Art Lib. N 2280 DSlkE 1873 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Qsvi \ So - A 22, COMPLETE CATALOGUE ROYAL PICTURE GALLERY DRESDEN. COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF THE ROYAL PICTURE GALLERY AT DRESDEN. DRESDEN, 1873. R. v. ZAHN G. SCHONFELD'S BUCHHANDLUNG. The numbers on the left of the page indicate the num- ber of the picture, the letters and numbers on the right the place, where the picture is exhibited, the greater sa- loons or halls of the Museum being signed with the roman letters A N: and their sides with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 etc., the cabinets or smaller partitions on the contrary with numbers (1 51) and their sides with the letters a, b, c, d. The pictures noted in this Catalogue with an asterisk are the most prominent works of the different masters and of most of them there are sold reproductions in the Royal Collection of engravings (on the groundfloor of the Museum), partly very good prints of the old 'Gallery-work' (,,Recueil d'estampes d'apres les plus celebres tableaux de la galerie royale de Dresde" 1753 etc.). A Complete Catalogue of all reproductions by engraving or by photography of pictures in the Royal Gallery is to be had at G. Schonf eld's .Buchhandluug, R. v. Zahn, Schloss-Strasse 27, where also a very rich collection will be found of Engravings, Albums, Photographs in different sizes. Abbreviations: Sch. = school or scholar; Uukn. = unknown master; Cl. = painted on cloth; W. = p. on wood; C. = p. on copper; b. = born; d. == died; h, = high; br. = broad; s. s. = same size. .5 -S N 2: - . >. = ~ =. s - 2 1=1- |l | . as .o 5 llllll|s = ' - - X .2 ~ ' Z* ~ = ~ Jo I 1 J S 3068587 The Cabinets 1 st. 21 st. contain the (i i i limn. 1. Leonardo da Vinci, Ubertini, Bigio, Grandi, Lippi, Pinturicchio. 2. Corregio (Magdalen), Turchi, Bron- zino. 3. Beni, Albano,Solimena,Gessi, Mo- rales, Ciguani. 4. Tizian (Christo della moneta), Palma, Lanzaui, Bordone. 5. Varotari, Nogari, Botari, Guerciuo, Spada. C. Claude Lorrain, Poussin, Snbleyras, Dugliet, Watteau. 7. Teniers, van Goyen, Kuysdael. 8. Wouwerman, Mignon, Weenix. 9. Laar, Asselyn, Liiigelbaeh, Storck. 10. Knysdael, Berghem, Heem, Savery. 11. Buysdael, Everdingen, v. d. Neer. smaller pictures of Italian, Dutch and mastery. 12. J. Both, Momper, van Laar. 13. V. d. Velde, Poelemburg, Wynats Tilborgh. 14. Neefs, Stee\vyck,Terborgh,Cociuez, Potter, Huysuni, v. d. Heyden. 15. Teuiers, Butharts, Meulen, v.d.Neer. 16. Metzu, Slingelaud, Wouwerman, Gysels. 17 v. d. "Werff, Bykaert, Heem, Zacht- leven. 18. F. and W. van Miens, v. d. Werff, Wouwerman. 10. Dow, Wouwerman, Hontekoeter, Ostade, Sckalken. 20. Netscher, Brueghel, Wouwerman. 21., Cranach, Holbein, Meme- lingh, Pourbus. Corridor. 47. llutiii, Bloomen, Seghers. 48. Neyts, Arthois , Koberti. 49. Crivelli, Viviani. 50. Heemskerk, Hocke, Paltronieri. 51. VanKeasel, Fyt.Faistenberger. Upper' Cabinets 22 22. Meugs, Graf, Bigand, Denner, Seibold. 23. Burgkmaier, Krodel, Cranaeh. 24. Cranach. 25. Brueghel, Braun, Fraucken, Bril. 26. Stoom , Bemmel , Bloemaert, de Vriendt. 27. Huchtenburg, Mans, Snyers, Ha- milton. 28. Screta, Platzer, Ferg, Knnpfer. 2J>. Nattier, Vouet, Vernet, Poussin, Gerard, Hubner. Floor. nd. 38th. 30. Eosa di Tivoli, Schut, Balen, Tamm. 31. Poussin, Courtois, Valentin, Pesne. 32. Botticelli, Ghirlandajo , Longhi, Cima, Stamina. 33. Botari, Crespi, della Vecchia. 34. Bicchi, Cerquozzi, Pagani. 35. Castiglione, Salv. Bosa, Bassanu. 36. Ghisolfi, Spada, Strozzi. 37. Migliori , Cortona , Carleraris, Ficcherelli. 38. Chiari, Diamauntini, Solimena. Ground-Floor. Cabinets 39th 46th. containing works of the XVIII. Century: Collection nf Crayon-drawings, the paintings of Dietrich, Canale, Canaletto (Views of Dresden) and a Collection of miniatures. The Cupola Saloon. This beautiful centre of the Museum contains 12 excellent tapestries. The six In- low (private pro- perty of His Maj. the King) are probably from cartoons by Quiutyn Messys (b. at Antwerp about 14(50, d. about 1531) and Henry Met de Bles (surnamed ,,Civetta". b. at Bovines about 1480). After having been neglected for a long time, they were recovered 1854 in some rooms of the Palace of Briihl and with special permission of His Majesty intrusted to the Gallery. The six above are after Raphael's cartoons and belong to the wellknown series of tapestry woven at Brussels (1514 1516) by order of Pope Leo X. Like the former neglected and forgotten, they were recovered 1790 in some rooms of the royal Palace by Baron Racknitx, Knight-marshal of Elector Frederick Augustus. A. Flemish tapestries. a. * Crucifixion. 3,36 h. 3,29 br. b. * Christ bearing- the Cross. 3,44 h. 3,38 br. c. Adoration of the Shepherds. 3,47 h. 3,36 br. d. Ascension. 3,42 h. 3,33 br. e. The same object. 2,96 h. 2,ss br. f. The Lord's supper. 3,05 h. 2,84 br. B. Tapestries after Raphael's cartoons. g. The apostles Peter and John healing a lame man at the gate of the Temple, which was called ,,Beautiful". (Acts III. 19.) 4,23 h. 6,53 br. h. Pan! punishes the sorcerer Elymas with blindness. (Acts XIII, 612.) 4,23 h. 3,3 br. i. Paul healing a cripple at Lystra, whereupon he and Barnabas are reputed as gods. (Acts XIV, 8 18.) 4,23 h. 6,35 br. k. The miraculous draught of fishes. (S. Luke V, 111.) 4,23 h. 5,09 br. 1. Christ commanding Peter to feed his lambs and sheep. (S. John XXI, 1524.) 4,23 h. 6,15 br. m. Paul preaching to the men of Athens the living God. (Acts XVII, 2234.) 4,23 h. 5,25 br. 1. Byzantine School. Christ's resurrection. Goldgr.W. 32a. 2. Transfiguration. Christ with Moses and Elias. Goldgr. W 32a. 3. - - St. Gregory on a throne. Goldgr. W. . . . 32a. 4. - Virgin and Child. Goldgr. W 32a. 5. Pisano, Giunta (b. about 1210; Florentine sch.). Virgin and Child, sitting on a throne. Goldgr. W 32a. 6. School of Giotto, The dead Saviour and the holy women (Pieta). W 32a. 7. School of Siena. The assumption of the Virgin Mary 32a. 8. - - A cross-picture 32a. 9. The reverse of the former picture .... 32a. 10. Style of Ducio di Buoniiisejrna < about 1300). Virgin ami Child. Goldgr. W 32a. 11. - Two wing-pictures with Saints. W 32a. 12. Lorenzetti, Ambrosio <1. 13i;o. Sch. of Siena.}. Vir- gin with a golden crown. Frtn/ment.' W. . 32a. 13. Style of Lippo Meiumi (tL 1 Ml 'nt Florence}. Virgin and Child with Saints. Goldgr. W. . . 32a. 14*. Stefano, Tommaso di, surnamed ..Giottino" (,&.!' !_t d. 1356 at Florence*. John the Baptist in prison with two of his disciples is. Mattli. XI . W. 0, 60 h. 0, 36 br 32a. 15. Stamina, Gherardo di Jacopo b. 1354, at Florence d. 1413X Archangel Michael with sword and globe. "NV 32c. 16. Angel Raphael leading young Tobias. W. . . 32c. 17. School of Fra Heato Giov. da Fiesole (b. at Mmiello 13*7. >l. 14.").") at Rome<. Annuncia- tion. Goldgr. W 32c. 18. Pallaiuolo (?), Antonio (b. 1429, d. 1498 at Flo- rence. Annunciation. W B..'5. 19. School of Florence (1330. The birth of Christ. W. 32c. 20. The children of Israel gathering manna. W. 32c. 1 2 Byzantine School; Schools of Florence, Siena, Umbria. 21.* Gilio, Luca cli, or Egidio Signorelli, suruamed ,,Luca da Cortona" (l>. at Cortona 1441, d. 1521). Holy Family. W. l, ?a h. 1, 64 br. . D.3. 22. Yaimucci, Pietro, sum. P. Perugino (b. at Castello detta Pieve 144G, d. 1524 at Castello Fontig- nano}. St. Crispin. W la. 23. Sch. of Umbria, St. Rochus; a little boy brings him a piece of bread. W la. 24. Pinturicchio, il, Bernardo di Betto (l>. at Perugia 1454 , d. at Siena 1513). Portrait of a youth. W lc, 25. Filipepi, Sandro, sum. ,,Botticelli" (b. at Florence 1446, d. 1515). John the Evangelist with nails and crown of thorns in his left. W. . . Ib. 26. - - John the Baptist. W ' . Ib. 26a. A miracle of St. Zenobius, bishop of Florence, (Pedrella in 4 partitions, formerly in Flo- rence, 1868 purchased from the collection of Quandt for 2000 ^.). W 32c. 27. - - (?) Mary and the Child with a rose in his hand. W '->'2c. 28. (?) Galathea on a delphin. W 32c. 29. Crhlrlaudajo, Domenico, (6. at Florence 1451, d. 1495). The birth of the Savior, Mary knee- ling and adoring the Child; St. Joseph. W. 32c. 30.* Leonardo da Yinci (6. at Vinci 1452 d. at Cloux 1519). Mary with the Child on her lap; below: infant John adoring. (Pur- chased 1860 from Woodburne in London for 220 Guin.) W. 0, S8 h, 0, S05 br lc. 31.* School of Leonardo (Marco d" Oggione'f) Hero- dias with John Baptist's head. W B. 1. 32. - - St. Magdalen. W lc. 33. Unkn. Mary and Child, beside her two angels with lilies. W 32a. 34. Credi, Lorenzi di, (b. at Florence 1453 d. about 1540}. Mary and Child with infant John. W. lc. 35. Lippi, Filippino, (b. at Prato 1460 d. 1505). Mary, beside her the Child holding an ope- ned book. Cl la. 36. Garbo, Raffaelino del, sum. R. Karli (b. at Flo- rence 1466 d. 1524). Madonna with St. Francis and St: Jerome. W lc. 36a. Falmezzano, Marco ? (b. at Forli 1490 d. about . 1540). Adoration of the Magi. W 32a. of ! nibria. Florence etc. 37.* After Michel Anjrelo Biionarotti, (b. id Chiuai 1474 (I. at Home 15t.'>4 . J.eda and the swaii from M.Angcto's cartoon perhapsbyRubens)SW. Bl. - ^chool of IJuonarotti. A man suffering death by tire. Cl < 1. .1!'. Copy from Buonarotti. Christ scourged. W. . 2b. 4d. - 'Holy Family C 35a. 41* Biglo, Francia (b. at Florence 1433 d. 1.VJ4 David sees Bathsheba; Uriah sleeping on the balustrade of his house; on the other side: David with Uriah and issuing the letter con- cerning him. "NY. 0,^ h. 1. 72 br Ib. 42. I'bertiuo, Francesco, sum. Bacchiacca (d. at Florence 1557). Three competitors for the throne are induced by a king to shoot at the heart of their dead father. W Ib. 4:;. Vannuechi, Andrea, sum. del Sarto (b. at Flo- rence 1488 d. 1530-. Betrothal of St. Ca- tharine. W. . . '. D4. 44.* Abraham's Sacrifice. AY. 2.,, h. 1, 59 br. . D3. 45. - Mary with the body of Christ. Cl 3b. 46* - ! Holy Family. Cl. 1. 46 h. 2. ou br B2. 47. - ''. Mary saluting- Flizabeth. Cl 3(Jd. 48. Copy from Vannucchi oriyinul in the dome of Pisa). S. Catharine. Cl B2. 49. Copy from Yannucchi \oriainal in the dome of Pisa). S. Margaret. Cl B2. 50. Broiizino, Angelo (b. at Florence 1502 d. 1572). Moses casts the tables of the testimony out of his hands. AY 2b. 51. - Portrait of Cosmos II. Duke of Florence. W. Ic. .")-_'. - Portrait of Duchess Eleanor, his consort. W. Ic. .">.".. Yasari, Giorgio (b. at Arezzo 1512 d. at Florence 1574). Mary with the body of Christ m the corners the 4 Evangelists). W 35a. 54. Unkn. Madonna and St. Vitus. Cl 2a. 55. Xaldini, Battista, (b. at Florence 1537 d. 1584). Adoration of the Shepherds. AY B3. oti. - - Adoration of the Magi. AY B3. 57.* Yanni, Francesco (b. at Siena 15(i3, d. Itio'.i . Holy Family, Cl. l. w h. !..-, br C3. 58. Furino. l-'rancesco < about lt;<4 .-urn. F. llipbso //. at Giiuin- )iann Ki(i5 il. Itliiti . Lucretia and Tarquiu. Cl. 37a. 4 School of Florence etc. Roman School. 60. Pig-noni, Simone, (b. at Florence 1614 d. 1706). Justice. Cl 38c. 61* Dolci, Carlo (6. at Florence 1616 d. 1686). He- rodias. Cl. 0, 98 h. 0, 82 br Bl. 62.* St. Cecilia. Cl. s. s Bl. 63. Christ blessing bread and wine. Cl. . . . Bl. 64. School of Dolci. Head of the Virgin. Cl. . . B 1. 63. Luti, Benedetto (b. at Florence 1666 d. at Rome 1724). Head of Christ. Cl B3. 66. Image of the Virgin. Cl B3. Roman School. (15001787). 67.* Santi, Raphael, (b. at Urbino 1483 d. at Rome 1520). , , Madonna di San Sisto," the Virgin and Child; r. St. Sixtus, 1. St. Barbara; two Cherubs beneath. (Purchased 1753 by King Augusts III. for 40,000 roman scudi). Cl. 2,65h. 1,96 br A. 68. Copy from Raphael. Adoration of the Magi. W. la. 69. - - (by Dionys Calvaert). St. Cecilia listening to the song of the angels; St. Paul and Ge- minianus, Magdalen and John the Evangelist. Cl D2. 70. ,,Madonna della Sedia", (an old copy}. W. Bl. 71. Adoration of the Sheperds. W B2. 72. - - Madonna, ,,la belle Jardiniere" (in the Louvre). ~\V B3. 73 The prophet Isaiah. (By R. Mengs). Cl. . Dl. 74. School of Raphael. Holy Family. W. . . . 32c. 75. Odisseus finding Achilles in the house of Li- comedes. W 32c. 76. Holy Family. W Bl. 77.* Gimiguano, Vincenzo , (d. at Florence 1530). Mary and Child with infant John. W. . . Ic. 78. Caldara, Polidoro, sum. da Caravaggio. (b. about 1495 d. 1543). A combat of horsemen. C. . 32b. 79. Penni, Giov. Francesco, surn. il Fattore (b. at Flm-ence 1488 d. 1528). The Archangel Mi- chael. Cl Dl. 80. - - St. George. Cl Dl. 81. Pippi, Giulio, sum. G. Romano (b. at Rome 1492 d. at Mantua 1546). Pan and Olympos. W. D4. Roman School. 82.* Pippi. Holy Family. ..Madonna della Catiua" (i. e. with the lia*in . W. I.,.., h. l.., br. . B2. 83. Buonacorsi, Pietro, sum. Perino del Vaga '.It. at Florence 1500 d. at Rome 1547 . Mary and Child. W 32a. 84. Ramenghi, Bartolomeo. surn. Bagnacavallo. 1>. 1484 d. at Boloyna 1542). Madonna with four Saints. W D2. 85. Baroccio, Federigo. 1. 152s . at Arpino 1508 d. at Rome 1640) Romans in battle. Cl . D3. 94.* Feti, Domenico, surn. Mantovano \.b at Rome 1589 d. at Venice 1624. David with the head and sword of the Philistine. Cl. 1. 60 h. l, 12 br. C2. 95. - The torture of St. Agnes. W C2. 96. - The return of the prodigal son. W. ... Cl. 97.* The parable of the lost piece of silver. W. 0. 56 h. 0. 4S br C2. The parable of the lost sheep. W. ... Cl. 99. - The parable ..if also a blind man can show the way to an other?" W Cl. 100.* The parable of the labourers in the vine- yard. W. <. h. d. 4 . br C2. 101. - The parable of the great supper, to which are called in the poor and the maimed, the halt and the blind. W Cl. 102. - The mercyful Samaritan. W C3. 103. - Parable of the king, that took account of his servants /mil /m niched him, who shewed no mercy to Iti.t ft/Umr . \\ Cl. 104. Young Tobias draws the iish out of the water. W C3. 105. ? V> n> (I, i a ."clnKil? St. Sebastian. Cl. . . C3. 106. ?The four Evangelists, the Holj Ghost in the shape of a dove above them. W 25b. Roman School. 107. Berettiiii, Pietro. surn. P. da Cortona (b. at Cor- tona 1596 d. at Mom 1669). Mercury brings to Eneas -the command of Jupiter to depart from Carthage to Italy. Cl 37d. 108. A roman general before the consuls. Cl. . H3. 109. - - ? The erection of the brasen serpent. (Sketch for a ceiling-piece). Cl 38b. 110. - ? An old man. Cl Hi. 111. Cerquozzi, Michel Angelo, surn. delle Battaglie (b. at Home 1602 d. 1660). A war-scene (a woman with a babe cries mercy for her fallen husband). Cl 34a. 112. - - A general orders the burying of the dead. Cl. 34a. 113. Salvi, Giovanni Battista, surn. Sassoferrato and ,,il pittore delle belle Madonne" (b. at Sasso- ferrato 1605 d. at Borne 1685). The Virgin surrounded by cherubs. Cl B2. 114. - Mary praying. Cl B2. 115. - - Mary bending over the sleeping Child . . B2. 116. Brand! , Giacinto (6. at Poli 1623 d. at Rome 1691). Dedalus and Icarus. Cl 37a. 117. Moses with the tables of the testimony. Cl. 38a. 118.* Maratti, Carlo (b. at Camerino 1625 d. at Rome 1713). Mary and the Child, that lies in the manger; cherubs above. Cl. 0, 99 h. 0, 75 br. B2. 119* - Mary with the sleeping Child. Cl. ... B2. 120. - - Mary looking upon the Child; beside them infant John. Cl B2. 121. - - ? Holy Family. Cl 34d. 122. - - ? A young woman under a fruit-tree. ('The fruits painted by Carlo di Fiore b. at Mae- stricht 1653 d. at Rome 1695) 123. School of Maratti. A dead hare and wild fowl on a table; a boy sets a dog at an enter- ing cat. Cl 38b. 123a. Berettoni, Nicolo, (b. at Montefeltro 1637 d. 1682). Birth of Jesus Christ. Christ is baptized. C 22a. 124. Rossi, Pasquale, surn. Pasqualino (b. at Vicenza 1641 d, about 1718). Adoration of the Shepherds. Cl 5b. 125. John preaching to the people. Cl. ... la. 126. said to be the port roria\ Cl. 2, lt h. l., s br Dl. 142. The wedding of Bacchus and Ariadne. (Fram a nratrtntf hi/ J!n/>/i. Cl Bl. 143. - Mary yivi'-s the Child to St. Cecilia; St. Ber- nardin. St. Anthony and St. Geminiau. W. . 2b. Holy Family. "NV la. Mary with an aniiel, kneeling before the sleeping Child. Cl. -J, 1:! h. 1.,, br. . . . D2. Madonna with angels and Saints; St. Peter. St. l.nino and St. (.icurgr. Cl D3. Ferrarese and Lombard School. 147. Tisio, Benvenuto? Mary with the Child, that gives a ring to St. Catharine; besides Joseph. W. la. 148 * Grandi, Ercole (b. at Ferrara 1491 d. 1531). Christ led to be crucified. W. 0, 35 h. 1, 18 br. Ib. 149.* Christ at the mount of Olives and taken captive. W. s. s. (Pedretta of the high- altar of ,,St. Giovanni in Monte" at Bo- logna; purchased 1750) Ib. 150. Burg-ognoiie , Ambrogio (Lombard Sch. about 1500). Mary adoring the Child. Cl. . . 32b. 151.* Allegri, Antonio, sum. Correggio (b. at Corregio 1494 d. 1534). Madonna on a throne bles- sing St. Francis, or Madonna with the four Saints. (Painted by C. in his 18. year.} W. 2, 94 h. 2, 40 br . . . Dl. 152.* St. Sebastian; the Virgin on a throne of clouds over him; St. Geminiau and St. Rochus. W. 2, 69 h. l, 59 br Dl. 153.* St. Magdalen. C. 0, 29 h. 0, 39 br 2c. 154.* The adoration of the Shepherds ; the far- famed ,,Night of Correggio." W. 2, 59 h. 1, 8 8 br. Dl. 155.* Madonna and St. George ; St. Geminian, John the Baptist, St. Peter. W. 2, 83 h. 1, 88 br. Dl. 156.* A portrait (Grillenzoni , the physician of Correggio?}. W. 0, 83 4. 0, 69S br 2c. 157. School of Allegri. St Margaret. W. ... 2c. 158. - - Cupid, cutting his bow. Cl Dl. 159. Old copy from Allegri. Mary and Child; Jo- seph at work. W 2c. 160. - The betrothment of St. Catharine (original in the Louvre). Cl Bl. 161. Carpi, Girolamo (b. 1500 d. at Ferrara 1556). Venus and Cupid. Cl E2. 162.* Mazzuoli, Francesco, surn. Parmesano (b. at Parma 1503 d. 1540). St. Sebastian and St. Francis before the Madonna. W. l, 68 h.0, 97 br. C2. 163. - - Mary and Child; St. Stephen, John the Bap- tist and the Donator. W. D4. 164.* ,,Madonna della Rosa." (Purchased 1752 at Borne for 5000 Scudi). W. 1, 14 h. 0, 90 br. B2. 165. Ganymede carried off by Jupiters eagle. Cl. Ib. 166. School of Mazzuoli. Mary and Child ; infantJohn.Cl. 2b. 167.* Mazzuoli, Girolamo (b. at Parma 1500 d. about 1566). Madonna and St. George. Cl. 1, 56 h. l, 33 br B2. Ferrarese and Lombard School. 168. Mazzuoli, Girolamo, .Opportunity, an allegory. Cl D4. 169*AMmte, Nicolo dell' (b. at Modena 1512 d. about l.'iTf) . Martyrdom of St. Peter and Paul. W. 3, 67 h. 1. 98 br Dl. 170. Scarsella, Hippolito, sum. Scarsellino (b. at Ferrara 1551(7. 1620 L Flight into Egypt. Cl. la. 171. - - Mary with the pin-cushion; Child Jesus and Joseph at work. C la. 172.* Mary and Child; St. Cecilia and St. Borro- meus. Cl. 1. 94 h. 2, 16 br Dl. 173. - - Mary and Child; St. Francis, St. Clara and Catharine of Siena. C 35a. 174. Schidoiie, Bartolomeo (b. at Modena 1560 d. 1616). Repose during the flight into Egypt. W. 35a. 175. Amerighi, Michel Angelo. surn. da Caravaggio, (b. at Caraca. at Milan 1615 d. 16S2 . An angel shows Hagar the well of water. Cl 32d. 186. - - An angel leads Lot and his daughters away from Sodom. Cl 33c. 187. -- Still-life. Cl 50a. 188. Ghisolfi, Giovanni d. at Milan 1623 d. 16s:i . The ruins of Carthage; Marius with his com- panions. Cl 51b. IS!'. - Ruined palaces. Cl 34b. 190. - - A sea-port. Cl 36c. 191. Triva, Antonio, .&. at Betfaia 1626 d. 1699). Cupid wiping the feet of Venus. Cl. ... Cl. 10 Ferrarese and Lombard School. Venetian School. 192. Ymani, Ottavio, (d. at Brescia 1650). The Pau- theon in Rome. Cl 49b. 193. - - Roman ruins; at distance the Capitol. Cl. . 49 c. 194. Ghislaudi, Victor (b. at Bergamo, d. 1738). A portrait. Cl HI. 195* Pagani, Paolo (d. at Milan 1661 d. 1716). Pe- nitent Magdalen. Cl. 1, 13 h. 1, 49 br. . . 34a. 196 197. Paltroiiieri , Pietro, sum. Mirandolese (b. at Mirandola 1673). Ruins. Cl 50b. 198. Magiiasco, Alessandro, sum. Alessandrino. (It. at Genoa 1681 d. 1747). Nuns in the choir. Cl. 35c. 199. A refectory. Cl 35c. 200. Robert!, Domenico (b. 1690 at Rome). Ruins. Cl. 48a. 201 202. Ruins. Cl 50a. 203. Ruins. Cl 48a. 204 205. Panini, Giovanni Paolo, (&. at Piacenza 1691). Architectonic pictures. Cl. ... 51 c. 206207. Crivelli, (at Milan about 1700). Ruins. Cl. 49b. Venetian School. (14001760). 208.*Sguarcione, Francesco (b. at Padova 1394 d. 1474). Mary with the body of the Savior; St. John and Magdalen. W. 0, ag h. 0. 51 br. 32a. 209. Bellini, Gentile, (b. at Venice 1420 d. 1507). Holy Family. W 32a. 210. Bellini, Giovani, (&. at Venice 1422 d. 1516). Portrait of the Doge Leonardo Loredano. W. E3. 211.* Catena, Vincenzo, (&. at Treviso 1478 d. at Venice 1532). Madonna with Saints. W. 0, 93 h. l m br D4. 212. Buonconsiglio, Giovanni, sum. Marescalco (6. at Vicenza d. about 1500). Madonna with Saints. W D4. 213.* Santa Croce, Girolamo da, (d. about 1550). Mary and Joseph adoring the Child. W. 0, 615 h. 0, 75 br 32a. 214. - - The torture of St. Laurence. W . . . . 32a. 215.* Cima da Coneg-liano, Giov. Battista (b. at Co- negliano 1460 d. about 1517). Christ. W. 1. ' h. 0. 7 , br. Dl. Venetian School. 11 210.* Cima da Conejrliano. Presentation of Mary in the Temple. W. 1. 06 h. 1, 46 br. . . '. . 32a. 217. -- ? Head of Christ. W. l. ort h. l. 4l . br. . . . 3c. 218.* Barbarelli . Giorgio, sum. Giorgione. (b. 1478 at Castelfranco d. 1511 1. Jacob and Rachel. Cl. 1. 17 h. _>.-,, br E4. 21 1*. - Adoration of the Shepherds. W I>2. 22<>. - A man embracing a woman. W E3. 22 1. - Portrait of Pietro Aretino (?) Cl E2. 221a. ? Juditli with the head of Holofernes. Cl. . 36d. 221b. V Judgment of Paris. Cl :;:>!>. _'_'_'. : Veoellio, Ti/iano >&. at ('adore 1477 d. at Ve- nice 157(1'. The tribute -money. ..Christo della moneta", W. 0.-., h. M. r>6 br. ... 4c. 22:5.*-- The Virgin and Child with John the Bap- tist, before them a young wife with her tu- telar saints St. Jerome and Paul. "NV. 1. 3S h. 1. 93 br . E2. 224.* Holy Family worshipped by Duke Alphonso I. of Ferrara. Lucrezia Borgia, his wife, and his son Hercules II. ,?). Cl. 1, 17 h. 1, 60 br. E3. 22-"). -- Cupid and Venus, a young man iPhilipp II. V playing upon the lute at her feet. Cl. l. 38 h. 2,04 1 ' E4. _-<',. - A Venetian girl with a vase. Cl E3. 227.* Portrait of a Lady in black dress. Cl. 1. 02 h. n. s - br ' ". . E3. 22S. - Portrait of a man with a palm-twig. Cl. . E4. 22!.* - Woman with a fan. Cl. l. oa h. 0, S8 br. . E3. 2.".o. - Portrait of Lavinia. daughter of Tixian. Cl. l. (11 h. 0. 86 br E4. 2:!1. - ? A Venetian woman with a fur. C'l. . . E2. 232. Copy from Ti/iau. Venus and Cupid with a looking-glass. (Original at Peteraburgh). Cl. 5a. 233. Venus. Cl. . . .' "... 37a. 234. - Young Tobias with an angel. Cl 371) 235. Venus and Adonis. Cl 38b. 236.* Sleeping Venus. ('op>i by Sassofcrrato? Cl. l !oa h. l. 7t br. E3. 237. - - Christ and the disciples at Kmmaus. Cl. . 3t!b. - Venus and Adonis. Cl :}fja. 239. Yecellio, Francesco, da Cadore. brother of Ti- :ian, b. at < 'adore 1475 d. about 155i) Pilate presents Christ to the people. Cl. . 35a. 24u. Vacat. 12 Venetian School. 241. Palma, Jacobo, sum. Palma Vecchio, b. at Seri- nalto 1480 d. at Venice 1528). A woman with a looking-glass. Cl 33 c. 242. Holy Family. W 4c. 243.* His three daughters (Purchased 1743 at Ve- nice for 600 Ducats). W. 0, 89 h. 1, 23 br. 4a. 244.* Venus. (Purchased 1728 for 2000 ,,Taleri") Cl. l, 14 h. l, 4 br E3. 245. - - Mary and Child; infant John and Elizabeth; St. Catharine and Joseph. W 4c. 246. Mary and Child; John the Baptist and St. Catharine. W 4c. 247. Palma, Jacobo, sum. Palma Giovine also ,,Pal- metta" (b. at Venice 1544 d. 1628X Presen- tation of Mary in the Temple. Cl. . . . C2. 248. St. Sebastian. Cl F4. 249. Crucifixion of the Apostle Andrew. Cl. . . B2. 250. Vacat. 251. Marconi, Kocco, (d. about 151ff). Christ bearing the Cross. Cl 32d. 252.* Kegillo, Antonio, sum. Pordenone (b. at Porde- none 1484 d. at Ferrara 1550). A woman in mourning- suit (Cornara, last queen of Cyprus?) Cl. 0, 59 h. 0, 65 br E3. 253. - - Matthias is chosen apostle. Cl 37b. 254.* Licini, Bernardino ? (about 1533). Portrait of a Venetian Lady. Cl. 0, 99 h. 0, 83 br. . . E2. 254a. Buonviclno , Alessaudro. surn. ,,il Moretto da Brescia" (b. about 1490 d. 1560). The blessed Virgin (with the inscription: ,,Imago beatae Mariae Virg. quae Mens. August. 1533 Caitoni agri Brixani Pago apparuit etc. 1 '). Purchased 1868 from the collection of Quandt for 2000 Th. Cl D3. 255. Bordone, Paris, (b. at Treviso 1500 d. 1570). Apollo with Marsyas and Midas. Cl. . . 4a. 256. - - Diana. Cl 4b. 257. - - Virgin Mary adoring the Child. W. 0. 5l h. 0,3 8 br , 4b. 258. Holy Family with St. Jerome and Elizabeth. Cl D4. 259. Unknown. (Bordone?) Samson beats the Philistines with the jaw-bone of an ass. Cl D2. Venetian School. 13 260. Compagnola, Domenico b. at Padoi-a about 1490). ..( Generosity, a woman on a throne distributes money. Cl 38d. 261. BemM, Bonifacio. -1. about 1500 d. 1565-. Fin- ding of Moses. Cl D2. 262. - - Mary and Child: St. Catharine. St. Anthony and Joseph. Cl ". D4. 263. - - Christ blessing the world. Cl Dl. 264. - - ? Christ raises Lazarus. Cl 32c. 265.*Laiizaui, Polidoro. sum. Polidoro di Yenezia (b. at Venice 1510 d. 1565 . Holy Family, to which a Venetian noble recommends his child. Cl. 1. 3 ., h. 1. 76 br 4a. 266. - - The betrothment of St. Catharine: St. An- drew. Cl Cl. 267. Morone, Giuv. Battista (b. at Albino 1510 d. 1578). Portrait. Cl E4. 268. Ponte, Jacobo da-, surn. Bassauo, (b. at Bassano 1510 d. 15'. 2 The children of Israel in the wilderness. Cl D4. 26;. Noah. Cl D4. 270. - Young Tobias returning home. Cl. E4. 271. - - The children of Israel in the wilderness. Cl. E4. 272. - The flight of Lot from Sodom. Cl. . . . 35 c. 273. - - Moses fetches water ont of the rock. Cl. . 4c. 274. - - The angel relates to the shepherds the na- tivity of Christ. Cl 34 c. 275. The' conversion of Saul. Cl 35d. 276.* Ponte, Francesco da-, surn. Bassano >son of Jacobo b. 1550 d. 1592 . Christ drives the * buyers and sellers out of the Temple. Cl. 0. 68 h. 0. 8ft br 35d. 277.* Adoration of the Shepherds. Cl. 0. 68 h. I.i br 4b. 278. - The assumption of the Virgin Mary. Cl. . 37b. 279. - - Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen. ' Cl. . . 35d. 280. Ponte, Leandro. surn. Bassano. son of Jacobo P. (b. 1558 d. at Venice 1623). Christ healing a blind. W 4b. 281. -- Noah. Cl 35c. 282. - - Christ bearing the Cross. Cl Dl. 283. - - A Doge of Venice. Cl C2. 284. - The consort of this Doge. Cl C2. - A portrait. Cl D2. 286. - - A man. a woman and a boy feeding sheep. Cl. 37d. 14 Venetian School. 287. Rolmsti, Giacomo, sum. Tintoretto (b. at Venice 151-2 d. 1594?. Madonna: St. Barbara and Catharine and two bishops. Cl C2. 287a. Madonna and St. Catharine; a Venetian ad- miral kneeling before them. Cl E2. 288. - - A man in an arm-chair and a youth. Cl. . D2. 289. A knight in a gondola delivers two naked women. Cl E4. 290. The overthrow of the fallen angels. Cl. . IvJ. 291. - The Muses and Graces on the Parnassus. Cl. E3. 292. Music-making women. Cl 83c. 293.* Christ and the adulteress. Cl. l. S8 h- 3. 55 br. E3. 294. Copy from Robust!, Domenico, (son of Giacomo, b. at Venice 1562 d. 1637). Susanna. Cl. 38 c. 295. Schiavone, Andrea, or Andr. Medola (b. at Se- benico 1522 d. at Venice 1582). The body of Christ supported by an angel and Joseph of Arimathia. Cl 5c. 296. - - Mary and Child, that embraces infant John. Cl. 2a. 297. Marescalco, Pietro sum. la Spada (b. at Feltre about 1550). The queen of Sheba before Sa- lomo. W. 36d. 298. - - Herodias with the head of John the Bap- tist. Cl 38d. 299.* Caliari, Paolo, sum. Veronese (b. at Verona 1532 or 1528 d. at Venice 1588). Adoration of the Magi. Cl. 2, 05 h. 4. 48 br El. 300.* The marriage at Cana. Cl. 2, 05 h. 4, 51 br. El. 301.* Madonna (Maria in trono] with John the Baptist and St. Jerome; Faith, Love and Hope lead the Concina Family (?) to her throne. Cl. 1, 65 h. 4, 16 br . . 302.* Christ bearing the Cross. Cl. 1 61 , h. 4, 09 br. E3. 303. - - The centurion of Capernaum beseeching Christ to heal his servant. Cl D3. 304* - The finding of Moses. Cl. 1, 76 h. 2 !75 br. D3. 305. Susanna in the bath. Cl 1)4. 306. - - The mercyful Samaritan. Cl E4. 307.* Christ's Crucifixion. Cl. 0. 47 h. 0, 35 br. . . 4a. 308* Crircifixion. Cl. ;?8S h. 0, 76S br 4a. 309.* Christ and the disciples at Emmaus. Cl. Ino h- 1 81 , br E2. 310. Resurrection. Cl Cl. 311. Death of St. Catharine of Alexandria. Cl. . 4b. Venetian School. 15 312. Caliari, Paolo. Venus and Adonis. Cl. . . 4b. 313. - - Leda with the swan. Cl C3. 314.* - Daniel Barbaro, patriarch of Aquileja. Cl. l, 3a h. 1, 03 br E2. 315.* i.V Paolo Farinalo, b. 1522 d. at Vcroivi 1606 '. Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple. Cl. 1, 83 h. 4, 15 br 03. 316. - - ? Europa on the bull. Cl 36a. 317. Caliari, Carletto, (son of Paolo C. b. 1570 (7. 15! id . Allegoric picture. Cl 38d. 318. - - Holy Family. Cl 35a. 319. - - Christ is baptized. Cl 35d. 320. School of P. Veronese. Adoration of the Magi. Cl 4a. 321. - Portrait of a boy. Cl 4b. 322. Copy from Veronese. Venus and Adonis. Cl. 30 c. 323. Fassolo, Giov. Antonio, (b. at Vicenza 1528? d. 1572). Portrait of a Venetian Lady. C. . E3. 324. ? Christ's entry into Jerusalem. C. . . . 35c. 325. - - '? Adoration of the Magi. C 35 c. 326.* Porta, Guiseppe, sum. Salviati (b. at Venice 1520 d. 1570 1 ). The body of Christ supported by angels. Cl. 1. U7 h. 0. 8 - br 3c. 327. - - Three angels with the body of Christ, C. 3b. 328. Muziano, Girolamo? (b. at Brescia 1528 d. at Rome 1590). St. Francis. C 35b. 329. Ridolfi, Claudio, (I. at Verona 1574 d. 1644). Annunciation. Cl 33d. 330. Turclii, Alessandro, sum. 1'Orbetto (b. at Verona 1.~>S2 d. at Home 1648). The birth of the Savior. Slate 2b. 331. - - Simeon in the Temple with the Child Jesus in his arms. C 33d. 332. - Jesus with the crown of thorns. Slate. . . 3b. 333. - - Lapidation of St. Stephen. Amethyst. . . 32b. 334. - Trinity. Clayslate ...... 2c. .".35. The Virgin and Child. Slate 2c. 336.* - - Venus with dead Adonis. Clayslate. . . 2c. 337. - - Judgment of Paris. W Cl. 338. - Venus finds the dead Adonis. Cl 36a. 339. - V David with the sword and head of the Philistine. Cl C3. 340.* Varotari, Alessaudro, sum. Padovauiuo \b. at Verona 1590 rf. 16501 Judith. Cl. . . . 5c. 341. - - Cleopatra. Cl 33 c. 16 Venetian School. 342. Yarotari, Alessandro. Lucretia. Cl 33 c. 343. - - A head. (Study). Cl 5c. 344. Liberi, Pietro (b. at Padova 1605, d. at Venice 1677). Judgment of Paris. Cl E3. 345. - Youth under protection of Wisdom. Cl. . 5a. 346. Yeechia, Pietro della-, (b. at Venice 1605 d. 1678). Knight Bayard (?) Cl 37 c. 347. An old woman and children. Cl 33d. 348. A harnessed warrior with a red standard. Cl. 33c. 349. Saul with the head of Goliath, behind him David. Cl 33c. 350. - - Fortune-telling. W 36d. 351. Carpione, Giulio (6. at Venice 1611 d. at Verona 1674). The fishermen, that deny Latona (Leto) to drink, are metamorphosed into frogs (Grid's Metamorph. VI. 4). Cl 3c. 352. - The nymph Coronis protected by Minerva from Neptune's pursuits. W 3a. 353. - - Bacchus and Ariadne. Cl 37a. 354. Fauns and Bacchantes. Cl 34d. 355. Ferabosco, Girolamo (6. at Padova about 1600 d. at Venice about 1650). A young woman and Death (Allegory}. Cl E3. 356. Celesti, Andrea (6. at Venice 1639 d, 1706). The infanticide. Cl El. 357. The Israelites contribute to the golden calf. Cl El. 358. - - Bacchus and Ceres. Cl E3. 359. Pozzo, Andrea, (b. at Trent 1642 d. at Venice 1709). The Infant Christ sleeping. Cl. . . 34c. 360. Bellucci, Antonio (b. at Venice 1654 d. at So- ligo 1725). Venus and Cupid. Cl. ... 37b. 361. - - Mary with the swaddling-band. Cl. . . . 3a. 362. Trevisani, Francesco (b. at Capo d'Istria 1656 d. at Borne 1746). The infanticide. Cl. . El. 363. Holy Family. W 35b. 364. - - Repose during the flight into Egypt. Cl. . F4. 365. - - Mary shows the Child to infant John. Cl. O h. 0, 74 br F2. 366. - - Madonna and St. Elizabeth. Cl 2a. 367. - - Christ at the mount of Olives. Cl. ... 2c. 368. - - St. Anthony of Padova heals a wounded man by prayer. Cl 2b. 369. Dying of St. Francis. Cl .' C2. Venetian School. 17 36:a. Unknown. Portrait. Cl 4b 36!b Portrait (Macchinrrlli^' Cl :',l. 370. - - Madonna and St. Ann. Cl 37d. 371 372. Ricci, Bastiano !>. tit Venice 16150 r/. at Belluno 1733). Sacrificatory festivals. Cl. . f>a. 37.').* - Christ's Ascension Cl. 2, 71 h. 3. U4 br. . . .">7r. 373a. Di/.iuni, Gasparo (d. at Venice 1767). A painter drawing his own portrait to the life (Cari- cature). Cl . . 35 c. 374383. Ricci, Marco, ,6. at Belluno 1679 d. 1729). Landscapes. Cl 34a. 36b. 38a b. 3S4. Carlevaris, Luca, surn. da Casa Zenobio (&. at Udine 16G5 d. at Venice 1729?) The Ducal Palace of Venice with the arrival of an im- perial ambassador. Cl 37 c. )*.">. Molinari, Giovanni Battista (b. at Venice 1G3(> . The drunken Noah. Cl 34a, ;-';. Molinari, Antonio (b. at Venice 1665 d. 1727 at Nimbwg in Bohemia}. Cupid and Psyche. Cl. 35a. >sT Xegro, Pietro, at Venice 1670 1680V Dying Agrippina brought before her son and mur- derer Nero. Cl .">7c. 188. Piaz/etta, Giov. Battista (b. at Venice 1682 d. 17.")! . Abraham's Sacrifice. Cl 33d. l*!i. David with the head of Goliath. Cl. . . . 34b. i'.tn A standard-bearer. Cl 3i!b. !1U. Mig-liori, Fran<-c>c(i. -h. at Venice 1684 d. 1734. Uan-lms ami Ariadne. Cl 37b. j!f-'. - - Knropa un tlie bull. Cl 37a. ;::;. Vacat. '.'.'I - - Abraham's Sacrifice. Cl ."l-'.a 31)7. Vac-ant. !'.)s. Eixiuaiin, Carlo, surn. Brisighella t foster-son of J. A. Kixnnnni of l,ixitt>ni >vv AV. 11)12 l>. at Venice 167!' . A combat of horsemen. Cl. 2Sd. Ion. Combats of horsemen. Cl 28b. 401. - A tirld of battle. Cl 28d. to-j. Noyari, (iiuseppc. b. t Venice 17(10 (/. 17U3 . A man with a money-bag. Cl TH- AU oKl man with a fur-cap. Cl. (>..,. h. U.,. br. .">( An old man with spectacles. W - An old woman with a coal-pan. W.0, 8o h. 0. 4 .j.,br. 4o). An old gray-beard. Cl ^t. Peter, Cl. 18 Venetian School. 408. ISazari, Bartolo (b. at Bergamo 1699 d. at Ve- nice 1758). Portrait of an old man. Cl. . 5a. 409. - - Portrait of an old woman. Cl 5a. 410. Diamantini, Giuseppe, ,,il Cavaliere" (b. in the Romagna 1660 d. at Venice 1722?). David with the head of the Philistine. Cl. . . . 38d. 411412. Vacant. 413. Rotari, Pietro, Count, (b. at Verona 1707 d. at St. Petersburgh 1762). Repose during the flight into Egypt. (Night-piece}. Cl. . . . 38a. 414. St. -James. Cl 37(1. 415. - - St. Francis. Cl 37d. 416* St. Magdalen. Cl. 0, 45 h. 0, 35 br 5b. 417. - - Prince Albert, (b. 1738), brother of Elector Frederick Christian of Saxony. Cl. . . . 33a. 418. - - Prince Charles (b. 1733), brother of the same Elector, afterwards Duke of Courland. Cl. . 33a. 419. - - Portrait of a member of the Electoral family. Cl \ ;;;;. 4I h. <>.,,,, br. ... la. 4:iti. f Madonna: the Child with a bird in his haml>; beside infant John -..Mati-r (v/.s-//V>-///m" . W. U., 7 h. 0. 4 . br la. 437.* - The baptism of Christ. AY. -2.,,,, h. 1. 7 , br. Damaged dwing the bombardment of Dresden ITCH, ' D3. 4;>. Loughi, Luca. > d. 1591V St. Jerome writing and surprised by the voice of an angel. Cl. . . 38b. 441. Siimmaechiiii, Orazio, (I. at Bologna lo.'i'J d. l;")77i. Holy Family with St. Catharine. "NV. 2b. 44-J.' s I'rocjiccini. ('aniillo. b. ut Jloloymi lolii tl. at Milan Itc't! . St. Rochus heals persons infected with the plague. I'ainfi'd for the fraternity of St. Rochits at Rcyyio. Cl. :;. :;i h. 4. 7G br F3. 443. Procaccini, (.iiulio Cesare. b. at Bologna 1548 d. nt Milan It'c'il . A man with a young woman in his arms jumps into a boat. Cl. E2. 444.* - - Mary kneeling, the Child stretches out his hand for the fruits borne by an angel in a basket. W. 1. 61 h. l. l)8 br. * F.5. 44"). School of Procaeeini. A composition like No. 444. Cl 88b. 44ti. Fontana, Laviuia, daughter of Prospero F. 1,6. 1552 d. at Bologna l'in-2 Holy Family. W. 3b. 447. :i: Carracci, Ludovico. //. nt Boloynn 1555 d. 1619 Christ with the crown of thorns. Cl. 0, 86 h. l, o br F2. 14 Repose during the flight into Egypt. Cl. . -a. 2* 20 Boloiniese School. .449.* Carracei, Annibale (b. at Bologna 1560 d. at Rome 1609, ivhere he rests in the Pantheon beside Raphael). Genius of Fame. Cl. 1. 74 h. l, u br. . ' . . Fa. 450.* The assumption of the Virgin Mary. Cl. 3. 81 h. 2, 43 br. (1587) " . . . Fl. 451.* - The Evangelist Matthew, St. Francis and John before the Madonna. Cl. 3. S4 h. 2, 5G br. (1588) ..'.... F3. 452.* St. Kochus distributing alms. Cl. 3, 31 h. 4, 77 br F3. 453. - Madonna and infant John with a swallow. Cl. F2. 454* - Head of Christ. C. 0, 515 h. 0, 38 br. . . . 3c. 455. - - Portrait of Giov. Gabriele (a comic actor). Cl. .'!!> 456. - - ? Portrait of a painter. Cl 3Sa. 457. - - V Portrait of Antonio Carracei. >.,., br. ..." 3c. 4MI. Copy from Reni, b>l Fr. <;<**>? sec Xo. 5 David with the head of Goliath. Cl. . . . 38c. 4M School of Reni, A female figure with the attri- butes of Hercules and Samson. Cl. . . . :15<-. lv_' /ainpieri, Domeuico, surn. Domiuichino (b. at Bologna 1581, d. 1641 at Napli-x . ..Charitas" representation of maternal love:. Cl. . . F2. 4K). School of Doiiiinichino. Four children with the attributes of the Arts and of Commerce. Cl. .'isb. 4S4 - St. Sebastian. Cl H4. 485. - An old man. i Study-. W 3e. 4M'.. Spada. Lionello, (b.atUoloffnalol6d.atPann7. - David wit h the head and sword of Goliath. Cl. 36b. 488 - Cupid with a leopard. Cl 36d. 48f. Tiarini, Alessandro il>. at Boloyna 1577 d. ItiC.s . Medor and Angelica. Cl. 1, 05 h. 1. 38 br. . 34c. 4!K. Danedi, Giuseppe, surn. Montalti. (b.atTremgUo 1629 d. at Milan 16SH . St. Anthony* of Padova caressinj; Infant Christ. Cl. . . . 3<5b. 4!H. Torre, Flaminio. /;. at Kolomna 157s d. ICilo . Holy Family. Cl. . . .' 38b. St. Apollonla. C -Jb. - ..Christo della Moneta" (.'"/"/ from Titian Nr. -1-1-2 . W 4a. 4!<4.* Albauo, Francesco 6. at Boloyna 157S d. IGGO). Dancing Cupids; rape of Proserpina in the background. C. 0. 74 h. l. U( , br 3a. 495. - Diana with her nymphs. Cl :->b. 496.* -- Galathea in a shell drawn by dolphins. Cl. l. 86 h. l, as br F3. 497 Venus and Vulcan. Cl 3b. i'. |v Diana with her nymphs. Cl .">~>b. 499. An angel casts Adam and Eve out of Pa- radise. Cl. .'5a. 22 Bolognese School. 500.* Albano, Francesco. The creation of Eve. Cl. 0, 68 h. and br 3b. 501. Angels adoring the newborn Child; Joseph in- duces the shepherds to approach. C. . . 5b. 502. - Repose during the flight into Egypt.. Cl. . 2a. 503. - - Holy Family. C 2a. 504. Passarotti, Bartolomeo, (d. at Bologna 15921 The painter with his family. Cl 32b. 505.* Oessi, Francesco, (6. at Bologna 1588 d. 1620V N St. Magdalen. Cl. 0, 76 h. 0, 63 br 3a. 506. Barbieri, Francesco, da Cento, sum. Guercino, (I), at Cento near Bologna 1591 d. 1666). Venus finds dead Adonis. Cl Fl. 507. - The birth of Adonis. Cl Fl. 508.* Venus beholds the body of Adonis ; Cupid bringing on the boar. Cl. 2, 06 h. 2, 52 br. . F2. 509.* Cephalus bemoaning the death of Procris. Cl. 2, 06 h. 2. 51 br. (Nr. 508 and 509 purchased 1744 from the collection of Prince Cariynan in Paris for 4000 Livres) F2. 510. - - Diana. Cl F2. 511.* To Queen Semiramis announces a messenger the breaking out of an insurrection at Ba- bylon. Cl. I,s h. l, 78 br F2. 512. - - The dying Dorinda in the arms of her father, who shows Silvio her wounds. (A scene from the ,,Pastor fido"). Cl. 2, 25 h. 2.^ br. . . F4. Lot and his daughters. Cl. 1, 75 h. 2. 24 br. (Purchased 1744 from the collection of Po- lignac for 4500 Livr.) Fl. 514. - The Evangelist St. Matthew. Cl. | 515. - The Evangelist St. Mark. Cl. 516. - The Evangelist St. Luke. Cl. 517. - The Evangelist St. John. Cl. 518. - Holy Family. Cl 3c. 519. - St. Veronica. Cl 3a. 520. - The last moments of St. Francis. Cl. . . H4. 521. Old copy from Gruercino. Dido's death. Cl. . 32b. 522. School of Guercino. Martyr's -death of St. Stephen. W 36a. 523. Canlassi, Guido, surn. Cagnacci (&. near Biniini 1601 d. atVienna 1681). Penitent Magdalen. Cl. H4. 524. Ricchi, Pietro, surn. il Lucchese, (b. at Lucca 1606 d. at Udine 1676). The betrothing of St. Catharine. Cl. 34c. Bolognese School. 23 525.* Cantarini, Simone, sum. da Pesaro b. Pesaro 1612 d. at Verona 1648 >. Joseph and Potiphar's wife. Cl. 1, 34 h. 1, 79 br. (1750 purchased at Bologna for 1000 Scudi). F3. 526. Mola, Pietro Francesco, >b. at Como 1612 d. at Rom 1668^. Death of Dido. W -_Y ."r_'T. - Hero and Leander. Cl , . . C3. fi-JS/- I'ijrnani, Carlo, b. at Bolot/na 162S d. at Forli 1719). Joseph and Potiphar's wife. Cl. l. 00 h. 0, 98 br. Purchased 175-1 from Casa f'mt- tarini /it Venice for 600 zechins). ... 3a. 52!. Oeiinari, Benedetto. ;}(>.* Francescliiiii , Marco Antonio. I. at Eoloijnn Kils ,/. 17-jji. Penitent Magdalen. Cl. 2, 4n h. 1, 71 br. 'Purchased 17f)(i from the collection of Ma rchesc Bo ci for 00 Ducats). Fl. 5:51. Birth of Adonis. C. . . 35a. ;>">-!. Dal Sole, Giuseppe, (b. at Bologna 1G54 d. 171H . Hercules at the distaff of Oniphale. cl >&. 5:5:5. Crospi. (iiuseppe Maria, sum. to Si)agnuolo di Bologna b. at Bolotpm li;i;5 d. 1747 . The -arrament of Matrimony. Cl 33b. 5:;l Ordaining of priest. Cl 33a. 5:;5. - Extreme unction. Cl '!'!!' 5:Jt>. The sacrament of confirmation. Cl. . . . :>-'!;i 5:!7. The sacrament of confession. Cl :5:!a 5:;s. The sacrament of the Lord's supper. Cl. . :>:5;i. 5:5! i. - Tlie sacrament of baptism. Cl :!:!> i 51ii. - St. Joseph. Cl 33d. 541. - Adoration of the Shepherds. C 35d. 51-J. Madonna and infant John. C'l :>b. 54:5. Kcce homo. Cl 5c. 5H. Portrait of the imperial ireneral John Count Palfti. Cl ' :J5.i 545.* Viani, Maria, b. nt ]ioli>;ina Ki70 (/. 1711. Venus and Cupid. C. <>.,,, h. (..,. br. . . . 5b. 24 Genoese and Neapolitan School. Genoese and Neapolitan School. 14501750). 546. Solario, Antonio de? (I. about 1382 d. at Nap- les 1455). Portrait of a young prince. Goldgr. (Original frame}. W 32a. 547. - - Portrait of a young princess. Golgr. (Coun- terp. of the former). W 32a. 548.* Strozzi, Bernardo, sum. il Prete Genovese 43 br. 33c. 552.* Stanzioiii, Massimo, (b. at Naples 1585 d. 165t> . Astronomy (or Science of nature), an allegory. Cl. 1, 27 h. 0, 82 br H2. 553.* Yaccaro, Andrea, (b. at Naples 1598 d. 1670). - Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen after the resurrection; in the background John the Baptist, Adam and Eve and the Patriarchs. (,,The old and new Testament"). Cl. 2, 39 h. 2, 55 br HI. 554. Rosa, Salvator, (&. atRenetta near Naples, 1615 d. at Rome 1673). A nightly storm at sea. - Cl H3. 555. - - Salvator Rosa with an ape. Cl .'Job. 556. School of Rosa. Landscape. Cl H3. 557.* Preti, Mattia, surn. il Cavaliere Calabrese (b. at Taverna 1613 d. at Malta 1699). Mar- tyrdom of St. Bartholomew. Cl. 1, 99 h. 1,46 br H4. 558* - The incredulity of Thomas. Gl. 1, 47 h. 1, 99 br H2. 559* St. Peter's deliverance. Cl. 2, 08 h. 2, 58 br. HI. 560.* Castiglione, Giov. Benedetto (b. at Genoa 1616 d. at Mantova 1670X Noah. Cl. 1, 45 h. 1, 94 br 36c* Genoese and Neapolitan School. * ('astiglione,Giov. Benedetto. Jacob returning with his family to the laud of Canaan. Cl. 1. 45 h. IMW l) i' :itlc - .Jacob and Rachel returning home. Cl. . . 4a. ? Landscape with shepherds and flocks. Cl. 34d. 5'>4. Castiglioiie, Francesco >son of the former, I. about K)5(i d. 17KJ . Two negroes and a dwarf: in the background the Duke of Man- tova. Cl 35c. 5ti5. Biscaino. Bartolomeo, 57 . Christ and the adulteress. Cl. 1. 46 h. 1,99 br F3. 5('.i;. - Adoration of the Magi. Cl 2c. 5H7. - Christ's circumcision. Cl 2c. Giordano, Luca, sum. ,,Luca fa presto" //. at Xaplex 1>32 d. 1705X Hercules and Om- phale. Cl. 2., 9 h. 2 ?84 br H3. 5li'.* Perseus with Gorgon's head. Cl. 2. 56 h. 3, 63 br ./ D3. 57O.* Bacchantes secretly observing Ariadne. Cl. !.., h. 2.,,, br. . '. H3. 571.* - The dyin- Seneca. Cl. 1. 49 h. 2,, T br. (Painted bit Giordano in a sinyle >tiSc. 580. : * - Lot and his daughters. Cl. !., h. 2,, n br. 34a. 581.* Susanna. Cl. 1, 67 h. 2. 4o br HI. 5s-j. Mary and Child 35a. 5s;;. - Penitent Magdalen. Cl 34d. 5S4. St. Sebastian and Irene. Cl Ho. A combat at night. Cl 38a. - A young man with a death's head. Cl. . . HI. 5s7. - Portrait. Cl -''"'h. Langhetti, Giov. Battista. I. at Genoa 1;.-J4 d. 1670). Apollo punishes Mar\a-. Cl. 2. 35 br . . . F2. 26 Genoese and Neapolitan School. Spanish School. 589. Solimeua, Francesco, sum. 1'Abbate Ciccio, (b. at Nocera de Pagani 1657 d. at Naples 1747). Battle of the Centaurs and Lapithae. Cl. HI. 590. - The rape of Hippodamia (wife of Pirithous, king of the Lapithae? Orid.}. Cl. ... 34b. 591. Queen Sophouisbe receives the poisoned cup, as requested nuptial-present. Cl 38a. 592. - - Paris, Juno and Iris. Cl HI. 593.* Madonna and St. Vincent de Paula. Cl. 0, 99 h. 0, 98 br HI. 594. ? Agony of St. Francis. Cl HI. 595.* Mater dolorosa. Cl. 0, 54 h. 0, 43 br. ... 3c. 596. Paceia, Pietro, (Sch. of Solimena}. Copy from 593. Cl 35a. 597. School of Solimena. The Virgin Mary. Cl. . 37d. 598. Conca, Bastiano (b. at Gaeta 1676 d. 1764). He- rod calls the wise men to enquire of them diligently what time the star appeared. Cl. H3. 599. Unkii. David and Goliath. W. 32d. Spanish School. (15001700). <>00. Ruiz, Pedro? The Savior bound, St. Peter (as a bishop) kneeling before him. W. (Pur- chased 1853 from tfie collection of King Louis Philipp at London) . . . J2. 01.* Morales, Luis de-, sum. el Divino (b. 1509 at Badajoz d. 1586). Ecce homo. W. ... 3c. 602. Vicente, Juan, (b. at Fuente de Higuera 1523 d. at Bocayrente near San Felippe 1579). Death of the Virgin Mary. W. (From the coll. of K. Louis PJtilij>] H4. 603. Correa, Diego, ( Castilian about 1550). Christ on the Cross : St. Mary and John the Evan- gelist. W. (From the coll. of K. Lout* I'ltiiipp] J2. 604. Orrente, Pedro, sch. of Ponte see Nr. 268 (b. 1550 at Monte Aleyre d. at Toledo 1644). Jacob rolls the stone from the well's mouth and waters the flock of Rachel. Cl. (Coll. of K Louis PhiKpp.) H4.. Spanish School. '27 605. Roelas, Juan de las-, b. at S,>rillc 1560 7'. '/. . Apostle Matthias. Cl. Coll. of K. Louis PJtilipp :>'2\>. 608.* Rifoera, Jusepe de. sum. lo Spagnoletto. sch. of M. A. Ameri()hi b. at Xatira 1581* d. nt Naples 1656). St. Mary of Egypt knee- ling at her grave is invested with the im- plored white veil. Cl. 2. 01 h. 1. 51 br. . . 113. 609.* St. Peter's deliverance from prison. Cl. l. 69 h. 2,. 26 br 111. 61>.* St. Francis of Assisi lying on thorns. Cl. 1.., h. 2. 26 br H2. 611.* The martyrdom of St. Bartholomew. Cl. l. 48 h. l, 93 br H2. 612.*-- The martyrdom of St. Laurence. Cl. 2. 03 h. l. M br. ' H2. 61:5. The hermit Paul fed by a raven. Cl. . . 112. 614. - - St. Andrew. Cl. . . ' J2. 615. The hermit Paul with a cross. Cl. . . . II-'. H|_; St. Jerome. Cl H2. 617.* Jacob keeping the sheep of Laban. Cl. l.,sl'. ->.* br HI. Diogenes with the lantern. Cl. 0. 76 h. 0. 61 br. J2. 61'.i.* A philosopher lost in thought. Cl. 0. 9(i h. it.., br J2. trJo. Portrait of a man in black clothes. Cl. . . H4. 621. - - ''. Portrait of a man with a letter. (1. . . J2. 622. Velasquez, Diego, de Silva 'b. nt tieriHe 15:4 el lri<] 1660. Portrait of Gaspar de (iuxinan. Count of Olivarex. Cl J2. 62.'!.* Portrait of a Spanish nobleman. Cl. D. G7 h. 0,8* br J2. 624. Portrait. Cl J2. 625. Ribalta, Juan de. b. nt Valencia 15M7 '/. abo,*t 162S). Pope Livery VII. at High-mass. Cl. CoU. of K. Louis PMlipp). ....... 112. 28 Spanish School. 626. Pereira, Vasco, (a Portuguese d. at Seville about . 1583). Communion of St. Honofrius. W. (From the coll. of K. Louis Philipp}. . . .' . . J2. 627.* Znrbaran, Francisco, sch. of Roelas (b. 1598 d. 1662). St. Coelestin (? St. Francis 1 ?}, to whom an angel appears, declines the papal crown; in the background conclave of cardi- nals. Cl. 2, 39 h. 2, 23 br. (From the coll. of K. Louis Philipp) HI. 628. Unkn. Penitent Magdalen. Cl J2. 629. Espinoso, Jac. Jeronimo de, (b. 1600 d. 1680). St Francis of Assisi. Cl. (Fr. the coll. of K. Louis Philipp) H4. 630. - - ? Christ bearing the Cross. Cl. (Fr. the coll. of K. Louis Philipp} H4. 631. Cano, Alonso, (6. at Granada 1601 d. 1667X Apostle Paul. Cl. (Fr. the coll. of K. Louis Philipp} H3. 632. ? Mary and Child. Cl H4. 633* Murillo, Bartholomeo Estaban (b. at Seville 1618 d. 1682). St. Rodriguez, mortally wounded, receives the crown of martyrdom from an angel. Cl. 2, 06 h. 1, 24 br. (From the coll. of K. Louis Philipp,' price 210 L. St.}. . . H4. 634.*-- Madonna and Child. Cl. 1, 67 h. i, 16 br. H4. 635.* Copy from Murillo. A girl selling fruit, counts money, a boy carefully recounting it. Cl. l,3o h- 0>96 br 34c. 636. Valdes Leal, Juan de, (b. at Cordeva 1630 d. 1691). A miracle of St. fiasco of Portugal. Cl. (Coll. of K. Louis Philipp}. . . . 637. Spanish school. (Juan Escalante de Sevilhi? d. 1695). Joseph of Arimathaea, Mary, Magdalen, John and other Saints with the body of Jesus. Cl HI. 638. - - Faith with cross and chalice, adored by an angel. Cl. D2. 639. - - Portrait. Cl J2. 640. ? Madonna and Child. C. 5a. French School -J > French School. (16001830). 841. Vouet, Simon, (b. at Paris 1582 d. 1649). The holy Louis a on cloud born by angels. Cl. ^'.)c 642 Poussin, Nicolas, (b. at Andelt/* in Normandy 1594 d. at Rome 1665). The offering of Noah. Cl 6a. 648. Exposing of Moses. Cl 29a. 644.* - Adoration of the Magi. Cl. 1, 80 h. 1, 83 br. 31a >}.">. Martyrdom of St. Erasmus. Cl. .... 29b. 646. - The Kingdom of Flora; Narcissus, Adonis, Ajax etc. metamorphosed into flowers. Cl. . 31 r 647 Narcissus admiring his own image. Cl. . 6a. 64s. Venus sleeping. Cl. 0, 72 h. 0, 97 br. ... 6a. 64'.* Tlic nymph Syrinx, persecuted by Pan takes refuge in the arms of the river-god Ladon. Cl. " . . . 31i>. 6.">n. - - '.' His own portrait 1(>1',>. Cl 6c. 6;~>l. School of Poussiu. The offering of Noah. Cl. 31c. ti.")i' - - Lupercal festivity. Cl 31b. 6 T >.">. t'allot, .Tallies. It. at Xancij 1594 d. 1635). Mi- litary punishments (one of hi* representations of the I'dUniiities of u-nr). C 6i>. 654.* ("Ok-e . Claude or Claude Lorain . /. near Mirecourt 16uo ,1. t Rom 16ll>. 656a.*-- Duarhet, Caspar, sch. of Poussin and sum. Poussin, (b. at Rome 1613 d. 1675). Roman landscape. -Country m-nr Pl<-xtrhi . nl rtili-iirit_-nncs 1GS4 d. at J'tirt* 1T-JK A company on a terrace. Cl tib. - A company on a grass-plot. Cl (jb. GS9.* Pesiie, Antoine. l>. ut Paris 168T d. at Berlin 17571 A girl with doves. Cl. 0, 76 h. 0. 01 lr. 4!U>. 690.* A gipsy fortune-telling. Cl. 1, I6 h. 0, 92 br. :>ld. G91. - A cook-maid plucking a hen. Cl. ... 31(1. G!)-J. - His own portrait (1728). Cl tib. til'.'!. - Portrait of the painter du Buisson (at Berlin. Pesne's father-in-law. (.'1 31d. G'.M. - Portrait of Brigit du Buisson, wife of the former. Cl old. (i'.i.'i. - A young man with a mask in his hand. W. 31b. Giiti. Lancret, Nicolas (b. 1G90 . at Vali'ticinntcx 189G d. at Paris 1736). A man and woman dancing to a lyre. Cl Gb_ Too. Men and women dancing round a tree. W. Gb. Toi. Subleyras. 1'ierre, -l>. .Ki'.i'.i hi J^nxjucdoc d. at Borne IT lit. Mary anointing the feet of Jesus. Cl. . . Gb. To-J. (iaubert, Pierre, (about 1100 at Party. Portrait of a lady. Cl 31a. To;>. Grimoux, Jean, . KJSO at Jtomont d. lT4o ut Pin-ix). A boy Avith a pipe. Cl 49b. T04. Hut in. Charles, ib. tit Pitri* 1T15 d. at Paris ITGG.i. Portrait of Count ^laurice. Marshal of France, sou of Augustus II. and the Couu- Koniifsmark IT'Jo. (.'1 29c. TOG. Vernet, Claude Joseph, (b. at Arif/non 1T14 d. at Paris 1789). A burning town. Cl. . . -_ ; 9b. 707. Gerard, Francois, (b. at Rom 17TU d. ut 1'nri* 1837). Napoleon I. in his coronation-robes. Cl 29c. Tos. Frciu-li School. Solomon and his wife sacrifice unto an idol 1. Kiin/x Ch. XL. Cl. . . 31c. 32 French School. - Flemish School. 709. French School. Christ on the Cross. Cl. . . 31a 710. - - Solomon's judgment. Cl 31a 711. - Cleopatra. Cl 31d. 712. - - Portrait of Queen Mary of France, consort of Lewis XV. Cl 31c. 713. - Portrait of the cardinal of Salerno. Cl. . . 31c. 714. Portrait of cardinal Alberoni. Cl. 31c. Flemish School. (1500 1750V 715. Bles, Herri Met de-, sum. Civetta, (b. at Bovi- nes near Dinant about 1480 d. about 1550). A peddler plundered by apes. W "25c. 716. (xolzius, Hubertus, (b. at Venloo 1520 d. at Brugge 1583). The contest of Apollo and Pan be- fore the tribunal of Midas. Landscape by Lucas Gassel (about 1548 at Brussels). W. 25c . 717. De Triendt, Frans, surn. Floris, (b. at Antwerp 1520 d. 1570). Adoration of the Shepherds. W. 26b. 718. - - Emperor Vitellius. W 49a. 719. A laughing girl. W 49a. 720. Lot and his daughters. W 25b. 721. Christ bearing the Cross. W 30d. 722. Brueghel, Pieter, (b. near Breda about 1510 d. d. Brussels 1570). Scuffle of boors. W. . 25a. 723. - - John the Baptist preaching. Cl 25a. 724. Brueghel, Pieter, surn. Hell-Brueghel, son of the former (b. at Brussels 1564 ? d. at Antwerp about 1630;. The hell. C 2()a. 725. - - The temptation of St. Anthony. C. . . . 20a. 726. - - The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. C. 20a. 727. - - ? Juno in the beneath-world. W 20a. 728 729. Brueghel, Jan surn. Velvet-Brueghel (b. at Brussels 1569 d. at Antwerp 1625V Land- scapes. W. and C. (16041605). .... 21b. 730732. Landscapes. W. and C. (1602 and 1608). 20a. 733. - - A sea-coast. W. (,1608: 27a. 734738. Dutch landscapes. W. and C. ^1608 1613>. 20a. 739. - - Landscape with a tavern. W. (1641). . . . 18b. 740. - Landscape. C. 1642 25a. Flemish School. 33 741. Brueghel, Jan. A tower on thesea-shore.YV. 1642 : as Jan S. d. 1625 -ZW. 739 741 may be pain- ted by his son Jan Baptist B. d. 1677.) 742. Sea-port with a beacon. W 2ua. 743 - - Winter-landscape. W 19a. 744. The lake of Gennesaret: Christ teaches the people out of Peter's ship. YV 26d. 74f> .">l. Landscapes. W. and C 20a. 752 53. Landscapes. W 21b. 7.")4. - - A landing-place. W 19a. 755. - - A town near a sea-port: many figures in the foreground. "NY 26d. 756. Siege to a fortress. \Y 19a. 757. - The battle of the Israelites and Amalekites. W -_'7a. 758. - - ? Landscape. C 27d. 759. '? A boat with some persons. W 18b. 760.* -- Summer; Ceres under fruit-trees: a child brings a basket with fruits. The figures by Hendrik ran Balen s. N. 78$). W. 0, 56 h. 0. 94 br . 20a. V61. Flora. 'Figures by ran Balen . YV. . . . 20a. 761a A wreath of flowers, in the midst a Holy Family. (Figures by Ambrosius Francken 9. X 805). C 25b. 762. Porbus, Franz, . - - A large village with a church. C. ... 20a. 770 776. Landscapes with dancing country-people and other figures. C 16a. 777. Bril, Matthiius, fr. at Antwerp 1550 d. at Rome 1580). Landscape; in the foreground young Tobias with his wife. Cl . 25a. 34 Flemish School. 778. Bril, Matthaus. Wood -landscape; ;n the fore- ground struggle with a wild boar. Cl. . . 25a. 779. Unkn. Landscape. W 26b. 780783. Bril, Paul, brother of Matthaus B. (b. at Antwerp 1556 d. at Rome 1626). Landscapes. C. W. and Cl. (16081626) 25a c. 784. Landscape; young Tobias accompanied by an angel. Cl. (1624) 25b. 785786. Landscapes with ruins. (1600). C. . . 21b. 787. Landscape (Figures by Anntbale Carracci?) Cl. . . . 26c. 788. Landscape; Diana and Acteon. C. . . . 27d. 789. Balen, Hendrik van-, (b. at Antwerp 1560 d. 1632). In a cavern two angels are leading Infant Christ to a cross. C 17b. 790. Wedding-feast of Bacchus and Ariadne. C. 30d. 791. - Wedding-feast of Peleus and Thetis. C. (1608) 30d. 792. Nymphs and children under fruit-trees ; Fauns gathering fruits for them. C 30d. 793. Diana with her nymphs sleeping under trees and secretly observed by Satyrs. (Land- scape by Brueghel). C 30d. 794. - - Banquet of the olympian gods. C. . . . 30d. 795. (By Corn. Scliut? s. Nr. 952). Acteon sur- prising Diana and her nymphs at bathing. W. 30d. 796. - - Four children with the attributes of the four elements. C 17b. 797. -- ? Holy Family. (The wreath by Jan Brueghel?) Cl 47b. 798. Bloemaert, Abraham, (b. at Gorcum 1567 d. at Utrecht 1648). Crucifixion of St. Andrew. (Copy from M. A. Carravaggio). W. . . 26c. 799. Head of an old man with long white beard W. (1635) 26c. 799a. Bloemaert , Hendrik , son and sch. of the former (about 1630). A man with a looking- glass. Cl. (1618) 26c. 800. Frauckeii, Frans, (b. at Herenthals about 1543 d. 1616). The flight into Egypt; in the fore- ground the bodies of the children of Beth- lehem. C 25d. 801. Christ led to be crucified. W. (1597^. . . 25c. 802. - - Innocence and Calumny before the unjust judge. W 25c. Flemish School. so:!. Franc-ken. Frans. Creation of Eve. Inj Bn'filti'l . AY -J.V. 804. Creation of beasts and cattle. W 25c. 805. Franc- ken. Ambrosias; brother of the former b. nt Jlcn-ntliai.* a.lioat I.")!.") d. n.t Aiitwrr/i 1G1S . Mary and Child surrounded by angels. 'Tin- irrfatli af lloir<:r* jia.intcd l"l Jan run Kessd s. Nr. u;iT . W 2:>b. SIM;. Christ and the adulteress. C 25a. Ni7. .' .irMis walking on the sea, C -J.">d. - >. Christ bearing the Cross. C _'.". d. I'nkn. A battle of Amazons. C 25c. 810. Franc-ken. Ilieruiiymus. brother of Frans (b. at Hercnthal* 1.").")! il. about n ;_'( . Decapita- tion of John the Baptist. C 26c. 811. Franc-ken, Sebastian, b. at Antwerp about ~Lb7S). The temptation of St. Anthony. "\V. . . . _'.'>, i. 812. Savery, Eoelaudt. -//. a Cour*ray 1576 . . . lOc. M:l. - Landscape with ruins. AY. v l'il ' ... 10c. Ml Landscape with a tower in ruins. AY. HJls . 25a. 815. -- Noah's ark. AY. Hc-u lOc. 816-7. Landscapes. AY. 1 ;_>( . HJ2o lOc. sis-'.i. Landscapes with various beasts. AY. and Cl. 25a. SL ; I>. Valkenborc-h. Martin van- (b. at Antweri> 1542 il. nt Frankfort IGoGI. The building of Babel. AY. l.V.i:> iTul. s-Jl-'J. Aolitscliellinirs, Lucas -b. at Urn-wl* d. If.-Jd? (Sc/t. o/' Ludiciy de Vadder b. 15(jU . Land- scapes, i Fit/tire* by Pieter Bout x. AV. lU'j'J . CL 13b. S2o.* Kubcns, Peter I'aul. b. at Sicijen 1,")77 d. at Antwerp 1>. The lion-hunting. (Purch. 174i' frnni tin' i/all. Cariynan in I'n'x for 8000 Lirri'S: Cl. 2. 39 h.' o. 14 br J3. 824.* ,,Qnos egol" Neptune commanding the winds. (Painted li'>.'jr> for tlte triumjtlial nrch of the Infant Ferdinand of Ai(*tria at Antwerp). Cl. y.., s h. :;. s: , br Jl. - Diana and her nymphs returning from the chase. (Ptircli. 17.")i.) from the i/all. Orleans for Id.i MM i Lirr. . Cl. 2.., h. 2,, s br. . . Jo. The same in ha If- figures. Cl J4. - Hercules drunken and proped by aFauu and a Bacchante. Cl. . Jl. 36 Flemish School. 828. Rubens, Peter Paul. Meleager and Atalante. Cl. Jl. 829.* Allegory (,,Greroglifico di Carlo V."): A hero (Charles F.?) crowned by Victoria treads (disdaining sensual pleasure) upon the neck of a Silenus; Venus and Cupid weeping; Envy in the background. Cl. 2, 02 h. 2,. 2 . 2 br. J2. 830. St. Jerome. Cl J3. 831. The daughter of Herodias with a charger receiving the head of John the Baptist from the executioner. Cl Jl. 332.* An old woman with some boys in a cavern. W. l, 16 h. 0. 92 br J4. 833. ,,Bathsheba" after bathing. W Jl. 834*. A tiger-family. Cl. 2, 00 h. 3, 77 br Jl. 835. A Satyr pressing grapes. Cl J3. 836. The Escurial. Cl J4. 837.* Wild boar hunt. (Original sketch; formerly till 1648 in possession of the duke of Buc- kingJiam; purch. 1748 for 800 florins}. W. 1, 35 h. 1, 66 br K3. 838* - - The judgment of Paris. W. 0, 49 h. 0, 63 br. M2. 839.* The garden of love. (Purch. from the gallery Carignan at Paris 1742 for 12000 Livr.). W. 0, 92 h. 1, M br M2. 840. Mercury and Argus. W M2. 841. Cloelia with her female companions swimming over the Tiber. Cl Jl. 842.* - Last judgment. (Sketch of the great Munich picture). W. " 1, 28 h. 0, 97 br M3. 843. St. Ignatius heals demoniacs. W M3. 844. Christ on the lake of Gennesaret. (Sketch). W. LI. 845.* The sons of Rubens (Albert and Nicolas). W. l, 55 h. 0, 90 br Jl. 846-9. Portraits. W Jl 4. 850.* Portrait of a young woman with a white lace-collar. W. 0, 74 h. 0, 54 br. . M3. 851. A white-headed old man in episcopal gar- ments. W M3. 852.* Portrait of a young fair woman (daughter of Rubens?) with roses in her hand. W. 0, 79 h. 0,5 8 br M2. 853.* Portrait of Helen Fourment (second wife of Rubens). W. 0, 65 h. 0, 50 br M2 854-7. Portraits. W M2.J2. Flemish School. 37 858. School of Kubens. ,.Timc elevates Truth over Ignorance, Superstition and Vice." Sketch). (1 MS. 859. Hero and Leander. C 26a. S6i>. - Adoration of the Magi. (Sketch. AV. . . M3. 861. Mary and Child. C 26a. S6-J. Venus and Adonis. AV 26a. si;:>. - Rape of Proserpina. W Mo. 864. Adoration of the Shepherds. W -J7a. sr,.~>. - Portrait of an old woman. W Mo. scr,. Portrait of Archduke Albert of Austria. AV. 50b. stir. - Portrait of his consort, Infanta Clara Eugenia Isabel. AV 50b. - Head of an old woman. W M:j. 869. School of Rubens or Job. B. Franc-ken I ( l. 161s . Apostle Simon with the saw. W J2. s7o. - - Apostle Bartholomew with a knife. AV. . J2. 871. - Apostle Paul with a book. W J2. s.-J. - Apostle Peter. W J2. 873. - - Head of St. Paul. AV 26a. s74. Head of St. Peter. Cl -J6a. Si.'i. A head looking upwards. W 26c. 876. Unkn. Portrait of a pale man with a white collar. AV 50c. s77. - - The finding out of Ericthonius, sou of Nep- tune, with snake-legs. (Copy from the ori- ginal in the (/cillery of Prince Lichtcnstcin at Vienna . AV 26c. - S 7^. - Portrait of a woman in black dress with golden buttons. (1638, &?/ Micliicl Jansze Miwrdt? nee Xr. 1US1 . 'AV M3. ^7!*. Portrait of a man in black coat with gloves in his hand. W M3. 880. St. Rochus. (Copy from the altar-piece in St. Martin's at Alost; present of H. J/. Kitnj John. AA" 26a. ssi. Willarts, Adam, (b. at Antwerp 1577, d. at Ut- recht K)4(.i>. Dutch ships in a rocky creek. AV. i52(> 9b. 882. Yinckeboons, Davidze, (b. at Mechlin 167s d. at Amsterdam 1629). A country-fair. AV. . . 25c. - Beggars and cripples receiving alms before a monastery. AA r 12b. 883a. Robbers in a forest, W lOc. 884. ? Wood-landscape. W 18a. 38 Flemish School. 885. Heusch, Gabriel de, (Hews? b. at Utrecht about 1600). A shepherd with his flock near a village-pond. W. (1629) 15b. 886. Wolfvoet, Victor, sch. of Rubens, (b. 1612 d, at Antwerp 1652). A Gorgon's head. Cl. . 26c. 887. Snyders , Frans , (or Snyers") , sch. of Peter Brueghel (b. at Antwerp 1579 d. 1657). A dead roe, wild-fowl and fruits ; a girl with a parrot standing by. Cl K3. 888*. Dead swan and peacock, and a dog with puppies. Cl. 1, 70 h. 2, 43 br K3. 889. Game and poultry on a table. Cl. ... K3. 890. - - Poultry and fruits on a table. (Figures by Adrian Nieulant? d. 1601?) Cl K3. 891.* Wild boar hunt. (Figures by Rubens). Cl. 1,9-2 h- 3, 00 br K4. 892. Game and poultry (Figures Rubens and his wife as cooks? by Rubens). Cl. . . J3. 893. The paradise with various animals. Cl. . Kl. 894.* ? Bear-baiting. Cl. 1, 31 h. 2, 10 br. . . . K2. 895. ? Bear-baiting with two hunters. (Figures by HontJiorst? See Nr. 1122). Cl. ... Kl. 896. ? A gardener's wife. selling greens. Cl. . . K3. 897. - - ? Lovers amidst cabbage and spinage. Cl. K3. 898. Wildens , Jan , sch. of Rubens, (b. at Antwerp 1584 d. 1653). A hunter in a winter -land- scape. Cl K4. 899 901. Momper, Josse de-, junior, (b. at Antiverp 1559 d. about 1635). Landscapes. W. . . 12b. 902904. Landscapes. W 25a b. 905. Stalberat, Adriaen van-, (b. at Antwerp 1580 d. about 1660). Banquet of the gods. W. (1622) 30d. 906. The judgment of Midas. (Apollo and Pan). W 30d. 907. Teniers, David, the father, sch. of Rubeiis and Elsheimer see Nr. 1841, (b. at Antwerp 1582 d. 1649). A lake in moon-shine; in the foreground herdsmen round a fire. W. 7b. 908. A village-fair; feasting men and women be- fore an inn. (Prc/i. 1749 at Paris for 4000 Lif.l Cl 7b. 909. - - Landscape. W 7b. 91011. Landscapes. W 15a. 912. - - Dutch bleachery. W 15a. Flemish School. 39 013. Teniers. David, the father. A Dutch village- fair. W 15a. 914. Teniers, David, the son. sell, of his father l>. (if Antwerp K510 d. at Bru^d* 1C90). Peasants playing at draughts. W. . . . 7b. 915*. A village-fair. Cl. Turch. 1742 from the COll. Cari:">( HI Lir.. O. n;) ll. l. 4 br. lf)C. 9115. Peasants playing at cards. W 7b. 917. - A .,,, br 15c. 919. - Peasants counting over their score. W. . . 15c. 920. A young drinker. "NY loc. 921. A writing old man '..the necromancer"*. W. 15a. 922. -- A guard-room; in the background the deli- very of St. Peter. C loa. 923. - - Peasants smoking, drinking and playing at cards. Pxrch. 1742 for 1500 Lie.}. Cl. . 15c. 924. - The inside of a Dutch farm-house. W. Ki49 . 27c. 92."). Man and wife at the fire-place. W. . . . 2. Peasants at the repast. "NV loa. 931.* Great village fair. s4 il.Haerlem lt;i;ij . Portraits. W 19a. 941. ? Portrait of an old woman. W L2 942 43. Avercamj), Ilendrik van-, sum. Stomme van Campen" (b. at Canipen about 159u . Dutch village fairs. W 25a. 944. Diepenbeek, Abraham van-, sch. of Rubens (b. at Hertogenbtuch I(i(i7 (/. at Antwerp 1(375). Neptune and Amphitrite. W 30d. 40 Flemish School. 945. Zegers, or Segers, Daniel, sch. of Jan Brueghel . 985.* King Charles I. of England. Cl. (1637) 1, 22 h. 0, 96 br Jl. 986.* The Queen of Charles I. Heuriette Mary of France. Cl. 1, 23 h. 0. 96 br Jl. 987.* Children of Charles I., Charles, James and Mary. Cl. 1. 28 br. 1 :45 br Jl. 988. - - Portrait of a man in a white plaited collar. Cl Jl. 989. - - Portrait of a woman. Cl Jl. 990.* Portrait of the painter Martin Ryckaert. Cl. l, ie h. 0. 97 br J4. 991. - - Portrait of Engelbrecht Taie, Baron of Wemmel. Cl M2. 992.* Portrait of a man in armour. Cl. 0, 91 h. o. 7] br . MS. 993. Portrait of the Scotchman Thomas Parr 151 years old. (Once belonging to the col- lection of King Charles I.\ W M:>. 994. - - Portrait of a man in a white collar. Cl. . M:>. 995 -98. Portraits. Cl '. M-J. 9! 9. After v. Dyk. Portrait of a bearded man. Cl. 28c. Idi ii i - Portrait of a man in armour and with a staif of command. Cl 26c. ItMil. - Head of a man. -Fragment >. \V. . . . LI. 1(>02. - - Christ and the tempter. ..Sketch'*. W. . -JCa. l< MI:;. - Mary of Mcdicis, as widow. Cl 20c. 1004. Miel, Jan. (b. t Anttn,-/, 1 :>!! d. (it Turin l;t;i . A goat-herd. W 13c. 1005. A herds-man and wife. C. , loc. 42 Flemish School. 1006. Utrecht, Adriaen van-, (b. at Antwerp 1599 d. 1653). Eruits and other victuals. Cl. (1647). K3. 1007. Quellinus, Erasmus, sch. of Rubens (b. at Ant- werp 1607 d. 1678). The espousal of Mary with Joseph. C 30d. 1008. St. Catharine kneeling before the Virgin and adorned by Infant Jesus with a crown of laurel; St. Apollonia and St. Margaret. C. 30d. 1009. Flemal, Bartholet, (b. at Liege 1612 d, 1675). Aeneas, his wife Creusa, his son Ascanius and the old Anchises being about to leave the burning Troy (?) W 27d. 1010. Arthois, Jacob van-, (b. at Brussels 1615 d. about 1670). Landscape with beautiful groups of trees. Cl 48a. 101112. Landscapes. Cl 50c, 1013. Peeters, Bonaventura, (b. at Antwerp 1614 d. at Hoboken 1652). Island and town of Corfu; a Dutch man of war riding at the ' road. Cl. (1652) 27d. 1014. The village of Scheveningen and part of the sea-coast. (Figures by D. Tenters]. Cl. 13b. 1015. Peeters, Jan, brother of the former (b. 1624 d. 1677). Cottages and some peasants. W. L'7c. 1016 17. Ryckaert, David, (b. at Antwerp 1612 d. 1662). Country-people. W. (1639 and 1649). 17b. 101819. Still-life. Cl 50c. 1020. Inside of a farm-house. W 51b. 1021. ? A peasant with a pitcher and singing, an other fiddling. "W loa. 1022.* Jacobsen, Juriaen, sch. of Fr. Snyders (b. at Hamburgh d. at Leeuicarden 1664). Dogs seizing a wild boar. Cl. (,1600) .... K4. 1023. Coques, Gonzales, sch. of D. Ryckaert, (b. at Antwerp 1618 d. 1684). Family-picture. W. 14c. 1024. Unkn. King Charles I. of England in the hall of a castle. (Architecture by H. van Steen- u-ijTi s. Nr. 1119). W 14c. 1025. - - Henriette Mary, his Queen. (Copy fr. Nr. 986; architecture by Steenwyk). W. . . 14c. 102627. Neyts, Aegidius or Gilles, sch. of L. v. Uden s. Nr. 971 (b. at Antwerp about 1627 d. 1690). Landscapes with ruins. Cl. . . 48a c. Flemish School. 43 102829. Son, Georg van-, (b. at Antn-r>-/> 1U22' or Jan v. Son (b. at Anhrcr]> 1661 d. 1720 . Grapes and other fruits. Cl 2Sa. lo:>o. -- A large thistle and blue-bottles. Cl. . . 26d. 1031. Tilborch, Aegidius or Gilles van-, (b. at Brus- sels 1625). A wedding-feast of Dutch country- people. Cl 13c 103233. Fyt, Jan, (b. at Antwerp 1609 d. 1661). Still-life. Cl 29a. lu;;i. - - Dead partridges and a hound. Cl. . . . 27c. H ;-{; 36. Still-life. Cl 51a. 1037. Kessel, Jan van-, (b. at Antwerp 1626 d. about 1680). Still-life. Cl 51b. 103H. Unkn. Still-life. Cl 51b. 103! I. Apshoveu, Thomas van-, sch. of Teniers jun. (b. at Antwerp d. about 1650). Oysters and fruits. W Sa 1040. Elliger, Ottmar. sch. of Daniel Seghers (b. at Gothenburg 1632 d. at Berlin 1679). A tulip, roses and currants on a table. W. (1674) 27a. 1040a. A nosegay with fruits on a table. W. . . 17b. 1041. Marienhof, A. sch. of Rubens, (lived at Gor- cinn about 1630). A man with a compass kneeling before a royal pair. W. . . . 19b. 1042. - - ? Landing of Mary ot Medicis, Queen-dowa- ger of France, at Antwerp. AV 25c. 1043. Molamis, M. (about 1635). Landscape. W. . 28a. 1044. Meulen, Franz van der-. 1>. at Brussels 1634 d. at Paris 1690). Louis XIV. on the ride to Vincennes. (Purch. 1742 at Paris as ,,Pro- tncnade de Louis XIV." for 2000 Lin: . Cl 15b. 1045. Lewis XIV. and his Queen Mary Theresa at their entrance into Arras 1667. (Purch. 1742 for 2000 Lirr.\ Cl 15b. J.046. - - ? Lewis XIV. giving orders during a combat Cl 15b. 1047. ck. Jan van-, sch. of Jacob Backer s. Nr. 12:>!> /'. id Xniirdrn 1 (',;;,") d. nt A>itK/t'ro . Landscape. W 15a. 44 Flemish School. 1049. > r efs, Peter, (b. at Antwerp about 1570 d. 1651). Interior of a small Gothic church. W. (1605) 14a, 1050.* !Nefs, Ludwig, son of Peter Nefs (lived at Ant- werp aboiit 1650). Interior of the cathe- dral of Antwerp. (Figures by Fr. FrancTceri). Cl. 0, 90 h. 1, 17 br ' 8b. 1051. Grheringh, Jan, (at Antwerp about 1665). In- terior of a church. Cl 8b, 1052. Bloemen, Pieter van-, sum. Standart (6. at Ant- iverp 1649 d. 1719). Neat-cattle and hor- ses near a Roman ruin. Cl. (1710). . . 47a. 1053. Horsemen and horses. Cl 47a. 1054. Travellers with sumpter-horses at an inn. Cl 7a. 1055. A migrating family. Cl 48c. 1056. Fishermen. Cl 7a. 1057. - - ? A camp. Cl 14b. 1058. Bloemen, J. Franz van, sum. Orizonte, (b. at Antwerp 1656 d. at Rome 1748). Land- scape. Cl 6b. 1059. Hondt, Abraham, or Hondius, (b. at Rotterdam 1638 d. at London 1691). Combat of hor- semen near a village. W 7b. 1060. Huysmans, Coruelis, sum. de Malines, (b. at Antwerp 1648 d. at Mechlin 1727). A flock of sheep in the wood. Cl 8a. 1061. Minderliout, Henry van, (b. at Rotterdam 1632 d. at Antwerp 1696). A sea-port. Cl. . 18b. 1062. BoudeAvyns, Anton Frans (b. 1644 d. at Brus- sels about 1700), Figures by Pieter Bout (b. at Brussels 1658 d. about 1700). Land- scape with gipsies in the foreground. W. 27c. 106364. Landscapes. W 13b. 1065. - - Landscape; some figures and a ruined monument in the foreground. W. . . . 26c. 1066. A lake , in the foreground horsemen at a fountain. W 13c. 1067. - - Landscape with a river, wherein some per- sons are bathing. Cl 13b. 1068. Two fortified castles on a river; herdsmen watering their cattle. W 13c. 1069. Sea-shore with ruins. Cl 27c. 1070. Landscape; hunters in the foreground. W. 14b. 1070a, Market for cattle. Cl. 13b. Flemish School. Dutch School. 45 1071. Yereudael, Nicolas van- (Jived at Antwerp about 1655 d. about 1690). Apes at table. W. (1686) 14b. 1072. - - A nosegay in a vessel with relievo. W. 13c. 1073. Yerelst, Simon van ? 0!. . . . 14b. 1076. Return from chase. W lOc. 1077. A woman with her child riding on an ass. W. . i lOc. 107879. Breydel, Franz, (b. at Anticerp 1679 d. 17;~>(. Dancers amidst ruins. W. . . . 16a. 1080. Wiebke, Barthold, (lived about 1679). Fruits. W. lOa. 1081. Vacat. 1082. Falens, Carl van- (b. at Antwerp 1684 d. at Paris 1733). Setting out on sporting for herons. Cl 20b. 1083. Horemans, Jan, (b. at Antwerp 1682 d. 1759). A shoe-maker in his workshop. W. (1723). 15b. 1084. A sewing mother beside her sleeping child. W. 15b. Dutch School. (1550 1750V 1085. Mor, Anthoniss, also Moro or Morus, (6. at Ut- recht 1520 d. 1581). Portrait of a man with a golden chain and the red cross of the canons of St. John at Utrecht. W. . 21a. 1085a. Portrait of a man with a small black cap. AV 21a. 1086. Cornells, Cornelius, sum. Cornelius van Haer- lem (b. at Haerlem 1562 d. 1638). Venus, Apollo and Ceres. Cl. (1614) 25a. 1087. - - An old man shows a full purse to a girl, that clings to a youth. Cl 25d. 46 Dutch School. 1088. Utemvael, Joachim, (b. at Utrecht 1566 d. 1604). Parnassus; Apollo playing on the lyre, Pal- las in the foreground. C. 1569) 25d. 1089. Lys, Jan, surn. Pan (b. at Oldenburg 1570 d. at Venice 1629). Penitent Magdalen. Cl. 26b. 1090. - - A man playing on the lute. Cl K4. 1091. Mierevelt, Michael Jansz, (b. at Delf 1568 d. 1641). Portrait of a woman in a white cap. W. L3. 1092. Portrait of a man in black dress. W. . . LI. 1093. A young man in black dress. W. . . . Kl. 1094. Portrait of a man with a letter. W. . . LI. 1095. Portrait of a woman in black dress. W. . L2. 1096. - - Portrait of a man with a plaited collar. W. L3. 1097. Mierevelt, Pieter, son of the former (b. at Delf 1595 d. 1631). Portrait of a man with white beard. W LI. 1098 99. Portraits (a man with gloves and a tcoman ivith a black fan). W. and s. s Kl. 110001. Unkn. Female portraits. Cl. and W. . 49a. 1102. Bray, Salomon de, (b. at Haerlem 1597 d. 1664). A girl with a straw-hat. W. (1635^ . . L3. 1103. - - A young man crowned with a twig. W. . L3. 110405. ? Portraits. W 20b. 1106. Ravesteyn, Jan van? (b. at Hague IbSQ d. 1656). Portrait of an old man in armour. (Count Maurice of Nassau?) Cl Kl. 1107. Poelenburg, Cornells, sch. of A. Bloemaert (b. at Utrecht 1586 d. about 1668). Landscape; Diana and her nymphs as accessories. W. 13b. 1108. - - Landscape with bathing women. W. . . 13a. 1109. Landscape with a holy Family. C. . . . 27a. 1110 12. Landscapes (ivith accessories of the same Jcind\ W 13a. 1113. The Muses on the Parnassus; Minerva and Pegasus. W 13b. 111417. Landscapes. Cl. and W 13a. 1118.* ? Ruins by a river. (Figures by Bout s. Nr. 1062). W. 0, 25 h. 0, 34 br. . 13c. 1119. Steemvyk, Hendrik van- (b. at Amsterdam 1589 d. at London about 1642). Interior of a Gothic church. C. ^009) 14a. 1120. Interior of a church lighted with tapers. W. a6'l4) 14a. 1121. Interior of a church. (Figures afterwards added btj Dietrich s. Nr. 2257). C. . . 14a. Dutch School. 47 1122.* Honthorst, Gerhard van- -h. at Utrecht 1592 (I. nt liinjiic liltisy. The dentist. Cl.- i *;;;-_>. i.. t ' 7 h. 2, 16 br Ki. 1123. - - A woman with a piece of money by candle- light. W 26a. 1124. - - An old woman with a caudle. Cl. . . . 26a. 1120. - - ''. An old woman with spectacles in her hand. Cl 26c. 1126. Varat. 1127. Uramer, Leonard, sch. of Rembrandt s. Nr. 1214. (b. at DeJf 1596). Jesus abused. W. >1637) 8c. 11 2s. - Solomon praying in the Temple. W. . . 19b. 1129. - The queen ot'Sheba kneeling with her train before Solomon. W 19b. 1130 32. Goyen, Jan van-, (b. at Leyden 1596 d. at Hague 1666). Landscapes. W. . . . 7c a. 1133. Loon, Pieter van-? < tired about 1600 at Ant- werp}. Dutch sea-coast. W 27b. 1134.* Dow, Gerhard, sch. of Rembrandt s. 1214 (b. at Leyden 1G13 d. 1680). Portrait of him- self. W. '1047 1. 0, 4 ,, h. (>,,, br. . . . . 19c. 1135 A cat in a bow-window: in the background the painter before his easel. W. (1657). 19c. 1136. - - A girl with a candle plucks a grape from out of a window. W. (1658) 19c. 1137* - The violin-player. W. (1665). 0, 405 h. 0, 295 br. lite. 1138.*- The writing-master. W. 1071 >. 0.,, h. O.. 25 br. 19c. 1139*- The dentist. W. il. :us br l!c. 115(1. - ? A girl with a candle and a mouse-trap. W. 27a. 1151. - - ? Reading hermit. W -_'7 >. 11."'-'. ? Penitent Magdalen. W 271). 11,").'!. ? A girl with a lantern looking out at a window. \V. 2(!a. 48 Dutch School. 1154. Heem, Jan Davidze cle- (b. at Utrecht 1600 d. at Antwerp 1674). Fruit-piece. W. . . lOa. 1155. Fruits and a boiled lobster. Cl 8a. 1156.* Fruits, a dead thistle-finch and a birds nest. Cl. 0, R6 h. 0, 70 br. 17a. 1157. A nosegay on a marble-slab. W. . . . 17b. 1158. Vacat. 115960. Fruits and flowers. Cl. and W. . . lOa. 1161. A great nosegay in a glass-vessel, a shell and a death's head. ( A Vanitas" or ,,Me- mento won'"). Cl Ml. 1162. A great nosegay. Cl Ml. 1163. Fruits hanging by a blue ribbon. Cl. . . 16b. 1164. Flowers on a marble-slab. Cl Ml. 1165.* Heem, Jan de-, son of the former i^&. at Ut- recht about 1628V A wine-glass in a gar- landed niche. Cl. 1.. 21 h. 0. S5 br 17a. 1166. Heem, Cornells de-, brother of the former >b. at Utrecht 1630). A wreath of flowers round a wine-glass. Cl 16c. 1167. Fruit-piece. Cl 16c. 1168* Fruits and a boiled crab-fish. Cl. 0, 40 h. 0, 525 br 20a. 1169.* A glass, fruits and oysters. Cl. 0, 64 h. 0, 5f br. 19c. 1170. Ring, Pieter de- (about 1650i. Oysters, boiled crab -fish and a pheasant-pie on a table. Cl 8c. 1170a. Unkn. A pewter-dish with peaches. Cl. . . 19c. 117172. Wynants, Jan, (b. at Haerlem 1600 d. 1678). Landscapes. Cl. and "VV. ^1659) . . . 13b c. 1173. ? (Hobbema? at Amsterdam about 1663X Landscape. Cl lOb. 1174. Yertangen, Daniel, sch. of Poelenburg s. 1107 (a* Hague about 1600\ Adam and Eve cast out of paradise. C 13c. 1175. Grebber, Pieter de-, imitator of Rembrandt (b. at Haerlem about 1600). Moses is brought unto Pharaoh's daughter. Cl. t!634>. . . Kl. 117677. Portraits. W 20c. 1178. Portrait of a young man with a fur-cap. W. . L3. 1179. Matthisen, Abraham (lived about 1640>. Still- life. (,,Vanitas"} Cl. 1G41 . ..... 26d. 1180. Heist, Bartholomaeus van der- (b. at Haerlem 1613 d. at Amsterdam 1670X Portrait of a woman raising a curtain. Cl. 1654"i , . L2. Dutch School. 49 1181. Heist, Bartholomaeus van der-. Portrait of a man with long hair. Cl L2. 1182. - - Portrait of a woman in a white hood. W. LI. 1183. Jong, Lieve de, (b. at Overschie 1616 d. 1697 A woman in an arm-chair, beside her a girl. Cl. i!653) Kl. 1184. liikn. A man in yellow buff-coat. Cl. . . . 28c. 1185. Elst, Pieter van-, or Verelst (b. 1614 d. at Amsterdam 1653V An old man sitting be- fore a coal-fire. W 18a. 1186. - - A man reading by lamp-light. W. . . . 18a. 1187. Aelst, Evert van-? (b. at Delf 1602 d. 1658). Dead partridge, smaller birds and hunting- utensils. Cl 7a. 1188. Aelst, Willem van-, (b. at Delf 1620 d. at Amsterdam 1679). Hawk-hoods and dead birds. Cl. (1644) 7a. 1189. - - II erring, oysters and onions in a pewter- dish. Cl. '1679 17b. 1190. - - ? Fruits and oysters. W 27c. 1191. Ast, Bartholomaeus van der- {about 1625 at Utrecht*. Shells and fruits. W 8a. 1192 94. Saftleven or Zachtleveu, Cornells (b. at Rotterdam 16u6 (/. about 1678). Genre pictures mean cottaqes ^v^th^n and without) W 167s,. . . '. 20b. 1195. Interior of a cottage. W 27c. 1196. ? (D. Ryckaert?) Copper utensils and other tools in a farm-house. W 20c. 1197. Wyck, Thomas. /;. at Ilacrhm 1616 d. 1686? in England*. An alchimist in his laboratory. Cl. 9a. 1198. - - Italian buildings. W 9a. 1199. - - An alchimist in his laboratory. Cl. . . . 9a. 1200 01. Lievens, Jan (b. at Le.ijden 1607 d. about 1670). Portraits. W L2.I 1202. Inkii. (F. Neickt) An alchimist with an opened folio. W 27b. l_'o; Urouwer, Adriaen, sch. of F. Hals s. Nr. 938 (b. at Hacrlciti 16os d. at Antwerp 1639V Scuffling peasants. "VV 20c.i 12ol. - Two peasants at a table. W 20c. 1205 06. Caricatures. W ISti.'I 12o7. - A peasant cleansing a child. W. ... 20c. 12os. - Scuffling peasants. W .2 1209. Vacat. 1 Dutch School. 1210.* Unknown. Peasants singing and making music. (Sketch). W. 0, 27 h. 0, 37 br 26c. 1211.* Tries, Adriaen de- (b. at Amsterdam about 1600). A man with black beard. W. (1639). 0, 715 h. 0, 52 br L3. 1212.* Ceulen, Cornells Jansou van- (b. at London d. at Amsterdam 1665). Portrait of a man in black apparel. Cl. 1, 12 h. 0, 91 br. . . Kl. 1213. Portrait of a woman with a fan. Cl. . . Kl. 1214.* Rembrandt, van Ryn, (b. at Leyden 1608 d. at Amsterdam 1669). A laughing young woman (Rembrandt' 's first ivife Saskia). W. (1633). 0,535 h- 0, 44 br L2. 1215. Portrait of a man (Rembrandt's portrait'; W. (1633) L2. 1216.* ,,Ganymede carried off by Jupiter's eagle." Cl. l, 77 h. 1, 28 br. (1635) K2, 1217.* Samson's marriage feast. Cl. 1, 26 h. 1, 76 br. (1638) K3. 1218. The bittern. W. (1639) Kl. 1219.* The girl with the pink. W. (1641). 0, 98 h. 0, 82 br. K2. 1220.* Sacrifice of Manoah and his wife. Cl. 2. 41 h. 2, 85 br. (1641) K3. 1221. An old woman weighing gold. (Rembrandt's mother^} Cl. (1643) L2. 1222. Portrait of a young man (in a cuirass).Cl. (1643). L2. 1223. Portrait of an old man. W. ^54,. . . Kl. 1224- - - Christ's Entombment. Cl. (Sketch, purchased 1763 at Hague for 2300 florins). Cl. . K4. 1225.* Rembrandt with his (first) wife on his knees and a glass of champaign in his hand. Cl. 1, 60 h. 1, 32 br. K2. 1226. Portrait of himself (with a drawing-book). Cl. (1654) K4. 1227. Portrait of a man with a large hat. Cl. . LI. 1228.* Portrait of a gray-bearded old man with a stick in his hand. Cl. 0. 94 h. 0, 77 br. . . Kl. 1229. Portrait of himself (?) in a red cloak and a velvet-cap. W L2. 1230. - - Portrait of an old man with a gold-laced cap. Cl L2. 1231. Portrait of a man with a fur-cap, in an arm-chair. Cl K4. 1232. -- Landscape (icith a mill in the foreground). Cl. K4. 1233. - - Christ's Entombment, (Old copy}. Cl. . . K4. Dutch School. 51 1234. School of Remlmiiult. A stair-case; old Tobias and his wife as accessories. Paper. . . 26a. 1235. Portrait of a girl. Cl L3. l-J.'Kj. A bearded man. W LI. 12:17. Unknown. An old woman with a spool. Cl. 51b. VJ.'JS. - A fisherman with an eel. Cl HI. 123940. Backer, Jacob de- (6. at Hnrlingen 1608 d. 1651). Portraits. Cl L3. 1241. A praying old man. Cl 26a. 1242.* Terburg-, Gerhard, or Ter Borch (b. at Zwoll 1608 d. at Deventrtj 1681). An officer writing at a table and a trumpeter in waiting. Cl. 0, 525 h. 0, 39 br 14c. 1243* A young lady washing her hands. W. 0,535 h. 0, 43 br 14c. 1244.* - - A young lady playing upon the lute. W. 0,365 h- 0,3, br 14b. 1245.* A lady in white satin before a table (,,the toilet-'). W. 0. 39 h. 0., 7 br 14c. 124<;. Saftleven or Zachtleven, Hermann, sch. of Goyen (s. Nr. 1130), brother of Cornells S. (b. at Rotterdam 1609 d. at Utrecht 1685). Landscape (sea-coast). W 17b. 1-J17. - Landscape (with a rnitaiji- . W. (1649). . 17b. 1-J-ls. Landscape. C. (1650) 17b. 1249. - - Landscape (ft broad dale with a lake}. W. (1654) 18b. 1250. A town at the base of a hill. W. . . . 17b. 1251. - Ehreubreitsteiu. C. (1656) 17b. 1252. - - Landscape (with an iint in the foreground]. W loc. 1253. - Landscape (with a river'). W. (1660). . 17b. 1254. Landscape (with a river and a cottage on high pales). W. ;1662> 18b. 1255. Engers on the Rhine. C. Kii;.", . . . . 17b. 1256. - - View of the castle of Hermannstein. W. 18b 1257. View of Utrecht. C. .1664) 18b. H'.">*. A river with boats. \V 18b. 12,~>9. The Rhine near Cologne. C. li;s:; . . . I7b. l^'.o. A broad river with vessels. AV. , 1C67). . 17b. 1261. - Landscape (high hill* and rn-cr'~. W. . 15c. 1262 63. Landscapes . ,(t Ain*1cr7.Y. (Jenre picture (scene of Italian life\ W 12a. 1300. - - Scene before an Italian wine-house. Cl. . 9c. l.'ini. - Roman rabble before a convent. Cl. . . 12a. l.'HL'. A man with a horse at a cot. W. . . . 9a. 1303. The householder gives to the labourers in the vineyard their hire. Cl 12a. 1304.* Vau Loo, Jacob ^b. 1014 at Sluyt d. at Paris 167U). Paris and Oenone. (Ovid.} Cl. 2 ;11 h. l, 7 . 2 br K2. 1305.* Metsu, Gabriel (b. at Lcijdcn 1030 V. d. a. Ams- terdam about 1668). A gentleman with his wife in an inn, a glass of wine in his hand. MeUu ami his wife?) W. (1WI 0,33 h. 0, 806 br 16c. 1306.* - An old poulterer offering a cock for sale. W. U662). 0, ?2 h. 0, 4S br 16c. 1307.* A woman selling poultry, beside her an old man smoking. W. tl602\ 0, 01 h. 0, 456 br. 16c. l,;ns. A woman selling game. W 16c. A Dutch man at fire-side, (the smoker}. W. 16c. 1310.* A young woman making lace. W. 0, 35 h. 0, 265 br 16c. 1311. - - A young woman reading a letter. W. . . 16c. 1312. - - ? (Terlurg?) The trumpeter. W. . . . 16c. 1313. Pynacker, Adam? (b. 1621? d. at Delf 1673). Mountainous country with ruins of a temple. Cl 28c. 1313a.* Flinck, Govaert, sch. of Rembrandt /A at Cleves 1615 d. at Amsterdam IGlJOX David handing over to Uriah the letter to Joab (Formerly ascribed to F. Bofr. Cl. 1.^ h. 2 >19 br . Kl. 1314. - - Portrait of a man with a red cap. W. (1639) L3. 1315. - - Portrait of a man with a black cap. Cl. . 14c. 54 Dutch School. 1316. Flinck, Govaert. Portrait of an old bald-headed man. (Study to David's secretary in Nr. 1313). Cl L3. 1317. Unknown. (Anton Waterloo'! b. at Utrecht 1618 d. 1662). Landscape with a lake. Cl. 49a. 1318. - - Landscape with a rivulet, W 13a. 1319.* Kouincx, Salomon, sch. of Rembrandt (b. at Amsterdam 1609 d. 1689). The hermit, Cl. 1 ;23 h. 0, Bf br K3. 1319a. An old man sitting on a chair. Cl. . . K2. 1320. ? A bearded man with spectacles and a telescope in his hands. Cl K2. 1321. Unknown. (Hermann van S leaner elt? I. 1620 d. at Rome 1690). Landscape. Cl. . . . 31b. 1322. Dorste, J. van-, sch. of Rembrandt (b. about 1630). A man with a broad hat. W. . . LI. 1323. ? An old man teaching a boy. Cl. . . . 51a. 1324. '? Argus and Mercury as shepherd's boy. Cl. K4. 1325.* Woinverman, Philips, sch. of Jan Wynants s. Nr. 1171 (b. at Haerlem 1620 d. H Landscape. W. 0. 43 h. 0, 52 br 16b. 1326. A corn-field; in the foreground [a horseman in a red cloak talking to a woman. W. . 16b. 1327. Sporting for herons. W 20b. 1328. Return from hunting. W 20b. 1329. ; A cart-man with a withe horse. W. . . 12c. 1330. The angel relates to the shepherds the na- tivity of Christ, W 18b. 1331. - - John Baptist preaching to the people. Cl. 16b. 1332. Stag-chase (,,Chasse a Vitalienne"). W. . 9b. 1333. Falconers with attendants. Cl 18b. 1334. Landscape (ivith a farm-cottage). Cl. . . . 19b. 1335. - - Man and wife reposing in a grot and speaking to a herds-man; a white horse aside. W 20b. 1336. - - A peasant with his gray horse at a brook. Cl 18b. 1337. A family resting; a man with hotses aside. W 16b. 1338. -- A dismounted horseman embracing a peasant- girl. Cl 19b. 1339.* The smithy. Cl. 0, 53 h. 0, 66 br 8c. 1340. - - Departure from the inn. W. (1649). . . 16b. 1341.* A battle-scene (near a mountain-fort). Cl. 0, 89 h. 0, 83 br 16b. Dutch School. 55 1342 4;5. Wouwermaii. Departure for hawking. Cl. -Job. 1844* A horse-fair. W. I),,,., h. 0, 415 br. . . . 18b. 1345. - - Travellers with horses before an inn. W. 18b. I.HI;. - A single house on the bank of a river; in the foreground a horseman in a red cloak. Cl 19b. 1 .17 - A horseman with his white horse at the smithy. C -'lib. Falconry. W l!)b. 1349*- The camp. W. <>., h. o. 4:! br 16a. 1:150. Fisher-men on sea-shore. W 8a. 1:51. - ? A man before a smithy having his horse shod. Cl 8a. ."'!. Landscapes \with hunter* and horsemen . Cl. and AV 8b c. 1354.* Fight on a bridge. Cl. 1, 08 h. 1, 38 br. . 7c. 1:155. - Departure for hunting. W 9c. 1 :(">;. - Return from hunting. (,,La fontaine de Bacchus"). W 9c. 1:557. - - Horsemen and soldiers at a sutler's tent. Cl. 9c. 1358. - - Horsemen and dicing soldiers before a sut- ler's tent. W 16b. I:j5 ( ,. :;: - A hunti iii-scene < qentiemen and ladies at a welh. W. O., 6 'h. 0. 4is br 1Gb. 1 :>ijo. - Fight of horsemen near a castle. Cl. . . 1Gb. 13G1.* The monastery (,,La charite des Capucins"}. \V. 0, 33 h. 0, 36 br. , 18b. 13G'2. A prancing horse puzzling the team of a cart. ,,Le pot au lait"}. Cl 18b. 13G3.* Armed peasants fighting against cavalry. Cl. 0, B8 h. O r79 br 18b. 1-itil - Horse-fair in an open country. Cl. . . . 18b. 13G5.* -- Cavalry engagement near a burning wind- mill. (^L'embrasement du moulin") Cl. 0, 55 h. t >.,._. br I9b. 136G.* - - Gentlemen with their horses in a stable. Cl. 0, B20 h. 0, 66 br 19b. 1867.*- The cascade. C. 0, 8u h. 0, 805 br. . . . 16b. i:;i;s. Departure for hawking. Cl 8b. 13G9. Bear- and wild boar-hunting. Cl. ... 9a. 1370. - - A gentleman with a white horse before a smithy. Cl 8b. 1371. - - Ford and horse-pond. W 8c. l:!7i'. - Repose on marching. Cl 8c. 1373. - - Landscape with a lake (and hunters). Cl. 9b. 56 Dutch School. 1374.* Wouwerman. Camp (near a river). Cl. (Purch. from the collection Carignan at Paris as Quarlier general de VArmee hollandaise" for 3500 Livres) 9b. 1375. German cavalry and infantry fighting against Turkish horsemen. Cl 8bv 1376. - - Fight of horsemen near a ruined castle. Cl. 16b, 1377. - - A horseman and a gipsy-woman. W. . . 18b. 1378. - - A horseman on the sea-coast. W. . . . 18b- 1379. - - A peasant watering his white horse at a pool. W 19b. 1380. - - Fishermen drawing in their nets. W. . . 18b. 1381. - - A duel. W 20b. 1382. Party of pleasure. Cl 17a. 1383. - - A white horse in a stable. W 19b. 1384. - - Horses in a stable. W 16b. 1385-6. Horses. W 19b. 1387. - - ? Men, women and children fording a water. W 19b. 1388. V Robbers attacking loaded carts. W. . . 12a. 1389. ? Fight between cavalry and infantry. W. 12a. 1390. Begeyn, Abraham (b. at Hague about 1650). Landscape. W 12c. 1391.* Beg-a, Cornells (b. at Haerlem 1620 d. 1664). Dancing country-people in an inn. W. . 20c. 1392. Tol, D. van-, sch. of G. Dow (lived about 1620). A gray-bearded mail with a herring. W. 19a. 1393.* An old woman with a reel. W. 0, 34 h. 0, 265 br. 19a. 1394. Breenberg-li , Bartholome (b. at Utrecht 1620 d. 1663). Joseph has opened the storehouses during the famine. W. (1644). . . . 27d. 1395.* Rockes, Hendrik Martens, surn. Sorgh sch. of D. Teniers (b. at Rotterdam 1621 d. 1682X A woman selling fish. W. 0, 5o h. 0, 375 br. 15a. 1396. - The labourers in the vineyard receive their hire. W 15a. 1397.* Eeckhout, Gerbrandt van den-, sch. of Rem- brandt (b. at Amsterdam 1621 d. 1674). Si- meon in the Temple. Cl. 0, 68 h. 0, 85 br. . 19b. 1397a. Everdiugen, Cesar van-, (6. at Alkmaer 1606 d. 1679). Flora, Pomona, Bacchus and Cu- pid. Cl L3. 1398-1402. Eyerdiiigren, Albert van-, brother of the former, sch. of R. Savery (b. at Alkmaer 1621 d, 1675). Landscapes. W. and Cl. . lie. Dutch School. 1403. Bercliem, or Berghem, Nicolas, \b. at Hacrlem 1620 d. at Amsterdam 1683). A merchant before a splendid building. Cl 9c. 1404. - The Nativity of Christ related to the shep- herds. W. (1649) lOa. 14(ir>. - Landscape. Cl. (1656) lOa. 1406.* Landscape; gigantic rocks; fishermen in the foreground. W. 0, 41 h. 0, 61 br 12c. 1407.* Landscape; a steep rock in the foreground. Cl. 0, 07 h. 1,34 br. (1659) lOa. 1408. - - Landscape (with ruins). W 12a. 1409 10. Landscapes (with shepherds as accessories). W. and Cl lOa. 1411.* Sunset. W. 0, 47 h. 0, 645 br 12a. 1412 13. Landscapes (with cattle). W 12a. 1414. - - Landscape (a dale with cattle). Cl. . . . 7a. 1415. - - Landscape (cattle in the foreground). W. lOa. 1416. Uiiku. A cow-herd. C 13c. 1417. Romeyn, AVilhelm, sch. of. Berchem V (b. at Utrecht about 1620 d. about 1665). Land- scape ^cattle, sheep and goats in the fore- ground). W 16a. 1418. Stevens, sum. Palamedes (b. 1607 d. 1638). Combat of horsemen. W. (1634). . . . 19b. 1419. - - ? A cavalier. Cl 26a. 142U. Potter, Paul, (b. at Enkhuyzen 1625 d. at Ant- werp 1654). Hunting in a park. Cl. (1652.) 14a. 1421.* Cattle. W. 0, 365 h. 0. 50 br. (1652). . . 14c. 1422. Cattle and sheep. W. (1652) 14c. 142:j. Yerschuring-, Hendrik. sch. of J. Both (b. at Gorcum 1627 d. 1690). The division of an army preparing for departure. W. (1670). 13a. 1424. - - Christ led to be crucified. Cl 13a. 1425. Bakereel, Willem (b. at Anticerp about 1600). Landscape. Cl 27a. 1426. Vnkn. Camp-scene. W 27c. 142728. Oostemyek, Maria van-, sch. of D. de Heem s. Nr. 1154 ifc. near Delf 1630 d. 1693). Flowers and fruits. Cl 18a. 1429. Unkn. An old gray-bearded man. Cl. . . . 28a. 1430. 0>senbeck, Josias. (b. at Rotterdam 1627 d. 1678). Landscape. Cl. U664) 20b. 1431. Ulft, Jacob van der- (b. at Gorcum about 1627 Landscape (with ruins and many figures*. W. 15b. 58 Dutch School. 1432. Meer, Jan van der- (b. at Delf 1628 d. 1691). A gentleman embracing a girl. Cl. (1656). K2. 1433.* A girl reading a letter Cl. 0, 84 h. 0, 65 br. L2. 1434. Meer, Jan van der-, ,,de Jonge" (6. at Haerlem d. about 1680). Landscape. W. (1654V . 27b. 1435. - - A shepherd with his flock. Cl. ... 12a. 1436.* Ruisdael, Jacob van-, nephew of Salomon R. s. Nr. 1291 (6. at Haerlem 1625 d. 1682). Landscape: ,,The Chase." Cl. l. os h. 1 H7 br. lib. 1437.* Landscape: ,,The jews' Burial-ground." Cl. 0, 85 h. 0, 86 br lib. 143842. Landscapes. W. and Cl lla. 1443.* Landscape: ,,The monastery." Cl. 0. 74 h. 0, 96 br lib. 1444. Landscape (flat country with corn-fields). Cl lla. 1445. Landscape ' (mountainous country with a cascade}. Cl lOb. 1446. Landscape (wooded scene). Cl lla. 1447. Chateau of Bentheim. W lOb. 1448. Landscape (wooded scene}. W lOb. 1449. Boom, A. van, also Verboom, sch. of Ruisdael (about 1650). Landscape t^a village and a shepherd with his flock}. Cl lla. 1450. - - Landscape (oak-grove). Cl lla. 1451 53. Looten, Jacob (d. 1680 in England). Land- scapes. C 27c. 1454. Kalf, (6. at Amsterdam 1630 d. 1693). A wine- glass and china-dish on a table. Cl. (1661). '27c. 1455. Bray, Jan de-, son of Salomo de B. s. Nr. 1102 (a. at Haerlem 1697). On a white tablet a poem in praise of the herring; before it a herring on a plate. W. (1656). . . . 17b. 1456. Bakhuysen, Ludolph (b. at Emden 1631 d. at Amsterdam 1709). Sea-fight between the English and Dutch fleet. Cl 18c. 1457. Moucheroii, Frederic, (6. at Emden 1633? d. at Amsterdam about 1713). A garden with promenaders. Cl 12c. 1458. Baen, Jan de (b. at Haerlem 1633 d. at Amster- dam 1702). Portrait of himself. Cl. . . 22b. 1459. Du Jardin, Karel (b. at Amsterdam 1625 d. at Venice 1678). Diogenes seeing a boy drink from the hollow hand. W lOa. 1460. A maid milking a goat. W lOa. Dutch School. 59 lltil. Du Jardin. Karel. An ox and goats. W. . lOa. 1-lt '_>. Hackert, Jan (b. at A)*tc>- Cl. IvJ. 1483. A duck, a dove and a gun. Cl L3. 148485. Due or Ducq, Jan le-, sch. of P. Potter (b. at Hague 1636 d. about 1695). Portraits. W. 14c. 1486. Due, A. le-. (? P. Coddei. Calamity of war. W. 14c 148789. Kerrincx, Alexander, -h. about 1590 d. at Aiitxtn-tlniii It) 10. Landscapes. W. . 25a c. 1490. - - Landscape woody country-. W -_'sa. 1491. Migrnon or Minjon. Abraham ?/. at Frankfort on M. 1640 d. at Wet:l,u- 1679). Nosegay in a glass. Cl 16b. 60 Dutch School. 1492. Mignon or Minjon, Abraham. Fruits and flow- ers. Cl Ml. 1493-6. Fruits and flowers. Cl. and W. . . . 17a b. 1497. Fruits in a large dish; a burning lunt and some birds. Cl 8a. 1498. A nosegay in a vessel. W lOa. 1499. Flowers and insects. Cl 16b. 1500. Flowers; a squirrel on the trunk of a tree. Cl _ 9c- 1501. A garland of flowers and fruits. W. . . lOa. 150204. Still-life. Cl 8a c. 1505. A basket with a dead duck, a dead hare and dead fowl. Cl K2. 1506. Vacat. 1507. Molyn, Peter, sum. Cavaliere Tempesta (&. at Haerlem 1637 d. atPiacenzanOI). Thunder- storm; a woman on a gray horse and a shepherd with his flock. Cl 48c, 1508. A shepherd driving home his flock during a thunder-storm. Cl 9c. 1509. Thunder-storm; an ass struck dead by lightning. Cl 9c. 1510. Landscape, with John the Baptist. Cl. . 9b. 1511. Landscape; a man with two oxen. Cl. . 9b, 1512. Heyden, Jan van der-, (b. at Gorcum 1637 d. at Amsterdam 17 12). A Gothic church. W. (1678) 14a_ 1513. A nunnery. W 14b. 1514. A monastery with a Gothic church. W. . 14a. 1515. A monastery; some priests with the pix passing by. W 14b. 1516 Poorter, Willem van den-, sch. of Rembrandt (about 1630 atHaerleni). Esther being brought before Ahasverus. W 15b. 1517. - The Pharisees bring the adulteress unto Christ. W. 7c. 1518. - - ? Simeon with Infant Christ kneeling in the Temple. W 7c. 151920. Yelde, Esias van de-, (b. 1597 d. 1648). Battles. W 25d. 1521. Telde, Adriaen van de- (b. at Amsterdam 1639 d. 1672). A woman drinking. W. (1661). 13c. 152223. Landscapes (with cattle). Cl. (1667, 1665). 13a b. 1524. Amusement on a frozen ditch surrounding a town. Cl. (1669) 13c. Dutch School. 61 1525.* Velde, Adriaen van de-. Cattle before a cot- tage. Cl. (.1659). 189 h. 0, 73 br 13b. 152(5. - - Cattle and sheep. W. ... 13c. 1527.* Xetscher, Caspar (b. at Heidelberg 1639 d. at Hague 1684). A lady at piano (playing to a gentleman ivho sings). W. 0, 59 h. 0, 46 br. (1660) 20c. 1528.* A young man writing (the master himself?) W. 0, as h. 0, 1S5 br. (1665) 20c. 1529.* Sick woman and her physician. C. 0,. 275 h. 0, 23 br. (1664). 20c. 1530.* A lady singing and a guitar-player. W. 0, 4S h. 0, 34 br. (1665) 20c. 1531. - - Portrait of Mme. de Montespan. C. (1670). 20c. 1532. - - Mme. de Montespan playing the harp; at her feet the Duke of Maine, her son. C. (1671) 20c. 1533.* A lady with a lap-dog at- her toilet. W. 0,435 h. 0, a4 br 20c. 1534. - - A peasants wife spinning. W 20c. 1535. - - A woman with a pin-cushion. W. . . . 20c. 1536. Copy from Netscher. A girl feeding a parrot. W 17b. 1537.* Sling-eland, Pieter van-, sch. of G. Dow (6. at Leydcn 1640 d. 1691). ,,Music-lesson inter- rupted." W. 0.395 h. 0, 3U5 br. (1672) . . 16c. 1538. An old woman offering a fowl for sale. W. i!G73) 16c. 1539. - The songstress. W 16c. 1540. Uiikn. The music-lesson. W 16c. 1541. Lairesse, Gerard de- (b. at Liege 1640 d. at Amsterdam 1712). Apollo and the Muses on the Parnassus. W. . . 31c. 1542. - - Feast of Priapus. Cl 31a. lf> 1:;. Fauns (in a landscape). Cl 31d. 1544. Victors, Jan, sch. of Rembrandt (lived at Am- sterdam about 1640). The finding of Mo- ses. Cl K3. If) If). The cup is found in Benjamin's sack. Cl. K3. 1546. Victor, Jacomo. Poultry. Cl 26b. 1547. Vlies?er, Simon de-, (b. at Amsterdam 1612). Storm at sea, with a wrecked ship. W. . 14b. 1548. - - >. Skaters on a lake. W 14b. 1549. Vois, Ary de-, (b. at Leyden 1641 d. 1698). Landscape. W. (1666) 14a. 62 Dutch School. 1550. Yois, Ary de-. A man with a tumbler. W. . 13c. 1551. A young shepherdess with a rose. W. . 13c. 1552. Haensbergen, Jan van-, imitator of Poelenburg s. Nr. 1107 (b. at Utrecht 1642 d. at Hague 1705). Angels relating- the nativity of the Savior to the shepherds. W. \ 1553. - - Adoration of the Shepherds. W. { iq 1554. Adoration of the Magi. W. 1555. - The assumption of theVirgin Mary. C.J 1556. Landscape. W 13c. 1557. Berckheyde, Job, (6. at Haerlem 1628 d. 1693). The senate-house of Amsterdam. W. . . 15b. 1558. Berckheyde, Gerrit, (6. at Haerlem 1645 d. 1698). Place before antique buildings. Cl. 15b. 1559. Gentleman and lady on horseback with fal- coners. Cl 15b. 1560. Stoom, Matthaeus (6. 1643 d. at Verona 1702). A field of battle. Cl 51b. 1561. Fight between Europeans and Asiatics. Cl. 51b. 1562. Travellers being attacked in a hollow-road. Cl. 26c. 1563. Sea-coast, Cl 26c. 1564. Battle of horsemen. Cl 50a. 1565. Schaleken, Gotefried, sch. of Dow, (6. at Dord- recht 1643 d. at Hague 1706). A girl reading a letter by candle-light. W. . . 19a. 1566. A girl with a candle. W 19a. 1567. An artist lighting up a bust of Venus. W. 19a. 1568.* A girl examining an egg. W. 0, 28 h. 0, 2 i 5 br 19a. 1569. - - An old woman with a book. Cl 51b. 1570.* Neer, Eglon^van der-, son and sch. of Arthur v. d. Neer s. Nr. 1178 (b. at Amsterdam 1643 d. at Dusseldorf 1703). A girl tuning a guitar. W. 0, 366 h. 0, 295 br. . . . 15b. 1571. Bergen, Dirk van-, sch. of A. v. d. Velde s. Nr. 1521 {b. at Haerlem about 1645 d. 1689). Landscape (with cattle). Cl. . . . 14c. 1572. Pasturing cattle. Cl 14c. 157374. Sheep und cattle. Cl 8a. 1575. Weenix, Jan Battista (b. at Amsterdam 1621 d. 1660). Meeting of Jacob and Esau and their families. Cl 26b. 1576. A little dog barking at a hen. Cl. . . . LI. Dutch School. 63 1577. Weenix. Jan. >on and soli, of the former (b. at Amsterdam 1644 il. 171D . Dead roe, wild- fowl, fruits and hunting-utensils. Cl. 1.1689). K3. - Dead cock and partridge on a blue cushion and some smaller birds. Cl. 16Sii . . . 8b. Dead hare and some birds. Cl. (1690). . K3. 1580. - A white cock, a pheasant and some birds on a table. Cl LI. Sch. of Weenix. A hare and dead birds. Cl. 27a. l.~>*-2. FiMiu-oys, Pieter. . at Mecldin 1606 d. 1654). A man in armor with a pistol in his hand. AY 13c. Millet, Francisque, b. at Amsterdam 1644 d. at Pari* 1 >!> . Landscape with high trees and buildings. Cl 6c. 158485. ? Landscapes. Cl 31d. 1586. Toorenvliet, Jacob (b. at Leyden 1644 d. 1719). A woman singing and an old lyre-man. C. 13c. A woman selling fish. C 7a. 1588. - - A gray-bearded jew with a book. W. . . 7a. '.- A man presenting a flower to a woman. Cl 27c. lf>!H. Welder, Arent do-, sch. of Rembrandt (b. at Dordrecht 1645 d. 1727 . Pilate presenting Christ to the Jewish people. Cl. (1671). . K2. 1591. - - A man with a halberd. Cl K4. 1592. Deuren, 0. van-.?!. Reading hermit. W. '1624 . 27c. 159: ! Glauber, Jan. sch. of Berchem l>. at Utrecht 1646 d. f Amsterdam 1726 . Idyllic land- scape [nin.rfs I, if J.n/rcsse?) Cl 12a. 15!* 1. 1'iikn. Cr. LtHtdens?). A man with a girl on his knees. W 27c. 1595 W. Huchtciilmrgr, Jan van- h. at llaerlem Iii4t', d. at Amsterdam ll:\:\ . Cavalry- skirmishes. Cl - 27a. ( ;ivalr\ -skirmish. Cl 49c. 16ni. Hoet, Gerard, sch. of Poelenburg /. 2 . A young peasant ogling his bottle. \V. . . l.-)l) 64 Dutch School. 1605. Storck, Abraham, (6. at Amsterdam 1650 d. 1708). The haven of Amsterdam. Cl. (1689V 9b. 1606. A fishing-boat, at distance larger boats on high sea. W 9a. 1607. Wytmans, Matthaus, sch. of Verschuring (b. at Gorcum 1650 d. 1689). A girl with a music-book. W 18a. 16089. Hecke, Nicolas van der- (about 1650). Tap- rooms. Cl 50a. 1610. ? Horsemen attacking a camp at night. Cl. 49a. 1611.* Molenaer, Jan Minsze, (about 1630). Peasants playing at cards. W. 0, S9 h. 0, 835 br. . . 7c. 1612. TJnkn. Men and women in a farm-house. Cl. 27b. 1613. Lundens, Gerrits (about 1660). A fiddler and a dancing girl. W. (1656) 27a. 1614. - - A peasant hearkening to a fiddler. W. . 27c. 1615. Meiren, van der- (?). Landscape with an en- campment. Cl 12b. 1616. Fair before the gate of a town. Cl. . . 12b. 1617. - - A harbor. Cl 9a. 1618. Moor, Carl cle-, sch. of Fr. Mieris, (b. at Ley- den 1659 d. at Hague 1738). Praying hermit. W L3. 161920. Griffier, Jan (b. at Amsterdam 1656 d. at London 1718). Landscapes. W 26a. 1621. Landscape (ivitli rocks and a river). W. . 15b. 1622. Mountainous landscape (with buildings and a river). C 12b. 1623 24. Landscapes (with public festivals). C. . . 13b. 1625. Landscape. W 26c. 1626. Mountainous region (with many figures). C. 9b. 1627. - - Castle of Rheinstein; to the left an inn with country-people. C 9b. 1628. Harvest (neighbourhood on the Rhine). C. 15b. 1629. - - Landscape. C 26c. 1630 33. Landscapes (neighbourhood on the Rhine}. W. C. and Cl 27a c. 1634. Old copy. Landscape (ivith a fair). W. . . 27c. 1635. Werff, Adrian van der- (b. in the village of Kra- linger-Ambacht near Rotterdam 1659? d. at Rotterdam 1722). A pastoral scene. W. (1669?) 17c. 1636. Portrait of himself with his family. Cl. (1689) 17c. 1637. Lot and his daughters. W. (1694). . . 17c. Dutch School. G5 1638. WcrlT, Adrian van tier-. Venus and Cupid. AV. 16'.i!> .............. 17c. 1639. - - A hermit. AY. ITuf) ........ 17c. 1640.* Magdalen. AY. (>..,,, li. I .._,.._,, br. (1711V . 17c. li'.ll. Judgment of Paris. AY. lil'J ..... 17c. 164-2.* Infant Christ caressing infant John. AY. 0. 46 h. 0, 34 ., 5 br. 1.1715^ ........ 17c. 161:5. Annunciation. AY. 1718) ....... 17c. 11)44. Diogenes with the lantern. "NY ..... 17c. 16l.V ; - Abraham rejects Hagar. Cl. 0. 8a h. 0, 70 br. 17c. 1646. - A irentleinan and a lady playing at ci \V ........ . . . ..... 17c. 1647. WerfT, Pieter van der-, sch. of his brother Adrian !>. nt Krattnger-Avtbachi 1665 (L at Rot t ml . . . . L8a. - A'enus sleejiing. AY. 17(KJ ...... ISa. Ariadne and Bacchus; Bacchantes. Fauns and Satyrs. AY. 17<4 ....... ISa. 1657. A young woman having her fortune told by a gipsy. AY. . 17. NY. il71'.i . . . . 14b. 1662. An old cook -maid with a basket. W. (17-29) .............. 18a. 1663. Lelienbergh , C. ilived at Hague about 16.~>4 . Partridge and turtle-dove. \Y. li>54). . 27c. 1664. Beerstrateii, J. van- (d. 168-2 . Sea-coast. W. 9b. 5 Dutch School. 1665. Beerstraten, J. van-. Storm at sea. W. . . 17b. 166667. Unkn. Sea-pieces. C. 27b. 1668. Ruysch, Rachel, sch. of W. van Aelst (b. at Amsterdam 1664 d 1750). Fruits; a lizard and horned beetle. C. (1718). .... 9a. 166970. Flowers, insects etc. C. and Cl 18c. 1671. Dusart, Cornelis, sch. of Ostade (b. at Haerlem 1660? d. 1704). A woman with her child sitting at the stairs of a house. W. (1679). 19a. 1672. Scuffling boors. C 19a. 1673 74. Boonen, Arnold van-, sch. of G. Schalken (6. at Dordrecht 1669 d. 1729). A girl with a lantern. Cl 20c. 1675. A youth with a pipe, behind him one with a candle. Cl. 20c. 1676. An old hermit before a lamp. Cl. . . . 27c. 1677. A young woman feeding a parrot. Cl. . . 20b. 1678. An old man reading a letter. Cl. . . . 18a. 1679. A young man with a pipe examining a drawing at candle-light. Cl 20c. 1680. Leermanns, Pieter, sch. of Fr. Mieris (lived about 1676). An old hermit. W. . . . 18a. 1681. Ochtervelt, Jan, sch. of Gr. Metzu (lived about 1670). A woman with a lap-dog and a girl. Cl. (1669) 17a. 1682. Vonck, J. (lived about 1670). A roe chased by dogs (landscape by J. Ruysdael). Cl. . . K2. 1683. - - '? A white pheasant and some smaller birds. W 27b. 1684. Moucheron, Isac, son and sch. of F. Moucheron s. Nr. 1457 (b. at Amsterdam 1670 d. 1744). Sheep pasturing at a hill; a hunter with hounds in the foreground. Cl 12c. 1685. - Landscape. Cl 12c. 1686. - - Landscape; fishermen at a river. Cl. . . 47b. 1687. - - Landscape; shepherd and flock in the fore- ground. Cl 12c. 1688. - - Landscape (with a river). Cl 48b. 1689. Landscape (ivith a icood-brooK). Cl. . . 48b. 1690. Landscape (with ruins). Cl 12c. 1691. - - Landscape (with a castle in the background). Cl lOb. 169294. Mans, F. H. (lived about 1670). Winter- landscapes. W 27a d. Dutch School. 67 1695. Yerkolje, Jan. 1>. , ; ;,Ji. d, 32 br 14c. I7ut;. - Landscape. Cl ... 14c. 1707. Bredael, Jan Frans, van-, sch. of Ph. Wouwer- man . W. 1, 05 h. 0. 78 br 23a. 1728. - - Mary dying and Saints (after the wood-cut in the .,Life of Man/'' bi/ Uitrer. C. . . 23a. 172H. Unkn. St.' Jerome. W 23a. Ic.'Xt. - Christ with the crown of thorns. W. . . 23c. 1731. - - >.Sch. of Diirer}. Circumcising the Child. W. 1732. Flight into Egypt. W. 1733. - - Jesus twelve years old in the temple. W. 23a. 1734. Christ bearing the Cross. W. 1735. Crucifixion. W. 1736. Christ's death. "NV. iT-iT. - Descent from the Cross. W. L738 Inkn. Adam and Eve. C 25a. 173J).* Burg'kmair, Hans, sch. of A. Diirer (&. at A ,1'i-hn njk 1472 (1. lf>31 '? Altar-piece with two wings: St. I'rsula with her virgins. Right wing: king of the Huns with his warriors; left: ships loaded with prey. W. 2. lf , h. l., ; , br. -Parch. 1852 for 700 ,$). . 23c. 174U. Crunucli. Lucas, the elder (b. at Cronach near Bamlerfj 1472 d. at Weimar 155o . Death of St. Catharine of Alessandria. W. 1506). 23b. 1741. St. Margaret. Ursula and Barbara. W. . 23d. 174'J. - Altar-piece in six partitions: Trinity; Ecce homo; Annunciation; Presentation in the temple; Entombment and Ascension. "W. a515>. 23b. 1743. Adam 1 ,-, . , ,. ..... 1744. - - Eve with the apple. I (**<**) W. 1531. 24d. 1(4,"). - ..Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not." W. a5.> ... 24d. 1*46. -- John preaching to the soldiers. \V. l.~>4:;. 24c. 1747. - Christ blessing the little children. \V. . 24c. 174s. - Sleeping wood-giant tormented by pigmies. Cl. (,1551 24a. 1749. The awaked giant chastizing and killing the pigmies with a club. W 24a. 1750. Samson and Delilah. W 24 a. 1751. - - David sees Bathslieba washing herself. W. 23b. 1752. - Christ praying at the mount of Olives. W. 24b. 1753. Judith and Lucretia. W. 24b. 70 German School. 1754. Cranach, Lucas, the elder. Adam aud Eve. W. 24d. 1755. Solomon adoring an idol. W 24b. 1756. - - The daughter of Herodias with John Bap- tist's head. W 24c. 1757. Christ and the adulteress. W 24d. 1758. The Child Jesus is brought to Simeon. W. 24c. 1759. Raising of Lazarus. W 24c. 1760. ? Crucifixion. W 24c. 1761. - - Christ taking leave of his mother and his kin. W 24b. 1762. The infanticide. W 24c. 1763. - - Pilate presenting Christ to the people; and: the two malefactors released from prison; below in four small partitions: Na- tivity, Adoration of the Magi, Jesus twelve years old in the temple, and flight into Egypt. W. . 23b. 1764. -- Christ appears to Mary after the Resurrection, and: Christ taken captive. W 24c. 1765. Elijah and the prophets of Baal. W. (1545) 24c. 1766. - - The adversity of innatural and improper copulation (represented by tivo pairs) and the happiness of suitable marriage (repre- sented by one pair). W 24a. 1767. - - A naked child (Study). W 24c. 1768. Portrait of Christina Eilenau. W. (1534). 24a. 1769 * _ Martin Luther. W. (1532). 0, 18 h. 0, 14 br. 21b. 1770.* Philipp Melanchthon. . W. (1532). s. s. 21b. 1771. Portrait of Margaret von Ponikau, (gentlewo- man of the Electress Sibyl (2.1554). W. (1536). 24a. 1772. Margrave George of Brandenburgh. Paste- board 21b. 1773. Frederick III. (the Wise), Elector of Saxony (d. 1525). W. (1533) 24a. 1773a* Henry the Pious, Duke of Saxony (d. 1541). W. Full size: 2, 10 h. 0, 90 br. (1537). Pro- perty of the Senate of Dresden 23a. 1774. Cranach, Lucas, junior, sch. of his father (b. at Wittembery 1515 d. 1586). Crucifixion. W 24c. 1775. - - Maurice, Elector of Saxony, (d. 1553) and his Electress Agues (d. 1555). W. (1559). . 24a. 1776. - - Augustus I. Elector of Saxony (d. 1586). Paste-board. 21b. German School. Early Flemish School. 71 1777. Cranach, Lucas. Maurice, Elector of Saxony. Paper 21b. 1778 79. Elector Augustus I. and his Electress Ann (d, l.">sf> . W 24a. 1780. - - Princess Elizabeth (?), daughter of August I. Cl 24a. 1780a. Melanclithon in a winding-sheet (icith a latin inxrri/ilinit )ul the last words of M.: ... \riiiu ca/>i(-t oves meets ex mmm mea." John 10.). W. (Purch. 1871 from Prof. Burl-ner for 150 $$ 21b. 1 7s 1 . Sell, of Cranach. St. Catharine with the sword. W 24b. 1782. - - St. Barbara with a chalice. W 24b. 1783. Uukn. Luther in a winding-sheet. (Perhaps by Lucas Fortenaf/el, about 1546 at Halle). "NY. 23b. 1784. * Christian II. Elector of Saxony (19 years lib. Cl 22a. 1785. -- Prince Maurice of Orange (on horseback). W. 26d. 178i>. Christian II. (1G09). Cl 23a. 1787. - - John George I. Elector of Saxony (d. 1656). Cl 24d. 1788. - - John George II. Elector of Saxony (d. 1680). Cl 22c 1789. - Emperor Matthias ''(?). CL . . .' . . . 23a. 1790. - Kicctor Augustus and John George of Brandenburgh. Cl -24b. 1791. - Portrait of Caspar Neumann V \\ ,1554). 23c. 1792 93. Elector Augustus I. of Saxony and Electress Ann. (Full .s/:r, Cl. s. Nr. 177S 9. . 22c a. 179-1. - Judith with the head of Holofernes. W. . 23c. 1795. - Charles the Great (?) and: John Baptist. W 23d. 1796. Krodel, Matthias, sch. of Cranach, the elder? (b. at Sc!t)trrlterb. at M/ r/i }'>:}^ . Adoration of the Magi. .S7. Jiumiitic r<'ijrnHnil . W. -J.,Ji. I. s4 br.' . . 21c. 72 Early Flemish School. German School. 1800. Crossart, Jan. '? (Cologne School?) Adoration of the Magi. W 21b. 1801. Unkn. Altar-piece. Adoration of the Magi. Left wing: Adoration of the Shepherds; right wing: Presentation in the temple. AY. (By H. M. King John 1859 committed to the Gallery] 23b. 1802. Giacopo de' Barbari or Jacob AValch (about 1520X Christ blessing, with a cross in his hand. AY. la 1803. St. Catharine. W la. 1804. St. Barbara. Cl. . . r- la. 1805. Jacobsz, Lucas, or Lucas van Leyden (b. at Leyden 1494 d. 1533). Temptation of St. Anthony. W 25a. 1806. Unkn. (Walther von Assen?) A man with 4hree arrows in his hand. W 23d. 1807. (Early Fl. Sch.}. St. Magdalen with the anointing-vessel. W 23d. 1808. - - Portrait of Margrave George Frederick of Anspach. W 23a. 1809.* Holbein, Hans, the Younger, (6. at Augsburgh 1498 d. at London 1543 . Madonna, at her feet Jacob Meyer, burgomaster of Basle with his family. W. 1, 60 h. 1. 045 br. (Purchased 1743 from Mr. Zuane Delfino at Venice for 1000 zechins. Francis Kugler declared already 30 years ago the celebrated dupli- cate at Darmstadt to be the original one. After the Holbein -Exhibition at Dresden 1871, which granted an' immediate compa- rison of the two pictures, the originality of the Dresden picture is maintained by Prof. Hiibner and numerous artists, ivhile the majority of art-critics declare it to be a copy of the XVII. Cent.} N. 1810.* Portrait of Mr. Hubert Morett, goldsmith of king Henry VIII. of England. W. 0, 92 h. 0, 75 br. (Formerly attributed to L. da Vinci}. N. 1811.* Original drawing to the former picture. Paper. (Acquired 1860 from the coll. of S. Woodbourne at London for 50 Guin.}, N. 1812. - - Portrait of a man in dark dress. W. (1527). 21a. 1813.* Sir Thomas and John Godsalve, father and son, at a table. W. (15281 21a. 1814. Portrait of a man in black clothes. W. 21a. German School. To 23a. 1815. Holbein. (?) Death of Virginia. W. (Purch. 1870 fit Duwldorf for 340 ^ N. 1816. Copy from Holbein. Kino- Henry VIII. of England. W 23c. is 17. I'nkn. Portrait of a woman with a rosary. W. N. 1818. - - Portrait of a woman with a white cap. W. 23c. 1819. Portrait of a young woman with a golden chain. Cl 23c. is-jo. - Erasmus of Rotterdam. W 21b. 1SJ1. - Portrait of a man. W 23c. 1S-J-J. - - Portrait of Joachim Rehle. W 21b. 1823. - - Portrait of a man in black clothes. W. lf>lS>. 21b. 1824. Veen, Martin van-, sum. Heemskerk? (I. at Heemskerk >icr llcrlcm 1498 d. 1575X Mater dolorosa with St. John and two holy women. W 23d. 1825. Pencz or Pens. George, sch. of Diirer (b. at Xnrcnibcr/j 1500 d. tit Jircslmi lyoGX First fragment of a picture: Adoration of the Magi. W. 1826. - - Second .fragment: St. Joseph knee- ling. W. 1827. - Third fragment: A shepherd with a green cap. AV. l-^-Js. - Portrait of a brown-bearded man with glo- ves in his hand. "W 21b. 1S29. - - ? Portrait of a man with a black velvet- cap. W. fl niVJ, 21b. is;;o. Amberirer, Christoph? Sch. of Holbein (I. at Xnr<'inlnTl<>;> 1853. - - Evangelist S. Mark. W 2*a. 1854. - - Evangelist S. Luke. W 2Sc. 1855. - - St. Gregory with a white clove. W. . . . 28c. 1856. - - Apostle Paul. W 28c. 1857. - - St. Jerome. W 28c. 1858. - - St. Ambrose. W 28c. 1859. Moses. W 28a. 1860. - - Portrait of Bernhard de Witte, Prior of Malta. Cl 28a. 1861. SchSnfeld, Johann Heinrich, (b. at Biberach 1609 d. at Augsburgh about 1680). Pasto- ral festival. Cl 28a. 1862. -- Battle of giants. Cl -'*!' 1863 64. Musical amusements. Cl - 2>Sl. 1365. Yaillant, Wallerand, (6. at Lille 1623 d, at Amsterdam 1677). Board with letters. Cl. (1658) 26b. 1866. Liugelbach, Johann, (b. at Frankfort on the M. 1622 d. Amsterdam 1687). A harbor with vessels. Cl. 9b. German School. 75 1867. Bemmel, Willem (b. at Utrecht about 1630 d. at Nuremberg 1708). Landscape. Cl. . . 48b. 1868. - - Landscape (eveniny-tirilight'i. Cl. (1660V 26c. 1869. - - Landscape (monu'ng>. Cl. li>i)l). . . . 26c. 1870. Fehling , Heinrich Christoph (b. at Sanger- hausen 1654 d. at Dresden as director of the Academy of painting 1725). Portrait of Colonel Caspar von Klengel. Cl 22b. 1871. Willmann, Michael, (b. at Konigsbergh 1630 d. 1706 at Leubus}. Portrait of a boy. (Study}. Paper , 28b. 1872. Loth, Carl or Carlotto, (b. at Munich 1032? d. at Venice 1698^. Job and his friends. Cl. 34b. 1873. - - Job with his wife and his friends. Cl. . 37c. 1874. Lot and his daughters. Cl 37d. 1875. Christ with the crown of thorns before Pi- late. Cl D2. 1876. Roos, Johanu Ileinrich, (b. at Ottersberg 1631 d. at Frankfort on the M. 1685). Horned cattle, sheep and goats (in a landscape]. Cl 28a. 1877. - White ox, goats and sheep, tended by an old woman. Cl 28a. 1878. - - Landscape, a small herd with the sleeping herds-man in the foreground. Cl. . . . 27c. 1879. - - ? A girl tending some cows. Cl 27c. 188081. Boos, Philipp, sum. Rosa di Tivoli (b. at Frankfort on. the M. 1655 d. at Rome 1705). Landscapes with shepherds. Cl. . 30c. 1782. - - Noah surrounded by all kind of living creatures. Cl Kl. iss.;. . Horned cattle, sheep and goats. Cl. . . 30b. 1884. Cattle with the herds-man on horse-back. Cl K4. 1885. - - Some cattle lying in the foreground of a landscape. Cl 2<-. 1886. Vacat. 1887. - - Cattle. Cl 30d. 1888. Roos, J. Melchior, son and sch. of J. Heinrich Roos (b. at Frank fort 165!) d. 1731. Stags. C. (1714) f . 28a. 1889. Roos or Rosa, Joseph, grandson of Rosa di Ti- voli (I. at Vicuna 172s d. lsof>). Land- scape with cattle. Cl. (1765) - s a 76 German School. 1890. Heiss, Johann, sch. of H. Schoufeld (b. at Mem- mingen 1640 d. at Augsburgh 1704). De- parture from Egypt. Cl. (1677). . . . 28c. 1891. Saiter, Daniel, sch. of Carl Loth (b. at Vienna 1647 d. at Rome 1705X St. Jerome. Cl. 28a. 1892. Strudel, Peter Baron von-, sch. of C. Loth (b. in Tyrol 1648 d. at Vienna 1717). Jupiter (as Satyr} and Antiopa. Cl 25c. 1893. Susanna bathing. Cl ". . 25c. 1894 95. Playing children ; fruits lying on the ground. (Fruits by F. W. Tamm s. Nr. 1896). Cl. 30b. 1896. Tamm, Franz Werner (b. at Hamburgh 1658 d. at Vienna 1724). Doves. Cl 27b. 1897. A hen with chickens. Cl 27b. 1898. A mountain-cock, a pheasant and other birds. Cl 30a. 1899. Pheasants and a bird of prey. Cl. . . . 30a. 1900. Ruthart, Carl (about 1666). Odysseus compel- ling Circe to disenchant his companions transformed into animals. (Figures by Daniel? Heinz}. Cl. (1666) 51a. 1901. Landscape with stags. Cl 15b. 1902. Stags attacked by hounds. Ci 15b. 1903. - - Bears seized by hounds. Cl 15b. 1904 07. Hamilton, John George de-, (b. at Berlin 1662 d. at Vienna 1736). Horses. Cl. (17031709) 27a. 1908. Kugendas, Georg Philipp, (b. at Augsburgh 1666 d. 1742). Horsemen on a field of battle. Cl 28b. 1909. Kupetzky, Johann, (b. in Hungary 1667 d. at Nuremberg 1740). Portrait of himself. (?) Cl 22b. 1910. Agricola, Christian Ludwig, (b. at Ratisbone 1667 d. 1729). Landscape (with praying Mohammedans} 28d. 1911. Some men loading a mill-stone on a sledge. Cl 28c. 1912. Faistenberger, Anton, (b. at Insbruck 1678 d. at Vienna 1722). Landscape with many figures. Cl 51c. 1913. Travellers attacked by robbers. Cl. . . . 26a. 1914. Deuner, Balthasar, (b. at Hambiwgh 1685 d. at Rostock 1749). St. Jerome. Cl. . . . 22a. 191522. Portraits. Cl. and C. (17191737). ... 22b. German School. 77 192:3. Reiner. Wenzel Lorenz \b. at Prague 1686 d. 1743). Campo Vaccino in Rome. Cl. . . 28c. 1921. The golden house of Nero in Rome (?\ Cl. 28c. 192530. Forar, Franx de Paula- (b. at }'ient<" 16>9 d. at London 17401 Landscapes and genre-pictures. C 28c. P.|.">1. Mengs, Jsmael, father of Raphael Mengs s. Xr. 1961 (It. at Copenhagen 1690 d. at Dresden 1764. Portrait of himself. Cl- . . . . 22b. 1932. Sperling, Joh. Christ., sch. of A. van der Werff (b. at Halle 16!1 d. at An*bach 1746). Po- mona and Vertumnus (as an old wom,> . C. (1719) 17b. 1933. Mej-tens. Martin van- b. at Stockholm 1695 d. at \'/>nn:/ 177o. A bearded old man. Cl. 26c. l'.i:\\. Oucrfurth. August, sch. of Rugendas (b. t Wolfctd'iittel 1696 d. at Vienna 1761 . A lady on horseback giving alms to a beg- gar. W 28c. 1935. - - A lady on horse-back before a cottage, a gentleman has dismounted. C 28c. 19.'!6. A gentleman on horse-back with a falcon on his hand. W 28c. 1937. Seibold, Christian, painter to the court of Em- press Mary Theresa, b. at 3lent~ 1697 d. /it Vienna 1741 . Portrait of a boy with a gray hat with ostrich-feathers. C. . . . 22b. - Portrait of a girl with white veil. C. . . J-Jb. 1!'.'!9. - - Portrait of a man with a fur-cap. W. . -Ji'b. 1940. Portrait of a woman. C Jb. 1941. - - Portrait of himself irith pencil and pallet*. Cl L'-Jb. 1942 4:j. Kismann or Lismann, Joh. Anton. /;. at Sahlimj 1604 d. at Venice 16!is . Land- scapes. W 28d. 1944 47. Plaxor.' Joliann Victor, . Friedrich , Caspar David, (b. at Gripswald 1774 a. at Dresden 1835). Two men con- templating the crescent. Cl. (,1819). . . P3. 19S7. - Hay-harvest, Cl. (1835) 02. Hiss . Giant's grave. Cl. . . P3. 19*9. Friedrich. Carolina Friederike (b. at Dresden 1749 a. 1n inter for :juo ./,; 03. 1993. - - Death of Codms,lastkingofAthens.(fl*efcft).Cl. 1*2. 1994. Pochmaim, Traugott Leberecht (b. at Dresden 17G-2 d. 1830). Portrait of himself. Cl. . Pll. 1995. Kiijreliren , Gerhard von- (b. at Bacharach 1772 d. by murder at Dresden 1820). The prodigal son. Cl. 0. 97 h. 0. 76 br. (Purch. 18-20 for 200 ^.). 02. 199i;. Faber, Joh. Theodor Eusebius, (b. at Gottleuba in Saxony d. at Dresden 1852\ Castle of Falkenstein in the Harz. Cl P8. 1H97. - Tyrolian landscape. Cl P8. 199*. Rosier, Joh. Carl, (b. at Gorlitz 1775 d. at Dresden 1845X Portrait of the actor and entomologist Ochsenheimer. Cl Pll. 1999.* Yogel YOU Vo^el-tein, Carl, son of Chr. L. Vogel s. Nr. 1981 (b. at Wilde itfels in Sax- ony 1788 d. at Mxitielt isc.s-,. Portrait of Frederick Augustus the Just, King of Saxony (to the life 1823). W. 0. 72 h. 0, 57 br. Q2. 80 German School. 2000.* Yogel von Togelstein. Pope Pius VII. -Full size, painted at Rome to the life]. Cl. l T63 h. 1, 17 br. (Property of H. M. the King . . 03. 2001. Cycle of pictures from Gothe's Faust. Cl. (1867 X . 29a. 2002. Xaeke, Gustav Heiurich. (I. at Frauenstein 1785 d. at Dresden 1835V Portrait of him- self. Cl Pll. 2003. Groeger, Fr. Karl, <6. atPloen .1706 d. at Ham- burgh?} Portrait of himself. Cl. ... 02. 2004. Steinla, Moritz Mflller- (b. at Steinla 1791 d. at Dresden 1858). Portrait of himself. Cl. (1826^ Pll. 2005. Tb'rmer, Benno Friedrich (b. at Dresden 1804 d. at Rome 1859). The music-lessou. "NV. (1857) P8. 2006. Pluddemann, Hermann, (6. at Colbery 1809 d. at Dresden 1868). Emperor Frederick Bar- barossa at the Imperial Diet of Besanc,on 1157. Cl. (1859V (Purch. 1860 for 650^;). Ql. 2007. Doerr, Otto Erich Friedrich August (b. atLud- wigshtst 1831 d. at Dresden 1868V Parisian studio. Cl P7. 2008. Gliemann, Philipp Albert, sch. of Julius Hiib- ner s. Nr. 2027 (b. at Wolfenluttel l^2'2 d. at Dresden 1872). Bearded Jew's head. Cl - P6. 2009.* Sehnorr A'on Carolsfeld, Julius Yeit Plans )>. at Leipsic 1794, director of the Royal fnil- lerie in Dresden d. 1872). Ananias with Saulus. (Model to a glass-window of St. PauTs in London). Paper. 3. 04 h. 3. 7 , br. 22d. 2010. Conversion of Saulus. {Design for a ylass- icindow of St. PauTs in London . Aqua- relle on paper. (Nr. 2009 and 2010 purch. 1867 for 2000 ^ . . 22c. 2011.* Zacharias and Elisabeth with infant John visiting the holy Family. Cl. (1817'. l.. 23 h. 1, 02 br " . 23c. 2012. BUhr, Carl Johann (b. at Riga 1808 d. at Dresden 1809). Czar Jwau the dreadful, to whom Finlandiau sorcerers predict death Cl. (Purch. 1861 for 600 ^.) PIG. German School. 81 2013.* Dahl, Johann Christian Claussen (b. at Bergen in Norway 1768 d. at Dresden 1857). Nor- wegian landscape. Cl. 1, 83 h. 2, 87 br. (Purch. 1853 for 800 ty) .......... PI 2014. - - Landscape. Cl ........... P4. 2015. Mttller , Heinrich Eduard (b. at Pultowa 1823 d. at Dresden 1853). Lake Michigan in North-America. Cl. (1853). (Purch. 1854 for 200 tf.) ............ P7. 2016. Jsigrer, G. (b. 1808 d. 1871 at Leipsic). Be- throthing of St. Catharine. Cl. (1855). Purch. 1855 for 250 .^> ....... P2. 2017. Papperitz, Gustav Friedrich, (b. at Dresden 1813 d. 1861). Valley of Elche in Spain. Cl. (Purch, 1857 for 200 3$ ...... P7. 2018.* Rotermuiid, Julius Wilhelm Louis, sch. of E. Bendemann (b. at Hannover 1826 d. at Salzbrumi in Silesia 1859). Christ's burial. (Last work of the painter, completed by E. Bendemann 1859). Cl. 2, ss h. 2, 83 br. Donation of the Dresden Art- Union to the Royal Gallery, price: 925 ^.) ..... 03. 2019. Wichmaun, Adolf Friedrich Georg (b. at Celle is-jo d. nt l)n>*(l<:n 1S66V Pietro Aretino reading from his works to a society with Titian. Cl. (Purch. 1865 for 700 Jjk). PH 2020. Carus, D. Carl Gustav, (b. at Leipsic 178!) i purch. for 250 ty) ....... P2. 2024.* Richter, Ludwig Adrian, (b. at Dresden 18n-_! Spring; landscape with a bridal procession. Cl. (1847). 0, M h. l, 49 br. (Purch. 1847 for 700 .^.) ............ P2. f) Nr. 2022 2070 , modern pictures , principally by Saxon masters, exhibited in the north-eastern pavilion of the Zwinger: 0, P, Q. 82 Germau School. 2025. Hauschild. Max, (6. at Dresden 1809). Archi- tecture-picture with figures: reception of expelled monks into a monastery. Cl. (Pre- sent from Prof. E. Bendemann 1848) . . P8. 2026. Schurig 1 , Carl Wilhelm, sch. of E. Bendemann (b. at Leipsic 1818). John, bishop of Speyer, protects the persecuted Jews at the time of the first crusade. Cl. (1851). (Purch. 1851 for 700 ty} Pll. 2027.* Hiibner, Rudolf Julius Benno, (&. at Oels in Silesia 1806, director of the Eoyal Gallery}. ,,The golden age", group of herd-boys. Cl. 1848). 1, 17 h. 1, B8 br. (Purch. 1849 for 700 5?0 22b. 2028.* Disputation between Dr. Luther and Eck at Leipsic. Cl. (1866). 3, 28 h. 6, 17 br. (Purch. 1867 for 9000 9$ 29d. 2029. Portrait of the actor F. W. Forth as pre- sident" in Schiller's tragedy Cabal and Love." Cl P9. 2030. Jew's head. (Study}. Cl. (1834). ... P3. 2031. - - Foot-soldier (Study, 1848). W. (Nr. 2029 2031 presents from the author] P3. '5632. Franz-Dreber, Carl Heinrich, sch. of Ludwig Richter (b. at Dresden- 1822). Italian land- scape; the mercyful Samaritan in the fore- ground. Cl. (Rome 1848). (Purch. 1849 for 400 fy) P3. 2033.* RSting, Julius Robert, sch. of E. Bendemann (6. at Dresden 1821). Columbus before the council at Salamanca. Cl. (1851). 1, 73 h. 2,39 br. (Purch. 1851 for 568 fy). ... Ql. 2034. Puyroche, Elise, born Wagner, (b. at Dresden 1828, lives at Lyons}. A torn wreath. Cl. (1850). (Purch. 1851 for 450 ^.). . . . Q2. 2035. Halm, Carl Wilhelm, sch. of J. Hubner, (b. at Ebersbach in Lusatia 1829). Scene from ,,Michael Kohlhaas by Heinr. von Kleist": Kohlhaas has searched in vain for his enemy, the younker of Dronka, in the nunnery of Erlabrun; the steward of the convent is taken prisoner and the abbess implores to spare the convent. Cl. (1851). (Purch. 1851 for 200 ty) P8. German School. 83 2036.* Kuinmer, (ail Robert. (I. at Dresden 1810). Scottish landscape (near Arisaig}; sunset. Cl. 0. 98 h. l. (U br. >Purch. 1852 for 350.^.)- P6. 2037. Grosse, Franz Theodor, sch. of Bendemann, (b. at Dresden 1829). Leda with the swan. Cl. (Purch. 1852 for 200 ^.) PI. 2038. Wislicciius, Hermann, sch. of Schnorr von Ca- rolsfeld (b. 1825 at Eisenach"]. Plenty and Want, represented by two groups. Cl. (Purch. 1852 for 400 ./>/ Pll. 2039.* 0..,- h. 2,83 br. (Purch. is;,:) f r JHIO ./,;.. ....... . . 01. 2042. Stags passinsr throuirh the water. Cl. (Purch. 1855 for 604.. . ' P6. 2043. Leypold. Carl Julius von- (b. at Dresden 1^ View of a German town. Cl. (Purch. 1856 for 350 .^.i P9. 2044. - - Bastion Mercury, part of the former forti- iication of Dresden. Cl. (Present by Mr. Him ifli. ii it/ l)ri'X(le)i) 42b. 2045. Miihlig*, Meuo, sell, of J. Hiibner d>. o ././ 01. 2068. GSrtuer. Heinrich Johann, (b. at Newstrelitz 1828). Heroic landscape with Adam and Eve as accessories. Cl. (Purch. 1870 for 500 ^.) P4. 2069. Choulant, Theodor, (6. at Dresden 1827). St. Peter's with the Vatican. Cl. (Purch. 1870 for 244 ^.) 02. 2070. Thiele, Julius Arthur (b. at Dresden 1841). Dead hare. Paper. (Present by J. Hub- ner 1872) P4. -207172. Vacant, Collection of Crayon-drawings. On the ground-flour. iCabinets 40th. 41stj -207:;. Reni, Guido (s. Nr. 470). St. Francis. . . . 40a. 2074. Mengs, Anton Raphael, (s. Xr. 1961). Portrait of his father, Jsmael Mengs -Ida. 207f>. :; - Portrait of himself (in youthful age}. . . 40a. 2076. - Portrait of himself 4ou. 2077. - Portrait of the wife of the painter Alex. Thiele 4oa. 207^. - Portrait of the courtier von Hofmann, hus- band of the paintress Felidtas Sartori. . 4oa. 2079. - Portrait of tlic songstress AIin. Clement. Elector of Treves, prince of Saxo- ny 8. AV 423 X < 40c. 211C,. - - Count dc Villiers 40c. 2117. Portrait of Moceniga, born Cornara . . 4()c 21 is. 1'ortrait of the dancer Barberina. . . . 41c. 211M. - Countess Orselska, afterwards duchess of Unlstein 40b. 212d. Princess of Teschen, before Countess Lu- bomirska 40c. 2121. - Portrait of the singer Faustina Hasse . . 2122 - A Tyrolian hostess 2123. - - Portrait of Rosalba Carriera 2124. - - Portrait of an old woman 212."' -28. Europe. Asia. Africa. America: four heads. 212H. Clio. ......' 2130. - Watchfulness; a youthful figure with a cock 41c. 2131. Wisdom. a> .Minerva 41b. 2132. Justice. 4lb. 2133. - Temperance; a girl pouring water into a drinking-cup 41b. 2131. Truth; a serious woman with a looking-glass. 4lb. 213.Y Porishableness hand in hand with Eternity. 41b. 213G. - Love kissing Justice 41b. 2137. Spring: a girl adorned with vernal flowers. 4lb. 213s. Summer: with ripened ears in the fair hair. 41b. 213!) - Autumn; a Bacchante with a grape. . . 41b. 214. Victory 41c. 2149. - Head of Christ 41a. 2150. Marv. 40b. 88 Crayon-drawings. Paintings of Dietrich and Canale. 2151. - - An image of the Virgin with a white hand- kerchief over the head 40c. 2152. Mary with cast down eyes 40b. 2153. - - Mary with a book in her hands 40c. 2154. Mater dolorosa 40c, 2155. Mary Magdalen. (Purch. 1743 at Venice for 3? ducats) 40c. 2156. - - Mary Magdalen with long flowing hair. . 40b. 2157. Mary Magdalen looking up to heaven. . 40c. 2158. Infant John 41b. 2159. - - Mary with a yellow veil 40b. 2160. The Savior blessing the world 40c. 2161. - The Savior with long hanging down hair. 40c. 2162. St. Joseph with his blooming staff. . . . 41c. 2163. A small image of the Virgin 41b. 2164. Mary with cast down eyes 40c. 2165 2252. Studies, and portraits of unknown per- sons 4041. 2253. Robert, Felicitas, daughter of the sculptor Tassaert at Berlin. Mary saluting Eliza- beth. (Copy from Rubens] 40c. 2254. An old cook-maid 40c. 2255. Weller, David Friedrich (b. at Kirchberg in Saxony 1759 d. at Dresden 1778 s ). A bas- ket with flowers and fruits 40a. 2256. Caffe", Daniel, (b. at Custrin 1750 d. at Dres- den 1815). Portrait of the academical drawing-master Dietz at Leipsic 41a. Works of Dietrich, Canale and t'analetto. ( ) u the g r o u n d - f 1 o o r. '.Cabinets 39th. 46th.> 2257. Dietrich, or Dietricy, Christian Wilhelm Ernst, (b. at Weimar 1712 d. at Dresden 1774; from 1741 painter to the court of King Augustus III., with a salary of 400 Thlr. and under an obligation of furnishing four cabinet - pieces every year). A shepherd on the lap of a shepherdess. Cl. (1739) 42a. Paintings of Dietrich. 89 ;"){). Dietrich, or Dietricy. Arcadian postoral life. Cl. (1740 42b. 22;o. - Simeon with Child Jesus in his arms. W. 1710) 42a. 22C1. - Portrait of a. man. W. ^1740i 42a. 2202.* -- Shepherd and shepherdess. (.'. 17 Jo. o. 4 . h. 0. 67 br 42a. 22t;:i. Head of an old woman. W. -1740. . . 42c. 22G4. - The raising of Lazarus. Cl. 1712. . . 42c. 2265.* Holy Family. W. U74G). 0, 44 h. 0, 33 h. . 42b. 2-Jiii;. - Dutch village. Cl. i % !748) I2a. 22f,7. - Christ on the Cross. Cl. '1754. . . . 42a. 22('>s. - Landscape with bathing nymphs. Clr (1.754). 421) 22t>!. - Mercury intending to kill sleeping Argus. Cl. (1754^ 42b. 2270. - Thetis handing over to Achilles the weapons made by Vulkan. Cl. 11766^ 42b. 2271. - - Christ healing the sick. Cl 42a. 2272. - - Nymphs after bathing. W. . . . . . 42c. 2273. Venus, as shepherdess, and Cupid. W. . 42c. 2274. - Bathing shepherdesses with cattle. (Poelen- lurfi's manner s. No. 1107). W 42b. 2275. - - Landscape with cattle. (Berqhein'x manner $. No. 1403.) Cl. . .'...-... 42b. 227<; 77. Portraits 'of old men. (Sembrand'snianni W 42c. 227s. - Portrait of an old woman (Dietrich's mo- tln-r'fi. W 42a. 227!'. - Portrait of a gray-bearded man. W. . . 42c. 2280. Shepherdesses after bathing. W. . . . 42c. 2281. Birth of the Savior. W 42a. 228283. Shepherdesses. Cl 42c. 22S4. - A woman with her child, and a boy making soap-bubbles. W 42c. 22>.V The Marriage at Cana. W 42b. 228087. Pastoral scenes. W 42c. 2288. - - Diana and Calisto. Cl 42a. 22si. - Holy Family. Cl l_v 22!)(i. - Belisar as a beggar. Cl 42c. 22IH. The prior of a Carthusian convent examines the credentials of a Franciscan friar. Cl. 43b. 2192. - - An old Capuchin bantering a young sleep- ing Carthusian. Cl 43b. 22ii:!. - - Adoration of the Magi. Cl 42c. 90 Paintings of Canale and Canaletto. 2294. Dietrich or Dietricy. A wounded is carried away from the field of battle, beside him a Capuchin. Cl 39b. 2295. - - Horsemen on march. Cl 39a. 2296. - - Flight into Egypt. W. 42c. 2297. - The prodigal son at the feet of his father. Cl ' . 42b. 2298. - - Simeon with Child Jesus in his arms, Mary and Joseph kneeling. W 42b. 2299. - Landscape. 01. 42c. 2300. - - Mountain-pass. Cl 42c. 2301. - - Repose during the flight. Cl 42c. 2302. -- A "white -bearded old man with broad flat hat. W 42a. 2303. - Head with curly hair and beard. W. . . 42c. 2304. - The Nativity of Christ is related to the Shepherds. Cl 43a. 2305. - - Adoration of the Shepherds. Cl 42c. 2306. - Penitent Magdalen. (Copy from Corregqio No. 153). C 42c. 2307 08. Pastoral scenes (Watteau's manner}. W. . 43b. 2309. - - Explosion of the laboratory ( Vulcan's cave") below the bastion Venus" in Dresden Sept. 22nd. 1747. W 42b. 2309a. Heroic landscape. (Style of Salvator Bosa). Cl 35b. 2310.* Canale, Antonio, (6. at Venice 1691 d. 1768). The Grand Canal in Venice, as far as Ponte Rialto. Cl. 1, 45 h. 2, 35 br 43a. 2311. . View of the opposite part of the Grand Canal in Venice with the church of Santa Maria della Salute. Cl 43c. 2312. Piazza of the Church of S. Giacomo di Rialto at Venice. Cl 44b. 2313. - The Piazza of Saint Mark, the Basilic of Saint Mark and the Campanile in Venice. Cl 44b. 2314. - - The Piazzetta in Venice. Cl. ..... 44c. 2315. - View of the Grand Canal of Venice. Cl. . 44a. 2316. Belotto, Bernardo, sum. Canaletto, nephew and sch. of Antonio Canale (b. at Venice about 1720; painter to the court of King Augustus III. d. at Warsaw 1780). A sluice and an inn (,,il Dolo") on the way from Padova to' Venice. Cl. (1748) 43a. Paintings of Canaletto. <1 2317. Belotto, Bernardo. View of Verona and Cas- tello di S. Pietro. Cl 43b. 2318. - - Ponte della nave at Verona. Cl 43b. 2319.* Scuola di S. Marco and Church of S. Gio- vanni e Paolo at Venice. Cl. 1, 26 h. 1, 66 br. 44b. 2320. - - Stair and colonnade of the Saxon palace at Warsaw. Cl 42b. I 22. \'ic\vs of the same palace. Cl. . . 45b. 4Ga. - Minerva, beside her a noble Polander. Cl. 42b. 2324. A bearded man in old-polish costume and a harnessed youth. Cl 42b. 23-jr>.f-- View of -Dresden, from the right bank of the Elbe. Cl. 1747 45c. 2 .">_'!;. View of the Bridge and a part of the Alt- stadt. from the Japanese Garden. Cl. 1748. 2327.* - View of a part of the former fortifications with the sally-port, the Cath. Court-Church and some piers of the Bridge. Cl. 1748. 1, S3 h. 2, 34 br 46a. View of the Xeumarkt with the former chief Guard -house (the splendid c . Cl. (1764). O.^h.l.jj br. 42a. 2337. - The Bridge, the Cath. Court-Church and the Terrace of Briihl, from the Neustadt. Cl. 42c. f) 2325 -2342: Views of Dresden, for the most part painted in the year> 17171758 for Count Briihl ,200 Thlr. I'dfli . after whose death they were acquired by the Saxon court, The figures were painted by St efauo Torelli (6. :i'.i. Bray. Jan de- 1455. Bray, Salomon de- 11021105. Hredael. Jan Frans van- 1707 1708. Breenbergh. Bartolom I:5ii4. Breklenkamp. Quirin li>4!t. Breydel, Franz 107S H7!t. Uril'. Matthiius 777778. Bril. Paul 780788. Briseirhella s. Eismaiiu. Broers, J 16u2 Hi'*:;. Bronzino. Angelo -52. Brouwor. Adriaen 120o 12U. Brueghel, Pieter 722 723. Brueghel, Hell-Brueghel 7:M 727. Brueghel. Jan. sum. Velvet-Brueghel . . . 728 7Gla. Brim. Charles de- Ijlju. Brun s. Braun. Biumacorsi, Pietro sum. Perino del Vaga . . 83. Buonarotti. Michel Angelo 37. School of- 38. ( opy from- 3940. Buonconsiglio. (iiov 212. Buoninsegna. Ihiccin di- 10 11. Buonyicino, Alessandro L'.'ila Uurgkmair. Hans 17.')!. Uv/antine School . . 1 4. C. Catfe. Daniel 22:.*;. < 'agnacci s. Canlassi. ('aim. l-'rancesco 1-} Calabrese s. Preti. Caldara, Polidoro 7*. 98 Index. Numbers. Caliari, Carletto 317319. Paolo, sum. Veronese 299316. School of- 320321. Copy from- Callot, Jacques 653. Calvaert, Dionys 69. Camphuysen, Dirk 12811282. Campagnola, Domenico 26U. Canale, Antonio 23102315. Canaletto s. Belotto. Canlassi, Guiclo 523. Cano, Alonso 631 G32. Cantarini, Simone, sum. da Pesaro .... 525. Caravaggio s. Amerighi. Carducho, Vincencio 606. Carlevaris, Luca 384. Carlotto s. Loth. Carpi, Girolamo 161. Carpione, Giulio 351 354. Carracci, Lodovico 447 448. Annibale 449457. School of- 458466. Camera, Rosalba 20962164. Carus. Carl Gustav 20202021. Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto 560 563; Castiglione, Francesco 564. Catena, Vincenzo 211. Celesti, Andrea 356358. Cerquozzi, Michel Augelo Ill 112. Cesari, Giuseppe Ceulen, Cornells van- 1212 1213. Chiari, Giuseppe 127. Choulant, Theodor -2069. Ciccio, 1'Abbate s. Solimena. Cignani, Carlo . .- 52S. Cima, Giov. Batt. da Conegliano 215 217. Cittaclini, Pietro Francesco 185187. Civetta s. Bles. Conca, Bastiano 598. Coques, Gonzales 1U23. Cornelis sum. Cornelis van Haerlem . . . 1086 1087. Correa, Diego 603. Correggio s. Allcgri. Cortona, Pietro s. Berettini. Index. 99 Numbers. Courtois, Jacques . - 666 669. Courtois, Guillaume 672. (.'rarbatje s. Asselyn. Cranach, Lucas 1740 1773. Cranach, Lucas jun 1774 1780. School of- 17*117*:.'. Crayon-drawings 2073 2256. Crodi, Lorenzo di- 34. Crespi. Giuseppe surn. lo Spagnuolo di Bologna 533 544. Crivelli 206 207. Croce, Girolamo da Santa- ....... 213 214. Cuyp, Albert 2355. D. Dahl, Joh. Christ. Clausen 20132014. Dahl. Joh. Siegwald 20532054. Danedi, Gius. surn. Montalti 490. Dapper s. Tamm. Dathan. Georg 1959. Deuuer, Balthasar 1914 lSi-2-2. Deuren, 0. van- 1592. Diamantiui, Giov. Gius 410. Diepenbeck, Abraham van- 944. Dietrich. Chr. Wilh. Ernst 22572309. Dinglinger. Sopliia 2354. Distelblum s. Fiore. Divino, el, s. Morales. Dixiani. Gasparo 373a. Doerr, Otto Dolci. Carlo Dolci. Agnese Dominichino s. Zampieri. liurste s. Drost. Dossi, Dosso 131137. School of- i:5S 139. Dow. (icrard 1134 1153. Brest, J. van- 13-22 1324. Due. Jan le- 14*4 1 4*5. Due. A. le- 1 IM;. Diirer. Albrecht 17'22a 1726. Copy from- 1727 172S. School of- 17311737. 100 Index. Numbers. Dughet, Caspar, surn. Poussin 656 663. Dutch School 10851712. Dusart, Cornelis 16711672. Dyck, Antony van- 980998. Dyck, after- 9991003. E. Early Flemish School . 17131721, 17991801. 1805. Eckhout, Gerbranclt van den- 1397. Eismann, Carl- sum. Briseghella 398401. Eismann or Lismann, Job. Anton 1942 1943. Elliger, Ottmar 1040 1040a. Elst, Pieter van- 11851186. Elsheimer, Adam 18411844. Escalante, Juan- de Sevilla ....... 637. Espinoso, Jac. Jeronimo de- 629 630. Everdingen, Albert van- 13981402. Everdingen, Cesar van- 1397a. Eyck, Johann van- 1713. Eyck, School of- 17141717. F. Faber, Job.. Th. Eusebius 19961997. Facini, Pietro 468469. Faistenberger, Anton 1912 1913. Falens, Carl van- 1082. Fa presto s. Giordano. Fassolo, Giov. Antonio . . . . . . . . . 323 325. Fattore s. Penni. Fehling, Heinrich Christ 1870. Ferabosco, Girolamo 355- Ferg, Franz de Paula 19251930. Ferrarese and Lombard School 131 207. Fed, Domenico 94 106. Ficherelli. Felice sum. Riposo 59. Fiebiger. Julius 2052. Fiesole, Fra Beato Giov. da-, School of- . . 17. Filipepi, Sandro, surn. Botticelli 25 28. Fiore, Carlo di, surn. Distelblum 122. Flemal, Bartholet 1009. Flemish School 7151084. Flinck, Govaert . 1313a 1316. Index. lol Numbers. Florentine School 5, 19 29. Floris, s. Yriendt. Fontana, Prospero 439. Fontana. Lavinia 446. France-echini. Marco Ant 530 531. Franc in s. llaibolini. Francoys, Pieter If- x 2. Francken. Frans Sim si 4. Francken, Ambrosius 8<)5 MIS. Francken. Hieronymus 810. Francken. Job. B.-'S 869 s75. Francken. Sebastian 811. Franz-l>reber, Carl Heinr 2n;i2. French School 641 714. Friedricli. Caspar David 198(5 19*s. Friedricb. Caroline 19S9. Furino. Francesco (,?) 58. Fyt. Jan 1032 KM. 0. Gabbiani. Antonio 126. (iiirtncr. Heinr. Job 2<>6S. Garbo. Rattai-lino del- 36. (rarofalo s. Tisio. i i;icl. Lucas 71(5. (aubert. 1'ierre 7n2. (Welder. Areut de- 15901591. (relee. Claude, le Lorrain (',51 U55. Copy from- ;566. Holbein, Hans 18091815. Copy from- 1816. Hondt, Abraham 1059. Hondecoeter. Melchior 14801483. Houthorst, Gerhard van- 11221125. Horemans, Jan 1083 Jnsi. Huchtenburg, Jan van- 1595 1000. Hiibner, Rud. Jnl. Benuo 20272031. Hutiu. Charles 704. Huysmans, Cornells- 1060. Huysum, Jan van- 1704 1706. J. Jacobsen, Juriaen 1022. Jacobsz, Lucas, Leyden 1805. Jager, G 201U. Jardin. Karel du- 1459 1461. Joanes. Juan de-, s. Vicente. Jong, Lieve de- 1183. Jordaens, Hans 766. Jordaens, Jaques 954963. K. Half, Willem 1454. Karli. R. s. Garbo. Kaufmann. Angelica 19781980. Kern. Anton I960. Kessel, Jan van- 1037. Kerrincx, Alexander 1487 1490. Kleugel, Joh. Christ 19841985. Klomp, Aelbert 1702. Knupfer, Nicolaus 1849. Kdiiincx. Salomon 1319 l:>2(i. Kiiiiig, Niclas 1>1>. Korne s. Kern. Kriiger. Joh. Heinrich Carl 2051. KrodeL Mathias . 1796. 104 Index. Numbers. Kummer, Carl Robert 2036. Kupetzki, Job Kiigelgen, Gerhard von- 1995. L. Laar, Pieter van- sum. Bamboccio .... 1299 1303. Lairesse, Gerard de- 1541 1543. Lancret. Nicolas 696098. Lanfranco, il Cavaliere 182 183. Langhetti, Giov. Battista 5ss. Lanzani, Polidoro 205266 Largilliere, Nicolas d"e- 075. Lasch, Job. Carl 2055. Leermanns, Pieter 1680. Lelienbergh, C 1063. Leonardo da Vinci 30. Leonardo, School of- 31 32. Leouhardi, August 2057. Leyden Lucas van- s. Jacobsz. Leypold, Carl Jul. von- 20432044. Liberi, Pietro 344 345. Licenciado, el-, s. Roelas. Licini, Bernardino 254. Lier, Adolph 2000. Lievens, Jan 12001201. Limborg, Heinrich van- 1703. Lin, Hans van- 1075 lo77. Lingelbach, Johann 1806. Liotard, Jean Etienne 20892092. Lippi, Filippino 35. Lismann s. Eismann. Lombard School . . . 150160, 162169, 175207. Longhi, Luca . . 438. Loon, Pieter 1133. Looten, Jacob 1451 1453. Lorenzetti 12. Lorrain s. Gelee. Loth, Carl, or Carlotto 1872 1S75. Lucchese s. Ricchi. Lunders, Gerrits 1613 1614. Luti, Benedetto 65 00. Lys, Jan, sum. Pan 10891090. Index. 105 Numbers. M. Mabuse, Jan van- s. Gossaert. Magnasco. Alcssandro 19S 1!'!'. Ma lines, de- s. Iluysinans. Mans, F. II 16921694. Maratti, Carlo US 1-2-2. Maratti. School of- 123. Marcone, Rocco -51. Marescalco s. Buouconsiglio. Marcscalco, Pietro, sura la Spada 297 298. Marienhof, A 10411042. Marinus de Zeemv Ii22. Maron. Thoresia 20872088. Marseus or Marcellis, Otho 12971298. Matthisen, Abraham 1179. Massys s. Messys. Matthaei, Friedrich 19921993. Mazzuoli, Francesco 162 165. Mazzuoli. School of- 166. Mazzuoli. (iirolamo H57 \*>>. Meer. Jan. van der- 1432 1435. Meiren, van der- 1615 1617. Memliuc. Hans 1719. Mcmmi, Lippo . 13. M MIL'S. Anton Raphael . . 73, 19611963, 20742086. Mengs, Ismael 1931. Mengs, Theresia 2354. Mi-s>y>. ( t )uintin 1721. Metsu, Gabriel 13051312. Mculen. Franz van der- 10441' >!.">. Meulen, Copy from- ln46. Mcytens. Martin van- 11 :!:!. Mi.'-l. Jan 10041005. Mierevelt, Michiel Jancz 1091 in;n;. Micrcvclt. Pit-tor 1097~lolili. Mieri?. I-'rans van- 1465 1471>. Micris. "Willem van- 16.">n liii'.-j. Migliori. Francesco 391 394. Mimton. Aliraliani 1491 1505. Milanese s. Cittadini. Millet. Francisque 15831."'^."). Minderhout, Henry van- 1061. Miniatures. . 2351. 106 Index. Numbers. Mirandoles s. Pallronieri. Holler, Andreas 19531954. Mola, Pietro 526527. Molanus, M. . . . 1043. Molenaer, Jan Hinsze 1611. Molinari. Antonio 386. Molinari, Giov. Battista 385. Molyn, Peter 15071511. Momper, Josse de- 899904. Montalti s. Danedi. Moor, Carl de- 1618. Morales, Luis de- sum. el Divino .... 601. Mor, Authoniss 1085 1085a. Morone, Giov. Battista . 267. Moretto da Brescia s. Buonvicino. Moucheron, Frederic 1457. Honcheron. Isac 1684 K5il. Murillo, Bartholomeo 633634. Murillo, Copy from- 635. Muziano, Girolamo 328. Miihlig, Meno 2045. Miiller, Carl Wilhelm 2063. Miiller, Heinrich Eduard 2015. Miiller, Moritz s. Steiula. Mytens, Daniel 10241025. K. Naeke, Gustav Heinrich 2002. Naldini. Battista 55 56. Nattier. Jan Baptiste 705. Nazari, Bartolo . . . 408409. Neopolitan School 546547, 552559, 568587, 589598. Neck, Jan van- 1047. Nefs (Neefs), Lmlwig 1050. Nefs, Peter 1049. Neer, Arthur van der- 12781280. Neer, Eglou van der- 1570. Negri, Pietro 387. Netscher, Caspar 1527 1535. Netscher, Copy from- 1536. Neyts. Aegidius 10261027. Nienlaut, Adrian 890. Index. 107 Numbers. Nikkelen. Jan van- 17091710. Nogari, Giuseppe 402 407. 0. Ochtervelt. Jan 1681. Oehme, Ernst. Envin 2056. Ocr. Theobald van- 2039. n-uinnc. Marco d'- (';> ol. Oosterwyck. Maria van- 14271428. Orbetto s. Turcbi. Orizoute s. Bloemen. Orrente, Pedro 604. Osseubeck, Josias 1430. Ostade, Adrian van- 1283 r>>. 0-tade. after him 1289. Ostade. Isaak van- 1290 1290a. P. Pu-cia, Pietro 596. Padovanino s. Varotari. Pagani. Paolo 195. Palamcdes s. Stevens. Palma. Jacobo. surn. Yecchio 241 246. Palma, Jacobo. Giovine 247 249. Palmezzano. Marco 36a. Paltronieri, Pietro 196197. Pan s. Lys. Panini, Giov. Paolo 204205. Papperitz. Gustav Friedrich 2017. Parmeuianino s. Mazzuoli. Pasqualino s. Rossi. I'a-sarotti, Bartolomeo 504. Pater, Jean Baptiste 699 700. Paudiss. Christoph 16961699. Pellegrini surn. Tibaldi 440. IVnni. Giovanni 79 80. IVnrz. (ieorg 18251829. I'lTt-ira. Yasco 626. Pesaro, Simone da- s. Cantarini. 108 Index. Numbers. Peschel, Carl Gottlob 20222023. Pesne, Antoine 689695. Peeters, Bonaventura 1013 1014. Peeters, Jan 1015. Piazzetta, Giov. Battista 388390. Pignoni, Simone 60. Pinturicchio, Bernardino 24. Piombo, Sebastiano del- 39. Pippi, Giulio Romano Si 82. Pisano, Giunta 5. Plazer, Job. Victor 19441947. Plazer, Job. Georg 1947 1951. Pliiddemann, Hermann ......... 2006. Pochmanu, Traug. Leberecht 19! M. Poelenburg, Cornells 1107 1118. Pollaiuolo r?', Antonio is. Ponte, Jacobo da- sum. Bassano 268 275. Ponte, Francesco da- 27(1 27! i. Ponte, Leandro da- 28028(5. Poorter, Willem van den- 151(5 151S. Porbus, Franz 762 763. Porbus, School of- 764 765. Pordenoue s. Regillo. Porta, Giuseppe, sum. Salviati 326 327. Potasch 1952. Potter, Paul 14201422. Pourbus s. Porbus. Poussin, Caspar s. Dughet. Poussin, Nicolas 642 650. Poussin, School of- 651 652. Pozzo, Andrea 359. Preti. Mattia 557559. Procaccini, Camiilo 442. Procaccini, Giulio Cesare 443 444. Procaccini, School of- 445. Puyroche, Elise 2034. Pynacker, Adam 1313. Quellinus, Erasmus 10071008. Querfurth, August 19341936. Index. 109 era. R. llailiulini. Francesco sum. Francia .... 435 437. Ramenghi. Bartolomeo >4 Raphael. Santi of Trliino Raphael. ( opy Irom- 73. Raphael. School of- 74 7ij. Rave.steyn. Jan van- 110(3. Reinlln. (iiiiy. Antonio -252 253. lleiner. Wenceslaus 1923 1924. Rembrandt van Ryu 12141233. Rembrandt. School of- 1234 123*] Rembrandt. Copy from- 1">1 S Rcni, Guido . ' 470479. licni. Cd])y from Rfiii. School of- 4S1. Ribalta, Juan de- 625 Ribera. Jusepe de- sum. lo Spagnoletto . . joS G21. IHcchi. Pietro .">24. Hicci. Ikistiauo 371 liicci. Marco 374 Uichtc-r. Liuhvif 2" '24. Kichter. Therese IfC'u -r.i'.d. Hidulfi. Claudio 32!". Riiraud. Hyacinth ij7(j. KiiiL;-. 1'ictcr de- . 117U. Kiln iso s. Ficherelli. Rolicrt. Felicitas 2253 i"j54. i;ibc-rti. Domenico 2oo 203. llnbusti. Jacobo 2*7 2'.'3. Udbusti. Cujiy from- 2!'4 lloclas. Juan de las- i>i>;>. l!in'[ic-l. Cuonraet 1701. INuiian School . t!7 13o. Hosier. Joh. Carl l:!is. Jul. Robert v. d. "Weyden 171 V Rockes, Hendrik Martens 1395- 13'.n;. Romano, (iiulio s. Pippi. Itomcyn. Wilhelni 1417. Joh. Heinrich is7i'> 177:i. linos. Mclchior L888 1'hilipp. Rosa di Tivoli 18801887. Rons. Jnseph. ^or Rosa) l>v 110 Index. Numbers. Rosa, Salvator 554555. Rosa, School of- 556. Rosa, di Tivoli s. Roos, Pliilipp. Rosenfelder 2058. Rossi, Pasquale 124 125. Rotari, Pietro Count 413 424. Rotermund, Jul. Wilh. Louis 2018. Rottenhammer 1840. Rubens, Peter Paul . 823857. Rubens, School of- 858868. Rubens, after- 963. Rugendas, Georg Philipp 1908. Ruiz, Pedro 600. Ruthart, Carl 19001903. Ruysch, Rachel . 16681670. Ruysdael, Salomon 12911293. Ruysdael, Jacob van 1436 1448. Ryckaert, David 10161021. S. Sabbatiui, Lorenzo 467. Saftleven, Cornelis 11921196. Saftleveu, Hermann 12461263. Saiter, Daniel 1891. Salvi, Giov. Battista ........ 113115, 236. Salviati s. Porta. Sammacchini, Orazio 441. Santi, s. Raphael. Sarto, del-, s. Vannticchi. Sartori, Felicitas s. Hofmann. Sassoferrato s. Salvi. Savery, Roelandt 812819. Savoye, Daniel de- 674. Scarsella, Hippolito 170 173. Schalcken, Godefried 15651569. Schiavone, Andrea Medola 295 296. Schidone, Bartolomeo 174. Schmidt, Joh. Heinrich 2093. Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Jul 20092011. Schonfeld, Joh. Heinrich 18611864. Schonherr, Carl Gottlob 2040. Schurig, Carl Wilhelm 2026. Index. Ill Numbers. Schuster. Albr. Louis 20472048. Schut, Cornells 952953. Schwarz, Christoph Hits. Screta, Carl . . 18511860. Seeman, Enoch 1711. Segers s. Zegers. Seibold, Christian 19371941. Sevilla, Juan de- s. Escalaute. seydel, Gustav Eduard 2062. Siena, School of- 7 12. Signorelli, Egidio s. Gilio. Silvester, Louis de- 679686. Simonson, David 2i>4. Steevens surn. Palamedes 1418 1419. Stillield s. Lin. Stonnne, de-, van Camp en s. Avercamp. Stoom, Matthaeus 1560 1564. Stoop, Cornells 1:M,">. Stoop, Dirk 1264. 112 Index. Numbers. Storck, Abraham 1605 1606. Strozzi, Bernardo 548 551. Strudel, Peter, Baron von- 18921895. Sturm, Leonhard ., 206420(35. Subleyras, Pierre 701. Swanevelt, Hermann van- 1321. T. Tamm, Franz Werner 1896-1899. Tempesta, s. Molyn. Teniers, David, father 907913. Teniers, David, son 914937, 1014. Terburg, Gerhard 12421245. Thiele, Jul. Arthur 2070. Thomas, Carl Gust. Adolph 2059. Tiarini, Alessandro 489. Tibaldi s. Pellegrini. Tilborch, Egidius 1031. Tilius, J 1700. Tintoretto s. Robusti. Tisio, Benevuto, surn. Garofalo 140 147. Tivpli, Rosa di-, s. Roos. Tizian s. Vecellio. Tormer, Benno Friedrich 2005. Tol, D. van- 13921393. Toorenvliet, Jacob 15861589. Torelli, Stefano 2325. Torre, Flaminio 491493. Tour la- 20942095. Trevisani, Francesco 362 369. Triva, Antonio 191. Troy, Francois de- 673. Turchi, Alessandro surn. 1'Orbetto 330339. U. Ubertino, Francesco Uden, Lucas van 971979. Ulft, Jan van der- 1431. Utrecht, Adriaen van- 1006. Index. 11.') Numbers. Utemvael. Joachim loss. Umbrian School , _''!. y. Yarcaro. Andrea 553 Yaga. Perino del- s. Buonacorsi. Vaillant lsr,5. Valdes Leal, Juan de- i',:;r,. Valentin r,r,4. Valkenborch. Martin van- S20. Van-Loo, Jacob 1304. Vanni. Francesco, da Siena 57. Yannucchi. Andrea sum. del Sarto .... 43 47. Yaimucchi. Copies from- 48 49. Yannncclii. Pietro, surn. Perugino .... 22. Varotari. Alessandro 34o -:;!:;. \'a>ari. Giorgio Vccchia. Pietro della- 34(3 350. Vecchio s. Palma, Jacobo. Vecellio. l-'rancesco, da Cadore 2.".'.'. Vecellio, Tiziano 222231. llio, Copies from- 232238. \ een, Martin van- 1*24. \'i'la><|iiex. Diego de Silva (122 (i24. Velde. Adriaen van de- 1521 l.~>2r>. Veldc. Msaias van de- 151it 1520. Venetian School 2ns 1;!4. \'enexia. Polidoro di-. s. Lanzani. Verbofim s. Boom. 1st, Pieter s. Elst. \"erelst. Simon van- ('; 1(>7.".. Verendael. Nicolas van- 937, 1071 Iu72. Verkolje. Jan Ii>!i5. Vernet. Claude Joseph 7nr,. iese s. Caliari. ! Hiring. Hendrik 1423 1424. Vertangen. Daniel 1174. Viani. Doinenico Maria 515. Vicente. Juan I ;<)_'. Victor. Jacoino 154U.>. Jan 1544 1515. Yiew> ol' Drrs.len 2325 2312. 8 114 Index. Numbers. Vinci, da- s. Leonardo. Vinikeboons, Davidze 882884. Viviani, Ottavio 192-193. Vlieger, Simon de- 15471548. Vogel, Christ. Leberecht 1981. Vogel von Vogelstein, Carl 19992001. Vois, Ary de- 15491551. Vonck, J 16821683. Vorstermans, Jan 1048. Vouet, Simon . . 641. Vranx (?) 779. Vriendt, Frans de-, sum. Floris 717 721. Vries, Adriaen de 1211. W. Wagner, Maria Dorothea 1966. Wagner, Elise s. Puyroche. Walker, Robert (Copy from-) 1953. Walch (or Walsch) s. Barbaris. Waterloo, Antoni 13171318. Watteau, Antoine 687688. Weenix, Jan Battista 1575 1576. Weenix, Jan 1577 1580. Weenix, School of- 1581. Wegener, Wilhelm 20412042. Weller, David Friedrich 2255. Werff, Adriaen van der- 16351646. Werff, Pieter van der- 16471648. Weyden, van der- s. Rogier. Wichmann, A. Fr. Georg 2019. Wiebke, Bartholt 1080. Wildens, Jan 898. Willarts, Adam 881. Willmann, Michael 1871. Wislicenus, Hermann 2038. Wit (Witt), Jacob de- 1708a. Wolfvoet, Victor 886. Wouwerman, Philips 13251389. Wyck, Thomas 1197 119!>. Wynants, Jan 1171- 117:] Wytmans, Matthaeus 1607. Index. 115 Numbers. z. Zachtleven, Coruelis s. Sachtleven. Zachtleven, Hermann s. Sachtleven. Zampieri, Domenico 482. Zampieri, School of- 483 485. Zeeman s. Seeman. Zegers, Daniel 945 951. Zurbaran. Francisco 027. ALBERTS-BAD IN DRESDEN. Ostra-Allee 38. Tub-, Shower-, Russian Vapor-, Cure- and House -Baths. Russian Vapor-Baths: Price 10 15 Ngr., by Subscription cheaper. Bathing -days for Ladies: Tuesday, Thursday, from 8 1 a. m. and Friday from 3 8 p. m. Bathing-days for Gentlemen: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 8 1 a. m. and every afternoon from 3 8 o'clock, except Friday, Sundays and Holydays. Extra -Vapor- Baths, 1 Thlr. each, ordered befo- rehand, may be taken daily from 1 3 o'clock and after 8 o'clock in the evening. Dresden College of Languages and Commerce, Director: Oscar Klemieh, Professor of knowledge of commerce. Dresden , 23 , II Schloss - Strasse. JUWELER TO THE COURT. RICHEST STORE OF JEWELS, GOLD- AND SILVER-WARES. CORNER OF NEUMARKT. S. OLIVIER, 26 Waisenhaus-Strasse 26. Store of Chinese Teas, Objects of Chinese and Japa- nese Industry, French and Swiss Chocolates, English Biscuit, Drops, Parafin- candles, home and foreign Liquors, Fruit-juises, Confitures etc. H. E. PHILIPP. Dresden; ~2 near the Kreuzkirche 2. Magazine of Chinese Teas, Stock of Astracan Caviare, directly imported, Moscow Sugar-pease, Samowars. The best Sewing Machine of the World is: Elias Howe's jun. Sewing Machine. The Howe Sewing Machines Comp., New- York, has etablished a direct principal magazine at O. Weitzmann's, Dresden, Schloss-Strasse 31. Gruaranty. Original prices. . . .. .. . . C. A. Klemm, Augustusstrasse Nr. 3. Universal Circulating: Music Library. Music-ware-house. Pianoforte (I'iauos for sale and on hire). 5^ ^gg^gS^ BERNHARD FRIEDEL, Musik-Seller to the Royal Court. Schloss-Strasse 7. Circulating Mu.sic Library. Only Depot of the Grand. Pianofortes and Pianinos by C. Bechstein in Berlin, at Manufacturing Prices. Ulbricht & Kadner 9 Kreuzstrasse 9 Parterre and first floor. Magazine of all Articles for Photography. Shop for works of photographic Art. Specially: Stereoscopic Apparatuses. India - rubber - solution for mounting Photographs, Prints etc. Fr, v, Boetticher's Kunsthandlung 47 Prager Strasse. Choice Collection of Engravings and Photographs, j DRESDEN GALLERY photographed by BFIOCIC3IA.IVIV aiitl HAJOF^ST-iJCG-IUi Original Keproductions of the Galleries in Dresden, Berlin, Florence, London, Madrid, Munich, Paris and St. Petersburgli. ^ , ,' ^ Principal AgiMicy and Commission, Office for Purchase and Sale of Houses, Villas, Manors and Country-seats. Annexed: Office of address for apartments to be let. Bills of emptiou and leases drawn up. Principal Agency of the tirst Fire and Life- insurance Companies. FRIEDRICH RIEBE. Office: Ferdinand- Strasse 6, Parterre (with separate parlor). L. HOFFARTH. Musie-ware-house and Circulating Music Library. Dresden, Seestrasse lo. &k5b<5b<5b^5b<^^ r /) _- *fi^t _ HANS HANFSTAENGL DRESDEN ABTISTIC-PHOTOGBAPHIC INSTITUTION. STALL-STRASSE 1. PARTERRE. Particularly important to Foreigners, Permanent Exhibition of Industry A. YOU Brandt & Co. Albertsbad, Ostra-Allee 38. In the garden. Straw -hat Manufactory Washinsr and Bleaching FRIEDRICH WEX Purveyor to the HiSreSifafy Royal Court. Dresden, Johaunis- Allee 5 a - G. A. DRESSLER Dresden Schloss-Strasse and Sophien-Strasse, Importer of Havannah Cigars and Turkish Tobaccos, Depot of the American Tobaccos from Gail A: Ax in Baltimore. Cigaret-, Tobacco- and Cigar-Manufactories. Stocking-Requisites of every description. JiKlonliol 1. Jiulenhof I. Heyde & Wachtel, Opticians and Mechanicians, recommend their largest and choicest stock ut Marine- and Ont'i-a-'jhivscv. and Optical objects of every description. Prices moderate, but fixed. .lii.l. i:h,.l 1. I ml. uhol ]. LIST OF THE ENGRAVINGS AND LITHOGRAPHS AFTER PAINTINGS OF THE DRESDEN GALLERY, PUBLISHED BY ERNST ARNOLD, DRESDEN. Bagimeavallo : The Madonna with the four Saints. Eattoni: Penitent Magdalen. Cima: The Savior. Correggio: The Holy Night; Madonna with St. Sebastian; Madonna with St. Francis; Penitent Magdalen. Dietrich: The flight into Egypt. Dolce: St. Cecilia; Christ blessing bread and wine. Dow: The hermit. Dyck: Charles I. Francia: Adoration of the Kings and Shepherds. ,,Oems of the Picture Gallery in Dresden", containing 30 engravings, viz: Titian: The Tribute Money; Hol- bein: Morett; Rubens: ,,Quos ego"; Sons of Rubens; Raphael: Madonna diSanSisto; The two Cherubs; Rem- brandt: Saskia; Battoni: Penitent Magdalen; Holbein: Madonna; Correggio: The Holy Night; Dolce: St. Ce- cilia; Metzu: The girl making lace; Guido: Venus; Dyck: Charles!.; Dolce: Christ; Correggio: St. George; Magdalen; Bagnacavallo: The Virgin and the Child; Murillo: Madonna; Palma: Holy Family: Titian: Ve- netian Lady; Maratti: The Virgin with the Child; Mu- rillo: St. Rodriguez; Netscher: Portrait of himself: Rib era; St. Mary of Egypt; Terburg: A lady washing her hands; Liotard: The chocolate-girl; Dow: The wri- ting-master; Vogel: The Children. Giiniirnauo: Madonna and Child. Giorjriono: Meeting of Jacob and Rachel. Holbein: The Madonna of the Burgomaster ; Thomas Morett. Liolard: La belle chocoladiere; Mademoiselle Lavergne ..La Liscuse"). Lorrain: The flight into Egypt: Acis and Galathea. Maratti: The Virgin with the Child. Menirs: Amor. 3Ietxu: The girl making lace. Murillo: Madonna. N el scher: A lady playing the pianoforte. Palma: Madonna: The daughters of Pahna. Kapliaol: Sixtina; St. Paul at Athens. Rembrandt : Rembrandt and his wife. Reni: Ecce homo. Ribera: St. Mary of Egypt. Romano: Virgin and Child, with a basin. Rubens: ..Quos ego"; The sons of Rubens. Ruysdael: The Hunt; The Jews' Burial-ground. Solimnna: Mater dolorosa. Torburg 1 : A lady washing her hands. Titian: The Tribute Money: Venus; Sacrifice brought by a Venetian lady. Veronese: The family of Concilia; Christ bearing the Cross. AVer IV: Ilagar. F. KAUFMANN & SON. Acustic Cabinet, M.uiuiUctory and Magazine <>T selfactiiiir mu.-