NIVERS1TY OF CALIFORj AT LOS ANGELES /AA//,rn,/tr/.. y e ACTIS and DEIDIS o r v e ILLUSTE R AND VAILZEAND CAMPIOUN, Shyr WILHAM WALLACE, KNYCHT off ELRISLE, JESU SALUATOH EX JUS. MIHI EXPONLRE AD FINEM DIGNUM PREDICT. L1BRUM ATQUfr BENIGNUM, PERTH: PRINTED IN THE YEAR I79C. THE METRICAL HISTORT O F Sir WILLIAM WALLACE, KNIGHT of ELLERSLIE, B Y HENRY, COMMONLY CALLED BLIND HARRY: CAREFULLY TRANSCRIBED from the M. S. COPY OF THAT WORK, IN THE ADVOCAT E S' LIBRARY UNDER THE EYE OF THE EARL of BUCHAN. AND NOW PRINTED FOR THE FIRST TPME, ACCORDING TO THE ANCIENT AND TRUE ORTHOGRAPHY WITH NOTES and DISSERTATIONS. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. I. " A! Fredome is a nobill thing! " frcdome maks a man to have lykinge. " Frcdome all folace to men gives, " He lives at clc that freely lives! Barbour's brus. PERTH: PRINTED BY R. MORISON JUNIOR, FOR. R. MORISON AND SON, BOOKSELLERS J PERTH. M,DCC,XC, CO T THE • 1933 o g RIGHT HONOURABLE \^CV\ DAVID STEWART^' EARL of BUCHAN, LORD AUCHTERHOUSE, j CARDROSS, fcfe. f GFOL'N'DER AND FIllST VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY s tor ANTIQUARIES AT EDINBURGH, AND ONE OF IHE PRSiDINTS OF THE LITERARY AND ANTIQUARIAN SO- CIETY AT PERTH. in S My Lord, jo W E are happy in being permitted to Dedicate our Edition of Henry's Life of Wallace ■^to Your Lordfhip. Your exertions in promoting Literature, and Public Spirit, claim the Grati- tude of every well-wifiier to his Country. We acknowledge our obligations for the coun- tenance Your Lordfhip has all along given us in our plan of publiihing the Scotish Poets : Particularly, for the trouble Your Lordfliip has taken, in procuring for us a Copy of the va- a luable D I D I C A T I O N. luable Manufcript of Henry's Life of Wallace, in the Advocates' Library at Edinburgh ; in com- paring the Copy with the Original^ in fuggefting to us Directions concerning its Publication ; and in favouring us with a Portrait of Wallace, which we have caufed to be engraved, and prefixed to •ur prefent Edition of his Life. We have the honour to be, With Gratitude and RefpecT:, My Lord, Your Lordfhip's mod obedient, and mod humble fervants, Perth, Septcmbe i, 1790, 1 The Publishers. CONTENTS OF DISSERTATIONS, &c= IN THIS WORK. I. DEDICATION to the Earl of Buchan. II. Advertifement by the Publifhers. III. An Account of Henry, commonly called Blind Harry, author of the hiftorical Poem of the Life of Sir William Wallace. IV. Of the hiftorical Relations afcribed to Arnold Blair. V. Of the M. S. Copy of Henry's Poem in the Advo- cates' Library at Edinburgh. VI. Of Henry's Chronology. VII. Remarkable perfons of the Scotifh Party. VIII. Of the Bodily Strength afcribed to Wallace, IX. A Gloflary. X. Names of Subfcribers. «s«JprfS2is For the account given of Henry, and for the other DiiTertations and Notes, the Publifhers are obliged to the fame Gentleman who formerly favoured them with the Life of Gavin Douglas. The originals are deposited with the Literary and Antiquarian Socie- ty at Perth. HAVING come under a promife to give their pre- fent Edition of Henry's Lite ol ir William Wallace, in an ex^ct conformity to the Manufcript Copy in the Advocates' Libiai y at Edinburgh, ihey could not ad- mit the Sections of the Books into Chapters, which have hitherto taken place in the printed copies; nor follow any other divifion of the Poem into Books, than is found in that Manufcript. They are obliged to Mr Pinkerton for the Argu- ments which they have prefixed to t!ie Books, and have only taken the liberty of altering the orthogra- phy of fome of his words with a view f o make the Poen as intelligible as polTible to an Englifh deader. He ailb pointed out how the divifion of the Poem into Books might be altered to the better. They think themfelves bound to give to the Public, the fol- lowing Plan of the alteration he propofes. Book firft, to contain what are now the firft two Books. Book fecond, to begin B. 3. Verfe 1. Book third, to begin, B. 4- V. 69^. " To Elcho Park.' 1 a % Book ( 4 ) Book fouith, to begin, B. 7. V. 515. Book fifth, to begin, B. 7. V. 1. Book fixth, to begin, B. 7. V. 315. " When Wal- lace* men." Book feventh, to begin, B. 8. V. 207. " The brim battle." Book eighth, to begin, B. 8. V. 11 80. " The merry day." Book ninth, to begin, B. 9. V. 426. " There thirty days." Book tenth, to begin, B. 9. V. 1372. " Wallace him- felf." Book eleventh, to begin, B. 10. V. x. Book twelfth, to begin, B. u. V. 1. ERRATA In the following account of Henry. Page 13. L. 36.574- r. 579. 15. L. %$. Nation is enflaved. r. nation agai^. is enflaved. 17. L. 26. 807. r. 893. jio. L. 3. Non Liber, r. Liber Noa. A N ACCOUNT O F HENRY, COMMONLY CALLED BLIND HARRY, AUTHOR OF THE HISTORICAL POEM OF THE LIFE OF Sir WILLIAM WALLACE. IT may fcem to fome perfons unnecefTary to take any trouble in giving an account of this author. His work n condemned by writers of refpectable charac- ter. They have reprefented it as an attempt to im- pofe upon the world a fictitious relation, inftea true hiftory. Others, who perufed his work with pleafure in their early years, when they were apt to believe every thing, fhew remains of their former attachment, and are dif- pofed to confider any difparaging exprefiion concern- ing him as a kind of treafon committed againft their country. No book has been more popular in any country, than Henry's Life of Wallace was in Scotland for fome hundred years. It was read by perfons of high rank, who were taught to admire the valour of Wallace. It was thought a fit book to be put into the hands of the a 3 common- ( « ) common people : Some now living can remember how the ftories it contains were fondly received, and fre- quently rehearfed by the vulgar. The Hero, whom Henry celebrates, is univerfally allowed to have been a brave Patriot : without his vi- gorous exertions, the effects of which did not ccafe with his death, his country, in all probability, would irrecoverably have fallen under the power of the Ed- wards. And there is no doubt that Henry's Book contributed in no fmall decree, in after times, to maintain among the Scots a Spirit of Independence. Since the two Kingdoms have been united, the ani- mofities which fubfifted between them, and which were detrimental to both, it is to be hoped have for ever fubfided. Englishmen can now blame their firft Edward for abufing the confidence placed in him by a people, who for near a century had been peaceable neighbour?, and were ftill willing to live with him in the moft perfect amity. They can beftow generous praife on the man who felt for the diflreffes of his country, and fet himfelf, with an unconquerable fpi- rit, to accomplifh its deliverance. Impartial juftice may now be done to Henry ; and his work, in its na- tive drefs, can be reckoned valuable on this, if on no other account, that it affords a curious relic of Scotiffi Antiquity. The early literary efforts of a people attract atten- tion, and become refpcclable in proportion to the cha- racter which the people afterward bear. And it would be unjuft to contemn an ancient author, merely becaufe he ( 7 ) he did not write the the more polifhed language of an after No furname is known which belonged to Henrv. In Charters written later than his time, fome perfons are mentioned without furnames, being diftinguifhedonly by their Patronymicks, or the chriftian names of their fathers, (r). It docs not certainly appear whether he was des- cended of honourable, or of Plebeian parents. They rather fcem to have been above the vulgar. He difeo- vers fome knowledge in Aftronomy, inClaflical Iiiftory, in the Latin and French languages, and in Divinity. His education therefore miy be faid to have been libe- ral, correfponding to the times: and if we may judge from a pafflige in his book, in which he appears to boaft of his celibacy, he may be fuppofed to have en- tered, in a degree confiftent with his blmdnefs, into one or other of the Religious Orders. The date of his book, and confequently the age in which he lived may be exa&ly afcertained. " In the time of my infancy," fays Mijor, " Henry who was blind from his birth, compofed a Book confiding en- tirely of the Atchievements of William Wallace." (2). Major was born at North Berwiek in Eaft Lothian, in 1446. (3). It was therefore about the year 1446, that Henry wrote, or made public his entire Hiftory of Wallace. Dempfter, who wrote in the beginning of thelaft century, fays, that " Henry lived in 1361." (4). It ( 8 ) It is indeed not impoffible that he might be born in or about that year. In the time of Major's infancy, he might be about eighty-three years of age. In that cafe, it may be fuppofed to have been the work of his old age to collect, and put in order the detached pie- ces of his Hiftory of Wallace, which he had probably compofed in thofe parts of the country where the in- cidents were faid to have happened. What Major farther fays of him, and of his perfor- mance, is as follows. " The particulars which he heard related by the Vulgar, he wrote in the vulgar verfe, in which he excelled. But I do not believe eve- ry thing that I find in fuch writings. By reciting his hiftories before princes or great men, he gained his food and raiment, of • .__h he was worthy." (5). Thus we learn from Major, that Henry was a kind of travelling Bard. His excurfions muft have been confined chiefly to the middle, and to the Couth parts of Scotland, where the language in which he recited was underftood. But it does not necefiarily follow that he had no other profeffional character, or that he practifed mufic. He wag no doubt a frequent vifiter in the Scotifh Court, and would be a welcome gueft in thofe families who wilhed to hear of the deeds of their ancestors : and if he was one of the Religious Mendicants, the entertainment he received would not be reckoned dis- graceful to him. It was at leaft fifty-fix years after the death. of Wal- lace, who was put to death in 1305, that Henry was born. ( 9 ) born. But it was not too late for his acquiring, if he had pleafed, the certain knowledge of man) concerning him by tradition, which he might put into his Book. The actions of Wallace, which had a deep imprefiion on the minds of the people of Scot- land* muft have been well remembered in Henry's time, and in their moit material circumftances would be faithfully related. He feems to have confulted with the chief men of the Kingdom, efpecially with the dependents of thofe Patriotic pcrfons who had been the companions of Wallace. Among the reft, he confulted with Wallace of Craigie, and with Liddell of that Ilk, which we learn from what he fays in the end of his hiftory, where he confeffes that theic Hv-o gentlemen had per- fuaded him to omit in his narration a circumftance which he ought to have mentioned. But he difclaims his having wholly depended for in- formation on any unwritten tradition whatever, and alio his having been promifed any reward for what he wrote. If his words can be credited, he followed ve- ry ftriclly a Book of great authority, and to which he makes frequent references. This was no other than a complete Hiftory of Wallace, written in Latin, part- ly by Mr John Blair, and partly by Mr Thomas Gray, who had been the companions of Wallace. He gives the following account of thefe authors. " They became acquainted with Wallace in his fif- teenth year, when Mr John Blair was his fellow ftu- dent in the fchool at Dundee. Their acquaintance ( io ) with him continued till his twenty-ninth year, that is, till the year of his death. " Mr John Blair went from the fchools in Scotland to Paris, where he ftudied fome time, and received Prieft's Orders. He returned to Scotland, in 1296, and foon after entered into the fervice of Wallace, who was bravely afferting the liberties of his country. " Mr Thomas Gray, who was Parfon of Libertoun, joined Wallace at the fame time. " They were men of great wifdom and integrity. They were zealous for the freedom of Scotland ; and were prefent with Wallace, and afiifting to him in moft of his military enterprises. They were alfo his fpiritual counfellors, and adminiftered to him Godly comfort. " The Hiftory written by thefe two Clergymen, was attefted by William Sinclair Bifhop of Dunkeld, who had himfelf feen many of Wallace's actions. The Bi- fhop, if he had lived longer, was to have feat their Book to Rome, for the purpofe of its receiving the fanction of the Pope's Authority." A lover of hiftory will regret the lofs of a Book, from which fo much authentic information might have been expected. A lover of Scotifh antiquity in particular, would not heiitate to venerate the memory of Henry, if there were any fatisfactory evidence of his having faithfully given what was written by thefe authors. Dempfter fpeaks of Henry in a more favourable manner than what Major does. " Henry," fays he, " who was blind from his birth, was a man of a An- gular ( II ) gular happy genius: lie was indeed another Homer. He did great honour to the language of his native eoun- try, and railed it above what was common to it in his age. He wrote in the Vernaeular Verfe, an elaborate and grand work, in ten Books, of the deeds of Willi- am Wallace." (6). Dempfter fhould have faid M eleven," or u twelve," not " ten" Books. He wrote in a foreign CO I and perhaps had not a printed copy of Henry's by him, when he compoied his Eulogium. Henry, as Homer i ve done, recit: i, which were of a patriotic kind, to the ] among whom he travelled. In any other refpect, it muft be owned, it was rather ridiculous to fay that he was another Homer. He was blind from his birth, which Homer was not, who is fuppofed to have I id in the part of his life, chiefly I meaning of his name, which name can admit of other interpretations. A man who has bi I, and i hes to arrive at a high degree of | furmountable obftacles to contend with. He is farily fecluded from many fources of intelligence, which would give variety to his ideas, and ac< to his defcriptions. He is incapable of ha\ nius routed by a view of the Works of Nat obferving them, as a Poet delights to do, in then vi- fible effects and correfpondencies. This natural difadvantage, w ry laboured i ;.Jcr, fully appears in his Poem. It has ren lered the defcriptive C » ) iefcriptive parts efpecially much inferior to what his genius otherwife could have attained. Some fpecimtns may be felected for an illuftration. The changes which are made, in the courfe of the feveral months of the year, on the operations and face of nature, are common topics of Poetical defcription. Henry, fpeaking of the month of March, calls it «< the month of right digeftion." Taking his defcrip- tion from the fermentation in the earth then begun, B. 6. V. 2. " In April," he fayB, " the ground is able." Has obtained a productive power. " By the working of Nature, the fields are again clothed, and the woods acquire their worthy weed of Green." B. 6. V. 9. " May," he fays, " brings along with it great celef- tial gladnefs. The heavenly hut s," by which he might mean either the vibrations of light, or the various co- lours of the flowers, " appear upon the tender green." B. 9. V. 4. The admiring expreffion, " the heavenly hues," came with great propriety from a blind man, who had been taught to conlider the painting's of nature as fources of heavenly pleafure. He defcribes " the morning" by " Zephyrus begin- ning his courfe, and railing the fweet vapour from the ground. The clear rede," or inftructi ve leflbn for men to awake, " is heard from among the rocks, where the birds chcarfully ling through the green branches." B. S. V. 1197. In C t$ ) In thefe reprefcntations he is cautious, but his con* CeptlOOG arc not diveriificd. " Nymphams," or the deity of fome river, " builds his bower, with oil and balm fulfilled, of fweet odour." B. o. V. 12. A bower filled with, or compofed of oil and balm, cannot eafily be ccmccived. Another peribn, who had enjoyed the faculty of fight, would have expreffed him- felf more clearly. In the fenfe of Henry, the margin of a river may be called its odoriferous bower, where there are trees which diftil unctuous juice, and which are interfperfed with fragrant fhrubs and luxuriant flowers. Difcouraged by his natural blindnefs, he feldom makes ufe of llmilies. Lengthened companions he might indeed have found inconliftent with the ardour with which he purfued his relation. In his feventh Book, he alludes to two kindred ap- pearances in nature. Defcribing the combatants on the ftrects of GUfgow, he fays, what may be thus uoderftood, u The dud, fliongly agitated, rofe above them like lmoke ; or like mift which, through the rays of the fun, afcendeth to the clouds." *' Ye Prang ftour raifs, as rcik, upon them faft, Or my ft, throch fone, up to ye clouds paft." B. 7. V.574. Tew miraculous interpofitions, with which Epic Poets delight to aggrandize their fubjects, are intro- duced by him. His hero is pious, and like otJh< r de- tout perfons, who are confeious of their being enga- b gcd ( U ) £ed in a juft caufe, depends, in the exercife of pray- er, on the wifdom and equity of the divine providence. But in the fecond Book, Thomas Lermont, com- monly called the Rymer, who lived in the days of Wallace, and was the celebrated Prophet among the Scots, is brought in giving proofs of his fupernatural knowledge. B. z. V. 298. In the fifth Book, the ghoft of Fawdon, a fallen and dark minded man who had joined Wallace, and whom Wallace on a fudden provocation had recently flain, makes its appearance on a very appofite occafion, and in circumftances fufriciently terrific. B. 5. V. 19c. A prophetical dream of Wallace, in which St An- drew, the patron Saint of Scotland, predicts to him, under various emblems, his future fortune, is related jn the ftventh Book. B. 7. V. 71. And in the laft Book, we find the ftory of the Monks of Burie Abbey in England, who related that one of them, a few days before Wallace's death, having re- covered from a trance, informed the reft, that the foul of Wallace, without fufFering the pains of purgatory, was to pafs into heaven as a reward of his patriotifm; as a fign of which the bells of the Abbey were to ring of their accord on .the day in which he was to die. B. 11. V. 1253. There is nothing therefore in the " Machinery" of Henry's Poem, but what would be reckoned at the time highly credible by the people to whom he wrote. The hero of the Poem is diftinguiflied by his un- daunted courage, his dexterity in extricating himfdf from ( IJ ) from difficulties, his love of liberty, and the zeal which he (hews in the fervice of his country. The inextinguifhable thirft, which Henry gives him, of fhedding the blood of the Invaders, might pleafe a people 1.1 barbarous times ; but certainly ought not to. have been afcribed to Wallace, whofe mind was too- great to defcend to an inciicriminate r«ige againft any people whatever. " I like better to fee the Sothroune de, Yan gold or land yat yai can give ^o mc," B. 5- V. 597- Are words which Henry puts into the mouth of Wait lace; which, unlefs in as far as they expelled his ab- horrence of accepting a bribe againft his country, no lotiee fuftained, public or private, could juilify. The fword of Henry's hero, like that of the hero of. Homer, is hrefiftible: when railed, the brave are (lain, and ignoble multitudes are put to flight. The fuccefs of the confederated Greeks did not more depend on the aid of Achilles, than the caufe of Wallace's coun- trymen depended on their being united to him. When he bears rule, they conquer, and the national liberty is reftored. When other leaders envy his greatnefs, and the command has been refigned into their hands, they fall before their enemies, and the nation is enfla- ved. After ftruggling for fome time againft powerful adverfaries, a folitary Patriot, who difdained to feign a fubmiiTion, he is taken by treachery, and dies a- martyr to the freedom of his country. b % „ The ( 16 ) The faults in the diction of the Poem are not to be afcribcd to Henry. He afluredly wrote the living lan- guage in the belt manner of his time. If his grammar were a little mended, and the orthography of his words modernized, he would be more eafily underftood, wi- thout the help of a glofiary, than any of his contem- porary writers, even than fome who wrote in the fuc- ceeding century. Thofe who take pleafure in Philo- logical refearches, may trace in his Poem the progrefs which the Englifh language had then made in Scotland. In his Poem may alfo be obferved the ancient cha- racter of the people of Scotland ; and the ftate of So- ciety among them, at lcaft what it was in Henry's time. Under a tyranny exercifed by a foreign power, the fpirit of the nation was remarkably tried. We find heroifm excited, but which fometimes degenerated in- to cruelty. We fee a hardy race of men, keen in their rtlentments, patiently bearing want and fatigue, and regardlefs of danger in the enterprifes in which they were engaged. The general profeflions of fubmiflion, which they fometimes faw it proper to make, were not to be ; I : Their reilntments were not extinguished, but were fecretly gathering ftrength, afterwards to .utw it h greater violence, and with better fuccefs. The manners defcribed in the Poem were evidently taken from real life. We learn the cuftoms and opi- nions, the habitations and way of living, the Collo- quial phrafes. and intercourfe, the mode of entertain- ment ( If ) ment, the favourite drefs of green, and other minute particulars which belonged to the former inhabitants of this part of the Ifland. But Henry's chief ambition was to be confidered as a faithful relater of the actions of Wallace. Hence his many feemingly anxious appeals to the Book which he profefies to follow. Unfortunately that Book can- not now be produced in fupport of his veracity. Some therefore may take the liberty, not merely of enter- taining fufpicions, but of accufing him as having been guilty of a pious fraud in pretending to fuch an au- thority. It is an obvious remark, that before the invention of the Art of Printing, and alio before it was general- ly praclifed, the continuance of a book was exceeding- ly precarious. It might therefore be rather prefump- tuous, at this diftance cf time, to condemn him alto~ gether. In fome parts of his Poem, there are appearances of what may be called an internal evidence in his fa- vour : particularly in one paflage where he quotes an. interpolation. The words nearly are, " Mr John Blair fpake nothing of himfelf : he did not relate what befell him in this adventure. But I, Thomas Gray,, was then prieft to Wallace, and I put into the Book; how the matter happened." B. 10. V. 807. Henry certainly was under no neceffity of fabricat- ing an interpolation; and he could not eaiily have thought of fuch words, unlefs he had actually found them in a book then exifting. b3 It- ( is ) Tt rnuft however be allowed that he has fully ufed the licence which Poets claim of exaggerating the e- vents they relate. Deeds of valour are difplayed, which in their circumftances furpafs belief: and ho- nours are paid to his hero, fuch as the vifit made to him by the Queen of England, which we are fure ne- ver were conferred on Wallace. His geographical defcriptions are uncommonly ac- curate. But his chronology is fuch as he could not have copied from any well informed writer. A better excufe can be made for him, than for many other un- chronological writers. To a blind man it rauft be pe- culiarly difficult to arrange a work of any great length. Few perfons have a memory equal to fuch a talk. Accidental caufes will occafion a variation, which will -lead to others, and which will net be noticed till it be too late to remedy them. Henry fcems, in the beginning, to have intended to cbferve an exact order of time. But having gone wrong, he could not recover himfelf, and therefore gave himfelf up to follow his own fancy in his choice of the ftory next to be introduced. Many of the e- vents inferted by him undoubtedly happened, but not often in the fucceffion in which they appear. It would be too fceptical to treat as fabulous every thing he relates that is not confirmed by records, or by other writers of refpeclable character. A perfon who travelled through the country in the manner Hen- ry did, muft, even though he had no written hiftory to C 19 ) to rely on, have learned many particulars which wei; founded in truth. It muit alfo be granted that the perfonal accomplifh- inents, and military actions of Wallace, muft have been of the molt extraordinary kinds, as they were the means of diftinguifhing him above all others in his ftation of a private gentleman, and of railing him to fce Governor of the Kingdom, and General of its Ar- mies. It is impofTible now perfectly to diftinguiih between what is true, and what is falfe, in many of Henry's Relations. But they will not greatly err, who pay fome regard to the facts he mentions, which are not in their own nature quite improbable, and not contra- dicted by other evidence of indifputable authority. Thus I have given, in this memoir, the few parti- culars of Henry's Life which can be known with cer- tainty. I have taken notice of what may be faid in favour of his work, and alfo of what may be faid a- gainft it. The refult, I apprehend, is, that his work is defer- ring of cflecm, in fome degree, as a Hiftory, and as a Poem, and more efpecially, as it delineates ancient manners, and contains an ample fpecimen of our lan- guage, as it was formerly fpoken in this country. The concluding words of the Scotichronicon, which have been put alfo at the end of thofe Relations con- cerning Wallace, which are afcribed to Arnald Blair, fome perfons, with whom I would not wiih to con- tend, C *e ) tend, may reckon to be, in fome refpe&s, peculiarly applicable to Henry's Book, " Non Scotus eft, Chrifte, cui non liber placet ifte." " He is not a Scotfman whom this Book does net pleafe." £32g (i). Charters in the Archives of the Church at Perth, from 1375, to 1460. (^). (5-) " Integrum Librum Guillielmi "Wallace! Henri- cus, a Nativitate Luminibus captus, mea; infantias tem- pore cudit, & quae vulgo dicebantur carmine vulgari, in quo peritus erat, conferipfit, (Ego autem talihus fcrip- tis folum in parte fidem impertior,) Qui, Hiftoriarum. Recitatione coram principibus, victum & veflitum, quo dignus erat, naetus eft." Johan. Major. Hiit. Brit. L, 4, C. 14. p. 169. Editio Fribarn. apud Edinb. 1 740. (3). Vita Dom. Johan. Majoris, per G. Craford. p, ix, x„ (4). (6). " Henricus quidam, a nativitate cecus, rara ta-. men ingenii felicitate, Homerus alter, patriam linguam fupra aetatem fuam dicavit. Scripfit o~erofum & grande opus, verfu vernaculo, de Geflis Gulielmi Wallafii, Lib.' x Vivebat Anno, 1361." ; Thorn. Dempft. Hift. Ecclcs. Scot. L, 8. p. 349. F T H E HISTORICAL RELATIONS ASCRIBED TO AR'NALD BLAIR. SIR James Balfour, who was " Lion King at Arms" for Scotland, in the reign of Charles I, tranfcribed a fmall Latin Chronicle, in the Library of Sir Thomas Cotton the Englifh antiquary, which bears this title, liones quaedam Arnaldi Blair, Monachi de Dum- fermelen, et Capellani D. Willielmi Wallas, Militis." M Some Relations by Arnald Blair, a Monk of Dun- fermling, and Chaplain of Sir William Wallace, Sir Robert Sibbald published this tranfcript, with a Commentary and Notes, in 1705. A copy of v/hofe publication is to be found in the Appendix to that edition of Henry's Life of Wallace, which was print- ed in Black Letter in 1758. Some have fuppofed that this Chronicle is the hifto- rical Book to which Henry refers, or at leafb that it contains fome fragments of it ; and that it was written in 1327. They conjecture that, after the death of Wallace, Mr John Blair took the monaflic vows at Dun firm- ling; ( 22 ) ling ; and that, according to what was fometimes done on fuch an occafion, he partly changed his name, and called himfeif Arnald. It is neceffary to make fome remarks on this Chro- nicle, becaufe none of the pafTages to which Henry pointedly refers, are to be found in it. There may have been an Arnald Blair, a Monk at Dunfermling. The perfon may have known that there was, who prefixed the name of Blair to the Chronicle. But though there were fuch a Monk at Dunfermling, it is not clear that he was the Mr John Blair., who was the military companion of Wallace. Henry always calls him by the name of John. He fays, he lived long after the death of Wallace, but does not fpeak of his having become a Monk. What he fays of his rank in the Church is, that he.v^as " Le- vyt," licenfed, or confecrated, " at Paris, among mailers in fcience and renown." B. 5. V. 535. Be- fides the hiftory which Henry mentions, was the corn. pofition not only of Mr John Blair, but alfo of Mr Thomas Gray. The Chronicle, if it can be fo called, is a very poor- one, and probably never contained more than what now appears in it. It is evidently not written in the defcriptive manner of perfons who were prefent, and actively engaged in the events they relate. Some of the facts are introduced without order of time; and an error preftnts itfelf in the very beginning, where it is faid, that Wallace was made Governor of Scotland in 1294. Except ( n ) Except this erroneous paflage, and three other pa- ragraphs, it contains nothing historical but what may- be found, in the fame words, in the eleventh and twelfth Books of the Scotichronicon. The firft of the three paragraphs relates to the bat- tle at Black Ironfide in Fyfe. The fecond, to the pu- nifhment of fome traiters in Galloway, and to the burning of the Barns at Air. And the third mentions three battles at Perth, in one of which the bridge over the Tay was broke down. But thefe three paragraphs are afcribed, in the print- ed Commentary before-mentioned, to the Scotichroni- co:i, and perhaps for this reafon that they were con- tained in thofe two Chapters of the eleventh Book of that work, which are now wanting in the Scots Ma- rt ufcripts. The description of Wallace's Perfon is what Hen- ry might be thought to have had more eipecially in v. But it is confiderably different from the de- fcription he gives, and is to be found in the very fame words, Scotichron. L. u. C. 28. If Mr John Blair and Mr Thomas Gray wrote a hiftory of Wa, lace in 1327, Fordun or Bowmaker, the Compilers of the Scotichronicon, might, no doubt, have availed themfelves of it. But the Relations af- 1 to Arnald Blair appear, at leaft in their prefent form, to be merely a loofe extract, ma ie for fome pur- pofe or other, of what Fordun or Bowmaker had fet •down in their work. LIFE O F Sir WILLIAM WALLACE, Ssfr. BOOK. I. Wallace's Parentage — Debate of Bruce and Baliol — Battle of Berwick 1296 — Of Dunbar — Edward and Corfpatrick depofe Baliol — Scotland loft when Wallace a Child- Wallace's Mother goes with him to Gowrie — He is put to fchool at Dundee — Kills Selby — Goes to Dunipace— To Richardtown — Fifhing Adventure. /^vUR Anteceffowris, yat we fuld of reide, ^-^ And hald in mynde yar nobille vvorthi deidc, We lat ourflide, throw werray flouthfulnefs, And cafst us evir till uthir befynes. Till honour ennymys is our haile entent, 5 As has beyne feyne in yir tymys bywent. Our auld ennymys cummin of Saxonys blud, That nevyr zeit to Scotland wald do gud, Bot evir on fors, and contrar haile yair will, Quhow gret kyndnes yair beyne kyth yaim till, 10 Vol. I. A It a LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK U It is vveyle knawyne on mony diverfs fyde, How yai haff wrocht into yair mychty pryde, To hald Scotlande at undir evirmair, Bot God abuff has maid yair mycht to par ; Zhit wi fuld thynk one our bears befor. 15 Of yair parablyfs as now I fay no mor. We reid of ane rycht famous of renoune, Of worthi blud yat ryngs in yis regicune : And hensfurth, I will my proces hald Of Wilzham Wallace as ye haf hard beyne tald. 2© His Forbears quha like till undirftand, Of hale lynage, and trew line of Scotland, Schir Ranald Crawfurd, rycht Schirreff of Ayr, So in hys tyme he had a Dochtir fayr, And younge Schir Rannald Schirreff of yat towne, 25 Hys fyftir fayr, of gud fame and renoune ; Malcom Wallace hir gat in mariage, Yat Elrifle yan had in heretage, Auchinboth, and oyir fyndry place, Ye fecund O he was of gud Wallace : 3» Ye quliilk Wallace fully worthely had wrocht, Quhen Waltyr hyr of Waiilis fra Warayn focht, Quha liks till haif mar knawlage in yat part, To reide ye fyrft rycht lyne of the fyrft Stewart. Bot Malcom gat upon yis lady bryclit, 35 Schir Malcom Wallace, a full gentill knycht, ' Arid Wilzame als, as Con's Cornykle bcrs on hand, Quhilk eftir was ye refkew of Scotland, Quhen it was loft with trefoune and falfcefs, •Ourfet be fais he fred it weyle throw Grace. 40 Quhen 100K I.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 3 Quhen Alexander our worthi king had lorn, Be awentur hys lift" befyd Kingorn, Thre zer in pefs ye realm (hide defolate, Quharfor yair raifs a full greivous debate. Our Prynce Dawy, ye Erie of Huntyntoun, 45 Thre doehtrys had yat war of gret renoun : Off quhilk thre com Bruce, Balzoune, and Haftyng,. Twa of ye thre defyrit to be kyng. Balzoune clamyt of fyrft gre lynealy, And Bruce fyrft male of ye fecund gre by. 50 To Paryfs van, and in Ingland yai fend, Of y is gret ftriff how yai fuld haif ane end. Foly it was (forfuth it happynnyt fa) Succour to fek of yair aide mortale fa. Edwarde Langfchanks had now begune hys wer, 55 Apon Gafkone, fell awfull in EfTer : Yai lands yane he clamde as heretage. Era tymc yat he had femblyt hys barnage, And herd tell weyle Scotland ftude in fie cace, He thocht till hym to mak it playn conquace. 60 Till Noram Kirk he com withouten mar, Ye Confell van of Scotland meit hym yar. Full futailly he chargyt yaim in bandoune, As yar our lord, till hald of hym ye toun. Byfchope Robert in hys tym full worthi, 65 Off ( »rd, he faid yat we deny Ony our lord, hot ye gret God abuff. •g was wrath, and maid him to ramuff. tlzoune folowid on hym faft, Till hald of him he grantyt at ye laft : 70 Ai In 4 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK 1. In contrar rycht, a king he maid hym thar, Quharthroch Scotland rapentyt fyne full far. To Balzoune zhit our lords wald nocht confent. Edwarde paft fouth, and gart fet hys parlement : He callyt Balzoune till anfuer for Scotland. 75 The wyfs lords gert hym fone brek yat band. Ane Abbot paft, and gaiff our yis legiance. King Edward yan it tuk in gret greuance. Hys oft he rafd, and com to Werk on Tweede, Bot for to fecht, as yan he had gret drecle. 80 To Corfpatryk of Dimbar fone he fend, His ccnfell afk, for he ye contre kend : And he was brocht in prefenfe to ye king, Be futtale band yai cordyt of yis thing. Erie Patrick yan till Berweck couth purfew ; 85 Refiawide he was and traftyt werray trew : Ye king folowid with his oft of renoune, Eftir mydnycht at reft wes all ye toune. Corfpatryk rails, ye keyis weile he knew, Leit briggs down, and portculefs yai drew, 90 Set up zetts fyne, couth hys baner fchaw ; Ye oft was war, and towart hym yai draw. Edwarde ontrit, and gert fla haftely, Of man and wiff, vij thoufond and fyfty, And barnys als ; be yis fals awentur 95 Of trew Scotts chapyt na creatur. A captayne yair yis fals Edwarde maid, Towart Dimbar, without reftyng yai raid. Quhar gadryt was grete power of Scotland, Agayne Edward in Bataill thocht to ftand : 100 Yir BOOK I.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 5 Yir iiij Eillis was entrit in yat place, Of Mar, Menteith, Adell, Rofs, upon cace, In yat caftel] ye Erie gert bald yaim in, At to yar men without yai mycht nocht win, Na yai to yaim fuppleying for to ma. 105 Millis van togiddyr faft yai ga. Full gret flauchtyr, it pute was to fe. Off trow Scotts ourfett with futeltie, Erie Patrick yan quhen fechtyng was fellafl, Till our fa turnd and harmyng did us maft. n« Is Dane in warld, at fcaithis ma do mar, Yan weile traftyt, in born familiar. Our men was flayne withouttyn redemptioun ; Throuch yar deds all tynt was yis regioun. King Edwarde paft and Corfpatrick to Scune, 115 And yar he gat ymage of Scotland fune, For sane was left ye realme for to defend ; For Jhon ye Balzoune to Munrofs yan he fend, And putt hym doune for evir of yis kynrik, Yan Edwarde felf was callyt a Roy full ryk. 12c Ye croune he took apon yat famyne ftane At Gadalos fend with hys fone fra Spane Quhen Iber Scot fyrft intill Irland come, At Cannmor fyne king Fergus has it wone, Brocht it till Scune, and ftapill maid it yar, 125 Quhar kings was cround viij hundyr zer and mar, Befor the tyme at King Edwarde it fand j Yis Jouell he gert turfs intill Ingland ; In Lund it fett till witnefs of yis thing, Be conquefi yan of Scotland cald hym king. 133 A 3 Quhar lVdeyme my taille. Perchance ze lay, yat Bruce he was nane lie. lie was als gud, quhat deide was to aflaill, As off hys handis and baulder in battaill. Bot Bruce was knawn weyll ayr of yis Kynryk, 555 For he had ryeht, we call no man hym lyk. Bot Wallace thrifs yis Kynryk conqueft haille, In Ingland fer focht battaill on yat ryke. 1 will ratorn to my mater agayne, Quhen Wallace was ralefched of hys payne ; 36c Ye cuntre demyde haille yat he was dede, Hys dereft kyn wyft nocht of hys ramede. Bot haile he was, likly to gang and ryde. Into yat place he wald na langer byde. trow kepar he fend to Elrifle, 365 Eftir hym yar he durfl nocht lat hyr be, Hyr dochtir, als hyr ferwand, and hyr child, He gart yaim pals on to hys modyr myld. Quhen yai war gayne na wapynys yar he faw. To helpe hym with, quhat awentur mycht befaw. 37a A roufty fuerd in a noik he faw ftand, Withoutyn belt, but bofs, bukler, or band, Lang tyme befor it had beyne in yat fteide, An agyt man it left quhen he was deide. ile drew ye blaid, he fand it wald bitt weille, 375 C 3 Thocht 30 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK II. Thocht it was foull nobill it was of fteille. God help hys man, for yow fall go with me Quaill bettir cum will God full fone may be. To Schyr Ranald as yan he wald not fair, In vat pafiage offt Sotheroune maid repair. 38* At Ricardtoune full fayne he wald haifF beyne, To get hym horfs and pairt of armour fcheyne. On thedyrwart as he bownyt to fayr, Thre Inglifmen he met ridand till Ayr, In yair wiage at Glafkow furth had beyne. 385 Ane Langcaftell yat cruell was and keyne, A bauld fquier, with hym gud zemen twa. Wallace drew by, and wald haifF lattyn yaim ga. Till hym he raid, and faid difpitefully, You Scott, abyde, I trow ye be fome fpy, 390 Or ellys a theyff, fra prefens wald ye hid. Yan Wallace faid, with fobyr words, yat tid, Schyr I am feik, for Godds luff latt me ga, Langcaftell faid, for futh it beis no fa, A felloune freik you ferny s in ye fayr, 395 Quhill men ye knaw, yow fall with me till Ayr, Hynt out hys fuerd yat was of nobill hew, Wallace, with yat, at hys lychting, hym drew, Apon ye crag with hys fuerd has hym tayne, Throw brayne and feyne in fondyr ftraik ye bane. 400 Be he was fallyn, ye twa yan lychtyt doun, To wenge hys dede to Wallace maid yaim boun. Ye tayne of yaim apon ye hed he gaiff, Ye roufty blaid to ye fchulders hym claifF; Ye toyir fled, and durft na langer byde, 405 With BOOK II.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 31 With a rude ftep Wallace coud eftir glyde, Out throuch hys rybbis a fekar ftraik drew he, Quhill leuir and lunggs men mycht all redy fe. Yar horfs he tuk, bathe wapynys and armour, Syne thankyt God with gud hart in yat ftour. 410 Syluir yai had, all with hym has he tayne, Hym to fupport, for fpending had he nayne. Into gret haift he raid to Ricardtoune, A blythe femblay was at hys lychtand doune. Quhen Wallace met with Schyr Richart ye knycht, 41 $ Tor hym had mournit quhill febill was hys mycht. Hys thre fonnys of Wallace was full fayne ; Yai held hym loft, zhitt God hym fawth agayne. Hys Eyme Schyr Ranald to Ricardtoun comt faft, Ye wemen told, by Corfby as yai paft, 420 Off Wallace efehaipe, fyne yar wiage zeid. Schyr Ranald zhit was in a felloune dreid, Quhill he hym faw in hart he thocht full lang, Than fedanhe in armys he couth hym fand ; He mycht not fpek, but killed hym tenderlye, 425 Ye kwychts fpreit was in an extafye, Ye blythe ters ye bryft fro hys eyne two, Or yat he fpak, a lang tyme held hym fo, And at ye laft rycht freindfully faid he, Wclcum Neuo, welcum der fone to me, 430 Thankit be he yat all yis warld has wrocht, Yus fairlye ye has out of prefoune brocht. Hys modyr come, and othyr friends enew, With full glaid will, to feil ye tithings true. Gud Robert Boyd, yat worthi was and wycht, 435 Wald 31 LIFE OF WALLACE. ^BOOK II. Wald nocht yaim trew, quhill he hym faw with fycht. Fra fyndry part yai focht to Ricardtoune, Feill worthi folk, yat war of gret renoune. Yus leifF I yaim in myrth, biifs, and plefance, 44© Thankand gret God off hys fre happy chance. EXPLICIT LIBER SECUNDUS ET INCIPIT TERTIUS. THE LIFE O F Sir WILLIAM WALLACE, &c. BOOK III. Battle at Loudon Hill— Wallace in Clyde's Wood— The EngHih make Peace — Wallace Ki Is a Buckler Player at Air. TN joyowfs July, quhen ye flours fuete, Degefteable, engcnered throw ye heet, Bathe erbe and froyte bulk and bowis braid, Habundandlye in euery flonk and fleid ; Als beftiall, yair rycht courfs till endur, 5 Weyle hclpyt ar be wyrken of natur, Cn fute and weynge afcendand to ye hycht, Conferwed weill be ye makar of mycht, Fyfcheis in flude refectit realye Till mannys fude, ye warld fuld occupy. 10 Scotland fa was waiftit mony day Throch war, fie fkaith, at labour was away. Wictaill worth fcant or Auguft coud apper, Throch all the land, yat fude wag happayt der: Bot 34 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK III Bot Inglifmen, yat richefs wantyt nane, 15 Be caryage brocht yair wictaill fude gud vvayne, StuiTyt houffis with wyn and gud wernage, Demaynde yis land as yair awne Leretage, Ye Kynryk haile yai rawllit at yair will. Meffyngers yan fie tythings brocht yaim till, 20 And tald Perfye, yat Wallace leffand war, Off hys efchaipe fra yair prefoune in Ayr. Yai trowit rycht weille he paffyt was yat fteid, For Langcaftell and hys twa men was deid. He trowit ye chance yat Wallace fo was paft. 25 In iika part yai war g?etly agaft, Throch prophcfye yat yai had herd befor. Lord Ptrfye faid, quhat neds words mor ; Bot he be cefft he fall do gret merwail! ; It war ye beft for King Edward's awaill, 30 Mycht he hym get to be hys ftedfaft man, For gold or land, hys conqueft mycht left yan ; Me think be forfs he may nocht gottyn be, Wyffmen ye futh be hys efchaipe may fe. Yus deyme hym in mony dluerfs cafs. 2>S We leiff yaim her, and fpck furth of Wallace. In Ricardtoun he wald no langer byde, For freinds confaill, nor thing yat mycht betyde. And quhen yai faw yat it awailit nocht, Hys purpofs was to wenge hym all he mocht, 40 On Sotheroune blude, quhilk has hys eldris flayne,. Yai latt hym wyrk hys awn will into playne. Schyr Richart had thre fonnys, as I yow tald, Adam, Richart, and Symone yat was bald ; Adam. BOOK m.^ LIFE 0F WALLACE. 35 Adam eldeft was growand in enrage, 45 Forthward, rycht fayr, xviii zcr of age, Large of peribne, baith wyfs, worthi and wycht, Gud King Robert in hys tyme maid hym Kuycht ; Lang tyme eftir in Bruces wers he baid On Inglifmen mony gud iourne maid 50 id Squeir with Wallace bownd to ryde And Robert Bold quhilk wald na larger byde, Undir thrillage of fegs of Ingland. Till yat fals King he nevir had maid band, Kneland was yar, ner cufyng to Wallace, 55 Syne baid with hym in mony peralowfs place ; And Edward Litill hys fyftirs fone fo der, Full weille graithit intill yair armour clef. Wyth yair ferwands fra Ricardtoune yai raid To Mawchlyne mur, and yar fchort tyme abaide ; 60 For freinds yaim tauld, was bound undir trewage ; That Fenwiek was for Perfyes caryage, Within fchort tyme he will bring it to Ayr Out of Carleile, he had refawyit it yar. Yat plefyt Wallace in hys hart gretumlye, 6s Witt ye yai war a full glaid cumpanye. Towart Lowdoun yai bownyt yaim to ryde, And in a fchaw, a littill yar befyde, Yai lugyt yaim, for it was ner ye nycht, To wache ye way als befyly as yai mycht. 70 A trew Scott quhilk hofteler houfs yair held, Under Loudon, as my author me teld, He faw yam come, fyne went to yaim in hye, Bathe incite and drynk he brocht full priwale, And 36 LIFE t)F WALLACE. [BOOK III. And to yaim tald ye carrage into playne, 75 Yair for rydar was paft till Ayr agayne, Left yaim to cum with power of gret waille, Yai trowit be yan yai war in Awendaille. Wallace yan faid, we will nocht foiorn her, Nor change no weid, bot ouir ilk dayis ger. 80 At CorfTenton ye gait was fpilt vat tyde, For yai yat way behowid yaim for to ryde. Ay fra ye tyme yat he of prtfoune ferr, Gud foummir weide dayly on hym he werr, Gud lycht harnes, fra yat tyme, ufyt he euir, 8j For fedeyn ftryff fra it he wald nocht feuir. A habergeon undyr hys goune he war, A fteylle capleyne in hys bonet but mar; Hys glowis of plait in claith war couerit weille, In hys doublet a clofs coler of fteylle ; 90 Hys face he kepyt, for it was euer bar, With hys twa hands, ye quhilk full worthi war. Into hys weid, and he come in a thrang, Was na man yan on fute mycht with hym gang. So growane in pith, off pouer Hark and ftur, 95 Hys terribill dynts war awfull till endur. Yai traft mar in Wallace hym allane, Yan in a hundreth mycht be of Ingland tane. Ye worthi Scotts maid yar no foiorn yng, To Lowdoune hill paft in gray dawning, 100 Dewyfit ye place, and putt yair horfs yaim fra, Thocht to wyn, or neuir yus to ga, Send twa thowrrours to wefy weylle ye playne; Bot yai rycht fone raturnde in agayne, T» BOOK III.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 37 To Wallace tald vat yai wer comand faft, 105 Than yai to grounde all kneland at ye laft, With humbill harts prayit all yair mycht, To God abowne to help yaim in yar rycht ; Yan graithit yai yaim till harnes haftely, Yar fenzeit nane of yat gud chewalrye. no Yan Wallace faid, her was my fadyr flayne, My brodyr als, quhilk dois me mekill payne, So fall myfelf, or wengyt be bot dreid, Ye traytour is her caufs was of yat deid. Yan hicht yai all to byde with hartlie will. 115 Be yat ye power was takand Loudoun hill. Ye Knycht Fenweik convoyed ye caryage, He had on Scotts maid mony fchrewde wiage. Ye fone was ryfyne our lands fchenand brycht, Ye Inglifmen fo yai come to ye ycht, 120 Ner yaim he raid and fone the Scotts faw, He tald hys men, and faid to yaim on raw, Yhonne is Wallace, yat chapyt our prifoune, He fall agayne be drawyn throw ye tounc ; Kys hede 1 waite, mycht mar weille, plefs ye King, 125 Yan gold, or land, or ony wardly thing. He gart ferwands byde with ye cariagc ftill ; Yai thocht to dauntyt ye Scotts at yar will. Kyne fcore he led in harnes burnyft brycht, And fyfty was with Wallace in ye rycht. 130 Unraboytyt ye Sothroune was in wer, And fall: yai cum feill awful! in affer. A maner dyk of ftanys yai had rraid, Narrowyt yai way (|uharthrow yai thikar raid. Vol. I. D Ye 3? LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK III. Yc Scotts on fute tuk ye fcld yaim befor, 135 Ye Sothroune faw ye currage was ye mor ; In prydefull ire yai thocht our yaim to ryde, Bot othyrwyfs it iiapnyt in yat tyde. On aither fyde togeddyr faft yai glaid, Ye Scotts on fute gret rowme about yaim maid, 140 With ponzeand fpers throuch plats preft of fteille, Ye Inglifmen yat thocht to wengt yaim weille, On harnyft horfs about yaim rudely raide, Yat with unefs apon yair feit yai baide, Wallace ye formaft in ye byrneis bar, 145 Ye grounden fper throuch hys body fchar, Ye fhafft to fchonkit off ye frufchand tre, Dewoydyde fone, fen na bettir mycht be ; Drew fuerds fyne, bathe hewy fcharp and lang, On aither fyde full cruelly yai dang. 150 Fechtand at anys into yat felloune dout, Yan Inglifmen inwerond yaim about, By force etlyt throuch out yaim for to ryde. The Scotts on fute yat baldly couth abyde, With fuerds fchar throuch habergeons full gude, 155 Apon ye flours fchot ye fchonkan blude, Fra horfs and men throw harnyfs burnyft beyne, A fair failzie forfuth yair mycht be feyne, Yai traiftyt na lyff bot ye lettir end, Off fa few folk, gret nobilnefs was kend, 160 Togydder baid defendan yaim full faft, Durft nane feuer quhill ye maift prefs was pad. Ye Inglifmen, yat befy was in wer, Be forfs ordand in fondyr yaim to ber ; Yair EOOK III.] OF WALLACE. 39 cheyff Cheftyan feryt als ferfs as fyre, 165 Throw matelent, and werray propir ire, On a gret horfs, intill hys glittrand ger, In fewtir keA a felloune afpre fper, Ye Knycht Fenweik vat cruel! was and keyne, He had at dede of Wallace fadyr beyne, 170 Ar.d hys bi hk hty was and der, e faw yat falfs knycht was fo ner, i . orage grew in \t une, Till h)in hi ran and fell f he doune ; A he glaid by awkwart he couth him ta, ij$ The and arfon in fond ga; Fra ye eourlbur he fell on ye fer fyde, Wyth a ftyff fuerd Boyd ftekyt hym yat tyde. Or he was dede, ye grct profs come fo faft, Our hym to grounde yai bur Boyd at ye lafc. 180 Wallace was ner, and ratornde agayne I to refkew, till yat he rails of ye playne Myehtly hym wor quhill he a fuerd had lane, Throw out ye ftur yir twa in feyr ar gayne. Tl e remanand apon yaim folowit faft, 185 In yar paflage fell Sothroune maid agaft. Adam Wallace, ye ayr of Ricardtoun, ilk ane Bewmound, a fqueir of renoun, On ye pyflan, with hys hand burnyft bar, Ye thru&nde 1 laid hys halfs in fondyr fehar. 190 Ye Inglifmen, thocht yar Cheyftan was flayne, Bauldly yai baid, as men mekill of mayne. Rech horfs repende roufchede frelvis undir, Ye Scotts on fute gert mony loifs ye fuetc. D z Wycht 40 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK III. Wycht men lychtit yaimfelf for to defend, 195 Quhar Wallace come yair deid was litill kend, Ye Sothroune part fo frufched was yat tyde, Yat in ye flour yai mycht na langar byde. Wallace in deide he wrocht fo worthely, Ye Squeir Boid, and all yair chewalrie, 200 Littill, Kneland, gert off yair enemy fs c!e. Ye Inglifmen tuk playnly part to fie, On horfiis fum, to ftrenthis part can found To foccour yaim, with mony werkand wound. A hundreth dede in feild was lewyt yar, 205 And thre yemen yat Wallace menyde mar, Twa war of Kyle, and ane of Cunyngayme, With Robert Boid to Wallace com fra hayme. Four fcor fled, yat chapyt on ye fouth fyde. Ye Scotts, in place yat bauldly couth abyde, 210 Spolzied ze feild, gat gold and oyir ger, Harnes and horfs, quhilk yai myftrit in wer. The Inglis knawis yai gart yair caryage kid To Clyds foreft ; quhen yai war out of dreid, Yai band yaim faft with wedeis fad and far, 215 On bowand treis hangyit yaim rycht yar, He fparyt nane yat abill was to wer, Bot wemen and preyfcis he gart yaim ay forber. Quhen yus doyne, to yair denyr yai went, Off fluff and wyne yat God had to yaim fent. 220 Ten fcor yai wan of horfs yat cariage bur, With flour and wyne as mekili as yai mycht fur, And oyir fluff yat yai off Carieile led. Ye Sothroune part out oft ye feild yat fled, With BOOK III.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 4* • (brow focht to ye Caftell of Ayr, 225 Befor ye lord, and tauld hym off yair cayr, Quhat giid yai loft, and quha in feild was fiayne, Throw wycht Wallace yat was mekill of mayne, And qnhow he had gart all yair ferwands hang. Ye Perfye raid, and yat fqueir left lang, 230 He (hall us exille out of yis contre cleyne, Sa dilpytfull in wer was neuir feyne. In our prefoune her laft quhen yat he was, Our flouthfully our kepars lett hym pafs. Yis ftufF our land I fynde may nocht weille be, 235 We mofl gcr bryng our wittaill be ye fe : Bot lofs our men it helpis us rycht nocht, Yair kyne may ban yat euir we hyddyr focht. Latt I yaim yus, blamand yair fory chance, And mar to fpek of Scotts men gouernance. 240 Quhen Wallace had weylle wenquift to ye playne, Ye falfs terand yat had hys fadyr Mayne, Hys brodyr als quhiik was a gentill knycht, Oyir gud men befor to dede yai dycht, rt dewifs, and prowide yair wictaille ; 245 B^'th fluff and horfs yat was of gret awaille, To frcinds about priwalye yai fend, Ye remanand full glaidlye yar yai fpend. In Clyds wode yai foiournyt xx dayis, Na Sothroune yat tyme was perfawyt in yar wayis ; 250 Bot he tholyt dede yat come in yar danger, Ye worde of hym walkyt baith fier and ntr. Wallace was knawin on lyff leyfFand in playne, Yocht Inglifmen yaroff had gret payne. V 3 Yc 4* LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK III. Ye Erie Perfye to Glalkow couth he fair, 255 With wyfs lords and held a confell yair. Quhen yai war mett, weylle ma na x thowfand, Na Chyftan was yat tyme durft tak on hand, To lede ye range on Wallace to afTaill. He fperyt about, quhat was ye beft confaill. 260 Schyr Amar Wallange, a falfs traytour ftrange, In Bothweill duelt, and yar was yaim amange, He faid, my lord, my confaill will I giff, Bot ye do it, fra fcaith ye may nocht fcheyff, Zhe mon tak pefs, without mar tarying, 265 As for a tyme we may fent to ye King. Ye Perfye faid, of owr trewis he will nane, Ane awfull Chyftan trewly he is ane, He will do mar, in faith, or yat he bly'ne ; Sothroune to fia he thynks it na fyne. 270 Schyr Amar faid, trewis it words tak, Quhill eftir for hym prowifioune we may mak; I knaw he will do mekill for hys kyne, Sentryfs and trewth ay refts hym within. Hys uncle Schyr Ranald may mak yis band ; 275 Gyff he will not, racunnyfs all hys land On to ye tyme yat he yis werk haiff wrocht. Schyr Ranald was fone to yat confell brocht ; Yai chargyt hym to mak Wallace at pefs, Or he fuld pafs to Londone withowtyn left. 280 Schyr Ranald faid, lords, yhe knaw yis weille, At my cummande he will not do a deille, Hys worth] kyn difpitoufly ze Dew, In prcfoune fyne ner to ye dede hym threw; He BOOK III.] LIFE OF WALLACE. £J He is at large, and will nocht do for me, 285 Thoch ye yarfor, rycht now fuld ger me de. Schyr Amar laid, yar lords fone fall fend On to ye King, and mak a final end Off hys cunqueft, forfuth he will it haiff, ice na yow ma nocht yis Kynryk faiff. 290 Mycht Edwarde King get hym, for gold or land, To be hys man, yan fuld he bruk Scotland. Ye lords bade cefs, yow excedes to yat knycht For mair be trewth yan it is ony rycht ; The wrange conqueft our King defirs ay, 295 On hym or us it fall be feyne fome day. Wallace has rycht, baith forfs and fayr fortoune, Ze hard quhow he efchapyt our prefoune, Yus fayd yat Lord, fyne prayit Schyr Ranald fair, To mak yis pefs, yow Schirreff art of Air, 30c As for a tyme we may awifyt be, Undyr my fcylle I fall be bound to ye For Ingiifmen, yat yai fall do hym nocht, Nor to no Scotts lefs it be on yaim focht. Schyr Ranald yocht he mycht yaim not ganeftand, 305 Off Lorde Perfye he has refawyt yis band. Perfyea war trew, and ay oft* full gret waill, Sobyr in pefs, and cruell in battaill. Schyr Ranald bownde apon, ye morn but baid, Wallace to feke in Clyds foreft braid ; . 310 So he hym fand bownand to hys dyner. Qnhcn yai had feyne yis gud knycht was fo ner, W ,11c lie hym knew, and tauld yaim quhat he was, Mcrwaifle he had quhat gart hym hyddir pafs, Maide 4-t LIFE OF WALLACE. (" B00K nf » Maide hym gud cheyr of meytts frefche and fyne, 315 King Edwards felf coud nocht get bettir wyne Yan yai had yar, warnage and wenyfoune Off beftiall into full gret fulioune. Syne eftir meit, he fchew yaim off hys dcide, Quhow he had beyne into fa mekill dreide. 320 Now, he faid, wyrk part of my confaill, Tak pefs a quhill, as for ye mair awaill, Bot yow do fo, forfuth yow dois gret fyne, For yai ar fett till undo all yi kyne. Yan Wallace faid, till gud men hym about, 31$ I will na pefs for all yis felloune dout, Bot gift' it plefs bettir to yow yan me. Ye Squeir Boyde hym anfueryt foberlye, I gift' confaill, or yis gud knycht be Ilayne, Tak pefs a quhill, fuppofs it do us payne. 2>Z<* So faid Adam ye ayr of Ricardtoune, And Kneland als grantyt to yair opynyoun. With yair confent Wallace yis pefs has tayne, As hys Eyme wrocht, till ten moneth war gayne. ^>ZS Yair leyfFyai tuk, with conforde into playn, Santt Jhone to borche yai fuld meyt haille agayn. Boyde and Kneland paft to yar plac's hame, Adam Wallace to Ricardtoun by nayme, And Wilzham furth till Schyr Ranald can ryde, And hys housfhald, in Corfby for to byde. 340 Yis pefs was cryede in Auguft moneth myld ; Yhet God of battaill furius and wyld, Mars and Juno ay dois yair befynes, Caufcrs of wer wyrkars of wykitnes ; And BOOK III.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 45 And Venus als ye goddefs of luff, 345 Wycht aid Saturn hys courfis till appruff; Yis four fcanfyte of diuerfs complexioune, Battaill, debait, inwy, and deftru&iounc, I can nocht deyme for yair melancoly. Bot Wallace weille coud not in Corfby ly, 350 Hym had leuir in trawaill for to be, Rycht far he langvt ye toune of Ayr to fe. Schyr Ranald part fra hame apon a day. Fyfteyne he tuk, and to ye toune went yai, Coweryt hys face, yat na man mycht hym knaw, 355 Nothing hym roueht how few ennymyfs hym law. In fobyr weide difgyfyt weill war yai. Ane Inglifman, on ye gait faw he play At ye fcrymmags a Bukler on hys hand. Wallace ner by in faloufchipe couth ftand. 360 Lychtly he fperde, quhi, Scott, dar yow nocht preiff? Wallace faid, za, fa yow wald gif me leiff. Smyt on, he laid, I defy yne actioune. ce yarwith has tane hym on ye crowne, Throuch bukler, hand, and ye harn pan alfo, 365 To ye Schuldirs ye fcharp fuerd gert he go. Lychtly raturnd till hys awne men agayne. Ye wemen cryede, our Bukler Player is flayne. Ye man was dede quhat neds words mair. Feille men of armys about hym femblyt yair, 370 Sew en fcor at anys agayne xvi war fett : Bot Wallace fone weill with ye formeft met!:, Will ire and will on ye hede lias hym tayne, Throch ye brycht helm in fondyr byrrt ye bayne. Ane 46 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK III. Ane oythir braithlye on ye breyft he bar, 375 Hys burnyft blaid throuchout ye body fchar. Gret rowme he maid, hys men war fechtand fall, And mony a growme yai maid full lair agaft ; For yai war wycht, and weille ufyt in wer, Off Inglifmen rycht bauldly doune yai ber. 3 80 On yair eiv-myfs gret martyrdome yai mak, Yair hardy Chyftan fo weille couth undyitak, Quhat Inglifman yat baid into hys gait, Ccntrar Scotland maid neuir mar debait. Ft lie frekis on fold war fellyt undyr feit, 385 Off Sothroune blade lay flekyt in ye ftreit. New powir come fra ye caftell yat tyde, Yan Wallace drcd, and drew towart afyde, With gud will he wald efchewe fupp/ils, For he in wer was befy, wycht and wyfs. 390 Harnefs and heds he hew in fondyr fall, Be forf, out off ye thikeft preyfs yai pall. Wallace raturnyde behynde hys men agayne, At ye refkew feile enymyfs has he flayn. Hys men all famyn he out of perill brocht, 395 Fra hys enerryfs, for all ye powir yai mocht. To yair horfs yai wan but mar abaide, For danger yan to Laglayne wode yai raide, Twenty and tv:n yai left into yat fteide Off Sothroune men yat bertynit war to deide. 400 Ye ramaynand agayne turnyt yat tyde, For in ye wode yai durft nocht hym abyde, Towart ye toune yai dn v. with all yair mayne, Curiand ye pefs yai tuk befor in playne. BOOK III.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 47 Ye Lord Pcrfve in hart was gretly grewyt, 405 Ilys nun iuppryfit agayne to hym relewyt, And feille war dcde into yair armour cler, Thre of hys kyne vat war to hym full der. he hard tell of yair gret grewance, Yair felff was cauls of yis myfchcfull chance, 410 Murnyng he maid, thoch few Scotts it kend. A herald van to Sehyr Ranald he fend, And tald till hym of all yis feydand cafs, And. chargyt hym tak fouerty of Wallace, lie fuld hym kepe fra marcate towne or fair, 415 Quh :r he myeht beft be out of yair rapair. Ye Sothroune wyft vat it was wycht Wallace Had yaim ourfet into yat feydand cafs: Yair trewis f ir vis yai wald nocht brek adeill. Quhen Wallace had yis chance efchewyt weille, 420 Apon ye nycht fra Lagleyne hayme he raid, In Chammers fone yair refidence yai maid. Apon ye morn, quhen yat ye day was lycht, Wycht Wallace went with Schyr Ranald ye knycht, hym ye wrytt Lord Perfye had hym fent, 425 Der fone, he (aid, yis war my haille entent, Yat yow wald grant, quhill yar trewis wor worn, Na fcaith to do till Inglifman yat is born, But quhar I pafs dayly yow bid with me. Wallace anfueryt, gud Schyr, yat may nocht be, 43s Rycht laith I war, der uncle, yow to greiff, 1 1. 11 do nocht till tyme I tak my U ' And warn yow als or yat I fra yow pafs, Ilys Lyme and he yus weille accordyt was, Wallace 48 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK III. Wallace with hym maid hys continuance, 435 Ilk vvycht was blyth to do to hym plefance, In Corfby yus he refyd yaim amang Yai xvi dayis, fuppos hym thocht it lang. Thocht yai mycht plefs hym as a prince or king, In hys mynde zhet remaynit anoyir thing. 440 He faw his enemyfs maftirs in vis regioune, Mycht nochthym plefs thocht he war kingwith crowne, Yus leyfF I hym with hys der freinds ftill, Off Inglifmen of fum part fpek I will. EXPLICIT LIBER TERTIUS ET INCIPIT QUARTUS. THE LIFE Sir WILLIAM WALLACE, &c. BOOK IV. Wallace Kills Peircie's Men in Lennox — Wins the Peel of Gargimnock — Goes to Menteith — To Mcthven — To Perth — Wins Kinclevin — Skimifh of Shortwood-Shaws — Wallace Sold by his Leman at Perth. TN September, ye humyll moneth fuette, Quhen paffyt by ye hycht was ofF ye hette, till and froyte ar rypyt in aboundance, As God ordans to mannys gouernance. Sagittarius with hys afpre bow, 5 By ye ilk fyng weryte ye may know Ye changying courfs quhilk makis gret deference, And lewyfs had loft y air colour of plefence. All wardly thing has nocht bot a fefoune, R iith erbe and froyte mon from hewyn cum doune. 10 In vis ilk tyme a gret confell was fctt Into Glaikow quhar mony maftria mett, ;lis lords to ftatute vis cuntre, Yan chargyt yai all fchirreffs yar to be. Vol. I. E Schyr 50 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK IV. Schyr Ranald Crawfurd behowide yat tyme be yar, i j For he throw rycht was born Schirreff of Ayr. Hys der neuo yat tyme with hym he tuk, Wil^ham Wallace, as witnes bers ye buk ; For he na tyme fuld be fra hys fycht, He luffyt hym with hart and all hys mycht. ao Yai graith yaim weille without langer abaid, Wallace fum part befor ye court furth raid, With hym twa men yat douchty war in deid, Our tuk ye child Schyr Ranalds foume couth leid, Saftlye yai raid quhill yai ye court fuld knaw, 25 So fedaynly yat Kefilden he faw Ye Perfyes fowme in quhilk gret riches was, Ye horfs was tyryt, and mycht no fordyr pafs. Fyfc men was chargyt to kepe it weill yat tyde, Twa was on fute and thre on horfs couth ryde 30 Ye maiftir man at yir ferwands can fper, Quha aw yis fowme ye futh yow to me ler. Ye man anfuerd withowtyn words mar, My lords, he faid, quhilk Schirreff is of Ayr. Sen it is his hys horfs fall with us gang 35 To ferwe our lord, or ellis me think gret wrang ; Thoch a fubjet in deid wald pafs hys lord, It is not lewyt be na rychtwyfs racord. Yai cutt ye brayfs and leyt ye harnefs faw. Wallace was ner ; quhen he fie reury faw, 40 He fpak to yaim with manly contenance, In fayr afTorme, he faid, but wariance, Ze do us wrang and it in tyme of pefs Off fie rubry was fuiEfance to cefs. Y« BOOK IV.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 51 Ye Sothroune fchrew in ire anfuerd hym to, 45 It fall be wrocht as yow may fe us do, Yow getts no mends, quhat wald yow words mar. Sadly awifyt Wallace remembrith hym yar On ye promyfs he maid hys Eyme befor ; Relbune hym rewllyt, as yan he did na mor. 50 Ye horfs yai tuk for awentur mycht befall, Laid on yair foume, fyne furth ye way couth call. Yar tyrit fo wmir fo left yai into playne. Wallace raturnyt towart ye court agayne, In yc murfyde fone with hys Eyme he mett, 5$ And tauld quhow yai ye way for hys men fett ; And war nocht I was bonde in my legiance, We partyt nocht yus for all ye gold in France ; Ye horfs yai reft quhilk fuld your harnes ber. Schyr Ranald faid, yat is bot litill her, 60 We may get horfs and gud in playne, And men be loft we get neuir agayne. Wallace yan faid, als wifely God me fawe Off yis gret myfs I fall amendis hawe, And noyir latt for pefs na your plefance ; 65 With witnes her I giff up my legiance, For cowartlye ye lik to tyne your rycht, YmnfclfF fone fyne to dede yai think to dycht. In wraith yafrtoith away fra hym he went. Schyr Ranald was wyfs, and treft in his entent, ;c And faid I will byde at ye Mernys all nycht ; So Inglifmcn may deyme us no unrycht Giff ony be deidc befor us apon cafs Yat we in law may byde ye rychtwyflhefs E % Hys 51 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK IV. Hys lugyng tuk, ftill at ye Mernyfs baid, 75 Full gret murning he for hys neuo maid : Bot all for nocht quhat mycht it hym awaill, As intill wer he wrocht not hys confaill. Wallace raid furth, with hym twa zemen paft, Ye fowmer man he folowyt vvondyr faft, 80 Be eft Cathcart he our heyde yaim agayne ; Yan knew yai weille yat it was he in playne, Ye horfs and weide, yat argownd yaim befor. Ye fyve to yaim retornde withouttyn mor. Wallace to ground fra hys courfer can glyde, 85 A burnyft brand he bradyt out yat tyde, Ye maiftir man with fa gud will ftraik he, Baithe hatt and hede he gert in fondyr fle. Ans oyir faft apon ye face he gaiff, Till dede to ground, but mercy, he hym draiff. 90 Ye thrid he hytt with gret ire in yat fteid, Fey on ye feld he has hym left for deid. Wallace flew thre, by yat hys zemen wycht, Ye toyir twa derfly to dede yai dycht. Syne fpoilzeid yai ye harnes or yai wend, 95 Off filuer and gold aboundandlye to fpend. Jowells yai tuk, yai beft was chofyn yar, Gud horfs and ger fync on yair wayis can fayr. Yan Wallace faid, at fum ftrenth wald I be. Cur Clyd yat tyme yar was a bryg of tre, 100 Thyddir yai paft in all yair gudlye mycht, Ye day was gayne, and cummyn was ye nycht. Yai durft nocht weille ner Glafkow ftill abycie, In ye Lennox he tuk purpofs to ryde, And EOOK IV. "] LIFE OF WALLACE. & And fo he dyde, fyne lugyt yaim vat nycht 105 As yai befb moucht, quhill yat ye clay was brycht. Till ane oftrye he went, and foiorned yar With trew Scotts, qtihilk all hys freynds war. Ye confaill mett rycht glaidly on ye morne, But fell tythings war brocht Perfye befcrnc, iro Ilys men war flayne, hys trefour als bereft With fell Scotts, and yai na jowells left. Yai demyde about of yat derff doutoufs cafs, Ye Sothronne faid, forfuth it is Wallace. Ye fchirrcifs ccurt was cumand to the tonne, 1x5 And he as ane for Scott of rhaift renoune. . rt go feik Schyr Ranald in yat rage, Bot he was yan zeit ftill at herbryage. Sum wyfs men faid, heroff nathing he kend, Ye men war flayne rycht at ye tounis end. 120 Schyr Ranald come by ten houris of ye day, Befor Perfye yan feir men brocht war yai ; Yai folowit hym of felouny yat was wrocht. Ye fiyfs of yis couth fay to hym rycht nocht. Yai demede about of yat feill fodeyne cas, 125 Bcfor ye juge yar he denyt Wallas ; And fo he mycht, he wyft not quhar he was. Fra yis confaill my purpofs is to pafs, Off Wallace fpek, in wyldirnes fo wyde, Ye Eterne God hys gouernour be and gyde. 130 Styll at ye place four dayis he foiornyt haille, Quhill tythings come till hym fra yair confaill. Yan ftatute yai, in ilk fteide of ye weft, In yar boundis Wallace fuld haiff no reft. E3 Hys 54 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK IV, Hys der uncle gret ayth yai gcrt hym fuer, 135 Yat he but leiff fuld no freindfchipe hym ber ; And mony oythir was full woo yat day'. Robert ye Boyde ftall off ye toune hys way, And Kneland als befor with hym had beyne. Zai had leuir haif feyne hym with yair eyne, 140 Leyffand in lyfF, as yai knew hym befor, Yan of cler gold a fyne mylzone and mor. Eoide wepyt for, faid, our Leidar is gayne, Amang our fayis he is fett hym allayne. Yan Kneland faid, fals fortoune changis fall, 145 Gret God fen we had euir with hym paft. Edward Litill in Annadyrdaill is went, And wait rycht nocht of yis newe jugement. Adam Wallace baid ftill in Ricardtoune. So fell yus with Wallace of renoune, 150 He with power partyt marwalufly, Be fortoune chance ourturnys doubilly. Yair petuoufs meyne as yan couth nocht be bett, Yai wyft na wyt quhar yat yai fuld hym gett. He left ye place, quhilk he in lugyng lay, 155 To Erie Malcome he went apon a day. Ye Lennox haile he had (till in hys hand, Till King Edwarde he had not yan maid band. Yat land is ftrait, and maifterfull to wyn, Gud men of armyfs yat tyme war it within. 160 Ye lord was traift, ye men fekyr and trew, With waik power yai durft hym nocht perfew. Rycht glaid he was of Wallace company, Welcumyt hym fayr with worfchipe reuerendlye, At BOOK IV.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 55 At hys awne will defyrit, gyff he wald, 165 To byde yair frill maiftir off bys housfliald, Off all hys men he fuld haille Chyftane be. Wallace anf; erd, vat war yneuci) for me, I can not byde, my mynde is fctt in playne yn to be, or ellys c!e in ye payne ; 170 Our weft cuntre yar ftatute is fa ftrang, Into ye north my porpofs is to gang. Stewyn of Irland yan in ye Lennox was With wycht Wallace, he ordaynyt hym to pafs, And oyir als yat borne war of Argill. 175 Wallace Mill yair refedence maid a quhill, Quhill men it wyft, and femblyt fone hym till, He chargyt pane but at yair awn gud will ; For yai war ftrang, zeitt he couth nocht yaim dreid, Bot refawit all in wers yaim to leid. 180 Sum part of yaim was into Irland borne, idzan had exilde furth beforne, Hdwards man he was fuorn of Ingland, Off rycht law byrth fuppofs he tuk on hand. To Wallace yar come ane yat hecht Fawdoun, 185 Melancoly he was of complexioun, Hewey of ftatur, dour in hys contenance, Sorroufull, fadde, ay dreidfull but plefance. Wallace refawit quhat man wald cum hym till, Ye bodylye a>th yai maid hym with gud will 190 Befor the Erie, all with a gud accord, And hym refawyt as Captane and yair Lord^ Hys fpecial men, yat cum with hym fra haime, Ye tane hecht Gray, ye toyir Kerle be naime, In 5^ LITE OF WALLACE. [bOOK IT. In hys ferwice come fyrft with all yair mayne, 195 To Loudoun hill quhar yat Fenw.ik was flayne; He yaim cummandyt ay next hym to perfew, For he yaim kend rycht hardye wyfs and trew. Hys leyff he tuk rycht on a fayr maner ; Ye gud.Erle yan he bad hym gyfts fer. 200 Wallace wald nayne, bot gaiff off hys fell fyfe, To pair and rych, apon a gudlye wyfs. Humyll he was, hardy, wyfs and fre, As off rychefs he held na propyrte ; Off honour, worfchipe, he was a merour kend, 205 Als he off gold had boundandlye to fpend. Upon hys fayis he wan it worthely. Yus Wallace paft, and hys gud chewalry. Sexty he had off lykly men at wage, Throch ye Lennox he led yaim with curage. 210 Abown Lekle he lugyt yaim in a waille. A ftrenth yair was quhilk yai thocht till affaille ; On Gargownno was byggyt a fmall peill, Yat warnyft was with men and wittaill weill, Within a dyke, bathe clofs chawmer and hall ; 215 Captayne yaroff to nayme he hecht Thriiwall. Yai led Wallace quhar yat yis byggyng was He thocht to affaill it ferly or he wald pafs. Twa fpyifs he fend to wefy all yat land, Rycht laithe he was ye thing to tak on hand, 220 Ye quhilk, befors, yat fuld gang hym agayne, Leuir had he throw awentur be flayne. Yir men went furth as it was large mydnycht, About yat houfs yai fpyit all at rycht. Ye BOOK IV.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 57 Ye Wachman was hewy fallen on fleipe, 225 Ye bryg was doune yat ye entre fuld keipe, Ye lauborers lait rakleflye went in Yir men retornede, withoutyn noyefs or dyn, To yair maiftir, told hym as yai had feyne, Than grathit fone yir men of armyfs keyne : 230 Sadlye on fute on to ye houfs yai focht, And entryt in, for lattyn fand yai nocht. W\ cht men affaycde with all yair befy cur, A loklate bar was drawyn ourthourth ye dur, Bot yai mycht nocht it brek out of ye waw. 235 Wallace was grewyt quhen he fie tary faw, Sum part amowed, wraithly till it he went, Be forfs off hands he raift out of ye ftent, Thre zerde of breide als off ye wall puld out. Yan merweld all hys men yat war about, 240 Quho he did mair yan xx off yaim mycht ; Sync with hys fute ye zett he ftraik up rycht, Quhill braifs and band to byrfl all at anyfs. Ferdely yai raifs, yat war into yai wanyfs. The wachman had a fclloune ftaff of fteiU, 245 At Wallace ftraik, bot he kepyt hym weill, Rudely fra hym he reft it in yat thrang, Dang out hys harnyfs, fyne in ye dyk hym fiang. Ye remaynand be yat was on yair feit, Yus Wallace fone can with ye capteyn meit, 250 Yat naff he had, heivy and forgyt new, With it Wallace apon ye heide hym threw, Quhill bayn and brayn all into fondyr zcid. Hys men entryt, yat worthi war in dcid, In 58 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK IV. In hands hynt, and ftekit all ye laiff. %$S Wallace cummandede yai fuld na wer men faiff. Twenty and twa yai ftekyt in yat fleid. Wemen and barnys, quhen yat ye men war deid, He gert be tayn, in clofs houfs kepyt weill, So yai without yaroff mycht haifF no feill. 260 Yai dede bodyes yai put fone out of fycht, Tuk up ye bryg or yat yai day was lycht. In yat place baid four dayis or he wald pafs, Wyft nane without quhow yat yis matir was, Spoilzeide yat fteid, and tuk yaim ganand ger, 365 Jowells and gold away with yaim yai ber. Quhen hym thocht tyme yai ifchede on ye nycht, To ye next wode yai went with all yir mycht. Ye captenys wiff, wemen, and childer thre, Pafs quhar yai wald, for Wallace kit yaim be. 270 In yat foreft he lykyt nocht to bide, Yai bownyt yaim our Forth for to ryde. Ye mofs was ftrang, to ryde yaim was na but. Wallace was wycht and lychtyt on hys fute. Few horfs yai had, litill yaroff yai roucht, 275 To fawe yair lywis feiile ftrenthis oft yai focht. Stewyn of Irland he was yair gyd yat nycht Towart Kincardyn, fyne reftyt yar at rycht In aforeft, yat was bathe lang and \v)de, fra yj mofs grc^v to ye wattir fyde. a8* 1 re ye fone Wallace walkit about I pon Tcth fyde, quhar he faw mony rout Off mjld btftis wawerand in wode and playn, Sone at a fchot a gret hait has he fla>n. Slew BOOK IV.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 5f« Slew fyrc on flynt, and graithit yaim at rycht, 285 Sedenlye yair fixfehe venefoun yai dycht. Wittaill yai had, bathe breid, and vvyne fo cler, With oyir ftuff yneuch at yair dyner. Hys ftaff of ft till he gaiff Kerly to kepe, Syne paiiyt our Tethe wattir fo depe ; 290 Into Straithern yai entry it fedeynly, In couert paft, or Sotheroune fuld yaim fpy. Quhen at yai fand of Scotlands Aduerfouris, lout refpyt cummyn was yair fatell houris* Quham euir yai mett was at ye Inglis fay, 295 Yai flew all doune without langer delay. Yai fparyt nane yat was of Inglis blude, To dede he zeid thoeh he war neuir fo gude ; Yai fawit noyir knycht, fqueir, nor knaiff. Yis was ye grace yat Wallace to yaim gaifF; cod Bot waftyt all be worthines of wer, Off yat party yat mycht weild bv,w or fper. Sum part be flycht, fum tlirow forfs yai flew, Bot Wallace thocht yai ftroyit nocht halfenew. Siluer yai tuk, and als gold yat yai fand, 505 Oyir gud ger full lychtly zeid be hand ; Cuttyt throtts, and into caivyfs yaim keft, Tut out of fyeht, for yat hym thocht was beft. At yai Blackfurd, as at yai fuld paft our, A fqueir come, and with hym Lernys four. 310 Till Doun fuld ryd and wend at yai had beyne All Inglifmen, at he befor had feyne, Tithings to fper he howid yaim amang. Wallace yarv.i'Ji fwyth \\i:h a fuerd out fwung, Apoa 60 . LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK IV. Apon ye hede he ftraik with fo gret ire, 315 Throw bayne and brayn in fondyr fchar ye fwyr. Ye tothir four in hands fone wer hynt, Perfly to dede ftekyt or yai wald ftynt. Yar horfs yai tuk, and quhat yaim likit bed, Spoilzied yaim bar, fyne in ye brook yaim keft. 320 Off yis mater no mar tary yai maid, Bot furth yair way pafiit withouten baid. Yir werlik Scotts all with one affent, Northe fo our Erne throchowt ye land yai went. In Meffan wode yair lugyng tuk yat nycht. 325 Upon ye morn, quhen it was dayis lycht, Wallace raifs up, went to the foreft fyde, Quhar yat he fawe full feill beftis abyde, Off wylde and tayme walkand habonndandlye.' Yan Wallace faid, yis contre likis me, 330 Wermen may do with fude at yai mid haiff, Bot want yai meit yai rak nocht off ye laiff. Off dyet fayr Wallace tuk neuir keip, Bot as it cum welcum was meit and fleip. Sum quhill he had gret fufficitnce within, 335 Now want, now has, now lofs, now can win, Now lycht, now fadd, now blifsful, now in baill, In haifte now hurt, now forowfull, now haill, Now weild and weylle, now cald weddyr, now heit, Now moiftj now drowth, now wawer and wynd, now wtit. 340 So ferd with hym for Scotlands rycht full ewyn, In feylle debait vi. zers and moneths fewyn. Quhen he wan pel's, and left Scotland in playne, Ye BOOK IV.J LIFE OF WALLACE. 6l Ye Inglifmen maid new conqueft agaync. In fruftyr termys I will nocht tary lang. 345 Wallace agayn untill hys men can gang, And faid, her is a land of gret boundancc, Thankyt be God of hys hye perwyans, Sewya of yow few graith fone, and ga with me, Rycht for I lang Sancl~ Jhonftoune for to fe ; 350 Stewyn of Irland, als God of Ilewyn ye faiff, Maiftir Leiddar I mak ye of ye laiff; Kepe weill my men, latt nane out yi fycht, Quhill I agayne fall cum with all my mycht ; Bytk me fewyn dayis in yis foreft ftrang, $55 Ze may gut fud fuppofs I duell fa lang ; Sum part ze haiff, and God will fend us mair. Yns turnyt he, and to ye toune couth fair. Ye Mar kepyt ye port of yat willage Wallace knew weill, and fend hym hys mefTage. 360 Ye Mar was brocht, law hym a gudlye man, Rycht reuarandlye he has refawyit yaira yan. At hym he fperyt, all Scotts giff yai be. Wallace faid, za, and it is pefs trow we. I grant, he faid, yat likis us wondyr weill, 365 Trew men of pels may ay fum freindfehipe feill ; Quhat is yowr nayme, I pray yow tell me it, Will Malcomfone, he faid, fen ye will witt, In Atryk foreft has my wennyng beyne, I was born amar.g ye fchawis fcheyne, 370 Now I defyr yis north land for to fe, Quhar I mycht find bettyr dwellyng for me ; Ye Mar faid, fchyr, I (per nocht for nane ill, F Bot 6l LIFE OF WALLACE. [ROOK IV. Bot feill tithlngs oft iyifs is brocht us till, Off ane Wallace was born into ye weft, 375 Our Kings men he halds at gret unreft, Martyrs yaim dounc, gret pete is to fe, Out of ye trewis, forfuth, we trow he be. in laid, I her fpek of yat man, ■ :gs off hym to yow nane tell I can. 3S0 For hym he gert ane Innys graithit be, Quhar nane fuld cum bot hys awne men and he. K\ s ftwart Kerlye brocht yaim in fufioune Gud things eneuch quhat was in to ye toune. Als Ingliiinen to drynkyng wald hym call, 385 And commounly he delt nocht yarwithall : In yar prefence he fpe:id)t refonably, Zheitt for hymfelf he payit ay bcundandlye. On Scotts men he fpendyt mekill gud, Bot nocht hys thankis upon ye Sothroune blud. 390 Sone he confawit in hys wytts prewalye, Into yat land quha was of maift party. Schyr Jamys Butler, ane agyt cruell knycht, Kepyt Keynclewyn, a cafleil wondyr wycht. Hys fone Schyr Jhone yan duelt into ye toune, 395 Undyr Capteyn to Schyr Garraid Heroune. Ye wtmen als he wyfyt at ye laft, And fo on ane hys eyne he can to caft, In ye fouth gait of Faffoun frefche and fayr ; Wallace to hyr maid prewalye rapayr. 400 So fell it yus, off ye toune or he paft, • accord yai hapnyt at ye laft. Wallace with hyr in fecret maid hym glaid. Sothroune BOOK IV.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 63 Sothroune wyft nocht yat I .nee !iaid : Oft on ye nycht he wald , 405 Yis is fer wer yan ony payne At yus, with wra ig, yii dewillis fuld bruk our 1; nd, And we, with forfs, may nocl t agayne j a To tak yis to fmall, Givt per:l' :•!■ on a\ fall ; 410 Set w< it will un Or 1 r to tell. nocht all. Y . mattir now I rfor I will oiirfli 415 Bot in yis touiu langar bide. Als men tajd hy n quhen ye eapteyne wald pafs Hayme to Kynclewyn, qu Hys ' \k at has; or" ye toune, Le, rycht glaidly rnaid hym boune. 4*0 Hys ho d bauldly loud can blaw, : couth did .v. th he was, for yai war all in ft nocht fpf ; 'i. redy fall. 4 25 In gu ' cdc yai p 1 ; yai bownyt yaim yat tyd, in a waill yat nor was yar befy . Fail on to Tay hys bnfchement can he draw, I lorn wode yai ftellit yaim full law. 430 Set fkouriours furth ye cuatre to afpye, Be ane our now r rydara went bye. Ye waeh turned into v.itt quhat was hys will ; F 2 He 64 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK IV. He yaim commandyt in coueft to bide ftill, And we call feyr, ye houfs knawlege will haiff, 435 And yat may fone be warnyng to ye laiff, All forfs in wer do nocht but gouernance. "Wallace was few, bot happy ordinance, Maid hym fell fyifs hys aduerfours to wyn. Be yat ye court of Inglifmen come in, 440 Four fcor and ten weill graithit in yair ger, Harneft on horfs, all lykly men of wer. Wallace faw weill hys noumir was na ma, He thankyt God, and fyne ye feild couth ta. Ye Inglifmen merweild quhat yai fuld be ; 445 But fra yai faw yai maid for melle, In fewtir yai keft fcharp fpers at yat tyde, In ire yai thocht attour ye Scotts to rydc. Wallace and hys went cruelly yaim agayne. At ye fyrft rufche feill Inglifmen war flayne. 450 Wallace ftraik ane with hys gud fper of fteill, Throchout ye coft, ye ihafft to brak ilk deill ; A burnyft brand in haift he hynts out, Thryfs apon fute he thrang throw all ye rout. Stern horfs yai fteik fuld men of armys ber, 455 Sum undir feit fulzeid was men of wer. Bailer lychtyt hymfelf for to defend, Wycht men of armyfs quhilk was full worthi kend. On aydir fyde feill frekis war fechtand fart. Ye Captayne baid, thocht he war far agaft, 460 Part of ye Scotts be worthines yai flew. Wallace was wa, and towart hym he drew, Hys men dred for ye Butler bauld and keyne, On BOOK IV.] LIFE OF WALL 6$ On hym he focht in ire arid propyr teync ; Apon ye hed hym ftraik in matelent, 465 Ye burnyft blaid throw hys bafnett went, Baith bayne and brayne he byrft throw all ye weid, Yus Wallace hand delyuerit yaim off dreid. Zheitt feill on feld was fechtand cruelly, Stewyn of Irland, and all ye chewalry, 47* Into ye ftour did cruelly and weill, And llcrle als with hys gud ftaff of fteill. Ye Inglifmen, fra yair Chyftane was flayne. Yai left ye feild and fled in all yair mayne. Thre fcoyrs war flaype or yai wald leif yat fteid. 475 Ye fleande folk, yat wyft off no rameid, But to ye houis yai fled in all yair mycht, Ye Scotts folowit yat worthi war and wycht. Tew men of fenfs was left yat place to kepe, Wemen and preifts upon Wallace can wepe ; 48a For weill yai wend ye Hears was yar lord, To tak hym in yai maid hym redy ford, Lcit doune ye bryg, keft up ye zetts wyde. The frayit folk entrit and durft nocht byde. Gnd Wallace euir he folowit yaim fo fall, 485 Quhill in ye houfs he entryt at ye laft ; Ye zett he wor, quhill cummyn was all ye rout, Off Inglis and Scotts he held na man yarout. Ye Inglifmen, yat won war in yat fteid, Withoutyn grace yai bertnyt yaim to deid. 490 Ye Captaynis wiff, wemen, and prtiftis twa, And zong childir, forfuth yai na ma, Held yaira in clofj eftir vis fedeyn cafs, Fj Or 66 LIFE OF WALLACE. f*BOOK IV. Or Sothroune men fuld fege hym in yat place ; Tuk up ye bryg, and clofyt zetts fall, 495 Ye dede bodyes he out of ficht gert caft, Bathe in ye houfs, and without at war dede, Fyfe off hys awne to berynefs he gart leid. In yat caftell yar fewyn dayis baide he, On ilka nycht yai fpoilzeid befyle. 500 To Schortwode Schaw leid wictaill and wyne wycht. And housfhald ger, baith gold and liluer brycht. Women, and yai yat he had grantyt grace, Qrhen hym thocht tyme, yai put out of yat place. Quhen yai had tayne quhat he lykit to haifF, 505 Straik downe ye zhetts and fet in fyr ye laiff. Out of wyndowis ftanfours all yai drew, Full gret irn wark into ye wattir threw ; Burdyn durs and loks, in yair ire, All wark of tre yai brynt up in a fyre, 5 10 Spylt at yai mycht, brak brig and bulwark doune. To Schortwode Schawe in haift yai maid yaim boune, Chefyt a ftrenth, quhar yai yair lugyng maid ; In gud affer a quhill yar Hill he baid ; Zit in ye toune no witt off yis had yai. 515 Ye cuntre folk, quhen it was lycht of day, Gret reik faw ryfs, and to Kynclewyn yai focht, Bot walle and ftane, mar gud yar fand yai nocht. Ye Captayns wiff Sand Jhonftoune fche zeid, And to Schyr Garrate fche tauld yis felloune deid ; 5 20 Als till hyr fone quhat hapnyt was by cafs. Yan demyt yai all it was wycht Wallace ; Off fortyne yar he fpyit had ye toune. Yan BOOK IV.] LIFE Or WALLACE. 6j Yan i old be redy bound Harneft on horfs into yair armour eler, $1$ To feik Wallace yai went all furth in feyr. A thoufand men weill garnyft for ye wer, Toward ye wode rycht avvfull in efTer^ To Schortwode Sehaw, and fet it all about, Wyth fyfe ft: : His yat ftalwart was and ftout; 530 Ye Text yai aid a felloune rauge to leid, Quhar Wallace was full worthi ay in deid. Ye ftrenth he tuk, and bade yaim hald it ftill, On ilka fyde, aflailze quha fa will. Schyr Jhone Butler into ye foreft went 535 With twa hundreth, mowit in hys entent ; Hys fadyrs dede to wenge hym giff he mocht, To Wallace fone with men of armyfs focht. A clench yar was, quharoff a ftrench yai maid With thuortour treis, bauldly yar abaid. 540 ^ra ye ta fyde yai mycht ifche till a playne, Syne throch ye wode to ye ftrenth pafs agayne. Twenty he had yat nobill archars war, Agaynis fewyn fcor of Inglifmen bowmen far. Four fcor of fpers ner hand yaim baid at rycht, 545 Giff Scotts ifchyt to heipe yaim at yair mycht. On Wallace fttt a bykker bauld and keyne ; A bow he bair was byg and weille befeyne, And arrowfs als, baith lang and fcharp with aw, No man was yar yat Wallace bow mycht draw. 550 Rycht fturk he was, and into feuir ger, Bauldly he fchot amang yai men of wer. An an -ell hede to ye huki> he drew, And C% LIFE OF WALLACE. , [BOOK IT. And at a fchoyt ye formaft fone he flew. Inglis archars, yat hardy war and wyeht, $$$ Arrang ye Scotts bykkeryt with all yair mycht ; Yair awfull fchoyte was felloune for to byde, Off Wallace men yai woundyt far yat tyde ; Few of yaim was fekyr of archery, Bettyr yai war and yai gat ewyn party, 560 In feild to byd, oyir with fuerd or fpeyr. Wallace perfawit hys men tuk mekill deyr, He gart yaim change, and ftand nocht into fteid, He keft all wayis to faiffe yaim fra ye deide. Full gret trauaill apon hymfelf tuk he, 565 Off Sothroune men feill archars he gart de, Off Longcafchyr bowmen was in yat place. A far archar ay waityt on Wallace, At ane opyn, quhar he ufyt to rapayr, At hym he drew a fekyr fchot and far, 570 Undyr ye chyn, throuch a coler of fteill, On ye left fyde, and hurt hys halfs fumdeill. Aftonaide he was, bot nocht gretlye agaft, Out fra hys men on hym he folowit faft, In ye turnyng, with gud will has hym tayne 575 Upon ye crag, in fondyr ftraik ye bayne. Feill off yaim ma na freyndfchip with hym fand, Fyfteyn yat day he fchot to dede of hys hand. Be yat hys arrowis wayftyt war and gayne ; Ye Inglis archars forfuth yai wantyt nayne ; 580 Without yai war yair power to ranew, On ilka fyde to yaim' yai couth perfew. Wilzham Loran come, with a bouftoufs'ftaill, Ott BOOK IV.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 69 Out of Gowry Wallace to aflaill ; Neuo he was, as it was knawin in playne, 585 To ye Butler befor yat yai had flayne ; To wenge hys Eyme he come with all hys mycht, Thre hundreth he led of men in armyfs brycht, To leid ye range on fute he maid hym ford. Wallace to God hys confcience fyrft remord, 590 Syne cumfort yaim with manly contenance, Yhe fe, gud fchirs, he faid, yair ordinance, Her is no chofs, bot oythir do or de, We haiff ye rycht, ye lappyar may it be, Yat we fall chaipe with grace out of yis land. 59.5 Ye Loran, by yat, was redy at hys hand. Be yat it was eftirnown of ye day, Fcill men of witt to cunfaill fone zeid yai. Ye Sothroune keft fcharplye at ilka fyde, And faw ye wode was noythir lang na wyde. 6co Lychtly yai thought he fuld hald it fa lang, Fyfe hundreth maid throuch it on fute to gang, Sad men off armefs yat war off eggyr will. Schyr Garrats felf without ye wode baid ftill. Sehyr Jhone Butler ze ta fyde chefyt he, 605 Ye tothyr Loran with a fell mei Yan gud Wallace yat off help had gret neid, Was fyftye men in all yat felloune dreid. Ane awfull fait ye Sothroune fone began, About ye Scotts focht mony likly man, 610 With bow and fper, and fuerds fliff off fteill ; On aythir fyde na freindfehip was to feill. Wallace in ire a burly brand can draw, Qnhar ?0 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK IV. Quhar feill Sothroune war femblyt upon raw, To fende hys men with hys der worthi hand, 615 Ye folk was fey yat he befor hym fand. Throw ye thikkeft off ye gret preifs he paft, Upon hys enemy fs he wand woudyr faft. Agayne hys dynt na weids mycht awaill. Quham fo he hyt was dede withoutyn faill. 620 Oft ye .ferfeft full braithlye bair he doune, Befor ye Scotts yat war of gret renoune. To hald ye ftrenth yai pre-ift with all yair mycht. Ye Inglifmen, yat worthi war and wycht; Schyr Jhone Butler relewyit it agayne, 625 Sundryt ye Scotts and dyd yaim mekill payue ; Ye Loran als, yat cruell was and keyne, A far aflay forfuth yar mycht be feyne. Yan at ye ftrenth yai mycht na langar byde, Ye range fa ftrang come upon aythir fvde. 630 In ye thykkift wooe yar maul yai felle defens, e yair fayis fo full of wiolens; Zit fell Sothroune left ye lyff to wed. Till a new ftrenth Wallace and hys men fled ; iuerfowris yai maid full gret debait, 635 Bot helpe yaimfelf na focour ells yai wait. Ye Sothroune alb u ar fundryt yaim in twyn, Bot yai agayne togydder fone can wyn ; Full futellye yar ordinance yai maid, Ye King agayne bownyt but mar abaid 640 Ye Scotts war hurt, and part of yaim war flayne ; So fayr aflay, yai couth not mak agayne. Be yis ye oft approchand was full ncr ; Yus BOOK IV.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 71 Yus wrandly yai Ik Id yaim upon fter. Quhen Wallace (aw ye Sothfoune was at hand, 645 Hym thocht na tyme langar for to ftand, U; :ht manfully he graithit has hys ger, Sadlye he went agayne ye men of wcr ; Throw erry — Kills the Captain of Lochmaban —Takes Crawford Caftle, and Kills the Captain. "VTE dyrk regoune apperand wondyr fall, "** In Nouember, quhen October was pad, Ye day failit throw ye rycht courfs worthit fchort, Till banyft men yat is na gret cumfort ; With yair power in pethis worthis gang, g Hewy yai think quhen yat ye nycht is lang. Yus Wallace faw ye nychts mefTynger, Phebs had loft hys fyry bemyfs ckr. Out of ye wode yai durft nocht turn yat tyde, For aduerfouris yat in yair way wald byde. 10 Wallace BOOK V.J LIFE OF WALLACE. 77 Wallace yaim tauld yat new wer was on hand, Ye Inglifinen was off ye toune cummand. Ye dur yai brak, quhar yai trewit Wallace was, Quhen yai hym myft, yai bownyt yaim to pafs. In yis gret noyiis ye woman gat away, 15 Bot to quhat fteide I can nocht graithly fay. Ye Sothroune focht rycht fadlye fra yat ftede, Throw ye South Ynch and fand yir twa men dede. Yai knew be yat Wallace was in ye ftrenth, About ye Park yai fet on breid and lenth, ao With lex hundreth weill graithit in yair armefs, All likly men, to wrek yaim off yair harnefs. A hundreth men chargyt in armes ftrang, To kepe a hunde yat yai had yaim arnang j In Oyllfland yar was yat brachell brede, 2$; Sckyr of fent to folow yaim at flede ; So was fche ufyt on Elk and on Ledaill, Qnhill fche gat blude no fleyng mycht awaill. Yan laid yai all, Wallace mycht nocht away, He fuld be yaris for ocht at he do may. 30. Ye oft yai delt in diuerfs parts yat tyde. Schyr Garrat Heroune in ye ftaill can byde. Schyr Jhon Butler ye range he tuk hym till, With thre hundreth quhilk war of hardy will ; Into ye wode apon Wallace yai zeid. 35 Ye worthi Scott s, yat war in mekill dreid, Socht till a place for till haiff ifchet out, And faw ye ftaill enweronyt yaim about ; Agayne yai went with hydwyfs ftrakis ftrang, Grct noyifs and dyne was rayffit yaim amang. 40 G 3 Yair jt LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V. Yair cruell deide rycht marweloufs to ken, Quhen fortye macht agayne thre hundyr men. Wallace faw weill apon hym tuk yat tyde, Throw ye gret preyfs he maid a way full wyde ; Helpand ye Scotts with hys der worthi hand, 45 Fell faymen he left fey apon ye land. Zhet Wallace loft fyfeteyne apon yat fteid, And fortye men of Sothroune part war deid. Ye Butlers folk fo frufchit war indeid, Ye hardy Scotts to ye ftrenthis throw yaim zeid, 50 On to Tay fyde yai haftyt yaim full faft, In will yai war ye wattir till haiff paft ; Halff couth not fwym yat yan with Wallace was, And he wald nocht leiff ane and fra yaim pafs ; Bettir hym thocht in perell for to be 5$ Upon ye land, yan wilfully to fe Hys men to droun, quhar reikew mycht be nane ; Agayne in ire to ye feild ar yai gayne. Butler be yan had put hys men in ray, On yaim he fett with ane awfull hard afTay, 60 On ayir fyde with wapynys ftifF of fteill. Wallace agayne no freindfchipe lett yaim feill. Bot do or de yai wyft no mor focour, Yus fend yai lang into yat ftalwart ftour. Ye Scotts Chyftane was zong, and in a rage, 65 Ufyt in wer, and fechts with curage ; He faw hys men off Sothroune tak gret wrang, Yaim to reweng all dreidles can he gang ; For mony of yaim war bledand wondyr lar ; He couth not fe no help apperand yar, 70 Bot BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 7£. Bot yair Cheyftan war put out of yair gait, Ye bryme Butler fa bauldlye maid debait. Throw ye greyt preyfa Wallace to hym focht, Hys awful deide he cilhewyt as he mocht, Undyr an ayk, with men about hym fett. 75 Wallace mycht nocht a gret ftraik on hym gett ; Zhett fchede he yaim, a full royd flope was maid. Ye Scotts went out, na langar yar abaid. Stewyn of Irland, quhilk hardy was and wycht, To helpe Wallace he did gret preyfs and mycht ; 80 With trew Kcrle douchty in mony deid, Apon ye grounde feill Sothroune gart yai bleid. Sexty war flayne of Inglifmcn in yat place, And nyne of Scotts yar tynt was throch yat cacc. Butlers men fa ftroyit war yat tyde, 85 Into ye ftour he wald na langar byde. To get fupple he focht on to ye ftaill, Yus loft he yar a hundreth of gret waill. As yai war belt arayand Butlers rout, Betuex parteys yan Wallace ifchit out ; 90 Scxtcyn with hym yai graithit yaim to ga, Of all hys men he had lewyt no ma. Ye Inglifmen has m\ Ifyt hym, in hy Ye hund yai tuk, and folowit haiftely. At ye Gafk wode full fayne he wald haiff beyne ; 95 B t yis floth brache, quhill fekyr was and keyne, Oi Wallace fute folowit fo iclloune fait, Qu^Ul in yair fycht yai prochyt at ye laft. Yair horft war wycht, had foiorned vvcill and lang ; To ye next wode twa myd yai liad to gang, 100 Off 8o LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK T, Off upwith erde ; yai zeid with all yair mycht, Gud hope yai had for it was ner ye nycht. Fawdoune tyryt, and faid, he mycht nocht gang. Wallace was wa to leiff hym in yat thrang. He bade hym ga, and faid ye ftrenth was ner ; 105 Bot he yarfor wald nocht faftir hym fter. Wallace in ire on ye crag can hym ta, With hys gud fuerd and ftrak ye hed hym fra. Dreidlefs to ground derfly he dufchit dede. Fra hym he lap, and left hym in yat ftede. 110- Sum demys it to ill, and othyr fum to gud ; And I fay her, into yir termys rude, Bettir it was he did, as thynkys me, Fyrft, to ye hunde it mycht gret ftoppyn be, Als Fawdoun was haldyn at fufpicioun, 115. For he was haldyn of brokill complexioun. Rycht ftark he was, and had bot litill gayne, Yus Wallace wyft. Had he beyne left allayne, And he war falfs, to ennymyfs he wald ga, Gyff he war trew, ye Sothroune wald hym fla; 120 Mycht he do ocht but tyne hym as it was. Fra yis queftioun now fchortlye will I pafs. Dcyme as yhe left, ze yat beft can and may, I bot raherfs as my autour will fay. Sternys, be yan, began for till apper, 125 Ye Inglifmen war cummand wondyr ner ; Fyffe hundreth haill was in yair chewalry, To ye next ftrenth yan Wallace couth hym hy. Stewyn of Irland, unwitting of Wallace, And gud Kerle, baid ftill ner hand yat place, 13a At BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. Si At ye mur fyde, intill a fcroggy flaid, Be eft Dipplyne quhar yai yis tary maid. Fawdoun was left befyde yaim on ye land ; Ye power come and fedeynly hym fand ; For yair (loth hund ye graith gait till hym zeid, Ijj Off oyir trade fche tuk as yan no heid. Ye (loth ftoppyt, at Fawdoune ftill fche ftude, No forthir fche, wald fra tyme fche fand ye blude. Inglifmen demyt, for ells yai couth nocht teil, Bot at ye Scotts had fochtyn amang yaim fell. 140 Rycht wa yai war yat lofyt was yair feat. Wallace twa men amang ye oft in went, Diffemblyt weylle, yat no man fuld yaim ken, Rycht in effer, as yai war Inglifmen. Kerle beheld on to ye bauld Heroun, 145 Upon Fawdoune as he was lukand doun, A futtell ftraik upwart hym tuk yat tyde, Undir ye chekkis ye grounden fuerd gart glyde, By ye gud, mayle bathe halfs and hys crag bayne In fondyr ftraik ; yus endyt yat Cheyftane. 150 To grounde he fell, feille folk about hym thrang, Trefoune yai cryit, traytours was yaim amang. Kerle with yat, fled out fone at a fyde,' Hys falow Stewyn yan thocht na tyme to byde. Ye fray was gret, and fall away yai zeid, 15$ Lawch towart Em ; yus chapyt yai of dreid. Butler for woo of wepyng mycht not ftynt. Yus raklefly yis gud knycht yai tynt. Yai demyt all yat it was Wallace men, Qr ellis hymfelf, yocht yai couth nocht hym ken ; 160 He 8l LIFE, OF WALLACE. [BOOK V. He is rycht ner, we fall hym haiff but faill, Yis febill wode may hym litill awaill. Fortye yar paft agayne to Sancl Jhoneftoune, With hys dede corfs, to beryiing maid it boune. Partyt yair men, fyne diuerfs wayis raid, 165 A gret power at Durplin ftill yar baid. Till Dawryeth ye Butler paft but lett, At fyndry furds ye gait yai unbefet, To kepe ye wode quhill it was day yai thocht. As Wallace yus in ye thik foreft focht, 170 For hys twa men in mynd he had gret payne, He wyft noeht weyll, giff yai war tayne or flayne, Or chapyt haile be ony jeparte. Threteyn war left with hym, no mar had he ; fn ye Gafk hall yair lugyng haiff yai tayne, 17$ Fyr gat yai fone, bot meyt yan had yai nane ; Twa fcheipe yai tuk befyde yaim off a fauld, Ordanyt to foupe into yat fembly hauld ; Graithit in haift fum fude for yaim to dycht : So hard yai blaw rude hornyfs upon hycht. 180 Twa fende he furth to luk quhat it mycht be ; Yai baid rycht lang, and no tithings herd he, Bot bouftoufs noyis fo brymly blow and faft ; So oyir twa into ye wode furth paft. Nane come agayne, bot bouftoufly can blaw, 185 Into gret ire he fend them furth on raw. Quhen yat allay ne Wallace was lewyt yar, Ye awfull blaft aboundyt mekill mar ; Yan trewit he weille yai had hys lugyng feyne ; Hys fuerd he drew of nobill mettall keyne, 190 Sync BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. Z$ Syne furth he went quhar at he hard ye horn. Without ye dur Fawdoun was hym beforn, As till hys fycht, hys awne hede in hys hand ; A croyfs he maid quhen he few hym fo Hand. At Wallace in ye hede he fwaket yar, 195 And he in haift fone hynt it by ye hair, Syne out at hym agayne he couth it caft, Intill hys hart he was gretlye agaft. Rycht weill he trowit yat was na fpreit of man, It was fum dewill, at fie malice began. 300 He wyft na weill yar langar for to byde, Up throw ye Hall yus wycht Wallace can glyde, To a clofs ftayr, ye burds raiff in twyne, Fyftyne fute large he lap out of yat inn. Up ye wattir fedeynlye he couth fair, 205 Agayne he blent quhat perance he faw yair, He thocht he faw Fawdoune yat ugly fyr, Yat haill hall he had fett in a fyr ; A gret raftre he had intill hys hand. Wallace as yan no langar wald he ftand, 310 Off hys gud men full gret merwaill had he, Quhow yai war tynt throch hys feyle fantafe. Traifts rycht weyll all yis was futh indeide, Suppofs yat it no paynt be of ye creide. Power yai had wicht Lucifer yat fell, 215 Ye tyme quhen he party t fra hewyn to hell. Be fie myfeheiff giff hys men mycht be loft, Drownyt or flayne amang ye Inglis oft ; Or quhat it was in liknes of Fawdoune, Quhilk broelit hys men to fuddand confufioune ; 220 Qr &4 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V. Or giff ye man endyt in ewill entent, Sum wikkyt fpreit agayne for hym prefent. I can nocht fpek of fie diuinite, To clerks I will lat all fie mattirs be : Bot off Wallace, furth I will yow tell. 225 Quhen he was went of yat perell fell, Zeit glaid was he yat he had chapyt fwa, Bot for hys men gret murnyng can he ma. Flayt by hymfelf to ye Makar off luffe, Quhy he fufferyt he fuld fie paynis pruff. 330 He wyft nocht weille giff it was Godds will ; Rycht or wrang hys fortoun to fullfill, Had he plefd God, he trowit it mycht nocht be He fuld hym thoill in fie perplexite. Bot gret curage in hys mynde euir draiff, 2$$ Off Inglifmen thinkand amends to haiff. As he was yus walkand be hym allayne Apon Em fyde, makand a pytuoufs mayne, Schyr Jhon Butler, to wach ye furds rycht. Out fra hys men of Wallace had a fycht ; 240 Ye myft was went to ye montanys agayne, Till hym he raid, quhar at he maid hys mayne. On loude he fperde, quhat art yow walkis yat gait? A trew man, fchyr, yocht my wiage be lait ; Erands I pafs fra Doune to my Lord, 245 Schyr Jhone Stewart, ye rycht for to record, In Doune is now, new cummyn fra ye King. Yan Butler faid, yis is a felcouth thing, Yow leid all owt, yow has beyne with Wallace, I fall yow knaw, or yow cum of yis place. 25* Till BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. Sj Till hym he f 1 ert ye courfir wondyr wycht, Drew out a fuerd, fo maid hym for to lycht. Abovvne ye kne gud Wallace has hym tayne, Throw the and brawn in fondyr ftraik ye bayne, Derfly to dede ye knycht fell on ye land. 255 Wallace ye horfs fone fefyt in hys hand, Ane awkwart ftraik lyne tuk hym in yat fteui, Hys crag in twa ; yus was ye Butler dede. Ane Inglifman faw yair Chyftane was flayn, A fper in reyft he keft with all hys mayne, 26$ On Wallace draiff, fra ye horfs hym to ber ; Warly he wrocht, as worthi man in wer. Ye fper he wan without yn mar abaid, On horfs he lap, and throch a gret rout raid ; To Dawryeth he knew ye fors full weill ; 26$ Befor hym come feyll ftufFyt in fyne fteill. He ftraik ye fyrft but blaid in ye blafoune, Quhill horfs and man bathe Act ye wattir doune. Ane oyir fone doune fra hys horfs he bar, Stampyt to grounde, and drownyt withowtyn mar. 27* Ye thrid he hytt in hys harnes of fteyll, Throw out ye coft, ye fper it brak fum deyll. Ye gret power yan eftir hym can ryde. He faw na waill no langar yar to byde. Hys burnyft brand braiihlye in hand he bar. 275 Quham he hytt rycht yai folowit hym na mar. To fluff ye chafs feyll frekis folowit faft, Bot Wallace maid ye gayaft ay agaft. Ye mur he tuk," and throw, yair power zeid, Ye horfs was gud, bot zhet he had gret dreid. 28* Vol. I. H For %6 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK T. For fahVeing or he wan to a ftrenth. Ye chafs was gret^ fcalyt our breid and lenth, Throw ftrang danger yai had hym ay in fycht. At ye Blackfurd yar Wallace doune can lycht, Hys horfs ftuffyt, for ye way was depe and lang, 285 A large gret myile wychtly on fute couth gang. Or he was horft rydars about hym heft, He faw full weill lang fvva he mycht not left. Sad men indeid upon hym can renew, With retornyng yat nycht twenty he flew. 290 Ye ferfaft ay rudly rabutyt he, Kepyt hys horfs, and rycht wifly can fle, Quhill yat he cum ye myrkeft mur amang. Hys horfs gaiff our, and wald no furthyr gang. Wallace on fute tuk hym with gud entent, 295 Ye horfs he ftraik, or yat he fra hym went, Hys houch fcnnownnis he cuttyt all at anys, And left, hym yus Lcfyde ye ft.indand ftanys, For Sothroune men no gud fuld off* hym wyn. In heiih hadclyr Wallace and yai can twyn. 300 Throucr yat doun unto Forth fadly he focht ; Bot fedeynly yarcome intill hys thocht, Gret power wok at Stirling Brygg off tre, Leythand he faid, na pafiage is for me, ^vant ot fude, and I haiff fochtyn lang, 305 On wer men now me thynk na tyme to gang. At Kamyfkynnett I fall ye wattir till, Lat God abowne do with me quhat he will. Into yis land lang I may nocht byde. Tary he maid fum pail on Forthis fyde, 316 Tuk BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 87 Tuk off hys weid, and graithit hym but mar, Hys fuerd he band, yat vvondyr fcharplye fchar, Amang hys ger, be hys fchuldrys on loft, Yus in he went, to Gret God prayand oft, Off hys hye Grace ye caufs to tak on hand. 325 Our ye wattyr he fwame to ye fouth land, Arayede hym, fone ye feffone was rycht cauld, For Pifcis was intill hys dayis of auld. Our thwort ye Kerfs to ye Torwode he zeid, A wedow yar duelt yat helpyt hym in ncid, 330 Thyddyr he come or day begouth to daw, Till a wyndow, and prewaly couth caw. Yai fperd hys nayme, bot tell yaim wald he nocht, Quhill fche hirfclf ner till hys langage focht. Fra tyme fche wyft at it was wycht Wallace, 325 Reioffyt fche was, and thankyt God off hys Grace. Sche fperd fone, quhy he was hym allane. Murnand, he faid, as now men haiff I nane. z&fie afkyt hym, quhar at hys men fuld be. Fayr deyme, he faid, go get fum meit for me, 330 I haiff faftyt fyne zhiftcrday at morn ; I dreid full far yat my men be forlorn, Gret part of yaim to ye dede I faw dycht. Sche gat hym meit in all ye haift fche mycht. A woman he cald, and als with hyr a child, $3$ Syne bade yaim pafs agayne yai wayis wyld, To ye Gafk-hall, tithings for to fper, Gyff part war left off hys men into fer ; And fche fuld fynd a horfs fone in hyr gait ; He bade yaim fe giff yat place ftud in ftait ; 340 II a Yaroff 38 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V. Yaroff to her he had full gret defyr, Becaufs he thocht yat it was all in fyr. Yai pafiyt furth withoutyn tary mar. Hym for to reft Wallace ramaynit yar. Refrefchit he was with meit, drynk, and with heit, 345 Quhilk caufyt hym throuch natural courfs to weit Quhar he fuld flepe, in fekyrnes to be. Ye wedow had off hyr awne fonnys thre ; Fyrft twa off yaim fche fend to kepe Wallace, And gert ye thrid go fone to Dunypace, 350 And tauld hys Eyme, yat he was hapnyt yar. Ye parfon zeid to fe off hys weyllfar. Wallace to flepe laid in ye wode fyde, Ye twa zong men without hym ner couth byde. Ye parfon come ner, and yair maner faw, 355 Yai beknyt hym to quhat fteid he fuld draw. Ye rone was thik yat Wallace flepyt in ; About he zeid, and maid bot letill din, So at ye laft of hym he had a fycht, Quhow prewalye how yat hys bed was dycht. 360 He hym beheld, and laid fyne to hymfell, Her is a marwaill, quha likis it to tell, Yat a perfon, be worthines of hand, Trowis to ftop ye power of Ingland, Now falfs fortoun, ye myfwyrkar of all, $6$ Be awentur, has gyffin hym a fall, At he is left without fupple of ma, A cruell wyff with wappynnis mycht hym fla. Wallace hym herd, quhen he hys flepe ourpaft, Ferfly he rayfs, and faid till hym als fall:, 3 70 Yow BOOK V.J LIFE OF WALLACE. 8$ Yow leid, falfs preyft war yow a fa to me, I wald nocht d:eid lie oyir ten as ye ; I huff had mar fyne zhiftirday at morn, Yan fyk fexty war femblyt me beforn. Hys Eyme hym tuk, and went forth with Wallace ; 375 He tald till hym off all hys paynfull cace. Yis nycht, he faid, I was left me allayne, In feyll debait with enemyfs mony aue ; God at hys will my liff did ay to kepe, Our Forth I fwame yat awfull is and depe; 380 Quhat 1 haiff had in wer befor yis day, Prcfoune and payne to yis nycht was bot play; . So bett I am with iiraikis fad and far, Ye cheyle wattir wined me mekill mar ; Eftir gret blude throw heit and cauld was brocht, 385 Yat off my lyff almoft nothing I roucht. I meyne fer mar ye tynfell off my men, !Na for myfelf, mycht 1 fuffir fie ten. Ye parfon faid, der fonne yow may fe weyll, Lan^ar to ftryff it helpis nocht a deyll, 39© Yi men ar loft, and nayne will with ye ryfs, For Godds find wyrk as I dewyfs ; Tak a lordfehipe, quha'on yat yow may liff, King Edwarde wald gret lands to ye giff. Uncle, he faid, of fie words no mar, 39 $ Yis is nothing bot iking off my car ; I lik bettir to fe ye Sothroune de, Yan gold or land yat yai can giff to me ; Traft ye rycht weyll of wer I will nocht cefs, Quhill tyme yat I bryng Scotland into pels, 400 H 3 Or fO LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK t. Or de yarfor, in playne to undirftand. So come Kerle, and gud Stewyn of Irland, Ye wedowis fone to Wallace he yaim brocht. Fra yai hym fiw of na fadnes yai rocht ;" For perfyt joy yai wepe with all yair eyne, 405 To grounde yai fell, and thankyt Hewynnys queyne : Als he was glaid for refkew off yaim twa, Off hys fers men leyffand was left no ma. Yai tald hym yat Schyr Garrat was dede, Quhow yai had weill efchapyt off yat ftede ; 410 Throuch ye Oychall yai had gayne all yat nycht, Till Queynsferry, or yat ye day was brycht ; How a trew Scott, for kyndnes of Wallace, Brocht yaim fone our, fyne kend yaim to yat place. Als Kerle wyft, gyff Wallace leyffand war, 415 Ner Dunnypace yat he fuld fynd hym yar. Ye parfone gart gud purwiance for yaim dycht ; In ye Torwode yai Ingyt all yat nycht, Quhill ye woman, yat Wallace furth had fend, Retornd agayne, and tauld hym till ane end, 420 Quhat Inglifmen in ye way fche fand dede, Feill was. fallyn fey in mony fundry ftede. Ye horfs fche faw yat Wallace had bereft, And ye Gaik-hall ftanding as it was left, Withoutyn harme nocht fterd off it a ftane ; 425 Bot of hys men gud tythings fche gat nane. Yaroff ye grewyt gretlye in yat tyde, In ye foreft he wald no langar byde. Ye wedow hym gaiff part of filuer brycht, Twa of hyr fonnys and yat worthi war and wycht; 430 Y€ BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. JI Ye thrid fche held becaufs he lakit ag..*, In wer as yan mycht nocht wyn weffelage. Ye parfon yan yat yaim gud horfs and ger, Bot wa he was hys mynde was all on wer. Yus tuk he leyfF withowtyn langar abaid, 435 In Dundaff mur yat famyn nycht he raid. Schyr Jhone ye Grayme, quhilk lord was of yat land, Ane agyt knycht had made nane oyir band, Bot purcheft pefs in reft he mycht byde ftill, Tribute payit full far agayne hys will. 440 A fone he had, bathe wyfs, worthi and wycht, Alexander ye ferfs at Berweik maid hym knycht, Quhar fchawyn was of bataill till haiff beyne, Betwex Scotts, and ye bauld Perfye keyne ; Yis zong Schyr Jhone rycht nobill was in wer, 445 On a braid fcheyld hys fadyr gert hym fwer, He fuld be trew to Wallace in all thing, And he to hym, quhill lyff mycht in yaim ryng. Thre nychts yar Wallace baid out of dreid, Reftyt hym weill fwa had he mekill neid ; 450 On ye ferd day he wald no langar byde, Schyr Jhone ye Grayme bownyt with hym to ryd 5 And he faid, nay, as yan it fuld nocht be, A playne part zeit I will nocht tak on me ; J haiff tynt men throuch my raklefs deid, 455 Brynt child mayr fayr ye fyr will dreid ; Freinds haiff I fum part in Clyddfdaill, I will go fe quhat may yai me awaill. Schyr Jhone anfucrd, I will you cunfhill-do, Quhen ye fe tyme fend priwale me to, 460 Yan 9* LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK T*. Yan I fall cum with my power in haift ; He hym betuk on to ye haly gaift, Sancl: Jhone to borch yai fuld meit haill and found. Out of Dundaff he and yir four couth found, In Bothwell mur yat nycht remaynyt he, 465 With ane Crawfurd yat lu,°-yt hym prewale. Upon ye morn to Gilbank he went, Refawyt he was with mony glaid entent; For hys deyr Eyme, zong Auchinlek duelt yar, Brothyr he was to ye Schirreff of Ayr. 470 Quhen auld Schyr Ranald till hys dede was dycht, Yan Auchinlek wedyt yat lady brycht, And childyr gat, as ftoreyfs will record, Off Lefmahago, for he held of yat lord ; Bot he was flayne,. gret pete was ye mar, 475 With Perfyes men, into ye toune of Ayr ; Hys fone duelt (till xix zers of age, And brokyt haille hys fadyrs heretage ; Tribute he payit, for all hys lands braid, To Lord Perfye, as hys brodyr had maid. 480 I leyfF Wallace, with hys der uncle ftill, Off Inglifmen zhett fumthing fpek I will. A mefiynger fone throw ye cuntre zeid, To Lord Perfye yai tauld yis felloune deid ; Kynclewyn was brynt, brokyn and caftyn doun, 485 Captayne dede of it, and Sanct Jhonlloune ; Ye Loran als at Schortwode Schawis fcheyn ; Into yat land gret forow has beyne feyne, Throuch wycht Wallace yat all yis deid has done, Ye toune he fpyit, and yat forthocht we fone. 490 Butler BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 93 Butler is flayn, with dochty men and deyr. In afpre fpech ye Perfye yan can fpeyr, Quhat word off hym, I pray you graithly tell. My lord, he faid, rycht yus ye cafs befell. We knaw for trewth he was left hym allayne, 4 g^ And as he fled, he flew full mony ayne ; Ye horfs we fand yat hym yat gait couth ber, Bot off hymfelf no othyr word we her ; At Styrlyng bryg we wait he pafiit nocht, To dede in Forth he may for us be brocht. 5 to Lord Perfye faid, now futhlye yat war fyne, So gud a hande is nayne yis warld within ; Had he tayne pefs and beyne our kingfman, Ye haill empyr he mycht haiff cunqueft yaim ; Gret harme it is, our knychts yat ar ded, 505 We mon ger fe for oyirs in yair fled. I trow nocht zhet at Wallace lofyt be, Our clerkis fayis, he fall ger mony de. Ye meffynger faid, all yat futh has beyne, Mony hundreth, yat cruell war and keyne, 510 Sen he begane, ar loft without ramede. Ye Perfye faid, forfuth he is nocht ded ; Ye crukis off Forth he knawis wondyr weylle, He is on lyff, yat fall our natioune feyll ; Quhen he is ftreft, yan can he fwym at will, 515 Gret ftrenth he has, bathe wytt and grace yartill. A meffynger ye lord chargyt to wend, And yis cummand in wryt with hym he fend. Schyr Jhon Sewart gret fchirreff yan he maid, Off Sancl: Jhoneftoune, and all yir lands braid. 52a IutiU 94 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V. Intill Kynclewyn yar duelt nayne agayne, Yar was left nocht bot brokyn wallis in playne. Leiff I yaim yus rewlland yai lands yar, And fpek I will off Wallace glaid weillfar. |ie fend Kerle to Schyr Ranald ye knycht, 525 To Boyd and Blair yat worthe war and wycht, And Adam als, hys cufyng gud Wallace, To yaim declarde off all yis paynfull cafs. Off hys efchaipe owt off yat cumpany. Rycht wondyr glaid was yis gud chewalry ; 530 Fra tyme yai wyft yat Wallace leiffand was, Gud expends till hym yai maid to pafs. Maiftir Jhone Blayr was oft in yat meflage, A worthi clerk, bath wyfs and rycht fawage, Le wyt he was befor in Paryfs Toune, 5 35 Amang maiftris in fcicnce and renoune. Wallace and he at hayme in fcule had beyne ; Sone efth wart, as verite is feyne, He was ye man yat pryncipall undirtuk, Yat fyrft compyld in dyt ye latyne buk 540 . Off Wallace lyff rycht famoufs off renoune ; And Thomas Gray parfone off Libertoune. With hym yai war, and put in ftory all, Offt ane or bathe, mekill off hys trawaill ; And yarfor her I mak off yaim mentioune. 545 r Jhone Blair to Wallace maid hym boune; To fe hym heyle hys cumfort was ye mar, As yai full offt togyddir war befor. Siluer and gold yai gaiff hym for to fpend, 5a dyde he yaim frely, quhen God it fend. 550 Off BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 95 Off gud weylfayr as yan he wantyt nane. IngHfmen wyft he was left hym allane, Quhar he fuld be was nayne off yaim couth fay, Drownyt or flayne, or efchapU away ; Yarfor off hym yai tuk bot letill heid ; 555 Yai knew hym nocht, ye lefs he was in dreid. All trew Scotts gret fauor till hym gaiff, Quhat gud yai had he my fieri t not to craiff. Ye pes reftyt yat, Schyr Ranald had tayne, Yir four monethis it fuld nocht be outgane. 560 Yis Chryflmefs Wrllace ramaynyt yar, In Laynrik offt till fport he maid repair. Fra yat he went fra Gilbank to ye tounc, And he fand men yat wa? off yat falfs natioune, To Scotland yai did neuir ere^. ance mar; 565 Sum ftekyt yai, fum throtts in fundyr fchar. Feille war fone dede, bot nane wyft quha it was; Quham he handlyt, he lcyt no forthir pals. Yar Hcfylryg duelt, yat curffyt knycht to waill, Scliyrreff lie was off ail ye lands haill, 570 Felloune, owtrage, difpytfull in hys deid, Mony off hym yarfor had mekill dreid. Marwaill he thocht quha durft hys peple fla, Without ye toune he gart gret noumir ga. Quhen Wallace faw yat yai war ma yan he, 575 Yan did he no^ht but faluft curtafle ; All hys four men bar yaim quietlik, No Sothroune couth deyme yaim myfs pur no rik. In Lay; ink duelt a gentill woman yar. A madyn myld, as my buk will dcclar, 580 Off 96 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V. Off auchteyn zers aid or litell mor of age, Als born fche was till part of heretage ; Hyr fadyr was off worfchipe and renoune, And Hew Braiclfute he hecht of Lammyngtoune, As feylle othyrs was in ye cuntre calld, 585 Befor tyme yai gentillmen war off aid : Bot yis gud man, and als hys wyff, was dede, Ye madyn yan wyft off na othyr rede, Bot ftill fche duelt in tribute in ye toune, And purcheft had King Edv ards protectioune ; 590 Serwandys with hyr, off freynds at hyr will, Yus leffyt fche without defyr off ill ; A quiet houfs, as fche mycht hald in wer, For Hefelryg had doyne hyr mekill der ; Slayne hyr brodyr, quhilk eldest was and ayr. 595 All fuffyryt fche, and rycht lawly hyr bar, Amyabill, fo benyng, war and wyfs, Curtafs and fwete, fulfillyt of generyfs, Weill rewllyt of tong, rycht haill of cuntenance, Off wertuous fche was worthi to awance, 6o« Hummyly hyr led, and purcheft a gud name, Off ilkyn wycht fche kepyt hyr fra blame, Trew rychtwyfs folk a gret fauour hyr lent. Apon a day to ye kyrk as fche went, Wallace hyr faw, as he hys eyne can caft, 6oj Ye prent off luff hym punzett at ye laft, So afprely, throuch bewte off yat brycht, W ith gret unefs in prefence bid he mycht. He knew full weyll hyr kynerent and hyr blud, And quhow fche was in honeft oyfs and gud. 61m Quhill BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. f7 Quhill wald he think to luff" our ye laifF, And oyir quhill he thocht on hys diifaiff, How yat hys men war brocht to confufioune, Throw hys laft luff he had in Sanct Jhonftoune ; Yan wald he think to laiff and lat ourflyde, 6r.$ Bot yat thocht lang on hys mynd mycht nocht byde. He tald Kcrle off hys new lulty bailie, Syne afkyt hym of hys beft trew cunfaill. Maiftir, he feid, as fer as I haiff feyll, Off lyklynes it may be wondyr weill, 62© Sen ze fa luff, tak hyr in mariage, Gudlye fche is and als has heretage ; Suppofs at yhe in luffyng feill amyfs, Gret God forbede it fuld be fo with yis. To mary yus I can nocht zhett attend, 625 I wald off wer fyrft fe a finaill end. I will na mar allayne to my luff gang, Tak tent to me, or dreid we fuffer wrang j To proffer yus fone I wald nocht preffe, Mycht I leyff off, in wer I lik to leyff. 63Q Quhat is yis luff? na thing bot folychnes, It may reyff men bathe witt and ftedfaftnes. Yan laid he yus, yis will not graithly be, Amors and wer at anys to ryng in me ; Ryeht futh it is, ftude I in blis of luff, 63$ Quhar deds war I fuld ye bettir pruff ; Bot weille I wait, quhar gret erneft is in thocht, It latts wer in ye wyfleft wyfs be wrocht. Lefs giff it be, bot only till a deid, Yan he yat thinks on hys luff to fpeid, 64* Vol. I. I He 9& LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V, He may do weiil haiff be fortourr and grace, Bot yis llanos all in ane oyir cafs ; A gret Kynrj k with feiil fayis ourfet, Rycht hard it is amends for to get, At anys of yaim, and wyrk ye obferwance, 645 Quhilk langs luff and all hys frewill chance ; Sampill I haiff yis me forthinks far, I trew to God it fall be fa no mar, Ye trcvvth 1 knaw off yis and hyr lynage, I knew nocht hyr, yarfor I loft a gage. 650 To Kerle he yus argownd in yis kynd, Bot gret defyr remaynyt intill hys mynd, For to behald yat frely off fafTbun. A quhill he left, and come nocht in ye toune, ■ On oythir thing he maid hys wytt to walk, 655 Prefand giff he mycht off yat languor flalk. Quhen Kerle faw he fuffyryt payne for yi, Der fchyr, he faid, ze leiff in flogardy, Go fe your luff, yan fall yhe get cumfort. At hys cunfaill he walkyt for to fport, 660 On to ye kyrk quhar fche maid rcfedence. Sche knew hym vvtille, bot as of eloquence, Sche durft nocht weill in prefens to hym kyth, Fuli Car fche drede or Sothroune wald hym myth; For Ilefilryg had a mattir new begone, 665 And hyr defyrde in mariage till hys fone. With hyr madyn yus Wallace fche befocht To dyne with hyr, and prewalye hym brocht Throw a garden {c^c Lad gert wyrk off new, lifmen nocht of yair metyng knew. 670 Yan BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 99 Yan kiffit he vis gudl> e with pl« f -tee, Sync hyr befocht rycht hartlye of quentance. a ifuerde hym, with hvmyll words wyfe, • ly quentance ncht wort! ryfe, Yhe fall it haiff, as God me laiff in faille, 675 Bot inglifmen gerris our power fail], Throch wiofence of \aim and yair barnage, At has weill ncr deftroyit owr lynage. 1 Wallace hard hyr plenze petoufly, Agrewit he was in hart rycht gretumly ; 68c Baith ire and luff hym fett intill a rage, Bot nocht for yi he fobyrit hys curage ; Off hys mater he tald, as I faid ayr, To yat gudlye, how luff hym ftrenzit far. Sche anfuerd hym rycht refonably agayne, 68> And faid, I fhall to your ferwice be bayne, With all plefance, in honeft caufs haill, And I trad ze wald nocht fet till affaill, For your worfchipe, to do me dyfhonour, And I a maid, and Hands in mony (lour, 69© Fra Inglifmen to faiff my womanheid, And coft has maid to kepe me fra yair dreid ; With my gud will I will no Leman be To no man born, yarfor methinks fuld ze Dcfyr me nocht bot into gudlynes. 695 Perhaps ye think I war to law perchafs For till attend to be your rychtwyfs wyff, In your ferwice I wald oyfs all my lyff; Her I befeik, for your worfchipe in armys, Zhe charge me nocht with no ungudly harmys, 703 I * Bot 100 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V. Bot me defend, for worfchip off your blude. Quhen Wallace weyll hyr trew tayll underftud, As in a part hym thocht it was refoune, Off hyr defyr yarfor till conclufioune. He thankyt hyr, and faid, giff it mycht be, 705 Throuch Godds will, yat owr Kynryk war fre, I wald yow wed with all hartlie plefance, But as yis tyme I may nocht tak fie chance ; And for yis caufs none oyir now I crayff, A man in wer may nocht all plefance haiff. 710. Off yar talk yan I can tell you no mar To my purpofs, quhat band yat yai mai maid yar. Conclud yai yus, and fyne to dyner went ; Ye fayr grewans ramaynyt in hys entent, Lofs off hys men, and lufty payne of luff, 715 Hys leiff he tuk at yat tyme to ramuff. Syne to Gilbank he pall or it was nycht ; Upon ye morn, with hys four men, hym dycht, To ye Torhed without reftyng he raid, Quhar hys neuo Thorn Haliday hym baid, 720 And Litill als, Edwarde hys cufyng der, Quhilk was full blyth quhen he wyft hym fo ner, Thankand gret God yaL fend hym faiff agayne ; For mony demyt he was in Strathtrn flayne. Gud cher yai maid all out yai dayis thre. 725 Yan Wallace faid, yat he defirde to fe Lowmaben toune and Inglifmen yat war yar ; On ye ferd day yai bownyt yaim to far. Sexteyn he was of gudly chewalrc, In ye Knockwode he lewyt all bot thre. 730 Thorn BOOK V.J* LIFE OF WALLACE. ICI J Thorn Halyday went with hym to ye toune, Edwarde Litill and Kerlc maid yaim bonne ; Till ane Oftrye, Thom Halyday led yaim rycht, ' And gaiff cummand yair dyner fuld be dycht. Till her a mefs in gud entent yai zeid, 735 Off Inglifmen yai trowit yar was no dreid. Ane Clyffurd come, was Eymes fon to ye lord, And four with hym, ye trewth for to record ; Quha awcht yai horfs, in gret heithing he aft, Tie was full fie, and ek had mony can:. 740 Ye gud wvff faid, till apple fly t hym bed, Four gentill men is cummyn out off ye v. Quha dewill yaim maid fo galy for to ryde, In faith with me a wed yar moll abyde, Yir Lewitt Scotts has leryt litill gud, 745 So all yair horfs ar fchent for faut of bind. Into gret fcorn withowtyn words mayr, Yt ta'llis all oft ye four horfs yai fchayr. Ye ud wyff cryede, and petuoufly couth gret. So Wallace come, and couth ye captayne mete, 750 A woman tald quoo yai hys horfs had fchent, For propyr ire he graw in mate He folowid fail, and faid, gud ireyndabyd, Scrwiee to tak for yi . raft in yis tyd, Marfchell vow art w >ut cummand off me, 755 Reward agayse, me think, I fuld pay ye ; Sen T off laitt now come «,- weft, , t , a our off ye beft, To cutt an ' ; at a won, ■ .•■ : oyfs to lat blu 760 I 3 With ICZ LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK T. With hys gud fuerd ye Captayne has he tayn, Quhill horfs agayne he marcheld euir nayn. Anothir fone apon he hed ftraik he, Quhill chafts and cheyks upon ye gait can fle. Be yat hys men ye toyir twa had flayne, 765 Yar horfe yai tuk, and graithit yaim full bayne, Out off ye toune, for dyner baid yai nayne, Ye wyfF he payit, yat maid fo petuoufs mayne. Yan Inglifmen, fra yat Chyftane was dede, To Wallace focht fra mony fyndry ftede. 770 Off ye cafttU come cruell men and keyne. Quhen Wallace has yair fodand femle feyne, Towart turn ftrenth he bownyt hym to ryde, For yan hym thocht it was no tyme to byde. Yar horfs bled faft, yat gert hym dredyng haiff: 775 Off hys gud men he wald haiff had ye laiff. To ye Knock-wode withowtyn mor yai raid, Bot intill it no foiournyng he maid ; Yat wode as yan was noyir thik no lang. Hys men he gat, fyne lychtyt for to gang 780 Towart a hicht, and led yar horfs a quliill. Ye Inglifmen war yar within a myill,. On frefche horfs rydand full haft el y, Scwyn fcor and ma was in yair chewalry. Ye Scotts lap on, quhen yai yar power faw, 785 Frawart ye fouth yaim thocht it belt to draw. Yan "Wallace faid, it is na wytt in wer, With our power to byde yaim bargane her ; Zon ar gud men, yarfor I rede yat we, Euirmar ieik, quhiil God fend fum fupple. 790 Hal y day BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 10$ Halyday faid, we fill do your cunfaill, Bot fayr I dreid or yir hurt horfs will faill. Ye Inglifmen in burnyft armour cler, Be yan to yaim approchyt wondyr ner. Horffyt archars fchot faft and wald nocht fpar, 795 Off Wallace men yai woundyt twa full far. In ire he grew, quhen yat he faw yaim bled, Hymfelf retornde, and on yaim fone he zeid. Sexteyn with hym yat worthi was in wer, Off ye formaft rycht frefchly doun yai ber. 80© At yat retorn fyfteyn in feild war flayne, Ye laiff fled faft to yair power agayne. Wallace folowid, with hys gud chewalrye, Thorn Halyday in wer was full befye. A bufchement faw yat cruell was to ken, 8o£ Twa hundreth haill of weyll gerit Inglifmen. Uncle, he faid, our power is to fmaw, Off yis playne feild I confaill you to draw, To few we ar agayne yon felloune ftaill. Wallace relewyt full fone at hys cunfaill. 81© At ye Torhed full fayne yai wald haiff beyne, Bot Inglifmen weyll has yair purpofs feyne, In playne battaill yai folowed hardely ; In. clangir yus yai held yaim awfully. Hew of Morland on Wallace folowid faft, 815 He had befor maid mony Scotts agaft, Haldyn he was off wer ye worthiaft man, T.n north Ingland with yaim was leifFand yan, In hys armour weyll forgvt of fyne fteill, A nobill curfour bur hym baith fait and weill. 820 Wallace 104 LIFE 0*" WALLACE. [BOOK V. Wallace retorncd befyd a burly ayk, And on hym fet a fclloune fekyr ftraik, Bathe cannell bayne and fchuldir blaid in twa, Throch ye mid coft ye gud fuerd gert he ga ; Hys fpeyr he wan, and als ye curfour wycht, %z$ Syne left hys awn, for he had loft hys mycht. For lak of blud he mycht no foryir gang, Wallace on horfs, ye Sothroune men amang, Hys men relewyt, yat douchty was in deid, Hym to refkew out off yat felloune dreid, 830 Cruell ftraikis forfuth yar mycht be feyne, On ayir fyde, quhill blud ran on ye greyne, Rycht peralous ye femlay was to fe. Hardy and hat contenyt vis fell melle, Skew and Refkew of Scots and Inglis als, 835 Sum kerwyt bran in fondyr fum ye hals, Sum hurt, fum hynt, fum derfly dong to dede. Ye hardy Scotts fo fteryt in yat ftede, With Halyday on fute bauldly yai baid, Amang °othroune a full gret roume yai maid. 840 Wallace on horfs, in hand a nobill fper, Out throch yaim raid, as gud Chyftane in wer. Thre flew he yar or yat hys fper was gayne, Yan hys gud fuerd in hand fone has he tayn, Hewyt on hard with dynts fad and far, 845 Quhai ane he hytt grewyt ye Scotts no mar. Fra Sothroune men be natural refone knew, How with a ftraik a man euir he flew, Yan n :i v eld yai h< was fo mekill of mayne, For yar belt man in yat kyod he had flayne, 850 Yat BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. IO.J Yat hys gret ftrenth agayne hym hclpyt nocht, Nor nane oyir in contrar Wallace focht ; Yan faid yai all, left he in ftrenth untayne, Yis hail! Kynryk he will wyn hym allay ne. Yai left ye feild, fyne to yair power fled, 855 And tald yair lord how ewill ye formeft fped, Quhilk Grayftocf hecht, was new cummyn in ye land, Yarfor he trewit nane durft agayne hym ft and ; Wondyr hym thocht quhen yat he law yat fycht, Quhy hys gud men for fa few tuk ye flycht. 860 At yat retorn twentye in feild was tynt, And Morland als, yarfor he wald nocht ftynt, Bot folowed faft with thre hundreth but dreid, And fwowr he wald be wengyt on yat deid. Ye Scotts wan horfs, becaufe yair awne couth faill, 865 In fleying fyne chefd yaim ye maift awaill. Out off yat feild yus wycht Wallace is gayne, Off hys gud men he had nocht lofyt ayne ; Fyffe woundyt war, yhet blythly furth vai raid. Wallace a fpace behynd yaim ay he baid, 870 And Halyday prewyt weill in mony place, Sib feftirs fone he was to gud Wallace. Warly yai raid, and held yair horfs in aynd, For yai trowide weyll Sothroune wald afaynd. With haill power at anys on yaim to fett ; 875 Bot Wallace keft yair power for to lett ; To biek yair ray he befyit hym full faft. Yan Inglifmen fo gretlv was agaft, Yat nane off yaim durft rufche out off ye ftaill, AH in aray held yaim togydder haill. 880 Yc Io6 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V. Ye Sothroune faw how yat fo bandounly, Wallace abaid ner hand yair chewalry. Be Morlands horfs yai knew hym wondyr weill, Paft to yair lord, and tauld hym euir ilk deill. So fchyr, yai faid, forfuth zon farnyn is he, 885 Yat with hys hand gerrs fo mony de ; Haiff hys horfs grace upon hys feyt to byde, He dreds nocht throuch Fyfft thoufand to ryde ; We rede ze cefs, and folow hym na mar, For drede yat we repent it fyne full far. 890 He biamyt yaim, and laid, men weyll may fe, Co warts ze ar, zat for fo few wald fie. Tor yair cunfaill zett leiff yaim wald he nocht, In gret ire he apon yaim fadly focht, Wailland a place quhar he mycht bargane mak. 895 Wallace was wa upon hym for to tak, And he fo few, to bid yaim on a playne ; At Quenyfbery he wald haiff beyne full fayne. Apon hymfclf he tuk full gret trawaill To fend hys men, gyff yat mycht ocht awaill. 900 A fuerd he drew, rycht man lik hym to wer, Ay wayttand faft gyff he mycht get a fper. Now her, now yar, befor yaim to and fra, Hys horfs gaiff our, and mycht no foryir ga, Rycht at ye fkyrt off Quenyfbery befell ; 905 Bot upon grace, as my autor will tell, Schyr Jhone ye Grayme, yat worthi was and wycht, To ye Torhedcome on ye toythir nycht, Threty with hym off nobill men at wage, Ye fyrft dochtyr he had in manage 910 Off BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 10/ Off Haladay was neuo to Wallace, Tithyngs to iper Schyr Jhone paft off yat place, With men to fpek, quhar yai a tryft had fct, Rycht ncr ye fteid quhar Scotts and Inglifmen. Ane Kyrkpatrick, yat cruell was and kc\ nv, 915 In Efdaill wode yat half zer he had beyne. With Inglifmen he couth nocht weill accord, Off Torthorowald he Barion was and lord. Off kyn he was to Wallace modyr ncr, Off Crawfurd fyd yat mydward had to fter; 920 Twenty he had of worthi men and wycht. Ik van Wallace approchyt to yair fvcht. Schyr Jhon ye Gray me, quhen he ye cowntir faw, On yaim he raid, and feud bot litell aw ; Hys gud fadyr he knew rycht wondyr weill, 925 Keft doune hys fper, and ionzeit not a deill. Kirkpatryk als, with worthi men in wer, Fyffty in fronte at am fs doune yai ber ; Throch ye thikkeft of thre hundreth yai raid, On Sothroune men full gret Qauchter yai maid. 930 Yaim to refkew yat was in fcllone thrang, Wallace on fute ye gret power amang, Gud roume he gat throch help of Goddr. grace. Ye Sothroune fled, and left yaim in yat place. Horfs yai ran to fluff ye chafs gud fpede, 935 Wallace and hys yat douchty was in dede. Grayftok tuk fiycht on (lern horfs and (tout, A hundreth held togyddcr in a rout. Wallace on yaim full fadly couth perfew, Ye ikying weill off Inglifmen he knew, 940 At I08 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK T. At ay ye beft wald pafs with yalr Cheyftane ; Befor hym he fand gud Schyr Jhone ye Grayme, Ay ftrykand doune quham euir he mycht ourhy. Yan Wallace faid, yis is bot v/aift foly, Comons to flay, whar Cheyftanes gayis away ; 945 Zour horfs is frefche, yarfor do as I fay. Gud men yow haiff ar zett in nobill fcait, To yon gret rout, for Godds luff hald your gait, Sowndyr yaim fone, we fall cum at your hand. Quhen Schyr Jhone had hys tayll weyll undirftand, 950 Off nane oyir fra ynceforth tuk he heid, To ye formaft he fclowit with gud fpeid. Kyrkpatryk als confideryt yair cunfaill, Yan chargyt yair men to folow on ye ftaill. At hys cummand full fone with yaim yai mett. 955 Sad ftraikis and fayr apon yaim fadly fett. Schyr Jhone ye Grayme to Grayftok faft he focht, Hys pryfs pifan yan helpyt hym ycht nocht Apon ye crag a graith ftraik gat hym rycht ; Ye burly blaide was braid and burnyft brycht, 960 In fondyr kerwyt ye mailzeis off fyne fteill, Throch bayne and brawne it prochyt euir ilk deill ; Dede with yat dynt to ye erd dounc hym draiff Be yat Wallace was fembland with yc laiff. Derfly to dede feyle ftrtkys yar he dycht, 965 Rayfs neuir agayne quhat ane at he hitt rycht, Kyrkpatryk yan, Thorn Halyday, and yair men, Yair douchty deid was nobill for to ken. At ye Knockheid ye bauld Grayftock war ftayne, And mony man quhilk was off mekill majne. 970 To BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 10$ To faiff yair lyff part in ye wode is paft, Ye Scottfmen yan relewit togyddir faft. Quhen yat Wallace with Schyr Jhone Graymewas met, Rycht gudlye he with humylnes hym gret ; Pardoune he aft off ye rapreiff befor, 975 Into ye chafs, and faid, he fuld no mor Formatioune mak off hym yat was fo gud. Quhen yat Schyr Jhone Wallace weill undirftud, Do away, he faid, yaroff as now na mar, You did full rycht, it was for our weillfar, 980 Wyfar in weyr ze ar all out yan I, Fadyr in armefs ye ar to me for yi. Kyrkpatryk fyne, yat was hys cufyng der, He thankyt hym rycht on a gud maner. Not ane was loft off all yair chewalry ; 985 Schyr Jhone ye Grayme to yaim come happely. Ye day was doune, and prochand was ye nycht, At Wallace yai aficyt hys confaill rycht. He anfuerd yus, I fpek bot with your leiff, •Rycht laith I war ony gud man to greiff, 990 Bot yus I fay, in termes fchort for me, I wald failze, giff ze think it may be, Lowmaban Houfs, quhilk now is left allayne, For weill I wait power in it is lewyt nayne ; Carlawerok als zeit Maxwell has in hand ; 995 And we had yis, yai mycht be bathe a wand Agayne Sothroune yat now has our cuntre, Say quhat ze will, yis is ye beft think me. Schyr Jhone ye Grayme gaiff fyrft his gud confent, Syne all ye laiff, rycht with a haill entent. 1000 Vol. I. K To 110 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V To Lowmaban rycht hafrely yai ryde, Quhen yai cum ner nocht half a myill befyde, Ye nycht was myrk, to cunfaill ar yai gayne, Off mune nor ftern perans was yar nayne. Yan Wallace faid, me think, ye land at reft, 1005 Thorn Halyday, yow knawis yis cuntre belt j I her no noyfs off feyll folk her about, Yarfor I trew we ar ye kfs in dout. Halyday faid, I will tak ane with me, And ryde befor ye manir for to fe. 1010 Watfone he callyt, with me yow mak ye boune, With yaim yow was a nychtbour off yis toune. I grant I was with yaim agayne my will, Myne entent is euir to do yaim ill. Unto ye zeitt yir twa pertly furth raid, 1015 Ye portar come without langar abaid, At Jhone Watfone fone tythings he couth afs, Opyn he bad ye captayne cummand was. Ye zeitt, but mayr, unwifly up he drew. Thorn Haldan fone be ye craig hym threw, 1020 And with a knyff he ftekit hym to dede, In a dyrk holl keft hym doune in yat fted. Jhon Watfone fyne has hynt ye keyis in hand, Ye power yan with Wallace was cummand ; Yai entryt in, befor yaim fand na ma, 1025 Excep wemen, and fympill ferwands twa, In ye kiching fcudlers lang tyme had beyne, Sone yai war flayne. Quhen Halyday had yaim feyne, Grace, fche cryit, for hym yat deit on tre. Yan Wallace faid, mademe your noyis lat be, 1030 To BOOK V.] LIFE OF WALLACE. Ill To wemen zcitt we do bot litill ill, Nd zong childir we lik for to fpill. ] wald haiff meyt Halyday quhat fayis zow ; For faftand folk to dyne gud tyme war now. Gret purwiance was ordand yaim befor, 1035 Bathe breid and aylle gud wyne and oyir ftor. To meyt yai bownyt, for yai had faftyt lang, And men of armes into ye clefs gert gang. Part flcand folk on fute yat fra yaim glaid, On ye Knockhed, quhar gret nielle was maid, 1040 Ay as yai come Jhon Watfone leit yaim in, And doun to dede withoutyn noyis or din, Na man left yar yat was of Ingland born. Ye caftell weill yai wefyt on ye morn, For Jhonftoune, fend a man off gud degre, 1045 Sccund dochtir forfuth weddyt had he Off Halydays, der neuo to Wallace, Gret captayne yai maid hym off yat place. Yai leyflfit hym yar intill a gud aray, Syne ufchyt furth apon ye fecond day- 1050 Wemen had leyff in Ingland for to fayr. Schyr Jhone ye Grayme and gud Wallace couth cayr To ye Torhed, and lugyt all yat nycht ; Upon ye morn ye fone was at ye hycht, Eftir dyner yai wald na langar byde, 1055 Yar purpofs tuk in Crawfurd mur to ryde. Schyr Jhone ye Grayme, with Wallace yat was wycht, Jhon Halyday, agayne ratorned rycht To ye Tor-hall, and yar remanyt but dreid. Na Sothroune wyfl pryncipal quha did yis deid. 1060- K % Kyrkpatrik II* LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK V, Kyrkpatrik pall in Aifdaill wodds wyde, In faufte yar he thocht he fuld abyde. Schyr Jhon ye Grayme, and gud Wallace in feir, With yaim fortye of men in armyfs cleir, Throch Crawfurd mur as yat yai tuk ye way, 1065 On Inglifmen yair mynde remaynyt ay. From Crawfurd- Jhon ye wattir doun yai ryd, Ner hand ye nycht yai lychtyt apon Clyd ; Yair purpofs tuk intill a quiet vvaill. Yan Wallace faid, I wald we mycht aflaill 1070 Crawfurd caftell, with fum gud jeperte, Schyr Jhone ye Grayme, how fay ze beft may be ? Yis gud knycht faid, and ye men war without, To tak ye houfs yar is bot litil] doubt. A fquier yan rewllit yat lordfchipe haill, 1075 Off Cumbyrland borne, hys nayme was Martyndaill. Yan Wallace faid, myfelf will pafs in feyr, And ane with me oif herbre for to fpeyr ; Folow on dreich, gyff yat we myftir ocht. Edwarde Litill with hys myftir forth focht 1080 Till ane Oyftry, and with a woman met. $che tald to yaim yat Sothroune yar was fet ; And ze be Scotts, I cunfaill yow pafs by, For, and yai may, ze will get ewill herbry ; At drynk yai ar, fo haiff yai beyne rycht lang, 108$ Gret worde yar is off Wallace yaim amang ; Yai trew yat he has found hys men agayne, At Lowchmaban feyll Inglifmen ar flayne, Yat houfs is tynt, yat gers yaim be full wa, I trow to God yat yai fall fone tyne ma. 109a Wallace EOOK Y.J LIFE OF WALLACE. IIJ Wallace fperd, off Scotland giff fche be. Schc faid hym, za, and thinkis zet to fe Sorow on yaim, throw help of Gods Grace. He afkyt hyr quha was into ye place. Ka man of fens is left vat houfs within, 1095 Twentye ar her makand gret noyfs and din. Allace, fche faid, giff I mycht anys fe, Ye worthi Scotts maift maftir in it to be. With yis woman he wald na langar (land, A bekyn he maid, Schyr Jhon come at hys hand. 1100- Wallace went in, and faid, benedicite. Ye captayne fperyt, qnhat bellamy may yow be Yat cummys fo grym, fum tithings till us tell, Yow art a Scott, ye dewyll yi natioune quell. Wallace braid out hys fuerd withoutyn mar, 11 05 In to ye breyft ye bryme captayne he bar, Throuchout ye coft, and ftekyt hym te ded. Ane oyir he hytt awkwart apon ye hed ; Quham euir he ftrak he byrftyt bayne and lyr; Feill off yaim dede fell thwortour in ye fyr. 11 10 Haifty payment he maid yaim on ye flur, And Edward Litill kepyt weill ye dur. Schyr Jhon ye Grayme full fayne wald haiff beyne in, Edwarde hym bad at ye caftell begyn, For off yir folk we haiff bot litill dreid. 11 15 Schyr Jhone ye Grayme faft to ye caftell zeid. Wallace ruttly fie routs to yaim gaiff, Yai twenty men derfly to dede yai draiff; Fyfteyn he ftraik, and fyfteyne has he flayne, Edwarde flew fyfe quhilk was of mekill mayne. 11 20 K 3 To TI4 1-IFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK ▼. To ye caftell Wallace had gret defyr. Be yat Schyr Jhone had fett ye zett in fyr ; Nane was yarin at gret defens couth ma, Bot wemen fait far wepand into wa. Without ye place ane, aid bulwark was maid, 1125 Wallace zeid our without langar abaid, Ye women fone he fauffyt fra ye dede, Waik folk he put, and barnys off yat ftede. Off purwiance yai fand letill or nane, Befor yat tyme yair wittaill was all gayne ; 1130 Zeit in yat place yai lugyt ftill yat nycht, Fra Oyftre brocht fie guds as yai mycht. Apon ye morn ye houfs yai fpolze faft, All things yat doucht out off yat place yai caft. Tre wark yai brynt, yat was into ya wanys, 1135- Wallis brak doune yat ftalwart war off ftanys. Spylt at yai mycht, fyne wald na langar byde, On till Dundaff yat famyn nycht yai ryde, And lugyt yar with myrth and plefance, Thankand Gret God yat lent yaim fie a chance, n^ EXPLICIT LIBER QUINTU3 £T INCIPIT SEXTUS, THE LIFE Sir WILLIAM WALLACE, Ssfr. BOOK VI. Wallace Marries— His Wife Killed at Lanark— He Slays Hefilrig, and takes Lanark — Grimfby or Jop, his Squire, comes to him — Joined by many — Fights a battle at Big- gar againft the King of England — At Kopis Bog — Chofen Governor of Scotland — Takes a CafHe near the Water of Cree — Makes Peace with the Chancellor of Eng'and, "VTAN paffyt was Utafs off Feuerzher, And part of March of rycht degeftioune ; Apperyd yan ye Lift moneth of wcr, Ye fyng off fommir with hys fuet fcffoun. Be vat Wallace of DundafF maid hym bonne ; 5 Hys leyff he tuk, and to Gilbank can fair. Ye rewmour raifs throch Scotland up and doune, With Inglifmen, yat Wallace leiffand war. In Aprill quhen cleithit is but wcyne, Ye abill grounde be wyrkyng off natur, 10 And wodds has won yair worthi weid of greyne, Quhen Nympheus, in beldyn off hys beur, With Il6 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VT. With oyle and balm fulfillyit off fuet odour, Famus maters, as yai war wount to gang, Walkyn yair courfs in euery cafuall hour, 15 To glad ye huntar with yair merye fang. In yis famyn tyme to hym approchit new Hys lufty payne, ye quhilk I fpak off ayr, Be luffs caufs, he thocht to perfew In Laynryk toune, and thyddir he can fayr ; 30 At refidence a quhill ramanyt yair In hyr prefence as I faid off befor ; Thoch Inglifmen was grewyt at hys repayr, Zitt he defyrit ye thing yat fat hym far. Ye feyr off wer rewllyt hym on fie wifs, 25 He lykit weill with yat gudlye to b:. Quhill wald he think off danger for to ryls, And oyir quhill out off hyr prefens fle. To cefs off wer it war ye beft for me, Yus wyn I nocht bot fadnes on all fyde. 30 Sail neuir man yis cowartyfs in me fe, To wer I will, for chance yat may betyde. Quhat is yis luff? it is bot gret myfchance, Yat me wald bryng fra armefs utterly ; I will nocht lofs my worfchipe for plefance, 35 In wer I think my tyme till occupy, Yett hyr to luff I will nocht lat for yi, Mor fall I defyr hyr freindfchipe to referue, Fra yis day furth yan euir befor did I, In fer of wer, quheyir I feiff or fterue. 40 Quhat fuld I fay, Wallace was playnly fet To luff hyr beft in all yis warld fo wyde, Th r nkand BOOK VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. llj Thinkand he fuld off hys defyr to gett ; And fo befell by concord in a tyde, Yat fche maid at hys cummand to byde, 45 And yus began ye ftyntyn off yis ftryff, Begynnyng, band with graith witnes befyde, Myne auctor fayis, fehe was hys rychtwyfs wyff. Now IciiT in pefs, now leiff in gud concord, Now leiif in blyfs, now leiff in haill plefance, 50 For fche be chofs has bath hyr luff and lord. He thinkis als luff did hym hye awance, So ewenly held he fauour ye ballance, Sen he at will may lap hyr in hys armys. Sche thankyt God of hyr fre happy chance, 55 For in hys tyme he was ye flour of armys. Fortoun hym fchawit hyr fygowrt doubill face, Feyll fyfs or yan he had beyne fet abuff. In prefoune now, delyveryt now throw Grace, Now at unefs, now into reft and ruff; 60 Now weyll at wyll, weyldand hys plefand luff, As thocht hymfelff out off aduerfite, In curage fet apon ye flags hye, Ye werray treuth I can nocht graithly tell. ^ Into yis lyff how lang at yai had beyne'; Throch naturall courfs off generatioune befell, A child was chewyt yir twa luffars betuene, Quhilk gudly was a madyn brycht and fehene ; So forthyr furth, be ewyn tyme off hyr age, ^O A fquier fchaw, as yat full weill was feyrte, 70 Yis lyflat man hyr gat in mariage. Rycht gudly men come off yis lady zong. Ac'j7€si/r'*na ay his mtniAmtpl -firr/a Forth yr Il8 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI» Forthyr off hyr as now I fpek na mar j Bot Wallace furth intill hys vver can ryng, He mycht' nocht cefs gret curage fo hym bar ; 75 Sothroune to flaw for dreid he wald nocht fpar, And yai oftfyfs feill caufs till hym wrocht, Fra yat tyme furth, quhilk mowit hyr fer mar, 0 It is nothing till hewenly gowernance. Yan pray we all to ye Makar abowe, Quhilk has in hand of juftry ye ballance, Yat he us grant of hys der leftand lowe. > f^jj- m. C „, K Heroff BOOK VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. Ilf Her off as now furthir I fpek na mar, Bot to my purpofs fchortlye will I fayr. Tuclff hundreth zer yarto nynte and fewyn, 105 Fra Cryfl was born ye rychtwyfs King of Hewyn, Wilzham Wallace into gud liking gaes, In Laynrik toune amang hys mortaill fayis. Ye Inglifmen, yat euir falfs has beyne, With Hefilryg quhilk cruell was and keyne no And Robert Thorn, a felloune futell knycht, Has found ye way be quhat meyn belt yai mycht, How yat yai fuld mak contrar to Wallace, Be argument, as he come upon cafs, On fra ye kyrk, yat was without ye toune, 115 Quhill yair power mycht be in harnefs boune. Schyr Jhon ye Grayme bathe hardy wyfc and trew, To Laynrik come, gud Wallace to perfew, Off hys weyllfayr, as he full oft had feyne, Gud men he had in cumpany fyfteyne, 120 And Wallace nyne, yai war na fers ma; Upon ye morn unto ye mefs yai ga, Yai and yair men graithyt in gudly greyne, For ye felTon fie oylsfull lang has beyne. Quhen fadly yai had faid yair dewotioune, 125 Ane argunde yaim, as yai went throch ye toune, Ye ftarkaft man yat Hefylryg yan knew, And als he had off lychtly words ynew. He faluft yaim, as it war bot in fcom, Dewgar, gud day, Bone Senzhour, and, gud morn. Qnhom fcornys yow ? quoth Wallace, quha lerd ye ? Quhy, fyr, he faid, come ze not new owr fe ? Pardoua HO LIFE OF WALLACF. [BOOK VI. Pardoun me yan, for I wend ze had beyne, Ane ImbafTet to bring ane uncouth queyne. Wallace anfuerd, fie pardoune as we haiff 135 In oyfs to gyff, yi part yow fall not craiff. Sen ze ar Scotts, zeit faluft fall ze be, Cud deyn, Dauch Lard, bath lonvth banzoth a de. Ma Sothroune men to yaim alTemblyt yar. Wallace as yan was laith to mak a fter. 140 Ane maid a fcrip and tyt at hys lang fuerd. Hald ftill yi hand, quoth he, and fpek yi werd. With ye lang fuerd you makis mekill bolt. Yaroff, quoth he, yi Deme maid litell coft. Quhat caufs has yow to wer yat gudlye greyne ? 145 My maift caufs is bot for to mak ye teyne. -Qnhat fuld a Scott do with fa fayr a knyff ? Sa faid ye Preft yat laft janglyt yi wyfF; Yat woman lang has tillit hym fo fayr, Quhill yat hys child worthit to be yne ayr. 150 Methink, quoth he, yow drywys me to fcorn, Yi deme has beynet japyt or yow was born. Ye power yan alTemblit yaim about. /j j Twa hundreth men yat ftalwart war and ftouf. Ye Scotts faw yair power was cummand, Schyr Robert Thorn and Hefilryg at hand, Ye multitude with wappynys burnyft beyne. Amang Sothroune Be dynts gaiff yat tyde, Quhill blude on breide byrftyt fra wounds wyde. Wallace in ftour was cruelly fechtand, Fra a Sothroune he fmatt off ye rycht hand, And quhen yat carle off fychtyng mycht na mar, ^p +&1 £e** ^ Ay*1jfy£ '■nc Wort BOOK VI.] LIFE Of WALLACE. 121 With ye left hand in ire held a buklar. Yan fra ye ftowmpe ye blud out fpurgyt fall, In Wallace face aboundandlye can outcaft. 165 Into gret part it marryt hym of hys fycht. Schyr Jhone ye Grayme a ftraik has tayne hym rycht, With hys gud fuerd, apon ye Sothroune fyr, Dei-fly to dede draiff hym into vat ire. Ye perili was rycht awfull hard and ftrang, 170 Ye flour enduryt marwaloufly and lang. Ye Inglifmen gadryt felloune fart, Ye worthi Scotts ye gait left at ye laft. Quhen yai had flayne and woundyt mony, T'-j Wallace In, ye gayneft way yai can, 175 Yai paffit fone, defendand yaim rycht weill, He and Schyr Jhone, with fuerds ftiff of fteill, Behind yair men, quhill yai ye zett had tayne. Ye woman yan, quhilk was full will of wayne, YfpereU law, with felloune noyis and dyn, 18c Gat up ye zett, and leit yaim entir in. Throch till a ftrenth yai paffit of yat fteid. Fyftye Sothroune apon ye gait war deid. Yis fayr woman did befines and hyr mycht, Ye Inglifmen to tary with a flycht, 1$$ Quhill yat Wallace on to wode was part ; Yan Cartlane craige ye perfewit full faft. 1 Sothroune faw yat chapyt was Wallace, Agayne yai turnyt, ye woman tuk on cace, Put hyr to dede, I can nocht tell yow how, 19* Off fie mater I may nocht tary now, Quhar gret dulle is, bot rademyng agayne, Vol. I. L Newyii 123. LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI, Kewyn of it is bot ekyng of payne. A trew woman, had feruit hyr full lang, Out of ye toune ye gayneft way can gang, 195 Till Wallace tauid quhow all yis dede was done, Ye paynefull wo focht till hys hart full fone ; War nocht for fchayme he had focht to ye ground, For byttyr baill yat in hys breyft was bound. Schyr Jhone ye Grayme, baith wyfs, gentill and fre, Gret murnyng maid, yat pete was to fe j And als ye laiff yat was affemblit yar, For pure forrow wepyt with hart full far. Quhen Wallace feld yair curage was fo fmall, He fenzeit hym for to cumfort yaim all. 305 Cefs, men, he faid, yis is a butlafs payne, We can nocht now chewy fs hyr lyff agayne. Unefs a word he mycht bryng out for teyne, Ye bailfull ters bryft braithly fra hys eyne. Sichand, he faid, fall neuir man me fe aiQ Reft intill oyfs, quhill yis deid wrokyn be, Ye faklace flauchter off hyr blyth and brycht, Yat I awow to ye Makar of mycht, Yat off yat natioune I fall neuir forber, Zong nor aid, yat abill is to wer ; a 15 Preyfts no wemen I think for to fla, In my defaut bot yai me caufing ma. Schyr Jhon, he faid, lat all yis murnyng be, And for hyr faik yair fall ten thoufand de ; Quhar men may weipe,. yar curage is ye lefs, 220 It flakis ire of wrang yai fuld radrefs. Off yair complaynt as I now I fay no mar, Off fcOOK VI. J LIFE OF WALLACE. U3 Off Awchinlek off Giibank yar. Quhen he hard tell of Wallace wexatioune, To Cartlane wode with ten men maid hym boune, 225 Wallace he fand fum part within ; ye nycht To Laynryk toune in all haift yai yaim dycht. Ye wache off yaim as yan had letill heid, Partyt yair men, and diuerfs gats zeid. Schyr Jhone ye Grayme, and hys gud cumpany, 230 To Schyr Robert of Thorn full fall .yai hy. Wallace and hys to Hefilryg fone paft, In a heich houfs quhar he was flepand faft, Straik at ye dur with hys fute hardely, Quhill bar and braifs in ye flour he gert ly. 235 Ye fchirreff cryit, quha makis yat gret deray ? Wallace^ he faid, yat yow has focht all day, Ye womannis dede, will God, yow fall der by. Ilefylryg thocht it was na tyme to ly, Out off yat houfs full fayne he wald haiff beyne. 240 Ye nycht was myrk, zeitt Wallace has hym feyne, Fircely hym ftraik, as he come, in gret ire, Apon ye heid, birftyt throuch bayne and lyre, Ye fcherand fuerd glaid till hys coler bayne, Out our ye ftayr amang yaim is he gayne. 245 Gud Awchinlek trowit not yat he was dede, Thryfs with a knyff ftekit hym in yat ftede. Ye Scry about raifs rudly on ye ftreyt, Feill off ye layff was fulzeit undir feyt. Zong Hefilryg and wycht Wallace is met, 250 A fekyr ftrak Wilzham has on hym fct, Derfly to dede off ye flair dang hym doun. L 4 Mony 124 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI. Mony yai flew yat nycht in Laynrik toune. Sum grets lap, and fum ftekyt within, AfTerd yai war with hidwifs noyis and din. 255 Schyr Jhone ye Grayme had fet ye houfs in fyr, Quhar Robert Thorn was byrnt up bayne and lyr. Twelffe fcor yai flew yat was of Ingland born, Wemen yai lewyt and preyfts on ye morn To pafs yair way, of blifs and guds bar, 260 And fwour yat yai agayne fuld cum no mar. Quhen Scotts herd yir fyne tythings anew, Out off all part to Wallace faft yai drew, Plenyft ye tcune quhilk was yair heretage. Yus Wallace ftraiff agayne yat gret barnage, 265 Sa he began with ftrenth and ftalwart hand, To chewyfs agayne fum rowmys of Scotland. Ye worthi Scotts, yat femblyt till hym yar, Chcfyt hym for Cheyff, yair Cheyftane and Ledar. Amer Wallang, a futell tyrand knycht, 270 In Bothwell duelt, King Edwards man full rycht. Murray was out, thoch he was rychtwyfs lord Off all yat land as trew men will racord ; In till Aran he was duellandyat tyde, And oyir men in yis land durft nocht byde ; 275 But yis fals knycht in Bothwell wounand was; A man he gert fone to King Edward pas, And tauld hym haill of Wallace ordinance* How he had put hys pepill to mifchance, And playnly was rylTyn agayne to ryng. 280 Greuit yarat rycht gretly was ye King ; Throuch all Ingland he gert hys Doars cry, Power BOOK VI. ] LIFE OF WALLACE. Power to get, and faid, he wald playnly In Scotland pafs, yat, rewme to ftatut new. Feill men ofF wer till hym full fait yai drew. 285 Ye Queyne feld wcill quhow yat hys purpofs was, Till hym fche went, on kneis fywe can hym afs, He wald refill, and nocht in Scotland gang, He fuld haifF dreid to wyrk fo felloune wrang ; Cryftyne yai ar, zone is yar hcretage, 290 To reyff yat croune yat is a gret owtrage. For hyr cunfaill at hayme he wald nocht byde, Hys lords hym fet in Scotland for to ryde. A Scotts man yan duellyt with Edwarde, Quhen he hard tell yat Wallace tuk fie part, 295 He flaw fra yaim as priwale as he may ; Into Scotland he come upon a day, Sekand Wallace he maid hym reddy bonne. Yis Scott was born at Kyle in Ricardtoune, All Ingland coft he knew it wondyr weill, 300 Fra Hull about to Bryfto euir ilk deill ; Fra Carkill throch Sandwich yat royll flede, Fra Douir our on to Sanct Eeis hede ; In Pykarte and Flandyrs he had beyne, All Normondc and Frans haill he had feyne ; 305 A purfiwant till King Edward in wer, Bot he couth ncuir gar hym hys armys ber ; Off gret ftatur, and fum part gray was he, Ye Inglifmen cald hym "Vot Grymmyfbe. To Wallace come, and into Kyle hym fand, 310 He tauld hym haill ye tithings of Ingland. Yai turnyt hys nayme, fra tym yai hym knew, L 3 And ia6 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI. And cald hym Jop, off Ingen he was trew ; In all hys tyme gud feruice in hym fand, Gaiif hym to ber ye amies of Scotland, 315 Wallace agayne in Cliddifdaill fone raid And hys power femblyt withowtyn baid, He gart cummand, quha yat hys pefs wald tak, A fre remyt he fuld ger to yaim mak, For all kyn deid yat yai had doyne beforn. 320 Ye Perfyeis Peefs and Schyr Ranalds was worn. Feill till hym drew yat baululy durft abyde, OIF Wallace kyn, fra mony diuerfs fyde. Schyr Ranald van fend hym hys power haill, Hymfelf durft nocht be knawyn in battaill 325 Agayne Sothroune, for he had maid a band, Lang tyme befor, to hald off yaim hys land. Adam Wallace pad out off Ricardtoune, And Robert Boyd, with gud men off renoune. Off Cunyngayme and Kille come men off waill, 330 To Laynrik focht, on horfs a thoufand haill. Schyr Jhon ye Grayme, and hys gud chewalre, Schyr Jhon of Tynto, with men yat he mycht be, Gud Awchinlek, yat Wallace uncle was, Mony trew Scott with yat Cheyftane couth pafs, 33$ Thre thoufand haill of likly men in wer, And feile in fute quhilk wantyt horfs and ger. Ye tyme be yis was cummand apon hand ; Ye awfull oft, with Edwarde off Ingland, To Beggar come, with fexte thoufand men, 340 In wer weds yat cruell war to ken. Yai planytyt yar feild with tents and pailzonis, Quhar BOOK VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 12? Quhar claryouns blew full mony mychty fonis, Plenyft yat place with gud wittaill and wyne, In carts brocht yair purwiance dewine. 345 Ye awfull King gert twa herralds be brocht, Gaiff yaim cummand, in all ye haift yai mocht, To charge Wallace, yat he fuld come hym till, Without promyfs, and put hym in hys will ; Becaus we wait he is a gentill man, 350 Cum in my grace, and I fall faiff hym van ; As for hys lyff I will upon me tak ; And eftir yis, gyfF he couth feruice mak, He fall haiff wage yat may hym weill fufnce. Yat rebald wenys, for he has done fupprifs $55 To my pcpill oft upon awentur, Agaynes me he may nocht lang endur. To yis proffyr gainftandand giffhe be, Her I awow he fall be hangyt hye. A zong fquier was broyir off Schyr Hew, 360 He thocht he wald dyfgylit to perfew, Wallace to fe yat tuk fa hie a part, Borne fyfcirs fone he was to King Edwart. A cot off armes he tuk on hym but baid, With ye harrolds full priwale he raid 365 To Tinto hill withowtyn refidens, Quhar Wallace lay with hys folk, at defens. A iikly oft, as of fa few, yai fand ; Till hym yai focht, and wald na langar ftand. Gyff yow be he yat rewllis all this thing, 370 Credence we haiff brocht fra our worthi King. Yan Wallace gart thre knychts till hym call, Syne I2& LIFE OF WALLACE. ^BOOK VI. Syne red yc wryt in prefens of yaim all. To yaim he faid, anfuer ye fall nocht craifF, Be wryt or word, quhilk likis yow beft till haifF. 3 75 In wryt, yai faid, it war ye liklyaft ; Yan Wallace yus began to dyt in haft. " Yow reyffar king chargis me throw cafs, " Yat I fuld cum, and put me in yi grace ; H Gyff I gaynftand, you hechtis till hyng me, 380 " I wow to God, and euir I may tak ze, " Yow fall be hangyt, ane exempill to geiff, " To kings off reyff, als lang as I may leiff. u Yow proffers me yi wage for till haiff, «' I ze defy, yi power and all ye laiff z%5 " Yat helpis ze her, off yi fals natioune, " Will God zow fall be put off yis regioune, 11 Or de yarfor, contrar yocht you had fuorn, " Yow fall us fe or nyne hours to morn, " Battaill to gyff, magre off all yi kyn, 390 M For falfly yow fekis our rewme to wyn." Yis wryt he gaiff to ye harrolds but mar, And gud reward he gart delyuer yaim yar. Bot Jop knew weyll ye fquier zong Sir Hew, And tald Wallace, for he was euir trew ; 395 Yan he cummand, yat yai fuld fone yaim tak, Hymfelf began a fayr cufyng to mak. Squier, he faid, fen zow has fcnzeit armys, On ye fail fall ye fyrft part of yair harmys, Sampill to geyff till all yi fals natioune. 400 Apon ye hill he gert yaim fet hym doune, Straik off hys heid, or yai walU forthyr go. To BOOK VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 129 To ye harrold faid fyne withoutyn bo, For yow art falfs till armys and maynfuorn, Throuch yi chekks yi tong fall be out fchorn. 405 Quhcn yat was doyn, yan to ye thrid faid he, Armys to juge yow fall neuir graithly fe. He gert a fmyth, with hys turkas rycht yar, Pow owt hys eyne, fyne gaiff yaim leifF to far. To zour fals king yi falow fall zow leid, 41c With my anfuer turfs hym hys newois heid, Yus far I drede ye king, and all hys boft, Hys dum falow led hym on to yair oft. Qjjhen King Edwarde hys harrolds yus has feyne, In propyr ire he wox ner wode for teyne, 415 Yat he noeht wyft on quhat wyfs hym to wrck, For forow almaiftta word he mycht nocht fpek. A lang quhill he ftud wrythand in a rage, On loud he faid, yis is a fell owtrage, Yis deid to Scotts full der it fall be bocht ; 420 Sa difpitefull in warld was neuir wrocht* Off yis regioune I think nocht for to gang, Quhill tyme yat I fall fe yat rybald hang. Latt I hym yus infill hys forow duel), Off ye gud Scotts fchortlye I will zow tell, 425 Furth fra hys men yat Wallace rakit rycht, Till hym he tald Schyr Jhon Tynto ye knycht, And leit hym witt, to wefy hymfelf wald ga Ye Tnglis oft, and bad hym tell na ma, Quhateuir yai fperyt, quhill yat he come agayne. 430 Wallace dyfgyfit yus bownyt our ye playne. Betwix Cultir and Biggar as he paft, He 1^0 LIFE OF WALLACE. [bOOKVI. He was war quhar a werk man come faft, Dryfande a mere, and pychars he had to fell. Gud freind, he faid, in trewth will yow me tell, 435 With yis chaffar quhar paffis yow treuly. Till ony, fchyr, quha likis for to by, It is my crafft, and I wald fell yaim fayne. I will yaim by, fa God me faiff fra payne ; Quhat pryce, latt her, I will tak yaim ilk ane. 440 Bot half a mark, for lie pryfs haiff I tane. Twenty millings, Wallace faid, zow fall haiff; I will haiff mar, pychars and all ye laiff ; Yi gowne and hoifs in haift you put off fyne, And mak a change, for I fall geyff yow meyne, 445 And yi aid hud, becaufs it is thred bar. Ye man wend weyll he had fcornyt hym yar. Do, tary nocht, it is futh I yow fay. Ye man keft off hys febill weid off gray, And Wallace hys, and payit filuer in hand. 450 Pafs on, he faid, yow art a proud merchand. Ye goune and hoifs in clay yat claggat was, Ye hude hecklyt, and maid hym for to pafs. Ye quhipe he tuk, fyne furth ye mar can call, Atour a bray ye omaft pot ger fall, 4J5 Brak on ye ground. Ye man leuch at hys fair, Bot you bewar, yow tynis off yi chaffair. Ye fone be yan was paffit out of ficht, Ye day ourwent, and cummyn was ye nycht. Amang Sothroune full befely he paft, 460 On oythir fyde his eyne he gan to caft, Quhar lords lay, and had yair lugyng maid, BOOK VI.] LIEE OF WALLACE. 131 Ze kings pal zone quharon ye libards baid, Spyand full faft, quhar awaill fuld be, And couth weyll Ink and wynk, with ye ta e. 465 Sum fcornyt hym, fum gleid carll cald hym yar, Agrewit yai war for yair harrolds mysfkyr. Sum fperd at hym quhow faid off ye belt. For fourty pens, he laid quhill yai may left. Sum brak a pott, fum pyrlyt at hys e. 470 Wallace fled owt, and prewele kit yaim be. On till hys oft agayne he pall full rycht. Hys men be yan had tane Tynto ye knycht, Bchyr Jhon ye Grayme gert bynd hym wondyr faft, For he wyft Weill he was with Wallace laft. 475 Sum bad byrn hym, fum hyng hym in a cord, Yai fuowr yat he had difiawit yair lord. Wallace be yis was entryt yaim amang, Till hym he zeid, and wald nocht tary lang ; Syne he gert loufs hym off yai bands new, 48© And faid, he was bathe fuffer, wyfs and trew. To foup fone yai bownd but mar abaid, He tald to yaim quhat market he had maid, And how yat he ye Sothroune faw full weil!, Schyr Jhon ye Grayme difplefllt was fum deill, 485 And faid till hym, nucht Chyftanelik it was, Throw wilfulnes, in fie perell to pafs. Wallace anfuerd, or we wyn Scotland fre, Bathe ze and I in mor perell man be, And mony oyir, ye quhilk full worthi is. 490 Now off a thing we do fum part amifs, A litill flepe I wald fayne yat we had, With 13a LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI. With zon men fyne luk how we may us glaid. Ye worthy Scotts tuk gud reft quhill ner day, Yan raifs yai up, till ray fone ordand yai, 495 Ye hill yai left, and till a playne is gayne, Wallace hymfelf ye evangard he has tayne ; With hym was Boyd and Auchinlek but dreid, With a theufand off worthi men in weid. Als mony fyne in ye mydwart put he, 500 Schyr Jhon ye Grayme he gert yair ledar be ; With hym Adam zong lerd off Ricardtoune, And Summerweill a fquier off renoune. The thrid thoufand in rerward he dycht, Till Waltir gaiff off Newbyggyng ye knycht, 505 With hym Tynto yat douchty was in deid, And Dawi fon off Schyr Waltir to leid. Behynd yaim ner ye fute men gert he be, And bad yaim byd, quhill yai yair tyme mycht fe ; Ze want wappynys and harnes in yis tyde, 510 Ye fyrft cowntir ze may nocht weill abyde. Wallace gart fone ye chyftannis till hym call, Yis charg he gaiff, for chance yat mycht befall, Till tak no heid to ger, nor off pylage, Fur yai will fle as wod men in a rage ; 515 Wyne fyrft ye men, ye gud fyne ze may haiff, Yan tak na tent off cowatyfs to craiff. Throw cowatyfs fum lofs's gud and lyff, I cummand yow forber fie in our ftryff ; I*& yat yow fa iff na lord, capteyne, or knycht, 530 For wyrfchipe wyrk, and for our eldrs rycht. Cod blyfs us, may we in fie wiage Put BOOK VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. I33 Put yir falfs folk out off our heretage. Yan yai inclynd all with a gudly will, Hys playne cummand yai hecht for to full fill. $2$ On ye gret oft yir partice fall can draw. Cummand to yaim, out off ye fouth, yai faw Thre hundreth men intill yair armour cler, Ye gayneft way to yaim approchyt ner. Wallace faid fone, yai war na Inglifmen, 530 For by yis oft yai zeits weyll yai ken. Thom Halyday yai men he gydyt rycht, Off Aunadardaill he had., yaim led yat nycht ; Hys twa gud fonnes, Wallace and Rudyrfurd. Wallace was blyth fra he had hard yair wourd, 535 So was ye laiff off hys gud chewalry. Jar, in yar come intill yar cumpany, And Kyrkpatryk befor in Efdaill was, A weyng yai war in Wallace oft to pafs. Ye Inglis wach yat nycht had beyne on fteir, 540 Drew to yair oft rycht as ye day can per. Wallace knew weill, for he befor had feyne, Ye kings pal zone, quhar it was bufkyt beyne. Yan with rych horfs ye Scotts befor yaim raid, Tfc fyrft counter fa gret abayfing maid, 545 Yat all ye oft was ftonyft of yat fycht, Full mony ane derfly to dede was dycht ; Fcill off yaim was as yan out off aray, Ye mar haifty and awful! was ye fray. Te noyis rufchit throcht ftraikis yat yai dang. 550 Ye rewmour raifs fo rudly yaim amang , Yat all ye oft was yan in poynt to fie. Vol. I. M Ye IJ4 HFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI. Ye wyfs lords, fra yai ) c perell fe, Ye felloune fray ail raffyt was about, And how yar king ftud in fa mekill dout, 55$ Till hys palzone, how many thoufand focht, Kym to rcfkew be ony w ay yai mocht. Ye Erie of Kent yat nycht had walkand beyne, With fyft thoufand men in armour cleyne ; About ye king full fodanly yai gang, 560 And traifts weyll ye failze was rycht ftrang. All Wallace folk in ryfs off wer was gud, Into ye ftour yan lychtyt quhar yai ftud ; Quhameuir yai hyt, na harnes mycht yaim ftint, Fra yai on fute femblyt with fuerds dynt ; 565 Off manheid yai in harts cruell was, Yai thocht to wyn, or neuir ynce to pafs ; Feill Inglifmen befor ye king yai flew. Schyr Jhon ye Gray me come with hys power new, Amang ye oft, with ye midwart he raid, 570 Gret martyrdome on Sothroune men yai maid. Ye rerward yan fet on fa hardely, With Newbyggyn, and all ye chewalry ; Palzone rapys yai cuttyt into fowndyr, Borne to ye ground, and mony fwourn owndir. 575 Ye fute men come, ye quhilk 1 fpak off ayr, On frayit folk fet ftrakis fad and fayr ; Yocht yai befor wantyt baith horfs and ger, Anewch yai gat, quhat yai wakl weill to wer. Ye Scotts power yan all togyddir war, 580 Ye kings palzone brymly doun yai bar. Ye Erie of Kent, with a gud ar in hand, into J500K VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. IJ5 Into ye flour full ftoutly couth he ftand Befor ye king, makand full gret dcbait, Quha beft did van, he had ye head ftait. $&$ Ye felloune (lour fo flalwart was and ftrang, Yarto contened marwalufly and lang. Wallace hym law, full fadly couth perfew, And at a ilraik ye cheiff Chyfteyne he flew. Ye Sothroune fled faft, and durft nocht byde, 590 Horffit yair king and off ye feild couth ryde, Agaynis hys will, for he was laith to fie, Into yat tyme he thocht not for to de ; Oft" hys beft men four thoufand yar was dede, Or he couth fynd to fie and leiff yat ftede ; 595 Twenty thoufand with hym fled in a ftaill. Ye Scotts gat horfs, and folowit yat battaill, Throuch Cultir-hope ; or tyme yai wan ye hycht Feill Sothroune folk was marryt in yair mycht, Slayne be ye gait as yair king fled away. 60a Bath fair and brycht, and rycht cler was ye day, Ye fone ryflyn, fchynand our hill and daill ; Yan Wallace keft quhat was hys gretteft waill. Ye fleand folk, yat off ye feild fyrft paft, Into yair king agayne releiffit faft. 605 Fra ayir fyde fo mony femblit yar, Yat Wallace wald lat Folow yaim na mar ; Befor he raid, gart hys folk turn agayne, Off Inglifmen fewyn thoufand yar was flayne. Yan Wallace oft agayne to Beggar raid, 6 10 Quhar Inglifmen gret purwiance had maid. Ye jowalre, as it was yiddir led, M a Pa!ioun»- 13* LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI. Palzons and all yai leiffit quhan yai fled. Ye Scotts gat gold, gud ger, and oyir wage, Rdewyt yai war, at partit yat pilage. 615 To meit yai went, with mirthis and plefance, Yai fparyt nocht King Edwards purweance. With folace fyne a litill fleyp yai ta, A prewat wach he gart amang yai ga. Twa kuks fell, yair lyffs for to faiff, 620 With dede corffys yat lay unputt in graiff; Quhen yai faw weill ye Scotts war at reft, Out off ye feild to fteill yaim thocht it belt ; Full law yai crap, quhill yai war out off fycht. Eftre ye oft fyne ran in all yair mycht. 625 Quhen yat ye Scotts had flepyt bot a quhill, Yan raifs yai up for Wallace dredyt gyll $ He faid to yaim, ye Sothroune may perfew Agayne to us, for yai ar folks enew ; Quhar Inglifmen prowifioune maks in wer, 630 It is full hard to do yaim mekiil der; On yis playne feild we will yaim nocht abyde, To fum gud ftrenth my purpofe is to ryde. Ye purwiance, yat left was in yat ftede, To Rops Bog he gert ferwands it lede, 63s With ordinance at Sothroune broucht it yar, He with ye oft to Dawis fchaw can far, And yar ramaynede a gret fpace off ye day. Off Inglifmen zeit fumthing will I fay. As King Edwarde throuch Cultir Hoppis focht, 640 Quhen he perfawit ye Scotts folowed nocht, In Jhonys Greyne be gert ye oft ly ftill j Feill EOOK VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. Tj '/ Feill fkand folk affemblyt fone hym till. Quhen yai war met, ye king ner worth is mad, For hys der kyn yat he yar loffyt had ; 645 Hys twa eymes into ye feild was fiayne, Hys fecund fon yat mekill was off mayne. Hys broyir Hew was kelyt yar full cald, Ye Erie of Kent, yat cruell Baroune bald, With gret worfchipe tuk ded befor ye king, 650 For hym he mournyt, als lang as he mycht ryng. At vis femblay as yai in forow ftand, Ye twa kukis come foon in at hys hand, And tald to hym how yai efchapyt war, tts all as fwyne lyes drunkyn yar, 6$ 5 Off our wycht wyne ze gert us yidder led, Full weyll we may be wengyt off yair ded; Upon our lywis, it is futh yat we tell, Raturne agayne, ze fall fynd yaim yowrfell. He blamyt yaim, and faid, na witt it was, 660 Yat he agayne for fie a taill fud pafs ; Yair Cheyftane is rycht marwelus in wer, Fra lie perell he can full weyll yaim ber ; To fek hym mar as now I wi'il nocht ryde, Our meit is li ft, yarfor we may nocht byde. 665 Ye hardy Duk off Longcaftell and Lord, Sowerane, he faid, till our counfaill accord ; Giff yis be trew, ze haiff ye mar awaill, We may yaim wyn, and mak bot lycht trawaill ; War zone folk dede, quha may agayne us ftand, 670 Yan neid we nocht for meit to kiff ye land. Ye king anfuerd, I will nocht rid agayne, M3 As I38 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI. As at yis tyme my purpofs is in playne. Ye Duk faid, giff ye contrar mycht be, To mowff zow mor it affers nocht for me, 675 Commaund power agayne with me to wend, And I off yis fall fe a finaill end. Ten thoufand haill he chargyt for to ryde. Her in yis ftrenth all nycht I fall yow byde, We may get meitt off befliall in yis land, 680 Gud drynk as now we can nocht bryng to hand. Off Weftmoiiand ye lord had met hym yar, On with ye Duk he graithit hym to fair ; At ye fyrft ftraik with yaim he had nocht beyne, With hym he led a thoufand weill befeyne. 685 A Pykart Lord was with a thoufand bowne, Off King Edwarde he kepyt Calyfs toune. Yis twelff thoufand on to ye feild can fair, Ye twa captaynis fone met yaim at Beggair, With ye haill fluff off Roxburch and Berwike, 690 Schyr Rawff Gray faw at yai war Sotheroune lyke, Out off ye fouth approchyt to yair fycht, He knew full weill with yaim it was nocht rycht. Amer Wallange with hys power come als, King Edwards man a tyrand knycht and fals. 695 Qnhen yai war mett yai fand nocht ells yar, Bot dede corffs and yai war fpul/iet bar ; Yan marueld yai qahar at ye Scotts fuld be, Off yaim about perance yai couth not fe ; Bot fpyis yaim tald, yat come with Schyr Amer ; 700 In Davvis Schaw yai faw yaim mak repair. Ye fcrs Sothroune fone paffyt to yat place j Ye BOOK VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 1^9 Ye wach was war, and tald to Wallace ; He warnyft ye oft out off yat toune to ryde, In Joppis Bog he purport for to bydc. 705 A litill fchaw upon ye ta fyde was, Yat men on fute mycht off ye Bog out pafs. Yar horfs yai loft into yat litill hauld. On fute yai thocht ye mofs yat yai fuld hauld. Ye Inglis oft had weiil yair pafTage feyne, 71* And folowed faft with cruel men and keyne ; Yai tie wit yat Bog mycht mak yaim litill waill, Growyn owr with reyfs, and all ye fward was haill. On yaim to ryd yai ordand in gret ire, Off ye formeft a thoufand in ye myre, 715 Off horfs with men, was plungyt in ye depe. Ye Scott finen tuk off yair cummyng gud kepe, Upon yaim fet with ftraikis fad and far,. Zcid nane away off all yat entryt yar ; Lycht men on fute upon yaim derfly dang, 720 •Feill undyr horfs was fmoryt in yat thrang, Stampyt in mofs, and with rud horfs ourgayne. Ye worthi Scotts ye dry land yan has tayne, Apon ye laiff fechtand full wondyr faft, And mony groyme yai maid full far agaft. 725 Yan Inglifmen, yat befy was in wer, Affailzeit far yaim fra ye mofs to ber, On ayir fyd ; bot yan it was no but, Ye ftrenth yai hald rycht awfully on fut, Till men and horfs gaiff mony greuous wound, 730 Feyll to ye dede yai ftrekit in yat ftound. Ye Pykart Lord afiailz.cit fcharply yar, Upon 140 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI, Upon ye Grayme, with ftraikis fad and far. Schyr Jhone ye Grayme, with a ftiff fuerd of fteill, Hys brycht byrneis he perfyt euir ilk deill, 735 Throch all ye ftuff, and ftekit hym in yat fled, Yus off hys dynt ye bald Pykart is ded. Ye Inglis oft tuk playne purpofs to fie, In yar turnyng ye Scotts gart mony de. Wallace wald fayne at ye Wallang haiff beyne, 740 Off Weftmorland ye Lord was yaim betweyne, Wallace on hym he fit ane awfull dynt, Throch bafnet ftuff, yat na fteill mycht it ftynt, Derfly to dede he left hym in yat place, Ye fals knycht yus efchapyt throuch yis cace. 745 And Robert Boyd has with a captayne mett Off Berwik, yan a fad ftraik on hym fett Awkwart ye crag, and kerwit ye piffane, Throuch all hys weid, in fondyr ftraik ye bane. Feill horffyt men fled faft and durft nocht byde, 750 Raboytyt ewill en to yar king yat tyde. Ye Duk hym tald off all yair jornay haill, Hys hert for ire bolnyt for byttir baill ; Haill he hecht he fold neuir London fe, On Wallace deid quhar he rewengyt be, 755 Or lofs hys men agayne as he did ayr ; Yus focht he fouth with gret forow and cayr ; At ye Birkhill a litill tary maid, Syne throuch ye land but reft our Sulway raid. Ye Scotts oft a nycht ramanyt ftill, 760 Apon ye morn yai fpoilziet, with gud will, Ye dede corfiis, fyne couth to Braidwode fayr, At BOOK VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 141 At a cunfaill thre dayis foiornyt yar ; At foreft kyrk a metyng ordand he, Yai chefd Wallace Scotts wardand to be, 765 Traiftand he fuld yair paynfull forow cefs. He refawyt all yat wald cum till hys pefs. Schyr Wilzhom come yat Lord off Douglas was, Forfuk Edwarde, at Wallace pefs can afs; In yair thrillage he wald na langar be, 770 Trewbut befor till Ingland payit he ; In contrar Scotts with yaim he neuir raid, For bettir cher Wallace yarfor hym maid. Yus tretyt he, and cheryft wondyr fayr, Trew Scotts men yat fewte maid hym yar, 775 And gaiff gretly feill guds at he wan, He warndit nocht till na gud Scottfman. Quha wald rebel!, and gang contrar ye rycht, He punyft far, war he fquier or knycht. Yus marwalufly gud Wallace tuk on hand ; 780 Lykly he was, rycht fayr and weill farrand, Manly and ftout, and yarto rycht liberall, Plefand and wyfs in all gud gouernalL To fla, forfuth, Sothroune he fparyt nocht ; Till Scotts men full gret profit he wrocht. 785 Into ye fouth fone eftir pafiit he, As hym thocht beft he rewllyt yat cuntre. Schirrais he maid yat crucll was to ken, And Captayne als off wifs trew Scotts men. Fra Gamlis Peth ye land obeyt hym haill, 790 To Ur wattir, bath ftrenth, foreft and daill, Agaynys hym in Galloway-houfe was naync, Except 14* LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI. Except Wigtoune, byggyt off lyme and ftayne ; Yat Captayne bard ye reullis off Wallace, Away be fey, he ftaw, out off yat place, 795 Lewyt all waift, and couth in Ingland wend ; Bot Wallace fone a kepar till it fend, A gud fquier and to nayme he was cald, Adam Gordon, as ye ftorie me tald. A ftrenth yar was on ye wattir of Cre, 800 Within a rock, rycht flalwart wrocht off tre ; A gait befor, mycht no man to it wyn ^ But ye confent off yaim yat duelt within ; On ye bak fyd a rock and wattir was, A ftrait entre forfuth it was to pafs. 805 To wefy it W T allace hymfelff fone went, Tra he it faw, he keft in hys entent ; To wyn yat hauld he has chofyne a gait, Yat yai within fuld mak litill debait. Hys power haill he gert byd out off fycht, 810 Bot thre with hym quhill tyme yat it was nycht ; Yan tuk he twa, quhen yat ye nycht was dym, Stewyn off Irland, and Keile yat couth clyme, Ye wattir under, and clame ye rock fo ftrang, Yus entrit yai ye Sothroune men amang. 815 Ye wach befor tuk na tent to yat fyd. Yir thre in fcir fone to ye port yai glyd. Gud Wallace yan ftraik ye portar hymfell, Dede our ye rock into ye dyk he fell, Leit doune ye brig, and blew hys horn on hycht. 820 Ye bufchment brak, and come in all yair mycht, At yair awne will fone entry t in yat place, Till BOOK VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE. 143 Till [nglifmen yai did full litill grace ; Sexty yai flew, in yat hald was no ma, Bot ane auld preift, and fempill wemen twa. 825 Gret purweance was in yat rock to fpend. Wallace baid (till quhill it was at ane end, Brak doune ye ftrenth, bath bryg, and bulwark all, Out owr ye rock yai gart ye temyr fall, Undid ye gait, and wald na langar byde, 830 In Cairik fyne yai bownyt yaim to ryde, Haiftytjyaim nocht, bot fobyrly couth fayr Till Towrnbery ; yat Captayne was off Ayr With Lord Perfye, to tak hys cunfaill haill. Syne fyrd ye zett na fuccour mycht awaill ; 835 A preft yar was, and gentill wemen within, Quhilk for ye fyr maid hiddewis noyis and din, Mercy, yai cryit, for hym yat deit on tre. Wallace gert flaik ye fyr, and leit yaim be ; To mak defens na ma was lewyt yar, 840 lie yaim cummand out off ye land to far, Spulzeit ye place, and fpilt all yat yai mocht, Apon ye morn in Cumno fome yai focht ; To Laynryk fyne, and fett a tyme off Ayr, Myfdours feill he gert be punyfl: yar. 845 To gud trew men he gaiff full mekill wage, Hys broyir fone put to hys heretage. To ye blak crag in Cumno pad agayne, Hys houfhald fet with men off mekill mayne. Thre monethis yar he duellyt in gud reft, 850 Suttell Sothroune fand weill it was ye beft, Tre vis to tak, for till en chew a chans, To 144 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK VI. To furyir yis yai fend for Knycht Wallans ; Both well yat tratour kepyt ft ill, And Ayr all haill was at ye Perfyes will, 855 Ye Byfchope Beik in Glafkow duellyt yar, Throch gret fupple off ye Captayne off Ayr. Erie off Stamffurd, was Chan liar off Ingland, With Schyr Amar yis trawaill tuk on hand, To procur pefs be ony maner off cace ; 860 A faiff condyt yai purcheft off Wallace. In Ruglen kyrk ye traift yan haiff yai fet, ♦ A promes maid to meit Wallace but let. Ye day off yis approchyt wondyr faft, Ye gret Chanflar and Amar yidder paft ; 865 Syne Wallace come, and hys men weill befeyne, With hym fyfty arayit all in greyne ; Ilk ane off yaim a bow and arrowis bar, And lang fuerds, ye quhilk full fcharply fchar. Into ye kyrk he gert a preyft rewefs, 870 With hymyll mynd, rycht mek'y, hard a mefs; Syne up he raifs and till an alter went, And hys gud men full cruell off entent. In ir he grew ye traitour quhen he faw ; Ye Ingiifmen off hys face ftud gret aw. 875 Witt rewllyt hym, yat he did no owtrage. Ye Erie beheld faft till hys hie curage, Forthocht fum part yat he come to yat place, Gretlye abayfit for ye vult off hys face. Schyr Amer faid, yis fpech yow mull begyne, 880 He will nocht bow to na part off yi kyne, Sufferyt ze ar, I trow ze may fpek weill, For BOOK. VI.] LIFE OF WALLACE* X45 For all Ingland he will nocht brek a drill Hys feiff cundyt, or quhar he makis a band, Ye Chanflar yan approfferit hym hys hand. 885 Wallace ftud ftill and couth na hands ta, Frendfchipe to yaim na liknes wald he ma. Schyr Amar faid, Wallace, ze undirftand, Yis is a Lord, and Chanflar off fngland, T<> fahifs hym ze may be propyr fkill. 890 With fchort awifs he maid anfuer hym till, Sic falufyng joyfs till Inglifmen, Sa fall he haiff, quhar euir I may hym ken At my power, to God [ mak a wow, Out off Souerance gift" I had hym now ; 895 Bot for.yi lyff, and all hys land fo braid, I will nocht brek yis promefs y it is maid : I had buir at my awne will haiff ze, Without condyt, yat mycht wrokyne be Off yi fals deid, yow dois in yis regioune, 90© Yan off pur gold a kings ranfoune ; Bot for my band as now I will lat be. Chanflar fchaw furth quhat ze defyr off me. Ye Chanflar faid, ye maift caufs off yis thing, To procur pcfs I am fend fra our King, 905 With ye gret frill, and woice oft" hys parliament, Quhat I bynd her our barnage fall confent. Wallace anfuerd, our II till mynds we haiff, Syne off our rycht ze occupy ye laiff, Quyt cleyme our land and we fall nocht deny. 910 Ye Chanflar faid, off na fie chargs haiff I ; We will gyff gold, or our purpofs fuld faill. Vol. I. N Yan I46 LIFE OF WALLACE. [BOOK Vf. Yan Wallace faid, in waift is yat trawaill, Be fauour gold we afk nayne off your kyn, In wer off yow we tak yat we may wyn. 915 Abaiffid he was to mak anfuer agayne. Wallace faid, fchyr, we jangill nocht in wayne, My cunfaill gyffs, I will na fabill mak, As for a zer, a finaill pefs to tak ; Not for myfelff, yat I bynd to your feill, 920 1 can nocht trew yat euir ze will be kill, Bot for pur folk gretlye has beyne fuppreffyt, 1 will tak pefs, till further we be awifyt. Yan band yai yus, yar fuld be no debait, Cafttll and toune fuld ftand in yat ilk flat, 925 Fra yat day furth, quhill a zer war at end ; Sellyt vis pefs, and tuk yair leyff to wend. y$ Q Wallace fra ynce paffit into ye weft, Maid playne repair quhar fo hym lykit beft ; "Zct far he dred or yai fuld hym diffaiff. Yis Endentour to Schyr Ranald he gaiff, Hys der uncle, quhar it mycht kepyt be, J3S~ In Cumno fyne till hys dueliyng went he. EXPLICIT LIBER SEXTUS LT INCIP1T SEPTIMUSt GLOSSARY. * x* The Manufcript has been fo exactly copied, that fome Contractions appear, which the writer of the M.S. had made ufe of for his own conveniency; fuch as, at, for that, yhn, for thine. O, for Oye; ye, for the, thee. C, is frequently ufed for 5; D, for th ; ff, for v; o, for Oo, u; n, w, for v; z, fovy, &c. A. A all, ah! "*~ * Abowyn, above A Jill, AtbolL B. 7. v. 6ao Agyt, aged Allay ne, alone Als, alfo, as Amange, among Alay, ally Ane our nowne, one after- noon Angell hede, angle head A n n ad yrdaill, Ann and ale & fpre, a/per ;fharp, 1 At, that At he aw, that which he owed Vol II. Aw, owed, belongs to Ayk, oak Ayle, Fa He, the vulgar name of a religious ho ufe in Air Ayr, heir B T> AID, abode, flayed, B. 9. v. 546 " Yar and I baid j" viz. three have I flayed Bald, bold Ballingar, a kind offhip Balzoune, Baliol Bandoune, bond, obligati- on Bar, bare, tu P Barnagc, GLOS Barnage, Barons, baronage Bargane, fight, contention Barrownys, Barons Barrat, hojlile company Barrace, bounds Bafnet, helmet, head-piece Bafnat, helmet Bayne, bane, ready Bavvk, baulk, roof Baylc, baleful Bears, ancefors Be, by . Bellamy, warlike man Beggar, Biggar Bertane, Britain Bed, beaji Bery-abbey, Bury-abbey Beftials, e?ig'mesfor ajiege Bikker, hajly battle Birynefs, burial Bet, fupplied Birneys, barns Blaw, a blow Blent, blinked, looked bleezes, blaze, flame Bonne, ready prepared Bowis, boughs Bowaml, bowing Borche, to pledge, to pray Bodvvord, meJJ'. : gc S A R Y. Bou(tous,great formidable Bownit, bovroyt, went, tended, made ready Boyd, B. 7. v. 050, read Byrd Bon, bane, hurt, death Brukyt, enjoyed Bradit, forced Braithlye, noify, bravely, 'valiantly Brokill, frail, doubtful Brachell, bratchell Bertymit, perifhed Bot, but, without Bryg, bridge Bryme, brim, fierce Brygeane Cruk, Bridge- end-Crook Bran, brain Botts, boats Browis, brows Brewyt, briefed Brim, brother. B.9.V. £96 Brazars, bracelets, armour for the arms Bufkit, prepared Bute, advantage Burd, board, table, plank Bufk, bifih. B. 3. v. 3 froyte bufk, fruit bufih Burdeous, GLOSSARY. Burdeous, Bourd Burly, larg . full But, IJle of , , burn Byrnand, b t% but ning B) k tens C f^*AIFF, Cave ^ Chefs, chofe C !, flrong m yt, chevi: C n, Sea ton , cavillles, lots ■ Corre, currie, canft r i Couth, a>«/ty i. B. 7- v - Cuk, cck, centinel Crawis, crabs -1 one Cur. cure Cultir-hope Cummerit, encumbered D T\ AIT ' *~^ Dauch, daWf xtb Der, / l Dipplyne, Duplin Pe\ darky concealed Derfly, fire Douir, D Down, Down Cafle Drychyn,dreiching,> f'fhion Fay is, foes Faw, fall Idys, f ingots Feife. B. <;. v 1564 fur- name of Lady Douglas " Feill at ze kid fall crar ye lyff." B. 7. v. 868, viz. Many that you lead, fball earlier lofe the life Ferd, fourth S A R Y. Ferdely, feardly Fey, fatal, unfortunate, un~ happy Fewtir, in ranks Feid, feud, hatred, quarrel Feill fyfs, many times Fewtir, felt, became Feryt, became Feld, field Feill, many Fevirzer, February Fellaft, fercefl Fell is, fails Flytting, removing Floryng, fiorins Flothis, floods Forrown, forerun Foryours, forragers Forfychan, Torphichen Forrag, forage, reconnoitre Forn, food Foreft Kirk, Selkirk Foftyr, fofler, nourifh Forfye, for force Fra, from Truftir us, fruflrate Frekis, fports, whims Frekis, light follows Frawartj from, fro ward, from ward Fryfaill, GLOS FryfaHl, Frazer 3 Fur, fare% make ufe of. G *> go Gadalos, Gadalls " Gaddrys oir fer," B. re. v. 342, in a former \ irion, Gar .•, arrow ownno, G Garraid, Gc> a Garth, yard, Qarmaridtganandfjit, pro- per Gai Gart, IGer, Gert on, . ■ Gowlis, gules, red .Glow is, glovc-s Glamrous, clamorout Grei Grc' B. 7. v. 67 Gre, C: . js P s a : Gyrth, Guana, G :ne» II TFTABOUNDANL Haboundyt, abounded :at, ?ieck Hard, be, Harns, b, >vrn,Haddi Haldyn, foolden, eft . He, I Heith, L ■ B. 7. v. 41 Her, Ho, ■ ion 3 GLOSSARY. Hyr, heir HydWyfs, hideous, terrible Ilynt, pulled, lifted. I TN, ufed for and, B. i. v. nz Imbaflet, ambajfador Inwey, envy Innys, inn Inlumyt, illuminate Joppis-bog, B. 6. v. 705. Roppis-bog Jowell, jewel. K T7- AMYSKYNETT, abbey of Cam bus Ken~ neth Kerwyt, carved Keft, caji Kingace, Kincace Kn eland, fur name of Cls- land Kyll, Kyle Kynrick, kingdom Kyth, Kytbe, Jbewed, ap- peared. L T ATT, let, Jof>, hinder "*~^ Lattyn, hindrance Law it, low, B. y v. ij6 Law, lo-tv Lawte, humblenefs Ledys, Leeds Lemand, leme, gleam, fame Lekle, Leckie rear Gar' gunnock, Stirling-fhire Ledaill, Liddifdale Leryt, learned Leit, let Lewyng, living, fuflenante Levir. levar, rather Lewyfs, leaves of trees Leytband,/^/^ ~Le\x\t,\£\\t, allowed, gran- ted Lewyn-houfe, Lennox. B. 11. v 8.3. LiefFe, live, leave Licaym, limbs. Longcaftle, Lancafler Locklute, lock d Longcafchyr, La?icafhire Lorn, lofl Lund, London Lugit, hdged Lundors, Lundores-ahbey ■ Luff-burd, loof-board Lyfiat, the very fame Lynt, Urt.fax* MA, G L O S M Tl TA, more ^ •*■ Macht, matcbt Mar, mayor Mart, mofl Mayne, moan May, Matelent, rage, great deft re Mayre, Afarj; Mayre fcheyne. B. 2. v. 336, for the fake of the glorious, or virgin ry Maters, materis, matrons, mothers Meftan wode, Metbven wood Mernys, Merns near Glaf- gow Melle, contefl, battle SARY. N Menys, r, complains Mete, meet Mekili, much Modyr, mother Mony, many Mifdears, mif-docrs, ez-il- Mur, demure Mvftred, needed -VTERCH, March. B. 1© v. 101, Countefs of March. Neuo, nephew Nounys, nuns Noune, noon Noyir, neither. O S^\ Oye, grandchild ^> Ochtell, Qckill-hilh Ogart, terror Or, before, ere Oft-fyifs, oft-times Oft, hqfl Our-lord, over-lord Outrage, outrageous Our-heyde, overtook Our, over Oyir, other Oychall, Oc bill- hills Oyis, ufe, cuflom,pr. P T>A.LZEON, tent ■*- Pape, Pope Par, impi I Pcill, fortx caflle Pope Pur way, GLOSSARY. Purway, purvey Rede, reid, counfcl, read Pifiand, puifant, ftretigtb Reik, fmoke Vovt-fta^JIrongfaff Reury, reevery, robbery Poille, Pole Rerd, clamour, noife Prophefye out, B. 2. v. Rad, afraid 169 in the printed edi- Rew, repent, regret tions. A per fit of Roman, Roman ufe. B. jc. Powed, pulled v. ICC3, Roman Church Prynfnall, Service Pute, pity Rodds, Rhodes IJIand Pur no rik, poor nor rich Royd. void. B. t. v. 77 *^* No Englijkman would Rcufchede, rvfoed deem the in offing amifs, Rought, attained pocr nor rich. B. j . v. Rok, diflaff 378 Roy, king Pyt, to pity. Rouch-rowlyngs, rulzi* R onSf brogues, or, open "O A, Rae, a furname ■^ B. icv. 4; 4 foes unformed Rik, rich Racunnyfs, recognize Repende, rampart Rang, range, rank, order Ruthly, fordy Rabutyt, rebutit, rep\ Ruff, roof Rapys, ropes At Ruff, under roof Ragmcnt, clifcourfc, collec- Ruwan, Ruthven tion, treaty Ru d yrfurd , Rutherfurd Ray, fong of triumph, ar- ' , kingdom ray Ryvirfurd, Rutherford, Raw, row, rank S Raw 11 it, ri . CA,/o ^ Saffir, fapphire RamulT, remove Sal*, G L O S ?alk, fake Salt, a fault Sawcly, alone, folely Said, to trouble, tomahefore Sawit, fa i Saw, a fiyiug, to declare; B. 2. v. 3C4i " for a- wenture might faw," as adventure might fhe-jj Salt, affault Sancl Johnftoune, Perth Sanyt, healed, famed Sand Bus Hade, 67 £*/.* Sawcher, Sanquhar Sey, /r/V//, proof tafling Sefibun, feafon Senzeit, feigned. B. £ . v. 926 Semle. affembly Sey, /-,i Swyr, fware, //.v «*>f£ Sekar, c«/ Seir, fere, yb/v fever al, many Se, y^? Serd, ferved Sily,///y Sent, Sentryfs, gentricc, £tf*/i- S A R Y. //7y, generoftty St nis, «//j Scroggy, thorny, bufhy Schyff, lchryve, confefs Scnzie, Siguier, Lordjhip B. 1:. v. 139 Schot, put forth, launched Schoys, floes Schaw, a fur name, B. 6. v. 70 Schent, fenU confounded Scry fone raifs, " the cry foon raife," B. 4. v. 67 X Sembled, affembled Scor, twenty Scule, School Scaithis, hurts, injuries Sedane, fut Serwis, deft - Sekar, cut Schonkit, fhaked Scanfj Scrymmags, fcrymage, fk >rt Scheyne, fchene, Jhi Seildyn, f ly, Landfome. Shaw, a wood or grove Sitful, forrowful Sekar, G L O S Sekar, fare, certain Siyfs, office Sophammis, fopJAfms Sone, foon Soudly, fuddled Sperd, afked t enquired Souzhe, or fouch, noice Slonk, Sloughy ditch) mar- fhy ground Sleid, ftaid, den, 'valley Segs, feges, men Sper, fpear Snell, /harp, keen Spayn, fpcon South-gait, Soutb-flreet SlevfhfJIippedt B. 7. v. m 7 Slew fyre, f ruck f re Sowmir, fumpter horft Souerty, Stark, fterk, flrong Stragyll, flraggle Se,fo Stynt, flint, fop, delay Strowbill, trouble, trc fome Stewyn, fteven, mouth, voices found Stewyn, Steven Stall, y/^/^ S A R Y. Staill, fta\e,feparate party t ambii/h, fee ret place Stapill, fable, fire Stark, flout Stikyt, ficked,flabbcd Sh,fy Streftly, fully Stark, ftur, flout and brave Steide, ftede, place, condi- tion Stuart, fezvard Stelled, ftolled, fozved Swytb.Jkvift Suerd,fword Svva, fo Suzie, fzveat Swappyt, flapped, drew Swak, fwake, a throv: 9 fbock Swyth, qui Syfe, feis, pcfjion Swaket, cafl Syn, after S/.i, there, next r T , A, take ■^ Tawkand, talking Tirandry, tyranny Teyn, forrow, hurt, anger id, tyrant Thryllage* GLOS Thic, three ' Tbryll lage Thewittil, Th ■ Thrufai Tholyt,/ Tl Till to, unto TO; Toisfrequentb left their lift B. 4 . v. Tournberry, Turn ' Topaftone, Tt Towboth, Pi Traftyt, ti Trewis it words tak, R. 3. v. 271. /. us to Tranontit, traventit, man Tr . T)t ; 111 Turfs, be Tynt, TTMQ ,, ere S A R Y. Unru unrebytyt| Unfo " rable , ufe ?». 6. v, 1 ! . feared. w 'A, forroiv, forry w ale re lour .ion j, do- 1 Wageourfs, G L O S Wageourfs, mercenaries Wer, war y warlike expe- dition, wear Werray, very Weftermar, farther weft Wend, to go Weild, guide or manage Wenys, thinkeft Wedeis, withes, twigs Wed, pledge Werytej verity Wend, weened, imagined Weildand weylle, well as he could wi/h Wer, \tv,fpring Weync, ween, but weyne, without doubt Wefchc, wojh Wicht, valiant, ftrong Wicke, wrack, revenge Wittaill, vicinal Wincuft, vanquiflied " William Lang Doug- lace," William Doug- hs Lang, &c, B. 10. v. ICC9 Wok, walked Wower, vowcr, woer Woo, wo, forrowful S A R Y. Wowyn, woven Wownnand, winning, dwelling Worthit to weide, became frantic Worth is, waxes Worth, grew, became Worthit, waxed Wrokyn, w reaked, avenged Wrandly, like to J warm or flock Wycht with flrong Wyrking, working, Y VTAN, then, than, Ymage, homage Yne action, B. 3. v. 363 informer editions" thine nation." Yocht, the Yrage, Irifh Yrk, irk, fear, wearinefs. Z *7 A yea yes Z-. id, w?nt Zett yet gate, door Zhetts, y. ts gates Zuheyll, wheel. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. tfl Ill 3 1158 00920 063<: .,^.^I HERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY mi urn mil in mil iii! iii ii A II ml I MM I B 000 000 259 2