Y JX >L _2L D. APPLETON &. CO. LEGENBS ANB LYRICS, KY ANNE ADELAIDE PROCTOR, (I) A !' O If T E II OF T IfK I 1 O K T, fl A R U V ( ' O It \ \V A I. I. .) One very neat volume. 12 wo. THIS is the charming volume of fresh and tender poems, by the daughter of one of England's most, honored and popular poets, which has lately been received with so hearty a welcome in England and America. Choice portions of it, copied by the press with lively praises, have found their way to the firesides of both lands. THE COOPERS; OK, GETTING UNDER WAY BY ALICE B. HAVEN, AUTHOR OF "NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL," " ALL*S NOT GOLD THAT GLITTERS, ETC., ETC., ETC. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 346 & 348 BROADWAY. 1858. ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, by D. APPLETON & CO., In the Clerk's Office of tba District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. I DARE say that I am not alone in noticing how many young people, in these rapid days, marry, without the faintest idea of the cares and responsibilities involved, or with any definite aim in life, after the wedding, the bridal tour, and the gayety that usually follows. My friends the Coopers are, perhaps, a fair example of this large class ; and in following their history I have kept in mind the wise saying of Sir Thomas More, be- hind which I have more than once shielded myself : " Even as some sick men will take no medicine unless some pleasant thing be put amongst their potions, al- though it be somewhat hurtful, yet the physician suffereth them to have it : so because many will not hearken to serious and grave documents, unless they be mingled with some fable or jest, therefore reason willeth us to do the like." The Willows, 1858. 2047320 CONTENTS THE STOCKS, 7 FINDING THE LEAK, 30 " FETCH " AND CARRY, 47 LAYING THE KEEL, 71 THE LAUNCH, 93 DAILY TEIALS, . . . . . . 131 THE CRISIS, 160 A MOTHER'S WAGES, 185 " THE FRUGAL HOUSEWIFE," 207 MATCH-MAKING, 227 THE SEBVANT QUESTION, 255 GIFT-MAKING, 280 UNDER FULL SAIL, 310 CHAPTER I. THE STOCKS. " DEAB me, how comfortable you look ! "Well, this is worth while now," remarked Mr. Sam Blodget, warming first one hand and then the other at the cheerful fire, which lighted the sit- ting-room of his friends the Coopers, quite as much as the drop-light over the centre-table. No wonder that the cosiness of the room made itself apparent to the dullest bachelor perception. The bed and wash-stand were snugly bestowed in a curtained alcove ; pictures hung about the walls ; a work-stand, with a work-box evidently in daily use, stood at one corner of the lounge, drawn up before the fire, on which Mr. Cooper was seated, in very close proximity to his wife ; but they had been married but two months, and the honeymoon was not quite left out of sight. " The fellows," who were accustomed to meet at Sinclair's, a favorite restaurant on a neighboring THE COOPEES. corner, were very much astonished when Murray Cooper, returning from a short trip to Albany, brought a wife with him. He was rather aston- ished himself, for it must be acknowledged that the whole transaction of courtship and marriage had covered but three weeks, divided into two visits six months apart. On the first he had acci- dentally met Miss Smith, and in his usual reckless manner, proposed at the end of his stay, for which presumption he deserved to have been refused, but was not. The most sensible women proverbi- ally astonish their friends in their love affairs, and Martha Smith had said " for better for worse," before she commenced to study the character, which was to develop in one of these respects. " It's a wonder your landlady allows you such fires," remarked Mr. Blodget. , " We don't consult her. / take the credit ot that combustion ! " and Mr. Cooper surveyed his handiwork admiringly. ".Tmade that fire." " He actually chose every large lump out of the hod," said Mrs. Cooper, laughing, " and built it up piece by piece. It kept him still for half an hour after dinner." THE STOCKS. 9 " The fact is, Sam, I never mean to go to housekeeping till we can afford to have first-rate fires, and a good table. Stint in any thing else, but give me a good fire and a decent table. Be as economical as you please in other things but fires ! " " I don't believe he has the first idea of econ- omy, Mr. Blodget, has he ? " " I ought to have ; we used to see enough of it at Needham's didn't we, Sam ? " " Oh ! our landlady is ten times worse than Needham ! 'No, thank you, Mrs. Cooper, posi- tively can't sit down, though only looked round for a minute." " There it comes now," sighed Mrs. Cooper, mentally. " Why," continued their visitor, " Poker, as we call our present mistress of ceremonies, only allows one hod to the whole range of sky parlors, no matter how hard we ring for more ; the conse- quence is, the fire goes out, and if we happen to be in, which doesn't often happen, fortunately, we are obliged to go to bed in self-defence by ten o'clock ; so the gas doesn't suffer. Don't you see, 10 THE COOPEKS. Mrs. Cooper ? Ton my word, I always stumble over that word yet ; it does seem so singular." " So do I," said the newly-made husband. " When people say to me down town, ' How's Mrs. Cooper?' I always have to stop and think who they mean. First along, I always used to wonder why the " " S-h-u ! " said Mrs. Cooper, warningly, with her forefinger on her lip, and a bright smile, as if recalling some matrimonial compact to her hus- band. " I beg your pardon, Matty ; I was going to say something. The fact is, Sam pshaw ! I don't mind telling him the fact is, my wife has under- taken to cure me of some of my little bachelor habits." "Don't you allow even an innocent little * deuce ? ' " inquired Mr. Sam Blodget, thinking it would be a long time before he came into har- ness. " Innocent ! " said Mrs. Cooper, playfully. " Somehow, it never occurred to me that any thing can be innocent which paves the way for such very naughty words as I have heard." THE STOCKS. 11 " Oh, that's the dodge ! " thought the gentle- man in the lond waistcoat, smoothing his already wonderfully fitting gloves, in the attempt to sup- press a whistle that would have relieved him under the circumstances, but might not have been exactly the thing, considering the same. It was the perpetual aim of Mr. Blodget to avoid all that might be pronounced " not the thing ; " it stood in the place of a code of honor with him. " Why, Needham used to hear every touch of the poker," said Murray, losing sight of his last remark in the comfortable glow of the fire. " That small chambermaid don't you know, Sam ? We used to call her the Marchioness after Dick Swiveler used to insert her head at the door, and say, ' If you please, young gentlemen, nobody's to touch the fire but me on no ac- count.' " " What miserable beings you must have been, according to your own stories ! " said Mrs. Mur- ray, laying down her book reluctantly. She was frequently the listener to some such agreeable and entertaining reminiscences ; they seemed to be the staple of Mr. Blodget's conver- 12 THE COOPERS. sation after he had exhausted the weather and his stock of compliments to her. " He ought to be extremely obliged to you for coming to the rescue, 'pon honor." " That's so ! Pity some one wouldn't do as much for you," observed the happy man, patron- izingly. " I often say to Matty, ' I only wish Sam was as well off as I am.' " " Henderson been round to see you yet, Mrs. Cooper ? " inquired their visitor at this juncture, declining a third offer of a chair. " No," Mr. Cooper answered for his wife. " Steve's no lady's man. He came round to-day to say he wished me well, but he made it a rule not to go into society." " Queer stick ! " and Mr. Blodget shrugged his shoulders ; " never could make him out ; by the way," he added, with a degree of recollection pleasant to behold, when Mrs. Cooper had been waiting to hear the remark ever since the waiter's tap at their door had announced his arrival, " by the way, going 'round to Bob's awhile ? " " "Well, I don't know, we were just settled for the evening. Matty was going to read me some- THE STOCKS. 13 thing wasn't you, Matty ? and we were going to have some nuts and apples to top off with. Matty generally keeps something stowed away in the side closet. She looks after me so well, that I don't have to think for myself any more." A pleasant smile at this acknowledgment ought to have settled the question of going out at once. " She must sing for you some night, won't you, Matty?" continued Murray, glancing at the piano. " I don't think I care much about music," said Mr. Blodget, reflectively, admiring the dog's head on the top of his walking-stick, " unless it's a jolly good chorus, like 'Vive 1' Amour,' or ' Old Dog Tray,' or ' Yilikens.' " You used to sing a good thing, Murray ' Little Pigee.' I've seen all the fellows in a roar lots of times, Mrs. Cooper, when your husband was on that ; 'pon honor, it's the most laughable thing ! " and, considering that he had turned a very neat compliment indeed, the young gentleman made a sudden pause. " Oh ! Matty doesn't care about that sort of thing," said Murray, looking a little annoyed. 14 THE COOPEBS. He knew by the slight flush on his wife's face, that she did not particularly care to imagine her husband singing comic songs at a table full of jolly good fellows, which to her conveyed but one idea their having emptied too many sherry and champagne bottles for their own respectability, or the good of general society. "Who's going round to-night ? " " Oh ! most of the boys ; it's about time we were off ! " remarked the visitor, a little sulkily, at having his delicate endeavors to be agreeable nipped in the bud after this fashion. Down in the bottom of his heart, there was a lurking desire to stand well in the eyes of his friend's wife. He had to confess to himself that he was a little afraid of her, not that she was backward in her welcome, or " cut him up " to use his own phrase. On the contrary, she al- ways did her best to entertain her husband's former associates. There was no pettishness of manner, no " married woman's " frown thrown out from under a masked battery of smiles and civility ; but Mr. Blodget never walked off with his old comrade, as on this occasion, without feel- THE STOCKS. 15 ing that he had much better not have done so, and that he never would ask Murray to " come round" again. It required a strong effort of will on the part of Mrs. Cooper to acquiesce pleasantly to the al- ternative of a lonely evening, or the society of such loungers as she might find in the general parlor below ; and to smile back into Murray's face as she brought his cap and overcoat from the closet. He took them, a little ashamed of resist- ing the strong impulse of excusing himself, after all, and said, " You won't mind this once, will you, Matty ? Here's a good fire, and a new book you want to read that book, you know ! And you can send round for some oysters, if you'd like them, 'round to Weller's." The " I shall do very well never mind me," of the reply, was said without bitterness, though a great deal might have been thrown into those simple words by a person so disposed ; but she closed the door after them with a sigh that she kept back no longer, now that it would not inter- fere with his evening's pleasure. The small crimson velvet chair, which had 16 THE COOPERS. been one of her bridal presents, with the book and paper-knife on the table before it, stood exactly as it had done when she came up from dinner, looking forward to a pleasant evening alone with her husband : they had not enjoyed one for a long time, from the multiplicity of their engagements. She seated herself in it, and leaned towards the cheerful blaze, to think more seriously than she had done, in all the whirl and excitement of the past eight months. Was she going to be a happy wife ? Could she make Murray happy, without perpetual self-sacrifice ? "Why had they married each other? Where was the busy tide of life whirling them to ? She knew that her husband had been set adrift on a world of boarding-houses at a tender age, in common with most of the set of young men with whom he associated. Those who had comfortable homes she could not so readily excuse for haunt- ing restaurants and billiard-saloons, and using night-keys as freely as if it was a cross, grumpy old landlady they were disturbing, instead of their own mothers and sisters. She was conscious of a great disappointment THE STOCKS. 17 and a very heavy heart, the first time Murray had gone out with them after their marriage, but then his excuse seemed reasonable : " It won't do to let them think you hold too tight a rein." This was the third time in a fortnight that Mr. Blodget had introduced himself and his " bangup over- coat " to the peaceful life into which they were fast subsiding ; this third and last call had brought into exercise her whole stock of wifely patience and submission, darling theories of hers, in com- mon with many other untried young brides. Using Mr. Sam Blodget's phrase, her husband was " innocent " enough of any actual wrong do- ing. He had never cared for wine, being betrayed into excess by good fellowship alone, the few times he had been guilty in that particular. He was honorable, kind-hearted, and too fond of her to cause her anxiety, if he once could be made to understand it ; but when she knew what his former life had been, she saw it always with the knowl- edge of his capabilities for better things, and the hope of winning him to sympathy with her own more refined tastes and pursuits. But how was this to be accomplished with such perpetual interrup- 18 THE COOPERS. tions, and without breaking at once the chain of old associations ? She knew that the most delicate touch was necessary to sever these links without defeating her own object ; and, while she shrank from un- dertaking it, and half resolved to let matters take their course, enjoy herself, in her own way, with her books and music, the "innocent deuce" of Mr. Blodget called up still more serious reflec- tions. Hitherto, her husband could offer as good an excuse as the best of them for these evening raids upon places of public resort ; but now he stood without any, and if the habit should grow upon him, and be confirmed into evil courses, the offence would lie with her. Some inexperienced young wives, full of good intentions, " a wife's influence," and " a husband's duty," would have hesitated but a short time in using all the feminine artillery at command in- junctions, entreaties, tears, reproaches and all with a sincere desire for the real good of their husbands, and to discharge their own wifely duty ; but there are dangerous rocks in these rapids of reform, and she must be a skilful pilot who ven- THE STOCKS. 19 tures upon them. Mrs. Cooper had all these mo- tives to influence her ; but she knew that, in order to make the desired change and progress rtal, it must be built upon a stable foundation of taste and principle, and not hurried into by importu- nity, or a desire to please her. The young wife's face had a weary, anxious look, not pleasant to behold so early in married life. It was not selfishness or caprice that actu- ated her, but an earnest feeling that now was a perilous turning-point in her husband's character, and that her influence would be responsible for the result. The little time-piece on the mantel ticked loudly in the stillness of the room ; the cold wind came, and shook the blinds. The new book had not been reopened, and she had no heart to touch the keys of her open piano, the only "old, familiar face in her new home. "I wonder how many such evenings I must spend this winter," she thought, bitterly, for she began to have an undefined fear that her marriage had been " a leap in the dark " to end in disap- pointment. "With all her earnest thinking, she as 20 THE COOPERS. yet had found no clue to the labyrinth. Left only to her own influence, she had no fears, but where would these perpetual interruptions and counter- acting influences end ! " I wish I could crotchet, or cared for fancy- work, like other girls ; I always despised it as such a waste of time ; but people get so absorbed in it ; I don't suppose I should know whether Murray was at home or not then, but I never did any thing of the sort, not even a pair of slippers." The fire-light, or the warm glow of the drapery, seemed to brighten her face presently, and the book to her regained its original charm ; that she had arrived at some conclusion was evident, and that she had great faith, or at least hope, in what she had decided on, was not to be doubted. Yet Mrs. Cooper began her reforms by having a secret from her husband, the first thing she had voluntarily kept back. "We do not excuse her for this breach of confidence, for the first article in our matrimonial creed is, that without the utmost frankness on both sides, there can be no lasting happiness in so close a friendship ; nevertheless, her heart did not condemn her, though she put THE STOCKS. 21 on her bonnet with a little tremor the morning that she started out on her mysterious errand, and went back for her bine barege veil, after she was fairly out of the house. A needless caution, for her unsuspecting husband was at his busy post in the Marine Bank, with scarcely time to remember her existence until three o'clock should release him. And, on her return, more mystery. The cham- bermaid, coining with clean towels, found the door locked on the inside, and Mrs. Cooper's face so flushed when it was opened, that she remarked to the young lady on the next floor, that she guessed " some people could blow each other up as well as others ! " Her husband noticed, from the opposite side of the street when he came home, that the blinds were drawn down, and sprang up the steps with a quicker bound than usual, fearful of some sudden illness or unlocked for misfortune. She was wiser next day, and re- membered how impossible it was for a person on the side-walk to see into a third story window. Once it happened that the unsuspicious hus- 22 THE COOPERS. band was on the very point of discovering how abuse and misplaced his confidence had been. It was a dull December evening, and he had not found "the boys" so entertaining as usual; so, bethinking himself of " Matty," and the fresh pecan-nuts in the side-closet, his wandering steps were turned home two hours earlier than usual. The atmosphere was damp, and the shop-win- dows lighted the slippery pavement indifferently through the blur of mist and darkness. The re- turning husband withdrew, turtle-wise, into the friendly depths of his coat-collar, and thought how stupid he was to expose himself to such dis- agreeable surroundings when his own parlor was always so pleasant, and his wife the most enter- taining and agreeable companion he had ever met, if she was his wife. " That's because she reads so much, I suppose. She can talk over the news of the day as sensibly as any body at ' Bob's/ and seems to take an in- terest. I hate a woman who shuts you up always on foreign news, and expects you to talk millinery and gossip. She manages to pick up a great deal more out of the papers than I have time to ; that THE STOCKS. 23 was a very interesting thing she read out of Household "Words last night just the sort of thing I like ; I wonder how she knew it. I should go to sleep in ten minutes over one of your regular love stories. Wouldn't I like to have a wife like Joe Draper's, always telling him where to go, and when to come home ! I'd show her ! " and, finding himself nearing a familiar lamp-post at this emphatic break in his soliloquy, he wound up with a species of penitence, by no means an unfamiliar sensation, at leaving his wife so much alone, mixed with a sudden recollection and admiration of the amiable way in which she bore such desertions. "You are home very early to-night. I did not expect you for two hours at least," was not exactly the surprised and delighted greeting which he had promised himself. He could not see how she had been employed, either, to take his absence and arrival so coolly. There was not so much as a book on the table be- fore her, when he opened the door ; she sat bolt upright on the lounge, doing nothing at all, but her cheeks were flushed, and her manner a little 24: THE COOPERS. nervous. However, the chill went off presently, with that of the outer atmosphere, and Mrs. Cooper exerted herself most successfully to enter- tain her unlooked-for husband. ]New- Year's morning ; and the ever lavish Murray Cooper presented his wife with an ele- gantly wrought bracelet, receiving a cigar-stand in return. It was a very pretty bronze trifle, and looked extremely well on the etagere ; but, for all that, he was disappointed. It was what anybody might have given him, and somehow he had ex- pected more thought from his wife ; but he smoth- ered his injured feelings under a plentiful break- fast, and started on his round of calls in a toilet that would have done credit to Murray Cooper, the bachelor. Reaching home again at night, tired and bored, sick of the confectionery and champagne, the oys- ters and boned turkey he had surfeited himself with, out of politeness, in the course of the day, he indulged in certain fervent wishes that "every- body had been there, and he should find Matty and a cup of hot coffee alone." He found the table laid in the morning for THE STOCKS. 25 visitors, cleared of its debris, and his wife still in her best dress ; and her best looks, though she had counted fifty-one calls, brewing the coffee in a pretty French urn, with the tete-a-t^te set belong- ing to it neatly arranged for his benefit, more than that, a dressing-gown aired itself leisurely before the fire, and appeared to be contemplating with evident approval, a pair of slippers that it was destined to see a great deal of. " Holla, Matty," he ejaculated, arrested in the midst of a matrimonial salute by the sight of this unexpected array. " "Who sent 'em to me ? Where did the dressing-gown come from ? Just what I wanted ; I never had one in my life. Singular, isn't it ? when I've had 'most every thing ! " " I don't know when you ever had any use for one," responded Mrs. Murray, making herself very busy in the removal of wrappers, and suggesting that it might as well be tried on at once. Never was a first ball-dress considered more becoming ! Mr. Cooper stood still for his wife to turn down the cuffs to precisely the proper point, tightened the handsome cord and tassels with es- pecial unction, and thrust a fresh white handker- 26 THE COOPERS. chief into the breast-pocket as he marched toward the pier-glass admiringly. "Splendid fit ! Very neat pattern, not too showy, just right ! I hate any thing too exten- sive, like Sam's now, red flowers on a bright yel- low ground. Silk lining, too ; no sham about it ! " and he slapped his fine broad chest, inclosed in this admirable dressing-gown, with a heartiness pleasant to behold. " And those slippers ; just hand them here, will you, Matty ? But where in the world did these things come from ? " " Better try them on, too," suggested Matty, likewise radiant with satisfaction ; " and then I'll tell you." The damp, mud-splashed boots were kicked off unceremoniously ; and, walking to the rug, the unconscious man deliberately set his feet into the snare ! " Deep blue, what's that on the toe ? a puss curled up to sleep, remarkably well done, quite catty / out with it, they came by express from Baltimore, and you've kept the secret. High time the girls remembered they had a brother. Why they haven't sent me a pair of slippers for two THE STOCKS. 27 years before, and I used to have them every birth- day, and New- Year's." " You really like them ? " " Easy as an old shoe ; wonderful guess at my size. Like them ? To be sure I do. I only wish you'd worked them for me, Matty," and his voice sank into a more tender cadence as he stooped down and patted her head, while she still knelt on the hearth-rug. " "Well, I did, Murray, every stitch," she said, with a sudden trembling in her voice that she felt very much ashamed of, and tried to control. "You? "Why I thought you said you had never worked a pair in your life, and hated worsted work beyond measure ; I thought of asking you to do me a pair, only I remembered that." " I never did," said his wife, not unwillingly encircled by his arm, and accepting his kiss of thanks. " I made such blunders ! I worked so hard, and had to shut myself up, you know, for fear you would find out and spoil all. Don't you remember one night you came home early, and found me doing nothing ? "Well, I only had time to throw my canvas and worsteds under the table ; 28 THE COOPERS. and there they lay until next morning, before I could get a chance to put them away without your seeing me. I was so afraid you would drop something that evening, or find out somehow I " " By ! I beg your pardon, Matty," Mur- ray broke out, suddenly ; " but if you only knew how much more I think of these slippers because you never worked a pair for any body else ! Regular beauties, ain't they ? " And, seated in his own lounging-chair, he elevated his feet ad- miringly on the background of the black marble mantel. ****** " Going round awhile ? " inquired the highly original and entertaining Mr. Blodget, one windy evening towards spring. Mr. Blodget was unaltered by the course of time, except that the ends of his cravat " flared " in an extremely demonstrative manner, instead of being gathered into the subdued and rather re- served bow which fashion demanded when we first made his acquaintance. " No, thank you, Mrs. Cooper ; only looked in ; couldn't think of sitting down." THE STOCKS. 29 " I guess you'd better," said his friend, lazily ; " you might find worse quarters such a night as this. Seems to me I did promise Joe to look in awhile, but I guess I won't ; ifs too much trouble to put on my boots" His wife glanced up, and down again as quickly to her work ; but he caught the peculiar smile of meaning that she could not repress. The domesticated husband began to have a faint glimmering of the truth ; but he did not return the look. " Did it ever occur to you, Sam," said he, ad- dressing himself deliberately and exclusively to his visitor, " that slippers might be regarded in the light of man-traps ? " " Never ! " returned the unconscious Blodget. " Really, I can't say that they ever did ! Quite an idea, ain't it, though ? Remarkably handsome ones those of yours." CHAPTEK H. FINDING THE LEAK. " HOME'S home, isn't it, now ? " said Mr. Murray Cooper, complacently, as he seated himself at an inviting supper-table, and admired his wife sitting opposite to him busied with the tray. Mrs. Cooper was by no means intended for a burning and shin- ing light in society, but she made a very pleasant and mellow radiance, so to speak, in the more limited circle of her own fireside. And though it was " a furnished house " which she had at length persuaded her husband to take as an experiment, she enjoyed the relief from the publicity of board- ing, and the complete change in Mr. Cooper's habits, which time had wrought, aided by her prudent tact. Perhaps the advent of the young gentleman asleep in the little nursery up stairs had something to do with it. Mr. Cooper had " tastes " and a precedent for FINDING THE TVRATT. 31 all his likings and aversions in some of the dis- tinguished family of which he was a member. The " Murray " was a family name, and his soul aspired to the scale of living to which it belonged ; but his means were several thousand a year short of its gratification. Indeed, if Mrs. Cooper had not been practical in an extreme degree, and ex- perienced, as to the value of money in itself con- sidered, it is doubtful whether they could have got on at all. The recklessness with which her husband assumed matrimonial charge and responsibility, and the style in which his bachelor expenditures had been conducted, were rather alarming to one who had always had need to calculate ways and means closely. For Mrs. Cooper, though very proud of her family in a certain way, was only a Smith Martha Smith ; and it is well known that the Smiths cannot subsist upon their name and connections as a Murray or a Cooper might do. Poverty among the Coopers was being well dressed living in a large house, waited on by plenty of servants, but always troubled by an ac- cumulation of liabilities. Still, as Mr. Cooper, Sen., often remarked, "people must live," by 32 THE COOPERS. which he meant that Tie must, whatever became of the tradesmen he employed. Poverty, as known to the Smiths, included self-denial, indus- try, and a great many " wants reduced to must haves," before they were satisfied. The younger branches of the Bird Coopers, the De Lancy Coop- ers, and the Griswold Murrays looked down upon their cousin as having sunk several degrees in the social scale when he left one room in the third story of a fashionable city boarding-house for the whole of a small but comfortable house beyond Seventh Avenue, whereas, inasmuch as he man- aged, with his wife's oversight, to live somewhere within the range of his income, and paid for most of the clothes he wore and the food he ate, some unprejudiced persons might have ranked him as morally in the ascendant. Literally, Mrs. Cooper did not know where to commence her financial experiments when her husband's idiosyncrasy as to money matters first was made apparent, which was not until a mother's duties had been added to a wife's cares ; but she came to the conclusion that the starting- point of charity was a good place to commence FINDING THE LEAK. 33 enforcing its respectable relative, economy, and so began with her own personal expenditures. Her husband had a few prejudices to overcome before he could be induced to set aside the ex- tremely modest amount she proposed from his salary. " He didn't believe in an allowance. What was the good in knowing what you spent ? It did'nt make it any less, and, in fact, it was de- cidedly uncomfortable to be posted on the subject. He never had an allowance ; the girls and mother never had one. No ; they always got whatever they chose, and the bills were sent to the store. It wasn't their business when they were paid. To be sure, the governor always grumbled when they came in, and threatened all sorts of things, but nobody ever minded." " But / should," interposed the governor's daughter-in-law. " I would have gone without, first and would now, rather than see you worried. It's a great deal better to know just what you can afford to get ; only try it, Murray, or let me, for baby and myself. If you only knew how I hate to say, ' charge it ! ' ' " Poh, poh, Martha, I didn't think you were 2* 34 THE COOPERS. such a goose ! Why, most women would jump at it. I never had an ' expense-book,' as you call it, since I was born. Books are bothers enough at the bank. Who always wants to be marching up a column of figures, and ruminating on a ' sum total,' except it's a balance in one's favor, which I believe I never yet have had the pleasure of expe- riencing. When I have the money, you're wel- come to it, you know that. These private purses make a wife altogether too independent. They are the very I beg your pardon, the mischief, you know ! " " But suppose," said Mrs. Cooper, " I should wish to make my husband another present, how unsentimental it would sound ! ' My love, please give me ten dollars to buy you a gold pencil ! ' or to have my nice little siirprise spoiled by the bill being presented beforehand at the office ! or, hav- ing to manage Mrs. Green's fashion, and take what 1 wanted from your pocket, little by little, after you were asleep at night ! To be sure, you never would miss it." " Now, that's rather hard on a fellow, Martha, after all my reforms ! Don't I even stop in an FINDING THE LEAK. 35 omnibus to count change ? Haven't I done won- ders in not bringing home all sorts of things, you know ? I'll bet you two to one " " I never bet, recollect," interrupted Mrs. Mur- ray, in a grave tone that belied the mischief of her smile at the idea of her husband's reforms ! " Well, I wouldn't be afraid to that I can tell to a dot every cent I've got about me to-night." "Suppose I agree to give up the allowance if you can ? " suggested the unbelieving help- mate. " Done ! " And the porte-monnaie was drawn forth triumphantly. It so happened that a little boot-bill of two or three years' standing had been presented that evening, which had caused an in- spection of cash on hand, ending in an invitation the collector was perfectly accustomed to to call again. " There's two fives Butcher & Drover's do you see ? and a ten, Rhode Island money, a three and a one, and seventy-five cents in change. No allowance carries the day, madam." " Not quite so close. I can see ; and bank notes never are quite Cologne. Now suppose you look in your pockets." 36 THE COOPEKS. u Oh, I'm quite cured of that ! no more change lying around loose. ' Two of these convenient receptacles emptied presented only a knife, pencil, two small screws, and a box of leads. In the breast pocket of his coat the hand made a sudden pause. Mrs. Cooper was in turn triumphant, as she saw a flush of discomposure rise to her husband's face. " Stupid ! oh, I remember now the change at Delmonico's for my lunch, you know ! " And the discomforted man drew forth two cigars, a gold dollar, a bill, and some small change. This was the history of the allowance, impor- tant, since, from its practical working, Mr. Cooper first began to understand a faint glimmer of the important truth, " a penny saved is twopence got ; " and, as is often common with enthusiastic minds, he plunged into reforms on his own account to a most alarming extent. This was, after their essay at housekeeping, Mi*s. Cooper's plan again, though he often ignored that fact, and congratulated himself on the bril- liant idea. He gave up smoking for two months and a FINDING THE LEAK. 37 half ; then had a few cigars some one had given him down town ; afterwards a bunch of some choice brand, Loper, a friend of his, who was in the business, had desired him to try ; and finally a half box was smuggled in quietly, and replaced at intervals. He wore really shabby clothes through the hot weather, but brought home a choice assortment of white jean, Marseilles, and a fancy check suit, the very last three days of Sep- tember heat. He undertook self-shaving in the most virtuous manner, and annoyed Mrs. Cooper three days in the week by forgetting to do so, and presenting quite too stiff an upper lip to please any one neat almost to fastidiousness. He talked a great deal about table economy, inspected the ash heap to see that the cook threw away no avail- able lump of coal, and even was accustomed to inquire " what had become of that beef bone," having heard accidentally that a good family soup might be made of a beef bone with a few vege- tables. In fact, these last symptoms had grown very troublesome, and Mrs. Cooper began to wish most devoutly that Murray would " let her keep house," as was her lawful right, and even suggested that, 38 THE COOPERS. if he would give the reins entirely into her hands, she would undertake to drive safely through the year's losses and expenses. She had failed in con- verting him to one of her principal doctrines, however, that of paying ready money for every thing. July and January were still rendered miserable by the successive arrival of yellow envelops, known at once by their having no post- mark and the extreme briefness of their address. They always gave her a headache, for she knew precisely the effect they would produce when her husband caught sight of them, no matter how amiable or cheerful he might be at the moment. This very evening, when Mr. Cooper so emphati- cally pronounced " home to be home " and in- deed it looked so in the bright neatness of her household ways, and especially in contemplation of the well-spread supper-table, at which they were seated his wife was inwardly disquieted by knowing that her own hands would be obliged to " put rancor in the vessel of his peace " by bring- ing forth the grocer's half-yearly account, at the amount of which she had not ventured to glance. "Now, what shall I do for your comfort or FINDING THE LEAK. 39 amusement this evening, old lady ? " inquired this really devoted Benedict, as he bit off the end of a cigar, and fumbled behind an engraving by Landseer for the niatch-box, that he always insisted on having there, just where he could reach it. " There's the paper but that I've read ; and I looked through ' Harper ' as I came along. Shall I crack some nuts ? That reminds me that I must get one of those patent-lever nut-crackers. I saw one at Smith's to-day, and a gridiron, the most complete arrangement you ever saw for do- ing a steak catches the smoke and the gravy at the same time." " How much was it ? You know ours came with the stove, and isn't two years old yet." " Oh, a dollar or so, I suppose a mere trifle. Must you sew to-night ? Always that everlasting work-basket ! "Why don't you have a seamstress ? How much would it cost now to have all that pile sewed up for once ? " " A dollar or so," retorted Mrs. Murray, play- fully ; and, as she drew out her thimble and 40 ' THE COOPEE8. x needle-book, the grocer's communication was dis- covered on top of her work-box. " Had any letters to-day ? who is that from ? I say, Matty, suppose we should begin to think of a little place in the country, next spring ? Law- ton was talking about that lot on the bend of the Bronx, you know, again, to-day." And two or three satisfactory puffs filled up a short pause, as Mr. Cooper threw himself back in his own par- ticular easy chair. " "We must have saved some- thing this year towards it, you're such an indus- trious little woman, and deserve to have a house of your own, and every thing nice about you, if anybody does. Whom did you say that was from ? It's time you heard from your aunt, isn't it?" And a hand was stretched past her, as, with the most complacent air, Mr. Cooper pos- sessed himself of the missive. His wife's spirits had gradually been sinking since the opening of her work-box. She knew perfectly well that she was considered as respon- sible for every item of the account, as if each barrel of flour and pound of coffee had been pur- chased for her sole individual benefit. Mr. Coop- FINDING THE LEAK. 4:1 er's face, clouded with the direction of the letter, darkened with breaking open the envelop ; the storm burst with his first glance at the sum total. " A hundred and fifteen dollars ! did you see that, Martha ? a hundred dollars and over, when it ought not to have been thirty-five, with all I paid in July. "What in the world did you order when I was away in the fall ? I never had these things charged." " Only what was necessary." " Necessary ! 1 should think so, with all the waste that goes on in that kitchen. I wish you'd see after your cook, Martha, as I've told you a hundred times. It would be a great deal cheaper to put out this everlasting sewing, and attend to your house a little more." " I try to do both," said Mrs. Cooper, mildly, bending before the gust, as it were, knowing it to be inevitable. " Try ! yes, I dare say ; it looks like it, with all the bread ./see thrown out enough to feed a dozen poor families. Three barrels of flour ! no wonder." " There is quite half of the last one yet." 42 THE COOPEE8. " And sugar and coffee ; don't tell me. There's Lawton says they use only a half barrel of white sugar every year. His wife does her jelly in coffee crushed." So had Mrs. Cooper until she found that it was cheaper to use that which did not need refining, and her husband never thought he could touch mutton or game without currant-jelly, and had almost a juvenile fondness for sweetmeats of every description. She knew perfectly well what be- came of the sugar. . " And butter yes, it's the butter. How much do you think we've had since October ? " said her husband, presently, with the air of a virtuous judge condemning a criminal found guilty in every point of an indictment. " I told you Ann wasted butter from the first. How can you ex- pect we shall ever get along in the world, Martha, if you don't see after your servants ? What's the use of my denying myself every thmg ? for Mr. Cooper here recollected a cane, a pair of fur-lined gloves, and a fancy travelling-cap that he had severally dismissed from his thoughts in the most resolute manner "every thing, I may say, for FINDING THE LEAK. 43 your sake and the boy's, if this is the way you are to go on." It was certainly an unexpected amount to Mrs. Cooper, who, invariably economical, thought she had been especially careful the last six months. She was very sorry. It was hard when she too could enumerate self-denials of time and patience, and had braved cross looks, and spoiled dinners, and " warnings," with a house full of company, in the inspection of Ann's closets and safes, and re- peated rebukes and corrections of her carelessness. There was nothing she shrank from so much as an approach to meanness, or being considered so by others. Perhaps it was her own special weakness, this dread ; but even that she tried to put down in doing a housekeeper's duty faithfully. Her husband, not in the least pacified by her admission that " it might have been the butter," replaced the bill in its envelop with the air of a man whose substance is " wasted by riotous liv- ing," and sent it skimming on to the table to the floor, indeed, under the lounge, where his wife found it in dusting the next morning. She was rather heavy hearted, for the evening, which 44 THE COOPERS. promised so much, closed very uncomfortably, she stitching away in silence, and her husband, de- clining to amuse himself or be entertained, gloom- ed over the fire, after his cigar was finished, and stalked ofi' to bed an hour earlier than usual. " Really I cannot understand it. I thought I had been so very careful. I don't wonder Murray is discouraged ; and yet I don't see how I could have done without any thing we have had." Mrs. Cooper laid down her duster, and opened the uncomfortable account. It was a very " long face," and a very perplexed one that the opposite mirror reflected ; but it brightened visibly before she had finished her inspection of the various items, and her cheerfulness haji entirely returned, even to gayety, before she had finished copying off some of them on a sheet by themselves. If she had made any discoveries, she kept them to herself that evening ; but, when her husband hung up his overcoat at the bank in which he was teller the next day, and felt in the outside pocket for a clean handkerchief, he found with it a note, in his wife's handwriting, addressed to himself. It was odd. Perhaps he had been too hasty FINDING THE LEAK. 4:5 in condemning her, or too severe rather, consider- ing how very fond she was of him, and how she felt even a word. Poor child ! He would over- look it, this once ; and so he broke the seal. He thought it was another bill, at first glance, and that she had been afraid to give it to him after his late outburst ; but it was in his wife's handwriting, and headed "WASTE" FOE 1856! 1 bottle of brandy, $1 25 1 box of cigars, 4 50 1 gallon of brandy, 5 00 1 demijohn, 1 00 1 box of cigars, 4 20 1 case of claret, 5 00 1 gallon of Sherry wine, 6 00 1 box of cigars, 4 50 1 box of cigars, 4 20 $35 65 He could not understand it at all at first ; but, as he glanced at the dates, each one made it clearer and clearer. Really he could not have believed that these little " stores," laid in, from time to time, for himself and a friend or so, who was ac- 4:6 THE COOPERS. customed to " drop in," could amount to so much. Mrs. Cooper did not drink brandy, or Sherry wine, or smoke cigars, so the " waste" lay at his own door after all. Mrs. Cooper, sitting by the front window, at twelve o'clock, saw an errand boy arrive with a return dispatch. It was very short, but quite to the point. " DEAR WIFE : I own up. Sold ! Yours truly, MURRAY COOPER.' CHAPTEE HI. . ? 5 "FETCH" AND CABBY. The dog that will fetch -will cany. Old Proverb. IT is not to be supposed that we labor under the delusion common among fond parents in re- garding any of our heroines perfect. Mrs. Murray Cooper was industrious and cheerful, and, as far as she knew how to be, eco- nomical ; but she had her own human weakness. When she commenced housekeeping, she had still every thing to learn. Conscious of this fact, and that her sway as Miss Smith had been con- fined almost entirely to the unruly urchins of her aunt's nursery, she was afraid of her servants, and occasionally altogether too yielding and con- ciliating for their relative position of mistress and maid. She dreaded open insubordination ; she dreaded change ; she believed that her household \*/ 48 THE COOPEES. kingdom would go to ruins if Ann, the cook, should leave her, and shut her eyes entirely to Julia's de- linquencies, though fretted daily by the neglect of her duties as combined nurse and chambermaid, which she could not avoid feeling if she would not see. " Pitchers empty, as usual," said Mr. Cooper, grasping the handle of the article in question, which flew up in his hand, as light weight always will. " Oh, I am so sorry ! Here, let me get it for you." And Mrs. Cooper knotted her dressing- gown about her waist, and twisted up the long hair she had just brushed free of every tangle. " Indeed, you'll do no such thing ! Ring in Julia, and blow her up. It's an every-day matter now. I wonder you " " But Johnny has been so wakeful all day ; and it's washing-day, too, you know, and she has to help Ann." "Julia!" shouted Mr. Cooper over the ban- isters, unheeding the interrupt! ve apology for what was by no means a casual neglect. From below came up a great sound of kitchen merriment, where Julia was promoting the health "FETCH" AND CARRY. 49 of Master Johnny by letting him stifle in the smoke from the mutton-chops broiling and drip- ping over the fire, and rattling two nutmegs in a pint measure to keep him quiet, while she gos- siped with the cook. " My dear Murray ! here, Murray ; there was plenty of water in the nursery,' said Mrs. Cooper, in a tremor, lest Julia, by any accidental pause, should hear, and so receive a piece of her hus- band's present mind. " "Well, if you will wait on your girls, it's none of my business ; only, I say, Martha, don't let it happen again ; and row her up well this time. Here she comes. Let's hear you now." Mr. Cooper being perfectly aware of his wife's deficiency of Commander-in-chief qualities, sub- sided into good-humor at having her thus cor- nered. The nurse, a stout, careless-looking girl, sauntered lazily into the room with the child in her arms. Mr. Cooper gave his wife a quizzical look from behind the towel, which said : " Go on ; have it over with," as plain as print. 3 50 THE COOPERS. " Julia," began Mrs. Murray, with an unusual dash of resolution in her tone. The girl turned with a stare of impertinent wonder. " Oh, dear, if she should walk off and leave me ! JohnDy never will let me get him to sleep ; and I don't know any thing about his food," thought Johnny's unpractised mother. " The pitcher was not filled to-night ; " the tone was considerably more quavering "don't let it happen again." Meekness herself could not have spoken more mildly than the concluding sentence was uttered. Mr. Cooper hurried down stairs to prevent an explosion of laughter. The girl did not reply, but began getting out the child's night-clothes with a sullen air of offended dignity, which made her mistress thoroughly un- comfortable. <( I do wish Murray would not mind things as he does. I'm sure I'm willing to wait on myself, or him either, for that matter. I declare I never will speak to Julia again ! I wish she was more amiable." " "Well, my dear, what a blast it was ! " greeted "FETCH" AND CABRY. 51 her as she entered the dining-room. " Really, I wonder the poor creature bore up under it. You should have been a man, and a sea-captain at that. What splendid discipline you would keep ! " " I don't see any use in lecturing an hour for a trifling forgetfulness," retorted Mrs. Cooper, crossly. It was a sore point between them ; and what with her husband's toilet interrupted for want of water the third time within a week, the girl's unpardonable neglect and annoying imper- tinence, she was on the verge of downright ill- humor. " You are only making yourself more trouble." " I don't think so at all. I should have trouble enough if she left me. You never would find anybody else so devoted to Johnny." " Fiddlestick ! " " She has him in her arms from morning till night. Sometimes it 's four o'clock before she gets a chance to finish our room." " So much the worse. Will you ring for din- ner, Martha ? just because she likes to shoulder him musket fashion, and walk around, rather than do her work. He's altogether too large to be 52 THE COOPERS. nursed as he is. He never will walk at this rate. Russel says his baby can go all around the room, holding on by the chairs ; and it's a month younger." " And a girl. Girls are always more forward than boys." " But Johnny does not even try to creep." " I trust he never will ruining all his clothes on the floor ! " " How will he ever get the use of his limbs, if he doesn't ? Do be reasonable, Martha ; you know the old proverb a man must creep before he can walk. Come, now, don't get blue, only be de- cided ; be a little more firm, that's all I ask of you ; you will got along a great deal better. Dear knows, I've no wish to deprive you of such a daily comfort and blessing as the devoted Julia ! " Mrs. Cooper knew in her heart that she was nothing of the kind ; on the contrary, " smoke to the eyes, and vinegar to the teeth " would have been more truly descriptive. But, though she chafed at daily and hourly trials of temper, she had not the courage to rid herself of the cause. The young person in question took the trouble "FETCH" AND CAKKY. 53 off of her hands by giving most unexpected and inconvenient "notice." It is quite remarkable with what nicety domestics always hit the busiest and most preoccupied moment for giving "a warning." In the midst of house-cleaning, pick- ling, and preserving, Miss Julia settled upon her wedding-day, and walked off with Patrick to the priest, where she had the pleasure of paying her own marriage fee, a cheerful omen of the abun- dance and comfort she might expect for the future. But Patrick was out of employment, and had been for a month ; and another noticeable fact in Milesian customs and manners is, that this is the time they usually prefer in which to insist on taking their betrothed from a comfortable home, and good wages, to pay the way, as long as it lasts, with her savings ; fortune-hunting below stairs, and perhaps not more reprehensible than on the larger scale with which one meets it in society. Mrs. Cooper had very little sympathy from her husband., when she met him at the door with her doleful intelligence. " Right in the middle of the day ! our room all in disorder not even the bed made ; and 54: THE COOPEES. Johnny just waking up as cross as possible after the many times I've put myself out on her ac- count ! Why, I've done half the work myself to keep peace, ever since she has been here ! " " Exactly what you might expect for having done so." " But what am I to do now f " " Good fish in the sea as ever were brought to Fulton Market, my love." It was finally arranged that Mr. Cooper should dine down town so as to give the cook leisure to see after Master Johnny, next day: while Mrs. Cooper, with the Herald as her chart, should go on a voyage of discovery. She set out, feeling more than bereaved ; she returned flushed with success ; for once, fortune had favored her ; and Julia's successor was already engaged to come the following morning. " She's just as neat as Julia was careless." " How do you know ? " inquired Mr. Cooper, incredulous, but glad to have the matter so quickly disposed of. He had expected at least a week of search and lamentation. "FETCH" AND CAKKY. 55 " How ? By her dress, of course. She was dressed as well as I am." " Very unsuitably for her position, then, I should say." " "Well, not so good materials, of course ; not so expensive, perhaps ; but the effect was just the same ; and she had velvets in her hair, really quite stylish." " Oh ! " " That's nothing, I'm sure ; every body wears velvets now." " Then I should take mine out, if I were you." " Don't be provoking, Murray ! I wish you could have seen her ; and she's a girl of such good education and manners. She was boarding, you know, and there lay her testament and prayer- book on the table. Only think how fortunate, we are to have a communicant in our own church ! That was in the advertisement, and what made me notice it first. Don't you think we are very fortunate to find a girl of such good principles ? " " That doesn't always follow. How about her recommendations ? " 56 THE COOPERS. " Oh, that's the best of all ! She has always lived with her mother, and sewed, you know ? " " I didn't know it before." " Well, she has ; and has never lived out but in one place ; and whom do you think she lived with ? Mrs. Miller." " Charlie Miller's wife ? You don't tell me so ! She wouldn't say any thing but the truth to help along any girl in Christendom. What did she say ? " " I believe you think Mrs. Miller perfection. It's very strange she never took the trouble to call on your wife. Going to the same church, too ! " There was a slight shade of pique in this re- mark, for Mrs. Miller was both stylish and fash- ionable ; and, though Mrs. Murray admired her greatly at a distance, and would have been de- lighted to exchange visits, a bow was the utmost civility that had ever passed between them. Mr. Cooper had known her well in his bachelor days, for she belonged to the circle in which he then re- volved. " But what did she say of what's her name, Lucy ? " "FETCH" AND CAREY. 57 " Yes, Lucy ; it's so refined after the Bridgets and Anns I had seen. Oh, she had no written character, as they call it, for she left there when very ill ! Otherwise, Mrs. Miller never would have parted with her, she says ; and she never thought to get her to write one afterwards." " So you had to call on Mrs. Miller first, after all! Good!" " Indeed, I did not ! " " You have not engaged her without inquiring her character ? " " Certainly I have. If you could have seen her, so modest and well-bred, and such a good seamstress, you would have done so too. Why, I felt as if it was an insult to her, asking for a refer- ence ! But I always do when engaging a girl. It is as much as to say I doubt their word, poor things ! " " The bank had no such scruples when your respected husband was required to give a ten thou- sand dollar bond before he could get the tellership." " But that was a different thing. You were a young man when you first went there, and was to be trusted with money." 3* 58 THE COOPEKS. " I suppose Johnny is a less precious deposit. I tell you what, Martha, it seems to me that, if I was a woman, which I'm thankful I am not, you know, I'd sooner trust a person with my cash than my boy. You can do as you please, but I do wish you would get over this ridiculous notion of hurt- ing people's feelings. A nice time I should have with our porter's boy if I stopped to consult his before I requested him to get a hod of coal, or go an errand ! " " I don't believe she'll make her appearance," was Mr. Cooper's parting remark, as he stood on the front door-step, and signalled the omnibus. Unbelieving to the last. But when his ring was answered at night by a modest, " genteel," active girl, such a contrast to the indolent Julia, he could but give a gracious assent to his wife's inquiry as to how he liked the change. "How does she wear?" he inquired, when handing out her wages at the end of the first month. " Better and better. I never have had so much time to myself since Johnny was born. She flies through the work, mornings, and has "FETCH" AND CAREY. 59 him dressed and off for his walk before eleven o'clock. Lucy thinks it's so much better for chil- dren to be in the open air. I never could get Julia to carry him more than a square." " The devoted Julia ? Is it possible ? " " You need not commence on that now. She's gone, poor thing ! and she really was very good to him. He never will be as fond of Lucy, with all her coaxing." " Perhaps she neglects him out of sight. Where does she take him when she goes out ? " "Dear me, Murray, I would not be as sus- picious as you are for the world ! Why, she just walks with him, of course ! " " And is gone all the morning ? You needn't tell me she carries that great, heavy boy all the morning." " She goes to Washington Square, I suppose, and sits down to rest, as all other nurses do. I should be ashamed to question a girl like her. Why, just see- how strict she is about going to church, now she has an opportunity ! Only think ! She says she lived with Mrs. Miller ten months, and only got to church once. If I was Mrs. Mil- bU THE COOPERS. ler, I should stay at home once in a while, and remember that my girls had souls, as well as my- self." " Perhaps she didn't want to go." "She couldn't get away; they had so much dinner company. Lucy knows how / feel about Sunday dinners. For my part, I should much prefer to have a cold joint. Lucy says there is hardly a Sunday of their lives that they do not have two or three gentlemen to dine. Oh, Mur- ray, I forgot to tell you : she says the Morrisons came there a great deal. Mrs. Morrison is quite intimate ; and she has heard her say such things about other people their acquaintances, you know, when she has been doing up Mrs. Miller's room. Girls see a great deal behind the scenes in families." Mr. Cooper did not respond, but sat piling the seven gold dollars on the table before him, and knocking them down again, with an expression about his mouth his wife could not exactly under- stand, when she looked up to see if he heard her. " Don't you think so ? " she resumed. " So it seems," he answered, dryly. "FETCH" AND CAERT. 61 " And Lucy says only think, dear that Mrs. Miller is one of the most extravagant persons she ever saw. Such scenes when the bills came in ! I always thought she dressed a great deal. And there's her sister, Miss Yandervort Mrs. Miller gives her half she wears, they are so straitened, for all she holds her head so high. And Mr. Mil- ler, he's out four evenings out of the week, for all his wife " Mrs. Cooper paused abruptly, checked by a very significant cough from her listener ; and her face grew scarlet. "Now, that's what the advertisements call * Interesting to Ladies,' isn't it ? You seem com- pletely booked up, Martha. What a very intelli- gent and observing person Lucy must be, as well as high principled ! I should think you would be afraid to have her about your house." " How so ? " Mrs. Cooper could not see why they need fear. " Why, her next mistress will be entertained with our peculiarities and weak points, that's all. I suppose you believe this stuff." 62 THE COOPERS. " I don't see any reason to doubt it, I'm sure. Lucy isn't one to tell a falsehood." " I'm not so certain of that." " You have no reason to speak so," said his wife, warmly ; " injuring a poor girl's character." " * Tattle and Fib,' as the children say, are very near relations." And, to change the sub- ject, Mr. Cooper fished in his overcoat pocket for the Evening Express. " But, Murray, you never will believe any- body." " To balance our account, my love, you always believe everybody. Now, do you suppose Mrs. Miller would keep a girl ten months from church, if she showed the least disposition to attend ? " " I * suppose' only what I'm fold." And Mrs. Cooper laid a tolerable emphasis on the last word, indicative of rising mercury in the thermometer of her temper and disposition. It was not the first time she had been taken to task for repeating pri- vate histories of her acquaintances, gleaned from feminine sources. Mr. Cooper hated personal gos- sip as he did January bills, which is the strongest comparison one could make in his case ; and, "FETCH" AND CARRY. 63 though his wife was not especially inclined that waj, she sometimes left the law of charity " thinking no evil " a little out of sight. " Just take my word for it, Martha I'm very good-natured to-night cleared the year's rent this week, by an outside speculation, and I don't want to be upset if that girl tells you unpleasant things of Mrs. Miller, she will entertain the next person that will listen " Mr. Cooper made an expressive pause "with quite as disagreeable stories of us" " What could she say ? " Mrs. Cooper was quite in earnest about it. " I'm sure, dear, there's nothing goes on in this house but that I should be willing the whole world should see." " That's so, through an honest medium ; but not through smoked glass, Martha! that's the thing; and just this story has made me suspicious of Lucy. I haven't half the confidence in her I had an hour ago ; for I must say I never have seen any thing in her to find fault with." In spite of a resolution not to mind it, Mrs. Cooper herself felt a secret uneasiness from that moment. She noticed Johnny was far more fret- ful ; but that was his teeth, Lucy said. He did 64 THE COOPEBS. not take to her as he had done to Julia ; but then it was a work of time to wean a child from its nurse. Sometimes she would hear the fretfulness suddenly cease, when Lucy was alone with him in her own room, to be resumed, in a quarter of an hour or so, more distracting than ever. Johnny began to droop, and had little appetite for his bread and milk ; but his sleepless nights did away with all suspicions of an opiate privately admin- istered, which a friend kindly suggested. Trifling discrepancies gradually crept into Miss Lucy's ac- count of their daily walks, and the touching his- tory of her own orphanhood, the incidents of which found a sympathizing listener in her new mistress. It never had occurred to her to doubt a word of it heretofore ; and Lucy had been re- lieved of much drudgery that Julia dragged through with in the course of the week, because Mrs. Cooper could not make up her mind to ask a girl who " really looked as much like a lady as herself," and "had seen better days," to do it. She waited on herself more than ever, and was becoming as much a slave to Lucy's suggestions "FETCH" AND OAERY. 65 and opinions as she had been to Julia's sullenness, in spite of her determination to the contrary. Mr. Cooper, having no such fear before his eyes, noted various symptoms of human imperfec- tion in their "all-accomplished maid;" but, though his wife acknowledged some of them, and felt an uncomfortable surveillance over herself and }ier visitors, these new bonds were still harder to break than the last. Mr. Cooper, passing through an obscure street, one morning, to arrive sooner at a friend's count- ing-house, met him a square's distance from it, and stopped to discuss the business arrangement on which he was bent. " Fifty cents on a dollar ! " said Mr. Allen ; " well, I'm sorry for poor Brown. I'll see. Just look at that girl, Cooper ! How little fathers and mothers know what become of their children out of sight ! See, that's a gentleman's child, evi- dently. What a filthy alley he's been taken to. I've seen her before, though ; she stays by the hour when she comes ; and of course the mother thinks the boy is taking the air." " Taking small-pox, more likely," Mr. Cooper 66 THE COOPERS. returned, carelessly. But what was his friend's astonishment to see him spring forward, the next moment, and snatch the child away, to the girl's astonishment as well as his own. It was Lucy who stood before him in speechless confusion, conscious that, only the day before, she had as- sured Mrs. Cooper that she never saw an ac- quaintance from one week's end to another, and would as soon give him poison as candy, with which his little thin hand was filled when she so suddenly encountered his father. Mr. Cooper had Mr. Allen's unconscious testi- mony that it was nothing new. He paid her wages to the day, and discharged her on the spot, taking Johnny home himself, before she should come for her trunk, and have an opportunity to tell her story to his wife. Contrary to his expectations, Mrs. Cooper seemed to feel it a relief; and she did indeed breathe more freely, when the sobbing Lucy had kissed Master Johnny good-by, and followed her trunk out of the house. " Lucy has got a place, ma'am," said Ann, the cook, a few days after a new girl had been in- "FETCH" AND CAREY. 67 stalled in the neat little nursery. " I saw her at the corner, last evenin', ma'am ; an' the lady said she wouldn't ask any character of such a tidy- lookin' one. It's a lady as comes here some- times ; and she lives in Twentieth street, Lucy says." " Mrs. Gregory ! " And Mrs. Cooper instantly felt a secret uneasiness at being served up to Mrs. Gregory as Mrs. Miller had been to her. " But, dear me, there's nothing she could say against us." She had just discovered a secret hoard of sugar in one of the nursery-drawers, with which her boy had evidently been coaxed and bribed, and which accounted for his pallor and loss of appetite. So she was forced to doubt her late handmaid in more ways than one. She met Mrs. Gregory that same afternoon at Stewart's, and imagined that she was purposely avoided. "Weeks went by, and her last call in Twentieth street was still unreturned. " You have not seen Jane lately, have you 2 " said a mutual acquaintance and Mrs. Cooper's most intimate friend, Lizzie Grant, who, worsted- work in hand, was passing a sociable evening. 68 THE COOPERS. " No," returned Mrs. Cooper, coldly, hoping in her heart the subject might be dropped. " If you won't be vexed, I'll tell you the rea- son ; now promise." " I'll promise for her," said her husband. Mrs. Cooper had devoutly trusted he was safe in the depths of " John Halifax, Gentleman," when the conversation began ; but suspecting what was to follow, he laid down the volume with wonderful alacrity. " Why, that pretty girl you used to have here what was her name ? " " Lucy," Mrs. Cooper was forced to say. " Well, she's been telling Jane the most unac- countable stories she went to her, you know, from here about you and Mr. Cooper. Yes, in- deed, you had your share, Mr. Cooper. She said you kept back her wages, and discharged her on a moment's notice." " Half and half," said Mr. Cooper, laughing. " The last is all correct. I have Allen for witness that I paid her wages, though." " But what did she say about me ?" "Yes, let's have it all, Miss Lizzie. I'll "FETCH" AND CAREY. 69 share the compliments, Martha; I'm not at all greedy." " Oh, that you talked over people with your servants, and said hard things of them ! " " How 's that, Martha ? " " I did say Mrs. Miller ought to have let her go to church," said the conscience-stricken Mrs. Cooper. " Mrs. Miller ? Why, you know how she left there, don't you ? " " Yes, she told me ; she was sick." " Very. So sick that Mrs. Miller refused to give her a character for helping herself acciden- tally to Georgie's silver pap-spoon and a French worked collar that were found in her trunk. Her brother, Harry Yandervort, happened to tell me at the time. He and Albert dine there on Sundays always." " Horrible woman to have her brothers dine with her on Sunday ! " said Mr. Cooper, glancing at his wife. " They found out she never went to church while she lived there, though she always made a point of starting. A perfect little piece of decep- 70 THE COOPERS. tion ; and I told Jane so when she said Lucy told her that you neglected Johnny. So I was deter- mined you should know about it ; for really it's dreadful to have one's character at the mercy of such a person." Mr. Cooper, with remarkable self-denial, for- bore to say : " I told you so ! " when their visitor had departed. But his wife never saw Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Gregory again without having an olden precept called to mind " "With what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged ; and, with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." CHAPTER IV. LATINO THE KEEL. " Every man Is the architect of his own fortune." " "When we get rich, Say the bells at Shoreditch." THERE are some dark days when it seems im- possible for the best disciplined mind to be serene and cheerful. Not when heavy misfortunes are to be borne, for their own measure of strength is often dealt out by the same loving hand that never " afflicts or grieves willingly ; " but days when petty trials raffle the temper, and cloud the spirits ; when we are not satisfied to let the morrow care for itself, but heap up the burdens of the present with gloomy anticipations for the future. If we could only live up to the divine philosophy that forbids this useless task-work, as well as assent to it with a mental acknowledgment of its wisdom, 72 THE COOPERS. our strength would not so often fail -us, or doubts of God's good providence cloud our faith. Mrs. Cooper had gone wearily through such a day. Her child had been fretfully clinging to her since morning. Her thimble and scissors were still lying on a half-finished apron. She had not been able to set more than a dozen stitches at once, and now sat rocking her boy, though he had fallen asleep, too much discouraged to lay him down, and go about any thing. Even the fire was dull and choked, obstinately refusing all improve- ment from blower or fresh coal. The cheerful, even temper of her girlhood had changed to a sad variableness of late, as cares and anxieties ac- cumulated day by day. It was a very unusual thing for Mr. Cooper to find his wife not dressed for dinner ; but the dark afternoon had faded so imperceptibly into twilight, that she was still indulging in her reverie when she heard his step in the hall. " Dear me, Martha ! what's the matter ? John- ny sick ? " For, as young fathers will, he had a habit of prognosticating croup from the least hoarseness, and scarlet fever from the faintest flush. LAYING THE KEEL. 73 " No," said Mrs. Cooper, in a tone as dreary as her thoughts. " He 's well enough, only so fretful that I've scarcely had him out of my arms a minute. There, Johnny, mother's arms ache. See, he's bright enough, now you have come." Mrs. Cooper did not intend to speak complain- ingly ; but, as every mother knows, children have a habit of bestowing all their fretfulness and little ailings on their much-enduring maternal relative, and brightening into good humor the instant their father appears. Johnny's nap had quieted and rested him, so, as he raised his curly little head and stared about, he was quite ready to smile, in answer to his father's " Halloo, old boy ! come to papa." " He 's well enough ; nothing the matter with him. You must not let yourself get so nervous, Martha," said Mr. Cooper, returning from the nur- sery, whither he had given the young gentleman a " pig-a-back " ride. The child had gone off in a provokingly good humor after a hearty romp. It did not add to Mrs. Cooper's good nature, how- ever, after all the trouble she had had with him through the day. She helped the soup in silence, 74 THE COOPEES. and persisted in thinking she had no appetite, when her husband noticed that she took none herself. " Come, make an effort, Mrs. Chick ; or was it Mrs. Dombey requested by Mrs. Chick to exert herself? Headache? eh?" " ]STo." And Mrs. Cooper nearly choked her- self with a dry morsel of bread. Her husband made no further attempt at con- solation until the table was cleared, when he com- menced setting things right by giving the fire a few vigorous pokes, piling on fresh coal, and nursing it with great perseverance, till a ruddy glow filled the whole room, and began to thaw Mrs. Cooper's spirits, and at the same time her conversational powers. " I guess it was the fire, wasn't it, Martha ? 1 Fire wouldn't burn the stick,' eh ? " For " Mother Goose " was a favorite classic with this gentleman, and, in fact, took the place the Spirit of the Times had once occupied in his desultory reading. * Not only fire, but the whole story," said Mrs. Cooper, brightening up in spite of herself. " It LAYING THE KEEL. 75 has been one of those days when l pig wouldn't go,' from beginning to end." " Tell us the whole story. I know you want to. Out with it." "There's not much to tell; but Johnny has fretted so all day ; and Ellen broke the slop-jar in our room ; and I find this carpet is going so fast, the crumb-cloth never will cover it up another season." " Well we must have a new one." " That 's easy to say ; fcut you know Mr. Brown never would get one ; and there 's no use of our doing it when we may not live here another year, and have a room the carpet would not suit at all. That's the worst of living in a furnished house. Things will give out, and you are all the time having to buy." "That's a fact, Mrs. Cooper; but you would keep house, recollect. We paid enough last year, with the rent, for the furniture, and buying things, to furnish a house of our own." " But you know I proved to you that, after all, it did not cost any more than to board, and have to dress, and put out washing, and all that." T6 THE COOPERS. " Yes ; but if we owned the furniture, that two hundred could be laid by ; and we shouldn't mind getting things so much. It seems all out of pocket now ; for, if we should go to boarding again, there be such a lot of traps no kind of use." " I never want to board again, and trust we never shall," said Mrs. Cooper, fervently. " I had enough of li ving for other people, year before last ; and Johnny never could bear being shut up in one room, after having had the run of the house." " Don't you wish we had a nice little place of our own ? " " "We couldn't even furnish one out of what we have now, let alone buying a house." Mrs. Coop- er's tone was extremely disconsolate, for one of the day's burdens had been the prospect of living on in this way year after year, spending her time and strength in trying to make both ends meet. " If I was only in business for myself, now, as I might have been if I hadn't thrown money away so when I was getting a big salary. But it can't be helped now. Young men will do so. I spent five hundred a year, yes, seven hundred more LAYING THE KEEL. 77 than I needed to." And Mr. Cooper tried to con- sole himself for this painful retrospect by break- ing off the conversation, and humming, " If I was only young again, I 'd lead a diff-er-ent life." " But that doesn't help the matter now, does it ? A man can't do any thing without capital ; and none of my ' rich relations ' seem inclined to help a fellow. The Governor can't. He's got his hands full in driving his own team." " Your Uncle Murray though you are his namesake did you ever ask him ? He always seems very fond of you." " Oh, it 's you he comes to see. He was prais- ing you up sky-high the other day ; even asked me I didn't tell you, did I ? how such a sensi- ble woman came to throw herself away on me. Don't get vain, now. I read myself out of the old gentleman's books, years ago, by using up my spending-money too fast. He 's as careful as a Scotchman ; besides, he hasn't got much : and what he has got is left to all sorts of charitable so- cieties. The Governor witnessed the will, and read me a lecture afterwards." 78 THE COOPEK8. " You know that sweet little house we used to admire at Tarrytown." Mrs. Cooper broke off a sigh, at her husband's blasted prospects, so far as Uncle Murray's help was concerned, with a sudden recollection of the only call she had received that day. " Well, Mrs. Elder was in, and says the fam- ily have moved away, and it is going to be sold." " That would be just the place for us, wouldn't it now ? Come, let us amuse ourselves by ' suppos- ing,' as the children say. I used to have famous times with Jim, poor fellow ! when we were boys. We'd suppose the Governor would launch out a ten dollar gold-piece at Christmas which he never did and we'd spend it in advance." " I dare say. That's your way, Murray." u Well, what of it ? We might as well amuse ourselves that way as any other. I'd have a new fence around the lawn and garden for one thing. That old fence was always an eyesore to me : and then we'd set out choice fruit-trees, you know, and a few grape-vines and raspberries. Raspberries and cream only think of that, madam ! for, of course, we should keep a cow. Raspberries, and currants, and all that sort of thing, and any quan- LAYING THE KEEL. 79 tity of rosebushes for you. There's a basement kitchen, isn't there ?" " Quite a transition from roses !" " Oh, one can't live out of doors all the time !" " I began to think you intended to." " Don't go to sharp-shooting. "We'd have that overhauled. Basements are always damp in the country ; and that's a side hill." " Dear me ! it's no use. "We never shall have that, or any other house." "You're way down, down in the depths to- night ; I see that, my dear." I suppose I am. But, dear Murray " And here the tired spirits gave way into something like a sob. Mrs. Cooper felt inclined to lay her head down on her husband's shoulder, and have " a real good cry." " Come, now, none of that nonsense," he said, in a tone as cheerful as hers was disconsolate. " I've set out to amuse myself going to housekeep- ing on paper, and you must help me. Where shall we begin to furnish, parlor or kitchen ?" " Oh, kitchen !" said Mrs. Cooper, brightening up again. " Aunt Agnes used to say : Do have 80 THE COOPERS. your kitchen well furnished when you go to house- keeping, Martha, and your chambers, whether you have any thing in the parlors or not. If you don't, you will always be in some trouble, and put to double the expense in the end." " Sensible woman, that aunt of yours. Now, we had to get a cook-stove when we moved here ; BO eighteen dollars are saved. A cook-stove and sundry traps belonging." " Yes ; two gridirons, for instance." " Something like that celebrated cat with two tails I used to hear so much about when I was a boy. "We had a nurse that would send it up to us whenever we asked for any thing. ' Now. boys, walk out of the nursery this minute,' I can hear her now. 'You don't want it any more than a cat wants two tails.' " Mr. Cooper's imitation of Nurse Dicky, with whom his wife was by this time tolerably well ac- quainted, was admirable, and she gave him a sheet of foolscap to make his calculations upon. They would have amused any experienced person ; for neither of them had any great degree of knowl- edge on the subject, and their estimates were by no LAYING THE KEEL. 81 means proportioned to the well-filled rooms fur- nished so completely and tastefully in imagination. Mr. Cooper, for the time being, was as well satis- fied as if he had been master of this cottage in Cloud-land ; and it gave his wife food for many a reverie over her needle, sometimes cheerful, some- times sad ; for-she knew too well how faint a pros- pect there was of its ever being realized. As her husband frankly said, and as many another young married man has found to his sorrow, if the prodi- galities of the five years of his bachelorhood could be recalled, the home they longed for might have been their own. Another of her Aunt Agnes's max- ims had been that no man ever got on in life who did not make a tolerable beginning, before he was thir- ty, towards having a roof over his head in his old age. Sometimes Mrs. Cooper thought on this wise : " I do not believe it is for money's sake I wish Murray to succeed, though I know there is some selfishness in wanting to see him beyond close pe- cuniary care. I don't care for dress, either, or to make a show. I've seen enough of that. But I can't bear to think of having to bring up children in a boarding-house, and just getting enough to- 4* 82 THE COOPERS. gether every month to pay the board and Stewart's bill, as I know the Newtons did; and he must be all of forty. And then there are schools, getting more expensive every day, and a hundred and one expenses we have not commenced to think of, to be met by this same income. Besides, there is the pleasure of giving to others who have less, and seeing your husband have his friends about him. Murray is one who never will accept hospi- tality he cannot return. But, dear me ! it's no use ; and we must do the best we can." They were doing so now, to the best of their knowledge, though habit and custom were often made necessity. And there were many domestic economies of which Mrs. Cooper was still pro- foundly ignorant, although Political Economy had been a prominent " branch" at the celebrated fe- male eeminary she had attended. She often pinched when she might have spared, but for this lack of practical experience, and wasted sums that would have grieved her deeply had she been con- scious of it. But in many things she could go without, better than she saved. " I can do my own sewing ; but I can't go into LAYING THE KEEL. 83 the kitchen and cook," she said to herself one day. " Ann must manage. But it does seem to me our marketing comes to a great deal. And Murray, with all he says, can't bear a poor table." Mrs. Cooper forgot one important fact, that a plain table is not always a poor one. However, that was a revelation for the future to disclose. Mr. Murray, the uncle for whom Mr. Cooper had been named, was a bachelor of sixty, upright, keen-eyed, and bade fair for a vigorous old age, inasmuch as he had always taken the same care of his health that he did of his money. Great, there- fore, was the surprise of the whole family when his landlady telegraphed to Mr. Cooper, Senior, one cold February morning, that she considered his brother-in-law seriously ill, and had taken the responsibility of sending for a physician. Mr. Cooper, arriving from Baltimore next day, found him up, and seated in an arm-chair, insisting on toasting his own bread, as he did every morning, although his hand shook so that he could scarcely hold the fork. Never was there a more deter- mined patient, until his friend and physician, Dr. Parry, told him that a summons had been served 84: THE COOPERS. from which there was no escape. Then it was strange to see how this strong human will yielded to what he clearly recognized as divine. He lay down quietly as a child at night, and died without a struggle or a groan. His namesake returned from the unostentatious funeral more sobered than he had ever been in his life. For the first time, he began to comprehend that this is not " the be all, and the end all." The solemn words of the burial-service had gone home to one heart among those whom custom and relationship had assembled around the open grave. " Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery. " He corneth up, and is cut down like a flower. " He fleeth as it were a shadow. " In the midst of life, we are in death." His wife was watching for his return, and opened the door silently, for this revered man had been a friend to her since her marriage ; and . she felt his loss as if he had been of her own kith and kin. "Poor Uncle Murray !" said Mr. Cooper, lay- ing down his hat, which, for the first time since he LAYING THE KEEL. 85 could remember, bore the conventional token of loss and mourning. " I did not suppose I cared so much about him. But he always was good to me after a fashion of his own. I believe all his lectures were meant for kindness. He acted up to all he preached, at any rate ; and that is more than most of us do, Matty." And his voice shook a little as he stooped to kiss her. " "Well, Matty, you have brought me good fortune ; did you know it ? So never lament that I did not marry Miss Alexander, as the girls always wanted me to." " I ? How, dear Murray ?" And she looked up eagerly in his face. " There was a codicil, added only two months ago ; father, none of them but Doctor Parry, and the lawyer knew of it. He has left us you and me, Matty, for your name stands first five thou- sand dollars. He says I have begun to learn how to make a right use of money ; and he is per- suaded you will not see it squandered." Mrs. Cooper may be pardoned if a flush of plea- sure crossed the sombre current of her grief for this good friend. There was the capital Murray 86 THE COOPERS. had sighed for ; home, competence, the realization of many a day-dream was before her. " Oh, Murray, how kind it was !" " Do you know I never thought I could care so little at having money left me ? I wanted to get away from them all, and home to you. Father meant it all right when he said it ought to have been twice that ; but it seemed very hard and un grateful to me. They may thank you for it al- though, as I told them. I said there never was ' " Yes, I dare say you gave me out as perfection. But I 'm glad he cared about me." " And you shall have that little house, now it's just the sum ; and I see the place is advertised yet. That you shall ; for, if anybody deserves it, you do. Please God, we may live there together many a year." For, athwart this bright prospect, and the pleasure of possession, fell the shadow of the presence he had that day so fully realized ; and he thought, for the first time, of the possibili- ty of losing this true and constant friend, and going on drearily without her. The executor, tardy as executors proverbially are, had finished his simple duties. Uncle Murray LAYING THE KEEL. 87 had kept his house " well ordered ;" and a few le- gal formalities were all that devolved upon him. Mr. Cooper received the draft which he had intended, from the first, to invest in the Tarrytown cottage, and settle it upon his wife ; but, strange to say, she opposed the plan he had thought filled her mind as much as it did his own. "Why, I've seen Homer Morgan, twice, Matty, and I 've got a plan of the house and ground in my pocket. I never supposed you would have any objection." " But what is going to furnish and keep the house, if you pay it all out in purchasing ?" " Oh, part can remain on bond and mortgage half, if I like ; Morgan said so. Why, he considers it a splendid thing ; says property is going up tre- mendously all along the railroad." " But there would be interest to pay : I hate mortgages. Uncle's house was mortgaged ; and Aunt Agnes used to say, that what, with interest, and taxes, and repairs, it was cheaper to hire a house." " Oh, we could pay that off in a year or two !" For Mr. Cooper, with a draft for five thousand 88 THE COOPKBS. clear in his pocket, felt far richer than the inher- itor of John Jacob Astor, whose soul is vexed by title-deeds, insurance policies,- and losses and cross- es innumerable. " How ? on fifteen hundred a year, every cent of which is made way with now ?" " Oh, bother, Matty ! don't pin a man down so. Can't you let me ' splurge' for once ? What do you want a fellow to do ? Put it in the Green- wich Savings Bank, and draw three per cent ?" " I thought you wanted to go in business." "Poh! what would five thousand do for a capital in New York City ?" " Didn't you tell me that the Goddards began with five and sixpence, and that Slocum & Bro- thers were peddlers ?" " Oh, that was in old times, when the Van Coulters lived in a back parlor behind a shop, where you couldn't turn round, I 've heard father tell ! and the Bretons had a cabbage-garden, and the Pollards sold snuff and tobacco. All worthy people, you know, only I ' m afraid the family por- traits wouldn't command much from their descend- ants. People worked in those days, and so did LAYING THE KEEL. 89 their wives and children, you know. We can't manage in that style, and there's no use talking." " But I heard you say, Murray, that the sto- rage business did not require much capital, only business friends ; and you made so many in the bank." " By ! beg pardon, Matty, I never thought of it. And there was Steve Henderson talking about it only the other day. He 's got loads of people ; but he can't have any money. He takes care of his mother, and all that. I've a great mind to talk it over with him." " Then you could take out enough to furnish a house, and hire one for the present. There are plenty of houses in the country, advertised every spring." "But there's the risk, you see," said Mr. Cooper, sobering down suddenly ; for, in the very prospect of business for himself, he had passed, in the last five minutes, from storage to a commission business, and thence to an extensive shipping- house, of which he was the head, but quite at his ease, driving in at his own hour every morn- ing, his own horses, with his own man in a hat- 90 THE COOPEES. band, seated at his side. It was quite a descent to what seemed a paltry sum-total in comparison. " There's risk in every business, isn't there ? And I know you said there was less in this than most others. Don't you know the night we were talking about the Masons, and how they had got on ? " Still," urged Mr. Cooper, " there would be a long while to wait for profits, perhaps profits which might never come, and the house would be something tangible ; and it would be so nice to talk about ' my place' and ' my grounds,' as Char- lie Miller, and Yan Alstyne, and the other men of his set did, and such a pleasure in laying it out and seeing it improve ; but, as Martha said, im- provements cost money ; and interest did eat up principal at a marvellous rate, as he had had occa- sion to see in the transactions of certain others of his family. Then, too, it would be almost as de- lightful to say, * my counting-room,' and ' step round and see me at No. 29 ;' or, ' Help us along, old fellow. Send your friends, and we'll take care of them." Martha generally did have sensible ideas ; al- though, to be sure, women know nothing about business. LAYING THE TTPyBVr.. 91 Mr. Cooper "prevented the night-watches" with these reflections, and asked Johnny, in the morning, " how he should like to have papa get a store of his own, and have him (the juvenile) for his little clerk, with a pen behind his ear ;" when that young gentleman crept over the crib-rails, and his sleeping mamma, for the matutinal frolic, to which he was accustomed. Johnny's response was in the affirmative ; indeed, he approved the suggestion by most emphatic signs of satisfaction ; and his father bore the whisker-pulling, and suffo- cating squeezes lavished upon him, with exempla- ry fortitude, having lapsed into the shipping rev- erie once more. Business versus real estate carried the day. Mr. Henderson's friends, and Mr. Henderson's judgment, which was much more to the purpose, advised the measure. And, one very sloppy March morning, Mrs. Cooper waded, by invita- tion, through two inches of mud, across the nar- row, blockaded street, to gaze on a huge sign, and read, in all the freshness of blue and gilt letter- ing? COOPER & HENDERSON. yji THE COOPEKS. Her husband, in a high state of excitement, proceeded to show her over the huge, empty lofts, guiltless of all occupancy save dust and cobwebs, but far more delightful to his sight than even the rustic trellises and grape arbors of the Tarrytown cottage. There was a charm about the very stone inkstand on the desk in the counting-room, the tall stools, and three "Windsor chairs, which com- pleted its luxurious garnishing, if we except a plan of the Lake Shore Railroad, duly framed and glazed, over which freights were supposed to be pouring in. Mrs. Cooper went home with a circular, signed by the new firm, in her pocket, and presented two of their business cards to friends that she met in the omnibus. Altogether, it was a memorable day in her calendar; and for once she equalled her husband in building castles, over the lofty portals of which was blazoned, COOPER & HENDERSON, STORAGE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CHAPTER V. THE LAUNCH. " Half the sting of pdverty is gone when one keeps house for one's own comfort, and not for the comments of their neighbors." Besides, we are young, have but few wants, and can easily reduce our wants to our havings. JOHN HALIFAX. " I' VE got some bad news for you," said Mr. Cooper, recognizing his wife in the midst of a group of ladies on Stewart's steps, and following her to the linen counter. Mrs. Cooper looked up, with a sudden start, from the bird's-eye she was comparing with the scrap she had brought to match. " Not business, surely." For she was already the recipient of the fluctuations affecting the new firm. She could tell you the last quotations in flour and grain, knew something of pork before it found its way to Fulton Market, and that, when wool advanced, it was neither " Berlin " nor yet " Saxony," which the papers alluded to. 94: THE COOPERS. " !Nb, not exactly. I have just heard that your Tarrytown house is sold. I met Newbold on my way up." Mrs. Cooper gulped down a sound half sob, half sigh. She had given up all hopes of the house voluntarily ; and yet, so long as it did not pass into other hands, it was pleasant to dwell there in imagination. It stood, with its little pleasure-grounds, in full view of the lodgings where the first summer of their married life had been passed, and was associated with so many golden memories that it was hard to think of others, to whom it was only a convenient habi- tation, coming into entire possession. " Do you know who has it ? " she said, with a little quiver of the lip, which her husband very well understood. Mr. Cooper considered his wife " fanciful ; " but, though he could not always enter into these fancies, he did not ridicule or cry out against them. To him, one comfortable, well- built house was much the same as another ; but he knew she would feel the sale of this particular domicil, notwithstanding she had advised him against purchasing in the present state of their THE LAUNCH. 95 affairs ; so he had thought best to come out with it at once. " The Presbyterians have bought it for a par- sonage, Newbold says ; and, as he was on the com- mittee, I advised him to have that fence down at once." " This piece, I think you said." The hurried, yet polite shopman had other customers yet to at- tend to, and thought thus to recall the lady to the business in hand. Mrs. Cooper concluded that none she had seen was fine enough. The linen was for her boy's aprons ; and she held to the faith that the materials put into an infant's wardrobe should be of the very best. She forgot that Johnny was no longer in arms, and might reasonably be expected to give his clothes some wear and tear the year to come. " Any thing else to-day towels, table linen ? " said the shopman, again, as, the purchase being completed, the ubiquitous " Cash " was summoned with a sharp tap of the cedar pencil upon the counter. If there was one thing above another that tempted Mrs. Cooper at Stewart's, it was the 96 THE COOPEE8. housekeeping department. She cared very little for dress, and could look at the gorgeous brocades, suspended in the rotunda, as quietly as she did at the painted window-shades of her opposite neigh- bor. It cost no effort to pass by the lace and em- broideries of the intervening room, or to turn her back upon the enticing cloaks and mantles be- yond ; but those fleecy blankets, those serviceable table-covers, the rolls of towelling, and, above all, the snowy damask piled endwise, as children do their cob-houses, were a sore temptation. It had arisen, in part, from womanly instinct, but, in a great measure, from the straits she had been put to in her housekeeping. " Bed linen " was professedly included in the catalogue of the house they rented ; and it was not considered " worth while " to pur- chase a store of costly articles to be packed away and moth-eaten if they should return to boarding. " I might get some tea napkins, you know, Murray, just by way of commencement." " Just as you like. I Ve heard of the man who saved horse-shoes in hopes that he'd pick up a horse some day." THE LAUNCH. 97 " But we really are going to housekeeping on our own account, you know, dear." " I don't believe you'll like the country if you try it." " "Well, a dollar and a half won't make much difference, any way. Yes, this snow-drop pattern a dozen." Mrs. Cooper felt as if she was several steps nearer her purpose, as she slipped her hand under her husband's arm, while he tucked the little par- cel under the other. A walk up town with him was a rare and real pleasure ; and this afternoon there was a faint breath of the coming spring in the air, a softness suggestive of straw bonnets and China silks to city people, and of budding foliage to country dwellers. " You know it's high time we decided, Murray. It 's the third of April, and nothing done towards finding a house, let alone the furnishing." " "What 's going to decide us ? " asked Mr. Cooper, catching sight, at the moment, of a toy- shop, and remembering an indefinite promise to Johnny of a horse and cart. " Something must. Oh, what a lovely little 98 THE COOPERS. work-table ! and see those oak chairs. I should like to have oak in the dining-room." " Too common. Oak and green are inevitable now in a dining-room as much so as Turkey red in a railroad depot." " Suppose we go in, and just look around a little." " Oh, get your house first ! " And Mr. Cooper drew his wife past the tempting upholstery set out upon the door-step of a fashionable estab- lishment. " But won't you begin to look for a house, Murray ? I see plenty advertised." " So do I. But all beyond our mark, however. I 've no idea what we do want ; have you ? " " A house and garden, I thought." " And a stable." " What for ? " " A horse, to be sure. How 's a man going to get to the depot mornings ? " " Oh, if we live on the river, you can easily walk to the boat, as you did at Tarrytown." " But suppose we don't live on the river." " Oh, we must / " THE LAUNCH. 99 Must ! hum ! " " Why, so I can get to town by a boat. The cars are so terribly dusty, you know, Murray ; and I wouldn't give a fig for the country without water." " There 's the Sound." " Oh, I don't know any thing about that ; it 's all flat, and chills and fever, and I hate the Sound." " In other words, you 've set your heart upon the river. By the way, you are walking too far. Sha'n't I hail an omnibus ? " " Oh, no ! I rode down ; and, besides, I can talk better. I 'rn not tired, really, Murray." " But you 'must' live on the Hudson River ; that 's one point settled. The direction we are to live in how would you like Jersey ? " " More chills. ISTo, I don't like Jersey." " I tell you what you do like, Martha your own way." " I dare say ; most of us do," returned Mrs. Cooper, a little pettishly. She thought her hus- band was very indifferent when the matter was so important to them, and, accustomed as she was to his teazing, never suspected that he had made it 100 THE COOPEBS. the day's business to collect advertisements of houses to let, and had his coat-pockets stuffed with papers containing them. She found the table spread, however, when she came down from the nursery that evening, and Mr. Cooper already armed with the scissors from her work-box to commence his clipping. " They 're all so ' desirable,' you see, Matty ; there 's the difficulty. You know we can't rent them all. Here 's five with ' unsurpassed advan- tages ; ' here 's another in the neighborhood of good schools. That 's a strong point, Johnny being eighteen months old. Here 's another ; ice- house, stables, grapery, and greenhouse quite as indispensable in the present state of our finances. Rent, eight hundred." " "We might as well pass over that," said Mrs. Cooper, joining the search. "Here's a cottage, five minutes' walk from the depot ; that 's more to the purpose." " Whereabouts ? " " On the New Haven Railroad. Oh, that won't do ! How 's this ? house to let with three THE LAUNCH. 101 acres, garden, out-buildings, shrubbery, shade- trees ; and only three hundred a year." " That looks like it on the beloved Hudson." " Yes, but rather high up at Cold Spring." " Rather. I should be half the day on the road. Let me see ; I know somebody at Cold Spring." " Why, of course you do the Jacksons. Only think what nice neighbors ! And neighbors are so much in the country. Is it really too far up ? Mr. Jackson does business in town." " Yes, so he does ; but they stay down in the winter." " So could we for that matter." " I thought you hated boarding." " So I do ; but for three months only, that would be different ; and then we should have a house where we could leave every thing but what we really needed. That would make a great dif- ference ; don't you see ? " " There 's ten houses to rent on the Sound to one on the North River," observed her husband, instead of being convinced. " That shows nobody wants to live there." 102 THE COOPERS. " Or that so many people prefer it that it is worth while to build houses for them." " But you '11 look at the Cold Spring house, won't you ? Shade-trees and shrubbery," she re- peated, enticingly. " How could I tell whether you liked it or not ? Better go with me if I do." The prospect of such a jaunt was delightful ; but, alas, it was not a solitary trip ! The close of the first week's house-hunting found Mrs. Cooper quite disheartened. The Cold Spring place was discovered to be two miles from the landing, over a bare, dusty road, where the sun would be blis- tering at the hour of Mr. Cooper's arrival from town ; besides, it was an old house, and so com- pletely given up to shade-trees and shrubbery that one shivered with damp in the low, old-fashioned parlor. The next on the list, set forth in the ad- vertisement as u perfectly new," certainly was as bare and modern as cheap lumber and white and green paint could make it ; quarter of an acre of sand, fenced in, was dignified into a garden ; and, to crown all, it was one of a row of similar hab- itations on a newly laid out avenue in Yonkers. THE LAUNCH. 103 The idea of " a row " set flight to all rural fancies at once ; and number three came under consider- ation. Perched on. a high bleak hill, overlooking the river, it would have been a very comfortable summer house ; but, as Mrs. Cooper waded round from the front door to the rear, through drifts of muddy snow gradually disappearing under a hot April sun, she was obliged to acknowledge that, though the mew was all the heart could desire (" in the midst of picturesque scenery," the adver- tisement said), it must be subject to Siberian colds in winter ; and the soil did seem rather too heavy for a garden to do well. Number five was a charming old-fashioned stone house, rambling, but not devoid of comfort and even elegance. The garden was verdant with high box borders ; and groups of fir and spruce brightened the lawn. There were rows upon rows of good old-fashioned currant and goose- berry bushes, plenty of fruit trees, some recently grafted, good out-buildings, and a low rent, cer- tainly the most hopeful place yet. Mrs. Cooper urged her husband to secure it forthwith, and in imagination was already elbow deep in currant- 104 THE COOPERS. jelly and damson-jam ; while Mr. Cooper began to consider garden seeds and a dovecote for Johnny. Other people had, however, perceived the same advantages, for the stone house had been rented, just half an honr before his application, at 49 Cedar street. " Rather expensive business, this," said Mr. Cooper, as he footed up a memorandum on the back of a Hudson River " time-table ; " " nearly eleven dollars, including lunches. We shall have to make up our minds pretty soon, or there will be nothing left to furnish the house with when we get it." "I'm tired of looking." And Mrs. Cooper laid down the paper she now searched habitually for " country houses to let or to lease." " There isn't a new advertisement to-day. I know every one of these places." " I 'm afraid you '11 have to give up the North River." " For that matter, I don't care where it is, so it 's a decent house. I 'm sick of this uncertainty." " Really ? quite a concession. But I '11 be amiable, for I see you are tired and worried. I '11 THE LAUNCH. 105 tell you what I think we have made out of our eleven dollars, some idea of what we really do want." " How so ? " " Why, we don't want a high rent, or so much ground that it will take all we can raise to keep it up ; we don't want a house so old that the roof leaks, or so new that there is not a leaf or blade of grass to bless ourselves with. "We do want a healthy situation, cheerful and warm living rooms, a short distance from the depot, as we have con- cluded to go on the ' no horse ' principle, a toler- able plot of ground for a garden, and at least two trees that have been long enough out of the nur- sery Prince's, you know to grow alone." " Murray " Mrs. Cooper's face expressed sud- den determination "let's give up the whole thing, and take country board for the summer." " Any thing for a quiet life ; it's all one to me. Sha'n't we try once more ? Now listen to this dear little pet of an advertisement I've been saving up all day. You didn't find it in the paper, you see, because I cut it out." " To rent, from the first of May, a small coun- 5* 106 THE COOPEK8. try-house, nearly new, garden attached, well shaded, healthy location." " Where is it ? " ' " On your beloved Hudson, at Irvington." " Oh, do find out about it, Murray ! " " Then we won't advertise for board on Mon- day." Mrs. Cooper smiled at her own infirmity of purpose. " But, dear Murray, this waiting is so tiresome when I have so much to see to ; not even a pillow-case or sheet made." They had drawn the prize at last ; and late enough it was, considering that they had given up the house they were in, and the first of May was so close at hand. Only a fortnight for furnishing ; and, in the midst of all, the cook had given warn- ing, as "the country did not suit her" cook having a lover in the shape of a tall policeman, who looked quite as fascinating to Ann, in his star and uniform, as the Emperor of Russia would have done in his. " Advertise for a cook, instead of country board," suggested Mr. Henderson, who was now a constant visitor, and frequently admitted to THE LAUNCH. 107 family councils. " They might as well come to you as to have you walking after them. You will have to take steps enough in furnishing." Mrs. Cooper had looked forward to that part of the business as very delightful. Every woman likes to spend money ; and, as the thousand re- served for furnishing was safely lodged in bank, she thought nothing would be easier than to select pretty furniture, and have Murray give checks for the amount. A rough plan of the house was drawn for Mr. Henderson's benefit. It was a low, irregular building, somewhat fanciful, but with more conveniences than might be expected from a cottage ornee. " Here's the front ; see ; and this hall comes between the parlor and the wing built on for a dining-room ; back of that a store-room and an excellent kitchen. Here are the stairs ; see," said Mr. Cooper again, making a quantity of pen- cil-strokes, which required a vivid imagination to fill up. " Only one parlor ; but then there's an off-shoot, on this side, susceptible of improvement into a smoking-room / say library, Martha says. 108 THE COOPERS. There's a piazza the whole width, and some climb- ers already planted." " Oh yes, about the garden ! " said Mr. Hen- derson, who was country born, and knew a spade from a pitchfork. Mr. Cooper certainly did not know much more ; but he had invested already they had rented the house two days before in poultry and gardening handbooks, subscribing for the Horticulturist and Country Gentleman by way of finishing this part of his education at leisure. He had grand " raising-your-own-butter- and eggs " theories, never considering that fowls eat as well as laid eggs ; and was eloquent on the economy of fresh vegetables ; that planting, weed- ing and hoeing came before gathering in his har- vest of peas and pumpkins, was a trifling consid- eration. " You have never lived in the country," said Mr. Henderson, as Mrs. Cooper listened with great satisfaction to these remarks from her once prodigal husband, now suddenly converted into this most careful of householders. " Never ; but I long f6r it. I am sure I shall be happy. No visits to take up my time, no gos- THE LAUNCH. 109 sip, no hot bricks and mortar to make the air like a furnace. I expect Johnny to play on the grass all day." " Put Murray's travelling-blanket under him, then, if you don't want him lamed for life with rheumatic fever," returned Mr. Henderson, laugh- ing. "The country is delightful, Mrs. Cooper, particularly when the cistern gives out in June, and the well in July; when drought burns up your garden one year, and the wet weather spoils it the next. You'll sigh for Croton and Fulton before the year is out. Ask my mother ; she can tell you all about it. Then there's fresh meat that's another blessing ; a solitary butcher's cart twice a week, which all your neighbors for three miles have had the choice of." Mrs. Cooper began to feel uncomfortable in spite of herself. " And chills to be polite * fever an' agur,' as they say, where I was raised. "Wait till you get a good hard ' shake.' " " Oh, there are no chills on the North Kiver ! " said Mrs. Cooper, eagerly. " Don't you believe it. Lay in the quinine, 110 THE COOPERS. Murray, when you get your stores, and don't for- get Brandreth's pills, with the pepper. There's ague anywhere within twenty miles of New York. Not a bit more on the Sound than the Hudson." " Poh ! don't talk nonsense, Henderson ! " Mr. Cooper was annoyed as he saw his wife's spirits sink under this prospect. " The house is taken, and we must make the best of it. Don't borrow trouble, Matty ; it's more expensive than borrowing money. See, this is your room over the hall ; only I sha'n't ask you out if you don't behave yourself better. Our chamber is quite large ; and then there are servants' rooms very comfortable. That puts me in mind here's Berian's housekeeping list you asked me to bring up, Martha. Great note, that; isn't it, Steve? All you have to do is to order a thirty, fifty, or seventy dollar set, and there's your kitchen all furnished." " That 's High Dutch to me, though I listened very attentively. Shovel and tongs are about all I recognize," said Mr. HAderson, as his host read one of these labor-saving lists aloud. " Most people have all those things to cook a beef-steak THE LAUNCH. Ill and boil a dish of potatoes. What's a patent coffee-roaster, I wonder. My mother used to have hers done in a great iron-baking-pan on top of the stove." " Oh, we must have good coffee. And I 'm determined to have the best of every thing in my kitchen, as Murray says it will save so much time having this list. There 's the kitchen completely furnished at once." " I did not hear any thing about chairs or tables in it," said Mr. Henderson. " I suppose the mod- ern race of domestics neither eat nor rest." " Ours do a great deal in both lines. Sure enough, tables and chairs, Matty ; put that down." " And dishes, I suppose, since they do eat, and knives and forks," added Mr. Henderson, who was particularly practical, and knew very well that Mr. Cooper was not. The purchases were no.t as easy as Mrs. Cooper imagined ; prices ranged up and up ; trifles added to bills so immensely. Berian's alone being nearly a tenth of their whole *fund before it was com- pleted. Stewart's for house linen though, by what rule blankets and Marseilles quilts are in- 112 THE COOPERS. eluded in " house linen," we never could discover was even more ; what with chamber window- curtains, table-covers, and drugget, Mr. Cooper began to think " ready money " was by no means as lasting as he had imagined. China, too Mrs. Cooper chose plain white ware as the cheapest, being more readily matched ; but she selected the most graceful, and of course the most expensive patterns ; and, when the clerk, who had made the bill as large as possible out of duty to his employer, suggested plated ware for coffee, tea, etc., there were a few more costly items entirely forgotten in their estimate, but not the less necessary. " Dear me, what will Murray say ! " thought Mrs. Cooper, as she reached the door for the sec- ond time. The clerk had laid his hand upon the lock with a bow. " I presume you have selected your glass already, as you did not mention it." "Glass?" " Goblets, carafes, wines, and so on," suggested the ready salesman. " Goblets, to be sure ; wines we have. Let me see some." " And lemonade glasses, finger-bowls, a fruit THE LAUNCH. 113 bowl for dessert. The order is for the country, I think you said. For strawberries, we sell this style, a high stem, you see, five dollars. Many people prefer glass pitchers for cream; there is less danger of turning, I believe. "Which set ? Those are four dollars. Oh, and egg-cups new laid eggs in the country, ma'am, delightful." " Shall I ever get away ? " Mrs. Cooper said to herself, in despair. "Another hundred here at the very least. I wish I dared ask the amount already." For Mrs. Cooper's lack of moral courage made her hesitate at this simple proceeding, which her husband would undoubtedly have done as a matter of course. Once more they returned to the lower floor. " Any thing in the way of lamps or candel- abras ? Some beautiful bronzes just open." Mrs. Cooper longed to put her hands over her ears, and fly from any more suggestions. They had been so accustomed to gas that lamps had not been for a moment considered. She managed to say, " Not to-day" in a toler- ably indifferent tone, and walked rapidly up Broadway, reminded by every furniture-store she 114: THE COOPERS. passed that they had not yet commenced their most expensive purchases. It was the day she had advertised to receive her levee of cooks ; and this she entirely forgot until she found herself face to face with two dam- sels seated in remarkably upright positions on the extreme edge of the hall chairs. They were re- garding each other with no very amiable glances, and presented as complete a contrast as could be found. Mrs. Cooper looked from one to the other in dismay. How should she begin the domestic catechism with such an interested spectator as either would prove ? The parlor door stood ajar, and a happy thought suggested itself. " "Which of you came first ? " " Me, ma'am." And the face of the younger brightened with a pleasant smile that made Mrs. Cooper incline very much towards her. " Good- natured, I am sure, and neat," she thought, as she glanced at the girl's dress. " And what is your name ? " " Tiny, if you please, ma'am." THE LAUNCH. 115 Mrs. Cooper could not check a smile, with all her dignity as " the mistress," when she looked at the strong figure and stout rosy face. " Christiana it is, ma'am ; but it 's long, sure, and most calls me Tiny," added the girl, in ex- planation. " Well, Tiny, come into the parlor, and let me hear what you can do. Can you wash ? " " It 's I that can, ma'am." " And iron ? " " The master's shirts, and all but the finery." " Oh, my nurse always does the muslins ! " And Mrs. Cooper grew every moment more pre- possessed in favor of the clear gray eyes raised to hers so honestly. " Do you like the country ? "We are going to the country." " Is it for the summer, ma'am ? " " No ; for the whole year." The question sounded like a damper. Ann, the present incumbent, had gratuitously informed her mistress that she never would be able to get a girl " that thought any thing of themselves " to wash where the water did not come into the house, 116 THE COOPEES. or to stay in the country under any capacity after the leaves fell. " Well, I likes the country, ma'am," said the girl, after a moment's consideration. Mrs. Cooper was enraptured. Notwithstand- ing her late experience, she was ready to engage the applicant at once without an inquiry for char- acter washing and liking the country having been her " lions in the way." " You understand your business thoroughly, I hope." "Ma'am?" " You can do all you undertake, I mean ; be- cause I know nothing whatever of the kitchen ; and it would all come upon you." Short-sighted Mrs. Cooper to make this con- fession to one who was nevertheless to be under her orders ! " Yes, ma'am," said Tiny, apparently a little mystified. " Do you understand breakfast-cakes, rolls, and all these things ? " Ann's real or pretended ignorance in this branch of art had caused Mr. Cooper to stipulate THE LAUNCH. 117 that her successor should be fully qualified to make the best use of the anticipated fresh milk and eggs. " No, ma'am." The girl was honest, at any rate. " Then, I suppose, you have lived where meats were put first. You can boil and roast, of course. Have you been accustomed to desserts ? " " Is it the pies an' puddin's, ma'am ? Sure it 's not a cook I am at all." " Not a cook ? " " No, ma'am. It was not me that saw the ad- vertisement, but my first cousin ; an' she just sent me. It was laundress I was in my last place." Mrs. Cooper was really disappointed. Every time the girl spoke, her face gained upon her, so civil, so tidy, withal ; and now that she offered her " recommends " without any hesitancy, but as a matter of course that the lady would wish to see them, they all spoke of her honesty and good temper. " I could learn, ma'am. There was a French cook in my last place ; and I helped him in the hurries." 118 THE COOPERS. " But I don't know enough myself to teach you." And Mrs. Cooper made an inward vow to learn before the year was out. She never had re- gretted her ignorance so much before. " Might I call in the mornin', ma'am ? I 'm sure I should like to go wid yous." Mrs. Cooper hesitated for a moment. She caught sight of the tall, sharp-featured applicant awaiting her turn, and looking tolerably impatient. The time was so short, too, and there was so much to be done. " Yes, you may call ; but I'm afraid I could not engage you. I 'm sorry, too." And she looked BO. So did the girl. And, though Mrs. Cooper was well aware that the standing phrase, " I think by your looks I should like to live wid yez, ma'am," was stereotyped, among her class, to be brought forward on these occasions, she was sure she told her husband, when relating the afternoon's expe- rience, that Tiny really meant it. " Gullible as ever ; swallow things quite as easily. But how did your marine turn out ? " " Just the name for her ; but I really felt I ought to engage her. She was a professed cook, THE LAUNCH. 119 though. She said she would come for eight dol- lars when I told her that was my price. She un- derstood breakfast-cakes especially, and desserts, every thing, in fact ; and that's why I told Tiny that I especially wanted some one capable in these things, as I did not understand them." " And the parlor-door was probably left open ; and the giantess heard you say so." " Why, so it was ! Why, I never thought of that ! And I've been half vexed ever since to think I should let her looks decide against her. But she had such a cross face ; and she was so tall and determined I really was afraid of her." " Why don't you take the one you liked so much, and teach her ? " " I don't know myself." " You can't learn younger ; and you can't ex- pect to have a professed cook all your life at your elbow. Isn't there any quantity of books about cooking, Miss Leslie's, and Mrs. Hale's, and lots of others ? Why, what did I know about garden- ing a week ago ? " What did he know now ? Mrs. Cooper glanced at his complacent face 120 THE COOPEES. and his pile of instructive volumes, and thought theory all very well in its way ; but practice and judgment were much more to be relied on. However, she made a desperate resolve ; and, as places were plenty, and no more satisfactory person made her appearance, Tiny was engaged, and Mr. Cooper commissioned with adding cook- ery-books to their country library. So his wife's mind was once more comparatively free to finish her purchases. Chamber furniture came next under considera- tion, according to the practical advice of " Aunt Agnes " to " have chambers well furnished whe- ther there was any thing in the parlors or not ; " and very little was left for drawing-room elegan- cies by the time they came to consider them. Bedsteads could not be used without mattresses and pillows another bill unprovided for in the original calculation ; and then there was the large hall they had congratulated themselves upon as a delightfully cool sitting-room in summer. The oil-cloth to cover so many square feet cost as much as a parlor carpet ; and it would look mis- THE LAUNCH. 121 erably bare, they both acknowledged, without chairs and a table. " I hadn't the least idea it took so many things to go to housekeeping with had you ? " said Mrs. Cooper, disconsolately. " Where in the world are the carpets and curtains to come from ? "We must have stores to begin with no running to the cor- ner grocery there, you know and coal and wood. Good gracious, Martha ! why, there's nothing at all for the parlor and dining-room furniture ! We shall have to make some bills, anyhow." Mrs. Cooper had foreseen this difficulty, for she kept a much better account of what they were spending than her husband had. She knew pretty well, also, how he would propose to meet it. But no, they must not set out with bills, or bills it would be to the end of their housekeeping ; and one of the agreements of the new firm was that neither party should draw more than twelve hun- dred dollars for the first year. She had pondered many a perplexed hour, and revolved more than one scheme, before she settled on any thing. " What are'wQ going to do then ? live in empty 6 122 THE COOPERS. rooms ? " Mr. Cooper said, as she objected to the credit system. " No ; go as far as we can with the money, and wait till next year for the rest." " We may be no better off next year." " "Well, get what is absolutely necessary, and go without until you do get ahead." " But it will look so very odd." " Who to ? " " Why, everybody the neighbors." " We don't know any thing about them." " But we shall know them." " Now, Murray, it's not at all like you to care what people say ; that's my weakness." " It's for you I should feel it ; and there are our own friends, at any rate." "They know exactly how we are situated. And we shall have the comfort of knowing that we have not pinched ourselves in what was really necessary." " But we must have carpets and curtains. I've heard you say often that your idea of the country was roses and vines out of the window, and full muslin draperies inside." THE LAUNCH. 123 " Yes ; I believe it was harder to give up the curtains than an y thing. It always was a pet fancy of mine ; and, as to carpets, we must be content with ingrain. The chambers will do very well with matting for the present." " Ingrain ! Why, it's scarcely considered the thing on a bedroom floor nowadays ! I heard you and Lizzie Grant discussing it that evening you told her we were going into the country." " I know it ; but I detest a cheap carpet ; and a good Brussels or velvet is beyond us entirely. At any rate, there is nothing pretentious about an ingrain. It may be ' poor ; ' but it's not shabby genteel ; that is niy horror." " But, even with ingrain carpets and Holland shades, there will be very little left for furniture," said Mr. Cooper. "The cheapest sofa we saw yesterday was thirty-five ; and the chairs were four those very ugly mahogany chairs. I know you did not like them." " Oh, I've altered my mind since 1 I think those we bought for the spare room will do for the parlor ; and we can get some like the two hall chairs for the dining-room." 124: THE COOPEKS. Mr. Cooper responded with a whistle, and then : " Who ever sees a parlor without stuffed chairs mahogany at the very least ? " " I can't help it. I'd rather have those grace- ful chamber chairs than ugly or cheap ones that would hurt my eyes as long as they lasted, and want gluing every time any one sat down in a hurry. Besides, it's the only way I can possibly think of. And you don't know how I've worried over it." Mrs. Cooper's mental worry and physical exer- tion had indeed worn upon her ; and, when the last week came, and she began to think over her packing of the getting settled when they were moved she was ready to sit down in despair. Mr. Cooper could not be expected to comprehend it, of course, and came home nightly in the high- est good humor, and as pleased as a child with a new toy, at the idea of being in "his own house," as he chose to call it, the very next week. Mrs. Cooper would have found it harder still if all the furniture had to be packed. Fortunately, there were but very few things to go from the house. Even putting up their clothes, mantel ornaments, THE LAUNCH. 125 and the thousand and one little things gathered in the last two years, were almost too much for her, with the prospect of a disordered, unfurnished house, with cleaning and whitewashing for two weeks to come. The last two days, she was unde- niably cross. Johnny, of course, was neglected, and took cold in the general uproar. She packed her keys at the bottom of the largest trunk ; and lost a whole morning in searching the house over before her nurse suggested that perhaps she had done so. An hour of car time ; the new tenant moving 1 in trunks and boxes, her own going out ; no din- ner, not even lunch, and the nurse gone an hour for Johnny's milk. Was there ever so much to try a woman's temper ? Mr. Cooper, in the bland- est of humors, fairly picked up mother and child, and carried them to the cab, piled perilously with trunks. Mrs. Cooper palled her veil over her face as soon as she was seated in the cars, and cried, her usual resource in all emergencies. She was cold and tired, and faint for want of food. Worse still ; the much trusted Tiny, who was to have met them at the depot, and who would at least 126 THE COOPEES. have been capable of boiling a tea-kettle, was nowhere to tie found. Of course, there was a de- tention. The engine gave out five miles from Irvington, and a weary hour was passed, while impatient passengers slammed the door every other moment, jarring her aching head, and let- ting in a damp east wind. Johnny was hungry and tired as well as Johnny's mamma. To crown the discomforts of the flitting, the milk had been put up in the yeast bottlte, and was as bitter as hops ! Johnny's roars were redoubled by hungry dis- appointment. Passengers indulged in remarks which were uncomfortably audible in the stillness. Mr. Cooper alone sustained himself, and grew almost jubilant. " All pretence, Murray's good spirits, or igno- rance. Little he knows of getting settled." And Mrs. Cooper drew a mental picture of what awaited her : rooms blockaded by unpacked fur- niture, cold and comfortless ; darkness, withal, when they should have had two hours of day- light ; china to be unpacked and washed before THE LA.UNCH. 127 they could eat, and bedsteads to be set up before she might rest. She thought of Mr. Henderson's predicted chills, and shivered as they forlornly emptied themselves at last on the platform of the depot. The fences were brown and gray in the twilight, the trees almost leafless, the roads muddy. " Here we are ! " said Mr. Cooper, as the shabby-looking public conveyance drew up for them. He could not have rubbed his hands with more outward satisfaction if it had been the Astor House carriage to bear them to rooms secured in advance, and an unquestionable table d'hote. " I wonder if we can find some candles ; un- fortunate, this arriving so late. Come, cheer up, Matty ; it's all in a lifetime." But Mrs. Cooper would not even look out until they stopped in front of the gate. What could it mean ? There were lights in the house above and below. Mr. Cooper did not give her time to ask, but lifted her out of the vehicle, and would not set her down except upon the threshold ; and there stood the missing Tiny, neat and cheerful, with her hearty salutation : " You 're welcome 128 THE COOPERS. home, ma'ain." And beyond her, through the open door of the dining-room, a fire lighted up, a tea-table already spread, and an appetizing odor of broiled ham, unsentimental, but acceptable, was diffused through the hall. " Hun right up to your room, Matty. Don't stop here," said Mr. Cooper, reappearing with Johnny. " All right up there, Tiny ? Bring some milk for the boy." Mrs. Cooper was dumb. No wrecks of pack- ing-boxes obstructed the hall. The stairs were carpeted, so was her own room, and a cheerful fire there also. No stranger would have known that it had been uninhabited. The furniture was arranged oddly, perhaps, but very comfortably ; and before the fire stood a pretty work-table she had longed for, but denied herself when pur- chasing the rest, and her own nursery chair. " There," said Mr. Cooper, putting her into it, "what do you think of me for a house- keeper 2 " Ever thoughtful of her comfort and pleasure, this pattern husband had concocted and carried out his little plot with the aid of the ex-laundress, THE LAUNCH. 129 Tiny, who proved to have inexhaustible good humor and a little knowledge of every thing. Already she had relieved the tired nurse of her fractious charge, and was feeding him as handily as possible. Mrs. Cooper, completely exhausted, slept until long after sunrise the next morning. A fresh soft air greeted her as she threw up the window. The sky was blue as in midsummer; the springing grass had already brightened the little lawn ; and crocuses bloomed in the flower borders ; birds were singing, as though summer was already come ; and she heard her boy call out with de- light, and clap his hands, as he was borne about on his father's shoulder. They came in as she entered the dining-room, and took her place at the neatly spread breakfast- table. The child laid the first flower his plump little hands had ever gathered beside her plate ; and her husband stooped and kissed her forehead softly at the same time. Mrs. Cooper looked up with a loving, grateful smile. 6* 130 THE COOPEKS. "But I can scarcely believe it yet, Murray. It is all so like a story-book." And her husband felt more than repaid for his three days' stolen and unaccustomed task-work. CHAPTEE VI. DAILY TRIALS. One can bear the laceration of a severe wound heroically. It is the re- peated sting of swarming gnats that drives us to distraction. My Novel. " IT seems to me we have a great deal of broiled ham lately," said Mr. Cooper, seating himself at the dinner-table. He professed himself to be as hungry as a hunter ; and no doubt he was, for he had hurried to town without any breakfast that morning, eaten a superficial lun- cheon, and had been zealously at work in the gar- den since the arrival of the early afternoon train. " Let me see : we had ham on Saturday." " Tes, I know," explained Mrs. Cooper, a little nervously. " We were so busy getting the kitchen closets in order." ' And ham on Monday." " "Wash-day, Murray ; and there were so many 132 THE COOPERS. clothes left over, last week, that I told Tiny not to mind about dinner for one day." " Yes. "Well, to-day is Thursday ; what 's the matter with Thursday ? " " We had beefsteak yesterday." " I know it. Beefsteak is about as regular as the ham." " But there was roast beef on Sunday ; and you know you never want any but the very best piece ; and we must be economical." " Beefsteak porter-house steaks such as we have, are quite as expensive," said Mr. Cooper, helping himself to a potato. " But they are so easy to do." " Ah ! how about the cookery-books ? Now we begin to get at it. Ham is ' easy to do,' isn't it?" " I should like to know what time I have for cookery-books or any thing else," said Mrs. Cooper, who had been toiling all day in that department of " settling," which is so tiresome, and yet makes so little show getting boxes and drawers in order. " We 've been here three weeks now. It 's DAILY TRIALS. 133 pretty near time we were through, Martha. Think how much I did in three days." Mrs. Cooper was silent. She knew he had ac- complished a great deal. But, when she came to inspect his arrangements., some of them had to be entirely remodelled, others dispensed with alto- gether ; and, when all was granted, when carpets and matting were down, beds up, and chairs set about the room, that was the least, because the most quickly accomplished in the toil of getting to rights. " We had to take down every dish in the china-closet for one thing, and clean the shelves, this morning," she said, presently ; " and my arm aches now with dusting books and putting them up ; then I unpacked my piece-trunk and the box with your winter clothes, and had to contrive a place for the bed-linen.' 5 " What ? with all these closets ? " " Every one is full." " How did we ever live in two rooms of a boarding-house ? " " I 'm sure I don't know. I 've thought of it a dozen times to-day. Oh, and Murray, please 134 THE COOPERS. bring up some clothes-pins to-morrow, and a fish- kettle ! and I wanted to make some cake to-day, and there 's no rose-water." " I wonder if we shall ever get finished. I 'm always loaded with packages. They will begin to call me ' the man with the parcel ' in the cars ; though, for that matter, every man carries a bun- dle. I never saw any thing like it." Mr. Cooper had managed to " crowd down," as he expressed it, " two large slices of the deli- cately broiled ham, four potatoes, two spoonsful of rice and a plate of spinach," and now leaned back in one of the new chairs waiting for the cloth to be removed, lamenting, as he often did, at this stage of the proceedings, his constitutional lack of appetite. The complaint of parcels was more just. Every day had revealed some new necessity despite the labor-saving list of Berian. The first time they sat down to dinner they noticed that something was wanting in the general contour of the table. Mr. Cooper remarked it ; his wife agreed ; and they discovered what it was when he stretched out his hand habitually for the pepper. They had forgotten a castor ; and the tin pepper- DAILY TRIALS. 135 box from the kitchen was pressed into service for the meal. Tiny made no allusion to the lack of wooden pins on the first washing-day, for the line was missing also, and the clothes were dried on the bushes and garden-fence ; but they could not well be smoothed without irons ; and that part of her labor was put off for two days, waiting for Mr. Cooper to bring them out. The first day he had too many other things ; the second, he forgot them, having been busy at the store up to the last mo- ment. So, as his wife had told him, the washing was sadly behind-hand ; and every housekeeper knows how that interferes with all other arrange- ments, particularly when the laundress is also cook and waiter. As for the nurse, Catherine, or " Taty," as her charge called her, she was constantly busy in looking after him. She considered it necessary to spend just as much time on his toilet as if he was going out on Broadway or Washington Square. Mrs. Cooper had never before realized how much of every day was taken up with it until she needed Kate's assistance. Johnny's hair did not curl nat- 136 THE COOPERS. urally ; but an hour of every morning was spent in coaxing it into the ringlets prescribed by fash- ion, with the aid of soap and water, a curling-stick and brush. The same operation was gone through with at night before his father came home. He still wore white dresses, one a day, and two aprons barely sufficing to keep him respectable, with the house in so much confusion and the kitchen-porch so accessible. His short white petticoats, his low patent-leather shoes, and thread socks, the flying shoulder-knots of broad ribbon, and the sash for afternoon wear, were all equally suitable to John- ny's present state and condition ; his walks being confined to a back country road, and visitors, so far, a thing unknown. Of course, it occupied no small time to keep this extensive wardrobe in order; but Mrs. Cooper had always considered herself very economical with Johnny, because he wore stout threadlace where the children of her friends appeared in Valenciennes. The deep Eng- lish embroidery on his pantalettes was done by her own needle, for her first essay in fancy-work had been followed up industriously. He had but one pair of sleeve-ribbons to every four soiled by DAILY TRIALS. 337 his cousin, Frank Murray, and a cashmere coat instead of a velvet one. That embroidery, Yalen- ciennes, and sleeve-ribbons could be dispensed with altogether had not entered into his mother's calculations. A good dark merino coat would outlast two of pale ashes-of-roses in fine cashmere, which showed every touch, and faded at every sunbeam ; but " nobody put such young children into plain merinoes ; they had such an old look." As for colored frocks, nothing could be endured before the plaid cashmeres which he was to have when he came to sacks the next winter. The chamber-work fell to Kate's share, as in town ; but Mrs. Cooper often made up her room rather than see it in disorder until after lunch-time, as in the days of the lamented Julia ; and, in that ap- pointed for her servants' occupancy, she did not care to look, for her reprimands were sure to be met with the excuse that " there was no time ; " and the girls as well as herself did seem busy all day. Notwithstanding the well-filled bookcase, and her piano, their parlor had an uncomfortably new look after the heavier furniture to which she had 138 THE COOPERS. been so long accustomed ; and the dining-room was plainer still, containing only such things as were absolutely necessary to the ceremony of daily meals. There was a lack of " cosiness," the home look Mrs. Cooper particularly prized ; and, when visitors began to pay " first calls " on the " new family," as they were designated, she found her- self feeling an inward necessity for apologizing, which made her stiff and constrained, instead of frank and cordial, which was her natural disposi- tion. One cannot throw cold water on offered courtesies, after this fashion, without getting a share of the spray back again ; and Mrs. Cooper, not considering herself at fault, wrote to her inti- mate friend, Lizzie Grant, that the neighbors were very reserved and formal, and she never should make any friends among them. In town, she had railed not a little at the frittering away of time which morning calls and society generally made necessary. " Hollow," " formal," " worldly," " artificial " all these epithets had tripped very freely into her discussion of the outer set or circle of her acquaintances. In the country, good feel- ing, like her husband's green peas, was to thrive DAILY TRIALS. 139 spontaneously ; and she was as ignorant of its cul- tivation as Mr. Cooper was of the soil he had un- dertaken to make " blossom as the rose " in a sin- gle season. One may be perfectly well aware that stimu- lants even the morning cup of coffee are hurt- ful ; yet, when given up at once, they are missed and craved for. Simple beverages are insipid and unsatisfactory, so much so that one is at first tempted to go without altogether. Thus it was with Mrs. Cooper and city life. When the nov- elty of getting her house in order was over, time began to hang heavily. There was plenty to do ; but, if she sat sewing, her thoughts, revolving in an undisturbed routine, grew wearisome. John- ny's pranks were amusing ; but, after all, she could not interchange a single idea with her most constant companion apart from his food and naps ; and she wearied even of Tiny's good-natured face, and Kate's more refined but less amiable. As for Mr. Cooper, none of these things troubled him. In the cars and at business, the social part of his nature was kept from stagnation ; and he could not see what people wanted of company at home. 140 THE COOPEE8. Home was the place to rest in ; to get out of the way of the world. It was such a relief to have no one to entertain evenings ; to be able, when he came in from the garden at dark, to " put up his feet, and think of nothing," as the old farmer said of his church-going. If his wife wanted news, there was the paper pocket-crumpled, smoke- scented ; but that was a trifle. So Mr. Cooper's repose oftenest ended in a sound nap ; while his wife read items that were stale to him by twel ve hours an age to a Gothamite. Out of doors, his energy expended itself. He dibbled in a few gar- den-seeds ; for successions, he walked around the beds the village gardener had laid out, and thought how much better he could have done it all himself if he had time. He would have time next year ; he could commence earlier in the sea- son, and he would get up earlier mornings. Hab- its of late rising could not be broken off at once. He made vigorous resolutions over night, but slept them all off again, started, off fifteen minutes be- fore the late train was due, hurried his toilet, scalded his throat with his coffee, and scarcely had time to kiss his wife good-by. DAILY TRIALS. 14:1 One of the chief pleasures they had promised themselves as country dwellers was the fresh morning walk to the depot, such as they had en- joyed in the days of their summer at Tarry town. But, as Mrs. Cooper took her solitary breakfast day after day, watching from the window her hus- band's rapid flight, she concluded that it would not be worth while attempting to play Mrs. Gilpin in such a foot-race. It was beautiful to behold Mr. Cooper's energy in out-of-door pursuits. The garden was his pet economy, a fowl-house being scarcely secondary to it. He commenced by ordering " a few things " from a well-known nursery-garden. " A rosebush or so, a few roots of pie-plants, a root of pinks, a handful of grape-vine cuttings, you know," was his concise and limited direction. " Oh yes, certainly, sir ! " The man under- stood him perfectly. The order was filled out so was the bill, which came just to forty-five dollars. Mr. Cooper did not think it necessary to mention the amount of this little transaction at once to his wile, ana tnerefore his qualms were in secret when he heard her congratulate herself and him on hav- 142 THE COOPERS. ing saved at least fifty dollars in going without almost necessaries the present year. Seeds, dig- ging and planting, pea-bushes, bean-poles, a few half days' extra work at weeding and thinning out, and in the flower borders, made a tolerable offset to the vegetable department. Mr. Cooper turned for consolation to his fowls. Poultry-shows were fashionable that season. He attended by way of gaining information, and could not resist the temptation of a few "fancies," just to improve the plain domestic couples with which he had com- menced his collection. Internal wars ensued ; dis- cords were the order of the day ; they fought, they bled, they did every thing but what was expected of them, lay eggs by the dozen, and bring up their families in a painstaking and affectionate manner. The fancy fowls " did not do well," in short ; and, as they died off one by one from various causes, Mr. Cooper did not mourn them deeply, though he did regret the sums they had cost him. The " Complete Handbooks " had stated that the fowls were to be supported on the refuse ot the kitchen, and the range of the barnyard, not only comfortably but elegantly. As there was no DAILY TRIALS. 143 barnyard, corn by the bushel took the place of " pickings ; " and Tiny, not being over-scrupulous in the management of peelings and parings, al- lowed them to become a sad temptation to all the dogs of the neighborhood, who were so much de- lighted with the bones they found in the collec- tion, that they paid nightly domiciliary visits, to the upsetting of pails, and a wide distribution of their contents on the back porch and its imme- diate neighborhood. Presently, there was a knocking together of packing-boxes for coops, Mr. Cooper fancying that the juveniles of the chicken-house would do better under immediate surveillance ; and the thirty or forty young chickens that began to promenade anywhere in Tiny's dominions, and their scream- ing, scolding mammas protruding their luckless heads through the slats of their cottage residences, completed the neatness and quietness of the back- door yard. Tiny's delinquencies were especially trying. She was cleanly, but she had not the slightest appreciation of order or management. She liked to wash and iron, for that she understood. Get- 144 THE COOPERS. ting breakfast or dinner she considered as so much thrown into the bargain that was of very little consequence, and the sooner and easier it was managed the better. She could boil potatoes, and boil or roast a plain steak or joint. Gravies were a step beyond her experience, and desserts an altogether unexplored region. In cooking, she seized the first utensil that presented itself, boiled milk for the baby in the quart measure, washed the dishes in the bread-pan, swept the porch clear of chickens with the carpet-broom, kept a general assortment of odds and ends on the corner of the mantel-piece, and in every corner of the closets, though she cleaned them laboriously once a week, and set the cups and plates of pieces, drippings, cold tea, egg-shells, and meat scraps immediately back again. Her sewing found a neat and conve- nient receptacle in the salt-box. The salt col- lected dust in an uncovered cake-pan. The spice soon mingled its various odors and flavors in one ; while the pump, the cistern-top, the railing of the back piazza, and the garden-fence always presented a collection of dusters, brooms, scrubbing-brushes, kitchen -towels, and scrubbing-cloths of every pat- DAILY TRIALS. 145 tern and color. Withal, she was so good-natured, so ready to promise amendment, though as quick to forget, so steadily occupied, half the time, in " making herself work," by her bad management, so patient with interruptions, so good-natured to Johnny, that Mrs. Cooper could not make up her mind to change. The accumulation of sewing, which their sud- den going to housekeeping had thrown upon her hands ; the lack of cheerful society ; the gradually increasing domestic disorder, which she lacked the skill and the courage to check ; the strain, above all, to limit their outlay to their diminished in- come ; the mental worry of making one dollar do the duty of three, and the unusual tax upon thought as well as nerve in finishing what Katy would not find time to accomplish, and Tiny could not, about the house, began to tell upon Mrs. Cooper's health, and seriously to affect her once cheerful spirits. In town, she had often excused herself from out-of-door exercise by the trouble and time occu- pied in dressing for the street. " It would be so easy when they were once in the country," she 146 THE COOPERS. often said to Murray ; she " would only have to throw on her bonnet, and she should have so much more leisure." Now, she had less than ever ; and, when worn and fatigued with the cares of housework, or bending over her needle, it was so much easier to take a book, and throw herself on the bed, that she constantly gave up to the temptation ; and, before she knew it, afternoon naps were stealing the strength which fresh air and a change of the monotonous landscape would have brought to her. Waking languid and un- refreshed, Johnny, even when good-natured, dis- turbed her with his incessant activity and noise. So, though she would have been startled if the charge had been made against her, she was fast becoming a careless housekeeper, a neglectful mother, a fretful, discontented wife. This much trying to economize and build up her husband's fortunes had done for her so far. It was very hard that Murray could not be made to see things exactly from her point of view. He would complain when he found the meal for his young brood mixed in the wash-basin, or when the scrubbing-cloths were hung to dry on his DAILY TRIALS. 14:7 young Antwerp raspberry or his standard rose- bushes. He scolded her for tiring herself out ; yet he was the first to notice when any thing was left undone. He still groaned over ham and plain rice-puddings, when, perhaps, she had given up her original plan for the dinner because the butcher, having the whole village at his mercy, asked three cents a pound more than they did in Fulton Market for lamb ; and there was not the fruit and flavoring in the house to attempt the Eve's pudding he was so fond of, and which she had carefully studied out of the cookery-book. This edifying volume was her constant companion ; it peeped out from her work-basket, it lay upon her dressing-table. She studied as hard over the ingredients, weights, and measures, as she had once done upon the axioms and problems of Euclid; and yet she made very little advance in the variety or excellence of their table. It was very easy in town to say, " We will have a plain soup, with a la nwde beef, Ann, and a Charlotte Russe." But neither Tiny nor herself could un- dertake the first ; and, as for the " Charlotte," where were the Savoy biscuit to come from to 148 THE COOPEE8. begin with ? It was quite a descent to a bread- pudding ; and then Murray would be sure to en- tertain her with boarding-house tales stale as col- lege jokes, but which doubtless had happened at some time, relating to this " frugal housewife " dessert, his favorite one being Sam Blodget's ad- venture, who resolved his suspicions that the brushings of the table entered into its composition, by breaking up bits of his boxwood napkin-ring one day, and, sure enough, the particles were plainly recognized, by some person in the secret, as among the ingredients of his saucer of pudding. He had also an uncomfortable way of inquir- ing, now and then though always doing full jus- tice to what was set before him when she was going to have a harico, a curry, fish done in that way he described to her " stewed with wine and things," as they used to have them at Delmonico-'s or some of those nice little side-dishes Ann used to make by way of variety. It was in vain to urge Tiny's ignorance ; "you were going to show her, you know," or, " if she doesn't suit, get another," being the ready response. Mrs. Cooper had never before known how DAILY TRIALS. 149 much a housekeeper's peace of mind depended upon her cook. Fortunately, they had had no one staying with them so far, Mrs. Cooper having no im- mediate relatives in the city, and their friends being either in preparation for summer jaunts, or already at watering-places. Mr. Henderson, her husband's partner, was the exception. He was in danger, through a standing invitation, and Mr. Cooper's repeated urging, of raining down upon them at any time ; and, though he was the best-hearted, most home-like person she had ever known, even Mr. Henderson's unexpected arrival fluttered her. She was never sure of Tiny's culinary operations, or her own experiments, held her breath involun- tarily until Murray had pronounced on whatever was set before him, and felt as though Mr. Hen- derson had conferred an especial favor upon her if he seemed to enjoy his dinner or breakfast. Mr. Cooper, who was not celebrated for his self-denying efforts in entertaining guests, enjoyed these visits because Mr. Henderson made himself so entirely at home. He listened to his gardening and poultry theories with commendable patience and a great deal of real interest ; besides, his sug- 150 THE COOPERS. gestions were always practical, and therefore valuable ; and, when dinner was out of the way, and Johnny not fretting overhead, and breakfast provided for the next morning, Mrs. Cooper al- ways liked to listen to him ; he was so entirely sincere, so hearty in his likes and dislikes, so for- getful of himself and his own achievements, past, present, or to come ; and, above all, his warm heart, unspoiled and unchilled by conventionalities, shone out in his smile, in his eyes, in his whole face, when he talked of his mother and sisters. Mrs. Cooper knew that he was their chief de- pendence. He had spoken of it himself before her ; and she had been struck with his manner of doing so. Not as if their lack of means was any thing to be ashamed of, or as if the dependence on him was burdensome, or in any way reflecting credit on himself, but of the pleasure of admin- istering to those one loved, and his gratitude that he had thus far been able to do so. Even this much was inferred, not spoken. " That 's what I like him for," said Mr. Cooper, when his wife remarked it to him after one of Mr. Henderson's pleasantest little visits. " That 's the DAILY TRIALS. 151 way we first became friends. One of the boys told me that Steve declined joining the celebrated U. V. Club that I have told you about, because he had to take care of his mother and the girls. He was our book-keeper in the ' Marine,' then, you know, and had less salary than I had. So I asked him how he managed, one day, over a sociable mutton-chop, for I was always head over heels on pay-day, with only myself to look after." " How did he ? " asked Mrs. Cooper, as hei husband made a pause. " Oh, well, he said he had to go in for cheap pleasures ! and that took the wind out of my sails for a moment, because I thought cheapness and meanness were one and the same, somehow." " I begin to believe they are." And Mrs. Cooper thought disconsolately on the few under- price investments she had been tempted into when furnishing. " Not his sort. There 's nothing mean about Steve. No. He explained that he had books from the ' Mercantile,' and went to their reading- room instead of our club, tooted on the flute, you know, painted a little and you ought to see that 152 THE COOPERS. copy he's just made of the Old Farm-Gate we saw at Williams & Stevens's. So he never had time to smoke, or for late suppers, or any of our per- formances. He used to get run for it. Sam always called him the Grand Mufti." " That sounds like Sam Blodget," said Mrs. Cooper. " But he never minded. Perhaps he did, way down, but no one found it out. I remember," said Mr. Cooper, growing energetic in his admira- tion of his friend's good behavior, now that he could appreciate something of the self-denial and moral courage it must have involved " I remem- ber once making a bet that I 'd have Steve out on tho avenue, behind a fast horse, that afternoon ; and some of the fellows were to be at the ' Red House,' to receive us with three cheers. So there he was, dabbling away on a miserable little land- scape, for he'd just begun then. " ' Come, come,' said I " " Oh, fie, Murray, to try and turn him off I " " Just you listen. He picked up a piece of chalk, and began making marks on the wall, never saying a word. So, when I got through. DAILY TRIALS. 153 he pointed to it, and, said he, ' there's your an- swer, old fellow common metre. I '11 give you the pitch, if you 'd like to sing it.' And there it was ' Idle men and boys are found Standing on the devil's ground ; He will give them work to do ; He will pay their wages too.' " "A great pity you hadn't laid it to heart," said Mrs. Cooper, who was industriously employed in drawing threads, and marking a piece of towel- ling into lengths. " There, cut those off for me ; won't you, Murray? That will save a few minutes of ' idle hands,' and mine a blister, perhaps. I J ve done so much cutting out, lately." " I 've been thinking " and Mr. Cooper amia- bly responded to this invitation " that we ought to ask his mother here for a month or so." Mrs. Cooper's smiles vanished. "She's so far off; and he gets to see her so seldom. He can't leave, any way, just now," added Mr. Cooper, without looking up, and so all unconscious of the gathering clouds. " She 's a perfect stranger to us, Murray. 7* 154 THE COOPEKS. Why, what are you thinking of? How in the world can we have company ? " " Why can't we as well as anybody else ? " " Tlie girls have their hands full now, and I 'm sure I have." " One person can 't make much difference." Mrs. Cooper said nothing. " Besides " Mr. Cooper was getting more in love with his little project every moment " I think we owe it to Steve ; and he would enjoy it beyond every thing, having his mother so near." "We can't afford to have company. We should have to make some difference." " Not a bit of it. The way to make people feel perfectly at home is to let them see that they don't put one out by a pin. Besides, she 's been accustomed to living plainly, you know." " Yes ; and she 's a good housekeeper ; and I " " Don't know any more about it : "Than you do about poultry," said his wife, abruptly, to spare herself a less comfortable com- parison. " I do my best," " Well, then, what are you fussing about ? " And Mr. Cooper began to sing. DAILY TKIALS. 155 f " An angel, you know, can't do more." " But we must have Mrs. Henderson here, un- less you have some better reason than any I 've heard yet ; and, if you don't know about things, and she does, have her show you." " A stranger can't come into another person's house, and manage for them." Mrs. Cooper stooped down, and began to fold up the lengths of " huckabuck," for fear she should say something still more unamiable. She was frightened at herself at the angry retorts and miserable feelings that sprang up in her heart. She could not explain to her husband that, jaded as she was in mind and body, it would be uncom- fortable to have any one, even Lizzie Grant, to entertain, much more a stranger so much older than herself, and one she had grown to regard an incarnation of all household virtues from her son's loving and oftentimes unconscious praise. He would have thought it foolish, and said so. He did not understand " nervousness ; " what man does ? It is with them but another name for ill-temper and self-indulgence. Perhaps it is too much so with ourselves. But oftentimes it becomes a real, 156 THE COOPEES. almost insurmountable, because intangible evil, far harder to cope with and subdue than bodily pain. We can only console ourselves with the wish that they might " try it once " they who complain of a headache, brood over a light in- fluenza, and want nursing for a sore throat. Taking silence for consent, Mr. Cooper, who really saw no good reason why he should not give his friend the pleasure of having his mother near him, despatched an invitation to that effect, the next morning, without further consultation ; and, when Mrs. Cooper knew of it, the matter was past recall. She felt ashamed of her own inhospitality when Mr. Henderson came out, the Saturday fol- lowing, expressly to thank her for her thought- fulness, for Mr. Cooper had sent the message in his wife's name ; and that morning its acceptance had arrived. She was punished with a painful feeling of insincerity while listening to the extract from Mrs. Henderson's letter, in which her name was so kindly mentioned. " It is such an unexpected blessing seeing you this fall, my dear son, that I scarcely know how to be sufficiently thankful," wrote this good DAILY TRIALS. 157 mother. " I know it would be impossible for you to leave your business, or to add the expense of my stay at your boarding-house to that of the journey, should I come to you. So I had tried to give up this long-looked-for happiness cheerfully ; for you know what your yearly visits home have ever been to me ; and now, when I least expected it, it is more than made up to me ; for I shall know these good friends you write so much about, and especially Mrs. Cooper, to whom I have long felt grateful for making you so welcome in her home. Tell her this, with my ready acceptance of her kind invitation." " There, didn't I tell you so ? " said Mr. Coop- er, the first moment they were alone together. " Steve has scarcely been able to attend to any thing this week until he found out whether his mother was coming. I should think it was a lady- love, instead of a mother, he expects. Brilliant idea of mine, wasn't it ? You 'd better let her get these girls of yours in order for you, Martha." Mrs. Cooper had been softened by the knowl- edge that they had made Mr. Henderson and his mother happy ; but this suggestion threw her 158 THE COOPEK8. back into her original mood ; and she inwardly resolved that, on the contrary, her visitor should never know, or suspect even, her inexperience. " Not if I work myself into a fever," she said to herself. " She shall never know whether I have a kitchen or not." She really meant to accomplish a miracle of order and regularity by redoubling her own exer- tions. She forgot that both for ourselves and others " there is no taking a leap in virtue." Her boy woke from his first sleep, and cried fretfully as she came to this heroic conclusion. " How Henderson does love his mother ! " said Mrs. Cooper, as she stooped over the crib. " Some- how, you don't often see it in a man. I wonder if Johnny will ever love me so ! I thought of it, to-night, when he was talking." The child had been so little with her of late that he was getting beyond her control.