IC-NRLF HORNE'S PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN MANUAL How Pennsylvania German is Spoken 9r <& Profusely Illustrated M HORN so PENSYLFAWNISH DEITSH 'S PERT MOL UN FEL FASBES M. D. Leanard, Ph. D., of the University of Pennsylvania, in his commendable work and scientific treatment of the Pennsylvania German Dialect, says: " 'M Horn sei Pennsyl- vanish Deitsh Buch" is by far the most complete of the Penn- sylvania German speech. Press of DEMOCRAT PUBLISHING CO- Allentown, Pa. 1910. Horned Pennsylvania German Manual HOW PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN IS SPOKEN AND WRITTEN FOR PRONOUNCING, SPEAKING AND WRITING ENGLISH Third Edition Enlarged and Profusely Ilhistrated PART I. ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION PART II. PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE, WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATION PART III. PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN DICTIONARY, WITH GRAMMAR AND SPELLING RULES PART IV. ENGLISH VOCABULARY BY A. R. HORNE, A. M., D. D. tt Allentown, Pa. T. K. Home, Publisher Copyright 1905 by T. K. Home 1910 Print PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. In issuing the third edition of Home's Pennsylvania German Manual the publisher is responding to a wide public demand. An examination of this new edition will reveal many additional illustrative features that will prove both in- teresing and instructive to the student and reader. In respect to the criticism passed upon Dr. Home's method of spelling used in the Manual, let it be borne in mind that the author followed the phonetic rules with a suggestion of grammar contained in the book, which when carefully studied are of great aid in learn- ing to read and pronounce the dialect correctly. It is an absolute necessity that all Pennsylvania Germans desiring to learn to pronounce the English correctly, faithfully study and practice the English pronunciation lessons especially prepared for this pur- pose by the author. These exercises are based upon long years of experience in school-work among the Pennsylvania Germans. Since the Second Edition was printed there have been many new additions to Pennsylvania German literature that have come into prominence. Selec- tions from these are embodied. As previously stated the Manual serves as a Guide-book in pronouncing, speaking and writing English, and at the same time shows how Pennsylvania German is spoken and written. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Twenty years ago Home's Pennsylvania German Manual was pub- lished, and such was the demand for it that the edition, with the excep- tion of a few hundred copies, which the author had reserved, for special purposes, was soon exhausted. The book has now been out of print over ten years, but thousands of copies would have been sold, if they could have been obtained. The necessity for such a work might be supposed to exist no longer, and, yet, experience and observation shows that, m Pennsylvania German districts, on the very eve of the twentieth century, what was said, in the preface of the first edition, may well be repeated here. An experience of a quarter of a century, as a teacher, among the people of Eastern Pennsylvania, in addition to being born and educated a Pennsylvania German, and being compelled to contend with all the disadvantages under which our people labor, in their entire ignorance of the English language, has convinced us, long ago, that the system of education generally pursued among this people admits of very great improvement, as far as it pertains to language exercises. That our Pennsylvania Germans can reason and study as well as ttl,ers, is abundantly proved by the fact that in mathematics, where la.Mg-uage is less of a desideratum than thinking and reasoning, they are found to be fully equal, if not superior, to those whose mother tongue is tin: English, or the high German. In pronunciation arid readiness of expression, however, they laboi under gnat disadvantages, inasmuch as they are required to learn a nt'.v language the moment they enter the school room. This is impera- tively necessary, since Pennsylvania German has no written language, no grammar, no fixed forms of orthography, but very little literature ani in Mil probability will always remain a colloquial rather than a written language. The jrrcat problem presented for solution, is how shall six to eight hundred thousand inhabitants of Eastern Pennsylvania, to say nothing of those of other parts of our own fet.-ite and of other States, to whom Siigl'sh is as much a dead language as Latin and Greek, acquire a suf- ficicM knowledge of English to enable them to use that language iutelli- PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION gently ? They can not pick it up on the street, nor do they learn it in school. A trial of from thirty to forty years has convinced us of this, as every careful observer will also bear us out. To render such assistance to those who speak Pennsylvania German only, as will enable them the more readily to acquire the English, has induced us to prepare this Manual. The book is divided into four parts : Part first embraces Lessons in Pronunciation, and drills in those sounds, which cause difficulties to those who speak German. The object of part first is, therefore, to teach, by easy lessons, how to master these defects, and to acquire a correct pronunciation of the English. In part second, we give a number of exercises written in Pennsyl- vania German. This part of the book is designed to afford those who use it an opportunity to become familiar with the English, by translating from their own language into the English. Part third is the Pennsylvania German dictionary. Here are given not only the words employed in part second, with their English equiva- lents, but also all the words in use in the Pennsylvania German lan- guage. By means of this vocabulary, Pennsylvania Germans can learn to speak and write English properly. Part fourth is a special addition to the present volume. It contains English words with their Pennsylvania German equivalents. This will be convenient for those who desire to know what the Pennsylvania Ger- man of an English expression is. In the hope that this Manual may serve as a guide to the study of English, and that it may facilitate the acquisition of the language, a thorough knowledge of which is indispensable to every Pennsylvania!!, ii is submitted to the public, for use in schools and families. ALLKMTUVVN, PA., 18U5. A. R. IL ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION. Rules and Suggestions With Examples for Drill In Pronunciation. GENERAL REMARKS. This book is not designed as a Manual of Elocution, nor for teaching reading and pronunciation in general. Our purpose is simply to furnish a tew plain suggestions for correcting the mistakes which persons, whose mother tongue is the German, are apt to make in their efforts to acquire the English. All direciions for giving those sounds which are the same in Ger- man as in English are, therefore, omitted. Any one of the ordinary School Readers will furnish the necessary rules and exercise* for this purpose. The following general suggestions, however, will be found of special importance : A very common fault noticed, among Pennsylvania Ger- mans, in their conversation and reading, is the nasal tone. The voice sounds as if it came through the nose, when, in reality, the fault lies in compressing the sides of the nose, so as to prevent the clear and full escape of the breath through the nostrils. Prof. Haldeman first called attention to the nasal feature in Pennsylvania German pronunciation, as heard in Sht'a, stone; rn'a, more, etc. This Polish nasal sound is very common, and hence its creeping into English is easily accounted for. The chief security against it consists in fully expanding the chest, and freely opening the mouth, as is done in coughing, so as to allow the voice to escape through the nasal passage*. At the same time care must be taken not to raise the veil of the palate so high a* to stop the nasal s in the style of the obstruction caused by a cold. An almo.-t universal error, among German children who are learning the English, is the monotonous prolongation of final syllables. In fact this fault is not confined to children. It is H3 common even among adults, that persons from other parts of the State have asserted their ability to detect an in- ENGLISH PRONUNCIAT ON itf.i^ vvf this section of the State by his modulation. The formation of this habit must be broken up in children by teaching them to pronounce their words short, when read- ing and speaking. Rev. Jacob Gruber, a Methodist preacher, who was a native of Eastern Pennsylvania, cured one of his brethren who had addicted himself to drawling and " sing- songing" his words by addr3?sing to him the following note: "Dear-ah brother-ah, when-ah you-ah preach-ah again-ah do-ah not-ah say-ah so-ah often-ah ah-ah." Your-ah brother-ah, JACOB-AH GRUBER AH. A similar, mild ridiculing may serve a good purpose, with those who have formed this unpleasant and objectionable habit Commence in Childhood. Shape of the Mouth in making the Long e as in Me. 1C PARENTS, TEACHERS, can the children give the English Pronunciation? It is a job to chop Jane's chain. He fell on the ice and hurt his eyes. I thought I sought the thick sick man in the South. He wets his whetstone with wine, and whines when he cuts the vines. Correct Pronunciation, in 12 Lessons. VOWELS. LESSON I. SHORT E. The sound of e in men, egg, beg, etc., is apt to be pro- longed into mane, aeg, baeg. Rule. Sound short e like the German e in Henry, Bell, etc. Pronounce : Bed, dead, fed, head, led, lead, ned, read, said, wedding. Deaf, Jeff, left, Neff, beg, beggar, egg, leg. Ben, again, den, hen, ten, men, then, when, pen, wren. Cent, end, bet, let, net, set, wet, met, tell, bell, tell, sell, well, spell. When men sell ten pens for a cent, begging can be expected next. Deaf Ben said he was led to a wedding. [Take up a newspaper or a Reader, and read aloud a num- ber of paragraphs, giving short e the proper sound where it occurs. Wnffh closely all whom you hear speaking and reading dur- ing the day and note the mistakes which you hear.] LESSON IL LONG U. This sound is often given like o in do, which is wrong. Rule. Sound long u like the first syllable in Yu-ni, Juni, June, so as to rhyme with few. The exceptions to this rule are when u follows r, 8 and sh. Pronmmce : Due, dew, adieu, allude, allure, lute, lure, new, knew, true, sugar, during, manure, endure, dupli- cate, duly, reduce, illume, presume, lubricate, Lubec, luminous, lunatic, lunar, nude, Nubia, New York, New Orleans, Newfr.uf.dland, newly, numerator, numerically, rmnnerate, nuisance, Neuse. neuter, ruby, Reuben, rural, ui.t..cvis. superlative, insurance, tube, intrude, commute, 11 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION introduce, peninsula, sure, student, steward, duplicate. What is the difference between pure gold and poor gold? The constitutioi. of the institute was read during. Tues- day's meeting, and, being duly discussed, it was reduced to a new form, of which duplicates were circulated. [The same directions for practice, as given in the last lesson should be followed iu this and every exercise.] LESSON III. SHORT O. 0, as heard in ox, not, etc., is sometimes given too broad a sound, so as to resemble the German a, as in all. Thus dog is pronounced dawg, coffee, caw-fee, etc. This is wrong. The short o should be sounded as it is heard in box, sot, etc., words familiar to all Grerman children. Pronounce : Mock, rock, yonder, stock, off, of, oft, offal, offer, often, ostrich, accost, across, forty, gospel, gosling, gone, lord, wont, softly, soften, knock, sock, was, what, wander. Pj-jf. Coilin is fond of coffee, but not of egg-nog. CONSONANT SOUNDS. LESSON IV. B, P, D, T, G AND K. B and p, d and t are frequently interchanged. This, however, is only from carelessness, and not because Ger- man children have any difficulty in giving these sounds. These sounds are just as common in German as in Eng- lish, only the lines of distinction' especially between d and t, are not as closely drawn. Hence words commencing with t -ire sometimes pronounced as if they commenced with i, as dot for tod. The only rule necessary on this poi- .1 is : Exercise care, so as not to confound these sounds. EXCEPTION. D ha* the sound of t in the final syllable *.d. when the e is silent and follows k, p, ch, *h, ss and x, as shipped (shipt) mixed (rnixt.) Pronounce : Hissed, sacked, approached, wished, knocked, cocked, docked, smoked, choked, poked, popped, dropped, wrapped, capped, hatched, scratched, latched, irutchoJ, mashed, lashed, washed, fished, missed, kissed, 12 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION tossed, mixed, boxed, fixed. The horse kicked and jumped till he had pushed and pulled all the harness from him. The published reports were searched, after he addressed the mixed assembly. LESSON V. CH. Rule. Sound ch like tsh, and not like j or g. Say tshest, and not jest, when you pronounce chest, tshill, not gill or jill for chill, etc. This rule requires daily drills. Pronounce : Chair, chalk, change, chamber, chapel, chase, chat, cheap, cheese, checker, chief, child, cheer, chest, cheat, chew, choose, chum, chip, cheap, chisel, ex- change, chin, cherry, choke, chop, chosen, chubby. Chief Justice Chase's child chews juicy cherries. Jews choose to chew juice. Jerusalem, my chief joy. The chair was jeered and G} eered. It is a job to chop Jane's 'Lain. LESSON VI. G SOFT, AND J. These sounds are precisely similar, and are often con- founded with ch, so that gem, Jane, etc., are pronounced chem, chain, etc. Rule. Give G soft and J, the sound of dj or dzh. Pronounce, : Gem, gill, general, gender, gentle, gen- uine, gesture, jDsa 'N Ship un Gesk6n Children planting tree A shovel and watering-pot Kinder am Batnnj flanzeri Schippe und Gie^skanne 57 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Hols shdik Neck Das Halsstueck Yoch shdik Chuck rib Das Jochstueck Roshd shdik Sirloin Das Lendehstueck Shwons shdik Back romp Das Schwanzstueck Barrel shdik Rump steak Der Buerzelsteak Bartsel mshd Cross grain Der Buerzelbraten Flank Flank Die Flanke Round Round Die Scheibe Rikshdik Top of sirloin and Porterhouse steak Das Rueckenstueck Ribbashdik Rib Das Rippenstueck Supa gnucha Shin Das Schienbein Morks gnucha Marrow bone Der Vlarkknochen Brushtkarn Brisket Das Bruststueck 58 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Ola soria Kinar. All kinds of Children. Ailerlei Kinder. Niksnudsich Mischievous Unartig Bae Cross Bose Shlafrich Sleepy Schliifrig Brudsich Pouting Schmllig 59 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Otrilakolb April fool Aprilnarr Farblenarei Hocus Pocus Tasi henspiclerei Blind'r mon Blind man Blinder Maun Fareun'r Drowned man Ertunkener Mann 60 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE WQs'r ffil Water falls Wasserfall 61 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Bou'r om sens wetzu, Farmer whetting a scythe, Bauer tm Sen^e wetzeu. Bou'r om geil fedrii, Farmer feeding hordes, Bauer am Pi'erde fuel tern. Sh bring wogS, eig'shpont. Spring wagon with horse hitched. Wagen und Gespann. Klan'r bu om hoi rcchil. Little boy raking hay. Kleiner Knabc am Heu rechen. Mud'r un docht'r 5m arnta un ham drawgil. Mother and daughter harvesting and carrying home. Mutter und Tocbter am erntea und Ueiro tragcn. 62 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Shdarn. Star. Stern. Ach Haws. Squirrel. Eichhoernchen. Raup UQ Eispina. Caterpillar and Ooeoon. Raupe und Cocon. 63 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Milch Mawd. Milk Maid. Milch Frau. -.1-i-mnnin.nvTr ^Bgm Garechtichkats Zacha. Bubli uf 'm hawsa shdol mid finf oier im shorts. Emblem of Justice. A child on the rabbit burrow with five eggs in Gerechtigkeits Zeichen. her apron. Ein Kind auf dem Hasen-Stall mit fuenf Eiern in der Schuerze. Ken zacha fun Krishtlicha g'selshofta. Badges of religious societies. Ordensaeichen von Kirchlichen Vereinen. 64 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Boberna bublen shneida. Cutting out paper dolls. Papierne Puppen auschneiden. Fawna rasa. Flag raising. Falme aufrichten. Grutta hupsa. Leap frog Springfrosch. Band ehbetiL Flay band, spieiem. 5a 65 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Shbotyor Fall Herbst Shbotyors-BlScTr Autumn-Leaves Herbstblatter Shlitaod'rShla Sleigh Schlitten Bled 'rl os Leafless Entlaubt 66 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Fortdoura fum Shbotyor Fall Continued Fortdauer des Herbstes Welshkorn uf 'm Shok Corn on the Shock Korn (Mais) auf dem Schock K1 Guns Goose Ganz Drouwa Grapes Weintrauben Yag'r Hunter Jfiger Ebcs for's Baddawgrs-Dinner For Thanksgiving Dinner Etiras fur den Danktagsschmaus Sich redi krega fur kolt Wed'r Getting ready for cold weather Vorsorge fiir kaltos Wetter 67 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Fortdoura fum Shbotyor Fall Continued Fortdauer des HerbsU Shool School Schule Shkipt de Shool Skips school Schwiinzt die Schule Gat reg'lar in de Shool Goes regn arly to school Geht regelmiissig zur Schule Dar Boo browert ebes zu larna This boy tries to learn something Dieser Knabe bemiiht sich, etwas zu lernen Bumhala un NoriTshdrac\ Nonspnse and Tomfoolery Unsinn und Narrenstreiche 68 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE fortdoura fum Shbotyor Fall Continued Fortdauer dea Herbstes Shool School Schule 'n pawr Grfi lyuats A Pairjof Gra-luates Ein Paar Abituritnten 'n olde Shoolmiira An old Schoolmistress Alte Schullehreriu Fed'r Pen * Schreibfeder _^j*ji^ 's arsiht Yor in d'r Shool First Year in School Im ersten Schuijahr 69 Shool de>k Schorl- Desk SchulpuU PENNSLYVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Fort 'oura futn Sab >tyor Fall Continued ' Fortdauer des H -rbsteg On d'r Far At the Fair An der Ausst c llung Ouswenich 5m Outside of the show tent Ausserhalb der Schaubude Grundnus Peanut EJrnuss Rasfawrri Racing Wettfabren 'n Gaml'r un sei Gam A cambler and his game De gros Karbs Tae big pumpkim Em Gliicksspider uud sein Spiel Der grosse Kurbis 70 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Fortdoura fum Shbotyor Fall Continued Fortdauer dee Herbste On d'r Far At the Fair An der Ausstellung D'r gros Bull The Big Bull Der grosse Stier Pouargrout kiicha Bet'lmon Sonrkrout cooking Beggar Sauerkraut kochen Settler C*ar 4 huVs ol g'sana He saw everything Dieser bat alles gesehen GrosaEb'l Big Apples Grosse Aep-'el 71 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Wind'r Winter Winter De Boowa sin so shtnart grawd for Kri The boys are so smart just before Carisrrais Die Knaben sind so br.iv geraie vor VVeitirucliten Eishd'r Oyster Auster 72 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Fortdoura fum Wmd'r Winter Continued Fortdauer des Winters Krishdawg Christmas Weihnachteu Ufc G'shtnka Belsnickel ud'r net Presents - Santa Glaus or not Geschenke Christkindchen t de nicht Kiishib;,T\m Christ mas Tree Weihnachtslaum PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Fortdourri fum Wind'r Winter Continued Fortdauer des Winters Kri'shdawg Christmas WeihLachten I>e iVlorea un era Madonna and Child Maria und das Jesuskind 74 PENNSYLVANIA GEKMAN LITERATURE Fortdoura, fum Winder Winter Continued Fortdauer des Winters Flint a, PishtolTt un Pulferborn Guns, Pistols and Powder-flask Flinten. Pistolen und Pulverhorn D'r nei Kolen'r The New Calendar Der neue Kalender *s Neiyor awdonsa un awshesa Dancing and Shooting in the New Year Neujahrstauz und Neujahrsschiessen 75 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE D'r old Dab en Tel Jackaon. In Bariks|county, sawga se, dad a dai leit ols nuch for'n shdima, ow'r des is net wor. Old General Jackson. In Berks county, they say some people still vote for him, but this is not true. 1905 tfns'r Bresidant Our President 1909 76 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE : BIB^JA;' : F-^ f of K archa Bonet Church bonnet D'r Grosmomi era Bew'l Grandmother's Bibl- Karchaturm Steeple 'n olde kodulishe Karch An old Catholic church 77 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Rich geizich Rich atingy Gliklich Prosperous 78 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE D'r Rumlafr mi dal fun seina Freind. The Loafer and some of his friends. 'n drekicher Foulens'r A dirty, lazy fellow Lous Louse Flo Flea 79 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 'n Mon woo gHra legt A man who is apt to lie Franklin hut net 0ot g'shwetstfun uns Fracklin di-1 not speak well of us Shdits Silk Hat 'Sha Mad el Prrtty Girl Kanich King sbudsh Judge Olfishoid'r Office-bolder 80 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 'I~~T Shooshdor Bush' 1- Fes un Pek-Shoo Shoestore Bushel- Feet and Peck-Shoe Shifmon Sailer 'n Mon woo wa g'doo is An Injured Man oa . gl PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Des Bild weist we fel Krishda, Yuda, Muhomedawnur un Heida os 's uf d'r Welt gebt This figure shows the comparative number of Christians, Jews, Mo- hammedans and Heathens m me world. Ship Shovel ar 'n wenich g'leiart, 6s gtfns g'feiart. Better a little done than all the time doing nothing. 96. Lus yadSr mon wos ar is, so bleibsht doo aw war doo bisht. Let every man what he is and you will remaia what you are. 97. M'r mus law& un lawa lusa. We must live and let live. 98. Zoo wgnich un zoo fel fardarbt 6lS shbel. Too little and too much spoils everything. 99. Zoo i-h6rf shneit n8t, un zoo shbitsich shdgcht ngt. Too sharp does not cut, and too pointed does not pierce. 100. 'Zwa ke"p sin beVr 6s anr, won aw anar 'n grout kiip is. Two heads are better than one, if one is a cabbage head. 104 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 101. Do is 's wo d'r haws ira peTr sitst. Here is where the rabbit sits in the pepper. RATSLA. RIDDLES AND CONUNDRUMS. 1. W6s gukt m' h6lw& hink'l gleich? De 6Vr hSlft What look? like half a chicken? The other half. 2. W6s geht uf 'ra kup de shdag nuf ? 'N shoonogSL What goes up stairs on its head? A shoe nail. 3. Wos fargngrt sei nawm5, 'm g'shwinshta? 'N weibsmSnsh, won's heiart. What changes its name the soonest? A lady at marriage, 4. F'r w6s hut d'r Eilashbigel 61s gheilt w6n 'r barg nunar is, uu g'locht won 'r barg nuf is? Won 'r barg nunar is, hiit 'r g'heilt, weil 'r b6l d' no widar barg nuf g'mist hfit ; won 'r barg nuf is, hut 'r g'locht, weil 'r no b6l barg nunar gonga is. Why did Owleglass cry going down hill and laugh going up ? When he went down he cried because he had to go up again, and when he went up he laughed because he could Boon go down again. 5. We k5n m'r d' g5ns& wag nuch d'r shdot reid im shSta? W6u m'r ols obshdeigt un lawft wo's k6n'r hut. How can one ride the whole way in the shade going t^ town ? If he gets off and walks where there is none. 6. Wos is shwarts'r 6s 'n kr6p? De f&Tra. What's blacker than a crow? Its feathers. 7. Wos gat de shdak nuf un ragt se n6t 'aw? D'r shmok, What goes up stairs and does not touch it ? Smoke. 8. W6s is eld'r 6s sei mud'r? D'r gsich. What's older than its mother ? Vinegar. 9. Wos hut 's harts im kiip ? 'N groutkup. What has its heart in its head ? Cabbage. 10. Wos hut 's harts im g6nz& leib ? 'N bawm. What has its heart in its whole body ? A tree. 11. We is d'r buchwaza iwar d'r sa kum ? Drei-Skich. How did buckwheat come across the sea? Three-cornered. 105 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Wos geht uf 'm kup de shdag nuf ? Waht goes up stairs on its head ? Won is 'n fuks 'n fuks? Won 'r 'la is. When is a fox a fox ? When he is alone. 'n Shoonftgel A shoe nail. For wos mo'cht d'r hawna de awga zu won 'r jrrat ? Weil ar's ouswSuich Why does a rooster close his eyes while crowing ? Because he knows it by heart. m 106 PENNSYLVANIA GEKMAN LITERATURE 1 2. F'r w8s gukt d'r shumtfcn'r Sis in d'r shoo, w5n 'r 'n f ardich hut? Won 'r drin war dat 'r rous guka. Why does the shoemaker look into the shoe when it is done? If he was in it he would look out. 13. F6r wos dut d'r hawna iw'r de woga glas shrida? Weil 's zu weit is d'rurn rum zu gaa. Why does a rooster step over a wheelrut ? Its too far to go around. 14. For wos mocht d'r hawna de awga zu won 'r grat? Weil ar 's ouswfiuich kon. Why does a rooster close his eyes while crowing? Because he knows his piece by heart. 15. For wos shbringt d'r fuks 'm brg nuf ? For 'm shwSns. Before what does the fox run up the mountain ? Before his tail. 16. Wo hut d'r Awdom d'r arsht nogel 'he g'shloga? Uf d'r kup. Where did Adam strike the first nail ? On the head. 17. For wos shtat de oor im hous ? WSu se grasar war 6s 's hous, d6n dat 's hous in d'r oor shtaii. Why does the clock stand in the house. Because the house is bigger than the clock. 18. We weit flegt de grtfb in d'r bush? Bis in de mit, no flegt se wid'r nous. How far does the crow fly into the woods? Till in the middle then it fiifs out again. 19. Won, is 'n fuks 'n fuks ? Won 'r 'la is. When is a fox a fox ? When he is alone. 20. We kna drei, drei oia> mit ntfn'r dala" un 's bleibt niich ans in d'r shis'l leia? W6n d'r l6tsht de shis'l mit 'm oi ne"mt. How can three divide three eggs that one will remain in the di*h ? If the last one takes the dish with the egg. 21. W6s hut 's grasht shnubduch in d'r welt? VN hink'l, 's butst sei naws iwarawl ^>b uf d'r ard. What uses the largest handkerchief in the world? A hen, for it wipes its nose anywhere on the earth. 22. Dei mud'r hut 'n kind g'hot, un 's wor nt dgi brood'r Sd'r dei shwe'shd'r. War wor's? Dich s^lwar. Your mother had a child, but it was neither your brother nor sister. Who was it? Yourself. 107 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 23. War 6s mocht dar sogt 6s n6t, War 6s n6mt, dar k6ut 's n6t, War 6s k6nt dar will 's n6t. Ftflsh g6ld. He who makes it does not say it, He who takes it does not know it, He who knows it does not take it. Counterfeit money. 24. War hut g'labt un is g'shdSrwa, un w5r ne gabora? D'r A wdom. Who lived and died and was not born? Adam. 25. War w<5r g'bord un is ne g'shdorwS, ? Doo, un nuch fel Snarii leit. Who was born and did not die? You and many otheraL 26. We Iting shloft de k6ts uf 'm hoi ? Bis 's awm6t druf kumt. How long does the cat sleep on the hay ? Till the second crop gets on. REIMA. BALLADS IN PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN. ANS, ZWA, DREI. ONE, TWO, THREE. *Ans, zwa, drei ud'r fer, One, two, three or four, MadSl won doo dtiusa wid, Lady, if you want to dance , dons mit mer ; dance with me ; Finf, sSks, siw3, tid'r ocht, Five, six, seven or eight, Made!, wdn doo donsi wid, Lady, if you want to dance, wtfrt bis no'cht. wait till night. 108 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE AW, BA, ZA. A, B, C. Aw, ba, za, De kftts hiikt im 'shna, D'r 'shna gat w6k, De kots leit ira drek. A, B, C, The cat sits in the snow, The snow melts away, The cat lies in the niud. FRAW, WO GAT D'R WAK NOUS? MADAM, WHERE DOES THE ROAD LEAD TO ? Fraw, wo gat d'r wak nous ? Madam, where does the road Do wsh ich olaweil 'u s6k ous, lead to ? We fel oor mawgs sei ? I am just now washing a bag, *Sgaa drei bush'l 'nei. What time might it be? It'll hold three bushels. BOLA WE SOLS. BALL LIKE SALT. Bol& we sols, Butar we shmols; Pef 'r gat uf, War fongt shmeist druf. DE MORYASHTUND. De moryashtund hiit guld im mucd ; War se farseirat dar gat zu grund. Ball like salt, Butter like lard, Pepper arises, Whoever catches it throws. THE MORNING HOUR. The morning hour has gold in its mouth ; And he fails who misses it. 109 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE HONSEL FON BOCH. Htfnsel ftfn Boch Hiit louder goot soch, Hut shtiw'l un shpora Hut oles f arlora, Hut kught g'giisa, Hut soldawda dod g'shusa, Hut'sheislifarbre'nt, Hut himba d'rurn g'henkt. JOHNNY FROM THE BROOK. Johnny from the brook, Has all good things, Has boots and spurs, Has lost everything, Has cast bullets, Has shot soldiers dead, Has burned the house down, And has hung rags around it. * HONS, WOO GAT D'R WAK NOUS? JOHN, WHERE DOES THE ROAD LEAD TO? Hons, woo gat d'r wak nous? John, where does this road Do hous hokt an'r 'n shpacht lead to? rous, Out here one is chopping out a flicker. Hons, ich glawb r hgrt nt John, I believe you don't hear wol, D'r bawra is rund rum hoi. well, The tree is hollow all around. Hons, ich glawb er seid witsich, John, I believe you are witty, Se hSn dina meilar un sin Their bills are thin and pointy forna shbitsich. in front. Htfns, ich glawb er seid 'n nor, John, I believe you are a fool, Yaw, ich denk er seid im dor. Yes, I think you are tipsy. DE MAD MIT DIKA BOKA. GIRLS WITH FAT CHEEKS. De mad mit dik bftka He"n hartsa we de woka. The girls with fat cheeks Have hearts like flint. FRE-YORS DAWGA. SPRING DAYS. Im Horning ggbts shun February has already pleasant 'shana dawg, days, De uns f om Freling wiil& Which tell us about Spring. 110 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE DE LADI FUN D'R RUTSH. THE DUDISH LADY. De Mi ftfn d'r rutsh, Won se iawra wil, hut se k6n kutsh, Wftn se reidii wil, hut se kSn goul, Un wtfn se lawt'a mus, is se zu foul. 'N ZWIW,L. 'S is 'n derli, 'S hast serli, J S hut nein heit, Un beist 5la leit. , 'S FEGLI GREINT. De sun sheint, 'S fe'srli greint, 'Shiiktuf'm lawda, Un shbint'n I5ng'r fawd3, De gal fled'r-mous kumt, Un pikt 'm fegli de awgS, rous. J N HAWNA. 'S kumt 'n m5n fun mik brik, Un hiit '11 glad fiin dou- s^nd shdik, Un hut 'n gnuchich 'aw'gsicht, Un hut 'n Igd'rnar bawrd. HIKA, HOKA, HEI. Ans, zwa, drei, The dudish lady, Has no carriage when she wants to drive, When she wants to ride she has no horse, And if she must walk, she \s too lazy. AN ONION. There is a little thing, It is called seerly, It has niue skins, And bites every one. BIRDIE CRIES. The sun shines, Birdie cries, It sits on the shutter, And spins a long thread, The yellow butterfly comes, And picks birdie's eyes out. A ROOSTER. A fellow comes from fly bridge, And has a suit of a thou- sand pieces, _ He has a bony counte- nance, And has a leather beard. HE HE, HA HA, HO. One, two, three. Ill PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Hika, htika, hei, Mawd hill wei, KnScht, she'll k ei, Har, souf ous, War rnus DOUS, Ich Sd'r doo, 'Od'rs 6lta BSk'rs 5lti ke, kaw, koo, Un des bisht doo. He he, ha ha, ho, Maid bring wine, Servant, fill up, Mr. drink out, Who must go out, I or you, Or Becker's old ke, kaw, cow, And that is you. D'R MILAR HUT DE FRAW FARLORA.. THE MILLER HAS LOST HIS WIFE. Hika, h3ka, hei, He, he ! Ha, ha ! Ho, D'r milar hut sei fraw farlora, The miller has lost his wife, A Er sucht se rait k6ts un hunt, He is seeking her with cat D'r Yarg'l httkt uf 'ra dSch, and dog, Un l#cht sich zu shSb un George sits on the roof, krum. Bent and crooked with laughter YUKLE WIL NET BERA SHITLA. JAKEY WILL NOT SHAKE THE PEARS. So shikt d'r bou'r d'r Yukle nous, So sends the farmer Jakey out, De bera nun'r shitla. To shake the pears down, 'Owar Yukle wil net, bera shitla, But Jakey will not shake the pears, Un bera wela net f ola. And pears will not fall. So shikt d'r bou'r 's bundle nous, So the farmer sends out the dog Sul des Yukle beisa. To bite Jakey. Bundle wil net Yukle beisa. Dog will not bite Jakey, Yukle wil net bera shitla\ Jakey will not shake the pears, Bera wela net fola. And pears will not fall. So shikt d'r bou'r a brigle nous, So the farmer sends out a stick Sul des bundle shmeisa. To beat the dog. 112 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Brigle wil net bundle shmeisa, Bundle wil net Yukle beisa, Yukle wil net bera shitla, Bera wela net f ola. So shikt d'r bou'r 's feiar nous, Sul des brikle brena. Feiar wil net brikle brena, Brikle wil net bundle shmeisa, Hundle wil net Yukle beisa, Yukle wil net bera shitla, Bera wela net f ola. So shikt d'r bou'r wos'r nous, Sul des feiar lesha. Wos'r wil net feiar lesha, Feiar wil net brikle brena, Brikle wil net bundle shmeisa, Hundle wil net Yukle beisa, Yukle wil net bera shitla, Bera wela net f ola. So shikt d'r bou'r 's exle nous, Sul des wos'r souf a. 'Exle wil net wos'r soufa, Wos'r wil net feiar lesha, Feiaa wil net brigle brena, Brigle wil net bundle shmeisa, Hundle wil net Yukle beisa, Yukle wil net bera shitla, Bera wela net f ola. So shikt d'r bou'r 'n butsh'r nous, Sul des exle shlochta. Butsh'r wil net exle shlochta, 'Exle wil net wos'r soufa, Wos'r wil net feiar lesha, Feiar wil net brigle brena, Brigle wil net bundle shmeisa, Hundle wil net Yukle beisa, Yukle wil net bera shitla, Bera wela net f ola. So sbikt d'r bou'r a shtrikle nous, Sul d'r butsh'r henka. Shtrikle wil net butsh'r henka, Butsh'r wil net exle shlochta, 'Exle wil net wos'r soufa, Wos'r wil net feiar lesha, Feiar wil n5t brigle brena, Brigle wil net bundle shmeisa, Hundle wil net Yukle beisa, Yukle wil net bera shitla, Bera wela net f ola. Stick will not beat dog, Dog will not bite Jakey, Jakey will not shake the pears, And pears will not fall. So the farmer sends out the fire To burn the stick. Fire will not burn stick, Stick will not beat dog, Dog will not bite Jakey, Jakey will not shake pears, And pears will not fall So the farmer sends out the water To quench the fire. Water will not quench fire, Fire will not burn stick, Stick will not beat dog, Dog will not bite Jakey, Jakey will not shake pears, And pears will not fall. So the farmer sends out the ox To drink the water. Ox will not drink water, Water will not quench fire, Fire will not burn stick, Stick will not beat dog, Dog will not bite Jakey, Jakey will not shake pears, And pears will not fall. So the farmer sends out the butcher To kill the ox. Butcher will not kill ox, Ox will not drink water, Water will not quench fire, Fire will not burn stick. Stick will not beat dog, Dog will not bite Jakey, Jakey will not shake pears, And pears will not fall. So the farmer sends out the rope To hang the butcher. Rope will not hang butcher, Butcher will not kill ox, Ox will not drink water, Water will not quench fire, Fire will not burn stick, Stick will not beat dog, Dog will not bite Jakey, Jakey will not shake pears. And pears will not falL 113 PENNSLYVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 114 PENNSYLVAJSTIA GERMAN LITERATURE So shikt d'r bou'r a mes'r nous, 8ul des slitrikle shneida. Mes'r wil net shtrikle shneida, Shtrikle wil net butsh'r henka, Butsh'r wil net exle shlochta, 'Exle wil net wos'r souf a, "Wos'r wil net feiar lesha, Yeiar wil net brigle brena, Brigle wil net bundle shmeisa, Bundle wil net Yukle beisa, Yukle wil net bera shitla, Bera wela net f ola. So shikt d'r bou'r d'r hom'r nous, Sul des mes'r brecha. Hom'r wil net mes'r brecha, Mes'r wil net shtrikle shneida, Shtrikle wil net butsh'r henka, Butsh'r wil net exle shlochta, / Exle wil net wos'r souf a, Wos'r wil net feiar lesha, Feiar wil net brigle brena, Brigle wil net hundle shmeisa, Bundle wil net Yukle beisa, Yukle wil net bera shitla, Bera wela net f ola. So gat d'r bou'r mol selwar nous, Un wisht d'm Yukle heftich ous, V no brecht d' r horn" r ' s mes' r shnop Un 's mes'r shneit 's shtrikle ob. D'r butsh'r gat aw on d'r job, Un shneit d'm exle 's keple ob, Un 's exle souft es wos'r uf, *S wos'r lawft uf 's feiar nuf, Un's feiar brent 's brigle uf, *S brigle shlogt 's 'm hundle druf, Urn's hundle shpringt om Yukle nuf, Un Yukle krod'lt d r bera bawm nuf, Be bera f ola, buf, buf, buf, Un's buble shpringt un habt se uf, D* bera yaw se wela f ola, Un kuma uw'a run'r, We *n dous'nt hort-gabrenta boka- shta. IN D'R WES DO WOKST DES GRAWS. IN THE MEADOW GROWS THE GRASa In d'r wes do wSkst dgs graws, In the meadow grows the grass, Oos 'm wSs'r souft d'r haws, Out of the water drinks the hare, So the farmer sends out the knife To cut the rope. Xnife will not cut rope, Rope will not hang butcher, Butcher will not kill ox, Ox will not drink water, Water will not quench fire, Fire will not burn stick, Stick will not beat clog, Dog will not bite Jakey, Jakey will not shake pears, And pears will not fall. So the farmer sends out the hammtt To break the knife. Hammer will not break knife, Knife will not cut rope, Rope will not hang butcher, Butcher will not kill ox, Ox will not drink water, Water will not quench fire, Fire will not burn stick, Stick will not beat dog, Dog will not bite Jakey, Jakey will not shake pears, And pears will not fall. So the farmer goes out himself, And lashes Jakey mightily. Then the hammer breaks the knife, And the knife cuts the rope ; The butcher goes at the job, And cuts the ox's head off. The ox drinks the water, The water quenches the fire, The fire burns the stick, The stick beats the dog, The dog jumps at Jakey, And Jakey climbs the tree, Pears fall pounce, pounce, pounce, And baby runs and fpicks them up. The pears yes they will fall, And come down from above, ' Like a thousand hard burned bricks. 115 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE In d'rgrik do shwima defish, In the creek there swim thefiah Lushdish war niich leMich is. Happy who is yet single Compilation by Rev. John-B. Stoudt, Emaus, Pa. MOCK SERMONS. Do steh ich up der kanzel Un bredig wie en omshell Stohre in der luft Der vater hot geflucht. Do steh ich der kanzel Un bredig wie en omshell Kommt en maus, un sput mich aun So geht die gans karch aus. En kolb is ken ziegen buck En ziegenbuck is ken kalb. Meine predig ist halb Halb ist meine predig. Mein bauch ist sehr ledig Sehr ledig ists mein bauch. Meine mitze ist rau Rau ists meine mitze Mein bruder heist Fritze Frize heist mein bruder En schwein ist kein luder En luder ist kein schwein So soil meine predig all sein. 116 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE ON FATHER'S KNEE. Reita, reita, geuli, Alle stun e meili, Alle meil e wertzhaus, Drink en glessel wei aus- Reita, reita, geuli, Alle stun e meili, Alle meil e wertzhaus, Bring em dawdy en bretzel raus. Tross, tross, trill, Der bauer hot en fill, Es fill will net laufe, Der bauer will es verkaufe Bumps geht's nunner. Troll, tross, trill, Der bauer hot en fill, Es fill springt aweg, Der bauer fallt in der dregf. Reita, reita, geuli, Alle stun e meili, Reita, reita, iver der grawa, Fallst du nei so musht es hawa Bumps dert leista. Hoss, kass, reiter! Die kuh die hot en eider, En eider hot die kuh, Vun ledder macht mer schuh, Schuh macht mer von ledder, Die guns, die hot e fedder, En fedder hot die gans. Der fuchs der hot en schwanz, En schwanz hot der fuchs, Der edelman hot en kutch. Alle kutch hot en edelman, Wo mann drin laschieren kann. CRADLE SONGS. Hei-yo bei bubbeli, Wass rappelt in stroh, Es ketzel is g'sterve Un es meisel is froh- Hei-yo bubbeli schlof Der dawdy heet die schlof, 117 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Die mommy heet die rote keeh, Un kommet net hame bis morge freeh. Schlof, bubbeli, schlof, Ded dawdy heet die schlof, Die mommy heet die lammer, Naw bubbeli schlof so vill langer. Schlof, kindchein, schlof, Der dawdy heet die schlof, Die mommy is uf der katzenjam- mer, Un kommet net hame bis morgen free. Schlof, bubbeli, schlof, Der dawdy heet die schlof, Die mommy heet die lemmer, In der dunkle kemmer, Die schwartze will die weise, Sie wolla es bubbeli beise. Bei-yo, bubbeli, schlof, Der dawdy heet die schlof, Die mommy is uf der blander-jagd Un kommet net hame bis dunkle nacht- Schlaf, kindlein, schlaf Dein vater ist en schaf Die mutter is en meer katz Schlof du lieber krank batz. Schlof, bubbeli schlof Der dawdy heet die schof Die mommy heet die lemmerlein Un bringt en voller ditty heim. Nodel fade, finger hut Flick em bauer die hosen gut, 118 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Geht die frau ins heehner-haus Un sucht die beste eyer raus; Henk'd'n pupple an der wand Hat'n gackerle in der hand. Li eve mammy bubble -stock Wu wid do naus? Uf der berg eppel esse Wann annerer leit zu mittag esse. Esse mir zu morge; Wann annerer kinner spiele gehne Stehn ich an der wieg Die wieg mach trip, trop Da steckt mei klaner dick sock. Anna Marie Wu wid do hie? Uf der berg eppel esse Wann du zu meim schertzel kumst Dann biets ihm gute morge Sagt ich wer noch frisch un g'sund Er breicht net fer mich sorge. Wann annere made zum danza gehna Dann bleib ich an der wieg steh Die wieg macht knick, knock Na schlof do klaner dick sock. COUNTING - OUT RHYMES. Eens, zwee drei Du bischt frei Ee kop Zwee kop Drei kop Sei kop. Eens, zwee, drei Hicka, hocka, hei Zucker uf der brei Peffer uf der speck Hahna geh weg Oder ich schlag dich in der dreck. Ich un du Un noch en buh Un's Miller's kuh Un sell bischt du. Ich und du Und's Becker's kuh Und's Miller's asel Der bischt du. Ich und du Und's Miller's Suh Und's Becker's stier Sind euer fier. Eens, zwee, drei Hicka, hocka, hei Zucker uf der brei Salz uf der speck Hahne geh weg! Eins, zwei drei Butter auf der brei! Schmaltz un speck Hans koarth geh aweg! Eins, zwei, drei Butter auf der brei Salz auf den speck 119 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Hans geh aweg. Eens, zwee, drei Hicka, hooka, hei ! Maud hoi wei Knecht schenk ei Herr, sauf aus, Wer muss naus Ich oder du Oders Becker's alte kuh, kan kuh Un sell bist du. Die Magd die holte wein Der knecht der schenkte ein Der herr sauft ihn aus Ich oder du bist naus. Nodel, fadem, fingerhut Stoppt der bauer all so gut Wer mus naus Ich oder du Oder es Berke's braune keeh, kan, kun Un sell bischt du. Dimble, domble, fingerhut Stauf de bauer all so gut Wer mus naus leh oder du Oders Miller's braune kuh Un sell bischt du. Ene bene fingerhut Stirbt der bauer ist nicht grut Ene bene Taffelband 'S ist nicht weit von Engellan Eenechen, teenechen, tinte foss Geh in die echul und lerne wass Lerne was dein vater kann, Dein vater ist ein schnitter Schnitt er sich ein pfeifschen Pfeife alle morgen Hehren ihn die storchen Hehren ihn die raben Geht die meehle klipp, klapp Ei du alter peffersack. Enige, denige dinte fass Geh in die schul un lerne was Kurnst du heem un kaust du nix Krigst der buggel voile wix or Werst du recht gut ab geschwicht Ene, dene, dinten fass Geh in die schul un lerne wass Wenn du was gelernet hast Kommst du heim und sagst mir das Eins, zwei, drei. Eens, zwee drei messerstiel Alda weiver fressa viel 120 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Die yunga missa warta Es brod steht irn garta Wer essa will mus beta Die hunda kenna net Der old John Grundsock Schneidt der sau es ohr ab. SHPICHTA, ANECDOTE8. DE NAWMA, HARMON UN YAWKUB. mol 'n k&rl d5rch 'n shwSm g'lufa. D'nort is 'rim & &mol uf 'm Blo& BSrg We'r glawda hut f6r 'n harsh zu shes&, hiit 'r net g'wist wo g'shwind sei pulwa> hftrn 'he zu hSuka. D'r mond wor yusht om ufga un wor im grshta frt'. D'no hiit 'r sei puiwa> h6rn 5ns h6rn fiini mond g'hnkt. We J r d'r harsh g'shus& hiit g'h6t, wdr d'r mond so hoch in d'r h&. do's &r's pulwar hdrn nirai hiit racha kgna, D'no hgn de leit 61s g'wun&rt we se's g'sana h^n 6m mond w6s f'6r 'n zacha des sei mScht. We owar d'r mond amol ful is w6r, is 's zacha Sbg'fola. THE SIGN AT THE MOON. The Liar Henry Bachman once was on the Blue Moun- tain shooting. As he loaded to shoot a deer, he did not know where he should quickly put his powder horn The moon was just rising and was in its first quarter. Then he hung his powder horn on one of the horns of the moon. After he had shot the deer the moon was so high that he could not 123 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE reach his powder horn any more. Then the people who saw it wondered what the strange sign at the moon might be. But as the moon became full the sign dropped off. 'M NUSBICKEL SEI BOTRESLA SHESA. D'r Nusbickel hut gmol gn drub btftreslS 5m m' hoishduk , un se sin 61s drum rum g'shprungS,. 'Ar hut se no nSt Sngrsht dreT& kgua bis Sr sei flindaiawf grum geboga hut un hut na no g'shus^. No we de shrot 6ls rum sin kum is Sr 51s in de h'a g'gjumpt. SSlS. w6g hiit 6r se 61 g'rikt. NUSBICKEL'S PARTRIDGE SHOOTING. Nusbickel, once upon a time, met a flock of partridges running around a haystack. He could not hit them in any other way, than by bending his gun barrel, and shooting after them. When the shot came around he jumped up, so that they passed underneath him. In this way he killed them all DOUWA SHESA. D'r Leg& B5chm6n hiit mol 'D ntfsht f ul douwa sitsa 124 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE eana. D'no hut 'r nt g'wist we zu shesa d5s 'r se 61 grikt, No hut 'r un& on d'r n5shd w&Tr g'shiisa, d6s 'r ufg'shplit is, un de douwa mit da, fes im ris f 5sht wora sin. We se 6w'r no 'awf6ng& hn zu flega, hn se d'r bawm 6n d'r w6rzel rous g'risa un sin mit f ortg'fluga. No hut 'r se duch f arlora. SHOOTING PIGEONS. Liar Bachman once saw a limb sitting full of pigeons, and he did not know how to shoot so that he would get them all. Then he shot into the limb from below so that the limb split open, and the pigeons got fast with their feet. But as they began to fly they pulled out the tree, root and all, and flew away with it. So he still lost them. DE O'BKEICHA FUN D' PENSILFAW- NISH DEITSHA IN OLTA ZEITA. THE CUSTOMS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA GERMANS IN THE OLDEN TIMES. FEIARDAWGA. Grish'dawgs b'shgnkt m'r 61s sei freind. De kin'rkriga" 61s Grishtkindlgn. Owts gat 61s 's Grishtkindli rum 6n de heisar un dalt g'shgnk& ous. De kin'r fra& sich druf. 'Ols- &mol kumt d'r belsnick'l un m6cht d' kin'r b6ng. Ar shmeist keshda rum un w6n de kin'r shpringa f 6r se ufzulasa h6kt 'r ee mit seinra wib. Neiyor ward 6ls 'awg'shusS un 's 6ld yor ous. De shits gan rum fun hous zu hous, winsha 's Neiyor 'aw un shesa fur d'r dar. W6n m'r n6nar sarsht sant 6m Neiyors dawg 125 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE winsht m'r J n 6"uar 'n glicksalich Neiyor. 'N yad'r prowird 'm tfnera for zu kuraa um sarsht iiu winshil zu sei. Uf oshd'ra ggbts oshd'r-oiar. No pikS, se 61s mitno'nar. Dar wu 'm #ngr& sei oi farbrcht krikt 's oi. M'r frogt 'aw 61s wSnm'r Sb'r 'awdrgft: "Wo hiisht du mei oshd'r-oi?" No mus m'r 61s 'n oi g6wa w6n ra'r ans hut. 'Om him'lf5rtdawg wart gawr nSt g'sh6ft. S is iw^r6l karch. Fel leit sin uf d'r maning w5n m'r sh6f a dat uf den dawg dat 'ms g'wit'r in's hous shloga. Sei is wul Swarglawa, dw'r ra'r stit d'r dawg heilich hdlda. ZwSda Grishdawg, Oshd'r Mondawg un Pingsht M6n- dawg wara aw g'hftlda, owar n6t so org shtrSng, g'wanlich yusht f6r bgmb'l dawga, un 6n a dal blgts m(5clia se fr51ika, dw'r sSl is b6l ous fashion. HOLIDAYS. On Christmas we usually give gifts to our friends. The children receive Christmas presents. In the evening Krist- 126 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE kindel goes around to the houses and distributes Christmas presents. The children await him. Sometimes Belsnickel comes and frightens them. He throws chestnuts around, and when the children run to pick them up, he hits them with a whip. Coming of New Year and the departure of the old is an- nounced by shooting. Those shooting go from house to house, present their New Year's wishes and shoot before the door. As we meet each other the first time on New Year we wish each other a Happy New Year. Each one tries to get ahead of the other in wishing. At Easter people have Easter eggs. Then they pick eggs with each other. The one breaking the other's egg gets it. If you meet some one you ask : "Where do you have my Easter egg ?" Then he will have to give an egg if he has one. On Ascension Day no work is done. Church services are held every where. Many people believe that if they work on that day, lightning will strike their house. Although that is superstition, yet we ought to keep the day holy. Second Christmas, Easter Monday and Whit Monday are also kept, but not very strictly, usually only for a day off, and at some places they have frolics, but that is almost out of fashion. FESHTDAWGA. De arndkarch is 'n grosar fSshtdawg unar uns'rm f iilk. De leit ga& no g'wanlich 61 in de karch, wo"n se sunsht mtfnchmol im a gtfnsa yor nt in d'r karch wawra. In Buks, Le'chaw, Ntfrtampton un M5ngumari gounti wara de arnd- karehsi in d'r wuch g'holta, im onera dal fun shtad uf Sun- dSgs. Dar fert Yuli ward aw g'holta. FESTIVAL DAYS. Harvest home is a great festival among our people. The 127 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE people then usually all go to church, often when they have not been in church for a whole year. In Bucks, Lehigh, North- ampton and Montgomery Counties harvest services are held on week days, in other parts of the State on Sunday. The Fourth of July is also celebrated. FROLIKA. L6twarg fr61ika war& shbotyors g'm6cht w6ns fel 8b'I hut. De boowa un mad kuma owe"ds z6ma. 'A boo un 'a mad'l rerii 61s, 6d'r gSw'n 6cht uf d'r ksel un doon huls uf ~t leiar. De 6nar& shala 6b'l. W6n de 6b'l 61 g'shalt sin no hSn se 61s aweil g'shbos bis d'r I6twarg gakucht is, no gats dns kgsgl shlgka. Ma6n fr61ik g^bts w6ns m6ndshei is in d'r hoi6t un im awm6tm6cha. Fufza 6d'r zw6nsich nuchb^ra kum& z6m maa 's eraws. Um ung'far zaa oor hgn se 'n gut n6cht Om drinka falts aw nt un 128 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Kwildiug frolika mocha de weibsleit, won se d6bich zu kwilda hn. De mad \vara eig'lawd un na on d'kwilis nuchmidogs. 'N gut nocht Ssa w^rd zug'risht. Won's mo duiik'l ward kuma de boowa fiin d'r nuchb'rsh(5ft bei,no ee bl^ser bis zimlich shbot in do nocht uei. 'OMmol g'donst won se 'n shbelmon hfin. WSlshkorn-bosht-frolika e^bt's shhotyors. W5n's mond. shei is, wara se uf ow^ds g'mocht, owar sunsht niichmidftgs- Won 'n mad^l 'n rodar kulwa g'rikt wttrd se g'wanlichg'bust un n > I6cha se owar 61?. mol 's boshda farbei is. OweYs ward *aw ols g'shbelt 129 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 'S zeg& fre-yors is 'aw 51s 'n lushdicha zeit. 'Olsemol sin IB so hoch we zw6nsig wSga. De boovva un mad mdcha's 6ls shik d6s se zomii kum uf 'a wawga iw'r'm fawra. W6n se #n d'r b!6ts kuma, shdSl& se de 6fa un de bSd'r uf, moch& middog-Ssa un f arlushderii sich bis in de nocht nei. FEOLICS OR PARTIES. Apple butter parties are made in the fall if the apples are plentiful. The boys and girls come together in the evening and a young man and lady stir, or take care of the kettle, and put wood on the fire. The rest peel apples. When the apples are all peeled they have fun awhile until the apple butter is done, then they "lick the kettle." Mowing parties are made by moonlight in hay making, and the time of making the second crop. Fifteen to twenty neighbors come together and mow grass. At about ten o'clock they have a good supper, and there is no lack of something to drink. Quilting parties are made by the women when they have a quilt to make. The ladies are invited and sew at the quilt in the afternoon. A good supper is prepared, and when it gets dark the boys in the neighborhood come together and have pleasure till late at night. Sometimes they dance if they have any one to play the violin. Corn husking parties are made in the fall. When it is moonlight they are made in the evening, otherwise in the afternoon. If a girl finds a red ear she is usually kissed, and then they laugh. In the evening they have amusements after the husking is done. Moving in spring is also a pleasant time. Sometimes there are as many as twenty wagons. The boys and girls make it suit so that they get together on one wagon while driving. When they get to the place they set up the stove3 and beds, make dinner and have a good time till late at night. B'DOLYA. Des wawr 61s 'n groga zeit. A mol 's yor, 61s f 'r common 6m Ferta July un 6m Oshd'r Mbndawg un Ping.-ht Mond&wg 6n 'n dal blSts is 61s zomma kuma \v6rra, un 6Js fuu ordlich weit rum. No hn ee 6ls g'exazeert, de"s wor we de soldawda g'drillt warra f'r in d'r greek. Do sin 61s de druma un peifa g'shbeelt w5r un se sin g'marchd zum shlogd tun d'r bos- drum. OwSts w6r 6ls 'n dons. Do wora 6ls- ( weibsleit ga- gawardig. An'r hut de geik g'shbeelt f6r 'n fib f 6rs paar. Se wora 6ls so shlim f 5r donsa, d6s d'r shbelmon sheer n6t 130 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE rat dooa hut kgnna. Se he*n de fib uf sei ba g'lagt un dal hut r im moul g'hot un hut de gons zeit shbeela missa. G'drunki fcn se owSr, dos se 6ls g'suffa sin wdra, no hgn dal f gchtA wll3L Dalmols hn se dls non'r de avvg& shwdrts g'shlSga mm no widd'r uf g'mocht un hands g'shakt un ans mit n6n'r jfdrunka. So wawr 61s es b'dolya 'n grosa zeit un fel blgseer frue6lta. Mark sheesa, husla, shdories f'rzala un fel so aficha wora 5ls noch da bei. d6rt g'hot. D'r Lindsay hut sei sho aw tils BATTALION. Battalion used to be a great time. Once a year, usually the Fourth of July, Easter Monday and Whit Monday, Abe people would come together at some places from a great distance. Daring the day they drilled and paraded as are drilled for war. The drum and fifes were played they marched to the beating of the bass drum. In the there was a dance. Women were present. One play the violin for a sixpense or a fip a couple. They so eager for dancing that the fiddler could hardly get They would place the fips on his knees and some he in nis mouth, and played on the whole time. They so much that they got full, and then some wanted to 131 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE fight. Sometimes they would skrike each other's eyes black, make up again, and drink with each other. Thus battalion was a great time, and much pleasure for the people of that time. Mark shooting, hustling matches, story telling and the like marked the events of the day. Lindsay often had bis show at these places. DE OLTA GAMES. In d'r shul w5r's ols k bola, padd'l bola, drila bola, shuts, oldy loos, un dal mols, w fin's shul hou> 6m bu.-li wawr, fils harsh, weil de mad ols ring, shgbly, bio fog'l, vrei gordi un brikboua g'&hbeeld hn. D ham h6n &e ols shde'kle, blum-s5k, blindameisly, figmeel, kreizmeel, ringmeel kfitsakiip, gSnsfoos, jak un nfich fel onfira grames g'shbeeld, moncha dos heitzudawg niich g'shbeeld wara uf 'm lond. Se b^u oi ehalmatcha, kwilt'ns, shtripp'n matches g'hot, no h6n se dU party leeder g'shbeeld un dalmols g'd^us'd. F'r ^k bolii w6ra feer 6ka un an'r uf yad'm 6k, un 'a. l<5t in o'r shdub; no hn de uf'da Ska de in d'r shdub 5ia g shmisj-a, Padd'l bol& is g'shbeeld wora feel we uus'r bag bSla, yushd mid 'm wacha b6la. F'r drila bSla wor yushd an'r 5s fun am k uf's on'r gVhbrunga is un won ar uf 'm Sk wor hut ar 6h de in d'r shdub g'shraissa. Shuts. Do bflt an'r d'r Tola g'numm& un is d' on'ra noch bi-i ar se 51 g'shmissa g'hdt hut -Harsh wor d'r earn wag, yushd dos se sich tils harsh g'hasa h^u un im bush rum g'shbrunga sin. Ring sliSbly wor fe* 1 ! os w-^ des ring shbeela beit ncuh ig. Blofog'l. Do h6n de mad 61s 61 feVl nawma g'hot un d'nd hut 61s ans ousfina missa wl dos blofog'l hast. Shdekle. Se h^n sich 6ls 51 f rshd^kl'd 6s we ans; ua dgs hiit de on'ra sucha mi^sa. Blum-sock. Do h6n se 5ls 'a 5ld honduch g'nummS, un dfis g'fl5cht& nn 'n I5t sich uf 'n bonk g'hukt un d'r blum-sok hinich sich g'numma an ana 132 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Ifit 'n g'sucht. 'S hut 61s Srdlich shlag gSwa bis w6r. Figmeel, kreizmeel, ringmeel, kStsakup un gSnsfoos is 61s mit welshkorn karnS, tidd'r gn6b uf shdik'r kord g'shbeeld w6ra. Luch b5l. Do h&n se 51s 'n luch ffhot u n an'r hut d'r b6l nei un g'sawt war shmeisii mils, no sin se 61 g'shbrunga for wfig. Dar wu g'druiF^ is w6r& hut BO dilr b6la g'nurama un won an'r f 'rfalt hut wtfr Sr 6us. Griitta hupsa. Dgs wor gros'r g'shbSs. Finf, sgx 6d y r niich ma hn sich he g'shdgllt un d'r kup nunn'r g'bigt un an'r is iv'r se g'jumpt, ans urn's 6n'r bis r iv'r se 61 wawr. No is d'r hinnarsht nei g'shdUrt un so bis se zu meed w5ri. y^^^^lfe-r-^-- THE OLD GAMES. In school they were corner ball, bat ball, chase ball, hooting, old sow, and sometimes, when the school house was ear to the woods, deer, while the girls used to play ring, Hue bird, vineyard and bridge building. At home they played Itide and seek, plumsack, blind-man's-buff, figmill, crossmill, ringrnill, cat's head, goose foot, Jack, and many others, some f which are played to this day. There were snitsing matches, quilting parties and stripping matches, where *hey played party plays and sometimes had dancing. To play corner ball there were four corners, with one on earn corner and a number inside, who were hit with the ball by those on the corners. Bat ball was played much like our ball, except that they had a soft ball. To play chasing 133 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE ball there was only one who would run from corner to co and hit those inside with the ball. In shooting ball one took the ball and ran after the others till he had hit them all. Deer was about the same, except that they called themselves deer and ran around in the woods. Ring playing was much as our ring playing to-day. To play blue bird they all had tire names of birds and one had to guess which one was the ble bird. To play hide and seek they would all hide and one fea& to seek the others. Plumsack. They took an old towd^ turned and twisted it with a knot at the end, and sat o a. bench, when one had to find it behind them. A good deal of lashing was done till it was found. Figmill, crossmill, mill, cat's head and goose foot were played on pieces of with grains of corn and buttons. Hole ball. The boys to have a hole in the ground, and one would lay in the bai and say who should throw. Then the rest ran away. If one was hit he had to take the ball and if one missed he was oat, Leap frog. (Hop, Step and Jump.) This was much fun. A number of boys would stand in a row", one behind the other facing all one way, bent down their heads, and one of tiieon would jump over the rest, one after another, until he over them all, when the last one would start in and so on they were tired. a'SHICHTA. HISTORICAL FACTS. FOR OLDARS. Des is g'shriwa fum Allentoun Fredensboti Mon. For oldgrs ds mant bei uns iw'r hunart yor we uasfe /oreltara in's Iftnd kuma sin, un's Sshtlich Pe'nsilfawni awp- g'set'lt hen, wawr's nuch 'n orma, shelchta gaySnd, ful iashfip. shltfnga un fel 6Vr uugazife'r. 'S I5nd wawr iwerha-wpt farchtarlich mawg'r 's hut gfalt on misht, un fun kalk UZL kla hiit m'r nuch niks gawist. Sliwar huls h6n se numi San d' wosara fina k6na, sunsht iweYol grundachla, hos'lh^ldl am gawr niks, weil de fgrhfink'rtii insha 61 a yor w^ggSbr^ftt b^ w5s se brna h^n kSna. So 6rrn we's lend, wawru aw tmsV forg^ng'r. Se hgn sher niks g'hot ols erS, shtorka arm, 61 f&rtroua uf Gttt, fleis un ^Sduld un shofiche shpawrsoma weibs- Jeit, wo iwerol mitg'hulf a uu orgd, shtropotsa h^n h-Slfa ous- 13 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE ehtaa". We sich uns'r forggng'r im 'awfong bahelfa hgn misS do d'rfiin hut olaweil sher nemoud 'n begrif. SSla olta, dana era nawma m'r uf d' olta grawbshta uf unsara karchhaf rum las kon, uu de drewa in d'r avvigi hamet g'wis shgn'ra heis'r, sheiara, f 6ld'r uu gawrta bawona, we m'r do uf d'r ard hgn sSl hn m'r fel, f'el zu f'rdonka. Se sin de leit, woo, zu sawgii, ous niks, in gros'r ormoot uu un'r gros'm mong'i de harlicha bleSnda gag'udS, in uns'rm dal fum shtawt g'shSfa h^n, wo nou era nochkumft driu lawS,, we cle fag'l im honf- sawma. M'r siita ne f ' rg&sa, ena 'n doiikbawr awdenka zu bSwawrii. Sehtmols 's wawr so in da yor3, fun 1727 bis 1740 hgn de leit do rum ka heis'r g'hot we dlftweil. 'Och doo lewa zeit, we hfin se gabei'r g'hot! De arshtft sfitl'r, woo fum 6lt& loud un sher 61 ous d'r Polz kuma sin, wawra in uns'ra gag'nd dorchwek wus m'r shkwot'rs hast. De hen sich 'n ehtik lond rous g'sucht, 'n blukheis'l druf ggbout un hgn aw- We's g'gukt hut we se aw kuma sin. Appearance of the country when they arrived. 135 % PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE fftngli zu klora, zu butssi un zu bou'ra, grawd we w6n se 'a iSnd agnS data. 'S is aw zu sSll'r zeit im& bref ous Felgdelfe griisa glawg beira gtiv'rner g'fert wSra, dos de fel& deitsha iw'r5i 's bSsht l6nd ufnginft dat& un g'farlich wara. Nuchd'r- hond hgn se ow'r pat'nt deds fur er lond g'rikt un hgn's be*- zawlt zaa bis f'ufza pund fttr hun'rt 6k'r. We mol fer wSnd ufgSbltikt un 'n d5ch drew'r wawr un we se mol frucht ga- bou'rt uu fe g'hftt hSn, h6n se sich aw bluk-sheirii g'bout, obshtbam ous 'm karn gSzo^a un gfiblonst, un so ans ntich 'ra on'ra un'r grosa mesalichkeita. fie blukheis'r h6n *s mgnsht dal yusht 'n shtuk g'hot, un uf 'm shbeich'r, wo d'r wind durchg'pifil un d'r 'shna neigoblo.s, hn 5ls de kin'r g'shlofa, d'r dawdi un de morni 5\v'r h6n er b6t hun& in d'r woudshtub g'hot. S3li kiu'r, wo bei rou'r ktisht un in d'r roS, nawdoor ul'ga,w(jchs3, sin, h6n de fareht'rliehft shtorkS- m6n'r un krgft- icha weibsleit gSwa, wo m'r 6ls de 6lta nuch d'rfun f ' rzala hart ; un sel wawra de leit, woo uns'r lond fun d' 'Ent;l6n'r ngn liglf'a frei f 6chta. Un grawd so leit hut's g'numa ftfr dt 'English^ zu Ifid'ril un'r d' umshte'nda, we se wawra. Wom'r oluweil in uns'rar gag'nd rum kumt un sicht de harlichii ffild'r uu wesa, de 'shanji wonhei-s'r un prgchticha gro^S, slieira, mit 6l'rh5nd h^ndichS, naw&gabei un fel'rla mosheua, k5n m'r sher ngt glaw3, d5s 's so g'wSst wawr for 6lt'rs. SJatot uns'ra, goota bleg, 'aga, w6lz3, un kultiwat'ra hSn se bleg mit hglz'rna wSnbrgt'r g'hot, wo se 's I5nd mit rumg'shun& h6n, 'agi mit h^lz'rn^ z6pa, od'r hgu 'n osht fumsi bawm ew'rs f eld g'shlaft, w5n se g'sat ngn g'hot ; sunsht is Sl's'mit d'r hok un f tin hond g'shoftwora. M'r broucht yusht on de 6lt sich'l un de s6ns zu dSnka, un de mdshina mit f 'rgleicha, um sicfc zu f 'rwun'ra. Fel hgn ka dre'shde'u g'hot, weil ka bord um d'r wag wawra. D'r buda in d'r shei'r wawr hSrt z5ma g^blotsht un do druf ngn se de frucht mit d' flgg'l ggdriisha. F6r se zu butsS, hSn se de frucht d6rch h^lzna seba garada, don uf 'n hoch garisht g'drawga un won d'r wind rScht shorf gabiv4. hut, driw'r run'r uf 'n leinducb 136 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE g'shit ; d'r wind hut de shprou we'gge'blosa, un uf sel wag is de frucht souw'r wor& on& windmel. M'r mus sich gwis f 'rwun'ra iw'r dSs wos flets un shpawr- somkeit, mit Gut 6s sag in& pawr me'nsh'udlt'r zoowagi ggbrucht h6n. '8 is k6n f ulk uf d'r &rd, wo durchwgg so gooti heis'r un shei'ra un die's so hgndich, souw'r un sha ei'ggricht hut, we de Deitshii P^nsilfawni'r. 'Ow'r we g'sawt, m'r wulS, nSt tfirg&a, v;o dSs 6lSs harkumt. We's a pawr yor nucbhar g'gukt hut. Appearance a few years later. IN OLDEN TIME. In olden time, which means to us more than a hundred years ago, when our forefathers came into this country and settled in Eastern Pennsylvania, the land was yet poor, full of Indians, snakes and otner pests. The soil was, in general, very poor, lacking manure and lime, and clover was not known. Heavy timber could only be found along streams, evftrvwhere else brush oak. witch-hazel or nothing because 137 FEJNIX&Y.LVAINJLA Ui^KMAJN l^LTEKATURE the Indians burned up everything they could. As poor as the land, so were our forefathers. They had nothing except their strong arms, trust in God, industry and patience, and economic and hardworking wives, which assisted everywhere and helped to endure severe hardships. How our forefathers in the start helped themselves, no one can now fully imagine. Those old people, of whose names \ve now read on the old tomb- stones in our cemeteries, and who are now yonder in the eternal home, with certainly more beautiful houses, barns, fields and gardens than we have here, to them we owe many thanks. They were the people who, out of nothing, in great poverty and want, prepared the pleasant blooming surroundings in our part of the State, wherein their posterity now r live as the birds in hempseed. We should never forget to have a thankful remembrance of them. At that time it was in the years from 1727 to 1740 the people around here had no houses as we have now. Oh, dear me, what buildings ! The first settlers, who came from the old country and nearly all from the Palatinate were in our com- munity throughout what we would call squatters. They selected a piece of land, built on it a loghouse and began to clear and cultivate as though they owned the land. At that time great complaint was brought to the Governor at Philadelphia, that the "Dutch" every where took the best land and were dan- gerous. Afterwards they got patent deeds for their land and paid from ten to fifty pounds per hundred acres. They built four walls with a roof over it and had raised grain and cattle, they built log barns, raised fruit trees from the seed, and thus one after another had great hardships. The log houses mostly were only a story high, and on the top floor, where the wind whistled through and the snow blew in, the children used to sleep. Father and mother had their bed on the first floor. Those children, who grew up by coarse food and in raw nature 138 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITEEATURE became the most fearfully strong men and hardy women, about whom we still hear the old people speak. They were the people who helped to fight for our freedom from England. And such people it took to whip the English under the circum- stances. When we now go through our community and see the beautiful fields and meadows, the splendid homes and large barns, with all kinds of out-buildings and many imple- ments, we can hardly believe that things were so in olden times. In place of our good plows, harrows, rollers and culti- vators, they had plows with wooden mould boards with which they skinned over the land, and harrows with wooden teeth, or they dragged a limb of a tree across the field after they had sowed it. Otherwise they worked with hoe and hand. Just think of the old sickle and scythe, and compare them with the present machinery, to see the wonderful improvement. Many had no threshing floor, because there were no boards. The bottom of the barn was stamped hard, and there they thrashed their grain with flails. 'To clean grain they sifted it through wooden sieves, and took it up on a high scaffold and threw it down on sheets when the wind was blowing strongly. The wind blew away the chaff and in that way the grain was cleaned without fanning mills. It is surprising, indeed, how much was accomplished with industry and frugality, and God's blessing in a few genera- tions. There is no people on the face of the earth, which has. throughout such good houses and barns, everything so handy, j clean and neat as the Pennsylvania Germans. * As heretofore said, we should not forget where all this comes from. 139 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE ORICHINAWL ORIGINAL POETRY. D'R KRAM'R. THE PEDDLER. (Fum Pora C. Z. Weiser.) Won ich ols on mei'm f ensht'r huk Un hab mit an'ra bond d'r kup Un sa d'n kram'r lawf a, Don wult ich ols, ich kent sei pok, Un 51 sei dings, mit somt'm sok Yusht hor un sol obkawf a. 'N monch'r rent m'r do f rbei, When I always at my window sit, And resting the head on the hand, And see the peddler walking by, Then I wish, I could his pack, And all his things togetherwith sack Just then and there buy of him. Many a one runs by here, So g'shwind, ich sa knops war 'r sei And who it is, I cannot see, Un hob's aw glei f'gesa. D'r kram'r ow'r sbleicht do he Un trawgt sei kup sher uf d' kne, M'r mant 'r dat lond mesa. We shnouft 'r un we blost 'r duch, Bol we 'n uks, d'r in seim yuch Fun dawg zu dawg mus henka. Beshur is em sei buk'l ro, 'Uf kors sei shuld'r shworts un bio, So epes lust sich deiika. And soon are forgotten. But the peddler slowly walks along With his head almost on his knees. You think he measures the land. How he breathes and how he blows, Almost like an ox, who in his yoke From day to day must hang. It is certain that his back is sore, Of course his shoulder black & blue, Such, no doubt, is the case. De pilg'r-reis shwetst fel fun 'am Pilgr' s Progress speaks much of one Christian un grawd d'r were sam Christian and just the very same Lawlt uns niich for de awga : Walks yet before our eyes : D'r mon, sei bund'l, shtuk un reis The man, his bundle, staff & journey 'S is yushtament de namlich weis Is just at last the same manner 'N leiknis kon m'r sawjra. A likeness one can surmise. 140 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE We hut nou d'r Jon Banyan 's g'fikst How did it now John Bunyan fix Un in d'r tshal sei f orwa g'mikst, D'n kram'r obzumola? 12r hut om f ensht'r g'hukt we ich, Den kram'r uft arblikt for sich Un don sei bild obg'shtola. So shtel ich mer d's ding ols for Un 's pishp'rt ep'r mer in's or, "So hut 'rs leicht doo kena." Bis dos ich don wos 'bes'r fin. Gat m'r de nosh'n net fum sin, Ich lus m'rs gawr net nema. Duch is m'r sei aw ewafel, Ich hob 'n on'r ding im zel D'r kram'r is 'n shpig'l. *N yad'r mensh d'r hat sei losht, Se henkt 'm uf m buk'l f osht, Yaw we mit bech un seg'l. And in the castle his colors mix, To paint the peddler's image ? He sat at the window just like I, And saw the peddler passing by, And then stole his picture. So I imagine the thing to be And some one whispered it to me, "So he could have done it," Until I something better find. The notion does not leave my mind, No one can take it from me. Yet that is not much to me, I have another thing in view- The peddler is a type. For every man his trouble has, And upon his back hangs fast, Just as with wax and seal. *N yad'r is aw uf d'e reis, Gat we d'r kram'r in seim kreis M'r reisa ol mit non'r. Each one is upon his journey, Goes like the peddler in his course We journey all together. Un 's mawg nou krum sei od'r grawd, And crooked it may be or straight, 'S 'end is ne net bis im grawb, The end is not till in the grave, Dort is arsht de roo-kom'r. There only is the chamber of rest. Dort folt amol d'r bund'l ob, So we d'm Christian in d'r shtot, "Yeruselem" ward se g'hasa. Dort hen mer kram'r ousf arkawft, War dort nuf we 'n traw'ler lawft, Fawrt don, sei kon m'r lasa. Won don fel yuda-kram'r sin, Un bsheisa an'r garn : Ich fin* D'r Chrisht is aw 'n kram'r. Tusht ar dalt ols mit goot'r wawr 'Ar hut kredit, sei geld is bawr, Beim Israwalet un Ham' r. At last there falls the bundle down, Just like Christian's in the town, "Jerusalem" we call it. Then we peddlers have sold out, Who up there like a traveler walto^ Drives then, so we read it. If then Jew peddlers many be, And gladly cheat some one : I see A Christian is a peddler too. But he deals as with good wares Credit he has, his money will pass^ With Israelite and Koman. SEES OOR. (Fum Tubeias Witmer.) Nou shlawgt de oor seks yets bos 'mol uf, Wos kuma de boowa de shtrosa do ruf 'Ols we de soldawta fum hitsiga shtreit 'S dawgwerk is fertig we 'n yad'r sich freiL De g'sicht'r sin shmutsich un drekich de bend, 'N mouch'r is sh worts, dos m'r 'n eher nima kent. 141 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 'Ow'r 's harts is recht arlich, 's g'wisl is weia, 'N yad'r is shtults uf sei axlichd tleis. De fraw doot shun lechla, de der in d'r hond, 'S esa is f ertich, 's is olas ira shtund, De klana doon hoopsa, for loud'r plesir, Un kissa d'r dawdi shun hous for d'r der. Yets bar mit d'r saf, un 's wos'r recht wawrm, 'S weist sich guns on'ra hout uf m orm, 'S hem is gebig'lt, 's gukt oles gons nei, Un yets kumt f ergnega, de harts' r sin trei. D'r him'l woont do in d'm heisli uf ard ; 'S weibli is fleisich, un ar is se wart ; De kin'r sin brawf, un se gaa in de shool, 'S is oles in ordning, 's shoft oles bei rool. Mit musik un zeiting un 's owet-gabat, Mecht ich amol wissa, wos 'ma dos m'r wet, For de zeit zu f'rtreiba, mit kin'r d'ham "***: 'ma wil we des, d'r douert yo 'am. Yets shlawgt's wid'r seks 'r mocht sici do rous, Un glei is "n wusliches lewa im hous ; Un eb dos de peif uf'm shop druna brilt, Hut 'r shun sei kofe, un 's kerbli is g'tiit. Do kuma se wid'r 'n klani orma Se lawf a so leiwli ich gleich se zu saa. 'N yad'r f 'rshtat wos sei arwet sul sei, 'R hut glei sei blots un shikt sich aw nei. Yets shnort amol 's rawd, un de shtern-peif brilt lout, Un oles bawagt sich mit fleis yusht about, D'r blos-bolk heilt, un d'r dvabunk d'r shnort, 'N yad'r is bisi nou shoft net zu hurt. 142 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE SIX O'CLOCK. Now the clock strikes six attention give, How the boys are coming up the street, Just as the soldiers from a hot battle The day's work is ended .hour each one rejoices. The faces are greasy and the hands are dirty, Many are black, that we hardly know them, But the heart is right hones 4 , conscience is white, And each one is proud of hi* honest industry. The wife smiles already, holds the door with her hand, Breakfast is ready, everything well prepared, The children are jumping because full of joy, And kiss their father, outside of the door. Now here with the soap and the water right warm, Entirely different skin is shown on the arm, The shirt is ironed and all things look new, And now comes content, the hearts are all true. Heaven lives here in this house upon earth ; The wife is industrious and honor is worth ; The children obedient, they go to school, All things are in order and work according to rule. With music and paper and tbe evening prayer, I should like to know for what more you could wish, To pass the time by, with children at home Whoever wan'ts more is pitiable alone. * Now it strikes six again he gets out of bed, And soon there is a busy life in the house ; And ere the whistle down on the shop blows, He has his coffee, and his basket is filled. Here they come again a small army They walk so lively I like to see them. Each one understands what his labor shall be, He soon has his place and suits himself to it. Now the wheel hums and the steam-whistle blows loud, And everything moves about with industry, The bellows are creaking and the turning lathe too, Each one is busy don't work too hard. 143 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE BONGS. 8 FAWRA IN D'R TRAN. RIDING ON THE TRAOK, Fum Hons Chrishtion. Beim M. C. Henninger, Ex-Senator, fun Lechaw. Sung to the tune of "MICHAEL SCHNEIDER'S PARTY.' 'S is oles hendich eigcricht In tins' ra goota zeit, 'S brouch sich nemond bloga ma, 'Unles 'r is net g'sheit. D'r shtem doot oles for de leit, Sel is yusht wos ich man ; Un won m' r argets he wil ga, Don fawrt m'r in d'r tran. *S wawr net so goot in olt'r zeit, Sel was ich f orna nous : Des mocht f 'leicht dal olta bas, Duch sawg ich's frei harous. Be sin geluf a ol d'r wag Fun finf bis fufzich meil, 'N pawr, de epes reich'r wawr'n, Sin gonga uf da geil. So wawr d'r shteil in olt'r zeit, 'S lawf a wawr ka shond ; Wos is m'r ols dohe gadrult, Sel is eich goot bakont. 'S is nima so in unsra zeit, 'S fawrt yad'r won 'r kon, Un war gawr nimi lawf a dut, Dar is d'r chend'lmon. Nou Everything is very handy fixed In the present good times, No one need exert himself, Unless he is insane. Steam does everything for the peopld, That is just what 1 mean ; And when we want to go some place, We then ride in the train. . 'Twas not so good in olden time, That I am well aware of; Perhaps it makes the old ones cross, But I say it without hesitation. They used to walk all the way From five to fifty miles, A few, who were somewhat richer, Went upon horseback. This was the style in olden times, Walking was no disgrace ; How we used to trot along, That is understood by you. This is no more in our time, Each one rides when he can, And he who does not walk at all, Is the gentleman. fawrt m'r mit d'r inshein- Now kawrs ; Des is 'n eis'n'r goul, Dar shnouft un hechst we on'r fe, Duch sicht m'r gawr ka moul ; we travel by engine and cars; This is an iron horse, He breathes & pants like other beast% But we don't see any mouth ; Dar ward net med un won 'r shpringt He don't get tired, and if he runs 144 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 'N hun'rt dons'nd meil ; Do hut 'r shoor d'r 1'orzug weit Fur 51 de on'ra geil. De tran is im'r zimlich f ul Mit o!a sorta leit, *K dal se sin gawr heslich dum, Un on'ra sin zu gsheid. 'S hut ufgebutsta client' 1-leit. Dal shwurza un dal weis, Un ladis fun d'r rechta sort Wos sin se duch so neis. Do sitst 'n ritsk'l in dem sits, Un diirt 'n goot'r chrisht; Glei kumt so 'ri dunii wun'rnaws Un frogt dich war doo bisht. 'N frotshons sitst in sel'ni shtool, Sei tiket uf ' m hoot, 'R mant 'r war 's gons ol'a, Wos felt 'r duch so goot. 'N pora sitst net weit aweg, D'r mocht 'n longes g'sicht, Un driwa is so 'n rot'r karl, Dar gukt 6s we 'n licht, Un weit'r drons is nuch 'n pawr, Uf ereni huch/ich-tT'ip Se bleiwa net so, orich long, Des wet ich aw 'n fip. Do sitst' n weibsmensh mit er' m kind, '8 kreisht am dul un dawb. A hundred thousand miles; He surely has the advantage Of all other horses. The train is always pretty full Of all kinds of people, Some are very ignorant, And others are too wise. There are dressed up gentlemen, Some black and some white, And the right kind of ladies Oh, how nice they are. Here sits a rascal in this seat, And there a good Christian ; Soon an ignorant inquisitive person comes And asks who you are. A dude sits on that seat, His ticket on his hat, He thinks he is it all alone, And how good he feels. A preacher sits not far away, He makes a long face. And yonder is a red-headed fellow, He looks like a light. And further on is a couple Upon their wedding trip, They won't stay so very long, I'll bet a six-pence Here sits a woman with a child. It bawls us dull and deaf. 9a 145 * PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE De kawrs gat markiwardig shtork, The train goes wonderfully fast, Wos rast des duch d'r shtawb. How it raises the dust. M'r ward f ardrekt fun kup zu foos, You'll get dirty from head to foot Mit kola-sh un shmok ; With ahes and witli smoke ; Duch ol des nenat m'r gnadich 'aw Yet all this we take good naturedly Fr'n zimlich gootar chok. For a pretty good joke. De kars dunert durch barg un dawl, The cars thunder through hill & dale 'En lewi longi shdtun, A live long hour, Un won se dorch 'n tunel gat, And when it goes through a tunnel D'no sicht m'r gor ka sun. M'r mus aw im'r engstich sei, Se shpringt ob fun der 'baw 'Od'r treft f'leicht 'n rinshtikfe, Wos gebt 's don d'no. We don't see any sun, And must be in fear, That they jump off the track, Or hit, perhaps an old cow, What happens then ? D'no gebt's 'n wesht'r aksident 'S is oles gons f 'rkart, De weibsleit wara oinechtich, De monsleit sin f 'rshtart, D'r inshiner blost mard'rlicli, De inshein gat druf los, Nou shpringt se wed'r'n olta koo Wos gebt'ra dos 'n shtos. Then a bad accident takes place, Everything is all excitement, The women faint away, The men are in terror, The engineer whistles frightfully ; The engine rushes on, Now it, runs against an old cow What a shock it gives her. So 'n shtos d'r is m'r net g'want, 'R mocht 'm dawb un shtuni, 'N dal de shlawga bortsl'bawm, Un kuma net recht rum, Un onera shtan uf hond un fes Se holta f esht om flor x En yader winsht, er war daham, Ous dara grosa g'for. Such, a shock we are not used to, It makes us deaf and dumb ; Some take a somersault, And don't get quite around, Others stand on hands and feet And hold fast to the noor, Each one wishes he was at home, Out of this great danger. So gat des fawra uf der trnn, Ich has es orich sha, M'r grikt kSn kupwa fun der hits, Un aw ka' shteif a ba, M'r kawft sei tiket f orna nous D'no is mer ol 0. K. Un wons' hast "Tickets if please," Don racht m'r 'n ewa 'he. Thus goes riding on the train, I call it very nice, You get no headache from the heat, And neither stiff legs. You buy your ticket in advance Then you are 0. K. you And when they say, "Tickets, if you please," Then you just hand one over. 146 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE WE ICH >N CHAP WAWR. WHEN I WAS A LAD. Behn " Woody Newhard,'.' we ar 's ols singt. Tke "Sir Joseph Song" in the opera Pinafore. We ich 'n chap un 'n pre'ntis wawr,|When I was a lad and an apprentice Hawb ich obg'wawrt for 'n lawyers I used to work for two lawyers ; I cleaned off the table and washed the spittoons, And no one can think how dirty they were. The dirty work had no end, So that I rebelled by and by. pawr ; Ich hawb d'r dish ufg'romd un de shbonboxa g'butst, U t die, ken'rdenka wawrn orrik f'rshmutst Die butz'rei wawr grensalos. Do? ich g' rebell'd hawb noch un noch, Ols ? in hendich'r chap hawb ich mich I showed myself as a handy chap, g'wissa, | And my bosses liked me very well, Un'meibossahen mich orrikg'glichail did my work nicely and well, Idi hawb ol mei arwet sha un shlik In fact, I made myself useful in g'shoft ; 1* ISct, ich hawb mich gen'rally useful g'mocht. Ich wawr so useful ?u d'm lawyers pairr general, I was such a benefit to the two law* yers 147 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE DOB B\Q mich promot hen im arshta^That the v promoted me the first yor. 'year. Die shreiw'rei fun deeds un zett'l ^ JThe writing of deeds and letters Hen mich prominent g'mOcht im Made me prominent in the whole gunsa shded'l. city, Mei success is kumma so shdorik un Success came (o me so fust and soon, g'shwint, ^ [And the lawyers were sorry that Un die lawyer wawr'n sorry dos siei hired me, hen m'ch g'dinkt: |So they bounced me, I'll tell you Sie hen mich g'bounc'djdes sawgichj soon. slmell, No liawb ich g'deukt: de h-11." 'r ga'n in And then I thought, "you go to h-ll." Ich hawb nous g'shdart f r mwhjThen I started out for myself, salwerl no, 'And I dressed myself up, it was 9 Un icii hawb mich ui g'du 's wawr'n show. show, j Dappled pants and a high hat, , Shukicha huRsa un 'n hoch'r hut |I looked just like a Bet hlehem dude. Ich hawb graw'd g'gukt we 'u Bed-JMy education wasn't quite up to my hi hern "dude." clothes Mei laming wawr net guns uf zu And then I ran for Congress. mi'im dress, No bin ich g'luffa fr in d'r Congress. Im Congress hawb ich so fel geld j ln Congress I made so much monej g'rnocht 'That they put me on the retired Dos sie mi :h uf die "retir'd list" heni list, g'sholt. Ich wawr net zufritta mit mein'm But then I was'nt satisfied with mj ompt, office, D'no bin ich grawd nous nuch Eng-;So I went straight to England. lond. (Where Johnny Bull caught on to me D'r Johnny Bull hut mich ufg'fonga And appointed me to run his ship. Un hut mich appoint des shiff zu Nou fum shbouboxa butsa in a law- yer firm Bin ich ad vane' d in an'm term. Now from spittoon cleaning, into a lawyer's firm, I was advanced in one term. Go it prettj hi d'm lond do hasa ses : "go it i In this land it is: pn-tty quick, quick, And when you have a place don' t And when you have a place don't too long stick." too long stick." So nem mei advice uukum in deroi So take my advice and come in th No moch'n 'r ol geld so long wie ranks hoi. -And you will make money like haj. 148 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 'M SHDED'L MON SEI WUNSH. THE CITY MAN'S WISH, Ufg'sets fun Shdudent Kopeabaver. Sung to *.he tune of "MICHAEL SCHNEIDER'S PARTY." Ich wut dos ich 'n bou'r war, Un hei 'n bouarei ; Ilet irrene ich ous d'r sun Un es de karsha bi. Ich g ick m'r'n shmerkas koo 'N hot'.'i fal ginigens, 'N mechtich rmrewa, bawm, Un padent-ledart'eiis. Pe hinkel h51t ich in d'r kich, D'r seishdol for d'r der, (Jrii'k ruk un hu^a ton kords Un kolers fOn bober 149 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE *N brinsl broun'r mooly bull A brindle brown mooly bull Mus in d'r sheiar hof ; Must be in the barnyard, Alpaca hinkel, bordsart hunt Alpaca chickens, bobtail dogs, Un kochin shanghei shof. And cochin shanghai sheep. Ich bou uf mein'r bouarei 'N rotes shweitzser hous ; Ich moch mei gonsar gorda rum Un sa'n mit wolnis nous. 'Och won ich duch 'n bou'r war Un het 'n bouarei, Un het 'n grosa dikefraw Don wet ich bou'r sei. Ich kawf mVn grosa bouarei Dot drunii on d r r shdod, Un such m'r'n grosa deitsha fraw- De hut aw fel farshdond, Se bint ken blech in era hor Un kumt net so gros ruus. Un won se aw 'n bis'l dut, Don mocht's yo gawr niks ous. I'll build upon my farm A red sweitzer house ; I'll plow my garden And sow it full of walnuts. Oh ! 1 wish I were a faraie? And had a farm, And had a large, stout wife- Then I would like to be a farmer. I' 11 buy a large farm Not very far from town, And get myself a large dutch wife-* One that will have much sense. She ties no tin into her hair, And won't go about so high And if she would a little, It would not matter at all. FUN ON'RJUSICHAR, &c. SELECTIONS FROM DIFFERENT All* THORS, MAINTAINING THEIR STYLE OF SPELLINGS From " Drauss un Deheem," by Charles Calvin Ziegler, of Broak Valley, Pa. SAMSCHDAAG OWET. Die letscht Load Heu ! Now, Boys, hooray Fahrt in die Scheier un iosst sie schteh 1C PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Bis Muundaag marrige frill. Wahrhaft ! Den Owet ward ken Schtreech men' g'schaSl: 'S is Samschdaag. Waesch die Fiiss am Wasserdroog ; Black die Schtiffel (verflammti Bloog! Mei Krashaag dhut m ! r widder weh Die Schtiffel sin m'r ganz zu klee 0, Elend ! ) Well, Schtiffel odder net ich muss In 's Schtsedtel zu de scheene Suss ; Die letscht Wock hen mar 's ausgemacht Ich set sie sehne Samschdaagnacht Den Owet. Die annere Maed un ihre Beaus Schpaziere uf un ab die Schtrooss ; Die same Zeit caressire ich Mei Madel hiune in de Rich Gedichtig. Die Suss hot alles ei'gericht: Die Uhr schteht schtill, mar hen ken Licht ; Die Alte sin in ihrem Nescht 'S is uns net bang sie schlofe fescht Un schnarrickse. Die Tlhr schteht schtill awwer net die Zeit Is es now marrige odder heit ? Es macht nix aus so ganz allee Lieblich umarmt. Ach! muss ich geh? 'S is Sunndaag! SATURDAY EVENING. The last load hay ! Now, boys, hurrah ! Drive in the barn and let it stand Till Monday morning'early. Indeed! This evening nothing more will be done : It is Saturday. Wash the feet at the wateringtrough; Black the boots accursed bother 1 My corn hurts me again My boots are entirely too small Oh, misery ! Well, boots or not I must go In town to pretty Sue ! Last week we fixed the time That I should see her on Saturday night- This evening. The other girls and their beaux Promenade the streets ; The same time I court My girl in the kitchen Thoroughly 151 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Sue has prepared everything : The clock has stopped, we have no light ; The old folks are in their bed We are not afraid they sleep soundly And snore. The clock has stopped but the time has not ; Is it now tomorrow or today ? It doesn't matter all alone, Sweetly encircled. Ah, must I go? It is Sunday. DIE ALT A LIEDER 0, sing mar doch die alte Lieder. Die ich so lieb hab, noch emol ; Sie fliesse darch Gemiith un Glieder So heilig un so sabbathvoll ! O w p 6 w 5 H ^ g I a CH hj w 5 S S fd PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Dar Choir, daer scheint mar juscht ze blaire? Ken Sunndaag kann nier hcilig sei Wann net gemeindlich g'sunge wurre Parr vun de alte Melodei. * * K- Mei Kindheits Karrich is abgerisse,, Die alte Schtimme sin verhallt, Doch darrh nu'i Seel nocb irunier fliesse Die liewe Lieder nie net alt ! Scbtimmt ei', ilir Schweschtere un ilir Brir*0f En alter Sunndaag noch e'mol! Un singt die gute alte Lieder So lieilig un so sabbathvoll ! THE OLD HYMNS. Oh, sing me again the old liymns Which are so dear to me. They flow through the s.jul nnd body So holy and so Sabbath full Methinks the c'toiv i* just yelling them, No Sunday can be holy to me If the congregation do* s not sing. A few of the old melodies. * * * My childhood's church is torn away The old voices have died away But through my soul always do flow The dear hymns never old ! Join in, ye brothers and sisters, An old Sunday once again, And sing the good old hymns So holy and so Sabbathfull. From "Dutch Hand Book" by (Pit Schweffelbrenner) E. H. Rauck, of Mauch Chunk, Pa. FROM HAMLET. ACT I. Sl'ENK V. RK-ENTEK GHOST AND HAMLET. HAM. \Vo wid mich onna neuuma? Shtwetz, ich gas nimmy welder. GHOST. Now mind mich: H. Teh will. G. My shtoond is sheer gor cooma Os ich tzurick mus, in de shweftel's flomma, Muss ich mich widder uf gevva. H. Oh! du orinas shpook! PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE , Pity mich net, awer geb mer now di ora, t For ich will der aniohl ebbas sawga. H. Shwetz rous, for ich will 's now aw hara. O. Un wann du 's haresht don nernsht aw satisfaction. H. Well, wass is 's? Rous niit! Q. Ich bin dcirn dawdy si shpook; G' sentenced for a tzeit long rumm lawfa naxichts, Un im dawg fesht shtecka iin fire, Bis de shlechty saucha us ich gadu hob in meina noddoor's dawga, Ous gabrenn'd un ous g'loxeerd sin. , Awer, ich darraf der now net sawga Wass de secrets fun meim g'fengniss sin. Ich kent der ' n shtory derfu fertzaila, So os 's garingshta wardt Deer di sale uf reisa dait ; di yoong's bloot kalt freera; Die tzwae awga ous 'm kup roug gooka mauclia we fireiche shtarna, Un di hohr uf'm kup grawd nuf shtella, We dicky, shteify si-barshta. Awer ich darraf s net du Os ich 's sawg tzu ora fun flaish un bloot. Un now, hurrich ! hurrich ! Wann dn yeamohls ebbas fun deitu dawdy gadenkt husht 1 H. Oh, Himmel ! O. Un now nem aw satisfaction for si mord. H. Du sawgsht doch net mord ! o. Yo, ich sawgs, un 's arricksht is, 'n weeshter, unnodderlichei mord H. Well don, rous mit, luss mich now olles wissa,, Un ferluss dic-h druf os ich aw satisfaction nem. O. Ich ste du bisht ready, Un wann du's derbei lussa daitsht Waersht net maner wtert os ferfowlts unkraut. Now Hamlet, horrich wass ich der sawg ; Es war ous gevva os ich g'shlofa het in meim bomgorda. Un os 'n shlong on mich gacroddled waer, Un het mich dote gabissa. Sell war de shtory im gonsa lend, Awer de very shlong os di dawdy dote gabissa hut, Trawgt ollaweil deim dawdy si crone uf 'm kup ! H. Oh, by meiner sale demnoch war 's my Uncle! G. Yaw, 's war der weesht ketzer An dreckicher un falsher dihenker, Hut sich d'no aw gamaucht by meiner fraw di eagny mommy, Un hut se g' hired un t/.u sich g'noorna. ^ Awer du de mornmy net blama Luss se mit fridda se is evva doch di mommy Awer ich con nimmy lenger bleiva De naucht is sbeer om end, un dawges licht is om cooma, Un ich muss ob, un tzurick, tzurick ! Yusht noch ea wardt maner : We ich sellamohls dort g'shlofa hob 'S war so about midda im nummidawg 354 PENNSLYVANU GERMAN LITERATURE "ICH BIX DEI DAWDY SI SHPCOK", "I AM YOUR FATHER'S GHOST". 155 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE la my eagner bruder di uncle On mich nuf g' shneekad cooma Un hut 'n gons buttly ful gift ous g'lared in my ore, Un sell hut mich obg' fixed, un ich bin aw grawd druf g'shnopt, Un mit all meina sinda nous g' shtept in de onner welt Unprepared un unbakared ! Now mind, du moosht satisfaction nemma, So farry well. Fergess mich net. Farry well, farry welll [Exit Ghost.] ;. Awer now wil ich aw de shwarnote krega Wann ich net aw satisfaction nem, Un now doh gaits. Hole mich der shinner, Wann 's net desmohl 'n gons g' wilt rich grosser rumpus gebt doh ahteddle I THE LAWYER. Lawyer. Well, luss mich sana, ich glawb du bisht der Mr. Mack? Lawyer. Well sir let me see, Mr. Mack, I believe? Client. Yaw, Mack i.^ my nawma. Client. Yes, Mack is my name. / PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE L. Du wohnsht druvva in der valley, net so? L. You reside up in the valley I believe ? C. Yaw, dort hob ich shun sheer tzain yohr g'wohnt, un ich bin heit yoosht rooner cooma for tzu sana weaga a wennich bisness. C. Yes, I have lived there for now nearly ten years, and I just came down to-day to see you about some business. L. Well, Mr. Mack, was is de noddoor fun der bisness ? L. Well, Mr. Mack, what is the nature of the business? C. Ei es is weaga meim shweega fodder siner eshtate settla. ' C. Why it is about settling up my father-in-law's estate. L. Wann is ar g'shtorwa? L. When did he die? C. De woch for der letsht is ar g'shtorwa. C. He died week before last. L. Hut ar feel property hinnerlussa? L. Leave much property ? C. Well yaw, ar hut si baueri, un bender, un notes un aw aa ordlich grosser shtock uf der baueri. C. Well yes, he left his farm, and some bonds anU notes, and a good deal of stock on the frrm. L. Un waer will admini^htrah L. And who is going to administer ? C. Sell is evva weaga wass os ich dich sana will. C, That's what I want you to see about. x * L. Well Mr. Mack, di beshter waig is im arshta plotz mer araohl an retainer fun tzwonsich Jawler gewa, un sell gebr- mer d'no an professional recht der my roat tzu gewa. L. Well, Mr. Mack, your best way is in the first place to pay me a re- tainer of twenty dollars, and that will enable me to act professionally in the matter. C. Retainer ! Luss molil sae, sell maincd denk ich, an lawyer's fee? C. Retainer! Let's see, that I suppose, means a lawyer's fe. L. Exactly so. Es is der arsht insUihlment, os mer 't retainer haisa for mich im case retaina, L. Exactly so. Being only the first intalment we call it a retainer to retain me. in the case. C. Yaw, now fershtae ich 's. Well, doh sin de tzwonsich cLawler. Now, wass naigsht? C. Yes, now I understand. Well, here is twenty dollars. Now, what next? L. Well, fun ollem os du mer sawgsbt is my advice os du wHder coomsht un bringsht der Sam, di shwoger, fer mitnonner consult* un on de bisness }rue. L. Well, from all you have told me, my advice is t.tmt you come again nd bring Sam, your brother-in-law with you, aud tbea we'll consult him auJ proceed to business. 157 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE From '-Harbaughs Harfe," by II. Hai-baugh, D. D. DAS ALT SCHULHAUS AN DER KRICK. Heit is 's 'exactly zwansig Jolir, Dass ich bin owwe nans; Nan bin ich widder lewig /'rick Un schteb ;mi Schullhaus an d'r Krick, Juscht neekschtan's Dady's Haus. Ich bin in himnert Ileiser g'wefct, Vun MilrbeM.ee' un Brick, Un alles was sie hen, die Leit, Dhet ich verschwappe eenig 7<'it For's Schullhaus an der Krick. Wer mied deheein is, un will fort, So loss ihn nurnnie geh' - Ich sag ihin awwer vorne nans Es is all HuiirVik owwe draus, Un er werd's selwert seh' ! Ich bin draus rum in alle Eck', M'r maclit's jo ewvve so; Hab awwer noch in keener Schtadt Uf e'mol so \iel Freed gehat Wie in dern Schullmus do. Wie heemel.t mich do alles a'! Ich schteh, un denk, un guck ; Un was ich .-clii >r vergesse hab, Kumnit widder /'rick wie aus seirn Grab, Un schteht do wie en Schpuck! Des Krickle schpielt verbei wie's hot, Wo ich noch g' schpielt hab dru,' ; Un unner selle Hollerbish Do schpiele noch die kleerie Fisch, So schmart wie selli Zeit. 158 /ENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Der Weisseech scliteht noch an der Dhier Macht Schntte iwwer's Dach : Pie Drauwerank is ah noch grie' t'n's Amscliel-Nescht guk juscht mol hi' was is dess en Sach ! Die Schwalme schkippe iwwer's Feld, Die vedderscht is die bescht ! Un sehnscht du dort am Giebel^ok 'N Hans vun Schtopple uri vun breck? Sell is en Schwalrrie-Nescht. Die Junge leie allweil schtill, Un schlofe alle fescht. Ward bis die A He kriege Werm No'd herseht du awwer gross Gelerni Vun Meiler in dem Nesclit ! Ja alles dess is noch wie's war Wo ich noeh Avar en Bull ; Doch anner Dings sin net meh so, For alles dhut sich ennere do Wie ich mich ennere dhu. Ich schteh wie Ossian in seim Phal Un seh in's Wolkeschpiel, Bewegt mil Freed tin Trailer PPM ! Die Dhrene kunirne wann ich lach ! Kanscht denke wie ich fiehl. Do bin ich gange in die Schul, Wo ich noch war gans klee' ; Dort war der Meescliter in seim Schtuhl, Dor war sei' Wip, nn dort sei 1 Kuhl, Ich kann's noch Alles seh'. Die lange Desks rings an der Wand Die gro.se ^'cliieler drum ; Uf eener Seit die grose Mad, Un dort die Buwe net so bleed Guk, wie sie piepe rum ! Der Meeschfer watsclit sie awwer scliarf, Sie gewe besser acht : Dort seller, wo lotietters schreibt Un seller, wo sie Schpuchte tveibt, Un seller Kerl wo lacht. Die Grose un die Kloene all Sin tinner eerier Kuhl ; Un dess is juscht der reclite Weg: Wer Ruhls verbrecht, der nemmt die Schlejr. Odder verlosst die Schul. Inwennig, um der Ofte rum Hocke die kleene Tsehaps. 159 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Sie lerne artlich hart, versclitch, Un wer net wees sei' A B C Sei' Ohre kriege Rapps. S'is hart zu hocke uf so Bonk Die Fiess, die schteh'n net uf En Mancher kriegt en weher Rick In sellem Schulhaus an der Krick, Un fiehlt garis krenklich druff. Die arme Drep ! dort hocke se In Misserie juscht denk ': Es is kee' Wunner nernm mei Wort Dass se so wenig lerne dort, Uf selle hoche Benk. Mit all was mer so sage kann, War's doch en guti Schul ; Du iinscht keen Meeschter so, geh, such Der seifre kann darch's ganze Buch, Un schkippt keen eeni Ruhl. Bees war er! ja, dess muss ich g'schteh; G' wippt hot er numme zu ; Gar kreislich gute Ruhls gelehrt Un wer Schleg kriegt hot, hen se g'heert, Hot eppes letz gedhu' Wann's Dinner war, un Schul war aus, Nor' d hot mer gut gefiehlt ; Dheel is 'n Balle-Gehm gelunge, Dheel hen mitnanner Rehs g' sch prunge, Un Dheel hen Sold'scher g'scbpielt. Die grose Mad hen ausgekehrt Die Buwe nausgeschtaabt ! Zu helfe hen en Dheel pretend, Der Meeschter hot sie naus gesendt: Die Ruhls hen's net erlaabt Die kleene Mad hen Ring geschpielt Uf sellem Waasum da ; Wann grose Mad sin in der Ring 'S is doch en wunnervolles Ding Sin grose Buwe ah ! Die Grose hen die Grose 'taggt, Die Kleene all vermisst ! Wie sin se g' sch prunge afc un uf, Wer g'wunne hot, verloss dich druff, Hot dichdiglich gekisst ! Am Chrischdag war die rechte Zeit Oh wann ich juscht dra' denk ! Der Meeschter hen mer naus geschperrt, 160 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Die Dhier un Fenschter fescht gebarrt "Nau, Meeschter, en Geschenkl" Nor'd hot er awwer hart browirt, Mit Fors zu kumme nei' ; Tin mir hen, wie er hot gekloppt, 'N Schreiwes unne naus geschtoppt, "Wann's seinscht, dann kanuscht du rei!*' Nau hot der Meeschter raus gelanst, Gar kreislich schiepisch 'gukt! Eppel un Keschte un noch meh', 'S war juschtement in factrecht schee', Mir hen's mit Luschte g'schlukt. Oh wu sin nau die Schieler all, Wo hawe do gelernt? 'N Dheel sin weit ewek gereest, Vum Unglick uf un ab gedscheest, Dheel hot der Dodt gearnt 1 Mei Herz schwellt mit Gedanke uf, Bis ich schier gar verschtick ! Kennt heile, 's dhut m'r nau so leed, Un doch gebt's mir die greeschte Freed, Dess Schulhaus an der Krick. Gut bei ! alt Schulhaus Echo kreischt Gut bei ! Gut bei ! zurick ; Schulhaus ! Schulhaus ! muss ich geh*, Un du schtehscht nor'd do all ailee'. Du Schulhaus an der Krick ! Oh horcht, ihr Leit, wu nooch mir lebt, Ich schreib. eich noch des Schtick: Ich warn eich, droh eich, gebt doch Acht, Un nemmt uf immer gut enacht, Des Scuhlhaus an der Krick ! THE OLD SCHOOL-HOUSE AT THE CRKEK, To-day it is just twenty years, Since I began to roam ; Now, safely baek, I stand once more, Before the quaint old school-house door, Close by my father' s home. I've been in many houses since, Of marble built, and brick ; Though grander far, their aim they miss, To lure my heart's old love from this Old school-house at the creek. Let those who dream of happier scenes, Go forth those scenes to find ; They'll learn what thousands have confessed, 10. PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE That with our home' our heart's true rest Is ever left behind. I've traveled long and traveled far, Till weary, worn and sick ; How j^fess all that I have found, Compared with scenes to lie around This school-house at the creek. How home-like is this spot to me ! I stand, and think, and gaze ! The buried past unlocks its gravs, While memory o'er my spirit waves The wand of other days. The little creek still idles by, With bright and playful flow ; And little fish still sport and glide, Where yon low elder shades the tide, As they did long ago. The white-oak stands before the door, And shades the roof at noon; The grape-vine, too, is fresh and green ; , The robin's nest ! Ah, hark ? I ween That is the same 'old tune ! The swallows skip across the mead The foremost one is best ! And, look ye at the gable there, A house of stubble, mud, and hair That is the swallow's nest ! The young are very still just now They all are sleeping sound ; , Wait till the old with worms appear, Then you the hungry cry shall hear From mouths that lie around ! These scenes are as they were of yore, Though void of former glee ; But I have changed ! From yonder brook The boy's reflected rosy look, No more smiles cut on me ! I stand, like Ossian in his vale, And watch the shadowy train ! Now joy, now sadness me beguile, And tears will course o'er every smile, And bring their pleasing pain ! 'Twas here I first attended school, When I was very small : There was the Master on his stool, There was his whip and there his rule - I seem to see it all. 162 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATUBB The long desks ranged along the walls, With books and inkstands crowned ; Here on this side the large girls sat, And there the tricky boys on that See ! how they peep around ! The Master eyes them closely now, They'd better have a care ; The one that writes a billet-doux The one that plays his antics, too And that chap laughing there ! For all the scholars, large and small, Are under equal rule ; Which is quite right whoever breaks The Master's rules, a whipping takes, Or leaves at once the school. Around the cosy stove, in rows, The little tribe appears ; What hummings make those busy bees- They better like their A, B, C's, Than boxing at their ears ! Those benches are by far too high Their feet don't reach the floor ! Full many a weary back gets sjck, In that old school-house at the creek, And feels most woeful sore ! Poor innocents ! behold them sit, In miseries and woes ! It is no wonder, I declare, If they should learn but little there, On benches such as those ! With all these drawbacks, that was still A well conducted school ; For Master such, iu vain you look, Who cyphers through the Ains worth book, And never skips a rule ! That he was cross, I must confess : He whipped us through and through ; But still most wholesome rules observed ; Who felt the rod, the rod deserved According to his view ! At noon-day, when the school left out, We had of sport our fill ; Some play the race, some houses wall, Some love a stirring game of ball, Some choose the soldier drill. The large girls sweep ; the larger boys What mischief they are at ! 163 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE They tease, they laugh, they hang about, Until the Master turns them out The rules were strict in that ! The little girls, of "ring" most fond, Their giggling circle drew ; When larger girls joined in the ring Now is it not a curious thing ? The large boys did it too ! The large ones always tagged the large The small ones always missed ! 164 PFJtfNSYLVANIA GEKAf AN LITERATURE Then for the prize began the race ; The one that's caught, has now to face The music, and be kissed ! OH Christmas brought a glorious time Its mem'ry still is sweet ! We barred the Master firmly out, With bolts, and nails, and timbers stout The blockade was complete ! Then came the struggle fierce and long ! The fvn was very fine ! And whilst he thumped and pried about, We thrust the terms of treaty out, Demanding him to sign ! The treaty signed the conflict o'er, Once Master now were we ! Then chestnuts, apples, and such store, Were spread our joyous eyes before We shared the feast with glee ! Oh, where are no\* the school-mates, who Here studied lon^ago? Some scattered o'er the world's wid waste I By fortune hither, thit!\er chased ! Some, in the church-yrd low ! Good bye ! Old school-hou^j ! Echo sad, "Goodbye! Goodbye!" replies; I leave you yet a friendly tear ! Fond mem'ry bids me drop it here, 'Mid scenes that gave it rise ! Ye, who shall live when I am dead Write down my wishes quick Protect it, love it, let it stand, A way-mark in this changing land- That school-house at the creek. 165 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE From ^Die Alte Zeite" by H. L. Fischer, Esq DIE ALTE ZEITE. Ich wees noch fon d'r alte Schissel G'macht fon lauter Zinn, Recbt mittes ul'm grosse Disch, Uii g'hauftig foll'n ganser Wiscfi Wars denkscht du nau war drin? Ebmohls war's Sauerkraut un Schpeck, Un ebmohls war's a'h Schnitz un Knep. Ich wees noch fon de' alte Deller, Ich meen ich seen sie do ; M'r hen'n alter Eck-Schank g'hat, Foil Dische g'scherr. fon alte Sort, Foil Bilder, Himmil's-blo; Ich kan sie nimmermehr f rgesse Die Bilder un des herrlich Esse. Mit Messer un Gawel hen m'r gesse, Juscht Mosch un Sup doch net ; En jeder hot sei Leftel g'hat, Un hot sich gesse dick un satt ; Bis er war dick un fett ; Ebmohls war Sup un Mosch so'hees, Es war ken wunner war m'r baes. D'r Fater hot am Disch gebeet, Nord ware m'r all schtill ; D'r Dchek hot schier net warte kenne Hot muesse's Maul mit Mosch ferbrenne, Schunscht grigt er fleicht ken fill ; 166 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Un harly war d ; r Mosch fersucht. 'Hot'r, ols leis, a bissel g'flucht. Des hot'n nord als Nachts getruwelt, Nord hot'r a'h gebeet, Un g'heilt un g'sad'r dhet browl'ere For' n Parre g' wiss ich leeb schtudiere, Wan' s net waer for die Mad ; Bis naechsckt mohl das m'r Mosch hen War Sind un Truwel all fergesse. Die Nudel-sup war's aller schlimscht, So for mannierlich esse ; Sie bleiwe henke uf'm Bart, M'r muss sie esse uf n Art, Fiel wie die Kueh Schtroh fresse ; Wie Schtroh haenkt fon de Scheuer-dhore Hen Nudele fon Maul un Ohre. So Winter-owets Mosch un Millich Was war d'r Mosch so hees ! Was war die Millich doch so kalt ! Un wan sie war a'h noch so kalt War Mosch a'h noch so hees, 'S war awer hart uf Zaeh un Gumme Wan Hitz un Kelt sin zamme kumme. Die alte Sort Dchentel-leut sin rahr Ich wee's a'h wie sel kummt ; D'r Hochgmuth bei fiel junge Lent, Macht sie woll gross erscheine heit, Un Morge schon ferlumpt ; Du Hochmuth's Narr, was meenscht du dan? Es Kleed allee, macht net d'r Mann. Warum hot's so fiel junge Kerls Die nimme schaffe wolle? So fiel dafo hen schwache Age, Un noch fiel meh' hen schwache Mage So dhun sie sich a' schtelle ; Sie schaemme sich for Kraut un Schpeck, Un esse nix as Zucker-Schleck. Ken Wunner werre sie so schwach, As wie'n Schippinne-Fade ; Ken wunner hen sie gar ken Schtarrick, Ken Absicht un ken hooches Marick, "Ken Backe un ken Wade;" Sie g'mahne mich so kummt m'rsfohr An Schilder for'n Kleeder-schtohr. 167 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE M'r hen ken Zeiting g'hat im Haus Foil schlechte Neuichkeite ; M'r hen nix gwisst fon Rawerei Fon Mort' un Feier un Sauwerei, Un fon de schlechte Zeite ; 'S letscht Neues war als im Kallenner . 'S bescht Esse war im Sauer-kraut-schten- ner. M'r hen a'h gwisst was ehrlich war, Un hen net fiel ferlohre, M'r war sel Zeit net fiel beloge, Un ah net halwer so betroge, Doch war net r* fiel g'schwore ; En Mann war g'ntii^Ne an seim Wort, En Ochs am Horn so hen m'rs g'hat. Es Geld hen mihr net in die Bank, For Dchentel-lent zu schtehle ; Die bescht Bank in d ? r ganse Welt, For gut ufhewe, em sie Geld, Un widder all zu zaehle So hen die Leut sel Zeit gedenkt War'n alter Schtrump in'd Schornschte g'henkt. Hoscht du dei Lewe e'mohl g'heerd In jener alte Zeit, 'N G'lamedier un Folks Gegrisch, Das so'n Bank ferbroche isch So wie sie breche heit ? So'n Schtrump war selle Zeit fiel beaser As Banks, nau mit de beschte Schlesser. Des isch die Zeit for grosse Sache For grosse Schiff un Hauser, For Rigel-weg un Mortgage-bonds, For ten per cent, un Gold Coupons ; For grosse Dieb un B' seheisser : Die Law wert g'macht for Corporationt t For grosse Kerls un Schpeculations. Sie wohn in d'r hechschte Schtyle Die Kep sin in d'r Heh ; Heit sin sie gut, un Morje schlecht. Es isch net ehrliok un net recht, Ich kan' s gar net f r sehtee : Sie schmooke Principe Cigars Un reide in de Palace Cars. Wu isch die gut alt Ehrlichkeit ? Die Gold un Silwe-r Dahler ; Wu sin die alte Jaokson-leut ? .168 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Wu sin die Benton Mint-Drops heit ? Die Ehrliche Bezahler : Anschtat dafo hen mihr F' rschpreche, Das gut sin wan sie net ferbreche. # # # Wan'd fon d'r Law gans frei wit kumme, Muscht ebbes grosses schtehle ; Net wenigeras'n Halb- Million, Die Lewe schtehl ken halwe Kroon, Schunscht kanscht du's gross ferfehle ; Die reiche Dieb, die kumme frei, Die arme in die Bressent nei. Es kumm't net all uf Schlesser a', Uf Safes un Eisene Riegel ; Uf dicke Wend un Eis'ne Dhiere, Mit all dem kan m' rs doch forliere 'S isch nix as Wax un Siegel ; Un's batt em doch ken Fetze-bissel, Wan Ehrlichkeit net trag'd d'r Schlissel. THE OLDEN TIMES. I still remember the old dish Made entirely from pewter, Right in the middle of the large table And heaped up full, a whole lot What do you think was in it ? Sometimes "seurkraut and schpeck" And sometimes "schnitz and knop." I still remember the old plates, I think I see them yet ; We had an old corner-cupboard Full of the old kind of tableware, 169 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE With sky-blue pictures ; I can never forget The pictures and the pleasant meal. With knife and fork we ate, But not the mush and soup ; Each one had his spoon And ate till he was done, Until he was full and stout, Sometimes the soup and mush were so hot It was no wonder if you got cross. Farther asked a blessing at the table, And then we were all" quiet ; Jake could hardly wait, And would burn his mouth with mush Or else he would not get enough And hardly had he tasted the mush Before he swore a little on the quiet. This used to trouble him at night And then he prayed And wept, and said he would try And study for a preacher, as sure as you live, If it would not be for the girls. But until we have mush again His sin and trouble was all forgotten. Noodle soup was the worst To eat in a decent manner. They hung to your chin And you had to eat them in a manner Much as cattle eat straw. As straw hangs to the barn gate The noodles hung from mouth to ear. 170 SNNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE In winter evenings mush and milk How hot the mush was ! And how cold was the milk ! No matter how cold the milk The mush was just as hot. It was- hard on teeth and gums When heat and cold come together. The old kind of gentlemen are scarce And I know why it is ; Pride with many young people Makes them appear great, to-day, But to-morrow they are in rags. You big fool, what do you mean ? Clothing alone doesn't make the man. Why are there so many young fellows Who dont want to work any more ? Many of them have weak eyes, Others have weak stomachs And so it goes. They are ashamed to eat sourkraut and schpeck And they eat nothing but sweet meats. No wonder th^v get so weak As a spidei w -b, No wonder they have no strength, No aim and no object in view, No cheeks and no calf at their legs They remind me of Dummies before a clothing store. We had no news paper, in the house Full of bad news, We knew nothing about robbery, Murder, fire and witchcraft And about hard times. The latest news was in the Almanac The best meal was in the sourkraut tub. We also knew what honesty was And we did not lose much. In those times we were not often deceived, And not half as often cheated: There were not so many oaths taken, A man was taken at his word An ox at his horn so we had it. The money we didn't put to bank For people to steal. The best bank in the whole world, To keep money securely And count it all again, PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE So at least the people thought Was an old stocking in the chimney. Did you ever hear In those old times, Of a fuss and complaint of the people That such a bank had "bust," As they are doing now-a-days? Such a stocking then was better, Than banks now with the best locks. This is a time for great things, For great steamboats and houses, For railroads and mortgages At ten per cent, and gold coupons ; For great thieves and rascals. The laws are made for corporations For great men and speculations. i They live in the highest style, They carry their heads in the air. To-day they are good, to-morrow bad. It is not honest nor right, I can't understand it. They smoke principe cigars And riae in palace cars Where is the good old honesty ? The gold and silver dollars ? Where are the old Jackson people ? Where are the Benton mintdrops to-daj And all the honest debtors ? Instead of them we have promises Which are good if kept. If you want to be free from the law You must steal something valuable Not less than half a millon. Never steal only a half crown Or else you will miss it. The rich thieves get clear, The poor go to prison. It doesn't depend on locks, Safes and iron bars, Thick walls and iron doors, With all these you are not safe There is nothing but wax and seal. Yet that is no good If honesty does not exist. 372 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE DIE ALTE ZEITE. Mit Flegel hen rn'i's Korn getrosche Mit Ohlehaut gebunne ; So oft as e'ner drowe war Am Owerden so hooch, schiergar Wump ! war d'r anmr drunne, Un fon'm alte Keschte-wald Hot's als die Ant wort z'rick geschallt. So hen m'r als es Korn getrosche D'r Waeze mit de Geil ; M'r hen sie g'ritte lang drufrum, Herrjeh ! was war m'r doch so dumm 1 So geht' s net alleweil ; Die Dreschmcr chine ! sel macht wie' s kmnmt, Das Dresche nau gans annerscht brummt. Wie's fertig war, war's Schtroh so schae Un weeg, du glaabscht m'r's ; Un ! was leichte, weeche Schprau 1 Du weescht jo nix, ich sag d'r's nau, Es'war ken besser Bett ; Eweck mit Mattress un mit Schprings, Un all so deur hoochmaetig Dings. Was hen m'r als so ruhich g'schloofe Uf selle alte Better ! Da wieschter, rauher war die Nacht, Da besser hot's em schloofe g' macht. Do war' s em net nm' s Wetter ; Wan der alt Schornschte noch dort war, Dan war ken Druwel un ken G'fohr. OLDEN TIMES. We thrashed the rye with a flail Tied with eel skin, As often as one was up, Almost at the hayloft Bounce, the other was down I And from the old chestnut grove The echo resounded. 173 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Thus we used to thrash the rye, And the wheat with the horses We rode them around on it, a long time, Oh my, how ignorant we were That's not the way now The thrashing machine is the reason That thrashing now hums differently. When done the straw was so nice And soft, you' 11 scarcely believe it ; And oh, how light and soft the chaif ! You don't know, I'll tell you now, There was no better bed. Away with mattress and with springs And all such dear and costly things. How quietly we slept In those old beds ! The more unpleasant and rough the night The better we would sleep With no concern about the weather If the old chimney was still there, There was no trouble and danger. "Fun Reading Times," g'shriwa beim Tom Zimmerman. N BRIF FUM KEIS'R WILHELM ON SEI GROSS- MUTTER. BERLIN, Germany, January 10, 1896. My lieve Grossmutter : Du nmscht clei Leit sich besser behefe mache. eunscht kents f'rhaftich Grieg gevva zwische die Englender un die Deustsche. Du huscht, anyhow, keh Business die arme Bcere so hart nunner zu dricke. Sie hen g'fochte vor ihre Land, un hen ihre Freiheit verdient. Wann ihr Englander Land obsolut schtehle misst eich ufzu- halte, dann schtehlt's von graessre Lender net von so arme, schwache Leit das sich sheer gaar net helfe kenne. Es kan sei das es net juscht dei eegne Schult is ; 'sis verleicht der alt, schtuverich, dick-keppich, roth-g' sichtich Salsbury das dich, my lieve Grossmutter, so viel druvel macht. Was denkt dann der Uncle Wales dafun ? Hut er dann gaar nix zu saage? Ich denk er is zu busy am Karte schpeele, un wei drinke, un carriage fahre, sich viel zum bekimre weeich so sache. Schpeelt er dann als noch sel Geem wu sie Packerack hesa. Wann er dunt, dann set er's verhaftich grawt aweek ufgewe. Wie is es dann ? Is es waar das die Englender welle mich ous die Clubs schmeise die wu ich g'jined hab drivve in London ? Denkscht du ich geb en Deuvel drum epp sie mich naus schmeise oder net? Juscht saag zum Uncle Wales er set die Rech- nung greega was ich die Clubs schuldich bin for dues un so d'r gleiclra, un ich will's graat bezahle. Ower, saags ihm aw, er muss mir en Re- cetely shicka, sunscht hette sie im schtand un dete mich noch b'sheise. So Kerls muss mir net zu weit traue. Un, now, Grossmutter, noch eh ding un fertig. Der Kruger mass 174 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN .LITEEATURE tmnerschtitzt sei, un do maagsht du saage was du wit. Du kanscht dei rihiff nunner shicke, so viel os du wit. Deutschland hut aw Shiffe, un bessre torpedo boats os England hut. So deet ihr besser net so viel mit euer Meuler fechte better "keep cool'' sunsht gebts Greeg, un no let- terer mir euch wie die Amerikana schundt a paar mohl henn. Ihr Leit mist net denke das ich net fechte will weil ich g' heured binn tm hob so 'n grosse Familie zu enere ; abaddich im Winter weil so kalt is. Oh, no ! Grossmutter, you are off your base if you tink so. Un des g'mahnt mich das ich my Briefly now zum a schluss bringa muss. Ich muss now bissel naus un my Saldata exezeere, un my Leit ready greege for on en dunnere grosse Schlacht, so das wan's notwenig is sinn mir anyhow prepared. Achtungsvoll. WILHELM. A LETTER FROM EMPEROR WILHELM TO HIS GRANDMOTHER. BERLIN, Germany, Jau. 10, 1896. My Dear Grandmother : You must make your people behave them- selves better, else it could indeed cause war between the English and the Germans. You have anyhow no business to oppress the poor Boers so hard. They have fought for their land and have earned their liberty. 175 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE If you English must necessarily steal to pass your time, then steal from larger countries, not from such a poor, weak people that can hardly help themselves. It may be that it is not your own fault ; perhaps it is the old, stubborn, thick-headed, red-faced Salisbury who makes you, my dear Grandmother, so much trouble. What do you think that Uncle Prince of Wales thinks about it? Has he nothing to say ? I think he is too busy playing cards, drinking wine and riding in his carriage. Does he play that game yet that they call Packerack ? If he does he should surely quit it immediately. How is it ? Is it true that the English want to throw me out of the clubs that I joined when I was in London. What the Devil, do you think, I care whether they throw me out or not. Just tell Uncle Wales that he should get the account of what I owe the clubs for dues and the like and I will pay them right away. But tell him he must send me a receipt, or else they would cheat me yet besides/ Such chaps you mustn't trust too far. And now, Grandmother, one thing more and I am done. Krueger must be supported and no matter what you say, you may send down as many of yoar ships as you like. Germany has ships too, and better tor- pedo boats than England. You would better not fight so much with words, but keep cool, else there will be war and we will whip you as the Americans have done at times. You must not think that I will not fight because I am married and have a large family to support ; especially in winter since it is so cold. Oh no, Grandmother you are off your base if you think so. This reminds me that I must bring my letter to a close. I must go out to drill my soldiers and get my people ready for a thundering big slaughter, BO thai when it is necessary we are prepared. Respectfully. WLLHELM. 176 PENNSYLVANIA GEEMAN LITERATURE By H. A. Schuler Allentown, Pa. DER " 3EIK." Ich war am Samschdag in der stadt For bisnesz un plessir, Un dart haw ich zu sehna krigt En widderlich-gedier. Es guckt wie'n monkey uf ra stang Mil runda redder dra', Es hot en schnawelkaeple uf Un unnerhossa a' . Des dier reit uf da strosza rum, Gedrezt ei, 's is en schand ! In unnerhossa, unnerhem, Un wada giillt mit sand. Es guckt wie'n alter raengutaeng. Sei gwcht war sterns verhitzt. Sei HM war rot, sei buckel krumm, Un greislich hot cr gschwitzt. THE "BIKE." On Saturday I went to town For business and for fun, And there I met the ugliest beast I e'er set eyes upon. It seemed a motvkey seated on A pole, with wheels thereto Attached; a little pointed cap He wore, and drawers pooh ! Why, 'tis a burning shame, the way This "critter" rides about In undershirt and drawers clad, His calves with sand filled out ! Just like an old orang-outang <- He looked his nose afire, His face all flushed, his back all bent; Whew ! how he did perspire 1 lla 177 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Dann frog ich , eb's enspinrad waer "Is it a spinning-wheel that this Wu der baboon da reit, Baboon is riding so ?' ' Un krig for antwort : " 'S is jo'n I asked. The answer was : "Why, beik, that's Des wissen alia leit !" A 'bike,' sir, don't you know?" ZEECHAGLAWA UN BRAUCHEREI. Deel Leit hen en arger Glawa an die Zeecha, wu im Kalen- ner stehn, un au da Mond. Wann sie eppes planza wolla im wolla im Garta odder im Feld, guckasie, eb'sim zuneinmenda is ; was mer im abnemmenda planzt. meena sei, deet net gut gerota. Wann mer'n Haus zu decka hot, sei mer's duh, wann der Mond unner sich steht; no bleiwa die Schindla schee teit drunna. Wammer's deckt im iwersich gehenda, dann ringla sich die Schindla in die Heh un's Dach werd struwelig. Warn- mer Poschtafenz macht, sot mer jo die Poschta net eigrawa im iwersich gehenda, sunscht bleiwa sie net im Grund; sie krattla in die Heh, un die Fenz fallt ztimma. Sie behaapten ah, warn- mer'n Bord hi'legt, wu der Mond a Weil druf scheint, deet's sich unnersich biega odder iwersich, so wie der Mond steht. Mir hetta nau net gedenkt, dass der Mond so a Power het, awer deel Leit glawa so. Wann die Obschtbeem recht bliha im zunemmenda, heesst's als, daerf mer plenty Frichta ekschpecta; wann awer die Bliet in's abnemmend kummt, no falla die Frichta glei ab un's gebt a schlechter Crop. Im Spotjohr soil mer die Eppel wegduh, wann der Mond dunkel is, so um da Neimond rum, dass sie net faula. Wammer recht viel scheena Blumma ziega will, sot mer sie in da Zwilling planza saga deel; Annera planza sie in der ''bli- henda Jungfrau." Grumbeera soil mer in der Wog planza; no schluppa sie net so dief in da Grund un werra gross, schee rund. Wammer sie awer iin Krebs planzt, daun krattla sie dief nun- ner, werra warzig, voll Zacka, un schmacka schlecht. Gum- mera daerf raer net in da Zwilling planza, sunscht duhn sie nix as bliha da ganza Summer un haenga net ah. Cider, wu Essig gewa soil, sot mer im Leeb abzappa, dass er recht stark werd; 's Winterfleesch awer sot mer net im Leeb uhfaenga, sunscht werd's lewendig wie'n Leeb es krigt Waerm. Wann die Ihma in der Wog Schwaema, sei is a gut Sein; no were der Karschta schwer voil Hunnig. Glucko soil mer in der Jungfrau setza, no kumma die Junga scheer aus un gerota gut; mer soil en ungrade Zahl Aier uner- lega, no schluppa sie all raus. Wann die Hinkel so a ganz 178 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE 'n 5lda> Hgxamashd'r. An old Wizard. 179 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE klee Ai lega, sell is en Unglicksai; sel muss mer iwer's Haua- dach schmeissa, dass es ken Unglick im haus gebt. Deel Leit glawen ah, 's geebt allerhand A'z^echa, wann eppes haeppena soil. Wann die Pussy sich waescht un mit da Doha hinnig die Ohra fobrt, dann kummt Bsuch in's Haus. So ah, wann em a Messer odder a Gawel accidentally nunner fallt; wann's a Gawel is, kummt en Mannskerl, wann's a Messer is, en Weibsmensch. Warn mer sei Kaffee getrunka hot, dreht mer's Kopcha rura un stellt's widder recbt; so viel Leina as no der Satz weist, so viel Leit kumma uf Bsuch sella Dag. Wann a Medel wissa will, wella Weg ihra Boh beikummt, dann losst sie's Inschlichlicht brenna, bis der Wiecha newanaus point; vun sellera direction kummt er no. 's is awer uoch viel besser, wann sie da Bruschtknocha vum Hinkel owig die Dihr legf; der erscht Mannskerl, wu no zu der Dihr reikummt, seller gebt ihra Mann. Waminer a vierbletterig Kleeblat find sel bedeit Glick, awer finf- bletteriges meent Unglick. Wammer a Hufei-a find, sel bringt ah Glick; selhalt ah die Hexa aus'm Kihstali un aus 'm Haus, wammer's newig die Dihr nagelt. Scheierscbwalma un Krot- ta daerf mer net dootmacha, sunscht gewa die Kih blutige Milch. Wammer a Hinkel odder'n Has odder enig klee Dier in seina Haend dootgeh losst, dann werd mer zitterig. Wann a Stick Vieh gschlacht werd un mer steht dabei wu dauert's, dann geht's net gschwind doot. Wammer an Blumma riecht, un uf ma Grab wacbsa, no verliert mer da Geruch. Wammer iwer a klee Kind naus schritt, no wachst's nimme stark odder gar nimme. Wann's em so in da Ohra brummt, dann dut er- gets epper iwer em liega odder schelta. Wann's em in da Aaga beisst, dann haeppent noch eppes sella Dag, wu mer gern sehnt. Wammer sich bei 'm Essa vergesst un nemmt sich eppes naus, wu mer noch davun hot, dann kummt noch epper Hungriges. Die Fingernegel soil mer sich Freidags trimma, nokrigtmer ken Zahweh. Wann mer sie Sundags schneid, dann muss mer sich sella Dag noch schaemma. Warn mer' n Stick Kleed accidentally 's hinnerscht vedderscht a'dut, sel bedeit Glick; mer daerf s awer no net recht dreha sella Dag, sunscht meent's Unglick. [ Sel kennt em awer sterns Baddereschon macha, wammer die Hossa margets da letza Weg a'kreegt un daerft sie no net rumdreba] Watnmer niessa mus, sell bedeit Glick, un for sel saecht raer als "Gsundheet!" wann epper niest. Wann awer die Hinkel nachts gacksa odder die Hund heila odder a Nachteil neekscht uf ma Baam kreischt, sel is en bees A'zeecha; sel bedeit, dass bal epper aus em Haus sterbt. So is es ah, waun a Welsehkarnstengel odder eppes, wu im Garta wachst, weiss werd. 180 PENNSLYVANI1 GERMAN LITERATURE Viel Leit glawen ah an's Braucha for allerhand Krankbeeta. Sie behaapta. sie kennta's bees Ding am Finger heela un Schmerza, un Blat stilla sellaweg. Wann Kinner "a'gewachsa" sin, des is wann na die Lewer gschwolla is. soil mer sie unnig ma Darnastock darch geh losso, wu an zwee Enner faschtge wachsa is. Wanu en Gaul lahm werd, soil mer 'm a gstohlener Sackbendel uin da lahm Fuss rum wickela un en im Stall steh loss a, biser gut werd. For 's Zaeweh zu verhieta. soil mer'n Sehlans?ahaut, wu mer alsemol draus find, mit da Zah ufhewa un no hinnersi^h laafa. So viel Schritt as mer no sellaweg macht so viel Johr krigt mer ken Zahweh meh. Wammer in a neie HeemK kuramt, soil mer da Scharnstee nuf gucka, no krigt mer ken Heemweh. Wann epper Heemweh scbun hot, soil mer a bissel Holz vum da vier Ecka vum Disch abkratza un soli's em uf Butterbrot zu essa gewa. Warza kanu mer vertreiwa, wann mer sie mit ma Knocha reibt, wu mer draus ergets find, un legt en no grad widder hi', wei er gelega hot; merdaerf da Knocha awer net sucha. Ah- nera saga, mer sot sie mit ma Sti^k Speck eeiwa uu dabei iwer die link Schulrer noch em neia Mond gucka un saga: "Was ich sehu, des neintnt zu; was ich reib, des n^mmt ob. ' 's Was- ser vum Maerza<*chnee is gut for schwacha Aaga. 's gebt noch viel annera Dinga vum Braucherei un Hexerei un Spuks, wu deel Leit als noch fascht dra glawar awer des Stick is lang genuuk, un me; missa stoppa. From "Boonastiel" by T. H. Harter, of Middleburg, Pa. DE SUCKERS IN POLITIX. In anes fua mina brief hov ich awenich gablowdered wae- ga geld in politix, un ich bin net gons holver fardich warra. Der onnerdawg wore ich in Schwineford Shtettle uflf bisnisun bin im Recorder si office gadopped woo ich en shtick wise bob- beer g'funna hob. Ich hob's in der sock g'shtecked un name ganumma far der Polly era budder ols druff ous rechla. Uflf der onera side wore druckes, un des hov ich ous-g'funna wore en blank ade for county officers ine tsu schwara. Es hut mere my odom shier week ganumma we ich de pawr waidta galaesa hob: "I do solemnly swear # " * * thai I have not paid or contributed, or promised to pay or contribute, either direct- ly or indirectly, any money or other valuable thing to procure my election" etc. Now, we fiel mohl in denaa ledshta finf odder tzae yoh 181 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE G'elekt ! Elected ! Deitsh un Elvish Shdim German and Irish Vote Om Shdimplots At the polls -4*0 Hut de g5ns Nocht ufg'hukt Dar lagt ous for wos ar g'buda is wora for de Berichta hara Up all night for the returns Explaining the cause of his defeat LSksh'n. Election. 182 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE deknsht du os selly wardta g'shtucka hen os we en reeb inera koo eram hole. We fiel officers hen sell ade ganumma mit freia gawissa? Un, sawg, sin se tsu blaema ? Ich glawb net fiel. Won en mon rous kumma date far en office os ebbes ward ware un date ken geld shpenda het are haerly so fiel chance far elect tsu wara os en shpeck-mous het far iver der sae fleega. Was maucht mich so sawga ? Why gook amohl ! Won en karl mit ma grossa geld-sock gauominate wardt don sin de sucker um erne room we micka uff ma dota assel un de drucker sin net wide hinna draw ! Doh kumt Honsmike, dar hut's gons Lodwarrick township im jacket sock un farkawft's on so fiel der kup ; Der Shovel Jeckey sawked de boova missa ebbes tsu drinka hovva, un awenich geld now far era pife noss tsu mauchha date fiel goot ; Der Billy Blosehard will en origle greega for de Greitzwak Sundawg Shool, der onner will en V far fawna kawfa far de band, un oil de onera hen subscription bicher far karricha bowa. Now, kens fan denna karls froga grawd rous far geld wile are en kondadawt is, awver se gevva erne tsu farshtae dos won are nix gebt un de onner doot don data se erne es waurem maucha uff der dawg fun 'lection. We will en mon doh rous coomo ? De 'lection kuhst ene uft- mohls mae dos der loo fun der office woo are haebt. Doh is es net fiel woner won se olsomohls shtoela daita Now, es is net fiel g'shposs in dem brief. Es is ken g'shposs in dem gablowder. Es is tsu fiel woreheit drin os wae doot, awver ich will huffa es doot, ebbes goot. Politix is corrupt un es is so wile leit es so maucha. By Dr. T. J. R. Rhoads, in Miller's "Pennsylvania German" DIE WHISKY BUWE. Der Drucker will hawe ich soil ihm was schreiwe, Noh will er's ufzetze. die Zeit mit vertreiwe, So loss uns mol in die Baerstub nei geh, Zu sehne wer drin is, es kumme glei meh. Do kummt Ehner nei un lahft grad an die Baer, Un sagt, "Geb mer mol selle Bottel do her, Ich daeht gern en guter Drink Whisky raus schuette, Sell duht mir mei Maage so ziemlich gut fitte." Er nemmt dann die Bottel un fuellt sich sie Glass So voll, wann er drinkt kummt er nei mit der Naas ; Noh sagt er zum Baerkeeper, "Schreib just sell uf, Die naechst Wock bezahl ich un drink noch ehns druf.' 183 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE In d'r Klubschdub In the Clubrooin De hut's bandich She has it handy Brondawei-Branarei Distillery Tm Saloon 'n Souflod'l om Bedla In the Saloon A Drunkard Begging Soafarei Hard Drinking 184 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE En Annerer kummt rei tin sa^t, "Geb mir en Gin ; Du kannst mir wohl glaabe, ich sehr dorstig bin.'* Deraemoat dan die Bottel un schu^t: sich heraus, Un drinkl's zamme uunner un gent noh grad naus. Der Werth geht ihm noch nous un will in gern stoppe Er is uf der Stross un dort derf er ihii kloppe. Seller hot emol easy sei Bitters gemacht, Der Werth hot ihn g'scholte un er hot gelacht. En Annerer lahft uf an der Baer nut 'me Wink, Un sagt zu dem Baertender, "Geb mir en Drink ; Ich war do in Spunktown gewest an .tt, Ua singe en schoener G'satig. O, Christdag, du herrliche Die is for uns All vorbereit. 188 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE From "Der Dengelstock" by Lee L. Grumbine Esq. Lebanon, Pa. DER ALT DENGELSTOCK. Der alt Dengelstock, Dort steckt er im Block, Unner'm alte Pimd-appel Baum ; Am Naschfc henkt die Senz Der Reche bei der Feuz Seh Alles wie'n schoener Traum. Die Sona geht 'uf, Komm Buwe, steht 'uf, Schoa lang sin die Hahne am kraehe ; Dir faule Beng'le. Macht euch an's deng'le, Nach 'm Fruhstueck gebt'a an's maehe. Wann die Sens wird stumb, Is der Oxe-horn Kumb, Mit 'em Wetzste' au' net weit ; Un' der Hammer wie'u Glock 'Uf 'em Deadstock, Spielt sei Lied,-icb hoer's nocb Heut. "Klingel, Klengel, Wetz un' dengel, Der Dengelstock ^klangt un' kiingt ; Kiingel, klengel, * ^ ^ ' Hammer un' dengel, Hoer was der Dengelstock siogt." Der Thau' 'uf 'em Grass, Es glizert wie Glass, Im frueb morge Sonnescbein'; Dick falle die G'maade, , In der Sens Ibre Paade, * So graad wie'n Soldate-lein. Die Fenze-meis springe, Ich hoer die Voegel singe, Bie de Heu-macher 'uf 'em Feld; E'n tausend Ibme brurame, Um die suesse, wilde Blume, Froh un' lustig die ganse Welt. Un' die Krabbe, die scblechte, Sin immer am fechte t Was 'n Loerme dort druewe 189 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE in de Hecke ; Ihr Gezanfc un' Geschoelt, Schallt weit uewer's Feld, Un' der Bull-frog im Damm thut's vershrecke. Horch wie der alt Lerch Doch peiflft 'uf die Zwerch, Sei froeliches Morge-lied ; Un' die Maeher die schwinge Ihre Sense un' singe ('Sis frueh, un' sie sin noch net mied.) " 'Der Wetz is gut, Der Wetz is gut, Der Hinnerst hat die Schlang im Hut' ; Er schueit sich gut, H'en Kraft im Blut, Die Arwe't leicht bei guter Muth!" Mit e'm Korb kommt die Maad, Am End von der G'maad, I'm Schatte-baumes kuehle Run, 'S werd nie vergesse 'S nein-uhr Shtick zu esse, Bei'm Heu-mache, 's g'hert dazu. Die Sonn' werd bal' he'ss, Raus presst sie der Schwe'ss, Un' schwerer drueckt immer die Hitz, Der Knecht kommt zuspringe, Frisch Wasser zubringe. Mit der alte holz'ne Stitz. Dort hoert mir laute Shtimme. Die Buwe sia am Schwimme, Im Damm werd gebozelt un' gekrische ; Un' dort drunne im Krickli, Im Loch unner 'm Brueckli, Wahrhaftig sin sie au' am Fische. Horch !' s mittag's Horn geht, Bis an's End werd's g'maeht, Un' dann geht Alles nach 'm Haus, 'S Esse schmackt doch gut, E' kurze Stund werd's g'ruht, Un' no' 'uf's Feld wieder 'naus. Die Sonn' is bal' nieder, Die Nacht kommt bal' wieder, Die Schatte wer'e laenger 'uf 'm Bode' ; Die Kueh gehne he'm, Die Voegel nach de Baem', Aus de Loecher hupse die Krotte. Gefluettert is es Vieh, Gemolke sin die Kueh, Der Hund is loss von der Kett ; Schliess die Thuere zu, 'S is zeit fur nach der Ruh, Die Hinkle sin schon long im Bett. Der alt Dengelstock, Dort shteckt er im Block, Uuner'm alte Pund-appel Baum ; 'S is Feuer-ovet g'maeht, 'S geht stark 'uf die Nacht, Schlaf sanft, un' 'n suesser Traum. Drauss hoert mir gar nix, A's wie der alt Knx, Er singt zu'm Mond die gans Nacht ; Ke'n Elend un' ke' Kummer, Verstoert der suesse Schlum- mer, Wo die Unschuld wohnt, Gott wacht. 190 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Un' des is es Lied, Des singt mir im Gemueth, Wann ich an der Dengelstock denk, Die Kindtheit's Verlange, Sin fur Ewig vergange, S' is mei'm Herz'n recht Ge- kraenk. 'S Dengel-lied hat g'shtoppt ; 'S werd nimrne me' gekloppt ; Shtumb mit Host heukt die sens am Nascht ; Zu'm dengle hat's ke' Noth' Die liebe Hand is Tod, Ewig Huh von weltliche Last. Bal kommt der Vater Zeit, Mit der Sens maeht er die Leut Von sei'm Feld ; Alles Lewe schneit er ab, Er thut ernte fuer das Grab, Alle Welt. Sei' Sens is immer scharf, Weit reicht sei' langer Warff, Trefft er mich ; Kommt er Morge, kommt er Heut, Is er nah, oder is er weit, Trefft er a ich ! Ohne Wetz un' ohne Denge! Aller Holm un' aller Stengel, 'Uf sei' g'maai; Er maeht fuer Ewigkeit, Alles fallt vor seiner Schneit, In die Laad. By Hon. D. B. Brunner, "Goethe -von Berks. DER WASHINGTON UN SI BILE. Der Washington war'n gooter boo, We ar en klaner chap war, Un hut sich als recht goot behaved Wan ar als by sime pap war. Ar hut au alles goot gadoo, We'n schmarter boo als gsut het, Ar het ovver doc'h net leya kenna Un warar aw gawut het. Ar is amole nous in der hofe, Wos full fon karsha bame war, Un hut den shansta baum umghockt Dewile si pap fuon hame war. Der karsha baum war sha un frish, Hut alia yore gadrawga, Un oh, we sees de karsha ware Is gar net do tsoo sawga. Dem Washington si gutter fodder 191 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE ft It is not claimed that George Was' ington was a Pennsylvania- German, though he had many of these as trusted beloved associ- ates in camp and council, in field and forum. It was a Penn- sylvania-German publisher who first called Washington " THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY ." War'n s'hpawrsomer househelter Un hut feel karsiia bame gaplantzt Im hofe un in de felder. Es war en ivverouser baum, Net wite ob fon de shier, Un selly karsha wara gross Un sheer so rote we fire. Now eer wist all dos won de boova En baum full karsha wissa, Don greeya se dfun, un won, 'Se, se aw s'htala missa. Se geva nix um basa hund, Eer kent se net lerdesa, Eer kent se aw n-et licht week driva, Except eer doot se ghees-a. Dart war der George am karsha baum, Mit dinna, lomga nesht, 192 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE AT hut se net obstiittla kenna, Se wara all tsoo fesht. Ar hut de karsha awgagucht, Un hut au hova wolla, Der baum war din un tsimlich hoch, Un wos hut ar doo solla? Now won ar noofgagraddled ware Un het sich karsha grickt Un het si hussa y'usht ferissa De het si mommy gflickt. Un won a orwer gfalla ware, Fom gippel oof en shta, Don het der George ferbrecha kenna En awrem oder ba. Feelleicht ware es aw net gebliva, Yusht bym a single knocha, Feelleicht ware es aw schlecter ganga Un het si hols ferbrocha. Now won des ding so ghappened het Un sis uns goot gaglickt Don hetta mir silava ken x United iSchtates do gricht. Der George hut no den baum um- ghockt, Un des doot net fergessa, Ar hut en grosser hunger ghot Un sich emole sot gessa. Eer wist dos ar forsichtig war, Un fon dem beshta shtuff, Un dos ar in der yuchend war Er grosser philosuf. No we si pap hame kumma is Un we are noch de sheds is Do hut ar aw graud gsana dos Dort eippes arrig lets is. Dort hut si karsha baum galega, So graud we'n Inshing pile, Un usht en kla shtick ob dort war 193 PENNSLYVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE >er George mit sinem bile. Do lide der honlg karsha baum, tMit dem war ich so shtols Un now is ar gor nix may wart Except fer kindling hols. Si pap war base un hut eem g'sawt Kum har my shlimmer boo Do lide my schaner karsha baum Husht doo des ding gadoo? Der George hut g'sawt "ich hobs gadoo Ich kon gawiss net leaya." Un hut gaglawbt ar date desmol (Far shure oarfiya greaya. Der karsha 'baum, der kreipt mich doch Far'n longa, longa wile, Far was hust doo enn nunner ghoekt, Mit dime ferrushta bile? Der George hut so sime fodder g'sawt "Gra-wd den waig is des kumma Ich hob de ox net finna kenna No hov ich's bile ganumma." Well, sawgt der fodder tsoo sime George "Doo gor ken lite batreaya, Hoch leaver all de karsha bame Als yusht ane mon beleaya." Der George hut net feel chansa g'hot, Eer gross'a boova het. Der George hut gor net leaya kenna, Eer kent, doot ovver net. From "The Pennsylvania-German" by Dr. Max Hark. AN DER FAIR! Was der Jake over heit net so grossfuehle dut, In sein'r besht, neue Sonn dag's Suit! 'Sis weil er die Kate uf die Fair nemme will, Im neue Waegel'ie un 'em grohe Fuell. Die Kate is noch aerger gebutzt as wie er. 194 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Ich alsfort! 'S war 'n Huckster un Gamier un allerhand Shows; Mer het denke kenne d*er Deivel waer loss! Die Ochse hen geblarrt un die Hahne gekraeht; Mer hut sc'hier net g'wist wo mer schteht. Un noh kummt die Band noch un spielt uf 'm Schtand! 'S war ewiger Laerm, awer doch war's ah grand. Zu erscht hut's die Kate shier-gar bang gemacht; Der Jake awer hut juscht gelacht. "Nemm du juscht mei Hand," sagt der Jake; "un noh Gent's ab zu sehne was zu sehne is doh." 'N Sackvoll Grundnuss wern g'kauft fer'n Staerd Sie sin wuhl ken fuenf Cent werd An der Fair awer guckt mer net uf die Expense! Un dr Jake fuehlt heit ah so reich 'n Prince. Sie steht 'n weil an der Schliffil-muehl Von die Buwe un die Maed sin viel 195 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Was druf fahre; die Kate awer will 's net du; Sie &aegt 's macM sie daermlich, un koscht noch dam. Doch iwwer e'weil grickt der Jake sie so weit Enich Maedel werd vers'Chwetzt mit der Zeit Das sie 'n 'gut Dutzend Mol mit em rum g'f ahre is ; Er hut sie fescht g'halte wegem Darmel war's gewiss. Noch dem sin sie gange mitnanner die Kueh' Zu begucke, un 's annere Vieh. Von Schof un von Sei, 's nix aberdich zu sell'; Die Geil sin recht gut, un die Hinkel sin schoe. Die Kate "bleibt 's laengst beim Hammele steh/ Sie toann gar net fert davon geh'. Sie streichelt's un schwetzt zu'm; noh schaemt sie slefc halb Wie der Jake zu 'hrer saegt, er wot er waer 'n Kalb! Ihn suit seller sheokige Hengst es naesht; Er saegt er waer eens von de groesht In der Welt;, un 's war ah en nraechtiges Dier, Zu gross un zu schweer fer viel use, meen ich shier. Bei der Zeit nau muss es bal Middag sei; So gehne sie in e' Stand nei. Wo mer Oyster-stew krickt, mit Crackers un Kraut Fer 'n Verdel; un 's schmakt 'ne be*ede ju&cht *bout. Nechst bei, fer'm 'e Zeit, jumpt 'n Hansiwersht rum, Un 's spielt e' Jung Weifsmensch die Drum. Sie hen gros.se Bilder uf 's Zelt-duch gepaint Von vilde Kreatur, un was mer drin sehnt. "Dort gehne mir nei," saegt der Jake; un sie sin; Awer frog 'hn mol was. sie dort drin Hen g'sehne! 'Es macht en bis heit noch als boes! "En verdult B'scheissereia 's was ich so ebes hes. 'IS whte waer 'a doch net o gut *S -bet aenyhow ihn net so g'suit As es Brodt un der Butter as die Kate selver macht, Un von wellen er 'xpect noch zu esse fer Nacht! "Awer 's G'xpecte is net immer 'a Hawe!" saege sie; Und er meent as er haet sie noch nie So g'gllche 'a wie nau, wie sie 'n a'geguokt hut As deht sie ihn froge ob er sie ha we woet! Us macht ihn sich dummle zu sharte fer Haem, So 's er g'sehwind't von der Crowd eweck kaem. Bs nemt ah net lang sin sie 'm Waegelche dre,' Un safe uf em Weg noch der Bushkill he. Sei Arm hut er somehow nau g'sc'hlippt um sie rum, Un die Kate is of course net so duimm Net zu wisse 's er's duht weil de Owet is kuehl Un es gebt eem jo ah en Art saferes G'fuehl! Uf e* mohl no hut er sie g'busst as es kracht, Un g*sagt ^un hut laut dazu g'lacht, "Es Hawe kummt oft ohne 's G'xpecta fer Maed!"* "Des haw ich schom lang awer g'xpeckt!" saegt die Kate. Fer en lang Story kerz mache: Vor der naechste Fair War die Kate die Mrs. Jake Lehr! Un der Jake next sie oft, un saegt 's dut ihm leet As er net an die Fair meh kann geh mit die Maed. By Rev. A. C. Wuchter, Gilberts, Pa. FAHSN^CHT. Wor war's doch ols en luscht g'west Won's g'hehsa hut die Fahsnacht kummt; M'r hut sich g'freht schun wocha long, G'.piffa, g'sunga un g'jumpt. Die Mommy hut em lengscht g'drillt; "Now, buhwa, schofft 'n oyer bei, Won's Fahsnacht Kucha gevva soil, Doh mis-sa lots fun oyer nei." Noh is m'r noch der scheier ob, Uff's schtroh un hoi, uff's welschkornlawb, Un g'sucht ebs aryets oyer het 197 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE M'r war g-ons tzu mit gfrehs un schtawb. (Jn wom'r noh elms g'funna hut, Wos hut m'r g'scherrt fer -noch'm hous. "Don, Mommy, is ehns, nemmt's noch men?" "Yah, buhwa, schunscht gebt's sure nix drous." Sel war g'nunk, der schtaat war oil, M'r hut sich recht g'druvvelt noh; Hut's bissel draus g'goxt am schtoll Wos is m'r ob un war so froh. Was hut m'r net die hahna g'schprengt, Die hinkel wiescht ferschulta ols, Un g'fiedert bis sie krep hen g'hot, Gons nehwa drous, so schep om hols. Bet's hin-kelfieh so'n eifer g'hot Wie unserehns ols g'hotfea hut, iS'het oyer g'hot im ivverfiuss Os wie bei'm Pharoh lous un grut. So geht's em evv-a hit ols noch, Won ebbes recht om hertz em leit, IDoch is's wie's olt schprichwort sawgt: "En gutie soch nemmt immer tzeit." Won ols der dawg boll kumma is, Noh hut em yehders noch g'tzerrt; "Ich wunner wer die Fahsnacht gebt, Wen's drefft der wert in's seifoss g'schperrt.' 198 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE M'r hut sich ovver ols g'wehrt, Un's war em doch so holwer bong, M'r waer ferleiht der letscht im bett . Noh misst m'r's hehra wocha long. Wos hut m'r g'scherrt fer moryets rous, So doss m'r net die Fahsnacht waer; 'Der Mommy war mohl's ruhfa g'schpaart, So frieh war's bett schurn long net lehr. Noh hut m'r ivver die g'lcrcht Wuh nix g'duh hen wie g'tzerrt, "Doh kummt die Fahsnacht hinna noh, Now wert sie daich in's seifoss g'schperrt." Won's brekfescht mohl ferivver war. Un oil die arwet ous'm waig, Noh hut die Mommy s'bockboard gricht Un holt'n grohser womba daig Un legt'n druff un drickt'n rum Un rollt'n in so scheiva ous, Noh hut sie's redd'l hortich gricht Un schneit die schenschta kucha rous. Bis olles noh recht gonga war Dert hinner'm uffa uff der.kischt, War's fett om kocha in der pon, M'r hut sich's moul schun obg'wischt. Dert hut sle noh die kucha nei, Die sin dert g'schwumma wie die gens, Wos hen sie schehna bocka gricht, Gons dunkelbrau mit gehla krens! Sie wara scheh, sie wara gute, Wos hut's em obbedit gemocht Sie yttscht tzu sehna uff'm disch Der bouch der hut em recht g'locht, Of course, die Mommy hut's g'wisst Wie hungrich os so buhwa sin, Wos hut sie grosha schissla g'hot, Un kucha os wie hoishteck drin. Geh week mit denna "fancy cakes" Mit 'biss'l rohder tzucker druff, Mit "ruffle-tarts" un "bumblejacks" 180 schtufft set oil der SiChonshteh nuff. Der schleckerwehsa is nix waert, 199 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LlTEKATUhE Doh is nix drin fun kraft un saft, Des bot mohl nix un helft net meh, Os won der- benny schteht un blofft. Wos buhwa war in sel'ra tzeit Is lengscht schun ovv.a nous fun hehm, Sie hen sich schehna weiver gricht, Wos nemmt's so grosha picture frame! Doch won's amohl ou's bocka geht, Do tzieg ich doch die Mommy rous, Sie hut's net gons so fancy g'hot, S'wra ovver'n gutie koch im hous. Die frah is glei ols uvvadrous Won ich -fum kocha ebbes sawg, "S'waer'n dummie notion, sel waer oil, Die kocherei waer heittzudawg Yuscht grawd so gute wie sellamohls, Der druvvel waer yu&cht mit 'm moul, Der gumma waer em biss'l hart En hutchel waer ken olter goul." S'mawg sei wie's will, sis net wie's war, Ihr olta kerls ihr wesst's tzu gute; So dings fergesst sich net so leicht, So ebbes drawgt m'r net im hute. Ach! wom'r olsamohl drah denkt, Wie's war in seina yunga yoh, M'r gaebt der beschta goul im schtoll For'n woch wie sellamohls, net wohr? PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN SOCIETY BADGE. 200 PENNSYLVANIA. GERMAN LITERATURE From ' Americanish Historie" by Jos. H. Warner, Annville, Pa. DER BILL PENN MACHT EN TREATY. E' tag is der English koenig und en kerl mit name Penn ganga gamla uf en geils race. Der Penn hat uf der Schwartz gaul g'wet, und hat g'wonna. Now der koenig war hart uf und hat net bezahla kenna. Der alt Penn is g'schtorva avver in seim willa hat er die schuld zu seim buh, der Bill Penn, fer- macht. Der Bill war net langsam und is ganga es collecta. Der koenig hat decide das weil er ken gelt hat und hat so fiel land drivver in America, gebt er em Penn en schticklie land so das er zufrieda is. In 1681 is der Bill Penn rivver kumma un hat sei land uf- g'nomma. Der Bill war en Quaker un die Quakers wora im- mer fer frieda halta. Sie wora gutie leit, oh so gute zu gute zu laeva, so sin sie glei ausg'schtorva so das heit yuscht noch e' paar Quakers in die staat 8in. Der Bill war zu ehrlich fer sei land ton die Insching zu schtaela, so hat er es widder fon i^nen gekauft. Wie er es gekauft hat, hat er en foss XXX quality Jersey applejack grickt und die Insching all eiglauda fer kumma und helfa es drinka und en treaty macha. Sie sin kumma und hen en herrliche zeit g'hat. Die Insching hen der applejack gedrunka weil der Bill die peif g'schmoked hat, und bis ovet hen sie der Bill haem fora missa, avver es land war sie. Er hat es "Em Penn sei bush" g'haesa, oder, in English, Pennsylvania. 201 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE Now wie die babiera all g'fixt wora, war er ready ahead geh mit der bisness. In 1682 hat er en staat gebauet und hat es Philadelphia g'haesa. Der name maent "Briederliche Lieb," er hat es so g'nennfc weil yeder bruder sich selvert so lied g'hat das erken zeit g'hat hat die anre brieder zu lieva. Des geht die Phila- delphia leit heit noch nach. Fiel anre staet sin glei gebauet worra, und fiel leit sin kum- ma ihra haemet doh macha. Es is so en schoene staat das der Lord Baltimore en schtick dafon schtaela hat wella. Avver der Penn hat net Sound g'schlofa und hat ihn g'fanga und 1766 hat er der Mason und Dixon grickt fer en line schpanna tseh- wischa sei land und em Lord Baltimore seins. In derer Staat wora drei sorta leit : die Englishe, Deutsche und Scotch-Irishe. Sie sin gute aw kumma, und wora frei Gott zu diena wie sie hen wella, order gar net wann sie so g'fielt hen. Freiheit war es haupt ding in derer Staat, und alle sacha im goverment war ferdaelt. Die Euglishe hen all die gute offices g'hat; die Scotch-Irish wora all policemenner, und die Deutsche hen vota kenna avver hen ken office heava kenna. Die leit hen ihra Staat Fersamlung elect und ihra laws g'macht. Des is d'r Molly Pitcher era Kruk. Se war 'n Pensylfawnish Deitsh Madel - Mary Ludwig. This is Molly Picher's picher. She was a Penusylvania German girl - Mary Ludwig. 202 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE PENNSILFAWNISH DEITSHA GUW'RNERA THE PENNSYLVANIA QERMAN GOVERNORS. De menshte b' shreiwinga fun d' guw'rnera do una hut d'r Conrad Gehring, wos de "Kutztown Journal" rousgebt, g'shriwa. De hulshnita hut uns d'r Dr. Egle g'lahnt, dar State Librarian, 'n Pensilfawnish deitsher. 'S werd olaweil orig fel gshput iw'r uns'r pensilfawnish deitsha leit. 'S werd ena forg'shmisa, se war'n dum un dat'n niks for laming gewa ; ow'r won so leit yusht de hist'ry fun uns'ra shtat lasa data, don wist'n Be bes'r, for dort drin shtats, dos de shmartshta leit in d'r shtat deitsha pensilfawnier wawra. Fel fun uns' re gow'rnera wawra in era yunga dawga pensilfanish deitsha boura-boowa, de sich durch era agena fleis so huch nuf gshoft hen. For sel zoo beweisa, wil ich de folg'nda 'awfera. A great deal of fun is made about our Penna. German people. It is cast up to them that they are ignorant and don't care about education ; but if such people would read the history of our state, they would know better, for history tells us that the smartest people in this state were Penna. Germans. A large number of our governors were Penna. Ger- man farmer boys, who through their own diligence have stepped to high positions. To prove this we will give a few examples. SIMON SHNEIDAR. G'bora, Nov. 5, 1759. G'shtorwa, Nov. 9, 1819. Im omt fun 1808 bis 1817. D'r arsht pensilfawnish deitsh gow'rner. Dar wawr d'r s'o fuma orma shofmon fon Langasht'r. Weil d'r olt mon orm wawr, hut d'r yung chap ken laming krigt, os wos 'r so ous sich selw'rt ufgepikt hut. In shpat'ra yora is 'r nuch Selashted'l gezuga, wo 'r longshkwei'r wawr. Fun sel'r zeit 'aw is 'r ols gshdiga is in de semli gewalt wora un nor'd in 1805 zum guw'rner. Sel omt hut 'r goot f rsana, doe '* drei mol d'rfor gawalt is wora. 203 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE SIMON SNYDER. Born, Nov. 5, 1759. Died, Nov. 9, 1819. Served from 1SY8 to 1817. The first Penna. German governor. He was the son of a poor working man from Lancaster county. The father was poor and his son got no ed- ucation except what he picked up himself. In later years ho moved to Selinsgrove where he was a long time justice of the peace. From that time on he ruse higher, was elected to the Legislature and in 1805 Governor, which office he filled so satisfactorily that he was twice re-elet:ted. JO HESHTAR. G'bora, Nov 18,1752. S'shtorwa, Juni 10, 1832. Im omt fun 1830 bia 5823. D'r neksht pensilfawnish deitsh guw'rner wawr d'rCho' Hesht&r. Dar is in Barn tounship, Barks county gebora wora, un ?a in seina yunga yora uf d'r bou'rei hinich '111 ploog nuch ges^iWlt, we 204 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE on'ra boura-boo. Wint'rs is 'r in de shool gonga un hut sich 'n ordlich gooti laming in deitsh un english 'awgshoft. Don hut 'r una 'awg'fonga un is olgebut 'n shtof'l hach'r g'shdiga wawr farz'a yor semli-mon nn is zuletsht zum guw'rner gawalt wora. Sei omt hut 'r drei yor goot f rsana un fel gedua for sei lond. Nuchdem 'r gshtorw? wawr, is 'r uf m refomirta karchhof in Red'n begrawa wora. r JOSEPH HIESTER. Born, Nov. 18, 1752. Died, June 10, 1832. In office from 1820 to 1823. The next Penna. German governor was Joseph Hiester. He was born in Berne township, in Berks county, and in his youth" worked on the farm like any other farmer boy. During winter he went to school and got a pretty fair education in German and English. Then he began at the bottom and got up step by step. He was in the Legislature 14 years, and was at last elected Governor, which office he held for three years and did a great deal for his state. He is now buried in the Reformed Cemetery, in Reading. JON A. SHULZ. G'bora om 19 Juli, 1775. G'shtorwa am 18 Nov., 1852. Guw'rner fun 1823 bis 1829. Wawr aw 'n Barks countiar un is in Tulpehoka tounship gabora wora. Sei fot'r wawr 'n predich'r, un d'r yung Shulz kut aw for's bredich-omt g'shudert. 'S arsht hut 'r 'n pawr gamana ID Barks counti bedent, ow'r bol hut 'r 's bredicha ufgewa un is in Moy'r- shted'l, in Lebonon counti, in de shtor-bisnis gonga. Fun sel'r zeit aw is 'r 'aw ols hach'r gshdiga wawr in d'r semli un is ini yor 1823 zum guw'rner gawalt wora. Sei omt hut 'r so goot f rsana, dos 'r im yor 1826 mit d'r grosa marheit fun 72,000 wid'r neigawalt is wora. 'R wawr sell zeit d'r besht gelarnt guw'rner dos nuch uf 'm shtool wawr. JOHN A. SHULZE. Born, July 19, 1775. Died, Nov. 18, 1852. Governor from 1823 to 1829. Was also a Berks Countian, born in Tulpehocken township. Hia 205 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE father was a preacher, and he also studied for that profession. He served a few congregations in Berks county, but soon moved to Myerstowu and went into the store business. He was elected to the Assembly and in 1823 as governor. He filled the office so well that in 1826 lie was re- elected by 72,000 majority. He was the best educated Governor that Penna. had up to that time. -^ JORCH WULF. G'bora om 12 Augusht, 1777. G'shtorwa om 11 Marts, 1840. Im omt fun 1829 bis 1835. Nuch 'm Shulz is d'r .Torch Wiilf fun Nord- hampt'n counti gawalt wora. Dar hut's aw dorch sei 'agena sliinurt- ichkeit so weit gebrucht, ,dos ' r fun am omt in's on'r kuma is pusht- masht'r, counti klark, semli-mon, un so weit'r don is 'r zwa mol in d'r kungres gawalt wora un nuch sel'm zum guw'rner fun Peusilfawui. For gel omt is 'r 'aw zum zwata mol gawalt wora,. GEORGE WOLF. Born, Aug. 12, 1777. Died, March 11, 1840. Served from 1829 to 1835. After Shulz, George Wolf, of Northampton, was elected. He also through his own diligent labors, got to be post-master, county clerk, As- embly, and was twice elected Congressman and then governor of Penna., which office he held two terms. JO RITNAR. G'bora, om 25 Marts, 1780. G'shtorwa, Oct. 16, 1869. Im omt fun 1845 bis 1848. Barks counti gobora un hut sei yunga dawga uf 'ra bouarei zugebrucht. 'R hut sich ols yung'r mon shun orig shmart p;a- wisa un sich selw'r ols hach'r nufgshoft fun am omt in's on'r bis 'r 's letsht uf d'r gip'l kuma is un zum guw'rner gawalt is wora. ' Ar hut mit fel wid'rwartigkeita zu fechta ghot, ow'ar 'r hut's gshtand we 'n mon. 206 DES SHA DOR IS IN EASTON, FUN DA SHUL-KINAR EUR AR FUM GUW'RNER WULF ARIGHT WORA, WEIL AR D'R FOT'R F^UM SHUL WESSA WAWR. THIS BEAUTIFUL GATE WAS ERECTED AT EASTON, BY THE SCHOOL CHILDREN IN HONOR OF GOVERNOR WOLF. AS HE WAS THE ORIGINATOR OF OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM. 207 PENNSYLVANIA GEKMAN LITERATURE JOSEPH RITNER. Born, March 25, 1780. Died, Oct. 16, 1869. In office from 1835 to 1888. Born in Berks county and spent his younger days on a farm. As a youth he showed himself very active, and worked his way up from one position to another, until he was elected governor. He had difficul- ties to contend with, but he met them all like a man. FRANS R. SHUNK. G'bora om 7 Augusht, 1788. G'shtorwa 12 Juli, 1848. Im omt fun 1845 bis 1848. Im yor 1845 is 'n mon zum guw'rner gemocht wora. d'r 51 a Pensil fawnish deitsha 'n beishbel sei sut ous dar oorsoch, weil 'r zu sein'ra mut' r-shproch gshtikt hut ew'n we 'r in d' hakshta emt'r wawr, uu 'leicht bes'r english gakent hut us moncha, de sick *iglishu 208 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE hasa des wawr d'r Frans R. Shunk. 'R wawr on d'r Trop in Mon- gomeri counti g-ibora, un wawr 'n guns selbsht-gemocht'r mon. Sei deitsha eUara hut 'r org in ara g'holtaunsoaw sei deitshi mut' rshproch. FRANCIS" R. SHUNK. Born, Aug. 7, 1788. Died, July 12, 1848. In office from 1845 to 1848. In the year 1845 a man was elected governor, who should be an example to all Penna. Germans, because he was never ashamed of his mother tongue even when in high office, and at the same time could speak English better than many others, who call themselves English. Such was Francis R. Shunk. He was born at Trappe, Montgomery county, and was an entirely selfinade man. His German parents he held in honor, as well as his mother tongue. JON F. HORTRONFT. G'bora om 16 Dezemb'r, 1830. G'shtSrwa, 17 'Oktow'r, 1889. Im omt fun 21 Yenar, 1870 bis 18 YenSr, 1879. Bar Jon Hortronft wawr in Montgomri counti g'bora. 'Ar wawr in seina yunga yora 'n stage driver, un hut aw ols bar g'tend in Norristown. In greks zeita wawr ar 'n brawfer soldawt, un is 'n Gen'ral wora. We d'r grek f er- bei wawr is a,r zwamol Guw'rner wora. JOHN F. HARTRANFT. Born, December 10, 1830. Died, October 17, 1889. In office from January 21, 1870 to January 18, 1879. John Hartranft was born in Montgomery County. He was a stage driver in his younger years, and also a bar tender in Norristown. He was a valiant soldier in war times, and was promoted to the rank of General. After the war he was twice elected Governor. JAMES A. BEWAR. G'bora om 21 'Oktow'r, 1837. 'Ar labt nuch. Im omt fun 18 Yenar, 1887 bis 20 Yenar, 1891. D'r Gen'ral Bewar is 'n holwar Pensilfawa- 13a 209 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE The above is a picture of the statue of Maj. Gen. John F. Hartranft, one of Pennsylvania's fighting generals, a Pennsyl- vania German and Governor of Pennsylvania, from 1870 to 1879. The statue stands directly in front of the Capitol at Harrisburg, on the west side, facing the Susquehanna River. The location is an ideal one, the finest on Capitol Hill, and the statue can be seen from a great distance. The statue represents Hartranft returning home from war and receiving the plaudits of the people as he rides his war steed. He has saluted with bared bead until the cap hangs bv his side. 210 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE nish deitsh'r, fun seinar murni bar. 'Ar is 'n gled fun d'r deitsha g'selshoft, un hut de deitsha leb. 'Ar is 'aw 'n 'ahbanig'r soldawt, un hut for de Union g'fuchta, un m'r sin fro en awzuarkena, un denka fd fun 'm. JAMES A. BEAVER. Born, October 21, 1837. Still living. In office from January 18, 1887 till January 20, 1891. General Beaver is half Pennsylvania Ger- man, from his mother's side. He is a member of the German Society, and respects the Germans. He is also a one-legged soldier, and has fought for the Union, and we are pleased to acknowledge him, thinking iighly of him. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNTPACKER. Born in Phoenixville, Chester county, April 9th, 1843. Educated in pub- lie and private schools. Entered Yale College, but did not graduate. Taught school one term at Mount Clare, Montgomery county. Served as a member of Company F., Twenty-sixth Emergency Regiment in the War of the Rebellion, which was the first force to meet the Rebels at Gettye- 211 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE burg. President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, No. 2, of Phila- delphia. Antiquarian. Elected Governor oi Pennsylvania in 1902. An excellent public servant. Although of Pennsylvania German descent does not speak it. Perhaps he has learned it before he got out of office. FIRST TROOPS TO RESPOND. President Lincoln called for 75,000 troops April 15, 1861. 530 men from the following companies were the first troops in the United States to re- spond : Allen Infantry, of Allentown; Ringgold Light Artillery, of Read, ing; Logan Gaurds, of Lewistown; and Washington Artillery and Nation- al Light Infantry, of Pottsville. They reached Harrisburg the same day and Washington, April 18th. Among these were a large numb r of Pennsylvania Germans whose read- iness to sacrifice their all for their country, WAS MANIFESTED IN THIS AND IN ALL OTHER WARS OF OUR COUNTRY'S HISTORY. THERE ARE MANY OTHERS. There are many other distinguished Pennsylvania Germans, but as this is more particularly a book of instuction, we are obliged to omit many whom we should be glad to mention. 212 PENNSYLVANIA (iERMAN LITERATURE 213 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE "Lest we forget" KOMMENA HOUS MlTTEL PLONSA. Common Plants used as Household Remedies Angelica Engelwortsel Aconite Eisakrout Avens Benediklin wortsel Birch Berka Bittersweet Bittersees BlackAlder Allahecka Blacksnake root Schwartsa shlouga wortsel Bloodroot Bludwortsel Burdock Glettawortsel Butterflyweed Lungakrout Chamomile Kamilla Colt' afoot Hosselwortsel Coptis or Gold Thread Guldwortsel Dittany Bush ta Dogwood Hunshols Dock Holwa Goul Elecampane Olandswortsel Elderflowers Huller bleesht Fleabane Fla krout Feverwort Feverkrout Goldenrod (one species Rumatis wortsel Hawkweed Hobbich Krout Harthorne root Weisdornawortsel Hoarhound Adorn Horseradish Mar reddicb Hydrastis Grosa Guldwortsel Indian Physic Insha Fissik Indian Turnip Aarous Tswive Jewelweed Kalekrout j Juniper Wachhuller ! Liverwort Levverkrout Lungwort Lungakrout Madder Crop May Apple Moi Oppel Mint Bolsam ta Mullein Wallakrout Parsley Paterli Pennyroyal Grutta Bolsam Pimpernell Pimpernell Pipsissiwa Galewosserkrout Poke root Poke wortsel Rue Rauda Sage Solwei Saffron Sotfrich 214 Sanicle Sonnigelwortsel Sarsaparilla Sassafril Sassafras Sassafros Selfheal Halekrout Spearmint Hartskrout Spicewood Pefferhols St.John'swort Johanniskrout Stargrass or Colicroot Obbiswortsel Stramonium or Thorn apple Geilskimmel Kolmus Sweet fern Ra-fawra Tansey Kee-bitters Raforn Thoroughwort or Boneset Darrichwoka Thyme Gwendel Virginia snake root Glana shlougawortsel Wildcherry Bitter Karsha or Wildkarsha Wild Ginger Wossersuch krout Wormseed Warrum krout Wormwood Warmet Yarrow Shofribba PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN LITERATURE TWO PENNSYLVANIA GERMANS, NOT AFRAID TO DE- FEND THEIR PEOPLE, PUBLICLY. Hon. Henry Houck, g'shbosicha Mon. A comical Man. Shul Soop'rintend-r. School Superintendent. Like the author of this book [see frontis-page] Dr. M. G. Brumbaugh, Superintendent, Philadelphia Schools, says: "He who has the te- merity to say that the Penna - Germans were ignorant is a Liar." 215 PENNSYLVANIA. GERMAN LITERATURE f A POINTER TO^PEOPLE WHO RIDICULE PENNSYL- VANIA GERMAN. From "Stories and Reminiscences" by Ex-Senator, Evan Holben. A bevy of jack a-dandies with fuzzy-wuzzy faces and summer girls with their dresses cut off above, sojourned a few days where the inhabi- tants^were all very highly proficient in the Pennsylvania German tongue, f They|liked the cooking, they relished the victuals, they enjoyed the invigorating atmosphere. In fact, they could stomach all except the lan- guage, which they hated. "Too much Dutch here, there and everywhere," was the common voice. Finally they packed up and went to the depot, where they heard some more Dutch; "too much Dutch," was heard from every one. After they had been snugly seated in the car, two men with dinnerjpails came in talking Pennsylvania German. "Too much Dutch!" was the chorus of the coterie. One of the men said: "My young friends, when you go away from home again, you go to hell, WHERE YOU WON'T HEAR ANY DUTCH". 216 Here Dwelt the Ancestors of the Pennsylvania Germans Two Centuries Ago. TftE PALATINATE Of THE &H/ME OlKUHG TH PfKfOO Of rf L AKCf PAL A r/Aff fM/G*A r/OH rv AMfK/CA ^ -J X 4. <*. From "Story of the Pennsylvania German," by William Beidelman, Esq. The Valley of the Rhine, is indeed "the Garden of Germany," if not of all Europe. For more than a thousand years, the Rhine was the prize for which the Romans, Gauls and the Germans contended- All of the states shown on map, and parts of Switzerland contributed to the German emmigration to Pennsylvania. All practically spoke the same dialect, which came down from the Alemanni, the beat type of old High German. The largest emmigration from the Palatinate was from 1730 to 1760. PART THIRD, Pennsylvania German Dictionary. Words in Use Among Pennsylvania Germans, with English and High German Equivalents. REMARKS. Origin of the Language. It is sometimes taken for granted, bv ignorant persons, that the Pennsylvania Germans have no language of their own, that they speak a patois, that their language is an admixture of English, or that it is Dutch. Hence it may not be out of place to give the origin of the language. Martin Luther, in the early part of the sixteenth century, by his Bible translations, hymns and extensive writ- ings in High German, caused that dialect to become the stand- ard language of German literature. Hence to this day the High German is employed in literary productions as well as in discourse. But there were also other dialects spoken through all the centuries in different parts of Germany. In the southern portion whence the greater part of the Germans who settled in Pennsylvania, came a dialt ct akin to that which prevails in the German counties of Pennsylvania , was spoken, and has continued to be used to a certain extent to this day. This is the origin of the Pennsylvania German. It is as old as the High German, possibly older, and frequently more expressive. It has never been extensively used in print, because the High German was adopted for this end. As a spoken language, however, it has prevailed from time immemorial in the south German dialects. The ancestors pf many of the Pennsylvania Germans came from the Palatinate or Pfalz, now included in Baden, Bava'-a and Darmstadt, where a language resembling that of the Penn- sylvania German very closely, is still spoken 217 In order to show how much the language spoken in the Palatinate, in the section of country from which ruan^ Pennsylvania Germans came, re- sembles the Pennsylvania German, we make the following brief extract from "Palzishe G'schichte," a book written by Franz von Kobell, and published at Munichin in 1808. Goost'l is a young lady using the Palatinate dialect. Philip speaks High German. Des shtik is do gewa zu baweisa dos se in d'r Pols 'aw so shwetsa, 's we mer do in Peusillawni. Goost'l. 'Gen Philip, mit d'm goota Sems'r hob ich de dawg 'n shpos g'hot, des mus ich d'r arzala. x Er hut m'r wid'r fum heirawta forge- bob'lt ; un um 'n los zu wara, sawg ich, a olti baws' de Kot'rent het m'r g'sawcht % won ich heirawta wil, sul ich yu d' farshtond prefa fuh mein'm zookinltiga mon, don won m'r do nit goot zomashtima data, war's niks. D'rnuch'r frocht 'r, we ich don des awfonga wul. Yetst hawb ich g'saWcht, de baws het m'r rats' 1 gaba, de sul ich rota lusa, un 5n dem det ich 's kena. un savfg 'm de rats' 1, de hut awch de Kot'rin warklich selb'r gemocht. Philip. Noon daw bin ich begerig, awber ich bita dich, zal nicht dorouf, dos ich se herousbringa. Goostl. Ei bewawr. Yetst geb ocht. 'S sin drei. Des arshta is, wos is des ? Zoo Weisaborg im Dum Do wochst 'n gali blum, Un war de gal blum wil hoba, Dar mus gons Weisaborg farshloga. Gel is hibsh? Philip. Yaw, hibsh, ober wer bringt's 'rous? Goost'L Des is yo ebe de g'shicht. Sich ! Philip, des is d'r dut'r im ei, washt d'. d'r dut'r is de gal blum un 's on's is Weisaborg. . Yetst geb ocht, des zwata is : Won se kuma, so kuma se nit, Un won se nit kuma, so kuma se. Philip. X 0ber desa eda, we einem uur so etwos einfolen kon ' Goost'L F'rshtesht d' des sin de toube un de arbsa, won im fre-yor dS tcuba kuma, so kuma de arbsa nit, un won die arbsa kuma, kuma de douba nit. Gel is gons richtig. Un des drita is : Ringsrum bio un in d'r mit 'n kwetshakarn un duch ka kwetsh. Philip sich ! des is a bei'rish'r siildawt, d'r 'n kwetshakarn g'shlukt hut ! It also has a number of Swiss and Alsatian characteristics. Many of the Pennsylvania German words can be traced back to older roots, and they are often more expressive than their High German synonyms. "Goul," the Pennsylvania German word for "horse," is older and mo*e purely German than k 'Pferd," the High German, which is derived from the Latin veredus ; "Hutsch," colt, and "Hutschli," little colt, from the Suabian "hutschel," "hutschele," Westerwald "husz," Lusatian "huszche," is more purely German and .more expressive than "Fuellen," the High German, which is 218 derived from the Greek and the Latin. "Hutschli" and " hutschla" is an imitation of the sound made by young colts, and, therefore, as that large class of words, which are the oldest in all languages, it must come down from the historic age, when the names of objects were first invented. "Homili," little calf, can be traced back through the Swiss "ammeli" and "mammeli" to the language of nature, which gives us "mamma," the labial sound made in imitation of the mother, when the child observes her lips move in talking to it, while she is bending over the cradle, a word common to all languages. The Pennsylvania German for "pig," "sou." with its "hus sou" and '\\uts," are stiik ng illustrations of the antiquity of this language, when it is remembered that these words are derived from the sound made in imitation of the pig ; words belonging to the common language of i ature, from which the Latin ".-us," the Gnek us (hus.) the English "sow," the Dutch ":-oe," etc., are derived, "gchwein," the High Ger- man, is of much more recent or'gin, it being a derivative of "sou,' from the Saxon "svin" and "su." The Pennsylvania Gernian "grumbeer," "potato," is much more expressive and original, meanirg a "crooked pear." or "grundbeer," ground pear, ihin the High German "kaitoffel," derived from " erd- apfel," an "artichoke." The Pennsylvania German "krop," "crow," "schpel," "pin," "schtraal," "comb," " scbjruwlich." "strubly," "ponhaws," "scrabble," "bewi," "a young chicle '," i4 niul- lakup," "tadpole," "blech," "tin-cup," "botser," "a tailless chicken," "butzuh," "stumpy," are vastly more expressive and original than their English or High German equivalents. Our Dictionary. Below we quote from The Pennsylvania German Dialect, a scientific treatment and a commendable work, by Marion Dexter Learned, Ph. D., of the University of Pennsylvania. The following refers to our first edition. This edition contains several hundred more words : " There are two approximate!;' complete dictionaries of the P. G. diatect, both published since Prof. Haldeman wrote his 'Essay on Pennsylvania Dutch.' Of these two lexicons, that compiled by E. H. Rauch and published in his Pennsylvania Dutch Handbook (P. G.-N. E. and N. E.-P. ,G. ) contains, to quote his own words, 'Schir fir dmisand wordta, biseids a dmi- sand menar BS T?US am ensrlisch gonumma sinn,' thus making an aggregate of about 5000 words. The second of the above mentioned dictionaries is that published by Prof. A. R. Home in his book entitled ^m Horn sei Pennsyfvirnizh Deilxch Budi* (P. G.-N. E. N. H. G.) This is by far the ino&t complete and 219 dentine lexicon of the jr. G. speecn, and contains 5522 words. In addition to these two dictionaries there are three other in- complete glossaries, one appended by H. L. Fisher to his l g Ylt Maerikhnus mittds in for Schdvtt,' the second to his l Kurz- weil unn Zeitfdrtreib,' 1 the third published by Bailsman, as a t Wortverzeichnws > to Harbaugh's l Hvrfe.' 1 A word-by-word examination of these glossaries gives the following results : P. O. Eng. 'gm Horn sei Buch, 1 . . 5522 176 Ranch's 'Handbook/ circa . , . 5000 1000 Fisher's Second Person SINGULAR, PLURAL, Nominative, Doo, you, Er', 'r, yoj, Genitive, dei, your, eir, your, Q .. dir, d'r, eich, ich, to you, to you, Accusative, dich, you, eich, you. 221 SING PLUR. SING PLUR. Thi rd Person er, era, her Masculine. G. or hers, N. 'Ar ' r . he , Se , they, D. era , 'ra, to her, G. sei, hits , era, their, A. se, her, D, em 'm , to ,. ena, 'na, him, . , to them, N 'Es Neuter. , 's, its, (same as above) A' en> 'n, him , se, them. G. sei, its, Feminine, D. 'm, to it, N. Se, she (same as above) A. 's, it, DEMONSTRATIVE, this. SING. PLUR. Mas. Fern. Neut. M. F, N. N. Dar, De, DSs, De, Q dem sei dem sei dara er dena era D dem, dara, dem, dena, A. den. de deg, de. DEMONSTRATIVE, that. SING. PLUR. Mas. Fern. Neut, M. F. N. N. Se 'r, Seli, Sei, Seli, G. sel'm sei sei' m sei seTreri selaera D. sel'm, selra, sel'm sela, A. sel'r, seli, sei. seli, INDETERMINATE, one. SING. N. M'r, G. D. sich, A. 'm. INTERROGATIVES, wAo, which. SING. PLUR. Mas. Fern. Neut. M.F.N. N. War, Well, Wei, War,weli, G. wemsei, wemsei, welera er wela er D. wetn, welera, wel'm, wela, A. wen, well, wel, well. The interrogative what is wos throughout. THE ARTICLE. THE INDEFINITE, a OF an. SING. Mas. Fern. Neut. N. ; N, a, 'N, 'N, 0. 'ma, to a, 'ra, A. 'n, a, 'n' ma, 'n. THE DEFINITE, the. SING PTUR. Mas, Fm. Neut. M. F. A. N.D'r.fAe, De, 'S, De, G. 'msei, d'rers, 'msei d'era, D. 'm, to the, d'r, 'm, d', A. d'r, the, de, 's de 222 ADJECTIVES. Adjectives agree with their nouns in in gender, number and case. The predicate adjective but seldom has a case, gender or number term- ination, as d'r mon is gros, de fraw is gros, 's kiud is gros, se sin ola drei gros. Adjectives are declined like definite article, in the nominative and ac- cusative. PLTTR. M . F. y. Grose, gros a, gros a, grose. It would be impossible to give all the different terminations of ad- jectives. SING. Mas. jpvm. Neut. N. Gros'r Grose, Gros, G. grosa sei, grosa, grosa, D. grosa, grosa,,. grosa, A. gros'r, grose, gros, THE VERB. Verbs are to be looked for in the imperative or infinitive mood, which is the root. The perfect participles are not given except in cases of irregular verbs. It must be remembered that g' before a verb denotes the perfect part- iciple. It would be impossible to give to all the forms of a verb in the different tenses, numbers and persons. Shlog, Strike. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. SING. 1. Ich shlog, 1. M'r 2. doo sblechst, 2. er sblopa, 3. ar shlecht, 3. se shloga. Imperfect. (Never used.) Perfect. 1. Ich bob g'shlosra, 1. M'r hen g'shloga, 2. doo bushr g'shioga, 2. er het g'shloga, 3. ar hut g'shloga, 3. se hen g'shloga. Pluperfect. 1. Ich hob g'shloga g'hot, 1. M'r hen g'shloga. g'hot, 2. doo busht g'shloga g'hot, 2. er hen g'shloga g'hot, 3. ar hut g'shloga g'hot, 3. se hen g'shloga g'hot. First Future. 1. Ich war shloga, 1. M'r wara sbloga, 2. doo warsht sbloga, 2. er wara shloga, 3. ar wart shloga, 3. se wara shloga. Second Futu>e. 1. Ich war g'shloga howa, 1. M'r wara g'shloga howa, 223 2. doo warsht g'shloga howa, 2. er ward g'shloga howa, 3. ar ward g'shloga howa, 3. se wara g'shloga howa. POTENTIAL MOOD. Present. SING. PLUR. 1. Ich mog shloga, 1. Se maga shloga 2. dco mogst shloga, etc., 2. er mecht shloga etc., Imperfect. 1. Ich mecht shloga, 1. M'r mechta shloga, 2. doo mechsht shloga, 2. er mechta shloga, 3. ar mecht shloga, 3. se mechta shloga. Perfect. 1. Ich m5g g'shloga howa, 1. M'r maga g'shloga howa, 2. doo m5gst g'shlogii howa, etc., 2. er maga, etc., Pluperfect. 1. Ich mecht g'shloga howa, 1. M'r mechta g'shloga howa, 2. doo mechst, etc., 2. er mecht g'shloga howa, etc SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. 1. Won ich shlog, 1. won m'r shloga, 2. won doo shlogst, 2. won er shloga, 3. won ar shlogt, 3. won se shloga. Imperfect, 1. Won ich^shloga war, etc. Perfect. 2. Won ich g'shloga hob, etc. Pluperfect. 2. Won ich g'shloga het. IMPERATIVE MOOD. SING. .2. Shlog, or shlog doo, 2. Shlogt, or shlogt er. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Perfect. Zu shloga. G'shloga zu howa. PARTICIPLES. Perfect. G'shloga. PASSIVE VERBS. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Imperfect. Ich bin g'shloga, etc Ich wawr g'shloga, etc. Perfect. Pluperfect, Ich bin g'shloga wora, etc. Ich wawr g'shloga g'west, etc. 224 First Future. Second Future. Ich war g'shloga, etc. Ich war g'shloga, wara, etc POTENTIAL MOOD. Present. Imperfect, Ich kon g'shloga wara, etc. Ich kent g'shloga wara, etc. 'Perfect. Pluperfect. Ich kon g'shloga wora sei, etc. Ich kent g'shloga wora sei, etc. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Imperfect. Won ich g'shloga war, etc. Won ich g'shloga war wora, etc. IMPERATIVE MOOD. War g'shloga. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Perfect. G'shloga za sei. G'shloga g'west zu sei. PARTICIPAL. (Not used,) Dar do hut g'shloga un sel'r shlecht. This one has struck and that one strikes Ar is g'shloga wora. He has been struck. Se ward g'shloga. She is struck 14a 225 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN DICTIONARY. WITH ENGLISH AND HIGH GERMAN EQUIVALENTS. Remember that all words are spelled strictly in accordance with their founds. Compound words are not given, when the compound word has the tame signification as the separate words. Words are not given which are the tame in Pennsylvania German as in English. 99" Aw is regarded as a single letter. a, one, eins aarmich, one-armed, einarmig Ab, Abraham, Abraham Abi, little Abraham, Abraham chen acha, oak; eiche achharncha, achhaws, squirrel, eichhoernchen ach'l, acorn, eichel ad, oath, eid adl'r, more noble, edler adorn, hoarhound, andorn aw, also, auch awbafola, enjoined, requested, anbefohlen awbalonga, to relate, to be con- cerned, to belong, anbelangen awbandmol, the Lord's Supper, communion, abendmahl awbata, to worship, adore, anbeten awbatungswartich, adorable, an- betungswuerdig aw, ba, za, a, b, c, a, b, c awbeda, to offer, to make a first bid, anbieten awbeding, offer, angebot awbeisa, to bite into, anbeissen awbina, to tie fast, anbinden awblik, aspect, sight, anblick awblika, io view, anblicken awblinsla, to blink or wink at, an- blinzeln awblosa, to blow upon, start by blowing, anblasen awbora, to tap or bore, anbohren awbordich, particularly, insbeson- dere awbosa, to fit, succeed in cheating, anpassen awbrea, to scald, to steep, anbruehen awbrena, to scorch, anbrennen awbruch, the break of day, anbruch awbruina, to growl at, anbrummen awdara, arteries, to dry fast, adern, andoerren awdechtich, attentive, andaechtig awdeita, to signify, to hint, andeuten awdenka, remembrance, memento, keepsake, andenken awdlar, eagle, adler awdocht, attention, andacht awdraa, to turn on, andrehen awdrefa, to meet, antreffen awdreiwa, to start driving, to urge, antreiben awfarchda, to plow furrows through a field for direction, furchen awfartroua, to entrust, anvertrauen awfawra,to drive ahead, Toranfahren awf echta, to attack, to quarrel, t* fight, anfeoJiten 226 awfedara, to improve by good feed- iDg, anfuettern awfeichda, to moisten, anfeuehten awfeila, to file part, anfeilen awfeira, to light, to set on fire, to inspire, anfeuern airfela, to feel at, to touch, anfuehlen awfenger, beginner, anfaenger avrfera, to disappoint, to lead, an- fuehren awfila, to fill, anfuellen awfing'ra, to touch, to handle, be- fingern airfita, to fit, anpassen awfiika, to patch on, anflicken awfola, to fall upon, assail, anfallen awfong, beginning, anfang awfonga, to begin, anfangen awfongs, at first, beginning, zuerst, anfangend awfoula, to begin to rot, anfaulen awfresa, to gnaw at, anfressen ag, harrow, egge ag-a, own, -to harrow, eigen, eggen wg, eye, auge awgablik, moment, augenblick awgabliklich, momentarily, augen- blicklich awgablosa, blown upon, started by blowing, angeblasen vwgabora, innate, hereditary, intui- tive, angeboren awgabroa, eyebrows, augenbrauen awg-abud, first bid, angebot awgadek'l, eyelid, augenlid avrgaduktur, oculist, augenarzt aivgagukt, looked at, angesehen awgaheiil'l, cataract of the eye, staar awgahor, eyelash, augenwimper airgalega, care or concern for, an- gelegen awgalusht, eyes' delight, made agreeable, augenlust awganam, agreeable, delightful, an- genehm awgaob'l, pupil of eye, augenapfel awgasicht, face, angesicht afeldich, foolish, queer, ignorant, einfaeltig Afei^galish, Evangelical, Evangelisch g^sinish, self-willed, stubborn, eigensinnig awklawa awgashtelt, appointed, angestellt awgawana, accustom, to form a habit, angewoehnen awgawanet, habit, gewohnheit awgawoksa, liver grown, ange- wachsen awg'bor'd, bored part, angebohrt awg'brucha, opened, angebrochen awg'buda, oflFered, angeboten awg'buna, tied fast, angebunden awgewa, to suggest, to lodge infor- mation, angeben awg'ferd, disappointed, angefuehrt awg'fid, fitted on, angepasst awg'fonga, begun, angefangen awg'fould, rotten part, angefault awg'horcht, minded, angehorcht awg'legd, commenced, angelegt agna, to own, besitzen agnar, owner, besitzer ahnlich, assimilate, alike, aehnlich awg'niima, accepted, engaged, sup- posed, angenommen awgreifa, to gra,p hold, to attack, angreifen awgrif, attack, angriff awg'risa, torn into, part used, an- gerissen awg'roofa. called upon, angerufen awg'rushd. rusted part, augerostet awg'set'ld, first settled, angesiedelt awg'shlusa, joined, angeschlossen awg'shusa, announced by firing guns, angeschossen awg'shmerd, cheated, betrogen awg'shold, acquired, angeschaffit awg'shpeld, fastened with a pin, befestigt mit einer stecknadel awhara, to listen to, anhoeren awhawa, to lift, anheben awliengar, adherer, follower, an- haenger awholta, persevere, stop, anhalten awhorcha, to listen to, to consent, zuhorchen, anhorchen akel, distate, ekel [ekelhaftigkeit akelhefdickkeid, loathsomeness, awkemling, new-comer, ankoemm ling awketa, to chain fast, anketten awklawa, to paste on, to stick to, ankleben 227 awkindichii awkindicha, to announce, notify, ankuendigen [den awklada, to dress, to clothe, anklei- awklawga, to accuse, anklagen awkneba, to button on, anknoepfen awkniba, to tie on, anknuepfen awkuma, to arrive, to prosper, an- kommen, erfolg haben al, oil, oel ala, to oil, lubricate, einoelen awlaga, to lay on, to invest, to start, anlegen awlega, solicitation, anliegen alaheka, alderbrush, flieder- strauch alawatar, elevator, aufzug-maschine alduch, oilcloth, oeltuch, wachstuch alend, trouble, misery, elend alendichj poorly, miserable, elend aletsich, singly, einzelri awlunga, to arrive, anlangen alshta, oilstone, oelstein [ben awlusa, to let on, to pretend, vorge- awmaa, to begin mowing, anmaehen amar, bucket, eimer [grift amarhenk, bucket-handle, eimer- amarraf, bucket hoop, eimerband awmen, amen, amen awmet, second crop of hay, after math, nachmahd awmet mocha, secure second crop of hay, nachmahd machen awmocha, to start mixing, to get one's graces or affections, an- maehen, sich anmaehen amol, once, einmal awnaa, to sew on, annaehen [men- awnama, to accept, receive, arineh- anar, one, einer [dern anara, to alter, to change, veraen- awneda, to rivet to, annieten anich, agreed, einig anich epar, any one, jedermann awnogla, to nail on, annageln awplonsa, to begin to plant, an- pflanzen awpoka, to lay hold violently, or grasp roughly, anpacken ar, honor, eye of a needle, ehre, nadeloehr ar, he, er ar, head of grain, aehre &r'npreis areta, to save, to rescue, erretten aufslog, lapel, aufschlag awrada, to address, anreden awragS, 10 (^ouch, anregen [blume awrawn, Indian turnip, aran, aerons arbar, strawberry, erdbeere arblika, to see, erblicken arblos, childless, kinderlos arbs, pea, erbse [schaft arbshoft, inheritance, legacy, erb- ard, earth, erde arda, earthen, irden ardbabung, earthquake, erdbeben ardfla, plant-lice, erdfloehe ardgeishVgnome, erdgeist, kobold ardlicht, ignis fatuus, jack o' lan- tern, irrlicht ardobl, artichoke, erdapfel ardshula, glebe, clod, erdscholle ardshwom, mushroom, schwamm, pilz [heften, anreihi awreia, to baste, to fall in rank, awreisa, to take part of a whole for use, anreissen awreiwa, to rub against, anreiben awrera, to touch, anruehren arfawrung, experience, erfahrung arfindung, invention, erfindung arfreia, make glad, erfretien iirfrish, refresh, erfrischen arfrishung, recreation, refreshing, erfrischung argreif, seize, ergreifen arha, exalt, erhoehen Tirhola, recover, erholen arholt, support, preserve, erhalten awrichta, to stir up, cause, to put dinner on the table, anrichten awricht-dish, dresser, a kitchen table for dishes, kuechen-tisch arin'ra, to recollect, remember, er- innern arkena, to recognize, erkenneii arias, save, erloesen a>I\wb, grant, allow, erlauben arlawbnis, permission, erlaubniss arlong, reach, attain, erlangen arlos, remit, erlassen armel, sleeve, aermel armlich, poorly, aermlich armawna, exhort, ermahnen ar'npreis, speedwell, ehrenpreii 228 &rn ira, harvest, ernte [naehren arnara, to maintain, to subsist, er- arnedricha, to humble, to put down, erniedrigen arnfeld, harvest field, grain field, kornfeld [erutefest arnkarch, harvest home service, arnsht, earnest, ernst arkwik, refresh, erquicken arkwik ung, recreation, refreshing, erquickung [drils, anranken awrunka, to fasten by means of ten- awrool'a, to call to or on, anrufen arshola, created, to create, erschaf- fen arsht, first, zuerst, der erste arshtouna. to be surprised, to won- der, erstaunen arshtounlich , surp rising, erstaunlich awrushta, to become immovable by rusting, einrosten arwa, heir, erbe arwet, labor, arbeit aryara, to vex, to irritate, aergern aryarlich, vexatious, provoking, irate, aergerlich [gerniss aryarnis, vexation, irritation, aer- awsafa,, to soap, einseifen awsanlich, handsome, respectable, considerable, anschulich awsawga, to notify, to announce, to bring word, ansageu [zen awsedsa, to start, set to rise, anset- aseidich, one sided, einseitig aseidich kubwa, megrim, migraine awsbala, to commence peeling, an- schaelen [anschein awshein, appearance, probability, awshika, to behave, to make ready, sich anschicken [gen awshloga, to nail on, to post,anschla- awshmachla, to coax by flattering, ein sclimeicheln awshnora, to snap, to scold, to speak roughly, anschnarren awshofa, to provide, to gain, an- schaffen [vorschuhen awshooa, to fix boots to new vamps, awshoua, to look at, to view, to be- hold, anschauen awshplita, to begin to split, to split a little, anspalten awshpona, to put horses to, to to compel one, anspannen awshpritsa, to besprinkle, to squirt at, to splash, bespritzen awshpruch, demand, claim, appli- cation, anspruch awshprung, a short run before leap- ing, ansprung [ben awshrouwa, to screw fast, anschmu- awshtaa, to like, to delay, anstehen awshtawla, to put a new steel edge to tools, anstaehlen awshtek'ndkronkhet, contagious, ansteckende krankheit [anstellen awshtela, to do damage, to appoint, awsbtifda, instigate, anstiften awshtifdar, instigator, anstifter awshtosa, to join, as land, etc., an- stossen awshtreicha, to paint, anstreichen awshtreichar, painter, anstreicher awshtreich - pens' 1, paint - brush, pinsel awshtrika, to knit on, anstricken as'l, ass, esel [fen awsouf a, to start in a drunk, ansau- awa, even, level, eben aweil, meanwhile, einstweilen awweisa, to instruct, to show, to direct, anweisen awwikla, to roll to, to connect with a reel, aufwickeln awich, eternal, ever, ewig awichkeid, eternity, ewigkeit awich rudsar, glanders, rotz awwoksa, to be joined by growth, liver grown, anwachsen awzacha, token, sign, anzeichen B b'a, be, a prefix equivalent to the english profix,,be", be ba, leg, legs, bein, beine baa, to toast, roesten [digen baardicha, to bury, begraben, beer- bad, both, beide bada, to pray, beten bad-dog, thanksgiving-day, fast day, buss- und bettag [fen badarfa, to want, to need, beduer- badarfdich, poor, in want, indigent, beduerftig 229 'badarfnis, necessity, craving of na- ture, beduerfniss 'badeiariich, pitiable, bedauerlich badeita, mean, signify, bedeuten badeitung, signification, bedeutung badingung, condition, terms, be- dingung / bado, small flat-bottomed boat, kahn badonka, to thank, bedanken badoura, to regret, pity, commise- rate, bedauern [tragen badrawga, behavior, conduct, be- badrebd, sad, sorrowful, betruebt badreklich, deceptive, betrueglich badreya, cheat, deceive, betruegen badreyarei, cheating, roguery, be- truegerei [betrachten badrochda, to view, to contemplate, badruk, fraud, deceit, betrug badshlar, an unmarried man, alte junggesell badsh, chub, barsch [fehl bafal, command, order, charge, be- bafala, to command, to bid, to or- der, befehlen bafredicha, to satisfy, to discharge, a debt, befriedigen bafredichung, satisfaction, content- ment, befriedigung [freien bafreia, to free, deliver, rescue, be- bafreiuno 1 , deliverance, rescue, re- lease, discharge, exoneration, be- freiung bagagiia, to meet, begegnen bagar, desire, request, begehren bagara. to desire, wish demand, be- gehren [begehrlich bagerich. desirous, eager, greedy, bagerichket, greediness, eagerness, begehrlichkeit [begin, anfang bagin, beginning, origin, proceeding bagnawdicha, to pardon, to favor, to grant favor, begnadigen bagnawdichung, pardon, begnadig- ung [behaupten bahawpta, to assert, to maintaain, batmrzicha, to take to heart, beher- zigen bal, bail, security, buergschaft balona, to reward, compensate, be- lohnen [lohnung balonung, reward, compensation, be- b'dgka bam, trees, baeume [bemerfccm bamarka, to remark, to take heed, banena, to give a name, benennen banenung,denornination,benennung baondworda, to give an answer to a question, beantworten baomt'r, occupant of an office, of- ficer, beamter bakwam, convenient, fitting easy, comfortable, bequem bar, bear, baer bar, pear, birne [solved , bereit bareit, ready, prompt, prepared, re- bardzl, the termination of the spine, hintere [nowned, beruehmt baremd, famous, celebrated, re- hilrg, mountain, hill, berg bargich, mountainous, hilly, bergig bargnun'r, down the hillside, berg- hinunter bargplug, hillsideplow, bergpflug bariclit, report, H mount, bericht barichta, to report, to inform of, be- barka, birch, birke [richten barlfos, barrel, fass [perpendikd barmadik'l, pendulum of a clock, baroushend, intoxicating, berau- schend barshd, brush, buerste barsdcla, bristles, borsten bas, cross, in anger, boes basding, felon, whitlow, finger-go- basem, broom, besen [schwuer basina, to consider, besinnen bas'l, aunty, base, tante bawawra, to keep, to guard, to pre- serve, bewahren bawm5cha, to open the drifted snow for passage, bahnmachen [den bawda, to wade, to bathe, waten, ba- bawm, tree, baum bawmmes'r, pruninghook, hippe bawona, ar, inhabit, inhabitant, be- wohnen, einwohner bawr, (geld) cash, baar geld bawrit, haymow, heustall bawrd, becird, chin, bart, kinn bawrfesich, bare footed, barfuessig bawwul, cotton, baum wolle bazark. district, circuit, bezirk b'deitung, signification, importance, b'deka, to cover, bedecken 230 b'deita b 1 delta, to signify, to give, to un- derstand, bedeuten [bedeutung b'dena, to serve, attend, to fill an office, bedienen b'denar, servant, waiter, diener b'denka, to consider, remember, be- denken [anger, bedenklich b'denklich, dubious, fraught with b'denung, office, bedienung b'dinga, to manure, misten b'drefa, to concern, afflict, betreffen b'drufa, afflicted, confounded, con- fused, betr.oflnn [chen bebcha, little boy, buebchen, knaeb- bech, pitch, shoemakers' wax, dech bed a, to beat, surpass, bid, bieten, uebertreif'en bed'l, to beg, betteln bedlawd, bedstead, bettstelle bedlad'l, trundle bed, truckle bed, kleine bettstelle bed'lmon, beggar, bettelman bedzech, case for feather bed, bett- zieche bedshtrick, bed cord, bettstrick bega, to bend, biegen bei, near, at, bei, zu beiarwa, coheir, miterbe beibringa, to bring, to administer, to introduce, beibringen beichta, to confess, to acknowledge, beichten [rate flour, beutel beid'l, bolt, used in mills to sepa- beid'lduch, bolter cloth, beuteltuch beidrawga, to carry near, contri- bute, beitragen [mendruecken beidrika, to press together, zusam- beifol, applause, approbation, as- sent, beifall [lect, beifallen beifola, to occur, remember, recol- beig'brucht, brought, alluded to, beigebracht beig'lufa, come to a gathering, come fortuitously, herbei gelaufen beig' shprunga, having given succor, beigesprungen [holen beihola, to fetch, bring near, herbei beiholda, to keep in place, zusam- menhalten [bastard beikiud, child born out of wedlock, beikuuia, to come fortuitously, to come to a meeting, berbeikommen beil, hatchet, beil beilar, pot, vessel for generating steam, kochtopf, dampf kessel beilawfa, to go near, to come for- tuitously, herbeilaufen beilaga, to lay by, to save, to com- promise, beilegen [kleinen beimglana, in small lots, retail, im beimiksa, to admix, beimischen beinaw, nearly, almost, beinahe beind, pint, noessel, pinte beind, pine tree, fichte, tanne beindzob'a, seed vessel, of the pine, pine cone, fichtenzapfen beind blech, a tin cup, holding a pint, peintblech, noessel [harz beindhortz, resin from the pine, beinawma, nick-name, beinamen beirika, to move or sit near, zusam- beis, bite, beiszen [menruecken beishbel, example, beispiel beishofa, to procure, to provide, herbeischaflFen beishpringa, to succor, beispringen beishtaa, to assist, to help, to suc- cor, beistehen beisich, acrid, pungent, heissend beiszong, pincers, kneifzange beiwak, by road, nebenweg beiwona, to be present, to attend, beiwohnen [sammenjagen beiyawga, to drive together, zu- bek, peck, peck, metze bek'r, baker, baecker bei, bell, to ring a bell, glocke, schelle, schellen bels, pelt, a thick matted growth of grass, hair, pelz belsa, to lamn, pelzen beisich, pithy, pelzig belsnik'l, St. Nicholas, Santa Clans, pelznickel bembla, to fool away,unregelmaessig bendt, bantam, bantam huhn bend'l, string, tape, bindfaden bend'r, panther, panther beng'l, a stout lad, bengel benicha, to subdue, to conquer, baendigen ben'r, ribbons, baender benreil, penny royal, balsam bens, cent, penny, pfennig 231 her ber, pear, beer, birne, bier beshdla, to tinker beshoor, to be sure, gewiss besht, best, beste beVr, better, besser bes'ra, to improve, verbessern bet, bed, bett bew'l, bible, bibel beweisa, to prove, beweissen bewi, pewit, kibitz bezawla, to pay, bezahlen b'fela, to feel, to touch, befuehlen b'feshdicha, to fasten, befestigen b'fina, state of health, to be in place, befinden b'fola, to befall, happen to, befallen b'folga, to obey, observe, befolgen b'froga,, to question, to consult, to Inquire, befragen b'glada, clothe, bekleidung b'glading, mouldings, Wekleidung b'glika, to make happy, to bless, begluecken b'grawwa, to bury, begraben [niss b'grebnis, funeral, burial, begraeb- b'greifa, to comprehend, to con- ceive, to understand, begreifen b'greiflich, conceivable, intelligible, plain, begreiflich b'grif, im b'grif, comprehension, about to, begriff b'guka, to look at, besehen b'haflich, complaisant, hoeflich b'helfa, to make shift, behelfen b'henga, to put on gew gaws for or- nament, behaengen b'heta, to guard, to protect, to pre- serve, behueten b'hoft, afflicted with, behaftet b' holda, to keep, behalten b'houpta, to assert, to maintain, be- haupten b'hulfa, made shift, beholfen bich'r, books, buecher [binder bich'r bin'r, book binder, buch bich'r shonk, bookcase, buecher- schrank [bitten bida, to ask, to pray, to beseech bidmon, a lever, connected with an eccentric, in machines, pitt mann hebel bidah, bitch, slut, huendin blach >id'r, bitter, bitter [salat ridrasolawd, dandelion, bitterer- bif 1, mulley, a cow destitute of horns, bueffelkuh rigl,, iron, platten [platteisen ng'leisa, smoothing iron, flat iron, tika, to bow, to stop, buecken riksa, rifle, buechse tild, picture, image, likeness, bild rild'rshdech'r, engraver, kupfer- jilich, cheap, billig stecher timshta, pumice stone, bimsstein Din, am, to bind, to tie, bin, binden aina, bandage, binde aind'l, bund'l, bundle, buendel binsa, rushes, sedges, binsen bis, till, up to, bis t)isht, art or are, bist bishup, bishop, bischof biskots, skunk, stinkthier [wun biskotasgrout, skunk-cabbage, /ehr- bis'l, a bit, a little, bischen b'kara, to convert, bekehren b'kard'r, convert, bekehrter b'karung, conversion, bekehrung b'kena, to confess, to acknowledge, bekennen b'kendnis, confession, bekenntniss b'keschdicha, to furnish food, to board, bekoestigen b' kimra,to trouble one's self, to heed the affairs of others, bekuemmern b'kim'rlich, pitiful, poorly, kuem- merlich b'klawchdar, defendant, beklagte b'klada, to clothe, to invest, to fill an office, bekleiden b'klawga, to bewail, to commiserate, beklagen [ted, bekannt b'kond, known, familiar, acquain- b'kondshoft, acquaintance, bekannt schaft b'kondmocha, to publish, to give notice, bekanntmachen b'kondmochung, advertisement, public notice, bekanntmachung b'krefticha, to confirm, to assert strongly, bekraeftigen b'kuma, to agree, (food) with the constitution of the body, bekom- men blach, pale, bleich blacha b5bla biacha, to bleach, to whiten, blei- chen [bloede blad, diffident, weak (eyes), dim, bladla, to inoculate, oculiren blakbera, blackberries, brombeeren blara, to make an inarticulate sound, to low, plaerren blawd, leaf, blade, blatt, halm blawda, to leaf off, abblaettren blea, to blossom, bluehen b'lebt, liked, in favor, popular, be- blech, tin, tin-cup, blech [liebt blecha, to suffer, dafuer herhalten bledcha, saucer, unter-tasse bled'r, leaves, blades, blaetter, bleds, places, plaetze [halme bledsha, to strike with the open hand, pletschen bledslich, suddenly, ploetzlich bleg, plows, pfluege b'lega, to belie, beluegen blei, lead, blei bleib, stay, remain, bleiben bleich, in bloom, bluehend b'leidicha, to insult, to offend, be- leidichen [blei bleischof 'r, plumber, arbeiter am bleiweis, white lead, bleiweiss blek'cha, small patches, laeppchen bleknep, flower-buds, knospen bleser, pleasure, pastime, vergnue- gen bleshd'ra, to plaster, pflastern bleshd'rar, plasterer, pflasterer blids, lightning, blitz blidsa, to fulminate, the display of lightning, blitzen blik, look, glance, cast of eye, blick blindameis'l, blindman's buff, blin- dekuh blindhcit, blindness, blindheit blindholfter, blindhalter, blinker, blin/lhallter, scheuleder blinsla, wink, blinzeln bio, blue, blau blo-barg, blue mountain, blaueberg blobilrgiir ta, golden rod, mountain "^mint, berg thee b'lobd, praised, belobt blod'r, blister, blase blods, place, farm, platz blofa, to hark, bellec blodsa, to burst open from internal pressure, platzen blofog'l, bluebird, blauvogel bloka, patch, small piece of cloth, used in patch work, lappen blohooshda, whooping cough, stick- husten [belohnen b'lona, to reward, to recompense, blonsa, to plant, pflanzen blood, blood, blut bios, naked, bare, only, bladder, bloss nur, blase blosa, to blow, blasen blosbolk, bellows, blasebalg b'loshda, to burden, belasten bloum, plum, pflaume blug, plow, pflug bludich, bloody, blutig [sauger bludsukl'r, leech, bloodsucker, blut- bludworz'l, turmeric, blutwurzel bluk, log, block [haeuschen blukheis'l, small log cabin, block- blukhous, log cabin, blockhaus bluksheir, log-barn, blockscheuer b'luksa, to cheat, to get the better of one, beluchsen blum, flower, blume blumaken'r, botanist, one skilled in plants, botaniker blumakrons, wreath of flowers, gar- land, blumenkranz blumashtious, posy, nosegay, bou- quet, blumenstrauss biut, bare, uncovered, bloss blutkepich, bare headed, bare, im blosen kopf, kahlkopf b'mea, to trouble, bemuehen b'nebl'd, slightly drunk, benebelt b'nawma, to give a name, benamed b'nochrichticha, to notify, to ap- prize, benachrichtigen b'nutsa, to use, to make profit by, benutzen bob, paste, kleister bobadeck'l, box board, paste board, binders board, pappe bober, paper, papier bobich, sticky, stickig bobigoi, parrot, papagei bob'l, to talk fast, or idly, pappeln bobli, baby, kindlein bobla, poplar, pappel btfb'lmoul bouds bob'lmoul, incessant talker, pappel- maul boda, to do good, help, nuetzen bodolya, battalion, batallion bodra, to bother, verwirren bodres'l, partridge, quail, rebhuhn, wachtel bodsich, saucy, independent, patzig boga,arc, sheet of paper, &c., bow, bogen bogaflint, crossbow, bogen, armbrust boi, pie, tart, tarte bok, bake, backen boka, cheek, hounds, backe, wange bokabawrd, whiskers, backenbart bokabuch, pocketbook, taschen- buch , brief tasche bokashda. brick, backstein, ziegel bokashdalag'r, bricklayer, maurer bokashdashtik'r, brikbats, ziegel- stuecke bokashdaufa, brick kiln, ziegelofen bokaza, molar-teeth, backenzaehne bokmol, dough tray, kneading trough, back-mulde bokufa, bake-oven, backofen bokufashes'r, baker's peel, schuetzel bol, soon, bald [ball, ball en bola, ball, bale, palm of the hand, bolaprig'l, bolabritsh, bat, ballkelle b'51ka, joist, balken boloon, balloon, luft-ballon bolsom, balsam, balsam balsomera, embalm, einbalsamiren bolwera, to shave, barbieren bolwerar, barber, bar bier bolwerrnes'r, razor, barbiermesser bolwersaf, shaving soap, barbier- seife [bummeln bomb'l, to loiter, to loaf about, bomblich, loosely, without energy, bona, beans, bohnen [bummelig bona, to charm, to fascinate, ban- nen, bezaubern [nenkraut bonagreit'l, summer savory, boh- bonashteka, beanpoles, bohnenstan- ^gen bonatbox, band box, hutchachtel b5nd, ribbon, hinge, band, thueran- gel [ness, schuldschein bond, beu'r, certificate of indebted- , afraid, uneasy, fearful, bange bongichkad, dread, fear, bangigkeit bongnet, bayonet, bayonet bonk, bench, bank, bank borikard, bastard, bastard boo, pi, boowa, boy, bube boocha, beach, buche boowaleis, tickseed, wanzensame bora, to bore, an auger, bohren, bohrer [holes, bohrbank borbonk, a bench for boring post bord, board, bret, bretter bordkarch, gallery, emporkirche borgament, parchment, pergament borgamut, bergamot, bergamot borg, gelded hog, boar, borg borik, wig, peruque, peruecke bormharzich, merciful, barmherzig bormharzichkat, mercy, barmher- zigkeit [dit, borgen borga, to borrow, to trust, give cre- borgera, cause vomiting, brechen borgerung, emetic, brech mittel borzard, a fowl destitute of a tail, stumpf schwanz c borz'l, to tumble, puerzel, purzeln borz'lbawm, somersault, purzel- baum [dent, aufseher bos, master, employer, superinten- bosgeik, bass-viol, bassgeige boshad, malice, wickedness, bosheit boshda, to husk, basten boshdard, an illegitimate child, cat- tle of mixed breed, a pasture, bastard, weideplatz [chen boshdhuls, husking pin, basthoelz- boshdnawd, parsnip, pastinake bosht, husk, the inner bark, bast, matte bosum, opossum, beutelratte bou, soil, reached by the plow, bau boua to build, bauen bouarei, farm, bauerei bouch, belly, bauch boucha, to boil wash, waeschesleden bouchfelig, dilapidated, baufaellig bouchgot, belly-band, bauchgurt bouchgriwla, griping in the bowels, bauchgrimmen bouchrema, belly-strap, bauchriem bouchwa, belly-ache, bowel com- plaint, leibschmerzen bouds, hobgoblin, gespenst 234 bouhuls b'shlesi bouhuls, timber, bauholz boumasht'r, architect, baumeister bou'r, farmer, bauer bou'ra, to farm, bauern bourashtond, the occupation of a farmer, bauernstand bouragaradsheft, farming imple- ments, ackerbau ' geraethschaef- brad, broad, wide, breit [ten brading, braid, besatz bradbeil, broad axe, breit beil b'rada, to persuade, ueberreden brain, horse fly, bremse b'rawda, deliberate, berathen brawf, brave, good, honest, brav bre, juice, gravy, broth, slop, bruehe [bruehen, brueten brea, scald, parboil, to hatch, brecha, to break, to vomit, to break in, brechen brechdich, splendid, praechtig b'rechdicha, to give a right, be- rechtigen bredich, sermon, predigt bredicha, to preach, predigen bredich' r, preacher, minister, pre- diger breuiiriich, brotherly, bruederlich bref, letter, brief brei, pap, brei b'reia, to repent, bereuen breicha, to need, brauchen hi'oucha, to stand in need of, brau- chen bre-ich, juicy, bruehig, saftig breidichora, bridegroom, braeutigam brekla, to crumble, broeckeln brena, to burn, brennen brenarei, distillery, brennerei breuas'l, stinging nettle, brennessel brentis, apprentis, lehrbursche briufl, club, pruegel brik, bdlge, bruecke brikapeil'r, pier, brueckenpfeiler bril, spectacles, brille brila, to roar, to low, to cry, bruel- broeha, to fallow, brachen [len brod, bread, brou brod a, to roast, fry or boil, brat en brodhonk. a su-peuded shelf haen- gebrett brotit, u,ain, pi'ofit. nutzen b'rodshloga, to deliberate, to inter- change views, berathschlagen brol, to brag, prahlen brolar, braggart, prahler brand, ergot, brand [gangrene brond im karp'r, mortification, brond im fei'r, burning stick, feuer- brand brondawei, whiskey, branntwein brondshdifr, incendiary, mord- brenner brood' r, brother, bruder brou a, to brew, brauen brouarei, brewery, brauerei brouar, brewer, brauer broucha, to stand in need of, to pow-wow, brauchen brouchbawr, useful, serviceable, fit for use, brauchbar broud, bride, braut brounworz'l, figwort, braunwurzel bruch, rupture, hernia, bruch bruchbond, truss, bruchband brud, littre of pigs, brut brudsa, to pout, schmollen brudsich, cross, pettish, schmollend verstirnmt brudskiw'l, one prone to pouting, protzkuebel brudsla, to simmer, simmern bruma, to hum, to buzz, brummen brum'r, steam whistle, bruminer brumla, scold in a subdued manner, bruna, well, brunnen [brummeln brunagres, waterkress, brunnen- kresse brunawols, windlass for drawing water, brunuenwalze brunsa, urinate, pissen brusht, breast, chest, brust brushtg'sims, wainscotting, brust- brushtlopa, vest, weste [gesimse brusht worza, nipple of the breast, brustwarze b'sedsa. to trim, besetzen b'sedsung, trimmings, besatz b'sbenka, to make presents, be- scheriken [iu-ult, beschimpfen b'shimb.1, to disgrace, dishonor, Vsliis'r. cheater, dishonest person, betrueger [schliessen b'shlesa, to resolve, to finish, be- 235 b'shndicha b'shadicha, to injure, beschaedigen b'sheisa, to cheat, bctruegeu b'shloga, shot, (horses) beschlagen b'shlus, resolution, conclusion, be- schluss [wertVn b'shmeisa, to throw on, to pelt, be- b'shiala, to steal irom, bestehlen b'sntC'la, to order, bestelleu b'shtelung, appointment, bestellung b'shteticha, to confirm, bestaetigen b'shwara, to conrirm with an oath, beschwoeren b'shwarlich, troublesome, cumber- some, beschwerlich b'sidsa, to possess, besitzen b'sids'r, possesser, owner, besitzer b'sina, to think of, to consider, be- sinuen b'sorkt, careful, solicitous, besorgt b'such, visitors, visit, besuch b'sucha, to visit, besucheu b'suna, having presence of mind, besonnen b'siindars, particularly, besonders bu, boy, knabe bub'l, babe, kindlein buch, book, buch buchwaza, buckwheat, buchweizen budesh, potash, potasche buda, bud'm, ground, bottom, bo- budboi, potpie, pastete [den bud'l, bottle, flasche bud'lcha, small bottle, flaeschchen bud'r, butter, butter bud'rblum, butter cup, butterblume bud'rtos, churn, butterfass budsa, core of a bile, putzen budsa, to clean, putzen [cheuche budsamon, scare - scrow, vogel- budshoft, message, botschaft budsich, small, stumpy, putzig bufierhout, buft'alo robe, bueflell bugar, rascal, schelm buk, ram, bock buksbawm, box wood, buchsbaum buksbera, tea berries buk'r, rascal, schinderknecht bul'ryuk'l hogweed, wilder wer- muth bulsodar, artery, pulsader bumb, pumb, puinpe bund'l, bundle, buendel dawgdeb bungard, orchard, baumgarten bus, kiss, kuss bush, woods, forest, gebuesch, wald bushtawwa. letters, buchstaben bushtawera, to spell, buchstabiren busi, pussy cat, kaetzchen bus'm, bosom, busen [ter butsh'r. butcher; fleischer, schlaech- butsh'roks, cleaver, fleischer beil b waga, to move, bewegen b'waglich, movable, beweglich b'wagt, affected, bewegt b'wawra, to keep safe, to preserve, bewahren [g un g Vwagung, motion, exercise, bewe- b'weis, proof, beweis b'weisa, to prove, beweisen b'yawa, to affirm, to answer affirm- atively, bejahen b'yomara, to bemoan, bejammern b' zawla, to pay for, bezahlen D d, da, the, (dat. pi. article,) den dachlich, daily, taeglich dad, dat, (pi. data,) did, thaeten dafor, before, in favor of, dafuer daf un, of it, therefrom, davon dag, dough, teig dagaga, against, dagegen dagich, doughy, teigich daham, at home, zu haus dal, part, partly, theil, zum theil dala, to share, to deal, theilen, handeln mit dalya, dahlia, georgine [thig damedich, humble, meek, deinue- damut, humility, demuth damond, diamond, diamant danke, thank you, schoenen dank dar, pi. dera, door, thuer dar, the, der dara, to dry, to cure, doerren durbaden, turpentine, turpentin da-rich t, foolish, thoericht daw, dew, thau dawb, deaf, destitute of a kernel, dawdi, father, v?iter [taub dawed'r, against, dawider dawfshein, baptismal certificate, dawg, day, tag ^ [taufschein dawgdeb, idle fellow, *agdieb 236 dawgwgrk dawgwSrk, day's work, tagwerk dawlar, dollar, thaler dawl'rros, aster, thaler-rose dawrt, there, dort dawrum, for this, darum dawtum, date, datum dazoo, to that, also, too, dazu dazwisha, between, dazwischen de, the, die deb, thief, dieb debich, quilt, bed-spread, teppich debshtawl, theft, diebstahl derasho, menagerie, menagerie derashwel, door sill, thuerschwelle defendera, to defend, vertheidigen deiar, costly, dear, theuer deichla, conduit pipes, roehren deiks'l, thill, wagon tongue, deich- sel deiks'lnog'l, thill-pin, nothnagel deiks'lshnol, pole-piece, deichsel- schnalle [lich deitlich, plain, distinct, clear, deut- deit'r, pointer, deuter deitsh, german, deutsch deitshlond, Germany, deutschland deitshlen'r, one born in Germany, deutscher deitshlenarish, after the manner of Germany, deutschlaendisch deiw'l, devil, teufel [dreck deiw'lsdreck, assafoetida, teufels- dek, cover, decke deka, to thatch, to put a roof on, decken [bett dekbed, coverlet, featherbed, deck- dek'l, lid, deckel dek'lglos, tankard, deckelglas dek'lkon, with a lid, deckelkanne dek'sl, adze, krummaxt del'r, plate, teller dem, to this, dem demadi, timothy, leischgras demograwt, democrat, demokrat dempa, to coddle, to boil, daemp- fen demarung, twilight, daemmerung dena, to those, denen deng'l, to hammer scythes, dengeln deng'lshtuk, a little anvil on which the edge of a scythe is hammered out, dengelstock dflglSn'r denk, to think, denken denkzet'l, reminder, denkzettel densar, dancer, taenzer desgleicha, also, too, desgleichen desh'lgrout, shepherd's purse, deschelkraut desmol, for this time, diesmal dest, desk, pult dezemb'r, December, dezember dib'ldonich, diblich, spotted, ge- dich, thee or you, dich fleckt dicht'r, poet, dichter dids, teats, zitzen dik, thick, dick dikbokich, full cheeks, dickbackig diksekich, punch-bellied, dickbau- din, thin, duenn [chig dinda, ink, tinte dindaglos, inkstand, tintenfass ding, dings g'mocht, thing, told stories, ding dinga, to hire, dingen [magd dinshtdmad'l, servant girl, dienst- dinshdog, Tuesday, dienstag dishd'ra, to quiet, stillen dish, table, tisch dishd'l, thistle, distel dishduch, table-cloth, tischtuch d'm, d'n, to the, the, dem, den d'no, d'nort, d'rno, after that, nach- do, there, da [her doba, paw, pfote [fen, taumeln doba, to grasp for, to tumble, grei- dobich, clumsy, ungeschickt doch, roof, dach dochdruf, eaves, dachtraufe dochfensht'r, dormer window, dach- fenster dochfasrht, ridge pole, dachgiebel dochkond'l, rainspout, dachrinne dochlawda, hatchway, dachladen dorkrood, purlin or purline, dach- ruthe dochshtul, ridge-lead, dachstuhl dod, death, dead, tod, todt dodabawr, bier, bah re dodaglad, shroud, todtenkleid dodawoga, hearse, todtenwagen dofun, dod'rfun, of that, davon dog, day, tag dogbuch, daybook, diary, tagebuch doglen'r, day laborer, tageloehner 237 dogabruch, break of day, dawn, lages-anbruch doks, raccoon, rakun [beinig doksbanich, badger footed, dachs- dol, millers' share, toll, zoll dom, dam, damm domit, theiewith, damit domols, at that time, damals dom?, vapor, dampf ion, then, dann denid, thank, dank [bar donkbawr, thankful, grateful, dank- donkbawrkad, thankfulness, grati- tude, dankbarkeit dons-a, dance, to dance, tanz don un won, now and then, dann doo, thou or you, du [und wann doo, doua, doosht, doon, to do, dost, do, thun, thue, thust [pel dop'l, dop's, a clumsy fellow, toel- dor, tar, theer dor, gate, thor dorch, through, durch dorchbringa, to squander, durch - bringen [schwende dorchbringar, spendthrift, ver- dorchdriwa, treiwa, durchtrieben dorchfola, fall through, durchfallen dorchscaa, to run off, to escape, durchgehen, fortlaufen dorch g'shlidsd, slit through, durch- geschlitzt dorchg'widsht, escaped, entronnen dorchlauf, diarrhoea, leibweh dorch' non'r, in confusion, mixed up, durch einander [durchaus dorchous, through, by all means dorchous net, on no account, durch- aus nicht [durchsehen dorchsana, to look over (a book) dorch seiha, to strain, to filter, durch - seihen dorchshimara, to be perceptible through, durchschimmern dorchsheina, to shine through, durchscheinen [chen dorchstecha, to pierce, durch ste- dorchsichtich , transparent, durch- sichtig [durchsuchen dorchsucha, to search, to ransack, dorch wek, throughout, on average, durchweg drei6kich dorchwoks, boneset, durch wachs dorch zwinga, to force through, d urchzwaengen dorch zuk, cross beam, durch zug iord'ldoub, turtledove, turteltaube dorgla, to reel, taumeln dorlok'l, tar-keg, theerbuechse dorm, gut, intestine, darm dorm'l, giddiness, taumel dormlich, giddy, taumelig dormsad, gut string, cat gut, darm- iorn, thorn, dorn [saite dornich, thorny, dornig dorshd, thirst, durst dorshdig, thirsty, durstig dos, that, than, dass, als dos, a dose of medicine, dosis doub, pigeon, dove, taube douba, staves (of a barrel), fass- dauben doumling, thumstall, daeumling dou'r, duration, dauer [dauerhaft dou'rhoft, lasting, durable, strong, dousendyarich reich, Millennium, tausendjaehriges reich dousendgildagrout, gentian, tau- sendgueldenkraut d'r, the v -der dra, turn, curve, crank, drehe draa,'to turn, to twist, drehen draa, (bud'r), to churn, buttern draa, to threaten, drohen drabonk, turning lathe, drechsel- drabonk, treadle, treter [bank dradpouar, tread power, tret-ma- drahend'l, winch, drehe [schine drawm, dream, traum drawga, to carry, to wear, tragen dreb, dim, cloudy, impure, trueb drebsawl, tribulation, truebsal drechd'r, funnel, trichter drechd'rblura, morning glory, trich- terblume [terkuche drechd'rkucha, funnel cake, trich- dreta, to hit, treffen drefts, tares, cheat, trefze drei, three, drei dreibletrlch, threefoil, dreiblaettrig dreidradich, having three strands, three-ply, dreidraetig > dreiek, dreishpits, triangle, dreieck dreiekich, triangular, dreieckig 238 dreitfng'l dreiong'l, triangle (musical instru- ment,) dreiangel dreiwa, to drive, treiben dreiwar, coachman, drover, treiber, kutscher, viehhaendler dreiyarich, three years old, drei- drek, dirt, dreck [jaehrig drekich, dirty, soiled, dreckig, schmutzig drenka, to water, traenken drep, stairs, treppe drepsla, to dribble, fall in small drops, troepfeln dresha, to thrash, dreschen dreshden, thrashing floor, dresch- dreshd'r, pomace, trester [tenne dreshfleg'l, flail, dreschflegel dreshmashen, thrashing machine, dreschmaschine d'rfor, for it, dafuer d'rfun, of it, from it, davon dribla, to move with small stops, to patter, trippeln [drittel drid'l, third part, widow's dower, drika, to press, to squeeze, druecken drikning, drouth, duerre drila, to drill, drillen drilsak, hacksaw, drill saege drin, in it, inside, darin, inwendig driwa, over, on the other side, drueben, ueber driw'r, over, darueber d'rnawa, by the side of, at the same time, daneben droch, dragon, drache drochaliich, cave, hoehle [draht drod, wire, wax ends, (shoemaker, ) drodshdumba, shoemakers' ends, wax ends, drahtenden drodgorn , shoemakers' thread , drahtgarn, zwirn drodzong, pliers, drahtzange drok, troAigh, trog drun, fishoil, thran drud, trot, trab droura, to mourn, trauern droua, to marry, copuliren drouarleit, mourners, leichenbeglei- droub, grape, weintrauben [ter drourich, sad, afflicted, traurig drous, out, outside, daraus, draus- seu duwflk drouwastuk, grape vine, weinstock drowa, on the top, darauf, droben drub, drove, truppe druba, drop, tropfen drubsa, fall in drops, troepfeln druf, upon it, darauf drufg'shnopt, died, gestorben druka, dry, trocken druka, to print, drucken drukaded'r, dandruff", grind drukarei, printing office, druckerei druk'r, printer, drucker drul, troll, a short gallop, trollen drum, drum, trommel drumbad, clarion, trompete drumsak, cross-cut saw, grosse saege druna, among, below, darunter, un- driink, trunk, koffer [ten drus'l, trestle, staffel d's, that, dass dub, top, spitze dubla, to double, doppeln dubl'd, double, doppelt duch, zet, doch duch, handkerchief, broad cloth, ducht'r, daughter, tochter [tuch dudsend, dozen, dutzend dud'lsok, bagpipe, dudelsack dukt'r, doctor, physician, arzt duktara, to take medicine, to be at- tended by a physician, einen arzt haben duktara, to adulterate, verfaelschen dukmeisich, sneaking, duckmaeu- dulabawn, tulip, tulpe [sich dulmetsh'r, intrepreter, dolmetscher dum, ignorant, stupid, dumm dumhada, blunders, frivolities, dummheiten dumbich, hot, close, (air) dumpfig dumkub, blockhead, dummkopf dun, ton, tonne dum'l, to hurry, to hasten, eilen dunara, to thunder, donnern dunarwed'r, thunderstorm, donner- wetter, gewitter dunkes, gravy, sauce, britehe dunk'l, dark, dunkel dunsht, vapor, dunst duplich, spotted, fleckig, fleckig dushd'r, dusk, twilight, halbdunkel duwok, tobacco, tabak 239 eiweia 465-Words with the prefix ei, in, are not given except in cases where they have a special meaning. In all other cases take the simple word and prefix in for any word beginning withei. ebes, something, etwas eb'r, some one, jemand eb'l, apples, aepfel edlicha, a few, several, einige edrich, ruminating, wiederkauen efning, opening, oeffnung efentlich, openly, public, oeffentlich egel, porcupme,igel,stachelschwein- ei, in, in [porcupine eibendla, to hem, einbaendeln eibesa, to lose, to suffer bodily harm, einbuessen [schlagen eibika, to turn in the edge, ein- eibilda, to fancy, einbilden eibildung, fancy, imagination, ein- bildung eibina, wrap up, to bind, einbinden eiblosa, to whisper in one's ear, ein- blasen [bringen eibringa, to produce again, ein- eibruch, burglary, einbruch eidar, udder, sack, euter eidara, to shrink in drying, ein- eideks, lizard, eidechse [doerren eidrawga, to yield, einbringen eidreiwa, to collect (money), ein- treiben [deln eifadla, to thread a needle, einfae- eifar, zeal, earnestness, eifer eifawrd, gate way, entrance, ein- fahrt eifeichda, to moisten, anfeuchten eifoch, simple, plain, not double, einfach eifol, sudden thought, einfall eifela, remember, to cave in, ein- fallen [falten eifolda, to lay in small folds, ein- eifrich, zealous, earnest, excited, eifrig eigaa, to consent, to shrink, eingehen eigadum, property, eigenthum eigong, entrance, eingang eigonga, come in, consented, shrunk, eingegangen [eingraben eigrawa, to inter, to dig into ground , eigreifa, make inroads, eingreifen eig'richt, furnished, fixed, einge- richtet eihaucha, whole, einhauchen eihenka, to hook in, einhenken eihoka, to cut into, to slander, ein- hauen, verlaeumden eihola, to overtake, einholen eiholda, to slacken, to stop, einhal- ten [stock, einkaufen eikawfa, to purchase, to lay in eikara, to put in at an inn, einkeh- ren eikucha, to boil down, einkochen eil, owl, haste, eule, eile eila, to hurry, to haste, eilen eilawda, to invite, einladen evlawdung, invitation, einladung eilashbeg'l, the name of a mythical person full of wisdom and funny mischief, owlglass, eulenspiegel eimochii, to preserve, einmachen eimumla, to wrap up well, einmum- meln einema, to take in [money,] to take [medicine] cheat, einnehmen eireisa, to become a bad custom, einreissen eirichta, to furnish, to put in shape, eisa, iron, eisen [einrichten eisaa, to sow, einsaeen eisagna, to confirm, (a church rite,) einsegnen [waarenladen eisashdor, hardware store, eisen- eisameind, iron ore, eisenerz eisetsa,to put in, to install, einsegnen eisearfa, to enjoin urgently, ein- schaerfeu [schenken eishenka, to pour out, or in, ein- eishlofa, to fall asleep, einschlafen eishlog, woof, einschlag eishloga, (lightning) to strike, ein- schlagen [einachlummern eishlumra, to fall into a slumber, eishlupa, to slip in, einschluepfen eishnaa, to become storm stayed by snow, einschneien eishpona, hitch up, einspannen eishreiwa, to enroll, einschreiben eisolza, to salt down, einsalzen eisup, hyssop, isop eiweia, to dedicate, einweihen 1>40 eiwenng eiweiing, dedication, einweihung eiwening, objection, excuse, em- wen dung eiwikla, to wrap up, einwickeln eiwacha, to soak, einweichen eiwonar, inhabitant, einwohner eiyawga, to drive or chase in, ein- jagen eiszopa, icicle, eiszapfen eizwinga, to force to take in medi- cine, einzwaengen ek, corner, ecke ekich, having sharp corners, eckig ekshonk, corner cupboard, eck- schrank ekshta, corner stone, eckstein ekshtanich, checkered, karirt elafond, elephant, elephant elbadritsha, mythical bird elboga, elbow, ellbogen eld, age, the age of 21 years, alter eldar, older, aelter eldra, parents, eltern eldesht'r, elder, presbyter, aeltester elfa, eleven, elf em, one, to the, to him, einem, ihm ema, bees, bienen [bienenkorb emakorb, emakoshda, beehive, emafVts'r, bee eater, king bird, bienenfresser [bienenwabe emaros, honey comb, honigrose, emens, ant, pismire, ameise ernol, once, einmal [sig emsich, industrious, diligent, em- ena, ena, to them, ihnen enara, to alter, to change, veraen- endefi, endive, endivie [dern endlich, finally, endlich eng, narrow, strait, eng ergbrishtish, asthmatic, engbruestig engel, angel, engel englen'r, englishman, englaender english, english, englisch english solz, epsom salt, glaubersalz englishkronkhad, scrofula, king's evil, englische krankheit endkoit'l, coecum, an intestine, the pudding, or sausage stuffed into, endkeitel enkel, grandson, enkel enkelin, grand daughter, enkelin entshtaa, originate, entstehen enksterich, fainting, trembling, ent, duck, ente [ohnmaecLtig entcha, duckling, entchen entzikt, in a trance, entzueckt er, you, to her, ihr erza, to address, one with "er", es, it, eat, es, essen [you, ihr^en esa, a meal, mahlzeit esh, ash, the ash tree, esche esich, vinegar, essig es-socha, victuals, lebensmittel es-shonk, pantry, ess-schrank es-shdub, dining room, ess-zimmer ess-stube [erlei ewafel, immaterial, gleichgiltig, ein- ewar, boar, eber ew'rshich, upwards, uebersich exli, little ox, oechslein g^ 13 Words with the prefix far, fer, f r equivalent to for denoting com- pleteness are not given except in case* where they have a special meaning.* In all other cases take the simple wont and prefix far, fer, f r fawda, thread, faden faga, to sweep, fegen fa-ichi capable, fit, faehig fal, for sale, feil falar, fault, defect, error, fehler falg'burt, miscarriage, fehlgeburt falgrif, blunder, miss, fehlgriff falyor, a year of scarcity, fehljahr fawmilya, family, familie fawna, flag, fahne fawra, to drive, fahren fawrawn, fern, farren faranicha, to unite, vereinigen far, fer, f r, a prefix equivalent to for, denoting completeness, ver fararyara, to vex, aergern farargerlich, vexatious, aergerlich farawel, farewell, lebewohl farbeda, to forbid, verbieten farbega, to bend out of shape, ver- biegen [bei' farbei, passing by, over, past, vor- farbeisa, to gnaw, or chew up, verbeissen farbled, past the bloom, verblueht farblena, to blind, verblenden 15a 241 farblgniirei farblenarei, hocus pocus, verblen- dung farbluda, loss of blood, verbluten farbludst, injured by tailing, or by being shaken about farbodara, to confuse, verwirren farboga, bent out of shape, verbo- farbrea, to scald, verbruehen [gen farbrecha, to break in pieces, ver- brechen [cher farbrech'r, criminal, felon, verbre- farbrena, to burn up, injure by burning, verbreunen farbrekla, to brake into small pie- ces, zerbroeckeln [verheult farbrilt, a child given to crying, farbracht, squandered, verbracht farbrouch, consumption, verbrauch farbrucha, broken into pieces, zer- brochen [men farbudsa, to be ill favored, verkom- farbuta, forbidden, verbotcn farchda, to fear, fuerchten farchdrirlich, dreadful, fearful, fuwchterlich fawrd, drive, bars, fahrt. durchfahrt fardard, dried up, verch- en [leicht ferleicht, perhaps, perchance, viel- fert, fourth, vierte fes. feet, fuesse fesht, feast, festival, fest fes'l, small keg, faesschen fidelboga, fiddle-stick, violin-bogen fiks v foxes, fuechse fil, colt, fuellen fils'l, fillings, stuffings, gefuelltes filslous, crab-louse, filzlaus fina, to find, gargol, (a hog dis- ease,) finden, finnen jfinera,, to veneer, veniren finf. five, fuenf finfliich'r Closes, pentat.puch, fuenf buecher Mosis [finger kraut finffing'rgrout, cinquefoil, fuenf- fing'r, finger, to touch with the fingers, fingern fing'rhud, thimble, fingerhut fing'rling, fingerstall, fingerling fink'l, to sparkle, funkeln fin'r, finder, finder [fenster finshd'r, dark, window, finster, 245 finshd'rnis finshd'rnis, eclipse, finetcruiss fip, 6^ cents, fi penny bit, fip fishb'a, whalebone, fischbein fishbrud, spawn, fischluich , fisharei, fishery, fischerei fishgorn. fishnet, fischnetz fishhomar, sieve, fischhammer flashkrawna, fishbones, fischgrae- fishora, gills, fischgauinen [ten fishreiar, heron, crane, kingfisher fla, fleas, floehe [fischreiher flagrout, smart-weed, floh kraut flash, flesh, meat, flei.sch flechta, to plait, flechten fled' rmous, butterfly, schmetterling, sommervogel [wisch fled'rwish, feather broom, fleder- flega, to fly, fliegen fleg'l, flail, a scurrilous fellow, flegel [flegelhaft fleg'lhoft, scurrilous, impertinent, fleicht, perhaps, vielleiclit fleis, industry, fleiss flek, a patch, fleck flekich, spotted, soiled, fleckig fleksa, tendons, linen, sehnen fleisich, industrious, diligent, fleis- flena, to weep, weinen [sig flesend, fluent, running, fliessend flik, full fledged, fluegge flika, to mend, flicken flig'l, wings, vanes, fluegel fliud, gun, flinte flindakulwa, flindasheft, gun stock, flintenkolben flindalawf, gunbarrel, flintenlauf flink, quick, smart, flink flitsha, to slip off", flitschen flitch'r, slight crack, of the whip, flo, flea, floh [flitscher floch, flat, shallow, flach flodra, flutter, flat tern flokara, to flare, flackern flokarich, flickering, inconstant, floks, flax, flachs [flatterhaft flokseida, dodder, flachsseide flom, flame, flamme flonel, flannel, flannell flongera, to arrange, to rove, flon- kiren flor, floor, crape, flur, flor flosh, flask, small bottle, flasche foriiiidruf finch, curse, fluch fluk. fl.-..ke, fk.cke flus, rheurnatisin, fluss fiob^r flusfediira, lin< (if a fish, t'lossle lern flusich, rheumy, fluessig fiuskorela, arub^rbeads, liernsteiri- korallen [thatch, tackel f'k'l toich, bundles of straw ior f J, to fall, trap, fallen, falle r'ulblo, flounce, furbelow, f'alb-jl folda, plaits, gathers, falten folder, trap door, fallthuere fuledkronkhad, epilepsy, fallende krankheit fulda, gathers, folds, falten fold'r, bars, falter fV.lsh, false, counterfeit, cross, falsch fulshhad, bossheit, deception, tolsh \vara, perjury, meineid iblga, to follow, consequences, fol- gen [greifen fonga, to catch, seize, fangen, er- longz'a, tushs, fanffzaehne foniwolter, ioliwulter, pound apple, pfundapfel for, before, befor, vor forb, color, paint, farbe forchd, furrow, fe.ir, furche, furcht fordrefl'ch. excellent, vortrel'flich forel, '.rout, fi.relle foreltera, forfat'r, forgenger, ances- tors, voreltern, vorvaeter, vor- gaenger [geriommen organ urn a, having concluded, vor- orgeshter, day bel'ore yesterday, vorgcstern brg'shmisa, accused, vorgeworfen brhar, previously, vorlier breldra, anc stors, voreltern brholda, to upbraid, vorhalten "orisaer, Pharisee, Pharisaeer orlesich, negligent, inattentive, falirlaessig orlesichkad, negligence, inatten- tion, falirlaes>igke.it or'm, before it. vov dem urn a, in iront, betore, torne 'ornaiir'aw, ahead, ibrnendran ornadrin, in the forepart, fornpn- drin ' [-Irauf 'Hrnadruf, on the forepart, loruen- 246 forn&h&r fornuhar, ahead, forneher foniilh'e. to the head, fornehin fornauishd, first best, vornehraste fornawma, given name, vorname fornanawiigoul. horse harnessed aside the leader, nebenpferd fornanous, in advance, im voraus foruanousb'zawlt, prepaid, voraus- bezahlt fornema, to purpose, vornehmen fornis, furnace, scbmelzofen forsana, to be cautious, vorsehen, forshus. overshoot, vorschuss forshtaer, deacon, vorsteher forsichtich, cautious, vorsichtig forshtelung, imagine, vorstellun^ forshdrand, strained, verrenkt fort, away, fort [dauern fortdoura, to continue, to last, fort- forwich, colored, farbig forwidsich, rash, indiscrete, vor- witzig ferzawgt, bashful, verzagt forzug, preference, vorzug fos, pi. fes'r, cask, barrel, fass fosa, to measure into bags, (grain) to put into hives, (bees,) fassen fosnocht, Shrove Tuesday, fastnacht fosht, fast, fest, festen foshtazeit, Lent, fastenzeit fot'r, father, vater foul, lazy, rotten, not right, faul foulensar, sluggard, faulen.zer foulhad, laziness, faulheit foulhols, diptheria, halsbraeune fousht, fist, faust f r, for, fuer fraw, wife, frau fraa, to be glad, to be joyful, freuen fraf 1, blasphemy, outrage, frevel fraf Ihoft, blasphemous, outrageous, frevelhaft [froehlich fralich, joyful, merry, cheerful, fre, early, frueh frech, impudent, saucy, frech freda, peace, frieden fredensrichd'r, justice of the peace, friedensrichter [lich fredlich, peaceful, amicable, fried- frei, free, exempt, clear, frei im freia, in the open air, im freien freiarei, courtship, wooing, freierei mi freiedefoi'r, bonfire, freudenfeuer freidog, Friday, freitag freigewich, charitable, hospitable, freigebig freigewa, treilusa, to set free, tore- lease, freigeben, freilassen freihad, liberty, freedom, freiheit freilich, certainly, to be sure, frei- iich freimourar, free mason, freimaurer freind, friend, freund frein'Uich, friendly, freundlich freind shaft, friendship, freundshaft freiwilich, voluntarily, freiwillig freling, freyor, season of spring, fruehling, fruehjahr frem, strange, fremd freob'l, harvest apple, frueh apfel frera to freeze, friereu fresa, to eat, fressen fridz, Frederic, Fritz frish, fresh, cold, frisch frish brod, new bread, frisch brot fris'l, rash, masern [verkehrt f rkart, topsy turvey, mixed up, fro, glad, happy, joyful, froh froga, to ask, fragen frok, question, inquiry, frage fronsla, fringes, franzen fronslich, fringed, befranzt fronzaish, French, franzoesisch fronzosa, pox, gonorrhoea, tripper frotzhons, dude, fop, fratz, geek f rsana, administered, versehen frotsich, foppish, fratzich f shtard, scared, verstoert frucht, grain, korn, getreide fruchtbawr, fruitful, fertile, frucht. bar fruchtkom'r, granary, fruchtkammer fruchtkron, beard, fruchtgranne fruchtplonsa, cereals, getreide frush, frog, frosch frzala, to narrate, erzaehlen fud'r, feed, fodder, futter fudra to demand, fordern fufza, fifteen, fuenfzehn fufzich, fifty, fuenfzig fug'l, pi. feg'l, bird, vogel fuks, fox, fuchs ^ fuksgoul, sorrel horse, fuchs ^ ful, full, voll 247 fulenda, finish, vollenden fiilk, people, nation, volk fulkuma, perfect, entirely, vollkom men fiillicht, full moon, vollmond fulstenich, complete, vollstaendig fum a, of a, von einem, er fundament, foundation, fundament funk a, spark, funke fur, team, fuhre furmon, teamster, fuhrmann furmonsgash'l, horse whip, peitsche furcht, fear, fright, furcht fus, foot, fuss fusgeng'r, pedestrian, fussgaenger fus'r, fuzz, faser fusrich, fuzzy, faserig Q g'ga, denotes past time, and is the same, as ed added to a verb. ga, to go, gehen * gaa, steep, jaeh gawb, gave, gift, gabe [baeht gabad, prayer, toasted, gebet, ge- gabei, building, gebaeude gabelk, beams, gebaelk gabikt, bowed, stopped, gebueckt gabis, teeth, bit, gebiss gabledsht, spanked, geschlagen gabled'lt, stripped, entblaettert gablet, blood, bloom, Jgebluet, ge- i^blueht [geblieben gabliwa, staid, fallen in battle, ge- gabora, born, geboren [lich gabreichlich, customary, gebraeuch- gaborgt, borrowed, geborgt gabrouch, custom, gebrauch gabr'ucha, broken, gebrochen gabrucht, brought, gebracht gabud, bid, gebot gabuna, bound, gebunden gabund, bundle of straw, gebund gaburtsdog, birthday, geburtstag gadard, dried, gedoerrt gadechtnis, memory, gedaechtniss gadera, animals, gethier gadicht, poem, gedicht [ken gadonka, thoughts, revery, gedan- gadoo, gadua, done, gethan gadrenk, beverage, liquors, getraenk gadrei, faithful, getreu gadrult, walked, getrollt gadshumpt, jumped, gesprungen gaduld, patience, geduld gaduldich, patient, geduldig gaheimnis, mystery, geheimniss g'fres, ugly face, eating iiuuioder- ately, fratze, fressen gahorsom, obedient, dutiful, obe- dience, gehorsam gakreid'r, herbs, kraeuter gakreid'rsub, vegetable soup, ge- muesesuppe gakwula, swelled, gequollen . gal, yellow, gelb galag, layers, schichte galarnd, learned, gelehrt [keit galarsomkad, learning, gelehrsam- galebt, loved, beloved, geliebt galeg, layer, gelege galegahad, opportunity, occasion, gelegenheit galind, soft, smooth, mild, gelind galing, heart, liver and lights of a slaughtered beast, gekroese galreb, carrot, moehre, gelbruebe galfifa, walked, gegangen galweshb, yellow jacket, gelbe wespe gam 'a, congregation, gemeinde gamasheftlich, in common, union, gememsehaftlich gamech, sexual organs, gemaecht gamawDt., to remind, gemahnen ganou, exact, accurate, genau ganunk, enough, sufficient, genug gaprfifazeid, predicted, foretold, prophezeit gawelb, arch, gewoelbe gawr, sufficiently cooked, gar gawr, quite, gar gawrkeni, none at all, garkein gawr net, not at all, gar nicht gawr niks, nothing at all, gar nichts garawduwol, hap hazard, gerathe- wohl gawrda, garden, garten garden, guardian, vormund gardla, gardening, gaerteln dPr, gardri'r, gardener, gaertner ^arecht, just, equitable, gerecht yarechtichkad, justice, gerechtigkeit eish, slight noise, geraeusch jara, to ferment, gaehren 248 goring garing, trifling, gering garishd, scaffold, made ready, ge- ruesst, geruestet garishdhals, put log, gerueststange garn, willingly, gladly, gern g'arnd, harvested, geerntet garshd, barley, gerste garuch, odor, geruch garw'r, tanner, gerber garwarei, tannery, gerberei garwargrub, tanners' vat, gerber grube gas, gasbuk, goat, he-goat, geis, ziege, ziegenbock gashel, whip, peitsche gasheft, business, geschaeft gashenk, present, geschenk gashikd, handy, smart, expert, ge- schickt [schlecht gashlecht, sex, generation, ge- gashmok, taste, geschmack gasichd, face, gesicht [farbe gasichdsforb, complexion, gesichs- gashprach, conversation, gespraech gashtolt, frame, gestell gashwind, fast, quick, gcschwind gasong, singing, gesang gasund, healthy, sound, hale, ge- sund v gasundhad, health, gesundheit gat, gats, goes, geht, gehts gatrei, faithful, getreu [gend gagend, region, neighborhood, ge- gazuga, removed, gezogen g'blached, bleached, gebleicht g'blodshd, (zoma) beaten hard and compact, zusammengeklopft g'blut, bled, geblutet g'boga, bent, gebogen g'demt, boiled, stewed, gedaempft g'denka, to remember, g2denken gedishd'lerd, distilled, rectified, geiar, vulture, geier [distillirt geig'r, fiddler, geiger geik, fiddle, geige geil, horses, pferde [thierarzt geilsdukd'r, vet. surgeon, farrier, geilskesht, horse chestnut, kasta- nien geisht, spirit, apparition, geist geits, avarice, geiz geitshols, miser, geizhals g'lawf geitsich, stingy, miserly, geizig gel, is it not so, gelt geld, money, geld geldsok, purse, geldbeutel gemla, to gamble, spielen gens, geese, gaense gensblum, daisy, gaenseblume genslich, to tally, entirely, ganz gesa, to sprinkle, to cast, giessen gesar, founder, giesser gesegd, conquered, gesiegt geshd'r, yesterday, gestern geskon, watering pot, giesskanne gewa, given, gegeben gewisa, conscience, gewissen geyam'r, geyom'r, moans, klagen geyora, fermented, gegohren g'farlich, perilous, g^taehrlich g'fecht, fighting, fight, gefecht g'fel, feeling, sense of touch, gefuehl g'felichkad, favor, gefaelligkeit g'felkd, fallowed, gefelgt [sand g'fladsd'rsond, quicksand, quick- g'fiuchda, plaited, geflochten g'foch, fence panel, gefach 'fola, fallen, pleased with, gefallen ^'foold, imposed upon, genarrt g'for, danger, gefahr g'frore, frozen, gefroren g'funa, found, gefunden g'gusa, sprinkled, cast, gegossen 'has, command, geheiss ?'heiart, married, verheirathet ^'hulfa, helped, geholfen yichtara, convulsions, gichtern, kraempfe gichtros, piony, gichtrose rift, poison, gift giftshwom, toadstool, giftschwamm ginihink'l, guinea fowl, perlhuhn re, killdeer, , top, gipfel rips, gypsum, plaster, gyps ;iw'l, gable, giebel iw'lend, gable-end, giebelend gla, clover, klee r,l'a, small, little, klein , believe, glaube /lad, garment, kleid , to clothe, kleiden , key of a piano, taste walking to and fro, gelauf 249 glawg glawg, complaint, klage glanashlongaworzl, seneca snake root, kleine schlangenwurzel glaws, glass, glas glas, track of a wagon, rut, geleise gled, member, glied gleda, burdock, kletten gledich, red hot, gluehend gledwos'r, gliedwasser glei, without delay, soon, sogleich gleia, bran, kleie gleich, equal, gleich gleich a, to like, gern haben gleichg' wicht, equilibrium,. balance, gleichgewicht gleichnis, parable, gleichniss gleichaward, par value, al pari glema, to pinch, klemmen glenshd, smallest, least, kleinste glesaawg, wall eye, glasauge glesur, glazing, glasur glidzara, to glitter, schimmern glidsarich, glittering, glitternd glidshich, slippery, glatt glik'rs, marbles, murmeln glikwinsha, congratulate, glueck- wuenschen gloafes, cloven feet,gespalten klauen gioafet, neats' foot-oil, klauenfett globord, pales, staketen glofd'r, cord, klafter glofer, piano, clavier glom, clump, klammcr glons, shine, splendor, glanz glot, smooth, glatt glowa, staple, kloben g'lufa, walked, gelaufen gluk, hen, cluck, glucke gluk, bell, glocke [me glukablum, columbine, glockenblu- glumpa, lump, klumpen g'mawd, swath, schwaden g'mes, vegetables, gemuese g'mist, obliged, forced, muessen gnawd, grace, gnade gnadich, gracious, gnaedig g'nik, joint of the neck, genick gnucha, bone, knochen gnuchich, bony, knochig g'numa, taken, required, genommen gnup, button, knopf gnupluch, button-hole, knopfioch gre>hbaw god, godmother, gothe patbin go fa, look idly, gaften gogelskorner, cocculus Indicus gogsa, cackle, gackelu godelskarn, coculus Indicus, fisch- beeren, kraehenaugen gol, gallon, bile, gallone, galle golarich, soused pigsfeet, gallerte goldwortzel, goldenseed, j;oklwurzeJ golrawb, colerabi. kohlrabi golrewa, ruta baga, kohlrueben golga, gallows, galgen gomb'r, camphor, kampfer gonga, gone, went, gegangen gong, entry, corridor, gang gons, goose, entirely, totally, ganz, gans gonsard, gander, gaenserich gorg'l, throat, gargle, gurgel gorjel, cordial, herzstaerkung gorg'lreisar, an implement used by coopers, kuefermesser goul, horse, pferd gound, frock, dress, kleid gounsha, to swing, schaukeln gowel, fork, gabel gowelzinka, prow of a fork, gabel- zinken gradstgrum, wet and dried gra-awg, corn, huehnerauge grawb, tomb, grave, grab grawbmoch'r, grave digger, (pall bearer, ) grabmacher grawd, straight, exactly, gerade grambera, cranberries, moosbeeren grawna, stop-cock, fish bones, spigot, krahn, fish gaerten grandad, grandfather, grossvater -grand' 1, beam of plow, pflugbaum graws, grass, gras grawsfresend-geder, graminiverous, animals, grasfrcssende thiere gras'r, greater, groesser grashd, greatest, groeste greds, itch, kraetze greid, chalk, kreide greisha, to cry, to halloo, schreien gren, green, gruen grendunarshdog, Maunday-Thurs- day, gruen Donnerstag "* gresa, to greet, remember, gruessen greshbaw, verdigris, gruenspan 250 grgtsich gretsich, crabbed, itchy, kraetzig grewa, crackles, grieben grewar, coarser, groeber gribabis'r, cribbing horse, eribber, krij. penbeisser grip'l, cripple, krueppel grif, clip of a horseshoe, stollen grimdorm, colon, large intestine, griinmdarm grick, to get, creek, kriesren, bach grind, scab, grind, schorf grishd, prepared, vorbereiten grishdera, to apply a clyster, to plague, klysliren gi-islich, dreadiul, terrible, greulich griwia, sensation produced hy the crawling of a small insect, krib- beln. krabbvln gro, gray, grau grub, crow, kraehe grobsha, to gra-p. greifen g'roda, counseled, geratlien grodsich, mouldy, verschimmelt grogala, to quarrel, krakeelen grouions'l, flummery, geschwatz gromp, spasms, convulsions, krampf gratis, border, wreath, kranz, rand grup, m.dder. k -jtpp gros, large, big. gross groudsolawt, cole-slaw, kohlsalat grouns, grounds, bodensatz grounzich, ill-natured, verdriesslicli grout, cabbage, vegetation, kohl, growla, to crawl, kriechen [kraut grub, pit, grube grub, coarse, rough, rude, grob grtiba. to grub, rod en giubliok, pickaxe, grubbing hoe, rodenhacke grubs, brush, rodeliecken g'rucliii, smelled, gerochen grud;lbolsom, penny royal, balsam grud.'.gigsar, toadbleeder, kroeten- stecher grudlrawd, groundsel, grundelreben gvuru, crooked, krumm grumbar, potatoe. kartoffel griimbuklich, bent, humpbacked, gebueckt, bucklich grumla, to grumble, brummen grumlich, prone to grun*ble, muer- risch gukuk ^ g'runa, coagulated, curdled (milk,) clotted (blood,) geronnen grundnis, peanuts, grundnuesse grundsou, groundhog, woodchuck, hamster grushd, crust, frolic, kruste grus'lbera, goose berries, stachel- beeren gruslich, gristly, graesslich grutzich, small, klein gruwar, coarse, grob g'sawt, said, told, gesagt g'selshoft, company, gesellschaft g'shada, divorced, geschieden g'shar, harness, geschirr g'shar, tools, plates, earthen ware, essgeschirr g'shbos, fun, pleasure, spass g'sheit, intelligent, gescheit g'shenk, present, gift, geschenk g'shicbta, stories, tales, geschichten g'shlaft, dragged, schleifen g'shmidn'rnog'l, wrought nail, ge- schmiedeter nagel g'shmokd'rhinarshunka, gamon, ham, rinds schinken ;r'si iMch, conversation, gespraech g'shpretl'd, spread, ausgebreitet g'shroda, chopped, ground coarsely, geschrotet [stiefelt g'shtiweld, walked, fitted up, ge- g'slitaha, to own, gestehen g'shtoucht, sprained, verstaucht g'shtucha, pierced, stabbed, ge- stochen g'shtuptaful, full to the utmost ca- pacity, gestopft voll g'shulta, scolded, gescholten g'shuna, flayed, geschunden g'shusa, shot, geschossen g'shwara, biles, gcschwuere g'shwind, quick, without delay, ge- schwind [geschwister g'shwishdara, brothers and sisters, g'shwishd'r kin'r, cousins, vettern g'shwora, sworn, vowed,geschworen g'shwula, swollen, geschwollen g'sufa, drunk, gesoifen, betrunken gudrechich, fragrant, wohlriechend guk, look, sehen, gucken gukgum'r, gum' r, cucumber, gurke gukuk, cuckoo, kukuk 251 guld guld, gold, gold [tinctur guMendoor, golden tincture, gold guldomsh'l, oriole, goldamsel gum a, gum tree gus, cast iron, gusseisen gusduch, gusset, gos^tuch gut, God, Gott gut, good, gut guw rrier, Governor, gouverneur g' \franlich, commonly, ordinarily, gewoehnlich g'warit, accustomed, gewoehnt g'wurb, joint, gewerbe g' wards, spices, gewuerz g'weks, tumor, gewaechs g'weksa, plants, gewaechse g'welb, arch, gewoelbe g'west, been, gewesen g'wicht, weight, gewicht g'win, gain, thread of a screvr, ge- win, gewinde g'wis, certainly, gewiss g'wisa, shown, conscience, gewie- sen, gezeigt, gewissen g'wit'r, thunder storm, gewitter g'wit'r root, lightning rod, blitz- ableiter g'wolt, power, violence, gewalt g'woltich, powerful, very, gewaltig, g'wult, wished, gewollt [sehr g'zuga, raised, moved, gezogen g'zwilichd, twilled, gezwillicht H ha, hight, hoehe hawb, have, haben, habe hawbdsum, principal at interest, hauptsumme habgorn, dip net, hebnetz bach'r, higher, hoeher hakela, to work, crotchet, haekeln hakelcha, crotchet needle, haekel, haken haksht, highest, hoechste halar, concealer, receiver of stolen goods, hehler halings, on the sly, hehlings ham, home, heim, zu hause hamdikish, full of evil designs, heimtucckisch hamet, home, heimath [fuehl hechtgrout hamg'mocht, domestic goods, ein- heimische gueter hamlich, secret, secretly, heimlich hamwa, homesickness, heimweh hamzus, homeward, nach haus hawna, cock, rooster, hahn hancha, cockerel, haehnchen har, hither, hear, her, hoere bar, mister, Lord, herr hara, to hear, hoeren harda, to harden, haerten harafog'l, jay, wiedehopf harasawga, hear say, hoeren sagen harbsht, fall, Autumn, herbst hard, flock, drove, heerde hardgros, herdgrass, heerdegras harkuma, to come from, herkom- ing, herrlich [ in g idid, harn, brain, gehirn harnshadel, harnshawl, skull, hirn- schaedel [haut harnshad'lhout, pericranium, hirn- haroish, bold, heroisch harous, out of it, heraus harsh, deer, hirsch harshflash, venison, hirsch-fleisch harshgros, millet, hirsegras hars iorngeisht. ammonia, harts- horn, hirschhorngeist [kuh harsh koo, roe, female deer, hirsch- harshtoma, to be descended from, herstammen, abstammen harts, heart, herz hartsfel, pericardium, herzbeutel hartshoftich, courageous, bold, herzhaft hartsich, beloved, dear, herzig hartsklupa, throbbing, palpitation of the heart, hertzklopfen bartskom'r, ventricle, herzkammer hartsworz'l, tap root, herzwurzel haws, rabbit, hare, hase hasa, to request, heels, heissen, nennen [klee hawsa,-gla, French-clover, hasen- hasahuls, gambrel, hessenholz hawa, to hold, to lift, halten, heben heweisa, crowbar, hebeisen, brech,- hech'l, hatchel, hechel hecht, pike, techt [eisen fkraut hamgafel, hometeeling, heimathge-j hechtgrout, pickerel-weed, hecht- 252 hitsich hechtsa, to pant, to loll, lechzen hefa, pots, crockery, toepfe hefnar, potter, toepfer heftich, violent, strongly, heftig heichalei, hypocrisy, heuchelei heichla. to simulate, heucheln heichlar, hypocrite, heuchler heida, heathen, pagans, heiden heifich, frequently, haeufig heifts, hives, heaves, keuchen heila, to cry, to weep, weinen,heu- len heilich, holy, sacred, heilig heilmit'l, remedy, heilmittel heilond, Saviour, heiland heiru, to marry, heirathen heisar, houses, haeuser heislich, domestic, homely, haeus- heit, to-day, heute [lich heitigesdogs, at the present time, heutiges tages heka, shrubs, hedge, gestraeuch, hel, clear, hell [hecken heks'l, fine cut straw, haecksel helfa, to help, aid, helfen helft, half, haelfte heling, cavity, hollow, hoehlung helm, helve, stiel helt, holds, keeps, haelt hem, shirt, hemd hem'rpreis, wristband, hemdenpreis hen, have, haben hendich, handy, convenient, ge- s-chickt, bequem hendl'r, trader or dealer, haendler heng'l, bunch, gekaenge hengst, stallion, hengst henk, hang, handle, haengen, hand- habe [kelglas fcenk agios, tankard, goblet, hen- henkar, hangman, henker henkbouch, paunch, protruding- belly, schmeerbauch [schuh henshing, gloves or mittens, hand- herum, round about, herum hernhud'r, Moravian, herrnhuter herichta, to ruin, to spoil, hinrich- ten, vernichten [stuerzen he-shtardsa, to fall headlong, hin- hesich, of this country, hiesig heslich, ugly, haesslich het, had, would, have, haette het, hats, huete hetmoch'n, milliner, putzmacherin hetsa, to set a dog at, to set at log- gerheads, hetzen hibsch, pretty, handsome, huebsch hifta, thigh, hip, huefte hiftalawm, hipshot, hueftenlahm hikarnis, hickory nuts, hickory- nuesse hikarnisshawla,hickory nut shucks, hickory nuss schalen hikla, to hop on one leg, huepfen hilf, help, huelfe hilsn'rhom'r, mallet, hoelzerner hammer himel, him'l, heaven, sky, himmel himmlish, celestial, heaven ly,himm- lisch melfahrtstag him'lfortdog, ascension day, him- hin, hither, towards, hin hina, behind, hinten hinadraw, behind the rest, behind hand, hintendran hinadrin, in the hindpart, Mntea- drin [Irauf hiuadruf, on the hi*d p&rt, hlnten- hinanei, into the nindpart, hinten- nein hinano, in ^ rear, hintennach hinara, to hinder, to prevent, hin- dern [hinderlich hinarlich, cumbrous, troublesome, hinarlusa, to leave behind, hinter- lassen hinarliisashoft, estate of a deceased person, hinterlassenschaft hinarlus'na widfrav, relict, hinter- lassene wittwe hinarshd, hindmost, hinterste. letzte hinarshunka, ham, hinter schinken hinnich, after, hinter hinkel, chicken, huhn, huehner hinkeldorrn, hen-bit, huehnerdarm hinkelkewich, hinkelkoshta, chick- en coop, huehnerkasten hinkel shtol, chicken coop, hueh- nerstall hinlenglich, sufficient, hinlaenglich hin'rgaa, to deceive, hintergehen hin'rgonga, deceived, hintergangen hits, heat, hitze hitsich, fervent, hitzig 253 hitspiik hitspuka, prickly heat, hitzpocken hiw'l, hill, huegel hiw'lich, hilly, huegelig hob, have, habe hoch, high, hoch hocha-shool, high school, hoheschule hochochta, to esteem, respect, hoch- achtea hof, yard, hof [ nun g hofnung, hope, expectation, hoff hofashift-b, potsherd, topfscherben hofta un hoka, hooks and eyes, haken und oesen hoi, hay, heu [ernte hoiet, haymaking, heumachen, heu- hoiho-nfa, hay cock, heuhaufen noire f, hay rack, heureff [ke hoishrek'r, grasshopper, heuschrek- hok, hoe, hacke hoka, hook, haken hokmes'r, cleaver, hackmesser hoi, hollow, hohl hola, to fetch, holcn holb, holwar, half, halb holb leina, linsey-woolsey, so and so, halb leinen holbnocht, midnight, mitternacht holbshtiw'l, bootees, lace-shoe, halb- stiefel holbshtreng, chains forming the end of traces, hals-straenge holbyarich, semi-annually, six months old, halbjaehrig hold, halt, halt holda, to hold, to keep, halten holftar, halter, halfter [riemen holft'rrema, halter strap, halfter- holm, blade, stalk, halm holondworz'l, elecampane, aland- hols, neck, hals [wurzel holsbond, collar, necklace, halsband holsduch, neekkerchief, shawl, hals- tuch holsg'nick, neck-joint, halsgemck holsgrawga, cravat, cravatte holsouszarung, bronchitis, halsaus- zehrung holswa, sore throat, halsweh holta, to hold, to keep, halten holunk, rascal, thief, halunke holwak, sunken road, hohlweg holwar, half, halb houch holwargoul. dock ampfer homarshlog, the ashes of iron, slack, dross, hammerschlag hond. hand, hand hondbord, hawk (used by plaster- ers, ) handbrett [handel hondel, commerce, trade, business, hondlong'r, tender, hod carrier, handlanger hondrig'l, banisters, treppeuojelaen- der [schrift hondahrift, hand-writing, hand- hondduch, towel, handtuch hondwark, trade, handwerk hondwarks mOn, mechanic, hand- werksmann [gesehirr hondwarks g'shiir, tools, handwerks honft, hemp, hanf hong, slope, declivity, inclinations abhang, hang hoiis, Jack, general nickname for a German, hans honsworsht, clown, a silly fellow, hanswurst hoofeisa, horse shoe, hufeisen hoopsa, to hop, hupsen, huepfen hoorakind, bastard, hurenkmd hooshta, cough, husten hoot, hat, hut hootmoch'r, hatter, hutmacher hor, hair, haar horch, hark, listen, horch hord, hort, hard, hart hord geld, coin, specie, hart geld hordich, swift, quick, hurtig hordleiwich, costive, verstopft hordsich, resinous, harzig horll, harp, harfe horning, February, hornung horn, horn, horn hornas'l, hornet, hornisse hort, hard, hart hos, hatred, hate, hass hosa, to hate, to dislike, hassan hosbbidawl, hospital, hospital hoshbel, reel, a silly bustling fellow, haspel [chc hos'lheka, hazel brush, haselstraeu- hos'lnis, filberts, haselnuesse hospouar, horse power, pferdekrafk hos wip, cow-hide, ochsenziemer houch, breath, hauch 254 houbdshtik houbdshtik, principal part, haupt- stueck houeha, to breathe, hauchen houfa, heap, pile, haufcu houns, hound, jagdhund housmit'l, home remedy, hausmittel hous, outside, aussen hous, pi. heis'r, house, haus housrod, furniture, hausrath housrod-shreinar, cabinet maker, moebel schreiner bout, skin, haut howa, to have, haben howeswart, worth having, habens- howel, plane, hobel [werth howelbonk, a joiners' workbench, hobelbank howeh'pa, shavings, hobelspaene how'r, oats, hafer how'rgas, katydid, grille hub, hop, hopfen huchzich, wedding, hochzeit hud'l, rag, tatter, hudel hudla, hudlarei, to do work in a hasty and unsatisfactory manner ; also to extinguish live coal and sweep up ashes in an oven, by means of a wet rag fastened to a pole. Doing work in a hasty man- ner, hudlen, hudlerei hudlich, in a hasty manner, hudlich hud'l lumpa, a wet rag for clean- ing an oven, wisciulumpen huou, bourashtoiid agrimony, od'rniencha ague, kolt-tew'r ahead, for warts, torn a, f -i nldraw aid, he. fa, hilf aim, zel, zeiii 297 r ail ail, fela, shleeht-fela, krenkla air, luft airy, lifdich aisle, gong alacrity , mund' rkad alarm, larm alarm-clock, wekoor albumen, weis fum oi alcohol, weigeisht alder-brush, alaheka alderman, yushdis skweir, fredensrichd' r ale, al alert, wokar alibi, alibi alien, ouslen'r alight, nunarkuma, obshdeiga alight, (of birds) huka alike, gleich alive, lawendich, lawig almanac, kolen'r almond, mond'lkarn almost, sher, shergawr, ( ^ beinaw almighty, olmechtig alms, olmosa aloe, olowa alone, ala, olanich, lanich along, mit, dabei aloud, lout alphabet, aw-ba-za already, shun also, aw, dazoo altar, oldawr alter, enara, farenara alternate, obweksla although, ubshon alum, olou always, im'r, olfort, ols, olamol all, ol, gons, yadar allege, b'houpta alleviate, leicht'r mocha alliance, bindnis allow, ^ leida, arlawa allowance, arlawbnis All Saint's Day, olarheil unolar sal approach allure, awluka am, bin amalgamate, frmiksa }, ufhawa amaze, arshtouna amberbeads, fluskorela ambition, argeits ambitious, argeitsich amen, awmen amenable, (to law) ontwortlieh amend, bes'ra, f rbes'ra amiable, awganam amicable, freindlich, fredlich amidst, mitta-unar,unar amiss, f rkart, falarhoft among, dabei, druna, unar amorous, frlebt amount, sum, baricht ample, ganunk amputate, obshneida, obnema amuse, fargnega, un'r- holta, plesertreiba ammonia, harshhorngeisht an, a, 'n ancestors, foreltera, forgenger anchor, onkar ancient, old and, un anecdote, shdory anew, fun nei'm angel, engel anger, zorn, folshad angry, bas, farzarnd, folsh angle, wink'l angling, fisha anguish, ongsht animal, der, gadera ankle, knekal anoint, solva another, 'n oner a answer, n. ontwort, v. baondworda answerable, ontwortlieh ant, emens anticipate, forousnema anthem, korgasong, korled antidote, gagamid'l, mid'i antlers, harsh horn, anvil, omboa anxious, engstlich any, anich'r or ana- anyone, anich epar anything, anich epaa annex, awhenga annihilate, fr shdara, f'rnichda anniversary, yarlichfesht announce, awsawga, melda, awkindicha annoy, bodra ape, of apology, enshuldiga apoplexy, shlok apostrophe, obkarzungzacha apricots, obrigosa Aprilfool, obrilakolb apron, shorts apt, g'neigt apparent, sheinbawr apparition, geisht appeal, awruta appear, sheina appearance, awshein, osicht, shein appendage, awhong appertain to, zukuma appetite, obadit appetizing, obaditlich applause, beitol apple, ob'l applebutter. lotwarg appledumpling, eb'l dumpling apple of the eye, awgaob'l application, awshpruch apply, awwena appoint, awslitela appoitnment,b' shtelung appraise, shedsa apprentice, brent is approach, zugaa, awkuma 298 apprize apprize,b' nochrichticha approachable, zugenglich approbation, beifol approve, gut hasa appurtenances, zugahar aquafortis, shadwos'r arbitration, refare arbitrator, refaremon arc, arch, boga, g'welb architect, boumasht'r ardent, has, hitsich argue, argara arise, ufshdaa arithmetic, rech'lbuch arm, orm army, orma around, rum arouse, ufweka arsenal, rishthous arsenic, rotagift art, kunsht, art, bisht arteries, odara artificial, hondg'mocht artist, kindshdlar artichoke, ardobl article, shdik arrange, flongera, ransha arrest, fonga, reshda arrive, awkuma, awlonga as, ols, we, os asafoetida, deiw'lsdrek ascend, ufshdeiga, shdeiga Ascension Day, Him'lfortdog ash, esh ashamed, shema Ash Wednesday, oshamidwuch ask, froga, fudra, bida, f longa asleep, shlofa asparagus, shbaragrus aspect, awblik aspen, oshba asphyxia, farshtika aster, dawl'rros aster, shdarnblum astonish, arshtouna asthmatic, kortsochtmich astonishing, arshtounlich astray, frlor^ astronomer, shdarnken'r astute, shlou asylum, sylum ass, as'l, longer assail, awgreifa, awfola assemble, frsomla assembly, semli assemblyman, semlimon assent, beifol assert, b'houpta, b'krefticha assessment, sesment assessor, ses' r assign, iwergewa assist, helfa, beishtaa associate, g'selshoft assume, awnama assure, farsichara at, bei, dro, on, uf, zu atone, g'nunk dua attach, awbina, awfechta attack, v. awgreifa, n. awgrif attain, arlong attempt, unarnema, prowera, farsucha attend, b'dena, awhara, awhorcha attendance, b'denung attendant, b'dnur attention, awdocht, ocht attentive, ochtsom awdechtich attest, zeichnis gewa attic, ewarsht shbeich'r auburn, rotbrow audible, harbawr auger, bora augment, fargrasara, f rmara aunt, bas' 1 aurora borealis, nord- licht, nordshein author, urhaw'r authority, g'wolt bandit , autumn, harbsht, shbotyor avarice, geita avaricious, rawchgerich average, dorchshnitlich avoid, ousweicha,meida await, . wawrta, 'rwowrta awake, ufweka, wokar, wokarwara aware , g' wawrwara away, week, fort awl, seil awns, ogla, krawna ax, oks B babe, bub'l baby, bub'l, bobli babble, bob'l babbler, bob'lmoul bachelor, badshlar back, adv. z'rik, n. rik backbone, rikstrong backstrap, ufhebrema, uf holtrem backward, hinarsich, z'rikwarts bacon, shbek, seiflash, seidaflash bad, org, weshd, iwel, shlecht, shlimm, orich badger, doks badly, shlecht baffle, farwara bag, sok, sekcha bagpipe, dud'lsok bait, bat bake, bok bake-oven, bokufa baker, bek'r balance, gleichg'wicht, wolk, shawlawok bald, blut, blutkepich bale, bola balsam, bolsom ball, bola, kling'l, kug'l balloon boloon band, bond bandage, bina bandbox, ^ buna t box bandit, raw war 299 bank bank, bonk (river) ufar, bankrupt, ufg'brucha banish, fardreiwa banished, fardriwa banister, hondrig'l banquet, fesht bantam, bendi baptism, dawf bar, bar, fawrd, fold'r, (music) tokt barber, bolwerar bare, bios, blut barefooted, bawrfesich bareheaded, blutkepich bargain, barya bark, rin, rina, youdsa (of a dog) barley, garshd barn, sheiar barometer, wed'rglos barrel, fos, bsirlfos, lawf (of a gun) barren, unfruchtbawr barrow, shubkorch base,- shlecht, nidar, folsh basement, kelarkich baseness, shlechtichkad bashful, blad basin, wash, weshshis'l basket, korb bassviol, bosgeik bastard, hoorakind, beikind, boshdard baste, reia bat, shbekmous, bola- prig'l, bolabritsh batch, farhunsa bathe, bawd a, wesha battalion, bodolya batter, shloga battle, shlocht bawl, greisha bayonet, bongnet be, sei, wara bead, korela beak, shnovel beam, (sun) shdrawl, bolka, gabelk,.wols, shbonpet Beanpole, bonashteka beans, bona bear, bar, v. ousholda, ousshtaa beard, bawrd, (of grain) fruchtkron beast, beat, beaten, beau, der, shtikfe shloga, beda, knufa, led'ra g'blodshd bo beautiful, sha, prechtig beauty, because, become, bed, bedaub, bedbug, bedcord, bedroom, bedspread, bedstead, bedtick, beech, bee-eater, beef, beehive, beer, shaheit weil wara bet f rshmera wonsa bedshtrik betstub, shlof kom'r debich betlawd fcd'rfosing boocha emafres'r rinsflash emakorb, emakoshda ber ema beet, rodreb befall, b'fola before, fornanous, for, forna, fornahar beforehand, fornadraw befriend, bafreinda beg, bed'l beggar, bed'lmon begin, awfonga beginner, awfenger beginning, n. awfong, bagin beginning adv. awfongs begrimed, f'rshmokd beguile, farfera begun, awg'fonga behave, awshika behavior, badrawga behead, obkepa behind, hina, hinadraw behold, awshoua being, wasa belch, ufshtosa bewitch belie, b'lega believe, glawb bell, bel, gluk or kluk belladonna, shdechob'l bellow, blara bellows, blosbolk belly, bouch, leib bellyache, leibshmarza, bouch wa belly-band, bouchgot belly-strap, bouchrema belong, awbalonga, k'art beloved, galebt,hartsich below, druna, buna bemoan, b'yomara bench, bonk bend, bega, farbega benediction, saga beneficial, nidslich benefit, woldawd benevolent, guthartsich lebreich bent, g'boga, farboga benumb, shdeif wara bequeath, frmocha bereave, berawwa, rawwa bergamot, borgamiit berry, ber or bar beseech, bida, ersucha beside, newabei, nawa, d rnawa besides, zudem bespatter, frshpritsa bespeak, frshprecha besprinkle, awshpritsa best, besht, fornamshd bestow, gewa, shenka bestrew, shdroya bet, wet, weta betray, wekgewa, f'roda betrothal , f rsh prech a better, bes'r, v. bes'ra between, zwisha beverage, gadrenk, tronk bewail, b'klawga, b'yomara beware, ochtgewa bewitch, frheksa 300 beyond beyond' driwa bib, shloVrduch bible, bew'l, shrift bid, beda, awbeda, g'but, bat'ala biennial, zwayorich bier, dodabawr big, grc-3 bile, gol bill, shnov'l, nod, rechling or reclining billion, bilyon bin. koshda bind, bin bind over, iw'rbina bind weed, wina biographer, lawesbashreiw'r biography, laweslawf, lawesbashreiwa birch, barka bird, fug'l, pi. feg'l birth, gaburt birthday, gaburtsdog biscuit, bisket bishop, bishup bissextile, sholkyor bit, bis'l, gabis bitch, bidsh bite, n. beis, v. beisa bitter, bid'r bitters, bid'rs blab, plopara blabber, n. plop'rmoul, v. plopara black, shwurts blackberry, blakber blackbird, shdawr blackguard, lumpakarl, mensh blackhaw, shofknut'l blacking, shwortsing blacksmith, shmid bladder, bios blade, kling, holm blame, blama blameless, unshuldich blanch, blacha blaspheme, leshdara blasphemous, fraf Ihoft blasphemy, frafl, leshdarung blast, n. windshtos, v. shbrenga blaze, n. flom, v. floma bleach, blacha bleat, blara bleed, bluda, od'rlusa, farbluda blemish, shontfleck, falar, shimp bless, sagna blessed, salich blessing, saga blight, peshd blind, blind, farblena blindman' s-buff, ^lindameis'l blindness, blindheit blink, awblinsla, blinsla blinkers, blindholfter, sheiledra bliss, salichkad blister, blod'r blizzard, kolta, shdorm bloated, ufg'blat, ufg'blosa block, bluk, kluds blockhead, dumkub blockhouse, blukheis'l, blukhous blood, blood, gablet blooded, bloodich bloodhound, blooUhunt blood-root, rodworz'l bloodsucker, bludsukl'r bloody, bludich bloom, blea, gablet, blum blossom, blea blot, shontflek blouse, womes blow, n. shdrach blow, v. blosa, awblosa blow on, over, in, blosa druf, driv'r, ni bludgeon, brig'l blue, bio bluebell, klukeblum bluebird, blofog'l blue-bottle-fly, shmasmik blue-grass, kweka bonfire blue ointment, reid'rsolb bluff, grub bluing, weshblo blunder, falgrif, falar, dumhad blunt, shdump blur, flek bluster, grosshwetsa blush, shema, sich farwa boa, grosa shlong boar. borg, ewar board, n. kusht, n.bord, v. b'keschdicka boarder, kushtgeng'r boast, prola boaster, prolar boat, bot bobbin, shpool bobolink, shdawr bobtail, shdumpshwons bodice, leibg'n, body bodily, leibhoftich bodkin, shdupnod'l body, karp'r body-bowa, shbrig'l bog, sump boggy, sumpich bogus, fulsh boil, n. shwara boil, kucha, broda, dempa, kwela boil down, eikucha boil over, iw'rkucha boiler, kuchkes'l bold, hartshoftich, bol bolster, shamel bolster-bolt, shamel-nog' 1 bolt, n. grosa shroub, rig'l bolt, v. shies a, rig'l bolter-cloth, beid'lduch bombshell, bom shel bond, bond, kalbond bondage, sklawferei bone, (offish) krawna, gnucha bonedust, knuchamal bone-set, dorchwoks bonfire, freidefei'r 301 bonnet bonnet, bonat bony, knuchich boodle, geld book, buch book-binder, buchbin'r book-case, bik'rshonk bookkeeper, buchholt'r bookkeeping, buchholtucg book-store, buchhondlung boom-pole, rad'l boor, rilps boorish, rilpsich boot, 'shdiw'l bootee, holbshtiw'l boot-jack, shdiw'lknecht boot-tree, shdiw'lhuls boozy, farsuf'na borax, boraks border, grons bore, bora, awbora, ousshtona born, gabora borough, buro borrow, borga, lana bosom, bus'm, brusht botany, kreit'rbuch botanist, blumaken'r both, bada, bad bother, bodra bottle, bud'l bottom, buda, bud'm bough, noshd bought, kawft bought in, out, ei, ous, kawft bounce, bouns bound, pflichtich boundary, grons bouquet, blumashtrous, krons bow, n. boga, shlup, v. bika bowels, ingaweida, dorm bowl, shis'l box, koshda boxwood, buksbawm boy, boo, bu wink'lbora bracket, bret, leishd brads, shbriks brag, brol, prola braggart, brolar braid, n. horflechta, v. flechta braid, brading brain, harn brainy, galarnd brake, shbar brake-chain, shbarket bran, gleia or kleia branch, noshd, osht, zoka brand, feirbrond,brond brandy, ' brondawei brass, mes brat, kind brave, brawf bray, as'lg'grish, greisha we 'n as'l bread, brod breadth, brading break, brecha, far- brecha break down, runganera breakers, welashlog break in, neibrecha break in pieces, frshloga, farbrekla breakfast, brekfesht, morya esa break loose, losbrecha breast, brusht breath, houch, ochdem breathe, shnoufa, houcha breeches, husa breed, n. brud, v. zega, erzega brew, broua brewer, brouar brewery, brouarei bribe, onarkawfa brick, bokashda brickbat,bokashdashtik brick-kiln, bokashdaufa brick-layer, bokashdalag'r bride, - broud bridge, brik bucket bride groom, breidichom bridle, zawm, ufzama, zig 1 ! bridled, ufgazawmt brier, dorn brigand, rawwar bright, hel Bright' s disease, nerakronkhad brim, ronft brimstone, shwew'l brindled, wulshdramich brine, solslawk bring, bringa, beihola, beibringa, mitbringa bring in neibringa bristles, barshda, seibarshda brittle, leicht zu brecha broad, brad broad-axe, bradbeil broad-cloth, duch broil, broda bronchitis, holsouszarung bronze, bronz brood, brud brook, krik, basa broom, basem broth, bre brother, brood' r, mitbrud'r brotherly, bredarlich brought, gabrucht brow, shdarn brown, broun browse, wada bruise, kwedsha bruised, f rkwedshd brunella, kreidliwid'rbring brunette, dunk'l heitig brush, pens'l, grubs, n. barshd, v. barshda Drnshes, heka arush-fence, hekafens brush off, obbarshda bubble, n. bios v. wella, n. wos'rblos, v.kwela buck, buk bucket, amar 302 buckle buckle, ^ n. shnol, v. shnola buckram, shdeifing buckwheat, buchwaza bud, pud, knup buffalo, butter buffalo-robe, buflerhout bug, kefr bugbear, bouds buggy, bugie bugle, horn bugloss, oksazung build, boua build up, uf boua building, gabei building-stone, boushda bull, bull bull-dog, bullhunt bull -frog, frftsh bullet, kug'l bulldoze, zwraga bullock, yunger uks, rind bully, n. roubeg'l adj . lushdich bullrush, binsa bum, rumlaf r, bomb' bumblebee, hum' bunch, heng'l, klumpa bunches, full of, klumpich bundle, pok, bund'l, bind'l, gabund bung, shbund, zopa bung hole, shbundluch bunion, g'shwul om zaya bunk, shlofbonk burdock, gleda, klet burr, mud'r burr, chestnut, keshdig'l burden, n. losht, v. b'loshda burdensome, shwar bureau, pero burglar, eibrech'r burglary, eibruch burial, (_^ b'grebnis burial ground, b'grebnis plots candlemas burn, brena 3urn down, nunarbrena burnet, nog'lgrout burn out, up, ousbrena farbrena, uf brena burst, frshpringa, blodsa bury, fargrawwa, eigrawa baardicha, b'grawwa bush, heka bush beans, shdukbona bushel, bush'l business, gasheft bustle, n. larm,gareish v. eila busy, gasheftich, fleisich busybody, neiichkadkramer but, ow'r butcher, shlochda, butsh'r, v. medsla butt end, v. awshtosa, shdos, kulwa butter, bud'r butter crock, bud' rhofa buttercup , bud' rblum butterfly, fled'rmous, sum'rfog'l butteris, warkmes'r buttermilk, bud'rmilch butternut, weiswolnis butter tub, bud'rzuw'r button, knup v. ankneba button hole, knupluch buy, kawfa buyer, kawfmon buy in, up, eikawfa, ufkawfu buy off, out, obkawfa ouskawfa buzz, bruma buzzard, loodarfug' by, . bei, mit bygone, ferbei or far be by heart, ouswenich byroad or way, beiwak nawashtros, obwak by-the-by, nawabe yword, beiword jabbage, grout or krout cabin, hit cabinet-maker, lawda- mocher, shreinar, housrod-shreinar cackle, gogsa, shnotra ;actus, kaktus caddy, taboka cage, kefich cake, kucha calabash, kolbosht calamitous, iwel calculate, rechla calculation, rechling, rechning calculator, rechlar calendar, kolen'r calf, kolb, (of the leg) wawda calf-skin, kolbfel calico, kodoon calipers, shmidzark'l calkins, shdula call, nena, luka, roof, rufa or roofa call away, home, wekrufa call out, to account, ousrufa call upon, again, awroofa calling, ruf calm, n. windshtil, adj. ruich calve, kolwa camel, koraal camp, lawgar campaign, feldzug campmeeting, lawgarfar somling camphor, gomb'r can, kena, kon canal, konawl canary, konarie cancel, ouskrodsa, dorchshdreicha cancer, krebs candle, licht candlemas, lichtmes 303 caudle-mould candle-inould, licht'rform candy, zuk'rsoeh cane, shduk, shdeka cannibal, meiishafres'r cannon, konoon, shdik canteloupe,mushnrily'n canteen, feldflosli cant hook, wenring canvass, lekshonera caoutchouc, inshingrub'r cap, kop capable, faich capital, n. hawbdshdod adj. fordreflich capital punishment, lawesshtrof capon, frshneidna Capricorn, shdabuk captain, hawbdmon captivated, fargofa captive, g'fongn'r captor, fong'r car, kawr caraway, kim'l carbon, kolashduft carbuncle, peshdblod'r carcass, leicht, karper card, kord card playing, kordashbela care, n. ocht, ochtgewa v. awgalega, sorya careful, b'sorkt, ocht- som, sorchfeltich, sorchsom careless, los, sorchlos, nochlesieh, unocht- som, umb'kimr'd caress, shdreicha, koresera caries, kniichafraws carnage, g'meds 1 carpenter, zimarmon, shreinar carpet, karpet carriage, kutsh, woga carrion, os, loodar, shinos carrot, galreb carry, drawga carry out, ousfera cart, korch cartilage, knorw'l carve, shneida carver, forshneid'r case, fol, zufol, zushtond cash, bawr geld cask, fos, shdenar cast, shmeisa, gesa cast away, wekshmeisa casting, gus, gesung cast-iron, gus cat, kots catalpa, shodabawm catalepsy, foledkronkhad cataract, wos'rfol, (of the eye) awgaheid'l catarrh, shnupa catch, fonga catch cold, f rkelta catch penny, wulfn'r drek catechism, kotakismus catechumen, poreskind caterpillar, roub caterwauling, kotsagakrish catgut, dormsad Catholic, Kordulish cat-mint, kotzagrout cat's-tail, leshd cattle, fe cauliflower, bluma krout cause> farursocha, awrichta, n. oorsoch caution, forsicht cautious, forsichtich cavalry, leithors cave, drochaluch, haling, v. eifola cavity, heling caw, greisha we'n krop cease, nochlusa,uf hara cedar, % zadar ceiling, dek celandine, shelagrout celebrate, feiara celebrated, baremd celestial, himlish chariot celebration, fei'rrhchkad cell, sell, heisle cellar, kelar cement, sement, kit cemetery, simadari cent, bens centenarian, hun'rtyarich centennial, hun'rtyarich ftsht centre, mid'lpunk century, hun'rtyor cerebellum, kla harn certain, ly, ousgemccht sichar, g'wis, ufkors freilich certainty, sicharhad certificate, bond, ben'r certificate of baptism, dawfy heist cessation, obbruch cesspool, sinkiuch chafed, wund chaff, shbrou chain, ked, v. awketa chain-shot, keda-kug'l chair, shdool chairman, forsits'r chalice, kelch chalk, greid or kreid challenge, rousfudara chamber, nochthofa, kom' r chamomile, komila champion, mashd'r chance, zufol chandler, licht'rmoch'r change, anara or enara farenara, weks'l, farweksla chap, ris, karl, shruna chaplain, feldpredig'r chapter, k'bit'l character, karokt'r, g'mudsord charcoal, hulskola charcoal-burner, hulskolabren'r charge, of a gun, lawda losht, zushreiwa chariot, woga 304 charitable charitable, freigewich charity, leb Charles, Kawrl charm, bona charmer, ing, bon'r chart, kord, londkort chase, faryawga chastise, zichdicha chat, plopara,ploudara chatter, plopara, bob'l chatterbox, plop' rmoul bob'lmoul cheap, bilich, wulfeil cheat, badreya,b'luksa b'sheisa, cinema, n. drefts cheated , awg' shmerd cheater, b'shis'r cheating, badreyarei check, z'rik holta,kelsh checkered, ekshtanich check rein, zub/ig'l cheek, boka cheer, fralichkad cheerful, sorgafrei, fralich cheese, kas chemise, weibshem cherry, karsh chest, kishd, brusht, koshda chestnut, keshd chew, koua chicken, hinkel chicken coop, hinkel- shtol, hinkelkewich chicken grapes, reifdrouwa chicken-hawk, shdoswoi chicken-pox, wos'rporbla chief, ly, fornamlich, haksht child, kind childish, kinish childhood, kindhad children, kinar chill, , kris'l, frera chimney, shornshta chimney-sweeper, shornshtafag'r chin, bawrd, kin chip, shba chipmonk, fensamous chisel, masel chives, shnitloch choice, pik, wawl choir, kor choke, warya choose, pika, wala chop, hoka chopped, g'shroda chopper, hok'r chops, shrot Christ, Kristus Christmas, Krishtdog, Weinochta Christmas present, Krishd-kind'l chub, badsh, hornchub chunk, shiw'l church, karch church-council, karch arawd church service, guttesdinshd church-yard, karch of- churn, bud r fos, bud'rdraa chyle, nawrungsoft, milchsoft cicely, karwligrout cider, seider cider-press, keld'r cigar, / segar cinder, kolesh cinnamon, simetrin, simet cinquefoil, finfing'rgrout cipher, nul, rechla, zifar circle, kreis, zark'l circuit, bazark circular saw, zark'lsak circulation, umlawf circumference, umfong circumstances, umshtena citizen , shdod won' r city, shdod claim, fudra, awshpruch clothe clam, klem, mush'l clamour, yocht clamp, klom clandestinely, fa rshtola clap, knol clarify, obklora, klora clarion, drumbad clarionet, klarinet clash, shmora, zoma- shloga class, klos clatter, ropla claw, kloa clay, lama, leta clayey, lamig clean, budsa, souwar, obbudsa, seiwarlich, ranar, rein, ra cleanse, seiwara, reinicha, ufroma clear, hel, klor, frei, deitlich, v. klora, rechtf artich a clear off, obklora, (a table) obrawma clear up, uf hela cleave, shblita cleaver, hokmes'r, butsh'roks clergyman, pora climate, wit' rung climb, krodla clinch iron, selarich, seds cling-stone, klingshta cling to, awhenga clip, shara, grif (of a horseshoe) clock, oor clock maker, ooramocher clod, shula, ardshula clog, hinara, ufshdupa fershdupa close, v., zumocha close, n. or adj. knops (of air) dumbieh, nagshd closed, zu, zoo cloth, duch clothe, glad a, b' glad a or b'klada, awklada 19a 305 clothes conclude ek>thes,klad'r or giad'r coerce, zwinga,nodicha common, g'wanlich, clothes basket, coecum, endkeit'l gamasheftlich weshkurb coddle, dempa common sense, clothes- wringer, codling, kuchob'l menshafarshtond ousdraar cogs, koma commonwealth, shdat clotted, g'runa cog-wheel, komrawd communion, nochtmol, clouds, wulka, coheir, beiarwa awbandmol cloudy, dreb coil, ringa or wikla community, umgagend cloudy-berries, coin, hord geld compact, shreiwes mulkabara colander, kasei company, g'sglshofl clovenfooted, gloafes, cold, frish, kolt comparable, kloa cold-chisel , koldmas' 1 fargleichlich clover, gla or kla colerabi, golrawb, compare, fargleicha cloves, neg'lch'r kulrawba comparison, fargleich clown, honsworsht, colic, kulik compass, kumbos, zwik'l collar, holsbond,kuuiet zark'l club, brig' 1 or prig'l, collect, lasa, somla, compassion, mitleid knip'l eidreiwa, ufpikil compass-saw, luchsak club-foot, shdulfus college, koletsh compel, awshpona cluck, gluk or kluk, colliery, kolagrub compelled, g'mist v. kluksa colon. grimdorm compensate, balona clump, giom color, forb compensation, clumsy, ungashikt, colored, forwich balonung, fardinsht dobich, klumsich colt, fil. hudsh,hudshli complacency, wolg'fola cluster, heng'l columbine, klukeblum, complain, t, v. klawga coach, kutsh glukiibluni orglawga, f rklawga coachman, dreiwar comb, shdral n. klawg or glawg coagulate, g'rinna combat, kawmf complain, (sickness) coagulated, g'runa combine, farbina, krenkla coal, kola faranicha complaisant, b'hatiich coal burner, kolabren'r coine, kum complete, fulster.ich, coal oil, kolal come in, out, away, fardichmocha coal scuttle, kolam'r nei, rous, wek complexion, hout torb, coarse, grub, gruwar, come^from, harkuma gasichdsf orb- rou come to pass, oblawfa, comply, nochgewa coast, ut'iir friawfa compose, zomasedsa coat, klad, ruk comfortable, awganani, comprehend, b'greifa, coax, uf koksa, koksa, bakwam . farshtaa awshmachlu com trey, shwortsworz'l comprehension, b'grif. cob, krudsa command, n. bafal, farshtond cobbler, shuflik'r g'has, v. bafala,hasa compromise, beilaga cob web, shbinaweb conMiiandments, comrade, kum'rawd cock, hawna, shbona zagabuda concave, hoi cockerel, hancha commemorate, t'eiara conceal, frshdekla, cockle, raw da coiimence, awfonga farhala cockroach, skwowa commerce, hondel concealer, halar cock's comb, commiserate, b'klawga conceit, eibildung hav'nilkom bador.ra conceited, iw'rg'sheid cocoanuv, kokonix, commit, iw'rgewa conceivable, b'greiflich maravi coinincnly, g'wanlich, conceive, b'greifa coculus indious. oigebut, olgernei, I concentrate, zomazeya i r ~" godelskarn j olgema j conclude, ^ shlesa 306 concern concern , b' kimr a , awbalonga, b'drefa conclusion, b'shlus, shlus concur, iw'reishdima condemn, frnichda condition, badingung, zushtond conduct, laweszacha, badrawga, wond'l, kond'l conduit pipes, deichla cone, beindzob'a confess, beichta, b'kena confession, b'kendnis confide, fartroua, troua confidence, zufardroua, zudroua confirm, b'shteticha, beweisa, b'krefticha, kunf rmeera, eisagna confirmation, kunf rmerung, b'kreftichung conflagration, brond confounded, b'drufa confoundedly, shdarns, fardult confuse, wara, bodra, farbodara confused, dorchnon'r, frkulaberd, b'drufa, farward congregate, zomakuma congregation, gam' a conjecture, mudmavrsa connect, zomahenka conquer, iw'rwina, iw'rweldicha,benicha conquered, gesegd conscience, gewisa or g'wisa consecrate, eisagna consent, awhorcha, eigaa, eiwilieha consequence, folga, nochfulga consider, nochdenka, b'denka, iw'rlaga, basina considerable, osanlich or awsanlich consolation, troshd consoling, troshdreich conspicuous, sichtba\vr constable, kunshtawbl'r constant, shdondhoft constipation,' f rshdupfung construct, ufboua consult, rodsucha, b' froga consume, ufzara, zara consumption, ouszaring farbrouch contagious, awshtek'nd contagion, awshtek'ndkronkhet contain, holda or holta contemplate, badrochda contend, shdreida content, zufreda, fargnega contentment, bafredichung contents, inhold continue, fortdoura, fortsetsa contradict, wid'rshprecha contrary, iw'rzwaricb contract, shlus contribute, beidrawga contrive, ousdenka control, g'wolt conundrum, rats' 1 convalesce, bes'rwara convene, f rsumla convenient, shiklich, bakwam, hendich conversatiou, g'sprach, gashprach conversion, b'karung convert, n. b'kard'r, v. b'karu convey, fera, drawga convict, iw'rweisa, iw' rfera convince, iw'rweisa, iw'rzeiga, convulsion, zukung, gichtara, gromp cook, kuch cool, kel couple coop, kefick Copenhagen, ringoushloga copious, heifich. copper, kupar copperas, kup'roos copy, obshreiwa cord, sad, shdrik, . shnoor, glofd'r cordial, gorgel core, krudsa core of a bile, budsa coriander, koryond'r cork, gork cork-screw, gorkzeg'r com, welsbkorn, (foot) gra-awg or ki-a-awg corner, ek, wiuk'l cornered, ekich corner-stone, ekshta cornice, sirns, kornish coroner, kronar correct, richtich, recht, recht mocha corridor, gong corset, leibg'n, shnerleibch'n cost, kushda, (costs) unkushta costly, deiar, keshdlich kushtbor costive, hordleiwich cot, gla bet cottage-cheese, shmerkas cotton, bjjwwul cotyledon, somilkeim couch, bei cough, lioovhta, could, keut coulter, sech counsel, n. rod, v. voda counseled, g'roda counselor, rudgew'r count, /.a! a Counterfeit, folsli,rio--h- ji'mochi. iitK-iiniucba counterpane, iw'nlek country, lond countryman, ionsnir,n couple, pawr 307 courage courage, mud courageous, mudich, unf rzawgt, hartshoftich course, gong court, koresera courtship, freiafei cousin, g'shwishd'r- kin'r covenant, obshlesa, bund, okadera cover, n. dek, iw'rzug (bed), v. deka, b'deka coverlet, iw'rdek, dekbed cow, koo, pi. ke cow-dung, kedrek cow-hide, hos wip cow-pen, kebeii cowslip, shlis'l blum crab, krebs crabbed, grounzich crab-louse, tilslous crack, krocha, knoka, ris, shruua crack-brained, iw'rg'larnd cracknel, grewa cradle, wek, (for grain) rei' crafty r shlik cramp, gromp or kruinp crammed, g'shtuptat'ul crauberries, krernbera, gram be ru crane, fishreiar, krawn cranium, harnshawl, harnshadel, shad'l crape, fior crash, kroch cravat, holsgroga craving, badarfms craw, krup crawl, krowla, krodla, growla crawling, krodlich, krowlich crazy, narish cream, rawm cream of tartar, weishta fold create, arshofa creation, shepfung creator, shepf r credit, kredit, glawb creed, glawb' nsb'kentnis creek, grick or krik creep, krodla creeping sensation, grawla crest, kom, gipl, crew, shifleit, monshoft cribber, gribabeis' r cricket, kriks'l, kriks crier, fendukroi'r, kroiar crime, shuld criminal, farbrech r cripple, grip'l critical, mislich croak, mura, l^nora, kwoksa crock, hofa, kruk crockery, sharwa, hefa crooked, grum or krum, winish, farzoga crop, krup cross, folsh, brudsicb, bas, nadlich, kreids cross-bow, bogaflint cross-cut saw, druuisak cross-eyed, iw'isichtich cross-grained, iw'rzwarich cross-road, kreidswak crotchet, hakela crotchet needle, hakelcha croup, shdikflus crow, kraa, grob, krup crowbar, heweisa crowd, menga crown, kron, krons cruel, unmenshlich, grousom cruller, fedkech'lch'r crumble, krimla,brekla crumbs, krimla crupper, shwSnsrem crush, drika crust, grushd orkrusht crusty, krushtich cut to pieces crutch, krik cry, krish, brila, heila, greisha or kreisha cub, yung'rbar, labli cuckoo, gukuk cucumber, gum'r, gukguua'r cud, edrich cudgelling, prig'lsup cudgel, prig' I cudweed, roorgrout cull, ouslasa cultivator, shouflak cumbersome, hinarlich, b shwarlich cunning, sholkhad, shiott cup, kelch, kupcha, shrepa cupboard, shonk cupping-glass, shrepkep curdled, g'runi cure, heila, heilmit'l, ' dara curious, neigerich curl, krul curly, krulich currants, konstrouwa current, lawf, shdrom currier, led'rfartig- mocli'r curry, shdrigla., obshdrigla curry-comb, shdrig'l curse, fluch, farflucha, fluclia, shwara curtain, umhong curve, dra, bega, boga cushion, kisa cuspidor, shbouboka custom, gabrouch, moda, kunshoft customary, gabreichlich customers, kuna cut, v., hoka, shneida cut, shnit, shneida cut down, umhuka cut in, eihoka cut out, ousg'bisa, ousshneid* cut to pieces, farhoka, f rshneida 308 cutting cuttings, sbnip'lch'r, shnitling D dab, shlog daddy, dawdi daddy-long-legs, shneid'r dagzer, dolch dahlia, dalya daily, oladog. daglich dainties, shlekarei dainty, shnekich dairy, milchhous daisy, gensblum dam, do in damage, shawda awshtela damaged, nodg'lita nodleida damn, farflucha damp feicht dance, dons, dona dancer, densar dandelion ,bidrasolawd keblum, pisa'ed dandruf, druka.ded'r danger g'for dangerous, g'farlich dadpled , dib' Idonich shekich, flekich diblich dare, rousfudara darfa, woga daring, mudich dark, dunk'i, finshd'r darling, leb'r, lewa leb, dMar darn, shduba darning needle. shduhnodd dart, peil, fl^ga dash, rena ditte, daw turn daub, soua, shmera daughter, duchd'r daughter-in-law, sanrn shwey'rduchd'r son sf raw dawn, dogabruch dogsawfong. awb-uch day, diwg or dog day break ( awbruch day-book, dogbuch day laborer, dodrlen'r day's work, dawgwerk deacon, forshstaer dead, dod deadly, dadlich deadly nightshade, nochtshodil deaf, dawb deal, dala, hondla fardaht, ousdala dealer, houdelsmou dear, hartsich, leb'r lewa, deiar death, dod death bed, dod'sbei debauch, farfera lederlich mocha debt, shuld debtor, shuldnar decapitate, kepa decay, deceit, ieceive, obkepa farfoula badruk heichla hin'rg>a heichlar Dezemb'r orndlich deceiver, December, decent, deception, farblenarei deceptive, biidreklich deck, declare, Jeclivity, decorate, ousshmika oussawga hong shamocba zera decoy, wekluka decrease, frklenara wenich'r wara dedicate, eiweia dedication, eiweiing denuction, obzug doed, dawd deep, def deer, harsh defame, shimp, shimpa default, fola defect, falar defend, defeodera defendant.b' klawchdar defiant, trudsich descend defiance, rousfudarung trials deficiency, ousfol defraud, badreya defy, rousfudara degenerated, ousg'ord degree, shdond dejected, mudlos nidarg'shloga dekalogue, zagabuda delay, owshtaa, farzega deliberate, b'rodshloga b'rawda delicacy, shlek'rwasa shlekarei delicate, zimbarlich delicious, obaditlich delight, lushda delightful, awgalusht awganam delirious, farward delirium tremens, soufgichdara deliver, freimocha bafreia, iw'rlefara deliverance, bafreiung deluge, sindflut demand, n awshpruch f^longa, fudra v. bagara Democrat, Demograwt denied, obg'shprucha obg'sawd denomination, banenung dense, dik dentist, zadukd'r deny, oblagla, lagla f'rlagla depart, fortga, obrasa obreisa, obweicha depend, frlusa dependent, o'ohenkih deplore, b'klawga b'yomraa depress, unardrika depth, defung deride, farshbuia, frlocha derision, shbut dermis, fel descend, obshteiga 309 descendant descendant, nochkemling descended, harshtoma desert, frlusa deserve, fardena design, zwek, plawn desire, sana, lushdara, bagar, bagara, f rlonga desirous, bagerich, lushdarich desk, dest ir, farzawga, hofnunglos despicable; lumpich, nidardrechdich despise, frochta despised, farhosd, f rocht, f rnumft despond, farzawga destroy, fardorwa, f rhousa, f rnichda detach, losmocha detain, ufholda detect, ousfina deteriorated, ousg'ord determine, fornema detest, hosa detestable, ob*sheilich detract, dafun nema deuce, zwed'r deviate, obweicha device, plawn devil, deiw'l devoid, lar devote argewa devour, f rzara devout, from dew, daw diabolical, sawtonish diagonal, shraks diagram, obris dial, ooragasiciid, zifarblawd, sunacor diamond, damond diaper, wind' diaphanous, dorchshimara diarrhoea, dorchlawf, roor diary, dorchsichtich. dogbuch dice, warna dictate, forsawga die, shdarwa died, drufg'shnopt differ, net iw' rans shdima difference, unarshid difficult, hort, hord diffident, blad dig, gruba, grawba digest, fardoua dig out, ousmocha dilapidated, roplich, bouchfelig diligent, emsich,fleisich dim, blad, dreb, unklor dime, zaa bens diminish, frklenara dine, es dining-room, es-shdub, folshhad dinner, midogesa dip, shepa diphtheria, fc^ulhols dip-net, habgorn dipper, shepbol direct, grawd, oweisa, richta direction, gagend, richtung dirt, drek, unrod dirtiness, seiarei dirty, drekich, farsoua frshmerd disadvantage, shawda disagree, unanich sei disagreeing, unanich disappear, farshwina disappeared, farshwuna disappoint, awfera disappointed, awg'ferd disavowed, obg'shwora disbelief, - unglawb discharge, bafredicha, loslusa, n. bafreiung, obshika discharge, (gun) obshesa, losshesa discharged, loskuma disciple, ying'r,shoolar discontented , f ' rlat discontinue, obshofa distemper discord, unanichkad discourage, obshreka discover, ousfina discuss, iw' rshwetsa, obhondla kronkhad disgrace, shimp, shont, shimpa disgraceful, shendlicli, shontbawr disguise, frglada disgust, es akelt mer, akel disgusting, wid' rlich dish, shisil dish cloth, shbellumpa dishes, g'shar disheartened, mudlos disheveled, shdruwlich, farshtruw'ld dishonest, unarlich dishonor, b'shimba, shimp, shimpa dish-pan, shbelshisl dish-water, shbelwos'r dislike ; feindshoft, hosa dislocate, f rsetza, ousnonarmocha dismiss, otsedsa, lusa, ousga dismount, ousshteiga, obshteiga disobedient, ungahorsom disobey, net folga displace, f rsetza displease, misfola disposition, mud dissolve, fargaa, frshmelza disspirited, nidarg'shloga dissuade, obroda, obwara distaff, warkgow'l distance, we weit distaste, akel distastefulness, akelhefdickkeid distemper, kronkhad, kronk mocha 310 distilled eagerness distilled, gedishd'lerd doughy, dagich drown, frsafa distillery, breuareii dove, doub drowned, farsufa distinct, deitlich down, nidar, nunar, druggist, obadak'r distress, nod, drebsawl run'r, n. milchhor drugstore, obadak distressed, kimmarlich down hill, bargnun'r drum, drum district, bazark, dozen, dudsenc drunk, g' sufa londshoft drag away, frshlafa drunkard, trunkebold, distrust, misdroua drag-net, shlafgorn farsufn'r, sif r, distrustful, misdrouish dragon, droch souflod'l disturb, farshtara dram, shnops dry, dara, awdara, ditch, grub, grawb draw, zeya, zega, drika, druka divide, obdala, ousdala obmola dry-beef, kwolaflash fardala drawer, shewar, dry up, ufdrikla divination, worsawga, shublawd dubious, b'denklich, forharsa'n drawers, unarhusa umb'shdimd divorce, shad a drawing-knife, duck, ent divorced, g'shada shneidmes'r duckling, entcha dizzy, dorffllich drawl, lorbsa dude, frotzhons do, doo, dooa drawling, lorbsich dudish, frotsich dock, obkartsa, dread, bongichkad, due, shuldich holwargoul forchd dug, g'grawba doctor, dukk'r,duktara dreadful, farchdorlich, dull, shdump, dum dodder, flokseida grislich dullard, mupskub dodged, shdoucha dream, drawm dumb, shdum doe, dom, harsh dress, awklada, klad, dummy, shdromon, dog, hunt klada shdum' r dogbane, hunsgrout dresser, awrichtdish dnn, broungal dog-days, hunsdoga dress up, uf budsa dunce, mupskub, dollar, dawlar dribble, drepsla dumkub doll, bub'l dried, gadard dung, mishd,ousmishda domestic, heislich dried up, fardard durable, dou'rhoft donate, b'shenka, drift, drift duration, dou'r shenka drifted, zug'blosa dusk, dushd'r done, fardich, gadoo, drill, drila, shdabora dust, shdawb gadua drink, drinka, n.tronk, duster, obwishar donor, shenkar gadrenk, v. soufa dusty, shdawwich door, dar drink up, oussoufa Dutch, Holandish door-mat, shubuds'r drive, awdreiwa, fawrd Dutch-cheese, dormer-window, yawga, fera, dreiwa, shdinkkas dochfensht'r fawra dutiful, gahorsom dose, dos drive in, eiyawga duty, pflicht, 5bdrog dot, punkt, dibla, drive off, fardreiwa dwarf, zwarch double, adj. dubl'd, driver, dreiwar,furmon dwell, wona fardup'lt, v. dubla drive together, dwelling, woning doubt, zweif'l beiyawga dye, , farwa doubtful, umb'shdimd, drizzle, drepsla, newla dyer, fiirw'r zweif Ihoft drop, druba, drubsa dysentery, dorchlawf, doubtless, ousgemocht dropsy, wos'rsucht roor dough, dag dross, homarshlog doughnuts, fawsnocht- drouth, drikning kucha, fedkech'lch'r drove, hard each, yadar dough-tray, bokmol drover, dreiwar eagerness, bagerichket 311 evade eager, in arnsht, elegant, hibsch, sha enjoined, awbafola hitsich, bagerich elephant, elafond enjoy, arfrei, b'sidsa eagle, awdlar elevator, alawatar enlarge, fargrasara ear, or, kulwa (corn) eleven, elfa enlarged, fargras'rd ear box, orfeik Elias, llei enlist, lishda early, fre, zeitlich elongate, shdreka enmity, feindshoft earn, fardena elope, dorchgaa enormously, earnest, arnsht, eifrich elude, ousweicha tardeihenkert earnestness, eifar elves, elbadritsha enough, ganunk earnings, fardiensht emaciate, obmawgarii enroll, eishreiwa earth, ard or erd emaciated, obg' /art entangle, farwikla earthen, arda emancipate, losiusa enter, neiga earthenware, g' sh ar embalm, balsoinera entertain, ufnauia earthquake, ardbabung embark, eishiia entice, awlukajnitlfika earth worm, ragaworm ember-days, kwotemb'r entire. gons east, oshda, gaa morya emblem, sinbild entirely, genslich, gons Easter, Oshd'r embrace, b'hart.za, entrails, ingaweida Easter Monday, umorma, awuama entrance, eifawrd, Oshd'r Mondog embroider, ousnaa eigong easy, leicht emerge, rous kuma entrust, awfartroua eat, es, fresa emetic, borgerung entry, eigong, gong eaves, dochdruf emigrant, ouswondrar envied, targunt, echo, shol emmet, ernens misfargunt, oustesha eclipse, finshd'rnis emotion, b'wagunj;, envious, neidich eclipsed, farfinsht'rd emperor, keisar envy, neid, misguiishd economical, shbawrsom employer, baws epiglottis, zebcha economize, f'rshbawra employment, shdel ) epiFepsy.foledkronkhad eden, porades empty, ousnema, lar, epsom salt, english solz edge, n. shneid,v. sawm ouslara. equal, gleich educate, ufzega enclose, eifensa, equalize, gleicha educated, ousgalarnt eisblesii equilibrium, education, laming encourage, zushbrecha, gleichg'wicht eel, ol ufmundrii equip, rishta effect, rera, nochfulga encouraged , equitable, gfirecht effecting, rerend zug'shpruuha equity, garechtichkad effeminate, weiwish end, . end, shlu> eradicate, ousruta, effigy, bildnis, endive, endefi, ondati furdilya, iw'rous shdondbild endorse, unarshreiwti erase, ouskrotsa effort, farsuch, arwet endure, ousholda. erect, ufdu, ur boua e gs * pi- ^ r shtanda, ousshtuu, ergot, brond eight, 5cht enemy, feiu<. error, i'alar eighteen, ochtza enforce, b'zweng.i, eruption, ou^fawring eighty, ochzich engage, frbin,, erysipelas, wndt'eiar ejaculation, kortsg'bad engaged, awg'nunn escaped, dorohg' widsht elbow, elboga engine, mosln'u escapement, unroo elder, hul'r, eldesht'r engineer, inshinerr :state, hmarluslshoft (of a church) English, Englisii i.steem, hoclioclita,ocht elecampane, 515nsworz' I Englishman, Engleu'f ternal, ,-uvich holondworz' i -ngraver,bild'rshdech' i- jternity, awiohkeid elect, wala engraving, bil< evacuate, ous ara, elected, neig'shtimt kup'rsticli t" r;usa election, >/awl jnjoin, eishari. evade, ousweiciia 312 evaded evaded, ousg'wicha even, awa, sogawr event, foriol, zufol, arfolg ever, im'r, awich everlasting, reiblum, im'rwarend every day, oladog every one, yadar every time, olamol everywhere, iw'rol evident, ufnbawr evil, iwel, bas evil doer, iw'ldad'r ewe, mud'rshof exact, ganou, pinktlioh exactly, yushtfament, grawd exaggerated, iw'rdriwa exalt. arhaa examine, dorchsana example, beishbel exceedingly, iw'rous excel, iw'rdrefa excelled, iw'rdrufa excellent, fordreflich except, ousnema excepted, ousg'nuina exchange, weks'la, rum weks'la excise, obdrog excite, ufraga, ufrera excited, eifrich exclaim, ousrufa exclude, ousshlesa excluded, ousg'shlusa excrement, shdulgong excuse, n. eiwening. ousrad. v. f rklawga execute, ousfera exempt, frei exercise, ewa, ousewa, ousewung, bawagung exhort, armawna exoneration, bafreiung expect, zumuda expectation, hofnung, oussicht expend, ouslaga expenses, kushda expensive, kushtbawr expert, gashikd experience, farsucha, arfawrung expire, ouslawtli explain, ouslaga explanation, nochweis explicitly, ousdriklich explode, f rshpringa expose, rousshdela, ouslaga exposition, ouslagung expositor, ouslagar expression, ousdruk expressly, ousdriklich extend, shdreka,lengra extinguish, frlesha, lesha extinguished, ousgonga extirpate, ousdilya, ousruta c3tra costs, nawakushta extraordinary, fardeihenkert extravagant, iw' rmasich eye, awg eyebrows, awgabroa eyelid, awgadek'l eyelash, awgal^or eye of a needle, ar F fable, fawb'l,g'shitchta fabricate, boua, mocha face, awg'sicht, gasichd awgaaicht fact, dawd faculty, kroft, tolent, faichkad, gawb fade, obblacha faded, obg'shusa fagged, med fail, farfala, fala faint, mot, omechtich, shwoch, umechtich fainting, enksterich fainting fit, umechtich wara faintness, motichkad fair, sha, hel (of a day), arlich faith, glawb faitbful, gadrei or gatrei trei fate faithless, treiloa fall, fol, shdardsa, harbsht, shbotyor fall asleep, eishlofa fallen, g'fola fall (headlong) he'shtardsa fall (in rank), awreia fall into slumber, eishiumra fall off, obtola fall (of man), sindafol fallow, brocha fallowed, g'felkd fall upon, awfola fall through, dorchfola false, folsh, unrichtich falsehood, leg, folsh had falsity, folshhad familiar, b'kond family, fawmilya famine, hung'rsnod famished, ouskuug'rd famous, barcmd fancy, eibildung, e.fol, eibilda fang, fong.awn far, weit fare, kusht, awknma, esa, faw geld farewell, farawel, lawawol farm, bouarei, blods, v. boura farmer, bou'r farming, bourashtond farming implements, bouragaradsheft farrier, geilsdukd'r farthing, friing fascinate. buna fashion, moda fast, fesht, f'.aht, foshta, gash wind fast day, bad-dog fasten, b'feshdicha fasten (by tendrils), awronka fastidious, shuekich fat, fed fatal, dadlioh fate, 313 father flatter father, fot'r, dawdy | ferbent, hitsich finish, fSrdichmocha, father-in-law, shwar, ferment, gar a b'shlesa shwey'rfot'r fermented, geyora fipenny bit, fip fatigued, med fern, fawrawn fire, feiar fatten, meshda,uffedra, ferry, iw' rsetsa firebrand, fei'rbrond awfedara fertile, fruchtbawr, fired oflF, losg'shusa, fattening, moshd reich obg'shusa fatty, fedich festival, fesht firefly, fei'rfog'l faucet, zopa fetch, beihola, hola fire off, losshesa fault, falar, shuld fetch along, mitbringa fireplace, fei'rhard favor, shuna, g'fola, fetlock, hoof h or fire, to start a, feiura, bagnawdicha, fever, few'r uifeiara g'felichkad fever and ague, firm, shdondhoft favored, b'lebt kolt few'r first, fedarshd, arsht, favorite air, leibshtik few, wenich, edlicha, zuarshd, olararsht, fawn, shmachla, kolb pawr fornamshd harshkoo fickle, wonk'lmedich fish, ong'la fear, farchda, forohd, fiddle, geik fishbones, fishkrawna furcht, bongichkad fiddler, geig' r fishery, fisharei fearful, shreklich,bong, fiddle stick, fidelboga fishhook, ong'l farchdarlich fidgety, unrooich fishing, fisha feast, fesht field, feld fish net, fishgorn feather, fed'r field fares, feldhink'l fish oil, dron featherbed, fed'rdek, fiend, bas feind, deiw'l fish rod, fishgad dekbed fierce, wild fish scales, shupa feather-case, bebzech fiery, feirich fissure, rie feather-duster, fife, peif fist, fousht fled'rwish fifteen, fufza fit v., fita, awbosa, feather few, mad'rla fifty, fufzich awfita February, Febrawawr, fig, feig fit, n. gichtar, bakwam Horning fight, awfechta, fechta, fitted on, awg'fid fee, bezawlung, lo g'fecht fitted up, g'shtiweld feed, fud'r, fedra figure, zifar five, finf feel, b'fela, fela figwort, brounworz'l fix, foshtmocha, bes'ra, feeling, g'fel filberts, hos'lnis farzimara feet, fes file, awfeila, feila, fell fixed, eig'richt felloe, felya filial, kindlich flag, fawna, fellow, karl fill, awfila, fiilmocha shwartli (plant) fellow feeling, mitg'fel fillings, fils'l flail, dreshfleg'l, fleg'l fellowman, mitbrud'r, fill up, nochfila flake, fluk mitmensh filly, fil flame, flom felly, felya filter, dorchBeiha flank, flong, seita, felon, basding, filth, drek flongera farbrech'r fin, flusfed'r flannel, flonel female, weibsmensh, finally, zuleshd, zum flare, flakara weibsbild shlus, endlich flaring, flokarich female cat, kits' n find, b'keschdicka, fina flash, blids, shdrawl female (of birds) finder, fin'r flask, bud' Icha, flush weibcha fine, shdrof, shdrofa flat, floch fence, fens finger, fing'r flat-iron, big'lelsa fence panel, g'foch finger stall, fing'rling flatter, awshmachla, fennel, fenchel finished, fardich shmachla 314 flattering frivolities flattering, shmachlich folly, norashdrach fortnight, fardsadawg flaw, falar fond, garn howa,farlebt fortune, klik flax, floks food, esa fortune teller, flax comb, flokshakel fool, nor, zwik'l woretsawg'r flay, obzega, obshina, fool away, bembla forward, forwidsich shina fooled, g'foold foster, pflach flayed, g' shun a foolish, daricht, narish, found, g' funa flea, flo, pi. fla afeldich founder, gesar flea wcrt, flagrout foolishness, fountain, kwel flecked, duplich narishg' sh weds four, fera fledged, flik foot, fus fourteen, farza flee, dorchgaa, flega foot-bridge, shdak fourth, fart'l, fert fleet, shnel footmarks, tropa fowling piece. shesg' war flesh, flash foot measure, mesrom fox, fuks, pi. fiks flexible, lumarich | foot rule, zulshdawb fox and geese, kreidsinel flicker, flokara fop, frotzhons fox (boots), awshooa flickering, flokarich Ibppish, frotsich fox grapes, flight, flucht for, fr shbekdrouwa flint, gun, feiarshta forbearance, longmood fragrant, gudreehich flitch, seidaflash forbearing, longmedich frame, gashtolt float, iw'rshwema, forbid, farbeda fraud, badruk shwiraa forbidden, farbuta freckled, sum'rflekich flock, hard force, zwenga, kroft, freckles, sum'rfleka flood, iw"rshwerning, g'wolt Frederick, Frids flud forced, g'mist free, frei, bafreia, floor, nor force through, freigewa florist, blumaken'r dorchzwenga freedom, freihad flounce, folblo foreboding, forshtelung freeholder, londagn'r flour, mal forefathers, forelt'ra, freely, freiwilich flour of sulphur, forfat' r Free Mason, Freimourar shwew'lbled forefeet, fedrafes freeze, frera, farfrera flower, blum forehead, shdarn French, Fronzaish flowing, flesend foreign, ouslendish French-clover, fluent, flesend foreign country, hawsa-gla flummery, gromons'l ouslond frequently, heifich, fly, mik, flega foreigner, ouslen'r uft, olgebut fly-brush, mikarwarar foreleg, fedraba fresh, frish fly-net, mikag'shar foremost, fedarshd fret, brudsa foal, hudsh, hudshli forename, fornawma Friday, Freid5g foam, shoum foresee, forsana friend, freind fodder, fud'r forest, bush friendly, freindlich, fog, new'l foretold, gaprufazeid ploudarich foggy, newlich forfeit, farwarka friendship, freindshoft fogyism, old leiar forge, nochmocha fright, furcht, shreka fold, eifolda, fold, forged, nochg mocht frighten, fargelshtara, zomalaga forget, fargesa,f rlarna sheia foliage, lawb forgive, fargewa fringe, frons'l, folks, fulk, leit for it, d'rfor ousfronsla follow, folga, nochga, fork, gowel fringed, farfrons'lt, / nochfulga formerly, zufor fronslich follower, awhengar for sale, fal fritters, ponakucha follow up, nodrochda for this time, desmol frivolities, dumhada 315 frivolous giddy frivolous, leichtsinich Q gate- way, eifawrd frock, gound VJ gather, ufpika, somla, frog, friish gabble, shnotra beig'lufa, beikuma, frolic, shbre, grushd, gable, gi^'l rupa f rlushdera, shbos gable-end, giw'lend gathers, folda from, fun, fum gad, umharlawfa, gauge (to measure) from it, d'rfun rumlawfa rundmas'l front, forna gad fly, nisshis'r gauges (plums) frost, reifa gag, 's moul zu bina, kwedsha frost grapes, reifdrouw a knew'l, knew' la gawk, shling'l froth, shawm or shoum gage, mesa, ousmesa gay, lushdich, Iabh5ft frown, finshd'rblik gain, brofit, awshofa, gear, shdrong, g'shar, frozen, g'frora g'win geils-g'shar frugal, shbawrsom. gall, gol geld, shneida masich gallery, bordkarch gelder, seishnit'r fruit, obsht gallon, gol gem, ad'lshda fruitful, fruchtbawr gallows, golga general, feldh,r fruit tree, obshtbawm gamble, gemla generally , g' wanlich , fry, broda full, ful gambler, shbelar, gemlar gabreichlich, olgema generate, zeiga, arzeiga full-cheeked, dikbokich gambrel, hasahuls generation, gashlecht, full moon, fullicht game-cock, fechthawna menshaold'r full of holes, lecharich game, shbel, wilbret generosity, grosmud, full weight, gammon shunka ad'lmud shwarg'wicht gamon, g'shmokd'r- generous, freigewich fully, felich hinarshunka genial, woldooend, fulminate, blidsa gander, gonsard geishtreich fun, shbos, g' shbos gang, drub, bond genius, nawdurgawb, fund, geldsum gangrene, knuchafraws tolent funeral, leicht, brond genteel, sonftmedich, b'grebnis gap, efning, lik monerlich funnel, drecht'r gape, moulufshbarii gentian, dousendgil da- funnel cake, garbage, obfol grout drechd'rkucha garden, gawrda gentility, monerlichkad funny, lecharlich garden beds, len'r gentle, sonftmedich, fur, bels gardener, gardl'r, sonft furbelow, folbloj gardn'r gentleness, sonftmood furious, rawsig, wedich \ gargle, gorg'l. George, Jorch furnace, ufa, fornis, hols ous shwenka germ, keim shmelsufajgargol, flindasheft, fina German, Deitchlen'r, furnish, eirichta j garland, blumakron.s, Deitsh furnished, eig'riclit krons Germany, Deutshlond furnish (food) b'kesch- garlic, knuwluch germinate, keirna dicha, f rkeschdicha garment, glad get, grick furniture, housrod garret, ewarsht get (one's affections) furrow, forchdj shbeich'r awmocha furrow out, ousfTirch da j garrison, monshof't ghost, shbooks, geisht fury, raw^arei ! garter, shdrurapbend'l giant, res fuss, larm j garter-snake, shdrafich- future, zukuufti shlong gibbet, glgi giddiness, dorm'l, fuzz, fus 'rjgash, def rshnit, wund shwind'l fuzzy, fusrich j gate, dor, darly giddy, dormlicli 316 gift gripe gift, gawb, g'shenk gnaw, farbeisa, nawga, granary, fruchtkom'r gild, fargulda, gulda knowara grand, gros, grosordich gilding, farguldung gnaw at, awfresa grandchild, kinskind gill, fishor gnome, ardgeisht granddad, grandad gimlet, nog'lbora go, lawf, ga granddaughter, enkelin ginger, imbar goal, zel grandfather, grosfot'r ginger-cake, labkucha goal (of life) labeszel grandmother, gipsy, zeyein'r goat, gas, gasbuk (he) grosmud' r girl, madcha, pi. mad gobbler, welshawna grandson, enkel girth, sod'lgird goblet, heukaglos granivorous, give, b'shenka, shenka God. Gut grawsfresend give ear to, farhara, God-father, pedar grant, arlawb obhara God-mother, god grape, droub given, gewa going backward, grapevine, drouwashtuk give notice to quit, krebsgong grasp, awgreifa, ousbeda gold, guld awpoka gizzard, krup golden mean, mid'lmos grass, graws glad, fro golden rod, wundgrout, grasshopper, hoishrek'r gladden, arfrei blobargar ta grate, knarsha, reiwa gladly, garn golden tincture, grateful, donkbawr glance, blik guldendoor grater, reiweisa glanders, awich-rudsar gone, gonga gratitude, donkbawrkad glass, glaws gonorrhoea, fronzosa grave, grawb glazing, glesur good, brawf, gut 1 grave-digger, glebe, ardshula good-for-nothing, grawbmoch'r glee, lusbdichkad, unnids, niksnuts gravel, grub'r sond freida Good Friday, j grave-yard, karchhof glide, ousridsKa Korfreidogj gravy, bre, dunkes glide from, obriisha goods, wawrlgray, gro glimmer, shimara I goose, gons, pi. gens graze, obwada glimpse, blik gooseberry, grus'lber grease, shiner, shmuts glisten, glidzara, glous, or krus'lber greasy, shmutsich, shimara gore, zwik'l, blud fedich glitter, glidzara, sheina gorgeous, prechtig great, gros zwidsara gossip, neiichkada- greater, gras'r or kras'r glittering, glidsarich drag'r greatest, grashd gloaming, demarung, gouge, shbundbora great-grandfather, dushd'r gourmond, felfraws oorgrosfot'r gloom, dunk'l, dushd'r govern, ragera greediness, bagerichket glory, harlichkad, government, ragering greedy, bagerich, salichkad governor, guw' rner wulfich gloss, glons, shein gown, klad, gound green, gren gloves, henshing, mits grab, greif, argreif greet, gresa glue, leim grace, gnawd griddle, kuchaplot glutton, f elf raws gracious. gnadich griddle-greaser, gluttonous, seiish gradually, shritweis shbekshwort gnarl, knora, bruma, graft, zweiga gridiron, ' roshtgrat mura grain, frucht grieve, krenka gnarly, mos'rich grain cradle, ref| grind, mawla, shleifa gnash, zaknarsha, grain ( growing, ) sod grind-stone, shleifshda knarsha grain (planting,) grip, grif, greif* gnats, shnoka saw ma gripe, reisa 317 griping in bowels griping in bowels, bouchgriwla gristle, knorw'l gristly, gruslich, knorw'lich grist-mill, mel,kunamel groan, seifza groom, knecht groove, rina, grub, eishnit grooving iron, gorg'lreisar gross weight, shwarg'wicht grotto, hoi, liich, grub ground, frmawla, buda, bud'm ground-cherries, yudakarsha ground-hog, grundsou ground-pine, welew'r- weleng'r ground plate, .shwel, sol ground squirrel, fensamous grove, bawragong, gla bush grow, woksa growing, woksich growl, knora, brumla growl at, awbruma grown together, awwuksa growth, g'weks grub, gruba grubbing-hoe, grubhuk grumble, knudaru, brumla, grimili, kiK/ra, grumbling, grumlich, knudrich, knorieh grunt, gre.'isa guano, feg'lmisht guard, bawawra,b'heta guardian, farwar'r, garden guelder-rose, sbna bola guess, mudmawsa, roda guest, gawsbt guide, ferar, fera guide post, wegweis'r guile, badruk guileful, badreklich guilt, shuld guinea fowl, ginihink'l guitar, zitar gums, zawflash gum-tree, guma gun, flind, shesg'war gun-barrel, flindalawf, gun-cotton, shesbawwul gun-powder, pulw'r, shespulw'r gun-stock, flindakulwa gush, shdrom, gesa gusset, gusduch gust, windshtos gut, dorm gut-string, dormsad gutter, rina, oblus, wos'rgrawb gypsum, gips H habit, moner, gabrouch awgawanet habitable, bawonbawr, gabreichlich habitation, woning habitually, g' wanlich habituate, awgawana hack, hok, hoka, farhoka hack-saw drilsak had, het hades, unarwelt hag, old weibsinensh, heks hail n. , shlosa hail v., zuroofa hair, hor hairbreadth, hordikung hairy, horich halberd, shbes half, helft, holb, halw r, holwar half-brother, shdef-brud'r half-witted, aKldich hallowe'en, olarheil lialloo, greisha halo, mond hot' halter, holftar hardware Q halt, n. hold, v. h51da, adj. lawm halter-strap, h51ft' rrema ham, g'shmokd'rhinar- shunka, hinarshunka shunka hames, kumetshpa hames-hook, shdrup hamlet, shdedcha, shded'l hammer, homar hammer (scythes), deng'l hand, hond, iwargewa hand about, rumlonga hand-cheese, shdinkkas handkerchief, duch, shnupduch handle, henk, hond' la, awfing'ra, shdel, handle (of a scythe), sensawurl hands (of a clock), zacha handsome, awsanlich, sha, hibsch handwriting, shrift, hondshrift handy, gashikd, heudich hang, henk hangman, henkar hap-hazard, garawdawol haply, ferleicht happen, b'fola, zugaa, zufola, f rlawia happy, fro, harlich, salich, kliklioh harangue, awrada harass, kwala harassing, kwalich harbinger, forlawf'er hard, herd or hurt harden, fiirharda r harda hardly, kouni, shwarlich hardship, shtrupotsa hardships, mesalichkata hardware, eisu 318 hardware store hereafter hardwaie store, hatred, hos, obshei heart broken, eisashdor hatter, hootmoch'r org badrebd hard smoked sausage, haughtiness, hochmud hearth, fei'rhard knokworshd haughty, hochmedig, heart' s-ease, j onihubs' r hare, haws shduls, bodsich jtmijuinpub hare bell, glukablum haul, zega, fawra heat, hits, warma hare brained, wild, haunch, hifta, shenk'l heated, hitsich gadonklos haunt, shbooka,b'sucha heathen, heida hark, blofa, horcha hauteur. hochmud heave, hawa, ufhawa harlequin, honsworsht have, hob, hen, howa. heaven, himel harlot, hoor hawba heavenly, himlish harm, shawda, have an opinion, mana heaves, windg'brucha, harmful, shawdlich have, desire, lushdara heifts harmless, shawdlos haversack, shnopsok heavy, shwar harmonica, moulorgel hawthorn, weisdornj hedge, heka, heka fens harmonious, hawk, woi, hondboid heed, ocht. bamarka, mitshdimich hawkeyed, shorfawgich b'kimra, ochta harmony. hay, hoi heel, farsht, obsods, iwareishdimung hay-cock, hoihoufa pi. obseds harness, geilsg'shar. haymaking, hoiet heft, g'wicht g'shar, ufg'shara hay mow, bawra heifer, rind harness maker, geils- hay-rack, hoiref height, ha, bach g'shar moch'r hay-stack, hoishdiik heir, arwa harness, of the leader, hazard, zufol hell, hel fed'rg'shar hazelbush, hos'lheka hellebore, krishtworz'l harp, horf hazelnut, hos'lnis helm, shdeiar-rud'r harrow, ag, aga hazy, newlich helmsman, shdeiarmon harry, ploka he, ar help, helfa, beishtaa, harsh, grab head, kup, ar, of grain hilf, boda hart, harsh headache, kupwa helped, g'hulfa hartshorn, hca-ling, iw'rshrift helpless, umb'hulfa harshorngeisht headlong, Tosh helter-skelter, harvest, arn. arml head, of cattle, rinsfe. hul'r-bul'r harvesi : apple, i'reub'l rinshtikfe helve, helm harvested, g'arnd head plane, leishhow'l hem, sawm, eibendla, harvest home, heail stone, grawbs'uda pawma arnd fesht lieadstroiig, obsauawt, hemisphere, holbkug'l harvest service, trfidsich hemorrhage, blooda arndkareli headstrong person, hemp, honft has, hut trudskup hen, gluk, hinkel hash, gakukts tia-u heal, hala, obhala i lieu-bit hinkeldorm h;i.*re, eil 1 heal-all, prunelagrout hence, nochhar hasten, eila, dum'i health, giisiindhad henceforth, nochdem hasty, iw'reilt, rush | healthy, wol, gusund, her, er, se hat, hut or huot, pi het rishtich herb, krout, plons, hatch, bre.1 heap, houfa, klumpa pi. gakreid'r bnti-liet, beii hear, hara, zuhara herbivarous. h-iichway, dochlawda hearken, horclu'i 1 plonsafresa hate, hos, husa,j hear-say harasawgji herd, hard hated, farhosd hearse, dodawoga herdgrass, hardgroa hateful, obsheiiich. heart, harts here, har, do hesiich heart-burn, sodbrena j hereafter, nochdem 319 Q hereditary hereditary, awgabora, arwalich hernia, bruch hero, held heron, fishreiar hesitate, shtudsa hesitation, unshlesichket hew, hulsb'shlawga, hoka hexagonal, seksekich hiccough, shliks'r hickory -broom, shena-bas'rn hickory-nuts, hikarnis hidden, farshtekl'd, hamlich hide, hout, f'rshlupa, farshtekla hide and seek, shdekli hideous, shreklich, grislich high, hoch highbred, hochg'ziiga higher, hach'r highest, * haksht high school, hochashool high water, flud highway, londshdros hill, barg, hiw'l hilly, bargich, hiw'lich him, 'n hind, hina, harshkoo hinder, farhinara, hinara, farwara hindmost, hinarshd hinge, bond, henk hint, awdeita hip, hifta hipshot, hiftalawm, kreidslawm hire, dinga hired man, knecht hirsute, horich his, sei, seina, seinar hiss, hetsa history, g'shichta hit, drefa, shloga hitch up, eishpona hither, har, hin hitherto, bishar hives, heifts hoar, weis, weisgro hoard, shots somla, ufhoufa hoarfrost, reifa hoarhound, adorn hoarse, rou hoary, weis, oldgro hob, nawb hobble, hup'l hobgoblin, shbooks, wonts, bouds hobnail, hoofnog'l hock, knekal hocus pocus, farblenarei hod, mortardrok hod-carrier, hondlong'r hoe, hok hog, sou, pi. sei hoggish, seiish hoggishness, seiarei, souarei hogshead, gros fos hogweed, burryuk'l hoist, ufzega, uf hawa hold, hawa, holt, holda or holta hole, luch, pi. lechar, shlids, lech'l holiday feiardawg, feshtdawg hollow, heling, hoi, oushelcha boly, heilich loly week, korwuch lonie, ham, hamet aome-feeling, hamgafel liomeless, hametlos Homeliness, unshahad omely, heislich aome-made, hamg'mocht aomeopathic, omobawdish aome-sickness, hamwa aomeward, hamzus, noch hous aomicide, mord aomologous, gleich aone, wedshda aonest, arlich, brawf, rechtshofa hostile honey, hunich honey-cake, lebkucha honey-comb, emaros honey-dew, mildau honey suckle, hunichsuk'l honor, ar, ara honorable, arbawr hood, kop hoof, kloa, hoof hook, boka hook in, eihenka hooks and eyes, hofta un hoka hoop, raf, gbbina hooping-cough, blohooshda hoop-poles, rafshdeka hop n., hub hop v., hoopsa, hupsa hope, hofnung, hofa hopeful, hofnungfol hopper, drecht'r horn, horn hornet, hornas'l horrible obsheilich, grislich, shreklich horrify, farshreka horror, shoudar, obshei horse, goul, pi. geil horse-bean, seibon horse-chestnut, geilskesht horse-doctor, geilsdukd'r horsefly, b'rarn horse jockey, reid'r, geilsjoky horse-power, hospouar horse-radish, maretich horse-shoe, hoofeisa horse-whip, geilsgash'l, furmonsgash'l, fawrgash' 1 horticulture, gawrdabou hose, shdrump, pi. shdrimp hosier shdrimpmocher hospitable, freigewich hospital, hoshbidawl host, ward, har hostile, bas, feindlich 320 hostility hostility, feindshoft hostler, shtolknecht, housknecht hot, hitsich, has, dumbich hotch potch, olarlei hotel, wardshous hot-headed, hitsich hot-punch, shling hough, knekal hound, houns, yawghunt hour, shdun house, hous, pi. heis'r housekeeping, housholdung house-leek, houswoks housing, kumet dek hovel, knolhit, shup how, we howl, g'grish, heila hub, nawb hubbub, larm, ufrur hue, forb huffy, brudsich hug, umorina huge, gros, ungaheiar hull, runif, obshala hulliug-stone, shalshta hum, bruma, shnora human, menshlich human aid, menshahilf humanity, menshad human kind, menshad humble, arnedricha, nedrich, damedich humble bee, hum'l humbug, shwind'l humdrum, longweilich humid, feicht humidity, feichtichkeid humiliate, arnedricha humming-bird, shnor- fog'l, hunichfog'l humor, feiehtigkeid, sbbos humorous, ful shbos hump, buk'l hump-backed, grumbuklich hunch-back, grumbuklich hundred, hun'rt hunger, hungar hungry, hungrich hunk, shdik hunt, yawga, hunta, dorchsucha hunter, yagar hunting, yawgd, hunta huntsman, yagar hurl, shmeisa,shdardsjv hurried, g'eilt hurry, dum'l,eila,moch hurry after, nocheila hurt, wadoo, wagedoo, frledsa hurtful, shadlich hush, shdila husk, bosht, v. boshda husking-pin, boshdhuls hussy, mensb hustle, dum'l hut, hit, shup hutch, ben, box, kishd hyacinth, shdarnblum hydromel, hunichwos'r hydrophobia, wos' rshei hygiene, gasundhadslar hymn, led, lobgasong, gasong hyphen, binshdrika hypocrisy, heichalei hypocrite, moul-grishd, sheiheilichar,heichla,r hypocritical, sheiheilich hyssop, eisup hysteria, shliks'rkromp hysterics, mud'rwa I I, ich ice, eis iceberg, eisbarg ichthyology, fishkunsht icicle, eiszopa idea, b'grif identical, leibhoftich identify, arkena idiocy, unfrshtond, durnhad idle, mesich idleness, mesichgong idol, obgut imitator idler, foulensar, dawgdeb idolatry, obgetterei if, won igneous, feirich, ignis fatuus, ardlicht ignite, awzinda ignition, entzindung ignoble, unadlich ignominious, shunplich ignominy, shimp ignoramus, dumkub ignorance, unfrshtond, dumhad ignorant, unf rshtenich dum, unwisent, afeldich I. H.S.,Yasus Mensha /Erlas'r ill, kronk, shlecht, bas ill-bred, ungazugu illegal, unrechtmasich illegible, unlasarlich illegitimate, boshdard, beikind ill-favored, fiirbudsa illiberal, net freigewich, geitsich illiberality, geits illicit, unarlawbt illimitable, unendlich ill natured, grounzich, bas g'nawdurd illiterate, ungalarnd illiteracy, unwisentheit ungaliimdheit illuminate, arleichta illumination, arleichtung illustrate, klor mocha illustration, bild illustrious, baremd image, bild imaginable, denkbar imaginary, eigabildt imagination, eibildung imbecile, shwochsinich imbibe, trinka, soufa imitate, nochmocha, nochfulga imitation, nochfulgung imitator, noebfulgar 20a 321 immaterial independent immaterial, ewafel impostor, badrey'r incarnation, immature, net zeitick, impress, eisharfa, menshwardung uiireif, unzeitich eidrika incendiary,mordbrenar immediately, shdroks, impression, eidruk hamlich-wekbrena, bledslich imprison, eishlesa brondshdifd'r immemorial.undenklich improbable, umeglicb inception, awfong immense, un'rmeslich improper, unsbiklich inch, zul immobile, unrooich, improve, nocbbelfa, incidence, zufol urabawachlich bes'ra incident, zufol immoderate, iw' rmasich improvident, incision, eishnit immoral, shlecht unforsichticb incite, awdreiwa immortal, unshdarblich imprudent, unklucb inclement, rou immortality, impudent,' unf rsbarnt, inclination, g'neiguug, unshdarblichkad bodsicb, frech hong immortalize, unshdarb- inipudeiit person, inclose, fens, eishlesa Ifbh mocha ruds'r, rutsnaws include, mideinema, immovable , nog' If osht . impulse, b'wagung eisblesa umbuwaehlioh impure, dreb incognito, unb'kond immunity, freihad' impute, zusedsa incognizant, unwisent immure, eimoura in, drin income, eikum's impair, shawda in a, im, ima in common. impaired, obg'worzi inaccuracy, grunas-beftlich imparity, ungleichhad unrichticbkad incomparable, impart, gewa. niitilalaj inactive, mesicii unf rgleicblich impatience, ungaduid inadequate, mong'lboft incomprehensible, impatient, ungaduldich madvance, fornamous unb'greiflich impeach^ awklawga inadvertance, inconceivable, impede, farhinava nocblesichkad unb'greiflich impediment, hinarnis iaadverteut, uochlesicb in confusion, impel, dreiwa inadvertently, dorchnon'r impenetrable, umb'denkt inconsideration. net dorchdringlich inane, ly, lar, larkepig nochlesicbkad imperative, balalend iuanirnate, lablos, dod inconstant, flokarich imperator, feldhar inasumcb, in so weit incorporate, iucijrporat imperfect, mong'lhoft inattention, unocbt, increase, frlengara, imperil, in g'forbringa forlesicbkad f ' rmara impertinent, fleg'lhoft inattentive, forlesicb, increment, zunawm, impetus, g'wolt unochtsum zuwoks impiety, gutlosicbkad inaugurate, eisbwitra, incriminate, bashuldega implant, eiplonsa eiweia, eisetsa incrust, f rkrushta implicate, neiwikla inauguration, eiweiiug incubate, brea implore, awroofa inauspicious, uBglik- incubator, bremosben impolite, umonerlich, licb, forbadeitend incumbraiice, losbt uuordich inborn, eigabora incur debts, imponderability, incandescent, sbulda mocha una g'wicht weisgledich incursion, eifol import, eibringa incapable, unfaicb indebted, shuldig important, b'deitung incarnate, flash wara, indeed, in d'r dawd impose, uflaga ins flash kurna indemnity-bond, imposed upon, g'lbold incarnate devil, leib- shawdlos-bond imposition, badreyarei hoftich'r deiw'l indent, eidrika iuiposjsibte, umeglich incentive, oorsoch independent, bodsich 3 k ~>o t* index index, nochweis'r, ragishd'r Indian, Insh pi. Inshing Indian-corn, welshkorn Indian Summer, shmok- dawga, shmokwed'r old weiw'r sum'r Indian-turnip, awron orensh zwiw'l India-rubber, Inshing-rub'r indicate, awzeiga indicator, awzeig'r indict, frklawga indifferent, unb'kim'rt, leidlich indigenous, eigabora indigent, badarfdich indignant, zornig indignation, zorn indirect, mid'lbawr indiscrete, forwidsich indite, shreiwa individual, parsanlich, bios anar indolence, v foulhad induce, eifera, b'waga indulge, mit obgewa indulge in drinking, jig'ra industrious, sbniurt. sboficb, tieisich, emsich industry, fleis inebriate, souflod'l, farsufn'r inert, ruich infamous, arlos, nidardrechdich infancy, kindhad infant, kind, kla kind infanticide, kindesmord infantine, kindlicli in favor of, da for infect, awsbteka infectious, awsbtek'nd infer, beibringa, shlesii inferior, unar, midar'r, sbwecb'r infidel, r net on Gut glawba infest, kwala infinite, unendlich, una end infirm, una krefta, shwoch, krenklich inflame, onzinda inflate, ufblosa inflict, uflaga, zufega influence, eiflus inform, barichta, awklawga inform on, f roda infringe, iw'rdrada, brecha in front, forna in general, iw'r hawbi ingenious, shlik ingeniousness, kundawida ingraft, eiplonsa inhabit, bawona inhabitant, bawonar. eiwonar inherit, arwa inheritance, axbshoft inhuman, unmenshlich iniquity, sinda, basheit inject, nisbbritsa injure, b'shadicha. shawda injurious, slvadlich injury, obbruch, shawda ink, dinda inkstand, dindaglos inn, wardshous innate, awgabora, eigabora innocence, unshuld innocent, unshuldig inoculate, bladla inquest, unarsuchung inquietude, unroo .nquire, nochfroga, b' froga nquiry, frok nquisitive, wunarfid- sich, wunarnaws, neigerich person n reality, warklicb nsane, ous 'm kup, narish interest , t inscribe, eishreiwt inspect, kef r insert, eisedsa inside, drin, inwenich inside out, lets insinuating, shmachlich insolent, moulich, frech unfrshamt insomnia, shloflos inspect, unarsucha inspiration, eihouchung gadriwa fum geisht inspire, eihoucha, awfeira in spite of, truda install, eisetsa instantly, shnel, bledslich instead, shdods fum instep, reia instigate, awshtifda instigator, awshtifdar instruct, lara, awweisa instruction,, larning in suite, noch en on'r insult, b'leidicha, shimpa, b'shimba insurance, farsicharung insure, farsichara insurgent, ufj*erar insurrection, ufshdoud integral, gons integument, dek ntellect, farsbtond intelligence, farshtond intelligent, farshtenich g'sheit, kluch intelligible, b'greiflich intemperate, unmasitfh intend, wula, mana, fornema intense, shdark,heftich intention, manung inter, baardicha, b grawwa, eigrawa intercede, dazwishadrada intercept, ufholda interchange, weksla, obweksla ntercostal, dazwisha interest, indresa 323 interfere joiuer's-bench^i, interfere, nei midla. intrust, onfartroua, itinerant, reisend dazwishadrada batroua itinerary, reisabuch interior, inarlich intuitive, awgabora interment, baardichung inundate, iw'rshwema interminable, una end, inundation, jab, ripashtos unendlich iw'rshweming jabber, shnotra infcermittent-fever, invade, awgreifa jack, hons, nor weks'l few'r in vain, olniks jack-ass, shda as'l, as'i internal, inarlich invalid, kronka parson jack o'lantern, ardlicht interpret, dulrnetsha, kronk, krenklich. Jacob, Yukli ouslaga kroftlos jag, shdeka interpretation, dulmet- invasion, awgrii jail, present schung, ouslagung invent, arfina jarnb, peilar interpreter, ouslagar, invention, arfindung January, Yenar dulmetsh'r inverse, umgakard jar, kruk, arda kruk, interrogate, frosa invert, umkara, shidla, klepra, rosla interrogation, Irok umshtilpa jar, shdos interrupt, ufholda inverted, umgakard jaundice, galsucht intersect, dorchshneida invest, awlaga, b'kladu. jaunty, mund'r intersection, dorchshnit investigate, inarsuchaiJaw, kiuboka interview, uuarradung invigorate, b'kref'ticha. [jaw-bone, kinboka intestine, dorun, shdarka|,iny, Jbarilfog'i ingaweida invisible, unsictbawr jealous, misdrouish in the fore part, invitation, eilawdung jeer, shbut, shbuta fornadriri invite, eilawda,nadicha jejune, lar, hungrich in the hind part, invoke, awroofa jelly, jeli, kroftbre hinadrin involve, eiwikla jeopardy, g'for in the morning, inward, inwenich Jeremiah, Jeri moryeds I. 0. U.. ich bin d'r jerk, shnara, zuka in the open air, shuldicb jerk-line, zubleia iin freia ire, zorn jest, shbos mocha, sh bos in the rear, binano ireful, zornig Jesus, Yasus intimacy, freind?hoft iris, shwartli Jew, Yud intimate, awdeita irksome, longweiiich Jew's-harp, trump' I intimidate, obshreka, iron, eisa, big la jewel, kleinod shreka iron-ore, eisameiud jiffy, awgalilik into, nei, riein iron-scales, homarshlog jig, dons, donsa intoxicate, barousha, irrigate, wesra jingle, kliug la g'sufa mocha irritate, aryara job, gashe'ft, arwet intoxicating, rritation, aryarnis Job's-tears, korela baroushend irruption, eibruch jockey, geilsknecht, intoxication, roush [s it not so 1 gel t wetreid'r intractable, umbenich .sland, insel, eilond jocund, lushdich intrepid, brawf isochronous, John, Joa intricacy, farwiklung gleichzeitich join, fega, awshtosa, intrinsical, inarlich issue, ousgong, ousgaa. zoma doo introduce, beibringa, enda, rouskuma, joined, awg'shlusa b'kund tnocLia ouslawfa, shlus (joined by growth, introduced, ueigebrucht it, 'n, 'sj awwoksa intrude, ~ eidringa, itch, greds or kredsjjoiner, shreinar '** mgnga itching. krodsich ijoiner's-bench, intuition, badrochdung iterate, wid'rhola) oowelbonk 324 joint lace-shoe joint, g'warb katydid, how'rgas knack, kimsht joiut (of the neck. ) keen, sbpitsorich, sborf knapsack, shnopsok . g' nik keep, b'holda, holda, knave, flhbitsbu, shelm joist, b>lka bawawra, ufhawa knavery , sholkhad joke, shbos, shdracli, keep holiday, feiara knavish, sholkhoft slibos mocha keep in place, beiholda knead, dag shofa jolly, lushdieh keep safe, b'wawra kneading-trough , jolt. shdos.I keepsake, awdenka or bokmol Joseph, Jo odenka knee, kne jos.ie, sh'losii keep silent, farshweiga kneel, . knea jot, punkt keg, fes'l kneepan, knesheib journal, djiwgbaeh kennel, hundshtol kneesprung, journey, n. ras. reis, kerchief, shnupduch, kneshprunga v. rasa, o bras I holsduch knell, dodagluka journeyman, do^len r kernel, karn kuick-knacks, jowl, wonga Kerosene, ' kolal klanichkada j,,y, livida kettle, kesel knife, r'esar joy tul, fro. lushdieh, key, shlis'l, knife-blade, mes'rkling fmdi-j;, trrtlich glawf (of a piano) knight, rit'r jndge, riolitar, riclitu. keyhole-guard, knit, shdrika judgment, urreil shlis'lbledcha knit on, awshtrikS judicious. kluch kick, kik, i u ss hd os- knob, knup, deraknup jug, kriik kick, shloga. shdosa, knock, klupa, shlawga juice, bre. soft kika, shdrowla knoll, hiw'l juicy, breich, soi'tich kick down.nunar drada knot, f rknipa, knSra, July, Vuli kid, yung'r gas knok jiiiiip, tshomp. liups.i. kidnapper, kinardeb knot-berry, mulkabar giibrung kidney. ner knotted, frknnd'ld jumped, gjds.iumpt kidney-beans, fei'rbona knotty, knordsich, junction, tTirbin ing kill, dod mocha, um- knorich juniper, woehhul.lr bringa, shlochda know, was, wis5 June, V'iiii killdeer, gilere knowing, wis'nd junole, hek.l. kiln, ufa knowingly, wis'ntlich junior, }'^ n g r kiln-dry, dara k no w 1 edge , wis ' naho ft juror, cbiirymon kimbo, gaboga known, b'kond jury, cliuvy|kin, gashlecht knuckle, knechel just, gareclit, ricltticli, kind, lebreich, gut, k rank-handle, yushd freindlich, ort, sort drahend'l justice, gareclitirhkaci. kindness, gutmanigkeit rechtmasiclikad freindlich keit L Justice of the I'eaca. kindle, zinda fredensrichd'r. kine, ke labial, lefdsich shqweir. yushdis king, kanich labor, arwet, me justify. reciirtarti, h.1 king-bird, emiifres'r laborer, shofmon just uow, olaweii, kingdom, kanichreich lace, v., shnera, oiiTiw^i! king-fisher, tishreiar eibendla justly, ivclitiuasicb king's evil, lace, n., shnur jut, siidosa english kronkhad lacerate, frraedsla, juvenile, yiugling kirtle, womes fareisa kiss, bus, kisa lacerated, farshuna O K kitchen, kich laceration, 3 *** kalendar, koleu'r kitten, kets'l lace-shoe, holbshtiw'l 325 lacing-boot legislator lacing-boot, larboard, bek'r bord lay, n. led, gasong, simer-shtiwl larceny, debshtawl laga, lega lack, mong'l, fala, nod, net howa lard, fed, shmols larder, es-shonk layer, lawgur, galag lay hold, awpoki lackey, badent'r large, gros lay in folds, eifolda lacteal, milchig lactic acid, milchsouar large intestine, grimdorm laying-hen, lagbink'l lay in stock, eikawfa lad, bu lark, larch, sodlarch lay on, awlaga ladder, lad'r larkspur, rit'rshbora lazaretto, kronkahous ladder-beam, lad'rbawm larynx, kalkup lazy, foul ladder- wagon, lash, gashe'l, gashela laziness, foulhad lad'rwoga lass, madcha lea, wes laden, g'lawda lassitude, losichkad, lead, blei ladle, kel, gros'r lefl, medichkad lead, v., fera, awfera shepief 1, kuchlef 1 last, ledshd, ousdoura, lead astray, farfera lady, fraw fortdoura, letshta, leader, ferar, awferar lag, longsom gaa zuleshd, (of a shoe- lead-pencil, bteipens'l laggard, longsom maker) lashd leaf, lawb, blawd, lair, lawgar-blods, lasting, dou'rhoft pi. bled'r lawgar latch, ledsh leafy, bled' rich laity, weltlich late, shbot league, bindnis lake, sa lately, neilich leak, rina lamb, lorn later, shpat ' r lean, dar, mawgar, lame, lawm lath, ledly, lota lana lament, b'weina, lathe, drabonk leap, shbrung,shbringa baklawga lather, safashawtn, leap-frog, gruda-hupsa lamentable, badrebd eisafa leaping- beetle, shnelar, lamn, belsa laths, ledlch'r, leishda shneikefr lamning, prig' Isu p Latin, Lodeinish leap-year, sholkyor lamp, licbt latitude, brad a learn, larna lampass, lombus latitudinarian , learned, galarnd lamp-black, keroos freidenk'r learning, galarsomkad, lampoon, shbosgadicht latter, letsht lar, laming, sliooling lamprey, neinagich-ol laudable, lobwiirt leash, shdrik lamp-wick, wecha audation, lob least, glenshd lance or lancet, laugh, locha, shmunsla leather, ledar, led'ra shbringstuk laughable, lecharlich | leather apron, shurzfel land, lond, pi. len'r laugh at, ouslocha leathern, led'rn landlady, wardin laughter, loch leave, f rlusa, lusa landlord, ward launch, shifshot leave behind, hinarlusa landscape, londshoft laundry, wesh, leaven, sods, souardak language, shbroch weshhous leech, bludsukl'r languid, mot, shwoch lave, wesha, bawda left, iw'rich, f rlusa, languish, shmochda lavenderj lofendel links languor, shmochd'n lavishly, freigewich left hand, links lank, din law, rechl legacy, arbshoft lantern, lutsar lawful, lawmasich legal, rag'lmasich, lap, n. shos, v. wik'la, lawfully, rechtmasich lawmasich shleka lawn, hof, grawsbluds legality, lapel, rukfleg'l law-suit, rechtsshdreid rechtmasichkad lapidary, shdashneid'r lax, log legible, lasbawr lapse, fol lay by, beilaga legislator, seinlimoa 326 legislature legislature, semli legitimacy, . rechtmasichkad leg or legs, ba lemon, lem-'n, leim lemonade, leimsdrinka lend, lana, f'rlaua length, leng lengthen, f rlengara lenience, eonftmood lenient, sonftmedich Lent, Foshtazeit less. wenich' r lessen, wenich' r mocha lesson, leksion, b'weis let, lus, lusa let, wek lana, frlana let on, awlusa letter, bushdawba, bref, shrift lettuce, solawt levant, moryalond levee, dom level, awa lever (with eccentric), bidmon, heweisa lever-pump, shnopgolya levity, leichtsin lewd, lid'rlich liable, shuldich, g'neigt liable to mould, farwaslich liar, legn' r liberal, freigewich liberate, freigewa liberty, freihad license, b'rechdicha, arlawbnis, freihad licentious, lid'rlich lick, shleka, dresha, shloga licorice, likarish licorice-root, seshuls lid, dek'l lie, leia, lawgara, leg lief, garn life, lawa, lebdog life insurance, lawesfarsicharung lifeless, dod lifelong, law along lifetime, laweszeit. lebdog lift, ufhawa, awhawa, shnepa ligament, gled'rbond, bund ligature, bond light, leicht, awfeira, leichta, licbt light-footed, leichtfesich lightning, wed'rlacha, blids, blidsa lightning-bug, fei'rfog'l lightning-rod , g ; wit' r- root, wed'rroot lights (of an animal), galing, lung ligneous, hulsich like, we, fargleichlich, gleich, awsbtaa. gleicha liked, b'lebt likelihood, wawrsheinlichkad likely, wawrsheinlich liken, fargleicha likeness, bild like nubbins, krudsich likewise, gleich' rweis liking sweetmeats, zuk'rmoul lilac, pingshd blum, lalok lily, liiya lily-of-the-valley, moi blum limb, noshd, prig'l, zweig, gli d limber, lumaricii lime, kolk, leim (fruit) limekiln, kolkufa limit, end, tarmin limn, n. nocht, v. mola limner, molar limp, hup'l limpid, hel, klor linchpin, loona linden, lina line, lein, shdricha, leina lineage, gashlecht linen, leina, neksa living linen coat, s ~" kit'l linger, z'rikhenka, farzega, Trlengara, farweila linguist, shbrochkenar lining, fud'r, inhold link, klach linseed, flokssawma linseed-oil, leiuolich, olich linsey-woolsey, h<51b leina lion, lab lip, leids liquefaction, sbmelsung liquefy, shmelsa liquor, gadrenk lift, lishd, lishda listen, horch, louar, obhorcha listen to, awliara, awhorcha litharge, silw'rglet lithography, shdadruk litigate, shdreida litigation, rechtsshdreid litter, shdraa, brud little, gla, bis'ly, bis'l, wenich little bag, sekcha little boy, bebcha little hole, lecVl little man, mencha little ox, exli live, lab, lawa live-forever, lawesgrout livelihood, lawesunerholt live long, lewi long lively, wuslich, lawich, labhoft, mund'r liver, lew'r liver-grown, og'woksa, awwoksa liver-pudding, lew'rworsht liverwort, lew'rgroul live (within means), ouskuma livid, shwortsblo living, lawendich, lab'nd 327 lizard lizard, eidechs load, lod, lawd, losht, lawda (of a gun), lawdmos loaf, loafer, loam, loan, loaned, lab, bomb'l dawgdeb lama lana loath, unwilich loathsome, obsheilich loathsomeness, obshei, akelhefdickkeid lobby, forzimar lobe (of the lung), lungaflig'l lobster, krebs local, ordlich locate, shdela, laga, plotstina location, plots.shdelung loch, sa lock, in canal, shlesa, shlus, luka, of wool lock, lockup, f rshlesa, shlesa locked, frshlusa, zug'rig'ld locked out, ousg'shlusa lock in, neishbara lock out, ousshlesa lock-smith, shlusar locust, lokus lodge, wona, lawgara, iw'r nocht bleiba lodge information, awgewa lodging, woning loft, ewarsht shbeich'r log, bluk log-barn, bluksheiar log-cabin, log-chain, log-hut, log- wood, loiter, loll, lonely, long, long ago, long ear, blukhous shbarket hit rodhuls rum bumbla, bomb'l hechtsa lonsom long, sana lengshd longor long legged, longbanich long sighted , longsichtich long suffering, longmood long winded, longweilich look, blik, guk, guka look around, umsana look idly, gofa lookinglass, shbig'l look on, at, awguka, awshoua, b'guka, zusana loom, wabshtool loop, shlup loose, los, wid'rkum loose-jointed, shlenkarich loosely, bomblich loosen, los mocha lopsided, shep loquacious, shwetsich Lord, Har lordly, harlich Lord's Supper, nocht- mol, awbandmol lore, lar lose, f rlera, eibesa, farfugara lose [hair], mousa lose [taste], obshtaa loss, f rlushd, shawda loss of blood, farbluda lost color, farshusa lot, lut, dal lottery, lutai-e loud, lout- lounge, foulensa louse, lous, pi. leis lovage, lebshdek'l love, leb, lewa loved, b'lebt, galebt. lovely, leblicli lover, lebhow'r low, nidar, blara, brila lowest, unarshd low-spirited, nidarg'shloga loyal, trei lubber, dop'l, dop's lubrication, eishmer magistracy lubricate, shliparich mocha, ala lucid, hel, dorchsicbtich luck, klik lucky, kliklich lucre, g'win ludicrous, lecharlich luggage, sok un pok lugubrious, drourich lukewarm, louworm lumber, bouhuls luminous, lichtful lump, knud'l, glumpa lumpy, klumpich lunatic, farikt, narish, nor, mond kronk lunatic asylum, norahous lunch, shdik esa lung, lung lungwort, lungagrout lurk, louara lust,lishd,lushd,lushda g'lishda, lushdara lustful, lushdarich lustiness, kr5ft lustre, glons Lutheran, Lud'rawn'r, Luclrish luxurious, moshd lye, lawg lymph, gledwos'r lynx, luka M nud'la macaroni, uuu it mace, mushkawdblet macerate, eiwacha UJIK/CimMJ, VLWaTDM maceration, eiwachung machinate, awshtit'da machination, awshtifdung machinator, awshtifdar machine, moshen mad, farikt, raws' nd, wedich, bas madamoiselle, frawlin madder, g r <5p madness, rawsarei magic, hexarei magician, hexamashd'r magistracy, omt 328 magistrate nia^s magistrate, baomt'r male [of birds] mencha man-servant, ' knecht magnanimity, grosmud malediction, " fluch mansion, wouhous, magnesia, bid' rard malefactor, iw'ldad'r wouing magnet, mognat malevolence, iw'hvula, manslaughter, mord, magnetize, megnateisa baswunsh dodshlog magnificence, proeht malevolent, iw'lwul'nd mantel, mend'l magnificent, prochtful, malfeasance, basa dawd mantel-piece, mond'lbis gros malic acid, ob'lsouar mantua-aiaker, magnified, fargras'rd malice, boshad, shawda shneid'rn magnify, fargrasara, malicious, shawda fro, manual, honclbuch magnify ing-glass, hamdikish, boshoft manufacture, mocha fargrasaringsglaws malignity, boshad manure, mishd,b'dii)ga magnitude, gras mall, shloga, shleg'l manuscript, shrift maid, mawd. pi. mad rnallet, hilsn'rhom'r many, fel, olarhond maiden, madcha, madel mallow, kasbobla many a one, mouchar maiden-hair, fawrawm malodor, iwelg'ruch map, londkort maiden name, malt, mo Is maple, mabla ledich'r noma maltreatment, mar, fardarwa maid-servant, shlecht bahondlung marble, marb'l, gl'k'r dinshd-mad'l malversation, March, Mards maim, grip' la baxireyarei mare, mar main, mocht, houbddal mamma, mam margin, ronft maintain, holta.arnara, mammon, reichdum marigold, rins'lblum, bahawpta man, mensh, monskarl, sawmatros maintenance, arh51tung mon, pi. monsleit marine, sawasa maize, " welshkorn manage, hondhawba mariner, sain on majority, marheit, eld management, maritime, saish make, mocha hondhawbung marjoram, mawron make affidavit, mandate, bafal mark, mol, kenzacha, b'shwara mandrake, moiob'l mark v inarka make [a first bid] , mane, mawna marksman, shids awbeda man-eater, market, mork make agreement, mensh afres'r marriage, huchzich okadera manger, ref, fud'r-drok married, g'heiart make allusions, mangle, frmedsla marrow, morks shdichla manhood, monshoft marry, droua, heira make a noise, larma manifest, ufnbawr marsh, sump make a present, manifestation , marshy, sumpich. b'shenka ufnbawring marsupial, poushder make convenient, manifold, monichfold mart, mork shika mocha manikin, mencha martin, mard, shwolm make dirty, f rsona manipulation. martingale, make fire, feiara hondhawbung shbrung.ema make happy, b'glika mankind, menshad, marvel, wunara, make inroads, eigreifa menshagiishlecht, wunar make oath, shwara, mensh marvelous, wunarbawr make ready, awshika manner, ord, weisa masculine, menlich make shift, b' helfa mannerliness. mask, folshgasichd, malady, r kronkhad monerlichkad shlorofag'sicht malaria, kolt fev'r mannerly, monerlich mason, mourar malcontent, urjzufreda manners. moner mass, menga, mes, male, menlich, mon man-of-war, kreksshif souila 329 massacre metropolis massacre, f rmedsla meanness, memorable, b'denklicb medsla Hhlechtichkad memorial, denkmol mast, moshc meanwhile, aweil memorize, Blister, bos, bar measles, radio, ouswenich larna maslid'r measurable, meslich memory, gadechtnis, masterwort, measure, mos, mesa odgnka mashd'rworz' meat, flash nien, muusleit masticate, koua mechanic, menace, draa mat, shubuds'r hondwarks-mon menagerie, derasho match, gleiches, pawra meddle, mid la, mend, flika, bes'ra gleicha shnubara mendicant, bed'lmun material, shduf meddlesome, inikea. menial, knecht maternal, mud'rlich in frema socha meningitis, harn few'r maternity, mud'rshoit mediaeval, mid'l old'r menses, zeit mathematician, rechlar mediate, mid'lbawr mensurable, mesbawr mathematics, mediator, midlar mental, geisbtig rech'lkunshi medical, medazenish mention, nawma,s. % iwga matricide, mud'rmorc medicinal, orzneilich merchandise, hondel, matriculate, eishreiwa medicine, medazen, wawr matrimony, aashdonc orznei merchant, kawfmon matter, modaring, meditate, nochdenka, merchants, kawfleit shduft, oorsoch sina, iw'rla^a, merciful, bormharzich mattic, modaring shdudia mercurial, labhoft mattock, grubhok meditation, mercury, kweksilv'r mature, reif, zeitich badrochdung mercy, bormharzichkat maudlin, b'nebl'd meditative, gnawd, mitleid maul, hilsn'rhom'r, nochdenkend merely, loud'r, bios shbolda, shleg ] medium, mid' Imasich , merge, farsinka Maunday Thursday, mid'l meridian, midog grendunarshdog medlar, nei miksa merit, fardinsht, wart mavillary, kinboka medley, garnish meritorious. maw, wombar meek, damedich, mild, fardinshtlich mawkish, akelhefd sonft merriment, fralichkeit, maxim, grunsots meet, beilawfa,awdrefa fargnega, shbre may, mawga beikuma, beig'lufa, merry, fargnecht, May, Moi bagagna fralich, lushdich May-apple, IVloiob'l meeting, farsomlung mesh, gornshlup maze, farwiklung melancholic, drourich mesmerize, megmlteisa me, mer, m'r, mich melancholy*, message, bud sb oft mead, wes milskronkhad messenger, budshoft'r, meadow, shwom, wes mellifluous, hunichses buda meagre, mawgar mellow, reif, rnarb metacarpal, mid'1-hond meal, ims, esa, mawl melodious, wolklingend metamorphose, meal ( of grain ) , mal melon, mily'n farwondla mealtime, imszeit, melt, shmelsii. metatarsus, mid'i-fus mawlzeit frshmelza metathesis, f'rsetzuug mealy, malich member, gled uiete, ines.l mean, garing, shlecht, member of assembly, meteor, folnda sbdarn mid'lmos, m;ma, semlirnon inetbod, moda, wag, badeita nembrane, heitly, hout ordning meaning, badeitung, nemente, ariri'rung, metropolis, mud'i-slidod maniug awdenka. hawbdshdod 330 metre moisten metre, mos mince pie, mins boi misrepresent, fardrna mettle, mud, feiar mind, gadonka, sin, sal, mist, new'l mezzo, mid'l, holb meinda, ochta mistake, frsanii miasma. awshteknns minded, awg'horcht mister, hur shduft mine, mei, mei'm mistreatment, * mica, ufaglaws mingle, menga, miksa mishondluDg microscope, minimum, glenshdes mistress, fraw, hariu fargrasaringsglaws minister, bredich'r, mistrust, misdrouli midday, midog pora, obwawrta mistrustful, misdrouisb middle, mit, mita ministry, predichomt mistrusting, misdrouish middle (skull), warwel mink, mink, wis'l misunderstand, misfar- middlings, mid'lmal minor, gla, gar : ng shtaa, lets fsirshta.\ midnight, holdnocht, mint, mawgabolsom misunderstanding, mid'rnocht minute, minud, g'.a mistarshtendni.- midst, mid or mit miracle, wunardawd, misuse, misbrouch;". midwife, wawrtfraw wunar mite, kla, bis'l midwifery, gaburtshilf miraculous, wunarbawr mitten, fousht-henshinjr might, mecht, mocht, mire, sump, moroshd, henshing; kent, shdark shlom mix, f rmiksa, budra, mighty, mechtich, mirky, dunk 1 menga, miksu g' woltich mirror, shbig'l mixed provender, migrate, rumzega mirth, fralichkeit, miks'lfud'r mild, sonft, gaiind iushd mixed up, dorchnon'r, mildew, nrildaw mirthful, fralic.lushdig f rkart mild tempered, misanthrope, mnemonics, gadechtuis- souftmedicb inenshafeind kunslit mile, mei miscarriage, falgaburt moan, yamaril, gSyam'r milestone, meilshta miscellaneous, f'rniiust or geyGm'r military, krekarisli mischance, unfol moat, wos'rgrawb mililia, milids mischief, mudwila, mobile, uuruoich milk, milch, melka shawda moM.ity. uuroo milk-strainer, milchsei mischievous, shawia moccas-in, Inshintrshoo milkweed, milchgrout fro, hamclikish mock, shbuta, shl>edla mill, mel, mawla misconduct % mockery, slibut mill-dam, meldeich, shlechtufera mocking, shbut meldom misconstruction. mocking-bird , millennium, dousend- misdeituno: shbutfug'l yarich-reich miscreant, gutlos'r mockingly, shbediich milleped, dousendfesar miser, geitshols I mode, ord miller, milar. miserable, misarawb'l, j mo lei, mushd'r lichteil (insect) alendicli moderate, mid'lmasich, miller's share, dol miserly, geitsich masich millet, harshgrus misery, alend modern, nei, heitig milliner, hetmoch'rn misfortune, unghk. modest, basheida, milling, mawla wid'rwardichkud. arbawr, masich million, mi yon kreids modify, en^ra mill-pond, meldeich. mishap, unfol mohair yarn, meldom mislay, frlega komal gorn millwright, mehuocli'r misplace, Trlega moiety, heht mimic, nochmocha. misprint, drukfalar moist, feiciit ^ ehbuta, nochofa miss, f rmisa, fart a la. moisten, awicichdsi. mincemoat, minsflash falgrif, frseiniaj eileichda 331 moisture musk , moisture, feichtigkeit mortify, damedicha, 1 H move, zega or zeya, molar, bokaza unardrika b'waga, sich raga, molar-tooth, bokaza mortise, zopaluch rika molasses, molosich mosquito, mushket'r move near, beirika molt, dom, moulwurf, moss, mos moving, zuk mud'rmark most, menshd mow, siibeich'r, bawra, molest, farhinara mostly, menshtdal, maa molten, g'shmulsa menshtens much, 1'el moment, awgablik moth, shawba, shawwa, mucilage, slileirn momentary. mother, mem, mud'r, mucilaginous, shleimig awgabliklich momi mucous, shleimicr momentous, wichdich mother-in-law,shwey' r- mucus, slileim Monday, Mondog mud'r, shwey'r'n mud, shlom, u;vk money, geld mother- tongue, muddy, drakich monkey, 51 mud'rshproch j mug, gros glaws, moul monopoly, qlahond'l mother-wort, mulberry, moul bar monster, ungaheiar mud'r grout mule, as'l, moulasel month, monet motion, b'wagung mulish, shdorkipich monument, denkmol motive, oorsocli mull, ses mocha, mood, mud motley, shekich shwecha moon, rnond motor, b'wagur mullein, wulgrout moonlight, moadshci motto, muto muliey, bifl moor, sump mould, mudel, shim'l, ruulti- (in compounds), mop, . buts lumpa gesa fel mope, mupskib mould-board, wenbret multiplication, moral, morawlish moulder, farwasa f'rmarung morality, niorawl mouldering, furwaslich multiply, f'rmara morass, moroshd, sump moulding, b'glading mum, shdil morbid, krenklich, mouldy, grodsich mumble, bru nla kronkhoft moult, mousa, obhara mumbling, inumLi, more, ma, manar moulting-time, mouszeit niura more and more, im'rma mount, barg, shdeiga, munch, koua morella-cherries, nuf ga mundane, weltlicb omarela-karsha mountain, barg munificent, freigewioh morn, moryashtund mountain-mint, mural, mourlich morning, morya, blobargar-ta murder, inord, moryashtund mountainous, bargicli morddawd morning-glory, mountain-sage, murderer, mardar drechd'rblum wulgamud murky, diink'l, dreb morning-light, mourn, heila, droura murmur, grumla, mura moryarot mourners, drouarleit muscular, shdark morocco, gasiedar mournful, drourich music, musik morrow, morya mouse, mous, pi. meis musician, musikond, morsel, bis'l, moulful, mouser, mouskots shbelar kla shdik j mouse-trap, inousfol mush, mush mortal, shdarblich moustache, shnurbort mushroom, ardshwom, mortal illness, mouth, moul, mund, shwom shdarweskronk pi. meilar, rocha mtisk, mushk mortality, mouthful, moulful muskmelon, shdarblichkad movable, b'waglich mushmily'n mortification, moved, gazuga musk-rat, mushkrud brond im karp'r movement, b' wagung j musket, rnushkad, fliud 332 muslin new fashion muslin, nmslen natural gifts, tolenta j neckerchief, holsduch mussel, mush'l naturalist, nawdurken'r neck-joint, holsg'nick must, misa, mus,mosht naturalness, necklace, ^ holsbond muster, farsomla nawderlichkad necktie, holsgroga mutable, farenarlich nature, nawdoor necromancy, hex'rei, mute, shdum natural philosopher, bhwurtskunsht mutilate, farshtimela nawdurforsh'r | need, nodwenichkad, mutiny, ufror natural qualities, naw- nod, breicha,broucha mutter, mumla, mura durbashofenhad needful, nodwenich, mutton, shof flash naught, niks nadich muzzle, moulkarb, naughtiness, unord needle, nodel flindaluch naughty, niksnudsich, needy, kimmarlich, my, mei, mei'm unordich ormsalich myopy,kurtsichtichkad nausea, sakronkhad, nefarious, fraf Ihoft, mysterious, hamlich, iwelkeit gutloa dunk'l nauseating , wid' rlich negotiable, mystery, g'heimnis, nauseous, akela, iwel, frhondelbawr rats' 1 wid' rlich neglect, farnochlesicha nautical, shifawrdlich f'rseinia N naval, shiflich negligee, nochtklad, nab, fosa,"poka nave, nawb housklad nag, geilcha navel, nowel negligence, lesichkad, nail, nog'l, pi. neg'l navel-band, now'lbin forlefichkad nail on, awnogla, nogla, navel-rupture, negligent, forlesich,los, awshloga now'lbruch nochlesichkad, naively, ^ nawderlich navigation, shifawrd nochlesich naked, bios, nokich navigator, sarnon negro, nag'r name, nawma nay, na neighbor, nuchb'r name, v., nawma gewa, neap, nidarich neighborhood, g.'-gend, nena, banawma, near, bei, nagskd nuchb'rsbul't, banena nearer, nach'r umgagend namely, namlich , nearest, nagshcl neither, kens nemlich nearly, sher, ziemlich, nephew, g'kwislit'r t.o nap, shlumra bei n aw neophyte, Deib'kara'r nape, g'nik near-sighted, nerve, narf, narfa napkin, del'rduch kurtsichtich nervous, zit'rich narrate, farzala neat, ned nest, ncslid, narration, arzalung neat cattle, ririsfe noshd iiiucha narrator, arzalar neatness, nedichkad nest-egg, lagoi narrow, eng, shmawl neats'-foot oil, gloafet nestle, nishd'la nasal, naws, dorch de or kloatet net, gorn naws neats' leather, rinsled'r nether, nidar nasal-bone , na wsb' a neats' tongue, rinszung nettle, brenas'l nasal-twang, necessary / nodwenich, neuralgia, nartawa nawsag'siiweds nadich, brouchbawr, neutral, uf d'r tens nasty, shmutsich,weshd nidslich never, ne, nemois, natal, gaburtlich necessaries, nima, nimi nation, fulk nodwenich a socha nevertheless, native, awgabora, necessity, nodwenich- netdesdawenich' r hesich, eigabora kad, badari'nis, new. J) nei nativity, gaburtsdog mong'l new-comer, awkemling natural, nawderlich neck, hols new fashion, neiamoda 333 new fangled nutritious new fangled, neiamod- ish, neirunslich 1 nonagenarian, neinzig yarich notify, b'nochrichticha, awkindicha, melda, newly, neilich none, gawrkeni, kens, b'kondmocha, new moon, neilicht ka, ken awsawga news, neiichkada, non-essentials, not once, kemol,kenmol nochricht nawasocha notorious, olb'kond newsboy, nonpareil, not so, gel zeitingdrawg'r unfargleichlich nought, nul newspaper, zeiting nonplus, f'rlegahad noun, nawmaword New Year, Nei Yor nonsense, norashdrach, nourish, nara next, nagshd nibble, f rknowara, knowara unsin noodle, nud'l noodle-sup, nud'lsub nourishment, nawrung, nawrungsshdat't nice, souwar, sha, obaditlich nick, koft, eishneida nook, ek noon, midog no one, nemond novel, nei novelty, neihad November, Not emb 1 r nickel, finf send shdik noose, shlup novice, awfenger nickname, shbutnawma nor, wad'r now, nou shimpnawma, beinawma, unnawma normal, rag'lmasichi north, nord now and then, don un won, koftich niggardly, geitsich northern-light, nord- nowhere, naryids, nigh, nagshd licht, nordshein nargeds night, nucht northward, gaa nord nowise, keiuwags night-gown, nocht-hem nose, naws, rechar noxious, shadlich night-hawk, nocht-eil nosegay, blumashtrous. nozzle, res'l, naws nightingale, nochtagawl shdreis'l nubbin, knordsa,krudsa night watchman, nostril, nawsluch nucleus, karn nochtwechd'r not, net, um or un nude, nokich, bios nimble, <* flink notable, markwardich, nudge, leicht'r shdos nimbus, rayawulka marklich nugatory, lar nine, neina not any, gawrkeni, nugget, klimple nineteen, neinza ka, ken null, nul ninety, neinzig not at all, gawr net| nullif y. frniohdS nipple, words, dids, notch, koft, ousshnit, number, num r, zawl, brushtworza ousshneida numra, zala nit, nis notched, f'rkeftla, numberless, unauum'r nitre, solpad'r kefdlich numerable, zalbawr nitric acid, shadwos'r, note, nod, bamarkti, numeral, zawlvvord solpad'r feir mark a numerate, z-ila nitty, nisich noted, wolb'kond, numeration, zalung no, na bjremd numerous, znwlreich noble, ad'lgros, ad'lich nothing, niks numskull, dumkub nobler, adl'r nothing at all, gawruiks nuptial, hiichzichlich nobody, nemonu nothing but, loud'r nuptials, huchzich nocturnal, nochtlich notice, b'kondmo'chung nurse, obwart'rin, nod, nuk, nuka mark, uochrit-M obwawrta noddle. kup noticeable, b' marklich, nurture, nawruug.nara nodule, klimple markwardich nut, nus, pi. nis noise, larm, yocht, notification, inelduug nutmeg, mushkawdnus zucht notified to quit, nutriment, nawrung, noisy, lout, yochtig ousg'buta > fud'r nominate, nawma,nena notion, b'grif, eitol nutritious, nawrhoi't 334 opaque obstinate, shdorkepich, ogee-plane, leishhow*! trudsich, obsanawt oh, och g@- Words beginning obstreperous, lout, oil, al, ala with over are generally larmeud oilcloth, alduch formed by using iw'r a* obstruct, hin&ra oilstone, alshta a prefix. obstruction, tinarnis ointment, solb, shmer oak, acha obtain, grick, arholta, old, old oak-tree, acha bawm arlonga older, eldar oar, rud'r obtuse, shdump old nick, d'r deiw'l oath, ad obtuseness, dumhad old ruts, old leiar oatmeal, how'rmal obviate, hinarai old ways, old leiar oats, how'r occasion, galegahad oleaginous, alig obdurate, farshdukt occasionally, olsamol olive, albawm obedience, Occident, weshd omelet, oi'rkucha gahorsomkeit occidental, weshdlich omen, forbadeitung, obedient, gahorsom occupant, b'sids'r awzacha obey, b'folga, horcha, occupation, gasheft omission, farseimung gahorcha occupy, b'sids nema, omit, farseima obituary, dodalishd object, gagashdond bawona occur, beifola, bagagna omnipotent, olmechtig omnipresent, iw'rol objection, gagaholtung, ocean, sa omniscient, olwisend eiwening octagonal, ochtekich on, uf, druf, on obligation, pflicht, October, Oktow'r on a, uf n farpflichtung oCular, sichtbawr once, mol, amol, emol oblige, farpflichta, oculist, awgaduktar once more, nuchamol farbina, nadicha odd, ly, ungrawd, on credit, ") ufburks obliged, pflichtich, seldsom one, anar, ans, em, a g' mist odious, farhosd one after another, obliging, ly, g'ielich odium, hos noch en on'r oblique, shraks, shep obliterate, far wish a, f rtilga oblivious, fargeslich oblong, leuglich obloquy, shout odor, garuch odoriferous, gutrech'nd odorous, gutrech'nd of, fun of a film off, fort, ob, weg one-eyed, shal onerous, loshtbawr one-sided, aseidich only, bios, yushd, nur, loud'r, numa, anzig obnoxious, shadlich, offal, obfol on my account, farhosd offend, b'leidicha, meintwaga obscenity, souarei, t'ardresa on no account. narishg'shweds, offense, b'leidichung| dorchous net seiarei, offensive, akelhefdich onset, awgrif obscure, undeitlich, offeusiveness. onslaught, awgrif dunk' akelhefdichkeid jou the, om obscured, furfinsht'v.: offer, awbediug.awbeda on the average, obscurity, dimk'lheit offered, awg'buda dorchwek obsequies, leicht office, b'denung, omt, on the other side, drhva observable, bauiark- shdel on tick, uf borks bawr, markwardich officer, buomt'r on top, drowa observance, b'folgung, oiispring, nochkemling onward, weit'r baobochtung of it, dafun, d'rfun ooze, rous shwasa, observe, ^ bamarku, often, uft shlom b'folga of that, dofun, opaque, obstacle, hiuarnis dod'rfun net dorchsichtich 335 open owner open, uf, ufmocha efna organ, orgel, warkzeig outlet, ousgong open drifts, bawmocha organist, orgelskbelar outlook, woch opened, awg'brucha orient, oshd out of plumo, opening, efnina: oriental, moryalendish ousg'wicha open link| nodglach orifice, efning outrage, fraf'l openly, efentlich origin, bagin, awfong outrageous, fraflhoft operate, druf warka original, ursupringdcn, outset, awfong, bagin opiate, shlofmid'l orichirial outside, ouswenich, opine, mana originator, urhaw' r hous, drous opinion, maning, osicht oriole, guldomshel oval, longlich-rund opodeldoc, opadildok ornament, zerawd ovary. oi'rshduk opossum, bosum orphan, una eldera, oven, iifa opponent, gagn' r weisakind ovenswab, hud'l-iumpa oppose, wid'rshtaa, orphans' home, over, iwar, driwa, iw ; r, obwara weisahous iw'rich. tarbei opposite, gaadal, wed'r orthodox, recht gleibig! overalls, iw'rliusa opportune, g^lega orthography, overbearing, iw'r- opportunity, galegahad bushtawerakunsht medich, unf rshamt oppress, unardrika osculate, busa overbid, iw'rbeda, oppression, osiers, korbweida ivv'rbuda unardrikung osseous, gnuchich overcoat, iAv'rruk oppressive, ossified, frknech'rd overcome, iw'rweldicha unardriklich ossify, frknech'ra overflow, iw'rtius, oppressor, unardrika r ostensible, forgablich, iw'rshweming opprobrious, shendlich sheinbawr overflowing, iw'rtiisicu opprobrium, shimp osteology, knuchalar overhaste, iw' roiling oppugn, awgreitu other, onar overhead, drew a option, wawl otherwise, on'rsht'r, overhear, iw' rh ara optional, wawl iw'rlusa suusht overreached, iw'rnuma opulence, reichdum ou?;lit, ebes, sul, sut overripe, zu reif opulent, reich our, ours, unsar, overrun, or, od'r, ud'r, sunsht unsara iw'rhond nema oral, mit'm moul oust, fartreiwa, ousdoo, overshoe, iw'rshoo orange, orensh ousshdosa overshoot, forshus orate, rada out, ous, drous, rous, oversleep, f'rshlofa oration, rad harous overstudied, orator, radnar.shwetsar outbid, iw'rbeda, iw'r- iw'rshdudert oratory, radakunsht buda, obbeda, overt, uf'nbawr orb, kug'l, bola obg' boda overtake, eihola orbit, kreis, zark'l outbuildings, overthrow, sbdardsa orchard, bungard nawag'beiar overturn, iw'rshtulpara ordain, eisetsu, outbreak, ousbrecha, overwork, obshina, order, odar, ordning, ousbruch shina odara, bafal, bafala, outcast, ouswarfiing overworked, obg'shuna b'shtela outdo, iw'rdrefa oviparous, oi'rlagend ordered out, ousg'buta outen, lesha owe, shuldig sei order out, rous odara outer, eisarsht owing, shuldig order up, uf odara outfit, ousshteiar owl, eil orderly, ordentlich, outgrow, iw'rwuksa owleglass, eilashbeg'l rag' Imasicb. outhouse, nawag'bou, own, aga, b'sidsii, ordinary, g'wanlich lit'lhous agna, g'shtaha ordination, eisetsung outlandish, ouslendish owner, b'sids'r, agnar 336 ox ox, oyster, uks eishtar The prefix pre is gen erally to be translated by for or forhar. pace, shrita, gaa, shrit, obshrita pacific, fredlich pack, pok, poka package, pok pad, kisa, sod'lkisa paddle, ped'l, pedla paddock, wes padlock, henkashlus Pagan, Held page, seid pageantry, sbo pail, kiw'l, amar, shepkiw'l pain, shmardsa, pein painful, peinlich, wa pains, me painstaking, sorchsom, surchfeltich paint, aws'utreicha. lorb, mola, obmola paint-brush, awshtreich-pens'l painter, awshtreichar, molar painter's-brush, pens' 1, oshtreich-pens'l pair, pawr, pawra palace, poloshd palatable, obaditlich, shmokholt Palatinate, Poiz pale, blach, globord pall, ketsh'r, mot wara pall-boarer, grawb-moch'r pallid, blach palm, bola palmistry, hund\vorsawga, palpable, iif ubawr paljiit.-ition (heart), palsy, 21a shlok paltry, ormsalich pamper, moshda pamphlet, bober bichli pan, pon panacea, heilmit'l pancake, ponakucha pancreas, seiflash pandemonium, deiw'lreich pane, sheib panegyric, lobrada pang, pein, shmards panicle, rishb'l pannier, brodkorb pansy, jonijnmbub pant, hechtsa, keicha pantaloons, husa panther, bend'r panting, keichich pantry, es-shonk pap, brusht, brei paper, bober papoose, Inshingkind par, gleich parable, gleichnis paradise, porades paragon, mushd'r paragraph, obsods paralysis, shlok parallel, gleichl awf end paramount, huksht paramour, galebt'r parboil, brea, holbkucha, parcel, shdik, fiekcha, bind'l, dal parch, dara, broda parchment, borgament pardon, bagnawdicha, baguawdichung, fargewu, pare, shala parents, eldera, paring, shawl a parish, bazark parity, gleichhad parley, shwetsa parricide, fot'rmord, rnud'rrnord parrot, bobigoi parsimonious. slibawrsom 337 patten parsley, padarli parsnip, boshdnawd parson, bredich'r, pora part, dal, ous'nonarga, shdik, obreisa partake, dol'unnema partial, dalweis participate, mitmocha particle, shdikli particular, b'sundars particularly, obortich partly, dal partridge, bodres'l par value, gleich a ward pass, weg, farbei ga, forga pass (time), zul)ii:iga passable, gongbawr passage, g^ n g passing, ferbeigaend passion, leida, leb passive, leidend Passover, Oshd'rfesht past, iwar, furgonga, ferbei or farbei, iw'r paste, awklawa, boba, bob paste-board, bobadek' 1 pastime, zeitfartreib, bleser pastor, pora pasturage, wad pasture, wad, boshdard pat, shloga patch, bloka, awtlika, flek, reshd'r, flika, lopi pate, kup patent, efentlich Paternoster, Fot'runsar path, pawd pathetic, b'waglich pathway, f us wag patience, gaduld, longmood patient, longmedich, podsient, kronkar, gadnldich patrimony, urbshoft latron, bash i tsar patronize, basliitsa patten, iw'rshoo patter patter, dribla, blodsha pattern, mushd'r, mildel, beishbel paucity, wenichkad Paul, Poul paunch, henkboueh pauper, ormar pause, shdup, obsods, shdupa pavilion, zelthous paw, doba, kloa pawnbroker, shafar pawnbroker' s-shop, shafar-shop pay, lo, bazawlung, bezawla pay attention, ufbosa pea, arbs peace, freda peaceable, fredlich peaceful, fredlich peach, parshing peacock, pohawna peafowl, pohink'l peak, shbits peal, shol peanut, grundnis pear, bar, ber peasant, bou'r peasantry, londfulk, bourashtond pebble, kis'l peccadillo, kla sind peck, bek, pika peculate, shdala peculiar, parsanlieh, g'shbozig peculiarity,eigadumlich pedagogue, shoolmashd'r peddle, kram'ra peddler, kram'r pedestrian, fusgeng'r, lawfr peel, n., bokiif ashes' r, shawl a peel, v., awshala, shala, obshala peer, gleichar peevish, brudsich. fardreslich Peg, pegging-awl, pinbora pegs, pineg'l pelf, geld pell-mell, dorch'non'r pellucid, dorchsichtich pelt, bels, shnieisa, b'shmeisa, fel pen, ben, fed'r penal, shdrofend penalty, shdrof pencil, pens'l pendent, henkend pendulous, obhenkish pendulum, barmadik'l penetrable, dorchdringlich penetrate, dorchdringa penetration, dorchdringung peninsula, ' holbinsel penitentiary, work- hous, zucht-hous pen-knife, fed'r-mes'r penman, shreiwar penniless, geldlos Pennsylvania, Pensilfawni Pennsylvanian, Pensilfawniar penny, bens pennyroyal, benreil, grudabolsom pensive, gadonkaful, nochdenklich pentagon, finfek pentagonal, finfekich Pentateuch, Finfbich'r Moses Pentecost, Pingshda penury, mong'l peony, gichtros people, fulk, leit pepper, pefr per, dorch, bei peradventure, ferleicht perambulator, mes' rawd perceive, bamarka,sana perceptible, sichtbawr perceptibly, sichtbawrlich perch, shdong, sitsa, he huka 338 personal perchance, ferleicht, f leicbt perfect, fiilkumii perfidious, treilos perforate, dorchbora perform, doo, ousfera, ousrichda perfume, wolgaruch perhaps, ferleicht, fleicLt pericardium, hartsfel pericranium, shad'lhout harnshd'lhout peril, g'for perilous, g'farlich period, punkt periosteum, knuchaheitli periphery, umgras periphrase, umshreiwa perish, zu grund ga, umkuma perjure, folsh shwara permanence, fortdour permanent, fortlawfend permeate, dorchdringa permission, arlawbnis permissive, arlawbend permit, leida, arlawba, b'rechdicha pernicious, fardarblich peroration, shlus perpendicular, senkrecht perpetually, im'r war end perpetuate, farawicha perpetuity, awichkeid perplexed , farwikl' d , fir ward perplexity, frlegehad persecute, farfulya perseverance, ousdour persevere, awholta, ousdoura persimmon, misbbl, shbarwl persist, awholta persistence, awholtunp; persistent, awholteiul person, parson perso n al , parsanlich personate personate, forshtela perspicacious, shorfsichtig perspicuous, klor perspicuity, , klorhad perspiration, shwas perspire, shwitsa persuade, iw'rzeiga, brada, ufkoksa persuasion, iw'rzeigung pert, bodsich pertain, augahara, gahara pertaining to Pa., Pensilfawnish pert-child, rutsnaws, ruds'r peruque, borik peruse, dorchlasa pervade, dorchga perverse, farkart pervert, fardraa pest, peshd pester, kwala pestiferous, peshdhoft pestilence, peshd pestilential, peshdhoft pet, lebllng petal, blumablawd Peter, Pad'r, Pet petiole, blumashdel petition, bidshrift petroleum, kolal petticoat, unarruk pettish, brudsich petty, kla petulant, fardreslich pew, karchashdool pewit, bewi pewter, zin pewter-sand, silw'rsond phalanges, fing'r un za knucha phantom, geisht Pharisee, Forisaer pharmaceutics, obadak'rkunsht pharmacy, orzneikunsht medazenakunsht pharynx, holsrar pheasant, farsond phial, biid'lcha phenomenon, awshein, shbekdawk'l philanthrope, menshafreind philology, shbrochlar philosophy, weltlarning phiz, gasichd phlebotomize, odarliisa phlegm, shleim photograph, obnema phrenology, shad' liar physic, loksering physical, nawderlich physician, dukd'r physiognomy, gasichd piano, glpfei pianoforte, glofer piano-key, glof pick, grubhok, pik, pika pickerel-weed, hechtgrout pickle, solslawk pickpocket, sokdeb pick up, lasa, ufpika picture, bild, piktar pie, boi piebald, shekich piece, shdik, shdikla, shiw'l piecemeal, shdikAvasa pied, shekich pier, brikapeil'r, peilar pierce, dorchshtecha pierced, farshtiicha, g'shtucha piety, fremichkeit pig, sou, wuts pigeon, doub piggin, shepkiw'l piggish, seiish pigment, forb, forbshduft pike, hecht, shbes pile, houfa pilfer, shdala pilgrimage , pilg' rreis pillar, peilar, pushda pillion, sod'lkisa pillow, kisa, kupakisa pilot, shdeiarmon plague pimpernel, rod'r hink'ldorm pimple, puk, pekcha pin, shbel, zopa pinafore, scharz pincers, beiszong, zong pinch, peds, pedsa, glema, klema pine, beindbawm, beind, shmochda pine-cone, beindzob'a pine-tree, beind pinion, fed'r, flig'l pink, pingshd-nagel, pingshd-blum pinnacle, gipl pinned, awg'shpeld pint, beind pint-measure, beind blech pious, from pipe, peif, rar, ror, deichl piper, peifar pippin, nodob'l piquant, shorf piracy, sa rawwarei pirate, sa raw war pismire, emeus pistol, pishdol pit, grub pitch, bech, beind horts, shdardsa pitcher, kruk pitchfork, hoigowel piteous, yemarlich pitiable, badeiarlich pitiful, kimmarlich, yemarlich, b'kim'r- lich, misarawb'l pith, morks, kroft pity, mitleid, badoura, doura, yomura pivot, shbind'l placard, awshlug place, ord, plods, blods, pi. blcds, shdel, shdela placents, nochgaburt plague, peshd, plok, grishdera, peinicha, ploga, triwalera 339 placid placid, mild plain, deitlich, eifoch, b'greiflich, floch plaint, klawg plaintiff, klag'r plait, fleehta, fold plaited, g'fluchda plan, plon, obris, ousdala plane, howel, howela planet, plonat plank, plonk .plant, plons, g' wards, g'weks, blons, plonsa, blonsa plantain, seiorabled'r, wegrich plant-lice, ardfla plant out, oussedsa, plaster, gips. bloshd'r, ploshd'r, bleshd'ra plaster (for drawing), zukploshd'r plasterer, bleshd'rar plate, del'r, plot plates, g'shar platter, plot plaudit, beifol plausible, sheinbawr plausibility, awshein play, shbel, shbeia player. shbelar playthings, shbelsoch, kinar shbelsoch a plea, bid, ousrad pleasant, bleserlicu, leblich please, oshtaa pleased, wolg'iola, g'fola pleasurable, pleserlich, og' nam pleasure, bleser, plesir, pleser, g'shbos, fargnega pleat, fold pledge, farshprecha plenary, fulstenich plenitude, iw'rflus, ganunk plentiful, reichlich pleura, ripafel plenty, ganunk, iw'rflus pliable, begsom pliability, begsomkad pliant, begsoni pliers, drodzong plight, zushtond plod, longsom ga plot, plots, flek plough, blug or pluk, bluga, awfarchda, plooga, ousfavchdji plover, rayiifog'l plow-beam, grend'l, plukgrend'l plow out, ousiuiichsi plowshare, shawr, plukshawr pluck, zuk, rfip, mud, riipa, zuka, (leaves) obblawdii plug, zopa, i'arshtupa plum. bloura, pi. kwedsha plumage, fedr'a plumb, grawd, senkblei plumber, bleishofi- plumb-liue,mou rsenk'l plume, fed'r plummet, mou'rsenk'l, senk'l plump, dik, fed plunder, fardorwa plunge, . shdardsa plurality, marheit pluviometer, rayames'r ply, folda, dreiwa pneumonia, brushtfew'r poach, galind kucha pock, puk pocket, sok pocketbook, b5kabuch pod, shod poem, gadicht poet, dicht'r poignant^ shorf, shclekend point, shbits punkt. s h bits a. pointed, shbitsich pointer, deit'r poise, wleicli g'wicht 340 popular poison, gift, fargiftS poisoner, fargiftar poisonous, giftig poke, shdos, pokbera, 'pokworz'l, sok poke, v., Jeiara, poka, shdosa poke-berry, pokbera poking, pokich pole, shdong, deiks'l polebeans, shdekabona polecat, biskotg pole-piece, deiks'lshnol pole-star, nordshdarn police, bolees polish, glons mocha, glot mocha, obshleifa polite, monerlich politeness, monerlich kad politic, kluch poll, wawlplods,,,kup, wala pollen, blumashdawb, blushd polygamy, felweib'rei polygon, felek pomace, dreshd'r pomade, horshmer pomegranate, gronawta ob'l pommel, knufa, (of a saddle) sod'lknub pomp, procht pompous, prochtful ponder, b'denka, iw'rdenkii ponderous, g'wichtig, shwar poodle, pud'lhund pooh, poo pool, drekluch, wos'rluch poor, orm, badarfdich, ormsalich, misarawb'l poorly, shlecht,armlich b'kim'rlich, alendich poor wretch, ormer shluk'r poplar, b5bla poppy, mawg popular, b'lebt populous preserve populous, fulkreich potion, trunk precious, kushtbor, porcupine, egel potpie, budboi kesh'dlich pore, shwasluch potsherd, hofasharb. precipice, obgrund pork, seiflash sharwa precipitate, ly, rush, porker, drag'r, darhet'r potter, hefnar forwidsich, iw'reilt porridge, sub, bre, pottery, hefnarei precipitation, iw'reiling malsub pouch, kla suk, bouch precise, ganou porringer, subashis'l pouch-cheeked, preclude, ousshlesa portal, eifawrd poushbokich predicate, oussawga portend, forbadeita poultry, fed'rfe predict, prufazeia portent, forbadeitung pound, pund predicted, gaprufazeid portentoas, pound, v., klupa, predominance,iw'rhund forbadeit'nd shdosa, shlugii predominate, portion, dal pound-apple, foliwulter iw'rhond nemil portmanteau, reisasuk pour, gesa, shida preface, forrad portrait, bild pour out, eishenka, prefer, forzega portray, obmola ousshenka preference, forzug position, shdond, shdel pout, brudsa positively, ousdriklich pouter, brudskew'l pregnant, shwungar prejudice, forurteil possess, b'sidsa pouty, brudsich premeditate, possession, eigadum, poverty, urmood forhar b'denka b' si Js powder, pulw'r, pudra, premier, ars'u^'r possessor, b'sids'r shdawb premises, hous un hof possible, meglich, powdered, frmawla premonition, maglich powderhorn, forshtelung positive, g'wis, shoor pulw'rhorn prepaid, post, pushda, shdela power, kruft, g'wult furna nous b'zawlt postage, pushdgeid powerful , g' wolt ich , preparation, rishting, posterior, hma mechtich forbareitung posthumous, hinarliisa pow wow, broucha prepare, bareit mucha, postmaster, pox, frunzos-I rishta, forbareita, pushtmasht'r practicable, maglich zurishda or zurichda post-meridian, practice, ousewa, eeb'n prepared, zug'rishd, nochmidog praise, lob, loba bareit post-office, pushtufis praised, b'lobd prepay, _ postpone, obdu, pranks, shdrach forna nuns bezawla ufshewa prate, bob'l, plouda-ra preponderance, postponed, ufg'showa prattie, ploudara iw'rg'wicht postscript, nochshrift pray, bad a, bid a preposterous , f" rkart , postulate, fudra pray after, nochbada ungaheiarlich posture, shdel, shdond, prayer, gabad prerogative^ forrecht zushtond preach, bredicha or presbyter, eldesht'r posy, blumashtrous predicha prescription, rasad, pot, beilar, kruk, hofa, preacher, bredich'r, razept kesel, kuchhofa, pora, radnar presence, gag'n wurt pi. hefTi precarious, unsichar present, gagawartig, potash, badesu j precaution, forsicht shenka, gashnk, potation, trunk precautious, forsichtich b'shenka potato, grumbar precede, forga, forharga potbelly, diksok i precept, rag'l preservation, arhultung preserve, eimucha, potent, g'woltich, preceptor, lar'r b'holda, arhulta. mechtich precinct, bazark bawawra, b'heta 22a 341 preserves preserves, eig'mocht soch preside, forsitsa president, forsits' r press, drika, nadicha, beidrika pressure, druk presume, mudmawsa presumption, mudmawsung pretend, awlusa pretense, ousrad pretension, awshpruch pretext, awshpruch , ousrad pretty, sha, hibsch, ned, adv. zemlich pretzel, shdreis'l prevail, iw'rwina, iw'rhond hawba, g'wina prevalence, iw'rhond prevaricate, lega prevarication, leg prevaricator, legn' r prevent, farheda, hinara prevention, farhinarung previously, forhar prey, rawb price, wart prick, dorn, shdecha, shdich, shdoch'l prickle, shdoch'l prickly, shdochlich prickly-heat, hitspuka pride, hochmud, procht priest, pof prim, ned, gazert primary, arsht prime, arsht primeval, urshpringlich priming, zindpulfr primitive, urspringlich primogeniture, arsht gaburt primrose, shlis'lblum principal, hawbdsum, fornamsbd principal part, houbdshtik j principle, grundsods print, druk, druka printer, druk'r printing office, drukarei prints, kodoon prior, fre'r, eldar prison, present private, hamlich privilege, forrecht privy, lit'lhous prize, shetsa, balonung probability, awshein, wawrsheinlichkad probable, maglich, wawrsheinlich probably, frmudlich, wawrsheinlich probate, b'weisa probation, b'weis proboscis, res' 1 proceed, forwarts ga proceeding, bagin proclaim, ousshreia, f rkindicha, ousrufa proclaimed, ousg'shriwa proclamation, ousrut' procrastinate, awshta, ufshewa procrastinated, ufg'showa procure, beishofa, awshofa, f rshofa prodigal, dorchbringar prodigal son, f rlora so prodigious, wuuarbawr prodigy, wunar produce, forbringa produce, n., prodiikta produce fire, zinda profanity, unheilichkad Gut leshdara profess, b'kena profession, b'kendnis professor, profes'r proffer, awbedii profit, brofit, nudsa, b'nudsa profitable, nidslich profound, def profuse, iw'rflisich progeny, gashlecht progress, fortshrit, reis proved prognosticate, forharsawga prohibit, farhinara, farwara, farbeda project, plon prolific, fruchtbawr prolong, frlengara promiscuous, farward promise, frshprecha promised, farshpriicha prompt, bareit, shnel, pinktlich promptness, pinktlichkad promulgated, ousg'sawd prone to cry, farheild prong (of a fork) zoka, zinka pronounce, ousshprecha pronounced, ousg'shprucha pronounce not guilty, losshprecha pronunciation, ousshbroch proof, nochweis, b'weis proper, zwekrnasich, richtich, awkuma property, eigadum prophecy, weissawgung prophesied, gaprutazeid prophet, profat propose, ogewa, forshloga proprietor, agner prosecute, awklawga. ogewa, farfulya proselyte, nei b'kard'r prospect, oussicht prosper, ufkuma, awkuma prosperous, gliklich prostrate, damedich, nidar g'shloga protect, b'beta prothonotary, wasafot'r protract, nouszega proud, shdfils proud-flesh, wildtiash, prove, beweisa, iw'rweisa proved, iw'rwisa 342 proverb proverb, shbrichword provide, f rsaa, f rsana, awshofa, beishofa provision, forrod provoke, f r/arna proximate, nagshd prudence, kluchhad prudent, kluch prune, bam budsa, ousbudsa pruninghook, bawmmeVr pry, neigerich guka, neidringa prying, wunarfidsich, neigerich psalter, psolt'r pseudo-christian, moul- grishd, nawmagrishd puberty, buwa farenarung public, efentlich publication, b'kondmochung public sale, fendu publish, b'kondmocha, rousgewa pucker, runs' la puddle, drekluch puddle-work, sud'larwet puerile, kinish puff, houch pugnosed, shdumpnawsich puke, kuts pull, rupa, zuk, zega, reisa, zub pulley, win pulpit, kons'l pulpit orator, kons'lradn'r pulverized, frmawla ptwnice-stone, biinshta pump, bumb pump-handle, shweug'l pun, wordshbel punch-bellied, diksekich punctual, pinktlich pungent, beisich, shorf, krodsicii quill punish, shdrofa punishment, shdrof punk, punk, shwom puny, kia pupil, shoolar pupil (of the eye), awgaob'l puppy, yung'r hunt purchase, kawfa, eikawta purchaser, kawfmon pure, ra, souwar, rein purgative, loksering purify, reinicha purloin, shdala purloiner, deb purport, badeitung, inhold purpose, fornema, obsicht purse, geldsok purslane, seibarz' 1 pursue, shbrenga, nochga pus, modaring push, shewa pussy, busi put, shdela put down, arnedricha put in, eisetsa put in order, eirichta put into ^ives, fosa put-log, garishdhuls put off, awshta, ufg'showa put out, f rlesha. lesha putrefy, foula putrid, foul put to vote, obshtima putty, kit put up, ufshdela put up at, eikara puzzle, rats'l, ketsh [puzzle-grass, shtrafich-gros kwoksa quadrangle, ferek quadrangular, ferekich quadrilateral, ferek quadruped, ferfesig quadruple, ferfeldich quaif, zecha quagmire, sump quail, bodres'l quaint, sund'rbawr quake, zit'ra qualification, faiehkad, eigashoft quality, ort, shdond, eigashoft quandary, frlegehad quantity, gras, we fel quarrel, n., krokal, shdreid quarrel, v., awfechta, krokala, grogala, zonka, shdreida quarrel er, krokal' r quarreling, shdreidich quarrelsome , sh dreidieb. quarry, shdabruch, shdabrecha quart, kwort quarter, fart'l quartz, woka quash, farnichda quaver, zit'ra quay, dom queen, kanich'n queer, afeldich, sund'rbawr quell, dempa quench, lesha query, frok quest, sucha question, frok, b'froga questionable, zweif Ihoft quibble, falarfina quick, flink, gash wind, hordich, rosh, shnel quicksand, g'fladsd'rs'jnd quicksilver, kweksilv'r quid, kou quiescence, roo quiescent, ruich quiet, shdil, ruich, ruk, dishdra, quietly, sochta quietus, roo quill, fed'r, fed'rkeit'l 343 quilt recast quilt, debich, kwilt, rag-picker, ratify, bashdadich kwilta, shdepa lumpa soml'r rather, fre'r, leber, quilting, kwilting rail, rig'l, leshdara, ah'r, ziemlich quince, kwit shbuta ratio, farheldnis quinsy, holswa railroad, rig'lwag ratiocinate, shlesa,folga quinquennial, raiment, glad ratiocination, shlus finfyarich rain, ray a rational, farninftig quintuple, finf-feldich rain-arauge, rayames'r rattan, roi-shduk quit, meida, shdupa rain-spout, dochkond'l rattle, ropla, klepra, quite, gawr, ordl^ch, rainy, rayarich, sudlich rosia gons ziemlich raise, ufrichta, ufzega, rattlesnake, ros'lshlong quit-noticed, ousg'buta zega, hawa, ufshloga ravage, farhara quiver, peilasok, zuka, raised, g'zuga rave, weda, rawsa zit' ra raisin, rosein ravel, farwikla quiz, frok, froga, rats' 1 rake, kitsh, recha raven, rawba quoin, ek rake after, norecba ravenous, wulfich quoit, kwat rakish, wild raving, rawsend,wedick quotation, nochsawgung rally, somla ravish, rawwa, shenda quote, nochsawgu,, ram, buk, wid'r, ravisher, shend'r awfera shofbuk raw, ro quoth, sawgta ramble, rumlawfa ray, shdrawla ramrod, lawdshteka raylike, shdrawlich. R ramshackle, roplich raze, nidar reisa, Words beginning with rancid, shdork random, zufol fardilya razor, bolwermes'r the prefix re are gener- ally translated by com- pounding wid'r with the root word. Such will range, n., kuchufa range, v., rumwondra ranger, yagar rank, ordning, klos, reach, longa, arlonga, racha read, lasa, f rlasa reader, las'r be omitted. shdond, shlecht, read off, oblasa rabbet, fug shdinkich ready, garishd, bzlreit, rabbit, haws ransack, dorchsucha fardick rabid, rawsend ransom, loskawfa real, warklich raccoon, doks, rogoon ranter, shdarmar reality, warklichkad, race, ras, gushlecht, rap, n., shdrach, shlag woret shdom, lawf rap, v., shlawga, klupa really, warklich rack, ref, lad'r rapid, g'shwind, shnel realm, reich, racket, larm rapidly, reisend kanichreich. radiance, shdrawla rapine, rawwarei reap, maa radiant, shdrawlicli rare, rawr reaper, mamoshen radiate, shdrawla raree-show, kukoshda rear, hinardal, ufzega radical, urspringlich, rarefy, din wara reason, furshtond, awgabora, grindlich j rarely, wunarselda oorsoch, farnuiift radish, redich | rarity, rawrichkad reasonable, farniui'tig, raffle, husla, rascal, buk'r, holunk ziemlich rafter, shbora, wols rascality, nidardrech- rebate, oblusa rag, hud'l, lumpa, dichkad rebound, z'rik bounsa lopa, zud'l rash, fris'l, rosh, rebuff, z'rikshdoa rage, zorn, rawsa forwidsich rebuke, obshtrofa, ragged, lumpich, rasp, roshb'l shelda zudlich raspberry, hambera recall, z'rikrufa raid, eifol rat, rot recast, iw'rgesa 344 recede remarkable recede, nochgawa, redeemer, arias' r regicide, kanichsmord z'rik ga heilonc region, gagend receipt, rasad, razept redemption, loskawfung regiment, regament receive, awnama, grick red herring, pikling register, ufshreiwa, receiver, nemar red hot, eledich eishreiwa, ragishd'r receiver (of stolen] redolence, wolg'ruch regret, reia, b'reia, goods), halarjred precipitate, badoura recent, nei, kartslich | rod prasibadawt regular, rag'lmasich recently, neilich redress, obhelfa regularity, receptacle, g'shar reduce, wenich'rmocha rag'lmasichkad reception, ufnawm redundancy, iw'rflus regulate, ragla, reg'lera recess, wink'l reduplicate, fardup'la reign, ragera recipe, rasad, razept reduplication, rein, zawm reciprocal, umgakard fardup'lung reiterate, wid'rnola recite, oblasa, ufsawga re-echo, z'rik shola reject, z'rik shdela, reckless, rosh, shlopich reed, ror farshtosa, obsawga sorgalos reel, hoshb'la, dorgla, rejoice, fraa, arfreia reckon, rechla, uf/ala hoshbel rejoinder, ontwort reckoning, zech refer, z'rik weisa, relapse, z'rikfol recline, lana, rooa, zushika relate, awbalonga, sog, z'riklana reference, b'weisung farzala recognize, kena,arkena refine, fein'r mocha relation, freindshoft, recoil, z'rikshbringa, reflect, shbig'la farheldnis z'rikzega reform, bes'ra relative, bloodsfreind recollect, ^rin'ra, Reformed, Reform erd relax, nochlusi beifola reformer, f arbes' rar release, losshprechk, recollection, eifol refract, brecha loslusa, freilusa, recommend, awbafala refraction, freigewa recompense, balona, shdrawlabrechung relent, nochgewa, z'rikbazawla refrain, d'funbleiba, nochlusa reconcile, ufmocha refresh, arfrisha, relentless, record, nunarshreiwa, arkwika unborniharzich ragishd'r refreshing, arfrishung, reliable, farlesig, recover, bes'r wara, arkwikung rechtshota z'rik grik refreshment, arfrishuug reliance, zufardroua recreant, folsh refrigerate, kela,obkela relic, awdenka recreate, arkwika refrigerator, kel'r relict, hinarlus'na'wid- recreation, arfrishung, refuge, zuflucht fraw arkwikung refulgence, glons relief, hilf rectangle, ferek refund, z'rik b'zawla relieve, leicht'r mocha, rectangular, ferekich refusal, obsawgung, helfa rectified, gedishd'lerd wawl religion, releyon rectify, recht mocha refuse, obsawga, obfol, relinquish, iw'rlusa, rectum, mosht dorm widra ufgewa, farlusa recumbent, legend refused, obg'shprucha, relish, garn esa,shmoka recuperate, ousruga obg'sawd rely, druf farlusa red, rod or rot regal, kanichlich remain, bleiba red chalk, rad'l regard, ochtung, ochta, remainder, iw'rreshd reddish, rodlich awsana remained, gabliwa re Idle, rad'l regeneration, remark, bamarka redeem, loskawfa, wid'rgaburt remarkable, arlasa regent, ragerend markwardich 345 remedy remedy, heilmit'l, mid'l remember, eifola,gresa, in gadonka, holda, beifola, arin'ra, g'denka, b'denka remembrance, eifol, awdenka remind, gamona, arin'ra reminder, denkzet'l, odenka reminiscence, arin'rung remiss, nochlesich remission, fargabung remissness, nochlesichkad remit, arlosa, z'rikshika remnant, iw'rreshd remonstrance, forshtel- ung, armawnung remorse, reia remote, farn remove, wekshofa, wekdoo, obdonka removed, gazuga remunerate, balona remuneration, balonung renard, fuks rend, fareisa render, iw'rsetsa, mocha renew, neimocha renounce, obsawga, obshwara renovate, neimocha renown, room renowned, baremd rent, ris repair, gaa, bes'ra, farzimara repast, mawlzeit repeal, obshofa repeat, iw'rmocha, wid'rhola, nochsawga repel, z'rikshdosa repent, b'reia repentance, reia repentant, reimedich repetition, wid'rholung replenish, ful mocha replete, ful reply, ontwurt, ontworta repoi't, nochsawga, baricht, barichta repose, rooa, roo represent, fartrata representative, shdel- fartratend repress, eiholda, unardrika reprimand, obshtrofa, obkopa reproach, b'leidicha,. bagagna reproof, shtrofing roprove, obshtrofa reptile, shlong Republican, Wik, Republikawn'r repugnant, wid'rwardich repulse, z'rikdreiwung, z'rikshdos, z'rikdreiwa reputable, awsanlich, osanlich reputation, gut'rnawma repute, ocht request, bagar, hasa, frok, bagar a requested, awbafolii require, froga, farlotiga required, g'numa requirement, fudruug requisite, nodwenich requite, baiona rescue, bafreiung, hilf, helfa, bafreia, reta research, unarsucha resemble, gleich guka, gleicha resent, iwei nema resensment, zorn reservation, z'rik holtung reserve, z'rikholta reside, wona residence, woning resident, eiwonar residue, iw' riches resign, ufgewa. obdonka retributive resin, beindhurts. horta resinous, hordsich resist, wid'rshtaa resistance, wid'rshdond resolution, b'shlus resolve, b'shlesa, shmelsa resolved , bareit resort, zuflucht nema, b'sucha, farsomla, zuflucht resource, zuflucht respect, ocht.hochochta respectable, awsanlich respiration, shuoufa, ochdem resplendence, glons replendent, glensend respond, ontworta response, ontwort responsible, ontwortlich rest, roo, ruga, rooya, rooplots, ousruga, iw' riches restitution, z'rikgawb restless, unrooich restlessness, unroo restore, gut mocha restrain, wara z'rikholda restraint, eihold restrict, eiholda restriction, eihold result, nochfulga resume, ufnema resurrection, oufurshtaung resuscitate, oufarweka retail, beimglana retain, holda retainer, awhengar retard, ufholda, eiholda retch, kutea retention, z'rikholduug reticence, farshweigung reticulum, neds retire, ufgewa, wekga retreat, z'rik fola, z'rik zega retributive, fargeita 346 retrogression retrogression, krebsgong return, z'rik kuma, z'rik zega reveal, ufnbawra revel, shwarma, shmousa revelation, uf'nbawring revelry, shbre revenge, z'rik bazawla, shdrofa, rocha revengefulness, rochyer reverberate, shola revere, farara reverence, arwartiga reverse, rumdraa, umkara revery, gadonka review. dorchsana revile, shimpa revise, farenara revival, wid' rharshdeling revoke, obsawga, wid' rrufa revolve, meind uf mocha, umwelsa, umdraa reward, balonung, balona rheum, shnupa rheumatism, rumadis, flus rheumy, flusich rhinoceros, nawshorn rhubarb, rabarbraw rhyme, reim, reima rib, rip ribbon, bond, pi. ben'r rice, reis 7ich, reich riches, reichdum rickets, rik kronkhad rickety, los rid, frei, los, losmocha ride, reida, fawra riddle, rats'l ridge, rik ridge-lead. dochshtul ridge-pole, dochfarsht ridiculous, lecharlich rifle, biksa, rawwa ridicule, i^rshbuta, lecharlich mocha, farlocha rift, ris right, recht, awblik, richtich righteous, g' recht rigid, shdeif rigorous, shdreng rill, krik rim (of a wheel), felya, ronft rime, reifa rind, shawla, shwort, shbekshwart ring, klong, belzega, ringa, bela ringlet, krul, ring'l rinse, ousbudsa,shbela, ousshena, shwenka, obshwenka, shelda, ousshwenka riot, ufror rip, obtrena, uftrena ripe, zeitich, marb rise, shdeiga, ufshda, ufga, ufzukuma risen, ufgonga, ufg'shtona risible, lecharlich rising, ufshdond risk, g'for rival, mitshdreid'r river, rew'r rivet, awneda, neda, umneda rivet-bolt, ned-nog'l rivulet, krik roach, shwob road, shdros, wag roam, rum harga roar, brila roast, roshd, rashd, broda, rashd a rob, rawwa robber, rawwar robbery, rawwarei robin, omshel robust, rishtich,shdork, kreftich, rouboshdich rock, felsa, shukla rocker, shuk'l shtool row rock-candy, kond'lzuk'r rocking-chair, ehiik'l shtool rocky, felsich rod, root, shdong roe, harshkoo, fishoiar rogue, shelm, sholk roguery, badreyarei roisterer, shdarmar roll, welsa, awwikla, rul, rula, wolsa roller, rul'r rolling-pin, wark'lhuls, dralhuls roll over, iw'rwelsa Roman, Ram'r romp, rum shbringa im shbela roof, doch, deka roof-laths, lota rook, krop room, shdub, blods roost, hinkelshdong, ufsitsa rooster, hawna root, worz'l rootlet, warz'lch'r root out, up, ousruta rope, shdrik rose, ros rosin, rosum k hords rot, farfoula, foula rotation, umdraung, weks'l rotten, foul, awg'fouid rotund, rund rough, ly, ro, rou, griib round, rund, rum, herum roundish, rundlich round jacket, womes roundness, runding rounds (of a ladder), shprusa or shbrusa rouse, ufrera, ufweka rout, faryawga route, wag rove, flongera row, n., roi row, v., pedla, rud'ra row, larm 347 rowdy rowdy, roubeg'l,roubels rustic, adj., lendlich royal, kanichlich rustle, rosla, rousha, rub, reib, reiwa, ropla awreiwa rut, glas rubber, iw'rshoo,reiwar ruta-baga, golrewa rubbish, obfol, unrod ruthless, rubble, rulshda unbormharzich rubicund, rot rye, korn rub out, ouswisha rudder, rud'r s ruddy, rot Sabbath, Sundog rude, ly, rou, grub, sable, shworts rilpsich saccharine, zuk'rich rue, routa, b'klawga sack, sekcha, eidar,sok, ruflf, folda rawwa, fardarwa ruffian, rou'r, roubels, sacrament, sokroment roubeg'l sacred, ly, heilich runle, folda sacrifice, upfr rugged, rou sacrilege, leshdara rain, farfol sad, ly, shlimm, ruin, v., fardarwa, badrebd, drourich herichta, runganera sadden, badreba ruinous, bcmchfelig saddle, sod'l rule, rular, rag'l, saddle-bag, sod'l-s5k richtshnur saddler, sodlar rule, v., ragera sad-iron, big'leisa rumble, rumbla, rosla sadness, drourichkad, ruminating, edrich badrebung rumor, g'krish, shwets safe, ly, sichar rump, bardzl safety, sich'rplots, rumple, runs' 1, folda sicharhad rumpus, larm safeguard, ?huts run, n., krik saffron, sofron, gal run, v. t shbringa, sag, senka rena, luwfa sagacious, shorf run away, off, dorchgaa sagacity, shorfsin obg'lufa sage, solwei, g'sheit, rundle, shbrusa kluch run down, oblawfa said, g'sawt runners, lafr, sail, sag'l, sag'lduch, shlittalaf r sa fawra running, flesend sailor, ' shifmon, run over, iw rlawfa pi. shif leit rupture, bruch saint, heiliga rural, lendlich sake, oorsoch rush, n., bins salad, zolawd rush, v., rousha salary, lo, lu rust, rusht sale, obsods, fendu rusted, awg'rushd, saleable, farkawfhch awrushta salesman, kawfmon rustic, n., bou'r, saline, solsig lonsmou saliva, shbouds satisfied sallow, gal, blach sally, forshbrung, eifol salt, sols salt-cellar, solsboka salt down, eisolza saltpetre, solbad'r saitrheum, solsflua salubrious, gasund salutation, grus salute, gresa saluted, awg'shusa salvation, salichkad, arlasung salve. solb same, namlich sample, beishbel, mushd'r sanctification, heilichung sanctify, heilicha sanctimonious, heilich sanctuary, heilich turn sand, sond sandpaper, sondbober sandstone, sondshda sandy, sondforbich, sondich sane, g'sheit, recht sanguinary, bludig sanguine, hofnungsful sanity, gasundhad, gasund' r farshtond Santa Glaus, belsnik'l sap, soft sapling, zopling saponaceous, safig saponify, awsafa sappy, sot'tig sarcasm, bidra shb^t, beisich'r shtmt sarsaparilla, sosafril sash, fenshd'r awma sash-window, sheb fenshd'r sassafras, sosafros sat, sos Satan, Saw ton Satanic, Sawtonish satiated, sot satisfaction, bafredichung satisfied, sot 348 satisfy satisfy, b5>fredicha, b'zawla Saturday, Somshdog sauce, dunkes sauce-pan, kuchpon saucer, bledcha, shalcha saucy, bodsich, frech, moulich sausage, warshd, worshd sausage-stuffer, warshtrecht'r savage, ly, wild, ro save, beilaga, uf hawa, reta, shbawra, areta, f rshbawra, arlasa, bawawra saved, garet, salich saving, shbawrsom Saviour, Heilond savor, gashmok savory, shmokhoft, leblich saw, sak, sag, f rsaga, shbrichword, eisaa, saga saw-buck, hulsbuk, sakbuk saw-dust, sakmal saw-truer, sakrichter sawyer, sayar saxifrage, meisora say, sog, sawga.shbruch saying, sawg, shbruch says, secht scab, grind, obhala scabbard, shad scabby, grindich icaffold, golga, garishd scald, farbrea, obbrea, brea, awbrea scald out, ousbrea scale, wok, arshdeiga, mos, ruf grodla, ship (offish) scallop, ousz5ka scaly, shipig ccamp, shinlood'r, niksnuts, dawgdeb scan, guka, sak a scandal, awshtos scandalous, shendlich, awshtasich scant, knops scantily, knops. koum scantling, kreidshiils scapegoat, sindabiik scapegrace, niksnuts scar, mol, shawr scarabee, shnelar, shnelkef r scarce, ly, koum, rawr, shwarlich, knops. shbarlich scarcity, mong'l, rawrichkad scare, shreka, sheia, farshreka scare-crow, budsamon scared, fshtard scare off, obshreka scarf, holsduch scarlet, sholoch scarlet fever, sholoch few'r scarlet rash, sholoch fris'l scatter, shdraa, farbrada scatter-brain, leichtsinich scavenger, shin' r scenery, londshoft scent, garuch sceptic, hort glawbich schedule, zed'l, blawd, lishd, zusedszacha scheme, plon schemer, plon moch'r schnapps, shnops scholar, galart'r, shoolar scholarly, galarnd, galart school, shool schooling, shooling schoolmate, shool kumrawd school superintendent, shoolbos school-tax, shooltoks school teacher, shool mashd'r scrofula schooner, shif, shofmon's glos science, kunsht, wis'nshoft scintillate, funk 1 la scion, zweig scissors, shar scoff', shbut, shbuta scold, awshnora,moula, shelda, knudara, brumla, knora.zonka scolded, g'shulta scoop, ship, shout" 1 scorbute, shawrbuk scorch, brena, f rsenka, awbrena score, zech, zwonsich scorn, shbut, farochta scoundrel, lump scour, reinicha, budsa, wesha scourge, gashela scowl, shdarn runs' la, zornig guka scrabble, ponhaws scramble, krowla scrap, shdikli scrape, kr5dsa, klem scraper, kitsh scratch, krodsa scratch out, ouskrodsa scrawl, krids'l scream, krish, kreisha screech owl, nocht eil screen, sib screw, shroub, shrouba screw-driver, shrouwazeg'r screw-jack, win screw on, awshrouwa screw-tap, shneideisa screw-thread, g' win scribble, krids'l scribbler, kridslar scribe, shreiwar scrip, sekli, sekcha script, shriftlich scriptural, shriftmasig scripture, heilichashrift scrivener, shreiwar scrofula, Englishkronkhad 349 scroll scroll, rul scrub, ufwesha scrubby, gla scrupulous, b'denklich, zweiflful, zweif 1- hoft, g'wisenhoft .crutinize, unarsucha scull, rud'r scullion, g'shar wesh'r scum, obshawina, obshouma, shoum, shawm scurrilous, fleg'lhuft scurrilous fellow, fleg'l scurvy, shawrbuk, grindich scuttle, kiv'l, kolaam'r scythe, sens scythe-anvil, deng'lshtuk eea, sa sea-gull, safug'l seal, seg'l, sahunt, sig'l, sig'la sealingwax, sig'lwoks seain, sawm, nod, pi. nad seamstress , na' rn , snneid'rn sear, farbrena search, dorch sucha, such a seasick, sakronk season, yoreszeit, yorsgong seasonable, zeitich, bos'nd seat, shdool, sits secede, z'rikzega, obreisa, dafunga secession, obtrenung seclude, wekholda second, sagund, zweda second crop, awmet, omet second hand, sagunda- zacha, zweda hond secondly, zweda second story, shbeich'r secret, hamlich, g'ham secretary, sekritar, shreiwar secretly, hamlich section, dal, obshnil secular, hun'rtyarich, weltlich secure, farsichara, sichar security, sicharhad, bal sedentary, sitsend sedge, bins sedition, ufror seduce, farfera seducer, farferar sedulous, emsich seed, sawm a, sod seedlings, plens'lch'r seed-pod, somakup seedtime, sod seedy, ful sawma, lumpich, sawmareich seek, sucha seem, sheina seemingly, sheinlich, sheinbawr seesaw, gounsha seethe, kucha segment, obshnit, kreis obshnit seignior, har seine, fish homar, shlaf gorn seize, awpoka, greifa, hold nema, fonga, argreifa seizure, grif, hold, argreifung seldom, selda, seld'n select, ouslasa, wala selection, wawl self, selwar, sich, selbsht self heal, prunelSgrout, kreidliwid'rbring, brunella selfish, agasinish selfishness, selbshtsucht self preservation, selbsht arholtung self-willed, agasinish sell, farkawfa sell out, ousfarkawfa selvedge, selwen, solwen settled rain semblance, awshein semen, sawma semi-annual, holbyatich semi-circle, holbkreis seminary, sermnawr senate, senawt senator, senawtor send, shika seneca snake-root, glana shlongaworz'l, ros'lshlongaworz' 1 senior, eldar sennight, wuch sensation, eidruk, zawrdg'felig sense, sin, farshtond senseless, unfa rshtenich unsinig, uksich sensible, farshtenich sentence, ousshpruch, urteil sentiment, g'fel, maning sentinel, wechd'r separate, shada, trena, funonarga, obdala, ouslasa separation. trenung sepulcher, grawb sequel, folga sequence, folga serious, arnshthoft, arnsht sermon, bredich serpent, shlong serum, bludwos'r servant, b'denar, denar (knecht, mawd) servant girl, mawd, dinshd mad'l serve, dena, b'dena, obwawrta serve one' 8 time, ousdena service, Gutesdinshd, dinshd serviceable, nidslich, brouchbawr set, awrichta, sedsa set fire to, awfeira set free, freigewa, loslusa settled rain, londrega 350 setting of the moon shoulder-blade setting of the moon, | shanty, shup shining, glens' nd f mond unargong share, fardala, shawr, shine through, settle, ( sedsa, senka, dal, obdala, dala, dorch sheinX obrechla mitdala shingle, shind'l. deka, settlement, richtichkad shark, hoifisb, badreyar mit shind'la deka get to rise, awsedsa sharp, shorf ship, shif seven, siwa sharpen, sharfa, wedsa, shipwreck, shifbruch seven fold, siwafoch awshtawla, shbitsa shirt, hem seventeen, siwaza sharper, badreyar shiver, shnodra, zit'ra, seventy, siwazig shatter, farbrecha, farbrecha sever, shada, trena farbrekla shoats, laf'rsei, vrutsli several, edlicha, shattered, farbrucha shock, shlok, shdosa, L'sundfir shave, bolwera shdos, shok severance, trenung shaving, bolwerung, shocking, ly, shreklich severe, shtreng shpo, how'lshpojshoe, shoo, b'shloga, sew, naa shawl, holsduch, 1 hoofeisa (of a horse) sewing-machine, she, se shoe-black, shubuds'r na-moshen sheaf, shap, gorb \ shoeing, b'shloga sew on, awnaa sheaf-band, sal shoemaker, shoomoch'r sex, gashlecht shear, shar, shara, shoemaker's knife, sexton, kishd'r obshneida kneib sexual, gashlechtlich sheath, shad shoemaker's strap, gexual organs, gamech shed, shup, f rlera, knerem shabby, lumpich obblea (blossoms) shoemaker's thread, shackle, mit keda bina shed-barn, shupsheiar drodgorn shade, shota sheen, glons shoemaker's wax, bech shadow, shota sheep, shof shoe-mat, shubuds'r shadowy, holb dunk'l, sheepish, ghofig, jshoot, ousshlak, shus, shotich afeldich shesa, forshewa shad} , f ul shota, shotich sheet, boga, leinduch shop, lawda, shop shaft, deiks'l, bruna, sheet iron, rorblech shopping, eikawfa, peil, shbind'l shelf, sims kawfa shafts, lona shell, shala, obshala, shore, ufar shaggy, zudlich shawla, mush'l, shorn, g'shora shake, shidla, ridla ouspika short, korts shaker, shidlar shelter, shuts shorten, farkarza, shall, sul shepherd, shofhedar kartsa shallow, net def, floch, shepherd's purse, shortly, kartslich din, afeldich desh'lgrout shorthand writer, ihallo w-brained , sherds, sharwa shnelshreiw'r afeldich sheriflF, shref short-rows, shdimp'l sham, folsh, badruk shield, shild, b'heta shorts, kleia shame, shema, shont, shift, b'helfa, weks'la, short-sighted, b'shimba, ousshena weibshem, farenara kortsichtich shameful, shendlich, shiftless, ungashikt, shot, g'shusa, farshusa, shontbawr hilflos, hudlich shus, shids, shrot shampoo, kupweshing shiftless fellow, lod'l shot-pouch, shrotsok shamrock, weis'r gla shiftlessness, hudlarei should, ~j sut, set, seta shank, shenk'l, shimmer, shimara, shoulder (of bacon), shdeng'l glons fed'rshunka shape, eirichta, bilda, shin, shinba shoulderblade, gashtolt shine, glons, sheina shult'rblawd 351 shoulder shoulder, shult'r, oksel shout, krish, youdsa, kreisha shove, shdos, shdosa, shub, shewa shovel, sliepa, ship, shoufl show, sho, awweisa, weisa, oweisa shower, shou'r, raga, showiness, procht shown, g'wisa showy, prechtig shred, shnits'l, fedsa, rema shrew, basa fraw, leshdarmoul shrewd, g'sheit, shorf, shlou shrewdness, knep im harn shriek, krish, kreisha shrink, eigaa, eidara- shrink back, z'rik zega shrivel, runs' la, shwina shriveled, hudslich shroud, dodaglad, deka Shrove Tuesday, Faws- nocht, Fosnocht shrub, heka, bamcha shrug, shoudara, zuka shrunk or shrunken, eigonga shuck, shawl shudder, ehoudara, zit'ra shuffle, korda miksa, shewa shun, meida, hosa shut, zumocha shutter, lawda shuttle, shifl shut up, sei shdil, holds moul, shdil shy, shei, sheia sick, kronk, unwol, hetsa sickle, sich'l sickly, krenklich sickness, kronkhad, plok side, seita side-traces, seidabled'r sideways, seitwarts siege, b' lawgra sieve, seb, sib sift, seba, ridla sifter, beid'l sigh, seifz'r, seifza sight, awblik, osicht sign, shild, mark,zacha unarshreiwa, awzacha signal, zacha signature, unarshrift signer, unarshreiwar significance, badeitung significant, badeitlich signification, badeitung signify, badeita,awdeita sign off, obseina silence, shdil shweiga, shdil silent, shdil silicon, kis'l silk, seida sill, shwei, shlipar silliness, dumhada silly, afeldich silly person, hoshbel, honsworsht silver, silw'r silver-sand, silw'rsond similar, fargleichlich, anlich, gleich similarity, gleichnis simmer, galind kucha, sudra, brudsla simper, afeldich loch a simple, eifoch, afeldich simpleton, honsworsht, hoshbel simulate, farshtela, heichla simulation, heichalei simultaneous, gleich zeitich sin, farsindiga, sind, sindicha since, seid sincere, arnshthoft, ufrichtig sincerity, ufrichtigkad | sinewy, nartich skull sinful, sindhoft sing, singa singe, senka, f rsenka singing, gasong single, ledich, anzig, eifoch single-tree, shilsheid singly, aletsich singular, sun'rbawr, eifoch sinister, shlimm,shlecht sink, sinka, senka, farsinka sinker, senk'l sinner, sindar sip, lebra sir, bar, wos, we sister, shweshd'r sister-iii-law, shwei, shwag'rn sit, sitsa, huka sit down, hehuka site, shdel, bloda situation, shdel, blods six, seks size, gras skate, shked, shkeda skedaddle, wekshbringa skein, shdrong, knok skeleton, knuchainon, knuchayuk'l skeptical, hortglawbich sketch, bild skill, kunsht skilled, dorchdriwa skillful, gashikd skim, obrawma, leicht driw'rga skimmer, shoumlefl, rawmlef 1 skimming-ladle, shoum- lefl, shawmlet'l skin, fel, hout. shawl, farshina, shina skinned, farshuna, rumg'shuna skinny, mawgar, dar skip, shbringl, hupsa skipper, shifr skittish, shei skulk, slileicha skull. shad'1 352 skull skull, harnshawl, harnshadel skullbone, shad'l skull-cap, sbildgrout skunk, biskots skunk-cabbage, biskotsagrout sky, luft, himel, him'l sky blue, him'l bio slab, shword slack, leicht, shlak, shloi slacken, nochlusa, eiholda slake, lesha slam, shloga, zushluga slander, shontflek, eihoka, leshdara slang, nidrichashbroch, umgongs shbroch slant, shrak? Slanting, ousg'wicha slap, bledsba, sblawg slat, leishd slate, sblad sbiter, sblad dek'r slattern, sblup slaughter, shlochda, shl-jcht, butsh'ru slave, shklawf slay, dodmuciia, dodshlGga s-ed, shiita sledge, shleg 1 ! skdgebammer, sbleg' 1, zusblogbom'r sleek, glut sleeking-stick, sblicbtbuls sleep, sblof, sblofa sleeper, sblafr, .slnvel, sbiipar sleepy, sblafrich sieet, kis'l, sblofa fleet}', kisiicb sleeve, lirmel slrigb, sbla, sblita sblita-lnf r slender, din, mawg'r Slice, sbuit, sb'tik. sbneida slide, rutsb, sblipa, rutsha, klidsba slight, ly, kla, shwoch, leicht, nochlesichkad slight noise, gareisb slim, shmawl, din, mawg'r sKme, sblom slink, shleicba slip, shlipa, ousridsha, shlip, shnitling. obritsha, klidsbu, shlupa slip away, ouswitsba, obwitsba slip in, eisblupa slip off, flits ha slippers, shlipars slippery, shliparich. glot, glidshicb slippery elm, rudshuls slipshod, hudlicb, nochlesicb slit, shlids slobber, shlowara slop, shlupich drinka, bre, sblop, shbelwus'r slope, hung, obhong, obbenka sloping, obberikish sloppy, shlopich sloth, f elf raws- slothful, foul slo'hfulness, foulhad slough, obhala sloven, shdinkbuk, dreksou slovenly, shlumpich, sblopicb slow, ly, longsom, pokich, sochta sluggard. foulensar sluice, oblawf, oblus slumber, shlumra, eishlumra slur, flek, fleka slut, bidsh sly, sblou smack, sbniuts, shdrach, sbmotsa small, gla, kla, budsicb small bottle, bud'lcba snath smaller, klenar smallest, glenshd small heap, klimple small keg, fes' 1 small nails, neg'lch'r small pox, porbla smart, ly, shmart, fiink gashikd, obmardsa smait-weed, llagrout smash, brecha, f rshmeisa smear, f rshmera, soua, solb, shmera, smeared, frsbmerd smell, recha, garuch smeller, rechar smelling, rechu smelt, shmelsa, smile, shmunsla, lecblu smiling, shmunslich srnite, shlawga, smith, shmid smithy, shmidshop smitten, fargofa smock, weibshem, kit'l smoke, shmok, shmoka smoke-pipe, shmokpeif | smoking-tobacco, shmokduwok smooth, ly, glot, awa, galind, obgleta, glotmocha smoothing-plane, siilichthow'l smother, dompa, far^htika smut, shmuts smutty, shmutsich snail, shnek snake, shlong snake-root, sblonga-worz'l snap, shnop. shnopa, brecha, awshnora snapper, shnep'r 1 snapping-turtle, shnep'r snappish, fardreslicb, bisich snare, shlup, folsbdrik snarl, knora snatch, sbnepa, shnopa snath, nipa, sensawurf 353 sneak spasms eneak, shleicha, soft-soap, shmersaf sore, ro, w^, wund, obshtala soil, lond, buda, bud m, shraardshoft sneak (from work), bou, f rshmera, sore throat, holswa obshala f rsoua sorrel, souaromb'i sneaking, dukmeisich soiled, f rshmerd, sorrel horse, fuksgoul, sneer, shdichla, shbut drekich, flekich shwasluks sneeze, nesa sojourn, ufholda sorrow, lad, druw'l, sneezewort, neragrout solace, troshd sorya snicker, in fousht locha solder, leda sorrowful, ladmetich, sniffle, shnufla soldier, soldawt drourich, bldrebd snip, ^ snipsel sole, sol, lanich sorry, drourich, snipe, shneb solemn, feirlich badrebd snips, shnip'lch'r solemnity, feirlichkad sort, ord, sort snivel, shnipsa, shnufla solicit, awcucha, bida, so-so, mid Imasich snoot, shnoot awraga sot, farsufn'r, lod'l, snore, shnorksa solicitation, awlega, y^ soaf lod'l, sit" r snort, slinorksa awsucha soul, s.'il snot, ruds solicitous, b'kim'rt, soulless, geishtlos snotty, rudsich b'sorkt sound, gasund, kloiig, snout, shnoot, res'l solid, fosht, hord shol, lout, shol.l snow, shna soliloquy, soup, sub snowbound, eishnaa selbshtg'sprach soup-dish, supashis'l snow-drop, shnablum solitary, eisom sour, souar snowflake, shnafluka solitude, eisomkad source, urshpi-uug. snow storm, soluble, f rgenglich awfi'Dg- shna g'shtiw'r solve, klormocha, doo sourkrout, souargroui, snub, knora somber^ dunk'l, souse, zitarli, golarich snuff, shnupa, drourich south, sood shnup duwok some, ebes, edlicha, southern, soodiicu snuffers, lichtbudshar dal, wenich sovereign, haksht, snuffle, nawsag'shweds, somebody, eb'r kanich shnufla some one, eb'r sow, los, sou, saa snuffles, shnupa somersault, borz'lbawm sower, samon snug, bakwam something, ebes space, lik, blods snuggle, nishd'la sometimes, olsarnol. spade, shbawd, so, so monchmol shipa (in cards) soak, eiwacha somnambulist, span, shbon, shbona soap, saf, awsafa nScht wond'lar Spanish, Shbonish soap-suds, safwos'r somnolent, shlafrich Spanish-fly plaster, soar, hochflega son, so nukablosht'r sob, seifza, shnipsa song, gasoug spank, bledsha sober, nichdarn, son-in-law, shwey'rso, spar, fechta obtapara duchd'rmon spare, f'rshbawra,, sociable, ploudarich, soon, glei, g'shwind, mawgar, shbawra g'selig, umgenglich bol, iw'rweil sparing, shbawrsoui social, ploud arich , soot, roos spark, funka umgenglich soothe, shmachla sparkle, fink'l, funkla society, g'selshoft soothsayer, worssawg'r sparrow, shbeds'l, sod, g' sates, waws'm sooty, roosich shblrling soft, sonft, wach, gawr. sorcerer, hexamashd'r sparse, din galind, marb sordid, shmutsich spasms (in stomach), soften, wachmocha sore hand, mid'l mawgukromp 354 spasm squirt spasm, gromp, kromp spiritual, geistlich shdraa, g'shprotl'd, spatter, shbritsa spiritualism, shbrodlich, shmera, spavin, shbawda geisht' r roof a frshpraa shawn, fishoi'r, spit, shboua, shbouds, spree, shbre, awsoufa, fishbrood shbuka shbrea, soufarei, speak, rada, shwetsa, spit-box, shbouboks jig'ra, roush shbrecha spite, shbeita, shbeit, spright, geisht speak indistinctly, bashad sprightly, labhoft lorbsa spiteful, boshoft sprightliness, speak loud, kreisha spittle, shbouds labhoftichkad speak roughly, spittoon, shbouboks spring, shbring, kwel, lawshnora splash, plodsha shbringa, bruna, spear, shbes splaymouth, shepmoul Freling, Freyor spear-mint, spleen, mils sprinkle, shbritsa, gesa wild'rbolsom splendid, brechdich, sprinkled, g'gusa special, b'sundar harlich, prechtig, sprinkler, shbrits, specie, hord geld prochtful shdrids species, ord splendor, glons, procht sprinkling-can, geskon specification, awgawb, splint, shbund, shena sprite, geisht b'zeigung splinter, shliwar sprout, keim, shbrout, specify, b'zeiga split, shplita, shblita, shus, keima specious, sheinbawr awshplita, shbolta sprouted, ousgawoksa speck, flek spoil, f rledsa,herichta, spruce, souwar, ned speckled, shiwarich frpusha, fardarwa. spry, labhoft spectacle, shbekdawk'l, farhunsa spunk, shbunk awblik, awsicht spoil (children), spunky, shbunkich spectacles, bril farwana spur, shbora spectre, shbook sp.oilt, f rkulaberd, fa- spurious, folsh speech, rad, shbroch shtimel'd, fardorwa spurn, wekshdosa speed, eil, eila spoke, shbacht spurt, shbritsa speedwell, ar'npreis sponge, shwom spy, shbion, shbiona spell, bushtawera, sponsors, pedar un god spy-glass, shbekdef zoub'r, kortsa zeit spontaneously, squabble, - shdreid spend, shbenda freiwilich squalid, shlumpich, spend for dainties, spook, shbook, shbuka drekich farfresa spool, shboola squall, windshtos, krish spendthrift, spoon, lef'i squalor, shmuts dorchbringar spoor, shboor squander, dorchbringa spew, brecha, kutsa, sport, zeit furtreib, squandered, farbrucht shboua shbos, shbel square, fer ekich, sphere, kug'l sportive, lushdich wink'l spice, g'wards sportsman, yagrar square-rule, wink'leisa spider, sbbin spot, flek, flekri square up, obrechla spigot, zopa, grawna spotted, flekich,diblich. squat, huka spill, " frshita dib'ldonich, duplich squeal, greisha we sei spin, shbina spout, kond'l, rar, squeamish, akelich spinach, shbinawd dochkond f l squeamishness, akel spine, rikshtrong sprain, freuka squeeze, kwedsha, spiie, turm spray, shbritsa drika spit it, geisht sprayer, shbrits, squire, shweir spirited, mudich slid rids squirm, krudla spirits, shbarit spread, debich, shbraa, squirt, shbritsa, shdrids 355 squirrel store squirrel, achharncha, state, shdat, shdawt, stiff, shdeif shkwarl, achhaws shdond, zushtond stifle, unardrika squirt at, awshpritsa stately, harlich still, shtil, ruich, ols, stab, sfedich, shdecha statement, awshlog shdil, nuch stabbed, g'shtucha station, stashun, shdel, still-born, dodgabora stable, shtol, fosht, shdond stilts, shdelsa shdondhoft stave, f rshloga, douba sting, shdich, shdecha stack, shduk, shduka stay, bleib, wawrta, stinginess, geits staff, shtawb, shduk, farweila stingy, geitsich, knops shdeka stays, shdeifket stink, shdink, shdinka stag, harsh steadfast, shdondhoft stinkard, shdinkbuk stage, gashtolt, garishd steady, shdondhoft stinker, shdinkbuk stagger, wonka steak, shdik flash stink-pot, shdinkbuk stagnation, shdilshdond steal, shleicha, shdala stipulate, ousholda, staid, gabliwa, ruich steal away, obshtala stir, rera, shera stain, flek, fleka steal from, b'shtala stir about, ponhaws stairs, drepa, shdak stealth, hamlichkad stirring, 'rerend stake, shdik'l, shdong, stealthy, hamlich stirrup, knerem, shdoka steam, shdem, domp shdeigbig'l stake-fence, shdik' liens steam- whistle, bruin' r st.ir up, awrichta stake off, obshteka steel, wedshtawl, stitch, naa, shdich, stale, obg'shtona shdawl ousnaa, shdepa stalk, holm, shdeng'l steelyard, shnelwok St. John's-wort, kons- stall, shtol steep, awbrea, obshus, grout, Yohonsgrout stallion, hengshd obshisig, eiwacha St. Nicholas, belsnik'l stalwart, shdork, steeple, turm stock, shdom kreftich steer, uks, shdeiara stock (of a gun), stammer, shdudara stem, shdom, shdeng'l, kulwa, she ft stamp, mark, shdamp, ufholta stockade, shdik'lfens shdompa stench, shdink stocking, shdrump, stampede, flucht, stenographer, pi. shdrimp bledslich shnelshreiw'r stocking-feet, suka stanch, fosht, uf hara step, shrit, shrita, stock-lock, rig'lshlus stand, shdel, shdond. shdakdrep stomach, mawga, shdaa, shtaa step-b?other, wombar standard, fawna, runa, shdef-brud'r stomach-ache, bouchwa, richtmos, mnga step by step, shritweis leibshmarza stand by, beishtaa step-father, shdef-fot'r stone, shda stand still, shdilshdond [step-mother, stone-deaf, shdukdawb staple, glowa shdef-mud'r stool, shdool star, shd urn step off, obshrita stoop, bika, starch, shdark step-sister, stooped, gabikt stark-blind, shdukblind shdef-shweshd'r stop, obbrecha, ufhara,, starlight, shdarnhel step-son, shdef-son shdiip, awholta, star of Bethlehem, sterile, unfruchtbawr shdupa, obsods, shdarnblum stern, arnsht, hort, eiholda start, awlaga, awsedsa, hinardal stop (aleak), farshtupa awshprung, obgaa stew, kucha, dempa stop at, eikara, startle, shrlka stewed, g'demt stop-cock, grawna starvation, hung'rsnod stick, prig'l, shdeka, stopper, kurk, shdup'r starve, farhuiigurii shduk, shdecha stopple, kurk, shdup'r starved, ouskung'rd sticky, bobich store, shdor 356 storm sufficient storm, shdorm, stretch, awshtrenga, sturdy, shdork shdormwind shbona. shdreka stutter, shaiidara stormy, shdormich strewn, shbrodlich stye, shusblod'r stormy weather, striated, shdrafich style, shdeil, inoda unwed'r strict, shtreng subdue, iw'rweldicha, story, g'shicht, shduk strictness, shtreag benicha, iw'rwina stout, kreftich, dik, fed, stride, shrit subject, iw'rweldicha, shdork, shdondhoft strife, shdreid, iw'rwina stout lad, beng'l wid'rkum subjugate, iw'rwina, stove, ufa strike, shloga, shlawga, iw'rweldicha stove-pipe, ufaror eishloga (lightning) sublime, hoch stow, farwawra strike off, obshtreicha subscribe, unarshreiwa straight, grawd, string, sad, bend'l, subsequent, nochfolg'nd shdroks shnoor, shdrong subside, smki straighten, strip, ousdoo, shdripa, subsist, arholtfi, arnara, grawd mocha ouszega, obblawda substance, shduft straight line, richtshnur stripe, shdraf subtile, fei strain, seia, shtrenga, striped, shdrafich, subtle, shlow dorchseiha shdramich succeed, fortkuma, strained, dorchdriwa strive, eifara folga, Bochfulga straining-rag, seiduch strive for, trochda success, glik strait, eng, grawd stroke, shdreicha, successful, gliklich strand, ufar shdrach, shdricha succession, nochfulga. strange, frm, seldsom, strong, shdork, dou'r- successively, sund'rbawr hoft, mechtich, noch en on'r strangle, farshtika kreftich successor, nochfulgar Strap, bond, shdrap, strongly, heftich succor, beishpringa, rema strop, shdreichrema helfa, beishtaa "strap-oil," prig'lsup structure, gabei succored, beig* shprunga stratum, galag struggle, shdreida succulent, softich straw, . shdro strumpet, hoor such, so straw-band, sal stub, shdumpa suck, sukla straw-bed, shdrosok stubborn, shdorkepich, sucker, ousshlak strawberry, arbar agasinish, obsanawt sudatory, shwitsend straw-bolster, shdrokisa stuck, farshtucha sudden, shnel, bledslich straw-bundle, student, shdudent suddenly, bledslich shdrofok'l studious, eifrich, sudden thought, eifol straw-cutter, shdrobonk fleisich suds, saf wos'r straw-tick, shdrosok study, shdudera, sue, f rklawga, reshda stray, frlawfa shdudia suet, nerainshlich, stray-chain, shd-eif ket stuif, shduft, shtupa neriifet strayed, obg'wicha stuffed, g'shtuptaful suffer, blecha, leida, streak, shdraf, shdrich stuffing, fils'l nodleida, ousshtaa stream, shdrom stumble, iw'rshtulpara. sufferance, leida, street, shdros shdardsa, sbdulbara, gtiduld strength, shdark, stump, shdumpa suffered, ousg'shtona krefta, kroft stumpy, budsich suffering, shtropotsa, strenuous, rishtich, stupendous, ungaheiar. leida emsich Srshtounlich suffice, bafredicha, strenuousness, eifar stupid, mupskub, ganunk sei stress g'wolt, g'wicht dum, mushkub sufficient, gauunk, strew, shbraa, shdraa stupidity, dumhada hinlenglich 23a 357 sufficiency sufficiency, ganunk sufficiently cooked, gawr suffix, awhenga suffocate, farshtika suffocated, farshtikt suffocation, farshtika suffrage, wawl shdim suffuse, iw'rgesa sugar, zuk'r suggest, awgewa, roda, awshtifda suicide, selbshtmurd suit, shika mocha, folg, awzug suitable, sliiklich sulphate, shwew'lsouares sulphur, shwew'l sulphuric acid, shwew'lsouar sultry, shmodich sum, sum sumach, shooniek summer, sumar summer savory, bonagreit'l summit, gip'l summon, uffudra, forlawda, eilawda sumptuous, kushtbawr, prochtful sun, sun sun-bonnet, shlophood, shlopbonet Sunday, Sundog sunder, shada sunny, sunich sunset, sunaunargong sunstroke, sunashdich sup, nochtesa superabundant, i\v'rmasich superb, harlich, prechtig superbness, procht supercilious, hochmetich superfluity, iw'rflus superfluous, iw'rflisich superhuman, iw'rmenshlich swim superintendent, bos, swaggerer, shdarmar soop'rintend'r swain, bou'rsmon superior, hach'r swallow, shwolm, superlative, hakslit shluk, shluka superscription, swamp, shwom, sump iw'rshrift swamp-pink, superstition, pingshdblum ow'rglawwa swan, shwawn supervisor, wagmashd'r swap, ousweksla supine, nochlesich sward, waws'm supper, nochtesa swarm, shworm, supple, lumarich shwarmii supplement, zusods swarthy, shworts suppliance, bida swash, pludsba supplicate, swath, g'mawd damedich bida swathe, eiwiud ia supply, farsorya sway, ragera support, arholta sway-bar, reisheia suppose, forous sedsa swear, shwara, flucha, supposed, awg'niima b'shwara suppress, unardrika swear off, obshwara surcingle, bouchgot s\veat, shwas, shwits, sure, shoor, sichar. shwitsa olardings sweat out, ousshwitza surely, beshoor, sweep, kara, laga freilich, olardings sweepings (of a grist- surety, sicharhad mill), malshtavvb surfeit, iw'rlawda sweet, ses surgeon, wund dukd'r sweetbread, sesflash surmise, mudmawsa sweet briar, duruaros surname, zunawma sweeten, ses mocha surpass, beda,iw' nlrefa sweet- fern, huisfawron surpassed, iw'rdrufa sweet-flag, kolmus surplice, korhem sweetheart, shots, leb surplus, iw'rshus sweetish, seslich surprise, iw'rfola sweet-marjoram, surprised, arshtouna mawron surprising, arshtounlich sweet-meats, surrender, iw'rgewa shlek'rwasa surreptitious, unarlicli sweet-toothed, surround, umringa zuk'rmoul survey, mesa, iw'rsana sweet-wood, seshuls surveyor, londmes'r swell, slivvela survive, iw'rlawa suspend. ufhenka swelling, g'shwulsht swift, ly, leichtfesich, suspenders, husadray'r shnel, hordich, suspicion, misdroua g'shwind sustain, nara, ut'holda swig, soufa sustenance, swill, shlop, soutii lawesunerholt swill-barrel, seifus swab, hudla, swill-bucket, seikivv'l hud'l-lumpa swim, shwima 358 swindle taxidermist swindle, shwind'l, tail-board, shusbord tanner's vat, badreya tailor, shneid'r garwargrub swindler, shwindlar taint, flek, bafleka, tannin, garwasouur swine, sou, pi. sei fardarwa tansy, kebiders, swing, gounsh, gounsha take, nema, obnema rafort, reinfort swinging-shelf, take advantage, tantalize, ploga, neka, brodhonk iw'rnama kwala swingle, shweng'l take after, nochorda tantalizing, neksich swivel, knew'l take a somersault, tap, awzopa, awbora, swollen, farshwula, borz'lbawm shloga sonft shloga, g'shwula, gakwula take care, sorya zopa, sonft'r shlog swoon, uinecntich war a take in, cinema tape, bond ummocht take medicine, tape-measure, mesbond sword, shwart duktara, cinema taper, tapara, obtapara swore off, obg'shwora taken, g'numa obsbarfa, wukslicht sworn, farshwora, take part, mitmocha tapestry, wonddebich g'shwora taker, nemar tape-worm, bond worm sycophant, shmachiar take rest, ousruga tap-root, hartsworz'l symbol, bild take to heart, tapster, zopar symmetrical, baharzicha tar, dor awamasich tale, g'shicht tare, un grout sympffthy, uiitg'i'el, tale-bearer, orablas'r, tares, drefts mitlcid redshar, plodshar, tardy, longsom symptom, neiichkada drag'r target, mark, sbeib k t onkhad zaeha talent, tolent, tariff, tarif synchronal, nawdurgawwa | tar-keg, dorlok' 1 gleich zeitich' talk, g'sbwets, rada, tarnish, r.'shta syncopate, f'rkarzil rad, shwetsa, tarry, farweila, syphilis, luft seicha. ploudara, shbrechu uf holda, farzega fronsosa talkative, sbwetsa. tart, boi, short', sonar, syringe, shdrids. ploudufifh seiiirlich shbrits talker, shwetsar I tarfar, weishda system, ordning tall, hocb, iyiig I task, gasbei't, tallow, inshlicb dawgwei k ta.l person, res tassel, taws' I tabby, kits' n tally, f ! ra>u taste, gashmok.sbmoku tabernacle, tabernak'l. talon, kloa frsbmoka zelt tambourine, tembr.r.-n tasteless, iebish table, dish tame, zawm, zama tatter, hud'l, fareisa table-cloth, disbdueh tamper, midla tattered, farisa,lumpich tablespoon, supalefi tan, garwarlo, gurwa tattle, plodsha. redslia, tacit, shweig'ndj tail-colored, lorod neiichkada di-awga taciturn, Bhweigsum I tandem, noch en on'r tattler, orabla-t'r, tack, tak, zwek tangible, feibawr neiichkada. drag'r, tackle, tuklii tangle, farhud'la redshar, plud-har tact, shiklichkad. tangled, farwikl'd, taunt, sbmaa, slibat, t'aictik.-id tarhud'lt, kud'M. shbetl. siibetla tadpole, mulakub tar ward tavern, wfifdslimis taffy, molosich kandy, tankard, henkajrlos, tawny, lorod. ga broim taty dek'lglos, dek'lkon tax, obdrog, t,"Ad tag, tuk tanner, garwer. taxidermist. tail, shwoas, wed 1 tanuory, gar ware! g'deera oussbdub'r 359 tea thimble tea, ta tempter, farsuchar than, dos, OH, don, ols teaberry, buksber ten, zaii thank, donk, badonka teach, lara, larna, tenable, holtbawr thankful, dunkbawr teacher, shoolmashd'r, tenacious, awhong'nd thankfulness, ^j larar tenacity, dorikbawT-kad t^a-chest, taboks awhenglichkad l^hanksgiving, Bad dug t.;a-kettle, takesel tenant, lansmon thank you, denke team, fur Ten Conmandments, thank-you-mam. oblus, teamster, furmon za gabuda, obweis'r tea-pot, takon tend, tenda, wawrta, that, dos, d'r, sei, tear, tran, trana, pflagu seli, seuli fareisa, reisa tendency, richtuug thatch, deka.shdrodtch tear (the skin), tender, marb, awbeda. that time, selamols farshina hondlong'r, zawrd thaw, ufdawa, dawa tear apart, farupa tendon, fleks the, d', da, dHr, d'ui, tear loose, losreisa tendril, ronk de, des, d'n, d'r tear out, ousreisa tenebrous, finshd'r thentre, shouplots tease, redsa, zara.ploga ten-foot pole, richtsheid tht-e,