UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES ANALYTICAL CASE BOOK DIGESTS S O T U UNIVERSITY LAW BOOK EXCHANGE U T D E 28-A BOYLSTON STREET O N A Few Doors Below Clark's Restaurant F T In the Same Block S P HARVARD SQUARE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. R R SECOND HAND LAW BOOKS N E E and T N COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS B B A Bought, Sold, and Exchanged O G S TELEPHONE: KIRKLAND 4OOO K S LAW OUTLINES CONRAD FERDINAND MEYER From a photograph (Srfjufj ban bet con (ottrab SJlctjer EDITED WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, EXERCISES AND VOCABULARY MARTIN H. HAERTEL UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN & COMPANY BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO LONDON COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY MARTIN H. HAERTKL ALL HHiHTS KKSERVED 614.7 TCftt Jltlifn.Tutn Jlrrss GINN een geiftlidje banner fttegen in her jtoetten 5Ibenb= ftunbe etneS Dftobertage3 Don bem fjodjgelegenen Uttfon nad) bem Sanbungsoplaije Dbermetten rjinunter. $)er !iire[te 3Seg Com ^farrtjaufe, bag bequem neben ber trd)e auf ber erften mit 3Ste[en unb ^rucfjtbaumen bebecften @tufe be^ 5 ^ofjenguge^ tag, nad) ber burc^ em tanged emciuer, einen fogenannten ^acfen, gejdjii^ten eebudjt, [ii^rte [te burd) teere SSeinberge. S)ie Seje tear beenbtgt. 3 ur 9^e(f)ten unb 2in!en geigte ber SSeinftocf nur gelbe ober gerrtffene flatter, unb auf ben ba 91ebgeldnbe burd)tet)enben bunfelgriinen 10 Dtafenftreifen bliif)te bie 3 e i^f e - 9^ ur au - 1 ^ er ^erne, too Diedetc^t etn erfatjrener 9J?ann fetnen SSetn aufeergelDotjnlid) lange t)atte ausretfen laffen, bamtt ber ^ropfen urn fo frafti^ ger tuerbe, fd)o(t gutuetlen etn Derein^ette^ SBin^erjaudj^en tjeriiber. 15 2)ie beiben fdjritten, lute tion etnem ^erbftgefitfjle gebriidt, otjne 3Sorte enter Ijtnter bem anbern. 5(ud) bot irjnen ber mit ungletc^en tctnplatten unb 93Ioden belegte fteite 5tb(teig etne unbequeme Xreppe, unb ttwrben fie torn SSinbe, ber au3 SBeften f)er in rautjen tofeen iiber ben @ee fuf)r, gutoeifen 20 f)art gejauft. i 2)er dju toon ber erften age ber Sefe toaren bie fd)6nften be3 getoefen. (Sine toarme $b't)nluft tjatte bie djneeberge unb ben (Sdjtoei^erfee auf ifyre 28eife ibealifiert, bte 9iet(je ber einen 511 einem ein^igen ftilien groften Seutf)ten berbunben, ben 5 anbern mtt bem tiefen unb frdfttgen ^arbengtanje einer fitb= lidjen s D?eerburfjt iibergoffen, ate getiifte fie eine bacd)tfd)e Sanbfdjaft, etn <3turf Stalten, iiber bte 9ttpen 311 t)erfe^en. petite aber blte ein f)e[ttger duerlninb, unb bte bitrrf) gretle Strfjter unb fyarte <3djatten entfteEten ^odjgebtrge 10 traten in proffer, faft baroder Srjc^einung bem 5(uge tiiel 311 nafje. rr ^Pfannen[tieI f bcin SSorfjaben entbefjrt ber SSernunft!" fagte nun plo^tt(f) ber ^Borangctjenbe, ein !urjer, ftammiger, tro^ fciner Sugenb faft ettt>a belcibter 3)?ann, ftanb fttH unb 15 fetjrte fcin blul)enbc'o efidjt rafd) nac^ bem fdjmalen unb rjagern cfal)rten um. S)tefer ftotpertc jur 5Intioort iiber einen <3tetn ; benn er f)atte ben 93Iid btst je^t unnermanbt auf bie Xurmfptije Oon 3)ft)tt)ifon gcfjeftet, bte am jenfeitigen Ufer iiber einer bunfel= 20 bemalbctcn ipalbinfet aU fdjlanfe 5cabe( in ben ^immel auf f tad). 9iad)bcnt er feme langen Seine luicber in ridjtigen ang gcbradjt tjatte, erftibcrtc cr in angenefjmem Srufttone : ^d) bilbc mir ein, 3io|enftod, ber (General luerbe mid) nid)t luie ein Saftri)gone cmpfangcn. tir tft mein 95ernjanbter, 25 iDcnn and) in entferntcm rabe, unb geftern nod) {)abe id) il)m mcine 3)tffertatton iiber bte Stjmbolif ber Cbtjffee mit einer artigen SSibmung gugefenbet." ,,,^cilige Sinfalt !" brutnmte 9vofenftocf, ber fein frdf= tiges itolorit bem (^etoerbe feiner filter uerbanfte, bie feit $)er @d)ujij bon ber ^an^et 3 9ftenfd)engebenfen eine in 3iiridj namfjafte gteifdjer^ itnb SBurfterfamilie getoefen, ff bu fennft if)n fcfjlecfjt, ben ba bru= ben !" unb er beutete mit einer furgen SBeroegung feineg runben Stinng iiber ben @ee narf) einem Sanbfjaufe bon italienifdjer Saitart, bag an ber norblidjen (Sinbucrjtung ber et(^enbe(tan= s benen ."palbinfel lag. ,,(r ift fiir feme 93ertt)anbten nidjt gartltcf), unb betne fd)tt)a'rmertjd)e 2)i[fertatton r bie iibrigens> aEe ^8er[tdnbtgen befrembet fyat, f^iottet er birgu c^anben." )er ^Pfarrer bon iiti!on btie in bie Sitft, at^ formte er eine fcfjtllernbe eifenbtafe, bann fuijr er na<^ einer SSeile 10 fort: , f laube mir r ^Pfannenftielcfien, bu ^aft beffer mit ben beiben barren bort briiben, ben SSertmiiffern, nic^t^ ^u fc)affen. 2)er eneral ift eine Srenneffet, bie feiner ungc= ftoc^en berii^rt, itnb fein better, ber ^farrer bon Sfttjtfjifon, is ba atte Mnb, bringt unfern tanb in 9}erruf mit feiner Sfteute, feinem etbef)rfaften unb feinem unanffjorlidjen ^jSuffen unb nallen. Su {)aft ja felbft im grufjjaf)re afe S5ilar genug barunter ju teiben ge^abt. greilic^, bie Stofjel mit i^rem feingebogenen 9?ci3crjen unb if)rem roten ^irfc^- 20 munbe ! 2tber fie tiebt bid) nidjt. 2)ie Sunferin nrirb fc^lie^tic^ bei einem Sunfer anlangen. (3 Ijeifjt, fie fei mit bem Seo ^ilc^fperger berlobt. 2)od) Ia^ bidj'g, fjorft bu, nicrjt anfec^ten. (Sin ^lorb ift nod) lange fein consilium abeundi. tlm bid) u troften : 2lud) id) fjabe beren einige 25 erfyalten, unb, fiet)e, id) lebe unb gebeifje, bin auctj bor fur= em in ben tanb ber @f)e getreten." S)er lange ^anbibat roarf unter feinen blonben, bom SSinbe bertbetjten aaren rjerbor einen 93Iid ber S^er^toeiftung auf $)er @d)u5 toon ber ben ollegen unb feufgte erbarmlid). Sfjnt mangelte bie beffen ^crgmu^fel be!leibenbe $ettfd)id)t. ,,2Beg! fort oon tjier!" rief er bann fd)mert>oll anf^ geregt. ,,$d) gefye fyter 511 ($runbe ! 25er (General roirb mir 5 bie erlebigte $elbfaplanei feiner uenejianifrfjen $ompagnie nid)t oeriueigern. " ,,^fannenfttel, irf) ttrieberfjole btr, betn 35orf)aben entbetjrt ber SSernunft! S3letbe im Sanbe iinb ncifjre bid) rebltd)." ,,u niimnft mir alien Sebensatem," flagte ber Stonbe. 10 ,,^d) foil nid)t fort, unb fann nidjt bletben. 3Bof)in foil ic^ benn? 3n3rab?" . ^ O*t*^^. ; ff Sd)ame bid) ! 5)eine ^naben|d)iil)e berti'eten follft bu ! 2)er ebanfe mit ber uene^iantfdjen Jclbt'aplanei tutire an fid) fo iibel nirfjt. 2)a^ Ijet^t, tucnn bit cin refolnter s D?enfd) 15 loareft unb nid)t fo blaue unfd)itlbige ^tinberaugen l)dtteft. er General t)at fie nenlid) mir angetragen. Sin fo gerau- mig cntiuidelter ^Bruftfaften n)iirbe feinen Seitten imponieren, meinte er. 9totiirlid) 5lffenpoffen ! 2)enn er loei^ ba icf) ein befeftigter Sttenfd) bin unb meinen Steinberg nid)t 20 uerlaffe." rf SBarft bu briiben ?" ff ^Borgeftern." -- 5)em lltifoncr fttcg cin 3 orn ^ n oen ^topf. -- ,,3eit cr nneber l)ier ift nid)t Idnger aly eine SSodje l)at ber alte Storefrieb rid)tig <2tabt unb See in 25 ^Iufrul)r gebrad)t. (5r foniine, nor bent nd'djften Jyelb^uge fein A^ait! 511 beftellen, fd)rteb er Don SKten. s Jcitn, er fam, unb eo begann ein Pollen uon Slaroffen am linfcn Seeufer nad) ber ^lu 511. Die ^anbenberge, bie Sdjntibte, bie 9iein- liartc, alle feine SSerluanbten, bie ben ergrauten uJ3 Don ber potter fortft mieben mie einen SBerpefteten, aHe famen unb roollten tljn beerben. @r aber ift me 511 |mufe, fonbern fdtjrt roie ein (Satan auf bem @ee rjerum, bltfcfdjneH, in einer groolfruberigen ateere, bie er mit feinen Seuten bemannt. 9#eine ^farrftnber retfeen bte Slugen auf, tuerben unrufjtg 5 unb munfeln bon ^ejeret. 9^id)t genitg ! $om tnbunfeln an bt^ gegen Sftorgen ftetgen feurige S)rac^en unb cfjetne an ben c^toten be^ 2lufyaufe> auf. 2)er eneral, ftatt hne ein Sfjriftenmenfc^ ju fc^tafen, fdjmtebet unb |d)Ioffert gutoeiten bte gauge 9?ad)t f)tuburc^. S!un[tretcf)e @d)(offer f 10 tt)af)re ^racfjtftucfe, t)ab' id) bon fetner 3(rbett gefe{) r n r bte !ein 2)tetrtc^ off net, fitr Seute, fagte cr mit einem bogt)aften ettenblicfe auf metne apofto(ifd)e 5frmut, bie @d)a^e fdm= meln, toeldje bon Mteben geftof)Ien unb bou Gotten gefreffen merben. 9^un, bu bcgretfft, bte 3 un ^ cn 9 ar ^ e 1P^ ^ rc 15 Sfiotle unb U)trb ati3 @trae be ^oUcnfitrften burt^ ben djornftein biel betradjtet unb reic^tic^ befbrodjen. @o niuc^g bie (|5al)rung. )ie Seute aufflciren ift bon eitel bofen ^olgen. Sd) lud()(te ben litrjeren SSeg unb ging fjmitber, ben (General afe J-reunb gu niarnen. ^reim'apperlot, an ben 20 5Ibeub loerb' id) mein Sebtag benfcn. SDJeine SSarnung befetttgte er mtt einem |jofmladjeln, bann fafete er mic^ am 9\odfnobfe unb ein 2)t3f ur3 brtc^t Io, tme turm unb SStrbct* roinb, fag' id) bir, ^pfannenftiel. Wit abgertffenen S^nopfen unb gerabert !am id) nad) |>aufe. Softer ^at er mir borge- 25 fefet, aber mit ben grb'fetcu S3osf)eiten bergcillt. 9Zatiir(ic^ fprad) er bon fcincm Xeftamente, bcnn ba^ ift je|t fein tedcnpferb. ff ^f)r ftc()t aitrf) barin, (()rlpurben !" Sc^ erfd)rede. ^S'tuu, id) toill Sud) ben ^aragrap{)en raeifen." 6 S)er @du Don ber Gr dffnct ba ont>otut. ,,Sefet." 3d) lefe, unb roa3 lefe id), ^Pfanncnftiel ? . . . ,,3>tem, meinem fdjciljbaren greunbe, bcm ^farrer SRofenftoc!, groei Ijoljle ^)cmblnopfc bon SKeffing mit einer 5 lasfdjeibe Derfcljcn, roorunter auf griinem runbe je bret loin^tge SSiirfcIrfjcn Itcgen. cfttfiiltert ber ^>err auf ber Mangel nun mit ber SMjten, nun mit ber Stnfcn, unb [djiit- telt befagte 3BurfeId)en auf cine unge^roungene 2Bcife, fo !ann cr Dcrmtttclft ttncberljoltcr fdjrdger 93ticfe bei iDdf)renbem 10 3crmonc mit fid) fetbft cin fur^roeilige^ pietdjen maiden. SSorgenannte nityfc finb in Sllgier, Xuni^ unb ripott< bei ben 9(nbcid)tigcn bclicbt, unb finben iljre ?(nti)enbung in ben 9Kbjd)een Uiat)rcnb ber SSoiiefung bc ^orang." . . . , F 9?un bcnfe btr, ^fanneufttel, ba3 3lrgerni^ bei (Sroffnung is bc ^eftamente^ ! X)cr 9^6fctt)id)t lie^ fic^ bann erbitten, mir bic abe g(cid) etngutjdnbtgen unb ben ^Saragrapfjen ju ftrcidjen. ^>ier '" ^ n ^ 9?ofenftocl fjob ba^ nieblidje (Spiel- 5cug aus fciner Srufttafdjc. ,,-Da^ ift ja cinc.gan^ rud)tofc (Srftnbung," fagte ^fanncm 20 ftict mit cinem 9(nf(ugc non Sddjeln, bcnn cr fannte bie Singling bc^ Uttfonerc* ^um SSurfclfptelc, r ,unb bit meinft, ber (General ift alien geifttic^en Scutcn aufjdffig?^ ,,5((Icn ofjnc 5(usnat)mc f feit cr punlto gottlofcr 9?cbcn pro^cfficrt unb urn cine fd)rocre Summe gcbii^t roitrbe!" 25 ,,^ft il)m nicfjt ^u nicl gefd)d)cn ?" fragte ^fannenfticl, ber fid) ben fycluctifd) rcformiertcn lauben^begrtff mit etroaei bcfd)ctbcncrcr 9}?i)fttf DcrfitiVe, unb in bcm feine 5Ibcr einc^ firdjtidjcn 33crfolger3 roar. 3)er cfyufj Don ber Mangel ,,S)urd)au ntcfjt. 9?ur mufcte er bte gan^e gro&e nung auf einmal bea()Ien. 2(uf fetnem gan^en Sebenstoege, Don Sugenb an tjat er 6Ia^p!)emtert, unb ba3 tmtrbe bann [o gefatnmeft, ba3 fummterte fid) bann fo. 21(3 er cnbfirf) in itnfcrm (e|ten ^BurgcrErtege 9?apper3n)tj( liergeblti^ belagerte, of)ne 9J2enfc()en(cben 511 fcfjonen, tt)a bte erfte republtfanifdien Seerfiibrer^ t(t, erbttterte. er bte off.ent(ic&e ari r-^ k J^^^i 14 atc^-ffr- ^0 ^> -UU ajcetnung gegen [teg unb totr bur|ten ttjm an ben Slragen. S)a rt)itrbe t()m etngetranft tt>a3 er a((e3 an unferer !trd)e gefretiett (>atte. Se|t fretltc() biirfen nnr bent getbfjerrn 10 ber apoftoUfrfjen 9J?aje[tat metter ntcf)t3 anl^abenrionft rt)trb er uns> ^um ^offen nod) !at()o(tfrf) nnb ba3 ^njeite 2(rgerni fd^limmer a(3 ba3 erfte. 9D?an er^a^tt fid), er raflemteten mtt ^sefuiten unb ^apu^inern. 3Str getft(td)en Seitte ftnb eben, fo ober fo bettteft unb ber!(etbet r in ber SSe(t ntc^t u is entberjren !" 2)er Utt!oner belat^te fetnen c^erj unb btteb ftetjen. ,,|)ter tft bte ren^e rnetne^ 2&etnberg3," fagte er. S0?tt btefem 2(u3brude bejetdjnete er fetne emetnbe. , r SBt(Ift bit nac^ bent rgdljtten noc^ ^tniiber jum (Generate ? $pfannen= 20 ftte(, bege()ft bu bte Sorfjeit ? u , r ^d) rt)t(( e^ etn btfsc^en mtt ber Xorfjett berfudjen, bte 2Bet3()ett ()at mtr bi3 je^t nur (jerbe $ritd)te ge^etttgt," erlutberte ^pfannenftte( fanftmiittg unb fdjteb Don fetnem geftrengen o(Iegen. 25 SBenig fpater fafc ber berliebte unb ber^roeifetnbe btbat auf bent Ouerbrette eineerr," ftimmte ber 23urfd)e ein. , r S)er 2Sert= 20 mitller bringt bie f)od)beutfd)en, frembldnbifc^en SSorter in Sanb, ber taat^berrdter ! 5lber ic^ faffe mir auf bem @ee nid)t fo fagen, beim (Sib nid)t." S3IauIing ftanbte of)ne fteitere^ feine S3ar!e unb geftann mit eiligen, traftigen ^uber^iigen ftieber bie eemitte. 25 ,,9Sa^ fic^t @ud) an, guter ^reunb ? Sc^ bcfdjftore (Sud)," eiferte ^fannenftiel. ,,|)inuber muf; id) ! 91c!)mt bopbette Sofmung !" ba Silber uertor feine ^raft gegen bie batriotifdje 10 3)er iefe Sd)ritte aber tat er ferjr langfam. (Sr gefjorte u jenen fd)iid)ternen Seuten, fur rtetc^e bag ^uftreten unb bag 5tbgef)en mit crjnn'erigt'eiten berbunben ift, unb ber General 11 12 2)er djuft t>on ber ftanb im 9tufe, feinen tiften nur biefe3, nidjt aber jene< 511 erleid)tern. au^ bcftcdcn. Sd) ntad)c Gud) fcin Okljeintni^ baraug : )ret ^Sfunb Dcrgabc tdj jitr ncucn 33c)d)inbching unfcrcr ^trd)= turmfpi^c. " , r ^3d) njtll mid) and) nidjt a(^ Sump ertuctfen," Derfcljtc 25 ber Wencrat, ,,unb luerfc teftamentarifd) ebenfonicl QUO ,yir S^crgolbnng nnfcrs Worfctsi, baft fid) ba^ licr nidjt )d)dmcn mitft, auf ber ncn befd)inbc(tcn SpiHc 511 fitjen." Xcr Mradjlialbcr fdjlitrftc bcbddjttg anS bcm tjor t()m ftetjcnbcn GMafc, bann fpradj er: , r ^()r feib fcin ftrdjltdjcr S)er te emeinbe ertoartet ettoag fcon @ud)." ,,tlnb toa3 ertoartet bie emeinbe Don mir?" fragte ber enerat neugiertg. ,,S95oflt 3f)r eg miff en ? Unb toerbet Sfjr e^ mrf)t iirnen ? u 5 nicfjt." mac^te etne jtoette ^5aufe. , ( ^ielleict)tift etne anbere tunbe getegener," fagte er. (< gtbt feine anbere tunbe a(3 bie gegenftidrtige. S3enii|t fie !" 10 rr ^f)r rourbet Sud) ein ftf)one3 Hnbenfen ftiften, ^err (General, bei 1nb unb ^inbesfinb" . . . r ,3rf) itnterf^citje ben 9?acf)ruf)m nid)t r " fagte ber eneral. S)em Sitadjfjalber, ber ben nwnberlidjen ipcrrn fo aufge= rciumt fat), fdjien ber giinfttge 5(ugenblid gefommen, bem 15 lange genaf)rten SSunfdje ber 9J?^tt)ifoner in oorfidjtigen Shorten eftalt ju geben. rf @uer gorft im SBolfgang, err 3SertmitIIer," begann er jogernb. 3)er (General Derfinfterte fid) plo^lid), unb ber olte Saner fat) e^ tuie eine ^onnenuolfe auffteigen, ,,)to$t feine 20 ,,2Bot)in ftofet'er feine pitie?" fragte SSertmuIter grimmig. S)er Strad)()alber iiberlegte ob cr uor= ober ritdrodrt^ njotte, ungefal)r luie ein mitten auf bem ee Dom Sturm llberrafd)- ter. (r entfd)ieb fid) fiir bas s ^orruden r . . . mitten burc^ 25 unfere emetnbetoatbung" ... 'yet^t fprang ber (General nut einem Sabe t)on feinem Seffel auf, fafete itjn an einem Sein, fc^luang ifjn burc^ bie Sitfte unb fetjte fid) in ^ec^tpofitur. 14 $)er cfuj t)on ber ,,2Botten mid) bie ajtytfjifoner pliinbern?" fcfjrie er roiitenb, ,,bin id) unter bie 9Muber gef alien ?" 2)ann fufjr er, fetne rjol^erne SSaffe fenfenb, gelaffener fort: ,,2)araug roirb nidjtg, rad)f)alber. 3iebet bag ben euten aug. Sd) roift 5 (uc^ nidjt nod; Don jenfett be^ rabe^ etne 9?aje bretjen !" , f 9^td)tg fiir ungut," oerje^te ber 5Ute mit 3iuf)e f ,,^t)r njerbet e beben!en, )err SBertmiiEer." 5luc| er tjatte fief; erfjooen unb natjm bon bem (General mit einem treu^er^igen )tinbebrud ben lanbe^ublic^en Hbfdjieb. 10 28errmitIIer geleitete if)n ein paar cfjrttte, bann toanbte er fic^ f unb bor itjm ftanb fein et&moi)r ^affan. 2)er c^rtjarge madjte etne fleljentltdje ebdrbe unb bat, bag 2)eutfc^e ftiunberlic^ rabbrec^enb, urn etnen Urlaub fiir morgen ^ac^mittag ; bertn feine <3eele gog tfjn 511 fetnen 15 neuen greunben ( n yfttii^ ,,S3tft bu gan be Xeufel^, ^affan !" fd)a(t if)n ber (General. ,,@ie rjaben bir (e|ten onntag bri'tben arg genng mttgefpielt. " ,,aj?ttgefpielt!" rt)ieber{)olte ber Stforjr, ber bag SSort mtfjberftanb, , r @d)on, UiunberDoE piel!" 20 ,,-lpaft bu benn gar fein (Sljrgefitljl ? ie S3eruf)rung mit ber 3ibilifatton ridjtet bid) ju runbe, bu fdufft toie ein Shrift !" , f s J?ic^t faufen, @naben ! @d)6n piet, ein^tg piel ! S a^M" Sr rifi cine foldje rimaffe unb berbreljte bie 5(ngen mit fo leibcnfdjafttidjer Snbrunft ba^ ^fannenftiet, 25 ber, tote oft bie nnfdjiilbigcn s Denfcrjen, Diet inn fiir bag Siomifdje, unb itberbieg jct^t etroag gefpannte 9?eroen I)atte, in ein bernel)mlid)e (^efidjer augbrac^, treld;eg er mit otter etoalt nid)t unterbri'tdcn !onnte. 1 Safe/ ei" ai" 3" rci E) er f ee beliebteg 5?artenfpiel. $)er @d)uJ3 toon ber Mangel 15 cine egentuart berraten fefjenb, trat ber anbibat, ba er md)t nn'e etne iiberrafrfjte )rrjabe in bie @id)e fytneinfdjlitpfen fonnte, berfdjamt fyinter .berfelben IjerDor unb ncifyerte fid) bem enerat mit nrieberfjolten berlegenen SBudlingen. r ,3Ba^ toiH benn @r fjier?" fragte biefer gebefynt, unb s ma^ if)n Dam SSirbel b\ ur 3 e ^- ,,2Ber ift @r?" rr Sc^ bin ber letter . . . beg SSetterg . . . tiom better ..." ftotterte ber 5Ingerebete. 5)er enerat rungette bie time. ,,9}?etn S5ater toar ein ^[annenftiet unb metne Gutter i|t 10 etne felige 9foHenbut> ..." ,,3BtU ST mtr fetnen gongen tammbaum ejpli^ieren? SSa^ Setter? 9ttein Sruber tft @r alle ^enfc^en finb S3riiber! c^er' @r fic^ gum Xeufel !" unb SSertmuHer toanbte itjm ben SRiicfen. is ^Pfannenftiel regie (id) nid)t. 2)er (Smpfang be! rjatte il)n berftetnert. ^^annen-ftiet " budjftabierte ber djtoarge bag ifjm unbe!annte 3Sort r at niode er jeinen beutfc^en bereidjern. 20 ,,^pfannenftiel ?" tuteber^olte aud) ber aufmerffam tuer- benbe enerat, ,,ber Slame tft mir befannt fyalt, @r tft bod) nid)t ber 5lutor," unb er fefjrte fid) bem Bungling iuieber 511, , r ber ntir geftern feine 2)tffertatton itber bie tjmboli! ber Obt)ffee gugefenbet f)at?" 25 ^Pfannenftiel neigte bejarjenb ba ^aupt. ,,2)onn tft @r ja ein gang lieben^roiirbiger S0?enfc^ !" fagte SBertmuKer unb ergriff ttjn freunbltc^ bet ber ,,SSir miiffen un fennen lernen." SBierteS $a|ritel @r trat mit bent afte in bie QSeranba, britdte irjn auf einen it} nicber, gofc itmt eines ber auf bem djenftifdje ftefyenben @Hafer noli, unb tiefj tljn fid) erfyoten unb erquiden. ,,2)er (Smpfang roar mititarifd)," trb'ftete er ifjn bann, 5 ,,aber St)i' loerbet tm (Sotbaten fetnen unebenen ^au^rotrt ftnben. S^r nddjttgt fjeute auf ber 2lu ot)ne SBiberrebe ! - 28ir Ijaben mand>e u Derfyanbetn (Sefjt, ^ieber, Sure 5tbf)anb(ung 1; at mic^ ganj angenefym unter^atten," unb SBertmuller langte nac^ bem 33uc^e, toetrfje^ in etner 10 ^nfterni)d)e be bie 9?udn>anb ber ^eranba bilbenben Cirb= gefd)offe3 tag, unb jlDtfdjen bcffen 93lcitter er bie jertefene S)tffertation be3 Sanbtbaten eingelcgt ()atte. ,,3uerft eine SSorfrage : SSarum l)abt Sf)r mir Suer SBerf nur mit etner 3 e ^ e sugcfdjriebcn, ftatt mir e corara populo is auf bem erften loet^cn 33lattc mit aufrtd)tigcn, grofjen Srud= budjftaben gu bebijieren ? SSeit ic^ mit ben 3 a f? cn - Suern Rollcgen, gefpannt bin, l)e V Sljr Ijabt fetncn C()araftcr, ^fanncnftiel ; 3l)r fetb ein fdjroadjer 9)t x cnfdj." >er iianbibat entfc^ulbtgte fid), feinc unbebeutenbe Arbeit 20 t)abe ben Stamen bes? benit)mten J-elbljerrn unb 1' iterating fenner^ nid)t uur fid) I)crtragen biirfcn. ,,2)urd)aus! nid)t itnbebeutenb," lobte 3^ertmit((er. ,,^l)r tjabt s ^l)antafie unb fetb in bie purpurnen Xiefen meine^ ebidjtcy untergetaudjt luie nid)t leidjt ein anberer. 16 S)er <5d)uJ3 Don ber iiangel 17 $rei(id) um etttmS ?lbfurbe gu bciueifen. 5Iber e3 ift einmat nidjt cmberS : urir 9)c"enfd)en uertuenben unfere f)od)ften ^ra'fte 3u alberncn 9?efu(taten. )ad)tet Sf)r baran, mid) redjtgeitig gu State 311 3ie()cn, id) gab Surer 35tffertatton eine SScnbinig, bie (Sitdj fetbcr, (Sure faffifdjcn jaminatoren, ba^ 901136 5 ^>ub(tfum nu (Srftauuen gejc^t Ijiitte. Sfjr (jabt e ge[ittjlt, ^fannenfttct, bafj bte giuette -)tilfte ^ ei> Obtjffee Uou 6e[ouberer <3rf)onf)ctt nub C^rof^e i[t. 3Bte? er ^etmgcfeljrte luirb a(^ ein fafyrenber S3ctt(er att fetnem etgueit ^>erbe mifjfjanbett. 2Btc ? T)ie $retcr reben [id) eitt, er fefyre uientat^ tuicbcr, 10 uttb afjnen bod) feine ecjcnluart. @ie ladjeu, unb i()re e[id)tcr uei^errt fdjoit bcr Xobe^fatitpf -- ba ift ^oefie. - Stber Sl)r t)obt red)t. ^jSfannenfttel, tua^S ni'tljt mir bic fic, luettu utd)t ciue Sftoral ba()ittter [tedt ? (53 ift etnc in ba 3 lt rf crlucr ^ f)incingcbadeit 5crbred)cn totr is ev ! S)a bcr Dbijffcug nid)t blof] ben Dbt)ffeu bebeuten barf, IDCU ober ttm3 bcbeutct cr bcnn ? llnfcrn ^errn unb ^>et(anb r fo bclucift Sf)r unb fjabt 3f)r e bruden laffen, - toenn er fommt 311 rid)ten Sebenbtge unb 2ote. S^ein, Sl'anbibat, Cbffijeittf bcbeittet jcbe in ^ned)te^gefta(t mi- 20 ()anbelte 3Bat)r()cit mitten unter ben itbermutigen ^reiern, fagcn Jyaffen, bencn fie cinft in fiegl)after eftatt ba burd)6ol)ren tuirb. ^)e, Stanbibat, lute gefcitft @uc^ ba ? @o pttet S()r e tocnben folleit, unb feib gcroi|3, (Sure 2)iffertation t)a'tte 25 gerec^tec! 5(uffef)cn erregt!" "ipfartnenfttet erbebte bet bent ebanfen, bafe fid) feiner tjmboltf biefe gotteoldftcrlid)c unb oeriuegene SBenbung fjcitte geben laffen. ein einfad)e3 SBefeu liejs iijn ben 18 S)er <3d)itjj Don ber bc attcn potter^ nidjt ober bod) nur in unbe- ftimmtcn Umriffen crfenncn. Urn [id; ber SSerlegentjeit 311 ent^tefjcn, bcin altcn $rcigeifte cine 5lnttuort geben 511 miiffcn, na()in ber Slanbtbat ben ^Scr- 5 gamentbanb in bic ,S~")dnbc, init lueldjem SBertmiiller ludfyrenb fciner 9tebe geftifuliert (jatte. ($ iuar bic albinifdje SlhiScjabc ber Cbl)f[ec. ^fannenfttel betradjtetc anbddjtig ba^ Xitel- blatt beef feltcncn iBitdjc^. ^loljltd) fntjr cr ^uritcf lute Dor einer ^iingelnbcn Scatter. (T IjQttc anf bcin frcicn 10 (inf^ nebcn bent happen be^ Denc^ianifdjcn S etiui>o DerbUdjeitc, Eii^nftie^enbe 5' cocr 5 u fl c cntberft, bie fot= cjenbe 3^ilfn b.ilbeten : Georgius Jenatius me jure possidet Constat R. 4. K/. 12. is (ir umrf bo Slid) tucg, ai$ atmc c^ eincn SSIntgernd) au. Somali mobcrte ber fragiuiirbtge ^iinbncr )d)on feit >cccnnien in ber X>omfird)c Don (()iir, Uidljrcnb fein 33ilb in ^atjmcn nnb nnpatrioti)d)cn 3 c ^cn (id) 511 einein iuibcr= tudrtigen Der^errt (jatte, fo baf, nur ber 5lpo[tat nnb ber 20 SB(ntmcnfcf) iibrig blicb. ^fannenytiel betrcid)tcte il)n einfad) alo cin Ungct)ener, an bcffcn S)agctt)e[enfein er fan in glanben, bas cr fid) nid)t realificrcn fonnte. 3)er (General lueibete fid) an feinein 5d)reden r bann fagtc cr (eiri)tl)in : ,,^cr liebc 9}tann r (liter geiucfcner MoKegc, bat '_'.> mid) bainit bcfdjenft, line luir nod) anf gntent lynne ftanben nnb id) il)it anf feinein Dialepartn-? in Damvo bcfndjte." ,AHlfo bat er bod) gelebt!" fprad) ber Manbibat balblant Dor fid) bin, ,,er bat ^iid)er befcffcn, luie nnfercincr, nnb i()ren foftenben s }$rci* anf bad Xitelblatt gefd)rtcben." 2)er djuft uou ber Mangel 19 fjat er gele&t, unb redjt perfon(id) itnb j^ifye," fagte ber (General mtt furjem Satfjen. ,,9?od) f)eute nad)t trdumte mir Don bent 33ihtbner. . . . S)a3 lam bafyer, baf; id; mid) ben gai^cn geftrigen Xag mtt etnem (jdfjUdjen efdjdfte abgcgeben fyatte. Sd) fdjrteb metn Xeftameut nieber, unb roaS tft Ktigttdjer, a( 6et atmenbem Seibe iiber feinen 311 berfiigcn, ber ja and) etn Xctl Don un^ felber ift !" 5)te S^engterbe be i 3 jnngen etftltdjen ipurbe rege. (cid)t luar e etn toarnenbe^ 2raumgcj"td)t geiuejen, ba^, fein unb erbau(td) au^gclegt, in bem if)in gcgenitber itjenben 10 etnen gtttcn unb frommcn ebanfen founte ent[tel)en taffen. M 28o(tt Sfjr mir (itern raum nic^t mitteilen ?" fragte er mtt einem gefitl)(i)ollen ^(tde. ,,@r ftel)t ju S)tcnftcn. @^ tear in St)ur. 9J^enjd)enge= brdngc, taat^pcritden, 9J^ititdrperjonen, bon ber of= 15 !ird)e l)er cldutc unb Salutfdjuffe. 9Str treten unter bem Xorbogcn l)erDor in ben (n'id)oftid)en of. Sei3t gel)en ft)tr ju 5Ujeten, neben mir etn ^olofs. ^d) fefje nur einen $eber= ()itt, barunter etne etoatt^nafe unb ben in ben Sh'agen gefenftcn ped^^tDar^en pt^bart: fr 3Sertmii((er r " fragte ber 20 rofee r ,,U'en beftattcn loir?" -- , r ^d) mci^ nidjt," fage id). 3Btr treten in btc ^at()ebra(e ^Dtf^en ba^ eftit()t be d)t[= fee!. f ,2SertmuEer r " fragt ber anberc, , r iucm fingen fie ein Requiem?" , r ^d) tueifs ntdjt," fag' t^ ungcbutbig. ff Stet* ner 3BertmuCer r " fagt er, rr ftci(' bid) einmal auf bie 3 e ^) en 25 unb fiet) lucr ba uorn aufgebalirt tiegt." ^e^t unterfd)etbe id) beut(id) in ben (Men be* 93af)rtuc^e ben SZomen^jug unb ba3 happen be ^enatfd)cn, unb tin g(eid)en 5(ugenblide tuenbet er, neben mir fteljenb, mir bay GJcfidjt ju fatjt mtt 20 $>er (3d) itjj uon ber Sianjel oerglitfjten 5lugen. ,,2)onncrnjcttcr, Dberft," fag' id), ,, Itegt bort oorn untcr bcm SIndje nut Suern ftcben ttwnbcn unb fi'djrt tjicr cincn 3)t3fiir3 mit mtr ! cib boppelt ? 3ft basi ocrnnnftig ? 3ft ba logtfd) ?" 3)a ant= 5 ttiortetc cr nicbergcfdjlagcn : ,,^11 Ijaft mir ntd)t^ tjorjururfen - mad;' bid) nidjt ntauftg. 9(ud) bu, 2BertmuHer, bift tot." SjSfanncnftiel iiberlicf c^ fait, liefer Xrattm am SBor* abenbe be3 ofjne 3 ttje U e ^ bluttgcn gclb^uge^, mcldjer bcm eneral braufeen irn 9ieid)e bctiorftanb, fdjien itjtn uon 10 ernfter SBorbebeutung, unb cr fann auf etn SBort getftltc^er 3ufprad)e. 5(ud) SKcrtmitUer fonnte fcincn Xrauni, nad)bem er ifjn einmat mttgctctft, nidjt foglcid) lutcbcr toio tuerbcn. rr er Cberft loitrbc Don fetnciu Stcbdjcn nut bcr 9(j:t tote etn tier is ntcbcrgcfdjlagcn," crgtng cr ftdj in (antcn ebanfen, rr mir tt)irb c i o fo gut nidjt iocrbcn. fallen lpol)(an ! ?lber nidjt in ctncm S3ctttuin!ct frcpicrcn !" SBtetlctdjt badjtc cr an (^tft, bcnn cr toar am ^>ofe 511 3Bien in etn Iiartnadigc^ ^ntrigncnfpict ncrttndcft, unb t)atte 20 ftdj bort bttrdj fcincn Gfjrgcij lobfcinbc gcmadjt. r ,(1)c id) ntcincn Coffer parf'c," ful)r cr nadj cincr ^anfc fort, fr mod)tc id) iuotjt nod) cincn 9.Vcnfd)cit g(udlid) madjcn " 5)cm .^anbibatcn fdjofj ba3 Staffer in bic ?lugcn, uid)t in fc(bftfitri)tigcn Wcbanfcn, fonbcrn in unetgennutjiger Avcubc 25 itbcr bicfc fd)one ^Kcgung ; bod) c* trod'uctc fdjncll, al^ ber (General fcincn aU abfd)lof? : ,,befonber$ tucnn fid) etn frdftigcr 2d)abcrnad bainit ncrbinbcn licf^c." 2)0(5 abergtaubtfdje (^cfn()t, ba-5 ben (General angeiuanbclt I)attc, tuar rafd) borubergegangen. ,,$a$ ift (Sitcr Slnltcgcn ? u Don ber $anel 21 fragte er feinen ($aft mit einer jener britgfen SBenbungen, bie ifjm geliinfig toaren. ,,3fyr feib nictjt f)tert)er gefontmen, urn (Surf) metric Xraumc ergaljkn u laffen." yiun beridjtcte ^famtenfttet bent General mit ciner unfd)ut= bigcn Sift, bcnn cr roottte ttjm feme Stcbc^nerjtueiflung, fiir s btc er iijm. f'ettt Crgan jutraute, ntc^t Dcrraten, lute il)n iiber bent tubtum bcr Cbt;ffce etn nnnjtberftc()Iid)e! S5erlangen ergrtffcn, btc ^)etmat Centers, bte gotbene ^ctla^f Jennen ^n lerncn. 5)a cr fetncn anbcrn SSeg njtffe, feine SSanberlitft u bcfrtcbtgcn, fct tljm bcr @cbanfc gefommcn, fid) bci bent 10 ^>errn fiir bie gclbfaplanci feiner ticncjianifdjen ^ompagnie u mclben, bie ja in ben gricdjifdjcn S3efi|nngcn ber Stcpnbti! ftationiere. , f @ie ift crlcbigt," fd)(o^ er, ,,nnb tocnn S^r mir ein luenigc^ gctuogen feib, toeifet ^t)r mir btc telle ^u." SSertmi'tller blicfte ifyt fdjorf an. ,,^d) bin ber letjte," is fagte er, ,,ber cinem jitngcn 9}?enfd)cn cine gefdfyrltcrje Garrtere roiberrtete ! 5lber er mnfj ba^u quatift^iert fcin. (Sner Slnoc^en= geritfte, greunb, ift nid)t feft genug gc^tmmcrt. S)er crfte befte retegtertc 9vaitfbotb Don Seipgtg ober Sena toirb meinen Slerlen mcf)r imponiercn afe Siter 3of)annc3gefid)t. djtagt 20 Snd) bag au<3 bent S^opfc. SSolIt Sfjr ben itben fefjen, fo fu^t at3 )ofmctfter icrtftc bet cincm jttngen taDatier unb ftopft ilim btc SUcibcr ! Dod) anc^ ba !ann ncf) nic^t tau= gen. SaS bcftc ift, Sf)r btcibt ^u |)aufc. SQtidt au$l 3d'f)tt allc bie Xnrmfpitjcn am ec bag Canaan ber 25 ^farrer. |)ier ift Sner 9tt)obu3, (jter tan^t tottt fagen, prebigt ! SSo^t finb bie cteifc bi'trgerlidjcr Sernfgarten ba, at bafe Gnrcggtcid)cn fie befal)rc? S()r roi^t nic^t, roctd)er @d)enfe(fd)dtB ba^u ge()ort, urn bag Seben foufiercin 22 2)er l)r gntetjt fonbittoniert ?" bet (Sucrm ,^)errn better lt)a()rcnb feincr ,,93ct metncnt letter? 3Si(l [agcn bet ber fliarjcl. 9?un i[t alle !(or unb bcut(id) lytc mein neuucr[af5te^ (Scr ( ycr= retirement. X)a^ 5)aibdjcn l)at (Surf) ben .Slopf Dcrnicft unb bann, line rcdjt unb billtg, ctncn Slorb gcgcbcn ?" 2)er 5artfiit)(enbc Slanbtbat Ija'tte fid) c()cr ba bcm l^ctbc rei|Vn (affcn, ate* etngeftanben baft btc tuic cr baran nid)t ^ucifcin t'onntc irjm tjcrjlidj tuoljl luollc. (Sr antluortetc bc[d)etben : ,,1)cr )crr SBcrtmiiUcr, [onft mcin (Conner, tjat mid) t)erabfdjicbet, mctl id) mtt djteftgetoefjr nid)t unt^ugcticn )er fd)ranfc ber SBaffenlammer. Safjt Gnd) nid)t ftb'rcn, ^tanbibat." S)cr 99?o()r bcci(tc fid), nnb nad) tnenigcn 3(ugcn6(idcn t)ic(t 3BcrtmiiUcr 5luci Heine ^tftolen lion jicrlidjer 5(rbeit in ber )anb. Gr rcinigtc mit ctncm Scbcrtappen bie bama^^ is 3icrten I'dnfe nnb ben Stlberbc)d)(ag ber ft'olbcn, in njc(d)cn I)nbfd)c, fcltfamc 5Ira6e^!en etngcgraben luaren. ,,$ortgcfa()rcn, ^rcnnb, in (Surer Gtegic I" fagtc cr. ,,^)a 9)?cibd)cn alfo gab Gitd) cinen Storb obcr ift c$ mog(id), tiebt fie (Slid) ? . . . Gitf gibt lunnbcr(id)c 9iatmjpiclc ! -- 20 nnb nnr ber ?lltc l)dtte (Snd) abblitjcn laffcn, t)e ? 3Ba! gab cr 6ud) fur (Mritubc ?" ^jSfannenftiet blieb crft bie 5(ntuiort fcfjulbig. Stfjm roar iingftlic^ 511 ?Jtutc gclnorbcn, bcnn ber (General fjattc, rodf)- renb cr fprad), ben A;>al)it ber cincn ^iftolc gcfpauut. Scijit 25 bcrufjrtc SBertmi'trier ben Trnder mit ganj tcifcm ^ U 9 cr un ^ ber -*pal)u fd)(ug nicbcr. (IT fpaunte bie ^roeitc, ftrecftc ben 5inn aiho, fdjnitt cine (^rimaffc ; nitr nad) Barter 5(nftrcn- gung gclang c$ il)in, Uvo^ubrudeu. 3)a^ 2pic( ber J-eber 24 )er Sdu bon ber muftte fid) au3 irgenb cincm ritnbc uerljd'rtet (jaben, unb et fdjuttcltc imsiifrtebcn ben Stopf. $)cr S!anbibat, bcr ftarf mtt ben 9tugen ge^minfert tjattc, na()in jcUt ben 'fiabm bc3 cfprd'd)3 miebcr auf, um ben 5 mafyrcn 03runb fcincr ^)of[nungei{o[tgfctt an^ubcutcn. ,,(inc SSertmuHertn unb ctn ^fannenfttel!" jagtc crin cincm reftg- nicrtcn Xonc, a(c> ncnnc cr Sonnc unb 9J^onb, unb ftnbe c gait,} natiirlicf) bafj btc)c(bcn nirfjt gufammenlommen. ,,2a$ Gr mid) mit bicjen !9iarrctctcn ^ufricbcn!" fufjr ttjn 10 bcr encrat fjart an. ,,<2inb lutr nod) nid)t i'tbcr bie ft'rcu,^ ^i'tgc l)inaibo, in luddjcr gci[treid)cn (Spod)c bic SSappcn crfunbcn imtrbcn ? 5lbcr and) bamafe, line iibcrl)aupt jcbcr= ^cit, gatt bcr 9)?ann mel)r aB bcr 9camc, fonft ludrc bic 2Bc(t Idngft ucrmobcrt unc ctn itwrmfttdjtger ?lpfc(. @cl)' is (Sr, ^fanncn|tic(, id) gcltc ()icr fiir cincn ^atriciuo ; a(ci id) abcr in fai)cr(id)c Xicnftc trat, unc blirftcn bic Aicrrcn SloIIc; gen unit )o nnb jo met dtarticren l)od)nafig au[ ba^ plcbc- ji[d)c 2J?itl)lrab in meincm happen l)cruntcr. ^cnnod) inuiVcn [tc c$ cben Icibcn, baf? bcr 9J( T u(Ier bic uon il)ncn 20 mcljr ate 5ur ^dlfte ruiniertc (iampagnc uiicbcrl)crftcUtc unb gciuann ! ,d) fyabc mil (5ud) 511 rcbcn, ^atc," fagte fie, ,,uub gerjc boron nad) ber jtoettcn S3anf am ee. Sa^t mid) nid)t 311 5 tangc roartcn !" (Sic bcrbcugtc fid) Ictd)t gcgcn ben Slanbibatcn unb roar t>erfd)luuitben. 2)er C^cnerat naljm bicfen bet ber .$anb unb fitl)rtc tf)n cine Xreppc I)inauf in fcin 83t<otf)eftntmer, in ba^ bie 10 eebrcitc burd) brci I)ot)e S3ogcn[cu|tcr Ijcretnlcitdjtctc. fr @ctb gctroft," fagtc er, ,,id) merbc bet ber 3ial)e( fitr (Slid) ^artci ncl)inen. llntcrbcffeu roirb c (Sud) l)ter an Untcrt)a(tung ntd)t mangcdt. ^(jr liebt 33iid)cr ! ,^)icr finbct !5t)r bie ^oeten beg ^al)rl)itnbcrtg tutti quanti." Gr ^cigte 15 auf cinen 6i(agfd)rauf unb ucrtief] ben 3aa(. Xa ftanben fie in gla'n^cnbcn 9iei()cn, bie 3 ran ^ p i cn r ^i c 3taliener, bie Spanicr, fetbft cinige (Sngl'a'nbcr, ein gcdaufter Sdjalj lion $cift, ^t)antafie nub 3S?ol)([aut; unb 9?3crtmu((cr r ber oljnc ^ragc auf bcr )bl)c bcr 3 c itbifbnng ftanb, lui'trbc ungliiubig 20 ben Sl'opf gefd)i'ttte(t babcn, tucnn il)in ,yigef(iiftcrt tuorbcn unire, eincr fcl]tc I)ier, bcr fie attc iibogefammt ood auftuiege. 2)er iibcraK ^Setefcne Ijatte William Sl)afcfpearc nidjt einmal ncnncn I)b'rcn. T'cr .Slaubibat tief^ bie ^octen unbcri't()rt, bcnn fitr cin 25 j tinges 93Iitt tft bie 9cdljc bcr clicbten mcljr als altc ucun SJc'tifcn. )er enetal fjatte einen ^fab eingefd)(agcn, ber fief) btd)t am lifer urn bie ^'rummungen ber ^albtnfel fd)(cingclte, unb f)ier erblidte er batb 9val)e( ^ertmiiller, bte, auf einer uermittertcn tembanf fitjenb, ba3 fcine profit nadj ber jetjt abcnblid) bcim= mernbcn ^int Ijtinucnbetc. (Sin aufrtdjtiger ^dtsbrud ticfcr 5 95ctri'tbni^ lag auf bcm ^itbfdjcn unb entfd)Ioffencn GJeftdjtdjen. , r 2Bai5 bidjteft unb tradjtcft bu ?" rebete er fie an. @ie antroortctc, oljne fid) 311 erljebcn: ,,^d) bin nid)t mit dud) jufricbcn, ^ate." 2)er (General (e()tttc fid) an ben Stamm einer id)e unb 10 freujtc bie 5(rmc. ,,35>onut I)abe id) e^ bet (Suer 3iHi()lgc- boren Derfd)cr^t ?" fagtc er. S)a3 5 rau ^i n lliar f ^ nt e ^ nen $$ti& be$ 95orluurf^ 511. ,,Sf)r fragt nod), ^ate'? SSatjrltrfj, ^fjr tjanbett an ^apa nid)t gut, ber Cud) bod) nur Sicbe^ unb ntdjts ^n(eibc 15 getan I) at. 2i?aci luar baij rtncber fitr cin pcUafct lier= gangenen onntag ! 2)urd) Cure ^crlcttung l)at cr ben ganen 9Zad)intttag mit Gud) auf Cuerm 9lu=ctd)c f)erum- gefnafft. 2i^eld) cin Sd)anfpiel ! 5fuff(attcrnbe ucrumnbete Ciitten, im ?Jcoor nad) ber 93eutc rtmtcnbc Snngen, ber Skater 20 in gro^en Sticfeln, unb bac! ganje S)orf aU 3ufd)ancr !" . . . ( beurteiltc bic <2d)itffc f " tuarf SScrtmuIIer cin. , r ^?atc" ba3 9J(db'd)cn mar DOU feincm d) Ijiclt Gudj," fiigtc fie [rcunblidjcr Ijtn^u, ,,fiir cine 3(rt SJiibc^al)! ... jo I)ei}5t bod) ber (#cift bc'o 9?tefengebirge, bon bcffcn Stobo(bftrcid)cn ^sl)r [o tufttg 511 erja'fjlen luif^t ?" . . . f ,5)cm e^ 5it)uct(en Spaf$ madjt, ntc^ 511 tun, unb ber, 10 tocnn cr ute tut, babci fid) eiucn pafj iuad)t." ,,@o ungefa'fjr. 2)od), line gejagt, njcnu St)r cbeufo bo& l)a[t fetb, luie ber 23era,a,ei[t, lion 3SoI)Itat ift babci uid)t^ [idjtbar. Sfjr tucrbct ben Skater nod) tn^ $crberbcn [to^eu. 3Sarcn un[cre 9)Zi)t()i!oncr iin 65runb ntdjt fo gute Scute, bic is ilircn ^farrcr bccfcu, luo [ic fonncn, la'ngft lua'rc in oi'trid) gegcn if)n Mage crljoben iuorbcn. Hub mit 9fcd)t ; bcnn cin C^ctftUdjcr, ber luadjcnb unb trauincnb fcincit anbcru (^ebantcn mcljr I)at, al^ )alati unb ,^)ala(o, nutfj jcbcr crjriftltdjcn 2cc(c cin ta'gUd)c i o 5lrgcrni^ fcin. ^a^ u'ddjft mit ben 3af)- 20 ren. 9?eulid), ba ber A^crr l^cfan [cineu i^cfndj melbcte, uub ( ytr [ctbcn $c\t ber 33otc cine in ber Stabt augcfaufte Sagb- flintc bom ^ater ,yttrug, mnfjtc id) i()in biefelbc unfinbliri) cutiuinben unb in mctnen itlctbcr)d)ranf lier)d)Itef?cu, jonft l)dttc cr nod) cin fd)rcdtid)cr Wcbanfc ben cl)rU'itrbigcn 2T t A>rrn 3tcinfe(ci auf^ Horn gcnommcn. 3()r fadjt, ^atc? ^()r fetb abfd)cn(id) ! -- ^d) f'bnntc (Slid) barum fjaffcu, bafj xs()r, ber fcine 2d)nuid)c fcnnt, tf)it nod) ftarfjcft unb aufrei^t, alv- nuiret 7s dr fcin biifcr (SngcL ^(dcrjftcity luirb cr nod) cinmat mit gcfabencm 03clucl)r bic Slan^cf bcftcigcn ! . . . 3icfj S)er @d)u; Don ber ^anjel 29 freute mid), ba Sljr famet, unb nun frage id) : 9Reift Sf)r balb, eit bebacfjt gu jein. ^iir ba3 teljtcre !onnct St)r ntd)t'o tun, benn e3 ftefjt in btefcnt ^nnfte bci Sud) felbft fet)r tuinbig. 5tber tft ba* ein runb, and) mein ^cttlic^eio 511 ruimcren ? St)r folttet, is fdjeint mtr, im cgcnteit barauf bcnfen, mid) njenigften^ auf biefer (Srbe gtitd(id) 311 madjen unb %f)r mad)t ntic^ unglud- lid) !" <3ie jerbriid'tc etne 2ranc. , f ^>ortreff(id) raifonicrt," fagte ber (General. , r *ipatd)en, id) bin ber iBcrggcift, unb bu f)aft brei 9Sihtfd)e bei mir 511 gut." 20 ,,9htn," ucrfelite ba ^rdulcin, auf ben '3d)ei'3 cingetjenb. ,,Srften^ : ^)eitt ben ^ater Don fetner ungeifttid)en ^agbluft !" , r Unmogttd). ie ftedt im Slute. (Sr ift ein SSertmiiUer. Hber id) faun fetner Seibenft^aft eine unfd)dblid)e S3al)n geben. 25 . . . JRafjef gOgerte. ,,^afe mid) an beiner 8telle rebcn, 9)Mbd)en. 3 lue ^ en ^ : ebt bent S;auptmann Seo Stitdjfperger llrlaub 511 SBerbung, 3$erlo'bnu? unb ijeirat." 30 3)er djufe Don ber M ,,9?ein !" Derfeijte 9M)el Icbtjaft. ,,@r ift ein pcrfeftcr $aimlicr.' ; ,,(tnem perfcften $aDatier fya'ngt mandjeg urn nnb an, iuoranf id) ^crjidjt Iciftc, ^ote." 5 n @in bcfd)ranftcr (Ifjance geljort 311 jebem 6r[o(g." f ,Unb mifjttngt ey ?" , r So bc^af)lt flhibolf 3^crtmuf(-cr bie &d)Q." 9?od) cinmat be[ann |idj ba^ 9)?cibd;en rcdjt crnftlic^ ; abcr ifjre rcfolute S^atitr tntg ben Stcg bauon. Sie ()atte iibcrbic^ in ein intbebingteS ^ertrancn 311 bcr ucrnjegcnen iloinbinationc-' gabe unb fetbft in gciutffen (^renjen 311 bcr ^oljatitat if)rc ^crluanbten. Saf? cin |d)abcn[ro()er Strcidj mitfaufen lucrbe, tuu^te [ie, e< luar ba^ ebcn bcr Slaufprci^ \[)n$ C^luct'e^, - aber [ie nutate and), bafe SBertmiidcr [ie lieb (jabe unb 20 [einen puf barum nidjt al^nlueit trcibcn Juiirbe. 3 llocm lag ctuwS in il)rcm ^Bhtte, ba i 5 cine ra[d)e, tuenn aud) geiuagte i?o[ung eiuer nagcnbcn llngc)i)i[5()ett uor3og. ,,5(nv SKcrf, 9Jube3al)l !" [agtc fie. ff 3^ann beginn[t bit ocin Xreiben, ^erggeift?" 2r> f ,9Jc x orgcn SJtittng bi[t bit ^rant, iiinbdjen. 3d) ucr= rcifc 9)?ontag in bcr Jvri'tlje." ^^bicn, Scrggcift!" gru|lte fie cntcilcnb nub iuarf t()m cine iln[]f)anb 311, iuaOrcnb cr i()r nad)[a() nnb [cine l)atte an iljrctn [d)lanfen nnb [id)ern $u fydterjlbenbftunbc fafjen ber @eneral unb ber anbt* bat an ciner reidjbefetUen unb gtiingenb erleudjteten runben Safel [id] gegcnitber in cincm gerdumigen @aa(e, beffen tjelte tudiudnbe nut guten, in Cl gemattcn @d)(ad)tenbi(bern bebcdt tuarcn. 5 SBertmnllcr nntfjte, tocldjc ^oefte ba^ , r Xi)"d)(cin, bed' bid) !" fiir eincn in bitrftigcn ^crljdltuiffcn aufgemadjicnen Sitngling Ijat ; abcr and) an gctf tiger 33cn)irtung Itefj cr e^ nidjt feljlen. T erjdfjltc lum fcincn ^afjrtcn in rtcdjcnlanb, er riiljntte bie 9fatnrli)al)vl)eit ber ^anbfdjaftcn unb ber Sftcerfarben in ir ber Cbljffec, cr lie}} bie cbcln unb maftnollen gonnen t)e((enifdjen ;Iempe( t>or ben 5(ugen be k o ent^ud'ten baten aitffteigcn, fitr,^, er madjte tljn g(itd(idj. eincr balion ungertrennttc^en militdrifdjcn 2(6enteuer gebad)te cr nur tin ^orbcigeljcn, aber fo braftifd), ba is ^fanncnftiet in ber JWafje be alien Sanb^fnedjtCio fid) ai eincn (jcr^fjaftcn unb neiluegencn S0?ann fitfjlte, ludljrenb ^ertmuffer in ber naiuen SBetintnberung fetneS 3 u ljorer um einige ^cccnnten [id) uerjiingte nub cr(eid)terte. @o ad)tcte e^ ^Sfannenftiel nid)t grofs, al-3 ber (General 20 in ber .ftitje be^ 6)cfprdd]ec! il)in auf ben 2eib ri'tdte, toon ben Dier brciten fladjcn Slnopfcn, bie )ein G)eluanb 3Un|d)en ben fd)indd)tigen Sd)u(tcrn Horn u)ammen^ielten, ben oberften abritl nub beu)el6en f nadjbent er tl)u einer fitrjen 53ctrad)tung 34 3)er @du3 Don ber inttertuorfen, in einen bunteln gimmerluutfel tv&tf, bann on eincm ber mittteren brefyte, bi biefcr nitr nod) an etnem $aben tying. 3tt)ifd)en ben $irnen itnb bem Safe aber cinberte fid) bic 5 cene. )er encral tyatte gcgcn feine eiuotyntyeit er tear langft cut mtiftiger 2Rann getoorben ctnige Ififer fcurtgen SBurgunber^ gcteert, unb ba cr, lute man 311 fagen pftegt, einen grimmigen SSein tranf, begann eso itjn benn bod) etn biBdjcn ju ftjurmcn, baf? bie fd)dne unb tapfcrc 9ta()el it)r 10 ^)cr^ an einen fanftmiitigen, nnfriegcri)d)cn 9)ten)d)en, nod) ba^u an einen , f $affen M oerfc^en!t ^atte, nnb fein 2)amon notigte il)n, ben $anbibaten, ben er bod) letbcn mod)te, 311 gntcm (Snbe nod) cinmat unbarm|ergtg 311 foppcn. GT bcfa()t bem auftuartenben .S^affan, ^utuerijorn itnb 15 Stugctbcittct 311 brtngcn, 3og bie betbcn Xerjerole au^ fetnen 9iodta)d)en nnb legte fie nor [id) aitf bie Xa[c(. ,,2)te 9ia()et mag (Slid)," lucnbetc er fid) jclit an ben btbatcn, ff abcr luollt 3fyr fie 311111 SKctbc gciutnncn, miifjt bem fd)0nen Stinbc einmat a(c> etn ganger 9Jtann entgcgen- 20 treten. So 1 ? luirb il)r einen bleibenbcn tiinbrnrf mad)en, nnb 3{jr bitrft (5nd) bann ntf)tg bie c()did)e (5d;lafmu^c iiber bie Ojrcn 3iel)en. 9)cein ^lan ift ganj einfad): Sd) gcljc mor= gen in 9J( x l)tl)ifon jur Sircfjc crftainit nid)t, ^[aiinenfttel, id) bin fein .^)cibc nnb tabe mid) bet bem letter s ^farrer 311 25 iWittag. 9iati'trlid) blcibt 9iaf)d 311 .s>an|e nnb beforgt ben Xt[d) r 3()r aber geiuinnt bet luciljrenbein ottesbienfte aitf <2d)(eid)lue(-\en bic ^farre, entfiiljrt bac( 9Jtiibd)en, bring! ?* l)ierl)er, nnb, luiiljrenb 7s()r [te fi'nV, armiere id) bie 3iuet eifer- licit Slanonen, bie 5l)r anf bem .S^aityflnr ge)el)en l)abt f nnb ber ^anel 35 berteibige ben fdjtnalen S)amm, ber nteine Snfet mtt bent $eft= lanbe berbinbet. Xreffen ! llnterfyanblung ! $rtebenfd)(uJ3!" 28dre ber $anbibat in fetner natiirlidjen $erfaffung getoe= fen, er f)dtte biefe olbatenfdjnurre belddjelt, aber ber ftarfe SBein war ifnn in ben Stopf geftiegen. s , r @nt)e|Iic^ !" rief er au, fiigte bann aber natf) einer ^jSaufe unb erlctrfjtert ^ingu : ,,unb unmogltd) ! S)ie 9?at)et luiirbe mental^ einlDtKtgen." - ,,@ie tuirb ! Sfyr erfdjetnt, iuerft @uc^ u ifjren ^ii^en : Sntfttet) mtt mir! ober" . . . (r ergriff ein ^tftot unb 10 jc^te es3 [id) an bie rcd)te djtdfe. ,,@ie ift cine (f)rifttn !" rief ber erljtljte ^anbibat. ,,<2ie tuirb unb nmf? luoilen ! Scbe ^igiir rt)irb Uon ber mdnn(id)cn Stcmcutarfraft bcjlyungeu. Stennt Sfyr bie neucfte beutfcfje Siteratur nidjt ? . . . ben So()enfteiu, ben 15 ^ofmanuyipatbau ?" ,,of)aft r fagtc er fid), bit bift ja ein geift(id)er 30?ann unb t)aft e^o init eiitem fd)limnten ^ciube ber Stirdje 511 tun. (Sin i;)ol)n(dd)cln jncttc in ben 9JhtubU)infe(n be if)tt beobadjtenbcu, fd)arf 6clcud)tctcn efid)tc^, bay in biefent 36 >er Srfii} Don ber $lugenblide etner grotesfen SJfasfe glid). 2)er anbtbat erfyob fid) Don feincm iije unb fprad), ntdjt otjne SBiirbe: ,,28enn ba3 (Suer Gmtft ift, fo Denueite id) fetne Minute Idnger unter etnem SDac^e. wo eine met)r ate I)eibm[d)e SBer- 5 rud)tt)ett gelefyrt luirb ; ift Ci3 aber Suer @c^er, ^>err SSert- miiller, lute id) e;3 glaubc, fo Dcrtaffe id) (Suc^ ebenfalte, benn einen cinfadjcn 9J^enfd)en, ber @nc^ nidjt^ guleibe getan f)ot, 311 tjanfeln unb 511 uertjoljnen, ba ift nidjt djriftlic^, nid)t einmal menfc^lid) ba ift teuflifdj." 10 @in fdjoner, ef)r(id)er 3 m flantmtc in fciuen btauen 5lugcn, unb er fdjritt ber Xiire 511. ,,2a, la," fagtc ber General. f( 3Ba^ friit)ftucft S()r mor= gen ? (Sicr, ^ebt)itl)n, $orette ?" ^fannenftiet offncte unb entcilte. 15 , f S)cr 9J?o()r loirb Gitdj auf^ 3^ mmcr ^ud)tcn ! 5tuf SSieberfcIjen morgen beim ^ri'tf)ftud!" ricf ifjm SSertmuIlcr nad). 2)er 9(fleingebliebcne Inb forgfiifttg ba^ Icidjtfpietenbe ^iftot mit pulDcr unb ftief? cinen bcrbcn ^fropfen nai^. 20 3)a3 fdjtuerfpielcnbe lief? cr ungclabcn. Scibc iibcrgab er bem 9)?ol)rcn mit bem ^efel)(c, biefetben in fcincn fdjluar^en Sammetrod 511 ftcdcn. , 3)ann ergriff ber enerol einen ^eud)ter unb fudjte fein ager auf. >er Sftmbibat eilte in rafdjcm Saufe bem $>amme gu, burdj roe(d)cn bte iibfeite ber >nfel mil bem feften Sanbe itfam= mending. Cft fjatte cr, ba er fid) tm oerftoffenen ^riifjjatjre in 9ftrjtl)ifon aufrjiclt, ben it> bc^ bamal^ in 2)eut)rf)lanb batatlltcrcnben enerat^ mit ncugicrigen 5lugen gemuftert, s of)ne ttjn jc 511 betrcten. r ioufetc, bafe bcr 2)amm gegen feinc Slftittc I)in bnrd) cin altcrtumltdjc^ !(cineg Xor unb cine 33riicfe imterbrocfjen toar, abcr cr njor gciui)!, fcin ^)inbernig 311 finbcn, ba bicfeS -tor, inte cr fid) crinncrte, nicmal^ gc|d)(offcn tourbe, fid) and) nid)t fd)(ic^en Ite^, ba e fcine Xorflitget tjatte. 10 ^cljt crrctd)te cr bas Ufer unb crblidtc 511 fcincr Stnfcn bte Stnic bcs Santmc^. 2(6cr, o 2)^tf5gcfd)td ! bcr Don bem bammcrnbcn ^)tntcrgrunbc fd)arf abgc()obcnc Satfcn ber 33riid'c fdjiucbtc in ber Suft, unb bilbctc ftatt cinc^ rec^ten ctnen fpiljen SSinfet mit bem profit bcr ^Pfortc, an beren teinbogen is cr bnrd) ^luci Setten befeftigt roar. as Xor, bte aufge^ogcne SBriicfe, bte Heine SSerbtnbungSlinte bcr ^etten aHel tte fid) mit ubcr^engcnber 2)eut(id)fcit nntcrfc^eiben ; bcnn ber Xftonb gab genitgenbeS Sid)t f unb in bem leeren, nid)t gu itbcrfprtngenbcm 3 ro if c f) cnraumc f^ mmer t e f e in SBieberfc^ein 20 in bem ftlbcrncn etuciffer. ^fanncnftiel roar cin cfangener. llnmot](id)fcit r burd) bae 9Jfoor 511 roatcn ! Gr roarc, ba er bic $urrcn bey ti'tdtfd)cn 3iol)nd)tci ntd)t lannte, bci ben crften <3rf)rittcn berfunfen unb fjatte ein f(dg(idie Gnbe genommen,. 37 38 9ffatto< ftcmb er am Snfelgeftabc, tocifyrenb au< bem <3umpfe bid)t oor feincn ^ufjen cin uolltonigc3 SBrefefej ftoar, ftoar. erfdjoll. @erabe an jencm 9lbcnbe roar iinter ben $rb'fd)cn bcr 9(n 5 ein junger Stjrifer uon bebcutcnbcr SBegabung anfgctaudjt, ber ba fcfte unb gcgebcnc SJ^otiu bcr $rofd)li)rtf [o fee! in ^tngriff natjm unb fo gefiitjtbolt befjanbelte, baf] ber beget= fterte Sf)or nidjt mitbe tunrbc, bie borgefungene Strop Ijc init uncr)dtt(tdjent (Snt()itftasmu ( ^u lDtcbci1)o(en. 9(uf ben Slan^ 10 btbaten fret (id) mad)te ba^ (etbenfd)aftlid)e C^equafe cinen tief mc(and)oli)d)en Gtnbrucf, a(3 ftetge c& au$ ben Siintpfen be^ 5(d)eron empor. Sn fyalber 35er5tDeif(ung ioollte er nun fiber ben Samm nadj bcr ^Pfortc etlcn, ob fid) bic ^ngbnide mit Stnftrengung 15 a(Ier Stra'fte nid)t fcnfcn lief^e. S)a gcloalirtc cr, nod) cintnat uorluurfiouoU nad) bem unl)cim(id)cn Sanbtjanfc fid) nimucn benb, cine i()in cntgcgcnlpanbernbe t f>cl(e r unb nad) lucnig 5tugcnb(idcn ftanb .$)affan f mit cincm 3Stnblid)t in bcr ^anft, an fcincr cite. 9Jiit untertaniger ;] lt tunlid)fcit rebctc iljm 20 ber gittmntigc s l)to()r 311, in bic Don it)in gefloljenc ilHil)ititni} rofd), gcift(id)cr A>rr!" rabbred)tc . an 3m)('ri'i5 cfpiHtc 511 trcibcn ? Sctit offnctc ber 2)?o'I)r ba^ jlueitau^erfte 3' mmei: feite unb ftcKtc bte bcibcn Scndjtcr auf ben Slamin. ^ fttet, beffcn SSangen glul)tcn unb ficberten, trat an^ urn e3 anf^nrctiVn ; .^affan aber Ijiett tt;n guritcf. ,,celnft ungefunb," ttjarntc cr, unb macfjtc bie ^Uicjclttire etne^ 9Jcben= jtmmcr^ auf, tint bcm (SrljtlUcn in unfdjdblidjcr 5(rt meljr 20 Snft git Dcrfdjaffcn. 2)ann cntfcrnte cr fid) mit ctnem bcmittt' gen rufjc. 2)er Slanbibat fdjritt cine gntc SBctlc in ber hammer auf unb nicber, um fcinc crrcgte ^?l)antafic gur 9iitl)c git bringcn unb ben lintnbcrttdjften Xag fcines ScbensS cingufdjldfcrn. 25 2)ann bcgrnb cr fid) in bte $iffen. S)od) faum iimr cr entfd)tummert, fo trat Dor if)in bic (Mcftalt ber ^Rat)d SScrtmiiKcr auf. 9cim fain cine bofe, fdjHmmc Stunbe fitr ben armcn ftanbibatcn. (~r tuoKtc 40 S)er djufj Don bcr fltcfjcn, unb tourbe Don einer bamomfdjen @ettmlt gu ben ^ii^en bc<3 SJMbdjcns Ijtngciuorfcn. (T [tammcltc unfinnigc ^Bitten unb ntadjte fid) DcrjiDcifdtc SBornwrfc. 9ia()d, crft erftaunt, bann ftrcngbtidcnb unb umuillig, fticft ifjn gufcljt 5 emport Don ftcfj lucg. Sctjt [tanb bcr (General ucbcn it)in unb rcidjte tf)m batg ^tftol. ,,2)tc 5'i9 lu V bo5icrtc cr, rf hjirb bcjiuungcn Don bcr mcinnttdjen (SIcmcntarfraft." 2)em .ftan= btbatcn lintrbe tutc Don etfcrncn, tcufUfcfjcn SlraHcn bcr Strm gcbogcn, unb cr jcljtc fief) btc toblidjc SBaffe an btc rcdjtc 10 djttifc. ,,5"^ c f) c llu 't nu'r!" ftoljnte cr. 2ic luanbtc fid) ob. (5r bri'tdtc (o^, unb crloarfjtc, ntdjt in fcincnt 33(utc, abcr in faltcm Sdjtucifjc gcbabet. Srcimal luicbcr()o(tc fid) bcr qua- Icnbc ,9)a(btraum f b'\$ cr cnblidj baso 5' c "ft c i-' oitffdjto^ unb im rcincn .f)aud)c bcr Ijcitigcn ^ri'djc in cincn ticfcn, beruf)tgenben 15 @d)(af Dcrfanf. Gr cnuad)tc nidjt, bbo .'paffan nut umrmcm SSaffcr inc; Dimmer trat unb auf fcincn 33cfc()( btc Salouficn offnctc. (Sin I)imm(tfd)cr, innig blaucr Jag unb ba^ nun Ijalb ocr= lucljtc, nun Dolll)al(cnbc (^ctdutc allcr 3ccglodcn brang in 20 ba crr friUjftiirfcn ?" - llnb ber^Mjr (og ntcfjt. Siubolf SScrtmitKcr manbctte in bem 5lugenblide, ba fid) fein aft bem Sdjtummcr cntrtf), )d)on unmcit ber ftirrf)e Don 9)hjtrjifon untcr ben fonntiig(id)cn djarcn, njetctje atle barjinfiirjrcnbcn SSege unb ^ufsftcige betuilferten. 5 3)er fonft [o rafdje djritt be^ encral^ luar Ijeutc cin gcmcffcncr, unb fctnc ,)a(tung bnrdjau^ iuitrbig unb nntabelig. (Sr iuar in fdjiuai^cn ^annnct gcflctbct, unb trug in bcr bcijanbfdjitljtcn 9vcd)tcn cin init fdjiucrcn Dcrgolbctcn pangcn gcfdjIoffcncsS cfangbnd). 10 Seltfant ! SScrtinitllcr, bcr fcit langcm jcbc Stirdjc gcmie= ben Ijattc, ftanb bei ben ^ti)tl)ifoncni in bem fdjlimmen 9in[e unb bcr fcrjtucfdgclbcn 53dcnd)titng cinc^ ucrljdrtcten ^m* gciftcci ; c^ mar iljncn cine aiilgcmadjte, nidjt anjnfcdjtenbc 2atfad)c, baf] ifjn itbcr fitrj obcr lang bcr Xcufet fjolcn 15 rocrbc unb bcnnod) marcn fie ^crjttd) crfreut, ja gcnirjrt, il)n auf ilircm ^Itrrfjiucgc cin()crfd)rcitcn 511 fcrjcn. Sic crbticf= ten in fcincm Srfdjcinen burcfjait! ntd)t cincn 5(!t bcr 93uf5C, bcnn fie (icbtcn cci nid)t unb [)icltcn cc> fi'tr fd)md(jlid) rjtcrtn ben gricd)ifd)cn ^ramatifcrn d()n(td) mcnn cine crroadjfene 20 ^crfon i()ren Gfjaraftcr mcd)fc(tc ; fie traittcn cs bem cnc* ra(c 511, baf5 cr fonfeqnent dletbc unb rcfolut in$ s ^erbcrbcn faf)re. !Ttc 9Kl)t{)ifoncr fafUcn mcfmetn 1 ben Slird)gang bc^ atten $rieg3manncio a(^ cine .^oftidjfcit anf, also cine Grjre, 41 42 $>er erftdnblid) !" berfetjte ber ga[tfreitnb(td)e ^[arrcr. a ,,9faf)el bfetbt 511 ,f)au|e unb deforgt btc Siiidje." 2)a( tuiHtge 39dbd)en fiigte mit etnem kitten ^'nirffe Ijtnju: ,,3Str bebanfen un$, ^ate!" unb etlte in ba obere todiuerf juritcf. , f ^d) brtnge btr etlua^ mit, 5(ltcr," (ddjefte ber cncraf. 10 , f etDe()r?" fu(;r ber ^farrcr !)erau^, unb feine Sfagen (eudjtcten. SScrtmitder nirfte bejal)cnb unb 509 unter bcm brciten djofje jeine^ ammetrocfe^ cin ^5tftot Ijcruor. 3)te iun'= ncfjme 5 a ? n un b ber bama^jicrte Sauf bc i o tteinen ^cifter^ is ftu'ded ber bamaligen S3itd)fen)djmicbelunft [tadjen bem ^farrcr getoalttg in bte Stugen. cine gan^e SeibenfdEjaft ertoadjte. SSertmiitfer trot mit ttjm au^ bem bdmmerigcn ^fur bnrdj bic ^intcrtitrc ber ^Jfarre in ben artcn, um i()it bie foftbare Heine SSaffe hit uollcn 2agcc^idjte belinmbern 511 20 (off en. Sic gan^c Sangjctte bc3 Baltics ioar mit eincr gtemttd) nicbrigcn 2^chttaubc bcffctbct ; an bent cincn Gnbc btcfcs gruiten 33ogengangc^ f)atte ber ^farrcr nor Salircn cine ftcincrnc SOJaucr mit cincr fteincn Sd)cibc anffntjrcn laffcn, 25 um fid), an bem entgegengefe^ten Gtngaugc s ^ofto faffcnb, tudfjrenb feincr fretcn Stunbcn im Sd)ie|Vn 511 iibcit. ,,5(115 ber fieoantc ?" fragte cr, fid) be s ]?iftoli bemdd)ti= geub. 44 $)er d) crtnncrc mid), bicfen fd)ncibcft bu fitr rtmaffcn ?" fpottctc SBcrtmulIcr. ,,(%ib ()er!" (r cutrtft il)m bic SBaffc nnb 25 (cgtc fcincn ctfcrncn finger an ben Sritdcr. Scr ,^)a()n fd)lng fd)incttcrnb nicbcr. ,,2)n Dcrlicrft bcinc 9Jhi0fe(fraft, letter ! 3)td; cntncrut bic glicbcrlofcnbc cncctnS ! Sd) tuill bir felbft ben SDJcdjanisnutg etluay gefd)meibiger mad)cn - bit iueifet, ba|3 id) cin ruljmrcidjcr @d)(offer nnb gang 2)er <3d)uJ3 uon ber ^an^et 45 teibtidjer 23M)fenfd)mieb bin !" S)er eneral lief? bie fdjmnde ftctne 2Baffe in bic iefe feiner "Jafdje jnritdgkiten. ,,9Mn, nein, nein !" rief ber Barter leibenfdjaftlid). ,,)u Ijaft e mir einmat gefd)en!t ! Sdj taffe es ntc^t mef)r an^ ben 4)anbett I . . ." 5 3ogernb s lpb ber General bte ^jStftole tuieber fjerbor- nidjt me!)r btefetbe. @r tjatte fie, ber olte Xafdjenfpteler, mit bem audj fitr cin |d)arfere unb ru{)tge^ 5(uge nic^t Ieid)t babon 511 unterfdjetbenben 3 ll) i^ n 9 e gett>ed)[e(t. >er ^Pfarrer tjiett bie SSaffe faum trteber in ber ^>anb, 10 al^ er fid) Don neuem in ^ofitur ftedte, bcnn er tuar gan^ nnb ^lamnte geiuorbcn, nnb 2)ftene madjte, ben nod) einntal u fpannen. S)er enerat aber fic( ifjm in ben 9Irm. , f |)ernad)!" rebetc er if)tn 511. rF onnerloetter ! (S^ f)at (dngft au3ge= is tdutet." ^)err SBifpcrt SSertmiiKer eiluadjic luie au einem Xraume, befann fid), Ianfd)tc. (y fyenjdjte cine tiefe 3tilie, nur bie SSectpen fummten. (r ftedte bic ^iftole eitig in bie geraumige 9vodtafd)e, unb 20 bte SBettern bcfdjritten ben furjen, je^t ootlig menfdjenteeren 3i>eg nad) ber nafjen flnuttcs bte jtoei 28ertmu'ller ben fjetligcn 9faitm bctraten, toar er fdjon bt3 auf ben lefcten S|$Ia{j gefiiHt. 3m <5d)iffe fafeen rcdjtS bte SDMnner, linfS bte SBctber, tm Ct)ore, bag 5lntlt ber cinetnbe pgetoenbet, bte Slirdjendlteften, unter tfjnen 5 ber $rad)()alber. 3toet brette, oben burd) etn gropes ^atbrunb Derbunbene SRauerpfetler fdjtebcn Si)or unb Stirdje. 3(n bem rcdjtg gele= gcnen jdjluebte bte Mangel, unb am ^-iifte ber [tctten ^anjel* trcppc befanb fid) ber etnjtg leer gebliebcnc Siij, ber nut 10 djnhwerf Dcrjtcrte tittjt Don (tdjcnl)ol,v lueldjen ber ^farrer JDciijrenb be$ ejangc<3 etn^une^men pftegte. SDicjen \vie$ er jeltf bem cncral an, nnb beftieg of)itc ^er^ng bte $lan$cf. 2)er ^erjpdtcte Ijattc (itle, ber Wemcinbe bte o tjcutiflcn ^trdjcnltebc^ 511 bc^ctdjiten. bac( bcliebteftc bc^ ncitcn (^cfangbucl)C! f ein 35an!= Iteb fiir bte gehtngene ^efe, crft in nenerer x ^cit ucrfafjt nnb cms :Denti"d)(anb gefommen, ntit breiften nnb gefdjmadtofen Sdjnort'eln tin bamaligen 9iofofoftilc, aber ntdjt ol)nc SKang nnb Jyarbe. Scbc Strophe begann ntit ber Stufforberung, ben (9ebcr alfcS (^uten umnittelft eineo iinnter micber anbern 3n|tru= mcntey ,\u loben. Xent Editor mod)te ein ,Slird)enbilb uorge- jd)iuebt Ijabcn. ?lbcr ntd)t jcne Barton mufi^terenben (Sngel meldje an bac; id)tcru>ort erinnern : 46 47 >a geigen bie eiger fo fjimmUftf) flar, Sa blafen bie Slafer jo nmnberbar . . . 9?ein ! fonbern bie auf einer robuften SSoIfe (agernbe unb mtt alien mogttdjen Snftrumenten au^geruftete pau^badige rjimmlifdje ^offapeUe irgenb ctneg SBra&ourbitbesJ au^ ber s , r grot)(odet f froljlocfet! ..." erfdjoE e Ijetter unb tontg in bent fdjonen, reinlidjen 9vaume, burd) beffen ad)t pttjbogenfenfter ba leudjtenbe Q3tan beso tjimmlijdjen 2age^ ^ereinquoll. 10 5)er (General, beffen (Sintritt cin n)o()lgcfdllige^ emnrmel errcgt fjatte, lucnbete fcin gcfamme(tc3 3Int(ilj ber emcinbe gu, fomtte abcr mtt ctner ungc^iintngencn SBenbung be^ Stopfeio (eidjt ben fyofyen <3ilj beobadjten, luo fcin letter f)or= ftete. (Sben jeljt tuarf cr cincn 35lid ()tnauf. 2)er cetfovger is Don 9}?t)tt)ifon r ber ba*o Snbellieb fdjon oft gerjb'rt (jatte unb feiner cbcnfad^ fdjon oft gc()Qltenen ^rebigt fidjcr luar, betaftcte (etfe feinc ^afdjc. , f ^pofannet, pofaunet ! ..." bro^nte Q$ burd) bay Sdjiff. SBertinuKcr fdjiette bie ilan^ettreppe Ijinaitf. 3)er letter 20 fjatte ba^ ftcine Xer ( ^cro( aitv ber 2afd)e gc^ogcn, unb betrod)= tcte cc! f) inter ber f)o()en ^Tan^e(briiftung mit 5(ugen ber 1'iebe. f ,^rontmctct, brommetct ! ..." faugen bie 9Jtl)H)ifoncr. 9Jcitten burd) ben Xrompetenldrm fjorte ber (General beuttidj ein fdjarfey ituaden, a(c> un'irbc brobcn cin ^al)n gc^ogen. 25 (T ldd)clte. Seljt fam bie (elite, bie Sieb(tng^ftropf)e ber 9Jh)t()ifone= rtnnen. ,,Unb f(iitet, o flbtct ! . . ." fangcn fie, fo fcrjon fie fonnten. 5)cr (General luarf lutcbcr cinen uerftofylenen 48 $)er 3d)ufj Don ber nad) ber Slanjcl Ijinanf. 3pielenb Icgte bcr ^Sfarrcr ebcn fcincn bidcn ginger an ben Cruder ; luufjtc cr bod), baft cr bie gebcr in it allcr enmlt nid)t bciucgcn fonnte. 3(ber cr 309 ifyn glcid) nn'ebcr ^nriid, unb bic fanften glotcn ucrflangen. 5 $>cr encrat nntcn an bcr Slanjct Icgtc in gebriidtcr @tim= mnng fein cfid)t in galtcn. Se^t betctc bcr gciftlidje ^>crr, ber ba tleine enjetjr in feinc gcrauntige Sajdjc jnriidgleitcn licfj, in aKcr 5(nbad)t bie Sitnrgic, nnb Ia^ bann ben Xejt au^ bcr groften, ftdnbtg 10 aitf bent Slan^etbrcttc (agcrnbcn 33ibet. S^ luar bcr (jerrtidjc [iebcnnnboicqigftc s ^falm r bcr ba bcginnt: ^rof)(odet mit .^iinbcn, a((e Golfer, (obet ott mit grofjcw Sdjallc ! grifd) nnb flott ging e in bie ^jSrcbigt ()incin r nnb fdjon luar fie iibcr i(jr crftcv rittc( gcbicfycn. 9cod) cinniat (ancrte in bcr General cmpor, fidjtlid) cnttditjd)t, mit cincm faft nor- lunifoOoUcn SBlicfe, bcr fid) abcr p(olUid) crfjcitcrtc. S)er ^farrer tjatte im ^yencr bcr ?(ftion, iudl)rcnb feinc iMnfe uor allem iuilfe gcftifnlicrtc, mit bcr bnrd) bic ftanjcl gcbcdtcn SHcdjtcn inftinftio ba^ ge(icbtc Xevjcrot inicbcr Ijcrtuirgcjogen. 20 ,,Sobet ott mit groftcm 3d)a((c!" ricf cr anc\ nnb, paff! fnadtc cin frdf tiger odjitft. (Sr ftanb im iKand). 9Uo er luieber fid)tbar untrbc, qnoll bic bfanc ^nlocnuolfc langfam nm il)n cmpor nnb fdjiucbtc luie cin Ji>ci()rand) iiber ber emetnbc. 25 C-ntfcUcn, '3d)rcrf, (5rftannen, \Hrgcr, ^ovn, crftidtco c- ladjtcr, bicfc gan,^c 7onlcitcr uon (^cfiH)lcn fanb itjrcn $lu& brnd anf bon (^efid)tern bcr ucrfammcltcn 3ul)orcr. 3)ie ilird)cndltcften im (il)or abcr ;,cigtcn cntriiftete nnb ftrafcnbc SJttcncn. Die i'agc lunrbc bcbcnflid). S)er @du3 uon ber ^anet 49 tuenbete fid) ber General ntit einer jugteid) leutfeligen unb tmponierenben ebarbc an bte aufgeregten Sfttjtfjifoner : ,,icben 33ritber, lajjt cud) ben djuf} nid)t anfedjten. SBebenfct : c^ ift nad) incn|d)Ud)er 95oraus[id)t ba^3 le^te $)lai, baft id) mid) in eurer 9JZitte erOauc, et)e ic^ btefen 5 meinen [tevb,lid)cn Seib ben Stugeln pret^gebe. -- Unb ^{yc, ^err ^farrer, gcigt (ud) a.i einen entfd)(o[fenen 9J?onn unb fiitjrt Guern (Sermon 511 Snbe." llnb nrirflid), ber ^[arrer fet^te uner[c^roden luieber etn unb fu()r in fetner ^rebtgt fort, unbetrrt, ol)ne ben ^aben 10 u berlieren, orjne fid) um ein 3Sort ju uergreifen, jn ftottern ober fid) 311 uerfpredjcn. 3U(e^ fcf)rte tuieber in bie Drbnung guriid. 9?ur ba^ blaue ^u(uerit)6lfd)en tt)ol(te fid) in bcm gefd)(offenen 9iaume gar ntdjt uerlieren unb fc^luebte f)artnddtg iiber ber eineinbe, is balb tm <2d)atten, balb uon einem ec!e unb fain i()r ftrad^ entgegen. ^aum traute fie i^ren 5tugen. ^onnte er e^ fein ? llmno'g(id) ! Unb bod), er n>ar e^. 15 ^Pfanncnfticl fjatte ba ^rii()ftiicf, U)eld)e i()m ber bienft- befliffene 9JioI)r int Speifefaate auf ber 5(n uorfeljte, !aum bcru()rt. (S^ trieb ifjn fort iiber bie jctjt gefenftc 3 u 9briide, bergau, ber s ^farrc Uon 9#t)tl)tfon 311. Gr iuuf^te baf] er bie Strafjen uub <3tcige, tucnn and) nnr fitr fitr^e $?\t, nod) 20 leer fanb, nnb einer ber geftern einpfangcnen (5tnbrnde n>ar tuie ein (3tad)el in ber anfgercgten Seele be^ Stanbibaten f)aften gcbltcbcn. S()in fet)le bie 9JtdnnHd)fcit, ()atte ber (General tf)m uor= ge()alten, bie einen nnfel)Ibaren Sicg iiber ba^ 2Beib(id)e 50 35er rfjujj bon ber Slanjel 51 babontrage. 3)a<3 gab bent anbibaten 511 fdjaffen, unb ba fief) i()m etne nadjfte (Megenfjeit bot, ettoaS nod) feiner 5tn= fid)t $u()ne< 511 unterneljmen, unb gerabe ba, tooju ber (General if)n aufgeforbert fjatte, fo entfcfjtofj fid) ber 25er= luilberte, 9?al)el, tuenn aucf) o^ne 3 eucrlua ff e r m ^ etnent 5 9)?orgenbeftid[)e 511 u'berrafdjen. $)er prung i'tber bte ^ede toar bann fretlid) feine ^elben= tat genjcfen, fonbcrn etne ^(ttdjt uor ben erften ()etntfef)rcnben Sltrc|gangern, bie er 3Hnfrf)en ben 33d'umen ber Sanbftrafje u fe()en gtaubte. 10 2Bte er fid) mtt wttemdjmenber 9Dciene ttnb in entfc^tebener ^attung ber SSertmi'tllerin ndl)erte, erfd)raf biefe ernftltd) iiber fetn Sln^fefjen, feine fiebernbcn 5(ugcn r bie 93td'ffe unb 5(bfpannung r njte fie eine fd)(af(ofe 9 f tad)t anf bent 5(ntli^e jurudld'ilt. ?fud) ber fKrabt)dngenbc, fjatb abgebrefjte Unopf, 15 unb bie Scere, bie ber anbere iueggcriffene gelaffcn, entgingen ifjr natitrlid) feinen 5(ugenb(id unb DoIIenbeten ben beang- ftigenben CEinbrucf. ff llm |)immel rt)iEen, tua ift (Sud), ^)crr 58ifar?" fagte ba 9D?abd)en. ,,eib Sljr franf ? St)r t)abt etttjaS Ser- 20 ftorte, grembe an (Sud), ba mid) crfdjrccft. ber f)eil(ofe ^)8atc r ' tua fjat er ntit (Surf) uorgcnomnten ? r getobte inir bod), Gud) nid)t anjutun, unb nun f)at er @udj ganjlid) gerriittet ! Gr5dl)(t mir ftaarflein, iuo( @ud) auf ber 5(u jugeftofecn lnet(eid)t ttjeife id) 9?at. " 25 91(3 if)r ber ^anbibat in bie uerftdnbigcn unb bod) fo fear* men 9(ugen blidte, nmrb er fid) urplbl5(id) bcffen betoufct, tt)a if)n eigent(id) fjergctrtebcn. S5er ^obolb be3 9lbenteuer3 f ber fid) beint erften c^ritte, ben er auf ber 5(u getan, ifjm auf 52 2)er djufj Don ber bcit 9?adcn gefc^t Ijatte, fprang Don feinent SKiicfcn unb lief} i()n faljrcn. 33t$ in3 ftcinfte bcidjtcte or ben ftaren braunen 9lugcn fcine Srlcbniffe auf ber SnfeL (T geftanb il)r, i()it Ijabe ber 5 QSornntrf be3 eneralv, iljni fetjlc bay SOMnnltrfje, uevbtitfft nnb beunrnfjtgt, audj jcljt fonne cr nod) ntd)t bariiber Ij'm- luegfommen. Unb cr bat fie, irjnt aufrtdjttg 311 fagcn, ob Ijter ein Mangel fet, nnb luie bem abjiitjetfen U)tire. 9ia()el betradjtete t(jn ein SSeildjcn faft gcriirjrt, bann brad) 10 fie in ein fjel(e3 etadjter an^. ,,2)er ^ate trieb mit (Slid) fein Spiel," fagte fie, ,,abcr bafj er Gnd) bag griedjifdje 3(bentcucr lutbcrrict, luar redjt. ^l)r luodtet au^ (Surer cigencn 9?atnr rjerau^, nnb cr tjat Gud) l)einigefpottct. . . . SBarum and) ? 3^ie Sljr feib, nnb gerabe is luie Sf)r feib, gcfattt ^()r ntir ant beftcn. ^$apac( nngcifb lid)e SBcibdtft (jat ntir genng fdjlucre Stint ben gcntadjt ! Jyiir mid) (ob' id) ntir ben 9Dtann, ber unfern 1)orf(ciiten mit einem erbau(id)en, bnrd)ftd)ttgcn SSanbct uor(eud)tet, unfern 3et)ittiuein fd)(ndiueife trinft, feine $ran (icb ()at unb jutueKcn 20 uon cinem befd)eibenen unb gctctjrten ^rcunbe bcfnd)t tuirb ! . . . 2)tefe ^auatiere ! 3d) rjabe iibcrgcnug Don it)rcn Xafe(bi5furfen, tuenn fie ben s i>ater mit No}] unb iiBagen ubcrfallcn ! 2)er ^ate tjat (5ud) gcftern in fo mand)c$ ein= gciucitjt, fjat er (ud) nid)t aud) ben Streid) cr^iirjlt, ben er mit 25 ad)t5el)it 3at)ren feincm jungen 3i^ctbc fpielte? ie geliiftete nad) 3panifd)brotd)en, line man foldje in 33aben bddt. %&) Ijole fie bir luarm !" fagte er galant, fattelte unb Derritt. 3n 53abcn Icgte er bie 93rotd)en in cine 3d)ad)te( nnb cine 3ei(e ba^u, er Derrcife in*5 fd)iucbifd)e i^agcr. Stcfen 5(bfd)tcb >er djujs bon ber Sl'on^el 53 fanbte er burd) eincn 23oten, if)n felbft aber fafj fie triele nidjt ftueber. S)a3 rjiittet 3I)r nidjt getau !" llnb fie rcidjtc bent ftillcn SStfar bie )anb. ,,9lber jefct mufj tc^ Sue!) fogletcf) bte Slnopfe befcfttgcn," [cljte ftc rafd) Ijtn^u, , r c tut nttr in ben Slugen unb in ber 5 Scclc lucIj f ,(Sud) in biefcm ^wftai^c ju feljen ! e^t (Sud) !" - babei 5eigtc [ic auf ein 93iinf(ein untcr ber Saitbe ,,id) I)ole ^tviicn unb 9?abcl." ^fannen|tie( cje()ord)te f unb [ic entfprang mit bent traubem gefiilltcn Sorbdjen. 10 9citn fam es iibcr i()it line SparabtefeSglM. Stdjt unb riin, bie nicbrige 2aubc r bai? befdjctbcnc $pfarrf)au3, bie (Stiu)ung lion ben 5)iimonen be i o 3n?etfet^ unb ber llnrufyc ! @ie frci(id), bie it)n baUon bcfrcit ()Qttc, tear felbft bon Unrutje crgriffcn. SScId)en Strcid) fjatte ber (General gcpfant is ober fdjon au^gefii^rt ? Sic madjte fid) 8ortt)urfe, ifjm freie ^anb baju gcgcben ^it fyabcn. ^n ber ^iid)c crfn()r fie, ber ^err ^farrcr t)abc fid) mit bent (General cingcfdjloffcn, unb balb baranf fcicn bie ftircrjcu- citteftcn tangfont unb fcicr(id) bie Xrcppc ()inanfgcfdjrittcn. 20 (Stoa Uncrf)6rtes> ntuffc in ber ,Slird)c norgef alien fein. 3)er ^ifdjfuri, ber ifjr au3 feincm Xroge gorellen bradjtc, hjurbe lion ifir befragt ; aber cr trar nid)t ^um 9icbcn 311 bringcn unb fd)nirt ein bummed eftc^t. SBcftiirjt etlte ba i 5 5U?dbd)cn in tfjre hammer unb mufjtc 25 lange fndjcn, e()c fie 9cabcl unb gtirirn fanb. 9?ad)bcm bcr otte^btenft 511 SOTrjtljifon otme tocitere to- rung fcin (Snbc gcnommcn fjatte, toaren bie SBettcrn nebcn- cinanbcr in bic naljc ^farrc ^uriidgcfdjrittcn, bcr cclforger jur 9icdjtcn be* (Generate, ofyne fid) inn ben Shtsbrucf bcr 5 offcnt(id)cn SOt'cinnng 511 fiimmcrn, luctdjcr in ben Sftienen bcr iljncn SBegegnenben nnucrtcnnbar 511 tcjcn toar. Sort offnctc bcr getftlidjc SBcrtniiiUcr [ctn tnbtcr^immcr, licfi ben uieltltdjen iuic ctncn ftraffaHtgen, armcn iinbcr nad)fontincn unb ucrfdjlof? jorgfiittig bic Xiire. Sann trot 10 cr btdjt an ben ^rcudtdtcr tjcran. ,,SScttcr (General," jagte cr, , r bn I)a[t an mtr gcljanbclt aid ctn Sdjclm ithb cin S3nbc !" unb cr inadjtc 50Hcnc, itjn ant Slragcn ^n padcn. fr .^)anb lucg !" cntgegnctc btcfcr. ,,<&ol[ id) mid) mit btr ranfcn, lute lucilanb mit bent ^Better 3 cu fll) crr i)on tabct- is tjofcn in bcr 9iate(aubc 311 3 ur i^)' a ^^ ^ un ~ 1 ^' c ^>criirfcn jaitiStcn, bafj c3 nnr fo [tob ! ^ebcnfc bctn 9(mt, bcinc SSiirbe !" ,,93ccin 5(mt, ineine 2^urbc!" Uiicberljoltc bcr ^jSfarrcr tangfam nnb jdjiner^ltd). (line Xranc ncWe [cine grauc Simper. 9J?it btcfen in'cr [d)(id)tcn Shorten luar baofclbe iio au^gcbritd't, uuvo unc> in jcncr grof^artigcn Xirabc crfdjiittcrt, mit luctdjcr Ctl)cllo tum feincr 9Scrgangent)eit nnb fetncnt ?(mtc ?(bfd)teb nimmt. cr (General [djlurftc. Sic Xrdnc bc>3 atten 3)tannc5 iljm cnt)djtebcn 311 uicL 54 S)er cfjuft bon ber Mangel 55 ,,a, to," troftete er, ,,bu ijoft etne prcidjtige Stattbliitigfeit gegeigt. 2Juf mcine (Sfyre, etn edjtcr SSertmuUer ! (3 ift em $clbf)err an bir bertoren gegangen." 5lber bie @d)mcid)c(ci berfing nidjt. 2(ud) ber foment ber 9Bef)mut nwr boritbergcgangen. 5 ,,3Somit Ijabc id) btdj beleibtgt ?" ^iirnte ber (Sntriiftete. , r |)abe tc^ je in meiner Slirdje auf bic^ gefttdjett ober angc= fpictt? ^>abe id) bid) nid)t in beinem .S^cibcntume bollig rtjerben laffen unb bid) gcbed't, tuie id) fonnte ? Unb um 2)anfe bafiir ()a|t bit mir I)tnter(i|tig bic ^Siftotc DcrtQUjdjt, bit 10 anf (er unb Xa|d)cn)pieler ! SSarum bc[d)impf|t bit mcine graiten ,^aare r Slinb ber S3os3()cit? SScit c; bir in beiner eigenen ^>aitt nid)t tuot)! ift !". . . ,,2a, la," jagte ber (General. (S^ poc^te. $>te Slird)cndltc[ten lion $)fi)t()ifoit traten in 15 bie tube, bcm ftrad)f)a(ber ben 95ortrttt laffcnb, nnb ftcllten fid) in eincm ^atbfrei)e ben 3Sertmii((crn fctcrlid), fa[t fcinb- felig gegenitber. Scr (General Ia^ in ben (angen, gcinrd)ten efid)tcrn, baft er mit jeinem tafterlid)en (Sdjcr^e ba borftid)e e[itf)( |d)iuer beleibigt I)abe. 20 Sn ber "Jat, ber Slrad)(ia(bcr f anf ben fie alle I)inf)5rten, toar in ben ;Iicfen feiner Seele cmport. 23cnn er fid) and) ben abentencrtid)cn 3?orfal( nid)t ganj erfttiren fonnte, fel^te er if)n bod) nnbcbcnf(ict) anf bic 9\cd)nnng bcs Generate, tt)e(d)cr, bic Sd)iudd)c feine^ geiftfidjcn 9?ctter^ fid) 511 91u^e 25 madjcnb, cin lanbfnnbigc^ ^trgerni^ I)abc anftiftcn loollen. 2}em S!rad)()a(bcr lag bie (Sfyre feincr emcinbc am .^er^en, nnb er I)atte ba3 ^h)tf)ifoncrfird)(ein mit feincm fd)tanfcn tdme unb feinen I)dlen ad)t Jcnftern anfridjtig licb. 56 $>er ar ein ftrd)lid)er 9#ann, unb bag ^erj blutete, ober ridjttgcr gcfagt, bte alle !ocfjte iljm, bte (Static fcincr jonntdglicfjen efi'tljle t)crnngtimp[t unb Iddjer- lid) gemadjt ^it fcljcn. ,,3Sag fiiljrt (ud) tjtcrrjcr?" rebcte bcr General tint an, 20 unb firjertc t()it mit blil5enbcn 5(ugcn fo fd)arf, baf^ bcr Mradj- Ijalber, bcr trot} fetncg gntcn (^cunf|cng bag nid)t luo()( crtra= gen fonntc, mit fctncn 5lugenfternen nad) red)tg unb linfg auglDtdj, big eg itjm enbltctj gclang, tanb 511 t)a(tcn. ,,9}?ad)t aug cincr S)?i'tcfe fcincn (Sfcfantcn !" ful)r 9Sert= 25 mtiflcr, o()ne bic ^(ntn'ovt ^11 crmarten, fort. ,,9ic[)mt ben @d)it[5 a(g einen ocrfpdtcten aug bcr Sc[c, ober fitr tt)ag tyi raoKt!" - ,,tc l.'c|c Uiar mittcdnd^ig," crlin'bcrtc bcr $ird)cmiltefte mit Oerfjattenem C^rimntc, rf unb ber Sdjuf? t)"t ein rcdjt bojcr )er djiijs bon ber tanget 57 3>l)r |)erren SJSertmiilTer ! !3cf) befifce eine Gfyroni! bon Stabt unb Sanb ; barinnen ftefjt ber^eidjnet, baft bor Safyren etnem jungcn geifrlidjen ^pcrrn, ber feiner Sraut iiber ben Ijeitigcn $e(d) I)in nut berliebten 3lugen gitroinfte ..." ber Slradjf)alber madjte an feinem ^atfe ba f ,93(6bftnn !" fufjr ber (General nngebulbtg ba^njij^en. %$) fjabe 511 |>aufe aud) eine Slel^ergefd)td)te," fprad) ber ^radjl^albcr fiartnadtg fort, barinnen alle Xrcnnungcn unb eften bon 9fnfang ber 3Se(t an be|d)riefaen unb abgebtlbct 10 [tub. 3(ber fctn 5tbamtt ober SBiebertSufer f)at e je unter= nommcn, bci lualjrenber ^?rcbigt cincn Sdjufe ab3itgcben. S)a, ^)crr ^farrcr, tft eine ncue 9?eligion." liefer fenfatc. 2)a Seilpieltofe feiner Xat ftanb ifjm beutlid) genug bor Slugcn. 15 ,,9D?an luirb ben Sdjufc in 3 ur ^) itntcrfitdjcn," brol)te jetjt ber unbarmfjergtge S3auer, , f bie Stjnagogc," cr oolite fagcn <2i)nobe, ,,nnrb bari'tbcr [tlicn. Ss3 tut mir Icib fitr Suc^, ^>err ^?farrcr ; abcr id) Ijoffc, [ic fdlft eincn fd;ar[cit pritd). 5Iud) |o luirb im$ ber Sport nidjt crfpart ibcrbcn, 20 unb ba^ i[t ba djlimmftc, bcnn ber <3pott t)at ein ( ^arjc3 Seben an unfcnn Sec. 2Senn id) nur bran benfc, icirb e^ mir, bcint Sib, fcrjumr^ bor ben ?(ugen. 3)a gan^e redjte lifer ba briiben Iad)t unc! au$. Slcincn Sdjoppen fb'nnen rbir mc()r trinfcn in 9Jccilcn obcr ^ii^nad), ol)nc baJ3 fie uns> ber- 25 I)o'()nen in alien Xonarten unb Sicberibcifen. Scr Sdjuf; bon 9?hjtt)ifon ftirbt nidjt am See, fo loenig aU in 9l(torf ber Xcl(enfd)iif5. Gr Ijaftet unb lebt bci &tnb unb ^inbc^= f'inb. ^dj berufc mid) auf Guct), ."perr (General," fu()r er 58 3)er du Don bcr fort, unb bie alten 9lugen (eudjteten bogfyaft, ,,%f)r ftrifit, frag bag Ijcifjcn nnfl ! 2Stc lange ift eg t)cr, bafe ^i)r bon 9iaptocrgtt)t)l ab^ogt ? Samalg nwrbct %l)r t)on ben lifcfyen bcfungcn, unb, gtaubt Sljr'g? bag tebt nod). 5 jeib ctn ucrriiljmtcr, abfigiirtcr SJJann, abcr luag Ijilft bag ? Grft oorgcftcrn nod) fuljr ctn uoKcg ^t(gcr[d)iff Don Sitdjterg^ lDt)I l)cr urn bte 2(tt mtt gro^em Siirm unb cfang. ^dj ftanb in ntctncm 3Seinberge unb benfc : bte 9tarrcn ! - (^cgen Gucr )ang (jtn tnerbcn [ie [till. ,,2)ag madjt ber 10 i'Kcfpeft," fag' id) 311 mir fctbft. Set, ba tjatt' id) eg gctroffcn. Slaum ftnb fie rcdjt untcr (Snern ^cnftcrn, fo brid)t bag (Spottlicbtctn log. Stjr ttjtj?t bag, luo ftc ben SScrtniiittcr t)eimfd)iden ( ^nr 2)( x nf(crin ! @ut, bafe Sfjr ncrrittcn mart ! S0?einetbig gecirgcrt l)ab' id) mid) in meincn Sieben. ..." ir ,,(2cr)njcigt!" fut)r il)n ber (General Coring an; bcnn bcr alte djimpf jcncr aufgct)obcncn Sclagcntng branntc jcttf nod) anf fcincr eclc, ja fd)drfcr alg fritter, a(g nuirc cr mit jencr Xintc ocr^cidjnct, bic crft nad) Sat)rcn fdjluar,} unb unDcrti(glid) i)crDortritt. 20 3)od) er bcf)errfd)tc fid) unb incd)fcltc ben Xon. , r (tir)ag Sionfufion gcl)6rt 511 jebcr .Slontb'bie," fagte er, ,,a(icr lucnn fie i()ren >ol)cpitnft crrcid)t t)at, ntuf^ il)r cine rafd)e 3Sen- bung 511 gittcin <2d)(uffe I)clfen, fonft irirb fogar bie ^crrudt- tjcit langiueilig. 25 .>ciT ^farrer unb licbc 9iad)barn ! (^cftcrn big ticf in bie 9tad)t I)abc id) an mcincm Xefta* incntc gefd)riebcn unb eg (Sdjlatj ^tofitf Ul)r itntcr^cidjnct. Sd) !cnne eucr luarmeo Sntcrcffc an allcm, nmg id) tttc, taffc unb nad)taffe ; erlaubt benn, baf? id) cud) cinigeg baraug uorlcfe." $)er (Sdu t)on ber Manel 59 @r 509 eine |)anbfd)rift au3 ber afd)e unb entfaltete fie. ,,3)en (Singang, ft>o id) etrt bifed)en iiber ben SSert ber Singe pf)itofopt)iere, iibcrget)' id) . . . ,,2Senn id), ^Rubotf 2Bert= nuiiler, jemalg fterbe . . .," bod) bag getjort aud) ntdjt f)ierf)cr," . . . er btdtterte toeitcr. ,,ier! ,,@djtoJ3 unb s ^crrfd^aft Slgg, bte id) aii3 ben reblic^en rfparntffcn meineg Ie|>ten ^elb^uge^ errtorben, bteibt at $tbci!ommt3 in meiner gamilie," u. f. ft). r ,>tem internal bieje ^>err- fd)aft eine trefflidje, abet Dernacfjltiffigte Sagb bcfi^t unb etne mit ben 93eute(tiiden eben jener Gampagne t>erfel)ene, abcr 10 nod) untooHftanbige 2Baffen!ammer f fo Derfiige id), ba^ nod) meincm 3(b(ebcn mctn better, ber crr ^[arrer 3SUpert 3Sertmu(Ier, benannteg c^lo^ unb ^err[d)aft bcft)ol)ite unb beloerbe, bie >agb f)er[telle, bie SBaffenfammer DcrboIIfommne unb itbcrfjaupt unb in jeber 28eije bi an fein @nbe frei bar- is iiber fdjalte unb tootle, njenn anber^ bicfer getfttidje ,f)err ft(^ tuirb ent)"d)tief5en fonncn, fein in 9Kt)tt)ifon t)abenbc ?tmt nteber^utegcn unb antistite probante on ben ^t'anbibaten ^fanncnftict 511 tranSfcnercn, ftjetdjem ^anbibaten id) mcin ^atenfinb, btc 9iaf)et SBcrtmunerin, ^nr $rau gebe, ntd)t 20 ot)ne bie tititcrtidje (Stnluttttgung jcbod), unb mit .fnn^uiiigung non brettau[enb 3iJ r( i) cr 9 u ^ en ' bk id) bent gra'utctn, in meinen <3egen eingctoidett, tjtnterlaffe." " ,,Ufi," )d)5pfte ber (General 5(tcm, , r biefe a't3e ! (Sine ncrtcitfclte pradjc ba 3)cut)d)c !" - 25 er ^pfarrcr fam fid) l)or ftn'e cin @d)iffbriic^iger, ben bie= felbe 28ellc begrdbt unb an^ Sanb trd'gt. cine t)ert)d'ngni= tiotle 2ctbcnfd)aft abgcrcc^nct, cin Derftcinbigcr 3}?ann r crfannte cr fofort, ba^ tfjm ber (General ben ctn^igcn, unb ba^u einen 60 2)er @du oon bcr f)6d)ft angcncrjmcn 2Scg b'ffnc, bcr iljit auS <2d)impf iinb djanbe fiUjrcn tonntc. Gr briidtc fcincm Ufcefe unb 3Hol)Itatcr mit cincr 5(rt Don 9fttf)rung bic ,)anb, unb bicfcr fdjitrtdte fie irjm mit ben 5 SSortcn : ,,ommc id) burd), fo foil e3 bcin c^abc ntdjt fcin r better! Sd) tuc bann, al3 jucir' id; tot, nnb inftalltcre bid) a(^ mcin ciflener Jcftaincnt^noKftrcdcr in SIgcj !" 2)ie 9Jct)t()ifoncr abcr lanfdjtcn glcid))am mit alien lieb* maftcn, bcnn c jdjiuante i(;ncn, baf3 jetjt [ie an bie ^)ici()e 10 fdmcn, bejdjenft 311 luerben. ,,^dj ncrmac^e bencn 9Jh)t()ifcrn," fn()r bcr (General fort, unb fein 3Mciftift flog itbcr ba^ Rapier in fcincr i^infcn, bcnn cr ffi^^icrtc ben bitrd) bic (Singcbung be*? ^htgcnblidc^ cntftan- bcncn ^aragrap()cn, ,,bcncn 9)h;tf)ifern umnacfjc id) jcne in il)re is emeinbetDalbung am 2So(fgang cingcfeiltc, ,yt ^tuci 3)rtttcln mit 9?abcll)oi^, 311 eincm 2)rittc( mit i8ud)cn bcftanbcnc SpiUc mcinc^ ikfil.Unmci, in bcr 3Seifc, baft bic bcibcn 9^arfftcinc bc>8 Okmcinbcgutc^ 511 meincn Ungnnftcn burdj cine gcrabc ^inic ncrbunben U'crbcn." - 20 , f .^)entc nod) auf (1)rcnii'ort unb nor ^cngcn crdiilt bicfcr 3 ll f a t3 mit mciner llntcrfdjrtft feinc (Snbgiilttgfeit," crfh'irtc bcr Wcneral, ,,in bcr iWcinung jcbod) unb untcr bcr ^cbingung, baft bcr l)cutc, line cine nniHTbiirgte 3agc gcl)t, in ber Mird)c Don A)(i)t()ifon abgcfcncrtc : d)itft ,yt ben nnge- 25 fd)d)cncn ^ingcn ocrftoftcn unb, foiucit cr ^icalttiit iHittc, mit einem ciuigcn 2d)iucigcn bcbcdt lucrbc, Uicldjc^ fid) bic ^i)tl)ifcr ciblid) ocrpflidjtcn, mcbcr in bicfcm Scbcn 311 brcd)cn, nod) jenfcitci bco ($rabce> am jitngftcn Xagc unb Icfctcn cridjtc." 3)er (Sdjuj Don ber $anel 61 )cr Strad)()alber ft>ar todfyrenb biefer 9ftittetlung du&erlid) rufyig gebtteben; nur bie 9?afenflugel in bent iibrtgenei gelaf|e= nen efidjt jittcrtcn ein iuenig, unb feine ^ingerfpitjen fatten [id) nm ein fktneS einumrt3 gebogen, ate njolfe er ba3 efd)enf feftfjalten. ,,-^err (General, jo iuatjr niir (^ott 5 Ijclfe!" rlef er jet^t unb (job bie anb 511111 Sdjtuure ; SBert= ntiiller aber fcljlofj : ,,3BibrigenfaIl3 unb bei gebrodjenem <2d)u>eigen id) biejo 58ermdd)tni! bet nteiner 9ii'tdtel)r au bent beuorfteljenben ^elb^itge itmfto^en unb uertilgen luerbc. 3Bdre mir bie^ 10 nidjt ntoglid) tucgen cingetretencn SterbefaKe^, fo fdjluore id), mid) ben 9Jt x t)t()ifent aU eift 511 jeigen unb 5111* Strafe H)rc3 Sibbrudjey 5tui)d)en 3^^ llno & m * ^J re ^orfgaffe abgupatromttteren. SSerbct ^f)r bie S3ebingung crfutlen fb'nnen, Slrad)t)a(ber ?" is ,,llnnrit}ig miifsten luir fein," beteuertc biefer, , r luenn totr ntcfjt ba3 ^t x au( ()ieltcn!" ,,ttut) (Sure SBetber ?" ,,S)afur laJ3t un^ 9)h)tf)tfoner jorgen," fagte ber atte S3auer ru()ig unb mad)te cine bebcutungeuolle ^Qnbbeluegung. 20 ,,5tber, itrad)()a(ber, jtellt 6ud) Oor, id) fei au3 bent 3ieid)e gurud," fagte ber (General freunbltd),. f( luir fi|3cn unter metner ^eranba, id) lege (itd) fo luie je|5t bie )anb auf bie 3d)ulter f fto^e mit @ud) an, unb loir planbern allerlei. ^ann fag' id) fo im ^orbeigeljen : Sener Sd)iif5 bat gut gefrad)t!" ... 25 ,,2Md)er 3d)itfi? Say tiigt S()v, >err (General!" rief ber ^ird)endltefte ntit einer fittlid)en (Sntruftung, bie fomifdjer- njetfe burdjaui? md)t gefpiett luar, fonbern ba^ (^eprd'ge uolt* fommener 5tufrtd)tigfeit trug. 62 >er et Ijeim, ^fyc Scanner!" mafjnte ber $ttte. ,,>amit fetn Ungliicf gefdjefye, mujj in einer $ierte(ftunbe bag gange $)orf tuiffcn, baf3 ber djnfj . . . tuill fagcn, bafj roir Ijeute 5 eine gute ^rebtgt getjort t)aben." (Sr britcfte bent ^farrcr bte ,anb : ,,Unb Sud), err (General, " fagtc er, ,,rctc[je id) [ie ate Gibgenof |"e. " rf 55er5ic()t einen 9(ugenbtidE," 6e[aI)I SBcrtmitHer, ,,nnb fetb 3 eu 9 cu ' )l) i c c ' n gfiirflidjer $ater stoet .^a'nbe jujammen^ 10 legt. 3)cr 58ifar faint ntd)t [erne fein. Xrogcn mid) nid)t bie 9higen, fo fa() id) itjn Don lueitem itber eine )ecfe t)o(ti- gieren mit einem alto, ben id) ifjm nie gugetraut tjdtte." ,,9?at)el, mein Slinb, fdjitell !" rtef ber ^[arrcr burd) bte geoffnete Xiire in^ |)au3 tjinein. is , r @teid) f 35ater!" fdjoll e juriicl; aber nid)t att bent Snncrn ber 3Sot)inntg f fonbern Don au^en bitrd) ba SBein= lanb be 33ogcngange(3 t)crauf. 9tajd) bttdte ber (General au bent $enftcr unb gcluatjrte bnrd) ba3 93Iattgttter jeine (2d)iil5tingc in ciner ruppe, bie 20 er fief) burd)au3 nid)t erflitren fountc. ,,^)eruor f ^)irt nnb ^)trtin f au 9(rfabien3 Sauben !" rtef ber alte otbat. 3) a fd)ritt Siafjet, mtmiitig crrutenb, untcr bent fd)iiljeitben Statterbadje I)erDor nnb betrat mit ^3famtcnftie(, ben fie mil- 25 jog, ein fleinoo, Don (Sbelobftbdnmcn nm^ogencfo 9iitnbeII, ba^ (jart Dor ben $enftern ber Stnbierftnbe lag, an^ benen ber (General mit ben neitgterigeit ilirdjenDorftefjern ()entnterfd)ante. 2)a 3 rrt ' ll ^ l i" I)i<- 4 lt eine s Jtabet in ber gefenfen -^)anb nnb befeftigte Dor aller ^Ingen einen t)crabl)a'ngenben Slnopf am S)er (Sdjufe toon ber Mangel 63 be3 anbibaten. <3ie lief} fid) in ber 9Irbeit nidjt ftoren. @rft nadjbem fie ben $aben gefappt fjatte, (jeftete fie bie braunen 9lugen, in benen (Srnft unb Ubcrmut fampften, [eft auf ttjren tiwnberlidjen djnljgeift unb rtcf ifjm 511 : SJ3ate, >I)r ^abt ntir in !urjer fait ben errn 58tfar faft 5 $erftort uhb 311 ntnbe gertdjtet. SBot)I mitfjt' id) ifjn njicber in Drbnung brtngen, bamit er for ott unb 9#eufdjen erfdjeincn fonne ! 9Ba aber tjabt ^f)r nut bcm oberftcn ^nopfe angcfangen, ber fjter mangelte, unb ben id) bnrd) einen be^ 3Saters3 crfetjen nntjlte ? <2d)afft if)n ^ur tetle, 10 obet ..." (Sie erfjob bie 9^abet mit einer fo troljigen unb btutbitrftigen ebarbc gegen ben encraf, bafj bie Scanner a((e in fd)a(Ienbe clatter au3brad)en. 9^ad) locntgen ?(ugenbliden traten Spfannenfttel unb 9fJat)ct uor ben Starrer, ber fie tocrlobte unb fegncte. 15 2((^ aber bie Dergnitgten Slirdjendltcftcn fic^ cntfernt fatten, gab ber nwrbtge crr fcinem !iinftigen (2d)n)icgcrfot)ne nod) eine fuqe (5rmal)mutg : w 9Sa tuar baso, |jerr ^ifar ? 5(n ber ^irdje boriibcr* fdjlitpfcn, abgertffenc Snfipfe! . . . 3Bo bletbt ba bie 20 SSitrbe, baS 3(mt?" 2)ann luanbte er fid) gegen ben cncral: f ,(in ^ardjen !" jagte cr, ,,nun ba anbcrc ! ebt ()er, better!" Hub cr tangle i()in otjnc Umftanbc in bie 9iodtafd)e, l)ob baraiho baS f)artjptclenbe ^Stftof, 309 bann ba in ber ^ird)e 25 entlabenc (eid)tiptc(enbe au ber fetntgen unb I)ie(t fie uer- gletdjenb ^ufamnten. 64 $)er djufc uou ber ffen 511 fidj unb orbncte tioncn an. (Sin paar Stnnben fpdter ttntrbe er uon einem ^ranf|eit^anfaHe mebergetoorfen, nnb Sdjtag 15 9J?itternad)t Ijaudjte er fetne feltfame Seele au^. NOTES 65 NOTES 1 i ftttttn : obsolete for jroet. 1 6 (vicmnurv : what is the difference in the meaning of emauer, SWauer, and SBanb ? 1 12 SESettt : figurative for SBeintrauben. 1 is urn fo fraf tiger : all the stronger. 1 17 SSorte : what is the difference in the meaning of the two forms of the plural ? 1 19 uwviH'it fie : inverted order after audlj. 2 2 Jyuljithtft : the foehu is a warm, dry south or southeast wind which blows along the northern slope of the Alps in winter, spring, and autumn. It is generally preceded by a period of calm weather, characterized by exceeding clearness of the air and a sharp, bright luminosity. This soon yields to increasing haziness. At first the wind, which usually continues for about two and a half days, is cold ; then it gradually grows warmer, while the barometer falls. Its effect is debilitating ; men and animals are made uncomfortable, and are sometimes overcome by lassitude, while plants are withered. It is so strong that ships do not venture out on the lakes while it is threaten- ing, and in some of the more exposed towns the municipal ordinances require that all fires be extinguished. Usually it is followed by heavy rains. However, the foehn is beneficial as a "snow-eater," as it removes the masses of snow more rapidly than the sun does, and thus hastens the coming of spring. There is a less marked foehn from the north on the southern slope of the Alps, and the chinook of the north- western United States is of the same nature a winter wind blowing across the mountains, and warmed into a snow-eater on the lee side by coming down the slope to a region of higher barometer. 2 6 jjclitftc fic : supply the impersonal subject eg; as if it desired. 2 19 llil)tl|tfou : as the name implies, this is a fictitious town. 67 68 NOTES 2 24 dftrt)g0ttc : one of the cannibal giants encountered by Ulysses. 2 27 orttfl : syn. hoflicf). 3 i 3itrtd) ' tne chief city in the canton of the same name, situ- ated at the western end of the Lake of Zurich, where the Limmat takes its rise. $Ieifrf|ers Ultb 23>urfterfamUie : the double hyphen is frequently used in constructions where the last element of two com- pounds is the same. 3 8 fpottct . . . 3(i)aubcit : he will make all sorts of fun of. 3 9 ^Jforrer : syn. ^Bajtor, "prebiger, eelforger. 3 12 ^faiiitiMtftii'lrtint : the diminutive is frequently used as a term of endearment ; translate, my dear Pfannenstiel. 3 is ^uffcit unb Stimflen : = cftiejjen. $riil)jal)r : syn. $riU)ltng. 3 21 'JltC $unferitt : the Wertmiillers were members of the country nobility. See Introduction, p. xi. ttrirb . . . auldltgcu : will eventu- ally marry a squire. 324 (5in &ovb : lit. a basket; rejection of marriage proposal. nod) lunge fcht : by no means a. consilium abeundi : still used in German universities for "suspension" or "expulsion." Translate, march- ing order. 3 25 bcrctt ciitii]c : several of them. 4 8 SBteibe . . . rcblirf) : quoted from Ps. xxxvii. 3. The Revised Version is nearer Luther's translation than is the Authorized Version. 4 10 fort : supply gefjen. 4 12 'Seine . . . tocrtrcten : put off your childish wai/s. 4 22 fttejj . . . $opf : grew red in the face. Literal meaning ? 4 20 fettt . . . licftelleu : cf. II Kings xx. 1, Is. xxxviii. 1. 5 8 Sdjlot : syn. Sdjornftein. 6 o (SJefttfulicrt ber .>Ctr : inversion to express condition. // the gentleman gesticulates. 6 9 bet Wafjrenbem Sermouc : while the sermon is in progress. 6 25 $ft . . . gcf(f)el)Clt : wasn't he punished too severely ? Literal meaning ? 7 4 ff. : see Introduction, p. xii. 7 8 roir . . . firciflCH : we were permitted to lay hands on him. 7 !> Sa . . . |)dttc : then he was given his dues for all the crimes he had committed against the established church. Compare eintrdnfen with a well-known American slang phrase. NOTES 69 7 12 un ttm ^Soffen : to play a joke on us. See Introduction, p. xiii. 7 14 2Btr ClttbeljfCtt : after all, there is no doing without us churchmen, whatever our title and garb may be. 8 2 9?ad)Ctt : syn. Soot, <5dE)iffleiU, 33arfe. 8 13 Soititabcitt) : syn. amstag. The former is generally used in Middle and Lower Germany, the latter in Upper and Rhenish Ger- many. Is the author consistent in his use of the word ? 9 11 tm SottJCH : = in the " Lion" inn. fdjettfteit . . . Xtfdj : they treated him till they got him under the table. 9 18 rotrb . . , fdjelteit : future to denote supposition ; probably the General calls him that. 9 21 I)0(f)bcutfrf)Ctt : the Swiss dialect is o&erbeutfd) = an Upper German dialect, hocfjbeutfrf) in a philologist's sense; here fyodjbeutfdl) is used in the sense of cfyrtftbeutfd) standard German. 9 22 5(bcr . . . fngcit : but I won't let any one call me that on the lake. 10 8 ber SMihte : note dative after in. On account of this dative, ruberte = ivas rowing, and not rowed. 11 9 frfjlummcrit : syn. fcfjlafen. 11 15 ^WCtfl: syn. 21ft. 12 12 tm . . . fcfjClt : it was customary in many churches that the elders sat on an elevated bench either at the front or at the rear of the church. Cf. the " high seat " among Quakers in the United States to-day. 12 i:i VjJJtt . . . Scffct : \VertmHller VMS sitting astraddle on a light chair, with his elbows resting on its back. 12 20 OJorfcl : a gilded cock was a common ornament on the tip of a church steeple. Syn. SBetterljafjn. 13 23 tor= obcr ritrfroart^ : cf. note to p. 3, 1. 1. 13 26 QJcntCtltbettwlbunjl : as the communal forest plays an im- portant part in the story, the following citation from P. Kropotkin, Mutual Aid: a Factor of Evolution, pp. 238-240, will be of interest. " Not only the five republics of Uri. Schwytz, Appenzell, Glarus, and Unterwalden hold their lands as undivided estates, and are governed by their popular folkmotes, but in all other cantons too the village communities remain in possession of a wide self-government, and own large parts of the Federal territory. Two thirds of all the Alpine meadows and two thirds of all the forests of Switzerland are until 70 NOTES now communal lands; and a considerable number of fields, orchards, vineyards, peat-bogs, quarries, and so on, are owned in common. In the Vaud, where all the householders continue to take part in the deliberations of their elected communal councils, the communal spirit is especially alive. Towards the end of the winter all the young men of each village go to stay a few days in the woods, to fell timber and to bring it down the steep slopes tobogganing-way, the timber and the fuel-wood being divided among all households or sold for their benefit. These excursions are real fetes of manly labor. On the banks of Lake Leman part of the work required to keep up the terraces of the vineyards is still done in common. . . . The commu- nal forests in the Vaud and the Valais are admirably managed, in conformity with the rules of modern forestry. . . . And when we admire the Swiss chalet, the mountain road, the peasants 1 cattle, the terraces of vineyards, or the school-house in Switzerland, we must keep in mind that without the timber for the chalet being taken from the communal woods and the stone from the communal quar- ries, without the cows being kept on the communal meadows, and the roads being made and the school-houses built by communal work, there would be little to admire." 14 4 !Hei>ct . . . brctjcn : talk the people out of that. I don't want to fool you after I am dead. 14 13 rub'brccfjcnb : lit. "breaking on a wheel." Compare " mur- dering the king's English." 14 16 SBift . . . cufd : have you taken leave of your senses ? 14 is SJlitgefpicft : Hassan does not understand the figurative meaning of the word, and interprets it literally. 14 19 Note lack of adjective endings, due to the Moor's lack of control over the language. 14 21 ffiufft : this word, strictly speaking, can be applied only to animals; but it also has the meaning "to drink to excess." Trans- late, guzzle. It must be remembered that Hassan is a Mohammedan, and therefore was not permitted to indulge in alcoholic liquors at home. This explains the General's comparison. 14 a:t cine foltfjc : compare this word-order with the English. 14 27 nut alter Okttmlt : lit. "with all strength." Try as he would. 15 5 (Sr : used as pronoun of address only to subordinates. NOTES 71 15 16 rcflcit : syn. Beroegen, rii^ren. 15 19 al toofle Ct : for inversion see note to p. 6, 1. 6. 16 5 $f)t note cnan S e m pronoun of address. 16 14 coram populo : before all people. 16 16 Jynffcu : dialectic for ^pfaffen. 17 i 2t6cr . . . onbcr : but thaVs the way things go. 17s fttfftfrf) : cf. note to p. 16, 1. 16. 17 14 e3~. . . Ijtnetttjjcbarfen : there is a hidden meaning. Literal translation ? 17 n ff. : an illustration of the tendency of the scholars of the Middle Ages to interpret parts of the Latin and Greek classics as symbolizing or prophesying the coming of Christ. Thus the famous lines from Vergil, Eel. iv., 11. 6-7 : lam redit et virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna ; iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto. (Now the virgin comes, the Golden Age returns ; now a new offspring is sent from the high heavens.) The Sibyl also appeared in some of the mediaeval passion-plays and prophesied the birth and death of Christ. 17 21 ttrill f illicit : that is to say. 18 i ^Sfcrbefltfj : the Germans represent the devil as having a hoof, but not (like the Irish and English) as having a cloven hoof. 18 6 aliHiufrt)c 3tu5tio6c : the Aldine series was the first reliable printed edition of the classics. 18 13 Georgius etc. : George Jenatsch legally possesses me. Cost 4 3?etd^gulben (imperial guilders) 12 ^veujer (kreutzers). 18 16 SBitnbncr : abbreviation of raubunbner. George Jenatsch (born 1596), a preacher in Veltlin, took part in the strife between the Spanish Catholics and French Protestants in the Swiss canton Grau- biinden in 1638. At the head of a mob, he captured the Catholic ruler, after which the Protestants avenged their wrongs by exiling Catholic leaders and confiscating their property. Eventually Jenatsch turned Catholic and joined the Spanish party. He was murdered at a banquet in 1639. There is a legend that he was killed with an ax by his mistress, in order to prevent his enemies from wreaking ven*- geance on him. 72 NOTES 18 17 (f)ttr : capital of Graubiinden, or the canton of Orisons, in the upper Rhine valley. 18 25 Hiie . . . ftitttbcn : when we were still on good terms. 18 26 s .UinIcvnrtHC' : this was the impregnable fortress of Reynard the Fox, whose pranks and shrewdness supplied the material for numerous animal-stories during the Middle Ages. Translate strong- hold. Tnuuv : a district of Graubiinden. 18 28 Dor fid) tyttt : to himself. 19 e bet atmenbem fieibe : when one is still living. 20 2 @ucrn ftcben 0beimmben : not necessarily seven death- wounds ; seven was always considered a mystic number, and might mean only a full quota. Alcuin, the teacher of Charles the Great, claims in one of his books that seven is the scriptural number for what is complete and perfect, because seven and its multiple seventy occur so frequently in the Bible. Cf. the expression "seven senses." 20 17 frepterctt : properly used only in reference to animals. Cf. note to p. 14, 1. 21. 20 25 frf)neB : syn. rajdE), eilig, hurtig, hafttg. 21s ergrtffett : supply the auxiliary fyatte. 21 19 fieipjig, $ena : a large university is located in each of these cities. 21 20 <5id)ten unb Jradjten, Gen. vi. 5, which is always used as a substantive, mean- ing thought, imagination. Translate, what are you thinking about f 27 n 3Bomtt . . . Dcrft^erjt : how did I lose your Grace's good will ? 28 i $Ijr . . . ft-Ierfe : that, in spite of many a peculiarity, you were a good-hearted man. 28 2 gflerfe : syn. telle, $Iafc. 28 e !Hiibe,)rtl)l: Number-Nip, a mountain spirit, whose home was supposed to be in the Riesengebirge, a mountain range situated between Prussia and Bohemia. He delighted in playing practical jokes on all people who ventured into his territory, but if the victim was a deserving person his jokes always resulted in some substantial benefit. 28 20 92eiiHd) : syn. lurjlid). 29 11 3if)r . . . gefjofJCtt : you acted as my sponsor. 29 19 rflifonicrt : this word now means to discuss or argue in a quarrelsome manner. 29 20 bu . . . gut : you are entitled to draw on me for three wishes. 30 3 urn unb an : cf. note to p. 22, 1. 23. 30 16 SDJorea : the southern peninsula of Greece. 31 is e3 . . . (lltf : his keen gray eyes suddenly sparkled. 31 18 8rf)ulbubc : syn. Stfmljuncje, djullnabe. 31 21 a(3 . . . S?oud)Ictn : s if all the fauns and paniscs of the island were holding their sides for laughter. 74 NOTES 32 11 Inversion to express condition, and not on account of the question. 32 25 SBrout : the name for the betrothed woman before marriage ; after that, junge 5 rau / bride. 32 26 SKimtag in ber $ritI)C : early Monday morning. 33 6 Xifdjtcilt, beef' bid) : table, be set ! One of Grimm's fairy-tales tells of an insignificant-looking little table that would, when these words were addressed to it, suddenly be covered with the best of viands. 33 8 What is the difference in meaning between getfttg and geiftlicf) ? 33 21 iljttt . . . ritrftc : advanced towards him. Syn. of iieib ? 33 22 (SJcWttub : syn. Hleib, 2lnjug. 34 s einctt grimmigcn SBcin trait! : lit. drank a fierce wine; i.e. became fierce when he drank wine. 34 n ponton : used in the older meaning of the word, viz. guid- ing spirit, which may be good or evil. 34 13 ju gittcm (Sitbe : a modification of the phrase ju guter efct, in conclusion. The latter phrase is popularly associated with the ad- jective le^te, and conforms to it in spelling. In reality, it is derived from e^e = farewell meal, which word has now gone out of use. 34 26 6ei toityrcnbcm OJottcSbicnftc : cf. note to p. 6, 1. 9. 35 3 Skrfaffung : syn. guftcmb. 35 15 iioljenftein (1035-1083), ,>ofmamt3ttmlbau (1017-1679) : both wrote plays and lyrics of a melodramatic character. The themes for their poems were largely stories of cruelty and debauchery taken from Roman and Oriental history. 35 i!) bonn . . . ob : that is, from this world. 36 3 S33cntt . . . ift : if you really mean that. 36 23 furtjtc . . . auf : went to bed. 37 24 unb . . . QCltonttttCtt : and would have perished lamentably. 38 2 This representation of a frog's croak is borrowed from Aris- tophanes's Frogs, 11. 209 ff., where the form " brekekekex koax koax " is used. The phrase (with the full complement of syllables as in Aristophanes) is a college yell at Yale and in various other colleges, and undergoes diverse modifications, such as " Rack-ety-cax ! Coax ! Coax ! " " Rickety Ak, Ak, Ak ! " " Rickety ix, Ski ix, Ski ix ! " -" Brickety Brax ! Brickety Brax ! Kowax, Kowax ! " NOTES 75 38 5 tiufgetaud)t : this word is commonly used of a genius first showing himself above the level of common men. 38 12 9(d)cron : a river in Hades. 38 13 in fyolber aSerjttJCtflung : almost in despair. 38 14 ob : "whether"; translate, to see whether. 38 20 bic . . . 28oljnung : the dwelling from which he had fled. 40 11 Note the use of aber after the negative. Why not fonbern ? 40 21 General . . . f ritljftiirf Clt : what words are omitted by the Moor? 41 is itber . . . fang : sooner or later. 42 s 9)tatttcl unb ^ragcn : the Protestant clergymen wore a long black gown and a full white collar. 42 14 Cf. note to p. 40, 1. 11. 42 19 (Sr . . . Qllt : he lifted his hat. 43 16 ftttrfjcit . . . 2lugen : pleased the parson immensely. 43 as ikliaittc : the coast of Syria and Asia Minor. Damascus is a Syrian city. 44 13 tilt ttid)t3 : doesn't matter ! 44 27 gltcbcrlofcnbc : a literal translation of a Greek adjective which occurs twice in the last part of the Odyssey. @CttCCtu3 : Latin : old age. 45 11 er . . . iH'Hiorbcit : he had become thoroughly aroused. 45 14 fid . . . 2ltt1t : caught his arm, not "fell into his arms." 46 18 Miofofoftilc : see "rococo " in an English dictionary. 46 24 GJiamfceHiltte : Giovanni Bellini, or Gianbellin (1427 ?-1516), one of a family of artists, was a leader of the Venetian school of art. His work shows fine nature-sense, close characterization, and strong coloring. 47 5 ttgenb . . . djnle : some bravura picture of the Rubens school. Rubens (1577-1640), a Flemish painter, was perhaps the greatest master of the mechanical in painting. 47 14 IjorftCte : properly applied to the perching of wild birds in the trees. 48 2 ttntfjtc er bod) : didn't he know ? 48 5 Icfltc . . . ^fatten : frowned in disappointment. 48 13 $rifd) unb ftott : cf. note to p. 22, 1. 23. 49 3 fitcbcn : both the strong and the weak form of the adjective are permissible when modifying nouns of address. 76 NOTES 49 7 (gudj : why is this capitalized, while the same word in 1. 3 has small e ? 50 16 pcifeftwl: syn. ftjtmmer. 51 i bnS . . . fdjaffeit : that worried the licentiate. 51 19 ttM tft Gud) : what is the matter with you ? 51 22 ttw3 . . . u or 11 on i' in me it : what did he do to you ? 51 25 ^ugeftoffCIt : what auxiliary is omitted ? 52 12 $ljr . . . Jjctntflcfpottet : you wanted to act contrary to your nature, and he set you to rights with his chaffing. 52 17 fur mtrf) : for my part. 52 19 $eJ)1ttttietn : a part of the minister's remuneration consisted of a certain proportion of produce. 52 24 ntit ndjt^cfyn 3>nljren ' when he was eighteen years old. 52 20 2tabctl : a town on the Limmat, thirteen miles northwest of Zurich. (See map.) In the Middle Ages the Hapsburgs had a strong fortress at this point, called ber tein 311 33aben. It is now a famous health resort. 53 1 1 Mm . . , ^nrobtefcSglurf : now he was overwhelmed with heavenly happiness. 53 21 frfjnitt . . . Qkftdjt : looked stupid. 54 15 WiUo lint lie = ffiatsfeUer : the basement of a German town hall is frequently fitted up as a tavern. 54 16 bttfj . . . ftob : so that the fur flew. 56 i tm . . . itttb ben : since the in contained in int also governs ben, it would have been better form for the author to write in bem, or to repeat the preposition before ben. 56 16 bie . . . if) m : his bile was up. 56 24 SUZadjt . . . Gfefaittctt : what is the corresponding English figure of speech ? 56 26 @d)uf? : it is still customary in districts along the Rhine and in Switzerland to discharge fireworks at the beginning and during the progress of the vintage. The origin of the custom probably lay in the fear of evil spirits, which were to be driven away by the noise. 57 n 5Ibamit obcr SSHcbcrtfiufer : see "Adamite" and "Anabap- tist" in an encyclopedia. 57 2r> Aiitfwncf) must not be confused with Kussnacht, which figures in the Tell leerend. NOTES 77 57 27 in Qlftorf ber SeHenfdju^ : according to the legendary history of Switzerland, Tell was in 1307 forced by the tyrannical governor Gessler to shoot an apple from the head of his son. Although Tell made the shot successfully, Gessler broke his promise to liberate him. This breach of promise hastened the revolt which freed Switzerland from the rule of Austria and established the present Swiss republic. The spot where Tell's son is said to have stood while awaiting the arrow fronvhis father's bow is marked by a statue of father and child. 58 2 tt)n3 . . . tt)itt : what that means. 58 5 toerruljmter, nbfiijiirter : the old peasant in his excitement uses corrupted and dialectic words. Renowned, admired. 58 6 ettt . . . 9ttcf)tertt)l)t : the pilgrims were evidently traveling from Einsiedeln to Zurich. Einsiedeln is a town that has at present about eighty-five hundred inhabitants, and is visited annually by about one hundred and fifty thousand pilgrims, most of whom come from Switzerland and southern Germany. Its principal industry is the manufacture of images of saints, crucifixes, and other devotional articles. The pilgrims are attracted by a miracle-working image of the Virgin, which stands in a Benedictine monastery twenty-nine hun- dred feet above the village. The best route from Einsiedeln to Zurich is overland to Richterswyl, on the south bank of the Lake of Zurich, and thence by boat. See map. 58 8 ftflttb . . . llltb beufe : note that Krachhalder in his eagerness changes his tense from the preterit to the historical present in the midst of the sentence. 58 13 ^JuHertlt : a reference to the lowly antecedents of the general. 58 14 9Jfciuctbiij : Krachhalder confuses ntetneibig, perjured, with bet meinem Gib, or betm Gibe. Cf. p. 9, 1. 23 ; p. 57, 1. 23. 58 29 nnd)(nffe : the addition of nadEjldfje, which merely intensifies lafje, to the set phrase tuc unb lafje emphasizes the sarcastic reference to the fact that the people took altogether too warm an interest in the General's affairs. 59 6 rcblirfjctt : an ironical allusion to the fact that his money was obtained by plunder. 59 8 u. f. tt>. = unb fo roeiter. 59 16 fdjulre uttb ttmfte : cf. note to p. 22, 1. 23. 59 18 antistite probante : with the dean's approval. 78 NOTES 60 3 Wel= unb SBofiUfiter : cf. note to p. 3, 1. 1. 60 11 betten : an expanded form of the dative plural, once fre- quently used, and long preserved in legal documents. It has now gone out of use. 60 is meinett Uuguuften : note the dative plural. An old form. 61 e bei . . . 3rt)Uieiflcn : in case silence is broken. 61 11 ttjcgen . . . @terbcfoUc : on account of death. 61 17 Waul : cf. note on p. 14, line 21. 62 21 Wrfntiicn : see " Arcadia " in an English dictionary. 62 29 alter : genitive plural. 64 3 Apparently Pfannenstiel and Rachel never learned of the means by which the General brought matters to a head. EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION EXERCISE I \ Chapter I, to page 3 line 27 1. It was two o'clock in the afternoon when two clergymen descended to the wharf. 2. Are the parsonage and the church on the hill or near the lake ? 3. It was autumn ; the grape-vines showed only yellow leaves, and a rough wind blew across the lake. 4. The first days of the vintage had been beautiful; the warm foehn had transported a bit of Italy across the snow- covered mountains. 5. What kind of 1 man walked ahead? 6. What did he say to his companion ? 7. The latter stumbled over a stone, for his glance had been directed' 2 towards a steeple on the opposite bank. 8. The General will receive his relative, who has sent him a dissertation on the Odyssey. 9. What had Rosenstock's father been in Zurich? 10. The General's house was on an oak-covered peninsula. 11. Rachel, the child of the pastor, was engaged to a nobleman. 1 luoS fur einV 2 ridjten. EXERCISE II Page 3 line 28 to page 7 line 25 1. The young licentiate sighed in despair. 2. He could not stay where he was, and the General would refuse him the chap- laincy in his company. 3. He was not a resolute person, and his chest was not sufficiently l developed. 4. When the General came from Vienna, the whole city was in an uproar. 5. All his rela- tives came to his house in their coaches, but he was never at 79 80 EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION home. 6. Where was he? 7. What did the General do during 2 the night? 8. The pastor went to him, but he set aside the warning with a smile, took him by his coat-button, and spoke about his will. 9. The General bore ill will towards all clergy- men, because he had been fined on the charge of sacrilegious speeches. 10. With whom did he live in Vienna? 1 genug. * toa^renb with gen. EXERCISE III Chapter II 1. The despairing licentiate sat in a long, narrow skiff, which a young sailor directed towards the peninsula. 2. Blauling, the sailor, was a serious person, who did not open his mouth. 8. His skiff shot like an independent being across the lake, which was crowded with sails. 4. On Saturday the ships returned home from the weekly market. 5. The country-house of the General did not have the customary high gables. 6. A long-drawn-out cry sounded from the bank, and roused Blauling. 7. Who was it who made the noise with the General's speaking-trumpet ? 8. The strange name had been brought into the country by the General. 9. Pfannenstiel implored the sailor to turn his boat to the land. 10. The insulted youth rowed around the peninsula beyond the range of the speaking-trumpet. EXERCISE IV Chapter III, to page 12 line 27 1. Pfannenstiel entered on a narrow path, which buried itself among the oaks. 'J. The feeling of adventure began to exercise its charm in him. 3. The clearing, which he soon reached, was illuminated as if by a cupola. 4. The path turned 1 suddenly and the licentiate caught sight of the General's country-house. EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION 81 5. He stood still, 2 undecided, back of an enormous oak. 6. The General was chatting 8 with one of the church elders, whom Pfannenstiel had frequently 4 seen in Mythikon. 7. The elder was saying 3 : " We are like the flowers of the field, and must soon make our will. 5 " 8. He set aside three pounds for shingling the church steeple, and the General set aside as much for gilding the weather-vane. 1 Reflexive. ftetjen Bletben. s Preterit. oft. 6 Idiom? EXERCISE V Page 12 line 28 to page 15 line 29 1. The General did not give his forest to the commune. 2. He seized his chair by one leg, and swung it through the air. 3. The old man arose and took his leave with a shake of the hand. 1 4. When Wertmuller turned, he saw his Moor before him.' 2 5. The latter wanted to go to his friends in Meilen, where he could play cards. 6. He made such a face 3 that the licentiate, who was standing behind a tree, could not suppress a titter. 7. Pfannenstiel approached the General with many bows. 8. The General measured him from top to toe and asked him who he was. 9. When Pfannenstiel was addressed by the General, he stam- mered in embarrassment. 4 10. Wertmuller took him by the hand and led 5 him to the house. 1 Compound. * Reflexive. 3 Idiom ? 4 fate s -8erlegenl)eit. 6 fiiljren. EXERCISE VI Chapter IV, to page 18 line 22 1. The General pressed his guest into a seat and filled a glass for him. 2. He had been entertained very pleasantly by the dissertation, which lay between the leaves of a book. 3. Why had the author not dedicated the work to the General ? 4. He had 82 EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION imagination, but had proved something absurd. 5. Why is the second half of the Odyssey of especial beauty? 6. It represents the Savior, when he comes to judge the quick and the dead. 7. Pfannenstiel trembled at the bold turn which the General gave to his dissertation. 8. In his embarrassment he examined the title-page of the book which he had in his hand. 9. He dis- covered the coat of arms of George 1 Jenatsch, who had been an apostate and bloodthirsty monster. 1 eorg, or in Jenatsch's dialect 3iirg. EXERCISE VII Page 18 line 23 to page 20 line 6 1. Jenatsch had given the book to the General when the latter visited him in Davos. 2. This very night he had dreamed l of the Grison. 3. The young clergyman wished to interpret this dream as a warning 2 for the General. 4. Wertmuller was in Chur in a crowd of people ; they were walking two by two 3 into the cathedral. 5. Next to him was a man with a plumed hat and an enormous nose. 6. Whom are they burying, and for whom are they singing a requiem V 7. Wertmuller distinguished the coat of arms of the man who was walking next to him. 8. Was it logical that the man lay on his bier and walked next to Wertmuller at the same time ? 1 Impersonal. 2 bte SBarnung. * Idiom? EXERCISE VIII Page 20 line 6 to page 23 line 4 1. The General brusquely asked his guest what his request was. 2. Pfannenstiel, who did not wish to betray his despair to the General, said that a desire to see the land of Homer had sei/ed him. 3. lie applied L for the chaplaincy in the Venetian company, which was stationed in Hellas. 4. Was he qualiiied EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION 83 for a dangerous career? 5. If he wanted to see the south, he should go with a young cavalier. 6. Was Pfannenstiel a crazy antiquarian, who crawled about among the ruins, or was he driven away because he was in despair ? 7. Rachel, the daughter of the General's cousin, loved him, but her father sent him away because he could not shoot. 1 ficJj melben. EXERCISE IX Page 23 line 5 to page 26 line 26 1. The General was indebted to his cousin, who had super- vised his pack of hounds while he was fighting on the Rhine. 2. The Moor brought him two little pistols, the barrels of which he cleaned with a bit of leather. 3. He touched the trigger of one pistol, and the hammer snapped down, but the spring of the other had stiffened. 4. In the time of the crusades coats of arms were invented, but now the man is worth 1 more than the name. 5. While the two were talking, a tall girl, who came from the mainland, stepped towards them. 6. The licentiate arose awkwardly from his chair, and cast his eyes down, but then he raised them to the face a of the girl who stood before him. 1 gelten. 2 baS efidjt. EXERCISE X Chapter V 1. Rachel was sitting on a bench near a path which wound around the peninsula, and turned her face to the General, who was addressing her. 2. She was not satisfied with her godfather, who had tempted 1 her father to shoot ducks in the swamp on a Sunday, while the whole village was judging the shots. 3. Asleep and awake, the clergyman thought only of his gun, and 84 EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION recently the girl had 2 to lock it in her clothes-press when the dean announced his visit. 3 4. The General loved Rachel, and did not wish to make her unhappy, so he helped her. 5. What were her three wishes ? 6. The girl had confidence in the loyalty of her relative, and knew also that he liked her. 1 Derleiten. 2 miiffen. EXERCISE XI Chapter VI 1. It was late in the evening when Wertmuller and Pfannen- stiel sat opposite each other at the table. 2. The General told the delighted licentiate about the scenery in Greece, about the beautiful sea and the noble temples, but did not refer 1 to his military adventures. 3. Hassan, who had already 2 brought the pistols, now brought powder, and the pistols were loaded. 4. Where did the General go the nest 3 day? 5. Why would Rachel remain at home ? 6. The licentiate went to the parson- age, abducted the girl that he loved, and brought her to the General's house. 7. While these two were in the house, Wert- miiller loaded the cannon, and defended the dike which connected the peninsula with the mainland. 1 gebenten with gen. 2 fcfjon. 3 natfjft. EXERCISE XII Chapter VII 1. The narrow dike, towards which Pfannenstiel hastened, was interrupted by a gate and a bridge, but he knew that this gate could not be closed. '_>. Hut by 1 the light of the moon he saw that the bridge was raised; it was an impossibility to wade through the marsh, because he was not acquainted 2 with the ford; he was a prisoner. 3. While he was standing at the bank, EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION 85 Hassan came with a lantern, and urged him to return to the house. 4. There was nothing else to do, and he followed the negro. 5. When he awoke the next morning, Hassan told him that the General had gone to church. 1 Bei. 2 fennett. EXERCISE XIII Chapter VHI 1 . Wertmtiller walked along the road, not far from the church ; he looked a very dignified, and carried a hymn-book in his right hand. 2. The people of Mythikon were pleased to see him ; for they considered 2 his visit an honor to the congregation. 3. His cousin Wilpert, the pastor, was just 3 stepping out of the court- yard ; he was surprised to see the General, for his daughter had told him nothing. 4. Will you invite me to dinner after the sermon ? 5. When Rachel had hurried back into the house, the General drew a pistol out of his pocket. 6. The pastor took it, and stepped into a low arbor which was at the side of the house. 7. The bells had stopped ringing, and one could hear only the buzzing of the wasps among the grapes in the arbor. 1 au=fel)en. 2 auf=faffen with al. 3 eBen. EXERCISE XIV Chapter IX 1. The hymn which the pastor indicated was one of the most popular of the hymn-book. 2. While it was being sung, the General turned his face to the congregation ; but he also observed his cousin in the pulpit. 3. What was the pastor doing while the congregation sang the hymn? 4. What was the text of his sermon? 5. A loud shot was heard, 1 and when the smoke had drifted up, the congregation saw that the pastor had a pistol in 86 EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION his right hand. 6. But he was not frightened ; he continued his sermon, and, without missing a word, brought it to an end. 7. The cloud of powder-smoke floated over the congrega- tion, at times in the shadows and at times illuminated by a sunbeam. 1 Active with man. EXERCISE XV Chapter X 1. When Rachel had given her orders to Babeli, she took a little basket and went out to the arbor to cut some l grapes. 2. While she was in the arbor, Pfannenstiel jumped over the hedge and came directly towards her. 3. Rachel was frightened 2 at his appearance ; for his coat-buttons were torn aw r ay, and his face was pale after the sleepless night. 4. He confessed all his experiences on the island to her. 5. Did she like him just as he was? 6. She fastened his buttons immediately, for it hurt her to see him in this condition. 7. What did she learn in the kitchen ? 1 Omit. J erfiinYttfl adj. deliberate, bcbnn'tctt re/i. to thank ; to be grateful. \ bebe'rfett tr. to cover. bebett'feit (-badEjte, -bacfyt) Zr. to consider. bcbeuf '(id) adj. serious, suspicious. bcbcu'tctt tr. to signify, mean. bebeu'tettb adj. considerable. bebeu'iltngStioU adj. significant, bie iyebtit'guug (-en) condition. beci'Iett reft, to hasten. bccn'btgt part, finished. bcer'bett tr. to fall heir to. befab/rcn (a u a) tr. to travel over. ber S3efeb,l' (-e) command. befelj'len (ie a o) tr. (dat.) to command, order. befe'fttgett tr. to fasten. befc'fttgt part, settled down. bcftit'bcn (a it) refl. to find one's self, to be. befiir'bent tr. to transport. bcfro'gcit tr. to question. befrct'en tr. to liberate. bcfrcnt'bctt tr. to estrange. befric'btijeu tr. to satisfy, bie Scgo'bmtg (-en) talent. begc'bcn (i a e) refl. to come to pass. begcfl'ltcn intr. (aux. fein) to hap- pen. bcge'^cn (-ging, -gangen) tr. to commit. bcgclj'rcn tr. to desire. beget'ftert part, enthusiastic, in his (etc.) enthusiasm. begttt'nen (a o) tr. to begin. begro'ben (a it a) tr. to bury. begrci'fcn (-griff, -griffen) tr. to comprehend. bcgren'jen tr. to limit. begru'fjen tr. to greet, bie 83egrii'$uitg (-en) greeting. beJjatt'belii tr. to treat. bcb,anb'fd)ul)t part, gloved. bdjcrr'fdjcn tr. to control. bet prep, with dat. by, at, with, during, among. bctdj'tett tr. to confess. bct'bc adj. both ; bie betben the two. 6ei r fpieno adj. unexampled. bejo'b,en tr. to affirm; beja^enb in assent. bcfom'pfcu tr. to combat. btfanttt' part, acquainted, familiar. bcflci'bdt tr. to clothe, cover ; etne telte , to fill a position. befiint'tttern refl. to worry about. bdti'rfjcln tr. to smile at. beto'djett tr. to laugh at. bdu'gcrn tr. to besiege, bie SBelo'gcrung (-en) siege. bclegt' part, paved. belctbt' adj. stout. bclci'btgcit tr. to offend. bctc'fcn adj. well-read. belcitdj'tcu tr. to illuminate, bie 58cIcitd)'tUHg (-en) illumination. bdicbt' part, popular. bemodj'ttgen refl. to take posses- sion of. 96 VOCABULARY lirntiiit'itcit tr. to man. bemer'fen tr. to remark. benannt' part, aforesaid. benen'nen (-nannte, -nannt) tr. to name, mention. beniit'jcn tr. to use. lieu li'nrt) ten tr. to observe. bcqitcm' adj. comfortable, con- venient. berei'dicrn tr. to enrich. berctt' adj. ready. bergon' adv. uphill. berid)'ten tr. to report. bcru'fen (ie it) tr. to summon; refl. with auf to call to witness. bie Skrufei'art (-en) vocation. beru'ljigeu tr. to calm. beriifjtttt' part, renowned. beriifi/rett tr. to touch. bie 23eritl)'ruttg (-en) contact. befugt' part, aforesaid. befcfjd'ben adj. modest. bcfcfjen'fen tr. to present. befrf)im'pfcn tr. to disgrace. befrfjut'bdu tr. to shingle. bie SBefrfjttt'bdung shingling. beftfjrfin'fcn tr. to limit. bcfd)rci'bcn (ie ie) describe. befcfjrd'tcn (-fcftritt, -frfjritten) tr. to walk on. bcfrf)Wii'ren tr. to adjure. bcfd'ttflClt tr. to set aside. befitt'flCJt (a u) tr. to sing about. bcftn'ncil (a o) refl. to meditate, think. bie iBefin'nung senses. ber iBcfilj' (-e) possession, estate. bcftt'jcn (-fa|, -feffen) tr. to pos- sess. bae ^cfilj'tunt ("er) property. bie Scftt'jung (-en) estate, pos- sessions. bcfott'bcr adj. especial. befon'fcer^ adv. especially. bcfor'geit tr. to attend to. befpre'djcu (t a o) tr. to discuss. bcftan'bcn part, wooded. bcftat'teit tr. to bury. bie SBeftot'tung (-en) burial. bcftc'^cn (-ftanb, -ftanben) tr. to undergo. bcftct'gcn (ie ie) tr. to mount, ascend. bcftel'Ien tr. to put in order; fein , to make one's will. part, in dismay. ber Sefud)' (-e) visit, company. befu'rfjcn tr. to visit. bcttt'ften tr. to handle, feel. be'ten intr. to pray. beteu'eru tr. to affirm, assert. bcti'tetlt tr. to entitle. betrarfj'tett tr. to consider, exam- ine. bie SBetradj'tung (-en) inspection, meditation. bctre'ten (-trittft o e) tr. to step into, step on. bie S?etriib r ni3 (-fle) sadness. ber SBett'lcr ( ) beggar. ber 23ett'tt)infel ( ) corner of the bed. beun'rufytgett tr. to disturb. bcur'tcileu tr. to judge. bie SBeu'te booty. bas Scu'tcftitrf (-e) spoil. bcwiJI'fcrn tr. to people, populate, crowd. bet>or'--ftch,en (ftanb, geftanben) intr. to impend. VOCABULARY 97 beWe'geit tr. to move. bte 93ett>e'gung (-en) motion. bewei'fen (ie ie) tr. to prove. bettier'bett (i a o) tr. to cul- tivate. bie SBettur'tUttg entertainment. bewofi/ttett tr. to inhabit, occupy. bettwn'bern tr. to admire. bie SBettwn'benmg admiration. adj. conscious. n tr. to pay. besetcb/nen Zr. to mean, signify, indicate. begttJtn'gen (a u) tr. to subdue. bie Si'bel (-n) Bible. bag SBttftotfyef 'simmer ( ) library. bte'cjcn (o o) tr. to bend. bie'ten (o o) tr. to offer. bag SBilb (-er) picture, image. bil'bett tr. to form. bil'Hg adj. fair, just. btn'ben (a u) tr. to bind. bie SBir'ne (-n) pear. bi3 prep, with ace. until, to. bi'fdjiJfltd) adj. episcopal. bib,er' adv. until now. btjj'tfjen adv. bit, little. bie SBtt'tc (-n) request. bit'tcn (bat, gebeten) tr. to ask, beg. bldttf adj. bright. blo'fcn (a ie a) tr. to blow. ber SBla'fer ( ) trumpeter. blaph,cmtc'rcn tr. to blaspheme. bloft adv. (comp. -"er, sup. ^eft) pale, liazy. bie SSlaf'fe paleness. bas 23(ott ("er) leaf. bag SBliit'terbo^ ("er) leafy roof. blat'tern tr. to turn the leaves. bag Stott'gitter ( ) leafy trellis. blott adj. blue. bie 33Iau'c blueness, blue waters. blci'bcn (ie ie) intr. (aux. jein) to remain ; fte'fyen , to stand still, stop. blei'bcitb pres. part, lasting. ber Stci'fttft (-e) lead-pencil. ber SBlirf (-e) glance. blt'rfen intr. to glance. ber SBliij (-e) lightning. blit'^en intr. to sparkle. bltij'frf|ttell adj. quick as light- ning. ber Slorf ("e) block. ber SBIiJb'finn imbecility. blottb adj. blond. blo| adv. only. blii'ljett intr. to bloom. btii'Ijcttb pres. part, ruddy. bie Sllt'mc (-n) flower. bag Slut blood. blut'biirftig adj. bloodthirsty. blll'tcn intr. to bleed. ber Slut'gcrucf) smell of blood. bht'tig adj. bloody. ber JBIut'menfef) (-en) blood- thirsty man. bag SBo'genfcnftcr ( ) bay-win- dow. ber SBo'gcngong ("e) arched way. biJ3 r bii'fc, adj. mean, wicked, bad. ber !8b'fett>idjt (-er or -e) ras- cal. bo3'b,aft adj. malicious. bie !80'b,ett (-en) wickedness, misdeed. ber So'te (-n) messenger. bie JBrou'c (-n) eyebrow. 98 VOCABULARY bniiiii adj. brown. bie Sprout ("e) betrothed, bride. bag $rnuuur'bili> (-er) bravura picture. brc'rfjett (i a o) tr. to break. brett adj. broad, bag ^rcfcfeg' tong' oaj' br6k6- kex ko-ax ko-ax (the croaking of frogs). brctt'ncn (brcmnte, gebrcmnt) intr. to burn, bie JBrctt'neffel (-n) stinging nettle. brin'gcn (bradjte, gebradjt) tr. to bring, induce. bag JBri)t'rf|cn ( ) roll (of bread), bie iBrii'rfc (-n) bridge, ber jyru'bcr (") brother. brit'bcrlirf) adj. fraternal. brunt ' men intr. to growl, grumble, ber SBrtnt'ncu ( ) well, drii'of adj. brusque, ber JBruft'fnften ( ) chest, bie SBruft'fcttc (-n) side of the breast. bieSBvufHafdje (-n) breast-pocket, ber SiH'uft'ton ("e) deep tone, ber SBu'bc (-n) knave. ba3 5Buri) (^er) book, bie SBu'dje (-n) beech tree, ber SBitdj'ljfittMcr ( ) bookseller; may include the busineas of a iU'rla^oburfjljdnbler, publisher, ber 5Biirf)'fcttmciftcr ( ) master- gunner. ber iBiirii'fcnfrfymicb (-e) gunsmith, bie SBilc^'fenf^nttebcfunft art of gun-making. but()ftoDie'rcu tr. to spell, bie iBudjt (-en) cove, bay. ber UMirt'linn (-e) low bow. ber SBiinb'ucr ( ) Grison. baS SBitnb'ntg (-fje) agreement; confederation. ber 23ur'j}crfrieg (-e) civil war. Mr'flcrlicf) adj. civil. ber ^Burgun'bcr Burgundy wine. ber Syur'fc^c (-n) fellow. bie SSu'fje penitence. bit'feen tr. to fine. bie gnm^o'flitc (-n) (pr. -anje) campaign. bie Karrtc're (-n) career. bieGJjait'ce (-n) (pr. fd)a"9^e) risk. ber Gfyaraf'tcr (-e) character. bie Gfytf'fre (-n) (pr. -fer) cipher, monogram. ber (f)or ( M e) choir ; bag , chan- cel. ber Gljrift (-en) Christian. ber (Sljn'ftcnmcnfd) (-en) Chris- tian. bie Ofjjri'ftiit (-nen) (female) Christian. d)rtft'(t(^ ftdj. Christian. bie Gfjro'utf (-en) chronicle. bo adv. there, then ; conj. since, when. bctbct' (tdv. with that, thereby. bag T'nrf) ("er ) roof. bitfiir' <"Iv. for that, for it. bas ^n'flClucfcufctn former exist- ence. i>nl|niii' adv. at home. VOCABULARY 99 ballet*' adv. hence, for this reason. bafyitt';fttl)ren tr. to lead thither. bafyiii'ter adv. back of that, back of it. iHi'iunliii adj. of that time. bn'iunlo adv. at that time. bonta^Ste'rcn tr. to damask. buttttt' conj. so that ; adv. with that, with it. ber $>ntnm <^e) dike. bom'merig adj. dusky, dark. luim'mcrn intr. to grow dark. ber $amon p (gen. -g, pi. -en) de- mon, guiding spirit. bdmo'ltifdj adj. demoniacal. ber auf thanks ; nrif'jen to be grateful for. bag anf 'Heb (-er) song of thanks. bonit ndv. then. barfllt' adv. of that, in that. bnrnn f =njenbcH (tuattbte, geroanbt) tr. to apply to that. baruuf adv. thereon, thereupon. barau' adv. out of that. barht', borin'itcn, ado. in which, in there. barit'bcr adv. over that, over it. bnrum' adv. therefore. bnrun'tcr adv. under that, under it, by that, by it. bttj? conj. that. bn&Olt' adv. therefrom, from that, from it. brtuon r =tragcu (a u a) tr. to carry away. bflUOt' adv. in front of it. bttju' adv. thereto, in addition. ba3Ut'fd)cn=f(iI)ren (a it a) intr. (aux. fein) to break in, in- terrupt. bag Tcccu' mum (gen. -g', pi. -ien) decade, be'rfen tr. to hide, cover'; to set (a table) ; to excuse. bebtjte'ren tr. to dedicate. beitt pass. adj. your, ber $>efan' (-e) dean. bc'ntiitig adj. humble. ben'fen (bad)te, gebacfyt) intr. to think ; refl. to imagine. benn conj. for; adv. then. beit'ttod) adv. nevertheless. ber (fern, bte, neut. bag) dem. pron. and adj. this, this one, that, that one ; pers. pron. he, she, it, they ; bag ind. pron. that one, those ; def. art. the ; rel. pron. who, which, that. berb adj. substantial. berfel'be (fern, biefelbe, neut. baQfelbe) dem. pron. the same, bcfpcrot' adj. desperate. be'fto adv. . je nte&r, beffer the more the better. beu'tctt intr. to point. bcitt'ttdj at?;, distinct, bte cut'Hrf)fett distinctness. beutfcf) adj. German; bag Seut'ftfje the German language, bag eutfdj'Ianb Germany, bte ^cui'fc (-n) motto. birfjt adj. close. bidj'tcu intr. to meditate ; unb trad/ten to compass and imag- ine, think about, bao ^ tcfj'tcrttJort (-e) poet's saying. bit! adj. thick, ber 1)ieb (-e) thief, ber te'bc3fcf)ritt(-e) thief's tread, ber ^ienft (-e) service. 100 VOCABULARY bienffbefliffeit adj. zealous, bus- tling. bie'fer (fern, bieje, neut. biefes) dem. pron. this, the latter. bet ^ie'trtdj (-e) skeleton key. bag Stttfl (-e) thing. bet $i3fur' (-e) discourse. bie "Stffertation' (-en) disserta- tion. bod) adv. still, nevertheless, at least, after all, surely, however. bie T)om'firdje (-n) cathedral. ber $ott r ner thunder. boit'lterttJCtter interj. thunder and lightning. bie $oH'itertt)0(fe (-n) storm- cloud. bop'JJClt adj. double. bie $>orf'{jnffe (-n) village street. bie 1)0rf'lcute (pi.) villagers. bbrf'ltd) adj. rural, rustic. bort adv. there. bojtc'rcu inLr. to lecture. ber Srn'rfjC (-n) dragon. ber Xranta'ttfcr ( ) dramatist. bron see baran. bra'ftifd) adj. drastic. brnu'fjen adv. outside. bre'ljeit tr. to turn. brci num. three. brci'crtifl adj. three-cornered. brct'ntttl adv. three times. brcift adj. bold. brcitau'feub num. three thousand. briu'gcn (a u) intr. (aux. join) to penetrate. brin'ncn adv. within ; ba , in there. brttt num. adj. third. ba3 $rit'tel ( ) third. bro'bcn adv. up above. bro'f)en tr. to threaten, broli'ueit intr. to resound. bromme'tCH intr. to trumpet. brii'6eu adv. yonder, there; bort , ba , over there, ber Sintif'iwcfjftabe (gen. -n3, pi. -n) type, printed letter. bru'rfen tr. to print. brii'ddt tr. to press, oppress, ber ^rii'rfer ( ) trigger, bie $rl)a'be (-n) dryad. btt pers. pron. thou, you. bumm adj. (comp. E er, sup. "ft) stupid. buu'fct adj. dark, bag 'Siitt'fcl darkness. buit'fclbcJUOlbct adj. dark with forests. bunfdgriin' adj. dark green, bitvrt) prep, with ace. by means of, through. bitrdjaitfii' adv. throughout, thor- oughly, entirely ; nidEjt not at all. burd)bolj'rcn tr. to pierce. burd)'=gcf)cu (gtng, tjegaugen) intr. (aux. fein) to run away. burd)'=fijmmcu (fam o) intr. (aux. fein) to get through. burdj'ftdjtio adj. transparent, clear. burri)|"(o'f?cn (6 ic o) tr. to pierce. burd)jic'l)cn Hog, -sogen) tr. to traverse. bitr'fcn (burfte, geburft) intr. to be permitted, dare. bitrf'tifl adj. needy, insufficient, bas 2)iit f 5cnb (-e) dozen. VOCABULARY 101 e'bcit adv. just, after all. e'betlfallS adv. also, likewise. e'bcitfo adv. likewise, just as. ebenfomcl' ado. just'as much. bag @'d)0 (gen. -g, pi. -g) echo. ed)t adj. genuine. bie (g'rfc (-n) corner. C'bel adj. n6ble. ber 'belobftbaum (^e) fine fruit- tree. e'ljc adv. before. bte ( r J)C (-n) marriage; tomb ber , married life. eyelid) adj. conjugal. e'ljer adv. sooner, rather. eljr'bar adj. respectable. bte (glj'rc (-n) honor. bag (5f) r rentt>ort word of honor. bag Gljr'gcfutll sense of honor. ber (Jljr'gcij ambition. eljr'Hd) adj. honest. Gljr'ttJurbCtt (as title) reverend sir. djr'ttriirbig adj. venerable. bag @i (-er) egg. bte i'd)e (-n) oak. ei'djenbcftattbcit adj. oak-covered. bag i'rfjcnbunfcl shadow of oak- trees. bag i'cfjcnljotj oak wood. bag @ttf| r f)0rn ("er) squirrel. ber @ib (-e) oath. ber Sib'brutf) perjury, breach of faith. ber gtb'gcnoffc (-n) confederate. Ctb'It^ adv. on oath. ei'fcttt intr. to speak excitedly. ei'gett adj. own. bie (Ji'gennrt (-en) peculiarity. et'geittlid) adv. really. bte @i'(c haste ; fyaben to be in haste. ci'Ictt intr. to hasten. ci'Iig adj. hasty. citt (fern, etne, neut. etn) ind. art. a, an ; num. one ; ind. pron. one. eitt'=bUbett reft, to imagine, bte (Sin'budjtung (-en) inlet, ber (Siu'brurf (~e) impression, bag in'buufcltt twilight. ci'ttcr (etne, eing) ind. pron. one. eut'iarf) adj. simple, ber Sin'fttU ("e) idea. ein f =faflctt (a fiel a) intr. (aux. fein) to occur to. bte Gtn'falt simplicity, ber itt'jjang ("e) entrance, intro- duction. bte @tn r gcbuitg (-en) inspiration. ein'=ge^en (fling., gegangen) intr. (aux. fein) to enter upon. cht f =gral)en (a u a) tr. to en- grave. etlt'=l)0ttbtgctt tr. to hand over. etttl)cr r =fommcn (!am o) intr. (aux. fein) to walk along. einl)cr'=fcf)rcitcn (fc^ritt, gefc^rit= ten) intr. (aux. fein) to stride along. ei'utgc adj. several. Ctn'=fctlcu tr. to wedge in. etu'=Icgcn tr. to insert. eht'mol adu. once ; auf , all at once ; nod) , again ; nicfjt , not even. cin'=ne^mcu (ntmntft, nahm, ge= notnmen) tr. to occupy. VOCABULARY ciit' rn!)iitcii tr. to frame. ein'=rebeit tr. to convince, per- suade. cin'=rcitc (ritt, geritten) intr. (aux. fein) to ride in. bie Gin'famlctt solitude. ein'=fd)ettfett tr. to fill (a glass). ein'=fd)lofcrn tr. to put to sleep. eitt'=fdj(agcn (a u a) tr. to fol- low (a path). ein'=fd)lic9cn (o o) tr. to include. etn'=fd)ud)tcrtt tr. to intimidate. ettt'=feljeit intr. to begin, resume. etttft adv. once, some time. cin'=ftcl)cn (ftcmb, geftanben) tr. to answer for, admit. ctn'=ftimmcn intr. to agree. ein'=tronfeit tr. to soak, steep ; to punish. ein'=trctcn (trittft a c) intr. (aux. fein) to step in ; to occur. bet Gin'tritt (-e) entrance. Ctlt'tDcirtS adv. to the inside, in- wardly. cin'=tt)Ctl)CU tr. to initiate. eilt=tt>erfcn (i a o) tr. to inter- rupt. ein'=lt)irfc(n tr. to wrap, enclose. Cttt'=tt)tHt}}CU intr. to agree. bie Gpiu'luUliflUttg consent. Ctn'^tfl adj. single, only. ei'fcrit adj. of iron, iron. Ct'tcl adv. purely, nothing but. bcr Glcfcntt' (-en) elephant. bie (5lcgic f (-n) elegy. boo CHcment' (-c) element. bie Glcmcutar'frttft ("e) elemen- tary power. ber (fl'Icnliogcn ( ) elbow. ber ($mpfang' ("e) reception. gcn (a i a) tr. to re- ceive. cmpor'=louern intr. to look up stealthily empor'=qucUcn (i o o) intr. (aux. feinf to well up. entpor'=rtd)teit tr. to straighten up. emjjor'=fd)tc|en (o o) intr. (aux. fein) to shoot upwards. cmpor r =ftcigcn (ie ie) intr. (aux. fein) to ascend. eittpdrt' adj. indignant, bas (git'be (gen. -9, pi. -n) end. bie (nb'gitltigtcit ultimate valid- ity. enb'ltd) adv. finally, at last. ber@nb'^unft (-e) extreme point, angle. eng adj. narrow, ber Grn'gel ( ) angel, ber itg'lfinber ( ) Englishman. cntbcfj'rcn fnfr. to lack, do without. CMtbc'rfcn tr. to discover, bie (Sn'tc (-n) duck. Clttci'Icn intr. (aux. fein) to hasten away. cntfaPtcn tr. to unfold. Clttfcr'ncu tr. to remove ; refl. to depart. cittfernt' part, distant, bie Gittfcr'nung (-en) distance. Clttflic r l)cu (o o) intr. (aux. fein) to flee. cntfiilj'rcn tr. to abduct. enige'gettgcfe^t adj. opposite. entge'gcn=fDmntcii (fam o) intr. (aux. fein) to come towards. cittgc'flcn=trctcn (trittft a e) intr. (aux. }ein)(dat.) to advance towards, meet. VOCABULARY 103 cntge'gcn=ionbern intr. (aux. fetn) (dat.) to saunter towards. entgeg'nen tr. to reply. entge'fien (-ging, -gangen) intr. (aux. fein) to escape. eittlje'beit (0 o) tr. to relieve. ber ($ntljuftad p ntu$ enthusiasm. eiltfrfif'tcn tr. to invalidate. eittlo'ben (a u a) tr. to un- load. * entlttf fen (it ie a) tr. to dis- miss. enttter'Den tr. to unnerve. eutrci'ftett (t i) tr. to tear away from. Ctttrii'ftet part, indignant. bie (Sntrtt'ftuug indignation. cntfdjct'ben (ie ie) tr. to decide. etttfdjte'ben odj. determined ; adv. decidedly. C!Uftf)ltc r ^CH (o o) refl. to come to a conclusion. Clttfdjlof'fen adj. determined, firm. cntfdjhtm'mcrn intr. (aux. fein) to fall asleep. ctttfdjul'btgeu tr. to excuse. bao Gutfet'jClt horror. cntfclj'ltd) adj. horrible. ctttfprtn'gen (a u) intr. (aux. fetn) to run away. ctttftc'ljcit (-ftanb, -ftanben) intr. (aux. fein) to arise, develop. C!ttftc('(cn tr. to disfigure. Cltttau'fdjcn tr. to disappoint. entnn'rfeltt refl. and tr. to develop. cntnriu'ben (a u) tr. to wrest from. entsic'fyen (-jog, -jogen) tr. to withdraw. part, delighted. Ctttpn'ben tr. to light, set on fire. bie Gpo'cfje (-n) epoch. er (fern, fie, neut. eg, pi. all gen- ders fie) pers. pron. he, she, it. erbcirm'ttd) adv. miserably. erfiou'ctt refl. to be edified. crtiau'Hci) adj. edifying. bie 6r6ou'ung edification. er&e'beit intr. to tremble. erbtt'ten (-bat, -fceten) tr. to re- quest, persuade. er&tt'tern tr. to embitter. erblt'rfen tr. to catch sight of. bie @r'bc (-n) earth. bag rb'gcfdjofj (-ffe) ground floor. crfafj'ren (a u a) tr. to learn. crfafj'rcn part, experienced. crfiu'bcu (a u) tr. to invent. bie (Jrfiu'bung (-en) invention. ber (Srfolg' (-e) success. crfrcut' part, pleased. crfitl'lcit tr. to fulfill. crgc'Ijcu (-ging, -gangen) refl. to break out in, indulge. crgrout' part, gray-haired. crgm'feu (-griff, -griff en) tr. to seize. crljal'tcn (a ie a) tr. to re- ceive. erlje'ficit (o o) tr. to raise; refl. to rise. erljet'tcrn tr. and intr. to cheer up. crfjct'tcit tr. to illuminate. crljiljt' part, heated, flushed. crfjo'fctt refl. to recover. erin'ncru tr. to remind ; refl. to remember. 104 VOCABULARY erfcn'nen (-fannte, -lannt) tr. to recognize. erfla'rett tr. to explain, declare. crlnn'jicu tr. to obtain. Ctlaf'fcn (d ie a) tr. to remit. erlau'fccit tr. to permit. crlmi'fdjen tr. to overhear. erle'bcit tr. to experience. bas (rfeb'm3 (-ffe) experience. crJc'biflt part, vacant (position). erlcidj'tern tr. to relieve, facilitate. erleurfj'tCtt tr. to illuminate. bie (Srlo'funfl relief. bie Grmol)'nung (-en) admoni- tion. erman'itctt reft, to take heart. eritft adj. serious, solemn. ber (Jrnft seriousness. ernft'fyaft adj. grave. eritft'lid) adv. seriously. ernitrfi'tertt tr. to sober. bie Grijff'mmg (-en) opening. erput'tfen tr. to refresh. crrc'jJCtt tr. to arouse, excite. crrct'rfien tr. to reach, attain. crro'ten intr. to blush. crfdjol'leit (o o) intr. to re- sound. crfdjei'ttcn (ie ie) intr. (aux. fein) to appear. bie Grfrfjci'mutg (-en) appear- ance. crfrf)rc'tfett (i a o) intr. (aux. fein) to become frightened. crfrfjiit'tcrn tr. to agitate. crfct'^ctl tr. to replace. cvfpa'rcit tr. to spare, save. bao (frfpor'niS (-ffe) saving. cr't num. arlj. first; adv. only, at first. crftou'itcn tr. to astonish ; intr. to be astonished. bos O'rftnu'iten astonishment. er'ftettg adv. in the first place. crfti'rfen tr. to smother. crtrtt'flcn (ci u a) tr. to en- dure. ertriifl'Ud) adj. endurable, toler- able. erttw'djen intr. (aux. fein) to awake. erttWlfj'fen part, mature. crttmr'tett tr. to expect, await. crroci'fen (ie ie) tr. to show. ertocr'bcn (i a o) tr. to ac- quire. erttri'bern tr. to reply. crjfilj'len tr. to relate, tell. e see er. et'ttW ind. pron. something ; adv. somewhat. CU'er poss. adj. your. @u're3g(et(f)ett such as you. C'ttJtg ad;', eternal. ber Gjamino'tor (gen. -g, pi. -o'ren) examiner. bas Sjcrstcr'rcglcmcnt (-e) army- regulation. n tr. to explain. bie ^acon' (-5) pattern. ber Jfa'bctt (^) thread. ber ftof'fe see ^faffe. faf'fiftl) see pftiffifcf). ftt^l ad;', sallow. fo^'rcn (d u a) intr. (aux. fein) to pass, go ; fatjrenb wan- dering. VOCABULARY 105 bte $aljrt (~ en ) tri P- bag gfaljr'seug (-e) vehicle. ber fall (-"e) case. fal'len (a ftel a) intr. (auz. fein) to fall. fttl'Icn tr. to fell; etnen prucf) , to pronounce judgment, bte ^ttl'te (-n) wrinkle, bte $antt'lie (-n) family, bte gar'&e (-tt) color, ber ^far'benglans brilliancy of colors. bte gfaffu'be (-n) facade, front, fttf'fcn tr. to seize, take. faft adv. almost, ber ^aun (-e) faun, bte &auft (*e) fist, bie 3fcd)t r pofttur (-en) fighting position. bte gfe'bcr (-n) pen; spring, ber f^e'bcrljut (*e) plumed hat. ber g'C'berpg (*e) pen-stroke. felj'len intr. to be lacking. fei'erfid) adj. solemn. fcttt adj. fine, skillful. feutb'feltg adj. hostile. feiit'gefujgen part, gracefully curved. bag &elb (-er) field, ber ^clb'fjerr (gen. -n, pi. -en) general, bte $db'faplanei (-en) field chaplaincy. ba3 g-clb'lagcr ( ) camp. bte $elb'frf)ia^t (-en) battle, ber gfelb'jug ( a e) campaign. ba ^en'ftcr ( ) window, bte ^fcn'fteruifdje (-n) recess of a window. fer'ne adj. distant. bte fer'ne distance. feft adj. firm, fixed; ba3 e Sanb mainland. feft'=ljalten (ii ie a) tr. to hold fast. ba3 ^eft'Ianb mainland, bte 5'Ctt'frf)td)t (-en) layer of fat. bag $eu'er ( ) fire. feu'errot adj. fire-red, bte ^eu'crwaffe (-n) fire-arm. feu'rtg adj. fiery, bag ^tbeifomtmft' (-ffe) entail, bas ^tc'bcr fever. fte'&ertt intr. to burn (with fever); ftebernb feverish, bie gftgitr' (-en) figure. ftn'bcn (a it) tr. to find, ber ^ttt'jjer ( ) finger, bte gw'flerfpi^e (-n) finger-tip, ber $tfcf)'ftm fisher boy. ftgie'ren tr. to fix one's eye on (some one). find) adj. (comp. -"er, sup. -"ft) flat. bie $fant'nte (-) flame. ftam'mcn intr. to blaze, ber $lerf (~ e ) s P ot - bag fflc'fytn entreating. fle'ljetttlid) adj. suppliant, bie ^Ici'fdjerfomittc (-n) family of butchers. flte'gctt (o o) intr. (aux. jein) to fly. flte'Ijett (o o) intr. (aux. jein) to flee. fltm'tnertt intr. to glimmer, bte glii'te (-n) flute. flij'ten intr. to warble. flott adv. smoothly. 106 VOCABULARY bie ftlud|t flight. ber ^lit'fld ( ) wing. bie ,"ylii'|]dtiir (-en) folding-door. bie $ffar (-en) field. bie gftor (-en) or ber gflur (-e) entrance-hall, vestibule. flu'ftertt tr. to whisper. bie ftlut (-en) flood. bie ftoljtt'Iuft ("e) foehn. bie Jyol'ge (-n) result. foCgcn intr. (aux. fein) (dat.) to follow. fop 'pen tr. to chaff. bie gford'Ie (-n) trout. bie orm (-en) form. for'men tr. to form. ber ftforft (-e) forest. fort adv. away. fort'=fof)rcn (a u a) intr. (aux. fein) to continue. fort'=fprcd)cn (i a o) intr. to continue speaking. fort'=trcibcn (ie ie) tr. to drive away. bie $rn f gc (-n) question. fro'flCH tr. to ask. frafl'ttwrbig adj. questionable, doubtful. ber Jyron-jo'fc (-n) Frenchman. tr. to strike, im- press. bie 3?rnu (-en) woman, wife. bas ftrau'ldn ( ) young lady. frci adj. free. ber $rct'cr ( ) suitor. ber ft-rd'fldft (-er) free-thinker. bie Jym'Ijdt (-en) liberty. frci' ltd) adv. indeed, of course. frcntb adj. strange, foreign. frcmb'lftllbtfd) adj. outlandish. fref 'fen (i a e) tr. to eat, de- vour. bie ftreu'be (-n) pleasure. frcu'cit reft,, to be pleased. ber gfreunb (-e) friend. freunb'lid) adj. friendly; adv. in a kindly manner. fre'Bd adj. sacrilegious. fre'Ddlt tr. to do a wrong, commit an outrage. bie ^fre'Dcltut (-en) atrocity. ber ^fre'odttttcr ( ) evil-doer, miscreant. ber 9frte'bcnfd)(u$ (*ff e ) conclu- sion of peace. frtfd) adj. fresh. frol)lo'rfeit intr. to rejoice. fromm adj. pious. ber $rofd) ( a e) frog. bie $rofd)'ll)rtf frog's song. bie $ritd)t ("e) fruit. ber ftrudjt'lmum ("e) fruit-tree. bie JV-rii'ljC early morning. frit'Ijcr adv. formerly. boo ^rulj'jaljr (-c) spring. bao ftriilj'fturf (-e) breakfast. frit!)'ftiirfcit intr. to breakfast ; tr. to have for breakfast. fitfj'fcit tr. to feel. fiit)'rCH tr. to lead, bring. fitl'Ictt tr. to fill. bie ftun'fc (-n) spark. bie ftun'fcngnrbe (-n) shower of sparks. fitr prep, with ace. for. fitrri)'tCU tr. to fear. bie Jyurt (-en) ford, ber ftuft ("e) foot. bie $u jj'fpiljc (-n) point of the foot. ber Jufj'ftctg (-e) foot-path. VOCABULARY 107 bte o'fce (-n) gift, bie fifj'ritng fermentation, ex- citement. flniuitt' adj. polite, gallant, bie QJulce're (-n) galley, bie QJal'le bile, spleen, bet Waitii ("e) walk, motion. gonj adj. whole, entire ; adv. quite. gSus'Hd) adv. completely. gar adv. fully, very ; fein none at all ; nidjt not at all. ber Gtar'ten (") garden, ber OJaft (^e) guest. gaft'fmmbltd) adj. hospitable, ber Qtauf'fcr ( ) juggler, ber (ycntfj'tetc (declined as adj.) outlaw. bie cbiir'bc (-n) gesture. ge'fcen (i a e) tr. to give ; to prescribe ; eo cjibt there is. ber Gjeban'fe (gen. -its', pi. -n) thought, idea. gebefyltt' part, long drawn out. gebct'ljctt (ie ie) intr. (aux. fein) to thrive, proceed. geben'feit (-bcidjte, -bad)t) intr. (gen.) to allude to. gcbritrft' part, depressed. gcfotjr'ltd) adj. dangerous, ber cffiJjr'te (-n) companion. gefuPIett (ii \iel a) intr. (dat.) to please. ber 65cfon'genc (-n) prisoner. ba3 cfol'gc retinue. bas efiil)l' (-e) feeling, emotion. gefitl)l't)0ll adj. sympathetic. gefurd)t f part, furrowed. ge'gcn prep, with ace. towards, contrary to ; ... bin towards. ba3 c'getttetl (-e) contrary. gegenit'ber prep. with. dat. oppo- site ; firf) , opposite each other. gegenu'6er=ftcHen tr. to place op- posite, range opposite. bie (SJc'genronrt presence. ge'gentrwrttg adj. present. gefjfiuft' part, heaped up. geljeim' adj. secret. bag 6Jel)ctm'm (-fje) secret. gc'tjen (f(ing, gegangen) intr. (aux. fein) to go. ba^ @cl)irit' (-e) brains. flCl)Or'd)CU intr. (dat.) to obey. geljo'ren intr. (dat.) to belong to. gci'gcn intr. to fiddle. ber OJct'ger ( ) fiddler. ber @Ctft (-er) spirit, ghost. get'ftcrfjdft adj. phantom-like. gctft'ltd) adj. spiritual, clerical; ber eift'lidje churchman. getft'reid) ad;, genial, ingenious. bas Okfi'rfjcr tittering. bas 05clftrf)'tcr laughter. gclnf'fctt adj. composed. geliiu'fig adj. familiar. bas Qklfiu'te ringing. gdb adj. yellow. ber @clb'Dctc( ( ) purse. gctc'gctt adj. convenient ; located. bie clc'flcn^cit (-en) opportunity. gctdjrt' adj. learned. bag clct'fc ( ) track. gctei'tctt tr. to accompany. gclenf adj. supple. gelht'gcn (a u) imp. (aux. fein) to succeed. bas elin'gcn success. 108 VOCABULARY gefo'ben tr. to pledge, vow. fld'tcit (i a o) intr. to be worth. bas Wcliib'bc ( ) vow. gclun'gctt part, excellent, capital. gclii'ficn imp. to long for, desire. baS cmfiu'cr masonry, walls. bie OJcmcilt'tie (-n) parish, con- gregation ; commune. bie (iJcmetu'bclicnmlbuMg (-en) communal forest. bas (ycmcin'bcgut ("er) parish property. bie Okmeitt'bcttwttmng see e= meinbeberoalbuno.. Bcmcin'nit^ig adj. public-spirited. baS cmur'md muttering. ncuiiit'Iiri) adj. comfortable. ber citcrol' (-c) general. flcttug' adj. (indecl.) enough. gcuii'gcttb pres. part, sufficient. bie OJenug'tuung satisfaction. bao cpra'gc stamp. baS Qfcqua'fe croaking. gcra'bc adj. straight ; adv. direct- ly, just; [)in directly over. gcro'tcn (a ie a) intr. (aux. fein) to succeed ; in etroaS , to get into something. gcrau'mig adj. spacious. !l min fril' null adv. noisily. gcrcd)t r adj. righteous. bag crtdjt' (-c) judgment, sen- tence. gcr'n(c) adv. gladly. gcfnm'mclt part, composed. bcr OJcfong' ( a e) song, singing. bao (4)cf(Utg'lmc() ("er) hymn-book. bae 05cfdjaft' (-e) business. gcfdjc'^cn (ie a e) intr. (aux. fein) to happen. gcfdjcit' adj. shrewd. baa (iJcfdjcnP (-c) gift. !]cfrt)iitarf'lu* adj. without taste, inartistic. gcfdjmci'btg adj. smoothly acting. bie (BcfcQ'fdjaft (-en) society. bas (iJcftdjt' (-er) face. bas OJcftd)t'd)CU ( ) little face. ber 6Jcftd)t'r,ug (e) feature. baS 03cfilt'bcl rabble. gcfpiinnt' part, tense, eager; in strained relations. bos OJcfpcnft' (-er) ghost. gcfpcu'fttfd) adj. spectral. bas (ycfpb'tf mockery. baS cfprad)' (-e) conversation. bie eftolt' (-en) figure, form. gcftc'^en (-ftanb, -j'tauben) tr. to confess. ge'ftcnt adv. yesterday. gcfttfultc'rcn intr. to gesticulate. gcftrcng' adj. stern. gc'ftng adj. of yesterday. baS Cikftitljl' pews. bas cfunt'mc humming. gctroft' adj. confident. gc>ual)'rcu tr. to perceive. bie OicttJdft' force, control. gcttinl'ttg adj. mighty, enormous. bie OJcttWlte'ltafc (-n) enormous nose. bas (ycttJttltb' ("er) garment, coat. bas cnwf'fer waters. baS GJeWeljr' (-e) weapon, arm. ber (ijctt)cl)r'foftcn ( ) gun-case. baS (yett)Crb'(c) ( ) trade, occu- pation. getue'feit part, former, departed. gcimit'ncn (a o) tr. to gain, win. gcJuifj' adj. certain. VOCABULARY 109 ba @ett)tf'fett conscience. gewo'geit part, (favorably) in- clined. bie (SJefooIjtt'Ijeit (-en) custom, habit. getttiilbt' part, arched, bowed. ber Ojidjt'onfaU ("e) attack of the gout. bag @jift (-e) poison. glan'jcnb pr^es. part, brilliant. bag la (*er)" glass. bie @Ha3'fd)eibe (-n) pane of glass. ber (SJla^'fdjranf (*e) glass case. ber lou'be (gen. -ng, pi. -n) faith. gfau'ften intr. and tr. (dot.} to believe, think. ber lau'6ettbegrtff (-e) concep- tion of faith. fllcirf) adj. same; adv. immediately. glet'djen intr. (dot.) to resemble. gU % iri)'miif;tg adv. evenly. gfctdj'fam adv. as it were. glie'bertofenb pres. part, palsying. bie GHieb'ntafeen (pi.) limbs (of the body). bie to'rfc (-n) bell. ijlortos' adv. gloriously. bag liitf happiness. iliitrf liri) adj. happy. gttt'ljctt intr. to glow. bie QJno'bc grace. ber QJo'rfcl ( ) cock (on steeple). gol'bcn adj. golden. bie G)olb'trou6e (-n) sweet yel- low grape. ber ijn'ncr ( ) protector, well- wisher. ber OJott ("er) God, god. ber (SJot'te^btenft (-e) divine serv- adj. blasphemous, bie Qiott^cit (-en) deity. gott'loS adj. godless. gott'ticrgeffen adj. impious, bag rab ( er) grave, ber 6Jrttb (-e) degree. gram adj. angry (with). grofftc'rcn intr. to rage (said of diseases). grou adj. gray. gret'fen (griff, gegriffen) intr. to put one's hand (grasping); in etroag , to seize something, ber (S5rci (-e) old man. grefl adj. glaring, bie (SJren'je (-n) boundary, limit, bag rte'djeutanb Greece. grte'rfjtfdj adj. Greek, bie (iSrimaffe (-n) grimace, ber (ifrtmitt rage. grim'mig adj. fierce. adj. (comp. ^er, sup. -"t) large, great. adj. magnificent, bie (ijrij'jje (-n) size, dignity. grotcSf adj. grotesque. gritH adj. green, ber Gkllttb ("e) bottom, ground, background, reason; 311 e ge'fyen to go to ruin ; int e at bottom. griiu'bcit tr. to establish, found ; to fathom. bie GJrup'pc (-n) group, ber &v\\\} ("c) greeting. grit f f?Ctt tr. to greet. gittt'fttg adj. favorable. gut adj. (comp. bef'fer, sup. beft) good; adv. well. gut'wtiitig adj. good-natured. 110 VOCABULARY bag iwr (-e) hair. Ijnarfletu' adv. minutely. tya'fccn (hatte, getjabt) tr. to have. bie a'birf)t3nafe (-n) Roman nose. ber a'rfen ( ) sea-wall. fyaf'tcn Mr. to cling. Ijo'flCr adj. lean, thin. ber uf)it (*e) cock. $(lla(i', Calais', interj. halloo. l)alb adj. half. bad .>fllb'bunfcl dusk. bie (ili)'iitfd (-n) peninsula. ber 4?alb'frci3 (-e) semicircle. l)u!li r lniit ad. in an undertone. btt'5 .nl(>'runb (-e) arch. ber .alf)'traum ("e) vision ; quci'= Icnber , nightmare. bie Iwlf'tc (-n) half. l)iil'lnturti|i adv. like a hall, colonnade-like. ber ,$nl ("e) neck. Ijnlt interj. hold ! wait ! fjal'teu (a ie a) tr. to hold, consider, keep. bie .al'tunfl bearing. bie ,ailb ("e) hand. bie ^wttb'bcuicfltutfl (-en) move, wave of the liand. ber ,>(i)t'bctintrf hand-shake. ber mu't)cl (") affair. {jnit'liclu intr. to a<;t, deal by one. bie ,*oaiib r ftl)rtft (-en) manuscript. finn'flcu (ii t a) infr. to hang. l)nu'fclu tr. to tease. Ijart nuc1) (-e) breath. Ijou'fig adj. frequent. bag iQautyt ("er) head. ber ^paupfmonn (gen. -eg, pi. -leute) captain. bag .s>aiiy ("er) house ; nad^ e (to) home ; jit e at home. ber ^>au3'flur (-en) vestibule. bie ^jwusi'tur (-en) entrance door. ber ^ouMuirt (-e) host. bie ^nut ("e) skin. IjC interj. eh ! Ije'beu (o o) tr. to lift. bie >c'rfe (-n) hedge. ber ^ecr'fufjm ( ) army leader. fycf'tcit tr. to fix, fasten. Ijef'tifl adj. violent. ber ^>ci'bc (-n) heathen. bag .^ci'bcntum heathenism. adj. heathen. salvation. ber ,)ci'lan& Savior. tjci'Icn tr. to heal. fjct'ltfl adj. holy, sacred. ijctt'losi adj. abominable, awful. l)Ctm f ("e) cuff-button. J)Cr adv. hither ; Don . . . fyer from. ljcrab r =f)augen (a i a) intr. to hang down. t)ermt'=fttegeH (o o) intr. (aux. fein) to fly towards one. I)cran'=tretcn (trittft a e) intr. (aux. fetn) to step near. fjcrauf adv. up. f)crau r adv. out. l)erau$'=fal)ren (it it a) intr. (aux. fetn) to rush out ; to ejaculate. Ijcrb adj. bitter. J)crbci'=I)Olctt tr. to summon. boo >crl)ft'gefiil)l autumn feeling, ber ^pcrbft'tag (-e) autumn day. bie ^>crb|t'5cit (-en) autumn time, ber .fterb (-e) hearth. f)crctn'=lcu(f)tcn intr. to shine in. l)cretu'=qucUcu (i o o) intr. (aux. fetn) to pour in. I)Cr'=f)OlCH tr. to get. Ijernacf)' adv. afterwards, ber ,?>crr (gen. -n, pi. -en) sir, Mr., gentleman, Lord. Ijcrr'ItcJ) adj. glorious, bie^pm 'f t^af t (-en) estate, domain. Ijerr'fcfictt intr. to reign. l)er'=fd)aHcit intr. to sound over. l)er r =ftellett tr. to construct, restore. ljer'=tragen (a it a) tr. tocarry. I)cr'=treil)cn (ie ie) tr. to drive hither. f)eru'ber=fdjuflcit intr. to sound across. f)erum'=ffll)rett (ii u a) intr. (aux. fetn) to ride about. l)crum'=fnerf)Ctt (o o) intr. (aux. fetn) to crawl about. J)erum f =fdjtt)ebett intr. to soar about. IjcrUH'ter=bli(fett intr. to glance down. ljeritu'ter=fd)auen intr. to look down. ljeruu'ter=fc^cn tr. to lower, de- grade. IjcrDor' adv. out ; ausi . . . fjeruor out from. ^ert>or r =gral)Ctt (a u a) tr. to dig out. IjcrMor'=I)Cbcn (o o) tr. to em- phasize. I)cri)0r r =fd)rciten (fcfirttt, gefc^rtt= ten) intr. (aux. fein) to walk forth. J)cruor'=treten (trittft a e) intr. (aux. fein) to step forth. J)crBor'=tt)erfc (i a o) tr. to cast forth. !)erDor'=3tcf)cn (^og, gejogen) tr. to draw forth. bao .^crf, (gen. -ene, pi. -en) heart. fjcrj'fjaft adj. courageous. l)Cr ( '/Hd) adv. heartily. 112 VOCABULARY bet or bie^ers'muSfcl (gen. -%,pl. -n) cardiac muscle. fyeu'te adv. to-day ; narf)t to- night. fyeu'ttg adj. of this date, modern. bie Jpejeret' (-en) witchery. Ijte'ljer see hier'&er. Ijtcr adv. here. Ijier'ljcr adv. hither. Ijier'tlt adv. herein. Jjte'ftg adj. local. ber ^im'tnd ( ) heaven, sky. l)im' nidoiuillcH : um , for heav- en's sake. fjimm'lifd) adj. heavenly. tyilt adv. there, thither; ii'ber . . . fiin over across ; unb roie'ber now and then. Ijtnauf adv. up. l)tttauf'=lcucf)teit tr. to light one's way up. f)mauf'=fdjtelen intr. to look up furtively. I)inauf'=fd)rettcn (fcfyritt, gefdE>rit= ten) intr. (aux. fein) to walk up. fyhump =tt)crfcn (t a o) tr. to cast up. l)inerf en (i a o) tr. to cast down. Jjinju^fitgcn tr. to add. bie .ir'ttn (-nen) shepherdess, bie ^ut'jc heat. I)od) adj. (comp. hbfier, sup. fjodEjft) high. I)od)'bcutfd) adj. High German. baS .^odj'gcbtrflC ( ) mountain range. fjorfj'gdcgcn adj. elevated. J)0tf)'jjcttinrf)fcn adj. slender, ber ,>ori) f jjicfod ( ) pointed gable. l)0rf) r imftg adj. supercilious. pdjft adv. highly, ber ^>of ("'e) court, bie ^of burg (-en) palace. Ijoffctt tr. to hope. VOCABULARY 113 bte 4?0ff'nung3foftgfeit hopeless- ness. bie 4?of'fapcfle (-n) court band. bte ^pof'firdje (-n) court church. Ijuf'Hrf) adj. polite. bie ^>iif'lid)fett (-en) courtesy. ber ^of'metfter ( ) steward. ber ^>of r roum ("e) courtyard. bie ^>i)'J)e (-n) height. ber ^o'ljenpg (*e) elevation, range of hills. ber ^to'Ijcpunft (-e) climax. 1)01)1 adj. hollow. bas >ol)H'Iadje(tt scornful smile. l)o'(ctt tr. to get. bie ol'Ie (-n) hell. ber ^iit'Icttfiirft (-en) prince of darkness. JjiH'jertt adj. wooden. ber Burner' Homer. fyu'reit tr. to hear, listen. Ijor'ften intr. to nest, roost. t)iil)fd) adj. pretty. bad ^Mtt'berttcUdjClt ( ) the hun- dredth part. ber ut ("e) hat. bie ^ut (-en) guard. bao ,!pitt f d)en ( ) little hat. id) pers. pron. I. ibcaHfie'ren tr. to idealize. ibl)l'Ufd) adj. idyllic. tfjr pers. pron. you ; poss. adj. her, their. im'mcr adv. always. ttttponic'rcn intr. (dat.) to impress. in prep, with dat. and ace. in, to, into. bie ^n'bntnft fervor. inbef'fcit adv. in the mean time; conj. however. ba^ Stt'ltm interior, heart. in'ntg adj. heartfelt, deep. bie $n'fel (-n) island. ba Sn'felgcftobc ( ) shore of an island. tnSgcfomt' adv. altogether. inftoBtc'ren tr. to install. tnftinftito' adv. instinctively. bag ^nftrument' (-e) instrument. bag ^ttteref'fe (gen. -3, pi. -n) interest. bad ^ntrt'gttCttfpiel (-e) intrigue. ir'gettb adv. some ; ein some, any. ir'rcn reft, to be mistaken. bag ^ta'Hcn Italy. ber ^tolic'ner ( ) Italian. ttttlic'nifd) adj. Italian. i'tettt adv. item. jo adv. yes, indeed. bie Sflgb (~ en ) hunt, game-pre- serve, chase. bie ^ugb'fHnte (-n) fowling-piece. bte ^agb'Iuft sport, hunting ardor. bag ^aljr (-e) year. bag Saf)rf)HU'bert (-e) century. bie ^atoufie' (-en) (j pr. like s in measure) Venetian blind. jauiul)!' adv. yes indeed. JC adv. each ; ever ; je . . . be'fto the . . . the. jc'ber (fern, jebe, neut. jebeg) adj. and pron. each, every. je'berjeit adv. at all times. 114 VOCABULARY adv. however. jc'iiinlv adv. ever. jc'ncr (fern, jene, neut. jeneg) adj. and pron. that, the former. jcn'feitio, adj. opposite. jcn'fcitfi* prep, with gen. beyond. ber 3cfwt' (-en) Jesuit. jct'jtfl adj. present. jcfet adv. now. baei 3ol)an'ne3gcft(J)t (-er) meek countenance. ba3 3u'bc(Hcb (-er) song of joy, carol. bte ^u'geitb youth. jung (tdj. (comp. "er, sup. "ft) young. ber ^MH'flC (-H) by- bte ^nitfl'frau (-en) maiden. ber ^iiiiu'liiii] (-e) youth. ber $un'fcr ( ) young nobleman. bte ^un'fertit (-nen) lady. adj. imperial. fait adj. (comp. ^er, sup. -"eft) cool, cold. bte >ialt'liliitiiifcit coolness, com- posedness. ber frnntin' (-e) chimney, mantel. ber ftnmilt'fcflcr ( ) chimney- sweep. bte fiam'ntcr (-n) bedroom, apart- ment. famp'fen intr. to battle. ba3 >f a'ltauii Canaan. ber \iiiitiulwt' (-en) candidate, licentiate. bte .Uano'ttc (-n) cannon. bte SJou'scl (-n) pulpit. ba ^ait'sclbrett (-er) pulpit-desk, bte AJ nit':,clliriiftHit!i (-en) front of the pulpit ; sides of the pulpit. bte^an'jdtreWe (-n) pulpit stairs. bct3 $dpi'tel ( ) chapter. fdp'pcn tr. to cut (thread), ber ^opUJt'ner ( ) Capuchin, bte $arof'fe (-n) state coach, bag $ar'tenfptd (-e) card-game, ber iM'fc ( ) cheese, bie fiatljcbro'Ic (-n) cathedral. fotfjo'Iifd) adj. Catholic, ber $auf'pret3 (-e) cost. tdlint adv. scarcely, ber ^oMflltcr' (-e) cavalier. ferf adj. bold. fein adj. no ; adj. pron. none, no one. ber field) (-e) cup. fcn'nen (fannte, gelannt) tr. to know. ber ficn'ncr ( ) connoisseur, ber Serf (-e) fellow, bte S'cr'jc (-n) candle, bte .Qct'tc (-n) chain, bie fiet'3crgcfcf)td)te (-n) history of heresies, ber fiic gravel, ba^ Sitnb (-er) child ; - - unb .Uin'beofinb descendants, ba^ fitnb'djcn ( ) small child, baby, bao fiht'bcrangc (gen. -%, pi. -n) trusting eye. bad fiin'bcdfinb (-er) grandchild, bas ilinn (-e) chin, bte fitr'dje (-n) church, ber fttr'rfjcnaltcfte (-n) elder. ba5 Mtr'rijcnbtlb (-er) sacred pic- ture. VOCABULARY 115 bag Sir'djenltcb (-er) hymn, ber $tr'd)cntorfteb,er ( ) deacon, ber Sirdi'gattg going to church. ber$ird)'gaitgcr( ) church-goer, ber $trd)'h,of (""e) churchyard. firdj'ltd) adj. religious, ber Sirdj'turm ("e) church-steeple, bie Strdj'turntfpiije (-n) tip of the steeple. ber Atirrfi'mca, (-e) way to church, ber Strfdj'munb (-e) cherry lips, bag Sif'fett ( ) pillow, bie At la'ge (-n) complaint. fla'gett intr. to complain ; tr. to tell one's complaints. f(dg'lid) adj. mournful, lamentable, ber At I an i] ("e) sound, harmony. flor adj. clear. bag Slctb (-er) dress ; pi. clothing. Hei'bcit tr. to dress, ber Stci'berfdjrant ("e) wardrobe. Went adj. small. fleht'fttUt adj. timid. flop'fctt intr. to knock, ber Shto'be (-n) boy. ber Sna'bcufdjuf) (-e) boy's shoe. fno'rfdt intr. to snap, crack. fual'tcit intr. to crack, pop. bie Sttcdjt^'geftaU (-en) form of a servant. bag ATnie (-e) knee. fmr'fdjcn intr. to crunch, ber &tti(f (-e) courtesy, bag ftno'd)engcritfte ( ) skeleton, bie Sno r d)Clth,anb (^e) skeleton hand. ber Aino'rijcnmatm skeleton, Death, ber At nopf (-"e) button, ber $o'I)olb (-e) imp, goblin, ber Sto'bolbftreid) (-e) impish trick. fo'djen tr. to boil, cook. ber Suffer ( ) trunk. ber Sol 'ben ( ) gun-stock. ber Solte'ge (-n) colleague. bag Solortt' complexion. ber $olofj' (-fje) colossus. bie $ombtnattoit'(jabe (-n) gift of combination. fo'mifd) adj. comical. fom'men (!am o) intr. (aux. jetn) to come, happen, bie SomiJ'bte (-n) comedy, bie Soittpagme' (-n) (pr. -panjie) company. fonbitionte'ren intr. to serve on probation. bie $0ltfuftou' confusion, fiiu'iicn (fonn'te, gefonnt) intr. to be able, can. loufequent' adj. consistent, bog &ont)olitt' (-e) roll, ber Sopf (^e) head, ber So'rott Koran, ber Sorb (*e) basket, bag SiJrb'd)Ctt ( ) little basket, bag Sorlt ( K er) grain, corn ; aufg nel/men to draw a bead on some one. f oft' bar adj. costly. fo'ftcn intr. with ace. to cost. fra'rfjCIt intr. to crash, crack, bie Sraft (-e) power. fraf'tig adj. strong, powerful, forceful. ber Sra'gcn ( ) collar, bie JTral'le (-n) claw. franf adj. (comp. ^er, sup. ^ft) sick, ber Srottf'h,eitfaa (^e) attack of illness. frepte'ren intr. (aux. fein) to die. 116 VOCABULARY frcu'jcn tr. to cross. itmv,fnp'perl0t inter j. confound it! ber Sircuj'jug ( a e) crusade, ber Airteflo'mniut (gen. -e3, pi. -leute) warrior. friim'mcH tr. to bend. bieSrum'mung (-en) bend, crook, bie $u'd)C (-n) kitchen, bie u'ge( (-n) bullet, ber Jht'gelbcutel ( ) bullet-pouch. fiiljn adj. bold. riUju'fliefjeitb pres. part, bold, audacious. fitnf'ttg adj. future. funft'retd) adj. artistic, intricate, bie up'pcloffnung (-en) skylight. furj adj. (comp. ^er, sup. -"eft) short ; adv. in short. fltrj'nieUig adj. entertaining. fuf'fett tr. to kiss, bie u$'!)(utb ("e) : eine jii'rcer= fen to blow a kiss. 8 (ti'rt)dit intr. to smile. la'djcn intr. to laugh. baQ SJo'rfjCtt laughter. la'rfjcrltci) adj. ridiculous. lo'bctt (a u a) tr. to load; to invite. bie iitt'gc (-n) situation, boo iitt'flCt ( ) camp, bed. lo'flcrit intr. to encamp, rest, bao iinub ("cr) land, country, bie iion'bc^firdjc (-n) established church. ItUt'bctfiililtrf) adj. customary. baoi!oub'l)ou^ (^er) country house. Innb'fttnbtfi adj. notorious. bie iiaub'milij militia. bie aitb'fd)(ift (-en) landscape. bie Sianb'ftra^c (-n) highway. ber iianb3'fncrf)t (-e) mercenary. ber SJtnt'bltttjj3pla (-en) nerve, bag Stelj (-e) net. Itct'jcu tr. to moisten. neu adj. new ; con etn anew, neu'er adj. recent, bie 9Zcu'gicrbe curiosity. nett'gierig adj. curious. tteu'ltd) adv. recently. neuu num. nine. Iteu'Wcrfafjtparf . recently written. uid)t adv. not. tttd)t3 indecl. nothing. tti'rfctt tr. to nod. ttte adv. never. ntc'bcr adv. down. mc r ber=britrfett tr. to press down. ttic'fccr!]efd)Iogen part, despond- ent. mc'ber-Ijaugett (a i a) intr. to hang down. ntc'bcr=Ittffcn (ci ie a) tr. to lower, let down. nie'ber=legen tr. to lay down, resign. ttte'bcv=fd)Ingctt (a it a) tr. to knock, cast down ; intr. (aux. fetn) to snap down. me'ber=fdjm6ett (ie ie) tr. to write down. nte'ber=tt)erfett (i a o) tr. to throw down, overcome. ttteb'lid) adj. neat. tueb'rig adj. low. ttte'mal adv. never. ntmntermc^r' adv. nevermore. nod) adv. yet, still; ge'jtern , only yesterday ; conj. nor. itiirb'lirt) adj. northern. HO'tigcn tr. to urge, compel, bie 9?um'mer (-n) number. tttltt adv. now ; interj. well ! tmr adv. only, ber 9Ju^ use ; ju e nta'cfjen to turn to advantage. ttiit'gcn tr. to benefit, bie 9Jt)m'pI)e (-n) nymph. O D interj. 0, oh ! ob conj. whether. o'dcit adv. above. o'&er adj. upper. o'bcrft adj. uppermost. ber D'fccrft (-en) colonel, 0'bcr conj. or. bie Dbljffee' Odyssey. bag 6l (-e) oil. of'fett&flr adj. evident. iJf'feittHd) adj. public. off'ttCtt tr. to open. oft adv. often. olj'ne prep, with ace. without. bag Dljr (gen. -3, pi. -en) ear. ber Dfto'fccrhtg (-e) October day. bie Drb'mtttg order. bag Organ' (-e) organ, faculty. 122 VOCABULARY poor adj. few. pn'rfcu tr. to pack ; to seize. poff interj. bang ! ber *pontff (-en) panisc. ber $apa' (gen. -s, pi. -s) papa. bas Copier' (-e) paper. bte ^Sop'pel (-n) poplar-tree. ber ^aroflropl)' (-en) paragraph. bas ^ar'djen ( ) couple, pair. bie ^Jortei' (-en) part, party. bas $ot'd)cn ( ) godchild. ber ^Jo'te (-n) godfather. bas s J5o'tcnftnb (-er) godchild. patrto'tifd) adj. patriotic. ber $atrt'ctu (-cit) patrician. bie ^otron'tnfdje (-n) cartridge- box. iwus'liarfirt adj. round-cheeked. bte ^Jou'fc (-n) pause, stop. pcdj'ft^wnrs adj. pitch-black. pcrfcft' adj. perfect. ber ^erpment'faonb (^e) parch- ment-bound volume. bte ^erfott' (-en) person. pcrfon'Hd) adv. personally. bie ^krit'rfe (-n) wig. bte *}?cft pestilence. ber *)?fab (-e) path. ber ^Jfttf'fc (-n) parson, priest. pffif ftfd) adj. priestlike, priestly. bte s jjfar'rc (-n) parsonage. ber ^Sfar'rcr ( ) pastor. bas $farr r f)aiid ("er) parsonage. bas ^farr'ftnb (-er) parishioner. ber ^fcr'bcfufj ( a c) hoof. ppa'ftcrit tr. to pave. pflc'flClt intr. to be accustomed to. bte ^flitfjt (-en) duty. bte ^Sfor'te (-n) gate, entrance. ber ipfrop'fcn ( ) wad - ^)fui interj. fie ! for shame ! ba $funb (-e) pound. bie $fyantafie r (-n) fantasy, imagi- nation. pl)tlo[opl)tc'rcu intr. to philoso- phize. bag ^U'gerfdjtff (-e) boat full of pilgrims. bas *piftol' (-e), bte ^ifto'le (-n), pistol. bas $tftol'd)en ( ) little pistol. ber ^Jlon ("e) plan. plu'itcit tr. to plan. ber *|SItteutfcf)e b in broken German. ro'bcrn tr. to rack. roftf) adj. rapid. ro'frfjeln intr. to rustle. ber Dio'fcuftrcif en ( ) strip of sod. rofoitntc'rcn intr. to argue. ber 9Jat counsel, advice ; 511 e jie'tyen to ask for advice. rut'10 adj. perplexed. bie JRat^'laube (-n) town-hall cellar. ber Oiciu'foer ( ) robber. ber Wnurf) smoke. ber })i(iuf'l)i)lb (-e) brawler. tttU'fen refl. to scuffle. roulj adj. rough, coarse. ber JRaitm ("e) space, room. rcnliftc'tett tr. to realize. bie JReolitot' reality. bie 9Jc'6e (-n) vine. bag 9?eb'gelanbe vineyards. bag JRcB'^u^tt ("er) partridge. bie 9ie^'ttling (-en) account, bill. redjt adj. right; adv. very, di- rectly; ha' 6 en to be right; bie 9iecf/te right hand. bag 9ted)t (-e) right, privilege. redjt'jeittg adv. at the proper time. bte 9Jc'be (-n) speech. fC'bcn intr. to speak. reb'ltrf) adj. honest. reformtert' part, reformed. re'jJC adj. active, lively. re'flefmoffig adj. regular. rc'gen reft, to move, stir. bie 9fe'gung (-en) impulse. rc^obilttic'ren tr. to rehabilitate. bag 9?etd) (-e) empire. retd)'&efet5tpar. richly ornament- ed, jeweled. rei'djcn tr. to reach; bie anb , to shake hands. retdj'Hdj adj. plentiful ; adv. freely. reif adj. ripe. bie Oiet'lje (-n) series, turn. rct'nten intr. to rhyme ; refl. to correspond. rei'ntgen tr. to clean. tein'Hd) adj. pure, cleanly. ret'fett intr. (aux. fetn) to travel. tci'jjen (i i) tr. to tear ; etne rimaf fe , to make a face. 124 VOCABULARY rct'tcn (ritt, geritten) intr. (aux. fetn and fyaben) to ride, ber 9Jcis (-e) charm. rci'jcnb pres. part, charming. rclcgie'ren tr. to expel, bte JReltgton' (-en) religion, bie SJcpublif (-en) republic. repubUfn'mfd) adj. republican, bas SHe'quiem (gen. -3, pi. -s) requiem, bie OJequifittDu' (-en) (pr. -jion) requisition. reftgntert' part, resigned. tcfohtt' adj. resolute, ber SHefpcft' respect, bag 9Jcfultat' (-e) result, outcome, ber 5)if)0'tw3 Rhodes. ridj'ten tr. to judge; 3x1 run'be , to destroy. viri)'tij] adj. correct, proper; adv. correctly, indeed, sure enough, bag JRic'feugcbirge Riesengebirge (Giant Mountains), bie JKtJJ'pc (-n) rib. rebuff adj. robust, ber JKorf'htopf (*e) coat-button, ber ffiorf'fdjofj f e) coat-tail, bie ffiotf'tafdjc (-n) coat-pocket, bao JRo^r ("e) tube, bas JRoI) r rirf)t (-e) reed-bank, ber JRofo'foftil rococo style, bie 5)Jol'lc (-n) role. rol'Icu tr. to roll, bae 9f{ij (-e) horse, steed. rot adj. red. ber !Kit'bc3af)( Number Nip. rurf)'lo3 adj. nefarious. rit'tfcn tr. and intr. (aux. fetn) to move, ber JHit'rfctt ( ) back. bie }){iirf'fcl)r return. bie JRitrf'tDnnb (^e) rear wall. rijrf'ttjfirt^ adv. backwards. bao JRu'bcr ( ) oar. ru'bcrn tr. to row. ber JRu'ber-jug ("e) stroke of an oar. ber 9Juf (-e) cry, call ; reputation. ru'fen (ie it) tr. to call, cry. bie SKn'Ije quiet, deliberation. ru'ljctt intr. to rest. ru'ljig adj. quiet. ritb/mett tr. to praise ; to boast. rub,m'rcirf) adj. renowned. ritlj'rcu tr. to touch ; to affect, move. bie iiil|'nui!i emotion. bie JRui'nc (-n) ruin. rutnie'rcn tr. to ruin. rumo'rctt intr. to make a racket. ruttb adj. round. ba3 9iunbctt r (-e) round garden- bed. rutt'^cfn tr. to wrinkle. rii'fttg adj. vigorous. ber ttol (gen. -s, pi. die) hall, room. bas Safftait'futteral (-e) morocco- lined case. bie o'flc (-n) rumor. fo'gCM tr. to say, call, tell. ber Sot'tO ((/en. -3, pi. -s) leap. ber Snlut'frfjuf? ("e) military sa- lute. fnm'mcllt tr. to gather. ber Som'mct velvet. ber Sam'mctrorf (^e) velvet coat. VOCABULARY 125 fdttft adj. gentle. fanft'mitttg adj. meek, mild. ber Su'tait Satan. fat'tettt tr. to saddle. ber alj (^e) sentence ; leap. fau'fen (fa'ufft, foff, gefoffen) intr. to drink (of beasts) ; to guzzle. bie gmu'le (-n) column. bie Scc'nc (-n) scene. ber Sffja'bernarf (-e) trick, hoax. bie Sdjadj'tel (-n) box. ber djo'be (gen. -ng, pi. "n) dam- age, loss. ber el ( ) skull. frfja'beit intr. (dat.) to harm, damage. fdjtt'bcitfrol) adj. malicious. frfjof'feit tr. to do, provide; jur (Stel'le , to bring to the spot. ber @d)ttll (-e) sound. fdjdl'Ien intr. (aux. fein) to re- sound, reecho. fdjrtl'ten intr. to rule. fdjii'men refl. to be ashamed (of). bie djoit'be disgrace. bie @d)flr (-en) band, multitude. frf)(trf adj. (comp. ^er, sup. *ft) sharp, clear. frfjarf'geseirfjnet part, clean-cut. ber @rf| often ( ) shadow. ber Sd)0ij (*e) treasure. fdjiilj'bar adj. valued. ber tfjou'ber shudder, horror. fdjou'crtt intr. to shudder. ba^ djcw'fptel (-e) spectacle, sight. bie Srfjet'be (-n) target. fdjei'bcn (ie ie) intr. (aux. fein) to depart ; tr. to part, separate. ber djein (-e) reflection. fdjei'nen (ie ie) intr. to appear; to shine. ber Srtjclm (-e) rascal. fd)el f tctt (i a o) tr. to scold, ber an'fett swaying. frf)HJor r ntertfef) adj. visionary. frfjttwrs adj. (comp. *er, sup. "ft) black; ber cfjroar'je negro; bag dEjroar'je bull's eye. ber djroars'rorf (*e) black-coat; parson. fd)tt)e'6en intr. to float. frfjtoe'btfcf) adj. Swedish. fdjtoe'felgelb adj. sulphurous, yel- low as sulphur. fdjttJei'gen (ie ie) intr. to be si- lent. bag (Sdjtoei'gen silence. fd)ttetg'fant adj. silent, taciturn. ber al)n , to cock a gun. ber Spofj ( a e) joke, fun. fpttt adj. late. ber S^Ct'fefottl (-fdle) dining hall. ber Spcftei'fcl noise, uproar. fpcftd'fcdt intr. to make a noise. bao Spiel (-e) game, play. bao 2picl'd)CU ( ) little game. fptc'fcu intr. and tr. to play ; simulate. ba$ SpicJ'^cug plaything(s). fphj adj. acute, pointed. ber Spilj'iwrt ("e; pointed beard, Vandyke beard. VOCABULARY 129 bag piij'bogenfenfter ( ) Gothic window. bie pit'je (-n) tip, point. bet <3pott derision, scorn. fpot'tCH tr. to deride. ber Jjot'ter ( ) scoffer, derider. bag pott'Kcblein ( ) little satir- ical song. bie pro'dje (-n) language. bag pratfl'roljr (*e) speaking- trumpet. ber @prad)'fd)ai| ("e) vocabulary. fpre'djeit (i a o) intr. to speak. fprit'jen intr. to splash. ber prtid) ( "e) judgment. ber Sprung ("e) jump. ber put (-e) specter ; joke. bie @tuat'pcrutfe (-n) state wig. ber toat^'Dcrroter ( ) traitor to one's country. ber Stndjet (gen. -g, pi. -n) sting. ftd r (f)Cln r. to urge, goad on. bie tabt (-e) city. bas Stfibt'rfjcit ( ) little town. ftab'ttfrf) adj. in the city. bie Staffa'cje (g pr. like s in measure) living figures in a landscape. ber Stttlttm ("e) trunk, stem. ber Stnmm'lwum ("e) family tree. ftam'mdu tr. to stammer. ftnm'iuij) adj. robust, stout. ber Stnnb stand, position, profes- sion ; fyal'ten to hold one's own. ftan'btg adv. continually. ber Staitb'JJUttft (-e) standpoint. ftorf adj. (comp. -er, sup. "ft) strong ; adv. much. fttttiomc'rcu (pr. =310=) intr. (aux. jein) to be stationed. ftfltt prep, with gen. instead of. bie tfit'tc (-n) location, scene. fte'djcn (i a o) intr. to stick. fte'djenb pres. part, pointed. fte'rfen intr. to be hidden, to be (in). bag te'deitpferb (-e) hobby. fte'Ijcn (ftanb, geftanben) intr. to stand. ftelj'Ien (ie a o) tr. to steal. ber tetg (-e) path. ftci'gen (ie ie) intr. (aux. jein) to climb up, get up, rise. ftcit adj. steep. ber <5teiu (-e) stone. bie tcitt'bttnf (-"e) stone bench. bev teiu'bogen ( ) stone arch. ftei'ttern adj. stone, of stone. bie teitt'plottc (-n) stone slab. bie tel'lc (-n) position, place. ftcl'Jen tr. to place. bie tel'tung (-en) position. ber Stcr'bcfaH ("e) death. ftcr'bcn (i a o) intr. (aux. fein) to die. ftcrfi'lid) adj. mortal. fii'djdtt intr. to taunt, criticise. fttc'bcn (o o) intr. to fly about. ber tie'fet ( ) boot. ber (Sttcr (-e) steer. fttf'ten tr. to found. (till adj. still, quiet. bie Stt('(c silence. fttfl'=ftef)en (ftanb, geftanben) intr. to stand still. bie @ttnt r mitng (-en) mood. bie Stirlt(e) (-n) forehead. bao totf'Jtierf (-e) story. ftiiij'ncn tr. to groan. ftol'pcru intr. (aux. fein) to stum- ble. 130 VOCABULARY fcer tfl'refrieb (-c) mischief- maker. ftfi'rcn tr. to disturb. bie tij'rung (-en) disturbance. ber toft (*e) push ; blast. fto'feen (o ie o) tr. to bump, push, run. ftot'tern tr. to stammer. fttdrf^ adv. straight, directly. bie tro'fe (-n) penalty, punish- ment. ffrfl'fen tr. to punish, reprove. ftraf'fSUig adj. culpable, con- demned. ber Stroll (gen. -3, pi. -en) stream. ftrafy'fcn intr. to glow. bie rra'fte (-n) street. ber trcid) (-e) trick. ftrei'djeit (i i) tr. to cancel. ftreuQ'blicfcnb pres. part. stem. bie Strode (-n) line, verse. bie Stu'bc (-n) room. two Stittf (-e) piece. bie 3tiiff' uinnt) ("e) stucco wall. bie 3tubicr r ftul)C (-n) study-room. bao 3tubicr'3tmmcr ( ) see tu= bierftube. bas Stu'bium (gen. -3, pi. -ten) study. bie Stit'fc (-n) step, stage, level, grade. ber 3tufj( C'e) chair. ftitl'pcn tr. to tilt. bie Stuii'bc (-n) hour. ber Sturm ("e) storm. ftiit'^en tr. to brace. fu'rfjcn tr. to look for, seek. ber Sii'bcn the South. fitb'fid) "'(/ southern. bie 2iib'|"cttC (-n) south side. bie (Sum'mc (-n) sum. fum'mcn intr. to hum. fummtc'ren tr. to sum up. ber @umpf ("e) swamp. ber iin'bcr ( ) sinner. fiifj adj. sweet. tt>et'nc=unb see Srfjroeinefiunb. bie Si)itilio f lif symbolism. bie tjnago'gc (-n) synagogue. bie S^no'bc (-n) synod. to'beUoS adj. faultless. bie Xo'fcl (-n) table. ber a'felbt3fitr (-e) table-talk. tfl'feln intr. to dine. ber og (-e) day ; ber jiing'ftc , Judgment Day. bag Sa'geSltdjt daylight. tog 'ltd) adj. daily. ton'5cn intr. to dance. top'fcr adj. brave, bold. bie Xo'fdjc (-n) pocket. ber Xo'fdjcnfpiclcr ( ) juggler. bie Xot (-en) deed ; in ber , in fact, indeed. bie Xttt'fodjc (-n) fact. bie Xflu'fc baptism. talt'gcit intr. to be suitable. ber cil (-e) part. tci'fcu tr. to share. ber Xcl'leitfdjufe Tell's shot. ber Xcm'pcl ( ) temple. bas Xcr^crol' (-e) pocket-pistol. bus Xcftamcnt' (-e) will, testa- ment. tcftcuitcntn'rifd) adv. by will. ber Xeftamcute'DoUfrrcrfer ( ) executor. VOCABULARY 131 bet el'fd ( ) devil. tcitf'ltfd) adj. devilish, ber egt (-e) text. tief adj. deep, bie Xte'fe (-n) depth, bag ier (-e) animal, bag Xicr'djCtt ( ) little animal, bie in'te (-n) ink. bie Xtro'be (-n) (theatrical) speech, ber ifdj (-e) table, bag tfrf)'Ieitt ( ) little table, bag Xi'telblatt (^er) title-page, ber Xob death. ber So'begfampf (*e) death- struggle, bie $o'benwttbe (-n) mortal wound. ber ob'fetttb (-e) mortal enemy. tob'Ht!) adv. deadly, mortal. toll adj. mad. ber Ton ("e) tone, sound, bie ou'nrt (-en) key ; tune, bie ott'leitcr scale, bag or (-e) gate, ber or'foogeu ( ) arch over a gate, ber Xor'flitgel ( ) leaf of a gate. bie Xor'ljett (-en) folly. tot adj. dead. tot'=fd)tt)Ctgen (ie ie) tr. to hush up. tretdj'tcit intr. to strive ; see also bictjten. tro'gcn (a u a) tr. to carry, bear ; to wear, bie rflg'n)Cttc range. traftic'rcu tr. to treat, handle, bie ra'nc (-n) tear. trattgferic'rctt tr. to transfer. trou'ficngcfiiHt part, filled with grapes. trnu'en 'intr. (dat.) to trust, ber roum (^e) dream. trfiu'nten intr. to dream. bag Xroum'geftdjt (-er) phantom, vision. tref'fen (i traf o) tr. to strike, hit ; imp. to happen, bag ref'fen ( ) engagement, battle. ttcff' ltd) adj. excellent. tm'fcen (ie ie) tr. to drive ; efpot'te , to make sport of ; mit einetn piel , to make fun of one. bag rei'&ctt activity, bie mt r mutg (-en) schism, bie Xrep'pc (-n) stairway. tre'tctt (trittft a e) intr. (aux. jetn) to step, advance. treu'ljersig adj. true-hearted, sincere. tritt'feu (a u) tr. to drink. trod'Jten tr. to dry. ber rog ("e) trough, ber Xrompe'tenlarm sound of trumpets. ber rop'feu ( ) drop. trS'ftClt tr. to comfort. trolj prep, with gen. in spite of. trot'jig adj. defiant. trit'gcn (o o) tr. to deceive, bag ud) (''er) cloth. tit'cftfrf) adj. treacherous. tum'mcllt refl. to be busy. tun (tat, getan) tr. to do, make, act. bie Xitf (-en) door, bie urm'fl)iljc (-n) spire. 132 VOCABULARY U it'bcf adj. bad. ber U'beltdter ( ) malefactor, evil-doer. ii'beit tr. to practise. ii'&cr prep, with dat. and ace. over, about, across. itberall' adv. everywhere. iibcrbtcs' adv. moreover. iibcrfaClcn (a fiel a) tr. to overwhelm. iibcrgc'bcit (i a e) tr. to de- liver, hand over. iibcrge'fjcn (-ging, -gcmgen) tr. to pass over. U'bcrgcmig adj. more than enough. iibcrgte'jjcn (o o) tr. to flood, cover. itbcrljnupt' adv. on the whole, generally. iibcrlnu'fcit (iiu ie an) tr. to creep over; eS iiberlauft mid) fait I shudder. itbcHe'gcn tr. to consider. bas Ubcrmniwt'nicrbcn being over- come, getting overcome. berii'bertttUt exuberance of spirits. ii' be mi it tii] adj. arrogant, inso- lent. ubcrra'fd)cn tr. to surprise. bit 1 Ulicrra'tdiitiifi (-en) surprise. u'ber=fpringett (a u) tr. to jump across. iibcr^cit'iicu tr. to convince. ii'brtfl (t'lv. left over, remaining. it'brigcnS adv. moreover, on the whole. bao U'fcr ( ) bank, shore. bte Uljr (-eu) clock. lint prep, with ace. for, about, around, in order ; fo so much the ; urn ... Return' round about. urn' !ld)cn (ging, gegangen) intr. (aux. jein) to associate; mit et'roa^ , to handle something. ltm'=I)fln8cn(a i a) intr. (dat.): um imb an f^angen to be con- nected with, pertain to. itm'=feI)rcH intr. (aux. fein) to turn back. ber Um'rifj (-ffe) outline. ber Um'ftanb (^e) circumstance, ceremony ; of)'ne Umfta'nbe with- out much ado. um'=ftojjcu (b ie o) tr. to annul. um'=nienbcit (nmnbte, getoanbt) tr. to turn around. unrtwn'ben (a it) tr. to entwine. itiif,ii'i]Cit part, lined. nitaitfl)iir'(tri) adj. unceasing. UU'lidubtg adj. uncontrollable. uit'bormljcrjtij adj. unmerciful. un'Dcbcnf(td) adv. unhesitatingly. iiu'bcbnitcttb udj. unimportant. HJt'bcbiiiiit adj. unconditional. Ult'bctrrt adj. undisturbed. un'bcfaunt adj. strange, unknown. un'bC(JUCltt adj. uncomfortable. lin'bcriiljrt adj. untouched. im'bcfthltmt adj. indistinct. itn'bctuu^t adj. unconscious (of). HItb conj. and. UU'cbcit adj. rugged, unpleasant. HU'ciflCituiilnn adj. unselfish. uiterl)iirt' adj. unheard-of. nncrfiitt'ttrij adj. insatiable. Ulicr|d|ro f ffcit adj. undismayed. uitfcljl'bnr adj. infallible. uu'flcbulbtg adj. impatient. VOCABULARY 133 un'gcfafjr adv. about. wtgcljeu'er adj. immense. ba3 Un'gd)Citcr ( ) monster, prodigy. un'geiftlid) adj. unspiritual. un'gelabeit adj. not loaded. ttttgcmctlt' adv. exceedingly. Ult'gcitcrft adj. unteased, un- troubled, undisturbed. utt'gcfdjcljctt adj. that has not taken place. Ult'gefd)mtnft adj. undisguised. im'geftodjCtt adj. not pricked, un- injured. un'gcfllltb adj. unhealthful. Utt'gett)if$ adj. uncertain. bie Utt'geroipcit uncertainty. mt r gcu)iH)u(id) adj. unusual. un'gett)0f)ltt adj. unaccustomed. iiii''iniflcu adj. unconstrained. un'gtiiulrig adj. skeptical. Utt'glcid) adj. uneven. baS Itn'glitrf misfortune, calamity. Ult'glucfltd) adj. unfortunate, un- happy. bie llu'guuft disadvantage. uu'gut adj. amiss ; nid)te fiir , no offense intended. un'linwlirt) adj. uncanny. Uttftltb'ltd) adj. undutiful. unfne'gcrifd) adj. unmartial. UltmiJg'ltd) adj. impossible. bie Uitmiiii'liri)fcit impossibility. un'mntig adj. displeased. ititptttrtD'tifrf) adj. unpatriotic. bie Ult'rufjc anxiety. Utt'ruljtij adj. restless. un'fftjdbHd) adj. harmless. un'fdjliifftg adj. undecided. un'fd)it(big adj. innocent. itn'fer poss. adj. our. Utt'fcrctncr ind. pron. one of us. mt'ftiuucj adj. senseless. Ultfterb'Ud) adj. immortal. Ultta'bcrig adj. beyond reproach. Utt'tcr prep, with dat. and ace. under, among. untcrbro'djCH part, interrupted. Uttterbef'fen adv. meanwhile. untcrbrii'rfcn tr. to suppress. tllt'tergcorbttet part, subordinate. linterf)ol r tcu (a te a) tr. to en- tertain. bie Untcrljal'tung (-en) entertain- ment. bie Untcrljattb'luttg (-en) negotia- tion. uittcrncJj'mcn (-nimmft, -na^m, -nonunen) tr. to undertake. untcritcl)'mcttb pres. part, enter- prising. untcrfrfjiit'jctt tr. to undervalue. lUttcrfdjCt'bcn (te te) tr. to dis- tinguish. bie Uu'tcrfrfjrtft (-en) signature. Ult'terft adj. lowest ; 311 at the bottom. Itntcrfu'djCtt tr. to investigate. Htt'tcrtonig adj. humble. JUi'ter=taitd}CH intr. (nux. fetn) to dive down. unrertoer'feit (i a o) tr. to subdue, subject. UHterjCtdj'ltCtt tr. to sign. itn'tierburgt adj. unauthenticated. ItnDcrfcJtlt'bar adj. unmistakable. bie Uu'Uermutft irrationality. UttDcrttlg'Iid) adj. indelible. utt'Bcrttionbt adv. steadfastly. uu'uoUfttiubtg adj. incomplete. 134 VOCABULARY un'toorftrf)ttfl adj. careless. UJl'niCtt prep, with gen. near; adv. not far off. umwbcritclj'Kei) adj. irresistible. bet Un'iuillc (gen. -n3) indigna- tion, resentment. un'roHlig adj. angry, indignant. imtwllfom'men adj. unwelcome. mi'iuinui adj. simple-minded, foolish. uu^crtrcnn'ltcf) adj. inseparable. UH'^ufricben adj. dissatisfied. ber Hi 'In uli leave (if absence. urploty'Itrf) adv. suddenly. bcr iltifo'iicv ( ) inhabitant of Uetikon. ber 2?o'tcr (*) father. ttti'terltcf) adj. paternal. ticnc^in'mfrf) adj. Venetian. Wcrnb'frfjtebcu tr. to dismiss. bie iPcrnn'ba (pi. -3) veranda. uerbeu'gcn reft, to bow. Dcrbttt'bcn (a it) tr. to connect, combine. bic SBcrbin'bungSlitue (-n) con- necting line. ucrb(i'rf)cn part, faded. Dcrblitf'feit tr. to stagger. ucrbnu'fcu tr. to owe. ucrbcr'bcn (t a o) tr. to ruin, spoil. bao SPcrbcr'bcn destruction. Dcrbrc'I|CU tr. to distort. Ucrctu'jcU part, sporadic, occa- sional. Dcrfon'flcn (d t a) intr. to take effect. ticrfof'fctt tr. to compose, write. bie Scrfnf fung condition. bcrftn'ftcrn reft, to grow dark, grow angry. Ucrftof'fcn part. past. t)crf(ud) r ttgcn refl. to evaporate. ber JBcrfot'fjer ( ) persecutor. ticrfu'gen tr. to dispose, provide. ticrflo'bctt tr. to bestow. lU'riiiil'lcit tr. to embitter. ttergon'gcn part. last. bie 2?crflan'ficnt)cit past. tierfleb'ltd) adv. in vain. t)CrjjIci'd)Cit (i t) tr. to compare. berglit'fycn intr. (aux. fein) to burn out. tocrflnitflt' part, cheerful. bcrgol'bcn tr. to gild. bie ^crgol'bung gilding. Bcrgrci'fen (-Gnff/ -griffen) refl. to make a mistake. Dcr^ttl'tcn part, restrained. ba^ SSerplt'ittS (-ffe) situation, relation. Wcr^on'bcltt tr. to discuss. bcrfjattg'mStioU adj. fatal. tJCtljar'tcn tr. to harden ; uer hdrtet stiffened. crl)ol)'ncn tr. to deride. tJcrjitn'flCH tr. to rejuvenate. tJCrflci'bcit tr. to disguise. BCrflct'ucrit refl. to diminish, grow smaller. UcrHm'flCit (a it) intr. (aux. fein) to die away. Dcrfnu'gcn tr. to desire. ba<3 $cr(an'gcit desire. ttcrlof'fcn (ii ie a) tr. to de- sert, leave. Dcrlc'gett adj. embarrassed, awk- ward. VOCABULARY 135 bie SBerle'flCJtljeit embarrassment, bte SBerlct'tung (-en) temptation. tierltcbt' part, enamored. tterlie'ren (o o) tr. to lose. tterlo'ien tr. to betroth, bas 2?erliJb'm3 engagement. ucvm'd)cu tr. to bequeath, bag $ermad)t'm (-fje) legacy. Demtelj'rCM tr. to increase. Bermit'tclft , prep, with gen. by means of. Dermo'bern intr. (aux. fein) to crumble away. tternadj'lafftgen tr. to neglect. tocrtteljm'Hd) adj. audible, distinct, bie 2$erminft' common sense. ttcrniinf'tig adj. sensible. tierpc'ftctt tr. to infest, taint. Werpflidj'tcn refl. to bind one's self. Uerro r ten(ci ie a) betray. Berrcrft' part, confounded. Derrct'fen intr. (aux. fein) to set out. toerret'teit (-ritt, -ritten) intr. (aux. fetn) to ride away, bie 2?emtd)t'l)cit (-en) atrocity. Wcmt'rfeit tr. to derange, turn. tomiirft' part, crazy, bie SBerrurft'Jjctt (-en) folly, ber SBemtf disgrace. tjcrfam'mcln tr. to assemble. WCrfdjaf'fCtt tr. to provide. BCrfdjatttt' adj. embarrassed. t)crfti)an'5cn tr. to intrench. Derfcf)cr'5ett tr. to lose by trifling. tierfdjtc'ficn (o o) tr. and refl. to shift. Derfrfjlie'^ett (o o) tr. to lock, close. oerfd)Iof fen part, taciturn. berfdjlutt'flen part, entwined ; e Sfjtffre monogram. bcrf^ttiun'bcn part, vanished. ticrfc'^Ctt (ie a e) tr. to provide. Bcrfet'gCtt tr. to reply; to trans- plant, transpose. toerfttt'fen (a u) intr. (aux. fein) to sink. tr. and refl. to delay. n (\ a o) tr. to promise ; refl. to make a slip of the tongue. ber SBcrftanb' intelligence. Bcrftan'biflGKfy'.sensible.intelligent. ber 3krfterf' (-e) hiding-place. ttcrftc'Ijeu (-ftanb, -ftanben) tr. to understand. Dcrftet'ttmt tr. to petrify. ttcrftol)'lcn adj. stealthy. ttcrftiirt' adj. agitated. tjcrfto'fjcu (o ie o) tr. to put away. Dcrftum'mcn intr. (aux. fein) to become silent. Ucrfu'djClt tr. to try. bie 2?crfu'tf)Hltj] (-en) temptation. Dcrfit'fjClt tr. to sweeten. Bcrtau'jrfjClt tr. to exchange. ticrtct'btgcn tr. to defend. Dcrteu'fclt adj. deuced. ticrtte'fcn refl. to plunge. ticrtit'ficu tr. to destroy. bag Sertrau'eit confidence. ticrtraut' part, familiar. uertre'tett (-trittft a e) tr. to wear out. Derutt'gltntpfett tr. to defame, dis- grace. DerDoll'IommttCtt tr. to complete, perfect. 136 VOCABULARY ttcrttJflitbt' adj. related; bet 35er= roanbte relative. ttcrme'gcn adj. bold. HerttJc'ffCtt if. to blow away, dis- arrange. Dcrnjci'gcrn tr. to refuse. DcrUJet'len intr. to remain. Dcrtucn'bcn (-icanbte, -roanbt) tr. to employ. Derttri'rfdt part, embroiled. Derttitl'bert part, demoralized. bie Skrroir'nutci confusion. ticrU)it'tcrt part, weather-beaten. titrttiun'ben tr. to wound. tter^eicfy'nen tr. to record. Derjer'ren tr. to distort. ber SBerjirfjt' renunciation ; see also lei'ften. ttcrjic'ljcn (-jog, -jogen) intr. to delay, wait. ticrjte'rctt tr. to ornament. ber IScrpg' ("e) delay. llt intr. to despair. lt part, despairing. bie Skrjuictf'hmg despair. ber 2$ct'tcr ( ) cousin. tJtcl adj. (comp. tneljr, sup. meift) much, many. uiclli'idit' adv. perhaps. tuclntcf)r r ado. rather. Utcr num. four. bie i'icr'tdftuube (-n) quarter- hour. ber 2?if(ir f (-e) curate. bao 23tfarint' (-e) curacy. Utofctt' adj. violet. bao i^olf (^er) nation, people. ttoll adj. (camp, ^er, sup. -"ft) full. Dolicn'bcn tr. to complete. (o o) tr. to fill. DoU'ljaUcub pres. part, deep-toned. uiil'liii adj. complete. tioUfom'mcn adj. perfect. uull'ftiiiiitii] adj. complete. uoll'tontii adj. full-toned. tioltigic'rcn intr. to vault. tion prep, with dat. of, from. Dor prep, with dat. and ace. in front of ; before ; fid) fyer in front of one or it ; fur'jem a short time ago. ber SSor'obenb (-e) eve. Boran'=jjef)cn (91119, gegangen) intr. (aux. fein) to go ahead. bie SPorauS'fidjt (-en) prospect. bie SBor'bcbcuttutfl (-en) forebod- ing, portent. bas SPorbet'ncfjcu passing. ber SBor'foB ("e) occurrence. Uor r =follcit (a fiel a) intr. (aux. fein) to occur. bie SBor'frogc (-n) preliminary question. bar'gcttanttt part, aforesaid. Uor f jjcftcnt adv. day before yester- day. baQ $or r !)abcH design, project. t)0r r =^a(tcn (ii ie a) tr. to charge. ttor'sf ontfltett (font, gefoinmen) intr. (aux. fein) to appear, seem. Dor' = lcfcit (ie a c) tr. to read aloud. bie 2*0r'lefuufl (-en) reading. tior'-lcutfjtcn tr. to set an example to. bie SBor'Hcbc preference, liking. tiont adv. in front. Dor'neljm adj. aristocratic, ele- gant. VOCABULARY 137 t>or'=ttei)mctt (nimmft, nahm, ge= nommen) tr. to take up. H0r'=ritrfen tr. to reproach. bas> Sor'riirfett advance. t)0r'=fd)tueben intr. to be before the eye. tJ0r'=fe^ett tr. to serve ; to advance. D0r'ftd)Hg adj. careful. P0r'=fingett (a it) tr. to intone. D0r'=ftcUeu\r. to introduce; refl. to imagine. ttortreff'Ucf) adj. splendid, ber $0r'tritt precedence. D0rit'ber=gef)ett (gtng, gegangen) intr. (aux. fein) to pass by or over. 0ru'beHrf)litpfctt intr. (aux. fein) to slip by. bie 2$0r'urteHloftgfeit freedom from prejudice. tior'ttJort^ adv. forward, ber ^or'twtrf (^e) reproach. D0r'ttwrf0D0lI adj. reproachful. t)0r'=3tcf)cn (joq, gesogen) tr. to prefer. 928 bie 2$a'cf)e (-n) watch, guard. Wd'tfjen intr. to be awake. nmrfj'fcn (d u a) intr. (aux. fetn) to grow, bie SBnf'fc (-n) weapon, bie 2Baf'feHfantmer (-n) armory. tua'geit tr. to dare, risk, ber 2Ba'gen ( ) wagon, bao SBag'ntS (-fje) venture. tt)ttl)'len tr. to choose. ttialjr adj. true. Wiilj'rcnb pres.part. lasting; prep. with gen. during. bie 293al)r'fjeit (-en) truth. ttwfjr'Urf) adv. truly. ber 2Balb f er) forest. WOl'teit tr. to rule. ber SBon'bcl conduct. Hiiut'bclu intr. (aux. fein) to wan- der, saunter. bie ZBatt'bcrllift love of travel. ttwtt'bertt intr. (aux. fein) to walk, ramble. bie SBan'ge (-n) cheek. tomtit adv. when. bag aSap'pen ( ) seal, coat of arms, device. Worm adj. (comp. -"er sup. *ft) warm. toor'nett tr. to warn. bie 2Sor'nuttg (-en) warning. ttar'tett intr. to wait. roorutn' adv. why. toa rel. pron. which ; interroga- tive pron. what. bas SBaf'fcr ( ) water. Wa'tett intr. (aux. fein) to wade. twerfj'fcltt intr. to change. Uje'ber conj. neither. tocg adv. off, away. ber 233 eg (-e) way, road. tUC'gcit prep, with gen. on ac- count of. tt)Cg r =rci^Ctt (i i) tr. to tear away. tt)eg'=fcljctt tr. to put away ; intr. to jump away, jump over. ttJeg'=ft0fjen (5 ie o) tr. to push away. tteg r =treiben (te ie) tr. to drive away. teg'=tt)erfen (i a o) tr. to throw away. 138 VOCABULARY tocl) adv. : tun to hurt, bie 3Bet)'mut melancholy. ba3 28etb (-er) woman. Uicib'lirt) adj. female, womanly. ttJCt'bcn rqfl. to feast one's eyes on. bie SBetb'luft love of hunting. berS&etb'manit (yen. -Q, pi. -leute) huntsman. teet'gern reft, to decline, refuse, ber 2Bci!)'raud) incense. Weil con;', because. UK'i'lanb adv. formerly, bao 2S?cit'rf)Clt short time, bie SBci'le while, time, ber SBettt (-e) wine, ber SScilt'bcrg (~e) vineyard. ba3 SSetn'Iaub vine-leaves, bie SBein'laubc (-n) grape-arbor, ber 293ein'ftorf (*e) grapevine, bie 23Jet'fe (-n) manner. ttici'fcn (ie ie) tr. to show, point, bie 3S>ci'l)Ctt wisdom. neifj adj. white. ttJCtt adj. far, wide ; t>on em from afar ; ofy'ne ereei without more ado. Uiclrt) adj. and pron. which, bie 23Jel'(c (-n) wave, bie 2BcIt (-en) world. Welt' erf oljrcn adj. experienced. ttJClt'Hdj adj. worldly. men'bcn (roanbtc, geroanbt) tr. to turn. bie SBcn'bung (-en) turn, mc'itii] adj. little, few. luc'ntgftcnS adv. at least. ttJCnn conj. if ; aud) even if ; an'berS provided that. Wet interrogative pron. who. bie 29er'bunf} (-en) wooing. ttcr'bcn (nrirft, roarb or routbe, ge= roorben) intr. (aux. fein) to be- come, be ; will. twer'fett (i a o) tr. to cast, throw. ba3 235crf (-e) work. ber 28crt worth, value. bas SBe'fcn ( ) being, character. tt)C'fcnto3 adj. shadowy. bie SBcf'pc (-n) wasp. ber SBc'ftcn the West. toiberro'tcn (ci ie a) tr. to advise against. bie 28t'bcrrcbe (-n) contradiction. ba3 233t'bcrfptcl (-e) contrast. Wt'bcrrofirttg adj. repulsive. bie SSib'mung (-en) dedication. tt)ibrtgcnfoU' adv. failing this. ttltc adv. how ; conj. as if, like, as; ... folcfje such as. twc'ber adv. again ; im'mer , again and again. baei 2Bte'bercrtt)ad)Cn reawaken- ing. lttc'bcr=gclicn (i a e) tr. to restore. tt)tcbcrf)er'=ftcllctt tr. to reestab- lish. tt)icberl)0 r lctt tr. to repeat. nnc'bcr=fcl)rcn intr. (aux. fein) to return. ber 28tc'bcrfd)Ctn (-e) reflection. ba<3 9S?ic'bcrfcI)Ctt meeting again ; auf good-by. ber aSie'bcrtaufer ( ) Anabap- tist. niic'gcn (o o) refl. to sway. bag 28ten Vienna. bie 92Bie'fc (-n) meadow. Wtlb adj. wild. VOCABULARY 139 ttJtl'Kg adj. willing. bie SBim'per (-n) eyelash. bet 28tnb (-e) wind. ttitn'btg adj. windy. bag 2Bittb'Hfy (-et) lantern. bet SKMu'fd ( ) angle, corner. bag 2Btu'ser jaurftfCtt vintage shout. bag 2Bitt'5crmeffer ( ) grape- knife. ttmt'sig adj. tiny. ttitr pers. prorr. we. bet SSHr'bel ( ) crown. bet SBir'oeJttrinb (-e) whirlwind. ttrir'tett intr. to act. ttrirf'Hdj adj. real. bag SSMrt^'ljauS (~et) inn. wif'fen (racist, roufjte, geroufct) Zr. to know. lt>0 adu. where. bie 280'dje (-n) week. bet SBo'djcnmarft (*e) weekly market. footer' adv. whence. tuoljin' adv. whither. tt)0f)l adj. comfortable, well ; adv. indeed, well. tuoljlau' interj. well ! all right ! tt)of)l'befteUt adj. duly appointed. ttioljl'geborcn adj. well-born; (as title) your honor. tuotil'gefofltg adj. approving. bet 233of)('Iaut harmony. bie SSSflJjI'tat (-en) favor, kind- ness. bet SBoljl'tcitcr ( ) benefactor. bie 2$0I) r mutg (-en) dwelling. bet 2380lfgang (*e) runway. bie SBoI'fe (-n) cloud. wol'len (rcitlft, rcollte, gerooHt) tr. to want, wish ; will. adv. wherewith, with which, with what. rtiorauf adv. whereon, on which, on what. bag 2380rt (*et r -e) word. luoruii'ter adv. under which. toop' adv. to which, for what purpose. ttJun'beroor adj. wonderful. ttMtt'berlid) adj. peculiar, queer. bie 2Bun'berltd)fett (-en) pecu- liarity. Wun'bertioB adj. wondrous. ber SBunfdj ("e) wish. bie SBiir'be dignity. Wur'btg adj. worthy, dignified. bag SSiir'fcIt^en ( ) small die. bag SBiir'felfptel dice-playing. ttwr'men tr. to vex. ttiurm'fttdjtg adj. worm-eaten. bie SBur'fterfumtlte (-n) family of sausage-makers. bie 993ur'sel (-n) root. ttwft adj. wild ; ja'gen to call bad names. Wii'teit intr. to rage. 3 30^ (c) adj. tough. pl) r (ett tr. and intr. to count. galjltt adj. tame. gttft adj. tender. $art'fiif)lcnb adj. delicate. jfirt'Itl^ adj. affectionate. bet _3ilbuitg contemporary culture. intr. to mature. adv. for life, for ever. jdt'Hrf) adj. temporal, bie $ctt'lofc (-n) meadow-saffron. Scrbre'djcn (i a o) tr. to break to pieces. 5crbrii'rfcH tr. to crush, press away. jcrlc'fctiporf. well-thumbed, dilap- idated (by reading). 5emt'f?CH (i i) tr. to tear to pieces. jcrritt'tcit tr. to derange, ^crftii'rcit tr. to destroy. bevgcu'flc (-n) witness, ber ^cug'ljcrr (-en) castellan. Stc'ljcn (sog, gejogen) tr. to draw, pull. ) adv. rather, fairly. adj. neat, graceful, bas ^tm'ntcr ( ) room. f,im 'merit 1r. to build, fashion, ber 3tm'mcrtmnfc( ( ) corner of a room. ^i'frfjcil intr. to hiss. ^it'tcru intr. to tremble, bie 3itu(ifatton r (pr. -jion) civili- /ation. flii'flcrit intr. to hesitate, ber $oru rage. Sor'nifl rfj. angry. <. to, as ; adv. too. p'ffcit tr. to twitch, shrug, baa gw'rffrWfl confection, candy. $ubcm r adv. moreover. 3it'=etlcn intr. (aux. jein) to hasten towards. ftucrft' adv. first. ju'-fliiftcrtt tr. to whisper to. jufrte'bcn adj. satisfied, bie ^ufl'briitfc (-n) drawbridge, ber ^it'fld ( ) rein ; in bte - greifen to grasp the reins. Jltglctd)' adv. at the same time, ber ^u'ljfif cr ( ) listener, hearer. 51t'=fcf)rcit tr. to turn towards. 5U r =lenfcn tr. to direct towards, guide towards. adv. last, finally. intr. to dart out, the tongue, ber $" r 'd)crgulbcu ( ) Zurich guilder. pr'djcrtfd) adj. of Zurich, ber 3i.u*i. 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