LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class HC>^\ i CASE ^ B Clje %utiov jfacstmile Cejcts Written, c. 1497-1512 Date of Original Copy, c. 1 5 1 2 Reproduced in Facsimile, 1908 Dickecorncr C|)e Cutior jFacgimtle Ceyts Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER icfescorner [c. 1497-1512] Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII *^ OF THE \ UNIVERSITY F 4J5 \ UNiVtvtSlTY OF ^icfescotner The original of this edition is in the British Museum (C 2 1 , c. 24). // was printed, probably about 151 2, by Wynkyn de Worde, who was following his craft as a printer from 1 49 1 to 1535. Another impression also thought to have come from the same press about 1520 is known by a frag- ment of two leaves also in the British Museum (C 1 8, e. 2 [4]), with 34 lines to a page, as against 31 lines to a page in the original of the present reprint. Tet another edition by John Waley {or Walley), in business from 1546 to 1586, /j in the Bodleian, also with 34 lines to a full page. Other fragments are also known. The piece was apparently written between i^gj and 15 1 2, these limits being fixed, the first by the allusion to Newfoundland (discovered by Cabot, 2^th June 1497), ^^^ the last by the mention of the ship ^''Regent,'' destroyed by the French in 15 12. Mr. J. A. Herbert [Manuscript Department, British Museum) says this reproduction of '-''Hyckescorner " is " very 175463 isoell done^' and also that he has " very little indeed to criticise " ; — (i) In the unsigned sheet {between "^" and "5"), on Hi recto, the spot above the e of '■'■fynde " in line 1 5 is not in original, (2) B a verso, " this page is too faint and ' muzzy ' in places^ especially where marked " [the first words of each line from line 4 from top to line 1 1 from the foot of the page'\ ; the original is here ^''perfectly sharp and clear, ^* (3) B Hi verso, the spot above y in the name "Pyty'' {line 8 from foot) is not in original, JOHN S. FARMER. VI ^^'^'v c 'ri^//3 l^e&omeu m^ 7^ )^J:^M^^ ^Si^iTlisti V OP THE ^ UNIVERSITY OF 1 t . i - i- ■ ■ f, ■- ■ . p. ' •-A. t.»»>..^« 'W -»-iw^ r 'u^'-'Y:^^. \.,*»' ' r*-»A ^^^'^ P^ w all fottccapHK ^ tolas pou fctiDe . Tim or t^(0 inatct il^at j begpnne to tcU JpjapepouoeauDpmcetpujijaucmaDeanmDc Jf 0^ 31 tope to pou mp name is ppte Ctjat cuer pet ^at^ ben mantie0 frenDe 3ln t^e bofonu of t^e (econoe pecfone m trpnpte 31 fp;ange as a piante manner mpOe to amenoe foil to]t CO ^cipc 31 put to mv bonDe iiecozDc3ttaueotmai;pt^tiODeptetcc(0ofbloDc --^-^ 3! ppte tDu^tn tjcc t^me DpDe OonDe iD^an ^e (atoe bee (one on rt^e coDe CbeCoierDeof (oxotuesaue^atlaDp toounDe lo^ana^ececlaueberionc0lKttearonD^ ^ecrpeD outanDfelito tf^egoounoc Cboctg^ Q)t XDas looo ^rt Biasipteu iDonDep C^t09elpcate colour t^tQoolttp iaDp if uU pale anD U^anne t^e (atoc ^er Cone all DecD ^plapeo mtaccoQetDitb t^e fpuexoelies of prte £)f purple beluet pouo^eD loottl; ro to cccD XLo3t ppteci^^mdDepouecranOetobefpiOe £);elledmaHfoz euer (^loe^uebenfouo^ne SI mapDen To lapoe I)i9 ipfe to u^eDDe CcoXKmct!^dBlkpn9(tl)e tlioitncep^peket) ^pinfi^ C^acpteanfi % o^ tmt loucicoee t^e DouUerapne td^ofomelouctliDampmDncuetC^llbe €)f (omebectuoud companp J tboi^befiipnc iSoi a^bat topii to beuen ncDes muft come bp me ! Cbefepajtec J amtntljatbcuenipcpte • anD noli/ ijcce XbpU 3 reO me a irteil fpace l^(l{» :d*Ur ((Cpni^pe plcafe Hb^ru of ^tc^scact ^mc ticccuoud f elpl^p Cb) to fenDe ^ «.^,CCcpae*attoa0crpftincocawpfpel^9croton^ cotttemi /jn ^borum tcucloucixiaie^aas^otrttft a fpete V^^^ |fti^tapncJJb;aftc^MfcDano toappUwbounW iMtt; fcoucQcB ^ um0 UO^^ ^ i^otree ^ fHpn tat;e --N iTn^anccbetocaluacprtegtcte'ccoCrcb^bace J i^(0 btoDc ran ro ttjc gcounoe as Tcrppturc Dot^ td liiftiurDen toadlb^upt^tDotJonebnoerit ^cfii ^ 3 am bpnnc to t^c io}Oc tD^M^e te goDOcs (one ^dpinamc 10 lOD^ptcn fo^mell in t^c boHe oCipfe Jfo^ 3; am pcteptc comcmplacpon smo b^ot^o: 1 ^p dlPK^e ^ ts our lo;iDc6 topfc ?|o^ bapcpa anr^np 9 3S<)(romc 1)6 inanp mo oioVKD mc bm tn ^e l^crbe anD m tDpiDcmc^ 3 fucctDtt^Ctifmltocntt^cret^DpDego jBpgtK qt oapc toQiaroc t^ toapeoT t^f^tt^UtM 3 am tt^c cncU umcmc of all Ipolpncs ti)f p^eiatcsanD pKc^s I am c^cp; patron ^ jBo armurc Co (tronge in no DpftreOe 4-^j5^^7 l^aba9T>onWnicnipftno3ritron ^1^ J^' Cofpg^tott^ldtQanJamrbect^dmppoti ^^\^i::4^*^ lC^Datcai)pDfanDraanfUilpftonOe A 2) JfenDcfi flc atimpc tn^crcW^cp it rac come V^ 25ut3iu>pufteiwpouttii>p3|cainlDe (ape mp p;uspcr0Oeiioutip 31 loue noc tDtt^ me (o ^aoe moc^e companp 23'ut perCeuiraunceofte tmt^ me Dot^mete S)9^an 31 t^pnfteontcr come 3 am Co fclie conteinpiacpon mp ftnpnne&nan Coneem. Cto^atb^t^ecpccrcucrauncepebeDDelconu l^ccfme* C^nDfobepouairoconeemplacrott Cotittm* ff ^^^ ft^^^ ^^ ^^^ mapQet ppte Idetfcue* C^^^ ttuippcbctDclcomein totW^countte ^pte» * €; 31 tljante pou bcrtelp fp; pccfeuerawnce liccrcttet C^apff optc one ttjpge is com to mp tcmeb?auce ibljat tptl)pnges ftece pou note CS^P^ Cuc^easjji can 31 (^ali C^eiQ^c pou 31 0aue ^eroe manp men complapne ppteouQp C^ rape tbep be Cmpten ti tbe (t^ttiH of pouct;tp 3in euerp place tol^ere 31 bo go ^etoe fcenb€0 pouerte bcotti f pnbe 3nD tbcle rpct)e men ben bnltpnoe So^ tbep^ ncpgt^bouccs tbef^ll nouglirbo ldpbo)x»c0 boot ^ cur(el0?^e6anb gen^n men foi ti^ep conftrapne t^tt to marp lODttI; cfibepjt men petDbebectbcpVDpuo^tno ^en macp fo^ goob anb tbat id bampnaUe peiX)tt^oibeitN)ment^t0fpftpanb beponbe C^epecpUnott^nomanb^cbeibpU 3iltenotgobbe6idtbeti^tt0tirebinlonbe :3ctbdreiDpii tbepnottpllbet^ mtKsbonbe CaM^^erxbctbe^fmptee^aronbec^ Ipfg tapne 3nbiA()il0mo;ttaU(troke deuet^ f ^cteattoapne Cbep ttuatb tnmercp t^e lantemeof bjtp^tncOe «r^t no tftpngc bo tijcp bjcbegobbes cpgbtlODpfiiefi; l^etfeue. Ci^3l4eru(p;^etetea^euptpbptige Comem* C^t)i)am3Ibeioueb mapCerppte UJ^pecom^ ^ 1 >^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF v*< C 3n gooD fart^e people ^aue noto fmall Dcuocpoti )&per» ^nD as fo^U)ttl^ pott b;tot^et rontcmplac|*oii Cl^cce meDUtl^ tttx^t 07, none li^cs 31 tma tftat weaesiouemetDclc Contttit C25utafettte3|)0Dpj5anD(bincneueraDe[e i&ptc. C tbl^p fp; toit^out me tftep niapc not ipue dene ^nttnu Cl^Pl^tt^lpieeat^ug^e^t^^aueoffpftenc janV^ anD t^at mabetft me fuii^p ^^ C§ol3o tcoioe pou tl^t t^ece be no rcmcDp Contein OulUjatOefo? fpnncfenoto fo gceuouB anDpIl ^r^tc ^Uac 3 tOrnUetl^at it be gcovoen CO an cmpolTpbic ^Dpetouetl^pnge malietbme euec mournpnge C^t p^eftcj? lacl^ Mtmmct to C^oixie t^ep;t cuhpge 3inD alt^e)))ljplet4atelei:lie&Dob(e{o gretefpnne Smonge tt)e lap pcoplciobe neuecfb^no nienbpge C^9^^(0a6cupcare l^rfote ^CtjatfogcetefpnnneisWel^lnetterpplace * 3 p;ape gob bpt amenbe . g^tc^pDeanDbemctp jf uu Cbone of mp companp pe toolDc be lODcrp atiopoutocwail Ibtiat fpil tl)e cup aoO maike gooD c^m 31 tcottoi 3 ^3ue a nobtc bete Ddbo lente bPt me bpccpQe a f rcte anojsauebpmafatl IQbi^ be pe rp; be peat borne &ocfce6 palTpon mp nobre 10 tourtjrb to a (bmi ibbere tape jjiad bc(l^?e))9e pour bl^et( l|(iQi ^magpnacpon come ^htt Hud pott t^;pue 31 ^o(t a f eDtc :i5e^;o)))e pouc Hertt appcrc CttH^at ^1X1 ^otD )i)i^ caiieD aftet me CCome nct^ pe (^aU neuet; 3| t^e td^ece ^e pe be fo longe C^?go^ tnu^ me ^pt 10 all to^onse 3i\^mt apap;e of fo;e bcitlocl(C0 31 m 31ron0 tDd0 mp fotige (SuennotD J fattegpueDtn a pap;teof Qoclie^ CCocUes paflpon am) ^to Co C^p;^ 3lU)pUteiipoun^t ll^ueoo 31 metee ttitt^a txiencbeanD tt)tm%fsim 3lnD of loue ^cteuf 3 DpOe p;ape t^et; 3nD fo pM)mp&D ticc monape ^p^ C^e topnkcD on mc am) fapD nougl^t 23utbp ^eclol^ejl bnctDebcr ti)oug^c Cban tn to loues oaunce vot Xdcre 5;oug^ (C6dt tt)e plapeD tbe pp^DilDp % UK>te not iodW m tipoc togpocc :But a toaue catchpoll npg^o tenete anDfot»poet)6afpp( SltteppetK Qduemt 3 fleoDe mp toodii anDfromcmpsp^^ble^piacKeD mp pouc^ie :5p pour Itue ^ leftrme ncuer a peni> TLoonoudi^^^ue 3|butab(iclipll anepet j[ean ^magm t^geg fotpd ifo^togittmondpeplcntp • }-■-' ' ; f Ifmagr; fretopH 3N8gy« ifrct&pa Jlmagp. \t * C4 ^v» ♦ ' I .•^ ^- ^- ;^ mwM ■ ', ' ' ™^"^^^^= i^BMpqnKK'^ pas5!«!9Bt'i>'V-'5''i'i': fcettpiu 3lmagF. dftttopn ifccttpBL 3maBp* 3Pn\»cftmptt!l^t^aUcua:p tetme31am Co me ts i^i^n tic manr a qjcttt gentpll matt 31 am' fenotDcn in eucrp countre ^nD 31 tDerc DecD t^e latdfecs tbifftt toccc loft jf oj^ tl)is Tupll 31 DO pf mm toolDc DO coft )D;oue cpg^t tD^onge anD all br ccafon 3'nD mai^c men U(ebot^e^ou0 anD lottDe :f 0? all tijat tt^ci^ can do in a iftcli ftafoh ^(t\)t mcnof crrafon p;eup!p 3I can 3nD tu^n meipa to ^angc a tttiojt man 3if tftcp tdpll mc monare tell Ctjeucs 3 can ^elpe out of p?pfon 3nD m to (o^Dee f aitoure 3 can get me foone 3nD be of t^cp^ p;xupcounrepU J3utfcetDpUmpacreb;oDec ^tde poH ndrof ^pckfco^net; 1^ p^ompfcD n>e totomeQpDci; C)^Up fp; fcnotoeft t^u^m Cpcj^e man ^e 10 fall npe of mp fepnne ^nD m netogate tDe DtoellcD togpDcc Soi l^e afiD 3 vtiece bot^c QakeUD in a frttet C^PMapepoubenetbo^ton^peont^eftllei; Ci&appiDpsamdgrfteipclwaofpemeoft^collec C^p goD t^ pc^tDecc Injimc fete C&p?ftaDnot3be,cc^l&aD btniiaft inanl^artere C3KnDUibatlpee^uet5fep't^eeal t^gretrfo;itc C® P goD fp; ones a pcre (om tatu l^al^s of utrpo^e pe attpburnee^erc OonDct^ t^egntc fcame 3nD fome talie a toULti^t maiict^ t^c^^ necit lame Cpe but cati tbep t^n go nomo;ie fi:^nomanr^eDD?eftt0e)]Dpaefofoie f o; d0 foonc ad a)tf l^ue fapD m iuan^4tid0 on^ J5p goD tftep? b^ct^ fe OoppcD at (mc0 f[tb^p Do t^eppjiapemt^at place t^fte yeropll CPefpjt^epftonDemgtctcfcre SwaBP* 3inD fo faC^ tangUD in $at fnace l^pt f aiut^ to t^ep; lottc to l^ant t^t (amt Qfatt C€^att£(aknautCI^f fpg^tto fet^totlonaiieme jfretDpl fL^p; tl)t ^o?e(one0 couDe not conuapeclene Jmam io} anD t^cp couoe ^aue carpcD bp craftc as 31 can 3f n ^ceflfc of PCCC0 cct|c of tlje (^olDe be a jjetpU ma pet as fo^ me 31 U)a$ neuec tlicfe ^f mp i)abe0 toccc fmpte of 3 can ftcle \A mp tctl)c foi pe Iknotoe ttieU r^er e t0 crafte in baubpnge 31 can lolie in a mannr^face anD^ppcbe t)i6 pucCe ^nb tell nctDC tpopugies i> tbasneucr tcetDe v^^ jTo; mp ^oob is all U nebltift^ lefpnge Cpe but twntc pe^neiwr to tpbumc a pplgrpmagc :Jf tetoplU - Ci^opioopgnojinoneof mplpgnages 3!magp» :f (Utbcbe cUche aU anbcanour nccike becie 3nb \& an opntment tt^e Ijus^^ ^^e 3i can grece C^a t tDpli 6ele fo;c0 tbat be bncui^ble CIbl)P toere pe ncuec fotott^e tep^ouable jfreioapU Cpe0one63aalial)o?0intftefelDe 3niasP* ainb upteon bpm fo; to \)am rpben mv toapc 3N: tbc laft a bapip me mette anb be^ibe atnb babbe meOonbe tban urns 3I in a frape l^aflKebtt^ebectDit^ t^tbo^ife 3l\bolbegon 31nb t^an 31 tolbe^pm^pt,U)admpneo)DDne l^e (apb]3l babbe fiolicn bpm anb 3ii fapbc nape a;i)t0 i0 fapb ^ mp b^ot^ers ^clinap« fo? anb 31 tiab not fcuftb me ttitljout faple 1 *£,fri*' 2&r outHaOp ^c toolDe ^aue IdD me ftcaptc to 3[aple 3aDt^au3Itoioel^rm {pt^^elbaslptempne ^ buiuine bapc a tongc mane ^ opoe ^altc be^ne 4, . Cbu9 31 toioe bP ^ (ucti ail otber ^;0 H opbc^ac^ J^ito pet 3; ncuer faDDc bpm no;i came ott bt0 bacbe ^0 J oeipuereD ^pm tbe bo.10 agapne f 3tiD oibatt be t^as gone t^n toas 31 fapne jf 0; ano J ^ao not Cci^CeD me tt^ bettec 31 fimm toeii J (^oioe baue Daunfeb m a feeeor SttXoTV, C3inD(apD^enomo;etotbcbut(o 3|magp. fiPts Me p^cenoeo me moc^e ^arme to bo 23ut 31 toioe bp t^at mo^npnge wm a gtetr invflc Cbac CDbat boife bpt toae 3| ne kbpfte 311(0 31 Capo tl^at in mp beeo 3 bab ^ megcpne C(^at maoe me bafell (6 m mruc £i^m Cbot 31 mps^t not ttidl fe 3no tbu6 be oepacteD Qfo^^v ftomt mt, fwtopU CpcbutiiJbercwbpc&feo^uiecnorD 3Imd!iP* tC^ome of tbefe ponge men battle ^pbbe (n^nui tber;bo(bme6 31 Q^accauntpou <-■ 3magp» tElletb3maliiaerpetbatbemapet)0|^ Stm^lU CBotDbot^l^pcliGpo^necappece 31 crolDe tbou be (^oe m fome co^nece %cl^rco^ C 3ie t^e belme au tiece Qk^c of bete Gaple httn Jfwioopu C^cbes^JoDp betHelje mn aftpppeont^fce t^pcKCco^. C<^oD Cpeoegoo (jpeoe m^ calleo after me 3magp. CO*at teot^cc Welcome bp tbts P3tecpou0bobp 3! am glabbe tbat 3! pou ft i^pt u^as toiDe me rbat pe tbcre ManogD 23utoutofU)l)atcountrecomepe m j^tfefco?, CfeP? 31 ft^we ben in manp a countre rVt'i^^il' ^ou pngaU fciipu aifo m aimapne ™ jfccflonDc SaunDec0an0mburgoptif C aiab;e poric ano cttasopne :6;rtapnebpriieanDairotnga&opne s ^plc0 m^ecc ant) in mpDtied of (cotlonDe ^t cape (apnt bpncent ^ in t^ ncttie fouoe 3[iondc - j J, bauebentngeneanDincoiDe ! Mo in t^c lonDe of rumbclo toe Ct^^empleoutof^cU t 3K CODC0 condantpnc ant) in babpIonDe 3Incom£t»alcanDinnono;^umbcrlonDe , Db^cce men frti)e ru(n)e9 tn gmcll j Se fp^f in caiocp tartarc anz» jmt inD in ^lonoe of u^omcn^feidc mcn.Dot^efpnoe 3Sn all t^efc counttcs ^aue 3 be j i;S^p;vobattpDpngcdt)ercpcnot^ont^(if fttVs^ Clbcmettcof(^yppc0agccrcnauc i^t^&o}* j jFuilofpcoplecbatVDoiDcinto 3|rlonDf 9nD ti^tf r^mt out of tbts cbuntte iCbep tDpli ncutc mo;te come to englonDe Clbbni0 fioete ^ Q)pppe0of tbem Hnotoeft ^ none jn^« Ci^eclie 9 J ttipU ftitoe pott tbcp? namreesb« one W^^h jf p^a ttia£( t^ rcgem i^ntb tb^ mpgbeii of b^pkplfe (Ct^e Qco;ge CDitb tbcgati;rcU anD ti?c anne of f op e i^eOarre ot falteafQeDoitb tbe3b(fu0of plnotb aiib tl^e^ennptage t]Ditb tbc barbaca of oarmout^ ff^e upcoias ano tbe mat;p beitoufe of b;ipaol09e lObitb tbf fipn of lonbon ano ^ames aKo 5rouaJ ano tKJlP^omcn tDttl^ pacpimcc melkcncg aito ^umrlpie 3nD all true mapoerw \»itl| n^m ljp;igpnpte iSipail pKc^^c0 diDnes auo cl^acpce l^psllt conftpence ano fapt^ idtt^ Dmocpon 3tiD all true monfte0 tl^at Hepce tbep; celpon Cruebpere ano feliere ano dlme0 Dcoe Doerd }dpt(ou0 people t^at be of rpnne be(h^pet?0 iDDUb 3|uft abUpnence ano gooD counCrpiiers; jq9ounter0 fo^ fpnnc toitb lamentacpon 3nD gooD cpcbc mm f ^petl^ folHe out of p^pfim (Ccue MDlo^ 1M0 tb^e alfo Xfttb Ponge men tt^accuer in p;^pec Dpbe go C^e (^ppes nictc lab^ tf (iic^e tm^ppp companp :6utat (^laftegoDflfopedcctnebp :f o;t t^epaUutcbeftemete D;tounDe 3nD on a qupeltt (bnoei^ fttat^e to groanbc ^Tbefee (txidiolMDtbem cuerpebone ^ 3tW)teU)oteiiieUalruetb(tefeapeDnone J/Xi^* C?tonott)mpb^ei0glaDDednDmerp jFo; Hope notD let \» Cpngc Deep Derp l^pckto^ Cjfclo)QM0ttiep(^n(uicmo^b0Mt()aenbe jf 0^ 3[ re tbem aUb^omeo in tbcrafeof ^ctonDe ftOfvU. Cpebutpett^eebebpcl(((i^;ne(; tti^at companp roas in pouc Q^pppe t^at came ouer mtfdihxL C*^3l«W*&pDpoutobnbetaanDe ^*^^ /^betetoecegooDfeiarDCB abo we fpue t^oufanbc 3nDaU tbep ben bpnne to be tb;e Cbere U)a$ eall^oDc fauril ano fotplCe pe tbette0 anb bo;ce r.ntb otb^r sooD contpanp jlper0bacbpter0dnofiaterer0etieib|^pie ^-:-X''Ji.:: ffiKf,- "V WE^^^: OF THE UNIVERSITY iL'FO^ !t3?aulct<8i iftt^^tttm anD cbptJcr« lt)aK(cr6 bv npg^t Uitc^ gm e muroererfi; ^nmtfmmt gpU ano 3io!p tQtt>ctg ^pp;tcirec0 of people )]9t(^ manp (toetccd (C^rrc tDas falte latoe tinr^ o;pble t^mgeaunce jrroroarDe obflpnacpo tf mpfc^uoiuf sou^rnauct lbantonU7cnc^c0 anD alto mp(^cd IbitU manp o t^c of t^e DeupUcs offpc^s^ 3nt) ^ateccDc twt ts To mpg^tp ano tteonge l^t^ maoe auoioe fo^ cucc to DtDdi ttt cngfonoe C^uc t0 ttiat mic t^at t^ou oode C^toe noui ^imaop. C^p;^ (ucrp ipo^De as 3|Do tclipou i^cbico?* C^t^ene is pour (^pppcof lonDon fttxayn* Cpe ptopd ttomt t^en0 opDc (lie come l^cUfco^* atnD ^e 10 namcD t^e enup 3! tell pou a gcete tKflcU and a mpQl^tp Cbe ottmer of ^er 10 cailcD pU ik^U ld}jot^(t to 3!acbe poller of fl)oter0 ^pll e.&V} ^at offpce in tl^e (^pppe bare pe 3!tnaapv . C^arp 31 liepte a fap;ie (Ijoppe of bauD;pe ipd(K^ 31 ^aD t^;c ioeiict;c6 tl)at vocre full pitatp 3Iane true ano t^^pf ties anD ibanton fpbble ^f pe rpoe l^a a Ijoumap O^e rDpUmal^e pou ttierp Joji^efetmftpatneDe 31fperDpllftp;ie^crft)?pourpleafure 31 tDarraunt terebe r Q^all pe neuer ^^etefofuremDcDe )apDe and pou topU ten tpmcs aDape % iDart aunt von Q)t ))}pu neuer fape nape ^plpfe JiDareiapetoiODeDDe C^oroplurt^etip ;paur^ene0 $mabesooD rtiere3lniagp« v^ 3magp. ^l^}^t mom a gooo f po^te j can poa Ml aKtt^eOttestDetDplUpetonpg^t 3nD bp mp tcout^ pf all go acpgi^ 31 DDpil bcgn^U fome p^atp toen^e 0:0 gette mc monape at a ppnc^e ll^tD (ape pou (^aU u>c 90 t^pDir )Utt)6b€pecompanp aUtogpDa atiD 31 iQDOiDe t^at IDC ^b goDDC6 ci»(ir 3ie M (oim iDt^cc DO not get a pnrfe Ciicrpinanbccc l^isDaggfcnalicDin^stionDf anOpftDcmcteatceucsnanmai^e^pniSoaoc tf)» eue0tt^^&(cca ftrppc 3f tt^t ^Otogguonomalie onp KDerkr Upgbtip (^l» 4pm to t^^ccte 3nD tt^^UK^pm into temmceqiipef Cl^apc t^ litike0 m a leafe 10 gooD at naic :&ut r^ou iui)b€c Jtmagpnacpon fO^^at cubcolDs t^p faocc tD^crc 10 l^e become 9t n(l))gatc Dot^ ^c ip (Ifil at gapU iCSuaut^cfone tt^u i^aite became a Orppc ^ap(l tbou ti)at mp moocc loas a ^o^e €i3ape fp? but t^jc laft npg^t 3i (aM (p;i 3|obncanb (^tombuo ontl^eflo]te C^oVd bp lioc^ t)ttu tbou fl)alte lofe an acnie C^P^ rp3i i ^3^8^ P^w ^^ *^Pi» no barme C^no 1^ maito to mocbe J \]DpUb;ilie tbp b^eb to t:^prapnttnat;panD3liiipatbat3)iMbcbrag» CStDarcauiace tbebo^iom (^ail abp i^ p^eftXbpll Jbe bp cocker bobp C^epe pcare leS bnaues bloDe be O^eDDe l^rcbfco^ C[^r SOD r^^td tK>a0 nought mp ixiag a0 baooe jfrcU)pU<. iiL23pUocUesbecte^e(ftaUDpconttiP? 3i t^anbc pou tjerteip }5ut itl;at G^all tueDo li^ttb el}t0 d^o^le prte 3[maap» C3tDpilgotol)Fman&ppheaquarcu 3nD mal^e l^rnt a tbef e anD fape^ DpDe Gele 'ffrctovu ^f tt^pn^ ^W pounDe ma bagge ■" *^ • CSp goo tijat tpDpngcfi iDpU mate ^pm faooc 3(10 3)]DpUao fetcbeapap^e of gpucs f o^mgooofaptbc^e O^aUbefettefaftbp tl^el^lc0 l^pcfefto;^ Ci^aue alK) ipgWP ano be gone antriet t» ttoapne totd) bpm alone jfreYoplU cBoio faretDcU 3I be^;etDe pou eucrp ciione i^pcbfco^u Ct^ ^fretopupott tiKtetoc and no mo 31magp« CCbou letooe f elottie bftt p t^ac tf^^ name 10 pite IDbo Cente rbebpDcr to controU me )dpte« C<^ooDfp;bPti0mpp^perte :ffo; to Dp^fe fpnfuiupupnge ^no tmto tiecttt men to (^pnge ^ 3E^tbattbepiopUDoaftermc amagp. cilo^fpjactettKwifor^^lp a fet^tdcapcpfetDolDcbeioapreD Jtrotbe auD pottfli^pue^tljfe pere 3 topU^ofeapenp ^ fpjrejj outtoacDe be berets a fap;e face Sntano^emettetDtt^aQ^einap^euppiacc ■ '-"^MfKRiNia ^''^t ff'y^- 3 tco>»c ^c tboioe ftctoe^etbutlrtellgtacc 2r>p goD pe mape taift me Cloo tDpli penotft t^tscaptpuegmenpngc i^e iix)iDe Dcftropc t)S all auD all our bptinc pa l^aD S( leucc fe i^pm MangcD bp t^e rtpnne mt^tt mm ^at t^oiDr be bmi^t abouce 3nD tDUb c^0 Dagec d)ou Q^ite (^at» a dautc, |]Dit^out tl)ou tt)pic€ be Ips^tip be gone C^3pc bjot^c lape l^noc on bpm (cone Sol ^e Japco mp tapfe ano mabc me cuHoloe ano pet ciie tcaptoue toas fo bolDe (^batftcftaiefo?tppounDeofrapnemmonapf C^p fopnt m<»cp tbaalje ftaunot Ccapc iDeidpU UDci}pmftt(pg;l^c to netogate Jfo^euctt^ecetftaU^lpe caifeafeCpjtte^tDbatlbaueb^ougbt 2^ meDpQ^ne fo^a pap^ ot (on Q)pnne0 m tbe bpnge^bcnc^e rp^cs 31 Uaue pou Coog^ Tdiit J p;ape pottiOD^ (^U Doece t^e(e C^pgoDt^0felolDec^mapenotQo^en« 3! tDpU go gpue bpm ttjefc bole rpngcs lloto pfdpti)e tbcpbetDo;itb fb;itp pence 23ut to 1)10 bonocd 3E l^c ttoo bonocs C^oibe bo;e(bne bete 16 an S^aitcc 25pnoc bpm fad ano maKe bpm Cute C^menlettcombtbati6 tbe tteviie maa ©e poucgupDeco; cllcgpebefo3tlo?ne 51ape no fais toptncs as npe ag pe can fi)nnonefo;aftetU)acDepc!DpUwpetitIbpt6iHfo?e C^ape nape 3! care not tberfb^e Cpe toban mp (oule ^aget^jan f |>eD«e edtt(lone0» I^Pl^CO^t H^pckCtoj l^pcUPOft Blmagpt jfrettpn; if 01 3 tell t^e plapnlp bp feocke^ boncg (CtjKJu ajaltc be gupDeo anD lapo in 3^0J^^ CbepfareDcuen(o ^fte. c3»japefp;n»batbaue3Do 3maQp« cXbcunxUCbattbauQaltebnotdeon^ougQ i^rtc cOfpitesHfel^tcannotbeamenDer) pou Do me tDoottgc fo; J ^aue not ofif cnocD a cmcmb;e goD r^at is out ^cuch l^r^S^ f o; i^eiDpUcetDacDcpottafierpour Defcrupngc # tl)^n Dcc^ tmt^ ^16 mace Doot^ pou acecd lX)eaii to^motoefcMeanDfctupce f ro t^ laODrt of ipfe Dotonc be YDpll t^e tb^efte fCban mapCcrfbpp map not belpe tioi grete offpce jMOtyVU CtbbatDctbeanD^i))etcl)erebe ^olDefptbpf CroVKa c^u t^ ^ebcabieto Orpae y& t)^ tint K^pnapnap ^maoT) ClbcafctatMSnolblttteaoottrtbape -» •^t'' foxatfl|otcr6^Utbcbaueagamctoplape ijpcWcox* f^ ]f n gooD eaptft J tDpIl tarp no lender fpace fttt»T^ C^Pt^;^eiDDebpmfD;meptelaftoutoftbt6pIace l^te* f;)Loio;Dedt^pmapciii;9^tpmetbcpi3)erebo;tne i fo), (be tucDc0 tbat ouer gtiai)etb tbe co;ine CbeptroublcOmegplteleflDeanb DDOtenot X^ fo^ goDDe^ loue pet t)pu 3B fuffice pacpemip tDcaiimap fap tDdeatoap fo;fpnne]^ tsinotb aiiapc [ )Uoticttacl0tenp%Dfo;ieuecdnoaFe tbo;fe)ot)d0bP^nruei; Ibebaue plcnteofgcetcotbes \' anoclotbepno(sgbemourclotbc0 I3cit cbarpte matip meniotb^ bL__ 3iad notD 10 (cc^crp cdUeD loue m DcDe ^nD murDur c nameD tnanl^oDe in cuerp neDe Cjcto^rpon 10 caiicD latde (o goD me fpcDe lbo?fcU)a;E(l)ptncncc pou(^ ibaii^^ bpnpg^t Vott^ (toetDes ^ topucs Znntmt amonge trur mmlefctti t^cp; ipues }ll^ I^ctetpl^c0 tDCOccupp oti)e$ menncis U^e0^ iftoto a Dapefi to mjlonDr' &auDc6be ^ Dpftrpctg of manp potigetDomm 3nD fulUctDDMounrepU tl^ep gpuc tnto tt)gm l^otDpottDomarpbettaccpoupongcmcn >%^^ «r«-/y^ (C^etk)pf£nmec tarpet^ toionge C^cre be tnanp gtete rco;nec0 23ut fo; fpupe tbecebc fetoe mourmr^ £De baue bue f ADf true Iouct0 3lnnoplacenott)aDape0 (Ct]iere be manp gooDlp gpltc bnptic0 3nD 3H tcotoe d0 ttiell appdraplicD tDpuefl^ petmanpofftcmbetnttb;^pftp oft^ewlptte^ 3InDallfttmp>pDetog»gape. ' -> :^apet;6 on rpnne Dootl) no co;ircccpon Ibtt^ gentpU men berct^ tcout^e atKOotmc auoutrp tjs; fu(&cD m eucrp to))cme StmenDpmenttd t^ece none mnD gobbed cdmaubemente0 tteb^i^etl^m dILjiSi. 3^euocpon 10 gone manp bapesfpn ^ TLtt b0 amenoe te loe ttelDe crpaen mm )^;^ bet^ malto pou gtone Courtper0 go gape anb eafte Iptell tbagrs anb manp tbttb bacidtte0 at die tauetne bamtM^ p;itt)ebefo:ptotepoamtl>i0ft(enotii 1^^^ C©;ct^ecne^ctexi)Ctet^Kperpllou.gmen jfteUypU^fcomei^anD jmagpnacpon C^ep(iGipD3Bt)(m0at^efemiDiapb monpfe^ontiie 3nDbotmbe toe m 3ron0 a0 pc mape (e ^lontenu C^i'^^^ (^^ tcaprotirdbecome nouie ©Pte» C3ln 800D tavti^z J can not ftcKOfrott ^^ftue^ C23y>t^letb0t>nbrnDebpmof^bonDc!( JSntem. CilnloleitjefcteanDtbe^nDe? I^te. €^3 ^^"^ ^" ^^^ ^"^ gcctei^pntinc0 Cbatpott|iODoQtU)emtbi60pat:ea]e f onbcp toete mentMtboutmp nieccp Cbat Dciptst^ail m mpfcl^efe ano tp^atmp t^etfeue* C3 t^ni^etbep ibpll come ^pber agapne f ceiK^U ano ^magpnacpon bot^e cmapne (i^emibpU3i0X);tt|!£obettuousipupn8e jinotrnto bectuti^emtoJb^rttge l&^t^eji^lpe of pouconicmplae{t)n CTiDo mp counCcpll b^ot^cc pp te Contemn Cdo pou anD (the ti^m tt^ug^e tt|c cotmttt 3'n bpUage totdne bourg^e ano cptc (C^zougl^eout all tl^ercaimeof niglonD^ ID^an pou t^cm mztt ipgbtlp t^cm aceS 3nDin p^pfon put tbeni fade 23pnDe t^cm furc in Jtonsi Srongc :f 031 rtjep be fo fade anD fotple rciiat r^ep topli pou begple 3nDDomttment]o;ton8e Idecfmri. ^75}o^tt pptc DO ag t;c bat!) fapD *^ 3In a}a;p quarter lobe pou a(ppe anD let gooD toatc^e fb;i tbem be lapDe 3Iniaut^ebaaatbat(boucananDtbatpipuelp ' ^0} anD tl)ep come bpoer d^ep (^aii iiot fcapc Jfo? autljecrafte^tt^pcanmabe CUJeUtbanU)pU3Ibpcmea0fafta031mape IW^ 3lnD trauaple ti^^iugb^ cuerp councre (^ooD toatrhel^UbclarDemeuerptDapf ^bat tbcp riele not m to fcnttoarp l^otd fare iDele b;i€tbeme anD p;ape fo; tne fo} J mud SDbcns in.DeDe CiStotD goD be pour oooD (pcnDe j^erieur* C^nD euer pouDefenDc Uj^anpou baucneDc. ^o^m^ C/3oto b;ietbcmc botbe 3 tbanbe pou j^J^^ C^abc i^u rome fo? a gentpiinan fp^J anD peafe xretopHt SHiegarDe fepgnourg tout le p;ieaQie anD of pour Jangelpnge pf pc topll feafe ^ t}9pU tell pou DDbn^e 31 (^ bene ^p^r e$$ 31 )))d0 at tt^e taneme ar^ D^nbe )!t)pnr ^t t^agi^t 31 (atoea pece tijatlsas (rbcmpne auD rp3i ailmp f^ns^c^ tocre arapeD toid^lpme V ^0 3 conuapueD a cuppe manmp ^ 3nopetptop53ipiapcDalltfteMc '^ ifoiitftcccBoaeaCcolccofmpncortmetcolc -p 3ltU)tJp;tftc^o;rianc3fppeDmc C^an roaB 3 cefteo ano b^oug^t in p^pfon f o; 11)00 c^an J topdc tiot tu^at to t^auePone 3nD all ^pcaufe j lacked monapc 23uc a frcnoc in coucteis tDo^c^e a penp m piicii^" *o;^ 3|in«gpnacpon mrne oU)ne feloDjc 3ft)p0 i^ DpDe t^cipe me out full craftelp ^p;re6 ^e tDali^eo t(^;ug^e ^!bo;ne (C6^ Routes after t^e (onne I3oa0 DoU)ne 3(iiD ttiaikea t)p toU)arDe(aptuegpie0 uiti^efelDe 9e ^ouco (tpll ano tt^ere bebelDe 23uc tqere ^ecouDenoc fpebe oft)\i p^tape . . 3nD Ocapgi^t to luDgate t^t tolie t^e rtiape \ pe lXN)te U)eli tl^ t potpcarpcti loalbe tierp late 1^ came to a ooiie ano p;pueip (pake Co a p;enee9 fo; a penp tooit^ of tifozbpum ZnD alfo fo;i a ^aif penp U)o?t^ of aiom plomme Cbt0gooDfecuauntc(enieDi^pm(^ojitelp ^ 3nD (apo iiS t^ece oug^t cUe0 t^t pou U)olDe bpe f * 4 ^ Ni l^tw(fcDl)pmto^fetearopeDe^0tDaperoiibC ^ " ^ J^M^ioDieoatne^sateatt^efu^annc '*i --. ■..j,^ r TTr - , _ 3lnD mccp man tofcc tipm f o; a geittpU man ^ on t^cmc;ot]»c 4e Dcl^crco me fi) ut of ncujgate ^ t^ poipcc 3nD noDD lODFii 31 oauncc an tnakt cpan c^ece 2&ue JS ttolDe 3|magFnacpon tmc^e fo^licteperrtejsatmoc jLadouctoDpmfmftspfpeWplpottcmatewfpiDc iftottitopll 31 tpno^e anDUiadpfepngc :t3uttd^anmp Cttcc^onmr uccjiOpDecptige 31 ft)a0 not glaooc pcroc but note ^p ttoup Mf Xrt 133 & Uioo can Dcfcauut on t^ liame (Co laug^c auD gctc manapc bpt iDctic a goco game ]])^at^omc^)]oc ^erc Z p^ieeft a Douctoure o^ cU(0 a vxu U)^at mapOec^ctout: DotppoU Can not pou p}C(t^ tMi m a iilacbc bolt €);Dprputconpopupnpte 3!f pe be mnnpngc 31 WW put tot in a p;rft <^ooa fp3i tD^p bo men etc muaaroe DDt^ bcf e A^pqueaponcanpoaadbplcmc tBcrfeite* C^a6mant^eail(caieUibip 3nb of et)rp ipupnge 31 r ceb amenbe t^c iPcctDpR^' C^uaunt catpf e booft r^ou t^ou me 3n am come ot gooo ttpnne ^ tea tl)e ^pmobertbasa labpoft^aetDcs blobebo^ anbknpgbtof tbcbalter mp faberibacean Mo^ne C^erfb^ 3 tal^e tot m toll grete (co;ne C^4t t^u fl^olbca tl^ud cbeHe me CSbpbefelolbettoucaftlptcilciirtefpe £xMttm: C^tftaltebec^rmebojitboutonspaft «^Hr»«#t fb^ d^ ttoubieb ppte anb lapb on torn feidhpc ~^ / P u 1 SttWli C3 ^^^V pou bot^c tDjHl ^ou atcC mc ^'co t0 t^ou (^aiccnoe cfcape dFwWlU c^'0^^^*^o^fw^^^*^^3iotapcteefce^pau J topll not be taften f o;t tljtm bot^e Contem ♦ CCbou r^alt abpDe twietbec t^ou b« icuc o; tor^e (C^crfo^e gooD Cone Iptten bnto mc 3nDmarltot^efct))o;tDe0t^at3l Doeelltlie mioa l)aa foloDticD tbi^ne one ti)i^ manp a^ap e 3nD ipueD m fpnne )))itUout amenDcmcnr ((C^ctfo^c in ftp conccptc alTapc Co a^goD mrccpanD l^epe|^i0 rotnaunbement C^an on ftc^e ttpHibauc ppce *rM^«ii »iDb;pngetl)ctobm«ubat3orfuUcpte ywuj^u |[jj)^tbo;cfoneD5p«pcbauemetiotoa*>ir 0a^t ret bao IE later be eaptapne^of calap0 f o;i anD 3! C^ioc DO after pour fcole Co lerne to pater to ntal$e me peu^fle pet bao 31 leuer lol(eU)ttb a face fiiU tbeiip((^ 3mo tbecfo;ie p^tatc no lenger bere )Ue(l mp toiauee ^fte bptte pou tnber tbc P fuV)tn 4nDJitco\XK ecOecDapfrlion tD^ptbtiDap ^pere C^ttia;c«t).fco;c(auean^onD^eDmmpcopanp 3nD at pctp 3BuDa0 Uie maoe cpaU c^ere (C^etc^DlDegooDalecCmpg^eimaieib^upng €\fttz\)t\mi ^pc Uppnge attD fp^rnspngc 3nDt^tpDc3| )Lcpe out of btttoeaue tmto cauntctturp 3lmoa ten mplrbpttDenc CircdODpU fo^fafec ail t^fe iwtf oe DDplfuUp ^ d--ittfitif» anDc^ungrbptpiiu^iug^tefttoQonocmeerc **'******^ jfoi fortune tdpil toumc ^ec tbt^elP to topfte Cgat dene f co t^p !oe!t^ (Qe topll t^e ipft€ Cto&at Uft nw tofto ei Jmaginacon WW i^ew no\» ^..^^.^ 3|tDp0l)Ditft,ftrt fpft ^eEioJoeaU tociottte pou * wwfu ^en0l^;ie(btutacpmlisisap^erc M bp (apnt ppntcU t^apoOcu 3 (tberg (C^at 3 tupU mpue pou botbe ^me 3no pet 31 loasncuer t0onte to f (>8^alone aiae t^t 3R tjao not one to bolDc me ^t)au pou (i)olDe Ce me plape ttre man Itianif ullp ^0t)pt u»olDe 00 megooD to fpg^t i^l)) rapepoulo;tDe0($aU 3I fmpte l|aue amonge pou bp ^t0 ipgt^t l|en6 bo;tefoue0 anb ^ome at one0 ^]i VDtt^ mp tDepm 31 (ball b;t(lte pouc;done0 Huaunt pou i^naue Ipaiiie bp mp counftpu C^ne cemenib^e t^ grete papne)8( of iKil ^er{ime% (C^cp are Co bo^rpbie cba t no tonge can tell 23elDare ie& tbou tbpOer do go JC^apcbp raintmarp 31 Wwnwfo ^cMm ' 31ttrUnotgoto^DcttpU tol)ple3S l)auemplpbme f i^ C^aU tabc ^ labourc to f et me ^ be topi l^aue mc :f o;i ^e t^at tiopii go to l^cii bp bt )]dfI1 boiuntacp (C^e DcupU ano ^ tt)o^ie)3opnDe go rout) ()pm g tdpll pou imicc fro ttjens tpDpnges bzpugf (^0 poubefo;canD t^iooe me t()e l]Dape 3lnD as to folotDc pou 3I Q)pU not fape nape f 0; bp goDbes boDp anO pou be inmt^ 25p tbe malTe 31 tupu fl)ptte tl^c Do;ic at ones 3no rbau pe be take tn a pptfall ' Contcnu cii^^ Kb^fus foone Defenoe t)6 etome tbat l^oie jro'yqm e(l tn mferno nulla eft tecemptto) l^ip itob fpakc t^fe too^oes full longe ago fretDplL ci!^p3lbauebone6^pouiaDeoutlatpui}& (eopes :&ut t^ccxtiitt} can pou cloute me a pdp;te of bote£^ :t3p ouc labp pe Qolbe i^aue Come toerbe of me 3 tDolDebaue t^emi&elltinDeriapDanDeafelp Jfo? 3 bfr aitoape to go one tbe one fpoe 3nb tto^be pe tiotD bp goD tn tl)e (lotltcd 3 fate tpbe 3ltrou)e atb;e!);iebe0anD mo;cairtcuaounbe Sntrtbere 3 UbourcbtoeDdpcbr Dape 9nD Co J trcD mp (^ne mtDarOe m good fape )Lotbecfo;emetbpnliepoumua foule tbem rotibc 3lf pou baue onp nevoe botes apap;e 3| iDoloe bp JSut 31 tbpnbe p out pipce be to br c ^;i onceat netogate :i bought a pap;e of Qermpj^ a mi>gbtp pap^eantr a Qronge 3ibolc pece 3 toare tbemfo longe ]Mt tbep eame not fulip to mp Imee 3lnb to clouteitbem \:f^ cod not me a p^nf ftimnotojpegotbpDecpeC^aUfpnDeagrete^epe* C^pitlM came timet t^ci:e neaeuec(()a!iDo tdetfetie, C^arp3;uia0ealuntn8trdptlm:c%tpDebp^to jTrel^ KT^at 3tiaitcD agcetdOD^canOmrg^not go 31 ttiolDepe bot^c fate asfaat^ecc fC^an (l^oiDe pe oaunce a0 atete 3nD all all bp gangcipngc oCpottr cf^pniiS CU)ljpfr;iUiwpct^n;e Conttm^ CpeanDt^att0fenebpmpb;tapned jfceXDpU^ ^o;i o; 31came t^ece 3 Uias as iDpCcdSatDoobcock 3tiD3S cbanbesoD as mpttears a l^Dodie pet JtmH CO rccouet as ot^ec Dofe jf o; ano 3 ^ao onc0 as mo^ u^ptte as a gore 31 q^oiDe be maccbaant of c^e banl» iS)f goiDe cban J QfoiDt baue manp a frante foH'nitip5tniabe.uugooDbpageseo (^ters^pl 3nD baue U)pnDe ano mt>tt at mp topil (Cl^an \xiolDe 3 ncuec ttauell tbc (ee mo^ :)^ut^pt tsbarOe to bepe tbefbpppefpo t^eO^;^ %ib pf ^pt bappe to cpfe a (h);m€ C^^an tb^toen m a cafe anb fo aboutebo;ne £Durocl(eso?;b;acbt0fo;to conne &m to UrpHe a grounbe at tpbo;ne Cbat XDcce a mpiJebeuous cafe jf o; d^at cocke o^ tpbo;ine ts fo perpUoud a place poitgegaiauntes Dace not bentuce m to l^cnre 75\it \xAm rbep;t monape isi gone ano fpente twtb tb^\i longc botes rbep coUjc ontbe bape aiab oitp man of Ujarce ipe bp tbe toape (^bcp mud take a bote ano tb;totDe tbel^eime a (e 3nD tail baroe bpc i& to fcape t^at gcete Jeopacbpe amiUierenott^cftttooJcopcrDo^ places tniKOc ((T^temanpamaccliaittt^ct^DCKBMioe (pene :6uc r(t tue touea fute cancll at tt)cftmrn(ler 3 tt)ou(lDe (^pe0of t^c0 t^edn map rpDefurc fox pf t^cp map banc anto^oiDc $ gtttc fpeopnge ^ CbepmapcipttfasmcrpaBonpfepnge l^ci^Ii^^ C<£^ooDtDootefp;tbetet0apptcou0lpupnse ^^an pe D;cDc not t(ie gccte mapllcr aboue ^onceo^rabct^mpircl^Msloue 3nDt^(imapftt^ucom^tot^ blplTealfo TcetDplU ctMpttbatiDoiDcpout^'StC^eoo Contem • j^f oj to go totnatDcbeucn ifceiDplU ^s^atpaniipoutmpttmctl^bech^pngr . 3|i)DolDeDoaftn;poa l^lf ue» g;3| p;tape pou ttmntib;^ mp \t»flM noin ^cctDpU bct^ptdtettje t^tt^u C^altebpe 3nbof tl)c^oucet^artrtintrttapne pet bp tbp Ipf c tftou mapa fptiDc a rcmcDp f o;^ anD tl)0u Dpe (nfpmuaU labcurc 10 m bapnt Ct^anf^ t^ Cotaebellplltnpapnc >Lo(U anD t>ampneDfo; mttmo}t " l^cipetspatt t^ottg^etboutDoiDcfapne t t^at mp bette is ipgbt Dobanftau 3 petpflbe^erotoenetier »p crpft 31 cccfte nota feoec (fucnnotu 3 m^ Dubbeb a khpgbt Xk^brte at tpbo;ne of rbe roller 3nD of tbe ftetoeg 3 am mabe conttonec fi>fdUttie^(e0oeiec^p vw^ m^ttt dbali no man plape Doccp Ojm tJi^at t^ep baue iruc of me :^t fi^j^ceB tDotcpc tt)^p 3f am come l^pDcc Bp ouc laop togpoer 900D compatsp to2PDe( $aue F^ not of mp fctatDe ft;ei))pu 3lamaferDclea^befetc^n8eona?>plI SpgoDt^uone of t)0t0be9pUD DD^at f elatae ts t^t0 (bat m t^i0 cote (5 fpleo Itod^es Detb tDbomc baue uie l^ce tobat jfccmrll tnpn ot»ne fete 3lcte ^ou ont of t^p mpnoe JretDpU Ce(lno(bent)ecc»oiQi intern* 2&ptbe made 3i can not QjetDc pou 3iniajsp* if o;t be antr 31 neuee D;tanlie togpoet pet 3 bnoioe manp;an ale llalv- ^eptber at ^ aues 3; topftf bjp nrurt come tbpM; p?bctl^P^pWontbpbt35mp8ftt pcwcw* iCiMH gimSsp. 3L3I can not tell roubptljiglpa^t . v 25ut mc t^oug^ t^ac 3I lapc thereto longe ^tiD t^^o^eConc fetters; toere Co (Ironge (Cbat b^DDe almod b;oug^t mp necl^e out o£ ^o ^ ^^tximt* f; ^menDe forte ano r^ou Oiaie btiotoe ^pm Ct)at DeipueceO tbc out of p;pfon 3inD pf t^bu ^plt fojtfabc t^p irtpiTe ^uteip t^ou^altcwne to t^e blpflPe -i-mami ^ntJbcm^ecptouceof^euen jmagp* cttj^atfp^abouet^etnone jSapc bp t^e mafTe t^an fl^lDe 31 EiU foone ^ct 35 kepe not to clpmme fo bpe :6ut to cipnuuc roM bp;toei5 nede CbccciBnonebptteeneeedanDUieffe . C^at Dare tl^erto lientre better tban Ji 23ut to tientre to beuen iS)bat ano mp fete Qpppc 31 bnome tx^eli tQati!>3l G^oiDe b^eke mp necto 3nD bp goo tt)an (}dbDe 31 tbe UDo^fe fplK: pet ^aD 31 leuec be bp ttje uofe tpDe '3In a tDencl)e0 are Cometob^t^e isattyer tbau 3I ruoiDeftanDein t^at grete fere jfojitogobptobeucnnape3lp;^pepoulettcbe JfWajPH e3lmagpnaQ>oittDplte i^Dobp tbecoufepu of me iP^agp* Cpe Cp; bp mp troutbej:t)bat fomeuer tt be jRfetoplU C3menDepetfo?mpabe . I^t t0 better be tpme t^an tdtate l^iJD tape pott ttjpU pott goDDcg ^eftes fulfpll 31m8gp. c31^rWDofp;ieuma0poutopu ^ut 31 p;apc pou let tm (;aue a neloe cote Ibi^an 3B baue nebe anb m mp purfe a grote a^tttt)PU3Dtti€Ul]Dit^pouapU { ^. ^4-: f^i5t\iiatt(oi \i>\)m p arte borpeD m 6)t grounoe j(t)f)D^ jrcmi f renDcfi f(4 f^ lopU be founOe iacmcmb;i£ttjisap)J ^ ^ r Cil^t^pngeDic&OfoibiteaJDctb - 3«tag^^ C^ecf o?e to amflRtJe 3 %niic^pt be trmc &puneba«c3BbreDaUtbc6ajq^ofmj'b^(^ , tbJtbpleafucciecbcrpanbmpftifj'nge ' ^ 3nD fpcnt amrci mp.t)#tDptt€0 tt^ttioit 3[ am fozp ^ I^ofallmprpnnc03|a;:cgoDmcccp ,• Cl^Dcbccet0abccurclotbpngefa;tbe 1^et;feue, 1; Snbioi^crbattboufo^ialietl^pfoir | :t3caeDfaftlo{ietl;aetboufaUneuci; ' I CBoto ^ece j fo^fabt mp fftrnc to} met Iniacrr I e^p; toapte tbou nolo on pccfcutrauncc ittvmu ifo;^tbP name fljallbe called gooDccmcmbiaunce •" ^ • 3InD JjtDpiiDDoeuiODabCDnteti^acpon SltiDfololDe ^prntDbeceeuecb^becouic ClbeliatcpefobotbeagteDe (Cmit^m Cpefp^fogoDinefpebe ^ImaS C^PJP^C^alltoeteonmcfoone ^a(mL I 3nD be gooDeg feruaunt Dape anb npgbl - 3nD tn euctp place tdbo;e pe become (!5pue gooD cou«(eple to euerp i:upgbt :^nD men ajce pour name tell pou rememb^aunce €bat goDoee latae l^epeti^ tcuip muv bape 3nb lobe tl^at pe forget not cepentaunce ^antobeucnpe(6atlgo tbeneicte iDapg IbbetepeCballtetntbeb^enlpquete v Cbe bleflpD companp of fapntee fo i^olp Cbat ipueD Deuoulp KDbple tbep u^te^cre llnto t^ to^tc^eblpfle Jbefect^egobalmpg^t]^ ■ V , ■ /: >^ RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TQi^ 202 Main Library 642-3403 LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE ALL BOOKS AAAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans moy be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date UE AS STAMPED BELOW DUE / SEP2319re57 ffiC. 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