MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION ORGANIZATION MEETINGS REPORT 1883 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY REPORT OF THE MEETINGS FOR ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Held at St. Paul, April 3d and June 18th, 1883. ST. PAUL: PRESS OF WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1883. 3A PROCEEDINGS OF THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION, MEETINGS FOR ORGANIZATION. the opening of the general term of the supreme court, April 3, 1883, notice was given that a meeting of mem- bers of the bar of the state would be held on the after- noon of that day, in the supreme court rooms, for the purpose of considering the formation of a state board association. Pursuant to such notice a number of lawyers from differ- ent parts of the state assembled, and organized by electing W. C. Williston, of "Red Wing, chairman, and E. Southworth, of Shakopee, secretary. The matter was discussed at some length, after which, on motion of J. N. Castle, of Stillwater, it was voted that the chairman appoint a committee of five to draft a constitution and by-laws, to be submitted to a meet- ing to be held at the United States circuit court rooms, in the city of St. Paul, on the eighteenth day of June, 1883, to which time the preliminary meeting was adjourned. The chairman afterwards appointed the following persons as such committee: W. J. Hahn, of Minneapolis, chairman; J. N. Castle, of Stillwater; E. Southworth, of Shakopee; Eugene M. Wilson, of Minneapolis; Hiram F. Stevens, of St. Paul. 768428 * MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. A meeting of the committee was held at the attorney gen- eral's office, in St. Paul, on the thirtieth day of May, and agreed upon a draft of a constitution and by-laws as its re- port, which is hereinafter given. Pursuant to adjournment, and after notice through the pub- lic press, a meeting of the members of the bar in attendance upon the United States circuit court was held in the court- room, June 18, 1883, at 11 o'clock A. M., and was attended by about fifty members of the bar from all parts of the state. The meeting was called to order by J. N. Castle, and on mo- tion W. C. Williston was elected chairman, and J. N. Castle secretary. The committee on constitution and by-laws, through Mr. Stevens, presented a draft as follows, viz. : CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. This association shall be called the Minnesota State Bar Association. ARTICLE II. OBJECT. The association is formed to cultivate the science of juris- prudence, to promote reform in the law, to facilitate the ad- ministration of justice, to elevate the standard of integrity, honor, and courtesy in the legal profession, to encourage a thorough and liberal legal education, to cherish a spirit of brotherhood among the members thereof, and to perpetuate their memory. ARTICLE III. MEMBERS. All members of the bar of this state, in good standing, who shall, on or before June 18, 1883, signify in writing to the secretary of the committee reporting this constitution their desire to become members of this association, and all such members of the bar who shall present their names at the meeting to organize a state bar association to be held CONSTITUTION 3 June 18, 1883, shall, upon receiving a favorable report of the committee on admission, (to be appointed by the chairman of such meeting,) and upon signing the constitution and paying the membership .fee, become members of this associ- ation. Any member of the legal profession in good standing, re- siding or practicing in the state of Minnesota, who shall have been at the bar of this state at least three years, may become a member by vote, by ballot, of the association, on open nomination, after a report of the committee on admission, and on subscribing to this constitution, (or in writing author- izing and directing the secretary to sign his name to the con- stitution,) and paying the admission fee. Ten negative votes, or one-fourth of those present and voting, shall suffice to defeat an election. The judges of the United States courts within this state, and the judges of the supreme and district courts of this state, shall, during their respective terms of office, be honorary members of this association. Other honorary members may be elected by the association. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. The officers of the association shall be a president, a vice- president from, each judicial district, an executive committee, a committee on admissions, a committee on professional con- duct, a committee on jurisprudence and law reform, a com- mittee on legal biography, a secretary, and a treasurer, all of whom shall (for the period until the first Tuesday in April, 1884,) be elected at the meeting at which this constitution is adopted, and thereafter shall be elected as hereinafter pre- scribed. ARTICLE V. PRESIDENT. The president, or, in his absence, one of the vice-presi- dents, or, in the absence of all of them, one of the members, shall preside at all meetings of the association. The president shall be, ex officio, a member and chairman of the executive committee, and it shall be his duty to de- liver before the association an address at its annual meet- ing. ARTICLE VI. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The executive committee shall consist of five, members. This committee shall manage the affairs of the association, 4 MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. subject to the provisions of the constitution and by-laws, and shall be vested with the title to its property, as trustees thereof, until the association shall be incorporated; and the executive committee shall draft all amendments to the by- laws of the association, subject to adoption by the associa- tion. ARTICLE VII. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. The committee on admissions shall consist of one member from each judicial district, three of whom shall constitute a quorum. The proceedings of this committee shall be deemed confidential, and shall be kept secret, except so far as written or printed reports of the same shall be necessarily and officially made to the association. ARTICLE VIII. COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT. The committe on professional conduct shall consist of five members. It shall be the duty of the committee to receive all com- plaints which may be made in matters affecting the inter- ests of the legal profession, the practice of law, and the administration of justice, and to report the same to the association, with such recommendation as they deem proper. The proceedings of this committee shall be deemed confi- dential and kept secret, except so far as written or printed reports of the same shall be necessarily and officially made to the association. ARTICLE IX. COMMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE AND LAW RE- FORM. The committee on jurisprudence and law reform shall consist of five members, to whom shall be referred all pro- posed changes in law or practice; and it shall be their duty to report thereon changes or modifications of existing laws or practice, or such other matters affecting the interests of the profession as, in their judgment, ought to be proposed by the association. ARTICLE X. COMMITTEE ON LEGAL BIOGRAPHY. The committee on legal biography shall consist of three members. It shall be its duty to provide for the preservation among the archives of the association of suitable written or printed CONSTITUTION memorials of the lives and characters of distinguished de- ceased members of the bar of the state. ARTICLE XI. SECRETARY. The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the association, and, with the concurrence of the president, conduct its correspondence, and discharge such other duties as shall be required of him by the association. ARTICLE XII. TREASURER. The treasurer shall collect, and, by order of the executive committee, disburse the moneys of the association, and dis- charge such other duties as shall be required of him, and shall give such security for the faithful performance of his duties as the executive committee shall require. ARTICLE XIII. MEETINGS. There shall be an annual meeting of the association held at the capitol, in the city of St. Paul, on the first Tuesday of April in each year, and such adjourned or special meetings as the association or the executive committee shall deter- mine. ARTICLE XIV. FEES AND DUES. The admission fee shall in all cases be three dollars, to be paid on signing the constitution. The annual dues of members, after the year of their admis- sion, shall be two dollars, and shall be payable to the treasurer in advance, at or before the annual meeting. Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of fees and dues. ARTICLE XV. EXPULSION. Any member may be suspended or expelled for misconduct in his relations to the association, or in his profession, on the recommendation of the committee on professional conduct, by a two-thirds vote of the members of the association pres- ent and voting at any annual meeting of the association ; and all interest in the property of the association, of persons ceasing to be members by expulsion, resignation, or otherwise, shall thereupon vest absolutely in the association. MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. ARTICLE XVI. ELECTIONS. At the annual meeting in April, 1884, and at each annual meeting thereafter, there shall be elected by ballot the officers of the association for the year next ensuing, and they shall hold their offices until the election and acceptance of their successors. In case of vacancy in any office, it shall be filled by ap- pointment by the executive committee, which, however, can appoint only a vice-president to the office of president. ARTICLE XVII. AMENDMENTS. This constitution shall go into effect immediately. It can be amended only by a two-thirds vote of the members present at an annual meeting of this association. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. MEETINGS. The association shall convene at the hour of 4 o'clock p. M. of the day of the annual meeting. ARTICLE II. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Reading of minutes of preceding meetings. 2. Eeport of committee on admission and election of mem- bers. 3. Election of officers. 4. The annual address by the retiring- president. 5. Eeports of standing committees. 6. Reports of special committees. 7. Special addresses. 8. Miscellaneous business. ARTICLE III. COMMITTEES. The standing committees shall meet and organize by elect- ing one of their members chairman and another secretary, immediately upon their appointment and during the annual meeting. At regular meetings of the committees, and after notice of special meetings, the members present shall constitute a BY-LAWS < quorum, except as otherwise provided in the constitution. Standing committees shall perform their duties, so far as prac- ticable, during the annual meeting, and report to such meet- ing. ARTICLE IV. APPLICATIONS FOK ADMISSION. Applications for admission may be made in writing to the secretary, accompanied by the admission fee and the recom- mendation of a member of the association. The secretary shall lay such applications as are received by him before the committee on admission for its consideration and report. ARTICLE V. NON-PAYMENT OF DUES. Members in arrears for annual dues, after notice and de- mand in writing ,by the secretary, shall be reported to the as- sociation by the secretary, and shall be suspended from mem- bership. ARTICLE VI. CHARGES. Charges of misconduct on the part of any member of the association shall be preferred in writing to the chairman of the committee on professional conduct; and said committee, after due notice, shall proceed to investigate such charges, and make report thereof to the association. The association shall thereupon, after notice to the member under charges, take such action upon the report and charges as may be de- termined, and either exonerate, suspend, or expel the said member. On motion of Gordon E. Cole, of Faribault, the report was accepted and adopted. On motion of J. B. Sanborn, of St. Paul, a committee, consisting of Messrs. Sanborn, Castle and Cole, was appointed to receive and report upon applications of all persons present desiring to become members of the association. The follow- 8 MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. ing named persons applied in writing favorable report of said committee : C. W. Akers, Jno. W. Arctander, P. M. Babcock, Chas. J. Berryhill, R. R. Briggs, C. L. Brown, T. E. Byrnes, Ira W. Castle. James N. Castle, Fielder B. Chew, Gordon E. Cole, W. D. Cornish, Charles E. Flandrau, R. B. Galusha, C. P. Gregory, - W. J. Hahn, I. V. D. Heard, A. C. Hickman, A. B. Jackson, - Wm. Louis Kelly, Chas. D. Kerr, - J. Kling, T. F. Knappen, B. S. Lewis, M. 0. Little, - John B. Sanborn, - Walter H. Sanborn, D. B. Searle, Charles E. Shannon, Albee Smith, L. C. Spooner, Hiram F. Stevens, Cyrus J. Thompson, M. R. Tyler, and received the Red Wing. Willmar. Minneapolis. St. Paul. Moorhead, Morris. Minneapolis. Stillwater. Stillwater. Morris. Faribault. - St. Paul. St. Paul. - St. Paul. Stillwater. Minneapolis. St. Paul. - Owatonna. Minneapolis. St. Paul. St. Paul. St. Paul. Montevideo. Waseca. Glencoe. St. Paul. St. Paul. St. Cloud. Granite Falls. Minneapolis. Morris. St. Paul. St. Paul. Fergus Falls. OFFICERS V E. M. Van Cleve, - Minneapolis. L. Van Slyck, - - Hastings. Lewis L. Wheelock, - Owatonna. Henry L. Williams, - - St. Paul. W. C. Williston, Red Wing. Eugene M. Wilson, - Minneapolis. The association was then organized by the election of Gordon E. Cole as President. On motion of J. W. Arctander, of Willmar, a committee, consisting of Charles E. Flandrau, of St. Paul; J. W. Arctander, of Willmar; L. L. Wheelock, of Owatonna; P. M.Babcock, of Minneapolis, and B. S.Lewis, of Waseca, was appointed to nominate candidates for the various offices and committees provided for in the constitu- tion, and pending the report of said committee recess wacS taken until 2 o'clock P. M. At 2 o'clock P. M. the committee on nominations reported the following list of officers and committees : Vice-Presidents, (one from each judicial district:) First J. N. Castle of Still water ; Second Chas. E. Flandrau of St. Paul; Third Thomas Wilson of Winona; Fourth J. M. Shaw of Minneapolis: Fifth B. S. Lewis of Waseca; Slcth Daniel Buck of Mankato: Seventh D. B. Searle of St. Cloud; Eiyhth Henry Hinds of Shakopee; Ninth G. S. Ives of St. Peter; Tenth John A. Lovely of Albert Lea; Eleventh W. W. Billson of Duluth ; Twelfth Fielder B. Chew of Morris. Secretary: Hiram F. Stevens of St. Paul. Treasurer: Walter H. Sanborn of St. Paul. Committee on Admission, (one from each judicial district:) First W. C. Williston of Bed Wing; Second I. V. D. Heard of St. Paul; Third PdchaTd A. Jones of Rochester; Fourth P. M. Babcock of Minneapolis; Fifth A. C. Hick- man of Owatonna; Sixth M. S. Wilkinson of Wells; Seventh J. W. Mason of Fergus Falls; Eighth F. Cad well of Le Sueur; Ninth John Lind of New Ulm; Tenth Henry R. Wells of Preston; Eleventh S. G. Comstock of IQ XIXXESOTA STATE PAR ASSOCIATION. Moorhead; Twelfth S. A. Plumley of Litchfield. ExecutirejCoinmittec: H. 1\. Bigelow of St. Paul; Fayette Marsh of Stillwater; Arthur M. Keith of Minneapolis; J. B. Sanborn of St. Paul; L. L. "Wheelock of Owatonna. Committee on Professional Conduct: C. K. Davis of St. Paul; W. J. Hahn of Minneapolis; Greenleaf Clark of St. Paul: Gco. M. Baxter of Faribault; R. C. Benton of Min- neapolis. Committee on Jurisprudence and Law He form: Eugene M. Wilson of Minneapolis: W. P. Murray of St. Paul; John W. Arctander of Willmar; W. H. Yale of Winona; J. N. Searle of Stillwater. Committee on Legal History and Biography: Isaac Atwater of Minneapolis; Henry J. Horn of St. Paul; M. S. Wilkinson of Wells. On motion of Mr. Flandrau, it was voted that the names of the several persons reported by the committee on nomi- nations, who had not already applied for and been admitted to membership, be presented to the committee on admissions for their report, and the names were so presented and re- ceived the favorable report of the committee, and it was voted that the several persons so elected become members of the association, upon payment of the admission fee. On motion of Mr. Castle the Secretary was instructed to cause 1,000 copies of the proceedings, including the con- stitution and the by-laws, to be printed and circulated. On motion of Mr. Williston the Secretary was directed to inform the persons who had been elected to office, and upon committees, of their election, and of the amount and time of payment of fees and dues. On motion of Mr. Hahn the Secretary and Treasurer were authorized to purchase the necessary books and sta- tionery for their respective offices. On motion of Mr. J. B. Sanborn the Secretary was in- structed to cause the constitution and by-laws to be suitably GENERAL MINUTES 11 engrossed, and to have the same present at the first day of the October term of the Supreme Court for signature by the members. On motion of Mr. Flandrau, it was voted that when the meeting adjourn, it adjourn to meet on the first day of the October term, in the hall of the House of Representatives, at 11 o'clock A. M., and that the committee on admissions be requested to be present at that time to receive and report upon applications for membership. On motion of Mr. Babcock the meeting adjourned. LAW LIBRARY / -F CALIFORNIA US HI\ GULES A 000414591 8