UC-NRLF V/4C6 EXCHANGE Af. C\\ 1901. OF CALIFORNIA. \\KSTKKN Al'STUAIJA. \ ,fy T H C L I M A T WESTERN AUSTRALIA, FROM Meteorological Observations made during the Years 7 0-1 8 9 Q. W. ERNEST COOKE, M.A., F.H.A.S.. GOVERNMENT ASTRONOMER. PE ETH: UY AUTHORITY: WM. ALFRED WATSON, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1901. vJ OF OOlsTTElSrTS.. APR 111902 OF CALIfOftNIA. Keport to the Hon. Colonial Secretary Introduction Paire 5 7 THE WEATHER. Winter Type Summer Type Tropical Storm or Willy Willy at Cossack, April, 1898'" 10 11 ERRATA. Pau-e 4 Add MAPS { Avera S e monthly and yearly climate maps. ( Average monthly and yearly rain maps. ,. 30. 1888 mean minimum, June for 7'83 read 37'8. 30. Average : Lowest minimum, December for 40'0 read 39'0. 31. Monthly number of wet days. 1881, July for 51 read 15. 43. For London read Condon. 97. Line 2, for page 7 read page 8. Derby Broome Condon Cossack Onslow Carnarvon Hamelin Pool Geraldton 37 39 41 43 44 47 49 52 53 Hall's Creek Nullagine BangemaU Peak Hill Cue Yalgoo Lawlers Menzies Kalgoorlie Coolffardie Southern Cross York INLAND. 56 57 58 59 fiO 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 TABLE OF CO^TTEISTTS. * APR 111902 OF CALIFORNIA. Report to the Hon. Colonial Seeivtavy Introduction Page 6 7 THE WEATHER. Winter Type Summer Type Tropical Storm or Willy Willy at Cossack, April, 1898 ft 10 11 THE CLIMATE. Perth and South- West and South Coastal Districts Tropics Interior Daily Rainfall throughout the Colony, April, 1900 13 15 16 17 CLIMATQLOGICAL TABLES (PERTH BOTANIC GARDENS). Barometer, Mean Monthly Highest in each Month ... ,, Lowest ,, Temperature, Highest in each Month Mean maximum ,, Monthly minimum Lowest in each Month No. of days over 90 and nights under 40" Spells of Hot Weather Terrestrial Radiation Monthly Rainfall No. of Wet Days ... Heavy Rainfall Monthly Evaporation 21 21 21 23 23 23 23 23 25 26 30 31 31 32 33 PERTH OBSERVATORY AND OUT-STATIONS. The following statistics are given for each station : Mean Monthly Barometer. Temperature. Highest Temperature in month. Lowest No. of days over 90 and nights under 40. Monthly Rainfall. No. of Wet Davs. NORTH-WEST AND NORTH COAST. Wyndham Derby Broome Condon Cossack Onslow Carnarvon Hanielin Pool Geraldton 37 39 41 43 44 47 49 52 53 INLAND. Hall's Creek Nullagine Bangemall Peak Hill Cue Yalgoo Lawlers Menzies Kalgoorlie Coolgardio Southern Cross York 56 57 58 59 60 01 62 63 64 65 66 68 Pago SOUTH-WEST AND SOUTH COAST. Perth Observatory ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 71 Fremantle Eottnest :..... 75 Bunbury Karridale Cape Leeuwin Katanning Albany ... ... ... ... Breaksea Esperance Eyre ... ... ... ... ... ... 91 AVERAGE CLIMATOLOGICAL TABLES FOR THE WHOLE COLONY. Mean Monthly Barometer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 92 Maximum: Day Temperature... Minimum: Night ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 Monthly Temperature ,, Diurnal Range of Temperature Highest Temperature ever recorded Lowest ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 05 Average Monthly Rainfall ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..'. ... 95 RAINFALL TABLES. East Kimberley Division ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 99 West Kimberley ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 North-West 101 Gasooyne South-West Eastern Eucla 104 108 115 116 APPENDIX. Rainfall for 1895 ... 121 1896 125 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT, 1876-1899 To the Honourable the Coltnial Secretary, Perth. SIR, I have the honour to transmit herewith a report on the weather and climate of Western Australia. Annual reports have been issued year by year since 1876, and the present volume comprises a selection and co-ordination of the principal facts which have been elicited during these last 24 years. The need for a book dealing generally with the climate of this State is obvious, and I have had it in mind to issue one ever since my appointment. The pressure of other work, however, has prevented me from making rapid progress with its preparation, but it is now completed and will form a most fitting contribution to science from this Observatory as the first of the new century. A considerable amount of labour has been entailed in checking and inspecting the old records. In a number of cases the observations were palpably erroneous, and these have been rejected. This has caused many gaps in the records, but it was considered better to publish only those figures which were felt to be fairly reliable. The resulting tables will now be found to represent with considerable accuracy the general meteorological features of the country, and will probably be consulted largely by farmers, pastoralists, bankers, doctors, immigrants, and all those whose interests are affected in one way or another by the climate of the country of their adoption. I have, etc., W. ERNEST COOKE, Government Astronomer. 81st January, 1901. INTRODUCTION The advisability of taking meteorological observations was first officially recognised in 1876, when a meteorological branch \v;is added to the Surveyor General's Department, and reading's of the barometer, temperature, etc.. were commenced under the direction of the late Sir Malcolm Fraser. In the following year Mr. M. A. 0. Fraser was appointed Observer, and continued to hold that office until February, IBJMi, when it was decided to establish an astronomical observatory, and to transfer the charge of the meteorological department thereto. Meanwhile the system had been extended by placing instruments in the hands of the postal officials in country towns, and at the end of 18515 there were 15 of these contributing regular returns. The results of the observations up to the end of 1894 have been published ") a series of annual reports. Those for 1895 and 1890 were not prepared for press, owing to the fact that the Government Astronomer had no clerical staff, and found his time fully occupied in thoroughly reorganising the sei-vice, formulating plans tor the new Observatory, and inspecting the astronomical instruments at the workshops in London and Dublin. In 1897 the first of a new series of meteorological reports was issued IVoin the Observatory, and this has been followed by those for 1898 and 1899. In the introduction to the first of these a promise was made to issue a book upon the Climate of this Colony, and the present volume is the fulfilment of that promise. It is to be hoped that no misconstruction will be placed upon the expression of the opinion that on the whole the observations up to the end of 1890 are not to be compared for general accuracy with those now current. Nothing but the greatest credit is due to Sir Malcolm and Mr. M. A. C. Fraser for their efforts in the cause of science at a time when the Colony was completely out of touch with the rest of the world ; but no man can perform impossibilities, and all those who have experienced the difficulties of obtaining satisfactory scientific work from outlying districts of a vast newly-developing country must know that it is next door to impossible to get accurate results without frequent personal visits and continuous inspection. This was not practicable under the former conditions, and it is only to be expected that the reports for those past years (to the end of 1890} frequently indicate carelessness and lack of interest. These remarks have been considered necessary in order that readers may appraise the following tables at their proper value. In a somewhat crude inspection of the original returns any obviously incorrect observations have been struck out and all the additions, etc., have been checked, so that it may be safely assumed that the results in this volume give a close approximation to the truth ; sufficiently so for all practical purposes, but scarcely to be considered quite accurate enough for the scientist. It was originally intended to publish results up to the end of 1896 only, but since that time several new stations have been opened in just those regions which are of the greatest popular interest, so the whole has been brought forward to the end of 1899. In dealing with the figures for Perth two things should be remembered : 1st, that the thermometers were removed in August, 1885, from the neighbourhood of the Surveyor General's office to an octagon-shaped louvered house in the Botanical Gardens, giving apparently a slightly lower record for the later years; and 2nd, that these observations were not discontinued when the Observatory was established. A new series was started :>t. the Observatory on 1st January, 1897, but the figures for Perth, here quoted, are those for the Botanical Gardens up to the end of 1899. The following pages are divided into three parts : I. A general description of the types of weather most frequently experienced. II. A general description of the Climate, with special reference to that of Perth. III. Clitnatological Tables, from the commencement of records up to the end of 1899, with maps. The following explanation of the rainfall figures and maps is necessary : In the absence of well marked physical features the Colony has been divided into degree squares. To each square the name of one of the included stations has been given for reference purposes, but the figures are the means of the records for all the stations situated within the squnre. On the maps the reference name is written at the bottom of each square and a dot shows the exact position of that particular locality, the figure giving the mean rainfall being placed in the N.W. corner. APPENDIX. In view of the great interest that is always taken in rainfall statistics, and since it has been decided not to issue the reports for 1895 and 1896, it was considei-ed advisable to print the rainfall for those years in exlenso and these figures are here given as an appendix. AT 9 A.M.Monday April 23 rd !900 ff/ncfion of trim? shown oy Arrows flymj iviffi ^lijhrt)re.t^e(under/0mi/es)^ v ~30fo4Orm/es.*fi > 4O fo SOmi/es, *"- * SO fa SOmi/ee Q Catm S/Jfe of Sei incticjrtd t>y Me words. Smooth, S/i$M Mmfen/ttc 10* 110* 170 Ar9A.M.Tues3Oro4Ormlcs.^i -- * 4O fo SOmi/e s. w SO fo 60 miles . Q Calm Sfife ofSei mct/cjfed tiy ffie words. NO' 130' 1*0' I -W' HO' 30 ISO feather OF . AUSTRALIA Rough 30" 40' 10 'High LOW Moderate Dincfion or mm/ sfiown 6y Arrows flying with ffie trim? /es.*t! - *#/ SOrm/es, if- ^-SOfo 60m//es . Q Ca/m Stifc of Sea mdiafed t>y Me words. Smooth, &i$t>f; Moderjtctc 140' 302 ISO- -10' 110* \Neather Af^ no' 150' .*. Thuisajv April 26*1300 S m o o I- h -Vf -30' -40' . HI'S Hig Oincfion of 'mna 'sAatrn Hy Arrows f/yng Him rhemnd. 4O fo SOrrn/es, **^-60fo 60 mi Its , Q Calm Store or Sea inc/icif*r. AMeWttc NO" 120' 130' 20= 30' W* MO' no' feather Af^ AUSTRALIA AT9*.*fri +4O fo6Omi/es,v >60fo 60 miles . Q Ca/m Sri re or Set /ndicsfid tyffit tvonfc. Smooth, &i$/>r. HMerj/etc 1*0' -W iio- 170' ^ AUSTRALIA >h /900 -30' 20' so- Dirtcfion of mnd shown ty Arrows flying m/nrhemmf. 40' -30/-o40mi/cs,>* +4Ofo SO milts, *>* SO fo 60 miles, Q Sti m&cJftd l>Jf Me wank. Smooth, &i$/tf. Ma/trjfetc I4O THE WEATHER. This may conveniently be considered under two principal aspects, winter and summer. There are, of course, endless modifications, but the daily weather map is usually of either a distinctly winter or a distinctly summer type. THE WINTER TYPE. The main feature of the weather maps during the winter months (April or May to October) are : I. High pressure between the latitudes 22 and 32, with falling gradients North and South. II. Fine, bright, crisp weather throughout the tropics. III. A succession of " lows " or storm areas traversing the ocean immediately South of the continent from West to East. I. and III. are of course related. It would be unreasonable to expect the " high " to remain permanently unaffected whilst a series of " lows " is moving past. The general statement (I.) ought perhaps, to be modified by saying that a succession of anti-cyclones passes across the continent between the latitudes 22 and 32. The passage of these is almost as decided a feature as the movement of the " lows." Almost, not quite. Mr. Russell, Government Astronomer of New South Wales, has, in fact, attributed to their orderly succession the sequence of weather changes throughout the Southern portions of Australia. There is probably a considerable amount of truth in this view ; but the storms, at all events, as far as Western Australia is concerned, appear to be so intimately connected with the passage of the " low " that it is preferable to associate the most noteworthy changes with it leather than with the -high." A fairly typical series is to be found in the maps for the 23rd to the 28th of April, 1900. Further information as to the antecedent weather will be found elsewhere (vide p. 16), this being the month of the great floods. It will be sufficient to state here that there was such a distinct change in the type of weather map that, on the morning of the 23rd, the following remark was written below the map: '' To-day's weather reports appear to indicate that the character of the season is abruptly changing from summer to winter. We cannot yet say this with certainty, but there are now signs of the first winter type of 'low' approaching the S.W. coast, and the monsoonal rains that have been so exceptionally heavy throughout the interior seem now to have ceased." In the first of this series (23rd) we notice a " high '' on the borderland between West and Soutli Australia, the winds throughout this Colony settling down steadily into the N.E. quadrant, with falling barometers and increasing temperatures. The sky throughout the South- West districts begins to be flecked with cirrus cloud, followed later by alto cumulus, and then by clouds of a denser formation. On the morning of the 24th the " high " has made Easting, and a well-marked " low " appears off the S.W. coast. The winds now show a tendency to veer to the N.W., the sky becomes densely overcast by alto stratus, with bi'okeu nimbus beneath, and rain commences to fall. Next day (25th) the " low " is passing the Ltwuwin ; general rains are recorded throughout the Colony from G-eraldton Southwards, but only very light showers from the Coolgardie Goldfields Northwards. This is the time to expect N.W, gales along the S.W. coast, and on the present occasion they were very severe. The anemograph at the Perth Observatory recorded 955 miles for 24 hours ending midnight (24th-25th), and the anemometer at Cape Leeuwin gave a still greater rate, viz., 1,165 miles. On the morning of the 26th the " low " had spread out along our Southern coast, and the winds in South Australia showed a decided set in the N. and N.E., whilst in Western Australia they were settling into W. and S.W. with an abatement of the gale. Further general rains were recorded throughout the S.W. districts, and a few points on the Goldfields, but the weather on the whole showed signs of moderating. Next day (27th) the storm was passing South Australia, and a "high" was coming on to the continent iu the neighbourhood of Perth. On the 28th the storm area had reached Tasmania, and fine, clear, fresh weather was reported throughout W.A., except along the South coast, where clouds and a few showers still lingered. This is a fair specimen of the passage of an average winter storm area, but it seldom moves with the regularity of this one. Sometimes the " low " does not appear at the Leeuwin until the " high " has reached the East coast, the barometers falling steadily for several days. Sometimes the passage is very rapid. Sometimes the " low " consists of a number of undulations, unbroken by a well-defined "high." This type frequently occurs iu June and July. Instead of the wind veering N.W., W., S.W., S., and S.E., with clearing weather, it reaches West, the gale abates, skies clear for a short time, and the wind 10 backs slowly towards the N. Within a few hours, rarely more than a day, it veers to the N.W. agaiii, with a renewal of the stormy conditions, and this may be repeated for many days before the end of the "low" area passes Eastward and a well-defined "high" appears. From October to December the weather is in a transitional state. The summer type is endeavouring to assert itself, but winter " lows " not infrequently pass along, giving a very mixed set of weather maps, and causing rather uncertain weather with scattered thunderstorms and capricious showers. THE SUMMER TYPE (OVERLAND "Lows" AND " WILLY-WILLIES"). In normal summer weather there is usually a moderate " high " extending along the South coast, or over the ocean still farther South, with falling gradients thence Northwards. This condition is interrupted by two kinds of disturbance. A " low " of the winter type may pass along well to the South- ward, or a "low" may come down from the tropics. After what, has been already said, the former kind may be dismissed in a few words. It is usually preceded by great heat and followed by a gradual cuol change, with probably a few coastal showers. The latter kind of disturbance is the more distinctively summer one. It is generally an amorphous sort of affair, with shallow gradients and badly defined outlines, which seem to push generally downwards from the North coast against the Southern "high." Frequently the "high" refuses to give way, when it will back off to the coast line again and lie in wait for a better opportunity, or perhaps endeavour to cross into the Eastern colonies through central. Australia. Sometimes the "high" appears to split and move Eastward and Westward, leaving room for the "low" to pass through and so on to the Southern Ocean, where it behaves like one of the ordinary winter type. But whichever course it follows it proves to Ix? distinctly objectionable. It is generally pnveded by a most undesirable increase of temperature, and accompanied by terrific heat and scattered thunderstorms. These charac- teristics are especially noticeable inland, and help to cause the disagreeable summer features in the climate, of which more presently. When the "low" succeeds in travelling right across, it is usually followed by a refreshing cool change, but when it is blocked and retreats, the weather remains in a sultry and unsatisfactory condition. A series of maps (1899, January lb'-20) illustrates the passage overland of an unusually vigorous " low." The high temperatures were absent in this case, because this series represents the second attempt. A few days previously it had apparently opened up an avenue right down to the South coast, but was unable to travel any further and forced to retreat. On this former occasion temperatures had ranged up to 110 in the shade. It is just possible that it succeeded in getting past and round the Southern side of the " high," and is represented by the " low " off the South-East corner of Australia on January 16th. Anyhow, the interior was left in a very unsettled condition, and the passage of the disturbance from the N.W. coast, on the 16th, to Tasmania, on the 20th, is distinctly marked, and was accompanied by heavy rain storms throughout. The general weather remarks at the end of the series give the weather in Western Australia only, but on the morning of the 18th Sir Charles Todd. Government Astronomer for South Australia, reports : " As anticipated, we have had general rains, extending as far North as Powell's Creek (lat. 18), etc. "; and on the 19th Mr. P. Baracchi, of Victoria, reports : " Light to moderate rain recorded generally, and heavy over the central, N.W., W., and JN~." This series is an exaggerated instance of the type we have been discussing, but it was necessary to choose an unusually severe storm area for graphical representation, as our observing stations in the interior are so very few and far between that it would be difficult or impossible to trace an average one. Occasionally the tropical " low " assumes the character of a tornado, and is then known locally as a " willy-willy." This bursts with great fury upon the N.W. coast, and is often felt for some little distance inland. Sometimes it can be traced in a mild form across the continent, but is frequently lost to sight after its principal outburst. It is by no means an unusual thing to find traces of its progressive path down the N.W. coast ; the centre keeping out to sea. In about latitude 20 it apparently recurves and moves direct upon the coast line, causing great destruction if it happens to strike a township. The barometer does not as a rule fall below about 29'4 or 29'5, except close to the centre, where it is sonic- times below 28 inches. A very severe " willy willy " visited the N.W. coast at the end of March and commencement of April, 1898, the progress of which can be traced on the accompanying series of weather maps (March 28th-April 2nd). After 9 a.m. on the last day the barometer commenced to fall very rapidly at Cossack, but a full description appears in the " introduction " to the annual report for 1898, which is here reproduced. 10' HO* 170' feather ft a AT SAM. Monday Jan nary 16 ft 1 IS99 M od g rofe I -30' 40' Direction of wmtf shown by Arrows f lying with the wind *30to40m-/ts,y* ^-40 fo 6Omi/es, ***< to SOm/les , Q Calm Stjre or^f.-i intftcjtea 6y ttie tvoro's, Smooth, St/ght Moderjtetc 110- \Neal-her ^f - OK ^ AT 9 AMlussdoy. January 17 >h !899 Smool h Slight 20' Slight Smooths 30- HIGH Mode rare 238 Moderate ~i Otrtctron of rvmrfsftOHfrt by Arrows ftyin$ with the wind . **l>jtitbree3e(urjtrJOmJ/ta)r- J '''>oderirefOt > r30fo 4Omi/es, "*> > -4O to SOmi/es, - ^ /o BOmiiee , Q Calm Stife of Sen inc/icjted 6y Me words. Smooth, &/$/!{ Mofert/ttc &; UO" 20' Smooth *>' 120' AT 9 AM.Wednesdoj January 18*1899 Dirge f ton oftvnd shown by Arrows flying ivitti the wina 4OfoSOmi/ts.f^-^60fo6Oim/ee. Q Calm Stiff ofSti mdia ted oy Me words. Smooth, S/i$f>r Maderj/ttc no- 10' 110 160 29 6 10' -30' 30' Smooth Dirtcfmn offvtrHfs/ioirn 6y Arrows flytn$ with the //f Af brteje(undr/Orn//tty.~*-moderjfefOfi>20 > >30rt4Omi/es,^ + 4O ft SOmttes, > <*50/-o60m//es Q Calm or See /ntticjfed ty ffit tvyratsi Smoofh, S/iffif. IMtfilttc 40 NO' 120' ISC' 1*0' CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Please substitute these remarks for those of the same dates in 19OO, after the weather maps.) GENERAL WEATHER REMARKS FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA. MONDAY, 16TH JANUARY, 1899. Further heavy rains have fallen in the North-West, Nullagine registering 9 P 5O inches, Condon 9'OO, and Marble Bar 7'14 since Saturday morning, and several other stations over 3 inches. Light thunder showers are also reported at several stations North of Menzies. It is still overcast through- out the Colony, except on the West Coast between Sharks Bay and Albany, and raining at isolated places. S.W. to W. winds in the N.W. ; E. to N.E. chiefly elsewhere. TUESDAY, 17TH JANUARY, 1899. Reports from the North are very incomplete again this morning, but the depression which has been accompanied by such heavy rain in the North-West appears to be moving in a South-Easterly direction across the Continent, and heavy rain is reported on the North Coolgardie Goldfields (maximum at Mt. Margaret 2'51 inches). Very light scattered showers have also fallen in many parts of the Colony. This morning the weather is clearing in the North-West, and generally fine but cloudy throughout the West coastal districts and Murcnison, but overcast and threatening over the Coolgardie Goldfields and in the South-West and South districts, and showery at places. Moderate to strong S. to S.W. winds chiefly. WEDNESDAY, 18TH JANUARY, 1899. Fine and clear all North of the latitude of Geraldton, more or less cloudy over the Goldfields, and overcast throughout the S.W. and S. S.W. to S.E. winds chiefly, but strong S.W. to W. on the South coast, with rough seas. Light scattered showers are reported in the South-West and South of the Coolgardie Goldfields, and moderate to heavy rain on the South-East coast. THURSDAY, 19TH JANUARY, 1899. Generally fine and pleasant throughout the Colony, but overcast in the extreme South-West and along the South coast, where light scattered showers are recorded. S. to E. winds chiefly, but S. to W. on the South coast. Smooth sea. FRIDAY, 20TH JANUARY, 1899. The weather is fine and clear throughout the Colony, with a few scattered clouds on the South-West and South-East coast. E. to N.E. winds inland, S.E. to S. on the West coast, and N.W. to N. along the South coast. M' no' ao' AUSTRALIA AT 9 AM. Friday January 20 rh l899 20' 30' 10 .Smooth HIGH Smooth Oirtction cf Kind sftotrn tiy Arrows fly ng with fht *nr>a -30fo40m/ts,^r --"4Ofo fO/m/es, w -> 60 fo 60mile6 O Calm Sfife of Sfj indicifed ty Me ivcrt/s. Smoofh, S/iff>f AMerj't&c IJO' 140 20' Mi 30' GENERAL WEATHER REMARKS FOR WEST AUSTRALIA. TUESDAY 16TH JANUARY, 1900. Fln, clear, and sultry within th Tropics; cloudy and moderately cool elsewher*, and showary on tha S.W. coast, where a fow points of rain are recorded. 8.W. to N.W. winds on S.W. and S. coasts; S.W. to S.B. Intand and In the N.W.; and W. from Cossack Northwards. WEDNESDAY, I?TH JANUARY, 1900. Generally fine throughout the Colony, but cloudy In coastal districts from Sharks Bay South- wards with S.E. to E. winds, and showery at Albany. Westerly winds from Cossack Northwards. Light to moderate rain recorded between Perth and Esperance In po.astal districts only. THURSDAY, ISTH JANUARY, ,1900. Fine generally, but oloudy over the South part of the Coolgrardle Goldflelds, and on the extreme S.W. and 8. coast, with light showers In places; elsewhere clear. Cool South of the Tropics. S.W. to W. winds from Capa Leeuwln Eastwards; S.E. to E. Inland; S. on the W. coast, and W. from Cossack Eastwards. Light rain recorded along the South coast/and moderate In the extreme S.E. FRIDAY, 19TH JANUARY, 1900. Cloudy all South of the latitude of Pertn, with light showers on the S.W. coast; elsewhere fine with a few scattered clouds. Still cool throughout all S. districts, Including the Coolrrardle Goldflelds. S. to S.W. winds on the 8. coast; S.E. to E. chiefly Inland and fn Western districts, and Westerly In the far North. Light rain recorded at a few places In the S.W. SATURDAY, 20TH JANUARY, 1900. Fine throughout the Colony and mostly clear, but cloudy over the Kimberley district, the lower parts of the Coolgardje Ooldfle!4s, and along the South coast. S.E. to E. winds chiefly, but W. along the far North coast. Two points of rain recorded at Israelite Bay. 10 AT SA.M. Monday March 28 Smooth Direction or~*f"i(/st>OHrn by Arrows f/yrng with the wind . SO- SO' 40" -40 fo SOmles, v <-60fo 60m//es . Q Snre ofSc* mO 's/iotrn /y Arrows flying *ifh the trim. a 6Omi/e s, * * SOfo 60rr>i/cs . Q d/m Srirc ofSti /nd/cJted />/ ffH wonts. Smooth, S/i$tir Mtxfen/ttc -M)' 110* 170 OF A AT 9 'A.M.Wednesday March 30 n 'l898 -Vf Smoot h Moderate 299 Smooth 30'0 -30' NO" 10' 30" 1 Moderate/ 20' Oirtction of tvmy ff>e tvon/s. Smooth, S/t$tir Moderj/ttc 120' 180- 140 & A 150" 30'- 40- AT9A.MlhursdayMarch3l s fl898i 29*. LOW ' 29 1- Smootlt* HIGH Smooth Oincfmn of mad sfiotrn t>y Arrows flying wifh /he mm/ >< ---- +30fe4timi/es.?r -- > 4O fo 5Omi/es. ** 'SO fo 60 miles . Q dim Stlfe arSti invested tf ftie words. Smooth, S/t$M. tMerilttc -n' uo' no' feather AT 9A.M. Friday April I st 1898 -70- 29 8~^ - Moderate ' -30' 10 20- 40' Hfn by Arrows f/y/ng tvi/ft the wind mi/es, ft-- *60fo 60/ni/es . Q Sure orse* /ntf/cjrect ty ff>e words. Smoofft, SHfhr. Ma/trjfetc uo- AT9A.M.Saturdoy,April 2 "d/898 Dirtctron of #md shown by Arrows f/yingtvifft the wind. 30fo4Omi/es,'*r 40 ro SOrm/es, *^ -SOfo SOmt/ee . Q Ca/m Sfare r Sfi indiatttf ty Me words. Smoort, S//j/>f, Modenretc 11 Storm at Cossack, April, 1898. A very severe storm, known locally as a " willy-willy," visited the North-West coast at the end of March and beginning of April. The first well-marked sign of its approach came from Port Darwin, in the Northern Territory of South Australia, on March 28th. The barometer at 9 a.m. read 29'40, and fell to 29-34 during the course of the day, accompanied by heavy rain. This is the lowest reading recorded there since that town was devastated by a terrible cyclone about a year previously. The storm, keeping out to sea, travelled in a South-West direction at first, passing Wyndhain on the 29th where the barometer fell to 29-33, with heavy rain. It continued to move down the coast, passing Derby on the 30th (29-51 ) and Broome a little later on the same day (29'60). Its motion now appeared to be retarded, due probably to the fact that it was recurving and preparing to travel in a more or less South-East direction. The winds now commenced to freshen, blowing from the East at Cossack and North-East farther up the coast, and this, combined with the shape of the isobars, indicated that the storm centre was still lying out at sea. On the morning of the 2nd the wind was from the North at Condon, East at Cossack, and South at Ouslow, blowing strong at each place, and the barometer at Cossack had fallen to 29-54, with very high sea. The storm, apparently, was now moving from the sea straight on to Cossack, where the barometer fell rapidly, reaching a minimum of 28718 at 5 p.m. Some idea of the hurricane that was then experienced by the inhabitants of this town may lie gathered from the following extracts from the Went Australian : " The town presents a very dilapidated spectacle. In no storm previously experienced has so much damage teen wrought. Telegraph communication between Roebourne and Cossack, and Eastwards, is entirely cut off. The line between the two former places is down for three or four miles. The tramway embankment across the marsh is washed away, and the rails have parted in places and been lodged 20 yards from the site of the embankment. All the approaches and bridges, both along the tramway line and on the road, have been completely washed away ; the rails standing several feet from the ground. Communication is cut off by road. " Several daring persons walked up to Roebourne through niud and slush up to their knees to com- municate the news of the most terrible disaster that has befallen Cossack, which appears to have been the very centre of the hurricane. The experiences of some of the residents of Cossack are most heartrending. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, observing their dwelling collapsing, left it with the intention of proceeding to Mr. C. W. Paterson's residence, a few hundreds yards off. They had a terrible time of it. They were for four hours hanging on to the spinifex, in the midst of the storm, before they reached their destination. Wilson lost sight of his wife for a whole hour, and then only found her by chance. S. Hemingway and B. Thompson, after their residences had collapsed, got into a 400-gallon tank to save their lives, and remained there, up to their middle in water, till daylight. The jetty has sunk down many feet, and the goods shed is frightfully torn about by the storm. The sea burst in the door facing the creek and swept a quantity of cargo out. Fearful damage has been done to shipping. The s.s. " Beagle " is piled up on the rocks on the South side of the jetty, in front of the Weld Hotel, with her stern resting on the fallen walls of the jetty and her bows on the rocks. The schooner "Maggie Gollaii" is a total wreck on the beach, towards Japtown. The dilapidated jetty was fully loaded with general merchandise for Condon. The cargo is now strewn along the strand from one end to the other. The schooner " Harriet" is high and dry on the beach close to the North side of the jetty. The s.s. " Croydon," which was moored near the stock jetty, on the opposite side of the creek, was carried fair on to high laud. The cutter " Rose " has been washed up between the residences of A. Rouse and A. S. Thompson. Smaller crafts, such as passenger boats, etc. were carried greater distances inland. The only boat that remained at her moorings was the police boat, Not a single boat other than this is safe." After this outburst it is difficult to define the track of the storm. Our stations are, unfortunately, very widely separated in this district, and entirely confined to the coast. On Monday, the 4th, the direction of the wind and general shape of the isobars indicated that the pressure was lowest to the seaward of Cossack, and on the 5th the normal type of weather accompanying an anti-cyclone over the South- West portions of the Colony prevailed. It not infrequently happens that these " willy-willies " travel overland to the Great Australian Bight and bring unsettled weather to the goldfields ; but, in this instance, no such track was in any way indicated. 1$ The following table shows the rainfall in points (100 to the inch) that accompanied the storm, and it will be seen that in some instances (e.y. Whim Creek) it \vas remarkably heavy : Station. March. April. Total. 28. 29. 30. 31. 1. ! 2. ^. Wyndham ... Carlton Rosewood Downs ... Argyle Downs Lisadell Turkey Creek Ord Eiver Station Hall's Creek 23 20 25 80 2 100 26 52 11 12 5 3 50 66 6 55 32 70 17 25 110 39 1 I 25 18 44 92 27 8 192 435 484 666 255 125 180 118 154 266 156 7S 141 234 135 23 62 110 42 135 202 288 367 494 488 446 355 321 607 720 890 604 876 1,608 947 710 5ia SI 7 412 672 745 350 1,646 1.258 3,658 750 ->(\ 1,512 1,464 103 35 50 80 60 1 :<7 80 12 15 85 80 225 166 200 30 109 109 114 60 42 21 73 175 25 15 69 10 94 70 220 136 46 190 115 331 110 350 153 110 106 202 83 127 40 88 380 708 405 469 244 320 65 33 20 8 5 5 130 84 176 138 100 338 330 232 225 Preceded by scattered rains. 1889 May 7 May 8-Hi 184 Heavy rain April 19-21 (253) ; thunderstorm April 29. 1890 May 4 ... May 8 76 1891 May 2 May 11 115 1892 April 12 May 2:! 98 1883 April 2 April I. 70 ' Thunderstorm early in March. 1894 May 10 May 14 61 1895 May 26 May 27 101 Scattered rain throughout April. 1896 April -29 May 8 130 Fine from 10 to 22 May. 1897 May 7 ... May 14 176 1898 May 12 May 28 128 1899 April 12 April 19-22 ... 205 From May to the end of October may be considered the winter months, and the weather during that time is dominated by the passage of the highs and lows in the manner already described (p. 9). The average rainfall for each month is as follows : May 487 June ... ... ... ... 648 July 589 August 570 September 296 October 205 These figures might convey the impression that Perth is a very wet place during the winter, but the reverse is the fact. One of the wettest days that have occurred was 15th June, 1900, and on that occasion the following remarks on the rainfall of Perth and the manner in which it falls were communicated to the daily Press by the Government Astronomer: Last Friday (June 15th) was probably one of the wettest days that Perth has ever experienced. The winter rain here generally consists of a series of heavy showers interspersed with fairly long intervals of fine weather. On this occasion, however, there were 9 hours 20 minutes of actual rainfall between 9 a.m. on Friday and 3 a.m. on Saturday, 14 and the total amount registered on Saturday at 9 a.m. for the preceding 24 hours was 2(>. r > points. This constitutes a record as far as the Observatory is concerned, and the amount recorded at the Botanical Gardens, viz., 271 points, has only twice been exceeded since the records commenced in 187U. The two exceptions were in July, 1891, when 3 inches fell, and in May, 1879, when 280 points were registered. The actual number of rainy hours during one day has been exceeded only once since pluviometer records commenced in April, 1897. Between last Friday and Saturday mornings at 9 o'clock it was actually raining for 10 hours 12 minutes, and during the day ending 9 a.m., September 30th, 1897, there were 12 hours 48 minutes of actual rainfall, but the total quantity then was only (50 points, and most of this fell during the night. This morning (Sunday) 72 points, and this evening at 6 p.m. 80 points, were registered, making a total of 4 inches and 17 points between Friday morning and Sunday evening. The amount so far recorded for this month is 731 points, or nearly an inch in excess of the average for the whole month for previous years. The greatest quantity ever registered in Perth for the month of June was 12'11 inches in 18!X). Owing to this tendency for the rain to fall principally in heavy showers and at night, and to the sandy nature of the soil, which rapidly absorbs it, the general impression of the Perth winter is that of a succession of fine, bright, calm days, varied occasionally by a severe but brief storm. The weather is on the whole delightful, but it may perhaps be too mild. One misses the keen frosty feeling that is experienced in other places, and its absence probably justifies to some extent the popular statement that the climate is enervating. At night it is frequently cold however, July showing an average of 8 nights during which the minimum thermometer in the screen registers below 40 degrees. (As this description of Perth is to be taken as representing more or less the whole of the South-West district it must be stated that severe frosts are by no means uncommon inland. The coldest part of the Colony at night is between Southern Cross and Katanning, and here the thermometer frequently falls below 32 degrees, especially if exposed to radiation. The mean minimum in the Stevenson screen for July is 3f>'l at Southern Cross and 39'5 at Katanning.) Very severe floods have been occasionally experienced at Perth and elsewhere in past \ ears, but not since systematic records commenced. The summer does not set in quite so abruptly as the winter. With an occasional hot day in October it commences generally in November, but does not as a rule Income really noticeable until after Christmas. Taking a temperature of 90 degrees in the shade as the criterion of a hot day, we find an average of less than 1 in October, 4 in November, 7 in December, 12 in January, 1 2 in February, 9 in March, and 2 in April. This number (47 in all) seems rather formidable, but the heat is not, as a rule, felt oppressively on account of the short portion of the day during which it lasts on each occasion. On a normal hot summer day a sea breeze always sets in about noon on the coast, and reaches Perth about 2 p.m. The temperature then commences to fall, and the evening and night are delightfully cool and pleasant. Occasionally a protracted spell of hot weather is experienced, but even then the nights are generally cool. An interesting table is given on page 26. This includes all the " heat waves," as they are popularly termed, which have passed over Perth since January 1st, 1880, and it will be noticed that hot nights are distinctly exceptional, even during these specially selected hot periods. The longest of these spells without a break occurred in 1896, when the maximum exceeded 90 degrees on every date between January 25th and February 12th, nineteen in all ; but the most severe heat was apparently in January and February, 1880. The highest reading that has so far been recorded in Perth is 116'7, which occurred in January, 1878. Notwithstanding the fact that the monthly means are as a rule higher than those for the principal cities in South Australia, Victoria, and New South Wales, and that we are in a lower latitude than any of these, the same remark may be applied to the summer climate as to the winter. It appears to be milder than the others. One notices the absence here of those violent changes which are sometimes experienced in the other colonies. When a cool change conies after a spell of hot weather it seems to steal upon the land gradually. The appearance of soft watery cumulus clouds in the West, generally about sunset, announces the arrival of the welcome change. That evening will be cooler than the preceding ones, but not remarkably so, and next day it may be more or less cloudy, but only moderately cool. At night probably a few light showers, and we realise that a definite change has occurred. Whether or not the sudden changes experienced elsewhere act as a tonic it is difficult to say, but, at all events, they rarely if ever occur in Perth. A curious instance of uniformity is afforded by the figures showing the average summer temperatures since 1876. One frequently hears the expression " A remarkably cool summer," or " A terribly hot summer," "A real scorcher," etc., yet we find that although the means for the individual months may vary considerably, those for the summer (November to March) diverge but little from the general average. It must be remembered, in studying the following figures, that the thermometers were transferred from one locality to another in August, 1885, and, therefore, the two periods 1876-1885 and 1886-1899 must be studied separately. So uniform on the whole are the figures, and so distinct the break, amounting to 2'l, that the change in the method of exposure was ascertained by means of it. The 15 following then are the menu summer maximum day temperatures, that opposite ls~t> being for the November, 1876-March, 1877, ete. : Summer November to March. Meau IMu\ Day Tciii)' from Average. Siimmer-- November to Marcb. Menu Max. Dny Temji. Divergence from Average. 1876 84-5 - 1T> 1886 821 -1-8 1877 87-6 + i-<; 1887 85-1 + 1-2 1878 8(i'6 + ()(> 1888 88-2 -0-7 1879 86-2 + 0-2 1888 83-0 +0-9 1880 88-6 t o-r, 1890 83-6 -0-3 1881 86-4 + 0-4 1891 84-6 +0-7 1882 84-8 -1-2 1892 84-2 +0-3 1883 86-8 -0-2 1893 83-1 -0-8 1884 S1.-I! 1-1 1894 83-8 -o-i 1885 ST'O + 1-0 1895 85-5 +1*8 1896 83-6 -0-3 1897 84-8 +0-9 1898 83-8 -o-i 1899 83-7 -0-2 Mean for this period | 86-0 Mean for this period | 83-9 Climate within the Tropics. A lengthy description of this is unnecessary, and unfortunately our knowledge is derived mainly from coastal stations. The year may be divided into two seasons, wet and dry, the former lasting from the middle or the end of November to the end of March . During this period the weather is very unpleasant, the maximum temperature every day being close to or above 100. Records of 110 are by 110 means infrequent, and the thermometer has even reached 120, the highest reading ever registered in the Colony being 123 J , at Ouslow, in February, 1897. As an illustration of the extreme heat to which this region is sometimes subject the following figures for the summer of 1895-96 will doubtless prove interesting. Mean monthly maximum temperature at Ouslow : October, 1895 ... 100'5 deg. November 101'3 December 106'1 January, 1896 103-0 February 105'9 March " ^ 104-0 April ... ... 99-6 Daily maximum temperature at Onslow during two very hot periods: 1895. December 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 102deg. 109 113 111 108 106 109 106 109 109 111 115 112 110 115 111 99 112 121 104 , 1896. February 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ,, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 lOldeg. 111 112 ,. 114 117 116 121 123 116 112 110 108 101 99 116 101 100 This is of course an extreme case, but one can now understand that occasionally a press telegram from these very hot districts has appeared in the daily papers to the following effect " A delightful cool change has set in, the shade temperature has dropped to below lOOdeg." Thunderstorms, accompanied by heavy rain, are frequently experienced, and it is during this season that the willy-willy occasionally visits the N.W. coast. A moderate rainfall can generally be relied upon down to about'latitude 20deg. but South of that it is uncertain. Sometimes it will be very heavy and at other times hardly a drop will fall. The heaviest ever recorded was 36-49 inches at Whim Creek, near Cossack, on April 2-3, 1898. 16 The most severe drought occurred between June, 1890, ;uiQioooc5eoQD04OoD t XXCOCOW 74COrH(7^rHr-'!NrHCax^??oc^NcococcoaM?a?j cccccc:c N" r-T -H" 8 M N O OS W s N 3 * to ! b x . . . O X O O i-H O IO .CO' IN . .10 . .^, 8 S3 X N . fHOOOW^O^hON . "0 . . . . t _ OS g \e i ^ N O ; ; ; r-t IO ; ; ; i^ !S338S*'38 " 1 t ... CO . . . ost> oscoccxiococo . . . ; ; rH N CO N '. '. '. ^^I^SjrH 10 ::^:^ : w : : : ^ CO . . .CC > 71 S3 CO . . CO . . . . . CO CO U5 U3 . rH O rH (N ' ' rH rH 5 i (9 S : : :?S : S ^ : : : ;_ ::::::: cooirHcow . .cqco^j-H o cowa rH ' ' rH rH r- ^ X rH OS " . . OS (N . . - - 71 CO rH x^wo. .. j ^X irH^SS^ i i COCOCOrH ^ cq S : :::::: : : : : : : : : : ::::::: S .X 11 1 OO . rH X rH l> rH i ; ; ; i ; ; i ; i ; ; ;* t* M . : * rH rH i 1 rH : : : : : : : ; * :~ ^ * SSe$5SgS58933S3- : S5i . 7-1 l> CO CO to O OS CO rH C *? O ^ CO C^ 74 . . O rH CO rH CO ; ; '-H rH i t t^CO>O OSCOCl iNrH -^O CO rH IO Oi . . rH . rH rH r- o X t>* locorHrHTqTicocqx t^ x . os . s O O OS 10 . CO OS CO X CO X rH rH CO rH CO l3 t^ . . rH # CO . .CO i* 1^ N N . . . N rH ; ; CO rH rH O rH IO..O. .. O !N C^XrH*OCOrH^} rH W ssssa" iJJJJ = - : = 5 tH s 810 CO X CO CO X O N - X 71 rH "... . f rH . iO O OS i> I * : : : : : : : : N : g rH !> O O CM O71CO.O XO ^P "3 rJiiOOi'XCOW- -NIC rH iH oS ig^^^ 5003 ^^ -8 : : : :^ eo l& $ O !O IO O CO **H X i^* rH rH 71 7-1 oxco.. t- eg CO lO O rH ^...iO.NW-r-i ;:::: .OfN ca rH .71 . - *> *O . l~~ 71 CN ^ 1 -M CO rH ra Cq * * rH OS n !;;;;;;;:;;::;! 8_=J g K5 . O CO *O sq ; ; ; : rH : : o rH Stations. : : *"> i : : : J"l g o-gsll S^Si Jl! i||| gffii-3 o Si O O o W a, -: s ; -i ::::: :!:::::: r-i ^ .2 a)0)'c d ^o *p t be Pn n P5 .2 J S r3rr^ C? >2 ^ U ^ r C J^ r* O H J5 PQ rC ^ & be o ^ n : ( : B3 Co S : h-S'3 t? c =,o S^^h a2t^ > ff * ^ w O ? ~ " r- j ?i hr C C DO Ss?o ^'ce'J^ .3J -2 -a * a ll^l^ 1s?|.?S-c-S;3 ^ !^oSof S5Oi* iH^f* 1 raw w-< ^ CLIMATOLOGICAL TABLES. PERTH (BOTANIC GARDENS). 21 PERTH. BAROMETER reduced to 32 F., and to Mean Sea Level. The "Monthly Mean" is the mean of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. January. Febru- ary. Minvli. April. May. June, i July. August. OQ.-I October, tern ber. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. fHighest 30-046 30-154 30-311 80-408 30-353 30-423 30-463 30-457 30-373 30-259 30-212 30-265 30-463 1876 <| Monthly Mean 29-818 29-931 29-971 30-135 30-138 30-151 30-229 30-150 30-099 30-029 29-928 29-996 30-048 [Lowest 29-533 29-814 29-794 29-858 29-691 29-789 29-833 29-856 29-472 29-699 29-319 29-715 29-319 fHighest 30-122 30-09(1 30-206 30-415 ! 30-479 3O-6!>3 30-460 30-437 30-471 30-541 30-290 30-286 30-663 1877<| Monthly Mean 29-931 29-931 30-103 30-159 30-073 30-327 30-140 30-191 ' 30-232 30-103 30072 30-005 30-106 [^Lowest 29-731 29-711 29-898 29-786 29-651 30-013 2976? 29-657 30-022 29-895 29-885 29-769 29-651 fHighest 30-1-15 30-079 30-254 30-196 30-451 30-493 30-404 30-520 30-216 30-229 30-318 30-115 30-520 1878-! Monthly Mean ... 29-939 29-96O 29-995 30-056. 30-133 30-071 29-972 30-090! 30-006 29-997 30-005 29-907 30-011 [Lowest 29-622 29-791 29-568 29-759 29766 29-706 29-327 29-659 29-772 29-679 29-642 29-552 29327 fHighest 30-101 30-170 30-120 30-373 30-326 30-452 30-438 30-446 30-305 30-221 30-333 30-097 30-452 1879 j Monthly Mean 29-904 29-924 30-052 80-276 29969 30-022 30-141 30-135 30-091 30-137 29-984 29-897 30-044- [Lowest 29-474 29-700 29-770 29-887 29-381 29-651 29-736 29-715 29-690 29-750 29-730 29-723 29-381 fHighest 30-0 14 30-062 30-172 30-401 30390 30-430 30-540 30-445 30-496 30-345 30-218 30-264 30-540 1880 j Monthly Mean 29-814 29-877 29-934 30-028 30-O47 30-067 30-179 30-069 30-104 3007.-. 29-990 29-972 30013 [Lowest 29-519 29-762 29-667 29-649 29-768 29-480 29-880 29-736 29-760 29-872 29-847 29-793 29-480 fHighest 30-147 30-229 30-305 30-320 30-465 30'391 30-476' 30-555 30-496 30309 30-190 30-166 30555 1881 { Monthly Mean ... 29-913 29-971 30-019 30-086 30-087 30'136 30-176 ' 30-210 30-140 30-053 29-915 29-897 30-051 [Lowest 29-620 29-739 29-687 29-917 29-581 29-601 29599 29-894 29-722 29-920 29-719 29-674 29-581 fHighest 30-230 30-130 30-288 3O244 30-487 30-472 30-401 | 30-365 30-354 30-393 30-263 30-263 30-487 1 882 { Monthly Mean 29-956 29-936 29-964 29-930 ! 30-109 30'135 30-127 30-014 30-101 30-038 30-010 29-903 30-019 [Lowest 29-714 29-653 29-599 29-461 29-854 29-676 29-744 29-587 29-850 29701 29736 29-616 29-461 fHighest 30-255 30-380 30-298 30-303 30-225 30-295 30-578 30-548 30-598 30-425 30-141 30-184 30-598 1883 1 Monthly Mean ... 29'948 29-951 30-023 30-050 29-995 29 971 30-200 30-126 30-207 30-094 29-971 29-952 30-041 [Lowest 29-777 29-616 29-686 29-820 29-440 29-359 29-872 29-711 29-827 29-680 29795 29-662 29-359 fHighest 30-199 30-209 30-145 30-338 30-575 30-477 30-569 30-384 30 492 30-480 30-255 30-234 30-575 1884^ Monthly Mean ... 29'951 29959 29-962 30-054 30-144 30-060 30-211 30-074 30094 30-077 29-958 29-953 30-041 [Lowest 29-664 29-709 29-784 29-816 29-677 29-541 29-868 29-662 | 29737 29-604 29-688 29-747 29-541 f Highest 30-204 30-246 30-298 30-464 30-438 30-530 30-495; 30-570 30287 30-463 30-275 30-265 30-570 1885 \ Monthly Mean 29-974 29-9601 30-030 30-110 30-046 30-186 30-090 30-078 i 30-134 30-110 30-048 29-922 30-057 [ Lowest 29-729 29-767 29791 29-835 29-521 29-499 29-784 29-624 29'860 29-611 29-834 29-665 29-499 fHighest 30-306 30-129 30-387 30-390 30-386! 30-507 30-557 30'433 30-309 30-462 30-331 30-252 30-557 1886 [_ Extreme Lowest ... *fl 30-345 29-935 29-474 30-380 29-954 29-539 30-387 30-024 29-563 30-464 30-114 29-461 30-575 30-116 29-381 30-663 30-100 29-359 30-661 30-144 29-327 30-605 30-112 29-400 30-598 30-094 29-472 30-541 30-058 29560 30-426 30-024 29'319 30-305 29-9(51 29-552 30-663 30-053 29-319 * Prior to 1885 observations were not taken at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., and the UOOTI reading has been enter xl as the monthly mean. Since that date the mean is taken from the 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. reading's. The average of the monthly meaus is taken out for 15 yearn only, viz., from 1885 to 1899. 23 PEETH. TEMPERATURE. The "Monthly Mean" is the mean of the Maximum and Minimum daily readings. Janii!ir> Febru- ary. March. April. May. June. July. August. *g- October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. f Highest KJ2-5 112-0 99-0 90-6 800 73-7 75-2 83-5 75-5 89-3 101-3 102-4 112-0 Mean Max. ... S0-(i 93-7 83-4 i 79-7 72-1 66-4 67-2 69-4 68-8 723 76-1 82-6 76-5 1871)^ Monthly Mean ... ! 7V7 79-0 71-6 67-7 00-8 56-8 57'2 i 58'1 ! 58'4 62-1 Oti-li 70-4 65-3 | Mean Min. ... ii2'S (14-2 59-7 557 ill-:, 47-2 47-2 46-8 48-0 51-9 57-0 1 58 2 ! 54-0 [^ Lowest 50-0 67-0 51-0 46-0 37-5 37-5 ! 34-7 39-0 42-0 44-2 49-8 48-8 34-7 ("Highest 106-6 107-2 103-0 97-5 74-8 77-0 70-0 79-8 84-0 95-4 102-3 101-3 107-2 | Mean Max. 85-6 89-3 89-1 78-4 R8-9 G5-1 63-4 05-8 74-7 79-8 85-2 82-8 77-3 1877 -i. Monthly Mean ... 73-6 70-4 77-4 67-e 61-0 54-3 55-8 57-4 62-8 68-4 71-4 707 66-4 1 Mean Min. 01-6 63-5 66-8 56-9 53-0 43-5 48-1 48-9 50-8 57-1 57-7 58-6 55-5 L Lowest 51-3 54-8 57-1 48-2 14-8 312 34-3 37-5 40-0 44-0 49-3 53-0 31-2 f Highest 1107 ' 103-0 101-0 95-0 85-0 75-0 69-0 78-0 80-0 82-0 105-0 109-0 1167 I Mean Max 94 4 i 90-7 84-7 77-0 73-0 06-0 65-0 66-0 69-0 750 85-0 87-0 777 1878 -i Monthly Mean 80'0 77'4 73-2 o6'5 ea-e 58-0 ! 57-5 57'5 61-5 66-0 72-5 74-5 67-3 Mean Min. 65-0 64-2 61-8 56-0 52-0 50-0 i 50-0 49-0 54-0 57-0 60-0 62-0 56'8 [Lowest 5S-7 57-:! 50-2 44-0 44-0 38-0 , 40-0 39-0 41-0 45-0 47-0 55-0 38-0 fHighest 106-2 1060 10li-2 loc,-:, 83-8 73-7 ! 67-6 77-8 79-8 91-4 93-2 100-4 106-5 Mean Max. 9.rl 88'5 82-6 80-0 69-8 00-9 63-2 66-0 69-5 71-1 75-7 81-8 75-4 1879-j Monthly Mean 77'S 75"6 73-2 66-6 (10-8 58-0 54-6 56-3 59-0 61-6 66-4 71-0 (io-1 | Mean Min. 65-6 62-8 64-1 53-3 51-8 49-1 45-9 46-6 48-6 52-1 57-0 60-1 54-8 L Lowest 54-4 53-0 53-0 41-6 41-2 41-4 35-9 38-3 40-6 43-0 45-2 47-0 35-9 fHighest 110-0 109-5 93-8 90-3 77-2 7:!-8 72-2 71-2 89-0 84-1 95-2 102-5 110-0 | Mean Max. 97-8 1 93 82-7 77-7 71-1 04-1 65-2 65-3 70-4 72-4 78-7 86-4 77-1 1880-j Monthly Mean 82-2 78-4 71-0 86-4 60-4 54-0 54-2 56-2 59-0 60-2 66-5 71-6 : 64-9 Mean Min. 6ti7 63-7 59-2 53-1 49-7 43-9 43-3 47-0 47-7 48-1 543 56-9 52-8 [_ Lowest 55-0 53-4 50-0 43-0 43-4 38-2 35-6 38-5 43-0 42-8 45-8 49-3 35-6 fHighest 107-5 107-3 104-4 95-4 82-6 74-4 71-0 77-2 81-1 91-0 96-6 103-8 107-5 | Mean Max. 85'6 91-7 90-0 80-3 70-3 64-7 66-1 68-2 70-3 78-3 80-5 84-7 : 77-6 1881-{ Monthly Mean 72-8 77-4 75-1 68-4 61-2 53-9 55-3 55-6 59-4 66-6 70-2 73-2 i 65-8 I Mean Min. 59'9 63-0 60-2 50-5 52-0 43-1 44-5 42-9 48-6 54-8 59-9 61 -6 i 53-9 L Lowest 494 52-9 50-7 47-0 42-0 35-8 37-6 35-0 39-8 48-1 50-6 53-6 35-8 fHighest 111-4 113-8 104-8 94-0 81-8 70-0 68-7 71-0 81-8 96-0 93-0 ' 114-0 114-0 Mean Max. 88-3 93-6 85-1 75-8 68-4 63-3 62-8 63-0 68-9 75-1 79-5 88-0 76-0 1882 -j Monthly Mean. ... 75-4 78-6 72-4 65-7 58-0 53-5 54-7 55-2 59-6 63-0 67-9 ' 75-0 64-9 | Mean Min. 62-6 63-7 59-7 55-7 47-6 43-7 46-6 47-4 49-3 51-0 56-3 62-0 63-8 l_ Lowest 52-0 55-3 49-7 48-0 34-0" 35-2 39-8 38-7 400 43-0 45-0 52-9 34-0 fHighest 105-5 106-0 93-0 970 82-0 76-0 72-0 74-0 82-0 95-0 105-0 106-0 106-0 Mean Max. 86-9 87-4 82-4 77-7 71-1 66-5 63-6 64-2 68-2 75-3 81-8 82-3 75-6 1883 -j Monthly Mean ... 73-5 74-5 70-4 66-8 61-8 59-4 54-6 54-2 57-4 62-0 68-6 71-4 64-6 Mean Min. 60-1 81-fl 58-3 55-8 52-6 52-4 j 45-7 44-2 46-7 500 55-3 60-4 53-6 L Lowest 50-9 52-0 49-0 44-0 39-0 45-0 37-0 36-0 38-0 40-0 47-0 52-0 36-0 fHighest 116-0 109-0 105-0 91-0 78-0 70-0 72-0 75-0 80-0 87-0 101-0 98-0 1160 1 Mean Max. 89-8 89-2 86-2 77-5 69-9 63-5 632 66-8 67-9 73-2 80-2 79-8 75-6 1884-j Monthly Mean ... i 75-7 75-6 72-4 65-6 596 56-0 i 54-2 59-2 58-9 62-1 68-9 68-6 64-7 | Mean Min. ... 61 6 62-1 68-6 53-8 49-2 48-5 45-1 51-6 49-9 51-0 57-6 57-3 53-8 (_Lowest 47-0 54-0 49-0 41-0 41-0 39-0 1 33-0 39'0 39-0 43-0 46-0 49-0 33-0 fHighest 109-0 112-0 101-0 88-0 73-0 72-0 i 75-0 76-0 80-0 88-0 99-0 107-0 112-0 | Mean Max. 87-5 88-9 86-8 76-7 67-4 63-8 1 64-5 64-4 67-9 73-5 81-2 85-8 75-7 1885 [ Monthly Mean ... 74' 2 74-1 72-6 65-0 59-1 55-8 ; 56-2 56-8 57-4 63-1 69-2 74-1 64-8 Mean Miu. ... i 61 '0 59-3 58-5 53-3 50-8 47-9 47-9 49-1 47-0 52-7 57-1 62-4 53-9 i Lowest 47'0 50-0 47-0 46-0 40-0 39-0 i 34-0 42-0 39-0 45-0 41-0 49-0 34-7 fHighest ! 105-0 109-0 101-0 91-0 92-0 72-0 70-0 67-0 81-0 90-0 96-0 105-0 109-0 | Mean Max. ... ! 87'9 917 88-3 80-2 72-1 66-7 62-4 62-0 67-1 68-8 77-6 84-4 75-8 1886 -j Monthly Mean ... 75'0 78-6 75-0 66-7 60-4 55-8 53-3 53-7 57-9 58-1 66-2 72-1 04-4 (Mean Min. 62-2 65-4 61-6 53-2 48-6 44-9 44-2 45-4 48-7 47-4 54-9 59-8 53-0 (_Lowest fHighest 52-0 95-0 54-0 98-0 53-0 99-0 44-0 81-0 35-0 75-0 34-0 i 36-0 69-0 72-0 37-0 72-0 42-0 78-0 38-0 90-0 46-0 96-0 51-0 100-0 34-0 1000 1 Mean Max. 82-7 843 81-5 73-6 69-7 61-8 61-4 64-4 65-1 71-7 81-0 83-1 73-4 1887-1 Monthly Mean ... i 71'6 72-7 70-2 62-5 58-8 53-4 53-6 54-8 56-7 61-2 70-0 71-6 63-1 | Mean Min. ... ! 60'5 61-1 58-9 51-4 48-0 44-9 45-8 45-3 48-3 50-8 58-9 60-1 528 [Lowest 53'0 50-0 48-0 41-0 42-0 38-0 35-0 37-0 35-0 43-0 46-0 51-0 35-0 fHighest 1 105-0, lOl'O 104-0 91-0 79-0 75-0 70-0 73-0 S4-0 95-0 97-0 105-0 105-0 Moan Max. ... i 85'9 86'1 89-6 78-2 U8'8 66-0 64-3 65-2 69-1 74-1 78-9 82-6 75-7 8^ Monthly Mean Mean Min. L Lowest fHighest 74-0 62-1 52-0 107-0 74-4 62-7 56-0 99-0 76-6 63-7 56-0 100-0 67-7 57-2 47-0 95-0 59-4 49-9 41-0 76-0 57-7 49-4 39-0 69-0 54-8 45-3 38-0 70-0 54-3 43-4 34-0 77-0 58-7 48-3 38-0 77-0 (54-9 55-7 45-0 78-0 68-9 58-9 46-0 89-0 72-4 62-2 55-0 99-0 65-3 54-9 34-0 107-0 1 Mean Max. ... 837 85-2 85-6 80-0 67-3 63-0 63-3 65-8 67-9 69-1 74-7 82-3 74-0 1889.J Monthly Mean ... ; 727 74-0 73-4 68-6 58-0 55-C 54-7 56-5 : 59-4 59-6 65-0 71-2 640 1 Mean Min. 61-7 62-8 61-3 57-3 48-7 47-0 46-1 47-2 ; 50-9 50-1 55-3 60-0 54-0 ^Lowest 46-0 52-0 52-0 48-0 360 37-0 37-0 38-0 ! 42-0 44-0 48-0 52-0 36-0 24 PERTH continued. TEMPEKATUKE. The " Monthly Mean" is the Mean of the Maximum and Minimum daily readings. January. Febru- ary. March . April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October, Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 'Highest loo-o 98-0 97-0 99-0 8(3-0 70-0 68-0 72-0 81-0 85-0 94-0 100-0 106-0 Mean Max. 89-4 84-8 83 7 i 83-2 70-7 63-3 62-5 04-8 67-o C8-1 79-1 81-2 74-9 1890-4 Monthly Mean ... 76-4 74-0 71-7 i 69-4 ! 61-8 54-8 02"7 55*9 58-G 59-4 67-4 : 70'8 64-4 Mean Min. 63-5 63-1 59-7 55-6 52-9 46-3 42-9 47-0 49-8 50-8 55-8 60-5 54-0 ^Lowest 52-0 54-0 50-0 47-0 43-0 38-0 38-0 38-0 42-0 41-0 490 53-0 38-0 "Highest 104-0 107-0 98-0 96-0 81-0 73-0 71-0 74-0 80-0 84-0 101-0 97-0 107-0 Mean Max. 84-6 89-3 84-0 79-9 70-3 64-9 64-5 66-5 67-8 73-7 82-8 81-1 75-8 1891- Monthly Mean 72-3 75-2 72-4 08-0 61-0 56-4 54-4 56-4 573 62-8 70-0 70-2 (14-7 Mean Min. 60-0 61-2 60-7 i 56-2 51-8 47-8 44-4 46-3 46-8 52-0 57-1 59-2 53-6 _ Lowest 50-0 51-0 520 47-0 41-0 41-0 30-0 39-0 41-0 42-0 50-0 50-0 30-0 ("Highest 100-0 105-0 98-0 92-0 82-0 69-0 ; 69-0 70-0 81-0 84-0 86-0 103-0 109-0 Mean Max. 88-3 90-3 80-4 77-6 71-4 63-6 64-0 63-7 69-2 70-9 75-1 84-5 74-9 1892^ Monthly Mean ... 76-0 76-4 71-4 66-2 60'6 54-8 54-8 55-2 59-5 60-1 64-3 73-0 64-4 1 Mesn Min. 63-8 626 62-4 54-8 4U-8 459 45-5 46-8 i 49-8 49-3 58-8 61-5 53-8 ^Lowest 51-0 53-0 54-0 45-0 41-0 37-0 1 36-0 35-0 41-0 41-0 44-0 50-0 35-0 "Highest 106-0 100-0 100-0 81-0 77-0 72-0 69-0 74-0 84-0 77-0 90-0 102-0 106-0 Mean Max. 89-6 87-8 84-2 72-0 67'4 63-5 64-1 64-9 67-6 68-3 75-9 81-0 74-0 1893 -j Monthly Mean 76-2 76-1 73-4 63-0 59-0 54-4 ! 55-9 56-2 59-0 60-1 65-8 71-7 64-3 Mean Miu. ... 62'8 64-4 62-7 53-4 50-6 4.V4 47-7 47-4 51'5 51-9 55-8 HIS 54-6 Lowest ... ... 53'0 50-0 52-0 43-0 370 35-0 35-0 350 40-0 43-0 460 52-0 35-0 ("Highest 107-0 102-0 104-0 85-0 86-0 73-0 ' 71-0 71-0 80-0 97-0 103-0 102-0 107-0 | Mean Max. 88-6 87-4 82-0 77-7 71-2 66-0 1 63-4 65-0 08-3 71-0 80-5 85-5 75-6 1894 -j Monthly Mean 75-5 74-5 71-1 65-3 60-5 58-5 54-4 56-2 58-4 616 70-4 73-9 65-0 Mean Min. 62-4 61-6 60-2 52-9 49-8 51-0 45-4 47'5 48-6 52-1 60-3 62-3 54-5 ^Lowest 50-0 56-0 47-0 41-0 38-0 41-0 38-0 40'0 43-0 42-0 49-0 56-0 38-0 "Highest 96-0 102-0 100-0 93-0 80-0 81-0 67-0 74-0 80-0 96-0 97-0 104-0 104-0 Mean Max. 82-7 82-9 87-4 74-2 71-3 66-7 63-1 66-5 65-8 75-7 S2-6 81-4 75-0 1895 99 153-0 14 100-0 72-0 3 89-0 64-0 16 103-0 67-0 15 109-0 75-0 4 93-0 65-0 17 92-0 64-0 5 100-0 67-0 24 91-0 61-0 25 102-0 (39-0 8 99-0 62-0 26 107-0 74-0 9 95-0 64-0 27 98-0 76-0 10 90-0 62-0 11 970 66-0 30 90-0 64-0 12 100-0 64-0 31 97-0 65-0 23 93-0 59-0 24 95-0 64-0 25 102-0 72-0 26 100-0 68-0 27 101-0 65-0 28 92-0 65-0 1893. Jan. 16 92-0 61-0 February 19 920 60-0 Maivh 18 91-0 65-0 December 17 92-0 63-0 20 96-0 64-0 19 98-0 70-0 18 94-0 63-0 21 97-0 68-0 20 92-0 65-0 19 95-0 62-0 22 100-0 6G-0 21 97-0 68-0 20 96-0 60-0 23 89-0 67-0 22 100-0 70-0 21 99-0 66-0 24 92-0 65-0 23 91-0 66-0 22 98-0 67-0 25 99-0 68-0 23 106-0 67-0 2(5 950 72-0 24 92-0 66-0 25 102-0 69-0 26 93-0 72-0 27 93-0 71-0 28 96-0 69-0 29 95-0 67-0 1894. Jan. 4 93-0 61-0 February 7 91-0 67-0 March December 5 95-0 65-0 8 91 63-0 6 95-0 67-0 9 91-0 64-0 7 97-0 64-0 10 !48 1878 1009 728 632 266 229 192 204 272 332 526 754 877 6021 1879 1880 1220 858 626 413 408 270 166 347 521 665 780 978 7252 1881 1028 936 914 500 336 255 192 266 346 768 797 968 7306 1882 1034 926 721 387 202 114 166 163 386 725 836 1074 6734 188:i 1044 721 753 406 261 178 149 144 370 612 788 805 6231 1884 1050 870 753 378 352 165 162 271 388 595 835 918 6743 1885 1142 965 834 453 254 251 235 233 335 560 795 1048 7105 1886 1013 842 748 453 325 19.> 196 236 325 529 690 942 6494 1887 926 825 627 389 231 158 192 259 310 522 730 831 6000 1888 908 693 686 377 182 166 179 220 317 488 588 722 5535 1889 814 628 613 385 215 171 229 286 322 415 595 807 5480 1890 9O4 590 .-.81 424 864 135 172 217 228 3.M1 868 72.% 5262 1891 796 732 563 427 221 171 147 196 275 406 770 702 5466 1892 ,S32 715 457 326 189 136 168 164 289 470 580 760 5086 1893 924 711 520 .288 212 190 148 186 234 386 623 767 5189 1894 1047 754 594 379 209 120 133 146 233 471 736 766 5588 1895 777 673 726 443 341 171 153 140 258 466 705 676 5529 1896 909 759 559 269 243 129 106 192 314 422 572 688 5162 1897 796 608 551 332 195 120 146 158 252 333 603 829 4923 1898 791 811 601 403 298 135 211 253 275 374 592 807 5551 1899 903 650 580 321 246 131 178 201 297 401 563 831 5302 Mean for ^ 948 763 658 387 261 171 175 216 327 506 704 834 5950 24 years ) Signifies " no record." *This was obtained from measurements made with an eight-inch Negretti Evaporating Gauge. The following comparison with the evaporation shown by a 3ft. slate tank at the Perth Observatory during 1899 indicates that the above figures are on the whole too low : Perth Gardens. Observatory. 9-03 11-45 6-50 8-04 5-80 7-46 3-21 4-30 May 2-46 2-89 1'31 1-45 July 1-78 1-71 2-01 2-46 2-97 3-94 4-01 4-43 5-63 7-13 December 8-31 10-27 Year 53-02 65-53 CL1MATOLOGICAL TABLES. PERTH OBSERVATORY AND OUT-STATIONS. 37 WYNDHAM. Mean Monthly Barmneti'r. January. February. March. Aiiril. May. June, July. Aupust. Septem- ber. October. Novem* her. Decem. her. Year. 188!) 1890 29-839 29'fiGO 29-823 29-740 29-876 29-788 29-900 29-800 29-912 29-941 29-945 29*78 30-014 29-988 29-978 29-904 29-892 29-895 29-860 29-848 29-732 29-830 29 646 29-796 29-8(58 29-858 1891 1892 1893 189-1 1895 29-704 29-734 29-738 29-077 29-722 29-743 29-820 29-714 29-749 29-765 29-838 29-730 29-845 29-804 29-8.14 29-905 29-906 29-844 29-902 29-902 29-976 29-909 29-934 29-971 29-964 29-991 29-988 29-978 30-023 30-005 30-053 30-004 29-992 30-042 29994 30-068 29-P45 30020 29-976 30026 29-990 29-913 29-920 29-944 29-954 29-893 29-848 29-847 29-884 29920 29-863 29-806 29-802 29-825 29-906 29-784 29-793 29-79(1 29-778 29-826 29-901 29-872 29-869 29-881 29903 1896 *1897 1898 l9i) Moan for 9 ) years j 29-778 29-743 29-784 29-782 29-706 29-792 29-842 29-704 29-792 29-882 29-8SM) 29-909 29-962 29-980 29-972 30-014 30-015 30-050 30-008 30-015 29-920 29-951 2S-881 29-926 29-810 29-83 i 29-774 29-82;; 29 865 29902 29-728 29-762 29-804 29-892 29-957 29-988 30-017 30-000 29-931 29-878 29-823 29-780 29-880 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1889 1890 88-7 : 89-0 90-2 ' 88-4 91-2 89-6 90-5 86-2 85-0 82-2 82-5 79-6 76-4 77-0 820 81-2 87-8 87-4 91-9 92-0 93-0 93-4 90-8 89-5 87-4 86-4 1891 1892 1893 *1894 *1895 88-1 91-9 92-2 89-7 84-8 87-5 908 88-0 93-8 86-4 86-0 92-8 82-3 80-0 87-9 76-0 77-8 793 73-3 77-2 79-8 75-2 83-2 77-6 81-8 86-2 86-2 88-0 88-7 90-7 88-2 89-2 92-2 93-0 89-4 91-9 84-6 85-6 87-0 *189H *1897 1898 1899 Mean for 7 ) years j 89-2 86-2 85-7 88-3 85-1 83-3 85-2 85-1 79-0 786 78-0 75-8 74-0 72-4 79-4 76-3 85-3 83-8 88-5 87-4 88-0 91-8 88-0 89-0 83-8 83-1 88-4 88-7 88-8 87-4 82-2 78-4 75-8 79-3 85-5 896 90-8 90~2 85-4 Highest Temperature in Month. 1889 105-0 ! 108-0 1890 113-0 107-0 108-0 107-0 111-0 107-0 104-0 | 113-0 101-0 103-0 ! 100-0 101-0 1030 105-0 1070 110-0 111-0 111-0 113-5 112-5 112-0 110-0 113-5 113-0 1891 1892 1893 105-5 111-0 106-0 120-0 104-5 108-0 120-0 106-0 112-0 108-0 105-0 111-0 104-0 96-0 104-0 100-0 96-0 99-0 100-0 94-0 107-0 95-5 101-0 1020 1005 103-0 105-0 103-0 106-0 1060 103-0 104-0 109-0 113-0 108-0 109-0 120-0 111-0 112-0 1899 Highest ... 1090 105-0 99-5 105-0 104-0 97-2 98-0 100-5 91-2 95-8 92-0 91-8 90-0 94-8 94-0 94-2 101-2 102-5 110-2 104-8 105-0 110-0 107-0 104-0 110-2 110-0 113-0 120-0 1200 111-0 104-0 113-0 107-0 105-0 110-0 111-0 113-5 113-0 120-0 Lowest Temperature in Month. ISS 73-0 72-0 75-0 73-0 73-0 70-0 69-0 65-0 65-0 55-0 56-0 52-0 51-0 ; eo-o 51-0 ! 54-0 68-0 64-0 68-0 76-0 70-0 75-0 70-0 71-0 51-0 51-0 1 72-0 75-0 70-0 70-0 72-0 71-0 72-0 72-0 72-0 67-0 67-0 74-0 62-0 62-0 70-0 59-0 52-0 62-0 52-0 58-0 58-0 55-5 60-0 56-0 67-0 70-0 67'0 74-0 73-0 73-0 72-0 72-0 77-0 73-0 70-0 75-0 52-0 52-0 56-0 1898 69-0 1899 71-8 64-0 74-5 70-0 70-2 72-0 67-2 61-8 580 63-0 54-0 57-0 50-0 65-0 59-0 71-0 662 71-2 72-1 70-6 71-0 68-0 74-0 57-0 500 * Not Included in means. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " 110 record." 38 WYNDHAM. Number of Days over 90 (October-April included) and Nights below 4ff (May- September). I January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1889 28 27 31 30 ... ... 31 30 30 1890 30 25 30 29 . . . 31 30 30 1891 25 28 31 29 29 26 31 1892 31 26 27 30 31 30 30 1893 26 26 31 30 31 30 31 *1894 *1895 *1896 _ _ _ *1897 , 1898 30 25 22 30 31 24 23 1899 21 28 20 27 31 30 28 Mean for 7 ) years ) 27 27 27 29 31 29 29 Monthly Rainfall. *1886 . 197 1150 1887 379 359 361 459 5 3 37 52 352 2007 1888 1544 727 20 163 119 1 3 106 897 3580 1889 852 422 203 17 230 10 59 323 520 502 3138 1890 1831 402 361 55 1 2 * 16 158 148 2974 1891 869 340 279 26 474 148 2136 1892 284 383 ! 638 14 . . . 52 120 205 1696 1893 631 878 549 84 121 23 42 446 2774 1894 424 550 397 40 179 219 80 1889 1895 674 917 518 6 95 11 524 .... ... 467 177 3389 1896 1929 1090 293 8 48 29 218 687 4302 1897 287 749 155 6 50 81 25 660 2013 1898 361 769 ; 806 55 8 163 62 93 41] 895 3623 1899 1225 221 811 170 12 25 72 357 2893 ean for ) 868 601 415 83 46 15 44 16 64 222 427 2801 3 years ) Mean for ) 13 years ) 868 601 415 83 46 15 44 16 64 222 427 2801 Monthly Number of Wet Days. 1887 11 17 10 20 4 1 2 4 9 78 1888 20 9 4 5 4 1 1 8 18 70 1889 14 14 11 3 6 3 5 6 10 14 86 1890 14 16 14 5 1 2 1 11 12 76 1891 18 11 7 6 16 8 66 1892 12 13 8 '"l 2 9 9 54 1893 15 14 12 5 5 4 4 14 73 "894 13 16 13 2 4 7 5 60 1895 15 15 5 2 5 1 10 4 10 67 1896 19 9 8 1 2 _ _ _ 1897 2 9 1898 8 9 13 1 1 '2 2 1 8 10 55 1899 12 6 17 1 1 3 4 10 54 i * Not included iu means. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies "no record." 39 DEEBY. Mean Monthly Barometer. Jammry. February . March. April. May. June. July. AllL'U.-l. Sep- tember. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1888 1889 1890 29728 29709 29-820 29-751 29-923 29-808 29-947 29-880 29-990 29-9.-JO 30-060 29-970 30-080 30-004 30-037 29-978 30-019 29-936 29-969 29-896 29910 29-860 29-838 29-820 29-943 29-880 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 29736 29782 29770 28-694 89-783 29-765 29-804 29-736 29-754 29-782 89-861 29788 29-850 29818 29-867 29-934 30-063 29-912 . 29-985 29-857 29-940 29919 29-997 29-905 29-978 30-012 29994 29972 30-028 30-001 30-058 30-007 29-992 30-054 30-006 30-092 29979 30-OO4 30-02 i 30-004 30-004 29-953 29943 29-966 29-962 29-927 29-894 29-866 29-898 29-894 29-867 29-908 29-811 29-835 29-888 29-830 29-914 29-802 29-789 29-797 29-929 29-908 29-879 29-898 29-90!' 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean, 1 1 > years ) 2973(i 29-864 29770 29730 29-754 29-808 29-730 29-822 29-810 29-893 29-782 29-778 29-894 29-919 29-914 89-981 30-015 30-019 30-013 30-006 29-974 29-992 29-989 30-018 30-028 30-056 30-026 30-048 30-056 30-010 29-972 30'OiO 30-001 29-971 29-949 29-976 29-941 29-908 29-8111 29-951 29-857 29-841' 29-81?. 29-875 29-889 29-770 29-769 29-841 29-917 29-922 29-878 29-914 29750 29-775 29-828 29-808 29-990 30-007 30-032 30-016 29-970 29-912 29-860 29-824 29-906 Mean Monthly Temperature, 1888 83-4 86-2 87-1 84-8 79-5 , 75-0 71-4 77-4 { 81-1 87-8 90-0 91-1 82-9 *1889 1890 87-0 85-2 87-8 86-2 80-8 75-7 73-3 78-5 ; 82-3 84-0 86-8 87-2 82-9 1891 85-8 85-8 85-9 82-0 81-4 76-0 67-0 72-0 80-0 85-1 87-4 88-8 81-4 *1892 1893 83-4 83-6 84-8 86-0 77-9 74-4 73-7 76-6 80-8 86-3 87-1 85-4 81-7 1894 85-2 83-4 85-9 82-7 75-2 70-7 68-6 72-2 76-1 83-8 87-2 88-2 79-9 1895 85-6 83-0 86-8 83-8 76-6 71-6 70-6 73-7 77-4 85-4 86-9 89-5 80-9 1896 84-6 83-6 85-2 82-8 75-9 68-6 66-8 71-5 78-8 84-0 87-5 90-2 80-0 1897 90-1 87-3 87-2 84-2 76-6 75-0 74-0 76-4 79-4 83-8 89-5 87-6 82-6 1898 86-9 84-8 85-4 82-4 74-6 72-4 69-7 74-0 i 80-4 85-0 87-6 87-0 80-9 1899 84-8 85-8 83-7 80-9 73-5 71-0 68-2 72-9 . 79-6 82-0 86-6 87-2 79-7 Mean for}! 86-0 83-6 77-2 73-0 70-3 74-5 79-6 84-7 87-7 88-2 81-3 10 years ) Highest Temperature in Month. 1888 101-0 105-0 105-0 105-0 95-0 99-0 95-0 100-0 105-6 105-0 111-0 111-0 111-0 1889 1890 103-0 104-0 109-0 106-0 102-0 96-0 99-0 102-0 106-0 108-0 102-0 105-0 109-0 1891 100-0 102-0 105-0 104-0 101-0 97-0 90-0 94-0 99-0 106-0 104-0 105-0 106-0 1892 1893 105-0 101-0 102-0 100-0 96-0 90-0 96-0 95-0 104-0 112-0 109-0 106-0 112-0 1894 102-0 101-0 100-0 101-0 93-0 93-0 90-0 93-0 99-0 106-0 104-0 108-0 108-0 1895 104-0 102-0 103-0 101-0 94-0 89-0 86-0 95-0 99-0 105-0 104-0 103-0 105-0 1896 104-0 98-0 103-0 98-0 98-0 88-0 89-0 95-0 99-0 100-0 104-0 109-0 109-0 1897 104'0 103-0 103-0 102-0 96-2 96-0 94-0 97-0 100-5 104-0 106-2 106-0 106-0 1898 100-0 95-0 105-0 98-8 94-0 91-5 89-0 96-0 101-0 1070 107-0 106-5 107-0 1899 107-0 101-2 100-0 100-0 96-0 86-2 90-0 91-0 103-0 102-0 109-0 103-0 109-0 Highest ... 107-0 105-0 109-0 106-0 102-0 99-0 99-0 102-0 106-0 112-0 111-0 111-0 112-0 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1888 73-0 72-0 69-0 65-0 62-0 48-0 45-0 57-0 57-0 69-0 68-0 80-0 45-0 1889 1890 73-0 73-0 68-0 65-0 58-0 52-0 53-0 55-0 64-0 68-0 70-0 70-0 52-0 1891 72-0 68-0 61-0 49-0 61-0 49-0 44-0 49-0 61-0 68'0 70-0 71-0 44-0 1892 1893 68-0 69-0 69-0 71-0 55-0 55-0 50-0 53-0 60-0 68-0 70-0 71-0 50-0 1894 72-0 70-0 i 67-0 62-0 54-0 49-0 48-0 48-0 54-0 61-0 70-0 70-0 48-0 1895 70-0 70-0 73-0 67-0 58-0 55-0 54-0 49-0 56-0 61-0 : 69-0 71-0 49-0 1896 69-0 70-0 73-0 63-0 53-0 47-0 47-0 49-0 60-0 64-0 73-0 76-0 47-0 1897 74-0 70-0 70-5 55-0 55-0 51-0 47-0 51-2 56-0 60-0 72-0 70-0 47-0 1898 70-2 72-2 70-0 61-0 50-0 49-0 47-0 52-0 63-0 66-0 73'2 71-0 47-0 1899 71-0 70-0 72-0 56-0 46-0 48-0 42-0 52-8 58-0 65-0 69-5 70-0 42-0 68-0 68-0 61-0 49-0 46-0 48-0 42-0 48-0 54-0 60-0 68-0 70-0 42-0 | * Not included in means. Signifies " no record." 40 DERBY. Number of Days over 90 (October to April included) and Nights below 40 (May-September). Jauuary. February. March . April. May. Jniie. July. August. Septem- ber. October, Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1888 12 22 31 27 31 30 30 *1889 | 1890 29 17 31 26 25 29 29 1891 28 19 29 30 28 29 31 *1892 1893 22 18 31 30 31 30 24 1894 2G 19 29 26 81 30 31 1895 29 19 30 30 30 30 31 1896 23 20 23 29 30 30 31 1897 31 25 31 30 30 30 28 1898 31 26 25 24 31 27 25 1899 22 27 19 29 25 30 31 VIean for 10 ^ years ) 25 21 28 28 29 30 29 Mean for 10 ^ 25 21 28 28 29 30 29 years ) 1 Monthly Rainfall. *1883 10 95 *1884 640 647 327 145 25 150 1 -J^ *1885 1 ' 1 62 1220 1886 483 1759 887 292 160 242 65 3888 1887 345 800 391 520 135 105 41 , 175 2512 1888 2734 535 88 106 191 26 "*4 4 116 73 3877 1889 751 870 265 1 843 351 1 55 630 3767 1890 1101 270 244 21 85 1 579 851 3158 1891 804 673 42 2 15 2 84 30 1652 1892 269 529 701 ... 480 1979 1893 789 395 478 85 188 92 332 545 2904 1894 421 858 : 228 37 1 8 105 167 1825 1895 503 579 81 639 58 205 3 181 2249 1896 1447 1292 362 91 13 3 119 3327 1897 185 1030 249 2 '"7 37 481 1991 1898 615 635 i 679 150 ; 111 206 202 3103 5701 1899 721 544 ! 1165 14 178 20 14 336 2997 Meanforl4} _ gg 769 ! 419 93 153 77 16 13 3 129 517 2988 years ) Monthly Number of Wet Days. 1883 i 1 5 1884 10 10 5 2 2 2 1 1 1885 1 1 4 8 1886 10 15 14 5 3 5 5 57 1887 13 9 10 14 6 5 3 7 67 1888 22 12 5 6 6 2 '2 i 4 5 65 1889 11 8 5 1 9 8 i 8 13 64 1890 18 11 8 1 6 i 3 9 60 1891 14 8 3 1 1 1 2 3 33 1892 5 14 8 8 35 1893 13 10 9 4 4 1 3 14 58 1894 12 18 7 1 1 3 6 4 52 1895 12 10 4 6 1 8 1 3 45 1896 15 15 10 2 1 1 4 48 1897 6 12 3 1 1 2 8 33 1898 10 14 10 3 "s 3 9 10 64 1899 15 13 17 1 4 1 "a 2 4 59 Not included in means. ... Signifies "nil." Signifies '* no record.' 41 BECOME. Mean Monthly Barometer. Jiinuiiiy. ' February. Miirc-li. April. May. Juue. July. August. Sep. tember. October. : N ^ m ' Decem- ber. Year. *189-t 1896 29-758 29790 29-884 29-914 29-996 29-994 30-048 30-030 80-020 30-028 30-008 30-019 29-996 29-952 29-930 29-916 29-866 29-883 29-815 29-833 29-917 1896 1897 29-751 29-770 29-829 29-903 30-019 30-044 30-OtH 30070 30-035 29-957 29-888 29-893 29-936 1898 1899 Mean for 4 } years ) 29-704 29-S12 29-720 29-739 29-902 29-905 29-962 29-980 29-970 30-001 30-024 30-032 30-000 30010 29-950 29-907 29-887 29-940 29-802 29-858 29-753 29-833 29-870 29-898 29-743 29-769 29-793 29-906 29-988 30-013 30-037 30-020 29-977 29-922 29-857 29-827 29905 Meat/ Monthly Temperature. *1894 1895 84-4 82-6 84-4 81-3 71-0 75-8 67-4 69-4 66-4 73-4 67-4 69-4 75-0 73-7 80-1 80-4 84-1 83-9 86-4 86-2 78-2 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 5 "( years ) 82-3 : 82-4 87-8 86-8 84-6 83-8 84-1 84-3 82-6 86-2 84-8 88-e 80-2 84-8 81-4 80-9 72-7 75-0 72-6 73-0 65-5 71-7 71-6 70-2 64-7 66-1 72-5 73-2 68-6 73-2 67-0 71-0 73-4 76-2 77-4 77-0 78-7 80-0 81-2 79-2 79-9 82-8 86-9 84-6 84-0 87-7 86-6 86-1 86-6 76-6 80-6 79-2 78-4 84-6 84-0 84-3 81-7 73-8 69-7 68-0 70-6 75-6 84-4 86-6 78-6 Highest Temperature in Month. \ 1894 1895 96-0 101-0 103-0 99-0 92-0 94-0 91-0 88-0 87'0 83-0 91-0 91-0 94-0 100-0 103-0 104-0 102-0 106-0 102-0 ; 102-0 106-0 1896 1897 1898 1899 Highest 99-0 100-5 96-5 102-5 93-0 101-5 93-8 101-4 96-0 101-5 102-0 101-4 98-0 102-4 97-6 100-0 97-0 97-3 93-0 93-2 88-0 96-9 92-2 85-0 88-0 91-2 87-4 87-0 92-0 98-8 93-8 90-4 97-0 99-0 98-4 101-0 99-0 108-6 104-0 101-0 101-0 107-9 101-0 111-0 101-0 101-0 108-9 108-9 103-6 104-0 104-2 111-0 102-5 101-5 103-0 102-4 97-3 96-9 91-2 98-8 101-0 108-6 111-0 108-9 111-0 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1894 1895 71-O 67-0 66-0 66-0 44-0 59-0 44-0 52-0 38-0 50-0 48-0 49-0 43-0 53-0 60-0 55-0 70-0 73-0 66-0 69-0 38-0 43-0 1896 1897 1898 1899 Lowest 70-0 75-0 69-0 68-0 70-0 74-0 71-4 72-0 70-0 69-2 71-0 64-0 55-0 57-0 61-3 58-3 43-0 52-0 48-9 46-4 39-0 49-8 51-0 48-4 42-0 49-2 48-2 40-2 40-0 50-0 53-7 55-0 51-8 59-0 49-2 56-8 58-0 60-0 61-4 60-4 65-0 76-0 72-0 72-0 68-2 73-0 70-2 72-6 39-0 49-2 482 40-2 68-0 67-0 64-0 55-0 43-0 39-0 38-0 40-0 49-0 55-0 65-0 69-0 38-0 Number of Days over 90 (October- A pril included), and Nights below 4ff (May -September). 189 i 1895 20 10 27 22 2 13 21 16 24 25 31 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 5 ) years ) 12 31 28 23 13 25 23 22 17 30 29 15 22 30 22 25 5 1 10 12 20 15 23 30 25 21 29 27 26 31 23 19 2t 24 1 16 25 29 Not included in means. ... Signifies "nil." Signifies " no record." 42 BECOME. Monthly Rainfall. January. February March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep- tember. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. *1889 _ 19 515 237 68 330 1890 548 566 : B6 20 5 147 93 312 1757 1891 329 60 108 7 64 11 51 11 641 1892 160 1271 424 14 245 2114 1893 1258 193 302 115 145 . 279 189 2781 1894 457 567 367 1 40 3 1435 1895 251 918 350 164 i 67 9 1 9 93 1862 1896 1289 2358 572 88 4307 1897 219 429 237 122 28 1196 2231 1898 328 1086 867 174 17 154 1 190 1449 4266 1899 1083 704 932 10 49 2 23 57 2860 Mean for ^ 10 years ) 592 816 | 423 33 41 83 1 4 39 393 2425 Monthly Number of Wet Days. 1889 ! 1 7 , 3 6 11 1890 12 13 2 2 1 3 3 6 42 1891 11 5 o 2 3 3 1 2 29 1892 4 10 5 1 7 1893 13 7 5 2 3 2 6 38 1894 7 12 5 i 2 1 28 1895 9 10 7 5 i i 1 ' 1 3 38 1896 15 13 14 3 45 1897 5 10 8 5 3 9 40 1898 14 17 11 6 3 5 i 5 6 68 1899 13 11 13 1 3 1 1 6 49 ' Not included in meaus. Simplifies " no record." ... Sigiifies "nil." 43 LONDON. Mean Monthly Barometer. Mean for 3 ) . )0 _. i\J 1 OO years j 29-772 29-801 29-951 30-011 30-040 30-084 30-052 30-000 29-936 29-849 29-773 29-922 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 1898 8(5-8 1899 84-1 H4-3 84-2 86-8 81-4 71-4 84-2 76-8 (>6-5 82-4 7(5-8 ()7-(> 69-4 64-5 64-6 67-4 ! 67-5 62-4 (!6'8 (52-2 66-8 70-7 71-8 71-8 76-2 76-7 75-2 85-7 83-0 81-8 85-0 85-7 84-5 75-8 75-2 Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Highest 106-0 103-5 103-8 113-0 96-0 101-2 103-0 103-8 101-2 103-0 98-0 96-0 90-5 98-0 93-0 94-0 88-5 81-5 88-0 84-0 83-2 91-0 93-0 88-5 95-1 98-8 95-0 108-0 108-2 105-0 110-8 107-2 112-8 108-5 108-5 107-0 1130 108-5 112-8 106-0 113-0 103-8 103-0 98-0 94-0 88-0 93-0 98-8 108-2 112-8 108-5 113-0 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Lowest 75-1 65-0 71-2 70-0 68-0 65-0 66-0 51-0 56-3 57-0 47-0 44-4 42-0 41-0 39-2 43-0 45-0 , 37-0 41-5 39-5 39-0 42-0 48-0 50-5 47-0 54-0 54-0 49-0 63-5 59-0 59-0 60-0 67-5 63-8 37-0 39-2 39-0 65-0 70-0 65-0 51-0 42-0 39-2 39-0 37-0 47-0 49-0 .59-0 60-0 37-0 Number of days over 90P (October-April inclusive) and Nights below 40P (May-September). 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 3 ) years ) 31 27 27 26 21 23 31 27 17 26 12 12 2 2 1 2 11 19 12 30 25 23 26 31 28 28 23 25 17 1 1 1 ... 14 26 28 Monthly Rainfall. *1889 1890 371 205 5 386 210 12 30 53 .,. 10 156 91 171 1359 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 5 835 1192 150 488 836 273 940 20 869 28 375 43 93 173 71 58 142 "74 10 12 ;:: ... ... 466 15 13 585 1179 1892 2897 628 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean for } 10 years ) 620 186 1055 36 18 349 513 1033 31 23 1360 2 364 61 11 106 175 194 35 90 10 596 173 1700 798 1281 3212 421 287 431 113 38 81 13 9 17 143 1553 Monthly Number of Wet Days. 1889 1890 4 4 2 3 6 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 23 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1 7 4 5 7 5 5 6 1 4 2 " 2 1 "2 2 4 3 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 10 14 24 13 12 1896 1897 1898 1899 6 2 6 3 2 8 8 3 1 2 8 1 5 2 1 3 2 6 1 2 "i "e 2 13 15 23 30 * Not included in means. Signifies " mo record." ... Signifies 44 COSSACK. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. *1881 1 _ _ I 30-065 30021 29-899 29-790 29-751 *1882 29-749 29-747 29-750 29-857 29942 30-029 30-037 29-971 29-957 29-855 29-812 29-724 29-869 *1883 29-773 29-663 29-850 29-902 i 29-962 30-012 30-074 30-027 30-016 29-901 29-786 29-772 29-896 *1884 29-765 29684 29-7HO 29-906 29-994 30-006 30-080 29974 29-983 29-929 29-821 29-747 29-887 *1885 29-756 29-710 29-821 29-940 29-974 30-071 30-048 30-019 29-978 29-962 29-905 2! 1-7:14 29-910 t *1886 29-778 29-720 29-842 29-886 29-990 29-988 29-923 29-882 29-840 29-718 1887 29-672 29-617 29-773 29-828 29-934 30000 29-951 29-976 29-926 1888 *1889 29-875 29-738 1890 29-692 29-727 29-837 29926 30-006 30-030 30101 30-052 ' 20-984 29-915 29-856 29-810 29-911 1891 29-716 29-718 29-858 29-956 30-000 30-048 30-153 30-142 30-046 29-935 2SC875 29-836 29-940 1892 29-750 29-776 29-776 29-952 30-038 30-058 30-054 30-003 29-988 29-890 29-811 29-778 29-906 1893 29-687 29-713 29-861 29-864 29-978 30-024 30-010 30-070 29-988 29-894 29-831 29-788 29-892 1894 29-664 29-772 29-797 29-919 29-948 29-950 29-965 29-956 29-926 29-906 29-854 29-813 29-872 1895 29-740 29-764 29-882 29-901 29-931 29-948 *1896 _ *1897 29-925 29-954 30-044 30-027 30-098 30-057 30-014 29-914 29-833 29-722 1898 29-734 29-697 29-756 29-940 30-028 30-031 30-091 30-032 30-000 29936 29-837 29-768 29-904 1899 29-722 29-804 29-727 29-968 30-056 30-060 30-106 30-082 30-029 29-988 29-914 29-856 29-943 M f ) an lor ' 29-709 29-744 29-802 29-932 30-008 30-029 30-068 30-048 29-994 29-923 29-854 29-807 29-910 7 Years ) . t Prior to 1886 observations were not taken at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., and the noon reading has been entered as the monthly Mean. Since that date the Mean is taken from the 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. reading. Mean Monthly Temperature. 1881 i 67-2 71-1 72-8 79-4 82-4 88-1 1882 88-8 88-8 87-4 81-0 77-2 65-4 64-5 69-8 77-3 80-4 88-0 90-2 80-0 1883 90-7 88-2 90-5 84-6 77-2 74-8 70-6 69-2 74-2 79-5 84-7 88-6 81-2 1884 90-2 91-0 87-5 78-2 70-8 67-8 63-3 68-6 74-8 79-2 80-5 84-8 78-1 1885 87-8 87-6 84-9 82-4 75-8 66-6 67-6 72-3 74-8 82-4 82-0 88-0 79-3 1886 88-6 88-4 86-7 80-0 63-8 63-0 70-0 78-4 85-2 86-6 __ 1887 85-4 85-8 88-0 80-6 74-6 66-5 68-5 70-3 72-6 86-0 80-6 89-1 79-0 *1888 86-9 89-9 90-4 86-9 77-1 68'6 65-2 68-5 71-9 81-2 82-8 *1889 . . 83-6 85-9 1890 91-8 88-8 90-0 83-0 72-7 67-8 66-5 70-7 75-2 78-2 82-5 86-7 79-5 1891 87-8 87-2 84-6 79-8 76-2 66-0 61-1 65-5 70-4 78-6 83-9 84-6 77-1 1892 88-6 88-4 86-0 81-6 70-9 66-8 65-6 70-6 70-8 75-6 82-5 87-1 77-9 1893 83-7 85-1 84-6 80-2 70-2 64-8 67-1 70-1 74-0 81-9 84-2 8f9 77-6 1894 81-8 81-0 85-1 81-3 72.8 70-2 65-4 68-6 72-5 81-8 85-9 86-9 77-8 *1895 *1896 _ __ __ . _ - 1897 85-4 75-4 71-2 68-7 69-8 72-0 77-8 88-4 88-8 1898 89-7 87-2 88-4 79-6 71-0 66-6 66-3 72-4 74*4 80-8 86-9 89-6 79-4 1899 89-0 87-6 86-2 81-7 71-2 65-1 65-2 68-0 75-2 77-8 84-9 87-6 78-3 Vlean for 'J 12 Years) 88-0 87-4 87-0 81-2 73-4 67-4 66-0 69-8 71-0 80-2 83-9 87-4 78-8 Highest Temperature in Month. 1881 : 104-0 98-0 82-0 89-0 92-0 100-0 [ 105-0 105-0 115-0 i 1882 116-0 i 111-0 108-0 94-0 98-0 87-0 75-0 83-0 99-0 1 98-0 111-0 ! 110-0 116-0 1883 IIO'O 104-0 1080 97-0 94-0 950 90-0 84-0 96-0 ' 97-0 111-0 105-0 111-0 1884 109-0 110-0 110-0 90-0 84-0 80-0 75-0 79-0 86-0 i 101-0 109-0 102-0 110-0 1885 109-0 104-0 105-0 97-0 93-0 83-0 84-0 90-0 95-0 104-0 103-0 107-0 109-0 1886 111-0 105-0 102-0 98-0 . 82-0 78-0 84-0 100-0 104-0 ! 112-0 112-0 1887 110-0 112-0 113-0 105-0 96-0 84-0 84-0 86-0 88-0 109-0 103-0 1J4-0 114-0 1888 119-0 115-0 103-0 102-0 96-0 88-0 81-0 90-0 101-0 104-0 108-0 _ 1889 109-0 J01-0 - 1890 115-0 108-0 110-0 102-0 92-0 84-0 88-0 92-0 95-0 97-0 1110 107-0 115-0 1891 111-0 107-0 107-0 98-0 96-0 82-0 81-0 84-0 94-0 106-0 108-0 115-0 115-0 1892 113-0 111-0 105-0 1010 89-0 84-0 80-0 89-0 90-0 100-0 110-0 108-0 113-0 1893 106-0 106-0 101-0 103-0 87-0 80-0 82-0 94-0 96-0 106-0 107-0 109-0 109-0 1894 100-0 93-0 95-0 94-0 84-0 80-0 78-0 78-0 84-0 96-0 97-0 98-0 100-0 1895 1896 1897 105-0 96-5 93-0 92-0 92-8 91-0 103-0 109-0 110-0 .ISDN 113-4 112-2 108-0 100-2 89-8 86-2 85-0 92-0 95-4 110-5 110-5 112-6 113-4 1899 108-2 107-9 111-2 96-8 93-0 83-4 83-2 89-3 95-8 105-1 111-7 107-5 111-7 Highest . . . 119-0 115-0 113-0 105-0 98-0 95-0 92-0 94-0 101-0 110-5 : 111-7 115-0 119-0 i I i * Not included in means. Signifies " no record." 45 COSSACK. Lowegt Temperature in Month. January. February. March. April. May. Juue. July. August, Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1881 46-0 52-0 53-0 61-0 62-0 70-0 1882 70-0 72-0 71-0 65-0 54-0 51-0 52-0 58-0 63-0 63-0 71-0 71-0 51-0 1883 78-0 76-0 75-0 72-0 61-0 62-0 55-0 55-0 59-0 65-0 70-0 77-0 55-0 1884 75-0 77-0 75-0 66-0 55-0 51-0 50-0 55-0 63-0 63-0 65-0 68-0 50-0 1885 72-0 73-0 71-0 68-0 62-0 53-0 47-0 58-0 58-0 65-0 64-0 72-0 47-0 1886 78-0 76-0 71-0 61-0 45-0 48-0 53-0 55-0 66-0 70-0 1887 64-0 68-0 67-0 62-0 55-0 50-0 54-0 51-0 58-0 60-0 61-0 64-0 50-0 1888 66-0 64-0 74-0 56-0 52-0 50-0 46-0 52-0 54-0 62-0 46-0 1889 63-0 65-0 1890 79-0 74-0 72-0 65-0 52-0 50-0 50-0 53-0 57-0 63-0 64-0 69-0 50-0 1891 71-0 74-0 68-0 62-0 61-0 51-0 45-0 46-0 54-0 57-0 65-0 66-0 45-0 1892 74-0 74-0 70-0 61-0 50-0 50-0 50-0 52-0 54-0 57-0 62-0 71-0 50-0 1893 68-0 70-0 70-0 (ji'O 47-0 53-0 53-0 55-0 57-0 63-0 67-0 70-0 47-0 1894 60-0 70-0 72-0 70-0 64-0 58-0 55-0 59-0 61-0 71-0 74-0 76-0 55-0 1895 73-0 73-0 72-0 70-0 65-0 1896 1897 66-0 67-0 51-0 49-0 50-8 48-0 54-0 59-0 69-2 70-8 48-0 1898 73-2 72-8 73-2 62-0 53-4 44-9 48-2 49-8 56-1 62-8 65-0 69-5 44-9 1899 72-0 73-5 65-0 67-2 52-5 50-0 45-9 52-2 55-8 58-7 62-4 72-8 45-9 Lowest 60-0 64-0 65-0 61-0 47-0 44-9 45-0 46-0 52-0 54-0 61-0 64-0 44-9 Number of days over .90 (October-April, inclusive) and nights below 4ff (May-September). 1881 29 31 1882 28 14 13 29 31 1883 31 27 31 26 9 22 29 1884 31 1 16 14 29 1885 31 22 29 21 25 19 31 1886 31 28 27 16 21 30 31 1887 31 28 31 18 30 31 1888 23 29 31 29 29 1889 25 25 1890 31 24 31 21 16 22 29 1891 30 28 30 13 20 25 23 1892 28 28 25 22 10 22 24 1893 16 18 28 18 20 24 22 1894 18 9 16 4 10 17 19 1895 14 11 8 6 _ '1896 1897 29 30 13 30 30 1898 28 27 31 18 27 30 31 1899 31 25 22 25 13 27 29 n for) ) years) 28 24 27 18 17 24 27 Monthly Rainfall. 1881 16 94 359 , 14-0 ... 1882 861 63 62 94 2 12 1094 1883 85 357 9 104 54 38 8 655 1884 2 185 40 616 "97 171 284 8 1403 1885 5 ! 275 36 258 26 18 : 5 6 629 1886 10 8 504 86 70 63 2 2 745 1887 233 967 2 .39 122 176 37 5 1 1582 1888 351 154 76 34 45 44 70 774 1889 35 520 563 110 35 53 108 1424 1890 60 118 17 111 314 9 1 2 27 659 1891 1 8 25 ... 34 1892 66 519 228 7 820 1893 1207 434 45 3 70 12 13 1784 1894 745 6 86 22 74 933 1895 70 699 21 73 116 979 1896 _ _ 1897 20 1898 388 20 249 27 1542 78 119 154 485 ... ' 210 27 881 2438 1899 107 222 305 3 1 216 "62 916 in for "} 8 years ) 184 209 161 141 87 79 62 34 1 6 22 986 * Not included in means. Signifies " no record." ... Signifies " ml." 46 COSSACK. Monthly Number of Wet Days. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep- tember. Octoler. Novem- Decem- ber, ber. Year. 1881 1 4 5 1 1882 4 3 2 2 1 2 14 1883 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 15 1884 1 10 3 5 5 "l 25 1885 1 9 !" 2 3 2 2 1 1 21 1886 1 1 6 3 1 2 1887 2 7 1 3 4 8 2 2 1 30 1888 8 4 2 2 3 4 1889 4 3 5 5 1 3 3 24 1890 4 8 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 22 1891 1 1 2 4 1892 .t '"7 2 1 14 1893 9 5 2 3 " 6 2 2 29 1894 9 1 3 2 1 16 1895 2 6 1 3 1896 1897 . 5 6 3 6 1898 5 7 ... 3 3 3 2 23 1899 5 5 3 1 1 5 2 22 Signifies " no record." ... Signifies " nil." 47 ONSLOW. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. 29791 29-725 29-872 29-712 February. 29-734 29-81(5 29860 29-818 March. 29-888 29-946 29-950 29-861 April. 29-932 29-974 29-968 29-953 May. 30-030 30-049 29-983 30-013 June. 30-070 30-085 30-006 30-052 July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1887 1888 1889 1890 30-126 30-132 30-103 30-102 30-092 30-070 30-078 30-087 30-089 30-071 30-013 30-030 30-031 30-036 29-990 29-980 29-926 29-950 29-849 29-917 29-876 29-884 29-759 29-872 29-965 29-978 29-953 29-950 1891 1892 *1893 1894 1895 29-789 29-808 29-729 29-693 29-783 29-830 29-822 29-740 29-808 29-794 29-914 29-757 29-906 29-856 29-895 30-004 29-984 29-918 29-998 30-016 30-040 30-070 30-006 30-084 30-151 30-088 30-108 30-024 30-132 30-176 30-190 30-079 30-072 30-153 30-192 30-174 30-058 30-104 30-104 30-183 30-110 30-042 30-052 30-066 30-138 30-002 29-960 29-988 29-982 30-074 22-937 29-886 29-906 29-917 30-054 29-904 29-834 29-846 29-855 29-942 29-998 29-951 29-941 29-971 30-033 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 12} years ) 29-822 29-820 29-735 29-724 29-861 29-794 29-690 29-802 29-904 29-906 29-764 29-730 30-058 29-950 29-954 29-950 30-179 30-054 ISO'018 30-034 30-178 30-016 30-032 30-024 30-159 30-090 30-076 30-068 30-130 30-082 30-048 30-054 30-075 30-020 29-984 30-022 30-006 29-923 29-952 29-982 29-924 29-874 29-836 29-911 29-887 29-722 29-761 29-833 30-015 29-938 29-904 29-928 29-773 29-802 29-864 29-978 30-059 30-081 30-122 30-097 30-054 29-993 29-915 29-844 29-965 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1887 85-2 84-3 84'8 78-0 72-3 63-7 61-7 66-0 72-9 77-0 74-6 84-0 75-4 1888 85-8 86-3 83-6 827 70-2 67-0 64-6 04-6 68-6 75-4 80-7 83-8 76-1 1889 85-9 87-2 83-6 81-2 71-4 64-1 62-4 64-4 68-3 76-0 79-0 87-0 75-9 1890 87-7 84-8 86-4 78-8 70-6 63-8 64-0 65-6 69-2 73-0 79-8 81-2 75-4 1891 84-3 83-8 . 84-1 79-1 75-2 65-2 60-0 64-3 67-8 73-0 79-0 80-2 74-6 1892 87-7 87-0 83-0 80-5 69-5 65-2 63-6 65-6 67-1 72-2 78-7 81-4 75-1 1893 82-0 83-5 82-8 76-2 69-1 63-3 63-8 67-9 69-2 74-0 78-8 79-6 74-2 1894 81-7 82-2 81-8 79-4 70-7 64-6 62-5 62-0 65-1 71-9 77-7 81-0 73-4 *1895 87-0 85-4 85-6 78-2 80-4 85-6 74-9 *1896 83-9 87-2 84-5 74-7 82-4 73-8 1897 83-6 87-2 84-4 82-5 71-8 69-2 66-8 67-0 70-4 74-4 80-6 85-0 76-8 1898 87-0 84-7 84-4 79-8 69-6 64-2 66-0 67-5 71-6 75-4 81-8 86-1 76-5 1899 85-8 86-0 85-8 78-8 69-8 64-1 63-9 66-8 71-0 73-4 78-7 85-4 75-8 Mean for ll} 85-2 85-2 84-1 79-7 70-9 64-9 63-6 65-6 69-2 74-2 79-0 83-2 75-4 years J Highest Temperature in Month. 1887 114-0 111-0 108-0 100-0 88-0 78-0 78-0 82-0 96-0 99-0 100-0 109-0 114-0 1888 112-0 111-0 106-0 105-0 91-0 84-0 81-0 82-0 93-0 97-0 112-0 111-0 112-0 1889 110-0 112-0 107-0 97-0 91-0 78-0 80-0 84-0 90-0 104-0 112-0 114-0 114-0 1890 115-0 111-0 110-0 104-0 85-0 79-0 79-0 85-0 96-0 97-0 105-0 1891 119-0 115-0 101-0 98-0 83-0 81-0 88-0 90-0 101-0 107-0 112-0 1892 113-0 115-0 107-0 106-0 92-0 85-0 82-0 87-0 90-0 98-0 106-0 112-0 115-0 1893 115-0 115-0 106-0 96-0 89-0 81-0 86-0 i 91-0 97-0 103-0 113-0 108-0 115-0 1894 114-0 109-0 103-0 104-0 93-0 85-0 84-0 86-0 88-0 104-0 108-0 109-0 114-0 1895 109-0 108-0 110-0 102-0 89-0 85-0 88-0 92-0 100-0 113-0 118-0 121-0 121-0 1896 121-0 123-0 116-0 106-0 103-0 94-0 86-0 94-0 103-0 98-0 103-0 107-0 123-0 1897 107-0 112-0 103-0 105-0 95-0 86-5 88-0 90-3 93-0 108-5 108-7 112-2 112-2 1898 117-0 107-9 108-7 101-0 92-5 82-5 86-5 90-5 98-5 101-2 108-0 115-0 117-0 1899 105-2 107-8 108-5 98-5 91-9 80-5 83-5 86-0 90-5 102-0 110-0 114-9 114-9 Highest ... 121-0 123-0 116-0 106-0 103-0 94-0 88-0 94-0 103-0 113-0 118-0 121-0 123-0 1 __ Lowest Temperature in Month. 1887 67-0 66-0 64-0 56-0 48-0 49-0 42-0 42-0 57-0 53-0 57-0 64-0 42-0 1888 71-0 70-0 64-0 63-0 49-0 48-0 42-0 44-0 47-0 56-0 58-0 60-0 42-0 1889 65-0 70-0 64-0 65-0 55-0 45-0 45-0 44-0 49-0 55-0 59-0 64-0 44-0 1890 69-0 69-0 68-0 62-0 48-0 42-0 44-0 46-0 49-0 52-0 62-0 53-0 42-0 1891 65-0 66-0 64-0 57-0 55-0 41-0 39-0 39-0 47-0 52-0 58-0 i 60-0 39-0 1892 67-0 67-0 63-0 55-0 45-0 44-0 44-0 45-0 45-0 49-0 53-0 58-0 44-0 1893 55-0 60-0 65-0 56-0 50-0 48-0 i 44-0 47-0 48-0 50-0 55-0 55-0 44-0 1894 51-0 64-0 61-0 59-0 49-0 40-0 39-0 40-0 4i-0 50-0 57-0 59-0 39-0 1895 70-0 62-0 64-0 48-0 54-0 59-0 1896 59-0 60-0 54-0 _ 49-0 63-0 1897 65-5 66-0 67-5 53-0 45-2 45-2 46-0 43-0 49-0 48-5 52-5 54-5 43-0 1898 65-5 69-5 63-0 57-5 46-0 38-5 42-3 43-4 45-0 52-2 61-8 64-0 38-5 1899 66-5 70-0 63-0 58-9 47-5 47'2 43-8 46-5 54-5 53-0 59-0 67-4 43-8 Lowest 51-0 ] 60-0 54-0 53-0 45-0 38-5 39-0 39-0 44-0 48-0 49-0 53-0 38-0 ' Not included in means. Signifies " no record." 48 ONSLOW. Number of days over 90 (October-April, inclusive) and nights below 40 (May-September). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1887 28 19 28 17 18 7 29 1888 22 27 31 26 17 22 26 1889 29 26 26 22 Itj 17 28 *1890 29 16 31 10 10 17 1881 21 27 19 4 2 8 20 17 1892 28 28 21 26 15 25 31 *1893 29 17 ... 20 22 27 1894 29 24 29 26 1 4 1 10 20 20 1895 20 26 26 18 30 30 31 1896 31 29 31 30 8 18 27 1897 26 28 28 25 17 26 27 1898 26 20 31 21 2 18 24 29 1899 31 25 26 20 9 19 26 Mean for } 10 Years ) 27 25 28 23 1 16 21 27 Monthly Rainfall. 1886 19 10 30 119 9 3 190 1887 5 14 56 103 264 274 28 15 759 188S 340 50 14 490 338 82 49 4 1367 1889 59 340 726 i 293 14 421 4 1857 1890 12 135 5 155 697 81 12 '7 13 1117 1891 12 248 260 1892 105 259 55 150 28 5 602 1893 "72 321 34 101 12 336 169 5 1050 1894 115 8 90 3 5 7 '"? "27 a 2ii5 1895 32 188 47 101 177 47 1 593 1896 25 1 27 1 4 13 2 73 1897 98 1 437 285 i 241 1063 1898 ioe 194 6 5 9 65 1 2 3 390 1899 7 92 18 265 65 100 36 583 Mean for I 14 Years j 54 69 78 27 158 180 87 47 2 I 2 21 726 Mean for 1 14 Years j 54 69 78 27 158 180 87 47 2 I 2 21 726 Monthly Number of Wet Days. 1886 2 1 1 4 2 1 11 1887 1 4 3 2 7 4 2 1 24 1888 8 2 1 2 5 2 3 1 24 1889 4 1 9 4 3 2 1 24 1890 3 4 1 4 7 2 2 1 1 25 1891 1 5 ... 6 1892 3 "s 3 6 5 1 26 1893 6 3 2 4 2 12 4 1 34 1894 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 18 1895 ... 3 3 1 2 5 3 1 18 1896 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1897 3 i 2 4 1 3 14 1898 3 9 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 23 1899 2 3 2 8 2 1 2 20 ' Not included in means. - Signifies "no record." . Signifies " nil." 49 CARNARVON. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February March. April. May. June. July. August. S^m- October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. *1885 29-893 29-820 29-904 30-025 30-002 30-069 30-057 30-105 30-054 30-027 29-947 29-853 29-980 *1836 1887 1888 1889 1890 29-830 29-810 29-752 29-890 29-750 29-756 29-766 29-832 29-870 29-793 29-892 29-885 29-932 29-936 29-889 29-976 29-952 29-991 29-950 29-930 30-002 30-010 30-042 29-988 29-990 30-090 30-027 30-082 30-003 30-039 30'033 30-088 30-140 30-106 30-103 30-029 30-106 30-084 30-082 30-090 29-967 30-080 30-066 30-034 30-037 29-960 30-026 30-038 30-016 29-983 29-916 29-912 29-975 29-888 29-922 29-815 29-884 29-906 29-808 29-890 29-940 29-962 29-987 29-964 29-951 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 29-809 29-826 29-759 29-693 29-828 29-840 29-742 29-744 29-918 29-836 29-868 29-822 30-002 29-996 29-892 29-958 30-044 30-058 29-982 30-036 30-066 30-092 29-987 30-092 30-175 30-032 30-060 30-096 30-152 30-038 30-111 30-065 30-117 30-038 30-052 30-038 30'OH 29-999 29-993 29-982 29-944 29-914 29-908 29-910 29-916 29-848 29-828 29-842 29-998 29-960 29-932 29-940 1896 1897 *1898 1899 lean for 11} years ) 29-784 29-832 29-797 29-771 29-792 29-838 29-699 29-852 29-925 29-919 29-796 29-811 30-040 29-972 29-958 30-004 30-066 30-047 30-092 30-040 29-998 30-072 30-048 30-042 30-100 30-094 30-120 30-097 30-106 30-068 30-121 30-077 30-043 30-056 30-078 30-038 30-003 30-025 30-030 29-902 29-938 29-912 29-979 29-870 29-746 29-862 29-901 29-973 29-962 29-984 29-789 29-809 29-886 29-972 30-032 30-043 30-096 30-096 30-060 30-010 29-926 29-858 29-965 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1885 80-0 83-1 80-2 76-0 70-4 67-1 64-8 63-2 65-8 70-9 74-8 76-8 72-8 1886 79-2 81-8 82-5 76-2 69-6 63-8 61-2 63-6 67-6 66-8 76-6 79-7 72-4 1887 77-1 76-4 78-4 73-2 67-8 64-0 61-7 64-0 66-3 71-3 73-6 79-6 71-1 1888 81-0 82-5 81-8 76-2 68-4 66-2 63-7 65-2 69-1 71-7 76-0 78-0 I 73-3 1889 79-6 79-9 80-2 79-2 70-8 65-8 64-0 64-8 68-0 68-2 69-6 73-4 71-9 1890 81-0 79-6 79-8 78-6 70-6 64-6 62-8 65-1 67-9 69-8 75-2 75-4 72-5 *1891 78-1 81-0 77-4 70-5 66-1 70-8 71-2 _ 1892 *1893 73-3 67-0 65-5 65-8 66-9 68-8 72-0 76-2 76-5 1894 85-1 85-6 80-5 75-0 68-8 65-4 63-8 64-8 67-6 71-4 73-8 78-0 73-3 1895 1896 78-0 79-3 79-0 74-6 68-1 69-1 65-6 65-4 71-5 72-4 73-2 73-4 72-5 1897 74-8 75-6 65-8 65-6 65-1 70-0 73-8 1898 75-7 80-5 80-7 74-6 67-9 60-4 62-8 64-2 67-3 68-5 75-4 76-2 71-2 1899 83-0 78-6 81-2 72-2 66-8 62-8 60-6 62-9 66-3 68-8 72-8 78-4 71-2 leanforlOJ years ) 80-7 80-4 75-6 69-0 64-9 63-1 64-3 67-6 70-0 74-1 76-9 72-2 Highest Temperature in Month. 110-0 111-0 108-0 100-0 94-0 87-0 86-0 83-0 82-0 104-0 95-0 91-0 111-0 101-0 114-0 111-0 102-0 96-0 84-0 80-0 82-0 95-0 88-0 109-0 117-0 117-0 114-0 111-0 109-0 101-0 90-0 82-0 79-0 81-0 90-0 103-0 97-0 110-0 114-0 105-0 112-0 110-0 102-0 92-0 87-0 86-0 84-0 91-0 105-0 112-0 103-0 112-0 109-0 101-0 112-0 105-0 91-0 82-0 85-0 88-0 92-0 84-0 87-0 99-0 112-0 110-0 100-0 110-0 107-0 90-0 81-0 81-0 86-0 96-0 86-0 96-0 102-0 110-0 109-0 114-0 106-0 106-0 85-0 81-0 82-0 86-0 92-0 88-0 106-0 103-0 114-0 110-0 108-0 99-0 95-0 89-0 81-0 80-0 80-0 81-0 90-0 92-0 105-0 110-0 105-0 108-0 109-0 97-0 86-0 80-0 83-0 92-0 90-0 88-0 90-0 110-0 110-0 114-0 110-0 108-0 99-0 94-0 82-0 81-0 84-0 92-0 105-0 108-0 110-0 114-0 104-0 103-0 105-0 95-0 90-0 90-0 86-0 88-0 97-0 93-0 104-0 90-0 105-0 101-0 104-0 108-0 89-0 84-0 79-0 80-0 93-0 82-5 98-8 101-2 104-0 111-2 105-2 96-8 91-2 82-2 80-5 88-5 95-3 91-2 108-0 101-5 111-2 110-4 101-0 110-3 91-2 90-0 78-3 80-5 82-0 90-7 93-0 90-3 110-5 110-5 114-0 114-0 112-0 108-0 96-0 90-0 86'0 92-0 97-0 105-0 112-0 117-0 117-0 Not included in mean. Signifies "no record." 50 CARNARVON. Lowest Temperature in Month. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. < I 1885 60-0 61-0 60-0 57-0 49-0 47-0 41-0 43-0 47-0 52-0 52-0 61-0 41-0 1886 65-0 67-0 66-0 50-0 44-0 38-0 37-0 41-0 45-0 45-0 56-0 60-0 37-0 1887 62-0 57-0 62-0 50-0 47'0 41-0 42-0 42-0 45-0 50-0 ; 51-0 61-0 41'0 1888 63-0 68-0 61-0 57-0 47-0 42-0 40-0 40-0 4C1-0 52-0 58-0 62-0 40'0 1889 62-0 65-0 63-0 59-0 49'0 44-0 41-0 42-0 45-0 46-0 52-0 52-0 41-0 1890 63-0 64-0 63-0 58-0 45-0 41-0 40-0 46-0 46-0 53-0 59-0 63-0 40-0 1891 62'0 64-0 54-0 49'0 _ _ _ __ _ 46-0 52-0 54-0 1892 1893 55-0 46-0 44-0 44-0 44-0 50-0 50-0 50-0 60-0 44-0 1894 63-0 63-0 61-0 55-0 45-0 44-0 39-0 40-0 48-0 55-0 60-0 65-0 39-0 1895 . 1896 61-0 62-0 62-0 52-0 45-0 46-0 42-0 47-0 52-0 54-0 53-0 56-0 42-0 1897 56-0 46-0 43-0 40-0 46-2 52-2 53-2 1898 58-2 67-0 63-2 56-2 48-5 38-2 45-0 45-8 50-0 52-5 58-0 60-0 i 38-2 1899 61-1 65-7 60-3 53-0 46-3 45-0 41-5 44-5 49-5 55-0 57-0 63-2 41-5 Lowest 58-2 Gl-0 54-0 46-0 43-0 38-0 37-0 40-0 41-0 45-0 50-0 52-0 37-0 Number of Days over 90 (October- April, inclusive), and Nighls below 4ff (May-September). 1885 17 24 20 11 5 3 3 . *1886 12 12 17 18 4 1 11 14 1887 12 14 13 9 6 2 12 1888 16 20 18 7 1 1 3 7 10 1889 10 9 15 15 ... 4 1890 13 6 14 15 1 6 2 1891 5 13 11 4 9 4 1892 5 16 4 7 _ 1 3 5 1893 13 7 13 2 ... 1 4 1894 23 26 14 8 1 i 2 3 7 *1895 1896 *1897 1898 12 6 12 9 13 15 5 16 8 15 12 ... 1 3 3 i 7 1 5 2 5 2 1899 16 4 14 2 1 1 8 Mean for 12) 12 14 14 8 1 2 4 5 years > Monthly Rainfall. 1883 ... 89 732 55 10 8 894 1884 "i 67 72 172 138 53 4 510 1885 19 16 89 147 421 36 1 4 733 1886 15 50 2 1 33 69 209 51 96 526 1887 8 2 58 132 226 79 2 75 582 1888 59 37 17 7 247 21 13 34 435 1889 6 248 323 326 141 20 16 12 6 1098 1890 64 169 180 329 118 77 1 28 11 977 1891 24 221 7 5 3 4 2 266 1892 "7 273 ... 41 159 544 174 3 5 1 1207 1893 87 228 18 384 82 462 329 55 7 1652 1894 5 3 32 130 142 30 65 407 1895 61 142 72 5 865 81 30 17 1273 1896 31 124 63 5 84 57 364 1897 17 10 680 416 9 "7 "s 40 1187 1898 239 517 150 136 132 17 6 1197 1899 87 50 293 193 54 4 17 6 704 Mean for 17} 24 60 49 48 64 296 194 57 20 5 4 3 824 years ) * Not included in means. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." 51 CARNARVON. Monthly number nf Wet Days. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1883 1 8 3 2 1 15 1884 ... 4 4 8 5 2 ... 1885 ... 1 2 10 5 10 5 1 1 35 1886 1 3 1 1 4 5 7 7 5 34 1887 1 1 4 6 7 6 1 1 27 1888 4 3 3 2 6 2 2 5 27 1889 1 4 11 12 5 6 3 4 1 47 1890 3 4 7 12 5 3 1 2 2 39 1 1891 1 7 1 1 3 2 .1. 1 16 1802 ... 1 8 2 6 8 9 1 2 1 38 1893 4 4 4 7 4 11 6 3 1 ..i 44 1894 1 1 2 4 3 4 3 18 1895 5 "2 4 1 10 3 2 1 ... 28 1896 4 2 1 1 4 2 14 1897 1 1 12 4 1 1 1 1 22 1898 3 4 6 5 9 3 2 32 1899 ... 6 1 8. 6 4 4 4 1 34 ... Signifies "nil," Signifies "no record.' HAMELIN POOL. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1897 1898 1899 29-825 29-788 29-740 29-841 29-842 29-830 30-052 30-008 30-055 30-119 30-080 30-053 30-120 30-134 30-062 30-138 80-060 30-064 30-018 29-994 29-956 29-911 29-048 29-835 29-846 29-894 29-968 29-984 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 82-8 81-2 76-6 76-0 66-9 62-5 59-4 58-2 044 67-6 74-0 80-3 70-8 1898 83-2 83-8 82-4 75-6 66-8 57-6 59-4 61-0 65-8 GO-4 77-0 79-5 71-6 1899 86-6 81-8 84-5 71-4 65-2 60-0 58-4 00-7 66-2 07-1 74-7 81-8 71-5 VIean for } 84-2 82-3 81-2 74-3 66-3 60-0 59-1 60-0 65-5 G7-0 75-2 80-5 71-3 Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 110-0 1898 110-2 1899 109-0 108-0 111-4 102-0 104-6 103-8 112-8 105-6 97-0 95-2 85-4 89-0 89-8 76-0 72-0 7(i-0 76-8 77-2 76-8 79-8 76-6 77-4 93-2 93-8 96-8 97-0 90-8 96-0 102-8 107-0 109-0 106-2 104--0 108-2 110-0 111-4 112-8 Highest ... 110-2 111-4 112-8 105-6 89-8 76-0 77-2 79-8 96-8 97-0 109-0 108-2 112-8 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1H97 61-0 59-0 54-0 51-0 45-8 43-5 38-2 35'7 40-0 , 4C-0 52-0 56-2 35-7 1898 61'4 62-2 60-0 54-0 46-0 36-2 41-2 40-8 44-2 45-0 40'6 57-4 36-2 1899 55-2 58-0 50-6 50-0 44-2 42-8 36-6 42-4 43-4 44-6 48-4 58-2 36-6 Lowest 55-2 58-0 50-6 50-0 44-2 36-2 36-6 35-7 40-0 44-6 46-6 56-2 35-7 Number of Days over 9CP (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 4CP (May-September). 1897 21 26 16 13 1 5 1 4 11 27 1898 29 22 27 11 4 1 20 ; 24 1899 29 25 27 2 2 2 14 ! 28 Mean for ^ 3 years > 26 24 23 9 1 1 2 2 15 27 Monthly Rainfall. 1885 114 145 352 103 20 9 1886 95 30 155 213 59 35 587 1887 35 "37 58 53 130 125 8 160 606 1888 43 215 5 9 2 116 32 32 38 ' 1 493 1889 6 475 15 301 246 337 37 27 13 1457 1890 40 185 150 301 182 98 40 96 6 1098 1891 1 1 38 105 G 5 18 174 1892 5 141 6 52 165 191 250 4 24 838 1893 40 59 37 179 89 292 448 99 74 1 1 1319 1894 10 70 ... 9 62 86 21 12 . .. 260 1895 52 11 3 465 48 37 18 634 1896 4 41 42 82 62 14 12 257 1897 4 13 43 13 410 306 23 13 7 1 833 1898 91 556 40 188 146 186 21 1 1229 1899 10 6 275 304 111 25 9 22 13 775 Mean for } 14 years > 13 78 59 32 77 210 164 72 24 10 15 754 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1885 4 6 12 8 : 3 2 1886 6 3 4 8 5 6 32 1887 2 3 6 9 11 6 3 4 44 1888 5 2 2 2 2 7 2 6 7 1 36 1889 1 2 1 15 16 8 4 4 4 55 1890 5 '4 12 12 6 6 6 5 1 57 1891 1 1 4 8 1 2 5 22 1892 '2 5 3 5 7 7 9 1 '"2 41 1893 2 4 5 5 6 11 11 6 ' 6 '"l 1 58 1894 1 3 ... 2 7 5 4 4 1 1 26 1895 2 2 2 9 6 5 4 30 1896 3 2 2 8 10 4 3 32 1897 2 1 3 2 13 7 3 3 1 1 ... 3C 1898 3 4 ... 4 14 6 12 2 ... 1899 1 3 3 11 6 4 2 3 1 34 ... Signifies " nil," Signifies *' no record.' 53 GERALDTON. Mea/n, Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. Juno. July. August. Sep. tember. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1 *1880 29743 29-851 29-867 29-994 30-020 30-050 80-146 30-073 30-062 30-024 29-958 29-912 29-975 1881 29-864 20-890 29-919 30-019 30-062 30-149 30-102 30-118 29-985 29-891 29-827 *1882 29-91 H 29-864 29-903 29-905 30-070 30-()3(i 30-112 30-021 30-087 29-980 29-926 29-844 29-971 *1883 29-893 29-818 89-969 29-985 21)99(1 29-999 30-181 30-117 30-171 1884 *1885 ; _ 1886 29-952 29-872 ; 30-037 30-154 30-106 30-228 30-135 30-062 30-052 30-098 30-046 29-955 30-058 1887 29-89(5 29-897 29-992 30-072 30-089 30-100 30-146 30-070 30-134 30-100 29-970 29-976 30-037 1888 29-870 29-932 30-035 30-102 30-108 30-112 30-214 30-168 30-091 30-080 30-024 29-966 30-058 1889 29-964 29-948 '. 30-024 30-010 30-014 30-012 30-138 30115 30-052 30-063 29-950 29-912 30-017 1890 29-876 29-892 30-017 30-057 30-084 30-128 30-232 30-210 30-143 30-058 30-092 30-012 30-067 1891 29-977 29-987 30-114 30-206 30-191 30-120 30-090 30-039 1892 29-960 29-982 29-930 30-136 30-190 30-236 30-144 30-106 30-156 30-103 29-990 29-955 30-074 1893 29-844 29-820 : 29-988 29-979 80-044 30-072 30-070 30-176 30-050 30-031 29-975 29-906 29-996 1894 29-834 29-922 ! 29-939 30-082 30-128 30-134 30-176 30-115 30-090 30-064 29-956 29-880 30-027 1895 29-877 29-898 30-038 30-106 30-168 30-068 30-136 30-086 30-105 30-066 30-012 29-938 30'042 189G 29-810 29-876 29-901 30-092 30-146 30-061 30-125 30-154 30-149 30-096 29-966 29-946 30-027 1897 29-908 29-927 29-996 30-078 30'128 30-050 30-168 30-176 30-104 30-084 29-996 29-908 30-044 1898 29-900 , 29-806 29-915 30-104 30-075 30-084 30-133 30-046 30-089 30-028 29-982 29-908 30-006 1899 29-875 29-902 29-916 30-037 30-148 30-056 30-132 30-171 30-122 30-012 30-028 29-961 30-030 Wean for } 13 years ) 29-890 29-898 29-979 30-078 30-110 30-103 30-150 30-127 30-103 30-069 29-999 29-940 30-037 Mean for } 13 years j 29-890 29-898 29-979 30-078 30-110 30-103 30-150 30-127 30-103 30-069 29-999 29-940 30-037 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1880 79-8 74-1 72-2 67-4 64-2 58-0 57-4 59-6 62-2 61-6 67-4 70-0 66-2 1881 72-5 75-6 : 76-2 69-4 63-6 58-5 59-3 59-6 62-4 65-4 68-0 73-5 67-0 1882 72-2 75-2 70-9 67-4 61-1 56-8 56-8 57-4 60-4 63-7 66-8 71-7 65-0 1883 71-4 77-6 70-2 69-0 65-1 62-4 58-0 56-7 59-0 63-3 66-0 70-0 65-7 *1884 1885 71-1 72-8 71-2 68-0 62-8 61-1 59-1 58-9 58-9 64-2 72-0 76-8 66-4 1886 76-8 79-9 76-0 70-3 66-0 61'4 61-0 59-8 61-4 60-6 69-5 75-6 68-2 1887 74-0 77-3 75-4 70-0 64-4 60-2 58-0 59-2 59-8 63-3 70-6 73-0 67-1 1888 74-9 74-9 80-4 69-3 63-4 61-8 58-4 58-2 60-8 66-4 70-1 73-2 67-6 1889 74-2 72-8 75-5 71-3 63-8 59-8 58-6 59-4 62-0 63-0 65-9 70-8 66-4 1890 74-1 73-4 72-0 71-4 64-2 58-4 56-2 58-4 60-2 63-0 68-2 72-0 66-0 1891 72-5 73-2 73-0 68-4 62-6 638 70-3 68-2 _ 1892 72-4 76-8 72-6 69-6 63-9 58-4 58-2 58-6 60-1 60-6 64-4 69-6 65-4 1893 75-7 74-4 73-4 66-7 61-4 57-5 59-3 59-6 61-4 64-2 67-0 69-7 65-9 1894 78-2 77-2 72-8 67-2 63-4 60-8 59-0 60-8 61-6 65-3 71-6 73-9 67-6 1895 70-2 72-0 75-4 68-1 62-1 62-0 60-2 622 61-8 65-6 72-2 71-1 66-9 1896 75-5 75-4 69-6 65-5 64-3 62-5 57-2 59-7 62-2 63-6 68-0 69-4 66-1 1897 74-6 73-1 70-7 69-8 64-8 61-8 62-0 59-7 62-0 62-6 67-7 73-8 66-9 *1898 73-2 77-2 75-0 65-4 58-6 60-3 60-8 62-5 63-8 67-6 71-5 1899 74-4 74-2 73-1 67-8 63-5 60-4 59-6 59-8 61-2 65-4 65-6 71-8 66-4 Mean for } 74-2 75-1 73-4 68-7 63-6 60-1 58-7 59-3 61-0 63-6 68-3 72-1 66-5 17 years 3 Highest Temperature in Month. 1880 104-7 96-7 91-7 i 86-7 79-7 72-7 70-2 70-7 88-7 74-7 84-7 93-0 104-7 1881 104-7 99-7 99-7 89-7 81-2 72-0 71-0 78-0 81-5 87-0 89-0 94-0 104-7 1882 101-0 110-0 98-0 85-0 82-0 71-0 69-0 69-0 72-0 92-0 94-0 99-0 110-0 1883 104-0 103-0 94-0 91-0 84-0 78-0 72-0 73-0 83-0 85-0 100-0 88-0 104-0 1884 1885 101-0 101-0 104-0 89-0 77-0 72-0 76-0 75-0 74-0 85-0 103-0 110-0 110-0 1886 105-0 103-0 103-0 90-0 88-0 76-0 75-0 75-0 79-0 100-0 100-0 104-0 105-0 1887 107-0 108-0 103-0 93-0 80-0 76-0 ! 72-0 73-0 76-0 92-0 loro 101-0 108-0 1888 103-0 103-0 109-0 85-0 79-0 76-0 73-0 73-0 81-0 98-0 101-0 109-0 109-0 1889 102-0 92-0 101-0 92-0 80-0 73-0 73-0 82-0 80-0 83-0 80-0 96-0 102-0 1890 109-0 98-0 97-0 98-0 80-0 75-0 70-0 70-0 77-0 77-0 91-0 101-0 109-0 1891 108-0 94-0 97-0 94-0 78-0 87-0 102-0 82-0 108-0 11892 108-0 107-0 98-0 92-0 85-0 76-0 71-0 75-0 83-0 81-0 88-0 102-0 108-0 1893 101-0 100-0 103-0 87-0 80-0 74-0 72-0 76-0 78-0 81-0 97-0 102-0 103-0 1894 108-0 102-0 107-0 91-0 93-0 79-0 75-0 74-0 81-0 98-0 105-0 105-0 1080 1895 98'0 106-0 101-0 100-0 82-0 82-0 74-0 77-0 80-0 87-0 102-0 99-0 106-0 1896 115-0 106-0 93-0 95-0 79-0 84-0 72-0 74-0 86-0 81-0 95-0 102-0 115-0 1897 106-0 98-5 97-5 99-0 78-8 74-5 81-0 81-0 83-2 95-0 96-0 107-0 107-0 1898 110-0 110-2 101-0 89-0 72-2 77-0 78-1 93-8 87-5 102-5 100-1 110-2 1899 106-0 99-0 101-0 92-5 86-9 74-2 77-7 75-5 92-0 92-0 88-8 110-0 110-0 Highest * Not included in nietui. Signifies "no record," 54 GrEKALDTON. Lowest Temperature in Month. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep- tember. October. Novem- ; Decem- ber, her. Year. 1 1880 60-5 58-5 54-5 49-5 45-5 41-5 40-0 43-0 43-2 45-5 oO'O 52-0 40-0 1881 54-2 57-5 53-5 51-8 46-2 41-0 43-2 44-2 43-0 50-0 52-0 55-0 41-0 1882 56-0 58-0 53-0 54-0 41-0 39-0 43-0 43-0 45'0 44-0 51-0 57-0 39-0 18S3 56-0 60-0 53-0 51-0 47'0 47-0 44-0 40-0 41-0 42-0 51-0 55-0 40-0 1884 - 1 1885 500 54-0 50-0 45-0 46-0 45-0 40-0 41-0 41-0 47-0 45-0 57-0 40-0 1886 55-0 62-0 59-0 52-0 43-0 46-0 46-0 40-0 40-0 42-0 49-0 54-0 40-0 1887 54-0 51-0 50-0 46-0 45-0 42-0 35-0 42'0 41-0 43-0 50-0 50-0 35-0 1888 54-0 58-0 57-0 51-0 48-0 43-0 42-0 40-0 40-0 43-0 51-0 51-0 40-0 1889 51-0 56-0 56-0 52-0 43-0 45-0 40-0 42-0 43-0 43-0 4fvO 52-0 40-0 1890 52-0 57-0 53-0 53-0 46-0 41-0 42-0 44-0 44-0 43-0 48-0 51-0 41-0 1891 55-0 58-0 51-0 51-0 45-0 45-0 51-0 54-0 1892 53-0 53-0 55-0 49-0 45-0 43-0 41-0 40-0 40-0 40-0 45-0 50-0 40-0 1893 53-0 52-0 52-0 45-0 40-0 35-0 38-0 38-0 42-0 43-0 45-0 49-0 35-0 1894 55-0 52-0 48-0 43-0 40-0 40-0 39-0 46-0 44-0 49-0 50-0 57-0 39-0 1895 50-0 55-0 54-0 47-0 41-0 45-0 44-0 48-0 45-0 48-0 50-0 54-0 41-0 1896 51-0 53-0 50-0 42-0 45-0 47-0 37-0 40-0 43-0 45-0 53-0 54-0 37-0 1897 58-0 51-0 54-0 45-5 50-0 35-0 4G'0 39'5 45-2 43-0 45-0 500 35-0 1898 51-0 56-0 50-1 48-3 38-2 41-0 44-8 44-0 43-6 48-0 54-1 38-2 1899 55-4 59-0 530 48-5 39-5 44-0 39'2 43-0 40-5 49-0 47-0 53-0 39-2 Lowest 50-0 51-0 48-0 42-0 39-5 35-0 35-0 38-0 40-0 40-0 450 49-0 35-0 Number of Days over 9(f (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below -HJP (May-September). *1880 13 2 1 ... 1 *1881 6 7 10 . .. ... 1882 3 4 2 1 1 2 6 1883 2 9 4 5 2 1 *1884 ! 1885 3 7 8 >> a 10 j 1886 11 21 8 2 1 1 1 3 13 1887 8 10 15 3 3 2 6 8 1888 8 4 18 1 1 2 3 4 1889 8 1 12 1 1 3 1890 6 4 6 5 1 6 1891 6 4 12 1 6 1892 4 15 5 2 2 '"l 3 1893 11 8 6 1 3 2 4 2 4 1894 16 17 10 3 1 1 1 1 8 7 1895 6 6 17 3 8 2 1896 7 13 3 3 2 2 ... 1 2 1897 6 5 4 6 1 5 2 5 13 *1898 5 9 14 1 3 5 1899 9 4 6 2 1 2 1 7 Mean for ) 16 years j 7 8 8 2 ... 1 1 1 3 6 Monthly Rainfall. 1877 340 700 240 490 340 30 ... 2140 1878 20 70 90 240 530 460 80 10 20 1520 1879 50 50 410 300 450 210 210 180 1860 1880 10 136 200 131 459 251 221 47 26 59 28 1568 1881 35 3 11 158 248 337 215 33 92 13 150 10 1305 1882 4 140 45 622 383 876 104 126 27 2327 1883 14 5 40 372 836 272 241 82 67 29 35 1993 1884 2 12 5 85 107 195 222 627 140 53 28 1476 1885 20 143 338 275 655 206 85 101 151 1974 1886 52 130 106 230 398 435 209 8 1568 1887 22 8 26 306 623 570 345 92 47 21 2 2062 1888 11 52 102 192 373 114 137 181 89 30 51 1332 1889 2 '48 283 760 468 352 163 170 97 5 2348 1890 35 10 470 1292 335 173 274 275 2 18 2884 1891 10 2 194 132 7 ... 1 1892 1 310 171 292 190 325 455 36 27 31 1838 1893 148 37 133 97 262 210 510 192 161 22 25 6 1803 1894 52 15 3 147 389 300 117 78 14 1 14 1130 1895 36 41 89 64 831 345 232 181 12 1 10 1842 1896 23 20 b 83 473 386 109 29 9 5 i 1143 1897 8 6 112 469 179 176 80 53 4 19 1106 1898 82 37 10 251 426 169 434 105 60 10 2 1586 1899 1 2 213 274 703 437 205 76 168 6 2 2087 Mean for ^ 22 years ) 16 17 37 106 262 463 359 290 116 66 27 9 1768 * Not included iii mean. ... Signifies "nil." Signifies " no record." 55 GEKALDTON. Monthly number of Wet Days. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep. tember. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1880 1 4 9 8 9 7 16 6 4 6 3 73 1881 3 1 1 5 9 10 9 6 5 2 3 2 56 1882 1 11 7 7 11 15 4 3 2 61 1883 3 1 4 13 15 9 11 5 6 2 2 71 1884 1 1 1 3 5 8 5 17 7 4 3 .,, 66 1885 1 4 17 6 13 9 4 3 3 ... 60 1886 3 2 5 7 13 13 7 1 51 1887 Ml 2 1 3 7 11 14 12 7 4 3 1 65 1888 1 4 8 9 14 7 9 9 6 3 4 73 1889 1 4 4 14 18 11 11 9 7 1 ... 80 1890 2 1 13 17 9 10 9 9 1 2 73 1891 1 2 9 4 3 1 1892 '"l 3 4 11 12 10 20 7 5 2 75 1893 3 3 5 8 9 11 19 10 10 5 3 2 88 1894 3 2 1 6 8 6 10 5 3 1 3 48 1895 2 1 5 5 12 16 10 9 1 1 3 65 1896 2 4 2 11 15 4 2 1897 2 4 5 14 10 10 5 3 1 2 56 1898 3 5 2 12 13 10 18 1 8 9 1 2 83 1899 1 1 11 9 16 15 10 ' 6 12 2 2 85 ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." 56 HALL'S CREEK. Mean Monthly Barometer. January, February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep- tember. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1898 1899 29-828 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1898 1899 83-8 81-2 78-2 84-3 82-0 81-4 76-8 76-2 68-6 66-2 65-6 60-0 64-8 77-4 82-7 82-2 86-2 90-4 87-8 86-0 76-3 Highest Temperature in Month. 1898 1899 110-0 104-5 109-0 103-6 100-0 97-8 94-0 98-0 89-0 92-6 87-8 87-0 88-6 84-9 94-2 90-0 99-8 97-2 104-0 101-0 109-0 109-4 109-2 106-8 110-0 109-4 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1898 1899 50-0 61-2 48-0 61-3 62-0 67-0 51-0 47-6 39-3 36-4 33-1 35-0 38-8 42-2 52-2 55-6 63-4 62-0 60-0 67-0 33-1 Number of Days over 90P (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 40 (May-September). 1898 1899 31 22 28 26 19 18 13 I 1 22 | 6 2 10 2 26 29 25 30 24 28 Monthly Rainfall. *1890 44 23 102 1891 335 160 95 156 6 8 72 295 1127 1892 122 330 368 2 1 210 176 185 1394 1893 559 603 161 190 177 8 '"s 1 32 59 490 2288 1894 543 960 383 1 2 21 94 18 182 2204 1895 687 724 10 74 255 8 316 356 354 2784 1896 1295 178 535 204 114 77 38 145 464 3050 1897 238 654 114 23 2 16 12 313 1372 1898 355 860 533 20 6 "75 11 120 667 2647 1899 717 268 645 101 31 11 523 2296 Mean for 9 ) years, j 526 316 72 62 16 44 1 11 49 108 385 2129 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1890 6 5 7 1891 9 4 3 1 1 5 7 11 41 1892 14 13 2 1 5 13 14 70 1893 16 11 13 16 4 4 3 1 6 7 18 99 1894 14 16 10 1 ... 2 3 8 8 12 74 1895 16 15 6 2 5 1 13 5 5 68 1896 11 9 7 4 2 2 7 _ _ 1897 1 1 1 2 7 1898 5 18 10 2 2 4 2 7 10 60 1899 11 9 15 2 3 2 10 52 * Not included in mean, ... Signifies " nil." Signifies *' no record." 57 NULLAGINE. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1898 _ _ _ __ _ 1899 30-000 29-928 29-849 29-818 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1898 1899 84-5 85-6 80-7 75-2 64-6 59-8 57-8 62-6 73-5 78-0 76-2 84-2 86-4 88-3 88-0 74-6 Highest Temperature in Month. 1898 1899 107-0 107-8 101-0 96-2 88-5 798 79-5 88-8 96-5 107-0 99-5 109-0 111-8 111-5 111-2 111-8 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1898 1899 65-2 66-0 61-5 51-8 38-0 37-5 33-0 36-0 39-8 45-0 47-0 52-0 56-0 63-0 64-0 33-0 Number of Days over 90 (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 4Cf (May-September). 1898 1899 26 26 20 18 4 6 12 5 1 25 24 30 30 28 31 Monthly Rainfall. 1897 1898 1899 261 1175 210 173 205 582 513 77 200 71 172 20 2 15 285 82 215 1434 2337 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1897 1898 1899 7 5 3 5 3 6 4 2 1 3 2 '"l 1 2 7 4 2 28 21 Signifies " ml." Signifies " no record. BANGEMALL. Mean Monthly Temperature. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August, Sep- tember. October. No- vember. De- cember. Year. 1898 _ _ _ _ 67-4 58-1 63-0 64-7 70-2 74-1 85-2 89-7 1899 91-5 88-6 86-8 77-1 66-2 59-1 59-2 63-5 71-4 74-3 82-3 90-8 75-9 Highest Temperature in Month. 1898 1899 111-0 111-5 106-0 96-9 86-1 86-3 79-1 80-0 87-0 81-4 89-9 87-1 95-9 95-0 100-6 100-9 109-0 110-4 111-2 112-2 112-2 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1898 1899 68-3 65-8 65-3 52-0 41-2 45-6 33-2 37-5 34-5 35-1 41-4 44-8 45-2 50-1 51-6 50-8 57-5 56-3 62-8 65-1 33-2 35-1 Number of Days over 90 (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 4(P (May-September}. 1898 1899 30 26 28 "Is 6 2 2 4 14 14 26 24 30 31 Monthly Rainfall. 1898 1899 270 156 27 39 265 1 53 55 8 2 773 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1898 1899 ... 6 2 3 ... 5 8 1 2 3 2 1 ... 22 ... Signifies " nil." Signifies "no record.' 59 PEAK HILL. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep- tember. October. No- vember. De- cember. Tear. 1898 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29-734 1899 29-744 29789 29-805 29-9SO 30-115 30-096 30-157 30-140 30-014 29-924 29-846 29-812 29-952 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1898 1899 85-2 85-5 81-8 72-8 61-6 55-5 55-0 58-2 67-9 71-2 82-0 80-5 87-5 87-2 71-9 Highest Temperature in Month. 1898 1899 108-1 111-8 102-4 92-8 83-9 75-2 78-3 81-9 88-4 93-7 106-0 106-5 109-1 109-0 111-8 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1898 1899 58-6 60-7 58-1 49-4 41-7 38-4 37-0 40-2 45-0 48-1 54-8 52-3 63-2 63-0 37-0 Number of Days over 9CP (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 4ff (May-September). 1898 1899 26 20 20 ~8 1 8 6 25 21 31 29 Monthly Rainfall. 1898 1899 14 39 294 454 '"67 3 87 161 11 34 42 4 1 31 175 1068 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1898 1899 3 3 7 1 1 1 9 10 1 4 3 " - 3 1 2 10 31 Signifies "nil." Signifies " no record." 60 CUE. Mean Monthly Barometer. Mean for 3 } Years. j 29-793 29-792 29-868 30-045 30-128 30-095 30-177 30-134 30-065 29-973 29-890 29-815 29-981 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 3 \ Years. ] 89-4 90-0 85-8 83-3 86-3 87-0 80-0 82-2 82-6 73-9 72-4 71-6 64-9 62-8 60-2 58-4 52-6 54-9 56-9 57-4 55-1 67-0 59-4 57-2 64-3 64-3 65-0 67-8 67-0 68-4 78-0 78-8 77-0 83-6 84-5 85-6 71-5 71-5 70-9 88-4 85-5 81-6 72-6 62-6 55-3 56-5 57-9 64-5 67-7 77-9 84-6 71-3 Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Highest ... 112-0 113-0 108-9 109-0 111-4 113-1 104-0 106-9 108-2 101-0 99-0 96-8 91-0 82-5 83-6 77-0 70-0 74-6 75-3 78-2 75-2 83-5 86-0 82-0 93-2 87-8 90-0 96-0 93-0 93-6 105-5 108-2 108-2 112-0 110-1 111-1 112-0 113-0 113-1 113-0 113'1 108-2 101-0 91-0 77-0 78-2 86-0 93-2 96-0 108-2 112-0 113-1 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Lowest 66-0 63-5 54-8 57-0 57-5 61-2 54-0 57-5 49-5 41-0 52-0 41-2 40-0 43-5 35-9 37-0 34-0 37-2 38-0 31'0 41-0 37-5 42-0 41-0 35-0 37-0 40-5 41-5 43-0 44-8 52-0 50-4 48-9 50-5 60-2 59-2 31-0 34-0 35-0 31-0 54-8 57-0 49-5 41-0 35-9 34-0 35-0 31-0 40-5 41-5 48-9 50-5 Number of Days over 9CP (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 4ff (May -September). '1897 1898 1899 31 31 28 25 23 23 26 28 27 11 4 10 1 i 3 8 4 1 3 8 7 5 8 3 3 21 23 21 26 29 27 Monthly Rainfall. Mean for 5 ) Years, j 44 84 64 9 10 195 41 34 12 16 3 21 533 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1895 2 2 4 ... 7 2 2 2 2 23 1896 5 5 6 _ _ 1897 2 5 1 3 2 9 4 1 1 1 3 32 1898 3 2 7 4 8 1 2 2 29 1899 1 3 1 ... 1 10 5 1 4 3 1 30 ... Signifies " nil." Signifies "no record.' 61 YALGOO. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1897 1898 1899 29-81G 29-790 29-800 29-860 29-744 20-805 28-942 29-874 29-855 30-058 30-106 30-004 30-132 30-100 30-148 30-068 30-102 30-079 30-201 30-144 30-154 30-169 30-050 30-180 30-084 30'0f!3 30-090 30-016 29-984 29-970 29-914 29894 29-936 29-822 29-803 29-888 30-007 29-971 29-993 ean for } 3 years. ) 29-804 29-803 29-890 30'056 30-127 30-083 30-166 30-133 30-079 29-990 29-915 29-838 29-990 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 86-0 80-2 77-4 72-8 62-8 57-6 55-0 54-3 62-0 65-4 76-1 80-3 69-2 1898 87-2 83-8 79-6 70-9 61-6 51-9 55-2 58-0 63-1 65-6 75-2 80-8 69-4 1899 83-4 85-0 79-8 69-8 59-2 55-2 53-3 55-8 62-4 67-3 74-8 83-4 69-1 ^ean for } 85-5 83-0 78-9 ' 71-2 61-2 54-9 54-5 56-0 62-5 66-1 75-4 81-5 69-2 3 years ) Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 110-5 lll'O 103-0 102-5 92-2 75-0 73-0 83-5 93-6 98-0 105-8 113-5 113-5 1898 110-2 111-0 103-2 96-5 81-0 69-0 78-0 85-3 : 90-5 92-0 107-7 111-0 1110 1899 110-0 111-3 107-7 97-8 83-0 73-0 74-6 82-2 89-2 92-8 105-8 111-2 111-3 Highest. 110-5 111-3 107-7 102-5 92'2 75-0 78-0 85-3 93-6 98-0 107-7 113-5 113-5 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 60-5 56-0 52-0 44-0 41-0 38-0 37-0 31-5 39-0 41-0 51-0 52-3 31-5 1898 60-0 56-0 56-0 51-0 41-0 33-8 320 39-0 j 39-8 42-0 48-0 5G-0 32-0 1899 54-0 57-7 48-6 42-3 40-3 36-0 33-2 36-2 41-0 45-8 47-3 54-2 33-2 Lowest. 54-0 56-0 48-6 1 42-3 40-3 33-8 32-0 31-5 39-0 41-0 47-3 52-3 31-5 Number of Days over 90P (October- April, inclusive) and Nights below 4CP (May-September). 1897 31 18 18 14 3 8 12 4 3 i 17 22 1898 31 21 26 6 11 13 5 1 2 20 25 1899 26 25 21 7 7 12 9 4 17 27 [ean for ^ 29 21 22 9 7 11 9 2 3 18 25 3 years. > k Monthly Rainfall. _ _ _ _ 11 31 21 10 152 177 2 67 328 267 49 18 25 11 30 1136 4 153 115 197 35 161 7 147 6 825 15 12 41 17 226 75 36 81 76 579 r } 10 106 59 14 66 250 125 82 35 83 6 10 847 i J Monthly number of Wet Days. 1896 _ _ _ _ 1 2 1897 3 4 3 1 4 14 6 4 2 3 2 1 47 1898 1 3 7 11 5 13 1 4 2 47 1899 1 1 2 4 14 9 5 5 7 48 1 Not included in mean. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." 62 LAWLERS. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1897 _ _ _ _ _ 1898 29769 29-771 29-890 30-121 30-148 30-114 30-174 30-074 30-034 29-940 29-876 2977(i 29-974 1899 29-848 29-848 29-875 30-008 30-165 30-091 30-192 30-208 30-094 29-948 29-9(19 29-872 30-005 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 84-0 1898 89-3 83-5 79-3 69-0 59-4 50-8 56-0 59-2 63-7 67-3 77-0 84-5 69-9 1899 81-0 83-8 79-0 70-2 58-2 53-8 52-8 55-2 63-4 68-6 76-2 84-4 68-9 Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 , 112-3 1898 112-7 107-1 105-1 92-8 79-1 74-6 78-0 84-8 86-7 95-3 104-0 108-3 112-7 1899 106-1 lll-l 103-8 93-4 82-0 74-2 74-0 82-4 90-1 94-7 105-2 109-0 111-1 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 50-7 1898 58-7 51-8 59-8 50-2 40-2 34-4 33-2 38-8 42-1 41-2 45-5 60-0 33-2 1899 53-1 58-8 46-8 39-4 37-2 35-3 32-0 33-2 38-8 45-3 49-1 59-0 32-0 1897 1898 Number 31 of Dayt 21 over 90 (Octo 22 1 ^er-Apri I, inclus 13 ive) ana 8 ' Nights 4 below 4(P (Maij 13 -Septem 17 tier). 26 1899 21 21 19 8 "e 4 10 7 3 15 26 . Monthly Rainfall. *1896 325 10 8 57 52 11 8 3 16 78 1897 11 15 43 11 86 279 30 59 23 10 43 610 1898 30 1 72 197 2 75 2 14 2 2 397 1899 24 254 1 3 3 127 19 42 6 33 65 39 616 Mean for 1 12 100 15 5 54 200 17 58 10 16 26 28 541 3 years ) Monthly number of Wet Days. 1896 8 1 3 3 8 1 1 3 6 6 1897 2 3 3 3 6 7 3 7 3 4 5 46 1898 4 1 8 9 1 12 1 3 1 2 42 1899 5 5 1 1 2 11 3 6 2 7 3 2 48 * Not included in mean. ... Signifies " ju'l." Signifies "no record." 63 MENZIES. Monthly 7? iromeier. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1897 1808 1899 M.vni for 3} years ) 29-872 29-778 29-884 29-921 29-810 29-873 30-000 29-905 29 904 30-090 so-m 30-003 30-167 30-16C, 30-168 30-090 30-100 30-110 30-234 30-166 30-179 30-127 30-074 30-219 30-036 29-951 30-055 29-950 30-120 29-950 29-882 29-909 29-937 29-818 89-816 29-904 30-016 29-992 30-021 29-845 29-868 29-936 30-000 30-167 30-100 30-193 30-140 30-070 29-950 29-909 29-846 30-010 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 3 years ) 82-6 86'7 78-0 77-1 78-8 82-0 73-7 76-3 76.6 68-4 663 68-2 59-6 58-4 57-7 55-4 50-li 53-4 53-3 54-8 52-6 53-7 57-9 55-0 61-4 63-0 60-2 65-9 65-5 66-4 76-8 74-2 73-2 78-3 81-2 81-2 67-2 87-7 67-0 82-1 79-3 75-5 67-6 58-6 53-1 53-6 55-5 61-5 65-9 74-7 80-2 67-3 Temperature in Month. 1897 107-0 104-0 , 98-2 i 98-0 89'0 74-0 75-2 82-1 92-1 95-1 105-0 110-9 110-9 1898 113-2 109-1 105-0 94-0 78-5 68-9 77-0 83-8 87-0 94-0 103-8 109-1 113-2 1899 104-1 111-5 103-3 94-0 84-5 73-6 72-0 81-0 88-5 92-1 103-1 109-4 111-5 lighest ... 113-2 111-5 105-0 98-0 89-0 74-0 77-0 83-8 92-1 95-1 105-0 110-9 113-2 1 . \ Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Lowest . . . 58-5 50-5 49-0 57-8 47-8 56-1 48-0 56-0 46-0 37-0 350 48-0 38-1 39-2 32-1 33-8 33-0 34-0 i 35-0 36'0 32-0 31-0 39-0 35-0 33-5 42-1 34-0 43-9 41-1 43-8 49-8 48'0 47-0 50-2 56-1 55-0 31-0 34-0 32-0 48-0 47-8 46-0 37-0 32-1 j 33-8 32-0 31-0 33-5 41-1 47-0 50-2 31-0 Number of Days over 90" (October- April, inclusive) and Nights below 40 (May-September). 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 3 } years > 24 30 18 15 16 19 13 14 14 7 1 5 5 1 4 6 10 3 12 11 6 10 1 8 2 2 4 2 2 18 15 10 21 23 23 24 17 14 4 3 6 10 6 1 3 14 22 Monthly Rainfall. 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 3 1 years j 3 13 93 64 2 10 2 3 2 6 35 12 5 247 192 146 38 43 8 32 2 44 92 21 6 25 2 35 10 20 13 138 62 4 5 28 64 43 2 452 445 486 1 57 4 2 18 194 28 52 21 57 12 15 461 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1896 1897 1898 1899 1 2 4 5 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 11 8 8 2 1 5 6 1 6 4 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 5 4 1 38 28 32 * Not included in mean. ... Signifies "nil." Signifies " no record." 64 KALGOORLIE. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1897 1898 1899 29-897 29-846 29-946 29-943 29-844 29-920 30-024 29-944 29-952 30-084 30-177 30-038 30-180 30-159 30-165 30-066 30-065 30-126 30-230 30-126 30-199 30-155 30-052 30-242 30-068 30-039 30-161 29-973 29-906 29-976 29-914 29-916 29-974 29-892 29-845 29-940 30-036 29-993 30-053 Mean for ^ 3 years ) 29-896 29-902 29-973 30-100 30-168 30-086 30-185 30-149 30-089 29-952 29-935 29-892 30-027 Mean for } 3 years ) 29-896 29-902 29-973 30-100 30-168 30-086 30-185 30-149 30-089 29-952 29-935 29-892 30-027 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 1898 1899 Mean for } 3 years ) 79-4 82-0 75-0 74-9 76-6 80-0 71-4 74-0 74-7 67-8 64-2 66-4 58-9 58-2 57-1 55-2 50-4 53-4 53-8 54-3 52-7 53-6 57-4 54-8 61-5 62-1 59-2 65-2 65-1 64-8 74-6 71-9 70-8 76'2 77-0 78-8 66-0 60- 1 65-6 78-8 77-2 73-4 66-1 58-1 53-0 53-6 55-3 60-9 05-0 72-4 77-3 65-9 Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 105-0 112-4 101-8 103-0 109-0 112-0 98'4 104-0 103-0 95-4 88-1 90-6 77-4 94-0 81-1 73-2 76-4 71-0 74-0 76-2 70-2 82-0 80-2 80-7 90-8 862 84-7 90-2 92-4 91-0 103-0 103-2 101-0 109-2 109-1 110-0 109-2 112-4 112-0 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 55-0 1898 55-0 1899 47-1 49-0 48-2 52-8 51-0 54-2 47-5 38-8 45-0 39-4 37-0 39-0 34-5 36-2 34-0 39-4 33-2 34-2 34-9 34-0 34-0 36-8 37-2 43-2 34-9 41-0 42-2 41-8 48-0 47-2 48-0 49-4 54-0 49-0 33-2 34-0 34-5 Jowest ... 47'1 48-2 47-5 38-8 34-5 34-0 33-2 34-0 34-9 41-0 47-2 49-0 33-2 Number of Days over 9CP (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 40 (May-September). 1897 1898 1899 Mean for "> 3 years ) 21 25 16 13 13 18 11 9 11 4 1 3 2 2 3 5 10 1 7 10 5 9 2 6 3 2 1 16 2 10 1 8 18 17 21 21 15 10 3 2 5 7 6 2 1 11 19 Monthly Rainfall. 1896 68 479 32 169 25 12 41 128 954 1897 38 2 52 20 10 126 22 65 41 11 6 82 475 1898 2 36 15 74 285 43 221 6 8 28 718 1899 16 105 8 71 197 96 41 51 314 63 35 997 Mean for ^ 4 years j 31 36 133 11 36 160 83 88 26 84 30 68 786 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1896 4 3 11 4 2 6 5 1897 2 1 6 1 1 14 3 9 5 2 1 4 49 1898 1 3 3 7 11 4 10 1 1 2 43 1899 1 6 1 3 10 6 5 5 6 4 1 48 ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " uo record.' 65 COOLGAEDIE. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Yr. 1807 _ _ _ _ 29-934 1898 29-852 29-852 29-952 30-180 80- 1(55 30-000 30-120 30054 30-044 29-914 29-923 29-853 29-998 1899 29-917 29-890 29-928 30-014 80-173 HO- 108 30- 170 30-220 30-144 29-964 29-957 29-907 30034 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 78-6 74-0 71-6 07-0 59-0 534 53-8 52-6 61-2 65'4 74-5 75-6 65-6 1898 81-4 75-9 74-2 63-6 57-4 49-7 52-8 56-5 613 64-0 71-0 765 65-4 1899 74-0 79-4 73-5 Oti-1 57-1 52-11 52-2 54-5 58-2 64-1 70-4 78-8 65-1 Mean for 3 } ?8 . 70-4 73-1 65-8 57-8 52-0 52-9 54-5 60-2 64-5 72-0 77-0 65-4 High eat Temperature in Month. 1897 104-3 104-0 98-4 96-1 88-4 71-2 74-0 81-0 92-0 91-0 105-0 109-2 109-2 1898 1122 107-2 104-2 91-2 78-1 740 75-3 80-2 86-6 91-9 103-2 108-1 112-2 1899 102-0 112-9 104-0 958 83-1 70-2 71-2 81-0 85-8 91-1 101-4 110-2 112-9 Highest ... 112-2 112-9 104-2 96-1 88-4 74-0 75-3 81-0 92-0 91-9 105-0 110-2 112-9 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 53-0 ! 47-4 ! 50'0 39' 1 38'2 31-5 36-5 33-0 35-0 41-0 47'3 51-0 | 31-5 1898 54-0 1 48-0 53-2 41-2 40-8 35-0 34-4 36-0 42-4 40-5 47-6 52-3 34-4 1899 46-0 1 51-6 40-0 39-6 36-1 38-0 32-8 33-0 36-4 42-0 47-6 49-8 32-8 Lowest 46-0 47-4 46-0 39-1 36-1 31-5 32-8 33-0 35-0 40-5 47-3 49-8 31-5 Number of Days over 90 (October- April, inclusive) and Nights below 4CP (May-September). 1897 23 10 11 7 3 n 8 14 4 2 17 21 1898 28 13 14 1 11 9 4 2 8 15 1899 15 15 11 3 2 4 10 6 6 1 8 22 Mean for 3 } 22 18 12 4 3 8 9 8 3 2 11 19 years i Monthly Rainfall. 11893 1894 64 42 01 269 66 115 26 107 37 55 52 30 14 11 3 104 16 180 98 1005 354 1895 120 29 16 64 187 94 36 67 51 15 679 1896 1897 1898 1899 61 50 11 24 243 54 10 27 318 7 1 30 9 9 59 62 60 104 312 69 160 34 29 60 38 108 178 51 18 29 10 161 ' 6 19 185 90 9 16 66 148 131 8 851 551 688 990 Mean for 7 ) 33 65 i 55 22 95 112 66 79 46 32 45 81 731 years > Monthly number of Wet Days. 1893 2 4 7 5 9 5 10 4 5 7 5 3 3 1 3 2 6 3 56 30 1894 1895 "2 2 2 3 3 5 6 3 5 1 32 1890 1897 1898 4 4 4 5 n 8 2 1 3 2 3 7 6 9 14 10 6 4 if 4 2 10 6 11 1 fi 7 2 4 7 6 1 2 4 6 4 1 52 53 49 53 1899 3 6 2 ... * Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." 66 SOUTHERN CEOSS. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1897 1898 1899 29-888 29-842 29-895 29-943 29-832 29-87(5 29992 29-943 29-918 30 072 30-180 30-016 30-156 30-144 30-160 30-048 30-072 30-082 30-194 30'1:!4 30-156 30-146 30-040 30-207 30-068 30-012 30-118 29-994 29-923 29-940 29-919 29-928 29-954 29-880 29-853 29-911 30-025 29-994 30-019 Mean for ^ 3 years. ) 29-875 29-884 29-951 30089 30-153 30-067 3I.-101 30131 30-076 29-952 29-934 29-881 30013 Mean Monthly Temperature. Mean for ^ 4 years ) 78-1 77-0 73-0 63-5 56-3 522 51-7 53-6 57-8 63-8 71-2 7(5-8 84-6 Highest Temperature in Month. 1895 109-0 110-0 104-0 85-0 76-0 78-0 79-0 79-0 f-0 105-0 105-0 113-0 113-0 1896 1897 1898 1899 Highest 115-0 106-0 110-9 104-2 107-0 106-0 110-9 110-8 106-0 101-0 104-3 105-6 86-0 98-0 89-0 93-0 86-0 90-0 79-0 81-2 79-0 69-2 67-6 71-8 73-0 73-2 72-8 71-8 82-0 78-8 80-8 79-1 J5-0 38-1 37-1 87-0 107-0 93-6 86-8 88-8 106-0 103-0 103-4 99-8 105-0 111-3 107-1 107-4 115-0 111-3 110-9 110-8 115-0 110-9 106-0 98-0 90-0 79-0 79-0 82-0 95-0 107-0 106-0 113-0 115-0 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1895 45-0 47-0 46-0 35-0 31-0 28-0 29-0 ': 34-0 35-0 37-0 42-0 48-0 28-0 1896 1897 1898 1899 Lowest 50-0 51-0 48-0 44-0 52-0 46-6 48-7 48-6 45-0 44-2 48-9 40-0 33-3 38-9 31-7 32-0 34-9 30-8 32-0 29-3 29-7 32-2 29-0 29-8 27-0 27-2 33-0 27-1 28-0 30-8 31-0 31-3 37-1 31-0 42-0 36-1 36-1 41-8 46-0 45-1 44-1 432 50-0 47-4 52-0 49-2 29-0 27-1 27-0 27-2 44-0 46-6 40-0 31-7 30-8 28-0 27-0 27-1 31-0 36-1 42-0 47-4 27-0 Number of Days over 9(f (October- April, inclusive), and Nights below 40 (May-September). 1895 19 15 16 10 20 17 10 12 14 : 19 22 ; 1896 27 19 14 22 20 26 15 13 18 18 1897 23 13 10 7 9 7 19 17 13 1 14 17 1898 29 16 16 7 13 20 13 8 8 21 1899 20 17 14 3 14 12 16 14 8 9 22 Mean for ^ 5 years ) 24 16 14 2 8 15 18 16 11 6 14 1 20 * Not included in mean. ... Signifies "nil." Signifies " no record." 67 SOUTHERN CROSS. Monthly Rainfall. Jumuiry. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Se ^. m - ' October. Novem- ber. "sr T ~- 1889 59 4 46 224 227 170 88 101 59 39 1017 1890 35 121 73 88 92 53 25 1891 21 3 145 135 100 22 50 24 23 523 1892 (52 4 417 80 806 41 252 179 79 119 25 40 1510 1893 71 19 ; 128 142 347 144 159 83 70 16 48 177 1404 ISill (>:i 18 i 108 4 37 40 80 09 42 5 19 21 512 1896 4 10 ^ 17 81 168 61 155 42 2 542 1896 73 19 316 : 28 66 225 55 14 15 89 178 1078 1M>7 11 69 59 4 29 233 68 114 34 6 1 107 735 1898 1 145 3 75 251 65 193 14 93 23 863 1899 4 12 4 12 158 142 55 89 55 226 757 Mean for } 10 years ) 35 80 105 31 118 147 132 101 54 39 47 55 894 Mean for } 10 years ) 35 80 105 31 118 147 132 101 54 39 47 55 894 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1889 2 1 1 8 10 7 5 3 4 1 42 1890 2 12 15 15 15 2 10 1891 5 3 9 13 8 9 6 5 5 63 1892 6 3 13 7 13 14 19 20 13 12 4 3 127 1893 7 8 12 9 14 9 20 15 15 8 8 7 132 1894 4 5 5 7 5 4 1 4 4 1895 2 2 2 4 5 9 9 11 9 1 54 1896 4 3 9 4 7 11 6 t) 2 6 3 58 1897 2 2 4 2 4 13 7 7 5 1 1 3 51 1898 1 3 1 7 13 6 12 3 6 1 53 1899 1 . 2 1 3 12 6 6 6 7 5 49 * Not included in mean. ... Signifies " nil," Signifies " no record." 68 YORK. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. *1880 29-888 29-958 30-037 30-073 30-086 30-199 30-067 30-111 30-047 29-976 29-946 1881 *1882 *1883 1884 1885 29-901 29-911 29-926 29-962 29-983 29-878 29-959 29-953 30-044 29-969 30-005 30-096 30-121 29-994 30-050 30-129 30-091 30-133 30-041 30-062 30-155 30-031 30-217 30-201 30-142 80-402 30-108 30-015 30-131 30-084 30-143 30-100 30-205 30-124 30-050 30-017 30079 30-116 29-869 29-985 29-967 30-018 29-848 29-895 29-911 29-906 30-016 30-042 30-065 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 29-890 29-874' 29-965 29-852 29-938 29-959 29-908 29-892 30-025 30-071 30-063 30-018 30-114 30-114 30-049 30-070 30-134 30-135 30-040 30-053 30-132 30-107 29996 30-036 30-146 3H-223 30-1 76 30-1(14 30-072 30-170 30-121 30-099 30-01)8 30-110 30-020 30-009 30-085 30-094 30026 29-892 29-993 29-978 29-884 30-028 29-966 29-949 29-869 29901 30-049 30-065 30-010 30-001 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 29-874 29-916 29-875 29-912 29-895 29-942 29-945 29-858 30-024 29-956 30-014 29-924 30-038 29-992 30-102 30-126 30-156 29-962 30-136 30-154 30-081 30-152 30-034 30-160 30-210 30-118 30-204 30-137 30-121 30-097 30.278 80-121 30-054 30-1-.I8 30-137 30-206 30-006 30-178 30-104 30-025 30-153 30-080 30005 30-098 30-076 30-044 30-065 29-91)3 30-032 30-064 30-0-12 29-939 29-990 29-974 30-028 29-936 29-920 29-886 29-898 29-935 30-068 30-036 30-001 30-054 30-057 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean for ) 14 years j 29-869 29-925 29-888 29-936 29936 29-978 29-853 29-928 29942 30-017 29-962 29-958 30-117 30-096 30-200 30-046 30-185 30-166 30-131 30-186 30-070 30-061 30-076 30-070 30-108 30-194 3(1-120 30-143 30-177 30-176 30-024 30-205 30-178 30-105 30-078 30-147 30-072 30-050 29-959 29-966 29-968 29-973 29-986 30-019 29-969 29-926 29-920 29-966 30-049 30-056 30-016 30-048 29-902 29-934 30-016 30-105 30-124 30-103 30-155 30-118 30-092 30-033 29-987 29-925 30-041 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1880 82-4 80-6 65-5 63-0 58-0 50-0 49-4 53-4 56-4 60-6 68-0 ! 75-0 63-5 1881 74-4 76-8 73-9 66-4 57-0 50-0 50-6 51-0 56-0 64-6 69-7 737 63-7 1882 77-6 78-2 70-9 63-6 55-8 50-5 50-0 52-1 56-3 i 62-0 68-6 75-6 63-4 1883 76-6 73-8 70-4 65-1 58-4 56-2 51-4 50-4 537 | 61-2 66-4 72-5 63-0 *1884 1885 75-7 75-2 70-8 63-2 56-4 52-3 52-9 52-3 54-5 62-1 68-7 75-8 63-3 1886 _ 1887 75-0 73-2 70-9 60-9 55-2 50-4 49-8 51-4 55'1 61-8 70-4 75-1 62-4 1888 78-4 78-0 76-2 67-2 56-8 53-6 50-8 50-6 56-6 63-8 72-2 77-2 65-1 1889 76-2 80-0 73-8 66-4 558 51-4 48-6 50-5 55-8 57-9 66-6 74-2 63-1 1890 787 75-0 71-6 67-6 58-1 49-6 46-9 50-8 55-3 58-4 68-8 73-0 62-8 1891 75-1 77-4 71-8 663 58-4 52-6 49-6 52-6 539 62-1 70-6 72-4 63-6 1892 78-0 77'9 70-6 63-4 56-9 51-2 49-6 50-6 55-4 58-2 66-4 76-6 62-9 1893 77-8 77-6 73-6 60'0 55-6 48-0 50-5 51-9 56-7 59-4 67-0 74-7 62-7 1894 77-8 73-8 70-6 64-2 57-8 55-0 50-2 52-8 55-8 60-8 71-5 76-1 63-9 1895 75-0 72-6 73-2 60-2 57-0 52-8 50-9 55-4 55-8 64-8 73-1 74-7 63-8 1896 81-6 78-4 73-6 62-0 58-0 54-4 49-5 54-0 58-2 64-2 72-0 73-4 64-9 1897 80-4 74-4 71-6 67-2 58-6 54-4 53-8 51-6 56-4 58-6 68-2 75-2 64-2 1898 80-8 79-4 73-8 65-0 58-4 51-8 53-5 54-7 57-7 59-4 67-0 73-5 64-6 1899 75-6 77-7 71-4 63-2 56-2 53-2 52-6 52-6 55-8 60-9 66-2 74-6 63-3 Mean for ) 18 years ) 77-6 76-7 71-9 64-2 57-1 52-1 50-6 52-2 55-9 61-2 69-0 74-6 63-6 Highest Temperature in Month. 1880 104-6 102-6 88-6 85-6 73-6 63-6 64-6 65-6 77-6 79-6 95-6 97-6 104-6 1881 104-0 100-0 100-0 88-0 75-0 68-0 64-0 68-0 76-0 86-0 92-0 94-0 104-0 1882 103-0 110-0 101-0 85-0 75-0 66-0 63-0 66-0 72-0 90-0 91-0 107-0 110-0 1883 100-0 104-0 92-0 83-0 75-0 68-0 64-0 66-0 73-0 84-0 94-0 101-0 104-0 1884 1885 108-0 103-0 93-0 81-0 06-0 65-0 70-0 66-0 74-0 84-0 88-0 102-0 108-0 1886 _ _ _ _ 1S87 96-0 95-0 96-0 76-0 71-0 64-0 65-0 66-0 74-0 85-0 95-0 98-0 98-0 1888 109-0 1030 100-0 87-0 75-0 70-0 64-0 67-0 82-0 92-0 105-0 105-0 109-0 1889 107-0 108-0 97-0 86-0 71-0 65-0 62-0 71-0 70-0 76-0 91-0 104-0 108-0 1890 106-0 98-0 96-0 93-0 83-0 63-0 65-0 68-0 79-0 85-0 100-0 103-0 106-0 1891 107-0 107-0 105-0 98-0 82-0 80-0 71-0 78-0 87-0 92-0 105-0 108-0 108-0 1892 108-0 106-0 101-0 83-0 83-0 70-0 69-0 71-0 80-0 89-0 96-0 110-0 110-0 1893 108-0 108-0 102-0 83-0 81-0 73-0 68-0 75-0 86-0 80-0 95-0 102-0 108-0 1894 108-0 106-0 104-0 95-0 84-0 72-0 69-0 75-0 83-0 98-0 102-0 107-0 108-0 1895 106-0 110-0 101-0 900 84-0 80-0 66-0 78-0 78-0 98-0 102-0 108-0 110-0 1896 115-0 107-0 107-0 89-0 80-0 78-0 66-0 78-0 95-0 94-0 98-0 103-0 115-0 1897 111-0 105-5 105-2 100-2 85-0 70-5 70-2 72-0 82-8 88-8 101-2 114-5 114-5 1898 110-0 115-6 104-5 89-0 81-2 69-0 71-2 78-8 82-8 84-0 98-2 ' 110-0 115-6 1899 105-8 108-0 103-0 100-0 83-0 76-0 71-0 76-8 83-0 86-0 95-0 107-2 108-0 Highest ... 115-0 115-6 107-0 100-2 85-0 80-0 71-2 78-8 95-0 98-0 105-0 j 114-5 115-6 *Not included in mean. Signifies " no record." YORK. Temperature in Month. January. February. Mil reli. April. Mn.v. ,Jun*. July. August. Sei>tem- l;r. October. Novem- ber. Drr.-IM- ber. Year. 1880 (51-4 02-4 52-4 42-4 434 86-4 34-4 38-4 41-4 424 51-4 54-4 34-4 1881 52-0 59-0 .-,2'0 IVO 89-0 BfrO 36-0 88-0 38-0 48-0 49-0 55-0 35-0 1882 56-0 5S-0 52-0 17-0 86-0 84*0 33-0 38-0 41-0 40-0 46-0 57-0 33-0 1SS3 58-0 57-0 :>2-o 48-0 13-0 430 39-0 37-0 38-0 43-0 48-0 57-0 37-0 1884 __ 1885 550 68-0 5l"0 45'0 40'0 :W(i 36-0 39-0 39-0 44-0 44-0 530 36-0 1886 1 s,s7 53-0 55-0 52-0 41-0 39-n 85-0 33-0 35-0 37-0 42-0 45-0 BOO 33-0 1888 58-0 63-0 oti'O 48-0 l-L'll 3I1-0 35-0 34-0 38-0 41-0 48-0 58-0 34-0 188!) 50-0 60-0 48-0 49 :i,s (i 33MP 32-0 31-0 39-0 41-0 47-0 47-0 31-0 1890 5-fO 54-0 51'0 44-0 39O 82-0 31-0 33-0 36-0 41-0 49-0 42'0 31-0 1891 45-0 50-0 46-0 40'0 :*:)(> 82-0 280 30'0 31-0 35-0 40-0 45-0 28-0 1892 50-0 51-0 43-0 :!7-o 32-0 29-0 290 29-0 33-0 34-0 37'0 47-0 29-0 1893 48-0 490 15-0 37'0 33-0 28-0 29-0 29-0 30-0 370 43-0 46-0 28-0 1894 51-0 50-0 411) 35-0 BOO 3 Ml 270 32-0 35-0 35-0 41-0 53-0 27-0 1896 48-0 48'0 48-0 87-0 30-0 32-0 33-0 38-0 36-0 37-0 45-0 49-0 30-0 1890 550 47-0 52-0 40-0 37-0 36-0 29-0 32-0 33-0 40-0 47-0 44-0 29-0 1897 ol'O 45-8 45-2 37-4 37-(i 321) 32-0 31-6 32-5 35-0 41-0 47-0 31-6 1898 55-4 49-2 46-2 40-6 86-0 30-4 320 33-0 37-4 86-0 40-8 49-0 30-4 1899 48-0 48-8 41-6 31T) 32-0 32-5 30-5 32-0 32-4 89-fl 43-0 48-8 30-5 Lowest 45-0 45-8 41-0 34-5 30-0 28-0 27-0 29-0 30-0 34-0 37-0 42-0 27-0 Number of Days over 90 (Octobei-A/iri/, inclusive) and Nights below 4CP (May-September). 1880 23 14 8 16 4 1 8 1881 10 10 6 7 _ 12 5 2 9 1882 15 16 5 5 16 14 9 1 1 11 1883 12 8 1 4 13 5 1 6 1884 1885 13 9 4 1 5 4 3 3 ... 12 1886 __ _ _ 1887 7 3 4 2 8 11 8 2 2 13 1888 16 12 15 3 10 16 2 1 8 11 1889 9 16 9 4 10 20 14 2 1 11 1890 20 14 7 1 3 15 27 16 5 5 11 1891 13 13 10 6 9 17 26 19 18 2 7 12 1892 9 6 4 17 19 22 21 14 5 10 1893 16 6 10 7 23 18 16 8 3 8 1894 10 7 7 2 6 9 20 19 15 1 11 6 1895 9 7 11 1 15 15 18 6 8 6 12 4 1896 15 6 3 10 10 19 15 13 2 10 8 1897 24 13 11 " 7 5 8 11 18 12 10 16 1898 28 21 20 11 13 16 12 2 8 12 1899 18 20 11 1 14 10 14 13 7 2 16 n for} years ) 15 11 8 1 6 11 16 13 7 1 5 10 Monthly Rainfall. 1877 130 530 10 390 260 50 20 1390 1878 50 110 90 240 780 580 80 50 1980 1879 60 20 20 390 170 280 i 110 50 "90 60 1250 1880 18 ; 118 69 181 227 368 210 434 71 32 j 102 27 1857 1881 27 6 110 150 187 284 274 43 155 75 171 3 1485 1882 2 3 25 325 32 282 458 665 42 33 32 49 1948 1883 124 284 56 58 209 718 258 217 114 105 22 231 2396 1884 q 32 60 347 493 82 583 181 111 11 8 1917 1885 6 18 61 96 577 280 399 517 105 95 39 23 2219 1886 92 27 17 105 172 261 416 260 12 66 1 1418 1887 3 55 6H 70 111 231 371 400 189 84 83 14 1679 1888 59 : 43 4 06 186 293 126 243 85 82 125 64 1366 1889 33 1 16 236 261 451 142 212 207 373 5 3 years \ 76-2 73-8 73-8 71-7 76-4 74-4 70-3 73-0 Tfrfl 66-2 66-1 64-6 60-8 61-6 59-9 56-6 53-8 56-3 56-5 56-6 55-4 54-2 i 58-6 57-3 60-0 56-0 58-2 58-8 61-3 62-3 65-1 65-0 63-9 70-1 70-8 71-6 63-8 64-6 63-9 74-6 74-2 71-4 656 60-8 55-6 56-2 55-8 58-9 60-8 64-7 70-8 64-1 Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Highest ... 107-0 104-0 101-2 103-0 ! 101-8 106-8 ! 97-8 101-1 96-6 96-8 78-4 88-8 79-4 97-4 82-4 69-1 660 73-2 69-2 72-0 73-8 72-8 78-2 74-3 78-4 82-0 81-4 83-7 86-6 82-5 93-5 90-1 82-1 101-0 101-4 102-8 107-0 106-8 102-8 107-0 106-8 101-8 97-4 82-4 73-2 73-8 78-2 82-0 86-6 93-5 102-8 107-0 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Lowest 55-4 54-5 51-5 50-1 53-8 56-1 53-3 50-9 45-9 44-5 50-6 45-1 46-0 47-4 39-9 41-1 36-9 43-0 41-8 39-5 38-1 37-5 42-9 39-7 42-8 45-7 39-8 42-9 42-2 48-2 45-7 48-2 48-9 49-2 54-1 51-8 37-5 36-9 38-1 51-5 50-1 45-9 44-5 39-9 36-9 38-1 37-5 39-8 42-2 45-7 49-2 36-9 Number of Days over Off (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 4(f (May-September). 1897 1898 1899 Mean for ^ 3 years) 12 10 9 6 11 7 3 3 10 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 6 6 7 10 8 6 1 1 1 1 1 6 Monthly Rainfall. 1897 P1898 1899 Mean for \ 3 years j "47 15 29 21 25 146 10 18 143 41 326 304 356 231 565 623 653 439 541 753 570 866 534 314 219 193 86 360 418 106 79 58 15 13 16 2717 3176 3240 21 25 58 170 ! 297 i 613 578 656 242 288 81 15 3044 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1899 2 1 5 S 3 3 2 5 6 13 3 10 13 8 17 16 17 15 i 18 15 17 13 15 12 18 8 22 17 7 8 5 3 2 106 118 107 Siguifies " nil." 72 FEEMANTLE. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1880 29-948 29-966 29-936 30-060 30-072 30-161 30056 30-106 30-078 29953 29-994 1881 *1882 1883 *1884 1885 29-954 29-948 30-016 29-993 29-925 29-938 30-015 30-057 29-951 30-008 30-082 30-103 29-910 30-036 30-168 30-103 30-063 29-982 30-086 30-070 29-931 30-227 30-187 30-083 30-187 30-100 _ 29-954 30-125 30-115 30-069 30-194 30-171 30-078 30-082 30-160 29-971 29915 30-082 29-875 29-905 29'966 29-992 30-021 30-099 1886 *1887 1888 1889 1890 30-006 29-896 29-986 29-870 29-927 29-976 29-958 29-898 30-022 30-054 30-056 30-022 30-136 30-098 30-024 30-050 30-101 30-086 30-016 30-018 30-220 30-071 29-924 30-0.-,2 30-096 30-20-1 30-152 30-137 29-994 30-139 30-092 30-072 29-992 30-094 29-998 29-995 30098 30-080 30-020 29-896 30-047 29'991 29-910 30-042 29-960 29-97] 29 896 29-930 30-OoO 30-054 30-003 29999 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 29-921 29-928 29-887 29-914 29-919 29-965 29960 29-851 29992 29-980 30-007 29-914 30-026 29-980 30-083 30-110 30-141 29-952 30-108 30-132 30-053 30-133 30-002 30-116 30-172 30-082 30-172 30-092 30-055 30-047 30-234 30-068 30-018 30-144. 30-093 30-188 29-976 30-162 30-054 29-986 30-140 ' 30-072 29-990 30052 30-071 30-068 :;i 1-1 i7N 29-992 30-034 30-058 30-054 29-989 30-001 29974 30-029 29970 29-044 29-914 29-902 29-950 30-066 30-031 29-991 30-027 30-043 1896 1897 1898 1899 29-868 29-920 29-918 29-945 29-922 29-975 29-860 29-940 29-934 30-012 29-963 29-963 30-102 30-182 30-025 30-143 30-097 30-156 30-030 30-052 30-030 30-086 30-092 30-105 30-143 29-994 30172 30-158 30-070 30-140 30-074 29-956 29-968 29-068 30-009 30-048 29-990 29-9-10 29-998 30-035 30-011 30-041 Mean for ^ 13 years ) 29-929 29-942 30008 30-094 30-091 30-081 30-118 30-084 30-073 30-036 30-011 29-949 30-035 Mean Monthly Temperature. * 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 *1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 15 years 71-3 80-9 76-6 78-8 71-2 73-0 65-7 66-0 60-9 55-0 54-8 54-9 58-1 61-0 649 73-1 63-9 70-2 71-4 67-6 65-2 61-8 59-8 55-6 53-7 55-6 59-8 63-5 70-8 62-5 71-8 70-6 69-4 63-6 59-4 56-2 56-0 56-4 55-6 61-6 67-2 73-7 63-5 72-8 74-6 71-2 64-2 59-9 56-2 53-6 54-8 58-6 59-4 66-0 71-4 63-6 74-2 73-0 77-0 67-9 60-4 58-2 55-5 54-2 58-1 65-0 69-6 73-2 65-5 73-1 72-2 72-2 67-6 58-4 54-8 55-1 56-0 59-6 60-4 65-0 71-0 63-8 75-6 73-5 71-6 69-3 62-4 55-6 53-1 56-0 58-4 59-4 64-6 68-3 64-0 68-5 72-2 71-6 67-6 61-5 56-9 56-4 56-4 56-7 60-5 67-3 67-6 63-6 72-4 73-2 69-2 65-5 61-2 56-0 55-4 55-9 58-4 58-6 61-6 70-0 63-1 73-3 73-8 751-2 63-1 60-1 55-4 56-7 56-6 59-5 60-4 64-2 70-2 63-8 73-2 73-4 70-2 66-4 61-8 59-8 55-6 56-4 58-6 61-2 68-0 72-8 64-7 69-2 70-0 73-6 63-5 61-2 58-4 56-0 60-2 58-9 63-6 69-4 69-8 64-5 75-1 75-4 68-8 63-4 62-2 58-6 54-0 57-5 59-0 63-6 67-0 68-0 64-4 74-6 71-4 69-6 72-0 75-6 71-6 65-8 62-5 55-2 58-2 58-0 60-4 61-8 64-1 70-0 64-6 72-0 73-3 70-4 64-6 61-4 57-8 56-8 57-0 58-2 62-5 63-4 70-2 64-0 72-3 73-3 71-2 65-6 61-0 56-9 55'5 56-3 58-2 61-3 65-7 70-7 64-0 Highest Temperature in Month. 1881 100-0 99-0 90-0 82-0 . 1882 99-0 106-0 89-0 87-0 73-0 65-0 65-0 65-0 69-0 83-0 90-0 97-0 106-0 1883 96-0 96-0 86-0 83-0 78-0 70-0 69-0 68-0 73-0 79-0 91-0 98-0 98-0 1884 . ! 1885 95-0 93-0 91-0 78-0 68-0 67-0 68-0 65-0 67-0 79-0 91-0 104-0 104-0 1886 96-0 98-0 94-0 80-0 73-0 66-0 65-0 660 75-0 86-0 88-0 1040 104-0 1887 1888 98-0 96-0 105-0 89-0 76-0 72-0 68-0 68-0 76-0 94-0 95-0 106-0 106-0 1889 105-0 87-0 91-0 900 72-0 69-0 66-0 72-0 76-0 76-0 80-0 96-0 105-0 1890 106-0 94-0 92-0 93-0 86-0 66-0 64-0 68-0 73-0 82-0 96-0 96-0 106-0 1891 97-0 103-0 97-0 91-0 81-0 70-0 (,9-0 70-0 J9-0 81-0 100-0 89-0 103-0 1892 106-0 101-0 940 88-0 81-0 69-0 68-0 ; 68-0 78-0 79-0 81-0 98-0 106-0 1893 103-0 95-0 i 97-0 80-0 75-0 ; 72-0 68-0 ! 71-0 81-0 76-0 85-0 101-0 103-0 1894 107-0 102-0 105-0 87-0 86-0 74'0 67-0 70-0 78-0 96-0 95-0 102-0 107-0 1895 91-0 104-0 100-0 93-0 80-0 82-0 68-0 71-0 80-0 95-0 98-0 103-0 104-0 1896 108-0 96-0 93-0 89-0 77-0 77-0 65-0 71-0 80-0 89-0 95-0 91-0 108-0 1897 108-0 102-5 99-0 1898 105-0 1060 92-0 89-0 79-0 66-0 70-5 73-8 84-0 81-0 84-0 93-8 106-0 1899 96-0 102-8 94-0 86-8 79-5 73-0 71-0 71-0 80-5 80-6 78-4 104-0 104-0 Highest ... 108-0 106-0 105-0 93-0 86-0 82-0 71-0 73-8 84-0 96-0 100-0 106-0 108-0 * Not included in mean. - Signifies " no record, 1 FREMANTLE. Lowest Temperature in Month. January. February. Man'li. April. May. Juin 1 . July. ! August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1881 59-0 57-0 54-2 50-0 _ _ 1882 55-0 5VO 53-0 5H> 400 43-0 43-0 44-0 46-0 46-0 50-0 55-0 40-0 1883 53-0 56-0 5.VO uO'6 47'0 47-d 44-0 42'0 41-5 44-0 50-0 57-0 41-5 1884 1886 55-0 55-0 52-0 50'0 : 48-0 14-0 42-0 46-0 43-0 47-0 45-0 53-0 42-0 1886 56'U 57'0 57-0 oO'O I.Vll 42-0 40-0 40-0 43-0 44-0 50-0 | 53 40-0 1887 1888 55-0 56-0 68-0 49-o i::-n 45-0 43-0 41-0 43-0 46-0 50-0 59-0 41-0 188!) 51-0 .v.H P 53-0 53-0 ' 44-0 41-0 41-0 42-0 4(VO 45-0 50-0 53-0 41-0 1890 56-0 56-0 55-0 53-0 48-0 43-0 42-0 42-0 44-0 48-0 48-0 52-0 42-0 1891 52-0 50-0 52-0 47-0 42-0 43-0 41-0 42-0 39-0 43-0 49-0 51-0 41-0 1892 51-o .-,:>( p 51-0 46-0 I 41-0 38-0 41-0 38-0 40-0 40-0 4(VO 48-0 38-0 1893 ol'O 50-0 51-0 45-0 13-0 39-0 37-0 39-0 43-0 44-0 44-0 52-0 37-0 1894 50-0 55-0 48-0 43-0 41-0 46-0 4H) 430 42-0 42-0 48-0 55-0 41-0 is'jr, 47-0 52-0 50-0 1.YO 41-0 39-0 42-0 47'0 43-0 45-0 49-0 55-0 39-0 1890 .-,-'( I 57-0 51-0 45-0 Ui-O 43-0 40-0 48-0 41-0 47-0 | 50-0 50-0 40-0 1897 54-0 48-5 63-e 1898 55'0 53'U 55-0 50-8 49-5 40-0 43-8 45-2 49-4 47-9 49-5 55-5 40-0 189!) 55-0 58-5 48-6 48-5 43-d 45-0 42-5 42-8 42-0 496 50-8 51-8 42-0 IiOHCSt 47-0 48-r, 48-0 43-0 40'0 38-0 37-0 38-0 39-0 40-0 44-0 48-0 37-0 Number of Days over 9CP (October- April, inclusive) and Nights below 40 (May-September). *1881 21 21 2 . 1882 2 5 1 1 8 1883 1 1 1 1 1884 __ _ . 1885 3 2 1 ... 2 10 1886 8 2 1 1 1 5 1887 1888 6 2 13 1 3 5 1889 4 5 1 6 1890 11 2 4 1 1 4 1891 3 8 8 2 2 3 1892 8 7 2 1 1 1 2 1893 10 7 4 3 1 1 6 1894 11 10 3 1 "" 8 1895 2 3 11 1 1 1 3 3 1896 12 9 1 ! 1 3 *1897 9 5 2 1898 5 10 5 1 5 1899 6 6 4 5 lean for ) 6 5 4 1 5 5 years. ) Monthly Rainfall. 1877 . .. 100 580 150 540 200 20 40 1630 1878 280 100 120 400 370 850 340 140 ioo 10 2710 1879 120 40 700 270 430 430 180 320 90 2580 1880 7 52 65 186 201 338 212 361 140 38 70 3 1673 1881 43 43 132 364 327 323 89 257 37 74 142 1831 1882 12 14 70 497 222 551 732 994 85 73 79 38 3367 1883 6 144 69 145 240 917 424 394 150 195 62 144 2880 1884 18 13 5 110 237 752 425 5fi! 345 235 87 34 2822 1885 46 4 81 413 701 358 546 467 156 133 101 32 3038 188C 24 77 5 149 317 357 811 625 542 57 100 3064 1887 19 19 168 145 349 565 1004 786 308 153 65 34 3615 1888 5 65 95 452 437 390 443 167 128 123 308 2613 1889 66 46 76 527 1053 891 316 378 264 424 90 36 4167 1890 3 39 1 20 582 1358 558 495 628 693 95 166 4638 1891 5 77 21 664 716 613 541 451 76 1 10 3175 1892 15 14 42 88 570 424 402 738 251 103 74 6 2727 1893 3 38 162 816 731 361 854 631 397 278 74 145 3990 1894 96 23 5 4OO 665 560 432 319 96 25 65 2686 1895 30 95 24 179 225 900 755 663 355 77 17 83 3403 1896 17 419 81 231 1001 771 369 87 101 5 22 3104 1897 "27 196 540 273 74 80 3 1898 26 16 4 50 373 501 491 586 220 351 88 5 2711 1899 17 2 28 250 185 640 602 369 132 243 5S 12 2538 Mean for } 22 43 71 165 444 584 573 495 255 173 63 65 2953 22 years. > * Not included in mean. ... Signifies "nit." Signifies "no record.' FREMANTLE. Monthly number of Wet Days. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep. tember. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1880 2 1 5 7 10 13 7 14 u 6 5 1 79 1881 8 2 4 13 12 12 7 16 4 9 9 91 1882 3 2 4 14 12 12 18 22 8 8 3 5 111 1883 2 5 8 10 25 20 16 12 11 5 14 140 1884 5 6 2 1C) 10 21 11 27 24 16 10 11 153 188.-, 7 2 5 13 22 14 21 27 9 11 5 3 139 1886 3 4 1 3 13 10 18 21 19 9 5 106 1887 2 2 7 7 7 15 21 15 17 11 8 3 115 1888 3 5 12 18 18 17 14 11 15 10 8 131 1889 2 1 6 7 16 22 15 17 16 15 9 4 130 1890 2 2 1 2 19 20 14 21 21 24 3 8 137 1891 1 6 6 21 19 15 15 19 9 1 2 114 1892 4 1 10 7 14 15 20 25 14 9 8 4 131 1893 1 5 10 15 20 11 23 19 23 20 8 7 162 1894 4 9 2 11 23 14 18 18 12 5 5 121 1895 2 7 4 7 11 18 24 25 19 9 ; 4 8 138 1896 2 9 8 12 19 15 15 9 9 2 5 105 1897 4 5 15 14 10 7 1 1898 1 3 1 2 8 15 17 17 16 19 6 3 108 1899 1 2 6 13 9 16 15 15 10 13 5 4 109 ... Signifies "HI'?.' Signifies " no record." 75 ROTTNEST. Mean Monthly Barometer. J;uiu;iry. February. March. April. May. Julie. July. August. Septeni- October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Yer. 1880 2S-804 29-871 29-928 30-007 30-031 80-049 30-156 30-010 30-084 30-048 29985 29-966 29-995 1881 . __ i_ __ _ 1882 29-927 29-904 29 9:'.:! 29-896 80-08] 30-096 30-068 29-965 30-082 30-023 29-987 29-884 29-990 1888 29-940 29-928 30-000 30-025 29-974 29-939 30-167 30-095 30-109 30-007 29-971 29-919 30-016 1884 -- 1885 29-946 29-966 30-002 30-080 30-011 30-158 30-064 30-044 30-086 30-091 30-040 29-901 30-037 1886 1SS7 29-864 29-893 29-955 30-037 30046 30-039 30-030 29-990 30-057 30-032 29-946 29-943 29-986 1 .sss 29-856 29-930 30-O02 30-066 30-030 30-014 30-121 30-098 30-043 30031 29-932 29-913 30-003 1889 29-935 29-886 80-016 29-986 29-989 29-879 30-111 30-052 29952 29-973 29-866 29-862 29-959 1890 29-837 30-007 29-944 1891 29-927 29-990 30-034 30-130 30-063 30-087 30-136 30-189 30-168 30-080 30-052 30-000 30-071 1892 89-876 29-928 29-918 30-193 30-135 30-174 30-071 29-991 30-062 30-002 29-981 29.941 30-028 I89a 1894 . 1896 *18!t(i . *1897 1898 29-874 29-976 30-188 30-098 30-052 30-098 29-998 30-076 29-962 30-008 29-941 189!) 29-918 29-920 29-926 30-014 30-144 30-008 30-088 30-160 30-130 29-934 30-002 29-970 30-020 Mean for I 29-902 29-922 29-977 30-043 30-050 30-044 30-103 30-059 30-083 30-034 29-976 29-931 30-010 10 years. I Mean Monthly Temperature. 1880 78-6 76-8 71-6 67-1 64-4 58-8 38-0 58-8 61-3 60-8 66-2 69-8 66-1 1881 1882 71-4 730 70-0 65-8 60-8 58-2 57-6 56-0 59-2 61-0 64-0 70-9 64-0 1883 89-8 70-6 68-0 66-6 63-2 61-0 57-3 50-6 57-4 61-2 63-8 68-3 63-6 1884 1885 70-5 69-8 70-0 65-0 61-3 57-8 57-9 56-7 58-0 61-6 66-4 71-8 63-9 1886 18S7 09-0 70-4 68-5 63-7 60-8 55-9 56-2 56-0 56-1 61-1 67-2 69-1 62-8 1888 72-4 72-0 74-2 ! 66-9 61-7 59-2 56-9 55-6 60-0 63-2 67-6 69-6 64-9 1889 70-6 72-8 70-7 67-8 58-4 56-4 56-5 56-4 59-4 59-6 63-4 678 63-3 1890 72-1 72-0 70-6 72-3 66-6 55-3 53-8 55-6 j 57-5 58-1 62-2 65-8 63-5 1891 66-8 70-8 67-9 67-4 60-8 56-9 57-6 57-9 57-4 61-5 68-4 67-9 63-4 1892 74-8 77-2 71-7 66-8 61-8 56-6 53-4 53-9 56-9 57-8 61-6 09-0 63-5 1898 *1894 1896 *1896 _ 1897 1888 74-3 72-2 66-8 64-2 57-0 59-6 59-2 61-4 62-1 64-8 69-0 1899 71-6 71-9 70-0 64-7 61-8 58-7 57-5 58-0 57-5 62-3 63-6 70-0 64-0 Mean for } 71-6 72-5 70-3 66-7 62-0 57-7 56-7 56-5 58-2 60-7 64-9 69-1 63-9 11 years. ) ! Highest Temperature in Month. 1880 99-6 104-6 86-0 80-0 ' 82-0 69-0 69-2 68-2 , 76-5 71-6 81-8 85-4 104-6 1881 _ 1882 98-0 98-0 ! 96-0 85-0 \ 77-0 69-3 69-0 65-0 71-5 79-4 82-3 96-5 98-0 1883 92-7 95-9 83-8 83-2 77-1 77-0 69-0 70-0 75-0 81-5 86-0 94-2 959 1884 . 1885 96-5 92-5 90-2 80-0 74-0 69-4 70-1 69-5 71-5 81-2 87-0 95-0 96-5 1880 1887 91-5 94-5 85-5 80-5 76-5 68-0 69-0 69-5 72-0 83-5 91-0 92-5 ; 94-5 1888 93-0 91-0 101-0 87-5 78-5 730 : 72-5 68-5 75-5 88-5 92-5 95-5 101-0 1889 100-5 90-0 95-5 84-5 72-5 68-0 69-5 72-5 72-5 74-5 79-5 88-5 100-5 1890 98-5 90-0 87-5 92-5 87-5 68-5 63-5 j 68'0 70-5 76-5 77-0 78-5 98-5 1891 80-5 95-5 88-5 890' 71-0 67-0 67-0 72-0 74-0 77-0 84-0 89-0 95-5 1892 104-5 102-0 95-0 85-0 8-1-0 69-0 69-0 69-0 76-0 81-0 84-0 102-5 104-5 1893 i ' -- i 1894 : 1 - , 1895 1896 -- _ 1897 1898 109-0 95-0 86-8 ' 70-2 67-o r.si-s 70-8 80-0 85-2 82-8 93-0 109-0 189!) 94-0 102-0 93-6 83-2 78-0 71-0 09-2 70-0 76-0 80-2 74-8 102-0 102-0 Highest ... 104-5 109-0 101-0 92-5 87-5 ; 77-0 72-5 l 72-5 ' 80-0 88-5 92-5 102-5 109-0 i * Not included in mean. Signifies " no record. ' ROTTNEST. Lowest Temperature in Month. January. February. March. April, May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1880 6V3 61-4 53-0 52-0 1 54-0 48-6 50-2 45-0 48-8 49-4 54-8 55O 45-0 1881 _ __ __ 1882 55-0 58-0 56-0 520 43-0 48-0 47-0 47-0 47-5 480 46-8 54-8 430 1883 52'5 55-0 56-3 52-9 48-2 45-5 46-0 42-3 420 46-3 50-2 56'0 i 42O 1884 1886 55-0 55-0 52-0 51-0 47-0 47-0 45-2 40-0 42-0 46-0 420 52-0 40-0 1886 1887 55-0 52-0 52-0 48-0 48'5 44-0 44-0 42-0 42-0 45-0 47-0 49-0 48-0 1888 54-5 55-0 57-0 50-0 405 40-5 45-0 41-0 44-0 44-0 50-0 55-0 40-5 1889 50-0 59-0 51-0 52-0 44-0 43-0 ! 42-0 to'O 46-0 41-0 500 52-0 41-0 1890 55-0 57-0 56-0 56-0 50-0 43-0 45-0 45-0 46-0 48-0 50-0 500 43-0 1891 54-0 600 54-0 49-0 49-0 47-5 47-0 45-0 42-0 44'5 53-0 510 42-0 1S92 56-0 53-0 510 48-5 42-0 44-0 ! 38-0 36-0 40-0 40-0 46-0 46-0 3f,-d 1893 1894 1895 - 1896 - 1897 1898 56-6 59-5 55-6 54-8 47-0 49-4 49-0 49-6 45-6 51-6 54-6 45-6 1899 59-2 59-5 54'6 47-8 45-0 48-0 40-4 48-0 16-4 49-6 53-6 40-4 Lowest 50-0 52-0 51-0 47-8 40-5 40-5 38-0 36-0 40-0 400 42-0 40'0 36'0 Number of Days over 9(f (October- April, inclusive) and Nights below 4(f (May-September). 1880 13 7 ... *1881 . . 18H2 2 4 1 o 1883 1 3 2 *1884 _. 1885 2 1 1 6 *1886 _ 1887 2 1 ... 1 3 1888 2 8 7 2 4 1889 2 1 5 1890 6 1 4 1891 1892 10 21 7 1 1 5 1893 ! _ *1894 [ *1895 *1896 . *1897 1898 5 5 1 1899 3 2 3 3 Mean for ~\ 11 years > 4 4 2 2 Monthly Rainfall. 1880 21 180 68 278 277 656 320 334 209 71 123 3 2540 1881 13:? 82 234 572 469 392 121 284 18 63 196 2564 18S2 23 98 464 218 741 742 733 71 103 102 28 :2:i 1883 158 39 i:> 259 832 4t2 452 138 154 81 77 2707 18H4 12 8 49 110 348 616 594 882 160 177 48 32 3066 1885 43 3 194 556 390 456 ; 464 142 115 72 40 2475 1886 12 110 135 ; 263 234 681 373 431 83 94 24Z2 18H7 136 141 152 ! 502 721 1359 804 355 155 33 34 4392 1888 24 4 74 . 510 354 218 433 124 111 272 282 2448 1889 62 75 69 455 1129 1000 507 239 140 424 78 28 1206 1890 16 ia 3 499 1380 563 444 696 542 50 136 4341 1891 71 41 520 922 720 248 484 57 25 3088 1892 5 65 87 489 490 414 904 300 69 60 2943 1898 803 408 346 259 1894 52 21 5 279 610 656 454 307 52 12 39 2487 1885 12 131 161 144 865 693 545 261 71 7 64 2954 1896 143 54 39 14 1897 1 2 185 135 327 554 331 475 258 97 60 5 2430 1898 25 1 25 445 545 387 548 88 245 64 1 2374 1899 21 5 16 175 185 648 570 326 132 244 : 49 2 2373 Mean for } 18 years ) 21 50 53 155 418 669 559 491 254 155 70 55 2950 * Not included in means, ... Signifies ** nil." Signifies " no record," 77 ROTTNEST. Monthly number of Wet Day*. J;inuiiry. February ^Lu-.'li. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Y.-.ir. 18SO 4 1 4 10 14 10 11 21 10 5 4 1 101 1881 3 2 (5 15 19 14 7 14 2 8 7 97 1882 5 6 13 18 13 17 18 4 3 2 100 1883 () 2 8 12 23 16 14 13 7 5 7 113 1884 1 2 1 5 8 21 14 23 15 9 2 4 105 1885 4 1 8 18 12 lt> 19 5 3 2 2 90 1886 2 2 3 9 8 18 19 15 7 5 88 18S7 3 5 8 10 15 18 18 14 6 2 3 102 1888 2 8 8 14 14 13 15 10 8 8 4 99 1889 2 2 4 r> 14 2:i 18 11 14 16 7 3 119 1890 1 2 i 11 21 15 16 21 22 2 8 120 1891 5 7 Iti 15 11 12 16 6 5 93 1892 2 5 4 13 18 17 21 12 5 "7 104 1893 18 15 15 13 L8M , 5 1 10 16 11 14 7 4 2 3 75 1895 1 4 ... 7 4 15 20 19 13 7 2 4 96 1891) 8 9 5 4 1S97 1 2 3 4 12 15 13 12 11 9 18(18 1 1 2 10 17 15 15 11 18 3 1 94 1899 2 1 8 13 10 17 18 17 10 16 4 1 117 ... Signifies "nil." Signifies "no record.' 78 BUNBUKY. Mean Monthly Barometer, | January. February, March, i April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Deeem-- ber. Year. * 1880 29-882 29-926 29-977 30-050 30-063 30058 30-160 30-027 30-149 30-078 30- 040 29-997 30-034 * 1881 _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * 1882 29-991 '. 29-970 30-000 29-941 30-120 30-118 30-092 29-9SS 30-107 30-046 30-040 29-943 30-030 * 1883 29-983 29-985 30-035 30-058 29-987 29-940 30-194 30-117 30-231 30-123 29-997 29-952 30-050 *1884 _ 1885 30-002 30-010 30-066 30-126 30-046 30-194 30-070 30-044 30-111 30-130 30073 29972 30073 188G 30-008 29-950 30-046 30-170 30-118 30-202 30-084 20-f)ii8 29-968 30-090 30-054 29962 30-054 1887 29-922 29936 30-015 30-093 30-101 30-068 30-060 30-027 30-076 30-085 30-026 30-010 30-036 1888 29-931 30005 30-064 30-106 30-084 30-038 30-156 30-108 80-086 30-070 29-969 29-956 30-048 1889 29-988 29-958 30-056 30-027 30-018 29-937 30-158 30-087 30-020 30-020 29-932 29-932 30-01 1 1890 29916 29-929 30-086 30-104 30-021 29-992 30-150 30-064 29-972 29-874 30-082 29-964 30-013 1891 29-968 30-020 30-027 30-144 30-056 30-096 30-234 30-182 30-138 30-094 30-108 29-996 30-088 1892 29-971 ^ 30-00-1 29-974 30-173 30-150 30-190 30-075 29-956 30-082 30-093 29-996 29-968 30-053 1893 29-922 29-904 30-074 29-9(54 30-012 30-121 30-010 30-179 29-968 29-987 30-024 29-940 30-009 1894 29-966 30-054 30-017 30-144 30-159 30-075 30-189 30-084 30-097 30-078 30-032 29-946 30-070 1895 29-957 29-994 30-136 30-184 30-229 30-OU7 30-106 29-990 30-075 30071 30-080 29-982 30-073 1896 29-944 29-992 29-978 30-110 30-162 30-024 30-086 30-161 30-184 30-082 30-018 30-027 30-064 1897 29-972 30-017 30-040 30-101 30-144 30-OOC 30-154 30-165 30-081 30-068 30-014 29-990 30-0(53 1898 29-953 29904 29-997 30-216 30-126 30-0(57 30-096 29-995 30-061 29-988 30-026 29-967 i 30-029 1899 29-984 29-984 29-988 30-033 30-178 30-048 30-092 30-178 30-182 29-966 30-074 80-026 80-061 Mean for } 29-960 29-977 30-038 30-113 30-107 30-075 30-115 30-079 30-076 30-043 30-034 29-978 30-050 15 years j Mean Monthly Temperature. 1880 74-6 72-6 67-3 62-8 59-2 54-4 54-6 55*5 56-0 57-2 63-4 66-8 62-0 *1881 1882 69-2 73-2 68-0 64-2 56-6 54-6 54-6 55-2 57-4 60-3 64-8 68-6 62-2 1883 67-9 69-4 66-1 63-4 60-1 59-6 55-6 53-9 55-6 60-2 63-2 67-4 61-9 1884 1885 70-2 69-2 68-2 62-0 58-2 55"6 56-4 54-1 55-1 60-2 65-2 69-9 62-0 1886 69-7 71-2 68-9 62-6 58-5 57-1 52-3 53-1 56-8 56-9 62-8 67-2 61-4 1887 66-8 68-3 64-6 59-6 56-9 53-0 52-5 53-2 55-4 59-6 66-4 67-3 60-2 1888 69-5 70-8 73-2 64-8 59-8 59-1 56-8 . 53-3 55-4 61-0 66-0 69-0 63-2 1889 67-2 69-2 68-0 65-6 56-4 52-2 53-0 53-8 53-2 57-6 62-6 67-5 60-5 1890 70-6 69-0 66-4 65-8 57-6 54-0 52-3 54-2 57-2 57-2 64-5 07-5 61-4 1891 65-4 68-0 66-6 62-4 58-0 56-0 52-5 52-8 51-6 56-7 62-9 63-9 59-8 1892 67-7 67-8 66-0 60-4 58-0 51-7 52-2 52-8 55-0 55-5 58-2 65-8 59-3 1893 69-0 69-6 67-4 59-3 56-4 51-2 . 52-8 53-7 54-8 58-3 63-6 67-4 60-3 1894 71-2 69-2 67-5 59-4 58-1 57-8 536 54-6 57-2 58-4 66-4 70-8 62-0 1895 68-2 68-0 69-6 61-0 58-7 57-5 56-6 556 54-8 59-0 67-9 67-0 62-0 1896 72-4 71-7 65-8 60-0 59-1 55-4 51-4 51-8 53-4 58-2 63-6 66-0 60-7 1897 72-4 69-2 68-3 63-0 59-1 56-9 56-4 52-8 58-1 57-1 62-9 66-9 62-0 1898 70-4 73-0 69-0 62-8 60-6 53-5 56-4 57-7 59-7 60-2 62-1 G7-9 62-8 899 70-4 71-3 69-0 62-6 58-9 56-4 55-0 56-0 57-0 61-4 61-9 68-4 62-4 Mean for ^ 18 years ) 69-6 70-0 67-8 62-3 58-3 55*3 54-2 54-1 55-8 58-6 63-8 67-5 61-4 Highest Temperature in Month. 1880 94-2 95-7 84-7 84-7 71-7 69-7 68'2 66-7 78-2 75-1 85-2 87-2 95-7 1881 1882 96-0 96-0 94-0 85-0 78-0 69-0 68-0 69-0 69-0 78-0 84-0 95-0 96-0 1883 90-0 89-0 84-0 83-0 77-0 74-0 70-0 69-0 75-0 82-0 95-0 90-0 95-0 1884 1885 99-0 91-0 92-0 78-0 72-0 71-0 72-0 68-0 73-0 80-0 89-0 97-0 99-0 1886 93-0 92-0 90-0 84-0 74-0 75*0 67-0 660 75-0 81-0 88-0 90-0 93-0 1887 87-0 89-0 88-0 79-0 75-0 69-0 73-0 72-0 74-0 86-0 91-0 90-0 91-0 1888 100-0 91-0 97-0 82-0 84-0 80-0 70-0 72-0 71-0 89-0 95-0 105-0 105-0 1889 99-0 ' 96-0 88-0 82-0 78-0 74-0 . 69-0 73-0 69-0 80-0 81-0 95-0 99-0 1890 95-0 90-0 84-0 91-0 73-0 73-0 69-0 70-0 72-0 71-0 86-0 97-0 97-0 1891 91-0 ! 96-0 90-0 84-0 73-0 71-0 68-0 68-0 69-0 76-0 86-0 84-0 96-0 1892 99-0 96-0 87-0 78-0 77-0 65-0 65-0 660 71-0 73-0 82-0 91-0 99-0 1893 94-0 970 91-0 75-0 71-0 69-0 65-0 67-0 79-0 68-0 80-0 92-0 97-0 1894 94-0 : 88-0 97-0 82-0 82-0 69-0 69-0 69-0 70-0 83-0 96-0 970 97-0 1895 87-0 92-0 93-0 80-0 74-0 68-0 64-0 63-0 63-0 73-0 94-0 90-0 94-0 1896 100-0 95-0 90-0 78-0 70-0 70-0 61-0 62-0 69-0 76-0 78-0 95-0 100-0 1897 101-0 98-0 96-5 89-5 74-2 68-5 69-8 69-1 70-0 75-5 90-2 96-5 101-0 1898 101-0 101-5 88-0 83-0 76-8 65-5 70-5 73-0 83-8 89-2 83-5 93-5 101-5 1899 96-2 101-2 92-0 86-2 80-2 71-8 72-2 69-8 76-2 85-5 81-2 101-5 101-5 Highest ... 101-0 101-5 97-0 91-0 84-0 80-0 73-0 73-0 83-8 89-2 96-0 105-0 105-0 * Not included in means. Signifies " uo record." 79 BUNBURT. Lowest Temperature in Month. January. February. Murah. April. May. June. July. August. Septein- October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1880 52-6 48-1 51-4 43'6 40-1 37-6 38-1 36-0 37-8 37-6 47-1 45-6 36-0 1881 _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . 1882 4(3-0 54-0 48-0 47-0 33-0 38-0 39-0 39-0 40-0 43-0 43-0 49-0 33-0 1883 48-0 48-0 4R-0 45-0 38-0 46-0 36-0 35-0 35-0 380 46-0 53-0 35-0 1884 1885 49-0 47-0 45-0 46-0 41-0 38-0 37-0 37-0 33-0 38-0 39-0 45-0 33-0 1886 45-0 50'0 48-0 43-0 39-0 40-0 36-0 36-0 37-0 36-0 44-0 44-0 36-0 1887 40-0 4(3-0 45-0 41-0 40-0 84-0 33-0 nrt-o 35-,j 39-0 40-0 46-0 33-0 1888 4.VO 50-0 540 44-0 38-0 42-0 39-0 3i-() 38-0 39-0 43-0 50-0 34-0 1889 42-0 52-0 45-0 4G-0 40-0 36-0 ! 32-0 37'0 37-0 38-0 ; 44-0 18-0 32-0 1890 46-0 48-0 41-0 42-0 43-0 340 35-0 35-0 39-0 40-0 42-0 48-0 34-0 1891 45-0 43-0 45-0 43-0 315-0 35-0 35-0 35-0 35-0 34-0 44-0 41-0 31-0 1892 45-0 45-0 48-0 38-0 35-0 35-0 35-0 33-0 35-0 35-0 41-0 41-0 33-0 1893 43-0 42-0 I 43-0 39-0 38-0 34-0 330 34-0 39-0 400 450 47-0 33-0 1894 45-0 50-0 42-0 38-0 35-0 41-0 37-0 30-0 41-0 41-0 : 43-0 52-0 350 1896 46'0 47-0 50-0 45-0 40-0 48-0 49-0 490 48-0 48-0 ; 48-0 52-0 40-0 1S9IS 49-0 52-0 47-0 45-0 45-0 42-0 360 38-0 42-0 43-0 46-0 50-0 36-0 1897 51-0 50-0 47-5 41-8 40-2 37-5 41-4 33-2 42-2 39-8 45-8 46-8 33-2 1898 502 51-3 48-2 45-8 43-5 35-2 39-2 40-8 43-5 41-8 45-0 50-2 35-2 1899 40-5 53-7 45-7 40-7 37-9 41-7 36-9 37-7 32-2 44-9 45'9 48-2 32-2 Lowest 42-0 42-0 41-0 38-0 33-0 34-0 32-0 33-0 32-2 34-0 39-0 41-0 32-0 1 Number of Days ooer 90 (October- April, inclusive) and Nights below 40 (May- September). 1880 7 5 3 6 3 2 ... 1881 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1882 3 7 1 6 7 5 3 1 3 1883 1 1 3 4 6 1 1 1884 1885 8 2 3 4 4 3 3 10 188G 2 2 2 3 2 13 5 1 2 1887 ... 2 10 8 11 3 1 1888 1 2 7 1 1 15 5 1 4 1889 2 1 3 11 4 6 3 2 1890 G 2 1 4 12 3 1 ... 2 1891 1 3 1 4 4 10 5 11 1 1* 1892 5 3 5 10 10 4 6 1 1893 4 7 3 5 11 8 3 2 1 1894 5 1 2 5 2 "a 3 1895 2 3 1 2 2 1896 4 1 2 8 4 2 1897 6 3 2 1 5 1 2 1898 7 6 8 i 3 1899 6 3 1 2 4 3 5 5 Mean for ) 18 years ) 4 3 2 ... 2 4 6 4 3 2 Monthly Rainfall. 1877 600 790 410 650 610 40 40 40 3180 1878 20 "80 290 350 580 520 1640 780 590 200 190 50 5290 1879 340 30 730 510 320 320 140 350 140 210 3090 1880 8 134 134 193 291 606 403 338 201 26 261 4 2599 1881 95 32 39 87 701 574 618 126 442 80 331 53 3178 1882 10 69 610 441 430 807 939 225 95 190 35 3851 1883 1 59 50 127 673 844 364 450 208 176 48 147 3147 1884 91 28 85 151 301 576 626 721 405 3o3 53 8 3408 1885 154 4 94 334 714 581 773 656 276 215 45 61 3907 1886 3 165 10 20 464 366 851 630 426 182 229 20 3366 1887 25 35 275 242 356 549 1195 615 327 175 96 52 3942 1888 5 18 91 129 408 596 347 355 190 143 177 167 2626 1889 48 225 61 274 896 824 460 369 290 392 134 56 4029 1890 6 36 7 1 620 14G2 624 661 793 769 79 316 5374 1891 11 1 202 40 755 963 533 341 680 60 ! 15 3601 1892 60 31 193 143 847 413 431 666 214 154 105 27 3284 1893 32 77 160 422 6G7 287 629 625 647 456 ' 72 39 4113 1894 31 53 2 361 772 357 458 337 242 33 92 2738 1895 30 80 12 143 345 1479 856 1062 481 197 40 199 4924 1896 35 2 330 110 333 927 826 419 185 367 75 15 3624 1897 6 11 174 151 453 767 418 457 372 226 227 25 3287 1898 177 3 29 29 292 640 MG 682 424 758 175 36 4240 1899 2 i 30 08 530 394 1137 635 819 215 361 108 54 4353 Mean for } 50 47 107 204 540 704 668 570 351 ; 262 124 75 3702 23 vein's ) * Not included in means. ... Signifies ' nil." Signifies " no record." 80 BTJNBURY. Monthly number of Wet Days. January. February. March. April. May. June. Julv. August. Septeui her. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1880 1 2 5 10 13 16 18 13 7 5 4 1 90 1881 5 l 1 3 14 13 12 4 10 3 7 2 75 1882 1 5 16 14 10 18 20 9 5 3 2 103 1883 1 3 6 7 16 25 14 14 9 6 4 5 109 1884 3 1 4 6 9 19 14 20 14 10 5 1 106 1885 4 1 2 9 15 10 19 19 8 7 3 4 101 1886 1 4 2 2 13 12 12 20 16 9 7 1 99 1887 1 4 8 6 6 12 19 16 15 8 5 4 104 1888 1 2 4 7 1C 16 10 i 11 10 10 8 3 97 1889 2 2 5 6 14 22 : 14 12 14 11 6 5 113 1890 2 1 2 1 16 20 16 19 22 22 3 6 130 1891 3 1 7 4 14 15 15 17 18 7 5 106 1892 3 1 3 6 15 15 18 23 9 11 5 5 114 1893 3 6 8 16 15 7 20 17 20 18 3 5 138 1894 2 6 1 10 23 14 16 13 12 4 5 106 1895 4 3 1 8 7 16 21 21 21 11 3 8 124 1896 3 1 7 7 15 16 14 10 9 13 6 3 104 1897 2 2 7 7 14 18 10 14 17 14 10 4 125 1808 2 1 3 3 14 16 18 16 17 23 7 3 123 1899 2 4 7 13 10 19 15 15 11 13 5 6 120 ... Signifies " nil," 81 KARRIDALE. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. MJIT. June. July. August. Sep- tember. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1897 1898 1899 30-004 29-984 30-021 30-050 29-918 30-010 30-048 30-018 29-992 30-098 30-22! 30-012 30-1 1U 30-106 30-168 29-974 30-038 30-012 30-134 30-062 30-071 30-149 29971 30-152 30-065 30-034 30-162 30-052 29-902 29-948 29-999 30-024 30-070 30-002 29-988 30-014 30-058 30-023 30-053 Mean for 3 ) years ) 30-003 29-993 30-019 30-113 30-130 30-008 30-089 30-091 30-087 29-967 30-031 30-001 30-044 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 67'0 ee-a 66-2 63-8 60-7 56-0 54-8 52-5 56-4 56-8 61-6 64-0 60-5 1898 66-6 68-4 65-0 59-8 58-2 53-1 55-1 55-1 58-4 58-8 60-4 64-3 60-3 1899 66-0 66-8 64-9 60-6 57-7 54-2 53'8 53-9 53-6 58-6 60-4 65-2 59-6 Mean for 3 } 66-5 67-1 65-4 61-4 58-9 54-4 54-6 53-8 56-1 58-1 60-8 64-5 60-1 years ) Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Highest ... 93-1 98-0 91-2 103-1 105-5 105-0 101-5 92-0 91-5 92-0 84-0 86'8 81-1 76-5 77-5 76-0 65-5 71-0 67-0 69-0 70-8 67-8 72-0 67-2 75-8 82-5 76-2 74-0 84-2 810 89-2 79-8 77-2 90-2 95-0 101-0 103-1 105-5 105-0 98-0 105-5 101-5 92-0 81-1 76-0 70-8 72-0 82-5 84-2 89-2 101-0 105-5 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Lowest 42-3 44-5 45-0 41-1 49-0 47-5 45-0 44-5 43-8 40-2 36-8 41-2 33-2 33-5 38-0 39-5 31-8 34-0 34-5 36-5 34-2 36-0 35-8 32-5 34-5 43-2 31-5 37-0 37-8 37-8 38-0 44-5 40-5 43-0 45-0 43-8 33-2 31-8 315 42-3 41-1 43-8 36-8 33-2 31-8 34-2 32-5 31-5 37-0 38-0 43-0 31-5 Number of Days over 90 (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 4ff (May-September). 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 3 1 years j 2 4 1 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 6 1 8 6 2 6 6 4 6 5 7 8 3 9 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 4 5 7 4 2 Monthly Rainfall. 1894 1895 92 2 103 83 20 72 210 790 312 831 1088 539 1029 609 1041 394 526 198 264 33 86 155 267 3704 5038 189G 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 6 } years ) 28 34 329 4 12 40 73 150 307 143 58 96 215 297 61 562 492 337 525 754 804 770 735 997 917 650 563 470 288. 642 1089 578 106 402 348 255 208 175 788 339 126 203 107 148 25 15 43 57 3528 3708 4719 4410 81 63 118 236 535 871 695 708 338 329 117 94 4185 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1894 1895 1 9 9 11 2 9 13 15 12 27 24 15 25 23 31 17 22 18 10 6 6 6 12 148 175 1896 1897 1898 1899 638 449 335 2 2 13 20 15 6 20 19 11 18 19 18 23 22 22 19 19 26 20 12 21 21 20 8 19 17 17 13 17 25 16 4 10 6 11 3 4 4 6 133 156 156 168 ... Signifies " nil." 82 CAPE LEETTWIN. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1897 1898 1899 29-979 29962 29-996 30-006 29-885 29-986 30-020 29-991 29-964 30-060 30-199 29-969 30-075 30-077 30-138 29-921 29-989 29985 30-082 30-013 30-030 30-100 29-938 30-120 30-024 29-983 30-131 30-010 29-844 29-910 29-961 29-990 30-045 29-978 29-968 29-987 30-018 29-987 30-022 Mean for 3 } years ) 29-979 29-959 29-992 30-076 30-097 29-965 30-042 30-053 30-046 29-921 29-999 29-978 30-009 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 3 ) years > 67-2 68-3 67-5 66-4 68-6 68-8 65-8 67-4 67-2 64-4 64-4 63-0 60-6 62-4 61-0 58-3 56-4 57-6 58-3 57-7 57-0 56-9 58-2 57-2 58-9 60-4 57-2 59-0 59-3 60-3 62-4 65-0 62-4 66-8 62-5 66-6 61-9 62-7 62-2 67-7 67-9 66-8 63-9 61-3 57-4 57-7 57-4 58-8 59-5 62-4 66-1 62-2 Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Highest 86-0 91-6 80-6 85-0 103-8 100-5 86-0 82-4 91-0 89-5 84-5 81-0 71-2 77-0 77-2 68-4 65-5 70-2 66-5 68-0 70-6 67-0 70-8 67-2 75-2 79-5 75-3 70-2 74-C 75-3 84-0 73-2 73-0 81-8 91-6 98-4 89-5 103-8 100-5 91-6 103-8 91-0 89-5 77-2 70-2 70-6 70-8 79-5 75-3 84-0 98-4 103-8 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 1898 1899 Lowest 51-0 56-6 56-5 54-8 55-0 58-0 54-0 58-5 55-2 53-0 49-0 50-3 47-5 52-0 51-0 47-4 46-8 46-8 47-2 46-5 43-0 43-S 48-0 45-0 47-2 50-6 43-8 47-8 49-0 48-8 52-2 45-4 52-5 54-2 53-0 54-0 43-8 46-5 43-0 51-0 54-8 54-0 49-0 47-5 46-8 43-0 43-8 43-8 45-4 49-0 53-0 43-0 . Number of Days over .90 (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 40P (May-September). 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 3 } years > 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Monthly Rainfall. 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 3 > years ) 30 160 15 30 55 156 150 211 61 57 107 458 255 436 638 528 583 821 531 507 467 472 740 436 264 314 173 186 726 282 244 134 114 28 44 48 292! 381' 371. 348 68 80 106 242 443 644 502 549 251 398 164 40 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1897 1898 1899 4 5 3 7 5 13 12 10 20 18 15 22 22 22 24 17 25 22 19 20 21 22 18 19 16 12 4 26 8 5 19 13 12 16i 16 19' ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." 83 KATANNING. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. Jnly August Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1897 29-986 29-993 ; 30-022 30-082 30-140 30-000 30-149 30-130 30-055 30-004 29-950 29936 30037 1898 29-914 29-881 29-972 30-202 lid- 152 30-053 30082 29-999 30'028 29-893 29-969 29-933 30-007 1899 29-974 29-967 29-980 30-010 30-166 30-056 30-118 30-186 30-148 29-950 30-027 29-965 30-046 Mean for 3 } Years. > 29-958 29-948 &M1 30-098 30-153 :> Mean for 8 } Years. > 22 59 131 62 156 229 255 210 152 i 134 54 34 1496 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1891 1892 1893 1894 3 "2 1 2 2 2 5 8 7 10 2 4 10 1 15 13 10 14 14 13 18 8 12 15 11 17 14 13 10 17 9 7 6 17 12 1 3 9 5 1 "9 5 78 91 107 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 4 1 1 1 2 6 10 4 1 4 7 5 2 9 12 8 6 7 15 12 14 12 20 10 12 12 12 10 14 9 7 8 12 10 7 5 18 16 5 6 4 7 3 2 2 2 103 73 86 94 1 * Not included in mean. Signifies " nil.** 84 ALBANY. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August, Septem- ber. Octol>er. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. *1880 29-970 30-014 30-042 30-031 30-018 30-032 30-160 29-983 30-112 30-083 30-066 30-037 30-046 *1881 *1882 *1883 *1884 1885 29-987 30-030 30-032 30-037 30-044 30-092 30039 30-075 30-057 30-071 30-143 30-049 30-057 30-030 30-108 30-138 29 949 30-052 30-092 30-148 30-045 30-086 29-975 30-168 30-058 iO-997 30-101 29-873 29-973 30-238 30-172 30-034 30-137 30 193 30-0(56 30-240 29-94C, 30-053 89-898 29-973 30-116 30-029 30-188 30-050 30-124 30-186 30-048 30-124 30-068 30-152 29-9G4 30-077 30-014 29-987 30-120 29-941 29-980 29-915 29-975 30-012 30-088 30-031 30-041 30-044 30-093 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 30-082 29-994 29-991 30-052 29-996 30-020 30-059 30-076 30-024 30-014 30-089 30-092 30-154 30-145 30-109 30-182 30-12o 30-180 30-072 30-151 30-110 30-134 30-076 29-992 30-041 30-209 30-118 30-044 29-898 29-978 30-077 30-050 30201 30-164 30-128 29-918 30-021 30-128 30-078 30-054 29-933 30-038 30-146 30-006 29-999 30-084 30-088 30-133 30-000 29-828 30-080 30-118 30-004 29-916 30-152 30-070 30-042 30-018 29-960 29-985 30-071 30-073 30-096 30-026 30-036 1891 1892 1893- 1894 1895 30-032 30-046 30-002 30-050 30-002 30-078 30-049 29-976 30-128 30-062 30-061 30-030 30-134 30-060 30-182 30-208 30-189 29-926 30-158 30-172 30-070 30127 29-968 30-145 30-196 30-130 30-157 30-142 29-998 30-028 30-218 30064 29-9(56 30-160 30-048 30-138 29-908 30-142 30-051 29-896 30-120 30-057 29-904 30-059 30-004 30-110 30-078 29-931 30036 30-036 30-152 29-983 30-064 30-062 30117 29-984 29-980 29-962 30-004 29-955 30-108 30-056 30-010 30-076 30-058 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean for \ 15 years ) 29-980 30-041 30-002 30-042 30-066 30-055 29-954 30-030 30-010 30-078 30-026 29-996 30-065 30-092 30-235 29-998 30-146 30-132 30-136 30-158 29-994 29-970 30020 30-030 30-019 30-128 30-042 30-075 30-132 30-115 29-976 30-172 30-158 30-052 30-008 30170 30-04.2 30-012 29-859 29-944 30-044 29-984 29-998 30048 30-034 30-008 29-999 30-009 30-058 30-056 30-021 30-056 30-024 30044 30-085 30-127 30-099 30-064 30-094 30-047 30-052 30-022 30-056 30-001 30-060 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 Mean for 20 years Mean Monthly Temperature. 66-9 68-5 64-6 61-4 58-3 53-2 53-5 54-0 55-7 56-2 60-0 6i-0 59-7 63-2 66-8 66-5 61-4 57-8 52-5 53-4 53-8 55-8 57'0 61-3 6 fO 59-5 63-8 66-8 63-6 61-1 55-8 52-6 52-2 53-2 55-4 57-0 58-8 63-8 58-7 63-4 64-4 61-6 61-7 57-6 55-2 52-4 51-8 52-9 56-0 58-8 65-1 58-4 64-6 65-7 64-2 59-7 57-0 52-4 51-2 55-4 54-8 56-9 ' 61-4 60-4 58-6 65-4 63-6 62-5 60-0 55-8 54-0 53-9 52-6 53-2 57-3 60-0 64-9 58-6 63-4 65-6 64-6 59-9 56-6 53-9 51-2 51-4 55-4 54-4 i 60-0 62-4 58-2 62-6 63-6 61-0 58-4 55-2 51-4 51-8 51-8 53-6 58-0 61-7 65-4 57-9 65-6 65-0 66-4 61-6 57-4 53-4 52-4 51-6 54-8 ! 58-4 i 64-8 66-2 59-8 67-0 66-8 64-8 62-3 55-6 52-0 51-0 51-4 53-2 55-3 58-8 62-4 58-4 65-0 66-0 63-6 61-9 576 52-8 49-9 51-8 54-2 54-6 60-0 63-0 58-4 63-4 6o-4 65-3 63-4 57-8 53-4 53-3 53-6 54-4 57-4 63-4 64-6 59-6 64-8 64-8 63-0 60-6 57-0 52-9 51-2 51-4 54-8 55-8 59-3 65-2 58-4 646 65-0 65-9 59-2 56-2 52-0 52-0 530 54-7 56-3 59-8 64-4 58-6 65-3 64-4 64-4 61-4 56-8 55-4 52-4 53-5 54-9 56-8 : 60-7 65-0 59-3 64-1 63-2 64-8 58-9 57-5 54-0 52-4 56-0 55-7 60-2 62-0 64-1 59-4 66-8 66-8 64-4 60-4 58-0 55-2 51-4 53-8 55-0 60-4 61-2 63-2 59-7 65-1 64-1 639 61-8 57-2 54-5 54-2 52-8 56-7 56-0 61-0 62-8 59-2 65-8 66-8 64-6 60-9 58-4 53-0 53-8 55-4 57-5 58-3 60-0 63-6 59-8 64-6 66-8 64-6 60-1 57-4 54-4 53-0 54-1 54-0 58-4 59-5 64-0 59-2 64-8 65-5 64-2 60-8 57-0 53-4 52-3 53-2 54-8 57-0 60-6 63-9 59-0 Hiyhest Temperature in Month. 1880 85-8 100-3 79-8 76-3 70-0 63-3 68-3 64-3 71-8 80-3 73-3 89-3 100-3 1881 76-3 86-3 88-3 81-3 69-8 65-0 62-8 70-3 72-8 72-3 70-8 95-8 95-8 1882 84-3 89-3 78-3 72-3 72-8 63-3 64-3 64-3 71-3 87-3 76-8 83-3 89-3 1883 86-3 793 773 85-3 71-8 66-3 64-8 64-3 68-3 76-8 76-8 91-3 913 1884 78-8 80-3 83-3 73-8 69-8 62-8 64-3 71-8 68-8 78-3 90-3 71-3 90-3 1885 79-8 79-3 81-8 74-3 69-3 63-3 64-8 68-8 70-3 83-8 80-8 91-3 91-3 1886 80-3 92-8 84-8 78-3 76-3 65-3 64-3 64-3 77-3 80-3 82-8 96-3 96-3 1887 78-3 74-3 80-3 70-3 66-8 61-3 62-3 64-3 71-3 82-8 84-3 92-3 92-8 1888 81-3 84-8 83-3 83-3- 69-3 66-3 65-3 66-3 79-3 79-3 88-3 84-3 88-3 1889 85-3 79-3 87-3 81-3 73-3 66-3 59-3 62-3 60-3 68-3 69-3 81-0 87'E 1890 75-3 74-3 72-3 74-3 70-3 62-3 53-9 60-3 61-3 66-3 80-3 74-3 80-8 1891 71-3 82-0 82-0 89-0 74-0 63-0 65-0 65-0 70-0 70-0 93-0 79-0 93'C 1892 83-0 88-0 85-0 81-0 78-0 65-0 69-0 68-0 76-0 72-0 86-0 94-0 94-( 1893 80-0 94-0 95-0 73-0 74-0 69-0 65-0 71-0 75-0 76-0 77-0 91-0 95-( 1894 90-0 90-0 98-0 84-0 79-0 70-0 66-0 69-0 78-0 80-0 83-0 100-0 100-( 1895 94-0 88-0 90-0 80-0 78-0 79-0 66-0 72-0 69-0 88-0 80-0 98-0 98'( 1896 99-0 89-0 91-0 84-0 78-0 75-0 68-0 74-0 81-0 88-0 78-0 83-0 99-( 1897 85-8 81-8 89-0 98-8 80-0 68-8 69-0 70-0 80-5 77-8 89-0 83-8 98-.' 1898 82-8 94-4 93-0 86-1 76-8 67-0 71-9 77-5 73-4 78-8 86-5 90-8 94-. 1899 92-0 87-8 90-8 87-8 78-8 73-5 73-5 71-5 81-4 79-0 76-8 103-0 103-( ' Highest . . . 99-0 100-3 98-0 98-8 80-0 79-0 73-5 77-5 81-4 88-0 93-0 103-0 103-0 * Previous to 1885 Readings were not taken at 9 and S ; these years are not included in the means. 85 ALBANY. Lowest Temperature in Month. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. !>.TI->H- ber. Year. 1880 56-2 53-6 52-6 47-6 48-6 43-1 40-6 40-6 44-1 45-1 47-1 51-6 40-6 1881 50-6 56-6 52-6 48-6 (8-6 41-0 42-1 41-6 45-1 48-6 52-1 53-6 41-0 1882 51-6 54-6 49-1 49-1 43- 1 39-6 41-1 43-1 44-6 44-1 44-6 51-0 39-6 1883 50-1 54-1 49-1 48-6 44-6 46-1 40'fi u-i 42-1 42-1 43-1 52-1 40-6 1884 50-6 51-6 51-1 43-1 45-1 40-6 37-6 44-1 42-1 42-1 47-6 49-1 37-6 1888 53-6 52-1 48-6 45-1 44'6 43-6 40-6 " 42-1 40-6 45-1 43-1 47-1 40-6 188(i 61'6 52-6 50-6 39-6 43-1 40-1 41-1 42-6 43-6 42-1 47-1 51-6 39-6 1S87 48-6 54-6 46-6 45-1 44-6 41-6 39-6 40-1 39-6 44-1 49-0 46-0 39-6 188H 53-6 51-1 53-6 47-6 -l,7-6 .)<> 41-1 39'6 40'6 42'6 48-6 53-(> 39-1; IHSil 52-1 546 55-6 52-6 43-6 40'(i 41-6 38-6 43-6 44-6 48-6 50-6 38-6 1890 53-6 55'6 54-6 48'G 44-6 42-6 40-6 ! 41-6 44-6 44-6 46-6 486 40-6 1891 52-0 50'6 .-.:>( i 48-0 45 -n 40-0 43-0 40-0 43-0 47-0 500 53-0 40-0 1892 54-0 42-0 41'0 45-0 42-0 36-0 33-0 36 40-0 43-0 44-0 47-0 33-0 1893 45-0 41-0 52-0 43-0 39-0 i 34-0 30-0 37'0 3SO 41-0 44-0 50-0 30-0 189 ! 50-0 46-0 46-0 WO 40-0 41-0 38-0 38-0 37-0 3H-0 48-0 lfl-0 37-0 1895 48-0 44-0 48-0 431) 39-0 35-0 34-0 40-0 35-0 40-0 41'0 44-0 34-0 1 1896 48-0 54-0 47-0 42-0 40-0 42-0 31-0 38-0 36-0 41-0 46'0 43-0 31-0 1897 48-0 46-8 41-6 47-a 41-2 35-8 35-2 36-6 37-8 39-4 40-6 42-5 35-2 1898 49-4 52-2 45-2 41-8 12'8 35-4 34-0 38-1 41'8 385 45-0 45-0 34-0 189G 4s- 1 45'8 45-4 41-2 41-4 38'2 34-5 37'5 34'0 40-5 14-2 452 34-0 Lowest 45-0 41-0 41-0 39-0 39-0 34-0 30'0 ! 360 34-0 38-0 40-6 42-5 30-0 Number of Days over 90^ (October- April, inclusive) and Nights below 40 (May -September). 1880 2 1881 1 1882 1 1883 1 1884 4 1 1885 ... 1 1886 1 1 1887 1 1 1 1888 4 1889 1 1890 1891 1 1 1 1892 5 12 10 1 1 1893 1 1 1 4 7 4 3 1 1894 "l 1 1 1 3 5 3 2 1895 2 1 2 '"7 5 1 2 1 1896 2 1 1 10 5 3 1897 2 "3 2 6 2 1898 2 1 4 5 2 1 1899 1 1 1 6 1 5 1 Mean for ^ 20 years ) 1 3 2 1 1 Monthly Rainfall. 1877 90 I ... 20 140 930 390 650 580 80 140 80 20 3120 1878 60 70 250 390 440 200 590 730 550 140 210 50 3680 1879 150 190 200 560 510 310 350 260 360 110 30 3030 1880 103 154 262 418 316 995 477 407 183 191 84 111 3701 1881 120 12 87 218 328 553 205 219 367 56 j 229 113 2507 1882 96 36 169 413 611 286 505 374 203 158 74 125 3050 1883 69 108 88 137 420 555 571 418 i 336 230 120 178 3230 1884 130 109 88 234 227 590 271 458 384 278 177 59 3005 1885 13 5 70 234 827 427 217 648 225 114 113 75 2968 1886 45 333 19 202 477 188 599 1124 281 231 87 30 3619 1887 27 47 135 354 262 674 536 542 600 249 50 162 3638 1888 35 18 147 431 575 476 479 389 307 105 258 111 3331 1889 95 123 10 298 400 696 284 493 790 531 165 91 3976 1890 15 130 32 35 590 590 675 753 509 736 75 263 4403 1891 120 ' 4 106 122 285 630 211 342 410 239 19 115 2603 1892 49 51 246 178 802 446 288 588 440 288 206 50 3632 1893 39 100 157 499 516 506 834 610 764 401 141 117 468 1 1894 !> 19 172 34 537 531 370 439 236 267 60 S7 2761 1895 68 263 42 237 249 691 597 578 370 145 26 152 3418 1896 39 52 365 255 174 622 705 256 159 194 172 145 3138 1897 4 77 223 260 213 461 363 541 349 418 262 61 3232 1898 60 262 48 123 199 627 802 466 370 537 88 63 3645 1899 32 137 136 503 455 529 495 353 279 I 440 155 50 3564 an for ) 64 92 ', 133 257 456 528 480 503 368 280 129 99 3389 3 years j i i ... Signifies " nil." 86 ALBANY. Monthly number of Wet Dayx. January. Febn.ar March. April. M,iy. June. Juh'. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1880 4 5 12 14 11 20 14 18 11 15 5 134 1881 10 1 5 14 18 20 12 13 15 10 13 r* 138 1882 7 5 10 15 16 14 21 18 13 12 7 6 144 1883 4 9 9 12 13 19 16 18 17 14 9 8 148 1884 8 7 6 10 12 16 12 16 17 9 6 7 126 1885 3 3 6 11 19 11 9 19 10 8 4 4 107 1886 8 7 3 8 14 10 21 20 16 12 4 5 128 1887 3 7 5 9 7 19 22 15 17 11 4 5 124 1888 2 1 2 9 15 13 15 9 13 7 6 6 98 1889 5 4 1 10 13 16 8 13 13 8 4 3 98 1890 2 3 3 3 11 14 17 18 10 15 3 e 104 1891 2 2 5 10 13 14 12 18 18 11 3 9 117 1892 9 1 19 14 23 21 17 24 21 19 12 8 188 1893 11 9 18 20 24 19 20 22 20 19 11 11 204 1894 3 4 17 9 20 22 20 19 14 17 9 5 159 1895 12 7 5 15 18 24 23 26 23 11 8 11 183 1896 6 12 16 21 15 23 24 19 12 11 10 14 183 1897 3 8 8 16 15 22 20 22 16 16 11 8 165 1898 7 10 6 13 17 22 23 19 19 23 10 7 176 1899 5 5 8 19 22 20 18 22 17 20 12 7 175 87 BREAKSEA. Mean Monthly Barometer, January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1897 30-057 30-058 30-088 30-094 30-142 29-975 30-129 _ _ 1898 20-988 29-946 30-027 30-225 30-133 29-999 30-030 29-971 29-988 29-841 29-976 29-990 30-010 1899 30-032 30-012 29-980 29-982 30-142 30-023 30064 30-160 30-150 29-936 30-034 29-998 30043 Mean Month! ij Temperature. 1897 63-8 63-8 63-4 61-7 58-5 56-0 56-0 54-0 57-0 56-0 60-2 61-8 59-4 1898 65-0 65-2 64-6 61-4 60-4 54-4 548 56-1 57-4 57-4 59-2 63-3 599 1899 64-2 65'6 64-6 60-8 58-8 56-0 54-6 55-3 55-2 57-6 59-5 633 59-6 Mean for 3 } 64-3 64-9 64-2 61-3 59-2 55-5 55-1 55-1 56-5 57-0 59-6 62-8 59-6 years ) Highest Temperature in Month. 1897 73-4 77-2 85-0 96-4 78-2 68-0 68-0 69-5 79-0 70-0 83-8 76-0 96-4 1898 86-5 81-0 90-5 82-0 76-0 65-0 70-4 72-0 70-5 75-0 74-5 78-0 90-5 1899 76-0 78-2 82-0 83-8 77-2 71-0 71-8 71-0 80-0 70-5 72-2 94-0 94-0 Highest ... 86-5 81-0 90-5 96-4 78-2 71-0 71-8 72-0 80-0 75-0 83-8 9t-0 96-4 Lowest Temperature in Month. 1897 54-0 53-0 54-0 47-0 48-0 45-0 47-0 1898 55-5 50-0 52-0 48-8 51-8 43-0 41-0 1899 51-5 51-5 48-0 44-0 46-8 46-2 40-0 Lowest 51-5 50-0 48-0 44-0 46-8 43-0 40-0 39-4 44-5 44-2 42-5 47-2 42-0 43-0 41-5 39-0 43-2 47-5 47-0 47-8 52-0 46-0 39-4 41-0 39-0 39-4 42-0 39-0 43-2 46-0 39-0 Number of Days over 9CP (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 4ff (May-September). 1897 1898 1899 1 1 I 1 1 Mean for 3 1 years ] Monthly Rainfall. *1889 194 340 322 110 50 1890 19 82 28 35 544 422 380 623 360 515 82 304 339i 1891 76 4 62 17 292 498 277 228 239 174 7 53 1927 1892 44 31 247 117 583 331 207 410 244 196 117 38 2565 1893 32 24 85 344 312 408 382 498 393 266 156 53 2971 11894 9 18 155 25 370 419 291 417 139 207 70 67 2187 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 76 41 2 41 21 255 26 31 242 106 32 240 88 36 89 186 212 199 81 341 207 120 138 249 332 447 450 309 472 388 439 483 243 687 348 349 224 367 480 319 234 94 207 241 205 102 130 362 448 387 19 137 204 73 104 127 150 58 45 33 2473 2307 2208 3095 2673 Mean for } 36 82 106 156 315 415 374 393 236 279 97 93 2582 10 years ) Mean for } 10 years ) 36 82 106 156 315 415 374 393 236 279 97 93 2582 Monthly number of Wet Days. 1889 . _ _ 12 24 20 13 10 1890 4 5 3 4 12 18 20 21 15 21 9 12 144 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 7 6 7 4 10 2 1 4 5 5 Q 14 15 15 5 9 13 20 4 14 13 21 20 17 12 18 21 19 20 20 15 18 20 20 21 17 15 21 15 19 17 20 17 13 20 14 13 17 19 7 2 8 8 7 5 7 6 9 4 8 130 156 177 143 146 1896 1897 1898 1899 5 2 6 7 8 7 12 8 14 6 8 8 14 16 20 11 13 17 19 18 20 23 20 21 16 23 15 16 18 17 21 9 11 19 18 13 19 22 19 7 12 9 16 10 13 5 6 151 177 177 Not included in means. ... Signifies " nil." - Signifies " no record. ESPERANCE. Mean Monthly Barometer- January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. *1883 1 -- 1 - _ 30-077 30-022 29-971 30-174 30-083 30-172 30-120 29-999 29-908 _ 1884 30-016 30-038 30-031 ' 1885 30-026 30-047 30-132 30-161 30-078 30-242 30-124 30-009 30-110 30-128 30-112 30-010 30-098 1886 30-056 30-004 30-147 30-172 30-134 30-266 30-089 29-921 29-962 30-056 30-058 30-038 30-075 1887 29-975 30-034 30-082 30-136 30-158 30-134 30-084 30-061 30-042 30-084 30-084 30-014 80-074 1888 29-966 ; 30014 30-160 30-138 30-069 30-078 30-164 30-132 30-131- 30-130 30-013 30-009 30-087 1889 30032 , 2JHM6 30-124 j 30-087 30-057 29-934 30-20-1 30092 30014 30-tK)0 29 904 29-942 30-032 1890 29-969 29-990 30-116 30-154 30-082 29-988 30-127 30-046 29-964 29-824 30-114 29-966 30-028 1891 29-974 30-066 30-089 30-208 30-108 30'133 30'244 30-176 30-120 30-082 30138 29-974 30109 1892 30-028 30-050 30-010 30207 30-135 30-182 30-114 29-966 30-062 30-048 29-970 29-991 30-064 1893 29-986 29-908 30124 29-964 30-004 30-160 , 30-030 30-174 29924 29-950 30-046 29-957 30-024 1894 30-044 30-128 30-064 30-178 30-160 30-060 30-173 30-070 30-094 30-040 30-062 30-010 30-091 *1895 1896 30-089 30-198 30-070 30-044 30-170 30-174 30-064 30-018 30-005 1897 30-006 30-028 30-058 30-090 30-182 30-016 30-167 30-098 30-055 30-005 29-981 29-984 30-056 1898 '< -J9-972 29-941 30-030 30-232 30-166 30-017 30-074 30-024 30-026 29-880 29981 29-970 30-027 1899 30-017 29-995 29-985 30-013 30-149 : 30-060 30-112 30 206 80-154 29-90:', 30-020 29-992 30-056 Mean for ) 13 years ) 30-004 30-022 30-086 30-133 30-114 ! 30-098 30-131 30-075 30-051 30016 30-037 29-990 30-063 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1883 64-5 59-0 57-4 53-9 53-8 | 56-3 57-9 62-4 68-3 *1884 69-6 69-5 673 1885 67-9 68-3 64-0 62-5 58-3 54-0 55-3 54-6 56-5 61-1 64-5 69-0 01-3 1886 69-2 69-0 69-7 62-7 58-3 54-1 52-7 53-0 57-7 57-2 64-0 65-5 61-1 1887 66-6 66-2 64-7 60-0 55-9 53-1 52-4 53-3 55-3 60-0 64-5 67-7 60-0 1888 69-1 6S-3 67-8 64-9 58-7 56-0 53-9 52-9 58-2 61-5 67-5 70-2 02-4 1889 68-7 74-5 67-4 65-3 57-6 53-5 53-1 53-8 57-0 60-0 63-5 67-3 61-8 1890 70-3 70-1 67-3 64-3 60-7 55-2 51-9 54-1 57-6 59-4 61-2 67-0 61-6 1891 66-2 66-9 67-1 64-6 60-8 53-2 53-5 55-6 56-6 58-9 62-3 65-5 60-9 1892 66-8 66-6 67-3 62-6 58-1 53-7 54-1 54-9 57-5 58-9 64-5 69-9 61-2 1893 68-8 69-5 69-0 62-6 60-3 53-6 53-2 55-7 58-4 59-3 625 68-3 61-8 1894 68-8 66-9 66-6 62-6 59-5 57-1 54-8 53-4 57-1 59-5 65-5 68-5 61-7 *1895 - *1896 63-4 60-2 56-1 52-0 55-2 57-4 62-4 65-5 66-5 1897 68-8 68-0 66-1 64-6 58-9 56-6 55-0 54-5 58-4 59-1 64-4 66-8 61-8 1898 70-1 69-9 66-6 62-2 59-6 54-2 55-7 57-6 58-8 61-2 62-2 67-0 62-1 1899 66-5 70-0 69-2 63-9 58-6 55-6 53-9 55-4 56-8 61'0 62-6 68-0 61-8 Mean for) 13 years ) 68-3 68-8 67-2 63-3 58-9 54-6 53-8 54-5 57-4 59-8 63-8 67-8 61-5 Highest Temperature in Month. 1883 93-0 82-0 76-0 73-0 73-0 79-0 89-0 91-0 106-0 - 1884 99-0 99-0 106-0 _ 1885 102-0 105-0 89-0 88-0 73-0 73-0 77'0 77-0 79-0 91-0 93-0 105-0 105-0 1886 103-0 106-0 98-0 88-0 82-0 70-0 76-0 ! 73 81-0 94-0 1 96-0 103-0 106-0 1887 99-0 98-0 93-0 84-0 77-0 67-0 68-0 71-0 87-0 94-0 : 93-0 105-0 105-0 1888 99-0 102-0 99-0 94-0 79-0 73-0 73-0 77-0 96-0 91-0 112-0 105-0 112-0 1889 107-0 113-0 100-0 90-0 85-0 73-0 69-0 80 87-0 87-0 103-0 106-0 113-0 1890 109-0 103-0 101-0 92-0 86-0 72-0 65-0 : 75-0 78-0 90-0 82-0 101-0 1C9-0 1891 93-0 1030 100-0 92-0 81-0 69-0 71-0 79-0 90-0 74-0 95-0 103-0 103-0 1892 ! 103-0 88-0 90-0 92-0 83-0 09-0 72-0 79-0 83-0 80-0 93-0 106-0 106-0 1893 95-0 109-0 99-0 87-0 84-0 71-0 68-0 73-0 90-0 83-0 i 87-0 107-2 109-0 1894 95-0 104-0 101-0 91-0 80-0 71-0 70-0 69-0 79-0 86-0 I 95-0 95-2 104-0 1895 1896 _ _ 85-0 82-0 77-0 67-0 76-0 96-0 110-0 99-0 92-0 1897 117-0 103-0 99-8 99-0 83-6 73-5 75-5 75-0 84-0 82-4 98-0 107-2 117-0 1898 106-2 109-8 101-4 91-2 81-8 69-8 77-6 80-6 84-8 87-2 89-0 99-2 109-8 1899 96-2 101-0 102-4 938 79-2 72-8 73-8 828 82-4 88-4 95-0 108-0 108-0 Highest ... 1170 113-0 106-0 99-0 86-0 77-0 77-6 82-8 96-0 110-0 112-0 1080 117-0 ' Not included in means. Signifies " 110 record." 89 ESPERANCE. Lowest Temperature in Month. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber, Year. 1883 46-0 41-0 42-0 3S-0 37-0 39-0 39-0 42-0 51-0 37-0 1H84 55-0 j 53'0 47-0 1885 47-0 490 44-0 41-0 41-0 38-0 31-0 37-0 38-0 41-0 44-0 42-0 31-0 1886 50-0 47-0 47'0 42-0 42-0 88-0 34-0 37-0 38'0 43-0 47-0 49-0 33-0 1887 48-0 50-0 41-0 41'0 36-0 35-0 37-0 34-0 38-0 40-0 47-0 47-0 34-0 1888 49-0 45-0 45-0 41-0 42-0 : 39-0 38-0 36-0 43-0 390 400 52-0 36-0 1889 45-0 49-0 48'0 45-0 3S-0 35-0 35-0 35-0 38-0 U-0 ! 46-0 45-0 35-0 18KO 47-0 48-0 48-0 43-0 40-0 38-0 36-0 36-0 40-0 39-0 41-0 49-0 36-0 1891 51-0 44-0 46-0 45-0 37-0 33-0 35-0 37-0 37 : 40'0 41-0 460 33-0 1892 48-0 44-0 42-0 41-0 39-0 33-0 350 34-0 370 40-0 46-0 46-0 33-0 1893 47-0 46-0 52-0 44-0 39-0 36-0 32-0 37-0 38-0 37-0 43-0 46-0 32-0 1894 49-0 47-0 50-0 41-0 39-0 40-0 390 37-0 38-0 38-0 42-0 450 370 1895 .._ 1896 47-0 3fO 39-0 37-0 34-0 34-0 38-0 46-0 45-0 34-0 1897 50-0 50-0 43-5 43-6 38-2 40-4 35-0 38-G 39-6 36-2 43-2 46-5 35-0 1898 51-2 55-0 45-2 41-8 41-8 35-5 38-2 37-0 42-8 40-6 39-2 14-2 35-5 1899 44-5 49-8 45-6 : 40-2 40-8 40-0 34-8 39-8 35-2 37-4 to-o 43-2 34-8 Lowest 44-5 44-0 41-0 40-2 34-0 33-0 31-0 34-0 34-0 36-2 39-2 42-0 31-0 Number of Days over 90 (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 4ff (May-September). *18S3 ^ 6 ij 1 1 3 > *1884 8 7 10 1885 3 3 2 4 3 2 1 2 4 188G 5 4 5 10 5 4 3 1 3 2 1887 2 1 1 3 5 5 7 2 2 2 5 1888 2 3 : 2 1 3 6 7 1 4 4 1889 3 8 3 1 1 3 9 4 2 2 4 1890 3 2 4 1 1 3 6 2 1 i ! ... 4 1891 I 2 3 1 1 10 7 6 2 3 1 1892 4 1 1 1 6 13 9 2 2 4 1893 2 5 2 1 4 5 3 2 4 1894 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 8 1 3 3 *1895 1 *1896 | 2 4 7 6 7 1 2 1 1897 3 ! 3 3 2 1 4 2 1 4 5 1898 3 : 3 3 1 4 1 2 3 1899 2 j 4 3 1 1 7 1 3 '.'.'. 1 5 Mean for } 13 years ) 3 ; 3 2 1 1 4 6 4 2 2 4 Monthly Rainfall. 1883 50 47 121 100 299 339 477 348 196 205 57 j 119 2358 1884 134 35 24 286 223 372 284 463 278 251 132 ! 233 2715 1885 29 11 42 84 432 336 203 403 228 138 135 12 2053 1886 192 152 205 35 117 129 352 640 287 i 190 152 31 2482 1887 9 73 90 206 173 653 403 365 418 226 135 ! 14 2765 1888 122 218 6 70 355 286 485 326 398 146 79 114 2605 1889 112 8 87 88 432 806 219 431 187 218 114 18 2720 1890 12 38 15 67 363 499 818 595 235 276 26 156 3100 1891 13 10 101 46 109 413 211 156 365 123 113 64 1724 1892 93 3 491 277 459 330 122 310 266 456 65 45 2917 1893 32 4 132 91 539 362 521 379 260 292 88 81 2781 1894 12 5 357 50 251 343 442 | 337 193 178 15 52 2235 *1895 1896 152 176 108 214 512 179 62 109 150 82 1744 1897 2 8 37 172 80 214 265 697 193 187 85 320 2260 1898 21 51 46 111 550 327 500 251 281 109 6 2253 1899 59 120 58 344 279 228 336 366 243 82 200 18 2339 Mean for } ,, 16 years ) 58 110 134 270 380 374 406 254 210 104 85 2441 * Not included iu means. Signifies "nil." Signifies "no record." 90 ESPERANCE. Monthly number of Wet Days. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1883 _ _ _ 9 18 16 15 16 16 10 6 6 1884 9 5 5 13 19 16 16 14 16 13 8 11 145 1885 2 5 5 11 20 16 11 21 13 11 7 5 127 1886 7 6 8 2 8 8 20 26 12 13 7 8 125 1887 3 11 10 9 14 19 16 13 17 12 11 7 142 1888 5 5 2 8 14 15 19 11 18 16 10 7 130 1889 9 4 6 10 17 21 15 15 13 13 8 5 136 1890 5 6 5 4 15 16 19 21 18 23 9 13 154 1891 5 4 4 6 14 19 15 12 17 11 4 6 117 1892 4 1 9 10 20 20 15 16 17 19 8 7 146 1893 7 3 14 11 19 15 20 14 16 10 8 6 143 1894 3 3 14 7 10 15 21 13 9 8 3 4 110 1895 1896 10 7 13 20 10 10 3 9 6 1897 1 2 5 12 9 12 13 15 8 8 6 8 99 1898 3 6 8 8 20 16 16 13 13 4 1 108 1899 4 6 6 11 18 18 13 15 11 16 9 2 129 ... Signifies " nit." Signifies " no record." 91 EYEE. Mean Monthly Barometer. January. February. March. April. May. Juue. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- .ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1899 29-991 29-980 30-012 30-155 30-080 30-157 30-204 30-150 29-972 29-988 29-991 1899 71-2 69-8 66-6 Mean Ik 57-4 r onthly 1 54-6 "einperat 51-4 ure. 55-4 56-8 62-5 61-6 68'6 Highest Temperature in Month. 1899 110-0 105-0 95-0 81-0 1 74-0 73'5 81-0 88-0 95-0 91-5 112-2 112-2 i 1899 51'0 1 45-0 43-0 lowest 1 38'5 'emperat 34-5 ure in ]k 30-0 r onth. 34-5 34-0 35-5 34-5 38-2 300 Number of Days over 9(f (October-April, inclusive) and Nights below 40 (May-September). 1899 3 7 4 1 2 16 9 4 I 4 ! 1 9 Monthly Rainfall. 1885 27 29 100 210 131 81 33 176 315 145 2 1249 1886 228 6 20 109 45 36 133 250 76 70 23 2 r 1021 1887 24 119 2 132 91 153 112 101 76 42 182 27 1061 1888 220 13 5 51 230 116 167 60 36 101 19 1018 1889 53 3 102 16 269 300 136 88 50 69 13 1099 1890 14 8 10 34 157 314 258 74 124 103 44 "24 1164 1891 2 28 58 212 358 82 47 88 86 80 53 1094 1892 18 12 85 77 221 89 154 177 177 175 36 23 1244 1893 203 48 16 34 192 177 123 75 37 4 63 111 1083 1894 1 5 73 13 111 41 83 184 25 26 8 43 613 1895 154 11 5 252 135 33 128 27 52 11 23 ... 831 1896 57 240 232 32 50 32 142 86 3 4 71 32 981 1897 9 57 37 87 64 247 15 153 37 32 8 2 748 1898 2 3 57 108 480 58 106 74 9 90 987 1899 207 74 5 24 68 129 49 196 "72 21 29 15 889 Mean for ) 79 41 44 69 132 183 111 118 70 71 56 31 1005 15 years j Monthly number of Wet Days. 1885 3 3 8 9 14 11 8 9 7 6 1 79 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 5 6 9 3 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 4 6 1 5 8 2 4 8 4 11 9 12 11 10 11 8 13 7 10 11 12 6 12 12 13 12 7 8 6 9 6 7 7 5 s 6 4 3 6 6 3 6 4 3 2 '"3 66 92 76 68 69 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 3 4 1 7 1 2 3 1 2 1 12 3 9 2 5 10 6 1 13 5 12 12 5 7 1C 11 12 7 9 8 13 9 13 10 4 8 6 11 5 5 9 5 1 9 6 14 1 4 1 4 4 5 2 2 1 4 2 6 56 102 68 61 67 1896 1897 1898 1899 5 3 5 4 7 2 5 10 4 1 1 4 5 4 2 5 6 11 6 3 13 16 11 12 5 8 8 8 12 12 14 2 4 10 1 2 5 3 5 2 2 5 4 1 4 2 63 64 65 72 SiKiufies "nil." Signifies "no record. 92 Average ('limatologiral Tables for the Whole Colony. Mean Monthly Barometers. January. Febru- ary. March. April. May. June. July. August. Se ^ ) e t r em - October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 3 "Wyndhain ... 1 29-728 29-762 29-804 29-892 29-957 29-988 30-017 30-000 29-931 29-878 29-823 29-780 29-880 Derby ! 29-750 29775 29-828 29-909 29-990 30-007 30-032 30016 29-970 29-912 29-860 29-824 29-906 6 ^ Broome 29' 743 29769 29' 793 29-906 29-988 30-013 30-037 30-026 29-977 29-922 29'857 29-827 29-905 o 5 Condun 29758 29772 29' 801 29-951 30-041 30-040 30-084 30-052 30-000 29-936 29-849 29-773 29-922 J O Cossack 29-709 29-744 29-802 29-932 30-008 30-029 30-068 30-048 29-994 29-923 29-854 29-807 29-910 ' ^ Onslow 29-773 29-802 29-864 29-978 30-059 30-081 i 30-122 30-097 30-054 29-993 29-915 29-844 29-965 i o Carnarvon 29-789 29-809 29'880 29-972 30-032 30-043 30-096 30-096 30-060 30-010 29-926 29-858 29-965 5 1 i ;i M li ' 1 1 1 1 JrOOl ... ^Geraldton ... 29-890 29-898 29-979 30-078 30-110 30-103 30-150 30-127 30-103 30-069 29-999 29-940 30-037 Nullagine ... : Bangemall ... | Peak Hill ; . Cue .. 29-793 29-792 29-868 30-045: 30-128 30-O95 30-177 30-134 30-065 29-973 29-890 29-815 29-981 a j Yalgoo 29-804 29-803 29-890 30-056 30-127 30-083 30-166 30-133 30-079 29-990 29-915 29-838 29-990 ~ ") Lawlers M Menzies 29-845 29-868 29-936 30-090 30-167 30-100 30-193 30-140 30-070 29-950 29-909 29-846 30-010 Kalgoorlie ... 29-896 29-902 29-973 30-100 30-168 30-086 30-185 30-149 30-089 29-952 29-935 29892 30-027 Coolgardie ... - Southern Cross 29-875 29-884 29-951 30-089 30-153 30-067 30-161 30-131 30-076 : 29-952 29-934 29-881 30-013 LYork 29-902 29-934 30-016 30-105 30-124 30-103 30-155 30-118 30-092 30-033 29-987 29-925 30-041 f Perth Gardens 29-935 29-954 30-024 30-114 30-116 30-100 30-144 30-112 30-094 30-058 30-024 29-961 30-053 1 Perth Observatory 29-939 29-929 29-987 30-117 30-150 30-054 30-141 30-130 30-113 30-012 30-030 29-968 30-048 s Premantle 29-929 29-942 30-008 30-094 30-091 30-081 30-118 30-084 30-073 30-036 30-011 29-949 30-035 Kottnest 29-902 29-922 29977 30-043 30-050 30-044 30-103 30-059 30-083 30-034 29-976 29-931 30-010 z Bunbury 29-9(50 29-977 30-038 30-113 30-107 30-075 30-115 30-079 30-076 30-043 30-034 29-978 30-050 * g j Karridale ... 30-003 29-993 30-019 30-113 30-130 30-008 30-089 30-091 30-087 29-967 30-031 30-001 30-044 Cape Leeuwin 29-979 29-959 29-992 30-076 30-097 29-965 30-042 30-053 30-046 29-921 29-999 29-978 30-009 j Katanning ... 29-958 29-948 29-991 30-098 30-153 30-036 30-116 30-105 30-077 29-952 29-982 29-945 30-030 i Albany 30-024 30-044 30-085 30-127 30-099 30-064 30-094 30-047 30-052 30-022 30-056 30-001 30-OfiO Breaksea .__. 5 o Esperance 30-004 30-022 30-086 30-133 30-114 30-098 30-124 30-075 30-051 30-016 30-037 29-990 30-063 ^Eyre Mean Maximum Day Temperatures. o GO 03 fWyndham Derby Broome Condon Cossack Onslow Carnarvon ... Hamelin Pool Geraldton Hall's Creek Nullagine ... Bangemall Peak Hill Cue Yalgoo Lawlers Menzies Kalgoorlie ... Coolgardie ... I Southern Cross (.Yorb (" Perth Gardens Perth Observatory Freniiintle Rottnest I Bunbuiy I Karridale ... "] Cape Leeuwiu 1 Katanning ... I Albany Breaksea Esperance ... I Eyre 98-0 98-7 98-2 98-1 93-1 89-2 887 91-8 97-0 100-3 101-3 100-1 96 94'1 93-0 95-8 95-6 89-5 85-6 84-0 88-7 93-2 96-4 98-2 97-6 92 91-7 90-7 92-5 93-1 87-1 82-1 80-4 85-4 88-4 90-2 93-4 94-0 89 94-9 93-3 93-4 91-3 82-4 77-5 76-9 80-1 85-5 90-0 97-2 95-3 88 98-2 96-8 96-6 90-2 82-4 75-6 75-0 79-2 84-2 91-3 95-3 97-5 88 97-8 97-2 96-9 93-0 84-1 77-5 76-6 79-1 83-5 89-5 93-9 97-9 88 90-1 90-8 91-3 87-4 81-8 78-0 ^6-4 76-7 79-4 80-7 81-0 86-7 83 98-9 95-8 95-5 86-2 77-4 68-4 69-9 71-6 79-0 80-5 90-5 96-1 84 84-4 85-4 83-7 78-6 73-0 68-5 67-5 68-0 70-3 73-2 77-9 82-3 76 - 102-5 99-2 96-3 85-2 75-0 63-5 67-5 69-3 78-1 81-5 93-4 99-0 81 100-5 97-0 93-1 83-9 73-4 63-4 66-0 68-1 76-7 79-4 91-2 97-5 82 95-8 92-4 89-1 79-9 70-0 61-1 64-4 65-8 74-3 79-3 89-0 94-7 79 93-1 90-3 86-4 78-1 68-7 60-4 63-7 65-1 72-7 77-3 86-9 92-3 77 93-2 90-6 87-3 78-3 68-8 60-2 63-2 64-9 72-8 78-0 86-9 92-5 78 94-0 91-8 88-3 77-5 68-9 62-3 64-2 65-8 73-0 78-9 87-9 93-6 78 917 90-2 84-1 76-1 68-0 61-4 60-4 62-4 67-1 73-2 81-8 88-1 75 88-0 88-6 84-7 777 70-2 64-7 63-9 65-5 68-8 72-7 79-3 83-5 75 85-5 84-6 81-5 75-0 69-3 626 G3-8 63-7 67-1 68-3 73-6 81-1 73 81-8 82-7 80-1 73-6 68-2 63-4 62-3 62-9 65-4 68-6 74-1 79-6 71 80-6 817 78-9 75-1 68-7 64-0 63-0 63-5 65-8 69-3 73-5 78-3 71 81-0 81-2 77-9 71-6 66-9 63-1 62-2 62-1 63-8 67-1 73-6 78-1 70 75-9 77-4 75-8 71-4 69-1 62-1 616 62-0 6-40 65-8 69-5 74-6 69 73-2 73-4 72-0 69-2 66-3 62-0 62-0 62-5 63-4 64-3 67'5 72-1 67 87-9 83-8 80-3 73-5 65-8 59-7 59-1 60-8 65-9 (59-7 78-8 84-2 72 70-7 71-2 70-3 67-5 63-5 59-6 58-9 59-7 61-4 63-4 66-9 70-6 66 09-3 69-6 69-1 66-7 64-2 599 60-4 603 H2-0 62-4 64-8 68-4 64 77-3 77-3 76-3 73-3 68-0 62-8 62-6 63-5 66-8 68-9 72-9 77-4 70 707 Signifies " no record/' 93 AVERAGE CI.IMATOLOGICAL TABLES FOR THE WHOLE COLONY. Mean Minimum Night Temperatures. Jimuary Febru- ary. March. April. May. June. July. \ugust. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. t3 r Wyndham ... 78-8 78-7 79-4 76-8 71-2 67-6 62-8 6t>-8 74-0 78-9 80-3 80-4 74-6 r- Derby 77-3 76-7 76-2 71-5 64-9 60-5 56-6 60-4 66-0 73-0 77-2 78-9 69-9 W ^j Brooine 77-6 77-3 76-1 70-4 606 57-3 557 55'7 62-8 69-6 75-4 79-3 68-2 CG ^ Condon 75-2 65-4 547 55-1 51-2 53-7 57-4 63-9 69-8 74-8 0. Cossack 78-0 78-0 77-4 72'2 64-4 59-2 57-1 60-3 63-7 69-1 72-5 77-2 69-0 ^ Onslow 72-7 73-6 71-6 65-9 56-1 525 49-5 51-4 54-3 58-9 63-5 687 61-6 11 Carnarvon ... 69-8 70-6 69-6 63-8 56-1 51-8 49-8 51-9 55-8 59-3 64-2 67-1 60-8 * Hainelin Pool 09-6 687 66-8 62-4 55-1 51-6 48-2 48-4 52-0 53-6 59-9 65-0 58-4 v Geraldton ... 64-1 64-8 63-1 58-8 54-3 51-7 50-0 50-6 51-7 54-1 58-7 61-9 57-0 'Hall's Creek Nullagine ... _ _ Bangemall ... . Peak Hill _: Cue ... 74-2 71-9 66-9 60-0 50-3 47-1 45-4 46-5 50-9 54-0 62-5 70-1 58-3 a w < Yalgoo 70-5 69-0 64-8 58-4 48-9 46-4 43-0 43-9 48-3 52-7 59-6 65-5 55-9 ,3 * Lawlers H Menzies 68-4 66-3 62-0 55-3 47'2 45-1 42-7 45-3 48-8 52-6 60-5 65-7 55-0 Kalgoorlie ... 64-6 63-9 60-3 54-2 47-5 45-6 43-4 45-5 49-1 527 57-9 62-3 53-9 Coolgardie ... 62-8 62-2 59-0 53-1 469 43-8 42-6 44-2 47-6 51-0 57-1 61-4 52-6 Southern Cross 62-2 62-0 577 49-5 43-7 42-0 39-1 41-4 43-5 48-7 54-6 60-0 50-4 York 63-5 63-1 597 52-2 46-2 42-8 40-8 41-9 44-6 49-2 56-1 61-2 51-8 - r Perth Gardens 62-6 62-9 60-9 54-7 50-5 47-1 46-1 47-1 49-4 52-2 57-0 60-4 54-2 Perth Observatory 63-8 63-8 61-2 56-2 52-3 48-6 48-5 47-6 50-7 53-3 55-7 60-6 55-2 -O Fremautle ... 62-8 63-9 62-3 57-5 53-9 50-4 48-6 49-6 51-1 53-9 57'4 61-8 56-1 CQ Rottnest 62-5 (53-3 61-7 58-3 55-2 51-4 50-3 49'5 50-7 52-2 56-4 59-9 56-0 S*: Bunbury 58-2 58-9 57-7 53-0 49-8 47-6 462 46-2 47-7 50-1 54-0 57-0 52-2 * i Karridale ... 57-2 569 55-3 51-5 48-7 46-8 47-5 45-6 48-4 50-3 52-1 54-4 51-2 So Cape Leeuvvin 62-2 62-5 61-6 58-7 56-4 52-8 53-4 52-3 54-2 54-7 57-4 60-1 57-2 it Katanuing ... 54-8 55-0 53-0 47-5 43-3 41-9 39-5 40-3 42-3 45-2 49-1 52-8 47-1 ^ Albany 58-8 59-8 58-1 54-1 50-6 47-2 45-8 46-6 48-3 50-6 54-3 57-3 52-6 2 Breaksea ... 59-3 60-2 59-2 55-9 54-2 51-0 49-9 49-9 51-2 51-7 54-5 57-2 54-5 i Esperance ... 59-3 60-3 58-1 53-3 49-8 46-4 45-1 45-6 48-0 50-6 54-0 58-1 52-4 E vre ^-UJAC Mean Monthly Temperature. TJ "Wyndham 88-4 88-7 88-8 87-4 82-2 78-4 75-8 79-3 85-5 89-6 90-8 90-2 85-- & & Derby 85-7 84-8 86-0 83-6 77-2 73-0 70-3 74-5 79-6 84-7 87-7 88-2 81- w 43 Broome 84-6 84-0 84-3 81-7 73-8 69-7 68-0 70-6 75-6 79-9 84-4 86-6 78- m Condon K< Cossack 88-0 87-4 87'0 81-2 73-4 67-4 66-0 69-8 74-0 80-2 83-9 87-4 78- T -s j= f Onslow 85-2 85-2 84-1 79-7 70-9 64-9 63-6 65-6 69-2 74-2 79-0 83'2 75-' 1| Carnarvon ... 80-0 80-7 80-4 75-6 69-0 64-9 63-1 64-3 67-6 70-0 74-1 76-9 72- * Hamelin Pool 84-2 82-3 81-2 74-3 66-3 60-0 59-1 60-0 65-5 67-0 75-2 80-5 71". ^Geraldton ... 74-2 75-1 73-4 687 63-6 60-1 58-7 59-3 61-0 63-6 68-3 72-1 66- (-Hall's Creek Nullagine ... . Bangemall Peak Hill rrj Cue 88-4 85-5 81-6 72-6 62-6 55-3 56-5 57-9 64-5 67-7 77-9 84-6 71-. 1 Yalgoo 85-5 83-0 78-9 71-2 61-2 54-9 54-5 56-0 62-5 66-1 75-4 81-5 69-! ^ 1 Lawlers H Menzies 82-1 79-3 75-5 67-6 58-6 53-1 53-6 55-5 61-5 65-9 74-7 80-2 67-: Kalgoorlie ... 78-8 77-2 73-4 66-1 58-1 53-0 53-6 55-3 60-9 65-0 72-4 77-3 65-' Coolgardie 78-0 76-4 73-1 65-8 57-8 52-0 52-9 54-5 60-2 64-5 72-0 77-0 65-' Southern Cross 78-1 77-0 73-0 635 56-3 52-2 51-7 53-6 57-8 63'8 71-2 76-8 64-< LYork 77-6 76-7 71-9 64-2 57-1 52-1 50-6 52-2 55-9 61-2 69-0 74-6 63-( f Perth Gardens 75-3 75-8 72-8 66-2 60-4 55-9 55-0 56-3 59-1 62-4 68-2 7V9 64'S A Perth Observatory 74-6 74-2 71'4 65-6 60-8 55-6 56-2 55-8 58-9 60-8 64-7 70-8 64- 1 Freinantle ... 72-3 73-3 71-2 65-6 61-0 56-9 55-5 56-3 58-2 61-3 65-7 70-7 64-( CO Rottnest 71-6 72-5 70-3 667 620 577 56-7 56-5 58-2 60-7 64-9 69-1 63-! d .3 Bunbury ... 696 70-0 67-8 62-2 58-3 55-3 54-2 54-1 55-8 58-6 63-8 67-5 61'' ' Karridale . 66-5 67-1 65-4 61-4 58-9 54-4 54-6 53-8 56-1 58-1 60-8 64-5 60'] 1,S 1 Cape Leeuwin 67-7 67-9 66-8 63-9 61-3 57-4 57-7 57-4 58-8 59-5 62-4 66-1 62-J & Q Katanning... 71-4 69-4 66-6 60-5 54-5 50-8 49-3 50-6 54-1 57-4 63-9 68-5 59'f d Albany 64-8 65-5 64-2 60-8 57-0 53-4 52-3 53-2 54-8 57-0 60-6 63-9 59'( +3 3 Breaksea ... 64-3 64-9 64-2 61-3 59-2 55-5 55-1 55-1 56-5 57-0 59-6 62-8 59'f a2 Esperance 68-3 68-8 67'2 63-3 58-9 54'6 53-8 54-5 57-4 59-8 63-8 67-8 61-{ LEyre Signifies "no record.' 94 AVERAGE CLIMATOLOQICAL TABLES FOB THE WHOLE COLONY. Mean Diurnal Range of Temperature. Jauu ti-y. Febru- ary. March. April. May. Jim?. .inly. August M'Jl' C1H- I'C.-. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber, Year. 'Wyndham ... 19-2 20-0 18-8 21-3 21-9 21-6 25-9 25-0 23-0 21-4 21-0 197 21-6 Cj Det-by 16-8 16-3 19-6 24-1 24-6 25-1 27-4 28-3 27-2 23-4 21-0 187 227 *& Broome 14-1 13-4 16-4 22-7 ! 26-5 24-8 24-7 29-7 25-6 20-6 18-0 147 20-9 *-> C3 S Condon 18-2 25-9 27-7 22-4 25-7 26-4 28-1 26-1 27-4 20-5 l^< Cossack 20-2 18-8 19-2 18-0 18-0 16-4 17-9 18-9 20'5 22-2 22-8 20-3 19-5 5l Onslow 25-1 23-6 25-3 27-1 28-0 25-0 27-1 277 29-2 :i0'6 30-4 29-2 27-3 11 Carnarvon 20-3 20-2 21-7 23-0 25-7 20-2 26-6 24-8 23-6 21-4 19-8 19-6 22-8 o I 2 ! ^ Hamelin Pool 29-3 27-1 28-7 23-8 22-3 16-8 21-7 23-2 27-0 26-9 30-6 31-1 25-8 ^Geraldton 20-3 20-6 20-6 19-8 18-7 16-8 17-5 17-4 18-6 19-1 19-2 20-4 19-1 f Hall's Creek : Nnllagine Bangemall ... Peak Hill _ f-j Cue 28-3 27-3 29-4 20-2 24-7 16-4 22-1 22'8 27-2 27'5 30-9 28-9 25-9 1 Yalgoo 30-0 28'0 28-3 25-5 24-5 17'0 23-0 24-2 28-4 267 31-6 32-0 26-6 45 * Lawlers _ 3 Menzies 27-4 26-1 27-1 24-6 22-8 16-0 21-7 20-5 255 267 28-5 29-0 247 Kalgoorlie 28-5 26-4 26-1 23'9 ' 21-2 14-8 20-3 19-6 23-6 24-6 29-0 30-0 24-0 Coolgardie ... 30-4 28-4 28-3 25-2 21-9 16-4 20-6 207 20-2 27-0 29-8 31-1 25-5 Southern Cross 31-8 29-8 30-6 28-0 1 25-2 203 25-1 24-4 28-5 30-2 33-3 33-6 28-4 York 28-2 27-1 24-4 23-9 21-8 18-6 19-6 205 22-5 21-0 257 26-9 23-5 Perth Gardens 25-4 25-7 23-8 23-0 J97 17-6 17-8 18-4 19-4 20-5 22-3 23-1 21-4 J3 9 Perth Observatory 21-7 20-8 20-3 18-8 17-0 14-0 15-3 16-1 16-4 15-0 17-9 20-5 17'8 g Freinantle 19-0 18-8 17-8 i 16-1 14-3 13-0 13-7 13-3 14-3 147 167 17-8 15'8 ofi Rottnest 18-1 18'4 17-2 16-8 13-5 126 12-7 14-0 15-1 17-1 17-] 18-4 15-9 T? .j Bunbury 22-8 22-3 20-2 18-6 17-1 15-5 160 15-9 16-1 17-0 19-6 21-1 18-5 g Karridale ... 18-7 20-5 20-2 19-9 20-4 153 14-1 16-4 15-6 15-5 17-4 20-2 17-8 B tc o & r } Cape Leeuwin 11-0 10-9 10-4 10-5 9-9 9-2 8-6 102 9-2 9-6 10-1 12-0 10-1 Katanning 33-1 28-8 27-3 26-0 22-5 17-8 19-6 20-5 23-6 24-5 297 31-4 25-4 ,gj Albany 11-9 11-4 12-2 13-4 12-9 12-4 13-1 13-1 13-1 12-8 12-6 13-3 12-8 1 Breaksea 10-0 9-4 9-9 : 10-8 10-0 8-9 10-5 10-4 10-8 107 10-3 11-2 10-2 02 Esperance ... 18-0 17-0 18-2 i 20-0 18-2 16-4 17-5 17-9 18-8 18-3 18-3 19-3 18-2 ^Eyre Highest Temperature ever recorded. f Wyndham ... Derby Broome e - Condon ^ { Cossack ' Onslow Carnarvon ... Hamelin Pool Geraldton ... Hall's Creek Nullagine . . . Bangemall ... Peak Hill ... Cue Yalgoo Lawlers Menzies Kalgoorlie ... Coolgardie ... Southern Cross York I a 3 I 1, 4J O) f Perth Gardens Perth Observatory Fremantle j Rottnest Bunbury j Karridale Cape Leeuwin Katanning ... Albany Breaksea Esperance Eyre 113-0 120-0 120-0 111-0 104-0 113-0 107-0 105-0 ; 110-0 111-0 113-5 113-0 120 107-0 105-0 109-0 106-0 102-0 99-0 99-0 102-0 106-0 112-0 111-0 111-0 112 102-5 101-5 103-0 102-4 97-3 90-9 91-2 98-8 101-0 108-6 111-0 108-9 111 106-0 113-0 103-8 103-0 98-0 94-0 i 88-0 93-0 988 108-2 112-8 108-5 113 119-0 115-0 113-0 105-0 98-0 95-0 ; 92-0 94-0 101-0 110-5 1117 115.0 119 1210 123-0 116-0 106-0 103-0 94-0 88-0 94-0 103-0 113-0 118-0 121-0 123 114-0 114-0 112-0 108-0 96-0 90-0 86-0 92-0 97-0 105-0 112-0 117-0 117 110-2 111-4 112-8 105-6 89-8 76-0 77-2 79-8 96-8 97-0 109-0 108-2 112 115-0 110-2 109-0 100-0 93-0 84-0 81-0 82-0 93-8 100-0 105-0 110-0 115 113-0 113-1 108-2 101-0 91-0 77-0 ' 78-2 86-0 93-2 96-0 108-2 112-0 113 110-5 111-3 1077 102-5 92-2 75-0 i 78-0 85-3 93-6 98-0 107-7 113-5 113 113-2 111-5 105-0 98-0 890 74-0 77-0 83-8 92-1 95-1 105-0 110-9 113 112-4 112-0 104-0 95-4 88-1 76-4 76-2 82-0 90-8 92-4 103-2 110-0 112 112-2 1129 104-2 96-1 88-4 74-0 75-3 81-0 92-0 91-9 105-0 110-2 112 115-0 110-9 106-0 98-0 90-0 79-0 79-0 82-0 95-0 107-0 106-0 113-0 115 115-0 115-6 107-0 100-2 85-0 80-0 71-2 78-8 95-0 98-0 105-0 114-5 115 116-7 113-8 106-2 106-5 92-0 81-0 75-2 83-5 89-0 97-0 105-0 114-0 116 107-0 106-8 101-8 97-4 82-4 73-2 73-8 78-2 82-0 86-6 93-5 102-8 107 108-0 106-0 105-0 93-0 86-0 82-0 71-0 73-8 84-0 96-0 100-0 106-0 108 104-5 109-0 101-0 92-5 87-5 77-0 72-5 72-5 80-0 88-5 92-5 102-5 109 101-0 101-5 97-0 91-0 84-0 80-0 73-0 73-0 83-8 89-2 96-0 105-0 105 98-0 105-5 101-5 92-0 81-1 76-0 70-8 72-0 82-5 84-2 89-2 101-0 105 91-6 103-8 91-0 89-5 77-2 70-2 70-6 70-8 79-5 75-3 84-0 98-4 103 111-0 109-0 103-0 96-2 79-0 71-5 68-2 75-1 88-0 92-0 97-0 105-8 111 99-0 100-3 98-0 98-8 80-0 79-0 73-5 77-5 81-4 88-0 93-0 103-0 103 86-5 81-0 90-5 96-4 78-2 71-0 71-8 72-0 80-0 75-0 83-8 94-0 96 117-0 113-0 104-4 99-0 86-0 77-0 77-6 82-8 96-0 110-0 112-0 108-0 117 Signifies " no record." 95 AVERAGE CLIMATOLOGICAL TABLES FOB THE WHOLE COLONY. Lowest Temperature ever recorded. January. I'elini- wy. March . April. May. June. July. Aifrust. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Pccein- ber. Year. 1 Wyndham ... 69-0 64-0 70-0 65-0 55-0 52-0 50'0 54-0 6L-0 68-0 70-0 68-0 50-0 ^ a Derby 68-0 68-0 61-0 49-0 46-0 48-0 42-0 48-0 54-0 60-0 68-0 70-0 42-0 -s Broome 68-0 67-0 64-0 55-0 43-0 39-0 38-0 40-0 50-0 55-0 65-0 69-0 38-0 8 Condon 65-0 51-0 42-0 39-2 39-0 37-0 47-0 49-0 59-0 60-0 37-0 2". Cossack 60-0 64-0 65-0 61-0 47-0 44-9 45-0 46-0 52-0 51-0 61-0 64-0 44-9 II Onslow 51-0 60-0 54-0 53-0 45-0 38-5 39-0 39-0 44-0 48-0 49-0 53-0 38-0 fl Carnarvon ... 58-2 61-0 54-0 40-0 43-0 38-0 37-0 40-0 41-0 45-0 50-0 52-0 37-0 Sfc fe Hamelin Pool 55-2 58-0 50-6 50-0 44-2 36-2 36-6 35-7 40-0 44-0 46-6 56-2 35-7 F-l _Geraldton 'TToll'o /"'n/ifiL- 50-0 51-0 48-0 42-0 39-5 35-0 35-0 38-0 40-0 40-0 45-0 49-0 35-0 M;tii s creeK Nullagine ... Bangemall ... TJ 1 U'll Peak Hill ... Cue 54-8 57-0 49-5 41-0 35-9 34-0 35-0 31-0 40-5 41-5 489 50-5 31-0 'C B Yalgoo 540 56-0 48-6 42-3 40-3 33-8 32-0 81-5 39-0 41-0 47-3 52-3 31-5 a Lawlers Menzies 48-0 47-8 46-0 37-0 32-1 33-8 32-0 31-0 33-5 41-1 47-0 50-2 31-0 Kalgoorlie ... 47-1 48-2 47-5 38-8 34-5 34-0 33-2 34-0 34-9 41-0 47-2 49-0 33-2 Coolgardie ... 46-0 47-4 46-0 39-1 36-1 31-5 32-8 33-0 35-0 40-5 47-3 49-8 31-5 Southern Cross 44-0 46-6 40-0 31-7 30-8 28-0 27-0 27-1 31-0 36-1 42-0 47-4 27-0 York 45'0 45-8 41-0 34-5 30-0 28-0 27-0 29'0 30-0 34-0 37-0 42-0 27-0 "Perth Gardens 46-0 49-0 46-0 41-0 34-0 31-2 33-0 33-6 35-0 38-0 41-0 47-0 31-2 3 Perth Observatory 515 50-1 45-9 44-5 39-9 36-9 38-1 37-5 39-8 42-2 457 49-2 36-9 3 o Fremantle ... 47-0 48-5 48-0 43-0 40-0 38-0 37-0 38-0 39-0 40-0 44-0 48-0 37-0 CG Rottuest 50-0 52-0 51-0 47-8 40-5 40-5 38-0 36-0 40-0 40-0 42-0 46-0 36-0 T3 a. Bnnbury 42-0 42-0 41-0 380 33.0 340 32-0 33-0 32-2 84-0 39-0 41-0 32-0 -a -^ d co Karridale ... 42-3 41-1 43-8 36-8 33-2 31-8 34-2 32-5 31-5 37-0 38-0 43-0 31-5 _p cS . DC O Cape Leeuwin 51-0 54-8 54-0 49-0 47-5 46-8 43-0 43-8 43-8 45-4 49-0 53-0 43-0 5) O Ifc Katanning ... 41-0 37-9 39-0 33-0 30-5 29-5 27-0 30-8 29-8 31-0 36-0 41-0 27-0 ^ Albany 45-0 41-0 41-0 39-6 39-0 34-0 30-0 36-0 34-0 38-0 40-6 42-5 30-0 i Breaksea ... 51-5 50-0 48-0 44-0 46-8 43-0 40-0 39-4 42-0 39-0 43-2 46-0 39-0 CO Esperance ... 44-5 44-0 41-0 40-2 34-0 33-0 31-0 34-0 34-0 36-2 39-2 42-0 31-0 Eyre.. 1 Mean Monthly Rainfall. No. of Years. January. Feb- ruary. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep- ;ember. Octo- her. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. ("Wyndham Derby 13 14 868 798 601 769 415 419 83 93 46 153 15 77 44 16 13 16 64 3 222 129 427 517 2801 2988 a - Broonie ... 10 592 816 423 33 41 83 1 4 39 393 2425 "i o Condon 10 421 287 431 113 38 81 13 9 17 143 1553 ^ ^ "1 Cossack ... 18 184 209 161 141 87 79 62 34 ' ' 1 6 22 986 Onslow ... 14 54 69 78 27 158 180 87 47 2 1 2 21 726 11 Carnarvon 17 24 60 49 48 64 295 194 56 20 5 6 3 824 Bfc Hamelin Pool 14 13 78 59 32 77 210 164 72 24 10 15 754 LGeraldton 22 16 17 37 106 262 463 359 290 116 66 27 9 1768 ("Hall's Creek 9 539 526 316 72 62 16 44 1 11 49 108 385 2129 Nullagine i ^~ Bangemall Peak Hill . Cue 5 44 84 64 9 10 195 41 34 12 16 3 21 533 Yalgoo 3 10 106 59 14 06 250 125 82 35 83 6 10 847 C2 Lawlers ... 3 12 100 15 5 54 200 17 58 10 10 26 28 541 3 Menzies ... 3 1 57 4 2 18 194 28 52 21 57 12 15 461 Kalgoorlie Coolgardie Southern Cross ... 4 7 10 31 33 35 36 65 30 133 55 105 11 22 31 36 95 118 160 112 147 83 66 132 88 79 101 26 46 54 84 32 39 30 45 47 68 81 55 786 731 894 ^York 23 18 42 65 87 221 322 314 318 138 103 49 37 1714 r Perth Gardens Perth Observatory 24, 3 33 21 43 25 84 58 183 170 487 297 648 613 589 578 570 65G 296 242 205 288 87 81 66 15 3290 3044 s Fremantle 22 22 43 71 165 444 584 573 495 255 173 63 65 2953 m Rottnest ... 18 21 50 53 155 418 669 559 491 254 155 70 55 2950 T3 1-s Bunbury ... Karridale 23 6 50 81 47 63 107 118 204 236 540 535 704 871 668 695 570 708 351 338 262 329 124 117 75 94 3702 4185 42 rf Leeuwin ... 3 68 80 106 242 443 644 502 549 251 398 164 40 3487 | Katanning Albany Breaksea ... 8 23 10 22 64 36 59 92 82 131 133 106 62 257 156 156 456 315 229 528 415 255 480 374 210 503 393 152 134 368 280 236 279 54 129 97 34 99 93 1498 3389 2582 1 Esperance LEyre 16 15 56 79 58 41 110 44 134 69 270 132 380 183 374 111 406 118 254 210 70 71 104 56 85 31 2441 1006 Signifies " no reconj," ... Signifies" in'?," RAINFALL TABLES FOR THE WHOLE STATE. Vide INTRODUCTION (PAGE 7) FOR EXPLANATION OF DEURKE SQUARES. 100 POINTS=1 INCH. 99 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. EAST KIMBEULEY DIVISION. WYNDHAM (1528). January. j February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem. her. Tear. 1887 379 359 361 459 5 3 37 52 352 2007 1888 1544 727 20 163 119 1 3 106 897 3580 1889 852 422 . 203 17 230 'io 59 323 520 502 3138 1890 1831 402 301 55 1 2 10 158 148 2974 1891 869 3iO 279 26 474 148 2136 1892 284 383 638 14 52 120 205 1696 1898 631 878 549 84 121 23 42 446 2774 1894 424 550 397 40 ... 179 219 80 1889 1895 674 917 518 6 95 11 524 467 177 3389 1890 1929 1090 293 8 48 29 218 687 4302 1897 287 749 155 50 81 25 660 2013 1898 448 1052 858 39 4 106 124 61 415 701 3808 1899 944 361 1004 100 20 : 12 105 372 2918 Means ... 853 633 434 77 46 12 44 20 60 225 418 2817 ARGYLE DOWNS (1628). 1890 498 303 100 147 59 475 1582 1891 514 354 375 229 425 1897 *1892 1893 1048 339 408 292 120 80 20 157 504 2968 *1894 1895 754 817 133 100 55 377 440 555 3231 1890 699 608 320 153 20 122 185 565 2072 1897 277 540 ... 1 43 98 140 713 1812 1898 615 302 839 87 ... 153 117 42 222 014 2991 1899 700 314 1411 32 181 32 55 461 3186 Heani 638 447 448 89 30 49 62 10 20 24 186 539 2542 KOOJUBRIN (1727). 1898 i ! 341 1899 718 : 161 971 5 ... 99 fiR 1 306 2332 /^~DT"V "DTY7T71T"* f\ nCtL)\ 1894 385 331 530 45 51 223 50 199 1813 *189o 1172 820 105 71 116 345 1890 1332 302 225 147 132 13 159 631 2941 1897 297 437 15 16 19 60 25 113 661 1643 1898 180 796 470 6 2 18 120 51 141 392 2176 t!899 900 326 1090 33 3 45 25 326 2748 ms 619 438 466 43 ... 10 26 4 40 72 98 442 2264 HALL'S CREEK (1827). 1891 335 160 95 156 6 . 8 72 295 1127 1892 122 330 368 '"2 ! '"l 210 176 185 1394 1893 559 603 161 190 177 8 8 1 32 59 490 2288 1894 543 960 383 i 1 2 21 94 18 182 2201. 1895 687 724 10 74 255 8 316 i 350 354 2784 1890 1295 178 535 204 114 77 38 145 464 3050 1897 238 654 114 i 23 2 16 12 313 1372 1898 355 860 533 20 6 '.'.'. 75 11 120 667 2647 1899 815 192 538 "so 15 5 294 1939 Means 550 518 304 72 02 13 44 1 11 47 107 361 2090 FLORA VALLEY (1828). 1898 _ 109 43 159 581 1899 996 99 448 100 35 390 2068 Not included in mean. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." 100 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. DRNISON DOWNS (1928). January. February. March. April- May. June. July. Atig-ust. Sep. terober. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1899 201 63 45 40 26 74 _ 1 BALMANINGARRA (1724). WEST KTMBERLEY DIVISION. OBAGAMA (1623). 1895 i 193 140 1896 1571 2166 763 151 ... 220 262 5133 1897 303 941 259 50 3fi 180 620 2389 1898 680 705 366 677 88 252 274 , 1315 4357 1899 1460 845 1221 30 95 241 3892 BECOME (1722). 1890 548 566 66 20 5 147 93 312 1757 1891 329 60 108 7 64 11 51 11 641 1892 160 1271 424 14 245 2114 1893 1258 193 302 115 145 279 489 2781 1894 457 567 367 1 40 3 1435 1895 251 918 350 164 67 9 1 9 93 1862 1896 1289 2358 572 88 4307 1897 219 429 237 122 28 1196 2231 1898 328 1086 867 174 "l7 154 1 190 1449 4266 1899 1083 704 932 10 49 2 23 57 2860 Means 592 815 423 33 41 83 1 4 39 394 2425 DERBY (1723). 1886 483 1759 887 292 160 242 65 3888 1887 345 800 391 520 135 105 41 175 2512 1888 2022 353 44 53 144 13 2 2 58 84 2775 1889 607 676 209 644 330 48 374 2888 1890 872 744 150 12 50 322 644 2794 1891 564 354 45 33 7 1 99 40 1143 1892 222 612 567 43 12 338 1794 1893 886 342 401 125 214 71 198 435 2672 1894 279 858 274 18 "64 67 129 1H89 1895 556 617 106 515 69 102 1 230 2196 ]896 995 1235 425 34 4 14 113 2820 1897 190 674 156 1 'l7 14 106 401 1559 1898 498 693 492 122 63 206 399 3014 5487 1899 754 693 1106 36 7 112 '.'.'. 2 10 38 410 3168 Means 662 744 375 89 124 69 11 12 7 116 461 2670 *1885 15 102 1132 1886 624 1131 525 227 131 2638 1887 232 925 256 655 130 90 12 10 212 376 2898 1888 1452 378 135 53 2018 *1889 _ *1890 1891 829 654 26 ... 200 50 250 2009 1892 406 119 708 27 129 1389 *1893 ' *1894 ; *1895 . *1896 131 58(5 *1897 360 505 487 i Means 709 641 330 142 26 18 2 42 103 177 2190 j LEOPOLD DOWNS (1725). 1899 1 1 12 | 348 * Not included in mean. ... Signifies " n il." Signifies " no record," 101 !in in full Tnlili-x for Degree 8qvare. LA GRANGE BAY (1821). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. 1891 20 133 i 13 12 42 2 40 262 1892 37 686 356 10 136 56 1281 1893 1008 267 88 15 : ... 307 141 4 33 1868 1894 306 622 1127 2 8 6 2071 1895 240 378 291 252 98 1 1260 1896 1334 1233 366 5 2938 1897 12 443 389 156 8 1055 2063 1898 271 660 628 319 93 226 6 299 1316 3838 1899 525 688 1028 5 3 170 9 4 164 2596 Means 417 568 : 475 39 41 111 32 1 36 297 2017 THANGOO (1822). 1893 563 200 387 249 143 197 .. 162 1901 1894 182 600 743 12 68 1605 1895 222 748 242 113 74 6 108 1513 1896 1094 2868 288 4250 1897 192 668 244 140 151 819 2214 1898 140 525 637 494 244 105 1846 3991 1899 828 591 692 40 "l 272 2430 Means 460 886 462 106 37 99 3 10 37 458 2558 MT. ANDERSON (1823). 1899 | V J.B 8Mb UPPER LIVERINGA (1824). 1898 96 1052 1899 1682 289 471 42 ... 73 7 204 2768 FITZROY CROSSING (1825). 1894 903 854 228 37 34 92 2148 1895 446 1671 53 125 112 247 65 56 2775 1896 1289 735 341 71 6 21 44 158 2665 1897 320 1265 60 60 10 25 340 2080 1898 355 785 982 52 22 203 109 388 2896 1899 724 489 388 5 31 4 5 423 2070 Means 673 967 342 21 24 1 58 42 1 10 12 46 243 2439 NORTH-WEST DIVISION. WALLAL (1920). 1897 l,S!)8 1899 119 29 5 6 24 ... 2 I ... 1122 42 202 446 6 183 1 635 1834 28 1043 6 172 2 13 79 2541 COSSACK (2017). 882 861 63 62 94 2 12 1094 883 85 357 9 1O4 54 38 8 655 884 2 185 40 616 97 171 284 "'a 1403 885 5 275 36 258 26 18 '5 6 629 886 10 8 504 86 70 63 2 2 745 887 208 820 1 32 105 133 50 3 2 1354 888 402 178 76 30 93 65 50 2 896 889 32 555 486 122 18 29 58 1300 890 82 122 10 233 300 10 1 52 810 891 1 6 17 ... ... 24 892 1 "45 545 4 222 "ii 1 829 893 1044 517 62 1 "79 21 7 1731 894 1096 41 94 21 97 1349 895 896 897 36 1018 23 786 60 21 10 40 60 78 7 151 116 508 26 183 1026 1151 946 898 899 398 158 307 364 10 1597 2220 3 '86 2 123 275 81 3 24 3171 56 j 2536 is 256 227 240 186 81 85 64 33 1 8 22 1203 ... Signifies " nil." Signifies "no record," 102 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. BOODARIE (2018). ^'un^ry, Feljruiry. Hai-cK , ... , . > .'April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October, Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1888 426 53 1 19 5 128 2 88 1 1 32 756 1889 190 350 380 50 10 980 1890 431 ioo 60 135 190 17 350 1283 1891 100 30 10 110 1892 325 50 32 407 1893 1577 154 12 359 192 178 11 ... 6 2489 1S94 1877 185 225 ... 1 26 6 ... 5 2325 1895 158 293 53 63 5 4. 57P 1896 460 84 337 8 "2 89] 1897 4 130 93 80 127 624 1058 1898 490 268 57 738 250 85 1 160 L'HI!) 1899 372 475 1592 244 163 3 35 2884 Means 486 134 287 104 89 74 19 21 1 29 76 1320 CONDON (2019). 1888 512 74 1 89 ... Ill 10 55 852 1889 879 209 226 324 53 ... 35 98 1824 1890 397 222 3 236 23 53 84 61 1079 1891 15 10 14 57 .. 10 174 280 1892 150 940 74 15 . 1179 1893 736 283 10 231 107 58 3 18 1446 1894 1254 427 429 1 38 2149 1895 111 153 49 37 109 81 4 6 3 553 1896 674 10 752 4 ... 16 1486 1897 25 131 51 1 41 28 20 688 985 1898 242 336 141 435 112 182 . . . 183 1631 1899 887 384 1494 204 "67 132 3168 Means 478 201 341 79 58 68 9 15 1 16 120 1386 BAMBOO CREEK (2020). 1895 95 114 52 ... 81 95 53 19 60 569 1896 491 68 492 20 1071 1897 100 222 266 5 15 . . . 534 1142 1898 193 368 176 942 197 113 2 105 191 2287 1899 595 348 1489 245 13 4 230 2924 Means 295 224 495 189 56 94 10 3 9 21 203 1599 ONSLOW (2114). 1886 19 10 30 119 9 3 190 1887 5 14 56 103 i 264 274 28 15 759 1888 340 50 14 490 338 82 49 ... ... 4 1367 1889 59 340 726 293 14 421 4 1857 1890 12 135 5 155 697 81 12 '"i 13 1117 1891 12 248 ... 260 1892 105 259 ... 55 150 "28 ... 5 602 1893 72 321 34 101 12 336 169 5 1050 1894 115 8 90 3 5 7 ' 1 "27 3 265 1895 32 188 47 101 177 47 1 i 593 1896 25 1 27 I 4 13 2 73 1897 98 1 437 285 '"l 241 1063 1898 105 194 6 5 9 65 1 2 ! 3 390 1809 7 92 18 265 65 100 36 583 CHINGINARRA (2115). 1886 176 62 238 1887 1888 394 180 134 165 156 24 1053 1889 47 560 432 78 7 280 1-104 1890 189 428 26 172 431 1246 1891 7 : ... 43 50 1892 38 ! 127 250 1 7 5 118 6 39 590 1893 140 302 20 12 349 104 927 1894 123 109 93 6 6 5 10 352 1895 8 226 72 5 119 108 538 1896 298 89 51 3 441 1897 186 25 29 225 246 3 171 885 18! IS 145 245 108 12 14 91 2 11 3 631 1899 174 1 594 58 12 276 87 79 128C Means 134 196 96 20 79 104 57 29 1 1 24 741 1 ' Not included iu mean. ... Siguifies " nil." Signifies " no record.' 103 Rainfall Tuli/eg for Degree FOBTESCUE (211fi). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep- tember. October. Novem. ber. Decem- ber. Yea 1888 1123 252 ti 150 503 111 21 97 2263 1889 8:! 17 IK; 268 187 5 28 . . . 984 1890 157 282 1(1 379 2650 72 16 8666 1891 42 ... 42 1892 20 287 66 253 8 "45 078 1891? 248 489 21 24 335 86 ... 1203 1894 335 58 64 12 49 518 1896 11 151 6 98 21 287 189G 648 10 37 . . > 696 1897 75 14 225 361 212 887 1898 366 280 2i >:> lira "is 84 '"7 952 1899 137 270 116 249 94 23 889 Means 250 159 99 42 265 145 71 12 5 1 31 1080 1887 579 239 148 270 111 210 28 2 64 1641 1888 527 199 16 140 65 109 73 56 1 1 88 1275 1889 430 288 159 110 140 12 55 12 194 1400 1890 138 317 229 155 81 28 317 1265 1891 206 76 45 85 139 551 1892 126 64 231 10 147 3 '.'.'. 56 637 1893 1030 404 36 210 309 130 95 2214 1894 2624 150 198 2 21 2995 1895 277 713 340 71 124 98 1629 1896 1254 : f>7 139 "w 1515 1897 150 546 105 241 157 1 72 1272 1898 497 337 2 756 52 70 57 33 1804 1899 63 326 462 26 243 40 86 1246 Means 608 286 160 125 33 117 51 12 36 68 1496 PILBARBA (2118). 1897 134 174 85 1 178 1898 253 558 15 1646 61 196 45 49 2823 1899 226 324 467 236 5 115 1373 MARBLE BAB (2119). 1895 25 370 31 12 66 60 93 56 88 801 1896 644 185 298 1127 1897 76 386 38 21 14 29 352 916 1898 248 240 191 825 108 138 6 54 65 1875 1899 625 445 923 2 160 49 2 139 2345 Means 324 325 296 167 35 76 22 10 1 11 17 129 1413 NULLAGINE (2120). 1897 _ 200 2 285 1898 261 210 205 513 77 71 15 82 1434 1899 1175 173 582 172 20 215 2337 POINT CLOATES (2213). 1898 _ _ 112 107 149 3 10 1899 68 31 165 14 444 119 100 16 957 YANNALGAL (2214). 1895 83 185 79 74 421 1896 139 ' 15 89 243 1897 510 301 225 1036 " ni'l." Signifies * ( no record.' 104 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squaret. NANUTARRA (2215). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1888 466 238 40 95 45 228 1112 1889 9 331 533 235 19 144 1271 *1890 156 17 17 145 1891 22 20 9 51 1892 41 98 301 6 145 , 61 652 1893 99 293 113 190 117 430 1242 1894 370 98 *1895 248 71 44 Ill 1896 1897 . *1898 _ 90 3 10 4 23 9 1899 42 642 21 253 57 3 49 1067 Means 108 217 127 31 116 172 35 43 1 2 46 898 MT. MORTIMER (2216). 1888 968 89 ... 97 173 119 9 25 35 1515 1889 112 127 34 322 490 155 ... 1240 1890 183 383 126 153 . . 389 1234 1891 8 2 6 5 1 22 *1892 1893 115 302 184 198 15 400 16 1230 1894 1895 361 266 50 54 125 98 i. 954 1896 382 128 144 14 r*i "78 746 1897 11 28 19 228 98 27 411 1898 136 390 62 3 10 11 612 1899 56 692 58 4 256 55 100 1221 Means 196 251 70 38 64 175 32 22 3 40 27 918 MULGA DOWNS (2218). 1897 , 55 1898 550 , 220 412 69 61 40 31 1383 1899 115 722 177 4 30 270 GASCOYNE DIVISION. . WILLIAMBURY (2314). 1889 307 309 424 275 97 12 1424 1890 8 85 73 381 68 41 13 15 104 788 1891 23 2 5 59 4 42 135 1892 8 123 164 40 3 334 106 19 1 4 802 1893 334 162 162 372 25 202 121 1378 1894 27 52 188 14 5 38 86 174 2 2 588 1895 314 22 8 186 27 5 562 1896 317 38 116 5 51 2 529 1897 65 93 10 18 540 146 8 1 275 1156 1898 70 634 58 10 33 10 7 13 835 1899 12 151 2 26 375 2 25 1 38 632 Means 107 150 89 44 83 169 79 18 19 1 10 34 803 TOWERA (2315). 1893 438 198 250 99 16 295 212 20 1528 1894 81 62 73 3 70 28 45 225 76 663 1895 374 ... 121 59 92 22 5 673 1896 392 120 145 12 3 10 6 688 1897 84 132 11 3 640 254 1 1 1 450 1577 1898 118 574 74 1 5 15 787 1899 50 448 1 14 287 52 38 890 Means 166 273 69 33 12 210 74 16 32 1 13 73 972 Not included iu mean. Signifies " nil." ~ Signifies "no record." 105 Rainfall Tables for Deyree Squares. ULLAWARRA (2316). January. Ful>ru;iry. March. April. May. June. July. August. Se P e t m - October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1895 _ _ _ _ ._ _ 12 1890 158 200 227 8 6 12 16 627 1897 64 123 102 26 235 113 663 1898 178 355 76 22 1899 50 413 14 12 261 61 98 909 CARNARVON (2413). 1883 89 732 55 10 8 894 1884 4 67 72 172 138 53 4 510 1885 19 16 89 147 421 36 1 4 733 1886 15 50 2 1 33 69 209 51 96 526 1887 8 2 58 132 226 79 2 "75 582 1888 59 37 17 7 247 21 13 34 435 1889 6 248 323 326 141 20 16 12 6 1098 1890 64 169 180 329 118 77 1 28 11 977 1891 24 221 7 5 3 4 2 266 1892 "7 273 41 159 544 174 3 5 1 1207 1893 87 228 18 384 82 462 329 55 7 1652 1894 5 3 32 130 142 30 65 ... I 407 1895 61 " 142 "72 5 865 81 30 17 ... 1273 1896 31 124 63 5 84 57 364 1897 34 18 724 441 13 4 4 20 1258 1898 232 476 161 98 102 12 3 1084 1899 6 "71 34 274 154 46 6 '"a 3 602 Means 24 58 49 48 64 297 191 55 19 4 5 2 816 WEENAMIA (2414). 1888 1889 eats 8 3O2 69 7 176 10 19 2 214 178 216 28 138 o 40 XD 6 JLU 32 2 41 1230 920 1890 277 20 92 267 187 162 53 20 74 1152 1891 2 6 60 28 1 97 1892 1 13 245 2 154 64 290 78 2 "~7 22 878 1893 120 92 61 522 90 376 268 30 6 1565 1894 26 84 3 28 111 102 6 113 473 1896 35 35 30 8 756 76 6 5 951 1896 170 6 156 51 65 24 18 42 532 1897 18 127 18 20 9 485 236 2 4 '7 24 950 1898 107 364 10 9 92 70 93 47 "l7 17 826 1899 15 50 41 31 7 257 27 24 4 4 2 462 Means 89 114 71 61 70 237 120 30 17 6 8 13 836 BANGEMALL (2416). 1898 1899 270 156 27 39 265 1 53 55 8 2 773 SHARKS BAY (2513). 1893 137 47 149 113 267 430 220 1363 1894 56 128 44 120 16 20 384 1895 19 93 '"7 275 46 24 24 488 1896 12 56 142 241 126 56 4 1 638 1897 30 84 635 263 46 4 6 2 1070 1898 136 169 134 270 111 276 19 11 1126 1899 38 42 220 498 1 165 90 17 60 22 1152 deans 21 52 36 33 117 319 180 104 13 11 3 889 WOORAMET, (2514). 1898 1 1899 54 3 11 124 65 283 33 94 129 ! 6 40 \ ... 27 4 4 640 ... Signifies " nil." Signifies "no record.' 106 Rainfall Tables for Deyree Squares. MINGINOO (2515). January. February . March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Dei.-i.'in- ber. Tear. 1890 2 162 38 383 89 79 36 2 25 816 1891 5 2 94 5 22 128 * 1892 , 1893 251 49 267 68 285 151 12 ... 1083 * 1894 1895 138 148 7 120 18 9 440 1896 128 125 101 13 35 402 1897 24 480 64 2 98 668 1898 15 154 90 2 2 263 1899 208 23 24 4 160 8 5 3 435 Means 50 92 37 41 58 177 42 8 ... 1 ... 13 522 ERKIVILLIA (2516). 1890f ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... *1891 _ *1892 - 1893 22 184 233 229 53 57 37 75 172 1062 1894 207 77 12 151 447 1895 50 205 7 "75 26 '5 368 1896 223 15 493 44 40 60 875 1897 94 117 220 202 633 *1898 28 1899 220 1J7 211 ... 20 40 608 Means 42 132 132 49 25 79 6 5 22 11 68 571 t This is as reported, 110 raiu for the whole year ; but it is probable that the Observer made a mistake in the date, and the year should be 1891 instead of 1890. MT. GOULD (2517). 1884 | ... 100 315 70 43 440 30 998 1888 450 18 39 48 126 53 ' 45 *18 8 2 30 837 1889 12 24 126 14 124 405 74 58 16 1 2 856 1890 12 253 120 226 53 58 163 ... 885 1891 18 37 3 9 67 1892 39 109 202 106 9 216 173 25 879 1893 220 230 160 236 26 250 58 55 7 1242 1894 130 228 20 6 24 28 1 "87 20 18 562 1895 132 10 66 66 15 ... 289 1896 357 55 510 50 ... 972 1897 2 93 18 3 354 35 "'2 3 145 655 1898 15 160 39 31 1 9 255 1899 64 63 15 162 "V 7 30 348 Means ... 85 98 112 59 44 127 45 63 8 4 14 21 680 PEAK HILL (2518). 1898 39 3 87 11 34 1 175 1899 14 294 454 "67 161 42 4 1 31 1068 KARA RANG (2613). 1894 5 85 32 141 5 10 278 1895 10 5 25 180 159 94 86 559 1896 20 66 291 108 29 55 569 1897 85 50 378 326 117 25 5 986 1898 200 45 116 595 59 283 28 1326 1899 25 334 325 266 60 44 86 10 1150 Means 33 9 4 19 113 300 177 98 40 15 2 810 * Not included in mean. . Signifies " nil.*' Signifies " no record." 107 Kit in fall. Tables for Degree Squares. HAMELIN POOL (2614). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septein. ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1886 95 | 30 155 213 59 35 587 1887 85 37 58 53 130 125 8 160 606 1888 43 215 5 9 2 116 32 32 38 1 493 1889 6 475 15 301 246 337 37 27 13 1457 1890 40 185 150 301 182 98 40 96 6 1098 1891 1 1 38 105 6 5 18 174 1892 5 141 6 52 165 191 250 4 24 838 1893 '40 59 37 179 89 292 448 99 74 1 1 1319 1894 10 70 9 52 86 21 12 . i 260 1895 52 11 3 465 48 37 18 634 1896 4 41 42 82 62 14 12 257 1897 4 13 43 13 410 306 23 13 7 1 833 1898 91 556 40 188 146 186 21 1 1229 1899 10 6 275 304 111 25 9 22 13 775 Meanj 13 78 59 32 79 209 164 72 23 10 15 754 BYEO (2615). (98 (99 10 144 19 10 15 212 Q 46 23 20 18 31 13 13 486 BOOLARDT (2616). *1885 95 61 58 39 54 ... 40 86 *188(j 56 56 117 *1887 1888 460 42 34 27 33 596 *1889 i *1890 32 95 57 304 17 1891 112 9 121 1892 31 "as 636 21 124 35 352 138 > . . 15 5 1385 1893 112 156 89 260 91 396 196 75 ... 78 1453 1894 104 47 14 27 69 261 1895 53 30 438 41 25 587 1896 "71 156 72 "37 it 336 1897 84 20 85 ... i'io 299 1898 25 380 222 79 50 ... 756 1899 4 143 7 17 2 217 11 1 1 2 405 Mean 70 95 94 33 29 155 84 33 3 1 23 620 MILETJEA (2617). 1899 235 1 118 4 222 32 18 I 44 ... ... 1 675 NANNINE (2618). 1887 4 : 498 94 49 41 151 64 ... 25 .*. 926 1888 529 75 8 31 61 56 14 61 r*t ... 30 865 1889 12 2 138 4 190 265 96 61 43 1 1 813 1890 46 243 176 64 54 17 111 46 757 1891 31 8 39 1892 *1893 *1894 1895 60 83 39 26 145 4 13 52 422 1896 319 154 652 75 28 19 86 1333 1897 48 126 8 1 " 6 237 44 12 4 139 625 1898 21 14 106 3 27 11 182 1899 1 160 30 27 4 175 6 30 "20 453 Mean 96 110 101 34 50 118 44 24 12 8 14 31 642 WOOLEEN (2715). 1895 374 14 37 22 ... 447 1896 175 266 105 124 19 3 10 702 1897 35 2 13 12 404 125 21 13 11 ... 59 695 1898 358 17 244 68 152 22 22 883 1899 15 13 24 376 40 30 11 5 5 9 528 tfean 42 75 56 3 10 301 74 52 14 8 3 13 651 Not included in mean. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies "no record." 108 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. MUKGOO (2716). t January. February. March. April. May. Julie, July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1889 65 214 409 225 86 8 1007 1890 264 24 121 159 94 57 17 49 11 796 1891 37 50 87 1892 51 30 272 36 94 122 177 212 7 15 1016 1893 42 141 73 159 256 237 76 43 45 1072 1894 '"a 130 106 11 62 83 90 11 6 507 1895 25 19 43 344 8 31 24 494 1896 53 18 362 2 50 84 569 1897 59 22 6 7 21 486 111 16 18 12 52 810 1898 26 228 13 241 54 210 7 38 38 855 1899 10 254 13 17 6 13 313 Mean 18 69 82 24 66 223 100 65 12 10 1 ' 14 684 CUE (2717). 1895 75 19 29 142 17 24 13 11 330 1896 168 153 246 46 45 2 1 7 658 1897 8 35 12 10 32 ; 312 66 6 14 5 1 74 575 1898 3 64 25 242 35 114 11 34 5 533 1899 1 70 5 2 187 18 7 11 28 6 335 Mean 34 79 56 8 12 186 36 31 10 13 4 17 486 YALGOO (2816). 1888 423 800 25 25 121 53 175 35 10 24 1691 1889 213 405 174 318 108 271 56 33 16 4 1598 1890 1 365 4 154 192 84 37 118 94 10 73 1132 1891 12 1 124 151 26 21 16 351 1892 5 474 30 90 58 209 221 9 20 24 1140 1893 35 41 187 29 83 153 192 56 48 2 20 92 938 1894 169 47 69 98 49 ' 21 30 3 25 44 555 1895 54 1 28 372 54 88 40 2 31 21 691 1896 1897 10 152 177 2 67 328 267 49 18 25 11 30 1136 1898 7 184 120 192 40 174 10 111 4 6 848 1899 5 8 2 27 24 245 102 37 53 47 550 Mean 62 157 123 27 100 183 118 74 50 30 12 29 965 MT. MAG-NET (2817). 1895 7 49 1 6 147 17 73 25 45 370 1896 91 38 437 80 37 17 45 3 748 1897 93 10 6 26 256 100 16 30 17 71 625 1898 51 100 35 174 15 198 4 43 620 1899 42 10 167 39 8 28 42 336 Mean 28 56 101 1 13 165 42 63 20 24 13 14 540 CHALLA (2818). 1896 60 33 647 | ... 75 54 7 57 159 1092 1897 13 124 18 252 75 80 26 588 1898 39 220 20 166 3 3 3 ... 454 1899 129 7 ! 139 34 5 13 9 336 SOUTH-WEST DIVISION. ABROLHOS (2813). *1888 676 191 97 169 34 45 6 *1889 13 20 173 698 367 377 79 *1890 _ 1891 20 11 274 280 280 28 26 25 944 1892 159 196 215 217 381 323 77 78 31 1677 1893 11 26 63 41 301 325 429 145 167 17 25 1550 1894 25 8 29 175 340 375 28 125 15 5 2 1127 1895 10 41 27 679 336 230 77 21 1421 Mean 2 12 50 64 199 368 360 151 95 27 16 1344 Not included in mean. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." 100 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. GERALDTON (2814). January. February. March. lApril. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1877 340 700 240 490 340 30 2140 1878 20 70 90 240 530 ! 460 80 10 20 1520 1879 50 "so 410 300 450 210 210 180 1860 1880 10 136 200 131 459 251 221 47 26 69 28 1568 1881 35 3 11 158 248 337 215 33 92 13 150 10 1305 1882 6 192 36 466 371 767 96 104 22 6 2066 1883 58 9 39 389 1040 264 252 71 52 27 30 2231 1884 2 4 3 132 153 266 231 601 251 58 39 2 1742 1885 11 31 101 440 285 749 248 102 125 74 2166 1886 3 63 154 175 222 367 423 281 13 21 1722 1887 1 108 52 47 280 440 609 404 128 64 21 1 2145 1888 27 76 32 116 211 470 172 233 168 95 40 38 1678 1889 3 1 43 303 882 658 435 250 272 129 29 3005 1890 38 9 8 481 1310 370 247 431 391 7 40 3332 1891 2 18 1 268 345 138 118 176 33 1 6 1106 1892 " 1 22 262 162 303 211 378 460 74 33 57 1963 1893 88 20 165 162 331 253 499 218 211 39 39 5 2030 1894 120 8 1 113 333 248 184 122 22 7 50 1208 1895 56 31 52 89 710 412 340 236 10 5 9 1950 1896 ""a 3 52 4 92 452 456 132 82 20 4 1305 1897 51 3 40 110 486 181 262 126 94 8 5 1366 1898 63 48 10 266 441 154 510 79 85 26 3 1685 1899 4 '"7 117 320 680 404 211 90 189 12 2034 Mean 13 30 41 105 283 463 364 310 150 77 29 10 1875 MULLEWA (2815). 1896 362 246 3 , 51 145 198 30 ... 150 1185 1897 24 18 102 364 206 85 ... ... 799 1898 4 182 10 105 160 51 220 33 45 16 826 1899 2 5 6 21 61 287 120 46 15 81 644 DONGARA (2914). 1884 P . . . .. 117 100 475 151 618 110 80 120 1771 1885 4 40 114 432 332 570 246 77 118 10 '"5 1948 1886 1 40 58 121 298 298 360 276 5 29 ... 1486 1887 2 78 34 16 110 405 467 431 110 46 18 1717 1888 18 4 12 148 265 440 156 201 202 116 6 ... 1567 1889 30 2 10 375 752 490 296 216 264 100 16 1 2552 1890 169 12 519 1280 362 177 406 393 20 3338 1891 8 4 351 448 312 117 174 8 42 1464 1892 278 266 286 256 401 565 74 13 75 ... 2214 1893 30 2 203 168 422 229 434 231 144 17 34 1914 1894 69 131 308 403 170 202 16 2 " - 7 1308 1895 ... 60 54 69 606 342 433 151 10 1 1716 1896 26 89 6 130 378 539 242 47 24 1 1482 1897 1 114 21 15 81 604 158 258 142 46 3 1443 1898 9 26 8 550 307 141 446 54 71 33 1 1645 1899 2 138 336 562 434 210 104 136 13 1935 Mean 8 35 44 93 291 464 341 308 158 75 22 5 1844 MINGINEW (2915). 1888 360 77 78 235 147 299 53 120 80 130 7 67 ! 1653 1889 11 181 393 322 258 119 223 119 17 1643 1890 129 335 543 169 179 258 288 13 44 i 1958 1891 30 184 282 124 66 122 29 80 917 1892 20 349 139 169 112 354 337 54 40 1574 1893 14 212 112 329 153 244 201 218 37 85 "23 1628 1894 232 35 (i 32 179 208 158 74 9 45 35 1013 1895 25 27 62 539 273 219 116 1261 1896 188 119 234 500 106 22 11 162 5 1347 1897 30 74 14 58 414 216 246 122 34 56 1264 1898 26 119 8 288 276 130 426 77 88 9 5 1452 1899 4 103 157 489 253 178 30 162 21 1396 Mean 35 53 80 69 189 320 232 196 116 76 38 22 1426 Signifies "no record," 110 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. ROTHESAY (2916). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber, Decem- ber. Year. 1898 _ _ 95 180 86 187 146 1899 12 36 11 23 302 88 72 40 79 27 690 YATHEROO (3015). 1885 9 24 100 84 335 408 472 408 154 128 312 55 2489 1886 4 36 7 62 159 194 425 620 297 29 90 1929 1887 18 25 85 55 209 415 708 559 290 110 138 1 i 2613 1888 1 19 39 104 244 510 190 349 406 198 131 184 2375 1889 35 14 1 231 828 711 343 308 325 402 52 14 3064 1890 3 81 3 15 427 711 489 512 538 564 22 113 3478 1891 4 99 4 305 643 301 191 392 68 38 2045 1892 2 11 118 142 355 260 506 751 177 57 3!) > 2420 1893 4 13 212 236 447 310 455 289 491 128 35 27 2647 1894 36 71 20 301 457 355 313 217 88 32 63 1953 1895 "ii 24 4 48 116 612 447 680 256 62 13 22 2295 1896 14 489 27 164 596 673 220 86 67 19 8 2364 1897 10 14 86 65 161 392 345 371 265 60 55 5 1828 1898 28 7 3 16 322 420 392 551 126 277 74 4 2220 1899 1 2 1 38 146 211 541 455 230 98 311 55 3 2091 Mean 10 20 90 83 292 479 437 424 275 170 71 36 2387 1 WALEBING (3016). 1883 12 84 20 60 264 746 368 240 111 60 1965 1884 6 3 18 46 64 409 56 503 224 206 13 20 1568 1885 36 70 450 410 322 318 129 92 156 06 2019 1886 5 74 6 25 116 172 319 530 245 15 35 1542 1887 46 41 40 158 420 411 480 204 113 56 7 1976 1888 50 56 7 80 195 422 134 284 100 77 128 120 1713 1889 44 1 6 182 484 504 236 207 252 280 26 2222 1890 26 76 14 347 508 288 342 386 483 4 130 2604 1891 4 72 156 360 274 160 280 50 24 1380 1892 4 166 168 244 208 328 502 135 38 "37 1830 1893 12 12 196 264 364 178 426 213 350 90 28 48 2181 1894 60 312 8 145 340 246 229 178 49 43 170 1780 1895 1 26 7 15 94 508 246 540 248 36 15 1736 1896 6 416 38 108 454 438 174 54 46 30 41 1805 1897 26 61 69 31 127 397 218 285 175 53 71 2 1515 1898 9 20 18 203 315 236 499 113 213 70 1 1697 1899 33 5 32 98 161 458 387 199 56 265 83 1777 Mean 14 31 83 68 216 401 290 336 194 127 46 38 1844 PERTH (3115). 1876 61 4 192 38 263 845 242 382 320 259 171 96 i 2873 1877 18 3 105 554 216 667 328 69 54 13 ! 21 2048 1878 16 79 93 278 606 558 943 701 429 102 151 16 3972 1879 217 15 51 202 1213 656 556 535 213 350 62 64 4134 1880 .24 126 91 305 306 681 348 481 231 88 167 6 2854 1881 123 1 97 173 502 502 471 114 276 35 97 130 2521 1882 19 2 94 477 246 612 797 883 j 88 94 105 19 3436 1883 5 194 51 172 368 1003 477 498 1 173 175 100 112 3328 1884 32 16 24 107 816 736 480 852 198 235 02 58 3116 1885 42 2 44 244 712 448 492 506 140 136 78 60 2904 1886 12 89 102 270 328 651 540 491 77 96 2666 1887 10 115 130 193 432 652 1192 744 356 153 61 34 4072 1888 9 61 118 442 411 266 493 160 106 152 327 2545 1889 68 48 85 364 862 9d2 364 320 259 416 92 18 3798 1890 19 (58 5 19 548 1056 437 538 512 576 33 122 3933 1891 2 80 17 577 627 611 264 422 58 12 2670 1892 4 o 62 116 410 435 425 853 227 53 71 4 2066 1893 3 36 162 333 806 300 780 406 453 282 69 69 8699 1894 39 19 7 343 507 489 408 291 86 12 92 2293 1895 16 108 3 148 156 797 666 638 377 84 13 63 3069 1896 12 385 85 272 659 870 283 84 95 22 31 2798 1897 5 27 147 137 348 524 385 511 248 i 80 71 8 2494 1898 35 30 5 50 389 615 505 764 197 342 62 10 3004 1899 11 20 18 288 233 664 688 427 185 399 72 9 3014 Mean 31 43 79 170 466 614 575 520 267 181 76 57 3079 ... Signifies " nil," Signifies " no record. 1 Ill Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. NEWCASTLE (3116). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Yenr. 1877 5 122 655 130 568 308 45 5 2 10 1850 1878 2 22 73 133 205 305 795 GOO 175 50 50 5 2415 1879 98 30 40 557 185 342 198 92 108 12 43 1705 1880 18 118 69 181 227 368 210 434 71 32 102 27 1857 1881 27 G 110 150 187 284 274 43 155 75 171 3 1485 1882 4 1 22 371 94 371 568 725 120 43 65 39 2423 1883 63 203 34 74 240 712 329 229 191 155 27 153 2410 1884 4 27 38 276 594 80 508 147 113 16 4 1807 1885 18 10 42 98 571 345 423 450 100 70 71 33 2234 188(3 56 13 40 219 240 434 654 389 47 84 2176 1887 9 46 76 195 216 467 623 546 308 126 119 24 2755 188S 64 34 30 116 268 410 280 394 180 123 187 141 2227 1889 41 9 33 262 374 741 177 316 334 399 120 21 2827 1890 10 142 1 10 481 740 278 454 434 659 31 122 3368 1891 4 114 11 326 496 467 245 261 37 11 1972 1892 4 4 103 201 250 290 391 531 172 27 "54 9 2036 1893 18 35 194 249 564 264 655 332 385 167 37 65 2965 189-1 39 56 9 186 349 305 271 217 56 40 51 1579 1895 7 50 4 68 81 655 471 603 319 59 4 35 2356 1890 9 9 425 82 197 525 704 218 75 77 14 71 2406 1897 4 28 115 73 258 460 275 302 199 77 51 1 1843 1898 23 30 3 27 281 420 411 566 183 262 75 10 2291 1899 11 45 11 138 91 549 437 321 112 355 120 7 2197 Mean 17 34 GO 103 278 402 392 382 193 131 51 37 2080 DOONGIN (3117). 1887 1 66 19 46 81 200 171 365 64 18 144 4 1179 1888 110 216 12 92 62 174 93 133 151 51 221 41 1356 1889 13 3 166 154 1 300 140 95 145 130 2 1148 *1890 , 1891 2 40 5 103 ! 168 242 105 67 48 2 44 826 1892 225 111 135 110 240 199 156 112 55 1343 1893 7G 6 146 80 267 134 242 186 129 57 10 173 150G 1894 _ 1895 10 13 2 15 24 265 164 270 100 37 11 2 913 1896 168 47 432 18 28 297 302 109 16 39 22 118 1596 1897 4 3 68 13 * US 241 118 176 86 15 8 67 917 1898 3 2 18 202 235 159 292 55 212 16 45 1239 1899 1 44 8 57 12 373 219 163 48 118 140 1183 Mean 35 36 87 57 108 227 190 190 92 76 57 45 1200 PIN J ARK AH (3215). 1877 120 575 225 615 295 40 16 5 40 1 1930 1878 140 180 205 415 430 995 G05 285 35 115 20 3425 1879 125 60 30 690 315 435 435 180 355 35 125 2775 t!880 7 52 66 186 201 338 212 361 140 38 70 3 1673+ fl881 43 43 132 364 327 323 89 257 37 74 142 1831 f 1882 11 5 74 593 214 784 ! 805 960 137 114 107 22 3826 1883 41 138 83 118 401 1189 512 500 185 241 90 195 3693 1884 28 30 4 118 257 954 499 830 381 264 80 11 3456 1885 79 3 96 424 782 454 655 566 170 182 68 55 3534 1886 32 82 7 120 355 358 701 679 620 76 88 3118 1887 30 31 146 218 389 559 1019 763 446 223 90 44 3958 1888 2 43 126 418 516 480 500 190 142 203 300 2920 1889 53 66 102 519 877 1048 331 485 384 514 153 40 4572 1890 4 15 3 9 666 1284 469 633 746 905 63 189 498G 1891 4 110 13 664 822 565 410 505 80 1 16 3190 1892 9 18 82 151 572 642 465 932 286 134 123 8 3422 1893 8 66 158 440 761 254 878 609 606 414 104 64 4362 1894 78 3G 8 377 668 555 439 333 122 27 121 2764 1895 33 188 11 178 218 976 761 927 552 118 24 137 4123 1896 28 1 384 120 359 959 742 375 ! 104 165 30 11 3278 1897 1 18 240 209 466 653 571 606 390 142 126 9 3431 1898 66 29 6 44 457 681 638 834 319 003 105 19 3801 1899 4 25 57 390 238 690 672 561 248 419 124 24 3452 Mean 26 43 86 194 466 658 604 582 326 232 83 70 3370 * Not included in menu. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." f Returns from Fremantle only ; probably a few inches less than the average for the section. 112 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. WANDERING (3216). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August, Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Tear. f!883 10 350 12 143 278 130 20 943f H884 45 115 160 315 60 40 725f 1885 "l7 100 436 232 302 378 105 70 65 "87 1792 1886 24 81 17 30 125 181 286 390 264 32 90 2 1522 1887 10 70 94 93 151 247 406 379 181 72 203 21 1927 1888 39 33 11 96 169 376 196 264 164 103 200 210 1861 1889 44 17 40 259 255 434 160 283 i 293 323 48 9 2165 1890 29 72 23 430 523 261 396 439 571 44 136 2930 1891 7 87 13 413 478 504 228 278 42 11 2061 1892 10 14 97 167 384 34(5 393 607 212 ; 80 87 15 2412 1893 19 57 250 260 623 235 619 346 446 263 45 79 3242 1894 1 79 58 4 201 386 304 278 254 62 17 67 1711 1895 16 120 63 103 117 737 438 : 729 394 76 20 114 2927 1896 3 1 376 85 239 562 572 276 98 80 30 51 2373 1897 1 35 168 118 331 460 312 313 246 83 51 15 2133 1898 26 37 4 36 298 474 474 671 232 316 70 9 2647 1899 3 51 19 214 147 589 497 409 219 343 92 15 2598 Mean 14 60 78 94 265 392 353 368 229 152 62 49 2116 t Returns from Beverley only ; probably a few inches too little for mean of section. PINGELLY (3217). 1888 24 | 120 68 69 76 338 248 236 126 48 191 89 1633 1889 14 16 208 235 276 147 169 228 217 36 5 1551 1890 11 76 305 465 227 289 347 439 40 42 2241 1891 46 30 3 284 335 406 181 209 167 13 22 1696 1892 4 7 129 119 253 255 255 385 174 53 62 26 1722 1893 35 48 167 166 418 151 511 241 292 137 20 61 2247 1894 150 87 171 264 150 185 127 43 13 225 1415 1895 1 82 26 69 74 511 244 355 228 48 57 48 1743 1896 50 2 241 81 151 322 443 183 34 42 44 59 1652 1897 13 16 56 60 254 298 241 203 136 65 49 6 1397 1898 13 3 18 149 270 281 397 132 190 34 1487 1899 174 12 117 58 425 260' 245 148 207 74 7 1727 Mean 14 60 69 76 202 326 284 256 182 138 53 49 1709 BUNBURY (3315). 1877 500 585 370 565 460 15 35 20 35 2585 1878 10 50 185 230 425 580 1205 615 490 210 205 25 4230 1879 320 15 650 400 340 340 165 280 70 155 2735 1880 8 134 134 193 291 607 403 338 201 26 261 4 2599 1881 95 32 39 87 701 574 618 126 442 80 331 53 3178 1882 10 69 610 441 430 807 939 225 95 190 35 3851 1883 1 59 50 127 673 844 364 450 208 176 48 147 3147 1884 78 46 112 138 316 523 696 658 340 286 44 9 3246 1885 110 2 54 304 715 449 583 591 227 196 74 53 3358 1886 3 148 6 75 373 397 823 592 419 120 164 20 3140 1887 18 49 201 193 348 520 1082 478 283 213 122 61 3571 1888 2 17 56 126 434 634 338 347 176 162 155 121 2568 1889 47 164 62 228 648 727 461 342 238 422 145 51 3535 1890 6 22 11 6 613 1344 585 588 631 704 78 284 4872 1891 11 156 32 560 816 424 282 515 38 J8 2852 1892 42 "28 197 116 821 322 388 671 200 146 104 21 3056 1893 38 53 200 409 565 249 516 628 544 398 56 55 3711 1894 32 56 4 450 606 396 410 262 190 32 118 : 2550 1895 35 64 19 136 224 1204 858 756 449 182 46 148 4121 1896 22 335 134 520 794 691 381 151! 219 80 6 3335 1897 12 12 120 148 420 818 448 397 374 154 158 32 3093 1898 207 34 20 17 545 633 758 675 350 718 156 19 4132 1899 2 39 66 525 388 772 629 583 214 488 125 ; 58 3889 Mean 46 43 94 189 509 635 608 506 310 241 116 67 3364 Signifies " nil." Signifies M nc record.' 118 Rainfall Tables fur Degret Squares. DARDANUP (3316). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sep- tember. October. Novem- ber. Decem. ber. Year. 1885 52 202 580 28S 276 417 178 176 46 35 2250 1886 51 150 6 58 200 155 4S2 600 306 74 201 20 2363 1887 22 58 102 157 184 404 543 454 282 182 113 54 2555 1888 6 10 23 218 279 546 385 309 424 184 325 180 2949 1889 27 95 74 272 367 517 288 374 340 374 84 25 2837 1890 8 34 6 8 448 484 268 392 478 416 137 220 2899 1801 2 75 19 516 515 433 329 270 62 2 25 2248 1892 25 30 115 145 318 356 370 612 300 132 165 8 2576 1893 24 89 266 317 486 177 493 479 562 372 59 70 3403 1894 2 41 60 6 440 568 237 405 280 138 14 151 2342 181).") 42 176 20 147 206 1166 601 829 441 178 62 160 4028 1890 20 325 130 319 668 568 324 120 179 47 62 2762 1897 6 19 114 137 35 i 574 466 391 297 122 217 31 2728 1898 189 u 17 18 257 482 652 648 316 572 142 23 3295 1S99 1 83 40 322 283 560 606 411 211 397 110 31 2955 Mean 25 55 86 144 350 497 439 469 324 237 115 73 2813 KATANNING (3317). 1885 173 494 209 | 228 401 138 152 32 73 1900 1886 5 122 42 102 200 141 1 413 540 257 92 153 4 2071 1887 18 67 150 144 232 337 | 358 301 249 115 107 33 2171 1888 3 10 31 116 213 342 225 343 401 171 365 201 2421 1889 18 50 49 245 225 247 143 204 172 225 S7 34 1699 1890 7 92 3 370 257 184 240 302 330 86 152 2023 1891 97 13 245 293 186 207 177 94 2 21 1335 1892 ! 30 26 203 100 213 220 173 306 209 103 61 1 1651 1893 15 13 185 186 235 113 283 243 275 174 40 50 1812 1894 1 55 166 6 166 291 221 207 118 94 27 60 1412 1895 5 283 54 120 74 574 328 524 327 61 79 72 2501 1890 12 6 287 59 104 253 361 177 37 63 36 87 1482 1897 5 59 83 77 223 298 182 188 186 92 66 29 1488 1898 79 31 6 20 122 279 432 331 129 248 68 12 1757 1899 6 254 20 145 144 309 242 182 216 232 96 9 1855 an 14 71 92 100 217 278 264 297 213 150 87 56 1839 GLEN VALE (3318). 1895 58 113 32 , 90 72 158 152 175 222 35 113 26 1246 1896 22 124 169 i 79 39 169 353 98 50 : 37 204 157 1201 1897 103 77 51 186 155 62 305 137 113 28 271 1488 1898 52 24 3 87 46 315 218 213 79 381 47 11 1476 1899 26 192 28 65 149 284 126 36 131 100 45 11 1193 Mean 52 91 62 74 98 216 182 166 124 133 88 95 1381 CAPE LEETJWIN (3415). 1882 88 31 177 646 584 667 657 988 427 155 : 160 42 4622 1883 45 10 116 271 737 723 737 655 489 213 i 169 577 4742 1884 173 58 155 273 197 781 881 815 448 444 146 35 4430 1885 233 145 325 934 260 850 651 420 318 100 97 4342 1886 4 119 13 140 678 387 1343 951 585 159 165 194 4738 1887 1268 658 334 372 165 194 1888 74 389 536 647 367 471 374 290 320 50 3518 1889 45 60 162 157 596 909 378 406 449 534 186 26 3914 1890 22 2 1 2 726 1341 589 556 433 379 105 194 4350 1891 4 161 72 305 464 225 191 423 63 4 17 1929 1892 30 26 128 95 720 404 419 413 220 269 127 7 2858 1893 19 83 214 311 415 326 420 974 280 315 1O6 56 3519 1894 70 64 772 754 486 500 402 170 19 147 3384 1895 88 78 16 160 297 976 896 876 428 217 84 220 4330 1896 30 10 292 182 460 831 842 280 92 207 120 16 3362 1897 33 34 151 243 296 645 513 500 321 153 195 19 3103 1898 224 45 45 48 537 668 478 830 321 684 j 112 42 4034 1899 6 147 101 504 717 909 468 505 210 303 123 53 4046 Mean 61 42 119 228 559 688 621 623 372 287 132 105 3837 Not included in mean. ... Signifies "7iil." Signifies " no record." 114 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. BALBARUP (3416). January. February. March. April. May. | June. July. i August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Yer. 1888 20 35 71 177 673 706 651 569 363 2S7 330 212 4094 1889 93 215 103 ! 286 594 766 460 192 338 646 267 55 4315 1890 22 28 28 1 13 767 919 591 544 693 724 62 340 4731 1891 12 150 1892 _ | 1893 1894 *1895 1896 __ *1897 . 18 1898 133 106 40 13 ! 259 524 567 624. 399 i 600 124 30 3419 1899 22 83 134 537 536 548 677 434 308 520 137 87 4023 Mean 58 93 75 205 566 (593 589 533 420 555 184 US 4116 ALBANY (3417). 1877 90 20 140 930 390 650 580 80 140 80 20 3120 1878 60 70 250 390 440 200 590 730 550 140 210 50 3680 1879 150 190 200 560 510 310 350 260 360 110 30 3030 1880 103 154 262 418 316 995 477 407 183 191 84 111 3701 1881 120 12 87 218 328 553 205 219 3(57 56 229 113 2507 1822 96 36 169 413 611 286 505 374 203 158 74 125 3050 1883 69 108 88 137 420 555 571 418 336 230 120 178 3230 1884 130 109 88 234 227 590 271 458 384 278 177 59 3005 1885 13 5 70 234 827 427 217 648 225 114 113 75 2968 188H 45 333 19 202 477 188 599 1124 284 231 87 30 3619 1887 46 58 145 265 232 584 478 501 502 228 87 121 3247 1888 36 22 112 306 528 376 371 357 378 178 289 115 3068 1889 93 130 25 ; 313 354 585 268 414 584 457 169 72 3462 1890 17 128 34 26 -442 474 552 554 519 551 104 249 3650 1891 84 7 147 93 250 490 180 278 305 185 21 79 2119 1892 53 48 257 126 546 352 212 475 350 245 154 28 2846 1893 35 83 163 334 358 351 534 429 611 334 165 132 3529 1894 12 37 139 34 445 370 2S2 395 212 151 50 113 2240 1895 82 328 30 226 150 498 394 447 391 119 68 106 2824 1896 35 39 305 211 135 381 545 194 117 125 130 158 2375 1897 6 76 133 ' 232 192 378 251 463 252 240 187 34 2444 1898 91 163 42 ; 87 178 596 690 474 264 544 101 38 3268 1899 36 168 128 | 402 347 382 474 294 292 420 175 55 3173 Mean 65 92 126 ! 228 401 457 418 460 333 247 129 91 3050 PALLINUP (3418). BREMER BAY (3419). 1890 19 82 28 35 544 422 380 623 360 515 82 304 3394 1891 63 4 69 29 232 391 159 172 256 147 5 40 ; 1567 1892 55 24 185 61 382 271 140 294 223 175 96 20 1926 1893 51 64 203 295 234 270 369 330 421 274 170 95 2776 1894 14 62 214 39 403 332 228 379 190 143 71 146 2221 1895 117 305 50 204 128 509 344 400 296 78 42 1)5 2568 1896 39 65 268 182 113 335 408 189 81 114 153 165 2112 1897 2 94 105 201 165 325 209 359 295 180 129 108 2172 1898 94 101 26 82 172 493 457 292 159 386 74 47 2383 1899 29 176 91 227 350 263 236 193 265 333 85 22 2269 Mean 48 98 124 135 272 361 293 323 255 234 91 104 2338 1885 20 [ 4 51 150 424 , 269 197 110 207 248 \ 112 8 1800 1886 26 53 106 137 262 188 315 544 150 178 121 31 2111 1887 2 58 40 191 53 797 232 398 330 189 77 35 2402 1888 101 28 16 170 655 232 235 327 320 166 274 204 2728 1889 61 26 28 141 286 369 342 272 291 336 95 17 2264 1890 7 90 14 97 169 477 513 266 415 324 ! 103 116 2591 1891 9 88 62 257 780 ' 134 158 181 226 ! 28 84 2007 1892 112 23 234 124 629 443 \ 206 299 395 265 76 i 57 2863 1893 62 28 210 220 346 407 ! 523 301 53 187 107 49 2493 1894 13 119 291 69 456 181 j 203 213 104 151 30 55 1885 1895 71 272 21 398 148 200 i 444 157 357 75 53 25 2221 1896 44 31 147 80 89 192 395 225 77 55 211 192 1738 1897 i 23 178 195 188 341 189 501 328 132 55 305 2439 1898 30 21 21 72 117 539 290 282 9f> 321 32 ... 1821 1899 38 323 91 246 298 355 104 177 252 185 111 36 2216 Mean 40 73 102 157 292 385 288 282 1 237 203 ! 99 81 2239 * Not included in mean. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." 115 Rainfall Tables jor Degree Squares. EASTERN DIVISION. LAKE WAY (2620). January . February. March. Ajjril. May. June. July. August. Septem- October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1898 _ _ __ _ 2 1899 236 4O2 38 38 77 10 2 25 27 855 LAKE DARLOT (2721). 189H 62 6 1899 235 ; 401 40 27 150 35 888 LAWLERS (2820). 1896 325 10 8 07 52 11 8 3 16 78 1897 11 15 43 11 86 279 30 59 23 10 43 610 1898 30 1 72 197 2 75 2 14 2 2 397 1899 24 254 1 a 3 127 19 42 6 33 65 39 616 MT. MALCOLM (2821). 1897 53 22 44 5 37 1898 25 3 43 196 10 129 18 11 435 1899 51 258 4 4 2 141 21 44 14 95 50 8 692 LAVERTON (2822). 1897 . 54 20 8 4 56 1898 57 264 6 : 221 15 563 1899 268 273 "70 95 18 32 28 87 49 920 FIELD'S FIND (2917). 1898 4 136 8 1899 201 i 43 o 202 50 20 42 46 20 ... 693 MENZIES (2921). 189(5 ___... 2 5 38 2 6 10 62 64 1897 1 14 23 3 7 274 24 53 15 11 3 40 408 1898 5 51 1 34 198 20 130 1 15 3 5 463 1899 80 202 10 16 152 26 37 21 140 74 4 768 WATTONING (3018). 1896 ... 27 380 5 39 111 285 66 5 20 40 35 1013 1897 11 47 153 5 39 309 110 136 87 12 115 1024 1898 11 135 11 119 221 46 247 15 169 1004 1899 15 31 22 215 97 88 76 105 754 MT. JACKSON (3019). 1897 20 4 1 1898 2 56 181 34 250 53 23 1899 206 20 17 237 28 25 102 87 48 770 WANGINE (3020). 1896 56 11 1 558 2 2 19 124 11 2 99 884 1897 99 5 161 31 47 42 18 87 490 1898 ... 32 188 31 KALC-OOELIE (3021). 1893 64 61 269 115 ] 107 55 39 11 104 180 1005 1894 42 66 26 37 52 ! 14 3 16 98 354 1895 60 24 8 39 93 70 18 34 26 8 380 1896 67 8 509 2 34 1 138 23 7 2 54 132 976 1897 22 14 52 8 12 148 25 73 47 12 4 121 538 1898 28 28 j 46 259 36 170 2 20 12 12 613 1899 11 171 1 1 i 77 103 65 38 58 149 68 l 5 747 116 Rainfall Tables for Degree Squares. KURNALPI (3022). January, February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1897 6 68 9 73 21 184 24 130 9 2U 6 30 523 1898 78 28 36 259 27 219 45 692 1899 11 178 85 44 23 50 41 130 108 670 MANGO WINE (3118). 1887 35 33 25 | 18 69 198 : 190 274 80 67 41 1888 97 132 1 64 134 255 i 90 117 187 66 100 31 1889 57 23 33 157 150 216 i 141 106 162 170 1890 20 58 132 320 212 139 110 99 124 4 87 1891 2 1 180 133 59 113 61 11 1892 409 100 160 31 261 206 93 "ea 48 1893 34 '"4 102 80 238 95 243 163 121 44 11 265 1894 55 140 62 118 99 112 106 50 7 16 49 1895 1 45 5 i 12 28 190 132 220 76 6 48 1 1896 96 50 325 ; 18 50 200 242 97 35 32 40 168 1897 45 18 66 ! 9 74 246 112 162 64 20 4 76 1898 5 90 8 124 242 86 283 49 190 25 16 1899 2 52 6 45 24 324 232 119 41 112 115 Mean 30 43 86 54 128 188 157 160 86 69 35 54 1030 1274 1215 1305 563 1370 1400 814 764 1353 896 1118 1072 1090 SOUTHERN CROSS (3119). 1889 59 4 46 224 227 170 88 i 101 59 39 ; ... 1017 1890 35 121 73 88 92 53 25 1891 ... 10 2 107 154 136 79 53 12 22 575 1892 38 2 430 113 190 51 235 177 64 77 "ia 20 1409 1893 35 10 113 112 338 137 178 77 72 14 49 169 1304 1894 63 18 108 4 37 46 80 69 42 5 19 21 512 1895 2 5 1 8 40 142 72 136 21 1 428 1896 73 19 316 28 66 225 55 14 15 89 178 1078 1897 11 69 59 4 29 233 68 114 34 6 1 107 735 1898 1 182 4 76 312 i 46 227 12 112 41 4 1017 1899 4 88 3 6 32 178 102 59 58 73 142 745 llean 29 40 104 30 110 155 131 108 47 37 39 52 882 BOORABBIN (3120). 1895 16 24 3 13 156 122 64 85 47 6 23 ... 559 1896 23 44 155 9 17 57 185 46 15 19 161 142 873 1897 34 27 13 2 9 130 36 84 38 7 5 125 510 1898 76 11 81 368 40 239 1 42 26 1 885 1899 68 113 5 3 14 159 78 70 70 68 88 736 Mean 28 57 35 8 55 167 81 105 34 28 61 54 713 WIDGIEMOOLTHA (3121). 1897 143 40 199 34 11 127 1898 21 34 78 352 34 312 2 30 28 57 948 1899 11 105 8 4 66 90 64 66 100 213 130 23 880 NORSEMAN (3221). 1896 299 24 26 250 31 75 114 819 1897 48 9 11 36 ! 36 151 34 274 21 36 2 224 882 1898 2 22 26 84 336 46 164 26 90 34 54 884 1899 4 64 16 7 69 85 72 101 58 114 44 10 644 EUCLA DIVISION. COCANARUP (3320). 1898 51 68 316 151 547 36 253 43 13 1899 40 180 22 62 115 202 188 126 139 107 44 1 1226 1 Not included in mean. ... Signifies " nil." Signifies "no record." n; li'iiin/iill Tables for Degree Squares. ESPERANCE BAY (3321). January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. DlV.MIl- ber. Year. 1883 50 47 121 100 299 339 477 348 196 205 57 119 2358 1881 134 35 24 286 223 372 284 463 278 251 132 233 2715 1885 29 11 42 84 432 886 203 403 228 138 135 12 2053 1880 192 152 205 35 117 129 352 640 287 190 152 31 2482 1887 9 73 90 200 173 653 403 365 418 226 135 14 2765 1888 122 218 B 70 355 286 485 326 398 146 79 114 2605 1889 112 8 87 88 432 806 219 431 187 218 114 18 2720 189() 12 38 15 67 363 499 818 595 235 276 26 156 3100 1891 13 10 101 46 109 413 211 156 365 123 113 64 1724 1802 93 i 3 491 277 459 330 122 310 266 456 65 45 2917 1893 32 i 4 132 91 o3!l 302 521 379 260 292 88 81 2781 1894 12 5 357 50 251 343 442 337 193 178 15 52 2235 1896 189G 152 176 108 214 512 179 62 109 150 82 1744 1897 9 13 62 127 81 215 167 530 166 116 46 290 1828 1898 10 49 31 73 : 524 157 274 163 214 80 14 1589 1899 62 126 54 173 155 222 218 288 197 88 124 19 1726 Means 50 58 112 119 201 378 349 376 244 202 94 85 2334 ISRAELITE BAY (3323). 1885 23 14 135 476 97 121 , 141 335 194 65 3 1604 1886 230 81 100 289 54 21 148 348 88 123 58 49 1589 1887 17 293 18 100 201 307 74 174 164 276 156 11 1857 1888 95 166 15 22 191 185 78 230 260 50 15 31 1338 1889 92 9 42 74 189 361 78 174 56 104 32 4 1215 1890 7 19 38 40 12(i 325 321 215 132 196 41 41 1507 1891 6 2 23 262 347 448 218 99 69 137 90 27 1728 1892 115 1 329 138 262 150 75 164 196 618 6 19 2073 1893 55 15 39 53 220 301 314 81 128 73 14 192 1485 1894 23 382 6 185 216 187 232 90 56 10 1387 1895 96 9 28 154 130 67 142 139 229 30 1 1025 1896 52 2 347 136 60 32 196 154 121 98 1198 1897 46 75 2 83 37 118 96 213 85 66 47 868 1898 1 64 21 236 441 77 157 25 139 lie 51 1328 1899 04 104 6 68 102 154 168 235 88 63 84 63 1199 Means 58 59 92 106 192 215 153 184 130 150 52 36 1427 1 BALLADONIA (3223). 1891 3 , ... 36 6 ] 1892 28 315 131 1893 69 \ 15 15 30 1 &~^^ 70 67-7 L 164-3 NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) TEMPERATURE" 1 REFERENCE Below 45 Between 4-5^ 60' 60" 8,75* Between 75 8 90' 901100" Above 100" BAROMETER Below 29-8 Between 29-8 &29-9 23-9S30-0 Between30-0&30-l\ 30-l&30-2\ j Above 302 \ CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) 73 67-9 C 16*9 NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) 62-50 3602 Below 45 Between 45'$ 60" Ktfx. 75* TEMPERATURE^" REFERENCE Between 75'&9(T 901100' At.~. inn' Below 29-8 Between 23'8 &29'9 BAROMETER Between30'0&30-/ 30-1*30-2 At... 2/1.7 CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) DAY TEMPERATURE: (MEAN MAXIMUM) 66 8 L NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) 616 3592 Below 45 Between 45't &f 50*475* TEMPERATURE ~*~ REFERENCE Between 75*8 90 ,. 901100' Above 100 Below 29-8 Between 23 8*29-3 29-9*30-0 BAROMETER Between30'fa30-l 301*30-2 Above 302 CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) 69-2 70 B66-7 63-9 L NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) 587 J55-S Below 45 Between 45' '& 60 TEMPERATURE ~*~ ^REFERENCE Between 75*&90* 901100' C/l'o 29-8 Between 23'8 &Z9'9 BAROMETER Between30'0&30-/ 30-1 '*, 302 in n tr\ r\\ CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF MAY (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) 66-3L' J64-Z 613 159? NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) 56-4- Below 45 Between 45'$ 60* TEMPERATURE Between 75 S 30" 90 & 100' REFERENCE AT* 75* Above 100 Below 29-8 Between 29-8 *2W 23 3s, 30 Q BAROMETER Between300t30i 30-1 & 30-2 Above 302 \ CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) 62-0 L 57-4L' NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) 9 \50-8 VUls m 52 8 L' BSI-O TEMPERATURE "^ -^REFERENCE Between 75*8 90' ,. 901100' Above 100' BAROMETER Between30-0*30-l . 30-11 30-2 Above 302 CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF JULY (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) 301 C56-5 DAY TEMPERATURE MEAN MAXIMUM) NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) " Below 45~ Between 45'$ 60 60'&75' TEMPERATURE Between 7f& 90' .. 901100' Above 100' Below 29-8 Between 23-8 &W9 23-3 8,30-0 BAROMETER Between30-0t30-/ 30-H302 Above 302 CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST MEAN BAROMETER) DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) -sp 60' (MEAN TEMPERATURE) NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) 52-3 14-3-9 Below 45 Between 45'$ 60' 60*475* TEMPERATURE' DEFERENCE Between 75*& 90' 901100' Above 100~ Below 29-8 Between 29-8 &29-9 29-9 $30-0 BAROMETER Between30-0&30'l 30-i '& 302 Above 302 LLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) m . \ CS7.4 > DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) > w m Below 45 Between 45t 60 BOW TEMPERATURE Between 75~&3fr . 901100' Above 100 Below 29-8 Between ?9 8 &29'9 299*30-0 BAROMETER BetxeenX 0*30-1 30-U30-2 Above 302 CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) TE.MPE R ATU R E ~^ RfFEMMCE Below 45' | 1 Between 75g9ir HI 901100' Above 100' Between 45' f 60' 60'* 75' Below 298 Between 29 8 S?9'9 293*30-0 BAROMETER Between30-0t30-l 30-/S 302 Above 302 ILIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THE MONTH OF [NOVEMBER (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) 67-SU 62 4L 60 NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) 58-7 Y59 & ^\ U TTSL Xncn* Below 45 Between 45't 60' 60' 8,75' TEMPERATURE Between 75'& 90" REFERENCE 901100' Above 100' Below 29-8 Between ?3'8&29'9 BAROMETER Between300&30i 23 9 K 30-0^ Above 302 30-1 & 30-2 V r fcoLn uon run n r ur (MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) I 57' 2 TEMPERATURE REFERENCE Below 45 Between 45* 60' Between 75 8 90\ 90llOO'V_ _ | Above Below 29-8 Between &8 &Z9 9 &9t 30-0 BAROMETER Between30-0l3frl 30-1 & 30-2 Above 302 CLIMATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA FOR THEYEAR MEAN BAROMETER) (MEAN TEMPERATURE) DAY TEMPERATURE (MEAN MAXIMUM) NIGHT TEMPERATURE (MEAN MINIMUM) Below 45' Between 45'f 60 60' 8, 75 TEMPERATURE"^" Between 75's 90 '.. 90 & 100' Above 100* Below 29-8 Between 29'8 &Z9-9 23 9s 30-0 BAROMETER Between300&30i .. 30-1 1 30 2 Above 302 Explanation of the Rainfall Maps. The State has been divided into " degree squares," and in each of these : 1. The figure shows the mean rainfall for that square, obtained from the records of all stations situated therein, and for as many years as the records cover. 2. The circle represents this graphically, according to the attached scale. 3. The name is that of one of the stations situated within the square, inserted for reference purposes. 4. The black dot indicates the exact position of this particular station. 5. A + signifies that no rain has ever been recorded at any station within the square for the month. The rainfall is always recorded in " points," 100 points = 1 inch. No means are taken where the records do not extend over at least five vears. Iff Kl' Ug' _ /.?/ US' __/ 1H M1T11MA ForJANUARY ,. * o O Q O Nil tO 100 tO 200 tO 300 tO 450 tO 800 above BOO td ' I : \ \PtCloatrt\ \Yaanalgol_ W P "T" TnT MS- is- ar of us' no' at' its- us' it4 3 o O c 4 Nil o to 100 to 200 to 300 to 050 to eoo above epo MEAN WESI1E1M AISMMIA FOB M A R C H - Nil otoioo to2oo 10300 toftso toeoo above soo/.-- US' as- in- i:f us- no- ia- in- t23' in' 123- /ft' or iff its- i. Nil OtOiOO tO 200 tO 300 tOflSC tOSOO above 600 ia\Srat^fBaiAjfian ff oi, _^!^am o *-^--J Lt.0 =^ t *^A \2L 2 jrernerB^ Boy - Balbamp Albany Pallirmp 1 , i /-''.' US' 12. N For MAY Scrtle of Miles O o O C f 4; O o i I Ocrtw \ Leonard Jg.pt Frr 1 PJT Nil o to 100 to 200 to 300 toaso tosoo above wow 4-4 4-i L yonslj, ?65 O 81 WfBsg^i O fitzro/>') " 'liT Mart Fortc&cuc HT/orrnct Pilbara MarbltBar 9 Hul/OQin! 64- O MutoaDowns 9 RoaHUI y-'atmrm ]BangctTtv l! ^5 * r\ 44- n . | U 1 ^ '{Mingino^'. rt*iffp_ _ O 'M.Jinrs.- Boolardy o Woolecn $ Mileuro Ngnnine '0 Mfjrgoo 100 3 O i'a/aoo MtMasnet '3C .0 f/alebina r . ! VJ O o uckonarro FleUSFind M" Q Newcastle :uiJ O *J - o Ptnqclly Challtt .-1*HSL HaUonma^ac l?Jt ilin -.vfjOT 128 IIJ O O . 5/Ar, . 4 f& Lowiers M'Molcolm Latfrton Mcnues^ SI Edjudiny 55 O Boorobbm o I- Kai$oerti> X{/rna/pt_ 3bO Qqrcfotwp tiatanfiing o 'o Clenva/e 38 tijytrnoo/t/u i -4 M^h- TT ..ry*" ^ Bolbarup Albany PalHnup ior O _IIJ" 113' Iff US' 111" IIT Of' US' IIP' Iff l!f 111' 114' IZi' IX" ITT' Iff' /?' /JO' /f4" itS" lift =^-- o O O O Nll tO 100 tO 200 tO 300 tO 450 tO 600 abOVe SOP UCnmactat Ihgngx HSAndcrMn.. urtrmy, Jtl-rau Ctasock , Boadarit \ Condon ,lainitxCnrt I Cross \Boompbin Wigge>-no0ftha >: 1 " MEAN -. ' H y A ; r > - ''.< r OF 1 '"ft "AY iv^fl^'i'Trr ! /" 00- FOR JULY I ^ ^^ / Nil o to 100 to 200 to 300 to 4so to 600 above sop ig lort&A Pilhara | HarUtBar\ Nullaync Itt'&jra \Nannine _ \LQkcJVay _ For AUGUST Scale of Miles o o O O Nil tO 100 tO 200 tO 300 tO 450 tO 600 above BOO .foGrangeBay. Thangoo \WAnikmn 190 160 I0 QtO. Q in- us' us' no" /a- m- /?.;> MEAN W1FCTTOW ^OlllLM] For SEPTEMBER Scale of Miles O O C Nil OCOIOO t0200 t0300 t0450 to 600 above 600 I O Leonord O , JhanijOO_ MAnderson In Condon ! Pilbara MartleBar Ken Hiil O Criri/la W Could PtaHiill \ I2"~ * , . .J i O t> Murqco . o Cue Tvrtonarro A 50 0' 20 ' \ Lortrton Menzies MUactson O ffo/Soffr/tt Kurngipi fia Norseman^ O O O HalkCreet //, 18 O MEAN OF ForOCTOBER Scale of Miles Ml .00 ISC .700 lAf - mm A i i o o O O Nil o to 100 > to zoo to 300 to 450 to 600 above eoo O Onilm \CUnainarra. FartaCM_ Cossack Yannalgol o M' Florence O O Bttodarit Pilbara Mulgotkmu O Condon \BafnbooCnek MarblcBar *Nulla>ji GrvnofB Jhangoo M'Anderson, o. O o Aft Goutf b o Cat Pe.okHiH O Nonninc Lake Hay Tucltonarro Lake BorM 'Sfmd Walebing u o \'anderin '37 O Q. , Doongin o 247 O Wotunmn UlUaclison 3 IZ1 114" Hi' IX' 1ST tff W 130' ForNOVEMBFR Nil o to 100 to 200 to 300 to 450 to 600 above 6og_/ 2 Cossack Boodarie i Condon o u^o i o OnstoK \Chi_nginqrrrf. forttscut Roorobbin \Witfqtmool ha its- nt" as- Jt6' ? f us at* at.' i*3' ttt' iu its' ttr* iff /*$ at MEAN ' TIRfl AflMlAMA o O O O Nit o to 100 to 200 to 300 to 450 to 600 above eoo - o i b o - ' o ! o. L o o O o Qy-o IB- 122- 121- W Its- tar- 121 OtOSOO to 1000 to 1500 to 2500 to3500 above 3500 ic us- ue- or or in- IK at" as" at' iv / or lit' US' of APPENDIX. RAINFALL FOR 1895 AND 1896. 121 Kaintiiil for 18!)5. EAST KIMBERLEY DIVISION. Iquftre. Locality. January. Febru- ary. March. April. Miiy. Julie. July. Alienist. Septem- ber. October. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 1628 1628 1728 1827 1023 1722 1721! Is-Jl If 22 1,'25 2017 2018 2019 2020 2114 2115 2116 2117 2119 2214 2215 2216 2314 2315 2316 2413 Wymlham... Rosewood Downs ... Lisadell Argyle Mean Ord River ... Hall's Creek Obagiuna ... Broome Derliv Yeeda Mean La Grunge Bay Thangoo ... Fitzroy Cossack Roebonrne... Mean Boodarrie 674 802 754 754 1172 687 251 508 010 556 240 222 446 70 1 36 917 848 817 817 820 724 w 918 878 654 617 378 748 1671 (ill!) 873 786 15H 273 92 M 153 114 32 197 165 315 226 151 713 370 83 248 239 483 361 229 398 314 374 61 518 133 133 105 10 EST K 350 81 131 106 291 242 53 NORT 21 10 293 28 99 21 49 52 188 15 162 38 72 6 346 31 185 71 441 92 266 GAS 44 22 142 I 74 IMBE1 H-WE 110 37 47 71 12 44 49 50 50 COYN 121 72 95 100 100 116 255 JLEY 164 039 390 515 252 113 125 ST DI 53 173 84 71 109 81 101 "* 60 47 60 54 E DI\ 17 8 59 5 11 55 55 8 DIVIS 67 58 80 69 98 74 112 visio: 73 83 78 63 142 13 88 81 95 177 101 135 121 119 98 124 60 79 111 126 125 125 TSIOS 207 165 186 92 865 524 297 377 377 345 316 ION. 9 205 1 3 467 197 169 440 440 356 193 9 177 289 132 555 555 354 140 93 181 278 230 3389 3231 3231 2784 1862 2249 2143 2196 1260 1513 2775 979 1073 1026 576 628 398 634 553 569 593 345 594 674 538 287 1629 801 421 1000 908 954 483 641 562 673 1273 102 1 1 6 65 108 56 ... 247 S. 116 116 116 5 12 4 53 47 32 107 185 108 21 98 93 74 98 98 98 F. 47 7 27 22 81 ... ... 4 DeGrey 1 Mulgif Mean Coongon 334 111 95 17 6 19 10 3 60 Chinginarra Peedaiuullah Mean Fortescue Mount Florence ... Marble Bar 25 " 8 11 277 25 ... ! 56 88 Mount Hubert Mooline Pool Hardy Junction ... ,.. Wandageo Williambury 10 5 30 17 5 12 tTllawarra Carnarvon ... Si'-'nifies " nil." Sifmifies " no record." 122 RAINFALL FOR 1895 continued. GASCOYNE DIVISION continent. Squ .re. Locality. Ja.rn.ry. ** March. April . May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October Nmem bar. Dfreni- t.er. Year. 2414 2513 2515 2516 2517 2614 2616 2618 2715 2716 2717 2816 2817 2813 2814 2914 2015 3015 3016 3115 3116 3117 Yalobra 17 8 832 680 756 275 85 (ill 76 46 10 5 93-1 968 951 488 488 440 368 337 240 289 KM 58': 42:; 44" 49-. 331' 69 3? 142: 2111 210- 184: 173! 1951 1681 1751 17H 126 229. 164J 183: 173i 295 295 330 306' 181 442 193 245 175 151 347 292 164 Hil 235 85 i!2 . 9t> > !)1 i Millie Millie Mean 70 35 19 8 19 138 205 171 94 132 52 53 60 70 35 93 2 93 148 7 20 10 11 83 60 30 7 7 30 39 12 6 24 24 Sharks Bay Dirk Hartog Island Mpji.ri , ; 7 75 no 51 66 3 26 275 120 26 76 55 66 466 438 145 374 344 142 372 147 VTSIO] 679 668 752 831 588 710 602 611 60fi 539 612 523 493 508 682 865 844 797 497 975 532 739 497 435 941 887 512 531 655 262 278 256 265 46 18 r> 10 20 15 48 4 14 8 17 54 17 tf. 336 515 408 345 380 412 335 349 342 273 447 246 245 246 622 693 683 666 365 860 392 507 354 270 603 711 304 348 471 146 166 179 164 24 9 24 21 10 9 10 7 9 22 9 21 15 38 64 111 87 63 13 131 13 31 11 10 63 39 24 17 35 3 3 2 Minginoo ... Errivilla Mount Gould Moorarie ... Mean Hamelin Pool Boolardy . . . Nannine Wooleane . . 50 37 41 13 37 31 24 88 73 230 407 399 232 320 340 407 459 433 219 680 433 648 540 714 545 629 654 638 546 1206 512 651 480 377 840 600 418 401 603 252 270 288 270 18 25 22 24 13 40 25 77 314 225 181 224 236 168 135 151 116 256 228 267 248 403 261 389 468 377 219 684 254 298 226 153 502 473 198 179 319 99 105 95 100 52 2 23 12 7 10 10 10 10 62 27 45 36 72 71 87 108 84 46 136 46 60 44 37 113 58 31 26 59 73 22 15 37 11 31 45 21 9 5 1 6 5 2 1 13 in 7 13 13 3 28 3 14 4 14 2 17 11 Murgoo Cue 25 75 19 19 54 49 SOUT1 50 34 41 31 4 15 "7 8 3 27 5 6 2 1 4 43 29 1 1 T-WEf 41 22 50 89 46 52 45 62 54 27 48 20 10 15 131 161 161 148 32 129 78 63 37 74 130 45 52 36 68 10 13 23 15 28 6 5T DI 27 98 109 64 85 89 63 75 69 62 116 113 75 94 169 144 156 156 63 128 81 77 72 104 104 65 62 56 81 41 30 24 Gabyon Mount Magnet 7 10 25 90 36 74 56 50 50 50 25 24 24 28 26 86 131 108 108 33 87 26 30 22 63 128 46 43 23 50 Northampton Newmerrucarra ... Geraldton ... Greenough... Mean Dongara (Pearse) (P.O.) Mean 1 Yatheroo ... Walebing ... New Norcia Mean Gingin Kottnest Claremont... Perth Mean 11 2 1 15 12 21 l(i Mundaring Newcastle ... Cooringa ... Northam ... Grass Valley Guildford Belvoir 33 "7 29 Cobhani York Mean ... ! 7 Doongin ... .. ... 4 Mooranoppin ... ... 27 Mean 10 13 7 27 13 2 Signifies "nil," Signifies "no record." 123 RAINFALL FOR 189.5 continued. SOUTH -WEST DIVISION continual. qmire. Locality. January Feb. riuiry. Murch. April. M!,y. June. July. August. Sei'teu. October. Novem- ber. Dtcem her. Tear. 321.-, Fremantle ... 30 96 24 179 225 900 755 668 355 77 17 83 3403 Mandurah ... 09 215 12 202 189 867 652 910 536 171 8 168 4010 Jarrahdale 23 141 186 211 <)L'l 914 827 655 26 142 4046 Pinjarra 11 300 9 144 239 1215 722 1307 662 197 72 156 5034 Mean 33 188 11 178 218 976 761 927 552 118 24 137 4123 3216 Beve'ley 40 2O 58 54 461 237 305 180 26 84 28 1443 Canning Water Works ... 50 153 86 205 160 1120 681 1220 710 140 13 104 4591 1 Wandering 114 604 414 698 375 77 5 97 Nerbitting 1 141 114 115 120 1509 352 608 327 71 2 78 2538 Bannister ... 11 145 82 34 133 757 484 783 361 67 33 245 3135 Mean 16 120 03 103 117 737 438 729 394 76 20 114 292V ., 3217 Sunny Hill 53 8 62 69 332 222 238 177 29 44 24 1458 .' Pinire llv 67 10 101 78 475 268 346 229 48 49 43 1714 M*g iij ... ... NaiTogin ... 2 127 61 44 75 525 243 481 279 67 76 78 2058 Mean 1 82 26 69 74 511 244 355 228 48 57 48 1743 .; 3315 Bunbury .. 30 80 12 143 345 1479 856 1062 481 197 40 199 4924 Busselton ... 30 40 10 90 142 876 678 489 343 160 43 111 3018 . Quindalup ... 44 67 34 175 18(i 1256 1040 717 522 191 55 133 4420 Mean 35 64 19 136 224 1204 858 756 449 182 46 148 4121 sa: >; Williams 2 200 16 150 102 736 390 529 265 56 109 69 2624 - Dardanup ... 76 135 29 114 340 1512 861 1004 544 202 39 232 5088 Greenbushes 37 187 9 179 211 1194 550 874 565 242 71 174 4293 i Bridgetown 54 180 24 146 171 1223 602 910 388 212 30 167 4107 Mean 42 176 20 147 206 1166 601 829 441 178 62 160 4028 3317 Arthur 6 297 192 74 42 653 366 725 287 47 7 100 2796 1 Wagin 3 296 3 124 66 611 328 451 345 59 5 47 2338 Koionup 215 6 143 126 592 359 464 379 73 271 87 2715 Broomehill 12 324 13 140 60 442 257 455 298 66 34 54 2155 Mean 5 283 54 120 74 574 328 524 327 61 79 72 2501 3319 Jarramongup ... 58 113 32 90 72 158 152 175 222 35 113 26 1246 3415 Augusta 71 ' 52 12 110 283 864 763 711 330 171 83 173 3623 Karridale ... 92 103 20 210 312 1088 1029 1041 526 264 86 267 5038 - Mean 82 78 16 160 297 976 896 876 428 217 84 220 4330 3417 Cranbrook ... 27 342 11 141 70 396 327 414 301 79 58 77 2243 1; Mt. Barker 99 385 40 250 155 477 324 382 519 125 85 92 2933 St. Werburghs 132 322 29 277 127 426 330 413 372 127 43 103 2701 Albany 68 263 42 237 249 691 597 578 370 145 26 152 3418 Mean 82 328 30 226 150 498 394 447 391 119 53 106 2824 3418 Pallinup 19 268 65 65 37 392 205 393 202 46 48 30 1770 '1 Wattle Hill 255 392 55 360 142 688 387 459 451 85 58 128 3460 Breaksea ... 76 255 32 186 207 447 439 349 234 102 19 127 2473 '; Mean 117 305 50 204 128 509 344 400 296 78 42 95 2568 , 3419 Bremer Bay 71 272 21 398 148 200 444 157 357 75 63 25 2221 EASTERN DIVISION. VW1 : AtJ TWilrt 19 14 47 i 80 0U0J Ooolgardie 120 29 16 64 187 94 36 67 51 15 679 Mean 60 24 8 39 93 70 18 34 26 8 380 i 3118 Mangowine Kellerberrin 1 52 38 10 8 16 30 26 189 192 121 144 197 244 81 71 2 10 24 71 2 714 815 Mean ... ... ... : 1 45 5 12 28 190 132 220 76 6 48 1 764 3119 Keen's Soak 115 82 118 315 Southern Cross ... 4 10 2 17 81 168 61 155 42 2 542 Mean 2 5 1 8 40 142 72 136 21 1 428 3120 Hunt's Dam 9 21 12 88 141 86 117 48 1 40 563 Bulla Bulline 16 47 12 184 106 58 ' 59 51 533 15 12 19 154 138 48 65 41 42 534 Kararawalyee Woolgangie Mean 45 16 16 20 24 ... I ... 105 7 23 246 3 13 156 145 75 81 55 122 64 120 65 85 53 42 47 30 6 31 23 522 645 559 ... Signifies "nil." Signifies " no record." 1-24 RAINFALL, FOB 1895 continued. EUCLA DIVISION. Square. Locality. January. Febru- ary. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October. Iftjvem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 3323 Israelite Hay 96 9 28 154 130 67 142 139 229 30 1 1025 3223 Balladonia... 208 54 12 69 108 31 78 53 201 18 34 866 3226 Eyre 154 11 5 252 135 33 128 27 52 11 23 831 3128 Eucla 128 70 85 427 77 30 22 70 105 8 23 1045 ... Signifies "nil." 125 Rainfall for 1896. EAST KIMBERLEY DIVISION. quart-. Locality. Jammry. Feb. ruury. March. April. May. Juue. July. August. Septem ber. October. Novem. ber. Decem* her. Year. 1528 1628 1728 1827 1023 1722 1723 1724 1S21 1822 1825 J(H7 JD18 2019 3020 2114 ma aie :117 119 214 216 Wyndham ... Rosewood Downs ... Lisadell Argyle Downs Mean Ord River Hall's Creek Obagama ... Broome Derby Yeeda Liverynga ... Mean ... Leonard La Grange Bay ... Thangoo Fitzroy Cossack Roebourne Boodarrie (Efford) (Wedge) ' ... Mean Condon DeGrey Mulgie Mean ... Coongon Onslow Mardie Chenginarra Peedamullah Mean Fortescue Mt. Florence Tambray 1929 858 638 601 699 1332 1295 1571 1289 1447 100(5 532 995 1334 1094 1289 1018 480 441 460 620 398 1005 674 491 25 513 255 127 298 648 1254 1090 868 598 564 era 302 178 w 2166 2358 1292 1595 819 1235 1233 2868 735 60 55 113 84 36 55 28 40 68 1 20 48 198 89 10 57 293 411 162 388 320 225 535 EST K 763 572 362 420 493 425 366 288 341 NOR' 40 315 359 337 1033 632 592 752 492 27 52 154 186 117 153 147 204 IMBE 151 8 in 20 114 BLEY DIVIfi 48 125 102 138 122 132 77 ION. 29 218 347 207 687 579 523 593 565 631 4G4 262 88 119 153 68 113 586 5 4302 3137 2477 2401 2072 2941 3050 5138 4307 3327 3184 1950 2820 2938 4250 2665 1151 862 921 891 1700 1093 1665 1486 1071 73 585 303 436 441 695 1515 1515 1127 243 920 571 74fi ... 13 38 185 159 145 220 91 10 13 3 38 14 ... 131 34 4 71 ra-wi ]ST D: [VISIO 7 8 8 8 11 6 N. ... 21 44 158 26 4 2 8 40 16 4 20 ... i 4 13 2 100 51 37 139 10 3 1 65 343 65 8 1 Mean ... Marble Bar Yannalgal ... Mooline Pool Hardey Junction ... Mt. Mortimer Mean 1254 644 139 420 512 344 382 57 185 15 195 87 60 128 139 298 89 213 74 144 14 15 14 78 78 78 GASCOYNE DIVISION. 314 W^andagee 256 49 57 11 52 425 Willianibury 378 26 175 50 4 033 Mean 317 38 116 5 51 2 529 315 Towera 473 93 122 10 5 10 12 725 AVorkadjia 312 147 168 15 9 651 Mean 392 120 145 12 3 10 6 688 ... Signifies " nil." Signifies " no record." 126 EAINFALL FOE 1896 continued, GASCOYNE DIVISION continued. Square. Locality. January Feb. rnory. March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- ber. October Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year 2316 Ullawarra 158 200 ; 227 8 6 12 16 627 1 2413 Carnarvon ... 31 124 63 5 Rd. ST 2ft4 2411 Yalobia 107 7 96 102 110 45 23 31 wtri 521 Weenamia ... 295 4 202 10 63 664 Millie Millie 107 7 79 52 85 28 23 31 412 Mean 170 6 156 51 65 24 18 42 532 2513 Sharks Bay 17 63 100 123 107 ' 45 2 457 Dirk Hartog Island ... 8 48 183 360 144 ; 67 8 818 Mean ... 12 56 142 241 126 56 4 1 638 2515 Minginoo ... 128 125 101 13 35 402 2616 Errivillia 223 15 493 ... 44 40 60 87-T 2517 Mt. Gould 341 71 522 60. 991 Moorarie ... 372 39 499 40 950 Mean 357 55 510 50 972 2614 Hamelin Pool 4 41 42 82 62 14 12 257 2616 Boolardy 71 156 72 37 33<; 2618 Nannine ... 310 147 698 72 43 22 1 92 1385 Annean 328 162 606 77 13 : ... 16 i ... 79 128 Mean 319 154 652 75 28 19 86 133! 2715 Wooleane ... 175 266 105 124 19 3 10 70.: 2716 Murgoo 53 18 362 2 50 84 66-1 2717 Cue 199 193 266 64 60 3 13 79. Day Dawn ... 118 112 226 29 30 2 2 ; 51 > Mean 158 153 246 46 45 2 1 7 65 2816 Yalgoo 70 235 180 124 15 11 31 21 2817 Mt. Magnet 91 38 437 80 37 17 45 3 74 2818 Challa 60 33 647 75 54 7 57 158 109 SOUTH-WEST DIVISION. 2813 (Uirnthna 2814 Northampton 7 67 5 70 443 649 151 78 14 10 149 Oakabella 47 110 438 409 145 174 15 133 Geraldton ... 23 20 6 83 473 386 109 29 9 5 114 Greenough 7 6 73 3 106 453 381 123 48 43 1 124 Mean 8 3 52 4 92 452 456 132 82 20 4 130 2815 Mullewa 362 246 ... 3 51 145 198 30 150 118 2914 Dongara (Pearsej 26 68 124 338 555 223 52 19 140 ,- (P-0.) 26 110 12 136 417 523 260 43 29 2 155 Mean 26 89 6 130 378 539 242 47 24 1 148 2915 Mingenew ... 146 90 253 580 107 29 12 Kfi 127 Carnamah ... 231 147 218 419 105 15 10 269 10 142 Mean 188 119 234 500 106 22 11 162 5 134 3015 Yatheroo ... 14 489 27 164 596 673 220 86 67 19 8 236 3016 Walebing 12 314 9 79 407 415 161 74 45 54 53 162 New Norcia 518 66 136 502 460 188 35 46 5 30 198 Mean 6 416 38 108 454 438 174 54 46 30 41 18C 3116 Gingin 9 331 45 223 626 960 182 27 97 30 22 255 Rottnest ... 143 54 39 14 Claremont 15 375 117 229 629 798 295 117 91 14 13 26S Perth 10 450 94 363 722 852 371 108 98 23 59 315 > Mean 12 385 85 272 659 870 283 84 95 22 31 279 . 3116 Tulham 15 6 547 69 191 395 680 176 59 42 7 47 223 , Newcastle ... 10 426 38 127 405 601 143 53 60 22 47 193 ' Goomalling 22 300 16 25 360 227 341 15 18 11 j 257 155) ! .. Signifies "nil." Signifies " no record." 127 KAINFALL FOB 1896 continued, SOUTH-WEST DIVISION continued. liuirr. Locality. Jauuary. Feb- ruary. March. April. May. .1 Hill', July. August. Septem- ber. >ctober. Novem- ber. Decem. bor. Tear. Canning Timber MilU ... 12 459 192 430 899 964 373 100 149 15 71 3724 Mundaring 12 440 182 313 943 1032 384 112 188 15 72 3093 Northani 15 488 28 82 327 686 123 37 37 2 47 1872 Grass Valley 10 52 Ml 29 115 402 497 149 21 37 10 1HO 1946 Guililford 15 2iCJ 90 305 803 773 221 91 05 23 43 2769 Belvoir 2 417 96 250 559 716 257 117 94 2 31 2541 Cobham 6 10 377 47 91 281 5i>() 175 72 39 23 92 1771 York 8 5 351 47 64 239 530 173 32 33 21 80 1583 Mean g 9 425 82 197 525 704 218 75 77 14 71 2406 1117 Doougin 252 66 428 3 13 318 312 97 20 22 26 PI 1638 Mooranoppin 85 27 437 32 42 276 291 121 12 56 18 156 1553 Mean 168 47 432 18 28 297 302 109 16 39 22 118 1590 1815 Fremantle ... 17 419 81 231 1001 771 369 87 101 5 22 3104 Mandurah ... 33 6 355 97 469 876 823 301 104 215 32 15 3326 Jarrahdale 12 432 218 318 893 644 308 117 120 42 9 3173 Pinjarra 49 331 86 418 1055 730 468 107 223 41 3508 Mean 28 1 384 120 359 959 742 375 104 105 30 11 3278 521(i Beverley ... (i 261 35 127 252 475 153 32 29 36 89 1495 Wandering 6 463 86 225 517 518 205 107 88 40 6 2321 Canning Waterworks 335 148 378 870 765 408 145 118 26 97 3290 Bannister ... 5 445 71 227 608 530 277 107 84 17 15 2386 Mean 3 1 376 85 239 562 572 276 98 80 30 51 2373 tem- ber. October Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Year. 2820 Lawlers 325 10 8 57 52 11 8 3 16 78 _ 2921 Menzies 2 5 38 2 6 10 02 64 _ Niagara [ 3020 Wangine ... 56 11 558 2 2 19 124 11 2 99 884 3021 Goongarrie 88 24 672 35 77 24 4 7 40 54 1025 Kanowna ... 112 746 20 127 25 10 3 53 84 1180 42-Mile 540 2 19 137 4 30 140 872 Kalgoorlie ... 68 479 32 169 25 12 41 128 954 Kunnanalling 72 375 41 157 24 70 237 976 Coolgardie... 81 24 243 9 60 160 38 18 90 148 851 Mean 67 8 509 2 . 34 138 23 7 2 54 132 976 3118 Mangowine 133 48 259 5 52 140 197 99 50 15 53 184 ! I'll:, Kellerberrin 60 51 391 31 47 259 287 95 20 50 27 153 1171 Mean 96 50 325 18 50 200 242 97. 35 32 40 168 1353 3119 Southern Cross 73 19 310 28 06 225 55 14 15 89 178 1078 3120 Hunt's Dam 49 19 176 23 27 61 221 48 1.5 24 190 146 999 Boorabbiu ... 31 90 157 26 81 214 56 14 9 231 172 1080 Woolgangie 26 126 5 14 50 182 52 44 100 144 756 Bulla Bulling 12 39 163 9 29 123 27 20 122 104 654 Mean 23 44 155 9 17 57 185 46 15 19 161 142 873 3221 Dundas 299 24 26 250 31 75 114 819 3018 Wattoning... 27 380 5 39 111 285 66 5 20 40 86 11)13 EUCLA DIVISION. 3321 Esperance ... 152 176 108 214 512 179 02 109 150 82 1744 3323 Israelite Bay 52 2 ' 347 136 60 32 196 154 121 98 1198 3223 Balladonia 37 23 617 39 13 85 228 52 ... I 15 126 36 1271 3326 Eyre 57 240 232 32 50 32 1-12 86 3 4 71 32 98] 3128 Eucla 158 680 140 34 182 12 116 52 21 24 19 40 1481 ... Signifies "nit." Signifies " no record." By Authority : WM. ALFRED WATSON, Government Printer, Pert ll? 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