PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS FROM THE NOTEBOOK OF AN i8TH CENTURY ANTIQUARY, SIR JUSTINIAN ISHAM, STH BARONET, OF LAMPORT, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, Being Extracts from the Lost Registers of BARBY, MAIDWELL, PYTCHLEY, AND ROTHWELL IN NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, AND FROM THE REGISTER OF STONELEIGH, IN WARWICKSHIRE. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS, From Barby, Maidwell, Pytchley, and Rothwell, co. Northampton, and from Stoneleigh, co. Warwick. These commence, with the exception of Stoneleigh, earlier than the date of the now [1907] existing registers. Sir Justinian Isham, fifth Baronet* of Lamport, co Northampton, (born 1687 ; died 1737) compiled a very valuable book of notes relating to the history and genealogy of the county. In it are notes from old books, extracts from parish registers and wills, and a variety of genealogical material, much of it concerning his own family and the families with which he was connected. There are extracts from twelve parish registers in Northamptonshire, viz., Barby, Braunston, Brixworth, Faxton, Hannington, Lamport, Maidwell, Pytchley, Rothwell, Scaldwell, Walgrave and Wold, and from one such in Warwick- shire, viz. Stoneleigh. In the case of four of the North- amptonshire parishes (Barby, Maidwell, Pytchley, and Rothwell) the early registers are now lost. Sir Justinian's copy of these is therefore extremely valuable. The extracts are printed here, just as he wrote them. BARBY. In the time of John Bridges (born 1666 ; died 1724), these registers began in 1558 [Northamptonshire, vol. i., 25]. George Baker, however, in his history of that county, published in 1830 [vol. i., p. 265] states that " all the early volumes have been lost or destroyed through subsequent negligence ; and the present series does not commence till 1748." The manor of Barby was bought by Gregory Isham early in the reign of James I. He was a grandson of Euseby Isham of Pytchley. The extracts given chiefly relate to the families of Isham and Holled, three of the Holled family, all having the Christian name of Knightley, having been rectors, 1677 1700, 1701 1755, and 1755 1794. A full pedigree of the family of Isham * Cr. 1627. 4 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. is in the genealogical volume entitled " Northamptonshire Families" of the " Victoria History of the Counties of England." BARBY REGISTER. The Register Book of Barbye begins An. Dom. 1559, extracted out of the old Paper Book as it is certified by Gualter. Baker, Parson, & the Church wardens. J 573 Jhn Conyers Gentleman was marryed unto Elizabeth Mose gentlewoman ye I2th of October. 1574 Constans Purphery the daughter of Mr. George Purpherye* was baptized the 22d day of Julye. 1575 John Forde Pastor and Margarett Saddler were married the seventhe day of November. I 595 John Forde Parson of Barbye was buried the 25th day of Auguste. 1598 Guaither Baker, the sonne of Gualther Baker was bapt. the 25th daie of December. 1602 Master Richard Finnihouse and Margarett Belche weare married the fourteenth daie of October. 1604 John Isham the sonne of Gregorie Isham was baptized the three and twentithe day of July. 1605 Katherin Isham the daughter of Gregory Isham was baptized the nineteenth daie of September. 1607 Elizabeth Isham the daughter of Gregory Isham was baptized the 7th daie of May. 1608 William Isham the sonne of Gregorye Isham was bap- tized the 4th daie of Januarie. 1610 Edward Isham the sonne of Gregorie Isham was bap- tized the fifteenth daie of June. 1612 Jane Isham the daughter of Mr. Gregory Isham baptized the sixteenth daye of Julye. 1612 William Isham the sonne of Mr. Gregory Isham was buryed the ninthe daie of Februarye. 1613 Edward Isham the sonne of Gregorie Isham was buried the I7th daie of Februarie. 1628 Mr. John Pey and Mris. Ann Isham were married the seaventeeth daie of Aprill. 1630 Eliza Isham was buried 27th daie of September spinster. 1649 William Thompson Parsone of Barby was buried the I7th day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fortie and nine. 1648 Elizabeth the Relict of Gregory Isham Esq was buried Aprill. * Probably meant for Purefoy. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 5 1656 Robert Isham Esq was buried the loth of Aprill. Thomas Isham signed Rector 1662 & 3. 1667 Richd. Grubbe the Towne hay-ward was slayne in execution of his Office Ap. 3d. buried ye 5th. 1667 Henricus Lodge A. B.e Coll. Emman. Cantabrig.* Feb. 17. 1671 Mr. Richard Thorpe sometime Minister of this Parish aged about 70 years was buried May loth. 1676 Mr. Thomas Isham, rectr of this parish, aged 59, was buried the 23^ of November, 1676. 1676-7 Mrs. Elenour Isham daughter of Gregory Isham Esq., aged 80, Jan. nth. Knightley Rolled was inducted into ye Parish Church of Barby cum Only April 23rd 1677 bur Aug. 2Oth 1700. 1677 Knightley Rolled ye son of Knight. Rolled & Ann his wife bapt. Decemb. iQth. 1700 Nicholas Abbotsonf was induct, into ye Par. Ch. of Barby, Oct 5th 1700, bur. at Galby in Leicest. S. Sept. i, 1701. [701 Knightley Rolled was inducted into ye Parish Church of Barby cum Only January the 7th. 1716 Mr. Thomas BretonJ of Northampton and Mrs. Mary Adams of ye same Married May 22d. [In the register of S. Margaret's, Westminster, there occur 13 Isham entries, viz., one christening and twelve burials. Of these the following (all burials) relate to the Ishams of Barby, and have not been printed before : 1634 Nov. 25 Mr. Gregorie Isam. 1667 April n Mrs. Penelope Isume, church. 1667-8 Jan. 24 Capt. Henry Isum, church. The following are also additions : S. Margaret's, Lothbury. 1608 July 14 Nathaniel Isam and Katharine Eaton (mar). S. Giles', Cripplegate. 1633 Nov. 27 Matthew Isam and Margaret Whitehead lie. (mar). Hillmorton, co. Warwick. 1612 Jane the daughter of Zachee Isham baptiz. the 7 of June. *Thomas Lodge married Jane Isham, daughter of Gregory, at Fawsley, loth March, probably 1639-40. No year is given in the Fawsley Register, but a marriage licence was granted at Northampton, i5th February, 1639-40. f Elsewhere called Abbot. JSee Register of All Saints', Northampton, 6 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 1614 Elizabeth the daughtr. of Zachee Isham baptiz. the 18 of September. 1617 Thomas the sonne of Zacheus Isham baptized the 4 of May, 1617. 1621 Marye Isham daughtr. of Matthew Isham generosus buryed the 17 of November. Nathaniel, Zaccheus, and Matthew were brothers of Mr. Gregory Isham of Barby. The above Thomas, son of Zaccheus, was rector of Barby 1662-1676. H.I.L.] MAIDWELL. This parish Register, according to Bridges' Northampton- shire [vol. ii., 48], began in 1570. The now (1907) existing one dates from 1708. The extracts given relate chiefly to the family of Haselwood who bought Maidwell in the time of Henry VIII. (Bridges, vol. ii., 46), and to that of Osborne of Kelmarsh. Besides the account in Bridges' Northamptonshire (vol. ii, 39 42, and 46 49) a good pedigree of the family of Haselwood, of Maidwell, &c., is in the Genealogist [orig. series] vol. i., 43 54, and one of Osborne, of Kelmarsh, in the Visitations of Northamptonshire 1564 and 1618, ed. by W. C. Metcalfe (1887) pp. 39 and 122. MAIDWELL REGISTER. 12 ELIZAB. BURYALLS ANNO DOM. 1570. 1570 Mr. Henry Hassellwood sonne of John Hassellwood Esq the 3 of Septemb. 1573 Thomas Clawton Esq buryed the 3 of August. 1573 Mr. Matthew Emas buryed the 6 of Feb eodew anno. 1574 Mrs. Kathryne Clawton Wyddoe late Wyfe of Thomas Clawton Esq buried the 18 of June.* First page attested by ye marks of ye Church Wardens & p. me Gulielmum Kirk Clerm. 1580 Mr. John Chapman parson of Maydwell buryed ye 26 of Julye. 1587 Edmund Hassellwood of Kingston in the Countey of Lyncolne Esq buryed the ii of June. *An inquest was taken 17 Jan., 17 Eliz. after the death of Katharine Claughton, widow, wherein she is described as daughter and heir of William Marmyon, esq. deceased, lately the wife of John Haslewood late of Maydwell, esq. deceased, and afterwards the wife of Thomas Claughton, esq. likewise deceased. Tt is stated that she died 15 May, 15 Eliz., and that John Haslewood was her son and heir and was aged 40. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 7 1589 Edward Hassellwood Esq buryed the 25 of Aprill. 1597 Mr. Edmund Hassellwood sonne of Edward Hassellwood Esqr. buryed the 4 of August. 1600 Pearse Stanly of Warmsley in ye Countey of Yeorke esq was buryed at Maydwell the 3 of November 1600. 1602 Edward Hassellwood sonne of Edward Hasselwood Esquire buryed at Maidwell ye 2 of Dec 1602. 1604 Mr. Bryan [blank] in ye Countey of Yorke buryed the [blank]. 1607 Mr. Willm Ellys father to Mr. John Ellys buryed the day of August. Alice Twistleton daughter of Mr. Bryan Twistleton buryed the 28 of October. 1612 Mr. John Ellis buryed the second of September. William Kirk, Clerk, buried 24 of December. ? ye years of these two none being registered between 1612 and 1615. This part concludes with an. 1618. BAPTISMS 1570. 1574 Mrs. Katheryne Hassellwood, daughter of Edward Hassellwood Esq. Baptized ye 17 of Septemb. attest as before with ye marks $$ off John Storke and Willm. Craddock, Church Wardens p. me Gulielmum Kirke Cler. 1577 Mrs. Margiett Hassellwood daught. of Edward Hassell- wood Esq baptized ye 28 of July. 1578 Mrs. Anne Hassellwood daughter of Edward Hassellwood Esq baptized the 28 of ffeb. 1580 Edmund Hassellwood sonne of Edward Hassellwood Esq baptized the 14 of August. 1581 Alice Hassellwood daughtr. of Edward Hassellwood Esq baptized the 8 of August. 1582 Edward Hassellwood, sonne of Edward Hassellwood Esq baptized the 4 of Decemb. 1583 John Hassellwood sonne of Edward Hassellwood Esq bap- tized the 4 of October. 1583 John Kyrke sonne of Willm Kyrk Clark baptized the 28 of December eodem anno. 1584 Mr. Rober Ha^sellwood and Mrs. Elizabeth Hassellwood baptized the 12 of ffeb. 1586 Mrs. Mary Hassellwood daughtr of Edward Hassellwood Esq baptized the 22 of August. 1604 Willm Ellys sonne of Mr. John Ellys and Mrs. Anne Ellys bapt. the 17 day of N b (sic H.I.L.). 8 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 1607 Alice Twystleton daught. of Mr. Bryan Twystleton & of Elizabeth his wife bapt ye 8 of Maye. 1613 Posthumus Ellis the sonne of Mr. John Ellis deceas'd and Mrs. Anne his Weiff bapt 2 June. From 1619 incl. to 1653 excl. the Register is continued in a Paper Book fasten'd within that of Vellom, in ye order as follows. No Account of Marriages before 1619. 1620 Susanna Pole the daughter of Mr. Wm. Pole Clerk was buried the thirtith daie of July 1620. 1622 Mr. Thomas Gascoigne Esquire was buried 3d of Novem- ber anno dni 1622. 1624 Elizabeth Henchman daught. of Mr. Owen Henchman and Marie his wife bapt 29 May 1624. 1624 Mrs. Alice Gascoigne was buried the nine and twentieth day of June 1624. 1625 Mrs. Elizabeth Woods was buried the nyneteenth day of September 1625. 1625 Mr. Pierce Stanlay and Mrs. Alice James were married the 24 Oct. 1625. 1625 Katheren Haslewood the daughter of Sr Anthony Haslewood Knight and the Ladie Elizabeth his wife was baptized the one and twentith daie of December 1625. 1626 Mr. Arthur Twistleton was buried the fifteenth day of May 1626. 1627 Edward Haslewood the sonne of Sr Antony Haslewood Knight and the La. Elizabeth his wife was baptized the seventeenth day of March 1627. 1629 Anne Bavin the daughter of Mr. Richard Bavin and Mrs. Thomasine his wife was bapt. ye I5th of Nov. 1629. 1630 Mr. Edward Haslewood was buried ye 7th Apr. 1630. 1631 Twisell Twisell the sonne of John Twisell and Deborah Cave was bapt I9th May 1631. 1631 Anthony Haslewood the sonne of Sr Antony Haslewood Kt and the Lady Elizabeth his wife was bapt 25th Januar 1631. 1631 Mr. Antony Haslewood was buried ye 6th Feb. 1631. 1632 Robert Haslewood the sorme of Sr Antony Haslewood, Knight and the Lady Elizabeth his wife was bapt. 20 Dec. 1632. 1632 Mr. Robert Haslewood was buried nth Januar. 1632. 1632 Mrs. Elizabeth Campian was buried 28th Janu. 1632. 1634 The Ladie Catharine Gorges sometime the Wiclowe PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 9 of Edward Haslewood of Maidwell Esquire and the late wife of the Honble. Edward Lord Gorges of Langford in the Countie of Wilts was buried the seven and twentith daie of March 1634. Jhn Osberne Esquire was buried the twelfth day of Januarie 1635. 1638 Mrs. Alice Ellis was buried the tenth day of April 1638. 1641 Mr. Thomas Cave of Stanford Esquire and Mrs. Catharine Haslewood eldest daughter of Sr. Antony Haslewood, Knight, were marryed the eleventh day of May 1641. 1641 Mr. J ohn Cole and Mrs. Catharine Twisleton were married the 24th August 1641. 1642 Mr. William Haslewood the sonne of Sr. Antony Hasle- wood, Knight, and the Ladie Elizabeth his wife was baptized the foure and twentith day of Januarie 1642. 1644 Mr. Bryan Twisleton was buried the nynth day of April 1644. 1644 Mrs. Alice Osberne was buryed the nyne and twentith day of June 1644. Register imperfect from 44 to about 53. 1651 Mr. William Osberne Rector of Maidwell with the Chappell of Kelmarsh was Buried ye 28th Januar 1651. 1652 Mrs. Elizabeth Twisleton was buried the 2yth day of Aprill 1652. 1652 Mr. John Hogett of Norvill and Mrs. Elizabeth Grooby were marryed the loth of Januarie 1652. Paper Book ends in 1652. Parchment Book begins again with this John Deacon the parish Register for the towne of Maydwell was chosen according to ye Act of Parliamt. touching marriages c and sworn and approved of by me, John Maunsell. ANNO DMI. 1654. 1654 The publicon of Matrimonie was publisht betwixt Sr. William Kingsmill of Didmount in the County of Southampt. Knight, and Mrs. Anne Haslewood daughter of Sr. Anthony Haslewood, Knight, and Elizabeth his Lady Three several Lords Dayes in ye Parish Church of Maidwell at the time of morning exerstise. The above named Sr. Willia Kingsmill and Mrs. Anne Haslewood was married the one and twentith dav of ffebruarie 1654. 10 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 1657 M rs - Bridget Kinsmill the daughter of Sr. William Kingsmill of Didmount in the County of Southamp- ton, Knight, and the Lady Anne his wyfe was borne the day of June 1657. 1657 Mr. William Langham of Cottesbrook and Mm. Elizabeth Haslewood daughter of Sr Anthony Haseiwood Knight were married ye secund day of September 1657. 1657 Mris. Elizabeth Langham was buried the 3 day of Noveber 1657- 1657 Mris. Hanna Campion was buried the 21 day of March 1657- CHRISTNINGS 1662 By me John Coles Rector being inducted June 25th 1662. 1663 William Haslewood the sonne of William Haslewood* Esq and Mris. Elizabeth his wife was Baptized the sixth of November 1663. Hee was Borne October 27th a little after two of the Clock in the Morning. 1664 Moses Ringrose and Mary Tresham were marryed the 26th day of Aprill 1664. 1665 Mris. Elizabeth Haslewood the Daughter of W T illiam Haslewood Esq and Mris. Elizabeth his wife was Baptized the fourth day of September 1665. Shee was borne the eight and twentieth day of August a quarter of an houre before five in the morning. 1665 Mr. Thomas Andrew of Adington and Mris. Anne Kynnesman of Broughton were married the first day of March 1665 in the Parish Church of Draughton By me John Coles, Rector of Maidewell. 1667 Mris. Penelope Haslewood the Daughter of William Haslewood Esq and Mris Elizabeth his Wife was Baptized the thirteenth day of January 1667. Shee was borne the 2d of January a Quarter of an houre before twelve in the morning. 1668 Mris. Henrietta Haslewood the Daughter of William Haslewood Esq and Mris Elizabeth his wife was Baptized the igth day of February 1668. Shee was borne the sixt of February a Quarter of an houre before ten in the night. She dyed at London in July 1669. 1670 The Lady Elizabeth Haslewood was Buryed the third day of December 1670. *William Haslewood, of Maidwell, esq bach, about 20 and Elizabeth dau of Arthur Ashford, of Ashford, co Devon esq, spinster, aged 21 mar lie (Vic. Gen. Abp. Cant) 13 Dec. 1662. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. II 1670 Thomas Malsher of Hanging Hoeton and Alice Bullock of Kelmarsh were marryed the 23th of February 1670. 1671 Mr. John Coles,* Rector, was buried the one and twentieth May 1671. 1672 Mr. Francis Langhton Rector of Maidwell was buried the i3th day of October in the yeare of our Ld. 1672 in all whose time I find nothing registred. Jere. Bullyvant Rectr. 1673 Mr. Ayshford Haslewood the son of Sr. William Haslewood, Knight, and the Lady Cecil his Wife was baptized the twentieth day of November one thousand six hundred seventy three. Hee was borne the I3th of the same month betwixt four & five in the morning. 1675 Mris. Anne Twisleton the Wife of Mr. Rob. Twisleton was buried 22th day of Aprill 1675. 1675 Mr. Asheford Haslewood the son of Sr. Wm. Haslewood, Knight, & ye Lady Cecil his wife was buried July 3d 1675. 1676 Mrs. Mary Bullyvant Widow, the Relict of Mr. John Bullyvant, late Rectr of Old als Wold in the County of North'ton died the sixteenth day of January in- terr'd in the Church of Maydwell the nineteenth day of the same month Ano. 1676-7. 1679 Mr. Robert Haslewood Rectr. of Kirkby underwood in the County of Lincolne and Mrs. Coles of Maidwell were married Sept. 79. 1696 Luke the son of Luke Davis and Mary his wife was bapt. the fourth day of October 1696. Richard Dawes Curtt. 1703. PYTCHLEY. This parish register, according to Bridges' Northampton- shire [vol. ii., 124], began in 1568. The now (1907) existing one dates from 1695. The extracts given relate chiefly to the families of Isham and Washbourne. Almost certainly tracing their descent from the manorial family of Isham of Isham (the neighbouring village), the Ishams made Pytchley their *In his Will dated 3 April 1670 pr. 30 May 1671 at Northampton by his widow Catharine Coles, sole exec, he mentions his nephews William Hart and Theophilus Hart, and his niece Ann Hart, who were children of Theophilus Hart, the wicked rector of Wappenham. 12 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. home from about the I3th century. In the I7th century the manor passed to Anne Lane, wife of William Lane, Esq., of Glendon, and granddaughter of Sir Euseby Isham, who built the manor house here. It is curious to note that there is no Isham monument in Pytchley Church. See, as to the Isham family, " Some Notes on Sir Euseby Isham and his Virginian Descendants " (Mitchell and Hughes, London 1898), and also page 3, above, under " Barby." The Washbournes, coming out of Worcestershire, probably bought the manor from the Lanes. There are several of their monuments in the chancel of Pytchley, including even a monu- ment of earlier date, which they brought with them out of their own county. Some notice of this family, besides what is given in Bridges' Northamptonshire, vol. ii., 125, is given in Burke's Commoners (1838) vol. iii., pp. 621, 622. For pedigrees of the families of Turville and Cave see the Visitation of Leicestershire 1619, and in particular the short pedigree therein on page 133, which also explains the connection with Marbury. A history of " The Washbourne family of Washbourne and Wichenford " has been written by the Rev. James Davenport, M.A., vicar of Wichenford. [Methuen, 1907]. The families of Barker were numerous. They and the Ishams intermarried more than once, and it is difficult to disentangle the various relationships. PYTCHLEY REGISTER The Register Booke for Pychley wherein are registred the Baptismes, Marriages, and buryalls from the yeere of our Lord God 1568. BAPTISMES. John Barker the sonne of John Barker, gent, and of Margett his wyfe was baptised the i6th day of Auguste (j believe 1571 for there is no other year specified between that and 1580). Nicholas Purifoy the sonne of Nicholas Purifoy, gentleman, was baptised the 29th day of December (1580). Benedict Barker baptized the third day of Marche (1580). Mathewe Barker the sonne of John Barker, gentleman, was baptized the first day of May (1582). Nathaniel Barker the sonne of John Barker, gentleman, was baptized the 9th day of January (1586). PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 13 Sara Isham the daughter of Euseby Isham Esquire and of Anne his wyfe was baptised the i6th day of January (1592). Sara put for Susanna or Anna. N.B. this is in another hand, and in ye Margin Susanna. Gregory Isham the sonne of Euseby Isham Esquire and of Anne his wife was baptized the 26th day of July 1593. Here beginneth the names and surnames of all the children which have byn baptized in Pychley since the Acte of Parlia- ment holden at Westminster in the nyne and thirtyeth and fourtyeth yeeres of the raigne of our moste gratijous soveraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth the Quenes Matie. that now ys. To- gather with the names surnames and callings of their Parents. Thomas Isham sonne of Eusebie Isham Esquire (bapt.) the 2oth of December (1600). Anthonie Isham sonne of Sr Eusebie Isham Knighte bapt. 3Oth [blank, prob. Dec.] 1603. *Anna the daughter of John Isham Esq. borne at London the i3th of June 1604 & bapt. about the i8th of the same at what time also her Mother was buried. *This is in ye margin. Mary Barker daughter of Anthony Barker bapt. the 23 of Febr. (1605). Samuell the sonne of Robert Binckes, Minister, bapt. the 5th of Auguste (1606). Roberte the sonne of Robert Binckes, Minister, bapt, the i of Maye (1608) Anne the daughter of Sr Fleetwood Dormer Knighte bap. ye 5 of May (1608). Willm the sonne of Anthonie Barker bap. ye 3 of 8ber (1608). Daniel the sonne of Robert Binckes, minister, bap. ye 25 of March (1609). Margaret the daughter of Sr. Fleetwood Dormer Knt. baptized the 5 of November (1609). Anna the daughter of Abraham Barker bapt. ye yth of January (1609). Margaret the daughter of Anthony Barker bapt. ye 21 Aprill (1611). Heere did the above named Roberte binckes leave this Vicaredge th^ ffirst day of October 1611 Henrie Aunger & Thomas Plombe being Churche Wardens, ffaxit deus ut prudens ae fidelis op^rarius succedat in hac parte Messis arnica. 14 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. John Ringrose the sonne of ffrancis Ringrose* and Mary his wife bapt. Febr. 28 (1613). Euseby the sonne of Edward Glover, Gent, and Ann his wife was baptized the 2oth of March (1613). Edward Turvell the sonne of Henry Turvell (Bapt.) Nov. i (1617). Baptisms conclude an. 1617. Euseby son of Mr. William Isham bapt. 7 June 1626. Mss. B. Pichly Regr. Thomas Isham & Elizabeth Denton married 28 Aug. 1628. Mss. B. P. Rr. Mr. Isham Rector and ye last Parson of Pichley in ye beginning of Elizab. Mss. B. P. R. Marriages begin 1609 conclude 1617. Edward Glover of Baxterley in the County of War. gent. & Anne Isham daughter of Sr Eusebye Isham & Lady Anne his Wife of Pichley in the County of Northampt. weare marryed the 24 day of Maye (1613). Henry Turvell, gent, and Sara Isham weare marr. the 22 day of June (1614). 1616 Johannes Fuldow ) Susanna Isham fJ IM1 P t 20th Decemb ' The Names of those that [torn] buryed within the Parish of Pychley the Yeere of our Lord God 1559. 1559 Gyles Isham, Esquire, was buryed the firste daye of September. 1560 Mary Isham late wyfe of the said Gyles was buried the xith day of June 1560. 1580 Benedict Barker was buryed the 5th day of March. 1576 Thomas Thorne was buryed the i8th day of Aprill. Mary Dome was buryed the 7th day of January 1583. Robt. Heath, Minister, was buried the xxivth day of June (1597). Charles Bachus a stranger & wandringe Phisitian & Chirurgean died and was buried at Pichley the second of December (1602). *Eldest son of John Ringrose, rector of Pitsford 1560 1594, by his wife Agnes. Chr. at Pitsford 10 April 1585. Mar. 21 July 1612 at S.Giles.Northampton (mar.also entered in Boughton register) Mary Warner of Dallington. He was bur. i Feb. 1614-5 a * Boughton. fHer first husband was John Faldoe, of Goldington, Beds, whose will is at Northampton. She was married to her second husband Thomas Threlfall, by licence, 10 Aug 1623 at Grendon, Northants. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 15 Mr. Edward Reade Esq. buried the 24th of Sept. (1603).* Anthonie Isham sonne of Sr. Eusebie Isham, Knight (bur.) the 26th of Januarie (1603). Thomas Barker gentleman buried the 9 Aprill (1604). Mrs. Dorothie Marburie daughter of Mr. Thomas Marburie Esquier of Warden in Bedfordshire & Waiting gentlewoman to the Lady Dormer bur ye 26th of Jan. (1605). Roberte the sonne of Roberte Bincks bur. the I5th of May 1608. Burials conclude 1609. The Register booke for Pichley wherein are registered the Baptisms Marages and buriall for the yeare of our Lord god 1619. On ye inside ye cover. Feb. 10 An. 1634. Since Mr. Isham rector & ye last parson of Pychley wch was in ye beginning of ye raygne of Q. Eliz. we find upon Record & by sufficient witnesses yet living these succeeding Vicars : i. 2. Mr. Thomas Strongitharme. ye names of 6. Mr. Robert Binckes Inducted Aug. 19, 1597, three seem to departed Oct. i, 1611. be in this 7. Mr. Francis Ringrose Inducted 1611. part but 8. Mr. Chalyner. scarce legible. 9. Mr. John Merill. 10. Mr. John Barker Inducted Oct 8, 1633. 11. Mr. Simon Gunton Inducted Oct 18, 1637. Anne Turvell daugter of Henerie Turvell Esquire in the County of Lester was buried the 20 of Januarie (1619). Elizabeth Isham the daughter of Eusabye Isham, Knight, ws buried the 3 day of August (1621). Euseby Isham the sonne of Mr. William Isham was baptised the vii. day of June (1626). Sr. Euseby Isham Knight was buried the xii. day of June (1626). Thomas Isham and Elizabeth Denton was maried the 28 of Agust (1628). Mem. that Mr. John Merill Vicar of Pychley resigned his Vicarege & that Mr. Joh. Barker was inducted upon his resignation. Oct. 8. 1633. *Sir Justinian has added to these extracts the following note : " Edward Rede sonne of John Rede of Cottesbroke, Esq. and Isabell daught. & coheir to William Lane of Cottesbroke died without issue 23 Sept. 1603. ex coll. J.B. from Cottesbroke Regr." Edward Reade married Mary Isham daughter of Sir Euseby Isham. She. in or before 1605, became the wife of Sir Fleetwood Dormer. 16 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. Willm Reeve Vicar (1643). Mr. Henry Wine was beryed the 19 of August 1659. Mrs. Guy was buried the 26 of March in the year 1692. William Washbourne Esq. the sonne of William Washbourne Esq. was baptized the 2 day of March in the yeare of or. Lord 1668. Richard Washbourne sonne of William Washbourne Esq. and Susanna his wife ws baptized the second day of April] in the yeare our Lord Christ 1673. Ernie Washbourne the sonn of Will Washbourne Borne the igih of February att 2 of ye Clock one Thursday morning & Baptized ye 22th Anno Domini 1690. Susanah Washbourne the dafter of William Washbourne was born and baptised the 13 of July Anno Domini 1692. Mrs. Elizabeth Guy the Daughter of Will Washborn Esq. was buried ye 26 day of March 1692. ROTHWELL. This parish register, according to Bridges' Northampton- ~ shire [vol. ii., 62], began in 1614. The now (1907) existing one dates from 1708. The principal families in this parish in the I7th and i8th centuries were those of Lambe, Hill, Lane, and Lant. The family of Hill and their descendants have now been connected therewith for nearly 300 years, the Rev. John Hill, M.A. (afterwards Rector of Holdenby and Vicar of Roth- well) having married, 25 July 1626, Susan, daughter of Edward Lambe of Rothwell, niece and heir of Sir John Lambe, of Roth- well, Dean of the Arches, on whose death, in 1647, sne inherited a considerable estate there. On the death, 21 Feb., 1808 (aged 92) of her great-grandson, George Hill, Serjeant-at-Law, Lord of the manor of Rothwell, this estate devolved on his daughter, Barbara, wife of the Hon. William Cockayne. This lady (then the Hon. Barbara Cockayne-Medlycott) died a widow 2 June 1838, aged 85, and was buried, with her ancestors, in Rothwell Church. An account of the family of " Hill of Roth- -* well, co. Northampton," is in the Genealogist, N.S., vol. xv pp. 103, 178, and 228. It was, however, written before the entries, which are before 1708, in this parish register were known of and they should be incorporated with it, as also should be the marriage by licence at Desborough, 25 July, 1626 of the said Rev. John Hill, as " John Hill, de Lester, generosus & Mrs. Susan Lambe de Rothwell," and the baptism at Waddington, PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. IJ co. Lincoln 27 Sept. 1715 of the above-named George Hill [the future Serjeant-at-Law] son of the Rev. Nathaniel Hill (d. 1731 aged 61), son of Edward Hill (d. 1705 aged 69), son of the said Rev. John Hill (d. 1669), all of Rothwell. As to the family of Lane of Glendon (a village without a church in the vicinity of Rothwell) there is a good pedigree down to about 1660 in the Appendix to the Visitations of Northamp- tonshire, 1564 and 1618, edited by W. C. Metcalfe in 1887, besides much information as late as 1694 in the monumental inscriptions in Bridges' Northamptonshire, vol. ii., pp. 64, 65 The family of Lant, of Thorpe Underwood, a hamlet of Roth- well, became possessed thereof by inheritance from Richard Andrew, Lord of that manor, who died 1654 aged 74. On the death of Andrew Lant, 17 Jan. 1694-5, aged 56, it appears to have devolved on Sarah, one of his three daughters and coheirs, who married in July, 1705, Sir John Humble, 4th baronet [1660] and died his widow Oct. 1739. Her son Sir William Humble, 5th baronet, died Oct. 1742 and was succeeded by his son Sir John Humble, 6th and last baronet, on whose death at the age of 6 years, 6 Feb. 1744-5 that title became extinct. All the persons mentioned in this paragraph were buried at Rothwell. ROTHWELL REGISTER. The Register Booke for Rothwell. This booke was purchased by Mr. John Lambe gentleman one of the Churchwardens for the yeare of our Lord God 1628 and by him procured to be new writen, for the good and benefitt of the whole parish and at the chardge of the parish. Baptisms begin 1614. Sam. Wilblood Vicar 1614. John the sonne of Mr. Edward Lambe and Mris Mary his wife was baptized the 5th of Januar 1615. Thomas ,the sonne of Mr. John Reve and Ann his wife was bapt. the 2d. of Maye 1619. Robert Booth Vicar 1619. Frauncis the daughter of Mr. Emanuel Reeve and Annis his wife was bapt. ye 8th of October 1620. Mary the daughter of Sr. John Lambe Knight and Doctor of Ecclesiasticall Lawes and Dame Ann his wife baptized the 27th of Maye 1621. Jane the daughter of Mr. Henry Ireland and Francis his wife was bapt. ye 2oth of Julye 1623. l8 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. Elizabeth ye daughter of Mr. Willm Leeson and Martha his wife was bapt. ye i8th Novembr. 1626. Frauncis the sonne of Mr. Willm Lane and Anne his wife was baptized the I5th of January 1626. John ye sonne of Mr. Waterhouse and Katherine his wife was bapt. ye I2th of Aprill 1627. Nathaniell the sonne of Mr. Richd Goodman and Ruthe his wife was bapt. ye i6th of Nov. 1629. Elizabeth the daughter of Mr. Robt. & Mrs. Elizab. Lant (bapt.) March 23, 1636. Andrewe the sonne of John Lante gentillman and Eliza, his wife bapt. ye i6th of September 1638. John Hill Vicar 1638. John the sonne of Mr. John Hill Vicar and Susans his wife bapt. ye 21 of September 1639. Nathaniell the sonne of Mr. John Hill, Clarke, and Susans his wife bapt ye I2th of Octobr 1647. Henry the sonn of Mr. Henry Elkin bapt. May ye 30th 1664. John the sonn of Mr. John Humphery Vicar bapt. July ye 28th, 1664. Robert the sonn of Mr. Andrew Lant of Thorp Underwood bapt. Oct. ye 3ist 1664. Judeth the daughter of Mr. Andrew Lant of Thorp Underwood bapt. Januar 2oth 1665. Prudence ye daughter of Mr. Hen. Elkin and Prudence his wife bapt. May ye 2d 1666. Elizabeth the daughter of Mr. Andrew Lant bapt. July the 26th 1667. John ye sonn of Mr. Edward Hill & Susannah his wife bapt. Nov. ye 2d 1667. Catherine ye daughter of Mr. Andrew Lant bapt. the 27 of Febr. 1668. Edward and Samuell the sons of Mr. Edward Hill and Susannah his wife bapt. Apr. ye loth, 1669 and was borne the I4th of March 1668-9. Sarah ye daughter of Mr. Andrew Lant of Thorp underwood was bapt. May ye 7th 1670. Mary the daughter of Mr. Edward Hill and Susannah his wife bapt. June ye I2th, 1670. Joseph the sonn of Mr. Edward Hill & Susannah his wife bapt. Octob. ye i2th 1672. Robert the sonn of Mr. Edward Hill & Susannah bapt Decem- br. ye loth 1673. Henry the sonn of Mr. Edw. Hill & Susannah bapt. Jan. ye I3th 1674. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 19 Susannah ye daughter of Edward Hill Esq. & Susannah (bapt.) Feb. ye 5th, 1675. Francis ye son of Edward Hill Esq. & Susannah bapt. Feb. ye gth 1676. Mary ye daughter of Mr. Andrew Lant of Thorp underwood Esq. was bapt. March ye 22d 1676. Susannah ye daughter of Mr. Nathaniell Hill (bapt.) Aprill ye 22d 1677. Agnes ye daughter of Edwd. Hill Esq. & Susannah his wife bapt. Febr. ye 5th, 1677. Ann ye daughter of Edwd. Hill Esq. & Susannah his wife bapt. Oct. ye 3d 1679. Mrs. Elizab. Burrige ye daughter of Willm. Burrige bapt. Apr. ye 26 1680. Theophillus the sonn of Edwd. Hill Esq. & of Dame Susannah his wife was bapt. Oct. ye 25th 1680. Theophillus ye sonn of Edwd. Hill Esq. and of Dame Susannah his wife was bapt. Jan. ye I3th, i68. Dorothy ye daughter of Edwd. Hill Esq. & of Dame Susannah his wife ws bapt. Aug. ye 2ist 1683. Judeth the daughter of Edwd. Hill Esq. & of Maddam Susannah his wife bapt. I7th Sept. 1684. Mary ye daughter of Edwd. Hill Esq. & of Madam Susanna his wife bapt. 5th Decemb. 1685. Mary ye daughter of Joseph Hill Gent. & of Mrs. Elizabeth his wife bapt 2ist May 1686. Sarah ye daughter of Edwd Hill Esq, & of Madam Susanna his wife bapt. 27th Jan. 1689. Edward ye son of John York, Vicar, and Mary his wife was bapt. Aug. 28th, 1693 at church. Frances the daughter of Mr. Michaell Wharton, bapt. 12 March 1698. Wm. Lightfoote Vicar 1686. John Ensor Vicar 1697. Rich. Brooke Vicar 1698. William Burbidg of Cranford gentl. of St. John's p'ish and Mary Houghton of St. Andrewes p'ish were married the of October 1617. Mr. Arthur Hoddelowe of Grafton and Lady Susan Humphrey of Swapson were married the 23th of November 1625. Mr. Barnard Powis of Chipping Norton and Mrs. Marye Chamber- laine were marryed the last of Julye 1627. Mr. George Cuttler of Ashaile and Mrs. Judeth Rande of Roth- well were marryed the 8th of October 1629. 20 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. John York,* Vicar of Rothwell, & Mrs. Mary Ponder of Rothwell aforesaid marryed Aug. 2Oth, 1692 per Jer. Thompson de Shot we], Warw. Burials 1614. Frauncis Parsons Vicar of Rothwell was buried ye 2gth of March 1614. Ann ye daughter of Mr. Richard Andrewes Eliz. his wife (sic) of Thorp underwood was bur. ye I7th of July 1623. Mr. John Randes, Counsellor att Common Lawe was buried ye first of August 1623. Mr. Hampden was buried the nth of November, 1623. Lady Ann Lambe wife to Sr John Lambe Knight was buried ye 4th of August 1624. She was daughter of Thomas Crompton Knight in ye County of Stafford & of Barbara his wife. Richard the sonne of Mr. Richard Andrewes of Thorp underwood was bur. ye yth of Apr. 1626. Mr. Thomas Lambe, gent, was buried ye i6th of November 1628. William the sonne of Mr. Richard Andrew, gent, was buryed the nth of June 1630. Frauncis ye sonne of Mr. Thomas Througmorton and Elizabeth his wife was bur. ye 2d Sept. 1630. John the sonne of Mr. William Flamstedf and Ann his wife was bur. ye 3 of June 1631. Thomas ye sonne of Mr. Richard Andrew (bur.) Aug. 28 1634. Susanna Andrew infans (sepult) November I7th 1634. Anna Booth uxor Rti. Booth, Vic. (sep.) Jan. 14, 1633 [? if meant for 1635]. John LambeJ (sep.) March 29 1635. Mrs. Mary Lambe the daughter of Sr. John Lambe Knight buried the 16 day of Novemb. 1638. Elizabeth the daughter of Richd. Andrew and Mary his wife buried ye 8 of March 1639. *John York was Vicar of Rothwell 1690, rector of Culworth 1694, of Luddington 1 707 , of Stoke Doyle 1717 where he died 30 J uly and was buried 31 July 1730. His wife Mary died 17 Oct and was buried 19 Oct 1715 at Culworth. They had a family of 5 sons and 5 daughters all of whom were christened at Culworth except Edward the eldest son who was christened at Rothwell and became vicar of Cransley 1726, rector of Stoke Doyle 1730, and vicar of Oundle, where he was buried 17 March 1759: He married by licence at Thorpe Malsor, n Nov 1729 Elizabeth one of the 10 daughters of John Courtman, rector of Thorpe Malsor, whose mother was Katharine Maunsell. fFor the family of Flamstead see Vis. of Northants 1618 pp. 66, 94, 117, 156. They were connected by marriage with the family of Andrew. J Above this entry is an abbreviated word difficult to decipher. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 21 Mr. Andrew* of Thorp underwood, Esq. was buryed the 8 day of July 1654. Mrs. Susanes Lambe the wyfe of Mr. John Lambe was buried twentith of Januar. 1658. The first Christian Buriall of Twenty years was Mary Colier wife of John Colier was Buried on ye 7 day of Febr. by Mr. Day of Cransly, Rector 1661. Mr. Thomas Letts was buryed by Mr. Humphery the 2gth of Novemb. 1662. Mr. Robert Lant ye sonn of Mr. Andrew Lant of Thorp underwood, Esq. was bur. July ye 7th 1664. Mrs. Susannah Hill the wife of Mr. John Hill, Clerk, was bur. May ye 6th 1665. Mr. John Lambe, Atturney at Law, was buried Jan. ye 2gth, 1665. Robert ye son of Mr. Andrew Lant of Thorp underwood buried Agust ye 18, 1667. John Hill, Clerk & doctor of phisick, buried Aprill ye 24th 1669. Elinor ye daughter of Mr. Andrew Lant of Thorp underwood, Esq. was bur. Novemb. ye 22d 1672. Mary ye daughter of Mr. Edwd. Hill & Susannah bur. June ye 30th 1673. Mrs. Edwards buried March ye 4th 1673. Francis the wife of Mr. Thomas Browning buried March 7th 1673. Mrs. Humphry, bured March ye 23 1675. Mrs. Judeth Lant daughter of Andrew Lant of Thorp underwood, Esq. was bur Jan. ye 8th 1677. Mrs. Mary Lant daughter of Andrew Lant of Thorp underwood Esq. was bur. June ye 5th 1678. John Humphrey Clerk, buried Octob. ye igth 1679. Mrs. Caterine Lane daughter of Mr. Francis Lane of Glenn, Esq. was bur. Nov. ye 7th 1679. Mrs. Ann Lant daughter of Mr. Andrew Lant of Thorp under- wood Esq. was bur. Nov. I7th 1679. Theophilus ye sonn of Edwd Hill, Esq. (bur.) Sept ye 27th 1681. Mr. William Burndge of Thorp underwood buryed 14 Febr. 1684. Mrs. Ann Gascoigne, widdow, buryed 28th May 1687. *See Vis. of Northants 1618 p. 66. This Richard Andrew was the 3rd son of Robert Andrew of Harleston, who died 23 Jan. 1603-4 ace. to Inq. p.m. held i June 1604. The 2nd son of Robert Andrew was William Andrew of Denton, who married one of the daus. and coheirs of John Flamstead, of Denton. By her (who died 1 1 March, bur 12 March 1627-8 at Denton, he had 3 sons and 3 daughters.who all appear in the register at Denton. 22 PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. Rich. Saunders ye sone of Mr. Nath. Saunders bur. 26 Aug. 1687. Madam Ann Lane of Glendon buryed igth Sept, 1687. Francis Lane. sen. of Glendon Esq. buryed 2Qth Novemb. 1689. Joseph Hill ye sone of Mr. Joseph Hill was buryed July I7th, 1694-5. Andrew Lant (of Thorp underwood) Esq. was bury'd Jan. 2ist 1694-5. Thomas Hill, Gent, was bury'd Feb. gth, 1694-5. Madam Mary Lane of Glendon Buryed 5th July 1697. Mr. John Hill Buryed nth Febr. 1697. Francis Lane of G^ndon Esq. (bur) 25 Febr. 1698. Joseph Hill buryed 28 May 1699. Mrs. Mary Lane of Glendon Buryed 10 June 1699. Mr. John Hill ye sone of Edw. Hill, Esq. buryed 29 No. 1701. Mrs. Dorothy ye daughter of Edw. Hill, Esq. bur. 8th Jan. 1704. Edward Hill, Esq., Buryed 3d August 1705. Madam Judith Lant of Thorp underwood, vid. Buryed 10 Jan. Mrs. Susanna Hill, Spinster, Buryed in ye Chancell 27th July 1706. Madam Elizabeth Lane of Glendon, Vid. Buryed 2gth Sept. 1706. STONELEIGH, co. WARWICK. The grandmother of Sir Justinian Isham, the compiler of these extracts, was Vere, daughter of Thomas (Leigh), ist Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh. Hence his interest in adding to his collection those from Stoneleigh, which may be interesting also as having been taken about or before 1730, and before there was any thought of the " Leigh Peerage " case. REGISTER OF STONELEIGH, CO. WARWICK. The old Register of Stoneley in Warwickshire is lost ; what they have at present is from ye year 1634, ou t f which j have extracted as follows : Ferdinando Legh filius Thomae Legh milit. et Baronetti et Mariae uxoris Baptizat. Febr. 20, 1633. N.B. this was inserted when the new book was open'd. Domina Katherina Legh de Monasterio Stonleinsi relicta Dni Thomae Legh militis et Baronetti sepulta fuit Janu: 28vo (1639). Anne daughter of Thomas Lord Leigh and Eleanor his Wife was baptized July the 22d 1680. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 23 Mary the daughter of Thomas Ld Leigh and Eleanor his Wife was borne June the 26th and Baptised the 7th of July Anno Dom. 1681. Thomas the son of Thomas Lord Leigh and Elianor his Wife was Borne ftebruary the third and Baptized March the tenth Anno Dom. 1682. Edward second son of Tho. Lord Leigh and Elianor his Lady was borne January the I3th & Bapt. February the 3, 1684. Charles the son of the Rt. Honble. Thomas Lord Leigh and Eleanor his Lady was baptized the 28 of May in ye year 1686. Eleanor the daughter of the Honble. Thomas Lord Leigh and Eleanor his Lady was baptiz'd the 2oth of January 1688. Lewis the son of the Honble Thomas Lord Leigh and Eleanor his Lady was baptized 17 April 1690. Arabella daughter of the Rt. Honble Thomas Lord Leigh & Eleanor his Lady was borne the 2d and baptiz'd 22d of April 1695. Sept. ii (1705). Mar. ye Honble. Edward Leigh (eldest son & heir to ye Rt. Honble Thomas Ld Leigh) & Mrs. Mary Holbech (daughter to Thomas Holbech of Fillongley in Com: War: Gen. deceased. July 19, 1711 (bapt.) Mary daughter of ye Rt. Honble. Edward Lord Leigh & Mary his Lady. Aug. 17, 1714 (bapt.) Ann daughter of Ed. Ld. Leigh & Mary his Lady. Lady Alice Dutchesse Duddeley was bur. March 20, 1668. Mary Lady Leigh wife of ye Rt. Honble Thomas Ld Leigh was bur. March 21 Ano 1669. Thomas Lord Leigh Baron of Stoneleigh was Buried February 24, 1671. Christofr Leigh of Stonely youngest sone of Thorn. Ld. Leigh was Bur. Sept. ye 16 (1672). John Leigh Esq. Brother to ye Rt. Honble The Ld. Leigh was bur. July 26, 1675. Arabella daughter to ye Rt. Honble. Thomas Ld. Leigh (bur.) Octob. 20, 1696. Mrs. Constance Leigh (bur.) Jan. 11, 1696. Ann Leigh (bur.) Feb. 6th, 1696. Buried Mary daughter of ye Right Honble. Thomas Lord Leigh & Eleanor his Lady August ye 2d 1700. 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