/ EXCHANGE I. The Detection of Mannite in Alkaline Solutions of Copper Sulphate Combustion of Mannite by Alkaline Solutions of Potassium Permanganate in the Presence of Copper Sulphate |L A Determination of the Volumes of Weight Normal Solutions of Cane Sugar at 15, 20, 25, and 30 DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY IN CONFORMITY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, BY HENRY OTTO EYSSELL, BALTIMORE, 1912. GEO. W. KING PRINTING Co., BALTIMORE, Mo. . The Detection of Mannite in Alkaline Solutions of Copper Sulphate Combustion of Mannite by Alkaline Solutions of Potassium Permanganate in the Presence of Copper Sulphate II. A Determination of the Volumes of Weight Normal Solutions of Cane Sugar at 15, 20, 25, and 30 DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES OF THI JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY IN CONFORMITY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. r>v HENRY OTTO .] YSSKF.L BALTIMORE. GEO. W. KING PRINTING Co.. BALTIMORE, MD. CONTENTS. Acknowledgment 5 I. Detection of Maimite. Introduction 7 Method 7 Strength of Solutions Used 8 Results . 9 Structure of Compound Formed 15 Conclusion 1(1 Combustion of Ma unite Introduction 17 Results 17 Method 18 Check Experiments 19 II. Volume Determinations. Introduction 20 Apparatus 20 Constant Temperature Bath 22 Calculations 2:; Rotations of Solutions 24 Results 24 Summary and Conclusions 29 Biography .31 253952 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Presi- dent Remsen, Professors Morse, Jones, Acree, Lovelace and Whitehead for instruction received in the lecture room and in the laboratory. To Professor Morse, the writer wishes to express especial thanks for his personal direction of these investigations and also to Drs. Frazer and Holland for many valuable sugges- tions. PART 1. Tin- Detection of Mannite in All-aline Solutions of Copper Sulphate. The measurement of the osmotic pressure of solutions, which has been in progress in this laboratory for the last ten or twelve years, for the purpose of determining whether this force obeys the laws of gas pressure or not, has thus far been con- fined mainly to solutions of cane sugar and glucose. As soon as practicable, other substances will be dealt with, and mannite will probably be one of the first. of these. In the work with cane sugar and glucose, changes in the con- centration of their solutions can be detected by means of the polarimeter. This method can not be employed in the case of mannite, which made it desirable to work out another for this substance just as delicate, or even more so, than the one based upon the rotatory power of cane sugar and glucose. When the cells containing the solutions whose osmotic pres- sure is to be measured, are set up, they are immersed in a vessel containing an 0.01th ion X, solution of copper sulphate, while the cells themselves always contain a quantity of an 0.01 ion X. solution of potassium ferrocyanide besides the solutions in question. These quantities are believed to be osmotically equivalent, and they are used in this manner for the purpose of repairing ruptures which may develop in the mem- brane while the cells are giving a measurement. It was found that when a solution of mannite is made alka- line with potassium hydroxide and there is then added to it a small quantity of copper sulphate, mg. 24.~i.4 mg. 10 nig. 261 mg. Table :! contains The results which were obtained when an attempts was made to duplicate those given in Table 1. The <-anse for whatever discrepancies there are between the results in the two tables was found to be due to the fact that the asbestos filter absorbs and retains some of the coloring: matter. TABLE 2. Ma unite. Maximum Quantities of Copper Sulphate. 1 mg. 36.3 mg. 1 mg. 32.2 mg. 2 mg. 88.0 mg. 2 mg. 97.9 mg. 3 mg. 121.4 mg. 3 mg. 131.4 mg. 4 mg. 144.0 mg. 4 mg. 153.9 mg. 5 mg. 179 9. mg. 5 mg. 177.7 nig. mg. ir.vs mg. Table 3 contains ihe Quantities of copper sulphate and the minimum quantities of mannite which, in 100 cubic centimeters of solution, were found to give a characteristically colored fil- trate after adding ."> cc. <>f the alkali solution. TABLE 3. Minimum Quantity Sulphate. of Mauuite. 10 nig. 0.3 mg. 20 nig. 0.5 mg. 30 mg. O.G mg. 40 mg. 1.1 mir. ~<> in-. 1.4 mg. 10 Table 4 contains the quantities of inannite and the maximum quantities of copper sulphate, which were found to give the col- ored filtrate in 200 cc. of solution after adding 5 cc. of the alkali solution, TABLE 4. Maximum Quantity Mannite. of Copper Sulphate. 1 mg. 34 mg. 2 mg. 64 mg. 3 mg. 92 mg. 4 mg. 122 mg. 5 mg. 154 mg. Table 5 contains the quantities of copper sulphate and the minimum quantities of mannite, which were found to give a colored filtrate in 200 cc. of solution, after making alkaline with 5 cc. of the potassium hydroxide solution . TABLE 5. Minimum Quantity Copper Sulphate. of Mannite. 10 mg. 0.4 mg. 20 mg. 0.7 nig. 30 mg. . 0.9 mg. 40 mg. 1.3 mg. 50 mg. 1.6 mg. Tables f> and 7 contain the results obtained in 100 cc. of solution when the ratio of mannite to copper sulphate was kept constant. The mode of proceedure here and in the following cases was the same as stated above. TABLE 6. Mannite. Copper Sulphate. Filtrate. 1 mg. 25 mg. Colored. 2 mg. 50 mg. Colored. 3 mg. 75 mg. Colored. 4 mg. 100 mg. Colored. 5 mg 125 mg. Colored. 6 mg. 100 mg. Colored. 7 mg. 175 mg. Colored. 8 mg. 200 mg. Colored. 9 mg. 225 mg. Colored. 10 mg. 250 mg. Colorless. 11 The last filtrate was colored, when 10 instead of 5 cc. of alkali were used. Ma unite. 1 ing. 2 mg. 3 mg. 4 mg. 5 mg. 6 mg. 7 mg. 8 mg. 9 mg. 10 mg. TABLE 7. Copper Sulphate. 30 mg. 60 mg. 90 mg. 120 mg. 150 mg. 180 mg. 210 mg. 240 mg. 270 mg. 300 mg. TABLE 8. Copper. Mamiite. Sulphate. Alkali. 1 mg. 60 mg. 140.3 mg. 1 mg. 00 mg. 500.0 mg. 1 mg. 70 mg. ."00.0 mg. 1 mg. SO mg. 500.0 mg. 1 mg. 90 mg. 500.0 nig. Filtrate. Colored. Colored. Colored. Colored. Colored. Colored. Colored. Colorless. Colorless. Colorless. Filtrate. Colorless. Colorless. Colorless. Colorless. Colorless. The filters were washed with 10 cc. of the alkali solution. The washings were all colored. Asbestos filters were used throughout. A new batch of asbes- tos was prepared at this st;ij>e of the work. It was considerably finer than that previously used, and with it colorless filtrates were obtained with ratios which had given colored ones before, ns may be seen from the results given in table 9. TABLE 9. Mannir<>. 1 m::. 1 mp. 1 mg. 1 mir. Copper Sulphate i>.- nig. 1.5 ni.tr. 25 nig. 25 mg. Alkali. 500 mg. 750 mg. 1000 mg. 1250 mg. Filtrate. Colorless. Colorless. Colorless. Colorless. When the filters were washed with 10 cc. of the alkali the washings were 'not colored. They were deeply colored, how- ever, when alkali of Fehling's solution strength was used. Blank experiments gave colored washings with the strong alk- ali, but not with 0.." X. 12 TABLE 10. The solutions were made alkaline with 5 cc. of the potassium hydroxide solution. Mannite. Copper Sulphate Filtrate. 1 mg. 25 mg. Colorless. 2 mg. 50 mg. Colorless. 3 mg. 75 mg. Colored. 4 mg. 100 mg. Colored. 5 nig. 125 mg. Colored. 6 mg. 150 mg. Colored. The filters were allowed to stand for about 15 minutes with 10 cc. of 0.5 N. alkali. The washings were all colored. TABLE 11. Mannite. Copper Sulphate. Filtrate. 1 mg. 50 mg. Colored. 2 mg. 100 mg. Colored. 3 mg. 150 mg. Colorless. 4 mg. 200 mg. Colorless. 5 mg. 250 nig. Colorless. 6 mg. 300 mg. Colorless. The filters were allowed to stand for about 15 minutes with 10 cc. of the 0.5 N. alkali. The washings were all colored. TABLE 12. Mannite. Copper Sulphate. Filtrate. 1 mg. 75 mg. Colorless. 2 mg. 150 mg. Colorless. 3 mg. 225 mg. Colorless. 4 mg. 300 mg. Colorless. 5 mg. 375 mg. Colorless. 6 mg. 450 mg. Colored. 7 mg. 525 mg. Colored. The filters were allowed to stand with 0.5 N. alkali as stated. The washings were all colored, excepting those obtained from the 5 and 7 mg. experiments. Duplicate experiments gave the same results. 13 TABLE 13. The solutions were made alkaline with 5 cc. of the potassium hydroxide solution. Maimite. Copper Sulphate. Filtrate. 1 jng. 100 mg. Colorless. '2 ing. 200 mg. Colorless. 3 mg. 300 mg. Colorless. 4 mg. 400 mg. Colored. 5 mg. 500 mg. Colored. 6 mg. 600 mg. Colored. The filters were treated with 0.5 X. alkali as stated. Where colorless filtrates were obtained the washings were colored, and vice versa. TABLE 14. The solutions were made alkaline with 5 cc. of the potassium hvdroxide solution. Mannite. Copper Sulphate. Filtrate. 1 mg. 10 mg. Colored. 2 mg. 20 mg. Colored. 3 ing. 30 mg. Colored. 4 mg. 40 mg. Colored. 5 mg. 50 mg. Colored. 6 mg. 60 mg. Colored. The filters were treated as in previous cases; the washings were all colored. The results tabulated in tables 6 to 14. inclusive, were ob- tained in 100 cc. of solution. Those given in table 15 were ob- tained in 100 cc. of .01 N. copper sulphate solution. * 14 TABLE 15. Mannite. 1 mg. Copper Sulphate. 123.92 mg. Alkali. 5 cc. 140.3 mg. Filtrate. Colorless. 1 mg. 123.92 mg. 10 cc. 2S0.5 mg. Colorless. 1 mg. 123.92 mg. 15 cc. 420.8 mg. Colorless. 1 mg. 123.92 mg. 20 cc. tiGl.Omg. Colorless. 1 nig. 123.92 mg. 25 cc. 701.3 mg Colorless. 1 mg. 123.92 mg. 30 cc. 841 .5 mg. Colorless. 1 mg. 123.92 mg. 40 cc. 1122.0 mg. Slightly Colored. 1 mg. 3 23.92 mg. 45 cc. 1162.5 mg. Slightly Colored. 1 mg. 123.92 mg. 50 cc. 1402.5 mg. Slightly Colored. 2 mg. 123.92 mg. 5 cc. 140.3 mg. Colorless. 2 mg. ] 23.92 mg. 30 cc. 841.5 ing. Colored. 2 mg. 123.92 mg. 50 cc. 1420.5 mg. Colored. 3 mg. ] 23.92 mg. 30 cc. 841.5 mg. Colored. r > mg. 123.92 mg. 30 cc. 841.5 mg. Deep Color. None. 1 23.92 mg. 30 cc. 841.5 mg. Colorless. None. 1 23.92 mg. 50 cc. 1 420.5 mg. Colorless. 15 The color of the filtered solutions is probably due to 1he for- mation of one of the following compounds : (1) CH*OH CHOH CHOH+GCu(OH) 2 CHOH CHOH CHzOH i i> t CHsOH CHOH 2CHOH+CU (OH) 2 CHOH CHOH CHzOH i :; > CH 2 OH CHOH CHOH+3Cu(OH) 2 CHOH rilOH CH 2 OII CHtOCaOH CHOCuOH CHOCuOII+GHaO CHOCuOH CHOCuOH CHsOCuOH CeHs(OH).-,OCuO(OH)5CoHs+2 H= O. CHip] CHO C 1 Cll HO ] }. CHO J CHO ] j^ CHsO I Working with molecular ratios in 100 cc. of solution, it was found that, at proportions lower than 1 of mannite to 3 of cop- per sulphate, no precipitate was formed, and the color of the solutions increased in intensity upon the addition of 5 cc. of 0.5 X. potassium hydroxide solution. The color of the solution in which mannite and copper sulphate were present in the pro- portion of 1 to 3.5, was no deeper than that of the 1 to 3 solu- tion, and a slight precipitate could be detected in it. These facts would seem to indicate that the color in the case of mannite is due to the formation of compound Xo. 3. 16 Some experiments were made to determine whether nickel salts as well as those of copper could be employed for the de tection of mannite, but with negative results. Conclusions. (1) The colored compound, whatever it may be, which is formed when a little copper sulphate is added to an alkaline solution of mannite, is decomposed by an excess (which is prob- ably a definite one) of copper sulphate for every quantity of maimite. The alcohol is left in solution, but uncombined with copper. (2) Although the colored compound is absorbed, more or less, by the asbestos of the filters, it can be removed from them by washing with alkali. In nearly every case where colorless filtrates were obtained while working with proportions, which had in previous experiments given colored ones, the alkaline washings from the filters were colored. (3) Alkali of the strength used in Fehling's solution can not be employed for, the washing of filters, because it dissolves copper hydroxide, giving a blue solution, while hot water has no effect whatever when used for washing purposes. Although mannite cannot be determined quantitatively by the method described, it will serve very well for the detection of mannite in the liquid exterior to the osmotic cell when leak- age through the membrane is suspected. By means of it two milligrammes can easily be detected in the presence of 123.92 milligrammes of copper sulphate in 100 cc. of liquid. Since the osmotic pressure of a 0.5 N. solution of mannite is about 12.5 atmospheres, a change of two milligrammes in its concentration would make a difference of .00028 of an atmos- phere in the osmotic pressure developed. 17 of Mannitc by Alkaline Solutions of Potassium Permanganate in the Presence of Copper Sulphate. The next question to come under consideration in this con- nection, was that of finding some method for the quantitative determination of mannite, and its oxidation by means of potas- sium permanganate seemed an appropriate one. Theoretically, thirteen atoms of oxygen are necessary for the complete combustion of every molecule of pure mannite. This was verified, experimentally, as may be seen from the results given in the following tables : \. TABLE 1. 2 - e i I 6 d Z C SI si II -1 s ~. j X 5 S3 -y .' <0 1 ing. r. < ( . o::.27 ing. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 4.3 mg. 12.38 1 mg. occ. '.:: 27 mg. li':;. ( .tL' mg. 19 hours at 50 4.4 mg. 12.67 1 mg. r, <-. 03.27 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 4> mg. 13.82 1 mg. - cc. 03.27 mg. 123.92 nig. 19 hours at 50 4.r, mg. 12.96 1 in jr. .- CC. o:;.2~ ing. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 4.4 mg. 12.67 Nont' .- ( ( 93.27 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 None None i* mg. r> cc. 93.27 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours .-it 50 9.2 mg. 13.24 2 nig. r. cc. o:;.2~ mg. 11':;. '.12 mg. 19 hours at 50 9.1 nig. 13.10 2mg. 5cc. !>::.2-mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 9.0 mg. 12.96 2 mg:. 5 cc. 93.27 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 8.8 mg. 12.67 2mg. 5 cc. 93.27 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 o.l mg. 13.10 None 5cc. 93.27 m-. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 None None 3 mg. 5cc. 93.27 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours MI .-,< 13.31 mg. 12.78 3mg. 5cc. 93.27 mir. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 13.18 mg. 12.64 3mg. 5cc. '.::. 27 mi:. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 13.18 mg. 12.64 3 mg. 5 cc. 93^7 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 13.U2 mg. 13.07 " in jr. 93.27 mg. 123.92 nig. 10 hours at 50 13.18 mg. 12.64 None r. cc. 93.27 mg. 123.M2 nig. 10 hours at .-(. None None 4 in-. r, cc. 93.27 mg. 12.-l.02 mg. 19 hours at 50 1 7.s.", mg. 12.84 4 mg. 5cc. 93.27 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours ar 50 18.16 mg. 13.07 4 mg. occ. 93.27 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 17.78 mg. 12.M 4 mg. 5cc. 93.27 mg. 123.92 nig. 19 hours at 50 17.72 mg. 12.67 4 me. 93.27 mg. 123.92 mg. 19 hours ar 50 20.09 mg. 14.47 XoiU' occ. 93.27 mg. 123.92 ing. 19 hours at 50 None None ~> mg. 93.27 mir. 123.92 mg. 19 hours ar 50 22.7omg. 13.10 ~ i HIT. .- < -i 93.27 me. 12:;.! 12 mg. 19 hours ar 50 22.51 nig. 12.96 " mg. ~ , ., . '.'::. 27 mg. 123.H2 mg. 19 hours ar 50 22.rr, mg. 13.10 "> mg. r, <<-. '.::. 27 mp. 123.92 mg. 19 hours at 50 22.76 mg. 13.10 -" mg. ."i i < '.:;.L>7 mg. 12:;.92 mg. 19 hours ai 50 22.70 mg. 13.10 N'olH" ~ , .,-. 93.27 mg. 12:1.02 mg. 10 hours ar 50 None None 18 TABLE 2. c5 "3 s g 4 O d o 3 il 4 If I| ^ M t4 y r*iH ** ss 1000.857 1000.857 1000.857 1000.857 1000.857 o o> Is c^ 21.394 64.182 106.970 149.758 192.546 1022.251 1065.039 1107.827 1150.615 1193.403 tf3 1022.417 1063.952 1106.576 1147.462 1190.359 fcfi sl 0.104 1.087 1.251 3.153 3.044 25 Tables 4 and 5 contain the results obtained at 20. In Table 4. 1.5813 was taken as the specific gravity of sugar and 1.5860 in Table 5. TABLE 4 (20) i c ^ = b ill I*: r - "5 - -- II ?! II 11 ^ - ~ z ^" /. ~ -^ ^ > y VI c ~ --. - 0.1 1001. 7." 1 21.474 1023.225 1023.111 0.114 0.3 1001.751 64.422 1066.173 1065.299 0.874 0.5 1001.751 1< iT.370 1109.121 1107.870 1.251 0.7 1001.751 150.318 1152.069 1148.909 3.160 0.9 1001.751 193.266 1105.017 1191.827 3.190 TABLE 20 1 '. S : :_- _; .s . . "" "/ 5- 71* r 7 ii!-= _ = *: 1^ ^ ie Is ~ ? ~ f - ~= ~ z ^ = =- || E^ 0.1 1001.751 1' 1.406 1023.157 1023.111 0.046 0.3 1001.751 64.218 1065.969 1065.299 0.670 0.5 1001.751 107.030 1108.781 1107.870 0.911 0.7 1001.751 149.842 1151.593 1148.909 2.684 0.9 1001.751 192.654 1194.405 1191.827 2.578 Tables 6 and 7 contain the results obtained at 25. In Table 6, 1.5813 was taken as the specific gravity of sugar and 1.5860 in Table 7. TABLE 6 (25). TtE- r t- 11 '..-'- E^- s| || % Z -^ s -*" ^ -" y VI c r: -< > > 0.1 1002.911 l' 1.486 1024.397 1024.343 0.054 0.3 1002.011 64.468 1067.369 1066.464 0.905 0.5 1002.911 107.430 1110.341 1109.404 0.037 0.7 HX>2.911 150.402 1153.313 1150.565 2.748 0.9 1002.911 193.374 1195.285 110.-J.707 3.578 2G TABLE 7 (25). o > ., .4.1 3 fee 1*~ -' t^ C-3 |i t ^0^ "3 si 3 cd -v- C || 1 ^"55 o > if i*- X X * > 0.1 1002.911 21.418 1024.329 1024.343(7) +0.044(7) 0.3 1002.911 64.254 1067.165 1066.464 0.701 0.5 1002.911 107.090 1110.000 1109.404(7) 0.596(7) 0.7 1002.911 149.926 1152.837 1150.565 2.272 0.9 1002.911 192.762 1195.673 1193.707 1.966(7) Instead of a contraction, an expansion appeared to have taken place in the case of the 0.1 weight-normal solution, which is probably due to some experimental error not yet detected, or possibly to the fact that an incorrect value for the specific gravity of sugar has been taken. The irregularity in con- traction exhibited by the 0.5 weight-normal solution must be attributed to experimental error. In the case of the 0.9 weight normal solution it may have been caused by decomposition of the solution which was indicated bv the loss in rotation. Tables 8 and 9 contain the results obtained at 30. In Table 8, 1.5813 was taken as the specific gravity of sugar and 1.5860 in Table 9. TABLE 8 (30). Sal lei gjj * i| Ssfj S o^ [3 cs 3SP S_ e s~ g^s 2o ^1 ^ i ^ > - -3 0.1 1004.314 21.497 1025.811 1025.777 0.034 0.3 1004.314 64.491 1068.805 1068.038 0.767 0.5 1004.314 107.485 1111.799 1111.106 0.693 0.7 1004.314 150.479 1154.793 1152.405 2.388 0.9 1004.314 193.473 1197.787 1195.631 2.156 TABLE 9 (30). i i Li ij -If It ij SSs 5= 5'S 5! t m if ^ 0.1 1004.314 21.430 1025.744 1025.777 +0.033(7) 0.3 1004.314 64.290 1068.604 1068.038 0.566 0.5 1004.314 107.150 1111.464 1111.106 0.358(?) 0.7 1004.314 150.010 1154.324 1152.405 1.919 0.9 1004.314 192.870 1197.184 1195.631 1.553 (?) The same irregularities appear here as in Table 7. The 0.1 weight-normal solution seemed to have expanded instead of contracted. The 0.5 weight-normal solution showed a con- traction, but it was not as large as might be expected. This is also true for the 0.9 weight-normal solution. The various ir- regularities here may be attributed to the same causes given under Table 7. In Tables 10, 11 and 12 are given the expansion coefficients of the various solutions and of air-free water, as calculated from the experimental data. TABLE 10. m fi I i I zy~ > - . > ' ~ s-3 o.l 100.3734 100.4680 .0947 .000189 ".:\ 100.3952 100.5024 .1071 .000213 O.o 100.5770 lOO.OOr,.; .1176 .000234 0.7 100.3743 100.5008 .1265 .000252 0.9 100.4533 100.5872 .1340 .000267 Air-free \vater. 100.407'; 100.407H .ossn .000175 The mean expansion coefficient of air-free water between 1.1" and 20, as calculated from the values given in Landolt-Born- stein, is .000178. 28 TABLE 11. 3!! ig 0.1 100.4680 100.5890 .1210 .000241 0.3 100.5024 100.6323 .1299 .000259 0.5 100.6956 100.8350 .1394 .000277 0.7 100.5008 100.6457 .1449 .000288 0.9 100.5872 100.7369 .1497 .000298 Air-free water. 100.6132 100.6132 .1156 .000230 The mean expansion coefficient of air-free water between 20 and 25, as calculated from the values given in Landolt-Born- stein, is .000232. TABLE 12. 111 32 > Cj o2 Q Kg 0.1 100.5890 100.7298 .1408 .000280 0.3 100.6323 100.7808 .1485 .000295 0.5 100.8350 100.9896 .1546 .000307 0.7 100.6457 100.8066 .1606 .000320 0.9 100.7369 100.8983 .1614 .000320 Air-free water 100.6132 100.7507 .1375 .000274 The mean expansion coefficient of air-free water between 25 and 30, as calculated from the values given in Landolt-Born- stein, is .000280. In Table 13 are given the expansion coefficients of the various solutions as calculated from the experimental data in terms of the volumes at 15. 29 TABLE 13. isjj 1^ s| if S^-I fl-2 ||= ||.-, 0.1 .000189 .000.241 .000280 0.3 .000213 .000259 .000296 0.5 .000234 .000277 .000307 0.7 .000252 .000288 .000320 .09 .000267 .000298 .000321 The solutions whose rotation changed during the investi- gation all contained a growth of some sort, probably penicil- liuiu. The results given in the tables for the concentrations greater than O.G normal are not reliable, because those were the solutions which contained more or less of the growth men- tioned, and whose rotation had changed, in some cases very considerably. It is possible to correct for inversion by taking the loss in rotation into account, but it would be useless to do so, since it can not be stated with certainty that further decomposition did not take place. In spite of the numerous valueless results obtained, it seems evident from the foregoing results; (1) that, when cane sugar is dissolved in water at any given temperature, the contraction in volume increases with the concentration of the solutions; - i that, for any given concentration, it decreases with rise in temperature. BIOGRAPHY. Henry Otto Eyssell was borin in Kansas City, Mo., February 23, 1885. He received his early education in the public schools of his native city. In September, 1904, he entered the Univer- sar of Missouri, where he received the degree of Batchelor of Arts in June, 1908. In October, 1909, he entered the Johns Hopkins University as a graduate student in Chemistry. UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW OCT 18 1916 30m-l,'15 253952