INDIAN NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS Edited by F. W. Hodge A SERIES OF PUBLICA- TIONS RELATING TO THE AMERICAN ABORIGINES BEOTHUK AND MICMAC FRANK G. SPECK NEW YORK MTJSEUM OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN HE\'E FOUNDATION 1922 CALIFORNIA SAN DIE0O •^. Tms series of Indian Notes and Mono- graphs is devoted primarily to the publica- tion of the result of studies by members of the staff of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, and is xmiform with Hispanic Notes and Monographs, published by the Hispanic Society of America, with which organization this Museum is in cordial cooperation. Only the first ten volumes of Indian Notes and Monographs are numbered. The unnumbered parts may readily be deter- mined by consulting the List of Publications issued as one of the series. INDIAN NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS Edited by F. W. Hodge A SERIES OF PUBLICA- TIONS RELATING TO THE AMERICAN ABORIGINES BEOTHUK AND MICMAC FRANK G. SPECK NEW YORK MUSEUM OF THE AMERIC.VN INDIAN HEYE FOUNDATION 1922 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC PART I STUDIES OF THE BEOTHUK AND MICMAC OF NEWFOUNDLAND BY FRANK G. SPECK CONTENTS Part I PAGE Introduction 12 Sites of Beothuk occupancy 19 The INIicmac and the Red Indians 25 How the ^Micmac and the Red Indians became separated 27 Comparative ethnological notes 30 Table 44 Folklore notes from the Nein'foundland band 46 The story of Buchan's expedition 49 A meeting between a Red Indian's fam- ily and a Micmac family 51 An encounter with Red Indians near Twillingate 52 An encounter near Dildo Arm 52 Miscellaneous anecdotes 53 The case of Santu 55 The informant's history , 58 Ethnological notes 60 -Votes 71 Part II Introduction 83 Hunting territories in Nova Scotia 86 Table 100 Hunting territories in Cape Breton island. . 106 Table 110 INDIAN NOTES BEOTHUK AND MICMAC PAGE Hunting territories in Prince Edward island. 1 14 Table 116 Hunting territories of the Micmac-Mon- tagnais of Newrfoundland 117 Table 132 Ancient place-names in Newfoundland 138 Appendix 141 I — Cormack's observations . . . 141 II — Abstract of the Gluskap Trans- former myth 145 Gluskap's journey 146 Notes 149 Index 157 INDIAN NOTES ILLUSTRATIONS Part I PAGE Pl. I. Lookout tree at Red Indian point 12 II. View across Red Indian lake from Red Indian point 13 III. Red Indian point, Red Indian lake, showing "lookout tree" and beach, looking south 18 IV. The same scene as that shown in plate in, looking toward Mary March bend and point 19 V. "Mary March's tree" at Mary March point, near Millertown, Newfoundland 22 VI. Beothuk wigwam pit at junc- tion of Badger's brook and Exploits river 23 VII. Log wigwam, camp of Frank Joe and family near St George's bay 30 VIII. Another view of wigwam con- struction 3i IX. Birch-bark canoes used by the Micmac of the New Brunswick coast, showing the feature of the elevated gunwale centers, called "humpbacks" 32 AND MONOGRAPHS 8 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC PACE Pl, X. Canoes of the Badger's Brook band of Micmac 33 XI. Daughter of John Paul, Micmac- Montagnais of Badger's Brook, in caribou-skin coat and with "Red Indian" doU 34 XII. Daughter of John Paul, Micmac- Montagnais of Badger's Brook, in caribou-skin coat 35 XIII. Daughter of John Paul, Micmac- Montagnais of Badger's Brook, in caribou-skin coat 36 XIV. Man's coat of caribou-skin with the hair on and with buttons of caribou-antler '. 37 XV. Micmac-Montagnais woman at Badger's Brook in sealskin. capote with snowshoes 38 XVI. Frank Joe and wife, Micmac- Montagnais of St George's settlement, west coast of New- foundland 39 XVII. Wife of Frank Joe wearing char- acteristic head-covering 40 XVIII. Boots and moccasins of the Bad- ger's Brook band of Micmac. 41 XIX. Loom of the Badger's Brook band of Micmac for weaving pack-straps, belts, etc 42 XX. Woven pack-straps and spindle- whorl 43 XXI. Micmac-Montagnais at Badger's Brook, showing method of using woven pack-strap 44 INDIAN NOTES ILLUSTRATIONS Pl.XXII XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXM. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. PAGE Tobacco-pouches of the Badger's Brook band of Micmac 45 Snowshoes of the Badger's Brook band of ilicmac 48 Pick, awls and knives of the Badger's Brook band of JNlicmac 49 Bone and antler implements of the Badger's Brook band of Micmac 50 Punch, needles, and chisel of the Badger's Brook band of JNlic- mac 51 Wooden netting implements of the Badger's Brook band of ]\Iicmac 52 Harpoon-heads, lance-heads, and fish-spear of the Badger's Brook band of Micmac 53 Splint basketry of the Badger's Brook band of JMicmac 54 Birch-bark boxes of the Badger's Brook band of Micmac 55 Fetish objects of the Badger's Brook band of Micmac 56 Micmac doll representing "Red Indian" (Beothuk) 57 View of the country formerly the common property of Micmac and Beothuk, according to tradition 58 Santu and her son, Joe Toney. . 59 Santu 60 Joe Toney 61 AND MONOGRAPHS 10 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC PAGE Fig. 1. Le&i oi Sarracena purpurea (Pitcher plant) used as an improvised pipe by Newfoundland Indians 40 2. Wooden dipper for molten lead in making bullets 42 Part II Pl. XXXVII ]\Iicmac hunting camp in Cape Breton island 106 XXXV'III. ISIicmac hunting camp in Cape Breton island 107 XXXIX. Birch-bark wigwam of the Cape Breton Micmac 114 XL. Birch-bark wigwam of the Cape Breton Micmac, showing feature of hoop and inside poles 115 XLI. Interior of wigwam of Cape Breton IMicmac, showing size and placing of poles .... 1 18 XLII. Port aux Basques, near Cape Ray, Newfoundland. T>-pical scenery ■ of the southwestern coast 119 M.^p I. Hunting territories of the Micmac Indians in Nova Scotia Back Cover II. Hunting territories of the Micmac Indians in Prince Edward island and New- foundland Back Cover Fig. 3. Hunting territory of Solomon Siah, Micmac of Bear river, Nova Scotia 99 INDIAN NOTES 11 I. STUDIES OF THE BEOTHUK AND MICMAC OF NEW- FOUNDLAND By Frank G. Speck INTRODUCTION THE mystery connected with the dis- appearance of the unfortunate Beothuk or Red Indians of New- foundland has aroused a great deal of interest among historical investigators. The ethnologist, however, has to lament chiefly the fact that little or nothing of the language or customs of the tribe had been recorded before the opportunity had passed. Paucity of information on the language and the necessity of having to depend on several very poor vocabularies led Powell and Gatschet in 1885 to classify the Beothuk as an independent linguistic stock. Other writers who have dealt with the tribe have AND MONOGRAPHS 12 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC been impressed by certain cultural affinities with both Eskimo and Montagnais. Conse- quently there is at present considerable un- certainty as to the ethnic position of the tribe. In the summer of 1914, during a trip to the eastern provinces of Canada for ethno- logical research/ I made an extension of my journey, I might almost say a pilgrimage, to Red Indian lake and Exploits river, the country of the Beothuk, in the hope of resur- recting some traditional or material traces of their existence. As a consequence the result of my labor is presented in this brief paper, since in our study of the lost tribe we are forced to make stock of almost any fragments of information. We should be careful, I think, in a case of this kind, not to overestimate the peculiarity of the posi- tion of the tribe simply because it became extinct under rather tragic circumstances, or because so little is known of it. Some writers have been inclined to do this. We should rather try to identify the ethnic position of the Beothuk through the few known facts of their life, relying more upon INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC LOOKOUT TREE AT RED INDIAN POINT Close view, showing trimmed branches 12 2:g < m □ I ZH ~u. QO Ld o> Jo Si i''d3n, 'big gut,' or it might have been Nudjo'yan, inside Sandy AND MONOGRAPHS 28 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC point in the bay. The St George's river was at that time called Main river bv the English. Everything went well between the two tribes. They used to have a large canoe at the village in which the people could cross over the bay. One time during the winter a Micmac boy killed a black weasel. As it was winter-time the weasel should, of course, have been white. The occurrence was taken as an omen of misfortune,^' because the boy should not have killed a black weasel in winter-time, the animal not being in its proper hue. On account of the violation of the taboo a quarrel arose between the boys who were at the time gathered near the big canoe already mentioned. The Micmac boy struck and killed a Red Indian boy and left him there. Soon the Red Indian boy was missed by his people, and after searching for several days they found his body lying near the big canoe. When they examined the wounds the Red Indians concluded that the boy had been mur- dered. They accused the Micmac of doing the deed, and in a few days feeling became so intense that a fight ensued in which the Red Indians were beaten and driven out. They retreated into the interior and, being separated from contact with the outside world, drifted into barbarism and became wilder. They always shunned the IMicmac, who soon after obtained firearms and, although the}' never persecuted the Red Indians, were thenceforth objects of terror to them. In a few generations those of the two tribes who were able to converse to- gether died out and there was no way left for them to come together. So living in fear of INDIAN NOTES MICMAC KNOWLEDGE 29 each other, yet avoiding clashes, the Micmac continued to live at Bay St George and the Red Indians kept to the interior." We can hardly give serious historical con- sideration to the details of this story. It bears the marks of being a secondary expla- nation of some historical event, especially since the same general theme among the Micmac, and even among other Wabanaki tribes of the mainland, accounts for the hos- tility of the Iroquois.^ ^ The motive of the legend, nevertheless, is clear enough, for it indicates that the Micmac and the Red Indi- ans were undoubtedly on friendly terms originally and that they intermingled.^® Accepting this assumption as being trust- worthy, let us consider other claims, as well as some features of material culture. Such a study of the ethnology of the New- foundland Indians (whom I have chosen to call Micmac-Montagnais on account of their mixed descent), as I was able to make it in the early summer of 1914, showed some few articles of use characteristic neither of the Micmac of the mainland nor of the Montag- nais. By eliminating what we can safely AND MONOGRAPHS 30 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC attribute to either of the above sources, the residual material may possibly deserve to be classed as the result of borrowing through contact with the Beothuk. If one is in- clined to object strenuously to such a claim, let us recall the fact that many of the Mic- mac families among the present-day natives of Newfoundland are of Montagnais de- scent. If one attempts to deny categorically that culture survivals from the Beothuk are not to be traced through the Micmac, on account of former hostility, then it cannot be denied on the same ground that influence could have come down through the Mon- tagnais strain in the present population, whose ancestors were known to be friendly with the Beothuk. COMPARATIVE ETHNOLOGICAL NOTES One of the distinctive features of economic life listed for the Beothuk is a marked pe- culiarity in the construction of thebirch-bark wigwam. The excavation of a pit a foot or so below the level of the ground seems to have been a general feature of the Beothuk wigwam. This contrasts with the Micmac INDIAN NOTES i, f^m0' HABITATION 31 and Montagnais wigwam, because these tribes generally erect the wigwam upon flat ground. On the Penobscot river in Maine, nevertheless, such wigwam-pits, both rec- tangular and circular in outline, may be seen on Indian island. In other respects, however, the wigwams of the Beothuk and the eastern Algonkian seem to correspond even in such details as the hoop encircling the inside of the framework of poles.^" The hoop varies somewhat in size according to the height at which it is placed. Generally it is lashed to the wigwam poles about six feet from the ground and lends much to the support of the poles when the wigwam is burdened with snow. Sticks are placed on the hoop, upon which clothing and moc- casins may be hung to be dried. Even the cooking utensils are suspended over the fire from the cross-sticks. All is shown in pi. XL. The hoop as a structural feature, is used, we know, westward as far as the Montagnais and the Penobscot of Maine ;^^ but it is absent from the wigwam and tipi con- struction of the Great Lakes area and the plains. Even the rectangular based winter AND MONOGRAPHS 32 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC wigwams of the Beothuk, built of logs chink- ed with moss and with a pyramidal bark superstructure, find their parallel among the tribes of the Wabanaki group. An ex- ample of the present-day Newfoundland In- dian log camp is shown in pi. vn-viii. An anonymous author in the London Times (1820) mentions the upright posts in con- struction (cf. Howley, p. 100). This camp is built partly on the same principle — a clear survival. So after all, in the rather fun- damental matter of architecture the Beo- thuk do not exhibit a great divergence from the surrounding Algonkian. In canoe-building we find another impor- tant subject for comparative mention. The bark canoe of the Beothuk type has been described by several authors.^^ The pointed keel and the elevated middle section of the gunwales are the two distinguishing features of the craft. The pointed keel is unique among eastern canoe types, but the same cannot be said of the elevated gunwale middle, for a modified form of the same thing, with the same separating thwart, is prominent not only in the Micmac canoes INDIAN NOTES if! CD ^ iol >'^ CQ uj o Si z i CANOES 33 of Newfoundland (pi. ix, b), which might be expected to show the feature, but through- out the Micmac range as far as southern Nova Scotia, according to my own observa- tion (pi. ix). Farther west than the Mic- mac, however, this feature does not extend nor do the Montagnais produce it. Ordi- narily, however, the present-day Micmac- Montagnais of Newfoundland make and use the moose-skin canoe (mu'sawulk, "moose boat") in preference to the bark one. They claim that it is more convenient on the port- ages and more quickly made. From two to four skins are used in its construction, which is quite simple. A model is shown in pi. X, a. In this trait the Newfoundland In- dians agree with the other tribes of the Wa- banaki group, as well as with the Mon- tagnais, who all have recourse at times to moose-hide craft. We do not hear of the hide canoe among the Beothuk from any of the old accounts with the exception of one, Cormack's,'^ although of course the fun- damental idea is Eskimo as well as Al- gonkian. In the matter of dress, some articles are • AND MONOGRAPHS 34 BEOTHUK AND MI CM AC characteristic of the Newfoundland Indians of toda}' which are common to both Mon- tagnais and Micmac, while others are sug- gestive of Red Indian culture. The caribou- skin capote {qali'bua'zi, "caribou cover- ing") with hood attached (pi. xi-xiv), and the- sealskin coats (pi. xv) of the same type, are of course in the former class. Al- though I was able to procure only a plain specimen of the caribou-skin coat, I 'learned from John Paul' (see p. 78, note 45) of decorations which formerly were more com- mon. Tanned with the hair off, these coats had figures of animals painted on the back, and a band of checkerwork in red and black around the waist. This compares more with what we know of Montagnais decoration, although the same type of coat had a wide distribution throughout the Wabanaki area. Of the pigments, red and brown were from alder bark, yellow from "yellow thread" (golden ihxc&d, Coptis iri- folia),^'^ and blue and black from blueber- ries. When the hair was left on these coats they were seldom painted, except as in the case of the one figured, which has red ocher INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK ANDMICMAC DAUGHTER OF JOHN PAUL. M IC MAC- MONT AGNAI S OF BADGERS BROOK. IN CARIBOU-SKIN COAT AND WITH "RED INDIAN" DOLL SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC \ m"^ -?*j^ DAUGHTER OF JOHN PAUL, M I M AC- MONTAGN Al S OF BADGERS BROOK. IN CARIBOU-SKIN COAT DRESS 35 smeared over the seams on the inside. Children's coats were made from the skin of a caribou calf, with the eye-holes and ears left in place on the head, which fitted over the head of the child to form the hood. This is distinctly like the coats worn by children of the ]\Iontagnais of Labrador. Trousers of tanned caribou-skin reaching almost to the knee, as an article of clothing correspond also to the early dress of the Montagnais. The women wore peaked caps {kdn'i''- skwe'ic, "pointed top"), descriptions of which serve to show that they were more like those of the other Micmac, though of course a similar article is worn by nearly every Mon- tagnais woman. The women also wrapped their hair over two small wooden blocks over the ears, also after the fashion of the Mon- tagnais. Neither of these fashions, how- ever, is to be seen nowadays (pi. x\-i-x\ai). When we come to consider boots and moccasins {mki'zi'n), we encounter articles which evidently suggest Beothuk influence. The low moccasin of caribou-skin has the forepart finely puckered like that of the AND MONOGRAPHS 36 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC Montagnais (pi. xviii, a, b). More char- acteristic of these Indians, however, is the boot-moccasin {mu' ksati) ,^^ the pattern of which is the same as that of Eskimo boots and those of the Montagnais of the coast. With feet made of sealskin and the upper parts of either seal- or caribou-skin, heavily greased, the article is suggestively Eskimo- like. Frequently the top of the boot is rein- forced with a strip of caribou-skin with the fur on (pi. xviii, c-e). The distinctive feature of both the moccasin and the boots, however, is the red stain which they receive at the hands of their makers before being considered complete. Discussion of this peculiarity with the Indians themselves brought to light the fact that they attribute the custom of dyeing these articles red to former contact with the Red Indians. Since the feature seems to be restricted to those people, I see little reason to doubt the likelihood of the connection. Practically every pair of moccasins I observed worn by them was dyed red, whether made of caribou-skin or of seal-skin. To obtain the red color they soak the hide in water im- INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC DAUGHTER OF JOHN PAUL, M I CM AC-MONTAGN AIS OF BADGERS BROOK. IN CARIBOU-SKIN COAT SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC MAN'S COAT OF CARIBOU-SKIN WITH THE HAIR ON AND WITH BUTTONS OF CARIBOU-ANTLER: USED IN WINTER BY THE BADGER'S BROOK BAND OF MICMAC W E A V I N G 37 pregnated with spruce, pine, or alder bark, during the process of tanning ^"^ For a people with rather crude industries, it seems unusual to find them practising weaving. Upon a loom {eldaxte 'gan , ' ' weav- ing instrument"^^) made of wood with from 20 to 30 holes in the bars between the ver- tical apertures (pi. xix), the women weave pack-straps {u.'i'sxo''buxsan', "carrying strap"), shown in pi. xx, a, ft; xxi (compare, in the Cape Breton dialect of Micmac, Ijk' xada'u) belts and garters.-* The material employed in weaving, before sheep wool came into use, was caribou wool. To obtain the wool it was combed from the hide, three- fourths of a pound usualty coming from one skin. Bear, beaver, otter, and hare skins, they say, also furnished wool of an inferior sort. When combed and stretched the wool was spun on a wooden spindle {mi'man- Ja'Ton'," spinning instrument"^^), which was twirled with the fingers (pi. xx, c), the point restingonaboard. When the woolen strands are ready to be woven, they are passed alternately through the holes and slits of the loom. One end of the group of gathered AND MONOGRAPHS 38 1 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC strands is tied to a post, or something equally convenient in the house, and the other end attached to the belt of the woman who is to do the weaving. Thus the loom is near the body of the weaver. By lean- ing backward then the weaver can make the cords as tight as she desires. Without shuttle or bar the weaver then passes the ball of 3'arn with one hand between the alternate strands, separated vertically when the loom is raised with the other hand, and then back again when the loom is lowered. This produces an over-one under-one mesh, and the pattern is determined by the colors of the strands. PI. xix shows the loom with an unfinished belt upon it. The art of weav- ing, the highest artistic accomplishment of the Newfoundland band, seems more closely related to the Micmac; nothing like it occurs among the Montagnais. Several informants claimed, however, that they had heard of its derivation from the Red Indians. I hardly think, though, that such a claim should be seriously considered. Another rather fine art is the wea\'ing of very fine cords of rabbit wool in varied INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC MICMAC-MONTAGNAIS WOMAN AT BADGERS BROOK IN SEALSKIN CAPOTE WITH SNOWSHOES OF LOCAL TYPE SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC FRANK JOE AND WIFE, M I C M AC- MONTAG N Al S OF ST GEORGES BAY SETTLEMENT. WEST COAST OF NEWFOUNDLAND SNOW SHOES 30 colors to be sewed on the edge of caps, cloth ing, and the like, sometimes made into designs as a substitute for beadwork and painting. This art is comparable with the former work of the Montagnais in wool embroidery, and in later days in silk. I have described this technique in another paper.^" Thfe scarcity of skin and cloth bags among the Newfoundland Indians contrasts with their abundance among the Montagnais and even the Micmac of the mainland. Only a few bags or pouches {nialsewi" ^^) were obtained (pi. xxn), one of caribou- skin, dyed red, and another of muskrat- skin. Snowshoes (a'ygmk'), shown in pi. xxiii, are not so finel}' made as are those of the ]\Iontagnais. They resemble more the snowshoes of the INIicmac of the mainland.^^ Crooked knives (-u. Bark boxes are a'luwa- 'm "3 bax, "oval shaped;" and m o awi'yo'yalayan, "round 1 5 bark box." They were i''*l' 1 1 "^ formerly common ob- '' 1 I 1 jects.^^ ' '1 . 11 1 From several himters m III t I obtained perforated 1 'l llill stones {kwunde'u, j Ilii ^ "stone;" pi. xxxi, b, |'||.!' Hllk c) which they cherished /.I r|,l; /I'PI iHiliu. as luck charms to aid ■\ them in hunting. Nei- '!> 1 ther among the Montag- ii nais nor the Micmac, so 'it- far, have I encountered the same fetishes, al- \i'^K| fll"';^''":'-': though I had obtained ' them previously from .Vi^iF k lflr. Broad netted in<,»,bo«. SeinCoiccd bow (Howley, i>. 27 1 ). ""'•""■'""'^ ° °" needle.. tt«. SmtiHt. df«' (benys. pp, 406. 415). (?) Wovm »ool p..k-lt.p, ottd Braided leairitr and willow- ba.k pack-linw. Btiidcd biuwood bitk and Bireb.bark veHCls and reecpUdcs (How- SiitiiJnr. S.r>.lar. Senl Etomiich oil reeeplade (Howlcy, p. Sittttl.t. Seal^stomach grease recepta- Biiby sack (no menlion o( cradle-boa rd|. Il.b, l.-., p. .,nu)ar type. """""""■ r 73 a. .< o^- cr ^ , < -' a. SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC TOBACCO-POUCHES OF THE BADGER'S BROOK BAND OF MICMAC a, Of red tanned cariijou-skiii, with string of spun caribou wool; width, 41 in. b. Of muskrat-skin BEOTHUK ETHNOLOGY 45 ]\Ioreover, the isolated fact that the Beo- thuk used the inner bark of Pinus balsanii- fera for food^^ is, like many other customs, not an exclusive one, because the Mon- tagnais do the same with the iimer rind of canoe birch when pressed by famine. The accompanying tabulated ethnologi- cal summary has been prepared for the con- venience of the reader. It reveals, on the basis of what is known of Beothuk ethnol- og\', the degree of resemblance of the Beo- thuk to the Micmac-Montagnais of New- foundland, and that of these two peoples individually to the Montagnais north of the St Lawrence and to the IMicmac and the Wabanaki tribes south of that stream. A tabulation of this nature is of course valu- able only to a limited extent, because we cannot rely on the significance of anything negative owing to the incompleteness of our knowledge of the Beothuk. As for the other tribes in the columns, since the list is not intended to focus their characteristics as a body apart from those of the Beothuk, the significance of the comparison is even less, for its scope is restricted to the Beothuk AND MONOGRAPHS 46 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC correspondences. The blank spaces in the columns denote that the particular feature is lacking, so far as the data show. The references in the Beothuk column are to Howley's monograph; the statements refer- ring to the other tribes are based mostly on my own field observations. The other au- thorities, where mentioned, are: Nicholas Denys, The Description and Natural His tory of the Coasts of North America . . . Paris, 1672, reprinted in Publications of the Champlain Society, Toronto, 1908, by W. F. Ganong; and Father Chrestien Le Clercq, New Relation of Gaspesia . . . Paris, 1691. reprinted in Publications of the Champlain Society, Toronto, 1910, by W. F. Ganong. FOLKLORE NOTES FROM THE NEWFOUND- LAND BAND In the ancient Micmac nomenclature of Newfoundland are a few names connected with Beothuk history. Red Indian lake is Meywe'djewa'gi', "Red Indian lake." The various Red Indian camp-sites, the old deer fences, and especially the large camp- INDIAN NOTES FOLKLORE 47 site at Red Indian point (pi. xxxni), are familiar to all the present-day Indians. The melancholy history of their former con- geners and speculations as to their ultimate fate are subjects that appeal strongly to the Micmac. In general the idea that the Mic- mac-Montagnais aided in the remorseless activities against the Beothuk arouses somewhat indignant denial among them. Despite the fact that historical notices, most of which I find have been disseminated from only one or two sources, mention the Mic- mac among the persecutors of the Red Indi- ans, it must be confessed that I myself am rather skeptical on the point. The Micmac sincerely profess pity for the unfortunate tribe, and commiserate their hard life in the interior, terrified as they fancy by the en- croachments of people with firearms, and driven away from the benefit of intercourse with those who could have furnished them with modern utensils and religion. The Indians of Newfoundland today regard the Red Indians as a people who were doomed to their fate through an unconquerable fear of their fellow-men, Micmac as well as Euro- AND MONOGRAPHS 48 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC pean. In a way it might throw Ught upon the situation to refer to the fact that the Montagnais of Labrador, I find, regard their neighbors, the Naskapi of the interior, in the same light. It is common to hear- Mon- tagnais hunters from the coast relate how, when they chanced upon a remote camp of Naskapi in their wanderings, the latter fled in fear before those who were clothed in white men's garments. Returning to the subject of local nomen- clature, there is another place known to the English as Hodge's mountain, some dis- tance northeast of the village of Badger's Brook. This is called Meywe'za'xsit, "red- faced person." It is claimed that a Mic- mac hunter many years ago discovered a Red Indian camp on its slopes. Every- thing was intact in a lone wigwam discov- ered there, which was lined with caribou- skins (incidentally another Algonkian re- semblance). Here, Louis John clauns, is where the last Red Indians are thought to have starved to death during a severe win- ter storm. Some historical accounts from Indian INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC SNOWSHOES OF THE BADGERS BROOK BAND OF MICMAC Uolh arc filled with caribouhide thongs; b is 36 in. long SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC d PICK, AWLS AND KNIVES OF THE BADGER'S BROOK BAND OF MICMAC a, Antler pick for punching meat to be smoke-dried, h, c. Crooked knives (wa'ya'yan). d. Iron awl {slsi'gan). e, Iron awl with carved handle. Leniith of c. 9J in. BUCHAN sources and some miscellaneous Beothuk lore gathered incidentally in the interior are next presented.'*' The Story of Buchan's Expedition*^ (Related by John Paul, of Badger's Brook, Xe^vfoundland, 68 years of age in 1914, who heard it from his grandfather^-) ■'Captain Buchan, with a jMicmac and a Mountaineer Indian for guides, went to capture some Red Indians. They ascended Exploits river in the winter and with the help of their guides who knew the country well, discovered a Red-Indian camp at Red Indian point, ^"^ where the chief lived. The Micmac and Mountaineer guide enabled the party to make friends with the people at the camp. Buchan told the Red Indians that he had presents for them back on Exploits river, and said that he would take two of them back with him to get the stufiF. So he left two of his outi men at the camp. So they started back to the mouth of Exploits. When they got to Rushy pond, caribou footprints were seen and the two Red Indians were told by sig- nals to give chase. The two then started off, not understanding apparently for what reason the}' were sent away. By the next night they had not returned, and Buchan told the Micmac and Mountaineer to track them. They started on the track and came back to report that the Red Indians' trail led back toward Red Indian lake. So then the whole party started back and reached the camp at Red Indian point. 49 AND MONOGRAPHS 50 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC It was deserted, but the two white men were found beheaded. Then Buchan gave chase, but his party was unable to follow them because there were footprints in confusion all over the snow on the lake. So Buchan went to several of their abandoned camps and put gunpowder in all the fireplaces so that they would blow up when the Red Indians came back to light the fires at their old camps. Afterward, of course, a lot of the Red Indians were killed by the device. "Some time later John Peyton and another man (named Day?) went to the interior to cap- ture some Red Indians. They struck the head- waters of Mary March brook and went down walking on the ice until they came to the mouth, at the north arm of Red Indian lake. This is now Mary March's point, right at the village of Millertown.'*' Here they found a family camping. They approached slyly and took the family by surprise. They took hold of the woman, Mary March, and her husband came to her aid. They then shot five balls into him before he fell. He was a very big man, seven feet tall, as they measured him with their feet while he lay at full length on the ice. Mary JMarch then pointed out to the white men her fuU breasts to show that she had a child, and pointed up to the heavens to implore them, in God's mercy, to allow her to return to her child. But they took her away with them and returned to St John where she died after a while. "My grandfather [John Paul speaking] re- membered when he went to St John and saw INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MrCMAC BONE AND ANTLER IMPLEMENTS OF THE BADGER'S BROOK BAND OF MICMAC a, b. Caribou-bone scrapers (lciiii');aii) for scrapinR hair from hides. c, d. Antler piercers for perforalinj; margin of hides for lacing when put on frames to be scraped, c, Caribou leg-bone scraper. /, Antler hide- scraper for scraping grease from skin- ulnn ■^l rclrhi-d on frames SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC PUNCH. NEEDLES. AND CHISEL OF THE BADGER'S BROOK BAND OF MICMAC (a, caribou-bone punch for reeulating me?h of snowshoe filling (ilewe'gan); 7i in. long, b, Snowshoe needle of caribou-bone (talwi'gan). c. Snow- shoe needle of caribou-antler, d, Iron chisel (waliski'gan, sabiski'gan) for cutting mortise holes in snowshoe frames MIC MAC LORE 51 Mary March. At the time he wore a pair of caribou-skin boots. Poor ^lary, when she saw the boots, pointed to them and was so glad to see something that reminded her of her people. My grandfather thought she was very good- looking and of a fair complexion. They used red clay to color themselves with, which is known to abound in certain localities on Exploits river and Red Indian lake." .-1 Meeting Between a Bed Indian s Family and a Micmac Family (Also by John Paul's dictation) "My grandfather and grandmother were once coming up Exploits river in their canoe. Sud- denly coming around a bend they beheld a Red Indian and his wife in a canoe coming down. When the Red Indian saw them he quickly paddled ashore and he and his wife hurried into the woods to hide, taking only his bow and arrows. The ^Micmac paddled alongside the empty canoe and there saw a small child lying in the bottom, but there was nothing to eat in the canoe. Then my grandfather said to his wife: 'They have nothing to eat and must be going down to the bay [Exploits bay] for fish. Let us put some of our smoked meat in their canoe.' So he put some meat in for a present and paddled on. When they got around the point, they went ashore and walked back through the thicket to where they could see the Red Indian's canoe. They beheld the Red Indian soon come down to his canoe, look in, AND MONOGRAPHS 52 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC then beckon to his wife, who came out. Then he pointed out to her the meat in the canoe. Then he pointed to where my grandfather had gone up-river in his canoe and paddled off." An Encounter with Red Indians near Twillingate (Told by an old man at MiUertown Junction) "Near Twillingate the fishermen often went into the interior to hunt and trap, leaving their women folks home until their return. One time an old fellow went hunting, and during his absence one night a couple of Red Indians came and got upon the roof of the shack. The fisherman's wife got frightened and called to her children to bring the gun. As soon as the Red Indians heard the word 'gun,' which they seemed to understand, they fled." An Encounter near Dildo Arm (Told by Mr Hartigan at MiUertown) "One time near Dildo Arm some hunters who went into the woods left their guns at their camp, not suspecting any danger. Some Red Indians discovered the camp and were exam- ining the outfit. The young white men hid and watched the Indians. One of the Indians was peeking down the barrel of a gun which was loaded, while another was fingering around the trigger. The gun suddenly went off and blew off the head of the Indian. They were very wild and unsophisticated people, and fled in terror." INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC cu WOODEN NETTING IMPLEMENTS OF THE BADGERS BROOK BAND OF MICMAC a. Netting needle. 6, Xettins mesh-block for making fishnets, c, ' March. They had to kill her hus- band by shooting seven balls into him. Then he sat down and could not move any more after the seventh shot. Mary March showed the men her breasts full for her sucking child, but nevertheless they carried her away." c. (Told by Louis John, a :Micmac-Montagnais at Badger's Brook) "Ben Jore's grandfather was killed by the Red Indians near the mouth of Exploits river. AND MONOGRAPHS 54 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC They cut off his head, put it on a pole, and danced around it." D. (Told by an old Scotchman at Millertown Junction, recalling memories of his youth. He added, "The Red Indians were such bad people I fancy it was no sin to kill them!") "The last evidence of the Red Indians was seen at Grand lake by a hunter many years ago. One year he saw a big smoke on an island in the lake. A canoe-load of Indians was seen going from the shore to the island.- The hunter was afraid to investigate further at the time, but the next year he went to the same place. This time, however, he did not see any more traces of the Indians." As an instance of the friendly relations claimed by the Micmac-Montagnais with the Red Indians, which I have already mentioned, Louis John, quoted above, says that his grandfather's father was employed by the English to guide them to Red Indian lake to try to capture some Red Indians. When he found a Red Indians' camp he would tell the poor folk to run, and then he would return and tell the Englishmen that he saw some Red Indians, but that they ran off. "The Micmacs never molested the Red Indians," declared ^Louis John. INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC SPLINT BASKETRY OF THE BADGERS BROOK BAND OF MICMAC a shows a splint wall-pocket; the others are hand and trinket baskets SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC It0 BIRCH-BARK BOXES OF THE BADGERS BROOK BAND OF MICMAC a, Box covered with porcupine-quill work, h, \'ery old birch-bark and wooden box, covered with quillwork, made by old "Aunt Ellen" Paul, oldest of the Newfoundland Micmac. c. Birch-bark box with cover SANTU 55 THE CASE OF SANTU The most surprising occurrence, however, in recent years concerning the fate of the Beothuk Indians was the accidental dis- covery of an old Indian woman named Santu, who claimed that her father was one of the last survivors of the Red Indians of Newfoundland. Since considerable discus- sion was aroused over the innocent claim of the old woman when I had made it public, I shall give the circumstances in some detail, for the benefit of those who may wish to determine to what extent her testimony may be relied on, before making use of the information and the brief vocabulary obtained from her. Mr James P. Howley, Director of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland, who for more than forty years has been inter- ested in the history of the Beothuk, during a visit I made him at St Johns in 1914, expressed his unbelief in Santu's veracity.^^ Notwithstanding the fact that Mr Howley's opinions, based on his extensive knowledge of Newfoundland history and physiography. AND MONOGRAPHS 56 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC deserve serious consideration, I hardly think, under the curcumstances, that the conclu- sions of one trained in sciences other than ethnology are sufficient to warrant abso- lutely casting aside information which may be of value, and which on the face of it does bear some semblance of truthfulness. In July, 1910, I happened to talk over ethnological matters with a family of Mic- mac who were temporarily camped near Gloucester, Mass. The family consisted of an aged woman, her son, his wife and child (pi. xxxiv-xxxvi) . They all spoke Micmac. The family name was Toney. On inquiring of the young man, Joe Toney, where he was born, he told me in Newfoundland. Then becoming more interested, I inquired if his mother was a native of Newfoundland, and he replied that she was. After a few min- utes' talk with his mother, he said that she was not a true Micmac, but that her father was an Osa'yan'a Indian from Red Pond, Newfoundland. This naturally startled me, because it referred indirectly to the suppos- edly extinct Beothuk. Further conversa- tion with the young man, who translated INDIAN NOTES SPECK— BEOTHUK AND MICMAC FETISH OBJECTS OF THE BADGERS BROOK BAND OF MICMAC a. Hunters luck-charm of lyiix-leelh. b, <, llunttr's luck-charms {kwundeu) of stone, kept about the house on a strinK SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC MICMAC DOLL REPRESENTING 'RED INDIAN" (.BEOTHUK) S A N T U 57 my questions to his mother, disclosed the fact that she was endeavoring to explain to me that, while her mother was a Micmac woman, her father was a member of the tribe which had been exterminated in the island by white men. There was at this time in her statements no idea of boasting, nor of gaining money or favor. She did not claim to know any words of her father's language, but declared her willingness, if I would give her time, to try to recall some. On one thing she was definite at the very first: that her father claimed that he had been stained red when he was a baby among his own people, and that his people were very crude and were persecuted by the EngUsh. He had, it seems, been taken by the Micmac when he was young, reared by them, and converted to Christianity. i\s for the rest, suffice to say that I spent time when possible during the rest of the summer in following the family about from one sum- mer resort to another, encouraging the old lady, through her son, to endeavor to recall all that she could of what she had heard her father narrate of his early life and people. AND MONOGRAPHS 58 BEOTHUK AND M I C M A C The old woman was very difficult to work with; because of growing senility she was unable to concentrate her attention on any one thing for a sufficient length of time really to accomplish anything. Petty fam- ily troubles and present ills consumed her interest. And so by eking out reminis- cences of that period of her life when she lived with her father in Newfoundland, I tediously gathered the information that follows. In September I lost traces of the family, which, I learned later, had moved to Attleboro, Mass.'*^ Knowing the old woman's manner and the circumstances, I am convinced that she was not intention- ally fabricating a story. My only distrust of the material she was able to give lies in the accuracy of her memory, especially in regard to her vocabulary. THE informant's HISTORY Santu was born in Newfoundland near "Red Pond" (Red Indian lake), about seventy-five years ago (dating from 1912). Her father, "ivo/>" (name of a red root found in the lake, according to her vocabulary),^" INDIAN NOTES m uj — E Q-l- g LUq — xoc 1 ^-o >-o o_ _lO q:< « UJ . "l^ 5^ to 0:3 8 ox o b-H vO c^ SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC PL. XXXIV SANTU AND HER SON. JOE TONEY S A N T L' 59 was a full-blood native of a tribe which called itself Osa'yan'a. The name is also known among the Micmac as Osa'yan'a. With her father she left Newfoundland at about the age of ten, or a little less, and removed to Nova Scotia, where she passed her early womanhood. Her mother was a IMicmac woman, one of the band who lived in New- foundland. She died, it seems, when Santu was quite young. A\'hen Santu grew up, she married a Mohawk and spent part of her time in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and part in roaming about in the neighbor- hood of the Great Lakes with her ^Mohawk husband until the Civil War broke out, when, to escape being drafted, he led her wandering again throughout the northeast- ern states and eastern Canada. Her hus- band then died. Santu returned to Nova Scotia and married a Micmac chief near Yarmouth, whose name was Toney. Liv- ing there a while, she had four or five chil- dren, and finally, with her youngest son, separated from her husband and since then has been drifting about the New England states with him, earning an uncertain living AND M O N O G R A P H S 60 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC by basket-making, bead-working, and for- tune-telling. Her one son, Joe Toney, still lives with her. He has married a Micmac woman of Nova Scotia, and they have one child (1912). ETHNOLOGICAL NOTES Santu remembers in her childhood having traveled with her father in the skin canoes which seem to have been one of the types of craft in use by the Osa'ya)i'a.''^ While the details of construction given by Santu were very vague, it seems that the canoe was more of a kayak. It was about fifteen feet in length and about two and a half in width, constructed on a wooden framework with a caribou- or seal-skin covering sewed with water-tight seams. The seams were sewed by laying the two edges together, bending them over and sewing the three thicknesses together. Bone awls, she said were used to perforate the holes for the stitches. The bow of the canoe, she re- marked, was straightened and stiffened by a piece of spruce-bark (sic),'"- and another curved piece held the stern in shape. The INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC v"V^^ SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC m> JOE TONEY S A N T U bottom was found. At the back sat the man with his paddle. The whole front of the craft was covered with the skin, forming an enclosure large enough to contain the whole famih', including women, children, dogs, and property. At his side and in front of him the man had his harpoon and other necessaries fastened on the side of the deck. It is to be understood from this description that a covered kayak-like type of boat is described. The skin-covering of the canoe was so arranged that it could be wrapped around the waist of the man so that no water could come into the hold in rough weather In this craft the family traveled all over the country by waterways and coast, day and night. When a landing and camp were to be made the cover would be taken off the canoe, poles cut for a wig- wam, and a temporary camp made until it was time to move on. Santu herself re- members being bundled in with dogs and members of her family, and traveling by night and day with her father. The people, she claimed, subsisted largely on sea mammals' llesh and caribou, using the 61 AND MONOGRAPHS 62 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC harpoon, for killing the former and the bow and arrow for the latter. When an animal was killed with an arrow, the arrow was never used again, but thrown away as a kind of sacrifice. Flesh to be eaten was thrown on the fire and only partly roasted. Her father, she re- members, would eat little or no vegetal food nor bread. His diet consisted mostly of half -roasted meat. A certain species of leaves was smoked in stone pipes. ^^ Allowance should be made for the proba- bility that in some of these descriptions the old woman's memory was so hazy that she could not distinguish between what she intended to claim as applying to the cus- toms of her father's people and those of the Micmac-Montagnais among whom they lived. The most interesting information is that describing an annual ceremony participated in by the tribe at "Red Pond." It took place in the spring of the year when the tribe gathered and enjoyed, to use Santu's phrase, "a big time." Games were played, among INDIAN NOTES S A N T U them the dice-and-bowl game in two forms. One of these was with seven dice discs and a bowl,"'* and seventeen counters — four square ones and a crooked one called the "chief." The other form of the game was played with one large die, about two inches across, and six small ones, which were thrown upon a blanket or a hide and struck side- wise with the hand.^^ Men only played the latter. The Micmac and other eastern tribes, she claimed, learned this game orig- inally from her people. It is worthy of note that this game does not occur among the Wabanaki west of the Micmac. Dancing and feasting accompanied the event. At a certain time the men procured quantities of a kind of red root from the lake and squeezed from it the juice which was used for staining their bodies red. The ceremony is said to have lasted about ten days. Every person in the tribe was dyed. Children who were born during the year away in the hunting territories were brought to this ceremony for the first time and received their coat of dye, which was to last them for the year. It is supposed that under certain conditions 63 AND MONOGRAPHS 64 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC the dye could be renewed, though the ap- plication of the coloring was regarded as a kind of initiation and mark of tribal iden- tity. One good appHcation is said to have lasted six months. Santu's father, she claimed, was the last child to have been treated in this way. When he grew up he was converted to Catholicism and gave up his behef in the necessity of the red dye. If anyone was observed by the chief to have some of the coloring washed from any part of his body, he was ordered to go to water and wash off his dye as a punishment, and not to renew it until the next ceremony. ^^ Santu heard the tradition from her father that in his grandfather's time (?) a ship was wrecked off the coast of Newfoundland and all hands were drowned except two women who, with the help of the natives, were brought ashore. One of them shortly after- ward died; the other remained with the tribe, married one of the men, and spent her Hfe there. Her father thought that he was descended from this woman. Several opinions expressed by Santu re- garding her father's people may be of value. INDIAN NOTES S A N T U 65 One was in reply to a direct question as to whether her father's people were of mixed Eskimo and Indian blood. Friendly rela- tions, she said, were maintained with the Labrador Eskimo and Indians. Some of her father's people, she said, when dis- persed, joined them. She remembers, while living in Nova Scotia, a paternal uncle or great-uncle returning from Greenland where he had emigrated and intermarried with the Eskimo there. He claimed that others of their people were in Greenland, all inter- married with Eskimo, and that there were a number of children. He died there within six months after coming to Nova Scotia. Santu stated that she had a relative (I fail to recall whether it was a cousin or a brother) somewhere who knew a great deal of the Osa'yan'a language. The Micmac, she said, came to New- foundland a long time ago and for a while, with the white people, fought her people. Afterward a number intermarried with the Osa'yocn'a, some of the descendants of the latter being still scattered here and there AND MONOGRAPHS 66 BEOTHUK AND .M I C M A C among the Micmac of Newfoundland and elsewhere. There seems little doubt from Santu's statements that Osa'yan'a descendants may be found in the maritime provinces and that the tribal name itself is one of the native terms for the tribe known in history as the Beothuk. Santu, with great difficulty during the summer, remembered the following w^ords in her father's language: be'nam, woman (Micmac and ]\Ialecite epil, Penobscot p'hc'nam). gu'wa, fat person (Micmac me'gigil). gau, rain (Micmac gi'kpcsa"). has, baby cradle, or cradle-board, tu'i^, baby blanket (]\Iicmac u'ohi''sun). se'ko, prayer (Micmac alasic'dma). si'kane's'u, whale (Micmac po'dap, Penobscot -es 11, "living creature," noun ending in animal names). Note: ^, ^, weakly articulated final conso- nants. Her father's people, Santu alleged, used their hands a great deal in conversation. The only word in the above list in which any resemblance can be recognized as occur- ring in any of the pubhshed Beothuk lists INDIAN NOTES SANTU I 67 is the term he nam, "woman." Compare emam- {emumoose), "woman" (Peyton vo- cabulary; (Lloyd in Journal of the Anthropo- logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1875), and cnam, "woman," given by Patter- son in Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, vol. x. Among other reminiscences I add the following song, transcribed by Mr J. D. Sapir from a phonograph record made by Santu while she was camped at Hampton Beach, N. H., in 1910. It was a rendition of a song that she had learned from her father when she was a girl. She claimed that her father told her that it was an Osa'yoin'a song. The syllables were too inarticulate to be taken down at the time, I am sorry to say. Santu stated that she was unable to explain them, because they had no sequence of mean- ing to her. Again during my trip in Newfoundland I inquired of several elderly Indians about the woman Santu. John Paul, already mentioned, knew of a woman of Santu's description who had gone to Nova Scotia AND MONOGRAPHS •r' S A N T U 69 and was there the wife of a wealthy ISIicmac chief named Toney. He furthermore, much to my inward surprise, credited the claim that her father had been a man of Red Indian blood. He stated that the thing was not only possible, but that it might well be expected to be true, considering the sedentary habits of many of the Micmac hunters and the secretiveness of the Indians concerning the Red Indians a generation or so ago through fear of retaliation or at least molestation at the hands of the English, since such a stir had been raised over them. From IVIicmac in Newfoundland I even learned of another man, George McCloud, whom no one could locate at the time. He was said to have knowledge not only of the Red Indian language, but also of where descendants could still be found in Labrador If, despite the meagerness of our actual knowledge of the tribe, any conclusions are at all permissible, I believe the indications will increasingly show that the Beothuk formed an archaic member of the culture group which embraced the Micmac and the other northeastern Algonkian. This is a AND MONOGRAPHS 70 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC strong corroboration of the evidence of lin- guistic relationship with the Algonkian. As for the likelihood of Eskimo relationship, the links of union, either archeological or otherwise, are not a bit stronger than be- tween the Eskimo and the INIontagnais. The next thing to be done in this field, aside from systematic archeological research, is to collect a sufficient quantity of mytho- logical material from the Newfoundland In- dians for comparison with that of the Alic- mac of the mainland in order to determine, if possible, traces of what might be consid- ered Beothuk influence. INDIAN NOTES NOTES NOTES 1. The primary object of the expedition, if it might be 'called one, was to trace the re- mains among the ]\Iicmac of the old Algonkian institution of the family hunt- ing territory, wliich was first mentioned in this region by Le Clercq in 1691. The results form part II of this paper. 2. C. C. Willoughby, Prehistoric Burial Places in jSIaine, Ardiaeological and Ethnological Papers of the Peabodv Museum, vol. 1, no. 6, Cambridge, 1898. 3. W. K. Moorehead, The Red Paint People of Maine, Amcriean Anthropologist, vol. 15, no. 1, 1913. 4. F. G. Speck, An Ancient Archeological Site on the Lower St Lawrence, Holmes An- niversary Volume. Washington, 1916. 5. J. P. Howiey, The Beothuks or Red Indians of Newfoundland . . ., Cambridge University Press, 1915. 6. Mr Howiey (op. cit., p. xix) in his intro- duction rather indefinitely favors the theory of Athabascan affinity. He says: "On the authority of the late Sir Wil- liam Dawson ... a tradition existed among the Micmac tribes of Nova Scotia that a previous people occupied that ter- ritory whom the Micmacs drove out and who were probably allied to the Tinne or Chippewan stock. These, he thinks, may have passed over to Newfoundland and become the progenitors of the Beothuks. This supposition appears to me to carry with it a ccmsiderable amount of proba- 71 AND M O N G R -^ P H S 72 BEOTHUK AND M I C M A C bility. Here, isolated and undisturbed for several centuries, untainted by inter- mixture with other tribes, they could re- tain all their original traits of character, language, etc., which remained with them as distinctive features down to the last moments of their existence Under all circumstances surrounding this mysterious tribe, we must only fall back upon the suggestion of Sir William Dawson as the most plausible theory to account for their presence here." 7. The derivation of this term is not clear to the informants, beyond the plural adjec- tival suffix — wi'ak. In the Micmac names here given, the character 7 de- notes a velar voiced sperant, x the cor- responding surd. 8. Page h) oi this paper. 9. W. H. ^Mechling, Malecite Tales, Anlhro- ■pological Series, Geological Survey of Canada, no. 4, 1914, p. 65. 10. Ibid., p. 65, footnote. 11. Howley, op. cit., p. 286. 12. See also S. T. Rand, Dictionary of the Language of the ^NI icmac Indians, 1888, p. 215. Howley (op. cit., pp. 284^6) gives a ]Micmac tradition from Nova Scotia relating to the Beothuk. C. G. Leland (Algonquin Legends of New England, Boston, 1885, pp. 206-7), in commenting on a Passamaquoddy tale in which the wolverene marries a red woman whose color rubbed off when she was touched, entertains the rather" far-fetched idea INDIAN NOTES NOTES that the tale referred to the "Newfound- land Indians covered with red ochre." 13. Cf. Howle}^ op. cit., p. 30, where he quotes Cartwright's description. 14. These fences are known also to the ^lon- tagnais of Labrador, who call them nkrd'aga>ia'ck"'^', and were used by the New England Indians. Cf. The History of Philip's War, ... by Thomas Church, Esq. . . . with an appendix, . . . Samuel G. Drake, 2nd ed.. Exeter, N. H., 1829, p. 340. 15. Anecdotes will later be given. Howley (op. cit., pp. 91-2, 269, 271, 280) refers to this activit}'^ on the part of the Beothuk. 16. Resume of material quoted from part II of this volume. 17. The same omen is found generally through- out the tribes of the Wabanaki group. 18. Rand, op. cit., p. 200. An almost identical tale among the Passamaquoddy accounts for the hostility between them and the Mo- hawk. (Cf. J. D. Prince, Passamaquoddy Documents, Annals of N. Y. Academy of Science, 1898, vol. xi, no. 15, p. 371.) 19. Several historical sources agree on this point, Cormack, Howlej', and Jukes. Howley (op. cit., pp. 25-26) quotes a tra- dition from J. B. Jukes, Excursions in Newfoundland, London, 1842, p. 129. 20. Cf. Howley, op. cit., pp. 29-30, quoting Cartwright's Journal. Cartwright de- scribes the construction of the square or winter camp of logs placed horizontally to form the lower part, and the bark pyramidal roof. The hoop, he says. AND MONOGRAPHS 73 74 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC appear near the top of the roof. The hoop seems to be a feature differentiating the wigwam construction of the tribes of the Waban- ki and M ntag ais groups from that of all other northern peoples of America. Consult also Howley (op. cit., p. 245 and sketch vi), who mentions this feature of construction. 21. Cf. W. C. Orchard, Notes on Penobscot Houses, American Anthropoloi^ist, vol. II, no. 4 (1909), p. 602. 22. Howley, op. cit., pp. 31-33, quotes Cart- wright in full and also gives figures of miniature canoes in his own collection (pis. XXXI, xxxiv). 23. Cormack in his Journal says that the Mic- mac whom he met in the interior of the island told him that the Red Indians used skin canoes similar to their own (quoted by Howley, op. cit., p. 152, also p. 213) 24. This information is confirmed by Denys (1672), who describes in some detail the method of applying the colors. (Cf. Nicholas Denys, The Description and Natural History of the Coasts of North America, edition of the Champlain Society, Toronto, 1908, by W. F. Ganong; p. 411.) Le Clercq mentions the same thing. (Cf. Chrestien Le Clercq, New Relation of Gaspesia, edition of the Cham- plain Society, Toronto, 1910, by \V. F. Ganong, p. 96.) 25. Another name is te'hu'Vk', a term possibly of English origin, from "the boots." Cf. also Rand, Micmac Dictionary, p. 41. INDIAN NOTES NOTES 26. Footwear made of the leg skin or hock of the caribou is mentioned as a characteristic of the Beothuk (Howley, op. cit., pp. 271, 322). The same thing is common among the ^licmac and the rest o"f the northern and eastern Algonkian. 27. Rand (Micmac Dictionary, p. 161) has iiltdkld'giijid', "loom," and (p. 278) cltaktadgd, "to weave." 28. Mention of weaving on a frame was made by Nicholas Denys (1672), op, cit. Rand (ilicmac-English Dictionary, p. 255) gives uiskobooksoon, "straps." 29. Rand (Micmac Dictionary, p. 249) gives mimitndd', "to spin flax on a little wheel." 30. F. G. Speck, The Double Curve Motive in Northeastern .\lgonkian Art, Geological Siirvev of Canada, Anthropological Series, no. 1,' 1914, p. 11, fig. 14. 31. Rand (Micmac Dictionary', p. 201) gives vwolsdud', "pouch." 32. Howley fop. cit., p. 87) reproduces Cart- wright's figure of a Beothuk snowshoe in which the shape and proportions are almost identical with those of the ordi- nary Micmac article used on the island today (see pi. xxiii). The dimensions of the Beothuk shoe are given as: width 15 inches, body 3 5 feet, tail 1 foot, which are about the same as those of the speci- mens Just referred to. 33. For these terms Rand (op. cit., p. 151) gives udkagiin'igiin, "crooked knife," (p. 178) /:> AND MONOGRAPHS 76 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC tadooigun, "snowshoe needle," and sakiide, "needle." 34. For these implements Rand (Micmac Dic- tionary, p. 129) has: iipskaoo, "harpoon," shnoogivode, "spear," and negok, "salmon spear" (p. 246). 35. Supposedly a- corruption of French panier. Rand (Alicmac Dictionary, p. 31), poota- lediid. 36. I have introduced a brief treatment of the northward spread of splint basketry in Decorative Art and Basketry of the Cherokee, Bulletin of the Public Museum of Mikvaukee, vol. 2, no. 2, 1920. 37. Bark vessels and baskets were common Beo- thuk manufactures (Howley, op. cit., pp. 249, 214 and sketch vii, and pi. xxxi, xxxrv')- The types and details of stitch- ing are the same as in the ordinary In- dian specimens. In the Beothuk names for these receptacles, guinya butt, "water bucket" (also booch-moot, "seal stomach oil bag"), we recognize cognate Algonkian — miut'' (Montagnais),-?;/" (IMalecite), and -udi (Penobscot), "receptacle." 38. Howley, op. cit., p. 340 and pi. xxv. 39. Quoting John Paul. 40. Article on Beothuk in Handbook of Ameri- can Indians, Bulletin 30, Bureau of Ameri- can Ethnology, part I, p. 142. 41. This negative information cannot be relied on, as several accounts contradict one another on the point. Cf. Howley (pp. 19-20), quoting Richard Whitbourne, A Discourse a d Discoverv of the Xewe- INDIAN NOTES NOTES founde-launde, London 1622, and also Howlev, p. 221. 42. Bonnycastle, R. H., Newfoundland in 1842 (London, 1842). Whatever may be the tree referred to by this unique name, it could hardly be the pine of the region, Bank's or jack pine. All northern In- dians know that inner birch rind and even poplar can be made to yield a little nour- ishment in times of famine, but seldom pine bark. 43. Howley (op. cit., pp. 265-288) records a number of anecdotes, some of which might be considered as variants of those given here. 44. In 1801 Lieutenant Buchan, of the Royal Navy, was sent to the River Exploits to ^\'inter there and to open communication with the Indians. He succeeded in find- ing a part}- of them. Inducing two of their number to go with him as hostages, and leaving two marines with the Indians at the main camp as a pledge of good faith, he returned to his depot for presents. During his absence the fears of the Red In- dians were aroused, lest from his delay in returning he might bring up reinforce- ments with a view of capturing them. In the meantime one of the two Red Indians took fright and fled back to the main camp. They murdered the hostages and fled to the interior. This was at Red Indian lake, near the mouth of ^lary March brook. In 1819 a female was taken by a party of trappers on Red In- 77 AND MONOGRAPHS BEOTHUK AND MICMAC dian lake. Her husband was with her, and having offered resistance was shot. The leader of the men of the party was named Peyton. The woman was brought to St John's and was named Mary March, from the month in which she was taken. She was treated with kindness and sent back to her friends with numer- ous presents, but died on the voyage, having been suffering for some time with consumption. Her body was placed in a coffin and left on the margin of the lake, so that it might be found by her rela- tives. The latter conveyed it to their burying place on Red Indian lake, where it was found several years later by Cor- mack, lying beside the body of her mur- dered husband. 45. John Paul had been a headman among the Micmac-Montagnais of the island and was particularly well-informed in matters of native life. His age, experience, and wLlingness to help in this work made him invaluable, and I take this occasion to recommend him to others who maj' under- take similar studies in this region where the younger generation of natives is not well informed nor conservative. 46. This is Red Indian point, on Red Indian lake; see pi. i-v. A larger excavation than the others at this site is pointed out as the chief's wigwam. 47. The lumbermen who have recently invaded this region have fortunately spared a large spruce tree which is popularly believed INDIAN NOTES NOTES to be the tree under which Mary March was captured. It stands on a sandy point called ^lary March's point, and archeo- logical evidences here indicate a former camp. This tree, which is now (1914) in danger of falling, is shown in pi. v. 48. Previously to this JMr Howley had indi- cated in a letter that he thought the in- formant was making her claim for the purpose of gain. 49. Later, in the following spring, ]Mr R. S. Dahl, a former associate of Mr Howley, who was also deeply interested in the Beothuk, came to Philadelphia to see me concerning Santu. When, however, he went to Attleboro to trace them, the family had left. Since then Joe Toney has returned irregularly to Gloucester, ]\Iass., where I have seen him. His mother in 1916 had returned to Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia, where her husband died recently. (Since this was written I have heard that she died in 1919.) 50. Incidentallv, Cope is a common family sur- name among the Nova Scotia Micmac, see page 103. I do not regard this infor- mation as strictly reliable. 51. We recognize in this the common craft of the Newfoundland Micmac. 52. She evidently referred to the curved keel- son of spruce forming the ends. 53. Compare Howley (op. cit., p. 322) for ref- erence to stone pipes. 54. The common Micmac and Wabanaki game of wal testa' y an. 79 AND MONOGRAPHS 80 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC 55. This corresponds with the Micmac game of wabsna'yan, played with eight ivo y discs, or dice, an inch in diameter. The play- ers, who may be of any number, take turns throwing the discs upon a blanket. There are only three throws that count. A throw showing two discs with the same side up counts one {ma'xtewi' txamo'wi); one only facing up and seven opposite, count five {n'a'biteici' txamo'wi). Should a player throw all, flat side down the same way, it is called mi'ktcik tciwa'wal, "turtle eggs," and wins the game. The above is the manner in which it is played in Cape Breton. 56. Cormack records that the Beothuk never washed "except when a husband or a wife died" (Howley, p. 230). INDIAN NOTES BEOTHUK AND MICMAC PART II MICMAC HUNTING TERRITORIES IN NOVA SCOTIA AND NEWFOUNDLAND BY FRANK G. SPECK II. MICMAC HUNTING TERRI- TORIES IN NOVA SCOTIA AND NEWFOUNDLAND By Fraxk G. Speck introduction THE subject of the family hunting territory which provides the key- note to the social organization of the northern and eastern Al- gonkian tribes has become by this time fairly familiar to ethnologists, first through the reports of surveys which I have so far completed for the Division of An- thropology of the Geological Survey of Canada (by whose sanction this paper is published), and later through the hand- ling of the situation as a sociological phe- nomenon by Dr. R. H. Lowie in his re- cent treatise.' Xo one would now deny that here is to be found one of the most fundamen- 83 AND MONOGRAPHS 84 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC tal properties of old Algonkian culture; that here is an exceedingly primitive group show- ing the developed idea of established geo- graphical claims. And of still more impor- tance, it has become apparent that in this relatively primitive level, patrilineality oc- curs as a social feature chronologically an- terior to the matrilineal grouping, and even culturally below it. The general applicabil- ity of theories of social evolution, like those of Bachofen, Morgan, and Hartland, which insist on the priority of the matrilineal grouping, are destined to assume a more and more dubious aspect as intensive exploration proceeds into the social life of hitherto little-known and loosely organized tribes. It remains, therefore, as a most urgent task to prosecute the survey of the prim- itive nomadic tribes of the Hudsonian and Arctic zones for the full census of those whose social organization is based on the paternal family and who observe the family hunting territorial divisions. When this has been done, speculations may be expected to take a more final form. There are still large areas to traverse and to map INDIAN NOTES INTRODUCTION 85 out, and there are varied types of social structure to be analyzed, in which minor developments have appeared and become associated with the territorial units. In the accompanying report, the hunting group is traced in the maritime provinces eastward to the Atlantic, thus covering one more large area in the gradual spread of our knowledge. Surveys are already partially completed for the region lying from Lake Waswanipi in northern Quebec southward to the St Lawrence and eastward to Port- neuf river. In some parts of this zone there are spe- cific variations. Among the Ojibwa, for instance, a strong feature is the interasso- ciation of the biological family group with the patrilineal exogamic gens. Among the Montagnais the absence of the gens is noteworthy, but the development of the geographical feature stands forth in the dis- trict names. At Penobscot there is the as- sociation of family ancestry with animals, approaching the idea of the so-called "use totem," discussed by Rivers and Golden- weiser. Our present case shows the IVlic- AND MONOGRAPHS 86 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC mac to present little to mark their form of the institution with distinctive emphasis. Here the family territories seem to be less permanent, less hereditary, than elsewhere, and the judicial power of the chief in the reassignment of territory seems to be rather more definite. In other respects a compari- son of the INIicmac hunting territory insti- tution with that of neighboring tribes seems to show an absence of specialization in the case of the former. HUNTING TERRITORIES IN NOVA SCOTIA The Micmac, like the rest of the northern and eastern Algonkian, whose subsistence was gained by hunting and fishing, had their country subdivided into more or less well recognized districts in which certain individual proprietors or families enjoyed the inherited privilege of hunting. Having alread}^ made this matter the subject of in- vestigations during several seasons among the Montagnais, Mistassini, northern Ojibwa, Algonquin, and the Penobscot and Abnaki of the east, I spent part of the summer of 1914 in visiting the settlements INDIAN NOTES NOVA SCOTIA 87 of the iMicmac of Xova Scotia, Cape Bre- ton, and Newfoundland, to make collateral studies among the most easterly branches of the Algonkian stock. The social organi- zation of this people is also characterized by a grouping into hunting families, and it also shows the second associated feature; it is extremely loose in general. The results of my survey are presented in this paper. It should be remembered by anyone tak- ing up this subject of family groupings and territorial claims from the sociological point of view, that, in contrast with the north central Algonkians (Ojibwa, Algon- quin), there is no intercrossing among the ]Micmac of a clan organization with the family group. Neither exogamy nor other elements of group totemism are now found here as among the Ojibwa, Algonquin, or even the Penobscot, who have indeed some semblance of the animal totemic group formation manifested in such phenomena as family explanation myths, group naming, emblems, and a certain social identity within the group. It is true of the IMicmac throughout, so far as I could learn, that the AND MONOGRAPHS BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC family groups and their hunting territories, whether held by the group in common or by individuals, are found to rest on a purely economic basis, with no sociological phe- nomenon other than kinship involved.^ We are fortunate in having several notices of the existence of the hunting territory in Father Le Clercq's time (1691), which not only authenticate the matter among the IMicmac but which give a fair summary of characteristics. It is necessary that Le Clercq be quoted. "It is the right of the head of the nation according to the customs of the country, which serve as laws and regulations to the Gaspesians, to distribute the places of hunting (les endroils de la chasse) to each individual. It is not per- mitted to any Indian to overstep the bounds and limits of the region {d' outre- passer les homes et les limiles du quartier) which shall have been assigned to him in the assembly of the elders. These are held in autumn and in spring expressly to make this assignment."^ Le Clercq also speaks of the territories in another place, using the expression, "The occupation of this chief was to assign the places for hunting {de regler les lieux de chasse)."^ It is important to note that INDIAN NOTES NOVA SCOTIA 89 among the Indians who use Canadian French today, the designations "lieux de chasse" and "endroits de la cliasse" are the same. Again the same author tells us: "The most important places for fishing and hunting are marked by the crosses which they set up in the vicinity, and one is agreeably sur- prised in voyaging through this country to find from time to time upon the borders of the rivers crosses with double and triple cross-pieces like those of the patriarchs."^ Any question as to the antiquity or the nativity of the institution we are interested in among the Micmac is decisively met by these statements. Nicholas Denys, who wrote about IMicmac customs nineteen years earlier than Le Clercq, does not, however, refer specifically to it, although he speaks briefly of the conservation of the game which is often an accompanying feature. "They killed the animals only in proportion as they had need of them. When they were lirtd of eating one sort, they killed some of another."* The Micmac family group seems to have possessed a rather unstable character. It AND MONOGRAPHS 90 B E 1 H U K AND M I C M A C consisted of the father of the family, his wife and children, and other members of his own kin who, through individual circum- stances, might be left to his support. Gen- erally the family included the living grand- parents, and frequently aunts, uncles, and even relatives by marriage. Accordingly, the content of the group changed as the children became married and left, or in- creased as bereaved relatives were added. It was a common practice for a man to join his father-in-law's family for a time after marriage among the Micmac as well as among the other northern tribes covered so far by the investigation. The Micmac newly-married man generally did this unless local conditions made another course advis- able. After a year or so with his father-in- law, he was expected to set up a new domestic establishment on hunting grounds acquired through reapportionment or inher- itance, or else to settle, should circum- stances be favorable, on part of the patri- monial territory under his own identity or that of his father. The family unit was. INDIAN NOTES NOVA SCOTIA 91 in respect to its membership, judging from all sources, an exceedingly variable quantity. A side-light is thrown upon another social aspect of the early IMicmac by Le Clercq which shows that here, as elsewhere in the wide area where the family band with its hunting territory takes the place of the clan or gentile unit, numerical strength of the family counts for something in de- termining social position. Le Clercq says, in speaking of chiefs or leaders: "We had among us at the River of St Joseph [the Restigouche] one of these old chiefs whom our Gaspesians considered as their head and their ruler, much more because of his family which was very numerous, than because of his sovereign power." " This material puts a very simplified aspect on the family institution here, in contrast with the greater compliexitj' prevailing among the Algonkian farther west. It is difticult to form an opinion yet as to whether the simplicity is a sign of archaism or of degener- ated culture in comparison with the other Algonkian. Since I hope to pursue the in- vestigation of this institution through the whole habitat of the northern hunting tribes, AND MONOGRAPHS 92 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC if the opportunity offers, we may leave the discussion of the question until more is known of the facts, and proceed directly to the material as it presents itself among the Micmac. In Nova Scotia I procured data covering nearly the whole peninsula. The portion not covered is the extreme southwestern part of the peninsula, the habitat of the Yarmouth band, which I did not visit The hunting territory is known here as Uig^l'wo'mi, derived from a verb meaning "to hunt." The districts generally sur- round lakes or rivers. They were trans- mitted from father to son, but where there were no sons to inherit a region it was allotted to someone else. Ordinarily the assignment of hunting districts was left to the authority, of the band chief. ^ The hunters of a certain region had a common rendezvous, generally near the coast where, on occasion, generally in the summer, they assembled with their families for social intercourse. At such times mar- riages were arranged, and meetings held which resulted in solidifying the group into INDIAN NOTES NOVA SCOTIA 93 something of a band. These bands and their gathering places at the present time have grown into the local groups which are found all through the province on small reservations. It may be added that Bear River seems to have been a kind of capital village for the bands in the southwestern part of the province, and Shubenacadie another for the central part. The bands, comprising the localized famil_y groups (see Map I), collectively form the Micmac tribe or nation, the capital village of which is now, as it has been for a very long time, at Eskasoni on Cape Breton island.^ The family hunting districts of Nova Scotia with their proprietors' names appear in the accompanying table, the numbers in the first column corresponding with those on the map. I may say that I could not very well verify a large percentage of the districts, since this would have required a personal visit to each family head in the province. ' However, this was done where it was possible. Hence, being lim- ited largely to material collected from cer- tain informants, chief among whom were AND MONOGRAPHS 94 BEOTHUK AND MI CM AC John Brooks and John ]\IcEwan of Bear River, and Jacob Brooks of Truro, I have probably committed some errors, even though the individuals relied on were well- informed leaders. Moreover, the settle- ment of the province by the English has encroached on many of the old hunting dis- tricts, and some of the proprietors have been dead so long that it is a matter of question as to their boundaries even among the old- est men living. Another fact to be observed is that the boundaries of the family tract in general among the Micmac were not so strictly recognized as elsewhere; nor were they marked by boundary signs, as among the Penobscot. It seems to suffice if the main body of water or the general center of the hunting districts is known, the Hne of separation between neighbors being a general line somewhere about half-way between the main central landmarks. Re- taliation against trespassing was not regu- larly enforced among the INIicmac. The INIicmac country, according to An- derson,^° was divided into seven districts, "each having its own chief, but the chief INDIAN NOTES NOVA SCOTIA 95 of the Cape Breton district was looked upon as head of the whole. From Cape Breton three districts stretched to the right, Pic- tou, Memramcook, Restigouche, and three to the left, Eskegawaage, from Canso to Halifax; Sigunikt, or Shubenacadie, named from Cape Chignecto; and Kaspoogwit, or AnnapoHs, named from Cape Negro." This author gives Rand's interpretation of these names in various parts of his report, as follows: Pictou, "an explosion, crepitus ventris" (p. 69); Memramcook, ''variegated landscape" (p. 14); Restigouche, "a dead tree" (p. 41). This name has been ex- plained in a number of ways by different authors. One very interesting tale of expla- nation has been recently published by Father Pacifique in the Micmac Messenger, but, unfortunately for ethnology, it is given only in ^Micmac. Eskegawaage is " the skin- dressing place" (p. 27); Sigunikt, "a foot cloth, moccasin rag" (p. 22) ; and Kaspoogwit, "land's end," referring to Cape Sable and Cape Negro (p. 35). Indications appear from time to time in the older writings concerning the tribes of A N D MONO G R A P H S 96 BEOTHUKANDMICMAC this part of the country to show that ani- mals were frequently employed as symbolic emblems representing different bodies of population. It is difficult, when we en- counter such references, to decide whether they are to be understood, from a critical point of view, as the emblems of former gentile or of family groups, or whether they pertain to bands and tribes in the social or linguistic sense. Father LeClercq made note of the observation that the Indians at Miramichi had the figure of a cross as their emblem, while at Restigouche the salmon figured in the same way. He said that each band had its local symbol.^^ Dr Ganong, who edited LeClercq's work, adds that he learned further that the main southwestern division of the Micmac had a sturgeon, the Uttle southwestern division had a beaver, and the northwestern division of the tribe had the figure of a man with a drawn bow and arrow as distinguishing emblems. ^'^ For example again, we find in the picto- graphy of the Wabanaki, according to Mal- lery, who evidently secured the information himself, that the Passamaquoddy are rep- INDIAN NOTES NOVA SCOTIA 97 resented by the figure of two men in a canoe following a pollock, both men using pad- dles;*^ the iMalecite by the two men in a canoe both using poles and following a muskrat;^^ the ]Micmac by the canoemen, both with paddles, following a deer; and the Penobscot by a figure showing the canoemen using pole and paddle following an otter. In giving this information Mal- lery adds that he thinks the several animals constitute ancient totemic emblems. ^^ In- cidentally, this afi^ords us another instance of the "game totem" idea which is quite distinctive of the northeastern region, if not particularly true of the ]\licmac. It is not by any means clear, drawing our ideas from this and other cases which have been recorded among the eastern tribes, how we are to proceed in classifying them ' as being the totemic concepts of major or of minor social groups. Whether we are to regard them as family or as tribal emblems, the general fact of the game-totem, or use-totem, concept remains established as a feature having a place in the social life of at least some of the AND MONOGRAPHS 98 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC members of the group of tribes to which the Micmac belong. ^^ The Micmac have been reported by trav- elers a number of times as being very capa- ble map-makers, utihzing birch-bark for the purpose of charting not only travel routes but hunting territories as well. Concrete instance of this is afforded by information furnished by Miss Massey of Philadelphia, who states that in 1885 she knew of a case at Digby, Nova Scotia, where a chief who was then about sixty years of age exhibited a birch-bark map of his hunting territory during a trial in court to prove his inherited claim to the same.^^ A map of birch-bark of the land of the IMicmac is mentioned as having been given to a hero in one of the legends recorded by Rand.^^ Le Clercq was the earliest author, so far as is known, to have made explicit mention of these charts among the Micmac. He says: "They have much- ingenuity in drawing upon bark a kind of map which marks exactly all the rivers and streams of a country of which they wish to make representation. They mark all the places thereon exactly and so well that INDIAN NOTES NOVA SCOTIA 99 the}' make use of them successfully, and an Indian who possesses one makes long voyages without going astray.''^" '^'a. Fig. 3. — Hunting territory of Solomon Siah, Micmacof Bear river, Xova Scotia. (After a drawing by his grand- son.; AND :\IONOGRAPHS 100 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC <: (—1 H O < > o H 1 1-1 < O z H z < a < > < West branch of Bear river to Lake Jolly. Mulgrave lake neighborhood (see fig. 3). Around Sporting lake, southwest of Bear river. Moosehcad and Pine lakes. Pine lake and Cofang lake. Long Tusket and Fourth lakes. Barriyo and Spruce lakes. Shelbourne lakes. East side of Rossignol lake. West side of Rossignol lake. o ti e< o ej Ph F« O < 1 Jim Meuse {Sa''y€m, "chief" of this band). John Siah {Sa''ya). Ben Pictou. Abram Labrador. Joe Pcnhall. John Barriyo. Christopher Charles. John Louis. Joe Maltai and father Old Joe Maltai. •rt P-l fO •^LCCt--XO\ INDIAN NOTES NOVA SCOTIA S "^ y CJ .— • U) "2 5 ^ G, c -x. rt -^3 .>'^ ^ rt ^ o C H-1 j2 ^ o « X -^ ^ 0^ CO ^ s ° •1^ = a, ^ s Id ^ b 0) ui S i> <-i Uh , .. ^ •^ o o . (T) ^*^ « ?• •5 o 1 « ^ D .r* :^ O ,tJ ■-1 tn cT c o >> d o 1^ u< -s:§ ^ r^ 3 ^ n "o5 « ■o C o 3 ■fi '3 o ^3 C .^'■ o ^ ^ O ■>> -^ u o u, O i-H c o - C o I-] U-i '^ ^— > >— > c^. ^ 101 AND MONOGRAPHS 102 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC "o m i-> aj -7^* rt & O •'^ '^ !r, .S = . t; CIS P x^ i a ise lakes, usie lake and h housie river. ■ La Have river, reek and Sand ri reau lakes. south of Windso ok and Caribou near Chester. i lake below Mt iticook river valh < n Parad Dalho Dal Upper Millc Gaspe Q 'A < pq Lakes Ponho Lakes Uniacl Kcnnc M « !3 O oi o U2 o fti B H < ^ H :s • [— t- S g ;^ Ph o < tH '■i Oj &I 1 . 1 .^• — • c (4 o D 2 - t; ■S.B-S « tn o ffio -^-^ o g= £.^'>:: s>- ^s^ ^ ':? ^ § .S < ^^ ^K^ .^^'^"4;'^ ^ Step; Loui Abe Ellic ,t^ r^ O O O •z o Ci p, s < J^ 00 Cn O —< fsj rrj ^ I/-, O Is _ ^ T^ CN CN CN CN tN CN CN 2: INDIAN I COTES NOV A SCOTIA 103 V. a z 5 5 1 Q Z < 3 Q z 3 Stewiacke river valley. Musquodoboit river between Mid- tfl 2 o OS a. o\ o--^ rN rrs-rv "u^ 'S'^ TT '^ <* -* INDIi \N NOTES NOVA SCOTIA 105 1 l: 4? >^ rt c b g-.- "" •sag's >^ ^ S (fl'S 5 O •— 'J .^ *j t; ^ li*— (U 'w >-. o o «J Sh nally wher and Cop liood of me origi island> rritory, rom the cotia.) ^ 5 ■" 5 Q < n ^ « o ca Pi < H H H a ■u c/^ 3 o O S 2 < o -»> AND MONOGRAPHS 106 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC In the nature of a correspondence with this it may be added that the same practice of charting territories and trails on rolls of birch-bark is a pronounced feature among the Montagnais. A number of such maps have been obtained by the writer for the Victoria Museum and the American Mu- seum of Natural History. A more precise example of one of the more definite hunting claims is furnished by the sketch on page 99 (fig. 3), which is a copy of a sketch-map made by John McEwan, of the Bear River band, showing the hunting territory of his maternal grand- father Siah (Sa''ya) around Mulgrave lake. There his lake and his river are shown, also the several stations or camps in the districts, marked with crosses, where he resided while hunting in the neighborhood. This speci- men district is number 2 on Map I.-° HUNTING TERRITORIES IN CAPE BRETON ISLAND The Micmac on the island of Cape Breton form now about the most conservative group INDIAN NOTES CAPE BRETON ISLAND 107 of this widely distributed tribe. Here, furthermore, is the seat of native govern- ment and the residence of the Grand Chief {ktci'sa'yamaii) who has control of all the Micmac bands from Newfoundland to Nova Scotia and Quebec. The island of Cape Breton is called Uiiama'gP^ and the peo- ple style themselves Uname'wax. They in- habit six fairly large settlements having a population of 604 in 1911; one, the capital of the Micmac, is at Eskasoni, where John Denys, the Grand Chief, lives; others are at Wycogamagh, Middle River, Malaga- watch, and Chapel Island respectively, while the last, dating back only 50 years or so, is in the outskirts of Sydney. This interesting band still preserves its national existence and the records of its alliance with the Mohawk. The former intertribal nego- tiations with the Iroquois at Caughnawaga and the ceremonial procedures with wam- pum are still distinctly remembered. According to the historical tradition of this band, it seems that before the middle of the eighteenth century the Micmac popu- lation of Cape Breton was inconsiderable. AND MONOGRAPHS 108 BEOTHUK AND MI CM AC After the close of the war between France and England for supremacy in Canada, the many Micmac who had been engaged on the side of the French, instead of return- ing directly to their former homes in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, turned east- ward and 'occupied new hunting territories in the sparsely settled island of Cape Bre- ton. Here, too, they felt themselves to be farther away from possible vengeance of the English, who were settled in Nova Sco- tia. This movement was led by the chief, Tomah Denys of Cumberland county, Nova Scotia, who headed the Indians under the French at the battle of Quebec in 1759 and returned with them to Louisburg. Assuming this tradition to be fairly correct, as alleged by Chief John Denys, great- grandson of Tonah Denys, the hereditary successor to his office, it would appear that the hunting territories in the island must have suffered some minor alterations with the increase of the Micmac population sub- sequent to 1759. Such changes are, how- ever, taking place slowly all the time, as territories change hands oftentimes with INDIAN NOTES CAPE BRETON ISLAND 109 the death of proprietors. A knowledge of these districts through a continuous period of time would be ver\- desirable to determine the nature of such changes as regard size and ownership. As may be seen by refer- ence to the map, the territories are more numerous and more compact in the southern portion of the island, while in the northern and eastern extremities the family tracts are more extensive in area and fewer in number. This condition corresponds in general with the conditions in Newfound- land; by analogy, I am inclined to attribute it to comparative recency of occupancy. This is actually the case in Newfoundland. It must be recognized, nevertheless, that the Cape Breton band has been domiciled long enough in the island to have localized some episodes in the career of the culture- hero, Gluskap,-' which is apparently not the case in Newfoundland. After this historical digression let us proceed with the actual data concerning the hunting territories of the band. In Cape Breton the family clainis are known as ntuy^l'wx'mi. In practically all respects AND MONOGRAPHS 110 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC tl •: o f0 ^ -^ a _ -c rt tn 5 . ,13 i^ O t« Qj H *"* 4-1 O H 3 2- H aj • >- IH -l H Z < S < H < U o h-I "place where red clay paint is found." Ebadek', "(river) dividing a hill in two." (?) Ktu'dnnk, "at the (north) moun- tain." "gorge through the mountain." U H P O g H K ,■ > i fa Lake Ainslie north on coast of White capes. Around Baddeck and Middle river. North river basin to Indian brook. Indian brook through Aspy river and bay. St Ann's mountain and Boularderie island. O a 5 0. o « o Paul. Francis Newell. John Kugu. Charles and Ben Pollet. Common territory in band for fall berry -gathering. 00 O O ■^ CN INDIAN NOTES CAPE BRETON ISLAND 113 their general characteristics are similar throughout the ISlicmac countrj'. There was no clan, no regulation of exogamy, and no group totemism or social significance in names, so far as is remembered. The immediate members of the families consti- tute the groups having inherited or pre- empted districts for hunting, with the ex- clusive right to the districts as long as any of the sons of the proprietors are living to work them. Territories may also be trans- mitted by loan or through partnership. A point of detail, however, in connection with the territories of the Cape Breton band is the local naming of the districts. This does not appear prominently in the other prov- inces. Another feature of distinction is, perhaps, the occurrence of several fishing and berry-gathering districts. PI. xxxvii and xxxviii illustrate Micmac hunting camps. Several wigwams are needed to house the family groups; in this case two brothers were working together on their paternal territory. Owing to the scar- city of birch-bark, the wig\vams have occasionally tar-papcr coverings, although AND MONOGRAPHS 114 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC the aboriginal form and architecture are preserved PI. xxxix-xli illustrate de- tails of wigwam construction. As regards the Christian names of the pro- prietors of the fishing and hunting dis- tricts, it may seem strange to find them so general; but this is due to early mission- ary influence. Indeed, as long ago as 1761, we find mention of Micmac chiefs in New Brunswick and Prince Edward island with French names. -^ In only a few cases do native nicknames still persist. In the table (pp. 110-112) are arranged the proprietors' names and nicknames, where they have them, their hunting districts, and the native local names in the Cape Breton dialect corresponding to the numbers on the map. On the map these districts are shown as they were marked out by the descendants of the proprietors themselves. The ]\lic- mac settlements are also indicated. HUNTING TERRITORIES IN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Among the Micmac of Prince Edward island, who are known as Ebegwi'dsnax, INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC PL XXXIX BIRCH-BARK WIGWAM OF THE CAPE BRETON MICMAC SPECK^BEOTHUK AND MICMAC 3IRCH-BARK WIGWAM OF THE CAPE BRETON MICMAC, SHOWING FEATURE OF THE HOOP AND THE INSIDE POLES FROM WHICH COOKING VESSELS ARE SUSPENDED AND CLOTHES HUNG TO DRY PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 115 "People of the island in the sea," we en- counter the same characteristics as those found in the territorial institution of the tribe on the mainland. The information which I give was obtained by Gabe Paul, a Malecite-Penobscot Indian of Oldtown, Maine, during a special trip to this band. In recent years, it appears, the hunt- ing has been growing worse on the island, the natives having had to resort more and more to fishing. An interesting legend ac- counts for the disappearance of the moose from the region many years ago. Owing to the small size of the island and the increasing population, the moose at first began to diminish. Then later the Indians planned a great round-up, and in a short time killed nearly all that were left, although some of the older people advised against the procedure. Consequently the remaining moose, offended at the thoughtless improvi- dence of the Indians, departed from the island, never to return. Some of the hunt- ers claimed to have seen their footprints on the shore whence they made their escape by swimming. AND MONOGRAPHS 116 BEOTHUK AND MI CM AC i-T ~ O aJ ej ^ a ,^ o bj o i tc C) '> H ■| c o -3 S >> o tn 3 O c c •-' C tn ;j tn ri c; o o e o o ^ 3-T3 I- ^ fc; CJ c V s ;^ S^S > _o •:2 S'^ w w y Ch _t/i ^ >. :^ ,J_, -C a § s C! -a HH c tn o OtJ rt ii rt cS a, >«^ Ci T3 o u c VI C '— Ph O Id s < a! 4) -a o a c tr. C o c o o in' 2 ■z 45 "o ^ . rt ^ £ c 'u -^ pq eu O rt a! 03 ■* in VO t^ tH 1-1 INDIAN NOTES NEWFOUNDLAND 117 From what can be learned about the methods of later years, it appears that the Prince Edward Island Indians had more communal hunting and fishing territory than is usual in the neighboring regions, and that fishing was relatively the more impor- tant activity. Only a few family districts seem now to be remembered. They are as shown on page 116 (the numbers given correspond with those on Map II, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island). HUNTING TERRITORIES OF THE MICMAC- MONTAGNAIS OF NEWFOUNDLAND Since the dispersion or extermination, whichever it might have been, of the Beo- thuk or Red Indians in Newfoundland, the Micmac have come to occupy the southern and western portions of the island. Here, in accordance with their custom on the mainland, the different family heads appro- priated, for themselves and descendants, hunting districts which have continued, subject of course to some changes and redis- AND MONOGRAPHS 118 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC tributions, since the days of the first Mic- mac colonization. Incidentally, Montag- nais hunters from Labrador, following the same easterly trend, have become thor- oughly incorporated with the Micmac, so that, while the language in Newfoundland has remained Micmac, many ethnological and some physical characteristics, no doubt, such as they appear to observation, are largely Montagnais. In addition we have to recognize the possibility that some fea- tures of culture may have been absorbed from the Beothuk at various times, especially during the period when they and the Mic- mac occupied a village in common at St George's bay. In studying the history of these Micmac- Montagnais, as we shall call them, in New- foundland, we have some opportunity of observing the growth and extension of their family territories from their first foundation on the southwestern coasts. Assuming in general that this could hardly have pre- ceded the arrival of the first white people in the seventeenth century, we can see, though only at a glance, through the period INDIAN NOTES SPECK — BEOTHUK AND MICMAC INTERIOR OF WIGWAM OF CAPE BRETON MICMAC, SHOWING SIZE AND PLACING OF POLES _ -"5 -^ (3 in « H cS G^ 'S y o O tj cT^^Cb c 2 be n s o icma ench mac. icma nais, scot (S g ^ S s H P ri 2 H o s H brook and George IV high bar- sar coast. ear river to 1 pond, Bay rd. II ong Harbor north to Nova river. F l-I P randys King lake ti rens n( 'hite B Round du No w§ ^ ^ rt p 13 >. ^^B >>J~: j-nH O ^ K < c l-H 2i o flH "pi ^ -3 ^ d g .6 g . 1— > "o P< o £? 1— > .52 ^ z § P^ 1-1 f^ o O o h-1 o ^ 6 BS < m y-i (M CO rl* ^ 2: INDIAN NOTES NEWFOUNDLAND 133 in cj ■>-> •^ C o 2 '-' £ u onta kap mac c c 1^ c o s § ^ ^ s S ^ i "C O ^-73 ^ o o o =^ s Ja! . 3 *^ ■*"* c O O S "5 0) "C ^^ p o C1.C tn fcX3 — ' O > . ^>^ r^ "^iS 2 11- o ^ C rt ^ J2 5 — en c c S O - 2; ^ in c K ffi , . ^-^'p. "C 3 • in .Si '-n .= - -z: 3 fci 5 J c p^ (U P5 AND MONOGRAPHS 134 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC o u5 1 -a § §> s rt '^ CL_C3 1/3 w > o d o c3 O P ^ ai ■^ a 3 .2 oS "o "^ ^ fi. s ^ Z _ o s ^ a i o ^1 < z o < H z o ^ 1 w 5 -§ Beaton (fan Mathew M (old ch family). o 11 s ^ ^ s o < E^ U H ^ to CN ro o 1 INDIAN NOTES NEWFOUNDLAND 135 sary. Regarding the claim held in the family of JVIathew JNlitchell (No. 13), the small size of this tract in comparison with the others is to be explained by the fact that the old Mitchell family holds an he- reditary chieftaincy. On this account the ^Mitchells have the privilege of hunting al- most anywhere without hindrance and even trapping inside of other claims if the propri- etors themselves are not working at the time in the neighborhood. Consequently about the only place hunted continuously by them is around King George IV lake, as marked. Within the last twenty years ^lathew Mitchell has hunted in the Bonne bay district, which had hitherto been unoc- cupied by the Micmac. Again, regarding territory No. 6 and 6a, held by John Paul in lieu of the original proprietor Andrew Joe's heirs, we strike a case of irregular ten- ure. This was the original claim of Tom Joe, at whose death it fell to his son Andrew Joe, who died leaving two sons who were too young to take care of themselves. Be- fore his death Andrew turned the children over to his jjrother-in-law, John Paul, and AND MONOGRAPHS 136 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC left him a right to the territory under certain conditions. He told John Paul that he could take half of the claim for his own if he wished, including all the traps and camp property then on the grounds. He did not, however, leave John Paul the right to dis- pose of it, lest it pass out of the boys' hands entirely. Acquiescing in this far-sighted scheme, Paul left his own hereditary family district, took the southern half of Joe's claim, and now occupies it on shares with the two boys, who since reaching maturity have become his stepsons. In conclusion, our information, when re- solved to the proper perspective, leads to the opinion that, in continuous regions in- habited by branches of one tribe, the coun- try where the family hunting territories are the largest is a country more recently occu- pied. The proportionate magnitude of the Newfoundland family claims is shown in the average of two thousand square miles to each, while in Cape Breton this average gives but four hundred square miles, and in Nova Scotia only about two hundred square miles to each family. Hence Nova INDIAN NOTES NEWFOUNDLAND 137 Scotia was doubtless the center of distribu- tion of the southern and eastern Micmac, whose trend of migration has been con- tinuously eastward. This is also conclusive from historical sources and also from eth- nological considerations — rather satisfactory coincidences. I hope soon to try to deter- mine the relative standing of the New Brunswick bands. After that the next problem to be considered is the relationship of the Micmac as a whole to the similarly distributed ]\Iontagnais north of the St Lawrence. We also have information on the number and location of the Newfoundland INIicmac from another recent source. jMr R. S. Dahl, in a letter to the writer dated June 6, 1912, from Placentia bay, Newfoundland, gives the following list of Micmac settle- ments and Micmac hunters which he ob- tained from ]\Ir Howley. The settlements are: Conne River, Bay d'Espoir, about 125 souls; Bay St George; Codroy, one family; Bonne Bay; Hall's Bay; Gambo; Glen wood; and Port Blandford. In addition Mr Dahl gives a more complete list of the men in- AXD MONOGRAPHS 138 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC habiting the Bay d'Espoir settlement. I may say that among these names are evi- dently those of some transients, recent ar- rivals, or of mixed-bloods, except for which the majority correspond closely with the enumeration of the older families as previ- ously given. The names are: Frank Joe, Little Frank Benoit, Paul Benoit, Frank Benoit, John Benoit, Johnny Benoit, Ben Benoit, Ned Pullet, Noel Louis, Frank McDonald, Noel Mathews, Martin and Michael Mathews, Noel Jeddore, Joe and Nicholas Jeddore, John Bernard, Stephen Bernard, John Stride, Reuben Lewis (chief), Peter and Micky John, John John 2d, Lewis John, John and Paddy Hinx,Mathew Burke, Len Joe, Ben Paul, Abraham Paul, Noel Paul, Matty Michel and son. ANCIENT PLACE-NAMES IN NEWFOUNDLAND On the Southwestern Coast: Noywa'mkisk, "place where the sand is blown up," inner St George's bay. Kives2W3'mkia, "sandy point," St George's bay. INDIAN NOTES N E W F U N D L A N D 139 Xudjo''yan "eel spearing place (?)," inside Sandy point. Meski''gtiru.i'd3n, "big channel," Stevens- ville, St George's bay. Ma'xtJguek, "mouth of the river," Little river, on south coast. MJski'gui''ga7jlc, "grass wigwam," coast be- tween Burgeo and La Poile. Ma'y' a distinct service by giving in full the journal of William E. Cormack, a phi- lanthropic gentleman who, in 1822, under- took a trip in company with a Micmac In- dian across the island in an endeavor to find some traces of the Beothuk. Cormack's work is entitled, "Narrative of a Journey Across the Island of Newfoundland in 1822." The author had something to say of the Micmac-IMontagnais, whom he encountered in the interior, and his observations are decidedly worth quoting here to show how little the conditions of life among the Mic- mac and Montagnais have changed since then. About half-way across the island Cormack and his guide, a Micmac named Joseph Syl- vester, came upon the camp of a Mountain- eer (Montagnais) from Labrador — "who could speak a little of the Micmac language, his wife being a Micmac. . . . AND MONOGRAPHS 142 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC He told us that he had come to Newfoundland, hearing that it was a better hunting country than his own, and that he was now on his way hunting from St. Georges Bay to the Bay of Despair to spend the winter with the Indians there. He had left St. Georges Bay two months and expected to be at the Bay of Despair in two weeks hence. This was his second year in Newfoundland." 3' He had his hunting ground at Meelpegh lake, a body of water about nine or ten miles long. "The Red Indians' country, or the waters which they frequented, we were told by the mountaineer, lay six or seven miles to the north of us, but at this season of the year these people were likely to be farther to the northward at the Great Lake of the Red Indians (Red Indian Lake); also that about two weeks before there was a party of Micmack hunting at the next large lake to the westward, about two days walk from us. He also described the nature of the country and made drawings upon sheets of birch rind of the lakes, rivers, mountains and woods that lay in the best route to St. Georges harbor."^" This Mountaineer was named James John."*' A few days later Cormack met another band of hunters. INDIAN NOTES C R M A C K 143 "They were Micmacks and natives of New- foundland and expressed themselves glad to see me in the middle of their country as the first white man who had ever been here. They told us that we might reach St. Georges Ray in about ten days for they had left that place in the middle of summer and had since been hunting in the western interior . . . and that they intended in a few weeks to repair to White Bear Bay to spend the lAanter. . . . Here were three families amounting to thirteen persons in number. ... In the woods around the margin of this lake the Indians had lines of path equal to eight or ten miles in extent, set with wooden traps or dead-falls. . . . The Red Indian country we were told was about ten or fifteen miles northward of us. . . . All the Indians in the island, exclusive of the Red Indians, amount to nearh* 150, dispersed in bands commonly at the following places or dis- tricts: St. Georges Harbour and Great Cod Roy river on the west coast; White Bear Bay, and the Bay of Despair on the south coast; Clode Sound in Bona vista Bay on the east; Ganda Bay on the north coast, and occasionally at Bonne Bay and the Bay of Islands on the northwest coast. They are composed of ]Mickmacks, joined by some of the mountaineer tribes from the Labra- dor and a few of the Abenakies from Canada. There are twenty-seven or twenty-eight families altogether, averaging five to each family and five or six single men. They all follow the same mode of life — hunting in the interior from the middle of summer to the beginning of winter in single families, or in two or three families to- AND MONOGRAPHS 144 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC gether. They go from lake to lake hunting all over the country around one, before they pro- ceed to the next. ... A great division of the interior of Newfoundland is exclusively pos- sessed and hunted over by Red Indians and is considered as their territory by the others. In former times, when the several tribes were upon an equality in respect of weapons, the Red Indians were considered invincible and fre- quently waged war upon the rest, until the lat- ter got fire-arms put into their hands by the Europeans. . . . The tribes exclusive of the Red Indians have no chief in Newfoundland, but there are several individuals at St. Georges Bay to whom they all pay a deference. The Mickmacks although most of them born in this island consider Cape Breton, where the chiefs reside, as their headquarters. Their several tribes intermarry. . . .^ One of the Mick- macks of this party named Paul, boasted of maternal descent from a French governor of i Prince Edward Islands." Further, Cormack says that ten days later he had the satisfaction of again en- countering a camp of Micmac at what he inferred was the head of Little river, dis- charging from a lake which he names Wil- son's lake. "They were a party of Mickmack Indians. . . . Only one man belonged to this en- campment. . . . This small party consisted of eight individuals, one man, four women and INDIAN NOTES GLUSKAP 145 three children, one an infant. . . . This Indian's name he told me was Gabriel."" A few days later Cormack reached St George's harbor, where he found shelter in the house of an Indian named Emanuel Gontgont.-*^ These notes and the mention of family names with his estimates of popu- lation speak for themselves in comparison with what has been already presented. II — ABSTRACT OF THE GLUSKAP TRANSFORMER MYTH The importance of geographical sites in a territorial study of this nature warrants the presentation of the following myth and landmarks, the locations of which are indi- cated by letters on the map of Cape Breton island. Each band of the Micmac seems inclined to localize the Gluskap myth, a comparative study of the versions of which will later prove interesting. (For this and other myths of the Cape Breton band the reader is referred to Journal of American Folk-lore, vol. xxviii, no. cvii, Jan.-March, 1915, pp. 59-69.) AND MONOGRAPHS 146 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC Gluskap's Journey (The Cape Breton Local Version. Related by Chief John Joe of Wycogamagh) Gluskap was the god of the Micmac. The great deity, Ktcim'sxam, made him out of earth and then breathed on him. This was at Cape North {Kt^'dnuk, "at the (north) mountain") (A), Cape Breton, on the eastern side. Gluskap's home was at Fairy Holes {Gluska'bewi'guo'm, "Gluskap's wigwam") (B).*'^ Just in front of the caves at this headland are three little islands in a straight line, known as Ciboux islands (C) : these are the remains of Gluskap's canoe, where he left it when it was broken. At Plaster cove {Two'bufc, "Looking out") (D), two girls saw his canoe broken into three pieces, and they laughed, making fun of Gluskap. At this he told them that they would remain forever where they are; and today there are two rocks at Plaster cove which are the remains of these girls. Next, a little farther north, at Wreck cove (E), Gluskap jumped from his canoe when it foundered, lifting his moose-skin canoe-mat out, and left it on the shore to dry. There INDIAN NOTES G L U S K A P is still to be seen a space of about fifteen acres of bare ground where the mat lay. Then he went to Table Ile3.d{Padalo"di'tck) (F), on the south side of Great Bras d'Or. Here he had his dinner. Next he struck into Bras d'Or lake straight to Wj'cogamagh (G), on the western end, where at Indian island (Wt'sik, "Cabin"), he started a beaver and drove him out, following Bras d'Or lake to St Patrick's bay (H). At Mid- dle river he killed a young beaver, whose bones are still to be seen there. Then Glus- kap followed the beaver until he lost track of him for a while. He stood at Wi''sik (Indian island), and took a piece of rock and threw toward the place where he thought the beaver was. This rock is now Red island {Pauydnukte' gan) (I). This started the beaver up, and he ran back through St Peter's channel and burrowed through un- derneath, which is the cause of the crooks and windings there now. Then the chase continued outside in the ocean, when the beaver struck out for the Bay of Fundy. Here at Pli'gank ("Split place"), Split point, Gluskap dug out a channel with his 147 AND MONOGRAPHS 148 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC paddle, forming Minas basin, Nova Scotia.^^ There he killed the beaver. Near here is a small island, which is the pot in which he cooked the beaver; another rock, near Pot Rock, is Gluskap's dog left behind at this time. Turtle {Mi'ktcik) was Gluskap's uncle. Here with his pot and dog he turned Turtle into a rock, and left them all there. Near where he killed the beaver are still to be seen the bones turned to rock. When he broke the channel in Minas basin to drain the water out, in order to uncover the beaver, he left it so that today the water all drains out at each tide, hence the Bay of Fundy tides. Then he crossed over east- ward and came out at Pictou. While there he taught the Micmac how to make all their implements for hunting and fishing — bows, arrows, canoes, and the like. After a while he prepared to leave, and told the Indians: "I am going to leave you. I am going to a place where I can never be reached by a white man." Then he prophe- sied the coming of the Europeans and the baptism of the Micmac. Then he called his grandmother from Pictou, and a young man INDIAN NOTES NOTES for his nephew, and departed, going to the other side of the North Pole with them. Again he said, " From now on, if there should ever be a war between you and any other people, I shall be back to help you." He is there now, busy making bows, arrows, and weapons in preparation for some day when the white man may assail the Micmac. NOTES 1. R. H. Lowie, Primitive Society, Xew York, 1920. 2. There is nothing, so far as I am prepared as yet to say; in the somewhat classifica- tory kinship system of the tribe, to indi- cate necessarily exogamy or anything more complex than the loose family kin- ship formation which prevails today. Father Chrestien Le Clercq, New Relation of Gaspasia .... Paris, 1691, reprinted in I'ublications of the Champlain Society, by W. F. Ganong Toronto, . . . 1910, p. 237 (original edition, p. 385). Ibid., p. 235 (original edition, p. 380). Ibid., p. 151. Nicholas Denys, The Description and Nat- ural History of the Coasts of North America . . . Paris, 1672, reprinted in Publications of the Champlain Society, by W. F. Ganong, Toronto, 1908, p. 426. Le Clercq, op. cit., p. 235. 3. 149 AND MONOGRAPHS 150 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC 8. This practice is confirmed by Le Clercq (op. cit, p. 235): "The occupation of this chief was to assign the places for hunting {de regler les lieiix de chasse)." 9. S. T. Rand asserts that the chief of the Cape Breton band was regarded as the head of the whole Micmac nation. (Cf. Micmac Place-names in the Maritime Provinces and Gaspe Peninsula, Recorded between 1852 and 1890 by Rev. S. T. Rand, col- lected and arranged by Lieut-Col. Wm. P. Anderson, Geographic Board of Canada, Ottawa, 1919, p. 45.) Rand gave the meaning of "Green boughs" to the name Eskasongnik (ibid., p. 27). 10. Anderson, idem., p. 45, note. 11. Le Clercq, op. cit., pp. 35, 38. 12. Ibid., p. 39, note. 13. By an acceptable interpretation the name Passamaquoddy means "Those whose occupation is pollock fishing." 14. The Malecite enjoy the sobriquet of "Musk- rats" among the Wabanaki, especially among those of St Francis, and the Micmac. 15. G. Mallery, Picture-writing of the Ameri- can Indians, Tenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, pp. 378-379. 16. Compare Speck, Game Totems Among the Northeastern Algonkians, American An- thropologist, U.S., vol. 19, no. 1, 1917. 17. J. V. Mays, Assistant Secretary of the Geo- graphical Society of Philadelphia, corre- spondence with the writer, Jan. 24, 1916. INDIAN NOTES NOTES IS. S. T. Rand, Legends of the Micmacs, 1894, Tale 21, p. 170. 19. LeClercq, op. cit., p. 136 (in original edi- tion, p. 153). 20. Since nw talk with him, McEwan himself has written a short but interesting ac- count of his early boyhood in which he speaks oi being his uncle's hunting part- ner. Their camps were then on Smith's and Uish lakes. (Cf. Nova Scotia Guide's Prize Story, by John McEwan, Forest and Stream, October 1917, p. 466.) 21. This is an interesting name. It is regarded on good authority as a variation of Mi'gama-'gi, "Land of the Micmac" (cf. IMicmac Place-names, op. cit., p. 61). 22. In Appendix II of this paper is given an ab- stract of the Cape Breton version of the travels of Gluskap (cf. F. G. Speck, Some M icmac Tales from Cape Breton Island, Journal of American Folk-lore, vol. xxviii, no. 107, 1915, pp. 59-69). 23. A captain is a sub-chief. 24. A Narrative of an Extraordinary Escape out of the Hands of the Indians in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by Gamaliel Smethurst, London, 1774, reprinted by W. F. Ga- nong, Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society, vol. 2, 1905, p. 380. 25. Through the kindness of Mr J. Robert Mutch, of Mount Herbert, P. Y.. I., this section of my paper was conveyed to the hands of Chief John Sark himself for re- vision after its completion. ]VIr Mutch reports Chief Sark as desiring to correct 151 AND MONOGRAPHS 152 BEOTHUK AND MIC MAC the statement about his being hereditary chief of the Prince Edward Island band. "Chief Sark's father, the late Chief Thomas Sark, died when Chief John Sark was a small boy, so the Micmacs elected Peter Bernard as acting chief until John was old enough to hold that office. Peter Bernard died before many years, and the Micmacs elected Joe Francis as acting chief. When John Sark became of the necessary age to hold the office of chief, Joe Francis would not resign. Mr James Yeo, M. P. P., had Joe Francis swo:n in as .'Chief of Prince Edward Island Micmac Indians' before a Justice of the Peace, and had tlie papers sent to Ottawa. Another Indian belonging to the tribal council objected to Mr Francis being the chief for life and sent a protest to the Department of Indian Affairs at Ottawa, and they declared a general elec- tion to take place in 1897. Mr Sark was elected chief in that election, and the Department declared that hereafter an election must be held every three years. So that, while John Sark has been elected chief by acclamation at every election with the exception of one since 1897, he is not the hereditary chief, but holds the office by election." (Correspondence of Mr Mutch, May 10, 1920.) 26. In Micmac the character y denotes the velar voiced spirant and % the corresponding voiceless consonant. Ordinarily, too. INDIAN NOTES N O T E S both g and k are pronounced somewhat posteriorly. 27. Tuy-d-e'' gan is explained as a place in some expanse which those who are crossing make for without knowing whether they \%'ill succeed; in short, an expected goal. 28. Another sea voyage of no little consequence which the ]\Iicmac were formerly accus- tomed to make was the trip from Cape North, Cape Breton, to the Magdalen islands, lying in the Gulf of St Lawrence about sixty miles to the northwest. The ]\Iagdalens derive their name from a Micmac woman who, according to a legend, was abandoned there. By mean? of fish and gulls' eggs she subsisted until her folks returned. I have recorded also a somewhat similar tale from the ]\Iale- cite. While the theme of this story itself is an old native one, its particular appli- cation in this case is modern, a fact be- trayed by the European name of the heroine. In an interesting and thorough discussion of the histor}' and formation of the ^lagdalen group, J. M. Clarke quotes a passage from Breard (Journal du Corsaire Jean Doublet de Ilonjlcur, 1883), explaining how the islands were named after Madeleine, the wife of Francois Doublet, of Honfleur, who visited the . islands and attempted to colonize them in 1663 (Bulletin .Yci^' York State Museum, no. 149, Report of the Director, 1910; Observations on the Magdalen Islands, by J. M. Clarke, p. 139). An earlier notice 153 AXD MONOGRAPHS 154 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC indicates that Indians were found among the inhabitants as far back as 1593 (ibid., p. 138). That the Indians also had con- cern with the Magdalens in 1721 is shown in a letter to Father Rasles written b\' M. de Vaudreuil (Jesuit Relations, Thwaites edition, vol. 67, p. 63-65). In this connection it may be added that several remarkable feats of navigation are claimed to have been accomplished by members of the Yarmouth band. Abram Toney, the late chief, is alleged to have been forced to pass a night on the whist- ling buoy twenty-one miles from Yar- mouth, riorthwest, when overtaken by a sudden storm. Such things happen when the Indians are outside hunting por- poises. The same adventurer is said to have made the trip by canoe to Grand Manaan. Another Micmac with his wife and child is said to have crossed from Digby to St Johns, N. B. 29. A similar tale is recorded by Rand (Leg- ends of the Micmacs, p. 200) to account for a war between the ]\Iicmac and the Iroquois. Cf. also J. D. Prince, Passa- maquoddy Documents, Atmals of the Xeii' York Academy of Sciences, vol. xi, no. 15, 1898, pp. 371-372. 30. See, part I of this volume: Studies of the Beothuk and Micmac of Newfoundland, p. 45 and table of comparisons. 31. Rand (Legends of the :\licmacs, pp. 408, 432), also refers several times to the INDIAN NOTES NOTES "Sagawachkik" as "the ancients" figur- ing in ]\licmac tradition. 32. We also know that in 1765 Governor Pal- liser undertook measures to suppress ^Micmac migration from Cape Breton to Newfound and, on account of the increase of these Indians along the southwestern coast of the island. (Cf. Chas. Pedley, History of Newfoundland, London, 1863, p. 121.) 33. Lieutenant Edward Chappell, R. N., Voy- age of his JNIaJesty's Ship Rosamond to Newfoundland and the Coast of Labrador, London, 1818, pp. 76-77. 34. Cormack, an explorer who crossed the island in 1822, mentions encountering an old ]\Iontagnais named James John (cf. p. 132, family no. 4), who was married to a Micmac woman in the interior. Later, in 1828, Cormack had a Montagnais, a Micmac, and an Abnaki with him as guides in his quest of Beothuk survivors. 35. Since then I was told some Montagnais once again attempted to lodge in Newfound- land, but the band was expelled by the authorities in order to protect the beaver. 36. Several Indian families trace descent from individuals said to have belonged to a tribe called K:n'i''heu'a'tc, living far to the west. Among the ^licmac in general the term is applied to the Penobscot and the St Francis Abnaki. While the Mic- mac do not analyze it so, the term is evidently "Long River people" a syno- nym for the Kennebec {K-wun'i''bek"^), 155 AND MONOGRAPHS 156 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC River tribe of Maine, Penobscot or St Francis Abnaki. 37. William P. Anderson, Micmac Place Names, Recorded by S. T. Rand, Ottawa, 1919, p. 60. 38. J. P. Howley, The Beothucks or Red In- dians, the Aboriginal Inhabitants of New- foundland, Cambridge University Press, 1915, pp. 130-168. 39. Ibid., p. 148. 40. Ibid., p. 149. 41. Ibid., p. 150. 42. Ibid., pp. 151-152. 43. Ibid., p. 157. 44. Ibid., p. 159. 45. This is now known as Fairy Holes, between St Ann's bay and Great Bras d'Or. The Micmac tell how,, sixty-eight years ago, five Indians — Joe Bernard, Francis Ber- nard, Clement Bernard, Joe Newell, and Tom Newell — entered the caves which honeycomb this headland, carrj'ing seven torches. They walked as far as the torches would light them, about a mile and a half, found eight brooks in the caves, and when they came out discov- ered how a rock three hundred feet wide had moved since they had entered! The Indians naturally regard these caves as very mysterious. 46. The scene of the myth becomes changed to Nova Scotia, where the localities of the actions correspond more closely with those in the version of the Nova Scotia bands recorded by Rand. INDIAN NOTES 157 INDEX Ahmki, emigration of, to Newfoundland, 143; guide of Cormack, 155; hunting territory among, 86. See St Francis Ahnaki; Wabanaki Aisi'me''nt.s, jMontagnais term for JSIicmac, 119 Alder-hark, pigments from, 34, 36-37 Algonhian, Beothuk culture related to, 31-33, 48, 69-70, 75; Beothuk descent from, 13-15; Beothuk words resembling, 76; charms char- acteristic of, 43; hunting territory among, 71, 83-84, 86-87, 91 Alliance of Micmac, with French, 124; with Mohawk, 107 Ancestry, animal, of Penobscot, 85, 87. See Tot em ism Anderson, 11';)?. P., Micmac Place-names, cited, 94, 140, 150, 156 Animals, figured on coats, 34; killing of, among Micmac, 89; tabooed, killing of, 122; totemic significance of, 85, 87, 95-98^ Annapolis, Nova Scotia, comprised in ^Micmac chieftaincy, 95 Annual ceremony, of Beothuk, 62-64; of Mic- mac, 120 Anthropological Survey of Canada, ethnological collection gathered for, 19 Antler, caribou, on Beothuk sites, 21; cracked, on Beothuk site, 22; harpoon-heads, Mic- I N D I A X NOTES 158 B E O T H U K A N D :\1 1 C M A C mac-Montagnais, 40; implements, Algonkian, 44. See Caribou-aniler Arctic zones, social life of tribes of, 84 Arrow, Beothuk sacrifice of, 62; in totemic emblem, 96; arrows (ISIicmac), art of , taught by Gluskap, 148 Asikki'gamiik, Newfoundland, Micmac settle- ment of, 121 Athabascan affinity with Beothuk, 71-72 Attkhoro, Mass., Santu at, 58, 79 Awl, bone, Beothuk, 60; bone, Micmac-^Ion- tagnais, 39; iron, on Beothuk site, 21 Axes, iron, on Beothuk sites, 22 Bachofen, theories of, on social evolution, 84 Badger, absent from Newfoundland, 131 Badger's Brook, Beothuk remains at, 40, 48; Beothuk site, 20; Beothuk tradition from, 53; hunting charm at, 43; John Paul of, 27 Badger's brook, wigwam-pits along, 24-25 Bags, among ]\licmac-Montagnais, 39 Band, Indian, at Oldtown, Me., 115; bands among ^licmac, 92-93; :Micmac, listed by Cormack, 143-144; totemic emblems of, 95-98. See Gens Bands, metal, on Beothuk sites, 21 Bank's pi fie, non-edible rind of, 77 Bark, canoes, Beothuk, 32-33, 43; receptacles, Beothuk, 76; superstructure of winter wigwams, 31-32, 73-74. See Birch-bark Basketry, see Splint basketry Baskets, jMicmac-Montagnais, mainland origin of, 41 Bathnrst, Micmac name for, 140 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Bay d'Espoir, Micmac band at, 137-138, 143; ]Slontagnais wintering on, 142 Bay of Despair, see Bay d'Espoir Bay of Fitndv, tides of, created bv Gluskap, 147-148 Bay of Islands, ilicmac band at, 143 Bay Si George, see Si George's bay Beacon fires, on Cape North, 120; on Cape Ray, 26 Beadwork, colored designs in place of, 39 Bear, hunting of, in Newfoundland, 131 Bear River, a village of the Micmac, 93, 94 Bear River band, hunting territory of, 106 Bear-skin, wool from, 37 Beaton family, hunting territories of, 128 Bealon, William, on robbery committed by Beothuk, 53 Beaver, chase of, by Gluskap, 147-148; harpoons for spearing, Micmac-]\Iontagnais, 40; hunt- ing of, in Newfoundland, 131; Newfoundland legend concerning, 126-127 Beaver-skin, Beothuk clothing lined with, 43; wool from, 37 Beheading of enemies among Beothuk, 50, 54 Belle Isle, see Straits of Belle Isle Belts, Micmac, weaving of, 37-38 Benoit family, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Beothuk, or Red Indians, affinity of, with Atha- bascan, 71-72; Algonkian descent of, 13-15; annual ceremony of, 62-64; Buchan's exjiedi- tion to capture, 49-50; Cormack's researches among, 141-145; culture, origin of, 44-46, 69-70; culture, survivals from, among IMic- mac-Montagnais, 29-30. 32-33, 36, 38, 43-46, 60, 74-76, 118, 122-123; descendants of, 66; 159 AND MONOGRAPHS 160 BEOTHUKAND MICMAC extermination of, 12, 54, 117-119, 121; food of, 61-62; Gatschet on, 44-45; iiair remover, 40; in relation to hunting territories, 129-130; last survivors of, 139; marriage of, with other tribes, 65; paucity of information on, 11-12; Santu descendant of, 55-60, 67-69; sites of, 12, 20, 24-25, 40, 48; smoking among, 41; traditions concerning, 15-19, 25-29, 43, 46- 54; vocabulary, 66-67, 76; winter wigwams of, 31-32, 73-74 Bernard family, at Bay d'Espoir, 138; Fairy Holes visited by members of, 156 Bernard, Peter, former chief of Prince Edward Island band, 152 Berrv-gaihering districts on Cape Breton island, 113 Birch, edible rind of, 45, 77 Birch-bark, maps, Micmac, 98-99, 142; pipe, Micmac-Montagnais, 41; receptacles, Algon- kian, 43; wigwams, 30-31, 113 Black pigment, 34 Black weasel, legend concerning, 28-29 Blanket, gambling-game played on, 63, 80 Blocks, hair dressed over, 35 Blueberries, pigments from, 34 Blue pigment, 34 Bodies, dyeing of, Beothuk, 15, 17, 43, 51, 63-64, 73 Bonavista bay, Micmac band on, 143 Bone, awls, Beothuk, 60; dehairer, Beothuk, 24-25; implements, characteristic Algonkian, 44; implements, Montagnais, 127; snowshoe needles, Micmac-Montagnais, 39; bones, ani- mal, on Beothuk sites, 21-22; transformed to rock by Gluskap, 146-148 IND IAN NOTES INDEX Bone-crackers, stone, on Beothuk sites, 24 Bonne Bay, Micmac band at, 143; jNIicmac settlement at. 137; Mitchell hunting on, 135; Montagnais settlements north of, 126-127 Bonnycastle, R. H., Newfoundland in 1842, cited, 77 Boot-moccasin, Beothuk, 36, 122; JNIicmac term For, 74. Boots, Beothuk, 43. 51; Beothuk influence on, 35-37 Boundaries of hunting territories, 94. See Crosses Bow and arroic, caribou killed with, 61-62; in totemic emblem, 96; bou' March, 78; burials, red ocher in pre-Algonkian, 13 Burke, Matheu.', at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Cabot strait, crossing of, by Micmac, 120-121 Camp, Beothuk, at Red Indian point, 49; Beothuk, on Hodge's mountain, 48; Beothuk, on voyage, 61; camps, Micmac, on Cape Breton, 113-114 Camp-sites, Beothuk, on Red Indian lake, 20- 22, 46-47 Canada, Beothuk sites in, 12; migration of Abnaki from, 143; Santu in, 59 AND MONOGRAPHS 161 162 BEOTHUKAND MICMAC Canoe, Gluskap's, 146; in totemic emblem, 97; voyages by, 26, 28, 119-125, 154; canoes, Beothuk, 13, 32-33, 43, 44, 60-61, 74, 122; Beothuk and Micmac, meeting of, 51-52; Micmac, art of, taught by Gluskap, 148 Canoe-mat, Gluskap's, 146-147 Canso, comprised in Micmac chieftaincy, 95 Cape Breton, dialect of, 37 Cape Breton island, Gluskap myth of, 145-149; Alicmac: chiefs of, 131, 144, 150; chieftaincy of, 94-95, 106-107, 125-126, 144, 150; dice- and-bowl game in, 80; hunting territories in, 86-87, 106-114, 130, 136; voyagers from, 25-27, 119, 124-125, 155 Cape Chignecto, in Micmac chieftaincy, 95 Cape Negro, chieftaincy named from, 95 Cape North, Gluskap created at, 146; Micmac voyagers from, 26-27, 119-120 Cape Ray, Micmac voyages to, 26-27, 119-120 Cape Sable, chieftaincy named from, 95 Capote, distinctively Micmac, 34. i-'ee Coats Caps, edged with colored designs, 38-39; peaked, of women, 35 Capture of Beothuk, see Extermination Caribou, abundance of, in Newfoundland, 129; calf-skin coats of, IMicmac-Montagnais, 35; fences, Beothuk, 19-20; fences in Labrador, 73; food of Beothuk, 61-62; harpoons for spearing, ^Vlicmac-Montagnais, 40; hunted by Beothuk, 49; hunting territories concerned with, 131 Caribou-antler, on Beothuk sites, 21; snowshoe needles, Micmac-Montagnais, 39-40 Caribou-skin, bags in Newfoundland, 39; Beothuk: bone implement for dehairing, 24- INDIAN NOTES INDEX 25; clothing of, 43; foot-wear of, 35-36, 51, 75; wigwam lined with, 48; canoes, 60; capote of Newfoundland, 34; wool from, 37 Carlu-righi, Journal, cited, 73-75 Catiglinaicaga, Quebec, Iroquois of, 107 Caves, see Fairy Holes Ceremonial simplicity of Beothuk. 15. Fee Annual ceremony Chapel island, ^Micmac festival at, 120; Alicmac settlement at, 107 Chap pell, Edward, Voyage _ of H. M.'s Ship Rosamond, cited, 124—125, 155 Charms, among Micmac-Montagnais, 42-43 Charts, see Maps Checkenvork design on caribou-skin coats, 34 Chegogun harbor, Micmac name for, 140 Chert chips on Beothuk sites, 21 Chief, Beothuk, wigwam of, 22; ]Micmac, bark map belonging to, 98; ]Micmac, gift of schooner to, 121; ]\licmac hunting territories distrib- uted by, 88, 92, 150; of Newfoundland band, 125-126; chiefs, ^licmac districts divided among, 94-95; ]\Iicmac, French names of, 114; Micmac, numerous family determining, 91; ^licmac, of Cape Breton island, 94-95, 106-107, 125-126, 131, 144, 150. See Grand chief Chieftaincies, Micmac, 94-95 Children, Beothuk, dyeing of, 63; Micmac- Montagnais, dress of, 35 Chippewan stock, reputed relation of Beothuk to, 71 Chips on Beothuk sites, 21, 24 Chisels, slate, pre-Algonkian, 13-14 163 AND MONOGRAPHS 164 B E O T H U K A N D M I C M A C Cibonx islands, Gluskap's canoe broken on, 146 Clan, see Gens Clarke, J. M., Observations on the Magdalen Islands, cited, 153 Clay, red, Beothuks stained with, 51 Clode sound, IMicmac band at, 143 Clollmig suspended from hoop, 31. See Dress Coats, children's, of Micmac-Montagnais, 35; hooded, Beothuk, 43; sealskin, Micmac- Montagnais, 34. See Capole Codroy, JMicmac at, 137 Color of Beothuk, 44, 51; colors, determining patterns, 38; rabbit-wool bands in, 38-39. See Dyeing; Painting; Red Conne river, Micmac settlements at, 27, 121, 137 Cooking utensils, suspended from hoop, 31 Cope, a common Micmac surname, 79. See Kop Coptis trifolia, see Yellow thread Cormack, Wm. E., Narrative, cited, 33, 73, 74, 80, 141-145 Counters in Beothuk dice-and-bowl game, 62 Crooked knife, Micmac term for, 75; IMicmac- Montagnais, 39 Cross, emblem of Miramichi Indians, 96; crosses, hunting and fishing territories marked by, 89, 106 Culture, Beothuk, material, 13-15, 20-22, 24-25, 29-46, 74-76, 122-123, 169-170; Beothuk, social, 62-64, 80; Micmac-IMont- agnais, material, 18-19, 83-86; Micmac- Montagnais, social, 83-86. See Hunting territory Culture-hero, see Gluskap INDIAN NOTES INDEX Dahl, R. 5., interest of, in Santu, 79; on Micmac settlements and hunters in Newfoundland , 137-138 Dance, Beothuk, after murder, 54 Dau'son, Sir William, on Beothuk origins,_71-72 Day, John, Peyton accompanied by, 50, 53 Death, washing connected with, 80 Decoration of caribou-skin coat, 34-35 Deer, in to.temic emblem, 97 Deer-fcnccs, Beothuk, 46-47. See Caribou Denys, John, Grand chief of ^Micmac, 107, 149 Denys, Nicholas, cited, 46, 74, 89, 149 Denys. Tomah, migration of ]\Iicmac under, 108 Descendants of Beothuk, 69. See Santu Designs on coats, 34 Dice-and-boiii game of Beothuk, 62-63 Digby, canoe voyage from, 154; hunting claim in court at, 98 Dildo Arm, accident to Beothuk near, 52 Discs, of dice-and-bowl game, 63, 80 Dog, Gluskap's, 148; non-domestication of, among Beothuk, 44 Doublet, Jean and Francois, interest of, in ]Mag- dalen i.slands. 153 Doublet, Madeleine, Magdalen islands named for, 153 Dress, Beothuk, 17, 43; Beothuk survivals in, :Micmac-Montagnais, 33-39; ^Micmac-^NIont- agnais, adorned with colored designs, 38-39; Montagnais, in Newfoundland, 127 Dyeing of bodies, Beothuk, 15, 17, 43, 51, 63- '64, 73; of caribou-skin bag, Micmac-Montag- nais, 39; of moccasins, Beothuk, 36-37, 122. See Clay; Painting AND MONOGRAPHS 165 166 E E O T H U K A N D M I C M A C Ears, hair dressed over, in Newfoundland, 35 East, artifacts typical of, 25, 44 Ebegwi- denax, Micmac for Prince Edward Island Indians, 114-115 Election of chief of Micmac band, 152 Emblems, animal, 95-98. See Totemisin Embroidery among Montagnais, 39 English, grant from, to Micmac, 124^-125; St George's river named by, 28; war of, with French, 108 Eskasoni, capital village of jVIicmac tribe, 93, 107, 125, 150 Eskegawaage, a Micmac chieftaincy, 95 Eskimo, culture, Beothuk related to, 11-12, 40, 41, 70; culture, survivals in Newfoundland, 127; hide canoes of, ii; marriages of, with Beothuk, 65 Ethnological table, 45-46 Exogamy, 149; among Ojibwa, 85; not practised among Micmac, 87, 113 Exploits river, Beothuk sites on, 12, 19, 24-25; Buchan's expedition up, 49, 77; ethnological collection from region of, 44; hunting terri- tories around, 129; murder near, 53-54; red clay on, 51; schooner's clock found on, 53 Extermination of Beothuk, 11-13, 18, 47, 49- 51, 53-54, 77-78, 117 Fairy Holes, Gluskap's home at, 146, 156 Family group, among Algonkians, 87; among iVIicmac, 89-91 Family hunting territory, see Hunting territory Famine, bark eaten in, 45, 77. See Starvation Fear, cause of Beothuk destruction, 28-29, 47-48, 52, 144 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Fences, caribou, Beothuk, 19-20; caribou, in Labrador, 73; deer, Beothuk, 46-47 Fire-arms, Beothuk fear of, 28, 47, 52, 144 Fire-place of Beothuk, 21, 24 Fires, see Beacon fires; Forest fires Fish eggs, as food, 153 Fisher, absent from Newfoundland, 131 Fishermen, Beothuk forays on, 21 Fishing, districts, ]\Iicmac, 113, 117; imple- ments, ]\Iicmac, 148; in Newfoundland, 131 Fish-spears of Micmac-Montagnais, 40-41 Flakes, see Chips Flint chips on Beothuk sites, 21 Folklore, see Legend Food, Beothuk, 21, 61-62 Forest fires, destruction of Beothuk fences by, 19-20 Fox, hunting of, in Newfoundland, 131 Frameivork of Beothuk canoe, 60 Francis. Joe, former chief of Prince Edward Island band, 152 French, blood in Micniac chief, 144; jMicmac allies of, 108, 124; names of JMicmac chiefs, 114; schooners, ^licmac voyages on, 120-121 Fur, Beothuk garments lined with, 43 Gabriel, a Micmac encountered by Cormack, 144-145 Gambo, Micmac settlement at, 137 Games, of Beothuk, 62-63; of JMicmac, 80 Game-totem , see Use-tolem Ganda Bay, Micmac band at, 143 Gander lake, hunting territories around, 129 Ganong, W. F., cited, 46, 74, 96, 149, 151 Garters, Micmac, weaving of, 37 167 AND MONOGRAPHS 168 BEOTHUKAND MICMAC Gaspesians, see LeClcrcq Galschet, A. S., cited on Beothuk, 11, 44-45 Gens, among Micmac, 91, 95-98; exogamic, of Algonkian, 85, 87 Geological Survey of Canada, ethnological sur- veys made for, 83-85 Geological Survey of Ncufoundland, collections in museum of, 43^i4; Howley of, 55 Gesliculalion, among Beothuk, 66 Glenwood, Newfoundland, Micmac settlement at, 137 Gloucester, Mass., discovery of Santu at, 56; Toney at, 79 Gluskap, Cape Breton version of, 145-149, 151; Micmac culture-hero, 109 Goldenweiser, A. A., use-totem discussed by, 85 Gontgont, Emanuel, Cormack housed by, 145 Grand chief of Micmac, 106-107 Grand lake, hunting territories around, 129; last appearance of Beothuk at, 54 Grand Manaan, canoe voyage to, 154 Grandmother, Gluskap's, 148 Graves, Beothuk, perforated teeth in, 43 Great Bras d'Or, Gluskap's passage through, 147 Great Cod Roy river, Micmac band at, 143 Great Lakes, Santu living on, 59; wigwam con- struction characteristic of, 31 Greenland, intermarriages of Beothuk in, 65 Gulf of St Lawrence, Micmac voyages in, 125, 153 Gull eggs as food, 153 Gunpowder, Beothuk blown up with, 50 Gunwale, Beothuk type of, 32-33 Hair, Beothuk style of dressing, 35 . Hair-removers of Micmac-Montagnais, 39-49 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Halifax, comprised in Micniac chieftaincy, 95 Hall's Bay, ilicmac settlement at, 137 Hammers, stone, on Beothuk sites,^24 Hampton Beach, X. H., Santu at, 67 Handles, wooden, of awls, 39 Hare-skin, wool from, 37 Harpoon, Beothuk, 61; Micmac term for, 76; :Micmac-Montagnais, 40-41; sea-mammals killed with, 61-62 Hartigan, Mr, Beothuk traditions related by, 52 Hartland, E. S., on social evolution, 84 Hide-scrapers, of Micmac-^Iontagnais, 39-40 Hinx family, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Hodge's mountain, Beothuk traditions of, 48, 139 Hoop, used in wigwam construction, 31, 73-74 Houley, J. P., acknowledgment to, 141; Beo- thuics or Red Indians of Newfoundland, cited, 15, 17, 32, 41, 46, 71-77, 156; collection gathered by, 43-44; list of Micmac settlements obtained from, 137; on veracity of Santu, 55- 56 Hudsonian zones, social life of tribes of, 84 Hunting, cam})s, Micmac, on Cape Breton, 113- 114; importance of, in Newfoundland, 14vS- 144; Micmac implements for, 148; Micmac- Montagnais charms for, 42-43; of caribou by Beothuk, 19-20, 73; on Prince Edward island, 115 Hunting territory, Algonkian society based on, 71, 83-86; in interior, 139, 144; Micmac, aver- age size of. 136-137; Micmac, in Cape Breton island, 106-114; Micmac, in Nova Scotia, 86-106; Micmac, in Prince Edward island, 114-117; Micmac-Montagnais, in Newfound- AND MONOGRAPHS 169 170 B E O T H U K A N D M I C M A C land, 117-138, 143-144; probable Beothuk, 139, 144 Implements, on Beothuk sites, 21, 22, 24; stone, pre-Algonkian, 13. See Fishing implements; Hunting; Lances; Stone age Indian island, Me., wgwam-pits on, 31 Indian island, N. S., Gluskap starts beaver at, 147 Inheritance, of hunting territories, 86, 92, 113, 117-118, 135-136 Interior, flight of Beothuk to, 28-29; hunting territories in, 139, 144 Iron implements on Beothuk sites, 21, 24. See Metal Iroquois, hostihty of, to Wabanaki, 29; Alic- mac relations with, 107, 154 Jack, E., on Beothuk traditions, 17 Jack pine, see Bank's pine J eddore family, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Joe, Andrew, hunting territory df, 135-136 Joe family, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Joe, John, Gluskap myth related by, 146-149 Joe, Tom, hunting magic of, 127; hunting terri- tory of, 135-136 John family, at Bay d'Espoir, 138; hunting terri- tories of, 128 John, James, mentioned by Cormack, 142, 155 John, Louis, account of last Beothuk by, 48, 53-54; on relations between Beothuk and Micmac, 54; share in hunting territory offered by, 131 Jore, Ben, grandfather of, killed bv Beothuk, 53-54 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Jukes, J. B., Excursions in Xewfoundland, cited, 73 Julian, Joe, share in hunting territory ofifered to, 131 Kaspoog'ii'il, a Alicmac chieftaincy, 95 Kayak, Beothuk canoe like, 60-61 Keel, Beothuk tyqpe of, 32 Keelson, of Beothuk canoe, 79 Ksn'i'be'wa'lc, Micmac term for Penobscot, 155- 156 Kennebec River band, Micmac term for, 155-156 Killing of tabooed animal, 122 King George I V lake, Mitchell hunting territory about, 135 Knives, iron, on Beothuk sites, 21-24. See Crooked knife Kop, name of Santu's father, 57, 58 r.abrador, Beothuk descendants in, 69; Beothuk relations with, 65; caribou fences in, 73; ^licniac vovages to, 125; Montagnais migra- tion from, 25, 118, 126-127, 141, 143; Montag- nais of, 15-16, 35. 48; Lake Wasanipi, survey of hunting territories from, 85 Lance-heads, slate, pre-Algonkian, 13-14 Lances, Micmac-Montagnais, 40-^1 Landmarks, Micmac, in Xewfoundland, 26-27 Language of Beothuk, authorities on, 11-13 Leather, d\eing of, Beothuk. 122 Leaves, smoking of, among Beothuk, 62 LeClercq, Father Chretien, Xew Relation of Gaspesia, cited, 46, 71, 74, 88, 89, 91, 96, 98-99, 149-150 171 AND MONOGRAPHS 172 B E O T H U K A N D M I C AI A C Legend, of beaver, 126-127; of black weasel, 28; of Gluskap, 145-149; of Hodge's mountain, 48, 139; of ^lagdalen islands, 153; of moose, 115; of quarrel between Beothuk and IVIic- mac, 122, 154. See Traditions Leggings, Beothuk, 17 Leland, C. G., Algonquin Legends of New Eng- land, cited, 72-73 Lewis, Reuben, chief, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Liltle river, Micmac camp on, 144-145 Lloyd, T. G. B., on Beothuk vocabulary, 67 Logs, winter wigwams of, 31-32, 73-74 Loin dollt, Beothuk, 17 Look-out tree at Red Indian point, 23, 78-79 Loom, Micmac, 37-38 Louis, Noel, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Lonisbnrg, retreat of French to, 108 LoiHe, R. H., Primitive Society, cited, 83, 149 Lynx teeth as charms among Micmac-Montag- nais, 43 McCloud, George, knowledge of, of Beothuk, 69 McDonald, Frank, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 McEwan, John, acknowledgment to, 94; Guide's Prize Storv, cited, 151; map of hunting terri- tory by, 99, 106 Magdalen islands, Micmac voyages to, 153 Magic, hunting, in Newfoundland, 126-127 Main river, see St George's river Maine, aboriginal culture in, 13-15; Penobscot of, 15, 155-156; perforated stones in, 42; prehistoric Algonkian culture in, 71; wigwam- pits in, 31 Malagawatch, Micmac settlement at, 107 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Malca'te, at Oldtown, INIe., 115; cognate Algon- kian roots in language, 76; term for Beothuk, 16; term for woman, 66; totemic emblem of, 97; traditions among, concerning Beothuk, 16-17 Mallcrv, G., Picture-writing of the American Indians, cited, 96-98, 150 Maple splint baskets, Micmac-Montagnais, mainland origin of, 41 Maps, birch-bark, ]\licmac, 17, 98-99, 142 Marriage, customs among Beothuk, 80; customs among JMicmac, 90, 92-93, 130-131; of Beo- thuk with outsiders, 64-66; of Beothuk with wolverene, 72-73; of Santu, 59-60 Mary March, capture of, 50-51, 53, 77-78 Mary March brook, Beothuk site on, 22; capture of Beothuk on, 50, 77 Mary March's point, Beothuk captured at, 50; lookout-tree on, 78-79 Massey, Miss, on IMicmac maps, 98 MaUic'ci'S family, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Matrilincalily, theories of, 84 Mays, G. V., on birch-bark map, 17 Ma'y^me'gu'ik, Micmac settlement of, 121 Meat, gift of, to Beothuk, 51-52 Mechling, W. H., Malecite Tales, cited, 17, 72 Meelpcgh lake, Montagnais hunting territory at, 139, 142 Me'kue'isit, Malecite term for Beothuk, 17 Memramcook, a INIicmac chieftaincy, 95 Meski'gliru.'i''ddn, village-site near Seal rocks, 27, 139 Metal, fragments on Beothuk sites, 21; schooners robbed for, 21. See Iron Implements 173 AND MONOGRAPHS 174 BEOTHUKAND MICMAC Meywe'dje'iva''gi', Micmac name of Red Indian lake, 46, 139 Meywe''dji'djik, Micmac term for Beothuk, 18 MeytcC'djik, Micmac-Montagnais term for Beothuk, 27 Meywe'za'xsi't, Micmac name for Hodge's mountain, 48, 139 Michel, Matty, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Micmac, annual ceremony of, 120; camp-site at Red Indian point, 23-24; chief on Prince Edward island, 151-152; culture, Beothuk survivals in, 24-25, 32-33, 44-46, 63, 69-70, 75, 79; culture, comparative study of, 70; culture survivals of, in Newfoundland, 41-42, 122; Gluskap myth of, 145-149; guide to Beothuk sites, 20; hunting territory among, 83-86; hunting territories in Cape Breton island, 106-114; hunting territories in Nova Scotia, 86-106; hunting territories in Prince Edward island, 114-117; marriage of Santu with, 67-69; marriages of Beothuk with, 59, 65-66; migration of, to Newfoundland, 25- 27, 118-125; place-names, Beothuk survivals in, 46-47; place-names in Newfoundland, 138-140; totemic emblem of, 97; traditions ' among, concerning Beothuk, 17-19, 71-74; vocabulary, 66; weaving among, 37-39; wigwam among, 30-31. See Micmac-Mon- tagnais Micmac-Montagnais, Cormack among, 141-145; culture, 37; culture, Beothuk survivals in, 29-30, 33-39, 44-46; hunting territories in Newfoundland, 117-138; traditions concern- ing Beothuk among, 21-22, 25-29, 46-54. See Micmac; Montagnais INDIAN NOTES INDEX Middle river, Gluskap kills beaver at, 147; Micmac settlement at, 107 Migration, Micmac, eastward trend of, 136-137; IMicmac, to Xeu-foundland, 25-27, 118-125; ^Montagnais, to Newfoundland, 118-127 Millertonn, Beothuk traditions from, 52-53; Mary March's point at, 50; Red Indian point near, 47 Millerlown Junction, Beothuk traditions from, 52, 54 Minas basin, created by Gluskap, 147-148 Mink, absent from Newfoundland, 131 Miramichi Indians, cross emblem of, 96 Mistassini, hunting territory among, 86 Mitchell, Matliru.', hereditary chieftaincy of, 135 Moccasins, Beothuk, 17; Beothuk influence on, 35-37; suspended from hoop, 31. See Boot- moccasin Moha-d'k, Micmac alliance with, 107; Santu's marriage with, 59 Moisie river, Montagnais along, 18 Montagnais, cognate Algonkian roots in lan- guage. 760; culture, Beothuk resemblances to, 11-12, 24-25, 44-46, 70; culture, survivals of, in^Newfoundland, 33-36, 39, 41, 122, 126- 127; eating of bark by, 45; hunting territory among, 85, 86; in Newfoundland, Cormack among, 141-142; migration of, to Newfound- land, 118; of Labrador, 15-16, 48, 73; tradi- tions among, concerning Beothuk, 18; weav- ing among, 38; wigwam of, 30-31. See Micm ac-M ontagn ais Moorehcad, W. K., Red Paint People, cited, 13, 71 175 AND MONOGRAPHS 176 B E O T H U K A N D M I C AI A C Moose, slaughter of, on Prince Edward island, 115 Moose-skin canoe-mat, Gluskap's, 146-147; canoes, 33 Morgan, L. H., on social evolution, 84 Morris, Reuben, ^Micmac chief, 12.S Moss, winter wigwams chinked with, 32 Mulgrave lake, Siah's hunting territorj- about, 106 Murder of Beothuk by ]\Iicmac, 28 Muskrat, in totemic emblem, 97 Mulch, J. R., acknowledgment to, 151 Mylh, totemic, of Penobscot, 87. See Legend Nails, metal, on Beothuk sites, 21 Names, Christian, among jSIicmac, 114. See Tables Naskapi, in Newfoundland, 126-127; timidity of, 48 Needles for snowshoes, ]Micmac-]\lontagnais, 39-40; ^licmac term for, 76. See .4^:'/; Netting-needles Netting-needles, ilicmac-Montagnais, 39-40. See Needles New Brunswick, chiefs in, 114; migration of Malecite of, 16-17; IMicmac ]\Iicmac place-names in, 140; ___^ Micmac from, 108; relative standing of bands in, 137; Santu in, 59 Newell, Joe and Tom, Fair}^ Holes visited b}'. 156 New England, coast, aboriginal culture of, 13-15; Santu in, 59-60 Newfoundland, Beothuk remains in, 11-54; Beothuk tradition in, 72-73; material culture of, 29-44; :\Iicmac migration to, 155; ificmac of, 86-87; Micmac place-names in, 138-140; INDIAN NOTES I N L) E X ^licmac-Montagnais hunting territories in, 117-138; ^licmac-Montagnais of, 25; v33-43, 86-87; ^lontagnais of, 16; tenure of hunting territories in, 109 Xeuifomidlaiid band, see M !c»iac-M onla i;>!a i .s Xorlheastern culture, implements characteristic of, 40 North Pole, Gluskap residing beyond, 149 Nova Scotia, Gluskap legend in, 147-149, 156 ]\Iicmac canoes of, 3i; Micmac hunting terri tories in, 86-106; Micmac place-names in, 140 migration of Micmac from, 108; porcupine- quills exported from, 41-42; Santu in, 59, 65 size of hunting territory in, 136-137; tradi- tions concerning Beothuk in, 71-72 Noya'mkisk, Xewfoundland, ]\Iicmac settle- ment of, 121 Niidjo'yn, village-site on St George's ba}-, 27 Ocher, see Red oclier Ojibwa, hunting territorj' among, 85-87 Oldtown, Elaine, Indian band at, 115 Orchard, If. C, Xotes on Penobscot Houses, cited, 74 Osag9ne''u'i'ak, Penobscot term for Red Indians, 15-16 Osa'yan'ax, Micmac term for Beothuk or Montagnais, 16, 18, 56, 60, 65-67 Ottawa, ethnological collection in, 18-19 Otter, in totemic emblem, 97 Otter-skin, Beothuk clothing lined with, 43; wool from, 37 Pacifique, Father, on Micmac place-names, 95 Pack-straps, weaving of Micmac, 37 17' AND MONOGRAPHS 178 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC Paddle, Gluskap's, 147-148; in totemic emblem, 97 Painting, coats of Beothuk decorated uath, 43; colored designs in place of, 39; of caribou- skin coats, 34-35. See Color; Dyeing Paliser, Gov., Micmac migration limited by, 155 Passamaqnoddy, derivation of term, 150; emblem of, 96-97; hostility of, to JNIohawk, 73; tra- ditions among, concerning Beothuk, 72-73 Palrilinealiiy, among Algonkian, 84-86 Pattern, in weaving, Micmac-Montagnais, 38 Patterson, on Beothuk terms, 67 Paul family, at Bay d'Espoir, 138; hunting territories of, 128 Paul, Frank, on crossing of Cabot strait, 120 Paul, Gahe, acknowledgment to, 115 Paul, John, acknowledgment to, 24, 78; acquaintance of, with Santu, 68-69; irregular tenure of, 135-136; on Buchan's expedition, 49-51; on Micmac dress, 34; on Micmac place-names in Newfoundland, 124; on Mon- tagnais hunters in Newfoundland, 126-127; on relations between Beothuk and Micmac, 51; on separation of Beothuk from Micmac, 27-29 Penobscot, alleged animal ancestry among, 85; at Oldtown, Me., 115; boundary signs among, 94; cognate Algonkian roots in language of, 76; hoop in wigwam construction of, 31 ; hunt- ing territory of, 86; Micmac term for, 155- 156; perforated stones among, 42; term for living creature, 66; totemic emblem of, 97; traditions among, concerning Beothuk, 15- 16 Penobscot river, wigwam-pits along, 31 IN D. IAN NOTES INDEX Perforated stones, among i\Iicmac-]Montagnais, 42-43 Perseciitiou, see Extermination Peyton, John, Beothuk vocabulary of, 67; expe- dition of, against Beothuk, 50-51, 53; on Buchan's expedition, 78 Pictography of Wabanaki, 96-98 Pictou, a Micmac chieftaincy, 95; Gluskap at, 148 Pigments, see Painting Pine-hark, red dj-e derived from, 36-37 Pinus halsamifera, bark of, as food, 45 Pipes, improvised, of Micmac-Montagnais, 41; stone, of Beothuk, 62; Pitcher-plant, leaf of, used as pipe by IMicmac- Montagnais, 41 Pits, see Wigwam -pi Is Place-names, Beothuk survivals in, 46-47; Micmac, in Newfoundland, 26, 123-124, 138-140; Micmac, in Nova Scotia, 94-95; ^Micmac, on Cape Breton island, 114; Montag- nais, 85; of hunting districts, 113. See Tables Plains, wigwam construction tj'pical of, 31 Plaster cove, Gluskap at, 146 Poles, in totemic emblem, 97 Pollock, in totemic emblem, 97 Poplar, edible rind*of, 77 Porcupine, not native to Newfoundland, 41-42, 131 Porpoise, hunting of, 154 Port Blandford, Micmac settlement at, 137 Portneuf river, survey of hunting territories to, 85 Post, loom attached to, 37-38; posts, of winter wigwam, 32 179 AND MONOGRAPHS 180 BEOTHUK AND MICMAC Pot, Gluskap's, 148 Pottery, absence of, among Beothuk, 44 Pouch, Micmac term for, 75. See Bags Powell, J. W., on Beothuk language, 11 Pre-Algonkian culture in Maine, 13-15 Prince Edward island, French governor of, 144; Micmac chiefs in, 114, 151-152; Micmac hunting territories in, 114-117 Prince, J. D., Passamaquoddy Documents, cited, 73, 154 Propliecv of Gluskap, 148-149 Pidlet, Ned, at Bay d'Espoir, 138 Punishment, washing as, 64 Quarrel between Beothuk and Micmac, legend of, 122, 154 Quebec, Micmac at battle of, 108; survey of hunting territories in, 85 Quilkvork of Micmac, 41-42 Rabbit -wool, weaving of, 37-39 Raccoon, absent from Newfoundland, 131 Rand, S. T., Legends of the Micmac, cited, 98, 151, 154-155; Micmac Dictionary, cited, 72-76; Micmac place-names recorded by, 140, 156 Rasles, Father, letter to, cited, 154 Red, and black, checkerwork in, 34; bags, dyed, 39; body dyed, among Beothuk, 15, 17, 43, 51, 57, 63-64, 72-73; boots and moccasins dyed, 36; clay on Exploits river, 51; leather dyed, 122 Red Indian falls, caribou fence above, 20 Red Indian lake, Beothuk ceremony at, 62-64; Beothuk sites on, 12, 19, 44-51, 142; hunt- INDIAN NOTES INDEX ing territories around, 129; Mary March's cap- ture at, 77-78; ilicmac name for, 46, 139; Santu born near, 56, 58 Red Indian point, a Beothuk site, 22-24, 46-47; capture of Beothuk at, 49-51 Red Indians, 16. See Beothuk Red island, creation of, by Gluskap, 147 Red oclier, seams of coats smeared with, 34-35; use of, by Beothuk, 13, 72-73 Red Pond, see Red Indian lake Red root, bodies of Beothuk dyed with, 63-64; of Red Indian lake, 58 Red-ilillou' bark, smoking of, by JMicmac-^Ion- tagnais, 41 Restigoiiche, a IMicmac chieftaincy, 95; salmon emblem of, 96 Rivers, W. II. R., use-totem discussed by, 85 Roasting of meat, Beothuk, 62 Robberies committed by Beothuk, 21, 53 Rocks, creation of, by Gluskap, 146-148 Rushy pond, Buchan at 49 Sable, absent from Newfoundland, 131 St Ann's day, Micmac celebration of, 120 St Croix river, Micmac name for, 140 St Francis Abnaki, Micmac term for, 155 St Georges Bay, Beothuk village at, 118 St Georges bay, grant on, to IMicmac, 124-125; Micijiac place-names on, 138-139; ^Micmac settlements on, 27, 118, 121-122, 137; Mon- tagnais hunting on, 142 St Georges harbor, Cormack at, 145; ^Micmac band at, 143 Si George's river, formerly called Main river, 28 Si Johns, N. B., canoe voyage to, 154 181 AND MONOGRAPHS 182 BEOTHUKAND IVIICMAC St Johns, Newfoundland, Marv ^March captive at, 50-51, 78; visit with HowW at, 55 Si Lawrence river, JNIontagnais north of, 16, 137; Montagnais of, 18; remains along lower, 71; sur\'ey of hunting territories to, 85; tribes bordering, Beothuk resemblance to, 45 St Mary's bay in St Lawrence, IMicmac name for, 140 St Patrick's bay, Gluskap at, 147 St Paul's island, Micmac voyages to, 119-120 St Peter's channel, Gluskap's pursuit of beaver through, 147 Salmon, emblem of Restigouche Indians, 96 Sandv point, Micmac-Beothuk site near, 27-28 Santii, Beothuk descent of, 24, 55-60, 67-69; information given bv, 16, 60-67; veracity of, 79 Sapir, Edward, acknowledgm.ent to, 19 Sapir, J. D., acknowledgment to, 67 Sark, John, chief of Prince Edward Island band, 151-152 Sarracena purpurea, see Pitcher plant Sa'yewe'djki'k, or ancients, of Newfoundland, 26, 123-124 Schooner, dismantling of, by Beothuk, 21, 53; French, Micmac voyaging on, 121; Indian voyages on, 26-27 Sealing, in Newfoundland, 131; Micmac-INIon- tagnais harpoons for, 40 Seal rocks, Beothuk and Micmac site near, 27 Sealskin, canoes, 60; coats, Micmac origin of, 34; moccasin, 36 Sea ■mammals, Beothuk food, 61-62 Settlements, see Village INDIAN NOTES INDEX Seicnng of Beothuk canoe, 60; on bark recep- tacles, 76 Ship, see Schooner Ship harbor, ISricmac place-name in, 140 Shipicrcck, Beothuk assistance at, 64 Shiiboiacadic, a ]Micmac village, 93, 95 Siah, Solomon, map belonging lo, 99, 106 Sigunikt, see Slniheuacadie Silk, embroiderv in ^Montagnais, 39 Sites, Beothuk, 12, 19-25; Beothuk and :Micmac, at St Georges bay, 27-29. See Camp-sites; Village; Wigwam-pits Skin, bags in Newfoundland, 39; canoes, Beo- thuk, 33, 60-61, 74 Skunk absent from Newfoundland, 131 Slate, lance-heads, pre-Algonkian, 13-14 SmethursI, Gamaliel, Narrative of an Extraor- dinary Escape, cited, 151 Smith's lake, N. S., hunting territories at, 151 Smoking among Beothuk, 41, 62 Sno'd'shoe, Beothuk, 75; Micmac-Montagnais type of, 39 Social organization of Beothuk, 15. See Hunting territory . Song of Santu, 67-68 Spear, ]\Iicmac term for, 76 Speck, F. G., Ancient Archeological Site on the Lower St Lawrence, cited, 71; Decorative Art and Basketry of the Cherokee, cited, 76; Double Curve Motive in Northeastern Algonkian Art, cited, 75 Spinning, among Micmac, 37 Splint basketry, distribution of, 76; Micmac- Montagnais, 41 Split point, Gluskap kills beaver at, 147-148 183 AND MONOGRAPHS 184 BEOTHUKAND MICMAC Spruce, keelson of, 79; Mary March's, 78-79. See Lookout-tree Spruce-bark, Beothuk, canoe stiffened with, 60; red dye derived from, 36-37 Stain, see Dyeing Starvation of Beothuk, 48. See Extermination Sicvensville, Beothuk-Micmac settlement near, 27, 121-122 Stone age, Beothuk culture of, 21; implements, absence of pre-AIgonkian, 13; implements, collection of, 43-44; implements on Beothuk sites, 24; pipes of Beothuk, 62. See Chips; Implements; Slate Stones, see Perforated stones Straits of Belle Isle, Montagnais crossing, 126; Montagnais near, 18 Sydney, Micmac chief at, 131; Micmac settle- ment at, 107 Sylvester, Joseph, guide to Cormack, 141, Table Head, Gluskap dines at, 147 Tables of Micmac hunting territories, 100-105, 110-112, 116, 132-134 Taboo concerning black .weasel, 28; tabooed animal, killing of, 122 Tanning, among Beothuk, 43 Ta'yamkuk', Micmac name of Newfoundland, 119 Tay' amkuyewa' X , Micmac name of Newfound- land band, 119 Teeth, perforated, among Micmac-Montagnais, 43 Terra Nova river, Micmac place-names on, 140 Thwaites, R. G., edition of Jesuit Relations, cited, 154 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Tides created by Gluskap, 147-148 Tinne, reputed relationship of Beothuk to, 71 Tiffi, construction of, .31 Tobacco, improvised pipe for, 41 Toggle, ■Micmac-jMontagnais, antler, 40 Totiey, Abram, deep-sea voyages of, 154 Toney, Joe, Santu's son, 56, 60; wanderings of, 79. See Saniu Tools, metal for, 21. See Implements Totemism, absent among Micmac, 87; absent among Micmac-Montagnais, 113; among Penobscot, 85; significance of, 95-98 Traditions concerning Beothuk, 15-18, 21-22, 25-29, 46-54, 71-74. See Legend Traps, iron, on Beothuk sites, 22; Micmac, in Newfoundland, 143 Tribes, see Band Trousers, caribou-skin, Beothuk, 35, 43 Tiick, Mr, on death of ^Slary March, 53 Turtle, Gluskap's uncle, 148 Turtle-eggs, ^Micmac gambling phrase, 80 Tuyu'e''gan m9ni''guk', Micmac name of St Paul's island, 119 Tu'illingate, Beothuk encounter near, 52 Unama''gi, Micmac name of Cape Breton island, 107 Us'a'g9n.ik, Malecite term for Montagnais, 16 Use-totem, 85; among Micmac, 97-98. See Totemism Vaudreuil, M. de, letter of, cited, 154 Victoria Museum, ethnological collection of Newfoundland in, 18-19 Village, Beothuk-Micmac, 118, 122-123; t/V- 185 AND MONOGRAPHS 186 BEOTHUKAND MICMAC lages, Micmac, in Newfoundland, 118, 121- 123, 137; Micmac, on Cape Breton island, 114 Village-siles, see Siles Vocabulary, Beothuk, 58, 66, 76 Voyages, of Indians, 26, 28, 153-154 Wahanaki, absence of splint basketry among, 41; culture, Beothuk resemblances to, 44-46, 63; dice-and-bowl game of, 79; hostility of, to Iroquois, 29; pictography of, 96-98; skin canoes of, oi; winter wigwams of, 31-32, 73-74 Wampum, Micmac ceremonial procedure with, 107 Washing, among Beothuk, 64, 80 Water bucket, cognate terms for, 76 Weasel, see Black weasel Weaving among IMicmac, 37-39 Whitbourne, Ricliard, Discourse on the Dis- covery of Newfoundland, cited, 76-77 Whites, beheaded by Beothuk, 50; Gluskap's aid against, 148-149; relations of, with Beothuk, 49-54, 57, 64, 69, 77-78 Whilnev, Caspar, on caribou in Newfoundland, 129 Wigwam, Beothuk, birch-bark, 30-31, 73-74; Beothuk, on Hodge's mountain, 48; chief's, at Red Indian i)oint, 78; Micmac, on Cape Breton, 113-114. See Tipi Wigwam-pits, distinctive of Beothuk, 13, 20-22. 24r-25, 30-31, 40, 44 Willoughby, C. C, Prehistoric Burial Places in Maine, cited, 13, 71 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Wilson's lake, Newfoundland, Alicmac camp on, 144-145 Winter wig-d'ams of Beothuk, 31-32, 73-74 Wolverene, absent from Newfoundland, 131; marriage of Beothuk with, 72-73 Women, peaked caps of, 35; quillwork of, 41-42 Wood, awl-handles of, 39; Beothuk canoe framework of, 60; ^licmac-Montagnais net- ting-needles of, 39-40; spindle of, 37 Woodchuck, absent from Newfoundland, 131 Wool, embroidery in, Montagnais, 9; weaving of, 37-39 Wreck, see Shipureck Wreck cove, Gluskap at, 146 Wycogamagh, Gluskap at, 147; John Joe of, 146; -\Iicmac settlement at, 107 Yarmouth band, voyages of, 154 Yarmontli, N. S., death of Santu at, 79; hunting territories near, 92; Santu married near, 59 Yellow thread, yellow pigment from, 34 187 AND MONOGRAPHS ■IN HUNTING TERRITORIES OF THE MICMAC INDIANS IN NOVA SCOTIA o HUNTING TERRITORIES OFTHK MICMAC INDIANS IX PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND AND NEWFOUNDLAND m '•: f^}-"^^^''' REGiONAL LIBRARY FACILIT, A 001 120 717 2