UU-NMLr u c 7 S B M EM4 MflO LIBRA.R^ OF THK \. >•- University of California. GIKT OF^ ! KeceiveJ ~^fe^^£. ■ z^"^''?^ • Accession No. y / ^ jV . Class Ntl. MANUAL Pay DsrARTMENT. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY^ OF WAR, FOB USK IN THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. WASHINGTON : Government Printing Office. 1896. //^f/ 'H WAR DEPARTMENT. Document No. 20. Office of the Paymaster General. War Department, Washingl'm, June 27, 1S96. This Manual for the Pay Department is published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned; it will not be modified except by special authority given in each case. JOSEPH B. DOE, Acting Secretary of War. (3) TABLE OF CONTENTS. Par.iprajdis. Paymaster General 1, 2 Chief Paymasters of Departments 3-7 Bonds 8, 9 Money Accountability 10 Public Moneys 11, 12 Disbursing Officers 13-27 Certificates of Deposit 28-32 Accounts current 33 Claims 34 Examination of Accounts 35-43 Clerks 44-47 Clothing 48-51 Commutation of Quarters 52-55 Deposits 56, 57 Deserters 57 Discbarge and Final Statements 58-62 Payments to Officers 63-67 Pay during absence 68-71 Payment by Check or Currency 72 Payments to Enlisted Men 73-77 Retired Enlisted Men 78,79 Additional Pay to Enlisted Men 80-88 Indian Scouts 89 Mileage and Traveling Expenses of Officers 90-94 Traveling Allowances of Enlisted Men 95-99 Stoppage and Forfeitures ^ 100-114 Charges on Rolls for Transportation and Subsistence 115,116 Veterinary Surgeons 117, 118 Witnesses 119-122 Pay Tal)le, Officers (Monthly) 123 I'ay Table, Military Academy 124 I'ay Table, Enlisted Men 125 Pay Table, Civilian Employees 126 Pay Table, Enlisted Men, Retired 127 Pay Table, Officers (Daily) 128 Interest Table 129 Table, Daily Rates of Pay 130 (5) MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. PAYMASTER GENERAL. 1. ShoiTld the Paymaster General learn that an officer has drawn pay more than once for the same period, he will immediately report the fact to the Adjutant General for the consideration of the Secretary of War, and will call upon the officer to make refundment of the amount overdrawn. 2. The Paymaster General will keep in his office such records as may be necessary to show the deposits made by enlisted men of the Army. CHIEF PAYMASTERS OF DEPARTMENTS. 3. Chief, and such other Paymasters as may be required to do so, will transmit their x)eriodical estimates for funds direct to the Paymaster General, stating the amounts required under each appropriation for pay of the Army. They will be held responsible for any uimecessary accumulation of funds sup- l)lied on their estimates, either in depositories or in the hands of paymasters under their control, and the amount of funds to be placed in each depository will 1)e indicated upon the face of each estimate. 4. Estimates for funds will be prepared in the prescribed form and promi)tly mailed to reach the Paymaster General's Office not later than the fifteenth day of each month. 5. Chief Paymasters will take timely measures to have funds for payment conveyed to their own stations, and will make necessary distribution to their subordinate Paymasters. (7) 8 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 6. Chief Paymasters wlio forwaril conimniiicatioiis from their subordinates to the Paymaster General, should indorse on them their remarks or opinion, wtlumt letters of trans- mittal ; but they are enjoined to forward no communication incjuirinjj: for information, or for an exjjression of an opinion upon matters of official business where their o^vn oi)inion or action is competent to govern in the case. 7. Chief Paymasters will, upon their monthly reports, which should ])e forwarded to the Paymaster General as promptly as practicable after the first of every month, show the followint^ data with reference to eac-li officer borne therecm : The station of the officer at date of I'epoi-t; his duties during the month just passed ; date of commencement of absence from his proper station, whether on duty or on leave ; the nature of siich ab- sence, with the authority therefor; date of rejoining station, and date of entry uiion, or relief from, any duty. In case of payments to troops, the reports should specify the posts paid, with dates of payment, and upon what muster. In addition to above data, the following vrill be included in the rei)ort: (1) Payments at station to general service detachments, etc. ; (3) in cases of payments by i-heck or by currency sent by ex- press, the fact to be so noted in cohimn of remarks ; (8) special service (whether involving absence from station or not) on boards of survey, courts-martial, retiring or examining boards, etc. , noting dates employed and authority therefor. BONDS. 8. For full instructions as to prei)aration of bonds, see A. R., 571 tor)TS. 9. The official bonds of dis])ursing officers are not surren- dered on the final settlement of their accounts. MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. 10. For the general rules concerning public moneys, dis- bursing officers, transfers, checks, official check books, certifi- cates of deposit, proceeds of sales, appropriations, accounts current, money vouchers, pecuniary resixnisibility of officers, and administrative examination of money accounts, see A. R., MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 9 PUBLIC MONEYS. 11. No advance of pTil)lie moneys shall be made in any case whatever, except such advances to disbursing- officers of the Government as may be necessary to the faithful and promi)t discharge of their respective duties, and to the fulfillment of the xmblic engagements. (R. S., 3648.) 12. The President may also direct such advances as he may deem necessary and proper to persons in the military service employed on distant stations, where the discharge of the pay and emoluments to which they may be entitled can not be regularly effected. (R. S., 3648.) DISBURSING OFFICERS. 13. The following returns will be rendered: (1) A monthly accoxint current, accompanied by abstracts of disbursements (with vouchers pertaining thereto), collec- tions, deitosits, and mileage ; all of wdiich miist be mailed or otherwise sent to the Paymaster General within ten days after the end of the month to which they relate. (2) Estimates of funds by Chief Paymasters to l)e for- warded monthly direct to the Paymaster General. (3) Monthly reports of jmy operaticms to be made by Chief Paymasters and forwarded on the first day of each month direct to the Paymaster General. (4) Annual report of checks issued three years or more prior thereto, to be made to the Secretary of the Treasury through the Paymaster General. 14. All public officers of whatsoever character are required to keep safely, without loaning, using, depositing in banks, or exchanging for other funds than as specially allowed by law, all the public money collected l)y them, or otherwise at any time placed in their possession and custody, till the same is ordered by the proper Department or officer of the Govern- ment to be transferred or paid oxit ; and when such orders for transfer or j)ayment are received, faithfully and promptly to make the same as directed, and to do and perform all other duties as fiscal agents of the Government which may be im- posed T)y any law or by any regulation of the Treasury Depart- ment made in conformity to law. (R. S., 3639.) 403 — 2. 10 MANUAIv KOK THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 15. No officer, or clerk of a disbursing officer, shall be inter- ested in the purchase of any soldier's certificate of pay due, or any other claim against the United States ; but transfer of a claim for pay due on final statements may be made to a post exchange, as an accommodation to the soldier and without l)r()fit to the exchange, and in such a case the officer in charge will indorse on the voiicher his certificate as to the facts in these ])articulars. 16. When a Paymaster is ordered to turn over his funds and close his accounts, he need turn over his actual money balance only. On resuming duty he will again take up the amount of the suspensions. When ordered to rebond he will turn over his actual money balance, but on resuming duty he will not take up on his new account current the amount of his suspensions iindtn- his old bond, against which they will re- main charged until removed. 17. Disbursing Officers can not bind the Government by drawing, in payment of claims, beyond the amount intriTsted to them, and if, from unusual delay in presentation, the fund from which the check sliould have been paid becomes exhausted, the claim can not properly he recognized and set- tled by the accounting officers. 18. Paymasters, on receiving from depositories the period- ical statements of their disbursing accounts, will as promptly as possible make the examination and reply required. 19. No i)er.son can, at his own option, create a legal claim on the United States bj- advancing his private funds or bor- rowing money for disbursement. No lien exists against the Government in such cases, and the only remedy is by appli- cation to Congress. Nor has he an equitable claim until lie shows that the expenditure inured to the benefit of the i^ublic-. 20. Disbiirsing Officers are precluded both by law and the Army Regulations from using private funds for public ])ur- l)oses, and e.xplauatiims that advances are made to liiltill promises made ])y such officers are not sufficient. 21. Paymasters are forbidden to make deposits of private funds with any Assistant Treasurer or United States Deposi- tory to be checked out in their official capacity. MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 11 22. Whenever moneys pertaining to deceased soldiers are deposited with Paymasters, whether accruing from sale of effects or otherwise, separate receipts should he given in each individual case. Paymasters are directed to require the re- ceipts in duplicate, to he written out for their signature hy the officer making the deposits. 23. It is not the duty of Paymasters or their clerks to wi'ite out the vouchers upon which officers demand payment. Especially is it not their duty to make copies of orders upon which payments are based and which are necessary to sustain the vouchers. 24. Letters of transmittal will accompany the monthly accounts of Paymasters. 25. Each officer of the Pay Department, when ordered to a new station for permanent duty, or to temporary duty at another station, will report at once by letter to the Paymaster General the date of departiire from his old or regiilar station, and of arrival at his new or temporary station. The date of dei3arture from station on leave of absence, or on detached service, and date of return to regular from temporary station, or from leave of absence or detached service will also be made matters of immediate and special report. In all cases care will be taken to cite the number, date, and sol^rce of orders or instructions authorizing or directing the movements re- ferred to in these reports. The term "detached service" will be tmderstood to apply only to special (not disbursing) diity assigned to the officer, except in cases of service on courts- martial, boards of survey, etc., within tlie limits of the department in which he may be serving and requiring only brief absence, when no report will be required, as such absence, as well as absence on regular disbursing duty, will ])e fully accounted for in the monthly report of the Chief Paymaster provided for in paragraph 7. 26. Each change of address, when on leave of absence (n- on detached service, should be at once reported by letter to the Adjutant Greneral of the Army through the Paymaster General. 12 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 27. A Paymaster clianging station or leaving the service will furnish to his Chief Paymaster a list of his outstanding checks as shown by the latest report of the depository. A separate list should be made for each depository, and should show the date, number, amount, and name of payee of each check, and the purpose for which it was given. The Chief Paymaster, after verifying the balances by correspondence with the several depositories, will forward the lists to this office. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. 28. Wlien a disbursing officer makes a deposit of public- funds he will inform the depository whether such funds ai'e to go to his personal credit or not. If the officer has been directly charged with the money he is entitled to personal credit for the deposit, and the abbreviation "P. C. " should be \vi'itten by the depositary on the face of the certificate. If the funds are derived from sales of ijublic i)roi3erty, from col- lections of funds for which another officer is responsible, or any source except the Treasury, the officer making the deposit is not entitled to personal credit, and the abbreviation ' ' No P. C." should be used, followed by a brief exjjlanation of the character of the funds. If some disbursing officer other than the depositor is entitled to the credit, the designation should be "P. C. to ," naming the officer who has been directly charged with the money 29. If the si)ace on the face of a certificate is not sufficient to explain the nature of a deposit, the depositary is requested to attach a memorandum slij) for this purpose. Disbursing officers will not use letters of transmittal in forwarding cer- tificates of deposit. 30. Nothing should be written by the depositary (U- the offic-cr on the Ixick of a certificate ; that space must he reserved for the indorsement of the chief of luirean, who, in each in stance, will properly designate the title of the approjjriation, invariably giving tlie information, by abbreviation, whether the dei)ositor is entitled to personal credit or not. 31. Chiefs of bureaus will not permit certificates of deposit to be retuiTied to the Treasiiry Department unless such evi- dences of the character of th(> funds are complete in this respect, MANUAL, FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. IB and where any defect exists that can not be remedied in the bnrean, the certificate should Ije promptly returned to the officer for correction or additional information. 32. Upon the books of the Treasury, so far as the accounts of disbursing officers of the War Department are concerned, an official credit and a personal credit are one and the same. Any amount taken uj) by a paymaster on his abstract of col- lections, with which he charges himself on his account cur- rent, is a "i^ersonal credit." ACCOUNTS CURRENT. 33. Funds turned over to other paymasters or refunded to the Treasury, will be entered in accounts current, hut not on abstracts of payments. TRANSFERS AND ASSIGNMENTS OF CLAIMS. 34. The restrictions of the Comptroller of the Treasury in regard to the allowance of credits to disbursing officers for payments made by them on jjowers of attorney or other forms of transfer or assignment, being so great as to amount prac- tically to a prohibition of such payments, disbursing officers will refuse to iiay the assignee of any claim, except upon assignments authorized by iiaragraphs 1300 and 1388 of the Army Regulations of 1895. When claims or vouchers which have been assigned are presented for payment, the holders will be informed that disbursing officers have no authority to make i)ayments to them as assignees, and that payments can only be made to the original i^ersons to whom the money is due. The only assigned accounts payable by the Pay Depart- ment are the pay accounts of officers and final statements of enlisted men. EXAMINATION OF MONEY ACCOUNTS. 35. Each officer of the Pay Dex)artment will keep a ' ' cash book" and "check stub," in form and manner as prescribed by the Paymaster General. 36. Chief Paymasters may require their subordinates to furnish them with copies of any of the accounts, returns, and 14 JIANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. reports above descriVjed, or with any other statements or re- ports which they may deem necessary for their information. They may reciuire, at their discretion, in special cases, the rendition of accounts at other times than those prescribed for the regular returns. 37. Accounts current will, in general, cover monthly periods only. They may, if necessary, be stated at intermediate dates, when rendered to close accounts on renewal of bond, change of station, or taking advantage of leave of absence for more than ten days. In these cases the Paymaster must make an actual transfer of his entire balance of public funds. If the transfer is by check, such check will be draA\Ti to the order of the officer to whom the transfer is made, who will immediately forward the same for transfer to his credit. 38. The account cairrent will exhibit the receipts and ex- penditures for the i)eriod embraced and show the balance due the United States to be deposited in authorized depositories on the date to which it is rendered, except siich sum as the officer may have in his jjersonal possession by special aiithority from the Secretary of War. The amounts received and dis- bursed and the balances on hand of the several appropriations of each fiscal year must be exhibited. In crediting drafts on the account cuiTent the numbers of the requisition, as indi- cated on each draft, will be carefully noted on the credit entry. 39. Each Paymaster is furnished with a preliminary state- ment of suspensions made in his accounts after examination in the office of the Paymaster General. Upon receipt of his reply the account is reexamined if necessary and the prelimi- nary statement revised. The suspensions remaining after such revision are charged against the Paymaster upcm the books of the Paymaster General's office and are noted on the analysis of the account sent to the Auditor for the "War Department. A copy of this analysis is furnished to the Paymaster. It alone indicates the susjiensions with which the Paymaster should charge himself uiion his next account current. Paymasters should not charge themselves with sus- pensions from the preliminary statement. UNIVERSITY ^' OF THE MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 15 40. Amounts collected or refunded l)y a Paymaster on account of suspensions will, like collecti(ms and refimd- ments on other accounts, be taken up on the abstract of collections, noting the number of voucher and date of account in which suspended. In case a collection be on account of an overpayment made by another Paymaster, and the number of voucher and date of accotint in which the error occuiTed can not be stated, then note should be made upon the abstract of collections of the name of the Paymaster concerned, and the period covered by the voucher in which the overpayment was made. 41. Susjiensions reported to the Auditor in transmitting a Paymaster's account, or by accounting officers upon settlement of the same (a copy of which will be fxirnished to the Pay- master) , will be taken up under the head of suspensions on the next account current rendered under the bond cited in the rejiort. Suspensions removed will be entered upon the ac- count current only after notice is received of their removal, when a copy of the letter authorizing the credit must be filed with the account current. 42 . The final analysis shee t transmitted with the Paymaster's account to the Auditor, a copy of which is furnished the Paymaster, alone indicates the transfers that should be made to correct charges to the wrong appropriation made in that account. The transfers required should be promptly made on the next account current rendered after receipt of the analysis sheet, and not before. 43. Payments to discharged soldiers will Ije charged as follows : Pay i)roper to the fiscal year in which it accrued ; commutation of subsistence, travel pay, retained pay and clothing to the fiscal year in which the man is discharged. CLERKS. 44. Paymaster's clerks will not be allowed to be interested in any manner whatever, either directly or indirectly, in any account to be paid by the Pay Department of the Army ; nor will they be permitted to undertake or assist in the collection of claims. No excuse of ignorance of his clerk's actions will be allowed in favor of a Paymaster, 1«; AIANUAI- FOK THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 45. An order to n Paymaster to travel will not cover trans- portation for a clerk. 46. A Paymaster's clerk will, as a rule, be paid by tlie Pay- master who employs him ; if paid by another, the certificate ( tf the employing Paymaster that service has been rendered for the period covered l)y the account will be re(iuired. 47. Wlien a Paymaster is on leave, his clerk will be assigned to duty by tlie Chief Paymaster. CLOTHING. (Soe A. K. 116:3 aud 1181-1184.) 48. Act of May 15, 1873, requires that the amount of clothing dra\\ni in excess of allowance for the time served, must be deducted from the pay of the soldier. 49. When enlisted men are retained in service beyond the terms of their enlistment, awaiting trial by court-martial, or under sentence of court-martial, their clothing accounts should be computed at the rate allowed for the last year of service, to actual date of discharge, as expressed in their final statements, unless forfeited by the terms of the sentence or by law and regulations. 50. Musicians, West Point band, have the same clothing allowance as band sergeants of infantry. 51. Band sergeants and musicians have the same clothing allowance as company sergeants and i)rivates of their respec- tive arms of service. COM MUTATION OF QUARTERS. (See A. R. 1336-1342.) 52. The law fixes the monthly commutation allowance of the general at §125 and the lieutenant general at $100. For other grades the allowance will be determined according to the number of rooms, which, up to July 1, 1878, governed in the matter of hiring quarters, to -wit, §12 j^er month per room, as follows : For a major general, 6 rooms ; for a briga- dier general or colonel, 5 rooms ; for a lieutenant colonel or major, 4 rooms ; for a captain or chaplain, 3 rooms ; for a lieu- tenant, 2 rooms. MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 17 53. Commutation of quarters will l)e paid by the senior disbursing paymaster at the station for which it is claimed ; or, if there be no Paymaster there, by the Chief Paymaster of the Department or by a subordinate whom he may desig- nate. 54. When a Paymaster is relieved from duty at a station, or in case of anticipated prolonged absence therefrom, he will furni.sh his successor, or, if the station be broken wp, his Chief Paymaster with a certified statement setting forth the name and grade of each officer who is reported upon his list as receiving commutation at the time, together with the num- ber and date of the voucher with which the officer's order entitling him to commutation is filed. 55. An officer "in arrest" and on the military duty of attending a court-martial trial (his own), and obeying the orders of the court, is entitled to commiitation of qiiarters ; the trial being held at a place where there are no public quarters. DEPOSITS. (See R. S. 1305-1308 aud A. K. 1371-1378.) 56. Paymasters will forward with their accounts for the numtli an abstract of soldiers' deposits, if any, received by tliem during such period. The abstracts will set forth the name, company, and regiment of each depositor, with date and amount of deposit. The gross amount of the abstract will be carried to the account current under the appropriation of "Pay of the Army" for the fiscal year in which the deposits were received. This amount may be disbursed by the Pay- master under the same appropriation. Deposits and interest thereon, paid on final statements, will be charged by the Pay- master to "Pay of the Army" for the fiscal year in which the soldier is discharged. A deposit made during a fraudulent enlistment is not forfeited except by desertion after the de- posit was made. DESERTERS. (Si-o A. K. 126-r.'A.) 57. Pay and allowances due and unpaid under a former enlistment are not affected by conviction and sentence for desertion in a subsequent enlistment. 403 — 3 18 MANUAL FOR THE I'AY DEPARTMENT. DISCHARGE AND FINAL STATEMENTS. (.See A. i;. 144, 150, 153, ami 1382-1388.) 58. Collections on final statements on account of purchase of discharge should he noted separately on the abstract of collections, with full data as to the purchase, in order that a proper record of tiie amount received on such account may be kept. 59. Paymasters are liable un their official bonds for the amount (jf all i)ayments made by them on spurious vouchers. The identity rei^uired in cases of discharged soldiers should embrace not only the fact that the claimant is the person named in the final papers, but also that he is the identical soldier so enlisted and discharged as therein set forth. 60. When doubt exists as to the identity of a soldier pre- senting discharge papers for payment, Paymasters are author- ized to telegraph to the officer who signed notification of discharge for verification of same. 61. When a soldier can not be discharged at the expiration of his term of enlistment and is from necessity retained in the service beyond that time, because of the situation oi nature of service of his company, or for trial for an offense committed during his term, he is entitled to pay to include the date of his discharge. 62. When certificates of discharge are lost, application for payment is to lie made to the Auditor for the War Depart- ment. PAYMENTS TO OFFICERS. (See A. K. 1298-1313.) 63. The 10 iier cent increase for length of service is com- puted from date of accei)tance of appointment. Officers are entitled to count their full time as officers of volunteers, or as enlisted men, regular or volunteer, in computing their service for longevity pay. 64. A cadet sentenced to suspension without paj- for a year, is nevertheless entitled to count the time so suspended in computation of longevity pay. MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 19 65. Vouchers in pajaiient of an officer's salary miist cover his whole compensation (full or half i)ay, according to status) for a period of one or more calendar months. 66. Regimental staff officers accepting recruiting or similar details, which will remove them from the discharge of their staff duties for any considerable time, will be viewed as vacating their staff appointments from the date of acceptance of such detail ; but this vnll not prevent the detail of regi- mental staff officers on courts-martial, boards, or other kindred duties in cases where it will be for the public interest to make the detail. 67. Paymasters may withhold pay of officers of the Army under sec. 1766, Revised Statutes, on accoimt of an indebted- ness to the United States, admitted or shown by the judgment of a court; but not otherwise unless upon a special order issued according to the discretion of the Secretary of War. PAY DURING ABSENCE. 68. The laws affecting pay of officers during leave of ab- sence, will be found in sec. 1265, Revised Statutes, and the act of July 28, 1876; also see A. R. 1314-1320 and A. R. 67. 69. Graduates of the Military Academy are entitled to full pay from the date of graduation to the date of their accept- ance of and qualification under their ccmimissions, and dur- ing their graduation leave, in accordance with the uniform practice which has ijrevailed since the establishment of the Military Academy. 70. Leave of absence may be granted by the superinten- dent, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War, to the professors, assistant professors, instructors, and other officers of the Academy, for the entire period of the suspen- sion of the ordinary academic studies, without deduction from pay or allowances. 71. An officer on leave ordered to return to his post as a witness before a court-martial, who remains there on duty, relinquishing the remainder of his leave, is on a status of duty from date of receipt by him of the order to return to his iiost. 20 MANUAL FOK THE PAY DEPARTMENT. PAYMENTS BY CHECK OR CURRENCY. iSfo A. K. i:u.s-l:!(^ a. R. l:5-iS-i:',tiJ and IXSO, :»t.'., l:5Sl, and 2f.(t.) 73. Acting hospital stewards are entitled to jmy as such from date of their detail by the Secretary of War. 74. If, from the record on the rolls, a soldier is disqualified from receiving pay at date of mtister, no payment can be made to him on the mnster rolls of that date. 75. Balances due from the United States to deceased per- sons are iiayable only at the Treasury, and not by disbiirsing officers. 76. Time absent without leave in a prior muster period for which payment ha.s been made, should not be dropped from time for which pay is due on a subsequent roll. 77. When the aggregate of small errors on any vouchers exceeds 20 cents, it should be noted and disallowed. RETIRED ENLISTED MEN. (See A. R. i:!r,-i:'.!i.) 78. The authorized pay and allowances of retired enlisted men will be paid them monthly by the Pay Department. Their pay will be three-fourths of the monthly pay allowed them liy law in the grade held when retired, including reen- listment and contintious-service pay then received. No 22 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. deductions will be made except the monthly tax of 12Jt cents for support of the Soldiers' Home. They are not entitled to commutation for fuel or quarters, but will receive $9.50 per month in lieu of allowance for subsistence and clothing. They are entitled to active pay to include the date of retire- ment. Blank pay accounts will be furnished them by the Paymasters who are assigned to pay them. 79. Voiichers shoiild not fail to show the number of years for which continuous-service pay is charged. ADDITIONAL PAY OF ENLISTED MEN. (Si'c. A. K. 1306-1370.) 80. The period within which soldiers may reenlist with the benefits conferred by sees. 1282 and 1284, Revised Statutes, is three months. 81. Reenlistment pay, under sec. 1282, Revised Statutes, and act of August 1, 1894, will be allowed to all enlisted men at the rate of pay provided for the fifth year of continuous service. During the third year of a soldier's first term of serv- ice, he will receive the §1 per month provided for by sec. 1281, Revised Statutes. Shoiild he again enter the service, \%dthin three months from date of discharge, he will receive during the fourth year of continuous service, the §2 per month, and during the fifth, the $3 per month provided for by said sec- tion. No pay will be retained. This reenlistment pay, hav- ing been once earned, will be paid to the soldier diiring all subsequent service, whatever period of time may intervene between reenlistment and prior dischai'ge. 82. Enlisted men who have been honorably discharged from the Marine Corps and have enlisted in the Army within three months thereafter, are regarded as having been continuously in the service, and entitled to all the advantages it confers under the laws. 83. When the soldier is able and willing to serve out his term, but has had his service closed or interrupted by th(^ action of the (loverninent, as in case of supernumerai'ies, etc., and he is tlien reenlisted within three months after discharge, he is entitled to the increase after five years' service. MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 2:) 84. The additional pay allowed for reenlistment, or for cer- tificate of merit, is t(^ be included in computation of travel l)ay, and in the forfeiture of "a month's pay"' hy sentence of court-martial. 85. A. R. 148 will be considered as qualifying A. R. 1369 to the extent that, if, after due notice to a soldier of the char- acter intended to be given him on his discharge, and that the words "service not honest and faithf ul " would be noted on his final statements, the soldier declines to apply for redress in the manner provided for in A. R. 148, his status is the same as though a board of officers had been convened and found the service not honest and faithful. Following the remark on the final statements, "service not honest and faithful," should appear the words ' 'right to apply for redress expressly waived, " or ' ' approved finding of a board of officers, " as the case may be. 86. A general court-martial before which an enlisted man is being tried, is charged with a knowledge of the time of expiration of his term of enlistment, and a sentence imposing imprisonment imtil, or beyond, the expiration of his term of enlistment, is done " exjiressly. " 87. Retained pay accruing prior to July 1, 1890, will in no event become interest -bearing. Should there be withheld subseqiiently to June 30, 1890, in the enlistment year embrac- ing that date, an aggregate of retained pay equal to or exceed- ing $5, such sum will bear interest from the end of that enlist- ment year. No deposit of retained pay Avill be interest-bearing which does not remain six months on deposit after the end of the enlistment year in which it accrues. 88. Unless the final statements show the contrary, Paymas- ters will infer, from date of the soldier's enlistment, the dates from which interest will be computed on retained pay. INDIAN SCOUTS. 89. Indian scouts are considered entitled to the benefits accorded by sees. 1281, 1282, and 1284, Revised Statutes, tolien- evcr the x^eriods of enlistment and continuous service are such as are contemplated by those sections. No deduction will be made for Soldiers' Home, temporary troops being exempted by sec. 4819 of the Revised Statutes. 24 JIAXUAI. FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. MILEAGE AND TRAVELING EXPENSES TO OFFI- CERS. (See A. K. 08, 77C, 1321-133.5.) 90. The fact that the most direct route from one point to another passes through Canadian territory, is no bar to its being- considered a traveled rotite under the Vaw governing the payment of mileage. 91. If roads are shown to be impracticable, they cease to be the "shortest usually traveled route "' A\'ithin the meaning of the law, and the measure of the allowance must necessarily be the shortest traveled route at the time. 92. Travel under orders with one enlisted man or more is regarded as "travel with troops," but conducting an in.sane soldier when there is no other enlisted man in the party, is not so regarded. 93. An officer may not charge for transportation of bag- gage, but may charge for a stateroom on a steamer. 94. An order directing troops to be paid, and the same arrangements to continue for future x^ayments, is not a spe- cific order authorizing iiayment of mileage. TRAVELING ALLOWANCES TO ENLISTED MEN. (See A. U. 138.').) 95. When a soldier is discharged from the service (except liy waj' of punishment for an offense), he shall be allowed transportation and subsistence from the place of his discharge to the place of his enlistment, enrollment, or original muster into the service. The Government may furnish the same in kind, but in case it shall not do so, he shall be allowed travel pay and commutation of subsistence of such time as may be sufficient for him to travel from the place of his discharge to the place of his enlistment, enrollment, or original muster into the service, computed at the rate of one day for every twenty miles. 96. Traveling allowances of a soldier luniorably discharged can not be stopped for any indebtedness of his to the Govern- ment. MANUAT^ FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 25 97. Retired enlisted men are not entitled to traveling allow- ances, but are entitled to transportation in kind to tlieir homes. 98. A soldier will not l)e entitled to traveling allowances when discharged — (1) On account of promotion. (2) On account of transfer. (3) On his own application, whether by way of favor, by purchase, as a veteran, or after three years and three months service. (4) While in the hands of civil authority under sentence of imprisonment. (5) By order of the Secretary of War for disability caused by his own misconduct. (6) By way of punishment for an offense. 99. Acting hospital stewards, when discharged as such, will receive travel pay ax)propriate to that grade. STOPPAGES AND FORFEITURES. (See A. R. 1390, 1343, and 'J43, 945, 948, 951, 953.) 100. An officer who refunds money to the Government by payment to an Army Paymaster will be furnished receipts in duplicate by the latter for the amount paid, and will forth- with forward one of the receipts, with a letter of transmittal showing his address, to the Paymaster General. Any such receipts foi'warded to the Paymaster General's office by a Paymaster will be returned to him. Paymasters will notify the Paymaster General immediately, by letter, of all refund- ments made to them by officers, giving the name of the officer and the voucher on account of v-^hich refundment is made. 101. An officer who is dropped by the President fi-om the rolls of the Army, for absence from duty three months with- out leave, shall forfeit all pay due or to become due. (R. S., 12.%. ) 102. When an officer is under stoppage of pay by sentence of general court-martial or otherwise, or is suspended from rank and pay, it is to be understood as depriving him of all his salary and increase for the time. 103. An officer suspemlccl from rank and command docs not thereby forfeit pay. 403 4 26 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 104. A soldier enlisting while a deserter and afterwards restored to duty on fir^t enlistment, must refund all pay and money allowances received during the fraudulent enlistment, unless relieved therefrom Ijy order of the Secretai'y of War, on the recommendation of his company and regimental com- manders. 105. The additional pay per month allowed enlisted men for reenlistment and continuous service, by sees. 1281, 1282, and 1284, Revised Statutes, and that allowed for certificate of merit, are included in the stoppage of pay hy sentence of court-martial. 106. To avoid delay and cost to parties injured, Pay- masters may turn over to them the amounts collected in their favor, under the 54th Article of War, taking receipt therefor at the foot of the roll, deducting the amount so turned over from the footing of the stoppage column and carrjdng the balance only of the stoppages to Army Paymaster's Collec- tions. 107. A paymaster who erroneously overplays a soldier and is reimbursing himself from the subsequent earnings of the soldier by monthly stoppages, must lose the unrecovered amount of the overpayment if the soldier deserts, for then all sums due the deserter are forfeited to the United States and can not be applied to the benefit of the Paymaster. 108. No liability of the payor of a check operates to relieve the drawer from the obligation of determining the identity of the payee to whom he issues a check. 109. No trustee process, garnishment, injunction, or attach- ment can be recognized by the officers of the Government in respect of moneys due creditors of the United States. 110. The proper authorities have the undoubted right to stop from the pay earned by a soldier in a new enlistment, such sums as may be necessary to reimburse the United States for his indebtedness in a i)rior enlistment. 111. Payments on post exchange or laundry rolls Avill not lie made by Paymasters. 112. Stoppage can not be made from the pay of a soldier to reimburse a company fund. MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 27 113. The nature of the property for which a stoppage is made to reimburse the United States must be clearly stated to enable the collection to be properly disposed of. 114. Dues to a company tailor or shoemaker, when charged on the rolls and collected, should be turned over to the party to whom it is due, taking his receipt therefor at the foot of the roll, as in the case of collections on account of damage to private x^arties. CHARGES ON ROLLS FOR TRANSPORTATION AND SUBSISTENCE. 115. Whenever charges on account of transportation and subsistence while traveling aiipear on muster and pay rolls, the number, date, and source of the order directing the same, together with the names of the officers furnishing the trans- liortation and subsistence and the dates thereof, and the Ijoints of travel invoh^ed, must in every instance be indicated in the column of ''Remarks" in the following or similar manner : Due U. S. , transportation, Boston, Mass. , to Omaha, Nebr., furnished by Capt. Doe, A. Q. M., April 1, 1892, on S. O. 36, Dept. of the East, March 29, 1892, §26.78; also commu- tation of rations, f urnLshed by Capt. Roe, A. C. S. , for three days (from April 1, inclusive), §4.50. 116. The basis of all charges entered against enlisted men under the head of subsistence on muster and pay rolls will be shown in concise notations in the column of ' 'Remarks. " If the amount stopped is on account of sales on credit under A. R. 1285 and 1289, the notation will be "credit sales. Subsist- ence Department ;" if on account of refundment of commu- tation, the notation will be "refundment of commutation. Subsistence Army, 189-;" if on account of difference in cost of rations issiied, the notation will be "increased cost of rations, Subsistence Army, 189-;" giving such year of appro- priation in each case as the subsistence officer who requests the notation to be made shall indicate. If the charge con- sists of two or more stoppages, the amount of each must be separately shown. Commissaries who may request stoppages to be made will furni.sh company commanders with full state- ments of the facts connected with the stojipages, and will OF THE UNIVERSITY 0/^ r. jrr: 28 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. sive tlieiu the proper notations to be made in the colnmn of remarks. PaJ^nasters in making transfers to disbursing com- missaries under A. R. 1290, will include in the invoice (Form No. 3, Subsistence Department) not only the collections on account of credit sales, but all other collections which are to be credited to the appropriation " Subsistence of the Army" Avhich is available for the fiscal year cvirrent at the time the transfer is made, observing with particularity the directions printed in the headings of the invoice, which require that a collection other than credit sales shall be entered in the name of the individual from whom the collection was made, giv- ing the notation which appears on the pay rolls. They will deposit to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States, i. e., take up on abstract of collections, all collections, except credit sales, which pertain to an ai)propriation "Subsistence of the Army" for fiscal year which has expired. VETERINARY SURGEONS. 117. Veterinary surgeons will be paid for monthly periods on the blank forms used for officers' pay accounts (Form No. 3), the commanding officer of the regiment or detachment in each case certifying thereon as follows: " This account is correct and just, and covered by an appointment from the Secretary of War in force for the time." 118. A veterinary surgeon, while on leave, is entitled to f\ill pay, unless the leave has been granted on condition that it should be without pay, or Avith less than the full amount of pay. Veterinary surgeons are not entitled to travel pay on discharge ; they will be borne on the rolls of the field and staff; name, date of commencement of service, and grade heing stated. WITNESSES. (Sop A. K. 962-9r,r,. ) 119. A -witness whose deposition is reiiuireil t.> be taken before an officer (either within or without the United States) to be in evidence before a court-martial, in conformity witli law, is entitled ti) be ])aid the fees and expenses authorized by the Regulations to be paid to ^vitnesses before courts- martial. MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 29 120. The cost of deiwsitions under A. R. (U'J, is piiyalilc by the Quartermaster's Department. 121. A civilian witness who attends ;i court-niartial in obedience to a siimmons, but who declines to testify, is en- titled to his fees and expenses. 122. The certificate of the officer constituting a s^immury court will be accepted in lien of that of a judge advocate, as a proper authentication of a witness's account, and payment will be made in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 963 and 9G3 A. R. 123. Table of Pay Allowed by Law to Officers of the Army. PAY OF OFFK'IOIIS IN ACTIVE SKRVICE. * Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain, mounted Captain, not mounted Regimental adjutant Regimental quartermaster 1st Lieutenant, mounted Ist Lieutenant, not mounted. 2d Lieutenant, mounted 2d Lieutenant, not mounted.. Chaplain PAY OF GRADE. MONTHLY PAY. f 11, ooo 7,500 5,500 3, 500 3,000 2,500 2, 000 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,600 1, 500 1,500 1.400 1,500 Monthly. |ni6. G7 625. 00 458. 33 291.67 250. 00 208. 33 166. 67 150. 00 150.00 150. 00 133. 33 125. 00 125. 00 116.67 125. 00 After 5 years- After 10 years service. lOju-rcl. '20 i:ey cl. $320. 83 27"i.00 229. 17 183.33 165.00 165.00 165. 00 146. 67 137.50 137. 50 128. .33 137.60 ;$350. 00 I 300.00 I 250.00 200.00 180.00 180.00 ! 180.00 160. C«) 1.50.00 1.50.00 140.00 150. 00 After 1 5. years After 20 years* SO/'ri- ct. tl375.00 325. 00 270. S3 216.67 195.00 195. 00 195. 00 173. 33 162. 50 162.50 151.67 162.50 40 ;.(■!• H. $375. 00 |333. iC. 291.67 233. 33 210. 00 210. 00 210. 00 186.67 175.00 175.00 16 !. 33 175.00 * For law establishing the present rates of pay, see sees. 1261, 1262, 1263, and 1274, R. S. fThe maximum pay of a Colonel is by law S4,5O0 per .■inuum. [Sec. 1267, R. S.] iThe maximum pay of a Lieutenant Colonel is liy law §4,000 per annujii. [Sec. 1267, R.S.] 30 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. Table of Pay Allowed by Law to Officers of the Army— Continued, I'AY OF KETIKKU OFFICERS. * PAT OF GKASE. MONTHLY PAY. Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain, mounted Captain, not mounted 1st Lieutenant, mounted 1st Lieutenant, not mounted 2d Lieutenant, mounted 2il Lieutenant, not mounted Chaplain Monthly. S8, 250 5, G2.5 4,125 2, r,25 2, 250 1,875 1,500 1, 350 1, 200 1,125 1, 125 1, 050 1,350 S687. 50 468. 75 343. 75 218. 75 187. 50 15G. 25 125.00 112.50 100.00 93.75 93. 75 87. 50 112.50 After 5 years' service. After \fl years' $240. 62 206. 25 171.87 137. 50 123. 75 110.00 103. 12 103.12 96.25 123. 75 S262. 225. 187. 1511. 135. 120. 112. 112. 105. 135. After 15 yea, After 20 years' service. $281. 25 2+3. 75 203. 12 162. 5(» 146. 25 130. 00 121. 87 121.87 113.75 146. 25 S281.25 250. IK) 218.75 17.5.00 157.50 140. (JO 131.25 131.25 122. ,50 157.50 * F(jr law establishing the present rates of pay, see sees. 1261, 1262, 1263, and 1274, R. S. NOTES. 1. An Aid to a Slajor General is allowed J200 per year in addition to the pay of his rank, not to he imluded in rompnting the service increase. — [Act July Ifi, 1870, sec. 2/,.] Sec. 1261, R. S. 2. An Aid to a Brigadier General is allowed §150 per year in addition to the pay of his rank, not to be inrluded in loraputing the service increase. — [Ad July 1.5, 1870, sec. 2/,.] Sec. 1261, R. S. 3. An Acting Commissary of Subsistence is allowed SlOO per year-in addition to the pay of his rank, not to be included in computing the service increase. — [Act July 1.'), 1870, sec. 2k.] Sec. 1261, R. S. 4. Assistant Surgeons are entitled to pay of Captain after five years' service [.U7 June 23, 1S7U, sec. AJ, service to be reckoned from date of acceptance of apjwintment or commission. — [Decision of Second Comptroller, September 2(1, ISS!,.] 5. Retired oflficers receive 75 per cent of pay (salary and increase) of their rank. — AH .Tnly ir,, 1870, sec. 2/,.\ Sec. 1274, R. S. 6. A retired Chaplain receives 75 per cent of the pay (salary and increa.se) of his rank (Captain, not mounted). Sec. 1122, R. S. 7. The officer in charge of the public buildings and grounds (Washington) lia.«, while so serving, the rank, pay, and emoluments of a Colonel. — [Act March 3, 1873, sec. 1.] 8. For additional pay as mounted officers, see A. K., 1301, 1895. 9. Officers of the line detailed by the Secretary of War as Assistant Inspectors General have allowances of cavalry officers of their respective grades, [.id Jime 23, 1S7U.] 10. The principal assistant in the Ordnance Bureau of the War Dejmrtment shall receive a compensation, including pay and emoluuioiits, not exceeding that of a Major of Ordnance. — [Ad February 27, 1877.] MANUAIv FOR THE PAY DEPAliTMENT. 31 11'. An Acting Judge Advocate, detailed l)y tlie Secretary of War, is iiitithil ti> the jiay and allowances of Captain of Cavalry. — [.-id Jidi/ .", 1S>!!,.] 12. Retired officers detailed for duty at colleges under the act of Is'oveniber [i, 1893, entitled to full pay. Those detailed under other laws nol entitled. — [Act August a, ]S9/t.] KEMARKS. Mileage, at the rate of /our cents per mile, over shortest usually traveled routes ami, in addition thereto, the cost of transportation actually jiaid by tlie officer over the route or routes, exclusive of j arlor-car fare or sleeping-car fare and transfers. For travel over free and bond-aided I'acific railroads, transportation in kind nuist bo obtained from the Quartermaster's Department.— [Gf/iej-ai Orilem, Na. i:'.i, Ailjii- laid GeueraVs Office, series of ISOO. ] Commutation of quarters to be |iaid by Pay Department, i\'l \\fv monlb pc r room. — [Act June 23, 1S79.] The sums hereinbefore allowed shall lie jiaid in mimtbly payments by tlie Pay- master.— [Sec. 126S, li. S.] Vouchers in payment of an officer's salary must cover liis wboli' iuir]ieiis:itioM (full or half pay, according to status) for a period ufone or more calendar niuntbs. 33 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 7^« 3 "■' ^-' *^ i^ ix^ ou „ S '^ . i: V. a cS a b 5^ a ii ° =s S op, '^P^ a L- 0) w' O &.<<<; !r -c S it M 3 >,_s _ 'a '2 (J '*■'■? K 3 S g MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPAKTMENT. 33 125. Table of monthly pay of enlisted men of the United States Army, (Sees. IlOa, l'J77, ami I'.'wi to ljs4 H. S. ; :u-ts ot JuiK- 1(1, Is>1ll, I'Vliniurv '.'7, Ix'.i.i, AuRUst 1, 1S94, August 6, lb94, imd March II), KsOli.j FIRST FIVE YEARS CONTINUOUS SERVICE. Year in each enlistment of five years, Year in each enlistment of three tears •-{ Year of total continuous service. Ist year. 1st year. 1st year. '.id year. 2d year. 2d year. 3d year. 3d year. 3d year. 4th year. 1st year. 4th year. .5 th year. 2d year. 5th year. RANK AND SERVICE. Private — Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry Private — {Second class) Engineers aud C>rdnance Musician — Engineers, Artillery, aud Infantry.- Trumpeter — Cavalry Wagoner — Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry Artificer — Artillery and Infantry Corporal — Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry Blacksmith and Farrier — Cavalry Saddler — Cavalry Sergeant— Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry Private — (First class) Engineers and Ordnance Corporal— Engineers and Ordnance First Sergeant — Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry. Sergeant — Engineers, Ordnance, and Signal Corps. Sergeimts — (First class) Signal Corps,., 413 14 regiment. I Chief Trumpeter— Cavalry j) Principal Musician — Artillery and Infantry W Saddler Sergeant— Cavalry S Chief Musician — Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry. Sergeant Major — Artillery, Cavalry,and Infantry.'? QuartennastL'r Sergeant — Art., Cav., and Inf S Serg, Major aud Q'master Sergeant — Eugiueers.. Ordnance Sergeant Commissary Sergeatit '> 34 Post Quartermaster Sergeant ) hospital corps. Hospital Steward Acting Hospitiil Steward- Private 113 814 (*) 116 17 18 21 20 23 28 37 *The pay of a man who has ever served continuously more than five years and who reenters the service more than three months after discharge commences with amount stated in this column. 403- 31 .AIANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. Table of monthly pay of enlisted men of the United States Army— Continued. SECOND FIVE YEARS CONTINUOUS SERVICE.* S2 EXTRA. Year in each enlistment of five years ■-{ 1st year. Y'eAR in each ENLISTSIENT of three YEARS- 3d year. Year of total continuous service. 6th year. RANK AND SERVICE. Prirate — Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry I'rivato — (Second class) Engineers and Ordnance.. Musician Engineers, Artillery, and Infantry Tniniix'ter — Cavalry Wafjoner — Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry Artificer — Artillery and Infantry Corjioral — Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry Blacksmith and Farrier — Cavalry Saddler — Cavalry Sergeant — Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry Privati — (First class) Engineers and Ordnance __. Corporal — Engineers and Ordnance Fir-st Sergeant — Artillery, Cavalry and Infantrj'.. Sergeant — Engineers, Ordnance, and Signal Corps. Sergeants — (First class) Signal Corps regiment. f!hief Trumpeter — Cavali-y Principal Musician — Artillery and Infantry Saddler Sergeant — Cavalry ( 'liief Musician — Artillery, Cavali'v, and Infantry. Sergeant Major — Artillery, Cavalry,aud Infantry. Quartermaster Sergeant — Art.,Cav., and Inf Serg. Major and Q'master Sergeant — Engineers.. Ordnance Sergeant Commissary Sergeant Post Quartermaster Sergeant. hospital coitrs. Hospital Steward Acting Hospital Stew ard. Private 2d vear. 1st year. 7th year. 3d 4th I 5th year. year. year. 2d 3d 1st year. year. year. 8th year. SI 8 19 9th year. 10th year. S18 19 20 23 22 25 30 39 50 * For continuous service of more than ten years, an additional SI per mouth for each successive period of five years. MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. ;]5 126. Pay of Veterinary Surgeons, Hospital Matrons, and Clerks and Messengers at Military Headquarters. [Act August 16, 1894,] Veterinary Sursenn* (senior) per month.. $100 Veterinary Surj^eon (junior) per month 75 Hospital Matron per mouth__ .10 Clerk, Class 1 per annum.. 1,000 Clerk, Class 2 per annum.. 1,100 Clerk, Class 3 per aniium__ 1,200 Messenger per month 60 *Only one Veterinary Surgeon, at S75 per month, allowed each of the cavalry regiments, from the First to the Sixth Regiment, inclusive; two, one at $100 and one at $15 per month, allowed each of the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Regiments; the senior in date of appointment entitled to the higher grade. Clothing. — Will be settled six months after the date of enlistment, and thereafter on June 30 and Decemher 31 of each year. — [A. R. 1181, 1895.] Balances found due United States to ho charged soldier on muster-rolls of those dates. Balances due soldier to be carried forward on company books, credited to his current clothing account; any balance remaining due him at discharge to be credited on final state- ments.— [Sec. I:i02, R. S.] A cortifieato of merit entitles a soldier to $'2, per month additional pay, comnienc- ing on the date of rendering "distinguished service" and cimtimiing through all subsequent service as an enlisted man. — [Sections 1216 and 1285, Revised Statutes, and Act of February 9, 1891.] The Court of Claims decided May 29, 1893, that the Act of February 9, 1S!)1, is retro ictive and entitles to pay from date of the service, not merely from the date of the act. 36 MANUAT, FOR THE I>AY DEPARTHfENT. 127. Table of Monthly Pay and Allowances to Enlisted Men on the Retired List, U. S. Army. POST NONCOMMISSIONED STAFF. Post Qiiartermastpr Sergeants. Ordnance Sergeants Comramissary Sergeants ORDNANCE. Sergeants Corjiorals Privates, first class Privates, second class ENGINEERS. StTgeant Major (^nartermastor Sergeant Sorgeant <\)r[)oral musician Private, first class Private, second class MILITARY ACADEMY BAND. Musicians, first class Musicians, second class. Musicians, third class SIGNAL CORPS. Sergeant, first class. Sergeant Corporal Private, first class. .. Private, second class HOSPITAL CORPS. Hospital Stewards. Privates Re- enlisted pay. CAVALRY, ARTILLERY, AND INKANTRV. CI lief Musician . SiTgeant Major ." yuarterniaster Sergeant (Miief Trumpeter, Cavalry J'liucipal Musicians, .Artillery and Infantry Sadiller Sergeants, Cavalry i''ir.»t Sergeants Srigcanis CoriKirals Tninmeter, Cavalry Mii.-iicians, Artillery and Infantrj' Privates IJlacksmith and Farrier, Saddler, Cavalry .Artificers, Artillery and Infantry Wagoner _. >827. 75 27. 75 17.25 15. 00 12.00 29.25 27. 75 17.25 12.00 15. 1 12.00 27.75 17.25 15.00 36. 00 27.75 17.25 15.00 12.00 36.00 15. 75 47.25 19.50 21.00 15.75 13.50 13.50 12.75 29. 25 18.75 16.50 13. 50 30.75 29. 25 18.75 13.50 16. .50 13.50 29.25 18.75 16.50 37.50 29. 2o 18.75 16.50 13.50 37.50 17.25 48.75 21.00 22.50 17.25 15.00 15.00 14.25 ?30.00 30.00 19.50 17.25 14.25 31.50 30.no 19.50 14.25 17. 25 14.25 30. 00 19.50 17.25 38. 25 30.00 19.50 17.25 14. 25 38.25 18.00 49.50 21.75 20.25 ' 21.00 23.25 18.00 15.75 15.75 15.00 830.75 30.75 20.25 18.00 15.00 32. 25 30. 75 20.25 15.00 18.00 15.00 30.75 20. 25 18.00 39.00 30.75 20.25 18.00 15.00 39.00 18.75 50.25 22.50 24.00 18.75 16. 50 16.50 1.5.75 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 37 Monthly Pay and Allowances to Enlisted Men on the Retired List, U. S. Army— Continued. Rank. 20 yeare' years' 35 years' POST NONCOMMISSIONED STAFF. Post Quarteimaster Sergeants Ordnance Sergeants Couimissary Sergeants ORDNANCE. Sergeants Corporals ' Privates, first class Privates, second class $31.50 31.50 21.00 18.75 15.75 ENGINEERS. Sergeant Major I go qq Quartermaster Sergeant ) Sergeant 31.50 Corporal 21.00 Musician 15. 75 Private, first class 18. 75 Private, second class 15.75 MILITARY ACADEMY BAND. Musicians, first class Musicians, second class- 31.50 21.00 Musicians, third cla.se 18.75 SIfiNAL CORPS. Sergeant, first class Sergeant Corporal Private, first class Private, second class HOSPITAL CORPS. Hospital Stewards . Privates CAVALRY, ARTILLERY, AND INFANTRY. Chief Musician Sergeant Major . Quartermaster Sergeant Chief Trumpeter, Cavalry I'rincipal Slusicians, Artillery and Infantry Saddler Sergeants, Cavalry First Sergeants Sergeants Corporals Trumpeter, Cavalry Musicians, Artillery and Infantry Privates Blacksmith and Farrier, Saddler, Cavalry Artificers, Artillery and Infantry Wagoner :if». 75 31.50 21.00 18.75 15.75 39.75 19.50 51.00 23.25 24.75 19.50 17.25 17.25 16.50 32. 25 21.75 19.50 1C.50 33.75 32.25 21.75 16.50 19.50 16.50 32. 25 21.75 19. 50 40. 50 32. 25 21.75 19.50 16.50 40.50 20. 25 51.75 24.00 25.50 20. 25 18.00 18.00 17.25 $33.00 33. 00 22.50 20. 25 17. 25 34. 50 33.00 22.50 17. -25 20. 25 17.25 33. 00 22. 50 20. 25 41. 25 33. 00 22. 50 20. 25 17.25 41.25 21.00 52.50 24.75 26.25 21.00 18.75 17.25 18.75 18.00 $33. 75 33.75 23. 25 21.00 18.00 35.25 33.75 23. 25 18. 00 21. 00 18. 00 33.75 23. 25 21.00 42. 00 33. 75 23. 25 21.00 18.00 42.00 21.75 53. 25 25.50 27.00 21.75 19.50 19. 50 18. 75 General Service Clerks and Messengers rank, on retirement, as follows: Third class clerks as First Sergeants, 2d class clerks as Sergeants, 1st class clerks as Cor- poral.s, messengers as privates. — [G. 0. tj/,, 1886.] Note 1. — Deduct Soldiers" Home dues at regular bimonthly periods. Note 2. — Additional pay for length of service does not accrue after retirement. Not:: 3. — The sum of f 9.50 per month is granted in lieu of the allowance for sub- sistence and clothing. — [Act March 10, IHilli. ] 38 128. MAN'UAL FOR THK FAY DEPARTMKXT. Officers' Pay Tables, Days. Second Lieutenant, not mounted. 5 years' service. 10 years' service. 15 years' service. 20 years' service. 8116.67 8128.33 $140.00 8151.67 8163.33 j 1 S4.28 S4.67 f 85.06 S5.44 •y 7.78 8.56 9.33 1 10.11 10.89 H n.G7 12.83 11.00 15.17 16.33 4 15. 56 17.11 18.67 20.22 21.78 5 19.44 21.39 25. 67 23. 33 25. 28 27.22 32.67 B 23.33 28. 00 ; 30. 33 7 27.22 29. 94 32. 67 35.39 38.11 8 31.11 34. 22 37. 33 40.44 43.56 9 35.00 38.50 42.00 45.50 49. 00 10 38.89 42. 78 46. 67 50.56 54.44 11 42. 78 47.06 51.33 55.61 59. 8J 12 46.67 51.33 56.00 60.67 65.33 13 50. 56 55. 61 60. 67 65. 72 70.78 14 54.44 69.89 6.5.33 ' 70.78 76.22 15 58.33 64.17 70.00 75.83 81.67 16 62. 22 68.44 74. 67 1 80. 89 87.11 17 60. 11 72. 72 79. 33 85. 94 92.56 18 70. 00 77.00 84.00 91.00 98.00 19 73.8!) 81.28 88.67 1 96.06 103.44 20 77.78 85.56 93.33 101.11 108.89 ! 21 81.67 89.83 98.00 106. 17 114.33 j 22 85. 56 94.11 102.67 ' 111.22 119. 78 2:t 8!). 44 98. 39 107.33 , 116.28 125. 22 24 93.33 102. 67 112.00 121.33 130. 67 25 97.22 106. 94 116. 67 126. 39 136. 11 2« 101.11 111.22 121. 33 131.44 141.56 27 105.00 115. 50 126. 00 136. 50 147.00 2S 108. 89 119.78 130. 67 ' 141. 5G 152.44 2!) 112.78 124. OG l:!5.33 146.61 157. 89 i '"■ lir,.ti7 128.33 1 140.00 j l.il.67 163.33 1 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. 39 Officers' Pay Tables— Continued. Days. First Lieutenant, not mounted ; Second Lieutenant Ctiaplain. , mounted ; 5 years' service. 10 years' service. 15 years' service. 20 years' service. 1125. 00 8137.50 $150. 00 S162. 50 8175. 00 1 $4.17 W. 58 ^5.00 S5.42 85.83 2 8.33 9.17 10.00 10.83 11.67 3 12.50 13. 75 15. 00 10.25 17.50 4 16.67 18.33 20. 00 21.67 23.33 20.83 22.92 25.00 27.08 29.17 6 25.00 27.50 30.00 32.50 35. 00 7 29.17 32.08 35.00 37.92 40.83 s 33.33 3G. 67 40. 00 43.33 40.67 9 37.50 41. 25 45.(10 48.75 52. 50 10 41.67 45.83 50.00 54.17 58.33 11 45,83 50.42 55. 1 59.58 64. 17 12 50.00 55. 00 60.00 65.00 70.00 13 54.17 59.58 65. 00 70.42 75.83 14 58.33 04.17 70.00 75.83 81.67 15 62. 50 68.75 75.00 81.25 87.50 16 6G.67 73.33 80.00 86.67 93.33 17 70.83 77.92 85.00 92.08 99.17 18 75.00 82. 50 90.00 97.50 105. 00 19 79.17 87. (18 95. 00 102. 92 110.83 20 83.33 91.67 100. 00 108. 33 116.67 21 87.50 96.25 105. 00 113. 75 122. 50 22 91.67 100. 83 110. 00 119. 17 128.33 23 95.83 105.42 115. 00 124. 58 134. 17 24 100. 00 110. 00 120. 00 130. 00 140.00 25 104. 17 114.58 125. 00 135. 42 145. 83 26 108. 33 119.17 130.00 140. 83 151. 67 27 112. 50 123. 75 135. 00 146. 25 157. 50 2.S 116.67 128.33 140. 00 151.67 163. 33 29 120. 83 132. 92 145.00 157. 08 169. 17 30 125.00 137. 50 150. 00 162. 50 175. 00 40 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. Officers' Pay Tables— Continued. Days. First Lieutenant, mounted. 5 years' service. 10 years', service. 15 years' service. 20 years' j service. 813.3.33 $146.67 8160.00 $173.33 1 S186.67 1 S4.44 S4.89 $5.33 S5.78 §0.22 2 8.89 9.78 10.67 11.56 12.44 3 13.33 14.67 16.00 17.33 18.67 4 17.78 19.56 21.33 23.11 j 24. 89 5 22.22 24.44 26.67 28.89 31.11 26.67 29.33 32.00 34.67 37. 33 7 ,31. 11 34.22 37.33 40.44 ! 43. 56 8 .35. 50 39.11 42. 67 46. 22 1 49. 78 » 40.00 44.00 48.00 52. 00 56. 00 10 44.44 48.89 53.33 57.78 1 62. 22 11 48.89 - 53.78 58.67 63. 56 68.44 12 53. 33 58.67 64.00 69.33 74.67 13 57. 78 03. 50 69. 33 75.11 80.89 14 02. 2-2 68.44 74.67 80.89 87. 11 15 lit 00.67 73.33 80.00 86.67 93. 33 71.11 78.22 85.33 92.44 99.56 17 75. 50 83.11 90.67 98.22 105. 78 18 80.00 88. 00 90. 00 104. 00 112. 00 1» 84.44 92.89 101.33 109. 78 118. 22 20 88.89 97. 78 100. 07 115. 50 124.44 1 21 93.33 102. 67 112.00 121.33 1 130. 67 22 97. 78 107.60 117.33 127. 11 130. 89 23 ]02.22 112.44 122. 07 132. 89 143. 11 24 100.07 117.33 128.00 138. 67 149. 33 25 111.11 122.22 133. 33 144. 44 155. 50 2li 115.56 127.11 138. 67 150. 22 161.78 27 120.00 132.00 144.00 156.00 108.00 28 124. 44 136. 89 149.33 161. 78 174.22 2!» 128.89 141.78 154. 07 107. 50 180.44 30 1.33. ,33 146. 67 100. 00 173.33 186. 67 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. Officers' Pay Tables— Continued. 41 Days. Captain, no t mounted ; Regimental Adjutant, and Quartermaster. 5 years' service. 10 years' service. 15 years' service. 20 years' service. 8150. 00 8165. 00 8180. 00 8195. 00 1^210. 00 1 S5.00 85.50 86.00 86.50 87.00 2 10. 00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 3 15. 00 16.50 18.00 19.50 21.00 4 20.00 22. 00 24. 00 26.00 28.00 5 25.00 27.50 30.00 32. 50 35.00 6 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 42.00 7 35.00 38.50 42.00 45. 50 49.00 S 40.00 44.00 48.00 52.00 56.00 5> 45. 00 49.50 54.00 58.50 63.00 10 50.00 55. 00 60. 00 65.00 70.00 11 55. 00 60. 50 66.00 71.50 77.00 12 GO. 00 66. 00 72.00 78.00 84.00 13 65. 00 71.50 78. 00 84.50 91.00 14 70.00 77. 00 84.00 91.00 98.00 15 75.00 82.50 90.00 97.50 105. 00 16 80.00 88.00 96.00 104. 00 112.00 17 85.00 93. 50 102. 00 110. 50 119.00 18 90. 00 99. 00 108. 00 117.00 126. 00 19 95.00 104. 50 114. 00 123.50 133. 00 20 100. 00 110.00 120. 00 130. 00 140. 00 21 105. 00 115.50 126. 00 136. 50 147. 00 22 110. 00 121.00 132.00 143. 00 1,54. 00 23 115.00 126. 50 138.00 149.50 161.00 24 120. 00 132. 00 144. 00 156.00 168.00 25 125. 00 137. 50 150. 00 162.50 175. 00 26 130. 00 143. 00 156. 00 169. 00 182. 00 27 135. 00 148. 50 162. 00 175. 50 189. 00 28 140. 00 154. 00 168.00 182. 00 196.00 29 145. 00 159. 50 174. 00 188. 50 203. 00 30 150. 00 165. 00 180. 00 195.00 210. 00 42 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. Officers' Pay Tables— Continued. Days. Captain mounted. 5 years' service. 10 years' service. 15 years' service. 20 years' | service. $166.67 $183.33 $200. 00 $216.67 $233.33 1 $5.56 $6.11 $6.67 $7.22 $7.78 2 11.11 12.22 13.33 14.44 15. 56 3 16.67 18.33 20.00 21.67 23. 33 4 22.22 24.44 26.67 28.89 31.11 5 27.78 30.56 33.33 36.11 38.89 6 33.33 36.67 40.00 43.33 46.67 7 38.89 42.78 46.67 50. 56 54.44 8 44.44 48.89 53.33 57.78 62. 22 1 9 50.00 55. 00 60. 00 65.00 70.00 10 55.56 61.11 66.67 72.22 77.78 11 CI. 11 67.22 73.33 79.44 85.56 12 66.67 73. 33 80. 00 86.67 93.33 13 72.22 79.44 86. 07 93. 89 101. 11 14 77.78 85.50 93. 33 101.11 108. 89 15 83.33 91. 67 100.00 108. 33 110.67 16 88.89 97.78 106. 67 115 56 124. 44 17 94.44 lOi. 89 113. 33 122. 78 132.22 18 100.00 110.00 120.00 130. 00 140. 00 19 105. 50 110.11 120. 07 137.22 147.78 20 111.11 122. 22 128. 33 133. 33 140. 00 144.44 155. 50 21 lie. 67 151. 67 163.33 ' 22 122.22 134.44 146. 07 158. 89 171.11 1 23 127. 78 140.50 153.33 106.11 178. 89 i 24 133. 3:? 140. 67 100.00 173.33 186. 67 25 138. 89 152. 78 160. 07 180. 50 194.44 26 144.44 158. 89 173.33 187.78 202.22 27 150. 00 105. 00 180.00 195. 00 210. 00 28 155. 56 171.11 186. 67 202. 22 217. 78 29 101.11 177.22 193.33 209. 44 225. 56 30 TOO. 07 183.33 200. 00 •210. 07 233. 33 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. Officers' Pay Tables— Continued. 48 Days. Major. 5 years' service. 10 years' service. 15 years' service. 20 years' service. 1208. 33 $229. 17 8250.00 $270. 83 $291.67 1 f«.94 «7.64 $8.33 $9.03 $9. 72 2 13. 89 15.28 16.67 18. 06 19.44 3 20. 83 . 22.92 25.00 27.08 29. 17 4 27.78 30.56 33.33 36.11 38.89 5 34.72 38.19 41.67 45.14 48.61 e 41.67 45.83 50.00 54. 17 58.33 7 48. Gl 53.47 58.33 63.19 68.06 8 55.56 61.11 66.67 72.22 77.78 9 62.50 68. 75 75.00 81.25 87. 50 10 69.44 76.39 83. 33 90.28 97.22 11 76.39 84.03 91.67 99.31 106. 94 12 83.33 91.67 100.00 108.33 116. 67 13 90.28 99.31 108.33 117.36 126. 39 14 97.22 106. 94 116.67 126.39 136. 11 15 104. 17 114. 58 125.00 135. 42 145. 83 Ifi 111.11 122. 22 133. .33 144.44 155. 56 17 118.06 129. 86 141.67 1.53. 47 165. 28 IS 125. 00 137.50 150. 00 162. 50 175.00 19 131.94 145. 14 158. 33 171.53 184.72 20 138. 89 152. 78 166. 67 180. 56 194. 44 21 145. 83 160. 42 175.00 189. 58 . 204. 17 22 152. 78 168.06 183. .33 198. 61 213. 89 23 159.72 175. 69 191. 67 207. 64 223. 61 24 166.67 183.33 200. 00 216.67 233. 33 25 173.61 190. 97 208. 33 225. 69 243. 06 26 180. 56 198. 61 216. 67 234. 72 252. 78 27 187. 50 206. 25 225. 00 243. 75 262. 50 28 194.44 213. 89 233.33 252. 78 272. 22 29 201.39 221. 53 241.67 261.81 281. 94 30 208. 33 229. 17 250. CO 270. 83 291. 67 44 MANUAL FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. Officers' Pay Tables— Continued. 1 Days. Lieutenant Colonel. 5 years' service. 10 years' service. 15 years' service. 20 years' service. 8250. 00 8275. 00 8300.00 8325.00 833.3.33 1 ?8.33 89.17 $10.00 310. 83 Sll. 11 2 10. 07 18.33 20.00 21.67 22.22 3 25.00 27.50 .30. 00 32.50 33. 33 4 33. 33 36.67 40.00 43.33 44.44 5 41.67 45.83 50.00 54.17 55.56 6 .-■.0. 00 55.00 60.00 65.00 66.67 7 58. 33 04.17 70.00 75.83 77.78 S GO. 67 73.33 80.09 86.07 88.89 9 75. 00 82. 50 90.00 97.50 100.00 10 83.33 91.67 100.00 108. 33 111.11 11 91.67 100. 83 110.00 119.17 122.22 I'i 100.00 110. 00 120. 00 130. 00 133.33 \.i 108. 33 119.17 13 J. 00 140. 83 144.44 14 116.67 1 28. 33 140. 00 151.07 15.5. 56 15 125.00 137.50 150. 00 162. 50 166. 67 ll> 133.33 146. 67 160. 00 173. .33 177. 78 17 141.67 155.83 170.00 184. 17 188.89 18 150. 00 165. 00 180.00 195. 00 200. 00 j 19 158. 33 174. 17 190.00 205. 83 211.11 ' •20 166. 67 183. 33 200. 00 216. 07 222. 22 21 . 175. 00 ■ 192. 50 210. 00 227. .50 233. 33 : 22 183.33 201.67 220. 00 238. 33 244. 44 23 191.07 210.83 230. 00 249.17 2,'->5. 50 24 200. 00 220. 00 240. 00 200. 00 206. 67 25 208. 33 229. 17 250. 00 270. a3 277. 78 26 216. 67 238. 33 260.00 281. 67 288. 89 27 225. 00 247. 50 270. 00 292. 50 300.00 28 233. 33 256. 67 280. 00 303. 33 311. 11 1 2ft 241.07 265. 83 290. 00 314. 17 322. 22 30 250. 00 275. 00 300. 00 325.00 333.33 MANUAl. FDK THE PAY DEI'AllTMENT. Officers' Pay Tables— Continued. 45 Days. Colonel. 5 years' 10 years' 15 and 20 service. service. years' service. $291. 67 »320. 83 1350.00 8375. 00 1 f9. 72 SI 0.69 $11.67 $12. 50 2 19.44 21. 39 23.33 25. 00 3 29. 17 32. 08 , 35.00 37. 50 4 38.89 42.78 46.67 50.00 5 48.61 53.47 58.33 62.50 (> 58.33 64.17 70.00 75. 00 7 68.05 74. 8(i 81.67 87. 50 s 77.78 85. 56 93.33 100. 00 !) 87.50 96. 25 105. 00 112. 50 10 97. 22 106.94 116. 67 125. 00 11 106. 94 117. 04 128. 33 137. 50 12 116. 67 128. 33 ' 140. 00 150. 00 13 126. 39 139.03 j 151.67 162. 50 14 136.11 149. 72 163.33 175.00 15 145. 83 160. 42 175. 00 187.50 l(i 155. 56 171.11 186. 67 200. 00 17 165.28 181.81 198. 33 212.50 IS 175. 00 192.50 210.00 225. 00 1!) 184. 72 203. 19 1 221. 67 237. 50 20 194. 44 213. 89 233. 33 250. 00 21 204. 17 224. 58 245.00 262. 50 22 213. 89 235. 28 256. 67 275. 00 23 223. 61 245. 97 268. 33 287. 50 24 233. 33 256. 67 280. 00 300. 00 25 243. 06 267. 36 291.67 312. 50 2(> 252. 78 278. 06 303. 33 325. 00 27 262. 50 288. 75 315. 00 337. 50 28 272. 22 299. 44 326. 67 350. 00 2!> 281.94 310. 14 338. 33 362. 50 30 291. 67 320. 83 350. 00 375. 00 46 MANUAL FOR THE I'AY DEPARTMENT. Officers' Pay Tables— Continued. 1 Brigadier Gen- eral. Major Gen- eral. Lieutenant | General. Da vs. 1 $458. 3:^ 86-25.80 8916. 67 1 815. 28 820.83 830. 56 1 2 30.56 41.67 61.11 1 ^ 45.83 62. 50 91.67 4 01.11 83. 33 122.22 5 76. 3'J 104.17 152. 78 183. 33 6 91.67 125.00 7 106. 94 145. 83 213.89 S 122.22 166. 67 244.44 9 137. 50 187. 50 275.00 10 1.52.78 208. 33 305. 56 1 11 168. 06 229. 17 336.11 12 183.33 250. Wt 366. 67 13 198.61 270. 83 397. 22 14 213. 89 291.67 427. 78 15 229. 17 312. 50 453.33 16 244. 44 333. 33 488. 89 17 259. 72 354.17 519.44 18 275. 00 375. 00 5.=)0. 0(1 19 290. 28 395. 83 580. 56 20 305. 56 416.67 611.11 21 320. 83 437.50 641.67 22 336.11 458. .33 672. 22 23 351. 39 479. 17 702. 78 24 366. 67 500.00 733.33 25 381. 94 520. 83 763.89 26 397. 22 541.67 794.44 27 412. 50 562. 50 825.00 2.S 427.78 583. 33 855. 50 29 443.06 604.17 886. 11 30 458. 33 625.00 916. 67 129 MANUAL FOR THK PAY DEPARTMENT. Four per cent Interest Table. Days. $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 1 SO. 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0. 00 10.00 $0. 00 10.01 [ 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 3 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 4 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 3 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .03 6 .00 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .03 .03 .03 7 .00 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .03 .03 .04 8 .00 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .03 .03 .01 .04 9 .00 .01 .01 .02 , .02 .03 .03 .04 .01 . 05 10 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .03 .04 .04 .05 . 06 11 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .04 .04 .05 .0-) . OC) 12 .01 .01 .02 .03 .03 .04 .05 .05 .06 .07 13 .01 .01 .02 .03 .04 .04 .05 .06 .00 .07 U .01 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .05 .06 .07 .08 15 .01 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .07 .08 16 .01 .02 .03 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 17 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .07 .08 .09 18 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .0(i .07 .08 .09 .10 19 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .CO .07 .08 .09 .11 20 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 21 .01 .02 .03 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 A-^ 22 .01 .02 .01 .05 .06 .07 .09 .10 .11 .12 23 .01 .03 .01 .05 .00 .08 .09 .10 .11 .13 24 .01 .03 .04 .05 .07 .08 .09 .11 .12 .13 25 .01 .03 .04 .06 .07 .08 .10 .11 .12 .14 26 .01 .0:! .04 .00 .07 .09 .10 .11 ■ .13 .14 27 .01 .03 .04 .06 .07 .0!) .10 .12 .13 .15 28 .02 .03 .05 .00 .08 .(Mt .11 .12 .14 .10 29 .02 .03 .05 .06 .08 .10 .11 .13 .14 .16 30 .02 .03 .05 .07 .08 .10 .12 .13 .15 .17 r 2 .03 .07 .10 .13 .17 .20 .23 .27 .30 .33 3 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 4 .07 .13 .20 .27 .33 .40 .46 .53 .60 .67 5 .08 .17 .25 .33 .42 .50 .58 .67 .75 .83 .,; 6 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 g • 7 .12 .23 .35 .47 .58 .70 .82 .93 1.05 1.17 8 .13 .27 .40 .53 .67 .80 .93 1.07 1.20 1.33 9 .15 .30 .45 -.60 .75 . 90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 10 .17 .33 .50 .67 .83 1.00 1.17 1.33 1.50 1.67 11 .18 .37 .55 .73 .92 1.10 1.28 1.47 1.65 1.83 12 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 48 MANUAL FOR THE PAY BEPARTJIENT. 130. Table of Daily Rates of Pay. FEB UONTII. Days. 125g cents. $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 »8 1 $0.03 80.07 SO. 10 SO. 13 80.17 SO. 20 SO. 23 $0.27 2 1 .07 .13 .20 .27 .33 .40 .47 .53 3 2 .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 4 2 .13 .27 .40 .53 .67 .80 .93 1.07 5 2 .17 .33 .50 .67 .83 1.00 1.17 1.33 6 3 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 7 3 .23 .47 .70 .93 1.17 1.40 1.63 1.87 S 3 . 27 .53 .80 1.07 1.33 1.60 1.87 2.13 9 •1 .30 .60 .90 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.40 10 4 .33 .67 1.00 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.67 H 5 .37 .73 1.10 1.47 1.83 2.20 2.57 1 2.93 12 r, .40 .80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.20 13 5 .43 .87 1.30 1.73 2.17 2.60 3.03 3.47 14 6 .47 .93 1.40 1.87 2.33 2.80 3.27 3.73 15 6 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 16 7 .53 1.07 1.60 2.13 2.67 3.20 3.73 4.27 17 7 .57 1.13 1.70 2.27 2.83 3.40 3.97 4.53 18 8 .CO 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 4.80 19 S .63 1.27 1.90 2.53 3.17 3.80 4.43 5.07 20 8 .67 1.33 2.00 2.67 3.33 4.00 4.67 5.33 21 9 .70 1.40 2.10 2.80 3.50 4.20 4.90 5.60 22 9 .73 1.47 2.20 2.93 3.67 4.40 5.13 5.87 28 10 .77 1.53 2.30 3.07 3.83 4.60 5.37 6.13 24 10 .80 1.60 2.40 3.20 4.00 4.80 5.60 6.40 25 10 .83 1.67 2.50 3.33 4.17 5.00 5.83 6.67 26 11 .87 1.73 2.60 3.47 4.33 5.20 6.07 6.93 27 11 .90 1.80 2.70 3.60 4.50 5.40 6.30 7.20 28 12 .93 1.87 2.80 3.73 4.67 5.60 6.53 7.47 29 12 .97 1.93 2.90 3.87 4.83 5.80 6.77 7.73 30 12i 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 MANUAL Foil TIIK. PAY DRrAHTMKNT. Table of Daily Rates of Pay— Continued. 49 Days. PER UONTH. $1B $8.33 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 1 10.28 f 0. 30 So. 33 $0.37 80.40 $0.43 $0.47 80.50 $0.53 2 .56 .60 .07 .73 .80 .87 .93 1.00 1.07 8 .83 .90 l.Oll 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1..50 1 . 00 4 1.11 1.20 i.:« 1.47 1.00 1.73 1.87 2.00 2.13 5 1.39 1.50 l.r,7 1.83 2.00 2.17 2.33 2.50 2.67 6 1.67 1.80 2.a) 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 7 1.94 2.10 2.33 2.57 2.80 3.03 3.27 3.50 3.73 8 2.22 2.40 2.07 2.93 3. 20 3.47 3.73 4.00 4.27 9 2.50 2.70 3.00 3.30 3. 00 3.90 4.20 4. 50 4.80 10 2.78 3.00 3.33 3.67 4.00 4.33 4.67 5. 00 5.33 11 3.06 3.30 3.67 4.03 4.40 4.77 5.13 5.50 5.87 12 3.33 3.60 4. 00 4.40 4.80 5.20 5.60 6.00 6.40 13 3.61 3.90 4.33 4.77 5. 20 5.63 6.07 6.50 0. 93 14 3.89 4.20 4.67 5.13 5.60 6.07 6.53 7. 00 7.47 15 4.17 4.50 5.00 5. 50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8. 00 1(> 4.44 4.80 5.33- 5.87 6.40 6.93 7.47 8.00 8.53 17 4.72 5.10 5.67 G. 23 6.80 7.37 7.93 8.50 9.07 IS 5.00 5.40 6.00 6.60 7. 20 7.80 8.40 9.00 9.60 19 5.28 5.70 6.33 6.97 7. 00 8.23 8.87 9.50 10.13 20 5.56 6.00 6.07 7.33 8.00 8.67 9.33 10. OO 10.67 21 5.83 6.30 7.00 7.70 8.40 9.10 9.80 10.50 11.20 22 6.11 6.60 7.33 8.07 8.80 9.53 10.27 11.00 11.73 23 6.39 6. 90 7.67 8.43 9.20 9.97 10.73 11.50 12.27 24 6.67 7.20 8.00 8.80 9.60 10.40 11.20 12.00 12.80 25 6.94 7.50 8.33 9.17 10.00 10.83 11.67 12.50 13.33 26 7.22 7.80 8.67 9.53 10.40 11.27 12.13 13.00 13.87 27 7.50 8.10 9.00 9.90 10.80 11.70 12.60 13.50 14.40 28 7.78 8.40 9.33 10.27 11.20 12.13 13.07 14. 00 14.93 29 8.06 8.70 9.67 10.63 11.60 12. 57 13.53 14.50 15.47 30 8.33 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16. (K) 50 MANIAI. FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. Table of Daily Rates of Pay— Continued. I'EB MONTH. Days. $17 $18 $19 $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 1 50.57 80.60 80.63 80.67 80.70 80.73 $0.77 80.80 80.83 2 1.13 1.^0 1.27 1.33 1.40 1.47 1.53 1.60 1.67 3 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 i 2.27 2.40 2. .53 2.67 2.80 2.93 3.07 3.20 3.33 5 2.83 3.00 3.17 3.33 3.50 3.67 3.83 4.00 4.17 1 6 3.40 3. 60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 7 3.97 4.20 4.43 4.67 4.90 5.13 5.37 5.60 .5.83 8 4.53 4.80 5.07 5. 33 5.60 5.87 6.13 6.40 6.67 » 5.10 5.40 5.70 6.00 6.30 6.60 6.90 7.20 7.50 10 5.67 6.00 6.33 6.67 7.00 7.33 7.67 8.00 S..33 1 11 C.23 6.60 6.97 7.33 7.70 8.07 8.43 8.80 9.17 I'i 6.8C 7.20 7.60 8.00 8.40 8.80 9.20 9.60 10.00 13 7.37 7.80 8.23 8.67 9.10 9.53 9.97 10.40 10.83 14 7.93 8.40 8.87 9.33 9.80 10.27 10.73 11.20 11. 67 15 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.60 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 16 9.07 9. 60 10.13 10.67 11.20 11.73 12.27 12.80 1 13.33 17 9.b3 10.20 10.77 11.33 11.90 12.47 13.03 13. 60 14.17 1$ 10. 20 10. 80 11.40 12.00 12. 60 13.20 13.80 14.40 15.00 19 10.77 11.40 12.03 12.67 13. .30 13.93 14. 57 15.20 15.83 20 11. .33 12.00 12.67 13. .33 14.00 14.67 15.33 16.00 16.67 21 11.90 12. 60 13. 30 14.00 14.70 15.40 16.10 16.80 17.50 22 12.47 13.20 13.93 14.67 1.5. 4(t 16.13 16. .87 17.60 18.33 23 13.03 13.80 14.57 1.5..33 16.10 16.87 17.63 18.40 19.17 24 13.60 14.40 15.20 16. (M) 16.80 17. 60 18.40 19.20 20.00 25 14.17 15.00 15.83 16.67 17.50 18.33 19.17 20.00 20.83 2« 14.73 15.60 16.47 17. 33 18.20 19.07 19.93 20.80 21.67 27 15.30 16.20 17.10 18.00 18.90 19.80 20.70 21.60 22.50 2S 15.87 16. 80 17.73 18.67 19. 60 20.53 21.47 22.40 23.33 2» 16. 43 17. 40 18.37 19.33 20.30 21.27 22.23 23.20 24.17 30 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 MANTJAIi FOR THE PAY DEPARTMENT. Table of Daily Rates of Pay - Continued. 51 Days. PER MONTH. $26 $27 $28 $29 $30 $32 $33 $34 $35 1 $0.87 $0.90 Sf). 93 10.97 «1.00 81.07 81.10 81.13 81.17 2 1.73 ■ 1.80 1.87 1.93 2.0(1 2.13 2.20 2.27 2.33 3 2. GO 2.70 2.80 2.90 3. 00 3.20 3.30 3.40 3. 50 4 3.47 3.60 3.73 3.87 I. (HI 4.27 4.40 4. .53 4.67 5 4.33 4..'iO 4.67 4.83 rijM) 5.:a 5.50 5.67 5. 83 6 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.40 6.60 G.80 7.00 7 6.07 6.30 6.53 6.77 7.00 7.47 7.70 7. 93 8.17 8 6.93 7.20 7.47 7.73 8. 00 S.53 s. SO 9.07 9.33 9 7.80 8.10 8.40 8.70 9. (K) 0. GO 9.90 10.^0 10.50 10 8.67 9.00 0.33 9.67 10.00 10.67 11.00 11.33 11.67 11 9.53 9.90 10.27 10.63 11.00 11.73 12.10 12.47 12.83 12 10.40 10.80 11.20 11.60 12.00 12.80 13.20 13. 60 14.00 13 11.27 11.70 .12.13 12. ,'>7 13.00 13.87 14. .30 14.73 15.17 14 12.13 12.60 13.07 13.53 14.00 14. 93 15. 40 15. 87 16.33 15 13.00 13. 50 14.00 14.50 15. 00 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 1« 13.87 14.40 14.93 15. 47 16.00 17.07 17.60 18.13 18.67 17 14.73 15.30 15.87 16.43 17.00 18.13 18.70 19.27 19.83 IS 15.60 16.20 16.80 17.40 18.00 19.20 19.80 20.40 21.08 IS) 16.47 17.10 17.73 18.37 19.00 20.27 20.90 21.53 22.17 20 17.33 18.00 18.67 19.33 20.00 21.33 22.00 22. 67 23. 3S t 21 18.20 18.90 19.60 20.30 21.00 22.40 23.10 23.80 24.50 22 19.07 19.80 20. 53 21.27 22.00 23.47 24.20 24.93 25.67 23 19.93 20.70 21.47 22.23 23. 00 24.53 25.30 26.07 26.83 24 20.80 21.60 22.40 23. 20 24.00 25.60 26.40 27.20 28.00 25 21.67 22.50 23.33 24.17 25.00 26.67 27. .50 28.33 29.17 20 22.53 23.40 21. 27 25. 13 26.00 27.73 28.60 29.47 30. 33 27 23.40 24.30 25.20 26.10 27.00 28.80 29.70 30.60 31.. 50 2S 24.27 25.20 26.13 27.07 28.00 29.87 30.80 31.73 32.67 2» 25.13 26.10 27.07 28.03 29.00 30.93 31.90 32.87 33.83 30 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 52 MANUAL, FOR THK PAY DEPARTMENT. Tabic of Daily Rates of Pay— Continued, PER MONTH. Days. 1 $3U $37 $38 $39 $40 $41 $42 $43 $45 1 $1. 50 ' $1.20 81.23 $1.27 $1.30 $1.33 $1.37 $1.40 $1.43 2 2.40 2.47 2.53 2.60 2.67 2.73 2.80 2.87 3. 00 » 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4. .'■)ll 4 4.80 4.93 5. 07 5.20 .5.33 5.47 5.60 5.73 6. (HI T) 6.00 6,17 6.33 6.50 6.67 6.83 7.00 8.40 7.17 ■ 7.50 1 6 7.20 7.40 7.60 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.60 9.00 7 8.40 8.63 8.87 9.10 9.33 9.57 9.80 10.03 10.50 S 9.60 9.87 10.13 10.40 10.67 10.93 11.20 11.47 12.00 » 10.80 11.10 11.40 11.70 12.00 12.30 12.60 12.90 13. 50 10 12. 00 12.33 12.67 13.00 13.33 13.67 14.00 14.33 15.00 11 13.20 13.57 13.93 14.30 14.67 15.03 15.40 15.77 16.50 12 14.40 14.80 15.20 15.60 16.00 16. 40 16. 80 17.20 18.00 [ 13 15.60 16.03 16.47 16.90 17.33 17. 77 18. 20 18.63 19.50 14 16.80 17.27 17.73 18.20 18.67 19.13 , 19.60 20.07 21.00 1.5 18.00 18.50 19.00 19. 50 20.00 20.50 ' 21.00 21.50 22.50 1 1« 19.20 19.73 20.27 20.80 21.33 21.87 1 22.40 22.93 24.00 17 20.40 20.97 21.53 22. 10 22.67 23.23 23.81) 24. 37 25. 50 18 21.60 22.20 22. 80 23.40 24.00 24.60 25. 20 25.80 27.00 1» 22.80 23.43 24.07 24.70 25.33 25. 97 26.60 27. 23 28. 50 20 24.00 24.67 25.33 26.00 26.67 27.33 28.00 28.67 30.00 21 25.20 25.90 26.60 27.30 28.00 28.70 29.40 30.10 31.50 22 26.40 27.13 27.87 28.60 29.33 30.07 30.80 31.53 33.00 28 27.60 28.37 29.13 29.90 30.67 31.43 32.20 32.97 34.50 24 28.80 29.60 30.40 31.20 32. 00 32.80 33.60 34.40 36. 00 25 :i0.oo 30 83 31.67 32.50 33.33 34.17 35.00 35. 83 37.50 26 31.20 32.07 32.93 33.80 34.67 35.53 36.40 37.27 39.00 27 32.40 33.30 34.20 35.10 36.00 36.90 37. 80 38.70 40.50 28 33.60 34.53 35.47 36 40 37.33 38.27 39.20 40.13 42.00 29 34.80 35.77 36.73 37.70 38.67 39.63 40.60 41.57 43.50 30 36.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 45.00 OF THE UNIVERSITY MANUAL FOR THE PAT DEPARTMENT 53 Table of Daily Rates of Pay— Continued. Days. PEE MONTH. $50 $60 $(i2 $63 $64 $65 $70 $75 $100 1 81.67 $2.00 $2.07 $2.10 $2.13 $2.17 $2.33 $2.50 $3. 33 2 3.33 4.00 4.13 4.20 4.27 4.33 4.67 5.00 6.07 3 5.00 6.00 6.20 0.30 6.40 6.50 7.00 7.50 10.00 4 6.67 8.00 8.27 8.40 8.53 8.67 9.33 10.00 13.33 5 8.33 10.00 10. .33 10.50 10.67 10.83 11.67 12.50 10.67 > 6 10. 00 12.00 12.40 12.60 12.80 13.00 14.00 15.00 20.00 7 11.07 14.00 14.47 14.70 14.93 15.17 16.33 17.50 23.33 8 13.33 10.00 16.53 10.80 17.07 17.33 18.07 20.00 26.67 » 15.00 18.00 18.60 18.90 19.20 19.50 21.00 22. 50 30.00 10 16.67 20. 00 20.67 21.00 21.33 21.67 23.33 25.00 33.33 11 18.33 22.00 22.73 23.10 23. 47 23. 83 25.07 27.50 36.07 12 20.00 24.00 24.80 25.20 25.60 26.00 28.00 30.00 40.00 Vi 21.67 26.00 26.87 27.30 27.73 28.17 30.33 32.50 43.33 14 23.33 28.00 28.93 29.40 29.87 30.33 32.07 35.00 40.07 15 25.00 30. 00 31.00 31.50 32.00 32.50 35. 00 37.50 50.00 m 26.67 32.00 33.07 33. 60 34.13 34.67 37.33 40.00 1 53.33 17 28.33 34.00 35.13 35.70 36.27 36.83 39.67 42.50 50.07 18 30.00 36.00 37.20 37.80 38.40 39.00 42.00 45.00 60.00 1!) 31.67 38.00 39.27 39.90 40.53 41.17 44.33 47.50 63.33 20 33.33 40. 00 41.33 42.00 42.67 43.33 46. 67 50.00 06.67 21 35.00 42.00 43. 40 44.10 44.80 45.50 49.00 52.50 70.00 22 36.07 44.00 45.47 46.20 46.93 47.67 .51. 33 55.00 73.33 23 38.33 46.00 47.53 48.30 49.07 49.83 53. 07 57.50 76.67 24 40. 00 48.00 49.60 50.40 51.20 52. 00 56.00 60.00 80.00 25 41.67 50.00 51.67 52.50 53.33 54.17 58.33 62.50 83.33 21) 43.33 52.00 53.73 54.60 55.47 56.33 60.67 65.00 86.67 27 45 00 54.00 55.80 56.70 57.60 58. 50 63.00 67.50 90.00 28 40.67 56.00 57.87 58.80 59. 73 60.67 65.33 70. 00 93.33 2» 48.33 58.00 59.93 60.90 61.87 02.83 67.67 72.50 96.67 :iO 50.00 60.00 02.00 63.00 64.00 05. 00 70.00 75. 00 100.00 IISTIDE^S:. Fitriires in hlack type refer to paragraphs in Manual ; fif^ures followi to paragraphs in Army Regulations. Absonce wltlioiit leare; F.irfeitun'S, A. R. 133. Abstract Collections: Funds, cretilt sales, 11(5. Suspension and overpaynn iit, 10. Account: Analysis, 3JI. Assigned payment, 34. Copies for chief paymaster, 3(5. Report suspensions, 39, 41. Transfer on final analysis, 42. Witnesses, certifitate, I'i'i. Accountability: 8ei^ Muneij Accoii>ttuhilUij. Accounts Current: See Mouei/ Accounts. Accumulation : Unneiessary funds, 3. Actins: Hospital Stewards: Travel allowance, Jtit. Acting Judge Advocates: Pay and alluwances, A. R. 1301. Additional Pay: Authorized stoppages, 105. Certificate of merit, Ji4. Character on discharge, 85. Commissaries, acting, A. K. 1304. Continuous service, 80, 81. Court-martial sentence, 86. Enlisted men, 80-88, A. R. 13011-1370. Indian scouts, 89. Interrupted service, 83. Marines enlisting in Army, 82. Mounted service, A. R. 1301. Officers holding two staff appointments, A. R. 1305. Additional Pay— Continued. Quartt-rmastir of regiment, A. R. 13il,'). Reenlistment, SO, S|, S4. RetinMl enlisted men, 79. Allowances: (Jldtliing. See Clolhiuy AlUncume. OfficersMilitary Academy on leave, 70. Retired enlisted men, 78, 79, .\. R. l:!.N. Traveling. See 7V«;ee also A. K. 120-134, 1358, 1371-1381. Oetacliiiieiits: Muster and j.ay rolls, A. K. 784-787. ]>etaiiie(I Pay: Discharge for fraud, A. K. 1386. Disbursements: Abstract, 1 3. Borrowed money, 1»>. Disallowances, A. R. 053, 654. Inspection, A. R. 200, 871, 870, 877. Disbursiiii? Accounts: Slateiuents, IS. Disbursinif Commissaries: Transfers to, 1 1 (», Disbursiiiif Ollicers: Duties, etc., 13-'27. Acting in different capacity, A. R. 584. Advances to, public moneys, A. R. 580. Balances unchanged for three years, A. R. 586. Bonds, A. H. 571-578. Ceasing to act, disj.ositiou of funds, A. R. 585. Deposit by, A. R. 580, 583, 684. Errors or dis;illowances, A. R. (i55, 656. Receipt, A. R. 592. Duplicate checks, A. R. 599. I''u nds kept in pei-sonal possession, A. R. 584. Gambling, A. R. 590. Inspection accounts, A. R. 871,876, 877. Insurance publi<: money, A. R. 5;»3. Opening account, A. R. 591. Outstanding and unpaid checks, A. R. 585. Payments, etc., A. R., 598. Pe<-uiiiary responsibility, A. R. 653, 054. Rates of exchange, A. R. 593. Refundment, Btoppages, A. R. 1391. Disbursing: OfBcers— Continued. .Signatures furuisheil depositories, A. R. 59. Transfer of funds, A. R. 594,595, 639, 1391. Discliarge: After expiration of enlistment, «1. Collection purchase money, 58. Lost certificate, «'i. Payment on sjiurious vouchers, 5!(, A. R. 150. Proof, final payment, 51(, 00. See also A. R. 144, 153, 1382-1388. Double Payment: Rci)orted, 1. Drafts : Credits, 38. Duplicate Checks: J!». Interpreters, Military Courts: Pay and allowances, A. R. 901-906. Invoices : Funds, A. R. 039, 040, 005. Joiniu!,'' Station : Travel allowance, A. R. 1334. f)0 Judifo Advocate of Departiiioiit: Pay ofarting, A. R. 1301. Laundry Uoll : i'ayiiiGiit on, not authori/.od, 111. Leave of Absence : More than ten days, 37. Payments, A. R. 13ir>-1319. Payment, resignini; wliile on, A. R. 1308. Letter of Transmittal : Monthly acrounts, '24. When not reijuinil, (J. Longevity Pay: Computation, BS, A. R. 1311. Suspended cadet, <)4. Loss of Funds: Fraud or neglect, A. R. 1344. Special funds, A. R. 292. Stoppages, A. R. 1344. Transportation liy express, A. R. 1128. Marines : Enlisting in army, S4. Medical Ollicers : Pay hospital corjis, A. R. 1407. Messengers: Pay table, 12(5. Mileage : Account current, 13. Civilian employees, A. R. 733. Engineer officers, A. R. 1487. Interpreters courts-martial, A. 11. 9fil- 965. Military attaches, A. R. 30. Officers, generally, !»0-!t4. Orders, A. R. CiS. See also A. R. 770, 1321-1335. Military Academy: Pay graduates, OJ). Pay ollicers on leave, 70. Pay talile, I'll. Military Attacli^s: Allowances, A. R. 30. Money Accountability: Ai)propriations, A. R. G17-G25. Certificates of deposit, A. R. 608-613. Money Accountability— Continued. Checks, A. R. 596-004. Disbursing officers, A. R. 580-593, 698. Money accounts, A. R. 36, 84, 612, 619- 621, 624-629, 635, 655, 656, 871, 876, 877, 1294. Money vouchers, A. R. 619, 628, 631- 651, 747,1208. Official check books, A. R. 605-607. Pecuniary resiionsibility of officers, A. R. 653, 654. Public moneys, A. R. 579-656. Transfer or succession, A. R. 16, 630. Transfers, A. R. 594, 595. Money Accounts: Abstracts, A. R. 619, 626, 1224, 1291. Accounts current, paymasters, 13, 1(5, 33, 35-43. See also A. R. 012, 019-621, 624-629. Amounts In be in ilollara and cents, A. R. 635. Deceased officers, A. R. 84. Inspection, A. R. 871, 876, 877. Military attaches, A. R. 36. Rates of exchange, A. R. 36. Money Voucliers: Public funds, A. R. 631-682, 1208. Moneys, Public: See Public Mr„H>i«, and Funds. Mounted Service: Additional jiay, A. 11. 1301. Pay accounts, officers, A. R. 1065. Officers : Payment, see I'aijmiiil, Officers. Overdrafts: Pnibibitcd, 17. Overpayment : Collection, 40. Reimbursement, 107, A. R. 1344. Patients in Hospital: Muster and pay roll, A. R. 785. Pay : Acting hospital steward, 73. Acting judge advocate, A. R. 1301. Additional, officei-s, A. R. l:'.01, 1304, 1305. HI Pay — Continued, Certificates, intortst in, IT). Certificate of merit, A. R. 1370. Deduction, Soldiers' Home, 7S. Deserter, t)7. Enlisted n:on, generally, A. K,. 112, 138, 139, 160, 21)0, 287, 945, 1275-1279, 1312, 1314, 1318-1370, 1 374- 137t;, 1380-1389. Extra duty, A. U, lii4, IdS, 1(37-109,171, 172, 30(1. Extra, enlisted men. A, K, Iso, Forfeitures and deductions, A, R, 951, 952, 1368. 1369, Graduates Military Academy, (}!t. Indian scouts, A. R. 481. Longevity, (iS, A. Jt. 1311. Officers, absent, A. R. 67, 1314-1320, Officers from leave to special duty, 7 1 . Officers military .\cadomy on leave, 70. Officers on leave, (i>S. Proper, discharged soldiers, 43. Rates, A. R. 169, 1365-1367. Reeulistment, A. R. 1365, 1367. Retained, see Kela'med Pay. Retired enlisted men, 7S, 7J(, A. R. 136-139. Stoppages against officers, A. R. 1343- 1346. Travel, see Travel Vati. Witlilield for debts, 67. Pay Aecoiiiitis: Retired enlisted men, IS. Pay Accounts, Offlcors' : Hypothecation or transfer, A. R. 1300. Leave of absence, A. R. 1316. Leaving service, A. R. 1307. Made in duplicate, A. R. 1298. Mounted service, A. It. 1303. Pay an45, 1346. Writing out vouchers, 23. Paymasters, Chief : See Chii'f Paijinasiers. Payments: .\t station, 7. Balance duo deceased soldiers, 75. By check or currency, 7, 72. Chocks on presentation, A. R. 600, 601. 62 INDEX. Payments — f'ontinued. Civilian witnesscg, military courts, A. H. 9fi'2, 96;i. Disallowance on c'rrors in amount, 77. Diecliarged soldier?!, 43. Enlisted men, 72-77. InmatcsSoldiers" Ilonie.H.C, A. K. 175. Interpreters, courts-martial, A. K. '.IGl- 965. Monthly reports, i'i. On discharge and final .'Statements, 58- «2. t)n laundry roll, uiiaiitliori/i d, 111. On muster roll, 74. Outstanding checks, A. R. ■"). Pay Table: Civilian employees, 12(». Daily, 130. Enlisted men, 125. Military Academy, 124. Officers, 12.3. 12 V. Retired enlisted men. 125. Personal Credit : Public moneys, 2>'. Personal Reports: On change of station, 25. Post Kxchance: Pay due the, 1 5. Post E.vclianire Roll: Payment on, unauthorized, 111. Power of .\ltorney : Payments un, 31. Public .Moneys: Accountability, \. R. .'iT'.t-O.ie. Advances, 11, 12. Pulilio .Moneys — Continued. Balan<'es at clote fiscal year, A. R. •i2.3- 625. Balances on deposit unchanged, A. R. 586. Collections, A. B. 608-616. Covering into Treasury, A. R. .=i86. Custody, I 4. Deceased otli80. Failun^ to account, A. R. 1343. Illegal disbursements, A. R. 1344. Insurance, .\. B. 593. Iioan, nse, etc., prohiliited, I 4. Miscellaneous receipt", etc., A. R. 608. Outstanding checks er drafts, A. R. 603. Overpayments, A. B. 1344. Personal possession, A. B. 584. Places of deposit, A. R. 580. Beceiveil for disbursement, A. R. .'iSO- 584, 592. Transfer, A. R. 582, 592, 594, 595. Transfer to Treasury, A. R. 608. Traiisptirtation by express, A. B. 1228. Use and expenditure, A. B. 579. Public Propi'rty : Funds from sale, '*>>. (Quarters, Comniiitation : See Connnnfiiti'tu (^iifttiers. Rations: Charge of commutation on rolls, I 15, no. Increased cost, charge on roll, I Hi. Receipts : Account curn'ut, 3H. Recruits: Payment to discharged, A. R. 1387. Reenlistment : Renewal of .leposit.s, A. R. 1.375. Reenlistment Pay: See Ati'lititnml Pwj' Refundment : CominutatioM rations, charge on roll, ll(>. 63 Refundment— Continued. Double payment, 1. Overpayment, 10, 107. Pay, fraudulent enlistment, 101. Receipts, 100, 10«. Suspensions, 40, 107. Kojoininsr Station : Travel allo\van, 951, 952. Pay to officers, dismissed, A. R. 1310. Shoemaker, Company: See Compani/ Sliofiiniker. Sick Leave: Payment to ofTicer on, A. R. 1315. Sicnal Corps: Payment, sergeants, A. R. 1363. Stateroom : Charge for, J>3. Station: ('hange of, 37. Stationery: Allowance and issue, A. R. 1023-1027. Stoppage of Pay : Additional, 105. Circular, A. R. 1345. Credit sales, 110. Enlisted men, A. R. 125-127, 721, 1308, 1378. Enlistments carelessly nrule, A. R. 827. Entry on rolls, and < olleclions, A. R. 1390. Failure to account. A. I!, il'.i'.), 702. Fines under A. W. .".4, 100. Indebtedness prior to enlistment, I 10. Money due company tailor or shoe- maker, 1 12. Notice to jiaymasters, A. R. 1345. Officers, A. R. 1343-1340. Reimbursement of overpayment, 107. Sentence, court-martial, 102. Suspension from piiy, 102. Unauthorized, 10», 112. Stoppages and Forfeitures: 100, A. R. 943, 945, 94S, 951, 953, 1343, 1390. Subsistence, Commutatioii : Allowance discharged soldiii, 43, 05. ( 'harges on rolls, 115, II 0. Retired enlisted men, IS. Suspensions: Amounts collected, refunded, 40. Rank and comniaml, 103. Removal, 41. Report to Auditor, 4 1 . Statement, 39. Stoppage of pay, 102. Taken up on accounts, I 0. Tailor, Company: See Compmii/ 'Jnilnr. Teleffrapliinff : Identity, discharged soldier, 01. Use of, A. R. 1200, 1210. 64 INDKX. IVrni of Serricr: f'oiirt-niiirtial sentence affecting, S«. Transfer : Claims, 34. Pay accounts of officers, A. R. 130(). Public moneys, A. B. 594, 595, Olfi fi65 671. Transfers: Account current, 12. To disbursing cummissaries, 1 J (}. Transporlalion: Allipuancf discharged soldier, j»5. Charge, baggage, «»3. Paymaster's clerk, 45. Travel : With troops, JCi. Travel Allowance: Acting hiispital stewards, »!». (-ivilian employees, A. R. 7;iO-735 1 109 1117. Discharged soldier, 1(5, A. R. I4fi, 1.585 Knlisted men, !>5-!>{t, A. R. 1385' Kngineer officers, A. R. 1487. Interpreters, courts-martial A If yfii- 9(35. Medical officers, A. R. 1395. Not stopped for indebtedness, »«. Unauthorized, !)7, <(,s. Witnesses, A. R. 72, 96'2. See also A. R. 1321-1335. Traveling Expenses: Officers, 90-94. I Travel Pay: Computation, !S4. Discharged soldiers, 43. I Veterinary surgeon, not allowed on discharge, 1 | s. Traveled Route: I Shortest usual, 91. Through Canada, 90. Trustee Proeess : Not recognized, 109. Veterinary Sursreons: Full pay on have, | 17. Paid on field and staff roll, 1 1 s. Pay account, 117. Pay table, I'ili. Travel pay on discharge, unauthorized 118. Touchers: Abstract disbursements, I3. Claims, 34. Payment on spurious, 59. Payment to ..llicers, 23. Kefundmeut, 100, 10«. Suspended, 40. Trausportatiou of funds, A. R. 1128. Travel allowances, A. R. 1364. Witnesses, Military Courts: Certificate of account, 122. Cost of deposition paid by Q. >!. i,e. partment, 120. Fee and ('.xjienscs, 119, 121. Pay and allowances, A. R. 049 962-966 1364. Travel expenses, A. R. 734.-