MR GLADSTONE HON. LION hi A. TO LI. EM AC 111. Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN ' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE BY THE Hon. LIONEL A. TOLLEMACHE author of "denjamin jowett" "safe studies" etc. Defuncttts adhuc loquitur LONDON EDWARD ARNOLD 37 BEDFORD STREET 1898 All Righls Reserved 5G3,3 Is-, PREFACE It will be seen that these Reminiscences, in all their essential parts, were written long ago. I was at first undecided as to the fittest time for giving them to the world. But, on the whole, no time has seemed fitter than shortly after the long-foreseen, long- dreaded event for which we are now sorrowing — the not unmixedly sad event, nevertheless, which brings a career of such life-long devotion vividly before us, and which enables, nay, constrains us to reflect that the patriotic hero of so many struggles and, alas, the patient victim of so much suffering is resting from his labours, and that his works shall follow him. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 7 TALKS IN 1856-1870 19 TALKS IN 1891-1896 41 PORTRAIT OF MR. GLADSTONE . . . Frontispiece TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE INTRODUCTION Quid volui, demens, humeris imponere tantum Ponderis ? I SAW something of Mr. Gladstone between 1856 and 1870 in England ; and, after an interval of twenty years, I saw much of him at Biarritz. In reporting a few of the things that he said to me during the earlier period, I have to trust my memory entirely. His remarks during the later period have been carefully noted down. I am, therefore, con- fident that those remarks are reported with accuracy. Naturally, however, my attention was concentrated on Mr. Gladstone's observations; and I must add that the effort of committing those observations to memory, and likewise of replying to them, was such that I cannot pretend that my own part in the conversation is given with equal exactness. But this, of course, is a matter of minor importance. Another of my Boswellian canons ought, perhaps, to be disclosed. Several times my conversations with Mr. Gladstone were interrupted just when he 7 8 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE was entering on an important subject; and I naturally endeavoured, during one or more sub- sequent interviews, to draw him out more thor- oughly. When the drawing-out process had been completed and I had to make a final report of all that he had said, I had to choose between two alternatives, each of them open to objection. Some- times I thought it safer to observe strict accuracy by referring the two or more mutually supple- menting, not to say overlapping, conversations to the times when they respectively occurred. But more frequently I have consulted the convenience of my readers by following a logical, instead of a chronological arrangement, and by soldering together the disunited parts of what was practically a single dialogue. In preparing to add to my literary gallery its most conspicuous portrait, I am confronted with the question : In order to concentrate attention on the portrait itself, ought not its frame to be as simple as possible ? Or, to lay aside metaphor, ought I not to restrict myself to the mechanical office of Boswellizing Mr. Gladstone, and to leave the thank- less task of criticising him to such biographers as are at once compelled and competent to discharge it ? The question, when thus put, seems to answer itself ; but the matter, in fact, is not so simple as at first sight appears. On the whole, the self-denying ordinance which I am inclined to impose on myself is this, that I should in general not presume to sit in judgment on Mr. Gladstone except in cases where TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 9 my intercourse with him serves to throw light on some misunderstood parts of his character ; or where, on the other hand, some remarks on his character are needed to throw light on my intercourse with him. On neither of these two accounts do I feel called upon to say much about him as a statesman. Being forced to spend three-quarters of every year on the Continent in a sort of valetudinarian exile, I have come to regard myself, not certainly as an outlaw, but as what 1 may call an outpolitics, — as one who can look on party politics only from the standpoint of a philosophical outsider ; so that, for this as well as for other reasons, I abstain from acting the part of a political censor. And this abstinence is, in the present case, made easier by the fact that the tie which bound him to me and mine was not political, but personal. He was a county neighbour of my Conservative father and of my more Conservative father-in-law (the late Lord Egerton of Tatton). When he and they were in the House of Commons together, he met them on a footing of friendly opposition ; and although the political antagonism went on increasing, the friendly relations were perhaps not lessened down to the end of the chapter. The result of all this was that, when he extended his friendship to my wife and me, lie showed a manifest disinclination to discuss the politics of the day. He seldom approached burning questions in my presence, and hardly ever in the presence of my wife. I could have wished that he had been 10 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE less scrupulous ; but perhaps, after all, the loss was not very serious. The political Gladstone has long been, and will long continue to be, in everybody's mouth. It is of the non-political Gladstone that people in general need to learn something. When I pass on from the public to the private character of Mr. Gladstone, I am only too sensible alike of the difficulty and of the necessity of touching on that most delicate part of my subject. To quote Cicero : " Quid dicam de moribus facillimis, de bonitate in suos, justitia in omnes?" (What should I say of the easy urbanity of his manners, of his goodness to his intimates, of his justice towards all men ?) What, in particular, should I say, or forbear to say, about Mr. Gladstone's great kindness to me ? Compliments, however sincere and however well deserved, have nearly always an air of patronage ; and, indeed, I have sometimes thought that the step from the sublime to the ridiculous is perhaps less short than the step from an ill-turned or ill-timed compliment to an insult. Those of us who are haunted by any such impression as is here indicated are naturally disposed, in relation to Mr. Gladstone's private virtues, to say less than we feel, or rather to keep silence even from good words. Nevertheless, it would be churlish in us to refrain altogether from bearing our eye-witnessing testimony to his con- siderate and uncondescending graciousness towards such of his juniors as he befriended. And we ourselves are led to do this all the more in order, so to say, to take away the unpleasing taste of the few TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 11 words of adverse criticism which will perforce make their way into the following pages. Let it, then, be understood once for all that, however we may have differed from his views both on things present and on things to come, we nevertheless judge him to have exhibited an absolutely unique combination of political sagacity with an unwavering conviction of the Divine presence and support ; so that we might almost literally apostrophise him in the phrase of the Greek poet — " avdpQv ere irpwTov £v re £i)/j,0opcus (Slov Kpivovres 'tv re Sai/J.6vojv £wa\Aa.Ycus." I have mentioned that Mr. Gladstone, in his inter- course with me, seldom penetrated within the recesses of politics. He, however, often led me into what may be called the antechamber of politics. He freely imparted to me his reminiscences ; and those reminiscences were interspersed with suggestive comments, and had always, if I may so express it, a quorum pars magna fui flavour about them. When he was disposed to dwell on this interest- ing subject, I did my best to make him stick to it ; and, on other occasions, I threw the subject in his path. His anecdotical reflections on such men as Canning and Peel, as Lord Palmerston and Disraeli, are reported with the utmost possible minuteness. There were, however, subjects on which he con- versed with less interest and effect, and in reference to which my duties as a reporter were less clear. Of those less important remarks of his, should any 12 ' TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE or should all, be placed before my readers ? An example will serve to show the nature of my perplexity. How much am I to record of my impressions of Mr. Gladstone's views on Homer's ethics and theology ? My introduction to those views took place in an odd manner. In my Oxford days I heard a lady ask Jowett what he thought of Mr. Gladstone's then recently published book on Homer. " It's mere nonsense," was the brief answer. Without passing so summary a verdict on Mr. Gladstone's work, or presuming to speak on the subject as an expert, I am at least aware that, as Juvenal might have said, he made the Syrian Jordan flow into the Scamander : he Catholicised Hellenism and almost canonised Homer. Indeed, it was with reference to Mansel's Bampton Lectures and Mr. Gladstone's Homeric speculation that, some forty years ago, the future Bishop Jeune said to Bishop Wilberforce that he " had not expected to see the time when Atheism would be demonstrated from the pulpit of St. Mary's, and when the member for the University of Oxford would advocate the wor- ship of the Pagan divinities " (Safe Studies, p. 247). He evidently held, as I also hold, that Mr. Gladstone was utterly at fault when he tried to discover a defaced or rudimentary Trinity amid the debris of the Hellenic Pantheon. And, for myself, I will further maintain that from Mr. Gladstone's initial error in this matter — from his invention, if I may so say, of an Athanasian Iliad — has arisen a false note in many of his utterances on Homer. How much, TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 13 then, am I to report of such of those utterances as I heard ? To this question I reply that, if the inti- macy with which he honoured me had been con- tinued and continually renewed through many years, instead of being practically confined to a score or so of conversations, I should doubtless, in my report of his sayings about Homer, have used the pruning-knife pretty freely. But, as the case now stands, and as my readers will doubtless wish to see something even of the less interesting aspects of this eminently interesting character, I have thought it better to reduce the pruning process to a minimum. Nor will such an examination of his defective side be unprofitable. For, in very truth, , the saying of Cato that " wise men learn more from fools than fools learn from wise men," may be sup- plemented with a corollary that more is to be learnt from the follies of the wise than from the common sense of fools. And to the case now before us such a corollary has a special application. For the Homeric hallucination, as I cannot but think it, of Mr. Gladstone was no mere excrescence or (so to say) lusus sapiential, but was correlated with the rest of his spiritual growth ; it was, in fact, not so much the vagary of a scholar as the sorry refuge of a theologian at bay. Let us see how this is to be explained. The Comparative Method or, let us rather say, the Evolutionary Principle, when applied to the competing religions of the world, tends to bring out what they have in common, to group them all under a single law, and, if I may so say, to lessen 14 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE the extreme inequality of rank which has hitherto prevailed among them. It is true that to Evolution, interpreted in this wide sense, Mr. Gladstone would have strongly objected. But none the less is it probable that, without knowing it, he had a sprinkling from the impetuous and ubiquitous " stream of tendency." He caught the evolutionary contagion. He became so far a philosophe malgre lui that he more or less levelled up the chief religions, as the alternative to levelling them down. Something of the divine he had to recognise in all of them, lest haply he should be constrained to erase the divine from all of them. Thus he gradually came to regard the greatest poets of Hellenism as more or less inspired, not merely in the colloquial and metaphorical, but in something like the theo- logical sense of the word — inspired, one may say vaguely, not merely from Mount Helicon, but from Mount Zion. So that he essayed to hear, and at last imagined that he really heard, the far-off echo of a revelation in Homer. The general line that I have taken about the indirectly theological views of Mr. Gladstone may be extended to his directly theological views. But between the two cases there is a difference. Most of my readers will probably agree with me in not attaching much weight to his Homeric speculations. But many of them will attach far more weight than I should to his opinions on theology. Therefore, what he said to me on the latter subject is reported almost entire. TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 15 In conclusion, I need hardly insist that I am entering into no sort of competition with any complete biography of Mr. Gladstone which may have been, or may hereafter be, brought out by one or more distinguished men who have known him intimately both in his public and private character. How, indeed, could I, handicapped as I am, adven- ture on such an unequal race ? "Quid enim tremulis facere artubus hfedi Consimile in cursu possint et fortis equi vis ? " Let me then say, or rather repeat, that my present function is to produce what may be called an etJiograph of Mr. Gladstone — a photograph of his moral and social physiognomy, exactly as it presented itself to me. Nor can I doubt that, some- what in the spirit of Cromwell, he would himself have wished that impartial justice should be done to that moral physiognomy, a physiognomy which, like his natural face, had its harsh and untoward aspects, but which was all the more truly venerable for its wrinkled and, at first sight, repellent grandeur. It is superfluous for me to add that I shall be more than satisfied if, in the bewilderincr chapter of accidents, it should be written that even this little book is to contribute its jot and tittle of evidence, at once trustworthy and favourable towards the final judgment which will be pro- nounced on him by posterity. Hahent sua fata libelli: singular fates they have sometimes, and such as, when little is expected, are not always disappointing. L. A. T. 16 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE NOTE Since writing this, I have come across a saying of Tennyson about Mr. Gladstone's Homeric speculations, which confirms the view taken in the foregoing pages : " Very pleasant and very interesting he [Gladstone] was, even when he discoursed on Homer, where most people think him a little hobhy-horsical : let him be. His hobby- horse is of the intellect and with a grace." This opinion should be compared or contrasted with the opinion entertained by Lake. In a letter of mine, entitled "Dr. Lake at Balliol," which was pub- lished in the Spectator (Jan. 1, 1898), there is a passage which I am tempted to quote, concluding as it does with a high and just compliment paid by the future Dean of Durham to Mr. Gladstone. It should be mentioned that the conversation referred to occurred in my undergraduate days, some forty years ago. "I once found Lake reading Mr. Gladstone's book on Homer, which had then been recently published, and I remarked to him that, in Jowett's opinion, the distinguished author had ascribed more to Homer than Homer himself ever dreamt of ; was this criticism just ? ' Possibly to some extent,' answered Lake, with a grim smile, ' But Mr. Jowett would allow only a minimum. I think there is more in Homer, just as I think there is more in the Bible, than he would acknowledge.' Then, with an evident allusion to my veneration for Jowett, he touched on the propensity of youth towards somewhat promiscuous hero-worship. His concluding words have stuck in my memory : ' In all my life I have only known three men of commanding great- ness — Arnold, Newman, Gladstone.'" TALKS WITH ME. GLADSTONE 1856-1870 "Necvero ille in luce modo atque in oculis civiuni niagnus, sed intus doniique prsestantior." Cicero. "Seen him I have, but in his happier hour Of social pleasure, ill-exchanged for power." Pope. It was a proud moment for me when Mr. Glad- stone, who was then canvassing the Oxford electors, called on me during my first year of residence at Balliol. Between 1856 and 1870 I saw him several times, chiefly in London and during two visits which I paid at Hawarden. But, instead of weary- ing my readers with the whereabouts and the whenabouts of my interviews with him, I will at once jot down some sayings of his which belong to this first period of our acquaintance. My father, not realising to what extent I was handicapped by physical drawbacks, was continually urging me to go to the Bar. At his request, I laid the matter before Mr. Gladstone. Mr. Gladstone thought that my extreme nearsightedness would be an almost insuperable obstacle to my success at the Bar. I asked him if I should try diplomacy. His reply —1/ 20 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE was not encouraging. Indeed, he said that he should not wish a son of his to become a diplo- matist. He did not give his reasons ; but I suspect that a thought was in his mind similar to that which prompted Macaulay to write : " Every calling has its peculiar temptations. There is no injustice in saying that diplomatists, as a class, have always been more distinguished by their address, by the art with which they win the confidence of those with whom they have to deal, and by the ease with which they catch the tone of every society into which they are admitted, than by generous enthu- siasm or austere rectitude." He went on to recommend to me a Parliamentary career ; Parliamentary work would be less trying to the eyesight than practice at the Bar. He presently spoke of " official " life. Since he had been in office, he had learnt how much of the business could be deputed to trained subordinates ; indeed, he had bestowed some pains on the art of thus working by proxy. Had I ever thought of trying to get into the House of Commons ? I replied that I had turned Whig, to the no small perturbation of my kinsfolk. My father, who was then in the House of Commons, and who was a strong aristocrat and a still stronger autocrat, would never have tolerated my voting against him on any question which he deemed important. Mr. Gladstone seemed surprised, and added that public opinion appeared to him to be in an unhealthy state in regard to the nature and limits of the patria potestas. If a son of his own TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 21 had differed from him in politics, lie would have advised him not to enter public life till he was twenty-six ; after that age, the son would be free to take an independent line. Mr. Gladstone thought it monstrous that Lord Stanley (the late Lord Derby), who was then about forty years old, should be prac- tically compelled to join the Conservative party, in opposition to what were believed to be his private convictions. At the time of this conversation I myself was in my twenty-fifth year. Mr. Gladstone advised me to decide on a profession soon. After twenty-five the mind could not easily take a fresh direction, though it might make great progress in a direction already taken. He did not, let me here repeat, often talk to me about politics ; but I remember his once saying, with great emphasis, that the years which followed the close of the Great War seemed to him to be amon> attonita, La terra al nunzio sta ; Muta pensando all' ultima Ora dell' uom fatale, Talks with me. Gladstone 69 Ne sa quando una simile Orma di pie mortale La sua cruenta polvere A calpestar verra.' This is the noble beginning of Manzoni's noble ode called the Cinque Maggio." x This ode of Manzoni on the death of Napoleon Mr. Gladstone pronounced to be the best thing that was written on the subject. He thought Byron's ode a failure ; and, on my demurring, he said it was certainly not equal to Manzoni's. Goethe had paid Manzoni the compliment of translating the ode into German ; but the translation was not equal to the original. At this point I cannot forbear asking: Was Talleyrand's exclamation really cynical ? In saying that Napoleon's death, occurring when it did, was merely une nouvelle, he was speaking the exact truth. Was it un- generous of him to give utterance to that truth ? Or should we not rather say that he was pointing the finger, not at Napoleon in exile, but at the contrast between Napoleon in exile and Napoleon in power, and at the caprice of Fortune by which the bewildering change had been brought about? In fact, he was laying stress on the tragic pathos of the great Emperor's career, and indirectly at the fragility of human greatness (Insignem attenuat Deus). So that, when lie thus contemplated " The Desolator desolate, The Vietor overthrown," 1 This ode was translated by Mr. Gladstone. 70 TALKS WITH ME. GLADSTONE or, if you will, Finem animai quai res humanas miscuit olim, he was only expressing, in regard to Napoleon, the sentiment which Juvenal expressed about Hannibal, Johnson about Charles xil, and Scott about Richard I. — ' ' He left a name at which the world grew pale, To point a moral or adorn a tale." January 2nd,189S. — The Gladstones dined with us. Mr. Gladstone never saw such a grand sea and such sheets of foam as on the shore of Biarritz ; and he thought that, if Tennyson had seen it, he would have written about it. He is of opinion that Professor Bryce, in his account of the social aspects of America, has not dwelt enough on the influence of wealth. He thinks that the "era of wealth," i.e. of colossal fortunes, is setting in ; and he regrets it. He spoke of Mr. A as reported to have two and a half millions a year : " The Duke of Westminster is a pauper to him ! " He expected that in a century's time the chief landed estates in England would still be intact. He spoke of one of his own farmers as beginning with a small farm and borrowing money to work it, and as now being able to pay his way. An Essex farmer had sent to Mr. Gladstone jars of jam in token of gratitude. I spoke of genius as being often one-sided. G. — " No. Talent is ; genius is not." Seeing that I looked unconvinced, he asked me for an example of lopsided genius. I put the case of Milton. TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 71 G. — " Oh, he is an exception to all rules. He is an enigma — quite inexplicable." He spoke in extremely strong terms against Milton's ideas of divorce which suited so ill with his Puritanism. He objected to the assertion in Paradise Regained that the Greeks had borrowed everything from the Jews. I remarked that even the greatest men are under the influence of the traditions of their time. G. — "I cannot admit that about Milton. If he had consistently kept to those traditions, I would. But when he broke loose from them completely by writing as he did on divorce, he can no longer be excused on that ground." I cited Shelley as a one-sided man of genius ; but Mr. Gladstone declined to admit the validity of this instance, on the ground that Shelley, dying young, never quite " broke loose from the eggshell." I was at the time preparing my article on " Sir Richard Owen and Old World Memories," which was afterwards published in the National Review (July 1893). Mr. Gladstone furnished me with a few reminiscences of Owen, which were inserted in the article by his kind permission. It is enough for my present purpose to mention that he said to me, in reference to Owen, that seldom, if ever, had any man of science left on his mind such an im- pression of genius — not talent merely, but genius. Darwin had struck him in the same sort of way ; but Darwin lie had only met once in societ}^. And he went on to explain that on the comparative / 72 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE merits of the two men of science he offered no opinion ; but that, so far as his personal observa- tion was concerned, Owen was the one who seemed to him to bear the stamp of genius most un- mistakably. T. — " Would you not also say that Huxley is unmistakably a man of genius ? " 0. — " Certainly not. Huxley has talent to any amount, but not genius. One of the younger men of science, Romanes, has struck me a good deal. I should say that he has genius." With the greatest possible respect for Romanes, I was certainly startled at finding him (like the Prince Consort in the Albert Memorial) thus exalted over the heads of his fellows. The orthodox tend- ency of his later years may partly explain his being set above Huxley; but why did his distinguished critic prefer him even to those scientific men who were of the same way of thinking ? May not this preference have been in some measure due to the fact that Mr. Gladstone regarded Romanes as, not merely a Christian, but as a proselyte, nay, as a re- converted pervert ? In a word, is it not probable that there is joy among Anglicans over one heretic that recanteth more than over ninety and nine orthodox persons who need no recantation ? Per- haps, after all, a recanting heretic is especially interesting because he is thought to be not quite safe, — to be, as it were, a brand 'pluckuhle from the burning. It may be worth adding in this connexion that I TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 73 once heard Jowett express a doubt whether Mr. Gladstone himself could properly be called a man of genius. An orator of genius, he said, utters many words and phrases which linger in men's memory, and hardly any word or phrase so linger- ing has been uttered by Mr. Gladstone. Surely this is too narrow a test. The faculty of phrase-making is no more the touchstone of genius than is many- sidedness of mind in the signification which Mr. Gladstone would have attached to that term, a signi- fication which somehow recalls the satirical saw, Sajjiunt, quia sentiunt mecum. But, after all, was not Jowett's criticism unjust to Mr. Gladstone in another way ? Were all, or nearly all, the orator's characteristic sayings writ in water ? Perhaps I am paradoxical ; but I am inclined to think that the very popularity of some of his epi- grammatic sallies may have lessened the permanent credit which he has obtained for them. It may be said of epigrams, as of marriageable daughters, that the cleverer and more pleasing they are, the sooner are they likely to be dissociated from the author of their being. At any rate, the most widely applicable and widely circulated epigrams of a talker or orator, as distinguished from those of a writer, are liable to be thus de-personalised. This may account for the fact that so many of Mr. Gladstone's phrases have, to employ the familiar hyperbole, become Iliads without a Homer. My meaning may be illustrated by his phrases, " the sorrowful evidence of indisputable fact," "prosperity advancing by leaps and bounds,"' 74 TALKS WITH MK. GLADSTONE and " turning out the Turks, bag and baggage " ; by his (variously reported) assertion to the effect that Political Economy has now been relegated to the planet Saturn; and perhaps, too, by his allegation that a notorious event had brought a needful reform " within the range of practical politics." How many persons there are who, when they quote these and similar sayings of Mr. Gladstone, have no notion that it was he who uttered them ! The division of the population into the " classes " and the " masses " is said to have been popularised, but not originated, by him. Its real author is apparently unknown. So that here we have a wholly de-personalised epigram ; it has paid for its popularity by anonymity. Let me add that Mr. Gladstone's own expression that England is guarded by a " streak of silver sea " is often fathered on the Shakespearean John of Gaunt. This patriotic exclamation, or, as St. Paul would have said, this "confident boasting" of his, may suggest another reflection. It is obvious to remark that the watery bulwark which he so highly valued would be, metaphorically as well as literally, under- mined by the Channel Tunnel for which, as we shall see presently, he was so eager. Indeed, it must be understood, once for all, that I am not raising the question whether the Gladstonian apothegms to which I have referred were wisely and seasonably uttered. All I insist on is that they are "such stuff" as proverbs are made of; in other words, they have something about them which has brought them into social currency ; and they have continued TALKS WITH MK. GLADSTONE 75 in circulation, not because of the famous image and superscription which they originally bore, but even after that image and superscription had been gradually effaced. 1 Mr. Gladstone said that the Church of England took its form from Henry VIII., Elizabeth, and Laud. He thought little of Cranmer on account of his moral weakness ; and not much of Latimer. He said that Latimer, when a Catholic, preached a sermon while a man was being; roasted on a slow fire. G. — " I have a weakness for Latimer, all the same." Thinking this too little praise for Latimer, I gave him (as the phrase goes) " a strange bed- fellow," by saying that I had a weakness for Charles I. G. — " So have I, although he was unfortunately such a liar ! " I remarked that Shakespeare, if it had been his supreme misfortune to be one of the Stuart kings, might have found no opening for his dramatic genius, and might now be remembered only as uniting the faults of Charles I. and Charles II. The indifference with which he refers to Prince John's treatment of the rebels in Henry IV. Part II. shows that he had some sympathy with the view that no 1 I have lately come across a remarkable passage which gives independent, if somewhat indirect, Bupport t<> tin' general view Bet forth in this paragraph. "A writer," says Johnson, "who obtains his full purpose loses himself in liis own lustre. ... Of an art universally practised, the first teacher is forgotten." 76 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE engagement was binding between a king and rebel subjects. G. — " I quite agree with you ; indeed, I will go further. Shakespeare seems to me to have been a worshipper of the Tudor despotism. I say this with deep regret. The three great poets of the world would, I think, generally be admitted to be Homer, Dante and Shakespeare ; the Germans would add Goethe. The morality of Dante is always pure and good. Homer, too, seems always to throw our sympathies on the right side." I demurred, and mentioned the case of Dolon. G. — " That was a night march, and it was neces- sary to meet stratagem by stratagem." T. — " Diomed and Ulysses virtually promised Dolon his life, and should have spared him." G. — " We must make allowance for the morality of Homer's day, and the little value that was then set on human life." To me it seems that the principle that he thus called to his aid is of such wide application that, if it proves anything, it proves more than he intended. Either men of genius are bound to rise above the moral standard of their age, or they are not. If they are, why excuse Homer ? If they are not, why condemn Shakespeare ? Mr. Gladstone said that Sir Henry Taylor, in his Correspondence, spoke of Walter Scott's moral judg- ments as being sound, but feeble. In explanation of this, Mr. Gladstone added that, while setting the power of delineating character above any other, TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 77 he himself thought that it tended to give such " objectivity" to the view of moral and immoral con- duct as to weaken the sense of sin. He promised to send me the reference to the passage in Taylor's Correspondence ; and, as will be seen further on, he kept his word. In return, I drew his attention to the following observations of Ruskin : — " It was necessary lie [Shakespeare] should lean no way ; that he should contemplate with absolute equality of judgment the life of the court, cloister, and tavern, and be able to sympathise so com- pletely with all creatures as to deprive himself, together with his personal identity, even of his conscience, as he casts himself into their hearts. He must be able to enter into the soul of Falstaff or Shylock with no more sense of contempt or horror than Falstaff or Shylock themselves feel for or in themselves. He must be utterly without anger, utterly without purpose ; for if a man has any serious purpose in life, that which runs counter to it, or is foreign to it, will be looked at frowningly or carelessly by him." T. — " Do you not call this passage interesting ? " 0. — " I call it, not interesting merely, but won- derful." I spoke of Tennyson's admiration for the passage in Paradise Lost about " Tammuz," and for the line — "Of Abana and Pharphar, lucid streams." In regard to this line, Mr. Gladstone agreed with Tennyson, and he went on to quote with sonorous enthusiasm his favourite line in the Odyssey — " ij.7]M tl x e Lp ovos o.vdpbs iv ; when in " torments," a sympathy with his surviving kinsfolk ; but I added that I did not pretend to draw from this expression of sympathy the hopeful con- clusion that many Broad Churchmen draw, namely, that he was not in Hell, but in Purgatory. G. — " I look upon Dives as a very mild instance. As landlords go, he was above the average ; he did let Lazarus have of his superfluities." Mr. Gladstone went on to hint that his case was not represented as beyond hope. I said that surely the text about the impassable gulf suggested the idea that Dives' doom was final ; but Mr. Gladstone was not convinced. His last words about it were, " I will give you something to think over — Have time and space any existence outside the human intelligence?" "Unquestionably," I replied, "they exist for the animal intelligence." He said that he regarded that as the same thing on a small scale. And then came the final " God bless you." I had a talk with Mr. Gladstone in which he told me that he wished above all things to^keep jap rigln^cjou^IIn^giiation." T replied" t*nat anyone who studied heredity, and felt how much some people are handicapped in the moral race, can hardly keep up an acute sense of sin ; and on that account I excused the deficiency of that sense in Shakespeare and Scott. He said that he did not see that Shakespeare and Scott were students of heredity, or that Shake- speare, at any rate, seemed at all conscious of the moral difficulties connected with it. I could not help TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 83 thinking that, in speaking thus, he went too far. In Antony and Cleopatra, Lepidus says of Antony's faults that they are "hereditary rather than pur- chased; what he cannot change, than what he chooses." So, too, Hamlet cites the case of certain men having "Some vicious mole of nature in them, As in their birth (wherein they are not guilty, Since nature cannot choose his origin)." But it should be observed that, in these passages, Shakespeare seems to limit the plea of heredity to the case of venial faults, and that he fails to the full force of the difficulty. On the other hand, Tennyson felt the difficulty in its widest scope, as is shown in the following passage, which he puts into the mouth of the cultivated villain in " The Promise of May " :— " He was only A poor philosopher who called the mind Of children a blank page, a tabula rasa. There, there, is written in invisible ink Lust, Prodigality, Covetousness, Craft, Cowardice, Murder — and the heat and fire Of life will bring them out, and black enough, So the child "row to manhood." 6' I reminded Mr. Gladstone of the story that Baxter, seeing a criminal on his way to execution, exclaimed, " There, but for the grace of God, goes Richard Baxter!" I remarked that I had heard a like saying ascribed to Sir Matthew Hales. Mr. Gladstone believed that its date was farther back, and that its author was Bradford, the martyr under Queen Mary. The saying points to the con- 84 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE elusion that men are to a great extent the creatures of circumstance. Our conversation was thus brought back to the perennial suit in the Court of Morality, which may be designated as the case of Necessity versus Responsibility. Mr. Gladstone had once significantly exhorted me to be careful not to blunt my sense of sin; and I thought that he scarcely understood the process by which the " smiling toleration " commended by Goethe forces itself upon some naturally rigid moralists in their own despite. I was anxious to illustrate clearly my point of view ; and I therefore (in biblical phrase) " took up my parable " as follows : Let us start with the supposition — no matter how extravagant — that a band of Anarchists, incensed against their leading countrymen, revenge themselves by kidnapping many infant sons of bishops, statesmen, and even princes ; that the poor children, captured too young to retain any recollection of their home and parentage, are brought up to prefer evil to good ; and that their corrupters, by dexterous lying, in- oculate them with a rancorous hatred against peaceful, and especially against rich citizens. Let it be also assumed that the bereaved parents suppose that their lost ones have been accidentally killed in some manner (as by drowning in the sea), which would account for the disappearance of their bodies, and that they are gradually consoled by reflecting that some at least of their other sons bid fair to earn credit and distinction. Let us now skip twenty or thirty years, and imagine that, just when those TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 85 early promises of credit and distinction are beginning to be realised, some atrocious murders are brought home to youths who look as if Nature had designed them for better things ; and that, as soon as sentence of death has been passed on the offenders, the original kidnappers, from some safe hiding-place, let it be known that those felons of aristocratic mien are the sons of distinguished parents, and are kinsmen — in a few instances, perhaps, twin-brothers — of some of the most rising men in the country. The law would presumably be left to take its course ; but the irresponsible murderers (so to call them) would excite compassion rather than indignation. They would be thought to have sinned, and to be about to suffer, as it were by accident. Nor would compassion be limited to these particular offenders. Presently, what may be called the intellectualising but demoralising question would begin to be asked : May not many of our worst criminals be men who, but for a caprice of fortune, would have given proof of possessing true hearts and " hands that the rod of empire might have swayed " ? And thus life would come to be regarded as a cruel farce, in which the players act by compulsion, and every player who has to act a villain's part is punished for the villain's crimes. Thus, we seem to be in a vicious circle from which there is no escape. If we acknowledge with Madame de Stael that " Tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner," we are bound to add "Tout par- donner, c'est ^teindre la morale." After first listening with exemplary patience to 86 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE what may be termed these parabolic reflections, and then expressing a doubt whether Madame de Stael meant her mot to be taken quite literally, Mr. Gladstone went on to say : " I will go the length of admitting that, even in the extreme case of pro- nouncing the sentence of death, a judge, if he is really a Christian man, will be liable to say to himself, ' God knows how much that man has been tempted, and though for the sake of society I am bound to punish him, he may on the Judgment Day be preferred before me.' " I rejoined that many modern thinkers would hold that, if full allowance were made for heredity, education and temptation, then judge, criminal, and everyone else would stand exactly on a level. When a man has been thoroughly worsted by another in the moral race, may we not assume that he has laboured under a corresponding disadvantage? nay, that the extent of the defeat is exactly measured by the amount of the handicap ? 0. — " No ; I cannot admit that." In illustration of the view to which he was opposed, I am tempted to mention that, in one of the most " modern " of Lucian's Dialogues, the ghost of an outrageous criminal, after being condemned to the most varied and unremitting tortures that the nether regions can provide, sets up the plea that he was throughout the victim of Destiny ; and Minos is at his wits' end to know how to deal with him. Reverting to a topic referred to in a former conversation, I spoke about the immense popularity TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 87 which was at the time achieved by Sheridan's Begum Speech, and which modern readers find it hard to understand. Can that speech have been well reported ? 0. — "Has any speech of that time, any speech (for example) of either of , the Pitts, been well reported ? The younger Pitt is chiefly known, as an orator, for his happy quotations. When contemplating retire- ment from office, he applied to himself Horace's " probamque Pauperiem sine dote quaero " — the preceding clause, "mea Virtute me involvo," being conspicuous by its omission. He applied most unjustly to Ireland and England the lines about being under equal laws ; and there was also the quotation from Virgil which he intro- duced into his speech against the slave trade." l I reminded him that Pitt quoted the stanza, begin- ning Duris ut ilex, in reference to the attempts made by Napoleon to weaken Great Britain by injuring 1 " He [Pitt] burst as it were into a prophetic vision of the civilisa- tion tbat shall dawn upon Africa, and recalled the not less than African barbarism of heathen Britain ; exclaiming, as the first beams of the morning sun pierced the windows of Parliament, ;uid appeared to suggest the quotation : — 'Nos . . . primus equis Oriens aillavit anhelis, Illio sera rubens aceendit lumina Vesper.' ' Loud Roskbeky's Pitt. The point of comparison seems to have been that the blessing of freedom was granted to the English at the dawn of their history, but that it was being vouchsafed to the negroes only at the eleventh hour. 88 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE her colonies and her trade. He regretted that no such quotations are given or would be understood now. He said that he was " suffused with shame " about the conduct of the English in regard to the Channel Tunnel. It used to be said that the opposition to it came from one man, namely, Lord Palmerston. But then the panic arose. At the request of the English Government, the French took great trouble to make inquiries as to the practicability of the scheme. G. — " We English plume ourselves on our common sense, and are never tired of laughing at the frivolity and vacillation of the French. But, since the Norman Conquest, the English have invaded France at least ten times as often as the French have invaded England. And yet the English now raise this outcry about the risk of a French invasion." I put in a word about the French conscription, and about their army being now much stronger than ours. " From your speaking in that way," he said, with a smile, " I see what line you are disposed to take about the tunnel." The orator in him came out when he made the somewhat extravagant statement, that Pius ix. was more ignorant than he thought any educated man could be ; for his Holiness had said that there were half a million of Catholics in Glasgow. I imagine that his Holiness, if Mr. Gladstone rightly understood him, must have confounded the number TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 89 of Catholics in Glasgow with that of the entire population. Mr. Gladstone surprised me by knowing accurately the population of Liverpool, and the number of Catholics there. He appeared to think that, if the Scotch Kirk were disestablished, the result might be a fusion of the three Presbyterian bodies. He seemed irritated with the German writers, who taught that the Iliad and the Odyssey were made up, as he said, "of a fortuitous concourse of atoms." Goethe never favoured this view. Mr. Gladstone went on to advert to the extreme clumsi- ness of German prose, always excepting that of a few great writers. He spoke of German prose as being " worthy of African savages." Being asked how he explained this, he compared the German prose of the present day to the English prose of two or three centuries ago. I said that Matthew Arnold spoke of the function of the eighteenth century in England as being to create a prose literature. He replied that he did not know that Matthew Arnold had said this ; but that he quite agreed. A propos of modern views on eternal punishment, he pronounced the besetting sins of rationalistic writers to be "negation and timidity." I objected that in Mr. John Morley and others we find negation, but certainly not timidity. He said that he was not speaking of such men, and did not use the word " negation " in that sense. He seemed to use the word as equivalent to a conscious or unconscious moral scepticism. 90 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE He again gave utterance to the opinion expressed by him in a former conversation, that Matthew Arnold ought to have represented conduct as com- prising, not only three-quarters of life, but the whole of it. In vindication of the great critic, I reminded Mr. Gladstone that he himself in his Romanes Lecture had ranked Bacon among those of whom Cambridge ought to be proud. Now, if conduct comprises the whole of life, every man ought to be judged by an exclusively moral standard ; and, if Bacon were so judged, Cambridge would have no cause to be proud of him. His title to admiration is based on that portion — Matthew Arnold would say that fourth part — of life which lies outside the domain of morality. This " wisest, brightest, meanest of mankind " is more praised for his wisdom and brightness than he is condemned for his meanness. As a school- boy might say, he obtained more marks for his Philosophical papers and his Essays, than his virtuous contemporaries obtained for their good conduct. Mr. Gladstone replied that he had only been assigning to Bacon his rank in respect of ability. But I could not see that this met the difficulty. Cambridge would not have cause to be proud of having produced a very able conspirator or traitor. Mr. Gladstone went on to say that, when he gave the Romanes Lecture, he thought that before this century Cambridge had had the distinct advantage in regard to poets; but Mr. Arthur Galton had TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 91 given instances of Cambridge poets who took a dislike to Cambridge, and in some cases preferred Oxford. He said that Dryden spoke, in this relation, of going from Thebes to Athens ; and he wondered, if, in thus giving the palm to Oxford, Dryden was a liar, or, as he expressed it, " a rogue." He expressed great admiration for Dryden's power of arguing in verse, as shown in "The Hind and Panther." He spoke of Thomas Cromwell as a wonderful man, though "something of a rogue." He had never heard the famous answer in an examination to the question, " What do you know of Oliver Cromwell ? " " He cut off his king's head, and usurped the kingdom. Afterwards he was filled with remorse, and exclaimed, when dying, 'Would that I had served my God as I have served my king ! ' The conversation passed on to the subject of Malapropisms, which seemed to amuse Mr. Gladstone. Someone mentioned that a lady friend, observing that one of her horses was in much better condition than his mate, was told by the groom, " This one domesticates his food better than the other." This was capped by the true story of the lady, who, having complained to her butcher that the meat he had sent her was high, was met with the surprised and surprising rejoinder, " You putrefy me with amazement ! " I called Mr. Gladstone's attention to a line in Milton's translation of the Ode Qais inc/tn gracilis — "Who, always vacant, always amiaMe, Bopes tin!'": 92 TALKS WITH Mil. GLADSTONE and I expressed an opinion that an inverted sentence of this kind is less plain in English than in Latin. This led on to Mr. Gladstone's saying that he was in favour of original classical compositions ; but he owned to having some misgivings. He regarded with "mingled jealousy and admira- tion " the purity of Bright's English, but said that Bright had once fallen into one of the " worst of vulgarisms " ; Bright used the verb " to transpire " in the sense of " to occur." Mr. Gladstone remarked that " transpire " properly meant " to ooze out." I reminded him that " to perspire " in • French was " transpirer," and was surprised to find that this was news to him. He was struck by the way in which some eminent scholars who were also masters of English, such as Roundell Palmer, showed no classical flavour in their English compositions. Lowe was a great exception to this. G. — " If people went into an extreme about Classics, the last half of the nineteenth century has gone into just as great an extreme about modern languages. I believe that science will be the great instrument of education in the future. You may find something to suit all intellectual needs in the various sciences from Astronomy to — what shall I say ? " T.— " To Gastronomy ? " G. {smiling) — " No — to Embryology." He said that he had called Mill the " Saint of Rationalism," and gave as an example of his saintli- ness that, when a rather bitter attack had been made TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 93 on him by Lowe in a debate on reform, he attempted no retort, but merely confined himself to the point at issue. I referred to the lady who, after talking to Littre, said, " Je viens de parler a un saint qui ne croit pas en Dieu." Mr. Gladstone laughed and said, " Yes ; but I have the advantage of priority. This is not a case of Pereant qui nostra ante nos dixerint. How trying that sort of thing is ! " T. — " Pereant qui nostra post nos dixerint. This seems to me to represent a state of things more trying still ; — when one has originated an idea, and some more conspicuous person cribs it, and gets the credit for it." December 30th, 1893. — It may be convenient here to insert some notes of a conversation with Mr. Gladstone with which a learned divine, who lives near Biarritz, has kindly furnished me : — " Mr. Gladstone talked a little on the general principles of Political Economy. On the actual distribution of wealth he felt uneasy, and he thought that the irresponsibility in the condition of holding- wealth nowadays, especially in the United States, and the difficulty or impossibility of bringing home to men the responsibility of riches held under their present conditions, was the black spot in the future. "The history of Ireland, he said, was unlike that of any other nation. The oppression of it by Eng- land had not been the oppression of a race who had once been conquerors or dangerous ; like that of the 94 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE Poles by Russians, or of the Moors by Spaniards. The Irish had done nothing to warrant the oppres- sion ; they were only reclaiming that of which they had been gratuitously deprived, and we owe them restoration of the theft. " He told me about the difficulty which he felt in making his ecclesiastical appointments ; he had always endeavoured in parishes to find the best man to carry on the work on the general lines of his predecessor. He was anxious not to appoint a High Churchman to a Low Church parish, nor vice versa. But it was very difficult to tell how a man would be received, or how he might turn out. He instanced his appointment of Dr. L to the parish of . He thought that he had got the very man to follow a good evangelical, with hearty services. To his surprise he received a deputation, with the late incumbent at the head, and a petition with 2000 signatures, protesting against the appoint- ment. He appealed privately to Dr. L to resign, promising some compensatory post, and offering pecuniary indemnity for his expenses. But Dr. L said that he had gone too far to retire with honour, and that his friends in the neighbourhood assured him that the opposition was factitious, and that the majority of the parish was not averse to him. So Mr. Gladstone yielded. A year after- wards he found the Doctor most popular, with a crowded church, hearty services, and not above twenty malcontents in the parish. " He spoke much of the superficiality of popular TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 95 writing on Theology, and of the ordinary sermons, especially those of the Low Church school. The teaching was so loose and vague ; it gave nothing to do, no rule of conduct. ' Only believe all is right with you, and all will somehow come right at the last.' Many High Churchmen preached more really evangelical sermons than the Low Churchmen did. The popular teaching on Eschatology was most superficial. He praised Mr. Oxenham's book on the subject much, and called it logical and convincing. Universalism really implied dualism ; and it was no vindication to say that in the final casting up of accounts the balance would be found on the side of good. Annihilation could not be the end. The real problem was that of the origin and existence of evil, not its extinction; and this problem was wholly insoluble by man. The unfallen angels and spirits showed that evil was not a necessity, or a necessary condition of created existence. " He agreed that all human knowledge was re- lative; religious knowlechyebgjngjiQ morejahsolnte than any other! JN ewman was not great as a philosopher ; but in spiritual matters, and in the knowledge of and the power of probing the human heart. He spoke indignantly of the prosecutions of Ritualists by the Church Association. They were a failure always, whether won or lost. They provoked reaction, and produced what they were intended to stop. lie hoped that there would be no more of them, and that the bishops would stop them by their veto. In answer to a suggestion that there should //. 9 6 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE be Standing Committees of Convocation something like the Congregations and the Holy Office at Rome, not to judge individuals, but to decide on the questions and abstract cases subjj^itted to them, he said that the difficulty would be to find a body of theologians in the English Church whose decisions or opinions would inspire sufficient respect. He was. asked if he had observed the singular absence of the sense of sin in the works of American divines of all schools. ' Ah,' said he slowly, ' the sense of sin — that is the great want in modern life ; it is wanting in our sermons, wanting everywhere ! ' This was said slowly and reflectively, almost like a Vmonologue. " Then he talked of Driver's criticism of the 51st Psalm to the effect that it could not be by David because of the verse, ' Against Thee, Thee only have I sinned.' He had injured Uriah and Bathsheba. " G. — ' Where sin against God is really felt, that absorbs the other. Any sin against man is light in comparison of the sin against God.' " He agreed that Against Thee, etc., is the cor- relative of Who can forgive sins but God only ? 1 " Mr. Gladstone's attention was next called to D. G. Azcarates' Discurso in Spanish at the Ateneo of Madrid. The writer speaks of Mr. Gladstone as crowning his unparalleled career by bringing home the responsibilities of wealth to Londoners. Mr. Glad- 1 Is not more conclusive evidence of the post-Davidic, or rather post-Exilian, date of the Psalm furnished by the phrase, "Build Thou the walls of Jerusalem " ? (L. A.T.) TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 97 stone said that this is not so much needed in London as in the United States : in London they are becoming aware of the responsibility attaching to riches." The friend who has supplied me with the fore- going materials concludes with this comment : — " My impressions of last year as to Mr. Gladstone's earnest piety, immense range of thought and learn- ing, and wonderful physical power, and of the persuasive management of his voice, were but heightened this year. He would have been a great theologian if he had not been so great a statesman." January 2Uh, 1894. — Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone dined with us. I said tha£ I supposed that there were more means for the endowment of research in Germany than in England. Mr. Gladstone rejoined that he thought that the collective sum from which such men as Wordsworth and Tennyson received pensions was £30,000 a year. I called attention to the increased endowment of research at Oxford. He spoke of it as strange that in no other country were there such large sums for the endowment of education, and yet there is no country where education is so expensive. He believed that Eton was more expensive now than in his younger days, and that Harrow was more expensive still. In the case of Eton, the modus operandi of the change was through the masters more and more encroaching on the dames. Being asked whether he did not think that the reason was 7 98 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE that it was wished to make public schools the especial resort of gentlemen's sons, he said, " No, no ; it is very disgraceful, but not quite so bad as that." I quoted Renan's saying to the effect that there is no second-rate University in Germany, with its " Pro- fesseurs haves et fameliques," which has not done more for intellectual progress than the great aristo- cratic University of Oxford, " avec ses revenues immenses, ses colleges splendides, ses Fellows pares- seux." He did not agree. " I don't believe a word of it," he said. In confirmation, however, of Renan's opinion, which was also Mark Pattison's, I will quote a passage from Bagehot, who considered the Saturday Review, whose contributors in his time were mainly University men, to be a sort of thermo- meter indicating the moral temperature of our English Universities. He says of that Journal : — " We may search and search in vain through this repository of the results of ' University teaching ' for a single truth which it has established, for a single high cause which it has advanced, for a single deep thought which is to sink into the mind of its readers. We have, indeed, a nearly perfect embodiment of the corrective scepticism of a sleepy intellect." Mr. Gladstone quoted a saying of Napoleon from Taine's posthumous volume : " Je ne crois pas aux religions ; mais qui a fait tout ceci ? . . . les pretres valent mieux que les Cagliostro, les Kant, et tous les reveurs d'Allemagne." He chuckled over the refer- ence to Kant. He said : " When next I see Lord Acton, I mean to quote this to him. He is a great TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 99 admirer of Kant's writings, and it will be good for him to be told what Napoleon thought of them ! Generally, when I try to surprise him by a quotation, he tells me exactly where it comes from." He repeated a passage from another French writer in reference to Napoleon : " Nous avons assez entendu parler du Fils de l'Homme ; mais Napoleon etait l'Homme lui-meme." G. — " He put him far above our Saviour." The book increased Mr. Gladstone's sense of Napoleon's supreme greatness, but did not raise his view of the Emperor's moral character. He spoke of Pearson's National Life and Character. He seemed especially interested in the author's statement that the crowding of men in big towns may force on State Socialism ; but he agreed with me that Pearson's own sympathies were in favour of Individualism, State Socialism being at best a necessary evil. I objected to Pearson's notion that Western Europe would ever allow itself to be encroached upon and practically overwhelmed by immigrants from the yellow races. Would not our descendants defend themselves by arms ? They might vindicate such a summary proceeding by say- ing (in dog Latin) salus civilizationis, suprema lex. Mr. Gladstone, however, laughed at the idea of our descendants taking refuge in strong measures : " If the cultivated races cannot defend themselves with- out appealing to brute force, God help them ! " I said that I used to write in preference-books, that I wished that my lot could have been thrown 100 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE in the distant future, but that now I am satisfied with the nineteenth century. G. — " I should have chosen the time of Homer." We spoke of the conservative tendency of such pessimistic views as Pearson's ; and Mr. Gladstone went on to say that he thought he remembered the account that I had given of my own views in my article on my father a year or two earlier, 1 but he was afraid of misquoting me. I replied that I thought that he was paying me the greatest possible compliment in remembering anything about it. He seemed not to approve of my Whiggism. I explained that by education, tradition and temperament I am strongly Conservative ; but that I call myself Con- servative," not a Conservative. He admitted that he also was Conservative in a certain sense. I spoke of the Conservative influence of ladies' society. He demurred to the implied statement that women are more Conservative than men. He should rather describe them as " more emotional." He, however, agreed that they are more under the influence of the clergy. I spoke of women's influence at municipal elections and at elections for the school board. He doubted whether their influence is Conservative in either of these cases. But he said that the women chosen are scarcely typical women. I quite agreed ; but I explained that I was referring to the influence of the many women who vote at these elections, and not of the few who are elected. 1 "Lord Tollemache and His Anecdotes," Fortnightly Review, July 1892. TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 101 From clever women in general, the conversation passed on to George Eliot. Mr. Gladstone con- sidered her rather a man than a woman. Silas Marner is the work of hers that he most admired. But he complained that her novels " were out of tune." I remarked that at the end of the seventh of the eight parts in which Middlemarch first appeared, one hoped that Dorothea would marry Lydgate. Mr. Gladstone intimated his assent. He told me that his great admiration for Scott was tempered by regret that he was weighed down by so much inferior work. A similar criticism he applied to Shakespeare, though in a less degree. I spoke of Lord Lytton's portraiture (in The Last of the Barons) of Gloucester (Richard in.), and especially of Warwick, as more lifelike than Shake- speare's. To my surprise Mr. Gladstone seemed not to know who the last of the Barons was. He pleaded that it was doubtful whether the latter part of Henry vi. was by Shakespeare, but ad- mitted that there is something very arbitrary in the way in which critics decide by internal evidence what is Shakespeare's and what is not. He said that his favourites among Scott's novels were Kenilworth and the Bride of Lammermoor. I asked whether he did not find the bad endings of these two novels depressing. G. — " I don't mind that in such works of art as these." I told him that the Bride of Lammermoor was also Jowett's favourite. 102 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE G. — " I am very glad to hear it ; and I will quote the statement on your authority." He went on to say that the three novels of Scott which are generally the most popular are Ivanhoe, Old Mortality and Waverley. He ranked those next to the two others. Returning to George Eliot, he surprised me by saying that he had never read Daniel Deronda. Something was said about George Eliot's enthusiasm for the Jews, which at last be- came almost as vehement as Disraeli's. Both those writers sometimes leave the impression of looking forward to the restoration of the old Hebrew Monarchy. Might they not (adapting Virgil) have taken for their motto : Jam redit et David, redeunt Solomonia regna ? Hence we drifted into the Germans' hatred of the Jews. G. — " I used to think the Irish the most oppressed people on earth ; but now I think that the Jews have been even more oppressed. I believe that Dollinger wrote in favour of the Jews ; and I thought it very creditable of him to do so. I understand that the kings in the Middle Ages, including even King John, often took the part of the Jews against the nobles. Was it because they wished to save the Jews from oppression ? Nothing of the sort. But they considered that the right to torture a Jew and to extort money from him ought to be a monopoly of their own." He did not deny that the Jews had their faults. After praising Finlay's History in high terms, he said that he TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 103 had there learnt that towards the end of the Middle Ages the Greek Christians had a bad time of it ; for, while the Mahometans hated them as infidels, and the Catholics hated them as heretics, the Jews took advan- tage of their weakness to settle old scores with them. G. — " Lord Acton is writing a history of Liberty, and I shall be anxious to see how he will treat the question of the Jews." T. — " In writing such a work, is he not likely to get into trouble with the Roman authorities ? " G. — " His work may be put on the Index ; but / that is all. They will never excommunicate an/ English Peer. I always say that, if Lord Acton had written what Dollinger has written, and vice versd\ it would still have been the Professor who would] have got into trouble, while the Peer would have/ escaped scot free." We talked about the old Greeks. G. — " I am a great admirer of the old Olympian religion, as it was set forth by the supreme genius of Homer. It was quite different in the hands of the later Greeks ; and the mythology of the Roman poets serves as an opaque curtain which hides it from us. Do the Romans mark the difference be- tween Venus and Diana, as the Greeks do between Aphrodite and Artemis ? Look at the contrast between Virgil and Homer ! " T. — "Surely Virgil does not write much about Diana ? " G. — " He has the line : 'Tergemiuamque Hecaten, tria Virginia ora Diane.' 104 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE See, too, how Horace confounds Diana with Proser- pine in the passage : 'Infernis neque enim tenebris Diana pudicum Liberat Hippolytum.' " I suggested that in this instance Horace seemed to me to refer to Diana, not as identical with Proserpine, but as the goddess whom Hippolytus especially worshipped. Mr. Gladstone frankly said that this was a new idea to him, but that he would think it over. He supposed that Horace, though his Odes were Greek in form, was the best authority for the state of Roman society in classical times. But the dis- crepancies in his account are a puzzle. Sometimes he writes in glowing language; at other times he speaks of the state of society as hopelessly corrupt. Mr. Gladstone could not accept the common inter- pretation of ' ' utinam nova Incude diffingas retusum in Massage tas Arabasque ferrum." This he explained to mean : " Break up our corrupt civilisation, and remould us after the fashion of barbarous tribes." I demurred to this explanation ; but, in support of it, I reminded him of the Arva beata, etc., which seems to have partly suggested the passage in Locksley Hall, beginning — "Ah, for some retreat Deep in yonder shining Orient." TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 105 Another passage which he thought wrongly inter- preted is — "Nee fortuitum spernere crespitem Leges sinebant." G. — "I do not think there is any point in the rendering ' chance turf.' What would they do with it ? Not build. Conington suggests that they might make their roofs of it. I know that they so construct their roofs in Iceland and elsewhere, where it is hard to get wood. But otherwise I do not think that they would make their roofs of turf alone. I think it refers to the enclosure of com- mons, and so it touches on a question which has lately been coming to the front." I asked how he explained "spernere." He said that it meant " to disregard the laws which forbid the appropriation of the ager publicus" But he admitted that his view was not free from difficulty. I said that we probably learn as much about Roman society from Juvenal, though his account must be taken as a caricature; and I added that, as Matthew Arnold says, we gather from Marcus Aurelius that there must have been a large portion of Italian life free from the corruption which Juvenal describes. Mr. Gladstone quite agreed. We talked about Mr. Gladstone's Romanes Lecture. I told him that in that lecture he appeared to me to ignore the great progress in jurisprudence made by the Romans under (lie Empire; and that, on the other hand, ho laid too great, or at any rate too exclusive, stress on their progress in arms. He 106 TALKS WITH MK. GLADSTONE replied by calling my attention to the military achievements of Belisarius and Narses. But I con- fess that he seemed to me to be ascribing to progress in the military art what was rather due to the mili- tary genius of a few individuals. I quoted what Maine, in his Ancient Law, said about the great development of jurisprudence under the Roman Empire. G. — " I give way on this point to the authority of such an expert as Maine. But in the lecture I was trying to insist that life had departed from the Roman civilisation. What remarkable men did that civilisation produce ? " I mentioned Claudian. G. — " Yes, but that is not saying much. I think that the decline of paganism has never been suffi- ciently explained. Gibbon's account is too one-sided. I wish it could have been discussed by such a writer as Hallam." He spoke in praise of Beugnot's Decadence du Paganisme en Occident. Beugnot also wrote a Decadence en Orient, but it was not so good. The former book was Couronnee par VAcademie francaise in 1826. " This is not much of a distinction now, but it was then." He spoke of the long resistance offered by Paganism to Christianity. G. — " Probably many of the ' pagani ' were devout pagans, and there seem to have been also some devout pagans among the educated classes. But these latter were few; and Beugnot traces the different causes, such as historical and family tradi- TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 107 tions, and more interested motives, which prolonged the life of dying Paganism." T. — " Besides the believers in Paganism, were there not many who bore to Paganism the same sort of relation that Matthew Arnold bore to Chris- tianity ? I refer to such men as Marcus Aurelius, who thought it important that the masses should have a religion, and who held that the best religion for them was the religion of the State. Such men would probably have wished to purify the national religion of some of its coarser elements ; but, in general, they would be afraid, to use Bright's meta- phor, of tinkering an old institution." G. — " Very likely there were a good number of these ; and the position of Marcus Aurelius may in some respects have been like that of Matthew Arnold. But Marcus Aurelius did not write about his reli- gion in the patronising way in which Matthew Arnold writes about Christianity. I know nothing that jars me more than the tone he takes." T. — " Was not that partly the peculiar manner of the man ? " G. — " It may have been ; but I often wish that he would make his bow and walk on the other side. To come back to my Romanes Lecture : my object was to combat Pattison's statement that the extinc- tion of the Pagan civilisation by the Church was a great calamity." T. — "I suspect that Pattison, if pressed, would have explained his words to mean that it is deplorable that human nature is such a poor thing that it can- 108 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE not maintain its civilisation on a rational and pro- gressive footing, and that it is forced from time to time to fall back on supernaturalism." January 29^,1894. — I dined with Mr. Gladstone. He expressed great interest in the customs of the Basques, and in the unsolved riddle of the origin of their race and language. Had not Scaliger satiri- cally exclaimed : " The Basques say that they under- stand one another, but they lie!" Mr. Gladstone seemed especially taken with the popular myth explanatory of the high morality common among them : " The Devil took seven years trying to learn Basque, and at last gave it wp as a bad job." A saying of Basque origin seemed equally quaint, though in a different fashion : " Our Lord promised fj to give St. Peter a horse if he would repeat the i Lord's Prayer without pause or interpolation. Whereupon St. Peter began : ' Pater noster qui es in « cozlis ' — And, Lord, will he have a saddle ? " Mr. Gladstone had been reading a lecture on the sanitary rules followed by the Jews. I said that I had been told that in England they were less long- lived than Christians. His impression was the other way. He said that they had a special immunity from tubercular disease. Reference was made to a quondam Professor whose too catholic antipathies were especially directed against the Jewish race and modern Liberals; and one of the party reported that this Ishmael, on being told that the Jews had a remarkable immunity from cholera, drily exclaimed, TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 109 " That is the worst thing I have heard of the cholera ! " 0. (smiling) — " He hates the Jews as much as he hates me." The genial tone of this remark may serve to show that Mr. Gladstone was not as ab- normally sensitive to adverse criticism as he was often said to be. He did not take the same high view that many take of the old Hebrew literature, regarded merely as literature. He had been struck by a statement of Professor Max Muller to the effect that the Jewish intellect made a sudden start after being brought in contact with the Aryan intellect. (Surely Isaiah was an exception.) He did not think much of the old biblical heroes, except Moses. I hinted at a scepticism about Moses being a real person. He said that he thought that, if there had been no historical Moses, the Hebrew imagination would not have been equal to the task of creating one. And then he went off to his favourite subject. G. — " Those who think it too great a miracle that there should have been a Homer who wrote both the Iliad and the Odyssey, are substituting for it a miracle yet greater and yet harder of belief." I remarked that, if the word af/jV[AM really means " blameless," it seems very odd that in the beginning of the Odyssey this epithet is applied to iEgisthus. He replied that " blameless " is a very inadequate rendering of the word. It may sometimes mean this; but sometimes also it connotes high birth; "just as we apply the word ' illustrious ' to princes — 110 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE to such princes as the sons of George III. There are other expressions in Homer which we were taught to translate either incorrectly or in too narrow a sense ; for instance, at Eton, Edward Coleridge insisted on our translating oivuB, ocfhpcov, ' king of men.' " I asked Mr. Gladstone why he had not ranked Rob Roy with those novels of Walter Scott which he placed in the first rank. He thought that Rob Roy and Guy Mannering ran them very hard. He was surprised when I mentioned that Lowe had ranked St. Ronan's Well with the Bride of Lam- mermoor. He agreed with me that this was an instance of the peculiar limitation which is so often found in men of strong individuality. I asked whether he admired Miss Austen much. G. — " Certainly. But I am not so enthusiastic about her as some people are. An old friend of mine, Rio (he is long since dead), complained that Macaulay ' can neither dive nor soar.' This is true of Jane Austen. Someone said of Randolph Churchill (it was only true of him in his earlier days), that 'he was a first-rate actor in a third- rate piece.' This also might be said of Miss Austen." T. — " Walter Scott has spoken of himself as suc- cessful in the bow-wow strain, while Miss Austen excelled in the representation of everyday life." G. — " That is Walter Scott's modest way of putting things. He was generosity itself. In all those volumes of his there is a complete absence of self- TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 111 laudation. After all, Miss Austen was parochial, while Scott was world-historical — Welt-historisch, as the Germans would say." I complained that some of Miss Austen's char- acters seemed to me wooden ; they contrast in that way with some of Miss Ferrier's. G. — " Which of Miss Ferrier's have you read ? " T.— " Marriage" 0. — " You should read her Inheritance. It is far her best. She had the great advantage of writing in the interval between the earlier and the later school of novelists." Mr. Gladstone ranked Disraeli as the greatest master of parliamentary wit that had ever been. He looked upon his character as a great mystery, and it pained him to feel that the mystery will never be solved. He quoted Bright 's remark on the representation of minorities : " If the member for a minority dies, will the minority have the power of electing his successor ? " This Mr. Gladstone thought a perfectly fair criticism, well expressed. He said that Disraeli disliked the idea of repre- sentation of minorities; but he introduced it into his Reform Bill as a sop to political doctrinaires. Afterwards, when the House of Lords amended his Reform Bill and made it practically a nominal measure, Disraeli threw out all their amendments with the exception of this one, which, though he disliked it, he thought comparatively unimportant. Mr. Gladstone thought that the wittiest thing which Bright ever said was when he spoke of the party 112 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE which formed the Cave of Adullam as being like a Skye terrier: "it was so covered with hair that you could not tell its head from its tail." 1 The leading members of the Cave were Lowe and Hors- man, the latter of whom Mr. Gladstone described as " a mere windbag." He added that Bright meant to imply that both these members uttered such platitudes that those of Lowe were on a par with those of Horsman. Mr. Gladstone spoke of Lowe's inability to defend himself. G. — "The power of self-defence is implanted in the meanest of all creatures (I don't know whether it exists in rabbits). But at any rate it was absent in Lowe. He, who had attacked our Reform Bill so powerfully, was quite helpless when such an inferior man as attacked him. Dizzy quite cut him to pieces. In one way this told morally in his favour. A member of a Government is bound to defend his colleagues as much as himself ; and, as Lowe did not defend his colleagues, it told in his favour that he also did not defend himself." The wittiest thing that Mr. Gladstone ever heard 1 It is well known that the christening of the party as "The Cave of Adullam " was also due to Bright ; hut it is less well known that, in making the comparison, he was in a manner anticipated hy Mr. Gladstone's favourite novelist: "The Baron of Bradwardine, being asked what he thought of these recruits, took a long pinch of snuff, and answered drily, that he could not but have an excellent opinion of them, since they resembled precisely the followers who attached themselves to the good King David at the cave of Adullam ; videlicet, everyone that was in distress, everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was discontented, which the Vulgate renders litter of soul." TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 113 in Parliament was a retort of Lord John Russell. Sir Francis Burdett had been a strong Radical ; and, as is well known, he got into trouble about it. After some years, he became a Conservative. Mr. Gladstone doubted whether his inconsistency was as great as it seemed to be. But at any rate it brought him into opposition with his old colleagues. He made a rather violent speech, in which he said there was nothing he hated so much as the " cant of patriotism." Lord John Russell got up and said that, for himself, there was one thing that he hated worse, and that was " the recant of patriotism." The best thing said in Parliament in this century was, Mr. Gladstone thought, a sentence of Canning. Pitt had been a Free Trader ; but in his later life he took a line which naturally made the Tories claim him as a Protectionist. Canning was thoroughly devoted to his old master, and used to say that his allegiance was with Pitt in his tomb. He said of those Protectionists who appealed to the authority of Pitt : " They are like those savages who pay no honour to the sun when he is in his meridian splendour, but who, when he is under a momentary eclipse, come forth with cymbals and dances to adore him." * 1 A few days later My. Oladslunr, at my request, most kindly repeated his version of Canning's metaphor, and then let me repeat it to him ; so that my account of that version is certainly correct. It differs slightly from the ordinary version, which is as follows: "Such perverse worship is like the idolatry of barbarous cations, who can see the noonday splendour of the sun without emotion, lnit, when he is in eclipse, come forward with their hymns and cymbals 8 114 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE Canning was an adept in such rhetorical out- bursts. Some forty years ago, I heard an old gentleman, in a speech at an agricultural dinner, quote with great admiration the following sentence which in his youth he had heard from Canning's own lips: — "The same sun which lighted Lord Wellington into Madrid and which grew pale at the conflagration of Moscow, has yielded us the most luxuriant harvest that has ever blessed man- kind." Surely this rhetoric is overstrained. If it is not mere verbiage, it implies that the stars in their courses had fought against Napoleon ; and it seems to postulate such a belief in the anthropo- morphic and anthropocentric — I had almost said Anglo-centric — government of the physical world as is in nowise warranted by science. I reminded Mr. Gladstone of the saying of Burke about Warren Hastings, which Macaulay has thus recorded : " It was said that at Benares, the very place at which the acts set forth in the first article of impeachment had been committed, the natives had erected a temple to Hastings ; and this story excited a strong sensation in England. Burke's observations on the apotheosis were admirable. He saw no reason for astonishment, he said, in the incident which had been represented as so striking. He knew something of the mythology of the Brah- to adore him." Mr. Gladstone's version, however, delivered as it was in a voice far more sonorous and rhetorical than was his wonted conversation, seems to me interesting and characteristic ; it is, as it were, Canning Gladstonized. TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 115 mins. He knew that, as they worshipped some gods from love, so they worshipped others from fear. He knew that they erected shrines, not only to the benignant deities of light and plenty, but also to the fiends who preside over small - pox and murder. Nor did he at all dispute the claim of Mr. Hastings to be admitted into such a Pan- theon." G. — " Did Burke say that on the spur of the moment ? " T. — " I do not know ; but probably he did not." G. — " That makes all the difference. If I am asked who is the greatest speaker that I have known in Parliament, I answer that it depends on what you mean by a great speaker. No one was equal to Bright when he had time to prepare a subject. But he was not strong as a debater, though I once remember his being very successful in debate. I think it was about Ireland ; but I am not sure. I once had an odd experience. It was found con- venient that I, as leader of the party, should make a speech from Bright's notes. I will mention another small experience that I had. Ayrton was often a very troublesome opponent in debate. I remember once that at three o'clock in the morning he was going to attack me. I saw him go out of the House to eat an orange, and knew that probably meant an hour's speech. This was too much, and I beat a prudent retreat. As you take an interest in these Parliamentary reminiscences, I will give you another. The Conservatives appointed Lord Glenclg 116 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE to a high official position. He was thoroughly- honourable, but was supposed to be inefficient, and had a way of falling asleep during debates. In the course of a very exciting debate, Brougham in the House of Lords expressed regret that he and his party had deprived the noble Lord of so many sleepless days. I reminded Brougham of this after- wards, and was glad to find that he had quite forgotten it. It showed that his wit was so abun- dant that he could afford to forget particular instances of it." T. — " In fact, he was, in Tennyson's phrase, ' Like wealthy men who know not when they give.' ' I asked Mr. Gladstone about Peel ; he did not seem to have left on record many witty sayings. 0. — " No ; Peel was not a phrase-maker, like Disraeli or Bright. There were two things especi- ally conspicuous about him. One was his over- mastering sense of public duty ; this never deserted him. The other thing was his sense of measure. He had generally an exact sense of the proportion between one Bill, and the general policy of the Government; also of the proportion between the different parts of the same Bill ; and of the relation in which the leaders of his party stood to their followers. What I mean by this sense of measure will be understood if I give an instance in which such tact was conspicuously wanting. Shortly (I think) after the Reform Bill, the Conservative leaders had got the party into a state of what seemed hopeless confusion. So much so that one TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 117 night they were preparing to send in their resigna- tion. Fortunately for them, Lord Grey made an attack on the party as a whole. This so irritated the followers that they rallied under their leaders, and the party held its ground." I asked Mr. Gladstone whether Peel was not very unsociable in private life. An old M.P. once told me that, when he dined with Peel, Peel used to beset him with questions, and to give out nothing in return. G. — " Quite right too. If Peel had to do with someone from whom useful information could be got, he was quite right to try and get it. If he was wanting in sociability, the reason was that his mind was too full of the public interest to be able to occupy itself with smaller matters." T. — " But surely he might have given out some- thing on non-political matters ; for example, on literature or history." G. — " He sometimes did. I remember his prais- ing to me Hallam as a historian. Also, I heard him express a low opinion of Fox. So far as Fox's private character is concerned, Peel may have been right ; but, as a public man, Fox had certainly a remarkable power of grasping general principles." At first these examples of Peel's communicativeness seemed to me conspicuous by their slightness; but I afterwards reflected that, according to Professor Goldwin Smith, " For personal recollections twenty- three years are Lethe " ; and that twice that interval 118 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE divided us from the point of time to which Mr. Gladstone was reaching back. Mr. Gladstone thought that there was a certain resemblance between Rome under Augustus and France under Louis Napoleon. I called attention to the resemblance between the two Caesars in their relation to one another, and the two Napoleons. G. — " Yes. The resemblance is remarkable in many ways; though Augustus was much wiser in his generation than Louis Napoleon." T. — " Was not Louis Napoleon wise in his genera- tion during the earlier part of his career ? " G. — " Certainly not from the time of the Mexican expedition. But what I am insisting on as a point of resemblance between the two despots is that, while Louis Napoleon put down freedom of speech and of writing in general, he allowed a certain freedom to men of letters who were not likely to influence the public. And I suspect it was the same sort of thing with Augustus. So long as Horace made a low bow to the established Government, he was allowed in an indirect way to show his sym- pathy with his old comrades of Philippi." T. — "In the one stanza, Olim Philippos, there are two phrases which the admirers of Horace try to explain away. Turpe solum tetigere mento, and relicta non bene parmula. It is said that no Roman soldier would have made the latter admis- sion. But surely he meant that he had been so insignificant an enem} 7 , that the conquerors could afford to overlook his youthful folly." TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 119 G. — " That is what I meant by 'the low bow. I believe that Louis Napoleon was often indulgent to Orleanist men of letters who veiled their meaning." T. — " Did you personally see enough of Louis Napoleon to form an impression of his ability ? " G. — " No. I dined with him in the Tuileries. But he was most of the time cross-questioning me about English finance." (He said this with a smile which seemed to mean, If Louis Napoleon thus cross-examined, why should not Peel ?) " The con- versation was in English, which he spoke very well. I saw him again during his exile. But I found him then a broken man, and could not judge of his ability." We spoke about Froude, and the question was raised whether, after all, it had been a mistake to confer on him the Professorship of History. Was not such a style as Froude's a supreme merit in a Professor ? His facts might be often inaccurate ; but they were certainly far less so than the facts introduced into Scott's novels; and yet Scott's novels are valued as carrying a picturesque con- ception of the past into quarters where otherwise there would be no conception of it at all. Scott's Richard I. is more of a permanent possession, more of a living person, than Hume's. Is it not possible that, in like manner, some of Froude's historical portraits will survive Freeman's ? Mr. Gladstone spoke severely of the peculiar bias shown by Froude with regard to Henry vm. Wo 120 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE p-ot on the charm of Froude's diction as contrasted with Grote's, and I mentioned the substance of Charles Austin's comment on Grote, which is thus reported in Safe Studies: "He feared that the History of Greece lost much of its value through the attempt to whitewash Cleon and the other dema- gogues. He also regretted that Mr. Grote had bestowed so little pains on his style ; an inattention which seemed to Mr. Austin all the more strange as the historian was keenly alive to the grace and charm of the classical writings. He was afraid that, in consequence of these two defects, the history of Greece still remained to be written." Mr. Gladstone said that he had heard Grote find fault with the English of John Mill. I said that I thought that Grote may have been very particular in avoiding slipshod sentences. G. — " But are there any such sentences in Mill ? " T. — " I should think very few ; but I remember seeing one or two quoted by Professor Hodgson in his Errors in the Use of English." Mr. Gladstone did not seem to have heard of this book. I mentioned that its author had marshalled a long array of blunders from various writers, great and small ; and I told Mr. Gladstone of two instances given by Hodgson of the wrong collocation of words: — "Erected to the memory of John Phillips accidentally shot as a mark of affection by his brother ; " and " A piano for sale by a lady about to cross the Channel in an oak case with carved legs." Mr. Gladstone seemed much amused by these & TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 121 examples. In reference to the general question, he thought that a sentence ought not to bear more than one construction, and he quoted the familiar Aio te, jEacide, Romanos vincere posse. Mr. Gladstone spoke playfully of a lady as his step-great-niece ; and asked what I made of such a relation. I said in a like tone that, Queen Char- lotte having been godmother of my mother-in-law, I have sometimes spoken of George III. as my step- god-grand-father-in-law. G. (with a smile). — " I was going to say that I wished you a better step-god — I forget the rest ; — but I draw a distinction. George ill. in his private character shows to advantage when compared with Charles II. or George II. But, if George III. had succeeded in repressing freedom and parliamentary government, we should have had a Revolution, not probably so bad as the French, but resembling it in kind. From such a catastrophe we were preserved by that unworthy representative of good principles, Wilkes." We referred to Macaulay's praise of William in., and to his speaking less severely of William's private faults than of those of James II. G. — " Of course it was as a public man that Macaulay praised William ; but I have no doubt that Macaulay's bias in favour of William extended to everything about him." While admiring many points in Miss Cholmon- deley's Diana Tempest, Mr. Gladstone found fault with that clever novel, first, because he thought thai a 122 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE novel with an abnormal plot requires very excep- tional skill ; and, secondly, because the authoress throws satire broadcast on the clergy and other representatives of tradition. He did not object to Robert Elsmere on this ground, because the orthodox Catherine is represented as narrow perhaps, but on the whole an ideal character. We spoke of the Revised Translation of the Bible. He said that he had advised the translators (or some of them) to bring out, at an early stage, a few specimens of their work and to let the critics say their say about them. To anyone versed in the usages of the House of Commons such an expedient would not seem unnatural. But the translators utterly refused to suffer their unfinished work to be blown on by the popularis aura of inexperts: " They laughed me to scorn ; and the result has been that the Revised Version died almost at its birth." I think it was on this occasion that Mr. Gladstone made a remark to me which has been treasured up in my memory. Taking my arm as we left the dining-room, he said, "Your memory makes you formidable ; but you are so good-natured that one does not feel afraid of you." At first the word " afraid " employed by the great Statesman fairly took my breath away ; I felt disposed to say, " Quid enim contendat hirundo Cycnis ? " But, on second thoughts, I interpreted the hyperbolical compliment to mean, " I am sure that, if you Boswellize me, you will set down nought in malice." In other words, TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 123 he more than suspected that I was taking notes of our conversations. It is as throwing light on this point that his observation seemed to me worth recording. January 13th, 1896. — Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone and Mrs. Drew dined with us. He remarked on our being in the same rooms as before. T. — " You see I have strong Conservative in- stincts." G. — " So have I. In all matters of custom and tradition, even the Tories look upon me as the chief Conservative that is." T. — "Two years ago a Conservative M.P. spoke of you as the strongest Conservative influence in Parliament. This being so, I wondered why, in the interests of Conservatism, he did not join your party." Mr. Gladstone smiled and seemed pleased. I note, in passing, that my Conservative friend probably regarded Mr. Gladstone as the best con- troller and moderator of the political changes which have become inevitable ; insomuch that the English Government under his guidance might be compared to the Athenian Government under the guidance of Pericles : " it was nominally a democracy, but in reality the supremacy of the first citizen " (Aoy w ph by [to x pur i a, spyco hi v%o rou irpwrov kvhpo\ apyri)- He spoke with high praise of Purcell's Life of Manning. He said it was the " history of a soul 124 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE and the dividing of bone and marrow." He had read no biography for some time " which showed so much impartiality and insight." I asked him what he thought of Manning as an orator. He said that he had heard some striking sermons of Manning's while Manning was still in the Church of England. He evidently thought much more highly of Newman as a master of English ; but he called Manning " a great Ecclesiastical Statesman." I asked him about Cardinal Vaughan. G. — " Oh, he is an infinitely smaller man. I am reminded of Canning's lines." * This suggested the appointment of Alfred Austin as successor to Alfred Tennyson. T. — " Was it not a pity appointing a new laureate ? The office is now altogether something of an ana- chronism ; why could it not have a grand euthanasia in Tennyson ? " G. — " At any rate I should have waited until some- one of Tennyson's calibre had turned up. I felt a special difficulty in recommending a successor to Tennyson, because by far the greatest of our English poets is practically out of the running." He went on to give reasons for this latter opinion, and spoke of some lines in which the great living poet to whom he referred had touched on the death of the late Czar. I expressed surprise that the difficulty about Mr. William Morris' political opinions could not be got over. ■ 1 " Pitt is to Addington As London to Paddiugton. " TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 125 G. — " Would you place him as a poet anywhere near Swinburne ? " T. — " The two are so unlike that they can hardly be compared. But I confess that I admire much of the Earthly Paradise and of The Life and Death of Jason" I expressed surprise at the extremely high praise which Matthew Arnold and others bestow on Wordsworth. Mr. Gladstone replied that he was also surprised ; but he added that he had heard that the late Sir Francis Doyle, whose critical faculty he valued highly, took the same view as Matthew Arnold. Neither Mr. Gladstone nor I could understand why Matthew Arnold ranked Wordsworth so much above Tennyson. I quoted single lines of Wordsworth which Matthew Arnold praised highly. Matthew Arnold seemed to regard the line — "Will no one tell me what she sings?" and the line — "And never lifted up a single stone," as so admirable in themselves that, even when severed from their context, they furnish a sort of touchstone which may help us to discriminate between good poetry and bad. Would Dr. Arnold have thought so highly of either of these lines if they had been written by a Rugby boy ? I added that Matthew Arnold speaks con- temptuously of Macaulay's Lays. 126 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE G. — "I admire the Lays very much. They will live." I called Mr. Gladstone's attention to the extra- ordinary passage in which Matthew Arnold hazards the opinion that Shelley's letters may outlive his poems. Mr. Gladstone seemed to agree with me that criticisms of this kind tend to shake one's faith in the critic's judgment. I asked Mr. Gladstone what he thought of Macaulay as a speaker. He gave an account of two famous speeches of Macaulay's and of the effect that they produced ; but he admitted that it was only on very rare occasions that Macaulay achieved such results. I asked him whether he thought Bright the finest speaker he had ever heard in Parliament. G. — "That is very hard to answer. There is so much that goes to make a great orator. But I will say that there were certain passages in Bright's speeches which I never heard equalled." T. — " Had not these been carefully prepared ? " G. — " They were said to be." T. — " Was Peel a great orator ? " G. — " Not at all in the same way." Mr. Gladstone seemed to think that Peel's reputa- tion as a statesman stands somewhat too high. He did not remember to have read Mr. Thursfield's Life of Peel. But he had spoken to the eminent author about Sir Robert; and he expected that the book would exactly represent his own views. G. — "The great virtue of Peel was that he had TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 127 such an enormous conscience. Conscience, they say, is a very expensive thing to keep. Peel certainly kept one." T. — " But you will remember that Peel was com- pared (I think by Disraeli) to the Turkish admiral who treacherously steered the fleet under his com- mand into the enemy's harbour ; and, exaggeration apart, I suppose you would say that, on the two great occasions of Catholic Emancipation and Free Trade, other men laboured and he entered into their labours." G. — " Yes. But, when he had finally made up his mind, he stuck to it unflinchingly. His great failure was in regard to Ireland. He thought that he could cobble up the Irish difficulty by endow- ing Maynooth and establishing what the strong Protestants call godless Colleges. In one instance he, from most conscientious motives, did the Irish a great injury. He passed the Encumbered Estates Act. It is fair to say that, when the cottiers im- proved their land, the old landlords did not tread on the heels of the improvement. But, after the passing of Peel's Act, when any land came to be sold, the buyer naturally wanted to get the full value of his money ; and so the poor tenant lost all the value of his improvement. One thing may amuse you. In the new National Biography only fifteen pages are given to Peel, and twenty pages to Parnell." T. — "You once told me that Parnell's speeches reminded you of Lord Palmerston's in their way of 128 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE expressing exactly what the speaker meant to say. But of course you would call Parnell a pigmy compared with Lord Palmerston." G. — " I should not call him anything of the sort. He had statesmanlike qualities ; and I found him a wonderfully good man to do business with, until I discovered him to be a consummate liar." T. — " What sort of a place, then, would you assign to Lord Palmerston ? " G. — " Taking our former standard of measure- ment, I should say that, if Peel has fifteen pages of the Biography, Palmerston should have ten or twelve. Palmerston had two admirable qualities. He had an intense love of Constitutional freedom everywhere ; and he had a profound hatred of negro slavery. One signal service he rendered to. Ireland. He appointed the ' Devon Commission,' which collected facts proving the Irish to be the most oppressed, the most miserable and the most patient population in Europe. But he did not make any practical use of this knowledge. I should not ascribe to him the overpowering conscientiousness which I ascribe to Peel." I quoted as accurately as I could the passage in Bacon's essay " Of Goodness, and Goodness of Nature," in which, after describing certain not very benevolent or trustworthy characters, he says of them : " Such dispositions are the very errors of human nature ; and yet they are the fittest timber to make great politicks of; like to knee timber, that is good for ships that are ordained to be TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 129 tossed, but not for building houses that shall stand firm." I suggested that in this passage absolute honesty is recommended to ordinary men, but that a certain amount of dissimulation is conceded to statesmen. Does not this recall Tacitus's remark on Galba's refusal to temporise ? To that high standard, he tells us, jam non pares sumus. G. — "It is only with great hesitation that I should differ from anything that Bacon says in those Essays of his. But surely knee timber is not a thing which bends as an unscrupulous man's conscience bends. It is chosen because it is in the shape best suited to ships." T. — "I suppose that Bacon meant that it is naturally crooked, just as some men's consciences are naturally crooked." G. — " Well, I should not say this of Palmerston's conscience. An illustration will best show the fault that I find with him. When the troubles were arising between Prussia and Denmark, Palmerston said that, if the Danes were attacked, they would not stand alone. They were attacked; they did stand alone ; and Palmerston did not resign." T. — " Of course, when he said that, he thought that the cause of Denmark would be warmly supported by England." G. — " He had no business to think. There was an Eton master, named Heath, who had an odd sort of dry humour. When he was going to send a boy up to be flogged, and the boy began to make excuses, saying 'I thought so-and-so,' he used to 9 130 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE say, ' No boy has any business to think until he gets to the Upper Division.' And so Palmerston had no business to think until he had learnt what the country was prepared to do." x Something was said about flogging in public schools ; and I told the story of how Dr. Vaughan was once flogging a young nobleman, who, not being used to such rough treatment, presently got up and asked the headmaster how many more cuts he was going to give. Vaughan replied in his most mellifluous voice, " That is for me to decide, Lord F. ; kneel down again." A lady told the story of an assistant master sending Keate a list of boys to be confirmed. Keate thought they were to be flogged, and flogged them accordingly. I called Mr. Gladstone's attention to the phrase he had used, " dry-humour," remarking that, accord- ing to the etymology, it would signify dry-wetness. Wishing to draw him out about wit and humour, I mentioned that Matthew Arnold says that Moliere ought to be ranked with Shakespeare, Milton, and Goethe. 0. — " Does he indeed say that ? I should not call Moliere a poet." T. — " I once expressed some surprise to our friend J M at so high a place being assigned to 1 This may recall a passage in The Rivals : — Lydia. — "Madam, I thought you once " — Mrs. Malapeop. — "You thought, Miss! I don't know any business you have to think at all — thought does not become a young woman." TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 131 Moliere ; but he agreed with Matthew Arnold. He said that Moliere had written two plays, which fell only just below the greatest dramas of the world ; and he also spoke very highly of L'Avare, and also praised the Bourgeois Gentilhomme." G. — " Well, I suppose that the Misanthrope and the Tartufe were the two great plays that he meant. I have been reading them lately, and I should call them both third-class plays. I once asked Dollinger whom he considered the two wittiest men that ever lived. He at once answered, ' Aristophanes and Shakespeare.' This is just what I should have said myself. I am very old now, and cannot hope to learn much more. But I do want to learn what the difference is, which people are so fond of talking about, between wit and humour." I quoted Jowett's saying (Memoir, p. 32) that wit consists in a number of points, while humour is continuous. G. — " I don't see how he would have applied that to individual cases. One of the best things ever said was the remark of Falstaff, who, being called on to pay for the satin which he had purchased, said that Bardolph should be his surety. 1 Was this wit or humour ? " T. — "At any rate, there can be no doubt that most of Sidney Smith's good sayings were witty 1 The reference is to Henry IV., Part II. Act i. Scene 2. But I fail to detect in this scene any quotable passage which would not disappoint my readers, after the praise bestowed by Mr. Gladstone. 132 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE rather than humorous. Take the familiar example of the young lady who said to him, ' We want to bring this pea to perfection ' ; Sidney Smith, giving her his arm, replied, ' Let me bring perfection to the pea.' " G. — " Yes, that was wit. By the way, I am told that one of the Pollocks was the author of a saying which I had always supposed to be by Sidney Smith — the saying addressed to the child who tried to please the tortoise by stroking its shell : ' You might as well stroke the Dome of St. Paul's to please the Dean and Chapter.' The little gamins sometimes say very good things. Someone who applied to us for a clerkship told us that he had already applied to become a clerk to an undertaker in Fetter Lane — not a very lively occupation. But what can have been his feelings when, on going to the office, he found two hundred other applicants ? But the unkindest cut of all was when he saw two small gamins pointing at them, and saying, ' Look at all those clerks; they are going there to be measured for their coffins.' I will give you another instance. A very tall friend of mine was staring up at the Obelisk. He heard one of the gamins say, ' If you were to lie on the ground, you would be half-way home.' " T. — "I know a case of a very tall, gaunt, and plain English lady in Spain, to whom a rude little Spanish boy said, ' You are as long and as ugly as a lawsuit.' " May not, I am tempted to ask, the difference TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 133 between wit and humour be illustrated by Sidney Smith's definition of wit ? " The feeling of wit," he says, " is occasioned by those relations of ideas which excite surprise, and surprise alone." Now, it is manifest that the limitation contained in this last clause would not be required in a definition of humour. Nay, it represents the very opposite of what is required in such a definition. The emotional quality which (according to Sidney Smith) wit lacks, all humour must possess. Why, then, should not humour be defined as Wit touched by emotion ? The conversation drifted to English literature. T. — " I find it hard to think that Carlyle's extreme popularity will last very long." G. {smiling) — "I find it hard to be impartial; for Carlyle did not at all like me." T. — " Also, he did not at all like Disraeli, at least before Disraeli offered him a knighthood." G. — "Yes, I know that he did not like Dizzy; but, with regard to myself, the hard thing was that I had a long, interesting, and, as it seemed to me, amicable conversation with him at Mentone; and then, to my amazement, I found, when Froude's life of him came out, this very conversation is mentioned in it, and I am described as utterly contemptible and impermeable to new ideas. I don't look upon Carlyle as a philosopher. Tennyson once said to me a very good thing about him. He said, ' Carlyle is a poet, to whom Nature has denied the faculty of verse.' " T. — "This reminds me of what Tennyson said 134 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE to a friend of mine about Walt Whitman. He said, 'The first requisite of a singer is that he should sing. Walt Whitman has not this requisite ; let him speak in prose.' " G. — " Does not this seem rather inconsistent with what he said to me ? " T. — "I think not. He seemingly regarded both Carlyle and Walt Whitman as poetical torsos, as poets without the faculty of verse. This being so, he blamed Walt Whitman for attempting verse. He would doubtless have commended Carlyle for never (or hardly ever) attempting it." G. — " Are you a great admirer of Carlyle ? " T. — "At Harrow I became a great admirer of Macaulay's directness and plainness, and I often wish that Carlyle would not write Cartylese." G. {smiling) — " I suppose that it is hardly possible for the same man to be a great admirer both of Macaulay and of Carlyle." The conversation passed on to politics. T. — " I don't want to embark on too wide a subject; but I am tempted to ask in the words of Jehoram, ' Is it peace, Jehu 1 ' In other words, are you at all afraid of war, especially with Germany ? " G.— " Not in the least." T. — " Are you not afraid of our small army being attacked by their huge army ? " G. — " How are they to cross the Channel without ships ? They would get very wet ! " Mrs. T. — "Might they not use a great number TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 135 of the German Lloyd steamers to transport their army i G. — « We should have twenty ships to their one." T. — "I suppose that some English companies might be induced to supply them with ships and arms." G. — " Oh yes. For filthy lucre they would supply arms to the rebel angels against Heaven." T, — " This reminds me of the case of the Alabama." G. — "The case of the Alabama is a very difficult and complicated one." T. — " I suppose that you consider the award was extravagantly high.''' G. — " It was enormous." He went on to mention, if I understood him rightly, a case in which we were mulcted of a large sum through the act of one of our colonies. © r £, — " What a strong view Froude takes in Oceana about the importance of colonies to the Mother Country ! " G. — " What reason does he give ? " T. — "I think he says that in England the race tends to become enfeebled through being crowded into large towns. He wishes more and more emigrants to be sent oft" to Australia and the other © colonies, so that they or their posterity may return with recruited vigour to do service in England." G. — " Does he propose bringing another Australia into being ? The conditions which he seems to have desired exist already, and I cannot see how he expected to improve them. No, I have always 136 TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE maintained that we are bound by ties of honour and conscience to our colonies. But the idea that the colonies add to the strength of the mother country appears to me to be as dark a superstition as any that existed in the Middle Ages." It may not be amiss to compare this with a remark made in conversation many years ago by the late editor of the Times (Mr. Chenery) in regard to the colonies : " They are not feeders, but suckers." Injustice to Froude, I feel bound to say that I understand his contention to be that the colonies must be made to feel that the mother country really regards them as her children, and that she opens her doors to them, and is willing (in Academic phrase) to grant to those who distinguish themselves an ad ewndem degree on her own soil ; and that, this being clearly understood, the tie between mother country and colonies will gradually become closer, especially as quickened locomotion cuts short distance. Later on, when Mr. Gladstone and I were left alone, he called my attention to the question raised in my Memoir of Jowett as to whether Socrates had much sense of sin. T. — " Do you remember the passage at the end of the Republic where Socrates speaks of the tremendous and seemingly everlasting punishments which await tyrants in the other world ? Does this not show that he had a strong sense of the heinous- ness of their sins ? " G. — " I do not doubt that Socrates felt strongly TALKS WITH MR. GLADSTONE 137 the obligation of his moral code. But he regarded vice and crimes as offences against the social order, rather than as infractions of a law given by God. Of sin, in the latter sense, I think that there is no trace in Plato ; and I am confident that there is none in Aristotle. Even the moral code of the Greeks in the time of Socrates was so elastic as to press very gently on the vice mentioned in the Symposium." T. — " It is certainly strange that there is nothing about that vice in Homer." G. — " Yes ; Homer had some remains of the sense of sin in his aruaQotkiri. But among the Greeks this sense of sin almost died out with Homer." I recalled the declaration of ^Eschylus, which gathers solemnity from its very vagueness, and to which no translation can do justice — the half in- dignant, half incredulous declaration or admission that " someone denied " that the gods take any heed of mortals ; and I asked whether iEschylus had not a deep sense, if not of sin, at any rate of the appalling seriousness of human life. G. — " Yes, there are some remains of the sense of sin in ^Eschylus. In Homer the Eumenides are passionless beings dispensing impartial justice. In later times they are Furies inflamed by the worst passions. Take, for example, the phrase: Atra jiagellum Tisiphone quatit exidtans. In ^Eschylus you have both conceptions together." I could not agree with him in thinking the Homeric gods by any means models of virtue. An 138 TALKS WITH ME. GLADSTONE example is furnished by the fight of the gods, and the attitude taken by the Supreme Father — " Jove as his sport the dreadful sceue descries, And views contending gods with careless eyes." In this couplet, it should be added, Pope has hardly done justice to the frank and refreshing brutality of the original, where the spiteful amusement of the Deity seems to be taken as a matter of course — " eyiXcHTcre d£ oi . THE CHASE, THE TURF, AND THE ROAD. By N I MR 01). Edited by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., M.P. With a Photogravure Portrait of the Author by D. Maclise, R.A., and with Coloured Photogravure and other Plates from the original Illustra- tions by Alken, and several reproductions of old Portraits. Large 8vo., handsomely bound, 15s. Also a Large-Paper Edition, limited to 200 copies, Two Guineas net. 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With its beautiful type, ample margins and luxurious paper, its hundreds of illustrations, many of them whole-page lithographs of exceptional merit, it is an exceedingly fine example of typography, while its half-vellum bindnig i in admirable keeping with the care and taste which has been lavished upon the interior.' — Stand ' ir.t. ' An important contribution to the library of the serious antiquary and collector.' —Til/it's. ' Mr. Hartshornc has been fortunate in finding a subject about which literally nothing was known, even by would-be connoisseurs, and he has risen to the height of his opportunity in a wonderful way. A fortnight ago the collector of old English Glasses was working in darkness. . . . today such a collector has but to become the possessor of this sumptuous quarto and the whole sequence of glass- making, not only in England but on the Continent, from primitive times to the end (if the lit . entury, is before him. It is a monograph which must remain the one authority on English gla Daily Chronicle. ' No more sumptuous monograph on any artistic subject has been published this year than Mi. Hartshorne's volume.' — Westminster Gazette. ■ THE CHIPPENDALE PERIOD IN ENGLISH FURNITURE. By K. WARREN CLOUS TON. With 200 Illustrations by the Author. Demy 4to., handsomely bound. One Guinea, net 1 This handsome volume is enriched with illustrations which will 1 I great value) and of interest to any person of taste. It fills a di i in the annals of art, and that in a mantx 1 too technical for the Philistine in search of enlighi i >;h. ' A very attrai live volume.' I 'all Ma/'.' t.i ' In Mr. Clou st on'-, hands - quarto, with its too illustration ■ harming!) drawn by the author and admirably 1 have an attractively written history it a rcmarkabli Brt -incut and the man who directed. Mr. Clouston has d which will be of real value nol only to the lerious student of the history of furniture bui I reader who wishes to be well informed upon a topic at i 12 Mr. Edward Arnold's List. SECOND EDITION. STYLE. By WALTER RALEIGH, Professor of English Literature at University College, Liverpool ; Author of ' Robert Louis Stevenson,' etc. One vol., crown 8vo., 5s. ' Professor Raleigh has produced a finished masterpiece, where the men before him, masters as they were, gave us brilliant sketches or clever studies. His ingenuity of thought, restraint of expression, austerity of judgment, his prudent counsel and wise suggestion are worthy of all praise. A model treatise on a most difficult and important theme.'— Pall Mall Gazette. ' In our judgment Mr. Raleigh's volume on " Style" is an amazingly good and pre-emi- nently interesting and suggestive book. His whole treatment of his subject is vigorous, manly, and most sensible.' — Speaker. 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'The Hon. Grantley F. Berkeley had one great quality of the raconteur. His self- revelations and displays of vanity are delightful.' — Times. THE ART OF DEER-STALKING. By WILLIAM SCROPE. With Frontispiece by Edwin Landseer, and 9 Photogravure Plates of the original Illustrations. Large 8vo., handsomely bound, 15s. Also a Large-Paper Edition, limited to 200 copies, Two Guineas net ' With the fine illustrations by the Land eei Bnd Scrope himself, t ; worthy number of a s j • 1 e ■nd Pall Mall Gatette. ' Among the works publi hi d in connection with field sports in Scotland, t ibry have been more sought after than those of William Scrope, and although pul li hed i than fift\ yeai igo, they are till as fn ha ever, full <>i pleasant anecdote, and for the many practical hints whi< h thi y i onvey to ino ' Judged by the tandard <>f lasting popularity, and by certain subtle qualities that make its pages interesting to those wl o have read them often, William 5 ing narrative of deer-stalking in the forest of Atholl must t.>ke high amoi g worl sport.' — Daily News. 14 Mr. Edzvard Arnold's List. IDoIumea of Sport, travel anfc Hfcventure. RECENTL Y PUBLISHED. BENIN, THE CITY OF BLOOD. ($n (Recount of i$t Qj^entn <&rpebifto»n By R. H. BACON, Commander R.N. Illustrated by W. H. Overend. In one volume, demy 8vo., 7s. 6d. 'Commander Bacon was intelligence officer to the expedition, and his personal record of the advance on Ologbo, of the fighting in the bush and at the crossroads and Agagi, of the capture of Benin, and of the horrors of human sacrifice, and the practice of Ju-ju, is as fascinating as it evidently is comp ete and accurate.' — Daily Mail. ' Should be read not only by those who care for adventure, but also by those who care for history. It is difficult in a short space to give any idea of the striking way Commander Bacon brings the horrors and trials of the campaign vividly before the reader, or to give even a vague notion of the loathsome practice of Ju-ju, or the terrible picture of slaughter and sacrifice Benin presented when it was at last reached.' — Saturday Review. WILD NORWAY : With Chapters on the Swedish Highlands, Jutland, and Spitzbergen. 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In this edition the book has been thoroughly revised by the authors, omitting certain matters of temporary interest, and making it as far as possible a standard work of permanent value for young and old. The striking illustrations by Mr. Talbot Kelly have been retained. Also the complete work, demy 8vo., One Guinea. Books of Travel, Sport, and Adventure. 15 THROUGH UNKNOWN AFRICAN COUNTRIES. The First Expedition from Sotnaliland to Lake Rudolf and Lamu. A Narrative of Scientific Exploration and Sporting Adventures. By A. DONALDSON SMITH, M.D., F.R.G.S. With nearly thirty full-page Plates and numerous smaller Illustrations by A. D. McCormick, Charles Whymper, etc., and detailed Maps of the countries traversed. Super royal 8vo., One Guinea net. ' Will be of the greatest interest to sportsman, traveller, and man of science.' — Pall Mall Gazette. 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A Re-issue, in handsome volumes, of certain rare and entertaining books on sport, carefully selected by the Editor, and illustrated by the best sporting artists of the day, and with reproductions of old plates. Library Edition, 15s. a Volume. Large Paper Edition (limited to 200 copies), 2 guineas a volume. Volume I. THE LIFE OF A FOX, AND THE DIARY OF A HUNTSMAN. By THOMAS SMITH, Master of the Hambledon and Pytchley Hounds. With Illustrations by the Author, and Coloured Plates by G. H. Jalland. Volume II. A SPORTING TOUR THROUGH THE NORTHERN PARTS OF ENGLAND AND GREAT PART OF THE HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND. By COLONEL T. THORNTON, of Thornville Royal, in Yorkshire. With the Original Illustrations by Garrard, and other Illustrations and Coloured Plates by G. E. Lodge. Volume III. THE SPORTSMAN IN IRELAND. By a COSMOPOLITE. With Coloured Plates and Black and White Drawings by P. Chenevix Trench, and reproductions of the Original Illustrations drawn by R. Allen and engiaved by W. 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