O BRITISH MUSEUM. GUIDE TO AN EXHIBITION OF MEZZOTINT ENGEAVINGS CHIEFLY FROM THE CHEYLESMORE COLLECTION. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1905. Price Threepence. BEITISH MUSEUM. H ' of GUIDE TO AN EXHIBITION OF MEZZOTINT ENGRAVINGS CHIEFLY FROM THE CHEYLESMORE COLLECTION. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1905. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, Si'AMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. EXHIBITION OF MEZZOTINTS. THE object of the present exhibition is to illustrate the history of Mezzotint Engraving from the date of its invention in 1642 down to that of its change and falling-off about 1820. The "fcnaterials for the exhibition are derived chiefly from the bequest of the late Lord Cheylesmore, who died in August 1902, leaving to the Museum the whole of his celebrated collection of British mezzotint portraits. The examples drawn from this source are supplemented by others, in the proportion of about one to four or five, which were already in the Museum collection before the date of the Cheylesmore bequest, having been acquired, some by purchase and some by gift or legacy from earlier benefactors of the institution, e.g. Mr. Cracherode, Mr. Slade, or (as in the special instances of James Ward and William Say) the engravers themselves. The number of mezzotints now shown is 641, less than a twentieth certainly, probably less than a thirtieth, of the total number of this class of print preserved in the Museum. But in no class is there so great a difference between ordinary impressions, which are weak, worn, or rubbed, and those, relatively very rare, which are brilliant and well-preserved. The prints here put on view are all picked impressions, chosen with a view, first to thoir technical quality, so as to represent the art in its several stages at its best and most effective ; and secondly to their historical interest, so as to form a full and varied gallery of national portraiture from the Restoration to the Regency. They are arranged in three series, A, B, and C ; this arrangement being dictated by considerations partly of size and partly of chronology. Three standard sizes of mount are employed for prints in the Museum collection ; royal, which is the smallest ; imperial, the middle ; and atlas, the largest. During the first century in which the art was practised the great majority of mezzotints were of small ( = royal) size ; and series A, placed in the a 2 024 iv Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. desk-cases on the floor of the room, consists entirely of early prints of this size, dating from 1642 to about 1740-50. After the latter date larger si/es came into frequent use. Series B consists of both royal and imperial-sized prints by masters working from about 1740-50 to 1820, and is set out in chronological order round the walls of the gallery, beginning at the left of the entrance from the Ceramic Room. Series C consists entirely of the atlas or largest- sized prints of all dates, and these are exhibited on the screens and swing-frames in the middle of the room ; a special selection of thirty-six masterpieces (chosen on the triple ground of subject, execution, and condition) being set out upon the six screens, and the remainder of the series being distributed in swing-frames carried on the three upright pedestals. Mezzotint, as is generally known, is a variety of engraving invented in the seventeenth century, and differing radically from those previously practised. It starts not from a light, but from a dark, ground, and obtains its effects by means of white or gradated patches relieved on a black field, instead of obtaining them by a multiplicity of black lines or dots distributed on a white field, as in line-engraving, etching, or stipple-engraving. The black field required to start from is obtained by evenly roughening the whole face of a copper-plate with an instrument devised for the purpose. The plate so roughened, if inked at this stage, would print of a uniform velvety black, and it is the business of the engraver to scrape away portions of the roughened surface so that they shall take some only of the ink, or none, as may be required ; the plate thus scraped will yield, when inked and printed, the pattern of light and shade at which he aims. The instrument by which the plate is first roughened has varied during the history of the art. Some early masters seem to have used a toothed wheel or roller fitted at the end of a horizontal arm or shaft ; some perhaps a tool resembling a silversmith's ' comb.' These were superseded by the cradle or rocker, supposed to have been the invention of Abraham Blooteling and generally in use after his day. It is an instrument in the shape of a short chisel having the end rounded, and one side channeled with a number of fine parallel grooves running downwards to the cutting edge, so that this edge becomes in effect a series of minute teeth. The plate having been first ruled with a number of narrow parallel divisions, the curved and toothed edge of the instrument is pressed by the hand with a J Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. v rocking motion along one of these divisions, which it roughens as it goes, and then along the next, and the next, till it has been over the whole plate in one direction. The same rocking process is then repeated in a direction at right angles with the first, and then diagonally, and then at a succession of different angles until an evenly rough grain has been obtained all over the plate. This is called laying the ground, and upon the nature of the ground thus laid, or grain thus obtained its degree of richness, closeness, openness, etc. depends the quality of the darks in the print to be produced, and therewith a great part of its effect. The instrument used for obtaining the lights by removing the ground where required is a scraper or flat lancet-like piece of steel, tapering to a point and sharpened on both sides. Other implements employed in later stages of the work are the burnisher and the roulette. In what is called pure mezzotint the sharpness of linear markings is altogether avoided, and the result obtained entirely by soft gradations of black and white. But some masters of the craft prefer to add linear to tone effect, and with that view etch the outlines and some of the main shadows of their subject deeply into the plate before grounding it. In the first period of the art in England George White gives the chief examples of this practice (series A 124-135) ; in the second period Richard Earlom (series B 160, 161, C 68-71, 149-157). The inventor of the art was an amateur, one Ludwig von Siegen, an officer in the service of the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. While living at -Amsterdam in 1642 Von Siegen executed, after many experiments, his portrait of the Landgravine Amelia Elizabeth, here exhibited in three states (A 1, 2, 3), and under date of August in that year wrote a letter to her son explaining his new invention. Twelve years later he taught it at Brussels to Prince Rupert of the Palatinate, the nephew of Charles I. ; who produced his own great plate of the Executioner (C 1) in 1658, and communicated his knowledge to Waller ant Vaillant, a portrait- painter and engraver of French Flanders. Vaillant helped Prince Rupert to improve the methods of the craft, and became its first professional practitioner, and a very prolific one ; he worked entirely on the Continent (see A 13-20). In the meantime Prince Rupert, coming to England at the Restoration, showed his secret to John Evelyn, and allowed Evelyn the use of one of his plates (A 5) as a frontispiece to his work on engraving entitled vl Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. Sculptura, 1662. The first British engraver to take up mezzotint was William Sherwin, whose portrait of Charles II., technically rude enough, is dated 1669 and dedicated to Prince Rupert (C 37); the second was Francis Place (A 46-48); the third seems to have been E. Luttrell, a crayon draughtsman from Dublin (A 43-45). From 1673 to 1676 Abraham Blooteling, a Dutch engraver of the first rank who had adopted and improved the new craft, came and worked in England, where its products were rapidly becoming popular (see A 21-32, and especially his admirable masterpiece, the large portrait of Monmeuth, C 2, 3). Blooteling was accompanied or followed by other Dutchmen, as Valck, Verkolje, and Van der Vaart, all here represented. Two English printsellers, R. Tompson and A. Browne, seem to have employed these and other skilled foreign hands in scraping a number of portraits after Lely and his school which they issued without name of engraver, but with their own names as publishers (A 49-55, A 57-72). About the same time an Englishman associated with Luttrell, Isaac Beckett, learnt to do work as good as any of the Dutchmen, and scraped first-rate portraits of the men and women of the Restoration and Revolution period, chiefly after Lely and Kneller (A 73-95). Only second to him was R. Williams, whose best work was done after Wissiiig (A 97-109). George White, an excellent portrait draughtsman in miniature, enriched his plates, as has been said, with etched work preliminary to the grounding (see particularly A 128 and A 125), and carried the art at a good level through the days of Queen Anne and George I. Contemporary with him and far more prolific was Kneller's favourite engraver, John Smith. The Cheylesmore collection is extraordinarily rich in fine specimens of this master's work; forty examples are exhibited (A 136-175). John Simon (A 156-191) and John Faber the younger (B 1-12) bring to a close the Lely and Kneller period of English portraiture, the period that is of the Restoration, the Revolution, and the reigns of Queen Anne, George I., and George II. in its earlier half. Towards the middle years of George II., about 1740-50, the art seemed for a while to languish and be threatened with extinction. The younger Faber was almost the only hand carrying it on in London with any skill. The foremost portrait-painters of the hour, as Hudson, Highmore, Knapton, Allan Ramsay, and W. Hoare, were finding 110 such busy interpreters of their work as Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. vii Lely, Wissing, Kneller, Dahl, and Closterman had found in the two preceding generations. But a strong revival was at hand, and came in time to interpret and popularise the works of the great new school of English painters, Reynolds, Romney, and the rest. The quarter whence it came was Ireland. Three Irishmen, Beard, Brooks, and Miller, having learnt the art of scraping in London about 1740, practised it in Dublin with some success between 1741 and 1747. In the latter year Brooks came back to London, bringing with him a young pupil of eighteen, James McArdell, who speedily outstripped all former craftsmen, and in a short life produced brilliant plates both after the fashionable English painters of the time (including thirty-seven by Reynolds) as well as after earlier masters such as Lely and Van Dyck. The McArdells of the Cheylesmore collection are unsurpassable (see B 19-44, and especially the first and last, with Nos. B 27 and 43). Next comes another and only less gifted Dublin pupil of Brooks, Richard Houston, the first engraver to perceive how specially fitted was his art to interpret the painting of Rembrandt (B 45-56, and especially C 134). From this quality his works range to pleasant renderings of the smiling personifications of Watteau's Anglicised pupil, Philippe Mercier (B 51, 52, two of a series). A weaker hand of the same nationality and training was Richard Purcell, alias Corbutt (B 59, 60). Also from Dublin, but of older years, was Thomas Frye, a portrait-painter in many mediums and for some time head of the Bow china manufactory : his work in mezzotint consisted of a series of large, accomplished, somewhat tedious life-sized heads of men and women. In these the Cheylesmore collection is not rich ; the two shown are from the earlier Museum stock (B 57, 58). An English pupil of Frye's, William Pether, comes next : he was a craftsman of great power, whose originality consisted in his predilection for vivid effects of glancing and broken light upon a prevailing background of dense but not opaque dark. His best works accordingly are after Rembrandt and Wright of Derby (B 61-68, C 5, 136, 137). With Edward Fisher (B 69-82, C 4, 40, 41), John Finlayson (B 83-86, C 42), and James Watson (B 87-111, C 7-9, 43-48), with these we enter upon that period of mezzo- tint when the influence of Reynolds prevails over all others. For a whole generation some score of first-rate craftsmen, between whom L there is little choice for skill, and whose styles are often not easily to viii Guide to the Exhibition, of Mezzotints. be discriminated one from another, devote themselves almost wholly to interpreting the work in portraiture of this single master. By Fisher, like so many of his predecessors an Irishman born, there are shown fourteen prints after Reynolds to one after Cotes and one after Benjamin Wilson ; by Finlayson three after Reynolds to one after Caroline Read ; by James Watson twenty-two after Reynolds to one after Gainsborough, two after Cotes, three after Caroline Read, one after Kettle, and one after Zoffany. With Dunkarton (B 112-115, C 6, 49-53) and John Jones (B 124-135, C 11, 57-62, 140-143) Romney takes place beside Reynolds in a reasonable proportion ; and Jones differs from his compeers in being an engraver of men's portraits almost exclusively. He also breaks from precedent in producing a beautiful landscape plate after Rey- nold's famous view from Richmond Hill (C 141). John Dixon, the last of the Irish-born mezzotinters (B 136-143, C 12, 63, 144-146), and Thomas Watson (B 116-123, C 10, 54-56, 138, 139), with his partner in business, William Dickinson (B 144-157, C 13, 14, 64-68, 148), carry on the Reynolds tradition, with an occasional mixture of attractive work after Peters, Copley, West, and Lawrence. A really new departure is taken by Richard Earlom (B 160, 161, C 15, 69-71, 149-157). This master applied himself little to the business of portraiture, and much to proving, or attempting to prove, that mezzotint was equally applicable to the interpretation of all kinds of painting. Using the acid and needle freely in addition to the rocking-tool and scraper, he produced landscape work, interiors and assemblies, night pieces, and still-life pieces, excellent in skill and effect, and is represented here by examples after Hobbema, Van Huysum, Snyders, Hogarth, Van Dyck, Zoffany, and himself. Passing from Earlom, we come to the work of the two mezzotint engravers who are generally regarded as the chief of the whole school in the Reynolds period Valentine Green and John Raphael Smith. Their styles are more sharply contrasted than is usual among this group of craftsmen. Valentine Green loves very close and tine velvety grounds, and his effects are mainly effects of extreme delicacy and precision. He scraped a good deal after inferior masters such as Falconet, Willison, and others (B 163, 170) ; was more suc- cessful than most mezzotinters in rendering the qualities of Gains- borough (B 165, C 82) ; and never did anything more brilliant than the portrait of Maria Cosway after her husband (B 16,8) ; but Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. ix his chief fame and highest prices are in connection with full-length portraits of women after Reynolds, such as C 17 (an impression of perhaps unequalled beauty), C 19, 20, 21, 76-79. More spirited, free, and varied in his technical methods, often laying his ground less smooth and close than Green, and adapting his handling with the finest sympathy to the character of the original before him, was John Raphael Smith. A practised portrait-painter and draughtsman as well as engraver, he is perhaps the most gifted of all interpreters in black and white of the best of English eighteenth - century art. The rich collection of his works here shown, generally in the finest states, and nearly all from the Cheylesmore collection (B 174-201, C 22-24, 91-98, 164-167). The bulk of his best work was after Reynolds, but he shows himself equally skilled in characteristic renderings of Romney, Peters, Opie, Lawrence, Hoppner, and himself. Most of the craftsmen whose work follows next in order were his pupils or those strongly influenced by him. John Dean (B 208-211, C 99), though a pupil of Valentine Green, is more akin in spirit to J. R. Smith ; his special predilection is for relatively light and open grounds, and in rendering the more pale and silvery of Sir Joshua's pictures, especially his pictures of children, he is unrivalled. C. H. Hodges seems to have come out of the workshop of J. R. Smith ; after doing in youth some good plates in London after Reynolds and Romney (B 212-216, C 26, 100-102) he settled in Amsterdam and added the practice of portrait-painting to that of mezzotint. His portrait of Baron Schimmelpenninck (C 26) is generally quoted as a typical example of skill in the rendering of the contrasted tissues of velvet, satin, etc. The nephew and pupil of Gainsborough, Gainsborough Dupont, scraped a few plates only, almost all after his uncle ; technically his Queen Charlotte (C 27) is a masterpiece, while his attempt at an infinitely more attractive subject, the beautiful Mrs. Sheridan (C 105), must early have been abandoned as a failure, since only two or three trial proofs are known to exist. James Walker, a pupil of Valentine Green, proved himself perhaps the best of all interpreters of Romney before he went and settled in Russia (C 25, 106-109). With William Ward (B 227-238, C 28-30, 110-118, 170-172) we reach by far the ablest pupil of J. R. Smith. He and his brother, James Ward, afterwards famous as an animal painter (B 239-244, C 31-33, 119-123, 173-178), were the masters in whom the art reached the highest point of power before 6 x Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. its decline. Working chiefly on plates of a large and imposing size, they attained in the years between 1790 and 1815 the highest degree of richness, power, and subtlety of which the craft is capable. Reynolds died at the very beginning of their career, and their work is chiefly devoted to the interpretation of his successors, Hoppner, Lawrence, and Beechey, as well as of their own brother- in-law, George Morland, and of Scottish artists such as Raeburn and Skirving. The masterpieces of both brothers are generally inspired by either Hoppner or Morland. Another and younger pupil of J. R. Smith was Samuel William Reynolds; he, William Say, and Charles Turner are a trio who carried on the fine traditions of the art through the days of the Regency. Their contemporary George Dawe, a son and pupil of the painter and engraver Philip Dawe, showed himself equal with the best in a few plates executed after Raeburn (B 265-270 ; C 132) ; whose work admirably suits this mode of interpretation by its firm definition of planes, parsimony of lights, and mystery of enveloping atmosphere. With these the exhibition closes. S. W. Reynolds, Turner, and Say continued to practise their art long after the date of their work here shown ; but like all other manifestations of English art, except landscape in the hands of Turner and Constable, mezzotint suffered a distressing deterioration about and after 1820. In that year Say first tried his hand at mezzotint engraving on steel ; for commercial purposes the method was quickly adopted by others; the effect was a great loss of richness and quality; the manufacture of paper also deteriorated ; and worst of all was the deterioration of the models which the portrait and other painting of the day furnished to the engraver. Amid the general decline, work good of its kind was furnished under the new conditions by two men, the long-lived Samuel Cousins, and especially by David Lucas in his admirably spirited prints after Constable. But these fall outside the scope and purpose of the present exhibition. SIDNEY COLVIN. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. XI The following Guide has been compiled by Mr. Freeman O'Donoghue, Assistant Keeper of the Department of Prints and Drawings. REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS. C. S. = J. Chaloner Smith, British Mezzotinto Portraits, a descriptive Catalogue in four parts. 1883. This is the standard general work of reference on the subject, although in part superseded by subsequent publica- tions cataloguing the works of individual masters. On the mounts and labels, and in the pages of the following Guide, each print is identified by its Chaloner Smith reference number enclosed between curved brackets (C. S. 229, I). When any particular print or state of a print was not known to Chaloner Smith the figures giving its number or state are further enclosed between square brackets, thus (C. S. 60 [a I] ) ; the reference in these cases being to the official interleaved copy of British Mezzotinto Portraits in the Museum, in which prints or variations unknown to Chaloner Smith are entered in MS. W. = J. E. Wessely, Catalogues of the engraved work of Vaillant, Blootc- ling, Verkolje, &c. Wh. = Alfred Whitman, Samuel William Reynolds, and Mezzotint: Appendix, pp. 71 ed fin. The ordinary practice of catalogue compilers is to describe each variation of a print as a separate ' state,' beginning with the earliest known, even if this is a trial proof taken almost before the work of the scraper has begun . This is misleading to non-technical students ; and for their information, in addition to references to the standard catalogues, a word of more general indication is added in the following Guide, defining each impression either as a trial-proof, or proof before inscription, or the like, and in cases where two or more variations of the same print are shown, pointing out wherein their differences consist. A GUIDE TO THE EXHIBITION OF MEZZOTINTS. SERIES A (royal size: 1642-about 1740 A.D.) This series is arranged in the desk -cases on the floor of the gallery, beginning in S.W. corner near entrance from Ceramic Room. LUDWIG VON SIEGEN Inventor of the art of mezzotint engraving ; born 1609 ; an officer in the service of the Landgrave of Hesse- Cassel ; executed his first plate, which is that here exhibited, in August 1642. Died after 1676. A 1. Amelia Elizabeth, Landgravine of Hesse- Cassel; wife of William V; d. 1651. First state, before lacing on front of dress and with date MDCXLII, to which a third I has been added with a pen (G. S. p. 1765, 1, I). A 2. The same. Second state, with lacing introduced on front of dress and inscription re-arranged ; the date still MDCXLII, with a third I added with a pen (G. S. p. 1765, 1 [I a]). Cheylesmore. A 3. The same. Third state, with date MDCXLIII engraved. PRINCE RUPERT Born 1619. Third son of Frederick, Elector Palatine and titular King of Bohemia, by Elizabeth, daughter of James I ; fought for his uncle Charles I in the Civil War ; subsequently interested himself in scientific and artistic matters, and obtained from Von Siegen the secret of mezzotint engraving, of which he was himself long reputed the inventor. Died 1682. A 4. Head of a young man. (C. S. p. 1773, 6.) A 5. Head of an executioner; two impressions. (G. S. p. 1773, 7.) PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Spagnoletto. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 6. Standard-bearer. First state, with date 658 (C. S. p. 1773, 5 [I]). A 7. The same. Third state, with date corrected to 1658 (C. S. p. 1773, 5 [III]). A 8. Portrait of himself. (C. S. p. 1772, 1.) For another example, see C 1. THEODOR CASPAR VON FURSTENBERG Born 1615. Canon of Mentz ; was instructed in the art by Ludwig von Siegen. Died 1675. A 9. Herodias. (C. S. p. 1769, 3.) A 10. Man of Sorrows. (C. S. p. 1770, 5.) JAN THOMAS Born at Ypres 1617 ; pupil of Rubens ; practised painting at Mentz and Vienna, and was court painter to the Emperor Leopold I. Died 1673. A 11. Achilles disguised. (C. S. p. 1776, 3.) A 12. Portrait of Titian. (C. S. p. 1776, 5.) WALLERANT VAILLANT Born at Lille 1623; studied under E. Quellin at Antwerp and practised portrait painting at Middleburg and Paris; assisted Prince Rupert in perfecting the technique of mezzotint engraving and was the first professional worker in the method. Died at Amster- dam 1677. A 13. Prince Rupert; b. 1619, d. 1682. (a) First state, with engraver's name only (W. 55, I). (b) Second state, with title ' Prins Robbert vinder van de Swarte Prent Konst ' (W. 55, II). A 14. Youth drawing from the Farnese Hercules. Proof before engraver's name (W. 1 [I]). A 15. Girl (or boy) drawing from a bust. Proof before the artist's initials were intro- duced (W. 23 [I]). A. 16. Boy reading. (W. 21.) A 17. Arnold van Lennep, connoisseur. (W. 50.) A 18. Woman with kindling-sticks. (W. 25.) PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Giorgione (?). Giorgione (?). W. Vaillant. W. Vaillant. W. Vaillant. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 19. Philipp Fonteine, physician. Second state ; the plate reduced (W. 40, II). A - 20. Lucas van TJffel, merchant and art patron. Third state (W. 35, II). ABRAHAM BLOOTELING Born at Amsterdam 1640; was a distinguished engraver both in line and mezzotint ; effected great improve- ments in the process of laying mezzotint grounds, and has been generally credited with the invention of the ' cradle ' ; he resided in England 1673-6 and died in Holland 1680. 21. Hieronymus van Beverningk, Burgomaster of Gouda ; b. 1614, d. 1690. (W. 4, II.) Cheylesmore. A 22. Michiel Adriaensz de Ruyter, Dutch admiral ; b. 1607, d. 1676. (W. 42.) Cheylesmore. A 23. Cornells S' Gravesande, surgeon ; b. 1631, d. 1691. Proof before inscription (W. 18, I). Cheyles- more. A 24. Jan de Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland ; b. 1625, murdered 1672. (W. 49, II.) A 25. Frans Mieris, Dutch painter ; b. 1635, d. 1681. Proof before inscription (W. 37, 1). Cheylesmore. A 26. Charles II of England; b. 1630, d. 1685. Proof before inscription (W. 8, I). A 27. Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II ; b. 1638, d. 1705. Companion plate to the pre- ceding. Proof before artists' names (C. S. d, II). Cheylesmore. A 28. Louise de Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth, mistress of Charles II ; b. 1649, d. 1734. Proof before inscription and marbled ground (C. S. n. I). Cheylesmore. A 29. Charles Stanley, 8th Earl of Derby ; b. 1628, d. 1672. Proof before ' et ex.' was added (C. S. k, II). A 30. Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of Sandwich, K.G-., admiral; friend of Pepys; b. 1625, killed at battle of Solebay 1672. Proof before inscription (C. S. qa, I). CJieyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Van Dyck. Maes. Lievens. Verkolje. J. de Bane. Mieris. Lely. Lely. Lely. , Lely. B 2 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 31. Anne Killigrew, poetess and painter ; b. 1660, d. 1685. Proof before inscription (W. 30 [I]). A 32. Mary, Princess of Orange, wife of WiUiam II, Prince of Orange ; eldest daughter of Charles I and mother of William III of England; b. 1631, d. 1660. Proof before oval frame (C. S. ma, I). For other examples, see C 2, 3. GERARD VALCK Born at Amsterdam 1626 ; was a pupil of Blooteling, whose sister he married, and whom he accompanied to England ; he resided here for some years ; worked both in line and mezzotint. Died in Holland 1720. A 33. Louise de Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth, mistress of Charles II ; b. 1649, d. 1734. (C. S. 8, I.) A 34. William III ; b. 1650, d. 1702. A 35. Mary II ; b. 1662, d. 1694. A 36. Mary Davis, actress and mistress of Charles II. (a) Proof before inscription, ground marbled (C. S. 2 [I]). (b) With inscription, marbling removed (C. S. 2 [II]). JAN VERKOLJE Born at Amsterdam 1650, the son of a locksmith ; pupil of Jan Lievens ; practised portrait painting and mezzo- tint engraving with success at Delff, where he died 1693. Although it is not on record that he ever visited England, several plates which he published himself seem to have been issued here. A 37. James, Duke of York, afterwards James II ; b. 1633, d. 1701. Second state, with title altered to James II (C. S. 5, II). A 38. Isabella Bennet, Duchess of Grafton, wife of Henry Fitzroy, 1st Duke, natural son of Charles II ; b. 1667, d. 1723. First state, with painter's name 'P. Lely' (C. S. 1, 1). Cheylesmore. A 39. Madam Parson. The identity of this lady is uncertain. (C. S. 3.) Cheylesmore. A 40. Mary II, Queen of England ; b. 1662, d. 1694. (W. 14, II.) PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Killigrew. Lely. Lely. Lely. Kneller. Wissing. Lely. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. JOHN VAN DER YAART Born at Haarlem 1647 ; pupil of Thomas Wyck ; came to England 1674 and was employed by Wissing as drapery painter; also painted portraits and scraped a few mezzotint plates ; later devoted himself to picture restoring. Died 1721. A 41. Oliver Plunket, catholic Archbishop of Armagh ; b. 1629, hanged at Tyburn for treason 1681. (C. S. 7.) Cheylesmore. WILLIAM SHERWIN Born at Wellington, Shropshire, the son of a clergyman ; learnt mezzotint engraving from Prince Rupert, and was the first Englishman who practised it, his portrait of Charles II, which he dedicated to the Prince, being dated 1669. Died about 1714. A 42. Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of Albemarle, wife of Christopher Monck, 2nd Duke ; afterwards Duchess of Montagu ; d. 1738. Proof before engraved border (C. S. 1, I). For other examples, see C 37, 38. EDWARD LUTTRELL Born at Dublin about 1650 ; came to London and practised with success as a portrait draughtsman in crayons; became associated with Isaac Beckett and executed a few mezzotint plates. Died c. 1710. A 43. Charles II of England; b. 1630, d. 1685. Proof before ' Cum Privilegio Regis ' (C. S. 4, 1). Cheylesmore. A 44. Robert Conny, M.D., physician ; d. 1723. First state, before plate was re-worked and lace bands altered to neckcloth (C. S. 6, I). Cheylesmore. A 45. Francis Le Piper, designer and etcher ; d. 1698. (C. S. 13 A.) Cheylesmore. FRANCIS PLACE Born 1647 ; was trained for the law, but devoted himself to art, which he practised as an amateur ; drew and etched in the manner of Hollar. After Sherwin, he was the first Englishman who worked in mezzotint, and his plates are very scarce. Resided at York and died there 1728. A 46. Philip Woolrich. The identity of this personage is uncertain. Proof before inscription (C. S. 14 [I]). PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Morphy. Lely. Luttrell. 6 Gtdde to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 47. John Lambert, parliamentary general in the civil war ; b. 1619, d. 1683. Proof before inscription (C. S. 6, I). A 48. Kichard Tompson, printseller ; d. 1693. Proof before title (C. S. 13, I). RICHARD TOMPSON Printseller in London during the reign of Charles II ; was one of the publishers of Alexander Browne's 'Ars Pictoria,' and, like him, issued a series of mezzotint portraits, chiefly after Lely, which are arranged under his name, as that of the actual engraver is not found on any of them ; they appear to be by various hands. Died 1693. A 49. Dorothy Manners, Lady Ashley, wife of Anthony, Lord Ashley, afterwards 2nd Earl of Shaftesbury. Proof before inscription (G. S. 3 [I]). Cheyles- more. A 50. Sir William Berkeley, admiral ; b. 1639, killed in action 1666. Proof before inscription (C. S. 5 [I]). A 51. Susan Armine, Lady Belasyse, wife of Sir Henry Belasyse, K.B., who fell in a duel 1667, and mistress of the Duke of York ; died 1713. (C. S. 4.) Cheylesmore. A 52. Sir Joseph Jordan, admiral ; b. 1603, d. 1685. Proof before inscription (G. S. 25 [I]). A 53. Elizabeth Leigh, Countess of Southampton, second wife of Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl, Lord Treasurer. Proof before inscription (C. S. 44, I). A 54. William, Prince of Orange, after-wards William III; b. 1650, d. 1702. (C. S. 36, II.) Cheylesmore. A 55. Mary, Princess of Orange, afterwards Mary II ; b. 1662, d. 1694. (C. S. 35.) Cheylesmore. ROBERT WHITE Born in London 1645 ; pupil of D. Loggan ; was a prolific engraver of portraits in the line manner ; a few mezzo- tint plates which bear his name as the publisher only are assumed to have been also executed by him. Died 1703. A 56. James Butler, 1st Duke of Ormonde, K.GK, the ' Great Duke ' ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; b. 1610, d. 1688. (G. S. 5.) Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Soest. Lely. Lely. Lely. Lely. Van Dyck. Lely. Lely. Kneller. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. ALEXANDER BROWNE Miniature painter and printseller, author of ' Ars Pictoria ' 1667 ; between 1680 and 1690 he published a series of mezzotint portraits after Van Dyck and Lely, which are placed under his name but were probably executed by other artists employed by him. A 57. Mary Beatrix d'Este, Duchess of York, second wife of James, Duke of York, afterwards James II ; b. 1658, d. 1718. (G. S. 43, II.) A 58. James, Duke of York, afterwards James II ; b. 1633, d. 1701. Proof before inscription (G. S. 42 [I]). A 59. Princess Isabella of York, daughter of James, Duke of York, afterwards James II ; b. 1676, d. 1680 (C. S. 15). A 60. Elizabeth Percy, Duchess of Somerset, first wife of Charles, 6th Duke ; previously married to Henry, Lord Ogle and Thomas Thynne of Long- leat ; b. 1667, d. 1722. (C. S. 37.) Cheylesmore. A 61. Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I ; b. 1609, d. 1669. (G. S. 13, II.) Cheylesmore. A 62. Sir John Chicheley, admiral ; d. 1691. (C. S. 8 [II].) Cheylesmore. A 63. Philadelphia Saunders. The identity of this personage has not been ascertained. Proof before inscription (C. S. 33 [a I]). Cheylesmore. A 64. The same. Ketouched state (C. S. 33, II). Cheylesmore. A 65. Sir John Lowther, Bart., afterwards created Viscount Lonsdale ; b. 1655, d. 1700. Proof before title (C. S. 21, I). Cheylesmore. A 66. Elizabeth Wriothesley, Countess of North- umberland, wife of Josceline Percy, last Earl; afterwards married Ralph, Lord Montagu; d. 1690. (C. S. 25, II.) A 67. Frances Stuart, Countess of Portland, wife of Jerome Weston, 2nd Earl ; d. 1694. (C. S. 29.) A 68. Thomas Thynne of Longleat, known as ' Tom of Ten Thousand ' ; b. 1648, murdered by emissaries of Count Konigsmark 1682. Proof before inscription (C. S. 40, I). Cheyles- more. A 69. Elizabeth Tollemache, Lady Lome, wife of Archibald, Lord Lome, created Duke of Argyll; d. 1735. With Browne's address erased (C. S. 20 [II a]). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Kneller. Lely. Lely. Lely. Van Dyck. Lely. Lely. Lely. Lely. Lely. Lely. Lely. Lely. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 70. Sir Freschetrtlle Holies, naval officer; b. 1641, killed at battle of Solebay 1672. (C. S. 14, I.) Cheylesmore. A 71. Elizabeth Butler, Countess of Chesterfield, second wife of Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl; court beauty ; d. 1665. (C. S. 7, II.) Cheylesmore. A 72. Katherine Nevill. The identity of this personage is uncertain. First published state, with painter's name 'VanDyck' (C. S. 24, II). ISAAC BECKETT Born 1653 ; was taught mezzotint engraving by J. Lloyd and practised it with much ability, rivalling Blooteling in the finish and brilliancy of his execution ; he also engaged in business as a print publisher. Died 1719. A 73. Christopher Monck, 2nd Duke of Albemarle, K.G. ; b. 1652, d. 1688. First state, before address of J. Smith (C. S.I, I). A 74. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, K.G., courtier and wit ; member of the Cabal ministry ; b. 1627, d. 1687. Proof before inscription (C. S. 10, I). Cheyles- more. A 75. Charles I ; b. 1600, d. 1649. Proof before inscription (C. S. 16 [a I]). Cheyles- (C. S. 18.) Cheyles- A 76. Charles II ; b. 1630, d. 1685. more. A 77. Henry Howard, 8th Duke of Norfolk; b. 1628, d. 1684. Proof before inscription (C. S. 77, I). Cheyles- more. A 78. Robert Feilding, known as ' Beau Feilding ' ; rake and gambler ; b. 1651, d. 1712. Proof before inscription and before alteration of eyes, etc. (C. S. 35, 1). A 79. The same. Proof before title (C. S. 35, II). A 80. Robert Feilding ; a different portrait. Proof before inscription (C. S. 36 [I]). Cheyles- more. A 81. The same ; another plate. Proof before inscription (C. S. 37, I). A 82. Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Grafton, K.G., natural son of Charles II by the Duchess of Cleve- land ; b. 1663, d. 1690. (C. S. 43.) Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Lely. Lely. Lely. Murrav. Verelst. Van Dyck. Kneller. Kneller. Wissing. Wissing. Hawker. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 83. Isabella Bennet, Duchess of Grafton, wife of Henry Fitzroy, 1st Duke; b. 1667, d. 1723. (C. S. 47.) Cheylesmore. A 84. John Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale, K.G-., member of the Cabal ministry ; b. 1616, d. 1682. Proof before inscription (C. S. 61, I). Cheyles- more. A 85. Dorothy Brudenell, Countess of Westmore- land, Avife of Charles Fane, 3rd Earl ; afterwards married Viscount Dunbar ; b. 1650, d. 1740. Proof before inscription (C. S. 96, I). A 86. John Drummond, Earl of Melfort, Jacobite ; outlawed and attainted; b. 1649, d. 1714. (C. S. 73, I.) Cheylesmore. A 87. Lady Williams ; said to have been a mistress of the Duke of York, but her identity is uncertain. Proof before inscription (C. S. 97, I). A 88. Sir Peter Lely, portrait painter ; b. 1617, d. 1680. Second state, with address of J. Smith (C. S. 63, II). Cheylesmore. A 89. Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bart., portrait painter ; b. 1648, d. 1723. Second state, with 'J. Smith ex.' added (C. S. 59, II). Cheylesmore. A 90. Joan Chute, Lady Soame, wife of Sir Peter Soame, Bart. Proof before inscription (C. S. 91, I). Cheyles- more. A 91. Richard Low. The identity of this personage is uncertain. Proof before inscription (C. S. 68, I). Cheyles- more. A 92. Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester, mistress of the Duke of York ; married Sir David Colyear, Earl of Portmore; b. 1657, d. 1717. (C. S. 32, 1.) Cheylesmore. A 93. Katherine Philips, ' the matchless Orinda,' poet; b. 1631, d. 1664. (C. S. 84, II.) Cheyles- more. A 94. Anne Killigrew, daughter of Dr. Killigrew, Master of the Savoy ; maid of honour ; poet and artist ; b. 1660, d. 1685. (C. S. 56, II.) A 95. Anne Windham. The identity of this personage is uncertain. Proof before inscription (C. S. 98, I). Cheyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Wissing. Riley. Kiley. Kneller. Wissing. Lely. Kneller. Kneller. Hays. Kneller. A. Killigrew. Wissing. 10 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. THOMAS JOHNSON Practised in the early part of the 18th century ; the few plates which he produced are of great rarity. Bullock, comedian; d. about A 96. William (C. S. 2.) 1740. ROBERT (OR ROGER) WILLIAMS Born in Wales and practised between 1680 and 1704; though one of the ablest of the early English mezzo- tinters little is known respecting him, and even his Christian name is a matter of uncertainty. His most successful plates are from portraits by Wissing. A 97. Charles II ; b. 1630, d. 1685. Proof before inscription (C. S. 11, I). A 98. Mary Beatrix d'Este, Duchess of York, wife of James, Duke of York, afterwards James II ; b. 1658, d. 1718. Proof before inscription (C. S. 59 [I]). Cheyles- more. A 99. Princess Anne, afterwards Queen ; b. 1664, d. 1714. (C. S. 1, I.) Cheylesmore. A 100. James Butler, 1st Duke of Ormonde, K.G., the ' Great Duke ' ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; b. 1610, d. 1688. Proof before inscription (C. S. 42, I). A 101. John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll, Duke of Greenwich, K.T., K.G., general and states- man ; b. 1678, d. 1743. Proof before inscription (C. S. 3, I). Cheyles- A 102. Greville Verney, son of Hon. John Verney, afterwards Lord Willoughby de Broke ; died young. (C. S. 53.) Cheylesmore. A 103. George Petty. The identity of this personage is uncertain. (C. S. 44 [I a].) Cheylesmore. A 104. Mary, Princess of Orange, afterwards Mary H; b. 1662, d. 1694 (C. S. 40, I). Cheyles- more. A 105. John Graham, Viscount Dundee (* Claver- house ') ; fell at Killiecrankie 1689. (C. S. 20.) Cheylesmore. A 106. Sir George Rooke, admiral ; captured Gibraltar ; b. 1650, d. 1709. (C. S. 51, I.) Cheylesmore. A 107. Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, K.G., diplomatist and statesman ; son of the great Earl of Clarendon ; b. 1641, d. 1711. Proof before inscription (C. S. 49, I). Cheyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Kneller. Wissing. Wissing. Wissing. Closterman. Dahl. Murray. Wissing. Dahl. Wissing. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. II A 108. John, Lord Cutts, general ; earned by his valour the nickname of ' the Salamander ' ; b. 1661, d. 1707. (C. S. 17.) Cheylesmore. A 109. John Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale, K.G., b. 1616, d. 1682; and Elizabeth Murray, Duchess of Lauderdale, Countess of Dysart, d. 1696. (C. S. 32, I.) BERNARD LENS Born in London 1659, the son of an enamel painter ; kept a drawing school in St. Paul's Churchyard. Died 1725. A 110. Fireworks in Covent Garden, in celebration of the King's return from Ireland 1690. A 111. Fireworks in St. James's Square, in celebra- tion of the taking of Namur 1695. A 112. William III, b. 1650, d. 1702; and Mary II, b. 1662, d. 1694. (C. S. 25.) Cheylesmore. A 113. Sir Clowdisley Shovell, admiral; b. 1650; wrecked and drowned off the Scilly Isles, 1707. Proof before inscription (C. S. 18, I). Cheyles- more. A 114. Isabella Bennet, Duchess of Grafton, wife of Henry Fitzroy, 1st Duke ; b. 1667, d. 1723. (C. S. 12, 1.) Cheylesmore. A 115. Lady Mary Radclyffe, natural daughter of Charles II by Mary Davis; wife of Francis, Viscount Eadclyffe, afterwards 2nd Earl of Derwent- water ; d. 1726. Proof before inscription (C. S. 15, I). Cheyles- WILLIAM FAITHORNE Born 1656 ; son of the celebrated line-engraver ; practised exclusively in mezzotint; is said to have been of dissipated habits. Died c, 1710. A 116. Charles XII of Sweden; b. 1682, d. 1718. (C. S. 5.) Cheylesmore. A 117. Lady Katherine Hyde. lady is uncertain. Proof before title (C. S. 19, I). The identity of this Cheylesmore. A 118. Madam Plowden. (So catalogued by Chaloner Smith, who states that the portrait was afterwards altered to that of some unknown lady, but the reverse was the case.) First state, before alteration of face and intro- duction of garland, and before any inscription (C. S. 29 [II a]). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Wissing. Lely. Dahl. Kneller. Wissing & Van der Vaart. Ehrenstrahl. Dahl. Closterman. 12 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 119. Madam Plowden. Second state, face altered and garland intro- duced (C. S. 29, I). Cheylesmore. JOHN FABER THE ELDER Born at the Hague c. 1660, and settled in London c. 1690 ; drew small portraits in pencil and pen on vellum and engraved many in mezzotint which, though stiff in execution, are interesting on account of their sub- jects ; the best known are the Founders of Oxford and Cambridge Colleges. Died at Bristol 1721. A 120. Nicholas Howe, dramatist and poet laureate ; b. 1674, d. 1718. Proof before inscription (C. S. 61 [a I]). Cheylesmore. A 121. John Bichmond "Webb, general under Marl- borough; b. 1667 (?), d. 1724. (C. S. 59, 1.) Cheyles- more. A 122. Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick, Elector of Hanover ; father of George I ; b. 1629, d. 1698. (C. S. 13.) Cheylesmore. A 123. George, Prince of Wales, afterwards George II; b. 1683, d. 1760. (C. S. [39 A].) Cheylesmore. GEORGE WHITE Born c. 1671 ; son of Robert White the line engraver ; prac- tised portraiture in oils, crayons and pencil, and later mezzotint engraving. He introduced the method of strengthening mezzotint work with a preliminary outline etching. Died 1732. A 124. William Dobson, sergeant-painter to Charles I ; b. 1610, d. 1646. Proof before inscription (C. S. 16 [a I]). A 125. The same, published state (C. S. 16, 1). Cheyles- more. A 126. Charles Christian Heisen, gem engraver ; b. 1680, d. 1725. Proof before inscription (C. S. 38, I). A 127. The same, published state (C. S. 38, II). A 128. Abel Roper, bookseller and journalist ; b. 1665, d. 1726. (a) Etching, before plate was grounded (C. S. 40, I). (b) Proof before inscription (C. S. 40 [I a]). A 129. John Baker, admiral; b. 1661, d. 1716. (C.S. 2,1.) Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Closterman. Dahl. Kaiser. Faber. Dobson. Dobson. Vanderbank. Vanderbank. Hysing. Gibson. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. A 130. George Hooper, D.D., Bishop of Bath and Hill. Wells ; b. 1640, d. 1727. (C. S. 23.) Cheylesmore. A 131. John Sheppard, celebrated thief ; b. 1702, exe- cuted 1724. First state, before title (C. S. 42, I). Cheyles- more. A 132. John Dryden, poet ; b. 1631, d. 1700. Proof before inscription (C. S. 17, I). A 133. Alexander Pope, poet ; b. 1688, d. 1744. Proof before inscription (C. S. 35, I). A 134. Robert Walpole, afterwards 1st Earl of Orford; statesman; b. 1676, d. 1745. (C. S. 54.) Cheylesmore. A 135. Laughing boy. (C. S. 59.) JOHN SMITH Born c. 1652 and studied under Van der Vaart ; became the ablest and most prolific worker in mezzotint of his time, specially devoting himself to reproducing the portraits by Kneller, whose favourite engraver he was. Also engraved many subject-pieces and carried on a large business as a print publisher. Died 1742. A 136. 'William III; b. 1650, d. 1702. (C. S. 274.) Cheylesmore. A 137. Mary II ; b. 1662, d. 1694. Unfinished proof, before work on glove and pattern on fan (G. S. 176 [a I]). Cheylesmore. A 138. Princess Anne, afterwards Queen; b. 1665, d. 1714. Proof before inscription (C. S. 10 [I]). A 139. Princess Anne, daughter of George II ; after- wards Princess of Orange ; b. 1709, d. 1759. Proof before inscription (C. S. 11 [a I]). Cheyles- more. A 140. Prince Eugene of Savoy, general ; associated with Marlborough ; b. 1663, d. 1736. Proof before inscription, touched (C. S. 85, I). A 141. John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, K.G., the ' Great Duke ' ; b. 1650, d. 1722. (C. S. 163, I.) Cheylesmore. A 142. Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marlborough ; wife of the great Duke; b. 1660, d. 1744. (C. S. 165, I.) Cheylesmore. A 143. Charles XII of Sweden ; b. 1682, d. 1718. Proof before inscription (C. S. 249 [I]). Thornhill. Kneller. Kneller. Hals. Wissing & "Van der Vaart. Vander Vaart. Wissing & Van der Vaart. Kneller. Kichter. Kneller. KneUer. Krafft. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 144. James Butler, 2nd Duke of Ormonde, K.G., Jacobite ; b. 1665, d. 1745. Proof before inscription (C. S. 192, I). Cheyles- PAIKTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Kneller. A 145. William Johnstone, 1st Marquess of Annan- Kneller. dale, K.T., Scottish politician ; d. 1721. First state, before alteration in Douglas shield and Annandale arms and before additional in- scription. The border is engraved in line (C. S. 13, I). A 146. James Ogilvy, 1st Earl of Seafield and 4th | Kneller. Earl of Findlater, afterwards Lord Chancellor of Scotland; b. 1664, d. 1730. The border is en- graved in line. (C. S. 228, III.) A 147. Charles, 3rd Viscount Townshend, b. 1700, | Kneller. d. 1764. (C. S. 255, I). Cheylesmore. A 148. Isabella Bennet, Duchess of Grafton, wife of Wissing. Henry Fitzroy, 1st Duke ; b. 1667, d. 1723. (C. S. 120.) Clieylesmore. A 149. The same : a different portrait. (C. S. 119, I.) I Kneller. Cheylesmore. A 150. Sophia Dorothea of Brunswick, Princess Hirschmann. Royal of Prussia, afterwards Queen ; daughter of George I of England ; b. 1685, d. 1757. Proof before inscription (C. S. 206 [I]). CJieyles- more. A 151. George, Prince of Wales, afterwards George Kneller. II ; b. 1683, d. 1760. First state (C. S. 103, I). A 152. Sarah Chicheley. The identity of this personage Kneller. is uncertain. Proof before inscription (C. S. 50 [a I]). Cluyles- more. A 153. Catherine Purcell, Lady Copley, first wife of Kneller. Sir Godfrey Copley, Bart. Proof with artists' names only (C. S. 55 [I a]). Cheylesmore. A 154. Madam D'Avenant ; probably wife of Charles Kneller. D'Avenant, M.P. for St. Ives. (C. S. 76, I.) Cheylesmore. A 155. Lady Mary Douglas, daughter of James, second Duke of Queensberry ; b. 1700, d. 1705. Proof before inscription (C. S. 82, I). Clieyles- morc. A 156. Isaac Beckett, mezzotint engraver; b. 1653, d. 1719. Proof before inscription (C. S. 17 [a I]). Cheyles- more. Giiide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 157. Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bart., portrait painter ; b. 1646, d. 1723. Proof before inscription (C. S.. 150 [a I]). Cheylesmore. A 158. The same : first published state (G. S. 150, I). Cheylesmore. A 159. Thomas Coulson, M.P., director of the East India Company ; b. 1645, d. 1713. Proof before inscription (G. S. 63, I). Cheyles- more. A 160. Lady Brownlow ; probably Alice Sherard, wife of Sir John Brownlow of Humby, Bart. Proof before inscription (G. S. 26, a I). Cheyles- more. A 161. Lionel Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, afterwards 1st Duke of Dorset ; b. 1688, d. 1765 ; and his sister Lady Mary Sackville, afterwards Duchess of Beaufort ; d. 1705. (G. S. 27.) Cheylesmore. A 162. Ladies Prances and Catherine Jones, daughter of Richard, Earl of Ranelagh. Lady Frances married Thomas, Lord Coningsby and d. 1719 ; Lady Catherine d. unmarried 1740. Proof before inscription and before thistle was introduced in right foreground (C. S. 147 [al]). A 163. Lady Elizabeth Cromwell, daughter of 4th Earl of Ardglass ; married Edward Southwell ; b. 1674, d. 1709. (C. S. 69, I.) Cheylesmore. A 164. Lady Carteret. The identity of this personage is uncertain. First state, before changes in face and hair and before pattern on curtain (C. S. 34, I). Cheylesmore. A 165. Hon. William Cecil. The identity of this per- sonage is uncertain. Proof before inscription (C. S. 38 [a I]). A 166. Margaret Cecil, Countess of Ranelagh, second wife of Richard Jones, Earl of Ranelagh ; b. 1673, d. 1727. (C. S. 209, I.) Cheylesmore. A 167. Anne Pierpoint, Lady Torrington, third wife of Thomas Newport, Lord Torrington ; d. 1735. Proof before inscription (C. S. 253 I). Cheyles- more. A 168. Anne Mason, Viscountess Brandon, after- wards Countess of Macclesfield ; reputed mother of Savage the poet ; d. 1753. Proof before inscription (C. S. 22, I). Cheyles- PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Kneller. Kneller. Kneller. Wissing. Kneller. Van der Vaart. Kneller. Kerseboom. Wissing. Kneller. Kneller. Wissing. i6 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. A 169. Hon. Mrs. Sherard ; probably Lucy Sherard, afterwards Duchess of Kutland ; b. 1685, d. 1751. Unfinished proof, before trees in background (C. S. 229 [aal]). Cheylesmore. A 170. The same : first published state (C. S. 229, I). Cheylesmore. A 171. Frances Bennett, Countess of Salisbury, wife of James Cecil, 4th Earl ; b. 1691, d. 1728. Proof before inscription (C. S. 221, I). A 172. Martin Folkes, F.R.S., antiquary; b. 1690, d. 1754. (C. S. 90.) Cheylesmore. A 173. Arcangelo Corelli, musical composer ; b. 1653, d. 1713. Proof before inscription (C. S. 58 [aa I]). A 174. Anthony Henley, M.P., wit and dilettante ; father of 1st Earl of Northington ; d. 1711. Proof before inscription (C. S. 126, I). A 175. William, Duke of Gloucester, K.GK, son of Queen Anne; b. 1689, d. 1700. (C. S. 113, I.) Cheylesmore. JOHN SIMON Born in France 1675; settled as a Protestant refugee in London ; was much employed by Kneller ; his plates are numerous and executed with much artistic feeling. Died 1751. A 176. Charles Mordaunt, 3rd Earl of Peter- borough, K.G., general and diplomatist ; b. 1658, d. 1735. (C. S. 120.) A 177. Charles Wills, afterwards Sir Charles Wills, K.B., general ; b. 1666, d. 1741. First state (C. S. 167, I). Cheylesmore. A 178. Henry de Massue de Ruvigny, Earl of Gal- way, general ; commander-in-chief in Ireland ; b. 1648, d. 1720. (C. S. 67, I.) Cheylesmore. A 170. William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, K.G., son of George II ; military commander ; b. 1721, d. 1765. First state, before wig was shortened and mantle added (C. S. 50 [a I]). Cheylesmore. A 180. Simon Fraser, 12th Lord Lovat, Jacobite ; beheaded 1747. Proof before arms and inscription (C. S. 61 [a I]). Cheylesmore. A 181. Prince Charles Edward Stuart ; b. 1720, d. 1788. (C. S. 145.) Cheylesmore. A 182. Maria Clementina Sobieski, wife of Prince James Francis Stuart ; b. 1702, d. 1735. (C. S. 144.) Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Kneller. Kneller. Kneller. Richardson. D'Agar. Kneller. Kneller. Dahl. Dahl. De Grave. Eusca. Le Clare." Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. A 183. A 184. A 185. A 186. A 187. A 188. A 189. A 190. A 191. John Vaughan, 3rd Earl of Carbery, go- vernor of Jamaica; b. 1643, d. 1713 (C. S. 30). Cheylesmore. Matthew Prior, poet and diplomatist ; b. 1664, d. 1721. (C. S. 127, I.) Before address of Overton (C. S. 127, I). Colley Gibber, actor and dramatist; poet lau- reate ; b. 1671, d. 1757. (C. S. 39.) William Pulteney, statesman ; created Earl of Bath ; b. 1684, d. 1764. Proof before inscription (G. S. 128, 1). Cheyles- more. John, Lord Somers, Lord Chancellor ; b. 1651, d. 1716. (C. S. 135, I.) CJieylesnwre. William, 6th Lord North and 2nd Lord Grey of Rolleston, general ; b. 1678, d. 1734. Before address of H. Overton (C. S. 112, I). Cheylesmore. Margaret de Jong, Lady North and Grey, wife of William, 6th Lord; d. 1762. (C. S. 111.) Cheylesmore. Mary Churchill, Duchess of Montagu, wife of John, 2nd Duke ; daughter of the great Duke of Marlborough ; d. 1750. First state, with Cooper's address (C. S. 105, I). Cheylesmore. Thomas Britton, the musical small-coal man ; d. 1714. (C. S. 27.) Cheylesmore. SERIES B (royal and imperial sizes : about 1740-1820 A.D.) This series is arranged in the wall-cases round the gallery, beginning to the left of the entrance from the Ceramic Room. JOHN FABER THE YOUNGER Born in Holland c. 1695 ; son of John Faber the elder, who brought him when a child to England ; was the ablest engraver in mezzotint between the time of John Smith and that of McArdell, and executed about 500 plates after Kneller, Vanderbank, Mercier, Hudson, etc. His best known works are the ' Kitcat Club ' and the ' Beauties of Hampton Court.' Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 belong to the first named series. Died 1756. B 1. Martin Folkes, F.R.S., antiquary ; b. 1690, d. 1754. Unfinished proof (C. S. 133, I). Cheylesmore. Kneller. Richardson. Grisoni. Kneller. Kneller. Kneller. Kneller. D'Agar. Woolaston. Vanderbank. i8 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 2. Abraham De Moivre, F.R.S., mathematician ; b. 1667, d. 1754. (C. S. 113, 1.) Cheylesmore. B 3. Nathaniel Oldham, collector; d. 1740. Proof before inscription (C. S. 261, 1). Cheyles- more. B 4. "William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Devonshire, K.G. ; b. 1698, d. 1755. Before price and address (G. S. 114 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 5. John Campbell, 4th Earl of Loudoun, com- mander-in-chief in America ; b. 1705, d. 1782. (G. S. 224.) Cheylesmore. B 6. Arthur Maynwaring, M.P., auditor of imprests, political writer ; b. 1668, d. 1712. Proof before inscription and arms (C. S. 208, 1). Cheylesmore. B 7. Theophilus Hastings, 7th Earl of Huntingdon, Jacobite ; b. 1650, d. 1701. Proof before inscription and arms (C. S. 208, 1). Cheylesmore. B 8. Algernon Capell, 2nd Earl of Essex ; b. 1670, d. 1710. Proof before inscription (C. S. 208, 1). Cheyles- more. B 9. Sir Samuel Garth, physician and poet ; b. 1661, d. 1719. Proof before inscription and arms (C. S. 208, I). Cheylesmore. B 10. Sir Richard Steele, author and politician, friend of Addison ; b. 1672, d. 1729. Proof before inscription and arms (C. S. 208, 1). Cheylesmore. B 11. Margaret Womngton (as Mrs. Ford in ' Merry Wives'), actress; b. 1714 (?), d. 1760. First state (C. S. 392, I). Cheylesmore. B 12. Jacob Tonson, publisher ; associated with Dryden, Addison and Pope ; b. 1656 (?), d. 1736. Proof before inscription (C. S. 208, 1). Cheyles- more. PETER VAN BLEECK Born at the Hague 1695; came to England in 1723 and practised portrait painting; executed a few good mezzotints, chiefly theatrical portraits from his own pictures. Died 1764. B 13. Susannah Maria Cibber (as Cordelia in ' King Lear'), actress, wife of Theophilus Cibber and sister of Dr. Arne ; b. 1714, d. 1766. Unfinished proof (C. S. 1, I). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Highmore. Highmore. Reynolds. Ramsay. Kneller. Kneller. Kneller. Kneller. Kneller. E. Haytley. Kneller. P. Van Bleeck. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. B 14. Owen Mac Swiny, playwright ; manager of the Haymarket Theatre ; d. 1754. Proof before inscription (C. S. 7 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 15. Benjamin Griffin and Benjamin Johnson (in ' The Alchemist '), actors. Griffin b. 1680, d. 1740. | Johnson d. 1742. Proof before inscription (C. S. 5, I). Cheyles- more. B 16. Rembrandt Harmensz van Ryn, painter and etcher ; b. 1606, d. 1669. Trial proof (C. S. 9 [I]). Cheyksnwre. THOMAS RYLEY Probably a pupil of the younger Faber ; the few plates he executed are dated between 1744 and 1754. B 17. Mary Blandy, daughter of Francis Blandy, town- clerk of Henley-on-Thames, for poisoning whom she was hanged at Oxford 1752. Trial proof (C. S. 4 [I]). Cheylesmore. B 18. The same. Proof before inscription (C. S. 4 [II]). Cheyles- JAMES McARDELL Born in Dublin c. 1729; was there taught mezzotint engraving by John Brooks, and then settled in London ; attained to great distinction in the art and engraved after all the leading portrait painters of his time, especially Reynolds, who much appreciated his ability. He also executed many fine plates after Van Dyck, Rembrandt, and other old masters. Died 1765. B 19. Mary Panton, Duchess of Ancaster, wife of Peregrine, 3rd Duke; Mistress of the Robes: d. 1793. Proof before inscription (C. S. 1, I). Cheyles- more. 3 20. Lucy Ebberton, afterwards wife; of Captain Greeg. First state, before face, hat, etc., were altered (C. S. 58, I). Cheylesmore. 13 21. Maria Gunning, Countess of Coventry, wife of George, 6th Earl; celebrated beauty; b. 1733, d. 1760. Masked proof, before alteration of left shoulder (C. S. 47 [a I]). Cheylesmore. P. Van Bleeck. P. Van Bleeck. Rembrandt. F. Wilson. F. Wilson. Hudson. Knapton. Cotes. c 2 20 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 22. Mrs. Hannah Pritchard, actress; b. 1711, d. 1768. First state, before plate was reduced and oval frame introduced (C. S. 146 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 23. Elizabeth Sandby, second wife of Thomas Sandby, R.A. ; d. 1782. (C. S. 162, II.) Cheylesmore. B 24. Lady Mackintosh ; probably Anne Farquharson, wife of Angus, Laird of Mackintosh. (C. S. 125, I.) Cheylesmore. B 25. Colonel Henry Townshend ; b. 1737, killed at battle of Wilhelmstadt 1762. Unfinished proof (C. S. 177 [I]). Cheylesmore. B 26. Daniel Lock, governor of the Foundling Hospital. Second state, with price erased (C. S. 120, II). Cheylesmore. B 27. John Leslie, 9th Earl of Rothes, K.T., general, commander-in-chief in Ireland ; d. 1767. Proof before inscription (C. S. 157, I). Cheyles- more. B 28. Benjamin Franklin, American philosopher and politician; b. 1706, d. 1790. (C. S. 73.) Cheyles- more. B 29. Hon. Edward Boscawen, admiral ; b. 1711, d. 1761. First state (C. S. 24, I). Cheylesmore. B 30. George, Lord Anson, admiral, circumnavigator ; b. 1697, d. 1762. Proof before inscription (C. S. 2, I). Cheyles- more. B 31. John Lockhart, afterwards Sir John Lock- hart-Ross, Bart., admiral; b. 1721, d. 1790. Proof before inscription (C. S. 121, I). B 32. Lord George Sackville, afterwards Lord G. Germain and Viscount Sackville, general; cashiered for his conduct at battle of Minden ; secretary of state ; b. 1716, d. 1785. Proof before inscription (C. S. 161, I). Cheyles- more. B 33. Miss Anne Day, afterwards Lady Fenhoulet. (C. S. 53, I.) Cheylesmore. B 34. Mrs. Catherine Chambers, wife of William Chambers (afterwards Sir W. Chambers, R.A.), the architect ; d. 1797. Proof before inscription (C. S. 40, I). PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Hayman. Cotes. Ramsay. Reynolds. Hogarth. Reynolds. B. Wilson. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 21 B 35. Miss Frances Anne G-reville (and brother), daughter of Fulke Greville ; married John Crewe, afterwards Lord Crewe ; fashionable beauty and whig politician ; d. 1818. Proof before inscription (C. S. 93, I). B 36. Lady Elizabeth Montagu, daughter of George, 4th Earl of Cardigan; afterwards Duchess of Buccleugh ; b. 1743, d. 1827. Proof before inscription, with artists' names scratched (C. S. 131 [la]). Cheylesmore. B 37. Elizabeth Hamilton, Comtesse de G-rammont, ' la belle Hamilton ' ; court beauty ; b. 1641, d. 1708. Proof before inscription (C. S. 91, 1). 38. Anne Campbell, Lady Fortescue, wife of Mat- thew, 2nd Baron ; b. 1732, d. 1812. First state, before date 1757 was altered to 1761 (C. S. 70 [I a]). Cheylesmore. B 39. Lady Anne Dawson, wife of Thomas Dawson, afterwards Viscount Cremorne ; d. 1769. 52, I.) Cheylesmore. (C. S. B 40. Mrs. Anne Bonfoy, wife of Captain Hugh Bonfoy, R.N. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 23, I). Cheylesmore. B 41. Sir John Moore, M.P., Lord Mayor of London ; b. 1620, d. 1702. Unfinished proof, with painter's name Closter- man (C. S. 133, 1). Cheylesmore. B 42. Pierre Mortier, map publisher at Amsterdam c. 1700. Unfinished proof (C. S. [133 A, I]). Cheyles- more. B 43. Rachel de Rouvigny, Countess of South- ampton, first wife of Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl, Lord Treasurer ; d. 1640. Proof before inscription (C. S. 168, I). Cheyles- more. B 44. Lords John and Bernard Stuart, sons of Esme, Duke of Lennox ; both fell in the Civil War, Lord John at Alresford 1644, Lord Bernard (who had been created Earl of Lichfield) at Rowton Heath 1645. Proof before inscription (C. S. 174, II). Cheyles- more. For another example, see C 135. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Reynolds. Lely. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Lely. Brandon. Van Dyck. Van Dyck. 22 Guide to tJie Exhibition of Mezzotints. RICHARD HOUSTON Born in Dublin c. 1721 ; was fellow pupil of J. McArdell and his equal in ability, but of dissipated habits ; engraved largely from pictures iby Reynolds, Hoare, Zoffany, Mercier, and others, and executed some brilliant plates after Kembrandt. Died 1775. B 45. Right Hon. Henry Pelham, M.P. (with his secre- tary John Roberts), Chancellor of the Exchequer; brother of the Duke of Newcastle ; b. 1695 (?), d. 1754. Proof before inscription and writing on letter (C. S. 87, I). Cheylesmore. B 46. Frederick II of Prussia, ' Frederick the Great ' ; b. 1712, d. 1786. Proof before inscription (C. S. 95 [I]). Cheyles- more. B 47. James Sayer, son of Robert Sayer the print pub- lisher. Proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched (C. S. 109, 1). Cheylesmore. B 48. Richard Robinson, D.D., Bishop of Kildare, afterwards Archbishop of Armagh ; created Baron Rokeby ; b. 1709, d. 1794. First state (C. S. 102, 1). Cheylesmore. B 49. Pasquale Paoli, Corsican general and patriot ; b. 1726, d. in London 1807. Proof before inscription (C. S. 84 [I]). Cheyles- more. B 50. Mrs. Catherine Wodhull, wife of Michael Wod- hull ; b. 1744, d. 1808. Proof before title (C. S. 124 [I]). B 51. * Night' ; a young lady holding mask and wand. Proof before inscription (C. S. [140A]). B. 52. Noon ' ; a young lady seated at her toilet. Proof before inscription (C. S. [140A]). B 53. Miss Harriet Powell, as Leonora in the ' Pad- lock,' actress and singer ; afterwards Countess of Seaforth. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 100, 1). B 54. Maria Walpole, Countess of Waldegrave (with her daughter Lady Elizabeth Laura), wife of James, 2nd Earl ; b. 1739, d. 1807. Proof before inscription (C. S. 121, a I). B 55. Man with knife. Proof before letters, engraver's name scratched (C. S. 146, 1 a). PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Shackleton. Pesne. Zofiany. Reynolds. Gherardi. Zoffany. Mercier. Mercier. Reynolds. Reynolds. Rembrandt. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 56. "Woman plucking a fowl. Proof before inscription (C. S. 148, I). For other examples, see C 39, 134. THOMAS FRYE Born in Dublin 1710 and came early to London, where he practised portraiture in oils, crayons and miniature ; also engraved in mezzotint and is best known by a series of powerfully executed life-sized portrait heads, from his own designs, of which the two plates here exhibited are specimens. He was for some years manager of the Bow china manufactory. Died 1762. B 57. Man with chin on hand. Proof before inscription (C. S. 17, [I]). B 58. Girl holding pearls. Unfinished proof (C. S. 10 [I]). RICHARD PURCELL Born in Ireland c. 1736 and studied under J. Brooks; executed a few plates in Dublin and then came to London; led a disreputable life and was chiefly employed in copying the plates of McArdell and others for Sayer the publisher. On many of his prints he uses the alias ' Corbutt.' Died c. 1765. B 59. Mrs. Catherine Chambers, wife of William Chambers (afterwards Sir W. Chambers, E.A.), the architect ; d. 1797. First state, before oval frame was introduced. (C. S. 14, I.) Cheylesmore. B 60. Louisa Kerr, Lady George Lennox, wife of Lord G. H. Lennox and mother of 4th Duke of Richmond ; b. 1739, d. 1830. Proof before inscription (C. S. 116, 1). Cheyles- more. WILLIAM PETHER Born at Carlisle c. 1738 and was a pupil of Frye ; worked in London as a portrait painter and mezzotint engraver and executed some masterly plates after Rembrandt and Wright of Derby; later settled in Bristol and died there 1821. B 61. The Brothers Smith, of Chichester, landscape painters, viz. : William, b. 1707, d. 1764 ; George, b. 1714, d. 1776 ; John, b. 1717, d. 1764. Proof before inscription, engraver's name in dotted letters (C. S. 32, I). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Rembrandt. Frye. Frye. Reynolds. Ramsay. Pether. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 62. A Jew Rabbi. Proof before letters, with artists' names scratched, of one of the three plates which Pether engraved of this subject (C. S. 39). B 63. George III ; b. 1738, d. 1820. Unfinished proof (C. S. 19 [aa I]). Cheyks- more. B 64. Jeremiah Meyer, R.A., miniature and ' enamel painter ; b. 1735, d. 1789. Proof with inscription in skeleton letters (C. S. 24 [I]). Cheylesmore. B 65. Standard Bearer. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 42, I). B,66. Officer of State. Proof before letters, artists' names scratched. (C. S. 38, 1 a). B 67. Saskia van Uylenborch, Rembrandt's Wife, as a Jew bride. Proof before inscription (C. S. 30 [I]). Cheyles- more. B 68. Marie Josephine Louise, Comtesse de Pro- vence, daughter of Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia, and wife of Louis, Comte de Provence, after- wards Louis XVIII ; b. 1753, d. in England 1810. Proof with inscription in scratched letters (C. S. 29, I). Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 5, 136, 137. EDWARD FISHER Born in Ireland 1730 and apprenticed to a hatter ; worked in London and produced many excellent plates in mezzotint after Reynolds and others. Died c. 1785. B 69. Lady Elizabeth Lee, daughter of Earl Harcourt, and wife of Sir William Lee, Bart. ; was one of Queen Charlotte's bridesmaids ; d. 1811. (C. S. 37, II.) CJieylesmore. B 70. Paul Sandby, R.A., water-colour painter ; b. 1725, d. 1809. (C. S. 55.) Cheylesmore. B 71. Roger Long, D.D., F.R.S., Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge ; astronomer ; b. 1680, d. 1770. Proof before inscription (C. S. 39, I). Cheyles- more. B 72. Rev. Laurence Sterne, author of ' Tristram Shandy ' and ' A Sentimental Journey ' ; b. 1713, d. 1768. First state (C. S. 56, I). Cheylesmore. B. 73. John Armstrong, M.D., physician and poet ; b. 1709, d. 1779. Proof before inscription (C. S. 3 [I]). Cluyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Rembrandt. Frye. N. Dance. Rembrandt. Rembrandt. Rembrandt. Mad. Le Brun. Reynolds. Cotes. B. Wilson. Reynolds. Reynolds. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B. 74. Sir Thomas Harrison, Chamberlain of London ; b. 1701, d. 1765. Unfinished proof (C. S. 26 [aa I]). Cheyles- more. B 75. Hope nursing Love. (C. S. 63, II.) B 76. Catherine Maria Fischer (known as ' Kitty Fisher'), courtesan, married John Norris; d. 1767. Proof before inscription (G. S. 18, I). B 77. Hon. George Seymour Conway, afterwards Lord George Seymour; son of Francis, 1st Earl (afterwards Marquess) of Hertford; b. 1763, d. 1848. Proof before inscription (C. S. 10 [I]). B 78. Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Gower, afterwards Marquess of Stafford ; b. 1721, d. 1803. Proof before inscription (G. S.22 [a I]). Chey- lesmore. B 79. George, 3rd Lord Edgcumbe, afterwards Earl of Mount Edgcumbe; admiral; b. 1721, d. 1795. Proof before inscription (C. S. 16, 1). B 80. Hon. Augustus Keppel, afterwards Viscount Keppel, admiral ; b. 1725, d. 1786. Proof before inscription (C. S. 35 [aa I]). Cheylesmore. B 81. John Stuart, Lord Cardiff, afterwards 4th Earl and 1st Marquess of Bute ; b. 1744, d. 1814. First state, with Fisher's address (C. S. 7, 1). B 82. David Garrick (between Tragedy and Comedy), actor ; b. 1717, d. 1779. (C. S. 20, II.) Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 4, 40, 41. JOHN FINLAYSON Born c. 1730; worked in London as a miniature painter and executed some good mezzotints after Reynolds, Zoffany, Hone and others. Died c. 1776. B 83. Miss Emily Wynyard, daughter of General John Wynyard. Proof before title and dedication (C. S. 19, II). Cheylesmore. B 84. Elizabeth Milbanke, Lady Melbourne, wife of Peniston Lambe, 1st Lord ; mother of the prime minister ; d. 1818. Proof before title, arms and dedication (C. S. 10, I). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. 26 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 85. Maria Gunning, Countess of Coventry, wife of George, 6th Earl; celebrated beauty; b. 1733, d. 1760. Proof before title and dedication (C. S. 4, I). Cheylesmore. B 86. David G-arrick (in character of Kitely), actor ; b. 1717, d. 1779. Proof before title (C. S. 7, II). For another example, see C 42. JAMES WATSON Born in Ireland c. 1740, and was probably a pupil of J. McArdell ; lived in London and engraved largely from the works of Reynolds, Cotes, Gainsborough and other contemporary painters ; also executed some successful plates after old Dutch masters. Died 1790. B 87. Henry Woodward, actor ; b. 1714, d. 1777. Proof before inscription (C. S. 156, I). Chey- lesmore. B 88. Samuel Johnson, LL.D., lexicographer ; b. 1709, d. 1784. Proof before title and address (C. S. 82, I). Clieylesmore. B-89. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A., painter; b. 1723, d. 1792. Proof before inscription (C. S. 123 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 90. Right Hon. Edmund Burke, M.P., statesman and orator ; b. 1729, d. 1797. Proof before title (C. S. 20, I). B 91. John Hawkesworth, author, friend of Dr. Johnson ; b. 1715, d. 1773. (C. S. 73, II.) Cheyles- more. B 92. George Brydges Rodney, afterwards Lord Rodney, admiral ; b. 1719, d. 1792. Proof before letters, artists' and publisher's names scratched (C. S. 127, I). Cheylesmore. B 93. Richard, Viscount (afterwards Earl) Howe, admiral ; b. 1726, d. 1799. Proof before letters, line of publication scratched (C. S. 77, I). Cheylesmwe. B 94. Hon. Robert Monckton, general in America ; b. 1726, d. 1782. Proof before inscription on separate plate (C. S. 103 [a 1]). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Read. Reynolds . Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Gainsborough. West. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 27 B 95. Right Hon. John Hely-Hutchinson, M.P., secretary of state in Ireland, provost of Trinity College, Dublin ; b. 1724, d. 1794. Proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched (C. S. 79, 1). Cheylesm&re. B 96. Caroline Leveson-Gower, Countess of Car- lisle, wife of Frederick, 5th Earl ; b. 1753, d. 1824. Proof before inscription, artists' names and line of publication scratched (C. S. 23, I). B 97. Mary Panton, Duchess of Ancaster, wife of Peregrine, 3rd Duke ; Mistress of the Robes : d. 1793. Proof before inscription (C. S. 3 [I]). Clieyles- more. B 98. Miss Julia Bosville, afterwards Viscountess Dudley and Ward. Proof before inscription (C. S. 11, I). B 99. Caroline Colyear, Lady Scarsdale (with her son), wife of Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Lord ; b. 1733, d. 1812. Proof before inscription, artists' and pub- lisher's names scratched (C. S. 129, I). Clieyles- B 100. Isabella Stanhope, Viscountess Molyneux, afterwards Countess of Sefton ; b. 1749, d. 1819. First state (C. S. 102, 1). Cheylesmore. B 101. Miss Theodosia Magill, afterwards Countess of Clanwilliam ; b. 1744, d. 1817. (C. S. 95.) Cliey- lesmore. B 102. Caroline Russell, Duchess of Marlborough (with her daughter Lady Caroline), wife of George, 3rd Duke ; b. 1743, d. 1811. Lady Caroline, b. 1763, married Henry, 3rd Viscount Clifden, and d. 1813. Proof before letters, artists' names scratched (C. S. 99, I), Cheylesnwi-e. B 103. Maria Trevor, Countess of Suffolk and Berk- j Read. shire, wife of Henry, 12th Earl ; b. 1743, d. 1766. First state, with uncleared edge (C. S. 138 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 104. James Paine (and his son), architect ; b. 1725, Rejoiolds. d. 1789. Proof before inscription and writing on scroll (C. S. Ill, I). PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. B. 105. Richard Busby, D.D., Master of Westminster School ; b. 1606, d. 1695. Proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched (C. S. 22, 1). J. Riley. 28 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 106. Miss Helena Beatson, afterwards wife of Sir Charles Oakeley, Bart. ; d. 1839. Proof before inscription (C. S. 8, 1). Cheyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. C. Bead. B 107. Miss Polly Jones (or Kennedy), courtesan ; d. 1781. C. Bead. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 85, I). Cheylesmore. B 108. Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark, wife of Christian VII ; sister of George III of England ; b. 1751, d. 1775. Proof before inscription (C. S. 25, I). Cheyles- more. F. Cotes. B 109. Lady Almeria Carpenter, daughter of George, 1st Earl of Tyrconnel ; b. 1752, d. unmarried 1809. Proof before inscription on separate plate (C. S. 26, I). Beynolds. B 110. Frances Fowler, Lady Bridges, wife of Sir Brook Bridges, Bart. ; d. 1825. Proof before inscription, artists' and publisher's names scratched (C. S. 14, I). F. Cotes. B 111. Mrs. Catherine Bunbury, daughter of Captain Horneck; Goldsmith's 'Little Comedy'; wife of Henry Bunbury, the amateur artist ; d. 1799. Proof before inscription (C. S. 18, 1). For other examples, see C 7-9, 43-48. Beynolds. ROBERT DUNKARTON Born 1744 ; pupil of Pether ; died before 1817. B 112. George, 1st Lord Lyttelton of Frankley, statesman and poet ; b. 1709, d. 1773. Proof before title (C. S. 30, 1). Cheylesmore. B. West. B 113. Philip G-ibbs, Baptist minister at Plymouth; b. 1729, d. 1800. S. Medley. Proof before inscription (C. S. 21, 1). Cheyles- more. B 114. * Sisters contemplating on Mortality.' Proof before inscription, artists' and pub- lisher's names scratched (C. S. 44, I). Cheyles- more. Bomney. B 115. William Ponsonby, 2nd Earl of Bess- borough, statesman and collector ; b. 1711, d. 1793. Proof before inscription (C. S. 7, I). Cheyles- more. J. S. Copley. For other examples, see C 6, 49-53. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 29 THOMAS WATSON Born in London 1750 ; worked in both stipple and mezzotint ; was associated with William Dickinson in a print publishing business at the time of his earlv death 1781. B 116. Miss Polly Jones (or Kennedy), courtesan ; d. 1781. First state (C. S. 22, I). B 117. Emilie de Nassau, Countess of Ossory, wife of Thomas, Earl of Ossory, son of James, 1st Duke of Ormonde ; d. 1684. No. V of ' Windsor Beauties.' Proof before title (C. S. 5, II). Clieylesmore. B 118. Warren Hastings, governor-general of India ; b. 1732, d. 1818. (C. S. 19.) Clieylesmore. B 119. David Garrick, actor; b. 1717, d. 1779. Proof before inscription and before word ' Prologue' on scroll (C. S. 16, I). B 120. The Strawberry Girl. First published state (C. S. 43, II). B 121. Marie Jeanne, Comtesse Du Barry, mistress of Louis XV ; b. 1746, guillotined 1793. Proof before title (C. S. 13, I). B 122. Mrs. Lucy Hardinge, wife of George Hardinge ; d. 1820. (C. S. 18 II.) Cheylesmore. B 123. Elizabeth Wriothesley, Countess of North- umberland, wife of Josceline Percy, llth Earl. No. IV of ' Windsor Beauties.' Proof before title (C. S. 5, II). Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 10, 54-56, 138, 139. JOHN JONES Born c. 1745 and resided in London ; worked in both mezzo- tint and stipple, largely after Eomney and Keynolds. Died 1797. B 124. Right Hon. Edmund Burke, M.P., statesman and orator ; b. 1729, d. 1797. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 11, I). Cheyles- more. B 125. William Paley, D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle ; author of 'Evidences of Christianity'; b. 1743, d. 1805. Proof with title in open letters (C. S. 59, 1 a). Cheylesmore. B 126. Warren Hastings, governor-general of India ; b. 1732, d. 1818. Trial proof (C. S. 35 [aa I]). PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. P. Lely. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Drouais. Reynolds. P. Lely. Romney. Romney. J. T. Seton. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 127. James Boswell, friend and biographer of Dr. Johnson ; b. 1740, d. 1795. Proof before title (C. S. 8 [a I]). Right Hon. Charles James Fox, M.P., whig statesman ; b. 1749, d. 1806. (C. S. [28A].) Cheyles- more. B128. B129. Giovanna Baccelli, Italian dancer ; mistress of the Duke of Dorset; d. 1801. First published state (C. S. 3, II). CJieyks- more. B 130. Miss Frances Kemble, actress; sister of John Kemble and Mrs. Siddons ; afterwards Mrs. Twiss ; d. 1822. Early proof (C. S. 43 [II]). B 131. The same. Finished impression, printed on satin (C. S. 43 [VIII]). %* Nos. 130 and 131 are the second and last of a series of eight progress proofs taken before the plate was destroyed ' by the villainy of the printer.' B 132. Lady Caroline Price, daughter of the Earl of Tyrconnel and wife of Sir Uvedale Price, Bart. ; b. 1755, d. 1826. First published state (C. S. 64, II). Cheyles- more. B 133. Mrs. Charlotte Davenport, daughter of Kalph Sneyd and wife of Davies Davenport, M.P. ; b. 1756, d. 1829. (C. S. 17.) Clieylesmore. B 134. Hon. Thomas Erskine, afterwards Lord Erskine, Lord Chancellor ; b. 1750, d. 1823. Proof before inscription (C. S. 25 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 135. Right Hon. Thomas Orde, Secretary for Ireland ; afterwards Lord Bolton ; b, 1746, d. 1807. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 57, I). For other examples, see C 11, 57-62, 140-143. JOHN DIXON Born in Ireland c. 1730 and settled in London c. 1765; worked with great ability for a few years, but on marrying a wealthy widow gave up the regular practice of his profession. Died after 1800. B 136. Elizabeth and Emma Crewe, daughters of John Crewe, M.P. ; the former married Dr. Hinch- lifie, Bishop of Peterborough. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 12, I). PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. | Reynolds. Reynolds. Gainsborough. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Romney. Reynolds. Romney. Reynolds, Gitide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 137. Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleugh ; b. 1746, d. 1812. (C. S. 9, II.) Cheylesmore. B 138. Elizabeth Spencer, Countess of Pembroke (with her son Lord Herbert), wife of Henry, 10th Earl; b. 1737, d. 1831. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 27, I). Cheyles- more, B 139. William Hobert Fitzgerald, 2nd Duke of Leinster, K.P. ; b. 1749, d. 1804. Proof before inscription and arms (C. S. 22, I). B 140. Sir John Taylor, Bart., F.R.S., of Lysson Hall, Jamaica ; d. 1786. Proof before inscription (C. S. 33 [I]). Cheyles- B 141. Hon. Walter Shirley, brother of 4th, 5th and 6th Earls Ferrers ; chaplain to Selina, Countess of Huntingdon ; b. 1725, d. 1786. Proof before inscription (G. S. 31, I). B 142. Lady Mary O'Brien, daughter of the Marquess of Thomond ; succeeded her mother as Countess of Orkney ; married Hon. T. Fitzmaurice ; d. 1831. Proof before inscription, artists' and pub- lisher's names scratched (C. S. 26, I). Cheyles- more. B 143. Benjamin Heath, Town Clerk of Exeter; b. 1704, d. 1766. First state, before the plate was altered to a portrait of W. Beckford (C. S. 4, I). Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 12, 03, 144-146. WILLIAM DICKINSON Born in London 1746 ; produced many plates of the finest quality after Reynolds, Peters, Romney and others ; was for some years a printseller in Bond Street, in partnership with Thomas Watson ; later went to Paris and died there 1823. B 144. Maria Beauclerk, Lady Charles Spencer, sister of Aubrey, 5th Duke of St. Albans ; b. 1743, d. 1812. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 77, I). B 145. Elizabeth Houghton, Lady Taylor, wife of Sir John Taylor, Bart., of Lysson Hall, Jamaica. (C. S. 80.) PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Gainsborough. Reynolds. Reynolds. J. Smart. R. Pine. Reynolds. R. Pine. Reynolds. Reynolds. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. B 146. Thomas Percy, D.D., Bishop of Dromore, author Reynolds, of 'Reliques of Ancient Poetry'; b. 1728, d. 1811. i Unfinished proof (C. S. 60 [a I]). B 147. Sir Robert Fletcher, colonel in the Indian army ; Reynolds, d. 1777. Proof before inscription (C. S. 23, I). more. Cheyles- B 148. Miss Elizabeth Stephenson, afterwards Peters. Countess of Mexborough ; d. 1821. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 79, 1). Cheylesmore. B 149. Lady Charlotte Bertie, daughter of Peregrine, Peters. 3rd Duke of Ancaster ; afterwards Marchioness of Cholmondeley ; b. 1765, d. 1838. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 8, I). Cheyles- more. B 150. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Sheridan (as St. Cecilia), Reynolds, singer, daughter of Thomas Linley and first wife of R. B. Sheridan ; b. 1754, d. 1792. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 74, I). B 151. Thomas Robinson, 2nd Lord Grantham, Rornney. secretary of state and diplomatist ; b. 1738, d. 1786. First published state (C. S. 30, II). Chcylcs- B 152. "William Eden, 1st Lord Auckland, diploma- Lawrence tist ; b. 1744, d. 1814. Proof before inscription (C. S. 3, I). B 153. Sir John Fielding, magistrate ; brother of Henry | Peters Fielding, the novelist ; d. 1780. Proof before inscription (C. S. 20 [a I]). B 154. Hon. Richard Edgcumbe, afterwards 2nd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ; b. 1764, d. 1839. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 18, I). B 155. David Garrick, actor ; b. 1716, d. 1779. Unfinished proof, with date 1776 (C. S. 25 [a I]). B 156. Jane Maxwell, Duchess of Gordon, wife of Alexander, 4th Duke ; b. 1749, d. 1812. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 28, I). Reynolds. Pine. Revnolds. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 33 B 157. Richard Edwards, admiral ; d. 1794. Proof before inscription (C. S. 19, I). Cheyles- more. For other examples, see C 13, 14, 64-68, 148. GIUSEPPE MARCHI Born at Borne c. 1735 ; came to England with Reynolds by whom he was employed as assistant and drapery painter. Died 1808. B 158. Mrs. Elizabeth Hartley, actress ; b. 1751, d. 1824. Proof before inscription (C. S. 9, I). CJieyles- more. B 159. Mrs. Bouverie and Mrs. Crewe. Henrietta Fawkener, wife of Hon. Edward Bouverie ; b. 1749, d. 1825. Frances Anne Greville, wife of John Crewe, afterwards Lord Crewe ; d. 1818. Proof before inscription (C. S. 1 [a I]). Cheyles- RICHARD EARLOM Born in London 1743, and was self-taught ; worked both in mezzotint and btipple, and is best known by his subject pieces after Dutch and other masters and his imitations of Claude's ' Liber Veritatis.' Died 1822. B 160. James McArdell, mezzotint engraver ; d. 1765. Proof before inscription, publisher's name scratched (C. S. 28, I). Cheylesmore. B 161. William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, K.G., brother of George III ; b. 1743, d. 1805. Proof before letters", artists' names scratched (C. S. 16 [I a]). Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 15, 69-71, 149-157. VALENTINE GREEN Born in Worcestershire 1739; pupil of R. Hancock; was one of the ablest of the engravers who worked after Eeynolds ; also produced many plates after West and from pictures in the Diisseldorf Gallery; became Associate of the Royal Academy 1775 and Keeper of the British Institution 1805. Died 1813. B 162. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A., portrait painter ; b. 1723, d. 1792. (C. S. 110, I.) Cheylesmore. B 163. Mrs. Mary Green (and son), wife of Valentine Green. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 54, I). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. N. Dance. Reynolds. Reynolds. McArdell. H. Hamilton. Reynolds. Falconet. 34 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. B 164. Miss Sarah Campbell, afterwards wife of Thomas Wodehouse. Proof before letters, artists' and publisher's names scratched (C. S. 19, I). B 165. Mark Beaufoy, vinegar distiller at Lambeth ; d. 1782. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 7, 1). Cheylesmore. Reynolds. Gainsborough. B 166. Hon. Agneta Yorke, wife of Hon. Charles | Cotes. Yorke, Lord Chancellor ; d. 1820. Proof before inscription, artists' and pub- ; lisher's names scratched (C. S. 143, I). Cheyles- more. B 167. Sir William Chambers, R.A., architect ; b. 1726, d. 1796. Proof before inscription, artists' name and publication line scratched (C. S. 21, I).. Clieyles- more. B 168. Mrs. Maria Cosway, painter, wife of Richard Cosway, R.A. ; b. 1759, d. 1838. Proof with inscription lightly scratched (C. S. 29 [I]). Cheylesmore. B 169. Three children of Mr. Bradshaw (miscalled the Wright Family). Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 141 [a I]). Cheylesmore. Reynolds. M. Cosway. J. Wright. B 170. Miss Stuart. The identity of this lady has not | Willison. been ascertained. Proof before oval frame, artists' names scratched (C. S. 125 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 171. Ozias Humphry, R.A., miniature painter; b. Romney. 1742, d. 1810. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 70, I a). B 172. Lady Caroline Howard, daughter of Frederick, : Reynolds. Earl of Carlisle ; afterwards Lady Cawdor ; b. 1771, d. 1848. Proof before inscription, artists' and pub- lisher's names scratched (C. S. 68, I). J3 173. Lady Henrietta Herbert, daughter of Henry, Earl of Powis; afterwards Lady Clive and Countess of Powis ; b. 1758, d. 1830. Proof with inscription .scratched (C. S. 64, I). For other examples, see C 17-21, 72-84, 158-163. Reynolds. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 35 JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH Born at Derby 1752; son of Thomas Smith "of Derby" the landscape painter; came to London and practised portrait painting in oils and crayons ; was a distin- guished mezzotint engraver, and his plates after Eeynolds and Eomney are amongst the finest examples of the art. Died at Doncaster 1812. B 174. Louisa Cathcart, Viscountess Stormont, wife of David, 7th Viscount ; afterwards Countess of Mansfield ; b. 1748, d. 1843. Proof before inscription (C. S. 159 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B. 175. Serena' (Miss Sneyd). Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 190 [I]). B 176. Hon. Mrs. Henrietta North, wife of Hon. Brownlow North, D.D., Bishop of Winchester d 1796. (C. S. 122, II.) Cheylesmore. B 177. Henrietta Vernon, Countess of Warwick, wife of George, 2nd Earl ; d. 1838. First state (C. S. 174, I). Cheylesmore. B 178. Mrs. Anne Carwardine (and child), wife of Eev. Thomas Carwardine ; b. 1752, d. 1817. (C. S. 36.) Cheylesmore. B 179. Emma Lyon, Lady Hamilton, wife of Sir William Hamilton and mistress of Nelson; d. 1815. Proof with open letters, before frame was altered (C. S. 76 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 180. Giovanna Baccelli, Italian dancer ; mistress of the Duke of Dorset ; d. 1801. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 6, I). Cheyles- PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. B 181. Mrs. Henrietta Morris, wife of John Morris, afterwards Sir J. Morris, Bart. Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 116, I). Cheylesmore. B 182. Hon. Mrs. Eliza Stanhope, wife of Hon. Henry Stanhope, son of Earl of Harrington. Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 158, I). B 183. Lord Richard Cavendish, M.P., son of 4th Duke of Devonshire ; b. 1752, d. 1781. Proof before inscription (C. S. 38 [a 1]). Cheylesmore. B 184. Lady Catherine Pelham-Clinton, daughter of Henry, Earl of Lincoln ; afterwards Viscountess Folkestone ; b. 1776, d. 1804. Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 43, I). Eomney. Eomney. Eomney. Eomney. Eomney. Eomney. Eeynolds. Eeynolds. Eeynolds. Eeynolds. Eeynolds. D 2 3<5 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 185. Lady Caroline Montagu, daughter of Henry, 3rd Duke of Buccleugh ; afterwards Marchioness of Queensberry ; b. 1774, d. after 1837. Proof before inscription, artists' and pub- lisher's names scratched (C. S. 110, I). Cheyles- more. B 186. Lady Elizabeth Compton, daughter of Charles, 7th Earl of Northampton; married Lord George Cavendish, afterwards Earl of Burlington ; b. 1760, d. 1835. Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 45, I). Cheylesmore. B 187. John and Henry Gawler, sons of John Gawler, attorney. Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 67 [I a]). Cheylesmore. B 188. Mrs. Phoebe Hoppner, wife of John Hoppner, R.A., the painter. First published state (C. S. 87, II). Cheyles- more. B 189. Lady leaving the Circulating Library (C. S. [194 A]). Cheylesmore. B 190. Lady Catherine Powlett, daughter of 6th Duke of Bolton ; married Lord Barnard, afterwards Earl of Darlington and Duke of Cleveland ; d. 1807. Proof with scratched letters (C. S. 139 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 191. Mrs. Dorothy Stables (and daughters), wife of John Stables, member of the Supreme Council at Calcutta. (C. S. 157, II.) Cheylesmore. B 192. Hon. Mrs. Henrietta O'Neill, wife of John O'Neill, afterwards Viscount O'Neill; b. 1756, d. 1793. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 123, 1). B 193. ' Madonna col Bambino.' Proof before inscription (J. F. 226, I). B 194. Mrs. Philadelphia Payne-Gallwey (and son), wife of Stephen Payne-Gallwey ; b. 1758, d. 1785. Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 133, II). Cheylesmore. B 195. Miss Theophila Palmer, niece of Sir Joshua Reynolds ; afterwards Mrs. Robert Gwatkin ; b. 1757, d. 1848. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 128, 1). Cheyles- more. B 196. 'A Lady at Haymaking.' Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 183 [I]). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Peters. Reynolds. Hoppner. J. R. Smith. Reynolds. Romney. W. Peters. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Lawrenson. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 37 B 197. ' The Fruit Barrow ' (Walton family). Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 172, I). Cheylesmore. B 198. Almeria* (Mrs. Elizabeth Meymott). Proof with open letters (0. S. 106, I). B 199. 'The Student.' Proof before inscription (C. S. 189 [a I]). B 200. Hon. Mrs. Arabella Bouverie, wife of Hon. Edward Bouverie ; afterwards Mrs. Eobert Talbot. Proof before frame (G. S. 19 [I]). Cheylesmore. B 201. Right Hon. John Philpot Curran ; lawyer and orator; Master of the Kolls in Ireland; b. 1750, d. 1817. (C. S. 50, II.) Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 22-24, 91-98, 164-167. HENRY HUDSON Worked from 1782 to 1793 ; no particulars are recorded respecting him. B 202. Mrs. Curtis. The identity of this lady has not been ascertained. (C. S. I.) Cheylesmore. B 203. Alexander Wedderburn, Lord Lough- borough, Lord Chancellor ; afterwards Earl of Rosslyn ; b. 1733, d. 1805. First state, with address of Hudson, 1791 (C. S. 5 [I]). Cheylesmore. For another example, see C 90. JOHN MURPHY Born in Ireland c. 1748 ; resided in London, working both in stipple and mezzotint. B204. Caroline Amelia of Brunswick- Wolfen- buttel, Princess of Wales, afterwards Queen ; b. 1768, d. 1821. Proof before title (C. S. 17 [I]). Cheylesmore. B 205. Right Hon. William Pitt, M.P., statesman ; b. 1759, d. 1806. (C. S. 12.) Cheylesmore. B 206. Charles Jenkinson, Lord Hawkesbury, statesman ; afterwards Earl of Liverpool ; b. 1727, d. 1808. Proof with open letters (C. S. 6, I). Cheyles- more. For another example, see C 85. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. H. Walton. J. Opie. Reynolds. Hoppner. Lawrence. Walton. M. Brown. Stothard. W. Miller. Romney. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. JOHANN GOTTFRIED HAID Born at Augsburg 1710; worked in England for a short time in the service of Boydell ; died at Vienna 1776. B 207. Charles Pratt, Lord Camden, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas ; afterwards Lord Chancellor and Earl Camden ; b. 1713, d. 1794. Proof before inscription (C. S. A, I). Cheyles- more. JOHN DEAN Born c. 1750 ; pupil of Valentine Green ; worked in London, where he died after 1805. B 208. Elizabeth Hamilton, Countess of Derby, first wife of Edward, 12th Earl; b. 1753, d. 1797. (C. S. 7.) Cheylesmore. B 209. Mrs. Mary Kent, wife of Charles Kent, after- wards Sir C. Kent, Bart. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 15, I). Cheyles- more. B 210. Mary Churchill, Lady Cadogan, second wife of Charles, 3rd Baron. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 3 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B211. 'Julia de KoubignS' (Miss Crockatt, after- wards Mrs. Boucherett). Proof befbre inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 6 [I]). CJieyles- more. For another example, see C 99. CHARLES HOWARD HODGES Born 1764 ; pupil of John Raphael Smith ; practised portrait painting and mezzotint engraving. About 1788 settled in Holland where he found much employment. Died at Amsterdam 1837. B 212. Lavinia Bingham, Countess Spencer, wife of George John, 2nd Earl ; b. 1762, d. 1831. Proof before title (C. S. 28 [I a]). Cheylesmore. B 213. Mrs. Williams-Hope, wife of John Williams- Hope of Amsterdam. Proof with open letters (C. S. 18, I). Cheyles- B 214. Mrs. Anne "Warren, daughter of Powell the actor. (C. S. 32 [II].) Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds Romney. Reynolds. Reynolds. Hoppner. Reynolds. Reynolds. Romney. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 39 B 215. William Wilberforce, M.P., philanthropist ; b. 1759, d. 1833. Proof with inscription scratched (C. S. 34, I). Cheylesmore. B 216. John Lee, K.C., M.P., Attorney-General ; b. 1733, d, 1793. Proof with open letters (C. S. 22, II). Cheyles- more. For other examples, see C 26, 100-102. JOHN YOUNG Born 1755 ; pupil of John Raphael Smith ; was mezzotint engraver to the Prince of Wales and Keeper of the British Institution. Died 1825. B 217. Richard Colley, Marquess Wellesley, K.G., governor-general of India ; brother of the Duke of Wellington ; b. 1760, d. 1842. Proof with open letters (G. S. 67, I). Cheyles- more. B 218. Mrs. Mary Gwyn, daughter of Captain Horneck and wife of General Gwyn ; Goldsmith's ' Jessamy Bride ' ; b. 1753, d. 1840. Proof with open letters (C. S. 31, I). Cheyles- B 219. Catherine Graeme, Viscountess Hampden, wife of Thomas, 2nd Viscount ; d. 1804. Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 32 [I a]). Cheylesmore. B 220. Charles Dibdin, dramatist and song- writer ; b. 1745, d. 1814. (C. S. 17, I.) Cheylesmore. JOSEPH STRUTT Born 1749 ; author of " Dictionary of Engravers " and several antiquarian works, and an able engraver in stipple and the chalk manner. Died 1802. The example here shown is his only work in mezzotint. B 221. Miss Elizabeth Bull, daughter of Richard Bull, M.P., the collector; b. 1750, d. 1809. (C. S. 1.) Cheylesmore. GEORGE KEATING Born in Ireland; practised in London between 1784 and 1797. B 222. George Harry Grey, 5th Earl of Stamford ; b. 1737, d. 1819. (C. S. 10, II.) Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Rising. Reynolds. Hoppner. Hoppner. Hoppner. Phillips. Hamilton. Romney. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 223. Edward Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby, whig politician and sportsman ; b. 1752, d. 1834. First published state (C. S. 2 [I a]). Cheyles- more. B 224. Henrietta Cavendish-Bentinck, Countess of Stamford, wife of George Harry, 5th Earl; b. 1736, d. 1827. (C. S. 11.) Cheylesmore. B 225. John Philip Kemble, in ' Eichard III,' actor ; b. 1757, d. 1823. Proof with open letters (C. S. 5 [I]). Cheyles- more. B 226. Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire (with her daughter), first wife of William, 5th Duke ; political supporter of Fox ; b. 1757, d. 1806. Proof with open letters (C. S. 3, I). Cheyles- WILLIAM WARD, A.R.A. Born in London 1766 ; the ablest pupil and assistant of John Kaphael Smith; brother-in-law of George Morland, whose pictures he engraved ; was mezzotint engraver to the Prince Regent and the Duke of York. Died 1826. B 227. Elizabeth Stephenson, Countess of Mex- borough, wife of John, 2nd Earl ; d. 1821. 3 Proof before date was completed (C. S. 58 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 228. Arthur Murphy, dramatist ; b. 1727, d. 1805. (C. S. 63, II.) Cheylesmore. B 229. Mrs. Maria Ann Pope, actress, second wife of Alexander Pope, actor ; b. 1775, d. 1803. Proof before inscription (C. S. 69, I). Cheyles- more. B 230. George Morland, painter ; b. 1763, d. 1804. Proof before inscription (C. S. 60 [a I]). Cheyles- more. B 231. Mrs. Sprot, wife of Mark Sprot. Proof before inscription (C. S. 78 [I]). Cheyles- B 232. Mark Sprot, of Eiddall, Roxburgh ; d. 1808. Proof before inscription space was cleared (C. S. 77 [a I]). Cheylesmore. B 233. Henry Herbert, 1st Earl of Carnarvon ; b. 1741, d. 1811. Proof before inscription (C. S. 24, I). Cheyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Gainsborough. Romney. Stuart. Reynolds. Hoppner. N. Dance. Shee. R. Muller. Skirving. Skirving. Gainsborough & Stuart. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. B 234. Rev. George Husband Baird, D.D., principal of Edinburgh University; b, 1761, d. 1840. Proof with open letters (G. S. 4, II). Cheyles- more. B 235. 'The Nabob' (Master Smith). (C. S. 74.) Cheylesmore. B 236. James Harris, 1st Earl of Malmesbury, diplomatist ; b. 1746, d. 1820. Proof before inscription (C. S. 56, I). Cheyles- more. B 237. Miss Jane Bowles, daughter of Oldfield Bowles ; afterwards Mrs. Richard Palmer. Proof before inscription (C. S. 11, I). Cheyles- more. B 238. Mrs. Jane Braddyll, wife of Wilson Gale Braddyll of Conishead Priory ; d. 1819. Proof before inscription, touched (G. S. 13 [a I]). Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 28-30, 110-118, 170-172. JAMES WARD, R.A. Born in London 1769 ; pupil of his elder brother William Ward; after practising mezzotint engraving with success for a few years he abandoned it and subse- quently became eminent as an animal painter; elected R.A. 1811. Died 1859. B 239. Joseph Wright, A.R.A., painter ; known as ' Wright of Derby ' ; b. 1734, d. 1797. Proof with open letters (G. S. 36, II). Cheyles- more. B 240. William Heberden, M.D., F.R.S., physician; b. 1710, d. 1801. (C. S. 24.) Cheylesmore. B 241. 'Juvenile Retirement' (Children of Hon. John Douglas). (G. S. 14.) Cheylesmore. B 242. Henry Erskine, M.P., advocate and whig politician ; b. 1746, d. 1817. Proof before inscription (C. S. 17, I). Cheyles- more. B 243. Children Bathing ' (Children of John Hoppner, R.A.). (C. S. 27.) Cheylesmore. B 244. Mrs. Elizabeth Margaret Hibbert, wife of George Hibbert, F.R.S., the collector. (C. S. 26, II.) Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 31-33, 119-123, 173-178. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Geddes. Hoppner. Lawrence. Reynolds. Braddyll. J. Wright. W. Beechey. Hoppner. Raeburn. Hoppner. Hoppner. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. GEORGE CLINT, A.R.A. Born in London 1770 ; was taught mezzotint engraving by Edward Bell; became a successful portrait painter, excelling in theatrical groups ; elected A.R.A. 1821. Died 1854. B 245. Robert Haldane, of Gleneagles, Perthshire. Proof with open letters. Cheylesmore. B 246. Sophia Maling, Countess of Mulgrave, wife of Henry Phipps, 1st Earl ; d. 1849. Proof before inscription. Cheylesmore. For another example, see C 124. SAMUEL WILLIAM REYNOLDS Born 1773 ; pupil of William Hodges, R.A., and John Raphael Smith ; became a distinguished mezzotint engraver, strengthening his work with the etching needle with great effect ; was also an able landscape painter ; resided some years in Paris, where he was much admired. Died 1835. B 247. Jane Elizabeth Scott, Countess of Oxford, wife of Edward Harley, 5th Earl; b. 1774, d. 1824. First state (Wh. 225, 1). Cheylesmore. B 248. Louisa Catherine Howe, Marchioness of Sligo, wife of John Denis Browne, 1st Marquess ; b. 1767, d. 1817. (Wh. 265.) Cheylesmore. B 249. Murrough O'Brien, Marquess of Thomond ; d. 1808. Unfinished proof (Wh. 282, I). Cheylesmore. B 250. Sir George Sowley Holroyd, justice of the King's Bench ; b. 1758, d. 1831. Unfinished proof (Wh. 147, 1). Cheylesmore. B 251. 'The Falconer' (Samuel Northcote, jun., brother of James Northcote, B.A. ; b. 1743, d. 1813). Proof before inscription (Wh. 414, I). Cheyks- more. B 252. "William Honeywood. The identity of this personage has not been ascertained. Proof before inscription (Wh. 148, I). Cheyles- more. B 253. Felice Giardini, Italian violinist and composer ; b. 1716, d. 1796. Unfinished proof (Wh. Ill, I). Cheylesmore. B 254. George Dance, R.A., architect. Unfinished proof (Wh. 67, I). Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 35, 125-131. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Hoppner. Hoppner. J. Opie. Hoppner. S. W. Reynolds, jun. J. Northcote. T. Phillips. Reynolds. J. Jackson. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 43 WILLIAM SAY Born at Lakenham 1768 ; pupil of James Ward ; was one of the engravers employed on Turner's " Liber Studiorum"; made the first attempt to engrave in mezzotint on steel. Died 1834. B 255. Miss Catherine Stephens, singer and actress ; afterwards Countess of Essex; b. 1794, d. 1882. Cheylesmore. B 256. Frances Anne Greville, Lady Crewe, wife of John, 1st Baron; fashionable beauty and whig politician ; d. 1818. Private plate. Cheylesmore. B 257. Sir John Caradoc [Cradock], K.B., general in the Peninsular War ; created Baron Howden ; b. 1762, d. 1839. Proof before inscription. Cheylesmore. B 258. Emma Lyon, Lady Hamilton, wife of Sir William Hamilton and mistress of Nelson ; d. 1815. I Proof with open letters. Cheylesmore. For another example, see C 34. CHARLES TURNER Born at Woodstock 1774 ; worked in stipple and aquatint, but chiefly mezzotint ; was engraver to George III ; executed the first twenty plates of Turner's "Liber Studiorum " ; worked on steel during the latter part of his career. Died 1857. B 259. Lavinia Bingham, Countess Spencer, wife of George John, 2nd Earl ; b. 1762, d. 1831. Proof with open letters (Wh. 467). Cheyles- more. B 260. Mrs. Rosoman Mountain, singer and actress ; b. 1768, d. 1841. Proof before inscription (Wh. 362). Cheyles- more. B 261. Lady Louisa Manners (in a peasant's dress), wife of John Manners, M.P. ; afterwards Countess of Dysart in her own right; b. 1745, d. 1840. (Wh. 157.) Cheylesmore. An Artist (miscalled Nicolas Berchem). Unfinished proof (Wh. 32). Cheylesmore. B 263. Richard Colley, Marquess Wellesley, K.G., Governor-General of India ; brother of the Duke of Wellington ; b. 1760, d. 1842. Proof before title (Wh. 522). Cheylesmore. B 264. John Robison, LL.D., mathematician and natural philosopher ; b. 1739, d. 1805. Proof with open letters (Wh. 428). Cheylesmore. For another example, see C 36. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. G. H. Harlow. Lawrence. Lawrence. Masquerier. M. A. Shee. Masquerier. J. Hoppner. Rembrandt. Lawrence. Raeburn. 44 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. GEORGE DAWE, R.A. Born 1781; son of Philip Da we, by whom he was taught mezzotint engraving ; after practising this with ability for a short time he turned to portrait painting ; elected R.A. 1814 ; spent the last ten years of his life in Russia, in the employment of the Emperor. in London 1829. Died B 265. James Gregory, M.D., professor of medicine at Edinburgh; b. 1753, d. 1821. (G. S. [5 A].) Cheylesmore. B 266. Charles Hope, Lord Advocate of Scotland ; afterwards president of the Court of Session ; b. 1763, d. 1851. Second state (C. S. 6, II). Cheylesmore. B 267. "William Godwin, philosopher and political writer ; married Mary Wollstonecraft ; b. 1756, d. 1836. First state (C. S. 4, I). CJieylesmore. B 268. Robert Macqueen, Lord Braxfield, Scottish judge ; b. 1722, d. 1799. (C. S. [8 A].) Cheylesmore. B 269. Captain George DufF, R.N. ; fell at battle of Trafalgar 1805. (C. S. 3.) Cheylesmore. B 270. William Craig, Lord Craig, Scottish judge ; b. 1745, d. 1813. (C. S. [2 B].) Cheylesmore. For another example, see C 132. SERIES C (atlas size; about 1665-1820, but chiefly after 1750 A.D.) This series is arranged on the screens and in the frames swing on pedestals in the middle of the room. Nos. 1-36, chosen especially as representative masterpieces of the art on the triple ground of subject, execution, and con- dition, are placed on the screens : nos. 37-84 are swung on the east pedestal, 85-132 on the west pedestal, and 133-180 (of oblong shape) on the centre pedestal. PRINCE RUPERT (see above, p. 1) C 1. The Executioner of St. John the Baptist. First state (C. S. p. 1772, 2, I). PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Raeburn. Raeburn. Northcote. Raeburn. Raeburn. Skirving. Spagnoletto. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 45 ABRAHAM BLOOTELING (see above, p. 3) C 2. James Scott, Duke of Monmouth, K.G., natural son of Charles II by Lucy Walters; b. 1649, executed 1685. Proof before inscription (W. 38 [I]). C 3. The same (W. 38 [II]). EDWARD FISHER (see above, p. 24) C 4. John, Viscount Ligonier, K.B., field marshal ; fought at Dettingen; afterwards Earl Ligonier; b. 1680, d. 1770. Proof before inscription (C. S. 38, I). Cheyks- WILLIAM PETHER (see above, p. 23) C 5. The Alchemist. Unfinished proof (C. S. 44 [a I]). ROBERT DUNKARTON (see above, p. 28) C 6. James Hewitt, Lord Liffbrd, Lord Chancellor of Ireland ; b. 1709, d. 1789. Proof before inscription (C. S. 29 [a I]). Cheyles- JAMES WATSON (see above, p. 26) C 7. Mrs. Francis Abington (as the Comic Muse), actress ; b. 1737, d. 1815. Proof before inscription (C. S. I, I). Cheyles- more. C 8. John Manners, Marquess of Granby, general ; fought at Minden ; commander-in-chief ; b. 1721, d. 1770. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 64, I). Cheylesmore. C 9. Anne Hussey Delaval, Lady Stanhope, wife of Hon. Sir William Stanhope ; afterwards married Capt. Charles Morris ; d. 1811. Proof before inscription (C. S. 135, 1). Cheyles- PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. P. Lely. P. Lely. Reynolds. J. Wright. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. 4 6 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. THOMAS WATSON (see above, p. 29) C 10. Catherine Moore, Lady Bampfylde, wife of Sir Charles W. Bampfylde, Bart.; mother of 1st Lord Poltimore ; b. 1754, d. 1832. Proof before inscription (C. S. 2, I). JOHN JONES (see above, p. 29) C 11. Hon. Mrs. Anna Maria Tollemache (as Miranda), afterwards Countess of Dysart ; b. 1746, d. 1804. Proof before title (C. S. 73 [I a]). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OK DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Reynolds. JOHN DIXON (see above, p. 30) C 12. Mary Panton, Duchess of Ancaster, wife of | Reynolds. Peregrine, 3rd Duke ; Mistress of the Robes ; d. 1793. Proof with artists' names only (C. S. 1, I). Cheylesmore. WILLIAM DICKINSON (see above, p. 31) C 13. Diana Sackville, Viscountess Crosbie, after- wards Countess of Glandore ; b. 1756, d. 1814. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 14, I). C 14. Mrs. Sophia Pelham, wife of Charles Anderson Pelham, afterwards Lord Yarborough ; d. 1787. C. S. 59, I.) Cheyksmore. RICHARD EARLOM (see above, p. 33) C 15. A Fruit Piece. Proof before letters, artists' names and publi- cation line scratched. JOHANN JACOBS Born fct Vienna 1733 ; was taught the art in England, where he executed a few plates; then returned to Vienna and died there 1797. C 16. Hon. Mary Monckton, daughter of Viscount Gal- way ; afterwards Countess of Cork ; b. 1746, d. 1840. Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 6, I). Cheylesmore. For another example, see C 89. Reynolds. Reynolds Van Huysum. Reynolds. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 47 VALENTINE GREEN (see above, p. 33) C 17. Mary Isabella Somerset, Duchess of Rutland, wife of Charles, 4th Duke ; b. 1756, d. 1831. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 115, 1). Cheyles- more. C 18. Robert and Thomas Drummond, sons of the Archbishop of York. Kobert (afterwards 9th Earl of Kinnoull), b. 1751, d. 1804. Thomas, b. 1752 d. 1773. Proof before inscription (C. S. 41, I). Cheyles- more. C 19. Charlotte Hill, Lady Talbot, wife of John 3rd, Lord (afterwards Earl) Talbot ; b. 1754, d. 1804. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 128, 1). Cheyles- C 20. Emily Mary Hill, Countess of Salisbury, wife of James, 7th Earl, afterwards Marquess ; b. 1750, burnt to death at Hatfield 1835. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 116, 1). Cheyles- C 21. Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, first wife of WiUiam, 5th Duke ; b. 1757, d. 1806. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 37, I). JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH (see above, p. 35) C 22. Mrs. Elizabeth Carnac, wife of Brigadier-General John Carnac. Proof before inscription (C. S. 31, 1). C 23. Col. Barnastre Tarleton, commander in the American War; afterwards general; created a baronet and G.C.B. ; b. 1754, d. 1833. Proof before inscription (C. S. 161 [a I]). Cheylesmore. C 24. Mrs. Sophia Musters, wife of John Musters of Colwich Hall ; fashionable beauty. Proof before inscription (C. S. 120, 1). Cheyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. B. West. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. 4 8 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. JAMES WALKER Born 1748 ; pupil of Valentine Green ; went to Petersburg as engraver to the Empress Catherine and worked there 18 years. Died in London 1808. C 25. Lady Isabella Hamilton, wife of William L. Hamilton ; afterwards Countess of Glencairn ; d. 1824. Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 6, I). Cheylesmore. For other examples, see C 106-109. CHARLES HOWARD HODGES (see above, p. 38) C 26. Rutger Hans Schimmelpenninck, Dutch statesman ; b. 1761, d. 1825. Proof before inscription (C. S. [26 A]). Cheyles- more. GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT Born 1767 ; nephew and pupil of Thomas Gainsborough ; practised portrait painting and produced a few excel- lent plates from pictures by his uncle. Died 1797. C 27. Queen Charlotte, wife of George III ; b. 1744, d. 1818. Proof before inscription (C. S. 2, a I). Cheyles- more. For other examples, see C 103-105. WILLIAM WARD, A.R.A. (see above, p. 40) C 28. Sir David Wilkie, R.A., painter ; b. 1785, d. 1841. Proof before inscription (C. S. 90, I). C 29. Misses Marianne and Amelia Frankland, daughters of Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart. ; d. 1795 and 1800. Proof before inscription (C. S. 38, I). Cheyles- more. C 30. John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd Earl Camden, K.G., Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; secretary at war ; created Marquess ; b. 1759, d. 1840. Unfinished proof (C. S. 21 [a I]). Cheylesmore. JAMES WARD, R.A. (see above, p. 41) C 31. Miss Frances Vane (as Miranda), daughter of Sir Henry Vane, Bart. ; afterwards wife of Right Hon. Michael Angelo Taylor, M.P. (C. S. [34 A]). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Romney. C. H. Hodges. Gainsborough. Geddes. Hoppner. Hoppner. Hoppner. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 49 C 32. Lord Ashburton, Lord Shelburne and Col. Barrel John Dunning, Lord Ashburton, lawyer and poli- tician; b. 1731, d. 1783. William Petty Fitzmaurice, 2nd Earl of Shel- burne, prime minister ; created Marquess of Lans- downe ; b. 1737, d. 1805. Col. Isaac Barre", M.P., whig politician; b. 1726, d. 1802. Proof before inscription (C. S. 1, I). Cheyles- more. C 33. Adam, Viscount Duncan, admiral ; defeated the Dutch at Camperdown; b. 1731, d. 1804. Proof before inscription (C. S. 15, I). GEORGE DAWE, R.A. (see above, p. 44) C 34. Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville, secre- tary of state; b. 1740, d. 1811. (C. S. [10 A].) Cheyksmore. SAMUEL WILLIAM REYNOLDS (see above, p. 42) C 35. Georgiana Gordon, Duchess of Bedford, wife of John, 6th Duke ; d. 1853. Proof before inscription (W. 21, 1). CHARLES TURNER (see above, p. 43) C 36. Georgiana Charlotte Bertie, Countess of Cholmondeley, wife of George, 4th Earl, after- wards Marquess ; b. 1764, d. 1838. (W. 97.) Cheyles- WILLIAM SHERWIN (see above, p. 5) C 37. Charles II ; b. 1630, d. 1685. (C. S. 10.) Dated 1669 and dedicated to Prince Eupert. C 38. Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II ; b. 1638, d. 1705. (C. S. 7.) Companion plate to the preceding; dedicated to Prince Rupert. RICHARD HOUSTON (see above, p. 22) C 39. Right Hon. William Pitt, afterwards Earl of Chatham, statesman ; b. 1708, d. 1778. (C. S. 94.) Clieylesniore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Hoppner. Raeburn. Hoppner. Hoppner. Hoare. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. EDWARD FISHER (see above, p. 24) C 40. Lady Sarah Bunbury, daughter of Duke of Marl- borough and wife of Sir Thomas Bunbury, Bart. ; one of Queen Charlotte's bridesmaids ; m. 2nd Hon. G. Napier, and was mother of Sir Charles and Sir William Napier ; b. 1745, d. 1826. Proof before inscription (C. S. 6, I). C 41. Lady Elizabeth Keppel, afterwards Marchioness of Tavistock; b. 1739, d. 1768. She was one of Queen Charlotte's bridesmaids, and is here repre- sented in her bridesmaid's dress. Proof before inscription (C. S. 36, II). Cluyles- more. JOHN FINLAYSON (see above, p. 25) C 42. Robert Marsham, 2nd Lord Romney, Presi- dent of the Society of Arts ; b. 1712, d. 1794. Proof before arms and title (C. S. 13, I). JAMES WATSON (see above, p. 26) C 43. Mrs. Mary Hale (as L' Allegro), wife of General John Hale. Proof before inscription (C. S. 69, I). Cheyles- rn&re. C 44. Miss Anne Elliot (as Juno), courtesan and actress ; b. 1743, d. 1769. Proof with artists' names only (C. S. 51, I). Cheylesmore. C 45. Miss Anne Parsons, courtesan ; afterwards Viscountess Maynard. [Altered from Miss Anne Elliot.] (C. S. 51, III.) Cheylesmore. C 46. Andrew Drummond, founder of Drummond's Bank ; b. 1688, d. 1769. (C. S. 48.) Cheylesmore. C 47. Sir John Gust, Bart., M.P., Speaker of the House of Commons ; father of 1st Lord Brownlow ; b. 1718, d. 1770. Proof with uncleared margin (C. S. 42 [a I]). Cheylesmore. C 48. Elizabeth Dash wood, Duchess of Manchester, wife of George, 4th Duke ; b. 1741, d. 1832. (C. S. 97, II.) Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Kettle. Zoffany. Reynolds. Reynolds. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. ROBERT DUNKARTON (see above, p. 28) C 49. * Melancholy ' (said to be a portrait of Mrs. Yates the actress). (C. S. 42.) Cheylesmore. C 50. John Penn, of Stoke Pogis, proprietor of Pennsyl- vania ; author ; b. 1760, d. 1834. Proof before inscription (C. S. 32 [a I]). Cheyles- more. C 51. Jonas Hanway, traveller and philanthropist ; b. 1712, d. 1786. Proof before letters, artists' names and publica- tion line scratched (C. S. 23, I). Cheylesmore. C 52. William Pitt, 2nd Lord Amherst, statesman ; fovernor-general of India ; created Earl ; b. 1773, . 1857. (C. S. 2.) Cheylesmore. C 53. Right Hon. Henry Addington, Speaker of the House of Commons ; prime minister ; created Viscount Sidmouth ; b. 1757, d. 1844. Proof before inscription (C. S. 1, I). Cheyles- more. THOMAS WATSON (see above, p. 29) C 54. Hon. Mrs. Theresa Parker, wife of John Parker, afterwards Lord Boringdon ; mother of 1st Earl of Morley ; d. 1775. Proof before title (C. S. 28, I). Cheylesmore. C 55. Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, K.G., brother of George III ; b. 1745, d. 1790. (C. S. 11.) Cheylesmore. C 56. Elizabeth Milbanke, Lady Melbourne (with Hon. Peniston Lambe), wife of Peniston Lambe, 1st Lord ; mother of the prime minister ; d. 1813. Proof before title (C. S. 25, I). JOHN JONES (see above, p. 29) C 57. Sir Edward Vernon, admiral ; b. 1723, d. 1794. Proof before title (C. S. 77, I). C 58. Charles, Marquess Cornwallis, K.G., general in the American War; governor-general and com- mander-in-chief in India ; b. 1738, d. 1805. Proof before title (C. S. 14 [I a]). C 59. George Spencer, 4th Duke of Marlborough, K.G. ; b. 1739, d. 1817. Proof with open letters (C. S. 54, II). Clmjles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Romuey. Beechey. Edwards. Devis. Copley. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Singleton. Gardner. Romney. E 2 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. C 60. Caroline Russell, Duchess of Marlborough, wife of George, 4th Duke; b. 1743, d. 1813. First state (C. S. 53 [I]). Cheylesmore. C 61. William Mainwaring, merchant ; governor of the Hudson's Bay Company ; b. 1737, d. 1812. Proof before letters (C. S. 49 [a I]). Cheyles- more. C 62. Sir Edward Hughes, admiral ; d. 1794. Proof before title (C. S. 39 [I a]). Cheylesmore. JOHN DIXON (see above, p. 30) C 63. David Garrick (in ' Kichard III '), actor ; b. 1716, d. 1779. Proof before letters, artists' names and publica- tion line scratched (C. S. 15, I). Cheylesmore. WILLIAM DICKINSON (see above, p. 31) C 64. Frederick Augustus, Duke of York, K.G., second son of George III ; commander-in-chief ; b. 1763, d. 1827. (C. S. 93.) Cheylesmore. C 65. Charles Manners, 4th Duke of Rutland, K.G-., Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; b. 1754, d. 1787. Proof before inscription (C. S. 72, 1). Cheyles- more. C 66. Lord Robert Manners, son of John, Marquess of Granby ; captain K.N. ; fell in Rodney's action with De Grasse ; b. 1758, d. 1782. Proof before inscription (G. S. 46 [a I]). Cheyles- more. C 67. Mrs. Ellis Mathew, wife of Francis Mathew, afterwards Lord Llandaff ; d. 1781. (C. S. 48, II.) Cheylesmore. C 68. Elizabeth Hamilton, Countess of Derby, first wife of Edward, 12th Earl ; b. 1753, d. 1797. Proof before title (C. S. 16, I). Cheylesmore. RICHARD EARLOM (see above, p. 33) C 69. Albert, Due d'Arenberg, Flemish military com- mander ; b. 1600, d. 1670. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 2, I). Cheyles- more. C 70. A Blacksmith's Shop. Proof before inscription, artists' and pub- lisher's names scratched (C. S. 47, I). PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Romney. Dupont. Reynolds. N. Dance. Hoppner. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Van Dyck. J. Wright. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 53 C 71. A Flower Piece. Proof before letters, artists' and publisher's names scratched. VALENTINE GREEN (see above, p. 33) C 72. Samuel Lord Hood, admiral ; afterwards Viscount and G.C.B. ; b. 1724, d. 1816. Proof before inscription was completed (C. S. 66 [I a]). Cheylesmore. C 73. George, Prince of Wales, and Frederick, Duke of York ; sons of George III. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (G. S. 48, II). Cheyles- C 74. Sir Peter Parker, Bart., admiral ; b. 1723, d. 1811. (C. S. 96.) Cheylesm&re. C 75. Francis Russell, 5th Duke of Bedford (with his brothers and Miss Vernon), agriculturist ; b. 1765, d. 1802. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 8, I). Cheyles- C 76. Anne Montgomery, Viscountess Townshend, wife of George, 4th Viscount, afterwards Marquess ; b. 1754, d. 1819. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 132, 1). Cheyles- C 77. Lady Jane Halliday, daughter of Earl of Dysart and wife of John D. Halliday ; d. 1802. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 61, I). C 78. Lady Louisa Manners, wife of John Manners, M.P. ; afterwards Countess of Dysart in her own right ; b. 1745, d. 1840. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 84, I). C 79. Lady Elizabeth Compton, daughter of Earl of Northampton ; afterwards Lady George Cavendish and Countess of Burlington ; b. 1760, d. 1835. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 27, I). C 80. Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester, K.B. ; d. 1759. Proof before inscription (C. S. 82 [a I]). Cheyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Van Huysum. Abbott. West. Abbott. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Reynolds. Zincke. 54 Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. C 81. Archibald Douglas, claimant in the great Douglas lawsuit ; created Baron Douglas ; b. 1748, d. 1827. Proof with scratched inscriptions (C. S. 39, I). Cheylesmore. C 82. David Garrick, actor; b. 1716, d. 1779. Proof before title (C. S. 46, I). C 83. George "Washington, American general ; first President of the United States ; b. 1732, d. 1799. (C. S. [134 A].) Cheylesmore. C 84. Nathaniel Green, American general ; b. 1741, d. 1786. Proof with title in open letters (C. S. 56, I). Cheylesmore. JOHN MURPHY (see above, p. 37) C 85. William, 3rd Viscount Courtenay ; established his claim to the Earldom of Devon ; b. 1768, d. 1835. Proof before inscription (C. S. 3, I). Cheyles- more. WILLIAM WHISTON BARNEY Pupil of S. W. Reynolds ; practised mezzotint engraving for a short time, c. 1805-10, and then adopted a military career. C 86. Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, first wife of William, 5th Duke ; b. 1757, d. 1806. Proof with open letters (C. S. 6, 1). Cheylesmore. HENRY BRYER Pupil of W. W. Ryland with whom he carried on a print- selling business in Cornhill. Died before 1783. C 87. Anne Luttrell, Duchess of Cumberland, wife of Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland. Proof before inscription (C. S. 1 [I a]). Cheyles- more. *** In the first state this represented Mary, Lady Arundell of Wardour ; later it was altered to Maria Walpole, Duchess of Gloucester. JOSEPH GROZER Worked in London between 1786 and 1797. C 88. Miss Wallis, actress ; afterwards Mrs. Campbell. Proof with open letters (C. S. 19, I). Cheyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Willison. Gainsborough. Peale. Peale. B. Cosway. Gainsborough. Bryer. Graham. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 55 C89. JOHANN JACOBE (see above, p. 46) Hebe' (Miss Meyer, daughter of Jeremiah Meyer, R.A.) (C. S. 5, II). Cheylesmore. HENRY HUDSON (see above, p. 37) C 90. Sir William Hamilton, K.B., diplomatist and virtuoso ; b. 1730, d. 1803. Second state (C. S. 2, II). Cheylesmore. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH (see above, p. 35) C 91. George, Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV; b. 1762, d. 1830. First state (C. S. 167 A, I). Cheylesmore. C 92. The same. Second state (C. S. 167 A, II). Cluylesmwe. C 93. Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, known as ' Egalite ' ; b. 1747, guillotined 1793. Proof with scratched letters (C. S. 125, I). Cheylesmore. C 94. Francis Russell, 5th Duke of Bedford, agri- culturist ; b. 1765, d. 1802. (C. S. 13.) Cheyles- more. C 95. Adam, Viscount Duncan, admiral ; defeated the Dutch at Camperdown ; b. 1731, d. 1804. Proof before inscription (C. S. 57 [I]). Cheyles- more. C 96. Sir Nathaniel Dance, naval commander in service of the East India Company; b. 1748, d. 1827. C 97. Samuel Athawes, print collector ; b. 1734, d. 1822. (C. S. 4, II.) Cheylesmore. C 98. Claude Champion Crespigny, D.C.L., receiver- general of Droits of Admiralty ; b. 1734, d. 1818. (C. S. 46.) Cheylesmore. JOHN DEAN (see above, p. 38) C 99. Mrs. Grace Dalrymple Elliott, wife of John Elliott, M.D. ; mistress of the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Orleans ; d. 1830. (C. S. 9, II.) Cheyles- PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Reynolds. Gainsborough. Gainsborough. Reynolds. Hoppner. Danloux. J. R. Smith. J. R. Smith. J. R. Smith. Gainsborough. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. CHARLES HOWARD HODGES (see above, p. 38) C 100. * Hebe ' (Mrs. Sophia Musters, wife of John Musters, of Colwich Hall). Unfinished proof (C. S. 25 [a I]). Cheylesmore. C 101. William Henry, Duke of Clarence, K.G., afterwards William IV ; b. 1765, d. 1837. Proof before inscription (C. S. 8 [I].) Cheyles- more. C 102. Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, K.G-., second son of George III ; com- mander-in-chief ; b. 1763, d. 1827. Proof with scratched letters (C. S. 36 [I]). Cheylesmore. GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT (see above, p. 48) C 103. Right Hon. Henry Seymour Conway, field marshal; b. 1720, d. 1795. Proof before title (C. S. 3, I). Cheylesmore. C 104. George Brydges, Lord Rodney, K.B., admiral ; b. 1719, d. 1792. (C. S. 9, II.) Cheylesmore. C 105. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Sheridan (ne'e Linley), singer ; first wife of Eight Hon. R. B. Sheridan ; b. 1754, d. 1792. Unfinished proof (C. S. 10 A). Cheylesmore. JAMES WALKER (see above, p. 48) C 106. Miss Frances Woodley, afterwards wife of Henry Bankes, M.P., of Kingston Hall, Dorset ; b. 1760, d. 1822. (C. S. 19.) Cheylesmore. C 107. John Walter Tempest, only son of John Tempest, M.P. for Durham ; d. 1793. (C. S. 17.) Cheylesmore. C 108. Sir Barnard Turner, alderman of London ; d. 1784. (C. S. 18.) Cheylesmore. C 109. Sir Hyde Parker, admiral ; b. 1739, d. 1807. (C. S. 12, II.) Cheylesmore. WILLIAM WARD, A.R.A. (see above, p. 40) C 110. Henry Beaufoy, M.P., whig politician ; d. 1795. Proof before inscription (C. S. 5 [a I]). Cheyles- more. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Hoppner. Hoppner. Gainsborough. Gainsborough. Gainsborough. Romney. Romney. Wheatley. Romney. Gainsborough. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 57 C 111. William Cobbett, M.P., politician, author and agriculturist; b. 1762, d. 1835. (C. S. 28, II.) Cheylesmore. C 112. John Home Tooke, radical politician and philo- logist ; author of " Diversions of Purley " ; b. 1736, d. 1812. (C. S. 84, II.) Cheylesmore. C 113. George, 1st Earl of Onslow, Lord Lieutenant of Surrey ; b. 1731, d. 1814. Proof with open letters (C. S. 66, II). Cheyles- more. C 114. Charles "William, Viscount Milton, after- wards 5th Earl Fitzwilliam ; b. 1786, d. 1857. (C. S. 59). Cheylesmore. C 115. George Grenville Nugent Temple, 1st Marquess of Buckingham, K.G., Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland ; b. 1753, d. 1813. (C. S. 15, II.) Cheylesmore. C 116. Sir Francis Burdett, Bart., M.P. for West- minster, reformer ; father of Lady Burdett-Coutts ; b. 1770, d. 1844. First state (C. S. 17 [I]). Cheylesmore. C 117. George Nugent Grenville, Lord Nugent, son of 1st Marquess of Buckingham ; author of ' Me- morials of Hampden ' ; b. 1788, d. 1850. Proof before inscription (C. S. 64, 1). Cheyles- C 118. Henry Callender, golf player. Proof before inscription (C. S. 20 Cheylesmore. [a I]). JAMES WARD, R.A. (see above, p. 41) 119. Catherine Sophia Manners, Lady Heathcote, wife of Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart.; b. 1769, d. 1825. Proof with open letters (C. S. 23, II). Cheyles- more. 120. "William Henry, Duke of Clarence, K.G., afterwards William IV ; b. 1765, d. 1837. Proof with open letters (C. S. 10, II). Cheyles- more. 121. Charles, Marquess Cornwallis, K.G., com- mander in the American war ; governor-general of India ; b. 1738, d. 1805. Proof before inscription (C. S. 13, I). Cheyles- more. 122. Mrs. Elizabeth Billington, singer ; b. 1768, d. 1818. Trial proof (C. S. 5, I). PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. J. E. Smith. J. R. Smith. Stewardson. J. R. Smith. J. Jackson. J. R. Smith. Lawrence Abbott. Hoppner. Shee. Beechey. Reynolds. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. C 123. The same. Finished proof (C. S. 5, I). %* Nos. 122 and 123 are the first and last of a set of eight progress proofs. GEORGE CLINT, A.R.A. '(see above, p. 42) C 124. Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, K.G., sixth son of George III ; b. 1773, d. 1843. Proof with open letters. Cheylesmore. SAMUEL WILLIAM REYNOLDS (see above, p. 42) C 125. Right Hon. William Windham, M.P., states- man ; b. 1750, d. 1810. Proof before inscription (W. 306, I). Cheyles- more. C 123. Sir Henry Russell, Bart., Chief Justice of Bengal ; b. 1751, d. 1836. Proof before inscription, touched (W. 253, I). Cheylesmore. C 127. Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, afterwards King of the Belgians ; b. 1790, d. 1865. (W. 177.) Cheylesmore. C 128. Right Hon. Charles James Fox, M.P., whig statesman ; b. 1749, d. 1806. Proof with open letters (W. 93, 1). Cheylesmore. C 129. Sir Greorge Beckwith, colonial governor ; b. 1753, d. 1823. (W. 19.) Cheylesmore. C 130. Elizabeth Burrell, Marchioness of Exeter, third wife of Henry, 1st Marquess; d. 1837. (W. 87, III.) Cheylesmore. C 131. Mary Frederica, Lady Hood, wife of Sir Samuel Hood, Bart. ; d. 1862. (W. 149.) Cheyles- more. WILLIAM SAY (see above, p. 43) C 132. Helena Shaw-Lefevre, Lady St. John-Mild- may, wife of Sir Henry St. John-Mildmay, Bart. Cheylesmore. PAUL VAN SOMER Born at Amsterdam 1649 ; pupil of his brother Jan ; worked both in line and mezzotint ; resided for some years in Paris and later in London, where he died 1694. C 133. Children of Mr. Coke. (C. S. 2.) PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Reynolds. Pellegrini. Hoppner. Chinnery. G. Dawe. J. B. Smith. Eckstein. Lawrence. Lawrence. Hoppner. Huysmans. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 5.9 RICHARD HOUSTON (see above, p. 22) C 134. The Syndics. Proof before inscription, artists' names and inscription line scratched (C. S. 149, I a). JAMES McARDELL (see above, p. 19) C 135. David Qarrick and Mrs. Cibber, in 'Venice Preserved.' Proof before inscription (C. S. 80, I). Cheyles- more. WILLIAM PETHER (see above, p. 23) C 136. A Philosopher giving a lecture on the Orrery. [Proof before inscription, publisher's name scratched and arms engraved, without motto (C. S. 48, II). Cheylesm&re. C 137. Artists drawing from statuette of a gladiator. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 45, I). THOMAS WATSON (see above, p. 29) C 138. Mrs. Frances Anne Crewe (as St. Genevieve), wife of John Crewe, afterwards Lord Crewe ; d. 1818. Proof before title (C. S. 10, II). CJieylesmore. C 139. Rebecca Bowles, Lady Rushout (and children), wife of Sir John Rushout, Bart., afterwards Lord Northwick ; d. 1818. Proof before title (C. S. 31, I). Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Rembrandt. Zoffany. J. Wright. J. Wright. Reynolds. Gardner. JOHN JONES (see above, p. 29) C 140. John Henderson, in ' Macbeth,' actor ; b. 1747, | Romney. d. 1785. Proof with inscription in dotted letters (C. S. 37, I). Cheylesmore. C 141. A View from Richmond Hill. Reynolds. Proof before inscription. <5o Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. C 142. Black Monday, or the Departure for School.' Proof with open letters. C 143. Dulce Domum, or the Return from School.' Proof before inscription. JOHN DIXON (see above, p. 30) C 144. William John, Earl of Ancrum, afterwards 5th Marquess of Lothian ; b, 1737, d. 1815. Proof before inscription (C. S. 2 [I]). Cheyles- more. C 145. David Garrick, W. Burton and John Palmer, in the 'Alchemist.' (C. S. 17, III.) Cheylesmore. C 146. A Tigress. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched. ROBERT LAURIE Born 1755 (?) ; invented a mode of printing mezzotints in colours ; engaged in business as a printseller. Died 1836. C 147. Garrick led off the Stage by Time. (C. S. 20.) Cheylesmore. WILLIAM DICKINSON (see above, p. 31) C 148. William Parsons and John Moody, in the ' West Indian.' Proof before inscription (C. S. 57, I). Cheyles- RICHARD EARLOM (see above, p. 33) C 149. Thomas King and Mrs. Sophia Baddeley, in ' the Clandestine Marriage.' Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (C. S. 26, I). Clieyles- more. C 150. Marriage-a-la-Mode, Plate I, The Peer's Drawing Room. (C. S. 46.) C 151. Marriage-a-la-Mode, Plate II, The Saloon. (C. S. 46.) PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Bigg. Bigg. Gilpin & Cosway. Zoffany. G. Stubbs. Parkinson. Mortimer. Zoffany. Hogarth. Hogarth. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. 61 C 152. The Life School of the Royal Academy. Proof before inscription, artists' and pub- lisher's names scratched (C. S. 1, I a). Clieyles- more. C 153. Landscape -with watennill. Proof before inscriptioi publication line scratched. Proof before inscription, artists' names and shi C 154. A Herb Market. Proof before letters, with arms, artists' names and publication line scratched. C 155. A Fish Market. C 156. A Fruit Market. Proof before letters, artists' names and pub- lication line scratched. C 157. A Game Market. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched. VALENTINE GREEN (see above, p. 33) C 158. David Garrick and Mrs. Hannah Pritchard, in ' Macbeth.' Proof with scratched inscription (C. S. 47, I). Cheylesmore. C 159. William PoweU and Robert Bensley, in ' King John.' Proof before inscription, artists' names scratched (C. S. 104 [a I]). Cheylesmore. C 160. Ladies Elizabeth Laura, Charlotte Maria, and Anne Horatia Waldegrave, daughters of James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave and his wife Maria Walpole, afterwards Duchess of Gloucester. (G. S. 133.) Cheylesmore. C 161. The Golden Age (C. S. 159). C 162. A Philosopher showing an Experiment on the Airpump. Proof before inscription, artists' and pub- lisher's names scratched (C. S. 163, I). C 163. Joseph and John Gulston. The former, b. 1745, became the celebrated book and print collector; d. 1786. (C. S. 59, II.) Cheylesmore. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Zoffany. Hobbema. Snyders. Snyders & Langen Jan. Snyders & Langen Jan. Snyders. Zofiany. Mortimer. Reynolds. B. West. J. Wright. Cotes. G?tide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH (see above, p. 35) C 164. Princes and Princess of Orange, sons and daughter of William V of Orange. Prince William Frederick, b. 1772, became King of the Netherlands as William I ; d. 1843. Prince Frederick ; b. 1774, d. 1799. Princess Frederica ; b. 1770, married Charles of Brunswick ; d. 1819. Proof before inscription, artists' names, etc. scratched (C. S. 124, I). Cheylesmore. C 165. The Gower Family; children of Granville, 2nd Earl Gower, afterwards Marquess of Stafford. (G. S. 68, III.) Cheylesmore. C 166. ' Selling Fish.' Proof before inscription. C 167. Fisherman's Hut.' Touched proof before inscription. JOSIAH BOYDELL Born 1752 ; nephew and partner of Alderman John Boydell, the print publisher ; practised both painting and mezzotint engraving. Died 1817. C 168. Cornelis Claesz Anslo (and a woman), Menno- nite preacher at Amsterdam ; b. 1592, d. 1846. Proof before inscription, artists' names and publication line scratched (3, I). Cheylesmore. THOMAS GOSSE Born 1765 ; miniature painter and author. Died 1844. C 169. 'The Country Butcher.' Proof before inscription. WILLIAM WARD, A.R.A. (see above, p. 40) C 170. * First of September '; Morning. Proof before inscription. C 171. A Carrier's Stable.' Proof before title. C 172. Sailors' Conversation.' Touched proof before inscription. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. Tischbein. Romney. Morland. Morland. Rembrandt. Morland. Morland. Morland. Morland. Guide to the Exhibition of Mezzotints. JAMES WARD, R.A. (see above, p. 41) C 173. Tern Burners.' Proof before inscription. C 174. 'Poultry Market.' Proof before inscription. C 175. ' A View in Leicestershire.' C 176. ' Studies from Nature.' Proof before inscription. C 177. 'The Centurion Cornelius.' Proof before inscription. C 178. 'Lion and Tiger fighting.' Proof before inscription. SAMUEL WILLIAM REYNOLDS. (see above, p. 42) C 179. Heron and Spaniel.' C 180. ' Vulture and Snake.' Proof before title. PAINTER OR DRAUGHTSMAN. J. Ward. J. Ward. Morland. J. Ward. Rembrandt. J. Ward. Nortbcote. Northcote. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, Wv