'^-<'Ji^r .^■•^": vv\ PRICE 1<1 ;yc ' r^'>D ^^ r^UDES m- ,.?/)"/ <)K THK "CHOVEVI ZION" ASSOCIATION, IN EnsTG-L^^nsriD. "^•t^ r\vjDJr\ i-.02sr3D03sr. 1892. V j>^ Printed by E. W. Rabblnowioa, 8, Little AUe St. B. ^^a^ r'-.Tl.., .. f^^^rv \k PRICE id. ^ly£ ' T""''~>c l^ULES H^ OF THK ii CHOVEVI ZION" ASSOCIATION IN :EiTa-i_,.A.i^iD. ff r\Vji:r\ nizn -^ ••-*-; LOnSTIDOa^T. 1892. Printed by E. W. Rabbinowlcz, 8, Little Alle Street. E. CHOVEVl ZION ASSOCIATION. LIST OF OFFICERS. Chief, — ■ K. H. d'AviGDOR Esq . — o— Vice-Chiefs'. — Rev. S. Singer, J. Sebag Moxtefioke Esq.. Joseph Prag Esq., B. T. Belisha Esq. — o— Chie f-Treasiirer'. — Samuel Montagu F,sq. M.P. — o— Chief -Sec. : ('affain Harry B. Lewis- Barn ed. — o— Secretai'y. — Dr. S. a. Hirscii. -o- 0fjice of thf' Sissccintion. 11. BEVIS MARKS, LONDON K.C. i §^ot)ct)i ^ion Constitution and Name OF THE Association. 1. The Association con- sists of male and female Israelites over the age of sixteen. 2. The name of the Association is "Chovevi Zion". 3. The Association is organised by Tents ad- ministered by Head- quarters Tent as herein- after described. 4. The Office of Head- quarters Tent shall be in London. Objects of the Asso- ciation. 5. The Association is established with the fol- lowing objects; — jru -asin mann nairn .f-iDUn DVD "nsn 1. Dtr*2 mrnr 2. '^nsn ru^iD D^pc 4. .ni3nn nntoo :nn3nn mo^n: □::;::':' 6 (a) To foster the Na- tional Idea in Is- rael. (b) To promote the Colonisation of Palestine and neio:hbourino^ ter- ritories by Jews by establishing new Colonies or assisting those al- ready established. (c) To diffuse the knowledge of Hebrew as a living language. {d) To further the moral, intellectu- al, and material status of Israel. 6. The Members of the Association pledge them- selves to render cheerful obedience to the laws of the land they live in, and as good citizens to promote its welfare as far as lies in their power. ':2b nviT'in r\'\2dM2 -IT-; ^\r\h^ '^st^^ m^tritt'? "t;di nsir nyn^ y^tnb (3) m:ii^*':'n nnsD i2V ,nDi^n 2'i'2 onn^ (7) 2")pnntt"inm^'?Dtrn D^72p.o n"i2nn "u :« 6. Tv^sni^nsn^pn nsn:f£n *^*m^"i 7}:r\2 a-nirt^ .DT 7 — 7. Means for carrying out the objects of the Association shall be pro- vided by entrance fees, subscriptions, and dona- tions. The entrance fee and subscription are to be fixed by each Tent, but the entrance fee shall not be less than Gd., nor weekly subscription less than Id; or, if the sub- scription be an annual one 4s., which latter shall be payable in advance quar- terly, half-yearly or an- nually, as preferred. 8. All moneys received on account of subscrip- tions, donations, entrance fees, or otherwise, shall be applied towards carry- ing out the objects of the Association accordins^ to the rules thereof. Any officer misapplying the r]23 — in'rxn c':D\xn "^t \7\'2r\r\ ^-22 :.Tn2nzn rpD -]X /i:Vi'1D 2\ip iT,i d^'thn lo'b ^)prh lnD2 — Dnn^p*:'? ''D^ n'^nnn n:in:n u'^V'^ d'l:£::\^t nbyz' ]^y nisi nrD nis:i'in — »2'mb j"'« n-niTtiD ^s^b ni^nn nnn nM'' ns:;in- jii^'m 112':' "^iTsin Snsn i^ \t2 IS •^2n l"* biih I'SI n2i3 2l^: is i2n 'Mty pbn 's 'ir]D2n yi2n'? 13 claim to the Association with respect to any moneys paid by him to or lor the purposes of" the Association. 19. The foil owing: are members of the Head- quarters Tent : — The Commander, Vice-Com- mandants & Delegates OF Tents. 20. The Officers of the Headquarters Tent shall be elected from and by its Members at the General Meeting in the month of Sivan, and shall hold office for two years without re-election. The following are the desig- nations of the Officers [who are all honorary]: Chief. Vice-Chiefs (not ex- ceeding seven). Chief Treasurer, ^ju -; •Snsi Sin* h2 bv r,st:''' cnpcn .]vd n'7i<^ .n'yy m^ns 'bz — 14 — Chief Secretary. Chief Auditors [2]. With regard, however, to the Officers elected at the first election, the Chief, half the number of Yice-Chiefs and Au- ditors [to be selected by- lot], and the Chief Trea- surer only, shall hold office for one year only. The word half shall mean the lesser half in case the whole is an uneven num- ber . All Officers on the expiration of their ten- ure of office shall be eligible for re-election if still members of the Chief Tent. 21. The following shall be the procedure as to the election of Officers of Headquarters Tent : — At the beginning of the month of lyar Mt2V' 'u^i^m "i3r:n d: 7]y:;b pi dh-id^^'d bv IS D'jrn iBDf^ Ds* .nns n^:i::unn np2.t: idcd pi TS nViT ^rh2 "12DD ns 2T;b ni^r;t2 hv )h2V DH'ttrD n>' uMr\2 DTiy DS iTiiT '-\r\2rb ^•ps n"i'n3 isis 21. -rc;sin Sisn iT':5S3nnsDsn ncsn — 1 o — the list of members of Pleadquarters Tent for the ensuing year shall be sent to the Tents with a list of the offices requiring to be filled up, and the date of the General Meeting, not less than 14 days previous to the General Meeting of Headquar- ters Tent in the month of Sivan. Nominations of members of Head- quarters Tent to fill these offices will be received. A proposer and seconder, who must be members of the Headquarters Tent are necessary for each n o m i n a t i on, which must be in writing, and it must also be stated therein, that the Sisn 'c*:s nit:-^ ♦ in^i^pD my* n£cs rjDsn ny a: nrb lyin r?bb27\ ^2py ^D\s-in br\i^r[ \2)*2n ""an wyz nyc'n ym^ rrw^b V'V ins nzn ,7]i<2n ':u*n -iznm 2r\2r22 r"i2i ns "1 vt: n ' 2ip:n "cnn '2 p VlT'S] ns D"* Dir2 Gs ••)*2'yf2n b"; i^'^'jh — 16 — member so nominated is willing to serve if elected ; At the General Meeting the election of officers shall take place by bal- lot from those nomin- ated. 22 . Only male mem- bers above the age of 20 years shall be eligible for election as officers to Tents or delegates to Headquarters Tent. The same member of the Asso- ciation may be a delegate for one or more Tents, but shall have no in- creased voting power in consequence. 23. The Headquarters Tent shall keep the bank- ing account of the Asso- ciation. Cheques shall be D^2p:n D n n n n h^v "ins "i^n .':rsnn ^•iTs-in br^i^rb "i^^ nvn^ ■js "ins br\i '^y X3^i - 17 signed by the Chief or one of theVice-Chiefs on the authority of the minutes, and countersigned by at least one Vice Cliief, and the Chief Secretary or paid Secretary. 24. The investments and other property of the Association shall be vested by Headquarters Tent in the names of not less than four Trustees, who shall remain in office during the pleasure of the Association and be removeable by the Head- quarters Tent, and in case of a vacancy another trus- tee shall be elected by the Headquarters Tent at a meeting called for that purpose. 25 . Any money vote exceedine: the sum of n-L^r b2 b"; r^ Dinn"* ninsn h^h ins ]:3 t 'y^^ wM ^ n bz -^^■ D^j!:s:n ♦(n';2nst: mns Lir\2 SiDn rnznn n*^:*s "trs-'in Sis- '72S f 2n •cni'^r^!: 2''\'2];rk "tdv IS ins nntD m;^ ns "nr 't^'sin Snsn mv nrcrsz Dnnn n^ins .nrn i^i'? n£cs:n 'ry HTn" nsvin bz 25. 18 £100 shall be subject to confirmation at a sub- sequent meeting of Head- quarters Tent, notice of such vote being given in the notice convening the meeting. 26. The Expenses of Management of Head- quarters Tent shall be drawn from the general funds of the Association. Meetings of the Head- quarters Tent. 27. The minimum number of Meetings of the Headquarters Tent, during the year shall be six. 28. Meetings shall be convened by circular by order of the Chief, or, in his absence, by two Vice-Chiefs. . 29. The Circular shall be issued not later than seven days prior to each rrrnnsrn Dvpn-n'irnn ♦Dnznn nsnp '2r\2t22 br\>^n n^p.jn nix^in 26. r]D3:tt n:np':'n -C'sin •m n n n H* n^^T^ r^ '£Dsn 28. n-np£2 nsnp-::n3*^ 't •iDip^n nsnpn^2n2!:nf/t:*'29. - 19 — meeting, and shall con- ' tain a statement of the business to be brought forward at that meeting, ; but any other business [except alteration of rules] may be brought forward by permission of the Chairman. 30. On a requisition signed by ten members of the Headquarters Tent, the Chief, or, in his ab- sence, two Vice-Chiefs, shall convene a special meeting, of which seven days' notice at least must be given, and at which only such business may be transacted as is spe- cified in the notice con- vening the meeting. 31. Ten members of the Headquarters Tent shall form a quorum. In the absence of the Chief, the senior Vice - Chief nsDsn ':i^b ixzv nD\s nsDsn '^'x-i ]V'\y^2 b2i< ♦D'pnn 'TjZ' i^2 "t:'\s Ti;' '?2i ♦Sis ':>D Tent , without "which commission they shall be considered to be acting only provisionally. 39. Each Tent shall be numbered consecu- tively according to date of warrant; but any Tent may also select a Hebrew or English name [or both], which, however, must only be used in com- bination with "Chovevi Zion", the name of the Association. 40. Each Tent shall be managed by a Com- mittee consisting of the undermentioned mem- bers who shall hold office for two years without re-election. The follow- ing are the designations of the Members of the Committee [who are all honorary]: — — 22 — - n^2 ai^' hr\H b2 39. bv )it2V'' r;^n ^:r:s*i n iDtr n'^Sl .(n^:ty m-na ^^a) i:n3' a*: 13 ie'n) "t^Tin ''tr:S — : -iDD rx DJn nto Commander, Ytce-Commandant, Treasurer, Secretary, Auditors (2) Councillors (five with an addition- al one for every complete fifty members), Delegates to Head- quarters Tent (3, with an additional one for every complete hundred members). 41. With regard, how- ever, to the Committee elected at the first elec- tion of a Tent, the Com- mander, half the number of Delegates, Councillors and Auditors (to be se- lected by lot) and the Treasurer, shall hold of- fice for one year only. The word half shall mean n K c 1 n N D ^3 nV3 □:>ns bz ht* T]:r:;i• nzs i^b DS r\':z* ^nzrb b:^^^ ]br\x b2 n22 ^i-'. b"; '\T*ir |Dis:3 in:n:n'7 for its own administra- tion by each Tent. These bye -laws must be at once sent to the Chief Sec- retary, and are subject to the approval of the Headquarters Tent [For model bye-laws, see Ap- pendix E]. 47. All monies col- lected by the Tents shall be accounted for and handed over to the Chief Treasurer twice a year, in the months of Nissan and Tishri. 48. Every Tent shall be entitled to retain such sums as may be necessary for its own working ex- penses; but a full and detailed account of such expenses and of the sums collected, must be sent twice annually to the Chief Treasurer Avith — 26 — bv ^ID^^jH r]DDn h2 ^7. \^2mn '?s sir D'Sisn n^ 'min "intjn rb nop^i p^: nr:i r\jV2 nvv^ .ntrn m"'ni Sis '?3 r h:fh ^' 48. r|n^2 '''^^s^n n2t:sn n^'? toT]S-i7 pin ^22 riDsn — 27 the remittances, as laid ^:ip'2n^hz*b^^\^r^hy^'r:; down in Clause 47. Re ♦ " tr N n n mittances on account may however, be sent at any other times to the Chief Treasurer, 40. The approval of the Headquarters Tent is re- quired before the ac- counts can be of a Tent i -^-j ^r\i<) '?nx h2 H^Dj^m passed ; they must b(; cer- tified by theCommander, Secretary, and the Au- ditors of each Tent, and must cover the period up to the month preceding the date on which they are sent in. 50. Only such subjects as are within the scope of the Association, may be discussed and put to the vote at the meetings of the Tents, and if resolutions be adopted copies thereof must be transmitted to the Chief Secretary. The — rhz*j u^*i2 D'D' u*in n- r^\^\:^hn ns s^^n':' 'rnsn 'Tny2 nrs '?*; i'? '^n^ T^'i< /^D\on '?nsn ':2h hn^r^ trn-iin nipn" -'^^s^n '^nsm nn-'n I'Dj nr:s ds nm "llZy ' T:>2h 2^:2 Si^' DST is rn:t:n ns annt:'^'t:D ♦r:in n2*; nC'\s Q^rn:t:n ty^'Jb m"iy3i D^v: 5-1. nnir; u^'^r t; r\yy mb**; 50 ages of 13" and 16 may be admitted as proba- tior^ary members and termed "cadets", but no such member shall have the power of voting. Honorary Tents. 55. It shall be within the powers of Headquar- ters Tent to sanction the formation of Honorary Members of other creeds and races than that of Israel and issue warrants for the same. 56. No such warrant shall, however, be issued should there be any rea- son to suppose that such Honorary Tent shall be concerned directly or indirectly, in any attempt to convert any Israelite from the faith of his an- cestors. 57. Such Tents being honorary are not entitled p^b bi<'\\^' ^:2t: d]\x dx ^h'2' n-ir\s 1123 'br\i< 'i2f2 nrst:^' anzn onnp^ »b^i\^^- 'trsnn br\iir\ n^n ^s* 56. IS ''\b:i2 ontin-D nt:n: ns D'n CO □•; npon nD2n ^Sis':' ]\s 57. ur\'yi ns m'r'tr'? nDrr 31 to representation in Headquarters ^J'ent, but theLaws and Regulations of the Association, so far as they apply, shall be bind ins: o^^ such Tents. New Laws, etc. 58. No new Laws and refjulations shall be made nor any rule herein con- tained or hereafter to be made shall be altered, un- less a meeting of Head- quarters Tent specially called for that purpose, with 14 clear days' notice, by a majority of members of Headquarters Tent at- tending, and such pro- posed new Law or regu- lation, or proposed al- teration of existing Laws or Regulations, shall be subject to confirmation at a subsequent meeting convened by similar notice. D^^nn:: bzi^ "c:\sin Sis'? -pin b2 ns '\)'2':;b en ns nuD'':' is D^iinn IS n£ mo: ^w"s D^pinn '^ifi^iin Si-s-n ]pn^ im nsDs'? pn /isi2^ n'!2'b n2Ds: "ID'S ^*u:\sn- b'^n mtry'? r\r\y'-\r] n^^r] -121'? r\^:u'b is u'unn n^^n □lip r\y;)y:^ ':ir .D^:*L:*'*n •'•il^snn T2rt:n b^ n^-csr; nsnpn '2n2*2 ns n'h^yb TN ^*1 irVT?i 'td '72s D'SDs:.-! 2^^2nn nvn':' c^^n:: DVinn ns,t: D^t:'^p^^ Dn*^nsD ♦nsnn cninn nsos -. 32 — APPENDIX A. FOEM OF ApLICATION FOR ADMISSION AS A M EMBER (In English and Hebrew). To the Secretary of No. Tent at I being desirous of being enrolled in the Chovevi Zion and being qualified for membership therein under the Laws and Regulations thereof, request that you will be so good as to submit this my appli- cation to become a member of the Tent of which you are Secretary to the Committee, and I promise and agree freely and unreservedly, in the event of my election, to render loyal obedience to and comply with the Laws and Regulations of the Chovevi Zion and the Bye-Laws of the Tent, and my intention is that all moneys which shall be hereafter given and subscribed by me shall be applied for the pur- poses and objects of the Association in accordance with the Laws and Regulations thereof. Signed at on this day of Signature Occupation Address Sns,:: nzTr, ^^cn -nzr '?s nvn':' npc'n ^c's: "^u\s ••• ^2:s nD6 ^2:s ^is-i '2 ]ri* ''22*n mzn nzn I'z n:::: HT ^iHD^ ns y^'^nb y:*2 up2t: ^::n— n^*L:£:'r::i i:n TlTx c^nnzn Si.s*2 "in'? ]v::n c^:: t:'p2t:n , i" ! *i n'»:02,t2 ''::n "^i::,:: -^jsi bni^n ^:Mrj -js'? n£:iD i n*rrx "iin mnS inis nrsD ^d n:t:s: pn:22n2 § '^s ns ycuii] nirnn n^*::'? ^'r'-; h^j^-^r: bz ns ^ wp^nn ns c:* ]Vi* ^izin m;n ^::i'^*0T '•pin j ns rir-n'^T Hj-d n:< ms'?,::'? pi rn'^ n-i2nn n^ip'? •nrr n^i 2 ^hd: z'p.^ — 34 — APPENDIX B. Certificate in the Tent Roll Book to be signed BY ALL Members elected to the Tent. (In Hebrew and English). We, the undersis^ned, having made ourselves acquainted with the Laws and Begulations of the Chovevi Zion, and the Bye-Laws of the Tent, do hereby freely and unreservedly promise to further as far as lies in our power the objects of the Association and to render loyal obedience to the above-mentioned Laws, Regulations and Bye- Laws so long as we re- main members of the Tent. Signatures. Occtipations. Addresses. Date of joining' Tent. O.J ns y^'n •;!:! i:s-ip t^\s* n::!: □^!:'nnn i:n:s D'P'inn ns c:i p-:: ""Dzin ni^n ^-tSD-^rt:! *pin b2 mnariDnnnr .■1:11:0 mpD .rriDN^D .1 J a ti; — 36 — APPENDIX. C. Number of ] Certificate J ■ Tent No. This is to certify that_ was admitted as a Member of No. Tent ( ) of the Chovevi Zion, on the day of , 189 J of the Common Era. Commander, — Signature of Member. .n"iv;nn "i2d.o n ^3nT nrn 2r\y:r\ )':'ns':'nnn nrrh n^noj •n:ir rryh Di"* iv^ '22'n mzno .linn DDTin APPENDIX D. (In Hebrew and English). Form of Applicatiox to form a Tent. To the Chief Secretary of the Chovevi Zion. We, the undersigned, qualified under the Laws and "Regulations of the Chovevi Zion to become members of that Association, and being desirous of furthering its objects do hereby request to be furnished with the necessary warrant for the es- tablishment of a Tent in the parish of , in the county of . In the event of this our petition being granted^ we promise freely and unreservedly to do what lies in our power to further the objects of the Chovevi Zion, and to ren- der loyal obedience to its Laws and Regulations. Signed at , this day of Signatures. Occupations. Addresses. — 38 — /f:i ""nmn n-inn b-^* '•:;.snn nsicn n^D':' T*;2 '?n« i:^ iD^'? ]vir"in zn^ ns i:':' ns Mfh^n DS n:nt:2 nn^n h'tl^d ns :^'^\-!^ u"'?:; ':':2i^n ns ntryj -iT^s:! in'? n:\r HT nv3 ^n^: «im:a •'Dipa .unawbiD ."1 J a ty — 39 — APPENDIX E. MODEL BYE-LAWS. 1. The Annual General Assembly of the Tent is on the in the month of Nissan. 2 The Ordinary Assemblies shall take place on and at such other times as they may be convened by the Commander, or, in his absence, the Vice- Commandant or Officer acting for them in their absence, seven days' previous notice being given of the date and place of meeting. 3. The Entrance Fee is , and the Subscrip- tion per week, or, if preferred, per annum, which must be paid in advance quarterly, half-yearly, or annually, as preferred. 4. The weekly subscription day is on Members joining on any other day in the week will commence their subscriptions on the followipg- If joining after the commencement of the quarter they will have the option of being considered as weekly subscribers till next quarter day, or of paying the current quarter in full. If desirous of paying annually, they will pay a proportionate subscrip- tion to cover the unexpired portion of the year. The quarter days are The year begins in the month of Sivan. 5. Members desirousof nominating other members, willing to serve if elected, for any offices about to become vacant in the Committee of the Tent, must send in their nominations duly proposed and seconded in writing not later than — 40 — 6. All monies belonging to the Tent shall for the time being be deemed the property of the Treasurer in trust. When the balance in hand exceeds £ , it shall be duly remitted to the Headquarters Tent, sufficient only being kept in hand to enable the Treasurer to meet necessary current expenses. 7. The Treasurer shall keep books of receipts and payments, and produce them with bills and vouchers at the audit meeting. A statement of accounts duly signed shall be furnished after audit to the Headquarters Tent. 8. The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep the book of Membership, carry on the correspondence of the Tents, issue notices of Meetings and Agenda to members, to take minutes and read them and to furnish the returns to the Headquarters Tent. 9. The Audit Committee shall assemble in the months of 10. These Bye-Laws and the Laws and Regulations of the Chovevi Zion shall be read annually in the Tent. The Bye- Laws shall be entered in a book and signed by every Member as evidence of consent thereto, and to the Laws and Regula- tions of the Association. — 41 — .fD3 n'l^i DV2 n^nn 'jnsn t-u; n'ri?2n ^Pia»n nsDHn (I 'Dunrnn nin^onn mooHn (2 Dn^ponD ^^^^ iw naurcn it< ^jmw «ip^ 7nHTy wh") iu^h ny ^:?3 n«>-ip ^2n3D ^r\7'w no'^Dsn 3V Diip d'D' r^v2w^ pn^in my' dw .cni' "lyin MDDMn nyu;i ovdi Dn^nn 't*-? n'n> n^onn r|D3i ' n^rr nonnn riOD (3 CD?nu;' n^onr-i Pi^rr-n .■i;nn nv"i 'ed n:wb m* yoty? .nju/a D'Di»s ny2~:H IK d'oi'D is niirb nnw anpici r-i.-< Dbtyb it'^nn' ^ns ovn ^^« "ininab it* mbiyn ova m^nn b« nns* orQ d'obwon CDnnn . cdvd ^■•cnn F^oDri j?n*i iim ptTKin Dv -11 3y »-.^^* ninnn ^h incnDJ ot* ctyin niyr^ii'? dbwh i!?Dv "!« int;nnn qvd ysTi 5d ni>D a'^iyb dt3 mu^in n:iyn avu M3u;n pbn lya dbwb on^bi? n:u?> mnt-* D'Q!:'iyo nb^-^n ,n-i:nn ^k cmnsron Dtysj rif* u?' -lyn c-.n^ an^n aura mp^b a^vcnn cnnn (5 amour n^♦ inbu;' ':'n«n nyi '-^u; mrnn miatyoo nns* iiouro mny- no a« .pnpDD i2nn ra n-n' -rrsrt t nnn ".wt* f\D2r\ i'3 (6 pi ififK Twu;'') 'u;Min pn^n n^^ n;?niy' d -;nv n'n^ p]3Dn .nvTcn mwvin nrn iiv^n nan '^J7 F^oDn rmyim riDia-r nca it nnn iip2^ bnun -i::i: (7 nnx rt3Ds*n nj?tirn paurnn 'hti >3C5 arv^i CDirurn ntomi p::tynn /irn^n bT^t^T^ t? -.utiwd mojrm mnvin b^ 'b*id p2ti-n inbu^^ pnu-nr — 4:2 — I li*^!' iu;s D'j'jyn ino d:? n?*npn 'ariDo nw m^u;5 /pnsn 'nnso nsDf^n '23^ D^smnn D'Vjyn i?r-'a"iQ m* t*■)•)ph^ nin^V nsot^n ^jq;? n^n' pntynn '»Ti nyi (9 mnno D^!?!?Dn o^pinrr cr in^n^nw ^d bty D^ionan D^pinn (10 n^n^ -ny« "inn ?d td D^oinn n^trn nnn d:>2 a^Knp: vn^ jvv ^nD>n .PtJ^n msnn ■'Ideu^di vin nwi omw tzav'^ c:^ ^an »d mr^ imfli}Sn,M^^'^^^*^ LIBRARY FACiLI AA 000 721918 n.