^ !)e ^lecrDpt) Ij^niaiifwcDe f)Vmfho}tlv^(nvt)tWd^o\D\mnv(omv^{Q mtt golf almrgljtr J)aD/, 3 tdtifimptf^oiiHttmnt oltljtmfoxitt^oiuv^p'mo^UQfg^oti. ainr^fooi Cart) t!)e fcm lttt!)ep«lpet> j2o mo^iear pcrionc of # cWUtzof goD* ffoi {5c (home ^ lauglj/a t me nom ^ p^ec!}e to rou t!)C U)o:?5e of gct).iBlKc!) two? l)P0 maDe ti&e gcnti^lmen anD all ttje otijecpeopic iaugi^emoclie moze tbf tl;erDrt)l»efo^ie» C^P W$ tale ft man map letne to peccepueiwell 5 ti^e bed t!}e i^pfpO: a^ ^ mod i^olpeft matter ? 10 bp f ounti pzonmuiacpon ?t Dttctafice map be macipl^/ noj^ Iftall noi eDpf pe to p aribpece^ €berfoje euerp pjoce^ JDcoiDebe iJtterpD tuttlj Ujojttipsi $ cotenauce couenpentto t^ matter; €3i Ifo pet bp ti^i0 tale tftcp t^at be ^nlecnpD in ^ latpn tongiie mapr ^noU)e rte fentence of tlje aue maeia* *-w-* '0 a bpllage m ti^atitopcfe ftete t^e ixiaisf a patpfte p.zeeft 5s tfioa* j ^ B , . glje ^e i»ei:eno gtet c lam mi gtaDua t of p ^npueuptc/pct Ijepje ^ ' ctjpDtoljtiSpatpflJonsljpoafeiiDap. !!eclarpng tot^e j^* jit^attp*, cic$of ti^Cccne*fliie^pngetliemtliattl)e fpiftattpcletoa? to beletieln t)D tftefatict aimpgljtpmafeecof l)euengf ettii.Cijefeconp.'Co bzkutin tin Ctpfte 1^1$ oneip f one cue f o?tie coequall mtl^ P fmt in all tl?pnge0 pectepnpng to p Depte^Ci&e ti^p^tD tfjat l^e i»a$ cocepupbof t\)t l)olp gooft :^o;ne of ttie up^tgpn ^atp.^lje f ouctl) tlja t^e f udteD htt\) imDcc ponce ppiate/^ ti^at ^e twa^caicpfpcD DeDed betpeD«€l)e fpCt tljat l^etieff enDpD to^elftfetout j^gooD lot53!ps;0toeceiu faptl)cJl)ope/antit^atlie)^tbP3^ti Uap tofe from Dettj to Ipf e« ^be fpictbi^arrennpti in to Deuen to p tpgljt lp« DeofgoD ptnhztwf)ti^t (pttpt^*Cbefeuentl;i& belfiallcomeattbeDap. of iiometo3iiii)ge botbtJ}5tbatbequMi^tl)emtbatbeDeDe.Ci)eepgbtta Js^leuetnt^ebolpgooftequallgoD^t^tbe faDecjtbcfone^^lje nptitb in ^o!p cl)pj£;i]eCatl)olpbe $ tn )*^ 5o^P comtmpo of fapntPiS*€bc ten tb Jn p rempEponcf fpnnes* ^bcieupnti^Jn tbetefitcccccpogenetallof j^^bo^p ^ foule* tri&c tir elf tb in eiieclaftpnge Ipf e tba t gob Ifiall retjoatb tl^e tljae bcgeol)»^nb fapb to W pacpfftonis tuttbet ^ tbelc actpcie^pe be bonnDe rol)riciiefo^ztbepbetceix)$ofa«ctt>^pte»^nUpfpDubelcuenotme/tl]elo^ a rno^t liieite n Uiffpc?ct aticto^pte/Qo pour ix^ap to c otientre/anb tbere p$ Pt (hftU fe t'tjem all plapD itt ro^pitf ctifti plsre. €J3p reljpng of tftS talc tDep v bnDctftptie no Istpn rnap lemr to Wf d Httmitouc of rt;c gtar^ fcctvisfml out)ont»!)ic1jep^f!)pDma cet' tarn bpllage m ttje coimtte^ in t\^ tvmz of l)i$ lpmiracro/5 ^ati but one fcinio ixitjicli l;c l)aD IcrncD bp Ijact ^ toa0 of )^ tieclatpng of tl)C.)C*comautiemctcs. '2r !)cf rzft to belt uc m one gct)/^ to tjonouc ^prrt abouc all tl)pnge,'Cl}c fecot) to f bcre not m bapn hv ^pm no^ none ottjcc of t)i$ ctcatiite^t'Cbe tbr^De toabfteme f com^xjoinip ot^-acro on p tjolfi iiaptljoiiatall t\^v fecuantp0ofi»l)ortoul)aftcljatgc*^t)efottctt)e tol)oi mi ttjppatetpiSfi Wpctljc intljep^nacC&te.cije fpftl^toneno mattin Debenoztx)pllno^fotnol)ateDl)utte ^igbot^pno^ gooDnanie* Ctiefp>:tt« Do no f ozm'cacpo actuall/no^br no bnlefuU t^oug^t toUefvjeno Beflftlp Delectacpa»Cli^Ceuentt)tofteleno^*nepipuenomancss grotiesbp tljeft? cobbecpmowro/ijfctP/tioiDpfiept^C^'eerg^ttobereno fair? toptncffe to^ctattotljet/not totellnolpe^/no^^tofap ttort^pngagapntl ttzrx^tt^i Ci^enpntibtoconetnoj^tiefrie nomanpsgcoDp? unlcfuiuts:^ tentfttd coiietnoi to titiv^ttl^V hepg^boucs i»pf e f '..'.^ tiirn oi»ne appetptc tjnlcf ul IV* i.3(iril» becauftc^tsiftecebaDpiec^Dtbi^ fecmon (ooftpn/one v W^ ^cl)itbefo,^^toll)tl)eftecp0feala&t^^t$marftel:tx)as(cato^ftete3o!)il ic.ccmauUemente0 inljetf 6^tl)iiei fetuaut (ftciweU p txtxz W mapftet tftcc* of /anDaDupfcD ftrmtop^teriie romefetmonof fome otljet matter /fo^i it 5reupt)l)pmto]^etc bijsmapftetfotietpDeD/^t.obecalleDfcece 3ol)n*|c.c6 mauDemetp$/foi eiievpman fenoujeti)ix)^atpei»plUapa$fooneai5euec pebegpnbpcaufe pel)auep|^c]^t)itfooft«|n©^pt^an qnoD)r'fcet« Jam fute tbou knoiioeft mil ujftic^e be ^.u^comaiiDementpiS f baft Ijartie tfie Ooi oftDeclatrD/refp3^quoDtibcreaiaut^3t)o.ts:i)enquoDtljeftece3p^apc ti^tebetretljebntomenoto*531pai;p quoD)5feaiaiitt^febe tW*J^?pDc Couetpfe&l outl/ enup to jatb ©lotonp anD KLecljecpt C^rcebpnge tbtje^talepemapelecneto l^notoet^^iucSmaiuibetnett te$ anD t^^iju.DeDelp fpnneiiJ^ li: tSjexmjDe of goD. C^Sj^ss iDonmn ttjer^ looitl^ foiiepnir abailjpD bpcaufe j^ f eete fpalie to l}?i? Co openlp vnlp people ftei; bei^elli antoetpD (Bo^tlp $ fapD/J beftjteisoe t^peljatjti t^at babelpD ma ceoft)^ti»o. 3itj^ uji^pc^efepng^peopie DplHaug^ bpcaufe t^pfelt bat iPtpU f mpte in i^ig fetmon* €^p tW tale a man map !ec«e to be i»ate !io\fll?e openlp tebui^p tl) u np ot^5 in to^at auDpence I fit it tomm to W^ o^ne tep^of e* ^ t^e tapneof ttjemoHmpg^tp anU bpctotpous? i^^pncc bpnge l#e!t!;ptlie»^ui*cmeUt)oacte began betiDoeneo^nglpffiiemenfren ' fljemen / ^ ^kottp0.C!)e i^nglpfCljemcn tcete Co mpgljtp Dpon p fc tl^at none oti)ec people of otl)ecitalmp3 mete able to ceipa tilje/ iBljecfo re tW toU manp gcete entecp^tp W/?f manp (Bpppp^/ 5 manp pxpfonetgi of otDec mnv$ j> U)ete ttjep^ enmp3*^ mong ttje mUt^ tljep IjappenpD on afeafontot^HeatottpgOlPP^Itipuetsifecttp^tliepaeiDrttobep^pfonets^ ii^moug tcljom tiftecuaafii a i»elc^ma tljat S)a?) one of tfte fi^ottps5 pzpfonec ^ ban i)pm t!)at b (ftolD Do of i^ig l|?.rne0/i3oWc^ to tJo tbe ^lM5t i3aajB tjecp lotift/^oisbeptfo^feveat^lafti&epullpDttof ifianpupU topll/fifapDeta ^txjeU^mg/itt!)outo(ltnct)p^ftaitemr.teaieis(taKettt!)m?^ca^ tlic boiD in to tt)e fe»tj:l)e ttselcDman kvm t\m fart)»^? €otm bliit -t ijcts narU*3 fltialmafee tiecfat itagapntlnH toUe torn bp f^ legged scatt fenti af tet tutt ttje boiD in to ttjc &♦ C©pt!ji0tale amanmareletne V ftetfjatt^Qibgetto anot!)er ongW to f DjCafee W otsne lx)Hl/ at f olcti) W WH * comauDement ^ fo ptft fiibieccr on oucc i^pm/left tt to^zne to i^i^ gte ttec ftuct j tianmge* *jr*i»gccetDa9Jamant!)at matpctiatoomantwWcbc tjatl^gtctecpctje^ Vjbbetote/tjotobeitf!}c!)at)(ucl3ean impebpmtnt of nature tfjat (Ik; m$ nomtmn conUe not Ipcfee/ X»l)icDe tl)pngc matic t3jnn full of te to be rp^ pffpf pe i faU/tDljetf oieupon a Dape ass ^e JMalfepti a lone tpgljt l^eupi in iiatt t!)>mfei8 Dpo lji3 ujrf c.d}ecc came one to l)pm at alfepD bpnt ti)]^ t toa$t^caufeofl)(5!!jcupne0^b3lnct)anfmeti'rjtl)ati0toa^onelpbpcaufc ^'iSiBpfetoa^bo^^neDome.trototjo tl)i!5otl)etfaptJ.3 Rjall ftimz f foonc BccmeUp»ametipcvnt{)erfo^etl}at is tt)ii$.6o taiiie anaCpenlefe-ilapit imnettjertogtiet^iBnpgUtftebepngaOepc/^lliwatcant tte^Bje ffiall iptke on tijemozoto/xul^icbe man beimgglat! of tbis meDpcpnc piepacptt tlietfozc/^pt]^ecpb8fpenleue)3!«r©l5Ctfozet3elapr).ut.of tljem i^ntietljec toge toW flje tioas atlepe.iEnU tjpon )^ mojotKC ro^e l^e t)pm felf toaupt) IjO Ue(pxou$tofenott)^oto!)!0met)rcpnexi3^ougt)tebepng inbeDi^ l)eci)elK maiiuDet) of l)et!)otofl6eDpti/(eroDenlpa)eanftJoetj:t)atrapt)*3 be(fiiel»e l>oucl)attfoiU)afepngemeroeclp/5Efobpi)ectetDof Metjpcpne (fie toajEJ cefto^eD to l)ec^^cl)e«C23ut in coclufpon l^cfpeclie foinctefpU Dap bpUa^ etfftetoa^J focutft of c5Dj^cp6 ttjateuetp Dap (jcb^aulptift c^Deimtijtjec ftufbanUcfomot^e f atj^laft^toajsmotcJjeKpDantJ ijaDmocbemozetco bUatDpireafei»itl)l]etfttetoet)tao^eiS!t^enl)etot)btfoa^e iuljan Kjeioa^! homz. livsfl^ztfo^e a?fje isoaiuet) anottiec tpme alonelje Ijappcnen to mete agapnetoitl) t^efame petlbn tl^at taugljt l^pm tte fapDe metipcpne. ^nd CapDrto^pm tljisixipfeC^P^^c taugljtmeameDpcpne but late tomafee nip Dome topfetofpeke»:6pDDpngmeiapc anafpeniefeijnbec ftet tongc toljenflje aepte*3inD 3 lapDaii^afpen leues tbece. i^ljetfoienoljo (fie fperi betift.Butpetfliefpe^ctftfo mocbeanDCbdjietaDlptljat 3ammozetDet|^ of ljerno\3ott)an3i»aj8!befo^iDljen(I)et]oa$Dome»f_i©l)ecfoie 3 p^iape; poll tetije me a meDpcpnc to nioDpf pc ^ertljat ffie fpebe not fo rfioclje^ t^l^ijBiotijet anftrecpD anD fapD ti)u$.S)pz3 ama Deupll of ftclL Sut 31 amoneof tl)em tbatimiie leeftpotoertljctt^ilbcptpctS 'oaucpoinecta waHe a toonmn to fpeHe,25ut pet pf axaoman begpn bneis to fpefee/ 3 no| foliohWU mm to bz ftpll/tio? to cauCe Ijec to Icue i}2t miyn^u C^ptW$talejje!tmpi!otetftatamaneftpme0t)cfpjtet^8n^couetetS to mocfje tl^st t!)pngc t^a t of t to^metl^ to fti^DpfplcUire* i^ afepDap^ctoutc of t^e^tcije^Iatelpbefoiematpeli^ftpbe |<:?iafei)pmfolptella ix)pfe/txii)ic!]ieanftjoerlJe Ijecaufelbeliau a.teyt " fapng;et!iu$.eictiuobu$ma!i$mmu$malume(leltolmm/ttoi^ towmengipffte.i^mongeeaplUliprigcpt^eleai^liobec^oicin j&tl^etpmeof lenteti^ete camtijoottonnp^ tofspm3ofei0(nlon ddtibpcaufeof t^gteate puhon ttjetJetobeconfcffptJ^SDf j^tofth 'ci)e nonnp0 tl)e oite ixsa^a rouge laDp fi tbc ct^et toag oltJe, c to rouge l^hv cftofe f r^Jft iKc Conf eObute/ anD conf effpu i^et tljat (fte tjaD fpn» neD m )Lecljetr*€ ^e conf elToate afeeD X6 tol^m it toajS^&^e fapUe tt )»ai9S. iMit^a!u(lp©al!at.3^eDemail!)pd!B^ereit^a0;^!)eiarI)inapleafaime Stene Ijetbet* i?ea%pi) faulft%t^tjt it twa^*^^ (aptJ iti p metp tnonet^ of ^nvMW fapD j^ conf eCTout tl^i^ SBpfe»I f apje ponge lal)p/»x»ttl)a f uftp, gallant/in aplealaiint ^erbec/in^ mccp monetlb of ^^ap/pe Dpli but pout: liptttJCi^oix) bpmp trotttljgo!5fD^gpuepou9f3Do. Cl^nDfoi1ieDgpai:teb aniitoctpnentti}eo!Den6nemeti3Dit!5tictafepti3e tiecl^Q^fljelpKeD^ec conf etoic/ Mvxljt fapBe t]m In ^n$ tin bed; goftlp f aDet ^ euer flbe ijaDDe ^nU tl)e moft eafpfl in vmmimt gcupnge* Cf o^i rof o^t ^tietof W^ otfte^ tionne toent to ti^e initte conf £Cloat»lnD (ftjoue ijer ipfee ^pfe tl^a t ffie !|sD oitJe fftete/fje af^pls i:o!jrte»^tjie fapli in l^t olDe clopftei;* Ije affepD toftat feafon.^l)e rapl)inlette*t:^en tl^z confefiTcut fapH tW« €ii^ olt^^ ^^^e to Ipe ^iti^ an olDe f cere/ in tibe oltse clopllet/ m ti;e ^oip tpine of t^m. ^p, coUliPistioDppf sots foigpuetlie petiQ)pil3 neuec fojtgpue t^e» C^^kjic^ie )x)o^Dp$ caulpD i^et to iDi^patte a^il CaD ^nD fo;te abaCi!)pt). C^Pttjiistalemenmaplemeti&atatipcpoufeactet^ino^eabljompns blein one pitfontimn in an ottjec/moneCeafcntljaninanot^ecanls in one place t\)m in an nt^tu l^ent!)emi}!l:nob!eanDfottunatep?pncefepttge€Bix)at!)ecfen* ^ $[!on!)e matse toaixe in Staunce toJt^ a gteatte pupfi^imce mh '^mnB of jaeople. I^mijomt ti^e Iccndje lipnge ixjity a not^^v mxte boa irtcoimtCTrti. 3nbli)i)en botl)c >' boflis pcrtts began to blotti/ai^ong Cqiipet of engiontic trDvnt^ on a liiftr t outlet: lof to^^lct)e bozfc ti)c norfc of )5 tcupettr^fo ptrHUpt) ^ CDucage V t^ iqure? toaDc not t)rrn tetapnc/fo tftatagapnft bts?i\)rll i)e can Upon t)i)5 enumv^ tchidK fmivcr fernse none otl)tc cemeDp fet l)i$ fpccc in tlj? reft/ anl) toDc tljiousb tl}e tin'Hbrftof ^(scncmps/rtincoiulurrontMDgooDfommcanD faupDI^rnifelfealrae unttjoutf)urt/rit^cnglrfl)l)oft foIotoet)?£l)antt;e l)FCtoip.3inl>aftettoi)cn)5felDeU3a5Donctbislipng;Stoait)e caUct) tlje fimpin:/!! bat) \^m bnele tioix^m f oi Ije n^oll^e rnat>e !)pm fenj^gt^t / bccaiife ^ fcebalpauntlptoasMcnvDapixitnclitcirttl^e moftcoucagroufe Gomaft armennicptj f ?zft Vpon tlKpt enemvs^CoUiljom ^'^ iJqurze tljiis anfirertie; pf itlpKc rent grace toma^e anpbctiv hnrgbttliecfoiC/JbcfetJiepouto mafee tnr iozle fenpgljt ?^ i ot me / foi cet res it tuas tjts tictJc » not rni'ne/^ fiiUfczesgapnltmptKpll. Co^ftw^anfuieretl^ekpnge befpngecefcap* npD to pzomote Ijpm to tb? c:tjer of fenpgbtbctic/ tipuipngc tjpm m inan«c jjuta coioactie/^cuctaftcrfauo^ptibrintbe letR* C6t' tbtstsle a man map lemeboto it 10 irpfbcm? fozotietbat i^in gooD ccetJetue to feept bpm tb^m/anDinnoJupiJe to Dpfebie bpmlelfc -jnr^^^^^snlatematretitoabopfe tbobjgbt imn$Qotibpo\vcp, r^ togcttiinnarftcpof bettntbcbegpnnpnge.Camtobcctbepot --^•^ fetiipftge cucr )^ f pxc all t^ougb tbc mete tljeunujerenot mougi; Cbticnlp comaimrrtJbsttotafeettiepotftomtbf fpze^tabvcbe anlboecpDj CapDe ttiat )5 mete tdas not tebp 1 etc* 3inD lie fapD agapne 3 topU baue it taben of f oi mp pleafncc* ^W gcct) tocman lort) pet to oflfenD br m let )5 potbcfptietbtfpz€/'a3l)ct)alJ* ^nt)anoneaftctbtcomniU)et) bet to fetttje potbebpnUe tbc'tiojte/fEfDtfaptrtbettoagapne pebencrtJopietbecin^JSut ^PKCifclpl]apDitO]cli)ebcioasbebatJ»3^nD(!}egcntFilpagapnetipI)bifiJ coimubcment^^bis man v^t nc t fatt^lTpet? comaunM bcr to fet tt}c pet a bpgb bpon tbc ben coft/tobat quob phvt agapne 5 trots pe be mat)* 3;nD befperQp tban comauntJeD bcctofet ittb^rro^el^berapDffieffioltierepet ^bcfcincinbataferne to moncbi3 patience tobe a latiDcranb fet It totbe roolt^anti teet bcrfelf bptbelabtieranbtofeetbepotinberl^ntiepzapeng bctbufbanlJC tbantobolbetbelaliDerfaafo.iflpbpnge tobicbefobpD. C^Jnb tubenne the inilbanne loHpb bpannfaoic tbe^ortc flar.De tbcrc ^nbrsbt b^grDtl;«^,s.enot» ftanDptbtbcpottb«rea^3ii»olBebaueU t^p tW tale men map fe it is^no turfetiome f o^a matt to attempte S mefee iwoma3 pacpece to fat leH it tojne to W otone tocte gt Uammag^ Cercaime confefljoucmtl^e !)olptrmeof lenteCm'opttetiljfepeni tent to fap Dai>lp f o? W penauiKctW0P?aret* f.^! gnus Dei mife cecemet/fioWcl5etoafi!a0mocl}etofape m engU'fftea^^/iambe etSot) ^atie meccpupon me*Cl|i0 penitent acceptrngc W petiauce Dcpac tpD ff tl}at rpme ttoelfemonetfjaf tetcame agapne tobeconf cOpli of t^e fa; mccofeffouteii}tHcfteDemaunt)rtJofl)pm'a3^etl?ecl^e]^atrfulfPUpD miicet^atl^e i^pmmiopnpD^^iaftpece^ainU ^fapDtW/pefr^J tl^anfe goU J ftaue fulfpliets it/ foi3 ^iaue fapbe tl}u$ to Sapc moznpnge anD foDapIp* %l}z fliepe of goD^enietcp^ponme^^oto^omelie confeffouc .^Pt)» jSap jut p far a gntisi net mifetei;e mei/tljat 10 )5 lambe of got) C'a*i tte mercp upon me» Cl^^ fpt iiuoD ^peiiptent pe fap txout^ tl)at toa^ ^iafte pete/ but noto it ijs a t ti^aelf e monti fp tl)/ a^ it 10 a flfi^pe bp tW3 tpme. ^i)ec f o^e 3 mullnetipgl^i' notjo f ffiepe of goD^aue mecci' ijpou me; C^Ptl)i!0!talepe mappeccepuet^atpfljolpfccppttite beejcpotonpDto nMtnv people oneip in ti)e Iptt^eali fcence. )DeeaDuentm:e it (bal Do butlptellgootJ* •-'B— t^fourtimel) tvmt$ tobeinc5mimpcacpon amongetoljomtftete ^ ^ag a aita 1 0^ a pas;p(!) p^eed ej one 3|o!jan tiai» s pacpflion of f^i^ ^ tsi}^itl}z*MnD comimpcacpon mo^ebiif? t\)m otftet in tW^manec Cfti^Rieett tl?ougW ^one mrgijtnot bv felpJtge fenotoe one f com anottec in ttje Dat^e/31 oljn Uato l)i0 patpffioti of cotitmtp oppnpon laptie toitl) W ctitate fo^iatoagct.jcLpence* to^ft^TOon tljeparpflipjeeftmpllphgeto t)touc!)i3\jDaget: toente totWSol^n tiaDoe$^ufemtljeeiienpnge anDfo* ij'enlpgate l)pmtobeDtoit!)!ri!5ixipfe^l]ete SDfcelie began to be lomtootjat befp« ^lit f elpnge i^iis ctofe}r.e fapbe flfiojtlp ijott^ a lou^e bopce. ^v gcU t^^ai att not Jo^n l)aXB» tr i)at !)ecpngc t}et liuiboriti anfU3etl)e. j fm tl}zu p famii motnvm ^ ^neU) \»el tljat p loopf c ijaD complepneD ftoto (fte ijali one of l^ec poD>nge0fto!rn/t^cpla«g^pIifomoclieattfteftece^|jeuwot2?nemS35ent DDi»nc of tfte pulpet f 0^ (fiame* C^ptl)istaleamanmarfet^atto!)f ap^tecljetDotft tebufee anp fpttni 01 Di^ce iGoljeun !)e iis fenotwe openlp to be gpltp, ^jrmCelf /ftic^ Pjcc^pna tolirtell enpfp to tijepeople. CertapnefeoUetttjeetoaiBS intent)?ttgc to bemabepjteft toln'c^ I^D iiotiftergcete topttc !io.i letnpng came to tlje bpfffiop to tafe^ *"ozliec0/U)ljo0folp(6neffe]^bp(I)op peccerupng beeaufeijetxia^ar «^c!)emanei8^fontoolI)enotJ3ecrfttong{pappofel)pnibuta(UplJl)pmt5)ii9J (mall qjiit&von^Boz l^nMiSonm^/ ^em/Cljam « Sapftet/nois) tell me qmtip bpffOop53oo tx)ajB( Japiietij^ f^tl^et^ti^ouffialt fjaue oiDzt^ *%l^n lapU )^ fCGlec ©p mp ttoutljmp lo^ilie 3 pzap pmi patbo me* fo} 3 neuei^lec tipDbutlptelloftftebpb!e»Cl}enquotJtftebpffT)op/goljomeNomeagapii gEfople me tl)i$q«eapoita6tl)oittt)altteueottiets;*Ct:i3is;fcoiecfoDepac» teDiicameljome toln^faDetf^fliet^jlJe !}pmj5caufe of tIjelipnDecaimceoC teo^t)3t^.Cl?^!S fabecbCFngeengtp atljigfclpfftneistl^ougbt to tecb5 ^pm p foUicr on of tW queCtr on bp a f amplpet example §t calleD W fpanK ei^befoaeljpmnfapD tl)ii0/t^oulinotxipftuaeUCoUmp tsoggebat^tljefe m»tx»i)elpp0 iHpg/frcpg/s tE:i;pboli^uft not Coll mpUog neDps! be ^p^c tottpbolU c^enqiio?) tbelcoletbpgoDfatiecpefapetmitbletme alone !ioU)/peff)allle meHoiBeil pnougl)j^ne]Ctetpme*tol)ecfoieon)5mo?otoe ftetoente to bpfftopagapneat fai^^ J)e coil!) fople bis^queftpom'Ci&en (apD tljebpflSopiBoe^atJ,utaonne^&emCi^am^3^P^^t/not}3tellmetabo Doa^ 3apljetp$f alje5;^^8tpip^qiJo2) ^fcolecpf itpleaCepouc lo^iDflJpp Col mpfaUec^Dog* C^p tbi^tale amanmap lerne t^t iti^ but loft tpmetottclieafole anptljpnge^ljpc^^a^i&nosBpttopeccepueit* •Cfo^tuneti fo tljata ft«celateintbeeiiettpnge MpjieDloDgpttgi of apoozeman of tlje counttep/tl)e ixjljic^efo? lafeeof otljeclcls^ gpnge glaD tolistbo^oljae tliefteceloDgpb bi^m in W oiJoiiebeD; ^nl)aftctljeanDftil5U3pfc* ctjefceie bepngeafieepecameanDlapintDe (amebeUbe* C^nD m tlie mo.znpnge af tet tbe pooje man co ieanlixwenteto tl^emati^et^lfttrnge t^e fmunp mWzmitW^ ^Pl? anb as Ije txietit \}t CnirlttifiS lf,uq\j\'ti to ijrinfdf e/to!)ecf oic l)i9J nevboiit£J DcmaimDet) of !)rm ijobr l}c fo fmrlcti/!je ai lOtictt) ^ fart) J laugl- to tlivnk botuffiamefaft tijcfcece(I)allbe tn^enljCix)ahet^/mt^om3i^t'tinbctiDc. i^Tdv tl)i!5 ta le a man mar lecne tl)a t t?c tW oueriftotF t^ ^pntfelf Dotft f olpftlp ret l)C 115 mo je f olc to flicijoe it open^^ ' r2r^mtrmttietcr)i»elIrt)sp:eflinfettttfo^tl)tpottaupnc of fmall JS^ lernpngc tomclxr bntJeiioutir fange maOc/ar often a'lius r^nrlc oil oneDap.&>o it tjappeneD on a tr me af tet 6i5 fecotic ma^ fcaa3 Done in ftot^ ttp not a mvlc ftom ^ ttr tl^f ou^ tljtre mete ixittt) l;i^m Druer^mew^ic men tt)tiict)c tjJoltJc ^auc Ijatoe ma Oe/=f Mv^tti \}vm to fvngc mafle anlD \)C (i)olt)c l;aiic agcote/tolncl^eanftofcDtljem jCarti^risJ WUfapmanifc no mozc tljis tiap/but 3 to^l Car r ouat»go(pels f oi one grote-^ tljat i.$ Dog: f^peamadcinonpplBCtmenglcntJC. C^P ttiis tale a man map it tDa r thci' t!?at be xix'Oz ^ bnlenipt! ttijacS butiptell tt)e mccpt ri goo^nes of Ijolp piapet, HCouctpn fiftfcercl^appenrD to mete togpt>er rnafetpbote jiil conumKacponbettr.enet!)emfeil5tU302t)rsangcp^Dprpleafp& ccljc toul) otfecc/^ f ougl)t5 ftvogleti togr tiet;/ fo tl;a t at ti;e laft j^i coiirtrec can ttjft frece wiet t!)e bote/fo toas ^ f cere D^otxmcD* -^lie f erpmal jDo^icl)e i)ati ben a manof inacte tl}t mcft parte of t)islpte befou an?) iepn» gttl)cfreictx)as fcDzcixmeD^gonfa^^e t\^istotl)tcouxtrt\/3,hti\}i€:tijt ^pi^atttiiou (l)olt5ea!?auetarpeDat feaiglKe ix)itl)l)pmalanlie fo: mtxit t^oiil^aftcanfctimetoleltHanlialfpenpfoji mp fare* C^p tt}is talc a man map fe ttjat be p is accoQiimeti in bpcpou0 ? true! eompanp (fiall lofe t^at noble ijcrtcto to Ijauc ppte $ coinpallpon lipons Hl^iccljecintlje pnlpetto!)icl)ep:ec^ptitl)ctBoitieof goti/itamog oti}ec ma ttecs f pahe of mennp3 (bullps at fepb t!)ep txiere f met* neloiu? ^ fc fubti'U p a tljoufant) foullps mvgbt Uuu m ttje fpacc of a napie of a mannps fi^nget/amonge tot}if Ijc au^rcnre t!}ert leaea mc cp coneepteD felotne of fmall Denocpon t^at anftxiert)e nnD fapti tljits^ map fter Doctoi pf ti}ata tlKitifanDe fotiHps map Daunce on a mannv^ naple 3| pzap pou tell tt}en iDl^ece f tjall t\}c pppec ftantJe* tzep tl]iJ5 tale a man mapfe tl}atit IS biit folp to fi}eu:e oz to tcdjctjet; ttt) to t^cin tl^t imt no pleafuce no: mpnDe tijecto* •T" lontio there bjas a rertapn artpf peer tjaupng a f apze inr f to to!)5 r-*- ^[uftpgalltm^e piicfutcioaccomplr% litis pleafuc.'Ctjiraiomi hnh in ixjrfe to movtitt ^pm a tvmt to come fectetip to Ivt toit^i^ec all Jiigi)t. i^nD x^ gcet l^caaps 5 ot^^is; ftjoace f agapnft Ws* Irf eicecept coming tjeiDOiDebeteDptjatnefpDaEtoolDe putijpmmicopetDpof tjii^ mnvmU lx)oll'emalie!)pmagcete amenDpisi^ trJjfenpgl^tixiais tijcm appornteDat fcol)ic!)e tpme tljr'iS couctpet came utW iioua^e fi entteti into tl}e ci^aumbec fet^igtDootjanKtJDozDe Jjotxme atfaptie t!)cfer»o^De$» ^tantJ t^oiitftete tl)oiifmoatictl/etietJiof.uijn?n»C^iK^5jii(bantJeIpen8et3nt»et^l)et)m ijatiic^ tiecpng tijefe luoztJe^ lap tlpl io} f eie^^ije courtpei; anonc gat \^m to bcD tJDit!) tl)e b3pf e abbute Ijt0 p^epenCpl! befpne0 / anD mtW an Ijoute Guiu tl)e ^fuanDe bcpnge toecp of Irengc began to cemoue ftpm/t^e ccut tpartljatijerpngeaCkpDti^etwpfe toljattl^pngetl^st isuaiS^temoupD ^m htt p beU/ 5xj!)ic^e emifpngc f matter fapDe it toa^ a iptell flftepe t^a t toaje( iBonte Dapiptogo about tbeftous^^^t^e tafijanlie^ lierpngeanoncctpeli ble as It !)ait) hm a (fiepe* C^"^ fo incoclufpon toljen )5 couttpet faix) !)te tpi me^emfe 3Ei^p(ret)tliel»pfeg^toueWJBieue(6Depat:tpD. 3linl3a$foonea$ite teas gone ttie Ijuftiaiilie atofe/fttw^n tl^e inpf eiofepti on t)pmfomto)l)at a*, lsafi])pt? ffie began to maKe a fat) coutenaimce ^ fapDe Bin? fp^ ))ol)p Dpb pe not cpCe a^ piap tfte mana$ pe fapDe pe ujoltie/tBljici^e anfirettie ant) fapbe fcoftpfiameDpDefttljounoti^eceibpmfapt^at ^tjsftDojDeljali bentijetictlie of .airmen / « 3 ^at) bena f ole ti^anpf ^ i ftal> put mp Celfein leoparDp to Ijaue hm tlje f outt]&.i:l5en CapD tDe topf e tDuiS /but Cp^ fpafee not 3 Jwpfelp tljen 'mlitn j fapD pi iuece a fljepe/pejs quoti ^ Wibm^ui£>\xt t\)m DpD not a moje iBpielp bame J»!)en tW 3 ctpeD ble. C^P tl)tl3pcmapefetl)at!)e i^nbttopfetljattopUputW^confp*: ttm tomoc^eijpon tl}efegtetectafeets! 5X)]^ic^t oftpmeg ixjpU Da butlptelliol^enit comptibto t^epopnt* ^rJ^Y^pcceiBa^a (Bomauet fpttpttgeitt ^ii9!(ftop^falx)eacolpercomebp vJLtbuglJt to Hetpbe bpm bpcaufe ije usa? foblac&e / aft^pti l)pm \x>W ttjpDpngeiStoeteinljell a«DI)oitM tlje DeupllfapteD«Cotol)omett)ccolpec fapDe/tfte DeupU facet) txJcU ix)l&en3fatoei^m laft foj^ ix)a|3; i;ptipnge f ojt^eanti tat;petibut fo^a fototet to piufe onWisbotipJt C2BP tW remapfe t^at^ tfjatljfptbto Dctp^otftecfqlfep? i^ Comtpme j^pmfelf e mo^ DetptipD anD mq^fepO^ w*t« 1 tctcfbetien/ant)thatgot)ott)isgoot)ncg fooneafttc^is paPfpon ^ MtiXi manpn:entocometotl)c l^rngtiotnc of b:«enu3iti) fmall r)ffctiirng'at&)lKc!5ctrmct!}€rctBasint}fucna gtcte coinpanj^of lE'th rl)emen/h3l)icl}c ixiul) tfeuc l^raHrnge fi babelp n^t ttobdrt) all tljc otlitt; i£»l)ctfo:egor)favt)tofarntpctccvftcroast]octroft})em'^tl)ntlieix)olDe farncl)2uctl;tmoiitofl)cuitttroU3^on:efarnt}3ctccfart)egootJlo.zDe3 toaccant^ouy (flalbe fljo:tlrtioneU)t)ctfo.zefarntpctctU3eHt out of i^* iicgatrs^cti^etii^aloiitiebcfceCaufebobt/visasmoclKtofarasro&pti ctjtfe/inlKclje tlirngc )^ irclctimen ^etrng can out of Ijeurn a gte t pace. 2E nT) toDen farnt IBttet Ca trie tl)cm al out tje (oDm!? toentm tti ^fucn anti lofefert)tt;cDo:eantifofpam^tiaIlrtcii3clct)cmcnout. C^rtln5rcinarietl)atiti3notupft)omcfoiamantoIoucojtofct!ni< mrnDe to moc^c upononp tielrcateoiixioztil'r pltafurcu)l)cct)p l^ (JaU lofc ttje ceieOrall ii ctctnall lope. '^f^txio hnpg!)tf s tl^ere tot cc ix»l}ict}C intnt to a (lontii^ng f clDe xd tl^vp vJunrnce.Sut one of tl^em tx»a3 cof cdpt) bcfoze l;c mnvbv.t t\)t otijit toctmtb^felDci^out{fi:pftoitepetauce/aftecmatDtt)i0Piicciiia)5felli 5 liaD V bpctozrc r tiap/ tial)ctf oze ^e v U)as cof cffpt) came to iWict =t affeptr an o©ct $ farib l)c ^aD Deieairti it f oz ^c liaD Don gooti fenirce ^ atiuctiiceD tt)a t tmr as far as onr man m p f elDe/ to toljo t^z otljcc y ixias tmcof cdipti anteerrl) a nl) (avD nap br t!)c mas 3 am moze tx3ou^ to tiaue a tetoarDc tftan^^foz^a-tiiienmrj^Dbut^isbotipfoipbucfakefozljeDucdnotgota j^feit^tplljetuascofenfrti/batssfozme iDptiuigti botliboDplpfetfoui Ic.f oipouc fabe/f 01 3 ixient to tt)e f elDe ixiitl}out cof eUpon ozrepentauce* "^nr Cectapn fnplnectl^rc U3as txitjic^ l)3ti Dpuccs poDrsof c! tSto^ fg^ loasgooDftozeof elps/ixDiiecfo^cvgConof );'' toajnin^ici) loHpD ^-^'^ liKt a tjolp mi npuetn =1 manp timtsctale manp of t^ in fo mccl^ J^l)alileftfetrio.zncnebelr^nDhtm/tBi)CcfozctbismiInccicpngt)iscli;i ftolpn-ittiiil not bptD^o cam to ^'laptJgfon^ Deficit) l)pm to cutfe foz tl)5 p 2 fon fapD ^ iDolDe .f )5 nen fctiap ca m to p ptilpet )jj» boos bell >t ciDell 5;3cewpngt^cetoccenoncm)5cl)nx{)evbnt?er(loDelatpnfaptit^us^l^S rtale)5milnccseIi3latir)ateDnmDe cells but l)cr dale >''gcece!isg.**utic4t tpCeincelftS/ tl^ci^ put out y^ranDcll toliofpzqiion^mpincrno mozefoi llH^ fauce iS (Ijacp pnougl) foz brm. ^ tBp tl)!S pc imp ^ tt^t fomc curatps tt)a t loKc full Ijolpip be but Dcfcmblcrs ?t ppoccrtiS; ,"y Xn?elclKmaonatpmeti3enttocbiccljetol9cr€mas )xi\}ic\)t l)vipenpD JJ.to come w eupn at j^ lactpng time tuben l^e tjaD Ijaili v mas to p entic !3e ixct borne tuber one of bisf clctoes affepD b^m ixibettjer \)z bnti fene goD jimigbtp to Dap 'oobicb ^lujccD ^ fapD nap but J fam oiierl.s.bertrr tija be Ci5ptbispemapcretl)at tt;epbeeupllb,zou2ljt bPbaucbutlpti'll Drooepon to pj j^p snD uerteuj; folio ♦]ctff; tfU anD tnohht n Uttt a Irmptouc rtat iifp3)mocl^e to bpfp^t^m toljeuipon one of tftem a Irtpll before fta t tfte f cece came feplIeD an Jjog as fotDprpourepDitl)nDettf)ebo^t)eaftectliemanetofacozrennDtolD0tl)t f nee it U3a$ !}ec gooU m§ anb tiefpzet) Ijpm to far Dttigc f 6i w f oulc to^et f oic t^ f i:ei;e unh \^i^ klnXD bz^n fBlacebo anD ^icige antj fo f o^t!) fafti tiftcfeaipfe full bcuototlp toWdjt'^etJopuejsifoftecpng/coubJiiotceltai'tie fi)emfelfcfcomlatDgl)pnge ant) tonte in toa Iptpllpaclec tolatogljmo «eattt;erjtplcfuce»'Cl)efe fretpisfomlxjljatfufpecteDt^ccaufeant) mv^^v o^tljati^iioomenteeceujatelolvpD ijnbett^ebo^lieanDCpj^cDt^atit iKas( an l]bg /folicnlp tolie it bptxuene ttjem anb bate it l^omeiwarb a$ f aft t^itP; mrgftt^CtjC toomen fepngtljat can af tet t\)z tutz anb ct:peb come agapn ntarftec ftete come agapneanb let it allone/rap bj^ mr f aptlj qucb^f ce*^ cebe i$a b^obecof oute^anb tiftetf o^e ^e muft nebrjSbe buui^eb m ouceclop, Hec/anb fo tfte fcetp0 gate tijc !)og. C^p t^ Vt map fe tl^at tl)cr tba t bfe to Ut^liz anb moU otiftee f cm* tpmeit to^nptl) to tt^ep^toneioffe anb bamage* "Cectapne pi^ft tljece twais tlja t btoellpb in f coutetp ixi^iic!) iMaiss not beep lfenpb*Ctn«fo^eon(0efteteupn^eEtt)ii3 bop toj^P^eft "of cl|e neict toi»n ^ toa^^i^mple f com tljenis! to bnoto m^t malfe Ije (ftolbe fpnge on j^ moaoboe^tTDi^top came to ti^e fapb p?cft anb ti^h \m ntapdecs! eccabe tobpm»ti:l^en qiiob t!)e p^efl tel t^^i^ mapftec tl)at fee muft fpngetomoiotDof tSecetoceicpon/anbtotljecmo^e quobfee pf tljou bap to f oiget It tel t^p mapftec ti^t it begpnnet^ x^ a gcet ili*anb (Ijetoeb l^m Ibe inafle boo^e boljece it toajsno jpten l^efiicceri^^c*^!)!^ bop tban toente l&ome agapne anb all tl^e ix)ap a$ l)e toen t fte cla tecpb ftplL i^efucceiti ^z^ Cucceict/biitati^Iaftbebapenpb tofo,igttitcleneanblx)P!)e came bome ^iismapftecafepbbpmbo^atmacre^efftolbe fpnge on j5mo,ioU3e*Bpmp trotb mapftecquob tbe bop 5 bane f o^goten \V\m l)e bab me tell pow it be ga ^ a gcet.iil.:t3p gobquob tl^p^ft J tcotoe tbou fapeft tcciwtbf o.inoU) 3 temembectoell it mitfte be ceQmemetetnam/fo^ gob almpgljtp bpeb ajQ( onpeficcbap g^nototoe muftfap maCfe f oj btefoule* i.23ptbt;s^pemap ret^tbobenonefoie (enbptl^anotljecfoleon Wtt canb of tentpme0 tbe befpnegi \% f olpflftlp fpebe* ^ yy ^feoleccfj^cenfojtnipbicbebabllubpcbj^iiibpcpalsofadcono yTi mp 6 a vmt toa;s tpbpng bv f ^^V t»*3itb c^ bp a l^ecbmafi inqup •^^"■^cib of bpm botj) f ac it twais to p neict toixm/(p jqd f^ betbma pe ba nenottWl^ftantple e^abalt/butCp^q^bepenebetocpbea pacefozpe ©al^iieafl)oucofcapnecpec6etbPbec/bflbatq5j5ffeoletft!2inotfofoiti&e ieifl!notofeenofcapnfoj9Jl)^cloubpJ5beboti^fapj9trtece/bpgobfpjqbg iKtt) ma but re (!)ali f rtiD it fo. ^Mz ftolec t\)tn toDc f oitb Ws ijoa r f ot t^ !jniDrrt5cnl)alfamrlcfoztl}Cctl)ecefelj^gcoDD]otx)ieofrarntl}atti)effeo let U}as tt3eU inafilirt) ariD lajcte to ^ ft>rn/>'' fUolet tljcn totirnpti IjijS Ijo^zfe aiiD colJcngnrnc to tl^c tjctliman^ ticCJ^cD l)rm to tecl)el)pm tljatconnj'hg narquoD^ijcctimanS tupUnottecijcrcumr connrnge foj^noiigt)t/tl)a ti}Cffeolecpzo(fctrti tirmjl. ffiillpngr^to tec!)e^;Fm tl}atconn?tige/tijc i^cDcmanaftcr tjttiaD tcccrucD l)is monepfarticflni^. fert fcroiinot Fotiecl)unaKoiDii)it!) tljcu^^teface/ rc;3 quot)tl)elKoIcc.^ucclr qiioU 3^ iKtDms tove iT)c Daufrtt) anti tjoirir tl) tjp Ijet; tarlc it (Jal Ijaue a ffiotuzc of tapne ix)iti)in tjalf c nn lioixne after* C^r tljis re mar ^e {> tt;c conrng of lieibman ?i ihcpattie^aisitoucljrng; aftecacros of tocDrts is moiefiitc t!)an)?' iiitircraUrs of ^aconomp; ^-w-*^ a cectarn toton tljcc uws a crclj man t^it lap on Ijis bcti^ bcD R atporntcofDctl) totjicbecJiargrti^isccecutoncstotielefoi 1)W( ""^'fouleacettarn feme of monerm pence ii on tljiscontiicronrtjac grU ti^em as )5 toolDc anftoece af o:c ♦ (5ot ttiat cuetr poje man tta t came tot!}cm^tolDcattetcetale(l]olDel)aueapenrrftl?crtljatf3rt!afaIstl)rn gelTiolt)e^uencne/5mtl)eDolctrmet!7ecc came one i3at}tcbcfarti(^yot) toasa gooD man/quoD j5crecutouc$ tl)cn(I]a1t ^auea pcnp f 01 tl)ou Capftc trouti}»3nonecamcanot5]errifait))^DcurUtt!a$agootimanqnot)t!)eej;e mtovx^ tljece ttjcu Ireft tl}ccf oze ti)ou ffialt Ijnm netea penp.E t lafr came one to f^ erecutcuc^5 fert) tt^is/rc {!}atl griie me nece a penr/tobict) toci» tir$ ma tie t!)e erecutoiirs ama fpt) anD toHe aiwt>fenicn t toijetljcc tl)cr (Joto CFucljrmthepcnrozno* CJ3rtl;i3renmrfciti,6torft)omcfo2 5aggrSmtaitcfuUm3tt«:S(o| la to tobciQoateof l^ftruigement. H^?a a f M't' i)is ner boiic vdIji c^ ixia but la te ma tr et) to a bortioto Ijoio !)e agrerti ixiit^ bis inrfc f oz ^e larD f !)er f r'^ft imrbao anD ffle couD neucc agce br goD quot) ^ otl^ec uie agce menieioujs ixiel 3P?ap)^t)otDfo/marr quolDj^cti^c ifl)autiil )i/toljen5ammcrr (fiei^ mctr/?j to^n 3 am fati (fie (s fat)/f ozujIc 3 go cut of mr tiozis 3 am mcrR tcgoftom^ec?foisfI)e/fiu:!jcn3comemagarneJamfaDrifoisi7)c» X^ ^trmeof l)rfrtacroabrf(ftopU)^;lctJC toasfomixibatlecliccoitaJ fiijaD gotmanr cbrlt)erne ptepaci^D to come to a pzeftep tjoufc to fe to!;atci^icl]eRcpttDbicbPiteat]at) alcmauil)istjoufecnl!et!;^t)e$ ori;er^aD.iuo;aii«Cnialccbi1Dzcinfl)oztfpace/butaaarnj^brf(tlopcom* ttirng ^ pzea ppacrt) a tome to Ijvtit tjis iema at bis cbiltizc ciicc in *^ cof e of 9iS9all/iiU)l]evbrfnioptoas corneas ictatDrnct inflame }jaUjnurng,i;; ot^iSot»necWbzeabouti;pmt^ispzcftcix>l}ici)cout)fpelveIrtelllatrnot f^^^^ ft^ brfrcopmlati'ntoete(arngeComeDeepilcope»^l)i3ij:omS in tt/e ^of e of t^e *?aiic ^croge tlje pzeft fap Co ^IJ tpente t;e ^l) callr t) t)fi; Solio.tdiL bvWmt tm com etJee ^ 5n»cr!) (bonlv^fnv'b fljall 3 b^pitge mv tim^ rnixtftnt alfo*C^igibp(n)op!jeci^nge tlm Uoi tiia Gait Diti0 abunt^ansi inlatetibiij8!Domus tuccijepieefttbcijalf smafpDanfl»eti>l»8|02tlpanD jjipD ff ilii tui ficut noueUe olr uacunt in cimirtti menft tue» J3p tl)i0 pf map fe tljat ti^p t^at ^laiie but fmall ictnpnge fomtrme to krtcueipijttatiiirfpD* OB a(6eU3eDm?(l)ap m )5 mo^npnge iwaiai axuca t of a % jci) micl)t ftat) matie gooD cijete tin nrggr af o^c/ae fpttrn ^p late ^ came to ^ cI)PKl)ctoi^ececofeain3nto 5x3!)omtl)ci;ecameaix)oman/aKD amo ge otm ttjpngp^ tbt cof efipD Ijcr tfint (fie l?rit) Mvn a pot*2But t^an beca a feof gcetei]oatcljetftatt!)i)3!p^xeea DaD/ljet^ei:?^ foDenlpfclU aQepe/anD to^f tW0 ixjomanfaiBc ^pm not mpllpng to tjet^ <)ec (fte tofe Dp ^t toft bee bap/fi aitoni? a n otl^et i»dman iineki) i^oixjne to t Wnmt p^ied ji began to isf benrliicttetabei;j?)itl^tl&t0PjeeO:folienlp toafepliijQenrnge ffietiab ben life oti^et lijoma ft fapii al angerlp/to^at att tliou note) at benetiicite agap, mteUmetot)a£Dptiea:tl}onb3!)ett t!)ou!)aljpilCto!pntlje pot* Cff £)ne af tec one mapftet i^bPttinto IjaU bplHet) a cclegc on a npgl)t •K-? aiBiliefleptbeDumpDt^atbefatiinbi^cbutciba&manp fdiiv^ tbec »lCb / 5 Uictfftt i^ h^mvti v ^e (a^e out; lanp in t^efame cbpjtc!) ^ a glass of gooDlp opntementinljetljanlsgopnge to oneaffepngl)pmijol)at ^e^aU tone f 0^ l^v (afee/tol^ic^ lapD tl)at !je ^aD fapD ouclaUpia! fautec euecp Hap l»i)erCo2e ffie^a«e!)j>m a IptpUof tlje opie.^nU anonc fe mm to anotljec ftffepngl)pmto^atijeftalilionefo3tibetfa6e53o!)tcbfapD ti^atljeftalJ fapD.u laDpjS fentecs: euetp tiap/toljetfoje om laDp gaae ijpmmo^ of p optement t{)anBiegauej^otftec*^^ii5mapft6CijDl)pttentot^ntl)oug^t ttjat xjoljen mtlrXf^ BjolDecome to Ijpmllie DoolUe gpuc!)pmall t^e Wc gla^ bpcaafe flit t?wiDbriDeD fuel) a gtet colege^tcajs tjetp glatJ irnifenipnD.XBut ijoii^ DUc iaDp cam to i)pm ©e afketi Ijpm tobat lit i^aB fulSreti f oz bee fal> e/ ix5bic!| txioztipis mat^e Ijpm gtetl p abafl)pl» bpcaufe lie W notljprig to inv loi bpn! felfc/9^ fo ijeDjemptJ tbat f oj all t^ejitetDeUe of bplDpng of f fapDi^olege ^ ^aD no patte of f gool&lp opntemetit* H ©p tl)is pe mnap fe tljat to fufBecf 01 gotiDp^faHe i^nmz metptoipcu^ t^an to gpue %xzt gooDps^ HCectapne bpCfbops^PPopmelito goonijpfptacpontoa p^cnp^liougi ann bpcaufe be iwoltie limit t!)e p^ceO; !jo imt Ipiell cod bpon iwnt be baD bpm D^iedfe hut iptpl mete lapng ttiti$ in ia tpn. i^^epata^ Vni!)i nioDicw Cbis P^^i^ '^Utl) \}nhztMoU bpm not l^nlk ml litiD a bojfe callc nicDtcn toibecf o,ie \]t tbougbt to obtapne tljt bvmm^ f auout ^ agapnft p bpltbop^ £ompng HplieU \t^ lio^fe tljat ^x^ % caiicD tnoUicum toljetof tlje bpffop ^ l)i^ Ii23ptbi^pemapfetbatmanpafolel5orl3moctiecofl: tobici;l)ati)but iptpU iW^ l^l 5313! labcuce* iTtttavne maltiiiart of colbaoue tDWcIje toss atcrr conetoiitf U)zccl)c anD IjaD no plea&icc but oncly to get montv c^imtQ^on Don to fell I}i3maltannb:ougl)tetoitl)lirm.mi.capon3ri tl)ete ttfcrur^am.oi^lJ.fi.foimalteantiputit m alptell piirs tpcDtoljtscote anD af tec iDcnte aboutc tl)e ftccttps to fell W capon8U)t)oin a polipng fc iotBet!)ntix)a.satircecnnnanbntt)ivft l)ati efprctianDSmagrnetiljoUi tje mi^glit begi^le tt)c inan ot^ of ibis capons 01 of l)is tironep anD cam? to t^t0 maltman in tl}eflcect bctpngc ttKfc capons inljtsbanDc anDafupD hvm l]oto Ix iDolDe fell bi5 capons anD mljen Ijc l)aD (l)cUarD l)j'ni t^e pzpfe of t!)cm l)C baD f)rm go twittj l)pni ts Ws mapftet anD t)e uaolDc (ftcix) tliem to tits mavftct anD l)e toolDe taufe ipjmto Imc moncp f 0^ tljtin U)l)ccto Ijc agrceD, ^fttSi^ollecU3£nteto t^ecatDrnails Ijat tniombciDrsacere^j lDl)cnl)crame to tftc Doze l)ctobe tl)e capons f com tt)e maltinan anD baD l)im tacrattl)eDoie tpUljcljaD ffirincDlHSmarilec anDlicmolDc come agarntot)rmanDbipngct)pmtHSmanepfoUl?e!n»alt fe ni^tl^c It be l;c 01 no at i Uip I t)olDe tt)P t)ozfc l)tce till tt)'j« come agapn ^l)i6 ina Itman tl)pnbpng to f pnDe ttie f eloto tr itt) i)is caposmet m j left ^is l}Oi(cUjitl)tbeotl)erattl]eDoze.anDasfoone nstjetonsgonmto ttjc fmi^ tl^is police laD ttje t}oz(e atyapc in to Insoujne loDgpnge.€l)is maU mm iiiquec^D. m tij? ^oufe fo| i;is felouje fiott^tt?e capons butnonw hoiz all fat) pt m^ti fo^ ^pm ^ l^D 1^0 l)o?0 to tm^hhvmik tje YatMC farm ttot l)e afferl) t)puei:fi! tl5Ct« f 0^1 l)pm/ at fome fapb t Ijer fatio f^rm 5 r^^^ tW laU) l)pm iiot/bu t no man couDe tell tD^icl^e toape l)€ ina^ gone iD^er f o^e Ije tcente Ijome to lje;3 3nne moie Cat) tlja Ije txjag bef oze/Doi)ecf ozc In'^ feoa:gauel)pmcouccllto8€tl)rmftomcftbeix)ai;efto\»lje tutftrUanp meti in lontio, tr Wfi! maltman fepngc none otljcc cof o^t toent l)t0 1^ toap l;ome toatt)e.C€:l)i0poUet iwtjtc^lpngctpD altMap tlietc abciue t!}e ^iniie Ijacl^ tcUtftattfjemaltnmntoa^goi'ngfeomcixjacDe afoteappaceU'D ^pmlPk^ a manni?0 p.ieatrfe ^ gat a iptell boget ftuflEpD full of Ctone^ on W hnu ^ t»entcbefo^iel)j>mto cl)arpngea:oire5 tawntpUi5 maltman came/^jafi fepD fe'm Ujl^t^c ^ ixjcntc tal^iclic fa?!) to Colb^oke. ^tp quoD j^ o t^ec 3 am glatJ tljerof f oj^ 3 "wft goo to b^ pnibibe to mr ma j>aec to bere ^pm monep tqljicl^ 3 Ijaue in mpboget$3 toolDe beglaU of copanp.'^ljt0malt min brcatife of ^10 otone moncp toa0 glaD of W copanp/^E fo tljcp umth IfciMmte togpDec axnl)ple» aittlbeiaatl)i0poUetU)ent fomto^atbefoieto fenpg!)tb^PSetifatl3pon)5b^pDge$tea:pD!)pmt3oitl)l^i0bogeton^i0bal^/ fiiBl)en^€rai)oj^maltmaalmoftati^pml)elct!)i0bogctfalioucr^btrl)ge fo to p ixja tet» J incontpncnt ftact bp ^ fapd to p maltman ala0 3 toue let mpbogct falm to j^^iDatec 5 tl)etei0.]clJt.of monep tljecin/ pf tljou toplt ^at)emtoj5t»atet:$gofebeit3^getitme agapne i Ifiall grue)5,]ciupence fou^labouc/tftisi maltman luaupngeppte of tjfelolTc^alfoglatito get tbe *ni*5^nce plukpD of W ftofe cote 5 Onvtt at toaDpD into j5 ixia tec to feKe f 01 tf^zboQttMt) in p meneuoftple tW pollct gote W clotlji0 $ cote ix3j)cc lotftepiic0ofmoneptt)a0tpDeilepteoiiectl)e 5ebge gttoente toiaeftmpii ftec* t € 1)10 maltman toJtWn a tiotjple af tec bjitl) gcete papne ^ Depe i«a*. Spngefomibei^bogetiE camcoutof tl}eU3atec5laiMenot^!0 fclouiecljccc 9 ra^e tljat fti0clotl)P05C moncp xjoece not tftece 30 Ije left t^em fufpectpD p ma tec anD openpl) tifee boget an!) tijan f ountJe not^nge tl^ecmbut ftonpiS ccpcDout ipfeeamatimananDcnnall nafepDtolonbonagapneanbfapD^ ala0ala0^e!peo3^3(!)ailbeiMen.f oimp capon0beaolen, Jippljo^0i0 ftolen* J30P monep anD'Clotl)p0be (lolehanD 3 fftall be aolen mpfelf ,aiuD fo can aboute tfte (lcerp0 in lonbon nafepD 9^ maD crpenge altsoap 3 (ftall be ftole .3!fl[)aUbeaolen»3;nDfocontpnupD maD bucpngc 1^10 Ipfe^ foDpeD ft'fee a to^tetclje to t^e l?ttec Dpftuiccpon of ijpmfelf e ^ ffiame to all 610 mu Ci3P tfjisf pe map te t^t manp a eonetonfe tozccl) ^ lotipD W gooU bet tec ttjangobanDfettptft 1)10 mpnDe tnoiDpnatlp tljeconbpttetjgijte tugment of goD of tpme0comp^ toa mpfecable anDIDamfiai enDt:^ t^-clcljenwn Dtocllpnge (ti enelonUe f o^itimct) to ftcle an englpfljl manscoU ^imt itonpfv^tto fet^ iwfjecfo^zcttjis engird) nan ^ (iifpectrng i5 iwclffima cam in to l)is ijoufe 4 fa toe ^ coK fctpng on f f ric ii inv'i} to ^U)elcl)ina tlni3.^pi t5)i!5i;3!mp coa^i^T^acr q6 v toclcljmS ai vt It be tijrne ^ (Ijalt Ijaue tl)r parte of iumv quoD )^ englrflS na H$ no t i'^oilgl).^5r cottes bltit ^ Ucc naj^le quon jJtotlc^ma rf l}cc be not pnougi) nou) i)cc tor II be r nougl) anonc f jt \)tt tjatl) a gooD f j>ic bnDet lycu ai^ttarneof ^ Ijpcacjs of ponlp^tjpfpofrt) to be mecp ona fonHapc at bvemaOi: trmefentanotbccmaUfelotoc of ttjepi accopntaiiceljnta a f olrfdjc Dzonfeen pzeftetdgpue bi^n a botell/n3t)icl)e nianinetixjitl) ti)C. Pjtelte upon tl)etopof j^ftap^rsbpv cDaucell Doze^fpalie to!)pm gtfapDc t l^m,^r J nip mapHei; Ija ti^ fenD pou a botel to put pout D jpnfee m bptaiife pe can Kcpe none in pouc b,iapnes»^l)is pjede tl)ea3)itft bepng Ijetp angcp, BllfoDenlp tofeet^ebotell^toitl) W foteflangcit tiotone in to j^botipoC t^ ctjp.iclje bpon tljc gentplmen? ^eDesS; - y%-Cectapne 3ucp int!)ecoimteof^9plit)elfei; toasinpanellifojS #T^ hpnge to inquete of all inUptementes inutDecis ^ lelonpe^* Cljc •-^■^ petfon^of t^iis panel tjoece folp(l)ecouetou^?ibnlecnet)/f oitwfto fo eiicc tDolDe gpue tlje a grote tbep toolte al&ne ^ betpf p bis bpll toijetljet it tuece true 01 f alj3 vi^out anp otftec pzof e ox euiMce/ uoljccf oie one p iwa^ a mecp coceptpD f elo^e petcepupng ti^p fmale cocpencc fi ^te couctouf^ nes put m a bpll intptuleb af tec tW manec.3nquitatuc p^o t)iio cegi ft Ji^ iixi na5acenusf ucatniS eft bnu afinil aD eqnitanbum in egiptu/r^ gaue t^ a gtotc d Defpj^eD ^ it mpgW be becpf peD^Clje fapD Jucp tMbic^e.lofecD all on p gcote 5 notbpng on f bpll ajitiua? tbep^i bfe ixj^ote billa beta on j5 bate rtecof t3ol)(cft bpll tjoben it t»a$ pjeCentpD into p coutt tobe p Juqv^ loHcD. tbcton tbep fapb opelpbef o,ie all )^ people lo fpjis bete iiS p mecuelouft bet^ bpt ^euecixsasp^efentpDbp anpinqueft fo^ bete tbep baueinDpteb 3e(u of ^a 5atetb f oi ftelpng of an alTe toftic^ uobe p people Ijatb it/it maDe ti^ botl^ to laugb 5 to tooDet at p f olpffinejs ^ fljaf ul ciuti of t\}t o^p eqnefte* C^r tbt9 pemapfeit :$gcetepatelltoenpanellanp luttooii^bpoti anp equeft toljicbe be f olptti at Ijaue but fmall concpence* • tr" ^ ^ cettapn patpft a f cete p jecljpb/an t) in W fetmou Ije tebubeti M tbcmjPtobeonj^fonbap/euet lofepngbpononeman^iwaiSbotplii ^ ^fputtpt) tcbp to tpbe* cbis man patcepupng fall p people notpt ^pm foncnlp ^alf in angetanfujetbe p f tete t^u0 /bobp p:cct)p(lg fo mocft &gapnft tljemrtptieonj^fonliap foj^ctpftbpmfelfenptictpticonpalmefo*. liap/as tbou unompft U)ell it 15 lutpten in bolp fctpptuce.'Co ^i^op f cetc fobclp anftoett) ^ fapD tbu^/biit 3 mv P ^l) t\0 loidf rftolDe go f pgtjt iwtti) 1)10 enmpeis 16 ib^om alfo toei tljijs m* tt)cmanU)i)tci)fl[)oitlpi»a$fmrteirt^Wc^anaroi» toftetfozelje inca* ti?nctlp fell Doijonea tntoft He De tol^cf o^ one of J^s f ela tos faj?D act tbou ije vattaUJ^auanDfoifotptpUafttofeemttjeHeie notoactaimoft UU ' ^0 to!)om lie anfnoecpD ^fayti bp goDUesfale 3 isijactj \}tMzmvs/ boDp ^elp^ gt ail/tljetf o^e ougljt not one to f ece mtn l?e !$ ftcpfeen m p i)mu Xl^acectapn toU)net^teixin2!ab3pfe fomtoi^tagrtitljatijatJbe mh i;a\)iiMntt luftofe name toa^callpt} lotjil/tutjom (Re loue^ fo tenDcfip in W ipf e tljat af tec t)i0 Detf) foe caair D an pmage of tpmbec to be maDe in Upfiige anti petfon as if t to l)?m as couDe be/u^lji*? cfte pinage allHap longe lap hnUt Ijet beti unb elletpnpg^^ (fte miivh t^zt mapDe to b3zap it in a ftete ^ lap it in l?ei; btb ^ calipl) it oiSe Joljn .^^hi$ topfe alfobaDap^etpfe iwijofe name toast io^n/txif)icl) Joljn tooinefaptt ^aue i»ebt)pD ijis mapace;Snot f ot no gcete pleaftit Uit oneip f o^ !)ct gooU bpcaufe (fte toasrpc^/iabecfo^^e unagtnpb bote be uugbt obtapn bis puc pofe J ipa^e to ^ mapbe of j5 boujs j tJefp^ipb ber to tap bpm in Dis mapftcen ijeD f oione npgbt in ftebe of tbe ppctnre/at pj^ompfeD ijti a tetcacHe f ozbec tosstoont eiiecpnpglit before {fte Oept^bpuecstpme0i3obe(I)eir)alvpJ)co EpjStljeiapD ppctiiceof olD ioW/tobetfo^te^fapDnpgtjtfficfeprtpD ^fapD inmg ma beleupng tba t Hje bati fepft ^ ppctute/at ije fotigip fta tt i toae bee inl)i0BcmpjsanDletoeaplefeDbectl)en/tbatoir)e3joi^nftomtbe$fo;tb toag clene outof IjccmpntferiiDoascotent^ tbis^ponge iojjn ffiolDelpe^ Jec ftpl all^ npgbt at ^ tbe ppctuce of olDe Joljn ffiolDe ipe ftpl ^ntet: pbtn f 01 a tbpng of nougbt ^f tct* tbi0 m f mo^npnge tW topDoto intenDvng to plefe tl)iB pog Jcbn tobicb baD maDe becfo gooD paClpme all tbe npgbt hnh ber mapt) go D^cffe fomc gooD mete toi tfeep^ b^eucf all to fell tberu>itl} Ifeecpog Jiobn tbis wiapH lulja ffte baD loge fougtjt f oi to o dD to Dies ^ iapb mete tolD l)ei: malices f^ ll)e couD ipnD no toot) ^ toais b^p etcept onelp p pic tuce of oiD iobii v* Ipetij mUt p beD/ tl]t ph)vi agapn/f a tb bpm Dototi 5 lap bpm on p f p;e f o^ i le toell be tor^ll neiiet Do me gocDnoi be topll ne uecDo bettecietiipce tboiiob i Uepe Ijpm netier Id longe * ^o tbe mapD bp, fcec comaunDem^t f ct tbe ppctiitc of olD Jobn fro \)nUt fhth^ tbe ttoitii maDegooD tvm Dzefl&D ^bze^ika/riforitDe Jobfi toa0cait oiitf ojncugbt io^ntfti:i:omtbenj3tojtbPongiobtiocaippeD ^i^place^ C^>p t\)iz tale pe map fc it isno topfDomef oz a ma to feepelonge o^ ta sbl>vSjet^arti))'j*grtsabletoDcnoplea(ucenoifetupce* iJTino* talp3. (CmpirntpD at lonDon at t!)e frgncot t^ :^cpmarti 3tt iDott)lr5 gate ntpt toctjepefrDe.tCljcpect of out KloiDc. #♦!)♦€• Darof^ioucUec* CCuinp^emUgto ^ o«, .-r..^„ University of California ^n!^^7"^"^ REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles. CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library 'rom which it was borrowed. ^ JAN 16 1991 000 014 224 •-":■• 'J-: Un