c* ANNEX r v ID no 683 >OD KEDOSHIM" OR, THE CRET OF THE HOLY ONES, )MMKNTARY ON THK PROI'HKCIKS ( ti- )ANIEL COM KRNIN(; ISRAEL AND ITS NATIONAL RKSTORATIOX. BY H. L. ROSE NT HAL. MANCHESTER: PRINTED EV A. J. \VEINGOLD, PARK STREET, CHEE1HAM AND PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR AT 4!, ACKERS STREET. CHORLTON-ON-.MEDLOCK. 56551895- [Copyright Registered Right of translation reserved}- PRICE ONE SHILLING. tp 110 "SOD KEDOSHIM" OR, THE SECRET OF THE HOLY ONES, A COMMENTARY ON THE PROPHECIES OF DANIEL CONCERNING ISRAEL AND ITS NATIONAL RESTORATION. BY H. L. ROSENTHAL. MANCHESTER: PRINTED BY A. J. WEINGOLD, PARK STREET, CHEETHAM. AND PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR AT 4!, ACKERS STREET, CHORLTON-ON-MEDLOCK. 18 95- \Copyright Registered Right of translation reserved}. THE SECRET OF THE HOLY ONES, 2071448 THE SECRET OF THE HOLY ONES ump unpi nn coty yu^m Tonn ptnrr 'no [.T j' .n " AND I then heard a holy one speaking ; and another " holy one said unto the certain one which spake, ' How " long shall the vision be concerning the continual and "the transgression that niaketh desolate: giving both " the sanctuary and host to be trodden under foot ?' And " he said unto me, until evening morning two thousand " and threehundred: then shall the sanctuary be justified." [DAN. viii. 13, 14.] v ~|f r HE question is clear ; the answer is clear ; yet volumes have been written on the subject but without precision. The point from which and to which these 2,300 years are to be reckoned is of most vital importance to the solution of Daniel's great prophetic problem because at its expiration the scattering- of the holy people will terminate, and their national power will then be resumed, their temple rebuilt, and their kingdom restored. The vision in question Daniel records in the eighth chapter of his book (read the whole chapter). The angel Gabriel who was commanded to interpret it [verse 16] briefly explained that it foretold the time of the end [verse 17], and that it summarised a pre- diction of events beginning with the Medo-Persian dynasty until the appointed period for the destruction of the second Temple by Titus, who would break the " power " of the holy people [verses 19-24] ; and that the whole period assigned for Israel's chastisement would be 2,300 years, which would precisely expire at the beginning of the ^pn my Millenial Eve.* Daniel's 2,300 years commenced simultaneously with the expiration of the Babylonian captivity which ended Jeremiah's 70 years A.M. 3409 (Jewish Era.) The 70 years captivity in Babylon [Jer. xxv. 1 1, 12 ; xxix. 10] commenced in A.M. 3339 and can be traced in n^ 1 ^ " Lamentations of Jeremiah." 'Compare Zech. xiv. 7. The book of " Lamentations " is divided into five chapters, sub-divided into twenty-two stanzas accord- ing- to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. In the first chapter the letters follow in alphabeti- cal order. In the second, third and fourth chapters the " e " precedes the " y ". In the third chapter it will be observed that each stanza consists of three verses which all commence with the same letter ; so that the whole alphabet is thrice repeated. The fifth chapter is the only one not alphabetically arrang-ed. Again in the first chapter verse twelve commences with a small " b;" and the ninth verse in the second chapter commences with a small "ID." This arrangement is not to be considered as merely due to the personal taste of the prophet ; but it was directed for a special purpose. It is by no means improbable that by adopting the alphabetical arrangement the prophet meant to mark the date (from the creation of the world) of the beginning of the seventy years captivity in Babylon, thus : The third chapter containing the three alphabets = 8 3,ooo ; the first, second and fourth each containing one alphabet = 300 ; the small " b " the beginning- of the twelfth verse in the first chapter, and the small "to '' the beginning of the ninth verse in the second chapter = 39 (b 30 ; to 9, according to the Hebrew numerical value), total 3,339, i.e. A.M. 3339. The transposition of the " i " (70 Heb. num ) may be the signification of the 70 years captivity of the Jews in Babylon. Accordingly Jeremiah's 70 years captivity of the Jews in Babylon must have expired in A.M. 3409 and which was also the simultaneous beginning of Daniel's 2,300 years. Besides the fact of Daniel's clear prediction of the date for the destruction of the second temple, and that of the dispersion of the Jews by Titus, which took place in A.M. 3829 four hundred and twenty years later also proves that the 2,300 years com- menced at the expiration of the Babylonish captivity in A.M. 3409. The fifth, sixth and seventh verses of Daniel's twelfth chapter read as follows : run in DHDJ> anrm ow rum b*w ': TV*TI Dnin uni? urb ION*) : iwn r&xth mn irn* DTI i*rn 'D'o t>i>DO "WN cnnn ^2i 'urn anym ttnob ^ nbiyn TQ jnum o " Then I Daniel looked, and behold, there stood " other two, the one on the brink of the river " on this side, and the other on the brink of the " river on that side, "And the one said to the man clothed in linen, " which was above the waters of the river: How long " will it be to the end of these wonders ? " And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was " from above the waters of the river, when he held " up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and " sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be " frn D^iflD "WlDb unto a time, times, and half ; and " when they have made an end of breaking in pieces " the power of the holy people, all these shall be " finished." The definition of *i}no Time is a period of 1 20 years, and was absolutely fixed by the Lord Himself as the days of respite previous to the Antediluvian Dis- pensation [Gen. vi. 3]. Hence is 120 years a period of " Time." There are exactly 120 Jubilee years in the 6,000 years of the " common " period of the world's week. In the Hebrew Alphabet every letter stands for a given number, and the combination of the word "Time " is exactly 120, thus : 14; y 70 ; 16; a 40 = 1 20. Therefore *nriD Time = . . . 1 20. Times = . . . 240. a Time= 60. Total . . . 420 years. Thus was Daniel informed by the " man clothed in linen " the precise date for the destruction of the second Temple by Titus and that of the dispersion of the Jews, which actually took place exactly 420 years later in A.M. 3829, i.e. reckoned from A.M. 3409 the date of the expiration of the Babylonish captivity and also of the beginning of Daniel's 2,300 years. It is remarkable that precisely to the cnyin iriD rm Time, Times and Half (i.e. 420 years later) the second Temple was destroyed and Judah's banishment from the Holy Land commenced. Therefore it is further said unp-DiTT pa 3 rrtan nb-b2 ririon " And when they have made an end of " breaking in pieces the power of the holy people "all these things shall be finished." At first Daniel did not grasp the true meaning of the "Time, Times, and Half," thinking they had reference to the time of the end of the 2,300 years ; II but on hearing- that afterwards the " power " of the holy people would be broken, he then understood that it could not mean the end of the 2,300 years and was therefore anxious to know what would follow, hence it is further said : " And I heard but understood not "then said I, O my lord what shall follow these?" (meaning- the Times, Times and Half). And what reply did he get ? The angel said : " Go thy way Daniel for the words are shut up " and sealed till the time of the end," (i.e. the end of the 2,300 years.) But as regards to the question, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders ? The answer he got was this. : cwni a'nuo p]b crn 11 DDU? fipttf nnbi Tona iDirr nym " And from the time appointed for the taking away " the continual and to giving abomination desolation: " years ; thousand ; two hundred and ninety." But : nttforn o^ttt nmn uhw F^K D'D^ yw nsnon ntyn " Happy is he who awaiteth and reacheth to the " years ; thousand ; three hundred thirty and five." Within these two verses is concealed the " SECRET KEY " to Daniel's great prophetic problem. In examining the Hebrew text [xii. 12] it will be noticed that the words s^b "to the years," and r\bt* "thousand" are respectively punctuated with " Zakeph 12 Gadoul" (I:) which is one of the "Greatest Distinc- tives of the Disjunctive Accents Class II., and may be compared with the semicolon (;). It serves to lay stress upon the word so punctuated as in [Gen. i. 14.] ynr "to divide" " And the Lord said let there be lights in the " expanse of the heavens ^"Qro to divide between " the day and between the night : and let them be for " signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years." bmnb " to divide " is here punctuated with Zakeph Gadoul (I:), because it indicates stress to be laid on the word bninb " to divide " in order to convey to the mind the several divisions for which these lights may serve. Now, here in Daniel xii. 1 2, the words D'D^ " to the years " and rftx "thousand " being respectively punctuated with Zakeph Gadoul (I:) conveys to the mind that stress ought to be laid on the rpx " thou- sand" as well as on the D^!? ' to the years" ; and that the F]b " thousand " carries with it its own meaning, as the word a'D^ " to the years " (instead of days) ; therefore the F^N " thousand " is not literally conjunctive to the ntyom D^pty mo ttfbttf " three hundred thirty and five ; nor unto the DTIHD D'ytwn " two hundred and ninety " of the eleventh verse ; because that tpx " thousand " is also punctu- ated with one of the Greatest Distinctives (~) " Tipcha " which is also of the same Order and Class as the (I:) Zakeph Gadoul. Hence it implies a very strong presumption that the ?]b "thousand " referred to in Daniel xii 1 1, 12, to mean the Millenial Sabbath or the last thousand years of the period of the world's week,* and that the 290 years of the eleventh verse is the ipi my Eve preceding the Morning-of the Millennium, or in other words the nnty my Eve of the Millenial Sabbath. Expounded more explicitly, it means thus : The period of the world's week consisting- of 7,000 years to be reduced to 1,290 years, i.e. 290 years to finish the sixth thousand years of the " Common " period of the world's week, which will be the my Eve pre- ceding the Tpn Morning- of the Millenial Sabbath, i.e. the last thousand years to finish the full period of the world's week of 7,000 years. *The 7000 years the period of the world's week are typified by the six "common" days of the creation of the world, and the seventh day " rest " fDU? Sabbath [Gen. ii. 2] : and as with God a thousand years the Psalmist [xc. 4] says, is as a yesterday ; hence 7000 years the period of the world's week. Compare Dan. viii. 26. 14 In reducing- the 7,000 years by 1,290 years it will produce the date A.M. 5710 thus : 7,000 1,290 = 5,710. How startling-, as well as well as instructive, it is to find that according- to this computation the lpn nil* Millenial Eve will commence simultaneously at the point of the expiration of Daniel's 2,300 years ! Thus the Babylonish Captivity expired A.M. 3,409 Add Daniel's 2,300 years 2,300 Total . . 5,709 and at the dawn of A.M. 5710 the Millenial Eve will commence. The passage may therefore be rendered thus And from the time appointed for the nnbi Tonn Dottf ppttf taking- away the continual and to giving- abomination desolation there shall remain ^ty years ; rfrx thousand (i.e. The Millennium) a-yiym nvixo two hundred and ninety (i.e. Millenial Eve) to fin'sh the world's week of 7000 years. But "Happy is he who awaiteth and reacheth ntynrn onpbttf mo u^>tir ^ cra^ to the years ; thousand ; three hundred thirty and five." By the same method the latter passag-e will pro- duce the date A.M. 5665 thus : 7000 years i,335 years = 5665 A.M. being 45 years prior to the 1,290 of the previous passage. The year 5665 is the date indicated for the ruttf n!?*o;-T YEAR OF REDEMPTION ! The reason for fixing A.M. 5665 as the date for the recall of the Jews to the Holy Land will be better understood by introducing here a summary of the ninth chapter of Daniel. Daniel states in that Chapter that while under- standing from the prophecies of Jeremiah that the 70 years desolations of Jerusalem [Jer. xxv. u, 12; xxix. 10] was drawing to a close ; was humbling himself in fasting and prayer for the sins of his people [3-9] ; and while in the act of prayer the Angel Gabriel is sent to him " TO GIVE HIM THE SKILL OF UNDERSTANDING " because Daniel was mistaken in his calculation, thinking that the 70 years captivity commenced with Nebuchadnezzar's first coming against Jerusalem [II Kings, xxiv. i ; Dan. i. i ; II Chron. xxxvi. 21, 23,] and accordingly thought, that the 70 years would expire within a year (Compare Rashi ix. 2). Daniel was also mistaken in thinking that the 70 years captivity in Babylon was the final atonement for Israel's sin, according to his prayer and confession. Hence in the act of prayer the Angel Gabriel made his appearance to Daniel and explained to him i6 that the 70 years " Desolations of Jerusalem " are reckoned from A.M. 3339* the date chronicled by Jeremiah in his " Lamentations " and accordingly would not expire until A.M. 3,409 (that would be about 20 years later) ; and further informed him that the captivity of the Jews in Babylon had no connection with the final atonement for IsraeTs sin and gave him to understand that there were D'jnty D'yity SEVENTY CALENDAR (or Tishri) YEARS set apart for that pur- pose ; and are "cut off" the latter part of the 2,3OO years, and was thus absolutely fixed by the Angel Gabriel in the same chapter, verse 24 : vbzb -junp Tirt>in I injrby * Guedalia was slain on the New Year 3,339 hence the fast of Guedalia. The Temple was burnt two months previous in the month of Ab 3,338. But the captivity of Judah commenced A.M. 3339 at the point of the death of Guedalia [Jer. xli. 1-2. ; II Kings xxv. 21. ; and Jer. lii. 27.] The D'tfl'tf D'inttf Seventy Calendar years are cut off the latter part of Daniel's 2,300 years FOR To FINISH THE TRANSGRESSION [Dan. viii. 12-14.] probably because 70 years marked the length of Israel's waiting-time be- fore entering the Holy Land at its primary redemption, viz. : 30 years excess in Egypt [Gen. xvi. 13.; Exod. xii. 10.] and 40 years in the Wilderness [Deut. xix. 14] ; so likewise are 70 years set apart for Israel's final redemp- tion. There are 140 Jubilee years in the period of the world's week of 7,000 years exactly 2 x 70. pin nnnVi a^y m** unin pi? "SD^ mton annin : anmp unp ntyn^ N^I " D'i2ty a'inttf Seventy Civil (or Calendar) years are " cut off (the latter part of Daniel's 2300 years) " upon thy people and upon thy holy city for to " finish the transgression, and make an end of sins, 'and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring " in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision "and prophecy and to anoint the Holy of Holies," (i.e. the consecration of the Temple and its vessels. -CRashl] It will be noticed that the words a^inty D'inttf are here translated " Seventy Civil or Calendar Years" whereas the Authorised and Revised Versions render as "SEVENTY WEEKS." In order to support the former it is necessary to introduce here a valuable quotation taken from the " Preface " to Breslau's Hebrew and English Dic- tionary, it reads as follows : "In no language are found words and roots so various, " and not unfrequently opposite significations, as in the " Hebrew, besides the pecularities in that remarkable " tongue arising from various paradigms. "It is also to be remembered, that the great standard " by which the principle of the language is judged rests " upon the twenty four books of the Old Testament " Scriptures; by them we are guided in our estimate, i8 " valuation, and classification of roots, and from them " we derive our information as to the primitive and " adopted significations of these roots. Hence the sense " of several roots or words which occur once* in Scrip- " ture, and for which we can find no analogous passage " to guide us, must be rendered according to the " context; and since this rendering is liable to different " versions, the commentators and translators of the Bible " differ in the interpretation." After this statement reflection shows that it is quite probable that the word c'inu? does not mean "Weeks of Years;" as is the universal translation ; but its true meaning is CIVIL OR C ALENDAR YEARS. The Civil or Calendar Year is reckoned from the Creation of the world and commences in ^u>n Tishri the SEVENTH MONTH of the Ecclesiastical Year of which rrri Nisan is the FIRST month (in commemora- tion of Israel's departure out of Eg-ypt) ; but the Sabbatical Year and the Jubilees were computed by the innty Civil or Calendar Year which commences in 'ityn Tishri THE SEVENTH MONTH of the Ecclesi- astical Year. But nt^n is the FIRST of the jnnttf Civil or Calendar Year (from ynur Seven i.e. the seventh month of the former) hence so called, and probably the mistake in translating the word D'jnttt weeks in- stead of CIVIL OR CALENDAR YEARS. *The word D'Unttf occurs only in the Book of Daniel. Daniel in his tenth chapter, verses 2 and 3, clearly defines the word ETIU? to mean Civil or Calendar Years, thus: " In those days I Daniel was mourning D^nttf nttfbttf " rrrr three Civil or Calendar Years (not weeks) I ate " no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in ' my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all nbo *u? " D" 1 ^ zpysw nwbw until the three Civil or Calendar 'Years were fulfilled." These aw n^nty nubw cannot mean "three weeks," neither of days, nor of years for two simple reasons : first, because 2 1 days is too short a period, and would therefore be inexpedient for Daniel to record it; secondly, there is no record of any partic- ular event that occured 21 years previous that would have led Daniel to such an act of total abstinence. And moreover he further explains in the same chapter, verse 12, thus: " And he (the Angel) said unto me fear not Daniel ' for the first day that thou didst set thine heart to ' understand and to chasten thyself before thy God " thy words were heard, and I am come to thy words," (i.e. in answer to thy prayer.) It is very probable that Daniel commenced his " fast " from the time when Gabriel appeared to him 20 and gave him the " SKILL OF UNDERSTANDING," [ix. 22] which was in the first year of the reign of Darius the Mede (Darius was killed in battle in the first year of his reign and Cyrus took the government to himself, (compare Rashi vi. 29) and continued his "fast" until the third year of the reign of Cyrus being exactly an interval of *c i a' trynty nubw Three Calendar Years ! Being after the vision of the D'jnttf nrmty Seventy Calendar Years it is therefore not very singular that Daniel used the word Dainty for Civil or Calendar Years. Besides the Hebrew word for "weeks" is m;mttf and Daniel would not make such a grammatical error. In view of these proofs Daniel's ^rnttf a^nu; may fearlessly be rendered Seventy Civil or Calendar Years. Accepting that Daniel's 2,300 years will expire with A.M. 5709 and that the dawn of the Millenial Eve will be in ntyn Tishri 5710; and that the *Whenever D^D" 1 is used for a year or years it expresses a full year or years Aaron Pick's Concordance. " Week " Singular is Shivuang 3?2ttf [Gen. xxix. 27- 28] not Shavooang jniuf [Dan. ix. 27.] 21 Seventy Calendar Years are cut off the latter part of Daniel's 2,300 years THE FINAL SEVENTY YEARS must therefore have already commenced in na>n "Tishri " A.M. 5640. It is a remarkable fact that the year 5640 was marked by the Anti-Semitic Agitation in Germany, The late Professor Graetz, the modern Jewish historian (in an article specially written for the Jubilee number of the Jezvish Chronicle, London, dated November 3ist, 1891), makes the following- remarks : "While the European Jews had lulled themselves into " the belief that as they had been placed on a footing of " legal equality with Christians, their troubles and " humiliations must cease, a new, pernicious and malig- " nant enemy fell upon them Anti-Semitism which for " a long time has disturbed their tranquility and has " drawn rich and poor, the high and the lowly, the " scholar and the uneducated, into the circle of its bane- " ful influence. Anti-Semitism is the offspring of an " envious madness and of diabolical craftiness. A turner " of phrases, which changes its aspects as the chameleon " does its colours, has hurled an inflammable word into " daily literature. The descendants of Shem (Jews and " Arabs) stand far below the Aryan race (Indo-European " nations) in mental power, inventive faculty, in arts, " sciences, and in modern culture ! Anti-Semitism was " born in France, but was reared in Germany. While " the originators of this unholy separation repudiated it 22 " later on, the Germans cling to it with infatuated " stubborn ess. This hatred towards the Jews, wherby " the Germans are distinguished from all other Euro- " pean peoples, was utilised by the ex-Iron Chancellor, " and helped him in his diplomatic schemes. "German Anti-Semitism lost no time in transplanting " itself to Roumania. The Jews in that country " were maltreated and insulted, and here and there "murdered; but justice did not punish the aggressors. " Roumanian ministers relied on Bismark's forbearance " towards the Anti-Semites; in spite of the stipulations " of the Berlin Treaty he would withhold his recognition " from the new State. The ministers sophistically " declared that the Jews, most of whom had lived in " Roumania for a very long time, were "aliens", who " were not to be placed on the same footing as the " Christians, but ought to be expelled from the country. "From Germany Anti-Semitism was artificially im- " ported into Russia where it took the form of deeds of " horror. Scarcely had Alexander II. fallen by the hand " of the assassin, when in 1881 under his son Alexander " III., there were enacted dreadful scenes by the peasant " population of the towns of Southern Russia. In many " places pillage and wrecking of property, butchering " and violation of women were the order of the day. As " the Russian peasants are by nature kind hearted and " bear no antipathy towards the Jews, they must have " been artfully goaded to commit these outrages. It was " represented to them that the Czar had commanded the " extermination of the Jews. The Authorities looked on " at these atrocities with folded arms. One consequence " of the excesses was the flight of tens of thousands of "Jews, and their emigration westwards. In numerous " cities of Germany, England and France, praiseworthy " energy was displayed to succour the unhappy fugitives " and to facilitate their voyage to America. Many " Christian friends of humanity also expressed their " abhorence at the barbarities practised on innocent " beings in the nineteenth century, and these sympathisers " gave a practical turn to their feelings by contributing " towards the Relief Funds. At this crisis Baron-de- " Hirsch came forward with a munificient scheme for '' providing for the organisation of emigration. " During the last ten years, and even at the present "moment, most revolting phenomena are of daily " occurence in Russia; refined brutality, ever increas- " ing persecutions of the Jews, oppression after oppres- " sion, expulsion from their old homes, the penning " them up in certain towns, where they can scarcely " have light and air, a species of imprisonment of " millions. Whither shall this excessive number of " people wander and find shelter? "Ever memorable will be the meeting held in the " Guildhall of the City of London on the loth day of " December, 1890, under the presidency of the L,ord Mayor " Joseph Savory, a meeting in which the flower of the " English people participated Anglican and Roman " Catholic prelates, members of Parliament, and most " respected Citizens and which resolved to address a 24 " Memorial to the Russian Czar, praying him to put an " end to the cruelties practised on the Jews." The following is the full text of the Memorial to the Czar voted at the Guildhall meeting of the loth Dec- ember, 1890: TO HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, ALEXANDER III., "EMPEROR OF Al,!, THE RUSSIAS. " The Memorial of the Citizens of London, in Guildhall assembled on behalf of the Russian Jews. " May it please your Imperial Majesty ! "We, the Citizens of London, respectfully approach " your Majesty, and humbly beg your gracious leave to " plead the cause of the afflicted. " Cries of distress have reached us from thousands of suffering Israelites in your vast Empire; and we English- men, with pity in our souls for all who suffer, turn to your Majesty to implore for them your Sovereign aid and clemency. "Five millions of your Majesty's subjects groan beneath the yoke of exceptional and restrictive laws. Remnants of a race whence all religion sprang ours and yours, and every creed on earth that owns one God men who cling with all devotion to their ancient faith and forms of worship, these Hebrews are in your Empire subject to such laws that under them they cannot live and thrive. " Those laws, built up in bygone times when intoler- ance was the rule in almost every State, have been 25 intensified by later ordinances, and weigh as grievous burdens on the Hebrew subjects of your Majesty, raising a barrier between them and their Christian fellow- subjects, making them a pariah caste, degraded and despised as if an accursed race. " Pent up in narrow bounds within your Majesty's wide Empire, and even within those bounds forced to reside chiefly in towns that reek and overflow with every form of poverty and wretchedness ; forbidden all free movement ; hedged in every enterprise by restrictive laws; forbidden tenure of land, or all concern in land, their means of livelihood have become so cramped as to render life for them well nigh impossible. "Nor are they cramped alone in space and action. The higher education is denied them, except in limits far below the due proportion of their needs and aspirations They may not freely exercise professions like other subjects of your Majesty, nor may they gain promotion in the Army, however great their merit and their valour. "No wonder if struggling against such disabilities in the fierce fight for life, their faults and failings should come uppermost ; obscuring their many virtues. "For they have virtues. These Israelites, declared aliens by the laws, are patriots still. They serve in the Imperial Army beyond their due proportion ; they fight with zeal and valour in Russia's battles, and shed their life-blood for their country's cause. Ever loyal to your Majesty, they strive to obey the law, though its yoke be heavy, and true to the dictates of their Ancient Book, they pray in their Synagogues for the welfare of your Throne and Home. 26 "Sire! we who have learnt to tolerate all creeds, deem- ing it a part of true religious liberty, we beseech your Majesty to repeal these laws that afflict these Israelites. Give them the blessing of equality ! In every land where Jews have equal rights, the nation prospers. We pray you, then, annul those special laws and disabilities, that crush and cow your Hebrew subjects. "And, mighty Sire! permit the sunshine of your Imperial Grace to brighten their dark homes, and let them feel the warmth of your paternal favour. As every passing year your Majesty's vast Empire widens and grows, so enter a new sphere of conquest, proclaimed by this emancipation Emperor of five million hearts swell- ing with gratitude. "Sire ! your Royal Sister, our Empress Queen (whom God preserve ! ) bases her throne upon her people's love- making their happiness her own. So may your Majesty gain from your subjects, love, all strength and happiness, making your mighty Empire mighter still, rendering your Throne firm and inpregnable, reaping new blessings for your House and Home. "Signed on behalf of the Citizens of London, "(Signed) JOSEPH SAVORY. "LORD MAYOR" "loth December, 1890." The Emperor on the throne, however, refused to receive the Memorial. Thus ever since A.M. 5640 (the beginning- of the final 70 years) Israel has heen and is being- even 27 now treated in a fashion that is a disgrace to humanity. By the Order of the Czar of All the Eussias (Alexander III) Israel is now being expelled from his dominions. Baron de-Hirsch the Moses of this exodus has agreed with the Russian government to take the Jews out of that country within twenty five years. Israel again is now being scattered to Argen- tine, to Canada and to the United States. Is Israel's hope lost? The answer to this question must be in the negative, for "there is hope in thine end saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to their border [Jer : xxxi.iy] Even amidst this present distress Israel is full of the spirit of hope. The Chovev6 Zion Association is advancing wonder- fully, it has purchased land in Palestine has formed colonies and is successful. Are not the above facts sufficient proof that the hands of prophecy indicate the position of this generation on the dial of time ! Now the reason for fixing A.M. 5665 as the date for the nlpton n:u> Year of Redemption is because the latter passage is emphasized by the words "iw n^nnn nttf" "Happy is he who awaiteth and reacheth to the years 1,335 (i.e. 45 years prior to 28 the 1,290) meaning A.M. 5665; being- so it is there- fore not unreasonable to assume that that date should be marked with some striking circumstance in the history of the Jewish nation. Now what is Israel's hope, and what is Israel's wish, and what is Israel's constant prayer? Is it not to return to the Holy Land ? Now Gabriel in his summing 1 up of tbe final 70 years (verse 25) states that rmnVi :rtynb in wvo-p *njnttf Dainty TJJ mura ny n^um 1 " From the going " forth of the Command (or Proclamation) to " return and rebuild Jerusalem, until anointing (or "inaugurating) a prince (or leader) shall be seven Calendar years : " but he does not fix u date for the issuing of the " Command " or proclamation. Hence "the man clothed in linen fin the last chapter) makes up the deficiency in his final interpretation to the whole of Daniel's visions, and thus gives him the KEY TO THE GRAND SECRET. In the first passage Daniel is told that the 2,300 years will terminate at the dawn of the Millenial Eve in A.M. 5709 10, and accordingly there shall remain 1,290 years to finish the world's weeks of 7,000 years * Under the word ftinttf is Ethnach equivalent to a (:). The Revised Version now punctuate with colon. 2 9 And in the second passage he is given the key to the final 70 years he (the Angel) therefore empha- sized the passage by the words yw mrron nti? " Happy is he who awaiteth and reacheth to that time, i.e. to the 1,335 meaning the year 5665 fbeing 45 years prior to the finish of Daniel's 2,300) when the "Command" will go forth for Israel to return to the Holy Land. That date will undoubtedly be marked in the history of the Jewish nation as the happiest within the period of the 2,300 years ; and further it will be impossible to avoid knowing the summing up of the final 70 Calendar Years. What an astounding surprise it will be to un- believers, and with what joy will "Israel "welcome the "Command" or Proclamation in A.M. 5665 ! It is simply indescribable ! The sacred record leaves no doubt as to the manner in which the prophecy concerning Israel's return to the Holy Land shall be fulfilled. The Lord said through Isaiah the Prophet (Ch. 49. v 22-23) " Behold I will lift up my hand to the nations and set " up an ensign to the peoples : and they shall " bring thy sons in their bosoms, and thy daughters " shall be carried upon their shoulders. And kings " shall be thy nursing fathers and queens thy nursing " mothers." 3 Thus it is seen that according to the above pro- phecy the "Command" shall be issued by the consent of the "Powers" and also the appointment of a prince or leader seven Calendar years later (i.e. A.M. 5672") to rule over them. Moses Maimonides (in his Yad-Hachazakah or Mishne Torah, Hilchoth Melachim Chapter IX, observes that the T:J rrttfo whom he terms ' The " King- Messiah" (the anointed) will restore the king- " dom of David to its former position and splendour. " He will cause the temple to be built and the dis- " persed Israelites to be assembled ; all our laws will " in his age come in force again as they used to be ; " sacrifices will again be offered ; the year of release " and the Jubilee will again be observed, with all " precepts relating thereto. He who does not believe " in, or hopes not for the advent of the Messiah, denies '' not only the prophets, but even the law of Moses ; " because it distinctly mentions the restoration of our " people ; for it is said : That then the Lord thy God <' will turn thy Captivity, and have compassion upon thee, " and will return and gather thee from all the nations ; " and if any of thine lie driven out to the utmost parts of heaven, from thence will the Lord thy God gather thee." (Deut. xxx. 3.) But the time specified in Daniel's prophecy for the duration of Israel's return to the Holy Land is sixty two Calendar years and shall be in troublous times. The 62 years must be reckoned from the begin- ning of the final 70 years, i.e. from A.M. 5640 and accordingly will expire in A.M. 5702. .ib pi rrtyo rrw n^un Dnim? a^ntyn >-,ni And after the sixty two calendar years (i.e. A.M. 5703 the anointed shall be DEPOSED but no harm shall be done to him personally that will probably be the beginning of the Gog and Magog war as prophesied by Ezekiel, Chapter xxxviii. "He shall come up against the people Israel in the latterdays. (ver. 16) After their return from captivity, (ver. 8)." At that time (Daniel prophesies Chapter xii. ver. i) shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people : and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time : and at that time thy people shall be delivered." because Di> rvnur 1 unpin Ti?m .riDou? rum;] norfe pp iin Fpun ivpi in TJJ For the *Ty Watcher unpm* the Holy (Angels) shall *tinpm IM? are Angels (compare Dan. iv. 10. 13, 14, 20; Jer. xv. 8; II Kings xix. 35, and see Gesenius Lexicon under " 32 destroy the people of the prince (or leader) that shall come, and his end (the prince of the enemy) shall be in the rush (of the battle), and until the end of war desolations are determined." Thus it harmonises with Ezekiel's prophecy con- cerning" the fate of Gog" "He shall fall upon the mountains of Israel and all the people with him (xxxix. 4) And God shall be magnified and sanctified in the eyes of many nations (xxxviii. 23.)" The same prophet states that Israel will cleanse the land seven months, (xxxix. 12). It is remarkable that the year 5703 will consist of thirteen months being a Hebrew Leap- Year and therefore from ^t^n Tishri until TTNI Veadar is exactly seven months ! Ezekiel also states in this same chapter, verse nine, that Israel will burn their weapons for firewood seven years i.e. until the finish of 5709 and will thus finish the final 70 Calendar years convergently with Daniel's 2 ( 300 years, that year will be signalised by an Universal Treaty of Peace for Gabriel concludes the final 70 years thus : in** insttf d^b rva n^m ' And a covenant shall be confirmed with many for One Calendar Year, I* mup jrattfn nmi But in the half of that year i.e. fora Nisan 5709 TOUP SHALL (*|) Psik : similar to the modern ( ). 33 THE SABBATH BE CELEBRATED and will be marked by nnjoi mi Sacrifice and Meal Offering-. : DOW 5$ inn mnmi r^o "wi DDU>O onnptp tps bw " And upon the pinnacle of abomination shall then ' ' be desolation, and even unto a determined consum- " mation shall be given over desolation." And will thus finish Daniel's great prophetic chain precisely at the dawn of A.M. 5710 the simultaneous beginning of the ipi my Millenial Eve mentioned in Zechariah (xiv. 7.) that AT EVENING TIME THERE SHALL BE LIGHT. In that age (Maimonides observes) there will be neither famine, nor war, neither jealousy nor envy. Prosperity will be general ; all comforts in abundance. Mankind will be engaged in nothing else but obtain- ing a knowledge of the Lord. Israel will become great and intelligent, and obtain a knowledge of the Creator as far as the faculty of mankind will admit ; for it is said : For the earth shall be full of knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah xi. 9.) DIAGRAM OF THE FINAL 70 CALENDAR YEARS p-IC 3 1 879) 1880} oinn 5640 ~ui o f> o !|J1 1904! 1905 f nDinn 5665 a-3 S"< " 25 25 = 25th From Command I||| until appoint- ment of Ruler c 7 years. 1911 ) 1912] Di^inrr 5672 Mil 3 B.S a - 7 = 32nd ui O ^. 3 3 3 O o >rt 1^3 r? ^0- s,S Ruler in Office * U1 90 Go. 30 years. p - ? 3 " 1941 ) 1942) '943 ^n^nri 5702 5703 62 fs 8 3 a! 63rd BJ 3" Ruler Deposed "a War, &c., 0_ 7 years. 7 f 1 ' g 7 = 69th CL Peace i year. 1948) to 11^ fin ) 5709 1949V i i i = 70th 1950) ^u^firr 45 70 70 70 ._ __ " SHEWN AT A GLANCE. The beginning of the FINAL SEVFNTY CALENDAR YEARS The first Jewish Colony formed in Palestine. Stocker's Anti-Semitic Agitation Russian persecu- tions Baron Hirsch's Scheme Exodus from Russia. The "Command" or proclamation for Israel to return to the Holy Land Seven years after "Commard" shall be the inaugu- ration of a prince or the appointment of a leader to the office of ruler by consent of ihe Powers (see page 29. The finish of Israel's return to the Holy Land. After the 62nd year Israel's prince will be DEPOSED nttfn 5703 but no harm shall be done to him personally War to follow seven years earthquakes, &c. An Universal Treaty of peace for ONE CALENDAR YEAR but in the half of that year i.e. fD'3 Nisan 5709 the Eve of the Millenial Sabbath will commence, and will be marked by the offering of Sacrifices in the Temple of Ezekiel as in the days of old, and will thus finish Daniel's 2,300 years at the dawn of the Millenial Eve A.M. 5710. Summary of Events referred to in the Preceding Pages. C.E. 1949 1950 A.M. Jewish Era. 5709 1,290 7,000 The 70 years captivity of the Jews in Babylon ex- pired at the simultaneous beginning of Daniel's 2,300 years in ntyn A.M. 3,409. Add Daniel's 2,300 years (which includes the 420 years the duration of the Second Temple as shown by the ''Time, Times and and Half ; also the final 70 Calendar Years) which will expire in A.M. 5709... Add the year 5709 i.e. from ntyn 5709 to ^t^n 5710 being an universal Treaty of Peace. Add the ipi my i.e. the Mil- lenial Eve of 290 years and the 1000 years of the Millenial Sabbath... Total period of the World's Week Seven Thousand Years ... THE END. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 064 088 8