UC-NRLF 00 LO o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ANDREW SMITH HALLIDIC: ON THE SCIENCE OF AGRICULTURE COMPRISING A COMMENTARY ON AND COMPARATIVE INVESTIGATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY OF MR, KIRWAN AND SIR HUMPHRY DAVY; THE CODE QF AGRICULTURE OF SIR JOHN SINCLAIR, SIR JOSEPH BANKS, AND OTHER AUTHORS ON THE SUBJECT. SHEWING, That there is not only a discrepance in the opinions of those Authors on many of the most important operations of Agriculture ; but that this arises from their inferences and conclusions being erroneous ; and their principles unfounded, or inapplicable ; and particularly on the subject of breeding, and the nature, preparation, and application of manures. And also of the rust or black blight in wheat ; of which the true cause, and its preventive are here explained. DeUicateti to ti>e BY JOSEPH HAYWARD, AUTHOR OF THE SCIENCE OF HORT1CULTUJ LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, BROWN, AND GREEN, PATERNOSTER-ROW 1825. LONDON : Printed by A. & R. Spottiswoode, New- Street- Square . ADVERTISEMENT AND DEDICATION. AFTER the numerous books of late pub- lished on the subject of agriculture, and particularly those of Mr. Kirwan, Sir Hum- phry Davy, Sir John Sinclair, Sir Joseph Bankes, and others, another may appear superfluous ; but all who have read those different authors with attention, must have been convinced that however elaborate their works, there is such a discrepancy in their opinions on some of the most important operations of agriculture, as to justify an attempt to bring them to the .test of a just investigation and comparison, by tracing their principles in their progress from cause to effect. I am not a pro- fessor of chemistry, nor an extensive A 2 108567 IV ADVERTISEMENT practical agriculturist, nor the member of any learned society : and as it is the fashion of the times to attach great import- ance to such authority, some may consider me arrogant, presumptuous, and invidious, in attempting to intrude on the public my commentaries on the works of such estab- lished characters : but I disclaim any other intention, than that of ascertaining and establishing just principles, and I cannot hope to induce any one to adopt my notions in preference to others, unless I prove theirs to be wrong. My ideas on the sci- ence of horticulture have long been before the public ; and the critics remarked on that work, that I was more bold than politic : but what sort of policy must it be to deter an Englishman from appearing as the ad- vocate of truth and science ? If they mean that by my boldness in endeavouring to point out what I conceived to be the errors of others, and to rectify that which I had proved to be bad in practice, I lost the patronage of the Horticultural Society of London, they may be correct j for this, as a AND DEDICATION. V body, I certainly could not obtain, although previous to the publication of that work, I privately submitted the same to some of the first public characters, and particularly to Sir Humphry Davy, and to the president and council of the Horticultural Society. Sir Humphry very politely received and acknowledged the perusal of my papers, and with great liberality stated his admis- sion, that to that part of my work which related to the objects of his peculiar study, he found no objection ; at the same time excusing himself from giving an opinion on the practical part, by observing, he did not consider himself possessed of sufficient practical knowledge to give it importance, and expressed his intention to commend me to the president of the Horticultural Society. I dedicated my book to the president and society, and repeatedly applied to them for their opinion, and invited them to an in- vestigation of my demonstrations, but which they uniformly refused ! Nearly six years have now elapsed, and I have never seen any comment of his or theirs on it: however. VI ADVERTISEMENT the public having done me the honour to have purchased the first edition, and good part of the second, assures me it cannot now be suppressed ; and whether the im- provements I had established, were or were not received and treated as they deserved, time will show. Every man has a right to confide in his own understanding, and if his conscience does not accuse him of having presumed to violate truth, or pluming him- self on his fancied powers, to have imposed false and untried theories on the ignorant and credulous, he need not fear others. Fortune may enable pride and arrogance to smother truth and science for a time, but in a land of liberty these must ultimately establish themselves, however humble their immediate patrons. Although the Horti- cultural Society of London have refused to \ acknowledge the merit of my arrangement and explanation of scientific principles, they must ultimately adopt them, or be \ left far in the back ground, and their gar- , den exhibit a glaring instance of a want of candour and liberality in the directors. 20 AND DEDICATION. Vll Repeated observation and demonstrative experiments have convinced me, that al- though Sir Humphry Davy's analysis, and expositions of chemical principles, are cor- rect and clear, in his application of them to agricultural practice, and in his infer- ences, he is greatly mistaken. That although Sir John Sinclair, is copi- ous and minute in his description of agri- cultural operations and practical results, his opinions and deductions are erroneous and inconclusive. That Sir Joseph Bankes, in his opinion and description of the rust or black blight in wheat, has mistaken the effect for the cause, and thus misled the public in their endeavours to find a remedy. That Mr. Knight's opinions and exposi- tions, as quoted by Sir John Sinclair and Sir Humphry Davy, are hypothetical and fallacious. That Bakewell's principles and practice ^ in breeding, condemned by Sir John Sin- clair, and neglected by the generality of agriculturists, are founded on true scientific Vlll ADVERTISEMENT principles, and are the most correct and beneficial that can be followed. That the practice of Jethro Tull and Mr. Curwen is grounded on just scientific principles ; although these are not recog- nised, or not explained by them. That the methods in general practice, of preparing and applying manure, are erro- neous and imperfect. That by the common mode of making hay, much unnecessary risk and expense are incurred, and the saccharine and nutri- tive principles lessened and dissipated. That every county in England may make as good cider as Hereford, Devon, or Somerset; and the apple trees may be trained so as never to be subjected to the injuries of being overloaded with fruit or snow, and without incurring additional ex- pense. And that the defects I have described being removed, and the remedies and prac- tices I have explained adopted ; much' in- crease, and more certainty in the produce of the land, may be obtained. AND DEDICATION. IX Then, under such convictions, ought I to fear being censured as obtrusive and presuming, in thus offering myself to the public ? I know, among the practical agri- culturists, it is a prevailing opinion, that no good arises from attending to theorists. To these I will beg leave to observe, that however repeatedly they may have been misled by theory, they cannot be justified in opposing or neglecting science; for whilst ignorant of this, they are mere imitators, and can never be masters of their business. And surely, the nobility and gentry, will not consider a correct knowledge of the relation of effects to their causes, as it regards objects which are not only essential to their happiness, but to their existence, to be beneath their notice ? I trust the British public will not con- sider me unworthy their attention, be- cause I have no great man, or body of men, to patronise my work. At any rate, when they consider the result of my having op- posed the theories of a great man in my former work, they will, perhaps, excuse X ADVERTISEMENT AND DEDICATION. me, in thus wishing to avoid mortification, and of relying upon their candour and libe- rality, by dedicating this work to them, of whom I have the honour to be one, And their very faithful, and humble servant, THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. Page Advertisement and Dedication - iii Introduction -------- i General View of the Subject - 5 On Breeding or Raising Vegetables - - - 9 On Breeding and Rearing Animals - - - 21 On Cultivating the Earth ----- 51 Arrangement of Chemical Principles - - - 71 On the Roots of Plants ------ 77 On the Use and Office of the Leaves 82 On the Food of Plants -.,---- 93 On the Rust or Black Blight in Wheat - - 156 On Fallowing Land and Paring and Burning - 169 On the Composition of Soils and the Agency of the Earths, &c. 189 On the Nature and Application of Lime - - 195 On Haymaking - - ----- 208 On Orchards and Cider - - - - - - 212 UNIVERSITY OF INTRODUCTION. AGRICULTURE is defined by Mr. Kirwan to be "the art of making the earth produce the largest crops of useful vegetables at the smallest expense ;" but this conveys only a contracted and partial idea of that which must be compre- hended in the science of husbandry. Vegeta- bles, and animals which feed on vegetables, con- stitute that produce of the earth which is essen- tial to the existence, and requisite to the com- forts, of mankind. The art of husbandry is, no doubt, simple, if it be considered as limited to manual operations only ; but the science of hus- bandry or agriculture is more properly, a know- ledge of the laws of nature which determine the existence of both animals and vegetables, and particularly of those, which influence and govern them in their sexual intercourse and pro- pagation, and also in their feeding, lodging, &c. 2 INTRODUCTION. Sir Humphry Davy very justly observes, " It is scarcely possible to enter upon any investiga- tion in agriculture without finding it connected, more or less, with doctrines or elucidations de- rived from chemistry." And a chemical examin- ation, shows, that the earth is but little con- cerned in vegetation, otherwise than as a me- dium or vehicle, bed or couch, in and on which, the most important operations of nature are conducted and performed. We are commonly led to consider vegetables as the chief produce of the earth ; but vegetables and animals are so completely dependent upon each other, that before we can affect in any de- gree the produce of the one, we must comprehend the influence they have each on the other. From a great similarity to themselves in nature, man- kind were very early enabled to form a clear com- prehension of the general functions of animals, in regard to their food, and as they are influenced by climate ; also, of the difference in the sexes, and the natural result of their intercourse : but it was not understood until a much later period, that the general functions of vegetables are in every respect similar to those of animals, and that the operations of nature regarding both, are regulated by much the same laws j this, how- ever, is now clearly demonstrated. INTRODUCTION. 3 As some portions of the earth, in the produc- tion of animals and vegetables, conduce more to the supplying the wants of mankind than others, so are some species of animals and vegetables more productive and eligible than others, and not only one species more so than another, but some varieties of the same species are more valu- able than others ; therefore it must be obvious, that as well as enquiring into the- general nature and various qualities of the earth, we must also enquire into and ascertain, the qualities of those varieties of animals and vegetables which are the most conducive to our wants, and what causes produce those varieties, or diminish or increase their peculiar qualities. But as the qualities which give value to the different varieties of animals and vegetables must depend on peculiar circumstances, it can be of little use in a work like this, to attempt a particular description of these : and although it is obvious, that the physiology of both animals and vegetables form the fundamental principles of the science of husbandry, it does not follow that it must also comprehend a knowledge of the comparative anatomy of either animals or vege- tables ; this is of trifling consequence to the hus- bandman. I shall therefore interfere very little with the departments of zoology or botany. THE SCIENCE OF AGRICULTURE. GENERAL VIEW OF THE SUBJECT. IT appears that a difference in the species only of animals and vegetables was originally created, and that the different varieties were left to be determined by the casual or accidental com- binations and operations of original principles or causes. In the production of variety in ani- mals and vegetables, no doubt climate has the preponderating influence, and next to this food and lodging ; but in the general course of nature, these three grand principles operate in unison, and when all concur in one effect, the greatest distinctions are produced. Food being the most effective and essential cause of variety in the value of animals, this has B 3 6 GENERAL VIEW OF THE SUBJECT. commanded more attention than the operation of climate and lodging in respect to animals : and climate and lodging being the more imme- diate, effective, and obvious cause of the variety and value of vegetables, these have commanded more attention than food in respect to vegetables. But to avail ourselves of the full advantage al- lowed by nature, food, climate, and lodging, both as they affect the one and the other, must be clearly understood and equally attended to. \^ The general progress of nature is uniform; and in the continuation of her works, as if to avoid the disorderly effect of an extreme indulg- ence, or the capricious negligence of individuals, the sexes were created, and it was ordained that a junction of the two should be necessary for the production of one individual ; and that in their offspring, the habits and propensities of both male and female should be blended. And further to protect her creatures from ca- sual injury arising from a change of food, lodging, and climate, the habits of both animals and ve- getables are made subservient to such changes : thus, the continuation of a superabundance of food produces an increase in size, and a defici- ency of food a decrease ; a cold and a hot climate, and a wet and a dry lodging, each produces a coat or covering for the body, and a tempera- 20 GENERAL VIEW OF THE SUBJECT. 7 ment of constitution best adapted to counteract extremes: these things, therefore, form most important objects of consideration. Animals and vegetables administer to the wants of mankind in various ways ; some by their flesh, or the immediate substance of their bodies ; others by their offspring and seed, or the food provided by nature for their offspring ; others, again, by their exterior covering, and others by assisting man in his labour, and contributing to his pleasures : therefore, in breeding and feeding both animals and vegetables, due regard must be paid to the peculiar object desired. And as na- ture ever determines the end to the means, the attention of the agriculturists must be directed to the adapting their means to the end in view. Nature is ever kind and liberal in providing for the necessities of her creatures ; and being always inclined to make an exuberant return in her productions, for extra aid, she thus gives to mankind an opportunity to avail themselves of such propensities : by removing obstructions, and favouring and protecting the general operations of nature, and supplying the deficiency of any needful support, they may increase their means of subsistence and enjoyment. But although mankind are thus blessed by an all- bountiful Providence, their power is prescribed, B 4 8 GENERAL VIEW OF THE SUBJECT. and they are not permitted to act in opposition to the laws of nature with impunity; whenever, therefore, they presume to interfere with the operations of nature, with a view to produce any beneficial or certain effect, they must pay all due deference to her laws ; all attempts to produce sudden and abrupt changes, and wide extremes, must be avoided : by assisting nature certain ob- jects may be obtained, but attempts to force or oppose her, generally produce disorder, and often destruction. These preliminary observations naturally lead to the three following grand divisions of the subject : viz. The breeding and raising of vegetables j The breeding and rearing of animals ; And, as connected with both these, The cultivation of the earth, or the producing and preparing food and lodging for both. In this order I shall proceed to consider and arrange my observations. 9 ON BREEDING AND RAISING VEGETABLES. THE nature of the sexual intercourse, in the propagation of animals, may be considered as too well understood to 4ieed a minute explanation ; but of the necessity of the sexual intercourse, in the propagation of vegetables, many are still ig- norant. I may therefore, perhaps, be excused for intruding some observations on this part of the subject, and for giving extracts from prece- ding authors. It may be but of trifling importance, who was the first that discovered, the existence of a differ- ence in the sexes in vegetables ; but as Bradley, in a work on the improvement of planting and gardening, published in 1730, seems to have been one of the first English authors who wrote on the subject, and as his description is clear and simple, I shall give it in his own language. He says, " I hope to be excused, if in the "explanation of this wonderful mystery of the " generation of plants, I shall be found to intro- " duce such kind of plants as are not to be found "in forests, and to make some of my experi- "ments in the orchard and kitchen-garden. 10 ON BREEDING AND RAISING VEGETABLES. " Moses tells us, in his account of the creation, "that plants have their seeds within themselves ; " that is, every plant contains in itself, male and " female powers. The text he has given us, " seemed to be explained by this discovery, and " may lead us to consider, that plants wanting " local motion, require therefore this union of "sexes in themselves; by which means they "may generate without the neighbourhood of " other plants. But before I proceed to explain " this new system, I think myself obliged to de- " clare, that the first time this secret was com- " municated to me, was several years ago, by a " worthy member of the Royal Society, Robert " Yates, Esq., who has had this notion for above " thirty years, that plants had a mode of ge- " nerating somewhat analogous to that of ani- " mals. The light which I received from this " gentleman was afterwards further explained by " another learned member of that society, Mr. "Samuel Moreland, who in the Philosophical " Transactions, 1703, has given us to understand " how the dust of the apices of male flowers is " conveyed into the uterus, or vasculum semi- " nale of a plant ; by which means the seeds " therein contained are impregnated. I then u made it my business to search after this truth, " and have had the good fortune enough to bring " it to demonstration by several experiments. ON BREEDING AND RAISING VEGETABLES. 11 " But to come to the point : the lily being a* " flower more generally known than any other, " and the generative parts being large and ex- " posed, I shall from thence endeavour to explain "the method which nature makes use of, to " impregnate the seeds of that and every other " plant ; and by which means the several species "of vegetables have been continued to the "world. " The flower of the lily has six leaves or petals, " which are set upon the summit of the foot-stalk, " marked a in the figure ; they serve to guard " the parts of generation from the injury of "the weather, and as they are no other use, " that I know of, so it is not necessary that I 12 ON BUEEDING AND RAISING VEGETABLES. " should place them in the figure, b is the *' mouth of the pistilium, or passage, which leads " to the uterus c, in which are these ovaries " filled with little eggs, or the rudiments of seeds, " such as we find in the ovaria of animals : but " these eggs will decay and come to nothing, " unless they are impregnated by the farina fe- " cundans, or male seed of the same plant, or " one of the same sort. "From d to e is the stamen of the lily, " through which the male seed of the plant is "conveyed, to be perfected in the apex f; " where by the sun's heat it ripens, and bursts " forth in very minute particles like dust ; some " particles of which powder falling upon the " orifice b, is either conveyed from thence into " the vesicle c, or by its magnetic virtue draws " the nourishment with great force from the " other parts of the plant into the embryos of " the fruit, and makes them swell. " Now that the farina fecundans, or male dust, " has a magnetic virtue, is evident, for it is that " only which bees gather and lodge in the cavi- " ties of their hind legs to make their wax with ; * and it is well known, that wax when it is warm " will attract to it any light body." Whatever may be thought of magnetic power, the wise providence of nature is here wonder- ON BREEDING AND RAISING VEGETABLES. 13 fully displayed, by guarding in a different and more certain manner against casual obstruction, as well as the inability of a plant to bring toge- ther the necessary parts formed for the propaga- tion of its species. Every flower is furnished with a receptacle, called the nectarium, wherein is secreted, an odoriferous and very sweet liquid, which attracts, and serves for the food of bees, and other insects ; and these vessels are always placed below the apices and the pistilium, so that the insects in their endeavours to obtain their nectar, must pass over, and between, the apices, and also the pistilium ; and the farina or dust sticking about them, is thus conveyed to the mouth of the pistilium, and the process of impregnation performed ; without this assist- ance, there are some plants which could scarcely ever be brought together, or impregnated : for instance, the cucumber and the melon, and all others of this tribe of plants, which have distinct male and female blossoms, when growing in si- tuations where the wind has no power to dis- perse the farina. As an elucidation of this, I may mention the progress and result of the following experiment : being desirous to obtain seed from a peculiar head of broccoli, and well aware that the inter- course of bees would occasion the seed to be 14 ON BREEDING AND UAISING VEGETABLES. different to the mother plant, I surrounded the sides of the plant with a frame of gauze, suffi- ciently open to admit a free change of air, and placed a hand glass on the top, and the conse- quence was, not a single seed was formed ; ob- serving the failure, I removed the covering, and gave free access to the bees, &c., when a few remaining blossoms immediately fructified, and produced full pods of seed. Bradley proceeds, " But again, if the parti- " cles of this powder should be required by na- '< ture to pass into the ovaries of the plant, and " even into the several eggs or seeds there " contained, we may easily perceive, if we split " the pistilium of a flower, that nature has pro- " vided a sufficient passage for it into the " uterus. " In the first figure I have given a design of " one stamen, with its apex, to prevent mistakes " in my explanation ; but the flower of every lily " has six of the same figure and use, which are " placed round about the pistilium or female " parts, so that it is almost impossible it should " escape from receiving some of the male dust, " or farina feeundans, falling upon it. _\^ w In this and other flowers of the same nature, " the pistilium is always so placed that the apices " which surround it are equal in height with it, ON BREEDING AND RAISING VEGETABLES. 15 " or above it, so that their dust naturally falls " upon it ; and when we observe it to be longer " than the apices, we may then conjecture that < the fruit has begun to form itself, and has no " longer occasion of the male dust. And it is " likewise observable, that as soon as the work / " of generation is performed, the male parts, \ ' together with the leaves or covering, fall of " and the pipe leading to the uterus begins to " shrink. We may further remark, that the top " of the pistilium of every flower is either co- '* vered .with a sort of velvet tunick, or emits a " gummy liquor, the better to catch the dust of " the apices. " And now, as we find in the description I " have given of the lily, that the uterus is within " the flower, so, on the other hand, the uterus " of the rose is without the flower, at the bottom " of the petals or flower-leaves. And likewise " in fruit-trees, the cherries, plums, and some " others, have their utricles within their flowers ; " and the gooseberry, currant, apples, and pears, " on the outside or bottom of their flowers. " But further, although nature has designed " the dust of the apices to fecundate the female " parts, contained in the flowers of plants, yet ' ' we observe, that in some plants the male and " female parts are remote from each other ; as, / 16 ON BREEDING AND RAISING VEGETABLES. " for example, the gourd, pompion, melon, cu- " cumber, and all of that race, have blossoms " distinctly male and female upon the same " plant : the male blossoms may be distinguished " from the others, in that they have not any " pistil or rudiment of fruit about them, but " have only a large thrum, covered with dust, " in their middle ; the female blossom of these " has a pistilium within the petals or flower- " leaves, and the rudiment of their fruit always " apparent at the bottom of the flower before " it opens. 'And so in like manner all nut-bear- " ing and mast-bearing trees have their catkins, " or male blossoms, remote from the female " parts. " The oak, for example, which blossoms in " May, has its male parts distant from tne " acorns. We find little strings of farinaceous " flowers in great abundance, remote from the " rudiments of the acorns or fruit. " When we view with a good microscope the " male dust of one small plant, we find every " particle of it to be of the same size and figure. " But in some cases it is of two colours, as in " the tulip, where it is yellow and blue. " I shall proceed to demonstrate part of this " system. I made my first experiment upon the " tulip ; which I chose rather than any other V ON BREEDING OR RAISING VEGETABLES. 17 " plant, because it seldom misses to produce " seed. Several years ago I had the conveni- " ency of a large garden, wherein there was a " large bed of tulips ; in one part, containing " above 4-00 roots ; in another part of it, very " remote from the former, were twelve tulips in " perfect health. At the first opening of the " twelve, which I was very careful to observe, " I cautiously took out of them all their apices, " before the farina fecundans was ripe, or any " ways appeared- These tulips, being thus cas- " trated, bore no seed that summer; while, on " the other hand, every one of the 400 plants " which I had let alone produced seed. " By this knowledge we may, perhaps, alter " the property and taste of any fruit, by impreg- " nating the one with the farina of another of " the same class : as, for example, a codlin with " a pearmain, which will occasion the codlin so " impregnated to last a longer time than usual, " and be of a sharper taste ; or if the winter " fruits should be fecundated with the dust of " the summer kinds, they will decay before their " usual time. And it is from this accidental ~*\ ^ " coupling of the farina one with the other, that " in an orchard, where there is variety of apples, " even the fruit gathered from the same tree " differ in their flavour and times of ripening ; c 18 ON BREEDING OR RAISING VEGETABLES. " and, moreover, the seeds of those apples so " generated being changed by that means from " their natural qualities, will produce different " kinds of fruits if they are sown. It is from " the accidental coupling that proceeds the " numberless varieties of fruit and flowers which " are raised every day from seed." The latter part of these observations, no doubt, are correct; but in his supposition, that the coupling of the farina changes the flavour or the general qualities of the immediate fruit, this author is mistaken, as it produces no such effect. The change takes place in the seed alone, and, therefore, can only be discoverable in the next generation. By this accidental coupling, there can be no doubt, but that variety in every species, is principally produced ; and by taking advan- tage of this, and directing, and partially divert- ing, the usual course of nature, changes in the habits, and general properties of vegetables, and their fruits, may be produced, as well as in animals.' By admixing the farina of the blossoms, and planting the seeds, varieties of potatoes are obtained; but no variety can be obtained by planting the potatoes themselves, either by vary- ing the soil or mode of culture. And the same may be said of apples, and other fruits ; for let trees be propagated in whatever numbers, by \ ON BREEDING OR RAISING VEGETABLES. 19 engrafting or budding, and on whatever stocks, \ or by whatever means, it will create no variety ( in the fruit. It thus appears, that mankind possess the same influence over the sexual intercourse of vegetables, as over that of animals ; and, conse- quently, they have it as much in their power, to raise and establish peculiar varieties in the one, as in the other, and upon the same principles, viz. that of selecting and pairing the males and females. And if it be desired to exert this in- fluence, the process may be easily conducted, in the following manner : a. blossom being se- lected for a female, which has in itself the male and female organs, as soon as the bud is ad- vanced to the state of being on the point to open or blow, the petals or flower-leaves must be opened, and the apices or anthers taken off; the blossom may then be left a day or two, until the petals have expanded themselves, and the pistilium be advanced to a state fit for impreg- nation; then, a blossom being selected for a male, when in full bloom, it must be taken off the parent plant, and its apices, or anthers, gently rubbed over the point, or end, of the pistiiium of the prepared female blossom, so that the farina, or dust, may attach itself to it ; after this, the female must be defended against the intrusion 20 ON BREEDING OR RAISING VEGETABLES. of bees, or such like insects, or placed out of the danger of being otherwise promiscuously impreg- nated. It is by a close attention to these laws of nature, that so many valuable varieties of pulse, grain, fruit, roots, and esculent vegeta- bles, have of late been raised and obtained. It must also be observed, that by frequently propagating from seeds, carefully selected from those plants, which possess the most desirable qualities, even though there be no intended crossing or mixing of farina to produce varie- ty, the most valuable habits of any species, may be improved and increased 5 and particu- larly by their being naturalised, and enabled to adapt themselves to flourish, in any peculiar soil or climate. ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. ALTHOUGH the difference in the sexes, appears to be more strongly marked in animals, than in vegetables ; the laws of nature, as they regard the result of their connection, are much the same in both. On the subject of breeding, Sir John Sinclair says, " The art of improved breeding consists in " making a careful selection of males and fe- " males, for the purpose of breeding stock " with fewer defects, and with greater perfec- " tions, than their parents, in which their mu- " tual properties shall be continued, and their " mutual faults corrected. " The objects of improved breeding, therefore " are to obviate defects, and to acquire and per- " petuate desirable properties j hence, when a " race of animals have possessed in a great de- " gree, through several generations, the proper- " ties which it is our object to obtain, their " progeny are said to be well bred, and their " stock may be relied on." " It was upon this principle of selectiorfthat " Bakewell formed his celebrated stock of sheep, c 3 ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. " having spared no pains or expense in obtain- " ing the choicest individuals, from all the best " kinds of long or combing woolled sheep, " wherever they were met with : and it cannot " be doubted, that any breed may be improved in " the same manner ; namely, that of putting the " best males to the finest females. After a su- " perior breed, however, has been thus obtained, * it is a point that has been much disputed, " whether it is proper to raise stock ; 1st, from " the same family ; or, 2d, from the same " race, but of different families ; or, 3d, from " races entirely different. 5 * This explanation of Sir John Sinclair, without doubt, is clear enough ; but as he found the subject much disputed, so he seems to have left it, at any rate, but resting on very indetermi- nate grounds ; for although he gives an ample detail of the observations, and practical results, of many of the most eminent men, on both sides the question, his own conclusions are by no means demonstrated, but calculated to confuse and mislead ; for he further says, " On breeding " from the same family this method is called, " breeding in and in, or putting animals of the " nearest relationship together : though this " plan was for some time in fashion, under the " sanction of BakewelPs authority, yet experi- ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. 23 " ence has now proved, that it cannot be sue- " cessfully persevered in." This conclusion, in a general sense, cannot be admitted, but we may, indeed, admit, that there are bounds, beyond which we cannot force na- ture, for having reached the point of perfec- tion, there we must stop ; we cannot proceed farther. Sir John should also have stated, what appears to have been the fact, that Bakewell, not only se- lected the finest males and females, but he spared neither pains nor expense, in furnishing and adapt- ing such climate, lodging^ and food, as appeared most conducive to the forwarding his object; and then, it might have been remarked, that the pains and expense thus incurred by Bakewell, to obtain his object, was so great, that the no- velty alone of his produce, could command an adequate return ; and this, perhaps, may be a sufficient reason, why his plans could not be considered as eligible to be generally followed, but it does not furnish just grounds for con- demning the principle, of breeding in and in, altogether. After a perfect stock has been obtained* how is it to be continued ? This seems to be the grand question, and it only can be answered on the principles before explained, viz. by duly attend- &fc ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. ing to their qualities and habits, when selecting the breeders ; and again, to the means, by which those qualities and habits are sustained. If great size be the valuable quality, and the utmost nature will admit ofj has been produced by an artificial climate and lodging, and a selection of food, it must be obvious, that with the same climate, lodging, and food, the same stock may be kept up, by breeding in and in \ but with a less congenial climate, lodging, and food, the progeny of such animals, must decline, and be- come less in size ; and at the same time, it might be * observed, that under those circum- stances, no crossing can keep up the size and pro- pensities. And again, if animals or vegetables, of whatever size, bred in a certain climate, and with certain lodging and food, can be furnished with a lodging, climate, and food, more congenial and nutritive, they may be increased and improved, Sir John proceeds, " It may, indeed, prove " beneficial, if not carried too far, in fixing any " variety that may be thought valuable, but on " the whole it is only in appearance. Under " this system, the young animal comes into the " world on comparatively a very small scale ; by " keeping it fat from the first moments of its ex- *' istence, it is made to attain a greater size than 16 ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. 25 " nature intended ; and its weight, in conse- " quence, will be very great in proportion to the " size of its bones. Thus a generation of ani- N " mals of an extraordinary form, and saleable at " enormous prices, may be obtained, but^that 44 doesjiotjgrgvejthatjthe practice is eligible^ if ^ " lp n JLE?ffied in ; on the contrary, if the system \ " be followed up, the stock get tender and deli- " cate ; they become bad breeders, and though " they retain their shape and beauty, they will " decrease in vigour and activity, will become " lean and dwarfish, and ultimately incapable of \ " continuing the race/' *"?. If a striking instance, not only of the ab- sence of physiological principles, in the appli- cation of practical observation, but of the sub- stitution of speculative opinion; was necessary, to prove a want of scientific arrangement, in Sir John Sinclair, surely this must be sufficient ; and if such arguments as the following, against the attempt to produce a certain effect, are per- mitted to influence opinion, and such causes be assigned, as these, " it is thus made to attain a " greater size than nature intended" agriculture might, indeed, continue to be mere speculation and uncertainty. But even were such observations, construed in the most favourable manner, they apply par- 26 ON BREEDING AND HEARING ANIMALS* tially only, as they are descriptive of the effect of injudicious selection, and of artificial feeding, and do not prove the cause of defection, to be in the general principle, of breeding in and in. It appears, that Bakewell well knew how far he could lead nature ;. and so far from his results proving the insufficiency, of breeding in and in to produce perfection, it completely establishes the fact, that such an object cannot be obtained, with equal facility, by any other means. It 'must be admitted, that more valuable animals in themselves, never were produced, than those bred by Bakewell ; but the old maxim no doubt is good, " You may purchase " gold too dear." However, as before observed, Bakewell had an object in view, and to ob- tain this, every advantage of artificial climate, food, and lodging, were resorted to, regardless of expense; and so long as he could furnish exuberance in food, climate, and lodging, he found an exuberance in the flesh and size of his animals returned ; but when his means of increase were exhausted, nature made a stand she never went "farther than she intended" I once heard of a farmer, who, ambitious to excel, purchased a bull from Bakewell, or some such fancy breeder, and after having kept him for some time, the beast lost flesh, and became ON REARING AND BREEDING ANIMALS. ^7 weak and languid ; the farmer on meeting with his former feeder, complained that the ani- mal was fast declining, although he had plenty of grass, hay, &c. the feeder told the farmer, that grass and hay were not sufficient ; for besides these, he had been fed on grain, and had also been indulged with a pail of milk every day, from the time of quitting his mother. This suf- ficiently shows the folly of carrying things to such extremes for general purposes ; but it does not prove Bakewell, to have been erroneous in his judgment, nor doe&it detract from the prin- ciple of breeding in and in. It is the general practice of sheep farmers to purchase their rams from professed breeders, at enormous prices, and these, which are bred under peculiar indulgences, are always kept away from the flock, with an extra allowance of the best food, such as grain, pulse, &c., and frequently, also, are allowed the shelter of a house ; the consequence is, that their stocks are always lean and long, and large in their bones, and unequal to sustain the hardships of the natural climate, lodging, and food, with health and vigour; and hence it is obvious, that the .practice of crossing is not only attended with much useless expence, but that it obstructs what ought to be the object of every rational farmer 28 ON BREEDING AND HEARING ANIMALS. to obtain, viz., the possession of a stock, in every respect adapted to the nature, and localities, of his situation and circumstances. Sir John Sinclair also says, " Sir John Sea- " bright tried many experiments, by breeding in "and in, with dogs, fowls, and pigeons, and " found the breeds uniformly 4egenerate." But it maybe remarked, that pigeons, dogs, and fowls, Pfrom their long domestication, are already as much removed from a state of nature, as nature will admit of ; and being bred and fed more to please the fancy than for any defined object, it frequently happens that the most desired qualities are the i effect of disease or distortion ; and, therefore, on 1 the principles laid down, it might be expected, -^>. that weak, diseased, or defective males and fe- males being selected and paired, would produce those that are still more so. Sir John Sinclair again says, " A gentleman " who tried the experiment with pigs, brought " them at last into such a state, that the female " gave over breeding almost entirely, and when " they did breed, their produce was so small " and delicate, that they died as soon as they " were born." Here also an effect is mistaken for a cause ; these failures evidently arose from wigin^aJLjiefect, and a peculiar selection in pair- ing having been carried to an extreme, and ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. 29 not solely on the principle of breeding in and in ; no doubt, in the pursuit of this principle, there are, as in every process, two extremes and a medium. As for dogs, I knew a gentleman, who by-\ crossing had lost the valuable qualities of his ( greyhounds, which determined him to try back, ) by breeding from the nearest blood, and he suc- ceeded, and recovered his lost excellence. And Samuel Emley, Esq. of Salisbury, assured me, he bred in and in, with the same family, both / pointers and spaniels, for thirty years, and never } found them degenerate. No opinion is more common, than that game- cocks will degenerate, when bred in and in ; but having asked different breeders, in what points they have been found to degenerate, I was an- swered by one, that those so bred, would stand up till killed, but that they had no spirit or ac- tivity ; whilst the other asserted, that they were all activity, spirit, and dash, at the onset, but gave in after a blow or two. I have also re- peatedly heard the same inconsistent objections , made to breeding in and in with greyhounds ; one party asserting, that those so bred, have: great speed, but no bottom, whilst another states, that they have no activity or speed, but will run . till death. 30 ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. There can be no doubt, but that all these failures may occur, when breeding in and in, but they are clearly the effect of improper se- lection, and establish no grounds of objection, that will not as justly attach to the principle of cross breeding. In breeding animals for fattening, it is the usual practice to select those for breeders, that discover the greatest propensity to fatten or grow fleshy, and such animals are generally uncertain and bad breeders, and always bad nurses ; and this rests on the principle I have stated. The female being selected, as one in whom the exuberance of nature is in her flesh, Bnd whose food is appropriated entirely to the increase of this, her powers of conception are obstructed, and her young, neither during her pregnancy, nor after their birth, can be fur- nished by her with the nourishment necessary to support them ; and sterility in the female, and disorder and want of size and strength in her progeny, must be the result. But after their birth, the wants of nature in food and tempe- rature, may be artificially supplied to the young, and they may thus be reared, with all the appa- rent qualities of their progenitors. I obtained a sow pig, of a breed peculiar for their propensity to fatten, from Mr. Hodgson. This ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. 31 creature kept in high condition, even when fed on grass alone, or simple wash and grains ; but she never produced more than seven young ones at a farrow, and two or three of those were generally starved to death for want of her producing milk, all her food being appropriated to the increase of her own flesh, instead of fur- nishing sustenance for her young ones ; and whatever boar was put to her, made no differ- ence in this respect, but I never obtained any young ones, that possessed in an equal degree her own propensities and shape, except when put to her own son. I also obtained another sow, of a very different breed, but of equally strong propensities to fatten, and valuable pro- portions, and although this animal was regularly in season for more than twelve months, and put to different boars, she never would breed. Such a sort of pigs would certainly not answer to keep as breeders of stock for a market, but to purchase for fattening, they were worth 25 per cent, more than any others I ever possessed. Such peculiarities were, no doubt, produced by breeding in and in, and could not have been by any other means, but it was also more imme- diately the effect of selection. Animals possess- ing the opposite propensities, that of breeding great numbers, with large bone, and such as 32 ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. are also with difficulty furnished with flesh, may of course be produced, by observing the same principles. Sir John Sinclair likewise says, " Mr. Knight's " experiments with plants have fully convinced " him, that in the vegetable as well as the ani- " mal kingdom, the offspring of a male and " female, not related, will possess more strength " and vigour than when they are of the same " family, which proves how unprofitable such " connections are." Peculiar cases may have occurred, partially to sustain such remarks, but these cannot justify such a general conclusion. The terms " more strength and vigour," can only be understood as comparative. If a male from a plant of vi- habits and full health, be coupled with ^*^^N,^., n JLiii"^- 10 **^??^**^^* 1 ^ . habits and bad health; is it be expected that the offspring will be more vigorous and healthy than the male parent ? rely not ; it would be as contrary to nature * as to reason: it might be more so than the female, but this does not justify such a general conclusion. And further, Sir John says, " A change of " seed is in general advantageous, in regard " both to animals and vegetables ; hence many " farmers are induced, not only to change tho ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. 33 66 seed of the kind of grain they cultivate, butA " to procure males from the flocks and herds " of those who have the same, or similar withS " their own. It has been remarked that those " farmers have in general the worst flocks, who " bred from rams produced on their own farms, " and that an interchange of males is mutually " beneficial." These observations, like many others of Sir John- Sinclair, are calculated more to mislead, than_Jto inform, the ignorant agriculturist, for instead of grounding his judgment and prac- tice, on the established principles of science, he is here recommended to rely on _ blind j^ance, or the casual observation and imitation of others. By crossing different varieties of vegetables, no doubt, other varieties may be obtained, and, A" perhaps, such as possess more valuable qualities / than the parent plants ; but with vegetables as ( with animals, food and climate, possess the / greatest influence, in varying their qualities; thus\ the seeds of plants, transplanted from a sterile soil and uncongenial climate, to a luxuriant soil( and congenial climate, will increase in the luxu- \ riance of their produce, with every generation, / until they have reached the bounds prescribed j by nature, and vice versa. Sir Humphry Davy very justly observes, D 34 ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. " As plants are capable of amelioration, by pe- " culiar methods of cultivation, and of having " the natural term of their duration extended, " so in conformity to the general law of change " they are rendered unhealthy, by being ex- " posed to peculiar unfavourable circumstances, " and liable to premature old age and decay. " The plants of warm climates transported " into cold ones, or of cold ones transported " into warm ones, if not absolutely destroyed " by the change of situation, are uniformly ren- " dered unhealthy," A difference in opinion may always be ex- pected to exist, as to the form and colour that constitutes the beauty of animals, as well -as ve- getables, but it cannot be denied that the grand object of agriculture, should be a profitable pro- duce. The mode of attaining this object, no doubt, will be determined, in a great measure, by peculiarity of situation and circumstances; but taking it for granted that every agriculturist must be desirous of keeping up the good qua- lities, if not of improving his stock, the only questions that can arise, are, What is an im- provement? and, What will produce profit ? And let this be determined as it may, perfection can only be obtained by a selection of breeders. If a greater or less size be required, stronger ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. 35 propensities, or greater and more perfect health and vigour, the object must be obtained by se- lecting and pairing those males and females which possess in the greatest degree the requisite qualities, whether crossing be resorted to, or breeding in and in. When left to nature it is always determined one way ; those which are rendered the weakest, from whatever cause, are driven off) or down, by the strongest and most vigorous : and as all have to contend with the same climate, lodging, and food, those possessing the best habits must al- ways prevail, and consequently the breed must be kept up to its greatest perfection. And that an adherence to those principles which are the most congenial to the laws of nature is the most profitable, is clearly established by practical de- monstration. It is well known, that there. are many farms, and many large districts that never do fatten their stock, and indeed are considered and found inadequate to it ; and what other cause can be assigned for this, but that the stock are bred by continual crossing with males reared under advantages of superior lodging, food, and climate, to what such farms and districts natu- rally produce ? As Sir John Sinclair observes, ) animals bred from the same family, and selected S D 2. 36 ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. for their peculiar propensities to fatten, have a large proportion of flesh, and but little bone ; so, on the contrary, animals bred from meagre fernales, living in a harsh climate, and with a scanty supply of food, by crossing with males of the largest size, produced by superior food, and in a climate more congenial, have a large proportion of bone, and but little flesh, and pos- sess withal a more delicate and precarious state of health. Any land whatever, that will furnish food enough to maintain two animals in a state for breeding, and with a climate and lodging requi- site to sustain health and vigour, w r ill be found equal to the fattening an animal that had been naturalised to it by breeding in and in for several generations. Every farm may be considered as having its peculiar advantages and disadvantages, compared with others, and a profit can only arise from a skilful observance and management of these. There does not exist a more mistaken notion, than that the stock of one farm may be kept equal to every other, by crossing and changing the ani- mals and seeds only. It has been well observed, that " Nature provides every creature with a " shelter from the storm." If a male and female of any species of animal or plant be bred under circumstances of a congenial climate, and a libe- ON BREEDING AND REARING ANIMALS. 3? ral supply of food, and afterwards placed in a ^ situation where the climate is harsh, and the / supply of food scanty, they must of necessity de- cline in flesh, and in health and vigour : but their young, bred under those circumstances of privation will ^cauire habits, and be reduced 7> %A&t "~ At "~v ^^*WW3*j|fc> analysis or any body, it is required, that the same body be again produced by a recombination of the part& discovered, and this is called a syn- , or Lu^U^f tEfYfa*, . . "T^ thesis ; but although it is clearly obvious to the A FS 70 ON THE CULTIVATION OF THE EARTH. most simple observer, that notwithstanding the apparent ultimate destruction of every visible substance, the same quantity of both animate and inanimate substances always exist, and it may be justly concluded, that the process of nature is carried on by a kind of transmutation, or change in the relative connection of matter, brought about by certain processes of death and decomposition, and restored again by the action and dissemination of certain principles of life and recomposition ; we cannot, by artificial means alone, effect 6uch a combination of those princi- ples, or elementary substances, as to form either animals or vegetables, and we are therefore inca- pable of demonstrating by synthesis. On this point, Sir Humphry Davy remarks, " What may be our ultimate view of the laws " of chemistry, or how far our ideas of ele- " mentary principles may be simplified, it is " impossible to say ; we can only reason from, " facts ; . we cannot imitate the powers of com- y>^{le,e<'/*--* t4 .ft*"*-- V^** A'jff'f the root is impelled forward into the earth, is of trifling importance to the practical agricul- turist : and whether it may be accounted for on the principles of gravitation, or attraction, it is 78 ON THE ROOTS OF PLANTS. not necessary for my present purpose to discuss. It ' is progressive in its growth, similar to the branches, but in an inverted direction. As the branches of a tree are formed by a very tender and succulent point, pushing up- wards into the air, so the root penetrates down- wards into the earth ; but as it has to make its way through the pores, or between the particles composing the soil it is planted in, which is often close and tenacious, its first projecting points are wisely adapted to the purpose, by being much more minute and compliable, which enables it to advance almost as readily as water. After a root has effected a passage, it is en- dowed with considerable expansive and repul- sive powers, and thereby enabled to make its way, by pushing off on all sides the encumbering soil. When the soil is but partially submissive, the root accommodates itself to the cavity, ad- mitting its increase, however rugged and irre- gular. Roots are, notwithstanding, impatient of resistance, and at all times evince a partiality for that soil which is most accommodating, and run most evenly and luxuriantly, where they meet with the least resistance, and the greatest supply of nutriment. The office of the root is to collect and supply i the food, which forms and determines the future 8* ON THE ROOTS OF PLANTS. 79 plant and its produce, and the constitution and habits of the roots determine those of the stalk, branches, and leaves ; if the roots grow luxuri- antly, the branches will also. A variety of means have been resorted to by phytologists, to discover and ascertain the con- struction and principles of action of the roots of plants, and as various and contradictory have been their opinions and representations ; but inx the material point all agree; and the most mi- nute examination, by the most powerful micros- cope, confirms the fact, that the food of plants can only be taken up by ^ thejropts i in a sta,te_of solution in water, or suspended inji state of di- vision, so minute as to be equal to a solution. In a deep tenacious soil, or clay, roots can only find a free passage through fissures or clefts, which are formed by its occasional con- traction, and as these openings are not very numerous, or close together, the roots do not divide much, or become fibrous, but those which strike into them range wide and deep, and getting beyond the general influence of the sun and air, collect their food, or sap, from a source ill adapted to fructification ; and, conse- quently, plants under such circumstances are generally fpund to be of a cold, aqueous, un- healthy, and unprolific nature : on the contrary, 80 ON THE ROOTS OF PLANTS. when a soil is light, porous, and shallow, the roots meeting no obstruction, divide and form a great number of fibres, which ranging hori- zontally, and being more exposed to the effect of sun and air, incline a plant more to be- come fructiferous than to an increase of wood, or an extension of branches ; and in such a situation, the greatest supply of food being ap- propriated to the production of fruit or seed, the plants grow less to stalk, branches, and leaf. Hence it is very truly remarked by an inge- nious writer on fruit trees, that " they produce the most generous fruits when their roots spread near the surface of the earth," and whether we consider such effects to be produced by the roots being kept more within the influence of the sun and air, or by the peculiar nature of the food supplied by the soil in such a situa- tion, it operates in support of one and the same conclusion, viz. that it is necessary the roots should be kept near the surface ; for whether that which supplies the food of plants be a red, a black, or a brown loam, or sand, or clay, the induce fructification, and produce the most perfect seed and fruit, and the most abundant quantity, can only be furnished within a certain depth. ON THE ROOTS OF PLANTS. 81 Thus the roots having collected and absorbed, or taken in, a supply of food or nutriment, for the sustenance of the plant, the next object for consideration is, how, or in what manner, or by what means, such food is disposed of, and appropriated to the uses of the plant, and to the formation of its various substances ; and this I shall proceed to show is determined by the leaves, stalk, and branches. ON THE USE AND OFFICES OF THE LEAVES, &c. UPON what principles, and by what application of power, the rise of the sap from the roots, and its distribution and transformation into the different parts and produce of the plant, is con- ducted, is a question that has long been agi- tated, and which has given rise to much spe- culation, argument, and difference of opinion among the learned. The use and office of the leaves of plants, also, have been a subject as fully argued and discussed, and with as little prac- tical effect ; but these objects are of much more importance than is generally considered by agri- culturists. The nutriment being received from the root into the stalk, becomes what is termed the sap, and this is sent forward and appro- priated to the different purposes of the plant, in which process the leaves will be found to be agents of great influence in determining the produce. Many describe the sap in vegetables as circu- lating, like the blood of animals, through an appropriate system of vessels -, whilst others deny ON THE USE AND OFFICES, &C. 83 the possibility of such circulation, or even the existence of such vessels. Bradley says, " The many curious observa- " tions which have been made concerning the " structure of animal bodies, and what Dr. " Grew, Malpigius, and myself have remarked, " in the structure of vegetables, may ascertain "to us, that life, whether it be animal or vege* " table, must be maintained by a due circula- " tion and distribution of juices in the bodies " they are to support." " The sap circulates in the vessels of plants " much after the same manner as the blood " doth in the bodies of animals." And after a variety of abstruse arguments, he says, " In " fine, a plant is like an alembic, which distils " the juices of the earth ; as, for example, the " roots having sucked in the salts of the earth, " and thereby filled itself with proper juices for " the nourishment of the tree, these juices then " are set in motion by the heat, that is, they " are made to evaporate into steam, as the mat- * " ter in a still will do when it begins to warm. " Now as soon as this steam, or vapour, rises " from the root, its own natural quality carries A " it upwards to meet the air j it enters then the " mouths of the several arterial vessels, arrives " at the extreme parts of them, i. the buds G 2 84 ON THE USE AND OFFICES " of a tree, it there meets with cold enough to " condense it into a liquor, as the vapour in' a " still is known to do ; in this form it returns " to the root down the vessels, which do the " office of veins, lying between the wood and " the inner bark, leaving, as it passeth by, such " parts of the juices as the texture of the bark " will receive and require for its support." Miller says, " The notion of the circulation * was entertained by several authors much about " the same time, without any communication " one with another, particularly M. Major, a " physician at Hamburgh, M. Peracett, Mari- " otte, and Malpighi : it has met, however, with " some considerable opposers, particularly the " excellent M. Doddart, who could never be " reconciled to it. " M. Doddart, instead of the same juices " going and returning, contends for two several " juices ; the one imbibed from the soil, digested *"' in the root, and from thence transmitted to the " extremes of the branches, for the nourishment " of the plant ; the other received from the " moisture of the air, entering in at the extremes *'* of the branches; so that the ascending and " descending juices are not the same." Mr. Knight is also an advocate for the doc- trine of circulation, and has published a variety OF THE LEAVES, &C. 85 of papers reciting a number of experiments that he made, and which he considered to confirm the fact. And Sir H. Davy conforms to his opinions, and says, " In all plants there exists ** a system of tubes or vessels, which, in one.ex- " tremity, terminates in the roots, and at the " other in leaves. It is by the capillary action " of the roots, that fluid matter is taken up from " the soil. The sap, in passing upwards, be- " comes denser, and more fitted to deposit solid " matter ; it is modified by exposure to heat, " light, and air, in the leaves ; descends through " the bark, in its progress produces new organ- " ised matter, and is thus, in its vernal and " autumnal flow, the cause of the formation of " new parts, and of the more perfect evolution " of parts already formed." But Mrs. Ibbetson, (a lady who has studied the organism of plants, aided by a powerful solar microscope, and whose observations and descriptions are published in a series of papers in Nicholson's Philosophical Journal,) after giv- ing a variety of reasons which induce her to conclude that the sap does not circulate, says, "How strange, then, to alter all this beautiful " arrangement, justified, indeed taught by dis- " section, in order to find a place for sap- vessels, " that cannot possibly require any. For why? G 3 OO ON THE USE AND OFFICES / " must they have returning vessels ? Is there " not a great difference between an animal which, " after the first few years, has no increase, and " a being that increases from every joint, and is " supposed, therefore, to draw up only those juices " necessary for that increase j especially as the sap " is the liquid of the earth, not the blood of the " tree, as is easily proved by adding nurture to " the ground, when the sap fails, which soon " restores it ? Besides, how is the circulation " to be effected in the eternally increasing " branches of a tree, whose every additional " twig must make a variation in the quantity of "juices wanted? Whereas, it is naturally de- " creased as it mounts, by throwing out new " shoots and branches, which expend the liquor " as it rises. And I believe I may say, that I " am now so well acquainted with all the differ- " ent vessels of a tree, that I can no longer fail " from ignorance : but here, except the inner " bark vessels all proceed in a different direc- " tion, either round the tree, or from the centre " to the circumference, how is it possible that " such large and powerful parts should be in- " visible ? " The use of dissection is to correct the use " of imagination, or those experiments which " have that effect, forcing the juices into chan- OF THE LEAVES, &C. 87 " nels foreign to that which nature had appointed " for them. I have before said, that I have ever " found nature disposed to such resources, in " case of any unnatural impediment. I have " myself proved it." The effect of grafting shows that the sap does not circulate ; or, at any rate, if it does circu- late, that it undergoes no change by the ascend- ing and descending motion : and this also shows the fact, that every part of a plant possesses the power of selecting and transforming the portion of fluid destined to its use as it passes up. If the sap be passed through the body of a tree to its leaves, and there prepared and returned back, that part of the tree which is uppermost, and producing one variety of wood and fruit, must possess the power of preparing the fluids for the production of every other variety below it, unless the sap be supposed to pass up and return in the same state, which amounts to a superfluity of motion, and an excess of exertion, seldom found in nature. This subject has always excited con- troversy among phytologists, and notwithstand- ing the great variety of ingenious and elaborate experiments that have been made, they not only have not been sufficiently conclusive to produce unanimity of opinion, but the subtle and prolix arguments that have been adduced on both sides 88 THE USE AND OFFICES of the question, have operated more to confuse than benefit the practical gardener or husband- man, and have induced a careless destruction, rather than an effectual protection, of the leaves of plants. The leaves, however, will be found to form a most important part in the structure of a plant, and to be destined to perform an essential office in the process of vegetation. Miller, in speaking of fruit-trees, says, " If " the shoots have not a leading bud where it is " cut, it is certain to die down to the next " leading bud ; so that what fruit may be pro- " duced above that, will come to nothing, there " being always a necessity of a leading bud to " attract the nourishment ; for it is not suffici- " ent that they have a leaf bud, as some have " imagined, since that will attract but a small " quantity of nourishment. The great use of " the leaves being, to perspire away such crude "juices as are unfit to enter the fruit." Again, " If we consider that the leaves are " absolutely necessary to cherish the blossom- " buds, which are always formed at the foot- " stalks of the leaves, so pulling them off, before " they have performed the office assigned them " by nature, is doing great injury to the trees." The Rev. Mr. Hales, in his Treatise on Vege- OF THE LEAVES, &C. 89 table Statics, giving an account of an experiment he instituted to prove the use of leaves in plants^ says, " That boughs of trees with leaves on them, " placed in glasses containing known quantities " of water, imbibed, some twenty, some thirty " ounces in twenty hours, 4 a y> niore or less, " in proportion to the quantity of leaves they " had, and when he weighed them at night they ** were lighter than in the morning ; while those " without leaves, imbibed but one ounce, and " were heavier in the evening than in the morn- " ing, they having perspired little." This eminent author also says, " It is plain, " from the many experiments and observations " before mentioned, that leaves are very ser- " viceable in this work of vegetation, by being " instrumental in bringing nourishment from the " lowest part within the reach of the attraction " of the growing fruit ; which, like young ani- " mals, are furnished with proper instruments to " suck it thence. But the leaves seem also de- " signed for many other noble and important " services, for nature admirably adapts her in- " struments, so as to be at the same time service- " able to many good purposes." Mrs. Ibbetson cites a number of experiments she made, to prove that plants do not perspire : she, however, admits that plants continually give 90 ON THE USE AND OFFICES out oxygene while the sun shines, and in this particular all naturalists and physiologists agree. Jt was a maxim of the great Sir Isaac Newton, that in all scientific investigations of the opera- tions of nature, for the purpose of ascertaining, establishing, and producing causes and effects, substances should not be unnecessarily multi- plied. If, then, in conformity with this, and as be- fore explained, we suppose the food of plants to be water, holding in solution carbonaceous mat- ter, and that the roots take up this liquid, and that plants have the power of decomposing it water being composed of oxygene and hydro- gene the hydrogene and carbon might be com- pounded in different proportions with a portion of oxygene, and formed into the different sub- stances of the plant, and the remainder given out as gas ; and then we have only to believe that the leaves are essential to the process, and the fact cited by Dr. Hales, that plants absorb and dispose of water, will be sustained, and many jarring opinions will be reconciled. Admitting that a plant receives food, to sus- tain and extend itself, for the various purposes required by nature, and that, in this respect, it is similar to animals, may we not suppose, that as no animal is known to appropriate the whole OF THE LEAVES, &C. 91 of the food it takes into the stomach, to the in- crease of its permanent substance, a consider- able portion being thrown off as excrement, plants also appropriate a part only, and throw off the remainder as excrementitious ? And if so, what part of a plant appears so likely to be prepared for this purpose as the leaves ? The food being taken up as a liquid, and duly ap- plied to the needful purposes of the plant, the superfluous part of the oxygene might be passed off in vapour or gas, and the hydrogene, carbon, &c. with the leaves, A very important question is also quoted by Miller, as put by the Rev. Mr. Hales, in addition to some queries by Sir Isaac Newton : " And " may not light also, by freely entering the ex- " panded surfaces of leaves and branches, contri- " bute much to enobling the principles of vege- " tables?" Which must certainly be answered in the affirmative, if, by enobling vegetables, is to be understood, their being put in a proper state to produce blossoms, fruit, and seed, in maturity. It is not only obvious, that without light, vegeta- bles will not produce blossoms or seed, but that, in proportion as plants, or any parts of plants, from being crowded together, overshadow each other, so will they be deficient in produce. The most simple appearance and habits of every plant 9 ON THE USE AND OFFICES clearly, demonstrate the absolute necessity of light, to stimulate and sustain the generating faculty ; which is the grand object of our labour and study in that part of agriculture immediately under consideration. It may further be observed, that it is an un- deviating law of nature, that no plant shall produce blossoms, or fruit, until it be furnished with a surface of branches, stalk, and leaves, proportioned to the quantity of fluids supplied by the roots. Thus we find, that if two plants are placed, one in a rich luxuriant soil, and the other in a poor dry soil, the supply of food collected by the roots of the one in the rich soil will be large, and consequently the roots, branches, and leaves, will be large. The supply furnished by that in a poor dry soil will be small, and the surface of the stem, branches, and leaves, will be small ; and thus the surface of the trunk, branches, and leaves, being in each case in due proportion to the annual produce of fluids, (pro- vided each be alike exposed to light and heat,) will each alike, in point of time, attain maturity, and produce seed or fruit. Plants growing close together, run up tall, which is occasioned, by a natural propensity to spread and expose their surfaces to the sun and OF THE LEAVES, &C. Q3 air, each continuing to grow more in height than the other, until it is beyond obstruction. Hence those plants that are grown in a clump are always the shortest on the outside, for as these are sooner satiated, they stop and allow the others to overtop them. Every artificial means resorted to by garden- ers, to force plants to a fructiferous state, is de- termined by this law, and whether by forcing and facilitating an extension of surface by ar- tificial heat, or shelter ; or by lessening the sup- ply of sap, by curtailing its roots, or channels of conveyance, the effect is the same. This law, indeed, which determines the growth and produce of a plant, is very similar to that which governs the process of evaporation. As the evaporation and inspissation of a fluid, are determined by the extent of surface, ex- posed to the action of heat, the preparation of the fluids in a plant for fructification appear to be governed. Thus if a vessel, presenting a certain surface, be deprived of one- half of its contents, the remaining half will be evaporated, or inspissated, in the same time that the whole would have been, if placed in a vessel exposing double the extent of surface. We may, there- fore conclude, that as it is the law of nature, 94f ON THE USE AND OFFICES that in an open vessel, containing a liquid, the greater the surface of the liquid exposed, the greater will be the quantity evaporated in a given time, and the greater the quantity of ex- tractive matter prepared ; so it is with vege- tables, the greater the surface of leaves and branches exposed to the light, and the influence of the sun and air, the greater the quantity of fluid disposed of, by being digested, appro- priated, and expelled ; and the greater the quan- tity, and richer the quality of food and sap Supplied, and raised by capillary attraction, or otherwise ; the greater the quantity and richer the quality of the matter furnished, to be re- tained and appropriated by every part of the plant to its various purposes, either of genera- tion, or of substantial increase. Again, the fruit of a plant being considered, as requiring for its formation, a regularly pro- portioned arrangement of its organs, and a due supply of healthy sustenance, we may trace the progress of nature to this effect, on the fore- going principles, more clearly than by the doc- trines of circulation, gravitation, or any other theory that has been suggested ; and we may conclude that it is with vegetables, as with ani- mals, required to sustain health, that the graad OF THE LEAVES, &C. 95 machinery be preserved uninjured and com- plete ; and in conformity with this, if we wish to limit the size, or surface of plants, we must limit the food ; this is the only check, or te* straint, nature will admit of, without entailing future loss. That her great work of creation and propa- gation, may not be obstructed and retarded in vegetables, by the accidental privations they are subject to, from being made subservient to the use of animals ; nature, all bountiful in her pro- vision, and ever fertile in resources, has given them the power within themselves, to a great ex- tent, of repairing and retrieving their losses ; and to this end, every plant and every branch, is furnished with more buds than are required for the immediate formation of branches or blos- soms, so that if one be destroyed, another may be ready to take its place, and prevent a waste of time, or surface ; thus we find that the ef- forts of a plant, from the seed forwards, are to attain and acquire, the surface proportioned by its nature, to the supply of food, necessary to enable it, to fructify, and propagate its species ; and the juices continue to flow until it has ob- tained this required extent. From the preceding observations it must be 96 ON THE USE AND OFFICES concluded, that although the leaves of plants, may in themselves, be of little value in contri- buting to the nutriment of mankind, they form an essential part in their organisation, for the production of seed and fruit, the quantity and quality of which will be in proportion to the condition, or state of health, and exposure of the stalk, leaves, &c. : this may readily be de- monstrated, by placing plants under the circum- stances of both extremes ; thus, if the leaves of a seedling plant of wheat, or a turnip, or a potatoe, be removed as fast as they appear, neither seeds, bulbs, or tubers, will be produced in any quantity, or quality, worthy of notice ; but if the leaves of such plants are preserved, and allowed a space sufficient to expand their full extent, and be open to the influence of the sun and air, they will attain the utmost size and state of prolificacy the soil, and quantity and quality of food, is capable of producing. The capacity of a soil, and the distance plants ought to be placed from each other, may rea- dily be determined, by allowing a few plants a larger space than they will probably occupy ; and the space they then cover by their leaves, may be taken as the distance required by each plant, to enable it to attain perfection. OF THE LEAVES, &C. Plants that are excluded from the presence of the sun and light, and the free circulation of air, give out carbonic acid gas : thus when plants are crowded together and overshadow each other, they are, by a waste of their carbon, thrown off as carbonic acid gas, debilitated and deprived of the needful stamina; which is often followed by sterility, putrefaction, disease, and death. An attention to these principles will enable the husbandman, with great accuracy, to judge of the difference between thick and thin sowing, and to determine the proper medium ; and will show the folly of removing or destroying the leaves of plants designed to produce seed, fruit, or roots, until these are perfected. ii 98 ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS. THE food of plants has for a long time been considered an object of importance, by natural philosophers, and a great variety of experiments have been made, to ascertain what it consists of, and in what state of preparation it is most readily and effectually applied ^ and many con- clusions have been drawn, and conjectures formed. As before explained, the earth, ani- mals, and vegetables, have been analyzed, and their component parts minutely described, by men of the greatest talents and learning ; but as yet no one has arranged and described such a system of cultivation as will enable a person to trace effects to their causes on just scientific principles. Much has been founded on conjee ture, and much still remains to be determined by practical observation and demonstration. Vegetables, like animals, vary in their natuie and habits, and like them have their peculiar food; and although the food of plants may ge- nerally be composed of the same elements, it varies in the proportion of its composition, and thereby becomes adapted to different purposes : thus we find that a soil, which will furnish food 8* ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS. 99 enough to support one plant of a peculiar kind, will at the same time furnish sufficient to sustain many others of different species. Bradley, in the work I have before noticed, says, " Land animals may be likened in general " to those plants which are called terrene, for " that they live only upon the earth, such as " oak, elm, beech, &c. ; amphibious animals, " such as otters, beavers, tortoises, frogs, &c., " which live as well on the land as in the " waters, may be compared to the willows, " alders, minths, &c. The fish kind, or aquatic " race, whether of the rivers, or the sea, are " analogous to the water plants, such as water " lilies, water plantains, &c. which live only in the " fresh waters, or the fuci, &c., which are sea " or salt water plants, and not any of these will " live out of its own element ; from whence " we may conclude, how improper it would be " to plant a water lily on a dry sandy desert, " or an oak at the bottom of the sea, which " would be just as reasonable as if we propose " to feed a dog with hay, or a horse with fish: " however, this rule of nature has been so little " observed, even by some of our greatest plant- " ers, that we can hardly boast of good suc- " cess, in one out of five plantations that have " been made." H 2 100 ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS. He also says, " I shall beg leave to remark, " that as the several land animals have their re- " spective diets, so have the terrene plants their " several soils, from whence they derive their " nourishment ; as some animals feed on flesh, " others on fish, &c., so do plants love, some " clay, others loam, sand, or gravel. Nor is this " all we ought to observe ; we must consider, " likewise, how beneficial to every plant is a " right exposure ; whether in a vale, the sides " or tops of hills, exposed to the south or north " winds ; whether inland, or near the sea, for " it is a proper exposure that keeps a plant in health." Bradley, Hitt, and Miller, consider the food of plants to be salts, which every species of earth more or less contains within itself; and that according to the proportion of salts, contained in each kind of soil or manure, will its proli- ficacy be. f That soils, and vegetable and animal matters, may be found to produce salts, under certain circumstances and chemical processes, I have no doubt ; but this does not prove it to be necessary that every substance, or any substance, con- taining the basis or elements of salts, should undergo this process, and be formed into salts, before it can be in a state to constitute ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS. 101 food fit for the reception and nourishment of plants. Salts are various in their nature and general effects, when placed in contact with other sub- stances. I have made many experiments with sea-salt, nitre, soda, barilla, alum, &c., and have never found them operate as a proportional addition of food may be expected to do. The opinions of Drs. Smith and Pearson on this subject appear more rational. They say, that salts, as they operate in promoting vegetation, are ana- logous to mustard, cinnamon, ginger, &c., which are not of themselves at all, or necessarily nu- tritious, but contribute to render other things nutritious, by exciting the action of the stomach and other organs of digestion and assimilation. Salts being considered to operate in this manner, in promoting vegetation, we are naturally led to their proper application, that is, in small quan- tities, or in a state of weak solution. ^ Notwithstanding all that has* been said to es- tablish the opinion, that sea-salt is a valuable manure, I am convinced it never can, as an article of food, contribute to the increase of any vegetable ; but as a chemical agent, by destroying, and facilitating the decomposition, of animals and H 3 102 ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS. vegetables, or by its deliquiescence it may in some instances increase the fertility of the soil. Alkaline salts, no doubt, facilitate the solu- tion of many animal and vegetable substances j they also increase the divisibility, change the com- bination, and otherwise exert an influence on the soil itself, in a manner that adds much to its fertility ; indeed, there are many reasons for be- lieving that alkaline salts increase the fertility of soils, and the fertilizing powers of manures, when mixed or combined with them : the urine of cows, horses, &c., always contain a portion of alkaline salts, and this is more fer- tilizing than the dung of those animals. By the reduction of vegetables by fire, alkaline salts are produced; and the action of fire on the soil generally adds to its fertility : indeed, in a great number of experiments, made with a view to ascertain the most fertilizing, and the most readily applicable and operative manure, or food for plants ;' I have found the serum, or the watery part of blood, diluted with six or eight times its bulk of water, and given to plants in the same quantity, and in the same manner, as when supplying them with water, once or twice only in the year, to produce the most immediate, and most fertilizing effects of any thing ; whilst ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS. 103 the crassamentum, or clotted part of blood, left to nature, was not beneficially operative, until decomposed, and even then, was nothing equal to the serum in its effects; and the difference in the composition of those separate substances, is, that serum contains one-fortieth of alkaline salts, and the clot none. But if the clotted part of blood be broken small, and well mixed with three times its bulk of water, in which potash, in the proportion of one-fortieth part the weight of the blood, be dissolved ; the blood will be reduced, and the liquid be rendered equally effective as the serous part. And if the clotted part be mixed with as much slacked lime as will form it into a thick paste, it will dis- solve, and be immediately applicable ; but is not so immediately efficacious as the solution by salts. It, however, must be remarked, that clotted blood, mixed with quick lime, and left drying for a short time, will not dissolve, and is rendered useless. Mr. Kirwan, after describing the analysis be- fore quoted, observes, " Hence we see on the " last analysis, the only substances common to " the growing vegetables, and the soils in " which they grow, are, water, coal, different " earths and salts ; these, therefore, are the true " food of vegetables : to them we should also " add fixed air, though by reason of its decompo- H 4 104 ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS. " sition, it may not be distinctly found in them, " or, at least, not distinguished from that newly " formed, during their decomposition. 5 ' He also says, " The agency of water, in the " process of vegetation, has not till of late " been distinctly perceived. Dr. Hales has " shown, that in the summer months, a sun- " flower, weighing three pounds, avoirdupois, and " regularly watered every day, passed through "it, or perspired, twenty- two ounces each day ; " that is, half its weight. " Dr. Woodward found that a sprig of com- " mon spearmint a plant that thrives best in " moist soils, weighing only 28.25 grs., passed " through it 3004 grs. in 77 days, between July " and October, that is, somewhat more than " its whole weight each day ; he did more, for " he found that in that space of time, the plant " increased 17 grs. in weight, and yet had no " other food but pure rain water ; but he also " found that it increased more in weight when it " lived on spring water, and still more when its " food was Thames water. Secondly, that the " water they thus pass, nourishes them merely " as water, without taking any foreign substance " into account; for 3000 grs. of rain water, in " Dr. Woodward's experiments, afforded an in- ' crease of 17 grs. : whereas, by Margraaf s ex- ON THE FOOD OF PLANTS. 105 " periment, 5760 grs. of that water contain only " one-third of a grain of earth. But, thirdly, it " also follows, that water contributes still more to " the nourishment of plants, besides the service it " renders them in distributing the nutritive parts *' throughout the whole structure, forming itself " a constituent part of all of them, as may be un- " derstood from modern experiments. Dr. Injen- " houz, and M. Senebier have shown, that the " leaves of plants exposed to the sun, produced " pure air: now water has of late been proved to " contain about 8.7 per cent, of pure air, the re- " mainder being inflammable air. Water is then " decomposed by the assistance of light within the " vegetable ; its inflammable part is employed in the "formation of oils, resins, gums,