Division of Agricultural Scitncot UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS . . . Economic Statistics for the 1958 Canning Season Sidney Hoos and Beatrice Bain UNIVERSITY er CA DAVIS L : 1 k H Y CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Mimeographed Report No. 204 _ Aprin958 CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS- - ECONOMIC STATISTICS FOR THE I958 CANNING SEASON by Sidney Hoosi/ and Beatrice Bain§/ Table of Contents Table Page 1 Statistics on General Business Conditions --Income and Prices . 1 2 Statistics on General Business Conditions — Production and Employment If 3 Statistics on Groceries' Industry Conditions , . 7 k Harvested Acreage of Asparsigus in the United States, by States, 19^^-1957 10 5 Harvested Acreage of Asparagus in California, by Counties, 19^8-1957 11 6 Plantings, Acreage, and Pack of Asparagus in California, 1939-1958 12 7- Utilization of California Harvested Asparagus ' Production, 1938-1957 13 8 Season's Average Price Paid to California Growers by Ceuaners for California Asparagus and California Production for Commercial Processing, 1933-1957 l5 9 Canned Asparagus Pack in the United States by States and by Types of Asparagus, I95I-I957 I6 10 California Canned Asparagus: Canners' Pack, on Hand, and Shipments, 1938-39 to 1957-58 .1 1? 11 Canned Asparagus: United States Canners' Carry-over, Pack, and Shipments, 19^*9-50 to 1957-58 18 12 United States and California Asparagus Packs: Canned and Frozen IIP 13 California Canned Asparagus Packs, 1952-1957 20 1/ Professor 6f Agricultural Economics and Agricviltxiral Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation. 2/ Junior Specialist in Agricultiiral Experiment Station. fens noi^ojjfioi'? — anold-' =5 9l-.5.t3 ii Table Page 1^ California Canned Asparagus: Canners' Stocks 21 15 F.0wB.:;Pric6«-.of California Canned Asparagus, I957-58, (Published Quotations) 22 16 Asparagus: Estimated United States Per-Capita Consumption 23 x'^jAj'. ie-jj..../ i."'.i*siuj J'-'- . TABLE 1 Statistics on General Business Ccnditions — Income and Prices Consumer demand factors 1 United States prices Year Personal . income Disposable personal inccane Personal consiimption expenditures Retail stores estimated , s^es totalS' Manufacturing and trade , inventoriesH' Consumer price index [ Whole 8£ile price index United States farm price index annual rate in billion dollars billion dollars 1947-1949 =« 100 1910-1914 » 100 1939 191+0 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 72.9 78.7 96.3 123.5 151.4 165.7 171.2 178.0 190.5 208.7 206.8 227.0 255.3 271.8 286.0 287.4 305.9 326.9 343.4 70.4 76.1 93.0 117.5 i 133.5 146.8 150.4 159.2 169.0 187.6 188.2 206.1 226.1 237.4 250.2 254.2 270,2 287.2 300.6 67.6 71.9 81.9 89.7 100.5 109.8 121.7 146.6 165.0 177.6 180.6 194.0 208.3 218.3 230.5 236.6 254.4 267.2 280.4 13.0^/ 13.5 14.1 14.1 15.3 15.8 16.7 ■ 73. 8§/ 75.4 78.6 75.5 81.7 89.1 90.7 59.4 59.9 62.9 69.7 74.0 75.2 76.9 83.4 95.5 102.8 101.8 102.8 111.0 113.5 114.4 114.8 114.5 116.2 120.2 50.1 51.1 56.8 64.2 67.0 67.6 68.8 78.7 96.4 104.4 99.2 103.1 114.8 111.6 110.1 110.3 110.7 114.3 117.6 95 100 124 159 / I93C/ 1972/ 207c/ 236c/ 276 287 250 258 302 288 258 249 236 235 242 (Continued on next peige.) 590Y TP X'i ■ -Z: 9J-JL -T'-- , I ■ .»T7 ag'cpo ■ ;o.' • . £c ''y»C)C ■' ■ TABLE 5 Harvested Acreage of Asparagus in California, by Counties, 1948-1957 County 19^9 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 I 1957 acres Santa Clara -b/ -- — 30 130 200 200 — Stanislaus — — Fresno, Merced 1,080 860 U60 310 80 50 50 50 50 SO Tulare 810 880 870 830 850 890 1,010 980 1,090 980 Madera 760 380 70 60 Kern ^00 kho khO 480 ^70 pno 1 nn lAAJ Kings 70 70 70 70 San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara Ld\J 50 50 10 Seinta Cruz 60 Los Angeles 1,200 900 710 570 1^50 600 1*00 380 250 370 Orange 260 300 300 300 300 320 380 450 500 680 Riverside 10 30 20 20 20 50 50 60 90 250 San Diego 20 20 20 20 50 50 80 180 220 380 San Bernardino Imperial 70 70 80 180 180 250 250 2kO 320 1*20 Delta district 59,970 63,360 68,680 68,160 66,960 66,1*90 69,710 73,880 73,510 72,W*0 Total, California 6*^,530 69,150 71,700 70,900 S9,kQ0 69,200 72, too 76,700 76,200 75,800 a/ Dashes indicate no acreage reported. Source: U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit and Vegetable Division; California Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Market News, cooperating. Marketing California Asparagus (Stockton: 19lj-8-1957) . (Annual reports.) ■ \ 7 ■ .■ .■ -^^i— j V • . ; ••■30 ; i?SMTO . il ' ■ ■ " . - J »t - AC _ so •V.,-. el..' "i>0 SO 300 POC- m 2,296 5,326 1,1+02 1,161 2,957 5,357 2,1+65 II, 092 23,51i0 2,1+09 l+,229 6,031+ 12,206 10,931 13,^lli5 19,537 III, 069 15,572 28,7?^ 26,026 Sources : Col. 1: Sum of columns 2, 3, and U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit and Vegetable Division; California Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Market News, cooperating. Marketing Calif ornia Ate paragus (Stocktons I9W-I957) , (Annual reports.) Col. 2: I938-19I+5--U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Commercial Truck Crops for Fresh Market— Acrea ge, Production, and Value-- Con- -tge With Comparisons (Washington, D.CC.J. (Annual reports.) verted to farm weight on basis of 2k pounds per crate. I946-1955--U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Commercial Truck Crops for Fresh Market --Acreage, Production, and Value-- With Comparisons (Washington; D. C.) . (Annual reports.) Con- verted to farm weight on basis of 30 pounds per crate for years prior to 1955. 1955-1957--U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Crop Reporting B oar d, VegetableS"Proce5Slng--Aereage, Production, and Value of Principal Commercial Crops by State, With Comparisons and Vege- tables--Fresh Market--Aereage, Production, and Value of Principal Commercial Crops by State, With Com parisons (Washington, D. C: 19 56-57) . I Annual reports.) (Continued on n.ext page.) T^^^r-flflf"! • !5ifboT?I Rrs/'TPasA b^j-sjv^nsH B.virtioii:/-f.O . . . ■.sixi^U A'- ' : CM' J .• ■ ;aGJ3^^12r■s£ds^«nay i)CB *J:in'5, .^'lv:■-•^- i •• ■ ''v-'^i-i'^-i ■ 1.;,- . '"^ ,1 I'l » ! - ■ — • ■ ' ■ "^'iT^ir ■ ■ ■ 17 • , ■ r ■ • ■ i ■1 lit. Table 7 continued. Col. 3: Data from Table 8 minus coliann k. Col. k: Western Frozen Food Processors, California Fruit and Frozen Vegetable Pack for 19^0-1957 (San Francisco) . Processed. (Annual issues.) Converted from frozen pack weight to farm weight by factor of 2.174, 1938-1954. The factor 2.0 is used for 1955 and later years. >0 .■.■iosa. 15. TABLE 8 Season's Average Price-'^ Paid to California Growers by Canners for California Asparagus and California Production for Commercial Processing, 1933-1957 oeason rrice ox white Price of all green Production for processing X 2 1 3 weighted a'' rerage price; ^er pounQ tons 1933 2.380 2.090 5ii . 160 193ii 3.220 3.580 5o,oiiO 1935 3.6UO ii.258 56,7iiO 1936 3.830 it.U73 59 , 110 1937 U.250 5I3I90 1938 3.160 1.237 Ui,660 1939 3.369 U.33U U7,610 19U0 li.060 5.270 53,880 19iil 5.000 6,092 37.970 19U2 5.530 6.500 51,820 19U3 7.050 8.127 19hh 7.230 8.1I1I 53,7li0 19I45 7.719 8.692 53,300 19l;6 8.390 9.520 614,250 19147 6.760 7.350 li9, 020 19I48 S.OliO 8.820 U3,030 19ii9 8.630 9.293 57,850 1950 9.5U5 10.601 57,950 1951 11.591 12.707 55,330 1952 9.ii39 9.902 li8,8i;0 1953 8.389 9.361 U5,870 195ii 10.700 II.36U 51,760 1955 12.107 12.817 7U,500 1956 10.630 10.935 60,600 1957 8.128 8.968 56,600 a/ Obtained by dividing total amount spent by all canners for purchase of asparagus by total number of pounds purchased. Sources: Cols. 1 and 2: Canners League of California, information bulletin (San Francisco: February I3, 1958) and correspond- ing issues for earlier years. Col. 3: U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Crop Report- Ing Board, Vegetables — Processing — Acreage^ Produc- tion, and Value of Principal Commercial Crops by State, With Comparisons and ' Vege tables- -Fresh Market-- Acreage, Production, and Vetlue of Principal Commercial Crops by State, With Comparisons (Washington, D. C: 19^-1957). ( Annual reports.) * ■ *- • -—■ •— — ' ■■ f i i ■'— ■ . ■ ■■' c'i * J*J » » r . J-rr .-r <1 " *"■* — — -.^ — - — ■: 1 ' . o: . Of a ■ '■ ■ 005. d Ii(r.8 5uCI c"- : OiiO.B 19? .11 005 esi,6 r .aioO TABLE 9 Canned Asparagus Pack in the United States by States and by Types of Asparagus, I95I-I957 State 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 actual casesS;/ California: Total White green ?, 528,1^5 1,099,261 1,428,90U 2,274,615 1,277,943 996,672 2,280,330 1,345,466 934,864 2,977,548 1,355,720 1,621,828 4,144,635 2,167,504 1,977,131 3,276,569 1,992,700 1,283,869 3,586,878 1,983,109 1,603,769 Marvland and Delasaz*e: green 227, 526 259,970 304,052 Green 671,716 666,961 443,992 650,744 730,422 641,023 725,413 Illinois: Green 523,339 429,610 563,993 518,579 529,059 603,816 606,245 Michigan: Green 493,796 559,615 504,509 530,675 685,709 719,522 797,638 Washington and Oregon: Green 354,400 388,464 396,077 513,416 524,876 510,937 509,507 Other states: Green 397,638 276,925 299,966 420,908 227,091 233,235 239,475 United States: Total White Green 4,969,054 1,099,261 3,869,793 4,596,190 1,277,943 3,318,247 4,489,267 1,345,466 3,143,801 5,611,870 1,355,720 4,256,150 7,069,318 2,167,504 4,901,814 6,245,072 1,992,700 4,252,372 1 6,769,208 1,983,109 4,786,099 a/ Reported on basis of 303'b, 300's, and 1-Talls as 24 to the case and 8-Z as 48 to the case. Source: Canners League of California, Special Mimeo Bulletin (San Francisooj annual issues). j - ■ ■•ioc ) ( '. ' '■ -.T^J'OSr. . a;.'.-; vX^ TABLE 10 California Canned Asparagus: Canners' Pack, on Hand, and Shipments 1938-39 to 1957-58 Season Canners on hand. Total supply- ( March-February) March 1 Pack available Shipments actual c^ses 1938-39 576.355 1,796,377 2.'^72.7'^2 2,299,580 1,922,1*97 1939_1K) 1*50,235 1.81*9,31*5 2,126,211 19ifO-iH 173,369 2,181,515 1,578,018 2, 351*, 884 1,955,520 1,670,151 191*1-1*2 399,361* 1,977,382 2,565,277 19U2-I13 307,231 220,1*91* 2,258,01*6 2,344,783 19l^3-1^4 2,070,760 2,1*36,385 2,291,251* 2,613,600 2,114,039 2,461,679 177,215 191^5.1^6 151,921 2,1*79,952 2,631,873 2,505,605 19lf6-l*7 ' 126,268 i 189,000 2,783,1*60 2,909,728 2,720,000 2,274,000 1947-1^8 2,258,650 2,1*1*8,000 191*8-1*9 171*, 132 1,983,201 2,157,333 2,027,342 191*9-50 129,991 257,058 2,625,131* 2,755,125 2,823,337 2,498,067 1950-51 2,566,279 2,424,448 2,31*9,637 1951-52 398,889 2,528,165 2,927,051* 1952-53 577,1*17 2,27i*,6l5 2,852,032 2,333,884 2,620,851 1953-51* / 195l*-55^. 1955-565/ 518,11*8 2,280,330 2,977,51*9 2,798,1*78 177,627 3,155,176 2,815,738 339,1*38 1*, 11*1*, 636 3,276,569 1*, 1*81*, 071* 3,233,331 3,436,158 1956-57 1,250,71*3 4,527,312 4,678,032 1957-58 1,091,151* 3,586,878 a/ In the table above, figures previously published for the March 1, 1955 and 1956 carry-overs and the 1954 and 1955 packs have been converted to the basis of 300's, 303's, and 1-Talls as 24 to the case and the 8-Z as 48 to the case in order to show comparable figures. Source; Canners League of California, Specia l teimeo Bulleti n (San Francisco: annual issues). t.cjn,c«: c.^jaoet.a rtaCn® i:<c)* . ;-•«■!■ «rq ■■ f. 300.8* :jo?.^ : . > : '■ r ■ ■ ~-^rTr\ - : S'e •+ ' * F . ; ■ ■ T i i i /"tC I ■ i ■ ' - ! 5^(. .. . •^cv; ft."- 5-* s»i ' ■ 1 ' ; j>^Tt\— .if: ..J . ■ • r; *> • . if . ■ .C> ■ : !•<• ' ■ ^ - . ■ 1 .-: ■ . ' ■ ' ^ T' • " - - f i ■ fK) *«t*i-«/ JTTi-P^ ■' -■ ' TABLE 11 Canned Asparagus: United States Canners' Carry-oner, Pack, and Shipments, 191^9-50 to 1957-58 Marketing year— United States canners ' , cararv-over^' United States packS' United States total supply United States - canners ' stockS' United States canners ' shipment s^l United States distributors '1/ stocksg/ thousands of actual cases 1949-50 157 1^,490 4,647 726 3,921 1,145 1950-51 309 ^,651 1^,960 1,057 3,903 1,477 1951-52 506 4,969 5,l^75 1,520 3,955 1,242 1952- 866 4 =>q6 0 1 0 1 h/ 0 o)in h/ 3,341if 733 1953-5^ 938 l^,l^89 5,1*27 1,386^/ l*,04l^/ 687 195^^-55 389 5,612 6,001 1,311* 1^,687 805 1955-56 669 7,069 7,738 2,987 i*,751 779 1956-57 1,803 6,245 8,048 2,834 5,214 718 1957-58 1,844 6,769 8,613 2,961 5,652 681 b/ March 1. c/ Pack is given for March of the earlier year, d/ January 1. e/ March 1 to January 1. f/ Wholesale and multiunit retail organizations. sJ January 1. h/ December 1 rather than January 1. Source: U. S. Bureau of the CenFUR, nanne d Food Regort (quarterly Issues) . a> ■ ' ■■ writ'" i^.i. - * V ^ "•c? i ■ 1 ... 19 TABLE 12 United States and California Asparagus Packs: Canned and Frozen Year -Phiteci States canned pack California canned pack Itoited States frozen pack WdXXX UX llXcl frozen pack thousand cases, 21^ Ro. 2 basis thousand pounds , frozen weight 191^7 3,833 191*8 3,620 18,321 1,9U5 19li9 1 ii,Ul8 18,U22 2,776 ! 1950 U,533 22,309 5,615 1 1951 a, 795 23,562 5,028 j 1952 i;,35ii 2,331 25,li60 6,Oli6 1953 U,018 2,119 ■^2 o, yo [ 195U li,978 2,713 25,780 6,a72 1955 6,2i;8 3,709 28,669 7,786 1956 5,U22 2,886 37,671; lli,397 1957^/ 3,165 30,111 10,013 a/ Estimated, Sources t Col, li National Canners Association Annual Report, Col, 2: Canners League of California, Special M4meo Bulletin OSau Francisco: annual issuesjl Cols. 3 and lir U. S. Agricultural Marketing Sesrvice, Fruit and Vegetable Division; California Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Market News, cooperating. Marketing California Asparagus {Stockton: 1948-1957) . (Annual reports.) . - , — , ^ III I i T ii I I" f - pi;,; ■ • t - ■ TABLE 13 California Canned Asparagus Packs, 1952-1957 White Green Total year Spears- - including salad points Cut— including soup cuts Cut— tips removed Total Spears- - including salad points Cut-- including soup cuts Cut-- tips removed Total White and 1 green cases of 24 No. 2' 8 1952 .-Ha/ 1,315,581 1,015,198 2,330,779 1953 884,623 70,607 294,464 1,249,694 588,385 139,343 I4l,7l6 869,444 2,119,138 1951* 907,218 104,154 237,679 1,249,051 969,544 273,455 220,711 1,463,710 2,712,761 1955 1,425,311 152,304 425,583 2,003,198 1,203,474 274,351 227,963 1,705,788 3,708,986 1956 1,225,407 125,767 445,940 1,797,114 784,714 174,261 129,546 1,088,521 2,885,635 1957 1,093,011 129,603 583,892 1,806,506 931,896 227,003 199,846 1 1,358,7^*5 3,165,251 a/ Dashes indicate no data available. Sources: 1952— U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit and Vegetable Division; California Department of Agriculture, cooperating. Marketing California Asparagus, I957 Season (Stockton: January, 1958), p. 38, Table 33. * •^1953-1957- -Canners League of California, Special Mimeo Bulletin (San Francisco: annual issues). ''" ' -^i^v<« j- rises' dcii j ^^-^^ . sir? ' ] ' io^* JL98 1 ■ V .. ' ■ ■•; ■ ( .Ill 1 1 — ^ .... •' "5rr . . : ii7''^'".::'i ■■■■■jM^T6- TABLE Ik California Canned Asparagus: Camners' Stocks White Green Total Speeurs — Cut— Cut- Spears — Cut-- Cut- white including including tips including including tips and -Ba'te . salad points 6oup cuts removed Total salad points soup cuts removed Total green case s of i24 No. 2's February 1, 195^2'' 168,978 8,649 7,375 185,002 54, 504 35,455 10,636 100,595 285,597 March, 193k 94,026 4,145 5,084 103,255 25,847 22,013 7,855 55,715 158,970 January 1, 1955 1»*1,397 35,170 7,440 184,007 207,088 103,954 62, 548 373,590 557,597 March, 1955 63,680 30,790 2,906 97,376 96,576 93,319 30,280 220,175 317,551 January 1, 1956S' 59%9kk 117,605 51,521 765,070 635,590 177,182 109,628 922,400 1,687,470 Janiiary 1, 1957 678,909 39,081 9,258 727,248 541, 140 105,065 39,932 686,137 1,413,385 March, 1957 ^71^,171 26,404 1,789 502,364 376,973 64, $41 23,994 465, 508 967,872 January 1, 1958 5^1,569 2,168 23,326 567,063 540,959 101,988 63,256 706,203 1,273,266 March, 1958 337,771 1,462 4,847 344,080 324,657 70,477 27,898 423,032 767,112 annual issues) . ro a/ Data not given for January 1, 1954. b/ March, I956 not available. Source: Canners League of California, Special Mimeo Bulletin (San Francisco: .--I. LRi "^•> ••' ■ ^ ■- ' ■ . .^ . -Il: ■'-•* ; , - - - - - • ' • i -fi-. ■ ■• S3* 3s? ■ *■ j ■ j 1 ,t-.':..- . • ." '• ■ =■ • 1 j : ■f^W.Cp ' I i ; •:' 1 . i ■ ■.• ■ " ' • > .•■.1;^■■ .-.^ . - ■■ 1 L._... .pb«8«,e . . ~ ■ ■ ■ j.. .,T,ofsr-f .. - I ■ 1 22. TABLE 15 P.O.B. Prices of California Canned Asparagus, 1957-58 (Published Quotations) r<};T.,afid-W. All green Period No. 300 fancy spears, large Picnic macBDOth, l£irge No. 300 fancy spears, mammoth laree Picnic meusmoth , large dollars per dozen April 27, 1957 2.75 2.35 : 3.30 2.75 May K 1957- November 16, 1957 2.75 2.35 3.20-3.30 2.75 November 23, 1957- March 8, 1958 2.75 2.35 3.17^-3.25 2.75 Source: California Fruit News (Weekly Issues) . t)F,. F, -OS. £ 23. TABLE 16 Asparagus: Estimated United States Per-Capita Cons\anption lear Fresh (commercial) a/ Canned^ Frozen?/ farm weight in pounds 1919 .5 1920 .5 .53 1921 .5 •ho 1922 .5 ,ko 1923 .6 .53 192ii .7 .53 1925 .8 .53 1926 1.0 .53 1927 1.0 .53 1928 1.1 .66 19^9 1.0 .66 1930 1.2 .53 1931 1.3 .53 1932 1.U .53 1933 1.3 .66 193U Uh .66 1935 1.2 .53 1936 l.ii .66 1937 1.2 .66 •06 1938 1.1 .66 .10 1939 1.3 .79 ,06 19aO 1.5 .79 .10 19U1 1.5 .79 .10 19U2 1.3 .93 .08 191*3 1.2 .79 .12 19U4 1.2 .79 .20 19U5 1.1 .53 .28 19U6 1.1 1.32- .2h 19U7 1.1 .79 .22 .9 .93 .28 19U9 .9 .79 .2U 1950 .9 .93 .2U 1951 .8 .93 .26 1952 .8 .93 .30 1953 .8 1.06 .32 195U .7 .93 .3ii 19563/ .7 .7 .93 1.06 .32 .32 (Continued on next page.) 2h. Table 16 continued. a/ Excluded quantities produced in home gardens. Civilian consumption only " beginning 19Ul. b/ Excludes soups and baby food. In years, 1920-19U2, calendar-year data are derived from pack-year data by combining proportional parts of each pack jrear involved. Civilian consumption beginning 19Ul. Conversion factor used to convert net canned weight to farm weight basis was 1.32U5* c/ Civilian consumption only beginning 19U1. Conversion factor used to convert ~ frozen weight to farm weight basis was 2.0, d/ Preliminary indications. Source: U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service, Supplement for 1956 to Consvimp - tion of Food in the United States, 1909-1952 (Washington: Govt, Print, Off., 1957), l^Op, (Agricultural Handbook No. 62,) ' . V ' ' ' ■ ' ' • " • • h'd'& " ' - .103 rt&iii^^ t .bgylovfii