GIFT OF E.P.Lewis tuWfil MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY NArURE SERIES MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY BY * i ' < r " J ' . OLIVER ]. L^ODGE, D.Sc., LL.D, F.R.S. Professor of Experimental Physics in University College, Liverpool WITH ILLUSTRATIONS* Jtonbon MAC MILL AN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1889 The Right of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved > o / 6 *s Ri5HA%i> CL!Y AND SONS, LIMITED lto>ft>ON AND BUNGAY. ADVERTISEMENT. THE object of this work is to explain without technicalities, and to illustrate as far as possible by mechanical models and analogies, the position of thinkers on electrical subjects at the present time. It deals particularly with that view of electrical theory which is specially associated with the names of Clerk-Maxwell and Sir William Thomson, and it aims at going as far as possible into the most recondite portion of the subject, explaining what is known of the nature of electricity, but entirely without the use of mathematics. The subject is divided by the author into four parts : (i) Electricity under strain, or Electro- statics ; (2) Electricity in Locomotion, or current Electricity ; (3) Electricity in Whirling Motion, or Magnetism ; (4) Electricity in Vibration, or Radiation, commonly called Light. The propagation of electro -magnetic waves through space, the nature of what is called self-induction, the physical meaning involved in the terms magnetic permeability and specific inductive capacity, are all fully treated and explained by mechanical illustrations. The discoveries of Faraday, of Kerr, and of Hall ; the velocity of electro-magnetic disturbances ; the new discoveries relating to the transmission of electrical energy through the insulating medium instead of through a conductor, and other similar views associated to some extent with the names of Poynting and Heaviside ; the magnetic observations of Ewing, the most recent discoveries of Hertz ; are all treated and explained in a more or less full and popular manner. The treatment is adapted to that large class of persons who, having some acquaintance with the ordinary facts and phenomena of electrical science as detailed in the usual text-books, find some difficulty in perceiving the -theoretical bearing of the whole, or in reading the works of the masters of science. The book begins by assuming an elementary knowledge of facts, gradually develops the " incompressible-fluid" idea of electricity, and thence leads on slowly to some of the most recent speculations and opinions concerning the structure of Ether, the nature of Light, the conceptions of Electricity, of Elasticity, and of Matter, and the rela- tionship existing between them. It thus aims at placing its readers on a higher platform whence they can follow the still further progress which in our own day is being so rapidly accomplished in these difficult branches of Natural Science. 6G5408 PREFACE. THE doctrine expounded in this book is the etherial theory of electricity. Crudely one may say that as heat is a form of energy, or a mode of motion, so electricity is a form of ether, or a mode of etherial manifestation. This doctrine is led up to by gradual stages, and the explanations in Part I. do not aim at the same fulness of detail as those in Part III. or IV. Since the book is intended to be useful to the higher class of students it seemed very permissible to adopt a method which I always use in teaching, viz. to begin by giving some ideas at first, and to gradually polish them up later, rather than by attempting a too highly finished statement ab initio to overburden and depress, and possibly to confuse, a student. Because of this progressive arrangement I may be permitted viii PREFACE. to urge students to read the book through before proceeding to dip into it by help of the index and before taking notice of references forward, which subsequently it is hoped will prove useful. Persons who are occupied with other branches of science or philosophy or with literature, and who have, therefore, not kept quite abreast of physical science, may possibly be surprised to see the intimate way in which the ether is now spoken of by physicists, and the assuredness with which it is experimented on. They may be inclined to imagine that it is still a hypothetical medium whose existence is a matter of opinion. Such is not the case. The existence of an ether can legitimately be denied in the same terms as the existence of matter can be denied, but only so. The evidence of its existence can be doubted or explained away in the one case as in the other, but the evidence for ether is as strong and direct as the evidence for air. The eye may indeed be called an etherial sense-organ, in the same sense as the ear can be called an aerial one, and somewhat in the same sense as the hand and muscles may be called a sense-organ for the apprecia- tion of ordinary matter. Some of the details of my explanations may fce wrong (though I hope not), and all must be capable PREFACE. ix of ultimate improvement, but as to the main doctrine concerning the nature of electricity, though I call it a " view," it is to me no view but a conviction. Few things in physical science appear to me more certain than that what has so long been called electricity is a form, or rather a mode of manifestation, of the ether. Such words as "electrification," "electric," may re- main ; " electricity" may gradually have to go. It can be noticed that whereas in the earlier part of the book the word electricity occurs frequently and the word ether seldom, in the later portion this order of frequency is inverted. A rough and crude statement adapted for popular use is that electricity and ether are identical ; but that is not all that has to be said, for there are two opposite kinds of electricity, and there are not two ethers. But there may be two aspects of one ether rf just as there are two sides to a sheet of paper, or two aspects of a transparent clock face ; and similarly may positive and negative electricity be two aspects, or, as I have some- times called them by chemical analogy, " components," of the ether. Anything which can be sheared (and ether is sheared by every electromotive force applied to it) must consist of two parts sufficiently different to travel or to be displaced in opposite directions. If this statement is vague, it is because our present x PREFACE. knowledge of the structure of the ether is vague ; not because the relationship of electricity to ether is un- certain, or will be anything but definite so soon as we know the constitution of the ether more precisely. Vague at present our knowledge of the ether is, but not so vague as these lines may suggest. That which has now to be investigated is not the nature of electricity, but the nature of the ether. Ex- planation always progresses by stages ; no explanation is ultimate ; every explanation is a step up, a removal of a thing from a lower to a higher category. Thus comets at one time might have been anything ; they have been shown to be a form (or swarm) of meteo- rites. Meteorites, again, have been shown to be lumps of common matter usually iron or rock. There remains the question, What is iron or rock, or any form of matter ? Heat was once thought to be a form of matter ; it is now known to be a form of energy. There remains the question, What is energy ? Electricity has been thought to be a form of energy ; it has been shown to be a form of ether. There remains the question, What is ether ? And a question it is indeed : the question of the physical world at the present time. But it is not un- answerable : it is, in my belief, not far from being- answered. And it is probably a simpler question than PREFACE. xi the supplementary and next subsequent question, What is matter ? It is simpler, partly because ether is one, while matter is apparently many ; partly because the presence of matter so modifies the ether that no com- plete theory of the properties of matter can possibly be given without a preliminary and fairly complete knowledge of the properties and constitution of un- disturbed ether in free space. When this has been attained, the resultant and combined effect we call matter may begin to be understood. If a continuous incompressible perfect fluid filling all space can be imagined in such a state of motion that it will do all that ether is known to do ; if, simply by reason of its state of motion, it can be proved capable of conveying light and of manifesting all electric and magnetic phenomena which do not depend on the presence of matter ; and if the state of motion so imagined can be proved stable and such as can readily exist, the theory of free ether is complete. The latest contribution towards such a theory appears while I write in a letter to Nature by G. F. Fitzgerald (May Qth, 1889). The fluid structure there imagined, a liquid in turbulent or vortex motion consisting of interlaced vortex filaments like a sponge, is proved to be capable of doing all that is required of free ether ; and the motion is believed with great probability to be a stable and possible state. The Fitzgerald ether may xii PREFACE. consist, for instance, of an assemblage of columnar vortices threading each other in three cardinal directions in square (or cubical) order ; adjacent vortices rotating opposite ways like the cells in my sectional diagrams, Figs. 37 and 46, in which the clockwise whirls are positive electricity and the counter- clockwise are negative electricity. Until we come into the neighbourhood of matter no further distinction but exact opposition of properties is existent. A somewhat similar idea concerning the ether has been worked at by Mr. Hicks, see 156 ; and Sir William Thomson proved in a famous paper at the British Association in 1887, that a laminar arrangement of vortices could transmit transverse vibrations (i.e. light), though with some absorption and therefore partial opacity (Phil. Mag. October 1887). Fitzgerald has now gone a step further and devised a fibrous ether which is not only optically, but also electrically, sufficient. If no flaw appears, if it stand the test of criticism and further development, the theory of free ether is far more than begun. The theory of bound ether and of matter must next follow, and thereby, in addition to all optical and electrical phenomena, gravitation and cohesion must be explained too. Then must be attacked the specific differences between various kinds of matter, and the nature of what we call their " combinations." When this is accomplished the complex facts of chemistry will have been brought under a comprehensive law. The next fifty years may witness these tremendous victories in great part won. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL. May i$th, 1889. CONTENTS. PART I. INTRODUCTION AND ELECTROSTATICS. CHAPTER I. p FUNDAMENTAL NOTIONS CHAPTER II. THE DIELECTRIC . l8 CHAPTER III. CHARGE AND INDUCTION 3 PAGE xiv CONTENTS PART II. CONDUCTION. CHAPTER IV. METALLIC AND ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION '55 CHAPTER V. CURRENT PHENOMENA . CHAPTER VI. CHEMICAL AND THERMAL METHODS OF PRODUCING CURRENTS. CONDUCTION IN GASES 106 PART III. MA GNETISM. CHAPTER VII. RELATION OF MAGNETISM TO ELECTRICITY 131 CHAPTER VIII. NATURE OF MAGNETISM 147 CONTENTS. xv CHAPTER IX. PACK STRUCTURE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD 168 CHAPTER X. MECHANICAL MODELS OF A MAGNETIC FIELD 177 CHAPTER XT. MECHANICAL MODELS OF CURRENT INDUCTION 193 PART IV. RADIA TION. CHAPTER XII. RELATION OF ETHER TO ELECTRICITY .....* 219 CHAPTER XIII. CONSTANTS OF THE ETHER 234 CHAPTER XIV. ELECTRICAL RADIATION, OR LIGHT 246 CHAPTER XV. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC AND ELECTROSTATIC EFFECTS ON LIGHT . 276 xvi CONTENTS. APPENDED LECTURES LECTURE I. PAGE THE RET ATION BETWEEN ELECTRICITY AND LIGHT 311 LECTURE II. THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS 327 LECTURE III. THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR 359 APPENDIX 387 INDEX 411 PART I. INTRODUCTION AND ELECTROSTATICS. CHAPTER L FUNDAMENTAL NOTIONS. i. IT is often said that we do not know what elec- tricity is, and there is a considerable amount of truth in the statement. It is not so true, however, as it was some twenty years ago. Some things are begin- ning to be known about it ; and though .modern views are tentative, and may well require modification, nevertheless some progress has been made. I shall endeavour in this essay to set forth as best I may the position of thinkers on electrical subjects at the present time. I begin by saying that the whole subject of elec- tricity is divisible for purposes of classification into four great branches. (i) Electricity at rest, or static electricity : wherein are studied all the phenomena belonging to stresses and strains in insulating or dielectric media brought B 2 4 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PARTI. about by the neighbourhood of electric charges or electrified bodies at rest immersed therein ; together with the modes of exciting such electric charges and the laws of their interactions. (2) Electricity in locomotion, or current electricity : wherein are discussed all the phenomena set up in metallic conductors, in chemical compounds, and in dielectric media, by. .the passage of electricity through them ; together with the modes of setting electricity in continuous motion and the laws of its flow. (3) Electricity in rotation, or magnetism : wherein are discussed the phenomena belonging to electricity in whirling or vortex motion, the modes of exciting such whirls, the stresses and strains produced by them, and the laws of their interaction. (4) Electricity in vibration, or radiation : wherein are discussed the propagation of periodic or undu- latory disturbances through various kinds of media, the laws regulating wave velocity, wave-length, re- flection, interference, dispersion, polarization, and a multitude of phenomena studied for a long time under the heading " Light." Although this is the most abstruse and difficult portion of electrical science, a certain fraction of it has been known to us longer than any other branch, and has been studied under special advantages, because of our happening to possess a special sense-organ for its appreciation. CHAP. I.] FUNDAMENTAL NOTIONS. 5 Now in order to be able to get through a survey of these four great and comprehensive groups in moderate compass, it will be necessary for me to assume acquaintance with all the elementary facts and proceed at once to their elucidation. 2. The great names in connection with our progress in knowledge as to the real nature of electricity, irre- spective of a mere study and extension of its known facts, are FRANKLIN, CAVENDISH, FARADAY, MAXWELL. To these, indeed, you may feel impelled to add the tremendous name of THOMSON ; but one has some delicacy in attempting to estimate the work of living philosophers, and as Maxwell has been very explicit in acknowledging his indebted- ness to his illustrious contemporary, whose work will in the course of nature have to be criticized and appraised by far abler hands than mine and by the philosophers of generations yet unborn, we may well afford to abstain from minute considerations and accept for the present the name of Maxwell as representative of the great English school of mathematical physicists, under whose influence, Cambridge, in the pride of having reared them, is awaking to new and energetic scientific life, and whose splendid achieve- 6 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART i. merits will shine out in the future as the glory of this century. The views concerning electrification which I shall try to explain are in some sense a development of those originally propounded by that most remarkable man, Benjamin Franklin. The accurate and acute experimenting of Cavendish laid the foundation for the modern theory of electricity ; but, as he worked for himself rather than for the race, and as moreover he was in this matter far in advance of his time, Faraday had to go over the same ground again, with extensions and additions peculiar to himself and corresponding to the greater field of information at his disposal three-quarters of a century later. Both these men, and especially Faraday, so lived among phenomena that they yielded up their hidden secrets to them in a way unintelligible to ordinary workers ; but while they themselves arrived at truth by pro- cesses that savour of intuition, they were unable always to express themselves intelligibly to their contemporaries and to make the inner meaning of their facts and speculations understood. Then comes Maxwell, with his keen penetration and great grasp of thought combined with mathematical subtlety and power of expression ; he assimilates the facts, sym- pathizes with the philosophic but untutored modes of expression invented by Faraday, links the theorems of Green and Stokes and Thomson to the facts of CHAP. I.] FUNDAMENTAL NOTIONS. 7 Faraday, and from the union there arises the young modern science of electricity, whose infancy at the present time is so vigorous and so promising that we are all looking forward to the near future in eager hope and expectation of some greater and still more magnificent generalization. 3. You know well that there have been fluid or material theories of electricity for the past century ; you know, moreover, that there has been a reaction again'st them. There was even a tendency a few years back to deny the material nature of electricity and assert its position as a form of energy. This was doubtless due to an analogical and natural, though unjustifiable, feeling that just as sound and heat and light had shown themselves to be forms of energy so in due time would electricity also. If such were the expectation, it has not been justified / / / / / / / / IV -1-4 FIG 9A. Stages during the charge of a metal by induction and contact. Numbers preceded by + or - represent charges; numbers affixed to an arrow-head represent E.M.F. In this series the E.M.F. applied is supposed constant. The metal partition introduced has also a charge on 46 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PARTI. its surface, viz. 4 on the side facing A, and + 4 on the side facing B. See Diagram II. The next stage is to connect the metal momentarily to earth. The effect of this is to entirely relieve the strain on the B side by replacing the dielectric with metal, which allows the cord to freely slip through. The cord makes another bound forward, and all the strain is now thrown upon 4 strata, which each have to bear 15, and are displaced ij from their natural position. Re- storing the dielectric (i.e. removing the temporary earth connection) makes no further change, but leaves every- thing as shown in Diagram III. The charge on one side of the metal partition is now 6, and on the other side is nothing. Finally remove the constant E.M.F. which has been acting all this time. The cord makes a bound back, its strain becomes nothing ; the 2 strata on the right have to balance the 4 strata on the left, and accord- ingly their displacements are I and J respectively. The charges on the faces of the partition are 2 and 4 ; both negative. The charges on A and B are 4- 2 and + 4 respectively, although they are at the same potential. The state of things is shown in IV., and the metal partition has been charged negatively by means of induction. Of course it may have been charged equally on its two faces ; that is a mere matter of the relative proximity of adjacent objects, A and B. If instead of maintaining A at constant potential CHAP, in.] CHARGE AND INDUCTION. 47 it possessed a constant charge, the series of operations would differ in a slight and easily appreciated manner. The resultant tension on the cord would then be zero all the time, and the series of operations would be practically the electrophorus series, such as go on rapidly and continuously in all inductive machines and replenishers. It will, however, be worth while to sketch this electrophorus series more particularly ; the process of working out what is happening in any given case will then be sufficiently illustrated. Electropiiorus. 22. Diagram I., Fig. QB, shows the cake excited negatively, resting on its sole. The negative charge on surface of cake is called 13 units; of these, 12 are what is sometimes called "bound". by the sole, and I is free. In other words, the strain due to 12 units of charge is thrown on the layers of the cake, the remaining small strain is thrown on the atmo- sphere above. The strain in the atmosphere is small because it is so much thicker than the cake there are so many layers in it that a very small displace- ment of each suffices to balance the stress in the cord. One unit of charge is induced on the ceiling and walls of the room by the electrified cake. We now bring down the insulated metal cover of the electrophorus. If it is any appreciable thickness it 4 8 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART i. displaces a few of the strained layers, and thus there is a little extra strain on the others ; but this effect is (Ceiling) Atmosphere Lowest position l of Cover J Air film Cake -I Sole Fig. 98. The electrophorus series of operations. Double lines mean rigid rods supporting smooth beads, and represent metal. Gripping beads supported by elastics represent dielectric. Numbers preceded by + or - represent charges. The charge excited on the surface of the electrophorus cake remains constant all the time. The sole is supposed connected with the floor and walls of the room. Numbers in parentheses at the top represent the charge induced on ceiling and walls. The whole thickness of atmosphere does not pretend to be represented. It must be thick enough in I. precisely to balance the stress in the cake. The resultant stress in the cord is in each case zero. I. shows the charged cake, with cover either offer in position but insulated. II. shows effect of connecting cover and sole. III. and IV. show effect of gradually raising cover. I. again shows effect of having removed cover and discharged it. extremely small, and it is quite unessential. We may therefore take the cover as of no thickness, and CHAP, in.] CHARGE AND "INDUCTION. 49 bring it down into what is marked in the diagram as its lowest position ; the stress passes through it, and nothing is affected except the one layer whose place it takes, Diagram I. will serve to represent the cover thus put on, so long as it is insulated. The dotted lines show it in position. It does not make intimate contact with the cake ; a film, either of air or of the substance of the cake itself, intervenes between it and the negatively charged surface, and this is exhibited in the diagram. The next thing is to connect the cover and the sole together. This immediately brings about the state of things represented by Diagram II. A charge of 9 units has rushed round from sole to cover, making with the charge I which previously existed on the walls of the room a total of ro. 1 The strain above the cover is entirely relieved, and the whole excitement is now internal between cover and sole. The strain in the cake is considerably relieved, but the work of balancing what remains in it is thrown on the very thin film between cover and top of cake. This, therefore, is highly strained. We now raise the again insulated cover. As it as- cends fresh layers of dielectric intervene between it and the cake, and receive some of the strain. The effect 1 If the sole had been insulated, and connection between it and cover also made in an insulated manner, then this unit on the walls of the room would stay there ; the cover would only acquire a charge 9, and the slight strain above it shown in I. would continue to exist unaltered. E 50 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART I. of this is threefold. First, they partially relieve .the strain in the original very thin layer ; next, they increase the strain in the cake ; and thirdly, they put a little strain on the air above the raised cover. The sole therefore receives 5 units instead of 3 ; the cover retains its charge 10, but part of this is on its upper surface ; the induced charge - 2 makes its appearance on the walls of the room. The state is shown in Diagram III. Diagram IV. continues the process of raising, until ultimately when the plate is removed to infinity, its charge above and below is equal, being 5 on each, and the cake and cover have returned to their original state I., ready to begin again. The cover having now a charge 10, the walls of the room wherever it is will have a charge 10, and it may be discharged whenever one pleases without affecting the cake at all. Having discharged it, one can put it on, as in I., and perform the cycle again. If one chooses to put the cover on before dis- charging it, the cycle of operations is just reversed, from IV. to II. It is instructive to mount an electrophorus on an insulating stand and connect its sole to earth through a delicate galvanometer ; then the rush out of it when the cover is touched, and the flow back again as the cover is raised, can be easily watched. CHAP, in.] CHARGE AND INDUCTION. 5-1 23. There is one more thing which is so important to see clearly that an illustration of it is desirable, and that is the effect of inserting not a metal but a slice of some other perfectly insulating dielectric, with a different inductive capacity, in the midst of a polarized medium. Thus, for instance, between the plate of a charged condenser insert a thick slab of glass. The effects will differ according as the con- denser plates are charged each with a given quantity, or are maintained at a constant difference of potential . Refer to Fig. QC ; the 8 similar strata are sup- posed to be displaced with a total E.M.F. 24, the tension in the cord (negative electric potential) ac- cordingly rises by a step 3 at each layer. Diagram I. shows this initial state. Clamp the cord, to represent a constant charge on the plates A and B, and now introduce a slab of glass that is, re'place the 4 middle layers by elastics only half as stiff (see II.). The stress in the cord steps up now by only I at each of these layers, and the total difference of potential, instead of being 24, is now only 18. Meanwhile the charges remain the same, and there is no charge on the surface of the glass ; the capacity of the whole condenser has increased in the ratio of 4 to 3. There is no charge on the surface of the glass ; but the resultant effect is very much the same as if there were. The effect on the cord will be precisely the same as if the replaced elastics were still of the same E 2 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [FART i. T + 3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -3 2 4 i L / / 7 / / 7 X / / / / / / X / / / / / / / / X / I 3 + 3 \ \ \ \ \ \ x \ \ ^ \ \ X \ \ \ \ \ s. \ \ -3 18 x x 7 x x ,X / / / '/ J / x x / ^ 4- 3 \ \ \ x \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "jx \ \ \ -3 / X / x / ? / / / / A 'V / / / 4 4 N ^ ^ \ X x v v X "v v "X S N> N \ x x X x x x ^ ~"^, \ ^ X IN \ X ^ "> 1 / / / / 7 X x / :: ' X X ^ s f f' / / 1 ^ _/ --T \ V 24 FIG. 90 Real and apparent effects of introducing a glass slab between the plates of an air condenser. I. shows the original condenser, of capacity \. II. shows the effect of inserting a slab of half the whole thickn ess, arn^of specific inductive capacity 2, the charge being kept constant. The capacity has risen to \. shows a spurious imitative mode of obtaining the same effect, without any change of inductive capacity, by help of surface charges. IV. shows the effect of introducing the slab into the condenser when it is supplied with a constant E.M.F. The capacity hs again become \. V. shows a spurious imitation of this effect by help of surface charges. III CHAP, in.] CHARGE AND INDUCTION. 53 strength, but as if their beads had slid half-way back, into the positions shown in III., where surface charges exist as indicated by numbers. This, I repeat, is not the state of things caused by the glass, but it is so like it in effect as to be difficultly distinguishable from it ; and one sometimes speaks of the spurious or virtual charges set up on the glass surface, meaning the charges in Diagram III., which so exactly imitates the resultant effect of II. So much for the effect of constant charge ; now take the case of constant potential. Diagram IV. shows the effect of replacing some of the elastics by weaker ones in this case. The E.M.F. is kept constant, so the strong elastics have more strain thrown on them than before ; no internal charge is possible so long as the substances insulate perfectly, so all the beads are pulled forward equally. The step of potential is now 4 at all the stiffer (or air) strata, and 2 at all the weaker (or glass) strata, making up the total E.M.F., 24. The charge on the plates A and B has increased from 3 to 4 in accordance with the increase of capacity, the rate of increase of which is still 4 : 3. Here again the real effect shown in IV. may be simulated by spurious surface charges without any change of inductive capacity, as is sufficiently indicated by Diagram V., wherein all the elastics are supposed of the same strength. 54 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART i. 24. Hydraulic Model of a Leydeii Jar. So much for t]jie cord model, but I will now describe and ex- plain an hydraulic model which illustrates the same sort of facts ; some of them more plainly and directly than the cord model. Moreover, since all charging is essentially analogous to that of a Leyden jar, let us take a Leyden jar and make its hydrostatic analogue at once. The form of jar most convenient to think of is one supported horizontally on an insulating stand, with pith ball electroscopes supplied to both inner and outer coatings. Or one may use, as I commonly do, in con- junction with the hydraulic model, a vertical coated pane, with a pith ball connected to each coating ; but if the electroscopes were of such a kind as to show a difference between positive and negative potential, they would do better. To construct its hydraulic model, procure a thin india-rubber bag, such as are distended with gas at toy-shops ; tie it over the mouth of a tube with a stop-cock A, and insert the tube by means of a cork into a three-necked globular glass vessel or " receiver," as shown in the diagram, Fig. 10, One of the other openings is to have another stop-cock tube, B ; and the third opening is to be plugged with a cork as soon as the whole vessel, both inside and outside the bag, is completely full of water without air-bubbles. CHAP, in.] CHARGE AND INDUCTION. 55 This is the insulated Leyden jar : the bag represents the dielectric, and its inner and outer coatings are the spaces full of water. Open gauge-tubes, a and b, must now be inserted in tubes A and B, to correspond to the electroscopes supplied to the jar; and a third bent tube, C, con- FIG. ID. Skeleton diagram of hydraulic model of a Leyden jar. necting the inner and outer coatings, will correspond to a discharger. Ordinarily, however, of course C will be shut. A water-pump screwed on to A will represent an electric machine connected to inner coating ; and the outer coating, B, should open into a tank, to represent the earth. The pump will naturally draw its supply of water from the same tank. 56 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART I. The bag being undistended, and the whole filled with water free from air, the level of the water in the two gauge-tubes will correspond with that in the tank ; and this means that everything is at zero potential, i.e. the potential of the earth. Now, C being shut, shut also B, open A, and work the pump. Instantly the level in the two gauges rises greatly and equally : you are trying to charge an insulated jar. Turn an electric machine connected to a real jar, and its two pith balls will similarly and equally rise. Now open B for an instant, the pressure is relieved, and both gauges at once fall, apparently both to zero. Repeat the whole operation several times however, and it will be found that, whereas b always falls to zero, a falls short of zero each time by a larger amount, and the bag is gradually becoming distended. This is charge by alternate contact. It may be repeated exactly with the real jar : a spark put into the inner coating, and an equal spark withdrawn from the outer coat- ing each time ; and unless this outer spark is so withdrawn, the jar declines to charge : water (and electricity) being incompressible. If B is left permanently open, the pump can be steadily worked, so as to distend the bag and raise the gauge a to its full height, b remaining at zero all the time, save for oscillatory disturbances. Having got the jar charged, shut A, and remove CHAP, in.] CHARGE AND INDUCTION. 57 the pump, connecting the end of A with the tank directly. Now of course by the use of the discharger c the fluid can be transferred from inner to outer coat, the strain relieved, and the gauges equalized. But if this operation be performed while the jar is insulated, i.e. while A and B are both shut, the common level of the gauges after discharge is not zero, but a half-way level ; and the effect of this is very noticeable if you touch an insulated Leyden jar after it has been discharged. Instead of using the discharger c, however, we can proceed to discharge by alternate contact, and the operation is very instructive. Start with the gauge b at zero, and the gauge a at high pressure. Open stop-cock A ; some water is squeezed out of inner coating, and the a gauge falls to zero, but the suck of the contracting bag on the outer coat pulls down the gauge b below zero, the descent of the two gauges being nearly equal. Next shut A and open B ; a little water flows in from the tank to still further relieve the strain of the bag, and both gauges rise ; b to zero, a to something just short of its old position. Now shut B and open A again : again the two gauges descend. Reverse the taps, and again they both rise ; and so on until the bag has recovered its normal size. This is discharge by alternate contact, and exactly 58 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART I. imitates the behaviour of an insulated charged Leyden jar whose inner and outer coats are alternately touched to earth. Its pith balls alternately rise with positive and with negative electricity, indicating potentials above and below zero. FIG. ii. First actually constructed model Leyden jar, with mercury gauges or electrometers ; the whole rigged up with things purchasable at a plumber's, except the pump. The glass globe contains an elastic bag, which swells as water is pumped into it. The tank is kept full of water, and its level represents the potential of the earth. Flexible tubes full of water effect the desired earth-connectibns when wished. (The gauges a and b represent electroscopes connected to inner and outer coats of the jar respectively. Figs, ii and 12 are taken from photographs of apparatus I have made to use as just described. The glass globe with the partially distended bag inside it, the pump, the tank, the gauges a and b, the stop-cocks CHAP, in.] CHARGE AND INDUCTION. 59 A B C, will be easily recognized. Two extra stop-cocks, A' and B', leading direct to tank, are extra, and are to FIG. 12. Latest form of hydraulic model of a Leyden jar with "water gauges ; the whole arranged vertically to be more conspicuous. The pump is a force-pump with a communi.cation between top of barrel and tank to get rid of stray water. The parts are labelled to correspond with the skeleton diagram, Fig. 10, as well as with Fig. n. save having to disconnect pump and connect A direct, when exhibiting the effect of " discharge by alternate 60 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART i. contact." But the tank is not sufficiently tall in Fig. 1 2 ; I have doubled its height since. The full height of the gauge-tubes is barely shown. In any form of apparatus it is essential to fill the whole with water pipes, globe, everything before commencing to draw any moral from its behaviour. It is rather difficult to get rid of a large bubble of air from the top of the globe of Fig. 11, and though it is not of very much consequence in this place, the stop-cock in Fig. 1 2 is added to make its removal easy. The gauges in Fig. 1 1 may be replaced by others arranged as a lantern-slide, and connected by flexible tubing full of air. 25. I have explained thus fully the hydraulic illus- tration of Leyden jar phenomena, because these constitute the key to a great part of electrostatics. The illustration is not indeed a complete or perfect one by any means, but by combining with it a con- sideration of the endless cord models, and of what I have endeavoured to explain concerning conduction and insulation in general, a distinct step may be gained. Think of electrical phenomena as produced by an all-permeating liquid embedded in a jelly ; think of conductors as holes and pipes in this jelly, of an electrical machine as a pump, of charge as excess or defect, of attraction as due to strain, of discharge as CHAP, in.] CHARGE AND INDUCTION. 61 bursting, of the discharge of a Leyden jar as a springing back or recoil, oscillating till its energy has gone. By thus thinking you will get a more real grasp of the subject and insight into the actual processes occurring in Nature unknown though these may still strictly be than if you employed the old ideas of action at a distance, or contented yourselves with no theory at all on which to link the facts. You will have made a step in the direction of the truth, but I must beg you to understand that it is only a step ; that what modifications and additions will have to be made to it before it becomes a complete theory of electricity I am unable fully to tell you. I am con- vinced they will be many, but I am also convinced that it is unwise to drift along among a host of complicated phenomena without guide other than that afforded by hard and rigid mathematical equations. The mathematical theory of potential and the like has -insured safe and certain progress, and enables mathematicians to dispense for the time being with theories of electricity and with mental imagery. Few, however, are the minds strong enough thus to dispense with all but the most formal and severe of mental aids ; and none, I believe, to whom some mental picture of the actual processes would not be a help if it were safely available. 62 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART i. Such a representation I have endeavoured par- tially to lay before you ; and I hope, if I have succeeded in making myself at all intelligible, that students of electricity will find it of some use and service. PART II. CONDUCTION. CHAPTER IV. METALLIC AND ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION. 26. WE have now glanced through electrostatic phenomena, and seen that they could be all compre- hended and partially explained by supposing electri- city to be a fluid of perfect incompressibility in other words, a liquid permeating everywhere and every- thing ; and by further supposing that in conducting matter this liquid was capable of free locomotion, but that in insulators and general space it was as it were entangled in some elastic medium or jelly, to strains in which electrostatic actions are due. This medium might be burst, in a disruptive discharge, but easy flow could go on only through channels or holes in it, which therefore were taken to represent conductors ; and it was obvious that all flow must take place in closed circuits. To-day I want to consider the circumstances of this flow more particularly : to study in fact, the second F 66 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. division of our subject (see classification on page 4), viz. Electricity in locomotion. I use the term " locomotion " in order to eliminate rotation and vibration : it is translation only with which we intend now to concern ourselves. Consider the modes in which water may be made to move from place to place ; there are only two : it may be pumped along pipes, or it may be carried about in jugs. In other words, it may travel through matter, or it may travel with matter. Just so it is with heat also ; heat can travel in two ways : it can flow through matter, by what is called " conduction," and it can travel with matter, by what is called "convection." There is no other mode of conveyance of heat. You frequently find it stated that there is a third method, viz. " radiation " ; but this is not truly a conveyance of heat at all. Heat generates radiation at one place, and radiation reproduces heat at another ; but it is radiation which travels, and not heat. Heat only naturally flows from hot bodies to cold, just as \vater only naturally flows down hill ; but radiation spreads in all directions, without the least attention to where it is going. Heat can only flow one way at any given point, but radiation travels all ways at once. If water were dissociated on one planet into its constituent gases, and if these recombined on another planet, it would not be water which travelled from one to the other, neither would the substance obey the laws of CHAP, iv.] METALLIC CONDUCTION. 67 motion of water water would be destroyed in one place, and reproduced in another ; just so is it with the relation between radiation and heat. Heat, then, like water, has but two direct modes of conveyance from place to place. For electricity the same is true. Electricity can travel with matter, or it can travel through matter ; by convection or by conduction, but in no other known way. Conduction in Metals. 27. Consider, first, conduction. Connect the poles of a voltaic battery to the two ends of a copper wire, and think of what we call the " current." It is a true flow of electricity among the molecules of the wire. If electricity were a fluid, then it would be 'a transport of that fluid ; if electricity is nothing material, then a current is no material transfer ; but it is certainly a transfer of electricity, whatever electricity may be. Permitting ourselves again the analogy of a liquid, we can picture it flowing through, or among, the mole- cules of the metal Does it flow through or between them ? Or does it get handed on from one to the next continually ? We do not quite know ; but the last supposition is often believed to most nearly repre- sent the probable truth. The flow may be thought of as a perpetual attempt to set up a strain like that in a F 2 68 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. dielectric, combined with an equally perpetual breaking down of every trace of that strain. If the atoms be conceived as little conductors vibrating about and knocking each other, so as to be easily and com- pletely able to pass on any electric charge they may possess, then, through a medium so constituted, electric conduction could go on much as it does go on in a metal. Each atom would receive a charge from those behind it, and hand it on to those in front of it, and thus may electricity get conveyed along the wire. Do not, however, accept this picture as anything better than a possible mode of reducing conduction to a kind of electrostatics an interchange of electric charges among a series of conductors. If such a series of vibrating and colliding particles existed, then certainly a charge given to any point would rapidly distribute itself over the whole, and the potential would quickly become uniform ; but it by no means follows that the actual process of conduction is anything like this^ Certainly it is not the simplest mode of picturing it for ordinary purposes. The easiest and crudest idea is to liken a wire conveying electricity to a pipe full of marbles or sand conveying water ; and for many purposes, though not for all, this crude idea suffices. Leaving the actual mode of conveyance as un- known, let us review how much is certainly known of the process called conduction in homogeneous metals. CHAP, iv.] METALLIC CONDUCTION. 69 This much is certainly known : (1) That the wire gets heated by the passage of a current. (2) That no trace of a tendency to reverse discharge or spring back exists. (3) That the electricity meets with a certain amount of resistance or friction-like obstruction. (4) That this force of obstruction is accurately proportional to the speed with which the electricity travels through the metal that is, to the intensity of the current- per unit area. 28. About this last fact a word or two must be said. The amount of electricity conveyed per second across a unit area is called the intensity of current, 1 and experiment proves, what Ohm originally guessed as probable from the analogy of heat conduction, that this intensity is accurately proportional to the slope of potential which causes the flow ; or, in other words (since action and reaction are equal and opposite), that a current in a conductor meets with an obstruc- tive electromotive force exactly proportional to itself. Or, quite briefly, a current through a given conductor is proportional to the E.M.F. which drives it. The particular ratio between slope of potential and cor- responding intensity of current depends upon the particular material of which the conductor is composed, 1 Often called "density" of current, but "intensity" is the natural and proper expression for the purpose. 70 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. and is one of the constants of the material, to be deter- mined by direct measurement. It is called its " speci- fic conductivity " or its " specific resistance " according to the way it is regarded. The law here stated is called Ohm's law, and is one of the most accurately known laws there are. Never- theless it is an empirical relation ; in other words, it has not yet been accounted for it must be accepted as an experimental fact. Undoubtedly, it is one of vast and far-reaching importance : it asserts a connection between electricity and ordinary matter of a definite and simple kind. Using the language of hydraulic analogy, it asserts that when electricity flows through matter the friction between them is accurately as the first power of the velocity for all speeds. 29. Now if we think of this opposing electromotive force as analogous to friction, it is very easy to think of heat being generated by the passage of a current, and to suppose that the rate of heat-production will be directly proportional to the opposing force and to the current driven against it as in fact Joule experimentally proved it to be. But if we are not satisfied with this vague analogy, and wish to penetrate into the ultimate nature of heat and the mode in which it can be generated, then we can return to the consideration of a multitude of oscil- lating and colliding particles, moving with a certain average energy which determines what we call the CHAP, iv.] METALLIC CONDUCTION. 71 " temperature" of the body. If now one or more of these bodies receives a knock, the energy of the blow is speedily shared among all the others, and they all begin to move rather more energetically than before : the body which the assemblage of particles constitutes is said to have " risen in temperature." This illustrates the production of heat by a blow or other mechanical means. But now, instead of striking one of the balls give it an electric charge ; or, better still, put within its reach a constant reservoir of electricity from which it can receive a charge every time it strikes it, and at the same time put within the reach of some other of the assemblage of particles another reservoir of infi- nite capacity which shall be able to drain away all the electricity it may receive. In practice there is no need of infinite reservoirs : all that is wanted is to connect two finite reservoirs, or " electrodes," as one might now call them, with some constant means of propelling electricity from one to the other, i.e. with the poles of a voltaic battery or a Holtz machine. What will be the result of thus passing a series of electric charges through the assemblage of particles ? Plainly the act of receiving a charge and passing it on will tend to increase the original motion of each par- ticle ; it will tend to raise the temperature of the body. In this way, therefore, it is possible to picture the mode in which an electric current generates heat. But although this process may be used as a possible 72 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. analogy, it cannot be a true and complete statement of what occurs ; for it is essentially the mode of propaga- tion of sound. Sound travels at a definite and known velocity, being a mechanical disturbance handed on from particle to particle in the manner described. But heat, being some mode of motion, must also be handed on after some analogous fashion, so that when heat is supplied to one point of a mass it spreads or diffuses through it. It is difficult to suppose the con- duction of heat to be other than the handing on of molecular quiverings from one to another, and yet it takes place according to laws altogether different from those of the propagation of the gross disturbance called sound. The exact mode of conduction of heat is unknown, but, whatever it is, it can hardly be doubted that the conduction of electricity through metals is not very unlike it, for the two processes obey the same laws of propagation : they are both of the nature of a diffusion, they both obey Ohm's law, and a metal which conducts heat well conducts electricity well also. Conduction in Liquids. 30. Leaving the obscure subject of conduction in metals for the present, let us pass to the consideration of the way in which electricity flows through liquids. By " liquids," in the present connection, one more par- CHAP, iv.] ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION. 73 ticularly means definite chemical compounds, such as acids, alkalies, salt and water, and saline solutions generally. Some liquids there are, like alcohol, tur- pentine, bisulphide of carbon, and possibly water, which, when quite pure, either wholly or very nearly decline to conduct electricity at all. Such liquids as these may be classed along with air and gases as more or less perfect dielectrics. Other liquids there are, like mercury and molten metals generally, which con- duct after precisely the same fashion as they do when solid. These, therefore, are properly classed among metallic conductors. But most chemical compounds, when liquefied either by heat or by solution, conduct in a way peculiarly their own ; and these are called " electro- lytes." 31. The present state of our knowledge enables us to make the following assertions with considerable confidence of their truth : (1) Electrolytic conduction is invariably accom- panied by chemical decomposition, and in fact only occurs by means of it. (2) The electricity does not flow through^ but wit/i, the atoms of matter, which travel along and convey their charges something after the manner of pith balls. (3) The electric charge belonging to each atom of matter is a simple multiple of a definite quantity of 74 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. electricity, which quantity is an absolute constant quite independent of the nature of the particular substance to which the atoms belong. (4) Positive electricity is conveyed through a liquid by something equivalent to a procession of the electro- positive atoms of the compound, in the direction called the direction of the current ; and at the same time negative electricity is conveyed in the opposite direction by a similar procession of the electro- negative atoms. (5) On any atom reaching an electrode it may be forced to get rid of its electric charge, and, combining with others of the same kind, escape in the free state ; in which case visible decomposition results. Or it may find something else handy with which to combine say on the electrode or in the solution ; and in that case the decomposition, though real, is masked, and not apparent. (6) But, on the other hand, the atom may cling to its electric charge with such tenacity as to stop the current : the opposition force exerted by these atoms upon the current being called polarization. (7) No such opposition force, or tendency to spring back, is experienced in the interior of a mass of fluid : it occurs only at the electrodes. 32. The first three of these statements constitute a summary of Faraday's laws of electrolysis. These laws are of far-reaching importance, and appear to be CHAP, iv.] ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION. 75 accurately true. The first is called the " voltametric law," and asserts that the amount of chemical action electrolytically produced in any given substance is ex- actly proportional to the quantity of electricity that has passed through it. The vague phrase " chemical action " is purposely used here to include decomposi- tion or recomposition or liberation or deposition or dissolution, or any other effect that can be brought about in either elements or compounds by the pas- sage of an electric current. The weight of substance acted on measures the quantity of electricity which has passed ; hence a decomposition cell can act as a voltameter, and the law is called the voltametric law. Its truth enables us to make the first of the above statements ; which many qualitative facts concerning the details of electrolysis modify into statement No. 2. The second of Faraday's laws is called the law of electro-chemical equivalence, and asserts that, if the same current be passed through a series of voltameters for the same time, the amount of chemical action in each substance acted on is exactly proportional to its ordinary chemical equivalent ; not to its atomic weight merely, but to its atomic weight divided by what is called its valency, or atomicity, or quanti- valence ; this being its real chemical equivalent. Thus an atom of oxygen weighs 16 times as much as an atom of hydrogen, and is equivalent to two such atoms in combining power ; hence the law asserts that 76 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. * 8 grammes of oxygen are liberated for every gramme of hydrogen. Again, an atom of silver is 108 times as heavy as an atom of hydrogen, and is equal to it in combining power ; hence 108 grammes of silver are deposited in a silver voltameter while I gramme of hydrogen is being liberated by the same current in a gas voltameter. Once more, an atom of gold weighs as much as 197 atoms of hydrogen, and is able to re- place three of them in combination ; hence 65*7 grammes of gold are deposited by the same current in the same time, and so on. Now this law plainly means that the same number of monad atoms is liberated by the same quantity of electricity no matter what their nature may be ; half that number of dyad atoms ; one third that number of triad atoms. Hence, assuming statement (2), that the current flows by convection each atom conveying electricity it follows that every monad atom carries the same quantity, whether it be an atom of hydrogen or of silver or of chlorine, or a complex radicle like NO 3 ; that each dyad atom carries twice as much, whether it be an atom of oxygen or of zinc or of copper, or a complex dyad radicle like SO 4 ; that each triad atom carries three times as much, and so on. And this is what is laid down in the third of the above statements. True, it is possible that every atom may have a specific charge of its own with which it never parts ; CHAP, iv.] ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION. 77 but about such nothing is known ; we can only make experiments on the charge it is willing to part with at an electrode, and there is no doubt that this is accurately the same for all substances, up to a simple multiple. And this quantity, the charge of one monad atom, constitutes the smallest known portion of electricity and is a real natural unit. Obviously this is a most vital fact. This unit below which nothing is known has even been styled an " atom " of electricity ; and perhaps the phrase may have some meaning. I have ventured to suggest one or two effects which would result from the hypothesis that this unit quantity of electricity were really in fact an absolute minimum, and as indivisible as an atom of matter. 1 The natural unit of electricity is exceedingly small, being about the hundred-thousand-millionth part of the ordinary electrostatic unit ; or less than the hundred-trillionth of a coulomb. The charge of each atom being so small, its potential is not high. Something between I and 3 volts is a probable difference of potential for two oppositely charged atoms. But they are so near together that even this small difference of potential causes a strong electrostatic attraction or " chemical affinity " between the oppositely charged atoms. This electrical force between two atoms at any 1 See paper on " Electrolysis " at Aberdeen (Reports of the British Association for 1885, p. 763). 78 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. distance is ten thousand million billion billion times greater than their gravitative attraction at the same distance. The force has an intensity per unit mass (and therefore is able to produce an acceleration) nearly a trillion times greater than that of terrestrial gravity near the earth's surface. These are undoubtedly the forces with which chemists have to do, and which they have long called chemical affinity. 33. But it may be asked, If the atoms in each moleculecling together by their electrostatic attractions, and there are an enormous number of atoms between two electrodes, how comes it that a feeble E.M.F. can pull them apart and effect decomposition ; moreover, how can the E.M.F. needed to effect decomposition help varying directly with the thickness of fluid between the plates ? It does not depend on anything of the kind ; the length of liquid between the electrodes is absolutely immaterial. This proves that throughout the main thickness of liquid no atoms are torn asunder at all. Probably they frequently change partners, one pair of atoms not always remaining united but occa- sionally getting separated and recombined with other individuals. During these interchanges there must be moments of semi-freedom during which the atoms are amenable to the slightest directive tendency, and it is probably these moments that the applied E.M.F. makes use of. CHAP, iv.] ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION. 79 The reality of such a state of continual interchange between molecules has been forced upon chemists by the facts of double-decomposition such facts as the interchange of atoms between strongly combined salts when their solutions are mixed so as to form very much weaker compounds ; the proof that such com- pounds are formed being very clear in the case when they happen to be insoluble. The fact that if a precipitate is insoluble enough it" is bound to form, really proves that some small quantity of the corre- sponding compound is always formed in every case, whether it happens to be insoluble or not. The state of continual interchange results in a perfect sensibility to the migratory tendency of ex- tremely weak forces, so that even the faintest trace of an electromotive force is able^o affect the charged atoms, on the average assisting the pbsitive atoms down the slope of potential, and the negative atoms up the slope. The fact that the most infinitesimal force is sufficient to effect its due quota of decomposition has been proved most clearly and decisively by the experiments of Helmholtz. Sometimes the term dissociation is used to signify this practical freedom of atoms to locomotion ; and, as stated originally by Prof. Clausius, the idea of dissociation was certainly involved. It was thought that a certain percentage of atoms existed in the liquid in an uncombined state, wandering about 8o MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. seeking partners, that it was these loose atoms on which the electromotive forces acted, and that the procession of these conveyed the current. But we now see that the addition of the idea of double-decompo- sition and interchange to the original hypothesis of Grotthus explains all that is required by the facts, viz. a virtual or potential dissociation, a momentary state of hovering and indecision, without the need for any continuous and actual dissociation. 34. I will now try and make the process of electrolytic conduction clearer by reverting to our mechanical analogies and models. Looking back to Figs. 5 and 6, we see illustrations of metallic conduction and of dielectric induction. In each case an applied electromotive force causes some m jvement of electricity ; but, whereas in the first case it is a continuous almost unresisted movement or steady flow through or among the atoms of matter, in the second case it is a momentary shift or displace- ment only, carrying the atoms of matter with it, and highly resisted in consequence : resisted, not with a mere frictional rub, which retards but does not check the motion, but by an active spring back force, which immediately checks all further current, produces what we call " insulation," and ultimately, when the pro- pelling force is removed, causes a quick reverse motion or discharge. But the model is plainly an incomplete one ; for what is it that the atoms are clinging to? CHAP, iv.] ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION. 81 What is it ought to take the place of the beam in the crude mechanical contrivance ? Obviously another set of atoms, which are either kept still or urged in the opposite direction by a simultaneous opposite displace- ment of negative electricity ; as in Fig. /A. We are to picture two or any number of rows of beads, each row threaded on its appropriate cord ; the cords alternately representing positive and negative elec- tricity respectively, and being simultaneously displaced in opposite directions by any applied E.M.F. The beads threaded on any one cord have, in a dielectric, elastic attachments to those on some opposite cord, and thus continuous motion of the cords in opposite directions is prevented : only a slight displacement is permitted, followed by a spring back and oscillation after the fashion already described. Very well ; now picture the elastic connections be- tween the beads all dissolved, and once more apply a force to each cord, moving half of them one way and the alternate half the other way, and you have a model illustrating an electrolyte and electrolytic conduction. The atoms are no longer attached to each other, but they are attached to the cord. In the first respect, an electrolyte differs from a dielectric ; in the second, it differs from a metal. Moreover, electrolytic conduction is perceived to be scarcely of the nature of true conduction : the electricity does not slip through or among the 82 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART 11. molecules, it goes with them. The constituents of each molecule are free of each other, and while one set of atoms conveys positive electricity, the other set carries negative electricity in the opposite direction ; and so it is by a procession of free atoms that the current is transmitted. The process is of the nature of convection : the atoms act as carriers. Free loco- motion of charged atoms is essential to electrolysis. 35. In order to compare with Figs. 5 and 6, so as to bring out the points of difference, Fig. 13 is drawn. The beads representing one set of atoms of matter are tightly attached to the cord, no trace of slip between them being permitted, but otherwise they are free, and so are represented as supported merely by rings sliding freely on glass rods. The only resistance to the motion, beside the slight friction, is offered at the electrode, which is typified by the spring-backed knife-edge, Z. This is supposed to be able to release the beads from the cord when they are pressed against it with sufficient force. The cling between the bead and cord (i.e. between each atom and its charge) is great enough to cause a perceptible compression of the springs, and accordingly to bring out a recoil force in imitation of polarization. The piece of cord accompanying each bead on its journey (i.e. the length between it and the next bead) represents the atomic charge, and is a perfectly con- stant quantity : the only variation permissible in it is CHAP, iv.] ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION. 83 that some kinds of atoms have twice as much, or are twice as far apart on their cord, and these are called by chemists dyad atoms ; another kind has three times as much, another four, and so on ; these being called triad, tetrad, &c. 3 4 FIG. 13. Crude mechanical analogy, illustrating a few points in a circuit partly electrolytic. If the cord be taken to represent positive electricity, the beads on it may represent atoms of hydrogen, or other monad cation^ travelling down stream to the cathode. Another cord representing negative electricity may be ranged alongside it, with its beads twice as G 2 84 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. far apart, to represent the atoms of a dyad anion^ like oxygen. If the cords are so mechanically con- nected that they must move with equal pace in opposite directions, we have a model illustrating several important facts. The number of oxygen atoms liberated in a given time will be obviously half the number of hydrogen atoms set free in the same time, and will therefore in the gaseous state occupy but half the volume. For any element what- ever, the number of atoms liberated in any time is equal to the number of atoms of hydrogen liberated in the same time, divided by the "valency" of the element as compared with hydrogen. This law was discovered by Faraday, and appears to be precisely true ; and inasmuch as the relative weight of every element is known with fair accuracy, it is easy to calculate what weight of substance any given current will deposit or set free in an hour, if we once determine it experimentally for any one substance. We may summarize thus : If we apply E.M.F. to a metal we get a continuous flow, and the result is heat. If we apply it to a dielectric we get a momentary flow or displacement, and the result is the potential energy of " charge." If we apply it to an electrolyte we again get a con- tinuous flow, and the result is chemical decomposition. 36. There are a large number of important points CHAP, iv.] ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION. 85 to which I might direct your attention in the mode by which an electric current is conveyed through liquids, but I will specially select one, viz. that it is effected by a procession of positively charged atoms travelling one way, and a corresponding procession of negatively charged atoms the other way. Whatever we understand by a positive charge and a negative charge, it is certain that the atoms of, say, a water molecule, are charged, the hydrogen positively t the oxygen negatively ; and it is almost certain that they hang together by reason of the attraction between their opposite charges. It is also certain that when an electromotive force i.e. any force capable of propelling electricity is brought to bear on the liquid, the hydrogen atoms travel on the whole in one direction, viz. down hill, and the oxygen atoms travel in the other direction, viz. up hill ; using the idea of level as our analogue for electric potential in this case. The atoms may be said to be driven along by their electric charges just as charged pith balls would be driven along ; and they thus act as conveyers of electricity, which otherwise would be unable to move through the liquid. Each of this pair of opposite processions goes on until it meets with some discontinuity either some change of liquid, or some solid conductor. At a change of liquid another set of atoms continues the convection, and nothing very particular need be 86 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. noticed at the junction ; but at a solid conductor the stream of atoms must stop : you cannot have loco- motion of the atoms of a solid. The obstruction so produced may stop the procession, and therefore the current, altogether ; or on the other hand the force driving the charges forward may be so great as to wrench them free, to give the charges up to the elec- trode which conveys it away by common conduction, and to crowd the atoms together in such a way that they are glad to combine with each other and escape. Now notice the fact of the two opposite processions. One cannot have a procession of positive atoms through a liquid without a. corresponding procession of negative ones. In other words, an electric current in a liquid necessarily consists of a flow of positive electricity in one direction, combined with a flow of negative electricity in the opposite direction. And if this is thus proved ,to occur in a liquid, why should it not occur everywhere ? It is at least well to bear the possibility in mind. Another case is known where an electric current certainly consists of two opposite streams of electricity, viz. the case of the Holtz machine. While the machine is being turned, with its terminals somehow connected, the glass plate acts as a carrier conveying a charge from one collecting comb to the other at every half revolution ; but, whereas it carries positive electricity for one half a rotation, it carries negative CHAP, iv.] ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION. 87 for the other half. The top of the Holtz disk is always, say, positively charged, and is travelling forward, while the bottom half, which is travelling backward at an equal rate, is negatively charged. In the Holtz case the speeds are necessarily equal, but the charges are not. In the electrolytic case the charges are necessarily equal, but the speeds are not. Each atom has its own rate of motion in a given liquid, independently of what it may happen to have been combined with. This is a law discovered by Kohl- rausch. Hydrogen travels faster than any other kind of atom ; and on the sum of the speeds of the two opposite atoms in a compound the conductivity of the liquid depends. Acids, therefore, in general conduct better than their salts. 37. The following table gives the rates at which atoms of various kinds can make theif way through nearly pure water, when urged by a slope of potential of i volt per linear centimetre : II . . I'oS centimetre per hour. K . 0-205 Na 0-126 Li ... 0-094 Ag . . . 0-166 C 0-213 I ... 0-216 NO 3 ... 0-174 CHAPTER V. CURRENT PHENOMENA. Electrical Inertia. 38. RETURNING now to the general case of conduc- tion, without regard to the special manner of it, we must notice that, if a current of electricity is anything of the nature of a material flow, there would probably be a certain amount of inertia connected with it, so that to start a current with a finite force would take a little time ; and the stoppage of a current would also have either to be gradual or else violent. It is well known that if water is stagnant in a pipe it cannot be quite suddenly set in motion ; and again, if it be in motion, it can only be suddenly stopped by the exercise of very considerable force, which jars and sometimes bursts the pipe. The impetus of running water is utilized in the water-ram. It must naturally occur, therefore, to ask whether any analogous phe- nomena are experienced with electricity ; and the CHAP, v.] CURRENT PHENOMENA. 89 answer is, they certainly are. A current does not start instantaneously : it takes a certain time often very short to rise to its full strength ; and when started it tends to persist, so that if its circuit be suddenly broken, it refuses to stop quite suddenly, and bursts through the introduced insulating partition with violence and heat. It is this ram or impetus of the electric current which causes the spark seen on break- ing a circuit ; and the more sudden the breakage the more violent is the spark apt to be. The two effects the delay at making circuit, and the momentum at breaking circuit used to be called " extra-current " effects, but they are now more commonly spoken of as manifestations of " self- induction." We shall understand them better directly ; mean- while they appear to be direct consequences of the inertia of electricity ; and certainly if electricity ^cvere a fluid possessing inertia it would behave to a superficial observer just in this way. 39. But if an electric current really possessed inertia, as a stream of water does, it would exhibit itself not only by these effects but also mechanically. A con- ducting coil delicately suspended might experience a rotary kick every time a current was started. or stopped in it ; and a coil in which a steady current is main- tained should behave like a top or gyrostat, and resist any force tending to deflect its plane. 90 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART 11. Clerk Maxwell has carefully looked for this latter form of momentum effect, and found none. He took a bar electro-magnet, mounted it on gimbals so that it was free to rotate if it wished, and then spun it rapidly about an axis perpendicular to the magnetic axis. If there had been the slightest gyrostatic action, the magnet would have rotated about the third perpen- dicular axis. But it did nothing of the kind. One may say, in fact, that nothing like momentum has yet been observed in an electric current by any mechanical mQ&t of examination. A coil or whirl of electricity does not behave in the least like a top ( 185). Does this prove that a current has no momentum ? By no means necessarily so. It might be taken as suggesting that an electric current consists really of two equal flows in contrary directions, so that mechanically they neutralize one another completely, while electrically i.e. in the phenomena of self-induc- tion or extra-current they add their effects ( 89). Or it may mean merely that the momentum is too minute to be so observed. Or, again, the whole thing the appearance of inertia in some experi- ments and the absence of it in others may have to be explained in some altogether less simple manner, to which we will proceed to lead up. CHAP, v.] CURRENT PHENOMENA. 91 Condition of the Medium near a Circuit. 40. So far we have considered the flow of electricity as a phenomenon occurring solely inside conductors ; just as the flow of water is a phenomenon occurring solely inside pipes. But a number of remarkable facts are known which completely negative this view of the matter. Something is no doubt passing along conductors when a current flows, but the disturbance is not confined to the conductor ; on the contrary, it spreads more or less through surrounding space. The facts which prove this have necessarily no hydraulic analogue, but must be treated suorum generum^ and they are as follows : (1) A compass needle anywhere near an electric current is permanently deflected so long as the current lasts. (2) Two electric currents attract or repel one another, according as they are in the same or opposite directions. (3) A circuit in which a current is flowing tends to enlarge itself so as to inclose the greatest possible area. (4) A circuit conveying a current in a magnetic field tends either to enlarge or to shrink or to turn part way round according to the aspect it presents to the field, 92 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART n. (5) Conductors in the neighbourhood of an electric circuit experience momentary electric disturbances every time a current in it is started or stopped or varied in strength. (6) The same thing happens even with a circuit conveying a steady current if the distance between it and a conductor is made to vary. (7) The effects of self-induction, or extra-currents, can be almost abolished by doubling a covered wire conveying the current closely on itself, or better by laying a direct and return ribbon face to face ; whereas they may be intensified by making the circuit inclose a large area, more by coiling it up tightly into close coil, and still more by putting a piece of iron inside the coil so formed. Nothing like any of these effects is observable with currents of water ; and they prove that the pheno- mena of the current, so far from being confined to the wire, spread out into space and affect bodies at a considerable distance. 41. Nearly all this class of phenomena were dis- covered by Ampere and by Faraday, and were called by the latter " current-induction." According to his view, the dielectric medium round a conducting circuit is strained, and subject to stresses, just as is the same medium round an electrically charged body. The one is called an electrostatic strain, the other an electro-magnetic or electro-kinetic strain. CHAP, v.] CURRENT PHENOMENA. 93 But whereas electrostatic phenomena occur solely in the medium conductors being mere breaks in it, interrupters of its continuity, at whose surface charge- effects occur, but whose substance is completely screened from disturbance that is not the case with electro-kinetic phenomena. It would be just as erroneous to conceive electro-kinetic phenomena as occurring solely in the insulating medium as it would be to think of them as occurring solely in the conduct- ing wires. The fact is> they occur in both not only at the surface of the wires, like electrostatic effects, but all through their substance. This is proved by the fact that conductivity increases in simple proportion with sectional area ; it is also proved by every part of a conductor getting hot ; and it is further proved in the case of liquids by their decomposition. But the equally manifest facts of current attraction and current induction prove that the effect of the current is felt throughout the surrounding medium as well, and that its intensity depends on the nature of that medium ; we are thus wholly prevented from ascribing the phenomenon of self-induction or extra- current to simple and straightforward inertia of electricity in a wire like that of water in a pipe. We are thus brought face to face with another suggestion to account for these effects, viz. this : Since the molecules of a dielectric are inseparably connected with electricity, and move with it, it is possible that 94 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART H. electricity itself has no inertia at all, but that the inertia of the atoms of the displaced dielectric confer upon it the appearance of inertia. Certainly they do sometimes confer upon it this appearance, as we see in the oscillatory discharge of a Leyden jar. For a displaced thing to overshoot its mean position and oscillate till it has expended all its energy is a pro- ceeding eminently characteristic of inertia ; and so, perhaps, the phenomena of self-induction are similarly, though not so simply, explicable ( 98). Further consideration of this difficult part of the subject is, however, best postponed to Part III. ( 48 and 88). Energy of the Current. 42. I have now called attention to the fact that the whole region surrounding a circuit is a field of force in which many of the most important properties of the current (the magnetic, to wit) manifest themselves. But directly we begin thus to attend to the whole space, and not only to the wires and battery, a very curious question arises. Are we to regard the current in a conductor as propelled by some sort of end-thrust, like water or air driven through a pipe by a piston or a fan, or are we to think of it as propelled by side forces, a sort of lateral drag, like water driven along a trough by a blast of air or by the vanes of paddle- CHAP, v.] CURRENT PHENOMENA. 95 wheels dipping into it ? Or, again, referring to the cord models, Figs. 5, 6, and 13, were we right in picturing the driving force of the battery as located and applied where shown in the diagrams, or ought we to have schemed some method for communicating the power of the battery by means of belts or other mechanism to a great number of points of the circuit ? Prof. Poynting has shown that, on the principles developed by Maxwell, the latter of these alternatives, though apparently the more complicated, is the true one ; and he has calculated the actual paths by which the energy is transmitted from the battery to the various points of a circuit, for certain cases. We must learn, then, to distinguish between the flow of electricity and the flow of electric energy : they do not occur along the same paths. Hydraulic ana- logies, at least hydraulic analogies of for positive and negative magnetizing forces only lasts through a number of cycles for the time during which the final state has been approached, and does not persist after a steady state has been reached. This would make the magnetic rotation of light a function of time ; and certain experiments by Villari on spinning a glass disk between the poles of a magnet, so that fresh and fresh portions of glass were continually exposed to the magnetic field, showed a marked 294 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART iv. falling off in the amount of rotation as soon as high speeds were obtained ; thus proving, apparently, that a certain short time was necessary to set up the effect. This experiment, and other modifications of it, want repeating, however. 1 Prof. Ewing has subsequently expressed a doubt as to whether the kinematic resolution of a displace- ment into two equal opposite circular components is, under the circumstances, legitimate. Prof. Fitzgerald has further pointed out that, although when attending to one element only the theory might possibly work, yet, as soon as one takes into account the whole wave-front, it breaks down ; for all the main magnetic disturbance lies in the wave-front, as is well known, and the extra magnetic disturbance which I have postulated as a consequence of electrostatic displacement is annulled by interference of adjacent elements. If I were quite sure that there were no vestige of truth in the suggestion I have made, I should, of course, withdraw it ; but, as I do not feel perfectly sure either way, I leave it in a dilapidated condition for the present. 182. Another and apparently distinct account of the magnetic rotation can also be hinted at, which links the phenomenon on to the facts of thermo- 1 See in this connexion a paper by the present writer in the Philo- sophical Magazine for April, 1889. Also a paper by Mr. A. W. Ward, to be read before the Royal Society shortly. CHAP, xv.] ELECTRO-OPTIC EFFECTS. 295 electricity. It labours under worse disadvantages than the preceding, being more hazy. Referring back to 63, we find that, to explain what is called the " Thomson effect " in metals, we were led to suppose a connection between one kind of electricity and some kinds of matter more intimate than between the other kind of elec- tricity and the same matter. Thus, the atoms of iron were said to have a better grip of positive electricity than of negative ; while copper, on the other hand, had a better grip of negative than of positive. All metals could be arranged in one or other of the two classes, with the exception of lead, which appears to grip both equally. It is the same phenomenon as was originally named by Sir W. Thomson " the specific heat of electricity in a substance." Certain it is that vibrating atoms of iron push positive electricity from places of more rapid, to places of less rapid, vibration that is, from hot to cold and a whole class of the metals do the same ; while another class, like copper, push it from cold to hot. Permitting ourselves to picture this effect as a direct consequence of the Ohm's law relation between elec- tricity and matter ( 60), combined with a special relationship between certain kinds of matter and one or other kind of electricity, a relationship which can exhibit itself in other ways also, we get a possible though rather hazy notion of a Faraday rotation in a magnetic field 296 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART iv. by supposing that the Amperian molecular currents in these substances consist not of precisely equal positive and negative currents, but of opposite currents slightly unequal ; say, for instance, that the density of the positive constituent of the bound ether of a substance is slightly different from that of the negative constituent ; so that on the whole the bound ether in a magnetized molecule is slowly rotating one way or the other, at a pace equal to the resultant rotation of its constituents. Suppose that in iron the positive Amperian electric current is the weaker of the two ; then the ether, as a whole, will be rotating with the negative current, and accordingly an ethereal vibration entering such a medium will begin to screw itself round in a direction opposite to that of the mag- netizing current ; whereas in copper or other such substance it would be rotated the other way. 183. According to this (admittedly indistinct) view, lead ought to show no rotatory effect at all ; and of course, therefore, no Hall effect either. - And the classes into which metals are divided by the sign of their Hall effect should coincide with the classes into which the sign of their Thomson effect throws them. Hall finds that, of the metals he examined, iron, cobalt, and zinc fall into one class, while gold, silver, tin, copper, brass, platinum, nickel, aluminium, and magnesium fall into the other. Now, referring to the thermo-electric results of Prof. Tait, we find iron, CHAP, xv.] ELECTRO-OPTIC EFFECTS. 297 cobalt, platinum, and magnesium with a negative sign to their Thomson-effect-coefficient, or with lines in the thermo-electric diagram sloping downwards ; while gold, silver, tin, copper, aluminium, and zinc slope upwards, or have a positive sign to their " specific heat of electricity." According to this, therefore, the discordant metals are zinc, platinum, and magnesium. The proper thing to say under these circumstances is that the metals used in the very different experiments were not pure. They certainly were not ; but I do not feel able to conscientiously bolster up so inadequate a theory by help of this convenient fact. In the Philosophical Magazine for May 1885, Mr. Hall gives some more measurements, showing that in bismuth the effect is enormous, and in the same direc- tion as in copper, whereas in antimony it is also great, and in the same direction as in iron. All these things seem to point to some thermo-electric connection whether it -be of the sort I have vaguely tried to indicate, or some other. Other Outstanding Problems. 1 84. Outstanding problems bristle all over the sub- ject, and if I pick out any for special mention it will only be because I happen to have made some experi- ments in their direction myself, or otherwise have had my thoughts directed to them, and because they have 298 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART iv. not been so directly called attention to in the body of the book. Referring back to 66 at the end of Part II., " a cur- rent regarded as a moving charge," it is natural to ask, Is this motion to be absolute, or relative to the ether only, or must it be relative to the indicating magneto- meter ? In other words, if a charged body and a mag- netic needle are flying through space together, as, for^ instance, by reason of the orbital motion of the earth, will the needle experience any deflecting couple ? It is one of many problems connected with the ether and its motion near gross matter problems which the experiments of Fizeau (showing that a variable part of ether was bound with matter and transmitted with it, while another constant portion was free and blew through it) began to throw light upon ; aberration problems such as have been partially solved by the genius of Stokes ; problems connected with the motion of ether near great masses of matter, like those which Michelson is so skilfully attacking experimentally : it is among these that we must probably relegate the question whether absolute or relative motion of electric charges is concerned in the production of magnetic field, and what absolute motion through the ether precisely means. It is doubtless a question capable of being attacked ex- perimentally, but the experiments will be very difficult. I believe that Prof. Ayrton has attempted them. CHAP, xv.] ELECTRO-OPTIC EFFECTS. 299 185. Referring back to Parts I., II., and III., ;, 39, 41, 48, 88, 89, 97, 98, 109, 122, 134, we find a number of questions regarding momentum left unsettled. Has an electric current any true momen- tum mechanically discoverable ? Now, this question before it can be answered in the negative, will have to be attacked under a great number of subdivisions. One may classify them thus. Two main heads : (i) When steady, Does a magnet behave in the least like a gyrostat ? (2) When variable, Is there a slight mechanical kick on starting or stopping a current ? With four or more subsidiary heads under each, viz. (a) in metallic conductors ; (b) in electrolytes ; (c) in gases ; (d) in dielectrics. Suppose the answer turns out negative in metals, it by no means follows that it should be negative in electrolytes too. In fact, as matter travels with the current in the case of electrolytic conduction ( 36), it is hardly possible that there is not some momentum, though it may be too small to observe either a kick of the vessel as a whole at starting and stopping, or a continuous impact on an electrode receiving a de- posit. The present writer has looked for these things, but after gradually eliminating a number of spurious effects the result has been so far negative. In a light quill vessel fixed to the end of a torsion arm, the main disturbance was due to variations of temperature which gradually introduced a minute air-bubble, and 300 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART iv. by kicking this backwards and forwards simulated the effects sought. In the case of the suspended elec- trode, convection currents in the electrolyte, caused by extra concentration or the reverse, seem determined to mask any possible effect. One obvious though very troublesome source of disturbance in all cases is the direct effect of terres- trial magnetism on the circuit. To get over this, the writer not only made his circuits as nearly as possible of zero area, but also inclosed them in the iron case of a Thomson marine galvanometer, lent for the purpose by Dr. Muirhead. In gases, the experiment of Mr. Crookes, where an electrical stream inside a vacuum-tube propels a mill along rails perhaps even the ancient experiment of the blast from a point shows that momentum is by no means absent from an electric current through a gas ( 64). To see if there are any momentum effects ac- companying variation of electric displacement in dielectrics, the writer has suspended a mica-disk condenser at the end of a torsion arm, and arranged it so that it could be charged and discharged in situ. Many spurious effects, but no really trustworthy ones, were observed. In the writer's opinion the subject is by no means thoroughly explored, and he only mentions his old attempts as a possible guide to future experimenters. CHAP, xv.] ELECTRO-OPTIC EFFECTS. 301 1 86. Then, again, there is the influence of light on conductivity. Annealed selenium, and perhaps a few other things, improve in conductivity enormously when illuminated. The cause of this is unknown at present, and whether it is a general property of matter, possessed by metals and other bodies to a slight degree, is uncertain ; for the experiments of Bornstein, with an affirmative result for the case of metals, have been seriously criticized. Even though metals show no effect, yet electro- lytes might possibly do so, but the effect, if any, is small ; and it is particularly difficult in their case to distinguish any direct radiation effect from the similar effect of mere absorbed radiation or heat. The writer has found that a glass test-tube kept immersed in boiling water conducts distinctly better when the blinds of a room are raised than when they are lowered, though nothing but diffuse daylight falls upon it. But as the effect could have been produced by a rise in temperature of about the tenth of a degree, and as the absorption of diffuse daylight is competent to produce a rise of tempera- ture as great as this in the glass of a thermometer- bulb even though immersed in boiling water, he feels constrained to regard the result, though very clear and distinct, as after all a negative one, and has accordingly not published* it. 187. The fact that ultra-violet waves have a period 302 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART iv. of vibration synchronous with probable electric vibra- tion in molecules ( 157) seems to cause a multitude of consequences now being discovered. Hertz noticed that the light of one spark influenced another at a distance, so that a sparking interval was virtually shortened when illuminated. Wiedemann and Ebert have further investigated this, and obtained several interesting results, distinctly proving that it is ultra-- violet light which is effective. Hallwachs has dis- covered that a clean metallic plate becomes electrified when light falls upon it. And there are a number of other similar facts, some long known, some recent, which all illustrate the molecular effects of light. It appears probable that they all depend on some synchronized disturbance set up in the air or other film in contact with the substance, a disturbance re- sulting in some kind of chemical action, and hence that these physical effects are of the same order as those other familiar but vaguely grasped facts summed up under the category of the chemical or actinic power of light. For that light affects silver salts, ebonite, hydrogen and chlorine, &c., is an old story. Some progress is now likely to be made in ascertaining the precise mode in which these changes occur ( 33). 1 88. A few months ago I should have put in a prominent position among outstanding problems the production of electric radiation of moderate wave- CHAP, xv.] ELECTRO-OPTIC EFFECTS. 303 length, and the performance with this radiation of all the ordinary optical experiments reflection, refrac- tion, interference, diffraction, polarization, magnetic rotation, and the like ( i). But a great part of this has now been done, and so these things come to be mentioned under a different heading : Conclusion. " Conclusion " is an absurd word to write at the present time, when the whole subject is astir with life, and when every month seems to bring out some fresh aspect, to develop more clearly some already glimpsed truth. The only proper conclusion to a book dealing with electricity at the present time is to herald the advent of the very latest discoveries, and to prepare the minds of readers for more. 189. Referring back to Chap. XIV., to I and 8, and all Part IV., we spoke confidently of a radiation being excited by electric oscillations, a radiation which travelled at the same rate as light, which is reflected and refracted according to the same laws, and which, in fact, is identical with the radiation able to affect our retina, except in the one matter of wave-length. Such a radiation has now been definitely obtained and examined by Dr. Hertz, of Karlsruhe ; and in the last, month of last year, Prof, von Helmholtz communicated to the Physical Society of Berlin an account of Dr. Hertz's latest researches. 304 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART iv. The step in advance which has enabled Dr. Hertz to do easily that which others have long wished to do, has been the invention of a suitable receiver. Light when it falls on a conductor excites first electric currents and then heat. The secondary minute effect was what we had thought of looking for ; but Dr. Hertz has boldly taken the bull by the horns, looked for the direct electric effect, and found it manifesting itself in the beautifully simple form of microscopic sparks across a gap between two conductors, or between the ends of a looped conductor. He takes a brass cylinder, some inch or two in diameter, and a foot or so long, divided into two halves with a small sparking interval between, and connects the halves to the terminals of a small induc- tion-coil ; every spark of the coil causes the charge in the cylinder to surge to and fro about five hundred million times a second, and to disturb the ether in a manner precisely equivalent to a diverging beam of plane-polarized light, with waves about thrice the length of the cylinder. The radiation, so emitted, can be reflected by plane conducting surfaces, and it can be concentrated by metallic parabolic mirrors ; the mirror ordinarily used being a large parabolic cylinder of sheet zinc, with the electric oscillator situate along its focal line. By this means the effect of the wave could be felt at a fail- distance, the receiver consisting of a synchronized CHAP, xv.] ELECTRO-OPTIC EFFECTS. 305 pair of straight conductors with a microscopic spark- gap between them, across which the secondary induced sparks were watched for. By using a second mirror like the first to catch the parallel rays and reconverge them to a focus, the effect could be appreciated at a distance of 20 yards. If the receiving mirror were rotated through a right angle, it lost its converging power on this particular light. Apertures in a series of interposed screens proved that the radiations travelled in straight lines (roughly speaking, of course). A gridiron of metallic wires is transparent to the waves when arranged with the length perpendicular to the electric oscillations, but it reflects them when rotated through a right angle, so that the oscillations take place along the conducting wires ; thus repre- senting a kind of analyzer proving the existence of polarized light. The receiver itself also acted as analyzer, for if rotated much it failed to feel the disturbance. Conducting sheets, even thin ones, were very opaque to the electrical radiation ; but non-con- ducting obstacles, even such as wood, interrupt it very little, and Dr. Hertz remarks, " not without wonder," that the door separating the room contain- ing the source of radiation from that containing the detecting receiver might be shut without inter- x 306 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [PART iv. cepting the communication. The secondary sparks were still observed. But the most crucial test yet applied is that of refraction. A great prism of pitch was made, its faces more than a yard square, and its refracting angle about 30. This being interposed in the path of the electric rays, they were lost to the receiver until it was shifted considerably Adjusting it till its sparks were again at a maximum, it was found that the rays had been bent by the pitch prism, when set symmetrically, some 22 out of their original course, and hence that the pitch had an index of refraction for these 2-foot waves about 17. 190. These are great experiments. As I write, the latest of them are but a month or two old, and they are manifestly only a beginning. Most of the earlier ones are very simple, and have already been repeated. 1 They seem likely to settle many doubtful points. There has been a long-standing controversy in optics, nearly as old as the century, as to whether the direction of the vibrations was in, or was perpendicular to, the plane of polarization ; in other words, whether it was the elasticity or the density of the ether which varied in dense media ; or, in Maxwell's theory, whether 1 See Fitzgerald and Trouton, A : atnrc, Vol. 39, p 391 ; also Dr. Dragoumis, Nature, Vol. 39, p. 548. Also Lodge and Howard, 'Phil. Mag. July 1889. CHAP, xv | ELECTO-OPTIC EFFECTS. 507 it was the electro-magnetic or the electrostatic dis- turbance that coincided with that plane. This point has indeed by the exertion of extraordinary power been almost settled already, through the considera- tion of common optical experiments ; but now that we are able electrically to produce radiation with a full knowledge of what we are doing, of its direc- tions of vibration and all about it, the complete solution of this and of many another recondite optical problem may be expected during the next decade to drop simply and easily into our hands. We have now a real undulatory theory of light, no longer based on analogy with sound, and its inception and early development are among the most tremendous of the many achievements of the latter half of the nineteenth century. In 1865, Maxwell stated his theory of light. Before the close of 1888 it is utterly and completely verified. Its full development is only a question of time, and labour, and skill. The whole domain of Optics is now annexed to Electricity, which has thus become an imperial science. X 2 APPENDED LECTURES. (The following lectures bearing on the subject of this book are here conveniently appended. In one or two places the dale of their delivery must be taken into account?) LECTURE I. THE RELATION BETWEEN ELECTRICITY AND LIGHT. 1 EVER since the subject on which I have the honour to speak to you to-night was arranged, I have been astonished at my own audacity in proposing to deal in the course of sixty minutes with a subject so gigantic and so profound that a course of sixty lectures would be inadequate for its thorough and exhaustive treatment. I must indeed confine myself carefully to some few of the typical and most salient points in the relation between electricity and light, and I must economize time by plunging at once into the middle of the matter without further preliminaries. Now when a person is setting off to discuss the relation between electricity and light it is very natu- ral and very proper to pull him up short with the two 1 Delivered at the London Institution on December 16, 1880. 312 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LKCT. i. questions : What do you mean by electricity ? and What do you mean by light ? These two questions I intend to try briefly to answer. And here let me observe that in answering these fundamental questions I do not necessarily assume a fundamental ignorance on your part of these two agents, but rather the contrary ; and must beg you to remember that if I repeat well-known and simple experiments before you, it is for the purpose of directing attention to their real meaning and significance, not to their obvious and superficial characteristics : in the same way that I might repeat the exceedingly familiar experiment of dropping a stone to the earth if we were going to define what we meant by gravitation. Now then we will ask first, What is Electricity ? and the simple answer must be, We don't know. Well, but this need not necessarily be depressing. If the same question were asked about Matter, or about Energy, we should have likewise to reply, No one knows. But then the term Matter is a very general one, and so is the term Energy. They are heads, in fact, under which we classify more special phenomena. Thus if we were asked \Vhat is sulphur ? or What is selenium ? we should at least be able to reply, A form of matter ; and then proceed to describe its pro- perties, i.e. how it afifectecl our bodies and other bodies. Again, to the question, What is heat ? we can reply, i-ECT. I.] ELECTRICITY AND LIGHT.. 313 A form of energy ; and proceed to describe the peculiarities which distinguish it from other forms of energy. But to the question, What is electricity ? we have no answer pat like this. We cannot assert that it is a form of matter, neither can we deny it ; on the other hand, we certainly cannot assert that it is a form of energy, and I should be disposed to deny it. It may be that electricity is an entity per se, just as matter is an entity per se. Nevertheless I can tell you what I mean by electricity by appealing to its known behaviour. Here is a battery that is, an electricity pump : it will drive electricity along. Prof. Ayrton is going, I am afraid, to tell you, on the 2Oth of January next, that it produces electricity ; but if he does, I hope you will remember that that is exactly what neither it nor anything else can do. It is as impossible to generate electricity in the sense I am trying to give the word, as it is to produce matter. Of course I need hardly say that Prof. Ayrton knows this perfectly well ; it is merely a question of words, i.e., of what you understand by the word electricity. 1 1 Or rather of what one understands by the word "produces." The title of Prof. Ayrton's lecture was "The Production of Electricity'' ; and it was to guard persons from supposing that it is right to speak of the generation or creation of electricity in the same way as it is possible to speak of the generation or creation (or, as it is often called, "production") of heat, that I gave this caution. 3H MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. I. I want you then to regard this battery and all electrical machines and batteries as kinds of electricity pumps, which drive the electricity along through the wire very much as a water-pump can drive water along pipes, and that no electric machine can manufacture electricity any more than a pump can manufacture water. While the flow of electricity is going on, the wire manifests a whole series of properties, which are called the properties of the current. [Here were shown an ignited platinum wire, the electric arc between two carbons, an electric machine spark, an induction-coil spark, and a vacuum tube glow. Also a large nail was magnetized by being wrapped in the current, and two helices were sus- pended and seen to direct and attract each other.] To make a magnet, then, we only need a current of electricity flowing round and round in a whirl. A vortex or whirlpool of electricity is in fact a magnet ; and vice versa. And these whirls have the power of directing and attracting other previously existing- whirls according to certain laws, called the laws of magnetism. And, moreover, they have the power of- exciting fresh whirls in neighbouring conductors, and- of repelling them according to the laws of dia- magnetisrn. The theory of the actions is known ; though the nature of the whirls, as of the simple stream of electricity, is at present unknown. [Here was shown a large electro-magnet and an J.ECT. i.] ELECTRICITY AND LIGHT. 315 induction-coil vacuum discharge spinning round and round when placed in its field (Fig. 24).] So much for what happens when electricity is made to travel along conductors, i.e. when it travels along like a stream of water in a pipe, or spins round and round like a whirlpool. But there is another set of phenomena, usually re- garded as distinct and of another order, but which are not so distinct as they appear, which manifest themselves when you join the pump to a piece of glass or any non-conductor and try to force the electricity through that. You succeed in driving some through, but the flow is no longer like that of water in an open pipe ; it is as if the pipe were completely obstructed by a number of elastic partitions, or diaphragms. The water cannot move without straining and bending these diaphragms, and if you allow it, these strained partitions will recover themselves and drive the water- back again. [Here was explained the process of charging a Leyden jar, and the model (Fig. n)was shown.] The essential thing to remember is that we may have electrical energy in two forms, the static and the kinetic ; and it is therefore also possible to have the rapid alternation from one of these forms to the other, called vibration. Now we will pass to the second question : What- do you mean by light? And the first and obvious answer is, Everybody knows. And everybody that is- 316 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. T. not blind does know to a certain extent. We have a special sense-organ for appreciating light, whereas we have none for electricity. Nevertheless, we must ad- mit that we really know very little about the intimate nature of light very little more than about electricity. But we do know this, that light is a form of energy ; and, moreover, that it is energy rapidly alternating between the static and the kinetic forms that it is, in fact, a special kind of energy of vibration. We arc ab- solutely certain that light is a periodic disturbance in some medium, periodic both in space and time ; that is to say, the same appearances regularly recur at certain equal intervals of distance at the same time, and also present themselves at equal intervals of time at the same place ; that in fact it belongs to the class of motions called by mathematicians undulatory or wave motions. The wave motion in this model (Powell's wave ap- paratus) results from the simple up-and-down motion popularly associated with the term wave. But when a mathematician calls a thing a wave he means that the disturbance is represented by a certain general type of formula, not that it is an up-and-down motion, or that it looks at all like those things on the top of the sea. The motion of the surface of the sea falls within that formula, and hence is a special variety of wave motion, and the term wave has acquired in popular use this signification and nothing else. So that when one speaks ordinarily of a wave or undula- LECT. I.] ELECTRICITY AND LIGHT. 317 lory motion one immediately thinks of something- heaving up and down, or even perhaps of something breaking on the shore. But when we assert that the form of energy called light is nndulatory, we by no means intend to assert that anything whatever is moving up and down, or that the motion, if we could see it, would be anything at all like what we are accustomed to in the ocean. The kind of motion is unknown ; we are not even sure that there is anything like motion in the ordinary sense of the word at all. Now how much connection between electricity and light have we perceived in this glance into their natures ? Not much truly. It amounts to about this : That on the one hand electrical energy may exist in either of two forms the static form, when insulators are electrically strained by having had electricity driven partially through them (as in the Leyden jar), which strain is a form of energy because of the tendency to discharge and do work ; and the kinetic form, where electricity is moving bodily along through conductors or whirling round and round inside them, which motion of electricity is a form of energy, because the conductors and whirls can attract or repel each other and thereby do work. And, on the other hand, that light is the rapid alter- nation of energy from one form to another from the static form where the medium is strained, to the kinetic form when it moves. It is just conceivable 31 8 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [I.KCT. I. then that the static form of the energy of light is etectro-static that is, that the medium is electrically strained and that the kinetic form of the energy of light is e/ectro-k'metic that is, that the motion is not ordinary motion, but electrical motion ; in fact that light is an electrical vibration, not a material one. On November 5 last year there died at Cambridge a man in the full vigour of his faculties such faculties as do not appear many times in a century whose chief work has been the establishment of this very fact, the discovery of the link connecting light and electricity ; and the proof for I believe it amounts to a proof that they are different manifestations of one and the same class of phenomena : that light is, in fact, an electro-magnetic disturbance. The premature death of James Clerk Maxwell is a loss to science which appears at present utterly irreparable, for he was engaged in researches that no other man can hope as yet adequately to grasp and follow out ; but for- tunately it did not occur till he had published his book on Electricity and Magnetism, one of those immortal productions which exalt one's idea of the mind of man, and which has been mentioned by competent critics in the same breath as the Principia itself. But it is not perfect like the Principia; much of it is rough-hewn, and requires to be thoroughly worked out. It contains numerous misprints and LECT. i.] ELECTRICITY AND LIGHT. 319 errata, and part of the second volume is so difficult as to be almost unintelligible. Some, in fact, con- sists of notes written for private use, and not prepared for publication. It seems next to im- possible now to mature a work silently for twenty or thirty years, as was done by Newton two and a half centuries ago. But a second edition was pre- paring, and much might have been improved in form if life had been spared to the illustrious author. The main proof of the electro-magnetic theory of light is this. The rate at which light travels has been measured many times, and is pretty well known. The rate at which an electro-magnetic wave disturb- ance would travel, if such could be generated, can be also determined by calculation from electrical measure- ments. The two velocities agree exactly. This is the great physical constant known as the ratio " 7'," which so many physicists have been measuring, and are likely to be measuring for some time to come ( 138). Many and brilliant as were Maxwell's discoveries, not only in electricity, but also in the theory of the nature of gases, and in molecular science generally, I cannot help thinking that if one of them is more striking and more full of future significance than the rest, it is the one I have just mentioned the theory that light is an electrical phenomenon. The first glimpse of this splendid generalization 320 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT I. was caught in 1845, fi ye an d thirty years ago, by that prince of pure experimentalists, Michael Faraday. His reasons for suspecting some connection between electricity and light are not clear to us in fact they could not have been clear to him ; but he seems to have felt a conviction that if he only tried long enough, and sent all kinds of rays of light in all possible directions across electric and magnetic fields in all sorts of media, he must ultimately hit upon some- thing. Well, this is very nearly what he did. With a sublime patience and perseverance which remind one of the way Kepler hunted down guess after guess in a different field of research, Faraday com- bined electricity, or magnetism, and light in all manner of ways, and at last he was rewarded with a result. And a most out-of-the-way result it seemed. First you have to get a most powerful magnet and very strongly excite it ; then you have to pierce its two poles with holes, in order that a beam of light may travel from one to the other along the lines of force ; then, as ordinary light is no good, you must get a beam of plane-polarized light and send it between the poles. But still no result is obtained until, finally, you interpose a piece of a rare and out-of-the-way material which Faraday had himself discovered and made, a kind of glass which contains borate of lead, and which is very heavy, or dense, and which must be perfectly annealed. LKCT. 1.] ELECTRICITY AND LIGHT. 321 And now, when all these arrangements are completed, what is seen is simply this, that if an analyzer is arranged to stop the light and make the field quite dark before the magnet is excited, then directly the battery is connected and the magnet called into action a faint and barely perceptible brightening of the field occurs ; which will disappear if the analyzer be slightly rotated. [The experiment was then shown.] Now no wonder that no one under- stood this result. Faraday himself did not under- stand it at all : he seems to have thought that the magnetic lines of force were rendered luminous, or that the light was magnetized ; in fact he was in a fog, and had no idea of its real significance. Nor had anyone. Continental philosophers experienced some difficulty and several failures before they were able to repeat the experiment. It was in fact discovered too soon, before the scientific world was ready to receive it, and it was reserved for Sir William Thomson briefly, but very clearly, to point out, and for Clerk Maxwell more fully to develop, its most important consequences. [The principle of the experiment was then illus- trated by the aid of a mechanical model. The model was a Wheatstone photometer consisting of one cogged circle rolling inside a fixed outer circle of twice the diameter, so that a bead attached to the inner one described some ellipse. An extra adjust- ment was provided whereby the bead could be set Y 322 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. j. exactly over the circumference of the smaller wheel : it then describes a straight line, a diameter of the large circle, with a simple harmonic motion ; and this simple harmonic motion is actually compounded of two equal opposite circular motions, viz. the revolu- tion of the centre of the smaller wheel, and the revolu- tion of the bead about this moving centre in an opposite direction and at the same speed. The whole instrument was mounted in such a way that it could be slowly rotated one way or other by a second handle and endless screw ; by this means one of these circular motions was accelerated and the other retarded, and as a consequence the path of the oscillating bead slowly rotated, describing a more complicated hypocycloid, and representing the rota- tion of the direction of vibration of light ( 172).] This is the fundamental experiment which probably suggested Clerk Maxwell's theory of light ; but of late years many fresh facts and relations between electricity and light have been discovered, and at the present time they are tumbling in in great numbers. It was found by Faraday that many other trans- parent media besides heavy glass would show the phenomenon if placed between the poles : only in a less degree ; and the very important observation that air itself exhibits the same phenomenon, though to an exceedingly small extent, has just been made by Ku'ndt and Rontgen in Germany. LF.CT. T.] ET.I-:CTRICITY AND LIGHT. 323 Dr. Kerr, of Glasgow, has extended the result to opaque bodies, and has shown that if light be passed through magnetized iron its plane is rotated. The film of iron must be exceedingly thin, because of its opacity, and hence, though the intrinsic rotating power of iron is undoubtedly very great, the observed rotation is exceedingly small and difficult to observe ; and it is only by very remarkable patience and care and inge- nuity that Dr. Kerr has obtained his result. Mr. Fitzgerald, of Dublin, has examined the question mathematically, and has shown that Maxwell's theory would have enabled Dr. Kerr's result to be predicted. Another requirement of the theory is that bodies which are transparent to light must be insulators or non-conductors of electricity, and that conductors of electricity are necessarily opaque to light. Simple observation amply confirms this ; metals are the best conductors, and are the most opaque bodies known. Insulators such as glass and crystals are transparent whenever they are sufficiently homogeneous ; and the very remarkable researches of Prof. Graham Bell in the last few months have shown that even ebonite, one of the most opaque insulators to ordinary vision, is certainly transparent to some kinds of radiation, and transparent to no small degree. [The reason why transparent bodies must insulate, and why conductors must be opaque, was here illustrated by mechanical models. Y 2 324 MODERN VIEWS OE ELECTRICITY. [LECT. I. The model which represented a dielectric has already been depicted in Fig. 8 ; and when the cord thread- ing alt the elastically supported balls is vibrated, waves travel readily through it. The model which represented a metallic conductor is shown here in Fig. 54. It has its wooden balls sliding on smooth brass rods so that they have no tendency to recoil to a settled position but remain where placed. On shaking the cord connecting these FIG. 54 Rude model 10 pair with Fig. 8 (p. 43) and to call attention to some of the differences between a metal and an insulator. balls the waves penetrate a certain small depth into the medium but fail to get through it. The two models were connected in series, and waves which had been transmitted along the cord by one were partly quenched, partly reflected, by the other.] A further consequence of the theory is that the velocity of light in a transparent medium will be affected by its electrical strain constant ; in other words, that its refractive index will bear some close but not yet quite ascertained relation to its specific LECT. 1.] ELECTRICITY AND LIGHT. 325 inductive capacity. Experiment has partially con- firmed this, but the confirmation is as yet very incomplete. But there are a number of results not predicted by theory, and whose connection with theory is not clearly made out. We have the fact that light falling on the platinum electrode of a voltameter generates a current ; first observed, I think, by Sir W. R. Grove at any rate it is mentioned in his Correlation of Forces extended by Becquerel and Robert Sabine to other substances, and now being extended to fluorescent and other bodies by Prof. Minchin. And finally for I must be brief we have the remarkable action of light on selenium. This fact was discovered accidentally by an assistant in the laboratory of Mr. Willoughby Smith, who noticed that a piece of selenium conducted electricity very much better when light was falling upon it than when it was in the dark. The light of a candle is sufficient, and instantaneously brings down the resistance to something like one-fifth of its original value. I could show you these effects, but there is not much to see ; it is an intensely interesting phenomenon, but its external manifestation is not striking any more than Faraday's heavy glass experiment was. This is the phenomenon which, as you know, has been utilized by Prof. Graham Bell in that most ingenious and striking invention, the photophone. 326 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. 1. By the kindness of Prof. Silvanus Thompson I have a few slides to show the principle of the invention, and Mr. Shelford Bidwell has been good enough to lend me his home-made photophone, which answers exceedingly well for short distances. I have now trespassed long enough upon your patience, but I must just allude to what may very likely be the next striking popular discovery, and that is the transmission of light by electricity ; I mean the transmission of such things as views and pictures by means of the electric wire. It has not yet been done, but it seems already theoretically possible, and it may very soon be practically accomplished. LECTURE II. THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 1 I HOPE that no one has been misled by an error in the printing of the title of this lecture, viz. the omission of the definite article before the word ether, into supposing that I am going to discourse on chemistry and the latest anaesthetic ; you will have understood, I hope, that " ether " means the ether, and that the ether is the hypothetical medium which is supposed to fill otherwise empty space. The idea of an ether is by no means a new one. As soon as a notion of the enormous extent of space had been grasped, by means of astronomical discoveries, the question presented itself to men's minds, what was in this space ? was it full, or was it empty ? and the question was differently answered by different metaphysicians. Some felt that a vacuum was so 1 Delivered at the London Institution on December 28, 1882. 323 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. n. abhorrent a thing that it could not by any possibility exist anywhere, but that Nature would not be satisfied unless space were perfectly full. Others, again, felt that empty space could hardly exist, that it would shrink up to nothing like a pricked bladder unless it were kept distended by something material. In other words, they made matter the condition of extension. On the other hand, it was contended that, however objectionable the idea of empty space might be, yet emptiness was a necessity in order that bodies might have room to move ; that, in fact, if all space were perfectly full of matter everything would be jammed together, and nothing like free attraction or free motion of bodies round one another could go on. And indeed there are not wanting philosophers at the present day who still believe something of this same kind, who are satisfied to think of matter as consisting of detached small particles acting on one another with forces varying as some inverse power ol the distance, and who, if they can account for a phenomenon by an action exerted across empty space, are content to go no further, nor seek the cause and nature of the action more closely. 1 Now metaphysical arguments, in so far as they 1 In illustration of this statement an article has since appeared in the January number of the Philosophical Magazine for 1883, by Mr. Walter Browne. LECT. ii.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 329 have any weight or validity whatever, are unconscious appeals to experience ; a person endeavours to find out whether a certain condition of things is by him conceivable, and if it is not conceivable he has some prinid facie ground for asserting that it probably does not exist. I say he has some ground, but whether it be much or little depends partly on the nature of the thing thought of, whether it be fairly simple or highly complex, and partly on the range of the man's own mental development, whether his experience be wide or narrow. If a highly-developed mind, or set of minds, find a doctrine about some comparatively simple and fundamental matter absolutely unthinkable, it is an evidence, and is accepted as good evidence, that the unthinkable state of things is one that has no existence; the argument being that if it did exist, either it or something not wholly unlike it would have come within the range of experience. We have no further evidence than this for the statement that two straight lines cannot inclose a space, or that the three angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles. Nevertheless there is nothing final about such an argument ; all that the inconceivability of a thing really proves, or can prove, is that nothing like it has ever come within the thinker's experience ; and this proves nothing as to the reality or non-reality of 330 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [I,KCT. ri. the thing, unless his experience of the same kind of things has been so extensive as to make it reasonably probable that if such a thing had existed it would not have been so completely overlooked. The experience of a child or a dog, on ordinary scientific phenomena, therefore, is worth next to nothing ; and as the experience of a dog is to ordinary science, so is the experience of the human race to some higher phenomena, of which they at present know nothing, and against the existence of which it is perfectly futile and presumptuous to bring forward arguments about their being inconceivable, as if they were likely to be anything else. Now if there is one thing with which the human race has been more conversant from time immemorial than another, and concerning which more experience has been unconsciously accumulated than about almost anything else that can be mentioned, it is the action of one body on another ; the exertion of force by one body upon another, the transfer of motion and energy from one body to another ; any kind of effect, no matter what, which can be produced in one body by means of another, whether the bodies be animate or inanimate. The action of a man in felling a tree, in thrusting a spear, in drawing a bow ; the action of the bow again on the arrow, of po\vder on a bullet, of a horse on a cart ; and again, the action of the earth on the moon, or of a magnet on iron. Every activity of LECT. ii.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 331 every kind that we are conscious of may be taken as an illustration of the action of one body on another. Now I wish to appeal to this mass of experience, and to ask, is not the direct action of one body on another across empty space, and with no means of communication whatever, is not this absolutely unthinkable ? We must not answer the question off-hand, but must give it due consideration, and we shall find, I think, that wherever one body acts on another by obvious contact, we are satisfied and have a feeling that the phenomenon is simple and intelli- gible ; but that whenever one body apparently acts on another at a distance, we are irresistibly impelled to look for the connecting medium. If a marionette dances in obedience to a prompting hand above it, any intelligent child would feel for the wire, and if no wire or anything corresponding to it was discovered, would feel that there was something uncanny and magical about the whole thing. An- cient attempts at magic were indeed attempts to obtain results without the trouble of properly causing them, to build palaces by rubbing rings or lanterns, to remove mountains by a wish instead of with the spade and pickaxe, and generally to act on bodies without any real means of communication ; and modern disbelief in magic is simply a statement of the conviction of mankind that all attempts in this 332 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. 11. direction have turned out failures, and that action at a distance is impossible. If a man explained the action of a horse or a cart by saying that there was an attraction between them varying as some high direct power of the distance, he would not be saying other than the truth the facts may be so expressed but he would be felt to be giving a wretchedly lame explanation, and anyone who simply pointed out the traces would be going much more to the root of the matter. Similarly with the attraction of a magnet for a distant magnetic pole. To say that there is an attraction as the inverse cube of the distance between them is true, but it is not the whole truth ; and we should be obliged to anyone who will point out the traces, for traces we feel sure there are. If anyone tries to picture clearly to himself the action of one body on another without any medium of communication whatever, he must fail. A medium is instinctively looked for in most cases ; and if not in all, as in falling weights or magnetic attraction, it is only because custom has made us stupidly callous to the real nature of these forces. When we see a vehicle bowling down-hill without any visible propelling force, we ought to regard it with the same mixture of curiosity and wonder as the Chinaman felt when he saw for the first time in the streets of Chicago a tram-car driven by a rope LECT. II.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 333 buried in a pipe underground. The attachment to these cars comes through a narrow slit in the pipe, and is quite unobtrusive. After regarding the car with open-mouthed astonishment for some time, the Chinaman made use of the following memorable exclamation, " No pushee No pullee Go like mad ! " He was a philosophic Chinaman. Remember, then, that whenever we see a thing being moved we must look for the rope ; it may be visible or it may be invisible, but unless there is either " pushee " or " pullee " there can be no action. And if you further consider a pull it resolves itself into a push ; to pull a thing towards you, you have to put your finger behind it and push ; a horse is said to pull a cart, but he is really pushing at the collar ; an engine pushes a truck by means of a hook and eye ; and so on. There is still the further very important and difficult question as to why the parts hang together, and why when you push one part the rest follows. Cohesion is a very striking fact, and an explanation of it is much to be desired ; I shall have a little more to say about it later, but at present we have nothing more than an indication of the direction in which an ex- planation seems possible. We cannot speak distinctly about those actions which are as yet mysterious to us ; but concerning those which are comparatively simple and intelligible we may make this general state- 334 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY [I.KCT. 11. mcnt : The only way of acting on a body directly is to push it behind. There must be contact between bodies before they can directly act on each other ; and if they are not in contact with each other and yet act, they must both be in contact with some third body which is the medium of communication, the rope. Consider now for an instant the most complex case, the action of one animate body on another not touch- ing it. To call the attention of a dog, for instance, there are several methods : one plan is to prod him with a stick, another is to heave a stone at him, a third is to whistle or call, while a fourth is to beckon him by gesture, or, what is essentially the same pro- cess, to flash sunlight into his eye with a mirror. In the first two of these methods the media of com- munication are perfectly obvious the stick and the stone ; in the third, the whistle, the medium is not so obvious, and this case might easily seem to a savage like action at a distance, but we know of course that it is the air, and that if the air between be taken away, all communication by sound is interrupted. But the fourth or optical method is not so interrupted ; the dog can see through a vacuum perfectly well, though he cannot hear through it ; but what the medium now is which conveys the impression is not so well known. The sun's light is conveyed to the earth by such a medium as this across the emptiness of planetary space. I.F.IT, ii.] THK ETHER ANT) ITS FUNCTIONS. 335 The only remaining typical plans of acting on the dog would be either by electric or magnetic attractions, or by mesmerism, and I would have you seek for the medium which conveys these impressions with just as great a certainty that there is one as you feel in any of the other cases. Leaving these more mysterious and subtle modes of communication, let us return to the two most simple ones, viz. the stick and the stone. These two arc. representative of the only possible fundamental modes of communication between distant bodies, for one is compelled to believe that every more occult mode of action will ultimately resolve itself into one or other of these two. The stick repre- sents the method of communication by continuous substance ; the stone represents the communi- cation by actual transfer of matter, or, as I shall call it, the projectile method. There are no other known methods for one body to act on another than by these two by continuous medium, and by projectile. We know one clear and well-established example of the projectile method, viz. the transmission of pressure by gases. A gas consists of particles per- fectly independent of each other, and the only way in which they can act on each other is by blows. The pressure of the air is a bombardment of particles, and actions are transmitted through gases as through a 336 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. n. row of ivory balls. Sound is propagated by each particle receiving a knock and passing it on to the next, the final effect being much the same as if the first struck particles had been shot off through the whole distance. The explanation of the whole behaviour of gases in this manner is so simple and satisfactory, and moreover is so certainly the true account of the matter, that we are naturally tempted to ask whether this projectile theory is not the key to the universe, and whether every kind of action whatever cannot be worked out on this hypothesis of atoms blindly driving about in all directions at perfect random, and with complete -independence of each other except when they collide. 1 And accordingly we have the cor- puscular theories of light and of gravitation : both account for their respective phenomena by a battering of particles. The corpuscular theory of gravitation is, however, full of difficulties, for it is not obvious according to it why the weight of a plate is the same when held edgeways as when held broadside on, in the stream of corpuscles ; while it is surprising (as indeed it perhaps is on any hypothesis) that the weight of a body is the same in the solid, liquid, and gaseous states. It has been attempted to explain cohesion also on the same hypothesis, but the diffi- 1 To this hypothesis Mr, Tolver Preston has addressed himself with much ingenuity, LECT. ii.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 337 culties, which were great enough before, are now enormous ; and to me at any rate it seems that it is only by violent straining and by improbable hypotheses that we can explain all the actions of the universe by a mere battery of particles. Moreover, it is difficult to understand what the atoms themselves can be like, or how they can strike and bound off one another without yielding to compression and then springing out .again like two elastic balls ; it is difficult to understand the elasticity of really ultimate hard particles. And if the atoms are not such hard particles, but are elastic and yielding, and rebound from one another according to the same sort of law that ivory balls do : of what are they composed ? We shall have to begin all over again, and explain the cohesion and elasticity of the parts of the atom. The more we think over the matter, the more are we compelled to abandon mere impact as a complete explanation of action in general. But if this be so we are driven back upon the other hypothesis, the only other, viz. communication by continuous medium. We must begin to imagine a continuous connecting medium between the particles a substance in which they are embedded, which penetrates into all their interstices, and extends without break to the remotest limits of space. Once grant this, and difficulties begin rapidly to disappear. There is now continuous Z 338 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LKCT. n. contact between the particles of bodies, and if one is pushed the others naturally receive the motion. The atoms of gas are impinging as before, but we have now a different idea of what impact means. Gravitation is explainable by differences of pressure in the medium, caused by some action between it and matter not yet understood. (See page 352.) Cohesion is explainable also probably in the same way. Light consists of undulation or waves in the medium ; while electricity is turning out quite possibly to be an aspect of a part of the very medium itself. The medium is now accepted as a necessity by all modern physicists, for without it we are groping in the dark, with it we feel we have a clue which, if followed up, may lead us into the innermost secrets of Nature. It has as yet been followed up very partially, but I will try and indicate the directions in which modern science is tending. The name you choose to give to the medium is a matter of very small importance, but " the ether" is as good a name for it as another. As far as we know it appears to be a perfectly homogeneous incompressible continuous body, in- capable of being resolved into simpler elements or atoms ; it is, in fact, continuous, not molecular. There is no other body of which we can say this, and hence the properties of ether must be somewhat LECT. ii.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 339 different from those of ordinary matter. But there is little difficulty in picturing a continuous substance to ourselves, inasmuch as the molecular and porous nature of ordinary matter is by no means evident to the senses, but is an inference of some difficulty. Ether is often called a fluid, or a liquid, and again it has been called a solid and has been likened to a jelly because of its rigidity; but none of these names are very much good ; all these are molecular group- ings and therefore not like ether ; let us think simply and solely of a continuous frictionless medium pos- sessing inertia, and the vagueness of the notion will be nothing more than is proper in the present state of our knowledge. We have now to try and realize the idea of a perfectly continuous, subtle, incompressible sub- stance pervading all space and penetrating between the molecules of all ordinary matter, which are em- bedded in it, and connected with one another by its means. And we must regard it as the one universal medium by which all actions between bodies are carried on. This, then, is its function to act as the transmitter of motion and of energy. First consider the propagation of light. Sound is propagated by direct excursion and im- pact of the atoms of ordinary matter. Light is not so propagated. How do we know this ? (l) Because of its speed, 3 X io 10 centimetres per z 2 340 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. n. second, which is greater than anything transmissible by ordinary matter. (2) Because of the kind of vibration, as revealed by the phenomena of polarization. The vibrations of light are not such as can be transmitted by a set of disconnected molecules ; if by molecules at all, it must be by molecules con- nected into a solid, i.e. by a body with rigidity. Rigidity means active resistance to shearing stress, i.e. to alteration in shape ; it is also called elasticity of figure ; it is by the possession of rigidity that a solid differs from a fluid. For a body to transmit vibrations at all it must possess inertia ; transverse vibrations can only be transmitted by a body with rigidity. All matter possesses inertia, but fluids only possess volume elasticity, and accordingly can only transmit longitudinal vibrations. Light consists of transverse vibrations ; air and water have no rigidity,' yet they are transparent, i.e. transmit trans- verse vibrations ; hence it must be the ether inside them which really conveys the motion, and the ether must have properties which, if it were ordinary matter, we should style inertia and rigidity. No highly rarefied air will serve the purpose ; the ether must be a distinct body. Air may exist indeed in planetary space, even to infinity, but if so it is of almost in- finitesimal density compared with the ether there. It is easy to calculate the density of the atmosphere LECT. II.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 341 at any height above the earth's surface, supposing other bodies absent and supposing the temperature constant. (All numbers following are in C.G.S. units.) The density of the air at a distance of ;/ earth radii from the centre of the earth is equal to a i quarter the density here divided by IO 3 ^~"~. So at a height of only 4000 miles above the surface, the atmospheric density is a number with 127 ciphers after the decimal point before the significant figures begin. 1 The density of ether, on the other hand, has been calculated by Sir William Thomson from data furnished by Pouillet's experiments on the energy of sunlight, and from a justifiable guess as to the amplitude of a vibration ; and it comes out about 10" l8 , a number with only 17 ciphers before the significant figures. In inter-planetary space, therefore, all the air that exists is utterly negligible ; the density of the ether there, though small, is enormous by comparison. [See also page 235.] Once given the density of the ether, its rigidity follows at once, because the ratio of the rigidity to the density is the square of the velocity of trans- 1 I have left this statement in, because it is a view which has been apparently held by high authority that the atmosphere has no limit. To me I confess it appears much more reasonable to suppose that at a certain height, which on the hypothesis of thorough stirring or convec- tion equilibrum is only 16 or 17 miles, but is pro I- ably a good deal more in reality (because rare air is very viscous), a free surface exists although of very small density. 342 MODERN VIEWS OE ELECTRICITY. [I.F.CT. n verse wave propagation, viz. in the case of ether, 9 x io 20 . The rigidity of ether comes out, therefore, to be about 900. The most rigid solid we know is steel, and compared with its rigidity, viz. Sxio 11 , that of ether is insignificant. Neither steel nor glass. however, could transmit vibrations with anything like the speed of light, because of their great density. The rate at which transverse vibrations are propagated by crown glass is half a million centimetres per second a considerable speed, no doubt, but the ether inside the glass transmits them 40,000 times as quick, viz. at twenty thousand million centimetres per second. The ether outside the glass can do still better than this, it comes up to thirty thousand million, and the question arises what is the matter with the ether inside the glass that it can only transmit undulations at two-thirds the normal speed. Is it denser than free ether, or is it less rigid ? Well, it is not easy to say ; but the fact is certain that ether is somehow affected by the immediate neighbourhood of gross matter, and it appears to be concentrated inside it to an ex- tent depending on the density of the matter. Frcsncl's hypothesis is that the ether is really denser inside gross matter, that there is a sort of attraction be- tween ether and the molecules of matter which results in an agglomeration or binding of some ether round each atom, and that, this additional or bound ether belongs to the matter, and travels about with it. The I.ECT. II.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 343 rigidity of the bound ether Fresnel supposes to be the same as that of the free, except in some crystals. If anything like this can be imagined, a measure of the relative density of the bound ether is easily given. For the inverse velocity-ratio of light is n (the index of refraction), and the density is inversely as the square of the velocity ; hence the density- measure is ;/ 2 . The density of ether in free space being called T, that inside matter has a density ;/ 2 , and the density of the bound portion of this is ;/ 2 I. This may all sound very fanciful, but something like it is sober truth ; not as it is here stated very likely, but the fact that (i 1 )th of the whole //- / ether inside matter is bound to it and travels with it, while the remaining th is free and blows freely n 2 through the pores, is fairly well established and confirmed by direct experiment ( 1 1*8). Consider the effect of wind on sound. Sound is travelling through the air at a certain definite rate depending simply on the average speed of the atoms in their excursions, and at the rate at which they therefore pass the knocks on ; if there is a wind carrying all the atoms bodily in one direction, natur- ally the sound will travel quicker in that direction than in the opposite. Sound travels quicker with the wind than against it. Now is it the same with light ? 344 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. n. does it too travel quicker with the wind ? Well that altogether depends on whether the ether is blowing along as well as the air ; if it is, then its motion must help the light on a little ; but if the ether is at rest, no motion of air or matter of any kind can make any difference. But according to Fresnel's hypothesis it is not wholly at rest nor wholly in motion ; the free is at rest, the bound is in motion ; and therefore the speed of light with the wind should be increased by an addition of (i . 2 -)th of the velocity of the wind. Utterly infinitesimal, of course, in the case of air, whose n is but a trifle greater than I ; but for water the fraction is 7-i6ths, and Fizeau thought this not quite hopeless to look for. He accordingly devised a beautiful experiment, executed it successfully, and proved that when light travels with a stream of water, 7-i6ths of the velocity of the water must be added to the velocity of the light ; and when it travels against the stream the same quantity must be subtracted, to get the true resultant velocity with which the light is travelling through space. Arago suggested another experiment. When light passes through a prism, it is bent out of its course by reason of its diminished velocity inside the glass, and the refraction is strictly dependent on the re- tardation ; now suppose a prism carried rapidly forward through space, say at the rate of nineteen LECT. II.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 345 miles a second by the earth in its orbit, which is the quickest accessible carriage ; if the ether is all streaming freely through the glass, light passing through the prism will be less retarded when going with the ether than when going against it, and hence the bending will be different. Maxwell tried the experiment in a very perfect form, but found no difference. If all the ether were free there would have been a difference ; if all the ether were bound to the glass there would have been a difference the other way ; but according to Fresnel's hypothesis there should be no difference, because according to it, the free ether, which is the portion in relative motion, has nothing to do with the refraction, it is the addition of the bound ether which causes the refraction, and this part is stationary relatively to the glass, and is not streaming through it at all. Hence the refraction is the same whether the pr.ism be at rest or in motion through space. 1 An atom embedded in ether is vibrating and send- ing out waves in all directions ; the length of the wave depends on the period of the vibration, and 1 Several of this class of experiments have been recently performed with consummate skill and with refined appliances by Mr. Michelson in America. The result of his repetition of the Fizeau experiment is entirely confirmatory of Fizeau's result and of Fresnel's theory. The results of some of the other experiments, having reference to the theory of aberration and the motion of the ether near the earth, are more puzzling, and seem discordant with ordinarily received notions at present. 346 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [i.ECT. n. different lengths of wave produce the different colour sensations. Now through free ether all kinds of waves appear to travel at the same rate ; not so through bound ether ; inside matter the short waves arc more retarded than the long, and hence the different sizes of waves .can be sorted out by a prism. Now a free atom has its own definite period of vibration, like a tuning-fork has, and accordingly sends out light of a certain definite colour or of a few definite colours, just as a tuning-fork emits sound of a certain definite pitch or of a few definite pitches called harmonics. By the pitch of the sound it is easy to calculate the rate of vibration of the fork ; by the colour of the light one can determine the rate of vibration of the atom. When we speak of the atoms vibrating, we do not mean that they are wagging to and fro as a whole ; it is more likely that they are crimping themselves, that they are vibrating as a tuning-fork or a bell vibrates ; we know this because it is easy to make the free atoms of a gas vibrate. It is only in the gaseous state, indeed, that we can study the rate of vibration of an atom ; when they are packed closely together in a solid or liquid, they arc cramped, and all manner of secondary vibrations are induced. They then, no doubt, wag to and fro also ; and in fact these con- strained vibrations are executed in every variety, but the simple periodicity of the free atom is lost. To study the free atoms we take a gas the rarer LECT. ii.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 347 the better : heat it, and then sort out the waves it produces in the ether by putting a triangular prism of bound ether in their path. Why the bound ether retards different waves differently, or "disperses" the light, is quite unknown, beyond the fact that it has something to do with the size of the atoms of matter being comparable to the size of waves : being most nearly comparable to the smallest waves, and therefore affecting them most. It is not easy accurately to explain refraction, but it is extremely difficult to explain dispersion. How- ever, the fact is undoubted, and more light will doubtless soon fall upon its theory. The result of the prismatic analysis is to prove that every atom of matter has its own definite rate of vibration, as a bell has ; it may emit several colours or only one, and the number it emits may depend upon how much it is struck (err heated) ; but those it can emit arc a perfectly definite selection, and depend in no way on the previous history of the atom. Every free atom of sodium, for instance, vibrates in the same way, and has always vibrated in the same way, whatever other clement it may have been at intervals combined with, and whether it exists in the sun or in the earth, or in the most distant star. The same is true of every other kind of matter, each has its own mode of vibration which nothing but bondage changes ; and hence 348 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. IT. has arisen a new chemical analysis, wherein sub- stances are detected simply by observing the rate of vibration of their free atoms, a branch of physical chemistry called spectrum analysis. The atoms are small bodies, and accordingly vibrate with inconceivable rapidity. An atom of sodium vibrates 5 x io 14 times in a second ; that is, it executes five hundred million complete vibrations in the millionth part of a second. This is about a medium pace, and the waves it emits produce in the eye the sensation of a deep yellow. 4 x io 14 corresponds to red light, 7 x io 14 to blue. An atom of hydrogen has three different periods, viz. 4*577, 6*179, and 6-973, each multiplied by the inevitable io 14 . Atoms may, indeed, vibrate more slowly than this, but the retina is not constructed so as to be sensible of slower vibrations ; however, thanks to Capt. Abney, there are ways now of photographing the effect of much slower vibrations, and thus of making them indirectly visible ; so we can now hope to observe the motion of atoms over a much greater range than the purely optical ones, and so learn much more about them. 1 1 Still more perhaps may we now hope from the modified line thermopile or Siemens pyrometer, which Prof. Langley has so ably developed and used in a series of fine researches : the instrument which he calls the "bolometer." Or from Mr. Boys's still more recent *' Radio-micrometer." LECT. ii.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 349 The distinction between free and bound ether is forced on our notice by other phenomena than those of light. When we come to electricity, we find that some kind of matter has more electricity associated with it than others, so that for a given electromotive force we get a greater electric dis- placement ; that the electricity is, as it were, denser in some kinds of matter than in others. The density of electricity in space being called I, that inside matter is called K, its specific inductive capacity. In optics the relative density of the ether inside matter was n 2 , the square of the index of refraction (p. 343). These numbers appear to be the same. Is the ether electricity then ? I do not say so, neither do I think that in that coarse statement lies the truth ; but that they are connected there can be no doubt. What I have to suggest is that positive and negative electricity together may make up the ether, or that the ether may be sheared by electromo- tive forces into positive and negative electricity. Transverse vibrations are carried on by shearing forces acting in matter which resists them, or which possesses rigidity. The bound ether inside a con- ductor has no rigidity ; it cannot resist shear ; such a body is opaque. Transparent bodies are those whose bound ether, when sheared, resists and springs back again ; such bodies are dielectrics. 350 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LKCT. ii. We have no direct way of exerting force upon ether at all ; we can, however, act on it in a very indirect manner, for we have learnt how to arrange matter so as to cause it to exert the required shearing (or electromotive) force upon the ether associated with it. Continuous shearing force applied to the ether in metals produces a continuous and barely resisted stream of the two electricities in opposite directions : or a conduction current. Continuous shearing force applied to the ether in transparent bodies produces an electric displace- ment accompanied by elastic resilience, and thus all the phenomena of electric induction (Chap. III.). Some chemical compounds, consisting of binary molecules, distribute the bound ether of the molecule, at any rate as soon as it is split up by dissociation ; and, instead of each nascent radicle or atom taking with it neutral ether, one takes a certain definite quantity of positive, the other the same amount of negative, electricity. In the liquid state the atoms are capable of locomotion ; and a continuous shearing force applied to the ether in such liquids causes a continual procession of the matter and associated electricity, the positive one way, and the negative the other, and thus all the phenomena -of electrolysis (Chap. IV.). What I say about electricity, however, is not to be taken without salt ; you will not regard it as recognized LECT. ii.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 351 truth, but as a tentative belief of your lecturer's which may be found to be more or less, and possibly more rather than less, out of accordance with facts. I can only say that it hangs phenomena together, and that it has been forced upon my belief in various ways. Now what about the free ether of space, is it a con- ductor of electricity ? There are certain facts which suggest that it is, and Edlund has suggested that it is an almost perfect conductor. When a sun-spot or other disturbance breaks out on the sun, accompanied as it is, no doubt, by violent electric storms, the electric condition of the earth is affected, and we have auroras and magnetic disturbances. Is this by induction through space ? or can it be due to conduction and the arrival of some microscopic portion of a derived current travelling our way ? For my part I cannot think the ether a conductor. Maxwell has shown that conductors must be opaque, and ether is nothing, if not transparent ; one is driven, then, to conclude that what we call conduction does not go on except in the presence of ordinary matter in other words, perhaps, that it is a phenomenon more connected with bound ether than with free. But now, looking back to Fresnel's hypothesis of the extra density of ether inside gross matter, and also to the fact that it must be regarded as incom- pressible, the question naturally arises, How can it be clensified by matter or anything else ? Perhaps it is 352 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. n. not ; perhaps matter only strains the ether towards itself, thus slackening its tension, as it were, inside bodies, not producing any real increase of density ; and fchis is roughly McCullagh's form of the undulatory theory. In this form gravitation may be held to be partially explained ; for two bodies straining at the ether in this way will tend to pull themselves together. Newton himself dimly suggested, in one of the queries appended to the later editions of his " Opticks," that gravitation would be produced if only matter exerted a kind of pressure on an all pervading ether, the pres- sure varying as the inverse distance. (See Appendix.) He did not follow the idea up, however, because he had then no other facts to confirm him in his impression of the existence of such an ether, or to inform him concerning its properties. We now not only feel sure that an ether exists, but we know some- thing of its properties ; and we also have learnt from light and from electricity, that some such action between matter and ether actually occurs, though how or why it occurs we do not yet know. I am therefore compelled to believe that this is certainly the direction in which an ultimate explanation of gravitation and of cohesion is to be looked for. In thinking over the Fresnel and McCullagh forms of the undulatory theory, with a view to the recon- ciliation between them which appears necessary and LECT. n.j THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 353 imminent, one naturally asks, is there any such clear distinction to be drawn between ether and matter as we have hitherto tacitly assumed ? may they not be different modifications, or even manifestations, of the same thing ? Again, when we speak of atoms vibrating, how can they vibrate ? of what are their parts composed ? And now we come to one of the most remarkable and suggestive speculations of modern times a speculation based on this experimental fact, that the elasticity of a solid may be accounted for by the motion of a fluid ; that a fluid in motion may possess rigidity. I said that rigidity was precisely what no fluid possessed : at rest this is true ; in motion it is not true ( 156). Consider a perfectly flexible india-rubber O-shaped tube full of water ; nothing is more flaccid and limp. But set the water rapidly circulating, and it becomes at once stiff ; it will stand on end for a time without support ; kinks in it take force to make, and are more or less permanent. A practicable form of this experiment is the well-known one of a flexible chain over a pulley, which becomes stiff as soon as it is set in rapid motion (page 1 66, footnote). This is called a vortex stream-line, and a vortex is a thing built up of a number of such stream-lines. If they are arranged parallel to one another about a straight A A 354 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. II. axis or core, we have a vortex cylinder, such as is easily produced by stirring a vessel of water or by pulling the plug out of a wash-hand basin ; or such as are made in the air on a large scale in America, and telegraphed over here, when they are called " cyclones," or " depressions." The depression is visible enough in the middle of revolving water. These vortices are wonderfully permanent things, and last a long time, though they sometimes break up unex- pectedly. Vortices need not have straight cores : they may have cores of various ring forms, the simplest being a circle. To make a vortex ring, we must take a plane disk of the fluid, and at a certain instant give to every atom in the disk a certain velocity forward, graduating the velocity according to its distance from the edge of the disk. We have as yet no means of doing this in a frictionless fluid, but with a fluid such as air and water it happens to be easy ; we have only to knock a little of the fluid suddenly out of a box through a sharp-edged hole, and the friction of the edges of the hole does what we want. The central portion travels rapidly forward, and returns round outside the core, rolling back towards the hole. But the impetus sends the whole forward, and none really returns ; it rolls on its outer circumference as a wheel rolls along a road. In a perfect fluid under conceivable circumstances it need not so roll forward, as there would LECT. ii.] THE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 355 be no friction, but in air or water a vortex ring has always a definite forward velocity, just as a locomotive driving-wheel has when it does not slip on the rails. We have in these rings a real mass of air moving bodily forward, and it .impinges on a face or a gas flame with some force. One is thus easily able to blow out a distant gas flame ten or twelve yards away by an invisible projectile of air. It is differentiated from the rest of the atmosphere by reason of its peculiar rotational motion. The ring may be rendered visible by means of smoke, but it is in no way improved by the addition except in the matter of visibility. The cores of these rings are elastic they possess rigidity ; the circular is their stable form, and if this is altered, they oscillate about it. Thus when two vortex rings impinge or even approach fairly near one another, they visibly deflect each other, and also cause each other to vibrate. The theory of the impact or interference of vortex rings whose paths cross but which do not come very near together, has been quite recently worked out by Mr. J. J. Thomson. It is quite possible to make the rings vibrate without any impact, by serrating the opening out of which they are knocked. The simplest serration of a circle turns it into an ellipse, and here you have an elliptic ring oscillating from a tall to a squat ellipse and back again. Here is a four-waved A A 2 356 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. n. opening, and the vibrations are by this very well shown. A six-waved opening makes the vibrations almost too small to be perceived at a distance, but still they are sometimes distinct. The rings vibrate very much like a bell vibrates : perhaps very much like an atom vibrates. They have rigidity, although composed of fluid : they are com- posed of fluid in motion. These vortices are imper- fect, they increase in size, and decrease in energy ; in a perfect fluid they would not do this, they would then be permanent and indestructible, but then also you would not be able to make them. Now does not the idea strike you that atoms of matter may be vortices like these vortices in a perfect fluid, vortices in the ether. This is Sir William Thomson's theory of matter. It is not yet proved to be true, but is it not highly beautiful ? a theory about which one may almost dare to say that it deserves to be true ? The atoms of matter, according to it, are not so much foreign particles imbedded in the all- pervading ether, as portions of it differentiated off from the rest by reason of their vortex motion, thus becoming virtually solid particles, yet with no transi- tion of substance ; atoms indestructible and not able to be manufactured, not mere hard rigid specks, but each composed of whirling ether ; elastic, capable of definite vibration, of free movement, of collision. The crispations or crimpings of these rings illustrate LfiCT.II.JTHE ETHER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 357 the kind of way in which we may suppose an atom to vibrate. They appear to have all the properties of atoms except one, viz. gravitation ; and before the theory can be accepted, I think it must account for gravitation. This fundamental property of matter cannot be left over to be explained by an artificial battery of ultra-mundane corpuscles. We cannot go back to mere impact of hard bodies after having allowed ourselves a continuous medium. Vortex atoms must be shown to gravitate. But then remember how small a force gravitation is. Ask any educated man whether two pound- masses of lead attract each other, and he will reply no. He is wrong, of course, but the force is exceedingly small. Yet it is the aggregate attraction of trillions upon trillions of atoms ; the slightest effect of each upon the ether would be sufficient to account for gravitation ; and no one can say that vortices do not exert some such residual, but uniform, effect on the fluid in which they exist, till second, third, and every other order of small quantities have been taken into account, and the theory of vortices in a perfect fluid worked out with the most final accuracy. At present, however, the Thomsonian theory of matter is not a verified one ; it is, perhaps, little more than a speculation, but it is one that it is well worth knowing about, working at, and inquiring into. It may stand or it may fall ; but if it is the case, as I 358 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LF.CT. 11. believe it is, that our notions of natural phenomena, though they often fall short, yet never exceed in grandeur the real truth of things, how splendid must be the real nature of matter if the Thomsonian hypothesis turns out to be inadequate and untrue. I have now endeavoured to introduce you to the simplest conception of the material universe which has yet occurred to man the conception, that is, of one universal substance, perfectly homogeneous and continuous and simple in structure, extending to the furthest limits of space of which we have any know- ledge, existing equally everywhere ; some portions either at rest or in simple irrotational motion trans- mitting the undulations which we call light ; other portions in rotational motion, in vortices that is, and differentiated permanently from the rest of the medium by reason of this motion. These whirling portions constitute what we call matter ; their motion gives them rigidity, and of them our bodies and all other material bodies with which we are acquainted are built up. One continuous substance filling all space : which can vibrate as light ; which can be sheared into positive and negative electricity ; which in whirls constitutes matter ; and which transmits by continuity, and not by impact, every action and reaction of which matter is capable. This is the modern view of the Ether and its functions. LECTURE III. THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 1 IT is one of the great generalizations established by Faraday, that all electrical charge and discharge is essentially the charge and discharge of a Leyden jar. It is impossible to charge one body alone. Whenever a body is charged positively, some other body is ipso facto charged negatively, and the two equal opposite charges are connected by lines of induction. The charges are, in fact, simply the ends of these lines, and it is as impossible to have one charge without its cor- relative as it is to have one end of a piece of string without there being somewhere, hidden it may be, split up into strands it may be, but somewhere existent, the other end of that string. This I suppose familiar fact that all charge is virtually that of a Leyden jar being premised, our subject for this evening is at once seen to be a very 1 Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, on Friday evening, March 8, 1889. 360 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. in. wide one, ranging in fact over the whole domain of electricity. For the charge of a Leyden jar includes virtually the domain of electrostatics ; while the dis- charge of a jar, since it constitutes a current, covers the ground of current electricity all except that por- tion which deals with phenomena peculiar to steady currents. And since a current of electricity necessarily magnetizes the space around it, whether it flow in a straight or in a curved path, whether it flow through wire or burst through air, the territory of magnetism is likewise invaded ; and inasmuch as a Leyden jar discharge is oscillatory, and we now know the vibra- tory motion called light to be really an oscillating electric current, the domain of optics is seriously encroached upon. But though the subject I have chosen would permit this wide range, and though it is highly desirable to keep before our minds the wide-reaching import of the most simple-seeming fact in connection with such a subject, yet to-night I do not intend to avail myself of any such latitude, but to keep as closely and distinctly as possible to the Leyden jar in its homely and well- known form, as constructed out of a glass bottle, two sheets of tinfoil, and some stickphast. The act of charging such a jar I have permitted myself now for some time to illustrate by the mechanical analogy of an inextensible endless cord able to circulate over pulleys, and threading in some LECT. in.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 361 portion of its length a row of tightly-gripping beads which are connected to fixed beams by elastic threads. The cord is to represent electricity ; the beads represent successive strata in the thickness of the glass of the jar, or, if you like, atoms of dielectric or Fig- 55- Mechanical analogy of a circuit partly dielectric ; for instance, of a charged condenser. A is its positive coat, v> its negative. insulating matter. Extra tension in the cord repre- sents negative potential, while a less tension (the nearest analogue to pressure adapted to the circum- stances) represents positive potential. Forces applied to move the cord, such as winches or weights, are electromotive forceps; a clamp- or fixed obstruction represents a rheostat or contact-breaker ; and an 362 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. in. excess or defect of cord between two strata of matter represents a positive or a negative charge. The act of charging a jar is now quite easily depicted as shown in the diagram. To discharge the jar one must remove the charging E.M.F. and unclamp the screw, i.e. close the circuit. The stress in the elastic threads will then rapidly drive the cord back, the inertia of the beads will cause it to overshoot the mark, and for an instant the jar will possess an inverse charge. Back again the cord swings, however, and a charge of same sign as at first, but of rather less magnitude, would be found in the jar if the operation were now suspended. If it be allowed to go on, the oscillations gradually subside, and in a short time everything is quiescent, and the jar is completed discharged. All this occurs in the Leyden jar, and the whole series of oscillations, accompanied by periodic reversal and re-reversal of the charges of the jar, is all accom- plished in the incredibly short space of time occupied by a spark. Consider now what the rate of oscillation depends on. Manifestly on the elasticity of the threads and on the inertia of the matter which is moved. Take the simplest mechanical analogy, that of the vibration of a loaded spring, like the reeds in a musical box. The stifTer the spring and the less the load, the faster it vibrates. Give a mathematician these data, and he I.ECT. in.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 363 will calculate for you the time the spring takes to execute one complete vibration, the " period " of its swing. [Loaded lath in vice.] The electrical problem and the electrical solution are precisely the same. That which corresponds to the flexibility of the spring is in electrical language called static capacity, or, by Mr. Heaviside, permittance. That which corresponds to the inertia of ordinary matter is electro-magnetic inertia, or self-induction, or by Mr. Heaviside, inductance. Increase either of these, and the rate of oscillation is diminished. Increasing the static capacity corre- sponds to lengthening the spring ; increasing the self-induction corresponds to loading it. Now the static capacity is increased simply by using a larger jar, or by combining a number of jars into a battery in the very old-established way. Increase in the self-induction is attained by giving the discharge more space to magnetize, or by making it magnetize a given space more strongly. For electro-magnetic inertia is wholly due to the magnetization of the space surrounding a current, and this space may be increased, or its magnetization intensified, as much as we please. To increase the space we have only to make the discharge take a long circuit instead of a short one. Thus we may send it by a wire all round the room, or by a telegraph wire all round a town, and all the space inside it and some of that outside will be more or less 364 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. in. magnetized. More or less, I say, and it is a case of less rather than more. Practically very little effect is felt except close to the conductor, and accordingly the self-induction increases very nearly proportionally to the length of the wire, and not in proportion to the area inclosed : provided also the going and return wires are kept a reasonable distance apart, so as not to encroach upon each other's appreciably magnetized regions. See Appendix (e). But it is just as effective, and more compact, to intensify the magnetization of a given space by send- ing the current hundreds of times round it instead of only once ; and this is done by inserting a coil of wire into the discharge circuit. Yet a third way there is of increasing the magnetization of a given space, and that is to fill it with some very magnetizable subtance such as iron. This, indeed, is a most powerful method under many circumstances, it being possible to increase the magnetization and therefore the self-induction or inertia of the current some 5000 times by the use of iron. But in the case of the discharge of a Leyden jar iron is of no advantage. The current oscillates so quickly that any iron introduced into its circuit, however subdivided into thin wires it may be, is protected from magnetism by inverse currents induced in its outer skin, as your Professor of Natural -LECT. in.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 365 Philosophy 1 has shown, and accordingly it does not get magnetized ; and so far from increasing the inductance of the discharge circuit it positively diminishes it by the reaction effect of these induced currents : it acts, in fact, much as a mass of copper might be expected to do. The conditions determining rate of oscillation being understood, we have next to consider what regulates the damping out of the vibrations, i.e. the total duration of the discharge. Resistance is one thing. To check the oscillations of a vibrating spring you apply to it friction, or make it move in a viscous medium, and its vibrations are speedily damped out. The friction may be made so great that oscillations are entirely prevented, the motion being a mere dead-beat return to the position of equilibrium ; or, again, it may be greater still, and the motion may correspond to a mere leak or slow sliding back, taking hours or days for its accomplish- ment. With very large condensers, such as are used in telegraphy, this kind of discharge is frequent, but in the case of a Leyden jar discharge it is entirely exceptional. It can be caused by including in the circuit a wet string, or a capillary tube full of distilled water, or a slab of wood, or other atrociously bad conductor of that sort ; but the conditions ordinarily associated with the discharge of a Leyden jar, 1 Lord Rayleigh. 366 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. m. whether it discharge through a long or a short wire, or simply through its tongs, or whether it overflow its edge or puncture its glass, are such as correspond to oscillations, and not to leak. [Discharge jar first through wire and next through wood.] When the jar is made to leak through wood or water the discharge is found to be still not steady : it is not oscillatory indeed, but it is intermittent. It occurs in a series of little jerks, as when a thing is made to slide over a resined surface. The reason of this is that the terminals discharge faster than the circuit can supply the electricity, and so the flow is continually stopped and begun again. Such a discharge as this, consisting really of a succession of small sparks, may readily appeal to the eye as a single flash, but it lacks the noise and violence of the ordinary discharge ; and any kind of moving mirror will easily analyze it into its constituents and show it to be intermittent. [Shake a mirror, or waggle head or opera-glass.] It is pretty safe to say, then, that whenever a jar discharge is not oscillatory it is intermittent, and when not intermittent is oscillatory. There is an intermediate case when it is really dead-beat, but it could only be hit upon with special care, while its occurrence by accident must be rare. So far I have only mentioned resistance or friction as the cause of the dying out of the vibrations ; but LECT. Hi.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 367 there is another cause, and that a most exciting one. The vibrations of a reed are damped partly indeed by friction and imperfect elasticity, but partly also by the energy transferred to the surrounding medium and consumed in the production of sound. It is the formation and propagation of sound-waves which largely damp out the vibrations of any musical instrument. So it is also in electricity. The oscillatory discharge of a Leyden jar disturbs the medium surrounding it, carves it into waves which travel away from it into space : travel with a velocity of 185,000 miles a second : travel precisely with the velocity of light. [Tuning-fork.] The second cause, then, which damps out the oscillations in a discharge circuit is radiation : electrical radiation if you like so to distinguish it, but it differs in no respect from ordinary radiation (or "radiant heat" as it has so often been called in this place) ; it differs in no respect from Light except in the physiological fact that the retinal mechanism, whatever it may be, responds only to waves of a particular, and that a very small, size, while radiation in general may have waves which range from 10,000 miles to a millionth of an inch in length. The seeds of this great discovery of the nature of light were sown in this place : it is all the outcome of Faraday's magneto-electric and electrostatic indue- 368 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. in. tion : the development of them into a rich and full- blown theory was the greatest part of the life-work of Clerk Maxwell : the harvest of experimental verifica- tion is now being reaped by a German. But by no ordinary German. Dr. Hertz, now Professor in the University of Bonn, is a young investigator of the highest type. Trained in the school of Helmholtz, and endowed with both mathematical knowledge and great experimental skill, he has immortalized himself by a brilliant series of investiga- tions which have cut right into the ripe corn of scien- tific opinion in these islands, and by the same strokes as have harvested the grain have opened up wide and many branching avenues to other investigators. At one time I had thought of addressing you this evening on the subject of these researches of Hertz, but the experiments are not yet reproducible on a scale suited to a large audience, and I have been so closely occupied with some not wholly dissimilar, but independently conducted, researches of my own- researches led up to through the unlikely avenue of lightning-conductors that I have had as yet no time to do more than verify some of them for my own edification ( 189). In this work of repetition and verification Prof. Fitzgerald has, as related in a recent number of NATURE (vol. xxxix. p. 391), probably gone further ; and if I may venture a suggestion to your Honorary LECT. in.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 369 Secretary, I feel sure that a discourse on Hertz's researches from Prof. Fitzgerald next year would be not only acceptable to you, but would be highly conducive to the progress of science. I have wandered a little from my Leyden jar, and I must return to it and its oscillations. Let me very briefly run over the history of our knowledge of the oscillatory character of a Leyden jar discharge. It was first clearly realized and distinctly stated by that excellent experimentalist, Joseph Henry, of Wash- ington, a man not wholly unlike Faraday in his mode of work, though doubtless possessing to a less degree that astonishing insight into intricate and obscure phenomena ; wanting also in Faraday's circumstantial advantages. This great man arrived at a conviction that the Leyden jar discharge was oscillatory, by studying the singular phenomena attending the magnetization of steel needles by a Leyden jar discharge, first observed in 1824 by Savary. Fine needles, when taken out of the magnetizing helices, were found to be not always magnetized in the right direction, and the subject is re- ferred to in German books as " anomalous magnetiza- tion." It is not the magnetization which is anomalous, but the currents which have no simple direction ; and we find in a memoir published by Henry in 1842, the following words : B B 370 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LRCT. in. " This anomaly, which has remained so long unex- plained, and which, at first sight, appears at variance with all our theoretical ideas of the connection of electricity and magnetism, was, after considerable study, satisfactorily referred by the author to an action of the discharge of the Leyden jar which had never before been recognized. The discharge, what- ever may be its nature, is not correctly represented (employing for simplicity the theory of Franklin) by the single transfer of an imponderable fluid from one side of the jar to the other ; the phenomenon requires us to admit the existence of a principal discharge in one direction and then several reflex actions backivard and forward, each more feeble tJian the preceding, until the equilibrium is obtained. All the facts are shown to be in accordance with this hypothesis, and a ready explanation is afforded by it of a number of pheno- mena, which are to be found in the older works on electricity, but which have until this time remained unexplained." l The italics are Henry's. Now if this were an isolated passage it might be nothing more than a lucky guess. But it is not. The conclusion is one at which he arrives after a laborious repetition and serious study of the facts, and he keeps the idea con- stantly before him when once grasped, and uses it in 1 Scientific Writings of Joseph Henry , vol. i. p. 201. Published by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1886. LECT. in.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 371 all the rest of his researches on the subject. The facts studied by Henry do in my opinion support his conclusion, and if I am right in this it follows that he is the original discoverer of the oscillatory character of a spark, although he does not attempt to state its theory. That was first done, and completely done, in 1853, by Sir William Thomson ; and the progress of experiment by Feddersen, Helmholtz, Schiller, and others has done nothing but substantiate it. The writings of Henry have been only quite recently collected and published by the Smithsonian Institution of Washington in accessible form, and accordingly they have been far too much ignored. The two volumes contain a wealth of beautiful ex- periments clearly recorded, and well repay perusal. The discovery of the oscillatory character of a Leyden jar discharge may seem a small matter, but it is not. One has only to recall the fact that the oscillators of Hertz are essentially Leyden jars one has only to use the phrase " electro-magnetic theory of light " to have some of the momentous issues of this discovery flash before one. One more extract I must make from that same memoir by Henry, 1 and it is a most interesting one : it shows how near he was, or might have been, to obtaining some of the results of Hertz ; though, if he had obtained them, neither he nor any other experi- 1 Loc. tit., p. 204. B B 2 372 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. in. mentalist could possibly have divined their real significance. It is, after all, the genius of Maxwell and of a few other great theoretical physicists whose names are on everyone's lips l which endows the simple induction experiments of Hertz and others with such stupendous importance. Here is the quotation : " In extending the researches relative to this part of the investigations, a remarkable result was obtained in regard to the distance at which induction effects are produced by a very small quantity of electricity ; a single spark from the prime conductor of a machine, of about an inch long, thrown on to the end of a cir- cuit of wire in an upper room, produced an induction sufficiently powerful to magnetize needles in a parallel circuit of iron placed in the cellar beneath, at a per- pendicular distance of 30 feet, with two floors and ceilings, each 14 inches thick, intervening. The author is disposed to adopt the hypothesis of an electrical plenum " [in other words, of an ether], " and from the foregoing experiment it would appear that a single spark is sufficient to disturb perceptibly the electricity 1 And of one whose name is not yet on everybody's lips, but whose profound researches into electro-magnetic waves have penetrated further than anybody yet understands into the depths of the subject, and whose papers have very likely contributed partly to the theoretical inspiration of Hertz I mean that powerful mathematical physicist, Mr. Oliver Ileaviside, LECT. in] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 373 of space throughout at least a cube of 400,000 feet of capacity; and when it is considered that the magnetism of the needle is the result of the difference of two actions, it may be further inferred that the diffusion of motion in this case is almost comparable with that of a spark from a flint and steel in the case of light." Comparable it is, indeed, for we now know it to be the self-same process. One immediate consequence and easy proof of the oscillatory character of a Leyden jar discharge is the occurrence of phenomena of sympathetic resonance. Everyone knows that one tuning-fork can excite another at a reasonable distance if both are tuned to the same note. Everyone knows, also, that a fork can throw a stretched string attached to it into sympathetic vibration if the two are tuned to unison or to some simple harmonic. Both these facts have their electrical analogue. I have not time to go fully into the matter to-night, but I may just mention the two cases which I have myself specially noticed. A Leyden jar discharge can so excite a similarly- timed neighbouring Leyden jar circuit as to cause the latter to burst its dielectric if thin and weak enough. The well-timed impulses accumulate in the neighbour- ing circuit till they break through a quite perceptible thickness of air. Put the circuits out of unison, by varying the capacity or by including a longer wire in one of them ; then, 374 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. Hi. although the added wire be a coil of several turns, well adapted to assist mutual induction as ordinarily under- stood, the effect will no longer occur. It can be obtained again by diminishing the static capacity. That is one case, and it is the electrical analogue of one tuning-fork exciting another. It is too small at present to show here satisfactorily, for I only recently observed it, but it is exhibited in the library at the back. The other case, analogous to the excitation of a stretched string of proper length by a tuning-fork, I published last year under the name of the experiment of the recoil kick ; where a Leyden jar circuit sends waves along a wire connected by one end with it, which waves splash off at the far end with an electric brush or long spark. I will show merely one phase of it to-night, and that is the reaction of the impulse accumulated in the wire upon the jar itself, causing it to either overflow or burst. [Sparks of gallon or pint jar made to over- flow by wire round room. 1 ] 1 During the course of this experiment, the gilt paper on the wall was observed by the audience to be sparkling, every gilt patch over a certain area discharging into the next, after the manner of a spangled jar. It was probably due to some kind of sympathetic resonance. Electricity splashes about in conductors in a surprising way everywhere in the neighbourhood of a discharge. For instance, a telescope in the hand of one of the audience was reported afterwards to be giving off little sparks at every discharge of the jar. Everything which happens to have a period of electric oscillation corresponding to some harmonic of the main oscillation of a discharge is liable to behave in this way. When light falls on an opaque surface it is quenched ; producing minute electric currents, which subside into heat. What the audience saw was LKCT. in.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 375 The early observations by Franklin on the bursting of Leyden jars, and the extraordinary complexity or multiplicity of the fracture that often results, are most interesting. (See Electrician for March 29 and April 5, 1889.) His electric experiments as well as Henry's well repay perusal, though of course they belong to the infancy of the subject. He notes the striking fact that the bursting of a jar is an extra occurrence it does not replace the ordinary discharge in the proper place, it accompanies it ; and we now know that it is precipitated by it, that the spark occurring properly between the knobs sets up such violent surgings that the jar is far more violently strained than by the static charge or mere difference of potentials between its coatings ; and if the surgings are at all even roughly properly timed, the jar is bound to either overflow or burst. Hence a jar should always be made without a lid, and with a lip protruding a carefully considered dis- tance above its coatings : not so far as to fail to act as a safety valve, but far enough to prevent overflow under ordinary and easy circumstances. probably the result of waves of electrical radiation being quenched or reflected by the walls of the room, and generating electrical currents in the act ( 166). It is these electric surgings which render such severe caution necessary in the erection of lightning-conductors. This explanation has since been entirely confirmed by similar occurrences in other places. 376 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY [LECT. in. And now we come to what is after all the main subject of my discourse this evening, viz. the optical and audible demonstration of the oscillations occur- ring in the Leyden jar spark. Such a demonstration has, so far as I know, never before been attempted, but if nothing goes wrong we shall easily accomplish it. And first I will do it audibly. To this end the oscillations must be brought down from their extra- ordinary frequency of a million or hundred thousand a second to a rate within the limits of human audition. One does it exactly as in the case of the spring one first increases the flexibility and then one loads it. [Spark from battery of jars and varying sound of same.] Using the largest battery of jars at our disposal, I take the spark between these two knobs not a long spark, J inch will be quite sufficient. Notwithstanding the great capacity, the rate of vibration is still far above the limit of audibility, and 'nothing but the customary crack is heard. I next add inertia to the circuit by including a great coil of wire, and at once the spark changes character, becoming a very shrill but an unmistakable whistle, of a quality approxi- mating to the cry of a bat. Add another coil, and down comes the pace once more, to something like 5000 per second, or about the highest note of a piano. Again and again I load the circuit with magnetiza- bility, and at last the spark has only 500 vibrations LECT. in.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 377 a second, giving the octave, or perhaps the double octave, above the middle C. One sees clearly why one gets a musical note : the noise of the spark is due to a sudden heating of the air ; now if the heat is oscillatory, the sound will be oscillatory too, but both will be an octave above the electric oscillation, if I may so express it, because two heat-pulses will accompany every complete electric vibration, the heat production being independent of direction of current. Having thus got the frequency of oscillation down to so manageable a value, the optical analysis of it presents no difficulty : a simple looking-glass waggled in the hand will suffice to spread out the spark into a serrated band, just as can be done with a singing or a sensitive flame : a band - too of very much the same appearance. Using an ordinary four-square rotating mirror driven electro-magnetically at the rate of some two or three revolutions per second, the band is at the lowest pitch seen to be quite coarsely serrated ; and fine serrations can be seen, with four revolutions per second, in even the shrill whistling sparks. The only difficulty in seeing these effects is to catch them at the right moment. They are only visible for a minute fraction of a revolution, though the band may appear drawn out to some length. The further away a spark is from the mirror, the more drawn 378 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. in. out it is, but also the less chance there is of catching it. With a single observer it is easy to arrange a contact maker on the axle of the mirror which shall bring on the discharge at the right place in the revolution, and the observer may then conveniently watch for the image in a telescope or opera-glass ; though at the lower pitches nothing of the kind is necessary. But to show it to a large audience various plans can be adopted. One is to arrange for several sparks instead of one ; another is to multiply images of a single spark by suitably adjusted reflectors, which if they are concave will give magnified images ; another is to use several rotating mirrors ; and indeed I do use two, one adjusted so as to suit the spectators in the gallery. But the best plan that has struck me is to combine an intermittent and an oscillatory discharge. Have the circuit in two branches, one of high resistance so as to give intermittences, the other of ordinary resist- ance so as to be oscillatory, and let the mirror analyze every constituent of the intermittent discharge into a serrated band. There will thus be not one spark, but a multitude of successive sparks, close enough together to sound almost like one, separate enough in the rotating mirror to be visible on all sides at once. But to achieve it one must have great exciting power. In spite of the power of this magnificent LECT. in.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 379 Wimshurst machine, it takes some time to charge up our great Leyden battery, and it is tedious waiting for each spark. A Wimshurst does admirably for a single observer, but for a multitude one wants an instrument which shall charge the battery not once only but many times over, with overflows between, and all in the twinkling of an eye. To get this I must abandon my friend Mr. Wimshurst, and return to Michael Faraday. In front of the table is a great induction coil ; its secondary has the resistance needed to give an inter- mittent discharge. The quantity it supplies at a single spark will fill our jars to overflowing several times over. The discharge circuit and all its circum- stances shall remain unchanged. [Excite jars by coil.] Running over the gamut with this coil now used as our exciter instead of the Wimshurct machine everything else remaining exactly as it was you hear the sparks give the same notes as before, but with a slight rattle in. addition, indicating inter- mittence as well as alternation. Rotate the mirror, and everyone should see one or other of the serrated bands of light at nearly every break of the primary current of the coil. [Rotating mirror to analyze sparks.] The musical sparks which I have now shown you 38o MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY. [LECT. in. were obtained by me during a special digression l which I made while examining the effect of dis- charging a Leyden jar round heavy glass or bi- sulphide of carbon. The rotation of the plane of polarization of light by a steady current, or by a magnetic field of any kind properly disposed with respect to the rays of light, is a very familiar one in this place. Perhaps it is known also that it can be done by a Leyden jar current. But I do not think it is ; and the fact seems to me very interesting. It is not exactly new in fact, as things go now it may be almost called old, for it was investigated six or seven years ago by two most highly skilled French experi- menters, Messrs. Bichat and Blondlot. But it is exceedingly interesting as showing how short a time, how absolutely no time, is needed by heavy glass to throw itself into the suitable rotatory condition. Some observers have thought they had proved that heavy glass requires time to develop the effect, by spinning it between the poles of a magnet and seeing the effect decrease ; but their conclusions cannot be right, for the polarized light follows every os- cillation in a discharge, the plane of polarization being waved to and fro as often as 70,000 times a second in my own observation. (See Phil. Mag. April 1889.) 1 Most likely it was a conversation which I had with Sir Wm. Thomson, at Christmas, which caused me to see the interest of getting slow oscillations. My attention has mainly been directed to getting them quick. LECT. in.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 381 Very few persons in the world have seen the effect. In fact, I doubt if anyone had seen it a month ago except Messrs. Bichat and Blondlot. But I hope to make it visible to most persons here, though I hardly hope to make it visible to all. Returning to the Wimshurst machine as exciter, I pass a discharge round the spiral of wire inclosing this long tube of CS 2 , and the analyzing Nicol being turned to darkness, there may be seen a faint by those close to not so faint, but a very momentary restoration of light on the screen at every spark. [CS 2 tube experiment on screen.] Now I say that this light restoration is also oscillatory. One way of proving this fact is to insert a biquartz between the Nicols. With a steady current it constitutes a sensitive detector of rotation, its sen- sitive tint turning green on one side and red on the other. But with this oscillatory current a biquartz does absolutely nothing. [Biquartz.] That is one proof. Another is that rotating the analyzer either way weakens the extra bright- ening of the field, and weakens it equally either way. But the most convincing proof is to reflect the light coming through the tube upon our rotating mirror, and to look now not at the spark, or not only at the spark, but at the faint band into which the last residue of light coming through polarizer and tube and 382 MODERN VIEWS OF ELECTRICITY [LECT. in. analyzer is drawn out. [Analyze the light in rotating mirror.] At every discharge this faint streak brightens in places into a beaded band : these are the oscilla- tions of the polarized light ; and when examined side by side they are as absolutely synchronous with the oscillations of the spark itself as can be perceived. Out of a multitude of phenomena connected with the Leyden jar discharge I have selected a few only to present to you here this evening. Many more might have been shown, and great numbers more are not at present adapted for presentation to an audience, being only visible with difficulty and close to. An old and trite subject is seen to have in the light of theory an unexpected charm and brilliancy. So it is with a great number of other old familiar facts at the present time. The present is an epoch of astounding activity in physical science. Progress is a thing of months and weeks, almost of days. The long line of isolated ripples of past discovery seem blending into a mighty wave, on the crest of which one begins to discern some oncoming magnificent generalization. The sus- pense is becoming feverish, at times almost painful. One feels like a boy who has been long strumming on the silent keyboard of a deserted organ, into the chest LKCT. ill.] THE DISCHARGE OF A LEYDEN JAR. 383 of which an unseen power begins to blow a vivifying breath. Astonished, he now finds that the touch of a finger elicits a responsive note, and he hesitates, half delighted, half affrighted, lest he be deafened by the chords which it would seem he can now summon forth almost at will. APPENDIX. c c APPENDIX. CERTAIN portions of electrical science have recently come into considerable prominence, and, as they are hardly satis- factorily treated in text-books yet, it may be a help to students to say something about them here in less popular language than in the body of the book. Electro-magnetism . (a] The fundamental fact of electro-magnetism, ascertained by direct experiment, is that a circuit conveying a current exactly imitates a magnet of definite moment, the equivalent moment being ml = /zAC, where A is the mean area of the coil, n the number of turns of wire, C the current, and /z a constant characteristic of the medium inside the coil, whose absolute value we have as yet no means of ascertaining ( 68, 69, 127). Magnetic Induction, Reluctance, and Permeability. (b) The intensity of magnetic field at a distance r from a pole of strength m is ^, and this may be called the number of lines of force (or tubes if the idea be preferred) per unit area. The total number of lines offeree through a spherical surface of this radius is X 4 nr", or fcrm. C C 2 388 APPENDIX. This number must likewise thread any closed surface what- ever inclosing the pole ; and in fact it is the number the pole possesses. It may be called the total magnetic flux or displace- ment, or the total magnetic induction, due to the pole ; the name " induction," first used vaguely in the sense of influence by Faraday, having been given this definite connotation by Maxwell. The same expression likewise gives the number of lines of force due to a complete magnet ; for the superposition of lines due to an equal opposite pole curves the original lines but alters not their number. With two detached poles the lines simply go from one to the other. With a complete magnet the lines all form closed loops extending from north to south through air, and back through steel. In the case of a coil they likewise are closed loops, all threading the coil and then spreading out through the surrounding medium. In all real cases, therefore, the lines of force form closed curves. Magnetic circuits are always closed, just as electric circuits are. Take the simplest case of an anchor-ring coil, a helix bent into a closed circuit (like Fig. 47 or 29) : all its lines are then inside it, and their total number, being 477;;?, is 4^M ; where / is the mean circumference of the anchor-ring, or length of the magnetic circuit. This is called the total flux of magnetic induction, or briefly the total induction, and we will denote it by I. Now, in the analogous case of a voltaic circuit, the current is ratio of electromotive force to resistance, and the resistance may be written ; K being specific conductivity, and A sectional area of conductor of length /. To bring out the analogy, we shall write the magnetic flux T 47T/2C 1 r~> where the numerator is sometimes called magneto-motive force, APPENDIX. 389 and the denominator magnetic resistance, or preferably, as suggested by Mr. Heaviside, magnetic reluctance. Obviously /* takes the place of electric conductivity, and is a sort of mag- netic conductivity : it was from this point of view that Sir W. Thomson long ago christened it " permeability " (see 82). If the magnetic circuit is not so simply constituted, but is composed of portions of different areas, length, and material in series as the magnetic circuit of a dynamo is, for instance the magnetic reluctance can be written (still pursuing the analogy) R = -4- + -4- + . and I = --? K. Mutual Induction. (c] If a single turn of secondary wire surround this closed magnetic circuit, as in Fig. 47, the total induction through it, whatever its shape or size, is just I ; and if it surround the ring n' times, the effective total induction is n'l. This is the induc- tion of the primary through the secondary, which, written out in full, is The relation is a mutual one ; and if the same current were to flow in secondary, the same number of lines would thread effectively the primary. Hence we call it mutual in- duction, and write it MC : where M, the coefficient of mutual induction between the two coils, is M = iirptrn A . the A and the / referring most easily to the simply and obviously closed magnetic circuit. Two detached coils situated anyhow 390 APPENDIX. with respect to each other, will have a specifiable value of M, but it is not so easy to write down. Self-induction. (d ) Instead of using a secondary coil to surround the induction caused by the primary, we may consider the primary as sur- rounding the induction itself has produced, and so speak of its " self-induction " as / which, written LC, gives us the coefficient of self-induction L = or, where ;/ t = number of turns per unit length. ( 115 and 98) Here, again, every coil has a specifiable self-induction, but in most cases it is not so easy to write down. It always means, however, the ratio of the self-produced magnetic induction to the current which has produced it Value of Coefficient of Self- Induction in a few other Simple Cases. (e) The magnetic field produced by a straight wire varies in- versely with the distance ; being, at a distance r from a straight wire of sectional radius a 3 conveying a current, C and this therefore specifies the number of lines through unit area. APPENDIX. 391 So the whole number of lines of force included between the wire and any distance b, in a drum of thickness /, is Now, if at the distance b there is a parallel wire, conveying the return current, it, too, will have the same number of lines of force, and the whole number lying between a length, /, of each of the two parallel wires is ^ X C; and as all the lines of force that exist pass between the wires, this expression sums up the whole magnetic flux pro- duced by the going and return parallel currents ; and the co- efficient of C in the last expression is therefore the coefficient of self-induction for the case of two thin parallel wires at a distance b. For a circular loop of radius r, radius of section of wire being , this modifies itself to Sr L = 47r/zr log (see 140). In every case /* refers to the space near the wire, not to the substance of the wire itself. In both these cases, the magnetization of the substance of the wires themselves is supposed nil. In the case of extremely rapidly alternating currents, this is correct ( 47). In the case of copper wires not too close together, it is never very incorrect. Energy of a Current. (/) A magnet of moment ml, in a magnetic field of intensity H, experiences a couple //H sin 6 ; and therefore a simple 392 APPENDIX. stiff coil of wire conveying a current experiences a couple /xACH sin 6. If it turns a small angle, d6, the work done, or the change of potential energy, is /n;;ACH sin 6 dB ; and there- fore the potential energy of the circuit in any position is -fifzACH cos 6 ; which may be written 1C, because nA. cos 6 is the effective area of the coil resolved perpendicularly to the lines of force which thread it to the number /uH per unit area. This result may be generalized ; a current in a magnetic field always possesses energy 1C. If the field is due to external causes, i.e. having an existence independent of the current, the energy is potential energy of strain, and tends to cause the cir- cuit to rotate. This is the principle of electric motors. But if the field is due to nothing but the current itself if it is a self- produced and self-maintained field the value of I is LC, and the energy is now more conveniently called kinetic energy. To obtain its value, we must remember that the induction and the current die out together : it is not as if they had an independent existence, and so the energy is f. UC This is the work which must be done at starting and at stopping the current (Chap. V.). Pole near a Circuit. (g) If a single pole find itself on the axis of a circle, the number of its lines of force which penetrate the circle is ^- 27rr 2 (i cos 0), the latter factor being the area of the portion of a sphere with centre at m, cut off by the said circle. The expression 277(1 cos 6), since it measures the ratio of the area subtended by a conical angle to the square of the radius, is, in analogy with the circular measure of a plane angle, called a solid APPENDIX. 393 angle : the solid angle of the cone with vertex m and base the circle, or the angle subtended by the circle to an eye placed at m. Call this angle o> ; then the number of lines of force, or the magnetic induction through the circle is ma>. If the circle becomes now a circuit conveying a current C, the system has energy ?;zcoC, and accordingly there will be a tendency to relative motion, the force in any direction being equal to the rate of change of mwC per unit distance in that direction. The potential of the pole on the circuit is m can still be specified, but not so easily. If there is a collection of magnets, their potential on a circuit, or induction through it, can be written Magneto-electricity. (h] The fundamental fact of magneto-ejectricity is that if the induction through a circuit change from any cause whatever, an E.M.F. is set up in the circuit equal to the rate of change of the magnetic induction e- dl ~ dt' This is not strictly a relation independent of the fundamental fact of electro-magnetism : the two are connected by the law of the conservation of energy.' I may indicate this important 394 APPENDIX. fact sufficiently for our present purpose by quoting the conser- vation of energy, in a form applicable to the case of a circuit conveying a steady current, as ECdf = RCV/ + O/I ; whence RC E dl RC = E ~ dt> or the resultant E.M.F. consists not only of the E.M.F. applied, but contains also an intrinsic or indirect E.M.F. magnetically excited in the circuit ; this being what Faraday discovered as magneto-electricity. Various Modes of exciting Induction Currents. (t) Now /may be made up in a multitude of ways. It may be a component of terrestrial magnetic field, say, nAH cos 0. It may be caused by magnets in the neighbourhood 2(;;zco). It may be due to induction from some other coil, MC'. It may be due to the current passing in the coil itself, say LC. The total induced E.M.F. is the rate of change of the sum of all these, or e = { ;/AH cos 9 + 2(;o>) -f- MC' + LC } ; and accordingly it may be excited in many ways : by changes in size or shape of coil ; by changing its aspect to the field (as in a dynamo) ; by moving magnets in its neigh- bourhood (as in an alternating-current machine) ; by varying the current in or shifting the position of other circuits (as in a Ruhmkorff coil) ; or, lastly, by changing its own current, or its own coefficient of self-induction. Changes in the last term, -^ (LC), are specially called E.M.F. of self- dt induction, and used to be called extra- currents. APPENDIX. 395 Primary Current alone : and Coil with Revolving Commutator. (f) The equation to a current of varying strength in the simplest case of a lone circuit is E - RC = |(LC), where E is the applied E.M.F. ; and this may be written out more fully -|- C - E + dt) ~ ' which shows that in the case of circuits of variable self-induction the resistance has not its most simple value, but has an extra term in it, a spurious or imitative resistance, r- . An example of a circuit of variable self-induction is one which is continually having wire withdrawn from or added to it, so that a current has to be stopped in portions where it was already established^ and started in hitherto stagnant portions : a case quite analogous to the viscosity of gases, and commonly illustrated by passengers of appreciable inertia getting in and out of a moving train. An instance of the case occurs in every Gramme ring, or indeed every dynamo armature, when spinning with a commutator, quite independently of the magnetic field in which it may happen to be spinning. In all such cases the effective resistance is rather greater than R, being R + ~k or R + n L ; where the self-induction virtually added to the circuit n times a second is L. Ley den Jar. (k] In the case of a discharging condenser of capacity S, the quantity stored in it at any instant is such that C = - - , 396 APPENDIX. rt or that Q = Q ~ / Cdt ; and the difference of potential be- tween its terminals is S, which is the E.M.F. applied to the o circuit. So the equation to the discharge current is . The solution of the equation in this case is C= JL*- PL -p where m = , and regulates the total duration of the discharge, and where p = * approximately v(LS) | more accurately ^(~ ' 2 ) } , and regulates the rapidity of alternation, which is *-. The 27T wave-length of the emitted radiation (Chapter XIV.) is ^ = // t ,S\ p V U K/ With these quick oscillations, R is nothing at all like its ordinary value for steady currents ; because the outside of the wire only is used ( 45 and 102) ; but, calling the ordinary value R , R is very approximately, for high rates of alternation, l / being the length of the wire, and /* the magnetic permeability of its substance ( 46). 1 See Rayleigh, Phil Mag., May 1886. APPENDIX. 397 The emission of radiation by such a circuit goes to increase R still more ( 142 and p. 367). See also in. Alternating Current. (/) In case of any coil or armature spinning in a magnetic field, the equation to the current is - RC= 4 and the E. M.F. is therefore alternating according to a sine function. Writing this equation the solution is Epcosd/- e) where tan * = = The R' differs from simple R, as already R * explained in (/), only when a commutator is employed : which it often is not. The denominator of the above expression may be called impedance, and denoted by P (see next section), the quantities being related as in this little diagram. The quantity c is the lag of the current behind the applied E.M F. 398 APPENDIX. Two Definitions of Electric Resistance, and Distinction between the Two. (w) The oldest definition of the term " resistance of a con- ductor " is that given by Ohm, viz. the ratio E.M.F. applied to the conductor Current excited in it But another is contained in the law of Joule, viz. the ratio Energy dissipated per second by the conductor Current squared which it transmits In cases of no reversible obstruction the two definitions agree, but in cases of chemical action, of reversible heat effects, and of varying magnetic induction, some of the energy may be stored, all is not dissipated, and under these circumstances the two definitions do not agree. A distinction must be drawn between them : the term resistance cannot properly be applied to both quantities. Now it is found convenient to retain the name resistance for the second definition the dissipation of energy coefficient ; and to realize that in the total obstruction specified by the first definition there is included "back E.M F.," "polarization," or other reversible obstruction, in addition to resistance proper ; while in the very important case of the total obstruction met with by an alternating current, it has become convenient to call the quantity defined by the first of the two equations, " impedance." The two definitions of resistance may indeed be always made to agree, if, in the Ohm's law definition, instead of applied E.M.F., we reckon resultant E.M.F. And this is the neatest and simplest mode of taking into account such things as che- mical or thermal polarization, and also a magnetic back E.M.F., so long as it is steady and external, as in the case of electric motors. But, when dealing with alternating generators, some understanding has to be come to as to how the value of their APPENDIX. 399 E.M.F. is to be reckoned, and no simple subtraction of a back E.M.F. is convenient. Referring to last section, we see that the expression for current contains as numerator a lessened or lagging E.M.F., and as denominator an obstruction or impedance containing a term in addition to what is usually called resist- ance. It is from this point of view that the idea and term " impedance " become so useful. The value of this quantity is, in general, as has been shown, and its two portions may be styled respectively the inertia, or conservative portion, and the frictional or dissipative portion ( 38). Part of the energy dissipated appears as heat in the con- ductor, and this is the only portion on which Joule experi- mented, but another portion we now know is propagated out as radiation into space ( 142) : both portions together are included in the numerator proper to the second definition of R. Induced Current in Secondary Circuit. Transformers. (ri) The E.M.F. induced in a secondary circuit surrounding a ring like Fig. 47, whose primary coil has an alternating or intermittent current, C, sent round it, is, referring back to (h] and (c}~ and depends, therefore, directly on the number of turns of wire in the secondary coil, and on the rate of variation of the primary current. This is the principle of induction-coils, and of "secondary-generators" or transformers ( 115). The E.M.F. thus obtained is completely under control by choosing a suit- able value for ', according as high E.M.F. (in Ruhmkorff coils) or a powerful current (for electric welding) is required. They 400 APPENDIX. are called transformers, because, of the two electrical factors in mechanical " power," EC, they can change their ratio, leaving the product nearly constant ; just as ordinary machines do with the force and velocity factors of the same product " power." So, in precise analogy with gaining in force what you lose in speed, you gain in E.M.F. what you lose in current ; or vice versa. The equations to primary and secondary currents, C and C are E-RC =4-(LC + M o-R'C = and from the solution of these, the effective or apparent self- induction of primary, when its secondary is short-circuited and when all resistances are kept small, comes out equal to M 2 L . Now since, for a simply closed magnetic circuit, L : L' : M = n 2 : n' 2 : nn', the effective self-induction (and therefore the impedance) of the primary is approximately zero when its secondary is short- circuited a fact which is the Magna Charta of commercial transformers. Rate of Transmission of Telegraph Signals, in the Simplest Case. (d) Consider a unit length of a pair of parallel thin copper wires not very close together, a going and return wire, at a distance b apart, the sectional radius of each wire being a. The self-induction of this portion, see (e), is L! = 4/1 log -, APPENDIX. 401 and the static capacity of the same portion is (by somewhat similar reasoning) S 1 = Hence LA = /xK. The resistance of the same unit length may be called R^ Now consider an element of the pair of wires of length dx, and write down the slope of potential between its ends when a current, C, flows along it, and also their rise of potential with time ; we get L >f + R > c + f = > and St g+-o, dt dx Now, a " wave " being any disturbance periodic both in space and time, its general fundamental equation is y a sin (pt nx), where y is the extent of the disturbance at any place distant x from the origin, and at any time, /, from the era of reckoning. The coefficient a is the amplitude of the vibration ; n is the space-period-constant, or 27r ; p is the time-period-constant, or A ; the velocity of advance of the waves is one space-period in y one time- period, viz. or *, The solution of these equations for the case of an applied rapidly alternating E.M.F., V sin //, at the origin, may be written sin j where m l = r *- and ^ = 77^-5-^. D D APPENDIX. Hence the above bracketed pair of equations give waves travelling along the wires with the speed -^-- -, which we have seen equals , and with an amplitude dying out along v(/*K) the length of the wires according to a logarithmic decrement The speed of propagation of pulses along wires is therefore precisely the same, in this simple case, as the propagation of waves out through free space, viz. the velocity . ( 128, I 3 2 ) r 37)- All complications go to decrease, not to increase, the speed ( 135). Dimensions of Electrical Quantities. (p] Writing L, M, T, F, v, for units of length, mass, time, orce, velocity, as usual, and A for area ; the fundamental and certain experimental relations, independent of all considerations about units and systems of measurement, are Of electrostatics, Q = LV(KF) ...... (i) Of magnetism, m = L VO^F) ...... (2) Of electro-magnetism, ;;zL = /iAC ....... (3) The last may also be written m - pvQ ....... (3') in which form it suggests the magnetic action of a moving charge, which Rowland's experiment has established. Combining the three equations, we deduce m T ^ I density whence uK =_.. = _- r-r t v 2 elasticity the well-known relation connecting the two etherial constants. Comparing many electrical equations with correspond- ing mechanical ones, we find that the product LC takes the APPENDIX. 403 place of momentum (mv\ and that LC 2 takes the place of kinetic energy (%,mv), and indeed is the energy of a current, see (_/). Hence it is natural to think of L as involving inertia, and of p. or 4717* as a kind of density of the medium concerned. Assuming this, ^ at once becomes an elasticity coefficient K (as indeed electrostatics itself suggests), because /uK^EEi ; and the dimensions of all electrical units can be specified as fol- lows, without any arbitrary convention or distinction between electrostatic and electro-magnetic units : Sp. ind. cap., K = = = = shearability. stress force M Permeability, /. = = = density. volume L 3 T-I i. a. /~v T 9 volume Electric charge, Q = L 2 displacement Magnetic pole, m = = momentum per unit length. I 2 Electric current, C = = displacement X velocity. Magnetic moment, ml = - - = momentum. E.M.F., E - wor /k = a = pressure X displacement, or work per unit area. Intensity of magnetic field, H = = - = velocity. Intensity of electrostatic field, = ^ = energy per unit volume. Surface density, a = ^ = a pure number. A Electric tension,^ = = a pressure or tension. i\. L, L D D 2 404 APPENDIX Capacity, S = - = - = displacement per unit pressure. Coefficient of resistance, = j-^-p impulse or momentum per unit volume. Magneto-motive force, ^nnC = = current. Reluctance, - = = r . p.A. M inertia Magnetic induction, I = = moment of momentum per unit area. Coefficient of induction (self or mutual), = 2 = inertia per unit area. This is, or may be, an improvement on the rough practical system which assumes as of no dimensions sometimes K, and sometimes /n, according as one is dealing with electrostatics or with magnetism ; but very likely it is only a stepping-stone. Prof. Fitzgerald has recently suggested that, regarding every- thing from the strictly kinematic and etherial point of view, both K and p, may be a slowness of the vorticity ; and by that assumption also everything becomes simple and of unique dimensions. Whatever of this turns out true, it is not to be supposed that we can long go on with two distinct systems of units, the electrostatic and the electromagnetic, and two distinct sets of dimensions for the same quantities ; knowing as we do that neither set can by any reasonable chance turn out to be the right one. NEWTON'S GUESSES CONCERNING THE ETHER. (q) Newton's queries at the end of his " Opticks" finish in the early editions with. Query 16, and I have found it difficult to APPENDIX. 405 come across the later queries except in Latin. I therefore here copy such portions of these queries as have an obvious bearing on our present subject, in order to make them more easy of reference. " Qte. 17. If a Stone be thrown into stagnating Water, the Waves excited thereby continue some time to arise in the place where the Stone fell into the Water, and are propagated from thence in concentrick Circles upon the Surface of the Water to great distances. And the Vibrations or Tremors excited in the Air by percussion, continue a little time to move from the place of percussion in concentrick Spheres to great distances. And in like manner, when a Ray of Light falls upon the Surface of any pellucid Body, and is there refracted or reflected, may not Waves of Vibrations or Tremors be thereby excited in the refracting or reflecting Medium at the point of Incidence ...?'' " Qu. 1 8. If in two large tall cylindrical Vessels of Glass inverted, two little Thermometers be suspended so as not to touch the Vessels, and the Air be drawn out of one of these Vessels, and these Vessels thus prepared be carried out of a cold place into a warm one ; the Thermometer in vacua will grow warm as much and almost as soon as the Thermometer which is not in vacua. And when the Vessels are carried back into the cold place, the Thermometer in vacua will grow cold almost as soon as the other Thermometer. Is not the Heat of the warm Room conveyed through the Vacuum by the Vibra- tions of a much subtiler Medium than Air, which after the Air was drawn out remained in the Vacuum ? And is not this Medium the same with that Medium by which Light is re- fracted and reflected, and by whose Vibrations Light communi- cates Heat to Bodies, 1 and is put into Fits of easy Reflexion 1 Note the precision and propriety of this phrase : far superior to most of the writing on the subject of absorption of radiation during the present century. It could only be improved by substituting generates in for " communicates to," in accordance with the modern kinetic theory of heat. 4o6 APPENDIX. and easy Transmission? And do not the Vibrations of this Medium in hot Bodies contribute to the intenseness and duration of their Heat ? And do not hot Bodies communicate their Heat to contiguous cold ones, by the Vibrations of this Medium propagated from them into the cold ones ? And is not this Medium exceedingly more rare and subtile than the Air, and exceedingly more elastick and active ? And doth it not readily pervade all bodies ? And is it not (by its elastick force) expanded through all the Heavens ? " " O,u. 19. Doth not the Refraction of Light proceed from the different density of this yEtherial Medium in different places, the Light receding always from the denser parts of the Medium ? And is not the density thereof greater in free and open Space void of Air and other grosser Bodies, than within the Pores of Water, Glass, Crystal, Gems, and other compact Bodies?" 1 . . . " Qu. 21. Is not this medium much rarer in the denser Bodies of the Sun, Stars, Planets, and Comets, than in the empty celestial Spaces between them ? And in passing from them to great distances, doth it not grow denser and denser perpetually, and thereby cause the gravity of those great Bodies towards one another, and of their parts towards the Bodies ; every body endeavouring to go from the denser parts of the Medium towards the rarer ? For if this Medium be rarer within the Sun's Body than at its surface, and rarer there than at the hundredth part of an Inch from its Body, and rarer there than at the fiftieth of an Inch from its Body, 2 and rarer there than at 1 In Newton's opinion light travelled quicker in gross matter than in space, and hence it is that he inverts our Fresnel-derived views. He continues the same inversion in his query concerning gravitation, here next following. 2 It was his experiments in diffraction which made him think of this gradual change in the properties of ether as one recedes from a body. A few years ago such gradual changes would have seemed to us quite unlikely ; but the most recent experiments of Michelson shake all preconceived opinions. APPENDIX. 407 the Orb of Saturn ; I see no reason why the Increase of density should stop anywhere, and not rather be continued through all distances from the Sun to Saturn, and beyond. And though this Increase of density may at great distances be exceeding slow, yet if the elastick force l of the medium be exceeding great, it may suffice to impel Bodies from the denser parts of the Medium towards the rarer, with all that power which we call Gravity. And that the elastick force of the Medium is exceeding great, may be gathered from the swiftness of its Vibrations. Sounds move about 1140 English Feet in a second Minute of Time, and in seven or eight Minutes of Time they move about one hundred English Miles. Light moves from the Sun to us in about seven or eight Minutes of Time, which distance is about 70,000,000 English Miles, supposing the horizontal Parallax of the Sun to be about 12". And the Vibrations or Pulses of this Medium, that they may cause the alternate Fits of easy Transmission and easy Reflexion, must be swifter than Light, and by consequence above 700,000 times swifter than Sounds. And therefore the elastick force of this Medium, in proportion to its density, must be above 700,000 X 700,000 (that is, above 490,000,000,000) times greater than the elastick force of Air is in proportion to its density. For the Velocities of the Pulses of Elastick Mediums are in a sub- duplicate Ratio of the Elasticities and the Rarities of the Mediums taken together." . . . " Qu. 22. May not Planets and Comets, and all gross Bodies, perform their motions more freely, and with less resistance in this ^therial Medium than in any Fluid, which fills all Space adequately without leaving any Pores, and by consequence is much denser than Quick-silver and Gold ? And may not its resistance be so small as to be inconsiderable ? For instance ; 1 Meaning what we call the pressure. This is, of course, pursuing the analogy of sound-waves, and does not accord with our present knowledge. 408 APPENDIX. if this ALiher (for so I will call it ^ should be supposed 700,000 times more elastick than our Air, and above 700,000 times more rare ; its resistance would be above 600,000,000 times less than that of Water. And so small a resistance would scarce make a sensible alteration in the Motions of the Planets in ten thousand Years. If any one would ask me how a Medium can be so rare, let him tell me how the Air in the upper parts of the Atmosphere can be above an hundred thousand times rarer than Gold. Let him also tell me how an electrick Body can by Friction emit an Exhalation so rare and subtile, and yet so potent, as by its Emission to cause no sensible Diminution of the weight of the electrick Body, and to be expanded through a Sphere whose Diameter is. above two Feet, and yet to be able to agitate and carry up Leaf Copper, or Leaf Gold, at the distance of above a Foot from the electrick Body ? And how the Effluvia of a Magnet can be so rare and subtile, as to pass through a Plate of Glass without any Resistance or Diminution of their Force, and yet so potent as to turn a magnetick Needle beyond the Glass?" 1 The interest of these extracts lies largely in their belonging to the very early days of the conception of an ether, and in their remarkable insight into many things, though in detail they often do not completely accord with present knowledge. INDEX. E E INDEX. A. ABERRATION, 298, 345 Abney, 348 Absolute minimum of electricity, 77 Absolute motion, 298 Absorption, model of, 274 selective, 254 Action at a distance, 328 333 Actinic rays, 267 Affinity, chemical, 77, 78 Air-battery, 112 Air-gap, effect of, in magnets, 161 Alternate contact, discharge by, 56, 57 Alternating current, equation to, 397 resistance to, 100, 396 Ampere, 92 Ampere's theory of magnetism, 147 150, 170 Amperian currents, 149 Analogies, see Models Analysis of oscillatory discharge, 377 Anion, 84 Anomalous dispersion, 254 magnetization, 369 Arago experiment, 344 Argument from experience, 329, 330 Artificial lighting, 257 259 Atmosphere, density of, 341 Atomic charge, 73, 76, 77 potential, 77 vibration, 250 vibration, frequency of, 266 268 Atomicity, 75 Atom, of electricity, 77 current in, 149 elasticity of, 337 infinite properties of, 148 locomotion of, 82 87 intensity of attraction, 78 surgings in, 250 vibration of, 346 348 Attraction and repulsion, caused by strain in medium, 28 Attraction of atoms, intensity of, 78 Ayrton, 298, 313 B. BEETZ, 149 Bell, Graham, 323, 325 Bichat and Blondlot, 380 Bidwell, Shelford, 290, 326 Biot, ii Bird-cage experiment, 10 Bismuth, effect of magnetism 011,291 Bernstein, 301 Boys, C. V., 12, 348 E E 412 INDEX. Browne, Walter, 328 Burr in pierced card, 169 Bursting of jar, 375 CAMBRIDGK physicists, 5 Capacity, 30 effect of, on signals, 241 Carey Foster, 288 Cation, 83 Cavendish, 5, 6 experiment, n, 27 experiment, moral of, 231 Cavities in medium, 20, 27, 28, 65 Centrifugal force analogue of magnetic repulsion, 172 176 Charge, 26, 28, 32 atomic, 73, 76, 77 and varying magnetic field, 144 by alternate contact, 56 by induction, 42 53 internal, 38 moving, 126128, 143, 210, 298 residual, 39 spurious, 53 surface, 53 Charged air penetrating wire gauze, II sphere, motion of, 128 Chemical affinity, 77, 78 elasticity, 224 equivalent, 75 Chinaman, 332 Clausius, 79 Clerk Maxwell, see Maxwell Cohesion, 333, 338 and gravitation, 352 Coil imitating magnet, 132 Combustion, an indirect source of light, 258 Communication, modes of, 334 337 Commutated circuit, resistance of, 395 Concentration by reflexion, 262 Condenser, stratified, 36 discharge of, 228 233 momentum in, 300 Condensers, 30 Conduction, gaseous, 123 126 in liquid, 72 87 in metals, 67 72 surface, 101 Conductivity, magnetic, 156 effect of light on, 301 Conductor,moving in magnetic field, 206 perfect, 165, 167, 183, 184, 195, 261, 274 radiation encountering, 271 Conductors, like cavities, 20, 65 opacity of, 271275, 323, 324 Connexion of Faraday and Hall effects, 288, 290 Contact-force, 109 119 Convection of heat, water, and elec- tricity, 66 Copper-disc experiment, 152 Cord-models, 32 53 Corpuscular theories, 336 Crookes, 300 Currents, action between two, 91 Current, action of, on pole, 134 alternating, 100 Amperian, 149 as moving charge, 298 brake analogue of, 196 condition of medium near, 91 density of, 69 distribution of, 192 disturbance not confined to conductor, 91 97 energy of, 94 97, 39 1 excited by light, 304 exerting mechanical force, 203 extra, 89, 92 94, 187, 394 heat of, 70 imitating magnet, 387 in atom, 149 induced, 394 in perfect conductor, 184 intensity of, 69 induction, 92 INDEX. 413 Current, magnetic properties of, 91 94 model of, 181 192 molecular, 149 155, 167 produced by rotating magnet, 146 production of, 210 propelled by side-thrust, 94, 98, 239 rise in secondary circuit, 193 196 rotating magnet, 144 starts at surface of wire, 98, 239 stopped by resistance, 148 time taken to start, 99 varying, 185 192 viscosity, analogue of, 98, 99 Cycle, magnetic, 164 Cyclone, 354 D. DECOMPOSITION, 78 84 Density, of current, 69 of ether, 185, 206, 222 of ether and atmosphere, 341 Diamagnetism, experiment illustrat- ing, 153 Weber's theory of, 150 155 Dielectric, breaking down of, 31 constant, see Specific inductive capacity cord- model of, 33, 43 stratified, 35 40 strength, 125, 126 Differences between electricity and fluid, 15 Diffraction, 270 Diffusion velocity in cables, 241 Dimensions of electric quantities, 402 Direction of vibration, 306 Discharge, by alternate contact, 57 disruptive 31, 35, 41, 209, 210 dissipation of energy from, 232 intermittent, 366, 378 of condenser, three main cases, 228, 365 Discharge of condenser, dying out of vibrations, 229, 367 of condenser, theory of, 396 oscillatory, 41, 42, 94, 227 - 233. 361382, 395 tuning-fork analogue, 230, 362, 367 wave-length, 248, 396 Dispersion, 253255 anomalous, 254 Displacement, 33, 34, 40 Disruptive discharge, 31, 3-5, 41, 209, 210 Dissipation of energy from dis- charge, 232 Dissociation, 7880, 106, 350 Dog, modes of calling, 334 Double decomposition, 79, 80 Doubleness of constitution of ether, 220, see also Dual view of electricit y Dual view of electricity, 26, 28, 48, 81, 85, 86, 90, 165, 168170, 221, 350, preface E. EDLUND, 351 Elastic bags, 14, 18, 27, 31 cells, 209 Elasticity, 227 chemical, 224 electromotive, 223 225 of ether, 220 of ether accounted for, 264, 265 of ether, probable real value, 235 of moving fluid, 166, 209, 264, 265, 353, 356 Thomson theory of, 209, 265, Electricity, absolute minimum of, 77 always flows in closed circuit, 9 and ether, 1 7, 338, 349, preface and light, 307, 317 atom of, 77 conduction of, 67 87 convection of, 85, 86 INDEX. Electricity, displacement of, 33, 34, 40 dual view of, 26, 28, 41, 81, 85, 86, 90, 165, 168170, 221 fluid theories of, 7, 20, 26, 28 four ways of recognizing, 14 frictional, 119 inertia of, 15, 1 6, 42, 88 90, 94, 102 105, 165 167, 180, 187, 299, 300 liquid theory of, 12 like incompressible fluid, 12, 18, 27, 231, differences, 15 locomotion of, 66, 127 modes of transfer, 67, 72 momentum of, 16, 88 90, 102 105, 165167, 1 80, 299, 300 "-.natural unit of, 77 not a form of energy, 7 not created nor destroyed, 7, 9, 3.13 positive and negative, see Dual view of possibly a form of matter, 7, 9 pyro, 1 20 rotation of, 90, 131 specific heat of, 120, 295 stream line of, 103 subdivisions of, I weight unascertainable, 14 what is, 313 Wheatstone's experiment on velocity of, 169 whirl of, 90, 131, 171, 314 Electric analyzer (Hertz), 305 eye, 304 light, a temporary phase, 258 oscillation, model of, 269 radiation refracted, 306 radiation, speed of, 234 256 resonance, 304, 374 tenacity, 225 vortex ring, 171, 187, 213 wave length, 247, 248 wind, 1 68, 300 Electrode, 71, 74, 82 Electrolysis, 350 laws of, 74 80, 84 Electrolyte, 73 differing from metal and di- electrics, 8 1, 84 model of, 80 83 Electrolytes and gases, 124, 125 Electrolytic conduction, 72 87 momentum, 299 Electromagnetic system of units. 235 Electromagnetism, fundamental fact of, 132, 387 Electromotive elasticity, 223 225 force, 34, 39, 393 force, thermal, 117 Electro-optic effects,.^ Faraday and Kerr, also Hall Electrophorus, cord model of, 47 50 Electrostatic and magnetic fields superposed, 208 displacement inside ring mag- net, 215 effect of moving or varying magnetic fields, 144, 211, 215 system of units, 235 Empiricism of present modes of getting light, 257 Energy, of current, 9497, 391 paths of, 95 97 transfer of, to distance, 196 202 transmission of, 96, 97 two forms of, 317 Ether, and electricity, 17, 338, 349 and gravitation, 9 and matter, 352 358 constants of, 234, 403 constitution of, 223, 338, 339, 349, preface density of, 185, 206, 222, 349 density of, probable real value, 235, 341 doubleness of constitution, 220 dual view of, 221, 349, 350 effect of matter on, 342 INDEX. 415 Ether, elasticity of, 220, 235, 340 elasticity accounted for, 264, 265 Fitzgerald's model of, 262 264 fluidity and rigidity of, 221, 222 free and bound, 343, 349 free, simple structure of, 253 functions of, 358 incompressibility of, 231 inertia of, 220, 340 jelly theory of, 17, 19, 339 Maxwell's model, 263 motion through, 298 rigidity, probable value, 342 sheared, 350 Ewing, 161, 164, 283 293, 294 Extra current, 89, 92, 93, 187 Eye, electric, 304 F. FARADAY, 5, 6, n, 21, 22, 92, 277, 320, 367 electroptic effect, 276288, 320322 electroptic effect, connected with Hall's, 290 electroptic effect, model of, 321 electroptic effect, time of, 293, 38o laws of electrolysis, 74 77, 84 Feddersen, 42 Film affecting reflexion, 270 Fitzgerald, 294, 306, 323, 368, preface Fitzgerald's ether model, 262 264 Fizeau experiment. 298, 343, 344 Fluids, magnetization of, 161 Fluid theories of electricity, 7 Fluidity and rigidity of ether, 221, 222 Fluorescence, 268 Fly-wheel, analogue of magnetism, 195 Forces acting on conductors, 203 Foster, 288 Franklin, 5, 6, 26 Frequency of atomic vibration, 266 268 Fresnel, 221 Fresnel's ether theory, 342 345, 351, 406 Friction, between matter and ether, 219 resistance, 32, 69, 70, 219 Frictional electricity, 119 G. GALILEO, 148 Galvanometer analogy, 15 Gas, momentum in, 300 Gaseous conduction, 123 126 Gases and electrolytes, 124, 125 kinetic theory of, 336 Gore's railway, 139 Generation of magnetic field, 212 Glass conductivity, affected by light, 301 Glow-worm, 259 Gold thread experiment, 135, 136 Gravitation and the ether, 9 Newton's views on, 352, 407 propagation of, 231 smallness of, 357 theories of, 336, 338, 352 Gravity compared with chemical affinity, 78 Green, 6 Grotthus, 80 Grove, Sir W. R., 325 Gyrostat explaining elasticity, 265 Gyrostatic inaction of magnet, 89, 90, 1 66, 299 H. HALL, 279, 288, 297 effect, 276, 288 effect in insulators, 287 effect connected with Thom- son effect, 295 297 4i6 INDEX. Hall effect, thermo-electric view of, 291, 292297 Hallwachs, 302 Heat and radiation, 66, modes of transfer, 66, 72 produced by current, 70 produced by magnetization, 164 Heaviside, 155, 242, 363, 372 Heavy glass, 320 Helmholtz, 79, 108, 134, 371 Henry, Joseph, 369372 Hertz, 237, 302, 303307, 368 experiments, 302 307 Hicks, W. M., 264 Hollow vessel, experiments in, 8, 11, 231 Holtz machine, 86 Hooke's law in electrical case, 227 Horse and cart, 332, 333 Hot glass conducting, 301 Hughes, 97, 192 Hydraulic analogies, breakdown of, 95 models, 5360 Hydrogen, speed of, 87 Hysteresis, 164, 283, 285 J. ICE pail experiment, 10, 23 moral of, 231 Illustrations, 2225, 33, 34, 38, 40, 43, 45, 48, 52, 55, 58, 59, 83, 102, 103, 113, 132, 136142, 145, 146, 153, 156, 171, 173 175, 178180, 183, 1 86, 189 191, 194, 203, 207, 209, 213, 263, 280, 287, 289, 324, 361 Impact theories, 335337 Impedance, 397, 398 and resistance, 398 Impetus, see Momentum Incompressibility of ether, 231 Index of refraction and sp. ind. cap. 250 256 Induced charge, 42 53 current, 193196, 394 Induction coil theory, 399 Induclion, cord model of, 43 illustrated by strained medium 28 in conductors moving in mag- netic field, 206 magnetic, 155, 388 mutual, 389 self, see Self-induction Inductive retardation, 29 Inductivity, 34 Inertia, of electricity, 15,16,42,88 90, 94, 102 105, 165 167, 180, 187, 299, 300, 363 electromagnetic, 363, 364 of ether, 220 of iron, 241 Insulating medium conveys signals, 239 Insulators, Hall effect in, 287 transparency of, 269 272, 3 2 3 Intensity of current, 69 Internal charge, 38 Ions, speed of, 87 Iron, function of, in retarding signals, 192, 241 ether density in, 205 magnetic effect of, 155, 192, 205, 364 permeability of, 157, 185, 206 saturation of, 157 wire, properties of, 98, 101 J- JELLY, analogue of ether, 17, 19, 60, 65 Joule, 70, 115 KEEPER, use of, 160 Kepler, 320 Kerr, 278, 323 electroptic effect, 276285 INDEX. 417 Kinds of wave propagation, 16, 231 Kinetic theories, 334 337 Kohlrausch, 87 Kundt and Rontgen, 322 Liquid rotated by magnet, 140 spiral jet of, 141 theory of electricity, 12 Locomotion of electricity, 66, 127 LAMB, Prof. Horace, 266 Langley, 348 Lateral propulsion of currents, 94, 98, 239 Leyden jar, 3032, 41, 94, 101, 358-382 bursting, 375 discharge, rotating plane of polarization, 380 382 emitting waves, 232 frequency, 246 hydraulic model of, 53 60 insulated, 57 method of determining speed of pulses in wires, 244 theory, 395 wave-length, 248 Light, affecting conductivity, 301 and electricity, 317 common indirect mode of obtaining, 258 exciting currents, 304 manufacture of, 256 259, 302 modern theory of, 307 present modes of obtaining, 257 reflected at surface, amount of, 270 velocity of, 246 256, 340, 344 and electric radiation velocities compared in matter, 250 violet, on spark-length, 302 waves, length of, 249 what is, 312, 315 Lighting, artificial, 257 259 Lightning conductor, IOI Lines of force, 21 25 between two discs, 23 like elastic threads, 22 like rays of light, 25 magnetic, 171 176 M. McCuLLAGH's ether theory, 352 Magic, 331 Magnet, and gold-thread, 136 and moving charge, 143 gyrostatic inaction of, 89, 90, 1 66, 299 imitated by coil, 131 133, 387 in form of ring, 157, 161, 213 216 rotated by current, 144 rotating, producing current, 146 rotating liquid, 140 Magnetic and electrostatic fields superposed, 208 attraction and repulsion, 172 176 circuit, 155 conductivity, 156 cycle, 164 field, generation of, 212 field, map of, 170 field, models of, 177 192 field, producing electrostatic effect, 144, 211, 215 field, spreading, 183 function of iron, 155, 192, 205, 241, 364 induction, 155, 387 line of force, 171 medium, stress in, 172 176 moment of circuit, 387 permeability, 156, 157, 185, 206, 389 permeability, probable real value, 235 properties of disruptive dis- charge, 210 reluctance, 155, 389 rotation experiments, 135 146 screen, 195 4i8 INDEX. Magnetic substances, opacity of, 279 whirls, 172 176 Magnetism, Ampere's theory of, 146 150, 170 fly-wheel, analogue of, 165, 186 permanent, 158 permanent, universal, 283 sub-permanent, 160 Magnetization, 149, 150, 159, 212 anomalous, 369 heat produced by, 164 of fluids, 161 of steel, 163 Magneto-motive force, 155, 388 Maintenance of radiation, 249, 250 Manganese steel, 157 Manufacture of light, 256 259, 302 Map of magnetic field, 170 Marionette, 331 Matter and ether, 352 358 Matter, vortex theory of, 356358 Maxwell, 5, 6, 165, 307, 318, 368, 372 Maxwell's ether model, 263 experiment on Fresnel's theory, 345 momentum experiment, 90 theory of light, 307 Mechanical analogies, see Models Mechanism of radiation, 260 275 Media of communication, 331 337 Medium, strain of, 226 Melde's experiment analogue, 244 Mental imagery, advantage of, 61 Metallic conduction, 67 72 cord-model, 33 reflexion, 262 Metaphysical arguments, validity of, 3 2 9 Methods of communication, 334 337 Michelson, 298 recent experiments of, 345 Minchin, 325 Model of rotation of plane of polari- zation, 321 cord, 3253 ethers. 262 264 Mode), hydraulic, 53 6c of absorption, 274, 324 of electric currents, 181192 of electrolyte, 8083 of magnetic field, 177 192 of radiation, 260 of reflexion, 271 275, 324 of self-induction, 185 192 Molecular currents, 149 155, 167, 170 Momentum in condenser looked for, 300 electric, in gas, 300 of electricity, 16, 88 90, 102 105, 165 167, 180, 299, 300 Motion absolute, 298 Moving charge, 126128, 210, 298 charge and magnet, 143 Muirhead, 300 Musical sparks, 376 380 Mutual induction, 389 N. NEGATIVE electricity, existence of, see Dual view of electricity Newton, 319 Newton's guesses on the ether, 406 queries, 352, 404 Niven, 266 O. OCEAN of incompressible fluid, 18 Ohm's law, 69, 220 Opacity, model of, 324 of conductors, 271 275, 305, 3 2 3, 324 of magnetic substances, 279 Optical controversies, 306 Optics and electricity, 307 Organ analogue, 257 Oscillation in conductor, 266 269 period, 230 Oscillators of Hertz, 304 INDEX. 419 Oscillatory discharge, 41, 42, 94, 227233, 360382, 396 analysed by mirror, 377 Outstanding problems, 297 303 Overflow of jar, 374 P. PATHS of energy, 95 97 Peltier effect, 115 Penetrability of ether, 19 Perfect conductor, 165, 167, 183, 184, 195, 261, 274 Period of oscillation, 230, 362370 Permanent magnetism, 158 magnetism, universal, 283 Permeability, 156, 157, 185, 206, 387 not constant, 283 real value of, 235 Perpetual motion, 135 Phosphorescence, 250, 259, 268 Photophone, 325 Pitch, index of refraction of, 306 prism, 306 Plane of polarization rotated, model of, 321 Point whirligig, 168 wind, 300 Polarization, electrolytic, 109 of electric radiation, 304 Pole, acted on by current, 134 Potential, 28, 61 of atoms, 77 of isolated metals, 112 of pole on circuit, 393 uniform in conductors, 20 Poynting, 16, 95, 96, 98, 105, 242 Pressure and dielectric-strength, 126 Preston, Tolver, 336 Principia, 318 Problems outstanding, 297 Production of electricity, 313 Projectile method of communication, 335337 Pyro-electricity, 120 Q- )UANTI VALENCE, 75 )uincke, 282 R. RADIATION and heat, 66 electric, speed of, 234 256 encountering conductor, 271 275 exciting currents, 304 loss of energy, 249 maintenance of, 249, 250 mechanism of, 260 275 polarized, 305 production of, 266, 303 reflected, 304 refracted, 306 speed, modes of observing, 236256 waste, 258, 259 Rails and slider, 207 Range of light waves, 367 Rate of oscillation, 42 Ratio of units, 245 Rayleigh, Lord, 259, 365, 396 Reflected light, amount of, 270 Reflexion, 269 275 by magnetic medium, 279 concentration of light by, 262 metallic, 262 model of, 271 274 Refraction of electric waves, 270, 306 index and spec. ind. cap., 250 256 Reluctance, 155, 389 Residual charge, 39 Resistance, 32, 69, 70 and impedance, 398 of commutated circuit, 395 to alternating currents, 397 magnetic, see Reluctance Resonance, electric, 304, 374 Retentivity, 159, 161 Return circuit, 28 420 INDEX. Reversible heat, 115 Rigidity and fluidity of ether, 221, 222 of moving fluid, 166, 209, 265, Ring magnet, 157, 161, 213 216 Rise of induced current in second- ary circuit, 193 196 Rotating discharge in vacuum-tube, 142 magnet producing current, 146 Rotation experiments, 135 146 of magnet by current, 144 of plane of polarization, 276 of polarization by Ley den jar discharge, 380 382 of plane of polarization, model illustrating, 321 of viscous liquid, 98, 99 Rowland, 290, 402 Royal Institution, 367 wall-paper, 374 Riicker, 166 S. SATURATION of iron, 157 Savary, 369 Schiller, 371 Secondary circuit, rise of current in, 193196 generators, 214, 399 Seebeck, 116 Selective absorption, 254 Selenium, 301, 325 Self-induction, 89, 62, 93, 94, 229, 390 coefficient of, 390 effect of, on signals, 242 explained, 363, 364 model of, 185 192 Shearing of ether, 350, preface stress, 41 Signalling by wire, 199, 238 speed, 29, 202, 238244, 400 Signals affected by capacity and self-induction, 241, 242 Simple harmonic motion analyzed, 280 harmonic motion period, 229 Slider on rails, 207 Slip and spin, 192 Smith, Willoughby, 325 Soaking in, 35, 37 Solid angle, 393 Solids, properties dependent on past history, 162 Sound, propagation of, 72 Space not a conductor, 17, 351 Spark-length affected by light, 302 Spark, light of, one starting another, 302 Sparks, in wall paper, 374 musical, 376 380 Specific heat of electricity 120, 295 Specific inductive capacity, 34, 53> 22O, 222 compared with index of refrac- tion, 250 256 not constant, 282 probable real value, 235 Specific resistance, 70 Speed, see Velocity Spin and slip, 192 Spiral liquid jet, 141 Spring analogue to Leyden jar, 362 Spurious charge, 53 Stationary waves, Hertz's, 237, 274 Steel, magnetization of, 163 state of, 162 Stokes, Sir G. G., 6, 298 Strain in dielectric, 20 in medium, causing attraction and repulsion, 28 of medium, recovery, 226 Stratified condenser, 35 40 Stream lines, 102 105 Stress in magnetic medium, 172 176 Sub-permanent magnetism, 1 60 Surface charge, 53 conduction, 101 Surgings in circuit, 374, 375 INDEX. T. TAIT, 296 Telegraph, function of wire in, 198 202, 238 Telegraphic return circuit, 28 Telegraphing, methods of, 196 202 speed of, 202, 400 affected by capacity and self- induction, 241, 242, 402 Telephone currents, 101 Tenacity, electric, 225 Tension along magnetic lines of force, 172 176 Temperature raised by current, 71 Thermal E.M.F., 117 Thermo-electric pile, 116 view of Hall effect, 291, 292 297 Thompson, S. P., 121, 141, 326 Thomson, J. J., 266, 355 Thomson, Sir W., 5, 6, 42, in, 235, 265, 321, 371, 380, preface effect, 1 1 8, 295 effect, connected with Hall's, 295 2 97 form of Volta effect, 113 theory of elasticity, 265 theory of matter, 356358 Time necessary to start current, 99 of Faraday effect, 293, 380 Tourmaline, 121, 122 Traces, 332, 333 Tram-car, electric, 97 rope, 96, 333 Transfer of energy to distance, 96, 97, 196202 of heat, water, and electricity, 66 Transformers, 214, 399 Transmission of energy, 96, 97 of pictures by electricity, 326 Transparency of insulators, 269 272, 305, 323 Transverse vibrations, transmissible by ether, 231, 239 Tuning-fork analogue to discharge, 230232 Two-fluid theory, 26, 28, see Dual view of electricity U. ULTRA-VIOLET light, effect on sparks, 302 rays, 267 Undulations, 15 Undulatory, meaning of word, 317 Unit, natural, of electricity, 77 Units, artificial systems of, 235 ratio of, 245 system of, 404 V. "V," modes of determining, 245, 319 Vacuum-tube, rotating discharge in, 142 Vacuum versus Plenum, 328 Valency, 75 Varying current, 185 195 magnetic field and electrostatic charge, 144, 211, 215 Velocity of electricity, Wheatstone's experiment on, 169 of electric pulses along wires, method of determining, 244 of electric pulses along wire, of electric radiation, 234, 236 -256 of gravitation, 232 of ions, 87 of light, 246 256, 340, 407 of signalling, 29,202, 238 244, 400 of wave propagation, 230 Velocities of light and electric waves compared in substances, 250 Vibration, direction of, 306 Villari, 293 422 . INDEX. Viscosity analogue of starting current, 98, 99 resistance, 227 Volta-effect, cord model of, 113 Thomson form of, 113 Voltaic battery, 106 109 E. M, F., 210 Voltameter, 75, 108 Volta's contact force, 109 114 Vortex, elasticity of, 355 ring, electric, 171, 187, 213 theory of matter, 356358 vibration of, 355 Vortices, 15, 354 35 8 W. WALL paper, sparks in, 374 Ward, A. W., 294 Waste radiation, 258, 259 Water-ram, 88 Wave, definition of, 316 length, electric, 247, 248, 396 propagation, 16, 230 233, 367 Waves, Hertz's, 237, 304 length of Leyden jar, 248, 396 stationary, 274 Weber's theory of diamagnetism, Wheatstone photometer, 321 velocity of electricity, 169 Whirl of electricity, 90, 131, 171 176, 3H Wiedemann and Ebert, 302 Wimshurst machine, 379, 381 Wind, electric, 168, 300 Wire, function of, 96, 238 Work done in magnetic cycle, 164 THE END. RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BUNGAY. NATURE SERIE S. POPULAR LECTURES AND ADDRESSES ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE. By Sir WILLIAM THOMSON, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.E., Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cam- bridge, and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. With Illustrations. 3 vols. Crown vo. Vol. I. CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. ON*' THE ORIGIN AND METAMORPHOSES OF INSECTS. By Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., F.R.S., M.P., D C.L., LL.D. With numerous Illustrations. Third Edition. 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