< o o fe w D STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD BY HENRY GANNETT FIRST EDITION FIRST THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED 1907 Copyright, 1906 BY HENRY GANNETT ROBERT DRUMMOND, PRINTER, NEW YORK PREFACE. STATISTICS relating to the different peoples of the earth, their products of the soil, mines, and fisheries, their manufactures, means of transportation, and their commerce, are accessible, but in widely scattered form. To obtain them requires the consultation of many books, more than are commonly found in a single library. To bring these statistics together in compact form, thus making them easily accessible, is the purpose of this little book. The figures given are the latest obtainable. Their date is not given, and it seems scarcely necessary. The dates of those in different tables differ in many cases, and even those relating to different countries in the same table may differ. This is unavoidable; otherwise the tables would be much less complete than they are. Statistics of the most recent single year are given in preference to the mean of several years, as being on the whole nearest to the truth. Population, pro- duction, and commerce are increasing year by year, so that the mean of the five years 1900 to 1905 would be farther from the facts in 1906 than would be the figures of the single year 1905. The figures have been drawn from many sources. To recapitulate them would be a useless extension of the work. iii 155722 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE AREA AND POPULATION BY CONTINENTS i PROPORTION OF THE POPULATION OF EACH RACE. . i PROPORTION OF THE POPULATION SPEAKING CER- TAIN LANGUAGES i AREA AND POPULATION BY COUNTRIES 2 POPULATION OF THE LARGEST CITIES 4 AVERAGE RATES OF INCREASE OF POPULATION DURING THE LAST HALF OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY 1 1 PROPORTION OF EACH SEX n PROPORTION OF FOREIGN-BORN 12 PROPORTION OF THE FOREIGN-BORN OF EACH LEADING NATIONALITY 13 PROPORTION OF THE POPULATION WHO ARE LITERATE AND ATTEND SCHOOL 13 CONJUGAL CONDITION 14 BIRTH, DEATH, AND MARRIAGE RATES 15 ILLEGITIMATE BIRTHS 16 RELIGIOUS ADHERENTS 16- DEFECTIVES 17 BREADWINNERS, TOTAL AND BY SEX 17 CONVICTIONS FOR HOMICIDE 18 BREADWINNERS BY OCCUPATIONS 18 REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, DEBT, AND INTEREST. ... 19 RAILWAY MILEAGE 20 TONNAGE OF MERCHANT SHIPPING 21 PRODUCTION OF ALUMINUM 22 PRODUCTION OF ANTIMONY 22 PRODUCTION OF ARSENIC 22 v Vi CONTENTS. PAGB PRODUCTION OF GRAPHITE 22 PRODUCTION OF SULPHUR 23 PRODUCTION OF BORAX 23 PRODUCTION OF PETROLEUM 23 PRODUCTION OF ASPHALTUM 24 PRODUCTION OF MANGANESE ORE 24 PRODUCTION OF TIN 24 PRODUCTION OF ZINC 25 PRODUCTION OF COAL. . 25 PRODUCTION OF COPPER 26 PRODUCTION OF IRON ORE 26 PRODUCTION OF SALT . . . : 27 PRODUCTION OF QUICKSILVER 27 PRODUCTION OF PIG IRON AND STEEL. 27 PRODUCTION OF GOLD AND SILVER 28 CONSUMPTION OF COPPER 29 PRODUCTION OF POTATOES 29 GRAIN CROPS 30 PRODUCTION OF TOBACCO 31 PRODUCTION OF CANE-SUGAR 32 PRODUCTION OF BEET-SUGAR 32 CONSUMPTION OF SUGAR PER CAPITA 33 IMPORTATION OF SUGAR TO THE UNITED STATES. . . 33 PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF COFFEE 34 PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF TEA .34, 35 PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF COCOA 35 PRODUCTION OF FLAX 35 PRODUCTION OF SILK 36 VALUE OF SILK MANUFACTURES 36 PRODUCTION OF COTTON 37 MANUFACTURES OF COTTON 37 COTTON SPINDLES 38 PRODUCTION OF WOOL 39 LIVE STOCK 4 FISHERIES 4 1 PRODUCTION OF WINE 41 CONSUMPTION OF LIQUORS 42 WOODED AREAS 4 2 CULTIVATED AREAS 43 FOREIGN COMMERCE EXPORTS AND IMPORTS 44 CONTENTS. vii IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES 45 Algeria 45 Argentina 46 Australia 46 Austria- Hungary 46 Belgium 47 Bulgaria 48 Canada 49 Cape Colony 49 Ceylon 40 Chile ..I 49 China 50 Denmark 50 Dutch East Indies 50 Egypt 51 France 51 Germany 52 Greece 53 India 54 'Italy 54 I?P* n 55 Mexico 55 Natal 56 Netherlands 56 New Zealand 57 Norway 57 Philippine Islands 57 Portugal 58 Rumania 58 Russia 58 Servia 59 Siam 59 Spain 59 Straits Settlements 60 Sweden 60 Switzerland 60 Tunis 61 Turkey . . 6 1 United Kingdom 62 United States 63 Uruguay 64 viii CONTENTS. PAGE IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COMMODITIES 65 Argentina 65 Australia 65 Austria- Hungary 66 Belgium 66 Brazil 67 Chile 67 China 67 Cuba 67 Denmark ' 68 Egypt 68 France 68 Germany 69 Greece 69 India 69 Italy 70 Japan 70 Mexico. 70 Netherlands 71 Norway 71 Peril 71 Philippine Islands 72 Portugal 71 Rumania 72 Russia 72 Servia 73 Spain 73 Sweden 73 Switzerland 74 Transvaal 74 Turkey 74 United Kingdom 75 United States 76 Uruguay 76 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. AREA AND POPULATION. BY CONTINENTS. Area Square Miles. Tens of Thousands. Population. Thousands. Inhabitants Per Square Mile. Africa I I 4O3 140 700 I 3 Asia I 5.o8 S 8 IQ.C c6 \7 Europe . 3 706 302 264 IOJ. North America 8 ceo IOC 714. I ^ Oceania 42 T C 6 j.8? I Polar Regions OI South America 7 COS 78 4.82 World co 6 ?6 I CO3 2OO ?o PROPORTION OF THE POP- PROPORTION OF THE POP- ULATION OF EACH RACE. White 41 Yellow 45 Black ii Brown 2 Red. . i ULATION SPEAKING CER- TAIN LANGUAGES. English 10 French 3 German 5 Italian 2 Portuguese. ........ i Russian 7 Spanish 3 2 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. AREA AND POPULATION. BY COUNTRIES. Area, Square Miles. Population. Density of Population Abyssinia 312,000 241,000 591,000 343,600 880,000 I,lOO,ooo 2,973>oo 201,300 141,600 11,400 443,000 3,300,000 88,000 1,197,000 12,000 37,3oo 3,756,000 206,000 25,000 293,000 1,500,000 466,000 44,000 14,850 585,000 118,600 248,000 207,000 256,000 210,000 25,000 838,000 175,000 11,000 6,450 8,330,000 4,550,000 64,000 4,800,000 950,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 47,150,000 742,000 6,700,000 1,776,000 14,334,000 800,000 7,000,000 1,650,000 3,750,000 5,375,000 4,136,000 3,600,000 3,175,000 407,300,000 3,917,000 1,570,000 2,450,000 35,000,000 1,300,000 9,700,000 39,000,000 15,600,000 56,400,000 2,435,000 12,000 415,000 1,294,000 154,000 27 19 14 I ? 180 5 587 4 4i 9 6 137 IOO ii 20 144 ii 272 8 36 165 60 10 39 188 61 269 97 2l 118 24 Afganistan. . . . Alaska Algeria Arabia Argentina. . . .-. . Australia Austria- Hungary . Baluchistan. . . . Belgium Bolivia Brazil British Borneo. . .. British S. Africa.. . British W. Indies.. Bulgaria Canada Central America. . Ceylon Chile China proper Colombia Cuba Denmark Dutch East Indies Ecuador Egypt proper France French Indo-China Germany Greece Greenland Guianas Haiti Hawaii. . . , STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 3 AREA AND POPULATION Continued. Area, Square Miles. Population. Density of Population Iceland 40,000 80,000 2 India 1,790,000 298,000,000 l67 Italy 1 10,700 32,500,000 2QA Taoan . 161 ,150 46,500,000 289 JclJJ Korea 84,250 9,670,000 1 1 cr Mexico 767,000 13,600,000 18 Morocco 176,000 7 ,000,000 AO Netherlands 12,500 5,100,000 AO8 Newfoundland. . . . New Guinea . . 42,700 311 ,OOO 217,000 700 ooo 5 2 New Zealand. . . . 104,600 816,000 8 Norway 124,000 2 ,22O,OOO 18 Paraguay O7 .7OO 636 ooo 61 Persia 63 s.ooo 9,OOO,OOO 14 Peru 439,000 4,586,OOO 10 Philippine Islands Porto Rico . 115,000 3.600 7,636,000 OS 7. OOO 66 26^ Portugal ?, tj,7oo 5,4OO,OOO i 934 Cleveland, U. S 414,950 Cologne, Germany 372,529 Colombo, Ceylon 158,228 Columbus, U. S 135,487 Constantinople, Turkey 1,125,000 Copenhagen, Denmark 378,235 Croydon, England 133*895 Damascus, Turkey ; 225,000 Dantzig, Germany 140,563 Delhi, India 208,575 Denver, U. S 133*859 Derby, England 105,912 Detroit, U. S 317,591 Dortmund, Germany 142 ,733 Dresden, Germany , 396,146 Dublin, Ireland 290,638 6 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. POPULATION OF THE LARGEST CITIES Contd. Dundee, Scotland 160,871 Diisseldorf, Germany 213,711 Edinburgh, Scotland 316,479 Ekaterinoslaf, Russia 135,552 Elberfeld, Germany 156,966 Essen, Germany 118,862 Fall River, U. S 105,762 Fez, Morocco 140,000 Florence, Italy 205,589 Frankfort-on-Main, Germany 288,989 Fuchau, China ; . . . 624,000 Gateshead, England 109,888 Geneva, Switzerland 110,954 Genoa, Italy 234,710 Ghent, Belgium 162,925 Glasgow, Scotland 735,96 Goteborg, Sweden 135,314 Gratz, Austria 138,080 Guadalajara, Mexico 101,208 Hague, Netherlands 229,839 Halifax, England 104,936 Halle-on-Saal, Germany 156,609 Hamburg, Germany 75>738 Hangchau, China 700,000 Hankau, China 870,000 Hanoi, Tonking 150,000 Hanover, Germany 235,649 Havana, Cuba 275,000 Havre, France 130,196 Helsingfors, Russia 100,812 Hiroshima, Japan 121,196 Howrah, India 157,594 Indianapolis, U. S 191,033 Jaipur, India 160,167 Jersey City, U. S 232,699 Kansas City, U. S 173,064 Karachi, India 116,163. Kassel, Germany 106,034 Kazan, Russia 143 ,707 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. ^ POPULATION OF THE LARGEST CITIES Contd. Kharkof, Russia i97405 Kiel, Germany ' 107,977 Kiev, Russia 319,000 Kingston-upon-Hull, England 240,259 Kisheneff, Russia 125,787 Kobe, Japan 285,002 Konigsberg, Germany 189,483 Krefeld, Germany 106,893 Kristiania, Norway 227,626 Kyoto, Japan 380,568 Lahore, India 202,964 Leeds, England 428,968 Leicester, England 211,579 Leipzig, Germany 456,124 Lemberg, Austria 159,877 Liege, Belgium 166,105 Lille, France 210,696 Lima, Peru 130,000 Lisbon, Portugal 356,009 Liverpool, England 684,958 Lodz, Russia 35 ^S? London, England 6,581,372 Los Angeles, U. S 1 16,420 Louisville, U. S 215,402 Lucknow, India 264,049 Lyon, France 459,099 Madras, India 509,346 Madrid, Spain 539.835 Madura, India 105,984 Magdeburg, Germany 229,667 Malaga, Spain 130,109 Manchester, England 543,872 Mandalay, India 183,816 Manila, P. 1 219,928 Mannheim, Germany 141,131 Marseilles, France 491,161 Meerut, India 118,129 Melbourne, Australia 501,460 Memphis, U.S 113 ,6^9 8 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. POPULATION OF THE LARGEST CITIES Contd. Messina, Italy 149,778 Mexico, Mexico 344,721 Milan, Italy 491,460 Milwaukee, U. S 312,948 Minneapolis, U. S 261,974 Montevideo, Uruguay 276,034 Montreal, Canada 267 ,730 Moscow, Russia 1,092,360 Munich, Germany 499,932 Murcia, Spain in ,539 Nagasaki, Japan i53 2 93 Nagoya, Japan. . . . 288,639 Nagpur, India 177,734 Nancy, France 102,559 Nanking, China 250,000 Nantes, France 132,990 Naples, Italy 563 ,540 Newark, U. S 283 ,289 Newcastle, England 215,328 New Haven, U. S 114,600 New Orleans, U. S 300,625 New York, U. S 4,013,781 Nice, France 105,109 Ningpo, China 260,000 Norwich, England 111,753 Nottingham, England 239,743 Nuremberg, Germany 261,081 Odessa, Russia 449,673 Oldham, England 137,246 Omaha, U. S 113,361 Oporto, Portugal 167,955 Osaka, Japan ... 995,945 Palermo, Italy 309,694 Paris, France 2,714,068 Paterson, U. S. 111,529 Patna, India 134,785 Pernambuco, Brazil 111,556 Philadelphia, U. S 1,367,716 Pittsburg, U. S ; 345,043 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 9 POPULATION OF THE LARGEST CITIES Contd. Plymouth, England 107,636 Poona, India. i533 2 Portsmouth, England 166,133 Posen , Germany 1 1 7 ,033 Prague, Austria 201 ,589 Preston, England 112,989 Providence, U. S i9^ 6 35 Rangoon, India 234,881 Reims, France 108,385 Riga, Russia 256,197 Rio Janeiro, Brazil 522,651 Rochester, U. S 181,666 Rome, Italy 462,783 Rostof-on-Don, Russia 119,889 Rotterdam, Netherlands 357.474 Roubaix, France 142,365 Rouen, France 116,316 St. Etienne, France 146,559 St. Joseph, U. S no,479 St. Louis, U. S 612,279 St. Paul, U. S I97.o 2 3 St. Petersburg, Russia 1,313.3 Salford, England 220,957 Salonica, Turkey 105,000 San Francisco, U. S 3 5 5,9 1 9 Santiago, Chile 296,695 Saratof, Russia 143, 43 1 Scranton, U. S 107,026 Sendai, Japan 100,231 Seoul, Korea 196,646 Seville, Spain 148,315 Shanghai, Chria 620,000 Sheffield, England 380,793 Smyrna, Turkey 201,000 Soerabaya, Java 146,944 Southampton, England 104,824 Srinagar, India 122,618 Stettin, Germany 210,702 Stockholm, Sweden 311,043 10 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. POPULATION OF THE LARGEST CITIES Contd. Strassburg, Germany 151 ,041 Stuttgart, Germany.. 176,699 Suchau, China 500,000 Sunderland, England.. 146,077 Surat, India 119,306 Syracuse, U.S.,.. 117,503 Szeged, Hungary 102,991 Tabriz, Persia 200,000 Teheran, Persia 280,000 Tientsin, China, 750,000 -Tokyo, Japan 1,818,655 Toledo, U. S 145,901 Torino, Italy 335>6s6 Toronto, Canada 208,040 Toulon, France. 102 ,602 Toulouse, France, 149,841 Trichinopoli, India. 104,721 Trieste, Austria. . 134,143 Tula, Russia 109,352 Tunis, Tunis . . .'. 170,000 Utrecht, Netherlands 110,648 Valencia, Spain 213,530 Valparaiso, Chile 132,941 Venice, Italy 151 ,840 Victoria, Hongkong 283,905 Vienna, Austria 1,674,957 Vilna, Russia. . . ; 162,633 Warsaw, Russia 756,426 Washington, U. S 293,217 Westham, England. 267,358 Worcester, U. S, 128,135 Wuhu, China 115,580 Yokohama, Japan 326,035 Zurich, Switzerland 169,410 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. II AVERAGE RATES OF INCREASE OF POPULATION DURING LAST HALF OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Per Cent of Annual Increase. Austria 0.8 Belgium 0.9 Denmark i . i France 0.2 Germany 0.9 Hungary 0.8 India 0.4 Italy 0.6 Japan 1.2 Netherlands i . o Norway 0.9 Philippine Islands i . i Portugal i . o Russia 1.3 Spain 0.4 Sweden 0.8 Switzerland 0.7 United Kingdom 0.8 United States 2.4 PROPORTION OF EACH SEX. Per Cent of Males. Females. Argentina 52.8 47 . 2 Austria 49 . i 50.9 Belgium 49,7 50.3 Canada 51.2 48 . 8 Ceylon 53 . o 47.0 Cuba 51.8 48.2 Denmark .- 48 . 7 51.3 France 49-4 50 . 6 Germany 49.2 50.8 India 509 49 i Jamaica 47-8 52.2 12 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD, PROPORTION OF EACH SEX Continued. Per Cent of Males. Females. Japan 50.4 49.6 Java 49, o 51-0 Mexico 49-6 50.4 Netherlands 49-4 50-6 Philippine Islands. . * 50-0 50-0 Porto Rico 49-5 5 5 Portugal 47.8 52.2 Spain 48.5 51.5 Straits Settlements. . . , 67.3 32.7 Switzerland 48 . 6 514 United Kingdom 48 , 5 51 . 5 United States 51.1 48.9 PROPORTION OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION. Per Cent. Argentina 17 7 Austria-Hungary 1.6 Belgium 3.1 Canada 13.0 Chile 2.3 Cuba 11,0 Denmark 33 Egypt.. 1.2 France 2.7 Germany 1.5 Greece 1.3 Italy 0.2 Mexico o , 4 Netherlands i o Norway 4.0 Philippine Islands 0.8 Portugal 0,8 Rumania 3.1 Servia i . o Sweden 0.5 Switzerland 1 1 . 8 United States 13/6 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 13 PERCENTAGE WHICH THE FOREIGN-BORN OF EACH LEADING NATIONALITY BEAR TO THE TOTAL FOREIGN-BORN. ARGENTINA. Italy. 56 Spain 22 France 1 1 CANADA. United Kingdom. ... 55 United States 18 Germany 4 Russia 5 CHILE. Germany 10 Spain ii France 1 1 United Kingdom. ... 9 Italy 10 Argentina 10 CUBA. Spain 75 Africa 7 United States 4 MLX co. Spain 28 United States 27 Guatemala.. . 10 UN.T..D STATES. Germany 26 Ireland 16 England 8 Canada 1 1 Sweden 6 Italy 5 Russia 4 PROPORTION OF THE POPULATION WHO ARE LITERATE AND WHO ATTEND SCHOOL. Literate. Attend School. Australia 20 Austria-Hungary 55 14 Belgium ~ 12 Canada 21 Cuba 34 -6 Denmark 13 France 14 Germany 17 Greece 7 India 5 2 Italy 8 Japan n Mexico i $ Netherlands.. ,,,,,, , , , 14 14 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. PROPORTION OF THE POPULATION WHO ARE LITERATE AND WHO ATTEND SCHOOL Contd. Literate. Attend School. New Zealand Norway Philippine Islands 14 Porto Rico 15 Portugal Rumania 22 Russia Servia 17 Spain 29 Sweden., . Switzerland United Kingdom United States 68 CONJUGAL CONDITION. is 5 3 4 14 3 5 7 14 20 18 22 Proportion of Single Married. Widowed. Argentina 60 7 26 O 4-7 Austria 60 . I 34 3 c 6 Belgium . . . 60 o 34. 2 e 8 Canada. 61 7 34 I 42 Cuba 7O . > .2^ . s P_c H-I cuS > t/5'^2 w w U p; c 'rtO gz il p 1 < s H 5 ^ Q O Austria 64 2 2 6 J 7 Belgium ^T- I 2 2 o 2 C Cuba AS T r I J Denmark *r u 27 1 J 2 A 8 I 26 Q France * / A A * T- 74. -2 c cj y Germany . T-T- OT- 77 1 1 O 2 ? 6 2 Hungary CQ 6 i i 7 2 O 2 2 e o 16 Italy. .< J? A o 28 O 4 I 2 o 4 2. Netherlands 3 1 34 I O 5 10 O 2 Norway CQ I 2 2 2 IO Philippine Islands Sweden . J 41 3 2 T {? I 2 O I . 19 14 6 Switzerland. 37 - 1 3 41 II 4 * T- 6 i United Kingdom. . 15 54 10 I 6 14 United States .... 36 24 1 6 I 4 19 CONVICTIONS FOR HOMICIDE. PER MILLION INHABITANTS. Austria. 29 Belgium 23 England 8 France 19 Germany 14 Hungary 58 Ireland 14 Italy 120 Netherlands 9 Scotland. , 7 Spain, .0 ,..,...,,.... 8? STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 19 REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, DEBT, AND INTEREST. IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Revenue. Expendi- ture. Debt. Interest. Algeria 10.9 62 .7 140.8 75-9 122.7 36 137-3 18.9 58.1 38*7 62.7 2.8 18.8 20.3 61 .9 5-2 60. i 695-3 12 .0 495-9 14.7 2 .0 7-3 1.4 37L5 375-o 142.9 5-4 29.2 6i-5 3i-4 2.4 27.0 10-5 60.8 142. I 75-9 116.5 3-7 99-4 18 9 50.8 44-o 71.9 28 19-5 20 8 66 8 4-5 56.5 695-3 12.0 553-2 M.3 2.2 7-3 i-3 346.4 356.5 142.5 5-4 27.8 61.5 30.2 2.4 27-3 479-8 1084.6 1107 5 544-1 6.2 540.7 62.4 271 8 107.3 613.1 M.5 14.6 66.0 5-7 500.7 5856.7 698.8 159.8 12 . I 28.0 96.2 I IO2 .9 2560.6 26l .9 175-9 463.2 275-4 5-6 70.4 35-0 42 .0 5-9 27.7 0-3 23.9 i 4.7 3-4 0.6 2.2 0.4 21.7 227.8 23.6 4-5 0.7 3- 0.2 3 6.2 II4.4 21.7 9 .I 14.0 9-3 O. 2 2-7 Argentina. . . . Australia Austria-Hungary. . . Belgium Bolivia Brazil. . Bulgaria Canada Chile. .. . China Colombia Costa Rica. . . Cuba Denmark Dutch East Indies. Ecuador EsrvDt. . France French East Indies. Germany Greece Guatemala Haiti Honduras India Italy lapan. . 4r " Korea Mexico Netherlands New Zealand . . Nicaragua Norway 20 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD REVENUE, ETC. Continued. Revenue. Expendi- ture. Debt. Interest. Paraguay II o II O II 2 O 2 Persia , . . . 7 - 1 7 3 16 7 I O Peru 7 ^ 7 o 23.2 Philippine Islands. . Portugal 15-3 C7 -2 1.4-3 62 2 6 o 810.0 O . 2 22 . 7 Rumania 42 I 38 o 272 8 16 7 Russia. . 1126.7 II4I . I 3440 o I C2 . 3 San Salvador 37 7 7 37 O 2 Santo Domingo.. . . . Servia 1.9 13 6 1 7 14 . i 26.2 80 8 3 . 7 Si am 13.8 13 6 Spain 107 . I 187 8 2061 . 4 80,4 Sweden 40 7 49 . 6 02. 8 3 2 Switzerland 20 7 20 6 174. 0.8 Turkey 81. q 81 . i 723.1 28.4 United Kingdom. . . United States . . 737-5 694 6 897.8 640 . 3 3885.2 02 C . O 138.4 28.6 TJru2 r uav 16 7 1 1; . o 127.4 6.7 Venezuela. , 4-8 * -o 40- .3 RAILWAY Miles. Algeria 1,920 Argentina 11,460 Australia 14,789 Austria-Hungary . 24,096 Belgium 2,843 Bolivia. . ., 700 Brazil 10,408 British Colonies, not named 2,394 Brit. South Africa 7,139 Brit. West Indies. 302 Bulgaria i ,020 Canada 19,078 Chile. ........... 2,800 MILEAGE. China Miles. 2,870 Colombia 41 1 Costa Rica Cuba 340 I 47O Denmark, 1 ,01 2 Dutch East Indies Ecuador. . . . . i>39 2 12 ? Egfvpt. . 3 4OO France 27 87O French Colonies, not named I ,2 l6 French East Indies German Colonies.. Germanv. . 9OO 3 20 34,314 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 21 RAILWAY MILEAGE Continued. Rumania 2 Russia 38 Salvador Santo Domingo.. . Servia Siam Spain 8 StraitsSettlements Sweden 7 Switzerland 2 Tunis Turkey 3 United Kingdom. 22, United States. . . . 207 Uruguay i Venezuela Greece 700 Guatemala 400 Haiti 43 Honduras 57 India 26,956 Italy o ,060 Korea 4 ' 3 26 Mexico 12,070 Netherlands 1,809 New Zealand 2.525 Nicaragua 210 Norway 1,480 Panama 47 Paraguay Persia 6 Peru 1,146 Philippine Islands 120 Portugal 1,486 ,000 ,466 IOO 130 369 325 631 ,816 43 435 784 ,210 World 535.845 TONNAGE OF MERCHANT SHIPPING. IN THOUSANDS OP TONS Sail. Australia 141 Austria-Hungary 22 Belgium i Canada China 21 Denmark 157 France 564 Germany 587 India 20 Italy 575 Japan 335 Netherlands 75 New Zealand " 43 Norway 936 Russia 556 Spain 95 Sweden 299 United Kingdom 1991 United States 2603 Steam. Total. 208 349 282 34 109 no 653 20 4i 259 416 547 mi 1506 2093 48 68 425 IOOO 583 918 307 382 62 105 53i 1467 418 974 679 774 34i 640 7618 9609 2921 55 2 4 22 SFAT1ST1CAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. PRODUCTION OF ALUMINUM. Metric Tons. France 1,700 Switzerland 2 ,500 United Kingdom 650 United States 3 ,402 World 8,252 PRODUCTION OF ANTIMONY. Short Tons. Austria-Hungary 833 France 3,029 Germany 3,537 Italy 1,202 Japan 647 Servia 379 United States 570 PRODUCTION OF ARSENIC. Metric Tons. Canada 66 Germany 2,768 Portugal 736 Spain i ,088 United Kingdom 902 United States , 36 PRODUCTION OF GRAPHITE. Metric Tons. Austria-Hungary 29,992 Canada 2 ,005 Ceylon 22,707 Germany 4,435 India 2 ,530 Italy 10,313 Mexico 762 United States 2 >533 World 75> 2 77 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OP THE WORLD. 23 PRODUCTION OF SULPHUR. Metric Tons. Austria-Hungary 5,048 France 7 ,000 Germany 963 Greece 3,212 Italy 563,096 Spain 50,466 United States 6,976 World 636,761 PRODUCTION OF BORAX. Metric Tons. Chile ii ,547 Germany 1 84 India 162 Italy 2,558 Peru 7,080 Turkey 12 ,000 United States 16,227 PRODUCTION OF PETROLEUM. IN MILLIONS OF BARRELS. Canada 0.5 Galicia 5.9 Germany 0.6 India 3.4 Japan 1.4 Rumania 3.6 Russia 78.5 Sumatra, Java, and Borneo 8.0 United States 117.1 24 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD PRODUCTION OF ASPHALTUM. IN THOUSANDS OF TONS. Austria-Hungary 3 France 268 Germany 96 Italy. 09 Russia ^4 Spain 7 Trinidad. 212 United States 55 Venezuela 16 PRODUCTION OF MANGANESE ORE. IN THOUSANDS OF LONG TONS. Australia i Austria-Hungary 23 Brazil i co Chile 13 Cuba 16 France 12 Germany 48 Greece 15 India 165 Italy 2 Japan 1 1 Java i Russia 451 Spain 27 Sweden 2 Turkey 49 United States 3 PRODUCTION OF TIN. Long Tons. Australia 5,082 Banka and Billiton 14,638 Bolivia 9,200 England 4,282 Malay States 58,657 World 73.499 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 25 PRODUCTION OF ZINC. IN THOUSANDS OP LONG TONS. Austria and Italy 9 Belgium 138 France and Spain 48 Netherlands 13 Poland 10 Rhine District 64 Silesia 123 United Kingdom 45 United States 167 World 619 PRODUCTION OF COAL. IN THOUSANDS OF SHORT TONS. Australia 7.819 Austria-Hungary 44,722 Belgium 26,224 Canada 7 ,644 Cape Colony 185 France 38,467 Germany 186,732 India 8,330 Italy 382 Japan 10,691 Mexico 782 Natal 799 Netherlands 440 New Zealand i ,590 Russia 19,285 Spain 2,852 Sweden 353 Transvaal 2,529 United Kingdom 260,313 United States 352,310 World 978,088 26 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. PRODUCTION OF COPPER. IN THOUSANDS OF LONG TONS. Australia 29 Austria-Hungary i Bolivia 2 Canada and Newfoundland 21 Cape Colony 8 Chile 30 Germany 21 Italy 3 Japan 35 Mexico 6 1 Norway 5 Peru 9 Russia. . ii Spain and Portugal 43 United States 363 World 649 PRODUCTION OF IRON ORE. IN THOUSANDS OF LONG TONS. Algeria 589 Australia 130 Austria-Hungary 3,269 Belgium 184 Canada 236 Cuba. 625 France 6,220 Germany 21,231 Greece 360 India 85 Italy 375 Japan . 70 Russia 3,648 Spain 8,304 Sweden 3,678 United Kingdom I 3,7 I 6 United States 35i9 World 101,785 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 27 PRODUCTION OF SALT. IN THOUSANDS OP SHORT TONS. Austria- Hungary 576 Canada 62 France i ,096 Germany i ,867 India i ,002 Italy 505 Japan 762 Russia i ,913 Spain 470 United Kingdom 2,113 United States 2,656 World 13,023 PRODUCTION OF QUICKSILVER Metric Tons. Austria 536 Italy 355 Russia 393 Spain 1,020 United States 1,188 World 3 ,492 MANUFACTURE OF PIG IRON AND STEEL. IN THOUSANDS OP LONG TONS. Pig Iron. Steel. Austria-Hungary 1,428 1,193 Belgium 1,217 969 Canada 265 182 France 2,841 1,885 Germany 10,086 8,802 Italy 75 187 Russia 2,454 2,375 Spain 303 200 Sweden 507 319 United Kingdom 8,935 5 T 34 United States 18,009 *4,535 World 46,368 35,846 28 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. PRODUCTION OF GOLD AND SILVER. IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. Commercial Value. Gold. Silver. Africa 67,998 185 Argentina 30 50 Australasia 89,210 5,229 Austria-Hungary 2,245 877 Bolivia i 4,843 Brazil 2,274 British East Indies 1,176 British Guiana 1,611 Canada *. 18,835 i,7i Central America 1,875 1,143 Chile 667 i ,402 China 7,325 Colombia 2,724 610 Dutch East Indies 502 66 Dutch Guiana 376 Ecuador 274 Finland 2 5 France 404 French Guiana 2,102 Germany 71 3,144 Greece 735 India 1 1 ,429 Italy 27 435 Japan 2,003 2 93 Korea 3,000 Mexico 10,678 38,070 Norway 3 107 Peru 593 943 Portugal i Russia 24,632 82 Spain 5 2,209 Sweden 34 18 Turkey 21 248 United Kingdom 77 79 United States 7359 2 29,322 Uruguay 51 Venezuela 85 World 3 2 5>5 2 7 9 2 >4O STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 29 CONSUMPTION OF COPPER. IN THOUSANDS OF METRIC TONS. Austria-Hungary 19 Belgium 6 France 49 Germany no Italy 10 Netherlands 2 Russia 18 United Kingdom 108 United States 230 Other countries 20 World 572 PRODUCTION OF POTATOES. IN MILLIONS OF BUSHELS. Australia 15 Austria-Hungary 659 Belgium 1 08 Canada 30 Denmark 21 France 473 Germany 1711 Italy 28 Japan 10 Netherlands 78 New Zealand 7 Norway 22 Rumania 5 Russia. 1081 Sweden 55 United Kingdom 196 United States 273 30 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. GRAIN CROPS OF THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES IN MILLIONS OF BUSHELS. Corn. Wheat. Oats. Barley. Rye. Algeria TO T 46 Argentina 84 122 Australia 82 8 I Austria-Hungary Belgium 133 224 I 7, 222 4"? 145 e 132 22 Bulgaria 18 7.4 7 IO 8 Canada 2 I 80 I7O 2Q 4. Cape Colony. . 2 4 2 I Chile .... i 3 Denmark 4 ^6 2 7 18 Egypt.. 3O 12 France 2 7. *6< 3 T C 47 60 Germany I -2 tr S42 1^3 TOO Greece 7 India 7O2 Italy 71 l62 16 8 4 Japan. . 23 82 M 1 ^ exico 78 Q Netherlands TQ 1 3 New Zealand . ... 22 I Persia 23 Portugal 16 8 Rumania 68 74 31 3O 7 Russia 40 4.CI 3* 800 3^7 013 Servia 22 1 1 Spain 22 IO2 1 1 60 2O Sweden 67 I cj 24. Switzerland 4 Turkey 41 United Kingdom United States 2666 49' 6 so 187 04.2 6 7 I2O 2 26 World 3l82 ^061 3284 1242 1646 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 31 PRODUCTION OF TOBACCO. IN MILLIONS OF POUNDS. Algeria 13 Australia i Austria- Hungary 150 Belgium 10 Brazil 55 Bulgaria 19 Canada 10 Cape of Good Hope 5 Cuba 38 France 57 Germany 73 Greece 14 India 141 Italy 13 Japan 96 Java and Sumatra no Mexico 20 Natal 4 Netherlands 2 Philippine Islands 37 Porto Rico 5 Rumania 10 Russia, 174 Sweden 2 Turkey A 66 United StatesT 868 World 2205 32 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD PRODUCTION OF CANE=SUQAR. IN THOUSANDS OF LONG TONS. Argentina 127 Australia 157 Brazil 190 British Guiana 100 British West Indies 121 Central America 23 Cuba 1175 Dutch Guiana 13 Egypt 90 Fiji 56 French West Indies 61 Haiti 45 Hawaii 312 India * 30 Java 1009 Mauritius 135 Mexico 115 Peru 140 Philippine Islands 180 Porto Rico 155 Reunion 30 St. Croix ii Spain 28 United States 330 Venezuela 3 West Indies (other) 13 World 4588 PRODUCTION OF BEET-SUGAR. Austria 893 Belgium 173 France 625 Germany 1575 Netherlands 135 Russia 940 United States 210 World 4891 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 33 CONSUMPTION OF SUGAR PER CAPITA. Lbs. Austria-Hungary 17.6 Belgium 23.3 Bulgaria 6.7 Denmark 54-8 France 3 7 o Germany 33.9 Greece 7.2 Italy 6.1 Netherlands 32.5 Portugal 14.7 Rumania 7.8 Russia 14.0 Servia 5.3 Spain 10.6 Sweden and Norway 38.2 Switzerland 60 . 3 Turkey 8.0 United Kingdom 91.6 United States 65.2 IMPORTATIONS OF SUGAR TO UNITED STATES' IN MILLIONS OF POUNDS. Austria-Hungary 4 Brazil 14 British Guiana 73 British West Indies 66 Canada 4 China 5 Cuba 2820 Danish West Indies 21 Dutch East Indies 440 Dutch Guiana 7 Egypt 22 Germany 5 Hawaii 504 Mexico i Peru 49 Philippine Islands 62 Porto Rico 73 Santo Domingo 96 World f 3700 34 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. PRODUCTION OF COFFEE. SOURCES OF SUPPLY. EXPORTS IN MILLIONS OF POUNDS. Brazil 1600 British East Indies 68 British West Indies 1 1 Central America 165 Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile 200 Cuba and Porto Rico 18 Dutch East Indies 135 Haiti and Santo Domingo 71 Mexico 35 CONSUMPTION OF COFFEE. IN MILLIONS OF POUNDS. Austria-Hungary 109 Belgium 125 Canada 6 France 1 68 Germany 396 Netherlands 29 United Kingdom 29 United States 961 PRODUCTION OF TEA. SOURCES OF SUPPLY. EXPORTS IN MILLIONS OF POUNDS. Ceylon 149 China 193 India 208 Japan 68 ava 24 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 35 CONSUMPTION OF TEA. IN MILLIONS OP POUNDS. Australia 29 Canada 24 France 2 Germany 7 Netherlands 9 Russia 121 United Kingdom 257 United States no COCOA. PRODUCTION IN MILLIONS OP POUNDS. Brazil 43 Colombia 13 Ecuador 47 Portuguese Africa 45 Santo Domingo 15 Trinidad 29 Venezuela 25 CONSUMPTION IN MILLIONS OF POUNDS. France 41 Germany 43 Netherlands 33 Spain 13 United Kingdom 35 United States 63 PRODUCTION OF FLAX. Seed, Fiber, Thousands of Thousands of Bushels. Pounds. Argentina 30,076 Austria-Hungary 1,314 126,848 Belgium 272 24,790 Bulgaria 23 2,116 Canada 582 36 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. PRODUCTION OF FLAX Continued. Seed, ^ Fiber, Thousands of Thousands of Bushels. Pounds. France 500 47 ,000 India 19,263 Ireland iQ>3 2 7 Italy 41,917 Mexico 150 Netherlands 362 18,497 Rumania 2,064 12,267 Russia I 7997 1,003,641 Servia n 1,861 Sweden 60 3,162 United States 27,301 SILK PRODUCTION. IN MILLIONS OF POUNDS. Austria-Hungary 0.6 China 13.1 Europe, Southeastern 2.7 France i . o India 0.5 Italy 7.8 Japan 10.2 Levant 2.8 Spain 0.2 VALUE OF SILK MANUFACTURES. IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Austria 17 France 122 Germany ? 73 Italy. 13 Russia 21 Spain and Portugal 4 Switzerland 38 United Kingdom 15 United States 9 2 World. 395 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 37 COTTON PRODUCTION. IN THOUSANDS OF BALES OF 500 LBS. Brazil 347 Chile 7 China i ,200 Egypt 1,164 Greece 4 India 2,688 Japan 120 Java 5 Korea 400 Malta 4 Mexico 124 Persia 33 Peru 13 Russia 354 Turkey 80 United States 10,63 1 World 17,179 COTTON MANUFACTURES. IN THOUSANDS OF BALES. Austria-Hungary 541 Belgium 165 Canada in France. . . . f 832 Germany 1,259 Greece 4 India i ,058 Italy 519 Japan 614 Mexico 1 8 Netherlands 63 38 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD ; COTTON MANUFACTURES Continued. Norway 13 Portugal 59 Russia 72 Spain 334 Sweden. . . *. 78 Switzerland 105 United Kingdom 338o United States 3,856 COTTON SPINDLES. IN MILLIONS. Austria-Hungary 3,1 Belgium 0.9 Canada o 6 China 0.6 France 5.0 Germany 7,2 Greece i o India 4,9 Italy 2.1 Japan 1.2 Mexico 05 Netherlands 03 Norway o . i Portugal. 0.2 Russia 7 o Spain 2,6 Sweden 0.4 Switzerland 1.7 United Kingdom 45 4 United States 18 .6 World. ., , 103.4 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD 39 WOOL PRODUCTION. IN MILLIONS OF POUNDS. Africa, not specified I Algeria and Tunis 30 Argentina 370 Asia, Central 46 Asia, not specified 15 Australasia 480 Austria- Hungary 64 Brazil 2 Canada and Newfoundland 12 Central America and West Indies 5 Chile 8 China, 35 Egypt 3 Europe, not specified 14 France 91 Germany 50 India 85 Italy 21 Mexico 10 Portugal 13 Russia 421 South Africa 100 South America, not specified. 20 Spain 103 Sweden and Norway 8 Turkey and the Balkan Peninsula 101 United Kingdom 133 United States 292 Uruguay 96 Venezuela 15 40 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. LIVE STOCK. IN MILLIONS. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Hogs. Goats. Algeria . I O 7 6 Argentina. . . . 40 21 7 7 u M/j 0*7 Australia I 6 8 c 72 2 7 I O Austria-Hungary Belgium. . . 4- i O 2 16 2 i 6 10 7 12 ,O 13 Bulgaria. . . . O 4. i 8 6 o O C Canada. Cape of Good Hope. . . . . I 2 o 4 4.2 I O 26 12 6 u 5 2 , I O "2 1 -3 Chile O 2 o 8 I 3 u ' O O I O I Cuba O 2 I O Denmark. . O Z I 7 J J I 2 France -2 C I A 7 I O 7 6 8 T Germany 4 2 18 9 Q 7 16 8 1 < 5 3-2 India Italy 2.6 I O 88.0 r o 17 8 6 Q i 8 ' 3 19.8 i 8 Japan. . I C I 3 Java O A. e o Mexico I c r i 7 ,1 o 6 4n Netherlands. . . . New Zealand. . . . Norway. . o 3 o 3 O 2 17 I ,4 I O 0.8 2O= 2 I O o 7 O, 2 O 2 2 O- 2 O 2 Paraguay O 2 2 7 O 2 Rumania, O O 2 6 r 7 T 7 O Russia 22 6 76 O o / r 2 O 1 7 12 O Servia. O , 2 O 3O O O O O A Spain I . Q 2 2 16 s: I O 2 C Sweden United Kingdom United States . . . Uruguay Venezuela - 5 i 5 19.2 o 6 O (^ 2.6 6 7 61 . 4 6-3 2 O i-3 25 6 62 . o 17^6 O 2 o8 2.7 48.7 4 5 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 41 FISHERIES. IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Belgium i Canada 46 Denmark 3 Italy 3 Tapan 13 Norway 8 Portugal 4* Spain 8 United Kingdom 46 United States 49 World. . 181 PRODUCTION OF WINE. IN MILLIONS OF GALLONS. Algeria 158 Argentina 26 Australia 7 Austria 124 Brazil 7 Bulgaria 53 Chile 6 1 France 935 Germany 50 Greece 34 Hungary 55 Italy 898 Portugal 92 Rumania 34 Russia 74 Servia 12 Spain 396 Switzerland 16 Tunis 7 Turkey 55 United States 45 World 316 2 42 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD, CONSUMPTION OF LIQUORS. IN MILLIONS OF GALLONS. Beer, etc. Wines. Alcohol. Austria-Hungary q 4 6 180 1 20 Belgium 3CK Q IO Denmark 63 4 France 289 I 34.3 Q7 Germany 178^ I 14 124 Italy 7 1046 1 1 Portugal. . . I2O Russia I ^2 2 S 173 Spain 2O 4OO Sweden 44 I 1 1 United Kingdom I SOO 17 S8 United States 1494 AT. 121 WOODED AREAS. PER CENT OF TOTAL AREA. Austria 32 Belgium 17 Bosnia and Herzegovina 53 Bulgaria 45 Denmark 6 France 1 8 Germany 26 Greece 16 Hungary 28 Italy 14 Luxemburg 30 Netherlands 7 Norway 21 Philippine Islands 70 Portugal 3 Rumania 17 Russia in Europe 4 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 43 WOODED AREAS Continued. PER CENT OF TOTAL AREA. Servia 20 Spain 17 Sweden 44 Switzerland 20 Turkey in Europe 8 United Kingdom 4 United States 37 CULTIVATED AREAS. Argentina 2 Australia i Austria 35 Belgium 57 Cuba 5 Denmark 70 Egypt 4 England and Wales 74 France 48 Germany 42 Greece 22 Hawaii 7 India 20 Ireland 22 Italy 71 Netherlands 62 New Zealand 20 Norway i Philippine Islands 5 Porto Rico 21 Portugal 25 Rumania 43 Russia in Europe 24 Servia 30 Spain 25 Sweden 8 United States 21 44 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. FOREIGN COMMERCE. IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Imports. Exports. Total. Algeria 64 6 1 125 Argentina. . . 99 173 272 Austria-Hungary.. 349 388 737 Belgium 459 372 831 Bolivia 5 n 16 Brazil 113 177 290 British South Africa 243 103 346 British West Indies 32 29 61 Bulgaria 14 20 34 Canada 225 196 421 Chile 48 68 116 China 198 135 333 Colombia 8 17 25 Costa Rica 4 6 10 Cuba 59 78 137 Denmark 117 86 203 Dutch East Indies 87 99 186 Ecuador 7 9 16 Egypt 73 87 160 France 848 82 1 1669 French East Indies 42 41 83 Germany 1,340 1,113 2,453 Greece 26 15 41 Guatemala 3 7 10 Haiti 5 *3 l8 Honduras 2 2 4 India 256 408 664 Italy 343 28 4 627 Japan 140 *34 274 Korea 7 4 1 1 Mexico 75 l6 3 Netherlands 867 733 1,600 New Zealand 55 66 121 Nicaragua 2 3 5 Norway 7 8 46 124 Panama 3 I 4 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 45 FOREIGN COMMERCE Continued. Imports. Exports. Total. Paraguay 2 4 6 Persia 24 13 37 Peru 21 18 39 Philippine Islands 33 33 66 Portugal 60 31 91 Rumania 55 72 127 Russia 351 431 782 Salvador 3 4 7 Santo Domingo 3 5 8 Servia 9 14 23 Siam 1 6 21 37 Spain 175 161 336 Straits Settlements 146 126 272 Sweden 135 105 240 Switzerland 218 169 387 Tunis 12 8 20 Turkey 117 59 176 United Kingdom 2,571 i,379 3,95 United States 1,227 1,744 2 97 r Uruguay 25 34 59 Venezuela 9 15 24 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES. (In Millions of Dollars.) ALGERIA. Belgium Imports. Exports 2 Brazil I France 52 48 Morocco 2 I Tunis I United Kingdom. . I 2 46 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Conid. (In Millions of Dollars.) ARGENTINA. Imports. Exports Belgium. 5 13 Brazil 4 8 France 9 29 Germany 13 22 Italy 12 4 Paraguay . i Spain 3 2 United Kingdom 36 34 United States '. . . 13 10 AUSTRALIA. Belgium 2 7 Canada 2 Ceylon 2 13 France 2 13 Germany 13 12 Hongkong i 2 India 4 6 Japan 2 New Zealand 13 7 South Africa 25 United Kingdom 1 16 98 United States 24 1 1 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Argentina 3 Belgium 7 3 Brazil 8 i Bulgaria 3 Chile 2 China i Cuba i Dutch East Indies 4 Egypt 5 5 France 12 13 Germany 132 201 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 47 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Continued. Imports. Exports. Greece 4 3 India 18 9 Italy 22 30 Japan i i Netherlands 4 6 Rumania 7 13 Russia 20 15 Servia n 5 Spain i i Switzerland 10 15 Turkey 9 14 United Kingdom 29 35 United States 28 8 BELGIUM. Algeria i Argentina 20 3 Australia 9 2 Austria- Hungary 2 3 Brazil 5 3 Bulgaria 3 Canada 2 2 Chile 6 i China 2 4 Denmark 2 Egypt 4 France 74 69 Germany 64 83 Greece i i India 16 4 Italy 6 6 Japan 2 Mexico 4 Netherlands. . . , . , , , , , , , , P , , . , , , , 40 43 48 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) B ELGIUM Continued. Imports. Exports. Norway 4 2 Portugal 2 Rumania 28 Russia 28 6 Spain 6 8 Sweden 9 3 Switzerland i 5 Turkey 4 3 United Kingdom 55 69 United States 53 17 BULGARIA. Austria-Hungary 4 2 Belgium 4 France i Germany 2 2 Turkey 2 4 United Kingdom 3 5 CANADA. Argentina i Belgium 3 2 British Africa 2 British Australasia 3 British East Indies 2 British West Indies 2 2 France 7 i Germany 12 2 Japan i Netherlands i Newfoundland i 2 United Kingdom. . . 59 125 United States/. .,,,.,,,,..,.,,,.,. 129 Q STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 49 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) CAPE COLONY. Imports. Exports. Argentina 7 Australia 12 Belgium 3 Brazil i France i Germany 6 i India 2 Natal 2 Netherlands i Norway and Sweden 2 United Kingdom 109 78 United States 16 CEYLON. Australia and New Zealand i 2 British India 19 2 Germany 2 Russia i United Kingdom n 17 United States 3 CHILE. Argentina I France 3 Germany 13 4 Italy i 17 Peru 2 United Kingdom 19 4* United States , 5 4 SO STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) CHINA. Imports. Exports. Canada and Newfoundland. ....... 2 Europe, continent 12 25 French East Indies. i Hongkong 84 52 India 21 2 Japan 22 18 Russia 7 Straits Settlements 3 2 United Kingdom 36 7 United States 19 16 DENMARK. Belgium 2 France 4 'Germany 45 21 Netherlands 3 Norway 2 3 Rumania 2 Russia 25 5 Sweden 15 n United Kingdom 24 72 United States 19 4 DUTCH EAST INDIES. Australia i 2 France 4 Hongkong -. 8 Japan 2 Malacca. 2 Netherlands 22 31 Penang 8 3 Saigon 4 Singapore 23 20 United Kingdom 3 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 51 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Co ntd. (In Millions of Dollars.) EGYPT. Imports. Exports. Austria- Hungary 6 4 Belgium 2 France 7 7 Germany 3 6 Greece i Italy 4 3 Russia 3 7 Spain 2 Sweden i Switzerland 3 Turkey 2 United Kingdom 27 46 FRANCE. Algeria 49 52 Argentina 43 8 Austria- Hungary 15 6 Australia 13 i Belgium 64 "122 Brazil 16 7 British South Africa 3 Bulgaria i Chile 12 2 China 35 2 Colombia i 2 Cuba 2 Denmark 3 Dutch East Indies 5 Egypt 9 6 Germany 8 1 94 Greece 2 2 Haiti (island) 6 India 40 6 Indo-China 14 Italy 30 34 Japan. . ., . , , 15 a $2 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) FRANCE Continued. Imports. Exports. Mexico i 5 Netherlands. ...= 10 10 Norway 6 i Peru i Philippine Islands i Portugal. i 4 Rumania 7 i Russia 39 9 Spain 29 24 Sweden 13 i Switzerland 20 44 Tunis 5 8 Turkey 20 9 United Kingdom 109 247 United States 82 48 Uruguay 4 2 Venezuela 2 GERMANY. Algeria 2 Argentina 48 1 1 Australia 29 n Austria- Hungary 166 114 Belgium 46 62 Bolivia i Brazil 28 10 British South Africa 6 8 British West Indies. . . 2 Bulgaria 2 i Canada 2 9 Chile 22 8 China... 7 9 Colombia i Costa Rica i Cuba and Porto Rico 3 3 Denmark 18 31 Dutch East Indies 23 6 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD 53 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) GERMANY Continued. Imports. Exports. Ecuador 2 Egypt ii 4 France 72 60 French East Indies 2 Greece 3 2 Guatemala 6 India 51 14 Italy 45 3 Japan 4 " Mexico 3 9 Netherlands 46 93 Norway 6 14 Peru 2 2 Portugal 4 5 Rumania 20 9 Russia 184 78 Servia 3 i Siam i Spain 18 13 Sweden 19 28 Switzerland 39 66 Turkey 9 10 United Kingdom 133 228 United States 213 107 Uruguay 3 3 Venezuela 2 GREECE. Austria-Hungary 3 2 Belgium i France 3 2 Germany 2 i Italy i Netherlands 2 Russia 6 Turkey 2 i United Kingdom 6 6 United States i 54 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) INDIA. Imports. Exports. Aden 3 Arabia 2 4 Australia 2 5 Austria-Hungary 8 10 Belgium 10 16 Ceylon 2 14 China 2 21 Egypt.. 25 France 5 30 Germany 7 33 Hongkong 5 30 Italy 3 ii Japan 3 19 Java 2 i Mauritius 6 4 Netherlands 2 3 Persia 2 2 Russia 9 i South Africa 4 Spain 2 Straits Settlements 8 24 Turkey 2 United Kingdom 192 103 United States 4 28 West Indies. i ITALY. Algeria i Argentina. 6 12 Austria-Hungary 34 24 Belgium 6 5 Brazil 3 3 China 17 Egypt 2 6 France 35 32 Germany 43 47 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD 55 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) ITALY Continued. Imports. Exports. India 14 5 Japan 2 Netherlands 2 3 Rumania 14 i Russia 35 2 Spain 5 2 Switzerland 1 1 50 Turkey 4 9 United Kingdom. . 55 28 United States 41 34 JAPAN. Australia 2 Austria- Hungary i Belgium 3 British India 25 2 Canada and Newfoundland 2 China 20 23 Dutch East India 2 Egypt i France 2 14 French India 3 Germany 13 2 Hongkong i 13 Italy 7 Korea 4 5 United Kingdom 25 9 United States 24 40 MEXICO. Belgium i 2 Cuba 2 France 6 Germany 6 2 Spain 3 United Kingdom. . , 8 5 United States 39 57 56 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) NATAL. Imports. Exports. Argentina 3 Australia 15 Cape Colony 2 3 Germany. 3 India , 2 United Kingdom 41 n United States 6 NETHERLANDS. Austria-Hungary 2 Belgium 94 78 Brazil 12 Canada 4 Chile 3 Denmark 4 Dutch East Indies 140 24 France 9 6 Germany. 228 360 Greece 4 India 22 Italy, 2 4 Norway 4 4 Portugal., 3 i Rumania 24 2 Russia 84 4 Spain 15 2 Sweden 8 3 Turkey 2 3 United Kingdom 95 184 United States 94 43 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 57 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) NEW ZEALAND. Imports. Exports. Australia 10 13 Germany i India i South Africa 4 United Kingdom 33 46 United States 6 2 NORWAY. Belgium 3 2 Denmark 6 2 France i 2 Germany 21 7 Netherlands 4 3 Russia 8 2 Spain i 3 Sweden 7 4 United Kingdom 21 19 United States 3 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. British East Indies 3 China 5 2 France i 3 French Indo-China 8 Germany 2 Japan 2 Spain 2 United Kingdom 5 9 United States 4 13 58 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) PORTUGAL. Imports. Exports, Belgium 2 Brazil 3 6 France 6 Germany 10 2 Italy i Spain , 7 5 Sweden and Norway i United Kingdom 19 9 United States 4 RUMANIA. Austria-Hungary 13 9 Belgium. . 39 France 3 2 Germany. . . 15 4 Italy. 4 4 Netherlands. i 3 Russia i i Switzerland i Turkey 2 i United Kingdom n 8 RUSSIA. Austria-Hungary. 13 16 Belgium 5 1 1 British East Indies 4 5 China. 24 5 Denmark V. 2 13 Egypt 9 5 France 14 32 Germany 109 92 Greece 5 Italy 5 19 Netherlands 4 44 Norway. 3 3 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 59 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) RUSSIA Continued. Imports. Exports. Persia 13 12 Rumania i 5 Spain i 2 Sweden 2 5 Switzerland 3 Turkey 4 n United Kingdom 53 81 United States 18 2 SERVIA. Austria-Hungary 5 n Germany i i SIAM. Hongkong 4 10 Singapore 7 8 United Kingdom 2 SPAIN. Argentina. 4 2 Austria- Hungary 2 Belgium 6 4 Brazil i China i Cuba i 10 Egypt 3 France 30 34 Germany 17 9 Italy 4 8 Mexico 2 Netherlands 2 7 Norway 3 Philippine Islands 3 3 Portugal 8 9 Russia 6 Sweden 2 Switzerland 4 United Kingdom 36 60 United States 22 3 60 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Imports. Exports. China 2 2 France 4 Germany 3 4 Hongkong 15 6 India 31 6 Italy 2 Japan 3 i Malay States 36 16 Philippine Islands 2 Siam ii 8 United Kingdom . 14 26 United States : 16 SWEDEN. Belgium 5 4 Cape Colony . 2 Denmark 17 15 France 2 7 Germany 53 17 Netherlands 4 6 Norway 6 7 Russia. . 8 4 United Kingdom 34 4 United States 3 SWITZERLAND. Argentina 2 i Austria-Hungary 14 9 Belgium 5 3 Brazil 2 Bulgaria, Rumania, and Servia 3 i Canada i China 3 2 Egypt 3 France 4 2 2 2 X STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 6l IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) SWITZERLAND Continued. Imports. Exports. Germany 63 39 India i 2 Italy 34 1 Japan 2 i Netherlands i Russia 12 5 Spain 3 3 United Kingdom 10 36 United States 12 21 TUNIS. France 8 4 Italy i i United Kingdom I i TURKEY. Austria-Hungary 21 7 Belgium 3 Bulgaria 5 i France 13 21 Germany 2 2 Greece 2 2 Italy 6 3 Netherlands i 2 Persia 3 Rumania 3 i Russia 9 2 United Kingdom 37 24 62 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Con^. (In Millions of Dollars.) UNITED KINGDOM. Imports. Exports. Algeria 3 2 Argentina 68 29 Australia 96 95 Austria-Hungary 7 9 Belgium. 129 41 Brazil 30 26 British South Africa 27 119 British West Indies 10 13 Bulgaria 2 i Canada and Newfoundland 115 52 Chile 22 14 China 12 35 Colombia 2 3 Denmark 76 18 Dutch East Indies i 12 Egypt 67 30 France 246 76 Germany 1 64 1 1 1 Greece 8 8 India 140 159 Italy 17 36 Japan 9 25 Mexico i ii Netherlands 170 41 New Zealand 53 28 Norway and Sweden 73 35 Peru . 7 5 Philippine Islands n 4 Portugal 17 9 Rumania 37 10 Russia 125 42 Spain 70 23 Straits Settlements 29 13 Turkey 30 30 United States 618 116 Uruguay 3 7 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 63 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) UNITED STATES. Imports. Exports. Argentina 9 n Australia and New Zealand 7 33 Austria- Hungary n 7 Belgium 23 47 Brazil 67 1 1 British Africa 34 British East Indies 52 5 British Guiana 3 British West Indies 13 10 Canada and Newfoundland 56 117 Chile 9 4 China 27 19 Colombia 4 4 Costa Rica 4 2 Cuba 63 20 Denmark 16 Dutch East Indies 16 i Ecuador 2 i Egypt ii France 90 75 Germany 120 191 Greece i Guatemala 2 i Haiti i 2 Italy 36 35 Japan 44 21 Mexico 41 41 Netherlands 23 78 Nicaragua 2 i Peru 3 3 Philippine Islands n 4 Portugal 4 4 Russia 9 16 Santo Domingo 3 i 64 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) UNITED STATES Continued. Imports. Exports. Spain 8 18 Sweden and Norway 5 10 Switzerland 21 Turkey 6 United Kingdom 190 517 Uruguay 3 i Venezuela 5 2 URUGUAY. Argentina 3 5 Belgium i 4 Brazil 2 5 France 2 5 Germany 3 3 Italy 2 Spain 2 United Kingdom 6 3 United States 2 2 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 6$ IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY COMMODITIES. (In Millions of Dollars.) ARGENTINA. Imports. Food 12 Drink 7 Textiles and clothing . . 39 Oil 4 Chemicals 5 Timber and manufac- tures 9 Iron and manufactures 27 Other metals and man- ufactures 4 Glass and pottery 12 Tobacco 4 Exports Animals and products. 109 Agricultural products. 103 Forest products 3 AUSTRALIA. Wheat and flour 13 Sugar 5 Tea 3 Spirits 4 Clothing 18 Cotton and linen goods 10 Woolen goods 7 Silk goods 3 Machinery 10 Agricult. implements. . 2 Metal manufactures. .. 9 Iron and steel 7 Timber 5 Arms and explosives. . 4 Paper 4 Chemicals 4 Railway materials. ... 2 Butter 6 Meat 8 Leather 3 Wool 70 Coal 5 Copper 8 Lead 2 Gold 80 Silver 9 Tin 3 Timber 4 66 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Imports. Cotton 37 Coal and coke 20 Maize (corn) 6 Tobacco ii Coffee 8 Wool 23 Wine 7 R ye 3 Eggs 7 Silk and manufactures. 16 Copper 6 Flax and jute 1 1 Machinery 10 Hides. . . .10 Exports. Sugar 33 Eggs 21 Wood and manuf act . . . i o Barley 18 Lignite 13 Malt ii Leather and manuf act. 9 Cattle 20 Horses. 1 1 Glass and manufact.. . ii Wool manufactures. . . 10 BELGIUM. Wheat 53 Corn 12 Barley 1 1 Timber 28 Wool 30 Flax 27 Cotton 15 Hemp, 4 Chemicals 14 Drugs 8 Coal 13 Diamonds 16 Iron and ore 10 Other metals 1 1 Minerals 18 Machinery 10 Rubber 1 1 Oils. . o Coal and coke 24 Linen yarn i7 Flax 2 Wool and yarn 26 Wheat i<> Sugar 6 Hides i 2 Glass 1 8 Machinery 2 Iron and steel 3 2 Zinc i 2 Diamonds i7 Rubber 9 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 67 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) BRAZIL. Exports. Coffee 96 Rubber 49 Cotton 7 Hides 9 Cocoa 5 CHILE. Imports. Exports. Animal products 3 Nitrates 42 Vegetable products. . . 5 Copper 6 Minerals 7 Iodine i Textiles 13 Wheat l Oils 7 Silver I Paper 5 Machinery and tools. . . 5 CHINA. Opium 30 Tea 18 Cotton goods 86 Silk and manufactures 50 Woolen goods 3 Hides and skins 6 Metals 10 Paper 2 Coal 6 Cotton 9 Oil 10 Rice 6 Sugar 10 Fish 3 CUBA. Metals and manufact. . 4 Sugar 42 Chemicals 3 Fruit 3 Textiles and manufact. 10 Tobacco 26 Animals and products . 9 Food 22 68 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) DENMARK. Imports. Exports Textiles 19 Metals and hardware 14 i Wood and manufactures 8 Coal 10 Animals i 8 Provisions 23 78 Cereals 20 2 EGYPT. Animal products 9 Cereals and vegetables 10 13 Spirits, oils, etc 5 2 Wood and coal 13 Textiles 31 84 Metals and manufactures 15 Tobacco 3 2 FRANCE. Imports. .Vine 36 Wool, raw 76 Cereals 35 Silk, raw 64 Cotton, raw 73 Timber 33 Hides and furs 34 Oil seeds 44 Coffee 23 Coal and coke 50 Exports. Wool manufactures ... 44 Silk manufactures. ... 49 Cotton manufactures . 36 Wine 45 Silk, raw 29 Wool, raw 45 Leather 23 Linen 20 Skins and furs 24 Chemicals 19 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 69 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) GERMANY. Imports. Exports. Animals, living 66 Animal products 53 Food 422 122 Fuel . 41 7 2 Oil 9 2 I2 Chemicals and drugs 88 112 Stone, clay, and glass products 17 50 Metals and manufactures 173 231 Wood and manufactures 79 38 Paper 9 33 Leather and manufactures 101 84 Textiles 35 1 3 6 Machinery and tools 22 89 Hardware 7 45 GREECE. Imports. Exports. Agricultural products . 8 Agricultural products . 8 Yarn and cloth 4 Minerals 4 Minerals 3 Wines 2 Timber 2 Olive-oil i Metals i Animal products i Chemicals i Timber i Animals and products . 2 Fish i INDIA. Cotton goods 10 Rice 6 Metal goods 3 Wheat i Sugar 2 Cotton 8 Oil i Opium 3 Machinery i Oil seeds 5 Jute 7 Tea. . 2 Jo STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) ITALY. Imports. Wheat 38 Cotton 37 Coal 28 Timber 12 Wool ii Silk, raw 21 Machinery 14 Fish 9 Iron and steel 4 Coffee 3 Hides 8 Tobacco 5 Horses 6 Petroleum. . 3 Olive-oil i Exports. Silk, raw 93 Wine 13 Olive-oil 8 Eggs 8 Hemp and flax 8 Sulphur 9 Marble 5 Meat 3 Skins 5 Zinc ore 2 Rice 26 Wheat and flour 8 Sugar ii Cotton 35 Cotton manufactures. . 5 Wool and manufact. . . 7 Petroleum 6 Iron manufactures. ... 10 JAPAN. Cotton manufactures . 19 Silk, raw 41 Silk manufactures .... 16 Coal 10 Matches 4 Copper 8 Tea 7 Rice 3 MEXICO. Minerals ii Vegetables 7 Machinery 6 Textiles 5 Animal substances. ... 3 Liquors 2 Chemicals and drugs . . 2 Gold 6 Silver 40 Copper 12 Lead 3 Coffee. . 5 Henequen 16 Lumber 2 Vegetable products ... 8 Animals and their products 6 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 71 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) NETHERLANDS. Imports. Exports. Iron and steel 13 9 Textiles 6 5 Grain and flour 21 13 NORWAY. Animals and their products 4 16 Breadstuffs 15 Groceries 6 Fruits i Spirits 2 Yarn, rope, etc 5 Manufactured textiles 7 Hair and skins 2 i Tallow, oil, tar, etc 6 2 Timber 3 20 Paper i 3 Minerals 10 i Metals 3 i Manufactured metals 6 i Vessels, carriages, and machinery . . 7 i PERU. Imports. Cotton goods 2 Woolen goods i Metal manufactures. . . 5 Machinery i Exports. Spirits 2 Coal. PORTUGAL. Cotton 4 Iron and its manufact. 4 Codfish 4 Wheat 3 Sugar 2 Wool 2 Hides and skins 2 Machinery 2 Wine 10 Cork 3 Fish. . 2 Cotton goods 2 Copper ore i 72 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Exports. Abaca 22 Tobacco 2 Sugar 3 Copra 3 RUMANIA. Imports. Exports. Cereals i 55 Textiles 22 i Metals and their manufactures n i Hides and leather 2 Animals and their products 2 3 Chemicals and drugs 3 RUSSIA. Grain and flour 239 Eggs 26 Dairy products 16 Sugar 7 Fish and caviar 9 3 Timber and its manufactures 33 Petroleum 26 Flax 40 Fur and leather 10 10 Tea 13 Wine, ale, and spirits 7 Raw cotton 49 Metals 14 Coal and coke 1 1 Wool 18 Silk 9 Machinery 30 Metal goods 14 Cotton goods 12 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 73 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) SERVIA. Imports. Exports Agricultural products 3 Animals and their products 7 Hides, skins, and leather i Wool and its manufactures i Metals i Clothing i SPAIN. Stone, minerals, glassware, and pottery.. 19 35 Metals and their manufactures 8 24 Drugs and chemicals 20 4 Cotton and its manufactures 22 6 Other vegetable fibres and manufact. 5 Wool and its manufactures 5 3 Silk and its manufactures 5 i Paper and its manufactures 3 2 Timber and its manufactures 12 9 Animals and their products 16 12 Machinery, vehicles, and vessels. ... 14 Food, sugar, and wine 24 62 SWEDEN. Manufactured textiles 10 i Grain and flour 18 I Colonial wares 9 Raw textiles 13 Coal and other minerals 22 7 Metal manufactures and machinery . 16 8 Live animals 8 14 Hair, hides, etc 7 2 Metals 6 n Timber i 54 Paper i 5 74 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) SWITZERLAND. Imports. Exports. Cotton. 18 37 Silk 31 48 Woolen goods 12 4 Metals 17 3 Minerals 16 i Animals and their products 15 5 Leather and products 6 2 Foodstuffs, tobacco, and spirits 64 24 Chemicals and drugs 7 2 Timber 6 i Clocks and watches i 24 Machinery and carriages 6 10 Glass and pottery 3 I Manures 6 a TRANSVAAL. Imports. Manufactured metals. . 13 Gold. Clothing. ii Coal. Provisions 8 Grain and flour 4 Wood and manufact. . . 4 Leather manufactures. 3 Chemicals 2 Animals 2 TURKEY. Sugar 9 Grapes 8 Sheeting, quilts, and Silk 7 prints 13 Mohair. 4 Wheat and flour 9 Silk cocoons 4 Rice 4 Opium 3 Cotton yarn 4 Skins and hides 3 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. 75 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) TURKEY Continued. Imports. Woolen goods 3 Coffee 3 Horses and mules 3 Petroleum 2 Timber 2 Iron 2 Coal. 2 Exports. Barley 2 Coffee 2 Cotton 2 Figs 2 Ores 2 Carpets 2 Wool 2 Dates i Olive-oil i UNITED KINGDOM. Grain and flour 348 Cotton, raw 274 Wool, raw 102 Meat 186 Sugar 92 Butter and cheese. . . . 147 Lumber 1 1 8 Silk manufactures. ... 64 Flax, hemp, and jute. . 57 Tea 47 Wool manufactures ... 57 Live animals 52 Oils 54 Chemicals, dyes, etc. .. 47 Oil seeds 37 Fruit and hops 59 Leather and hides. ... 40 Wine 19 Metals and ores 191 Coffee 18 Tobacco 22 Cotton manufactures. .420 Wool manufactures. . . 120 Linen and jute manuf . . 4 5 Clothing 36 Iron and steel manuf! .165 Copper manufactures . . 1 6 Machinery 106 Coal 135 Chemicals, dyes, etc.. . 69 76 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE WORLD. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: COMMODITIES Contd. (In Millions of Dollars.) UNITED STATES. Imports. Sugar , 72 Hides 52 Chemicals and drugs. . 65 Coffee 63 Raw silk 46 Cotton manufactures. . 50 Rubber 42 Fibres, manufactures. . 40 Silk manufactures. ... 32 Fibres, raw 38 Wood and manufact.. . 27 Iron and steel and man- ufactures 27 Wool, raw 25 Fruit 24 Tin 21 Tea 18 Wool manufactures ... 1 8 Tobacco 20 Liquors 17 Diamonds 34 Copper 1 8 Exports. Breadstuff s 149 Raw cotton 371 Provisions 176 Iron and steel and manufactures 112 Petroleum 79 Copper and manufact . . 58 Wood manufactures.. . 65 Animals 48 Tobacco 35 Leather and manufact. 34 Cotton manufactures . . 22 Coal 28 Agricul. implements. . . 23 Fruit 21 Chemicals and drugs. . 14 URUGUAY. Food and drink 7 Textiles 5 Clothing i Raw material and machinery 8 Animal products 35 Agricultural products . a INDEX. Alcohol, consumption of 4 2 Algeria, imports and exports by countries 45 Aluminum, production of 22 Antimony, production of 22 Areas : Cultivated 43 Wooded 4 2 Areas of continents i Areas of countries 2 Argentina: Imports and exports by commodities 65 Imports and exports by countries 46 Arsenic, production of 22 Asphaltum, production of 23 Attendance a. school, proportion 13 Australia : Imp rts and exports by commodities 65 Imports and exports by countries 46 Austria- Hungary : Imports and exports by commodities 66 Imports and exports by countries 46 Barley, production of 30 Beer, consumption of 4 2 Belgium: Imports and exports by commodities 66 Imports and exports by countries 47 Birth-rates 15 Births, illegitimate. ,,,,,, 16 77 78 INDEX. PAGE Blind 17 Borax, production of 24 Brazil, exports by commodities 67 Breadwinners 17 Bulgaria, imports and exports by countries 48 Canada, imports and exports by countries 48 Cape Colony, imports and exports by countries. ... 49 Cattle 40 Ceylon, imports and exports by countries 49 Chile: Imports and exports by commodities 67 Imports and exports by countries 49 China: Imports and exports by commodities 67 Imports and exports by countries. . 50 Cities, population of 4 Coal, production of 24 Cocoa : Consumption of 35 Production of 35 Coffee: Consumption of 34 Production of 34 Commerce, foreign 44 Conjugal condition 14 Continents: Areas of i Population of i Copper: Consumption of 29 Production of 26 Corn, production of 30 Cotton : Manufacture of 37 Production of 37 Spindles 38 Countries : Areas of 2 Population of 2 Cuba, imports anci exports by commodities. ...... 6^ INDEX. 79 Cultivated area 43 Deaf-mutes 17 Death-rates 15 Debt 19 Denmark: Imports and exports by commodities 68 Imports and exports by countries 50 Dutch East Indies, imports and exports by coun- tries 50 Egypt: Imports and exports by commodities 68 Imports and exports by countries 51 Expenditures 19 Exports 44 Exports by commodities 65-76 Argentina, 65; Australia, 65; Austria-Hungary, 66; Belgium, 66; Brazil, 67; Chile, 67; China, 67; Cuba, 67; Denmark, 68; Egypt, 68; France, 68; Germany, 69; Greece, 69; fndia, 69; Italy, 70; Japan, 70; Mexico, 70; Netherlands, 71; Norway, 71; Peru, 71; Portugal, 71; Philippine Islands, 72; Rumania, 72; Russia, 72; Servia, 73; Spain, 73; Sweden, 73; Switzerland, 74; Transvaal, 74; Turkey, 74; United Kingdom, 75; United States, 76; Uruguay, 76. Exports by countries 45-64 Algeria, 45; Argentina, 46; Australia, 46; Austria- Hungary, 46; Belgium, 47; Bulgaria, 48; Canada. 48; C ;pe Colony, 49; Ceylon, 49; Chile, 49; China, 50; Denmark, 50; Dutch East Zealand, 57; Norway, 57; Philippine Islands, 57; Portugal, 58; Rumania, 58; Russia, 58; Servia, 59; Siam, 59; Spain, 50; Straits Settle- ments, 60; Sweden, 60; Switzerland, 60; Tunis, 61; Turkey, 61; United Kingdom, 62; United States, 63; Uruguay, 64. Fisheries , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,,, r , r . . . 41 8o INDEX. PAGE Flax, production of 35 Foreign- born: Proportion of 12 Proportion of each leading nationality 13 Foreign commerce 44 France : Imports and exports by commodities 68 Imports and exports by countries 51 Germany : Imports and exports by commodities 69 Imports and exports by countries 52 Goats 40 Gold, production of 28 Graphite, production of 22 Greece : Imports and exports by commodities 69 Imports and exports by countries 53 Hogs 40 Homicide, convictions for 18 Horses 40 Illegitimate births 1 6 Imports 44 Imports by commodities 65-76 Argentina, 65; Australia, 65; Austria- Hungary, 66; Belgium, 66; Brazil, 67; Chile, 67; China, 67; Cuba, 67; Denmark, 68; Egypt, 68; France, 68; Germany, 69; Greece, 69; India, 69; Italy, 70; Japan, 70; Mexico, 70; Netherlands, 71; Norway, 71; Peru, 71; Portugal, 71; Philippine Islands, 72; Rumania, 72; Russia, 72; Servia, 73; Spain, 73; Sweden, 73; Switzerland, 74; Transvaal, 74; Turkey, 74; United Kingdom, 75; United States, 76; Uruguay, 76. Imports by countries 45-64 Algeria, 45; Argentina, 46; Australia, 46; Austria-Hungary, 46; Belgium, 47; Bulgaria, 48; Canada, 48; Cape Colony, 49; Ceylon, 49; Chile, 49; China, 50; Denmark, 50; Dutch East Indies, 50; Egypt, 51; France, 51; Germany, 52; Greece, 53; India, 54; Italy, 54; Japan, 55; INDEX. 3 1 Mexico, 55; Natal, 56; Netherlands, 56; New Zealand, 57; Norway, 57; Philippine Islands, 57; Portugal, 58; Rumanians; Russia, 58; Ser- via, 59; Siam, 59; Spain, 59; Straits Settle- ments, 60; Sweden, 60; Switzerland, 60; Tunis, 61; Turkey, 61; United Kingdom, 62; United States, 63; Uruguay, 64. Increase of population, rate of 1 1 India: Imports and exports by commodities 69 Imports and exports by countries 54 Insane and idiots 17 Interest 19 Iron ore, production of 26 Italy: Imports and exports by commodities 70 Imports and exports by countries 54 Japan: Imports and exports by commodities 70 Imports and exports by countries 55 Languages, proportion of the population speaking certain i Literate, proportion of 13 Manganese ore, production of 23 Marriage-rates 15 Married, proportion of 14 Mexico : Imports and exports by commodities 70 Imports and exports by countries 55 Natal, imports and exports by countries 56 Netherlands: Imports and exports by commodities 71 Imports and exports by countries 56 New Zealand, im orts and exports by countries. . . 57 Norway : Imports and exports by commodities 71 Imports and exports by countries 57 Oats, production of 30 Peru, imports and exports by commodities, ,,',,,, 71 82 INDEX. PAGE Petroleum, production of 24 Philippine Islands: Imports and exports by commodities 72 Imports and exports by countries 57 Pig iron, production of 27 Population: Cities 4 Continents. i Countries 2 Population, rate of increase 1 1 Portugal : Imports and exports by commodities 71 Imports and exports by countries 58 Potatoes, production of 29 Quicksilver, production of 27 Race, proportion of the population of each i Railway mileage 20 Religious adherents 16 Revenue 19 Rumania : Imports and exports by commodities 72 Imports and exports by countries 58 Russia : Imports and exports by commodities 72 Imports and exports by countries 58 Rye, production of 30 Salt, production of. 27 School attendance 13 Servia : Imports and exports by commodities 73 Imports and exports by countries 59 Sex, proportion of each 1 1 Sheep 40 Shipping, tonnage of 21 Siam, imports and exports by countries 59 Silk: Manufacture of 36 Production of 36 Silver, production of 28 Single, proportion of population. ,,,,,.,,........ 14 INDEX. 83 PAGE Spain: Imports and exports by commodities 73 Imports and exports by countries 59 Steel, production of 27 Straits Settlements, imports and exports by coun- tries 60 Sugar : Consumption of 33 Importations to United States 33 Sugar-bjet, production of 32 Sugar-cane, production of 32 Sulphur, production of -24 Sweden : Imports an'l exports by commodities 73 Imports and exports by countries 60 Switzerland: Imports and exports by commodities 74 Imports and exports by countries 60 Tea: Consumption of 35 Production of 34 Tin, production of 23 Tobacco, production of 31 Transvaal, imports and exports by commodities. . . 74 Tunis, imports and exports by countries 61 Turkey: Imports and exports by commodities 74 Imports and exports by countries 61 United Kingdom: Imports and exports by commodities 75 Imports and exports by countries 62 United States: Imports and exports by commodities 76 Imports and exp rts by countries 63 Uruguay : Imports and exports by commodities 76. Imports and exports by countries 64 Wheat, production of 30 Widowed, proportion of i^ 84 INDEX. Wine: Consumption of 41 Production of 42 Wooded area 42 Wool, production of 39 Zinc, production of 25 ii~ /- t c THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. WAR Ssijf T94T 613