GIFT OF Pi * PESKY PROBLEMS for POSITIVE PREACHERS I do not ask For easy task, I crave not fame or power; I ask to serve Humanity In Mankind's darkest hour. J. M. B. PESKY PROBLEMS for POSITIVE PREACHERS By JAMES MCGREGOR BEATTY Author of "Illustrious Madmen of the Ages," Etc. Published by The TORCH PRESS Inc. NEW YORK 1921 Address all communications to James McGregor Beatty, 245 N. Hope, Los Angeles, Cal. Copyright, 1921 By JAMES MCGREGOR BEATTY Los Angeles, Cal. J. F. Rowny Press, Los Angeles . [iv] DEDICATION This little book of " Pesky Problems" is given to the world in the name of Truth, some of its sentences being dic- tated by my father in spirit, who in earth life was a "Positive Preacher. " We join with loving affection in dedicat- ing this book, as a well-earned tribute, to MY MOTHER, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Beatty, my helper and co-worker in the cause of Truth. JAMES MCGREGOR BEATTY. 442725 Men are four : He who knows, and knows he knows, He is wise follow him. He who knows, and knows not he knows, He is asleep wake him. He who knows not, and knows not he knows not, He is a fool shun him. He who knows not, and knows he knows not, He is a child teach him. Arabian Proverb. [vi] INTRODUCTION The author has a desire to bring before his readers the facts herein, not alone for the purpose of producing evidence of the sad lack of real knowledge regarding the subject of continuity of life, nor by reason of the posi- tive positions taken by most of the clergymen upon a subject (by their own admission), entirely unknown to them ; for genuine knowledge is unobtainable from them ; but, specially for the purpose of proving, if possible, to the reader, that there is NO death; and to show that life beyond so-called " death, " is absolutely a scientific- ally proven fact. This, however, can only be proven in- dividually by research and study, just the same as the student would prove any other scientific subject. The writer well understands the natural scepticism of the persons who are entirely ignorant of this branch of Science. But, if a man or woman be ignorant of everything per- taining to this greatest of all subjects, and has never truly investigated Spiritualism, it would seem to follow that such opinion should count for naught, but this is not generally the case. In a gathering of unscientific people, where the conversation turns to Astronomy, Chemistry, or the Radio Telephone, all who have not studied these subjects will reply, "I'm interested, but I haven't gone into the subject very far;" or, "It's wonderful, but it's too deep for me." Just mention Spiritualism, however, or ''Life after Death," or "Psychical Research," and all those who have not even studied the subject, or investigated it, profess to know absolutely what CAN be done, and what cannot be done ; or, if it is to be done at all it must be accomplished as [vii] viii PESKY PROBLEMS FOB POSITIVE PREACHERS they suggest or they will not believe in it; for, "they have seen these things exposed in the movies." This class of people exhibit ignorance of the subject, but the sad part of it is, that a large proportion of so- called religious persons are the most insistent that it is absolutely unprovable. Surely their opinion cannot be of real value, for they have no knowledge, according to their own admission. If this book does nothing more than influence some reader to realize that there is NO INFALLIBILITY on any subject ; and discovery of this, leads him to inquiry and investigation if I can so inspire YOU, I shall be greatly repaid for my efforts. It must be admitted that all should be interested in this subject, regardless of one's rank, creed, color, or even the religion we find ourselves affiliated with; for after all, one's religious belief is generally the result of up-bringing. On the other hand, one's religious knowl- edge is generally the effect of past experience, as the result of a desire for the truth. The searcher must show a willingness to forget all previous creeds, and dogmas, in order to be able to think honestly for himself. Everyone who reads this printed page, like the entire human race, must one day lay down this mortal vehicle, this physical temple, and begin to function in another world ; it may, or it may not be, in a spiritual body, and on another plane. The question follows on what plane? This depends entirely upon ourselves our thoughts, our actions, and our life! We alone, can steer our own soul to the goal of life, here, and hereafter. We alone must give the smile or the helping hand. We alone can change our life in order to lift ourselves up to the highest plane; to the real Universal church anticipation, as forecast by the Christ himself. We alone must think our own thoughts, and live our own lives ! We alone must shape and mould our individual character, and bring it into harmony with the thoughts instilled into us by the INTRODUCTION ix Higher Powers. We alone MUST LIVE OUR OWN PHYSICAL LIFE! I, alone, can save myself from MYSELF ! The writer, years ago, belonged to a Psychical Re- search Society in which were represented many sects and religions, including the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Theosophist, Catholic, Jewish, Orthodox, and Buddhist. This association, with others, opened my eyes to the fact that a person 's religion has not one thing to do with Life's Futurity; all of these religions definitely teach us to believe in an after life, yet the Spiritualist Religion is the only one asked to prove scientifically, beyond dispute, its religious teachings. No one ever suggests asking a Methodist to prove beyond question that his friends " passed on," are NOT still interested in the world they live in. A Baptist preacher has not one iota of proof that his dead friends are not functioning in another world. The Catholic religion teaches that a true servant of the church must take the word of the priest, as beyond question, that the loved ones gone on, are in or out of Purgatory, and are now suffering, or happy. None how- ever, leave Purgatory, until their friends have paid well for their release, by means of priestly prayers. The Orthodox Church of today is not giving knowl- edge of the Life after Death as taught by Christ! is not even giving guidance to that end; therefore, those of us, who want to know, must necessarily seek elsewhere than in the orthodox Theology for information as to Futurity. Let all who are truly desirous of learning the truth of religion, and the principles governing earth life, come out boldly and examine, so far as God has given him the mental ability, those facts in Nature from which he can deduce the will of God. These facts can be very easily verified by the honest inquirer today, despite the fact that this is discouraged by some of the so-called Christian Churches. x PESKY PROBLEMS FOB POSITIVE PREACHERS The Biblical proof (if such it may be called), is liter- ally accepted, by many as really happening and as de- tailed many hundreds of years ago ; others again, oppose it as unproven today, in the light of scientific investiga- tion. Millions believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and that Jesus, Peter, James and John saw Moses and Elias after they had been dead many hundreds of years; yet, when told that this very thing can be seen today in Psychical Circles all over the world, they refuse to believe it. Even though such scientists as Sir Oliver Lodge, Flammarion, Sir Win. Crooks and "Wallace have studied these phenomena IN THEIR OWN HOMES. Bible students will constantly dwell on the thought that Peter spoke while in trance, but illogically refuse to admit that trance speaking is today proven (the world over) to millions of thoughtful, intelligent men and women. When told that the writer has had proofs, absolute and undeniable, in the privacy of his own home, that there is NO death, unbelieving friends sneer and laugh, claiming them to be only pure imagination, wondering and even suggesting that he cannot really believe * ' such stuff!" Can anyone imagine a student of Astronomy, who really wanted to obtain knowledge of that science, refus- ing to look through a solar telescope? Can we believe it, if told that a student of Chemistry refuses to listen to the expert scientists who are prepared to teach him its mysteries, and who possess the knowledge to do so? or refusing to make personal experiments to verify the theories of Elementary Chemistry! I cannot imagine a student taking the standpoint that, because his profes- sors know all about his particular science, the student himself is justified in refusing to study, personally, on the grounds that the professor's knowledge was evidence sufficient. INTRODUCTION xi Neither can I imagine anyone seeking to know about "life after Death " refusing to avail himself of what- ever opportunities offer for investigation and study, simply because certain preachers claim to know all about it, and assert that as they are specially selected to ex- pound and dogmatize on religious subjects laymen are not qualified to learn about such things; or that it is impossible to find out about them without being invested with power by a bishop, or other clerical dignitary. Few preachers know anything about the life beyond the grave ! Then why leave this great subject longer in their hands alone? The watchword of the Christian Church of the future must be "SERVICE" instead of sect or creed. FACTS, must guide instead of fantasy ; and we MUST BELIEVE THAT WE HAVE KNOWLEDGE instead of believ- ing that if we have Faith we need not knowledge. "Seek and ye shall find" was the command of the Great Teacher of Life, and Love, to all mankind. Let nothing, therefore, hamper your freedom of thought! Read, study and think, for if you are to advance, no one can do your thinking for you ; no one can work out scientific or other problems in your own consciousness! That is your individual responsibility, your present and and future development! In the face of facts that to me, are indisputable, I cannot accept the average preach- er's dictum about the condition of the soul and spirit after they leave the body in the course of transition, from the earth life to the spiritual continuity. Many refuse to study or even investigate these matters. The Medieval Church taught that kings rule by Divine Right, but this teaching by the church was wrong, as it was promulgated for the sole purpose of absolute con- trol of the nations by Papal authority. The Church taught that Slavery was right because it was practiced in Biblical times. Now, we know that the teachings of the church and the interpretations placed upon the Bible xii PESKY PROBLEMS FOB POSITIVE PREACHERS were both wrong. Thus the Church taught us that all there is to know about a future life must come through the clergy of the church, as they interpreted the Bible. If we are to believe fallacious theories we must admit the power of God has failed ; and that a few Jews over nineteen hundred years ago received the last teachings ever to be given to mortal man about the soul. If we believe that we are incompetent to use our own brain power, and that God cannot train us to obey His will, without the intervention of church guidance, it follows that, if we try to find out any more about truth, "The Devil will get us!" Let us get away from such foolishness! It is a good thing for us poor mortals that God created great minds, thinkers, teachers, and exponents of True religion, and that they refused to be hand-cuffed, bound and gagged, mentally, or we should still be believing those false teachings, mendacious and selfishly devised doctrines. For over twenty years I was an active member of tho Christian church, yet during that time it was never brought home to me that there was a veritable, existent spiritual world, leading one on to Immortal life. Nor was evidence produced that man had a soul, although I sought earnestly for such evidence. After investi- gating for many years in the various fields of hierh^r thought, I found satisfactory, and I may honestly say. undoubted evidence in many startling ways, that man has a living soul. I received supernormal proof that THERE IS NO DEATH! Therefore, I submit to you, that, if you as an individual desire to learn the Truth, and seek it with the intensity I did, you will receive power that will place you within the ethereal flood of Divine Truth itself; you will awaken to a sense of your own share in the Divinity of God. You will know and feel per- INTRODUCTION xiii sonally the Truth "and the Truth shall make you free." May this freedom from prejudice guide you in the read- ing of these pages. Give us Love and give us Laughter, And a hand-clasp firm and true. Give us Help and lend us Courage, For the task 'tis ours to do. Give us Facts instead of Fancy, Show us Truth instead of Creed, Give us Love and Light and Kindness ; SERVICE, is the world's great need. J. M. B. xiv Table of Contents INTRODUCTION vii THERE Is LIFE AFTER DEATH 17 THE DEAD Do COMMUNICATE 29 WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 52 HELL-FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 81 SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 101 "LET THERE BE LIGHT , .124 [XV] COMPARATIVELY SPEAKING. THEN St. Matthew, 12, 22. "Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David? 1 But when the Phari- sees heard it, they said, This fellow does not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the Prince of devils. And Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought desolation ; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: AND IF SATAN CAST OUT SATAN HE IS DIVIDED AGAINST HIMSELF; HOW SHALL THEN HIS KING- DOM STAND? AND IF I BY BEELZEBUB CAST OUT DEVILS, BY WHOM DO YOUR CHILDREN CAST THEM OUT? There- fore they shall be your judges. BUT IF I CAST OUT DEVILS BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD, THEN THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS COME UNTO YOU. NOW A sincere medium was giving Spirit messages, and it was good. And he helped many weary hearted, giving them comfort and a knowl- edge that we all live after the change called death. And the people were amazed at the marvelous tests given by the medium, and said: "This fellow does not give this in- formation, but by the power of the devil. He is aided by demons." But the medium knew their thoughts and said unto them: "A king- dom divided against itself cannot stand. IF THE DEVIL CAN HEAL AND GIVE TRUE SPIRIT MES- SAGES AND PROPHESY HE IS DIVIDED AGAINST HIMSELF. HOW SHALL THEN HIS KINGDOM STAND? And if the medium does these things by the power of the devil, by whom do the preachers do these things? All are known by their works. BUT IF THE MEDIUMS DO THESE THINGS BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD, THEN THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS ALREADY COME UPON US. xvi THERE IS LIFE AFTER DEATH 'HY has this momentous question been asked through countless generations? Why have similar questions exercised the minds of indi- viduals as well as philosophers, thinkers, and scientists for ages ? The scientific mind, whose soul craved knowl- edge of facts, sought, asked them, with a desire for the truth. The truly religious mind, weighted with priestly dogma and a sectarian desire to uphold its individual creed, asked them with a doubting fear of the possibility of learning that it might be mistaken in what it thought to be the truth ; knowing that if it received an absolute, authoritative answer, it would necessarily mean a re- linquishment of its former beliefs, or a development of indifference to any knowledge regarding life beyond the veil. Why does it seem necessary to investigate these great questions; "Is the soul or spirit conscious after death? And can it communicate with the living ? ' ' Has not every ancient religion taught it? If we are to believe the leaders of religious thought in the ages before Christ, even down to the present day, spirit communication is, and always has been an accepted fact. Many make the error of thinking that mediumship, or the power to com- municate with those who have passed away, and whom we call the dead, is alone claimed for and controlled by Spiritualists or their churches. Few Methodists are aware that John Wesley was a Spiritualist ; and that the phenomena of spiritualism took place in his parsonage at Epworth, England, but it is beyond dispute ! Further, a noted English Bishop, War- [17] 18 PESK;Y PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS - burton fey- name, specially mentions certain strange ' ' rap- - pings and noises' 7 , as "warnings from Providence against 'Metnddismi. '''. He also charged John Wesley with "un- scripturally healing the sick;" and he persecuted him in every possible way, just as many Methodists would today persecute Spiritualists. Dr. Adam Clarke, the famous Methodist commen- tator, testified to the truth of such manifestations, when he said, "I believe there is a supernatural and spiritual world, in which human spirits, both good and bad, live in a state of consciousness. I believe that any of these spirits may, according to the order of God, in the laws of their place of residence, have intercourse with this world, and become visible to mortals. " Trace the origin of every religion and you will find that all have emanated from spiritual manifestations, and developed by the use of gifts now called medium- istic ; it is practically certain that all religions have been leaders in actual communication with the spirit world, and presumably with the spirits of the so-called dead. The Founder of the Quaker religion was a Spiritual- ist, John Fox by name, and he both spoke in trance and saw visions. The Mormon bible was given to the people of Nephi in a series of visions and dreams. Buddha was the son of a king, and the founder of Buddhism, which now, almost three thousand years after his death, has more followers than any other religion, or any religious teacher in the world, including Christi- anity. The country of his birth, India, is the only one in the world that now has the same religion that it had at the birth of Christ, except Palestine. Gautama, as this Asiatic prince was called, was a spir- itualist (as we understand the term), conversed with spirits, and was told by a celestial messenger that he would go out into the world, and become the Saviour and Redeemer of the world. The Gospel of Buddha, Chapter 7, page 15, says: THERE Is LIFE AFTER DEATH 19 "Thou shalt be the Buddha, our Master and our Lord. Thou wilt enlighten the world and save mankind from perdition. Having thus spoken THE VISION VAN- ISHED, and his soul was filled with peace. " There- fore the hundreds of millions of Buddhists in the world today, thirty centuries after the death of their leader, owe their religion to the psychic ability and the medium- istic powers of Guatama, the enlightened teacher! Is this not historical proof of scientific communication be- tween this and other worlds? The Koran of Mohammed is replete with visions, dreams and prophecy. Zoroaster, the great Persian re- ligious leader, was warned in visions and communicated with spirits. Then he must have been a spiritualist. Laotze, China's religious leader went into the spirit world in trance and conversed with his ancestors, and from them now get this point! FROM THEM (in the Spirit world) he received the principal ideas in his new religion. Madame Blavatsky, the founder of Modern Theosophy, was a medium; although some still deny it, there is absolute proof, and through her wonderful occult gifts she founded this great cult, which has spread over the world. "The Roman Catholic church has always taught the existence of spirits, ' ' says Father Vaughan, a learned Catholic theologian of England; he further states, "And the possibility of their communicating with us has always been taught by the Catholic church. To do so, nothing more is needed than the will of God." Does not the Catholic church teach the Communion of Saints? Thus, the leaders and the followers of this world religion teach, and believe, that communication between the two worlds is an established fact. This church claims that it is founded on the Apostle Peter, so let us look up some of his Psychical experi- ences. In the Catholic bible (Douay Version, chap. 10 of the Acts, 9th to 20th verses, we read, "And on the 20 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS next day, while they were going on their journey, and drawing nigh to the city, Peter went up to the higher parts of the house to pray, about the sixth hour. And being hungry, he was desirous to taste somewhat. And as they were preparing, there came upon him an ecstasy of mind. And he saw the heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending, as it were a great linen sheet let down by the four corners from heaven to the earth. Wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts and creep- ing things of the earth and fowls of the air. AND THERE CAME A VOICE TO HIM, " Arise, Peter, kill and eat. ' ' And Peter said : * ' Far be it from me ; for I never did eat anything common and unclean." And the voice spoke to him again the second time: "That which God hath cleansed, do not thou call common !" And this was done thrice; and presently the vessel was taken up into Heaven! Now, while Peter was doubting within himself, what the vision that he had seen should in 'an. behold the men who were sent from Cornelius, inquiring for Simon's house, stood at the gate. And as Peter was thinking of the vision, THE SPIRIT SAID TO HIM, "behold three men seek thee. Arise, therefore, get thee down and go with them, doubting nothing; for I have sent them." Now, for the more skeptical ones, who still doubt that Peter was a Spiritualist, and talked with Spirits (just as honest mediums do today), let us consider further the llth chap., same page, same book, same Bible, and read what Peter is reported as saying. He is telling the multi- tude in Jerusalem that the Gentiles have, through him, received the word of God, and is defending his action in having received the Gentiles into the Church. He says, "AND I HEARD A VOICE SAYING TO ME, ARISE PETER, KILL AND EAT. And I said : Not so Lord, for nothing common or unclean hath entered into my mouth. ' ' The 12th verse : ' ' AND THE SPIRIT SAID UNTO ME, that I should go with them, nothing doubting. ' ' THERE Is LIFE AFTER DEATH 21 The 12th Chap, goes into detail about Peter being cast into prison, and about his spiritual and bodily deliver- ance by an angel. The 6th verse reads: "And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and the keepers before the door, kept the prison. ' ' 8th verse; "And the angel said unto him, gird thyself "and put on thy sandals/' And he did so ! And he said unto him, * ' cast thy garment about thee, and follow me. ' ' And the 9th verse proves that Peter was a trance medium and obeyed the voice, for it says, "And going out, he followed him, AND HE KNEW NOT THAT IT WAS TRUE WHICH WAS DONE BY THE ANGEL ; but thought he saw a vision. And when the angel led Peter out into the street, he immediately departed from him. ' ' And the llth verse again shows that he was entranced when it states, "And Peter coming to himself, said: Now I know in very deed, that the Lord has sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod. ' ' Can anyone imagine a clergyman of today getting so close as Peter did to a demon, a literal Devil as many in the church of today consider spirits? If our modern clergymen were in prison, I wonder if they would wave back the angel, with a profound gesture of self-satisfied egotism, and say: "Get thee behind me Satan." And when the angel would say: "Get your coat, and put on your shoes and follow me, ' ' would Mr. Clergyman throw back his shoulders and reply, "No ! Mr. Devil, you can't fool me; I know YOU! If you really want to help me now that I am in trouble, if you want to prove that you are a REAL angel, and that you can really communi- cate with me, then stop talking about my coat and shoes. Give me a talk about the jasper walls and the golden streets or something else of importance. Please stop talking about such unimportant things as my shoes or my garments." The Rev. Dr. C. E. Locke, in denying Spirit manipulation, says: "The only alleged messages from the other world have been unimportant. I think 22 PESKY PROBLEMS FOB POSITIVE PREACHERS if it were possible for the so-called dead to communi- cate with us, they would not send trivial messages." Here is one of Methodism's greatest preachers telling just what kind of messages should come from the other world. A case of the Blind leading the Blind. To me it would not make one particle of difference, were I try- ing to talk with Mars or any distant planet, if I received a message which read: " Rub-a-Dub-Dub, " or "The Flowers that bloom in the Spring," the all important question in my mind would be, "DID I GET AN ACTUAL MESSAGE?" Was it absolute fact that I had received an intelligent, audible evidence, so con- vincing as to prove to me that communication had occurred ? Were I to go to a medium who said to me: "Your father in the spirit world comes to me with this mes- sage for you, his son. You were going to a picnic last Saturday, but it rained; I wished on that day to be with you, and I want you to get a new pair of tennis running shoes, and go in the next race for amateur championship." It might mean very little to a clergy- man, but it would mean worlds to me, for it would prove to me that my father was alive (not asleep awaiting the trumpet call of Gabriel on the Resurrection morning), and that he had already risen to a higher life, when he threw off the material or physical body. That ONE fact, would be worth more than all the orthodox nr mons I ever heard about belief and faith. That's knowl- edge ! It would prove that my father was still a thinking entity, with the memory that I had a weakness for tennis shoes and especially at picnics or outings; that he had a conscious knowledge, even though he had been * * dead ' ' for many years; he still remembered my ambition to run in a certain great race, which would decide who was the champion of our town. This would mean more to me than a long-winded discourse on the golden streets ; or a clerical effort to prove to me that five of the virgins THERE Is LIFE AFTER DEATH 23 were wise and five were foolish, although I admit we ought to be much interested in giving knowledge to all those foolish virgins who wait until the last moment to trim their lamps. All through the ages everything the churches could not explain, or understand, they called the POWER OF THE DEVIL, and yet Science proves many powers, which, when studied, understood, and properly applied are benefactions to all mankind. Less than twenty-five years ago the men who first theorized on a flying machine were considered insane. Yet the U. S. Government recently spent a Thousand Million Dollars for airplanes. It is an accomplished fact, and where are the scoffers of those days? Marconi has proven that we can talk through the air WITHOUT wires, and considers that we may soon talk with other planets, such as Mars, forty million miles away. Light travels through the ether at a speed that would take it seven times around the world in a second. Scientists laughed at Marconi and his wireless, although they knew this fact, but he was impressed (possibly by spirit guidance), with a certainty that it could be done, and did it! Now where are the scoffers? When Benjamin Franklin was flying kites trying to discover something about the electrical forces which ap- parently ran uncontrolled through the atmosphere, he was condemned by the church, " because to do this was taking the power away from God" and they empha- sized the argument by saying, "that if God had intended us to use electricity, He would have made it plain in His Word, therefore there was no good reason for search- ing ! ' ' The argument did not carry weight, and it is very noticeable today that even the good clergymen use the electric light. There are now no scoffers! It is also notable that the good members of the church eat bread, made from flour ground by a machine that our ancestors called the power of the devil. Today we recog- nize the mill as a blessing. Many well informed people 24 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS remember reading in the press that certain clergymen in this great United States of America refused the use of their churches, in which to hold mass meetings, to discuss the building of railroads; basing such refusal, on the ground that God did not make it plain in His Word that we should use steam engines, and therefore the church could not sanction, or discuss such an under- taking. There are no scoffers today! The Bible dealt with the life and thoughts of ages long past, and no mention appears of the electric light, the piano, the typewriter, the telephone, the wireless telegraph, airships, submarines, the adding machine, pho- tography, and many other wonderful things our present civilization now uses and enjoys, to the advantage and prosperity of all. None of these were made plain in God's Word, nor was it explained just how we were to use them, or how to construct them. NO. Certainly not! yet God inspired the designing of them and ira\v the knowledge to the brains that evolved their construc- tion. The man would be considered a fool today, who for such a reason, would not condescend to use them and profit thereby. Where in the Bible does it give the information about ho motion picture projection machine, by which media countless millions over the world have been interested, educated and ;nnus<> i The Noon-day of Life, Oh, how bountiful. Feasting, a repast rare, Am I partaking now of joys And of Knowledge, laid bare By a Master? The Evening of Life, Oh, how sorrowful. If TRUTH found not a way Into the inner heart, the Soul With penetrating ray Of a Master. The Night-side of Life, Oh, how dutiful. When Peace and Joy and Love Supremely rule the Soul, the heart Then beats with One above Called the Master. J. M. B. 51 WHERE IS HEAVEN? [NISTERS have assured their congregations for hundreds of years that all who are saved by the blood of Jesus will go direct to a place called heaven. The Catholic Church teaches that the dead in Purgatory can be assisted by the prayers and good works of the faithful on earth. I quote the following from a Catholic pamphlet: "Purgatory in the light of Reason," which harmonizes with spiritualistic teachings, and with Justice, ' 'Which seems to demand Purgatory" (which spiritualists call Astral world). "You will be astonished at the frequency of God's declared promise to reward or punish ACCORDING TO ONE'S WORKS. Therefore, some will be punished longer and more sevcrly than others ; and how will this be if there be no punish- ment but hell ? Matthew V, verse 26, speaks of a prison house in the other world from which there is no exit until the last farthing will have been paid; Heaven is not a prison house, and no last farthing can be paid in hell ; therefore, Matthew must refer to another place. Call it what you please; Catholics call it Purgatory." Now let us consider Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher's arguments. He is the pastor of the Temple Baptist Church of Los Angeles, which claims to have one of the largest congregations, if not the greatest member ship of any Baptist Church in the United States. On Jan- uary 1, 1920, I commenced the New Year by writing to Dr. Brougher, and I quote some portions of the letter herewith in order that my readers may realize that I am not captious or unfair in asking and pressing for an opportunity to convince my clerical friend of his error of judgment. [52] WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 53 "It is with the greatest sincerity, purity of motive and enthusiasm that I write this letter to you, and I do trust you to accept the thoughts contained here in just the spirit in which they leave me. "On the 29th of last September I sent you a copy of my book, ' Illustrious Madmen of the Ages/ and I trust you have read it, though you did not acknowledge the receipt of the book. My father was a Presbyterian min- ister, and later an Evangelist, and I have been brought up with every advantage of a Christian home. I was a member of Dr. Locke 's church for years, but I felt myself compelled to leave the Methodist Church on account of the lack of intelligent interpretation regarding the 'after life;' this knowledge I had to get in ways that were not always pleasant to me; but after years of in- vestigation, reading and studying evidence of phe- nomena that have happened in my own home, I NOW KNOW that we live on after the change called death. I heard your sermon last summer, 'Do Spooks walk and talk?' (Apparently he did not even know that spooks are not actual spirits). You said NO! I say YES! I have seen spirit forms and heard spirit voices; and I believe that those Bible stories which record the trances, dreams, prophesy, healing, and other manifestations are not only possible, but are evidential here and now. Many of the noted clergymen of our country, as well as in Europe, are coming into the light of knowledge, and admitting that they are satisfied that we live on, and on, and that the facts of Spiritualism are true. "In the sermon that you preached against Spiritual- ism you unknowingly said many things that were not true. No one can get an insight into the 'unseen,' or into the great spiritual truths of life in a few weeks, months, or years. The knowledge comes only after years of bodily effort, spiritual self -searching, and the sincere desire of the soul to get actual proof. "I believe that "the fingers of a man's hand wrote on the wall in Belshazzer's palace." I believe that "Jesus, 54 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS Peter, James and John talked with Moses and Elias, who had been dead over a thousand years/' I believe that a "Jacob's Ladder Dream is being seen by millions of Spiritualists in the world today, and that the angels are Descending as well as Ascending." If God is "just the same today," and your Bible is true, then the woman of Endor was the "medium" who brought the spirit of Samuel to Saul and gave him a true message. "I believe also that 'Christianity Began with a Dream.' Did it not? "Listen! Math. 1-20, 'But while he (Joseph) thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him IN A DREAM, saying: Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee, Mary, thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.' "I believe that 'Peter in Joppa was in trance, and in his vision heard the words, 'Arise, Peter, Slay and eat.' I believe that 'Paul spoke with tongues and prophesied.' I believe the 12th chapter of 1st Corinthians, which begins with, 'Now concerning Spiritual things I would not have you ignorant.' Heb. 1-14 reads: 'Are they not ALL MINISTERING SPIRITS, sent forth to min- ister for them that shall be heirs of salvation. ' 1st John 4-1 says: Believe NOT every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God." Then there must be good spirits from God, as well as evil spirits. Open your mind for ONLY the BEST to manifest, and all will be well! I also believe that 'John on the Isle of Patmos WAS IN THE SPIRIT on the Lord's Day, and heard a great Voice. Now, Dr. Brougher, as President of the Francis Church of Truth, I hereby extend to you a most cordial invitation to attend our regular services on any Tuesday evening, as I know that you cannot come on Sunday night, to see for yourself that we do not answer questions in the manner that YOU said we did ! That Rev. Geo. Francis works simply by the power of Spirit to his brain, through the science of Psych- ometry, merely touching any article, placed on a table WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 55 by the people as they come in. See for yourself that there is no " switching, " as you said there was. All is done in the glare of electric lights. "We have regular church service, and will sing your favorite hymns. You will be welcome to our church, to occupy a seat on the platform, or to sit as an investigator in the audience; to come alone, or bring a delegation (and that would suit us fine), for then you would realize that we did not know your followers, and the tests would be more convincing. Place your OWN articles on the table, where they will remain in plain view, and IN the light. Or, write a question, you or your friends, place it on the table yourself ; get one of the independent messages, without the aid of material objects, through Psychometry. ' ' Come and see for yourself ; surely the TRUTH cannot be harmful to you, or to any of those who accompany you. You will be welcome, whether you notify us or not of your intended presence. We will reserve seats for you, if you care to attend and avail yourself of this opportunity, either publicly or privately, to prove for all time that the spirits of the so-called dead CAN and DO communicate with the living here, and now. I per- sonally write this letter in the spirit of helpfulness, as no one in this great scheme of life can well claim infal- libility. I think that you should know these facts! "Dr. Russell H. Conwell, pastor of the great Baptist church in Philadelphia, has had the courage to give to the world the story of how he conversed with the spirit of his dead wife, who had passed over more than thirty years ago. He proved that it was not by mental telep- athy, and that it was not the power of the Devil. That she maintained her identity, her memory, and was alive in a world of progression and activity. What a knowl- edge! 1 * I wish you had the proof that I have had ; also that I had the opportunity to sway the public mind that you have. Such a combination would do a great work for 56 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS good, for the Divine Cause. God's work here on earth would sooner be established, than by teaching and preaching about something you have not thoroughly in- vestigated. "I now leave this with you, and expect a reply to this letter, for you can but feel that it is written in the spirit of utmost friendliness, and with a hope that you will at least be open to conviction on this great subject, which is now taking the attention of the greatest minds on the planet today. I wish you the best of all things, greater spiritual light, greater insight into the so-called 'hidden* things of life. May we not have the pleasure of having you at some of our meetings soon? Let me hear from you on this matter. " I received no reply to this New Year letter up to the 28th of January, 1920, on which date I wrote again as follows: "Dear Dr. Brougher. Some time ago I wrote you a letter regarding an invitation to the Francis Church of Truth, Spiritualist, in the Majestic Theatre Building, Los Angeles, Cal. I am disappointed at not getting a reply. I want an answer to that letter, Dr. Brougher, and I expect it, for I want you to see that we do not answer sealed questions in the manner you said we did in your sermon on 'Do spooks walk and talk?' I think you owe it to the principle of justice; for you were certainly unfair (as thousands know here in Los Angeles), when you made that assertion, and I also want an answer to those questions I put to you. If you do not care to come in person, please send a personal representative, or a delegation, who will be treated with the greatest respect and cordiality; let him or them see that Mr. Geo. Francis, the pastor, reads by the Spirit, and that HE DOES NOT have the audience 'Fixed' in the manner you acknowledged having arranged with the members of your choir the night you preached that ser- mon against spiritualism. "If you think that we ARE 'fakes' and do not give real messages, do not get en rapport with the loved ones WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 57 passed on to greater activities, and that WE can do NOTHING without a 'Fixed 7 audience, then you are in a position to extend an invitation to Rev. George Francis of the Francis Church of Truth, to go to YOUR church, at any time you suggest, and give messages and tests from your platform! We are prepared to accept such an invitation as we hereby extend you and members of your church. We want YOU to either accept it or come to our services at any time you care to, and without notifying us, if you wish to thus safeguard yourself. "Remember, Dr. Brougher, this is sent in the best spirit and with the kindliest feelings, but with A BURN- ING DESIRE FOR THE TRUTH. What say you? We await with interest your reply! As President of the church, I personally extend you this invitation, and expect you to take action of some kind at once. Let me know just where you stand. Surely the truth cannot hurt you. Sincerely yours, James McGregor Beatty." On February 4, 1920, I received the following letter from Temple Baptist Church: "My dear Mr. Beatty. Your letter of January 28 came duly to hand. Dr. Brougher is away on a three weeks' vacation. He wanted me to say that he would be glad to accept your invita- tion (he does not say which one), if it were not for the fact that he is far too busy at present. Thanking you for the courtesy of the invitation, most sincerely, Henry Miles Cook" (Secy, to Dr. Brougher). After trying to see Dr. Brougher several times, I was informed that he was going East for a few weeks, so I rested until his return. But I was determined to get his ultimatum, and I did ! On March 21, 1920, I wrote a letter, the tenor of which was: "Dear Dr. Brougher. Am very glad you are back again in the land of sunshine and flowers, as I have waited a long time to write you again about the engagement I am so anxious for you to make with me, as set forth in my previous letters, regard- ing a visit to our services on the 8th floor of the Majestic Theatre Building. Your last letter stated that you would 58 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS be very glad to accept the invitation when you were not so busy, so I am writing you now, 'asking that you set a date far enough ahead that you are sure of it, and come down to see that we do not * Carry on' as you said we did! ' * It seems very strange to me that you can condescend to appear on your platform with Mr. Cunning, a self- confessed trickster, and publicly advertised 'fake me- dium,' and still refuse to come to a church where we are trying, with all our souls, to be of use to humanity ! I was in the audience on Thursday evening of the ' Cun- ning Week, ' when HE professed to expose Spiritualism ; YOU were called up on the platform to amplify this ex- hibition of exposing Spiritualism by his magical tricks. He was a trickster ! He admitted it ! He is still fooling the public! And he apparently pulled the wool over your eyes (maybe he didn't). "It may be of interest to you to learn that since the 'Cunning' farcical expose, our hall has become over- crowded; for the average educated layman knew just how every trick was accomplished ! I saw them exposed twenty years ago! Personally, I have never seen such fakes attempted in any spiritualist church in the land. Come to our services, and see that you and Cunning did us a great injustice in making those statements ; you cer- tainly did us no actual harm, for the truth will stand out forever ! "It is, I claim, a proven fact that all live after they pass out, and go on progressing after 'death!' Please do not make any more remarks about OUR methods until you have personally investigated them. We are ready and open at all times to have you search our methods and investigate in every way possible, and I hereby challenge you, and your statements made in public ! As I said before, this is done in the kindliest spirit and with only the best intentions, and surely the truth will not hurt you. Thanking you, and hoping to hear from you soon, I am cordially yours, James McGregor Beatty." WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 59 This brought the following verbatim letter from Dr. Brougher himself, dated March 25, 1920 : "My dear Mr. Beatty: I regret very much that I have neither the time nor the inclination to investigate FURTHER the subject mentioned in your letter of March 21st. I am too busy trying to help people who live in bodies here on earth, to spend my time MONKEY- ING with the Spirits of the departed dead. I have no objection to your doing it if you want to, BUT I HAVE NO TIME FOR IT. It will be a waste of paper and postage to have any further correspondence in regard to this matter. Yours most sincerely, J. Whitcomb Brougher. " Thus it is, my orthodox friends, that one of your re- puted leaders, pastor of one of the largest churches in the land, excuses himself from meeting opponents on the ground that he has no time for the great truths that Jesus laid down concerning the After Life ; no time for investigation of scientific knowledge as to the condition of the soul after death! He has no time to spend "Monkeying" with the spirits of the departed dead ! Time, however, is no object on the opposition side, for he lends his platform, and by his presence patronizes the stage tricks of an acknowledged trickster, when showing the public, how he posed as a "medium" in order to line his pockets and victimize credulous minds. The Rev. Dr. is apparently willing to seize any opportunity to prejudice seekers after truth (who might wish to become honest investigators), for fear they finally become Spiritualists. "Something," says the clergy, "must be done to stem the tide of unorthodoxy; we must block the great prog- ress that Spiritualism is making all over the world ; fake exposes of conjuring tricks, as the assumed means prac- ticed by Spiritualists," is the plan that many of the clergy are taking. It is obvious to the theological student that, if the preachers obliterate all the spirit records out of the Bible, there will not be enough left to even 60 PESKY PROBLEMS FOB POSITIVE PREACHERS define a " Hell. " It is extraordinary that they still stand by a personal materialistic God, with a crown and a throne ; amplified with the threats of fire and brimstone, supervised by a personal devil, with tail, horns and hoof long discarded from the universe by advanced theol- ogians and students of Science in other words, the doc- trine of terrorizing people into being good; stagnation, and not progression! Spiritualism with its facts dispels the dread of death by giving knowledge of the after life; but still they stand defiant, rejecting the truth which WE hold is proven; preferring, for interested motives, to remain steadfast to the old pagan theories which no orthodox preacher can prove to be true. It is only fair to ask that they give us proof that there is a devil, or give proof that there is a literal hell, burning with fire and brimstone; that there is a heaven, where all the saved will stand with harps and sing, and sing, and sing, for countless millions of years, and I will admit their doc- trines. I have been seeking for evidence that our mothers and fathers are still conscious. I want proof that Jesus will, or can, forgive their earth sins ; that they will NOT suffer for the wrongs they may have done here on earth. I want evidential proof that this world is only about six thousand years old ; I ask that these preachers give me proof that the earth was made in six (of our) days. I want proof that sacrificial blood must be shed before my soul can be saved; and, that it was NECESSARY that Jesus die for my sins, hundreds of years before I had committed any. I seek to have it proved that it is possible for the evil doer to go to heaven (and be happy) by allowing an innocent man to suffer and die for others' sins. Can any preacher give me certainty as to everlasting tor- ment ? It is impossible for the most profound preachers to prove these assertions, although many of their fol- lowers have thoughtlessly swallowed them, without ques- WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 61 tion, up to the present time. Spiritualism proves there is life after death; an active, real, conscious existence, and memory of the past life, after we pass beyond this life on earth. It supplants a so-called faith, or belief, and substitutes in their place knowledge and proof; it breaks down the multitudinous creeds and dogmas of the accepted modern churches, and refutes the sectarian teachings, such as that all who disagree with their beliefs will be burned in everlasting fire. The orthodox church is losing its power to hold a whip (of terror) over the person who has the courage to stand alone; who refuses to admit something he can- not understand, just to please a professional teacher. History relates that these positive preachers have con- sistently opposed the researches of science, philosophy, and every other movement interfering with their privi- leges, even though results would have been beneficial to humanity. They have thrown mud upon, persecuted, prosecuted, and killed by the thousands, those who op- posed their creeds and dogmas; but that day of intol- erance, or of ignorance is past! I wish that I could so impress everyone of my readers with one thought, and that is to READ and Pray, so that knowledge might burn itself into their conscious- ness for all time. Read, Study, Know. How I wish I had learned that many years ago! It is a good thing that Jesus was not "too busy" to prove spirit return ; He was not too busy to go ' ' monkey- ing" with the spirits of the dead. If he had not lived and fought, Dr. Brougher would not have a peg on which to hang his religion today. It is a good thing that St. Paul found time to investigate ,and prove that we live again, for it was Paul who said, " Quench not the Spirit ! Despise not prophesying ! Prove all things ! Hold fast that which is good." The preacher of today does not believe in PROVING anything, unless he is personally interested. He will not believe in anything unless he knows he can support 62 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS it by some old musty ecclesiastical assertions. Many of them already KNOW that the Spiritualist organizations prove their assertions. It is because they are so afraid of the truths we can prove, that they profess to believe the Spiritualist is in league with the devil. That may scare some bigoted, or thoughtless people, but daily and hourly the thinkers are waking up, and will continue to do so, for God's appointed time has arrived. It is admitted that Jesus found time to go with Peter, James and John to the Mount of Transfiguration and there converse with Moses and Elias, both recorded as having been dead over a thousand years; notwithstand- ing the inspired records, these positive preachers say it can't be done! Impossible! It is also recorded that Peter, in a trance, heard the Spirit say unto him, ' ' Behold three men seek thee. Arise, doubting nothing, for I have sent them." Will the preachers be ready to say as in Acts 26-19, "Where- upon, Oh, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision." Let me now refer to a letter I addressed to Dr. Wm. G. Mills, pastor of St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Los Angeles. "Dear Brother: Last evening I attended your church to hear a special sermon on 'Is communication possible between the dead and the living,' which dis- course dealt only with what you personally thought about it. When you ask the question, 'Is communica- tion possible' am not I entitled to an analytical reply? I wish to differ with you when you say that Spiritual- ism is only a matter of opinion. I doubt that you really believe THAT yourself. Personal opinion cannot inter- fere with, or change, Divine Law; it would be just as sensible for you to profess that wireless or the radio phone could be altered by a mere expression of per- sonal opinion. No one's individual theories can change the facts of phenomena that are emanating from the action of unknown laws governed by the natural forces. ' ' "You stated that there was no case on record in our WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 63 Old Bible, which proved communication to be possible. You at once refuted this, by telling about the Trans- figuration on the Mount, and the next Sunday preached on the "Witch of Endor." (The Bible refers to the Woman of Endor), thus dealing with another case of REAL spirit return during which the wicked King Saul was permitted to talk with the spirit of Samuel the prophet. ''You also expressed an opinion that if anyone could obtain favors from God it would have been King David, for he was recorded as a man of God, and you instanced David's loss of his child, when he stated he would GO to his child, and not the child come back to him; upon this, amongst other statements, you base your assertions that communication with the dead is impossible. David may have been a man after God's own heart in many ways, but the Psalms and other records of his life prove that King David was as fallible as many of the men living today. Many Bible students will recall that he had General Joab place Uriah, a soldier, in the front line trenches to make sure he would never come back, as King David was in love with the soldier 's beautiful wife. "You stated that you were glad that your parents could not know of your trials and troubles here on earth, as they were safe with Jesus; the inference being that they cared NOTHING for those they had loved on earth. Christ taught the reverse! Strangely enough, you ex- pressed an opinion to a certain 'Alex' that you thought his wife would not GO very far from the gates of heaven, but that she would be there to greet him when he passed over; evidently you assumed that she would know of his death, and that such a meeting would be possible, by reason of some kind of communication existent be- tween the two worlds; in this case you gave Alex true spiritual comfort by teaching him real Spiritualism, and to use your own words ' Saving him to God. ' "After twelve years in the Presbyterian church, I be- gan investigating ' Life after Death, ' and having done so 64 PESKY PROBLEMS FOB POSITIVE PREACHERS for over twenty years, I have proved that we do not lose our identity, or our memory, when we leave the mortal body; that we become ONE with God, by our individual desire only, whether it be in this life, or some to follow. The scientific side of this question is settled with many truly conscientious and thinking people, for it has been scientifically proven, as clearly as anything supernormal can be proven. Skeptics, who care to in- vestigate, can also prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt. I have never been in a spiritualist service in my life where such services were held in the dark, as you stated ! You warned your hearers not to go to Los Angeles Street 'that dark, disreputable part of town' to con- sult mediums; but there is no Spiritualistic Church there ! I ought to know, for I was National Secretary of the Independent Spiritualist Association of America for some time, and am fully informed as to the location of their churches. "Let me inform you that Spiritualists preach on the 12th chapter of 1st Corinthians, a portion of the Bible the orthodox clergyman does not discuss. Why! You said you believed the good old book, the Bible (and ad- monished us to do so), therefore you believe that 'The spirit of the Lord caught away Philip ! ' Do you believe that 'God is a Spirit?' They that worship Him must worship Him in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. Do you believe that 'John on the Isle of Patmos, heard a great voice behind him,' and 'that he was in the spirit on the Lord's Day?' If not, then you do not accept the Bible as the inspired Holy Word of God. Probably you will say: 'How can I believe, for I have never seen these spiritual manifestations. ' Millions have not seen the great lakes, nor the planet Mars, or the telescope that discovered it. You probably have not seen Africa, China, Australia or Paris; but you admit all these exist. Ignorance, whether in the realms of Science, Art, or Theology, is not culpable so long as it is modest in permitting others a greater knowl- WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 65 edge than it possessed. It is said two thousand years after the death of that great spirit Jesus, who blessed mankind by utilizing all the spiritualistic manifestations now being re-discovered by the honest and true spirit- ulistic mediums, which lead us to a better life here, and absolutely prove a life hereafter, that you still go on preaching continually against those who believe in the existence of what you have been praying for eternal life ; telling your followers in the interim that they will have it, 'in God's good time/ Hoping to hear from you in just the spirit in which this leaves me, I am most sincerely, James McGregor Beatty." Many weeks later I received the following letter from Dr. Mills: ' * My dear sir : Your letter to me came duly to hand. I have been so very busy that I have been unable to answer it until the present. And even now, it is likely that you will think I do not give it the time and thought that it deserves. Let me say first that you are quite right in saying, in my sermon, that I dealt with only what the Bible said upon the theme. And with good reason, as the Bible is the only authority upon the subject. "I can see from the tone of your letter, as well as from what is here and there said, that you think dif- ferently. Possibly Lodge, Doyle or Stead stand higher in your estimation as authorities. But let me say, they do not with the world, no more than they do with me. ALL that is for the welfare of Man to know of the future is revealed in the Bible and the Saviour of my life speaks to me from it. My brother, the one great need of any man's life is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who comes into the life of any man by yielding his will to .Jesus Christ. When we believe thus in the Lord Jesus Christ, he saves us and we have everything in Him. We do not need communications from the * Spirits. ' We have the Holy Spirit, and need not that any man, living or dead, should teach us. He teaches us through the Bible. 'If any man is willing to do His will, he shall know of the doctrine. ' What is needed is a better knowl- 66 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS edge of the Book and a deeper acquaintance with Jesus. I note what you say about the spirit in which your let- ter is written, and seem to dread lest your letter should make me angry, and that I should forget I am a Christ- ian. Not at all, my Brother, not at all. Your letter and MANY others never ruffle me in the least, and I can truly say that for all men everywhere, and among them my hearers of the night of July 13th, I have nothing but the kindliest regards. Cordially yours, W. G. Mills. ' ' It is evident that this pastor evaded my questions by stating that all that is needed to be known to man is revealed in the Bible, ignoring or rejecting all its proofs of life after death; all its records of dreams, visions, trances and communications of every description. There is certainly no real satisfaction, sound argument, or evi- dence of knowledge of facts to be gleaned from this let- ter. Rev. Mills, however, had the courtesy to answer my letter and to maintain his stand, even though unable to support his preaching with facts. I believe this gentle- man, however, to be sincere in his profession, and work- ing to the best of his knowledge to spread the light so far as it is given to him to explain traditional dogma, but the sad part of it is, that many preachers do not desire to obtain more light, or, if they do, they are afraid to admit it. Now let us consider what a Congregational minuter thinks about communication with the dead: Dr. Carl S. Patton, pastor of the First Congregational Church, Los Angeles, Cal., said in a recent sermon on the "Letters of a Living Dead Man," by Elsa Barker, formerly of Los Angeles, "The strangest thing about such books is that people buy them and read them, when there are newspapers and magazines so easily obtained. ' ' He called attention to the "Puerile and inconsequential nature of them" and said: "When the dead DO speak to the living, I say that the dead OUGHT to say something worthy of the dead, and of some moment to the living." WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 67 Evidently he has not read much along the line of Spiritualism. He has not read Andrew Jackson Davis' beautiful "Harmonial Philosophy," nor the works of dear old Dr. Peebles. All of them wonderful books. He has simply followed the old, undeveloped teachings of bygone centuries and has not taken the time to think for himself on the wonderful spiritual philosophy that God has allowed to be found; some problems explained by keen investigators, others by spiritualists. Following an antique lead, he has walked along the sectarian rut instead of using his God-sent faculties of research, or the talents which, according to Jesus Christ, were given mankind for the special purpose of self-development. "We do not give our children one class of books only, but gradually teach them to study along advancing lines, until their minds are ready to progress onward. Larger children, if we read the laws of God aright, are also to train their minds until they can judge the value of their preliminary instruction, and are fitted mentally to understand the truth contained within and beyond their range of studies. In regard to Dr. Patton's statement as to the inconse- quential nature of the messages given, let us note here what Dr. Hyslop, Secretary of the American Society for Psychical Research, says about THAT kind of message. Let us take this statement from one of those " easily obtained magazines" Dr. Patton mentioned in his ser- mon. Dr. Hyslop, in the American Magazine for April, 1920, says : * ' There is only ONE thing that should make us believe in the existence of spirits. That is for them to give us proof of their personal identity. And the only way in which this personal identity can be proven is for an alleged spirit to tell us facts about himself when he was alive. Information that pretends to be about the future world is no proof at all, because you can't verify it NOW ! Information about this world, is no proof that it comes from a spirit unless the spirit identifies him- self. This is the reason the scientific investigator pays 68 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRIVIAL STATEMENTS IN ALLEGED SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS, FOR THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT WE CAN TRY TO VERIFY, AND, IF THEY ARE VERIFIED, THEY HELP TO PROVE THE PERSONAL IDEN- TITY OF THE SPIRIT. "For example, suppose you go to a medium, and she tells you that your father wishes to communicate with you. If she then launches into an account (supposed to be coming from your father), of conditions in the next world, you cannot check up that information and prove that it is true. YOU don't know anything about the next world. IF HIS ALLEGED SPIRIT TELLS YOU NOTHING ELSE, YOU HAVE NO PROOF THAT HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT. HE MUST TELL YOU THINGS ABOUT THIS WORLD, AND ABOUT HIS LIFE IN THIS WORLD, SO THAT YOU CAN PROVE THAT THEY ARE TRUE, AND THAT THEY COULD COME ONLY FROM HIM. "If an alleged spirit, who claimed to be your father, told you that on December 16, 1889, he bought a copy of Emerson's Ks^ix -. wrote his name and the date on the fly-leaf, and sent it to his cousin, George, in Sacramento ; if this fact was previously unknown to you, or to the medium; and if you write to your California relatives, whom you may have never seen, and ask if such a book is in existence, and if you later receive a letter saying that the cousin mentioned is dead, but after considerable search the book described has been found in a box in the attic, then you would have something that ought to be considered evidential." So these efforts to be contentious can be easily answered by a rational, unprejudiced student, possessed of a sin- cere and never-ceasing desire to investigate, and to prove the truth of Spirit Return. If we can only get the clergy to be fair to the Spiritualist, and carry out the Apostolic precepts, "Come let us reason together," and WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 69 "Prove all things," incorporated into their theological creeds; in place of spending their little span of earth time in arguments as to whether they shall retain the words "The Holy Catholic Church" in the Apostles' Creed, we shall have advanced God's kingdom to the great advantage of humanity. It seems astonishing to reflect upon when one hears the clergy read the creed in church, wherein they sol- emnly aver, "I believe in the Communion of Saints," and then proceed to stultify themselves ; for, as recorded in this boo^, many positive preachers state that they do not believe in any such thing as communion with de- parted spirits. Many of them have repeatedly affirmed from their rostrums," There has not been any scientific demonstration of a future life." "There is no proof of any communication whatsoever between this and any other world." "There has never been a genuine mes- sage from the so-called spirit world." Can they recon- cile this, or explain what they mean when they say with much apparent reverence that they "believe in the com- munion of saints?" Again, whilst reciting the Apostles' creed, all orthodox preachers confess they believe ' * that Jesus sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty" (a statement which they cannot prove), and also, "The communion of saints," or in good old English, "Communication of Spirit," which we claim is proven; then immediately they proceed to deny their own affirmation of faith, and preach sermons on the subject asserting that such com- munication is as yet an impossibility. Why all this side- stepping of such a vital religious principle? When will God send to earth a real leader to preach the purest teachings within the walls of orthodoxy? We need a preacher who will systematically eliminate the sectarian dogmas and creeds, replacing them with the truly Divine doctrines of Christ, and practical serv- ice to mankind at large. 70 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS We sorely need intellectual men; brave men; an Ingersoll, a Paine, a Voltaire, a Hume or a Luther. The orthodox church surely needs a Roger Williams; men like Theodore Parker and Beecher, or another Abbot. The time has passed however for Intolerance, Ignorance or Insanity to rule religion as in the past; we can get along very well without another leader who would emu- late the deeds of John Calvin, one of the founders of the Presbyterian Church, who caused Dr. Servetus, a learned monk, to be publicly burned alive when Calvin was victor in a theological debate with Servetus, regard- ing the doctrines of Martin Luther. Calvin's only com- ment was, that he wanted him beheaded, not burned. A typical leader, to my mind, is one who studies the natural laws, for the good of the church of the future; one who teaches the views expressed by the Rev. Charles L. Tweedale, F. R. G. S., Vicar of Weston, Yorkshire, who says, "It is idle for the church to raise the 'DEVIL' cry, as she vainly does, and say that the modern evi- dence of the spirit world are devil impersonations. If so, what proof has the modern church that the appear- ances to the prophets and the appearances of the risen Christ were not also tricks of impersonating devils? She has not a rap. "In vain does the church maintain that it is unlawful and wicked to enter into communication with the spirit world in the face of Daniel 9, 20 to 27, and Daniel 10. 3 and 12, and so on. Let the church Roman, Angelican and Noncomformist, take heed of this one fact before it is too late ; Ancient and modern psychic phenomena stand or fall together. If there are no angels, no visions, no spirit communications now, then there never were any, and revealed religion is a humbug and a fraud." There is a profound, incontrovertible truth in the above statement. If the modern preacher wishes to obtain and maintain the confidence of the average think- ing man and woman who attends his church, the less he has to say about the devil in solving its sectarian prob- WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 71 lems, the more likely he is to retain the personal respect of those rational human beings who form his congrega- tion, and the better it will be for all concerned. Also sooner shall we arrive at some spiritual structure upon which we can place our feet as on a rock of truth and reason. If the church is seeking Truth, it is certainly its duty to apply itself to the study of " psychical" re- search in the effort to solve the many unknown mysteries of the Divine religion of our Creator. They would then learn to join investigating hands with those who are fast convincing the world that there is no actual death. It has been left to laymen and outsiders to produce such evidence and to satisfy mankind that life beyond the grave is a proven fact. There is, however, no reason, so far as we are concerned, to prevent the various churches joining in friendly rivalry, and so working in unison with spiritualists in the endeavor to instruct mankind and fit them to pass through the portals of death, in spite of the fact that many know so little of the life beyond. There are plenty of facts for all to learn, and innum- erable opportunities to apply our knowledge, when acquired, for the uplifting of mankind and in the serv- ice of humanity, by teaching these newly discovered truths; also in research for the still greater revelation that will surely come down through the years. This is the age of Science and the almost daily dis- coveries in the realms of nature justify us in consid- ering the possibilities that Scientists possess for extend- ing our knowledge of what, for want of a better term, we know as Psychic laws. The recent war has led to investigation of etherial conditions. In this sphere, Mar- coni did wonders ; Edison is known as a wizard. These experts are more generally known to the public, but hundreds of learned men are also developing in their laboratories wonders that will far exceed the wireless or the phonograph. That other worlds beyond may be investigated by delicate instruments is not beyond their 72 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS conception today. New natural laws are being discov- ered. New theories promulgated. Fields of research undreamed of a few years ago are now being actively studied. Brain activity appears to have been recently stimulated by the Creator. May we not assume that the present is God's appointed time for mankind to follow the Christ teaching, "Seek and ye shall find." It is pertinent to our consideration of Life after Death to briefly study the subject of Vibrations, for the theory of most spiritualists is that by this means we are the better enabled to obtain results, and thereby prove that the so-called dead are actually only transplanted fo sonic other sphere. Sir J. J. Thomson, England's greatest authority on the atom, gives us a picture of vibratory energy. lie tells us that the atomic energy stored in an ounce of chlorine "is about the amount of work required to k- p the Mauretania going at full speed for a week," and that the splitting up of the atoms of any known sub- stance would involve enormous transformations of energy. In fact, the explosions of the atoms in a few pounds of earth matter might be sufficient to shatter a continent. Sir Oliver Lodge tells that "the time will come when some form of atomic energy will take the place of coal as a source of power," and he almost re- joices that we do not now know how to release it, for he adds, ' ' I hope that the human race will not discover how to use this energy until it has developed brains rnou_rl> to use it properly, because, if the discovery is made by the wrong people this planet would be unsafe." I might repeat here a thought given me by Prof. Ed- gar Lucien Larkin, Director of the Mount Lowe Astro- nomical Observatory on Mt. Lowe, California. He pointed out that "Experimental Science is not yet 300 years of age ; but, that the so-called occult science has been studied for at least 50,000 years, and that most of WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 73 the old philosophers were aware of a force, or energy, whose existence has not yet been re-discovered by mod- ern scientific instruments. " " The coming race, ' ' he said, ' * would rediscover, or at least become aware of the exist- ence of this mighty, unknown power. When humanity is able to appreciate it, this God-given wisdom may be released, but it is very improbable that this knowledge will be attained under existing conditions, for this force could be used for evil, and even to annihilate entire nations." In his book, "The Matchless Altar of the Soul," he writes: "The passage of solid matter through matter; the passage of a glass of water through thick cloth; these, and a hundred more such phenomena, so-called, but really natural and now daily occurring, are all due to a higher phase of electricity, the electronic state known to adepts, but not yet discovered by science in the use of any kind of instrument. The reader must be convinced that no such thing as a miracle can exist." When we realize the wonderful natural phenomena which are actually taking place daily, under our very eyes, who can venture to predict what discovery shall come next? The church claims that for two thousand years God has not spoken to suffering humanity. They are that stiff-necked, stubborn generation that constantly refuses to accept the CONDITIONS, or follow the means whereby God makes His will known; and they refuse to believe the possibility even today, yet claim that they believe everything recorded as having happened two thousand years ago. Creeds and dogmas are therefore responsible for much that enervates or tends to stagnate the human mind. Positive preachers say they believe the Bible to be the Holy Word of God, but apparently forget that it was inspired, from time to time, and collated by the utilization of men of the psychic type; the Bible came into existence by spirit inspiration, and the prophets, or seers, saw and heard what is recorded therein. Most 74 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS preachers will tell you that "God is love," but insist that He ordered the killing of the first-born of Egypt, which meant that every house in the land mourned for its children; its best beloved! They are not consistent; for, though the Bible makes the definite statement, they will refuse to believe that "your sons and your daugh- ters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see vis- ions, and your old men shall dream dreams. " They profess to believe the tragic story told in the 15th Chapter of 1st Samuel, which reads: "Thus, said the Lord of Hosts, I remember that which Amelek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Go now and smite Amelek and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not. BUT SLAY BOTH MAN AND WOMAN, INFANT AND SUCKLING, OX AND SHEEP, CAMEL AND ASS." Yet they will utterly deny the possibility of spirits, or those who once lived in our midst, having power to strengthen or comfort us by their prophesy (in spirit messages) today: despite the verses we read in 1st Cor- inthians, 14th Chapter. "Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye shall proplu -sy. He that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongu-s. Despite their denunciations of Spiritualism, and the denials of its phenomena by the Methodist church, listen to the following passages (which are true spiritual 1st it- teachings), written by Mrs. J. H. Knowles, and ex- tracted from the "Home Department Quarterly" for January, February, March, 1920. This magazine is pub- lished by the Methodist Book Concern, with offices in nine of the largest cities of America: "Shall we know each other there? The disciples knew Jesus after His death and resurrection. MOSES AND ELIAS HAD NOT LOST THEIR IDENTITY, WHEN THEY CAME FROM HEAVEN TO TALK WITH JESUS ON THE WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 75 MOUNT, THOUGH THEY HAD BEEN THERE HUNDREDS OF YEARS," she writes, "here are many mansions in the Father 's house how wide apart as we count space, I do not know; but if we can flash messages around the world in a few seconds, I am sure there will be ways to communicate with each other over there, so there will never be any sense of separation. I will be I, and you will be you." Pure spiritualism, as we conceive it to be, and that is being handed to the Methodists every month in the year. I have studied that Quarterly for years, and I have read hundreds of similar passages. These excerpts are fine and also true but how can this church, which ad- mits the truth of those teachings by their publication in an organ of Methodism, deny the same truth as now formulated by Spiritualism? Now see how Mrs. Knowles distorts, in true Meth- odistic spirit, what the Bible says about the vision of Peter in Joppa. She writes: "Peter went up on the housetop to pray. I have no doubt that he asked the Lord to direct him where to go and what to do, for that would be the natural thing for a sincere man like Peter to do. The answer came in a surprising way. He was very hungry, and while waiting for the noonday meal to be served he fell asleep, or into a subconscious state from bodily faintness." This is not the accepted trans- lation. The Bible says: "And he became hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, HE FELL INTO A TRANCE." Read Acts 10-10. It would be most unwise to make the story read thus, so that the Methodist church might have to admit that Peter was actually IN A TRANCE. It is extraordinary that the "Changers" of the Bible failed to revise that one word into "a sub-conscious state," as Mrs. Knowles called it. She follows on: "The voice of God said twice over in tones he could not mistake, 'What God has cleansed that call not thou common or unclean'. But the Bible 76 PESKY PROBLEMS FOB POSITIVE PREACHERS says: 'While Peter THOUGHT ON THE VISION, THE SPIRIT SAID UNTO HIM, Behold three men seek thee, arise, therefore, get thee down and go with them/ Peter himself said, according to the Bible, 'And THE SPIRIT bade me go with them, doubting nothing/ He did not say it was God. Again, he de- scribed how he had seen an angel (or spirit) in his house, which stood and said unto him, 'Send men to Joppa/ Also read in the Acts, 22nd Chapter, 17th verse, what Paul said about it: 'And it came to pass that, when I, Paul, was come to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I WAS IN a TRANCE/ ' It is inexplicable why the modern 'church always professes to be so much opposed to acknowledging a trance condition, for even a casual reading of the Bible shows clearly that many of the great prophets (or s- of that time were subject to the trance state. The vis- ion and dream condition existed then and we now profit rhnvhv. Mrs. Knowles evidently thinks so highly of the subject, and the lesson it teaches almost two thousand years after it happened, as to give a large amount of space to it in her writings; and therein she strongly af- firms that God is just the same as then ; that truth never changes. Notwithstanding such affirmation, she pro- ceeds to emphatically deny its possibility today; the power she eulogizes she assumes to be used only by God in Peter's time, but it is that of the devil in our day. What inconsistency! Let us avoid such brain-deaden ing fallacies of creedal stagnation. Let us get away from the slavery of hidebound sects and dogmas. Wake up and scale the heights of the Infinite. Use your intellect and let your soul gaze over the valleys of Divine Progression and heights of Wisdom. Read the works of great thinkers of all classes, orthodox or otherwise, Ingersoll, Voltaire, Thomas Paine 's "Age of Reason/' Then read your Bible, praying that God will send you spirit guidance to interpret it. Study the power of the Almighty as shown by Astronomy. Real- WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 77 ize that God's nature laws are unchanged and evidenced in all scientific studies, as shown by Chemistry and Ge- ology. Then take Philosophy. Study " White's History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christen- dom," and "Draper's Intellectual Development of Europe." Read in your course of study, the evidence of Evolution, as given in "Wallace's Book on Darwin- ism"; also read "The Life of Roger Bacon"; there are hundreds of interesting works by scientists, theologians, spiritualists and others for the student to study. If everyone in America would read some such course in mind expansion, and study thoughtfully, with a firm desire to seek truth and knowledge, they would forever banish the slavish influence of creeds and brain-blinding dogmas, ecclesiastical inconsistencies; and the many fallacies taught by so-called theology would give way to the "Soul Truth" given by God himself. Along the line of modern scientific discovery let me mention a wonder of our age, which makes it possible to talk along a beam of light, natural or artificial. In the "Harbinger of Light," September 1st, 1919, we are informed that "Dr. A. 0. Rankine, of University College, London, has succeeded in harnessing the sun's rays and using them as a means of voice transmission. He has completed a remarkable invention which makes it possible to talk along a beam of light, using it as a substitute for the telephone wire with a transmitter at one end and a receiver at the other. This invention has been approved by the Admiralty, and has the advantage over wireless telegraphy, or telephony, in rendering a conversation absolutely secret. "In one of the laboratories at University College, Dr. Rankine gave a demonstration of this new method of voice transmission. Two electrical instruments were placed some distance apart, and a beam of electric light was projected from one to the other. Dr. Rankine spoke into the voice receiver, which resembles a small phono- graphic sound box. 'I have already had talks with sev- 78 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS eral friends over a distance of a mile and a half, and there would not be great difficulty in holding a conver- sation over a distance of seven or eight miles, (that be- ing about the extent to which a beam of light could be concentrated on the horizon). By increasing the size of the mirrors and the electrical power, greater dis- tances could be traversed, were it possible to throw a beam of light further. Endless possibilities are opened up by this invention. With this in actual view who can say, 'That or that CANNOT be done?' ' Let me recall some of the beautiful thoughts ex- pressed by one of the world 's best known and best loved exponents of Spiritualism, ninety-nine years old, J. M. Peebles, M. A., M. D., Ph. D., who says: "The spirit world is here, there, everywhere. When the death an- gel of deliverance comes, our friends do not ncessarily depart from us they only cease to mainfest themselves through the same physical body. Their attractions and memories continue to draw them to those they love. This love principle is the ruling force of all worlds. Love is immortal. The heavens and the hells are more 'con- ditions' than localities. Compensation runs like a sil- ver thread through the universe. It is cause and effect, sowing and reaping. The thoughts, words, deeds of the present life weave the network, murky or clear, dark or bright, of the future. No spirit can get away from himself. "Memories, like shadows, will follow us all. Oh, th<> bitter gnawing, crushing pains, and agonies of remorse that torture the depraved, and the viciously selfish, in that retributive and adjusting realm of the hereafter. And yet God is Love. Mercy's door is never shut. Re- pentance is ever possible, and progress a universal law. Jesus preached to the spiritually imprisoned. The re- formers of this life are the preachers of spirit life. The two worlds, ALL worlds, constitute one grand brother- hood of sympathetic intelligence. Life on earth is only WHERE Is HEAVEN ? 79 a brief school, a discipline, a pilgrimage. Let us, then, kindly help each other along the tiresome journey ere we put our sandals off, and lay our burdens down by the cypress trees that shade death's peaceful river." Read in the Old Testament evidence of spirit phe- nomena, as told in the story describing the Feast of Bel- shazer ; it is so worded generally, as to give the impres- sion that it was "the hand of God" that appeared on the wall, but the true version reads: "In the same hour came forth fingers OF A MAN'S HAND, and wrote over against the candlestick, upon the plaster of the wall, of the king's palace. AND THE KING SAW THE PART OF THE HAND THAT WROTE." Meth- odists prefer you to read it as "God's hand," for a man's hand would be evidential proof of the spirit ma- terialization of a man 's hand, writing an intelligent mes- sage. The Catholic Bible says in Daniel 5-5 : ' 'In the same hour there appeared fingers, as it were of the hand of a man, writing over against the candlestick upon the surface of the wall of the king's palace; AND THE KING BEHELD THE JOINTS OF THE HAND THAT WROTE." After a long, protracted and careful study, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle writes : * ' What are the churches going to do about it? Are they going to continue to talk non- sense about diabolism? Are they going to say it was the Devil who converted me into belief in life after death? If that is the devil's work he is the most valu- able member of the community. If they do, then we must form such a religious body as may sweep others away in time. If they are wise they will meet us half- way. They will realize that we are the most powerful allies in the battle against materialism. If they are go- ing to drive us out, they are going to drive out the greatest living dynamic thing that has come into religion this last 2000 years. I am not here to convert anybody. 80 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS I am here because I think I have a mission to say this thing. All I have my literary reputation, my small savings everything, is perfect dross to me compared with the happiness I derive from this knowledge." * * * There's a beautiful view at the top o' the hill, If the strength be yours to climb. There is always a lift, and a rift o' the clouds, That disclose the peaks sublime. The road may be rough, You may blow and puff, But never you mind, soon you 're scaling the bluff, Then yours is the view at the top o' the hill, If you've but the strength to climb. J. M. B. HELL-FIRE IS NOT LITERAL INGE quoting from an article written by Dr. Hyslop, Secretary of the American Society for Psychical Research, which appeared in the American Magazine for April, 1920, the public has been informed of his death. Referring to this, Mr. Arthur Brisbane in his "Today" column said: ''Doctor Hyslop, psychologist, who said the dead could talk, is now among the dead, unfortunately. His friends say he will come back and tell us about it. But WILL he" "Because he died of a clot on the brain, and although his spirit was within his brain he was un- able to speak long before he died." He is asking the question, "How can he speak from the other side of the grave without brain, lungs or vocal chords?" He also asks why ghosts talk only to those who believe in ghosts. Anyone can hear a telephone message." Any thinking person will readily understand that Mr. Brisbane is relying principally upon the comparative ig- norance of his readers on the subject of life and death ; otherwise he cannot expect to have this statement taken seriously. He forgets that nearly all the scientific men in the world who have taken up the practical study of Spiritualism, as a science, were, previous to that time, materialists ; some even held the opinion generally known as atheistic; yet these, after long years of research and study, were forced to secede from their former views and admit an absolute knowledge that, "the spirit of man both lives and functions after the change called Death." These representative scientists of our time, did not admit a previous belief in apparitions, yet they [81] 82 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS received communications in like manner to many who did believe in them, and have been convinced by mes- sages from their own departed. I want to ask Mr. Brisbane if he really thinks that anyone can hear a telephone message without first com- plying with the conditions necessary before such a mes- sage can be received. Even Mr. Brisbane MUST allow the operator, who represents the MEDIUM, to function according to the technicalities laid down by science re- specting Telephony. Persons who want an earthly mea- sage, therefore, MUST comply with prerequisites. If they do this, whether they believe in ghosts or not, they will receive a reply in due time. We are all subject to natural law, in one form or another, some more, some less. According to the theory of Mr. Brisbane, Dr. Hys- lop cannot come back with a message because he died "with a blood clot on his brain, " and he presumes, or rather assumes, that, therefore his entity will be unable to speak from the other side; as such an entity is, in his opinion (another unproved presumption), without brain, lungs, or vocal chords. Surely Mr. Brisbane must believe that the Spirit or Soul of man, if no physical body, as we understand it, lives on after the change called death ; that a mere ana- tomical change in our material body does not in any way influence our spiritual existence. Does not Mr. Bris- bane realize that God controls the blood-clotted brain of Dr. Hyslop, even is laid in the grave, and, that his spirit, even his body, can live and function so long as the Divine Power continues to control it? Surely he does not believe that the disintegration of the material bodies of our American soldiers during the war has prejudiced their God-bestowed power of living in one of the many mansions of Christ, and therein com- pleting a beautiful spiritual upgrowth of life. Another opportunity, with increased knowledge and with far higher instructions, to overcome earthly desires, and work out that series of lives which shall fit him to realize HELL FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 83 Truth, and the blessed promises made by Christ to Man- kind. President Wilson said in this regard: "We all be- lieve, I hope, the SPIRITS OF THESE MEN ARE NOT BURIED WITH THEIR BONES. THEIR SPIRITS LIVE. I HOPE I BELIEVE, THAT THEIR SPIR- ITS ARE PRESENT WITH US AT THIS HOUR. I HOPE THAT I FEEL THE COMPULSION OF THEIR PRESENCE. " The late Cardinal James Gibbons, head of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, declared: "Man may imprison and starve, may wound and kill the body, but the soul is beyond his reach, and is as impalpable to his touch as the sun 's ray. The temple of the body may be reduced to ashes, BUT THE SPIRIT THAT ANI- MATED THE TEMPLE CANNOT BE EXTIN- GUISHED. The body, which is from Man, Man may take away; but the soul, which is from God, NO MAN CAN DESTROY. THE DUST SHALL RETURN INTO ITS EARTH FROM WHENCE IT CAME, AND THE SPIRIT TO GOD WHO GAVE IT." That is what Spiritualists believe about Dr. Hyslop's body and spirit. Physical imperfections here, cannot affect him prejudicially after he is passed to spirit life. I would ask Mr. Brisbane if he really believes that the killing of Socrates by the hemlock poison route affected his soul, or spirit. Is not the spirit of that great teacher alive today somewhere? Will he assert that the physi- cal sufferings, the maiming of the body, and the cruci- fixion of Jesus of Nazareth prejudicially affected His progress beyond the confines of earth, or delayed his entrance into the spiritual life beyond the grave? We believe that the Christ Spirit is flooding the entire uni- verse today ! Just the moment He passed into spirit life the effects of his physical wounds were a thing of the past. Let me also ask Mr. Brisbane if he really believes that by destroying the body of Joan of Arc, at the stake, her 84 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS spirit has been afflicted, even though her death was the result of indescribable torture, and her body had been previously twisted and torn? On May 23rd, 1920, the Catholic Church canonized her, made her a Saint. She is therefore, now able to FORGIVE the sins of the Cath- olic people, according to their belief. Yet, Mr. Brisbane would have us believe that Joan of Arc was not affected by the same law, when she passed over the line, as that he selects for the spirit of Dr. Hyslop. According to the statement, we can only infer that Dr. Hyslop will not be allowed to speak to friends on earth (from the other sphere), because Mr. Brisbane as- sumes that certain cells were not functioning in his brain. To what place would he assign the spirit of Joan of Arc who was burned at the stake? Why should he specially grant HER the privilege of coming back "to save the souls of millions of Catholics in the world, ' ' and deny Dr. Hyslop the privilege of even coming back to visit his own personal friends? There seems here to be a lack of justice the gentleman discriminates and yet we are told God is no respecter of persons. In another of the Brisbane columns about Joan of Arc he said: "She died very bravely, declaring that THE VOICES THAT LED HER TO SAVE FRANCE HAD NOT DECEIVED HER, AND WITH THE NAME OF JESUS THE LAST WORD ON HER LIPS." He here gives a definite admission of spirit voices. Thou- sands of persons in the world hear voices in precisely the same way ; why doubt that they are just as sincere as was Joan of Arc ? We may, in all charity, believe, that, without regard to sect or creed, many of them would die for Truth in the same noble way in which she did. Mr. Brisbane claims, strangely enough, that Joan of Arc HEARD voices, but absolutely denies that we are per- mitted to hear voices today. Again he says: "Some object to cremation on the ground that it destroys individuality ; IT HAS NOT DESTROYED JOAN OF ARC'S INDIVIDUALITY. HELL FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 85 She was burned, her ashes were thrown into the River Seine, and by this time have probably been washed into the English Channel, and out into the Atlantic Ocean. " Brisbane professes to think differently about the post- mortem conditions of Dr. Hyslop. Because HE was a Spiritualist he must not be allowed to even communi- cate with his friends here on earth. Joan of Arc was undoubtedly spiritual, and the records of Jier life and death prove her to have been one of the greatest spir- itual mediums who ever lived on this earth. Mr. Brisbane then turns his theories to another factor of belief and says: "Many have attempted through philosophical reasoning, EMPLOYMENT OF MEDI- UMS, etc., to actually prove immortal life. But proof there is not! TRICKS OR SINCERE DECEPTION OF THE MEDIUMS AND OTHER SPIRITUALISTS ARE BENEATH THE CONTEMPT OF A FIVE- YEAR-OLD CHILD." That is exactly what they said about Joan of Arc nearly five hundred years ago when they burned her at the stake for asserting that she heard voices. Now they make her a Saint and tacitly admit the church of that day was wrong! Four hundred years from now they will possibly be erecting monuments to those truly sincere mediums who have steered the Ship of Truth through the storm waves and verbal tempests ; the windy discourses and harmless thunderings of pertinent preachers, such as the church is now seeking to brew against Spiritualism. One age revokes what the other age professed. "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform/' is true in- deed. Mr. Brisbane objected to any reference, and to the words "Roman Catholic" in press reports of the Irish troubles, and in so doing said: "It would be bet- ter if those words could be left out. ' ' Strangely enough he can, if it will support his contentions, profess to be impartial and whilst using the terms * * Spiritualist ' ' and "Spiritualism" in his own columns, with the apparent intention of leading others to believe that all Spiritualists 86 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS are either imposters or self-deceived, and so misled by others that they are crazy; the victims of evil spirits who are controlled by the Devil. He uses his columns as a means of attacking Spiritualism without compunction. But even though he is reputed to be one of the highest paid editorial writers in the world, his pen cannot pre- vent the great search for Truth now prevalent through- out the world. Spiritualism is a religion to bring comfort to the weary soul. It teaches the Christ promises of a God of Love and Justice. Time for redemption in this life ; or it may be AFTER this life. Not such teachings as we find in the following passage, which is taken from the Pres- byterian Confession of Faith: "The bodies of men after death return to dust and see corruption ; but their souls (which neither die or sleep), having an immortal subsistence, immediately return to God who gave them. The souls of the righteous, then, being made perfect in holiness, are received into the highest heavens, where they behold the face of God in light and glory, waiting for the full redemption of their bodies; AND THE SOULS OF THE WICKED ARE CAST INTO HELL, WHERE THEY REMAIN IN TORMENT AND UT- TER DARKNESS RESERVED TO THE JUDGMENT OF THE GREAT DAY." The Christian Herald, published weekly during the life of Charles Spurgeon, the sermons of the great Bap- tist minister. I quote from his published sermon on ' ' The Resurrection of the Dead," the following extract: "When thou diest, thy soul will be tormented alone, that will be a hell for it; but at the day of judgment thy body will join thy soul and then thou wilt have twin hells, THY SOUL SWEATING DROPS OF BLOOD, AND THY BODY SUFFUSED WITH AGONY, IN FIRE EXACTLY LIKE THAT WHICH WE HAVE ON EARTH, THY BODY WILL LIE, ASBESTOS- LIKE, FOREVER UNCONSUMED, ALL THY VEINS, ROADS FOR THE FEET OF PAIN TO HELL FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 87 TRAVEL ON, EVERY NERVE A STRING ON WHICH THE DEVIL SHALL PLAY FOREVER HIS DIABOLICAL TUNE OF HELL'S UNUTTERABLE LAMENT." No comfort in this! No encouragement! No promise of mercy! Pure Diabolism. Pure Terror- ism. Just one more of those wild teachings of their views, as expressed by the acknowledgment of sectarianism the accepted * 'Dogma Defenders." The following is taken from the "Works of Samuel Hopkins," D. D. (pages 457 and 458) : "The smoke of their torment shall ascend up in the sight of the blessed forever, and serve as a most clear glass always before their eyes to give then a constant, bright, and most af- fecting view," "This display of the Divine character and glory will be in favor of the redeemed, and most entertaining, and give the highest pleasure to those who love God, and raise their happiness to ineffable heights. Should this eternal punishment and this fire be extin- guished, it would in a great measure obscure the light of heaven and put an end to a great part of the happi- ness and glory of the blessed." In other words those who go to Heaven will delight in witnessing the agony of their kith and kin who are not found worthy to at- tain to their bliss. We should surely rejoice that there are only a few of these religious terrorists left. With the exception of such "Hell-Fire" evangelists as Mr. Billy Sunday and Dr. Torry, there are few ministers who would care to preach such illogical, materialistic, un-Christian, medie- val and dark-age stuff to intelligent men and women. Preachers today have a hard enough time trying to fill their churches, although they omit such teachings. To obtain crowds, some of our great preachers resort to vaudeville, or advertise that "next Sunday a regi- mental band will render a few selections," "a great whistler will perform"; "the Famous Jubilee Singers will sing plantation songs," or "a Grand Opera star 88 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS will sing"; or "Cunning, the great Magician, will ex- pose Spiritualism ' ' ; or some other attractive morsel will be presented, as the piece-de-resistance of the CHURCH service. Several of the advertised subjects here in Los Angeles were "Bringing Up Father," "Keeping Up With Lizzie," and "Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, Where Have You Been"? Some reader may be inclined to think that I have been hasty in forming my opinion that the majority of the ministers of religion are absolutely opposed to practicing the Scriptural and Apostolic request, "Come, let us reason together," or the injunctions to "Seek and ye shall find," or "Prove all things." To avoid mis- conception I arranged for letters to be sent to some of the prominent ministers of Los Angeles; in case they had misunderstood former letters, or my object in writ- ing them. The following were the representative min- isters to whom I wrote : Rev. J. A. Eby, Presbyterian ; Dr. Carl S. Patton, Congregational; Rev. J. A. Francis, Baptist ; Rev. Edgar Fay Daugherty, First Christian ; and other letters, referred to in the earlier chapters of this book, to Dr. Charles Edward Locke, Methodist ; Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher, Baptist ; Rev. Dr. Wm. G. Mills, Presbyterian ; also to a Roman Catholic Priest ; a Chris- tian Scientist extracts from my letter follow: "Dear Brother: I am writing you this letter after reading your statement in the daily paper regarding the question, 'Life After Death/ I would be pleased to have you answer the following questions, if you can do so graciously. Would you be willing to go where you could see real, genuine materialization? where you can see, and touch spirit hands; and this with the electric lights on. WILL you go if you believe this to be genu- ine? This is in a private home where the investigators are privately invited, and no money asked. Would you be willing to go to the 'Francis Church of Truth,' where you can see the reading of articles by the Science of HELL FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 89 Psychoinetry ? I am the President of the church, and enclose a card for your information. This phase of phe- nomena is presented publicly every Sunday and Tues- day evening during our service, and with the lights ON. Would you be willing to investigate privately with our pastor, Rev. George Francis, who was an orthodox min- ister for many years? If these things are of interest I shall be glad to hear from you." Cordially yours, James McGregor Beatty. " All the letters were practically similar, and take note of this fact I RECEIVED BUT ONE ANSWER it was from Dr. Carl S. Patton, of the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles. His let- ter was a revelation to me ; and I want it to go on rec- ord that I honour one orthodox preacher who has the courage of his convictions; his answer was gentlemanly, tolerant, and truthful; it contained the very essence of Christian friendship, a virtue apparently lacking in some of the preachers I addressed. His letter was short, but is not published herewith, for it was sincere in tenor and couched in a manly spirit, even though there is no suggestion that Dr. Patton was in such harmony with Spiritualistic doctrines as to enter into an active in- vestigation thereof. Several talks over the telephone with this gentleman created a friendly desire to know, and to come into closer vibration with lairn, which I hope yet to do. I wish to direct attention to the fact that I am nuv personally antagonistic to ANY clergyman, simply be- cause we differ in opinion. If any preacher feels it in- cumbent on him to teach that "spirits cannot communi- cate," from his own conviction (after investigation), it is then his duty to do so, and I respect him ! If he does not believe that they can or do, and preaches accordingly to his congregation; and gives prayerful effect to the light, so far as it is given to him, that's HIS business! However, when any preacher preaches as an incontro- vertible fact, that they do NOT and cannot communi- cate, without personal, evidential knowledge; or influ- 90 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS ences his hearers by such a statement as "if they do, it's of the Devil," then I contend that he is not justified, or fulfilling his mission of leading people to a knowl- edge of God, based upon the life and teachings of Christ. It is a matter of personal opinion, or theological bias, and he is no more fit to TEACH them, than he would be if he told his hearers that Astronomy, the Wireless, or Chem- istry were of the devil, and taught (as in the olden days) that it was contrary to the Will of God, for humanity to scientifically study them; or explained the unrecosrni/ed laws of nature to suit their individual views, just be- cause they were Baptists, Presbyterians, or Method One of the greatest errors, made by the opponents <>t Spiritualism, is, the belief that only foolish messages come from the so-called spirits of the dead. That is a grave mistake and only stands as absolute evidence of ignorance of the subject. To dispel this fallacy and there are many who receive communications in this way I have asked permission to present to my readers a few messages which came through the automatic writ ing of a gentleman who has never affiliated with the Spiritualist dm relies, an independent man, not a me- dium and who is now living i" I^os Angeles; this re- quest was kindly granted, and they appear here in print for the first ti" M.-MM- -'"' m ' s spent alone with this scientific student ..nci invest i:ator has proven to me that he is no doubt an advanced soul, and I have personally chosen th lowing from enough dictated writings to fill a volume: these came from spirit spheres to earth just as genuinely and surely as did any prophetic writings to the prophets of old. They come in different handwritings, according to the source, and are very different from his own hand- writing; I am predicting that all of his wonderful si IR ITUAL writings (for he receives no material messages) will be very valuable to the world, when he has, himself, passed to spirit realms. Read them carefully and judge whether they are of an inconsequential nature. HELL FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 91 I am in possession of many of the original manu- scripts; have seen them written; I will be glad to pro- duce them for examination of the truly sincere student or investigator. I also possess information regarding this gentleman's busy life, which has included an ex- tensive study of many branches in science and art, with business and civic experience in many parts of the world. I here present the following writings of Dr. C. H. Stuart-Wade, J. P., F. R. G. S., F. R. H. S., and many other learned and scientific organizations of Europe and America. * 'Doubt not that the mist called Death can be passed through by those who have gone through many lives and received knowledge and power to know of things that exist beyond the realms of earth science. The time cometh ere long when much that is dark shall be brought to light and that which is hidden be revealed to the searchers after truth. Few indeed are they who seek from spiritual desire ; therefore be not misled by all who profess to speak with the world beyond. By their truth thou shalt recognize their claim, for there be many false spirits abroad, as was foretold, who will try to win away from the desire to sppk knowledge of that which com- eth from the spiritual spheres. 7 ' "Make thy life on earth happy by kindness and love to all God 's created beings ; for, as ye do on tfe^ Sorrow- ful Star, so shall ye reap in the Spirit life. For vWa deeds of the mortal shall bear fruit for life happiness, or for death mortification and remorse, when the mortal puts off the material cloak. It is for each one to choose. Mortal life is part of the great scheme of the Creator. None who seek shall be lost eternally. Time on earth well spent is God's training for future bliss. Trust in God's power bringeth all good in the brighter worlds to come. Those only shall pass to spirit plane who have overcome selfishness, rendered good for evil; overcome their angry passions; rendered help and comfort to the sick, needy, and heavy-hearted; loved their fellow-man 92 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS with the Christ love, and sought His help by prayer and thoughtful study of their own faults " ' ' There be those on earth who wilfully refuse to accept knowledge or instruction. The Christ truly said many are called, but few indeed are they who answer the call. It has ever been thus. LIGHT comes from above, but the child of earth will not open the eye of the soul to receive; and so the opportunity of an incarnation is lost. Let not thy soul be troubled for thy duty has been fulfilled. Carry thy message elsewhere. Let not thy heart be disheartened by thy apparent failure. Go thy way, for thou shalt not waste any strength on barren soil. Material is the heart; selfishness dominates. In- terest is only subservient to the passions that ages ago led cruelty, arrogance, pride and utter indifference to human pain to rule life. Hold thou the power thou now hast, and by God's providence a brief space of silent thought may bring a full realization of this truth. " 4 'By faith, and hope, and love of his fellow shall the searcher after truth learn the Will of the Great Giver of all things. By Faith ye shall learn that He guideth all thy ways; that He through His ministers on Earth as in heaven for heaven is every whore, if ye will make it so guideth H tnmgs in harmony though humanity cannot recognize his power in all things. Hope is in every bocb r > the desire to learn; the desire to know, P^J 10 teach that which is given to thee, is the visible expression of the hope that, by knowledge, ye shall be the better able to ask higher gifts from Him who is ever able to give to those who seek THAT WHICH IS OF A SPIRITUAL NATURE and a benefit to them or others. LOVE is the truest form of God's gifts, for by it ye can forgive; ye can look with charity on the fail- ures of the weak. BY IT CHRIST 'S TEACHINGS ARE SHOWN TO THY WORLD AS REALITIES ; for, as ye love one another so shall ye act toward all men and tread the path He passed, until the desires of earth life be ended; and thou begin to learn that true love alone HELL FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 93 " Unless the mind learn to know itself, the truth shall can bring created beings to a knowledge of the Divine Revelation on the earth." not be revealed. Instructors are sent only to those who are faithful and themselves are seeking knowledge. There are spirits on earth who have returned of their own desire to aid the weary-hearted, to strengthen the weak, to help the doubters, and by their knowledge of the higher spheres, they are able to plant the seed of future life and Love; to water it, with their love and to bring forth good desires. The returning spirits of Light are but few comparatively; the astral many, and of the earth plane purely material. Be not fearful in the mortal body. Even the Christ suffered for mor- tal thought. Know that the earth-born denying to one another those rights granted by God to his children which are love of one another, justice, chastity, honour, truth, trust, forgiveness, integrity, together with those taught by Jesus on earth, shall in no wise obtain the happiness and joy in the life beyond. They shall suffer the like manner as they have made others suffer, in in- tensity of degree. As ye mete to one another the same treatment will be the punishment. For as ye do to oth- ers in the earth world, so shall it be done unto thee in the world thou shall pass to." "Let flow the depths of love, charity, sympathy, and thou shalt the more fully realize the Christ teachings. Teach compassion, humility, love, purity, Divine truth; and with living fire combat pride, selfishness, jealousy, prejudice, ritual, and false doctrines. Arise and work. Forgive those who have offended thee as ye seek for- giveness; so shall power be given thee. When things are as bad as they can be fear not, but try to realize that God's surgery is probing the cancerous growth and life everlasting will be the final result. As the soul approaches liberty, so shall the knowledge of truth, and the fitness of futurity become apparent to thee." 94 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS "Life on earth is love and hope, patience or despair, doubt or trust. Ye who live on the Sorrowful Star rest in ignorance, few even knowing the longings of the Soul. Life beyond is really leading up to an eternal life. One of that activity and harmony, which promotes peace and happiness. A loss of the material or bodily selfishness the Christ expression of "Love thy neighbor as thy- self/* Learn to know thyself strive to spread Love and happiness ; help the weary-hearted, the doubter, the thoughtless, the searcher after truth. " "Ignorant or willful error must be purged, by sor- row and penitence, ere the spirit pass to the spiritual sphere. Christ said, Many are called, but few achieve the perfection necessary. Life is but a breath, a garden in which the soul shall grow until God calls it to end- less bliss. It is not God who punishes humanity. The individual who neglects his or her duty to God, to his family, and to his brothers and sisters in the world, is preparing his own punishment in futurity. The seed sown shall bring forth the fruit, or the weeds; and the sower shall himself reap what was sown, be it good or evil ; after the body has passed hence comes the harvest of a life, and not until the transition is passed and its self-punishment inflicted shall rebirth open the way to a new opportunity to move anew on the path to the higher spheres. Happy the one who moves onward from the material to the spiritual. He or she is truly 'born again!* but bitter indeed are the dregs drunk by the willful hearted and the unbelievers, who fail to learn the lessons self taught. Happy indeed is the mortal who shall love his brother as himself/' "Let the Light of the Sun shine forth in thy aura; let thy brain, soul and body center on the highest spheres, and live only for others. Ever keeping the spiritual power of thy mortal body gazing out, and throwing its vibrations upward to the throne of light. There is no God-designed punishment for sins committed in earth life. God is not of the low, earthly mind that desires HELL FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 95 revenge. Even spirits may not realize in full the pure divinity of the Creator; how then can Humanity? Sin brings its own remembrance when body and soul sep- arate : then, the Soul realizes its imperfections. It knows itself in reality, and by its own God-given power of knowledge, passes judgment on its own past sins. The body-soul seeks to weigh, in the scales of a Divine jus- tice, its failures and its successes in the life past; and, to put it as human mind would express it, sin provides its own punishment, and impels the spirit passed over to seek its place of rest, retribution, punishment, or plane of advancement (according to its decision arrived at by strict, impartial justice evolved through a knowledge of willful failure and neglect, or lack of experience, and desire for good), in that state where progress will be made." "Thoughts are flowers abud. A thought springs in the mind. A seed has been sown, the plant has grown. The bud is formed unseen, even as the thought. We know not what the bud will produce. It is rounded and colorless. The thought is formless. The bud changes and the vibrations of color harmonize and blend, the petals unfold. The perfume spreads abroad and the at- mosphere receives and carries it even as the thought is carried far and wide. The flower grows in beauty, fra- grace and strength. So the good that is spread abroad aids spirit forms to carry it to the hearts of those who need comfort, and the emanations of your brain fulfill the duty which you were destined by the Almighty Creator of all things to fill. Thought is a bud, a flower, a sweet smelling sacrifice." "There be human beings that know not their own minds; variable as the smoke you see; such need Soul Surgery and bodily agony to come to realize their own need of submitting themselves to spirit guidance, in Faith as well as in mere words. A sorrow sent is God 's method of teaching that mankind is not sufficient in its own lit- tle plane of existence, to control even its own affairs. 96 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS How then can it control self unless aid is sought from the messengers of God the ministers of the spirit worlds those who watch and bear the petitions to the One Father of All. From little events great results may follow. A thought ; a word ; a look ; a sneer ; it may be nothing said, and yet the moment of redemption passes for ages of time. A wearisome, rocky road once again to be trav- eled; and a waiting and watching of those seeking re- lease in the lands ye know not of." "Will, is the power above all others; for, by His will the Creator established and maintains all things. Will, in Faith, and ye shall succeed. "What is inspired by good, must come from good, if carried out by that intention alone. "God has set down laws of Nature, of which ye know nothing in reality; these followed, in the desire for truth, must be for good. "All things in nature are associated in the chain of God's laws; they are interwoven with material and spiritual life. "Mankind can never comprehend, with his limited powers of mind, the things which are within his ability to control in the realms of nature, if he is of the earth plane, and dominated by the desires of the material body." "The wind bloweth and yet know not whence it com- eth, but God knows and guides it. He sendeth it forth to do good for mankind. The flowers bloom and shed their fragrance on the air, but how they are made ye know not. The colors are formed by His Almighty power, and ye see through them some of the beauties of the worlds beyond, though the colors ye can see by mor- tal eye are nothing to those which exist in the life eternal. May His spirit flow into your heart, and shower the beauties of worlds unseen upon you this night." "In this sphere we are mostly students, and the teachers from above come and instruct us (even as we instruct, as far as we are able), to influence those who HELL FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 97 are selected to pass on our messages, to those who seek Truth in the Sorrowful Star. Ye are not yet showing what thou art best fitted for; but fear not, as thou fol- lowest the advice sent out to thee, through our minis- er, and the thought vibrations which come to thee from time to time, so shall ye develop in spiritual and also in the loving attribute of attraction: The time is not distant, when it shall be shown thee what line of work thou are called upon to perform. There is much yet to come, and we will endeavor to teach thee soon, as to the work in the Astral plane (in the class which thou and we are holding simultaneously) so that ye may learn what to avoid; and the students here, learn how best to help those in earth life who seek knowledge ; and also, to send out the threads which float in the Astral plane, (like spider webs) so that those who are longing for the Light, may have the opportunity of hanging thereon, and being drawn up/' "We have lived also, and longed to know more of the life beyond. Happy art thou, in being permitted to know the little shown to thee. Thy life is, and has been, one of help to the sick and distressed. Knowledge grows in thee, and the vibrations sent thee are to prove that life continues ; and that God performs His works in way we cannot understand but which ye cannot help but be- lieve. Let joy and happiness shine from thy counte- nance. Let thine eyes be like the bright sun pouring forth love and sweetness on all surrounding thee. Dis- pel all gloom, for that attracts the evil spirits, who dare not approach where the light of heavenly spirts control. Be happy thyself; bestow happiness; as thy guardians seek ever to bestow it upon thee, even though the trials of life be many." "Happiness cannot be found on earth. Be content with that given thee, and see that thou use it well, so that what ye have may be shared with those who have less than thyself. So shall ye use your talent, and it 98 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS shall bring forth a rich reward to thee in thy life to come/' "Realize the Truth of what comes to thy ministering guide on earth. His work is to point out the way to thy happiness now, and through the ages yet to pass. As- sist him by all means in thy power, so that he and our- selves may come to thee and help thee to reach Home. Trust to thy own promptings for thou art realizing past errors. Seek to make thy mind and heart available to our guidance and recognize the truth that we can communi- cate and that we love thee well. Foster all noble inclina- tions, affections, and sentiments. Let your aspirations be of the highest and so fit yourselves that when this life ends, ye may be able to rejoin those who have gone before and are preparing the home which thou hast al- ready begun to build in the Summerland." "Spirits are constantly teaching you by the thoughts they implant. If ye understand not, ask thy guide to tell thee. Let your soul body go forth to seek the Light the First Cause the Source of Love and Creation. Let it go forth pure and ready to learn. Let your thoughts be refined by the fires of Spirit thought, so that ye may be fit to go with those who shall meet you and go with you on the pathway ye shall traverse toward the abode of those who are in the spirit realms. Realize that anything done in life that is contrary to the physi- cal laws of God will cause ye to suffer in body, and that the penalty of neglect to fulfill the laws he has made to govern the Universe, and all that therein is, shall also bring its own punishment. Develop thy intellect. Be not troubled by the ills of earth. Let thy nature seek affinity with the radiant beings of the upper spheres. So shalt thou see them and walk with them in the realms ye are unable to see until thy spiritual eyes be permitted to open and behold in all splendor." * ' Everybody that the Divine One has placed in any of His worlds contains somewhat of the Divinity himself. What you call Spirit. If he be Divine and ever living, HELL FIRE Is NOT LITERAL 99 that which he sent into the material may live, for it cannot perish. Therefore, when the most wicked pass from life, they are given a chance to live and learn and work out the regeneration of soul until the spirit is freed from evil and fitted to return to Him who gave it life." 1 i No longer canst thou sow the seeds in a material gar- den, but in doing so in the past thou hast been learning of God's plan and that the laws of nature are all in harmony and beauty, and mean life and light to come. Natural laws cannot be broken without suffering! The harmonious relations of life are like the strings of an in- strument, sweet and vibrant to soul ond body, when in accord with the music of the heavenly spheres. Let but a cord be unstrung by doubt, fear, unbelief, selfishness or distrust and nature's laws are broken! life is threat- ened in the body and the soul spirit is unable to react or control the mental portion of the human body by reason of the physical tension. Hence, obey nature's laws and let health of body prepare thy heart and mind and soul to put on the radiant effulgence that is to shine through the fleshly covering and reveal to mankind the sunshine of the brighter realms working unseen there- in." "Youth understands not that they are but a link in a chain. Not individually of moment in the world, but an atom of dust that must link itself with other atoms of humanity to fulfill the laws of Nature's God. Teach, therefore, that a lad, or a man, is responsible, person- ally, for his development of those faculties bestowed upon him, not merely to himself, but to those who brought him into the world in the first place, then to those who are brought into association with him ; through them, his moral tendencies, his truthfulness ,thoughtful unselfishness, self-sacrifice it may be, his obedience in all things, develop harmony, efficiency, loving thoughts, and a kindly disposition that gives him self respect and power 100 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS for good in the world. He becomes a strong link in God's chain of training to that personal responsibility that leads to understanding that he is vital to the good of mankind and a trustee to carry out the will of the Di- vine Creator." ONE DOZEN POINTED PITHY PARAGRAPHS Do you BELIEVE in a revengeful God? I KNOW a Loving One! Do you BELIEVE in a literal burning Hell ? There is no such place. Do you BELIEVE God made a Devil to punish man ? The Church developed the Devil. Do you BELIEVE in Infant Damnation? Christ taught the opposite. Do you BELIEVE in the shedding of Blood ? That is Paganism revived. Do you BELIEVE that Dead Bodies shall rise again? Not the body physical. Do you BELIEVE God's tongue is tied? God is Omnipotent. Do you BELIEVE in Right-doing just for a reward? That is Selfishness. Do you BELIEVE in Justice because it is God's at- tribute? That is manly. Do you BELIEVE in the Brotherhood of Man? That is Christian and true. Do you BELIEVE that a just God would cause the "Fall of Man?" That is unjust. Do you BELIEVE that the Church of today prac- tices True Christianity? It does not. SPIRITUALISM IS NOT OF THE DEVIL CERTAIN class of church folks still go on with the cry that Spiritualism is the deceiving POWER OF THE DEVIL ; they quote the Bib- lical reference to the Woman of Endor, and conclude by saying that it is wicked to communicate; they want to let it go, and rest satisfied at that! But such people seem to ignore the most important fact, and that is that SAMUEL TOLD THE TRUTH TO KING SAUL ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF HIS KINGDOM, AND TOLD ABOUT THE DEATH ON THE MOR- ROW, OF HIMSELF AND HIS SONS; ALSO THE DELIVERANCE OF ISRAEL INTO THE HANDS OF THE PHILISTINES. The Bible says that Samuel also told Saul, ' 'Tomor- row shalt thou and thy sons be with me!" Is not this proof, by Biblical words, that we CAN actually com- municate with the dead? That the spirit form of Samuel told the truth to the bodily Saul; it follows naturally, that if as recorded, Saul and his sons were dead to earth matters, or with Samuel the next day in the spirit world, then Samuel was not inert in the grave and unconscious, as the orthodox church would have us believe, but that a spiritual Samuel was alive some- where; a thinking, conscious entity, able to come back and remind Saul that he had disobeyed God 's commands, and give him knowledge (a test), that he was to die, with his sons, the next day! According to the Bible, THE SPIRIT MESSAGE PROVED TRUE. Up to this time there had been no so-called Resurrec- tion Day, yet Samuel WAS conscious, and evidently knew [101] 102* FESK-r PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS what Saul was doing on the earth plane. Wake up, you orthodox folks, and get your brain box working. Now, let us assume, just for example, that Spiritualism is wrong de facto; and that evil influences only can re- turn ; that the whole thing is produced by the power of the Devil. Let's consider just what the Devil is! D evil spells Devil, and God is equivalent to Good! To a reasoning man that just represents the positive and negative powers of the Universe, and they are Nature's Laws, and indispensable to the operation of this universe. There must be apparently good and bad, heat and cold, summer and winter, thick and thin, long and short, darkness and light; just as there must be two ends to a pole. Light would not be appreciated without darkness, nor the summer sun without winter. There would be no exquisite pleasure without temporary pain. Harmony is rarely appreciated without the pos- sibility of discord. No joy is greater than that AFTER sorrow. Neither is there realization of Good without Evil (or THE D-E-V-I-L). Good, would not be a realism without the evidence of Evil. Being that the Orthodox church claims the Holy Bible to be the absolute infallible Word of God, then let us study that Book on the subject of the POWER OF THE DEVIL, in any reference it may have to Spiritualism. In Numbers; 12:6, we read, "And he said, hear now my word. If there be a Prophet among you, I, the Lord, will make myself known unto him in a VISION, and will speak unto him in A DREAM. ' ' Now, if our Ortho- dox friends really believe their Bible is infallible, we have here the Lord's own promise that He WOULD com- municate; then, our Orthodox friends, to be logical, must consider that God is an Evil Spirit. Either that is a fact, or their Bible is not infallible. Judges, 9:23. "Then God sent AN EVIL SPIRIT BETWEEN ABIMELECH AND THE MEN OF SHECHEM, AND THE MEN OF SHECHEM DEALT TREACHEROUSLY WITH ABIMELECH." SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 103 1st Samuel, 16; 14 and 16: "But the SPIRIT OF THE LORD departed from Saul," AND AN EVIL SPIRIT FROM THE LORD TROUBLED HIM. "And Saul's servants said unto him, "Behold now AN EVIL SPIRIT FROM GOD TROUBLETH THEE.". . . 1st Samuel, 16 :23 : "And it came to pass WHEN THE EVIL SPIRIT FROM GOD WAS UPON SAUL, that David took a harp and played with his hand, so Saul was refreshed and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him." 1st Samuel, 18:10: "And it came to pass on the morrow, "THAT THE EVIL SPIRIT FROM GOD CAME UPON SAUL AND HE PROPHESIED IN THE MIDST OF THE HOUSE." 1st Samuel, 19:19: "AND THE EVIL SPIRIT FROM THE LORD WAS UPON SAUL AS HE SAT IN HIS HOUSE WITH HIS JAVELIN IN HIS HAND." Isaiah 45 ; 5, 6 and 7 : " I am the LORD, and there is none else. There is no God beside me. I AM THE LORD AND THERE IS NONE ELSE. I FORM THE LIGHT AND CREATE DARKNESS. I MAKE PEACE AND CREATE EVIL; I, THE LORD, DO ALL THESE THINGS." 1st Kings, 22:23: "Now, therefore, behold THE LORD HATH PUT A LYING SPIRIT IN THE MOUTH OF ALL THY PROPHETS, AND THE LORD HATH SPOKEN EVIL CONCERNING THEE." 1st Chronicles, 21, 15: "AND GOD SENT AN ANGEL TO JERUSALEM TO DESTROY IT." And in the New Testament, 1st John, 4-1, we read: "Beloved, believe not every Spirit, BUT TRY THE SPIRITS WHETHER THEY ARE OF GOD; BE- CAUSE MANY FALSE PROPHETS HAVE GONE OUT INTO THE WORLD." Hebrews 1-14: "ARE THEY NOT ALL MINISTERING SPIRITS, SENT FORTH TO MINISTER FOR THEM THAT SHALL BE HEIRS OF SALVATION?" 104 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS Therefore, if the Bible be true and infallible, it would appear that EVIL SPIRITS ABE FROM GOD, so why should they question this phase of Spiritualism ? We are justified in assuming that if God be omnipotent, and does not make any mistakes, he sends the evil spirits back to fulfill some good purpose. Such a good purpose would apparently be to have spirits of Orthodox church members come back, communicate with their earth friends and give THEM the proof that they live, and are not asleep awaiting Gabriel's blast of the trumpet on the Resurrection Morn. And get this point, they must also admit that if only evil spirits CAN come back, then by their own Bible account, Samuel came back spe- cially to tell the truth to King Saul. He also gave him a "spirit test" that came true the very next day, though they insist that an evil spirit cannot tell the truth. If the account is correct then, Samuel must have been evil, because HE came back ; or, if the apparition was a good spirit, then both good and bad spirits can communicate with the living in this world, and give them true tests. If this is not true, then the Bible IS NOT AS INFAL- LIBLE as the theologians claim. It is probable that some persons may think I am mis- taken, when I say that there are preachers all over the land who are spreading these untruths broadcast. It is a hard matter to realize, just how they deduce their opin- ions, but read their own words: Judge Rutherford, the successor to Pastor Russell, of the Bible Students' Asso- ciation, said: "Demons in the atmosphere near the earth, and not the Spirits of the dead, are behind this wave of Spiritualism now spreading over the country. It is true that Mediums hear voices delivering messages to them, and see visions ; and there is automatic writing, but it is not the spirits of the dead ! The dead are dead, and therefore cannot talk until resurrection ! They are asleep, and have no consciousness. Spiritualism is the Devil's own faith." This is merely Judge Rutherford's SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 105 personal opinion. He has no basis for laying down such an emphatic assertion. Arthur Brisbane writes the following about Spirit- ualism: "All the nonsense of Spiritualism, preying on the pitiful longings of weak or tired minds, have not produced the value of a two-cent stamp, and never will ! If the dead could talk after the interesting experiment of dying, they would send better messages back than 'Mamma is happy. It is lovely over here. Love to Willie.' " According to the Right Reverend James McGean, of the Church of St. Peter, of New York City, "Table Tippings, Ouija Board demonstrations and all other spir- itualistic seances are forbidden to Catholics." The Rev. Alexis Cuneen, in a sermon in the same church, places Spiritualism and devil worship in the same category. If this be true, they should be careful not to advertise the fact, for Peter, one of the beloved disciples of Jesus, and the rock upon which the Catholic Church claims it is built, was what the people of today call a medium, and talked WITH spirits ; the proof of which I have quoted in full from the "Catholic" Bible, on a preceding page. If it had not been for "the foolishness of Spiritual- ism" (as Mr. Brisbane calls it), and for the Apostle Peter's psychic ability, there would not have been a foundation on which the Catholic heirarchy could place their rock. Had Mr. Brisbane been writing editorials at that time, he would have advised Peter to give some- thing better than the nonsense about "Kill and Eat." But beyond all question the Scientific fact remains, that communication with the spirit world is true ! Would the Saints have knowledge of conditions, or know how or when to forgive sins if there was not some form of actual communication? For they claim there has been no Resurrection Morn as yet. Mr. Brisbane, however, comes out with the cry that "All the nonsense of Spir- itualism has not produced the value of a two cent stamp and never will." In spite of his dogmatic statement, 106 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS Spiritualism possesses a vitality that will go on teaching (and proving) that actual communication with " those beyond, ' ' is possible, just as the Catholic Church teaches. Now conies Dr. J. A. Gaughey, a state secretary of the Interchurch World Movement, who shows his lack of knowledge on the subject, and gives evidence in favor of Spiritualism when he says: "Any message ever re- ceived on the Ouija Board, or Planchette, came from the devil and not from God. It is harmful. God has given us no hope to believe that communication with the dead is possible. Prayer, and the reading of the Bible are our two means of consolation." What Spiritualist ever said that Ouija messages are from God? No profound student or investigator makes such a claim. Ella Wheeler Wilcox said her messages on the Ouija came from "Her Robert." She did not say they came from God. This gentleman closes his personal opinion with a remark about reading the Bible, and no doubt he has read the portions referring to the Transfiguration on the Mount, where Moses and Elias, both dead over a thousand years, are stated to have talked with Jesus, in the presence of Peter, James and John. He cannot possibly have failed to read about Peter 's trance; or about Jesus materializing in the up- per room, and appearing amongst the Apostles WHEN THE DOORS WERE LOCKED, (for fear of the Jews). He has probably read the Revelation from first to last, which according to the Bible, was given to John on the Isle of Patmos, while IN a trance. Will he, or any Bible student, still deny that communication is not proven 1 Personally, I think those preachers who teach these untruths are the "False Prophets who have gone out into the world." It seems extraordinary, after all these positive Biblical proofs that spirits can and DO com- municate with the living, that these teachers of Ortho- doxy continue to teach dogmas that are not only illogi- cal, but untrue, thereby denying their own Biblical evi- SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 107 dence: stultifying their own assertions regarding the foundation of their religious belief. The scientific study of Spiritualism has led men of European fame to see the Light and the following in- vestigators have verified its phenomena : Those who think that Spiritualism is confined to America should read the recorded reports of investi- gators throughout Europe. A few of these may be mentioned, but thousands of other eminent men, (many clergymen amongst them), have verified for themselves the phenomena of Spiritualism. One clerical reference: The Rev. Ernest Jenkins, M. A., Congregational minister of Leeds, England, at the funeral of Lieutenant Harry Scholefield, "died of wounds, " said: "Harry Scholefield not only lives, but is in conscious and intimate touch with us here. He has NOT passed to a land far, far away, but is near at hand. ' ' The Rev. Dr. Theodore Parker, of London, England, ex-President Wilson (referring to our soldiers), and hundreds of learned, conscientious men have voiced similar sentiments regarding our loved ones who have ascended the ladder, and gone higher! France Flammarion, Prof. Fournier D'Albe, Prof. Le Bon. Germany Baron Von Schrenck, Notzing, M. D. Austria Sigmund Freud of Vienna. Russia Count Alexander Aksakoff, Count Solovovo. Poland Dr. Ochorowicz. Italy Professors Lombroso and Morselli. Holland Dr. Malta, Dr. Zaalberg Van Zelst. Belgium Prof. Delboeuf, Maurice Maeterlinck. America has produced no greater student than Dr. James H. Hyslop, and in Canada Dr. John King. England. Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir Conan Doyle, Dr. Ennemoser, Lord Dewar, Sir Wm. Earnshaw Cooper, Rt. Hon. Arthur Balfour, Sir Wm. Barrett, and Sir Wm. Crookes, 108 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS who spent years in painstaking investigation in his own home, and elsewhere. Professor and Mrs. Sidwick, of the British Psychical Research Society, investigated thou- sands of cases, and, like all those scientific open-minded truth seekers, published their conclusions that Life AND remembrance continue after the mortal body has ceased to pulsate in earth life. EXPLOSION OP THE LUNACY BOGEY Nothing can be more discreditable to the orthodox preachers and their followers than the allegation so often made that Spiritualism is productive of insanity, and to a marked degree. This is very discreditable not only because it is untrue, but also because these tellers of fables must be fully aware, if they depend upon statis- tics, that facts absolutely fail to support the accusation. If their statements are true, why do they not produce the evidential proof? In the September number, 1919, of "The Harbinger of Light," Melbourne, Australia, is the following ex- tract about this condition as it exists there and in Great Britain. "No one in Great Britain or in Australasia, will venture to supply these figures. Why? Simply because they do not exist. It is safe to say that many of these traducers have made a thorough search of the records of asylums for the insane, in the hope of dis- covering some semblance of evidence with which to bol- ster up their claims. We hurl the slander back in their teeth and defy them to prove the charge. There has never been such interest in Spiritualism in Great Britain as during the past few years. " It is described as having taken on the proportions of a 'mania.' If, therefore, a study of the subject is pro- ductive of madness it would surely manifest itself in the official returns. But what do we find? Instead of in- sanity being on the increase, it has actually decreased during the past few years for the first time since 1859. According to the 'Report of the British Board of Con- SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 109 trol," there were 134,029 lunatics under control in Eng- land and Wales at the beginning of 1917, which showed a decrease of 3,159 on the figures of the previous year, while in 1915 there was a decline of 3,278 cases, these being the only cases since 1859 when the Lunacy Re- turns have failed to show a rise." Do these figures demonstrate that Spiritualism is filling the asylums? If Spiritualism has influenced the matter at all, does it not rather tend to show that it has been in the very oppo- site direction? As Mr. Arthur Hill, who is recognized as one of the most authoritative writers on the various phases of Spiritualism in England today, points out in his comprehensive work 'Spiritualism, Its History, Phenomena and Doctrine' the records of the insane asylums would almost seem to indicate that the conso- lations of spiritualistic beliefs are saving from insanity many who would otherwise have lost their reason through grief. Several persons have told me that in their own case, the NEW KNOWLEDGE HAD SAVED THEM FROM MENTAL DISASTER. It is quite likely that there are insane Spiritualists, as there are insane peo- ple of all colors, races and sects, but it has never yet been proven, or even considered probable, that insanity occurs in a higher proportion among Spiritualists than among other people. I know, however, of several cases of religious melancholia brought on by being repeatedly told "that they will suffer everlasting torture if they do not believe as they are ordered to ' ' ; but I have never known a Spiritualist who has become insane, and my experience has been confirmed by several magistrates who sign certificates of Lunacy. Testimony of one of them will be found in the "Two Worlds" for August 24th, 1917, where Mr. Jones offers 100 to any charity if Dr. Robertson could substantiate his statements about Spiritualism causing insanity. The challenge was not accepted. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle states that "as a result of investigation in an American State, it was shown that out of 13,500 lunacy patients there were 110 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS FOUR SPIRITUALISTS and 215 CLERGYMEN," and logically added "It is time that this nonsense ceased." It has been going on for half a century and there has never been a word of truth in it. Lord Halifax, a High Churchman in England, some time ago had the temerity to parade this ridiculous insane bogey in the course of a lecture, and was brusquely replied to by the Rev. Charles Tweedale, F. R. G. S., vicar of Weston, York- shire, who in his pamphlet, "Primitive Christianity and Modern Psychic Phenomena," writes: "This falsehood, this cry of * ware madness, ' was raised forty years ago, and killed by statistics as soon as raised. I can obtain them for his lordship if he desires it. It was then found, that in the asylums from which the statistics were ob- tained there were very few persons suffering from mad- ness by devotion to psychic things, but that there were many cases of religious mania among the orthodox pa- tients. Such is the state of things today. Why does Lord Halifax not inveigh loudly against Christianity because of the many cases of religious mania among the orthodox?" To again disprove the lunacy falsehood beyond England and America, let us ask the Italian Scientists. We find that Prof. Morselli, Director of the Clinic of Mental Diseases at the University of Genoa, declares, "Cases of madness among those devoted to psychic phenomena are VERY RARE. In my long experience among thousands of patients, I do not re- member more than four or five." There is one thing you may be sure of. The preach- ers have never told you just how many have been saved from MENTAL unbalance, by the hope-inspiring gospel of Spiritualism. Millions bereaved by the war, have been saved from mental derangement by the knowl- edge that their boy, or their father, or their brother, or their husband, is NOT dead, but alive in another form, functioning in another media and can be with them at times; that they are not dead or beyond God's guiding Love in a dark grave under the sod. Let us, however, SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 111 consider official and definite statistics ; absolutely reliable data, as to the number of people who have become men- tally deranged, possibly through the prospect of spend- ing eternity in an orthodox hell fire. A close inquiry of this kind would startle the country. After hearing many statements made from the pulpits of our orthodox churches in Los Angeles, and seeing accounts in the daily papers of the great numbers who were going insane by taking up the study of things Occult, I thought that I must have the statistics from the authorities of the State of California, for I could not believe these indefinite reports were true. It is to be regretted that the statements of positive preachers can- not always be relied upon, so I applied to the California State Commission in Lunacy, at Sacramento, Calif., of which Governor "William D. Stephens is President ; Frank C. Jordan, Secretary of State; U. S. Webb, Attorney- General; Wilfred H. Kellogg, M.D., Secretary State Board of Health ; F. W. Hatch, M.D., General Superin- tendent, and Senator E. S. Birdsall, Secretary, in an effort to get the truth about this much discussed sub- ject. The answer to my letter follows: "Mr. James McGregor Beatty, Los Angeles, Calif. March 25, 1920. Dear Sir, Beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 14th, which I found on my re- turn from a trip. While I have not seen the published account attributed to me in reference to the Ouija Board, I have no doubt that it was the result of an expression of personal opinion given by me to a newspaper re- porter, who was in the office. Through newspaper pub- licity, attention has been called to some cases where certain people were committed to state institutions, due to excitement brought on by the unreasonable indul- gence in the use of the Ouija Board. Probably, however, this was simply a contributory cause, and WE HAVE NO RECORDS COMPILED ON WHICH WE COULD BASE COMPARISON OF PATIENTS COMMITTED TO OUR STATE HOSPITALS, IN REFERENCE TO 112 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS; and in fact, we do not believe that such comparison would be fair or very authentic, on account of the fact that a great number of patients committed to the Superior Courts are not very clear as to what particular denomination they affiliated with, while in most instances our commitments purport to give the patients religious affiliation, THIS DATA IS MORE OR LESS UNRELIABLE. Personally, I HAVE NEVER NOTICED THAT PATIENTS PRO- FESSING SPIRITUALISTIC BELIEF PREDOM- INATED, AND IN FACT HAVE NEVER HEARD THE ACCUSATION THAT SPIRITUALISM WAS SENDING PEOPLE INSANE. Very often after in- sanity (which is nothing more nor less than a mental sickness) has taken place, patients develop hallucina- tions and other manifestations in reference to various forms of religion, the hereafter, electricity, wireless, and in fact, other subjects not well understood by the aver- age mind. Trusting this letter, which to a certain extent must be superficial, answers your communication suf- ficiently, I am yours respectfully, E. S. Birdsall, Sec- retary. ' ' Again we hurl the Positive Preachers' untruths back in their teeth. Here are the State authorities of Cali- fornia backing up my statements that Spiritualism is NOT sending people insane, despite the opinions of the preachers who get so used to repeating fables that they sometimes forget and try to slip one over that they cannot prove. I wonder where they get their statistics. They are not very good at figures, for they say that this old world is only six thousand years old, despite the fact that Science dispelled that fable long ago. In a newspaper account on March 13, 1920, we read : ' ' Ouija mania is an old disease under a new name. People went crazy over such puzzles as "Pigs in Clover " and the 14-15-16 Puzzle, declared Senator Birdsall of the State Lunacy Commission today. The added promi- nence of the Ouija Board, though the publicity given SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 113 to spiritualists by such men as Sir Oliver Lodge and Conan Doyle, " said Birdsall, "has stimulated interest in Spiritualism, but those people who have gone insane over the toy were already lacking in perspective, and were en route to where they finally landed." Dr. F. W. Hatch, of the Commission says that, "THOSE WHO WENT CRAZY OVER THE OUIJA BOARD WOULD HAVE GONE INSANE SOONER OR LATER! THEY DIDN'T HAVE FAR TO GO." So let us ask the clergy to stop ' ' chasing rainbows, ' ' for- getting fallacies, and get down to bed-rock; stick close to truth, learn the facts, listen to the dictates of com- mon sense, remembering, it is good to seek the truth, but IT IS BETTER TO KNOW TRUTH AND FOL- LOW IT. I hope I shall not be forced into a detailed investiga- tion ; a searching of data and statistical proof, in defense of the truth about this subject ; I shall continue to believe such an investigation unnecessary, unless this untruth is continuously dragged out before the unenlightened mind of those orthodox who will believe almost any- thing told them in regard to the awful mental dangers of spiritualism. Read here of a case which came under the personal observation of the author, and the signer of this statement is well known to him. The knowl- edge of spiritualism gave help and comfort denied by Orthodoxy ; and by the Truth that Cheers she was lifted up and out of a Slough of Despond. Mrs. Pedigo's own words follow: "I take great pleasure in submitting the following statement to the public. I was raised an Orthodox, but through the death of my only son, I was brought into Spiritualism. He was twenty-two years old, just entering a bright, promising manhood. He was my pride, my joy. He met his death under very peculiar circumstances on January 31, 1917, at Winkleman, Arizona. Receiving the telegram stating that he had been killed, I went to Arizona and laid him to rest in 114 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS that little mining town. I came home heart-broken, for according to my earlier teaching, my boy was lost. I could not become reconciled to his death. I wanted to die and go where he had gone, as Heaven without my boy would not be Heaven to me. I was fast becoming a mental and physical wreck, when Spiritualism rescued me from a living death. Was it by chance, or was it a higher power that led me to Mr. George Francis, pastor of the Francis Church of Truth, Spiritualist? No! It was not chance, and I now realize it was the spiritual influence of my departed loved ones who drew me to that spot, where I was lifted from the lowest depths of despair to a high pinnacle of hope. Mr. Francis asked me no questions. Following is the mes- sage he gave me. He said : ' You have a son in spirit ; he was killed, and his name was Frank/ He told me every incident, every circumstance connected with my son's death, just as it was told to me at Winkleman, Arizona. I asked him to try and see if he could learn what Frank tried to say when he was passing out. Mr. Francis went under control and said: 'I tried to send a message to my dear Mother, but every time I tried to speak I choked. 11 'I had stock and wanted her to have it. Tell hor to write to Babbett at Flagstaff.' The undertaker at Winkleman told me that Frank had tried to say some- thing just as he was passing out, but every time he opened his mouth he choked. This message lifted a great load of sorrow from my heart, and proved that my boy was living and able to communicate with me through a medium. This caused me to think, for Mr. Francis did not know me, and there was only one per- son in Los Angeles besides myself who knew the circum- stances under which my boy died. I went home and determined to investigate for myself. I did not write to Babbett then, but wrote to the post- master, asking him if there was any person in or near Flagstaff by the name of Babbett. He answered, 'Yes.' SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 115 I went back to the medium to see if he could get Bab- bett 's full address. He took up his pencil and wrote: 'David Babbett Bros., Merchants, Flagstaff, Arizona.' I wrote to this address, telling Mr. Babbett I had learned that my son had stock on his range, and I asked him to investigate for me. I received an answer to this letter, written on a letter-head, the printing of which was a perfect facsimile of the address given me by the medium. Mr. Babbett said to give him some idea of what my son's stock consisted, where located, etc., and he would look it up for me. I again went to the medium to see if he could help find out these things, and he said 'Tell Mother I had forty horses and twenty head of young cattle on the Babbett range, in northern Arizona, in the care of (naming the man). I wrote to Babbett again, giving him the information. He again answered, tell- ing me to get the stock brand, if possible. Mr. Francis later took out his pencil and drew the following diagram of the brand later I got in touch with a man by the name of - - who claimed to be a friend of Frank's, and who said he was sure that Frank had no less than thirty horses and some cattle, and that if I would give him power-of-attorney, authorizing him to search for, take possession of, and sell said stock for me, that he would attend to it for me. I did this, thinking he would deal fairly with me. At this point I employed an attorney to help me. I could get no more letters from this man. The attorney could get no answers to his letters. Finally I received a letter, telling me that he knew nothing about the cattle or the brand. My attorney knew that evidence obtained from the spirit world is not received or recognized by the Courts today, and as that was the only evidence I had, we could do nothing, so I had to lose them on that account. ' ' Signed, Mrs. Viola Wren Pedigo, 738 West 16th street, Los Angeles, Calif. One of our great spiritual teachers in Los Angeles, who has come forward for the Truth of Spirit com- 116 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS munion, and the knowledge "that the two worlds are actually one to those who will have it so," is Carl Bron- son, composer and teacher, who for years was prepared by guidance to give out to the world The Soul of Truth. Those who read his wonder epic, "Flow'r-of-the-Mist," recently published, will know that "it is now time for the beautiful sweetness of Truth to shine upon Humanity. ' ' Mr. Bronson was for many years the director of a great choir in a Methodist Church of Los Angeles, and he has held similar positions in nearly every great de- nomination, and has been prepared through years for just the work he is doing. I am a privileged listener to truth from his lips, when a group of students gather for this purpose. His close personal friendship with Ella Wheeler Wil- cox was not a matter of chance, but guidance of a rare sort, and when informed of the author's desire to give to his readers some of the beautiful gems of Truth from across the line, the following messages from Mrs. Wil- cox were given him for publication in this book, and appear just as they were written through the hand of Mr. Bronson 's daughter, Ruth Bronson. ' ' Maude is here : 1 ' Over swaying tree-tops the joyous wind-spirits dance, and whisper the wonderful secrets of other lands and worlds. "We, here, often tend toward the dancing freedom of the winds and playful tree-tops. "When cradled in the branches of some tall pine, we feel the eternal Life-Force vibrating through the veins of the tree's majestic being, and sense the great living force which interweaves man's being with all creation. "Astride the restless steed of our forces ride the planets with rein in check and crest high. "The sun-star holds the fiery forces of heat in the course assigned by the Master. "By the same force we are set upon our course of SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OP THE DEVIL 117 experience and upheld by an unfailing strength, if we but take into our beings the forces of burning, eternal suns. "Penetrate the forests of human souls and find the same desire impelling the soul on to its perfection of freedom and understanding. "This desire draws into the being, forces which other effort cannot command. "Long has the Soul energy worked within the Dark- ened chamber of earth thought, and now a light has dawned which shall flood all darkened places of earth, and dispel all thoughts of darkness. "Maude has flown to other duties, and so I must go. "Ella." Through the hand of Ruth Bronson. March 1, 1921. "Maude is here; I was proving my presence with a great power. Write now for Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs. Wil- cox is writing. "When the swift thoughts wing their flight, the four winds are far outsped. The thought has wings space- less, directing. "We send tender reflections to our beloved ones, and no distance can divide the perfect unity of the thought if we are fired by ardor of being. "Mountain heights affront the troops of thoughts sent across the seas, but cannot stay them. There is no material of earth which is proof against the penetration of thought. "You see the power of this force, which men use as children might play with our burning forces. Often unguarded, we permit destructive darts to leave our thought generator, all of which weaken our forces of strength. "Now the world is at its dawn, in which all beings shall be Soul-conscious, and all thoughts guarded; and 118 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS only those dispatched which have building, constructive forces within. "Ella." Through the hand of Ruth Bronson, March 8, 1921. Following inspirational poem was written by Carl Bronson for this book: HOW I BEGAN TO SEE Tho' I did sing of Truth the whole day long, I could not find an ear would list 'my song. And so I sang unto the stars above, And told them of my yearnings, and my love. 'Twas thus I bore the sting of walking lone; Of knowing, and yet living all unknown. Yet, ever persevering with my rhyme, At last there struck within my soul a chime Like to that of the Master's pulsing note; More wond'rous than the song of my poor throat. I dared not guess, at first, from whence it came ; But waited long until I heard my name Outwhispered clear, as from a Heav'nly throng. Ah! Then I knew the portent of my song, And realized I had not sung in vain. It matters not that men hear not your strain: Ye only need to be at heart sincere, To have God's Angels lend a list'ning ear. Carl Bronson. Written for my friend and fellow pilgrim, Beatty. Los Angeles, March 25, 1921. Before closing this chapter I feel it a duty to present to my readers a few dictated writings, given to a young man now living in Los Angeles, by name Oliver G. Wal- lace, who is publicly well known as a great musician and popular song writer, and now holding a position as organist in one of the largest theatres in Los Angeles, although few knew the extent of his spiritual develop- SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 119 ment, for he is one of the truly inspired organists of this country. Mr. Wallace is also the writer of the world famous song ' * Hindustan ' ' and many other popular melodies of our day. The following messages were chosen from a great variety from the unseen side of life, and presented to the author with the hope that they will be of help in proving, that, what is most needed is OPEN HEARTS AND MINDS waiting for NEW LIGHT. Mr. Wallace's writings follow : * ' Give out the Word to all those who would listen with their hearts. To give unto those who would listen with tired ears of the worldly world, is like putting a napkin around the neck of a pig before filling his trough with the 'leavings' of the table. You will always know whether you are casting your 'line' in the right stream by the beetles that reside thereon, and you will also know when you are serving a banquet to swine by the 'grunt- ings' that emanate therefrom. And so always choose words to suit the occasion and the guests. If one's stomach will hold only water, don't waste the juice of fruits on them. If one's eyes can only see by candle light, don't ask them to look into the Face of the Sun, and don't argue that they are right or wrong; the old worn but still apropo adage, 'Time will tell' is still the great judge of all. Just try to hold a loving thought for them and your road will be indeed a happy one and can lead you to but one place and that is the 'Fountain of all.' " "Wherefore is mankind about to come into the Great Millennium. At what age of the world is this great thing expected to come upon us ? Theologians have decreed, or rather have they told us that it will be with the coming of the Christ. If that is a fact, then the Millennium must be with us every minute of the day, every day of the year, at any and every moment some one of us ar- rives at or experiences the Millennium or the great 120 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS Illumination, or understanding of the Laws of God. Why do the Orthodox insist on interpreting from the cold words the literal meaning, instead of the spirit. The Millennium is the uplift of the Spirit, that is the Christ. We are Christ in Soul before we are fallen in matter and in matter we learn our lessons or certain lessons and when the dross is eliminated from us while in that state then the Spirit or Soul comes again into its own. There- fore the second coming of Christ or the Great Millen- nium. Singly do we come to this state from the universal Soul and singly must we go back from whence we came. We must all attain to that degree, each must experience his Millennium and no one shall tell when it will come upon them, truly it shall come as the thief in the night. But verily it shall steal and yet leave us enriched far greater than ever we were before its coming, for it will rob us of our materialism and in its stead give us tlic great sight with which we shall see all and nothing shall or can possibly be concealed from the sight. And that sight is called and is spirituality or the rebirth of Soul or the Great Millennium. ' ' 11 Since man has begun to realize the substance of etheric force, they have been able to come to a definite scientific fact, that all is really here and now and within touch of the valuable information that they or mankind have been seeking for thousands of years. It is here and now that they are enlightened with the greatness of the Allness of things and intensity of all creative forces that are operating thru the different sensiti\es or mediums. It is becoming so plain to the great scientists that they themselves are beginning to realize that they themselves must live the life ere they can discover the Great Giver of Light. They themselves must live in the Abstract or Absolute or Light or any other name they wish to apply to the All Soul. They know that it is impossible for them to actually know how palatable an orange is until they partake of that orange themselves. It is just the same SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 121 in science ; they cannot realize the Great All unless they consciously partake of the All. No one can explain to anyone else their great experience and make them realize what they have realized. And so with science of to- day, the scientist must live it himself. ' ' "Whether man's mentality is able to grasp the great thoughts that are of the Beyond is a matter of con- jecture to many of the so-called ministers of the sciences. But this we do know, all men are not alike, and for that we are not only thankful, but extremely fortunate. Very slow progress would we make if the entire world were made up of the Orthodox type of narrow minded souls that are really deluded thru the teachings of their predecessors and the lack of mental courage, or in most cases, the indifference to anything that appertains to spirituality. Their cry is ever, one thing at a time, and truly that cry is correct. Yea, verily, One Thing at a time. But they do not appreciate the great truth; the One Great Thing is the blending of the material with the spiritual; the One Great Thing is the mastery over the material thru Love of the spiritual, not thru cruelty to the material. When man shall come into that great realization, then will his advancement be rapid, his mentality clear and clean and ready to grasp any great truth from the beyond, which will at the climax be not the beyond but the here and now. ' ' " Relentlessly do men of the age commit all kinds of errors appertaining to the sciences of the Ethereal Realms, by their cold, calculating attitude. How much more could they ascertain if they would use a little of the Heart Warmth that the Great God gave all to use. All great questions are sought after in the same calculat- ing manner, but only are they successful when the heart warmth is admitted and then how easy it is to prove any of the works that are apparently unfathomable. Just take for instance, the works of the philosophers of the 122 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS olden days, centuries before Christ. See how they have been clarified, not thru plain figures and cold deductions, but through the Heart Warmth together with a steady inspiring flow from the Great All. And so we can know anything that is brought to light only thru the Great Light of All. Just remember the Heart of Man is God 's reservoir; it is Man's Heart that God fills with His Light, His Love, His Understanding and that is the Heart Warmth that gives us courage to do all." It is to be regretted that many minds are not as open to the Truth as they are to the teachings of Pagan Dogmas. Just this note of warning to the "Drastic Dogma Defenders" of the world. Beware! Before it be too late. The great whistle on the engine of Truth has sounded to clear the line. Do not block the cross- ing of the tracks on the railroad of Life. Do not allow a train of box cars, loaded with the Livestock of Ignor- ance to obstruct your view when the beautifully lighted express rushes through on the main line of Facts and Reason, headed for that wonderful city of Everlasting Progression. Do not be content to ride on the slow local of Uncer- tainty ; stopping at every station along the way, includ- ing those of Doubt, Fear, Misunderstanding, Misappli- cation, Ignorance, Valley of Belief, Island of Indiffer- ence, and many other stations that retard your real journey to the Eternal City Beautiful. Do not miss the train at the Union Station of Facts; get aboard with your feet firmly planted on the Plat- form of Truth. Swing down the Alleyway of Mental Research to your birth of Contentment. Open your suit- case of Celestial Desire, and from it take out the book under the title of "The Path of Progression"; so, as you sit there looking out of the window of Happiness, you will recognize the stations of Self Liberation, Mental Activity, Personal Achievement, Usefulness, Freedom SPIRITUALISM Is NOT OF THE DEVIL 123 and God-given Satisfaction. Soon you shall hear the Bell of Deliverance and the Conductor of Years, known as Father Time, will call out, "Next Station, KNOWL- EDGE." Then, with a firm, buoyant step, walk out of that station into the great City of Certainty, with Absolute Trust in the Heart and Absolute Knowledge in the Mind, and there wait and rest in the House of Enlightenment, ready to Dare, to Do, to Love. Hunt up as an acquaintance, one who will turn out to be a firm friend, Perseverance; He will introduce you to his twin daughters, by name, Concentration and Contemplation. For a pal, choose one called Divine Law. He may take you along some very rocky roads. He may seem to insist that you climb a trail that is wholly distastful to you. But listen, and as you climb you will become conscious of "something" within your breast saying, "This is just what I needed. This exer- cise will be beneficial to me," and you will return from your tramp better fitted to go still further and climb up the Mountain of Perfection, where you shall be in daily touch with Goodness and Spiritual Insight, Silence, Up- liftment, Watchfulness, Vision and Victory. Your daily song shall be * * God is Spirit ; All is Spirit ; I am Spirit." Then, with the knowledge that all things spring from that Fount of Infinite Love, and that great Thought of Eternal Life pulsating through every cell of your body, you will know that by thus practising a Life of Love, an Absolute Blending of yourself with the Great Divine Spirit of the Universe, you can wait in patience the call of the Great Master to enter the life beyond the Veil, and the "Sayer of Verities" will take you home, there to blend with the "I AM" into an At- one-ment with Him, in the great world of Spiritual Progression, on and on, ever on, to greater and grander things. Why, then, fear that "Death," which is only the Gateway to a brighter, nobler life. "0, Death, where is thy sting? 0, Grave, where is thy Victory?" "LET THERE BE LIGHT" NOTE. The author desires to state that to all intents and purposes this book was finished; the manuscript being edited, and made ready for the printer's hands, when at a private circle where only chosen students are invited, a message came through automatic writing that its receiver would in due time be given a closing Chapter, under the title of, "Let There Be Light." The following was received in that man- ner, during two sittings, and is printed exactly as it was given, from spirit realms, word for word: "Let there be Light/' was the God-given command of Ancient days. Again the fiat goes forth and this time it is not mere material light, but the Spiritual Light that is to be made manifest. The light of God bestowed knowledge a rediscovery of the Truths of the Divine religion of the great Creator, as taught and practised by Jesus the Christ. Few realize that true Spiritism (or Spiritualism as it is commonly spoken of), is a practical religion of Service to mankind at large, and is indeed the purest form of Christianity, being based on lessons learned from the Sacred Writings of all nations and all times, but particularly those taught by the God-like man, Our Elder Brother, who walked among men, felt as we do, suffered even as we do, and finally endured the pangs of a cruel, mortal death. Spiritualism is the collated evidence of all recorded history, regarding the "First Great Cause/' God, as we call Him, a practical study of the evidence that exists the world over, proving the fact that God is liv- ing, and, for thousands of years has evidenced an actual existence by communicating with those whom he desired to influence by means sometimes normal, but frequently super-normal, such as spirit messengers (angels) ; pro- 124 1 ' LET THERE BE LIGHT " 125 phetic utterances, or writing (seers) ; phenomena read the Old Testament an iron axehead floating on water a cruise of oil, never failing a fleece of wool, dry (or wet) as a test. Fire from heaven, in response to prayer. All being Spiritual evidence sent by God to doubting mankind. Prophecy of every variety, varying in fervor for thousands of years. Manifestations of foreknowl- edge as disclosed to the nations of all ages, considered as supernatural in their days. Nothing with God is supernatural ! His laws are those of Nature, and normal; even though we fail to discover their characteristics. The Divine Spiritualistic religion inspires a search for knowledge of God's attributes and His intentions regarding all things created; stimulates us to meet every wave that reaches to our mortal- brain, so that we may attune ourselves with the unknown In- finite realms beyond earth life, and so obtain a firmer faith, a greater love for God; and, by a closer unity of ourselves with mankind, in harmony of spirit, make our lives here more pure, more unselfish, and more fit to meet the spirits passed hence. To this end the man Jesus was actually the essence of God in man the pro- totype the typical created soul on earth, portraying the sublime power of the Father-God, as Creator, with the Pure Love of the Divine Spirit the I AM un- created, incomprehensible to mere mortal mind the All- Wise Spiritual Essence of Eternal and Universal Life. Every religion that the world has seen has been de- rived from Inspired (Spirit) Intuition. God's Word possibly heard, more often felt or written at the insti- gation of an unknown power (control) has given SOME spiritualized being the thoughts, the energy, to lead to the Unknown Light. A progressive mind, used by Spirit forces, produced Zoroaster, Confucius, Buddha, Mahomet. Each a master light of his age. Each produced his particle of Divine wisdom to strike the light of souls in harmony and set 126 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS afire a new enthusiasm for more Light on the Life to come after death. Each teacher fulfilled his mission to humanity. Then Jesus the Christ came to earth meek and humble of birth teaching the purest truth resisting all evil. Maintaining the potency of Love, Hope, Charity, Kind- ness, Unselfishness; dissolving with his spiritual knowl- edge the difficulties then surrounding the teachings of the priests and rabbis of the Mosaic dispensation. Giving new renderings of ancient dogmas, and telling of Im- mortal Life through Eternal love. Space does not per- mit of detailed facts, but the Light of the earth world was shown to mankind in, and through, the life of Jesus ! All the prophets, seers, wise men for thousands of years had spoken in detail of HIS earth life. His cruel death ; it was Spiritualism, as we know it today ! Could we but understand the Scripture aright we should know that Truth shines forth from first to last. The Light- beams seek to attract each one of us, and the God that inspired the writings, ordained also these mysteries humanity cannot yet understand in the world's varied religions. Today there are probably 450,000,000 Brah- mins and Buddhists in the world all Spiritualists in varied forms ; their experts practising through ages past all the phenomena of today, and possessing knowledge known long before the history of the world as recorded in our Bible, which is verified, however, in a wonderful way, in their philosophies. About 604 B. C., the Chinese reformer, Lao-tse, taught that "Divine messengers brought moral and religious truths to mankind in spirit visitations, and guided, for good or evil, the destiny of those to whom they attached themselves." The Lao-tse school of Philosophy taught "that guardian spirits were ever around, and that materialists were fools or imbe- ciles." Kong-fu-tse (Confucius), 552 B. C., taught "the invisible world is constantly communicating with those enlightened enough in the material world ' ' ; that, ' * both good and bad spirits surround and control us for well 1 ' LET THERE BE LIGHT ' ' 127 or ill." Their teachings were the spiritualism of the ancient Hebrews, Hindoos, Persians, Chaldeans, Roman Oracles, Greek Mysteries, Roman Catholic teachings of old, and of today: of Buddhists and Brahminical Yogi, lore of ancient times, as well as those evidential scien- tific studies of Spiritualism today, which has led men of European fame to see the Light of Truth, as evi- denced by the writings of such men as John Wesley, Swedenborg, Pastor Oberlin, D. D. Home, F. W. H. Myers, W. T. Stead, Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Spiritualism is no new fad, but is the new revelation of ancient religion ! Listen to what the Philosophers of ancient days wrote : Plato, in his Timoaus, says: ''Between God and man are the daimones, or spirits, who are always near us, though commonly invisible to us, and know all our thoughts." Josephus, the great Jewish historian, who recorded the spirit manifestations at the Fall of Jerusalem, wrote : "If anyone think these things incredible, let him keep his opinion to himself, and not contradict those who, by such events, are incited to the study of virtue." Zenophon, in his memoirs of Socrates, wrote : ' * When he found any who could not satisfy themselves with the knowledge that lay within the reach of human wisdom, Socrates advised them to apply diligently to the study of divination; for whosoever was acquainted with those MEDIUMS which the gods made use of, when they com- municated with man, need never be destitute of Divine counsel. ' ' Aristotle says (Physics, iv, 2, 3) : "All these invisible beings are as substantial as the material beings." Pythagoras says: "Spirits announce to man secret things, and foretell the future." Empedocles (Carminia V, 11-15) : "Spiritual forces move the invisible world." Plato: "The daemons (spirits) direct man, in the 128 PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS quality of guardian spirits, in all his actions ; as witness the demon of Socrates." Cicero says: " Natural divination arises from an inner state and activity in certain men of great consti- tional purity, which enables an unfettered advance of the soul to foretell future things from an inner and divine source confined in the inner recesses of the mind, and moved thereto by a divine impulse." Of modern writers, Bishop Burnet says : ' * Those who hate the very name of a miracle, in reality, suppose the greatest of all miracles; the tying up of the hands of the Almighty from disposing events according to His will." Spiritualism did not originate with the Fox Sisters. Manifestations similar to theirs were exemplified in the days of Marcus Antinous when "Aristides the Orator, told of events then occuring at distant places." Even 2500 years ago Epimenides, the Poet, and friend of Solon of Greece, (as recorded by Pliny) "on waking from long periods of trance, related scenes of spirit life," similar to those described by our modern Sweden- borg. The Roman Philosophy was similar, but was clearly derived from Greek sources varied to suit local conditions. St. Augustine, (DeVeritate, XVIII-23) quotes the Erythraen Sibyl of Chaldea, in her prophecy describing the life of Christ ; and Virgil in his Eclogue IV recites a similar one, given 40 years before Christ's birth, by the Cumaean Sybil of Troy. Thus we find inspired and profane history alike bear witness to Spiritistic Light and Prophecy. Indeed it would appear from the account written by Ammianus Marcellinus, in the reign of the Emperor Valens, A. D. 371, that "certain philosophers were tried for divina- tion by means of a table" similar in action to the mod- ern Ouija Board. This is confirmed by Socrates, Schol- asticus and others. World reform is evolution of the human mind at ' ' LET THERE BE LIGHT " 129 such time as God sees the necessity of individuals and nations. Spiritualism illustrates this in its expansion. The idea gradually grew, took root in many minds and was READY, when the world war arose, to show itself as a means of VERIFYING immortal existence by linking up the mortal with the spiritual entity through the chains of love, affection, and intelligent communication. A Supreme Power controls the Universe and guides its vibrations (ethereal and many other waves) so as to impinge on the organs of certain attuned individuals, so that they may see, hear, feel, and understand phe- nomena which may be imperceptible to other people. A true Reformation physical, moral, intellectual, spiritual! The Light Beacon shining forth to help hu- manity prove the truth of Spiritualism when prac- ticed! Physical science cannot be expected to accept Spiritual phenomena until the mind of the scientific ex- perimentalist is capable of reaching out from the earthly material plane and discovering that, beyond its mun- dane recognized natural laws, there are higher spiritual laws; governed by order, and as immutable as those we are ready to accept as our guide in seeking to ac- count for obscure natural phenomena. No two persons see, feel, hear alike, so science is ever changing its bases, and PROGRESS is a Divine law, especially in knowledge of the Hereafter ! Spiritualism teaches of God; Life after Death; Self- Regeneration; Mercy as God's Attribute. It aims to make mankind better qualified by living in Unselfish- ness, Virtue, Honesty, Purity; loving to one another; realizing that beneficent spirits are ever seeking to guide and help, if we will permit them so to do. Life on earth is a continued series of inexplicable phenomena changes of body, unseen and unfelt, constant renewal, and yet the same individual to all appearance. Death is but a change, in which the organs, as we know them, fail to react to our view, (in similar manner) ; and, in which 130 .PESKY PROBLEMS FOB POSITIVE PREACHERS state Spiritualists believe more pure materials than flesh and blood function, in some other phase of Life lead- ing to Eternal existence. A Transition Translation! St. Paul said: " Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." ''There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. " " We shall all be changed ; and bear the image of the heavenly as we have borne the image of the earthly." Here, on earth, each one of us is working out for him- self that cycle of progress, through the Universe, which shall purify the soul, and fit the Divine essence im- planted in each mortal body to return to the Creator, when its ordained development has been fully matured, and the spirit is liberated from mortal desire in its home of material flesh. Be assured, ye who read these lines, that God liveth today as powerful as when, at the creation, He issued his fiat, LET THERE BE LIGHT ! He is all around us. He liveth IN us if we so desire! His ministering spirits are potent for good. They bear our prayers to His home beyond ; and, if we worship Him in Faith and in Truth, the message He gave to the children of Israel, (as recorded in Exodus XXIII-20) shall be applied to us also " Behold I send my angel, who shall go before thee, and keep thee in thy journey, and bring thee into the place I have prepared." At this point the writing stopped and the question was asked mentally if the mes- sage was concluded, when, the hand was controlled again and wrote, " IT IS FINISHED, 16th March, 1921." H * * BENEDICTION 0, Father of All in that centre of the Universe that thou hast created, lead us to a knowledge that thou art the Supreme Creator and thou alone : that creeds are as nothing ; that thou art a loving God and that all created things abide in thy Love. Teach us to understand that PESKY PROBLEMS FOR POSITIVE PREACHERS 131 all the nations and religions are one to thee ; that Chris- tian, Jew, Mohammedan, Buddhist, Confucian, Brahman, are thy children. That Love and Brotherhood, Truth, and Justice, unselfishness, charity, mercy, and prayer alone lead to Thee. Help us to practice Thy Will and bring us speedily to the end of this life of pain and sorrow, and finally receive us into Oneness with thyself for evermore. Moreover something is, or seems, That teaches me with mystic gleams, Like glimpses of forgotten dreams Of something felt, like something here; Of something done, I know not where; Such as no language may declare! Tennyson. THE END Read this Book If You Want The Truth ILLUSTRIOUS MADMEN of the AGES By James McGregor Beatty Being the testimony of the World's greatest Scientists, and others, regarding Spiritualism, and its psychical phe- nomena, together with a Spiritualistic Encyclopedia of the Old and New Testaments. Contains quotations from the Talmud, the Koran, Book of Mormon, the Gospel of Buddha, Hinduism, the Zoroastrian Religion, Methodism, Douay version of the Catholic Bible and others, showing their Spiritualism. One chapter is devoted to "Wisdom Persecuted," giving the most flagrant cases of "Religious" persecution which stand out in the history of the world. Every Liberal should get the book for Facts; Every Spir- itualist, for Reference; the Orthodox, for Knowledge. PS Address JAMES MCGREGOR BEATTY 245 North Hope Street Los Angeles, Cal. [132] Tribute of Readers and the Press "Your book of 127 pages has the merit, the collected merit, of being much, very much, in a little space. These massive volumes bloated with polysyllabic words, have had their day. Your book is rich in facts and inspired principles that prophesy of immortality. My prayer is that this excellent book may be a prelude to future works from your energetic and well-balanced brain." James M. Peebles, M.D., M.A., Ph.D. "A trite old saying with a big meaning, is this: 'Good goods are done up in small packages.' This saying was never more truly spoken than of Mr. James McGregor Beatty's little book with the somewhat alarming title, 'Illus- trious Mad-Men of the Ages.' In this book the great men of the ages gather and express themselves witnesses they are before an austere court of critics giving utterance to ex- pressions of Truth, that no stable-minded man dare deny. Not only is the book a court of testimony, but it is a store- house of information on religious movements whose past originated in Spiritual Manifestations. From the Talmud, the Book of Mormon, the Gospel of Buddha, the Koran of Mohammed, the Vedas and all modern religions, quotations are taken which establish beyond peradventure a spiritual basis, together with claims of spiritual manifestations. Be- tween the two lids of the small volume can also be found a complete Spiritualistic Encyclopedia of both the Old and New Testaments. This feature alone is worth many times the price of the book and is ammunition every truth seeker should hqve at hand. Mr. Beatty has produced a handy classic digest of much value. None but one who has com- piled and reduced matter such as he gives in this work, knows the care and labor involved." Mrs. Bernie Babcock. Novelist and playwright of Little Rock, Ark. President of Friends Memorial for Psychical Research; Arkansas Rep- resentative of "League of American Pen Women"; author of the Abraham Lincoln Romance, "The Soul of Ann Rutledge." Dr. David Starr Jordan of Stanford University writes: "Let me thank you for your interesting booklet on the 'Illus- trious Mad-Men.' I find the historical record very interesting and just." Rev. Dr. Andrew Malcolm Morrison, F.R.L.S., member American Anthropological Society, writes: "In 'Illustrious Mad-Men of the Ages/ James McGregor Beatty has given a symposium of Psychical Phenomena of the Earth as recorded in all languages, among all races. He has searched the litera- ture and science of earth with an acumen and judgment abso- lutely marvelous, and with a patient penetration capable only of the Scot. [133] "If, after reading his wonderful and all embracing work, any one shall remain a skeptic, he may be considered as absolutely spiritually blind and may be relegated to the sphere of mental and spiritual imbecility." The above testimony of Dr. Morrison is most impressive. He is, perhaps, one of the most remarkable men on earth. Nearing the wonderful age of a century, his eye is not dim nor his natural force abated. He ranks in profound scholar- ship with the Sages. He is a graduated M.D., a voluminous author, chancellor of the Panteka University and holds mem- bership in some of the most scholarly associations. He, for seventy years, has been an able preacher of the Gospel, both in Europe and America, and stands unsurpassed as an orator of profound erudition and impressive eloquence. He is also a successful Healer of Disease by the Gift of the Spirit. The Author. Robert C. Kroll, author, publisher and associate editor of the Trades Council Union News of St. Louis, writes: "I read your book and found it very interesting. To students of Spiritual Science it will prove a very useful reference, because you have collected many valuable references in a very small space. It should also prove a deciding factor to those who are on the fence and don't know on which side to get off. This fact should make the book popular with prose- lyting Spiritualists." Elizabeth Deuress, founder of the Los Angeles School of Metaphysics, writes: "I have enjoyed reading 'Illustrious Mad-Men.' I think the book is fine, and I feel that it should be widely circulated, for it deals with facts and states the Truth." A review printed in AZOTH, 1400 Broadway, New York City, says: "The purpose of this book is to show the wide- spread belief in Spiritualism and Spiritism throughout the ages, with the suggestion that to the unprejudiced mind, it would seem impossible that all the illustrious witnesses re- ferred to by the author should have been madmen, as the world generally seems to have classified them. It is true that the community is inclined to regard as insane those who disagree radically with prevailing beliefs, and that many who were so looked upon in their day are now considered merely as having been in advance of their time. And yet this in no way proves that any particular idea that is refused general acceptance expresses truths higher than those already reached by the multitude. Such a conclusion would make madmen of humanity in general. However, the author's array of names and facts is certainly both interesting and impres- sive. And it suggests that whatever one's belief regarding Spiritualism, he will not lack good company in accepting it." [134] Mrs. M. L. Lee, 513 Coal street, Wilkinsburg, Pa., writes: "Received the 25 copies of your book, and I did not have the string cut on the package until they were all sold. I enclose a P. O. money order, for which send me 100 more copies as soon as possible, for the people seem very anxious for just such a book. People who never had their eyes opened cer- tainly have them opened when they read 'Illustrious Mad-Men of the Ages.' " "Enclosed, find check for 100 more copies of 'Illustrious Mad-Men of the Ages.' I took the last 100 copies I got to the church and did not have them there fifteen minutes 'till they were all sold. Could have sold 100 more copies right away if I had only ordered more. As soon as your new book, 'Pesky Problems for Positive Preachers,' is ready, let me know. I think they will sell quickly." Mrs. M. L. Lee. Basil King, the famous English novelist and author of "The Abolishing of Death," writes : "Your little book just received, and I may say that a glance into it shows me that I shall be glad to read it that I shall do so with profit." From a noted public worker and lecturer : "I have been handed a copy of your book, 'Illustrious Mad-Men of the Ages,' and I am very much pleased with it. This book should be in the hands of every Spiritualist in the country. I feel it will give the world something to think about." Mrs. Ellen Halderbaum, Massillon, Ohio. Ethel G. Brady, editor of Psyche of Detroit, Mich., a maga- zine devoted to Psychology, Philosophy and Science, writes: "We have received a copy of your book, 'Illustrious Mad-Men of the Ages,' and have read it with much interest. Please allow us to compliment you on its policy and its splendid appearance. We consider that the quotations, as you have compiled them, make it a very valuable work, which would be of great assistance to any one trying to justify a belief in Spiritualism by the teachings of the Bible. Personally, I keep it on my desk as a ready reference and find it most helpful." From the famous actor and screen star, Monroe Salisbury: "Many thanks for your 'Illustrious Mad-Men of the Ages.' I have read it and carefully digested it so to speak and I found it most unusual and interesting, and I am positive you are to be highly congratulated." M. E. Cadwallader, editor of The Progressive Thinker, Chicago, writes: "I have read 'Illustrious Mad-Men of the Ages' carefully and am much interested in its contents. Send me one dozen copies." [135] Guy Bogart, California poet, magazine writer and head of the Guy Bogart Press Syndicate Service, writes: "Your new book received and I am delighted with it, for it fills a niche in our literature that has not been filled before." Also, letters were received from Sir Harry Lauder, Ger- trude Atherton, Upton Sinclair, Henry Ford, New York Academy of Medicine, University of California and Dr. Abraham Wallace of London, an associate of Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir Conan Doyle. [136] TWO GREAT BOOKS NOW IN PREPARATION To be given to the world through the mediumship of MR. GEORGE FRANCIS of Los Angeles, California ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST PSYCHICS "THE EXPERIENCES OF LORD KITCHENER IN SPIRIT LIFE" This wonderful work will create a sensation. "THE KEY TO KNOWLEDGE" In book form or separate lessons. Regarding these books address all communications to MR. GEORGE FRANCIS, 3055 East Fourth Street, Los Angeles, California, U. S. A. 13122 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY