UC-NRLF SB 2^7 573 ma m ■B I 'niucraitii of tyalifoitttta. JVo. ff/<(/>. Something must be done, that's certain ! But whether it shall be demagogi- cal clap-trap, or esthetical clap-trap is the question ! Tf he determines to be genteel, then the tailor, the toilet, books of etiquette, an occasional slap at the 4 Liquor Law,' and 18* 150 NEW THEMES CONDEMNED, ETC. the 'Irish/ goes a great way. If vulgar, then a dash of the free and easy, a sneer at 8 up-town,' and a study of the slang-wkcmgi rs vocabulary, soon get him in the way." (Italics ours.) (pp. Ill, 112.) Can this be an autobiography, that this " Protestant clergyman" is giving us ? Speak- ing of English bishops, and their families, he tells us, " And throughout society, they are the Tittlebat Titmouses — the i upstart aristo- cracy/ who are the most hyper-lordly and contemptuous towards the poor of all others." (p. 125.) But we can pardon a great deal to a clas- sical taste ; and are rewarded for our lenity by the following poetical image, to which we remember no 'parallel even in Shakspeare himself. He tells us respecting the author of " New Themes :" " And although like the bear brushing the fly from the nose of his mis- tress, the author laid his hand rather heavy upon the clerical countenance/' &c. (Italics NEW THEMES CONDEMNED, ETC. 151 ours), p. 127. Is not this a most touching comparison ? The author concludes his vo- lume with a self-sufficient, insolent, " Address to the Protestant Clergy of America." He seems very anxious that the clergy should secure the $1000 prize offered for a work upon " Christian Charity." We think that the money could not be better devoted than to the purchase and destruction of the three productions noticed in this present volume, viz., " New Themes," " Hints to a Layman," and " Charity and the Clergy." The literary style of " Charity and the Clergy," defies all criticism ; its tone is eminently ill-bred ; the tendency of it will be, to permanently dis- grace its author, and to elicit compassion for the author of " New Themes," who has laid himself open to such disreputable champion- We have said that, the author professes to be a " Protestant Clergyman." This we must be permitted to question. Even he 152 NEW THEMES CONDEMNED, ETC. admits of the character of a clergyman, that, u lie ought to he a gentleman." But we ques- tion the statement that this author is a "clergyman," on the same ground that we should demand proof, of a forger, or burglar, who declared himself to be of some good family of our acquaintance. We should re- ply to him : " If so, you have disgraced your family by your crime; and you promulgate that disgrace, by boasting of your alliance. But I demand, as a friend of your avowed family, that you shall prove your relation- ship." For one thing, we beg to thank the author of " Charity and the Clergy," — for his abuse of ourselves. We are forcibly re- minded of the words of a modern writer: "We, therefore, like his invectives against us, much better than anything else that he has written ; and dwell on them, not merely with complacency, but with a feeling akin to gratitude." Whatever affliction may befall us, by our own misconduct, or by the ap- NEW THEMES CONDEMNED, ETC. 153 pointment of a wise Providence, we hope to bear with fortitude, and not without profit ; but spare us from the encomiums of such Ishmaelites as the author of " Charity and the Clergy !" THE END CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY LIPPINCOTT, GBAMBO & CO., (SUCCESSOKS TO GRIGG, ELLIOT & CO.) NO. 14 NORTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA; CONSISTING OF A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Bibles, Prayer-Books, Commentaries, Standard Poets, MEDICAL, THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, ETC., PARTICULARLY SUITABLE FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES. FOR SALK BY BOOKSELLERS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY THROUGH- OUT THE UNITED STATES. THE BEST & MOST COMPLETE FAMILY COMMENTARY. The Comprehensive Commentary on the Holy Bible; CONTAINING THE TEXT ACCORDING TO THE AUTHORIZED VERSION, BCOTTS MARGINAL REFERENCES; MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY. CONDENSED, BUT RETAINING EVERY USEFUL THOUGHT; THE PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS OF REV. THOMAS SCOTT, D. D. ; WITH EXTENSIVE EXPLANATORY, CRITICAL AND PHILOLOGICAL NOTES, Selected from Scott, Doddridge, Gill, Adam Clarke, Patrick, Poole, Lowth, Burder, Harracr, Calmet, Rosenmueller, Bloomfield, Stuart, Bush, Dwight, and many other writers on the Scriptures. The whole designed to be a digest and combination of the advantages of the best Bible Commentaries, and embracing nearly all that is valuable in HENRY, SCOTT, AND DODDRIDGE. Conveniently arranged for family and private reading, and, at the same time, particularly adapted to the wants of Sabbath-School Teachers and Bible Classen ; with numerous useful tables, and a neatly engraved Family Record. Edited by Rev. William Jenks, D. D., FASTOR OF GREEN STREET CnURCH, BOSTON. Embellished with five portraits, and other elegant engravings, from sfee> plates; with several maps and many wood-cuts, illustrative of Scripture Manners, Customs, Antiquities, &c. In 6 >ols. super-royal 8vo. Including Supplement, bound in cloth, sheep, calf, &c, varying in Price from 910 to $15. The whole forming the most valuable as well as the cheapest Commentary published ii the w«rTl. A 1 LIPPINCOTT, CRAMBO & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. NOTICES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF TUE COMPREHENSIVE COMMENTARY. The Publishers select the following from the testimonials they have received as to the value of the work : We, the subscriber*, having examined the Comprehenswe. Commentary, issued from the press of Messrs. L., G. 6l Co., and highly approving its character, would cheerfully and confidently recom- mend it as containing more matter ami more adv;ui!ng«s than any other with which we are acquainted ; ami considering the expense incurred, and the excellent manner of ill mechanical execution, we beheve it to be one of the cheapest works ever issued from the press We hope the publishers will be sustained by a liberal patronage, in their expensive ami useful undertaking. We should be pleated to lean that every family in the United States had procured a copy. B. B. W1SNER, D. D., Secretary of Am. Board of Coin, for For. Missions. WM. COGSWELL, D. D., - " Education Society. JOHN CODMAN, D. I)., Pastor of Congregational Church, Dorchester. Rev. HUBBARD WINSLOW, " •• Bo wdoin street, Doreheatei. Rev. SEWALL HARPING. Pastor of T. C. Church, Waithant. Rev. J. H. FAIRCHILP, Pastor of Congregational Church, South Boston. GARDINER SPRING, D. D., Pastor of Presbyterian Church. New York city. CYRUS MASON, D. D.. ■ • * " " THOS. M'AULEY, D. I) , " ...-.- JOHN WOODBRIDGE. D. D.. - - - - THOS. DEWITT, I). D., ■ Dutch Ref. - - E. W. BALDWIN, D. D., ■ - - - Rev. J. ML M'KREBS, - Presbyterian * ■ ., ■ ' Rev. ERSKINE MASON, - Rev. J. S. SPENCER, ■ Brooklyn. EZRA STILES ELY, D. D., Stated Clerk of Gen. Assem. of Presbyterian Church. JOHN M'DOWELL, D. D., Permanent " - JOHN BRECKENRIDGE. Corresponding Secretary of Assembly's Board of Education. SAMUEL B. WYL1E. D. D., Pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. N. LORD, D. D., President of Dartmouth Collide. JOSHUA BATES. D. D.. President of Middlebury College. H. HUMPHREY, D. D., " Amherst College. E. D. GRIFFIN, D. D., - WUhainstown College. J. WHEELER, D. D., ■ University of Vermont, at Burlington. J. M. MATTHEWS, D. D., - New York City University. GEORGE E. PIERCE, D. D., " Western Reserve College, Ohio. Rev. Dr. BROWN, " Jefferson College, Penn. LEONARD WOODS, D. D., Professor of Theology, Awdover Seminary. THOS. H. SKINNER, D. D., " Sac. Rhet. Rev. RALPH EMERSON, " Ecci. Hist. Rev. JOEL PARKER, Pastor of Presbyterian Church, New Orleans. JOEL HA WES, D. D., " Congregational Church, Hartford, Conn. N. S. S. BEAMAN, D. D., ■ Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y. MARK TUCKER, D. D.. " - - Rev. E N. KIRK, - - " Albany, N. Y. Rev. E. B. EDWARDS, Editor of Quarterly Observer. Rev. STEPHEN MASON, Pastor First Congregational Church, Nantucket. Rev. ORIN FOWLER, - " " "Fall River. GEORGE W. BETHUNE. D. D., Pastor of the First Reformed Dutch Church, Philads. Rev. LYMAN BEECHER. D. D. t Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. C. D. MALLORY. Pastor Baptist Church, Augusta. Ga. Rev. S. M. NOEL, • ■ Frankfort, Ky. From the Professors at Princeton Tfieoloaical Seminary. The Comprehensive Commentary contains the whole of Henry's Exposition in a condensed form, Scott's Practical Observations and Marginal References, and a large number of very valuable philo- logical and critical notes, selected from various authors. The work appears to i>e eiecnied wiri judgment, fidelity, and care ; and will furnish a rich treasure of scriptural knowledge to tb« Biblical student, and to the teachers of Sabbath-Schools and Bible Classes. A ALEXANDER. D D SAM I El. MILLER. 1/ li CHARLES HODGE, D \> ilPPlNCOTT, GRAM IK) & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. <£jrt Companion ta \\)t 9&ible. In one super-royal volume. DESIGNED TO ACCOMPANY THE FAMILY BIBLE, OR HENRY'S, SCOTTS. CLARKE'S, GILLS, OR OTHER COMMENTARIES: ♦ CONTAINS O 1. A new, full, and complete Concordance; Illustrated with monumental, traditional, and oriental engravings, founded on Butterworth's, with Cruden's definitions ; forming, it is believed, on many accounts, a more valuable work than either Butur worth, Cruden, or any other similar book in the language. The value of a Concordance is now generally understood ; and those who have used ono, con- sider it indispensable in connection with tiie Bible. 2. A Guide to the Reading and Study of the Bible ; being Carpenter's valuable Biblical Companion, lately published in Loudon, containing a complete history of the Bible, aiul forming a most excellent introduction to its study. It embraces the evi- dences of Christianity. Jewish antiijuities, manners, customs, arts, natural history, &c., of the Bible, with notes and engravings added. 3. Complete Biographies of Henry, by Williams; Scott, by his son ; Doddridge, by Orton ; with sketches of the lives and characters, and notices of the work*, of the writers on the Scriptures who are quoted in the Commentary, living and dead, American and foreign. This part of the volume not only alford* a lar^e quantity of interesting and useful reading for pious families, but will also he a source of gratification to alt those who are m the habit of consult- ing the Commentary; every one naturally feolmg a desire to know some particulars of the lives and characters of those whose opinions he seeks. Appended to this part, will be a BIBLIOTIIECA BIBLICA, or list of the best works on the Bible, of all kinds, arranged under their appropriate heads. 4. A complete Index of the Matter contained in the Biblo Text. 5. A Symbolical Dictionary. A very comprehensive and valnable Dictionary of Scripture Symbols, (occupying about fifty-tix closely printed pages.) by Thomas Wemyss, (author of "Biblical Gleanings," dec.) Comprising Daubuz, Lancaster, Hulcheson, &c 6. The Work contains several other Articles, Indexes, Tables, Ac Ac., and is, 7. Blustratcd by a large Plan of Jerusalem, identifying, as far as tradition, Ac., go, the original sib*, drawn on the spot by P. Calherwood, of London, architect Also, two steel engravings of portraits of seven foreigu and eight American t heolog ica l writers, and numerous wood engravings. The whole forme a desirable and necessary fund of instruction for the use nut only of clergymen tad Sabbath-school teachers, hut siv. for families. When the great amount of matter it must contain is considered, it will be deemed exceedingly cheap. ■ I have examined ' The Companl Bible,' and have been surprised to flr id so much inform- ■> • i sue It Col nowledse and criticism ll will be *lio own IwrifH librni • invaluable help to every render of the Bible." Pastor of Congrega- rmool The above work can be had in eeveral styles of binding. Price varying from $1 75 to $3 00. 3 LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, In one super-royal volume. DERIVED PRINCIPALLY FROM THE MANNERS, CUSTOMS, ANTIQUITIES, TRADITIONS, • AND FORMS OF SPEECH, KITES, CLIMATE, WORKS OF ART, AND LITERATURE OF THE EASTERN NATIONS: EMBODYING ALL THAT IS VALUABLE IN THE WORKS OF ROBERTS, HARMER, BURDER, PAXTON, CHANDLER, And the roost celebrated oriental travellers. 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The arrangement of the texts illustrated with the notes, in the order of the chapters and verses of the authorized version of the Bible, will render it convenient for reference to particular passages; while the copious Index at the end will at once enable the reader to turn to every subject discussed in the volume. This volume w not designed to take the place of Commentaries, but is a distinct department of biblical instruction, and man tt used as a companion to the Comprehensive or any other Commentary, or the Holy Bible. THE ENGRAVINGS In this volume, it is believed, wi\l form no small part of its attractions. No pains have been spared to procure such as should embellish the work, and, at the same time, illustrate the text. Objec- tions that have been made to the pictures commonly introduced into the Bible, as being mere crea- tions of fancy and the imagination, often unlike nature, and frequently conveying false impressions, cannot be urged against the pictorial illustrations of this volume. Here the fine arts are made subservient to utility, the landscape views being, without an exception, matter-of-fact views of places mentioned in Scripture, as they apjtcar at the present day ,- thus in many instances exhibiting, in the most forcible manner, to the eve, the strict and literal fulfilment of the remarkable prophecies ; " the present ruined and desolate condition of the cities of Babylon, Nineveh, Selah. unroot one <>t tho most fondly cherished •ml d*n*rrn>i» of all anoint or m'«l< ess. guch a work, armed with hi* own *rmh. and doing ftVrce and mccravful bettln wrainM i which would tiring Hi* " .f Soman rcsjKin.fornmdeinnationsinil unnihilaiioii.— Alb. Spectator LIPPINCOTT, GKAMBO & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. €\)i Cirrgij of Slnurita: CONSISTING OF ANECDOTES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE CHARACTER OF MINISTERS OF RELI- GION IN THE UNITED STATES, BY JOSEPH BELCHER, D. D. f Editor of "The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller," " Robert Hall," Sec. "This verv interesting and instructive ro'lerMcm of pleasing and solemn remembrances of many pious men, illustrates the character of the day in which thoy iived, and defines the men more clearly than very elaborate essays." — Baltimore American. ■ We regard the collection as highly interesting, and judiciously made."— Presbyterian. JOSEPHUS'S (FLAVIUS) WORKS, FAMILY EDITION. BY THE LAT2 WILLIAM WHISTON, A. M. FROM THE LAST LONDON EDITION, COMPLETE. One volume, beautifully illustrated with Steel Plates, and the only readable edition published in this country. As a matter of course, every family in our country has a copy of the Holy Bible ; and as the pre- emption is that the greater portion often consult its pages, we take the liberty of saying to all those that do, that the perusal of the writings of Josephus will be found very interesting and instructive. All those who wish to possess a beautiful and correct copy of this valuable work, would do well to purchase this edition. It is for sale at all the principal bookstores in the United States, and by country merchants generally in the Southern and Western States. Also, the above work in two volumes. BURDENS VILLAGE SERMONS; Or, 101 Plain and Short Discourses on the Principal Doctrines of the Gospel INTENDED FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES, SUNDAY-SCHOOLS, OR COMPANIES ASSEM- BLED FOR RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION IN COUNTRY VILLAGES. BY GEORGE BURDER. To which is added to each Sermon, a Short Prayer, with some General Prayers for Families, Schools, Ac, at the end of the work. 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L&U Pastor of the Sixth Pretbyterian Church, Philadelphia; and the 1'ienbytenan Church Natchez, Miss. One volume, 12mo. 8 LIPPLNCOTT, GRAMBO & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. SPLENDID LIBRARY EDITIONS. ILLUSTRATED STANDARD POETS. ELEGANTLY PRINTED, ON FINE PAPER, AND UNIFORM IN SIZE AND STYLE. The following Editions of Standard British Poets are illustrated with numerous Steel Engravings, and may be had in all varieties of binding. BYRON'S WORKS. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME, OCTAVO. INCLUDING ALL HIS SUPPRESSED AND ATTRIBUTED POEMS; WITH SIX BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS. This edition has been carefully compared with the recent London edition of Mr. Murray, and nude complete by the addition of more than fifty pages of poems heretofore unpublished in Eng- land. Among these there are a number that hare never appeared in any American edition; and the publishers believe they are warranted in saying that this is the most complete edition of Lord B/ron's Poetical Works ever published in the United States. % fJottiml Wmh tf Mrs. iktwtts. Complete in one volume, octavo ; with seven beautiful Engravings. This is a new and complete edition, with a splendid engraved likeness of Mrs. Hemans, on steei, and contains all the Poems in the last London and American editions. With a Critical Preface by Mr. Thatcher, of Boston. "As no work in the English language can be commended with more confidence, it will argue bad taste in a female in this country to be without a complete edition of the writings of one who was an honour to her sex and to humanity, and whose productions, from first to last, contain no syllable calculated to call a blush to the cheek of modesty and virtue. There is, moreover, in Mrs. Hemans's poetry, a moral purity and a religious feeling which commend it, in an especial manner, to the dis- criminating reader. No parent or guardian will be under the necessitj:of imposing restrictions to the free perusal of every production emanating from this gifted woman. There > throughout the whole a most eminent exemption from impropriety of thought or diction ; and there is at times a pensiveness of tone, a winning sadness in her more serious compositions, which tells of a soul which has been lifted from the contemplation of terrestrial things, to divine •winnings with beings of a purer world." MILTON, YOUNG, GRAY, BEATTIE, AND COLLINS'S POETICAL WORKS. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME, OCTAVO. WITH SIX BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS. Comper mi fijinmsim's $xm nniJ ^nrfiral Stork COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME, OCTAVO. mclading two hundred and fifty Letters, and sundry Poems of Cowper, never before published in this country ; and of Thomson a new and interesting Memoir, and upwards of twenty new Poems, for the first time printed from his own Manuscripts, taken from a late Edition of the Aldine Poets, now publishing in London. WITH SEVEN BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS. The distinguished Professor Silliman. speakinir of this edition, observes : " I am as much (-ratified by the elegance and fine taste of your edition, as by the nol.lo tribute of genius and Moral sTcnl- i dclightfol authors have lea for all future generations ; ami Cowper, ei«p«MaHr, i as • true Christian, moralist and teacher, than aa a poet of great power and 9 LIPl'INGOTT, GRAMBO & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROGERS, CAMPBELL, IV50NTG0MERY, LAMB, AND KIRKE WHITE. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME, OCTAVO. WITH SIX BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS. The beauty, correctness, ami convenience of this favourite edition of these standard authors are go well known, that it is scarcely necessary to add a word in its favour. It is only necessary to say, that the publishers have now issued an illustrated edition, which greatly enhances its former value. The engravings are excellent and well selected. It is the best library edition extant CRABBE, HEBER, AND POLLOK'S POETICAL WORKS. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME, OCTAVO. WITH SIX BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS. A writer in the Boston Traveller holds the following language with reference to these valuable editions :— * Mr. Editor : — I wish, without any idea of puffing, to say a word or two Upon the ' Library of English Poets' that is now published at Philadelphia, by Lippincott, Grambo &. Co. It is certainly, taking into consideration the elegant manner in which, it is printed, and the reasonable price at which it is afforded to purchasers, the best edition of the modern British Poets that has ever been published in tins country. Each volume is an octavo of about 500 pages, double columns, steneo- typed. and accompanied with fine engravings and biographical sketches; and most of them are reprinted from Galignani's French edition. As to its value, we need only mention that it contain* the entire works of Montgomery, Gray. Beattie, Collins, Byron, Cowper, Thomson. Milton, Voiing, Rogers, Campbell, Lamb, Hemans, Heber, Kirke White, Crabbe, the Miscellaneous Works of Gold- smith, and other masters of the lyre. The publishers are doing a great service by their publication, and their volumes are almost in as great demand as the fashionable novels of the day; and they deserve to be so : for they are certainly printed in a style superior to that in which we have before had the works of the English Poets." No library can be considered complete without a copy of the above beautiful and cheap editions of the English Poets; and persons ordering all or any of them, will please say Lippincott, Grambo k. Co.'s illustrated editions. A COMPLETE lirfiotmrt] of {Med denotations: COMPRISING THE MOST EXCELLENT AND APPROPRIATE PASSAGES IN THE OLD BRITISH POETS; WITH CHOICE AND COPIOUS SELEC- TIONS FROM THE BEST MODERN BRITISH AND AMERICAN POETS. EDITED BY SARAH JOSEPHA HALE. As nightingales do upon glow-worms feed, Se iwets live upon the living light Of Nature and of Beauty. Bailey's Festut. Beautifully illustrated with Engravings. In one super-royal octavo volume, in various bindings. The publishers extract, from the many highly complimentary notices of the above valuable and beautiful work, the following : "We have at last a volume of Poetical Quotations worthy of the name. It contains nearly six btmdred octavo rages, carefirny aiu] tastefully selected from nil the home and foreign authors of celebrity. It is invaluable to a writer, while to the ordinary reader it presents every subject at a — Godey's Lady's Book. "The plan or Idea of Mrs H:.lc's work is felicitous. It is one for which her r i»- taste, her Order!/ babitxof mind, and h>*r long occupation with and tho- roughly has she accomplished her t n^k in th« work before us." — SarUan'i Mai "It ism choice eetteetion of poetical extracts from every English and American author worth l*rusift£. f Chancer to the present time." - VtVu^mv/or. -There is nothing negative about this work ; it is pontivrlv good."— Eii-nmg Bulletin. 10 LIPPINCOTT, GRAMllO & CO. '8 PUBLICATIONS. THE DIAMOND EDITION OF BYRON. THE POETICAL WORKS BF LORD BYRON, WITH A SKETCH OF HIS LIFE. COMPLETE IN ONB NEAT DUODECIMO VOLUME, WITH STEEL PLATES. The type of thw edition is so perfect, and it is pnnted with so much care, on fine white paper, that it can be read with as much ease as most of the larger editions. This work is to be had in plain and superb binding, making a beautiful volume for a gift " TV Porttcal Works of Ijttrd Byron, complete m one volume ; published by L., G. & Co., Phila- delphia v\e bamrd nomine in saying thai, take it altogether, this is the most elegant work ever ii ilie American press. '•'In a Mii?le volume, not larger than an ordinary dn<*)ecimo. the publishers have embraced the whole of Lord Byron's Poems, usually printed in ten or twelve volumes; and, what is more remark- able, have done it with a type so clear and distinct, that, notwithstanding its necessarily smali .size, it may lie read with the uimos! facility, even by failing eyes. The book is stereotyped ; and never have we seen » n of that art. Everything about it is perfect — the paper, the prmt- e bindins, all correspond with each other; and it is embellished with two line engravings, Hthy lite companionship in which they are placed, lis will make a beautiful Christmas present. 44 We extract the above from Godey's Lady's Book. The notice itself, we are given to understand. is written by Mrs. Hale. uive U> udd >.ur commendation in favour of this beautiful volume, a copy of which has been sent SB by the publishers '1 lis admirers of the noble bard will feel obliged to the enterprise nut prompted ine publishers to dare a competition with the numerous editions Of his works already in circulation: and we shall be surprised if this convenient travelling edition does not in a great degree su|iersede the use of the large octavo works, winch have little advantage in size ana openness of type, and are much inferior in the qualities of portability and lightness." — ItUeltiyencer. THE DIAMOND EDITION OF MOORE. (CORRBSI'OXDISO WITH BTKON.) THE POETICAL WORKS 0? THOMAS MOORE, COLLECTED BY HIMSELF. COMPLETE IN ONB VOLUME. Tnis work is published uniform with Byron, from the last London edition, and is the most com- plete printed in the country. THE DIAMOND EDITION OF SHAKSPEARE, (COMPLETE in one volume,) INCLUDING A SK3TOH OP HIS LIFE. UNIFORM WITH BYRON AND MOORE. TBS ABOVE WORKS CAN BE HAD IN SEVERAL VARIETIES Of BINDINS. GOLDSMITH'S ANIMATED NATURE. IN TWO VOLUMES, OCTAVO. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH 385 PLATES. CONTATNTNO A HISTORY OP THE EARTH. ANIMALS, BIROS. AND FISHES; FORMING THE MOST COMPLETE NATURAL HISTORY EVER PUBLISHED. This ■ B work that should be in the library of every family, having been written by one of Mm snost talented author* in the English lang oaro. can never bt made obsolete while delicate renins, exquisite feeling, fine invention, metre, and the happiest diction, are at all valued." BIGLAND'S NATURAL HISTORY Reptiles, and Insects. Illustrated with numerous and beautiful Hr TOHN HKJI.AN'P. author of a " View of the World." " I - fo.v-rsal History." Sue Complete in I vol . l5»mo 11 LIPP1NC0TT, GIIAMBO & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. THE POWER AND PROGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. 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