I1LTER SHERWOOD' PROBATION ALGER THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ty WALTER SHERWOOD'S PROBATION OR COOL HEAD AND WARM HEART BY HORATIO ALGER, JR. AUTHOR OF "ADRIFT IN NEW YORK," "THE STORE BOY," "RAGGED DICK," "NED NEWTON," "JACK'S WARD," " THE ERIE TRAIN BOY," " SLOW AND SURE," "LUKE WALTON," ETC. NEW YORK; HURST & COMPANY PUBLISHERS ALGER SERIES FOR BOYS. UNIFORM WITH THIS VOLUME. BY HORATIO ALGER, JR. Adrift in New York. A Cousin's Conspiracy. Andy Gordon. Andy Grant's Pluck. Bob Burton. Bound to Rise. Brave and Bold. Cash Boy. Chester Rand Do and Dare. Driven from Home. Erie Train Boy. Facing the World. Five Hundred Dollars. Frank's Campaign. Grit. Hector's Inheritance. Helping Himself. Herbert Carter's Legacy. In a New World. Jack's Ward. Jed, the Poor House Boy. Joe's Luck. Julius, the Street Boy. Luke Walton. Making His Way. Mark Mason. Only an Irish Boy. Paul, the Peddler. Phil, the Fiddler. Ralph Raymond's Heir. Risen from the Ranks. Sam's Chance. Shifting for Himself. Sink or Swim. Slow and Sure. Store Boy. Strive and Succeed. Strong and Steady. Struggling Upward. Tin Bex. Tom, the Bootblack. Tony, the Tramp. Try and Trust. Wait and Hope. Walter Sherwood's Pro bation. Young Acrobat. Young Adventurer. Young Outlaw. Young Salesman. Price, Post-Paid, 350. each, or any three books for $1.00. HURST & COMPANY PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK. WALTER SHERWOOD'S PROBATION. CHAPTER I. WALTER SHERWOOD'S PROBATION. HERE'S a letter for you, Doctor Mack," said the housekeeper, as 1 she entered the plain room used as a library and sitting-room by her em ployer, Doctor EzekieJ Mack. " It's from Walter, I surmise." This was a favorite word with Miss Nancy Sprague, who, though a housekeeper, prided herself on having been a schoolmistress in her earlier days. " Indeed, Nancy. Let me see it. Walter is really getting attentive. His last letter came to hand only two days since. He hasn't for gotten his old guardian." " Oh no, sir. He'll never do that. He has a predilection for his old home. His heart is in the right place." " Just so, I wish I felt as sure about his head." 4 Walter Sherwood's Probation. Doctor Mack adjusted his spectacles, for he was rising sixty, and his eyes, required assist ance, and opened the letter. As he read it his forehead contracted, and he looked disturbed. A perusal of the letter may help us to under stand why. It ran as follows : " DEAR GUARDIAN : You will be surprised at hearing from me so soon again, but I am really forced to write. I find college life much more expensive than I supposed it would be. A fellow is expected to join two or three societies, and each costs money. I know you wouldn't have me appear mean. Then the students have been asked to contribute to a fund for the enlargement of the library, and almost every day there is a demand for money for one object or another. As it is nearly the end of the term, I calculate that with a check for an extra hun dred dollars I can get along. I am awfully sorry to ask for it, but it w'll come out of the money father left me, and I am sure he would wish me to keep up appearances, and not fall behind the rest of the boys. " I stand fairly well in my studies, and I ex pect to be stroke oar of the college boat club. Besides this, I have been elected catcher of the college baseball club. I am thought to e.xcel in athletic sports ? and really enjoy my Walter Sherwood's Probation. 5 college life very much. Please send me the check by return of mail. Affectionately yours, WALTER." Doctor Mack laid the letter on the table, and slowly removed the glasses from his nose. " One hundred dollars ! " he repeated. " That is the second extra check he has writ ten for, this term. Then his regular term bills will come due in two weeks. He is spend ing more than three times as much as I did when in college. Forty years have made a difference, no doubt, but not so great a dif ference as that. I hope the boy isn't falling into extravagant habits. I care for that more than for the money. His father left a good fortune, of which fact he is unfortunately aware, but I don't mean that it shall spoil him. Now, w r hat shall I do? Shall I send him the check or not? Doctor Mack leaned back in his chair, and thought busily. He felt anxious about his nvard, who had entered college early and was now only seventeen. Walter Sherwood was a boy of excellent talent and popular manners, but he was inclined to be self-indulgent and had a large capacity for "enjoyment." His guardian had fondly hoped that he would lead the class in scholarship, but instead of this 6 Walter Sherwood's Probation. he was only doing " fairly well " in his studies. To be sure, he excelled in athletic sports, but, as Doctor Mack reflected, this was not gener ally considered the chief aim in a college course, except by some of the students them selves. " I wish I knew just how Walter is making out," thought the doctor. Then, after a pause, he resumed, with a sudden inspiration: " Why shouldn't I know? I'll go over to Euclid to-morrow without giving Walter any intimation of my visit, and see for myself." It may be stated here that Walter Sher wood was a member of the sophomore class in Euclid College, situated in the town of the same name. If the reader does not find Euclid in a list of American colleges, it is because for special reasons I have thought it best to con ceal the real name of the college, not wishing to bring the institution into possible disrepute. There are some who might misjudge the col lege, because it contained some students who made an unprofitable use of their time. " Nancy," said Doctor Mack at the supper- table, " you may pack a hand-bag for me. I shall start on a journey to-morrow morning." " Where to, sir, if I may make so bold as to inquire?" " I think of going to Euclid." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 7 " To see Master Walter? " " Exactly." " You haven't heard any bad news, I hope? '* said the housekeeper anxiously. " Oh, no." "Then he isn't sink?" " Quite the contrary. He is quite strong and athletic, I should judge, from his letter." " He will be glad to see you, sir." " Well, perhaps so. But you know, Nancy, young people don't miss their parents and guardians as much as thev are missed at home. They have plenty of excitement and society at college." " Yes, sir, that's true, but I'm sure Master Walter won't forget his old home. If you have room for some cookies I will put some into the bag. Walter is fond of them." " JS T o, I think you needn't do it, Nancy. He has a good boarding-house, and no doubt he gets all the cakes he wants. By the way, I want to take the boy by surprise, so don't write and let him know I'm coming." " No, sir, I won't." This was exactly what the housekeeper had intended to do, for she presumed upon her long service in the family to write a few lines occasionally to the boy v. :iom she had known from the age of six. 8 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Of course I shall be pleased to give him any message from you." " Thank you, Doctor Mack. Tell him if he catches cold I can send him some camomile. Camomile tea is excellent in such cases. My mother and grandmother used it all their lives." " You seem to forget -that I am a doctor, Nancy. Not that I object -to camomile tea in its place though I can truly say that I never hankered after it." " How long wiU you be gone, *doctor? " " I can't say exactly. You see Euclid is nearly two hundred miles off, and I don't know whether I can make connections." " Oh, well, don't .hurry ! No -doubt Walter will want to keep you with him us long as possible." " I don't feel so sure of that," thought the doctor shrewdly. " Boys are not usually so fond of the society of their guardians, though I don't doubt Walter has a sincere regard for me. He is a warm-hearted boy." Doctor Mack was no longer in active prac tice. Three years before he had selected an assistant a young Doctor Winthrop in whom his patients had come to feel confidence, so that when he wanted to go away for a few days there was no serious objection. Unlike Walter Sherwood's Probation. 9 some elderly practitioners, Doctor Mack did not feel in the least jealous of bis young as sistant, but was very glad to note his popu larity. " If any one calls for me, Nancy," he said, "say that I am away for a day or two, and they can't do better than go to Doctor Winthrop." " There are some that like you best, sir." " No doubt, no doubt! They're used to me, you know. There's a good deal in that. Any that please can wait for me, but my advice to them is to go to Doctor Winthrop." Nancy packed the doctor's hand-bag, put ting in a change of linen, a cornb and brush, an extra pair of socks, and a couple of hand kerchiefs. Then, seeing that there was plenty of room, she slipped in a small box of cookies and a little camomile. The doctor discovered them soon after he started on his journey, and with a smile tossed the camomile out of the window, while he gave the cookies to a poor woman who was traveling with a couple of small children in the same car as himself. So that Nancy Sprague's though tfulness was not wholly lost, though the intended recipient did not benefit by it. Doctor Mack had to wait over at a junc tion for three hours, owing to some irregulari ties of the trains, and did not reach Euclid io Walter Sherwood's probation. till rather a late hour in the afternoon. He went to the Euclid Hotel, and entered his name. E. MACK, Albany, without adding M. D., and substituting Albany for the small village, thirty miles away, where he made his home. "Strategy, doctor, strategy!" he said to himself. " I have come to spy out the land, and must not make myself too conspicuous. I am traveling, as it were, incognito." CHAPTER II. DOCTOR MACK GETS SOME INFORMATION. THE Euclid Hotel was distant about half- a-inile from the college buildings. It would hardly have paid expenses but for the patron age it received from the parents and friends of the students, who, especially on public occa sions, w r ere drawn to visit Euclid, and natur ally put up at the hotel. Then the students, tired perhaps of the fare at the college com mons, dropped in often and ordered a dinner. So, take it all in all t Euclid Hotel benefited Walter Sherwood's Probation. n largely by the presence of the college. Xo students', however, were permitted to board there, as it was thought by the college pro fessors that the atmosphere of the hotel would be detrimental to college discipline and the steady habits they desired to inculcate in the young men under their care. " I wonder," thought Doctor Mack, after supper was over, " whether I had better go round to the college and make an evening call on Walter." He was tempted do so, for he was fond of his young ward, and would have enjoyed see ing him. But then he wished, unobserved, to judge for himself whether Walter was mak ing good use of his privileges, and this made it injudicious for him to disclose his presence in the college town. He strolled out into the tavern yard, and observed a young man engaged in some light duties. " Good evening, sir," said the young man respectfully. " Good evening. I suppose you are con nected with the hotel?" " Yes, sir ; but I would rather be connected with the college." " Then you have a taste for study? " "Yes, sir; I began to prepare for college, 12 Walter Sherwood's Probation. and had made some progress in Latin and Greek when my father died, and that put an end to my prospects." " That was a pity. Has it destroyed your taste for study? " " No ; I spend an hour after I am through work in keeping up my Latin and Greek, but of course I make slow progress." " Naturally. Now I have no doubt there are many students who do not appreciate their privileges as much as you would do." " I know it, sir. There are pretty lively boys in college. Have you a son there? " " No." " I didn't know but you might have." " What do you mean by lively? " " I mean they care more to have a good time than to get on in their studies." "What do they do?" " W T ell, some of them belong to societies 1 , and have a good time whenever they meet. Fre quently they give little suppers 1 at the hotel here, and keep it up till a late hour." " Do the faculty know of this? " " They may surmise something, but they don't interfere. Of course it pays Mr. Daniels, the landlord, for he charges a good round sum, and as there is no other place for the boys to Walter Sherwood's Probation. 13 go, they must pay it. There's going to be a supper here to-night." " Indeed ! " " It is given by one of the sophomores, Walter Sherwood." " What name did you mention? " asked Doc tor Mack, startled. "Walter Sherwood. Do you know him?" " I know a family by the name of Sher wood," answered Doctor Mack evasively. " What sort of a young man is he? " " I don't call him a young man. He is only seventeen or eighteen, one of the youngest members of the class. He is 1 very popular among his mates a regular jolly boy he is." " Does he stand well in his scholarship?" The young man laughed. " I don't think he troubles himself much about his studies," he replied, " from all I hear, but he is pretty smart, learns easily, and manages to keep up respectably." Doctor Mack's heart sank within him. Was this 1 the best that could be said about his ward? the son of his old friend? " Do you think he is dissipated? " he asked uneasily. " Not that I ever heard. He is fond of hav ing a good time, and drinks wine at his sup pers, but lie isn't what you would call in- 14 Walter Sherwood's Probation. temperate. He would do better work in col lege if he wasn't so rich." "So he is rich, then?" ." He must be, for he spends a good deal of money. Pendleton, one of his classmates, told me that he spent more money than any one in the class." " That is why he needs so many extra checks," thought the guardian soberly. " I am sorry he doesn't make better use of his privileges," he said aloud. " Yes, sir, it is a pity. If he didn't care so much for a good time he might stand at the head of his class so Pendleton thinks." "If he were a poor boy, now, you think the result would be different? " asked Doctor Mack thoughtfully. " Yes, sir, I have no doubt of it." " When does the supper commence? " " At half-past eight o'clock." " How long will it keep up? " " Till near midnight. The landlord makes it a point to have them close before twelve. I hope they won't disturb you, sir." " Are they likely to make much noise? " " Well, sir, they make speeches, and do a good deal of singing. Then, college songs are naturally noisy." " Yes, so I hear," Walter Sherwood's Probation. 15 "What is the number of your room?" " Number nine." " Why, you are nearly opposite the room where they will have their supper. I am afraid you won't stand much chance of sleeping early." "Oh, never mind! I shall get an idea of what a college supper is like." " So you will. If you open the transom over your door you will have the full benefit of all that goes on." " That will suit me very well," thought Doctor Mack. "If you would like to be farther away, the landlord would no doubt change your room." " Oh, no ! " said the doctor hastily. " It will suit me very well for once to listen to college songs, and get an idea of how boys enjoy them selves.-' " A very sensible old gentleman ! " thought James Holden. " Some men of his age would make a fuss." A little before the time when the students were expected to arrive Doctor Mack shut himself up in his room, taking care to open the transom. He had ascertained from the young man, his informant, that supper had been en gaged for twelve, and that the price 1 6 Walter Sherwood's Probation. per plate was two dollars and a half, all to be paid by Walter Sherwood. " That makes thirty dollars," he reflected. " No wonder Walter writes for extra checks. I wonder if this thirty dollars is to figure as a contribution to the library." From his window he could see the students as they approached the hotel. Finally he caught sight of Walter, with a college friend on each side, with whom he was chatting gaily. "What a change!" thought Doctor Mack. " It seems only yesterday that Walter started for college, a bashful, unformed boy, full of good resolutions, and determined to distin guish himself in scholarship. Now he has become a gay butterfly. And what is worse, he has learned to deceive his old guardian, and his chief aim seems to be to have a good time. What can I do to change his course? " The good doctor's face assumed a thoughtful look. " I can tell better after what I shall hear to night," he said to himself. It was not long before the guests were all assembled, and the feast w r as to begin. Some one rapped for attention, and then Doctor Mack recognized the voice of his young ward. " Gentlemen," he said, " I am glad to wel- Walter Sherwood's Probation. 17 come you to this festal board. After spending ten or a dozen hours in hard study " laughter and applause " we find it pleasant to close our books, to relax our learned brows " more laughter " and show our appreciation of the good things of life. As Horace, your favorite, says I won't insult you by offering to trans late his well-known words < Dulcc est desi- pere in Zoco.' That is what has brought us here to-night. We want to desipere in loco" " So we do ! Good for you ! " exclaimed one and another. " I regret," Walter continued, " that all the professors have declined my urgent invitation to be present on this occasion. Professor Griggs " the professor of mathematics " said he would not break away from his regu lar diet of logarithms and radicals." Great laughter. " I have expressly requested Mr. Daniels to provide no logarithms to-night. They don't agree with my constitution." "Nor with mine!" "Nor with mine!" echoed one and another. " I shall expect you all, after the banquet, to do something for the general entertainment. I stipulate, however, that none of the company address us in Latin or Greek. "We wont!" " We won't ! " " Sufficient for the recitation- room is the evil thereof. But I have spoken 1 8 Walter Sherwood's Probation. long enough. There are times when silence is golden, and one of those times is at hand. Brethren, the feast awaits you ! Pitch in ! " The speaker took his seat, and then there was a noise of clinking glasses, and knives and forks came to the front. The banquet had be gun. CHAPTER III. A COLLEGE BANQUET. THERE was a rattling of knives and forks, a clink of glasses, and a buzz of conversation. Doctor Mack was able to hear considerable of it. There were anecdotes of the professors, accounts of narrow escapes from " flunking '' in the recitation-room, and remarks by no means complimentary to some of the text books in use in college. It was evident that the collegians assembled cared more for a good time than for study. Yet these seemed to be the chosen associates of his ward, the doctor reflected. As the feast proceeded, he grew more sober. lie felt that college life, however much it was doing for the faithful students, was only fos tering self-indulgence in his ward. "Something must be done!" reflected Doc- Walter Sherwood's Probation. 19 tor Mack. " Desperate diseases require des perate remedies." Again the chairman rapped for order, and again Walter's voice was heard. " Brothers," he said, " the material part of our banquet is ended. We have gratified our appetites with the savory dishes provided by our friend Daniels. We have quaffed the rare Falernian wine, of a vintage unknown to Horace; we have quickened our wits, as I trust, under those favorable conditions, and the time has now come for the feast of reason and the flow of soul. Exhausted as we are by our labors in the class-room *' great laughter " we have sought refreshment in the waj that is most agreeable. It's a way we lum at old Euclid! Sing!" Immediately the assembled company started up the well-known college song: " It's a way we have at old Euclid, It's a way we have at old Euclid, It's a way we have at old Euclid, To drive dull care away. It's a way we have at old Euclid, It's a way we have at old Euclid, To drive dull care away. " And we think it is no sin, sir, To take the Freshmen in, sir, And ease them of their tin, sir, To drive dull care away. 2o Walter Sherwood's Probation. It's a way we have at old Euclid. It's a way we have at old Euclid, To drive dull care away." There were other verses, but these will serve as specimens'. All joined in the chorus, and Doctor Mack, who remembered his own col lege life, felt almost tempted to add his voice to those of the young men in the opposite room. " But, pshaw ! " he thought. " What would Walter and his friends think to hear an old graybeard like me taking part in the convivial songs? There is no great harm in singing col lege songs, if it is accompanied by good work in the recitation-room." " Brothers," resumed Walter, " we will do our best to drive dull care away. Let us for get, this happy evening, that there are such things as logarithms, and sines, and tangents, and Greek tragedies. To-night our hearts shall be uplifted by sentiment and song. Brother Corbett, you will oblige us with 1 Rumsty Ho ! ' " A young man with a pleasant voice sang this song, one unfamiliar to the doctor: " A beggar man laid himself down to sleep, Rumsty Ho ! rumsty Ho ; A beggar man laid himself down to sleep By the banks of the Mersey, so high and steep, Rumsty Ho, rumsty Ho I Walter Sherwood's Probation. 21 " Two thieves came walking by that way, Rumsty Ho ! rumsty Ho ; Two thieves came walking by that way, And they came to the place where the old man lay, Rumsty Ho, rumsty Ho ! " They stole his wallet and they stole his staff, Rumsty Ho ! rumsty Ho ; They stole his wallet aud they stole his staff, And then broke out in a great horse-laugh, Rumsty Ho, rumsty Ho." There was more of this song, too. Next came " Crambambuli," and then " Cocach- lunk," both of which were familiar to the doctor. Then Walter said : " Brothers, I have great pleasure in stating that Professor Griggs has concluded to honor our dinner by his learned presence, and has consented to address us. Permit me to introduce Professor Theophilus Griggs." One of the company had made up as the mathematical professor. In a nasal tone he made a rambling speech, in which he intro duced mathematical illusions, and used some of the favorite phrases of the rather dull and prosy instructor, with whom all the students were familiar, some to their sorrow. It seemed to be very amusing to the boys present, as shown by their hearty laughter, but of course Doctor Mack could not appreciate it. Other songs and other speeches followed. 22 Walter Sherwood's Probation. Though for the most part college songs, there were some of a more serious character. Time slipped by, and at length Doctor Mack saw by his watch that it was half-past eleven. " How long will they keep it up, I wonder? " he asked himself. " I feel drowsy." He was answered by the chairman. " Brothers," he said, " time waits for no man. The hour has arrived when, according to agreement, we must wind up our festivi ties. Hand in hand we will sing ' Auld Lang Syne/ hoping, at some auspicious season after the coming vacation is over, to have another good time. I thank you all for accepting my invitation, and hope you have enjoyed your selves." " Three cheers for Sherwood ! " cried one of the company. They were given with a will. Then the part ing song was sung, and the students retired to their rooms in one of the college dormi tories. Doctor Mack went thoughtfully to bed. " It is well I came," he reflected. " Walter has done nothing decidedly wrong as yet, but it is evident he is not improving." " Well," said James Holden, as he met Doc tor Mack the next morning, " did you hear the boys last night? " Walter Sherwood's Probation. 23 " I couldn't very well help it/' answered the doctor, smiling. " That young Sherwood seems to be very popular." " Yes, sir; he is very free with his money." "In what other way does he spend it? " " Mr. Daniels keeps half-a-dozen horses to let to students and others. Sherwood hires a team at least twice a week, and of course it counts up." " I was not able to spend money in that way when I attended college." " Then you are a college graduate? " said Holden. " Yes." "Did you graduate at Euclid?" " No; I am a Yale man." " I congratulate you, sir. I should like to graduate from Yale." " I hope you may, some time, my young friend. You would derive more benefit, I'll be bound, than those young roysterers of last evening." " I hope they didn't keep you awake, sir." " They certainly did as long as they stayed. I should have gone to bed soon afterward, but that I had something on my mind. By the way, don't mention to any of the students that they had an unseen listener," " No, sir." 24 Walter Sherwood's Probation, Doctor Mack took the first train after break fast, and returned to his home without seeing his ward. Nancy Sprague questioned him eagerly. " And how is Master Walter? " she asked. "Very well, indeed, Nancy." { *' Was he surprised to see you? " '" He didn't see me, Nancy." '" He didn't see you ! " ejaculated the house keeper. "No; the fact was, I went away on a matter of business, and it was not convenient to call on Walter. But I heard him." " I don't see how you could have been near him without seeing him." " I shall see him soon, Nancy, and so will you. In two weeks vacation will be here. Ex aminations are near, and I might have inter fered with his studies," the doctor added, with a little innocent evasion. " To be sure, sir ! To be sure ! I make no doubt Master Walter is a great scholar." " I have very strong doubts on that point ; myself," thought Doctor Mack, but he did not care to express himself thus to Nancy. " I am so glad the dear boy is coming home soon," murmured the housekeeper. " He has been studying so hard he needs a good long rest. I will make some cookies expressly for Walter Sherwood's Probation. 25 him after he conies. I don't believe he gets any at college." " I wonder what Nancy would say if she could have seen Walter presiding at the sup per, and heard the songs ! " thought Doctor- Mack. CHAPTER IV. THE DAY AFTER THE FEAST. THE same morning, in a comfortably furn ished room in Simpson Hall, sat, or rather lounged, Walter Sherwood. " I feel sleepy this morning, Gates," he said to his chum. " I can't fix my mind on this confounded logic." " No wonder, Sherwood. You have good reason to be tired after last evening." " That's so ! We had a good time, though. I am sorry you couldn't accept my invitation." " I couldn't afford it, Sherwood. You know we are very differently situated. You are rich, while I am the oldest son of a country minis ter with all I can do to get through college. As it is, I shall be in debt." " Why not be in debt to me? You never would accept anything from me." "Yes, I did. I have let you go to the en- 26 Walter Sherwood's Probation. tire expense of furnishing this room, though I have an equal share in it." " Oh, that's nothing ! You pay me in help ing me through my lessons when I am behind. If you hadn't read my Horace to me the other day I should have flunked as sure as can be." " It would be better for you to get yonr own lesson, Walter." " Well, I suppose it would," answered his roommate yawning. " I wish you could drive this logic into my head. I suppose I am un usually stupid this morning." " Suppose we go over it together." Fifteen minutes later Walter said compla cently : " Thanks', old fellow ; you have made it as plain as a pikestaff." " And very likely you will get a higher mark at the recitation than I." " Well, perhaps so," laughed Walter. " I suppose it is because I have more cheek than you." " You can do better on slight preparation, certainly. You talk like a professor when you are on your feet." " You want to be a professor some time, Gates, don't you? " " Yes," answered his chum, his face flush ing. " I should be proud to become a profes sor in old Euclid." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 27 " It would be awfully slow, I think," re turned Walter, stifling a yawn. " What, then, is your ambition? " " I want to go out among men. I want to take an active part in the world." " You will have to '.vork harder than you do in college, then." " I suppose I shall. But I am young, Gates. I am only seventeen." " And I am nineteen, and look twenty-one." "All the better! The older you look the better, if you are going to be a college in structor. I would have to wait a long time if I wanted to, even if I were a good deal wiser than I am now. I am so young, in short, that I can afford to have a good time." " It seems to me that is all you think of, Sherwood." ^Oh, well, I'll reform in time and become a sober old duffer like you," and Walter Sher wood laughed carelessly. " I hope, at any rate, that you will change your views of life. You know what Long fellow says : ' Life is real ! Life is earnest ! ' " Oh, yes. I know that by heart. But it's no use, Gates, you can't make an old man of me before my time. Will ?t disturb you if I play a tune or two on my violin?" "Well, to tell the truth, it will. I want to 28 Walter Sherwood's Probation. get my Greek lesson, and you had better do the same." " No, I will read a novel, and you can read over the Greek to me when you have dug it out." " I will if you wish, but I am afraid I am spoiling you by doing your studying for you." " Remember, I was out late last night." " You have something almost every evening, Walter." " Oh, well, I'll turn over a new leaf next term." " Why not begin now? " " If you knew how stupid I feel you wouldn't ask." Walter stretched himself out on a comfort able lounge, and took up a new novel which he had partially read, while Gates spread the big Greek lexicon on the study-table, and, open ing his Aristophanes, began slowly and la boriously to translate it into English. Fifteen minutes passed when a knock was heard at the door. " Come in ! " called out Walter. He looked up eagerly, hoping the visitor might prove to be one of his jovial comrades of the night before. But he did not look so well pleased when, as the door opened, he caught sight of the pudgy figure and shrewd Walter Sherwood's Probation. 29 face of Elijah Daniels, the proprietor of the Euclid Hotel. " Good morning, Mr. Daniels," he said, rather apprehensively. " So you have found me out." " No, I have found you in," returned the landlord, with a smile. " I hope I don't in trude upon your studies, young gentlemen.'' " Well, I am taking a little rest from my labors," said Walter. " You were up rather late last evening, Mr. Sherwood." " That's a fact, and you gave us a first-class supper, Daniels. You did yourself proud." " I did my best, Mr. Sherwood, and I am glad you were satisfied.'' " All the fellows praised the supper." " That's good. I know what you young gentlemen like, and I get it, no matter what it costs. I don't make much on the suppers I give the college boys, but of course I like to please them." ' Your price is quite reasonable, I think." " I am glad you do. I have brought in the bill for last night's entertainment, and if you can let me have the money, I shall be glad." " Well, the fact is, Daniels, I haven't got the money by me this morning." The landlord's countenance changed. 30 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " I like prompt pay/' he said. " It is a good deal of trouble, and, as I said, there isn't much money to be made." "That's all right. You won't have to wait long." " How long, Mr. Sherwood? " " I expect a check for a hundred dollars from my guardian to-day. I wrote three day;^ since, for I knew you wouldn't like to wait." " A hundred dollars ! " repeated the land lord, feeling a little easier in mind. " Yes." " Perhaps your guardian may object to sending it." " Oh, no ! He's a nice old fellow, Doctor Mack is. He is very indulgent." " What name did you mention? " " Doctor Mack. Ebenezer Mack." " Indeed ! Why, we had a gentleman stop ping at the hotel last night of that name." " What ! " ejaculated Walter, in astonish ment. " Do you mean to tell me that Doc-tor Mack my guardian was at the hotel last night? It can't be. He would have called on me." " It may not have been the same man. Now I come to think of it, he didn't put himself down on the book Doctor Mack. He just put Walter Sherwood's Probation. 31 himself down E. Mack. He seemed a plain sort of man." "Where did he register from?" asked Walter eagerly. " From Albany." "Is he at the hotel now?" " He went away by the morning train." " Then it couldn't have been he," said Wal ter, in a tone of relief. " He doesn't live in Albany. Besides, he would have called on me. No, it must have been some other Mack." " Perhaps you wouldn't have liked to have him catch you at a gay supper, Mr. Sher wood?" said the landlord shrewdly. " Well, no, I'd a little rather receive him in my room, with a book open before me." " He might object to pay out money for such doings." " He won't know anything about it. Just leave your bill, Mr. Daniels, and as soon as I get the check I'll call round and pay it." " There's another bill, too, a livery bill. I brought that along, too." " How much is it? " asked Walter anxiously. " Eighteen dollars." " I didn't think it was as much as that ! " " Bills mount up faster than you young gen tlemen think for. I suppose, however, you can afford to pay it? " 32 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Oh, yes ! " said Walter carelessly. " Your uncle may think it rather steep, eh? " " I wrote him that I had some extra ex penses this time." " Then I suppose you can't do anything for me this morning? " " No, Daniels ; just leave both bills, and I feel quite sure that I can pay you in a day or two. I suppose you can change a check? " " I'll manage to." The landlord retired, leaving the bills be hind him. " Do you know, Sherwood," said his chum gravely, " I think you are foolishly extrava gant." " Well, perhaps I am." " You are spending three times as much as I am." " I'll do better next term. I wish my guard ian would hurry along that check." Two days later a letter came for Walter in the familiar handwriting of Doctor Mack. He tore it open hastily, and as he read it he turned pale and sank into a chair. " What's the matter? " asked Gates. " Matter enough ! " answered Walter, in a hollow voice. " My money is lost, and I've got to leave college ! " Walter Sherwood's Probation. 33 CHAPTER V. WALTER TAKES MATTERS PHILOSOPHICALLY. WALTER'S announcement, recorded at the close of the preceding chapter, fell like a thunderbolt on his roommate. " You have lost your money? " repeated Gates, in a tone of incredulity. " You don't mean it! " "Read that letter, Gates," said Walter, pushing it over to his chum. The letter was, of course, from Doctor Mack, and ran thus: " DEAR WALTER : Your letter asking for an extra check for one hundred dollars came to hand three or four days since. I have delayed answering for two reasons. I am satisfied that you are spending more money than is ; necessary, and, moreover, I have shrunk from ' communicating to you some unpleasant intel ligence. Upon me have devolved the invest ment and management of your property, and while I have tried to be cautious, there have been losses which T regret. In one case three- fourths of an investment has been lost. Of 34 Walter Sherwood's Probation. course, you didn't know this, or you would have been less free in your expenditures. " I am not prepared to tell you how you stand. I think it will be prudent for you to leave college at the end of this term, and for a year to seek some employment. During that time I will do what I can to settle matters on a better footing, and perhaps at the end of that time you will be able to return to your studies. You are so young I think you must be younger than the majority of your class mates that you can afford to lose the time. " I send you a check for sixty dollars in place of a hundred. I wish you to have your regular term bills sent to me, and I will for ward checks in payment. I will see that you leave Euclid owing no man anything. When you come home for the vacation we can con sult as to the future. I hope you will not be much depressed or cast down by the news I send you. Your money is not all lost, and I may be able, in the course of twelve months, to recover in a large measure what has been sunk. " Your affectionate guardian, " EZEKIEL MACK." " A regular sockdolager, isn't it, Gates," said Walter. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 35 " I don't see that it's so bad," answered Gates slowly. " Your money isn't all lost." " But I must leave college." " True ; but, as your guardian says, you are young, and if you come back at the end of a year you will still be a year younger than I for your standing. Of course, I am very sorry to have you go." " I am sure of that, Gates." " Is the prospect of working for a year so unpleasant to you, Walter? " " Xo, I can't say it is," said Walter, bright ening up, " not if I can choose my employ ment. I shouldn't like to go behind the coun ter in a grocery store, or "Black boots for a living?" " Well, hardly," said Walter, laughing. " Probably your guardian will consult your preferences." " I wish I could arrange to travel. I should like to see something of the world." "Why not? You might get an agency of some kind. One college vacation last sum mer I traveled about as book agent." "How did you like it?" " Not very much. I met with a good many rebuffs, and was occasionally looked upon with suspicion, as I could see. Still, I inaile a 36 Walter Sherwood's Probation. living, and brought back thirty dollars to start me on my new term." " Just what my supper cost the other eve ning." "Yes; I didn't think it wise to spend the money in the same way." " You have cheered me up, Gates. I really believe I shall like to spend a year in some kind of business." "Write your guardian to that effect. He may be blaming himself for his agency in your misfortune, and a cheerful letter from you Avill brighten him up." "All right! I will." Walter sat down and dashed off the follow ing note : " DEAR GUARDIAN : Your letter just re ceived. I won't pretend that I am not sorry for the loss of my money, but I am sure that you acted for the best. Don't trouble yourself too much about the matter. Perhaps it will all come out right in a year or so. In the meantime I think I shall find it not unpleas ant to work for a year if you will let me select the kind of business I am to follow. " I will make the money you sent me do for the present, and will send you my term bills as you desire. You can depend upon my set- Walter Sherwood's Probation. 37 tling up as cheap as possible, though I confess I have not hitherto been nearly as economical as I might have been. Now that I know it is necessary, you shall have no reason to com plain of me. " Your affectionate ward, WALTER SHERWOOD." " What do you think of that, Gates? " asked Walter, giving the letter to his chum to read. " Excellent ! It shows the right spirit." " I am glad you think so." " Do you know, Walter, I think I have more occasion for regret than you? I must bid farewell to my roommate and this pleasant room." " To your roommate, yes, but not neces sarily to the room." " I shall have to furnish it in very different style for the present, I am not sure that I can afford a carpet. The luxury of my pres f - ent surroundings, I am afraid, will spoil me for humble quarters." " Don't borrow any trouble about that. I shall leave you the furniture as it stands, and when I come back to college, even if we are in different classes, you must take me in again." " Of course I will agree to an arrangement 38 Walter Sherwood's Probation. so much in my favor, but perhaps your guard ian will think you had better sell the furniture and realize what you can." " No, I am sure he won't. There is nothing mean about Doctor Mack. You can take in any one you please in my place, only I am to come back at the end of a year if things turn out well." " I heartily hope you will come back, and if you will excuse my saying so, with a more earnest spirit, and a determination to do jus tice to your really excellent talents." "Good advice! I'll adopt it. I'll begin to do better at once. I was intending to take a drive this evening, but it would cost me two dollars, and I will stay at home and save the money." " Come with me on a walk, instead." " I will.'' " We will go to the top of Mount Legar. At sunset there will be a fine view from there." " I must stop on the way and pay Mr. Daniels' what I owe him. He will lose a good deal by my going away." " True; but his loss will be your gain." At the outset of their walk the two students called at the hotel, and found Mr. Daniels on the piazza. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 39 " Glad to see you, Mr. Sherwood,'' said the landlord briskly. " I think you will be, Mr. Daniels, for I have come to pay your bills." " Money is 1 always welcome, Mr. Sherwood. You have no idea how much I lose by trust ing students. There was Green, of the last graduating class, left college owing me forty- five dollars. He has gone out West some where, and I never expect to get a cent of my money." " You came pretty near losing by me, Daniels." " How is that? " queried the landlord, look ing surprised. " I've lost a lot of money, or my guardian has for me, and I've got to leave college at the end of this term." " You don't say so ! " ejaculated Mr. Daniels regretfully. " It's all true. My guardian wrote me about it this morning." " I suppose you're a good deal cut up about it, Mr. Sherwood." " Well, I was at first, but I may be able to come back after a year or two. I shall go into some business, and meanwhile my guard ian will do what he can to recover the money lost. It isn't so bad, after all." 4O Walter Sherwood's Probation. " I shall be sorry to have you go, Mr. Sher wood." " You will miss my bills, at any rate. I wouldn't have given that supper the other evening if I had known how things stood. I would have put the thirty dollars to better use." " Well, you've paid up like a gentleman, anyway. I hope you'll come back in a year as rich as ever. You wanted a team to-night, James told me." " That was before I got my guardian's letter. I shall walk, instead of taking a car riage-ride." " I will let the account stand, if you wish." " No. I can't afford to run up any bills. Good night, Mr. Daniels." " You did right, Walter," said Gates. " It is a bad thing to run up bills." " Especially when you are poor. It seems odd to be poor." " I am used to it, Walter. l r ou don't seem very sad over it." " I am not. That is what puzzles me. I really begin to think I like it." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 41 CHAPTER VI. TRUE FRIEND AND FALSE. A COLLEGE community is for the most part democratic. A poor student with talent is quite as likely to be a favorite as the heir to a fortune, often more so. But there are al ways some snobs who care more for dollars than sense. So Walter was destined to find out, for he made no secret of his loss of for tune. Most of his college friends sympathized with him, but there was one who proved un> reliable. This 1 was Harvey Warner, the son of a man who had made a fortune during the Civil War, some said as a sutler. Harvey professed to be very aristocratic, and had paid especial attention to Walter, because he, too, had the reputation of being wealthy. He had invited Walter to pass a couple of weeks at the sum mer residence of the Warners, near Lake George. This, however, was before he had heard of Walter's loss of fortune. As soon as he learned this, he decided that the invita tion must be withdrawn. This would be awk ward, as he had been on very intimate terms 42 Walter Sherwood's Probation. with our hero, and had been a guest at the ban quet. Not forseeing the effect of his changed cir cumstances on the mind of his late friend, Walter, meeting him on the campus the day afterward, called out, familiarly : " How are you, old fellow? Why didn't you come round to my room last evening?" " I had another engagement, Sherwood," an swered Warner stiffly. " You ought to give me the preference," said Walter, not observing the other's change of manner. " Ahem ! a man must judge for himself, you know'. By the way, i sit true that you have lost all your money?" " I don't know how much I have lost, but I am not coming back to college next year." " You are in hard luck," said Warner coldly. " By the way, I think we shall have to give up that plan for the summer." "What plan?" " Why, you know I invited you to visit me at Lake George." Walter began to comprehend. " W r hy, are you not going to be there? " he asked. " Yes, but the house will be full of other fellows, don't you know." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 43 " So that there will be no room for me," said Walter calmly, looking Warner full in the face. " Awfully sorry, and all that sort of thing," drawled Warner. " Besides, I suppose you will have to go to work." " Yes, I expect to go to work after awhile. Probably I shall take a few weeks for rest. By the way, when did you find out that your home would be full of other fellows? " " Got a letter from my sister this morning. Besides in your changed circumstances, don't you know you might find it awkward to be living in a style which you couldn't keep up." " Thank you, Warner. You are very con siderate. I really didn't give you credit for so much consideration." " Don't mention it ! Of course with your good .sense you understand." " I think I do." " And, by -the way, I believe you borrowed two dollars- of me Jast week. If it is incon venient for you topay the whole at once, you mijrht hand me a dollar." 17 And I called diat fellow my friend ! " said Walter to himself. "You are very considerate again, but I 44 Walter Sherwood's Probation. think I would rather pay the whole at once. Can you change a ten?" Harvey Warner looked surprised. He had jumped to the conclusion that Walter was the next thing to a pauper, and here he was better supplied with money than himself. " I am not sure that I have as much money here," he said. " Then come with me to the drug-store ; I am going to buy a bottle of tooth-wash, and will change the bill there." Warner accepted this proposal. " I'd better make sure of my money while he has it," he reflected. " I hope you're not very much disappointed about the visit? " he said. " Not at all ! I should have had to decline. I have been invited to spend a month at the Adirondacks with Frank Clifford." " You don't mean it ! " ejaculated Warner enviously. Clifford was a member of an old family, and an invitation from him was felt to confer distinction. Warner himself would have given a good deal to be on sufficiently intimate terms to receive such a compliment. "When did he invite you?" he asked sug gestively. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 45 Walter saw what was in his mind, and an swered with a smile: " He invited me this morning." " Had he heard "Of my loss of fortune? Oh, yes! But why should that make any difference?" " I wouldn't go, if I were you/'' "Why not?" " You are going to be a poor man." " I don't know about that." " You are poor now, at any rate." " Well, perhaps so, but am I any the worse for that? " " I thought you would understand my mean ing." " I do, but I am glad that all my friends don't attach the importance you do to the possession of fortune. Good morning!" " I suppose it's the way of the world ! " thought Walter, as his quondam friend left him. " But, thank Heaven, all are not mer cenary! I've got a few friends left, anyhow." A few rods farther on he met Victor Cres- well, perhaps the richest student in the junior class. "What's this I hear, Walter?" he asked. " Have you lost your money? " " Some of it, I believe." " And you are not coming back to college? * 46 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " I shall stay out a year. Perhaps I can come back then." " You needn't leave at all. My governor allows me a hundred dollars a month for my own use spending money, you know. I'll give you half of it, if that will enable you to pull through." Walter was touched. " You are a friend worth having, Creswell," he said. " But I really think I shall enjoy being out of college for a year. I shall find out what is in me. But I shan't forget your generous offer." " Better accept it, Sherwood. I ran get along well enough on fifty dollars a month." " I won't accept it for myself, but I'll tell you something. My chum, Gates, is very hard pushed. You know he depends wholly on himself, and twenty-five dollars just at this time would be a godsend to him. He is worried about paying his bills. If, now, you would transfer a little of your generosity to him " I don't know him very well, but if you speak well of him that is enough. I shall be glad to help him. Let me see how much I can spare." He drew out a wallet, and from it four ten- dollar bills. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 47 " Here are forty dollars," he said. " Give them to him, but don't let him know where they came from." " Creswell, you're a trump ! " said Walter, shaking his hand vigorously. " You don't know how happy you will make him." " Oh, that's all right. But I'm sorry you won't let me do something for you." " I will if I need it," " Good ! " said Creswell, in a tone of satis faction. " Now, mind, you don't hesitate." Walter, happy in the happiness he was go ing to confer, made his way quickly to his own room. Gates sat at the table with a troubled brow, writing some figures on a piece of paper. " What are you about, Gates? " asked his chum. " I have been thinking," said Gates wearily, " that perhaps I ought to do what you have decided to do." "What's that?" " Leave college." " But why? " 11 1 am so troubled to pay my bills. I wrote to my uncle last week he is a well-to-do fanner asking him if he wouldn't send me fifteen dollars to help pay my term bills. I 48 Walter Sherwood's Probation. promised to come and help him in the farm work during July." " What does he say? " asked Walter, smil ing, Gates couldn't understand why. " That he ^ever pays for work in advance he doesn't approve of it." " He could afford it? " "Oh, yes; he's got a good sum in the sav ings-bank, but he is a very cautious man. I don't see how I'm going to get through. Per haps I had better take a year away from col lege." " There is no need of that. I have some money here for you." " Some money for me? " " Yes," and Walter placed four ten-dollar bills on the table. " But, Walter, you are in no position to lend me money." "True; the money doesn't come from me." " But who besides you would do me such a great favor? " " One of the rich fellows in college no, I can't tell you his name. You can take it without hesitation." " But it must have been to you that he lent it." " No, he understands that it is to be given to you. Will it help you?" Walter Sherwood's Probation. 49 " Will it help me? It will carry me through gloriously," and Gates was radiant with pleas ure. " Are you g'ong to leave college now? " " No; this help is providential. I will never be distrustful again." " I wish Creswell could see how much hap piness his gift has brought with it," thought Walter. CHAPTER VII. WALTER'S EXPERIMENT BEGINS. AFTER a conference between Walter and his guardian it was decided that he should wait till the first of September before seeking for any business position. Walter, who was some what impulsive, was disposed to start at once, but Doctor Mack said: "No, you are entitled to a vacation. When your class resumes study at Euclid, it will be time for you to begin to earn your living." " I am not sure that I deserve a vacation," said Walter frankly. " I have not studied as hard as I ought." " Very probably. You have not been in earnest. You are a year older now, and you have a better understanding of your position." 50 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " You are very charitable, my dear guard ian," said Walter. Doctor Mack smiled. " I am quite aware," he said, " that old heads are not often to be found on young shoulders. " Then you think it will be right for me to enjoy myself this summer?" " I want you to do so." " One of my college friends, Frank Clif ford, has invited me to pass a month with him in the Adirondaeks. The Cliffords have a lodge not far from Blue Mountain Lake. Frank's mother and sisters will be abroad, and he wants me to keep him company." " I can think of no objection. How shall you spend your time? " " In hunting and fishing. There are splen did chances for both up there, so Clifford says." " Go and have your good time. When you come back we will talk of your future plans." Walter's stay was prolonged to eight weeks, and when he returned it was already nearing the end of August. He was browned by ex posure, and looked the picture of health. " Now I am ready to go to work, Doctor Mack," he said. " Have you any plans for me?" Walter Sherwood's Probation. 51 u How would you like to go into a drug store? I have a college classmate who is a very successful druggist in Syracuse." Walter shrugged his shoulders. " I don't believe I have a taste for making pills," he said. " I thought not. What do you think of en tering a dry-goods store? I am acquainted with the head of a prominent establishment in New York." " It is a very respectable position, but I should feel ' cabined, cr'bbed, confined ' in it." " I am at the end of my tether. Have you formed any plans of your own? " " W T ell, not exactly." " But you have thought somewhat on the subject? " " Yes," answered Walter. " If at all possible, I shall let you have your own way." " You may think me foolish," said Walter hesitatingly. " I don't know. Let me hear what you have to propose." " I thought," said Walter eagerly, " I would like to go out West." " What would you do when you got there? " "There must be lots of things to do." 52 Walter Sherwood's Probation. "Very likely. You might buy an ax and clear the virgin forests." " I am afraid I wouldn't be a success at that." " You have no definite idea as to what you would do? " " No. I could tell better when I got out there." " Now, about the expense. How much money would you need? You would require to live till you begin to earn something." " How much will it cost me to get to Chicago?" " Say about twenty-five dollars." " I think, guardian, if you will advance me a hundred dollars, that will be sufficient." " For how long a time? " " For a year. You see, I expect to earn my own living by the time I have spent fifty dol lars in all. I should go to a cheap boarding place, of course. I should be able to pay my way." " You will be content, then, with a hundred dollars, Walter?" "Yes; perhaps I could make it do on less." "No; you shall have a hundred. If abso lutely necessary, you can send for more." " No," said Walter confidently j " I won't do Walter Sherwood's Probation. 53 that. I shall get along somehow. I want to make a man of myself." " That is a commendable ambition. Still, sometimes a young man finds it hard to obtain employment. If you had a trade, now, it might be different. Suppose, for instance, you were a journeyman tailor, you could readily find a place in Chicago or any good-sized city." " I shouldn't care to be a tailor." " I shouldn't care to employ you if you were," said his guardian, smiling. " One thing I would like to guard you against. Don't be too particular about what you take up. With so small an outfit as you have stipu lated for, you will have to go to work at some thing soon. Then, again, you won't be able to live as well as you have been accustomed to do here and in college." " I understand that, and am prepared for it. I want to rough it." " Possibly you will have your wish granted. I don't want to discourage you, Walter. I only want to prepare you for what may, and probably will, come." " Do you know any one in Chicago, Doctor Mack? I might find it pleasant to have an acquaintance." " Yes, I know a retired merchant named Archer. He lives on Indiana Avenue. I 54 Walter Sherwood's Probation. don't remember the number, but you can easily find his name in the directory. His name is Allen Archer." Walter noted the name in a new memoran dum-book which he had purchased. " Where would you advise me to put up on my arrival in Chicago? " he asked. " There are several good houses the Sher man, Tremont, Palmer House; but they will be beyond your means. Indeed, any hotel will be. Still you might go to some good house for a day. That will give you time to hunt up a modest boarding-house." " An excellent plan ! " said Walter, in a tone of satisfaction. " Do you know, my dear guardian, I shall go out in the best of spirits. I feel in Shakespeare's words that the world is mine oyster." " I hope you will be able to open it, Walter. You have my best wishes. Don't forget that you will have to depend on your self." " I won't forget it. I wish it was time for me to start." " It will come soon enough. You had better get out your clothes, and get them mended, if necessary, and put in order. Nancy will do all she can for you, and the tailor will do the rest. Better not take much with you. When Walter Sherwood's Probation. 55 you get settled I will forward your trunk by express." "VYheii Nancy Sprague heard of Walter's plans she was much disturbed. " Oh, Master Walteiy ' she said, in a tragic tone, " is it true that you've lost all your money and have got to go out into the cold world to make a living? " " I believe I have lost some money, Nancy, but I rather like the idea of working for my living." " Oh, you poor child, you little know what it is. I can't bear to think of it. I can't see how Doctor Mack can let you go." " I should be very sorry if he refused. It isn't so bad, to work for a living. Haven't you always done it? " " Yes, but that's different. I was always poor, and I am used to it." " I am going to get used to it." " Walter don't tell your guardian what I am saying but I've got two hundred dollars in the savings-bank, and I shall be very glad to give you some of it. You will take it, now, won't you? I can get it out to-morrow." " Nancy, you are a true friend/' said Walter, really moved by the unselfish devotion of the housekeeper; "but I shan't need it. I 56 Walter Sherwood's Probation. shall take a hundred dollars with me, and long before it is gone I shall be earning my living." " You'll send for it if you need it? " " Yes, if I find I am very hard up, and there is no other way, I will send for it." Nancy brightened up, much pleased and re lieved by this assurance. " I couldn't bear to think of your suffering for a meal of victuals when we have so much in the house. I don't see why you can't stay at home and get a place in the village." Walter laughed. " It wouldn't suit me at all, Nancy. I am going West to grow up with the country. " I wish I could be somewhere near, to look after you." " It would be of no use, Nancy. Women are in great demand out there at any rate in Dakota and you'd be married in less than no time, if you went." " You are only joking now, Master Walter." " Not at all ! I read the other day that of ten school-ma'ams who went out to Dakota last fall, eight were married within three months." " Nobody could marry me against my will," said Nancy resolutely. " Perhaps he would find a way of overcom ing your objections," said Walter, laughing. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 57 " But I am afraid Doctor Mack couldn't do without you. He couldn't spare you and ine both." " That's true," assented Nancy, who had not been so much alarmed at the matrimonial dangers hinted at by Walter as might have been anticipated. Had a good opportunity offered, I am inclined to think Nancy would have been willing to change her name. After all, she was only forty-nine, and I have known more than one to surrender single blessed ness with all its charms at and beyond that age. At last the day of departure came. Valise in hand, Walter jumped aboard the stage that was to convey him to the railroad-station. He shook hands with his guardian and Nancy, the driver whipped up his horses', and a new period in Walter's life had commenced. "I wonder how he'll come out?" mused Doctor Mack thoughtfully. " Have I acted for the best in letting him go? Well, time alone can tell." CHAPTER VIII. WALTER BUYS A WATCH. WALTER was tempted to stop over at Niagara, as his ticket would have allowed him 58 Walter Sherwood's Probation. to do, but he was also very anxious to reach Chicago and get to work. " I can visit "Niagara some other time," he rellected. " Now I can spare neither the money nor the time." Hour after hour sped by, until with a little thrill of excitement Walter learned by consult ing his railroad guide that he was within fifty miles of Chicago. He looked out of the car window, and surveyed with interest the country through which they were speeding at the rate of thirty-five miles an hour. His attention was drawn from the panorama out side by a voice : " Is this seat engaged? " Walter looked up, and his glance rested on a man of perhaps thirty-five, dressed in a light suit, and wearing a tall white hat. " No, sir," answered Walter politely, re moving his gripsack from the seat. " I don't want to incommode you," said the stranger, as he took the place thus vacated. " You don't in the least," said Walter. " I suppose you are going to Chicago? " "Yes, sir." " Are you going farther out to Dakota, for instance?" " No, sir. Chicago is far enough west for me at present." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 59 " I live in Dakota. I have a long journey to make after we reach Chicago." " I don't know about Dakota. Is it a good place for business? " " It is going to be. Yes, Dakota has a bright future. I have a pleasant little home out there. I had to go East on business, and >-tjiyed a little longer than I intended. In fact I spent more money than I anticipated, and that makes me a little short." It struck Walter that his new acquaintance for a stranger was very confidential. " Is it possible he will propose to borrow 7 money of me? " he asked himself. He did not quite know what to say, but politeness re quired him to say something. " I am sorry," he replied, in a sympathizing tone. " I should like to take a train this evening for my home," continued the stranger. " I hope you will be able to do so." " Well, there's one drawback. I haven't got money enough to buy a through ticket, ruder these circumstances, I am going to offer you a bargain." Walter looked surprised and expectant. The stranger drew a gold watch from his pocket a very handsome gold watch, which looked valuable. 60 Walter Sherwood's Probation. "You see that watch?" he said. "How much do you think it is worth?" " It looks like a nice watch. I am no judge of values." " It cost me ninety dollars six months s-ince. Now I need the money, and I will sell it to you for twenty-five." " But that would be a great sacrifice." " So it would, but I need the money. Of course, if you haven't got the money " I have that amount of money," said Walter, " but I haven't got it to spare. I might need it." " Then all you need to do is to sell the watch or pawn it. You could sell it for fifty dollars without trouble." " Why don't you do that? " asked Walter shrewdly. " Because I haven't the time. I want, if possible, to go on to-night. If you had a wife and two children waiting for you, whom you had not seen for two months, you wouldn't .mind losing a few dollars for the sake of see- 'ing them a little sooner." " Very likely," answered Walter, to whom his companion's explanation seemed plausible. Walter was tempted, but he reflected that twenty-five dollars represented a third of the money he had with him, so he put away the Walter Sherwood's Probation. 01 temptation, but with reluctance. He had a silver watch, bought for him, when he en tered college, at a cost of fifteen dollars, and like the majority of boys of his age he felt that he should much prefer to carry a gold one. Still he must be prudent. " No," he said, shaking his head, " I don't think I had better buy the watch. I presume you will find some one else on the train who would be glad of the bargain." " Very likely, but we are near Chicago, and I haven't time to look around. Come, I'll make you a still better offer, though I ought not to do so. You may have the watch for twenty dollars. That money will get me through, and I won't haggle about five dol lars." "Twenty dollars!" repeated Walter thoughtfully. " Yes, look at the watch. Isn't it a beauty? " " Yes, I like the appearance of it very mnich." " If you get out of money, you can easily pawn it for more than the sum I ask you for it." Certainly this was an important considera tion. Walter felt that he would be foolish to lose so good a chance. It was a pity that 62 Walter Sherwood's Probation. the stranger should be forced to roake such a sacrifice, yet it really seemed that he would be doing him a favor, as well as benefiting himself, by accepting his proposition. " You will guarantee it to be solid gold? " he said, with momentary suspicion. " Certainly. You will see that it is an Elgin watch. Of course you know the reputation of that make. They don't make any sham watches at their factory." " I thought the case might be gilt," said Walter, half ashamed of his suspicions. " You do well to be cautious, but I will guarantee the watch to be all I represent it. I only wish you were a jeweler. Then you could judge for yourself." It sounded very plausible. Then, the watch was a very handsome one. " Let me open it and show you the works." The stranger did so. Walter was no judge of the mechanism of a watch, but what he saw impressed him favorably. The stranger seemed very frank and fair spoken. Walter knew, of course, that in traveling one was likely to meet with sharpers, but that did not justify him in suspecting everybody he met. " It would look very nice at the end of my chain," he thought, (l I suppose I cannot Walter Sherwood's Probation. 63 afford it; but, as he says, I can raise money on it at any time." " Well, young man, what is your decision? You must excuse me for hurrying you, but we are not far from Chicago, and I want to make sure that I can continue my journey to night. I shall telegraph to my wife that I am coming." " I will take the watch," said Walter. " There doesn't seem to be much risk in doing so.'' " Bosh ! I should say not. Young man I congratulate you. You have made the best bargain of your life. Have you got the money handy?" Walter took out two ten-dollar bills and handed them to his companion, receiving the watch in exchange. " Well, that settles my mind," said the stranger, in a tone of satisfaction. " I shall see the old woman and the kids very soon, thanks to your kindness." " Don't mention it," said Walter compla cently. " J feel indebted to you, rather, as you have given me much more than an equiva lent for my money." " That is true, but under present circum stances money is worth a good deal to me. Now, if you don't mind, I will go into the 64 Walter Sherwood's Probation. smotdng-car and have a little smoke before we arrive. Will you join me? " " No, sir, thank you ; I don't smoke." " Good day, then. Hope \ve shall meet again." Walter responded politely, and the stranger, rising, walked forward to the front part of the car and disappeared. Walter detached the silver watch from the plated chain to which it was attached, substi tuted the new gold watch, and put the silver tvatch in his pocket. It occurred to him that If he should really need money it might be better for him to sell the silver watch and re tain the gold one. " I have made thirty dollars at the very least on my purchase," he reflected, " for I am sure I can sell the watch for fifty dollars 1 , if I wish to do so. This is a white day for me, as the Romans used to say. I accept it as a good omen of success. I wish Doctor Mack and Nancy were here to see it. I think the doctor would give me credit for a little shrewdness." The car sped on perhaps a dozen miles farther, when the door opened, and the con ductor entered, followed by a stout man of perhaps fifty years of age, who looked flushed and excited. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 65 " This gentleman has been robbed of his gold watch," explained the conductor. " He is convinced that some one on the train has taken it. Of course no one of you is suspected, but I will trouble you to show me your watches." As Walter hoard these words a terrible fear assailed him. Had he bought a stolen watch? CHAPTER IX. AN INGENIOUS SCHEME. THE passengers, though somewhat sur prised, generally showed their watches with a good grace. One old man produced a silver watch, fifty years 1 old. " That watch belonged to my grandfather," he said. " You don't claim that, do you?" " Wouldn't take it as a gift," said the loser crustily. " You couldn't get it in exchange for yours ! " retorted the owner. Presently they came to Walter. If he had not attached the gold watch to his chain, in stead of his old silver one, he would have been tempted to leave it in his pocket and produce the less valuable one. But he was saved from 66 Walter Sherwood's Probation. the temptation, as this would now have been impossible. Besides, had the gold watch been found on him afterward it would have looked very suspicious. " Well, youngster," said the stout man, " show us your watch." With a flushed face and an uneasy feeling Walter drew out the gold timepiece. " Is that your watch?" he said. " Yes! " almost shouted the stout passenger fiercely. " So you are the thief? " " No, sir," answered Walter, pale but firm. " I am not the thief." " Where did you get it, then? " " I bought it." "You bought it? That's a likely story. Why, it was taken from me this very after noon." " That may be, but I bought it, all the same." The owner was about to protest, when the conductor said, quietly : " Listen to the young fellow's explanation." Walter proceeded: " A man came to my seat, and told me he wanted to raise money enough to get to Da kota. He offered me the watch for twenty- five dollars, though he said it cost him ninety, six months ago." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 67 " And you paid him twenty-five dollars? " " No ; I had no money to spare, but when he offered it for twenty, and told me I could more than get my money back, either by pawn ing or selling it, I made up my mind to pur chase, and did so." "Where is this man?" asked the conduc tor. " He said he was going into the smoking- car." " That is a likely story," sneered the stout gentleman. " Do you charge me with taking the watch?" demanded Walter hotly. "I have never left this car. Have you seen me be fore? " " No, but you are probably a confederate of the man from whom you got it. But I am not sure if there was any such man:" " I will describe him," said Walter. As he did so, the conductor said : " There was such a man on the train. He got off at the last station." " I don't know anything about that," said the claimant, " but I'll trouble you, young man, for that watch." " Will you return me the twenty dollars I gave for it?" asked Walter, 68 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Of course not. I don't propose to buy back my own watch." An elderly gentleman who sat just behind Walter spoke here. " It is rather hard on the boy/' he said. " I can confirm his story about the purchase of the watch. I heard the bargaining and saw the purchase-money paid." " That makes no difference to me," said the claimant. " I've identified the watch, and I want it." Walter removed it from his 1 chain, and was about to hand it to the claimant, when a quiet- looking man, dressed in a drab suit, rose from a seat farther down the car and came for ward. He was a small man, not over five feet five inches in height, and he would not have weighed over one hundred and twenty pounds, but there was a look of authority on his face and an accent of command in his voice. " You needn't give up the watch, my boy," he said. Walter drew back his hand and turned round in surprise. The claimant uttered an angry exclamation and said testily: "By what right do you interfere? " " The watch isn't yours," said the small man nonchalantly. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 69 " It isn't, hey? Well, of all the imperti nent " " Stop there, Jim Beckwith ! You see I know you " as the stout man turned pale and clutched at the side of the seat. u Who are you? " he demanded hoarsely. " Detective Green ! " The claimant lost all his braggadocio air, and stared at the detective with a terrified look." " That isn't my name," he managed to ejacu late. " Very likely not," said the detective calmly, " but it is one of your names. It is a very clever game that you and your con federate are playing. He sells the watch, and you demand it, claiming that it has been stolen from you. I was present when the watch was sold, and the reason I did not interfere was because I was waiting for the sequel. How many times have you played this game? " " There's some mistake," gasped the other. " Perhaps so, but I have some doubts whether you came by it honestly." "I assure you it is my watch," cried the other uneasily. " How much did you pay for it, young man?" asked the detective. " Twenty dollars." 70 Walter Sherwood's Probation. "Very well, sir; give the boy twenty dol lars, and I shall advise him to give the watch back to you, as it may be stolen property, which he would not like to have found in his possession." " But that will be paying twenty dollars for my own property. It was not to me he paid the money." " You will have to look to your confeder ate for that. I am not sure but I ought to make you give twenty-five dollars'." This hint led to the stout man's hastily producing two ten-dollar bills, which he tendered to Walter. " It's an outrage," he said, " making a man pay for his own property ! " " Are you sure that your statements in re gard to this man are true? " asked an import ant-looking individual on the opposite side of the car. " To my mind your interference is unwarrantable, not to say outrageous. Jus tice has been trampled upon." The detective looked round sharply. " Do you know the man? " he asked. " No." " Well, I do. I first made his acquaintance at Joliet prison, where he served a term of years for robbing a bank. Is that true or not, Jim Beck with?" Walter Sherwood's Probation. 71 The man known as Beckwith had already started to leave the car, but, although he heard the question, he didn't come back to answer it. " I generally know what I am about," con tinued the detective pointedly, " as those who are unwise enough to criticize my actions find out, sooner or later." The important gentleman did not reply, but covered his confusion by appearing to be ab sorbed in a daily paper which he held up be fore his face. " You let him off easy," said he gentleman in the rear seat. " You allowed him to take the watch. I was surprised at that." " Yes, for strange as it may seem, it was probably his, though the money with which he bought it may have been stolen. That watch has been probably sold a dozen times, and recovered the same way. Were it a stolen watch, the risk would be too great. As it is, I had no pretext for arresting him." "Was it really a ninety dollar watch?" asked Walter, with interest. " No. I know something about watches, as I find the knowledge useful in my oflirial capacity. The watch wonld be a fair bargain at forty-five dollars, but it is showy, and 72 Walter Sherwood's Probation. would readily be taken for one worth seventy- five or even ninety dollars." " I shouldn't think the trick would pay," said the gentleman in the rear seat. "Why not?" " Twenty dollars isn't a large sum to be divided between two persons, especially when there's money to be paid for car fare." " Sometimes the watch is sold for more generally, I fancy but the price was reduced because the purchaser was a boy. Besides, these men doubtless have other ways of mak ing money. They are well-known confidence men. If I hadn't been on board the train, our young friend here would have lost his twenty dollars." " It would have been a great loss to me," said Walter. " I am very much obliged to you, Mr. Green." " Ah, you remember my name. Let me give you my card. Some time you may get into difficulty and want to consult me. Boys of your age are not a match for an experienced swindler." He handed Walter a card bearing the name : SILAS GREEN 97 H Street Walter put it into his pocket with a polite expression of thanks. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 73 Meanwhile, of course, the cars were steadily approaching Chicago. At length they en tered the great Union Depot, and with the rest of the passengers Walter alighted, carry ing his valise in his hand. A few feet in front of him walked Jim Beck- with, but Walter did not care to join him. He half turned, and as his glance fell on Wal ter he said, \\ ith a scowl : " If you ever meet rue again, you'll know me." " Yes, I shall ! " answered Walter, with em phasis. CHAPTER X. AT THE INDIANA HOUSE. WALTER paused before a modest hotel on Monroe Street we will call it the Indiana House and, entering, went up to the desk and. inquired the rates of board. " Are you commercial? " asked the clerk. " Not at present, sir." " We make special terms for commercial travelers. We will give you a small room on the third floor for one dollar and a half a day." This was as cheap as Walter expected to find it at a hotel, and he signified his accept ance. " Front ! " called the clerk. 74 Walter Sherwood's Probation. A red-haired boy of about Walter's age came forward. " Take this young man up to No. 36," said the clerk. " Yessir," answered the bell-boy, pronounc ing the two words in one. There was no elevator in the house, and Walter followed the boy up two flights of stairs to the third landing. The boy opened the door of a room with a small window look ing out into an inner court. "Here you are!" he said, and he put the valise on the floor. " Thank you," said Walter. As he spoke he drew a dime from his vest pocket and deposited it in the hand of the red- haired attendant. The effect was magical. The bell-boy's list less manner vanished, h ; s dull face lighted up, and his manner became brisk. " Thank you, sir. Is there anything you want? If you do, I'll get it for you." Walter looked about him. Soap, water, towels all were in sight. " Not just now," he answered, " but I am going to take a wash, and shall probably use up all the water. Some time this evening you may bring me some more." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 75 " All right, sir. Just you ring when you want it." He went off, and Walter was left alone. First, he took a thorough wash, which re freshed him very much after his long and dusty ride. Then he changed his linen, brushed his clothes with a hand-brush he had brought in his valise, and carefully combed his hair. "I feel a hundren per cent, better," he solilo quized. " Here I am in Chicago, and now the battle of life is to begin." Walter was sanguine and full of hope. His life had always been easy, and he did not know what it was to work for a living. Besides, the fact may as well be told he had a very comfortable opinion of his own abilities. He felt that he was no common boy. Was he not a sophomore, or rather a junior-elect, of Eu clid College? Did he not possess a knowl edge more or less extensive of Latin, Greek, and mathematics, with a smattering of French and German, not to speak of logic, rhetoric, etc.? For one of his age, he considered him self quite accomplished, and he persuaded him self that the world would receive him at his own estimate. It would be very strange if he could not earn a living, when hundreds and 76 Walter Sherwood's Probation. thousands of his age, without a tithe of his knowledge, managed to live. Walter went down-stairs 1 , and as it would not be supper time for two hours, wont out to walk. He wanted to get some idea of the busy city which was, for a time at least, to be his home. He walked through Monroe Street un- till he reached State. At the corner he caught sight of a palatial structure, nearly opposite. "What building is that?" he asked of a boy. "Where's your eyes?" returned the boy. " That's the Palmer House." Walter gazed admiringly at the showy buildimg, and wished that he could afford to put up there. It was as far ahead of the In diana House as a city is ahead of a country village. He continued his walk till he reached the lake front, and looked with interest at the great sheet of water which spread out before him like an inland sea. He walked along the lake front for a few squares, and then, strik ing back into the city, saw the Tremont House, the court-house, the Sherman House, and other handsome buildings. On his way he met hun dreds of people walking briskly, and all seem ing occupied. " If all these people make a living, why. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 77 shouldn't I?" he asked himself. ' I think I am as smart as the average." Secretly Walter thought himself a great deal smarter. It must be remembered that Walter was not quite eighteen a self-con- ceited age and he overestimated his strength and ability. On the whole, it is fortunate that the young do not comprehend the difficult struggle that lies before them, or they would become discouraged before they had fairly entered upon it. It is well that they should be hopeful and sanguine. They are more likely to succeed. Walter wandered around in a desultory way, and it was more than an hour before he reached the hotel at which he was stopping. As he entered the public room he started back in surprise, as* his glance rested on a man wearing a white hat. Surely this was the man who had sold him the gold watch. How did it happen that he was not on the way to Dakota? He coughed, with a view to attracting the attention of his railroad acquaintance. The ruse succeeded. The man turned, and evidently recognized Walter. He looker] doubtful, not having yet met his confederate nor learned how the plot had come out. 78 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " I believe I met you on the train," said Walter, smiling. The smile decided the other that it would be safe to acknowledge the acquaintance. " Yes, I remember you now." " You sold me a watch? " " Yes," answered the other hesitatingly. " I thought you wanted to take a train to Dakota this evening," went on Walter. "So I do; it doesn't go till eight o'clock. May I ask what time it is? Y"ou know I sold you my watch." " I suppose that is Chicago time," said Wal ter, pointing to a clock on the left-hand side of the office. " I wonder whether he's got the watch still?" thought the other. "He must have, as he makes no fuss about it." Walter was waiting cunningly to see if his railroad acquaintance would betray himself. " I'm awfully sorry to part with the watch," he said. " If you keep it, I may buy it back some time." " I am sorry I can't oblige you," said Wal ter, " but I have sold it already." " Sold the watch already ! " ejaculated the man in the white hat. " Did you sell it since you reached Chicago? " " No; I sold it on the train." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 79 " You don't mean it ! " exclaimed the other, iu amazement. "Who did you sell it to?" " To Jim Beckwith," answered Walter. " Jim Beckwith ! " The man in the white hat stared at Walter with an air of startled perplexity that almost made our hero laugh. " Yes, that's what he said his name was, or rather somebody told me it was his name." " Jim Beckwith bought that watch of you ! " repeated the stranger slowly. "Yes; do you know him?" " I have heard of him,'' said the other, with hesitation. " Oh, I nearly forgot to say that he claimed the watch as his said you had stolen it from him." " Jim Beckwith said that? " " Yes." " And you gave it up to him? " " Yes, but not till he paid me the twenty dollars I gave for it." The other was more and more mystified. " Jim Beckwith gave you the twenty dol lars? " he said. " Yes. That leaves me all right. If you want to buy it back at any time, you must ap ply to him." 8o Walter Sherwood's Probation. The man in the white hat stared at Walter as if he were a museum freak. " Boy," he said, in a tone of enforced ad miration, "you're smart!" " I am glad you think so, sir," returned Wal ter. " You pay me a compliment." " How old are you? " " Seventeen." " A seventeen-year-old boy who can get the better of Jim Beckwith is smart, and no mis take." " Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me whether it's true that the watch belongs to Mr. Beckwith, as he says." " It does now as he paid for it." " Is it true that you took it from him, as he says? " " I bought it of another man who may have stolen it from him," said he of the white hat cautiously. " Well, you'll have to settle with him. I'm out of it ! " AVhile Walter was' speaking, and extraordi nary change came over the countenance of the man in the white hat. The color faded from his cheeks', and he half rose from his seat. He was not looking at Walter, but beyond him, toward the door. Walter turned, follow ing his look, and when he saw who had entered he understood the situation. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 81 CHAPTER XI. THE MAN FROM DAKOrA. THE man who had just entered the reading- room was no other than Detective Green. He nodded pleasantly to Walter. " So you have put up here," he said. " Well, it is a good place. And is this gentleman a friend of yours?" indicating the man in the white hat. " I bought the watch from him." " Ha ! I thought so. I see you know me, Steve Ashton." " Yes, sir," answered Ashton nervously. " I hope you are well." " You are very kind. Then you really hope I am well?" "Of course. Why shouldn't I?" " Well, there are some of your companions, I fear, who are not so cordial Jim Beckwith, for instance. By the way, you have some busi ness arrangements with Jim Beckwith." " I know him, sir," answered Ashton hesi tatingly. " You know him well, I suspect. So you sold my young friend here a watch? " 82 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Yes, sir." " At a remarkable sacrifice." " Yes, sir. It is worth more than he paid me for it." " And yet it seemed likely to be a losing bar gain for him. It would have been but for me." Ashton looked at Walter inquiringly. The latter smiled. " You gave me credit for being smarter than I was," said Walter. " Mr. Green, here, came to my assistance." " I think, Mr. Ashton," said Detective Green, with suavity, " that you have a wife and family in Dakota." " I, sir " " Yes-, and it was to obtain money to join them that you sold your watch on the train." " Yes, sir," answered Ashton faintly. " I am going to give you a bit of advice. It will be wise for you to go to Dakota, as you planned. This is a wicked city in spots and I am afraid you have been keeping bad company. How long have you known Beck- with?" " About six months." " And he drew you into this business? " " Yes, sir." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 83 " I thought so. You are new to the profes sion. Still I knew you. I make it a point to get acquainted with the new men. Is the watch honestly yours? " " Yes, sir." " Get it back from Beck with, and then drop his acquaintance. If necessary, leave Chicago. Have you a trade? " " Yes, sir. I am a machinist." " It is a good trade. Go back to it. Is that advice friendly? " " Yes, sir," answered Ashton, with more confidence. " I didn't expect to get friendly advice from Detective Green." " Perhaps not. You didn't know me, that was all. You looked upon me as an enemy, I suppose? " " Yes, sir." " I am an enemy to those who are incurably bad. I think you were meant for an honest man." " So I was, sir. I should be still if I hadn't .met with Jim Beck with." " llave done with him, then ! If you follow my advice you need not fear meeting with me again." The detective went up to the desk, bought a cigar, and then left the room, with a nod to Ashton and Walter, 84 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Will you follow his advice? " asked Wal ter. " Yes, I will. Hereafter I will depend upon honest work for an honest livelihood. What is your name? " " Walter Sherwood." " Then, Walter Sherwood, I am glad I did not succeed in robbing you. Yet I am glad I met you. It will lead to my reformation. Will you give me your hand? " " Willingly." Steve Ashton shook the proffered hand ener getically. " If I can do you a favor at any time, I shall be glad to do so." " Perhaps you can. I cannot afford to live at a hotel. Can you recommend me to some respectable but modest-priced boarding- house? " "Yes; the widow of a machinist who used to be employed in the same shop as myself keeps a few boarders. I think she would take you for six dollars a week, or five if you have a friend to room with you." " Can you show me the place after supper that is, unless you are in a hurry to start for Dakota?" he added, with a smile. " I never was in Dakota in my life," said Ashtoji, " I told you a lie," Walter Sherwood's Probation. 85 " I was beginning to think so.'' " But I shall drop all that. From this time on you can trust me." After supper Walter went round with Ash- ton to a house in Harrison Street the board ing-house referred to. The door was opened by a careworn woman of middle age. " How do you do, Mr. Ashton? " she said, with an inquiring look. " Very well, thank you, Mrs. Canfield. Have you any rooms vacant? " " Are you asking for yourself? " " No, for my young friend here, Mr. Sher wood." " Do you want a large room or a small one? " asked Mrs. Canfield, brightening up a little. " That depends a little on the price," an swered Walter. " I can give you a hall bedroom and board for five dollars and a half a week." "Can you show me the room?" " Be kind enough to follow me." Walter followed the landlady up a narrow staircase, or rather two of them, and was shown a hall bedroom, which seemed to be un comfortably full, though it only contained a bedstead, a chair, a very small bureau, and a wash-stand. There was scarcely room for 86 Walter Sherwood's Probation. him to stand unless he stood on the bed. It was indeed vastly different from his nice col lege room and from his comfortable chamber at home. " I should like to see a larger room," said Walter, not venturing to make any comment on the hall room. He was shown an adjoining apartment, about ten feet by twelve. It was small, but decidedly preferable to the other. " How much do you charge for this room, Mrs. Canfield?" " I shall have to charge you six dollars if you occupy it alone, but if you can get another young gentleman to occupy it with you, I will say ten dollars for the two." " I will take it alone at first. Can I move in to-morrow morning? " " I will have it ready for you by eleven o'clock." " That will do." " How do you like it? " asked Ashton, when they were in the street. " I think I can make it do." " I suppose you have been used to something better? " " Yes." " I can direct you to a better house." " Thank you, but six dollars' a week is all I Walter Sherwood's Probation. 87 can afford at present. I have no income, but I shall look for a place at once.-' " You haven't any trade, have you? " " No," answered Walter, with a smile. Brought up as he had been, it seemed odd to be asked if lie had a trade. " Some trades pay very well. I have a nephew who is a bricklayer. He gets from three to four dollars a day." " I am afraid I should not like that busi ness. Besides, it would take a good while to learn it." Walter smiled to himself as he pictured some of his aristrocratic college friends seeing him laying bricks. He was not a snob, nor would he have disdained to notice a friend or school companion filling such a position, but he felt that Providence must have something in store for him more congenial, though per haps less lucrative. " I have a cousin who is a carpenter," pro ceeded Ashton. " He makes his two dollars and a half a day, and supports a wife and three children in comfort." " I wonder if I could support a family on fifteen dollars a week," thought Walter. " Fortunately, I have only to support myself. I ought to be able to do that in a large city like Chicago." 88 Walter Sherwood's Probation. Reared in comfort, Walter knew very little of the competition and struggles of working men, and had an idea that he would be able easily to command a salary of ten dollars a week, though he was wholly disqualified for any special line of business. This he set down as the minimum. Paying six dollars a week for board, he calculated that he could get along on this salary with extreme economy. Fortunately he was pretty well provided with clothing, or would be when he had sent for his trunk, and would not find it necessary for some time to come to purchase anything, ex cept probably a pair of shoes', a necktie, or some trifle. Then probably his pay would soon be raised, and this would make him com fortable. That evening Walter went to Hooley's Thea ter, and occupied a dollar seat. It was hardly prudent, but he had seventy dollars still, and that seemed to him a large sum. He enjoyed the play, and got a sound night's rest after it. The next morning he settled his hotel bill, took his gripsack in his hand, and walked over to his new boarding-house. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 89 CHAPTER XII. IN SEARCH OF EMPLOYMENT. " WANTED A young man of seventeen or eighteen in an insurance office, No. 169 La Salle Street," This notice attracted the attention of Wal ter as he ran his eyes over the advertising col umns of the Chicago Times on the second day after his arrival in the city. " I think that will suit me," he said to him self. " It is a nice, respectable business 1 and I think I should like it. I will go to the office and make inquiries." He entered a large building, devoted to of fices, and ascended to the third story, where he found the office of Perkins & Windermcre, the names given in the advertisement. A young man of about his own age was coming out of the office as he entered an unsuccess ful applicant, Walter inferred. Opening the door, he saw a man of about forty seated in a revolving chair at a desk. " I believe you advertised for an assistant,' 7 Qo Walter Sherwood's Probation. began Walter, as the occupant of the chair turned round. " Yes," answered Mr. Perkins for it was he eying Walter with a scrutinizing glance. " I would like to apply for the position." "Humph! Do you know anything of the insurance business? " " Not practically, sir." " That's against you." " I think I could soon familiarize myself with it so as to make myself useful.' " How old are you? " " Very nearly eighteen." " Do you live in Chicago? " " I do now. I have recently come from the East." "What education have you?" " I have spent two years at Euclid College," answered Walter, with conscious pride. " So you are a college student? " " Yes, sir." " Humph ! That won't do you any good.'' " I hope it won't do me any harm, sir," said Walter, somewhat nettled. " No, unless it has made you conceited. I am a graduate of the People's College." " I don't think I have heard of that, sir." " I mean the common school. Don't think much of college myself. They don't help in Walter Sherwood's Probation. 91 our business. They didn't have any insurance companies in Greece or Rome, did they?" " I never heard of any, sir." " I thought not. You see we of to-day are rather ahead of Demosthenes and Cicero, and those old fellows. I suppose Rome was quite a sizable place." " I have always heard so," answered Walter. " I'll bet a quarter it wasn't as big or as smart a place as Chicago. I don't believe they had any such hotel there as the Palmer House, or any dry-goods store as big as Marshall Field's." " I don't believe they did," Walter admit ted. " Did Rome ever win the baseball champion ship? " demanded Mr. Perkins. " No, sir." " I thought not Then what's the use in spending four years over those old fellers? How is it going to help you? " " I don't expect it will help me to earn a lining, sir. Do you think you can employ me?" " What are your ideas as to a salary, young man?" " I thought of ten dollars," said Walter hesi tatingly. " Ten dollars ! " ejaculated Mr. Perkins. 92 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Just what I thought. Because you've been to college you think you are worth a big sal^ ary." " Do you call that a big salary, sir? " asked Walter, disconcerted. " It wouldn't be if you had a couple of years' experience, but for a beginner it is simply enormous." " What did you expect to pay? " asked Wai, ter, in a depressed tone. " Five dollars is about the figure." " I couldn't work for that, sir. It wouldn't pay my board." " Where are you boarding at the Palmer House?*' inquired Perkins, rather sarcastic ally. " No, sir. I am at a cheap boarding-house on Harrison Street, where I pay six dollars a week," answered Walter, with spirit. " Then I don't think we can make a bar gain, although I rather like your looks." This, at any rate, was a little encouraging. " But I can't pay your figure. I'll tell you what you'd better do." " I shall be glad of any advice." " Become an agent. You look as if you had a gift of the gab. A successful life-insurance agent will make a good deal more than ten dollars a week." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 93 " Can I get such a position? " asked Walter hopefully. " Yes, I'll employ you myself, on a commis sion, of course. You'll be paid according to your work. I've known an agent to make a hundred and twenty-five dollars in a single week." " If you think I can do it, sir, I'll try." " Very well. Have you ever studied life-in surance? " " No, sir, but I have a general idea of it.'' " I will give some documents instructions to agents, etc. Take these home, study them, and come to me when you think you under stand it well enough to talk people into it." Mr. Perkins opened his desk, and, selecting some papers, handed them to Walter. " When you come again, if there is anything you don't see into, let me know, and I'll ex plain it to you." " Thank you, sir." Walter went home and set himself to study ing the insurance documents given him by Mr. Perkins. Here he found his college training of service. It was like studying a science. and Walter, who went to work methodically, soon came to understand the system, with the arguments for and against it. He made cal- qulations of the expenses attending the 94 Walter Sherwood's Probation. ent classes of life-insurance, selecting the ages of thirty, forty, and fifty as illustrations. The result was that when he went round to the office the next day he felt considerable confi dence in his ability to talk up insurance. Mr. Perkins seemed surprised to see him so soon. " Do you think you understand the duties of a canvasser? " he asked. " Yes, sir." " You haven't devoted much time to it. You only took the documents yesterday." " True, sir; but I have spent several hours in examining them." " Were there any things you did not under stand?" Walter mentioned one or two points. " Now, that I may get an idea of your work ing ability, suppose you try to insure me. I will take the part of an ordinary business man, who is unfamiliar with the subject." Walter was not bashful, and saw at once the value of this suggestion. Without going into details, it may be stated that he acquitted himself very creditably. " You surprise me," Mr. Perkins admitted. " You seem to have made yourself quite famil iar with the subject, I will take you into my Walter Sherwood's Probation. 95 employment as an agent, and allow you half commission." " Do you wish me to operate in the city." " It will be better for you to start outside. I will send you to Elm Bank, about fifteen miles distant Once there, I shall leave you to your own discretion. I will pay your fare there and back, and trust to your doing something to repay me for my outlay." " Very well, sir." Walter took the necessary directions, and after dinner took a train out to the suburban town which I have called Elm Bank, though this is not the real name. He congratulated himself on so soon obtaining employment, though it remained to be seen how he would succeed. However, Walter was sanguine, not as yet having put himself in a position to meet the rebuffs which are sure to lie in wait for agents of any kind. lie thought over his pros pects with pleased anticipations. He felt that the position was much higher than that of a boy in an office. It was one usually filled by men of maturity and business experience. Be sides, if successful, the rewards would be am ple. The thought of the agent who made a hundred and twenty-five dollars in a single week occurred to him and encouraged him. He would have been content with a salary of 96 Walter Sherwood's Probation. ten dollars a week, but here was a business which might lead to a great deal more. He seated himself next to a girl of sixteen with a pleasant face and frank, cordial man ner. Presently the girl tried to raise the win dow she occupied the seat next to it but it resisted her efforts. " Will you allow me to try? " asked Walter politely. " Thank you. You are very kind." Walter leaned over and succeeded in rais ing it. " Thank you," said the young lady. " I am only going to Elm Bank, but I like the fresh air, even for a short distance." Here was a surprise for Walter. "Are you going to Elm Bank?" he said. So am I." CHAPTER XIII. A YOUNG INSURANCE AGENT. "You don't live in Elm Bank?" said the young girl inquiringly. " No," answered Walter, swelling with par- Walter Sherwood's Probation. 97 donable pride. " I am going there on busi ness." " Have you ever been there before? " asked his fair companion. " No." " You look young to be in business." " I haven't been in business long," returned Walter, wondering if he looked so very young. Then he added, with a sudden impulse, " I am an insurance agent." "Are you? I I thought "What did you think?" asked W T alter, a little curious. " I would rather not say it." " I wish you would." " You will promise not to be offended? " " Yes." " I have been told that insurance agents are very cheeky." Walter laughed. " I don't know about that," he said. " I haven't been in the business long enough yet. ])o you know if any insurance agents 1 have vis ited Elm Bank lately?" " No, I don't think so." " Perhaps you would like to have your life insured? " said Walter, with a humorous look. "Can you insure me fifty cents' worth?" " I am afraid not." 98 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Then I must put it off, for that is all the money I have." Conversation drifted into other channels, and was kept up till the cars slowed down and the conductor, putting his head in at the door, called out " Elm Bank." Walter and his companion rose, and, leaving the car, stepped out on the platform. Wal ter asked leave to carry a small bundle be longing to the young lady. " Could you recommend any one who is likely to want his life insured? " he asked. His companion pointed to a small house some quarter of a mile distant, but plainly vis ible on account of its high location. " That house belongs to a German named Louis Fishbach," she said. " He has a little money, and earns good wages in a shoe shop. He has a wife and four young children. Per haps he will be willing to insure." " Thank you. I will try him." " I will leave you here, as I live in a differ ent direction. I am sure I am much obliged to you for your politeness, Mr. ," here she hesitated. " Sherwood," supplied Walter. " Mr. Sherwood. My name is Jennie Gil bert." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 99 " Good afternoon, Miss Jennie," said Wal ter, politely removing his hat. He stopped a moment and watched the re treating figure of the young girl. " I hope I shall meet her again some time," he said to himself. " I say, who be you? " Walter turned quickly, and found himself confronted by a stout, hulking young fellow, broad-shouldered, and dressed in country fash ion. He was 1 , judging from his appearance, about twenty-one years o age. His tone and face indicated that he was displeased. " Why do you want to know? " asked Wal ter coldly. "Why do I want to know? I'll tell you why I want to know. I ain't goin' to have any city dude chinning up to my best girl." "Is Miss Jennie Gilbert your best girl?" asked W T alter. " Well, she can be if she wants to be. I picked her out a year ago, and as* soon as she is old enough I'm goin' to let her know it." " Then she isn't your best girl now? " "No matter whether she is or not. I ain't; goin' to have you paying 'tentions to her." " I don't see what business it is of yours," retorted Walter. *' You'll find it out if I give you a lickin' ! " ioo Walter Sherwood's Probation. growled the other, handling the stick which hi: carried in a suggestive manner. Walter was inclined to retort in kind, but all at once it struck him as foolish to get into a quarrel about a girl whom he had known less than an hour. " If it will make you feel any better," he said, " I'll tell you that I got acquainted with Miss Gilbert in the cars this afternoon. I never met her before, and as I live in Chicago I don't suppose I shall ever meet her again." The young man's* face cleared up " Come, that's honest," he said. " I thought you wanted to cut me out." " If Miss Gilbert likes you I sha'n't inter fere," he said. "Now, I'm going to talk busi ness. I would like to insure your life." " What's that? You ain't a doctor, be you?" " No." Walter proceeded to explain in as simple terms as he could command the object and methods of life-insurance. The young man scratched his head. " W T hen do I get the money? " he asked. " It is paid after your death." " Then it won't do me any good." " No; but suppose you have a wife and chil- Walter Sherwood's Probation. 101 dren you would like to leave them something, wouldn't you? " " I might live longer than my w r ife," sug gested the young man triumphantly. Walter found that his new acquaintance could only be influenced by considerations of personal advantage, and was 1 compelled to give up the attempt to insure him. He kept on his way till he reached the house of Mr. Fish bach, to whom he had been recom mended. Fortunately for his purpose, the shoe shop in which the German was employed was closed for the day, and Walter found him at home mending a wagon in the back yard. " Good afternoon, Mr. Fishbach," said Wal ter, raising his hat politely. " I don't know who you are," answered Mr. Fishbach, with a scrutinizing glance. " I should like to insure your life." " You want to insure my life what's dat? " " If you will tell me your age, I will ex plain to you." " I was forty-nine next Christmas. You ain't the census man, eh? " "No; that is quite another matter. Now, Mr. Fishbach," continued Walter, referring to a pamphlet in his hand, " if you will pay to the company which I represent forty-four dol- IO2 Walter Sherwood's Probation. lars every year, when you die a thousand dol lars will be paid to your wife, or any one else you may name." " You don't pay me till I am dead, eh? " " No." "How will I know you pay then?" " We do business on the square. We keep our promises." " You pay the money to my widow, eh? " " Yes. If you pay twice as much we will pay two thousand dollars." " What good will that do me, eh? " " You will like to leave your wife comfort able, won't you? " "If she gets much money, she'll maybe marry again." " Perhaps so." " And the money will go to her second hus band, eh?" " If she chooses to give it to him." " By jiminy, that won't suit me. I will spend my money myself." " But if you die, how will your wife and children get along? " " What makes you think I'm goin' to die? eh? Do I look delicate?" As W T alter surveyed the stout, rotund figure of Mr. Fishbach, he could not help laughing at the idea of his being delicate. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 103 " You look likely to live," he was forced to admit. " Still, life is uncertain." " You can't scare Louis Fishbach, young man. My father lived till seventy-seven, and my mother was seventy-five. My children can take care of themselves when I die, and they can look after the old woman." Walter used such other arguments as oc curred to him, but his German friend was not to be moved, and he rather despondently put his documents into his pocket, and went out into the street. " I had no idea I should find it so difficult," he reflected. Life-insurance seemed to him so beneficent, and so necessary a protection for those who would otherwise be unprovided for, that he could not understand how any one who cared for his wife and children could fail to avail himself of its advantages. After leaving the house of Mr. Fishbach he kept on in the same direction. Being un acquainted in Elm Bank, he had to trust to chance to guide him. A little distance beyond was an old-fash ioned, two-story house. " Perhaps I had better call," thought Wal ter, and he entered the path that led to the side door. He had scarcely taken three steps 104 Walter Sherwood's Probation. when he was startled by a scream that seemed to proceed from the interior. " Help ! Help ! " was the cry that reached him. He started to run, and, on reaching the door, opened it without ceremony. The sight that confronted him Avas one to test his cour age. CHAPTER XIV. AN EXCITING ENCOUNTER. To understand the scene in which Walter became an actor a brief explanation is neces sary. The occupant of the house w r as a woman of perhaps thirty-five. Her husband, Ephraim Gregory, was employed in Chicago, and went to and from the city every day. It was some what inconvenient to live at Elm Bank, but both he and his wife were fond of the country, and were willing to submit to some incon venience for the sake of the sweet, pure air and rural surroundings. They had one child, a little girl of five. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 105 Twenty minutes previous Mrs. Gregory had been sitting at her sewing, with little Rosa on the floor beside her, when, without the ceremony of a knock, the outer door was opened, and a tall, powerful man, whose garb and general appearance indicated that he was a tramp, entered the room. " What do you want? " asked Mrs. Gregory, rising in alarm. " I'm hungry," answered the tramp, in a hoarse voice. He might be hungry, but his breath indi cated that he had been drinking. Mrs. Greg ory would gladly have dismissed him, but she was afraid to do so. If only her husband had been at home! " Sit down," she said, " and I will find you something." She went to the pantry and returned w r ith some bread and cold meat, which she set be fore her uncouth visitor. " If you will wait five minutes I will make you some tea," she said. " I don't want any slops," said her visitor scornfully. "Give me brandy!" " I have none." "Then whiskey, gin anything!" " We don't keep liquors in the house. My husband and I never drink them." io6 Walter Sherwood's Probation. At this he swore in a manner that terrified, his unwilling hostess, and anathematized her for a temperance crank. This aroused her spirit. " If you want liquor," she said, " you must go where it is sold. I won't supply it to you or anybody else. If you want hot tea you can have it." " Give it to me, then." Mrs. Gregory hastened to steep some tea she had hot water all ready and set it before the ruffian. He ate and drank eagerly, vora ciously, and did not leave a crumb behind him. He had certainly spoken the truth when he said he was hungry. Then he arose, and she hoped he would go. But he turned to her with a significant look. " I want money," he said. " I can give you none/' she answered, her heart sinking. " Oh, yes, you can." " Are you a thief? " she demanded, with a flash of spirit. " You can call me that if you like." There was little hope of shaming him, she saw. " Look here, missis," he went on roughly, "you've got money in the house, and I must bave it." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 107 " How do you know that I have money in the house? " " Your husband brought some home last night. It is here now.'' This was true, and she was startled to find how much this man knew. " Do you know my husband? " she asked. " Yes, I know him. His name is Ephraim Gregory. He had some money paid him yesterday, and it is here. I don't know where it is, but you do. Get it, and be quick about it ! " Mrs. Gregory saw by this time that her visitor was a desperate villain and that she was in a critical position. He might, since he knew so much, know the amount of money which her husband had entrusted to her for safe keeping. If she could buy him off for five dollars she would do so. " Will you go if I give you five dollars? " she asked. He laughed. " No, I won't. W>hy should I take five dol lars when you have a hundred here? " She turned pale. The worst was true, then, This man had in some mysterious manner dis covered the exact sum which she had in charge. Why had not her husband kept it io8 Walter Sherwood's Probation. in liis own possession? It would have been more prudent. " I can't give you the money," she said, pale but resolute. " Oh, yes, you will ! " he answered mock ingly. " Go away, please," she said, in a pleading tone. " I have given you a meal, though you had no claim on me. Let that be sufficient." "You can't fool me!" he replied roughly. " Bring me the money, or it will be the worse for you ! " " I cannot ! " she gasped. "Then, by Heaven, I'll brain you!" As 1 he spoke he raised the chair on which he had been sitting and held it in position above his head, ready to bring it down upon the helpless woman. Then it was that she uttered the piercing scream which brought Walter into the house. His astonished glance rested on the terrified woman, with her little girl clinging in alarm to her dress, cowering beneath the chair which seemed ready to descend upon her. Walter did not hesitate a moment. Though the tramp was possessed of twice his strength, he darted forward and grasped him by the arm. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 109 " r What are you about? " lie demanded sternly. The tramp turned at the unexpected inter ference and partially lowered the chair. " What business is it of yours*, you impu dent young jackanapes? " he growled. " I will make it my business," said Walter bravely. " I won't see a lady struck down by a ruffian ! " " Take care how you talk ; I can twist you round my finger, you manikin ! " " What does this man want? *' asked Wal ter, turning to Mrs. Gregory. " He demands money," was her answer. " So he is a thief! " exclaimed Walter con temptuously. " I'll fix you for that ! " growled the tramp, with a frown. Walter quickly explored the room in search of a weapon, for he saw that he would have to defend himself. There was a fireplace in the apartment, and resting beside it was a. poker of large size. Walter sprang for this, and grasping it firmly, brandished it in a threatening manner. " Go up-stairs 1 , madam," he said, " and lock yourself in. I will attend to this man." The tramp burst into a contemptuous laugh. " Why, you young whipper-snapper I " he no Walter Sherwood's Probation. said, " I could handle half-a-dozen boys like you." " I don't like to leave you in the power of this man," said Mrs. Gregory. " He will kill you." " Right you are, ma'am ! " growled the giant. " That's just what I am going to do ! " The lady turned pale. She was frightened, but her concern for Walter's safety overcame her fear for herself. "I shall stay here ! " she said. " It would be cowardly to leave you." " Take my advice, boy," growled the tramp, " and clear out of here. It is no concern of yours." Walter did not answer, but keen, alert, vigilant, he fixed his eye warily on his for midable opponent. " Well, youngster," said the tramp impa tiently, " did you hear me? " " Yes, I heard you." " Leave this room, or I'll smash you ! " " Smash away ! " retorted Walter. Though he was barely five feet six inches in height, while the tramp was fully six feet, his muscles had been toughened by exercise in the college gymnasium and by rowing in the college crew, and he was wonderfully quick in his motions, Walter Sherwood's Probation. in Feeling that the time for forbearance was over, and irritated beyond measure by Wal ter's audacity, the tramp prepared to carry out his threat. He raised the chair, and with a downward sweep aimed at Walter's head. Had the blow taken effect, this story would never have been written. But Walter's quick eye foresaw the movement, and springing aside he dodged the blow, and brought down the poker on the muscular part of the giant's arm with what force he could command. There was a howl of pain, and the tramp's arm hung limp and lifeless 1 at his side, while with the other he clasped it in evident suffering. " You murderous young villain ! " he shrieked. "I'll kill you for that!" Walter felt that he was in a dangerous position. "Leave the room, please!" he said to Mrs. Gregory. " You will be in my way." She obeyed, for her champion had shown himself worthy to command, and Walter sprang to the other side of the table, placing it between him and his foe. By this 1 time the tramp had got ready for an attack. He dashed round the table after Walter, and finally succeeded, in spite of the boy's astivity, in grasping him by the shoul der. H2 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Ah! " be said, with a deep sigh of content, " Tve got you now. I'll pay you for that blow ! " Walter felt that he had never been in such a tight place before. CHAPTER XV. THE EXCITEMENT DEEPENS. WALTER was fortunate enough not to lose his head under any circumstances. He no ticed that his opponent held him by his right hand, and it was his right arm which had been lamed. Naturally, therefore, it had lost some of its strength. This was his opportu nity. With a sudden twist he wriggled out of the giant's grasp, and, understanding that it was dangerous to be at too close quarters, he threw open the outer door and dashed into the yard. Whether this would, on the whole, have helped him, was uncertain, as the tramp could probably outrun him, but just in the nick of time a team appeared, driven by a young man, perhaps twenty-five, of remarkable size. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 113 Fliram Nutt was six feet six inches in height, the tallest man in the county, and he was as athletic as he was tall. He tipped the scales at two hundred and ten pounds, and was famous for his feats of strength. He was a farmer's son, and lived at Elm Bank. When he saw Walter dash out of the house, pursued by an ill-looking tramp, he thought it high time to interfere. " What's up? " he demanded, still retaining his seat in the wagon. " None of your business ! " retorted the tramp, too angry to be prudent. " The kid's been impudent, and I'm going to pound him. to a jelly." Meanwhile, Walter was leading the tramp a chase round the wagon, narrowly escaping seizure. "Help me!" exclaimed Walter, panting. " If you do, I'll lay you out ! " exclaimed the pursuer, who had been too much occupied to notice the formidable size of the young man in the wagon. Hiram Nutt smiled a smile of conscious strength. " Jump in the wagon, boy ! " he said. " I'll take care of you." Walter obeyed directions, and the tramp tried to follow him. 1 14 Walter Sherwood's Probation. But in an instant Hiram had risen to his full height, and, leaping to the ground, hurried to the rear of the vehicle and caught hold of the tramp. The latter tried to resist, but he was like a child in the grasp of a man. He looked up in amazement, for he was proud of his strength. " What museum did you escape from, you monster? " he panted. Hiram laughed. "Never mind!" he said. "It's well Fra here. Now, boy, who is this man? " " I found him in that house, ready to strike down the lady who lives there because she would not give him what money she had." Hiram Nutt's brows contracted. " Why, you thieving scoundrel ! " he cried, vigorously shaking his captive, " you dared to threaten Mrs. Gregory? Did he hurt the lady? " he added anxiously. "No; I heard her cry for help, and rushed in. Then he turned upon me." " He might have killed you ! " " I wish I had ! " ejaculated the tramp, with a scowl. " Where is Mrs. Gregory now? " " I told her to go up-stairs." Just then the lady, who from an upper win- Walter Sherwood's Probation. 115 clow had observed the discomfiture and cap ture of her enemy, came out. " Oh, Mr. Nutt ! " she exclaimed, " I am so glad you came along! I was afraid this brave boy would get hurt." " It isn't he that will get hurt now," said Nutt significantly. " How came this fellow in your house? " " He came in half-an-hour ago and asked for food." "And you gave it to him?" "Yes; I got ready a lunch for him, and made him some tea, though he wanted liquor." " And this was the way of repaying the favor?" " He had heard in some way that my hus band brought home some money last evening, and he demanded it. I wish, Mr. Nutt, you would take charge of it till my husband comes home. I don't dare to have it in the house." " It won't be necessary for there comes your husband." It was 1 true. Ephriam Gregory turned the corner of the street, and paused in surprise at the spectacle before him. " What's the matter, Lucy? " he asked. She briefly explained. " I am so glad you are at home," she sighed. (l But how do you happen to come so early? " " T think it was a presentiment of evil, I n6 Walter Sherwood's Probation. thought of the money I had left with you, and it occurred to me that it might expose you to danger. So I got leave of absence and took an early train for Elm Bank." "What shall I do with this fellow, Mr. Gregory?" asked Hiram. " I'll go into the house and get a rope to tie him. Then we'll take him to the lockup." " Let me go! " said the tramp uneasily. " I was only joking." " You carried the joke too far, my friend," said Hiram significantly. " I'll take you round to the lockup by way of joke and Judge Jones will sentence you to the peniten tiary just to help the joke along." " Let me go ! " whined the tramp, now quite subdued. " I am a poor man, and that's what led me to do wrong." " I suppose you never indulged in such a little joke before? " "No; this is the first time." " Probably you are a church member when you are at home," said Hiram, in a tone of sarcasm. " You're a good man gone wrong, ain't you? " " Yes," said the tramp. " You look like it. Such good men as you are better off in jail." " I'll leave town and never come back I Walter Sherwood's Probation. 117 will, on my honor ! " pleaded the tramp earnestly. " I don't put any confidence in what you say. Ah, here's the rope. Now, hold still if you know what's best for yourself." The tramp attempted resistance, but a little vigorous shaking up by his captor soon brought him to terms. In five minutes, with his hands and feet firmly tied, he was 1 on his way to the lockup. Mr. Gregory and Walter accompanied him in the wagon. " Now, Mr. Sherwood," said Gregory, when their errand was completed, " I want to thank you for your brave defense of my wife." " I only did what any one would do under the same circumstances," said Walter mod estly. " Any one of the requisite courage. You put yourself in danger." " I didn't think of that, Mr. Gregory." " No, I suppose not, but it is proper that I should think of it. You have placed me under an obligation that I shall not soon forget. You must do me the favor to come home to supper with me and pass the night. Will it interfere seriously with your business?" " I am a life-insurance agent," said Walter, " or, at least, I am trying to be, but have not yet succeeded in writing a policy." n8 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " I have been thinking of insuring my life for a small sum. If you come home with me you may talk me into doing it." " Then I will certainly accept your invita tion," said Walter, smiling. " My wife made me promise to keep you. She wants to show her gratitude. Besides, you may be wanted to appear against the pris oner to-morrow morning." " I shall be glad to help him to his deserts," said Walter. " The sooner he is locked up the better it will be for the community." Walter had no reason to regret his accept ance of the invitation. Mrs. Gregory exerted herself to the utmost in providing an appetiz ing supper, far in advance of anything he would have had set before him at his boarding- house, Mrs. Canfield being an indifferent cook. Generally her butter was strong and her tea weak, while the contrary should have been the case, and her biscuit heavy with saleratus. Walter thoroughly enjoyed his supper, and was almost ashamed of his appetite. But it gave his hostess great pleasure to see his ap preciation of the meal, and she took it as a compliment to herself as a cook. After supper Walter and Mr. Gregory sat down to business. He explained the methods of the insurance company for which he was Walter Sherwood's Probation. 119 acting as agent, and found Mr. Gregory an interested and intelligent listener. " You may write rne a policy for a thousand dollars," he said. " You will need to pass a medical examina tion/' said Walter. " Certainly; will our village physician do? " " Yes." " Then take your hat and walk over with me. It is only half-a-mile distant." The whole matter was adjusted that even ing, and Walter was pleased to feel that he had made a successful start in his new busi ness. The next morning the tramp was brought before Justice Jones, who arranged to hold court early to oblige Walter and Mr. Gregory, and the prisoner received a sentence of a year's confinement. He gave the name of Barney Fogg, and under that name received his sentence. He scowled fiercely while Wal ter was giving his evidence, and as he was taken from the court-room hand-cuffed, he turned toward our hero and said: " It's your turn now, young bantam, but I'll be even with you yet." "What a terrible man!" said Mr. Gregory, shuddering. " I hope I shall never see him again." I2O Walter Sherwood's Probation. CHAPTER XVI. WALTES GOES INTO A NEW BUSINESS. ONE swallow doesn't make a summer, and one policy doesn't establish the success of an insurance agent. Walter received from Mr. Perkins five dollars commission on the policy he had written at Elm Bank, and this en couraged him to renewed efforts. But in the fortnight following he only succeeded in writ ing a policy for two hundred and fifty dollars, for a man who designed it to meet his funeral expenses. For this Walter received one dol lar and a quarter. He made numerous other attempts, but he found, though he understood the subject thoroughly, that his youth oper ated against him. He decided that he was wasting his time, and one morning he waited on Mr. Perkins and resigned his agency. "Have you anything else in view?" asked that gentleman." " No, sir." " Then why don't you keep on till you have secured another position?" Walter Sherwood's Probation. 121 " Because it takes up my time, and pre vents my getting anything else." " I don't know but you are right, Mr. Sher wood. You have made a good beginning, and if you were ten years older I think you would make a successful agent." " I can't afford to wait ten years," returned Walter, with a smile. " If ever you want to come back, I will start you again." Walter thanked Mr. Perkins, and left the office. He now began to explore the columns of the daily papers, in the hope of finding some opening, but met with the usual rebuffs and refusals when he called upon advertisers. At length he saw the following advertise ment in the Chicago Tribune: " W T ANTED A confidential clerk at a salary of fifteen dollars per week. As a guarantee of fidelity, a small deposit will be required. LOCKE & GREEN, No. 257i/ 2 State Street." " Fifteen dollars a week ! " repeated Walter hopefully. " That will support me very com fortably. If I get it I will change my board ing-place, for I don't like Mrs. Canfild's 122 Walter Sherwood's Probation. table. I shall feel justified in paying a little more than I do now." The only thing that troubled him was as to the deposit. Though he had econourzed as closely as he knew how, he had made quite an inroad upon his small capital, and had only forty-six dollars left. He had been in Chicago four weeks, and had not yet been able to write home that he had found a permanent position. He had written about his insurance agency, and had not failed to chronicle his first suc cess. This letter Doctor Mack had read to his housekeeper, Miss Nancy Sprague. " Well, Nancy," he said, " Walter is at work." " You don't say so, doctor ! What is he do : ng? " " He is a life-insurance agent." " Is that a good business? " " Walter writes that one agent is making a hundred and twenty-five dollars a week," answered the doctor, with a humorous twinkle in his eye. " I'm glad Master Walter has got such a good business," said the housekeeper, brighten ing up. " That's a great sum for a boy like him to make." " It isn't he that has made it, Nancy. There Walter Sherwood's Probation. 123 are very few that do, and those have to be old and experienced men." " Well, he'll make a good living, anyhow." " Perhaps so," answered the doctor, dubi ously, for he understood better than Nancy how precarious were the chances of an inex perienced agent. He was not at all surprised when Walter wrote later that though he had met with some success, he thought it better to look for a situation with a regular salary at tached. " He's gaining a little knowledge of the world," thought the guardian. " I don't think he'll be able to indulge in luxurious living for the present. It won't be long, probably, before he runs out of money." It was with a hopeful spirit that Walter started for the office of Locke & Green. He was pretty well acquainted with Chicago by this time, and had no difficulty in locating any office in the business part of the city. No indication was given in the advertise ment of the business carried on by Locke & Green. As to that, however, Walter felt in different. His chief concern was the weekly salary of fifteen dollars, which he needed very much. Arrived at the number indicated, Walter ran up-stairs, and with some difficulty found 124 Walter Sherwood's Probation. the office in a small room on the fourth floor. A card on the door bore the names : LOCKE & GREEN Again there was no clue to the business carried on by the firm. Walter was not sure whether he ought to knock, but finally decided to open the door and enter. He found himself in a room scarcely larger than a small bedroom, with a email desk in one corner. At this sat a man with long hair, industriously writing in a large blank book. He glanced at Walter as the door opened. " Wait a moment, young man! " he said, in a deep bass voice. " I will be at leisure in two minutes." He wrinkled up his face, turned back several pages, appeared thoughtfully consider ing some problem, and then wrote again rapidly. Finally he turned he was seated in a re- ' volving chair and placing his two hands to gether, palms inward, said abruptly: "Well, young man, what can I do for you? " " I believe you advertised in the Tribune this morning for a confidential clerk?" " Yes." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 125 " I should like to apply for the position, if it is still vacant." " We have not yet filled the place," said Mr. Locke. " We have had several applica tions, but the post is a very responsible one, and we are, of course, very particular." " I am afraid my chance is very small, then," thought Walter. " Still, I like your appearance, and it is possible that you may suit. Have you busi ness experience? " " Not much, sir. Indeed, till a short time since I was a college student." "Yale or Harvard?" " No, sir; Euclid College." " Ahem ; small, but very respectable. Your name? " " Walter Sherwood." " How long were you in college? " " Two years." " Left of your own accord? " " Oh, yes, sir." " Just so. I thought perhaps you might have been suspended or expelled." " I can refer you on that point to the presi dent or any of the professors." " Oh, I will take your word for it." " I left college on account of losing my prop erty." 126 Walter Sherwood's Probation. "Ah, indeed!" said Mr. Locke doubtfully. " Perhaps you noticed that we require a small deposit as a guarantee of fidelity." " Yes, sir. I have a little money." Mr. Locke looked relieved. " Of course," continued he loftily, " doing the business we do, money is of comparatively little importance to us, except as a guarantee of fidelity. How much did you say you had? " " I didn't say, sir. I could deposit twenty- five dollars with you." Mr. Locke shrugged his 1 shoulders. " That is very little," he said. " True, sir, but it is a good deal to me. It will be enough to insure my fidelity. " We had a young man here this morning," said Mr. Locke musingly, " who was willing to deposit a hundred dollars with us." "Indeed, sir! I wonder you did not take him." " We should, so far as the money went, but I could see by his appearance that there was no business in him. Our clerk must be quick, sharp, alert. The young man was very much disappointed." " I couldn't deposit any such sum as that, Mr. Locke." " It will not be necessary. Still, twenty* flve dollars is very small, You couldn't, say Walter Sherwood's Probation. 127 thirty, could you? That is merely equal to two weeks' salary." " Yes, sir. I might be willing to deposit thirty dollars. May I ask what business you are interested in? " " We have control for the Western States of a valuable patent a folding table and we have several hundred agents out, w r ho re port in general by letter.'' " That accounts for the small office," thought Walter. " Come here a moment, and I will give you an idea how we carry on business. Here, for instance, is a page devoted to B. Schenck. He is operating for us in Minnesota. You will observe that his remittances for the last four weeks aggregate three hundred and sixty- seven dollars. He has been doing very well, but we have others Avho do better. On the next page is our account with G. Parker. His month's work amounts to two hundred and eighty-nine dollars." " What would my duties be, sir? " " To keep the office when I am out, receive letters, and answer them, and see agents." " I think I could do that, sir," " Hours from nine to five. I think you will suit me. If at the end of the week I don't 128 Walter Sherwood's Probation. find you satisfactory, I will pay you your wages and return your money." " Very well, sir. I accept the position." " You may as well hand me the money, and go to work to-day." Walter drew out thirty dollars, the greater part of his little store, and handed it to Mr. Locke. Mr. Locke tucked it carelessly into his* vest pocket, and taking his hat said : " Sit down here, and if any agents come in, tell them I will be back at one o'clock. That is all you will need to do to-day." CHAPTER XVII. WALTER'S VISITORS. WALTER sat down at the desk complacently. He had parted with thirty dollars, but it was on deposit with his new employer, and would be returned to him whenever his engagement terminated. He only hoped that his services' would prove satisfactory. He meant to do his best. On fifteen dollars a week he could live very comfortably, and even save money. He felt that it would be prudent to do this, Walter Sherwood's Probation. 129 as he did not wish to call upon his guardian for any remittances during the year. " I shan't have to work very hard," thought Walter. In default of any other employment he looked over the large ledger committed to his charge. It appeared to contain certain ac counts with different agents, all of whom seemed to be meeting with very good success, judging from the amount of remittances credited to them. In about half-an-hour there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" called out Walter. A man of about thirty-five entered briskly. He was rather shabbily dressed, and his red face indicated possible indulgence in intoxi cating liquor. " Is Mr. Locke in? " he asked. " No, sir." " I wanted to see him." " I am his confldciit'al clerk," said Walter proudly. " Are you an agent? " " Yes, I am an agent. I suppose I ought to see him." " He will be back at one o'clock." " I can't stop, as I have been away for some weeks and want to go out and see my family at Barrington." 130 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " If you wish to leave any message I will give it to Mr. Locke as soon as he returns." u Perhaps that will do. My name is Jerome Grigson. Tell Mr. Locke I have met with excellent success in Ohio. In the last four weeks I have sold goods to the amount of four hundred and seventeen dollars." " I should think it was doing remarkably well," observed Walter. " It is; but any one could sell for Locke & Green. They've just hit the mark. They will be rich men inside of two years." " I have not met Mr. Green yet." " No ; I believe he leaves the direction of the business chiefly in Mr. Locke's hands. How long have you been in the office? " " Not long," answered Walter, who did not care to admit that his term of service covered less than an hour. " You've a good place with a rising firm. Mind you keep it! " " I will try to," said Walter earnestly. " They're square men, Locke & Green. I never worked for squarer men." This was pleasant to hear. Walter felt that he had made no mistake in parting with his thirty dollars. " Well, I must be going. Have you taken down my name? " Walter Sherwood's Probation. 131 "Yes, sir; Jerome Grigson." " Right. Say, I will look in some time to morrow and bring in a check for four hun dred and seventeen dollars." " Very well, sir. 7 ' Mr. Grigson left the office. Twenty min utes later a boy of about his own age opened the door. He glanced at Walter diffidently. " You advertised for a confidential clerk," he said. " Is is the place filled? " " Yes," answered Walter, in a tone of satis faction. " You don't want anybody else, do you? " asked the youth, looking disappointed. " Not at present, but we might be able to employ you as an agent." " Is it hard work? " " Well, of course you will have to exert yourself," said Walter condescendingly, toy ing with a pen as he spoke, " but successful men can earn good wages with us." He was talking as if he was one of the partners, but it is a way young clerks have. " Are you one of the firm? " asked the young man doubtfully. " No," answered Walter, " not exactly. Mr. Locke will be in about one o'clock, and if you will come round a little after that you can talk with him about an agency, I will put in 132 Walter Sherwood's Probation. a good word for you," he added, in a patro nizing tone. " Thank you, sir. I'd like to get a place." The youth departed and Walter was left alone. But not for long. A middle-aged man entered and looked inquiringly at Walter. "Are you Mr. Green?'' he asked. " No, sir." " I have seen Mr. Locke, but I thought you might be Mr. Green." Walter felt flattered to be taken for one of the firm. " I am the confidential clerk," he said. " Can I do anything for you?" " I wanted to see Mr. Locke and pay him some money." " I will take it and receipt for it," said Walter briskly. " Well, I suppose that will do, as you are the clerk." " What name? " asked Walter, opening the book. " Jonas Damon. Here is a check on the Corndish National Bank of Illinois for two hundred and twenty-seven dollars. I have made it payable to Locke & Green.'' " All right," said Walter, in a business-like tone. " If you wish to see Mr, Locke he will lie in Walter Sherwood's Probation. 133 at one o'clock," he added, as he put the check in his vest pocket. " No, I am obliged to go out of town in half- an-hour. It isn't necessary to see him. He would rather see the check." Mr. Damon laughed, and so did Walter. It made him feel quite like a business man to be installed in an office, receiving and crediting checks. " Have you been long in our employment? " he asked. " About six months." " I hope you have found it satisfactory? " " Yes, I have made an excellent living. I low much salary do you get? " " Fifteen dollars a week," answered Wal ter, rather complacently. " You look like a smart young fellow. You'd easily make double the money as an agent." " Thank you for the suggestion. I may undertake that some time. I have been a life-insurance agent." "Did it pay?" " Not as well as I hoped. I think I shall like my present place better." " I must be going. Tell Mr. Locke I will be in to-morrow." "All right." 134 VValter Sherwood's Probation. ''It is evident," thought Walter, "that I am in the employ of a substantial and pros perous firm. The duties are certainly very light and pleasant. I am in luck to get a clerkship here. It is rather surprising Mr. Locke didn't ask for references." Then it occurred to him that the deposit was taken as a substitute for references. Then again Walter flattered himself that his personal appearance might have produced a favorable impression upon his employer and had some influence in leading to an engage ment. His next caller was a young man, dark and sallow, with a slight mustache. " Is this the office of Locke & Green?" he asked. " Yes, sir." " Will you describe Mr. Locke to me? " asked the young man, who appeared to be laboring under some excitement. Walter was rather surprised at such a re quest, but complied with it. " Yes, he's the man," said his visitor, slap ping his hands together impetuously. " He's the man that cheated me out of fifty dollars! " " You must be mistaken," said Walter. " How did he cheat you out of it? " Walter Sherwood's Probation. 135 " One moment are you his confidential clerk?" " Yes." " I thought so," returned the young man, laughing wildly. " So was I." " You were his clerk? " " Yes, for two weeks. I paid him fifty dol lars good money as security." " You did? " repeated Walter, with some anxiety. " Yes; at the end of two weeks he told me I would not suit." " But he paid you your wages and returned you your money? " " No, he didn't! " exploded the young man. " He told me to come round on Monday morn ing and he would pay me." "Well?" "I called Monday, and he was gone! He had moved, the scoundrel! I should like to choke him ! " "Was it this office?" " No. Let me see that book ! Ah, it is the same that I kept. Have you, too, given him money? " " I deposited thirty dollars." "Ah, it is the same old game! You will never see a cent of it agiin." " But," said Walter, " I don't understand. 136 Walter Sherwood's Probation. He is doing a good business. I have had calls from two of his agents. One of them handed me this check," and he drew out the check Mr. Damon had given him. The young man took it and laughed bitterly. " I don't believe there is any such bank," he said. " I never heard of it." " Then why should the agent hand me the check?" " To pull wool over your eyes. These agents are in league with this man Locke. That wasn't his name when he engaged me." "What was it then?" "He called himself Libby. Libby & Rich mond, that was the name of the firm." " What made you think he might have changed his name? " " Because the advertisement reads the same." " And you really think it is the same man? " "Yes, I feel sure of it." " He will be back at one o'clock. If you will wait till then you can see for yourself." - "I'll wait!" said the young man, grinding his teeth. " I will confront the swindler face to face. I will demand my money." The door opened and some one put in his head, but before Walter or his visitor could see who it was it closed again. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 137 Fifteen minutes 1 later a telegraph boy en tered the office. CHAPTER XVIII. WALTER IS TURNED ADRIFT. " MR. SHERWOOD? " said the telegraph mes senger inquiringly. " That is my name," answered Walter. " A message for you." Walter opened the note, and read as fol lows : " I am called out of the city. You may close up at four, and leave the key with the janitor. Report for duty to-morrow morning. LOCKE." "What is it?" asked the young man eagerly. Walter showed him the note. " It looks to me like some trick," said the stranger. " But I don't see any object in it." " He has your thirty dollars." " And I have a check for over two hundred." " I would rather have the thirty dollars. What shall you do? " " There is nothing to do but fullow direc tions." The young man shrugged his shouJ. " Just you lock up the thief ! Have you got a pair of handcuffs with you?" " No; but I can get some.'' " Constable," put in Walter hastily, alarmed at this suggestion, " I will give my word not to attempt to get away. You won't need hand cuffs." " I dunno I " said the constable dubiously. " I give you my promise. Besides, if I did, you are able to master me." The constable was a big man, four inches taller and forty pounds heavier than Walter, and this seemed to him reasonable. " Come along, then ! " he said. " Look here, Crane, you just stay here with the hoss." " Don't be worried. We'll stay." The constable seized Walter by the arm and walked off with him. Poor Walter's face burned like fire, and he wished he could sink into the earth. He had done nothing to be ashamed of, but those who saw him in custody would hardly believe this. To add to his mor tification, people whom they met on the street looked at him curiously. Among them was the editor of the village paper, who was out search ing for items. "Whom have you there, Mr. Stokes?" he asked, taking out his note-book. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 229 " I don't know his name, but he's the fellow that stole Colonel Owen's hoss. Just rid into town with her." " You don't say so? It was a smart capture on your part, Stokes." " I generally do my duty," said the consta ble complacently. " What's your name, young man, " inquired the editor, opening his note-book. " I would prefer not to answer that question at present," replied Walter. " I don't care to have my name connected with a robbery of which I am innocent." " What proof have you that this young man stole the horse? " asked the editor, upon whom Walter's appearance had produced a favorable impression. " He doesn't look like a thief." " Rid into town on the identical hoss, as bold as brass ! " answered the constable. " Looks bad, that's a fact ! " " I bought the horse of a man I met on the road," explained Walter. " I was a fool to do it I can see that now, but I had no more to do with stealing her than either of you." CHAPTER XXXI. IN THE LOCKUP. THE lockup was a basement room under the engine-house. It was here that Walter was 230 Walter Sherwood's Probation. taken. The entrance was at the rear. There were four cells, about four feet by eight, and into one of these Walter was put. The cell opposite was occupied by a drunken tramp, who looked up stupidly as Walter entered, and hiccoughed : " Glad to see you, sonny? You been on a spree, too? " Walter turned from him in disgust. " Must I stay in here long? " he asked, look ing about him with a shudder. " Likely you won't be tried till to-morrow." "And I must stay in here overnight with that man?" " Hoss-stealers mustn't be particular," said the constable. " Can you tell me where Colonel Owen lives the man that owns' the horse? " " You ought to know that ! " " I remember the advertisement says Shelby. How far away is Shelby? " " 'Bout twenty miles. Was that where you stole her? " " I didn't steal her at all ! " answered Wal ter sharply. " Well, of course, you'd say so." " Do you think I look like a horse thief? " " Can't judge by appearances. I knowed a horse thief once that looked like a minister." " Is there any lawyer in this village? " Walter Sherwood's Probation. 231 " Yes, there's two, an old man and a young one." " I should like to see one of them. Can you ask one of them to come here? " " Which one? " " Either." " It's a leetle out of my way," suggested Constable Stokes. " Perhaps 1 that will pay you for your trou ble," said Walter, taking the hint. The constable pocketed with alacrity the half-dollar our hero tendered him, and said briskly: " I'll send him right off." " I shay," interjected the tramp, " send me a lawyer, too." " The same man will do for you," replied the constable. " A lawyer won't do you no good, though." " I'm a much 'bused man," said the drunk ard, shedding maudlin tears. " S'ciety's down on me. I don't know why." " Give up drinkin' and you won't have no trouble with society," advised the constable sensibly. He left the lockup, carefully fastening tin* door, and Walter found himself left to the companionship of the tramp. " I s'hay," hiccoughed his disreputable com panion, " let's escape," 232 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " I don't see bow we are going to do that," answered Walter listlessly. " Haven't you a key? " " None that will unlock the door." "We're victims of tyrannical 'pression!" said the tramp gloomily. " What are you in for, young feller? " " I'm charged with stealing a horse." "Smart boy!" said the tramp admiringly. " I didn't think you was up to hoss-stealin'." " I am not. The charge is false." " That's right ! Stick to it ! Deny every thing. That's what I do." " Evidently he thinks I am guilty," said Walter to himself. " It won't do much good for him to deny that he is drunk." " I shay," continued the other, in a loud whisper, " you haven't got any whisky about you, young feller?" " No, I never drink whisky." " You don't know what's good ! " returned the tramp. " I'm awful dry." " You'd better let whisky alone." " That's what my wife says," hiccoughed the inebriate. " Shay, I'm sleepy. I guess I'll doze off." And to Walter's relief he lay down on the narrow iron bedstead in his cell and was soon snoring noisily. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 233 Half-an-hour later the outer door was opened and the constable reappeared, followed by a young man of about thirty. " This is Mr. Barry, the lawyer," he said. " Mr. Barry, here is the key. You can keep it and let yourself out if you will be respon sible for the safe custody of the prisoner." " Yes, Mr. Stokes, I will give you my word that he shall not escape. "Which is my client?" " I am, sir," answered Walter. " I hope you are not disappointed." " No; I shouldn't care to undertake the case of that animal over there." " Yet his case is less serious than mine. He is only charged with drunkenness, while I am accused of horse-stealing." By this time the constable had left the lockup, and, as the inebriate was asleep, Wal ter and his counsel were practically alone. " You don't look like a criminal, certainly," said the lawyer, with a rapid survey of his new client. " I hope not." " But one can't go by appearances wholly. As your lawyer, for I will undertake your case, I must ask you to trust me entirely, and give me your full confidence." " I am ready to do so, sir." 234 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " First let rne ask jour name." " Walter Sherwood." " It will now be necessary for you to tell me frankly whether you stole the horse or not." " Of course I did not," answered Walter indignantly. " You must excuse my asking the question. I did not believe you guilty, but it was neces sary for me to know positively from your own lips. You must not be sensitive." " I have no right to be, but I find myself in a very trying position." " Of course, but I will try to get you out of it. Now, will you tell me in detail how the horse came into your possession?" Walter told the story, and the lawyer lis tened attentively. " Have you any proof of what you assert? " he asked, when Walter finished. " There was no one present." " I suppose not. Did no papers pass be tween you and this man?" " Oh, yes ! " answered Walter quickly, and he drew out the receipt which he had drawn up and got Hank Wilson to sign. " Come, this is very important ! " said Mr. Barry cheerfully. " It is a very valuable con firmation of your story. Will you trust me with it?" Walter Sherwood's Probation. 235 " Certainly, sir." " Is there any suggestion you have to offer, Mr. Sherwood? Sometimes I find that iny clients give rue valuable assistance that way." " I wish you would telegraph to Colonel Owen to come here." " Probably he has been sent for, but if not I will request him to come. Do you know the colonel? " " No, sir; I never heard his name till I read the advertisement. Do you know anything of him Mr. Barry?" " He is the owner of a large estate in Shelb} 7 , and is a thorough gentleman of the old school." " All the better ! I would rather deal with such a man. Besides, by describing the man of whom I bought the horse. I may put him in the way of capturing the real thief." "Well thought of. May I ask, Mr. Sher wood, if you are from this part of the coun try?" "No; I am a native of New York State." " You look like a young man who has had good advantages of education." " A year ago I was a member of the sopho more class of Euclid College." " That is strange ! " ejaculated Barry. What is strange? " 236 Walter Sherwood's Probatioa " Colonel Owen, the owner of the horse, is , an old graduate of the same institution." " Is it possible? " exclaimed Walter, in genuine amazement. " It is quite true. I am glad to have made the discovery. It will prepossess him in your favor, and this, I need hardly say, will be a great point gained. Well, I believe I have ob tained all the data I require, and I will now go home and think over your case. I wish I could take you with me." " I wish you could; I hate to be left in such a place." " Cheer up, Mr. Sherwood. It won't be for long, I predict. You may rest assured of my best efforts in your behalf. I will at once telegraph for Colonel Owen." Left alone, Walter resigned himself, as best he might, to his confinement. " I hope this won't come to the ears of my friends at the East," he reflected. " It would be a terrible mortification to me." Walter had good cause for solicitude on this point, for human nature is so constituted that evil reports are believed with avidity by the majority of persons. In due time a plain supper was brought by the constable and eaten by both prisoners with fair appetite, though the inebriate begged hard for whisky instead of tea. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 237 The evening glided wearily away. Walter threw himself on his pallet and was nearly asleep when a confused noise was heard out side, and heavy blows were rained upon the outer door. "What does it mean?" asked Walter, be wildered. He listened intently, and there came to his ears a shout which made him turn pale with terror. CHAPTER XXXII. AN AWFUL MOMENT. "BRING out the boss thief! Lynch him! Lynch him ! '' These were the cries that startled Walter and sent a thrill of terror through his frame. He had heard about the rough and lawless punishments of the far West, but little dreamed that he would ever be in danger from them. He remembered now reading a story while he was in college of a horse thief who was summarily dealt with in the western part of Missouri or some State farther west, and all the terrible details came back with startling vividness. " What's up? " asked the tramp drowsily, opening his eyes. 238 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Bring out the boss thief! "called a dozen rough voices, as the battering at the door was repeated. " They want you, young feller '. " he con tinued, as he caught the meaning of the cry. Poor Walter shivered, and felt as if his last hour had come. There was no jailer in the building, nor in deed any one, for the engine-house was un occupied, and, being at a distance from any other house, the only persons aware of the attack were the two prisoners. "What shall we do?" asked Walter help lessly. " They don't want me," returned the traiup complacently. " It's you they want ! " "You will stand by me?" implored Wal ter, eager for any help. " Won't do no good ! There's a crowd of them. You're in a bad box, young feller: " Have you got a pistol? " "No." Then it flashed upon Walter that he still had the revolver which belonged to Dick Ranney. " I will sell my life dearly ! " thought Wal ter. " They sha'n't kill me without some resistance." But he knew that there was no hope even Walter Sherwood's Probation. 239 then to escape. He closed his eyes as if he would shut out the terrible prospect. To die at eighteen, when life was sweet and full of promise, and at the hands of an infuriated mob, was indeed terrible, and Walter prayed that deliverance might come. Meanwhile the battering at the door con tinued and the shouting. " Open the door, or it'll bo the wuss for ye ! " cried a rough voice. But this was something Walter could not do, even if he were disposed : first, because he had no key, and, secondly, because he was locked in a cell. It was of no use to reply. He bit his lips, and summoned all his courage and fortitude, knowing he would need them all. The door was strong, but it did not long withstand the fierce attacks made upon it. Walter, by the light that came in through a crevice, saw it sway and gradually yield to the impetuous attacks of the mob. A minute more and the door fell inward, and a dozen stalwart men, all wearing masks, rushed into the lockup. The foremost carried a lantern, and by its light the leaders, peering about, discovered the two prisoners. "Here's the boss thief!" exclaimed the leader, throwing the light into the cell occu pied by the inebriate. 240 Walter Sherwood's Probation. The tramp was alarmed and completely sobered by the terrible suggestion. " I ain't the man ! " he said. " It's that young feller yonder." The man with the lantern turned in the di rection of the other cell. "He's only a kid!" he said doubtfully. " All the same, he's the hoss thief! " said the tramp earnestly. " What are you in for? " asked the leader suspiciously. " Gettin' drunk ! " w r as the answer. " On my honor, gentlemen, that's all." " Is he telling the truth? " asked the leader, turning to the men who were just behind him. "He looks most like the hoss thief!" said Dan Muggins. " The other's a milk-and-water chap, just out of boardin'-school." " You're right ! Smash in the cage ! " The door of the cell was broken in, and the tramp, with his unkempt hair and unsavory garments, was dragged out, howling with terror. The impression was universal that he was the man they were after, and rough hands hauled him across the floor toward the door. He fought desperately, and the angry crowd were likely to injure him seriously. Above the din rose his shrill voice shriek ing: " You've got the wrong man. The young feller's the hoss thief. Ask him if he isn't," Walter Sherwood's Probation. 241 CHAPTER XXXIII. WALTER SAVES ANOTHER'S LIFE. MEANWHILE the feelings of Walter were hard to describe. He saw that perhaps his only chance of life lay in remaining quiet and letting the mistake remain uncorrected. It was a terrible temptation. Selfishness whis pered that his life was more valuable than that of this drink-s'odden inebriate. Why not let matters take their course? He saw the tramp in the hands of the howling mob, and knew that if he spoke the word he would take his place. Would he, could he, do it?" On the other hand, the poor wretch was as much entitled to life as he. He had done absolutely nothing to deserve the lynching, while he, Walter, had imprudently bought the horse without inquiring how his acquaintance of the wayside had come by her. " He's the boss thief ! " shrieked the tramp. " Ask him if he isn't." The leader, who had him by the collar, paused, and the words of the captive seemed to make some impression on him. " We don't want to make no mistake," he said. " Mebhe we might ask him." Still retaining his hold upon the tramp, 242 Walter Sherwood's Probation. he turned to Walter as he reached the door, " You hear what this man says? " " Yes," answered Walter, in husky accents. " Is it true? Are you the hoss thief? " " No ! " " He lies ! " yelled the inebriate, in renewed terror, with a wrathful glance at Walter. "Just as I thought! Come along!" And the poor tramp would have been dragged away, but Walter, his face pale, but resolute, held up his hand to secure atten tion. " Listen ! " he said. " I am not a horse thief, but I was put in here charged with steal ing the horse of Colonel Owen." " You hear him ! You've got the wrong man ! " cried the tramp, in a tone of relief. " He's a good fellow. I knew he wouldn't let me be hung in his place." The leader of the mob looked surprised. " Then this man isn't the thief? " he said inquiringly. " Neither he nor I," returned Walter. " What's he in here for, then? Do you know him? " " I never saw him till I met him here. He was drunk." " Jest as I said, gentlemen," chimed in the inebriate. " I cheerfully admit that I was drunk awful drunk ! Wasn't I, mate? " Walter Sherwood's Probation. 243 " I think you were," said Walter gravely. *' Then we've got the wrong one ! " said the leader. " Here, you can go ! " And releasing his hold upon the tramp he gave him a push that sent him reeling. " We must have you ! " went on the leader, approaching Walter's cell. " What do you want to do with me? " asked Walter, with sinking heart. " String you up! That's the way we serve hoss thieves ! " " Gentlemen ! " said Walter, " you are mak ing a terrible mistake. I am as innocent of horse-stealing as any of you." " Didn't you say jest now you was the thief? " " No ; I said I was put in here charged with horse-stealing." " That's the same thing. Wasn't you taken with the hoss in your possession?" " Yes." " 'Nough said ! We've got the right man this- time." An assault was made on the door of the cell, and within three minutes Walter was dragged out; but he was not handled so roughly as the tramp had been. His young face appealed to the gentler feelings of the rough men who constituted the mob. But the hand that held 244 Walter Sherwood's Probation. him was firm, and as they filed out from the rear of the building and into the road, Walter, looking from one to another, unable to distin guish faces' on account of the masks that par tially concealed them, felt that his chance of deliverance TV as small indeed. He began to speak, but was roughly ordered to shut up. The line of march was resumed, and a quar ter of a mile distant they passed through a gate and began the ascent of a hill, at the summit of which was a grove of tall trees. Walter shuddered and his heart sank within him, for he understood only too well what fate was in store for him. CHAPTER XXXIV. A TERRIBLE ORDEAL. AT the summit of the hill Walter's captors came to a halt. " Where's the noose? " asked the leader briefly. "Here!" was the reply of one of his fol lowers, drawing forth a coil of rope, strong and terribly suggestive. What wonder that Walter shuddered, and that the blood seemer 1 to congeal in his veins. " Young man," said the leader sternly. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 245 "jour hours are numbered. Have you any thing to say why we should not proceed to visit upon you the punishment of your crime? " " I have a good deal to say," answered Walter, finding his 1 voice and speaking indig nantly. " Even if I were guilty, which I am not, you have no right to condemn me to death untried. You are usurping the office of the law. I ask nothing better than to dis prove in court the false charge which has been brought against me." " Young man, there are some crimes which the law does not adequately punish. In our eyes a horse thief is worse than a murderer." " I won't argue with you, but you are put ting the value of a horse above that of a hu man life. I have told you already that I am not a horse thief." " Of course you won't confess it." " I would if I had committed the crime, and throw myself on your mercy." " There isn't a man here that doubts your guilt." Walter was about to speak when there was an unexpected interruption. One of the masked men, who had hitherto stood in the background, came forward, and in clear, ring ing accents spoke. 246 Walter Sherwood's Probation. "The lad says right He has not been proved guilty, and I for one believe him inno cent." "Take care!" said the leader menacingly. " We don't tolerate any insubordination." Walter saw a chance to make a favorable impression, and as a drowning man clings to a straw he did not fail to snatch at it. " I thank God," he said, " that there is one among you whose heart is not wholly hard ened. I stand here a boy barely eighteen years old. Is there no one among you who has a son of my age? What would he say if his own boy were snatched from his bed at mid night and brought face to face with a fearful death in punishment for a crime charged against him and not proven?" " The boy is right," said another in a deep voice. " Men, we are acting like cowards and brutes. I've got a boy at home the age of this boy. If any man should treat him as we. are treating yonder lad I'd shoot him if I had to swing for it ! " The words of a brave man always produce an impression. " So say I ! " a third man broke in, and he ranged himself beside the other two. "This is all folly!" exclaimed the leader angrily. " You men are milksops and chicken- Walter Sherwood's Probation. 247 hearted. I came here to hang a horse thief, arid by ' here he used a terrible oath " I mean to do it. Jenkins, climb that tree and throw the rope over it." Walter's face flamed. He was getting back his courage, and with the assurance that among the twelve men he had three friends he . was prepared to make a desperate resist ance. " Will you allow this? " he exclaimed, as the leader seized him by the collar and drew him to a tree. " I won't! " said the first man to pronounce in his favor. " Seth Pendleton, let go your hold!" " Look out ! " cried Pendleton fiercely, " or you may swing, too ! " " You hear what he says," said W T alter's friend. " Will you allow him to bulldoze you into committing a crime worse than horse- stealing? Why are you so hard on the boy? " " Why am I so hard on horse thieves? I'll tell you. Ten years ago I had a horse that was as dear to me as a brother. It is a strong statement, but it is true. If ever a horse loved his master he loved me. One morning I found the stable door open and the horn* gone. I followed him, but I never recovered him." 248 Walter Sherwood's Probation. "Who stole him?" " A man named Dick Ranney, who has since become a noted highwayman." This was astonishing news to Walter. " Do you know where Dick Ranney is now? " he asked. "I heard that he had been captured. I'd like to get at him.'' " I am the one who captured him, and for this I received a reward of a thousand dol lars ! " announced Walter. CHAPTER XXXV. THE EMPTY JAIL. THERE was a murmur of surprise and a buzz of excitement among the masked men when W T alter announced that he had received the reward offered for the capture of the famous outlaw, Dick Ranney. " I don't believe it," said Seth Pendleton incredulously. " Dick Ranney wasn't a man to be captured by a youngster like you." " Bring the lantern here, untie my hands, and I'll prove it to you." Less perhaps from a desire to see Walter justify himself than from curiosity to ascer tain whether his statement was true, Seth Pendleton himself untied his hands and held up the lantern. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 249 Walter drew from his pocket a folded paper, and, opening it, handed it to one of the three men who had declared in his favor. " Read that ! " he said. The man read as follows: " MR. WALTER SHERWOOD : " I have great pleasure in sending you the reward offered for the apprehension and cap ture of the noted criminal, Dick Ranney, and congratulate you on the courage and sagacity which enabled you to entrap so daring an outlaw. MILES GRAY, Sheriff." "Is your name Walter Sherwood? " asked Seth Pendleton, in mingled surprise and in credulity. " Yes." " How can you prove it? " Walter drew from his pocket two letters directed to him. "Seems to be true; but how could you, a boy, trap a man like that? " "Shall I tell you the story?" " Yes ! Yes ! " exclaimed more than one. Walter gave an account of the affair in a clear, distinct manner, and the rough crowd, gathering near, listened to him with eager interest. When he had finished there was a murmur of applause. " Now, gentlemen," said Walter, as he con- 250 Walter Sherwood's Probation. eluded, " do you believe that I would stoop to steal a horse? " He looked about him with an assured glance, for he saw that his audience were with him. He was not mistaken. There were shouts of "No! No!" and then, for the first time, Walter, breathing a sigh of relief, felt that he was safe. " Well, Seth Pendleton, be you in favor of hanging the boy now? " asked one. "No! If he's trapped Dick Ranney I'd for give him, even if he had stolen a horse." " Then let him go ! " " Yes, let him go ! " cried all. And Walter might have gone scot-free had he chosen, but he did not choose. " No, gentlemen," he said, " I don't want to escape. Take me back to the lockup, and I will, stay there till morning" " The door is broken ! " " That will make no difference to me. I have no wish to break jail. I prefer to stand trial and let my innocence be proved." The men around him were rough customers, but they admired pluck. Half-an-hour earlier they had been ready to hang Walter. Now they looked upon him as a hero. "He's a brave lad!" said more than one. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 251 " I wish my John would turn out like him," added one of Walter's original supporters. " You sha'n't go to the jail ! YOB shall go to my house, and I'll give you the best bed in the house," he continued. Bearing in mind the hard pallet and the unsavory companion with whom he had shared his confinement, Walter accepted this proposal with thanks. But he need not have been apprehensive in regard to his late com rade in misfortune, for the tramp, released from his cell under a misapprehension, had bidden farewell with scant ceremony to his temporary quarters, and before the morning dawned was ten miles away. Of all that had passed during the night Constable Stokes was blissfully unconscious. At an early hour he bent his steps toward the jail, expecting to find the two inmates safe in their cells. When he saw the outer door broken down he was astounded. He felt it necessary to report what had happened to some magistrate, and went into the street. He had walked but a few steps when he met Mr. Barry, Walter's lawyer. "And how is my young client this morn ing Stokes? '' inquired the lawyer pleasantly. " Blessed if I know ! He's bolted ! " 252 Walter Sherwood s Probation. " That is amazing! Let me see how it, was done." "If you can tell you'll be wiser than I am." The two made their way to the rear en trance, and Mr. Barry, with a lawyer's astute ness, began to make an examination. " The door was broken from the outside ! " he said, after a pause. "Was it?" " Of course it was. Don't you see that it was pushed inward? It must have required a great deal of strength, too." " Then you don't think the men could have done it?" " Of course not. They must have had help from outside parties." " But who " began the constable in be wilderment. " That is hard to tell. If, now, they be longed to a gang, we might suppose that some of their comrades found out where they were and facilitated their escape. But the two ap peared to have no connection with each other," he continued reflectively. CHAPTER XXXVI. COLONEL RICHARD OWEN. AT this moment a boy of fifteen, drawn by curiosity made his way from the street to the Walter Sherwood's Probation. 253 rear entrance. It was Arthur Waters, the son of a jeweler. He had heard the last question and answered. " Perhaps I can tell t you something about it," he said. " Go on, Arthur," rejoined the lawyer, who knew the boy. " Last night, I think it was about midnight, I heard a noise in the street, and, getting up, I went to the window. I saw a lot of men fil ing through the street, all wearing masks." " In what direction were they going? " " Toward the lockup." " They must have been in search of the prisoners to lynch them ! " said the lawyer, turning pale. " And you think they broke open the doorai, Mr. Barry?" " Yes, Stokes." " And what would they do with the pris oners? " " Hang them, I fear, without judge or jury. My heart bleeds for that poor boy. I would stake my life on his innocence." " So would I, Mr. Barry. It's a shame, so it is." "It is an outrage! If I can find out the perpetrators of the dastardly crime I will make them suffer, if possible," 254 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " I don't mind the man, sir, but I hope the boy escaped." " Thank you, constable. I am alive and well, as you see." Both the lawyer and the constable looked up, and there, to their great relief, stood Wal ter. "Where did you come from?" asked the lawyer quickly. " I slept last night at a house in the village. I couldn't stay here very well, as the doors were broken down." " But how did it happen? " Walter told his story, adding: " Constable Stokes, I give myself into your hands." " But I don't know what to do with him," paid the constable, embarrassed. " I can't lock him up in a cell." " Exactly," said the lawyer. " Perhaps, as I am his counsel, I had better take him with me. I will be responsible for his 1 appearance in court." " Yes, that will be the best way," said the constable, much relieved by the suggestion. Walter was ushered into the office of the lawyer, and sat down, looking more like a privileged visitor than the defendant in a criminal action. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 255 " Did you ever think of studying law, Mr. Sherwood?" asked Barry. "No, sir; at least not specially. Perhaps, if I ain going to get into any more scrapes, it might be well to do so." " I can hardly recommend it for that reason, as a man who pleads his own case is likely to have a fool for his client." " I have heard so, but if I had not pleaded my own ca&e last night when in the hands ef the mob I am afraid it would have been all up with me," said Walter gravely. At this moment the office door opened, and an old gentleman with a portly form and pleasant face fringed with silvery hair en tered. The lawyer rose from his seat with alacrity. " Colonel Owen," he exclaimed, " I am glad to see you." " Yes, sir. I received your telegram and came by the first morning train. So the man who stole my hor.se has been caught? " Walter looked attentively at the old gentle man whom he was supposed to have robbed, lie liked his placid, benevolent countenance. So this was the man upon whom it would devolve to prosecute him on a criminal charge! He could not realize it, and when he heard the horse thief referred to he could 256 Waiter Sherwood's Probation. not connect that desperate individual with himself. " The man who is charged with the theft has been caught," said Mr. Barry. " Charged ! Then you don't believe him guilty?" " No. I have undertaken to defend him." "What sort of a looking person is he?" inquired Colonel Owen. " Oh, a very desperate-looking ruffian ! " re plied the lawyer. "And yet you don't think him guilty?" said Colonel Owen. " No. Would you like to meet him? " " I don't know," answered the colonel doubtfully. " Your curiosity as to his appearance could then be gratified." " Well, perhaps I will call with you by and by. But," he continued anxiously, " is the mare in good condition? Is she uninjured? " " I have not seen her, but there is some one present who has. Mr. Sherwood, what can you say as to the condition of the colonel's mare? " " I think Bess is in excellent condition," answered Walter, with a smile. " Ah, I am much relieved to hear it. That, at least, is in the thief's favor. But, Mr. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 257 Barry, you have not introduced me to this , young gentleman," continued Colonel Owen, eyeing Walter with favor. " I didn't know that you would care for an introduction," said the lawyer demurely. " Why not? " asked the old gentleman, open ing his eyes in surprise. " Because he is the horse thief ! " CHAPTER XXXVII, WALTER IS VINDICATED. "BLESS my soul ! " ejaculated the colonel, on hearing that he was in the presence of the horse thief, stepping back hastily and glanc ing at Walter nervously. " Surely you are joking? " " No, I assure you I am not. Mr. Walter Sherwood is the young man who is accused of stealing your mare, Bess." " But that is absurd." " Thank you for saying so, Colonel Owen," said Walter, with a frank smile. " I don't think I look like a horse thief." " What does it all mean, Barry? I am sure this must be a practical joke of yours 1 ." " No, it is not." " Then how does it happen that Mr. Sher wood is sitting here in your office instead of being " 258 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " In the lockup? " " Yes." " I was taken to the lockup, Colonel Owen," said Walter, " but about midnight a lynching- partj broke it open and took me out." "A Ijnching-party! " exclaimed the colonel. " Yes ; I was taken up to the summit of a hill, and for five minutes it looked as if my life would end then and there. But I made an appeal to my captors, and was able to prove to them that I received a reward not long since for the capture of the famous out law, Dick Ranney." " You don't mean that you did this? " " Yes, sir. Upon this they let me go, and I ought perhaps to apologize for not going back to the, lockup, but it had been broken open and was no longer a place of security. However, I surrendered myself to Mr. Barry this morn ing. I hope you will believe that I had no thought of running away? " Colonel Owen sank into a chair, and, wip ing his forehead with his handkerchief, gazed at Walter in a bewildered way. " I never heard the like! " he was heard to say. " If you insist upon my going back to my cell in the lockup," continued Walter, " I am Walter Sherwood's Probation. 259 quite willing to go, or rather not entirely will ing, but I will do so." " No, no ! " said the colonel. " I I don't know what to say or think. Do you mind tell ing me, young man, why you were arrested, or why you fell under suspicion? " " I was s Treated while on the horse's back." " Ha ! But how did that happen? " " I bought her of a man whom I met on the highway. He seemed very hard up, or the price for. which he was willing to part with her would have excited my suspicions.'' " How much did you pay for her? " asked the colonel. "Fifty dollars." " Fifty dollars ! " exclaimed Colonel Owen indignantly. " It was an insult to my beauti ful Bess." " I am glad I did not pay any more, since it will come out of my own pocket. The whole affair is a lesson to me. I will take good care how. I buy anything else, unless I know I am dealing with the rightful owner." At this moment a boy entered the office, and going up to Mr. Barry whispered to him in a low voice. " Gentlemen," said the lawyer, " I find that the court is in session and all is reiuly for the trial. II is a little insular, I suppo*,', for 260 Walter Sherwood's Probation. the prosecutor and defendant in a criminal case to walk to the court-room together, but perhaps we can violate usage for once." "But," said Colonel Owen, "I don't be lieve the young man is guilty. Is there any need for the trial to come off? " " I should prefer that it sho'ild, that I may be formally discharged," replied Walter. " By the way, colonel, are you not a gradu ate of Euclid? " asked the lawyer. " Yes, sir, and I am proud of the dear old college," rejoined the colonel warmly. " I agree with you," said Walter. " I have pasred two years in the college." ' " What ! are you a Euclid man? " exclaimed the colonel in excitement. "Yes, sir." " Then young man, here's my hand. My heart always warms toward a Euclid man " Even if you have to prosecute h ; m for horse-stealing," suggested Lawyer Barry slyly. " Really, this is very painful ! " said the colonel. " I wish I could get rid of it." " You can say in court that you are con vinced of the young man's innocence." "And I will! And afterward I shall insist on Mr. Sherwood/s driving home* with u:e and Walter Sherwood's Probation. 261 making me a visit. I have a great many ques tions to ask him about the college. I haven't visited the old place for fifteen years." Great was the surprise of Mr. Crane and Mr. Penton when they saw the horse thief whom they had captured the day before ap proach the court-room arm in arm with Colonel Owen, the owner of the stolen mare. " What does it mean, Penton? " asked Crane. " Danged if I know," responded Penton. " Maybe it's a put-up job to cheat us out of the reward!" said Crane, in a hollow voice. " But that would be disgraceful," rejoined Penton, in nervous alarm. The trial began, and presently Crane and Penton were called on to testify. " Did you see the prisoner steal the mare? " demanded Barry sharply. " No but " " But what? " " It stands to reason that he did, or he wouldn't have had her in his possession." " That is no proof whatever. Mr. Sher wood, you may take the stand." " Walter, at the request of his counsel, gave a brief and concise account of the way in which he became possessed of Bess. 262 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " The question arises, Does Mr. Sherwood's story seem probable?" now remarked the judge. " I am convinced that it is true," said the colonel promptly. The judge saw how matters stood and dis charged the prisoner. Crane and Penton were petrified. " We're left ! " said Crane, in a tragic whisper. " Now, Mr. Sherwood," said the colonel, taking Walter's arm, " you must accompany me to Shelby. I shall hire a buggy, and you will drive Bess. If I am not mistaken, I can find you congenial employment that will keep you with me for a time." CHAPTER XXXVIII. AN OPENING AT SHELBY. AT length they reached Shelby. Colonel Owen lived in a large and handsome man sion with ample grounds. It was quite the finest house in the town. Walter expressed his admiration, and this seemed to please the colonel. " Yes," he said, " I have a comfortable home, , but my boys are away, one in Dakota and the other in California, and my good Walter Sherwood's Probation. 263 wife and I feel lonely in this large house. She will be glad to see you. It will brighten us both to have a young face at the table." How could Walter feel otherwise than pleased with this cordial welcome? He was charmed with Mrs. Owen, a sweet-faced old lady with silvery hair. " I am glad to see you," she said. " May I call you Walter? " " I wish you would, Mrs. Owen," said Wal ter. " I suppose your mother calls you so." " My mother is dead, and my father, also," answered Walter soberly. " Then look upon me as a mother while you are here," said the old lady warmly, " though I am old enough to be your grandmother for that matter. Did you find your horse, Rich ard? " she added. They had had no time for explanations. " Yes, my dear." " Did you see the man that stole it? " " Yes, my dear," with a quiet wink at Wal ter. " Poor, misguided man ! " said the warm hearted old lady. " Will he be punished by a long term of imprisonment?" "Well, no; they let him go." "Isn't that rather unusual?" 264 Walter Sherwood's Probation. "Well, yes; but he didn't seem very hard ened, and I think that was the first horse that he ever stole." " I am glad they released him, then. It will give him a chance to reform. " True; I hope he will do so." " There is one thing I ought to tell you, but I don't know how you will take it. You may be angry," went on the colonel. Mrs. Owen smiled. " Am I often angry with you, Richard? " she asked. "No; but still I think you will consider me very imprudent. The old lady looked puzzled. " I have faith in your good judgment," she said simply. " Then I may as well out with it I in vited the horse thief to come and make us a visit." Mrs. Owen certainly was amazed. " You did ! " she ejaculated. " When is he coming? " " He is here already." " I don't understand you at all, Richard. You seem to be joking." " Not at all ! There he stands ! " and the colonel pointed to Walter. "What, Walter?" Walter Sherwood's Probation. 265 " Yes ; he doesn't look very hardened, does he?" " Now I am sure you are making fun of me/' said the old lady, smiling. " Not at all. Ask Walter where he spent last night." She looked at Walter inquiringly. " The first part of it in the lockup," an swered he. " You don't mean to say that " " I was charged with stealing your hus band's horse, but I think he is convinced that I was not guilty. I was tried this morning and acquitted. " I knew you would be upset at the thought of having a horse thief in the house," said the colonel merrily. " Perhaps I had better go to the hotel," suggested Walter. "No, no! I can't believe anything evil of a young man with your face," said Mrs. Owen. " I am glad my husband brought you home with him." " Still, Mary," continued Colonel Owen, " perhaps you had better watch him closely while he is here. A young man who will steal a horse is likely to steal spoons. Be sure to lock them up to-night." " Come, Walter, I won't permit him to 266 Walter Sherwood's Probation. joke at your expense," said the old lady, plac ing her hand affectionately 011 our hero's shoulder. " He is a very suspicious old man, but I will trust you completely." " I am sure you will both be kind to me," said Walter earnestly, " and I shall appre ciate it the more because I have neither father nor mother." " I hope you will stay with us a long time," said Mrs. Owen; "that is, if you don't get homesick." " If only the colonel will give me something to occupy my time I would like to stay," re joined Walter. " I want to be at work." " I have a little writing to do in which you can assist me," said the colonel. Walter insisted upon commencing the next day, and worked for three hours daily, the rest of the time being spent in riding for the colonel placed a horse and buggy at his dis posal and in social calls. But at length the writing was done, and in less than two weeks Walter found himself without an occupation. He stood it for three days, and then began to feel that he must be starting out again. Colonel Owen saw his uneasiness and tried to think of some employment suited to the taste of .his young guest. One afternoon he came in radiant. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 267 " Well, Walter," lie said, " I've got some work for you to do." "\Vhat is it, sir?" " Mr. Hayward, the teacher of our classical school, is summoned to his home in New York State by the serious illness of his father. There are yet eight weeks of the term remain ing, and the question is, Who shall take his place till the end of the school year? " "Yes, sir?" " I am one of the trustees, and I have men tioned your name to my colleagues, who are ready to accept you on my recommendation." Walter heard the proposal with pleasant excitement. It flattered his vanity to be thought competent to fill the place of an ex perienced classical teacher, but he did not feel so sure of his own qualifications. " There is nothing I should like better," he said, " but do you think I am competent? " " Are you not from Euclid College good old Euclid?" "Yes, sir; but I am not a graduate." " You have finished the sophomore year? " " Yes, sir." " And you stood pretty well in the class? " " Yes, sir, but only fairly. I may as well tell the truth. I was too much given to pleas ure, and I am afraid wasted my time." 268 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " You were well prepared when you entered college, were you not? " " Yes, sir. At the preparatory school I studied well, and I think when I entered I passed the second best entrance examination." " That's ,all right," said the colonel, in a tone of satisfaction. " You ought to be able to teach any of the classes that will come un der your charge. There are three boys in Virgil, two in Cicero, and I believe there is a class in Caesar. How are you in mathe matics? " " I don't think I shall have any difficulty there, sir." " Then you're better off than I am." " How much salary shall I receive? " asked Walter, who was beginning to grow interested. " Twenty-five dollars a week. That's what the trustees authorize me to offer you." " That will be quite satisfactory. How my old chums will stare when I tell them I am getting twenty-five dollars a week for teaching a classical school. I suppose," added Walter, hesitating, " I ought to look out for a board ing-place." "What, and leave us?" asked the old lady reproachfully. " I would rather stay here than anywhere else, but you must allow me to pay board." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 269 "No, Walter; we shall be glad enough to have you stay with us without money and without price." " But, Colonel Owen, remember that I shall be earning a good salary." " You can find a use for it. It will help make , up for some of the losses you have in curred. Shall I say you will accept the post?" " Yes, sir. I will try it, and hope to suc ceed." " Good ! If you find any trouble about the discipline, send for me." CHAPTER XXXIX. THE NEW MASTER. ON the platform of the main schoolroom in the Shelby Classical Institute stood Colonel Owen and Walter Sherwood. There were present thirty-six students, of whom twenty were boys. Some of these were quite as large, and two even larger and prob ably older than the youthful master. All had their eyes fixed upon the colonel and the new teacher. " My young friends," began Colonel Owen. " you are all aware that your respected teacher, Mr. Hayward, is obliged to be absent 270 Walter Sherwood's Probation. for the remainder of the term, on account of the sickness the serious and alarming sick ness of his father. Under these circum stances, I am glad to say that I have been able to secure as his substitute Mr. Walter Sher wood "here he indicated Walter with a side wave of the hand " who will do his best to carry on the work which Mr. Hayward has so auspiciously commenced. Mr. Sherwood is from my own college Euclid of which you have all heard, and I, therefore, with all the more confidence, have given him charge of this school. I hope you will receive him cordially and uphold him in his task." Here the colonel, with a Itow, took his hat and left the room. He thought W T alter Avould be less embarrassed to be left to commence his task alone. Walter certainly did feel some diffidence as he realized what a responsibility had been placed upon him. He asked himself whether he had done wisely in accepting it. But such questionings were too late. There was no drawing back no\v. He cleared his throat and spoke a few words, embarrassed a little, perhaps, by the steady and attentive gaze of thirty-six pairs pf eyes. " Colonel Owen has introduce^ me to you Walter Sherwood's Probation. 271 and expressed a hope in which I join him that you will receive me cordially and uphold me in my work. I need not tell you for you can see it for yourselves that I am unusually young for the important place I have under taken to fill. The studies in which I am to guide you, however, are familiar to me, and I hope to make them attractive to you. In order to succeed I shall need your considera tion and assistance, and I hope to receive both. I will now go about among the seats-, make inquiries as to your progress, and ar range the classes." This short speech made a favorable impres sion upon all the pupils with two excep tions 1 . These were the largest scholars Ben Buffum and Enoch Snow. Ben was larger and heavier than Walter, and Enoch was quite as large. Neither was much of a scholar, and both were disposed to make trouble. But they sat quietly and " took stock " of the new teacher. They were in no hurry to begin, but meant mischief all the same. What they thought of Walter may be gathered from their conversation as they walked home together. " What do you think of the new master, Ben?" said Enoch. " I think I can lick him," answered Ben. " You'd ought to. You're bigger and 272 Walter Sherwood's Probation. stronger than he is. I think I am a match for him myself." " To be sure you are, Enoch. Why, he is only a boy ! " " Of course he is. How old are you, Ben? " " I was eighteen in March." " I don't believe he's any more. Why, he ain't fit to be a teacher." " He'll find he's undertaken a big job," said Ben. " I guess he knows something," went on Enoch. " He seems to be a good Latin scholar." " Yes, I s'pose he'll do. He ought to if he's been to college ; but I'll tell you what, Enoch, it riles me to have a boy of my own age set over me." "Me ditto!" " He would do for a primary school. He ought to be able to manage a set of kids, but when it comes to young men like us, I don't like to let people know that he's my teacher." " That's so, Ben. What are you goin' to do?" " I'll just wait awhile, but if he begins to put on any airs, why then '' " What? " " Why, we must learn him a lesson, eh, Enoch? " Walter Sherwood's Probation. 273 " I'll stand bj you, Ben." " It's all right for the others to obey him, but you and I are just as strong as he, and maybe stronger." " Of course we are." " I guess I could floor him in wrestling." " You're too much for me, Ben, and I think I can stand up to him, and maybe lick him in a fair fight." " It's likely you can. Now, there was Hay- ward he was a big man, weighing a hundred and eighty, and five feet eleven in his shoes. I didn't mind obeying him." "Are you talking about Mr. Sherwood?" asked Harry Howe, a boy of fourteen, who had just caught up with the other two. " No, I'm not. I'm talking about Mr. Hay- ward." " How do you like the new teacher? " " He's only a boy. He'll have a hard row to hoe, I'm thinkin'." " Who'll make it hard for him? " " Enoch and I." " Then it will be a shame. He seems to be a perfect gentleman." "Gentleman! He's only a boy, like our selves." "At any rate, he knows enough to teach us." 274 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " That may be, but he can't keep order." " Why can't he? " " You'll see whether he can or not," said Ben significantly. " Are you going to make trouble? " " It isn't best for small boys to know too much. You just wait and you'll find out in time." " You'll be real mean, Ben Buffum, if you make Mr. Sherwood any trouble," said Harry warmly. " Mr. Sherwood ! " repeated Ben mockingly. " Why don't you call me Mr. Buffum? " " I will when you become a teacher, Ben." " I'd like to see Ben Buffum hearin' les sons ! " said Enoch, with a loud laugm. " Don't laugh at me, Enoch Snow ! " said Ben, with a frown. " If I tell you to call me Mr. Buffum, you'll find it best to do it." " Ho, ho ! No offense, Ben, only you know it seems funny." " If I choose I shall call the teacher Wal ter." " You wouldn't dare to, would you? " " I'll show you some time. And, look here, Harry Howe, if you say a word about what I'm going to do I'll thrash you, too." " I'm not afraid of you, Bi>n Buffum, big Walter Sherwood's Probation. 275 as you are," retorted the younger boy with spirit, "Well, you'd better be. If I should hit you, you'd think you were struck by light ning." " If there's any danger of it> Ben, I guess I'll carry round a lightning-rod with me," laughed Harry. " Well, I turn off here." " I don't like that Harry Howe," remarked Ben, disapprovingly, looking after the smaller boy. " He's too flip." " So he is. He ain't so respectful to you and me as he'd ought to be." ****** Walter had not failed to notice the half-re bellious demeanor of his two oldest pupils. Moreover, he had been warned by the janitor of the building that they would be likely to give him trouble. The latter, Mr. Locke, felt a kindly interest in Walter, who treated him with as much courtesy as if he were the chair man of the board of trustees. " I am afraid, Mr. Sherwood," he said, " that you will have trouble with Ben Buffum and Enoch Snow.'' " Have they the reputation of being trou blesome? " asked Walter. " That they have, Their own parents can't control them." 276 Walter Sherwood's Probation. " Did Mr. Hayward have trouble with them?" " No, but then there was a difference. He was a tall, robust man, and forty years of age. They would have stood small chance with him. They didn't dare to rebel." " And you think they may rebel against me?" " I am afraid they will." " I don't know that I am much surprised at what you tell me. In the four days that I have been teaching they have been quiet, but there is a look of defiance on the face of each, particularly of Ben Buffum, which led me to think they were only biding their time." " I know that is so," said the janitor sig nificantly. " I chanced to overhear a conver sation between them yesterday. Each of them thinks he is a match for you, and that if you undertook to punish them you would get the worst of it. I don't want to alarm you " "Do I look alarmed? " asked Walter calmly. " Well, no, but I'm almost afraid they were right." " You think, then, that either one of them would be a match for me?" inquired Walter, smiling. , Well, I think Ben would. He is a little Walter Sherwood's Probation. 277 taller than you and must weigh at least fifteen to twenty pounds more." " I think he does," responded Walter, quietly, " but it isn't always height or weight that tells." " No, but they count." " True ; has Ben ever taken lessons in box ing? " " No, he doesn't know anything about it." Walter looked well pleased. " But," continued the janitor, " he's got a powerful grip, and he's 1 a mighty good wres tler." " Of course that is in his favor. I don't care to fight with him." " No, it might be imprudent." " But I am not in the least afraid of it. I am not heavy for my height, but I am wiry, and I have had training." " I hope you'll come out all right, Mr. Sher wood. If there's a scrimmage I should like to help you." " I hope I shall not need assistance." But Mr. Locke shook his head as Walter left him. " He'll have a hard row to hoe," he said. 278 Walter Sherwood's Probation. CHAPTER XL. BEN IS SUBDUED. BEN BUFFUM was biding his time. He had measured the young teacher with his eye, and had made up his mind that physically he was himself the better man. He could triumph over him at any time, and need not feel in a hurry. Indeed, ten days had passed before he decided to bring on the crisis. In the seat in front of Ben sat Albert Frost, a much smaller boy. He was a pleasant, good- natured fellow, and a general favorite. Per haps on this account he was subject to con siderable teasing, generally friendly. But Ben, who was of a cruel disposition, had gone beyond the bounds, and seriously troubled the younger boy. One day, toward the close of the afternoon, while the class in algebra was reciting, a loud shriek was heard, proceeding from the neigh borhood of Ben Buffum's desk. Walter looked up suddenly and saw Albert in tears, pressing his hand on the calf of his leg. " What is the matter, Albert? " asked Wal ter. Walter Sherwood's Probation. 279 " Ben Buffum stuck a pin in my leg," an swered the boy. " Is that true, Burfum ? " demanded Wal ter sternly. Ben Buffum was leaning back in his seat with a defiant look on his face. u Yes, it is," answered Ben, with provoking calmness. Walter's temper was stirred by the contemp tuous demeanor of his scholar, but he re strained himself, and asked in his ordinary tones: " Why did you do it? '' " Because I chose," answered Ben, looking W T alter in the eye and enjoying the situation. " Then," said Walter, giving full vent to his scorn, " you are a contemptible coward and brute! " Ben Buffum had never been addressed in this style, and his face flushed. He half rose from his seat and growled : '' Why am I a coward, I sh'd like to know? " " Because you have played a cruel trick on a boy much younger and smaller than your self. But you forgot one thing." " What did I forget? " growled Ben, who was the more angry because he saw that his schoolmates, with the exception of Enoch Snow, sided with the teacher. " You forget that in this schoolroom I ain 280 Walter Sherwood's Probation. the master, and consider it my duty to defend my pupils, even the smallest, from the violence of brutes." Ben was rather astonished at being talked to in this style. It looked as if the teacher was 1 not afraid of him. " He'll have to pay for this," he muttered to himself. " I can lick you, Walter ! " he said, with an insolent leer. " I presume it is because you think so that you have been guilty of insubordination." "What are you goin' to do about it?" de manded Ben defiantly. " I propose to punish you for your misbe havior," answered Walter coolly. " You can't do it ! " He had hardly got the words out of his mouth when Walter was upon him. He was wonderfully quick in his movements, whereas Ben, though powerful, was slow, and before he well knew what was going to happen he was dragged by the collar from his seat into the middle of the floor. Walter let go for a minute and Ben, mad all over, prepared to grasp him in a bearlike hug. A stinging blow in the face convinced him that he had entirely underrated the powers' of the teacher. He tried to return the blow, but, unable to defend himself, found his own blow parried, and an- Walter Sherwood's Probation. 281 other planted in his chest, causing him to stag ger. Then Ben lost all caution and with a furious cry rushed upon Walter, in the hope of throwing him down by wrestling. But in stead he found himself lying on his back on the floor, looking up at the teacher. Throughout Walter had been cool and col lected, and was so still. When he saw Ben was down he drew back and said, " You can get up and try again if you want to." Ben got up slowly and " pitched in " once more, but in about a minute he found him self again in a recumbent position. This time his head struck the floor rather hard, and he felt dazed. " Have you had enough ? " asked Walter. " I hit my head," answered Ben, in a sulky tone. " I hope you are not seriously hurt," said Walter quietty. " If you would like to be dis missed now, you may go. I shall be glad to see you back here to-morrow.'' Without a word, but looking intensely mor tified, Ben took his hat and slunk out of the room, leaving his schoolmates overwhelmed with astonishment at his sudden and appar ently easy discomfiture. When he had gone Walter said, " Scholars, I want to ask of you a favor. Ben is mortified 282 Walter Sherwood's Probation. by what has happened. I wish you would all abstain from reminding him of it. In that case the lesson he has received may do him good." This speech made a favorable impression on the school. The pupils saw that Walter, though he had achieved a notable victory, had no disposition to triumph over his opponent. " It's lucky it wasn't I," thought Enoch, who devoted himself to his studies with unusual assiduity for the remainder of the day, and seemed as meek and submissive as if he had been half-a-dozen years younger. The next day Ben Buffum stayed at home, and did not show himself on the street till evening. When he found that no one spoke to him of the affair he took courage to go to school the day after. Walter overtook him on the way and hailed him in a friendly manner w ; th: " Good morning, Ben ! " " Morning," answered Ben sheepishly. " We will forget all about that little affair day before yesterday, Ben. You are pretty strong." " I couldn't do nothin' against you." " No, because I have taken lessons in box ing. If I had let you get hold of me I shouldn't have got off so easy." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 283 " I'd like to box." " I will teach you on one condition." "What's that?" " That you won't bully any smaller boys. It was mean to hurt Albert Frost, you must, admit." " I didn't mean to hurt him so much," said Ben apologetically. " I am glad to hear it. If you'll come round and see me this evening, Ben, I'll give you the first lesson." " All right ! I'll come," said Ben eagerly. " And, Ben," added Walter, smiling, " I don't mind your calling me Walter out of school, but in school I should rather you wouldn't." The scholars were very much surprised to see Ben and the teacher walking to school to gether, evidently on the most friendly terms, and they were further surprised later on at the w r onderful change for the better that took place in the once rebellious pupil. CHAPTER XLI. CONCLUSION. MRS. DEBORAH SIMPKINS, a near neighbor of Doctor Mack, was an ill-natured gossip, and 284 Walter Sherwood's Probation. had always disliked Walter because he once in terfered to prevent a boy of hers from abusing a young companion. One day about two months later she put on her bonnet and with a smile of malicious satisfaction walked over to the doctor's house. " How do you do, Mrs. Sprague? " she said. " I thought I'd run over and have a chat with you." " Come in, Mrs. Simpkins," said Nancy civilly, but not cordially, for she did not like her visitor. " I've got something unpleasant to tell you," went on the widow as she sat down in a rocker. ." I'm aw r ful sorry." " Are you? " said Nancy dryly. " What's it all about?" " I got a letter from my niece Sophrony, out in Iowa, yesterday, and she sent me a cuttin' from an old paper. It's somethin' awful ! " "Is it?" " Yes, and it's about Walter Sherwood ! " continued Mrs. Simpkins triumphantly. " He hasn't met with an accident, has he? " inquired Nancy, turning pale. " It's wuss than that ! " answered the widow, nodding her head ominously. " Worse than an accident? " " Yes ; leastways I call it so." Walter Sherwood's Probation. 285 " Let me hear it then, Mrs. Simpkins." " Here 'tis ; you can read it for yourself." This was the paragraph : " A young man named Walter Sherwood was arrested yesterday charged with stea-ing a valuable mare belonging to Colonel Richard Owen. We understand his trial is to take place this morning." "When is the paper dated?" asked Nancy, who did not appear so much overcome as her visitor expected. " Over two months since. Walter Sherwood is probably in jail now. I feel for you and the doctor," said Mrs. Simpkins, in a tone far from sympathetic, fixing her beadlike eyes 1 on the housekeeper. " That's very good of you, but as we got a letter from Walter yesterday there ain't no call to be troubled." " Did he write from the jail? " " Don't be a fool, Mrs. Simpkins ! lie wrote from the town of Shelby, where he has born teaching a classical school, and he inclosed the program of the exhibition. Perhaps you would like to look at it." Mrs. Simpkins took the paper and looked 286 Walter Sherwood's Probation. intensely disappointed as she saw that Nancy Lad only told the truth. " He teach school ! A boy like him ! " she ejaculated. " Yes, Mrs. Simpkins, and it's been a great success. They want him to go back next year, but the doctor prefers to have him finish out his college course. We're expecting him home every day." There was a noise heard as of the front door opening, and a moment later Walter was in the room. " Oh, Walter ! " exclaimed Nancy, over joyed, in her excitement throwing her arms around his neck. " I'm so glad to see you ! " " And I am glad to see you, Nancy. How's my guardian? " " He's well, and will be home soon." " Good afternoon, Mrs 1 . Simpkins," said Walter politely. " Mrs. Simpkins has just been telling me that you were in jail for horse-stealing," said Nancy. " She is much pleased to find it all a mistake." Walter laughed. " I am still more pleased," he remarked. " I find school-teaching much pleasanter." " I guess I must be goin'," said Mrs. Simp- kins hurriedly, Walter Sherwood's Probation. 287 When Doctor Mack returned he welcomed Walter with a joy not inferior to that of his housekeeper. " And so you have succeeded? " he said. "Yes; the trustees of the Shelby Classical School want me to come back, as my prede cessor has accepted a position in New York. But I think I had better return to college and finish out my course. I have a thousand dol lars saved up, and a little more, and I think with economy I can pay my own way for the remainder of the course." " It won't be necessary, Walter." " But, as my property is lost " " You must forgive me, Walter, for deceiv ing you, but you have just as much property as ever indeed more, as you only drew one hundred dollars in the past year.'' k< But, doctor, why, then, did you lead me to think otherwise? " " It wasn't altogether a falsehood. About a hundred dollars had been lost in an invest ment, and I made that a pretext for withdraw ing you from college. I saw that you were wasting your time and acquiring expensive habits, so I thought the best remedy would be a year of active life, in which you would be thrown upon your own resources." " You are right, doctor. It has made a man 288 Walter Sherwood's Probation. of me. I shall go back to old Euclid and work in earnest. I have been a teacher myself, and I understand what a teacher has a right to ex pect from his pupils." " Then my experiment has been a success 1 , and your year of probation has done you good." " I hope to prove it to you, my dear guar dian." Walter returned to college, and two years later graduated, valedictorian of his class. The money he had earned in his year of proba tion he devoted to helping the needy members of his class to obtain an education. Gates alone received three hundred dollars, and it saved the poor fellow from leaving college a year before graduation. Walter intends to study law, and it is predicted that he will win success at the bar. For whatever success he may achieve, he will ,be inclined to give the credit to his year of probation. THE KND. 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