r (^/L/. e. / ff'J'Jf ^ ff /'/' and to be absent from the duties of his office for a period of six months from the date of his embarkation. And on the 10th of February, 1815, the leave he sought was officially granted. And so they bade adieu to India. They sailed for the Cape in the Marchioness of Ely ; and eventually went on to England. The health of Mrs. Tucker improved under the influence of the sea- voyage; but it was thought advisable to proceed onward, that the invalid might enjoy the benefit of a re- turn to the climate of her native home. So Mr. Tucker despatched from St. Helena a formal re- signation of his appointment, and returned to his ship-board cabin. The passage was a long and a 294 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. fatiguing one ; and it was not until the month of August that they sighted the white coast of Great Britain. He had now made up his mind to retire altogether from the active service of the Company. He was in his forty-fifth year. He had served the State in various capacities for nearly thirty years; and he had amassed a moderate fortune. The Government of Java was designed for him; hut he had seen enough of Eastern life, and desired nothing more than rest, domestic enjoyment, and literary leisure. All these were now within his reach ; and he was abundantly content. On his arrival in London he waited upon the Indian authorities, and was received by them with marked consideration. He had much information to impart, and the exposition of his views on the great political questions of the day was listened to with the greatest respect. To his friend Mr. Ed- inonstone he wrote in October, with especial re- ference to his conversations with Lord Buckingham- shire, who then presided at the Board of Control. He had by this time quitted the southern metropolis, and was on a visit to his friends in the North : " TO N. B. EDMONSTONE, ESQ. "Carerse, 1st October, 1815. " DEAR EDMONSTONE, I ought to have written to you much sooner ; but a man arriving in a new country finds abundance to do, and what is worse, he finds strong induce- ments to be idle. " This was my case ; and I am apprehensive that the habits LETTER TO MR. EDMONSTONE. 295 of idleness are not likely to be dissipated, now that I have really nothing to do, unless I choose to cull flowers, or to make verses on cows, sheep, and other Arcadian objects ! " On my arrival in London, I of course waited on the Indian authorities, and I had a long interview with Lord Bucking- hamshire, who seemed to be very anxious to obtain information regarding the state of affairs in India. I gave his Lordship the best information I could ; and I gave also my own opinion on questions which were proposed to me. Lord B. was also very desirous of knowing your opinions on particular points ; and although it was a very delicate office to undertake^ I did not hesitate in stating what I believed to be your sentiments on some of our late measures. The necessity for the Nepaulese war seems to be very generally admitted ; but our proceedings to the south are quite incomprehensible to all parties, as well those who possess information, as those who are debarred access to the official documents. You will be surprised to hear that the great majority of the Directors are in the latter class, the secret correspondence being withheld from them ; and even Davis, one of the most active and intelligent of the corps, had never heard of your controversial minutes with Lord Moira, until I mentioned them to him. " I was particularly glad that I had seen these documents; for I took occasion to refer Lord Buckinghamshire to them, and had the satisfaction to find that they were quite familiar to his Lordship, although unknown to Davis. Lord B. spoke of them as being most able productions ; and I can assure you that your public character is justly appreciated, both at the Board of Control and in Leadenhall-street. I had some diffi- culty in satisfying Mr. Reid, the Deputy Chairman, that you could not possibly have accompanied the Governor-General on his tour ; for he, Mr. R., was disposed to attribute all our em- barrassments to your having remained behind an opinion in which he is not, I fancy, quite singular. ' ' In venturing to state what I believed to be your opinions, I of course took care to observe as much delicacy as possible towards Lord Moira. On the main question, I stated distinctly that, desirable as you considered it that effectual means should 296 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. be taken to suppress the Pindarries, you were of opinion that no decisive step should be taken with a view to this object until a reply should be received to the reference which had been made to the public authorities at home; and that, whatever judgment might be formed with regard to the projected connexion with the principalities of Bhopaul and Saugor, you were of opinion that the agitation of these questions was unseasonable and unfor- tunate. On the employment of irregular corps, and some other minor points, I could speak from public documents, and I ran no risk, therefore, of mis-stating your opinions. My own I gave, as I usually do on such occasions, with no other re- serve than what consideration towards others suggests as being- proper " I urged on Lord Buckinghamshire the expediency and the necessity of your being furnished immediately with a supply of bullion, to enable you to pay your army, and to keep faith with the public creditors; and his Lordship appeared to be so im- pressed with this necessity, that he despatched a messenger to the Admiralty, while I was with him, to expedite the equip- ment of the frigate ; but some assurance had been given that the seamen should have liberty to spend their money, and it was found that not a single ship could be manned while a guinea remained. A large supply of money will, however, be sent both to China and India, for the Directors have about two millions sterling in their Treasury almost in a state of in- activity. " I insisted at the India House, with little success, that the money destined for China should all be consigned to you ; but they will not trust you further than is necessary, and they seem not at all confident that what they may send will be applied to the proper object. Your Lucknow Loans have done you good service ; and they will, I hope, carry you fairly through the present year; but this cannot be looked to as an every-day resource, and I am not quite certain that your pos- sessing such a resource has been regarded with much exultation at the India House. "You will, I think, have been a little surprised at their having abolished my office of Secretary; but Lord Bucking- LETTER TO MR. EDMONSTONE. 297 hamshire informed me that I was intended for the Government of Java, and that he had written to Lord Moira to appoint me to it. I thanked his Lordship, but told him it was an honor which I must have declined, and that I had quitted India with no intention of ever returning to it. " The Lumsden and Davis families are your only con- nexions whom I met in London; and as they correspond with you, I shall leave them to give an account of themselves. Lumsden is canvassing for the Direction, and with every prospect of success, for his character, public and private, is well known, and he will, I hope, be supported at the India House and by Lord Buckinghamshire. He must, however, wait an- other year before he is considered qualified for this high honor " Believe me ever, with great esteem, " Very sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKEE. " P.S. I pass the winter in Edinburgh ; but prepare to return to England with my family early in spring." 298 LIFE OF H. ST. a. TUCKER. CHAPTER XI. Residence in Edinburgh Journey to London Adventures on the Road Residence in London Excursion in Wales Visit to Ireland Thoughts of Public Life. SETTLED with his wife and children, and surrounded by the relatives of the former, in the Scottish capi- tal, Mr. Tucker now found himself for the first time in the full enjoyment of the literary leisure for which he had so often sighed. He was an enthu- siast after knowledge of all kinds ; and now day after day he was to he seen, at the age of forty-five, at- tending the lectures of the Edinburgh professors of Hope, Playfair, and others with as much ardor as the most ambitious of the youthful students who sate in the class beside him. The lecture over, he seldom failed to hurry off to St. Andrew's and to St. George's-square, to pay a visit to Mrs. Boswell and to Mrs. Carre a visit always looked for and always enjoyed, for he had truly become to the latter an affectionate brother, and to the former a dutiful son. LIFE IN EDINBURGH. 299 In the society of the neighbourhood he mixed, but with becoming moderation. He had many friends and many connexions in Edinburgh, and he delighted to see them assembled at his own hospi- table board. This was the convivial intercourse which pleased him best ; for it gratified at once his social propensities and his affection for home. But this pleasant life was broken in upon by an event of a painful nature, arising out of the circum- stances of a near relative, which compelled his pre- sence in London. The business was of so distressing a nature, and the anxiety it occasioned him was so great, that during the two or three days which pre- ceded his departure there was a marked change in his appearance. A worn and harassed look beto- kened the intensity of the inward struggle. He set out under great depression of spirits, in the midst of a violent snow-storm, although it was in the middle of the month of May. The excitement of the journey to the South seems in some measure to have restored his composure ; and he wrote cheerfully from Newark an amusing account of his travels across the Border. In those days a man, between Edinburgh and London, might meet with adventures sufficient to fill a volume, and companions enough to stock a portfolio with their portraits. I shall devote this chapter to private affairs, and leave Mr. Tucker's family letters to carry on the story of his life. His journey to Lon- don, and his residence in the metropolis in 1816, are the first incidents described : 300 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. " Newark, Tuesday, 6 o'clock A.M. " My progress hitherto has been much like the ordinary progress of human life, sometimes smooth and pleasant, and occasionally rough and disagreeable enough. From Edinburgh to Berwick I had a companion who was com- pletely drunk, and who took care to renew the stimulus (al- though it was scarcely necessary) whenever the mail halted for a few minutes. From his conversation while asleep (for he was stupidly silent while awake), I discovered that he was a sailor, and probably the master of a Berwick smack, under whose good guidance I should be sorry to place myself. In his sleep he was very lively as well as talkative, and he began at one time to figure away with his feet at the roof of the mail ; but as I did not much admire his dancing, I took the liberty to interfere and put his legs in their proper place. Luckily he was good-humored in his cups, and he took my hints in good part; and on my presenting him with a few gingerbread-nuts (a present from Alexander) he gave me a most cordial invitation ' to take pot-luck with him' at Berwick. As we did not arrive, however, until near midnight, the invitation would not have been Tery seasonable, even if the host had been in better condition to entertain his friends. " Throughout the whole journey, as far as Newcastle, we had a violent storm of snow, rain, and sleet; and the cold was more severe than I have felt it during the winter. The coach was not wind-tight at the bottom ; and as I was obliged to keep my window open to allow the escape of certain fumes, the produce of whisky, rum, and brandy, I felt the cold so pinching, that I should have been glad of Mrs. S.'s fur cap, and the Doctor's capacious worsted stockings ; but as these were not at hand, and I was too lazy to look out for substitutes, the night was not passed quite so snugly as I have passed nights at Bonington and elsewhere. To aggravate the evil, I had not a decent com- panion to converse with. We picked up sundry vagabonds on the road ; but there was only one, between Edinburgh and York, who bore the slightest appearance of being a gentleman. The exception, too, a genteel-looking young man, who joined JOURNEY TO LONDON. 301 at Durham, was not a very valuable acquisition, for he was effeminate and affected. In addition to a great-coat, he had an immense surtout, resembling a Japan gown ; and I was at no loss to discover that he was some spoilt child, whose mamma had shown more fondness than wisdom. He professed to be very fond of reading in the mail, (rather an odd taste,) and he told me he had got through two volumes on his last journey; but I suspect his reading on these occasions was not to much purpose, for I seldom turned towards him without catching him peeping from under his eye, in search of a little admira- tion. We had but one female in this part of the journey, whom I at first took to be a Quaker, but who afterwards proved to be a sturdy Jacobite. She was lamenting that we should have no oaA-leaves to wear on the 29th of May; and I, who neither recollected the origin of the custom nor the custom itself, stupidly observed that I was not aware of the motive for wearing oak-leaves on any particular day. ' Then, Sir,' said she, ' you cannot be a Protestant. 1 I protested that I was a Protestant ; and even if I had been a Jew or a Turk, I could not discover the legitimacy of the lady's inferences. " As far as Newcastle, all was sterility and dreariness ; and you may tell Mrs. S. that even as far as York I met with no- thing so summer-like as her garden. Not a rose was to be seen 011 the road; and if the hedges contained auriculas or violets, they were concealed in the snow. The country between New- castle and York was in an intermediate state, hesitating be- tween winter and spring; but as soon as you pass the latter city, the most beautiful verdure appears, and you find yourself really in England. The neat cottages then present themselves, and everything looks so cheerful and blooming, and rich and elegant, that you cannot doubt the fact of your having passed from the barren heaths of Scotland to a civilised country. " I reached York at about ten o'clock at night, and was not at all fatigued with the journey "Here am I at the end of my first sheet, without having advanced beyond the city of York; but from thence my journey has been much more pleasant. The weather has been delight- 302 LIFE OF H. ST. a. TUCKER. ful; and in the 'High Flyer' I have been much more fortunate in my companions. The mail coachmen, I suspect, pick up any vagrants who can afford to give them a few shillings or pence to convey them a short distance ; but in the High Flyer things were different. Our party consisted of a General Hunter and his son, a lieutenant in the 52nd Regiment, a major on the Madras establishment (I believe), whose face was very familiar to me, an Englishman from Aberdeen, who had metLumsden, and others of my acquaintance, a spruce citizen, and, for a short time, an honest, fat, Yorkshire yeoman. The Aberdeen man entered very soon into an argument with me on Finance; and not suspecting his opponent, he told me very bluntly that one part of my argument overset the other. I smiled at this ; and, determining not to be whipped in my own school, I began a regular attack, called upon him to define his terms, then placed myself close along side ; and in the course of a very few broad- sides, I completely silenced his fire. I did not, however, wound his self-love by any undue exultation; and we parted the best friends possible. Indeed, he came up to shake hands with me on taking leave; and both he and my friend the major expressed great regret that I was not to continue the journey with them. This was no small compliment, consider- ing that the coach was crammed with six lusty fellows, all as fat as myself ! " On this part of the journey, too, we had only one female companion, and she remained with us only ten minutes. She was going to a fair at Tuxford ; and that she might make her ap- pearance with eclat, she begged General Hunter to allow her to take his place in the inside. To this he, very good humouredly, consented " We had a great deal of pleasant conversation during this part of our journey; but the sketch which I have given of our party must content you for the present. We arrived at this place (a distance of seventy miles from York) between six and seven o'clock in the evening : we all dined together, and I remained here, and passed a tolerable night. I got up this morning be- times to write to you; and after breakfast I shall resume my JOURNEY TO LONDON. 303 journey in the mail, and shall reach London, I expect, about five o'clock to-morrow morning " . . . . Heaven bless and preserve you all; and may I find you all on my return as well and as happy as when I left you. " Ever most affectionately yours, " H. Sx.G. TUCKER." "27, Leicester- square, May 16, 1816. " . . . . I believe I gave you pretty nearly a complete journal of my travels. My Aberdeen acquaintance turns out to be Mr.Irvine of Drum, of avery old and opulent familyin Aberdeen, and a very respectable, well-informed man. I took him for one of us ; and he was, perhaps, educated in England. The last stage of my journey from Newark was passed in a very comfortable ma'nner. I had only two companions: the one an enormous fat man, who occupied one side of the carriage: the other, the son of a clergyman in Essex, who, although not very brilliant, appeared to be a decent, well-behaved man. Upon the ground of this appearance, I lent him two shillings to pay the coach- man at Huntingdon; but as the gentleman did not think it necessary to repay the debt, I began to waver in my opinion of him, and during the latter part of the journey I stood aloof. Mem. to insert in my Common-place Book Never to volunteer the loan of money to entire strangers ; and if I should be more cautious in future, the lesson will not be purchased dearly at two shillings. I endeavored to recollect if I had drawn any in- formation from him, or acquired any other advantage from his company, to repay me for my shillings; but the only thing I can remember is his explanation of the origin of Wandsford being called ' Wandsford in England! A peasant fell asleep on a stack of hay, and was carried into the river by a sudden flood. When he was at length picked up by the country people, he asked where he was ? They told him at Wandsford. ' What, at Wandsford in England? Bless me I thought I was gone abroad.' This is scarcely worth two shillings, although brother C. might make something of such 304 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. materials. If he will take the bargain off my hands, let him give me two shillings, and he is welcome." The date of the preceding letter shows that Mr. Tucker had taken up his quarters in Leicester- square, where, after considerable trouble, he had managed to secure lodgings. London was at this time unwontedly full fuller even than it com- monly is, at this fullest season of the year. " Prom about five o'clock to seven or eight," he wrote on his arrival, "I was running about in search of a place of shelter for myself and my trunk. I was refused admittance at seven different hotels, both in the fashionable and unfashionable parts of the town." A friend, however, had secured apartments for him, "none of the best," and to these he betook himself, and set resolutely about his work. He had much to do besides the immediate business which had brought him to town. His letters written from Leicester-square, exhibit him now calling at the India House and at the Board of Control* now looking after his tenants at Crayford now winding up the affairs of his deceased father, the Bermuda treasurer, and convincing the Audit Office of the correctness of the accounts now advancing his brother's interests at the Horse Guards now visiting his old friend Sir G. Barlow now dining with old schoolfellows, and after a lapse of thirty years being familiarly addressed by them as " Harry " * He wrote, however, very emphatically at this time, " I do not mean to trouble myself with India matters; for I shall have trouble enough probably with my own concerns." RESIDENCE IN LONDON. 305 now attending the theatres and seeing Miss O'Neill and Edmund Kean and now complain- ing that there was no good music to be heard at the Opera House : " Leicester-square, 21st May, 1816. " I dined as I mentioned I should at the S 's. In the evening, we had a rubber at whist ; and I was so lucky as to come off winner four shillings, a sum more than sufficient to pay for the dirtiest hackney coach I ever chanced to meet. My two schoolfellows were present ; and they seemed really glad to see me. It appeared strange, after the lapse of thirty years, to be called by them 'Harry/ just as if we had lived together all the time. They both urged me to come and settle among them near Southampton, and they mentioned half a dozen charming places for sale in their neighbourhood, and all great bargains. What is to be done ? . . . . " Tell sister M., with my kind love, that I saw her boys at C., and that I was well pleased with their appearance. I have not yet seen Mr. Colebrooke. " I went yesterday to the Horse Guards, and had an inter- view with my friend Shawe, and with another of the Duke of York's staff. From what they tell me, I think Charlton is pretty secure of his troop; but Shawe recommended that I should have an interview with Sir H. Torrens, the Military Secretary, and I am accordingly to see him this morning at two o'clock, after my return from the city. Shawe is very- cordial ; and it is satisfactory to find that you are not forgotten by your friends. " I afterwards went to Somerset House, to call on Mr. M.., the Auditor of the Exchequer, and I found my father's ac- counts in a more promising state than I could well have ex- pected. They all acknowledge his extraordinary regularity and correctness; and there is not an item of the account which would not have been passed if he had lived to settle it. Even under every disadvantage, all the larger items will, I trust, be passed ; and those which cannot be admitted, from some defect X 306 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. of form, or from want of explanation, will not, I hope, amount to more than 50Z., a sum which. I shall very readily pay, if necessary. The adjustment of the account will take place pro- bably in July next ; and I shall have the satisfaction of know- ing that you and our dear boy can never be troubled on the subject when I am no longer here to manage such concerns. '" I dined with L., and went afterwards to the play to see Miss O'Neill. She is certainly a good performer ; but the piece was not a good one (' The Jealous Wife '), and I was, upon the whole, rather disappointed. We came away before the farce was half over, for we were all sufficiently tired. I have little enjoyment now in the theatre ; and as Madame Catalini is abroad, I shall not probably go to the Opera." " Leicester- square, 23rd May, 1816. " After writing to you on Saturday, I had a very busy day. I called twice on Mr. G. ; but I have never yet been so fortu- nate as to meet him. I next proceeded to the Board of Control; and left my card for Mr. Sullivan. There is no Pre- sident to the Board just now; and indeed, to prevent the possi- bility of any reference to me on business, I do not even leave my address on my cards. " I then went to the Audit Office, to inquire into the state of my poor father's accounts ; and I had a very satisfactory interview with Mr. Rawlinson, who, without any exception, is one of the most gentlemanly men of business I have ever met with in public life. I thought we were patterns in India ; but he is quite equal to the best of us. He seemed to take a per- sonal interest in my concerns ; and he has put me in a way, I hope, of bringing the question to a final settlement. He took the trouble to go over and explain to me the different reports ; and if I find Mr. M., the auditor of the Treasury, equally ac- commodating, I foresee no further difficulties. At all events if I do not succeed here, I shall write to Mr. G., or to Mr. L , the joint secretaries ; and I have no doubt that the ultimate demand will be much reduced, if it be not altogether relin- quished " At Chiselhurst I met C., and found them all tolerably well. RESIDENCE IN LONDON. 307 Next day I rode over to Crayford. There I had the satisfaction to find our estate in the best possible condition, owing to the exertions of one of the sub-tenants, a gardener, who tells me that he has laid out 500/. on the cottage, and TOO/, on the ground in his occupancy. He has, in fact, converted ten acres of the land into a beautiful garden ; and the tenants, I suppose, receive from him more than they have engaged to pay me . I walked over the estate, examined the cottage, &c., and looked as big and as important as any Scotch laird in the land ! The ride was pleasant, and the visit to this little pro- perty was altogether very satisfactory. It will, I hope, be a more valuable possession to our dear boy. I saw many houses in Kent which I thought would have suited us nicely ; but I do not repent of our purchase in Charlotte-square. Kent is a delightful county; the beautiful verdure, the fine trees, the undulating nature of the ground, &c., &c. ? all concur to render it a most picturesque country. " 29, Leicester- square, 27th May, 1816. " After dressing and taking my dish of tea, I went to Davis, in Portland-place, and from thence proceeded, after breakfast, to Lumsden, in Gloucester-place, from whence I accompanied him to pay a visit to Sir G. Barlow, at Streat- ham. Sir George was well, and in good spirits, and he ap- peared to be really glad to see us, and highly delighted with our visit. On my return to town, I waited on Mr. Sullivan, at the Board of Control, and had a pretty long interview with him, which I was obliged to put an end to, in order to save my dinner. He received me most graciously, and I was glad that I had devoted an hour to pay him this attention. After returning home and dressing for the Opera, I went into the city by water, dined with E., got your dear letters, set out for the Opera on foot (no coaches being procurable near at hand) with C. and cousin J., in a shower of rain got a coach at length in Cheapside put down J., proceeded to the Opera, got a good seat in the pit, heard execrable music, saw very in- different dancing, but had the satisfaction of sitting within four or five yards of the Princess Charlotte and her good man. I x2 308 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. will describe both when we meet. He is a good-looking man, with a sombre, thoughtful countenance she is a laughing, careless girl, with more spirits, perhaps, than discretion. The Opera is miserably fallen off in every particular, and I should never think of attending it a second time in its present condi- tion. Madame Merconi was the only tolerable singer, and she performed a male character. C. and I returned home in what you would call & pour of rain ; but I suffered no other injury than what befel my black silk stockings. "Lord Melville, it is said, comes into the Board of Control, and leaves the Admiralty to Mr. Canning. This arrangement I should like, if I had any concern in Indian affairs; but I take little interest in them at present, and I am likely to feel less every day. " I take my seat in the mail to-day, and, please Heaven ! I shall have the happiness of seeing you again on Saturday next. I shall not probably write to you to-morrow, unless something should occur to detain me, for I shall have enough to do on leaving town. I have no fear of detention, however ; nor am I aware that I shall have left anything essential undone, with the exception of the question with Mr. Adams " I dine to-day with the L.'s, and accompany them to the theatre to see Mr. Kean and the new tragedy. I shall there- fore have seen most of the sights ; but there is no sight which can gratify me half so much as that of my own dear J and her sweet pets ; and it must be something very urgent indeed which can ever induce me to leave them again. I shall leave this place with joy, although the longer you stay in it the more you become reconciled to it." Mr. Tucker returned to Edinburgh poorer by 4000 . It had cost him that sum to arrange the business which had carried him to the south of the Tweed. The autumn and winter of this year and the spring of 1817 were spent principally in the Scottish VISIT TO CHESHIRE. 309 capital. In the summer, accompanied by his sister- in-law, he undertook an excursion to the Welsh coun- ties, with the intermediate object of visiting some friends at Backford, in Cheshire, from which he pro- ceeded to Tenby, Carmarthen, and other places. His impressions are conveyed with much liveliness of manner in the letters which he wrote to Edin- burgh at the time : " Backford, 21st June, 1817. " .... I did not write to you yesterday, as we sallied out immediately after breakfast, and did not return until late, after having undergone a sort of boiling process in a hot-house, in addition to the roasting effects of a burning sun. I shall now give you a brief journal of our transactions. " On the evening of my arrival, E. and I took a long ramble on foot into the fields, for the purpose of viewing and exploring ; but there is nothing very delightful in the aspect of the country. It is flat, with little diversity of scenery : the trees are stunted, and bend generally in one direction : the brick houses are mean in appearance: the roads are dusty and bad; and, in short, there is no prospect which can compare at all with that from my own window. Backford itself is a commodious house, and it is comfortably furnished Yesterday morning we set out for ' Eaton,' the seat of Lord Grosvenor, distant from hence about seven miles; and a most magnificent palace it is ! When I tell you that it cost 400,OOOZ., you will conclude that it ought to be something worth seeing ; and in truth it is a most costly and superb mansion. I must, however, discover defects in everything which is not my own ; and here the fault is, that everything is too fine: ornaments are heaped upon ornaments; and there is throughout a lavish and a gaudy display of splendid decorations. The Mausoleum at Agra is as rich in beauties, and those beauties are more chaste and simple. The building, which is in the Gothic style, is, nevertheless, very handsome : the painted glass windows are most resplendent 310 LIFE OF H. ST.GL TUCKER. and beautiful : the staircase is superior to any tiling of the kind I have ever seen; and the tout-ensemble has a noble effect. The gardens and grounds are extensive : the green-house and hot- house very large; and there is everything which you can imagine to be necessary to form a princely establishment. 1 was surprised, however, to see so few pictures. There are scarcely a dozen in the house; and these are chiefly by West. There are only two or three by the old masters, and they arc not at all remarkable. " . . . . We dine to day with Mrs. E ; but first we pay a visit to Lady B. at Hoole, which is only three or four miles from hence. To-morrow we attend Divine Service at the cathedral. On Monday we go to Oulton. On Tuesday we shall rest ourselves, I hope, at home; and on Wednesday I shall pursue my journey through Wales. " Farewell I must now take an abrupt leave. I shall hope to receive a letter from you to-morrow, and I am longing for it. Heaven protect and bless you all ! " Ever yours, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " Cheltenham, 1st July, 1817. " . . . . I was delighted just now at receiving your letter of Friday last. I had become a little impatient to hear from you, and yet I scarcely expected to have this gratification ; for in changing my route I necessarily deranged all our plans of communication. _ I never paid five shillings postage with more pleasure than I did to-day; and all your accounts are satisfactory. . . . . I am heartily tired of this place; but I have en- gaged a seat in the coach to Gloucester, and shall set out this evening. I packed up my baggage betimes this morning ; but I was still lingering in the hope of receiving letters when your epistle came to hand and determined me. From Gloucester I shall proceed on to-morrow morning by the mail to Tenby, without going to Bristol as I had intended, and I hope to reach Tenby on Thursday evening. I have resolved not to go to London, in spite of all your injunctions. The trip would not EXCURSION IN WALES. 311 be productive either of pleasure or advantage, and it would be attended with expense and inconvenience. I could not take any step with regard to our future residence ; and it will be much better that we should go together next spring, when we can look about us at leisure. I have had a very inviting ac- count of Devonshire from an old acquaintance whom I met here, and he has offered either to make inquiries for me about a house, &c., or to give me a bed, that I may be enabled to make them in person. He keeps his carriage and horses, has an excellent house in or near Exeter, goes about, sees his friends, has two or three grown up daughters, and his expenditure does not, he tells me, exceed 1400Z. per annum. The house which I looked at near Wrexham, in Denbighshire, would suit us very well, and would be a very suitable establishment for us in all respects; but there are many points to be considered before we move with a view to a permanent settlement, and these we can discuss at leisure." " Tenby, 3rd July, 1817. " . . . . I arrived here two hours ago with a beard as long as a Turk's; but I have now got rid of this ornament, and although I have had rather a hard journey over bad roads, I am perfectly well and stout. I could not write to you en route ; for between Gloucester and this place a distance of about 150 miles we did not halt for twenty minutes at any one time. I neither had dinner, tea, nor supper yesterday, and only tasted two biscuits and three sponge cakes between eight o'clock yesterday and eight o'clock this morning. You will not consider this very good fare for a hungry traveller; but I find it answer better to eat little when I am travelling, and I am just now reaping the benefit of my abstinence. Had I been disposed to dine, I must, under the arrangements of the mail, have taken my dinner at twelve o'clock, and my supper at twelve o'clock following ; but I was not at all sorry that these hours did not suit my appetite. I mention these circumstances to show you that I had no time to write to you, chemin faisant ; and I am a little afraid that you may be disappointed at the long interval which must elapse between your receiving my last and my 312 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. present epistle. I was delighted with two letters on my arrival here, and I thank you for them with all my heart. " The country I have just passed through, and I think the road from Ross to Monmouth, is as beautiful as any part of England or Scotland which I have seen. The river Wye meanders in sight of it a great part of the way ; and although the scenery is different, and not perhaps so picturesque as that between Lang Town and Langholm, it is by no means inferior to it. The house I, of course, have not seen. . . . Before we move, there are many points to consider and arrange ; and all these we will discuss by-and-by at leisure. " We have had Scotch weather for the last three days, alternate wind and rain, and a little occasional sunshine. The rain having predominated since my arrival, I have not been abroad, and the only peculiarities which I have yet remarked are, that the cattle are almost universally black ; that the women ride on horseback and wear hats like those which are worn by our sex; that the people speak in a sharp tone, with a quick utterance, something after the manner of their relations, the French ; that the coal looks like coaldust ; and that they put two bullocks and two small horses, and sometimes three small horses, into a cart which would be easily drawn by one in- diflerent Scotch horse ; and, finally, that the country is more ( denuded ' of trees than even Scotland itself I mean the country within thirty miles of this place; for I repeat that the country near Monmouth is most beautiful." " Backford, July 10, 1817. " I am once more snug and comfortable with our friends here, after a long and very tiresome journey. I left Tenby on Monday, after breakfast, and posted thence to Coldblow to meet the mail ; but, after waiting two hours for it, it arrived quite full of passengers within and without ; and I was obliged to post on to Carmarthen in a most sorry equipage. At Carmarthen I was detained again nearly a whole day ; and the coach which brought me from thence to Shrewsbury was one of the most wretched conveyances I ever met with. We travelled at the rate of about four miles and a half per hour ; VISIT TO IRELAND. 313 and during a part of the distance I could have walked much faster than the coach. Here I am, however, as fresh and as well as ever, and ready to set out again to dine with Mrs. E. in Chester " Backford, July 14, 1817, " We have just returned from haymaking ; but as it was very hot, our labors have not accomplished a great deal. S is the most indefatigable of the party, and as for V , she can do nothing but read ' Cecilia.' We are both very comfortable and happy here ; but we shall be quite as well at home. We shall not, however, I fear, get away until Friday morning ; and I shall find it rather a difficult affair to get to you on Tuesday. I shall push hard for it." " Penrith, July 24, 1817. " . . . . We arrived here yesterday quite well, after exploring the Lakes, &c. We have had a very pleasant ex- cursion I shall not, I fear, have the happiness of seeing you until Wednesday evening at the earliest ; for we must pass a few hours at the least with dear Anne. I am very, very impatient, but neither the sun nor post-horses will move much faster in consequence. I pray Heaven that we may have a speedy and a happy meeting " The summer of the following year found Mr. Tucker in Ireland. The immediate object of his journey was a visit to an old Indian friend, Mr. Bichardson, who had settled himself down in Dun- dalk. But over and above this sacrifice to friend- ship, there was in this, as in all his other excursions, a further end to be attained. He who spends all the best years of his life in a distant country, differ- ing in every conceivable point of view from his own, has necessarily much to learn and something to un- learn, on settling down again in the land which he LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. quitted as a boy. To Mr. Tucker it seemed, as to every intelligent Anglo-Indian in these later days it has seemed, on revisiting the home of his fathers, that cognisant as he was of the manners and insti- tutions of the East, he was necessarily behind his neighbours in practical acquaintance with the people and the usages of the British Isles : and it appeared to him a duty to guard himself against the forma- tion of erroneous opinions, by extending his expe- riences to all parts of the country, and filling his pitcher at the fountain-head. Time was, if we may believe the traditions of the past century, when the retired Nabob squared all his opinions by the rule and plummet of his Indian experiences when he trans- planted to Bath, to Cheltenham, or to Edinburgh, the manners of the Cutcherry and the morals of the Zenana when his local knowledge went little be- yond the boundaries set forth in the map of Bengal, or "the Coast," and all the institutions with which he had any distinct acquaintance were the Regula- tions of the Indian Government. But in these days it is subject of common remark remark always mingled with expressions of astonishment that men who have passed by far the greater part of their lives in some distant Indian settlement, appear soon after their return from exile to know at least as much of the countries, the people, and the insti- tutions of Europe, as those who have lived all their years in the "West. Strange as this may appear at the first glance, the strangeness vanishes after a little reflection. Men who, after years of absence "OLD INDIANS." 315 and years of toil, return to their Western homes, are slow to settle themselves down into the fixture- life which is the characteristic of our home-bred civilisation. They have health to regain ; they have leisure to exhaust ; and they have money to expend. They are accustomed to frequent migrations. They take little account of distance. They are citizens of the world. The polarity of the fireside is not to them what it is to their brethren of Somerset House and the Exchange. Many a returned Indian in the course of a year or two sees more of Great Britain more of continental Europe than all the rest of his family in their aggregate experience during the whole course of their lives. He sees it, too, at a period of his career when he is less likely to form hasty conclusions when his mind, enlarged by foreign travel, and much intercourse with men, is more capable of forming comparisons and analogies, noting differences and distinctions, and illustrating the observances of one country by a reference to the experiences of another. "When Mr. Tucker returned from India, there were scarcely any of those facili- ties of locomotion which exist in the present day, and he could not visit, in rapid succession, the va- riety of places at home and abroad to which now his successors are whirled. But to travel more is not necessarily to see more. During the three first years of his sojourn in Europe, he visited many parts of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland; and with that rare aptitude for acquiring informa- tion which had enabled him when yet a boy, in 316 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. Bengal and Behar, to discourse knowingly on sys- tems of Indian revenue, he gathered up rich ex- periences, to he turned to profitable account in the game of statesmanship which he was yet destined to play. But I am writing, in this chapter, of Mr. Tucker in his private relations, and desire to illustrate only the domestic side of his character. The passages which I am culling from his correspondence are gathered from letters addressed to the companion of his life, and were intended only to gladden the home from which he was never ahsent in spirit. It is time now that I should resume my quotations : "Leinster Hotel, Dublin, May 14th, 1818. " . . . . We arrived here last night at eleven o'clock, after a passage of thirteen hours, which is considered sufficiently favorable I fear that you will have expected to hear from me sooner, and that you may have been a little dis- appointed in not getting a letter from me ; but after getting into the mail at Llangollen, I had not one single moment which I could command. From Llangollen 1 did not think it necessary to write, as I had only just left you, and I had not seen anything which I thought worthy of a description. "Do not expect to hear from me regularly, for I find that the packet is sometimes two days, or longer, in getting across ; and while I am travelling, it is not possible to write. I am at this moment writing in a public coffee-room, with people all around me talking Irish in the purest style ; and this confuses me a little, since I cannot choose but hear them. You must not be surprised, indeed, if I should give you a little of the brogue. 11 On Saturday we set off for Dundalk, where I propose to remain until Tuesday or Wednesday, and on Friday or Satur- day we shall, I trust, embark again for England. This, how- IRISH EXPERIENCES. 317 ever, must depend upon wind and weather; for if the wind be adverse, or (what is worse) if there be a calm, there is no use in commencing the voyage. Calms are to be expected at this season ; and we may therefore be a couple of days in crossing the water. Do not, then, expect us before Tuesday, nor in- deed on any particular day or hour ; for it is impossible to make arrangements which must depend on winds and weather. I can give you no description of Dublin, for I have not yet seen it ; and the fine bay, which is its greatest ornament, we saw almost in the dark. You shall, however, have a full account of our travels on our return." " Dundalk, May 15th, 1818. " . . . . We arrived here at two o'clock to-day, after a pleasant journey. We came through a country not at all remarkable for beauty ; and as for this good town, it is one of the dirtiest holes I ever saw. You have nothing in Scotland half so dirty or disgusting. The utmost degree of wretchedness seems to prevail throughout the country ; and except during the famines in India, I have never anywhere met with such a ragged, squalid, miserable race of beings. Half the population is half naked, or in filthy rags ; and the number of beggars is so great as to be a serious nuisance. In short, things are much worse here than in Scotland ; and, go where I will, I come al- ways to this conclusion, that everything is best at home. I am really sorry to see R. fixed eve,n for a short time in such a wretched town. The house is large and commodious, and they have a very pretty garden ; but nothing could reconcile me to such a neighbourhood. " Upon the whole, I have seen nothing yet to delight me; but I have seen a new country, which is always an object of interest, and I am not sorry that I made the trip. I have been most amused with the language and remarks of the lower orders of the people. There is something so original and so ludicrous in their manner and expressions, that I listen to them with a great degree of interest; and I am induced to laugh at them, or with them, as I should do at good comic acting. We shall stay here probably until Tuesday; and after rambling about 318 LIFE OF H. ST. a. TTJCKEB. Dublin and its neighbourhood until Friday or Saturday, I hope to embark again for dear England. We cannot, however, be with you before Monday at the soonest." "Dundalk, May 17th, 1818. " . . . . We have just come in from church, where we had very good service; and the day being extremely fine, and the people being all in their best attire, things wear rather a more cheerful appearance. But, at best, this is one of the most dirty, disagreeable places I have ever been in. We yes- terday took a ride out on horseback, a distance of five or six miles from the town; but although this is considered the best ride in the neighbourhood, there is scarcely any part of Scot- land which I should not think more civilised and more inviting in its appearance. The people seem either habitually lazy, or altogether disheartened by their poverty and misery. In each field you see some three or four ragged laborers (sometimes the fair sex are of the party), who stand leaning on their spades, as if totally indifferent to the work they have in hand. The ground being scarcely turned up by the plough, they are obliged to break it up as well as they can with the spade ; and then they send a light harrow tripping over it, for no one pur- pose whatever which I could discover, since if they brushed the ground with an ostrich feather they would make quite as much impression upon it. The lower Irish are the most careless, thoughtless beings which it is possible to conceive. Yesterday we met in our ride two strapping fellows upon a miserable lean horse, with two large sacks of bran dangling one on either side, the mouths being downwards. Well, by way of showing off, as they passed us, the poor animal was goaded into a rumbling trot, the mouth of one of the sacks opened, and the bran went flying about until the road was strewed with it. These fellows went jogging on, notwithstanding, as if perfectly unconscious of what was going forward; but at length one of them, appear- ing to awake, he set about dismounting. Instead, however, of getting off on the side of the empty bag, which I should have conceived the more easy and obvious proceeding, he threw himself back the other way ; and his weight being thus thrown IRISH EXPERIENCES. 319 into the heavier scale, the whole party came to the ground. Everything seems to be matter of indifference to them. The boys amuse themselves in jumping from the walls of the cot- tages into the filthy dunghills below ; and this seems to delight them as much as if they were plunging into beds of roses. The streets and roads are crowded with children and young lads in tatters, playing at hop-step-and-jump, and apparently well pleased to do anything but work. The best estate in the county would not tempt me to live in it ; and I am no longer surprised that there should be so many absentees. " We shall set out on our retunTto Dublin on Tuesday, and on Friday evening I hope to embark again for England, with purpose never to revisit this sweet little island of Erin. I am glad that I have seen it ; but I shall be glad not to see it again." " Dundalk, May 18th, 1818. " . . . . Yesterday we had crowds of visitors here, all pure, unadulterated Irish. One lady asked me very gravely ' If India were not much nearer now to this country than it was some years ago?' This was rather a puzzler; but I got off as well as I could without offence to her, or to the laws of nature. To-day we have a fair in the town; but as the county has been proclaimed, and is under military law, the people are obliged to be very circumspect, and we shall not probably have any of the usual fun of broken heads, or the like. We are going, how- ever, to sally out on horseback, to see what is to be seen. Such was the state of this neighbourhood during last year, that they were obliged to enforce what is called the Insurrection Act; and no person can stir out of his house after the curfew, with- out being liable to be taken up as a vagrant, and sentenced to transportation. What a country to live in ! " P.S. Dublin. We arrived here, all well, yesterday even- ing, after having had a genuine specimen of Irish posting. The horses were so lame, and the equipage altogether so wretched, that we were ashamed to show ourselves in it to the citizens of Dublin; and so we got out, and walked the last mile. Indeed, we thought that the horses could drag us no further. The 320 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. weather was, however, delightful, and we perambulated the city afterwards, until past nine o'clock." On his return from Ireland, Mr. Tucker, accom- panied by his wife, paid a brief visit to London. In the course of the following September he escorted Mrs. Tucker's sister and a party of young friends on an excursion to the Scotch lakes a work of kind- ness rather than of inclination, for he was familiar with the ground which they traversed, and the in- cessant sight-seeing was wearisome to him. He was longing all the time to be again in Charlotte-square. " It is all very well," he wrote, " to view objects of curiosity ; but my real delight will be in reviewing my own dear home." Towards the close of the following year (1819), Mr. Tucker was called by business to London, where he took up his residence in the Haymarket, which was then something more than a name. " You may be curious to receive some account of my present abode," he wrote. " It is directly opposite to the Opera House, within a few doors of the little theatre; and I have, therefore, music and dancing quite within reach. I have also a fine prospect of hay from my windows." He had much business to do, and many visits to pay on his own account ; but he yet could make time to advance the interests of others ; and much of his private correspondence re- lates to his toilsome, but in the end successful efforts to obtain appointments for some young relatives and connexions, who had very little claim upon him. RESIDENCE IN LONDON. 321 He entered but sparingly into the amusements of the town. "R. and I," he said, still writing to Charlotte-square, " dined together at a coffee-house yesterday, and went afterwards to the House of Commons, where we heard a very interesting debate. We were fortunate in procuring excellent seats, and remained in the House till near three o'clock in the morning. This is the greatest raking I have been guilty of for many a day. The evening before I dined alone at a vile coffee-house, recommended to me by Colonel C , that I might go and see Drury Lane Theatre. Kean performed, what I think his best character, Sir Giles Overreach; and as I was in the Pit, I saw and heard to great ad- vantage.* I have only now to attend the House of Lords, and then I shall have satisfied all my curiosity in this way." He visited also the India House and the Board of Control, and the subject of an appointment in the Examiner's Office at the former, again came before him for consideration. " I passed four or five hours," he wrote, " yesterday at the Board of Control and the India House, and was most cordially received by all my acquaintance, who seem to regret that I have not been placed amongst them. It was, I believe, in contemplation, when the last arrange- ment took place but they concluded that I would not accept a situation on the footing on which they * In a letter written about this time, Mr. Tucker says, " I am getting one of my Comedies transcribed; and if it should be finished in time I shall submit it to one of the managers." Whether he did so or not, does not appear. 322 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. would have been disposed to place me. Mr. M'Cul- loch, I hear, "behaved extremely well. He assured the Chairman that he did not wish to stand in the way of any arrangement which it might be found convenient to make; and that he should be quite content to remain under any person who might be selected for the head of the office. But," added Mr. Tucker, communicating this to his wife, "we are both quite content, my own dear Jane, to remain comfortably in Charlotte- square, instead of encoun- tering the noise and smoke of this overgrown me- tropolis." He saw, at that time, little to induce him again to wear the harness of official life. His business in London accomplished, Mr. Tucker hastened back to the northern metropolis. E/eports of disturbances in Scotland caused him to accelerate his homeward movements. There seemed to be a prospect of exciting times, and except the thought of giving assurance by his presence at home to his own family, nothing pressed upon his mind more eagerly than the desire to testify his loyalty by join- ing any volunteer force that might be raised for the protection of the country. " Beg Boswell, or Alex- ander," he wrote, " to insert my name immediately as a member of the volunteer cavalry ; and request A to look out for a light active horse for me. He had better consult my friend Richardson about him, as he is an old cavalry officer, an excellent judge of horses, and he knows the kind of animal which would suit me." But the disturbances were soon at an end ; and Mr. Tucker was not called upon THOUGHTS OF PUBLIC LIFE. 323 to exhibit himself, in the "West, as he had done in the East, as a Light-Horse Volunteer. But he was about soon to gird himself up for another contest. This is the only chapter of Mr. Tucker's adult life which is purely one of private history. I have expanded it the rather on this ac- count, and dwelt upon circumstances of little im- portance except as illustrations of private character, because such a chapter affords a sort of halting- ground, where the reader may rest before passing from the record of Mr. Tucker's career in the East to the narrative of his public life in the "West. It is not to be doubted, that during this period of re- pose he was very happy. In the wife of his bosom he had a true help-meet and a charming companion. And his children were growing up at his knees, visions of delight filling him with joy. But man, who knows himself but little, knows himself in nothing so little, as when he estimates his power, in the prime of life and the vigor of intellect, to retire into privacy and to subside into inaction, without a regret or a desire to ruffle the surface of his domestic peace. If it be an infirmity for a man at the age of forty-eight to think that his work is not done, and to desire to take part in public affairs, such is the " infirmity of noble minds," and I envy not the man without it. Henry St. George Tucker thought for a time that he was " quite content" with Charlotte- square, with his loving wife, and his dear children. And in one sense he was content. Happy is the man, who feels in his inmost heart Y2 324< LIFE OP H. ST.Q. TUCKER. that public success is not a necessity of his life that if entrance into the great world of Politics be denied to him, he has still abundant store of comfort left him in the solid realities of domestic bliss. But the excitement of public life, rightly considered and legitimately encouraged, is not antagonistic, but an- cillary, to domestic happiness. As with the body, so with the mind, the proper exercise and just de- velopment of each part is essential to the health and perfection of the rest. Men are not worse, but better husbands and fathers, for taking part in the external realities of public life. It has been said, by the greatest 1 " of English prose-writers, that the pleasures of the intellect are greater than the plea- sures of the affections as though they were antago- nistic properties. But it is only in combination that either is perfect. No man really knows the delights of home no man can justly appreciate its blessings who has not another life, another history, than that of the fireside. DEPARTURE FROM SCOTLAND. 325 CHAPTER XII. Mr. Tucker's Departure from Scotland" Starting for the Direction" Con- stitution of the Court of Directors The Canvass Candidates and Voters The " City Interest" The " West-India Interest" Mr. Tucker'g Defeat- Renewal of the Canvass His Election Incidents of Private Life. WHEN, therefore, Henry St. George Tucker formed the resolution of leaving Edinburgh, and again enter- ing into public life, all that his Biographer can say of the matter is, that he did wisely. In the course of the year 1820, he removed his family to England ; and hired a residence in that part of the country where Middlesex and Hertfordshire join, in the neighbourhood of Barnet. And then, early in the following year, he began " to canvass for the Direc- tion." In other words, he bethought himself of again entering public life, as a Director of the East India Company. It was a legitimate and a worthy object of ambi- tion that he had now set before him. He aspired to be nothing less than the twenty-fourth part of a King of one of the greatest sovereigns in the world. If all kings were as competent to govern the empires entrusted to them, they would have no 326 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. need of bad ministers. Mr. Tucker felt that he had within him the knowledge and experience the earnestness and zeal necessary to the character of one who aspires to take an active part in the manage- ment of such a country. He did not merely want employment. He did not want position. He did not want patronage. He wanted to be useful. He wanted to do good. The Court of Directors of the East India Company at that time consisted of twenty-four effective mem- bers ; and six on a non-effective list, formed by the yearly rustication of that number of the fraternity, all going out in succession. These thirty Directors were elected by the Proprietors of East India Stock no other qualification being necessary than the posses- sion of a certain amount of the prescribed securities.* It happened, therefore, that a considerable number of these Directors were chosen not from among men who had passed many years in India and had garnered up rich stores of Indian information, but from among Merchants and Bankers, and men con- nected with the Shipping interests, who had but slender acquaintance with the history, the geo- graphy, the institutions, and the usages of the East. Nor was it altogether unfitting that such general elements should enter into the constitution of the Court. The East India Company was at that time a " Company of Merchants trading to the East Indies ;" and, although when Mr. Tucker canvassed the Pro- * I write in the past tense, because, doubtless, there will be some readers of this volume into whose hands it will not pass before all this is tradition. THE " CITY INTEREST." 327 prietors, the monopoly of the India trade had been abolished, the China monopoly still existed, and the management of this trade formed an important part of the duties of the Leadenhall-street Council. It may be doubted whether even in those days the " City-interest" was not too powerful for the in- terests of India. But it is not to be doubted that many men, who have had no Indian antecedents, or whose connexion with India has been of the slenderest and most uninstructive kind, have risen into very useful and very influential Directors, whose merits their more experienced brethren have de- lighted to acknowledge. It is not because such men were often elected, that I speak of the undue power of the City-interest ; but because in effect a few great Houses monopolised so large a number of votes, that the real constituency was greatly narrowed, and it became not so much a matter of primal concernment for the candidate to canvass the general body of Pro- prietors as to canvass these great Houses. And it need not be said that it was not the individual fit- ness of the candidate his ability, his experience, his zeal, and his integrity which these Leviathan Houses were wont in the first instance to regard. This Mr. Tucker knew and deplored. He would have amended it, if he could ; but as he could not, he had no sooner formed his intention to " stand for the Direction," than he took counsel with some leading members of certain great City Houses, and invited their support. In the following letter written to one of these great 328 LIFE Or H. ST.G. TUCKER. vote-holders a merchant whom he had known well in India it may be seen how the course which he purposed to adopt was then taking shape in his mind: " TO JAMES A , ESQ. "Friern Lodge, Whetstone, 22nd January, 1821. " DEAR A , I came into the country, like certain pugilist?, for the benefit of a summer's training ; but I hear that the Ring is likely to be formed much sooner than I could have anticipated. From Cox and other friends I have heard lately that there is a probability of no less than three vacancies in April, by the resignation of two of the Directors ; and if this information be correct, it may be as well for me to consider whether I ought not to offer myself for one of them. Not that I am at all impatient to stand. On the contrary, Mr. Forbes' advice to me ' not to be precipitate' was unques- tionably good, and I feel much disposed to follow it. I feel, moreover, great reluctance to stand against Welland; for although I do not myself believe that I should prejudice his interests, he and his friends will, perhaps, think differently. " On the other hand, by standing in April, I may derive some benefit from the attendance of some of the distant voters, who are not likely to be in London at any other season ; and there are some on the spot who would give me their second or third votes, although I could not expect from them their first votes in a single contest. " Now, I do not wish to be importunate or troublesome to you; but if you have had an opportunity of consulting your friends, and if they are prepared to come to a determination, it would be of great importance to me to know whether you and they are disposed to support me with your second or third votes, in the event of three vacancies occurring. If you should be so disposed, and if I should be advised to stand, it is evident that I have not a moment to lose ; for I have my testimonials to collect and arrange, and I have to undertake a personal canvass, which I can scarcely be said to have yet commenced. PLANS AND PROSPECTS. 329 I have received most flattering encouragement from many indi- viduals, and abundance of very gratifying compliments, which, after due abatement, incline me to think (or at least to hope) that I shall have a fair share of the benefit of public opinion in my favor; but I have neither commenced a regular canvass, nor had I any idea of commencing one, before the General Election, until I heard of the expected vacancies. "Again, I repeat, that I am not in a hurry to stand myself, nor would I wish to hurry you; but if your decision be formed? the communication of it would relieve me from a little dilemma, or awkwardness; for while a doubt exists with regard to it, I feel that I cannot in delicacy ask advice from Shore and others who act with you, and whose advice would be to me of the utmost importance. In any case, you will do me the justice to believe that I am not so unreasonable as to harbour anything like a feeling of dissatisfaction, if you were to tell me at once that you could not support me. I am perfectly satisfied of your good wishes; and I am well aware that, in so extensive and complicated a connexion, it may be necessary to consult the views and interests of so many, as to render it difficult, and perhaps impracticable, for you to give effect to those wishes. Tn truth, too, it would not seriously distress me if I were to stop short to-morrow ; for I have not placed my happiness in the East India House, and I have received testimonies of regard and of approbation of my public conduct, more than sufficient to recompense me for the little trouble I have hitherto taken. A seat in the Direction is a legitimate object of ambition. I like active employment, and I prefer, from habit, those public duties and occupations to which I have been so long accus- tomed; but I shall not be unhappy if I am not allowed to become a public drudge. Even the patronage is not a principal object with me, although it would, no doubt, be the source of very great gratification; for my friends in the Direction have hitherto supplied my wants. " In short, this is a long letter, which it is time to conclude; and I shall conclude by repeating that, although I am far from being indifferent to the object which I have proposed to myself, I am by no means impatient to prosecute it; and that, if you 330 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. and Mr. Forbes, and your friends, would only interest your- selves so far as to say ' halt,' or ' move forward,' I should cheer- fully and thankfully obey the word of command. " Believe me, very sincerely, &c., "H. Sx.G. TUCKER." Though the plan here spoken of was abandoned, he now began to prosecute his canvass in earnest. A long and a wearisome business was this " can- vassing for the Direction." The canvassing of con- stituencies is never pleasant. A man with a vote in his pocket rides the suffrage like a high horse. He is as extortionate as a Chief Inquisitor, and as pre- sumptuous as the Grand Turk. He thinks himself privileged to ask anything, to exact anything, to dictate anything ; and to give in return grudging assents, half promises, or impertinent denials. But the torture to which the candidate is subjected is generally brief. The circle of suffering is bounded by a few weeks. The canvass is not commenced till the opening has presented itself and the day of election is near at hand. Canvassing for the East India Direction was, however, a work of years. It looked far into the future. It addressed itself to re- mote contingencies. It contemplated events not in esse, but m posse. It anticipated the will of Pro- vidence, and hungered after empty places before the hour was ripe. It took its stand upon the doctrine of probabilities, and calculated rates of mortality. It assumed that the ranks of a corps, composed chiefly of men who had long passed* their prime, must be periodically thinned, and that in no single CANVASSING FOR THE DIRECTION. 331 year of the century was a vacancy far off. A man, therefore, declared himself a candidate for the Di- rection whenever he had a mind to put forth an address to the Proprietors of India Stock. The earlier he appeared in the field, the earlier in all probability would he be returned. So the candidate prepared himself for the contest put himself into training, waited patiently, and worked strenuously till the day of battle had come. The operation was a tedious one. Of this patient waiting and this strenuous working it demanded, indeed, long years. When a man first declared himself a candidate for the Direction, he knew that others, who had declared themselves before, must be elected before him. It was not the first vacancy or the second or, perhaps, even the third, that he believed himself destined to fill. A vacancy oc- curred, and he did not even attempt to hoist himself into the place. Another, and he still looked on. A third ; and he went, perhaps diffidently or carelessly, to the Poll, with scarcely a hope of success. A fourth, and there was a sharp contest he was beaten by a few votes. A fifth, and he was tri- umphantly returned. He might be beaten twice, or he might be beaten only once ; but few entered the Court without sustaining at least one defeat. De- feat, indeed, was almost a condition of election. I believe that there is but one Director, at this time, who secured his seat without years of canvass. That in this state of things there were inherent 332 LIPE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. evils is not to be doubted. A resolute candidate, whatever might be his claims, sometimes gained his point by dint of shere perseverance and importunity. A vote would often be promised to a man for two or three elections in advance, simply for the purpose of getting rid of a troublesome candidate, or, in very gentleness of heart, to smooth the asperity of a present refusal. So that when candidates of high rank presented themselves, they found the Pro- prietors already prospectively pledged, and were ne- cessitated to endure the ordeal of initiatory failure or to withdraw altogether from the lists. So it happened that men of distinguished reputation, un- willing to be defeated by their inferiors, shrunk altogether from the contest. And it was said that the necessities of the canvass and the chances of the competition filled the Court with second-rate men. But this was only partly true. It has been asserted, on the other hand, that such men as Munro, Elphin- stone, and Metcalfe, needed only to declare them- selves as Candidates for the Direction to secure an immediate recognition of their claims. And I have the utmost faith in the assertion. I believe that there were few candidates who would not have voluntarily given place to such men, and temporarily released their supporters from the pledges that they had ignorantly given. I believe that the claims of such pre-eminent merit would never have been denied. But it must be admitted that many men, distinguished though in a lesser degree, shrunk from the contest upon no insufficient grounds ; and that THE CANVASSING SYSTEM. 333 others who had braved it, were defeated by their inferiors in ability and reputation. There was some leaven of real evil in this but there was much, too? that lay only on the surface. It was found in effect that the men of the highest Indian reputations did not always make the best Directors. Great names are often great delusions. Men entered the Court with great reputations; and were found to be in- dolent, or prejudiced, or crotchety, or self-sufficient, and rather obstructed than aided the working of the machinery of Government. Sometimes they looked upon a seat in the India House as an easy-chair, in which they might lounge away the rest of their lives, reposing under the laurels which they had earned in India. On the other hand, men, w r ho had a reputation to make, made it ; and were the more eager to prove their fitness for office since they knew that it had been questioned. I do not mean to say that this was the rule, or that, if it had been, it would have proved the excellence of the system. I only mean that the most distinguished men did not necessarily make the best Directors, and that system had some advantages if it had many defects. Of the general results of the system of the working of the Government so constituted, I shall, perhaps, have occasion to speak more fully in an- other chapter. To this only belongs the subject of election with the process of preliminary canvassing, which was a work demanding no common amount of energy and perseverance. It demanded, too, some- thing more than this ; it demanded leisure, and it de- 334 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. manded money. The constituency was scattered all over the British Islands. There was no place, from the Land's End to John O'Groat's, in which a Pro- prietor of India Stock, with one or more stars to his name, might not be located. An active canvasser seldom relied on the effect of epistolary solicitation. He generally, either in his own person, or through the agency of a zealous friend, beat up the quarters of the voter. It would be curious to estimate the number of miles travelled by a candidate for the Direction in the course of his canvass. The ex- penditure of money, too, was not inconsiderable. A man desiderating a seat in Parliament goes down to a borough and spends, perhaps, a few thousand pounds in the course of a few days. The trouble and anxiety are intense whilst they last ; but they are soon at an end. But the candidate for the Direc- tion spent his money slowly, and his sufferings were spread over a space of several years. The disper- sion of the constituency, too, was a great evil to the candidate. Men located in remote parts of the country had their public virtue or their private friendship severely tested by a request to come up to London, in days when travelling was both costly and expensive, to vote for an Indian Director. The reluctance of the indolent, and the scruples of the parsimonious, were alike to be overcome. Then there was often the inopportune intervention of a fit of gout, or an attack of lumbago, to keep the voter to his own room at the very time when he was re- ELECTIONEERING TACTICS. 335 quired to put himself into the Mail, and be jolted to the Poll at the India House. All sorts of disap- pointments and vexations would arise in the course of a canvass of such long duration. The delay, too, tried the truth and consistency of voters to an ex- tent sometimes beyond their powers of resistance. I am afraid it sometimes happened that men pro- mised their support to one candidate, and voted for another. One .of the first things that a candidate did, after declaring his intention to stand for the Direction, was to form a Committee of influential friends, and to hire a Committee-room at some first-rate tavern in the City. These Committees consisted of a cer- tain number of good names ; and two or three working members, who kept annotated lists of the Court of Proprietors, and studied all methods, direct and indirect, of approaching uncertain voters. There was " treating," too, doubtless on a liberal scale, but not after the fashion of a borough elec- tion. A candidate for the Direction did not keep open house during the years of his canvass, but he recognised the necessity of entertaining his friends ; and balls and dinner-parties constituted at least a portion of the legitimate allurements which were employed. This was, generally, the full extent of the bribery and corruption. The canvass, indeed, was altogether more toilsome than humiliating; and it may be questioned whether, as a rule, any other elections are conducted with so little resort to 336 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. unworthy and illegal means of accomplishing a de- sired end.* There were exceptions to this, as to other rules, and I shall come presently to speak of some of them. In the mean while, let it be said that Mr. Tucker set about this work of canvassing, as about every other work which he undertook, with characteristic energy and activity. He had not long formed the resolution of starting for the Direction, before he set out for Bath, Clifton, Cheltenham, and other places where Proprietors of India Stock congregate, to declare his intentions, and to solicit support. Prom Bath, about the middle of February, he wrote to his beloved wife, who was entirely in all his councils, and who entered with the liveliest sym- pathy and warmest affection into all his views : " I have been running about a great deal this morning, paying visits to Indian friends as well as to voters ; but I found very few of either description at home, and I do not promise myself great success as far as electioneering objects are in question. I saw Sir Robert Blair, Sir P. Dallas, General Cameron, and Colonel Shaw, who are all Proprietors ; and I left- cards for many others ; but they are all pretty well engaged, and I cannot expect many of them to travel above 200 miles, merely to gratify one who is * Of course, a constituency so composed is not to be bribed with pots of beer, or even with five-pound notes. But it has been alleged that the patronage of the Directors has been forestalled for electioneering purposes that Proprietors have been bribed by promises of writerships and cadetships. If this charge be intended to have general application, it is singularly untrue. If such has been done, the case is an exceptional one. The rule is altogether the reverse. CANVASSING. 337 a stranger to them." From Clifton, he wrote a few days afterwards, " I have been canvassing here with better success than I had expected ; and I have found here as elsewhere friends who are disposed to exert themselves strenuously in my favor." From Cheltenham he wrote, on the 2nd of March, " To- day I shall pay my electioneering visits at this place ;" and two days afterwards, having proceeded to Malvern, he added : " I was most civilly received by the Cheltenham voters." Everybody acknow- ledged his fitness for the office, even when foregone promises and pledges stood in the way of a tender of individual support. It was, indeed, solely on the strength of his per- sonal fitness and his public claims to the support of the Proprietary body, that he prosecuted his canvass. He had little private influence at this time ; and some powerful interests were arrayed against him. Even the influential City men and there were some who furthered his views did so, solely upon public grounds. Eoremost amongst these was Sir Thomas Baring, who steadily, consistently, and unwearyingly supported Mr. Tucker. " If you succeed in obtain- ing a seat in the Direction," he wrote, " which I trust and feel persuaded you will do, upon the first vacancy that may occur, you will owe your success more to your own merits, than to any assistance that I may be able to give you, although that assist- ance may not, and I hope will not, be inconsider- able." But it was not the " first vacancy" that he was z 338 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. destined to fill. Others had been in the field before him. "When he first announced his intention of coming forward, he had intended to go to the Poll on the occurrence of the second vacancy. "My present intention," he then said, "is to stand for the second vacancy (Mr. Mills being supposed to occupy the first), and to go on to a second trial of strength should I not succeed in the first experi- ment ; and should this experiment satisfy me that I have a fair share of public opinion in. my favor. A second defeat will infallibly lay me up in ordinary for the rest of my life, as I have no wish to trouble my Mends and myself to no purpose. I should my- self be disposed to refrain from giving any pledge or intimation with respect to the time of my coming forward ; but the question has been repeatedly asked me since the last election, and my answer hitherto has been generally that I do not mean to stand against Mr. Mills ; but that I shall probably come forward on the second vacancy." Circumstances, however, induced him to swerve from this reso- lution. Colonel Baillie, an officer much distinguished as a soldier and a diplomatist, had declared himself before him ; and his prospects of success were so good, that Mr. Tucker determined not to oppose him. " Baillie has been much longer in the field," he wrote, in 1821, " and is, probably, much better prepared for a contest than I can pretend to be. His military character is also of use to him just now." And again, in the following year (August, 1822), he FRIENDLY COMPETITORS. 339 wrote to a friend : " As there seems now to be a fair prospect that Colonel Baillie will succeed to the next vacancy in the Direction, may I solicit the favor of your powerful support when he shall have accomplished this object ?" It was subsequently to this that Sir Thomas Baring expressed his confidence that Mr. Tucker would succeed to the next vacancy ; but other can- didates were then pushing forward. Mr. Mills was elected in 1822 ; Colonel Baillie in 1823 ; and Mr. Masterman in the same year. The contest, which Mr. Tucker subsequently stood, was with Mr. Muspratt. Among other candidates, too, who presented themselves at this time, were some of Mr. Tucker's oldest friends but the competition, if so it can be called, was marked upon all sides by a delicacy and generosity which it is a pleasure to illustrate. Mr. Trant, who owed much to Mr. Tucker, hesitated to push forward his claims, until the success of his friend had been secured; but the latter, unwilling to impede his advance, wrote to hhn in September, 1822: " Now, while I thought that I could only put you back a couple of vacancies after Baillie, I felt no repugnance at taking the lead, since I flattered myself that the arrangement might in the end conduce to the convenience and promote the success of all parties ; but, foreseeing as I do, that I may myself be put back for an indefinite period, it would neither be fair to you, nor satisfactory to myself, that I should become the means of putting you back for an indefinite, and, perhaps, an extended, period. It is my wish, then, and I make it my re- quest, that you prosecute your canvass, and proceed otherwise, z2 340 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. in the way which may appear to you best calculated to promote the attainment of your object without reference or regard to me. " Were I differently situated, I might determine at once to take the bull by the horns; but circumstanced as I am, with great numbers depending upon me, this is a step which I could not very well justify to myself, while any fair alternative re- mained. I must, therefore, resort to sober reflection, in the first instance, and endeavor to avail myself of any favorable chances which may occur. Should none such occur, I must, before I quit the field, make trial of my fortune; although, as matters stand at present, I see no reason whatever to expect success. You are a younger man; and by persevering will ultimately, I trust, prevail." About the same time, another old friend, Mr. James Stuart, eager, on his own account, to secure a seat in the Direction, but equally reluctant to oppose any obstacle to Mr. Tucker's success, thus addressed him on the subject : " I was happy to find that you think you have so good a chance for the Direction, equally on your own account and that of the Public. It would be idle on my part to offer you my services, for I do not possess any means of being useful. Friends have begun to suggest the same object to me; and if I thought I should succeed without a troublesome and expensive canvass, I should be inclined to try. I might, perhaps, be assisted by some of the Court, and be countenanced by the Government. I should feel a strong repugnance to interfering with your prospects ; but I trust that you are too well forward on the course to admit of your being embarrassed By a candi- date who cannot at earliest be brought in these two years to come. I fear that the good people in the City begin to be jealous of the number of Indians who have succeeded to the Direction." To this Mr. Tucker replied : u You cannot possibly, I think, interfere with me by offering LETTER TO MR. STUAUT. yourself as a candidate for the Direction, because I shall pro- bably be disposed of in some way or other, before you can come upon the ground ; but at all events, whether it be pos- sible or not, I would wish you to regulate your movements without the slightest regard to such a contingency. Act pre- cisely as if I were not a candidate, and pursue your own plans without taking me into the account in any way whatever. You have better counsellors than I could pretend to be; and I would not take upon myself on any account the responsibility of advising you either to stand or not to stand. I would not do the one, because I might involve you in inconceivable trouble ; I would not do the other, because I would not willingly be the means of depriving the public of your services, or of dis- couraging you from seeking that which, if found, is a desirable acquisition to most men in our situation. I shall only, then, observe, simply and briefly, that there appears now to be only two ways of getting into the Direction ; the one, by the force of such a transcendent public character as shall impose upon the Court of Directors a sort of moral obligation to support the candidate ; the other, by means of extensive and powerful com- mercial connexions. To attempt to get in by collecting indi- vidual votes, is to gather water in a sieve ; but it is better to say no more on the subject, both because I should be sorry to discourage you, and because it is impossible to convey any adequate idea of the circumstances attending a canvass at the present period." And both Mr. Stuart and Mr. Tucker were right, when they said that the City Interest was too ad- verse to the influx of old Indians into the Direction ; and that the best efforts to accumulate single votes would seldom bring a Candidate to the goal of suc- cess. Mr. Tucker had much prejudice and much misrepresentation to combat. Identical with a sec- tion, and a powerful one, of the City Interest was what was known as the West-India Interest. It 342 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. was given out that Mr. Tucker was hostile to these interests; so all the West-Indians were arrayed against him. The statement was no further true than that he was one, who, seeing clearly the im- mense advantages to be conferred on the people of India hy the due development of the resources of the country, was eager to stimulate production of every kind, and adverse to all fiscal regulations that had the effect of excluding Indian produce from the markets of Great Britain. It is true that he desired to bring East-Indian sugar the growth of the labor of free men fairly into competition with the slave-grown staple of the West-Indian Isles. But surely it was a strange charge to bring against a man, that he desired to advance the interests of the country he aspired to govern. But strange as such an objection might be, con- sidering all the specialities of the case for Mr. Tucker, in encouraging the production of East-Indian sugar, had regarded no less the financial interests of the Company than the welfare of the people of India it was a very operative one. Men, who had pro- mised to assist him, forsook their allegiance, when it was said that he was adverse to the exclusive interests of the West- Indian proprietors and others, who had not promised, refused, with contumely, to support him. One Proprietor told him that he would not only vote against him, but that he would exert himself to the utmost to keep such a man out of the Direction. " I replied," said Mr. Tucker, who used to tell the story with .a benignant smile, THE WEST-INDIAN INTERESTS. 343 " that I thought this was rather hard, as he had never received any injury at my hands, but that he had, of course, a right to dispose of his votes as he pleased ;" " and," added the narrator, " he voted for me after all." It happened in this way. Some time afterwards Mr. Tucker met the same gentleman in a public vehicle. They entered into conversation ; and presently the voter said, " Sir, is not Sir Alured Clarke a great friend of yours ?" To this Mr. Tucker replied that he had the honor of Sir Alured's ac- quaintance. "Then," said the voter, "tell Sir Alured to ask me for my votes. He has been very kind to a Mend of mine in India ; and if he asks for my votes he shall have them for you, I promise." He had found out by this time that Mr. Tucker was not an enemy to any " interests" except when they arrogated to themselves an exclusiveness injurious to the interests of humanity.* There were other questions, too, with respect to which Mr. Tucker encountered some difficulty in the course of his canvass, and had some prejudice to overcome. The extent to which anything like inter- ference with the religious usages and ceremonies of the people of India might with safety be permitted * The following note [without date] from Colonel Mark Wilks, the ac- complished historian of Southern India, shows how much stress was laid upon this question: " Here are, my good friend, a tolerable large squad of votes depending upon a question which Sir T B could not answer, and which I do not like to answer positively without reference, viz., Is Mr. Tucker, or is he not, inimical to the West India interests? What shall I say? "Ever yours, " MARK WILKS. " Is Mr. Tucker a Methodist?' To that I have answered, ' No.' "M.W." 344 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. by the British-Indian Government, had long been a vexed question, upon either side of which might be seen arrayed men of eminent piety and wisdom. But there were pretenders to both, who conceived themselves qualified to dogmatise and to dictate, and were angry when others were disposed to make the question one between themselves and their con- science, and to act, according to the light that was in them, and in all humility of spirit. There were some voters, indeed, who thought themselves privi- leged to catechise candidates on points of faith, and to call for pledges in respect of the most sacred and most delicate points of procedure. It was Mr. Tucker's wont to refuse to make any pledges. He was determined to enter the Court free and unfet- tered, or not at all. His language upon this head was clear and emphatic. Here is a sample of the manner of his replies : " TO , ESQ. " DEAR SIK, There is no person, I believe, more anxious than myself to obtain and deserve the good- will of all good men ; but in public life I have prescribed to myself certain rules of conduct, from which I hope never to deviate, and from which, I should hope, you would scarcely wish me to deviate. You will hold in mind that I am not before the public just now for the first time. " I should have been much gratified by receiving your sup- port, if you could have given it with satisfaction to your own mind; but as I claim the right to judge and act for myself, I freely allow the same right to others, and I neither ask, nor wish for your vote, if it cannot be given me without placing a constraint upon your own conscience. "1 have perused with attention the publication which you PLEDGES. 345 were so good as to send me, and I thank you for it. The subject is not new to my mind, and I give you credit for the earnest zeal with which you enforce your opinions on a most important question; but it is not incumbent upon me to sub- scribe to those opinions, or to the opinions of your opponent, or to any abstract propositions whatever. As a public func- tionary (if I should ever be such), the plain and simple course of my duty is to keep my mind perfectly free and unfettered, that I may act in every case which comes before me according to the best of my judgment and to the dictates of my con- science. Upon this principle I always have acted, and upon this principle it is my intention to act for the time to come, if I should again be called into public life. " I have the honor to be, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " 3, Upper Portland-place, 1st December, 1823." This letter is of general application ; but a more specific declaration of his views, with respect to what was called the " Missionary question," was at a little later period (in the course of 1824) called forth by a circumstance which he has himself recorded. He considered it advisable, indeed, to draw up a paper on the subject, that no misunderstanding might be perpetuated. The anecdote to which I refer is here narrated. Thus Mr. Tucker wrote : " I am of opinion that the Government should never identify itself with the Missionary and other societies which have been instituted for the propagation of the Christian religion in the East. In the minds of the people of India, Government is habitually associated with the idea of power, or force; and I am persuaded that the slightest demonstration of an intention to use force for the conversion of this people would alarm their fears in a degree to produce immediate and serious danger. Our Government is established in the spirit of toleration ; and a sort of tacit compact, or understanding, exists that we shall 346 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. not interfere with the religion of our native subjects. Our Government stands in the situation of a powerful umpire, whose duty it is to afford equal protection to all, and to main- tain in the free exercise of all civil rights (and among these, liberty of conscience), its subjects, of whatever description, with strict impartiality. I consider, then, that the Govern- ment could not take part in the proceedings of the Missionary Societies with the slightest prospect of advancing the interests of religion, nor without departing from those principles, upon a strict adherence to which its own existence essentially de- pends. u This opinion I have not hesitated to offer with freedom and candor, whenever I have been questioned on the subject in the liberal spirit of inquiry. But, when called upon to give a pledge that I would support particular doctrines, or co-operate to promote particular ends or objects, I have invariably stated that I would never pledge myself to any abstract proposition whatever : that I considered it to be the duty of every in- dividual, entering upon a public trust, to keep his mind free and unshackled, in order that he may be enabled to decide upon the merits of every case coming before him, according to the best of his judgment, and to the dictates of his conscience; and that, having acted upon these principles of perfect inde- pendence throughout my public life, no considerations can tempt me to deviate from them in any public situation in which I may hereafter be placed. " Having briefly stated my honest opinion on this great question, I shall now notice in a summary way the circum- stance which has given occasion to my offering the foregoing explanation. " I was called upon by a Proprietor to give a pledge that I was friendly to particular views connected with this subject, and disposed to promote particular objects. This demand I resisted in limine; and it appeared to me more particularly necessary that I should make a stand, because the interference of the Government was distinctly pointed at. I was told, it is true, that 'it was not wished that the Government should come forward with the sword, but with the olive-branch.' THE " MISSIONARY QUESTION." 347 " On my declining to give the pledge required, the Pro- prietor observed that e it was high time for him and other Proprietors who thought as he did, to look out for a candidate who would give such a pledge ; and that it was high time for those, who were not Proprietors, to become such for the same purpose.' " This species of intimidation was not only very offensive to my feelings personally, but it appeared to me highly unjusti- fiable on public considerations ; for if a party, or body of men, can combine successfully to impose conditions upon a candi- date, it is obvious that his independence is completely de- stroyed, and that he must enter upon his public station, not for the purpose of acting according to the dictates of his own judgment and conscience, but as the agent of a party. It is, moreover, evident that such a power of prescribing terms to a candidate, or of excluding him upon a refusal, might be em- ployed to serve the most sordid and selfish purposes. " The very peremptory requisition which was made by the Proprietor in question, appeared to me the more unreasonable, as I had grounds to believe that it was not his intention to support me; and although this circumstance did not prevent my answering his questions, I certainly felt that he had no right to demand a gratuitous pledge from me, when he had no intention, even if satisfied, to afford me that support which might be considered as furnishing a plea for the attempt to exact conditions from me. " Under the irritation of feeling which this circumstance pro- duced, the conversation was not carried on in that calm and dispassionate manner, which is proper and desirable in all cases, and more especially on an occasion where religion is the subject. I was, in consequence, misunderstood, and my opinions have since been misrepresented ; but although the misstate- ment was calculated to prejudice my interests, I feel such a repugnance to everything which might lead to controversy, that I have refrained from noticing it ; nor do I harbour any anger or resentment against the individual who (unintention- ally, I am willing to hope) has done me the injury. " In truth, it has been my wish and my study to obtain the 348 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. good-will of all good men, and to conciliate, as far as possible, even my opponents ; but, much as I have had this object at heart, I still could never consent to sacrifice a principle to disguise an opinion or to attain, by unworthy compliances, an object which, however desirable in itself, would lose all its value in my estimation, unless it were attained by means quite unobjectionable, and in a manner perfectly satisfactory to my own feelings." Prom another and an unexpected quarter a clamor against Mr. Tucker was raised, too, at this time, intended, perhaps, to prejudice his chances of success. It was said that in his office of Financial Secretary, in 1810, he had counselled a breach of faith to the Public. The outcry was raised by those holders of public securities, who had suffered by the financial measures of Lord Minto' s Government, at the time when the threatened transfer of so large a portion of the Public Debt to England rendered it necessary to restrict the power, possessed by the In- dian creditor, of converting his securities into Bills upon the Court of Directors.* The old debt had been placed in course of payment, and a new eight- per-cent. loan, divested of the privilege of remit- tance, had been opened in its stead ; but this course had been suggested by Lord Minto himself, f Mr. Tucker had counselled another. This he now ex- plained in a letter to his friend, Sir Henry Strachey, concluding with the following sentences, couched in a strain of characteristic manliness : " I can truly * See ante Chapter VIII. f See letter from Lord Minto, quoted at page 242. SIK HENRY STUACHEY. 349 say," he wrote, "that throughout my public life I have been anxious only to do my duty to the best of my judgment : I am content to leave my conduct to be judged by the Public, and to stand or fall by the decision which may be passed upon it. In offering myself as a candidate for the Direction, my chief object is to obtain occupation public and honorable employment ; but if any individual can believe that I ever counselled a measure involving a breach of faith to the Public, that individual will do right to exclude me for ever from all public trust. He will not, however, do right to pass judgment, in ignorance, in this or any other case. For the rest I can only say, that whether right or wrong, I shall continue to act always on the principles on which I ever have acted ; and those must not trust me for the Future, who have reason to disapprove of the Past."* In letters to other friends, written at a somewhat later period, he thus spoke of his chances of suc- cess, and of the motives by which he was actuated : " In truth," he wrote, " if I find that I am not likely to receive the support of those who have most in- fluence in deciding upon the fate of a candidate, I shall not long persevere in an unavailing attempt. I came forward with no unworthy motives, and it will cost me no violent effort to retire, if I should find that I am not likely to obtain the countenance and * The letter from which this passage is taken is given complete in the Ap- pendix. It may advantageously be read in illustration of a portion of the Eighth Chapter. 350 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. assistance of those who act upon public grounds. .... I am not backward in encountering difficul- ties ; but to exchange domestic comfort and inde- pendence for all the annoyances of a protracted struggle against desperate odds, is not the course which any prudent man would pursue." And in another letter, written like the preceding one, in the autumn of 1822, he said : " If I had not believed that there was among the Directors, as well as among some of the Proprietors, a disposition to countenance the pretensions of those who have had opportunities of acquiring useful knowledge and ex- perience in India, I should never have exchanged comfort and independence for the annoyances of a canvass. As it is, I must now bring the thing to a test ; and if I am disappointed, I trust that I shall only have to regret the loss of time which might, perhaps, have been better employed." And early in the following year he did "bring the thing to a test" I need not dwell any longer on this first canvassing period, extending as it did over a space of more than three years ; enough has been said on the subject. Mr. Mills, Colonel Baillie, and Mr. Masterman having been elected, Mr. Tucker de- termined to contest the next vacancy. Early in 1824, Sir Thomas Heid, who on more than one occa- sion had occupied the chair, was removed from the Direction by death. A ballot at the India House was fixed for the 23rd of March. Three candidates then went to the poll Mr. Tucker, Mr. , Muspratt, THE BALLOT. 351 and Sir Robert Farquhar. It was understood that the contest would lie between the two former. A ballot at the India House is destitute of all the rude turmoil, the noise, the confusion, the outrages, the broad practical humors of a contested election in county or borough ; but it is not without excite- ment of a certain kind ; and there is often a humor- ous side to it, too, intelligible to the initiated looker- on. There are no Hustings, and there are no speeches. The election lasts but a single day. The votes, written on paper, are slipped into a certain number of ballot-boxes, or vases, lettered alpha- betically, so that each elector knows in which to deposit his vote-paper. Scrutineers are appointed, and the voting over, the contents of the vases are counted out. This is a very simple and a very common-place process not provocative, it would seem, of much excitement or of much mirth. But the activity of the friends of the candidates, during the election, sometimes exhibits itself in a strange manner ; and Mr. Tucker used to relate how, on this occasion, one friend carried up several of his voters to the wrong side of the poll, and how another was discovered, by some strange accident, distributing his opponent's cards. These were purely uninten- tional gaucheries ; but there were some accidents of voting on the wrong side done on purpose, and some resort to electioneering tactics of a very questionable kind. In the heat of the contest weapons were used, which would not have been 352 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. employed in cooler moments, and which cannot be remembered without pain by the most zealous partisan. The result of the Election was the defeat of Mr. Tucker. On examining the glasses, it was found that he had polled 684 votes ; and Mr. Muspratt, 752.* It does not seem that, as is the wont of defeated candidates, in like cases, he immediately began to prosecute another canvass, or determined to contest the next vacancy. He turned his thoughts, indeed, towards other matters, and at one time contem- plated the formation of a commercial partnership with a gentleman of considerable ability and reputa- tion, who was among the most active members of the Court of Proprietors. Announcing this to his friend, Mr. Sherer, who had recently returned to India, he wrote, " You may conclude from the present suggestion, that I have given up all thoughts of the Direction. This is not exactly the case, although in reality I am not so anxious about the attainment of the object as I was, nor so much disposed to make any great sacrifice for its accom- plishment. If there should be a break or vacancy in the House List, I shall come forward, and with a fair prospect of success ; but my present plan is to avoid an individual contest, until I can secure such support from the Directors and others as will place the issue beyond all uncertainty." This was written in 1825. It was in the early * Sir Kobert Farquhar polled 398. HIS PRINTED WORKS. 353 part of this year that he published his work on the " Financial Situation of the East India Company." It was intended to form part of a larger work ; but as he intimated, in an "Advertisement" prefixed to it, " the undertaking originally contemplated could not have been completed for a considerable time, and as the subject embraced in these pages was of more immediate interest, he had been induced to submit the present Essay to the Public, detached from other matter." This was not the first time that he had fixed his ideas on the printed page. In 1813 he had sent home for publication in Edinburgh, a work entitled " Reflections on the Present State of Great Britain, with Relation chiefly to its Fi- nances." It had been studied during his English furlough, and written during the monotonous leisure of the voyage to India.* Authorship was, there- fore, nothing new to him when he published his volume on Indian Einance a work containing the gathered results of much thought and long expe- rience, which no one can write upon the subject without consulting with advantage. But although, for a little while, the ardor of Mr. Tucker's pursuit after what had been a laudable ob- ject of ambition a seat in the Home Government of India had considerably abated, circumstances ere long tended to revive it. He had, it has been seen, determined to come forward to contest a seat * Writing to his friend Mr. Myers, of this work, he said, " My opinions will not be relished hy some I am aware ; but I care not ; ray object is to speak truth and to do good." 2 A 354 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. in the Direction, only if an opportunity should be afforded to him at one of the periodical April elec- tions. On these occasions, the six members who a year before had " gone out by rotation," under- went the form of re-election, in the place of six other retiring members. All the six vacant seats might legally be contested ; but the custom was to re-elect the old members without opposition. It sometimes, however, happened that a vacancy was created by the death, resignation, or disqualification of one of these six Directors ; and then at the April election the new candidates came forward and were included with the old Directors in the list out of which six members were to be chosen. It was then nominally an election of six Directors, but in reality only of one, or of as many as there were gaps in the old number. Now it happened that early in 1826 there were two of these gaps to be filled. Mr. Tucker determined, therefore, in pursuance of his old intention, to present himself to the constituency at the April election. Mr. James Stuart, and Cap- tain, afterwards Sir James Bivett Carnac, also announced their intention of going to the poll. The contest was a keen one. The scrutiny lasted till morning, and the anxiety of the scrutineers was kept alive to the last. The votes were so equally balanced, that at one time, as they were being counted out, Mr. Tucker would be in the minority ; a quarter of an hour later he would command a majority. It seemed at one time that the election was going against him, and the friendly scrutineer HIS ELECTION. 355 trembled for his success. But when the last glass, containing the letters E; to Z, was being counted out, the aspect of affairs brightened. A large num- ber of Mr. Tucker's supporters were to be found under these initials. The lost ground was regained ; and at the end of the scrutiny it was found that he was in a majority of twenty-three. A brief note from the friendly scrutineer de- spatched early in the morning to Portland-place, announced to Mr. Tucker the result of the election. The majority was a small one. But there were many powerful interests arrayed against him ; and he was returned solely on the strength of his individual merits. Even those who had opposed him acknow- ledged the goodness of the choice, and some influen- tial men, who had thrown the whole of their weight into the scales on the side of the enemy, throughout all the years of Mr. Tucker's candidateship, frankly told him that they had committed a mistake. They were men above the suspicion of interested motives ; but there were others who now rushed in to pay homage to success, finding high qualities in the Di- rector which they had never admitted in the Can- didate, and pretending to be the humble friend and admirer of the man whom they had covertly opposed. 2 A2 356 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. CHAPTER XIII. Mr. Tucker in the Direction His peculiar Qualifications His Zeal and Ac- tivityEarly Efforts Questions of Land-RevenueResumption Opera- tions Salt and Opium Revenues The Company's Charter Negotiations with the Board of Control Mr. Tucker's Minutes. ME. TUCKER was now a member of the Court of Directors of the East India Company the twenty- fourth part of a King. "When I say that he was eminently fitted for the post, I do not hazard an as- sertion to be attributed to the partiality of the Bio- grapher ; but state a fact, which all who have fol- lowed me thus far who, having acquainted them- selves with Mr. Tucker's antecedents, reflect upon the character and constitution of the Company, as then established will accept without a demur. The East India Company was, in those days, still a " Company of Merchants," and its functions were therefore two-fold. It was the duty of the Directors to regulate the Trade* of the Company, and to ad- minister the Government of a great Empire. Now * I need not explain that in 1826 it was only the China trade that re- mained to the Company but still the administration of their commercial affairs constituted no unimportant part of their business. DUTIES OF AN INDIAN DIEECTOH. 357 Mr. Tucker had been a merchant, and he had been an administrator. He was as conversant with affairs of Commerce as with affairs of State. He was thoroughly acquainted with the Revenue and Judi- cial systems of India. He was the best Financier that ever concerned himself with the Company's ac- counts. He had a true regard for the interests of all classes of the Indian Community, from the Prince to the Peasant. He had a genuine respect for the faith of Treaties ; and, to the very core, he was an honest man. He entered upon his new duties with a full heart. His whole soul, indeed, was in his work. He ever had been an indefatigable man of business. His capacity for labor was unbounded. Even under the exhausting influence of the damp heats of Bengal, he had at the same time regulated the Financial ope- rations of the Empire, and the business of a gigantic mercantile house. He now saw that there was abun- dance of work before him ; and he regarded it with the liveliest satisfaction. He had gone into the Di- rection to work ; and his practice did not belie his intentions. I have heard it said that the earnest- ness with which he at once took part in the' discus- sions of the Court, and the freedom with which he expressed his opinions, was not considered by some of the more punctilious members of the Court becom- ing in a "young Director." But Mr. Tucker, though a young Director, was not a young man. He had lived more than half a century in the world ; and had been graduating for five-and-thirty years in the 358 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. school of Indian statesmanship. During five or six of these years he had been before the Court and the Public as an Embryo Director, and throughout that period he had been maturing his views of all the great questions which were likely to be discussed in the Council-chamber of Leadenhall-street. It is not strange, therefore, that being not at all a forma- list, or a tactician, and probably altogether unac- quainted with the etiquette of the Assembly of which he was now a member^ he should have gone about his work without a probationary interval of silence. Mr. Tucker entered the Court at a period of comparative tranquillity. Great questions were looming in the distance they had not yet come on for discussion. But there were then, as there always are, many measures of internal administration greatly affecting the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people, calling for present con- sideration, and therefore engaging the energies of the Court. Among these were matters of Land-re- venue those especially of the settlement of the North- Western Provinces and the Resumption of Rent-free tenures. Erom his youth upwards, Mr. Tucker had been a consistent advocate and supporter of that great system of landed-revenue introduced into Bengal and Behar during the administration of Lord Cornwallis, known as the Permanent Settle- ment of Bengal. The lessons, which he had learnt as a boy, when Thomas Law and George Barlow were his associates at Gyah, had remained impressed upon his mind in the full maturity of his years and QUESTIONS OF LAND -REVENUE. 359 his intellect. He had never departed, indeed, for a moment from his abiding faith faith the result of personal knowledge and experience; the evidence, indeed, of his senses in the wisdom of a system under which the Lower Provinces of India had con- tinued to increase in prosperity. He had been a party, moreover, to the promises given to the land- holders of the Ceded and Conquered Provinces, that the same system of fixed assessment should become the law of the land in that newly-acquired portion of our Indian possessions ; and he had never ceased to protest against the departure from the pledges of Lord Wellesley and Lord Minto which, subse- quently, under other counsels, had been ordained by the Government of Leadenhall-street. So it hap- pened, that when the measures, which finally re- sulted in what is now known as the Settlement of the North- Western Provinces, were under considera- tion at the India House, they did not meet with Mr. Tucker's support. He was in a minority at the India House but he did not fight the battle alone. There were one or two who sided with him one especially who was "a host in himself." On all questions of Land-re- venue indeed, on almost all questions whether af- fecting the internal administration of the country or our exterior relations the opinions of Mr. Ed- monstone were identical with those of Mr. Tucker. They had been brought up very much in the same school, and they entertained for each other the 360 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TTJCKEK. warmest regard until death put a period to their friendship. Strongly, however, as he expressed himself upon this subject, there was not one which called forth a louder, a more earnest expression of opinion, than that which is known generally by the name of the Resumption of Rent-free tenures that is, the as- sessment of tracts of land which, for various rea- sons, had been held rent-free for years, with the cognisance of Government, although documentary evidence of legal exemption was not to be adduced. When Mr. Tucker first entered the Court of Di- rectors these measures were only in their infancy. But he very soon perceived, both in the Court and at the Board of Control, indications of this pro- pensity to increase the revenue, at the risk not only of exciting popular discontent, but of violating sub- stantive Justice. The measures which then sug- gested themselves to the Authorities, were in them- selves moderate and forbearing in comparison with those which were subsequently carried into effect ; and it was, probably, in anticipation of the tendency of all such measures to gather strength from pro- gress, that Mr. Tucker determined at the outset to oppose the introduction of the " small end of the wedge." Thus, in July, 1827, the Board had intro- duced into a Revenue despatch a passage relative to certain of these rent-free estates in the Lower Pro- vinces, in which they said : " As we have no doubt, however, that there is a considerable quantity of land to which the holders have no better title than RESUMPTION OPERATIONS. 361 what is constituted by the loose and indefinite set- tlement which became permanent, we conceive that the uncertainty which prevails on both sides might be removed with satisfaction to the holders of the land, though with some sacrifice on the part of Go- vernment, by a compromise. Something of the na- ture," they added, "of what is called a fine in English law might be taken, perhaps in the shape of a stamp, for the grant of a Sunnud, confirming the property in the land to which this uncertainty attaches ; and the amount of the stamp should bear a proportion to the value of the property thereby confirmed." To this the Board had added a suggestion, that the fine might be commuted for the payment of a small annual revenue but admitted, at the same time, that in the permanently assessed districts the exercise of such power must be preceded by a Judi- cial Inquiry, and to this end they hinted that a Commission, similar to that established by the famous Eegulation I. of 1821, might be appointed. Prom all this Mr. Tucker dissented : " 1st. Because the grounds on which it is proposed to exer- cise the power of taxation, are acknowledged to be doubtful and uncertain ; while the terms of the order are so vague and general, that it may be extended to cases where its application would be both impolitic and unjust. "2nd. Because any proposition for the increase of the land- tax within the territory permanently assessed, will be regarded by the people of India (and justly, too) as a violation of the Settlement concluded in Bengal by the Supreme Government 362 LIFE OE H. ST.G. TUCKER. in 1790, and confirmed and ratified in 1792 by the public authorities in this country. " 3rd. Because the proceeding enjoined by the Board will be attended with so many difficulties, that any increase of revenue likely to result from it will be but a poor compensation for the expense the labor the loss of time and other inconveniences incidental to the proposed scrutiny. "Lastly. Because the Board's order, if confined to the Sun- derbunds, or other territory, not included in the Permanent Settlement, is at variance with the special instructions conveyed to the Bengal Government in the Court's letter of the llth June, 1823; and if this order be intended to have a general applica- tion to the settled territory, it is at variance with the paragraph immediately preceding it in the Court's present despatch, and with the letter and spirit of the existing Regulations. . . ." After considering in detail the description of lands to which this order might be made to refer, Mr. Tucker proceeded thus emphatically to declare his opinions : " That the landholders will consider the proffered ' compro- mise' as the first step towards the abrogation of the Permanent Settlement of that settlement which is evidently viewed in some quarters with no very friendly feeling cannot, I think, be doubted. I myself regard it in this light. It is to tear the seal off the bond it is to make the first breach in a formal compact, which I had hoped, for the honor of the British name, would have been held inviolate as long as our empire in the East should endure : it is calculated to shake all confidence in our engagements, to weaken the attachment of the land- holders to our government, and to destroy the little credit which we have established by one solitary act of self-denial in limiting the public demand upon the land. The landholders, I repeat, will view this first inroad upon them with jealousy, distrust, and dismay ; they will feel that after the first barrier has been broken down, further breaches will be made, and a RENT-FREE TENURES. 363 less scrupulous* proceeding be hereafter resorted to ; while even those who have no interest in the question will not fail to per- ceive that, if the demand of additional revenue, in the way of 1 compromise,' or otherwise, can be enforced from an estate permanently assessed, upon the ground that the original con- tract was * loose and indefinite,' there never can be wanting a plea for calling in question the most sacred engagements, and there never can be any safe ground of reliance on the steadiness, the moderation, and good faith of a Government which, for its own purposes, assumes to itself the right to revise and set at nought its own acts, after the lapse of thirty-five years. . . ." That tracts of land were held rent-free, which had no title, legal or equitable, to such exemptions from assessment -that in many cases fraud had heen at work that boundaries had heen passed, land-marks removed unlawfully that by artifice and connivance the limits of rent-free holdings had been frequently extended, Mr. Tucker did not deny ; but it was his opinion that it would be the wiser course to submit to a certain amount of imposition, rather than gain a small accession of revenue at the cost, not only of great inconvenience and considerable expense, in the way of adjudication and collection, but of much personal injury and injustice, and a sense of general insecurity and alarm. " I am quite satisfied," he wrote, " that the appointment of a Commissioner to revise and new-model that which has existed undis- turbed for a period of thirty-five years, would be received by the landholders of Bengal with terror and despondency. It is not difficult to issue man- dates which may affect a whole people ; but before we * This has actually occurred. H. St.G. T. 364 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. do so let us not conceal from ourselves the possible consequences ; and let us at least pause before we determine to prosecute an object which is not pre- tended to be of much value, at the risk of compro- mising the rights and of forfeiting the attachment of our native subjects/ 5 At a later period, when re- sumption-measures on a gigantic scale were in pro- gress, Mr. Tucker lifted up his voice loudly against them in Court, and recorded many an earnest dis- sent or vehement protest for the perusal of his col- leagues. The question was one which was much discussed and debated, both in India and in Eng- land ; and the names of many able and benevolent men were to be found arrayed on both sides of the controversy. It is not my province, in this place, to do more than record the fact. I have spoken, however, of dissents and protests, of discussions and debates and it need not be con- cealed that Mr. Tucker was sometimes at variance with his colleagues, and that he was sometimes, too, in a minority. The necessary inference from this is, that either Mr. Tucker or the Court was in the wrong. Now, infallibility is not to be claimed for any human creature or any human tribunal. But what, it may be asked, would be thought, collec- tively and individually, of any body of men who were to dismiss the business that came before them with- out any expression of adverse opinions ? The dis- cussions of the Court of Directors are the safeguard of India. It is not to be expected it is not to be desired that all the members of the Court should hold the same opinions. A deliberative body com- DISCUSSIONS OF THE COURT OF DIRECTORS. 365 posed of four-and-twenty gentlemen, of different professions, different antecedents, different political opinions, and different habits of mind, is intended to antagonise. Antagonism is a proof of zeal a proof of honesty a proof of activity. The decision arrived at may not in all cases be the right one, for, as I have said, no human tribunal is infallible. But, what- ever it may be, it has been reached after full con- sideration and discussion. Of course, among four- and-twenty members there are different degrees of zeal and ability. Some men devote more time and attention to the consideration of the great questions which come before them, and are more competent to form correct opinions than others; but the aggre- gate result is the devotion of much thought and the application of much knowledge to their elucidation ; and, at all events, every case is decided upon what is believed to be its merits, without any detraction or diversion on the score of party feeling or political strife.* Among the earliest subjects, too, to which he directed his attention, after taking his seat in the India House, were the cultivation of Cotton and Sugar, and the Salt and Opium Revenues. There was no man more diligent in his efforts to further the production of the staple commodities indeed, in every possible way to develope the resources of a country which was being sacrificed to the commer- cial cupidity of the British capitalist. Against the * I write this in the present tense. Though the " Four-and-Twenty" Di- rectors will soon belong to the Past, the argument will hold good when the number is reduced to eighteen, though not in the same degree. 366 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. policy which excluded from Great Britain the pro- duce of the Agriculture and the Manufactures of India, whilst it threw wide open the ports of India to the produce of the British Isles, he earnestly and indignantly remonstrated. He saw that the most diligent promoters and the most clamorous expo- nents of that policy that the men who were doing their utmost to depress the commerce of India and to impoverish the people were fast becoming the loudest inveighers against the imputed misrule under which, as they said, a once flourishing country was sinking into decay. On the Salt-Tax and the Opium Monopoly he wrote, from first to last, with un- deviating consistency maintaining that there were inherent objections to both sources of Revenue, but that the amount which they yielded to the State was necessary for purposes of government. But he laid down as the principle that should regulate the collec- tion of these taxes, that whereas, in the case of the Salt-duties, it should be our object to levy the neces- sary amount of revenue upon the largest possible quantity of the article taxed ; in the case of the Opium-tax the system should be the reverse the amount should be drawn from the smallest possible quantity that could yield the necessary revenue. In the latter instance, he subsequently declared that this salutary principle had been violated; and he both deplored and condemned the extended produc- tion of the deleterious drug.* * See, for papers on these subjects, Tucker's " Memorials of Indian Go- vernment." THE CURRENCY. 367 To questions of Finance lie naturally devoted no little attention at this time ; and his opinions were much sought by his colleagues. To one subject, especially, in connexion with the Financial affairs of the Company's Government, he applied himself with no common earnestness. The question of the Currency was then before the Company. Great in- convenience had long resulted from the different descriptions of silver coins which were used both in Government and Commercial transactions. The rupee was the common coin of the country; but there were all sorts of rupees in circulation. "What was known as the Sicca rupee, had, in 1773, been recognised by the British Government as the legal coin of the country. But there had been other rupees of different standards in circulation the Benares rupee, the Bombay rupee, the Furruckabad rupee, the Madras and Arcot rupee and then there was the Sonaut rupee, which was rather the nomi- nal representative of value than an existing coin. The Sonaut rupee, an old and much worn piece of silver money, had, indeed, been called in, in 1793 ; but although the coin itself had disappeared, it had continued to be the common standard for the mea- surement of all military disbursements. The troops had been actually paid in the current coin of the provinces in which they were posted. Thus, in the Lower Provinces, they had been paid in the Sicca rupee, according to the true standard of the value of the silver. As the Sicca rupee was the most valuable coin (being nearly five per cent, above the Sonaut), 368 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. there was, of course, a deduction or discount when the coin came to be counted out. For every 104 rupees and 5 annas (Sonaut) a hundred rupees (Sicca) were paid. In other parts of India, how- ever, the current coin the Benares, Furruckabad, Arcot rupee, &c. so nearly assimilated to the re- cognised standard of payment that it was actually used, rupee for rupee, in the settlement of accounts. All this, as I have said, caused great public incon- venience ; and it appeared both to the authorities in India and in England, that the establishment of an uniform coinage would be attendedwith advantageous results. Mr. Tucker perceived the advantages of such a system, but his practised eye saw clearly that it was surrounded by difficulties and dangers, only to be avoided by wisdom and wariness in the execution of the details. He contended that both in the ad- justment of the pay of the public establishments, and the realisation of the revenue, either a sacrifice of the dues of Government, or an injustice to the public, was likely to arise from the alteration of the coin ; and at the end of an elaborate minute, show- ing that minute acquaintance with the details of the Indian currency which was to be expected from so eminent a Financier, he thus summed up his cau- tionary suggestions : " I submit that the following questions must be decided before we can proceed to reduce the value of the established currency of Bengal in the proportion of six and a half per cent. : u First. Whether the pay of the Bengal army shall be regulated THE SILVER CURRENCY. 369 anew, in order to give the officers and men in the new cur- rency, or Arcot rupee, the full value of their present regulated pay in Sonaut rupees ; that is whether an addition of about two per cent, shall be made to the present complement of pay in the Sonaut rupee. " Secondly. Whether the land-revenue of Bengal shall be re-assessed, in order that the Government may obtain a greater number of rupees in Tale, in proportion to their diminished value; or whether the Government, in order to avoid the re- proach of having violated a solemn compact, shall determine to sacrifice a sum of not less than twenty lakhs of rupees in annual revenue. " Thirdly. Whether, in the event of its being determined not to make such a sacrifice of income, the Government will compel the Zemindars in the settled territory to adhere to the existing pottahs, or leases, and to make that sacrifice of effective income which the Government itself will not make ; or whether they will authorise the landholders to recall and cancel the present pottahs, and to re -adjust the rents of their Ryots and under-tenants upon the same principle on which the Govern- ment re-assess the public revenue. " These questions involve considerations of great moment; and whatever alternative may be embraced, considerable incon- venience is to be apprehended. We cannot, however, escape from the dilemma, if it be resolved to proceed in effecting the equalisation of the currency; and all I would further urge on the present occasion is, that we proceed with great caution and deliberation that the difficulties of the case be fairly met, and that, in our anxiety to obviate them, no step be taken incon- sistent with the obligations of good faith, and with that spirit of justice by which the proceedings of a Government ought always to be characterised." It would take not one, but many volumes, to enter into all the historical circumstances connected with Mr. Tucker's very varied minutes. It is suffi- cient to state, in this instance, that an uniform silver 2 B 370 LIFE OE It. ST.G. TTJCKEH. coin, known as the Company's rupee a coin bear- ing the image and superscription of the Queen of England instead of the old Mogul legend, acknow- ledging the supremacy of the House of Tiniour was struck at the Company's mints, and substituted for the heterogeneous coinage of old times ; and that the measure was carried out with so much wisdom and discretion that no evil resulted from the change. But a greater question than any of these was now pressing forward, for the consideration not only of the Court of Directors collectively, but of every individual member of the great Corporation. The Charter, under which India was governed and the exclusive trade with China was carried on, was now approaching the close of its permitted span of ex- istence; and it was generally believed that some vital changes would be introduced into the Act under which thenceforth British connexion with India was to be maintained. The previous Charter had deprived the Company of the monopoly of the trade with India ; and it was now apprehended that the Legislature would seek to deprive them alto- gether of the remnant of their exclusive mercantile privileges, and convert the Court of Directors into a purely administrative body. The country had been, for years, becoming more and more inveterate against all monopolies. The genius of Free-trade was pushing onward with re- sistless strides. The accumulation of Capital and the advances of Science had rendered Englishmen more alive to the necessity of opening out new fields THE CHINA TRADE. 371 for the exercise of their commercial activity; and without any very great knowledge of the subject, they argued that what was worth keeping was worth taking, and that if any benefit were derivable from the trade with China, it ought to be enjoyed by the country at large. Before the Charter- Act of 1813 had numbered half of its allotted years, Committees had been appointed to investigate the whole question of Exclusive Trade, and they had reported in favor of a relaxation of existing restrictions. It was not consistent with public faith to interfere with the privileges of the East India Company until the ex- piration of their Charter but it was generally felt that the -monopoly could not survive the Act under which it was then maintained. Some vague Parliamentary discussions in 1829 were succeeded by a substantial movement, in the early part of the following year, calling for an in- quiry into " the present state, of the affairs of the East India Company." Lord Ellenborough in one House, and Mr. Peel in the other, moved for the ap- pointment of Select Committees, at the beginning of February ; and from that time the investigation into both the commercial and administrative affairs of the Company proceeded with but slight intermis- sion. In July the Commons' Committee reported on the China Trade ; and in October the Chairman and Deputy-Chairman of the Court of Directors were invited to an interview with the Premier and the President of the India Board ;* and informed * The Duke of Wellington and Lord Ellenborough. 2B2 372 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. that, in all probability, on the expiration of the ex- isting Charter, the Government of India would be left in the hands of the Company, but that the China monopoly would cease. Prom that time the Court of Directors were in a continual state of con- troversy with his Majesty's Ministers relative to the arrangements which were to be made for the future management of their affairs, and in these contro- versies Mr. Tucker took no undistinguished part.* Before the close of the year 1830, the Government, of which the Duke of Wellington was the Chief, was compelled to resign the seals of office ; and a Whig Cabinet was formed, in its place, under the direction of Lord Grey. In the distribution of the new Ministry, the chief seat at the India Board was allotted to Mr. Charles Grant. The distinguished son of a distinguished father one who had gra- duated in the best school of Indian politics, and who, from his very boyhood upwards, had been en- deavoring to render himself familiar with the his- tory, the institutions, and the usages of our Eastern Empire one, who twenty years before, when yet a young member and a young man, had earned a great Parliamentary reputation by a series of able speeches on the subject of Indian Government he was, of all the adherents of Lord Grey, the one best fitted by his personal qualifications to preside at the Board * In a work of this description, I am compelled to touch briefly upon this important chapter of Indian history; but the negotiations relative to the renewal of the Charter have been narrated so much in detail, and with so much clearness by Mr. Thornton, in his fifth volume, that I can hardly regret the compulsory brevity of my own account of these transactions. MR. CHARLES GRANT. 373 of Control. His qualifications were not solely of an intellectual character. He had high moral qualities, which rendered those who were deeply concerned for the welfare of India and her people hopeful in the extreme of the good results which might flow from his connexion with her affairs. He was a humane, and, in intention, he was a just man. His integrity was unquestioned. It was said of him, at a later period, that he was indolent and compliant that he lacked energy and firmness, and, indeed, all the sterner and robuster qualities. Eut these defects must have grown upon him, for it is certain that during the greater part of his tenure of office, as President of the India Board, he exhibited an extraordinary amount of activity, and sometimes, as will he gathered from a subsequent chapter of this Memoir, a degree of firmness which, in a bad cause, degenerated into obstinacy. Upon Mr. Grant now devolved the duty of incubating the new East India Bill, and superintending, on the part of the Government, the necessary negotiations with the Company. As the son of an old East India Director as one, too, who had battled manfully on the side of the Company the new President of the India Board was little likely to bring to the performance of his duties any prejudices against that great Cor- poration. It was certain, however, that the Com- pany's exclusive privileges of Trade must cease and determine in 1834. The country had determined that question ; and whether a Wellington or a Grey 374 LIFE OF H. ST.a. TUCKER. were supreme in Downing-street an Ellenborough or a Grant in Cannon-row it was equally useless to endeavor to obtain a reprieve for the monopoly against which sentence of death had been irrevo- cably written down. The Commercial affairs of the Company were to be wound up; there was no question in the public mind about that but there was a question as to how they were to be wound up how the commercial assets of the Company were to be disposed of consistently with the just claims of that body and the interests of the British nation. The Company, however, battled manfully for the preservation of their old privileges ; and it must be acknowledged that they brought forward many sub- stantial arguments in their defence, and exploded many injurious errors which had been disseminated by their opponents. But they had to contend against a violent pressure from without. It had long ceased to be a question to be decided by argu- ment. The temper of the times was not favorable to the maintenance of monopolies of any kind. The nation had made up its mind upon the subject. The Court argued, and argued truly, that the Commerce of the Company had been advantageous to the inte- rests of India, inasmuch as that its profits had been devoted to purposes of territorial administration. But it had ceased to be an Indian question a question between the Company and the people of India ; it was a question between the Company and the people of England. And whatever might be ABANDONMENT OF THE MONOPOLY. 375 the gain of the monopoly to India, England de- clared that she could not away with it. "When, therefore, on the 10th of December, 1832, at a conference between Lord Grey and Mr. Grant on one side, and the Chairman and Deputy-Chairman on the other, a memorandum, or paper of Hints, illustrative of the Government plan for the future management of Indian affairs, was laid before the latter, it cannot have been matter of surprise to them that the first words it contained were " The China monopoly to cease." It is beyond the scope of this Memoir, and would hardly answer any useful purpose at the present time, to enlarge upon the discussions of 1832-33, relative to the abandonment of the China Trade, or on the course which was pursued by the Court of Directors and the Court of Proprietors. It is enough that, at every stage of the proceedings, Mr. Tucker was active among the active, and drew up many vigor ously- written papers upon the Government scheme. Of the measure, in respect of the aboli- tion of the trade, he wrote in one of those minutes : " Viewed in its commercial and financial relations and bearings, it impresses me with the most serious apprehension. A more sudden or violent change in the commercial policy of a country has rarely been witnessed; and although it may not be attended with permanent evil, it must produce temporary de- rangement. The accustomed channel of Commerce has been broken up. The stream has been diverted 376 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKEK. from its course, and those noble establishments which nourished on its banks are now doomed to desolation and ruin. We ought to have made a stand at the threshold, and to have insisted, as a preliminary condition, that time should at least be allowed us to wind up the commercial concerns of the Company, and to prepare for the gradual intro- duction of those changes in our commercial system, which may have so extensive an influence upon the national interests, and more immediately upon the interests of this vast metropolis." It was Mr. Tucker's opinion, as may in part be gathered from the above passage, that the Company sacrificed their chances of success by holding back at times when they ought to have pressed forward ; and that if they had come out more boldly to meet their opponents, they would not have been so worsted in the contest. It was his opinion, as early as 1830, that it was expedient for the Court of Directors to prepare their case, by collecting and arranging do- cuments, illustrative of their good administration of the Company's territories, so that there might be something before the country in answer to the vehe- ment and unscrupulous attacks of their opponents : " About two years ago," he wrote in 1832, " I suggested the expediency of our appointing a Select Committee to collect, arrange, and digest evidence which might bear upon the many important questions connected with the administration of India, and with the commercial affairs of the East India Company, then about to undergo public investigation ; and I urged that such a body of evidence was not only essential to facilitate the labors of the two Committees of Parliament, but that it was TACTICS OF THE COURT. 377 highly necessary with a view to justify the past administration of the Company, and to substantiate its claim to a continuance of public confidence. This opinion I have since repeated on different occasions; and I now find that the late reference to us from the Board of Commissioners point directly to some of the objects of inquiry contemplated by me. " My suggestion was overruled, and the Committee of Cor- respondence, consisting of eleven members, with two associates subsequently added, was appointed ( specially to watch over the proceedings in Parliament, so far as regards the East India Company,' and to report, from time to time, to the Court, &c. In other words, a special, a most difficult, and most important duty merged into the ordinary business of a Committee, which has already, in my opinion, more work imposed upon it than it can successfully execute. " I am bound to believe that the Committee have been most sedulous in the discharge of the trust reposed in them; but, with the exception of a secret report of a conference held with his Majesty's late Ministers in October, 1830, I have not yet seen the produce of their labors. If evidence has been col- lected and arranged to assist our own deliberations, or to aid the inquiries of his Majesty's Government, or of Parliament, it has not yet been submitted to the Court. If conferences have since taken place, if the views and intentions of the present Minis- ters have been ascertained, if the basis of any plan for the future administration of India, and for regulating the Company's trade, has been propounded and discussed, I have yet to learn what has been done, and what it is proposed to do. I have been asked by persons who take a deep interest in the welfare of India, and who have a deep stake in the well-being of the East India Company, if we have no case to bring forward if we have no means of repelling the attacks which are so perse- veringly made upon us by our indefatigable opponents. In my opinion we have a case, and a very strong case ; but we have taken no steps to bring it fairly before Parliament and the Public. The members of this Court have not yet, to my know- ledge, interchanged opinions upon the vital questions which 378 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TTJCKEK,. must be present to the mind of every man who knows anything of India, and who takes an interest in the prosperity of that country. We have not communed together for the purpose of coming to an understanding with respect to the course which we ought to pursue in order to obtain a renewal of our Charter, both as the means of securing to the natives of India the bless- ings of good government, and of continuing in the East India Company one great commercial function which it has so long exercised, and which, I maintain, it is still competent to exer- cise with signal benefit to the national interests. I own that I feel indignant at the idea of our tamely and silently submitting, without even a struggle, to the annihilation of a great political and commercial body, which has occupied so distinguished a place in history, and from whose councils and arms a ray of glory was shed over the mother country, at times when discom- fiture and misfortune in the western hemisphere had cast a shade over its destinies. " But shall I be told, as I have been told in debate, that our policy is to wait, and our best position that of defence ? I con- tend, on the contrary, that we are in a false position that we have waited too long and that every day's delay in bringing forward our case is injurious to the Company. Are we to wait until this Company is left a mere wreck to abide the contempt of its assailants? to contend, in the last hour of existence, against popular clamor and prejudice, popular ignorance and commercial cupidity? " Again, I may be told that it will be more prudent to stand aloof until the near approach of the period when the Charter expires; as his Majesty's Ministers will then be so embarrassed with the difficulty and magnitude of the undertaking, that they must shrink from it, and allow everything to proceed as here- tofore. " This would be both a foolish and a dishonest policy, which my colleagues, I am sure, can never countenance. Public men are rarely seen to possess this sort of salutary diffidence this distrust of their own powers; and it would not, I apprehend, be easy to persuade them that they are not sufficiently imbued TACTICS OF THE COURT. 379 with that knowledge and experience, and with those sound and comprehensive views of Indian policy, which are so essential to the preservation of our vast empire in the East. " Still, it may be urged that the very delicate question of settling the future constitution of India, and of arranging the Company's commercial concerns, must be left to the discretion, wisdom, and diplomatic talents of the Chairs, who are the offi- cial organs of the Court in conducting all negotiations with his Majesty's Ministers. I have the utmost respect for our high functionaries; but I cannot consent to place my judgment wholly in abeyance. Nor can they exempt me from the per- formance of my own duty. Every Director is called upon to take part in the proceedings of the Court ; and must act upon his .own individual responsibility. We have all undertaken a sacred trust we have all sworn to perform the duties incidental to it, according to the best of our judgment, and there is no power which can grant us a dispensation if those duties be neglected. But even admitting that the Chairs can in the first instance most conveniently conduct a negotiation with his Ma- jesty's Ministers, I still think that they ought to be fortified with the opinions of the Court, and that we ought to be pre- pared with a clear and comprehensive statement of our case. When the last Charter was to be renewed, the negotiations commenced in 1808, or five years before its expiration ; whereas we are now within about two years of the termination of our present Charter, with less support from the Government to rest upon, and with stronger opposition from the Public to contend against without our having yet made, as far as I can perceive, any progress whatever to set ourselves right with that public, and to support the just claims of the East India Company, whose accountable stewards we are, or we ought to be." There is much in this which, after a lapse of twenty years, may be read with advantage by those whom it most nearly concerns. Mr. Tucker believed that, at this time, when the East India Company were about to be put upon their trial, they committed a grand 380 LIFE OF H. ST.O. TUCKER. error in not concerting measures calculated to prove to the world that they had not been unprofitable stewards. I am afraid that this is a chronic ailment, and that years have not mitigated its severity. It must be regarded, indeed, as a species of slow suicide. Popular applause is an aliment necessary to the con- tinued existence of all governments; and the go- vernment of the East India Company has been re- solutely starving itself to death. A contempt of public opinion may be the growth of a consciousness of right ; it may be very beautiful in theory, very magnanimous in principle ; but practically, as the world goes, it is a fatal mistake. People are always willing to give us full credit for our vices ; but they are slow to take our virtues for granted. An indi- vidual may choose for himself whether he will proclaim them. But if the East India Company, or any other governing body, believe that the con- tinuance of their government is beneficial to the people who are subject to it, they have no right inertly to suffer it to lie under a cloud of misappre- hension and disgrace. Mr. Tucker complained that at this time the Court insisted upon playing a waiting-game; and was of opinion, that if they had bestirred themselves earlier they would have obtained better terms for themselves. It was his maxim throughout life never to put off to to-morrow what can possibly be done to-day. He never played a waiting- game. The Court of Directors, on the other hand, have always waited until it has been too late to retrieve the ground which they have lost at the outset. It OPINIONS OF THE NEW ACT. 381 is the true policy in these cases to take the initiative. I believe that the position of the Company would be far better than it is, at the present time, if they had thought more of public opinion, and had been less inclined to wait. But although, perhaps, the Court armed them- selves too late to carry on the war to a triumphant issue, they gained some successes in the course of it. Against several of the propositions of the Crown Ministers, relating both to the local and the home Governments, they protested with consistency and vigor. And the result of the controversies between the two authorities was that several important points were conceded to the Company, and the draft of the Act for the future Government modified until it took shape more in accordance with the declared wishes of the Court. In the contest for these changes Mr. Tucker took no undistinguished part. He was of opinion that the establishment of the fourth Presidency (of Agra) would strengthen and improve the administrative machinery, and he believed that if the Government were placed in the hands of an experienced Com- pany's officer, like Sir Charles Metcalfe, there would be little need of the aid of a Council. But he did not think that, as a general rule, and under other circumstances, it would be expedient to dispense with the Councils of the minor Presidencies."* He was opposed to excessive centralisation. He did not think that it was desirable to vest the sole legislative power in the Supreme Council ; and he was entirely * See Minute dated July 2, 1 833, quoted in Memorials of Indian Government. 382 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. of opinion that uniform legislation for the divers peoples of India was neither desirable nor prac- ticable.* He did not recognise the expediency of enlarging, to the proposed extent, the Supreme Council of India, and he protested against the at' tempt to deprive the Court of Directors of the abso- lute and uncontrolled power to appoint all the or- dinary members of Council.! And the representa- tions of himself and his colleagues on these points were attended with a large amount of success. The minor Presidencies were not stripped of their Councils. The new Presidency of Agra became 1 a Lieutenant-Governorship under an experienced Company's officer. The number of the Supreme Council was reduced ; and the absolute right of ap- pointing Councillors remained in the hands of the Court. On the free admission of Europeans to all parts of India Mr. Tucker entertained very strong opinions. He believed that some restrictions were necessary to protect the natives of the country against outrage and oppression ; and he used his utmost endeavors to resist a measure J which he believed to be laden with consequences injurious to the people of the soil. Against that part, too, of the proposed Act which decreed the abolition of Slavery throughout the Company's territories, he lifted up his voice, not because he did not hold slavery in as much abhor- rence as the introducers of the clause themselves, * See Minute dated July 2, 1833, quoted in Memorials of Indian Govern- ment. f Ibid. % See Letter to Mr. Blunt, post, pp. 470, 471. INDEPENDENCE OF THE COURT. 383 but because, whilst he knew that the evil existed only in a very modified form in India, if indeed it were more than a name, he saw that much mischief might arise from the abolition of it, and much misery to the " slaves" themselves. And he suc- ceeded in preventing all abrupt and violent inter- ference ; so that in the end there was an ample recognition of the principle of universal liberty, and a due promotion of the interests of humanity, with- out any of those attendant evils which legislative indiscretion might unknowingly have associated with them. But that which above all things Mr. Tucker ex- erted himself most strenuously to secure was the independence and efficiency of the Court of Direc- tors. He apprehended that, under the provisions of the new Act, the Court would be reduced to a mere shadow a name, without substance and without power a delusion, leading men astray from, the truth, and obscuring the responsibility which ought to be patent to the world. One very important concession had been made to the Company. In the original plan of the Government it had been con- templated to reserve to the Crown Ministers a veto in the case of the recall of the Governor-General of India, or the minor Governors ; but the Court had contended for the absolute right of recalling these functionaries, and had secured the power to them- selves. This at all events had the effect of prevent- ing the entire Government of India from falling into the hands of the President of the India Board and the Governor- General ; but it still appeared that the 384 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. power of the former to over-ride the Court was too great, and as a check upon that authority they con- tended that the right of publicity that is, of laying before Parliament their protests against the Board's measures should be conceded to them. This, how- ever, Government resisted. The Chairman and Deputy- Chairman protested against this resistance Mr. George Smith and Mr. Tucker followed on the sam e side.But their remonstrances were of no avail. The Chairs were resolute ; the last two points for which they had contended were the exten- sion of the Guarantee Eund and the right of pub- licity; and now, in August, 1833, they declared their unalterable conviction that, whilst the Pro- prietors were justly entitled to the former, the latter was " indispensable to the independence of the Court of Directors;" and on these grounds they refused to recommend the Ministerial Bill to their consti- tuents. Mr. Tucker, however, argued on the other hand, that, defective as was the Bill, and insufficient as were the powers of the Court, it would still be beneficial to the interests of India that the Govern- ment should remain in the hands of the Company. " Upon the whole," he said, " after long and anxious reflection, I am compelled to say to our constituents (not with perfect confidence I own), accept the Bill with all its defects ; and let us by our prudence and firmness remedy as far as we can the disadvantages of our situation ; and by the faithful and zealous fulfilment of our duties, promote to the utmost the prosperity and happiness of the people." CONSTITUTION OF THE HOME GOVERNMENT. 385 CHAPTER XIV. The Court of Directors and the Board of Control Powers of the Board- Collisions between the two Authorities The Case of William Palmer and Co. Mr. Tucker's Dissent The Writ of Mandamus Conduct of the Court The Case of the Lucknow Bankers Firmness of the Court Conduct of Mr. Tucker The Mandamus stayed. WHILST these negotiations for the renewal of the Company's Charter were evoking the energies and activities of the Court, other circumstances, of a more accidental but more exciting character, were keeping all these energies and activities on the stretch. By the Act of Parliament under which India was governed, it was intended that, in respect of all matters relating to the internal administration of the country and our ordinary dealings with the Xative States, the originating power should be pri- marily that of the Court of Directors of the East India Company. But that in questions relating to Peace and War, and our negotiations with Foreign Powers, the whole management should be entrusted to the President of the Board of Control, and a Secret Committee of the Company (consisting of the Chairman, the Deputy- Chairman, and the Senior 2 c 386 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. Member of the Court) the President being, in fact, a Secretary of State for Indian affairs, and the mem- bers of the Secret Committee performing the func- tions only, as Mr. Tucker happily expressed it, of 66 a Secretary or a Seal." Over the solution of these questions of Peace and "War questions into which European politics might sometimes largely enter it was right, perhaps, that the Crown Minister should exercise undisputed con- trol. It was assumed that he took counsel with his colleagues in the Cabinet, and that every important measure affecting our relations with foreign States, or the extension of our Indian Empire, was under- taken with their cognisance and sanction, and after full inquiry and due deliberation. This may or may not in reality have been the case. An arrogant, self- sufficient President might scorn to consult his official chief; or, with strong personal prejudices and pre- dilections, might seek the advice of one particular member of the Ministry to the exclusion of all the rest. But men neither saturated with prejudice nor case-hardened in egotism, were not incorrectly be- lieved to express the views and to carry out the de- signs of their colleagues, when they entered upon great measures affecting the question of Peace or War with Foreign Powers. If such authority as this were not in the hands of the Crown Minister, or of some functionary in immediate connexion with the Cabi- net, it is clear that the British Government might often be greatly perplexed and embarrassed by the prosecution of measures undertaken in India and, to THE " SECRET COMMITTEE." 387 all outward appearance, of purely Indian signifi- cance, but still bearing upon our political relations with States beyond the Company's cognisance and control. Taking this view of the case, it was impossible not to recognise the necessity of vesting the chief political authority in the representative of the Crown. Whether all the real power being thus in the hands of the President of the India Board, the responsibility should not more openly and intel- ligibly have attached to him whether despatches emanating from this functionary should have been dated from the India House, and signed by the representatives of the Company whether, in short, the institution of the Secret Committee should have been maintained, as a Fiction or a Pact, according to the character and the caprice of the Crown Minis- ter,* was a question, and a very important one, which forcibly suggested itself to Mr. Tucker's mind, and which, perhaps, I shall be called upon to con- sider in another chapter. In the mean while it may be said that, whether for better or for worse, such was the constitution of the Government of India, and such the intent of the Act of Parliament under which it was carried on. But in respect of the other department of Government, of the general adminis- * I say this, because a not over-confident Minister will consult his India- House colleagues and make use of their information, if he will not adopt their opinions. In this respect the utility of the Secret Committee is not to be questioned but all depends upon the character of the man. And under any circumstances the measures are really those of the Crown Minister, whilst the outward responsibility is the Company's, in whose name they arc undertaken. 2c 2 388 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. tration of the internal affairs of our East Indian possessions, the intent of the Act was not so clear, the authority of the Board was not so definite. That there was any ohscurity about the Act, or any doubts about the extent of the Board's powers, in the department of internal administration, would not be implied, in this place, if it were not that the records of the East India Company abundantly prove that the boundaries of the Board's autho- rity, as understood at the India House, have been continually passed, and the Company's interpreta- tion of the Act falsified by the practice of the con- trolling powers. Such, however, was the case. It was the complaint of the Company that the Board exceeded its legitimate authority, and often reduced the entire Court, in its general administrative capa- city, to a fiction as entire as that represented by the Secret Committee. How this happened it is not difficult to show. The mode of procedure was this : A despatch to one of the local Governments, drafted by a ministerial officer in the India House, was laid, perhaps after private perusal and annotation by some of the members, before an assembled Court; and there discussed, revised rejected or adopted. If adopted, it was forwarded in due course for the approval of the Board of Control. Then began the work of correction. Then, sometimes, began what has been called " the battle of the inks." The in- exorable red-ink rode down the black, trampling under foot whole squadrons of paragraphs, and drawing itself up, in orderly array, with conquering THE COURT AND THE BOARD. 389 front, all a-down the margins. The massacre was often complete ; it stopped not short of total exter- mination. And the luckless despatch then went back to the Court, without a trace, perhaps, of its original meaning left upon it and yet it was to be adopted as theirs, to be signed with their names, and to be sent out for the guidance of their servants. For such alterations as these the Board were under legal obligations to assign their reasons. But whether those reasons were good or bad the Court were compelled to be bound by them. They might endeavor, by respectful representations, to mollify the controlling power; and individually or collec- tively the Directors might protest ; but if they re- fused to forward the despatch to India, a writ of Mandamus might be issued against them ; and then, if they still continued recusant, there was no alter- native but a prison. It may be supposed that to such a length as this the antagonism of the two bodies did not often pro- ceed ; but it happened that in the years 1832 and 1833, there were two memorable conflicts of which History has taken account, and concerning which, inasmuch as Mr. Tucker's name is conspicuous in the recorded proceedings of both affrays, this narrative must not be silent. The first of these is known as the Hyderabad case the case of the claims of William Palmer and Co., on account of certain sums alleged to be due to their House by the ostensible Prime Minister of the Nizam. To give a detailed account of a transaction 390 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. which is illustrated by a correspondence extending over several folio volumes, is impossible in such a work as this and if it were possible it would not be desirable. It is enough that certain English gentlemen established a House of business in the independent state of Hyderabad, in the Deccan, and became money-lenders on a gigantic scale. The ruler of Hyderabad, known as the Nizam, was a puppet in the hands of his Ministers. The most influential of these, one Chundoo Lall, to whom the financial management of the country was entrusted, and who was rightly described as "a creature of British power," sought a refuge from embarrassments which the prudent management of the resources of the kingdom might have averted, in pecuniary dealings with the English firm ; and thus plunged the State into a sea of difficulty, compared with which the troubled waters from which he had sought extrica- tion were smooth and shallow in the extreme. Not that it was now the Minister who paid the penalty of these usurious loans. He was a powerful but irresponsible go-between. Chundoo Lall and Pal- mer and Co. both basked in the sunshine of the British Residency. There was no one but the British Resident to restrain them from sacrificing the un- happy country. And he did not inquire too nicely into the transactions which were enriching the few and so cruelly oppressing the many. So it happened in time that Palmer and Co. became masters of a large portion of the revenues of the State indeed, were in a fair way ere long to sweep the whole into their net. AFFAIRS OF WILLIAM PALMER AND CO. 391 But a new Resident appeared on the scene and that new Resident was, perhaps, the ablest and honestest man that ever won for himself a coronet, without bloodshed and without intrigue. Sir Charles Metcalfe went to Hyderabad. The great iniquity stared him in the face. The reign of the English money-lenders was at an end. Already, the Court of Directors had sent instructions to India to close the transactions with Palmer and Co., which were en- gulfing the resources of the country ; and now Met- calfe instituted searching inquiries into all the cir- cumstances of the Nizam's liabilities, and made a painful, but most necessary exposure. The result was a great expenditure of reputation; and the payment, on behalf of the Nizam, by the Bengal Grovernment, of upwards of seventy-eight lakhs of rupees, in liquidation of the claims of the English usurers. Soon after this the House of William Palmer and Co. was Bankrupt. But Bankruptcy in India means nothing. It is often a renewal of strength a revival of activity. "William Palmer and Co." were soon endeavoring to re-establish their influence at Hyderabad; and were preferring large claims, principally on the score of balance of Interest, against the Chief Mi- nister of the unfortunate Nizam. Into the Debtor and Creditor account I cannot of course afford to enter. But the Court of Directors were thoroughly impressed with the conviction that Palmer and Co. were not justly entitled to sixpence more than they had received, and that any interference on the part of the British-Indian Government to obtain pay- 392 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. ment from the Nizam woiild be entirely unjustified by the circumstances of the case, and contrary to the faith of treaties. The subject attracted a vast deal of attention at home. An immense mass of official papers strug- gled into type. Pamphlets of all sorts and sizes v/ere poured out upon the public. The Court of Proprietors woke from their wonted apathy, and a debate of six days' duration was distinguished by more eloquence and more excitement than the India House had witnessed for years. Everything that ould be said to justify the proceedings of the House of Usury was said but in vain. The Court of Directors were convinced ; the Court of Proprietors were convinced; the Public were convinced. An irreversible verdict was pronounced. And the most charitable were the most eager not to revive so painful a discussion. And so little was said about it for some time. But the members of the Bankrupt House were busying themselves in the collection of what they called their debts; and again, after a period of quiescence, the attention of the Court of Directors was called by the local Government to these old transactions, and again they were invited to in- terfere for the settlement of the long- disputed claims upon the Nizam. In 1828, the Court had permitted Sir William B/umbold, one of the partners in the House, to proceed to India, for the purpose of assisting the Trustees of Wm. Palmer and Co. to recover sums due to them by individuals, with the CONFLICTING VIEWS. 393 express stipulation that neither the House, nor any member of the House, should " be suffered to con- tinue or renew pecuniary dealings, under any pre- tence whatever, with the Nizam's Government;" but the Indian Government had somewhat relaxed these restrictions, and contented themselves with Sir "William Huinbold's guarantee that he individu- ally would not interfere with the affairs of the Nizam. For this departure from their instructions the Court censured the local Government, ob- serving that they should thenceforth expect a " stricter observance of their former instructions, which they saw no reason either to extend or to vary." But the Board of Control had expunged these condemnatory paragraphs ; and in remorseless red-ink had substituted others, conveying altogether a different meaning. The Board, in fact, found a justification for what the Court declared unjusti- fiable; and instructed the Indian Government to inform Sir William Humbold, that although the Court considered "every claim of the House of Palmer and Co. on the Nizam's Government, which was in any way sanctioned by the British authori- ties, to have been more than satisfied, they no longer restrained him from proposing to the Ni- zam's Government, in such manner as he might think fit, any legal claims of that House which he might conceive to be still unliquidated." And fur- thermore, the Board wrote : " The Resident will intimate to the Nizam's Government that you (the Indian Government) would hear with satisfaction 394 LIFJB OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. that the House had recovered their just claims from their private debtors ; and he will advise the Ni- zam's G-overnment to adopt those measures which may facilitate to that firm such recovery of their just debts, by process of law in the ordinary Courts of Justice in the country."* Against such a wholesale alteration of the mean- ing of their despatch, the Court of Directors loudly remonstrated. They had been made to deviate from a course of policy which for some time they had con- sistently pursued ; and had been committed to future proceedings which they could not conscientiously adopt. " The policy about to be subverted," they wrote through their Secretary, "has been steadily main- tained by the Court of Directors throughout a period of ten years. It has been sanctioned by four succes- sive Boards of Commissioners. It has been publicly canvassed by a Court of Proprietors, and approved after six days of discussion, which excited more public interest than any Indian question has done for many years ; and it has been acted upon by four successive Governments in India, not in the mere spirit of offi- cial obedience, but with active and cordial co-opera- tion." And after pointing out the serious nature of the evils likely to result from the adoption of the Board's corrections, the Court expressed their full expectation that the Board would revoke the altera- tions made in the draft. " Should the Court be dis- appointed in this expectation," they added, " they will still have performed their duty consistently and * July 23, 1830. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL. 395 conscientiously, and the responsibility for the results will rest undividedly on the Board." The remonstrance was not without effect. The despatch, as altered by the Board, was not sent out to India. The question, indeed, was shelved for a time ; and not until the beginning of 1832 was the discussion again revived. Then the Board wrote to the Court, intimating that in consequence of intelli- gence received from India, relative to the affairs of Palmer and Co., it would be advisable that the Court should prepare a new Draft in lieu of that to which objections had been raised, " alluding to all the un- answered communications of the local Government respecting the affairs of Messrs. William Palmer and Co." " When this is done," added the India-Board Secretary, " the Board will be prepared to give a de- finite opinion upon the whole of the correspondence now under consideration." Accordingly, a new despatch was drafted review- ing the past measures of the local Government, and offering instructions for their future guidance. That Government had endeavored to bring the question between the House and the Nizam to an issue, through the agency of a Punchayet, or native Court of Arbitration. But the effort had failed. There had been no satisfactory basis whereon to arrange the terms of arbitration ; and no sufficient guarantee that the award of the Arbitrators would be rendered binding upon the parties to the suit. The Court now suggested that these desiderata should be supplied, and proceeded to argue upon the abstract merits of 396 , LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. the case, with a view to its adjustment according to the soundest principles of justice. Large sums had been claimed on account of accumulations of inte- rest, and the Court justly observed that "an in- dispensable preliminary to all ulterior proceedings would be to consider and determine what principle of limitation it would be proper to apply."* But the great objection to this was, that there was any allusion to ulterior proceedings at all. It opened out the whole case anew when it was desirable to close it, and was in effect a retractation of the former judgments of the Court. The draft w^as carried through the Court on the 20th of March, but not without opposition. On the 22nd, Mr. Haikes gave in a dissent. On the 28th, Mr. Tucker and Colonel Baillie did the same ; and on the 4th of April, Mr. Wigram declared his opi- nions emphatically against the Court's resolution. Mr. Raikes pointed out the tendency of the despatch to restore the influence of Palmer and Co. at the Court of the Nizam, and therefore he protested against it. Mr. Wigram denounced it as an at- tempt to force British interference unjustly upon a native Prince, and stigmatised such interference as C( unsound and pernicious in principle, as derogatory * The reasonings of the Court on this subject appear to be conclusive as far as they go. " The high interest common under the native Governments is, in great part, the consideration for insecurity The principal part of that high interest, under such Governments, is in the nature of an insurance upon a risk. But if the influence of the British Government is to be employed in such a manner as to ensure payment and thereby to take away the risk, it will deserve to be considered how much, if anything, of that which may be regarded as the consideration for risk in the nominal rate of interest, it will be equitable to allow." THE HYDERABAD DISSENT. 397 to the character of the British Government in the estimation of the natives of India, as inconsistent with the past practice of the Court, and as calcu- lated to introduce a most destructive precedent." And Mr. Tucker recorded the following Dissent, in which Colonel Baillie concurred : " DISSENT BY H. ST.G. TUCKER, ESQ. " I am compelled to dissent from the letter to the Govern- ment of Bengal on the affairs of Hyderabad, which passed the Court on Tuesday last. Not because this letter appears to me to be very defective as a composition, nor because it puts forth inconclusive arguments upon unsound or questionable pre- mises, but because it does not, in my judgment, advance us one single step towards the end which the Court have in view. " The Supreme Government call for more specific instruc- tions; and we give them none. They are in a state of per- plexity; and we do nothing to put an end to their embarrass- ment. The Governor-General, upon his own responsibility, and in opposition to the advice of his Council, removes the Resident, Mr. Martin; and we say not a word on the subject, although this extraordinary exercise of power cannot fail, I think, to have a powerful influence on public affairs at Hyder- abad. " The whole tenor of the Court's despatch would seem to contemplate the establishment of some basis, on which an equitable adjustment of the claims of W. Palmer and Co. on the Newaub Moneer-ool-Moolk and others may be effected; and yet I cannot discover that any such basis has been decided upon, or that any approach to it has been made. " The Court observe that risk enters as an element into interest, and that high interest includes a premium of in- surance ; but this proposition is qualified by a subsequent remark that ex post facto (as it may be termed) security, ob- tained by means of the interposition or influence of our Go- vernment, must be admitted as a set-off against the original 398 LIFE OE H. ST.a. TUCKER. risk; and again, this qualification is considered to be liable to modification by reason of the ' pain and anxiety' which may have been endured intermediately between the period when the sense of risk commenced, and the period when the sense of safety supervened. " These distinctions are, no doubt, highly intellectual and refined; but they do not lead to any practical purpose of busi- ness. To my simple understanding, the considerations which regulate and determine the rates of interest are sufficiently plain. They comprehend : " 1st. The productive powers of money at the time and place. " 2ndly. The relation subsisting between the demand for money for political or commercial purposes, and the means of supply at the time and place. " Srdly. The intelligence, skill, and credit of the parties treating. " Lastly. The degree of risk and uncertainty incidental to the ultimate recovery of the money lent. " But what shall we gain by subtle disquisitions upon ab- stract propositions? Is it useful is it fit and becoming in a Government to pursue a serpentine course of reasoning, whose involutions are scarcely traceable by a common mind, when, after all, we end just at the point from which we set out? " The questions arising out of the case .before us appear to me to be simply these : " 1st. Did any fair and legal contract exist between the late firm of W. Palmer and Co. and the Newaub Moneer-ool- Moolk and others? " 2nd. Has the contract been violated by either party ? " 3rd. Is the British Government called upon to interpose its authority, or influence, for the purpose of enforcing the fulfil- ment of that contract ? " Now, what are the facts of the case ? Sir Charles Metcalfe asserts that six or seven years ago it was acknowledged by the parties themselves that the loan to the Newaub Moneer-ool- Moolk had been actually redeemed with more than twelve per THE HYDERABAD DISSENT. 399 cent, interest per annum* The Newaub had made over his extensive Jagheers to the House they managed his estates, collected his rents, and realised large sums of money. With such a security in hand, and with the means of paying them- selves more than twelve per cent, interest on their loan, what can have been the value and amount of that 'pain and anxiety for which compensation is to be sought in a high rate of interest ? " And upon what grounds can the British Government be called upon to interpose its authority or influence for the pur- pose of enforcing against a native nobleman of high rank, not subject to our Government or laws, a demand for interest ex- ceeding twelve per cent, per annum ? " Did we sanction the usurious loans contracted by the late Newaub of the Carnatic ? Did we assist his creditors further than to guarantee payment of the principal of their just claims with a very moderate rate of interest ? " But it may be said that we gave publicity to the opinions of three of the greatest lawyers of this country; and that these opinions were found afterwards not to be sound law ; or rather, that the twelve judges of England, by a bare negative, gave a different exposition of the law with relation to the supposed limitation of interest on loans made and contracted within the territory of a 'native independent sovereign of India.' " Admitting, then, what, however, I am not at all disposed to admit, that the promulgation of a legal opinion of high authority upon a special case, although subsequently impeached by the answer of the twelve judges to a general question (without, I understand, any argument by Counsel), may have had, for a time, a prejudicial effect upon the affairs of W. Palmer and Co. ; admitting that the English law opposes no bar to the enforcement of a rate of interest, however extortionate (say, cent, per cent., instead of twenty-five per cent.), within the territory of a ' native independent sovereign? and that Hyderabad was such a State ; admitting, too, that a debt or * I quote from memory, as the papers had been sent to the Board before I had an opportunity to refer to them. H. St.G. T. 400 LIFE OF H. ST.GL TUCKER. demand, composed of interest, will carry with it further interest, without any limit whatever, in opposition to an opinion which I have seen from one of the first Chancery lawyers in this country ; admitting, again, that the Mahomedan law, which does not re- cognise interest (on what it terms increase or accumulation), may be dispensed with or evaded, under usage or otherwise, and that interest can be legally enforced against the Newaub Moneer-ool-Moolk, himself a Mahomedan; admitting all these things, what have we done, either to determine the rate of interest which it would be just and proper to allow, or to con- stitute the tribunal which shall decide upon the general merits of the case that is, upon the facts connected with the original loan or contract the rate of interest stipulated for the value actually received by the borrower and the value subsequently realised by the lender. " We have, it is true, pointed at something like a mean between the rate of interest claimed (twenty-five per cent, per annum) and the rates of interest which Saoucars (or native bankers) are accustomed to charge and allow, in their trans- actions with each other; but as the latter is an unknown and a varying quantity, I do not perceive how we are to arrive at this golden mean; nor is it likely that it would satisfy either party, even if it were practicable to arrive at it. In point of fact, the native bankers, I have reason to believe, accommodate each other at a very low rate of interest. They know each other's situation in general ; and by mutual accommodation, they can economise their respective balances; that is, they are enabled severally to retain a much smaller sum than would otherwise be necessary to meet unexpected demands. Such arrangements are well understood in this country, and not less so by the native bankers of India, a most intelligent race of men. " Placing, as I do, this imaginary mean out of the question, the next proposition which the Court's letter appears to me to embrace, is, the resort to arbitration. But who are to be the arbitrators ? and who is to enforce their decision ? Has not an ineffectual attempt been made already to induce the parties to have recourse to arbitration ? I discard the term " pun- THE HYDERABAD DISSENT. 401 chayet" which is a Hindoo institution, for this term is but too often used and misapplied. Have not the two parties taken opposite grounds with respect to the question of interest ? and can any hope be reasonably entertained that they will now consent to a basis, or that they will ever appoint arbitrators, who may not be their respective tools and representatives? And if they .should consent to nominate such arbitrators, will these tools or representatives ever be brought to agree upon the selection of an umpire? In my opinion, they never will; and I say further, that no prudent, upright, independent man is likely to be found to undertake voluntarily an office, which may expose him to the machinations and intrigues of those who never will remain quiet under an adverse decision, how- ever honest, pure, and unimpeachable that decision may be. " With these difficulties before our eyes, is it fair, is it candid, is it just to the creditors of Wm. Palmer and Co., or to the Newaub Moneer-ool-Moolk and others, to leave the Supreme Government in a state of doubt and perplexity ? Is it not injurious to the public service, and to the character of our Government, to go on for years, casting this question backwards and forwards be- tween England and India, without pronouncing any definite judgment, and without conveying any intelligible instructions to the Government abroad ? " In my opinion, there are only two courses which we have to choose between either to withdraw from all interference whatever, and to allow the trustees of Wm. Palmer and Co. to prosecute their claims against Moneer-ool-Moolk and others, before such tribunal as the ' independent sovereign' of Hydera- bad (and if he be not an ' independent sovereign' the answer of the twelve judges does not apply) may have provided for the administration of public justice within his territories, or which his Highness (who is not understood to be a mere cypher like his immediate predecessor) may, at our suggestion, or by means of the representations of the parties, be induced to appoint ; or secondly To constitute and appoint a Special Commission, under the authority of the British Government, to be composed (say, for instance) of a member of the Court of Sadder Dewanny Adawlut, with the Ckzi ool Cozaat and a 2D 402 LIFE OF H. ST.GL TUCKER. Mufti of that Court, as assessors, with full powers to examine into the whole case, including the original contract and claim of debt, with all subsequent proceedings connected with its liquidation; and to adjudicate finally on every point of dispute between the parties, upon such grounds as law, usage, and the general principles of justice may furnish for an equitable ad- justment. * ' I have abstained as much as possible from any allusion to the nature and character of the transactions of W. Palmer and Co. at Hyderabad; as it is, I think, for the honor of the British name in India, that as little should be said on the subject as possible. These transactions cannot be consigned to oblivion, because the writings of Sir Charles Metcalfe, an officer alike distinguished for great talents, high honor, great zeal, and above all, for that moral courage which gives the seal and im- press to the other virtues of a public man his writings, I re- peat, and the able speech delivered in this house by the late Mr. Impey (one of the most convincing arguments which I ever heard in any public assembly), have cast a broad light over those transactions, which nothing but time can ever ex- tinguish. What I wish is, that this subject should not be kept alive by our indecision. Every consideration of justice and policy should impel us to bring the questions at issue to an early and final settlement regard for the situation of the Newaub Moneer-ool-Moolk consideration for the creditors of W. Palmer and Co. and respect for the reputation of our own Government, all alike demand from us a prompt, clear, and unequivocal expression of our sentiments. It is because the letter of the Court appears to me to be deficient in all these particulars, that I record the present dissent, considering, as I do, that letter to be altogether unsuitable to the occasion, and not at all becoming that high authority from which it pro- ceeds ; and which (whatever may be the term of its exist- ence) I am anxious to see maintain always a high and undis- puted place in public estimation.* 11 H. ST.G. TUCKEK. " 24th March, 1832." * This admirable dissent was published among the Proceedings connected with the Writ of Mandamus published in 1833. CORRECTIONS OF THE BOARD. 403 The draft despatch so assailed at the outset was sent in for the approval of the Board. The Board absolutely annihilated it with their exterminating Red Ink. It had originally consisted of thirty-seven paragraphs. Of these the Board scored out all but four, three of which contained only a preliminary recital of facts, and the fourth a mere general pro- position. For the paragraphs so expunged the Board substituted ten of their own. In this amended despatch the Court were made to declare their conviction that " the joint interposition of our Government and that of the Nizam will be requisite to bring the matter in dispute to a final settle- ment." The nature of the proposed interposition was then declared. The Nizam was to be suffered to take his choice between an ordinary plan of arbi- tration (the umpire to be nominated by the Go- vernor-General) and the appointment of a Com- mission to be appointed by the Supreme Govern- ment ; he was to be recommended by the Resident at Hyderabad to consent to one of these plans, and to make the decision final, whatever it might be. And the despatch concluded with an admission that the Court had unintentionally done an injustice to Palmer and Co. by not urging an earlier settlement of their claims. This was too much for the Court. They could not bring themselves to sanction such an authorita- tive interference ; and the admission at the close of the letter was intolerable to them. So they nega- tived the resolution for the adoption of the altered 2D 2 404 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. despatch, and wrote a letter of remonstrance to the Board. The Eoard consented to some slight alterations in the body of the draft, and expunged the obnoxious admission in the tail of it. But still the Court were not satisfied. Mr. Grant,* who then presided at the Board, had declared that it was far from his inten- tion that there should be any authoritative inter- ference on the part of the British Government. But, look at it as they might, the Court could not see in the despatch anything short of the recom- mendation of such authoritative interference. So they still declined to forward the despatch. Court- day after Court-day arrived ; meeting after meeting was held. The whole question was discussed and re-discussed again, but still they could not overcome their reluctance to sign the obnoxious despatch. At length they came to a determination which does not appear to me to be distinguished by their wonted sagacity. They rescinded the Resolution of the 30th of March, and virtually cancelled both the Draft and its Amendments, declaring that they had no authority to meddle with the case at all. Now they were competent to rescind their own Resolutions, but not to cancel a despatch after it had been altered by the Board of Control, t And to declare their want of authority to meddle with a case with which they had been meddling for many years was simply to stultify themselves. * The present Lord Glenelg. f This, at least, is my own impression, strengthened by the decision of the Court of King's Bench but the contrary was very ingeniously contended by Serjeant Spankie. THE MANDAMUS ISSUED. 405 To this Besolution the Board of course demurred ; and again there were new discussions in the Court. The difficulty seemed to thicken. There was no hope of a reconciliation. So at last the Court, after a controversy of eight months' duration, told the Board that they had nothing to do but to leave the Law to take its course. And accordingly, on the 24th of November, in the Court of King's Bench, the Attorney-General made a motion to call upon the East India Company to show cause why a writ of Mandamus should not be issued to compel them to transmit to India a certain despatch, finally amended and approved, by the Board of Commis- sioners for the Affairs of India, according to the pro- visions of the Act of Parliament 33rd George III. The 21st of January the first day of term was fixed for the hearing of the case. It was argued at great length by Mr. Serjeant Spankie, Sir James Scar- lett, and Mr. Wigram, on the side of the Company ; by the Attorney and Solicitor-General and Mr. Amos on the side of the Crown. There was a vast display of legal ingenuity. The clauses of the Charter- Act, bearing upon the question at issue, were anatomised with an amount of skill that must have astonished the framers of it, whilst it perfectly bewildered the judges on the Bench. Eight days afterwards Mr. Justice Littledale delivered the judgment of the Court. The rule for the Mandamus was made abso- lute. On the 13th of February the Mandamus was served on the members of the Court then present at 406 LIFE OF H. ST.a. TUCKER. the India House. The opinion of Counsel was then sought by the Company as to whether an appeal to the King in Council would be attended with any advantageous results. The opinion recorded was that it would not. So on the 13th of March a year wanting only a week from the date of the ori- ginal draft the Court met pursuant to notice given by the Chairman, to consider the expediency of signing the despatch as altered by the 'Board. The Court were divided on the question. There were men prepared to face the Mandamus and to abide the result, in defence of the Eight. When, there- fore, the resolution for the signing of the despatch was moved, the previous question was put, and the votes were found to be equal. According to the provisions of the Charter- Act it was, therefore, lost ; and the original resolution was carried. That reso- lution ended with the words : " The Court feel that they have no alternative but to sign the despatch ; but in doing so ministerially and by compulsion, they desire to record their most solemn protest against the orders which they are required to de- spatch." On the next Court-day, u Protest signed by Messrs. Eavenshaw, Marjoribanks, Smith, Astell, Wigram, Baillie, Tucker, Masterman, Stuart, and Ellice, was delivered in and read to the Court. It was an able and a dignified remonstrance closely argued, clearly written carrying conviction with it at every stage. It set forth and it proved that the interference ordered by the Board of Control was PROTEST OF THE TEN MEMBERS. 407 Contrary to the faith of treaties. Contrary to the policy of the East India Com- pany. Contrary to the established practice of the Court of Directors. Contrary to the general practice of the former Governments of Bengal. Contrary to the substantial justice of the case. Contrary to the right use which should be made of the experience derived from the past transac- tions of the House. All these points were conclusively established in the Protest ; the nature of the transactions between Palmer and Co. and the Nizam's officers was exa- mined ; the accounts between them were analysed ; the real character of the claim was exposed; and then the remonstrance thus concluded : " To put a stop at once and for ever to that real or supposed influence, so assumed and so abused by Messrs. William Palmer and Co., was once the object aimed at, not only by the Court of Directors and the Bengal Government, but also by the Board of Com- missioners. To restore that influence to all its per- nicious efficiency must be the result of the inter- ference which the present Board of Commissioners would compel the Court to enjoin, and against which we hereby most earnestly protest. And we cannot too strongly deprecate, not only the use which the Board have made of their power on this occasion, but the possession by a Minister or Go- vernment Board (without appeal to another tribunal 408 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. on the merits of the case) of such power a power to transfer money, to any extent, and on any pre- tence, from the possession of our allies or of their subjects, to that of ourselves, or of the subjects of the British Government." This able and vigorous protest was subscribed by Mr. Tucker ; but it did not contain all that he de- sired to express. He had recorded a Dissent from the original draft prepared by the Court, and now he desired to declare his conviction that the one was no better than the other, inasmuch as that neither tended to that peremptory closing of the whole ques- tion which he conceived to be demanded by all the past circumstances of the case. He, therefore, in conjunction with Colonel Baillie, who had signed his original dissent, placed upon record the following Addendum to the great Protest : " FURTHER PROTEST BY HENRY ST.GEORGE TUCKER, ESQ., AND JOHN BAILLIE, ESQ. "1. We have subscribed the foregoing protest, believing it to be substantially correct, and feeling it to be highly essential that those members of the Court who have taken so decided a part in resisting an arbitrary proceeding of the Board of Com- missioners for the Affairs of India should place on record a state- ment of those facts, and a review of those considerations, which influenced them in opposing the orders of the Board. " 2. But we wish, at the same time, to explain, that we by no means consider the letter substituted by the Board for the Political Despatch, No. 167, which passed the Court on the 20th March, to be of a more objectionable character than the original Draft. On the contrary, the Board's letter is much more intelligible, and of a more straightforward character, and it avoids that circuitous course of reasoning which, in our opinion, could lead to no useful result. Were we called upon FURTHER PROTEST. 409 to decide between the two, we should sign the Board's letter in preference. We protested, however, against the Court's letter of the 20th of March, and we have felt it to be our duty also to oppose]the Board's despatch, upon considerations varying some- what in degree and in their general import, but sufficiently strong to make it impossible for us to adopt the Board's views. "3. We cannot think it right to direct the Resident at Hyderabad * to endeavor, by personal representations, to engage his Highness the Nizam, on the strong grounds of justice, to use his influence with Moneer-ool-Moolk, in order to induce him to concur in the proposed reference.' " 4. We cannot think it right to direct the Resident ' to urge on his Highness, in terms of strong recommendation, the justice of his resolving to enforce the final award.' '* 5. Nor can we determine to express our conviction, when we have no such conviction, * of our having been the instruments, however unintentionally, of arresting, by the promulgation of an erroneous opinion, the earlier liquidation of the debt.' u 6, We cannot concur in these things; for after reviewing the correspondence and minutes of Sir Charles Metcalfe, the representations of the late Resident, Mr. Martin, the acknow- ledgment of the parties themselves, and the figured statements which have been prepared in this House, we cannot satisfy our- selves that the House of William Palmer and Co. have any just claim of debt on the Newaub Moneer-ool-Moolk, or that there are any grounds whatever for exerting the authority and in- fluence of our Government to enable that firm to enforce any such claims. '* 7. On the contrary, we are deeply impressed with the con- viction, that such an exertion of authority on our part would be an act of gross injustice, tending to violate our engagements with a Native Power, to produce a most improper interference in its domestic administration, to expose the rights and property of its subjects to be dealt with in the most arbitrary manner, and finally to lower the character of the British Government, and to render our very name odious in the estimation of the people of India. (Signed) "H. Sx.G. TUCKER. " J. BAILLIE." 410 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. The altered despatch was sent to India. The disputed claims were referred to arbitration. Mr. J. M. Macleod was appointed by the Governor-Ge- neral to the office of Umpire ; and it was decided that the heirs of the Minister Moneer-ool-Moolk should pay a further sum of ten lakhs of rupees to the estate of Palmer and Co., bearing interest at nine per cent. When this result was communicated to the Court of Directors, it was received without re- mark. But Mr. Tucker, with the practised eye of an Accountant, saw that there was injustice in the award, and he thus, on the 4th of May, 1836, recorded his dissent : " I feel it to be my duty to record my dissent from the resolu- tion of the Court to sign the following brief, and to me inexpli- cable paragraph, in the political despatch to India, No. 65, bearing date the 26th ultimo viz. : "'Paras. 1 to 16, reporting proceedings by which it appears that Mr. J. M. Macleod, the umpire selected by the Governor-General, has decided that the heirs ofV Ul ^ ^, Moneer-ool-Moolk shall pay to Messrs. W. P. and Co. a | further sum of ten lakhs of rupees, with interest at 9 per cent., until the same shall be discharged.' " First. I dissent on the following grounds : Because, with- out reference to the merits of the case, it appears to me un- becoming in this Court to pass over a question of great interest and importance in a way which must leave the Government abroad in doubt with respect to our real sentiments. Such a proceeding cannot fail, I think, to produce very unfavorable effects in India; and whether it be surmised that we are afraid to pronounce a judgment upon a delicate and difficult question, or that a want of union among us has led to a compromise, or that differences with the Board have rendered it impossible for the two authorities to concur in any one course of proceeding, the impression upon the public mind in India must be such as COMMENTS ON THE AWARD. 411 I would most earnestly deprecate. The Government which dreads and avoids responsibility cannot command respect ; and although cases of collision between the two authorities will sometimes occur, constituted as those authorities are at present, it is far better that our differences should be fairly and honestly maintained, than that we should be suspected of compromising a public principle in order to preserve an appearance of concord and good understanding. On the present occasion we are called upon to answer a despatch involving important questions. We have pronounced no opinion whatever we have disposed of a subject which has engaged, and deeply engaged the attention of this Court for years past, by the simple words ' No remark? and I can scarcely picture to myself the astonishment of those who are now waiting to hear the final judgment of this high tribunal, when these words, ' No remark? proclaim our determi- nation to let that which has been done pass without notice, whether it has been well done or otherwise. ts Secondly. I must contend that the award of the umpire exhibits upon the very face of it a palpable error ; and although the members of this Court are not expected generally to be professional accountants, I will venture to say that there is no practical accountant who would not detect the error at the slightest glance. " The following is the award in substance : " e After mature deliberation, it appears to me that the best mode of determining the amount of the debt at the present time, is first, to fix its amount at the time of the failure of the House, then to double the same, to deduct, without interest, the principal monies of payment since made on account of the debt, and to take the remainder to be the debt at this day.' " Now, it is quite evident that the great principle on which accounts are framed is here lost sight of. To double the prin- cipal of the demand is to allow interest, and to allow it, indeed, to the utmost extent to which, by usage, it is claimable;* but * to deduct, without interest, the principal monies of payment * Without reference to Hindoo law, or our own regulations (Mahomedan law condemns usury or compensation for the use of money), I may observe, that the penalty inserted in a bond is double the amount of principal, so that the sum recoverable upon it for the interest is virtually limited. H. St.G. T. 412 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKEK. since made on account of the debt,' is to determine that one side of an account shall not bear interest, while it is fully allowed on the other. By this decision, the heir of the late Newaub Moneer-ool-Moolk is placed in the same situation as if he had only paid in the year 1835 monies which were actually paid in 1823-24. To show to what an erroneous result the process adopted by the umpire has led, it is only necessary to quote his own words, from paragraph 21 of his letter of the 10th March, 1835, containing the award: " ' On the other hand, were the account to be brought down to the month of August, 1829 (or to Mokurrum 1244 Hegry), the balance against him (the Newaub) would be reduced to about four lakhs; and were the account to be brought down to the present day, it would exhibit a balance of upwards of a lakh of rupees against the representatives of the House.' " This is a simple and, I believe, a correct exposition of the case. As far as a judgment can be formed from very perplexed accounts, I am led to infer that the principal of the debt had been fully liquidated, and that the balance, if any, due by the Newaub could only have resulted from a difference of interest, to be determined in the usual manner by a regular interest account. " Other questions present themselves in a review of the award and of the correspondence connected with it ; but I have not the slightest wish to go beyond the plain duty of pointing out an obvious error, which, I am satisfied, was quite unin- tentional, but which, deeply affecting, as it must do, the interests of one of the parties, ought not to be passed over in silence. " Nor have I the slightest desire to enter upon the original merits of a case which has been so often before the Court, and on which I have had occasion so often to deliver my sentiments. The facts connected with it have been so fully and so clearly exposed in the protest which was recorded by ten members of the Court on the 15th March, 1833, that anything which I could urge on the present occasion would probably only weaken the impression which that able document was cal- culated to produce. " H. ST.G. TUCKER. 4th May, 1836." ME. CHARLES GRANT. 413 I have anticipated the sequence of time in the record of this Dissent ; but I should feel more satis- faction in dismissing the case altogether, if I had not now to speak of another of kindred origin and character. The years 1832-33-34 were, for the Court of Directors, years of unusual excitement and activity. Apart from the disturbance of their tran- quillity necessarily engendered by the unwelcome innovations of the new Charter- Act, they were years rendered memorable by the repeated collisions into which they were forced with the Board of Control. I do not know how it happened, that during the Presidentship of a man so high-minded, so just, and so averse from strife, as Mr. Charles Grant, the Court should have been so often compelled to resist the eiforts made by the Board to force them into acts of injustice. Perhaps it was that a sort of fatal good- nature a disinclination to sift the claims of hungry applicants, and to disbelieve the specious repre- sentations which were made to him, induced him to side with claimants who had no title to his support ; and that in his eagerness to be more than just to one party, he was sometimes less than just to another. But, whatever may have been the cause, during these years the Company were disturbed by being called upon in no less than four dif- ferent cases to interfere for the settlement of claims advanced against certain native princes and chiefs. Of the claims upon the Zemindar of Noozeed and the Eajah of Travancore I need not here make espe- LIFE OP H. ST.GL TUCKER. cial mention. I pass on to the more notorious ease known as that of the "Lucknow Bankers." It bears a generic resemblance to the Hyderabad case ; but its details are not quite so complicated. It was a case of a spendthrift monarch on one side, and a gang of hungry usurers on the other. Porty years before, some native bankers, named Mooneer Doss and Seetul Baboo, following the example of other money-lenders, European and native, fell upon the track of the profligate Nabob of Oude and lent him some money, upon bonds, at a rate of interest which implied either their belief in the badness of the security, or their resolution to defraud the borrower. It was the old story over again a native prince wallowing in the deepest slough of sensual indul- gence spending on dancing-girls and buffoons on wild-beast fights and pageants all the treasure that he could extort from the people ; then borrowing more from the usurers, who were ready with their money-bags to administer, for a consideration of thirty per cent., to the necessities of his unscrupulous lust. The borrower was reckless about the interest, for he knew that, if it were paid at all, it would be wrested from his unhappy people ; and the lender, careless of the blood and tears which were to flow from the extortion, believed that as long as the country could yield a revenue, they who supplied the necessities of the prince would be sure to enrich themselves by the connexion. So these " Dosses" as they were subsequently known in Parliamentary History lent money at the close of the last cen- CASE OF THE " LUCKNOW BANKERS." 415 tury to the Nabob-Vizier Asoph-ood-dowlah and thus a new contribution was made to the sufferings of the people. But borrowing must have some limits, and even the possessors of rich Indian principalities must come to a stand at last ; so the Nabob, being at length awakened to a real sense of his position by the British Resident, determined to compound with his creditors that is, to pay them all something less than their exorbitant claims, which consisted for the most part of small advances, swollen into prodigious sums by a process of tumefaction well known to Oriental usurers. The composition, however, that was offered was not of an uniform character. It was determined that the European creditors should be repaid at one rate, the native creditors at another. It need not be said that the former was the higher. The arrangement took place. The creditors, for the most part, prudently took what they could get, which was, in most cases, more than they deserved. But the " Dosses," claiming to be British subjects, stickled for the European rate of composition, and were rewarded for their ambition by getting nothing at all. Soon after the completion of this transaction, Asoph-ood-dowlah died. In his place, the English Government set up one Saadut Ali, who was not of a temper to part with sixpence, when he was not actually compelled. So the "Dosses" went on from year's end to year's end, clamoring for their money and not obtaining it and employing the services of 416 LIFE OF H. ST.GL TUCKER. an European Agent, who was as persevering in his pursuit of " Justice" as though he had heen one of the principals. There was nothing which he did not try, from a bill in equity to a humble petition, to induce the East India Company to further his suit. But all his efforts were vain. The Court of Directors were resolute not to interfere. An appeal was made to Parliament ; and Parliament got rid of the nuisance by appointing a Select Committee, which never reported on the case. This was in 1822. Ten years afterwards, the energy of the European Agent was as sleepless as ever ; and he saw before him at last something like a prospect of obtaining the reward of his toil. The President of the Board of Control was inclining a favorable ear to the claims of Mr. Prendergast's friends. In consequence of the representation of this inde- fatigable gentleman, Mr. Grant had undertaken to review all the circumstances of the case ; and the re- sult of the inquiry thus instituted was a conviction in his mind, that however sound the principle of non- interference in such cases might be, "the circum- stances connected with the transactions on which their (the Bankers') claim is founded, give it so peculiar a character, that the Court and the Board would have been warranted in adopting a different course." This conviction he communicated to the Court, in a letter to the Chairman and Deputy- Chairman, dated April 12, 1832 ; and, as the result of it, declared his intention of making our interpo- sition with the King of Oude "direct and formal" PROPOSED LETTER ON THE OUDE CLAIMS. 417 adding, " I propose, accordingly, that the Go- vernor-General in Council should be directed to lose no time in addressing to the King of Oude a letter to that purport, and that his Lordship should be desired to instruct the Resident to take an early opportunity of delivering that letter to the King, and of verbally explaining to his Majesty the grounds on which the British Government have felt themselves constrained to press upon his serious attention a claim which ought to have been dis- charged thirty years ago, and which the Agents of the parties have not ceased to prosecute to the utmost extent of their power, both in India and in this country. The rate and amount of interest should, of course, be settled according to the law and usages of the country in which the debt was contracted. The mode and details of payment must be matters of negotiation between the King of Oude and the Supreme Government." And the memo- rable letter thus concluded : " Having thus ex- plained briefly, because the merits of the case are well known to you and to the Court of Directors, the result of my investigation into the claim of the Calcutta Bankers, I have to request that you will be pleased to bring the matter under the considera- tion of the Court, and that you will move them to prepare the draft of a despatch to the Governor- General in Council, containing instructions of the tenor above stated. The despatch will, of course, require the sanction of the Commissioners for the Affairs of India." 2* 418 LIFE OE H. ST.Gr. TUCKER. This, as I have said, was dated the 12th of April, 1832. Only the day before, the Court had voted against the adoption of the obnoxious alterations in their despatch relative to the claims of Palmer and Co. ; and now they were called upon to authorise an act of interference which they conceived to be still more impolitic and unjust. There seemed to be a run upon their patience and forbearance ; and they were well disposed to declare themselves Insolvent. Where, indeed, was all this to end? There were other claimants on the King of Oude other claim- ants upon other Native Princes ; and if the claims of the Dosses were conceded, and measures taken to enforce their settlement, why should not the heirs and representatives of other claimants English, Indian, and those who were neither English nor Indian, or both be satisfied too, by an equally au- thoritative interposition in their behalf ? The Board of Control was in a fair way, indeed, going on at this rate, to beggar half the Princes of India. Every claimant thought his own an exceptional case, and the Board seemed to be adopting wholesale the opinions of the claimants themselves. In sooth it was time to stop. So the Court of Directors drew up a general re- monstrance against these acts of interference, It was dated the 9th of May, 1832, and is a remark- ably able State paper luminous, forcible, and con- vincing. But it did not convince the Board of Control. It pointed out all the evils of interference the impolicy, the injustice; the manifest incon- REMONSTRANCES Or THE COURT. 419 sistency of such a course of procedure ; the loss of character to Government; the inconvenience, the danger of opening the door to a rush of hungry claimants ; the certainty either of being hurried into more concessions, or of raising louder clamors and stimulating greater discontent hut it was all ar- gued in vain. The President of the Board of Con- trol was not to be convinced. He had made up his mind that the Bankers who had waited for years for the spoil, should be now let in to gorge them- selves to the full. But as argument was of no avail as the question could not be settled by an appeal to principles of reason and justice, the Court took the next best course. They did nothing. They were silent. They did not prepare the despatch. Seven months passed in silence. The Court had been ordered on the 14th of May to prepare the despatch. On the 15th of December it was not written ; and they had given no sign of an intention to write it. So, on that day the Board forwarded to the India House a draft despatch of the President's own framing, with in- structions to the Court to prepare one of like ten- dency, and transmit it to India. The Court did not obey the injunction. They resolved once more to try the effect of an appeal to reason; and after re- newed consideration of the whole question, they wrote a long letter to the Board, which was signed on the 1st of March, 1833, setting forth, in detail, the causes of their unwillingness to obey the in- structions of the controlling authority. This was 2 E 2 420 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. afterwards pronounced by Mr. Herries, in the House of Commons, to be the very ablest public document which had come under his observation for years. Still the President of the India Board was not to be convinced. And still the Court of Directors were not to be driven into a course of conduct against which reason and conscience revolted. So there was again active strife between the two autho- rities an irreconcileable difference which it seemed that nothing but an appeal to the law could finally adjust. But the Hyderabad battle had not yet been fought out; so the Oude contest but slowly pro- ceeded to an issue. On the 29th of January the rule for a Mandamus was made absolute in the case of Palmer and Co. ; on the 31st of that month the Attorney-General made a motion in the Court of King's Bench to call upon the Company to show cause why a Mandamus should not be issued, to compel them to sign a certain despatch relating to the creditors of the King of Oude. Mr. Tucker was at this time Deputy-Chairman of the East India Company. He had felt strongly, and he had written strongly, regarding the impolicy and injustice of interposing authoritatively for the adjustment of the Hyderabad claims. And now, here, if possible, was a worse case worse, inas- much as the claim was one of much longer standing a veteran, indeed, of some forty years. If there was one subject in connexion with the circumstances of our position in India on which Mr. Tucker felt TREATMENT OF THE NATIVE PRINCES. 421 more ^trongly than on another, it was that of the treatment of the Native Princes and Chiefs of India by the British Government, as the paramount and controlling power. He was always thinking that it was "excellent to have a giant's strength," hut "tyrannous to use it like a giant;" and he could not by any means see that these Native Princes were left upon the face of the earth only to be pillaged and plundered, to be trampled on and oppressed, according to the will of the English conqueror. He respected their fallen state, though he took account of their vices ; and he could not by any means see how those vices were to be eradicated by sinking them into deeper degradation, and making their per- plexities thicken around them. In the present case, he saw clearly both the injustice and the danger of the course which the Board had ordained. How, he asked, was such a payment to be enforced by anything short of physical coercion ? Was the money to be extorted at the point of the bayonet ? It was impossible to conceive a measure so laden with unrighteousness, and so pregnant with danger, as that which the Court of Directors were now im- peratively called upon to adopt. Mr. Tucker had made up his mind on the subject, and nothing, now, could shake his resolution. He was as inflexible as adamant in defence of the right. The law had no terrors for him. The Court of King's Bench might rule what it pleased ; he was not to be driven from his allegiance. He could go to prison ; 422 LIFE OF H. ST..G-. TUCKEK. but he could not violate the principles which, he had made the rule of his life ; he could not be untrue to himself. On the 5th of February, 1834, five days after the Mandamus had been moved for, Mr. Tucker ad- dressed his colleagues in the following words. The trumpet gave no " uncertain sound." It was in- tended to " arm them for the battle :" 11 TO THE HONORABLE THE COURT OF DIRECTORS. " HONORABLE SIRS, A writ of Mandamus having been moved for in the King's Bench, to compel this Court to sign and forward to India the despatch which was sent to us for signature on the 15th December, 1832, relating to the claim of the Lucknow Bankers on the Government of Oude, I feel it to be my duty to declare that it is impossible for me to comply with the requisition of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India on this particular occasion. " I am quite aware that I am called upon to act ministerially only, in signing the despatch of the Board; but there are cases where I cannot act even ministerially there are obligations superior to that of yielding obedience to a Mandamus and there are acts which the law itself cannot command acts which cannot be performed without a violation of those principles on which all law is founded. The Legislature can, no doubt, invest a public functionary with large discretional powers; but these powers can never extend so far as to give a legal sanction to an act in itself illegal and criminal. " The order which we are required to issue has for its object to enforce payment of a claim which has never been admitted or substantiated which takes its origin some forty years ago and which is understood to amount, with interest, to more than a million sterling. The claim must be enforced against one whom we recognise in the character of a sovereign prince, and whom we must lay prostrate and involve in ruin, if, dis- LETTER TO THE COURT. 423 regarding his remonstrances, we persist in compelling payment of this demand without a regular adjudication; since it is well known that it will be followed by other demands of the same kind to an enormous amount. Let it be remembered always that this is only one of many claims on the State of Oude, which we may be called upon, and which we have been called upon, to enforce; and I can perceive no ground whatever for separating it from the rest, or for exerting in favor of the claimants an authority, or influence, which we will not exert in any other case. " If it be not intended to use force in the execution of the orders of the Board, they will remain inoperative they will effect nothing; and they will be, indeed, worse than useless; for every means short of force were resorted to in 1816 for the purpose of inducing the Newaub to satisfy this particular claim. The next step must then be a resort to military exe- cution, or the threat of military execution; and who is pre- pared to say what consequences may result from such a pro- ceeding ? One effect must certainly be produced we must sink in the estimation of our allies and native subjects; for the act will be stamped in their minds with the character of in- justice and oppression; and who is so ignorant as not to perceive that the loss of reputation must, in our peculiar situation in India, endanger the stability of our power ? " Far from wishing to carry on a hostile contest with the Board, my study has been, in the station which I have the honor to hold, to promote a good understanding between the two authorities to conciliate confidence and to smooth away difficulties, as far as this could be done without compromising the independence of the Court, or the interests of the public service. I have followed this course, both from inclination, and upon principle; for even when the two authorities concur and cordially co-operate, the work to be performed is of such magnitude as to be almost beyond our power of execution; while it is quite apparent that, if collision take place, if discord prevail, and habitual opposition be offered on either side, the machine of Government must absolutely stand still. u But here let me render an act of simple justice. During 424 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. the brief period in which I have had the honor of assisting at personal conferences with the President of the Board, I have found that Minister as anxious as the Chairman and myself to promote harmony and to consult the interests of the service. Every question has been debated with fairness and candor, and the greatest solicitude has been shown to remove every cause of difference, and to allow the utmost weight and consideration to every proposition which our duty has led us to bring forward on the part of the Court. " On this one point the difference has been extreme and irrc- concileable, involving a principle which it was impossible for us to concede. We could not consent to be parties in overturning the deliberate decision of successive Courts and successive Boards. If the judgment of our predecessors is to be set aside after the lapse of a long period of years, without new facts being adduced, without the case assuming any new feature, what would be stable in our proceedings ? what resolution would be permanent ? what act would be final ? During the long administration of Marquis Wellesley, when the case was more recent, and the facts more susceptible of proof, no step was taken by the Supreme Government to obtain an adjudi- cation of the claim : his Lordship's subsequent advocacy of it was at a time when he had no official responsibility, and when he was not in a situation to pronounce a judgment. Lord Hastings, although evidently disposed to favor the claimants, limited his interference to importunate recommendations to the Newaub through the Resident at Lucknow, and admitted that the case was not one which ' the British Government was warranted in formally supporting.' But the whole question has been so fully canvassed in the Court's letter of the 1st March last, that it is quite unnecessary for me to enter upon any further examination of its merits. " I am called upon, then, to make a decided stand ; and I feel that it ought to be made at all hazards. Adjusted as are the powers between the two departments, what gives, or can give, weight and influence to the Court ? The knowledge, experience, and political integrity of its members. Take away CHARLES GRANT. 425 these, and the Board becomes supreme. The Court, by mani- festing, on great occasions, firm resolution and a high spirit of independence, will raise its own character, and inspire confi- dence and respect. Our servants, who have not always shown a becoming deference to our authority and station, will learn to obey a power which is prepared calmly to resist that which it believes to be wrong, and steadily to enforce that which it feels to be right; and acting thus, our constituents, and the British public, and the people of India, will be satisfied that the Court of Directors is, what it ought to be, an efficient organ of admi- nistration, to whom the interests of a great empire may safely be confided. " I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, " Your very obedient, faithful servant, " H. ST.G. TUCKER. < ; 5th February, 1834." It was not without pain that he wrote this nohle remonstrance. There were many fine qualities in Charles Grant which no man better appreciated than Henry St. George Tucker. There were some points upon which they differed; but there were many more on which their opinions were identical, and an abstract love of justice was paramount in the cha- racters of both men. I believe that both as Indian and Colonial Minister the conduct of Charles Grant was regulated by the highest principles of justice ; but that he sometimes missed the right application of these principles, and in the plenitude of his kind- ness did the unkindest things. In the great contest of which I am now writing, it is my conviction that Mr. Grant and Mr. Tucker each believed that justice was upon his side. But Mr. Tucker had knowledge as well as faith. He and not only he, but many of 426 LIFE OE H. ST.G. TUCKER. his colleagues brought to the investigation of this question much local knowledge and experience a deep insight into native character in general, and an intimate acquaintance, in particular, with the profligate helplessness of Oriental princes, and the almost fathomless cunning of Oriental usurers. Mr. Grant, on the other hand, did not, perhaps, reflect that what was justice in the West might not he jus- tice in the East ; and that the arhitrement suited to one country might be lamentably unsuited to another. Had his father then been at his elbow he would have followed a different course. All this was manifest to Mr. Tucker. He greatly esteemed the virtues of the man; and, therefore, the more bitterly deplored the errors of the minister. He often, indeed, at this time, expressed his regret that the contest of public principle was with a man whom personally he so much respected ; and in one of his speeches at the India House, quoted with ad- mirable felicity, and with deep feeling, the touching words of the poet : " Jc faimais inconstant qu'aurais-jefaitfidele ?" In his resistance to the arbitrary measures of the Board, Mr. Tucker did not stand alone. On the 15th of January a resolution had passed the Court, without a dissentient voice, declaring that as the proposed interference with the King of Oude was unjust, inconsistent, and mischievous, the Court could " not consent, even ministerially, to act upon the orders of the Board until compelled by Law to CONDUCT OF THE DIRECTORS. 427 do so." It was in consequence of this resolution that the Mandamus had been moved for and now it became the duty of every Director to consider how he should face it. The resolution had only com- pelled them not to sign the despatch except under compulsion of a Mandamus. But there were mem- bers of the Court, who, like the Deputy-Chair- man, were resolute not to affix their signatures, under any circumstances, to the obnoxious despatch. On the 5th of February the date which Mr. Tucker's letter bears six members of the Court, Messrs. Astell, Marjoribanks, Wigram, Russell El- lice, Mills, and Thornhill, placed their opinions on record in the following brief but emphatic commu- nication which they addressed to their colleagues : "Adverting to the proceedings which have already taken place relative to the claims of the Lucknow Bankers, we feel it to be our duty to place upon the records of the Court the expression of our determination not to affix our signatures, under any cir- cumstances, to the despatch proposed by the Board of Commis- sioners; because we are impressed with the deepest conviction that any attempt to enforce such claims by the direct inter- ference of the British Government, would be nothing short of an act of spoliation towards an ancient and prostrate ally, that it would compromise the British character, and lead to con- sequences most detrimental to the continuance of our rule in India." But there were other members of the Court who took different views of their obligations as Directors of the Company. One approved of the despatch, and declared himself desirous of annexing his sig- 428 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. nature to it.^ The Chairman recommended that the Court " should use every legal means in their power to prevent the transmission of this most objectionable despatch; but that after having done so, they should obey the law, and by that example inculcate in others the important duty of obedience to their legal orders." Several members of the Court subscribed this letter. The document is an important one, for it contains an argumentative ex- position of the grounds upon which an influential section of the Directors based their belief in the impropriety of resisting the operation of the Law. Among other points, it was contended that no responsibility attached to the Directors for acts done in obedience to the authority of the Board, when exercised in opposition to the protests of the Court. " Sooner," said the Chairman, " than be responsible for this draft, I would resign my seat but no such responsibility exists. If I sign it, I do so ministerially, and because the law compels me ; and surely every Director knows that he is re- quired in some cases to do what the Secret Com- mittee is always required to do, to act merely minis- terially in communicating to the Indian Govern- ments orders and instructions for which the Board are exclusively responsible." In this letter there is much that has a gloss of reason upon it ; but it would seem that the latent * Mr. John Forbes. He had been absent from the Court when the reso- lution of the 15th of January was passed or it would not have been carried unanimously. PERSONAL OBLIGATIONS. 429 weakness of the argument peeps out from the ahove sentence. A member of the Secret Committee signs ministerially a despatch emanating from the Board of Control, of the contents of which despatch he does not approve, because he knows that it is the intent of the Legislature that in this department of the Government the Crown Minister should be absolute. The case of the Secret Committee is a special and exceptional case. But it was not the intent of the Legislature, in framing the Act under which India is governed, that in matters of general administration, not bearing upon questions with which the Crown Ministers, directly or indirectly, have any concern, the President of the Board of Control should dictate to the Court of Directors, and force upon them measures utterly abhorrent to their ideas of reason and justice. There may have been certain ambiguities in the letter of the law, under which the Board may have claimed this right to force any thing upon a reluctant Court ;* but it was assuredly not in harmony with the spirit of the law, that the former authority should initiate measures, * It was argued, in the Hyderabad case, that the powers of the Board extended only to matters relating to the civil or military government of the Company or the finances thereof, and that such transactions did not come within those categories. This specification was intended to prohibit the interference of the Board with the Company's commercial affairs; but I can hardly believe that the Legislature ever intended to confer on the Board such powers as they claimed with regard to these Hyderabad and Oude cases, although the Charter- Act did give them authority to call upon the Court to transmit despatches, framed by the Board, after they (the Court) had been instructed and had neglected to prepare them for themselves. The letter of the law appears to me to have been on the side of the Board, but the spirit was with the Court. 430 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. of the expediency or inexpediency of which the latter must necessarily be better judges, and compel them, in the face of all their aggregate knowledge and experience, to attach their names to documents which they believe to be irrational and unjust. It was rightly said by Serjeant Spankie, arguing in behalf of the Company in the Hyderabad case, that " nothing is so material as to distinguish who are the acting parties, and not to suffer them to be blended and confounded till all responsibility is lost between the parties who, to a certain degree concur, and to a certain degree revolt and hold back." " And so," he said, " I apprehend, in all cases in which the Board take upon themselves the initia- tive, the responsibility is with the Board, and that the Court of Directors should not be forced into an apparent responsibility." Mr. Loch, and the col- leagues who voted with him, contended that there was no responsibility. If the President of the Board of Control could have signed the despatch himself, and merely compelled the Court to transmit it, their responsibility might have been merely that of a porter or a postman. But as it was necessary that the despatch should be adopted by the Court of Directors that they should render it formally and officially their act by attaching their names to it that their servants should be called upon, under their hands, to carry out the instructions it con- tained there was at least " an apparent responsi- bility." The act became in India their act, what- ever it may have been in England ; and the natives QUESTION OF RESPONSIBILITY. 431 of the former country, who knew nothing of India- House Protests, or Bang's - Bench Mandamuses, would have regarded it as their act, and held them responsible for it. I do not think, therefore, that the responsibility was to be wholly escaped. But it was admitted by Mr. Loch that circum- stances might arise, to render it incumbent on a Director to resign his office rather than sign, even ministerially, a despatch forced upon him by the Board of Control. The real question at issue, therefore, between him and Mr. Tucker, related simply to the magnitude of the present occasion. Mr. Tucker conceived that now, if ever, the Directors should make a stand that great principles were in- volved in the contest between the two authorities and that a fitter occasion for asserting the indepen- dence of the Court was not likely to arise. Mr. Loch thought that the occasion was sufficient to warrant him in going to certain lengths of re- sistance ; Mr. Tucker determined that he would go all lengths. The Chairman said that he would sign the despatch only under the operation of a Man- damus. The Deputy-Chairman declared that he would not sign it, even if the Mandamus were issued. The question is surrounded with many diffi- culties. A phalanx of substantial arguments is arrayed on either side, and it would ill become me to attempt a dogmatic solution of it. It may, how- ever, be observed, that rightly to estimate the mag- nitude of the occasion, and the degree of resistance which it became the Directors to offer, we must 432 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. consider not so much the single act of attempted coercion in the case of the Lucknow Bankers, as the aggregation of four different cases of the same kind which had heen pressed, within a short time, upon the reluctant Court. It was, indeed, the cumula- tive tyranny and injustice of the Board that was to be resisted. All measures short of the actual defiance of a Mandamus had already heen tried, and had failed. It seemed, therefore, to Mr. Tucker and to six of his colleagues, that it now became them to carry their resistance to the extreme point, and either to resign their appointments, or quietly to go to Prison. And that they would have done so there is no doubt. Mr. Tucker was prepared for the conse- quences of resistance ; and as the time approached for the issue of the Mandamus, talked cheerfully, but resolutely, of going to Prison. The Mandamus had been moved for on the last day of January ; and the first day of term following had been fixed upon for the hearing of the case. Of the result of the motion there could be no doubt but just as the contest had reached the culminating point of interest, it was brought suddenly to a close. . The proceedings against the Court were stayed. Por reasons, which either lie on the surface, or deep down in a gulf of mystery, the Mandamus was never obtained. The East India Company tri- umphed ; and Mr. Tucker did not go to Prison. THE "CHAIRS." 433 CHAPTER XV. The "Chairs" Mr. Tucker elected Deputy-Chairman Succession to the Chair The Bombay Government Appointment of Mr. Robert Grant The Governor-General Nomination of Sir Charles Metcalfe Appoint- ment of Lord Heytesbury Its Revocation Appointment of Lord Auck- landMr. Tucker's Remonstrances Speech at the King's Table. ON the 10th of October, 1833, Mr. Tucker was elected Deputy-Chairman of the Court of Directors of the East India Company. According to the Law and Constitution of the East India Company, a Chairman and Deputy- Chairman are to be appointed every year on the first Wednesday after the General Election in April. The appointment rests with the Directors them- selves. Sometimes the election is the result of a close contest ; at others there is scarcely any com- petition. The Deputy-Chairman of the preceding year is always, by common consent, appointed Chairman for the ensuing one, except in those rare instances when, for peculiar reasons, the out-going Chairman is requested to retain his seat for another year. The election is in effect, therefore, only the election of a Deputy-Chairman. It may, however, happen that in the course of the official year, the 434 LIFE or H. ST.a. TUCKER. death, disqualification, or resignation of the Chair- man or Deputy-Chairman necessitates the nomina- tion of a successor before the appointed time. In 1833 both the Chairman and Deputy-Chairman resigned in the month of October, so that it became necessary to appoint two Directors to their vacant seats. Then Mr. Loch was elected Chairman, and Mr. Tucker Deputy-Chairman of the Court. "I have never," wrote the latter to one of his colleagues a few days before his election, " sought the Chair, for reasons that are pretty well known to you and other friends ; but I have never declined it. I could not decline that which has never been offered me. But I would not shrink from the per- formance of any public duty which might be im- posed upon me. I never have, it is true, solicited the suffrages of my colleagues; nor will I ever solicit them. I disapprove of the practice of can- vassing for the Chair ; and I never will place any colleague in the unpleasant I may say the painful situation in which I have myself been placed by a personal application, when my wish was to oblige, and my duty told me that I ought not to assent. Much as I esteem our colleague , I cannot support his nomination. I consider it indispensable that one of the Chairs should be occupied at the present moment by an Indian, and if the youngest Indian in the Court should be brought forward, he will have my preference on public grounds If any members of the Court should think proper to propose me, and the Court should be pleased APPOINTMENT TO THE CHAIR. 435 in consequence to command my services, their commands will be obeyed ; and those services will be diligently and zealously exerted ; but I will not solicit the honor. ' ' And then, adverting to what had been remarked on the subject out of doors, he con- tinued : " Indeed, I have been strangely placed ; for I have actually been reproached out of Court for want of zeal and public spirit in not undertaking an office which has never been offered me, and which has not in reality been within my reach, at least not without my having recourse to a proceeding which would not at all accord with my notions of right and expediency." Such were the opinions which Mr. Tucker enter- tained all his life, and in accordance with which, at the close of 1833, he accepted the invitation of his colleagues, and was elected to fill the Deputy-Chair. The period was one which seemed, upon public grounds, to render the appointment extremely ad- visable. The commercial affairs of the Company were now to be wound up ; and it was expedient that the most prominent positions in the Court should be held hymen possessing a thorough practical acquaintance, both as merchants and administrators, with all the details of the system under which the old monopoly had been worked, and with a com- prehensive knowledge of the large financial opera- tions rendered necessary by the abandonment of the Trade. In the month of April, 1834, Mr. Tucker succeeded, in due course, to the Chair. In the same month the old Charter under which India had 436 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. been governed for twenty years expired ; and the " winding-up of the Company's commercial con- cerns" became one of the primary duties of the Court. But there were other matters at this time to en- gage the thoughts and call forth the energies of Mr. Tucker. No greater responsibility attaches to the Chairmanship of the East India Company than that involved in the nomination of those high offi- cers to whom the Government of the Indian Presi- dencies is entrusted. On the fit selection of these officers, who are appointed by the concurrent autho- rity of the Court of Directors and the Board of Control,* the welfare of India in no small measure depends. There are few matters, indeed, in con- nexion with the whole question of Indian Govern- ment more important than this few which it is more desirable to illustrate historically in such a manner as to show, by a recital of facts, how the responsibilities vested by law in the two authorities have been practically discharged. In the early part of 1834, Lord Clare announced his intention of retiring from the Government of Bombay. Mr. Charles Grant was President of the Board of Control, when his brother, Mr. Robert Grant, presented himself as a candidate for the * The selection is made, in the first instance, by the Chairman, generally in concert with the Deputy. There is then a conference with the President of the India Board, and if the authorities concur, the appointment is then formally proposed to the Court of Directors, and, when carried, confirmed by the Crown. EGBERT GRANT. 437 vacant government. It was the happy lot and the high distinction of the elder Charles Grant to live to see both his sons giving promise of future eminence. After a brilliant university career, Robert had ap- plied himself with success to the study of the law ; but had varied his legal pursuits by diverging into the more attractive fields of literature and states- manship. During the discussions which introduced the Indian Charter- Act of 1813, he had written an elaborate work on the Government of the East India Company, and twenty years afterwards, when under a new Charter the Legislative Council of India had been established, he had been a candi- date for that office which was eventually conferred on Mr. Macaulay. He was a man of eminent ability, and of the highest principles. For one not trained on the spot in the school of Indian politics he had a large acquaintance with Indian affairs. He had studied the great subject of Indian govern- ment both in the closet and the bureau both as an author and a statesman and he was eager to turn his knowledge to practical account. He had ren- dered good service to the Company at home; and there was reason to believe that he would render good service to them abroad. So when the Govern- ment of Bombay was about to be vacated in 1834, the Chairman of the East India Company did not hesitate to recommend Robert Grant for the office. "I anticipate only two objections," he wrote to Charles Grant ; " the one, that lawyers do not often make the best statesmen ; the other, that, connected 438 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. as your brother will be with the Board, the Court may not be able to exercise the same efficient control over his proceedings. The first objection, I think, applies only to those who from habit have bound down their minds to the technicalities of the pro- fession. On the second, I may observe that the Court will never, I trust, find any difficulty in exert- ing all its legal powers. 5 ' With the full concurrence and approbation of the Crown Ministers, Mr. Robert Grant was appointed Governor of Bombay. But the selection, although sanctioned by the Court of Directors, did not give entire satisfaction to all the members of the Court. It was whispered that the independence of the Com- pany had been compromised that it was not the per- sonal merit of one brother, but the official influence of the other, that had caused such an arrangement to be made for the future government of the Western Presidency in short, that the Chairman had been guilty of truckling to the Board of Control. This was in effect, indeed, the charge which, subsequently in a more open manner, was brought against Mr. Tucker, and with so much authority too, that he conceived it to be incumbent upon him to rebut it. He therefore addressed a letter to the Court of Di- rectors, in which, after alluding to " the peculiar and very unusual terms in which Mr. Grant's ap- pointment had been animadverted upon," he pro- ceeded to say : " .... I had hoped that my public character would have saved me from unjust imputations and injurious suspi- BOMBAY GOVERNORSHIP. 439 cions, especially as- it must, I think, be known to my colleagues that I have not the slightest connexion, political or personal, with his Majesty's Ministers. " As the law prescribes that every appointment to the office of Governor in India ' shall be subject to the approbation of his Majesty,' I conferred with the President of the Board on the selection of a successor to Lord Clare. I did so according to what I believed to have been the established usage in such cases, and upon grounds of obvious convenience ; for it is quite clear that without the concurrence of the advisers of the Crown, no such appointment could take effect. Indeed, cases might be cited where a nomination made by the Court, without the concurrence of the Minister, had been overruled. " Having, then, ascertained that the appointment of Mr. Robert Grant would meet with the cordial approbation of the Cabinet, and seeing no grounds for giving a preference to the other candidates who aspired to the office (although unquestion- ably gentlemen of high pretensions), I determined to propose the appointment to the Court upon my own responsibility, and, I will say, upon an honest conviction that he was peculiarly qualified for the high and important trust. My guarantee was his character, his known talents, his acquired knowledge, his intimate acquaintance with the affairs of India, and his general experience in public business. These, I thought, furnished a sure promise that his public services would not only be most useful to the Government, but that the powers of his mind would be beneficially exerted in favor of the people of India. In this anticipation I feel satisfied that I shall not be dis- appointed. " I declare that these were the grounds on which I proposed the appointment of Mr. Robert Grant to the Government of Bombay. I have never compromised my own independence or that of the Court. I have never shown subserviency to any Minister; and in the new position in which the Court has been placed, it has been my anxious study to maintain its authority and to uphold its reputation. If I could compromise its inde- pendence or my own by any unworthy submission to the 440 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. President of the Board, I should be unfit for the high station which I have the honor to fill ; and if I could suppose that I do not enjoy the full confidence to which I feel myself to be justly entitled, I would not hold that station for a single day " There were many independent men in the Court of Directors, but not one with a sturdier spirit of independence than Mr. Tucker not one amongst them less likely to truckle to the Crown Ministers. Only a few months before, he had resolutely declared his determination to be carried off to Prison rather than to sign an unjust despatch; and he would have abided by the resolution. "Well might he say that there was nothing in his public character, nothing in the antecedents of his life, to warrant even a suspicion of his descending to anything so foreign to the manliness of his nature. Eor my own part, indeed, I have a very strong con- viction that Mr. Tucker would rather have turned the tread-mill or picked oakum all his life than so, in a great battle of principle, have compromised himself and the Court. At all events, it was his good fortune not to wait long for an opportunity of proving, by his conduct, the independence of his spirit, his loyalty to the Court, and his devotion to the interests of India. That honest statesman and sturdy reformer, Lord William Bentinck, had now held the chief seat in the Government of India for more than the wonted period of office, and his fail- ing health had compelled him to solicit the appoint- ment of a successor. His resignation was received THE GOVERNOR-GENERALSHIP. at the India House towards the close of the month of August. The nomination of a new Governor- General now devolved upon the Court of Directors. Mr. Tucker, with whom, as Chairman, the selection primarily rested, was not long in coming to a deci- sion on this most important subject. He did not doubt that what India most wanted in that con- juncture was a statesman of ripe Indian experience, with a name like a household word in the mouths of the people.* He saw before him two such men, either one of whom might fitly represent the sove- reign power in India, and preside over the adminis- tration of her affairs, to the benefit alike of the parent State and the dependent country. There was no need to draw upon the Peerage, or to re- sort to the Cabinet for a Governor-General, when Elphinstone and Metcalfe were yet in the ranks of living statesmen. Between the claims of two such men it was diffi- cult to decide. And Mr. Tucker did not wish to decide. He desired to leave the choice between them, to be exercised by the King's Ministers. It might, however, happen that there was no choice. Mountstuart Elphinstone was in England, in the placid enjoyment of a life of literary leisure, enhancing the tranquil pleasures of the Present, rather by a re- currence to the associations of an honorable Past, than by anticipations of a still more honorable Future. To him, therefore, Mr. Tucker at once * It was especially desirable, at that time, when the new Act for the future Government of India was to be introduced, that there should be an expe- rienced statesman at the head of affairs to give effect to its provisions. See Letters to Mr. Grant in the following chapter. 442 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. addressed himself. " Government," he wrote, " may have other views ; but I will not lend myself to any project which I cannot cordially concur in and justify. Others must move, if I am not allowed to do what I think right." He then asked Mr. Elphin- stone if, in the event of the Court and the Board ratifying the choice of the Chairman, he " would be prepared to undertake the important trust." The answer was in the negative. The brilliant offer could not tempt him. Elphinstone mistrusted his physical health. He had never been greedy of public honors. He knew how to resist all such popular allurements; and he gratefully declined to put out his hand for a prize, which the greatest soldiers have coveted, and the most successful states- men have not refused. One difficulty, therefore, was removed. Mr. Tucker now saw his way clearly before him. He took coun- sel with some of his colleagues, found as he expected that they approved of his choice, summoned a special Court for the following Wednesday, and then wrote to the President of the Board of Control that it was his intention to move the following resolutions for the confirmation of Sir Charles Metcalfe in the office of Governor- General, which he then provisionally held: " That tliis Court deeply lament that the state of Lord William Bentinck's health should be such as to deprive the Company of his most valuable services ; and this Court deem it proper to record, on the occasion of his Lordship's resignation of the office of Governor-General, their high sense of the distinguished NOMINATION OF SIB, CHAKLES METCALFE. 443 ability, energy, zeal, and integrity with which his Lordship has discharged the arduous duties of his exalted station. " That, referring to the appointment which has been con- ferred by the Court, with the approbation of his Majesty, on Sir Charles T. Metcalfe, provisionally, to act as Governor- General of India, upon the death, resignation, or coming away of Lord William Bentinck ; and adverting also to the public character and services of Sir Charles Metcalfe, whose know- ledge, experience, and talents, eminently qualify him to prose- cute successfully the various important measures consequent on the new Charter- Act, this Court are of opinion that it would be inexpedient at present to make any other arrangement for supplying the office of Governor-General. And it is resolved accordingly, that the Chairs be authorised and instructed to communicate this opinion to his Majesty's Ministers, through the President of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India."* Some causes of delay having interfered, the Reso- lutions given above were not carried through the Court before the 26th of September. They were then voted by an overwhelming majority. Out- wardly they indicated only the desire of the Court that Sir Charles Metcalfe should continue to hold the provisional appointment, under which, on the departure of Lord William Bentinck, he was em- powered to assume the title and discharge the duties of Governor- General ; but they meant something more than this. When Mr. Tucker enclosed tho * In the following chapter another draft of these ^Resolutions, differing from the above, is given, at the end of a letter to Mr. Charles Grant. It will be seen that the copy in the text is an amendment and amplification of the original sketch. 4.44 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. first draft of them to the President of the India Board, he wrote to that gentleman, saying : " I have already conferred with many of my colleagues, and by far the greater number cordially incline to the arrangement, which I shall feel it my duty to pro- pose to the Court, and to submit to you, for the consideration of his Majesty's Government. It is to confirm Sir Charles Metcalfe in the office of Governor- General of India."* And he subsequently explained that the Resolutions were framed in the hope and in the belief that his Majesty's Ministers, having once recognised the expediency of retaining Sir Charles Metcalfe in the Government, would soon consent to issue a new Commission, and render the provisional appointment a substantive one. But the advisers of the Crown were not inclined to regard the matter in this light. They argued that a provisional appointment was one thing and a permanent appointment another ; and they demurred to the permanent appointment of a man who had no other claims to preferment than his own individual fitness for the office to which it was proposed to appoint him. To nominate Sir Charles Metcalfe a civil servant of the East India Company, who had spent all his life in India was, according to their narrow views of political expediency, to throw away a great chance. It was to appoint a man of no * The letter from which this passage is taken is given entire in the follow- ing chapter. MEASURES OF THE CROWN MINISTERS. 445 political connexions, who was neither to be pro- moted nor to be got rid of, for the immediate benefit of their party, to the highest office in the gift of the Crown. "Whether in reality an appointment distin- guished by an unusual amount of disinterestedness and public spirit, would not have strengthened the party more than the course which they determined to pursue, is a question of no very difficult solution ; but the fable of the Dog and the Shadow is as ap- plicable to political as to private life ; and his Ma- jesty's Ministers decreed that the appointment of Sir Charles Metcalfe to the Governor-Generalship should not be suffered to become a fact. Arguments were not wanting in support of this decision. But it is a trick of our self-love to find a never-ending flow of argument in support of what- ever consorts with our personal convenience. If knowledge and experience, and proved capacity, were to be recognised as the best claims to employ- ment in the highest offices of the Indian Govern- ment, all the Indian patronage of the Crown would fall among the Elphinstones and the Metcalfes ; and how then were Ministers to purchase aristocratic support, or to provide for impracticable colleagues ? So, on receipt of an intimation from the Court of Directors that a Resolution had been passed in favor of the appointment of Sir Charles Metcalfe, the Board of Control announced that the Company's nominee was considered ineligible to the station of Governor- General ; and the grounds of objection were such as would have excluded the whole, both of 446 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. the civil and military services of India. It hap- pened that some years before, Mr. Canning, who seldom said foolish things, hut who was not alto- gether infallible, had pronounced an opinion hostile to the claims of the Company's servants ; and now his authority was emphatically quoted, as though it had all the significance of Scripture. But the Court of Directors were not to be put down even by a dictum of Mr. Canning. If the question were to be settled by a reference to the recorded wisdom of this great statesman, they also might quote his words in favor of the claims of the Company's servants;* but they appealed to the authority of deeds rather than of words they asked, with the old E/oman, Dicta an Fact a pluris sint ; and reso- lutely stood by their first decree. The independence of. the Court and the welfare of the people of India could not have been in better hands than in those of Mr. Tucker. He took his stand resolutely upon the palpable reason and jus- tice of the case, and was not inclined to bate a jot. When the letter of the Board announcing the re- fusal of the Crown Minister to ratify the choice of the Court was received by him, he drew up a remonstrance, in the shape of a letter to the Presi- dent of the India Board, and on the 8th of October submitted it for the approval of his colleagues. It * Mr. Canning had said in 1813 that the system could not be a bad one, which had produced all the able and distinguished Company's servants who had then recently given their evidence before the Parliamentary Committee, and at a later period had spoken of Sir Thomas Munro as a man in whom the highest qualities of the soldier and statesman were pre-eminently united. LETTER TO THE INDIA BOAKD. 447 is an admirable specimen of official correspondence temperate and dignified in tone ; clear and forcible in diction : " TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL. " SIR, We have had the honor to receive your letter of the 1st instant, communicating to us, for the information of the Court of Directors, the sentiments of his Majesty's Ministers on the resolution passed by the Court on the 26th ultimo, for continuing Sir Charles T. Metcalfe in the office of Governor- General of India. " Having laid your letter before the Court, we have been requested to submit to you the following observations: " The Court of Directors concur with his Majesty's Ministers in opinion that, in proceeding to fill up the office of Governor- General, a permanent arrangement is to be preferred ; and impressed as they are with the conviction that Sir Charles Metcalfe is peculiarly qualified to do justice to that high and difficult trust, and that his services are of the utmost im- portance at the present moment, it would have been most satisfactory to the Court if the King's Ministers had thought proper to advise his Majesty to give his royal approbation to the appointment of Sir Charles Metcalfe to the office of Go- vernor-General, upon a footing more permanent than that which the Court had themselves proposed. " But the Court of Directors have learnt with deep regret that Sir Charles Metcalfe is considered by his Majesty's Go- vernment to be ineligible to the station of Governor- General; and upon grounds which would exclude the whole Service of India from that high office. " The Court of Directors feel little disposed to engage in dis- cussing the merits of an opinion which his Majesty's Ministers appear to have adopted on the authority of the late Mr. Canning. They will only observe, that the whole course of our trans- actions in British India may be referred to as furnishing the most conclusive evidence that the servants of the Company, both civil and military, are eminently qualified for the highest 448 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. public trust, and that the important office of Governor-General has been held by several of them with the utmost advantage to the national interests. The Court will not unnecessarily recall to the recollection of his Majesty's Ministers those names which have rendered the Service of India illustrious that Service to whose merits, to whose talents and high tone of character, the late Mr. Canning has himself borne the most unqualified testimony. " But the Court cannot refrain from observing that, inde- pendently of the impolicy of putting forth any general declara- tion of ineligibility, his Majesty's Ministers appear to them to be scarcely justified in proposing to narrow the choice of the Court, by excluding any class of men, possessing the necessary qualifications, from the office of Governor- General. " The Court of Directors, in exercising those functions with which the law invested them, are still desirous, at all times, to act in cordial concurrence with the King's Government, and especially in those instances where the two authorities are called upon to act together. With this feeling, the Court will, at the proper time, take into their consideration the expediency of adopting an arrangement for filling up the office of Go- vernor-General of India; and the Court cannot for a moment doubt that his Majesty's Ministers will fully concur with them in opinion that high qualification for the office must be an indispensable condition of the appointment that the selection must be made primarily upon this ground, without regard to other considerations and that to lose sight of this leading object would be to compromise the interests and, perhaps, the safety of our Indian Empire. " We have the honor, &c. 5 &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " W. STANLEY CLARKE. " East India House, 8th October, 1834." This letter was carried triumphantly through the Court. Only one dissentient voice was lifted up against it. At the same time Mr. Tucker wrote MR. GRANT AND THE GOVERNOR-GENERALSHIP. 449 privately to Charles Grant,* remonstrating, in still more forcible language, against the Ministerial dictum, and pronouncing the practice, which it was intended to support, an unconstitutional infraction of the intent of the law under which India was governed. He took counsel also with the legal * In the letters which I have quoted it has appeared so prominently that Mr. Grant was himself a candidate for the office of Governor- General, that there was no need to repeat it in the text. This has long been, indeed, an his- torical fact. It was first announced to the country by Mr. Mills, who, in a speech characterised by his wonted candor and fearlessness, delivered at a Court of Proprietors on the 15th of July, 1835, laid bare the whole proceed- ings of the Court and the King's Ministers. Speaking of Mr. Tucker's oppo- sition to Charles Grant's appointment, he said that " their late Chairman, with that independence of spirit which distinguished his conduct both in India and in this country, resisted the attempt of the President of the Board of Control, though backed by all the powers of Government;" and the an- nouncement was received with loud cheers. But, although Mr. Tucker acted thus without hesitation, as he was bound to do, he did not oppose the appoint- ment of Mr. Grant without strong feelings of personal regret. I have already said that he respected and loved the man. He recognised his many fine qualities; but believed that "ambition should be made of sterner stuff," and that this sterner stuff was wanting. What Mr. Tucker wrote on this subject to Mr. Grant himself is so honorable to both parties, that, after a lapse of eighteen years, it may be cited without impropriety or indelicacy. " With respect to yourself," he wrote on the 22nd of August, 1834, " I hope that it is unnecessary for me to repeat, that I entertain the highest opinion of your talents, your various acquirements, and your intimate acquaintance with the affairs of India; and, if I were called upon to point out an objection to you, it would have reference to qualities of the mind and disposition, which in pri- vate life are justly esteemed virtues. But in India there is much rugged work, calling sometimes for the most determined austerity of purpose. Your having held your present office so long, and your long and familiar acquaint- ance with the public transactions in India, would unquestionably give you a very great advantage in undertaking duties of extreme difficulty; but there are, on the other hand, objections to the arrangement, to which the Court would, I am persuaded, attach the greatest weight. Among these, your posi- tion relatively with your brother, and the unreasonableness of committing to one family nearly the whole power and patronage of India, would immediately be insisted upon. I must candidly own that they would operate with me ; but even if I were prepared (which I confess I am not) to propose the appoint- ment, I feel persuaded that I could not carry with me a majority of the Court." 2G 450 LIEE or H. ST. a. TUCKER. advisers of the Company relative to the interpreta- tion of that clause of the Charter- Act which com- pelled the Court to nominate a successor within two months of the announcement of the resignation of an Indian Governor, and on their failure trans- ferred the right of nomination to the Crown. The decision of the Law-officers was, that under the circumstances which had arisen the right of nomi- nation would not be forfeited. But the Crown Ministers took a different view of the matter ; and were inclined to assert their prerogative. As 110 recent intelligence had then been received from Cal- cutta, and as it was probable that further informa- tion from the seat of the Supreme Government might bear upon the question at issue, it might Aave been convenient not to press it to an imme- diate decision. But with the prospect before the Court of forfeiting their right of nomination, what- other course was it possible to pursue ? It was a perplexing and embarrassing situation in which Mr. Tucker now found himself placed. He was resolute not to propose the appointment of a man in whose public character and tried capacity he had not the fullest faith. He had written in August, with reference to this subject, that he would rather resign his office than be a party to any such appointment. " I never can bring for- ward," he said, " a measure which I am not pre- pared cordially and strenuously to support and jus- tify ; nor can I vote upon the propositions of others, in opposition to my own judgment; but I would willingly leave the Chair to make room for others, MINISTERIAL TACTICS. 451 if my remaining in it would create any obstacle to the adoption of any arrangement likely to be pro- ductive of public advantage, and to meet with the concurrence of the Court." And now, in October, having vainly endeavored to secure the nomination of either Elphinstone or Metcalfe, and not having confidence in any of the Ministerial proteges, he found himself approaching the close of the period of grace allowed by the Act of Parliament, with- out any appointment having been made, or being likely to be made, whilst the Crown Ministers were seemingly waiting to take advantage of the lapse. The President of the Board of Control had, some time before, expressed an opinion that no time should be lost in appointing a successor to Lord William Bentinck ; but now, although Mr. Tucker pressed for a declaration of the Ministerial views, Mr. Grant declared that he was not prepared to enter on the question. He was playing a waiting- game, thinking either to compel the Court to act at a disadvantage, or to punish them for not acting at all.* It seems to have been, at this time, the policy of the Crown Ministers not to precipitate the appoint- ment of a Governor-General, but to wait patiently, in the hope that something might be written down in that great Chapter of Accidents which contains the solution of so many perplexing enigmas. And they waited to some purpose. For before the year had expired before they had contrived to induce * See letter from Mr. Tucker to Mr, Charles Grant [October 16, 1834], given in the next chapter, page 480. 2G2 452 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. the Court of Directors to nominate a Governor- General of the Ministerial party the Cabinet was broken up and Parliament was dissolved. All through the year, events had been rapidly tend- ing to this pass. The retirement of Lord Grey in Au- gust had greatly weakened the Government, and now, in November, the elevation of Lord Althorp to the Upper House brought matters to a crisis. The removal of the popular leader of the House of Commons to a sphere of limited influence and utility was but the last fitful gust that overthrew the tottering fabric. Lord Melbourne believed that the mischief was not irreparable. He went down to Brighton to persuade Lord John Russell to take Lord Spencer's place ; but the King, believing that the Cabinet could not be patched up in this manner, sent for the Duke of Wellington. Sir Robert Peel was, at this time, the hope of the Conservative party. But he was wandering among the ruins of old Rome, intent rather upon the sha- dowy dreams of the Past than the solid realities of the Present. Party and Place were distant from his thoughts when he was summoned from the banks of the Tiber to the banks of the Thames, and invited to take the command of a Ministry of his own re- cruiting. Hastening to London, on what must have seemed to him. a bootless errand, he arrived there in the second week of December, and waited on the King. Before the end of the month Parliament was dissolved ; and the new year opened with a General Election. It was altogether a hopeless ex- APPOINTMENT OF LORD HEYTESBURY. 453 periment. The Whig Ministry had lost the confi- dence of the country, because they had exhibited certain leanings towards Toryism which the people could not tolerate ; and now the Tories themselves were seeking for public support. It was certain that the new Parliament would not keep the Ministers in their places ; and it had scarcely assembled before the fate of the Government was sealed. But before the assembling of Parliament a new Governor-General of India had been nominated by the Court of Directors and accepted by the Crown. On the 28th of January, 1835, Lord Heytesbury was appointed; on the 5th of February, the ap- proval of the Crown was given and there seemed to be no sort of obstacle to the completion of an arrangement which was looked upon with favor by the authorities both in the East and "West end of the town. Lord Heytesbury was a distinguished Euro- pean diplomatist, and a man of moderate political opinions. Of India he knew nothing ; but as it had become an axiom among English statesmen that ignorance and inexperience are essential qualifi- cations for Indian office, the selection was at least as harmless as any other that could have been made from among the same class of men. " The appoint- ment," said Mr. Tucker, in an able minute called forth by circumstances which will presently be nar- rated, " was formally and deliberately made by the Court of Directors under the provisions of the ex- isting law, with the full approbation of his Majesty. ... It was the free and unbiassed act of the Court. 454 LIFE OF H. ST. a. TUCKER. It devolved upon me to have the honor of proposing him to my colleagues ; and I did so, not hastily, not under the domineering influence of the Govern- ment, hut deliberately, after inquiry, and after satis- fying myself that his Lordship was likely to do ample justice to the high and responsible trust which it was proposed to confide to him." " Sir Hobert Peel's Ministry, I can declare," continued Mr. Tucker, " acted most honorably on the occasion : the great object seemed to me to make the most judicious selection for the office ; and if it were per- mitted me to enter into the details of what passed on the occasion, I could establish beyond all dispute that the (Conservative) Ministry were prepared to concur in the appointment of one totally uncon- nected with them in party politics."* This 6 ' one' ' was Mount stuart Elphinstone. ' ' Lord Heytesbury's appointment," wrote Mr. Tucker in a private letter, dated June 28, 1835, " was not dic- tated by any party spirit, nor intended to promote any party views. The first individual whom I named was Mr. Elphinstone, whose family and con- nexions (as you know) are all "Whigs; and Lord Ellenborough, I believe, immediately wrote to him to express the concurrence of the King's Govern- ment. I had made the proposition to Mr. Elphin- stone during the former Administration of Lord Melbourne; and I was prepared to place him in nomination, if his health would have permitted him * See Memorials of Indian Government, pp. 449, 450. APPOINTMENT OP LORD IIETTESBURY. 455 to accept the charge. The late (Conservative) Mi- nistry showed no disposition whatever to force any individual upon us. They acted most honorably, and the sole object seemed to be to find out the best qualified party within reach. Lord Heytesbury had retired from public life, and was drawn from his retreat under a conviction of his fitness for the office. I had never seen his Lordship previously ; but I know from very high authority that on the Continent he is held in the highest estimation, not merely as a skilful diplomatist, but for those higher qualities which, as distinguishing the best of our countrymen, commands the respect of foreigners."* On the 4th of March, Lord Heytesbury was sworn in as Governor- General of India. The usual Eare- well Banquet was given to him at the Albion Tavern. The entertainment was a brilliant one. Sir Henry Pane, who had been appointed Com- mander-in- Chief, was also the guest of the night. The Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, and many others of the most distinguished men of the age, were to be seen assembled in the Banquet- room. After the lapse of nearly a score of years, all the circumstances of this great dinner are vividly remembered by many of the guests. Mr. Tucker, who occupied the Chair, spoke with even something * In a Postscript to this letter, Mr. Tucker adds : " In excluding, as I have wished to do, all party feeling from our Court, I do not, of course, dis- claim political opinions and preferences. Every man who reflects at all, must adopt political opinions, and must associate himself, more or less, with those who adopt similar opinions ; but my maxim has been that India ought to be of no party and that our Court ought to be independent, and to stand aloof from all party connexions, which might compromise its independence." 456 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKEE. more than his wonted animation and impressiveness. Among all the toasts that he introduced, not one was given out with so much earnestness of utterance and cordiality of manner as the health of the Duke of "Wellington;* and I have heard it said by an impartial and a competent witness, that the Duke rarely spoke with so much feeling and so much eloquence as when, responding to the toast, he re- verted to his past career and his early connexion with the Company. Mr, Tucker was all his life a consistent advocate of Peace, and for the soldier who fought for the mere love of fighting, no matter what his eminence, what his success, he entertained a sovereign contempt. But the qualities that make up a great warrior no man knew better how to ap- preciate ; and no man more respected the Duke of Wellington than Mr. Tucker. The feeling of respect, indeed, was reciprocal between them. The Duke recognised the ability and integrity of Mr. Tucker ; and though for a time he withdrew his favor from the East India Director, it may be doubted whether he ever ceased to esteem the man.f So Lord Heytesbury partook of the Farewell Banquet at the Albion, and was publicly congra- tulated there as the Governor-General Elect. Pri- * In the course of the speech, whilst alluding to the might with which Wellington had broken the strength of our national enemies, Mr. Tucker struck the glass before him with the Chairman's hammer, and shivered it to pieces. It was not a theatrical coup; it was a mere accident but the im- pressiveness of the speech was enhanced by so striking an illustration. f When Mr. Tucker was with his family at Walmer, in 1840, the Duke, hearing of his arrival, exclaimed: " Mr. Tucker here! I'll go and see him." And he did so immediately inviting him and the members of his family to the castle. RETURN OF THE WHIGS. 457 vately he was busy with his preparations prepara- tions not limited to his material outfit, for which the accustomed grant of money had been paid by the Company but extending to the inner equip- ment of his mind ; for he was continually in commu- nication with Mr. Tucker, and exhibited a laudable eagerness to acquire information relating both to the internal and external affairs of his new Govern- ment. His willingness to learn promised well for his after-career but it was written down in the Chapter of Accidents that there was to be no after- career. The Conservative Ministry had been in a moribund state from the very day of its birth ; and now, in April, before Lord Heytesbury had em- barked for Calcutta, the last throes of mortal sick- ness were upon it, and it perished for lack of strength. Upon this the King sent for Lord Melbourne; and the old Whig Ministry was reconstructed the same, "with a difference." Mr. Charles Grant was promoted to the Colonial Office, and Sir John Cam Hobhouse went to the India Eoard. If great clever- ness and great boldness had been all the qualities requisite in an Indian Minister, the appointment would have been an excellent one. A man of varied accomplishments, with a genius which, if full justice had been done to it, might have placed him in the front rank of the statesmen of the age, and an auda- cious candor which commanded the unwilling ad- miration even of those who condemned it, he was as little likely to bungle through his new duties, for 458 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. want of official aptitude, as any member of the Ministry, but perhaps, of all its members, the most likely to commit himself and his colleagues to some act of splendid temerity. He was a very able, but a very unsafe man. Possessing many fine qualities both of head and heart, he yet lacked those which are most essential to the character of a states- man ; for he was without prudence and discretion. Of India and its affairs he knew little; and ig- norance did not magnify their importance in his mind the omne ignotum pro magnifico principle was entirely reversed for he held them of very little account. He had not long, indeed, taken his seat at the India Board, before he publicly declared, that he thought it better that the interests of India should suffer than that the Minister of the day should be defeated.* Such opinions may have en- deared him to his party, to which he was consist- ently true no small merit in an age of tergiversa- tion but the enunciation of them was not a cir- cumstance of happy augury for the future welfare of the country whose destinies were to be committed to his hands. Such, in a few words, was the man who, at the end of the month of March, met the " Chairs" for the first time, and confidentially announced that the Ministry of which he was a member had come to the resolution of revoking Lord Heytesbury's ap- * See speech of Mr. Mills in the Court of Proprietors, July 15, 1835. Asiatic Journal See also Appendix C. RECALL OF LORD IIEYTESBURY. 459 pointment.* They had suffered this rich piece of patronage to slip through their hands in the autumn, and now they were determined to lose no time in grasping at it again, and securing it by greater promptitude of action. And they did not miss it a second time. Lord Heytesbury's appointment was revoked ; and an amiable nobleman, who had exhi- bited at the Admiralty some aptitude for official business, but whose qualities were generally of that negative character which can secure for a man only a respectable character as a statesman, and that only in quiet times and ordinary conjunctures, was selected to fill his place. Lord Auckland was ap- pointed Governor- General of India, t * Perhaps it ought more strictly to be written, " had formed an intention of revoking." The " resolution" came afterwards. " At the close of the month of April," wrote Mr. Tucker, "Lord Heytesbury's preparations for embarkation were complete; but at the first interview which the Chairs had with the President of the India Board, after that right honorable gentleman had assumed office on the 30th of that month, they were informed, under the injunction of strict confidence, that his Majesty's Ministers intended to re- commend the revocation of Lord Heytesbury's appointment ; and the Chairs were not released from this injunction of confidence (which, indeed, was re- peated at the instance of the President through one of the Board's secre- taries) until the Cabinet had resolved upon the measure, which was accord- ingly first officially announced in the President's letters to the Chairs of the 4th of May. Not one reason, however, was given for setting aside in so abrupt and unprecedented a manner the appointment of a nobleman who was selected for the office of Governor-General solely upon public grounds, and free from all party bias or political feeling." f The Whigs claimed credit at this time for having offered the appoint- ment to Mountstuart Elphinstone. At a meeting of the Court of Proprietors, Colonel Leicester Stanhope ostentatiously announced that this offer was one of the first acts of the new Ministry. No such offer was ever made ; but if it had been, I think it not improbable that the Whigs would have been about as sincere as the Tories. Mr. Elphinstone had declined the appointment, on account of the state of his health, when the Court of Directors were 460 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. Mr. Tucker had by this time quitted the Chair. He had ceased, indeed, to tie a member of the Court of Directors, for his year of rustication had come round, and, therefore, he had no part in the councils of the India House. But these proceed- ings rendered him indignant in the extreme; and he drew up some masterly comments on the impro- priety of the Government measure, and the evil consequences of rendering India, in any sense, the Government of a party. These minutes he could not officially record at the India House ; but he sent a copy of them to Sir Eobert Peel and other Con- servative statesmen, and he embodied their sub- stance in a series of Resolutions, which he proposed to submit to the Court of Proprietors. Mr. Praed, who had been Secretary to the Board of Control under the Peel Ministry, had given notice of a motion for the production of papers, and with re- ference to this, Mr. Tucker wrote to the Tory leader : " TO SIR ROBERT PEEL, BART. " Southgate, 26th June, 1835. " DEAR SIR, I take a deep interest in the question which, I understand, will be brought forward in the House of Com- mons on Monday next by Mr. Praed; and, in fact, I am per- sonally concerned, as the party who proposed to the Court of anxious to appoint him, in the early part of 1834 ; and it was well known that he could not be induced to accept it. If the Whigs had really made the offer, as something more than a sham, they must have got over the objections which existed, when Mr. Grant was at the Board of Control, to a Governor- General reared in the ranks of the Company's service ; and if they had abandoned their prejudices against competent and experienced statesmen, there was no obstacle to the appointment of Sir Charles Metcalfe. LETTER TO SIB ROBERT PEEL. 461 Directors the appointment of Lord Heytesbury to the Govern- ment of India. " You will, therefore, I trust, excuse the liberty I take in submitting to you the accompanying papers. The one is the sketch of a series of Resolutions, which I propose to bring forward, eventually, in the Court of Proprietors. The other is the draft of a proposed dissent, prepared at the East India House, but not yet recorded; nor do I know whether any of my colleagues will determine to record it. I am not, at pre- sent, a member of the Court, or I should certainly feel it to be my duty to place on record a Protest, couched in the strongest terms, against the act of supercession. My own proposed Resolutions express very imperfectly the objections to which the proceeding is liable; but by you these objections will be felt in all their force, and will, I am sure, be exposed in the most forcible manner. / shall not be found to call in question the Prerogative of the Crown, but the recall of Lord Heytes- bury is the act of the Minister, who is responsible for it to the country. " I cannot hope to throw any light on the subject; but the accompanying papers will, at least, show the interest which it has excited; and I am willing to hope that it cannot fail to excite a strong interest in Parliament. At all events, I feel assured that it is in hands which will do full justice to it. " I have the honor to be, with great respect, " Dear Sir, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER." The Resolutions to which allusion is here made were not brought forward at the Court of Proprie- tors. Mr. Praed's motion for the production of papers was negatived ; and it was considered, there- fore, expedient that the Resolutions submitted to the Court should embody a call for the documents refused by Parliament. But as Mr. Tucker's draft contains in a small space the substance of the ar- 462 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. gunients elsewhere set forth, in detail, it may be advantageously inserted in this place : " PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS. " That this Court cordially concur in and highly approve the opinions expressed in the letter of their Court of Directors, bearing date the 6th ultimo, to the President of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, on the occasion of the supercession of the Right Honorable Lord Heytesbury, who stood appointed to the important office of Governor- General of India. " That this Court could not view otherwise than with feel- ings of deep concern and alarm any attempt to render the high and responsible station of Governor-General of India subservient to political purposes in this country, contrary to the manifest intentions of the Legislature, which has carefully provided against the assumption of the patronage of India, directly or indirectly, by the Ministers of the Crown. " That the act of cancelling an appointment formally and deliberately made by the Court of Directors under the pro- visions of the law, without the plea of incompetency, or other sufficient cause assigned, must be regarded as an infringement of the rights of the East India Company, and as calculated to degrade the Court of Directors in the eyes of their servants and public, and so far, to weaken their legitimate authority and influence. " That the practice of recalling the Governors of India, upon considerations of political conveniency, on every change of Administration (such changes having been of late years very frequent), must have the effect of degrading the office and of impairing its efficiency, since men of independent fortune and high character would not be found to proceed to a distant country, and to undertake a difficult and responsible trust, when held upon so precarious a tenure; while the influence and authority of such high functionaries would be weakened in consequence of this want of permanency in their situations; the confidence of the public would be diminished; measures requiring time and persevering labor to bring them to DEBATE AT THE INDIA HOUSE. 463 maturity would not be undertaken; and the public servants abroad would be taught to look to their political connexions, and to political influence in this country, for that promotion which has heretofore been sought as the reward of merit and useful service. " That this Court regard with sentiments of the most pro- found respect the Royal Prerogative; but impressed as they are with the conviction that the appointment of Lord Heytes- bury to the office of Governor- General of India was adopted by the Court of Directors, and approved by the late Government, on public considerations, without reference to political objects; that the high character, the known talents, and eminent services of this nobleman in various stations of great trust, and under cir- cumstances of great delicacy and difficulty, furnish a strong and satisfactory assurance that his services in the important office of Governor-General of India might be expected to promote, not only the well-being and prosperity of our Indian subjects, but the great interests of the empire at large this Court earnestly recommend to their Court of Directors to address a further re- monstrance to the President of the Board on the supercession of Lord Heytesbury, and to urge upon his Majesty's Ministers, in respectful, but decided terms, the expediency of their with- drawing the letter of recall, and of giving effect to an appoint- ment which has met with such general approbation, and from which such favorable results may reasonably be anti- cipated." The call for papers at the India House, moved for by Mr. Mills, seconded by Mr. Tucker, was success- ful. There was a long and energetic debate. The opposition, headed by Sir Charles Porbes, contested the point with some spirit; but the papers were eventually voted. This was on the 15th of July. Six days before the meeting, Mr. Tucker had ad- dressed to the Court of Directors a long and vigor- ously-written letter, reviewing all the circumstances 464 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. of Lord Heytesbury's appointment, and commenting upon the grievous injury that would be inflicted upon India, if the administration of her affairs were to be directly or indirectly influenced by the strife of parties at home.* This also Mr. Tucker sent to Sir Robert Peel, who, acknowledging the receipt of it, truly said : "I think you underrate the effect which your Protests and Remonstrances will pro- duce. They may not avail in rescinding that par- ticular act of unwarrantable interference, against which they are especially directed, but they will remain on record as a public proof that the undue exercise of power was not tamely acquiesced in, but that its motives were exposed, and its consequences deprecated, with equal vigilance, independence, and ability." And this, indeed, was the use of Mr. Tucker's remonstrances. Lord Auckland went out to India ; but the revocation of Lord Heytesbury's appoint- ment is an historical fact, the character of which has been painted in its true colors. Of the soundness of the arguments adduced in the papers to which I have . referred, it is difficult to entertain a doubt. It may, of course, be urged that it is at all times desirable that the Governor- General of India should enjoy the entire confidence of the Crown Ministers. But, as to enjoy the confidence of the Ministry means, in ordinary official language, to belong to the same party, if this consideration were paramount, it would be necessary to change * See Memorials of Indian Government, in which this paper is inserted. EVILS OF PAHTY INFLUENCE. 465 the Governor- General of India as often as the Pre- sident of the Board of Control, and the Government of India would then become, to all intents and pur- poses, the Government of a Party. If a Tory Go- vernment can have no confidence in a Whig states- man, or a "Whig Government no confidence in a Tory, it may be, and we believe it is, desirable that the Governor- General of India should not be closely connected either with one party or the other that men like Elphinstone and Metcalfe, whom neither Paction would mistrust, on account of their Party views or political antecedents, should be appointed to this high office ; but it certainly is not desirable that the Governor- General of India should occupy a seat from which he may any day be driven by a gust of Parliamentary caprice at St. Stephen's, or the impetus of a Downing- street fracas. It is true that in this instance Lord Heytesbury was only a Governor-General Elect that he had only been appointed to fill the office that he had only received as much of the Company's money as was supposed to be sufficient to provide his outfit, and that his performances in the service of the Com- pany had been limited to the consumption of the initiatory turtle, and the delivery of the inaugural address at the Albion. But, in principle at least, it was as much a recall of a Governor- General and a recall for Party purposes as if Lord Heytesbury had actually inhaled the dust of Calcutta, and gazed at the snows of the eternal Himalaya. It was known throughout India that this nobleman had 2 H 466 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. been appointed Governor-General of India, and in the presence of his Majesty's Minister and the authorities of the India House had been publicly congratulated on his accession to office. Therefore, although the mischief of his precipitate recall might not have been so disastrous as if any great political measures had been suddenly arrested by his removal from office, doubtless much mischief was done. The natives of India had been taught, that often as they had been told that their country was never again to be made the battle-field of Party, their chief ruler was, after all, not the representative of the British Sovereign or of the British people, but the repre- sentative of a Faction that might be dominant to- day and utterly prostrate to-morrow. They had seen Charles Metcalfe Sahib set aside first for one English Peer and then for another, of neither of whom they had ever heard; they had seen three English Ministries within the space of a few months, each Ministry grasping at the patronage of India, and eager to send out an untried nominee of its own. Could anything have been more surely calculated than this to shake their confidence in the character of that paternal Government of which they had heard so much a Government, whose parental in- stincts were now manifesting themselves in a frantic eagerness to clutch the perquisites of office, and to divide the spolia opima of Indian patronage among themselves ? But although the events to the recital of which this chapter has been devoted are those, for the most CHAIRMAN-LIFE . 467 part, which, constitute the historical importance of Mr. Tucker's first Chairmanship, they are but mere accidental protuberances, which by no means repre- sent the formal reality of Chairman-life in Leaden- hall-street. Very different, indeed, was the daily work in which Mr. Tucker was at this time engaged. " My time," he wrote to Sir Charles Metcalfe, " has been chiefly occupied with the question of compen- sation to our maritime service the reorganisation of our establishments the warehousing and ma- naging private goods and other commercial mat- ters quite alien to the business of administering to the affairs of India, and by the time these trouble- some questions are well settled I shall be leaving the Directorship. So we go on." In other words, he was superintending the obsequies of the Trade ; seeing that its remains were decently laid out, and that its interment was ceremoniously performed. He was Undertaker and Executor too at the same time. The assets of the dear departed were to be realised. The estate was to be wound up. All this demanded the exercise of no small amount of in- dustryno small amount of ability; but it will hardly be a subject of complaint that it is not dwelt upon here more in detail. But the record of this period of Mr. Tucker's life would be imperfect, if I did not touch upon an incident, connected with his Chairmanship, which has a fine characteristic flavor about it. He was invited to dine at the King's table, where, after din- ner, William was pleased to drink to the prosperity 468 LIFE OP H. ST.a. TUCKEIl. of the East India Company. I believe that it is not the etiquette of the Court on these occasions for the royal guests to make " speeches ;" but, either unacquainted with the observances of these royal entertainments, or believing that the custom of silent acknowledgment was more honored in the breach, he thus responded to his Majesty's address : " Sire, I beg to offer your Majesty my dutiful and respect- ful acknowledgments for the compliment paid by your Majesty to the East India Company, whose representative I have the honor to be on the present occasion. " As a very humble individual, I would willingly avoid public observation; but in the performance of every public duty I have endeavored always to forget, as far as possible, my own personal identity. Your Majesty has been pleased to draw me from my shell. And the just observations which your Majesty has made, upon the effect of the social institutions of this country, are strongly illustrated in my own person ; for in the presence of my Sovereign stands a quondam sailor-boy friendless, and half-educated but now the representative of a public Body, whose deeds have cast a lustre over the brightest pages of English history. " Sire, Your Majesty's Councils and the wisdom of the Le- gislature have lately introduced great and important changes into the constitution of that Body. While this difficult and complicated question was under consideration, my colleagues and myself strenuously and vehemently opposed the projected change. We did so upon principle, upon a strong conviction that the proposed change of system would compromise the national interests. But now that the decision has been finally passed, it has become our duty as good citizens, as loyal sub- jects, and as honorable men, to render the new system as efficient as possible, and to extract from it the utmost good of which it may be susceptible. " But while, Sire, we cordially embrace, and promise to SPEECH AT THE PALACE. 469 cherish, the new Bride which has been presented to us^ may I be permitted, without presumption and without offence, to pay one last tribute of regard to the object of my early affections the late East India Company. By an extraordinary union of bold councils and daring enterprise in the field, that singularly constituted Body succeeded in adding a whole region, teeming with countless multitudes of industrious and faithful subjects, to the Empire of Great Britain. Fostered, protected, and encouraged by your Majesty's illustrious father, that Com- pany placed in the British Crown its most precious jewel. And may ' He that wears the Crown immortally' long preserve the peerless gem in your Majesty's Crown, and long may your Majesty and your royal House continue to wear that Crown, for the well-being of these realms, and for the happiness and prosperity of the people of India, whose destinies are now bound up in the fate of the British Empire." There was a manliness a sincerity in this that must have pleased the Sovereign far better than courtly words, or even more courtly silence. 470 LIFE OF H. ST. a. TUCKEB. CHAPTER XVI. Mr. Tucker's Private Correspondence Letters to Mr. Blunt Mr. Charles Grant Mountstuart Elphinstone Lord William Bentinck Sir Charles Metcalfe and Others, FROM the Correspondence of Mr. Tucker, during his tenure of office, I have made some selections, for the most part in illustration of subjects touched on in the preceding chapter. They tell, with sufficient distinctness, their own story ; and call for no further comment : " TO WM. BLUNT, ESQ. [On the Changes in the Constitution of the Company under the New Charter- Act.] "East India House, May, 1834. " MY DEAR BLUNT, I have been favored with your two letters dated the end of December; and I was much gratified to find both you and my friend, Sir C. Metcalfe, concurring so generally in the views which I had taken of our proper line of policy in the course of discussing the Charter question. It is much to be regretted that we, the Court, did not adopt a more decided course at an earlier period; for, in that case, a modi- fication of the new system might, I think, have been effected, or, at all events, time would have been obtained for its more gradual introduction. All parties seem to me now to feel that the changes have been pushed forward with unnecessary and injudicious precipitancy ; but we cannot retrace our steps now that the old machinery has been nearly broken up. What I LETTER TO MR. BLUNT. 471 most dread, is the unchecked resort of Europeans to India, and their location upon the land. This may lead to much injustice and oppression to the natives, and to a fearful struggle at some future period; but I used my utmost efforts, to no purpose, to prevent the measure. I succeeded better with the slavery question; and it will be the fault of the legislative Govern- ment if any imprudent step be taken with relation to this object. Mr. Grant was urged on by a strong popular feeling; but we checked it here successfully. "We have just now, on the table of the Court, a long letter, giving an outline of the Plan which we think should be adopted for framing your new constitution, and for the exercise of your legislative functions; and I hope to be able to despatch it in the course of a month, although these despatches go through a very operose process. We proceed, however, very cordially and comfortably with the Board; and in less than three months I hope to have every letter from India answered, to the end of 1833. We are about to put forth here a Transfer loan, for the admission of the six-per-cent. remittable loan; and if it succeed, a great ad- vantage will have been obtained for the Company ; but I took an objection in limine to the project. I do not like the idea of our financiering for India in this country, to the exclusion of the local Government and the local officers, who ought to be responsible for all such measures. " With every good wish for your health and happiness, " Believe me, very sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE BIGHT HON. C. GRANT. [On the Appointment of Mr. Robert Grant to the Governorship of Bombay.] " East India House, 26th May, 1834. " MY DEAR SIR, I have been favored with your note of yesterday; and it is unnecessary for me, I think, to say that I entertain the highest opinion of Mr. R. Grant's talents, and of his qualification for a high public station. I do not, therefore, hesitate in mentioning to you that I shall feel perfectly justi- 472 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. fied in proposing him for the Government of Bombay, and that I shall feel personal satisfaction in doing so. " We have a Committee to-day ; but I do not intend to con- sult my colleagues on the appointment until I have the plea- sure of seeing you. I anticipate only two objections on their part the one, that ' lawyers do not often make the best statesmen ;' the other, that, connected as your brother will be with the Board, the Court may not be able to exercise the same efficient control over his proceedings. The first objec- tion, I think, applies only to those who, from habit, have bound down their minds to the technicalities of the profession. On the second, I may observe, that the Court will never, I trust, find any difficulty in exerting all its legal powers. " On the first open day I shall have the pleasure of calling upon you, when we may confer on the proper time for bring- ing forward the nomination, and other particulars. " Believe me, my dear Sir, " Very sincerely, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " Eight Hon. Charles Grant, &c., &c. "P.S. I have detained this note until the arrival of the Deputy, as I wished to show it to him." " TO THE RIGHT HON. LORD W. BENTINCK. [On the Oude Despatches Military Eank in the Queen's and Company's Services The Resort of Natives to England, &c., &c.] " East India House, 19th July, 1834. " MY LORD, I was glad to hear that your Lordship had left Madras for Bangalore in perfect health ; and I hope that we shall soon receive a report of your operations in Mysore that they will all be successful and that the necessity for any mili- tary operations against the Coorg Rajah will have been averted by his submission. " We have at length passed and despatched the Oude letter, which has been so long upon the anvil, and which has pro- duced so much difference of opinion among us. The authority, to take the last decisive step, is given up, on the assumption of LETTER TO LORD W. BENTINCK. 473 an extreme necessity, of which your Lordship is constituted the judge. The question has been now for two years before the Court and the Board; and it appeared to the late Chairman and myself, not only an act of justice to your Lordship, but a measure of positive duty, to put an end to this state of suspense, and to give, at least, conditional, if not peremptory, orders. I feel myself the utmost repugnance to any proceeding which can involve the violation or infringement of a treaty, and I am not disposed to admit very easily considerations of expediency; but in the present case we seem scarcely to have a choice. Some- thing must be done; and the only question is, whether the exigency is such as to justify the last extreme measure. " We have had a great deal of discussion on the question relating to the rank of colonel, the supply of general officers for the station commands, &c. A voluminous correspondence has taken place; many professional opinions have been obtained by Mr. Grant; and I submitted the whole to the Duke of Wellington, whom I was anxious to enlist on our side, both as the highest military authority, and as the proper expounder of the Regulations of 1828, which were framed under his autho- rity. His Grace has written a very able paper on the subject; but I fear that we shall not succeed in obtaining what we have been contending for. The question will, however, I trust, be soon brought to a decision; and I shall lose no time in com- municating to your Lordship the result. " Mr. R. Grant, the new Governor of Bombay, embarks in the Buckinghamshire on the 1st Sept., and will probably reach his destination by the end of the year. Mr. Cameron, our new Law Commissioner, will accompany him, and probably land at Point de Galle. Our proposed despatch on the constitution of the Indian Government, the exercise of its legislative functions, &c., &c., is still before the Board; but I hope that we shall be able to launch it off' without much further delay.* " The steam question has been for some time before a Com- * This is the despatch to the Supreme Government of India, dated Decem- ber, 1834, containing the views of the Court with respect to the interpretation of the new Charter a very masterly state-paper. 474 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. mittee of the House of Commons, who propose, I understand, that we should undertake experimental operations on a joint account with the King's Government. I am not, I own, quite so sanguine as many others appear to be, both here and in India, with respect to the success of the plans which have been proposed; although I quite concur in the importance of the object. I would not annihilate both time and space, but I would gladly accelerate the communication between India and England, and so far virtually approximate the two countries. " We are beginning to be very much tormented by natives resorting to this country, to prefer most extravagant claims, and to obtain redress for all manner of grievances ; and it is very difficult to deal with them here. We have at this moment in the House one of these persons, in custody of one of his Ma- jesty's attendants at Windsor, he having threatened to throw himself under the King's carriage. Others threaten to sit dhurna upon us, in order that we may restore to one his wife, to another lands claimed as Jaghir (although never pos- sessed), under a sunnud from Aulumjeer ; and a third, to be restored to your Lordship's body-guard, &c., &c. All this will be very embarrassing by-and-by; because the feelings in this country are such that we cannot proceed in a summary manner with such parties, although we have every reason to believe that they are not entitled to a moment's attention. " With every good wish for your Lordship's health, and the success of your administration, " I have, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE HON. MOUNTSTUART ELPHINSTONE. [On the Succession to the Governor- Generalship.] "East India House, 28th August, 1834. C( MY DEAR SIR, Lord W. Bentinck, as you perhaps may have heard, has sent in his resignation ; and I shall be called upon, at an early period, to propose a successor. My choice would rest between Sir C. Metcalfe and yourself ; and I shall be ready to place in nomination either, giving a preference only LETTER TO MR. GRANT. 475 to the one, who may be most acceptable to the Court and the King's Government. That Government may have other views; but I will not lend myself to any project which I can- not cordially concur in, and justify. Others must move, if I am not allowed to do what I think right. What I would re- quest is, that you would say whether, in the event of my having reason to believe that you would be the choice of the Court and the Board, you would be prepared to undertake this important trust. I ask particularly with reference to your health; for if that should oppose an objection, I should proceed no further. " Believe me, with great esteem, " Very sincerely yours, " H. Sx.G. TUCKER. " Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone." " TO THE EIGHT HON. CHARLES GRANT. [On the Succession to the Governor-Generalship.] "East India House, 4th Sept., 1834. " MY DEAR SIR, I have been anxiously occupied, as you will easily believe, in the consideration of the steps which it will be necessary or expedient to adopt, in consequence of the resignation of Lord Wm. Bentinck ; and I have summoned a special Court for Wednesday next, in order that I may have an opportunity of consulting my colleagues on the subject. I have already conferred with many of them individually; and by far the greater number cordially incline to the arrangement which I shall feel it my duty to propose to the Court, and to submit to you, for the consideration of his Majesty's Govern- ment. " It is to confirm Sir Charles Metcalfe in the office of Governor-General of India. " Of his superior talents, and of his high qualification for an important public trust, he has afforded, I think, abundant evidence, during a long and a very distinguished course of public service ; and at the present period, when there is so much to arrange so much crude matter to reduce into form, it appears to me highly essential that we should command the 4/76 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. services of one who, to great knowledge and experience, adds energy of character and an uncompromising rectitude one, in short, tried, and known to the public, and in whom the public would place the utmost confidence. " Should the Court make choice of Sir Charles Metcalfe for the office of Governor- General, and should the selection meet with the approbation of his Majesty's Government, it will become necessary to adopt some subsidiary arrangements. " Without, however, proceeding to these before the main question has been decided, upon which, in fact, they will hinge, I may be allowed to offer it as my individual opinion that it will be advisable to give the new Governor of Agra (whoever he may be) the aid of a Council ; and that it will be more con- venient to assign the new Commander-in-Chief a seat in that Council, than one in the Legislative Council of India. At Agra he will be in the very centre of the army ; and will be in a situation to exercise an efficient military control, while per- forming his civil duties. I was always disposed to think that a Council would, sooner or later, become necessary, or at least be found useful; although it appeared to me that it might be, for a time, dispensed with, while the administration remained in the hands of Sir C. Metcalfe. ' ; I have merely thrown out these suggestions, with a view to call your attention to the subject generally; but I shall be ready to enter into a more particular examination of these and other points whenever you may be prepared to take up the question, and to confer with the Deputy and myself upon its different branches. " I have the honor to be, my dear Sir, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " I beg to annex for your information a copy of the pro- posed Resolution, on which I intend to take the opinion of my colleagues on Wednesday: " ' That this Court deeply laments that the state of Lord Wm. Bentinck's health should be such as to deprive the Com- pany of his valuable services at a period of great difficulty ; and the Court desires to record its grateful sense of the distinguished LETTER TO Mil. GRANT. 477 zeal, energy, ability, and high honor, with which his Lordship has discharged the arduous and important duties of his exalted station. " ' That referring to the appointment, which has been con- ferred by the Court, with the approbation of his Majesty, on Sir C. Metcalfe, provisionally to succeed as Governor-General, upon the death, resignation, or coming away of Lord Wm. Bentinck this Court is of opinion that is unnecessary, and, in view to the measures now in progress, that it would be incon- venient and inexpedient at present to make any other ar- rangement for supplying that office; and that the Chairs be authorised and requested to communicate this opinion to his Majesty, through the President of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India.' " " TO THE EIGHT HON. CHARLES GRANT. [On the Danish Settlements.] "East India House, 16th Sept., 1834. " MY DEAR SIR, I have been favored with your note of the 13th instant, enclosing a paper of suggestions signed Gloijer. "It cannot be doubted, I think, that in negotiating the general peace, our Ministers committed a great oversight in not retaining all the possessions and factories of France, Holland, Denmark, and Portugal, on the continent of India. The cession was gratuitous on our part : these possessions were of no real value to the parties to whom they were restored, while they were of great value to us, as excluding a nuisance. " But the Danish settlements are of less inconvenience to us than those of any other European power; for the Danes are a quiet, unambitious, commercial people. They formerly ex- ported considerable quantities of piece-goods from Serampore and the coast ; but this trade has, I believe, almost entirely ceased. " The inconvenience and disadvantages which we experi- ence from the European establishments on the continent of India, may be stated as follows, viz. : " 1st. In preventing our Government from levying the duties of customs on the whole of the import and export trade. 478 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. " 2nd. In compelling us to make compensation for requiring them to forego the right to trade in salt and opium, to the prej udice of our monopoly. " 3rd. In affording an asylum to persons escaping from their creditors, or from the hands of justice. " 4th. In harbouring persons disaffected to our Government, and in affording facilities for the establishment of a malignant press. Upon these, and other considerations perhaps, it would certainly be desirable to obtain the surrender of any of the foreign settlements and factories, which we may have oppor- tunity of obtaining ; but anything may be purchased too dear, and the cession would resolve itself into a question of terms or means. " The proposed exchange of one or more of our West India islands, I presume to be quite out of the question. We cannot make over British subjects in this manner to a foreign power ; although interchanges are sometimes made at a general peace by the cession of actual conquests. " What the money value of Tranquebar may be, I am not prepared to say ; but the value of Serampore to us would not be great, I apprehend, at present. To the Danes it must, 1 think, be an incumbrance ; and if they would surrender the settlement for the value of the public buildings, and other fixed property, to be taken at a fair valuation, both parties would, I imagine, be gainers. Their trade with Bengal might be guaranteed at the duties chargeable to the most favored nation. " As the suggestion which has been offered to you does not seem to have proceeded from any functionary of the Danish Government, and as I do not know whether your colleagues in the Foreign or Colonial Departments have taken up the question, I have confined my remarks to a few general points ; but if the proposition should be seriously entertained by his Majesty's Government, it will be my duty, and my wish, to afford every information in my power, with a view to promote a satisfactory arrangement. " Believe me, my dear Sir, 4f Very sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." LETTER TO MR. GRANT. 479 " TO THE RIGHT HON. C. GRANT. [On the Succession to the Governor-Generalship.] " East India House, 22nd Sept., 1834. " MY DEAR SIR, In our conference on Tuesday last, you gave us reason to suppose that we should be honored with an invitation from Lord Melbourne to a personal interview in the course of the week ; but as I have not been favored with any communication from his Lordship, and as I stand pledged to my colleagues to bring under their consideration, on Friday next, the present state of the Indian Government, I can no longer delay to solicit through you an intimation of the views of his Majesty's Government with respect to the appointment of a successor to Lord William Bentinck. " I have already communicated to you, and to the Court, the proposition which I intend to bring forward, for confirming Sir C. Metcalfe in the station of Governor-General, for such time as may be found necessary to enable him to carry into execution the important arrangements consequent upon the new Charter- Act ; and I continue decidedly of opinion that this will be the most convenient proceeding which could be adopted. Still, it will be my duty and my wish to place before my colleagues the views of his Majesty's Ministers, if they should be prepared to offer an alternative to the Court. " The communication which I have had with you on the subject, hitherto, having been confidential, I have not felt myself at liberty to enter into any explanations officially ; but when the question is formally brought forward, the Court will, I think, expect from me every information which can assist their deliberations, in appointing a successor to Lord William Bentinck. " I need not point out to you the necessity for an early decision. When our last advices came away, the Indian Go- vernment was evidently in an inefficient and unsatisfactory state. Strictly speaking, there was no legal administration in the two Presidencies of Bengal; and if any political occur- rences, calling for prompt measures, should take place on our western frontier, it appears to me that the utmost inconvenience was to be apprehended from the absence of the principal au- 480 LIFE OF H. ST.a. TUCKER. thorities, civil and military, at so great a distance from the seat of the Supreme Government. " I have had but little time yet to reflect on the minutes of Lord William Bentinck, which you were so good as to send for my perusal ; but if I wanted an argument in favor of the appointment of Sir C. Metcalfe, these documents would furnish it. I feel persuaded that Sir Charles is almost the only indi- vidual capable of extricating us from the difficulties which the proposed reduction of the Indian army will, I apprehend, pro- duce. Let me beg you to refer to his masterly minute of the 22nd January, 1831, on the proposition of the Finance Com- mittee to reduce the army; and although I have not the pre- sumption to pronounce a judgment on a question of military reform, I must think that if such a delicate, such a difficult operation is to be undertaken, it cannot be entrusted to any hands so safely as to those of Sir Charles Metcalfe, who has always been popular with the army, and whose prudence and firmness will give him a peculiar advantage in conducting any measure of difficulty. " I shall not refer in this place to the subordinate arrange- ments which will become necessary; because these will depend, in some measure, on the selection which may be made for the station of Governor- General; but I would observe that the question of appointing a Council to Agra, to which I have called your attention, will require an early decision. I have already submitted to you my own opinion on the question ; and it is unnecessary, therefore, to trouble you with any further remarks on the subject. ' c I have the honor to be, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE RIGHT HON. CHARLES GRANT. [On the Appointment of a Governor- General.] "East India House, 16th October, 1834. " MY DEAR SIR, I was favored with your note of yester- day, which I had an opportunity of submitting to one of our Committees. " It has always been my earnest wish to act in concert with LETTER TO MR. GRANT. 481 you, and in concord with his Majesty's Government; but I have a paramount duty to perform towards the Court, and I must upon the present occasion act upon my sense of that duty. " The delay of a few days may appear of small moment; but, after the declaration made by you, in the course of our conference on Tuesday, that his Majesty's Ministers, in conse- quence of the Court's resolution of the 26th ultimo, proposing to continue Sir C. Metcalfe in the station of Governor-General, no longer considered themselves pledged to abstain from making an appointment under the 60th section of the Charter- Act, the delay of a few days may involve the question of the forfeiture of one of the most important rights of the Court. If I have misunderstood you, it is easy to set me right; and if I have an assurance from you that the King's Government do not mean to avail themselves of any delay on our part, for the purpose of taking the appointment into their own hands then it will be no longer necessary for me to bring forward the question to- morrow, as I now propose to do. " In explanation (and, if you please, in justification) of my proceeding, let me beg to call to your recollection the following circumstances : " 1st. That the tender of the resignation of Lord W. Ben- tinck has been known to yourself, and his Majesty's Ministers, for at least seven weeks. " 2nd. That only two calendar months are allowed the Court of Directors to fill up a vacancy. " 3rd. That you yourself, in your letter to the Chairs of the 1st instant (sixteen days ago), intimated, to the Court the de- cided opinion of his Majesty's Ministers that ' in reference to the present state of India, no time should be lost in appointing a permanent successor to Lord Wm. Bentinck, as Governor- General of India/ " Lastly. Let me beg to remind you that, if any lapse take place on the part of the Court of Directors, and the appoint- ment to the office of Governor-General devolve, in consequence, upon the King's Government, the constitution of the Indian Government is virtually changed. The Court of Directors can 2i 482 LIFE OF H. ST.GK TUCKER. no longer recall or remove a Govern or- General so appointed, and, consequently, can no longer exercise the same efficient control over that high functionary, who is already invested with such extensive powers. " Let me add that, at our two last interviews, I asked you expressly if you were prepared to enter upon the question. You stated that you were not prepared ; and acting, as I have always done, with the utmost consideration towards you, I did not press you further, although I myself was perfectly prepared to submit my views to you, and to receive an intimation of the views and wishes of her Majesty's Government. " The foregoing explanation will, I trust, satisfy you that I am not acting unreasonably in declining to accede to a further delay in bringing forward the name of a successor to Lord William Bentinck. I must give a week's notice to the Court, as I have already stated to you ; and although I believe the law will give us more time, under the legal opinion which I have obtained, it is impossible for me, in a matter of such import- ance, to run any risk. I could not do so without bringing the rights of the Court into question, nor without subjecting my own conduct to just animadversion. " I have the honor to be, my dear Sir, " Your faithful servant, " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " If you would wish to see us, the Deputy and myself will be happy to wait upon you, either this evening or early to-morrow, when I can explain to you my intended course of proceeding." ' TO , ESQ. [On the Distribution of Patronage.] " East India House, 22nd December, 1834. ** MY DEAR SIR I have been favored with your note of Saturday, and I regret very much that it is not in my power (circumstanced as I am) to comply with your request for a cadetcy for your young friend. u The Court scarcely ever grant nominations to their service as a body. I only recollect one instance (that of Sir D. Ochter- LETTER TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. 483 long) where they have deviated from their general rule or usage ; and the reason for this rule is obvious. We should have innumerable applications, with which it would be impossible to comply; and we should i>e compelled to make very invidious distinctions. * " With respect to myself, I determined some time since to apply my extra patronage, as Chairman, to public objects, i. e. to provide for the sons and relations of meritorious officers of his Majesty's and our own service; and I have given effect to this determination in the manner which appeared to me best calculated to accomplish the end which I had in view. " Believe me, dear Sir, " Very faithfully yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." To the above letters may be advantageously ap- pended two or three of a later date, in order that the narrative continuity of the next chapter may not be broken by their insertion : "TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. [On the Authorities of the Board of Control and Court of Directors.] September 27th, 1838. " MY LOUD DUKE, I have had the honor to receive your Grace's favor of the 14th inst., and I beg to offer my best acknow- ledgments for the communication. Your Grace's remarks tended greatly to fortify me in the opinion which I had previously formed on the question, and enabled me to maintain that opinion with greater confidence. " I have the satisfaction to state that the proposition for sending out the Irish Roman Catholic priests to India at the public expense, has been negatived by a large majority of the Court ; but as this attempt has been repeatedly made under the auspices of the present Government, I am not without apprehension that it may be renewed, and that sooner or later it may be successful. "Your Grace seems to consider that the administration of 2i2 484 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. India is now vested in the National Government. This is very much the case, no doubt ; but although the Legislature, by the late Charter- Act, has stripped the Court of Directors of sub- stantial power, we are still left in g, position to exert some moral influence with effect. ^ " In all our foreign relations and political concerns, the Board can act independently of the Court, through the Secret Committee ; and here we have no voice whatever, nor are we even cognisant of the Board's proceedings. The Board have, moreover, a general and absolute restrain- ing power; but they cannot propel us forwards, if we choose to resist. Our vis-inertias alone is sometimes sufficient to arrest their proceedings. The present Government have on more than one occasion resorted to a high judicial tribunal for the purpose of coercing us by a Mandamus ; but they signally failed. On a late occasion they ordered us to dismiss all the Judges of our Court of Sudder Dewanny Adawlut (the head Court of Appeal in Bengal) we refused they threatened to dismiss them by their own authority they were told that this could only be done by a mandate of recall under the Sign Manual ; but they were not prepared to undertake such a re- sponsibility, and the case was closed by a peevish censure. " The Court of Directors still, by law, retain the initiative; and although, by the connivance of their organs, this privilege may be rendered of no avail, it has heretofore been asserted with very salutary effect. We are also at liberty to protest, and to expose to public view instances of mal-administration ; so that, as long as the Court shall be filled by independent and honorable men, they may not only, by their knowledge and experience, assist in giving a proper direction to the machine of Government, but they can also exert a wholesome influence in checking the career of an unscrupulous Government. Had this not been the case, we should have had at the present moment an establishment of Irish Roman Catholic priests as an appen- dage to our Indian army. " Still, I feel most painfully that we are gradually sinking. Our weight and influence have declined of late, and are de- clining; and among the other evils of the time, I look forward ON THE EDUCATION OF THE CIVIL SERVICE. 485 with anxiety and apprehension to the future condition of India. It may be preserved for a longer or a shorter period ; but I doubt whether it will be long preserved in a condition to be of real value to the mother country. Religious fanaticism, which is not discouraged by the present Government, has already done much to alienate the attachment of the people, to shake their confidence, and to produce uneasiness and alarm. " I scarcely need mention that I did not make use of your Grace's letter with my colleagues, although I believe that it would have had the effect of bringing our debate to an early conclusion. " I have the honor to be, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER." TO [On the Education of the Civil Service.] "East India House, 17th Aug., 1844. " MY DEAK , It would be great presumption in me to oppose the professional opinion of so eminent a scholar as Pro- fessor Wilson, when I am no scholar at all ; but I have on more than one occasion ventured to place on record my opinions with respect to Haileybury, and I have seen no reason to re- tract those opinions. In establishing that College, our objects, I apprehend, were threefold : " 1st. To complete a liberal education, such as young men receive at our Universities. " 2ndly. To give our civil servants an elementary knowledge of the Oriental languages, in order to facilitate the acquisition of those languages on their arrival in India. And, " Srdly. To obtain an assurance of moral character and con- duct, and of that industry and application which are essential to insure habits of business. This last has always been with me an object of paramount consideration. " With respect to European languages and literature, I should say that we attempt too much. At seventeen or eighteen a young man ought to know enough of Latin and Greek; and I should be disposed to dispense with those languages in the two 486 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. last terms, or to make the study of them optional. It may be doubted whether French, Italian, or German, might not be substituted with advantage ; but I have no wish to engage in a controversy on this question, which, perhaps, in due season will be decided, by the railroad, calculated as it is to mix together the nations of Europe. " But the Oriental branch of the question is that which wo have to deal with at present, and I have no hesitation in repeating my opinion that the study of three Oriental lan- guages, in addition to the other studies which are imposed upon our young men, cannot be prosecuted with advantage. " Professor Wilson's argument is, that the acquisition of the primitive language facilitates the acquisition of the derivative language that when Sanscrit is acquired, the acquisition of Bengali, &c., is easy. This is quite true; and the argument might be applied to the acquisition of Arabic as a means of facilitating the acquisition of the Persian. But is the process necessary ? I think not ; and I will state a case in point. " I was stationed for about two years in a Bengali district (Rajeshahy), and with the aid of Halhed's little grammar I learnt enough in about three months, I think, to be able to transact public business with the people. Now, had I com- menced with Sanscrit, I should have quitted the district before I reached its derivative, the Bengali, although the latter was really what 1 required. The best speaker of Bengali whom I met with was a Dr. M (an age ago), and he knew nothing of Sanscrit; and the best speaker of Hindustani whom I met with (also an age ago), was an ill-educated Irishman, who had never, probably, looked at a grammar in the course of his life. He, like Mr. B , acquired the language in the Zenana, and the natives admitted that he spoke the language so correctly that they could not detect the European. He acquired it entirely by the ear. " Sir William Jones, on the other hand, although a Sanscrit and a Persian scholar, could not hold the most common con- versation either in Bengali or Hindustani; so that we have here the primitive languages without their leading to the derivatives. Nor do I believe that a single instance can be LETTER TO SIR CHARLES METCALFE. 487 adduced of one of our Haileybury students being able to carry on a dialogue, either in Hindustani or Persian. This was not the case in the Calcutta College some forty years ago. " Persian is fast disappearing in our Bengal provinces, to which my remarks are confined; and in the course of a few years it will be of no use for any practical purposes of business. With the Hindustani, neither our civil nor military servants need ever be at a loss in the districts under the Bengal and Agra Presidencies. " What I would deduce from these premises is, that we attempt too much, both in the European and Oriental branches of study; that two Oriental languages are as much as can be well attended to ; and that even one (the Hindustani), if pro- perly cultivated, would be sufficient; and that the study of Sanscrit, Arabic, and even Persian, might be left optional with the student. I adhere to my opinion that sixteen is the best age for entering Haileybury that the student should be allowed to quit it and enter the service as soon as he is re- ported to be duly qualified, even after the expiration of his second term and that the acquisition of the native languages should be remitted mainly to India, where more will be accom- plished in six months, after a little elementary preparation here, than can be effected by a two years' residence at Haileybury. " Believe me, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER." ; ' TO SIR CHARLES METCALFE. [On the Settlement of Bundlekund.*] " . . . . If you should have taken charge of your Go- vernment of Agra, your attention will, I am sure, be directed immediately to the state of Bundlekund. I have instructed our secretary to take up the subject here as soon as possible ; but what can we do here? .... * This is an extract from a letter written in 1834, and accidentally omitted from the earlier part of the chapter. 488 LIFE OF H. ST. a. TUCKER. " When I visited the province, it seemed to be prosperous, although not particularly well managed by the Lucknow Tehsildars, whom Baillie had introduced or recommended ; but the villagers (I am tired of the term Ryot) appeared comfort- able, and I have never seen in any part of the country such magnificent wells. There was a good deal of bishy (or surplus) and alienated land, which enabled the people to pay a high as- sessment; but when the late Mr. Scott Waring brought this land upon the rental, and taxed it, the same high rate of assess- ment could not be paid, and the province has rapidly declined. This is a mistake which we often make. It does not follow that by detecting alienations we can augment the revenue " I cannot change the opinion of men, nor can I venture to overturn a favorite system when in office only for a few months. It would be presumptuous and dangerous for me to attempt to move; but you on the spot have a heavy responsibility. The country ought not to be allowed to go to ruin. What I wish to see is, the demand of Government limited and fixed. The party with whom the settlement is to be concluded is matter of inferior consideration. I prefer moderate estates, say from 200 to 2000 rupees annual revenue; but I would not manufacture estates, as my excellent friend Sir G. Barlow attempted to do at Madras. Let them grow, as they will do if you do not crush them. What I should like to see would be,' the grant of Mo- kurrery tenures when estates have been well ascertained, where they are in full cultivation, and where the assessment has been made by trustworthy officers. If a beginning were once made in this way, we should get on rapidly ; but what have we accom- plished in the last twenty years? Of late, we seem to be retro- grading. My friend, Sir H. Strachey, has often reproached me for not having undertaken to form a Permanent Settlement in 1807 ; and if we do not manage better than we have done lately, I shall begin to reproach myself. There are various other questions to which I should like to call your attention ; but I have little leisure for correspondence " THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN. 489 CHAPTER XVII. The War in Afghanistan Our Relations with the Persian Court Resistance of Russia an European Question The Tripartite Treaty Mr. Tucker's Letters to the Duke of Wellington and Others His Opinions on the Afghan War and the Conquest of Scinde Recall of Lord Ellenborough. THE narrative portion of the penultimate chapter closed with the appointment of Lord Auckland to the Governor- Generalship of India. The chapter upon which I am now entering is to he devoted to the consideration of the policy pursued towards the states beyond the Indus during his and his succes- sor's administration; and the part taken by Mr. Tucker in the resistance of measures which he believed to be both impolitic and unjust. I cannot take upon myself to say that if Lord Heytesbury's appointment had not been reversed, this chapter would not have been commenced ; but I have a very strong conviction, based upon the recorded senti- ments of Sir Charles Metcalfe, that if the Indian Civilian instead of the English Peer had been ap- pointed to the Governor- Generalship, we should have heard nothing of the wars in Afghanistan and Scinde. 490 LIEE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. Whilst Mr. Tucker was yet in the Chair, the sub- jects of our relations with Persia and of the opening of the Indus, for purposes, as it was said, of naviga- tion and trade, had been brought prominently before him. He seems to have seen through them both at a glance. It was his conviction, in 1834, that the Persian alliance was an European question with which the Indian Government ought not to meddle ; and that inasmuch as Commercial agencies were prone to develope themselves, with extraordinary rapidity, into Political agencies, the less we con- cerned ourselves about the commerce of the Indus, the better it would be for the prosperity of India and the character of the British nation. I am fortunately able to narrate in his own words the consistent course which Mr. Tucker pursued with reference to our Central- Asian policy, from the very commencement of those unhappy operations which terminated in a sea of disaster and disgrace. " I had various personal conferences with the Indian Minis- ter throughout 1834-35," he wrote in an interesting retrospect which he drew up in 1842, " when I held the station of Chairman; and in all these conferences regarding the state of Persia and its relations with Great Britain, I invariably maintained that it was impossible to operate upon Persia with any effect from India, whilst that Power was countenanced and supported by Russia ; and that the national force must be applied in Europe, if it should become necessary to counteract or to arrest the proceedings OUR RELATIONS WITH PERSIA. 491 of Russia in any of the Asiatic states. The notes of my conferences with his Majesty's Ministers I have kept as a sealed book ; for I regarded them always (at least for the time) as confidential on both sides. The obligation of secresy may, however, be considered to cease when questions have been finally settled ; when the facts have become publicly known through other channels, and when a disclosure can neither prove injurious to the public interests, nor hurtful to private feelings." From these memoranda it appears that on the 7th of June, 1834, Mr. Tucker explained at great length (to the President of the Board of Control) the critical state of affairs in Persia and urged that no measures, offensive or defensive, could be taken in India and that the whole question should be taken up by the British Cabinet. On the 23rd of June and the 1st of July he reiterated these opinions. On the 22nd of the latter month, advert- ing to letters received from the Persian Envoy, Mr. Tucker strongly objected J;o his proposition to pay the demand of Russia (250,000/.*), and referred to a letter, which he had written to the Board, explain- ing the grounds of these objections and his views of the policy to be observed in Persia. " It is become," he again emphatically said, " a European * It was proposed that the British Government should enable Mahomed Meerza to satisfy the pecuniary claims of Russia, hi order that we might " take from that Power all pretence for occupying the province of Ghilan, for de- manding a cession of territory, and for interfering directly in the appoint- ment of a successor to the throne." 492 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKEH. question." In the letter to which he alluded on this occasion, he had laid down the following pro- positions : " 1st. That the British Government cannot, with the smallest prospect of success, employ a military force in Persia, for the purpose of opposing the progress of the Russian arms, or of Russian in- fluence in that quarter. " 2nd. That we could not advance our military line of frontier in India, in the direction of Persia, without exciting jealousy and distrust on the part of the intermediate states, nor without incurring great expense unattended by any corresponding ad- vantage. " 3rd. That we could not undertake to furnish supplies of money to the Government of Persia, in whatever hands that Government may he, with any prospect of advantage; nor, indeed, without strengthening the very Power, whose designs are supposed to be adverse to the British interests in India." "These considerations," he continued, "would seem to lead to the conclusion that nothing effectual can be done by the Government of India to coun- teract the projects of Russia in the East that the only means of opposing her advance in Persia are to be sought in Europe ; and that whatever diplomatic agency it may be thought proper to maintain at the Court of Persia ought to act in immediate subordi- nation to the political authorities in this country, OUR PERSIAN RELATIONS. 493 rather than under the Indian Government, which has no quick or certain means of communicating with the Envoy at Teheran, and which neither pos- sesses the necessary information with respect to our political affairs in Europe, nor any means of com- pelling a European power to refrain from those acts affecting the interests of other nations, or tending to endanger the public peace." And in a postscript he had added: "We might observe generally that it is impossible for India to secure the independence of Persia, unless it could furnish both a Government, an Exchequer, and an efficient army. It is also quite clear that our relations with Persia, Turkey (including the Pachalic of Bagdad), and Syria, con- stitute now a general question, which can be best considered and dealt with as a whole."* In the course of subsequent conferences with Mr. Grant, up to the very last which was held with him (on the 10th of December) before the dissolution of the Whig Ministry, Mr. Tucker had used the same language of remonstrance ; but almost immediately on the accession of Lord Ellenborough to the Board of Control, under the Peel Ministry, the new Presi- dent announced that the Persian Mission was to be made a European question that an Envoy was to be deputed on the part of the Crown that Mr. H. Ellis had been selected for the station, and that a communication would immediately be made to the * The letter is of considerable interest and importance in connexion with the whole Persian question ; but it is too lengthy for insertion here. 494 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. Secret Committee respecting the arrangement. But Mr. Tucker at this time declined to give any pledge with respect to the Company contributing to defray the charge. Doubtless, however, he was well assured in his own mind that the Company would be compelled to contribute largely towards the expenses of the Mis- sion, although it was to be appointed by the Crown. When, therefore, it was decreed that the Indian contribution should amount to 12,OOOZ. per annum, he felt that it would be of little use to remonstrate against the " arrangement."* But he could hardly have formed a just conception, at that time, of the manner in which the settlement of the affairs of Persia was to be made a "European question." It was so far to be a European question, that all power and authority over the Persian Mission, and all control over the Politics of Persia, were to be vested in the Crown Ministers ; but whenever great mea- sures, costly and dangerous, were to be undertaken, when armies were to be moved, and millions of money expended for the counteraction of Russian intrigue, it was the Establishment of the East India Company that was to be indented upon, and the Treasury of the East India Company that was to bo drained. The Russo-Persian question was thence- forth to be a "European question;" but it was * He, however, steadfastly insisted upon the maintenance of this limit to the demand upon the Company. On the 26th of February he repeated to Lord Ellenborough that the Court would not consent to pay more than 1 2,000/. per annum; and that the expense of the military must either be defrayed by the Shah, or the officers and men be ordered back to Persia. THE "COMMERCIAL AGENCY." 495 Indian blood, and it was Indian treasure that was to be lavished on its solution. Very far removed from this was Mr. Tucker's conception of a European question. With a saga- city almost prophetic, he saw in the future the fata] consequences of interfering, from the side of India, in the affairs of Central Asia, whether the inter- ference were to be called diplomacy or commerce. With the countries beyond the Indus he desired that the Indian Government should have nothing to do. To the charmings of Alexander Burnes, charm he never so wisely, he was insensible : " The late Sir Alexander (then Lieutenant) Burnes," wroto Mr. Tucker in 1842, "was introduced to me in 1834 as a talented and enterprising young officer; and it was suggested that he might be usefully employed as a commercial agent at Caubul, to en- courage our commerce with that country, and to aid in opening the river Indus to British industry and enterprise. I am, upon principle, friendly to the extension of all legitimate commerce ; but it appeared to me that the commercial resources of Afghanistan, and the means of deriving advantage from an intercourse with that country, were greatly magnified ; for I had reason to know that the country was poor and difficult of access, that the people were turbulent, and that the state of society was not such as to justify an expectation that the Afghans could easily be led to adopt peaceful and industrious habits. I declined, then, to propose, or to concur in, the appointment of Lieutenant Burnes 496 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. to a commercial agency in Caubul, feeling perfectly assured that it must speedily degenerate into a political agency, and that we should, as a necessary consequence, be involved in all the entanglement of Afghan politics.* These, I believe, were nearly the precise words frequently repeated by me, in ex- pressing my objection to the projected arrange- ment. Erom 1835-36 the entire charge of our relations with Persia was assumed by his Majesty's Government. Dr. (now Sir John) M'JSTeill was ap- pointed Ambassador to the Shah ; and the only duty, or function, which devolved upon the Court of Directors was to supply the sum of 12,OOOZ. per annum, under the arrangement of January, 1835, to defray the charge of the embassy. Lieutenant Burnes returned to India ; and after a short in- terval was deputed on a mission to R/unjeet Singh at Lahore, and subsequently obtained the appoint- ment of political agent at Caubul, where his nego- tiations with the ex-ruler, Dost Mahomed, and his rupture with that chief, were made public under an order of the House of Commons. In these transactions the Court of Directors took no part ; nor were we made acquainted officially with the projects of the Indian Government and their hostile preparations until an army was actually .assembled * On November 11, 1834, with reference to Lieut. Burnes, Mr. Tucker men- tioned his application to be recommended to the appointment of agent at Caubul, or on the Indus, and gave it as his opinion that no such agency was necessary at present, and that he could not with propriety interfere with the local Government in selecting for public situations. Mr. Grant concurred entirely with respect to the inexpediency of appointing au agent at Caubul. LETTERS TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. 497 on the banks of the Sutlej for the invasion of Af- ghanistan. I was not, however (continued Mr. Tucker), inattentive to the proceedings abroad ; and on the first intelligence reaching us of the military movement on our "Western Frontier, I addressed a letter to an illustrious statesman, so far back as the 8th November, 1838, deprecating the policy which appeared to have led to that movement, and point- ing out, in strong terms, the danger of prosecuting an enterprise against Afghanistan for the purpose of deposing the de facto ruler, and of substituting our pensioner, Shujah-ool-Moolk, in his place. As the papers were from time- to time produced, I again addressed the same illustrious statesman, under date the 8th and 12th February, 1839 ; and I also addressed two other distinguished statesmen on the same subject, under date the 16th March and 3rd April following." The statesmen of whom Mr. Tucker here speaks were the Duke of Welling- ton, Sir Robert Peel, and Lord Ellenborough. It would be an injustice to the subject of this Memoir to withhold the remarkable letters to which he al- ludes : " MB. TUCKER TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. " 3, Upper Portland-place, 8th November, 1838. " MY LORD DUKE, The late military movements in India must, I am sure, have attracted your Grace's attention ; and I will not therefore apologise for submitting some observations on a subject which is of the highest national interest. " About five years ago, when I held the situation of Chairman of the Court, I ventured to urge an opinion that our concerns in Persia, in consequence of the position and movements of 2K 498 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKEH. Russia, had become an European, and not an Asiatic question that it was impossible to meet and counteract Russia at Teheran that we might lavish our money upon a weak and corrupt Court but that we could not assist it with a military force sufficient to secure its independence as against Russia, whose armies were at hand; and that therefore our obvious policy was to operate upon Russia in Europe. " I was also adverse to the project of establishing a mission at Caubul. The professed object was to extend our commerce with Central Asia by the Indus ; but it appeared to me certain that our Agency would assume a political character, and that we should soon be mixed up in all the perplexed politics of the Afghans; and even if we should succeed in opening a commer- cial road through the Punjab, or otherwise, to Afghanistan, we should only make a military road from that country to Hin- dostan, which appeared to me to be by no means desirable. " Your Grace is aware that, about this time, the Persian Embassy was transferred to his Majesty's Government, the East India Company undertaking to defray the charge, to the extent of 12,OOOZ. per annum, while the idea of establishing an Agency at Caubul was for the time abandoned. " But that which I had deprecated, and which it was my great object to prevent a military movement from India has now actually taken place; and, from certain indications, I am persuaded that it has taken place under orders from this country. The transfer of our Persian relations to his Majesty's Government has therefore, I apprehend, brought upon us the very evil which it was intended to prevent. The late Sir R. Grant would never, I am satisfied, have made that pitiful demonstration in the Persian Gulf without authority from hence, nor would Lord Auckland who has shown great prudence in other instances have embarked, I think, in so fearful an enterprise without express authority from home. " The evil, then, originating here, it is only in this country that its progress can be arrested. " In order to give your Grace some idea of the feeling which has been produced in India by our projected movements on our LETTER TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. 499 North- Western frontier, I beg to enclose an extract from a late letter from a correspondent on trie spot ; and I will add a brief summary of what appear to me to be the facts of the case, and the position in which we have placed ourselves. " 1st. We have contracted an alliance with Shah Shujah, and have appointed a Minister to his Court; although he does not possess a rood of ground in Afghanistan, nor a rupee which he does not derive from our bounty as a quondam pensioner. We thus embroil ourselves in all the intricate and perplexed concerns of the Afghan tribes. We place Dost Mahomed, the de facto sovereign, in open hostility against us ; we alienate the Prince Kamran of Herat, who is nearer than Shah Shujah in the line of succession of the Douranee Family ; and even if we succeed in ousting Dost Mahomed, and placing Shah Shujah on the throne of Caubul, we must maintain him in the government by a large military force, at the distance of 800 miles from our frontier and our resources. "2nd. If our army should succeed in penetrating into Afghanistan, our line of communication will be intercepted by the Punjab and Scinde, which in the course of events may become hostile to our proceedings. " 3rd. Our right flank is already menaced by the Nepaulese; our left is open to the Rajpoot States, who, I apprehend, are by no means well-disposed towards us ; while our rear may be attacked by the Burmese, who are notoriously hostile " The military demonstration on the coast of Persia is as much at variance with sound policy, as it is with political morality (for we are not at war with Persia), and I can compare it with nothing but our lamentable proceedings towards Holland and Spain. The movement on our North- Western frontier seems to have proceeded from the same source ; and it may involve us in much more serious consequences. 11 In fine, if some decided steps be not speedily taken for the purpose of averting the evils which seem to impend over us, we shall not long, I fear, be able to say that the sun never sets upon the dominions of Great Britain, or at least we shall not be able to say that its widely-extended possessions are the 2x2 500 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. source of strength, power, and prosperity to the parent country. I have the honor to be, &c., &c., 11 H. ST.G. TUCKER." " THE DUKE OP WELLINGTON TO MR. TUCKER. " Strathfieldsaye, December 12th, 1838. "MY DEAR SIR, I have received and perused with much interest your letter of the 8th of December, I conclude, but you have written it November. " I had understood that the raising the siege of Herat was to be the signal for abandoning the expedition to the Indus. It will be very unfortunate if that intention should be altered. The consequence of crossing the Indus once to settle a go- vernment in Afghanistan, will be a perennial march into that country. " The policy of the Persian Court has of course been in- fluenced by its fears of Russian invasion. On the other hand, nothing was to be looked for from her Majesty's Government. I should think that the invasion by the Persian Gulf was carried on as a make-weight against Russian influence. This invasion certainly had an effect, and if I have not been mis- informed, affected the Russian Government to a greater degree than anything else that could be done. " I don't know that while the siege of Herat continued, particularly by the aid of Russian officers and troops, even in the form of deserters, the Government of India could have done otherwise than prepare for its defence. But I cannot understand the Afghan or Sikh policy. I don't think that Runjeet Singh, established on both sides of the Indus, is a safer neighbour than Zemaun Shah was. An emergency, such as an immediately expected invasion, might oblige a Government to take a course inconsistent with its ordinary political system ; but when the danger is passed, we ought not to incur fresh risks in order to carry into execution a system which must eventually be inconvenient to us, and lead to fresh wars and expense. I confess that I anxiously hope that the next accounts will bring us the report that the expedition is given up. Believe me, ever yours most sincerely, "WELLINGTON." LETTER TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. 501 " MR. TUCKER TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, " 8th February, 1839. " MY LORD DUKE, It was very satisfactory to me, and I believe to all who are interested in the welfare of India, to observe that both your Grace and Sir Robert Peel had called the particular attention of Parliament to the present state of our affairs in the East, for it is to Parliament only that we can now look for the means of overcoming our difficulties, and I may add, of averting our dangers. " The Tripartite Treaty of Alliance concluded at Lahore, on the 20th June last, has been laid before our Court, and your Grace may like to run over it. A more extraordinary State Paper has never come under my notice. It is evidently of Native origin and character, having originated with Runjeet Singh, but we have made some fearful additions to it for his sole benefit. We undertake, in fact, to guarantee to him and his heirs all of his present possessions east of the Indus, in- cluding Cashmeer and Moultan, and a large tract of country on the right bank extending west to the Khibur Pass and south of the neighbourhood of Shikarpoor, including the valley of Pesha- wur, &c., &c. I cannot trace its range to the south exactly, for some of the places named are not to be found in the map. " This treaty cannot fail to arm the whole Afghan nation against us, not excepting the great tribe of Durannies, nor even the clan of Suddozyes, to which Shujah-ool-Moolk himself belongs; and it will also, I fear, be regarded with an evil eye by the Ameers of Scinde and the Chief of Bhawulpore, for it places these chiefs entirely at the mercy of Runjeet Singh. In truth, the sole object of the treaty would seem to be to erect the Sikh state into a stronger barrier between us and the Ma- homedan states of the west ; but as the Afghans bear a most inveterate hatred towards the Sikhs, both as ' KafFres,' as ( per- secutors of the Faith,' and as invaders who have dismembered their territory, I am persuaded that we could not have re- sorted to more effectual means to ruin the cause of Shujah- ool-Moolk, and to strengthen the government of Dost Ma- homed, his opponent. 502 LIFE OF H. ST.G-. TUCKER. " The main army will halt, I have no doubt, for we are already, I suspect, alarmed here at our own work ; but what will then become of Shujah-ool-Moolk's hasty levies, or of the small force under Sir John Keane ? The advance of the latter, I apprehend, will be clandestinely obstructed, if not openly op- posed by the Scindians, and the inhabitanst of the intervening country. "If we had pushed forward Runjeet Singh, as the Russians have pushed forward Persia, I could have understood the policy of such a proceeding, although I might demur to the wisdom and justice of embroiling other nations in order to promote our own interests, or even to ward off an apprehended danger ; but I cannot understand the policy of undertaking a burden- some and perilous war, for the purpose of aggrandising Run- jeet Singh, whose armies, be it remembered, are under the direction of French officers. " As the treaty is almost unintelligible by itself, I have given notice of motion for further papers explanatory of its origin, objects, and provisions. These will not be granted, I fear, at least not to the extent 1 require ; and I shall therefore prepare to place on record a formal protest against our whole proceed- ing, from such materials as I can command. "I would not trouble your Grace again on this subject, but I know that you take a warm interest in everything affecting the great interests of the country ; and I am sure that you con- sider the well-being of India as comprehended in those great interests. " I have not made any communication to Sir Robert Peel on this subject; but if the question should be first mooted in the House of Commons, where the Indian Minister is to be found, and I can furnish any information likely to be of use, I need scarcely say that I should be most happy to communi- cate it, " I have the honor to be, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. "I had sketched a brief analysis of the Tripartite Treaty; but as it is hasty and imperfect, I will not trouble your Grace LETTER TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. 503 with it. As, however, my friend Mr. Edmonstone is much better authority in these matters, your Grace might like to see a private note written by him on the subject. " His Grace the Duke of Wellington." " MR. TUCKER TO THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. "February 12, 1839, " MY LORD DUKE, I have been favored with your Grace's note, and I regret that I cannot answer your question with any degree of certainty. In fact, the motion which I shall make to-morrow will have for its object to obtain information upon this and other branches of the question. ' ' There has, I have reason to believe, been a good deal of cor- respondence, through the Secret Committee, on this subject, with the Governor-General, and Lord Auckland's information has, I have no doubt, been obtained through Captain (now Sir Alexander) Burnes, who has been employed for some time in a political capacity at Caubul. I have seen several private letters from that officer, from which it appeared that a Russian agent had been received by Dost Mahomed, and had been carrying on very active intrigues for the purpose of engaging the State of Caubul to take part in a confederation against the British Government; but all this stands upon the authority of Sir A. Burnes, who represented that he was endeavoring to counter- act this intrigue. " Your Grace may recollect that Captain Burnes came to this country in 1834, with a view, as I had reason to believe, to induce the Home authorities, upon the recommendation of Lord W. Bentinck, to establish a commercial agency at Caubul, or upon the Indus. This proposition I strongly, and, for the time, successfully opposed, on the ground that a commercial agency would soon become a. political agency, and be the means of involving us in all the perplexed affairs of the Afghans. The result has shown that I had but too much reason for my apprehensions ; and I attribute mainly our late unfortunate alliances, and the war with which we are threatened, to our negotiations at Caubul. or rather, to our intermeddling in the affairs of that State. 504 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. " Your Grace will perceive, from the enclosed note from my friend Mr. Edmonstone, that he entertains great doubts with respect to our having any sufficient grounds for our connecting Russia and Persia with those occurrences which have led to our present hostile movement; but although Lord Auckland does not name Russia in his proclamation of the 1st of October last, it is quite evident that he points directly to that power, and that the treaty which he has entered into with Runjeet Singh and Shujah-ool-Moolk, was intended to create a barrier against the supposed designs of Persia and Russia. " As your Grace appears to have paid such kind attention to my communications on this subject, I venture to submit for your perusal a brief analysis of the Tripartite Treaty of alliance lately concluded at Lahore; and you will perceive from this paper that, although unacquainted officially with the facts of the case, and with the causes of our present warlike proceeding, I have at least endeavored to trace out their probable conse- quences. " The object of the treaty I think that I sufficiently under- stand ; but I think, at the same time, that its policy is more than doubtful. "I have the honor to be, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " I have notes of numerous conferences with the President of the Board in 1834 on the subject of our relations with Persia, and I invariably maintained, on those occasions, that our relations with that power, influenced as it was by Russia, con- stituted a European question, and that it was impossible for the Government of India to deal with it effectively. " I urged, at the same time, the reasons which I have re- peated in the papers before your Grace, against any attempt to form a political connexion with the State of Caubul; but even if it be admitted that such a connexion was desirable, very strong and obvious objections exist, I think, to our alliance with Shujah-ool-Moolk and Runjeet Singh." LETTER TO LORD ELLENBOROUGH. 505 " MR. TUCKEK TO LORD ELLENBOROUGH. " 3, Upper Portland Place, 16th March, 1839. "MY LORD, I have been favored with your Lordship's note of yesterday, and beg to return my best thanks for the papers ; but a copy of these precious documents was placed before the Court on Wednesday last, and I cannot consider the proceeding otherwise than as a mere mockery and insult to our understandings; for some of the treaties are twenty or thirty years of age, and have long been upon our open records. The rest have no bearing upon the present state of our political and military affairs in India. " I have determined not to submit myself to this mockery, and I shall accordingly place my protest upon record without further delay; for I will not incur even the risk of responsi- bility by my silence. " I have been in India under critical circumstances, but I have never had the same apprehension of danger as at the present moment. Your Lordship will perceive the feeling which pre- vails on the spot from the accompanying extract ; but although there may be some exaggeration in the statement, it is corro- borated in its leading features by the information which I receive from other quarters. I do hope that your Lordship and others, who really know India, will take some decided step. To know what is right, and to see what is wrong, without endeavoring to enforce the one and to avert the other, is to incur, I think, serious responsibility. We all deprecate the loss of Canada, as a national calamity; but what is Canada to our Eastern Empire ? " If things go on for another twelvemonth on their present footing, and under the present management, my impression is that the evil will be without remedy. " We have been called upon to augment our European force, by adding ten men to each company ; but these recruits will not be available in the field as soldiers for two years to come ! This is in keeping with all our late operations. " I have the honor to be, &c., &c., " H. Sx.G. TUCKER. " Right Hon. Lord Ellenborough." 506 . LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. " MR. TUCKER TO SIR ROBERT PEEL. " 3rd April, 1839. " MY DEAR SIR, I have been using my best efforts for some time past to call attention to the state of our affairs in India; but on my own proper ground these efforts have been attended with little or no success. " It appears to me, however, that in society a greater interest has been shown of late in the state of India than I recollect to have observed at any former period; and I am willing to hope that this interest has extended itself to Parliament, where alone any question of national concernment can be treated with any prospect of advantage. " I have, indeed, heard, and the report has afforded me par- ticular satisfaction, that it is intended, at an early period, to bring the present state of our affairs in India fairly and fully under the consideration of both Houses of Parliament. " Papers have been called for, and some have been produced and printed ; but they are in general mere ' extracts of letters, which do not afford a full and perfect relation of recent trans- actions. " Much has been suppressed ; and although there are strong reasons for believing that the late movements have been di- rected or encouraged from this country (in some instances, I suspect, by means of an extra-official correspondence), the whole responsibility attaching to measures of fearful importance would seem at present to be thrown upon the Governor-General of India. " You must possess ample information with respect to India, and you can command, when necessary, the best assistance from the highest quarter; but it has occurred to me that the accom- panying paper (which is the transcript of a letter addressed by me to the Court of Directors) may aid your inquiries in some slight degree, if it be intended (as I trust it is) to institute pro- ceedings in Parliament, with a firm determination to examine thoroughly and unflinchingly into the present state of our affairs in India, and into the causes which have produced the existing embarrassment. LETTER TO SIR ROBERT PEEL. 507 " In fact, if this be not done promptly, the rescue may come too late. Individual exertions can effect nothing in this coun- try. Party combinations, aided by eloquence, can alone give an impulse and right direction to popular feeling, and in nothing is popular feeling so sluggish here as on subjects re- lating to India. Scarcely any question has excited a general interest since the Bill of 1784. The last Charter- Act passed with little opposition or notice, although it introduced some desperate innovations in the pre-existing system, both political and commercial. "Foreigners understand the value of India to us. We do not. They have heretofore been compelled to admire our wise and self-denying policy. They now perceive our errors with a very complacent feeling, and they will probably exult in our humi- liation, which they, no doubt, anticipate. The loss of Canada would be a misfortune. If the West Indies should become a worthless possession (no improbable event) this, too, must be regarded as a national calamity. But if our dominion in India should, unhappily, be shaken or endangered, what would be the fate of this empire, once so transcendently great and glorious? It would be as melancholy an object as Palmyra in the Desert ! " I have the honor to be, " My dear Sir, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " Right Hon. " Sir Robert Peel, Bart., &c. &c." The answers which these stirring letters educed showed that the opinions which he so emphatically enunciated were shared by the statesmen whom he had addressed. "But," continued Mr. Tucker, in the Retrospect already quoted, " as it appeared that I should not by these appeals exonerate myself from responsibility as a Director, I was induced to ad- dress a letter to the Court, under date the 29th of 508 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. January, 1889,* in which I reviewed much in de- tail the grounds of the policy which had been adopted by the Government of India in the Tri- partite Treaty of the 20th of June, 1838, and in the Proclamation of the Governor- General of the 1st of October of that year, and in which I also pointed out the consequences likely to result from the pro- secution of so dangerous and so unjustifiable a policy. One of our colleagues (Sir Henry Willock) about the same time, from a high sense of public duty, pursued the same course, and addressed the Foreign Secretary on the subject ; and as he was well acquainted with the country and with the character of the people, his opinions were entitled to great weight. I do not know how far our reasoning may have produced an effect ; but the President of the Board called for and received a copy of my letter on the 6th of March ; and I cannot doubt also that he received every necessary information to enable him to form a sound judgment, from the gentlemen who filled the Chairs of the Court at the time, and who * This paper was " drawn up as a protest in consequence of Sir John Hobhouse having refused to place certain documents before the Court for their information." " Upon notice of motion, however," wrote Mr. Tucker to the Duke of Wellington on the 31st of January, " he yesterday furnished us with a copy of the treaty concluded by Lord Auckland, and my protest will riot, therefore, be placed on record for the present. The subject will, how- ever, be brought before the Court, as I conclude it must be also before Par- liament." In the same letter Mr. Tucker says: " I am not one of those who would rush headlong into a war with Russia, but I would wish to see our Government pursue a more manly and straightforward course, and not fence m the dark with a power which we do not even venture to name. Such a state of things could not have occurred under ordinary circumstances, but we are now so entangled that I cannot perceive how we can advance with safety or retreat with honor." PROGRESS OF THE WAR. 509 were conversant with Indian affairs from a long re- sidence in that country." But whatever effect the reasoning of Mr. Tucker and Sir Henry Willock may have had upon the opinions of the Crown Ministers, it had none what- ever upon their actions. In the East they pushed forward the war ; and in the West they vigorously defended it. There was a brilliant dawn of delusive success ; and for a time the eyes of the multitude were dazzled. But there were some far-seeing men, who saw clearly and said truly that success at the outset was necessary to the consummation of eventual failure that our difficulties would com- mence just at the point where they seemed to termi- nate. The expedition into Afghanistan was, for a time, considered a master-stroke of diplomacy and a triumph of military enterprise. Lord Auckland was the greatest of statesmen ; Lord Keane the greatest of soldiers ; and Shah Soojah the most popular of monarchs. But the Protests which Mr. Tucker had recorded were not belied by the march of events. The papers, in which he placed upon record his remonstrances against the dangerous course of policy which had been adopted by the Crown Minis- ters, were dated January 29 and April 12, 1839. They have already been laid before the public, and need not, therefore, be quoted here. Before the issue of events had proved the remarkable pre- science by which these Protests were distinguished, the soundness of the reasoning, and the general 510 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. sagacity by which they were marked, no less than the manliness of their tone and the eloquence of their diction, had called forth the commendation of some of the greatest of English statesmen. And at a later period, one, who on such a subject as this was even more competent than Wellington, Peel, and Ellenborough to pronounce an authoritative opinion,* wrote to Mr. Tucker that he had read these papers, " not only with admiration, but almost with wonder, at the correct, complete, and prophetic view which they take of every part of the question connected with our Afghan mania." "You_ were one of the few," wrote the same great man, in an- other letter, " who condemned our mad policy in Afghanistan, when the world admired and ap- plauded; and although you could not prevent it, your opposition to it will ever redound to your honor." He could not prevent it. He saw the war run its course. He saw the initial triumphs, and the treacherous calm which succeeded them ; but he was not deluded by the mask of success. Then he saw the storm gathering, and he was one of those who would have anticipated the failure which ere long was to be written in characters of blood, by leaving Shah Soojah to govern the country which we had restored to him, without the aid of his Ee- ringhee allies. He was one of those who, when the storm burst over us, contended that it would be madness to endeavor to re-establish our influence * Lord Metcalfe. THE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. 511 in Afghanistan ; and that the sooner every British soldier could be withdrawn to our own side of the Indus the better for the stability of the British Em- pire in the East. And he was foremost amongst those who contended that, as the war had been undertaken for European purposes, under instruc- tions from the Crown Ministers, without the sanc- tion or even the cognisance, officially and collec- tively, of the Court of Directors, it was a great iniquity to throw the entire financial responsibility of the war on the shoulders of the East India Com- pany. " It was no doubt very convenient," he said, " for his Majesty's Government to cast the whole burden of an enterprise directed against Russia on the finances of India, instead of sending a fleet into the Baltic or the Black Sea; but we are bound to resist the attempt to alienate and misapply the re- sources of India." Such an unrighteous misapplication of the reve- nues of the country, which it was the especial duty of the Court to protect against all such unjust spoliation, he determined to resist; and his col- leagues were leagued together in the same good work of resistance. In furtherance of this object, he proceeded to estimate the ascertained amount of war-charges which the expedition across the Indus had entailed upon the Indian Government; and then he enunciated the following undeniable pro- positions : " 1st. That Persia, having for some time prior to 1835 sub- mitted to the influence of Russia, the political relations of the 512 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. British Government with the former country, constituted pro- perly a European rather than an Asiatic question, and that it could only, therefore, be dealt with as such. " 2nd. That this assumption was admitted and acted upon by his Majesty's Government, who, on the 15th of January and 24th of February, 1835, entered into an arrangement with the Court of Directors, founded on these premises. " 3rd. That the Tripartite Treaty of the 20th of June, 1838, was contracted without the consent, or previous knowledge, of the Court of Directors ; that the policy which dictated that treaty was neither sanctioned nor approved by them ; and that they were not made acquainted with the obligations contracted by it until the * Army of the Indus' was put in motion, under the Proclamation of the Governor-General of India of the 1st of October, 1838, for carrying the treaty into effect. " 4th. That an extraordinary expenditure has been incurred in the execution of the treaty, to the extent of not less than 8,000,000/. sterling,* which ought not to fall on the finances of India, the service having been undertaken as against Russia, and with a view to European objects and policy, and not for the protection of our Indian possessions or frontiers, which were never endangered, or even menaced, by an enemy. " 5th. That the East India Company having delivered up its commercial assets, amounting to fifteen millions sterling, for the purpose of being applied to the discharge of territorial debt, and for other territorial objects, and having been compelled to borrow large sums of money, amounting in the last year, 1841-42, to nearly three millions sterling, chiefly for the pur- pose of maintaining our footing in Afghanistan ; its Adminis- trators, the Court of Directors, are no longer in a condition to raise the necessary supplies to defray the Home Charges, the Interest of the Public Debt, and the Civil and Military ex- penses abroad, without aid from the National Government; and that, should it be judged necessary to put forth another expedition for the re-conquest of Afghanistan, the resources of * The entire expenses of the war were subsequently ascertained to amount to 15,000,0007. THE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. 513 India will be found unequal to the enterprise. Money must be raised (if it can be raised at all in India) at an extravagant rate of interest ; the public creditors will be seriously injured by the deterioration of the existing securities, bearing an in- terest of only four and five per cent, per annum ; while the public finances will, it is to be apprehended, be reduced to a state of irretrievable disorder." , having entered into the historical facts of the case in a retrospect, which I have already quoted, and emphatically repeated that " his Majesty's Go- vernment is solely and exclusively responsible for the expenditure which has heen incurred, and for all the other consequences arising out of the occu- pation of Afghanistan," he proceeded to say : " If these premises be correct (and it is not even pretended that we were willing instruments in the hands of his Majesty's Ministers), I would submit that the Court are entitled and are bound to claim indemnification from his Majesty's Govern- ment. The extraordinary charge incurred, and to be incurred, to the 30th of April, 1842, may be fairly estimated at eight millions sterling ; and I would suggest, that in order to render it more easy for the National Government to provide for the demand, an annuity equal to the interest of that sum at 3^- per cent, (the rate which Consols now yield), or 266,0007., be settled by Parliament on the East India Company ; the amount to be applied, in the first instance, to augment the existing Guarantee Fund so far as to ensure its reaching its maximum of twelve millions within forty years from the date of the last Charter ; and such annuity to be afterwards applied as a Sink- ing Fund for the security and ultimate redemption of the Public Debt of India. "There is nothing extravagant or unreasonable in this claim; for the National Government must ultimately make up the Guarantee Fund to the sum of twelve millions, by the terms 2L 51-1 . LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. of the Charter-Act ; and when it is recollected that the Com- mercial Assets of the Company have realised 15,215,654/., a large portion of which sum has been appropriated to the dis- charge of Territorial Debt, and other incumbrances, the Pro- prietors of East India Stock have just reason to expect, and to require, that their pecuniary interests be adequately secured and provided for. " Prospectively, some extension of the arrangement may eventually become necessary ; for if it be determined to send forth another expedition, on a larger scale, for the re-conquest of Afghanistan, the resources of India will be found absolutely unequal to the undertaking. We must go on borrowing at a high rate of interest, while the dividends of the Proprietors of East India Stock, and the interest payable to the public creditors, must be provided for by means of loans. This is a state of things which cannot long continue or be tolerated ; and no man at all acquainted with India will be prepared to main- tain that the extraordinary supplies required can be furnished by means of increased taxation on the already over-taxed people of India." There was reason in all this there was justice in all this : so much reason and so much justice, that the Crown Ministers, then being Conservative states- men, and not themselves the authors of the war, made a show of considering the claims of the Com- pany, and virtually, indeed, admitted their cogency. It need not, however, be said that nothing was done. The Court of Directors, true to themselves, true to the country whose resources had been thus lamentably wasted, pushed their claims with stead- fastness and vigor. The Court of Proprietors made a demonstration in the same direction ; and many truths were uttered as truths often are uttered in that assembly all to very little effect. The people THE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. 515 of India had paid the expenses of a war which, from first to last, had heen a mystery to them a war made for European purposes by the representatives of the English Government and let the Court of Directors and the Court of Proprietors clamor as they might, not one sixpence was to he refunded. Against this great injustice Mr. Tucker never ceased to protest. He well knew that there were no charges more often brought against the Govern- ment of the East India Company than that it wasted its resources on unprofitable wars, and was greedy of territorial aggrandisement. And here was a case, to be cited in all time, of a prodigious waste of public money drawn from the labor of the people of India an expenditure of millions cast upon the waters to return to us in blood and tears. This war had been prosecuted by the agency of the armies of the East India Company, and maintained by their revenues. In the flush of its first success, the Crown Ministers, in Parliament and on the Hustings, had boasted of it as a master- stroke of policy redounding to the honor of the existing Cabinet ; but when these boasted measures were clouded by disaster and disgrace, and it was found that millions of money had been expended only to bring about the most appalling catastrophe recorded in the annals of our Indian Empire, the whole responsibility of the war was cast upon the East India Company, and in spite of expostulations and remonstrances bearing the eternal stamp of justice upon them, the people of India were com- 2L2 516 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. pelled to pay the cost of the vagaries of Downing- street. Had the millions thus misapplied been suffered to remain in the Company's Treasury, for ordinary purposes of internal administration, placing at the disposal of the local authorities an increasing surplus, and so stimulating the benevo- lent energies of the Home Government, it is hard to say what blessings, in the shape of great repro- ductive agencies, might not have been conferred upon the people. But instead of this, throughout the greater part of the period embraced by the Charter- Act of 1834, the curse of a Deficit sate upon the arm of our Indian administrators, and paralysed their ameliorative efforts. That Deficit the Company owed primarily to the misdeeds of the Crown Ministers ; and, secondarily, to the supine- ness of the Parliament of Great Britain, which took no account of these misdeeds. But the rare Justice which had squandered the revenues of India upon objects of European policy continued to pursue the East India Company. It was made a reproach to them that they had wasted the money drawn from the labor of the people upon profligate and im- politic wars ; and because they had not done more good with this money, it was authoritatively de- creed, by the Government which had spent it and the Parliament which had permitted the expendi- ture, that therefore the share of the Company in the future government should be diminished and the Ministerial element increased. Such was the justice of the first charge against THE CONQUEST OF SCINDE. 517 the Company's Government, and the justice with which it was disposed of by the Government of the Crown. The second charge of which I have spoken of is, that the Company have proved themselves to be greedy of territory, and have unrighteously ex- tended their dominions. A signal instance of this is to be found in the case of the appropriation of Scinde. Scarcely had Mr. Tucker ceased to protest against the iniquity of the Afghan invasion and the scandalous misappropriation of the Company's re- venues which it involved, when he was disquieted by the announcement of the spoliation of Scinde. Lord Ellenborough having restored peace to Asia, and stamped the gratifying fact on a commemorative medal, immediately made war upon the Ameers of Scinde. These unhappy Princes, who might have wrought us grievous annoyance during the brilliant retributory operations of Pollock and Nott, and who, if they had really desired to compass our over- throw, exhibited in this juncture an extraordinary amount of forbearance, were known to be weak, and therefore they were declared to be hostile. Napier and his battalions were let loose upon them. With a signal display of courage worthy of a better cause, the British General, with greatly inferior numbers, flung himself upon the Belloochee host, and humbled the Talpoor Princes to the dust. There are some bright pages of military history in our annals of Eastern conquest which should be read apart from their political context ; and this is one of them. The Ameers of Scinde were beaten 518 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. in battle ; and their country proclaimed a British province. This was one of those grievous wrongs which were sure to stir the heart of Mr. Tucker with measureless indignation, and to call forth from him no uncertain trumpet- sounds of expostulation and remonstrance. It may be stated here again, that, as a man, he was a stanch Tory. His political sympathies were all with the Conservative party. He had rejoiced in the return of Sir Robert Peel to office. He had recognised the great natural talents and the official diligence of Lord Ellenborough at the Board of Control, and believed that the appoint- ment of that nobleman to the Governor-Generalship of India was to be hailed as an auspicious event ominous of a reign of prosperity and peace. But as an East India Director he was of no party. He had denounced the invasion of Afghanistan and the deposition of Dost Mahomed; and he saw in the spoliation of Scinde a kindred act of injustice. The Court of Directors, to a man, were ranged upon the same side. I believe that a considerable majority of them at this time belonged to the Conservative party. But it is a distinguishing merit of the Go- vernment of the East India Company that its Di- rectors shake the dust of faction off their feet when they pass the threshold of the great house in Leadenhall-street. They looked only at the injus- tice and impolicy of conquering and annexing a country, the rulers of which had in reality exercised singular forbearance under great provocation, and LETTER TO SIR HOBEKT PEEL. 519 the revenues of which could not be made to cover the cost of its administration and its defence. So at the end of August, 1843, they formally passed a resolution, declaring that, in their opinion, the pro- ceedings adopted towards the Ameers of Scinde had been unjust and impolitic, and inconsistent with the true honor and interests of our Indian Government. Before this, Mr. Tucker had placed upon record his opinions on the subject of the annexation of Scinde.* In spite of his strong Conservative lean- ings, and his disinclination to embarrass the Govern- ment of Sir Robert Peel, he had been active in call- ing for information relating to our proceedings against the Ameers, and had not scrupled to de- clare to the leader of the Conservative party that the unrighteousness of these proceedings had forced upon him a strong conviction that the Government of India was not in safe hands. In the beginning of June he wrote the following letter to Sir Robert Peel: " TO SIR ROBERT PEEL, BART. " 1st June, 1843. " MY DEAR SIR, I believe that you know that I have long been an humble adherent of the Conservative body of which you are the distinguished leader, and that, to the utmost of my very slender means, I have, upon principle, advocated its cause and interests through good fortune and through bad fortune. " But as a member of the Court of Directors I have certain duties imposed upon me, for the honest performance of which I am responsible to my constituents and to the country. I cannot believe that the Legislature intended to constitute us mere unmeaning cyphers ; and, holding this opinion, I have * See Memorials of Indian Government, pp. 313, et seq. 520 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. always acted, according to the best of my judgment, an inde- pendent part, as one of the administrators of our Indian affairs. " I may venture to say to you, that wiser and better men than myself have, for some time, been of opinion that the Government of India is not at present in safe hands. I concur in this opinion; but I have been unwilling to act upon it hitherto, from a feeling that extremities ought to be avoided as long as possible. " But the late transactions in Scinde have produced, unhap- pily, a crisis in our affairs ; and I cannot refrain from taking an early part in inquiring into the conduct of our Governor abroad, without exposing myself to the charge of inconsistency, and to a suspicion that the part which I took on the occasion of the invasion of Afghanistan was dictated by party and factious motives. " I have accordingly given notice of a motion for the pro- duction of the Scinde papers for the 7th of June ; and I have sketched the grounds on which I propose to support this motion. " If the papers be laid before the Court, I shall examine the case calmly and dispassionately, and endeavor to arrive at its real merits. " If the papers be refused, I must work with my own mate- rials, and place on record the result. I do not go so far as to say that, if the papers should not be given us, a presumption will arise that the Government cannot be justified, or defended; but I must think that an unfavorable impression will be pro- duced by even their temporary suppression ; nor will it be possible to prevent the case of the Ameers from being brought before the British public, sooner or later. " If you should have any wish to see my Notes, a copy shall be immediately submitted for your perusal. They are founded on what is publicly known ; for I have not thought it right to make use of any confidential communications on the subject, in the present stage of our proceedings. u I have the honor to be, my dear Sir, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. "Bight Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart." EVILS OF SECRECY. 521 Mr. Tucker hated secrecy. It was his opinion that the history of Indian Government was too much a sealed hook that truth and justice de- manded a more general ventilation of Indian poli- tics and that out of the Secret Committee there should he no official secrets. The resolutions con- demnatory of the annexation of Scinde were " secret" resolutions ; hut it was Mr. Tucker's opinion that they ought to he recorded upon the puhlic proceedings of the Court, "it heing con- trary to usage and at variance with the constitution of the Court, acting under responsibility to other puhlic authorities, to establish any Secret Depart- ment, or to withhold from the public records any secret resolution, or proceedings, beyond such rea- sonable period as can be justified, upon the ground that immediate publicity would seriously compro- mise the public interests." And in November, 1843, he had contemplated proposing a resolution to this effect ; but he had been subsequently induced to withhold it. That, apart from every other con- sideration, such secrecy is injurious to the character of the Company's Government is not to be doubted. The conduct of the Court of Directors has in many instances been misunderstood and misrepresented ; and they have submitted to these misunderstandings and misrepresentations with an amount of for- bearance which appears to me mistaken in prin- ciple and unjustifiable in practice. A private indi- vidual may submit to be misrepresented he may do good by stealth, if he will, and be accused of 522 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. doing evil, without rebutting the charge he may determine to let calumny have its way and to live it down, without an effort to deprive it of its sting. But a Government has no right to indulge in a magnanimous forbearance of this kind. Its cha- racter is public property. It cannot be misrepre- sented without injury to the public. Every lie affecting the character of a great constitutional body is more or less a public calamity. If certain Native Princes are violently despoiled of their pos- sessions, and their broad lands annexed to the terri- tories of the East India Company, it should be known to the world whether it was or was not the greed of the Company that caused this extension of their empire. About such a matter as this, History should not go groping in the dark. How is it to be determined whether the Company ought expediently to be trusted with more or with less power, unless it is known what part they had in the furtherance or the resistance of measures which have cast a stain upon British policy in the East ? These were the opinions of Mr. Tucker ; and if he had lived to hear and to see what, during the discussions of 1853, was said and written about the Company's Government, lie would have been strengthened in his conviction of their truth.* * It was frequently said in my hearing that the Company might have ob- jected to the annexation of Scinde, but that there was no proof of it before the world, and that people were not called upon to take for granted the truth of all vague assertions or obscure rumors on the subject. Others de- clared that if the Company had condemned, either before or after the fact, the unjust treatment of the Ameers of Scinde, they would have made it known to the world, and that the mere fact of their silence was presumptive evidence of their complicity in these foul transactions. LOKD ELLENBOROTJGH'S RECALL. 523 What Mr. Tucker, as an individual Director, wrote about the conquest and annexation of Scinde, is on record. What the Court of Directors did in their collective capacity, is not. I have only to do with the performances of the latter, in so far as they illustrate the sayings and doings of the subject of this Memoir. But even in this limited significance, the obscurity of which I have spoken is incon- venient and embarrassing. One secret makes many. If the Resolutions passed by the Court of Directors in August, 1843, with reference to the annexation of Scinde, were on record, they would throw much light upon the next subject which the Biographer of Henry St. George Tucker is called upon to illustrate. These Resolutions, relating only to our proceedings towards the Ameers of Scinde, were in effect a vote of want of confidence in Lord Ellenborough. There were other sources of complaint, but they were only petty tributary streams swelling the great flood of censure which set in against the unrighteous appro- priation of the territories of Scinde. What they principally were may be gathered from Mr. Tucker's papers.* It is matter of history that Lord Ellen- borough was recalled. That Mr. Tucker, some time before the measure was determined upon by the Court, had foreseen the necessity of it, has been shown. He had no prejudices against the man ; he had greatly esteemed his many high qualities, which he now saw were those of one capax imperil nisi imperassU, and there was regret in the disappoint- * See papers on the "Administration of Lord Ellenborough" Memorials of Indian Government, pp. 339, et seq. 524 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. ment. He was attached to Lord Ellenborough's party; he was especially attached to some of his Lordship's chief supporters the Duke of "Welling- ton at their head and so little could he have heen influenced by those considerations which were un- truly said at the time, more than anything else, to have moved the Court against him, that the very measure which called forth the remarks of the Go- vernor-General provocative, it was said, of his recall, had been resolutely opposed by Mr. Tucker. But he was not one to be deterred by any feelings of personal regret from prosecuting his public duty. Lord Ellenborough was recalled. The " gross in- discretion" of the East India Company was publicly stigmatised by the Crown Ministers; and every effort was made to wrap the whole question in an impenetrable fog, and set the public groping about in ignorance and perplexity. Mr. Tucker was for dragging it wholly into the clear light of day. In truth, it was a very simple and intelligible business ; and they who had looked for highly-seasoned reve- lations would, if the whole history had been made public, have been greatly disappointed. There was, indeed, very little to reveal. The Court of Directors believed that the public interests would suffer by Lord Ellenborough's retention of the office of Go- vernor-General, and therefore they recalled him. What Mr. Tucker believed would be the effects of the recall may be gathered from the following letter : LETTER TO LORD HEYTESBURY. 525 " MR. TUCKER TO LORD HEYTESBURY. " 29th April, 1844. " MY DEAR LORD, Throughout a long course of years, in good fortune and in adverse fortune, I have continued the steady adherent of the party which now constitutes the Government of this country, and to the utmost of my very humble means I have rendered it all the little service in my power, without receiving or seeking any recognition of those slender services. I have acted upon principle ; and if I am compelled to place myself in opposition to those whose cause and interests I have been so long accustomed to advocate, my motives can scarcely be mistaken. " But I have other duties and obligations imposed on me of a paramount character ; and those duties I will endeavor honestly and fearlessly to fulfil. " The Court of Directors are placed at this moment in a position of singular embarrassment; and I must think that the Government has placed itself, and the public service, in a position of extraordinary difficulty, which may have very serious results. " The two co-ordinate Authorities entrusted with the admi- nistration of India, have been exhibited to Parliament and to the Public as directly opposed to each other upon a most important question. The judgment pronounced by twenty-nine independent and disinterested men (for such they are) acting under the sacred obligation of an oath, has been virtually denounced and condemned (most unhappily, as I think) by a Minister of the Crown in his place in Parliament, that Minister being perfectly aware that the question had undergone the most deliberate consideration during eight months, and that the Court of Directors were fully prepared to carry out and to justify their resolution. " Again, we have the Governor- General of India placed in the very singular position of being condemned by one of the co-ordinate Authorities, while he is supported and publicly justified by the other. This state of things must inevitably produce inconvenience and embarrassment. 526 , LIFE OE H. ST.G. TUCKER. " The first result will be, that the Court of Directors will find it necessary to make an immediate appeal to their consti- tuents, and through them to the British Public, in vindication of their proceedings. The whole of their correspondence with the Board and the Governor-General will be published; and a case will, I have no doubt, be made out fully to justify the recall of Lord Ellenborough. " The second result may possibly be an appeal to Parliament, where we shall be able, I think, to show that the power entrusted to us by the Legislature was not granted in ignorance, as sup- posed by Lord Brougham that the question of reserving a veto to the Government was discussed and abandoned that any tampering with the existing law in Parliament would be a virtual infraction of the Charter that the power entrusted to the Court has been wisely conferred and that the absolute power to retain a Governor-General, the colleague or partisan of any Ministry, would establish a despotism in India, totally irreconcileable with constitutional principles, and with the public interests. " We have temperately considered all which has been urged, or which perhaps can be urged, against our resolution; but we deduce inferences exactly the reverse of those which have been drawn. " We are persuaded that the recall of Lord Ellenborough will go far to restore that confidence to the Princes and Chiefs of India, which his Lordship's aggressive policy (especially in Scinde) has had a direct tendency to destroy. " That it will promote the re-establishment of peace in India; and may be expected to avert the calamities of new wars which are impending in different quarters. " That it will enable us to place our recent acquisitions in Scinde on a more safe and satisfactory footing. " That it may prevent the further disorganisation of the Native army. " That it will show the people of the Continent and of the United States that the Government of this country is not iden- tified with the unscrupulous and aggressive policy which has characterised the proceedings of the Governor- General. LETTER TO LORD HEYTESBURY. 527 " I could say a great deal more on the subject ; but our case will be fully explained and enforced at the proper season, and I have the most firm conviction that we shall be supported by the Public. " The Government paper of this morning has put forth a foul calumny, that the Court have been influenced by a corrupt feeling, originating in the Governor-General's economical re- forms. Nothing could be more untrue Lord Ellenborough has not effected any such reforms, although he has made innumer- able changes, which are likely to occasion a great increase of charge ; and if he had introduced such reforms, he would have received the cordial support of the Court, who can have no interest in any increase of expenditure. "My seat in the Court is now of little or no value to me, and I care not how soon it may terminate ; but while I hold it, I shall do my best to maintain the independence of the Body to which I belong, as well as what I believe to be the interests of the public service. " And why do I address myself to your Lordship at the present moment on such a subject ? Because I foresee public mischief, and because, well knowing your great prudence and patriotism, I think it possible that you may have an opportunity of averting that mischief. " With this view, your Lordship is at full liberty to make any use you please of this letter. " I have the honor to be, &c., &c., most sincerely, &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " Right Hon. Lord Heytesbury." Perhaps, Mr. Tucker somewhat over-rated the calm and dispassionate judgment which he "believed that Lord Heytesbury would bring to bear upon this important question. His Lordship was, per- haps, more of a party man than his friend sus- pected ; and he was a devout follower of the Duke. At all events, the communication which Mr. Tucker 528 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. received in reply to the above earnest letter did not encourage him to open out his mind any further to his correspondent ; so he wrote back the following brief rejoinder to Lord Heytesbury's reply : " MR. TUCKER TO LORD HEYTESBURY. " 1st May, 1844. " MY DEAR LORD, I have been favored with your Lord- ship's note of yesterday, and I have no wish to trouble you further on the subject, except to explain that I never contem- plated for an instant the possibility of the Court retracing its steps. My anxious wish was to prevent, if possible, the Go- vernment from identifying itself, to an unnecessary extent, with the Governor- General, and from identifying its friends with its political opponents. This has now been done. We have been violently attacked; and as public men responsible for our acts, we must defend ourselves. That defence will lead us into a parallel line with those who are always ready to assail the Government. Few will deplore the possible consequences more than I shall do ; but many, I apprehend, will have greater cause to deplore them. " I have the honor to be, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " Eight Hon. Lord Heytesbury." The Company did not "retrace their steps" Lord Ellenborough returned to England. But it was not thought expedient, now that the act of "indiscretion" had been committed, that there should be a public inquiry into its history. The Company had accomplished their main object ; and the Right of Recall remained in their hands. DOMESTIC LIFE. 529 CHAPTER XVIII. Mr. Tucker's Domestic Life His Second Chairmanship Appointment of Lord Dalhousie Mr. Tucker's Farewell Address Public Entertainments Correspondence with Prince Waldemar of Prussia Dinners to Lord Dalhousie and Lord Hardinge Patronage Official Duties. IT is time that I should cease, for a little space, from the records of these exciting political events, to speak again of Mr. Tucker's domestic life, and the repose which he enjoyed in the family circle. He had now numbered the allotted years of man. In 1840 he entered his seventieth year. But there was a long season of usefulness yet before him ; and his strength was not labor and sorrow. He was in the enjoyment of excellent health ; all his faculties were unimpaired ; his memory was as perfect as in his youth ; his intellect was in its fullest vigor ; and an abundant flow of animal spirits, a perpetual cheer- fulness of demeanor, rendered his companionship truly delightful even to the very young. His home-life was a tranquil one. He was in the daily enjoyment of many blessings, and a perennial stream of thankfulness flowed from his heart. He had seen a large family grow up at his knees a 2M 530 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. dutiful, an affectionate, a united family. No heavier sorrow had thrown a shadow across his threshold for long years, than that which all must bear who send forth their sons to seek their fortunes in a strange land. One by one his boys had received his benedic- tion and set their faces towards the East. But there was abundant compensation even in this. He knew that his absent children were treading steadily the ap- pointed path ; and that distance had little weakened the ties which bound them to the old homestead. He watched from a distance the career of his five sons, and rejoiced in the thought that he had con- tributed so many good workmen to the service of the State. There were other children, too, left to brighten the fireside ; and there was the beloved companion with whom he had climbed, hand-in-hand, the hill- side of life. Day after day he journeyed down to the India House, leaving his house in Upper Port- land-place at an early hour of the morning, and returning in the afternoon but little exhausted by the labors of the day. He was not, as some men who are much engaged in public business, absorbed or distracted in the family circle. I have heard it said, that he gleamed into it like sunshine, and had a ready smile for the humblest of its members. He left the India House, with all its cares and conten- tions, behind him, and among his children was him- self a child. Yet in his very playfulness there was something that inspired respect. He was dignified TESTAMENTARY BEQUESTS. 531 without stateliness ; and though he often unbent, he never descended. He was in the enjoyment, too, of a moderate for- tune a fortune somewhat impaired by his excessive liberality for he was at all times a cheerful giver, and there were many members of his family and many not of his family, who had profited largely by his bounty but still sufficient for all his wants. With his temperate habits, his powers of self-denial, and his utter freedom from ostentation, he could have contented himself even with a humbler style of living ; and at one time the education and equip- ment of his sons, and other extraordinary items of expenditure, having pressed heavily upon the sources of his income, he had it in serious contem- plation to abandon his old home in Portland-place, and to seeli elsewhere a humbler tenement. But it had happened that, at this juncture, his store was unexpectedly increased. Providence deals as largely in rewards and compensations as in retributions and revenges. To him who gives much, much often is given. It was meet that one whose self-denying generosity had been manifested so conspicuously throughout life whose open hand had cheered so many households, should now in his turn be cheered by a gift as little anticipated by him as a shower of gold from heaven. In January, 1840, a near neigh- bour and a valued friend of Mr. Tucker Mr. An- thony Brough died, and bequeathed to him and his family legacies amounting in all to 10,OOOJ. Nor 2 M 2 532 LIFE OF H. ST.a. TUCKER. was this the only unexpected boon that enriched him in his declining years. At a somewhat later period, Mr. Andrew Maclew, who in early life had known Mr. Tucker in India, bequeathed to him another lakh of rupees, with legacies to all his daughters. Neither of these gentlemen was in any way connected with Mr. Tucker; nor were they beholden to him for any especial services. In both instances the gift was nothing more than a spon- taneous tribute of respect for the character of the man. A man neither prone to avarice nor to ambition, nor abandoned to luxurious living, may have rejoiced becomingly in these good gifts of Fortune ; and, doubtless, they contributed to the happiness of the last years of Mr. Tucker's life. It was an abiding source of consolation to him to think that the house in which he had lived a score of happy years, and in which some of his beloved ones had first seen the light, would still, when it pleased God to remove him from the scene of his earthly labors, continue to shelter those whom he saw daily assembling at his board, and whom daily he commended to the love of that kind Providence which had done such great things for him. His cheerfulness and loving- kindness, indeed, were without stint or abatement. Increasing years seemed only to bring increasing joyousness of heart and increasing gaiety of manner. It was a calm, unclouded sunset which flushed all the household with light. Tew things have furnished to the literary essayist HOURS OF RELAXATION. 533 pleasanter topics of discourse than the amusements of the wise, and there are few more delightful chap- ters in the biographies of the most loveahle of great men, than those which represent the statesman or the philosopher, the poet or the divine, in his hours of relaxation. The greatest, indeed, have delighted in seasonable frivolities, and have come down, be- nignantly, from the stilts. It little matters what the diversion may be. It may be the flying of kites or the blowing of bubbles or the sending up of paper balloons it may be a game of nine-pins or of push-pin or it may be the swimming of little boats. No one respects a man less for these season- able amenities ; and every one loves him more. Mr. Tucker's favorite relaxation was of a more in- tellectual character than any I have here indicated. It consisted in the composition of poetical enigmas. And it was by no means a selfish amusement. Eor he read them aloud after dinner, to the infinite delight of his family circle, offering a reward to the first of his children who succeeded in supplying the required solution. Many and many a happy even- ing was thus spent, after the severer labors of the day were done ; and nothing was ever more accept- able than the announcement that the Sphinx had something to reveal. Many of these enigmas were distinguished both by the ingenuity of the puzzle they contained and the elegance of the poetry which encased them. When in 1845-46 his quinquennial year of absence from the Court came round, and he had necessarily more leisure for the indulgence of 534 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. this harmless humor, he made a collection of these little pieces, and printed them for the amusement of his family circle and a few of his more intimate friends. Though no man ever delighted more in the tran- quil enjoyments of Home, or hungered less after extraneous excitements, he was one who, using the World as not ahusing it, neither withheld himself from social intercourse, nor desired to see his chil- dren living the life of the Hecluse. But that which was a distinguishing feature of his social character was a never-failing hospitality. His doors were opened freely to relatives and friends without regard for his own personal convenience. His house, in- deed, was one of those elastic houses which are not unfitly called Family Hotels, and into which are sometimes crowded an assemblage of guests far beyond their legitimate capacity of accommodation. There was no sacrifice of individual comfort which he was not willing to make when there was any peculiar claim upon his hospitality. He converted his drawing-rooms into a sick- ward for the reception of an invalid lady whom the Eaculty had pronounced incurable ; and on another occasion received into his house a more perilous inmate, with only a dis- tant claim of consanguinity upon him. And, in both cases, his kindness was rewarded by the unex- pected recovery of his guests. His humanity, indeed, was in all things con- spicuous. He was tenderly compassionate of every description of human suffering, and did not, whilst HIS HUMANITY. 535 taking account of the more imposing misery of large classes of his brethren, overlook the humbler sor- rows of individual sufferers who shivered at his own door. He watched with the deepest interest the progress of those great social questions which involved the physical and moral welfare of large masses of the working classes;* but he did not, whilst the cry of the Factory children was sounding in his ears, close his eyes to the appealing looks of the poor cross-sweeper who stood at the corner of the street. Upon such traits of individual character it is a pleasure and a privilege to dwell but I must re- turn again to the India House, and revert to Mr. Tucker's public career. Though he had numbered nearly fourscore years, he was as regular in his visits to Leadenhall-street as in the early days of his con- nexion with the Court ; and as indefatigable in his * The Factory question, iu all its branches, especially that which related to the limitation of the labor of women and children, excited his compas- sionate sympathies in no common degree; and he was zealous in his en. couragement of Lord Ashley and others, who were forward at this time in the cause of humanity. The following letter, which he addressed to that nobleman, shows the deep interest which he took in the question: " March 23, 1844. " MY DEAR LORD, I hope I may be permitted to congratulate you on the triumph of humanity and justice yes, and of wisdom and policy. " We may be dazzled for a season by our victories in the field, but this is a triumph which will be registered where the record will endure for ever. " I hope that your Lordship will, by-and-by, direct your views to a quarter where grievous wrongs are to be redressed, and where there is a noble field for the exercise of those qualities which are given us for the good of man- kind. " I have the honor to be, with great esteem, " Your Lordship's most faithful, " H. ST.G. TUCREK." 536 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. attention to business. Nor was it only the will that was present. The power remained with him unim- paired. He was as clear in all his conceptions ; as tenacious of all the experiences of his long life ; as methodical in the arrangement of his ideas ; and both as vigorous and as perspicuous in his diction, as he had been twenty years before. Such, indeed, was the confidence which his colleagues reposed in his unimpaired administrative ability, that, at the age of seventy-five, he was invited by them again to occupy one of the Chairs. " You will be surprised," he wrote to one of his sons, on the 5th of May, 1846, "to hear of my undertaking the office of Deputy-Chairman at my advanced age ; but I could not well avoid it ; and so far I have not experienced any inconvenience from my extra labors. My health has been mercifully preserved to me, and should I continue to be blessed with it for a year or two longer, I may hope to perform my duties efficiently."* It was not without some doubt and hesitation that he accepted the office. But as the colleagues who knew him best were the most eager to counsel his acceptance, and the strongest in their assurance that his occupation of the Chair would be advan- tageous to the interests of India, he made up his mind to sacrifice his private ease and convenience, * His health was very good at this time: and he was profoundly thankful for this and all the other blessings that had been vouchsafed to him. " How mercifully have I not been dealt with!" he wrote in a private memorandum- book, under date of May, 1846. " How many blessings do I not enjoy! At seventy-five I have still health, and am capable of enjoying all the comforts of life. May I never forget, or cease to be humbly grateful to that gracious Power by whom all these blessings have been bestowed." APPOINTMENT TO THE CHAIRS. 537 and again to become one of the stroke-oars of the Court. The only real objection to the arrangement was purely of a domestic kind. Mr. Tucker believed that if he were to take counsel with his family, although every member of it would in her inmost heart deplore his return to public life, not only be- cause it would necessarily deprive her of so much of his beloved society, but because it might endanger his precious health, there might still be some re- luctance, knowing as all did what was his sense of public duty, to persuade him not to listen to the solicitations of his friends in the Direction. And, with characteristic generosity and refinement of feel- ing, he determined, therefore, to take the step, past revocation, without consulting any member of the family-party, that the entire responsibility of the step might be his own, and that, if any evil should result from it, there should be no self-reproach be- yond the limits of his own breast. It was not until everything was concluded, that he announced in Portland-place his intention of again accepting the Chair. In April, 1846, Mr. Tucker was, a second time, elected Deputy-Chairman of the Court of Directors ; and in April, 1847, he was, a second time, elected Chairman of the Court. Mr. Tucker's second Chairmanship was a less troublous one than his first but it was not a less busy or a less important one. It happened that in the year 1847-48 an unusual amount of patronage fell into the hands of the Court; and that there 538 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. was an unwonted number of those public entertain- ments which draw together at the hospitable board of the Company so many of the most distinguished men of the age. During this year, not only was a new Governor appointed to the Bombay Presidency* and another to the Madras Presidency,! but it de- volved also upon the East India Company to ap- point a Governor-General in succession to Lord Hardinge, who, greatly to the regret of the Court, had announced his intention of laying down the reins of office. " Lord Dalhousie," wrote Mr. Tucker, in a letter dated the 26th of July, 1847, " is to be the new Governor- General, and Sir Henry Pottinger the new Governor of Madras. The papers say that these appointments were proposed to us by the Ministry ; but the fact is, that they were pro- posed by us. There is only the difference of a pre- position." By Mr. Tucker, on whom, primarily as Chairman, the duty of selection descended, the responsibility was by no means lightly regarded; and it was a source of personal regret to him that the vacancy had occurred during his tenure of office. Writing to Lord Hardinge in May, he said, " No proposition has yet been made through me to the Court by her Majesty's Government ; and I do believe that a hope is still entertained that your Lordship will continue at your post. I have a selfish feeling on this subject, for a change may involve me in great difficulty. I consider the selection for the office of * Lord Falkland. f Sir Henry Pottinger. APPOINTMENT OP LORD DALHOUSIE. 539 Governor- General to impose a sacred duty. The well-being of millions may depend upon this selec- tion, and the public interests may be seriously affected by it. This is not mere speculation. To my infinite annoyance I was on a former occasion compelled to oppose an arrangement in which I could not honestly concur ; and it would be an instance of extraordinary bad fortune (which I should most earnestly deprecate) if I should, a second time, be placed in the same embarrassing position. I can only hope for the best; and re- solve to do my best." And, doubtless, he did his best, when, in con- junction with the Court, he recommended Lord Dalhousie for the high office of Governor- General of India. There was fortunately on this occasion no difference of opinion between the authorities of the Company and of the Crown. The appointment was one of those felicitous ones which evoke no conflict of interests, and scarcely excite any antagonism of opinion. It was approved in England ; it was ap- proved in India. Lord Dalhousie was known to be a man of unstained reputation and uncommon ability; sedulous in his attention to business, and energetic without extravagance. It was believed that he would prove to be at once a vigorous and a safe ruler one who knew when action was required and when repose; one equal to the necessities of stirring times, but not eager to create them. And it was mainly because moderation was esteemed to be a distinguishing feature of his character that Mr. Tucker gave him his confidence without stint. 540 LIEE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. It is one of the duties of the Chairman of the Court of Directors to deliver a parting admonitory address to every newly-appointed Governor. In these addresses the same leading principles are necessarily inculcated on all occasions ; and there are certain stereotyped forms of expression, honored by long usage, which one Chairman after another is necessitated to use, for they are indispensable to the completeness of the oration. By, the departing statesman these valedictory harangues are generally received as matters of course, and the exhortations they contain not seldom whistled to the wind on emerging into the outer air of Leadenhall- street. On the occasion of which I am now writing, it is probable that all that Mr. Tucker had to say had been said more minutely and more emphatically in private, and that he now only embodied his fore- gone admonitions in more formal and stately periods. Lord Dalhousie had visited the venerable Chairman in his own private room at the India House, and had shown himself eager to profit by the experience of one who had been a ripe Indian statesman before the youthful Governor-General had been born. It is easy to divine what those lessons were. It is no part of my duty to inquire how far they have been regarded. The formality of the valedictory address is followed by the festivity of the, Farewell Banquet. "When the Governor Elect has been instructed and admo- nished in Leadenhall-street he is sumptuously feasted and flattered in the coterminous street of Bishops- PRINCE WALDEMAH. 541 gate ; and then it is well that he should speedily embark. The entertainment to Lord Dalhousie was not the first at which Mr. Tucker had presided since he succeeded to the Chairmanship in April. In July, 1847, he had welcomed home some of the dis- tinguished soldiers who had taken a conspicuous part in the recent campaigns on the Punjahee frontier. At this entertainment Prince Waldemar of Prussia, who had earned for himself a right to be classed among the heroes of the Sutlej, was an honored guest. This was one of many features which ren- dered the Banquet a remarkable one, not easily to be effaced from the memory of those who took part in the festivities of the evening. There was some- thing in the open, ingenuous character of the young Prince that drew Mr. Tucker's heart towards him ; and there were few in this country who more sin- cerely lamented the premature close of his career than the venerable statesman who had entertained him, with so much geniality, at the London Tavern. The feelings of kindness and respect between them were, indeed, reciprocal. It will somewhat inter- rupt the narrative to introduce in this place the following letters, which they interchanged some months after their meeting in the City Banqueting- room but the interruption will be readily forgiven. They call for no introduction and no comment : " MR. TUCKER TO PRINCE WALDEMAR OF PRUSSIA. "East India House, 18th March, 1848. "MY MUCH ESTEEMED PRINCE, I have been honored with your Royal Highness's letter of the 29th ult.; and I beg to 542 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. tender my respectful and warm acknowledgments for your R.H.'s kind recollection of my request to be favored with auto- graphs of the Royal Family of Prussia; and I can assure your R.H. that those which you have kindly sent will be highly valued by my daughters, who will consider them a very in- teresting addition to their collection " Your Royal Highness will, I am sure, be glad to hear of the safe arrival of Lord Hardinge in this country, in excellent health and spirits. The Court of Directors give the noble Lord an entertainment on Wednesday, the 5th of April; and if Berlin were a little nearer to us, I should earnestly entreat your R.H. to join your companions in arms on this occasion; and to impart additional lustre to the compliment which we propose to pay his Lordship on the occasion of his return. In that case, I should enjoy the very great gratification of having to present your R.H., and your personal staff, with the Sutlej Medals, which we expect to have ready for distribution in the course of a very few days. {i I pray Heaven for the peace of Germany, and for the con- tinued prosperity of your Royal Highness's illustrious House. " 1 have the honor to be, with the highest consideration and respect, " Your Royal Highness's most faithful servant, " H. S-1-.G..fiorG-E TUCKER. " To his Royal Highness " Prince Waldemar of Prussia, &c., &c." "PRINCE WALDEMAR TO MR. TUCKER. " Berlin, 28th April, 1848. " MY DEAR MR. TUCKER, It was impossible for me to find a quiet moment, in the troublesome and excited state in which we are thrown in oar heretofore peaceful Germany, to fulfil my warm desire, and to express to you earlier my feelings of gratitude for the remittance of the Sutlej Medals. I can assure you that we all whom you kindly decorated with it are proud to wear this present, given as a remembrance of a for-ever-glorious cam- paign, where British valor manifested its renowned fame, and DINNER TO LORD DALHOTJSIE. 543 where we Prussians were lucky enough to witness the invinci- bility of our old allies. It is my sincerest wish that this friendly understanding between our two nations, which are connected by ties of relationship, may never be interrupted on account of their mutual welfare, which is more uncertain than ever in these times. " I take this opportunity, dear Sir, to offer you my best thanks for your amiable letter of the 18th ult. I hope you will preserve your kindly feelings towards me, as I can assure you that I still remember with gratitude your personal complaisance with which you treated me during my stay in London, as much as the very distinguished manner with which I was received in the East India House a very gratifying moment of my life, for which I have also to be thankful to you. " I remain, dear Sir, with these feelings of gratitude, for ever "Yours, " WAKDEMAE, PRINCE OF PRUSSIA." In all its outer accidents and environments the great Dinner to Lord Dalhousie on the 4th of Novem- her, 1847, was much like any other dinner of the same kind. There was the usual supply of turtle and venison of cold punch and Champagne the usual assemblage of my Lords and Gentlemen, including many of the greatest statesmen and the greatest soldiers of the age the usual vociferations of Mr. Toole, the Toast-master, and the usual after-dinner addresses. It is seldom given to man to enjoy better dinners or pleasanter parties than these for not only are the good things of the world abundant, but there is an abundance of ready hands to dispense them : there is a multitude of guests and no crowd ; dignity without restraint, and cordiality with all LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKEH. decorum. There is the excitement of a public en- tertainment with the comfort of a private party. And in all these pleasant characteristics the dinner to Lord Dalhousie differed little from those which have preceded or which have followed it. Neither outwardly was there much difference in the de- meanor of the Chairman. The wonted geniality scintillated in all his speeches. He spoke with the same earnestness with the same impressiveness as he had done on former occasions. But the day had been to him one of severest trial. A short time before, one of Mr. Tucker's sons a civilian on the Bengal establishment had been thrown from his horse, with fearful violence, against the portico of a friend's house. His head had come in contact with one of the pillars, and he had since been lying between life and death at the Mofussil station, where the accident had occurred that very station of Gyah, where Mr. Tucker's first Indian experiences had been gathered. This sad intelli- gence had reached him by a preceding mail ; and it so happened that on the very morning of the great entertainment to Lord Dalhousie, the arrival of another overland despatch the despatch by which Mr. Tucker expected to receive tidings either of his son's death or of his recovery was announced at the India House. The forenoon was passed in painful suspense, and yet in necessary activity. The letters had not yet been delivered. The pressure on the father's heart was almost intolerable ; but there was much work to be done much for which prepa- PARENTAL ANXIETIES. 545 ration was to be made and Mr. Tucker's wonted firmness and self-control did not desert him. He did all that it behoved him to do, and then waited the arrival of the letters. In the course of the day they were delivered. There was not one in his son's handwriting. Tre- mulously anticipating the worst, Mr. Tucker opened the first that presented itself to him and a little note fell from it. It was written by his boy. The enclosure was from the medical officer who had attended him announcing that so great an im- provement had taken place that the invalid would be speedily enabled to proceed to Calcutta for the purpose of embarking for England. The weight which had pressed so heavily on Mr. Tucker's heart was now removed ; and it beat freely with exulta- tion and gratitude. But there is always something enervating and unhinging in such reactions. It is a strong mind the equilibrium of which is not dis- turbed by such shocks as this. But with all the tender-heartedness of a woman, Mr. Tucker had an habitual self-command truly heroic ; and he now held his feelings in subjection to his will. He went through his appointed duties with composure deli- vered the valedictory address at the India House, and presided at the complimentary Banquet at the London Tavern as though he had not a few hours before been in tremulous expectancy of receiving intelligence of the death of a beloved son. In the spring of the following year, just before his retirement from the Chair, he twice again presided 2N 546 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. at the public entertainments of the East India Com- pany. The first of these was a farewell dinner to Lord Falkland, who was about to proceed as Go- vernor to Bombay. The second was a congratu- latory Banquet to Lord Hardinge, on the occasion of his return from India. This was on many ac- counts a remarkable gathering and it was the last one at which Mr. Tucker ever presided. It may be said that on this 5th of April, 1848, he took his leave of the Public. Of Lord Hardinge he had ever been a steady admirer and consistent supporter. There was not, perhaps in the whole kingdom, a man with a sincerer love of Peace not one who despised and condemned, with a more sovereign contempt and a more vital abhorrence, those traders in War, who make for themselves the occasion of battle, and smite either for the love of smiting, or for the re- wards that Victory brings. He had no toleration for the cruel or the ambitious soldier ; but he saw in Lord Hardinge one neither cruel nor ambitious one who had kept the sword in the scabbard as long as it could be kept there with safety and with honor one who had been slow to strike, but who had struck, in self-defence, bravely and well, and who, in the hour of conquest, had exercised a forbearance as conspicuous as his gallantry in the field. He saw in Lord Hardinge a great soldier, with whom courage and clemency, success and moderation, went hand in hand ; and he honored the man who, amidst so much to dazzle and to disturb, could still possess himself in steadfastness of soul. DINNER TO LORD HARDINGE. 547 What, therefore, on this occasion, Mr. Tucker said in praise of Lord Hardinge, he said from the full heart; and he said it, too, with an enlarged satisfaction, because he spoke in the presence of the foremost soldier of the age. The Duke of Welling- ton had accepted the invitation of the Company, and had attended to do honor to one of the most esteemed and heloved of his Lieutenants. He had not partaken of the hospitality of the Company since they had incurred his displeasure by the recall of Lord Ellenborough* but now his animosity seemed to have passed away, and he met Mr. Tucker with even more than his old cordiality, extending both his hands to greet the Chairman, and eagerly inquiring after his health. This was not one of the least of the circumstances which on that evening stirred Mr. Tucker's heart with grateful emotions. He knew that the displeasure of the great Duke was unreasonable and unjust ; but although he never regretted the cause of it, he could not help lamenting the effect. But there was a shady side to the picture, too. This, as I have said, was Mr. Tucker's last appear- ance, in a prominent position, before the Public. It may be said, indeed, although his career of official usefulness was not at an end, that he then virtually bade farewell to Public Life. When Sir John Hob- house, as President of the Board of Control, pro- * Oji the occasion of the Farewell Entertainment to Lord Dalhousie, the Duke had accepted the invitation, but had rot attended the dinner. This, however, did not prevent Mr. Tucker from proposing his health, with all warmth of heart and fervency of manner. 2 N 2 548 LIFE OF II. ST.G. TUCKER,. posed the health of Mr. Tucker and the Court, the venerahle Chairman replied : " I accept the compli- ment which has been offered on the part of the Court of Directors, whose organ, on this occasion, I have the honor to be. But I am only the Pageant of a day ; and after having fretted my little hour I must disappear. If, however, I may be allowed to appropriate any part of the compliment, I must assign it to its true source. I had the good fortune, in the early days of my boyhood, to enjoy a pure atmosphere. I first served under the great and good Lord Cornwallis, who was the perfect personification of disinterestedness and patriotism. He steadily enforced the principles of justice ; he saw no object but the honor and interests of his country. I had also the good fortune to be patronised by the late Sir William Jones, whose genius seemed to soar above this lower world, and whose love of constitu- tional liberty, and whose devotion to literature, im- pressed me with a feeling which I have carried through life. To these estimable men be assigned the merit of anything which I have been fortunate enough to accomplish. And now, my Lords and Gentlemen who know me not, and whom I have had the honor of seeing probably for the last time, I bid you a respectful Farewell. To my colleagues, friends, and companions, who do know me, I would say, farewell till we meet again. " ' Inveni portum, Spes et Fortuna, valete ! Sat me ludistis, ludite nunc alios.' " I've reached the haven Fortune, Hope adieu, Let others now the slippery path pursue.' " CHAIRMAN-LIFE. 549 But although it may be said that in these words he took farewell of the larger outside circle of the Public, there was still a season of continued use- fulness remaining before him ; his work, indeed, was not yet done. I have hitherto only spoken in this chapter of those circumstances, arising out of Mr. Tucker's second tenure of office as Chairman of the East India Company, which brought him pro- minently before the Public. But it is not of these public appearances that the Chairman-life of an East India Director is made up ; all this, as Mr. Tucker said, is but the pageantry of the hour. There is a solid reality about it, far beyond the scope of fare- well addresses to Governor-Generals, or complimen- tary after-dinner harangues. And Mr. Tucker, at least, was not one to suffer his office to degenerate into a sham. He was, indeed, very tenacious of the character of the Court, and on all occasions asserted its rights and upheld its dignity. To the very last he pro- tested against the encroachments of the Board of Control. At one of the public entertainments to which reference has been made, Sir John Hobhouse, who had long presided at that Board, on proposing Mr. Tucker's health, had said : "A more conscien- tious, a more zealous, a more vigilant guardian of the interests entrusted to him could not exist ;" and had added, that although " allusion had been made to differences that might arise in the conduct of affairs between the two authorities, he could only say, that if these quarrels were between them, they were 550 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. lovers' quarrels, which only ended in the renewal of love." But the real state of affairs is not to be judged of by these post-prandial amenities. Doubtless, the in- tercourse between them was maintained without the smallest leaven of personal animosity on either side. They were both of them far above the littleness of suffering any feelings of private resentment to enter into the official conflicts which occasionally arose. These were simply conflicts between the Court of Directors and the Board of Control ; and it was in the course of one of them that Mr. Tucker wrote to Sir John Hobhouse that he could not bring himself to believe that it was the intention of the Legislature, that in the Secret Committee the representatives of the East India Company should be reduced to a mere nullity, and suffered only to perform minis- terial duties which could as well be executed by " a secretary or a seal." That each statesman conscientiously pursued the course of official conduct that seemed to him best calculated to advance the public interests, is not to be doubted. But there was much conflict of opinion ; and it appears to me, that when the two authorities came into actual collision, as they sometimes did, there was unconstitutional encroachment on the side of the Board, constitutional resistance on the side of the Company. Thus, on one occasion, the Board cancelled in a letter which the Court had addressed to one of the local Governments, a passage ordering the dismissal of one of their servants an officer of the Indian navy. That the Court of Directors were THE COTJUT AND THE BOAKD. 551 invested by law with the power of dismissing their own servants, is not to he questioned. They had authority to dismiss a Governor- General and au- thority to dismiss a naval lieutenant. Any attempt to interfere with this authority was clearly contrary to law ; and Mr. Tucker, when he resisted it, as Chairman of the Company, did only what he was bound to do in defence of the independence of the Court. As an individual Director he had opposed the measure in question ; but as the organ of the Court it was his duty to enforce it, whatever might be the decree of the Board. This is given merely as an illustration of the manner in which the two authorities were some- times brought into collision ; but there were more important differences of opinion regarding the ge- neral functions of the Secret Committee and the intent of its organisation. Upon this subject Sir John Hobhouse and Mr. Tucker were hopelessly at variance. The former regarded the Secret Com- mittee as a mere sham ; and determined to keep it so. He thought that there was little use in per- sonal conferences between the President of the Board of Control and the " Chairs" of the East India Company ; and insisted that, although the latter might relieve themselves, if they pleased, by writing Dissents or Protests in their own houses, for their own comfort or convenience, they had no power to record them, and no right to claim for them the distinction of being regarded as public documents. He described the system of writing 552 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. and recording minutes at the India House as an inconvenient practice, which encouraged contro- versy, retarded public business, and perpetuated disunion; and declared that if he could do away with this bad Indian habit, he would do so to- morrow. Prom all of this Mr. Tucker emphatically dissented. He asserted his belief that personal ex- planations had sometimes removed difficulties, and enabled the two authorities to carry on the public business with more expedition, and in a more satis- factory manner, than might otherwise have been practicable; and so far from regarding the system of recording minutes as a mischievous one, he ear- nestly declared that the greatest consolation he had enjoyed, or could enjoy, as a public servant, arose from the reflection that he had placed on record his sentiments and forewarning on the Afghan question, the Scinde question, the Resumption of Rent-free Tenures, the Extension of the Opium Monopoly, &c. That the practice of recording the dissents of the Secret Committee might have been inconvenient to the Crown Ministers, is not to be doubted ; but that was hardly the question at issue, nor could Mr. Tucker so regard it. But irreconcileable as was the difference of opinion between the two statesmen, the utmost courtesy and kindness was maintained in all their relations with one another ; and one of the last letters which Mr. Tucker wrote to the Pre- sident of the India Board, before quitting the Chair in 1848, he concluded by saying : " My time is now short ; and in six weeks I shall be relieved from a PATRONAGE. 553 charge, which in many respects has been irksome to me, although I am very far from including my inter- course with you among the disagreeables. On the contrary, it has been the source of satisfaction to me." Something, too, may be said in this place about Mr. Tucker's distribution of his patronage. Much has been written and spoken, at divers times and in divers places, about the nepotism of the Court of Directors of the East India Company. The corpus delicti appears to be this, that having every year a few writer ships and a considerable number of cadetships, besides a certain number of appoint- ments in the medical and clerical services at their disposal, they provide, out of this fund, for their children, or grandchildren and for a few more re- mote connexions. But I have never been able to dis- cern, in this, anything discreditable to the Directors themselves, or disadvantageous to the public interests. It may be assumed, in the first place, that it was the intent of the Legislature, which fixed the salary of an East India Director at an amount below the sum apportioned to a junior clerk in the India House, that the patronage of the Company should, in some sort, be considered as the perquisites of office. But setting aside this consideration altogether, it appears that the department of Government, the chiefs of which do not distribute the patronage at their dis- posal among their own friends, is yet to be disco- vered. And there is this remarkable difference between the distributors of English and Indian patronage, that whereas the tenure of office by a 554 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. Grown Minister is always more or less precarious, an East India Director is elected for life. He is not, therefore, under the necessity of grasping everything within his reach whilst the sunshine of place and possession is beaming upon him, lest some stray gust of popular caprice should suddenly blow him back into private life. Mr. Tucker, for example, held his place at the India House for a quarter of a century. During that period he sent out five sons to India in the Company's service ; and he provided for some collateral relatives. Now, there is this advantage in the India House system, that however much a Director may be given to nepotism, the nepotes are never so numerous as not to leave a large surplusage of patronage to be distributed among applicants whose claims are mainly of a public character. That every Director gives away a considerable number of appointments solely on these public grounds is not to be questioned. They who are best acquainted with the secrets of the India House are best pre- pared to depose confidently to the fact. But, on the other hand, it is not to be doubted that the claims of some applicants are advanced in vain. I do not know that it is peculiar to the India House that petitioners and worthy ones, too are sometimes sent empty away. But I believe that there is no public building in the country where so much time is spent by the dispensers of patronage in listening to and sifting such claims, and that no official men are, on the whole, so patient and so courteous. The Chairman of the Court of Directors, PAT110NAGE. 555 who is supposed to be the representative * of the Court, and to exercise a sort of general power over its patronage to be the depositary, indeed, of all kinds of rich gifts, and the target at which all sorts of complaints may be rightfully levelled day after clay devotes a large portion of his time to the recep- tion of these petitioners. He and his Deputy have a double share of patronage at their disposal ; but the number of appointments in their gift bears but a small proportion to the number of applicants, and there must necessarily be many refusals. This was the most painful part of Mr. Tucker's duties ; as I doubt not it was and is of all his colleagues who have occupied the Chair. But he was accessible to all comers ; he received them with ready courtesy, and when compelled to return a refusal, was careful that it should be a kindly one. It has been said of him, indeed, as it was said of Marlborough, that " he could refuse more gracefully than other people could grant, and those who went away from him the most dissatisfied as to the substance of their business, were yet personally charmed with him, and in some degree comforted by his manner." It was his privilege, however, to distribute no small share of his patronage beyond the circle of his own private friends, and largely to elicit, by these bestowals, the gratitude of the widow and the orphan. As years advanced, he became increasingly solicitous about the right appropriation of the appointments in his gift. The dispensation of his clerical patron- age had always been a matter of anxiety to him ; for 556 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKEK. he conscientiously recognised the greatness of the responsibility it involved. During his first Chair- manship he had placed two Indian chaplaincies at the disposal of the Chancellor of Oxford then the Duke of Wellington and now he made a similar offering to Cambridge, through the Chancellor, Prince Albert : " TO H.R.H. PRINCE ALBERT, &C., &C. "East India House, 16th December, 1847. " SIR, When, on a former occasion, I had the honor of holding my present station as Chairman of the Court of Directors of the East India Company, I was induced to solicit his Grace the Duke of Wellington, as Chancellor of the University of Oxford, to do me the favor to pre- sent from among the members of that University two clergy- men for the appointment of Chaplain on the Indian Establish- ment. I was desirous on this occasion to testify my personal respect for his Grace, as well as my respect for the University, and to feel satisfied that individuals would be selected for the sacred office who would do credit to the nomination, and who would be found useful and respectable members of the ser- vice. " Upon similar considerations I am induced to solicit that your Royal Highness will be graciously pleased to present from the University of Cambridge two of its members for the ap- pointment of Assistant-Chaplain at the Presidencies of Bengal and Madras; and in making this request, I may be permitted to express my hope that it will be graciously received as a testimony of my great respect for your Royal Highness, and for the University over which you preside. " I have the honor to be, with the highest respect and de- ference, your Royal Highness's most faithful servant, " H. ST.G. TUCKER. "To H.R.H. Prince Albert, &c., &c." LETTER TO Sill ROBERT PEEL. 557 Some years before he had offered a eadetship to Sir Robert Peel, on the occasion of his election as Rector of the Glasgow University, to be given to one of the students of that Institution. The letter in which he tendered the appointment is so charac- teristic of the writer, that the retrospect will be forgiven : " MR. TUCKER TO SIR ROBERT PEEL. "East India House, 17th January, 1837. " MY DEAR SIR, The youth of Glasgow are worthy of all honor; and I regard your recent visit to that city as the most auspicious event which has occurred for some time an event which I hail with joy and hope, as the harbinger of our coun- try's deliverance. "It has occurred to me that you would feel pleasure in having an opportunity of providing for one of these public- spirited young men; and I, in consequence, take the liberty of placing at your disposal a nomination to the service of India. " I should, perhaps, feel some hesitation in taking this step if I had anything to ask, and if you were the dispenser of favor; but my motives cannot, I think, be mistaken. I am too old for ambition, and too young, I hope, for avarice; even if you were in a situation to gratify these passions. " With the most fervent wishes for your complete success in the glorious course which you have undertaken, I have the honor to be, " Dear Sir, your very faithful servant, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." The offer, however, was not accepted. Sir Robert Peel's answer was full of courtesy and kindness, but he said that he was not personally acquainted with a single student in the University, and that he knew 558 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKEH. no public object that was to be gained by his holding the appointment in his gift.* "Whether it did not occur to him that it might be placed at the disposal of the Collegiate authorities for purposes of public competition, or whether he was not sufficiently en- lightened to recognise the expediency of such a mode of dispensing the Company's patronage, I do not pretend to know. Ten years afterwards, Mr. Tucker declared his will- ingness to place at the disposal of the Governor-Ge- neral an Assistant- Surgeoncy, to be given to one of the native students of the Medical College of Calcutta. " The question," he wrote to Lord Dalhousie, in No- vember, 1847, " of their eligibility to appointments in the regular branch of the service has not yet been mooted, but I will consult my colleagues on this question at our next meeting, and if it should be considered that they can, without objection, be in- troduced into the Medical service as Assistant- Sur- geons, I shall be happy to place a nomination for one of them at your Lordship's disposal. One of the greatest benefits, in my opinion, which we have yet conferred on the people of India, is the introduction of medical science among them, and the dissipation * The passage in which this is stated is worthy of insertion here: "I feel much obliged by your kind consideration, and assure you with perfect sin- cerity that I should not hesitate a moment in availing myself of the kind offer which accompanies your letter, if I could do so with advantage. But I literally was not personally acquainted with any one student at Glasgow when they elected me, and I have therefore no private and personal wish to gratify by profiting by your kind consideration Having, therefore, no personal wish to gratify, and fearing no public object would be advanced by my avail- ing myself of your generosity, I return to you the enclosed, with thanks as sincere and cordial as if I had been enabled to make use of it." PATRONAGE. 559 of their prejudice against anatomical operations." But the Court, after mature deliberation, were of opinion, that the appointment of these native students to the covenanted branch of the service would be attended with much public inconvenience. The decision was severely criticised out of doors; and many arguments, theoretically sound, were ad- duced against the exclusion of the native students. But there were practical considerations weighing heavily on the other side ; and they who were best acquainted with the nature of the Service to which it was proposed to attach these deserving youths, and the character of the duties to be performed by them, believed that both the welfare of the students themselves, and the interests of the public, would be best promoted by effectually providing for them as medical practitioners without giving them military commissions.* The activity of Mr. Tucker at this period was great. There was scarcely a subject connected, in any way, with the Government of India, from the cultivation of cotton and sugarf to the officering * With reference to the subject of Mr. Tucker's patronage, the reader may advantageously turn back to a letter given at page 482, in which the writer says : " I have determined to apply my extra patronage as Chairman, to pro- vide for the sons and relations of meritorious officers in his Majesty's and our own service." f See, on the subject of Cotton Cultivation, letter to Mr. Thomason, given in the following chapter; and letters to Mr. Cornewall Lewis and Mr. Thomason, in Memorials of Indian Government (page 177). In one of the latter Mr. Tucker says: " It is singular that I should, at this late period, after the lapse of nearly sixty years, be pursuing an object which attracted my at- tention as a boy, whilst residing in the Hurriaul Aurung, in the district of Rajashaye." To the kindred topic of Indian Sugar reference is made in Chapter XX. Some excellent remarks, written in l48 t on the want of sym- pathy between the European officer and the native soldier, will be found in Mr. Tucker's Memorials (pp. 93, et seq.~). 560 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. of the native army, to the elucidation of which he did not apply himself with all the energy and ahility of his youth. Some of his most valuable papers were written about this time. Nor was it only in the minutes which bear his name that the results of his intellectual activity were apparent. The rough drafts of whole sheaves of India-House despatches, with Mr. Tucker's pencil - notes and emendations upon them, exhibit, in umnistakeable characters, the earnest, sedulous attention which he devoted to the duties of his office. Indeed, he more than fulfilled the expectations of the friends who told him that the Chair could not be occupied by one better able to do full justice to the selection of the Court. PHIVATE CORRESPONDENCE. 561 CHAPTER XIX. Mr. Tucker's Private Correspondence during his Second Chairmanship Letters to Lord Hardinge; to Sir T. H. Maddock; to Mr. George Clerk; to Mr. Thomason; and to Lord Dalhousie. To a selection from Mr. Tucker's correspondence, during his second tenure of office, as Chairman of the East India Company, the present chapter may be fitly appropriated : [Introductory The Affairs of the Punjab, Scinde, Gumsoor, &c. The Re- ligious Controversy at Madras The Furlough Regulations, &c.] " East India House, 24th April, 1847. " MY DEAR LORD, As the Court of Directors have been pleased to appoint me their Chairman for the present year, your Lordship may perhaps expect to hear from me; and if I can be of any use in conveying intelligence on matters of interest a little earlier than you can receive the communication through the official channels, I shall be happy to perform this office. " I very cordially congratulate your Lordship on the success of your Punjab arrangements; and I believe that all impartial and intelligent men are now satisfied that these arrangements were dictated by sound policy, while they were recommended by considerations of a still higher character. We were latterly somewhat favored by circumstances ; but our success was the legitimate result of prudence, moderation, and justice. " We have a number of important and difficult questions 2 o 562 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. pending at present the Railroad projects the new Furlough Regulations, &c., &c.; but I will not trouble your Lordship just now with my particular sentiments on these questions. The Madras controversy on that most delicate of all questions, Religion, has occasioned us the greatest embarrassment ; but only one feeling, I think, prevails here that the agitation of this question is pregnant with danger, and that it is become urgently necessary to enforce the policy so long observed by our Government. " The Scinde question is also most embarrassing. There is a strong impression here (supposed most erroneously to originate in personal feelings), that a regular system of civil administra- tion should be introduced in that country ; but the quo modo is still felt to be matter of difficulty. " The Gumsoor disturbances will, I am sure, have received your Lordship's early attention. I am quite satisfied that a barbarous people are not to be reclaimed and civilised by the process of burning and destroying; and your Lordship will have known, historically, that a people, very similar to the Khoonds in habits, character, and origin, were reclaimed and civilised by the benevolent policy of an individual (the late Mr. Cleveland, then Collector of Baugulpore). I am just now engaged in preparing a despatch on this subject. "The Furlough question will, I believe, be referred to your Lordship's Government, as we cannot come to a perfect under- standing with the Board on some parts of the new plan, on which the late Chairman has bestowed a great deal of atten- tion. .... u I will only add, on the present occasion, my sincere wishes for the continued success of your Lordship's administration; and I do hope that you will continue long enough in the Go- vernment to effect as much in the civil branches of the service as you have accomplished in the political and military branch of our affairs. I pointed out to Sir H. Maddock, some time since, some objects which might admit of retrenchment on the restoration of peace ; and I observe that they have not escaped your Lordship's attention. I might add, perhaps, the She- kawattee brigade, the Russell brigade at Hyderabad (with a LETTER TO LORD HARDINGE. 563 view to relieve the Nizam's finances), and some other objects; but they will not, I am sure, be overlooked by your Lordship; and I have hazarded enough for a first letter. I cannot, how- ever, conceal from myself that we have an enormous financial deficit to meet, and that it is impossible to go on prosperously with an increasing debt. " I have the honor to be, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT HA.RDINGE, G.C.B., &C., &C. [On the Appointment of Sir John Littler, &c., &c., and the evils of frequent Changes in the Administrative Agency of India.] " East India House, 7th May, 1847. ! " MY DEAR LORD, I have little of novelty or interest to communicate to you since the despatch of the last maiL " I have given notice of a motion for Wednesday next, for the appointment of Sir John Littler as a provisional member of Council, and I have no doubt of the cordial concurrence of my colleagues. The appointment will, I think, give your Lordship pleasure, and be highly satisfactory to the army, as showing our sense of the merits and services of so distinguished an officer " The Madras controversy has occasioned us great embarrass- ment, especially in its relation to the religious question ; but I hope the orders from hence will put a stop to it, for no question more mischievous could well be agitated. " The Gumsoor disturbances have also caused us great concern and some anxiety; but I feel assured that your Lord- ship will have arrested the proceedings of the agent, Captain M'Pherson ; for no people, I apprehend, will ever be civilised by fire and devastation.* " The attention of the Court has been drawn lately to the practice of making numerous acting appointments, especially in the North- West Provinces. They cannot always be avoided; * This was written under an erroneous impression of the real character of Captain M'Pherson's proceedings, which had been misrepresented to Govern- ment. The charges brought against M'Pherson were afterwards investigated by a Special Commission, and found to be entirely groundless. J. W. K. 2o2 564 LIFE OF H. ST.a. TUCKER. but they are very prejudicial, for the people have not time to become acquainted with their rulers, nor the rulers with the people. I merely mention this as a circumstance (not to say an evil) which has been discussed at much length of late, in reviewing the new Furlough plan. " It is reported in some quarters here, that it is your Lord- ship's intention to leave India in January next; but I do hope that such is not the case. I have no connexion with her Majesty's Government; but I feel satisfied^ from what I hear, that they are quite sincere and earnest in the wish that your Lordship should continue in charge of the Government. One of the greatest evils attending our administration of India is the frequent changes in the Government. The natives look to persons, rather than to principles and to the system of Govern- ment; and they see everything in a course of change; and, in truth, there is too much disposition to change on our part. Every man is more or less attached to some preconceived notion ; and we do not always pay sufficient deference to the wisdom of our predecessors. Your Lordship has been so much engaged in military and political movements of vast magnitude and importance, that you have had little leisure to enter into the details of civil administration ; and I do hope that you will remain long enough in the country to render your Government in the civil department as beneficial to the country as your political and military arrangements have proved to be, both to the State and to our native subjects and allies. That your Lordship's administration may continue prosperous in all its branches to its termination, is the sincere wish of " Your most faithful servant, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE EIGHT HONORABLE VISCOUNT HARDINGE. [On the Announcement of his Resignation, and the Appointment of a Successor.] " East India House, 23rd May, 1847. " MY DEAR LORD, I have just been favored with your Lordship's letter of the 5th April, and it was with unfeigned concern that I received the announcement of your intention to LETTER TO LORD HARDINGE. 565 resign the Government in December next. I do believe that it is the earnest wish of her Majesty's Ministers that you should remain in India at least for another year ; and if for no better reason, from the difficulty of finding a suitable successor. Lord Clarendon goes to Ireland; and even if he had not been called upon to fill this difficult (perilous, I might call it) this most difficult station, his Lordship, I understand, had objections to India. Two other noblemen have been mentioned, but I ap- prehend that difficulties may occur in carrying through the appointment of either; but no proposition has yet been made, through me, to the Court, by her Majesty's Government; and I do believe that a hope is still entertained that your Lordship will continue at your post. I have a selfish feeling on this subject; for a change may involve me in great difficulty. I consider the selection for the office of Governor- General to impose a sacred duty. The well-being of millions may depend upon this selection, and the public interests may be seriously affected by it. This is not mere speculation. To my infinite annoyance, I was, on a former occasion, compelled to oppose an arrangement which I. could not honestly concur in; and it would be an instance of extraordinary bad fortune (which I should most earnestly deprecate) if I should, a second time, be placed in the same embarrassing position. I can only hope for the best, and resolve to do my best. "For the last fortnight a very uneasy feeling has prevailed in this metropolis, partly from the dread of famine, and partly from Financial derangement. Happily, we have had some days of propitious weather, which has somewhat diminished the alarm of an impending famine; and if we should be blessed with a bountiful harvest, our financial difficulties will, I trust, gradually disappear. They arose, in part, from the excessive importation of corn; and they were felt in a degree which I have never witnessed in this country the acceptances of the first Houses having been discounted at nine and ten per cent. You will judge of the alarm on the subject of food, when I mention that the Premier, at a late public dinner, strongly en- joined, on the part of her Majesty, the utmost economy in our domestic expenditure. 566 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. " Your Lordship's very judicious minute of the 17th October last, on the discontinuance of labor on public works on Sunday, has attracted the attention of the Court, who entirely concur in the prudent caution which you have inculcated with reference to our native troops " My opinion has always been, that the greatest danger we have to encounter in India is from the intemperate zeal of re- ligious enthusiasts; and I am also convinced that these indi- viduals take the most effectual means to defeat their own cherished object " I had a good deal of conversation yesterday with Sir John Hobhouse on the subject of the Law Commission, the Macaulay Code, &c., and a reference will probably be made to your Lordship's Government on both questions. The Law Com- mission will die a natural death when Mr. Eliott repairs to Madras, unless revived, or dissolved, which it cannot be, I apprehend, without an Act of Parliament; and our total neglect of the Code, which has cost us such an immense sum of money, I have always felt as matter of reproach to us. ... " I am, &c., &c., " H. Sx.G. TUCKER." " TO THE HON. SIR T. H. HADDOCK. [On the Reduction of the Salt Duties.] " East India House, 24th May, 1847. " MY DEAR SIR, I have only just been favored with your letter of the 4th ultimo, and I have derived very great satisfaction from your very encouraging report on a prospective view of our finances; and I trust that your most sanguine anticipations will be fully realised. " I cannot venture to commit the Court by any premature opinion on your resolution to reduce the duty on Salt ; but I may say that it harmonises with the opinions which I have long maintained on the subject My principle has always been to realise a moderate revenue upon the largest quantity, both with a view to relieve the consumer, to diminish the motive for smuggling, and to remove, as far as possible, the odium attaching to a tax on one of the necessaries of life. I shall be LETTER TO MR. CLERK. 567 glad if I am enabled to satisfy my colleagues that your proceed- ing is entitled to their approbation and support. " The extension of your hypothecation advances will not, I trust, expose your treasury to inconvenience, and they may ultimately prove convenient to us, for we have not latterly obtained so large a supply by our bills as we had estimated. Your balance appears to be ample ; and in the present state of the money-market here, it is not at all desirable that our resources from India should be curtailed. " I have been much concerned to hear of Lord Hardinge's determination to resign the Government in December next, for I had hoped that he would have remained long enough to complete his work in the civil department of the Government, which he has not yet had time to enter upon fully. 44 With every good wish, believe me, " Very sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE HON. G. R. CLERK, GOVERNOR OF BOMBAY. [On the Treatment of Native Chiefs and the State of the Police.] " East India House, 24th May, 1847. " MY DEAR SIR, I was only this morning favored with your letter of the 15th ultimo, and I was very glad to perceive that it contained no complaint of your health, or of the climate of Bombay; for I had been led to apprehend, from a late com- munication from you to Sir James Hogg, that you had already been suffering from the climate, and were even apprehensive of the necessity for a removal. I know that Sir James strongly deprecated the idea of your quitting your post; and I may add that I should, if possible, still more strongly deprecate it. " On the two leading points noticed by you, there is no pro- bability of any difference of opinion between us. Nay, I was right glad to hear your remarks on the treatment of the native chiefs; for I have been advocating their cause (not so success- fully as I could have wished) for the last twenty years, or longer. The first year of my residence in India I passed in Behar (chiefly at Gya), and there I received impressions very favor- able to the old Mahomedan families, whose fate excited my 568 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. commiseration. I met at different times Gholaum Hussein Khan, the author of the Seer Mutakhereen ; and he appeared to me the finest specimen of a nobleman I had ever seen. I have never lost the impressions I received of the harsh treatment which many of the old families had experienced at our hands ; and I have since fought the battle of many of the chieftains whose territories we have confiscated. I have also contended against the sweeping resumptions of rent-free grants in our North-West Provinces; but my most strenuous efforts have only succeeded so far as to mitigate the evil. " As Judicial Secretary in Bengal, the greatest difficulty I had to encounter was with the Police. The Daroga plan was ineffi- cient, and totally failed. The Darogas were ill-paid, and not trustworthy; and I suggested the employment of the agency of the landholders; but here, too, there were great difficulties to overcome. I also suggested to Lord Wellesley the appoint- ment of a Superintendent- General; and the late Mr. L. Davis (an excellent officer) was appointed accordingly, and the office has since been continued ; but I do not perceive that as much good has resulted from it as I had anticipated. The fact is, that there are inherent difficulties in the establishment of an efficient Police in India. We cannot proceed according to the notions and practice of the natives; and our principles and usages are not suitable to them. But I have not time at present to discuss these questions; and my antediluvian information and opinions can be of no use to you. " Believe me, with great esteem, very sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE HON. GEORGE CLERK. [On the Visitation-Tours of Indian Governors.] " East India House, 24th July, 1847. " MY DEAR SIR, I will frankly tell you my opinion, as an individual member of the Court, in regard to the tours, or periodical movements of our Governors. " When those Governors, as in your case, happen to be well acquainted with the people of India, and conversant with their languages, I consider it to be highly desirable and eminently LETTER TO MR. CLERK. 569 useful that they should have personal communication with the native Chiefs, Jagheerdars, and others, in order that they may become better acquainted with the character of those chiefs, with their feelings, interests, and general disposition towards our Government, in order that they may be conciliated by kindness, that their complaints may be heard, that they may be benefited by wholesome and friendly advice; that they may be taken out of bad hands, and, as far as possible, guarded against habits of extravagance and dissipation. I am accus- tomed to regard some of these chiefs as full-grown children, who stand in need of parental care; and the Governor who can, and will supply the place of a parent to them, may not only become a benefactor to the individuals, but he performs an im- portant service to the public. " But a tour of mere parade, by one who knows little or nothing of the country, is worse than useless; and I could mention certain of these visitations which have proved most mischievous in their consequences. " Generally they, are inconvenient, as they dislocate the Government, and, for the time, nearly paralyse it. " Then, again, they not only occasion expense to the State, but, what is much worse, they give rise to impositions on the people, and not unfrequently to positive mal-treatment and oppression. Crops are injured cattle and men are pressed arbitrarily into the service articles of consumption (eggs, poultry, milk, firewood, &c.) are appropriated without re- muneration; and the people are sometimes frightened from their villages. You cannot move a large body of men through the country, and especially men armed with authority, or assuming authority, without these contingencies. I believe I may say, that no person could be more unwilling than myself to countenance or permit oppression or injustice; but I am far from being satisfied that much wrong may not have been committed in my name, when I made a tour of the Western Provinces, just forty years ago. Our camp did not, I believe, with our escort, exceed 400 or 500 men; but this corteye, moderate enough when compared with a Vice-Regal movement, was large enough to levy contributions from the country. I made an example of two of my servants at an early period; but 570 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKEK, I am not sure that their successors were more trustworthy; and as for an ' Ellenborough Promenade,' I should say, that it would be more destructive than any flight of locusts could possibly prove. " Here you have my genuine feeling on the general question ; but in your particular case, I do hope to hear that you have visited the interior (by-and-by, including even Scinde), to the great comfort of the people, and to your own great satis- faction. " With every good wish, believe me, my dear Sir, " Very sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE HONORABLE JAMES THOMASON. [On the Cultivation of Cotton in India.] " East India House, 24th July, 1847. " MY DEAR SIR, I have been favored with your letter from Simla of May the 20th; but as our packet is about to close, I can at present do little more than acknowledge it. " I am very glad to hear that you are taking so great an interest in the success of our cotton operations. It has been a favorite object with me for twenty years, and I wrote a Memoir on the subject many years ago ; but I met with little encou- ragement for some time, although what I contended for em- braced a great national object. " Things have now taken a different turn, and I anticipate entire success at an early period. A great meeting of the manu- facturers, at which Dr. Royle and our American planters (Messrs. Mercer and Blunt) attended, took place lately at Manchester, and upon the explanations which were given, two of the principal Houses immediately determined to send out orders for the purchase of 18,000 bales of our Indian cotton, and I believe they will, by-and-by, send out factors to purchase from the cultivators on the spot, and to make advances in the same manner as we have long done for indigo, silk, &c. " Mr. Bell shall experience every attention, and receive ample justice, if his produce be approved; but from some strange oversight, 800 anonymous bales have arrived, which I suspect to be from h.im, but which cannot be identified. They LETTER TO LORD HARDINGE. 571 were received per Monarch and Amwell. The first report of the brokers on this cotton was very unfavorable; but I am glad to find that it is likely to turn out much better than had been anticipated. The fibre was represented to have been much cut ; but a handful sent me by my son St.George, and which I suspect was taken from the same consignment, was not found to have this defect. " Your North- West cotton will not, however, I fear, be found equal to the produce of the districts further south; and your cultivation is reported to be ' slovenly,' and very unequal to that of the districts of Berar, Candeish, Dharwar, &c. This has somewhat surprised me ; but the defect may surely be corrected ; and another great defect, the want of due care in separating the cotton from the seed and leaf, and other impurities, may also, no doubt, be remedied by a little more attention. I have the pleasure to enclose a short memorandum from Dr. Royle. . . . " Believe me, my dear Sir, " Very faithfully yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT HARDINGE, &C., &C. [On the Affairs of Oude, Hyderabad, Gumsoor, &c. The Furlough Regula- tions The Great Ganges Canal, and the Appointment of Lord Dalhousie.] " East India House, 7th August, 1847. " MY DEAR LORD, I have been favored with your Lord- ship's letter of the 9th June, and I rejoice to hear that every- thing is going on favorably and satisfactorily, with the excep- tion, perhaps, of our relations with Oude and Hyderabad. But both these cases have presented great difficulties for a long course of years ; and I had to encounter them when in office thirteen years ago. I have not yet seen the correspondence ; but, after communicating with Sir John Hobhouse, I will here- after state to your Lordship everything which may occur to me on the subject " We hope soon to hear that the Gumsoor disturbances have been suppressed, and that a milder system has been introduced, for the better management of that territory. Razias can never succeed in tranquillising any country; and your Lordship will 572 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. not, perhaps, be surprised to hear that the French Government are at length becoming sensible of this truth, and that they have actually applied to us to ascertain how we manage our Ma- homedan population. I am surprised that your Lordship should not earlier have been made acquainted with the state of affairs in Gumsoor, for we had some information on the subject here; and two very intelligent men Mr. George Russell and Mr. Mills furnished me with memoirs on the causes of the recent outbreak. " Our military Furlough Regulations have not yet been matured. I find from my Indian letters that an erroneous sketch of what was projected has been received in Bengal, and that it has produced much dissatisfaction. I always apprehended that the army would be disappointed ; and it is to be regretted that any expectation should have been held out to them until the plan was matured. " The question of the * Ganges Canal' has been much dis- cussed of late among us ; and a member of the Court has given notice of a motion for Wednesday next, and has prepared an elaborate paper, strongly deprecating the undertaking. When the project was first brought forward, I contended against the attempt to combine the two objects of irrigation and naviga- tion ; and all I have since learnt has tended to strengthen and confirm my objections. Major Cautley, indeed, states that * navigation' constitutes no part of his original plan, and that it was super-added under a peremptory order of Lord Ellen- borough ; but, in fact, he has not satisfied us that, even with a view to objects of irrigation, the canal is likely to succeed in producing more good than mischief, or that more simple, easy, and economical means might not be resorted to for the purpose of accomplishing the same end. The following objections, among others, have been urged against the canal : "1st. That the expense would be enormous, and incom- mensurate with the object. " 2nd. That, after the completion of the work, a large annual charge must be incurred for establishments, repairs, &c., &c. " 3rd. That the work cannot be completed for many years, Major Cautley himself admitting that the Salam Aqueduct, ex- LETTER TO LORD HARDINGE. 573 tending for the first nineteen miles, cannot be completed in less than five years. " 4th. That the distribution of the water will be matter of difficulty will give occasion to complaints and litigation, and will be open to great abuse by the officers of Government. " 5th. That the navigation of the Ganges above Allahabad will be utterly destroyed, to the great injury of the landholders and people of Rohilkund, Oude, &c. This fact almost admits of proof even from what has occurred in the Jumna; and Major Cautley's assumption that the deficiency of water in that river has been supplied by percolation, would seem to be unsup- ported by the facts of the case as exhibited by one of our colleagues. " 6th. That the sanatory effects of the canal may prove very injurious, by converting a running stream into stagnant water during the dry season. "7th. That the extension of cultivation, by means of irriga- tion from the canal, has been much over-estimated ; and that, even admitting such extension, a falling off may take place in other quarters, the Ryots and others having no sufficient means of hoarding and preserving their surplus produce. " Lastly. That the same object may be attained in a better manner by sinking wells, forming reservoirs, &c., &c., accord- ing to the usage which has long prevailed in different parts of the country. " After communicating with Sir John Hobhouse on the sub- ject, and hearing the course of our deliberations, I will com- municate the result to your Lordship at as early a period as possible. "I have only to add that Lord Dalhousie was appointed to succeed your Lordship in the Government on Wednesday last, and that he proposes to embark for Alexandria, in an Admiralty steamer, in the middle of November, and may be expected to reach Calcutta early in January. Sir H. Pottinger was ap- pointed at the same time to succeed to the Government of Fort St. George. " With every good wish for your Lordship's health, and a 574 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER, happy termination to an administration which has been so suc- cessful, " I have the honor to be, most sincerely, &c., "H.ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE EIGHT HON. VISCOUNT HARDINGE. [On the State of Affairs at Hyderabad.] " East India House, 24th August, 1847. " MY DEAR LORD, I have not had the pleasure of hearing from your Lordship by the July mail ; but Sir John Hobhouse has communicated to me your letters of the 23rd June, on two very important questions. 14 The state of affairs at Hyderabad involves a question of great delicacy and difficulty, on which the Court have been much divided during the last twenty years. From present ap- pearances, there is reason to apprehend that a crisis has arisen, or must soon arise, when some decided steps must be taken ; and your Lordship's despatch on the late transactions at Hyder- abad (military and financial), which may be expected by the next mail, will fairly open the question to us. It is one which is not new to me ; for I have frequently had occasion to reflect upon it, and to discuss it publicly. My own principles lead me to a strict observance of treaties, and I was a party to the Hyder- abad despatch of 1843 ; but I do not go so far as to maintain that a case may not arise to justify a peremptory interference ; and I am disposed to think that, in the present instance, our interposition may be necessary, both with a view to the in- terests, and indeed to the safety, of the Nizam himself. Before proceeding to an authoritative act, leading to the assumption of the territory, I should be glad, I own, if an attempt were made to obtain his Highness's consent to our undertaking the administration for a limited term (say five or ten years), on his part, and for his behoof ; the net evenue being receivable by his Highness, after defraying the charges of administration, and the interest of any bondjide debts, to which the State may be liable. We have a case somewhat analogous in Mysore, although in this instance an article in the treaty was considered to authorise our assumption of the territory. Lahore presents LETTEK TO Mil. CLERK. 575 another instance ; but here we had a clear field. Much of our success in this, as in other cases, would depend upon the agency employed ; but on this point I am not prepared to hazard any suggestion. Your Lordship must now be well acquainted with the instruments within your reach. Some men easily inspire confidence ; and you must gain the confidence of the natives of India before you can negotiate with them successfully. " With every good wish, I have the honor to be, most sin- cerely, &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE HON. GEORGE CLERK. [On the Administration of Scinde and the Government of Aden.] " East India House, 5th Sept., 1847. " MY DEAR SIR, I have been favored with your letter of the 3rd July, and Mr. Melvill has also given me the pleasure of perusing a letter from you of the 17th. I trust that there is now an early prospect of your having Scinde placed under your administration, and I feel satisfied with great public ad- vantage. If you can spare time to pay a visit to that province, your inspection of the state of things on the spot may be very useful. There is nothing so satisfactory as seeing with our own eyes ; and I apprehend that you will see much which it is de- sirable you should see. I have never been able to satisfy myself with respect to the manner in which the land-revenue is realised. The collections appear generally to be made in kind ; but how is the grain valued when taken from the cultivator ? and is it issued at the same valuation to the commissariat, &c. ? or how is it disposed of? Our information has been defective throughout in every branch of administration ; but you will be able, on the spot, by examining the officers employed, and their accounts, to satisfy yourself on the facts of the case. With respect to the judicial administration, we are equally at a loss for information ; but your inquiries will enable us to judge of the system which will be most suitable for the country and the people in their present condition. " I am surprised that there should be any difficulty in selecting a competent officer to command the troops ; but if he 576 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. should not be found at Bombay, Lord Hardinge will, I trust, be able to supply one from Bengal. It is desirable, no doubt, that an officer should be selected from Bombay to command Bombay troops ; but if he be not forthcoming, we must look to some other quarter. I will make inquiry about the views and intentions of General Hunter ; but we could not well invite him to go out to take a command, without knowing exactly what that command is to be ; and we could not safely make an arrangement here until we shall be made acquainted with the opinion and views of the Governor-General. " I cannot think that the appointment of a Governor, or Lieutenant-Governor, to such a petty place as Aden, can be required. This would be to imitate what was called the ' Scotch Invasion ' of Penang some half century ago. If the public functionaries will not act harmoniously together, the public service must otherwise be provided for. The distinction between the civil and military authorities in India has been long settled, and is well understood. The one points out the service to be performed the other executes and determines the means upon its own responsibility. If, however, a Head be wanting, larger powers might be given to the Resident or Mili- tary Commandant (as the case may be), without the costly apparatus of a regular Government. " With every good wish, believe me, my dear Sir, very sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKEK." TO THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT HARDINGE, &C., &C. [On the Appointment of Lord Dalhousie The Affairs of Nepaul Oude Hyderabad.] " East India House, 8th November, 1847. "MY DEAR LORD, I have been favored with your Lord- ship's letters of the 5th and 20th September, by the same mail; and I was much pleased to find that the appointment of Lord Dalhousie was so highly approved by your Lordship. " I can confidently say that it was the wish of the Court of Directors, and, I believe I may say, of her Majesty's Ministers, LETTER TO LORD HARDINGE. 577 to select a worthy successor to your Lordship; and I feel satisfied that the earnest wishes of all parties are likely to be fulfilled. " I was very glad to hear that your Lordship had succeeded in removing the Ranee from the scene of her mischievous in- trigues with so little trouble and difficulty; and I have no doubt that this step will tend greatly to maintain tranquillity in the Punjab, and to preserve her son from the contagion of vice. You have not announced officially your proposed ar- rangement for the future management of our affairs at Lahore; and until the first move be made in India, we cannot well make the consequent appointments here. My intention is to propose that the appointment of Sir F. Currie to succeed Colonel Law- rence (Sir F. necessarily vacating his seat in Council) should be confirmed, with the allowances of a member of Council; that Sir John Littler should succeed to the vacant seat; and that Sir H. Haddock should have his term in Council ex- tended for another year. This will prevent the necessity for any new appointment to Council will make an opening for the re-appointment of Sir F. Currie to Council some sixteen or eighteen months hence and will afford Lord Dalhousie the as- sistance of an experienced officer in the commencement of his government. But before all this can be arranged, we must hear of Colonel Lawrence's retirement. " We shall not, I trust, have any occasion to interfere in the affairs of Nepaul. They must settle their own affairs in their own way; and although we must desire always to see our neighbours enjoy peace and internal order, I doubt whether any interposition on our part would tend to promote that end. " From the late despatches regarding Hyderabad, I am led to hope that some amelioration has taken place, and that the first move has been made to effect a reform in the finances of the state. Had its financial embarrassments been further aggra- vated, we should have been compelled, I fear, to take some strong measures to secure the payment of the large arrears due to us ; but I own that I shall be glad to hear that the Govern- ment has reformed itself without our instrumentality. I have 2p 578 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. given notes for a reply to your Lordship's last despatch on the subject; and, indeed, a draft has already been prepared. " I am afraid that your Lordship will find more urgent occa- sion for the interposition of our good offices with his Majesty of Oude; and I shall be a little impatient to hear the result of your interview with his Majesty. Our agency in managing that country would be more easy and beneficial, and more ad- vantageous to the Prince and people, than it would be likely to prove at Hyderabad ; but I do hope that your Lordship will show your accustomed liberality, and that everything will be done for the behoof of the King, unworthy as he may be, and that we shall only require indemnification for the expense of our agency. " We first exacted 70,00,000 per annum to defray the charge of our subsidiary force : we then increased the subsidy to 1,20,00,000, and then commuted it for territory yielding double that sum ! " I have given directions for an immediate reply to the last reference to the Court on the religious question, and I hope to render the Court's instructions more specific; but it is a ques- tion of great delicacy, and there are various feelings to be con- sulted and reconciled. My own opinions are very decided, as your Lordship is aware. Our late despatch was prepared by Sir James Hogg with great care, and it passed the Court with a very general feeling in its favor, and was cordially acquiesced in, I believe, by the Board ; but I perceive that the members of Council feel some difficulty in giving effect to our views and wishes, and that some more precise instructions are required. In the mean time, I think that it was very prudent to abstain from publishing the Court's orders, or any which your Lordship may have thought advisable, in the Gazette, since such publica- tion would almost infallibly have given rise to a mischievous con- troversy in the papers. We have had too much of this already at Madras. " I scarcely know what to say about the Ganges Canal; but I fear with your Lordship, that we must go on with the work, although I much fear, at the same time, that no advantage will LETTER TO LORD HAKDINGE. 579 be derived from it at all commensurate with the immense out- lay. And, independently of pecuniary considerations, I foresee that contingencies may result which are likely to become the source of much future embarrassment. We have great mis- givings on the subject here, where the project has been care- fully examined, and difficulties and objections have presented themselves which do not appear to have been sufficiently ad- verted to by the original projectors. Engineers, very naturally, regard such works with the eyes of engineers. It is not their business to foresee remote consequences affecting the rights and interests of parties, or the health and well-being of the com- munity. " Our railroad project is quite at a stand-still. The company with which we have been so long negotiating, cannot raise money sufficient to make the required deposit of 100,0007.; nor, indeed, any large portion of it. We have given them to the 31st March to make good this preliminary condition; but I doubt whether they will then be better prepared than at pre- sent. Such is the deplorable state of the money-market here, that funds cannot be raised, even on Government security, at a lower interest than 8 or 10 per cent, per annum; and there is no immediate prospect of amendment. I fear that the money- market of India must soon experience the effect of our embar- rassment ; and I am apprehensive that difficulties may be experi- enced in furnishing us with those large supplies, by means of hypothecation, which we shall probably require in the ensuing season. In the mean time, the Indian Treasuries will be relieved by the very limited amount of our drafts; although commerce must suffer from the difficulty of procuring funds for remittance to India and China. I have mentioned to Sir H. Maddock that early arrangements will be made with reference to the amount of supplies to be furnished from India. " Your Lordship's military reductions have afforded us here the utmost satisfaction. It required no small degree of moral courage, and, I may say, patriotism, to undertake such reduc- tions ; but they were absolutely necessary to rescue us from a state of bankruptcy, and the work has been manfully undertaken and accomplished. 2p2 580 LIFE OF H. ST.GL TUCKER. es Your Lordship's suggestions with respect to the carriage of the soldiers' baggage, &e., will receive every attention, as soon as the subject comes officially before us. I have always under- stood that one of the greatest difficulties attending military operations in India arose from the extent of the baggage; but this inconvenience has, I believe, been somewhat mitigated of late years; and although your Lordship has done so much to prevent hostile movements for some time, yet it is always de- sirable to avail ourselves of a time of peace, to guard against the contingency of war. " I do hope that in a few months I shall have the pleasure of seeing your Lordship in this country in perfect health, to en- joy your success and your domestic comforts. " I have the honour to be, very sincerely, &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE EARL OF DALHOUSIE. [On the Financial Affairs of the Company.] "East India House, 7th December, 1847. " MY DEAR LORD, In my last letter, I mentioned that we were likely to experience great financial difficulty, in con- sequence of the total derangement of the money-market in this city ; nor do I very clearly see my way through these diffi- culties. Moreover, they are not merely of a temporary character. " We have entirely exhausted our reserved fund, arising out of the residue of our commercial assets ; and we have not, therefore, any resource to fall back upon in order to meet a temporary emergency. " 2nd. We cannot raise money, as heretofore, by our bills on India ; for the commercial capital has been so shattered of late, and the rate of interest is so extravagantly high, that money cannot be supplied to effect the usual remittances to India and China. " 3rd. Many of the Houses on which our hypothecation bills were drawn have failed, or suspended payment, and others are anxious to obtain the indulgence of time to effect their pay- LETTER TO LOUD DALHOUSIE. 581 ments ; so that this resource has, in a great measure, failed us, at least for the present. " 4th. Our bonds have been of late at a heavy discount, and it is not only impossible to effect any further issue, but we have reason to apprehend that notice will be given, requiring pay- ment of those outstanding, amounting to 2,300,0007., at the expiration of twelve months. "We shall, under these circumstances, urgently require the bullion-remittance of half a million, which has been ordered, and which I trust we shall receive in the course of April, or early in May. " Under present circumstances, it appears to me much more prudent to resort to a moderate remittance in bullion, than to lower the exchange for our bills. If India has 4,500,0007. to pay on her commercial and political account, and only 4,000,0007. to receive, it is better to incur a loss on the remit- tance of bullion to pay the excess (500,0007.), than to reduce the exchange on the whole debt of India, or 4,500,0007. I discussed this question, and the general theory of exchange, in a despatch to the Court from the Financial Department, bearing date the 23rd of August, 1809 ; and your Lordship can, if you please, refer Mr. Dorin to it. "But we cannot for a continuance depend upon remittances in bullion ; and then arises the question How is the political and commercial debt of India to be discharged? The public debt, for which we must find a remittance, amounts now to nearly four millions; and I fear that at least another million must be added for private fortunes accumulated in India, for which a remittance is periodically required. " I have reason to believe, from the best inquiry which I can make here, that India possesses at present a fair stock of the precious metals, the importations greatly exceeding any ex- portation or absorption which I can trace ; but it would be very useful if your Lordship would direct Mr. Dorin to make particular inquiry on this subject, in order that we may be enabled to judge how far we can depend upon drawing, from time to time, a supply of bullion from India, without deranging 582 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. commerce or the circulation, and without creating the appre- hension of a deficiency of specie. I found it very necessary to satisfy myself on all these points while I had the charge of our finances. " But the discovery of the channel of remittance is not our only difficulty. We must command the means of supplying that remittance, by producing a substantial surplus revenue, after defraying the large and increasing home charges. Lord Hardinge has set to work manfully in reducing the military expenditure, and I trust that the energy and zeal of Mr. G. Clerk will do much to effect important reductions in the charges of Scinde, although there is no one branch of the service to which I can look forward with less satisfaction and less hope than this same province of Scinde. It has sorely punished us for our rapacity, our vicious ambition, and our violation of the national faith ! What a contrast does not the Punjab present to us! ' ' Lord Ellenborough has attacked our plan of hypothecation ; but we stand on strong ground, and I little heed opinions which are not founded on public principles. Had we abandoned this system to interested clamor, we should not have had at this moment a hundred pounds in our Treasury, and we must have gone to Parliament as paupers ! " With every good wish, 1 have the honor to be, &c., &c., " H. ST.G. TUCKER. " I have the pleasure to enclose a copy of some notes which I wrote on a former occasion, in objection to a reduction in the rate of the exchange ; but I was not successful in persuading the Court to adopt my opinion. H. ST.G. T." " TO THE EARL OF DALHOUSIE, &C., &C. [On the Affairs of Hyderabad and Oude, and the Resignation of Mr. Clerk.] " East India House, 24th December, 1847. " MY DEAR LORD, I trust that you are now traversing the Bay of Bengal, and that in a few days you will be safely landed at the seat of your government. LETTER TO LORD DALHOUSIE. 583 " Sir John Hobhouse has been so much indisposed of late, from the prevailing epidemic, and so frequently absent from town, that I have not seen him for a month past, and we have not, consequently, transacted any important business which it might be desirable for me to notice to your Lordship. On financial matters, I have already communicated as much as can be necessary or useful, in my two last letters. " We have at present on the table of the Court a proposed despatch to India on the state of our affairs at Hyderabad; and if it should be concurred in by the Board, it will show your Lordship distinctly the sentiments of the Court, and the line of policy which we think should be pursued towards that state. It is in reply to Lord Hardinge's late despatches, en- closing the correspondence with General Frazer; and it dis- poses, I hope, of the main questions involved in that very volu- minous correspondence. " I have received a private letter from Lord Hardinge of the 6th ultimo, relating to the state of affairs in Oude, which are embarrassing enough; but our relations with that state are somewhat different from those which connect us with Hyder- abad: and the difficulty of effecting necessary reforms in the former are not so formidable, I should hope, as in the latter case. I shall be anxious to hear the result of his Lordship's personal conference with his Majesty of Oude ; and I feel assured that his arrangements, whatever they may be, will be dictated by a sense of justice, a respect for our engagements, and a real desire to promote the best interests of his Majesty and his people. These interests, I do believe, would be best promoted by his allowing us to put his country in order for him (he deriving the whole pecuniary advantage) ; but I fear we have given so many instances of a grasping disposition, and of a selfish policy, that his Majesty will not readily commit his concerns to our good management. "I have learnt from Mr. George Clerk, with extreme con- cern, that he intends to resign the Government of Bombay on the 1st May next, in consequence of the failure of his health. This will be a great disappointment to us, and a real loss; for I 584 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. expected much from his talents, energy, and public spirit, in a station where all these qualities are so much required, and so difficult to be commanded. I trust, however, that before his departure, he will be able to collect and to furnish your Lord- ship's Government and the Court with valuable information regarding Scinde, which may assist materially in enabling us to regulate beneficially its future administration. " With every good wish, I have the honor to be, your Lord- ship's most faithful, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." ;< TO THE HON. G. R. CLERK. [On his Resignation of the Government of Bombay and the Administration of Scinde.] " East India House, 24th Dec., 1847. " MY DEAR SIR, I have been favored with your letters of the 12th and 13th ult., and I have learnt with extreme con- cern your intention of resigning your government on the 1st May. Your own correspondence with Mr. Melvill and myself, independently of other sources of information, shows that much is required to be done at Bombay to correct abuses, and to place public affairs on a sounder and better footing ; and from your experience, energy, and public spirit, and I may add, from your familiarity with sound principles and practice, I had hoped and anticipated that the necessary reforms would have been effected. I am aware, at the same time, that we cannot contend against failing health ; and that it would be unreason- able and unjust to expect any man to sacrifice himself, without even the prospect of his accomplishing the object of that sacrifice. " I do hope, however, that you will be able to satisfy yourself, by careful and intelligent inquiry on the spot, with respect to the real state of affairs in Scinde, past and present; and that you will be able to suggest a remedy for existing and ascer- tained evils. I have received, at different times, a good deal of information, and from a highly respectable quarter, regarding LETTER TO MR. CLERK. 585 the internal administration of that country (revenue and ju- dicial), and more especially with regard to the manner in which the revenue in kind is realised and brought to account, and the produce in grain subsequently disposed of to the com- missariat, &c. ; but you will have better means of ascertaining the facts on the spot ; and if any deceptions should have been practised, you will, I am sure, be anxious to detect and to correct them. I hope that Mr. Pringle is a man of energy, and not likely to be discouraged or deterred by difficulties. The great object of a retrospect into past mismanagement (if it has existed) is to reform it, and to trace out a safer and better road for the future. " The specimens of your press, which I have lately seen, are atrocious ; but nothing can surpass in calumny what we are sometimes condemned to hear in the General Court in this House. The times are strangely altered since my early days* when all claiming to hold a place in society were compelled to speak and act as gentlemen. The attacks on your administra- tion, and on the Indian Navy question, are too flagitious to excite any but one feeling, except among those who have discarded every proper feeling. This Indian Navy question has embarrassed us beyond measure, and it is still under con- sideration. We are much astonished at the conduct of some parties, who ought to have known better. " With every good wish, believe me, my dear Sir, " Very sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." " TO THE EARL OF DALHOUSIE, GOVERNOR-GENERAL, &C. [On the Affairs of Hyderabad and the State of the Public Finances.] " East India House, 24th April, 1848. " MY DEAR LORD, I have been favored with your Lord- ship's letter of the 9th of March ; and I scarcely know why I neglected to write by the January Mail ; but I was a good deal harassed at one time, and had more to do than I could possibly do in a satisfactory manner. 586 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. " I am a great stickler for the observance of treaties, and so, I have reason to believe, is your Lordship ; but I apprehend that the time must arrive (even before the expiration of Lord Hardinge's two years of grace) when our intervention in the affairs of Oude will be found necessary even for the safety of the Prince himself. I feel satisfied that, if the country were placed under our administration, at least a third would be added to its revenue in the course of three years; but the financial benefit should all be secured to the Prince, and I would not take from him a single rupee beyond the expense of management. Our arrangement with his Majesty's predecessors in 1798 and 1801 were all to our advantage, and were sufficiently exacting on our part. " Towards the Nizam we stand in a different relation; and there must be a strong case to justify our interference with his Highness, except for the purpose of ameliorating his condition, and rendering him an act of tardy justice, by relieving him from a military charge, imposed upon him for our own purposes, with- out any regard to the obligations of the treaty. I trust that this military force may be dispensed with, by-and-by, as the most easy means of restoring his finances. There are two difficulties at Hyderabad : the one, to find a capable minister ; the other, to get rid of European influences and connexions, which have long operated injuriously on the affairs of that state. The well- being and prosperity of all the native states depending upon us, are liable to be much influenced by the character of our Resident. If he understand the people, and with the union of firmness with a conciliatory temper will take the trouble to explain to them their real interests, and to show them how those interests may best be prosecuted, he will soon gain their confidence, and be in a condition to guide them. The natives of India are easily led by those whom they believe to be their friends. " I feel very great anxiety on the subject of our finances. If we cannot produce a surplus revenue in India, sufficient to defray the home expenditure and if means cannot be found to effect an annual remittance to the extent of three and a half LETTER TO LORD BALHOUSIE. 587 or four millions we shall, at an early period, be reduced to a state of actual insolvency here. It would never do to go on borrowing from year to year, during a period of peace, even if funds could be raised at a moderate rate of interest, which is far from certain; and, if once we begin to raise our rate of interest in India, no man can say where we should stop; and how are our stupendous works to be carried on without bor- rowing? our canals, our railroads, our projected works at Bombay, at Aden, and in Scinde, and elsewhere? I have had a conversation with Sir James Lushington this morning on the subject; and I own that I do not see my way. I am no longer at the helm, and I am happy that I am not; but I take a deep interest in my old department, in which I served so long. " The last two months have produced more extraordinary events in Europe than, under ordinary circumstances, would fairly have occupied two centuries; but your Lordship will have heard enough of them so far, and the result is still to be deve- loped. The 10th of April was, however, a glorious day for this country; and it .exhibited in strong contrast the difference between our people and those of the other nations of Europe. May we long enjoy our pre-eminence ! " With every good wish, I have the honor to be, my dear Lord, " Most sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." 588 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. CHAPTER XX. Mr. Tucker and Lord George Bentinck The Sugar Duties Committee The Navigation Laws His private Life and Habits Illness and Recovery Letter to his Children Projected Retirement from Office Address to his Constituency His last Illness His Death Character of H. St.G. Tucker. WHEN Mr. Tucker, in April, 1848, retired from the Chairmanship of the East India Company, he had entered his seventy- eighth year. But he was still in good health and in the unimpaired possession of all his faculties ; and still was he an active member of the Court of Directors. At no time, indeed, of his life did he take greater interest in public affairs, or was he more competent to express an opinion re- garding them. Among other subjects which much engaged the attention of Mr. Tucker at this time was the im- portation of Indian -Sugar. He had been examined before a Committee of the House of Commons whilst yet in the Chair,* and he continued, after quitting * Lord George Bentinck set great store by Mr. Tucker's evidence. " British interests," he wrote, " cannot do without you. The dictum of the Chairman of the East India Company, that 'the certain consequences of annihilating the export trade of sugar to England and of rice to Mauritius, would be to bring India's power of remittance to a dead lock before two years are out,' will have more effect, in-doors and out, than all the evidence put together that we hare heard, or shall hear, about India." LETTER TO LOUD GEORGE BENTINCK. 589 it, to correspond with Lord George Bentinck, whose indomitable industry and activity excited in him no common admiration. These were qualities which won the respect even of political opponents, and were sure to he appreciated by Mr. Tucker, who concurred in the opinions of the Protectionist chief. The subject was one which always had for him a peculiar interest. He had been familiar with it for half a century. In an earlier part of this Memoir it has been shown how zealously Mr. Tucker con- tended for the necessity of encouraging the pro- duction of the staple commodities of India as Sugar, Cotton, Silk, &c. not only for the benefit that such encouragement confers upon the people, but as a means of remittance to England.* The importance of this argument Lord George Bentinck clearly perceived, and with a view to the more com- plete elaboration of his report on the evidence taken before the Committee, he applied to Mr. Tucker for some further information on the subject of the re- mittance of the Indian tribute. In compliance with the request made to him, the latter drew up a paper of "Notes," under date May 2, 1848 ; and on the following day wrote a long letter on the subject :f " TO LORD GEORGE BENTINCK. " East India House, 3rd May, 1848. " MY LORD, I have had the honor to receive your Lord- ship's note of yesterday, requesting me to state whether ; the march of events enabled me to furnish the Committee with any * See ante, pp. 365, 366. f It was about this time that he wrote the paper on Remittances to England, given in Memorials of Indian Government. 590 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. facts illustrative of my evidence already given, that any serious depreciation of the staple productions of India, and more par- ticularly of sugar, would be calculated injuriously to affect the power of India to make the remittance of her annual tribute to England.' " It would ill become me to indulge in speculations which might create uneasiness or alarm. Nor should I be justified, as an individual, in pronouncing a judgment on the commercial policy which should be pursued by the Legislature of this country with relation to our Indian dependencies; but I do not hesitate to declare, that I have seen no reason whatever to retract, or to modify, any of the opinions and statements which I ventured to submit, in my examination before the Committee. " On the contrary, my apprehensions of the difficulty which we are likely to experience in effecting our accustomed re- mittances from India, have lately much increased. " 1st. Because, notwithstanding the late reduction in the exchange of our bills on India from Is. lOd. the rupee to Is. 9-|d., the demand for these bills has been very incon- siderable. " 2ndly. Because, from the latest accounts which I have re- ceived from Calcutta, bearing date the 21st of March, I am led to believe that our remittances, by means of hypothecation, are likely to be very deficient in the present year. It is observed : ( You will learn from the despatch that, finding the advances on hypothecation come in very slowly, we amended the terms by advancing to the extent of three-fourths. This improvement of the terms has, I am sorry to say, produced no sensible effect.' " 3rdly. Because the late sales of sugar, consigned to the Court in the last year under hypothecation, have been attended with an actual loss, estimated at about one-fourth of the amount of the bills drawn upon such consignments. " 4thly. Because it has been found necessary to resort to a remittance of bullion from India, in order to supply a portion of the deficiency in the commercial remittance. " It is scarcely necessary for me to observe that a remittance in specie, or bullion, cannot be resorted to with advantage, LETTER TO LORD GEORGE BENTINCK. 591 except for the purpose of adjusting a balance on the commercial and political debts and credits of two or more countries; and I can state from my own experience, that any large abstraction of the precious metals from India is likely to occasion great public inconvenience. That country possesses no mines of those metals the importations have much diminished of late, as our Mint records and other accounts tend to show there is an exportation to the countries beyond the Jumna, in pay- ment for salt and other articles no inconsiderable amount is absorbed in the manufacture of plate, trinkets, &c., by the natives and our metallic currency is little assisted by a paper currency, which cannot enter largely into the very minute transactions of the native population, and which is liable to expose them, from their ignorance, to frauds and impositions. " Under these circumstances, I can state confidently that we cannot often have recourse to a remittance in specie, or bullion, from India, without the risk of financial derangement. The wealthy natives, under any alarm, are very apt to withhold specie from circulation ; and its abstraction is liable to affect public credit, and to prevent the Government from raising the funds which may, from time to time, be required for the public service, at a moderate rate of interest. " I need scarcely repeat that India can only discharge her annual tribute to the mother country, for a continuance, by means of her produce and manufactures; and if this country will not receive that produce at remunerating prices, the same amount of tribute cannot be realised. I have stated that sugar appears to me our most promising article of export from India ; but, at the present prices in this market, it cannot be exported with advantage; and if the supply should cease, or be materially curtailed (which is certainly to be apprehended), I know not where a substitute is to be found. Cotton may, by-and-by, furnish a very important resource, and our attention has been directed, for many years past, to this great national object; but we are not yet in a condition to compete successfully with the cotton from the United States. Indigo, I fear, has reached its maximum. Silk is not improving; and the indirect re- mittance in opium through China is likely to be much dimi- 592 LIFE OF II. ST.G. TUCKER. nished, in consequence of the late fall in the price of the article in Calcutta. " Again, I would urge, without presuming to point out the quo modo, that one of the greatest benefits which the British Legislature could confer on India and on the East India Com- pany, would be to encourage, by whatever means, the importa- tion of sugar from our Indian territories. " I have the honor to be, " Your Lordship's most faithful servant, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." Among other subjects which engaged his atten- tion at a little later period was the Repeal of the Navigation Laws, and the reflexion of this measure upon the Coasting Trade of India. He dissented from the determination of his colleagues to grant a relaxation of existing restrictions similar to that which had been decreed in England, and recorded his opinions on the subject in an elaborate minute- He also addressed a letter to the present Lord Derby on the subject, in which he declared that he " viewed with jealousy and distrust every attempt to extend to India the application of those novel doctrines which, in his opinion, had already pro- duced infinite mischief in our own country."* In the same year (1849) he was actively engaged in the discussions of the Court, arising out of the appointment of Sir Charles Napier to the chief command of the Indian army, and he drew up a series of Resolutions on the subject, which show that his pen had lost none of its old perspicuity and * This letter, and the official minute, have already been published in the Memorials of Indian Government. HIS ACTIVITY. 593 vigor. He recommended that the appointment should be confirmed, but that the entire responsi- bility of the measure should be declared to rest on the advisers of the Crown. He attended at the India House, at this time, with all his old punctuality, generally proceeding thither in a public conveyance. " I should consider myself a perfect Heliogabulus," he wrote jestingly, one day to his wife, " if I were to treat myself to the luxury of a cab." He had for some time de- nied himself horse- exercise, though his health benefited greatly by it, that he might meet the numerous claims on his benevolence. But at this period (1847-8-9) it was his wont to ride with one of his daughters almost every afternoon, except on Court-days, after he had done his work at the India House. And he would talk about old times, gaily and pleasantly, and tell many stories of his early Indian career, interspersing them with sketches of Cornwallis and Wellesley, Barlow, Minto, and Hastings, and anecdotes of his first friend, Thomas Law, and other associates of his youth. It is hard to say how much this Memoir has benefited by these afternoon rides in the Park. His health, as I have said, was excellent at this time ; but he never forgot the years that he had numbered, or the gratitude that was due to the Almighty who had mercifully preserved him so long. Some years before he had thought that the final summons was near at hand; for there were symptoms of what seemed to him to be an affection 2Q 594 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. of the heart, which might suddenly terminate his existence.* But the apprehension was groundless ; and six years after the seizure, which was devoutly accepted by him as a warning, he was in the full enjoyment of all the tranquil pleasures of domestic life, and capable, as ever, of pursuing his old career of public utility. Still, as I have said, he never for- got the years that he had numbered. In February, 1850, he wrote to his sister-in-law : " I did not take leave of you and yours ; for I am not fond of this ceremony, and at my time of life I cannot separate from my friends without the feeling that we may never meet again. In the course of nature my career must soon be brought to a close, and, indeed, the term of my existence has been merci- fully extended far beyond what I could have ex- pected. I have, too, been blessed with health ; but still I must be prepared to obey the great law of nature, and I trust that I shall submit to it with perfect resignation and composure.'' In the follow- ing month, he wrote one day from the India House to his wife : "I got here comfortably in a good 'bus ; and my visit was rather satisfactory than otherwise. But it grieves me to think that my * On the 17th of June, 1843, he wrote in a private memorandum-book: " I was very unwell last night with a sort of nervous fever, palpitation of the heart, &c. ; and I scarcely closed my eyes. The end approaches ! I have long thought that I was subject to some affection of the heart, which would terminate suddenly. Dr. , whom I consulted, was of a different opinion. He assured me that there was no organic defect. I still doubt. Thy will be done ! I should prepare to render up my account to that gracious Power, by whom I have been so long and so mercifully preserved and protected." SUDDEN ILLNESS. 595 children as well as your dear self should look for- ward with such painful feelings to an event which is inevitable, and which at my age cannot he long postponed. My only feeling of pain will be to leave you all, who are justly so dear to me." And soon afterwards, in another letter, he said : "I have been most mercifully dealt with, and I am deeply grateful that at my advanced age I should be per- mitted the use of my faculties of sight, hearing, mind, and even some degree of bodily activity." He attended to his business at the India House at this . time without being distressed by the exer- tion. Early in April, he made a spirited speech in Court, on some subject in which he was greatly in- terested. After the debate, a brother-Director con- gratulated him on the force and vigor with which he had spoken. " Ah !" replied Mr. Tucker, " it is only the last flicker of the taper before it goes out." Whether he had, at this time, in spite of his pre- sent vigor, any internal promptings suggestive of a failure to come, I do not know. But very soon after- wards a sudden attack of illness, with strong symp- toms of fever and inflammation, prostrated him ; and, for a time, in spite of the ministration of three experienced medical attendants, the keenest appre- hensions were entertained for his life. Throughout many days he lay stretched on what was believed to be the bed of death, racked by the severest pains, which he endured with beautiful patience and re- signation. To all in that sorrowing household it was a season of intense anxiety; at times of de- 2 Q 2 596 LIFE OF H. ST.a. TUCKER. spondency and despair. It seemed as though the summons had come at last suddenly unexpectedly finding all but the sufferer himself unprepared for the blow. He had always been so full of life there had been so much activity of body, so much energy of mind, so much elasticity of spirit, that they had never associated with all this vitality a thought of the stillness of death. And yet now, at the threshold of fourscore, under paroxysms of mortal illness such as the frame of youth might vainly have re- sisted, how probable was such an issue ! They could only pray to Him in whose hands are all such issues the issues of Life and Death. And their prayers were heard. After many days and nights of suffering, there were symptoms of favorable change. The crisis of the disorder had passed. A season of comparative ease had followed the pain and the restlessness that had threatened to bring him to the grave ; and, on the 1st of May, he rose up from his bed. The first words that he had uttered were words of Prayer and Praise. "When he was seated in an arm- chair, he asked for his purse, and gave out his monthly contribution to the poor-box. Then his thoughts reverted to some old pensioners the cross- sweepers, who had long been recipients of his bounty ; and he placed some money in the hands of his daughters to be given to them, that they might not suffer by his confinement to the house. His recovery was retarded by a severe inflamma- tion of the eye, which threatened, at one time, to LETTER TO HIS CHILDREN. 597 deprive him of sight. But the measures to which recourse was had to arrest the evil proved eminently successful, and he was soon enahled to take the pen again into his hand, and to write without incon- venience. His spirits soon regained their wonted elasticity; and he became as cheerful in conva- lescence as he had been patient in sickness ; never at any time exhibiting the slightest symptom of fretfulness or irritability, but with a rare appre- ciation of the unfailing love which had ministered and was ministering to him with so much gentleness and assiduity, was prodigal of kindly acknowledg- ments, and tenderly solicitous lest the unwearying de- votion of his attendants should press upon the sources of their health. But the greatness of this love and devotion disquieted him. He had been mercifully rescued ajmost from the very gates of death ; but he could not hope much longer to be spared to occupy his accustomed seat in the centre of that loving circle. He knew that they must prepare themselves to see his place empty and it saddened him to see their grief. So, as soon as he was capable of so much exertion, he drew up the following beau- tiful letter of exhortation to his children. He kept it for some time in his desk, and then gave it to one of them, with instructions that it should be opened after his death : " 3, Upper Portland-place, July, 1850. " MY BELOVED CHILDREN, Your unwearied and devoted attentions to me during my late serious illness, have endeared you to me, if possible, more than ever; and I feel profoundly 598 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. grateful to that merciful Providence which has supported your dearest mother and all of you throughout this severe trial. " But you must not give way to strong emotions; for they are not only injurious to your health and well-being, but they distress the object of your solicitude. " I have reached a very advanced age. and must be prepared for a change. Old age has its infirmities and suffering, and a prolonged existence is not to be desired. Your care should now be to comfort and console your beloved mother, who has been everything to me, and everything to you all. I trust that she will not leave this house, in which we have all enjoyed so much happiness; and I feel assured that you will all tenderly watch over her, and contribute by every means in your power to her future comfort. Submit with resignation to the decree of that merciful Power which cannot err, which has spared me for so many years, and which in its goodness may call me soon to another state. May that gracious Power continue to you all its protection and favor ! and bestow upon you all those blessings of which this life is susceptible ! ! Do not mourn for me like those who are without hope. You have duties still to perform ; and you have still, I trust, many years of future happiness in prospect. " Your most affectionate father, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." As the summer advanced, the health of Mr. Tucker continued steadily to improve. It was his year of absence from the Court, so that his zeal in behalf of the public service did not impede his recovery ; and in July his restoration to health had advanced so far that he contemplated a yachting excursion along the Southern Coast, and would have carried out his design, but that the vessel which he had purposed to engage, and in which he had before made a short trip, chanced to be engaged for the season. His HIS OCCUPATIONS. 599 family were anxious that he should try the invigo- rating effects of change of air, but he was averse to any land-travelling, and preferred the sure com- fort of his own home to the uncertainty of a strange abode. He therefore remained in Portland-place, continuing to improve in health, and deriving much tranquil pleasure from the domestic occupations in which he had, at all times, found abundant solace and delight. He would dictate whilst one of his daugh- ters wrote; or sometimes he would write himself, with a hand that had lost but little of its firmness. He would listen joyously to his children's music. Occasionally he would balance his accounts, and with as much precision as when he was Accountant- Gen eral, and had charge of the revenues of India. But that which above all else engaged a large share of his time was the current literature of the day. The English and Indian papers were read aloud to him and discussed. Articles in periodicals of good repute often afforded him considerable entertain- ment ; and he would listen for hours, whilst his wife or one of his daughters read to him some inte- resting new work, or passages of that great old dra- matist whose writings are always new.* A rubber of whist with his children often afforded him evening amusement ; and he played with so much spirit, and * To an article in the Calcutta Review, on " The Lindsays in India," which was read to him about this time, he listened with the greatest interest. It seemed to excite many recollections of the Past, and it called forth a flood 01 anecdotes relating to Lord Wellesley and other celebrities of Mr. Tucker's earlier days. Lord Campbell's "Lives of the Chancellors" afforded very many hours of pleasant reading; and Shakespeare was always welcome. 600 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. yet with such, charming good humor, that it was a pleasure indeed to be one of the party, or even to watch the game. Nor was all his social intercourse at this time confined to the members of his own family. He re- ceived the visits of his friends, and took pleasure in their conversation. Sometimes, accompanied by one of his daughters, he would call on a near neighbour or one of his brother-Directors who resided in a con- tiguous street for he seldom, indeed, missed his daily walk and occasionally he welcomed to his dinner-table some of his most intimate and che- rished associates. It was towards the close of this year (1850) that, in compliance with the wishes of one of his sons, he bethought himself of arranging, for purposes of publication, a selection from his public and private papers relating to matters of Indian Government. In pursuance of the intention which was taking shape in his mind, he addressed the following letter to one of his colleagues, who was among the most honored and beloved of Mr. Tucker's friends : "3, Upper Portland-place, 30th November, 1850. " MY DEAR , I was urged some years ago to print a selection from my Dissents ; but I had no ambition to bring them, or myself, under particular notice. They were written in the performance of my official duty, and without any ulterior view. " I have recently been solicited by one of my sons, who has been carefully looking them over, to allow him to select and print some of these documents ; but I am not disposed to give THOUGHTS OF PUBLICATION. 601 this permission, unless my doing so could be connected with some public object. " If I thought that, by printing some of these papers, I could promote in any degree the interests and credit of the Court, by showing that we are not unmindful (as is, I fear, suspected in some quarters) of our public duties; or if I could flatter myself that the discussions in which I have engaged were likely to throw light on the questions which must soon occupy the attention of the Court and of the Government, I should not hesitate to contribute my share to the general stock of materials to be used for framing the new Charter. " I should not, of course, think for a moment of introducing any personal questions such as my Comments on the case of Colonel , Mr. , Sir , &c. " The selection would have reference " 1st. To our revenue systems of administration, including the salt, opium, and customs. " 2ndly. To our judicial administration, including the mea- sure adopted in this country for prosecuting the appeals of her Majesty in Council. " Srdly. To our political proceedings, including the Afghan treaty of June, 1838 the seizure of Scinde, &c. I should be much tempted to add my comment on the confiscation of Colaba, and on the general policy to be observed towards the Princes and Chiefs of India; but I fear that this might lead me to the ' tabood' question of Sattara, Delhi, &c. " 4thly. I should be disposed to introduce my paper on Cotton, my remarks on the powers of the Secret Committee, and other miscellaneous matters; but some of these would require careful consideration. " If, by-and-by, at some convenient moment, you should feel disposed to consult the Deputy and other leading members of the Court, and there should be a feeling in favor of the project which I have sketched, I will be prepared to commence my work early in the spring, so that it may not interfere with my other duties, should I be spared to return to the Court. " Believe me, most sincerely yours, " H. ST.G. TUCKER." 602 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKEH. The design here contemplated was never carried out it remained an unaccomplished purpose until after his death. Perhaps, he, or some of his colleagues, may have had official misgivings. His health, too, was failing again. As the year wore on to a close, he was visited by a severe neuralgic affection, which caused him at intervals acute pain. The disorder, which was known as " neuralgic rheumatism," seemed to baffle the skill of his medical attendants. Very little was it that they could do, all through the winter, to alleviate his sufferings, which were great. But as spring approached, the hopes of Mr. Tucker's family began greatly to revive. The acuteness of the neuralgic pains was considerably mitigated ; the patient seemed altogether to be gathering health and strength. His medical ad- visers said that the month of March, with its cut- ting winds, once passed, there was every reason to be hopeful for the future. March came and March went ; and still the patient continued to improve. The year of Mr. Tucker's rotatory exclusion from the Court of Directors was now Dearly at an end. The day of his return to the active duties of his office was close at hand. They who had been pro- fessionally watching the state of his health believed that his restoration to office would have a benignant effect. They thought that moderate occupation and gentle excitement would invigorate and refresh him ; and they looked forward, therefore, with pleasure and confidence, to his return to the Court. So Mr. Tucker, who had now completed his LETTER TO HIS CONSTITUENTS. 603 eightieth year, again took part in the councils of our Eastern Empire. It must be said that he did so, not without some misgivings. Personally, he was unwilling to quit his post. He used to quote the case of Lord Cornwallis, and seemed to cling to the idea of dying with the harness on his back. But on the other hand, although there was no per- ceptible decay of the mental powers, and he felt that he was capable of efficiently performing the duties of his office, when not prevented by any physical ailment from taking his seat at the India House, he doubted whether it would not become him better, sensible as he was of the inroads of constitutional decay, to resign his place to some younger incumbent. He had been cordially wel- comed back to the Court by his colleagues ; and he had resumed his old duties without suffering from the exertion. But he still reflected upon the subject of retirement, and, never doubting for a moment that he ought to be an efficient Director or no Director at all, at last came to the determination of addressing his constituents and resigning his seat. And, in accordance with this intention, he drew up the following announcement to tlie Pro- prietors of India Stock : ' ; I beg to tender my cordial and respectful acknowledg- ments for the honor which you have been pleased to confer upon me, by again appointing me to a seat in the Direction of your affairs; and I had indulged a hope that, for some short space, I might have continued to serve without prejudice to the public interests. 604 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. 11 But the infirmities of age have been so greatly aggravated by a long and severe illness, with which I was afflicted during the last year, that I feel it would be impossible for me to render efficient service in the responsible situation of a Director of your affairs. I must, therefore, replace in your hands the appointment of a successor. " I have now served the East India Company in different situations, abroad and at home, for about sixty years ; and I trust that I may be allowed to add that I have served with dili- gence, fidelity, and zeal. In retiring from public life, I will only express my earnest hope that the vast empire which has been committed to British rule may long continue to flourish, and be rendered conducive to the prosperity of the mother country, and to the well-being and happiness of our Asiatic subjects." It is impossible not to admire the conscientious- ness out of which this determination arose. The intended resignation of his seat at the India House was a mere precautionary measure. He did not purpose to retire from the Direction because he felt that he was incompetent to the efficient discharge of his duties, but because he felt that at his advanced age he might become incapable of discharging them with the energy of his younger days. But his friends were of opinion, that whilst he was yet able to take part in the councils of the India House, and render his knowledge and experience ancillary to the general efficiency of the administration, it was in no sense his duty to anticipate a Future, which might yet be some years distant, by a voluntary relinquishnient of his post. Upon public grounds such a withdrawal from office was not to be desired. Mr. Tucker had proved that his veteran hand had QUESTION OF RETIREMENT. 605 lost none of its old nerve and vigor. During a con- nexion of a quarter of a century with the Court of Directors, he had written few more masterly papers than one which, at the age of seventy-eight, he drew up with reference to the future destiny of the Reign- ing Family of Delhi. And now, in the middle of May, 1851, a minute which he had written on a very dif- ferent subject the Porto Nuovo Iron- works was so full in its information and so sound in its argument, that some of the most influential of his colleagues ex- pressed a wish to attach their names to it, moulded into a Dissent. There were, therefore, no public rea- sons for Mr. Tucker's retirement ; and there were strong private reasons against it. It was apprehended that there might be danger in the sudden removal of one of those props and supports upon which he had rested for so many years. Business, indeed, had become almost necessary to him ; and the dispiriting and relaxing effects of a suspension of his old duties a change in his old habits was dreaded by his family and friends. But, as the year advanced, the neuralgic pains which had so much afflicted him did not abate. Change of air was recommended by his medical at- tendants, and, in accordance with their advice, on the 22nd of May, accompanied by Mrs. Tucker and his youngest daughter, he journeyed down to Brighton. The fatigue of travelling did not distress him, and he was so well, and in such good spirits on his arrival, that he expressed a desire to take the air out of doors. The change seemed to invigorate him, 606 LIEE OP H. ST.GL TUCKER. and although the pains which racked him returned at intervals, his beloved companions were filled with hopes of his restoration to health ; and for a time they were very happy. The weather was mild, and the invalid would sit in an easy-chair, by the bay- window, watching the white sails of the fishing- boats on the opposite sea, enjoying the music of the street-bands, listening to the reading of the news- papers from town, or dictating letters to his daugh- ter. He had lost none of his old powers of com- position, and his diction was as clear and forcible as it had been at any period of his life. But the end was approaching. On the last day of May, the little party returned to town. In the following week unfavorable symptoms presented themselves, and recourse was again had to the best medical aid. On the 5th of June the sufferer seemed to rally, and for some days there was a marked improvement. On the 8th, indeed, he was sufficiently well to receive the visits of two brother- Directors ; and on the 10th, he felt so far recovered he was in possession of so much strength that he talked of going to the India House on the fol- lowing day, to take part in the Wednesday's council. His medical advisers, however, recommended that he should postpone, for a day or two, his return to his official duties; and as there was to be a Mower Show in the Botanic Gardens on the same day, he asked his children, in his old cheerful way, whether he should go to the City or to see the flowers. There could be no doubt of the reply. So he wrote a note HIS DEATH. 607 to his friend the Chairman of the Court, explaining the cause of his intended absence from the India House, and promised his children that they should take him to the Gardens. On that Tuesday night Mr. Tucker slept better than he had slept for many months. On the follow- ing morning he seemed to be in high spirits, antici- pating with much pleasure his visit to the Flower Show. The weather was favorable ; he went there in his carriage ; walked about the Gardens for a little space, enjoying the bright sunshine, and ex- amining with a smile of pleasure the beautiful specimens of Nature's works around him. The exertion did not distress him, and during the two following days he appeared to be in better health and spirits, taking a lively interest in all that was going on around him, and listening with attention to the evening reading. On the Friday night there were no unfavorable symptoms of any kind, but when he kissed his children on retiring, and blessed them with his wonted tenderness, it was for the last time. He never returned again to the room which had been for so many years lighted up by his beloved presence. 'That night mortal sickness fell upon him. ; and before the morrow's sun had reached the meridian he had rendered back his soul to his Maker. He fell asleep on the 14th of June, 1851, in the eighty-first year of his age. In the Cemetery at Kensal Green, an obelisk of white marble, in the 608 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TUCKER. summer-season bordered with many a flower, marks the spot where rest his remains. It bears this in- scription upon it :* SACRED To the beloved and revered memory of HENRY ST.GEORGE TUCKER, ESQ., Of Upper~ Portland-place, Director of the Honorable East India Company, Who departed this life, Trusting in the merits of his Redeemer, June 14th, 1851, in the 81st year of his age. " When the ear heard him, then it blessed him ; and when the eye saw him, it gave witness to him. " Because he delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that had none to help him." Job xxix. 11, 12. His life and death formed a rare mirror : The one showing how a Christian ought to live; The other how he may hope to die. If the biographer of Henry St. George Tucker has not set forth his character in this volume better than any description can illustrate it, he has written in vain. Yet something, too, may be said, in this place, about those many fine qualities which, with rare harmony and consistency, spoke out from the actions of his life. Eoremost among these qualities and, indeed, comprehending many others was the man- liness of his nature. He was pre-eminently a man among men. He had a disposition into which nothing mean, or cowardly, or sordid, ever entered. There was altogether a genuineness about him, that made all shams and pretences shrink and cower in his presence. "Whatsoever he said, he said truth- * A monumental tablet in the church of Crayford, in Kent, with an in- scription somewhat similar to the above, and a painted window in Trinity Church, have also been consecrated to his memory. HIS CHARACTER. 609 fully, earnestly, from the full heart. Whatsoever lie did, he did thoroughly, conscientiously, and with an energy that could seldom be resisted. He had nothing to do with half-truths, compromises, or reservations. He did not form his resolutions hastily, hut, once formed, no adamant was more in- flexible. A sustaining conviction of right upheld him; and he went on bravely to the end with a constancy which no fear of consequences could shake, and no hope of advantage could unsettle. In all the circumstances of life, his independence of mind was, indeed, conspicuous. He had been habituated to self-reliance from his very boyhood ; but there was nothing presumptuous or domineering in his reception of the opinions of others, or un- candid in the construction of their motives. He did not deny to others what he claimed for himself the right of free judgment and independent action and although he deplored the opposition which he some- times encountered, he never resented it. It was Tiot, indeed, in his nature to speak bitterly or slight- ingly of his opponents. His mental activity was great and enduring. His intellect was of the robustest kind. It seldom happens that early development is not followed by early decay. But it is not too much to say of Henry St. George Tucker, that he was a statesman at eighteen and a statesman at eighty. There are few instances on record of men who, at the two extremes of so long a chain of years, have been endowed with so much intellectual strength, and been capable of 2R 610 LIFE OF H. ST.G-. TUCKER. such sustained efforts. There is a period in the lives of most men who have attained to an advanced age, from which a perceptible decline of mental power is to be traced. But following the career of Mr. Tucker over a space of more than half a century, I find it difficult to fix the point at which there was any increase or any diminution of his power to grapple with great questions, or to set forth his arguments in language distinguished alike by the strength and the transparency of crystal. Years, indeed, passed lightly over him. His remarkable memory was unclouded to the last. There was never any confusion in the arrangement of his ideas, or any obscurity in his diction. In the lasting qualities of his mind he was, perhaps, unsurpassed by any example upon record. His reputation in early life was first established by the consummate skill with which he handled intricate questions of Indian Finance. He was un- questionably the most eminent Financier that ever presided over the Indian Exchequer. But although, in this capacity, he rendered great services to his country, for which he has never yet been assigned his due place in History, it was by no means his only claim to be placed in the front ranks of Indian statesmen. Both in matters of domestic and foreign policy his foresight and sagacity were conspicuous. In respect of those questions of internal adminis- tration which necessarily engage so large a share of the time and attention both of the local and the home Governments, he belonged to what is now HIS CHARACTER. 611 called an old school a school in which Shore, Bar- low, and Edmonstone taught, and of which Corn- wallis and Wellesley were the patrons. It has now ceased to be popular ; but there was at the bottom of the policy which it encouraged a respect for indi- vidual rights which we look for in vain in the tenets of the new school which is fast supplanting it. To the sovereignty of Justice Mr. Tucker was ever loyal. He had no toleration for those politicians with whom Resumption and Annexation are house- hold words, and who sit loosely to the obliga- tions of all sorts of covenants and treaties. The same leading principles which regulated his dealings with the people of our own territories, spoke out also from all that he said and did in relation to the rights of native Princes and foreign nations. He had never any eagerness to confiscate the princi- palities of our dependents, or to absorb the king- doms of our enemies. He was the champion of the weak ; the shelter of the prostrate ; and he was never more earnest in his utterances than when he was inculcating lessons of mercy and forbearance. There was a generosity, indeed, in his character as a statesman, which had something chivalrous and romantic about it. He was continually in an atti- tude of defence and protection, with a stretched-out arm to shield the oppressed. He may have some- times invested the objects of his compassion with qualities which did not rightfully belong to them, for it is in the very nature of a generous disposition to be confiding and unsuspicious ; and if he erred in 612 LIFE OF H. ST.G. TTJCKEU. this, the error is one only of noble minds, to be re- corded and dwelt upon with pleasure. But his generosity and judgment were not often at variance. The veil of glittering sophistry which injustice draws before its acts the mist through which national vanity and national prejudice go blindly groping never obscured the truth from his eyes. He judged the case of others as he would his own, and called things by the names that rightfully belonged to them. He was as genuine a lover of his country as any of his cotemporaries ; but he did not conceive it to be the truest patriotism to varnish her mis- deeds, and to encourage her in acts of injustice and oppression. There was a noticeable peculiarity in the consti- tution of his inind to which some of these results may be traced. With a mathematical exactness and precision, which ensured correctness of state- ment and soundness of argument in all his writings and speeches, he combined much of the enthusiasm and imaginativeness of the poetical temperament. The dry studies of Finance, in which, during all the earlier years of his adult life, he was continually engaged, never deadened the liveliness of his fancy or blunted the acuteness of his sensibilities. He was a great reader of polite literature ; and espe- cially delighted in the works of the great masters of British song. He delighted, too, in the recreation of verse, and had a taste for dramatic composition, which, if it had been decreed that he should lead a life of literary leisure, he would probably have less HIS CHARACTER. 613 sparingly indulged.* To the charms of Music, too, he was peculiarly alive, and the fineness of his ear, which is to he discerned also in the nicely-balanced structure of his literary compositions, rendered him as a critic fastidiously correct. Upon his puhlic demonstrations these lighter accomplishments were not wholly without an effect, for he was wont fre- quently to introduce hoth into his speeches and his writings brief illustrative quotations from the great dramatists, or snatches of stirring national songs. It was his fortune to be a financier ; but it was his delight to breathe an atmosphere of Poetry and Romance. But it is only by associating those qualities, which illustrated his public career as a statesman, with those which graced and beautified his domestic life, that the character of the man is to be fitly por- trayed. There was in Henry St. George Tucker a rare union of masculine firmness and courage, with a kindliness so winning and a tenderness so en- gaging, that all who dwelt beneath his roof were drawn to him by feelings of the most hallowed af- fection. The nearer you were to him, the more you loved and the more you honored him. Coldness and harshness were alike foreign to his nature. He invited confidence by his own openness and unre- serve ; and he so tempered reproof with mildness, that his lessons made a lasting impression on his * He wrote and printed two tragedies " Harold" and " Caraoens" of which mention should have been made in the course of the narrative. They abound in noble sentiments vigorously expressed. 614 LIFE OP H. ST.G. TUCKER. children, but never left a sting behind them. In his own home he was not only the loving husband and the indulgent parent, but the most cheerful of companions the life and soul of the family party youthful among the youthful, and among the sportive ever full of sport. Whatever may have happened to vex or to distress him abroad, he car- ried home to the domestic circle the same evenness of temper, the same undisturbed serenity of mind. No disappointment ever embittered him; sickness and pain never made him querulous. As years ad- vanced, all his fine qualities seemed to ripen under the sun of time ; and he was never more loveable than when he was summoned from the scenes, which he had so long gladdened by his presence. Of the liberality of his nature I have already spoken. He had an open hand and an open heart ; but he was not a thoughtless giver. His generosity was controlled and tempered- by prudence. It was prompt, but considerate ; quick, but not hasty. And it was utterly free from every taint of ostentation. His bounty was, for the most part, exercised in secret. It was never talked of; it was little known. He gave when he had little to give ; and he gave when Providence had increased his store. It may be truly said of Henry St. George Tucker, as it was said of William Penn, that " some of the best pages of his history were written in his private cash-book." And as he was pitiful in the extreme to all who needed his assistance, so was he uniformly courteous to all men with whom he was brought into public HIS CHARACTER. 615 or private intercourse. He used to say that he had many friends and many enemies ; but although the friendship was not all on one side, the enmity was ; for he never harboured a vindictive or malignant feeling, and was grieved when he heard others speak- ing evil of those who had done him wrong. He lived, indeed, as a Christian ought to live in Charity with all men ; and he walked humbly with his God. Humbly, but most hopefully, he walked ; approaching the great hour of eternal change in all the serenity of a quiet conscience, grateful for the Past, expectant of the Future, only regretting his translation to another world for the sake of those who would remain to feel the great void that was left by the removal of HENRY ST.GEORGE TUCKER. ERRATA. Page 2, line 8, dele inverted commas after post. Page 49, last line, for " devolve," read " devolves" Page 377, line 5, for " point," read "points." APPENDIX. [A. Page 292.] EXTRACT PUBLIC LETTER PROM BENGAL. Dated 20th October, 1812. Par. 83. The grounds which led us to appoint a separate Secretary in the Colonial and Financial Departments, are stated in the minute of the Right Honorable the Governor- General, dated 8th of August. 84. The Governor-General remarks that the return of Mr. Tucker, from England, to this country, naturally suggested a strong desire, founded on a knowledge, and, indeed, a long ex- perience, both in the present and former administrations, of his distinguished talents and qualifications, to render his services available at the shortest possible delay. 85. No situation, under the existing establishment of Go- vernment, adequate to his rank and consideration in the service, was vacant, and there was no immediate or any definite pros- pect of a suitable opening. 86. These services revived, in the mind of the Governor- General, the consideration of a question, very lately under de- liberation, for the establishment of a separate Colonial Depart- ment, to be placed under the charge of an additional Secretary 618 APPENDIX. to Government. The great accession to business, thrown both upon the members and officers of this Government, by the re- cent conquests, including those of the French Islands, and in the Eastern Seas, had already been found so oppressive upon the several departments, as to induce an inquiry into the most convenient way of transacting those affairs. A reference was, therefore, made to the Secretaries of Government, whom we requested to report their sentiments upon that subject. Their opinion was unanimous, that a distinct department, for that branch of the public business, was nearly indispensable, and that opinion was supported by a statement of facts, connected with the present overburdened state of the administration in all the departments, which it was impossible not to acknowledge, and, by reasons drawn from that view of the subject, equally difficult to controvert. 87. The Governor- General was prevented from giving his immediate assent to the proposed measure, by motives of public economy alone, and by a reluctance to make so considerable an augmentation of establishment, until its necessity should be as- certained by a somewhat longer trial. The reports of the Secre- taries to Government are recorded with the minute, and every week's experience has justified the sentiments they submitted to the Board. 88. The Governor- General was the more strongly induced to reconsider the question, by a sense of the advantage which Government would derive, not only in affording relief to the other departments, but in acquiring the more essential assist- ance, which the peculiar qualifications possessed by Mr. Tucker, for most of the principal points of public deliberation and business, connected with the Colonies, would afford, by that de- partment being committed to his charge. 89. Upon this proposition, the Governor-General grafted the further modifications of the present arrangements, of placing the Financial Department also under the charge of Mr. Tucker. Government had already experienced his eminent knowledge of that science, and his distinguished talents in that peculiar branch of administration, by the success of the important and APPENDIX. 619 beneficial operations of Finance, which were commenced, and brought nearly to their accomplishment, while he administered that department previous to his departure to Europe. 90. We persuade ourselves that under the present pressure of the Colonial business, upon all the superior officers of Go- vernment, and under the considerations above stated, your Honorable Court will be well inclined to sanction and approve the appointment of Mr. Tucker to the office of Colonial and Financial Secretary to Government, with the allowances now enjoyed by the other principal Secretaries to Govern- ment. [B. Page 349.] LETTER TO SIR HENRY STRACHEY, BART. Friern Lodge, Whetstone, 13th April, 1821. DEAR SIR HENRY, As you appeared the other day to take an interest in a question in which I am deeply interested, perhaps you will take the trouble to peruse the accompanying notes. It is necessary to hold in mind that the Government had two objects in view in the Financial arrangements which were undertaken in 1810. First to deprive the Debt of the privilege of being convertible at any time into a Bill of Ex- change on the Court of Directors. Secondly to effect a re- duction in the charge of interest. The first object was accomplished by placing the old Debt in course of payment, and opening a new eight-per-cent. loan, divested of the privilege of remittance, for receiving transfers from the former, or subscriptions in money, which should be applied to the discharge of the former. This has been oppro- briously designated "the Decoy Loan;" and it is only neces- sary to mention that a large proportion of the old Debt was transferred to it. The next proceeding was to effect a reduction in the rate of interest, by placing the new (or Decoy) eight-per-cent. loan in course of payment, and opening a six-per-cent. loan for receiv- 620 APPENDIX. ing transfers and subscriptions; and this measure also suc- ceeded. It is very certain that both objects might have been at- tempted at the same time, and by one single operation that is, by opening a six-per-cent. loan at once, divested of the privilege of remittance; but this measure, after a great deal of discussion, was judged to be too bold and hazardous. Perhaps it was; and certainly, if it had miscarried, the Public Debt of India would have been ten millions greater than it is at present, even if we had escaped absolute insolvency. But those who accuse me of being the author of the project, do me, perhaps, more justice than they intend or than I deserve; while, in ascribing to me the particular means which were adopted, they un- doubtedly pass judgment in utter ignorance of the circum- stances. It was the chief aim of my public life, while I was employed in the administration of the Finances, to effect a re- duction in the charge of interest; but this merit I claim only in common with others it was not exclusively mine. With re- spect to the means to be employed for accomplishing this great end, I may state to you in confidence, as a confidential officer of the Government, what I never can explain to the Public my own opinion was in favor of the more direct proceeding; but it was considered, in a quarter which I was bound to re- spect, of so hazardous a character, as to preclude all idea of its .adoption. It was apprehended, in fact, that a large proportion of the Debt, amounting to about thirty millions, would imme- diately have been transferred to England, where there were no funds forthcoming for its discharge that the Court of Direc- tors would have been compelled to send back the bills under some most burdensome compromise with their creditors and that, thus, the only opportunity ever likely to offer of giving the Debt a local character, and of reducing the annual charge of interest, would, in all probability, have been lost for ever. All this might have happened, no doubt, and the evil would have been most serious if it had happened ; but the prudence and foresight which adopted the safer course of proceeding, consti- tuted no part of my merits. APPENDIX. 621 You will perceive how awkwardly I am placed ; but as I can truly say, that throughout my public life I have been anxious only to do my duty to the best of my judgment, I am content to leave my conduct to be judged by the Public, and to stand or fall by the decision which may be pronounced upon it. In offering myself as a candidate for the Direction, my chief object is to obtain occupation public and honorable employment; but if any individual can believe that I ever counselled a measure involving a breach of faith to the Public, that individual will do right to exclude me for ever from all public trust. He will not, however, do right to pass judgment in ignorance, in this, or any other case. For the rest, I can only say that, whether right or wrong, I shall continue to act always on the principles on which I ever have acted; and those must not trust me for the Future who have reason to disapprove of the Past. Believe me, Sincerely yours, H. ST.G. TUCKER. [0. Page 458.] The passage in Mr. Mills 5 speech at the India House, on the 15th of July, 1835, relative to the recall of Lord Heytesbury, to which allusion is made at page 458, is thus printed in the Asiatic Journal: " He might be permitted to observe that, in vacating the appointment of Lord Heytesbury, after it had been so delibe- rately made, the Right Honorable Baronet, Sir John Hobhouse, had done an act which decidedly militated against the good government of India. Beyond that, he would admit that the Right Honorable Baronet had met the question most manfully in the House of Commons, and also in his communications with the Directors. He had stated that he thought it better that the interests of India should suffer, than that the Minister of the day, whoever he might be, should be defeated." I have referred to the speech of Sir John Hobhouse, in the 622 APPENDIX. House of Commons, in reply to Mr. Praed's motion for papers, thinking I should probably find in it the declaration alluded to by Mr. Mills. In this speech the President of the India Board is reported (in the Mirror of Parliament) to have said that he scorned " the miserable pretence of consulting measures not men' " and that it was " better that the authority of the East India Company should receive a shock in India, than that a cordial sympathy should not exist between his Majesty's Minis- ters and the Governor-General." This may not have been the passage referred to in the India House debate, but the declara- tion is tantamount to that to which allusion has been made. It should, however, be added, that it is at least doubtful whether Sir John Hobhouse was really the prime agent of Lord Heytesbury's recall. I know at least that Sir Robert Peel told a near relative of his Lordship, that he believed Sir John would have suffered the appointment to take effect but that it was necessary to conciliate Mr. Hume and the Radicals who were eager to see it cancelled. THE END. C. WHITING, BEAUFORT HOUSE, STKAXD. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2- month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUL 6 1994 20,000 (4/94) YC 23236 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY