Collecting SUB jpregerfcing 
 Exotic Insects and Crustacea. 
 With illustrative Plates. 
 [ Price 5s. extra boards. ] 
General directions 
 Author of the * Entomologist's Useful Compendium.'' 
 Printed for 
C&mpton Sf Ritchie, Printers, Cloth lair, London. 
 London. IStli July, 1338. 
 THE lively interest taken by the British 
 Public in the promotion of every branch of 
 science, and the numerous Collections of Ob- 
 jects of Natural History that are forming in 
 every part of England, afford a convincing 
 proof of the progress of this delight fid study, 
 and of the very general feeling manifested in 
 its favour. If it should be asked whence 
 this has arisen, we cannot but think that the 
 intercourse with the Continent has, in a great 
 measure, tended to awaken these feelings, and 
 hax naturally excited this laudable curiosity, 
 and stimulated an inquiry into those ivorks of 
 the CREATOR which the most unenlightened 
 cannot behold without admiration and delight. 
 As no branch of Natural History can be pur- 
 sued with so much facility as ENTOMOLOGY, it 
 is hoped that the following directions for col* 
 lecting insects (though brief) will be found 
 useful ',an(d sufficiently explicit : the Author has 
 been induced to publish them first, from the 
 number of applications that have been made to 
 A 2 
him by gentlemen and persons going abroad, to 
 whom he has been under the necessity of giving 
 them briefly in manuscript ; and, secondly, 
 that as Great Britain possesses such vast terri- 
 tories in Asia, colonies in Africa and the West 
 Indies, and is now cultivating extensive con- 
 nections with both North and South America ,* 
 (not to mention the entire possession of that ex- 
 tensive and interesting country New Holland), 
 a fine opportunity is afforded for forming Col- 
 lections of rare and beautiful Insects, as well 
 as enriching those already made ; and espe- 
 cially as these objects of Natural History are 
 admitted into this country free of all duty. 
 Many persons, therefore, who have been hither- 
 to deterred from consigning to their friends 
 valuable Collections of Insects, may now gra- 
 tify them at a trifling cost; and we would 
 anxiously impress upon our readers who may 
 visit or reside in foreign countries, the great 
 importance of attending to this subject, as we 
 are persuaded that some of the choicest Collec- 
 tions in England have received their most rare 
 and novel specimens from such well-timed and 
 pleasing donations. 
 General Remarks .... ............................. 9 
 Directions for Collecting and Preserving CRUS--I 
 TACEA, or Crabs, Lobsters, &c., ................... J 
 MYKJAPODA, Millipede, Centipede, &c ........... 17 
 ARACHNOIDA, or Scorpions, Spiders, &c ...... 18 
 - ACARI, or Mites .................................... 21 
 Order ! THYSANURA : Spring-tail ..................... 22 
 -- 2. ANOPLURA: Lice of Animals ........ ......... 23 
 -- 3. COLEOPTERA: Beetles .......................... 24 
 -- 4. DERMAPTERA : Earwigs ..................... 31 
 -- 5. ORTHOPTERA: Grasshoppers, Locusts, ^ 
 Walking Leaves, Crickets .............................. / 
 -- 6. DICTYOPTERA: Cock-Roaches ................. 34 
 -- 7. NEUROPTERA : Dragon-flies, Day-fly, Ca- 
 mel-fly, and White Ants 
 8. TRICHOPTERA : Caddis Worms ................ 37 
 9. HYMENOPTERA: Sees, Wasps, %c 38 
 11. LEPIDOPTERA: Butterflies, Hawk-Moths, } 
 and Moths J 
 12. OMOPTERA: Fire-flies and Lanthorn-fy,\ 
 Plant-lice, and Cochineal Insect J 
 13. HEMIPTERA: Bugs, Water-scorpion, and \ 
 Boat-fly * 
 Order 14. APTERA : Fleas 52 
 15. DIPTBRA-: Gnats, Crane-flies, House-\ 
 flies, and Bots / 
 16. OMALOPTERA: Forest -fly, Sheep and\ 
 Swallow-ticks J 
 On the Entomology of'Java 60 
 Apparatus 61 
 List of Plates 70 
 JL HE animals which come under our observa- 
 tion, in the present essay, belong to the type of 
 Annulosd) and are cbaracterized as having no 
 skeleton; their muscles are attached to the skin, 
 which is hard, or to processes issuing from it ; 
 and the nervous system consists of a series of 
 knots or ganglia, brought into communication 
 by two longitudinal nervous cords. The classes 
 to which these animals belong may be dis- 
 tinguished by the following characters : 
 * Gills for respiration. classes. 
 Legs sixteen: antenn*, two 1 j CRUSTACEA> 
 or four . . . J 
 ** Sacs for respiration. 
 Legs twelve: antennae, none... 3. ARACHNOIDA. 
 * * * Trachea for resp iration. 
 a. No antennce. 
 Legs six or eight . . . . 4. ACARI. 
 b. Two antenncB. 
 Six thoracic legs : abdomen 7 2 MlRIAPODA . 
 also, bearing legs 3 
 Six thoracic, and no abdo- \ . T _ 
 11 / O. 1NSECTA. 
 minal legs J 
 Annulose animals are universally spread 
 through the various regions of the habitable 
 globe ; and, like the animals of the higher 
 orders of creation, are geographically distri- 
 buted, but are confined to certain limits ; and, 
 from the immense number of species, the annu- 
 losa appear to be still more local. Indeed, the 
 shortness of their life, the nature of their food, 
 and its abundance, generally precluding the ne- 
 cessity of migration, we have, comparatively, 
 but a very slight knowledge of these animals, 
 by far the most numerous of all Nature's pro** 
 ductions ; England alone furnishing our cabinets 
 with upwards of ten thousand species, and every 
 year's research adding to the number. And, if 
 so extensive a list can be formed of an island 
 so far north, and so small as England, what have 
 we not to look for from our friends on the 
 continent of Europe, the traveller in the un- 
 trodden wilds of Africa, the extensive woods of 
 America, and the vast territories and islands 
 of Asia and New Holland? It is to be hoped, 
 therefore, that visitors, travellers, and residents 
 in those parts, will use their best endeavours to 
 form collections, which can readily be done with 
 but little trouble, and at a most trifling expense ; 
 more especially by residents, as they will possess 
 advantages and opportunities that cannot fall to 
 the lot of others. To promote this object, the 
 following instructions have been rendered as 
 explicit as the nature of the subject would per- 
 mit; and more particularly, that gentlemen 
 may be enabled to instruct their servants, and 
 especially the natives of the country where they 
 reside, to collect the Insects and Crustacea 
 which we are about to enumerate. 
 It may not be improper to allude, in this 
 place, to the great benefit this department of 
 Zoology has derived from the labours of Messrs, 
 Bowditch, Burchell, Cranch, and Ritchie, in 
 Africa ; of Sir Stamford Raffles, Gen. Hard- 
 wicke, and Dr. Horsfield, in Asia ; and of Mr. 
 Brown, Capt. King, and Mr. Hunter) in New 
 Holland ; as the interesting novelties afforded 
 by the various collections of these gentlemen, 
 while they cannot fail to engage the attention of 
 the lover of entomology, hold out an attractive 
 promise of the rich harvest yet to be gleaned in 
 countries, which teem with the wonderful pro- 
 ductions of Nature. 
 The entomological specimens received from 
 America have been chiefly contributed by gen- 
 tlemen who have resided but a short time in the 
 country, and whose excursions in search of in- 
 sects were, probably, but few and limited ; we 
 cannot, therefore, expect yet to possess any 
 thing like a knowledge of American Entomology ; 
 yet we have enough to give a stimulus to further 
 researches, and to afford us abundant evidence 
 of the treasures to be found in those countries 
 of the New World not yet visited by the Ento- 
ffloft 2. 
 Q?2. 1826. 
 For Collecting and Preserving Insects 
 and Crustacea. 
 Character. The Crustacea are divided into 
 two large groups or sub-classes: the animals of 
 the first sub-class, ENTOMOSTRACA, are distin- 
 guished by having their legs branchial, or fur- 
 nished with appendages ; mandibles wanting, 
 or generally simple; eyes sessile or peduncu- 
 lated. The animals of this sub-class are all 
 aquatic; it contains the Monoculus Polyphemus 
 of Linne", or King Crab, one of the largest of 
 the annulose animals ; it is found in the Indian 
 Seas, and several smaller species have lately 
 been discovered in America by Mr. Say. This 
 division also contains many extremely minute 
 animals at present but imperfectly known, the 
 few that are described being, for the most part, 
 European* Some of the Entomostraca are evi- 
 dently parasitic, being found attached to the 
 bodies of sharks and fishes ; others will be seen 
 on floating fuci and confervse, or when these 
 are left by the retiring tide, or thrown on shore 
 by gales of wind or storms. Several species 
 may be taken in pools, ditches, stagnant waters, 
 and tbe clearest streams ; and many of the 
 minute species have the appearance of bivalve 
 shells. The smaller species of this sub-class 
 are best secured in spirits, but the larger as 
 hereafter directed. [PL I, fig. L] 
 Sub-class 2. MALACOSTRACA. Legs simple, 
 without appendages ; mandibles palpigerous ; 
 eyes pedunculated or sessile. To this section 
 belong all those animals known by the familiar 
 names of crabs, lobsters, cray-fish, pandals, 
 prawns, and shrimps, the whole of which have 
 the power of re-producing their claws when lost. 
 The animals of this division, in tropical 
 climes, are as remarkable for the richness of 
 their colours as the elegance of their forms; 
 some of them are extremely beautiful, whilst 
 not a few are as terrifying from their gigantic 
 size, and powerful legs and claws furnished with 
 spines, which render them rather difficult to be 
 taken. Some will be found resembling shells 
 overgrown with weeds, others like fragments 
 of rugged rocks ; whilst some, from the singular 
 formation of their feet and claws, might be 
 taken for eggs or bivalve shells. These ani- 
 mals mostly inhabit the seas, and even the 
 deepest waters ; numbers will be found on rocky 
 and sandy shores, towards evening, in search 
 of food, or left in pools by the retiring tide; 
 many also may be discovered under stones, frag- 
 ments of rocks, and in holes, or buried in the 
 sand. Every opportunity should be taken to 
 visit the sea-shore after storms and heavy gales 
 of wind, and the sea-weed and other rejecta- 
 menta should be carefully examined, as well as 
 the nets of fishermen. The empty shells found 
 on the sea-shore, are frequently the habitation 
 of the animals of which we are in search. The 
 fresh water species are numerous, and will be 
 found in rivers and running streams : some few 
 are parasitic, being found attached to fishes ; 
 many perforate buildings of wood, piles, &c. 
 The few terrestrial species yet known may be 
 found in rotten wood, under moss and stones; 
 and these, though they may be considered com- 
 mon by the indifferent observer, may yet be 
 unknown to the naturalist. Under these cir- 
 cumstances, it is to be hoped, that persons who 
 may have the opportunity, will avail themselves 
 of our hints ; for although many of the animals 
 of this and of the next class may be found in 
 great numbers, yet it frequently occurs that they 
 are completely local, and may never be met with 
 again; it is better therefore to secure, at once, 
 a sufficient number of specimens, for the sake 
 of illustrating the variations which many spe- 
 cies are liable to. [PL J, fig. 2.] 
 Directions for preserving Crustacea. 
 THOSE Crustacea that inhabit the sea may 
 be killed by being put into cold fresh water 
 (General Hardwicke informs me that he usually 
 tied them in pieces of linen or small bags, as 
 they would otherwise injure each other), and in 
 which they should be allowed to remain for 
 some hours, to extract the salt, which would 
 soon destroy the specimens by attracting mois- 
 ture; they must then be well dried, taking care 
 to place the legs, antennae, &c. in as compact 
 a form as possible, to prevent injury. Such as 
 will admit of being wrapped in soft paper may 
 afterwards be packed in boxes, on layers of 
 cotton, which for large specimens is a safer plan 
 than that of transfixing them by pins propor- 
 tioned to their size ; but, as they are extremely 
 brittle, it is better to put them into spirits. 
 ALL the Myriapoda have the head distinct 
 from the body, and are furnished with two 
 antenna , mandibles, two ; maxillae four, con- 
 fluent and forming a lower lip. All or most of 
 the segments of the body are furnished with 
 two or four legs. This Class is divided into two 
 Order 1. CHILOGXATHA. Antenna? seven 
 jointed; legs short; body generally crusta- 
 ceous. [PL I, tig. 3.] 
 This order contains the genera Glomeris, 
 lulus, fye. ; they inhabit beneath stones, moss, 
 the bark of trees, and sandy situations: from 
 their very fragile nature they arc best preserved 
 in spirits. 
 Order 2. SVNGNATHA. Antenna? composed 
 of fourteen or more joints : legs elongated ; body 
 depressed, coriaceous or membranaceous. [PL 1, 
 fig. 4.] 
 To this order belongs the Scolopendra, or 
 centipede; they inhabit moist places, beneath 
 stones, moss, the bark of decayed trees, out- 
 houses, decayed vegetable substances, and ripe 
 fruits. In tropical countries they are extremely 
 numerous ; some are large, being a foot in 
 length ; many are carnivorous, and should there - 
 fare be put into spirits as soon as taken: this, 
 indeed, is the best method of preserving them. 
 THE ArachnoTda are divided into two Orders. 
 Order 1. POLYMEROSOMATA. Body composed 
 of a series of segments ; abdomen not peduncu- 
 lated ; mouth furnished with didactyle mandi- 
 bles and maxillae; eyes two, four, six or eight. 
 [PI. I, fig. 5.] 
 The scorpion, of which there are many spe- 
 cies, is the principal type of this order ; some 
 of the species of tropical climes are, in all 
 probability, venomous, and will have a more de- 
 leterious effect upon some constitutions than 
 others : the poison is emitted through the hook 
 which terminates the tail ; some little care is, 
 therefore, requisite in capturing them, and they 
 should be immediately put into spirits, which 
 will soon kill them. In a state of nature they 
 lurk beneath stones, moss, and the detached 
 bark of trees: we arc yet but little acquainted 
 with their natural history. After being killed in 
 spirits they may be pierced with a pin, and 
 placed in cork boxes as described for insects ; 
 taking care, at the same time, that they are suf- 
 ficiently attached to the pin: -it is, however, 
 better to fix them securely by placing two or 
 three pins across the extremity of their body: 
 they are thus completely secured from injuring 
 others that may be placed near them. 
 Order 2. DJMEROSOTOMA. Body composed of 
 two segments, the abdomen pedunculatcd ; 
 mouth furnished with mandibles arid with max- 
 illae; eyes six or eight. [PL I, tig. 6.] 
 Spiders are the animals that compose this 
 order; they live principally on insects, but in 
 South America, and within the tropics, where 
 they grow to an immense size, they have been 
 known to seize humming and other small birds 
 while sitting on their nest ; and there is no 
 doubt but that the poison which is conveyed 
 through their strong and powerful mandibles 
 acts as effectually, and as rapidly, on those small 
 birds, as that of the European species does on 
 the common ily ; it is, however, doubtful whether 
 it be injurious to man: it is so, probably, in a 
 very slight degree ; but this can only apply to 
 the larger species, which, from their formidable 
 appearance, are not likely to be handled more 
 than necessity requires. Unfortunately, from 
 the general disgust with which spiders arc re- 
 garded, naturalists have been presented with but 
 few specimens for their observation ; con- 
 sequeiitly but little is known of them : some 
 extremely interesting and singular species have, 
 however, occasionally found their way to Europe, 
 evidently collected without design, as they are 
 promiscuously and but seldom seen in collections 
 of insects. Spiders abound in hot climates, and 
 will be found in houses, windows, gardens, out- 
 houses, woods, heaths, forests, the blossoms 
 of flowers, the crevices of rocks, and on walls, 
 pales, trunks of trees, &c. Many inhabit wa- 
 ters, walking on the surface, and diving on the 
 approach of danger : these perambulate also, 
 with facility, the aquatic plants beneath ; and 
 those that inhabit still waters walk on their 
 webs, previously attached to various substances. 
 Many species, for the want of nipples, are in- 
 capable of making silk ; these, therefore, are 
 under the necessity of taking their prey by 
 surprise, either by jumping or darting suddenly 
 upon such insects that may alight near them, or 
 secreting themselves in such situations as will 
 insure them food. Many of the species are ex- 
 tremely brilliant, and are as remarkable for the 
 singularity of their forms; they are, however, 
 very difficult to preserve, for no method has yet 
 been discovered effectually to secure their 
 colours; it is, therefore, best to put them all in 
 spirits, which will, at least, preserve a certain 
 portion of their characters. 
 THE bodies of the Acari are formed but of 
 one segment ; the mouth is ros triform, and in 
 some is furnished with maxillae and mandibles ; 
 the legs six or eight: trachece for respiration. 
 [PL I, fig. 7.] 
 Most of the Jlcari are parasitic, and numbers 
 will be found on aquatic animals, especially 
 amphibious quadrupeds ; they also attach them- 
 selves to fishes : most quadrupeds are attacked 
 by them, and man does not escape ; insects are 
 also much annoyed by them, being sometimes 
 completely covered with these animals : the 
 dog-tick and cheese-mite belong to this class. 
 Many of the species are confined to the water, 
 their legs being formed for swimming; they are 
 extremely brilliant in colours, and most beau- 
 tifully marked: they are chiefly found in clear 
 fresh waters. Like spiders, they must be pre- 
 served in spirits. 
 THE class Insect a, or Insects, is by far the 
 most numerous of all the classes of the annulose 
 animals, there being, at least, 100,000 species 
 known in collections, of which number the smaller 
 species of Europe forms a large proportion: the 
 minute exotic species have never been collected ; 
 as, in the eye of any but an experienced Entomo- 
 logist, they are of little importance, being com- 
 pletely eclipsed by the beauty and splendour of the 
 larger kinds. That the smaller species exist, 
 and in myriads, there is no doubt ; for we have 
 lately been informed by Mrs. Bowditch (the 
 widow of the late unfortunate African tra- 
 veller), that during her residence in that 
 country, when the cloth was laid before or 
 after a shower of rain, they were obliged to 
 clear the table and shake the cloth, wbich was 
 literally covered with various insects, before 
 they could take their meal ; and that the num- 
 bers were so great, at times, as completely to 
 extinguish the lights, and to become, in various 
 other ways, extremely obnoxious. 
 Sub-class 1. AMETABOLIA. 
 Insects undergoing no Metamorphosis. 
 Order 1. THYSANURA. Spring tail. Tail 
 armed with setae or filaments ; mouth with 
 mandibles, palpi, labrum, and labium. [PL II, 
 fig. i.] 
 The body of the animals that compose this 
 order is generally covered with scales or hair. 
 Their motions are extremely rapid, and are per- 
 formed by leaping. They abound in Europe, 
 under stones, in woods, on the ground, in damp 
 hedges, and on the shores of the sea and rivers: 
 they are generally small, and should be col- 
 lected in quills, and killed by exposure to heat: 
 when dead, they may be put on gummed paper. 
 Order 2. ANOPLURA. Tail without setee or 
 filaments ; mouth in some furnished with two 
 teeth or (mandibles ?) and an opening beneath : 
 in others, with a very short tubulous haustel* 
 him. [PI. II, fig. 2.] 
 This order contains those disgusting insects 
 known by the name of lice, the species of which 
 are far more numerous than is generally sup- 
 posed. Most quadrupeds, birds, fish, and even 
 insects, are annoyed by them ; and, in several 
 instances, many kinds have been found peculiar 
 to the species of bird from which it was taken: 
 to the Ornithologist, therefore, a knowledge 
 of this fact is frequently of importance, as the 
 parasite will often enable him to distinguish 
 varieties from species. Some birds are more 
 subject to these pests than others : they do not 
 attach themselves immediately to the skin, but 
 are generally secreted in the feathers, and 
 leave the bird, or other animal, soon after it is 
 Order 3. COLEOPTERA, or Beetles [PL II, 
 fig. 3] are easily distinguished, by having, for 
 the most part, two wings covered by two elytra 
 or wing-cases, meeting by a straight suture down 
 the back: are furnished with two antennae, two 
 mandibles, two maxillae, and either four or six 
 palpi : by the modification of these parts the cha- 
 racters of the genera are determined. Beetles 
 are extremely numerous, and are found in almost 
 every situation, as in sandy places, on the sea 
 shore, and the muddy banks of ponds and rivers, 
 running about in the sun ; others will be seen in 
 the above places, but secreted under stones, 
 fragments of rocks, chalk, &c. seeking their 
 food early in the morning or late in the evening. 
 The aquatic species may be taken in ponds, 
 ditches, rivers, and running streams ; and some 
 few will be found buried in the sand or secreted 
 amongst the pebbles of shallow brooks. The 
 method of taking the water beetles is by the 
 aquatic net, which should be attached to a strong 
 stick, and plunged among weeds, rushes, &c., 
 and, when withdrawn, it should be carefully 
 examined ; as most of these animals are ex- 
 tremely active, and soon secrete themselves 
 amongst the weeds taken up in the net, and thus 
 easily escape notice. Besides the ahove haunts, 
 in fine, clear, and calm weather, numbers will 
 be seen sporting on the surface of the water, 
 others floating or swimming beneath it; consi- 
 derable dexterity, therefore, is requisite in cap- 
 turing them. Aquatic insects are frequently as 
 local as the land animals; no opportunity should, 
 therefore, be lost in taking them whenever they 
 are observed. Again, it is not uncommon for 
 these insects to leave the waters in the evening, 
 and fly to a considerable distance : there are also 
 stated times for the appearance of all insects in 
 their perfect state ; their lives are brief, and 
 they, after the lapse of a short time, will be 
 supplanted by other species ; thus, a small dis- 
 trict of only a few miles in circumference, will 
 afford ample employment to an active collector 
 for some years. Most of the insects of which 
 we have been speaking are carnivorous, and 
 feed on others, either in the perfect or larva 
 state ; it will, therefore, be advisable to put 
 them, when collected, at once into spirits, by 
 which they will be effectually prevented from 
 destroying their companions. Dead animals, 
 dried bones, decayed vegetable substances, and 
 the dung of animals, more especially that of 
 cattle, afford food to some hundreds of species, 
 which will be found feeding on the surface or 
 buried beneath it. They also form subterrane- 
 ous excavations, sometimes to a considerable 
 depth, in order to deposit eggs in a place of 
 security. With respect to the carrion-feeders, 
 they appear of rare occurrence in tropical coun- 
 tries ; species, it is true, have been brought from 
 the East Indies ; but their labours are, in a 
 great measure, superseded by the multiplicity of 
 ants, of a gigantic size, which abound in all hot 
 climates. Traps, or wide-mouthed bottles baited 
 with flesh, and placed out of the reach of ants, 
 should be suspended by prepared cords, or insu- 
 lated by water; and the scent of the meat will 
 soon attract such insects as feed upon it: the 
 bottles should be frequently examined, and there 
 is no doubt that the collector will be soon repaid 
 for his trouble. 
 Some of the largest known coleopterous in- 
 sects reside in decomposed vegetable substances ; 
 as tan-beds, the decayed roots of trees, and 
 the refuse of gardens. Boleti, fungi, dry rotten 
 trees, and detached bark, must never be passed 
 over by the collector; insects may frequently be 
 detected, at several inches from the surface, in 
 rotten trees, and may be procured by means of 
 the digger: this is also the method of obtaining 
 the caterpillars of the wood-feeding insects. 
 Trunks of trees in woods and forests must be 
 examined with care, especially in the evening 
 and early in the morning, as it is common for 
 the night-flying species to crawl up those places 
 for the purpose of drying their wings or seeking 
 their mates : they will also occasionally be 
 found, apparently asleep, during the day, whilst 
 numbers will be seen sporting in the noontide 
 sun, alighting at intervals to feed on certain 
 juices that may exude from the trunks of trees. 
 The moss also at the foot of trees affords shel- 
 ter, during the winter or rainy season, to many 
 insects ; which may be obtained by collecting 
 the moss, and shaking it over a cloth or a sheet 
 of white paper ; others secrete themselves, at 
 this period, a few inches beneath the surface 
 of the earth near the trunks of trees. Beetles 
 that inhabit the foliage of trees or shrubs 
 may be obtained by holding the folding net, or 
 placing a sheet beneath the branches, beating 
 them with a long stick ; by which means the in- 
 sects are disturbed, fall into the net or cloth, and 
 are easily captured: this mode of collecting is 
 most successfully rrnrsued early in the morning, 
 or before a shower of rain, as, during the heat 
 of the day the insects are, for the most part, on 
 the wing, occasionally alighting on the blos- 
 soms of trees and shrubs, and particularly on 
 flowers of the umbellate kind. There are many 
 species of this order that may be taken crawl- 
 ing in pathways, road-sides, and hedge-rows, 
 also on the stalks of grass and plants of a low 
 growth: others will be seen flying in the even- 
 ing, in clouds, around the summits of the high- 
 est trees ; while many may be detected by the 
 light which they emit. The roots of grass on 
 banks with a southern aspect generally abound 
 with small beetles and other insects. It will be 
 well to remark in this place, that sudden inun- 
 dations and the overflowing of rivers will fur- 
 nish the collector with some thousands of in- 
 sects, and that he will have but little trouble i?i 
 collecting them. 
 The method of obtaining insects from floods 
 is, to watch the retiring of the waters, and where- 
 ever a narrow channel is produced, to gather all 
 the small pieces of wood, floating grass, or other 
 substances, which will be found to be literally co- 
 vered with insects. At this time, also, the rejec- 
 tamenta left on the banks of rivers may be 
 examined, and a portion should be collected* 
 these abound with the smaller insects, and should 
 be put into a bag on the spot, and the mouth 
 of it tied close to prevent the escape of the 
 insects. As soon as an opportunity occurs the 
 hag should be plunged into boiling water, which 
 will, at once, destroy the lives of the insects 
 thus secured: it should then be emptied, the 
 contents spread on a cloth, or by other means 
 exposed to the sun, or otherwise thoroughly 
 dried, and then packed either in boxes or bot- 
 tles with camphor, until we have leisure to 
 select and secure the specimens thus obtained. 
 If the rejectamenta and insects be well dried 
 they may thus, with safety, be conveyed to 
 Europe : we may also observe, that in packing 
 the insects collected and preserved in this way 
 (a method that might be employed for all the 
 insects of this order), layers of cotton, moss, 
 or tobacco, previously well dried, should be 
 introduced, to prevent, in the first instance, 
 injury from moisture; and a portion of cam- 
 phor should be used, to keep off the minute 
 mites, &c. that would otherwise destroy them ; 
 they should also be packed close, so that any 
 sudden shake may not injure them, by breaking 
 off their legs, antennae, &c. Chip boxes will 
 answer well for this purpose. 
 Before we conclude our hints on this order of 
 insects, it should be observed, that naturalists 
 are much in the dark with respect to the larvae 
 and economy, not only of this order, but of 
 exotic insects in general. Of the importance of 
 a knowledge of the larvae of coleopterous in- 
 sects, suffice it to say, that the natural distri- 
 bution of the perfect insect, according to the 
 views of the first entomolgist of the present day, 
 depends on the form of the larva ; and there ap- 
 pears sufficient ground for this arrangement, and 
 there is no doubt that the larvae of the other 
 orders will tend, in no small degree, to illus- 
 trate and accelerate these views of a natural 
 affinity. We are induced to extend our remarks 
 thus far, in the hope that those who may have 
 the leisure and opportunity of making notes and 
 observations on the natural history of insects, 
 will become as great benefactors to this delight- 
 ful branch of science, as they who may add hun- 
 dreds to the yet undescribed species existing in 
 the museums of Europe. We are fully aware of 
 the difficulty of thoroughly investigating the na- 
 tural history of any one individual species ; it 
 should be remembered, however, that many cu- 
 rious and useful observations may be made that 
 will be highly interesting, and of great value to 
 the entomologist, who seeks for something more 
 than the mere acquisition of new species. 
 Beetles may be killed hy immersion in hot 
 water or spirits of wine ; they may be then 
 pierced with a pin, and when thoroughly dried 
 may be placed in corked boxes : they require no 
 further preparation. 
 Order 4. .DERMAPTRRV. Elytri- somewhat 
 erustaccous and abbreviated, of a square form ; 
 the suture straight ; wing* mcmbranaccous, ex- 
 ternally coriaceous, large, folded transversely 
 and longitudinally ; body linear, depressed, ter- 
 minated with forceps, which are horny and 
 moveable; antenna* inserted before the ryes, 
 composed of from twelve to thirty joints, the 
 first articulation longest, the second very small, 
 the others short, obconic., or nearly globose ; 
 mandible* with their points bidentnte; pu.lpi 
 filiform, terminated with a very obscure tuber- 
 culiform little body or spine : tarsi three joint- 
 ed, villo-c beneith; eyes triangular^rBJetilatj 
 and but little prominent. [PI. II, fig. 4.] 
 The insects composing this order are well 
 known by the name of Earwigs: as (he insect 
 is so very common in Europe, many persons 
 who reside in foreign countries neglect to cap- 
 ture them; the exotic earwigs, however, arc 
rarely of the same species ; all, therefore, that 
 present themselves to the collector should be 
 taken: it is not often the case, that European 
 insects are ever found in America, Asia, or Af- 
 rica ; they may, it is true, have a similar ap- 
 pearance, hut when compared with European 
 species, they will he found to he sufficiently dis- 
 tinct. The insects of this order inhabit trees , 
 hedges, and gardens, feeding on fruits, or se- 
 creting themselves in the crevices of wood work 
 and under the bark of trees ; some few will be 
 found in the neighbourhood of dunghills, and 
 others under stones on the sea shore: as the 
 bodies are liable to shrink in drying, they should 
 be preserved in spirits. 
 Order 5. ORTHOPTERA. Elytra coriaceous, 
 the internal margin of one overlapping the same 
 margin of the other ; wings membranaceous, the 
 anterior margin coriaceous, longitudinally fold- 
 ed ; palpi short ; body elongate, narrow ; tarsi 
 with three or four, very rarely with five joints. 
 [PL II, fig. 5.] 
 This order contains the Grasshopper, Locust, 
 Mantis, Walking-leaf, and the Cricket. They 
 inhabit trees, shrubs, rushes, and grassy places, 
 and are extremely abundant in tropical cli- 
 mates, where they are found of a large size. 
 In certain years their numbers increase to such 
 an astonishing degree, that the vegetable growth 
 of a district is not sufficient to afford food to 
 their myriads; and from the scarcity they have 
 created, are under the necessity of migrating : 
 these occasional visits are frequently of the worst 
 consequence to the inhabitants, by destroying 
 the growing crops and every vegetable produc- 
 tion, producing not only famine, but frequently 
 pestilence from the effluvia which arise from the 
 bodies of the insects that have been destroyed. 
 The insects of this order should, upon being cap- 
 tured, be put at once into spirits, that they may 
 be immediately killed, and effectually prevented 
 from eating one another, which they would other- 
 wise do if put loosely into a box ; if they are 
 pierced, they must be completely transfixed by 
 pins being placed across their bodies, to prevent 
 their injuring themselves or other insects. It is 
 necessary with most of the species of this order 
 to make an incision along the under part of the 
 body, and carefully remove the contents ; cotton 
 must be substituted, to give the insect its natural 
 shape and plumpness ; if this be not attended 
 to, the bodies are liable to shrink and lose their 
 colours : the process is very simple, and a little 
 practi&e will be sufficient to ennblf tin* cullrrfor 
 to perform the operation. AVhen time or cir- 
 cumstances will not admit of this process, we 
 would recommend their being put into spirits. 
 It is also necessary to observe, that in many of 
 the species the antennae are very long and as 
 fine as a hair ; great care is therefore requisite 
 in packing them, that they may not be injured 
 by other insects getting loose in the box. 
 Order 6. DICTYOPTEBA. Elytra coriaceous, 
 nervose, decussating each other ; wings mem- 
 branaceous,with a few longitudinal folds ; max- 
 illary palpi elongate ; body depressed, oval, 
 or somewhat orbicular ; tarsi with five joints. 
 [PL II, fig. 6.] 
 The insects of this order are the too well- 
 known Cock-roaches, or the Black Beetles of 
 cooks and housemaids : the species generally 
 found in the kitchens of the houses in this me- 
 tropolis is not, strictly, a native of this country, 
 but was introduced originally from America. In 
 a state of nature, cock-roaches inhabit trees, 
 secreting themselves during the day in crevices 
 and beneath the detached bark of trees ; in 
 tropical countries they are large and nume- 
 rous. The females are generally apterous, or 
 have their wings abbreviated. The different 
 species are, as yet, but little known. A genus 
 ofHymenopterous insects (Evania ofFabricius) 
 are so far parasitical as to breed in the eggs of 
 cock-roaches: this fly is small but singular in 
 its formation, and where the cock-roaches are 
 numerous, the former are no doubt plentiful ; 
 for we lately observed a number of specimens 
 in the collection of insects formed in Sumatra, 
 by the late SIR STAMFORD RAFFLES ; it contained 
 also many species of the insects of this order. 
 They may be killed in spirits of wine or hot 
 water, and afterwards dried and put into corked 
 Order 7- NEUROPTERA. Wings four, mem- 
 branaceous, generally of equal size, with nu- 
 merous decussating pterigostia resembling a 
 net-work ; mouth with mandibles, maxillae, and 
 lip. [PL II, fig. 7.] 
 The L/ibellulcB or Dragon-flies, Myrmeleon or 
 Lion-ants (so called from the singular manners 
 of the larvae), the Scorpion-fly, Day-fly, Gold- 
 en-eye Camel-fly, and White Ants, all belong 
 to this interesting order of insects. 
 Dragon-flies are found in the neighbourhood 
 of waters, are powerful on the wing, and the 
 larger species, during the day, are fond of 
 sporting arid hunting in the more open parts of 
 woods in search of insects. The females inva- 
 riably deposit their eggs on aquatic plants, as 
 die larvae inhabit the water. It is necessary to 
 observe, that the larger species of dragon -flios 
 vequire the same preparation as described for 
 some of the grasshoppers; for without this 
 care and attention the body, more especially of 
 the larger species, will become of a dirty brown, 
 and lose all those beautiful markings and co- 
 lours with which it is usually adorned; those 
 with slender bodies seldom require this prepa- 
 The Myrmeleons,or Lion -ants, resemble some- 
 what, in the appearance of their wings, the 
 dragon-flies, but are easily distinguished from 
 them by the antennae, which in some are very 
 long, and generally increased or clubbed at the 
 ^vtremities. The myrmeleons, and the other in- 
 sects of this order, inhabit trees and shrubs in. 
 the more open parts and on the skirts of woods, 
 and may be observed flying about: many, how- 
 over, may be obtained by beating the trees, and 
 the insects will fall into the net, and thus be 
 easily captured. The white ants and their ha- 
 oits are too well known in the countries they 
 inhabit to need further observation. The whole 
 of the insects of this order must be pierced 
 hen taken, and placed in the collecting box ; 
 and, if the insects be pierced through the side, it 
 will, in a great measure, prevent their fluttering 
 and injuring themselves. 
 Order 8. TRICHOPTERA. Things four, mem- 
 branaceous; the Pterigostia or wing-bones, hairy ; 
 mouth with maxillae and lip ; antennce inserted 
 between the eyes, often very long, composed of 
 an infinity of joints ; feet elongate, spinulose ; 
 tarsi elongate, five-jointed ; the last joint with 
 two small nails. [PI. II, fig. 8.] 
 The Phryganea of Linne constitutes the in- 
 sects of this order ; in the larva state they are 
 known by the name of cad-bait, or caddis-worms. 
 The larva is elongate, agile, somewhat cylindric, 
 composed of twelve joints, the three first harder 
 than the rest, and each bearing a pair of feet ; 
 the last segment with two hooked processes: in- 
 habits tubes constructed of sand and bits of 
 wood, shells, stones, or grass, glued together 
 by a cement impenetrable to water. The pupa, 
 which somewhat resembles the perfect insect, 
 remains shui: up in the tube it inhabited whilst a 
 larva, but has the power of motion ; prior to 
 emerging from the water (in which it resides) 
 it comes to the surface for the purpose of 
 changing into the fly state. The perfect insects 
 inhabit trees and shrubs ; and many will be found 
 among rushes, long grass, and trees on the banks 
 of rivers ; towards evening, many of the species 
 assemble in vast numbers and sport in the air. 
 As they are liable to injure themselves if put 
 loose into separate boxes, it is best at once to 
 secure them by passing a pin through the tho- 
 rax ; and they will soon die if a little camphor 
 be kept in the collecting box. We know of but 
 few exotic species ; they must, however, be 
 numerous, as they are the principal food of 
 fishes ; yet they seem to have been neglected 
 on account of their plain appearance, and to 
 have been completely eclipsed by the more 
 splendid insects ; they are, notwithstanding, ex- 
 tremely interesting to the Entomologist, and 
 will, it is hoped, be diligently sought after by 
 the Collector. 
 Order 9. HYMENOPTERA. Wings four, mem- 
 branaceous, the hinder ones always smallest ; 
 the pterigostia do not decussate each other, or 
 resemble net- work : mouth with mandibles, max- 
 illse, and lip. [PL III, fig. 1.] 
 The Tenthredo or Saw-fly, Ichneumon Rv- 
 by-tail, Bees, Wasps, Ants, and Gall-flies, are 
 the principal insects of this order. TheTenthre- 
 dines and Ichneumons inhabit trees and shrubs; 
 the former have a sluggish flight, the latter are 
 very active, and may be found during the day ; 
 the females more especially, in the pursuit of 
 larvae, in which they deposit their eggs. The 
 Chrysis, or ruby-tail, is found in sandy places, 
 or engaged in perforating pales, posts, and 
 other wood-work, frequently in company with 
 bees, who also nidificate in these places. Bees 
 will likewise be found seeking their food from 
 flowers in every situation. Wasps, like bees, 
 live in society, forming their nests in the inte- 
 rior of decayed trees, but many attach them 
 externally to the branches ; these vary in size 
 and shape according to the species, and the 
 number of its inhabitants. Ants are extremely 
 numerous in all tropical countries, and appear 
 to be the chief agents of Nature in removing and 
 destroying decayed animal substances, which 
 would otherwise putrefy and infect the air ; the 
 species are, no doubt, numerous, and deserve 
 particular attention : we know that very minute 
 species exist in Africa ; they are, however, but 
 seldom collected. The gall-flies are not often 
 to be met with in Collections, although the galls 
 are an object of commerce : the flies are mi- 
 nute, which in some measure accounts for this 
 deficiency ; and here we would wish to impress 
 upon the minds of those who collect in foreign 
 countries, the necessity of attending to minute 
 species of insects. 
 The insects of this order are extremely nu- 
 merous, and the economy of the respective fami- 
 lies peculiar ; we have, therefore, to observe, tliat 3 
 for the most part, they are to be taken only 
 during the day, and when the sun is powerful ; 
 and from our own practical knowledge we should 
 recommend the beating of the trees early in the 
 morning, and searching diligently in the places 
 we have mentioned. 
 Hymenopterous insects may very frequent- 
 ly be taken by the forceps, and a slight pinch 
 will so far cripple them as to enable the Col- 
 lector to secure them. They maybe put into se- 
 parate pill boxes, or pierced with a pin when 
 taken ; there are but few that require any fur- 
 ther preparation. 
 Order 10. STREPSIPTERA. Wings two, lon- 
 gitudinally folded; mouth with mandibles. 
 [PI. Ill, fig. 2.] 
 The singular insects which form this order 
 are very minute, but extremely interesting ; the 
 few species yet discovered are parasitic, and in 
 the larva and perfect state inhabit the bodies of 
 bees and wasps. As a further illustration of 
 the economy of these insects, we cannot do 
 better than quote the observations of MR. Km- 
 BY, who first discovered it in England, and says, 
 " I had previously more than once observed 
 upon other species (of Bees) something that I 
 took to be an acarus, which appeared to be im- 
 movably fixed, just at the inosculations of the 
 dorsal segments af the abdomen ; at length, 
 finding three or four upon a specimen of Melitta 
 nigro-cenea, I determined not to lose that op- 
 portunity of taking one off to examine and de- 
 scribe; but what was my astonishment when, 
 upon my attempting to disengage it with a pin, 
 I drew forth from the body of the Melitta a 
 white fleshy larva, a quarter of an inch in length, 
 the head of which I had mistaken for an 
 acarus ! After I had examined one specimen, I 
 attempted to extract a second ; and the reader 
 may imagine how greatly my astonishment was 
 increased, when, after I had drawn it out but a 
 little way, I saw its skin burst, and a head as 
 black as ink, with large staring eyes, and an ten- 
 rise consisting of two branches, break forth, 
 and move itself briskly from side to side. It 
 looked like a little imp of darkness just emerg- 
 ing from the infernal regions. My eagerness to 
 set free from its confinement this extraordinary 
 animal may be easily conjectured. Indeed I 
 was impatient to become better acquainted with 
 so singular a creature. When it was completely 
 disengaged, and I had secured it from making 
 its escape, I set myself to examine it as accu- 
 rately as possible ; and I found, after a careful 
 inquiry, that I had not only got a non-descript, 
 but also an insect of a new genus, whose very class 
 seemed dubious." These insects, though rarely, 
 have been taken flying near the nests of bees. 
 Order 11. LEPIDOPTERA. Wings four, mem - 
 branaceous, covered with meal-like scales ; 
 mouth with a spiral tongue. [PL III, fig. 3.] 
 This order contains those very beautiful and 
 splendid insects, the Butterflies, Hawk-moths, 
 and Moths, whose extreme brilliancy has in- 
 duced many persons to take up the study of 
 Entomology, who would otherwise have remained 
 ignorant of this delightful science. Butterflies 
 appear during the day, and abound in hot 
 climates ; many of the species are extremely 
 local, and from the shortness of their lives 
 require greater assiduity in the Collector, and 
 a wider range of search, than is generally 
 supposed. As an illustration of this fact, we 
 must observe, that the number of the Papi- 
 lionidse found in England is about seventy-two: 
 of this number not more than fifty are to be 
 met within twenty-five miles of London ; of 
 these again, several are confined to the vicinity 
 of a chalk cliff, or are peculiar to a meadow or a 
 certain wood ; and, even in these situations, 
 their appearance in the perfect state is limited 
 but to a few days, and at a certain season of the 
 year. Of the remaining number, not found 
 within this distance from London, some are 
 confined to fens near a hundred miles from the 
 metropolis, and others to the mountains of 
 Scotland ; but equally limited in the times of 
 appearance and shortness of their lives. There 
 is also another circumstance in the history of 
 these insects that must not be passed over in 
 silence ; that there are several species of insects 
 which, from some hitherto unknown cause, ap- 
 pear in the season, but only in certain years, 
 when they will be found in abundance, and 
 probably extended over a vast tract of the 
 country, but again disappear for sometime, and 
 not a single specimen is to be found for a period 
 of many years, when they will again be seen as 
 plentiful as before. This is a circumstance 
 that is not confined to England, where it might 
 be attributed to our "ever varying clime:" it 
 occurs also in tropical countries; for DR. HOKS- 
 FIELD informs me, that the first year he began 
 to collect the insects of Java he met with a cer- 
 tain species of Papilio in abundance, and spread 
 all over the island ; at this time he fortunately 
 secured a quantity, but, wishing to replace 
 some injured specimens, he afterwards sought 
 in the most likely places, and at the same season 
 of the year, for several successive years, but 
 never met with them afterwards. Butterflies 
 % only during the day, and are found on the 
 skirts of woods, and in the open parts or plains ; 
 some are peculiar to extensive marshes, and 
 many are confined to chalky districts and mea- 
 dows. The best method of catching them is with 
 the FOLDING NET: the insect, when secured, must 
 be pinched in the thorax, at the insertion of the 
 wings, rather smartly, and a pin passed through 
 the thorax or side: for the larger species, the 
 latter method will frequently be found the best, 
 as it will prevent them from fluttering and in- 
 juring their wings when put into the collecting 
 The Hawk-moths fly during the night, not 
 commencing their flight until very late in the 
 evening, except those species denominated clear- 
 winged sphinges , most of which feed, during 
 the larva state, in the wood of trees, from 
 which they emerge early in the morning, and 
 will at this time be found sticking against the 
 trunks of the trees, until their wings become 
 sufficiently expanded and dried, when they take 
 wing and fly with the greatest rapidity. But 
 they may occasionally be found feeding on the 
 nectar of flowers, into the blossom of which 
 they dart their long tongues, whilst they remain, 
 like humming-birds, suspended on the wing in 
 the air. Moths are far more extensive in the 
 number of species than either of the before- 
 mentioned tribes, but appear more difficult to 
 be obtained, if we may judge from the state of 
 various collections ; indeed, this difficulty is 
 increased, as but few of these insects fly during 
 the day, and then dart along with a rapidity 
 that often puts the Collector at defiance : a 
 few, however, may occasionally be disturbed 
 from their retreats by beating about beath and 
 long grass ; and these will fly only for a short 
 distance and settle again, but often so secrete 
 themselves as to completely elude the most 
 vigilant research : the Collector must, therefore, 
 be active, and, with his net always ready, pursue 
 and capture them before they again settle, or 
 they will be lost for ever. The same will also 
 occur in woods and their neighbour hood. The 
 far greater proportion of moths may, however, 
 be taken in the abovementionod places, towards 
 the close of the day, or about two hours before 
 sunset; the minute species are generally found 
 at this time: the hedges also should be beaten 
 occasionally and lightly, which will induce many 
 to take to the wing ; the smaller species seldom fly 
 for more than an hour, when they are succeeded 
 by the Phalcena arid Geometra, which are larger, 
 but light on the wing. These will be found 
 sporting about on fine evenings for a consider- 
 able time, indeed till twilight, when they cease 
 to fly: the Noctu&iBombyces, and Hawk-moths 
 will then appear; and on moonlight and fine 
 nights will continue on the wing until midnight. 
 The most successful places for mothing are the 
 skirts of woods under the wind, where there is 
 abundance of plants in blossom, as it is the 
 nectar of flowers on which they feed. Great 
 numbers will also be observed in marshy and 
 swampy places, and on the aquatic plants that 
 grow in ditches and on the banks of rivers. 
 The best method, however, of obtaining the 
 finest specimens of the Lepidoptera is to collect 
 the larvae, or caterpillars, and feed them in 
 cages on the plants on which they are found: 
 the larvae are obtained by beating tlie hedges 
 and the trees early in the morning,, as most of 
 them feed in the night, and retire soon after sun- 
 rise; they are, therefore, but seldom to be met 
 with during the day. Caterpillars are found 
 in Europe from the spring until the autumn 
 of the year; and some few live through the 
 winter,evenin this state : they, however, decrease 
 in bulk, but are still attached to the stems of 
 trees ; on the rising of the sap and the budding 
 of the trees they resume their usual vigour, 
 feeding on the more tender shoots, and retiring 
 to the pupa state before the trees are in leaf; 
 we make this observation, because in tropical 
 countries, where trees are ever green, many 
 larvae, no doubt, remain in this state during the 
 rainy season. Most larvse are obtained in Eng- 
 land, about the middle of the spring and the end 
 of summer, or in May and September. 
 Many of the larvse of moths feed on the bodies 
 of decayed trees, and others on the roots of 
 grass ; these, when obtained, should be put into 
 cages, and constantly supplied with fresh grass, 
 that the roots may furnish them with food ; de- 
 cayed wood must also be put into the cages, as 
 many species form their coccoons of it. Those 
 persons who may have the leisure to make ac- 
 curate drawings of the larvae, will render a most 
 essential service to natural history by so doing ; 
 and any little observation connected with their* 
 economy should be noted. This order of insects 
 require no further preparation than merely 
 passing a pin through the thorax ; but as some 
 would live for a considerable time empaled in 
 this way, and this mode of killing them must be 
 repugnant to every feeling mind, we shall 
 merely state, that we have succeeded in destroy- 
 ing the life of the largest moth, by immersing 
 the body in boiling water : it is further neces- 
 sary to observe, that the whole of the body must 
 remain under water for the space of half a mi- 
 nute : the water must be quite clean, and free 
 from every kind of grease ; the wings should be 
 pressed together, and held firm by the finger 
 and thumb, so that the upper surfaces be not 
 rubbed, which would spoil the specimen ; the 
 insect should be then put on blotting paper, to 
 extract the moisture, and may afterwards be 
 placed on a corked board to dry. These in- 
 sects are said to be readily killed by dipping 
 the pin into aquafortis previously to passing it 
 through the insect : should this be found suffi- 
 cient, it is a most convenient mode for travel- 
 lers, who may not have the opportunity of im- 
 mersing them in boiling water. With respect 
 to the smaller species, they arc, in general, soon 
 killed, as passing the pin through them will fre- 
 quently deprive them of life in a few minutes ; 
 but the usual method is, to collect the very mi- 
 nute moths in separate pillboxes, and kill them 
 by the fumes of sulphur. The following is the 
 best method of effecting this : elevate the lid of 
 the box sufficiently to admit the fumes of the 
 sulphur, without letting the insect escape ; then 
 place the box under a bason and light a match, 
 or put a little sulphur on the end of some paper, 
 and place it under the bason : in the space of a 
 few minutes the insects will be all killed, and 
 may then be pierced and put away into boxes. 
 Order 12. OMOPTERA. Rostrum attached to 
 the inferior part of the head ; elytra coriaceous 
 or mcmbranaceous throughout, suture straight ; 
 thorax composed of two segments, the second 
 as long or longer than the first ; ocelli three. 
 [PL III, fig. 4.] 
 The celebrated Fire-fly, Lanthorn-fly, Cicada 
 or Frog-hopper, the Plant-lice, and Cochineal 
 insect, are the principal insects belonging to 
 this order. As yet, but few species are known of 
 the Fire-flies ; there is little doubt, however, 
 that many more are to be discovered in the inte^ 
 rior of India. The Cicadse appear to abound in 
 tropical climes, and the species are numerous : 
 many of those brought from Sumatra by SIR 
 STAMFORD RAFFLES were very large, and, from 
 the number of specimens, appear to have been 
 extremely common. The males make a loud 
 chirrupping noise, and in New Holland are 
 known by the name of Razor Grinders, from 
 their singular note. The plant-lice are minute., 
 and peculiar to each species of plant ; it, there- 
 fore, requires a knowledge of Botany to become 
 acquainted with them ; they are also very diffi- 
 cult to preserve : under these disadvantages it 
 will be necessary to procure specimens of the 
 plants on which they are found, and such me- 
 moranda should be made at the time as will en- 
 able the botanist to identify the species. It would 
 also be advisable to preserve the different species 
 in separate pill boxes, with a number that may 
 correspond with the observation, and likewise 
 agreeing with the number of the plant. The 
 Coccus, or cochineal insect, has much the ap- 
 pearance of the buds of plants, as it attaches 
 itself so close to the smaller branches ; these 
 scale-like animals may be detached from the 
 treeg by means of a pen-knife : they are, for 
 the most part, minute, especially the males^ 
 which are furnished with wings, and from their 
 diminutive size are not easily detected, except 
 narrowly watched ; and should he sought for in 
 those situations where the females are found in 
 abundance : like the Aphides, they are only 
 seen on certain plants, and from the observa- 
 tions of Naturalists, it appears that each species 
 of plant has its peculiar Aphis and Coccus. We 
 should advise that the same method be adopted 
 in preserving the Cocci as mentioned for the 
 The Fulgora and Cicada may be pierced with 
 a pin, or put into spirits, unless the bodies are 
 very cottony, which is the case with many ; and 
 when this occurs, we should advise that they be 
 pierced on the spot, and placed in the collecting 
 Order 13. HEMIPTERA. Rostrum attached 
 to the anterior extremity of the head ; elytra 
 somewhat crustaceous or coriaceous, with the 
 apex membranaceous, placed in a horizontal di- 
 rection, one decussating the other ; thorax with 
 the first segment (which bears the feet) larger 
 than the following one ; haustellum with three 
 setae; ocelli or little eyes, two, one being obso- 
 lete. [PL III, fig. 5.] 
 The Cimex or Bug, the Water-scorpion, and 
 the Boat-fly belong to this order : the species 
 are numerous, and many are extremely beau- 
 tiful in their colours ; others are as remarkable 
 for their size and singular forms. Cimices in- 
 habit trees, shrubs, and ferns, feeding on the 
 juices of plants and animals, but principally on 
 the larvse of lepidopterous insects; many will 
 be found crawling in grassy places and at the 
 roots of grass, as well as on rushes in marshy 
 situations: some few inhabit beneath the de- 
 tached bark of decayed trees. The Water-scor- 
 pion and Boat-flies are found in the waters, and 
 may be taken by means of the aquatic net. The 
 insects, when captured, should be immediately 
 pierced and placed in the corked collecting box, 
 or put into separate pill boxes, and killed either 
 by sulphur or hot water: as they are very brittle 
 when dry, they should be pierced while in a re- 
 cent state. 
 Order 14. APTERA. No wings or elytra ; 
 mouth with a tubular, jointed, sucking rostrum ; 
 body ovate compressed, covered with a coriace- 
 ous skin, and composed of several segments ; 
 short ; consisting of three legs bearing 
 joints ; head small, compressed, rounded above., 
 and truncate before ; eyes minute, orbicular, 
 lateral ; antennae lamelliform, small, ciliated 
 with spirules, one -join ted at their base, in- 
 serted in two excavations behind the eyes \palpi 
 filiform (composed of four rounded joints) 
 scarcely longer than the head, porrect, gene- 
 rally resting on the rostrum ; legs strong, and 
 formed for jumping, especially the hinder ones ; 
 COXCB and thighs large, compressed ; tarsi elon- 
 gate, cylindric, composed of five simple joints, 
 the last articulation furnished with two long, 
 acute, and slender nails. [PL III, fig. 6.] 
 The common Bed-flea is the best example of 
 this order. It is not generally known that 
 many birds and quadrupeds are much annoyed 
 by fleas, more especially the latter, and from 
 an examination of those taken from the mole, 
 squirrel, and bat, there is no doubt of their 
 being distinct species from the bed-flea: under 
 these circumstances, the fleas of birds and 
 quadrupeds should be carefully collected, and 
 the name of the animal whence it is taken 
 should be attached. These small animals should 
 be collected in quills, and killed in hot water : 
 they should afterwards be put on gummed 
 Order 15. DIPTERA. Wings two, naked, 
 unprotected ; halteres (poisers or balancers) 
 placed behind, and generally beneath the wings ; 
 head distinct from the thorax by an evident in- 
 terval; proboscis (rarely wanting) univalve ; 
 tar si , with two simple nails. [PI. Ill, fig. 7-] 
 Tl>c Dipt era are easily distinguished from 
 the other orders of insects by having only two 
 wings. They are extremely numerous, and many 
 of the exotic species are very large. This 
 order contains the Tipuliada or Crane-flies, 
 Gnats, House-flies, the Bots of Cattle, &c. 
 The Diptcra of foreign climes are certainly less 
 known than any other order of insects ; those 
 persons, therefore, who may have the opportu- 
 nity, will render a most essential service to En- 
 tomology by collecting them: they feed, for the 
 raost part, on animal and vegetable juices, and 
 are generally quick on the wing ; they are found 
 in the blossoms of flowers in woods, meadows, 
 banks of rivers, and morasses ; during the day 
 they are on the wing, and may often be taken 
 while settling on flowers and the trunks of 
 trees, especially before rain ; when they may 
 be easily captured, either with the forceps or 
 net. The JEstridcB orBots, when in the larva 
 state, cause the large pustules frequently to be 
 seen on the backs of cattle ; but many of the 
 perfect insects deposit their eggs on the hair of 
 the animal, and pass into the stomach in con- 
 sequence of its licking itself : the pupse of the 
 latter will be found in the dung of horses at 
 certain seasons of the year ; others in the larva 
 state inhabit the frontal sinuses of sheep and 
 deer, and the perfect insects will be found on 
 stones and places contiguous to the resort of 
 these animals. The insects of this order should 
 be pierced as soon as taken : no further prepa- 
 ration is requisite. 
 Order 16. OMALOPTERA. Mouth with man- 
 dibles and maxillss ; lip simple ; wings two or 
 none. [PL III, fig. 8.] 
 The Forest Fly, Sheep and Swallow-tick, arc 
 of this order ; there are many other species in- 
 habiting both quadrupeds and birds: very few 
 exotic species are known ; those found on the 
 camel and tiger, however, have been described. 
 Having now concluded our directions for col- 
 lecting insects, it may not be amiss to add some 
 observations by Mr. W. Macleay, relating to 
 the insects of Java collected by Dr. Horsfield: 
 and as in formation of this nature is seldom to 
 be met with, it cannot fail of being acceptable 
 to our readers* The collection formed in Java 
 by Dr. Horsfield, is, without doubt, the most 
 perfect that has ever reached England from 
 the Indian Archipelago ; the number of the spe* 
 cimens exceeding 20,000, and the whole being in 
 the highest state of preservation* From these 
 valuable materials, it is likely that the students 
 of Entomology will reap the most important 
 benefits; Mr. W. Macleay, whose liberal and 
 enlarged views of his favourite science place 
 him at the head of our British Entomologists, 
 having commenced a descriptive Catalogue of 
 the Insects of Java, accompanied with some 
 excellent remarks on their natural distribution. 
 From the first part of this work we extract the 
 following useful observations on the locality of 
 certain Javanese Insects : 
 " In the year 1812, or soon after the conquest 
 of Java by the British arms, Dr. Horsfield's 
 original plans were considerably enlarged, in 
 consequence of the liberal patronage which was 
 bestowed on his researches by the Honourable 
 East India Company, through the friendly me- 
 dium of Sir Stamford Raffles, the Lieutenant- 
 Go vernor of the Island. At this time, Dr. Hors- 
 field was established in an extensive plain, ele- 
 vated nearly 200 feet above the level of the 
 ocean, and situated near the middle of the 
 island, in regard both to its length and breadth. 
 This plain is highly fertile, and, with very little 
 exception, is in a complete state of culture. 
 The soil is a deep vegetable mould, which, 
 near the banks of several large rivers that flow 
 through it, is mixed with sand. Here the col- 
 lection of insects was carried on with zeal and 
 perseverance, not only by Dr.Horsfield himself, 
 but by various native assistants, who had been 
 properly trained to this pursuit. His attention, 
 as may be conceived, soon extended itself to all 
 annulose animals, without exception ; and his 
 assistants were, accordingly, instructed to look 
 for them in every situation, and, as far as pos- 
 sible, to leave no place unexamined. During 
 these researches therefore, the party, being 
 provided with all the usual implements of en- 
 tomological collectors, neglected none of the 
 ordinary resorts of insects, such as flowers, de- 
 cayed wood, carcases of dead animals, ponds, &c., 
 and consequently, the collection now in the 
 possession of the East India Company may very 
 fairly be considered as affording a general view 
 of the Entomology of the abovementioned plain. 
 When any remarkable deficiency is observed in 
 particular natural groups, we may at least con- 
 clude that such insects are, on this plain, com- 
 paratively very rare. According to Dr. Hors- 
 field's general observation, indeed, those insects 
 which live on plants, shrubs, and trees, are ex- 
 tremely abundant in Java; while such as are, 
 in more temperate climates, commonly found 
 in various situations near the surface of the 
 earth, are limited to a few families. At the 
 same time, however, it will be well to bear in 
 mind, on regarding the immense proportion of 
 herbivorous insects in the collection, that, from 
 the nature of Dr. Horsfield's more immediate 
 pursuits, he was particularly led to collect on 
 " From the plain just mentioned, in which, on 
 account of the extension of agriculture and a 
 numerous population, the variety of vegetable 
 arid animal productions is necessarily limited, 
 Dr. Horsfield often made journies, in different 
 directions, through the more wild and uninha- 
 bited parts of the island. Some of these were 
 undertaken almost exclusively for entomological 
 research, and were particularly directed, at the 
 proper seasons, to a long range of hills, ex- 
 tending parallel to the southern coast of the 
 island, and rising to an elevation of 2000 feet 
 above the level of the ocean. 
 " The base of this range is of a mixed nature ; 
 partly calcareous, partly trappean, and the hills 
 are covered with trees and shrubs, although in 
 many places the vegetation is less abundant and 
 luxuriant than in the volcanic district, which 
 constitutes a long series in the centre of the 
 island. And here may be stated a curious 
 circumstance in entomological geography, ob- 
 served by Dr. Horsfield ; namely, that the tem- 
 perature which exists from an elevation of 
 1000 to that of 2000 feet above the level of the 
 ocean, is most productive of coleopterous in- 
 sects; and consequently, that this order oc- 
 curred more abundantly in the southern and 
 lower central ranges. The lepidoptera, on 
 the other hand, appeared to be most abundant 
 at an elevation of between 3000 and 4000 feet ; 
 that is, on the declivities of the high volcanic 
 peaks. On such lofty situations, the luxuri- 
 ance of vegetation greatly exceeds that of the 
 southern ranges; and here, at the height of 
 nearly 4000 feet above the level of the sea, 
 multitudes of the most brilliant and rare lepi- 
 doptera were taken ; and from the quantity of 
 larvae observed by Dr. Horsfield, he conceives 
 that many more species remain still to be col- 
 " If the Collection can be considered defective, 
 Dr. Horsfield imagines that it is only scanty in 
 such species as may be peculiar to the districts 
 which extend from the immediate confines of 
 the ocean to an elevation of 200 feet. On the 
 south coast the hills rise so abruptly from the 
 sea to an elevation of several hundred feet, 
 that probably few species were lost by those 
 shores not having been examined ; but along the 
 northern coast of the island, which in many 
 cases is low, and bounded by extensive plains 
 of sands, there possibly remains much to be 
 discovered." Maclcay's Annulosa Javanica, 
 THE apparatus used for taking insects is few 
 and simple: the following instruments are in- 
 dispensable, and will be found to answer every 
 necessary purpose. 
 1. A NET, similar in its construction to a 
 bat-fowling net: this is generally made of fine 
 gauze or coarse muslin, and may be either 
 green or white ; the advantage of the latter is, 
 that minute insects are sooner discovered than 
 if the net be green, but the green-coloured is 
 generally preferred, being less conspicuous, and 
 better adapted for mothing. The net-rod should 
 be made of ash, beech, hazel, or other tough 
 wood ; and from three to five feet in length, 
 round, smooth, and gradually tapering from the 
 base, which should be about an inch in diameter. 
 At the top of each rod an angular ferrule is 
 fixed, so as to form a right angle with the 
 rest of the rod ; the cross pieces should be of 
 cane, and fitted into the ferrules : for the con- 
 venience of carriage, each rod is divided into 
 three pieces, which are fitted together by means 
 of ferrules, and rendered similar to a fishing 
 I' oil. The net must be bound with a broad 
 welt of ribbon or cloth, for the sticks to pass 
 through ; at the top or centre, where the cross- 
 pieces meet, a bit of wash-leather should be 
 sewed in the band, and stitched through the mid- 
 dle, to form a hinge, and to prevent the cross- 
 pieces from slipping over each other ; at the 
 bottom of the net about four inches of the 
 gauze should be turned up, to form a bag ; this 
 will frequently impede the escape of many in- 
 sects, and prevent others from falling out of 
 the net. This net is intended to take insects 
 on the wing, and it is well adapted for that pur- 
 pose, as it may be instantly opened or folded 
 together, and thus the insects are easily se- 
 cured: even the smallest insects cannot escape, 
 if the net is not damaged, and the gauze is 
 fine. It also answers well for collecting cater- 
 pillars, and many of the coleopterous insects 
 that inhabit trees and shrubs : in using it for 
 this purpose, the Collector must hold it in his 
 left hand, under the tree or shrub intended to 
 be beaten, and strike the branches with a stick, 
 when the insects will fall into the net, and are 
 easily captured. [PL IV, fig. 1.] 
 2. HOOP NET. As many of the butterflies 
 settle only on the summits of trees, and always 
 fly high, this net is extremely useful ; it is mada 
 of a hoop of cane, with a long bag-net attached 
 to the end of a stick or pole : the net should be 
 of such a length, that, upon a slight twist, it 
 may fall against one side of the hoop, and pre- 
 vent the escape of the insect. [PL IV, fii>\ 2.] 
 3. LANDING NET. This is made of strong 
 cloth, with an open canvas bottom, and attached 
 to an iron ring, such as is used by anglers : the 
 net should not be above four or five inches in 
 depth. [PL IV, fig. 3.] 
 4. THE DIGGER. This is a piece of iron or 
 steel, of about six inches long, fitted into a 
 wooden handle, and is used for collecting the 
 pupae of lepidoptera at the roots of trees, and 
 also for stripping off the bark of decayed trees. 
 [PI. IV, fig. 4.] , 
 5. A TIN BOTTLE, useful in collecting coleop- 
 terous insects. In this bottle a tube is intro- 
 duced, which extends a little way down the 
 bottle, to prevent the insects from escaping 
 when the cork is taken out for the purpose of 
 putting in other insects. [PL IV, fig. 5.] 
 6. A PAIR OF FORCEPS. These are about 
 ten inches in length, and are made of iron. The 
 fans are either circular or of an octagon form, 
 and are covered with fine gauze ; they are held 
 and moved as a pair of scissors, and are ex- 
 tremely useful in taking the hymenopterous and 
 dipterous insects. If an insect be found on a 
 leaf, both leaf and insect may be inclosed in the 
 forceps ; or if lodged against the trunk of a 
 tree, paling, or any flat surface, they may very 
 conveniently be entrapped: the forceps is also 
 the best instrument for taking bees, wasps, and 
 such insects as inhabit walls and sandy banks. 
 When the insect is secured in the forceps, it 
 should be pressed with the thumb and finger 
 pretty smartly on the thorax, but not so hard 
 as to crush it ; it may then be shaken into the 
 hand, and a pin passed through the thorax (this 
 method is also used with moths when taken in 
 the net), or a pin may be passed through the 
 thorax while the insect is between the gauze, and 
 then carefully taken out by the pin. [PL IV, 
 fig. 6.] 
 8. COLLECTING Box. This, for hot climates 
 where the lepidopterous insects are large, must 
 be in proportion, otherwise the Collector will 
 frequently be obliged to reject insects for want 
 of room. The box should be about four inches 
 deep, and corked at top and bottom ; a large 
 chip box, being light, answers extremely well, if 
 the top and bottom be previously well secured 
 with glue. Camphor in a piece of muslin should 
 always be kept in the box, which will tend, in a 
 great measure, to hasten the death of those in- 
 sects that it is necessary to pierce. We would 
 also recommend that small pieces of sponge or 
 cotton be secured in different parts of the box, 
 and saturated with spirits of turpentine, the ef^ 
 fluvia of which tends to destroy life. 
 9. PINS. The pins used either for Crustacea 
 or insects must be adapted to the size of the 
 animal : the Entomologist should, therefore, have 
 at least four different sizes ; the largest, used for 
 Crustacea, should be about four inches long, and 
 thick in- proportion ; the other three sizes should 
 be gradually finer, and about an inch and a half 
 in length. Needles should never be used., as 
 they soon rust, and the insects are liable to se- 
 rious injury. 
 10. PILL BOXES. The lightest, for the con- 
 venience of carriage, are those made of paper, 
 and should be of four different sizes, so that 
 they will nest or pack one within the other: as 
 the tops and bottoms arc seldom sufficiently se- 
 cured, and in the event of either getting loose 
 it is frequently a source of vexation to the Col- 
 lector in the loss probably of a valuable insect, 
 it is best to strengthen them by glueing paper 
 at the top and bottom. If a particularly rare 
 insect should be captured, and secured in a pill 
box, it will be advisable to wrap it in a little 
 paper, to distinguish it from the other boxes. 
 11. QUILLS will also be found useful: these 
 should be large and thick; they must have one 
 cud carefully stopped up with cork or cement, 
 and the other with a cork stopper. It is also 
 of advantage to tie a piece of waxed sewing 
 silk round each end, to prevent the quills from 
 splitting. The Entomologist may in these se- 
 cure with safety the most minute insect. 
 12. LARV.E Box. This is essential to the 
 Collector for the safe conveyance of caterpil- 
 lars : it should be a large chip box, with a piece 
 cut out of the top and bottom, and covered with 
 gauze, for the free admission of air: a few 
 leaves or sprays of the plants on which the 
 caterpillars feed should be put into the box 
 with them. A tin box of a convenient size, and 
 perforated with small holes, is preferred by 
 some Entomologists, as, in this case, the plants 
 retain their moisture better. 
 13. BREEDING CAGES are used for rearing in- 
 sects from caterpillars, and should be made of 
 wainscot, in the form represented in Plate IV, 
 fig. 9, with the sides and front covered with 
 gauze; in the centre of the box should be a tube 
 for the reception of a bottle of water, in which 
 the stems of the plants should be put to keep them 
 alive. It is necessary to observe, that the con- 
 stant supply of fresh plants is essential to the 
 obtaining fine specimens of the perfect insect ; 
 it is also requisite to keep the cages clean by 
 clearing away the dung, which is injurious to the 
 health of the caterpillars. When caterpillars 
 are large, which is the case with many of the 
 exotic species, it is scarcely necessary to say 
 that the cages must be in proportion. When 
 drawings can be made of the larvae, they should 
 be kept by themselves, in order to ascertain the 
 species. As most of the caterpillars in a state 
 of nature feed during the night, and secrete 
 themselves in shady and cool places in the day 
 time, the cages should be kept either in an out- 
 house or cellar; at the bottom of the % cages 
 there should always be a quantity of earth, of 
 the depth of four or five inches, for such larvae 
 as pass the pupae state underground ; and this 
 should be kept moist. As many of those insects 
 that undergo their metamorphosis below the 
 surface of the earth form an artificial cell, in 
 which the pupee can freely turn, it is hardly ne- 
 cessary to say that such must never be disturb- 
 ed: many will remain in this state for several 
 months, and some from one to two years. 
 14. STORE BOXES. To completely secure the 
 success of the Collector, particular attention to 
 the nature of store boxes, and the packing of 
 insects, is of the utmost importance, as care- 
 lessness in the proper fixing of the insects, or 
 defective boxes, will, in a short time, ruin the 
 labours of many years' research. We have, 
 with much regret, seen many valuable insects 
 completely destroyed by not attending to these 
 minutiae. The boxes should be about two feet 
 long, fourteen inches wide, and five inches high, 
 divided down the middle, so as to open like a 
 backgammon-board, with a cell at each end, for 
 the reception of camphor ; a ledge of half an 
 inch should rise on the inside of the lower half, 
 to exclude dust and minute insects. The boxes 
 should be made of yellow deal, and previously 
 to putting the insects in should be well saturated 
 with spirits of turpentine, as the effluvia arising 
 from it will tend to keep off any living insects 
 that might injure those which are preserved. 
 The boxes must be lined with a sheet of cork at 
 the top and bottom; or, what is more economi- 
 cal, slips of cork, about half an inch wide and 
 and a quarter thick, may be placed at the dis- 
 tance of an inch from one another, and glued 
 down to the box, A still simpler plan may be 
pursued : take the corks of common wine bot- 
 tles, and divide them into pieces of about three- 
 eighths to half an inch in thickness, and glue 
 them to the bottom and top of the box at a 
 distance of about an inch and a half from each 
 other. Care must be taken always to pass the 
 pin sufficiently deep into the cork, so that no 
 sudden jerk will remove or displace the insects 
 thus transfixed. It may be necessary to sug- 
 gest, that in the event of making an extensive 
 collection of the insects of any country, it is 
 advisable to have the boxes made uniform, and 
 of one size, for the convenience of packing in 
 chests, which should be rendered, by paint and 
 pitch, perfectly secure against wet and damp ; 
 the boxes ought also to be previously examined, 
 and well saturated with spirits of turpentine, and 
 a sufficient quantity of camphor should be secured 
 to prevent the insects from being injured by der- 
 mcstes, &c. The edges of the boxes should be 
 covered with paper pasted on them, to exclude 
 the air and dust. 
 *.* Sets of Apparatus may be had on appli- 
 cation to the Jluthor, through the medium of the 
 Fig. Pate $. 
 1. Example of Class I. CRUSTACEA; Subclass 1, EN- 
 TOMOSTRACA, Pandarus bicolor. 
 2. 2. MALACOSTRACA, Carcinus Maenas. 
 meris marginata (Margined millepede) . 
 4. - 2. SYNGNATHA, Cryptops hortensis. 
 Europa3us (European scorpion). 
 6. 2. DIMEROSOTOMATA, Tetragnatha extensa. 
 7.**- IV. ACART; Hydrachna geographica. 
 Pate HE. 
 1. CJass V. 1NSECTA; Order 1, THYSANUKA, Petro- 
 bius maritimus. 
 2. 2, ANOPLUKA ; Haematopinus Equi. (Louse of the 
 3. 3. COLEOPTERA* Pynastes Hercules ( Hercules 
 4. 4. DERMAPTERA, Labidura gigantea. 
 5. 5. ORTHOPTERA, Mantis precaria. 
 f> (>. DICTYOPTERA, Blatta orientalis (Cockroach). 
 7. 7. NEUROPTERA ; Libellula 4 maculata (Dragon 
 8. 8. TRICHOPTERA, Limnephilus nervosus. 
 1. 9. HYMENOPTERA; Vespa erabro (Hornet). 
 2. 10. STREPSIPTERA j Stylops melitta. 
 3. 11. LEPIDOPTERA; Papilio Protesilaus. 
 4. 12. OMOPTERA; Cicada ha3matode>. 
 5. 13. HEMIPTERA; Pentatoma prasinns. 
 6. 14. APTERA - y Pulex talpse (Mole's flea}. 
 7. . 15. DIPTERA; Asilus crabroniforinis. 
 8. 16. OMALOPTEKA; Hippobosca equina (Forest fly). 
 Pate W& (Apparatus). 
 1. Net. -2. Hoop-net. 3. Aquatic net. 4. Di^grr. - 
 o. Tin bottle. 6 Forceps. 7. Breeding rat;e. 
By the same Author, and to be had ot Messrs. Longman and 
 Co., price l. plain, or ll. 18s. coloured, 8vo. 
 DIUM ; or an Introduction to the Knowledge of 
 British Insects, comprising the best Means of obtaining 
 and preserving them, and a Description of the Appa- 
 ratus generally used ; together with the Genera of 
 Linn6, and the Modern Method of arranging the Classes 
 Crustacea, Myriapoda, Spiders, Mites and Insects, 
 from their Affinities and Structure, according to the 
 Views of DR. LEACH. Also an Explanation of the 
 Terms used in Entomology ; a Calendar of the Times of 
 Appearance and usual Situations of 3,000 Species of 
 British Insects ; with Instructions for collecting and 
 fitting up Objects for the Microscope. Illustrated with 
 Twelve Plates. 
 The following are among the Notices which have appeared in 
 favour of this Work : 
 " This is a valuable work, and will tend materially to ad- 
 vance the study of British Entomology, since it is arranged 
 after the natural method. It does infinite credit to its inge- 
 nious author." 
 Sitpplement to Encyclopedia Brilannica, vol. iv. 
 "The ample title sufficiently sets forth the contents of the 
 volume to which it is prefixed ; and we have only to add, 
 that the knowledge, judgement, and accuracy displayed in the 
 performance itself, render it a desirable text book to every 
 student of British Entomology.** Monthly Review. 
 fi This production is what it purports to be, a Useful Com- 
 pendium, Persons fond of entomological pursuits, will find it 
 worthy their attention; and the student will receive much 
 help from Mr. Samouelle's labours." Literary Gazette. 
 "We have been much pleased with the inspection of this new 
 and truly original contribution to the history of British Ento- 
 mology. It bears manifest marks of being the fruits of much 
 labour and scientific research into a very interesting depart- 
 ment of knowledge, and is presented to the Public in a style 
 of minute elegance and accuracy, highly worthy of the inte- 
 rest of the subject which it illustrates. The work is concluded 
 by an explanation of the plates, which contain very beauti- 
 fully delineated figures of between 200 and 300 insects. We 
need scarcely add our opinion, that, on the whole, the work is 
 one which does much honour to the industry and science of 
 Mr. Samouelle." Philosophical Magazine. 
 " We have not often seen the results of so much labour col- 
 lected into so small a volume. It does great credit to the 
 author's industry and acquirements as a naturalist, and as far 
 as our approbation may extend, we should feel pleasure in con- 
 tributing to favour the reward due to his useful exertions." 
 Medical Journal. 
 " Mr. George Samouelle has lately favoured the public with 
 a Useful Compendium, or Entomologist's Introduction to nearly 
 3000 Species of British Insects; which must prove, with the aid 
 of the micx-oscope, a real feast to the virtuosi of the land. It 
 is very elegantly illustrated with twelve plates." 
 Monthly Magazine. 
 " The publication before us comprises very extensive infor- 
 mation within a small compass, affording a complete introduc- 
 tion to the science of Entomology. The Author has evidently 
 spared no pains to render his work valuable, and in every- 
 way worthy the attention of the public; and we strongly re- 
 commend it both for its utility and elegance. It is closely 
 printed ; and the plates contain above 200 figures, which in the 
 coloured copies are exquisitely finished." 
 , Gentleman's Magazine. 
 Compendium is an indispensable text 
 " With regard to works on British Entomology, Samouelle's 
 Entomologist's Useful Compendium will be found a very excel- 
 lent help to the student." 
 Kirby's Introduction to Entomology, vol. iv. 
 " Mr. Samouelle's Introduction to the Knowledge of British 
 Insects, which has contributed so much towards the advance- 
 ment of Entomology in this country, has been rendered moie 
 generally useful by being written in our own language." 
 Curtia's British Entomology. 
 Just published, 
 LOGY ; alphabetically arranged, and intended as La- 
 bels for Cabinets of British Insects, &c. Crown 8vo, 
 price 4s. 6d. in extra boards. 
 Printed by Compton and Ritchie, Middle, Street, 
 Cloth Fair, London.