1 WAk^f U t&^^i The stuc Illus The Coll _ Library and Imp. 8vo, clot New Mercantile ] Owners, etc. This Map gives, of the World, witt full specifications c Submarine Cables, limits of Icebergs Library and the C( The Internationa 32 of Modern 30 of Historic? Classical Geo£ copious Indice The Student's At Descriptive Le. The Student's Atl structed and E: and full Index. The Student's Atl£ together.) Cor . IN MEMORIAM BERNARD MOSES rpress. extra, _ . . or the L New York, 1872. nts, Shippers, Ship $10.00. loms, and Empires iphical Discoveries, erland Telegraphs, ie Ocean Currents, seful alike to the ;ing ©f 62 Maps— f Boundaries, and of Historical and «iitz, LL.D., with erial 8vo. With perial 8vo. Con- Colliek, LL.D., ove works bound NEW ATLASES. VIII. The Portable Atlas of Modern Geography. Constructed and Engraved by John Bartholo- mew, F.R.G.S. With 16 Maps. Imp. 8vo, cloth, $1.00. IX. The Atlas of Scripture Geography. 16 Maps, with Questions on each Map. Small Quarto, cloth, 75 cents. X. The Library Atlas of Modern, Historical, and Classical Geography. Consisting of 100 Maps, including 8 Railway Maps and 4 Astronomical Charts. With full Descriptive Letterpress of Modern Geography by James Bryce, of Historical Geography by William F. Collier, and of Classical Geography by Leonhard Schmitz, and copious Indices. Large Octavo, half morocco, neat, $14 ; half morocco extra, $16. • The most thorough and comprehensive work of its kind ever published, giving, in convenient shape and at a low price, information and statistics which heretofore have been obtainable only through the purchase of several bulky volumes. XI. The Student's Atlas of Modern and Classical Geography. Consisting of 32 Maps of Modern Geography, 8 Maps of Classical Geography, and full Index. Imperial Octavo, cloth extra, $3; half morocco, $6.00. XII. The Atlas of Political and Classical Geography. Consisting of 29 Maps, with full Letterpress and Index. Large 8vo, cloth extra, $2.50. XIII. The Academic Atlas of Modern and Classical Geography. Consisting of 32 Maps. Imperial Quarto, with full Index, cloth extra, $2.50. XIV. The Hand-Book of Scripture Geography. Consisting of 16 Maps and Plans, with Historical and Geographical Questions and Answers on each Map. By Andrew Thomson. 16mo, cloth extra, 75 cents. XV. The Pocket Atlas of Historical Geography, Consisting of 16 Maps. Constructed and Engraved by Edward Weller, F.G.S. Square 12mo, cloth, flexible, 75 cents. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, FOURTH AVENUE AND 23rd STREET, NEW YORK THE POCKET ATLAS Historical Geography, CONSISTING OF SIXTEEN MAPS, CONSTRUCTED AND ENGRAVED BY EDWARD WELLER, F.R.G.S. NEW YORK: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, FOURTH AVENUE AND TWENTY-THIRD STREET. Ago Or PERNARD MOSFS CONTENTS. i. Britain under the Romans. 2. Britain under the Saxons. 3. Historical Map of the British Islands. 4. Historical Map of France. 5. The Roman Empire, Eastern and Western, in the 4.TH Century. 6. Europe in the beginning of the 6th Century. 7. Europe in the beginning of the 9TH Century, shewing the Empire of Charlemagne. 8. Europe, latter part of ioth Century. 9. Europe in the 12th Century. 10. Europe in the middle of the I 6th Century, period of the Reformation. 11. Germany, illustrating the period from the reforma- tion to the end of the Thirty Years' War. 12. Europe, from the close of the Thirty Years' War to the outbreak of the french Revolution, 1 648-1 789. .13. Europe, from the French Revolution (1793) to the abdication of napoleon Bonaparte. 14. Europe, 1871. 15. India, illustrating its History to the present time, and shewing its divisions in i760. 16. Map of the World, shew- ing the Discoveries and Colonies of the European Nations. 781128 S " &5 Q I $**! < ^ c? 1- 8 SI .1 Ml b=i 1' 3 M eg pg fel i Z 3 c»&* —=— *h ~T~^ , , •• ao | | tii »•: IN THE 4 ,H CENTURY. "% Wilhum Cotton* , ft ('.'' London A tH-isiiov.: Edir*WeTler.F.a.&.! William Collins. So if ' londorv & Glasaaw. Edw d ¥eIler.F.R.&.S. WUbiam Caittmt Son* I Kit Aon &• &las (ftnt: William Collins. S< ^^^ '"London. £■ Glasgow. Kdw^WellerF.R.G.S. * Wtttuaw Collins . ■ London & Glasgow. EaW*lKHw.ERG.S WWiarrv Collins So E-dwfWellar.F.ILG.S. 'London & Glasgow. » 3 1 • J » ' > ? » Edw d -\Vell9r,F.R.0.S London & Glasgow. William ihllme •/,„„/.;,.<■ >:/„,:, William Collins, Son. 7h ' IX//V\X Ol hcmdoni Glasgow. Ed-trTwiner, F.R-G.S. William, CoWnSjSoru £3sr*>Telier.KR.G.S. JLondorv& Glasgow. _l5>L -3 shnwiruy the- DISCOVERIES & COLONIES of the EUROPEAN NATIONS 18|Q lg|0 14|p 12|o 10 r l WiUituii CoUint, m- 20 40 Mw'WdTerER^S- Cflondonttibi FOR REFERENCE, LIBRARIES, AND FOR FAMIILY USE. THE INTERNATIONAL ATLAS. Geographical, Political, Classical, and Historical, consisting of 65 Maps — 35 of Modem Geography, showing all the latest Discoveries and changes of Boundaries ; and 30 of Histori- cal and Classical Geography, with Descriptive Letterpress of Historical and Classical Geography. By William F. Collier, LL.D., and Leonhard Schmitz, LL.D. With a copious Index. 8vo, cloth, extra, $6.00. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION TO HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, by W. F COLLIER, LL.D. INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY, by LEON. SCHMITZ, LL.D. MODERN GEOGRAPHY. The Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The World (on Mercator's Projection). Europe^ Asia. r Africa. North America. South America. : England and Wales. Scotland Ireland. France. Holland and Belgium. Switzerland. Spain and Portugal. Italy. Sweden and Norway, Denmark and the Baltic. German Empire. Austria. Russia. Turkey in Europe and Greece. India. Persia, Afghanistan, and Beloochistan. Turkey in Asia. Chinese Empire and Japan. Arabia, Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia. Palestine. Dominion of Canada. 28a, 286, 28c, United States. West Indies and Central America. Australia. Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia. New Zealand. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY. 33. Britain under the Romans. 34. Britain under the Saxons. 35. 40. 43. Historical Map of the British Islands, from a.d. 1066. France and Belgium, illustrating British History Roman Empire, Eastern and Western, 4th Century. Europe, 6th Century, showing Settlements of the Barbarian Tribes. Europe, 9th Century, showing Empire of Charle- magne. Europe, 10th Century, at the Rise of the German Empire. Europe, 12th Century, at the Time of the Crusaders. Europe, 16th Century, at the Eve of the Reforma- tion. Germany, 16th Century, Reformation and Thirty Years' War. Europe, 17th and 18th Centuries,' Europe at the Peace of 1815. Europe in 1871. India, illustrating the Rise of the British Empire. World, on Mercator's Projection, showing Voyages of Discovery. CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 49. Orbis Veteribus Notus. 50. jEgyptus. 51. Regnum Alexandri Magni. 52. Macedonia, Thracia, &c. 53. Imperium Romanum 54. Graecia. 55. Italia (Septentrionalis). 56. Italia (Meridionalis). 67. Armenia, Mesopotamia, &c. 58. Asia Minor. 59. Palestine (Temp. Christi). 60. Gallia. 61. Hispania. 62. Germania, &c. The Atlas of Scripture Geography. cloth, 75 cents. 1. The Ancient World. 2. Countries Mentioned in the Scriptures. 3. Canaan, in the time of the Patriarchs. 4. Journeyings of the Israelites. 5. Canaan as divided among the Tribes. 6. Dominions of David and Solomon. 7. Countries of the Jewish Captivities. 8. Palestine in the time of Christ. 16 Maps, with Questions on each Map. Small 4to, flexible 9. Modern Palestine. 10. Physical Map of Palestine. 11. Journeys of the Apostle Paul. 12. The Distribution of the Prevailing Religions of the World. 13. The Tabernacle, Camp, &c. 14. Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple. 15. Ancient Jerusalem. 16. Modern Jerusalem. "The most thorough, comprehensive, and economical work of the class ever published,* THE LIBRARY ATLAS OF MODERN, HISTORICAL, AND CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Consisting of One Hundred Maps, including Eight Railway Maps, and Four Astronomical Charts, ■with Descriptive Letterpress of Modern Geography by James Bryce, LL.D.; of Historical Geography by "William F. Collier, LL.D.; and of Classical Geography by Leonhard Schmitz, LL.D., and copious Indices. MODERN LIST GEOGRAPHY. SO. 81. 32. 32a 326 3a 34. 35. 30. 37. The Hemispheres. The World, Mercator's Projection. Europe. Asia. Africa. North America. South America. British Isles. England and Wales. Scotland. ^^^^^^^ Ireland. / France. Holland and 1 Switzerland. Spain and Por Italy. Sweden and J Denmark. German Emp: Austria. Russia. Turkey in Eu India. Lower Bengal Upper Bengal Bombay Pres Madras Presic East India A: Turkey in As Persia, Afgha Chinese Emp Palestine. Burmah. Japan. Arabia, Egyr. Cape Colony, Dominion of New Brunsw ra, nu. Province of Quebec. Province of Ontario. British America, British Columbia, and Vancou- ver's Island. United States. Northern United States. Southern United States. Western United States. West Indies, Central America, Columbia, &c. Chili, La Plata, Paraguay, &c. Australia. Victoria. New South Wales. Queensland. South Australia. Western Australia. Tasmania. New Zealand. New Zealand, North Island. New Zealand, South Island. OF MAPS. 56. Oceania. 57, 58. Minor Settlements in Europe and Asia. 59, 60. Minor Settlements in West India and Africa. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY. 61. Britain under the Romans. 62. Britain under the Saxons. 63. Britain under William the Conqueror. 64. France and Belgium under Henry III. 65. Roman Empire, Eastern and Western, 4th Century. Europe, 6th Century, Settlements of Barbarian lemagne. •man Empire, rusades. eformation. s' War. ■ of Discovery. »HY. v- -6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY 90. Germania, &c. ncou- RAILWAY MAPS. 91. England and Wales. 92. Scotland. 93. Ireland. 94. France. 95. Switzerland. 96. Germany. . 97. Italy. 98. Holland and Belgium. ASTRONOMICAL. 99. Northern Constellations. 100. Southern Constellations. 101. Diagrams — Plate I. 102. Diagrams— Plate II.