UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CIRCULAR 322 August, 1931 AN INFECTIOUS BRAIN DISEASE OF HORSES AND MULES {Encephalomyelitis ) C. M. HARING,i J. A. HOWARTH, 2 and K. F. MEYER3 A rapidly spreading" disease of horses and mules prevailed in the San Joaquin Valley of California from July to November, 1930 (fig. 1A), and reappeared in several widely separated parts of the state in July, 1931 (fig. IB). The malady is apparently identical with the horse disease which at different times during the past sixty years has caused heavy losses in various parts of the United States, particu- larly in the west central states, and has been called ' ' Kansas-Nebraska horse plague," and also, incorrectly, "cerebrospinal meningitis,' ' ft nonpurulent encephalitis, " "forage poisoning" and "botulism." 4 Studies by Meyer, Haring, and Howitt 5 at the University of Cali- fornia have shown that the present epizootic in California horses is caused by a filter-passing virus which produces an inflammation in the brain (encephalitis) and also in the spinal cord (myelitis). Accordingly, the suitable medical name for the disease should be encephalomyelitis. 6 i Professor of Veterinary Science and Veterinarian in the Experiment Station. 2 Associate in Veterinary Science. 3 Professor of Bacteriology, Director of the Hooper Foundation, and Director of Research in the National Canners' Association Laboratory. 4 Botulism is a poisoning caused by eating spoiled material in which toxins have been formed by the growth of various types of Clostridium botulinus. The symptoms in horses somewhat resemble encephalomyelitis but otherwise the diseases are not related. s Meyer, K. F., O. M. Haring, and B. Howitt. Newer knowledge of the neurotropic virus infections of the horse. Jour. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc. In press. 6 In Germany a similar disease has been known for many years, and is called "Borna disease" after a town in Saxony. This disease of horses in Germany is also caused by a filterable virus which produces an inflammation in the central nervous system, but which is probably not identical with the American virus. University of California — Experiment Station d £S * ftg °^§ o XI BO O 53 O £H 53 £ as 53 53 o .2 £ * OH o ci ^3 £ •D O ~ p 4) l? t> cj 53 § § O Oo rt o ft -92 d ft -d ft ►T *Asp*£*-'-Wr Fig. 13. — Animal lying flat on its side without any protection from the ground. Do not permit this when possible to get it to stand or assume a breast position. Fig. 14. — Assisting an animal to assume a breast position. its side, the body and head soon become seriously bruised from con- tact with the ground (fig. 13). Two or three times a day the animal should be assisted to its feet, A veterinarian who treated about 75 12 University of California — Experiment Station cases during" July, 1931, writes: "The horses that were able to get up on their feet occasionally during the first four days of the sickness all got well." Animals that are unable to rise should be turned over at four or five-hour intervals to avoid congestion of the blood in the lower part of the body. This will also tend to prevent "bedsores," pneumonia, and other complications which quickly develop if a horse lies for a long time on one side. Feed, — Small amounts of wholesome food, such as freshly-cut alfalfa or cured alfalfa, or, if neither is available, good grain hay, will materially help in sustaining the strength of the affected horse. In mild cases, the appetite usually remains normal and many horses badly affected will consume some food if it is placed before them. They often nibble hay from the rack or ground as the disease progresses. Feeding will take place only when the sick animal can secure food with little or no effort. Some of the animals refuse food for a few days, but, as recovery sets in, the appetite returns to normal and should be satisfied with the best quality of feed obtainable. Water. — Thirst is one of the most common symptoms, and it is generally believed by veterinarians that the animals should be per- mitted to drink as often and as much as they wish. Studies at the University of California have shown that, in advanced cases, there is a marked dehydration of the blood and tissues. This indicates that sick horses should be induced to drink as frequently as practicable. Those that are able to swallow usually drink eagerly and should have constant access to a good, clean water supply. They should not be made to drink from containers on the ground as they will have difficulty in keeping their balance while lowering the head. In some cases, there is a semiparalysis of the lips, tongue, and pharyn- geal muscles. Such animals will often dip the muzzle in water but apparently make no attempt to drink. If water is slowly injected into the mouth (fig. 15), they generally swallow willingly. Time and patience will be necessary in cases that have difficulty in drinking. Care should be taken not to raise the mouth and nose too high nor to attempt to force water or other liquids down the throat. Avoid drenching. Attempts by forced drenching to administer oils, salts, and other drugs to animals affected with encephalomyelitis are very apt to result disastrously. The horse may be in a state of stupor or collapse, or it may be excited. Either of these conditions is asso- ciated with difficulty in swallowing. Elevating the head, as is usually done in drenching, may cause the fluid to pass down the trachea or Cm. 322] An Infectious Brain Disease of Horses and Mules 13 windpipe into the lungs, which, in turn, in these cases almost invariably produces a mechanical pneumonia. The safest way to introduce liquids into the stomach of a horse or mule is by the use of a stomach tube. On account of the difficulty of passing the tube through the mouth of these animals, it is usually passed via a nostril. This operation should be done by a veterinarian. In certain cases the use of the stomach tube has been found to be injurious because its passage has induced pneumonia from inhalation into the lungs of putrid saliva collected in the throat. Rectal injec- . „ - > ^^V^'N* Fig. 15. — Assisting a thirsty animal to drink. A short piece of metal pipe is inserted a few inches into the mouth. To prevent choking do not insert the pipe too far nor raise the head too high. tions may be helpful but should be given only on a veterinarian's advice. Do not experiment with drugs not prescribed or recommended by a veterinarian. The chances of recovery will probably be lessened by such dosing. Even if the drugs should be harmless, the unnecessary disturbance and irritation in giving them to the animal may reduce the chance of recovery. The sick animal should be kept as quiet and undisturbed as possible. Each case requires special, individual treatment. No specific treat- ment generally applicable to all cases has yet been found. The most successful veterinarians depend on conservative efforts to alleviate the symptoms. University veterinarians, in cooperation with various 14 University of California — Experiment Station veterinary practitioners, have tried a number of chemicals and serums, but as yet nothing' has been found of special value in neutralizing or reducing the effects of the virus which is the primary cause of the disease. Experiments with the virus under controlled conditions are being actively carried on at the University of California. Any results of practical value will be immediately made public. STATION PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION BULLETINS No. 253. Irrigation and Soil Conditions in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, California. 263. Size Grades for Ripe Olives. 277. Sudan Grass. 279. Irrigation of Rice in California. 283. The Olive Insects of California. 304. A Study of the Effects of Freezes on Citrus in California. 310. Plum Pollination. 331. Phylloxera-resistant Stocks. 335. Cocoanut Meal as a Feed for Dairy Cows and Other Livestock. 343. Cheese Pests and Their Control. 344. Cold Storage as an Aid to the Market- ing of Plums, a Progress Report. 347. The Control of Red Spiders in Decid- uous Orchards. 348. Pruning Young Olive Trees. 349. A Study of Sidedraft and Tractor Hitches. 357. A Self-Mixing Dusting Machine for Applying Dry Insecticides and Fun- gicides. 361. Preliminary Yield Tables for Second- Growth Redwood. 362. Dust and the Tractor Engine. 363. The Pruning of Citrus Trees in Cali- fornia. 364. Fungicidal Dusts for the Control of Bunt. 366. Turkish Tobacco Culture, Curing, and Marketing. 368. Bacterial Decomposition of Olives During Pickling. 369. Comparison of Woods for Butter Boxes. 370. Factors Influencing the Development of Internal Browning of the Yellow Newtown Apple. 371. The Relative Cost of Yarding Small and Large Timber. 373. Pear Pollination. 374. A Survey of Orchard Practices Citrus Industry of Southern fornia. 379. Walnut Culture in California. 386. Pruning Bearing Deciduous Trees. 388. The Principles and Practice of Drying Fruit. 389. Berseem or Egyptian Clover. 390. Harvesting and Packing Grapes in California. 391. Machines for Coating Seed Wheat with Copper Carbonate Dust. 392. Fruit Juice Concentrates. 393. Crop Sequences at Davis. 394. I. Cereal Hay Production in California. II. Feeding Trials with Cereal Hays. 396. The Mat Bean, Phaseolus Aconitifolius. 404. The Dehydration of Prunes. 405. Citrus Culture in Central California. 406. Stationary Spray Plants in California. 407. Yield, Stand, and Volume Tables for White Fir in the California Pine Region. 408. Alternaria Rot of Lemons. 409. The Digestibility of Certain Fruit By- products as Determined for Rumi- nants. Part I. Dried Orange Pulp and Raisin Pulp. 410. Factors Influencing the Quality of Fresh Asparagus After it is Harvested. 412. A Study of the Relative Value of Cer- tain Root Crops and Salmon Oil as Sources of Vitamin A for Poultry. 414. Planting and Thinning Distances for Deciduous Fruit Trees. in the Cali- Fruit Sun- No. 415. 416. 418. 419. 420. 421. 423. 425. 426. 427. 428. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 438. 439. 440. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 454. 455. 456. 458. 459. 460. 462. 464, 465. The Tractor on California Farms. Culture of the Oriental Persimmon in California. A Study of Various Rations for Fin- ishing Range Calves as Baby Beeves. Economic Aspects of the Cantaloupe Industry. Rice and Rice By-Products as Feeds for Fattening Swine. Beef Cattle Feeding Trials, 1921-24. Apricots (Series on California Crops and Prices). Apple Growing in California. Apple Pollination Studies in California. The Value of Orange Pulp for Milk Production. The Relation of Maturity of California Plums to Shipping and Dessert Quality. Raisin By-Products and Bean Screen- ings as Feeds for Fattening Lambs. Some Economic Problems Involved in the Pooling of Fruit. Power Requirements of Electrically Driven Dairy Manufacturing Equip- ment. Investigations on the Use of Fruits in Ice Cream and Ices. The Problem of Securing Closer Rela- tionship between Agricultural Devel- opment and Irrigation Construction. I. The Kadota Fig. II. The Kadota Fig Products. Grafting Affinities with Special Refer- ence to Plums. The Digestibility of Certain Fruit By- Products as Determined for Rumi- nants. Part II. Dried Pineapple Pulp, Dried Lemon Pulp, and Dried Olive Pulp. The Feeding Value of Raisins and Dairy By-Produces for Growing and Fattening Swine. Beans (Series on California Crops and Prices). Economic Aspects of the Apple In- dustry. The Asparagus Industry in California. A Method of Determining the Clean Weights of Individual Fleeces of Wool. Farmers' Purchase Agreement for Deep Well Pumps. Economic Aspects of the Watermelon Industry. Irrigation Investigations with Field Crops at Davis, and at Delhi, Cali- fornia, 1909-1925. Studies Preliminary to the Establish- ment of a Series of Fertilizer Trials in a Bearing Citrus Grove. Economic Aspects of the Pear Industry. Rice Experiments in Sacramento Val- ley, 1922-1927. Reclamation of the Fresno Type of Black-Alkali Soil. Yield, Stand and Volume Tables for Red Fir in California. Factors Influencing Percentage Calf Crop in Range Herds. Economic Aspects of the Fresh Plum Industry. Lemons (Series on California Crops and Prices). Prune Supply and Price Situation. Drainage in the Sacramento Valley Rice Fields. Curly Top Symptoms of the Sugar Beet. BULLETINS— (Continued) No. No, 466. The Continuous Can Washer for Dairy 484. Plants. 467. Oat Varieties in California. 485. 468. Sterilization of Dairy Utensils with 486. Humidified Hot Air. 469. The Solar Heater. 487. 470. Maturity Standards for Harvesting Bartlett Pears for Eastern Shipment. 488. 471. The Use of Sulfur Dioxide in Shipping Grapes. 489. 472. Adobe Construction. 473. Economic Aspects of the Sheep In- dustry. 474. Factors Affecting the Cost of Tractor 490. Logging in the California Pine Region. 491. 475. Walnut Supply and Price Situation. 477. Improved Methods of Harvesting Grain 492. Sorghum. 493. 478. Feeding and Management of Dairy 494. Calves in California. 495. 479. I. Irrigation Experiments with Peaches in California. II. Canning Quality 496. of Irrigated Peaches. 480. The Use, Value, and Cost of Credit in Agriculture. 497. 481. Utilization of Wild Oat Hay for Fat- tening Yearling Steers. 498. 482. Substitutes for Wooden Breakpins. 500. 483. Utilization of Surplus Prunes. The Effects of Desiccating Winds on Citrus Trees. Drying Cut Fruits. Pullorum Disease (Bacillary White Diarrhea of Chickens). Asparagus (Series on California Crops and Prices). Cherries (Series on California Crops and Prices). Irrigation Water Requirement St\idies of Citrus and Avocado Trees in San Diego County, California, 1926 and 1927. Olive Thinning and Other Means of Increasing Size of Olives. Yield, Stand, and Volume Tables for Douglas Fir in California. Berry Thinning of Grapes. Fruit Markets in Eastern Asia. Infectious Bronchitis in Fowls. Milk Cooling on California Dairy Farms. Precooling of Fresh Fruits and Tem- peratures of Refrigerator Cars and Warehouse Rooms. A Study of the Shipment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to the Far East. Pickling Green Olives. Dehydration of Grapes. No. 117. The Selection and Cost of a Small Pumping Plant. 127. House Fumigation. 178. The Packing of Apples in California. 203. Peat as a Manure Substitute. 212. Salvaging Rain-Damaged Prunes. 230. Testing Milk, Cream, and Skim Milk for Butterfat. 232. Harvesting and Handling California Cherries for Eastern Shipment. 239. Harvesting and Handling Apricots and Plums for Eastern Shipment. 240. Harvesting and Handling California Pears for Eastern Shipment. 241. Harvesting and Handling California Peaches for Eastern Shipment. 243. Marmalade Juice and Jelly Juice from Citrus Fruits. 244. Central Wire Bracing for Fruit Trees. 245. Vine Pruning Systems. 248. Some Common Errors in Vine Pruning and Their Remedies. 249. Replacing Missing Vines. 250. Measurement of Irrigation Water on the Farm. 253. Vineyard Plans. 255. Leguminous Plants as Organic Ferti- lizers in California Agriculture. 257. The Small-Seeded Horse Bean (Vicia faba var. minor). 258. Thinning Deciduous Fruits. 259. Pear By-Products. 261. Sewing Grain Sacks. 262. Cabbage Production in California. 263. Tomato Production in California. 265. Plant Disease and Pest Control. 266. Analyzing the Citrus Orchard by Means of Simple Tree Records. CIRCULARS No. 269. 270. 273. 276. 278. 279. 282. 287. 288. 290. 294. 295. 296. 301. 302. 304. 307. 308. 310. 311. 312. 313. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. An Orchard Brush Burner. A Farm Septic Tank. Saving the Gophered Citrus Tree. Home Canning. Olive Pickling in Mediterranean Countries. The Preparation and Refining of Olive Oil in Southern Europe. Prevention of Insect Attack on Stored Grain. Potato Production in California. Phylloxera Resistant Vineyards. The Tangier Pea. Propagation of Deciduous Fruits. Growing Head Lettuce in California. Control of the California Ground Squirrel. Buckeye Poisoning of the Honey Bee. The Sugar Beet in California. Drainage on the Farm. American Foulbrood and Its Control. Cantaloupe Production in California. The Operation of the Bacteriological Laboratory for Dairy Plants. The Improvement of Quality in Figs. Principles Governing the Choice, Oper- ation, and Care of Small Irrigation Pumping Plants. Fruit Juices and Fruit Juice Beverages. Electrical Statistics for California Farms. Fertilizer Problems and Analysis of Soils in California. Termites and Termite Damage. Pasteurizing* Milk for Calf Feeding. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables by Freezing Storage. 16m-8,'31