355 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^.. QM ,-<-. E Vv SSpv?// >- LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA =- i k : / >- v \\0 '^^^^_ 3 "^Sg^^ QJf NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ..i^fgg^^. s x^^s^v ^iw/r^ x^T-o^s. It ca 11. A #15 DIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LI ^i T\ 4 u 'HEBREW EXERCISE-BOOK. 'HEBREW EXERCISE-BOOK (HEBREW-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-HEBREW EXERCISES) WITH PRACTICAL GRAMMAR OF THE WORD-FORMS APPENDIX CONTAINING ANALYSIS OF THE VERB-FOUMS IN GEN. I-III, & XII, AND LIST OF ALL THE FORMS OF THE SO-CALLED ' DOUBLY-IRREGULAR ' VERBS IN THE BIBLE; FULL AND EXTENSIVE TABLES. (SECOND EDITION) BY THE REV. P. H. MASON, M.A., PRESIDENT, TUTOR AND HEBREW LECTURER, LATE SENIOR DEAN OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE : J. HALL & SON. LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co., AND WHITTAKER & Co. 1883. [Entered at Stationers' 1 Hall.'] /CospL^rO PZT4 5^7 m3 *M ADDRESS TO THE READER. It is gratifying to have to bring out now a Second Edition* of the 'First Part of the Exercise-book/ and also of the ' Continuation.' The author was anxious to complete the whole work before having to spend time on a new Edition of any Part; and therefore no part of the Exercise-book has been advertised at all as yet in the Papers or Reviews. He desires however to express his best thanks to those who have caused such a re-issue to be necessary now, although it is required rather earlier than he anticipated. And perhaps he may trust that the expenditure of time and labour demanded for going carefully over every page in the preparation of the re-issue may be kindly taken into consideration as offering some excuse for the delay in the completion of the work. He is very glad to be enabled to put forth now the whole work complete in one volume with 'Index of Hebrew * The 'First Part of the Exercise-hook' was puhlished at the heginning of the year 1872. A new Edition of it was really required ahout a year ago ; and there was then issued what might have heen called a Second Edition of it. This issue was not so called hecause it was only intended to serve temporarily. The ' Con- tinuation' was puhlished in May, 1873 ; and what might have heen called a Second Edition of it was required and issued some months ago. y582213 IV ADDRESS TO THE READER. Words' (so far as was thought necessary), and an 'Index of Matters/ A 'Vocabulary' of some Hebrew words which are sometimes not given (after Exercise XX) in the Notes to the Exercises may be found useful ; as also the very brief English-Hebrew "Vocabulary following it. Generally all the necessary help is given in the 'Notes to the Exercises.' The purpose of the author is to enable Students to learn to know this language as a means for the expression of thought. The great variety of the forms of words in the Bible may well seem likely to perplex a Student unless they be carefully classified for him, and unless he be familiarised with them as so classified. In this book therefore it is en- deavoured not only to classify the forms intelligibly, and to present them for study in their several Classes one after the other, but moreover to illustrate the forms belonging to the several Classes in Exercises specially devoted to those Classes severally, so that the Student may gradually be familiarised with them all and may be able to employ them freely and unhesitatingly in rendering English into Hebrew. All the Exercises are wholly taken from The Hebrew Bible, and they furnish the Student with a series of passages containing Examples of all the leading Grammatical forms in the Language. They are arranged progressively, from the very simplest expressions and sentences, which the Beginner may master without any difficulty, to passages in- volving very intricate forms. By help of the remarks which precede the several sets of Exercises the Student will gradually be able not only to recognize and understand such gram- matical forms when he meets with them in his reading, ADDRESS TO THE HEADER. V but moreover lie may become so familiar with, them as to form them himself and write them down at once with accuracy as well as with ease and confidence. Let him spare no pains in attaining accuracy of elementary knowledge. To encourage him in patient endeavours to attain such accuracy it may be well perhaps to add that during an extensive and varied experience of now nearly a quarter of a century of active work in guiding and training Students to attain a familiarity* with this Language, the author has had impressed upon him and continually more and more strongly impressed upon him that time and patient care devoted to elementary work are always found by the Student to be time well spent and care well bestowed ; that the toil (it may be) of working conscientiously through the Exercises, till thorough familiarity with the principal forms of all the great Classes of words shall have been gained by him, is toil which he will find to involve great and unfailing reward ; and that so a good solid foundation will be laid on which may be raised a secure building of sound knowledge that can stand firm against fiercest assaults of the floods and storms of conflicting opinions. P. H. M. St. John's College, Cambridge, October 9, 1876. * And of course far beyond the extent covered by this present book, which is necessarily but elementary. [The 'Preface' which follows, is that of the First Edition.] PREFACE The object of this Work is to present in an easy form the leading features of what is usually called the ' Hebrew ' Language. The supposition that this is an exceedingly difficult language is caused, to some extent, by attempts to explain it on foreign principles, fundamental principles of its own being ignored. For instance, what we call ' First Person' viz., 'I* is not First in Hebrew, but 'He' is First. Herein lies a fundamental difference of Bible-Thought from Thought in which each one refers all to himself as the Centre cf reference. And is it very reasonable that each one of us should reckon himself as 'Number One'? That it is natural for one to start from himself as First, is merely an evidence of the need of education for the correction of natural errors to which each of us is liable. There are not as many ' Firsts ' Originating Centres of all Time and Space as there have been, are, and will be, individual men. GOD is the only True Centre of reference. He, The Unseen, is ' First/ It is not too much to say that the conflicting Doubts and Difficulties in modern thought regarding the Bible, arise, in great measure, from misapprehensions caused by non-recognition of this great Principle. [And the mind itself, groping after Truth, seems to shew its want of this by its vain efforts to rise out of mere individual- self made in high Philosophy and in Scientific Thought, in the mighty conception of the Transcendental 'Ego/ and in the thought of the 'Self of Humanity/] As, in regard to the planetary world, so long as the Earth was reckoned as the centre of the visible Universe, there were X PREFACE. strange confusions and perplexities in human speculations, which have vanished, which have given way to the recog- nition of Unity, and grand Simplicity, and beautiful Order, since the Sun was perceived to be the Centre of our System ; so, but much more grandly (for the above is but an imperfect illustration), the recognition of the True Centre oe Being removes vast confusion from our self-centred speculations re- garding the world of sense and sight and thought and being. "We gain great advantage, if we gain only the recognition of this, from study of 'Hebrew' in accordance with its own principles. This study has been neglected. The endeavour here is to state simply the facts of the Language (without discussing, at present, how they came to be such), and, as far as possible, in what may be called a Concrete form rather than ' Abstract '4y. My best thanks are due to those friends who have kindly and carefully Revised the Proof-sheets, and favoured me with many valuable observations, viz., Dr. Chance* of Trinity College, Cambridge (and of Burleigh House, Sydenham Hill, London), also the Rev. E. T. Leeke, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, and Yicar of Barnwell, and the Rev. F. Watson, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. P. H. M. St. John's College, Cambridge, December , 1871. PEEFACE TO THE CONTINUATION. The endeavour of the writer, in this as in the preceding part of the Exercise- book,' is to state facts. Controversy is excluded here. The accompanying pages follow the plan of the 'Exercise- book/ as far as p. 166. After that, pp. 167-178 contain a Sketch, merely, of the remaining Sections. That Sketch is given in order that the Student may be enabled to proceed at once (with the help of the corresponding Tables) to read The Bible itself. Pressure of time caused this variation of plan. The Header will probably be very glad of it, whatever may have caused it. 'Exercise '-work is indeed very helpful to Hebrew Students one might say even necessary for them. But a somewhat long experience as a lecturer and teacher has made the writer aware of that eager and not unnatural desire to "begin The Bible," which many Students shew as soon as they have acquired a certain familiarity with the principles of the Language. This desire the writer endea- vours to comply with here, rather earlier than he would, by IV PREFACE TO THE CONTINUATION. giving in the 'Sketch* the chief features of the further in- formation which is needful to the Student, and by some full Tables. The elaborate Tables given in this work (pp. i-xliii) have cost much trouble and pains, which the writer does not regret having bestowed, as he is sure that these Tables will be found more and more useful to the Student in his onward progress. In the body of the work, and in several of the Tables, Accents are given. They have been so given for the con- venience of the Student. But they have been purposely omitted in some few of the Tables, because the Student should learn to know the position of the Accents without seeing them, and must be able to do without them at the earliest moment. Scholars never accentuate their Hebrew Com- position. See, for instance, N. Herz "Weisel's m^Sfi *T? and Eichenbaum's H^DT 71 D The Accentuation of The Bible is a different matter. It is a very important subject, which must be dealt with at some length elsewhere : here it would be out of place. The several Exercises in this Continuation have been put together on a plan : i.e. the disconnected sentences illustrating Yerb-forms have an underlying connection in thought. The thought running through an Exercise is not, however, always PREFACE TO THE CONTINUATION. V to be perceived easily. The writer has sometimes amused himself by illustrating* Rabbinic thought and allusion to be recognized, it may be, by those only who are in the secret of the method. But sometimes the thought running through an Exercise may be easily seen at once. The Student need not, however, trouble himself at all with this ; but may limit his attention, at present, to the Verb-forms. Also he is not expected to parse or analyze any word of which the full meaning is given in the Notes. Any Verb mentioned in the Notes, or elsewhere, is supposed to be of the First Yoice (Kal), unless some other Yoice-mark is attached to it. After a time the Student may learn to know words for himself. Some few words are therefore not given in the Notes sometimes. It will be found useful to write out in a list those marked 'not to be given again/ and those in the Short Vocabularies I-VI ; and moreover to combine them all Alphabetically. This will make much easier the first use of a Lexicon. A few Abbreviations have sometimes been used, which will be recognized without trouble ; as ' fr.' for from,' ' rf for 'root/ etc. * As, for instance, in the latter part of Exerc. XX {last few lines o/p. 92). VI PREFACE TO THE CONTINUATION. The Reader need not trouble himself, at first, with what is in small print except when such is specially referred to. The many cross References (to other ) will be found very useful to the careful Student. Much trouble has been bestowed upon them. The Contents will supply the want of an Index* temporarily, and may advantageously be read along with Sections XI-XIII as an Analytical Summary so far which is afterwards un- necessary. The writer is glad of this opportunity for repeating his thankful acknowledgments to Dr. Chance, of Trinity College, Cambridge (and of Burleigh House, Sydenham Hill, London), the Rev. E. T. Leeke, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, and Yicar of Barnwell, and the Rev. F. Watson, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. He does not know how to thank them enough for their kind and careful Revision of the Proof-sheets, and for the valuable suggestions with which they have favoured him. St. John's College, Cambridge, May, 1873. To be supplied at the earliest opportunity. PREFACE TO THE 'CONCLUDING PART.' After rather more than a year of severe work, and not a little ill health, the writer of these pages is enabled to put forth this 'Concluding Part of the Exercise Book/ First, it has been found necessary to give some Additional Exercises exemplifying forms of the important Classes of Yerbs in Tables XXI-XXIII, and of those Yerbs which belong to more than one of the Seven Classes mentioned in 186, and of Yerbs with Pron.-Affixes. To the Exercises are prefixed some brief remarks (in the form of Observations on those several sets of Yerb- forms). Those Students who are wise enough to work through these IV PREFACE. additional Exercises, with careful study of the Yerb-forms illustrated therein, will hereafter find themselves amply re- warded for their pains by the much greater ease and pleasure with which they will be able to read The Bible. Secondly, an Appendix has been added in order to supply some aid which the Student is likely to want at his first attempt to read The Bible itself. As a means of not only enabling him to recognize more easily the various forms of Yerbs, but also of familiarizing him (by references) with several Tables and Sections in which such forms are classified and mentioned, we give on pages 226-266 an Analysis of the Yerb-forms in chapters i.-iii. and xii. of the Book of Genesis with a few Notes on some points of interest which we will briefly speak of again at the close of this Preface. Thirdly, on pages 267-314 the Student will find a List of what some call 'Doubly Irregular' Yerbs, which we would speak of rather as Yerbs belonging to more than one of the Seven Classes in 186 (page 124), which might perhaps for convenience be termed briefly 'Mixed* Yerbs. On pages 315-380 we mention some matters and forms and words of importance or of special interest as means of fixing the PREFACE. V attention on some principle (see, for instance, pages 360-364). These need not be dwelt upon in detail here. "We may there- fore now conclude this Preface with a remark or two about the few Notes offered, perhaps somewhat unnecessarily, on some passages in the opening chapters of the Book of Genesis. The brevity of some of these Notes might possibly cause misapprehension of our meaning, if we were to neglect to give this preliminary notice that we have been content here and there to mention some opinions without entering into any discussion of them. Thus, we very much prefer to render Gen. i. 20 in accordance with what is said in the brief Note upon that verse on page 230; but we have not troubled the Header with the discussion which would have been necessary had we attempted to give the reasons for our preference. So in the Note on Gen. i. 5 (p. 227) we have held aloof from the controversy as to the signification of the word ' day ' ; nor have we there touched upon the signification of the words for ' evening ' and 'morning/ And we beg leave to be allowed to hold aloof from the tumult of that controversy still. But, although a quiet remark of one who will not join in the fray can hardly be expected to be listened to amid the din of conflict, we may perhaps just observe in passing that the VI FREFACE. Hebrew word here used for Evening* involves the notion of a 'Mixing up/ and that the word for 'day* cannot rightly be limited to a twentyfour hours' day, as some wish to limit it.* Also we may venture to express the hope that our own use of the English words 'evening' and 'morning' and 'day' in our little Note on page 227 may not be misunderstood. We do not there mean merely a ' twentyfour-hours ' day, with its evening after the daylight and its morning after the night. We use there common words. All of us use common words. And may we not sometimes use common words as a vehicle for rather more meaning than we want them for ordinarily ? For many years past Gen. i. has spoken to us of successive 'Mixings up' followed successively by grand breakings of 'Morning* after 'Morning' not to be confounded with those of ordinary ' day/ We know too that we English people our- selves can have our English word 'day' used indefinitely in such expressions as " the day of salvation," and " the passing day of this our mortal life." And so with regard to our * It will be seen that we are speaking of what is stated by the Book itself. "We object, as strongly as any one, to all attempts to bend and alter and reduce the statements of the Book in order to suit what we might adopt as results of scientific research or any speculations or theories of our own. And as we would not limit it, so also we would not have it made to say more than it says. We may not add thereto, any more than we may diminish therefrom. We hope that the Reader will not misinterpret our Note on Gen. i. 21 (p. 230) to carry more than the corresponding wdrds of this Preface on page vii. PREFACE. Vll English word ' morning ' in such an expression as "we are looking for the dawn of the Morning of the great Day of Life the Day of Eternity which shall be closed in by no evening, and shall know no setting Sun." ****** And may we, without descending into the arena of controversy, be permitted to say a word or two about a very common mistake ? In our short Note on Gen. i. 21 (p. 230) we call attention to what all who will may see for themselves to be the fact, viz. that 'Creating* is mentioned in only three verses of Gen. i. It is said in v. 1 that "GOD created the heavens and the earth." But then no mention is made any more of 'Creating' until, after the introduction of animal life had been ordered (v. 20), it is said in v. 21 "And GOD created" [certain forms]. Again, ' Creating ' is mentioned in v. 27. Three times in this verse the expression is used. And, as said on p. 230, The making of man in (or into) the Image of God is spoken of as an act of Creation. Is it too much then to say that all objections and difficulties nd doubts which rest upon the supposition that the Book of Vlll PREFACE. Genesis speaks of either " Six days of *- Creation/ " or " ' Crea- tion* of 'Species/" fall at once to the ground? The Book does not so speak,* as all may see who will. But it is true that the Book is opposed to Materialism, is opposed to Pantheism. It is true that it declares "GOD created the heavens and the earth." And after the grand exordium of the opening verse, it tells of Operation of God, ordered production and evolution at the * It will be seen that we are merely stating facts. "We have been endeavouring also to be brief. It is possible that some may think that we attach too much importance to the fact that the word for ' creating' is not used except as we have stated. It is also very commonly supposed that the word for 'making' is 'all the same' as the word for * creating.' And we own that some have given 'creating' in a few places as the sense of the word to which they allow the sense of ' making' in many other places, and some seem to have no notion of accuracy in the use of the two Roots. In accordance with our general plan of avoiding controversy as much as possible, we will but observe here that (i.) The two Eoots are not identical, but different ; (ii.) The usage of the two Eoots is not exactly the same, [it is even les& so perhaps than is the usage of the English words ' create' and ' make' ; and most will allow that to ' make' a box (for instance) is not necessarily the same as to ' create' one] ; (iii.) It is distinctly the Eoot for ' making,' not the Eoot for ' creating,' which is used in Exod. xx. 11, where the six days of ' making' are spoken of thus : " Eor [during] six days The-LoRD made (or wrought) the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that [is] in them," etc. It cannot be wrong to observe the fact of the Eoots being different. And perhaps we may fairly doubt whether the case against a passage is necessarily a strong one, so far, at least, as the case rests upon the supposition that it does not matter which one of two different words is used in the passage. We allow however that we have not in this Footnote dealt with the controversy about those two different words. We shall be glad to have an opportunity for dealing with it fully, in a more fit place than this. PREFACE. IX Word of God, and His Resting after 'Creating' man in the Image and after the Likeness of God. Enough, for the present. ****** We would add a remark about the danger of limiting the Original by our Translations. The substitution of "the first day" by Translators, in Gen. i. 5, for the expression in the Original which signifies literally " one day," is perhaps hardly a fair instance of this, because the facts which we have endeavoured to state in the Note on pages 234-236 scarcely allow us to speak of the renderings "the first" and "one" as equally admissible renderings of the word which occurs there. A better example of the danger of limiting the Original, by the exclusion of a possible rendering, is offered in the Note on Gen. iii. 22 (pp. 253-259). The important difference between such renderings as " Behold ! the man is become as one of us to know good and evil," and "Behold the man was as one of us with-regard-to-knowing etc.," is sufficiently plain. That the second is an admissible render- ing,* and that it has some support from antiquity, will we * Of another possible rendering, which we have not mentioned, the principle was partially expressed in the Freface to the First Part of the ' Exercise-book.' X PREFACE, think be seen by the Reader of the Note referred to. We may not dwell upon that further here. We have the pleasurable duty of repeating our expression of warmest thanks to the Friends who have kindly revised Proof-sheets and favoured us with valuable observations and suggestions, viz. Dr. Chance of Trinity College, Cambridge (and of Burleigh House, Sydenham Hill, London), the Rev. E. T. Leeke, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Yicar of Barnwell, and the Rev. F. Watson, M.A., Fellow and Theological Lecturer of St. John's College, Cambridge. It is but right to record also our thankful acknowledgments to those who have very kindly made the 'Index of passages in the Bible' whose names we are not permitted to mention. P. H. M. Bt. John's Ool.ljsgb, Cawiukidwb, Jfiwemhw, 1874, CONTENTS (Oe the Part issued in 1872) PAGE Sect. I. The Prefixes 1, tea, D, H fc , . 1-6 Exercises I., II 7, 8 Sect. II. Personal Pronouns, Absolute Porms (Tab. I.) . 9, 10 Plan of the Exercises 11 Exercises III., IV 11,12 Sect. III. Personal Pronouns, Affix Forms (Tab. II.- VII.) 13-15 Exercises V.-X 16-20 Sect. IV. The Relative Pronoun ^m 21-24 Exercises XL, XII 25-27 Sect. V. Demonstrative Pronouns 28 Sect. VI. Interrogative Pronouns 29 Sect. VII. Nouns-Substantive (Tab. V.-XIII.) . . . 30-47 Exercises XIII., XIV 47-49 Sect. VIII. Nouns- Adjective 50-55 Exercises XV., XVI 55-57 Sect. IX. Pronouns-Adjective 58-59 Exercises XVII., XVIII 59-61 Sect. X. Numerals 62-68 Sect. XI. Verbs : (I.) Voices, (II.) Tenses, (III.) Arrange- ment of Table XIV. of the ' Pull ' Verb . . 69- Tables I.-XIV i-xv CONTENTS OF THE CONTINUATION. PAGE Sect. XI continued. Verbs. Remarks on Table XIV 77-89 (1) Infinitives Absolute 77, 7S Construct, and with Dfea [App. (A) to Tab. XIV] 79 With Pron. Affixes [Tab. XV] 80 (2) Past Tense [see also p. 73 & 74] 81, 82 (3) Participles [App. (B) and (C) to Tab. XIV] 82-85 (4) Imperative and (5) Future [see also p. 75 & 76] 85-89 Exercises XIX-XXIII , , 90-96 Vocabulary I 91 Observations i-xi * 93 Sect. XII. Verbs continued. Certain usages 97-1 05 General usage of the two Tenses 97-100 The Tenses with 1 pref. 100-102 Brief Summary , 102,103 Imperative, Negative Imper., etc 103 Some usages to be referred to, as occasion may arise 104, 105 Vocabulary II 106 Exercises XXIV, XXV 106-108 Sect. XIII. Verbs continued. Vakiations 109-124 I. Pause-forms 109-113 II. Certain neoessary Variations 114, 115 III. First Rt-letter H, n, or V [Tab. XVI (1)] 115-120 IV. Second Et-letter K, H, n, or V [Tab. XVI (2)] 120 V. Third Rt-letter Ft, n, or V [Tab. XVI (3)] 120, 121 VI. Verbs with T in the Boot. [For 1 as 2 d letter, see also App x to Tab. XVI (2)] 121 VII. Verbs whose 3* Rt-letter is ] or T) 121,122 VIII. Verbs with any of DSDin in the Boot 122, 123 IX. A Table of 7 other Classes 124 Vocabulary III 125 Exercises XXVI, XXVII 125-127 Vlll CONTENTS OF THE CONTINUATION. PAGB Sect. XIV. Verbs whose 1 st Rt-letter is tf [Tab. XVII] ... 128-130 Exercises XXVIH, XXIX 131, 132 Sect. XV. Verbs whose 1 st Rt-letter is * [Tab. XVIII] 133-139 Observations xn-xv 139 Vocabulary IV 140 Exercises XXX, XXXI 140-142 Sect. XVI. Verbs whose 1 st Rt-letter is J [Tab. XIX] 143-146 Vocabulary V 147 Exercises XXXII, XXXIII 147-149 Sect. XVII. Verbs whose 2 d Rt-letter is ) or * [Tab. XX] 150-163 Vocabulary VI 164 Exercises XXXIV, XXXV 164-168 Sects. XVIII-XXIV [Note]. XVIII. Verbs whose 2<* and 3* Kt-letters are the same [Tab, XXI] 169 XIX. Verbs whose 3* Rt-letter is X [Tab. XXII] 169 XX. Verba whose 3* Rt-letter is n [Tab. XXIII] 170-173 XXI. Verbs belonging to more than one of the last 7 Classes ... 174 XXII. Verb-forms with Pron.-Affixes [Tabs. XXIV-XXX] 175 XXIII. Some other Voice-forms 175-177 XXIV. 'Compound' or 'Mixed' forms 177,178 App* (A), (B), (C) to Tab. XIV, and Tabs. XV-XXX xvi-XLin CONTENTS OF THE CONCLUDING PART. PAGE Observations XVI-XXII 179, 180 Exercises XXXYI & XXXYII [on Verbs having the same letter for their 2 d and 3 d Kt-letters] 181-184 Observations XXIII-XXV 185 Exercises XXXYIII & XXXIX [on Verbs irt] 186-189 Observations XXVI-XXX 190-193 Exercises XL-XLII [on Verbs n' 1 ?] 194-201 Observations XXXI & XXXII 202 Exercises XLIII & XL1V [on what are sometimes called < Doublv-Irregular Verbs'] 203-207 Observations XXXI II-L 208-212 Exercise XLV [on Verbs with Pron-Affs.] 213-215 Psaim XXIII 215, 216 Exercises XL VI-L [General Exercises] , 217-220 Appendix , 221-382 (I.) A few brief remarks on the significations of Voice-forms 221 (II.) Certain Tense-forms, and Apocopated forms, used with 1 Con vers., and with /$ Deprecative, and in the expres- sion of a Positive wish 222 Xll CONTENTS. PAGE QIL) Analysis op Verb-forms in Gen. i.-iii. and xii 22G-266 Preliminary Note : A. few remarks on the sometimes given to ordinary Prefixes 1 and ^23. 223-225 Note on Gen. i. 5 227 Note on Gen. i. 11 228 Obs. (i)-(iii) on Gen. i. 14 229 Note on the use of the Root fcO)3 in Gen. i. (viz. only in vss. 1, 21, and 27) 230 Note on Gen. i. 24 231,232 Obs. (a) & (j8) on " day one" and " second," " third" "fourth" "fifth," but " the sixth," in Gen. i 234-236 Note on Gen. ii. 3 (lit. " He created to make") 236, 237 [For another rendering which is possible see Note (H) on pp. 380-382]. Preliminary Note on Gen. ii. 4 etc , 237 Note on Gen. ii. 5 (the use of DID) 238,239 Note on Gen. iii. 6 (the signification of *P$\fftjf) 246, 247 Note on Gen. iii. 22 (the passage rendered in the E.V. "Behold the man has become as one of us to know good and evil") 252-259 (IY.) List of forms of what are sometimes called ' Doubly Irregular Verbs,' or, rather, Verbs belonging to more than one of the Seven Classes in 186 (p. 124) 267-314 The following may be selected* as being more or less important, viz. :- m 267 * :... 268 niK and rbtt 269 ASK 270 WW 271 N13 272-275 SVfl 276-278 rrn 278-280 ra* 281 nv (i.) 281 iTT(IL) ... 281,282 ^ , 282 TW 283 JIB* 283,284 K^ 284-286 NT 286-288 m* 288,289 CONTENTS. Xlll PAGE J-SK3 290, 291 K3J 291 TU 292 ni3 (forms given from this E. by some, but from fl^ by others) 294 RW 296 HDJ 297 tS$ 298, 299 HD3 .. 300 Mfift 302-304 NKO 305 HEW 305, 306 my 309 JUS 309,310 Hip 311,312 l\ r ote on HithpI-el forms (I.) Transposition of 1 st Et-letter of Verbs whose 1 st Et- letter is ^, fe>, D, or * 315 [For n T 3t?Di^nn (Jer. xlix. 3) see 246, p. 162]. The replacing of the H by V after V 315 (II.) The dropping of the H of fify and the insertion of Dagesh (a) in a 1 st Et-letter 1 or B or H 316 (/3) sometimes in the case of a 1 st Et-letter T or 3 or J or V 316-318 (7) also in some * Mixed Voice' forms 318 (V.) Further Eemabes on Vebr-eorms (1) Some Infin. Absolute forms 319 (2) Some Infin. Constr. forms 320-324 (3) Some Past-Tense-forms 324-326 (4) SomePartic. forms 326-330 (5) Some Imper. & Future forms 330-337 (6) Some Niph-al forms 338-341 (7) Some Tl-el forms 342-347 (8) Some Tu-al forms 347,348 (9) Some Hiph-il forms 348-355 (10) Some Hoph-al forms 355-357 (11) Some Hithpa-el forms 357-360 XIV CONTENTS. PAfiR (V.) Fuethee Eemaees on Veeb-foems (continued) The word tmijtfp Prov. xxvii. 15 360-364 Note (A) on the Yoice-forms tys & )tfk 365-368 Note (B) on some Verb-forms with N or H or n or V as 2 d Et-letter 368,369 Note (C) on some Verb-forms with H or H or V as 3 d Et-letter 370-374 Note (D) a remark on 230 & 231 374 Note (E) remarks on 236 (7) & 237 374-378 Note (F) on some forms of Pron-Affs. to Verbs 378, 379 Note (G) Objective Pron-Affs. may be used Relatively 380 Note (H) on Gen. ii. 3 380-382 Vocaeulaey , 383-388 FIRST PART EXERCISE-BOOK Corrections of the Exercises. Page 91, 1. 5 of Exercise, for & , read $ . 93, 1. 3, for 2d & 3d words, read ty jrp . 94, 1. 3 of Exercise, for to, read to 17 . 94, Note 13, for Note f Obs. 1, read Note . 94, Note 15, for #W , read BS^U / 95, Note 32, oft Tab. X. 5. 108, 1. 4, /or to Moses, read to 43 Moses. 108, 1. 5, for that I, read that 44 1. 108, add to Notes, 43 h$ . 44 *3 . 127, 11. 12, 14 & 15, for on, read on 28 . 127, 1. 1 of Notes, for lta lM , read lta ntf Fut. ( ). 127, 1. 4 of Notes, for (i.e. etc.) rearf (For the construct form see p. 84, Note *). 132, 1. 1 of Notes, for 5 Stf, read 5 PtW 167, 1. 12, for The Lord, read The Lord God. 188, 1. 12, after lift up, add (as in Tab. XXII, the 3 not dropped) . 200, 1. 11, for the spoil of, read spoil to the. [The Hebrew for ' the spoil of heathen- nations ' would be Di5 ??]. 201, 1. 10, add an (*) # the end of And thou shalt be. 205, last line, for to-give-thanks, read to give-thanks. HF.RRTT.W TCYT?.Pf!TT? PAAF The Student is advised to limit his attention at first to the following and pages of the Exercise-book, viz. : 1-59 (with a-8 on p. 38), 65-67, 70-73, 75-98 (with N.B.), 115-137, 138 A. i (omitting ii-v), 138 B. i (omitting ii-v), 139-141 7, 142-144 0, 145, Note I on pp. 89 & 89*, Observations I-XI on p. 93, 148-159, 161, 164-167. ii. a, pp. 113* & 113**, pp. 114-130** (omitting iv), pp. 133-222. The rest may be reserved till the Student is at work on The Hebrew Bible. All the Exercises should be done of course. * Also, even, that, though, whereas, etc. There is also a 1 followed by Dagesh, which is prefixed to certain Verb-forms only. This need not be dealt with at present. * For J before a letter bearing an Accented vowel, see hereafter , Obs. XVI (p. 179). B HEBREW EXERCISE BOOK. [The Student is supposed to be familiar with Part I of the Grammar, which is referred to in the following pages thus Pt. I. N.B. Many Footnotes on the following pages need not be bead at present. They will be found very useful hereafter when the Student is reading the Bible ] SECTION I Certain Prefixes. 1. The Student should be familiarized as soon as possible with the use of the following Prefixes : (i.) 1, (ii.) h'3 ft (i-) 0, (iv.) H. 2. As regards the Punctuation of these Prefixes, (i.) The ) takes [see also 3 {b d)], (ii.) The 3, the 3, and the 7, also take -r [ 4] ; (iii.) The fo takes followed by Dagesh [ 5]. (iv.) Of the prefixes ft, there is one which takes followed by Dagesh [ 6], and one which takes ^7 [ 7]. In 3 7 we will deal with these one by one in order. 3. (a.) The ) (and*) is prefixed thus, T a hand, Tit AND a hand. But some CHANGE MUST be made when the ) is prefixed to a word which has a Shva under its first letter, because * Also, even, that, though, whereas, etc. There is also a \ followed by Dagesh, which is prefixed to certain Verb-forms only. This need not be dealt with at present. t For 1 before a letter bearing an Accented vowel, see hereafter , Obs. XVI (p. 179). B 2 PREFIXES ) AND b f? 3 3. 3 (6)-4 (5). N.B. There can never be two Moving Shvas together. The changes which are made are as follows : (b.) Before **, the ) takes ; and with this .the * blends so as to form * t (Long-Khirih), the of the *> being then dropped; thus, iTTirV Juda, iTTl!"P , l and Juda. (c.) (i.) Before any other letter with ) (not )) is prefixed; thus, ?)ft% yesterday, + PlDrvl and yesterday. [(ii.) Also J) (not 1) is put before 3 and fo and 3 even when these letters have a Vowel ; thus, from )*3 & *0 & |g, we have tp# & i & *|gn (J.) Before any one of the letters J^nnX { with a Compound Shva, the ) takes ~ before -~, before tt, "7* o before tt ; thus, *3 s J, *$& and I, and so V^l, f$, 8tj, ^H), etc. 4. (a.) The three 3 *V* or %, 3 as or fo'&ej 7 to or for, are prefixed thus, T2 in a 7iantf, Y3 like a feared, *1v to a 7wma\ t : ' t: ' t; But some change must be made when one of these is to be prefixed to a word which has a Shva under its first letter, because there can never be two Moving Shvas together. The changes which are made are as follows : (b.) Before *J|, the 2 or 3 or 7 takes . With this the * blends so as to form ' -r (the of the *> being dropped) ; thus, from rnin* Juda rrrura, irjlfp?, rn-irv 1 ?. * But not before The Name [Pt. I. 79 (2)], which may be represented by * f for which "OIK is read. Before this Name the 1 takes , and the is dropped, as in J*J (which 'is read as ^'l^l). t For the removal of Dagesh Lene from the fl see Pt. I. 51 (iv). X (i.) Before ^'"IK The Lord (and some words from D'OIK, besides), the 1 takes -b~, and the -^ of the N is dropped, as in 'OlkO and The Lord, tfl&tt, &c (ii.) Before D^7tf God (and some words from it) the 1 takes and the -vr of the X is dropped, as in d^NI and God. (in.) Euphonic exceptions are Dp^Pjl, rtfl), Wjl, QQ$]t, -Vm, p. 277 9. (iv.) Before -^ or -^ when not under one of JJnnX, -1 is put; thus SilT-l. ie. one of the three , -w>"?rJ pt - * 23t I! But before The Name J, is given (the being dropped); thus *! etc. Comp. Note (*) above. PREFIXES 7 3 2 AND ft. 4 (<>>^5 (6). 3 (c.) Before any other letter with , the 3 or 3 or ^ takes a ' Slight' -yowgX [Pt. I. 56], generally ; thus, from na fruit,* naa, * *)(&- * na 1 ?. (J.) Before any one of the letters ^finKf with a Compound Shva (Pt. I. 23), the prefixes bn take before , before -^r, o before 77 ; thus, Di^qa, n$K3, tfatk, *%$, etc. (e.) For the 732 with followed by Dagesh% (with another vowel in some cases in which the Dagesh cannot stand), see below, 8. Note, (a.) These prefixed particles have some other significations sometimes, besides those that are given above. "When any instance of this occurs in the Exercises, due notice will be given. (j3.) The 733 have sometimes ; comp. Eule II. on p. 225. (y.) Besides these prefixes ?33, there are also the Prepositions IDS in, IDS like. )tb to. There is also |D from, as well as the prefix D of (5).] 5. (a) The prefix ft {from) takes followed by Dagesh; thus, Tft from a hand, ''33?? from weeping. (b.) But the 5 letters ^Hiltf do not receive this Dagesh. And * For the removal of Dagesh Lene from the a, see Pt. I.. 51 (iv). t (i.) Before tflK (and some words from D^'lK besides), the 733 take -* and the of the K is dropped ; thus, *fi*2, etc. Comp. Note (t, i.) on p. 2. (ii.) Before D*iJ7fc5 (and some words from it) the 733 take and the-vj- of the K is dropped ; thus, D^NS, etc. Comp. Note (t, ii.) on p. 2. (iii.) Euphonic exceptions are nVnS, rVV!$, etc., on p. 276 & 277; & Tk$ p. 278. t rlFTQilS (Is. xxiv. 2) has '33 irregularly, instead of '33, In a few cases the Dagesh is omitted, where it would be over a Shva; as from the 3 of "VV?*?, Jud. viii. 2 (where some have the Dagesh) ; from the J of Dn-VQJD Ez. xxxii. 30 ; from the ? of Di^Q Gen. xxv. 23. [These instances are cited by B. D. Kimkhi.] 4 PREFIXES fa AND flL 5 (6) 6 (c). 'Compensation* for the Dagesh' is said to be made by lengthening the -r of the into ; thus, Dnap, DYigo, ninp, ^r, H^d, pth&, etc. (c.) Before * f the ft takes , with which t the * blends so as to form * (the -r of the * being dropped and the Dagesh NOT then given after the ft ;) thus, JTTliV Jwda, flTWnMp fkom Juda. 6. (a.) The prefix H bearing and followed by Dagesh is the mark for 'the' I; thus, *1* a 7ia/id, TH the Tiand; ?ip a voice, T^pH the voice. (b.) The 5 letters ^hHM do not receive the Dagesh. And 'Compensation for the Dagesh' is said to be made by lengthening the into ; thus, |{H$ a man, t^Nn the man, and so "T*Jj$j) the city, J?$On the foad. As a Eule, this Compensation IS MADE before 1 and before X, and generally before JJ; but (c.) N.B. The Compensation is not made (i.) before Jl, (ii.) before Jf, except in a few instances : thus, * This ' Compensation for the Dagesh' is sometimes refused, as in D-lili?, and so in finp; but we find riwnft (Jer. vii. 34). So ^BVVP and SJ|fT Is. xiv. 3, ifftp 1 Sam. xxiii. 28, (& 2 Sam. xviii. 16,) etc. And before H, as in rifeflQ 1 Ki. ii. 27, DHVnp Hag. ii, 16, 'only when it is with Shva,' as E. D. Kimkhi remarks, who cites these examples. This case (of the fl) is slightly different from the others. For, the simple Shva beneath the H [being quiescent (Pt. I. 25)] shows that the fl is made to end the syllable beginning with the b. [Obs. Modern editions a,re not always to be relied upon in this, and in some other matters.] t But before The Name *, for which ^'"1K is read, the B takes ; thus *& X The 'Definite Article', as it is called. This Prefix has some other values also, as will be seen by and by. [For another prefix which sometimes appears like this, see 7 (&, Note). "inn the mountain (from in), and so ITVirij and so also Dnn niSHn Hjnn, from Dn, npn, n|n for which see 9 (a) & 94. prefixes H. 6 (c) 7 (a). 5 (i.) jn favour, \T\7] the favour; "fin a hole, "linn the Tiote*; (ii.) 1)T1 majesty, *linn the majesty, etc. (<) KB. Moreover, this Prefix H (the) takes t (i.) before words beginning with fl, thus, 311 a feast, 5nri THE/easi; and so ^H, Dprtn, etc.; (ii.) before words beginning with UNACCENTED j"J f, or ]}f, [thus DHH mountains, D^HH the mountains t, DHJJ cities, D"OJ}n the ciftes; [(iii.) also, but only rarely, before unaccented tf, as in T *ti>$n (Mi. ii. 7), according to some]. (e.) The of the Prefix n (the) is sometimes retained before y, as in D^TJ^H (Prov. ii. 13) the ones-forsaking (m.). But this is somewhat rare except in cases of the ' Contraction' mentioned in 8.] [(f.) The Dagesh for this Prefix fj (the) is generally not given to * having Shva; thus l&Vl THE river, *liDV7 the foundation. But the Dagesh is given sometimes, as in tWVH the Greeks (Joel iv. 6); and so in TVttffif (Is. xiv. 26)]. 7. (a.) The prefix f| having signifies Interrogation ||; thus, B^ /iernn the Ziviw^ (or that liveth), for which there is once VIH Gen. vi. 19. Comp. D*;nn 2 Chr. xiv. 4 (and xxxiv. 4 & 7) with D^0i? once, Is. xvii. 8. N.B. The i- here is the Long -7-; not the o, K. Khautuph. t So in mrthnn 2 K. xv. 16, -UniD Ezra x. 14. T V T V "TV The Dagesh F. is sometimes omitted also from t? (thus toVJPV the little Nu. xxxv. 8, etc.) ; and in the case of a few other letters with -r- the Dagesh is not given in a few instances. II Sometimes it serves as a Note of Admiration ! ' % We have no word really in English for this H. Perhaps the word "Whether?" may temporarily be used for it where an English word may seem to be necessary. The prefix may sometimes be represented by "whether" almost without interrogation. 6 ft INTERROG. 7 (b & c). A CONTRACTION 8. (b.) Before a letter with Shva (Simple or Compound), the Interrogative ft takes a * Slight '-vowel ; thus, DJ^pn* WHETHER a little?, TYQ#[} WHETHER frMZ/i? (c.) The ft Interrogative sometimes takes f before one of the letters yplfttf (even when having a Vowel) ; thus, j*X there is not, ]WT\ Is there not?; ity #e, "ityn whether ?/, before * [ 3 {b) & 4 (5)] (c) i, ) and 3, 3, 7, before any other letter with [ 3 & 5 ( T t r > [Note. For tflXI, >fl*l t etc., and ttlj&KJ, 6^3, etc. see Note (J) p. 2 and (f) p. 3.] (ii) The 6 of 5 is prefixed thus : (#) '"ti followed by Dagesh, (b) -g before one of the letters 1J?nnN (Pt. I, 49), (c) '"* before '"*, (iii) The H of 6 is prefixed thus : (a) Jl followed by Dagesh ordinarily, (b) Jl for ' Compensation,' but (c) n is retained before M generally (and before Jl some- times), (d) Jl is given before H and before unaccented Jl and ]} t (iv) The Interrogative Jl is prefixed thus : (a) Jl ordinarily, (b) n before a letter which has a Shva. * The here is o. 8 Exercise II. {To be translated into Hebrew.} * # * The Hebrew words required are given in a foot-note. Contracted forms ( 8) are to be used here. Harvest. And harvest. In harvest. The harvest. And the harvest. In the harvest. And in harvest. And in the harvest. To harvest. And to harvest. To the harvest. And to the harvest. From harvest. From the harvest. And from the harvest. And from harvest. "Whether in harvest ? Whether like the harvest ? Fire. 2 The fire. In the fire. As the fire. As fire. And as the fire. And in the fire. From fire. And from fire. In fire. "Whether in the fire 1 To the fire. And to the fire. "Water. 3 And water. And the water. From the water. Whether to the water? And as the water. And in the water. Sand. 4 As sand. The sand. As the sand. From sand. And the sand. And as the sand. In the sand. And in the sand. And from the sand. . An ornament. 5 As an ornament. To an ornament. From an ornament. And an ornament. And to an ornament. And from an ornament. Whether an ornament ? And in an orna- ment. Truth. 6 And truth. In truth. To truth. As the truth. From truth. Whether truth ? Whether as truth ? Whether from truth ? And the truth. And in the truth. And to the truth. And in truth. A bee. 7 In a bee. And in a bee. As a bee. And as a bee. And from a bee. The bee. And to the bee. From a bee. From the bee. Whether a bee ? Whether from the bee ? And the bee. *m>* x 2 &b 3 ^n 4 njr n^r ,to 7 SECTION II. Personal Pronouns. Absolute Forms. 9. (a.) The absolute forms of the Personal Pronouns are given fully in Table I (at the end of the book). The following are the leading forms : I <3 (or $5$), thou [m.) nm, he Mil,. we -UrnS (or tom), ye (ro.) DflX, they (m.) DH or H^JJj besides which there are the Feminine forms, 8heWT\* t they(f.)nin f thou (/.) m, ye (/.) iTjg. There are also the * Pause '-forms [Pt. I. 41], i : >jk (: dJk), | fftow (m.) : nm } | t/ww (/.) : m } | * : wr$s (: wrjj). These may be convenient!)^ arranged in a Tabular form : >3X TABLE I. [N.B. p. stands for Pause-form ', Pt. I. 41.] SlNGULAK. thou m. (p. : nnx) nnx ttott/. (p. : m) &$ (v.: 8 t hy servant. Tp3 thy son. " who? 12 : r\m + ,3 *3K ,2 ww Mi : &rxn + nna : -saa T |T T T|: T T - T dm + ,7 d^m : ma + 16 i-wia* : ,6 wi & + " rw \ : : |t t : t : - : - t t 22 nhb t + 'ngn f.onta " % a 19 wt nm : w p3 t t:-t t- | vt t 26 *jja 25 vta : unyt + 24 pna : Dna + 23 pkb : + nun : t \ : |t -: |T" v - I - t 29 :&& + njfiH) : wuk + 28 wa m + 27( nriS tfni? t - : : : : at t * ; t -: - t il e*K a man. 12 shall call Me. my Father. M beautiful (/.). 15 O my love (E. V.). 16 TOfl^ blessed (/). 17 entangled (pi. m.) 18 pX (fr. ptf) a land. 19 knowest. 20 that. 21 mighty men. 22 f a i r (/.) [E.V., Gen. vi. 2]. 23 whence? 24 Haran (with D). 25 as f or all us. 26 sons f, 27 27 one man, 28 true men. 29 My flock. 30 thus. 31 hath said. 32 The Lord. 33 See Pt. L, 79 (2), and ' Vocabulary ' (p. 385). Exercise IV. (To be translated into Hebrew.) I [was] in the way. 1 He said 2 to the king. 3 Who * [art] thou (fli.) ? Who 4 [art] thou (/.)? They (m.) said 6 to the man. 6 Like a queen 7 she [was]. As kings 8 [were] they (m.). It (/.) [is] Jezebel. 9 It (m.) [is] the bread. 10 From Haran " [were] they (/.). Ye (/.) [are] like queens. 12 And through 13 our -iniquities 14 we-have-been-given/ 5 we and our-kings, 16 into 13 their-hands. 17 Thou [art] our-Father. 18 And we will- be-joyous 19 in Thy -salvation. 20 1 TJJ 2 1K ^ . * V s Wft 6 &* . * na te . 8 D^^p . e^ptf, iDn^. np T n. i2nb^p. i a (the prefix), uwnity. 13 toft) . 16 W:>Vo . 17 Dn>T . 18 .13>3 . 19 ,133*53 . 20 ^imttfr (Pause- form). [To face p. 12.] ' Abstract or Tables II-V1. (A) Pron.-Affix endings in Tabs. V (i) & VI (i), i.e. with a Singular Noun. (a) Pron.-Affix endings in Tabs. II (i) & III, i.e. with certain Particles. s I" V- 1 t- ^ - Sing. Masc. my % (m.) his me *Aee (w.) him *i V ft- T *__ 1- ft Sing. Fern. T my % (/) her me thee. (J.) her *ir- 05- D- T T D ?~ EJ1 Phi- Masc. our your (m.) MeiV (m.) US #ow (w.) them (m.) tt^r I?- h- 0_ T 15- Yft Plu. Fern. our yowr (/.) fA*r (/.) ws # (/) them (/.) (B) Pron.-Affix endings V (ii) & VI (ii), Plural Noun. 5 in Tabs. i.e. with a () Pron.-Affix endings in Tab. IV, i.e. with certain Particles. s_ Tv V- T 1 T- V Sing. Masc. T my % (i.) his me tfAee (m) him *i T- ft'- T V 1 T- |"p Sing. Fern. T V my %(/) her me *Aee (/.) her Wtt DpV &0V *-=- D 5V DPT Plu. Masc. our 2/owr (m.) tfAeiV (w.) ^s #ow (w.) them (m.) \r 15V I0V uv pv |J-p_ Plu. Fern. our yow (/.) tfAew* (/.) ws yow (/.) them (/.) Note: (a) For the affix-forms with 3 as or K&^ and 'O from, see Tab. II (ii). ()8) The endings in (a) for Tabs. II (i) and III are seen to agree with those in (A) for a Sing. Noun in the main. (7) The endings in (b) for Tab. IV are seen to agree with those in (B) for a Plu. Noun in the main. (5) The Pron. -endings with a Dual are the same as with a Plu. Noun. [To face p. 13.] [Note. The Tables referred to in the following pages will be found at the end of the volume. The remarks on these pages are introductory to and explanatory of the Tables. N.B. In using the Tables for the English- Hebrew Ex- ercises the Student should prefer the form to the right always, where more forms than one are given, as in some parts of Tab. II]. 13 SECTION III. Personal Pronouns. Affix-Forms. 12. Besides the 'Absolute' Forms (as they are called) of the Personal Pronouns, given in 9 above, there are some Affix-forma consisting of one or more of the letters D^^H by which the Personal Pronouns are often represented. 13. The Pronoun- Affixes are attached both (a) to Particles* and Nouns, and (J3) also to Verbs f. 14. (1.) Thus, from 3 in, we have [comp. Tab. II (1)] 1% in me, JJ in thee m. fag fX 12 in him (FI3 in her), 1D2 in us, Dp3 in you m. (|32 /.), DH2 in them m. (\T\2 f.Y (2.) So from 7 to or fir, we have [comp. Tab. II (2)]* *7 to me, Tp to thee m. C%f), * to him (rO to her) f i:J? to us, pgj to you m. (\p!? f), Dn to them m. (!$/.). (3.) Of to3 (or 5) fl, tike, the forms are [Tab. II (3)] $! Kfce me, Sjb3 Zifce tfce m. (^b3 /.), *Slb3 Kte Mm (nb3 /.), b3 Zifte ms, pgb? Wft<3 wow m. (g.b? /.), Dflb? K* Mem ?. (|H3 /.). with some other forms to be seen in Tab. II. (4) Of jft (or ft) from, the forms are [Tab. II (4)] >)B1?from me, ^D/rom thee m. (^.P/.), M from him (ftigp/.), 13JSP /rom ms, D3D from you m. (|3?p /.V DHD /rom tfom m. (jnp fX with some other forms to be seen in Tab. II. %* Where more than one form is given in the Table, the Student may take the eight-hand form. Obs. These Affixes for me, thee, etc., may stand also for myself, thyself, etc. * Including Preposition-tetters, as in Table II., and Words such as those in Tables, III., IV. [The Tables are given at the end of the book, also in a separate Part by themselves, for Mounting.] + Independently of, and sometimes in addition to, the inflexion-forms. X Also V? {to me) mine, $ {to thee m.) = thine, rP {to him) = his, etc. . 1G Exercise V. (To be translated into English.) ^b 6 na&* :*wtid 4 *nStf : 3 ktk 2 *6 ^ + '* I : t : t : - t | : - :: t t; 13 ^n :*jte3* u ^ "Dt^S? : ,0 ^w 9 n?^n 8 rn t'^tei 22 ^rn 2 n^ : nn^ + 21 nStya : 20 n^ 19 -^ tod 18b inD* -; - T | T T ^ .. T T T | . . T ' 27 NT onto? r*l*tr **&} DnS + 2t DW :* 23 dS^ Djfe 32 ^ d? + *Wn rona 31 n&!i "nefc 29t 7b Drrfcfc : w nMin 37 rrcr iS tte 36 nDnK *+t& u h$ j"rty#tek t ; t v v: v ' r t : t; t t t t : v 1 See Vocab. p. 385. 2 not. 3 i w m f ear , [j.^. (2 and 3 going together) / trill not fear]. 4 my God. 8 I have trusted. 6 hath thirsted. 7 my soul. 8 the prefix 2 of 4 here signifies on.' 9 hath-taken-supporting-hold. 10 Thy right hand. H[0]Godl l2 who ? 13 darkness. u will obscure, [the not ' of the preceding word goes with this word to express will not obscure']. 15 not [This Negative Particle with the Tense after it, in No. 16 (< Thou wilt hide'), signifies * Do not hide,' deprecatively]. 16 [see No. 15]. 17 Thy face. 18 it shall be hid. 19 any. 20 thing. 21 Q^y eternity. 22 ye shall make. 23 idols. 24 eyes. 25 $ no t. 26 they will see. 27 shall be. 28 their makers. 29 every one. 30 that. 31 trusteth. 32 ^ God. 33 f or salvation. 34 my God 35 my Rock. 36 j w ju take refuge. 37 counsel. 38 and understanding. 39 my salvation. 40 D^N gods. *See Pt. I., 12. Here the 3 stands for among. Exercise VI. (To be translated into Hebrew.) To me. To thee (*.). To thee (/.). To him. To her. To us. To you (m.). To you (/.). To them (m.). To them (/.). In me. In thee (m.). In thee (/.). In him. In her. In us.. In you (m.). In jrott (/.). In them (m.). In them (/.). 17 Like me. Like thee (m.y Like thee (/.). Like him. Like her. Like us. Like you (m.). Like you (f.y Like them (m.y Like them (f.y From me. From thee (m.y From thee (/.). From him. From her. From us. From you (m.y From you (/.). From them (m.y From them (f.y Thine (m.) (Hebr., to Thee) [am] I. And His (Hebr., to Him) [are] we. What ! dost-thou-(m.)-here (Hebr., [is there] to thee here 2 ) 7 . There-is-not 3 one-calling 4 among-them (m.) (Hebr., in them). Hath-He-not-also-spoken-by-us (Hebr., Wliether not 5 also 6 by 7 us hath-He-spoken 8 ) ? There-is-none 3 like it (/.) I-am-as-thou-(m.)-art (Hebr., like me like thee). Thou- [art] -mightier-than- we (Hebr., thou-art-mighty 9 from us). No-one-of-us-will-withold-his-sepulchre-from-thee (m.) (Hebr., any -one 10 from-us his -sepulchre 11 will-not -withold 12 from thee). Thou-(m.)-shalt-not-be-afraid 13 of-them (m.) (Hebr., from them). inp. ink *f& 4 K"p. 5 A. 6D|, 73 (the Prefix). 8||S|. snpv^. 10 ^. "Vm Mn*6. ' isfcwriri!?. Exebcise VII. [and VIII.]. (To be translated into Hebrew.) Me. 1 Thee(m.). Thee (/.). Him. Her. Us. You (m.y You (/.). Them (m.). Them (/.). With 2 me. With thee (m.). With thee (/.). With him. With her. With us. With you (m.). With you (/.). With them (m.y With them (/.). To 3 me. To thee (m.). To thee (/.). To him. To her. To us. To you (m.). To you (/.). To them (m.y To them (/.). Upon * me. Upon thee (m.). Upon thee (/.). Upon him. Upon her. Upon us. Upon you (m.y Upon you (/.). Upon them (m.y Upon them (/.). I Table III. (1). 2 Tab. III. (2). [Also write these with D Tab. III. (3)]. 3^. 4^. C 18 Exercise VIII. Thee 1 (m.) I-brought 2 unto 3 me. It l (/.) I-brought 2 upon 4 him. With 5 thee (m.) [am] I. What 6 [is] with 5 us? And-they- will-kill 7 me l and thee ! (/.) they-will-keep-alive 8 . He-spake 9 with 5 us roughly, 10 and-set-us-down (Hebr., and-gave n us 1 ) as spies (E. V.). 12 And-we-said ls unto 3 him true-men " [are] we. And-he-made-himself-strange 15 unto 3 them. And-the-people- set (Hebr., and-they-set 16 [viz.] the people 17 ) him 1 over 4 them (m.) for a head 18 and for a chief. " And-he-came 20 to them (m.). And-he-saw 21 them^m.). And-He-hath-set-thee 22 to 83 [be] king u over * us (m.). l Table III. (1). 2 *rKjn. 3 V 4 ^. 5 nN [Table III. (2)]. 6 flB. 15 "fc3ftl. tifaripj}, n u]} (Dyn, with the Def/ Art".). wtffch. ispyj?. 20 |gj*f." 21 *, T 22 ^m. 23 ^) (the prefix). 24 ^>d. Exercise IX. (To be translated into English.) *rtpi t-'jp Bhnri s1 ?k **ja :**^p *;: j^tf t r * sit W-i : t -: t - ^pn b)m 18 ^*i : 17 $n l, %8# s ^p 15 na : 3 ^ip + 1 Hear Thou. 2 See Vocab. p. 385. 3 ?)p a voice. 4 *V1 a rock. 6 not. [This with the next word, No. 6, signifies do not be silent.']. 6 See in No. 5. 7 sing ye hymns. 8 See No. 2 above, and p. 2 Note (||). 9 T'pn a saint (pi. D^Tpn). M and give thanks, n for a remembrance of. i2 KHp holiness [with aff. ^KHfJ my..., etc.]. 1 3 may He hear. 14 PD^H a palace-temple. 15 The mark for a * Definite object.' This word J"l$ (or J"IS when unaccented as here) cannot be rendered by any word in English : it corresponds with the Accusative form ki languages which have that form. I 6 I heard. 17 }3, ||, a garden. ,8 and he said. 19 viz., Saul. 19 i**## 84 i?>yi 23 ^9 "ttfl *"**& SM 33 10 Jnj ^ gr33 "Tjfol "Tiani f-T&Q 33 D^ 81 &md 30 x:> : i7 tib 42 rr 4i *nn j "aaete v5-A 38 d* : 37 rrr - : -t t : v I v - : - tt + 50 li^ *3 h ra t^rarn A7 bx 46 im *vja 44 ni 43 x^i I : T V T T - T- 56 ^n] 55 nto+ 54 n^n3 m dto + 52 0'3lP tlfi h%% 62 Dn^n 61 t 47 W "&$% 59 W? "*$) :nS + w ^ 47 Sk + 59 ww 65 p 64 nM?5 61 t 4?1 ?k ^n$# "yji 70 ^nb^n? **& t*#30# **V *&*&% 2 " : m yrbx 73 ^ ! B OT + n MOT"^ 70 D^ntatfn& + |t v: I- t t t : :- : w. - : : - B w 69 *6 : 78 TrtP^ 77 DnTrnb>i 76 tj&k 75 D^a *vm ^r^Ji 83 ^ "* 15 m 81 ^Si 80 ^3 : 79 Dn + 20 this. 21 [0] my son. 22 David. 23 DVU bone [pi. D^Vltf. 24 *lb| flesh [with aff. 'W? Ais..., etc.]. ?5 and thou shait gather. 26 |J^ ' corn pf, with Affixes]. 27 fcrrfn new wine. 28 -jny> ojl. 29 i e t me drink. T T 30 I 1)r ay. 31 a i ittle> 32 water. 33 *13 a pitcher. 34 an( i s h e hasted. 35 and she let down. 36 upon. 37 T a hand. 38 a i so . 39^ a camel [pi. D^|]. 40 j Wlll Qraw# 41 *Jft a friend. 4 2 went down. 43 an d he came. 44 vi^. Noah [came]. 45 QV)2 sons# 46 fix with [w. aff. *fiK with me, etc.]. 47 to, into. 48 the ark. 49 [the] ways of. 50 Zion. 51 mourning. 62 |rp a priest [pi. D^nj]. 53 sighing. 54 n^lfia a virgin. 55 afflicted. 56 and as for her, 5 7 bitterness. 58 behold. ^ ^g eyes of [dual DJ^g eye*]. 60 servants. 61 hand of. 62 D^'lX (pi *form of f\*K<) a master. 63 a woman-seryant. 64 rTVljl a mistress [also J"TQ!, with aff. ^JTH?! my..., etc.]. 65 so . 66 D^K God [a p/wraJ form]. 67 until. "68 that He pity us. 69 fcO not. 70 nigiyg a thought [y, with Affixes]. 71 your ( m .) ways< 72 DOT! ways. 73 hath reigned, # 74 an( i they shall be. 75 pig, k mgs [shall be]. 76 D^pK nursing-fathers. 77 j-\*yp a princess. 78 ilj^D a nursing-mother. 79 "V)'a rock. 80 bless thou (/,) 81 [O] my soul. 82 T ( wi th. 83) an d forget not [Cp. No. 5, above]. 84 a n, 85 ^B| a benefit. Note, fc> (not) may be remembered now. * A ' Plural of excellence,' as some call it, may be used of one. So, in Ex. XXI. 4 & 6, "his master" has the Plural form. so Exercise X. (To be translated into Hebrew.) His horse. 1 Thy (m.) horse. My horse. Their (m.) horse. Your (m.) horse. Our horse. His horses. Thy (m.) horses. My horses. Their (m.) horses. Your (m.) horses. Our horses. My friend 2 [is] mine (Heb., to 3 me). In thy (m.) friend. Like thy (/.) friend. To his friend. From her friend. And from our friend. And to your (m.) friend. And like your (/.) friend. And to their (m.) friend. And in their (/.) friend. And my friends. "Whether thy (m.) friends? Thy (f.) friends. His friends. Her friends. Our friends [are] your (m.) friends. Among 4 your (/.) friends [are] their (m.) friends and their (/.) friends. His bride. 5 My bride [is] like her. Like thy (m.) bride [is] she. The brides. Their (m.) brides. Your (m.) brides and our brides. My riddle. 6 Her riddles. Thy (/.) riddles. Their (/.) riddles. Your (m.) riddle. Our riddle. Their (m.) riddle. And in his riddle. Her lamp. 7 From her lamps. To my lamps. In thy (/.) lamps. And like your (m.) lamps. Their (/.) lamps. "Whether 8 his lamps ? Whether like our lamps [are] thy (f.) lamps ? His eye. 9 In his eyes. Like their (/.) eyes. In our eyes. And in her eyes. Thy (m.) eye. His eyes. Thy (/.) eyes. Her eye. Your (m.) eyes. 1 DID (Plur. D^D-ID horses). 2 Vn (Plur. D*lV* friends). 3^ (the Prefix). 4| (the Prefix). n)? (Plur. rife brides). 6 nTn (Plur. DH^n riddles). 7 TJ (Plur. nnp. lamps). 8 q (the Interrogative Prefix). 9 ]* (w. aff. *$$ my eye, etc.; Dual DJ3^ eyes, w. &S. W% my eyes, etc., Table VII.). 21 SECTION IV. The Relative Pronoun 1#tf. 23. The word Igfof stands for the Kelatire Pronouns who, which, that; and is the same in form for all Persons, Genders, and Numbers; thus, K3 "ItiW #Wfi the man who came. t v -: t HX3 ")EW H&Wl ^e woman who came. T T -: T T ^1X3 *)$&* D^KH ^Ac mm who came. t v -: t -;t ^3 TEte DtSfcH ^e women who came. T v -: T - JVJO *)$tf ^T? ^ &**& WHICH ( or that) thou sawest. WiO "T^ 0^51^ ^ *A%s which (or that) / saw. 24. The Oblique forms in whom (or which), to whom (or which), from whom (or which), are expressed by *^K followed by a Personal Pronoun attached to a Particle; thus, for instance, [Is. xlix. 3] " O Israel, in whom F|5 ")gW, lit., who in- thee (m.)] I will be glorified;" [Deut. iv. 8] "A nation to which [P ")$tf, lit., which to it (m.)] there-are-statutes and judgments," etc.; [Ps. xcv. 5] "To whom [17 I^K, lit, who to-Him (belongs)] the sea," etc. [Note (a.) This is the full expression. The "IKW is sometimes omitted. See 31. (6.) The word involving the Personal Pronoun is separated from the "ttJ>K very often. See more, below ( 29). N.B. This separation should always take place in Composition, except where there is Emphasis on the Person.] 25. The full Table for In whom* (for all Persons, Genders and Numbers) is obtained by simply placing *)>&$ before the several expressions in Table II. (i.), as follows, Or, which. THE RELATIVE PRONOUN. 25 7. 1 pers. 2 pers. 3 pers. (a.) In whom Ij *3 ^ (m.) (p. :^3) ^ X>*K (to.) 13 *f^ (/) *3 ift (or which) S 1 IT -J (to.) D33 *1B>K (to.) D3,DH3T^ (/.) tpa. B)-ft Similarly, full Tables may be formed (7?) for to wAom (or which), (y) for 7i&6 whom (or which), and (8) for /row wAom (or which), by placing *1B^$ before the several expressions in Table II. (2), (S), and (4), respectively. And so, too, in the case of Tables III. and IV. 26. Similarly, Table V. with *1fcJW gives the several forms for whose song, and whose songs; and so for any other Noun ; thus, [Job v. 5, (E.V.)] "whose harvest [h^j? ^f (lit., who his harvest)];' 9 [Deutviii.9] "Aland whose stones [0*3?^? *$&, lit., which her stones']?' etc.; [Jer. xxxii. 19] "Thou whose eyes Pp^J? *1KW, lit., who Thine eyes] are-open on all-the-ways-of the-children-of men." So [Ps. xcv. 4] "In Whose hand [IT? *\$$, lit> Who in His hand] are-the secret-depths of earth/' eta 27. Table III. (1), with T^t, gives the Objective Eelative Pronouns whom (or which), viz.> ifilX *l^tf whom (lit., who him), fink y&& whom (lit., who her), ^fik *")$ whom (lit., who thee, m.), % Jlk *)$? whom (lit., who me)*> etc. [So, for with whom, on whom, etc.]* * Thus Gen. xlv. 4, * I am Joseph your brother Whom ye sold [Dtfl^P IP $ *fik, lit., who ye-soW me],'* etc. So, too, when the Personal Pronoun is ex- pressed by an Affix attached to a Verb ( 13, /3) ; thus* Gen. xxvii. 27, etc. See more, hereafter. THE RELATIVE PRONOUN. 2831. 23 28. These Objective Personal Pronouns are often dropped, and then the 1BW by itself stands for whom (or which) in the several Persons, Genders and Numbers ; thus [Gen. xxii. 2] " Take now thy son, thine only -son, whom [*")t2W] thou bvest," etc., and [Gen. xiii. 15] "all the land which [f^K] thou seest," etc.; and many others. 29. In all the cases of 24 27, the word involving the Personal Pronoun is generally % separated from the "tt?X by a word or words especially by the Yerb. Thus, for instance, [Gen. xxi. 23] " the land in which thou-hast-sojourned [PJ3 WH| *\p$, lit., which thou-hast-sojourned in it];" and so [Gen. xxviii. 13] " the land on which thou art-lying [rpStf Z2& HJJW ytfti, lit, which thou art-lying on it]," and so [Nu. xxii. 30] " Am not I thine ass on which thou- hast-ridden VwV frill ^X, lit., which thou-hast-ridden on - t t : - t v -: ' * me] ;" [Job iv. 19] " waos-E-foundation is-in-the-dust [*I^S DTID* ^^3, lit., who in-the-dust is-Tnum-faundatton]; 99 [Is. xlix. 23] " I those-waiting-for-whom shall not be ashamed [*jp $#UJ ? ")fc^& lit, who not-shall-be-ashamed My-waiters] ." 30. Similarly, (a.) *,>&? frAicfc, followed by BK> Mere, stands for where; thus [Gen. ii. 11] " ^H-TH D^ "IK'N where (lit., which there) [there is] gold." But (3.) The y&# and the D$ are generally separated (as in 29) by a word or words especially by the verb thus [Gen. xix. 27] "the place where he stood [D^ 1J?y "tt^X, lit., which he stood there]," etc. (y.) So "lK'tf which before ti&D from there (or thence) stands for whence; thus [Gen. xxiv. 5] unto the land whence thou-camest -forth [D^D HKV^. *1^$, lit., which thou-camest-forth thence],** etc. (5.) So also T^'X >Aicft, before TllpV? thither, stands for whither; thus, [Nu. xiv. 24] and I will bring him into the land whither he-came [N3 "1$$ t]12&, lit., which he-came thither].*' tit' ' J (s.) The Dfc?*, ni3^, are sometimes omitted ; as, for instance, in Nu. xiii. 27. 31. The "Igte is often omitted, as [Gen. xiii. 28] " What * Instead of WK T'K. t Instead of Finfc -,%. J Except in the case of Emphasis on the Personal Pronoun. 4 THE RELATIVE PRONOUN. NOTES (a.) TO (#.). is this, God hath done to us?'* instead of "which [*1$N] God hath done to us?"; [Lam. iii. 1] " I-am the-man hath-seen affliction," instead of "who flBW] hath-seen," etc * So [Ps. xviii. 3] " my God, my Strength, in whom I-wiU-trust"(E.Y.) Da mm, short for to npm x>k]. So h for n "fte in Ps. xxxii. 1, "to whom [He will not impute iniquity]." And so [Ps. lxxxiii. 19] " Thou Whose Name P|9& short for ^tip *)$?], etc.", and many others. Obs. {Sometimes the word with the Pron.-Affix is omitted too; as "from it'* in [Isai. li. 1], "the rock ye-were-hewn" [from]. Comp. 29. [Note (a.) "TK& is often used, like the Conjunction *3, for 'that' (Conjunctive), 'for,' 'because,' etc. Thus [Gen. xi. 7] "that ["IK>N] they may not understand," etc.; [Ex. xi. 7] "that pS^K] He will separate," etc.; and many others. (6.) Conversely *$ is sometimes said to have the value of the Relative ")K>X. (c.) The prefixes D ? 3 2 1 may stand before T>K ; thus, (i.) With the Relative-Pronoun value of *"IW> we have "IKWI, cmeZ wfto, etc., ")^K : 3 (as in Is. lvi. 4, lxv. 12, lxvi. 4), "l^K.3 (as in Job xx'ix.* 25, etc.), yPK? (as 'in Genesis xliii. 16, etc.), Tg^B (as in Isaiah xlvii. 13, etc.). So Tjfcj jV$ that (Objective) which, and whatsoever (Obj.), whom, whomsoever, etc. (ii.) With the Conjunctive value of "lC'tf, we have "1$N?3 in ttttf, ")K>X3, lit., a* fAa (very frequently for as, according as, and when), T^frO /or /Aa, *1&?'!S0 /rom [the time'] that (= since), etc. (d.) The prefixes >, and K>,t followed by Dagesh Forte, stand for the Con- junctive *)&J>X ; and the latter, ^ (followed by Dagesh Forte), often for the Relative Pronoun. (e.) When prefixed to a word of which the first letter does not receive Dagesh, K> becomes K'; but W remains W (no compensation being made for the Dagesh). (/.) We have also the compound prefixes "^3 (once), and "K>2 like "ti^?, and "Kb like 1K>K3. v : v -: - (g\) The word ?>3 (Eccles. viii. 1 1) is generally supposed to be made up of W (for "tiJW) followed 'by h to, and preceded by 3 in. So $g>| (Jon. i. 12) is taken for '$ ng>K3; and *efef (Jon. i. 7) for *D> "IJW{$ (Jon.'i. 8)]. * It will be seen that in the first two examples the "iC'tf understood is that of 23 ; and, in the following examples, that of 24 etc. [In English the Rela- tive Pronoun is often left out, when, as in the first example f 31), it is the Object; but not often when, as in the second, it is the Subject.] + Supposed by many to be a Contraction for ")K>K. 25 Exercise XI. {To be translated into English.) # * For the plan of the Exercise, see 11 (a s). :#& pNjb tons M rAn ^ "ttw-fca * + % jtf 4 HS5 rf? 'PiftBh 1 ? 7 n&# 6 ni + nm n#tf 4 pan I v v ; t : : t t t t - -: | v t t l '*'yhi 4 pK : u DBfc "DTikjj 1 iBta 9 xin+ 6 Dn^ t: -: ) T v t : -: - : "ban * i3 n^Di &6 iBte 4 pK :nnk i2 ^n^ + 2 Tri^ ywjK igte 4 pK tna i7 Sjd norm *6 u DnVfo3 + T T -J -: I T - I . T + r\m i^k "tfasn t# "ri^mS 26 nnsi 25 dot vrfc + t - -: | t - t -: - S - T T T T : + r\m Tgto 4 pN*n t + wn M Bhp 3 rtn : K v^y 29 n&ty twfiMK n -rata -Wife** ^naiw **b rvSy "mb> tt : I : -: t: tv ; v J: t v t 39 n^3 : 38 n^ + zi r\w + wn *\m 36 ^bi tan + 1M t t - : - t: * -: : t: 45 *nbpn : 44 i^5 43 ]*n + 42 ^n -lBte 4i ^S 40 nb^ rate Bmj& 4 px m- nrb a r\rb nm -wis n -; "\: | T T T : 1 See Vocabulary, p. 385. 2 0*0*?$ God [a Noun of the Plural form, see Table V. (ii.)]. 3 [I]-brought-out. 4}>iK a i an d, earth, (also land of). [With the definite article' pn.] In Pause fix. 6 Egypt. 6 coming. 7 thither. 8 to-possess-it. 9 See Table I., Note 1. 10 Ye-came-out. 11 thence (lit., from there). 12 caring-for. 13 in-poverty. 14 thou-shalt-eat. 15 bread. 16 thou-shalt-lack (with ii?, thou shalt not lack). 17 anything. 18 D33K stones (fr. |3K). 19 iron. 20 Dnnn. mountains ( 31). 21 thou-mayest- dig. 22* brass (E.V.).' ' 23 blessed-is (lit., O-the-happiness-of !) 24 *fa a nation. 25Dj*(pyn with 'definite article') a people. 26 He-hath-chosen (31). 27f or - an-inheritance. 28 DlpD a place. 29 standing. 3 ground oft. 31 holiness. 32 lying. 33 1-will-give-it. 34 Israel. 35 I-will-glorify-Myself. 36 and-everything. 37 doing. 38 making-to-prosper. 39 ,-|D3 thus. 40 shall-be-done. 41 t^tt a man. 42 "H:?*? a ^ m S iz delighting. 44 ~\\)) honour, glory, brightness. 45 I-have- established. 46 My-Covenant. 47 to-give. 48 their-(m.)-sojournings. * For the , as 'Defective Shurik,' see Pt. I. 14. + Ground-of holiness' is a phrase for 'holy ground.'' 26 53 *TW 62 ^K t"*to "? *6 18* l " + * tftS "Via t| " v -: t: -: t t I v v -: | v t ] : : v t : v -: v n * -Mp "irrw --br : 6, Dn 60 ^ 59 ^^ *'&% 68 ninps l "# "aim 23 n#K h * 9 ntt& 2s dot -nata : 65 Dnp t:w tt : - ttv tt ; - v| v cmm T v; 49 they-sojourned. 60 they-shall-be-ashamed (with N? Mey s/iaM not, etc.). 61 those-waiting-for-Me. 62 my God. 53 my Rock. ** I will trust. 65 -jj a hand. 66 [the] secret-depth s-of. 67 pj a n eye, Dual D?3% * 68 Opened, open. 69 [the] ways of. 60 [the] children-of. 61 Adam, man (generally). 62 remember. 63 HIV a congregation [with Affix \T\*]V his, etc.]. 6* Thou didst own ( 31). 65 of 'old. * For the T as 'Defective Shurik,' see Pt. I. 14. t te all, "} as p. 14 (*). Exercise XII. (To be translated into Hebrew.) * # * For the plan of the Exercise, see 11 ( /*) Thy (m.) sojourner ' who [is] within 2 thy gates. 3 The thing * which thou (m.) [art] doing. 8 A man 6 in-whom- there-is-Spirit (Hebr., who Spirit 7 in 2 him). Ye (m.) to* whom-I-have-given (Hebr., who I-have-given 8 to 9 you) the land. " I [am] Joseph " whom-ye-sold (Hebr., who ye-sold 12 me 13 ). The land 10 from-which-I-came-forth (Hebr., which L mme-forth u from 15 it (/.)). A land 10 unto-which-I -will-bring- you (m.) (Hebr., which 1-will-bring 16 you 13 unto n it (/>)). A land it (f.) [is] like-which-there-is-not (Hebr. which there- 1 *13. 2 2 prefix. 3 W$fi (Table V. (ii.)). 4 W. 6 nfety. 6 ^ 7nn. 8*r)n3. *>h (TaWe n.). i<>n* (n withT Tdef - ar t-') nt iP^- l2Dn")3D. 13 fable III. (1). W-Wft 15 Table H. (4). 16 ^S. 17 Table IV. (1). n is-not 18 like 19 it). E very-one 20 with- whom-it- was found (Hebr., who it-was-found 21 with 22 him). The horse 23 upon-which- he-rode (Hebr., which he-rode 24 upon 25 him). The land 10 upon- which-thou-art~lying (Hebr., which thou* art-lying 26 upon 25 it). The servants 27 with-whom-he-was-angry (Hebr., who he-was- angry 28 upon 25 them (m.)). The man 6 in-whose-hand-the- cup-was-found (Hebr., who was-found 29 the cup 30 in 2 his hand 31 ). Thou (m.) in-whose-hand-the-cup-was-found (Hebr., who was-found 29 the cup " m 2 ^y ^ unto- whom-shall-come (Hebr., who there-shall-come 3 * unto l7 thee) the- wealth-of 36 heathen-nations, 37 and within 2 whose borders 38 shall-no-more-come-any-foe 39 ; whose walls 40 they-may-call 4 \ Safety/ 43 whose Saviour 43 I [am], saith 44 thy God 45 . W |>K. 19 Table II. (3). 20 Vs. 21 K$?J. 22 Table III. (2). 23 WD. 24 im 25 Table IV. (2). 2 33& 2 7 DHJty 28 *|Vi? 29 KP3. 30 IP?J. 31 Tt 32 TO^n. 33 fiy. 34 *J3V&n. 35 ^ n r- 36 ^*0- 3r &?* 38 &v?| ( Table v. (ii)j. * 39 -ra b ito tftoj"*6. 40 ntoh (Table vi. (ii)). an^. 42 ftp^ 43 WiD (The 'Furtive' -r- is dropped when an Affix is added). 44 "l&K- 45 D^rfrg (See Exerc. XI., Note 2). Masculine. 28 SECTION V. Demonstrative Pronouns. 32. The Demonstrative Pronouns are I* PIT this (m.), nXT this (/.), nW these (*.), JTpK these (/.); II. WPI ;At? we have *tt)t ( 3. c. ii., above), *M, $, &, (ii.). from H??, TM2 and HD we have ()*(& TO* npj (A) naa (and na3)t: (7.)n3(anana3)S; (S.) 71$ and ngfell (also T$). [Note. (a.) For expressing Whose?, either (i.) 7 is prefixed to ^D; thus, [Gen. xxxii. 18] PlftNl *p? w/jose arf Mouf, or (ii). A word is placed in close structural connection with *D, as, for instance, |3 in [1 S. xvii. 58] ^D |2 whose son? (lit., son-of whom, see below 52. (iii.) ifi flK stands for whom? (Objective), as in 1 S. xii. 3 "whom have I oppressed?" (p.) nip is often read closely with the next word as in "pTlft Ju. xi. 12 [almost as 'hip, comp. the 2TO in Ex. iv. 2 and Is. iii. 15]. And so np before K and 1, and HD before n etc., may be said to be as the H & H in 6 (6 d). But N.B. np. occurs also (as in Ps. iv. 3) before 3, etc. (7.) No special Exercise need be given on this Section.] * Also, n stands sometimes for how! as in [Ps. cxxxiii. 1] "Behold, how good and now pleasant (D^3 PIE-I 2^t3 Hip) is the dwelling of brethren in unity." (p) f Also W in the phrase *D1 >D (lit., who and who?) Ex. x. 8. Compare Obs.XVI, p.' 179. X Used for whereby? (lit., in the what?) % Used for how much?, how many? (lit., like the what?). I! Used for why? wherefore? Observe the two different positions of the Accent. Also HD is sometimes used for why? 30 SECTION VII. Nouns-Substantive. 37. In regard to ' Gender/ ' Number ' and ' Case,' there are in Hebrew (i.). Only the Masculine and Feminine ' Genders ' ( 10) ; (ii.) The Singular and Plural * Numbers/ also the Dual for some Nouns-Substantive; (iii.). No 'Cases/ properly, according to the usual appli- cation of the Term. 38. Names of men, and words expressing males and functions of males, are Masculine. Names of women, and words expressing females and functions of females, are Feminine. There is great freedom in regard to the Gender of Nouns-Substantive expressing inanimate things, there being really no reason why such should be limited to either one or the other. The usage of the Language in regard to any particular word must, of course, be attended to in Composi- tion. There are, however, certain special Marks for the Masculine Plural, and for the Feminine Singular and Plural; as follows, 39. (a-) In the Singular Number there is no distinguish- ing mark* for the Masculine Gender. But (/3.) for the Plural Masculine the distinguishing mark is the termination D* J tnus > (i) (from H*p a song) DH^ songs; (2) (from MuJ a star) D^Di5 stars. * It may be said that, (i.) Most Hebrew Nouns, which have no special Feminine form, are Masculine. But it must be borne in mind that, (ii.) There are exceptions to (i.). NOUNS-SUBSTANTIVE. 39 43. 31 (7.) Many words undergo a change of vocalisation on receiving this termination; thus (1) (from "D'J a word) Dn.3^ words ; (2) (from *S]/& king) D* J??? A;m^5 / (3) (from Tfcj a %) d^JW; (4) (from Bhh a month) ttWin. (S.) Some undergo still further change ; thus, PI at the end of the word in the Singular is replaced by the D* for the Plural, as (from njgWD a deed) D\(PgB deeds. 40. There is a special distinguishing mark for the Femi- nine in the Singular viz., the accented termination Pi ; thus, ( a .) (from *1H an uncle) TT$fa an aunt; (from *V? a ^ or ^) (.) Some words undergo a change of vocalisation on receiving this Pi; thus, (1) (from *13 a bullock) PH9 a cow; (2) (from ^3 ^ foy) ^tl^ a 9* r ^ (7.) Some undergo still further change ; thus, Pi, at the end of the Masculine word is replaced by the Pf for the Feminine as (from PISH a shepherd) PttH a shepherdess. 41. The mark for the Feminine Plural is HI (or H ), which replaces the PI of the Singular; thus, rt*}3 cows [ 40 (/3, 1)] And some words undergo some change; thus, (1) (from PlJ)/?? a queen) PH^?? queens; (2) (from PHJ[3 a $r*W) nrJJJ girls. N.B. There are some other terminations for Feminine Singular Nouns; as ft-*--^ or T\ -^ (p. JV=--jt), and JV| , ft-?. 42. There are Feminine Nouns which are not formed from the corresponding Masculine Nouns, and have no dis- tinguishing mark ; thus, DX a mother (SK a father); ^JH an ewe ( /)$? a ram). 43. Some Masculine Nouns take the Feminine mark of Plural ; thus UN a father, plu. rtafcj ; D$ a name, plu. nto#. 32 NOUNS-SUBSTANTIVE. 44 48. 44. Some Feminine Nouns take the Masculine form of Plural; thus, H^l^ a bee (also Deborah), plu. D^ilH bees ; /TH an ewe (also Rachel), plu. DyPH ewes. 45. Some Nouns have both of the Plural forms ; thus, D^S and ntoS sheaves (from H^Stf a sheaf). So Dn.H* and J"fl*in (from *\)1 a generation.) 46. The mark for the Dual is D % fin Pause \ W*) t which is the same for both Genders. (a.) Some Nouns do not change on receiving this termi- nation; thus, (i) (from T a hand) DHJ hands; (2) (from p)$ a leg) DJj?)# legs. (13.) Some undergo a change; thus, (1) (from J*tt an eye) WW eyes; (2) (from 7^1 a/oo*) UJ?^] feet (7.) The termination PI (in the Singular) is replaced by n~ , after which the Dual termination U)~ is added; thus, (1) (from fti&y a year) U\T\^ two years a couple of years ; (2) (from PlSb> a lip) DT)3b lips (the upper and lower). 47. The Dual, in Hebrew, is chiefly used as a special Plural (if one may say so) for things * double ' or ' in pairs,' as scales-of-a-balance, tongs, ears, eyes, nostrils, hands, wings, feet, etc. Such generally have no other form for the ex- pression of 'more than one,' and we find therefore the Dual form with Numerals other than c two ;' as in " four feet," " six wings," "seven eyes," and so in [1 S. ii. 13] three teeth " (lit,, a triad of the teeth, Dual.). 48. Some Nouns that have a Dual, have a Plural in another sense; thus, (1) (from \ S V an eye, also a fountain) WW (Du.) eyes, nfojJJ (Plu.) fountains; ( 2 ) (from hf\ afoot) P&?1 (Du.) feet, D^H (Plu.) times. * Only in the phrase tiFfn *\\\ Is. Ii. 8 ; Ps. Ixxii. 5, cii. 25. nouns, 4952. 33 49. But some few have both Dual and Plural forms ; as (i)DV a day, Du., DW, Plu., &*Jj ( 2 ) WZ one-time, once, D^5P5 two-times, twice, D^^3 times ; (3) Twl a door, DTO* nirta. So, there are the Plurals Tfflg 'and tftf of (0 in 46 (7). 50. Some Nouns are used in the Singular only, as p^ fine dust, SPIT gold, PH* moow / others only in the Dual, as DOTXft a balance, scales of a balance: D'ft water; D*np7& toys, D*5^ heaven; others only in the Plural, as wyv& and'niSnx /o^, d^t ow-o^, d*t$j yo^A, d\js face, front, D*prn compassion, TNPftyR lower-parts, etc. 51. Hebrew Nouns are Indeclinable as regards what are usually called 'Cases.' But 52. Many Nouns undergo a modification of formf when they are 'In Construction ' (as it is called), t. e., when they are in close structural connection with what follows. Thus, (i) from "YXJ a word and ^7& a &my, we have IJ/iD ^3^. word of a king; and, (2) from npI?V cry, and 73 ^?oor waw (in Pause 7*5), 7l Hpl? cry of a poor man ; etc., etc. In these two examples the Genitive ' of ' J is supplied in English before the Second Noun, but N.B. The occurrence of the ' Construct form (as it is * Some give this from n?^[ (i.q. Tw^). f Many others are unchanged in form when thus in Construction.* X Since this of (when it can be supplied) is, in Hebrew, involved in the First of the two Nouns (not the Second) we cannot say that the word so involving the of ' is in the Genitive ' Case. The Genitive Case of < a word,' a cry,' is not word of,' * cry of,' but of a word,' * of a cry.' The difference of Idiom de- mands different nomenclature. Moreover, the Construct State ' (or State of Construction ') may occur where the of ' cannot be supplied in English. Although there is Structural connection * where the Genitive * of ' occurs, it does not follow that the Genitive of ' is always to be used (or can be used) wherever ' structural connection ' thus modifies the form. This consideration will be found to be of importance hereafter. 34 NOUNS. f I.C./ 53. CHANGES OF FORM, 54. 55. called) must not be limited to the case in which ' of ' can be supplied before the Second Noun. 53. The abbreviation ' i. c' is used for ' In Construction ' ( 52). Def. The term ' Absolute-form * is used of a word which is (i) not 'i. c.,' and (2) without any Affix or Prefix whatso- ever. 54. The Changes of form which some Nouns undergo, (1) when ' In Construction/ and (2) when increased in length by the addition of some termination or -Affix, may to some extent be classed under these three heads : I. The shortening of a Long- Vowel into a Short- Vowel; II. The replacing of a Vowel by Shva Moving ; III. Shva Quiescent. The Second head will be found to be one of great im- portance. But, observe, 55. A Vowel cannot be dropped and replaced by Shva Moving, (a-) if followed by a letter having Shva (thus the in (0 Bgrato, ( 2 ) nnfi^*), (/3.) if followed by Dagesh Forte, which virtually involves a Shva [Pt. I. 53], (thus the in |3||), (7.) if followed by a letter which would have Dagesh Forte if it could,f (thus T before 1 in Bh, see 60 (*)), (o\) if the Vowel be one which involves a Quiescent letter belonging to the word, Cp. Pt. I. 36 Note, (thus the in ITVin law, the in T\)1) lamps, etc. This will be understood hereafter). [Note. Generally, also, a vowel which belongs to a word (or form) is not dropped. But sometimes it is dropped, as we shall see.] * The Plurals of Nouns like (2) are from another form ( 66, 67). t As, one of the five IV n H N which do not receive Dagesh [Pt. I. 49.] NOUNS IN CONSTRUCTION, 56. 35 56. For words ' i. c.' the following rules may be given : (Rule i.) The Yowel next before the accented VOWEL is generally dropped and replaced by Shva- Moving if that Vowel can be so dropped ( 55) ; as in TD harvest of from "ftfij harvest, and Spy heel of from Spy a heel. [Obs. The vowel to be dropped is the Penultimate when the Accent of the word is on the last syllable]. Also (A.) Monosyllables, and words Mi-Vrd [Pt. I. 42], (Rule ii.) Generally replace Long , in a closed* final syllable, by ; thus, (i) T hand, of (from T a hand); (2) [QW] ^HO an wtijicer-of [icood], i.e. a carpenter, (from BhT|}j (3) SS/ heart of (from 23?); (Rule iii.) Sometimes replace in a closed* final syllable, by ; as in (1) j|l son of (from J3); more commonly by, as in (2) JPT an elder of (from }DT) ; f and sometimes (especially in Monosyllables) retain the unchanged, as in D^ Gen. iv. 17, SpV Gen. xxv. 26; (Rule iv.) Replace the ending H by l"I ; thus, (1) Hbty? work of (from H^fitt a work); so (2) TT\W field of (from )TJ&y): except ^ mouth of, from M3 a mouth, niH (as well as H^H) friend of, from Hlfl, and a few others. (Rule v.). Replace the ending Jl by TU^; thus, (1) rrflft taw? of (from n^jta) ; (2) n"l^ : company of (from nn??). (Rule vi.) Retain a * (except in the last syllable of the Plural), also a 1 (or), and a *!, unchanged. J * Pt. 1. 21. t These two Examples (I) and (2) belong to different classes. See the Section on Nouns in Pt. II. X There is sometimes, however, a change owing to the removal of the accent [Pt. I. 55 (9, b.)] A word * i. c.' ( 53) is often deprived of Tone-accent, and joined to the following word by Makkeph (") [Pt. I. 37 (2)]. 36 nouns < i.e./ 56, 57. (B.) Of words Mi-Pel, i.e., whose Penultimate is their Tone-syllable [Pt. I. 42], (Eule vii.) Those of the form hv%, ^?, or *?$>, 7^5, or 7^9, bVB* or 75?b f (i.e., whose last two vowels are either , , or , | , or I, , or ), undergo no change when ( i. c' ( 53). (Rule viii.) Those of the forms (i) 7)3, and (2) 7?, are changed in the manner seen in the following words; (1) ^D midst /"(from *SplJ midst); and (2) yV eye of (from \\V an eye). (C.) (Eule ix.) Plurals ending in & , and Duals in 0? , always replace these endings by * , when * i. c.' 53 ; thus, (1) *y& songs of (from D^# songs); (2) *3^3 sto? 0/ (from D\5yi3); (3) jj(f eye* /(from DJ^p); (4) TJ hands of (from D\T). 57. (a.) As seen in some of the Examples in 56, and those in 52, there may be two of the changes (above-mentioned) at once. (/3.) Example (2) in 52 offers a means of introducing an important further change that is often necessitated by Rule i. ( 56), as may be seen thus. The removal of the vowel from the ]} of *"!Dtf, and the replacing it by a Moving Shva [ 56, Rule i.], necessitates some change that there may not be two Moving Shvas together (which must not ever be, Pt. I. 22, Note *). The first of the two Shvas is, in such a case, always made to adopt a ' Slight- vowel ' form [Pt. I. 56] . And, since a Moving Shva beneath J? takes a Compound form [Pt. I. 24], * But t3>p truth (according to the best opinions) Ps. Ix. 6, has DtPp truth of Pr. xxii. 21 (which is merely a slightly shortened form). t Thus we may introduce the use of B for First Root-letter,' and V and 7 for 1 Second ' and * Third Root-letters ' respectively ; thus, "Dl is said to be of the form bjJB, T)j?10 of the form ?VB, etc. This will be fully explained by-and-by. nouns, 5759. 37 the particular form for the ' Slight-vowel ' here, is determined by the following general Rule : N.B. A 'Slight-vowel 9 before a Compound Shva mostly agrees with this latter in form. Here, the beneath the J? in T\^V)i being replaced by , the ' Slight- vowel ' to be given (instead of the beneath the ) is ; and so we obtain the form npl? given in 52 (the Pi being changed into JV-j in accordance with Rule v. 56). (7.) Similarly, from the Plural DH51 words 39 GO* we have the Construct form **}% For, the removal of the Penul- timate vowel (viz., the beneath the 3), by Rule i. of 56, necessitates the appearance of a * Slight- vowel ' form for the beneath the 1, in order that there may not be two Moving Shvas together [Pt. I. 22, Note(*),and 56], [Obs. A -7 (Short- Kherik) may be considered as the common form for a Slight-vowel,' and as the form to be given when there is no reason for adopting some other Short-vowel. See also Pt. I. 56, Note (f).] 58. The Classification of Nouns, for the changes of form which many of them undergo when receiving Affixed additions, is a somewhat long and difficult subject with which it is unad- visable to trouble the Student at present. Sufficient help will always be given in the Notes to the Exercises. The general subject must be dealt with elsewhere. There is, however, one application of 54 (II.) which is of such very great importance for understanding vowel-changes in all parts of the Language that it ought to be mentioned at once, viz. : 59. A word, when increased in length by the appendage of an additional syllable, generally drops (if it can* drop) and replaces by Shva Moving that vowel which would else stand NEXT BUT ONE BEFORE, Or TjHRDf FROM THE ACCENTED vowel of the word. * See 55. t [Reckoning from left to right, and from the Accented Vowel inclusively.] Obs. If this vowel cannot be dropped ( 55), the preceding vowel is generally dropped, if there be one, and if it can be dropped. Sometimes the succeeding one. 38 nouns, 59. This will be more easily understood by an Example or two. Thus: (a-) ^5*7 a wor d> on receiving the appendage ti* as the mark of the Plural, drops the beneath the 1 and takes the form* E^JJR ( tne ~ beneath the *1 being reckoned First, the beneath the H is Second, and the beneath the 1, if not dropped, would be Third). So, as may be seen in the Declen- sion of this word with Pronoun- Affixes [Table IX.], the form for 'his word 9 is ljjft (not 1*0*7, ^he of the *n being dropped as said above). And so all through the Singular of Table IX. (/?.) The Hebrew forms for 'his words, 9 'her words, 9 etc., are from D" r '"0' T T words : and there is no vowel Third before the Accented vowel. But (7.) When we come to the Hebrew for * their (m.) words, 9 the analogy of the preceding words might lead us to expect under the 2. Here, however, the Accent being on the DTI, the (if it were to appear under the 3) would be ' Third 9 (before the Accented vowel reckoned as First). It is therefore dropped, as above, and replaced by Shva Moving. But this necessitates the appearance of a ' Slight-vowel ' instead of the Moving Shva beneath the ^ [Pt. I. 56} . And is the form which it adopts [ 57 Obs.] . (o\) The same holds in the Hebrew forms for * their (/.),' ' your (m.), 9 and ' your (f.) words -f (and for the corresponding parts of Tables IV. and X. f 1 6) But in the ease of ' our words, 9 the Accent of the word being on the syllable *% the of the !3 is retained it does not come under the Rule of T 59. Thus we have }J*35* ! ! our wora *s. Similarly for the corresponding forms in Tables IV. and X. (1 6}. * See 39 (y). t The Pronoun-Affixes for 3 pi. ih. and /., and 2 fL fh. and /., are by many called the Heavy Affixes.' The Accent 6f the Word is on these Affixes. [To face p. 38.] Summary of 39-59 (a) The mark for Masc. Plu. is D* ; and (/3) this D* is replaced by * ' in Construction.' (7) The mark for the Fem. Sing, is Jl-^r ; and (&) this H is replaced by H in * Construction. , (e) The mark for the Fem. Plu. is HI or fi ; and (? ) this termination is unchanged ' in Construction.' (77) The mark for the Dual is D* ; and (0) this D* is replaced by * ' in Construction.' (c) For changes of form of Nouns ' i.e.' see 56 & 57. (k) For a Great Rule of ordinary change of form, see 59. [To face r. 39 ] Index foe Nouns with Peon.-Affs. (a) For Nouns which do not change, see Tab. V. (/3) For Nouns ending in ft which change only the ending, see Tab. VI. (7) For Nouns like ^^tt which drop the penult. , see Tab. IX. (8) For Nouns like (a) StfS & b*J, (b) SlTlS (& ^Mfc) & S^S, (c) n^S & PDlte, see App* (a), T (b), & (c) to Tab. IX. (e) For Nouns in , or , or , or in ~. r , or , see Tab. X. () For Nouns in , or , see Tab. XI. (rj) For Nouns (fern.) corresponding to those (masc.) in Tabs. X & XI, see Tab. XII ; (cp. 66-69). (0) For (i) SK, (2) m, (a) T\% (4) J5, ( 5 )rD, (e) fi|), see Tab. XIII. (t) For Nouns in p| , see p. 44. [Note. (i) For HK (or HN) mark of the ' Definite Object/ see p. 43 (e-h). (ii) For some words before which the 'Def. Art/ Jl must not be placed, see 73.] nouns, GO- 62. 39 60. Some Nouns with , as H3* for example, are not of the same form as TJKL and must not be declined like it as they do not drop the of their first letterf [See 55] . 61. (.) The Declensions of Table X. (1 6) are all the same in character. Such a word as *Tpf2 Table X. (1), and "HJ Table X. (2), is said to be of < 6-point' form, and T$! Table X. (%) of < 5-point ' form. $ ' (15.) The - of }^J, and the - - of TRJ [Table X. (4 and 5)] , are because of the guttural letter J?. So the in PD? a sacrifice, and the in Yu2 oppression, because of T\. [But we may have two Segols, though the word has a guttural, as in EH/ bread, etc.] (7.) So JD^ fulness, 3rn breadth, are of the same Declen- sion as Tw length [Table XI.] : the replacing -^ because of the guttural letter. N.B. All words like the Nouns in Tables X., XI., have their Accent on the penultimate, in the ' Absolute ' Singular. 62. The Declension- vowel ' (as it may be called) is seen to be (i.) for the < 6-point' Noun in Table X (1), and (ii.) for the < 6-point ' (as also for the ' 5-point ') Noun in Table X (). (iii.) Some words, as HjIJ, p7^] (for instance), have for their < Declension-vowel ' : thus H31 pjfl, faM* etc., wlj, ffi?Q> 'RW' etc * ^ e terms , 'vr, du. DJ9#, [>;-, ^ v^, rjDjpi^ (3) ^ [p. : HJJ] an ornamenf, 1HJJ, Plu. D^g ; (4) *jfq [p. : ^vp] Mf. v?n, etc. , (y.) (l) ^n [p. J ^h] adbtes* i^n, etc., Plu. bfoj (2) \?g [p. : *Sf] apctfow, V}J>, etc. (5.) From ^3 fry y|3 a vessel, etc., ^73 % (m.)..., the Plural is D$3 [L c. ^3],' 5, Vb.., Oj$| ; " " 64. In 63, the * Construct* Singular is the same as the Absolute.' 65. The ' Slight-vowel ' for the ' Construct State ' of the Plural ( 57, %), and for the Plural Noun with the Affixes for the 3 & 2 pi. (m.)& (/.) ( 59% 8), is the same generally as the 'Declension-vowel* of the Noun. Thus the in *5/5> the - in DrVj^n, the - inM^TIJ, *$J, etc. See Table X. 66. The Feminine Noun in Table XII. 1, corresponds with the Masculine Noun in Table X. 1 ; and so the Femi- nines in Table XII. 2, 3, with the Masculines in X. 2, 5. This observation is important as helping to understand the forma- tion of the Feminine Plurals. Thus, from T?p a king, and M3 /fo a queen (the latter agreeing in form with the Declension- forms of the Singular in Table X. 1), we have the kindred Plurals D\5% kings, HpS? queens. So from >32 a lamb (m.), PlfcO? [and P!fc>53] a lamb (/*.), we have the Plurals vy^\m.), r\wif(f.). 67. Feminine Nouns of this class that have no correspond- ing Masculine kindred-form follow (as might be expected) the law of those that have. Thus, from PlHS^ a woman-servant, we have the Plural Hin^ (formed after the analogy of an imaginary Masculine Plural D\H^ from the imaginary Sin- gular T\gBh< nouns, 6870. 41 68. Similarly there are some Feminine Nouns (with the ending Ft- ) corresponding to Masculines of the form Yl-tf Thus UXJl might (m.) and F!&tt* iw>A* (/.), the latter agreeing in form with the Decl.-forms of the Singular in Tab. XI. And so !Tjh drought, aridity, desolation, Fl!!nn f desolation. The Plural of this latter is nil'lH, the Feminine form analogous to an imaginary Masculine D^J^n. 69. (,.) The Declension of FlFl# with Pron. AS. is the same as that of T\*hfo in Tab. XII. 1, with instead of the under the first letter there ; thus ( nrw ( WW* , thy(ro.)J , his ( innQ^ [ujoman -servant]. 1 VrfnSty [woman-servants]. etc. etc. etc. (ft) The Declension of a word of the form H^H with Pron. Affixes is of corresponding form, but with (6, K. Kh.) instead of the under the ti in Table XII. 1; thus from riMn wisdom, we have \r : t * ^511 my wisdom, 'rjnftSfi, thy (m.)..., ^H^?0 ** an< ^ from MtaTp desolations (i. c. rtTTl), VJlhlH &*, O'^IC 1 for.., ^!p5nn % (/.).., Dn^nhnn Vmr (*).. . ' 70. Besides the accented ending Ft of 40, there is an ending Fl unaccented which is not a mark of Feminine Gender, but merely gives a varying equivalent form for some words; thus 77 and Twh ?iight, and so FlH^Ft Ps. cxvi. 15 N.B. Sometimes the Declension-form of the Noun is used in this case, as tTflj&landof, Is. viii. 3 ( = J^N:), and TVjfljfc earth (Pause form) Job xxxiv. 13, and xxxvii. 1. * The under the V is o, K. Kh. f The under the n is seen to be 8, K. Kh. by Pt. I. 55 (5 and 10 a.). X A. Noun of a-Decl., 62. 42 nouns, 7172. 71. (i.) There is another unaccented ending H which is of frequent occurrence, signifying to, towards, into ; thus P*]?n Hebron, 7\Y\2V\ to Hebron, ij) north, POS northwards ; tT\p east, T\ET\p eastwards. (ii.) This J"I to, towards, into may be. attached to (&.) a Noun having the definite T\; thus, JVSPI ^0 house, niVSn eWo ^e house, and (/5.) a Noun in the State of Construction; thus, 1V3 house o/,njH3 r\WZ into-[the']-house-of Pharaoh. (iii.) Sometimes the Declension-form of the Noun is adopted for this, as n^^X * earth-wards (p. ffipij) ; and so !3j1J [of e-Decl.] south, HS^J southwards ; etc. 72. N.B. There being no < Genitive,' < Dative,' < Accus- ative ' or < Ablative ' Cases in Hebrew, the < of,' < to,' * from,' etc., are expressed by other means : (a.) The ordinary ' of ' of connection is expressed by the < State of Construction/f 52 ; (b.) The < to,' of relation, is expressed by the prefix S of 4; (c.) < From ' is expressed by the prefix of 5, or by the full Preposition \ti; (d.) The context alone can determine when an Indefinite Noun is used Objectively, as the word man twice in " and he saw A man, an Egyptian, smiting a man, a Hebrew " [Ex. ii. 11], where the word fc^tf a man has nothing to mark it as e Objective ' ; but (e.) The Particle T\H (or "JlK) is a mark of the < Definite * Also to or towards land-of, frequently; [from Y^$> V- 41 +] bs. The context alone can decide, sometimes, between the H of 70 and 71. t The of =from, out of, is expressed by the Prefix D of 5, or by jD. [Ju. xiii. 2, 1 S. i. 1, etc.]. nouns. 7273. 43 Object; thus in "and he smote the Egyptian" [Ex.ii. 12] we have 1 "1V^D"^^ tht Egyptian (Accus., or < Objective'). So in God created [DVjBfo HK] t* heavens, [pNH HKV] awe? ^e earth" [Gen. i. 1], we have HN before "the heavens" and before " the earth" marking them as < Objective.' (f.) This mar 7c of the < Definite Object ' is not always expressed, and then the context alone can determine whether the Definite Noun is c Objective' or not; thus, "And they spoiled [TJ?n] the city" [Gen. xxxiv. 27]. (g.) This DNI (or "HNI) may stand before a Definite < Ob- jective' word (i.) which has the ' Definite Article' [ 6]; (ii.) the < Proper Name ' of a person or place, as Noah, Job, Ruth, Athaliah, Makheda, Babylon, etc. ; (iii.) in Construc- tion, as in " and he took [*3PJ - nX] [the] elders of the city, and he taught [^3X HNI] [the] men of Succoth " [Jud. viii. 16]; (iv.) having a Pron. Affix attached to it, as in "they took [DJKXTlK] their flock," etc. [Gen. xxxiv. 28]. (h.) This Htt (or "JIN) may also stand before *")$&$ used Objectively for < that which* or e him, thee, them (etc.), who'*, and in a few other cases to be mentioned elsewhere. 73. Obs. The H for the < Def. Art.' must never be placed before (1) a Noun N nKV] and that-which [was] in the city, ["IPK'nKl] and that which [was] in the field, they took" [Gen. xxxiv. 28]. t A few instances may be cited to the contrary (which must be mentioned elsewhere), but this great Rule of 73 must always be observed in Compo- sition. 44 NOUNS, 74, notes (a.) TO (d.). 74. More must be said on the Nouns elsewhere [Pt. II.]. but the following Notes may be added here. Note (a.) It need scarcely be said that a Noun, such as HVl spirit, for instance, having Furtive-Pathahh to its last letter, must drop the Furtive-Pathahh on receiving any Affix; thus, fiiPlVl (Plu.), and so IPIVI his spirit, ^HVl my..., etc. (5.) Nouns ending in Pi drop the PI on receiving Affixes; thus from TH& afield (i. c. TXip) the Declension is my ,. (("OTIS' his vrifeM V T field. her ptom VTT / Nouns ending in Pi generally take the Affix form *lPU- for , tSgtM^, etc.] From H^fiS <* wor (i. c. Plb>$)D), Plu. D\^5 (i. c. *W&), we have the Plural Declension my wa our OTO thy your c/o TITO l(/o B1TO his her 1TO vt -;- rrfewa their 1 ) works. (i.c.\i ( * UTliV, struct' forms are rD%, TtyPfifo, HM^D, respectively, and the Declension-forms are ifippft??, StT>Wfofo, 1fiM*]ft, etc. (h.) The Plurals of such Nouns are from the H form ; thus, from H/jri/P and fi&p ?9 W( f> ^ aii ^ e (of which the Declension is of the form of Ifi&ri/ft), the only Plural is V T J (*.) No separate Table is needed for Nouns ending in H which drop the Penult, vowel of their Absolute form ; thus, iT$* an assembly, i. c. ]T# ( 56, i.), w. affs. *p^ Jfl"^ etc. (&.) Table XIII. (1 6) gives the Declensions of some special Nouns, viz., [1] 1$ a father, [2] fiK a brother, [3] IV| tes may be considered to be contracted from DHW and \jp& With these latter the Plural words DrPW and fJP3ft? in Tab. V. (ii.) correspond, as DD^TK* and j^T^ {your m., and your f. songs) in Tab. V. (ii.) correspond with DDT^ and \yy>V) (your m., and your f., song) in Tab. V. (i.). This being so, the analogy between the Affix-forms in Tab. V. (i.) and those in Tab. V. (ii.) i. e., for the Sing, and the Plu. Noun respectively, is seen to be complete. (r.) Similarly \n Tab. VI. (i.), the words DTVVlJ"! and jJVJft may be considered to be contracted from DniYYlfl and jnrnip). (s.) The before the Affixes D2" and j!T in the Tables is, of course, Shva gloving, because there is no Dagesh Lene in the 3, Pt. J. 55 (4). (t.) N.B. There is before the D3 and the }5t instead of in the corres- ponding places of the other words in these Tables (and in D?T your rm.) hand, from T a hand, w. Affixes 1*1* his.., etc.). Owing to the stress and emphasis on these Affixes, the earlier parts of the words having them are shortened as much as possible. The Short-vowel followed by the Shva Moving admits of rapid moving NOUNS, 74, NOTES (t.) TO (W.). 47 on to the final syllable, on which the stress and emphasis is laid. There could not be Shva in the place of this Short vowel, because of the Shva following it. So,. too, in the DHrnjn and fgJTTto, from which Dniin and JlTVin may be considered to be contracted, Tab. VI.' (i.), and in DiT^ and \\p^\ from which D"^ and pll may be considered to be contracted, Tab. IX. (i.). (w.) There is a not unfrequent contraction of the forms DiTlTnin and jrVflVTin into Dn'lTin and jn'VTlR This is for the sake of shortness. {w.) The form Bgfe? is i c' the same (viz. tD&2^), Plu. D*pB*K> (i.e. H9&&). Exercise XIII. (To he translated into English.) 6 rnv * t 5 rtsnan 2 ^8 t 4 a*?)^ 3 $)* : 2 ai^a + ; : |avt : : -; t t : t :**rtef? TtoSBto M * 25 N3 24 nn 17, a 23 nirrt i 22 Ti:nW? .... - | v t : t: t : : t : 33 hx "hri S2 r\ym) n% m "*mbti :**&* "Triad? - : - t t t at t : : - : t t J v : : 39 *3 : 5 pxn 38 w 3j1 ?:d l " 36 na "^3 t 34 Tnny I v t t : - t t: v I : - J v mim^n 44 ni!)S;b& "rrfatf "TrfiM wn : 4i ta 40 Di^n t-: t : : - - -:- t : ^ :: t t -:- + *BTrtwa :*ehn 13V r 4 wi*& t 47 btt 46 Hny 37 b r v tj - t t : -: - v i~ t : 55 rtpSn 54 T&b> : 83 D^ + 52 rvin3 n^j : 50 J^ 48 ^ 1 See p, 385. * Table X. (1). 3 D*J days. 4 n)B> year. 5 pK earth a land, a country (see page 25 (Note 4), Plu. ni^HK). 6 rn# a company. 7 T2K a strong one. T\\T$2 pits. 9 slime. 10 Zion.' 11 not. 12 let them be slack. 13 -p a hand (Dual ti\T). u &1?3 a wing (Dual D*M3). 15 a dove# 16 Tab. IX. 17 Tab. XIII. (6) M a wise' man. 19 a lamp. 26 ^|J a foot (Dual 0&}lJ. 21 and light. 22 nyn? a path. 23 H113 a free-will offering. 24 be pleased with, accept. 25 I pray. 26 tDQ^D a judgment. 27 teach Thou me. 28 HIV'P a commandment. 29 I have longed, had a great desire. 30 I thought on. 31 ip^i a way. 32 and I made to return. 33 to. 34 j-j-jy a testimony (the of this word cannot be dropped). 35 Seek ye. 36 See Exerc. IX. Note 15. 37 >3 all (73 when unaccented). 38 )ty a meek one. 39 for, because. 40 jiy iniquity. 41 they have gone into captivity. 42 and they shall know. 43 m'ny service. 44 fOPDD a kingdom. 4 5 they shall be ashamed. 46 12V a worshipper. 47 a graven image. 48 nt^JJD a work. 49 a workman, smith. 50 nothingness. W a grave, sepulchre. 52 opened. 53 jHH a throat. 54 D*nEK> lips. 55 smooth- * 56 (i. & ix.). + 59. t 74 (*.). 56 (ix, 4). 48 t - | v: v t : -t - : 70 n^ :"tid\ 68 ^fc# 67 tsn nj :"*tt# ^^ l7 Drv$ t]&h M T * 74 \vn|fl ! 73 m ni^n , n ^?wp w ffi : 81 ^nj5 "Dg^ w% l?K3j?3 78 ^T! n fl*J 87i ?2 76 W?rni 87 ^a 1 * + *p* t 84 ^^ rtrj&t? 83 Dnfc "^||?i 69 -n5b "^ "fe W ^S? * 48 vfe^& 37 ^5 "Tpni ryt* ffcfil 9, d^x 86 n# cr6 "|tfa + nps} ness, flattery. 66 Esau. 57 (with the preceding word) < do nof gather* 58 qj; with. 69 sinners. 60 B^J a soul. 61 74 Note (/.). 62 blood. 63 Qn life (a Plural form). 64 wickedness. 65 hath spoken. 66 vanity. 67 incline Thou. 68 DV?^ heavens (Dual form). 69 an d rnayest Thou come down. 70 send forth. 71 niN 'light. 72 n truth (with afif. WDX. his.., etc.). 73 sna ll guide me. 74 .nQ a ransomed one. 75 shall return. 76 an d 1 w ill have mercy upon. 77 See T Tab. Xin. (3). " i sra el. 79 an a I wiU be jealous, so D> a name, (the same 'i.e.'). Obs. 'The-Name-oj '-My -holiness' here = My Holy Name. 81 BHp holiness. 82 And I will collect. 83 Tab. III. (1). 84 yjfa an enemy. 85 Righteous. 86 an d Gracious. 87 ]*% an eye (Dual D^jg). 88 Tab. IV. (1). 89 look with hope. 90 giving. 91 pafc food. y2 i n its season. Exercise XIV. (To be translated into Hebrew.) * # * For the plan of the Exercise see 11 ( ju). Accor ding-to 1 the word 2 of Elijah. 8 The man* with- whom-is-My-word (Hebr., who My word 2 with 5 him). And- I-will-put 6 My words 2 in his mouth. 7 The words 2 of wise- men 8 and their riddles. 9 As 1 the flesh 10 of our brethren 11 [is] our flesh. 10 Thy (m.) bone 12 and thy flesh 10 [are] we. Your (m.) bone 12 and your flesh 10 [am] I. And-as-for-me 1 3 the Prefix. 2 -^ a WO rd. W$$ * V% 6 fiK Tab. III. 2. 6 1$^. ? Tab. XIII. 6. e D pn (s.) T . riTn (.). w -1^3 Tab. IX. Tab. XIII. 2. M D$> 49 (Hebr., and I) my prayer 13 [is] to your (m.) God " according- to l your words. 2 For 15 great-is-His-Mercy-towards-us (Hebr., mighty -hath-been over n us His Mercy). Thy (m.) Counte- nance 19 make-Thou-to-sbine 20 upon 21 Thy servant. 22 Many 23 [are] my persecutors 24 and my enemies. 25 Let-my-supplication- come-before-Thee (Hebr., let-come 26 my supplication* 7 to Thy Presence 1 *). I-will -extol- thee, 28 my God, M O* King 29 ; and- I-will-bless 30 Thy Name 31 for-ever-and-ever. 32 His praise 33 shall-speak 34 [viz.] my mouth 7 ; and-shall-bless 35 [viz.] all- flesh 36 His-Holy-Name (Hebr., the Name of His Holiness* 7 ) for-ever-and-ever. 32 Tab. X. (1). 13 n^Sn. W &>r6x (a Noun of Plural form). 15 *3. 16 m 17 $g. 18 1DH Tab". X. (1). 19 Q^f (a Noun of Plural form). 20 -^n. 21 3 the Prefix of' 4. 22 iny Tab. X. T (l). 23 Q^n. MQ^lH 25 T -|tf (*.). 26 KnR 27 n|np). 28 ^pphX. 29 rtw 30 nyja^. 31 Q> (i. c. the same), with affix to# Vw... f etc* ' 32 Tjj bjw?. 33 n^nri. ' 34 i^t. 35 fQ% 36 -)g>f i>|. 37 jjfrjk Tab. XI. l.ll 1* See 74 T (w.). ' ' + See Tab. XIH, Note (, a). 50 SECTION VIII. Nouns-Adjective. 75. There being no < Cases' in Hebrew, and no Gender- forms for other than Masculine and Feminine, we have only four forms to consider, viz., those for the Masculine and the Feminine in (1) the Singular, and (2) the Plural.* N.B. Adjectives should agree with their Substantives in Gender and Number. 76. The forms referred to in 75 are the usual Noun- forms, having the termination D* for the Masc. Plural ( 39. 08), and H_ for the Fern. Sing. ( 40), and Ph- (or rC-) for the Fern. Plu. ( 41). Thus, for instance, TB beautiful. (iii.) (ii.) fem. %i we masc. '9K little. masc. fern. It #!| l : el great. 00 fem. IT , 31tp Sing. tmno ,DniD piu. good. 77. Adjectives may be used { i. c.'; thus, [Dan. i. 4] " Children.. .[*31tD] good-of appearance;" [Gen. xxiv. 16] " the damsel was [Mb] goodly -of appearance ;" and so || yi? (Sing, m.) great-of, T\^\ (Siug. m.) and T\%\ (Sing. /.) beautiful-of, etc^T 78. The proper place for the Hebrew Adjective is after * There are no Dual forms for Adjectives proper. f For the two forms 1 and 2- for the same vowel, see Pt. I. 13. t For the removal of the vowel that would be Third before the Accented vowel (reckoned as First), see 59. The last of \Q\) is replaced by followed by Dagesh Forte, on the 3's receiving a vowel. Cp. Tab. IX. (/3). [Of the more common word jb,? little, there is no other form except only \0\> (i. c.) 2 Chr. xxi. 17.] || And "bnil (when followed by Makkeph, Pt. I. 37), in which word the - is 8. This, in Pr. xix. 19, is Kri for b"\i Kthiv [Pt. I. 74. 3]. In Na.i. 3, Ps. cxlv. 8, the ) of ?1"l J there * written * is superfluous.* IT There are also the following forms (Masculine), 123 'i. c' IJf, pi. D*J3} 4. C gj|j so, fr. Xfa DJ}$| i c. $; etc. ADJECTIVES, 7881. 51 its Noun-Subst.*; thus, !$9 #W a good man (lit., a man good), PITH} PlfeSW a great woman, D y^Jl D*D? #rajtf tfi$v, rtfij flV^n? beautiful virgins. 79. Sometimes Participles are used as Adjectives ; as in ntDS DJ? a confident (or careless) people, "\TT\^2 $X # burning fire, DH5?5 E^}*$ burning men, fiiHIfcpS flfajl careless daughters.% 80. With Dual Nouns-Subst., Adjectives (and Participles used as such) take Plural forms ; thus D^HH D*5$ ^^^ heavens, ThEl D*T &?#& hands, U^uTl DJHS&y flaming lips, ribfS WT\i failing knees. 81. If the Noun-Subst. is 'Definite' either (1) having the * Def. Art./ or (2) having not that Prefix because it is < i. c' (| 73), or (3) having a Pron. Affix, the Ad- jective follows the Subst., and receives also the < Def. Art. ; * (i.) There may be more than one Noun Subst. referred to by one Adjective ; thus, u good statutes and judgments," would be D^ID D^S^E-1 D^jpn (lit. sta- tutes and judgments good "). (ii.) In a few instances, an Adjective before a Subst. is supposed to qualify that Subst.: this must not be in Composition. t This is a not unfrequent form of the Feminine Participle instead of JT1JJ3; see hereafter. X (i.) There may be several Adjectives (or Participles used as such) one after another, following the Subst. ; thus, [Gen. xli. 23] " ears withered, thin, and blasted," etc. (ii.) In a few instances two Adjectives of different Gender refer to the same Subst. ; thus, [1 K. xix. 11] pT.ni PITHS 11-11 a wind great (/.) and strong (m.), the < wind,' being without life, cannot be said to have any * Gender ' really. (i.) There may be more Adjectives than one so following the 'Definite' Sub- stantive, and having each of them the Prefix il for the Definite Article'; thus, " the high and fenced walls," would atand thus, the walls the high-ones and the fenced-ones." So " the high and fenced walls of a city " would stand thus, walls of a city the high-ones and the fenced ones ;" and so, thy high and fenced walls " is thy walls the high-ones and the fenced-ones " (Deut. xxviii. 52). (ii.) A few instances might be cited in which an Adjective not having the Pref. n is rendered by many as an Adjective qualifying a 'Definite' Substantive. Suffice it to say here, that such a form of expression must never be used in Composition. 52 ADJECTIVES, 81 82. thus, %)tein ^?^ THE 9d wor d Q^-t the word the good), DTWSO *TH **S?^ THE ^ *wfo 0/ i)flCT'(/ (lit., words-of David the last-ones), PlTHiin *tt!p my e/Jer daughter (lit., my daughter the great-one), D^Pl DPP3T3 tfter Sac? ways (lit., ^eer ways the bad). N.B. When the Adjective after a < Definite ' Suhstantive has not the Prefix H for the f Definite Article,' the Adjective generally serves as a f Predicate.' See below 83, etc. 82. Hebrew Adjectives have no (1) * Comparative ' or (2) ' Superlative forms. An Adjective of ordinary form (i.) followed by JJ? (or by Q, the Prefix of 5) serves in the place of the 'Comparative,' and (ii.) with the Prefix T\ for the < Definite Article,' and followed by S (the Prefix of 4), serves in the place of the f Superlative ;' thus, (i.) nfcpn PP^Kn | ito better than the dead lion (lit., good from, or more than, the dead lion), and ^3&p Dto better than he, Wy^P P^? sweeter than honey, (ii.) D\*Jjy.3 /H^l) the greatest of the Anahim (lit., the great one in, or among, the AnaJcim) ; and so ilJSOM /-H the weakest of Manasseh ; *DK H*35 *VJ?*n the least of the house of my father. N.B. These expressions for (i.) the < Comparative ' and (ii.) the < Superlative' are often used < Predicatively; 9 thus, [Ps. lxiii. 4] D*.rj9 TpTDn ito Thy Grace [w] better than life, and [Judg. vi. 15] " My thousand [is ...3 7IPQ the weakest in Manasseh, and I [am] the least " etc. * If, instead of " David," we had the expression a great king" [yfaj ^/P], we should have for the last words of a great king," D^inxn V'nS ^D ^lin (lit., words-of a king great the-last-ones) ; and if, instead of David," we had the expression the great king," we should have for the last words of the great king," D*pnrj i'n|n sfesn nni. (lit., words-of the king the great-one the-last- ones). _T ADJECTIVES, 8386. 53 83. Hebrew Adjectives are often used ( Predicatively,'* and then some form of the so-called i Substantive Verb ' (or 'logical Copula') is to be supplied; thus, 5S& "H?? 39? and the gold of the land [is] good, *lbti? v\lX ^NHI and the man [was] great exceedingly, Sl2!$ y\~\% Great [is] His Name, ^DH y\0 good [is] Thy Mercy; and so PlfiN p^ Righteous [art] Thou, HJTJ Hlb goodly they (/.) [were], ttnj&t fi^PT] / Ex. iii. 18] (Plur. m\), rripDj; (Plu. /.) ; and' *Vy Egyptian (Sing. m.j| JVJVD (Sing. /.), DnyB (Plu.'m.), rtpV9 (Plu./.)-' ' 90. It seems hardly necessary to say that Comparison,* in the way of Likeness and Similitude is expressed by the Prefix 3 of 4 (or the word 103, 4 Note y); thus, D*yi?K3 |bn sfrowg- as Me oafcs; ^*1D3 Dpn*! J123 intelligent and wise as thou; 13$ to p-lV* 12^ Ais Aear/ [is] firm as a stone. * Somewhat as we say a giant of a man (for a gigantic man), a fool of a man (for a foolish man). t There are some others, as *"IT3tf cruel, and so vySn Gen. xlix. 12. ADJECTIVES, 9193. 55 91. The 3 of Comparison is sometimes used with two words in succession, to express just so much as," or as much the one as the other ; " thus, in [Is. xxiv. 2] "Ob? flip? so with the buyer as with the seller ; so 1D3 in the well- known passage* [Ps. lviii. 10] jiin 1D3 *n IDS as much quick as on fire. 92. (a.) Adjectives (and Participles used as such) may be used concretely ; thus, p^V righteous (m.) for a righteous [man], and HID good (m.) for a good [man or thing] ; [often so (/3.) when Predicative,' and then they need not agree in Gender and Number with the word to which they refer; thus, [Ps. lxxiii. 28] 2)Q $ D*n7g T\Y)p the nearness of God to me [] good (or a good thing); [Ps. lxvi. 3] ^^V.ip &013 '"ID how awful [are] Thy works! etc.]; (y) So [Nu. xxii. 18] to do Httte or great [rk)l\ S& Tl}QQ, lit. a little [thing'] or a great [thing]], and so some give [Pr. viii. 6] 'l will speak excellent -things" (5) Especially the Fern. Plu.; thus, (1) JYlTia great [things] Ps. xii. 4, lxxi. 19, etc., (2) niN7l3 fem&te [tilings] Ps. xlv. 5, cvi. 22, etc.: (e) And Adverbially, as niK-fa fearfully, Ps. cxxxix. 14, etc. 93. Besides the forms of Expressing the 'Comparative' and 'Superlative,' which were mentioned in 82, there are some others which need not be mentioned in a Section on Adjectives. Exercise XV. (To he translated into English) ' * # * For the plan of the Exercise, see 1 1 (a e). :- t^:t: t t - t 12 dv 4 nto rnten 3 hrn n bbb io nn 8 n:n 9 ^i 8 k^ ~ t: TV XT T 1 hath uttered. 2 mv heart. 3 1IH a word^(with Affix ^S^. my word, etc.). 4 niO good (m.), n^B (/.). See Exercise IX. Note 2. ^for ever. 7 IDp mercy (with Affix ,,J |pn my mercy, etc.). 8 not. 9 hath fallen. 10 one. 11 *?3 all, "^3 when ' unaccented, [Pt. I. 37, 55 (9, &.)]. 12 a day. * Perhaps best known in the rendering, " So let indignation vex him even as a thing that is raw." The words *n alive and ])*\ri hot, or on fire, refer to *Tt3X a thorn or a briar ; the Psalmist seems to express the wish that there may suddenly and utterly fail all the force and fire required for bringing to maturity the plot which his foes are concocting; and this he expresses in figurative language which refers to a storm-blast's sweeping away a fire of thorn-twigs partly quick (i.e., with the sap yet in them) but partly kindled. - f Also a promise; and a matter, a thing. 56 20 art)- 4 mten 19 pan : 4 nten n^n n -b ,8 D^Sy I - T T - I V T T - XT- T V -: *nrta ^ona 25 ^d^ 24 n 2j n^ 22 D^n . tojfe v tt : t : tt I" vx nm -n*m : 82 -)SD& 8l *n& : 30 m& ?*se : 28 i&K xt x x ; x : ; v x ; : 4o^l, wvjjp -on^ 37 ^^ 4 nto 36, ?jk t 85 iniD3 <7 w "nft tfcftn w mni] ** pun rnfjjrji) "tongi 4il ?Kn : w n^n3 rra- -, nsQfa # nr t*o^a # nwi : 48 Dinxi x-- tt xxs- tx t - xt- t: t^ixn fi8 ifc# -r *Ki "tor 65 -na 6 " -^ 8 *6 x : ; . vx: t>D^if 68 D^Ety 6, n^ 60 grit? DDm # 69 ^^i "*$3 64 ^a : 4 ste>n 3 n 55 nx 18 d;>^9 6M nbpni t: : 13 in Thy courts. 14 S)*>K a thousand [p. t *)!?]. 15 f or . 16 D>?n life. 17 there hath come. 18 ^y upon. 19 pK earth/ land (p^H when the 'Definite Article* is prefixed). 20 He gave. 21 a son. 22 w ise- 23 will gladden. 24 a father. 25 $>p3*a fool. 26 ma n, a man. 27 despises. 28 his mother. 29 n-inj a fly. 30 death. 31 Q^p men. 32 number. 33 an d it shall be. 34 oy a people (DVH when the Definite Article* is prefixed). 35 jnb a priest. 36 verily. 37 to IsraeV 38 God. 39 12 pure (Sing, m.) 40 heart. 41 ^ God. * Wj great. 43 KTI3 awful, to be feared. 44 gracious. 45 an d merciful. 46 mv beloved. 47 white (E.V.). 48 an d ru ddy. 49 HQJ beautiful (/.). 50 DW women. 51 rm^> moon. 52 bright. 53 j-jftn sun. 64 wiH forsake. 55 (See Exerc. IX., No. 15). 56 His people. 57 Decause D f. 58 His Name. 59 ana " j w jh redeem. 60 )h\ an arm (/.). 61 stretched out (/.). 62 tfVZf judgments. 63 an d I will establish. 64 Blessed (m.). 65 He that cometh. 66 in [the] Name of. Exercise XVI. {To he translated into Hebrew.) [N.B. The H for the Definite Article* must not be put before a word i.c.' Is, " are," and am," here, are not to be expressed in Hebrew.] * # * For the plan of the Exercise, see 11 ( p). A great ' city. * The great ! city. 2 The city 2 is great. ' Great l cities. 8 The great ' cities. 2 The cities 2 are great. ' 1^113 76 (ii.). n^ a feminine Noun (Plur. DnjJ/.). * The same 'in Construction.' 57 Great ' and goodly 3 cities. 2 The great x and goodly 8 cities. * The cities 2 are great * and goodly. 3 The great l and good 3 prophet. 4 The prophet 4 is good 3 and great. 1 A good 3 and great * prophet 4 he is. The great x and good 3 prophets. A great 1 crown-of 5 gold. 6 Is-not (Hebr., Whether*' not 8 ) her little 9 sister 10 better 11 than she? What 12 is sweeter 13 than honey, 14 and what is stronger 15 than a lion. 16 The greatest of the Anakim. 18 My thousand 19 is the weakest 20 of Manasseh/ 1 and I am the least 22 of the house 23 of my father. 24 The most-beautiful 25 [one] of the women. 26 Thy (/) high 27 and fenced 28 walls. 29 The Glorious 30 and Awful 31 Name. 32 3 n*n 76 a.). 4 twj} (m.). 5 ittij? (/.) 6 nnr. 7 7. s 16 9 ^p T 76 (iii.). 10 Tab. XIII. f (a). Comparative ' of (3). See 82 (i.). 12 ft. 13 piriD sweet. U&2% 15 TJ? strong. 16 n. 17 .Superlative' of (1). See 82 (iL). 18 D*j?$g. 1 9 f(?X Tab. X. (i.) (m).20 ? weak. ft jjfy?. 22 "vy*. 23n>3 Tab. XIlT. (3). '2-iTab. XIII. (i.) 25 r\p) (/.) Q1BJ mj. *D*$) ( 74, m.). 27 nb5 high (Sing, m.) 28 -).^3 fenced (Sing, m.) * 29 n^in a* wall. 30 n -133. 3l&rii:. T 32 DgT Note (a). The phrase ' 'flies of death" (p. 56, No. 29 & 30) stands for "dead flies." \h). The phrase "men of number" (p. 56, No. 31 & 32) stands for "a few men." 58 SECTION IX. Pronouns- Adjective. 94 The Pronouns of Section V. (see p. 28), viz. (I.) lit this (m.), TINT this (/.), n|tf these (m. &/.); (II.) N-in tftat (m.), R*l f/taf (/.), etc., may be used Adjectively thus, this man il-TH E>Wn fAt* woman flN-TH nK'Xn ttae %* * rhxn Dnyan these girls nVi/nnjiin that man fK-inn ^NH ^a/ woman wpo'ntfitri JN7 to these men. fFor the H in N-inn, K\"in, and the H in Diin, etc., see 6 (c, ii.) and Note. J The Nouns to which the this or * Aese,' Maf ' or Mose ' refer being Definite.' But the H is sometimes omitted, thus fcMH n???2 in Ma* nig-M, i"l?tf ^l^ Mese my words. There are some instances in which this Rule is not attended to. It must always be observed in Composition. PRONOUNS ADJECTIVE, 96 98. 59 III. (1) (and in other forms), are sometimes used Neutrally as in Is not it* [K*n] written etc.", Josh. x. 13, It * [in'N] 1 must observe to speak," Nu. xxiii. 12, etc., etc. 03) N.B. Pronouns of the Third Pers. (Tab. I.), stand sometimes where no corresponding Pronoun is required in English, as in These are [DH n?K, lit. these they (are)] the sons of Ishmael," Gen. xxv. 16; Knowest thou not what are these [HpK niOn T\0, lit. what they these]?" Zech. iv. 5. 97. By reason of an Ellipsis of the 'Relative* Pronoun after 'this,' PIT and 1T stand sometimes where a Relative Pronoun is required in English ; thus, [Ps. civ. 8] unto the place [n{] which (E.V.) Thou hast appointed for them." 98. The Prefix .1 of 6, as Defining/ or Marking,' or e Pointing out/ that one who, or those who, or that which, and the like, stands sometimes where the Relative Pronoun is required in English ; thus, [Gen. xxiv. 43] " the damsel [nX*n] who cometh out (lit., the-one-coming-ouf) and to whom I shall say, etc." Cp. Gen. xix. 15, Deut. viii. 14 16, Josh. x. 24, etc. [N.B. Henceforth the following words need not be given in the Notes to the Exercises: ?X not (generally deprecatively). DK (fflK), see Exercise IX. 15. J te (t^f) all. \h not. V For n -t, H*fy *($% used 'Absolutely,' see p. 28. Exercise XVII. {To be translated into English.) * # * For the plan of the Exercise see 11 (a ). 1 in'H a word, thing. 2 the covenant. 3 and spake. 4 Moses. e 7 (this varies slightly from the Bible). thou wilt observe. * to do. * the Law. * Cp. 10. f The Makkepk is generally not given in the Exercises. X The Student is supposed to be familiar with the rest of Tables I IV. 60 12 to& ^5 ifcte nrim "Tttffis tn-n io isd!i "D^Mn / ; - : t v -: - t : - v - ...... . %< . - "*$ :wn "njtfrn nSi ^p Kin "JiM&f) *6 "Dfti 2i j?^n *tet njn "frtTjg tj'u "flft)lj : 17 D;ro5n wn 26 ^k nr t 25ta ibx^ wr\r\ "-tfi -spa 1 ? "mim unba ..... .. _ j . . . T . _ . . T Nm : "^rfenp tan t*^ "yax N^n NiSn i^nuai : 8r nxr "^3 :Dnn 19 D*V^n 35 DT^m "nhton :nWi *njn nxr : 8: n^x3 89 nan *a 87 nt5 "ya^ a T T V T T T T W - T : | t : - t v -; - ; t * : - hK "WiSa 48 " 47 ^i t DM i, r i i "D^i** 45 ^^ | v v: t: - t : - t -: t t -; t : no 53 nw*nn j 82 *^ "&md B T4I5 "^n 49 dw t T t : - : | vt t - nftnn 67 D^!i : M nn nr fGftKfc u t& nr *fc jnan t t t- v v: " TV* T 23 jm n^n 45 W^ % 23 ^n "^n* 48 " 69 d*o arm 68 nr^ 64 n*3 na 63 nh5x igta s nn:nn nxr i6fc 3 t 2 *mi *TTf&v s 66 *np % irate nn. "irwi* 65 y^Ji am "W&'a t*f?Nnfe t] : v -: v : t : ^ - t t t - t : t^ara * n*? | : t: t 9 1-1 n!3 written (See 98.) 10 in the Book. n the commandment. 12 commanding thee (m.). 13 to-day. 14 (with the following) too hard for. 15 far off. 16 for. l^nDDII wisdom (the to the fl is 0). 18 has there been? Vftj great ( 76 (ii.)) * 20* r. 21 has there been heard? 22 an d thou shalt tell. T 23 Tab. XIII. (4). 24 tfyi a day. 25 say ing. 26 (?g God. 27 an d I w m glorify Him. 28 Tab. XIII. (1). 29 Who owneth thee {i.e., Whose thou art). 30 nfnjj praise. 31 See Exerc. IX. 66. 32 h a th done. 33 92 (fl, 2). 34 nitf a sign T (Plu. h"inV). 35 flS'lD a wonder. 36 on account of. 37 96. 38 h a th heard. 39 hath seen. 40 njJ counsel (/.). 41 pjjj counselled (.). For the force of the H here, see 98. 42 and according to what (or, and as). 43 1 have counselled. 44 shall stand. 45 Israel. 46 Table X. 6. 47 ana - He will expel (or, pluck away). 48 See Exerc. IX. 2. 49 the nations. 50 94(*). 61 Q^S a face (a Noun of Plu. form.) 52 t^D toyp [by] little [and] little. 53 the former things (/.). 54 coming (Sing. m.). T 55 DHS Edom. 56 in a friend. &? EN?} Plu. of 24. 58 fig time. 59 saith (E.V.). 60 they shall come. 61 Judah. 62 together. 63 I will make (lit., cut). 64 house of. 65 shall be saved. 6e one shall call. (This word, with the to her ' following, signifies she shall be called "). 67 p*l righteousness. 61 Exercise XVIII. {To be translated into Hebrew.) * # * For the plan of the Exercise see 11 ( /z). [Obs. Is and < are,' here, are not to be expressed in Hebrew.] This house. 1 This is the house. In this house. Is-this (Hebr. Whether 2 this f) the house ? That is the house. These are the houses. ' These houses. Those houses. This great 3 house. That great city. 4 In this city. In this great city. This is the great city. These cities. * Those cities. In these cities. From those cities. Who* are these men 5 with 6 thee (m.)? "What* is this (m.) in thy (m.) hand 7 ?, and -he-said, 8 A rod. 9 This (/.) we- will-do 10 to 11 them (m.). Hear-ye 12 this (/. ) 13 priests. u What is this (/.) thou-(/.)-hast-done ,5 ? Is this (/.) Naomi 16 ? Whose-son (Hebr. son of 17 whom *) is this ? Whose daughter 18 is this ? That is the man 19 from whom we-heard 20 these good 21 words. 22 At 23 that time. 2 * In those days 25 1-will-pour-out 26 My Spirit. 27 On 23 that day 28 shall-be- sung 29 this song 30 in the land 31 of Judah. 32 l TV3 (m.), Plu. M3. 2 The prefix of 7. 3 Exerc. XVII. 19. 4 TJ) (/.), Plu. Dnjtf. ' 6D^3K. 6Q T ^. T*n, *!&). 9H^D. i<>nbjtt. 11? prefix. I2.1lijp^. I374(n.). '^D^rfe. isjvby. lenpjtt. 17 ja; fo n? (the same i.c.'j. 19^. 20 .l^yjD^. *2lnb76. i. 22 Exerc. XVII. 1. 23 2 pre fix. 24 nv. (/) 25D^p; Wtjtegfc. 27n-n. n\\ rngv. Mitf*. 31 pa ( 56"vii.). 32 n*l-iri! * See page 29. 62 SECTION X. Numerals. 99. The Cardinal Numbers from 1 to 20 are Fern. Masc. Notation. Construct. Absolute. Construct. Absolute. ftp** tnnx nrtK i IT V .K i. W *5# WW? .3 2. v v : it : .5 3. WT m* . w^ rwa-wi vt t : - .1 4. #pn Man V* T wan v I- -: it -: 71 5. $$ WW I" nw It .1 6. v# n& nw^ .t : .T 7. 7\ti? iv : njb^ .n 8. JJgto W$ to 9. V IV V IV viv -: mfew Itt -: T 10. rrrte wy o x t .. . v .. . - onwnrw o^?^*oo *i&yim JP 11. cnjns w oo nib's; D*lg$ f^W *$ o *fay &p It t * ; J3 12. n^y b6^ IT T T * ; .^ 13. rrjjfif yaha ir t t T ; - *n 14. npfe'v Eton it t t -: . 15. l": v ipy rww m IT T T orV 16. n$^ y?^ it 7 t : .r 17. - l" : v v ; it t t : jrr 18. n* y&rh .T T Ti ' .* 19. (w 1*1 j 20. fin pause i TiflX. * Some few times inK. NUMERALS. 100103. 63 100. The expressions for the Cardinal Numbers from 21 to 29 inclusive, are formed by placing the Cardinal Numbers 1 9 (in their Absolute forms, m. & /.) either before or after D^^y twenty, with 1 prefixed to the Second of the two Numbers; thus, [(nmw) *\m) an&W or] t tPijfl) Op?) [(D W) tf^ft tfnEW or] [(^fp r^p^i Dn&yy or] Qmjp nr nxi trtw or] p^np ngtoni D*ife>y or] p^'p n^] Dnfyy or ] [ 600, nix?? & 700, nix?? njbtf 800, rtKaygto 900" 103. The word for 1000 is S|?K (< i. c* the same), Plu. B$pK thousands (*L c.' ^X). The. Dual D^X (p. JD;)Sx) expresses 2000, By placing the Construct Masculine forms 64 NUMERALS. 103105. [ 99] for S, 4, 5,.. 10, before D^?X (or V 3000, d*|>x iwu? 4000, d^Sx ngton 5000,.. tf7K h^9 10,000,for which, viz. 10,000, we have also HM*! myriad (&' six, we see (in the last Example) HIKf? hundreds (Plu.) ; but after the 600 we see P)^X a thousand (Sing.): after the 3 we see D^K thousands (Plu.) ; and after the 5 we see niXlO hundreds (Plu.). The same may be seen in the Examples of the following 107, and in many others. N.B. There are, however, several examples of Numbers higher than 10 followed by Nouns in the Plural, 107. In expressing time, the Numerals are often divided, as m- njtf Wfyfrl rW niX JJ^fi 930 years [lit., 900 year, and 30 year] Gen. v. 5, T\)& HXttl b*)B> #?n 105 years [lit., 5 years, ^ 100 Q i. a') ymr] ib. 6, fljtf niX mb^l d*J0 J0 807 y Third &T31 *F?\ Fourth f*^ttj Fifth W Sixth onlv used ' u c ' and witn Pron Affixes. NUMERALS. 112114. NOTE (). 67 Lev. vii. 14, xxv. 48, 2 K. iv. 22 (fir*$|0 |& 1HK one of the youths); or by (2) nn m., rinX/., followed by the prefix ft of 5 (or {? /rom, of), as Lev. xiii. 2, VJSDnriK one of his sons, Cp. Lev. iv. 13; or by (S) *irW m., Xin^t /., in direct Construction with the word following, as in D^VlPl *inX one of the mountains [Gen. xxii. [Note. "intf is found as the Absolute form some few times, as Gen. xlviii. 22, 2 S. xvii. 22, etc.]. 113. There is a Noun "flfcty which stands for : (1) ten, as a decad [of days, or months']; also an instru- ment^/ '-ten -strings ; (2) tenth, as tenth day [of a month]. [Note. For several other words connected with the Numerals, as n3>D double, (*8$BJP friptecZ, JttlT and *y2"U?, etc., foursquare), etc., see Pt. II.]. 114. The letters of the Alphabet are used to mark Chapters and Verses [and for the c reckonings' at the end of certain Books] in the ordinary Editions of the Hebrew Bible ; but they are not so used in the Text itself. [Note. (a.) As seen in 99, (a.) the first ten letters in Alphabetical order from K to * stand for the Numbers from 1 to 10 ; and, (/3.) for those from 11 to 19, K to D stand to the left of *; thus, 80 {i.e., 10 and 1) for 11, n* for 12, J* for 13, "P for 14, but tIB {i.e., 9 and 6) for 15. V (or TtS) for 16, t* for 17, IV for 18, W for 19. 3, the eleventh letter, stands for 20; the next letter b for 30J; and so for 40, 3 for 50, D for 60, V for 70, Q for 80, V for 90, p for 100, "1 for 200, W for 300, f\ for 400 [see the Table of the Alphabet in Pt. I.]. * Each of these is a Participle-form, as we shall see. There are some other Ferft-forms. t For, rV are letters of The Name [Pt. I., 79 (2)]. X For the Intermediate Numbers 21 to 29, the letters X to 13 are placed to the left of D ; thus, fcO 21, 2D 22, 3D 23,... TO 25,... DD 29. So for the Numbers between 30 and 40, 40 and 50, 50 and 60, 60 and 70, 70 and 80, 80 and 90, 90 and 100, the letters K to B are placed to the left of b 30, O 40, 3 50,... V 90. Similarly the Numbers between 100 and 200 are expressed by p with the letters for 1 to 99 [in descending order of magnitude from right to left ; thus TDp 167. And so the Numbers between 200 and 300, 300 and 400, etc., etc. 68 NUMERALS. NOTES (b.) TO (d.). (b) For 500, 600, etc., to 900, either two or more letters (together making up the sums) are used, or the Final Letters *| for 500, D for 600, | for 700, P| for 800, f for 900. Then (beginning again) X with some mark (thus, 'tf) was used for 1000. (c.) Since the 22 letters of the Alphabet, with the 5 final letters, together give Twenty-seven forms of figures, we have three groups of 9 letters each, X to D for units, * to V for tens, p to f for hundreds. [This is mentioned in the Masoreth ha-Masoreth of Elias Levita ; see Dr. Ginsburg's ed., with Translation and Notes, p. 136], (d.) There is a very common mode of expressing Numbers by means of a word or expression, of which the letters (or certain selected letters) make up the Num- ber. For instance, in a certain well known place, the letters of the word j^PI (i.e., PI 5 + J 50 + Y 900) stand for 955 ; those of the word Jn (i.e., 8 + 3) for 11; those of the word W (i.e., 10 + 3 + 10 -f 4) for 27, etc.; and those dotted in D$W YDS KDD (i.e., V 6 + 1 4 + M0 + 3 50 + n 8 + * 10 + i> 30 + D 40) stand for 158. Obs. The Final letters do not always stand for hundreds: thus D in the last example stands for 40, not 600.] *** ^ special Exercise need be given on this Section. 69 SECTION XI. Verbs. (I.) Voices. 115. The Hebrew Verb has Seven Voices. The Outline fobms of these may easily be remembered by means of Seven well-devised names for them which we will try to explain : 116. (.) Most Hebrew words are reducible to three ' Root'-letters (as they are called), and (A) Def. These three letters, in their proper order, stand for what is called the Root ' of the word : (y.) Thus, (1) of Onyi [words], the Root is the set of letters "OT, (2) of n3 bw? [to the queen] the Root is *| ?D ; etc. 117. The Verb being contemplated as expressing Action, Past, Present, or Future, the Hebrew name for it is 7SB from the Root T^D (which expresses acting, working, etc.). These three letters /JJS are used as representatives of Root-letters generally, 5 for 'First Root-letter,' JJ for 6 Second Root-letter/ and 7 for < Third Root-letter.' Thus in ll**, 1 is the B, 3 is the V* ^ is the 7 ; so in iWD, the B is the 3, the b is the jf, the *] is the h.*] 118. The < 3 s. m.' of the Past Tense, in all the Seven Voices of the Fullf Verb, has no letters besides those which either belong to the Root or are Characteristic of the Voice. Hence these < S s. m.' forms of the Past Tense in the several Voices, when expressed in the general form by the letters 7 J? 3, may be said to give the general Outline * As in Note t to Rule vii., 56 (p. 36, above) n3?D is of the form TVV.$; D3i?D (having a B Preformative) is of the form 7^SD. So the two Nouns in 74 (e) (a), are of the forms rhySfi, T^llpR; and the three in 74 (e.) (i) are of the forms 7^3, H?^S, nVjJS, respectively. t The term Full ' is here used of a Verb which, in all its forms, has its Three Root-letters each of them in Full Consonantal value, and so has its whole Root folly brought out always. [We should prefer the term Complete,' if we might use it in this sense]. The term * Regular Verb ' is often used for this. 70 VERBS. VOICES. 118119. forms of the several Voices. For instance, of the Koot *tpfi, the Seven forms of the Past Tense 3 s. m. are : (D) Reflexive. >3nn(vii.) (C) Causative. Tpan (v.) npfjn (vi.) (B) Intensive. TJ53 (iii.) ,153 (iv.) (A.) Simple. *1j2D (i.), Active ) "lpJ (ii.), Passive jco 119. (i.) This will perhaps he more clear if we put 1, , and 3, for the First, Second, and Third Koot-letters ; thus, 3 .?i^ ( vii 3*21H (v.) 321 (Hi.) ,321 (i.) m fir.) 321H (vi.) /321 (i v# ) ,3213 (ii.) J (ii.) Or, with , J?, and 7, instead of 1, 2, and 3, 1 ?\ y$&i (vi.) ?yD(iv.) pm (ii.) or, in descending order, [Pau-dl 7tf (i.) np3 Ae t*sW J Niph-al 7?33 (ii.) np^J he was visited { Pl-il htt$ (iii.) *Jj?3 Ae diligently visited [Pu-al 7^3 (iv.) IDS he was ... visited [ Hiph-il 7 -V^D (v.) "Pf?Sn ^e cawse^ fe visit ^ Hbph-al SW) (vi.) nj7$n Ae was.... Hithp&M 7J?gnn (vii.) "Tj?rtn Ae etttta? himself [Obs. Here diligently ' is used for expressing the Intensity of signification of the Pi-el Voice. Other means of expressing this may be required for other Roots. Other forms of rendering may be required also for other Voices. Some Roots require different English Verbs for their different Voices ; thus (from 1Kb) nc6 he learned, llph he taught, (fr. V2V) V*f} he sware, ^3fn he adjured. Further remarks on the meaning of the Voices are reserved at present.] ( 8 VERBS. VOICES. 120. (i.) TO (vii.). 71 120. (i.) The First Voice is not generally called Pau-al but Kal (7j5 light, i.e. not burdened), because this Voice has no prefix belonging to it, and no Doubling Dagesh [Pt. I. 49]; for, N.B. The dot in the First Root-letter 5 is merely Dagesh Lene [Pt. I. 47], and cannot stand when the Verb does not begin with one of the T\ 3 3 1 ] 3, as, for instance, in "sJ^'D he drew, IT?E> he sent. But, excepting the First one, the words to the left of the column of Numerals in (p) give the Names by which the Voices are known; thus, (ii.) The Second Voice is called Niph-til (/V$?), because 5 is prefixed, the First Eoot-letter has , the Second has ; (iii.) The Third Voice is called Pi-el (yV$), because the First Root-letter has and the Second one ; [N.B. A Dagesh Forte belongs to this Voice and the next one, in the Second Root-letter.] (iv.) The Fourth Voice is called Pu-dl ( /1^3), because the First Hoot-letter has and the Second one } (v.) The Fifth Voice is called Hiph-il (TUSH), because II is prefixed, the First Eoot-letter has and the Second one has **75 (vi.) The Sixth Voice is called Hoph-dl fy$T\), because H with (o) is prefixed, the first Eoot-letter having and the Second one ; (vii.) The Seventh Voice is called Hithpd-el ty&Pft), be- cause HP! is prefixed, the First Eoot-letter having and the Second one . [N.B. A Dagesh Forte belongs to this Voice, in the Second Root-letter.] 121. There are a few other names and forms, which belong to modifications 72 VERBS. (I.) VOICES. (II.) TENSES. 121124. of some of the above rather than to special Voices. It is best to reserve the mention of these at present, with the exception of one, viz.: Some Verbs take (w) instead of (#) in the Sixth Voice, giving thus the form PjJSH Huph-al, instead of ?JJQn HQph-al. But, as there is no need of a special name for so slight a variation, it is usual to include both sets of forms under the one name H8ph-al. 122. For practice, the Student may name the several Voices of the following : isvyifn '^?0< 4) '^D (3) 'tf^?( 2 > 'T^ (1) , ijgtoj (io) , *tiD (9) , y$r\ (8) , ngpj (?) , rhw (6) iwm ^n(i3) #an3(i2) trqamoi) The Student may now compare the several Persons of the Tense-forms in the different Voices, as follows; (II.) Tenses. 123. The Hebrew Verb has forms for expressing Past, Present, and Future Action ; but only two Tenses or Time-forms viz., Past and Future, 124. Present Action is expressed in Hebrew by means of a Participle, as in the English expressions I [am] writing, thou [art] writing, he [is] writing; but, the tarn/ 'art, 'is, 9 etc., not being expressed in Hebrew, those three English expressions without the words within [ ] give the form of the corresponding Hebrew expressions for Present Action, thus, ' I writing, 9 'thou writing, 9 'he writing, 9 [see 140], VERBS. (II.) TENSES. 125127. 73 125. The distinguishing Person-forms of the Past Tense are the same for all Voices*; so that when once these are known well for one Voice, they are known for all the others. The same is true of the Future. (i.) Past Tense. 126. The Past Tense Kal ( 120, i.) of 1j53 he visited, is Singular. visited. [Obs. Ia Past Tenses, the 3 pi. and 1 s. & pi. are common to both Genders.] 127. From this it is seen that in place of the 1 , in *IPD he visited, we have for the other Persons, in the Singular, the endings m- i wpa ( m - Tip-? thou 1 Plural. he fljp.? she mps kt\: t we T1jJQ (m. DgnpSj ye 1/ m& Wt rn- and in the Plural, the endings Dm- l* : m- VT- 128. If we put these several endings in place of the *7 * Except the 3 s. /. and the 3 pi. m. &/. in the Hiph-il (see 130). f For the forms ^3 and 7jty t see below 138. t N.B. In the 2 Plu. m. & /. of the Past Kal the First Root-letter is seen to have . Its Vowel is dropped in accordance with 59. This is so only in the Kal; in other Voices, something in 55 interferes. But, in all Voices, the Second Persons Plu. (Past) m. & /. have the Accent on the syllable DJH w., and KM 74 VOICES. (II.) TENSES. 1^7 131. in *"fp$) he was visited, we get the several Persons of the Past of the ii. Voice Niph-dl [see Tab. XIV.]. 129. So, by putting those endings in place of the "T in Tjp3 he visited diligently, and of the *T in "IjpjS he was dili- gently visited, the "I in ^M^ ^ e was cause ^ t ^ e visited, and the *7 in 1j5nn he visited himself, we get the several Persons of the Past Tenses of the iii. Voice Pi-el, the iv. Ptt-oil, the vi. H6ph-al, and the vii. Hithpa-el, respectively [see Tab. XIV J. 130. The same is seen to hold for the v. Voice, Hiph-il, excepting only the 3 s. f. flTpfl and the 3 plu. m. & f. VTOSTI. In these two forms the * of this Voice appears with the Second Root-letter in place of the in all the other Voices* 131. For practice, the Student may parse* the following : ;iwhti $&$ ,rnK p$y? ptnd? f mh /n&S fyp) ,d?5j ;whv} whp$ fti??? tfyfc /tytyn f rNp fitthp ,vn^!on ;rb^ ,nS-u ,*#3j3 ,^3p ;^fpm ,D5^nn ,DflBhp /o?hj?n ,}#**ji ;$vhpn n-iswnn aototi ,*hjtfn /o^n /roSarn ftj^n * In this manner: |rni53nn is 2 pi./. Past Hithpa-el [or (as some prefer) thus, Hi%a el, Past, Plu.', 2 /.], of the Root IpD. a cr a -s O CD n S J3 rC < S i 5 .'3 s ' S .^ .-.* ..*** 'jj a3 s r3 a 3 td 02 + 5 iH- U A, nil r^ ni^ r r h n n Jv cih m* m* m- *a- &* riL m nil m i^l m 'S *n- #~i. *-v ri- *n- *-v o* O* *"" g I m m 1*1 JET- Jto J J; 1 a .g f>_ t^ rii ri^ riL jq^. i3i m n * l r r- r r r r r r r gt -I ^ & k" " E: *? g ci- m. m- in- in- m- m- m- m- r a &L f^ iiil liii. jul ji^ mi i2ll ru w & r r- r r r r r r r p 3 n j^ iv iv " iv a z? O n n A\ ai. l-il iL r r i Z. 1 r r* r~ r- r r~ r r r I | 1 <3 J j-- f~. |-. |- |~. j~. |-. r> n- n- n- ^ j ^j. /I: m flL rn r r r r * m= J^: ^! a I 2 1 ^ c g c g g g g ^ "2 E r m> in- ' m- m> c- m- m> in' w | r r p r r r r r r: 4 w "2 r> n- n- n- n- 8 HI- in- S- iii iii- o - m i^i nL nL I^L w 09 3 r r* C r r T n & G ^ a &i 2 JO A S s J^- r o> o jv jv r r J- S 4H r * r i Of n r Jv r n r g I Si 6* 5 ^ m- Q- m> r r r 25 = HI- r r Jv Jv r r riL r /n> r a f 9 n _ t g jv m V m- n\> r r j- JUL m r r i r I : l?v t>- 5&S * Jv Jv Jv 1 1 : r r r fit' fil - JUL JHlL f j- n Jv rr r | w I r k 1 Jv Jv Jv in hi hi- n^ rii m r J= Jv jv J^L J^L n fT, T ** fi>- r r ph * fir o j g jv j-^ jv nL m. 13; J" r r r ' m^ e^ & iil ia m ru. i^i m r r r 6 1 81 r > 6 r C e E C C Jv i;V /ill /H' JUL JUL im r r r r 5r j" j- VERBS FUTURE TENSE. 132, 133. 75 (ii.) Future Tense. 132. The Future Tense of the First Voice Kal has two forms the one with j_ or ') as ih&l or l)pp] he will visit (etc.) fr. *7p5, the other with as B>|f?] he will clothe (etc) fr. ^7. N.B. (a.) Verbs that have the (-l)-form may be called Verbs Fut. (-1)/ and (13.) Verbs that have the ( )-form may be called Verbs Fut. (-).' [The (J-)-form of Fut. K.J **ipp) he will visit tripsin she will flpfifl thou (m.) wilt , ^$%T\ thou (/.) wilt . nj>BK I will np)) they (m.) will . + npg$F\ they (/.) will . + nnlppn ?/$) we will [The ( )-form of Fut. K.~] tfatp he will clothe"- v": t/iow (m.) wilt .... tfaw (/.) wilt ... I will *W*b) they {mjwill ... {nj^n ^ {/.) wui ... I^Pl 2/e (m.) will ... + n3^n ye {f.) will ... [Obs. In Fut. Tenses, only the First Persons (Sing, and Plu.) have forms COMMON to both Genders.] 133. Here, (a.) the only added terminations are * for the 2 s./, 5 for the 3 & 2 pi. m., fO for the 3 & 2 pi./; but, (J3.) there are Four prefixed letters JJT& viz, v for the 3 m., s. & pi., X for the 1 s., and 3 for the 1 pi., ^1 for all the other forms. Or ^P), and so ligSJfl etc., with ') instead of . a Or, put on clothes. \ See 134 (e, 1). I See 134 (c, 2). 76 VERBS, (II.) TENSES. 134135. 134. As may be seen by one glance at the Futures in Tab. XIV., (a-) What has just been stated ( 133) holds for all the Voices; but (&) the prefix-letters j T\ s tf have the following Vowel- points in the several Voices (1.) in Kal, Niph-al, Rithpa-el each one of the three JJV has , X has , N.B. (2) in Pl-el 9 and Pii-dl, the J H * have , N has -, (3) in Hiph-il all the four J T\ s X have , and (4) in Hdph-al, all the four JfPK have (o), [or (u) sometimes] ; (7.) in Niph-al, the 3 (Characteristic of the Voice) is dropped, and instead of it Dagesh Forte is put in the First Root-letter, as in *tj?V [for Tj?SJ!] Cp. Pt. I. 53. So too in *!}&?! Infin., & lmper. 2 s.???., etc. (8.) in Hiph-il*, there is (instead of *) in 3 & 2 pi. /. Also N.B. there is often instead of * in other Per- sons, as in ^3*1^ Ps. xlvii. 4 [instead of "V2H*] , S^nObad. 12 [instead ofV^JQL etc.; (e.) in all the Voices the forms are the same for (i.) the 3 s. /. & 2 s. m. (marked f in 132), (ii.) the 3 &2pl. /. (marked $ m 132). 135. For practice, the Student may parse the following (with the help of Tab. XIV.) : psnn }narm ,rsnj ,risn) ,nr?ft ;tr\2i pgnx ,nh3K pton r 3py. pT ^njnawi p?n? ,DJjha^ * N.B. The H of Hiph. is generally dropped in Future and Partie. forms , as in Tj?E & Yj?9 (instead of V&QQ\ & n^DHp), etc. So also the H of HithpH-el. For instances of the H of Hiph. standing see 201. Karely the H of Hoph. appears, as in Dty V|?n?D Hoph. Partie. pi. /. fr. JJVp. verbs. infin. 13o--137 (1) (a d.). 77 f rr$< $3 ,t-: $bb\ $i$ fihti* $&$ tshfi si 1 ???} $#% '^i??? >i$fo sfthfn *yh& TIL Arrangement of the Table of the Full Verb. 136. In Table XIV. the Seven Voices stand in seven columns beginning with (i.) Kal on the right, so that all the corresponding forms in the several Voices may be read from Right to Left in horizontal lines. The order in the columns is as follows : (1) Infinitive, (2) Past Tense, (3) Participle, (4) Impera- tive, (5) Future. 137. The Infinitive forms are (1) 'Absolute,' (2) 'Con- struct,' (3) 'With the Prefixes ^3 3,' (4) 'With Pronoun- Affixes.' (1). (a.) The ' Inf. Abs.' forms* of Hp3 have the following values in the Seven Voices: (i.) Kal, [to] visit; (ii.) Niph-al, [to] be visited; (iii.) Pi-e"l, [to] visit (Intens.) ; (iv.) Pu-al, [to] be visited (Intens.); (v.) Hiph-il, [to] cause to visit; (vi.) Hoph-al, [to] be caused to visit ; (vii.) Hithpa-el, [to] visit oneself. (b.) Besides the 7^3 form of the Inf. Abs. Kal, there is also the 7$?3 form, as TH5 to be great. (c.) The Inf. Abs. Niph. is sometimes of the form /J?$J (with Past Tenses Niph.), as in ^K^ V^^J 1 S. xx. 6. Tab. XIV., Note d. (d.) The Inf. Abs. Hiph. has sometimes * , as in Tft^TI Am. ix. 8. j [Obs. The Inf. Abs. is often used for expressing abstractly the 'Action* of the Verb. Thus * For the Hebrew words, see Table XIV. G 78 verbs infin. 137 (1) [Obs. a &]. (a.) Hos. iv. 2, [There is] r6tf curnn*, ^1131 and tying, TUT)) (Pt. L, 60) and murdering, 2331 awi stealing, S|fcai ani adultery." So Job xv. 35, ^DJJ niH conceiving- trouble, ])JA iV) and bearing mischief." And where an Inf. may be required in English, as, Is. vii. 15, D1KD to re/use the evil, "liniM and to cnoose the good." Also, (/3.) before* a 'kindred' Tense, for Emphasis, as in "ip^Dfl 1pft, 1 S. xxiv. 21, thou shalt surely reign (lit., to mgn Mow s/ia/f mgTi) ; *JFIBHJ?n B^jPn, Ju. xvii. 3, / had wholly dedicated (E.V.), etc.; and (y.) Without the kindred ' Tense, for brevity, a short Emphatic expression where the context conveys and supplies the Tense-value ; thus, "1113, 1 S. ii. 28 [in "irn-1 and did I choose? E.V.] after an Emphatic expression in ver. 27. So, Nu. xv. 35, The man shall surely be put to death ; D3T stone him with stones [shall] all the assembly." And, without any preceding Emphatic form, as, Gen. xli. 43, " And he made him ride in the chariot of the viceroy [nJfc'DH, lit., the second} which he had; and they cried before him, Bow the knee (E.V.): PJ131 and he fully set him over all the land of Egypt." And so, Deut. xiv. 21, Ye shall not eat any carcase; to the sojourner who is in thy gates shouldst thou give it, he would indeed eat it (i.e., although, if thou shouldst give it to him, he would not mind eating it), or [which] "DO thou couldst sell even to the foreigner (i.e., which he would not mind even buying from thee: but thou shalt not eat it ), for a holy people art thou, etc." t (d.) Sometimes there are two Infinitives, 1Jl?n to go, and another, in certain phrases for going on continually, either (i.) with a 'kindred' Tense and Inf., as in Gen. xii. 9, And he journeyed to go and to journey (i.e., he went on continually journeying);" Gen. viii. 3, "And the waters returned to go and to return (i.e., went on continually returning)"; also, Gen. xxvi. 13, "And he went to go and to be great ; or, (ii.) without any kindred Tense, as in Gen. viii. 5, " And the waters were to go and to decrease (i.e., went on continually decreasing)." The Student cannot parse the Tenses in these four examples, at present.] "\ * (i.) And sometimes after the Tense, as in t^B^ DS^*j Gen. xix. 9, etc. Also, (ii.) after a kindred ' Imperative, as in $085* WW (Pt- U 60), Is. vi. 9,- and after a 'kindred' Participle, as in I'lDtf DHP'K, Jer. xxiii. 17. N.B. (1) The term 'kindred' is used here for 'from the same Root*; (2) the Voice is sometimes not the same, as in 7$&* VlpD, Ex. xxi. 28, JVlpp ")BJ2, 1 S. ii. 16. (Pt. I., 12 The f is added, f 145.)' t These are usually said to be instances of * The Inf. for a Finite part of the Verb ' (i.e., for a part limited to Time, or Person, or both). The Student should not confuse this usage with what may, at first sight, seem like it in English ; as in Jer. xxxii. 44, They shall buy fields for money, and write (3W31) in the book, and seal (D)r\H)), etc.;" where the English write" and seal" correspond with the buy," all of them being governed by the auxiliary shall." There is no such correspondence in the Hebrew. 78* [To face page 78.] [Our purpose being to familiarize the Student with the Subject gradually by means of the carefully chosen illustbations given in the Exercises, we re- commend him to hasten on now as quickly as possible to the Exercises on pp. 9096. Every Verb in the Hebrew Exercises should be carefully parsed, except when the full Meaning is given in the Notes. The following Index for pp. 77 89 may be useful, for reference. Index for pages 77 89. 137. Infinitive forms, pp. 77 81; viz. (1) Infin. (1) Absol., pp, 77 & 78, (2) Constr., p. 79, (3) Infin. w. prefixes 0^33, pp. 79 & 80 [Tab. XIV. ' App . (A) ']. (4) (i.) Infin. w. Pron-Affs., p. 80 & Tab. XV, (ii.) May have the prefixes D?33, p. (80) ; (iii.) Infin. w. PI (& T\ ) at the end, p. 80, [(iv.) Various vowels of 1 st Et-letter, pp. 80 & 81.] 138 (A). Three forms of Past Kal, and designations, p. 81, viz. (i.) The 7JJ5) form, as IpJS he visited, (ii.) The 7J$B form, as ^gn he had pleasure, (iii.) The ?yS3 form, as ?b' he was able. 138 (B). n sometimes at the end of Past 2 s. m. (and other forms), p. 82. [Also n sometimes at end of Past 3 s./., (ii. 7), p. 82, K sometimes (& {) at end of Past 3 pi., (iv. a & /3), p. 82.] 139. Participles, pp. 8285. (a) Significations (p. 82), (/3) Tab. of forms (p. 83);* (7) Partic (1) & Partic (2) Kal, p. 83. (5) The (i.) ^JJS and (ii.) ^3 forms of Partic. K., p. 84. (e) * ending sometimes of Sing. Partic. p. 84. 140. (a & /3) Partic. used for (not limited to) Present Tense, p. 84, (5 ) Some other usages of Participles, pp. 84 & 85. 141. (a) The {) & (--) forms of Imper. & Fut. Kal, p. 85. (7) The PI -7- ending sometimes of Imper. 2 s. m., p. 86. 142. The Imper. and Fut. are connected, p. 87. 143. The J ending sometimes of Fut. 3 & 2 pi. /. , p. 87. 144. The H ending sometimes of Fut. 1 s. & 1 plu., p. 88. 145. Future-form endings j-1 (& J ), and ? , pp. 88 & 89. Note I. The H of Hithpd-el sometimes transposed, changed, or dropped, p. 89. II. Kemarks on Tab. XV, p. 89 (**). verbs. infin. 137 (2) (3, c). 79 (2). The < Construct ' form of the Inf. [*Ylp9 or IpS (of 1p3) in Kal, etc.] is used when it is in close structural connection with what follows (cp. 52); thus, [Gen. v. 1] " In the day of [0*rPK K*T3] God's creating (lit., creating-of God)'' so fcb$ [the] judging-of [the judges], Kuth i. 1, etc. (3). (a.) The Inf. with the prefixes & 7 3 3 has the 'Construct' form; thus, with the 7, ^ ("pP?)to visit, ox for visiting, or for [the] visit- (ii.) Niph-al "Tp^rrpt to be visited, or for being visited, or for [the] being visited of; (iii.) Pi-eL, ^07 (Intens.) to visit, or for visiting, or for [the] visiting of; (iv.) Pu-AL, T^x? (I ntens ) t be visited, or,- for being visited, or, for [the] being visited of; (v.) Hiph-il, YpJpPlpf to cause to visit, or, for causing to v.. or, for [the] causing to visit of; [iWipt D. xxvi. 12]; (vi.) Hoph-al, npfiH/ to be caused to visit, or, for being caused to visit, ox, for [the] being caused to visit of; (vii.) Hithpa-l, H^fTl? to visit oneself, or, for visiting oneself, ox, for [the].,., etc. X (b.) So with the 3, and the 3, we have for the Kal, Ylp$? (or *7p$?) in visiting, (T ) YpP? as, or like, visit- ing, (or, visiting of, in each case). (c.) But the 12 has either followed by Dagesh [as in * -, as in 33K> 2 K. xiv. 22, is rare. So 33S^> [p. J 33fcj6]. m ~: - : Lr it : J . t The n is sometimes dropped and its vowel given to the Prefix 3, or 3, or ? ; thus, P)t?y3 (for S)t?yn3, Niph., cp. p. 6, Note J ; the instead of because the y cannot have Dagesh), Lam. ii. 11; b$)b) (for bs}r6-1, Hiph., Nu. v. 22), ip#J (for V>Wrb, Hiph., Is. xxiii. 11), VJSyh (for ^b^rft, Hiph., Ps. xxvi. 7). For'the , see Pt.I., 12 ; and for the V, see Pt. I., 60." + Other renderings of these are sometimes required, as we shall see. 80 verbs. INFIN. 137 (4) (i. iv.) DM?, Ps. cxviii. 8, than to trust (lit., from trusting), 13^2?, Ex. xxxiv. 33, from speaking], or for compensation (Cp. 5). (d.) (i.) For other Voices, see Appendix {A) to Tab. XIV. (ii.) For the Inf. with endings T\ , T\~ , see (4, iii.). (4). (i.) In the forms of the * Inf. with Pronoun Affixes/ mentioned in Tab. XIV., and more fully given in Tab. XV., the Pronouns involved are the Possessive * my, thy, his, etc. (ii.) These Infinitive forms may have the prefixes &7-3 2; thus, to/53 w* ( or on ) h reigning, ^[33^3 & ( or on) thy (m.) lying down, * Pi 7^3 * (pv on) my sending, DJ^3V? * ( or on ) your (m.) passing over, ^"tpTS * (or on) our remembering, ^[5.5^3 i n (or on) thy (m.) hearing, etc. ; Dttp&J>3 at their (?n.) hearing, 1j?7 to (or with reference to) his reigning, i^^DI and from His keeping, etc. So in other Voices: thus, 1t0^n3 (Niph.) on his being judged, W^3 (for WJH21, Niph., comp. p. 6, Note $); PH?*!?, ^5^5*^5 1 (Pi-el) on her speaking, on your (m.)... ; n^^riB (Hiph.) on His..., DD3^Pl!3 on your (m.)..., etc. (iii.) The Infinitive has sometimes the accented termination M , like a Feminine Noun, as in ("DIP? to draw near, ripDH/ (iv., below) to have compassion, rOHN/ to love, i"I{Sn v to fear. This H is replaced by ft in ' direct Con- struction,' as in Q3n^ M n3>l^??+ because the lord loved you (E.V.) D. vii. 8, [lit., from loving of, etc.]; and by H T when the word has a Pron. Affix, as in DTD^P3 * (or) o^ ^ew* (m.) approaching, Ex. xl. 32, Lev. xvi. 1. So 1HX irQ(lX3 through his loving him, 1 S. xviii. 3; and so 11150*9 2 S. iii. 11. [(iv.) The to the first Root-letter is 6 in Tab. XV (i.). There is also , as in the Pause-form * TOM, and in * The Affixes for Objective Pronouns, me, thee, him, etc., will be mentioned hereafter. t The of (3) is a Slight '-vowel ; see Note * # *, p. 89. % Here the is because of the fl, and the under X is because of the ~. VERBS. PAST TENSE, 138 (A). 81 DJIVp^ Lev. xxiii. 22. There is also -, as in tt??$S* on her lying down, s T)Tfe& on my opening, Dtfp? their (m.) cleaving; and -, as in ^D,' ^jtH, Ez. xxv. 6, D&ntf 31, xxiii. 39.] N.B. The forms in (ii.), (iii.), (iv-)> here, are those of Tab. XV. with Prefixes, rather than those of (3), p. 79, with Pron. Affixes. The reason for this remark will be seen hereafter. Suffice it here to state, merely, that the under the first Root-letter after the ?, as in 3 (a, i.), is generally Quiescent. 138 (A), (i.) The Past Tense Kal, in the first column of Tab. XIV., is of the bV$ form. There are two other forms of it, viz., the 7$?3 and the 7j?3. (ii.) The full Past Tense of the ?#> form need not be given; all the Person- forms are the same as those in the first column (i.e., those of the ?V& form), except only that the 2 d Root-letter has in 3 s. m., and in the Pause-forms of 3 s. /. and 3 pi. ; thus JpJ T t he was old, and J PD^, t V}f,i the Pause-forms of nZHp she drew near, ^12% they were mighty. (iii.) The VjJS form of the Past Tense is printed in smaller type in the second column of the Kal Voice. As may be seen there, the j_ of the Second Root-letter is retained in the 2 s. m. & /., and the 1 s. & pi. (in place of in the ?yQ forms) ; but this i_ is shortened into (tf) in 2 pi. m. & /., in accordance with Pt. I. 55 (9, 6.). The _L appears also in the Pause-forms of 3 s. /. and 3 pi. See Tab. XIV., Note f (3. The ordinary 3 s. /. and 3 pi. are the same as in the first column. (iv.) The terms * Verba Med. A,' form being the same for the Kal 3 s. m. Past, and the s. m. Participle, the context alone decides which of these a word is. Some Verbs have the ?y> form as well as the /i?S). [In a few instances the Inf. Abs. K. has this form, as *?1| Gen. xxvi. 13, 1^ 2 S. xviii. 25]. X The 3 s. m. Past, of each of these Verbs, is of 7^9 form; viz., 2~p he drew near, "123 he was mighty. 82 VERBS PAST TENSE, 138 (B). PARTIC. 139 (<*.) 138 (B.) (i.) At the end of the 2 s. m. Past, there is some- times an additional Pi, as in HW^ri 2 S. xiv. 13, nfi$D?J Gen. xxxi. 30, HMK Ps. Ixxx."l6, Jim^M Ps. xxxi." 8 (for the ^11 see 178 (ii.)), etc. (ii.) (o.) Rarely at the end of the 3 s. m., as in fnBB' Am. i. 11 (about which, however, opinions differ) ; and (/3.) at the end of the 3 s. /. (the H of which is then replaced by 1*1), as in nOKTfiJ (from nt^SJ) 2 S. i. 26, HnX3nn (from il&Oann, for t r : : v ,t : : / m::v v t , : v ' the H see 178), Josh. vi. 17. (y.) The 3 s. /. has sometimes T\ in place of the usual H, as in nV|X D. xxxii. 36 (for rA?K). (hi.) Also we find njgtf^H, Am. iv. 3 (for jPir6f n). (iv.) (a.) Rarely the 3 pi. Past has K at the end ; thus, X-13?n Josh. x. 24 [with n who prefixed there, 98 and 6 (d., ii.)]; and 03.) sometimes ], as in }WT, D. viii. 3, 16 (for tyl]). (v.) (a.) In such a word as *1P^, 1 S. xiii. 19, the ~ is for Shurik [Pt. I., 14], the full Shurik cannot be given because there is no 1, the Kthiv being ")Dtf, so that the ~ is the only means of marking the u of the Kri which is ni?K [Pt. L, 76]. So in H3S^, Ps. Ixxiii. 2, the ~ marks the Shurik of the Kri t which is O^, the Kthiv being tO&. So D. xxi. 7, PDBBP Kthiv, OB5P Kri. '' 03.) So in such a word as QJHJ, Ps. cxl. 13, the [Pt. I., 12] is the only means of marking the i of the Kri ^FIJJT upon the Kthiv njn\ (y.) is < superfluous ' in Tl12"I 2 s. /. [Jer. iii. 5], etc. In Jer. xxxi. 21 (or 20) *nD^n is Kthiv for rp^H Kri, etc. In Ruth iv. 5 >JVJp is Kthiv for JTJi? tfrf (2 s. m. Past^, Tab. XXIII.). 139. (.) Of the Participles the Sing. m. forms only are given in Tab. XIV. The Sing. /. and the Plu. m. & f. are seen in the following list of the Participles signifying : np*1Q i.e.) D^plQ* (trn$s* or) rnpi3* lpiB*0) ) (i.) So*. T1p v 3(2)j' nVppj (H-1p3 i.e.) DH-ipS (njip3 i.e.) rn-ips rt^w (HpB3 i.e.) D*nj5B3 (nnija? or) rnpw IjJB? (ii.) M^A. nnpsp (npDP i.e.) DnpfiJD QTJIJ&B or) nnpsp np (iii.) Pi-il n'HgBD (HpDp i.e.) D^gBP (mj53p or) nip T sp JlpBD (iv.) Pfi-a/. niTpap PTpBp i.e.) D^TpBp (rnjJDp or) HTpDD YjJBD (v.) Htph. nhpao Ot : t (npDD i.e.) DHJ53D nip 3D or) mps 1j5BO (vi.) #ty>A. nnpaipp (npSniO i.e.) D^pB^p (irjyijtp or) nnpnp 1j53np (vii.) tfi%a. [N.B. In the above, (l) the of any Sing. m. form is seen to be dropped (and replaced by ) in one form of the Sing. /., and in the Plural forms ; (2) forms ending in *1 , or T , are unchanged i. c-,' 53; (3) those ending in 1 have 1 * i. c' ; (4) those ending in J*| have J1 (and those in !T1 have rn) 1 i. c' ; without further change.] (7.) There are two Participles in Kal, viz., (1) "Tj?lS which is of the form hy')&, and (2) *ttp|) which is of the form 7ty3.|| The First expresses Action in progress, and refers to an Agent (71^3), and is therefore sometimes called the Active Participle Kal. The Second expresses Action wrought ( /lyS) and refers to an Object acted on, and is therefore sometimes called the Passive^ Participle Kal. Obs. (i.) For the -1 of (2) there is often [Pt. 1., 14], as in "1^1 m., tiffag /., m.^ /. (i.e.), D*PTjf pi. m., etc. (ii.) The Construct form of ^)JJ3 is ^WB or b)3B, as in DJV^ Nu. xxiv. 3. (iii.) Participles of the Passive Voices (II., IV., VI.) generally retain the of the 2 d Root-letter (except when i.e.,' and in the form), as in {.). (iv.) The Hiph. Partic. sometimes drops the * See Sect. XIII. * Or with _l. for S. This need not be noticed hereafter. t In Pause, sometimes the same (thus, I T\XM t n?B3); and sometimes J T\ as in : T\2fV, i fiTD^. X Also, some few times without the D ; thus, ^3K, Ex. iii. 2, Hj??; 2 K. ii. 10. Also D instead of 12 (#). II These % are often called (1) Po-el, and (2) Pa-ul, from (1) V$B, (2) 7IJJB. J The term 'Perfect Participle' is perhaps not unsuitable to it as expressing Finished Action. The Niph-Sl Particip. is, rather, a Present Passive Participle. 84 VERBS. PARTICIPLES, 139 140. (S.) (i.) The Participle bh^ able (Sing, m.) given in Tab. XIV., is the Participle Kal of &3 form/ [rhb\ Sing. /., D^b* Plu. m., hftbj Plu. /.], whence (u.) ( i. c.') !^a s. m., [r^| s. /., ^m P i. m., nVya P i. /.]. (iii.) There is also the Participle Kal of 7tf3 form, as Tl|) Tieavy (Sing, m.), [nj$f Sing./., D$gB PI. ro., nfty.B PI./.], whence (iv.) (i. c .') tbya s. m', [*n^s s./., *^j?3 pi. *., rt$i pi./.]. (c) The Singular Participle sometimes receives an added * \ as in 'HDtf binding (Sing, m.) [from "lpfc], Gen. xlix. 11; so in BB>n [from !?*B&b] Ps. cxiii. 6; VWpfc [from hank] Hos. x. 11, and $? [from JTInS&a Constr. form of fl&6p (^iii.)] Is. i. 21;* J^3| [from 11133 (for fOWj Pt. l/ 14) Constr. form of nn-li|] Gen. xxxi. 39. ["140. (.) The Present Tense, I am visiting. Thou art visiting, He is visiting, etc., is expressed by the Pronouns /, Thou, He, etc., with the Participle ; thus, Singular. mpte r ton she [is] or ) fiK Thou/, [art] lYpte / OhJ or >3 I /. [am] Wn He [is] T\m Thou n. [art] *}$K or ^K I m. [am] Plural. HUH They Ttnpbi nan Ye I./, k T " - ( [are] n3K We DH or nH They DfiK Ye ( r m * ) '' ~ I [are] ! [N.B. Third-Person Pronouns are often not expressed. Cp. (d.) below.] (/3.) Similarly for other Participles. (y.) The Hebrew expressions in (a) are, of course, the same whatever be the form of the so-called Substantive Verb ' or * logical Copula * to be supplied such as, was, may be, might be, etc. Hence the above may not be called, the Present Tense in Hebrew. It is a means of expressing Present Action, and may stand for the [strictly] Present Tense in English; but it may stand for much more also, and therefore must not be limited to Present Tense.' (o\) The Participles are often used (i.) With Nouns Substantive : as in IttS T\*\tiy IH^V His Righteousness [is] remaining for- ever, D^3DJ& D'IPijl the heavens [are] telling, 15J7 **|/9D the king was standing, etc. : (ii.) with Prefix H, cp. 98, as in MDH &OP1, Gen. ii. 11, * Also [ 56 (i.)] n*n s./. & W?. pi. m., (fr. KT); so nVi? fr< "$1?. T- The 3 is often without its Dagesn Lene, in accordance with Pt. I., 48. X And tya, thus *$3 when the 3* Et-letter is S, as fcO* fr. &OJ. VERBS, PARTIC. 140. IMPER. AND FUT. 141. 85 lit., it [is] the [one] compassing, i.e. (as in E.V.) that [is] it which compasseth, DHkj?n DH, Nu. vii. 2, lit., they [were] the [ones] standing, i.e., they [were] those who [were] standing; so itiyn D. i. 38, xvii. 12; D?jp0& Josh. vi. 22, 2S; etc.; (iii.) as Nouns;* thus, *15&? one keeping, watching, for a keeper, a watchman, ^$ one helping, for a helper, etc. ; (iv.) < i. c.' ; thus, "tiX [the] keeper of, ^ftS? [the] keepers of, etc.; (v.) as Adjectives, 79, etc. (e.) Often a Hebrew Participle is used as a Noun where the corresponding Noun does not exist in English, as ^12$ one standing, where we cannot say, "a stander," fi^pn the [one] cutting, where we cannot say, " the cutter, "f So Ps, 1. 5, *!VP THS (Utj cutters-of My Covenant) those thai made a Covenant with ME. (?.) Participles may receive Pron. Affixes as Nouns ; thus, *5*fc my enemy, etc., from ^kt (Panic. Kal of ^N), etc.]. 141. (a-) Two forms of the Imperative and Future, Kal, are given in Tab. XIV. (I.), one with % to the 2 d Root-letter in lh$ (or "fp& ) ew& ^ow (m.), Tjafe* (or ^pfP) ^p? D^TOtPp] more than watchers for the morning do-watch for the morning. So in the former Grammar, Vol. It. p. 72. t The word 'feller' is, however, admissible in Is. xiv. 8 (E.V.). X Verbs of this class are called, by some, Verbs Fut.-(O).' Better, Fut. (_!)'. Verbs of this class are called, by some, * Verbs Fut.-(^4).' Better, Fut. ( )*. 86 VERBS. IMPETt. AND FUT. 141. (A) In the Imperative there are only Second-Person forms, viz. for thou (m. & f.) and ye (m. & /.). The 2 s. f. and 2 pi. m. & f. have the added terminations *, ), H^L [cp. 133 (.)] attached to the fundamental lp$ or Bb? for the Kal. So for other Voices. But, in the Kal, [Obs. : the Vowel of the 2 d Root-letter is dropped and replaced by on the addition of the * (2 s. /.) and of the } (2 pi. m.); the of the 1 st Root-letter must then be changed into a < Slight- Vowel' (Pt. I., 56). This 'Slight- Vowel' is generally -, as in nj?3, nj?3, $$ Wlh, (Cp. 57, Obs.); but sometimes another short-vowel is adopted, as in nriK (or VHX) and in (S.) below.] (7.) The Imper 2 s. m. often has an additional fi ; thus, | (l) n^W (fr. ibtT) keep thou (m.), T\T)p T (fr. Tip) approach ! thou (m.), (2) PHM (fr. *\bfc) sell thou (m.), T\VW (fr. J?f Aear Aow (m.),* etc. Sometimes, also, in other Voices; thus, (3) Niph. ni?3^n swear thou (m.) ; (4) Pi-el TV^O relate thou (m.); (5) Hiph. PD^j?!? hearken thou (m.), etc. (5.) Sometimes the Imper. Kal has ~ (5) to the 1 st Root-letter in the 2 s. /., and 2 pi. m. ; thus, Vpte, Ju. ix. 10. [This is also Kri, in v. 12, for 'mta X#fe. So,' in v. 8, PD^D (2 s. w.) is n, for rOlta Mfo.]t So -n")n, Jer. ii. 12, and' OPD, Ez. xxxii. 20, as well as IDK'D, Ex. xii. 21. Cp. (y. 1), and see more hereafter. (.) ]yp^, Gen. iv. 23, is an instance of the H of 2 pi. /. Imper. being dropped. The word stands for i"13yipK\ The of the JJ is given to aid the enunciation of the \V. (.) Sometimes, we find the 3 rd Root-letter with Dag. Lene, as in ''SDtf, Jer. x. 17, *SK>n, Is. xlvii. 2 ; the vowel beneath the 1 st Root-letter is then a Real Short- vowel, having the -7- after it Quiescent. [Each of these is 2 s. /. Imper. Kal.~] (n). (i.) In nJDVT, Nu. xxiii. 7, Imper. Kal 2 s. m. [with H, see (y)], the l 8t Root-letter has the Long Vowel . (ii.) In n>? (i.e. "to, Imper. Kal, 2 s. m., with J1) Ps. cxli. 3, the Dagesh in V is Euphonic. Pt. I., App. C. (0.) For rHJJD-l, nXQ-l, and man, r\tiWB, nti-l, see Index. * And with -, as in ilDp^, HD^. t Cp. ^D,'with 1 superfluous,' 1 S. xxviii. 8, for *DDj3 [Pt. I, App. D.]. VERBS. IMPER. AND FUT. 14& "143. 87 14. The Future is connected with the Imperative. Thus, ( a .) In Kal, (i.) the forms Hp$fi thou (/.) wilt visit, HpSfi ye (m.) will visit, PljnpfJtt ye (/.) (or they (/.)) will visit, consist of fl and Hfpj$, 1$$ nyipfi. [Obs. In the Imperative forms Hp3, VlpS, the T of the 3 is of course replaced by a f Slight'-vowel, in order that there may not be two Moving Shvas together ; but in the Future the stands after the formative H, after which the may be (and is) Quiescent.] (ii.) So in the case of Hf$ (Fut.) and HpS (Imp.). (iii). The remaining Fut. Tense forms, viz., *1pfi* 3 s. m., npSp 3 s. /. (& 2 s. m.), 1p|)N 1 s., and Hp?? 1 pi., all correspond with the fundamental *lp3. (iv.) Similarly in the case of the Verbs Fut. ( )' [p. 85]. (y.) The Imper. has generally -Mn Verbs 'Fut.( )\ &{-^) in Verbs 'Fut.(^)'. (0.) In Niph. the Future forms Hp? thou (/.) totft be visited, HpSH ye (m.).. and HpS* An, Imper. Hoph., 2 s. m., be thou laid (lit., caused to lie); and [Jer. xlix. 8] -liDH, Imper. Hoph. 2 pi. m. be ye made to turn, from HJQi see hereafter. 88 VERBS. FUTURE, 143 146. dropped, and the given to J, as in j*"j3$J? ? Ez. iii. 20, xxxiii. 13, they (f.) shall not be remembered. So J^?/H (as given by many) 2 S. xiii. 18, for Hj^5/^ which is found in several editions; etc. 144. A H T is often found at the end of the 1 s. and 1 pi. of the Future ; thus, (a.) First Person Sing. : iVJbBte (fr. ib^tf) Ps. xxxix.2, niim (fr. 3#K) Ps. Ivii. 5, H^ftf (fr. HMX) Ex. xiv. 4, etc.i ' rin^TK l (fr.' n\3TX) p s . xiv! T i8, rb^nk' (fr. 9?gntf) Dan. ix. 4; and (A) First Person Plu.:nSnB0 (fr. l^feO) Gen. xi. 3, etc., njpsnnj (f r . D$hri)) Ex. L 10,' etc. (y.) Rarely at the end of the 3 s. m. as *n^'p) Is. v. 19 fl8*TP Tab. XX.], and 3 s. /.f as nnajJfl Ez. xxiii. 16 (Kri), & 20; also, perhaps, 2 s. m. il&VJjJ [51-nm Tab. XX.] Job xi. 17 ; (5.) And with before it, as in TtijpV. Ps. xx. 4. (.) In (a.), (/3.), etc., above, the vowel of the 2 nd Root-letter is seen to be dropped when the additional H appears. [Cp. for the Imper. 141 (y.)]. But (.) it will be found hereafter [ 166 (ii.)] that, in Pause, the vowel which was so dropped is either (i) restored if it be Long, or (2) replaced (if it be Short) by the corresponding Long Vowel. (q.) Sometimes the Moving Shva of the 2 nd Root-letter [in cases of (e.)] has the form j as in (1) nD1|5J>tf [DpW] Is. xviii. 4, where the ) is noted as superfluous'; (2) njjbfiX [JJJPjpN] Is. xxvii. 4; and (0.) sometimes the form ; as in (3) n?j?BW [?J52W] Jer. xxxii. 9, etc. See Pt. I., App. D. 145. An additional J is often found after those Future forms which end in \ t viz., the 3 & 2 pi. m. ; thus, [HD/* d. iv. 10, |rj?Bto d. vi. it. So pntpjr 1 s. ii. 15/ i<3, * For limp* Kthiv Lev. xxi. 5, VTp* is Kri (whence the of MVp^ cp. p. 85, v.). t Some give as 3 s. /., with H3 added, WPh&Fl Ju. v. 26 ; (also 2 s. m., Obad. 13). VERBS. 145147, AND NOTE ' (I). 89 D. iv. 16, etc. (the standing for the >t of the j^S-tf, Part I, 12). And so }tt&\ 1 S. ii. 22, \g&f Ex. xxii. 8, (the standing for !), Ft. I, 14). 146. Also J is found some few times after the 2 s./ Future. Thus the 2 s./ Fut. Kal. Hj?Sfi would, with this J, be }Hj?5fi. So we find Pjjnfi* Ruth ii. 8 (& 21) [for *j?7ft]. So the 2 s. /. Fut. Hithpa-el p3Wfi 1 S. i. 14 [for nMBfa, the Pause-form of n^Wfl comp. Note (h, a) on Tab. XIV and %* below there]. 147. The I of 145 & 146, as also of 138 (B) (iv, ), is called by some 'I Pakagogic'. So the PI of 144, and that of 138 (B), is called by some * H Pakagogic'; and so the X of 138 (B) (iv, a), and the of 139 (e). Some however consider that * to be a mark of Connection the '* > Compaginis? as they call it, Comp. p. 232 (lines 610). Note I. (i.) As in the last example cited in 146, viz. V^feWPi for ^Wft Pause-form of n^fiBfa [instead of nDEWl] fr. tm O0 the 1 st Et-letter and the ft of the JV1 of Hithpa-31 change places when the 1 st Rt-letter is either f $, or &, or D ; thus we have * For the -7" the Student may refer to 141 ' Note ' ; but he will understand the matter better hereafter [ 167 (ii) & 166 ()]. t With one exception viz. njjptpi^nn Jer. xlix. 3. For this word see 246 (p. 162). It belongs to a Class of Verbs to be dealt with hereafter. 89(*) ^Wn Infin. Hithp&tl fr. *JfiB^ TJDfifettD Partic. s. m. HithjpMl fr. *Dfef SaftD* Fut. 3 s. m. Hithpa-el fr. ^D. (ii.) When the l 8fc Rt-letter is *, not only does the change places with the ft of the 'ft/H, but moreover this ft is replaced by tD; thus, from T we have ^TtMWl Past Hithpa-fl 1 pi. [instead of tfTVftH], and so fr. |TTC we have j?|M8 Fut. Hithpa-til 1 pi. Pause-form [instead of OTttfiJ], (iii.) When the l 8t Rt-letter is % or fc3, or ft, the ft of the TH is dropped, and Dagesh F. is put into the 1 st Rt-letter to represent it. This matter is briefly mentioned and illustrated in l Notes on Tab. XIV ' (%*) [p. xv of the Tables]. The whole matter will be dealt with a little more fully hereafter, as soon as we shall have gone through all the Great Classes of Verb-forms [see 'Note' on pages 315318]. Note (II). In Tab. XV (Infinitives with Pron-Affs.) it may be seen that, except in the Hiph. forms, (a) When the 3 d Et-letter- has a Vowel, the 2 d Bt-Letter has Shva; (p) When the 3 d Et-letter has Shva, the 2 d Et-letter has (a) sometimes [necessarily Quiescent, Pt. I, 55 (13, a)], (b) sometimes a ' Slight' -vowel. Obs. The Slight-Vowel in (b) generally agrees with the Vowel which the 2 d Et-letter has dropped ; thus we have (1) the d of the Kal forms SfljJB f DDnj?3, |31|3S, Tab. XV Notes (*) & (I), -where the Vowel which the 2 d Et-letter has dropped is the of IpQ ; (2) the -f of the Nijph-al forms ^jlpSH etc., from HpSH and of the Pi-el forms ^*lj9Sl etc., from ta IJ?S j and of the Hithpa-il forms "?nj5Snn etc., from IjpSnrij where the Vowel which the 2 d Et-letter has dropped is ; (S) the of the Pu-al forms Tlj?2 etc., from *lj?S ? and of the Hoph-&l forms "^H^SH etc., where the Vowel which the 2 d Et-letter has dropped is . (7) Instead of the -7- of D51j?3 (Comp. /3, b, 2), there is sometimes as in DS^nayi Is. i. 15 from Bn.3 (Infin. Pi, like 1$% t but with Compensation for the Dagesh which the 1 cannot receive). (6) In place of the ' Slight '-Vowel, a Long real Vowel is sometimes given to the 2 d Et-letter before a Guttural 3 d Et-letter, as in TjnWa D. xv. 18 from ffaf, [For the ' Furtive' -^-, see Pt. I ( 60)]. 90 Exercise XIX. {To be translated into English.) For the plan of the Exercise, see 11 (a t). n ^39 : ,0 niy 6 diSn 9 w?Sn 8 n-n tvty 7 ^n 7 ^n* n% :^nn "^p 4 nr^^ p "Yjnj 'nssib -wid - -: - | t : - t I t I v v v : - : i*rft^ 84 ^n3 -itg :vSk 8M x^t 39 nui6 38 wik "by vh\ t*p*mrh wri 1 x h'y tfh\ -:- tv :t : j .. - . . . j.. T . tv : t v : ~ : v - :tax f*y5 mp* 46 -^'x;& t*tt*tt "Eras 31 " w *6 - : t :|-t v -: J - vv t: :- : 57 ^n3 4 ybm M ito "^pi ^.Dffl 1 Israel. 2 3HN to love. 3 Joseph. *$D2? to hear. 5 now, or I pray. 8 JDvQ a dream. 7 & to reign. 8 behold. 9 Qpn to dream. 10 again. H "DD to sellT 12 *13V. a slave. 13 IpQ to visit (Hiph. to-make-visitor, to-appoint-as- officer). M JV2 a house, Tab. XIII. (3). 1 5 >TU to possess (Hoph. to be made- to-possess, to have-as-one's lot). 16 for myself. W months of. *8 vanity. 19 and I. 20 "IDK to say. 2 l tan to be-in-haste. 22 pj t o cut off. 2 3 from before. 2 * |^y an eye, Tab. XIII. (3, /3). 25 but. 26 voice, voice of. 27 my supplications. 28 jis? Pf. to cry. 29 }BIL ( 56, vii.) a womb, ftgut**. a hidden depth. 30 Sh'ol, pit, grave, hell. 31 Exerc. IX. (2). 32 ^p to call. 33 j-j-|| to rise (as the sun). 34 qK'n darkness. 35 light. 36 fo to be able ( 138 A, iii.). 37 pgg mthp, to restrain oneself. 38 Tab. XIII. (2). 39 to answer. 40 nfe to send. 41 hither. 42 -q-j pr. to speak. 43 3JT| to hunger. 44 mxx \ t S0X1 \ f, 45 a righteous-one. 46 since. 47 -|p> to be precious. 48 ^33 Niph. to be honoured. 49 -^3^ to break. 50 iV"1p a city. 51 emptiness. 52 for. 63 yp^ to cleave (Niph. to be let break forth). 54 m the wilderness. 55 water. 66 the turtle-dove. 57 ^"IjSl a land, Tab. X. (1) * See 137 (1, Obs. j3.). t See 137 (4, i., ii.;. 91 [N.B. Henceforth the following, and words marked in the Notes with *, need not be given in Notes to the Exercises: 1. D*ri!?5$ God, a Noun of Plu.'form Tab.V.(ii.). 2. DX if. Also Interrog., and = or? after H (7). 3. n>3 (m.), Tab. XIII. 3. 4. HICA Tab. XIII. 5. 5. ^S (m.) a nation, pi. D'iS nations, Gentiles, heathen. 6. DJ ateo, et>en. VOCABULARY I. 7. "Dl (m.) a ?oni, thing, Tab. IX. 8. Kin Tab. I. (1), & 32(11.), 94. 9. g Exerc. XI. (i). 10. ^ for, because, that. 11. D^D (m.) water, a Noun of Dual form. 12. DHJ Mtt[E.V.], lit., [is] sazrf o/. 13. SI? wailing. 14. DJJ (m.) a p eople (Ex. XV., No. 34), w. aff. \y_, etc., pi. bnp8 15. IpD D3 Tab. XII. 1. 20 n-0 to cat, cut off. 2i TtD to rebel. 22 Alas ! 23 o Lord.* T 24 p t . I., 79 (2). * Words marked thus (*) need not be given in the Notes again, t See 137 (1, Obs. 0). 92 "T&tfn+K 1 ? t u httr\& 26 nnx# ^ rag n&K "jvnBton ... .. T . . . .. . T v T _ . . _ _. 3l wntaK ni^ "*ifK| &'$ j 28 spring nx ^w 36 xWn :^?^ van : 35 dh^? *f4?$k 33 ^ ^ "^P 41 W3* 40,> !i :"DM*n 38 nw S 37 ^sn mot "d : 44 nb3 D;iii3 32 nso i* "rita| <2 S^ : ^ $> wo *fi*$&3 3i wni:i : 48 np^3 47 ^i^ *3 nriK ?p*# bi xm * 3 *f\y$ 52 :nK 6i n^ t^Tt^W 50 ^Wn *6 d*| 6o ms^3 59 bhx ... 58 ^in n 5 67 CW3 ^^^ "pk^ 4 nn^n ^iwfem 68 wn hkt : 67 d\w 66 n^in 65 nn v v - t - t t |- - t : -: t - j 75 ^; M }^*rtp^ : 72 Dh 64 n5 "TfjftB "Jpf J 70 ^? 1 ? 80 orni&j n D^nbii 4 ? 79 jjn : jj 78 yhj 77 ?y 7G ^s 1 ? 25 rifT^ Hip/i. to destroy. 26 remnant, remnant of. 27 *jftJ #ipA. to destroy (with perdition). 28 j aC0D .* 29 Tab. VII. 30 y^ to hear. 31 Tab. XIII. 1. 32 -|D Pi. to tell, recount. 33 a wor k. 34 ^yn to work. 35 49 (^ 36 j^q jVipA. to be wonderful (p-60, No. 14), Partic. a wondrous work. 37 look ye. 38 a rock* [supply from which"]. 39 a^n Pi. to hew. 40 by myself. U-V2WN. to swear. 42 *&0 Pi. to tell, speak of. 43 fryaj might.* 44 His glory. 45 ^n Pi. to praise, Hithp. to glory [Dagesh Forte often dropped from the /]. 46 Righteous. 47 "1X^ Niph. to remain, to be left. 48 a remnant (that escapes). 49 j n Egypt. 60 ^y& Hiph. to regard. 51 -|fcx to say. 52 3^ t o be hostile. Partic. an enemy. 53 P|Tl to pursue. 54 1 will overtake. 55 p?n Pi. to divide, 66 spoil. 57 s\w: to blow. 58 nn Spirit (also wind).* 59^ to sink [t> for h, Pt. I. 72 Q3.)]. 60 like the lead [ 6 (e.), 8 (a.)]. 61 gran d (pi. m .j. 62 the mighty one (m.). 63 py^ to cry out (in pain). 64 Tab. XIII. 5. 65 Rabbah. 66 -)jn to gird on. 67 sackloth.* 68 the city (/.). 69 the joyous (/.) 70 securely. 71 pj; iniquity ( 43). 72 Edom.* 73 an( i the booty of. 74 a terrible one (m.). * 75 ^q jv. to be delivered. 76 fc^ to put on (as clothing). 77 strength. 78 Q arm of. 79 i 1 80 *}&Q t o se n # * Words marked thus (*) need not be given in the Notes again. + See 137 (1, Obs. /3). t See Tab. xin. (Note , a). i*^ .o^^l, w ^ n jt^ w D^yfi 86 ^xii MJK * : t II v : t w " -; t t: siyK'S* (m.) a trespass, Tab. X. 2. 82 n 1 ?^ to send, put forth, Pi. to send away. 83 y0U r (m.) mother (DN). 84 >-)*! to seek, search for. 85 tf^D to find. 86 ?iO to redeem, Partic. Redeemer. 87 from everlasting. 88 ^Sl to heal, Parlic. Healer. 89 heart. fnJ to give. 91 and power- 9 2 *|"D . & Pi. to bless. Obs. I. The Negative Particles fcO not, and 7>fc$ wo?, precede the Tense which is Negatively affected. Obs. II. k? with a Tense expresses an ordinary Negative ; thus lipV &0 he stood not, or did not stand, or Aas no stood, etc. ; also, Obs. III. i$7 is used with a Future to express Prohibition as in ^H X? thou shalt not steal, 7CT9J K; /ie sAaW nof rwte, etc. ; but Obs. IV. 7 X with a Future expresses the deprecative * do not* * let him not,' as "I3"1P) ?X (Is. xxxvi. 11) do no* speak, "12"]^ ?K (Ex. xx. 19) let him not speak, etc. Obs. V. Never use a Hebrew Imperative with a Negative Particle (cp. IV.). Obs. VI. The prefix ? is to be used generally for to, unless ?X, or some other word, be given, in these Exercises. Also, Obs. VII. Personal Pronouns are to be expressed in the Hebrew, if not con- nected by (") with the next word in the English. Obs. VIII. The Interrogative H ( 7) is to be prefixed to the first word of the Interrogative sentence, as in ^P^H fcs?H spake I not [to thee, saying, etc.?] Nu. xxiii. 26 ; IpBfc? fc6 ?$$ *?Vtj for these things shall I not visit ? Jer. v. 29. Obs. IX. For expressing what has been and still is going on, use the Past i Tense. Obs. X.-^For expressing what is not only going on now but also is expected to go on, use the Future Tense. Obs. XI. Let him do," Let her do, etc., are expressed by the Future, He, she, etc., shall (or will, do)." * Words marked (*) need not be given in the Notes again. 91 Exercise XXI. [* # * See * Glossary,' for words not in the Notes.] (To be translated into Hebrew. 11, /*.) Ye (m.) observed. 1 Thou (/.) hast-observed. 1 They (/.) have-observed. 1 We observed. 1 Observe-ye (/.). She shall observe. 2 They (m.) will-observe. 2 Ye (/) will-observe. Observe-thou (/.) this-thing (/.) [ 96 (i.)]. Thou (/.)- shalt not observe 2 [Obs. III. above]. Did-she-not-observe [Heb., Whetlier-not observed x -she~\ the matter 3 ? If [Vocab. I. (2)] ye (m.)-have not observed, observe-ye now. 4 Thou (m.) hast not kept the covenant s of thy God. They (m.) kept 1 His testimonies. 8 Keep-ye (m.) My com- mandments. 7 We Will-keep Thy (m.) commandments. 7 I kept Thy (m.) ordinances. 8 In-order-that 9 I-might-keep * Thy (m.) word. 8 The Preserver 10 of Israel. 11 Thy (m.) visitation n hath-preserved x my spirit. 13 The-LoRD M is thy (w.) Preserver. 10 HE-will-preserve 2 thy (m.) soul. 1 * Exercise XXII. (To be translated into Hebrciv. 11, f /*.) Thou (m.) shalt not come-near 16 [Obs. III., p. 93] to 17 them (m.). And a stranger 18 shall not come-near 6 [Obs. II.] unto 17 you (m.). Come-ye (m.)-near 16 to Me. Fearers 19 of The -Lord, 14 trust-ye 20 (m.) in The -Lord. 14 Who among 21 you (rn.) is a fearer 19 of The -Lord?, ... let-him-trust 20 iPast Kal of TStf. 2 Fut. Kal of *W < Fut. (j_) [p. 85 ft)]. iW *nny. srna. p. 45 (*). mvp, pi. nivp. 8 Dn^jpa (pi.)- 9 ]VJP% 10 Partic. (1) of "10^ [ 140 (., iv)* and 139 '(/3., N.B. 2)]. p. 91 (16). 12 rnpQ. I 3 74 (a). H [Thus the E.V. for The NAME given in Pt. I. 79 (2). 16 K>sY comp. Tab. X. 1 (for the Sing.). 16 21p Fut. () [141 (o, )]. 17 "?tf. is ! ' w v (i. c. N'T s. m. & >SO> pi. m.). 20 riBl Fut. (^). 21 3. 95 [Obs. XI.] in The Name 22 of The-Lord 14 and lean 23 on 21 his God. Cast-ye 24 (m.) him into 17 this pit. 25 Only 26 [as regards] the throne 27 will-I-be-greater-than-thou (Hebr., Will-I-be- greatf* from thee (m.), cp. 82. i.). His little 29 brother 30 [ 81 (3)] shall-be-greater than-he. Over 31 Edom will- I-fling 24 my shoe. 32 They (m.)- shall-fling 24 each-one 33 his stone. 34 Thou (m.)-hast-been flung 35 from thy grave. 26 Upon 31 Thee (m.) have-I-been-flung. 35 Into 21 Thy (m.) Hand [ 46 (a-> i)l will-I-commend 37 my spirit. 13 Exercise XXIII. (To be translated into Hebrew. 11, ?r~/*.) My God be-not-far 38 [Obs. IV.] from me. I-am-weary 39 [Obs. IX.] in my groaning. 40 How-long* 1 wilt-Thou-hide 42 Thy face 43 from me? Hear-Thou 44 my prayer. 45 All 46 the day 47 my disgrace 48 is before 48 me. Fallen-hath 60 the crown 51 of our head. 52 Many-and-mighty-are 53 [Obs. IX.] my destroyers, 54 my enemies 55 for-nanght (Hebr., a lie"}. Thou-hast-made- men-to-ride (Hebr., Thou-hast-caased-to-ride* weak-man 58 ) over (7) our head. 52 Athirst-is 89 [Obs. IX.] my soul 1 * for God, For 80 Thou [art] the God of my-Might, 61 ...; why 62 in-mourning-garb 63 should-I-have-so-to-go 64 amid 21 an enemy's 55 oppression? 65 Thou- wilt-destroy 66 the talkers 67 of falsehood. 68 Vanity 69 they (m.)- 22 Voc. I. 18. 23 jJJB? Niph. 24 -fatf Hiph. 25 1^ fay 26 p-|. 27 tfD?. 28 ^J Fut. ( ). 29 }bj?. 30 Tab. XIII. (2). 31 ^. 32 ^ 33 &$. 34 pN Tab. X. (1). 35 <$& Hoph. 36 -Qfp Tab. X. (2). 37 n p 2 H iph. 38 pn'-i Fut ( ). 39 jh*. 40 nnp w . aff. inmK ( 59). 41 ,rm iv. 42 ino #^. 43 Exerc. XIV (19). 44 y^ put. ( ). V 45 ' n^BR ;("7JJ)" 47 q'v. n^>5. 49133 62 (iii.). 5o^ D3> 51 rnpy T (/.). tiiAh mdsji. 54 riD Partic. * Hiph. ' ' W Exerc. XX (52). se'^. 57 yyy Hiph. & l&g. 59 NOV Past K. 60 >3. 61 *flj, 62 n^. V]*p. 64 Fut. #i%. of sj^S. 65 y^. 13KP*-& 67 pi. to. 'i.C* Of 1^1 ( 139, (3.). 68 3J3. 69fcOB\ 96 will-be-speaking, 70 each-one 33 with 71 his fellow. 72 Thou-hast- destroyed 66 a-wicked-one. 73 And [as for] transgressors 74 they (m.)-have-perished 75 together. 76 For 00 not 77 a God 78 taking- pleasure-in 79 wickedness 80 [art] Thou. And they-sh all-trust 80 (*n.) in Thee, that-know 81 Thy Name ; 22 for 60 THOu-hast not forsaken 82 [Obs. II.] those -that-seek-to-Thee 83 [O] Lord. For-ever 8 * shall-they (m.) -sing-gladly 85 [Table XIV. Note (c.)]. Of 21 The Name 22 of our God we-will-make-mention. 88 For 60 exalted 87 (m.) [is] His Name 22 alone. 88 And [to be] praised 89 exceedingly. 90 [Who] maketh-great 91 the salvation 92 [Plu.] of His King. 93 Blessed 94 [is] the man 95 who will-trust 20 in The- Lord. For 60 Thou [expressed] wilt-bless 96 a righteous-one. 97 [As for] those (m.) -planted 98 in the house of the -Lord, in the courts 99 of our God shall-they-fiourish. 100 As a tree 101 planted 98 by 102 rivers 103 of water, I-will-hyrnn 101 Thy Name, 22 [0 Thou] Most-High. 105 Sing- ye (m.)-hymns 104 to The -Lord [Who] dwell eth 106 -in Zion. We-will-sing-gladly 85 [w. n, 144 (0.)] through 21 Thy salvation 92 ; yea (V) in The Name 22 of our God will-we-triumph. 107 In The -Lord my-soul-shall-glory (Hebr., shall-glory 109 my^soul). (2) * (1) Hallelujah. 109 [0] my soul praise-thou 110 The-LoRD. 70 -on PUl. 71 Tab- III. (2). 72 j w . the aff. -in Tab. VIII. [See also 74 (a)]. 73j>h. 74y^Q Panic. (1) Kal, pi. m. [ 139 (y, 1)]. 75 -j^ Niph . 76 yyj*, T 77 T ^. 78 >, 79 j 2n p ar tic. of the form mentioned in 139 (5., iii.). soy^n. 81 y-j> Partic. (1) K., pi. m. i. c' 82 -^jj. 83 *f*ft. 84 0^!?. 85 p-|P*-#. 86-, DT Hiph. & 2M Niph. 88 \^J?. 89 Wr\ ' Partic. Pti-k. 90 IXp. 91 *?1JI Partic. Hiph. 92 HW>. 93 Tab. X. (1). 94 -p n p ar tic. (2) Kal ['l39 (y., 2)]. 95 -153, 96 -pi Pi-e'l. (Compensation to be made for the Dagesh F.). 7 pn^- ' ' 98 hnV Partic. (2) Kal. 99 n'mn [the dropped i. c.,' 56 (i.)]. 10 ma Hiph. 101 yy ( m .). 102 ^ 103 >| a river [Tab. X. (1)]. 104 -,fcf pr-e^. 105 jv^. 106 3^ partic. (i) #. "i07 ^j Fut. (^_). 108 ^ n Hithpa-el. m W preceded by 2 pi. m. Imp. of (). "o ft>n PS-eZ [p. 92 (45)]. * (1) (2) are put to mark the order in the Hebrew. 97 SECTION XIT. Verbs {continued). Certain Usages. 148. As said above ( 123), there are only two Tenses in Hebrew. These two are the only Tense-forms for expressing such various modifications as "had," or "may" or "might" or " should" or " would" or " may have" might have" etc. Also there are no 'Auxiliary' Verbs. From among the somewhat multitudinous forms of modern expression by which one of these old Tenses may be rendered, very great care is sometimes required for selecting that particular one which is the one for bringing out (so far as may be possible) the sense of the original passage. Through neglecting to observe the underlying thought of such a passage, a wrong Mood, or a wrong Auxiliary Verb, may give a wrong turn and lead to an altogether wrong view of the passage. And care- ful attention to the f Mood of Thought' (if one may say so) not seldom furnishes a very useful clue, by the help of which the intricacies of some very difficult passages may be safely tracked. 149. Again, the Subordination of Time and Mode of Action is sometimes marked with great accuracy and nicety by the use of different Tense-forms. [Through neglecting to attend to this, or through mistakes respecting it, some Moderns have succeeded in introducing much strange confusion and misappre- hension with regard to the usage of the Hebrew Tenses^ The leading principle has often been quite lost sight of. Some have fixed their attention on one set of the usages of a Tense, some on another ; and so one-and-the-same Tense has been called by some a Present,* by others an Imperfect' by others an Aorist' etc. It is amusing to see how happy some appear to be when, not content with an Indefinite ' name, they succeed in giving an indefinite rendering. To be sure, this seems to betoken too often the absence of definite notions about any Mean- ing to be conveyed by such a rendering. Controversy, however, would be out of place here. This only shall be said now : ] 98 USAGE OF TENSES. 150, 151. 150. (1) It is surely not unreasonable that in a Language which has but two Tenses, these two should have reference to the two Main divisions of Time. We say main divi- sions ; for, such the Future and the Past ' are : the 1 Present ' is (strictly) but an everchanging instant a con- necting link between 'the Future' and 'the Past.'* () Such is not at all unlikely to be the case in the language of a people who were looking forwards from a great Past of Wonders to a Future (in store, reserved, prepared) of Good and of Glory such as " eye hath not seen, nor ear heard," and who recognised their 'Present' as transitory. (3) Moreover, the usage of the Language is found to bt, in accordance with this ; as we hope to shew in the proper place. 151. This, too, ought not to be lost sight of, viz. that There is a mode of reckoning Past and Future, which is differentf from that which may perhaps seem to us to be the only natural one, so long as we refer all to ourselves as if each one were the Centre of all Time and Space. Familiarity with that which is strange to us quite foreign, even, to our modes of thought, can only be acquired after some time, and from much experience of the usage which is thus strange. It would be unwise, therefore, to attempt to enter further into this matter just now. Perhaps we have antici- pated too much in venturing to allude to it as we have done. * What is often called the Present Time " consists really of an undefined portion of Past and Future Time, gathered about the instant Present. Some interesting remarks on the 'Tenses' will appear in Dr. Chance's 'Notes on Job,' pp. 543 & 544. t Consequent, to some extent, on what was said at the opening of 9 (.) USAGE OF TENSES. 15 (I. a. III. /3.) 99 152. Speaking generally, it may be said that, in Hebrew, (I.) ( a .) the Past Tense and the Future Tense, respectively, are used with reference to Ac- tion before, and after, some implied Point of Time, which is (/3.) to be looked out for, and may be recognised by means of due consideration of what is being spoken about, but (7.) which may or may not be the ' Present ' of a speaker, or narrator; (II.) (a.) such modifications of PAST-Action (and Contingent-Past Action) as we can express by means of did, was, were, have, had, may have, might have, would have, etc., are all expressed by the Hebrew Past-Tense; (fi.) such modifications of Future- Action (and . Subsequent, and Conditional, and Dependent Future- Action) as we can express by means of will, shall, and may, might, should, would, etc., are all expressed by the He- brew Future-Tense; (III.) (.) that which has been, and is still going on, is expressed by the Hebrew Past-Tense ; and (#.) that which is now going on, and is expected to go on in future, is expressed by the He- brew Future Tense. [Obs. An Indefinite Tense, or Mode of Expression, in a Modern Language, may (by reason of its indefiniteness) be often* used perhaps in rendering a Tense of an ancient Language. It does not follow that the Tense of an ancient Language is Inde- finite.] * But also, very often, such an indefinite expression cannot fairly be used for the Hebrew Tense without great loss of meaning ; and sometimes could not be used at all. 100 USAGE OF TENSES. 152 (IV.) 154. (IV.) The Sequence and Con-sequence of Actions and Events is sometimes marked by a simple use of the Hebrew Past and Future Tenses, where we (in English) require a different mode of ex- pression. But in order to bring out the point of the Hebrew expression, so far as this is at all possible sometimes in English, either some Par- ticle must be introduced, or a Periphrasis must be adopted, which contrasts unfavourably with the terse, simple elegance of the Original. [Obs. (.) Some may prefer to regard this as a deduction from (I.), as is (ft.), the use of a Hebrew Future-Tense sometimes after certain Particles of Time, to be mentioned hereafter.] 153. The Principles thus stated will receive illustration as we proceed. We must be content with the bare statement of them at present, and now pass on to the following im- portant Rules. 154. Rule I. A PAST-Tense, with the prefix \* of 3, often occurs where the most natural English rendering is by means of a Future or some oblique form of expression. This is said to be a < Past with \ Conversive.' Thus, for example, from jfO he gave, we have jrOI and he shall give [or make, as in E.V.] Ez. xxvi. 8 ; from ^|3^ he poured-out, ^\W) and he shall pour-out, [or cast, as in E.V. (ib.)~\, and, he shall even pour-out, Lev. xvii. 13. So ^DSfc^l and they shall pour-out, Lev. xiv. 41, etc. * In any one of its many values and, even, that, etc. This ) is, of course, subject to the same changes of punctuation here as in 3. [See more in 155.] TENSES W. 1 PREF. 154, RULE II. 155 (!D Dnfc "IJ3*1 and Moses reviewed them Nu. iii. 16. 162. Besides the few usages referred to in the Section above, there are many others which must be reserved at present. The following may be added here in Notes. (a.) Verbs in the sense of < harvesting,' etc., has the Fut.(_^) ' form ten times, and in the sense of 'being short,' has the $ there is not, Tab. XIII, Note ft, t.). 3. KK a man, 74 (/.). 106 VOCABULARY II. 4. |3 a son, Tab. XIII. 4. 5. Xn.T(m.) seed, Tab. X..1. 6- \\V. \f)an eye, i.e. j k #, - with aff. \y>%, etc.. Dual. D^PI" 7. D^S (pi. Noun) a /ace, countenance. 8. *lb a prince, Plu. Exercise XXIV. ( To be translated into English ) * # * For the plan of the Exercise see 11 (a ) N.B. The ... below are put where a sentence is incomplete. Sk lh isn : 5ta ifa^ 4 ^d 8ta ra 2 wd ^x * lta im v - - - : v v t; - : - ... 8 oSn '-y&rtji ex : ...oiSk 6 m&Ki Sa^fe* $3 "dmtn : 13 byntte "Dra^i u ystih "tfiftrb 9 bibix) : : : t t -: I : t: v : v "rtaah m rrm\ 26 nn n 25 d:q "wfetfni : 23 d:m t : : v t - i t :-;: v : \ 1 13*1 Pi. to speak. 2 Moses* 3 in the mountain of. 4 Sinai. 6 saying. 6 p. 92, No. 51. 7 i n My statutes. 8 ye (m.) shall go. 9 }3K to eat (Pt. I., 24). Here ) = tken. 10 Dr6 (m.) bread, Tab. X. (1). abundantly. 12 p. 91, No. 4. 13 H&* P- 47 No - 5 Tabs - X ! X1L * 14 P- 92 No - 53 ' 15 P- S2 No - 52 - I 6 five. (This is the 'Subject' of the sentence, here.) i7 a hundred (the 'Object'). 18 "pn K., Pi., Hithp. to go, walk. l 9 in your (m.) midst (i.e., in the midst of you), fr. *q?n Tab. XIII. (J, .). 20 p . 90 , No. 4. 21 p. 91, No. 10. 22 the pride of. 23 your (m.) strength. M n?2*> .HipA. to cause to send, to send. 25 2 against. 26 the beast of. 27 74 (&.). 28 fcjg pj. to bereave. 29 ^yD i?i p A. to make few. 30 p. 92, No. 47. 3l (For this and the next word, see p. 56, Nos. Words marked (*) need not be given again in the Notes. 107 vb t DWte *&$$ wjsm : ...*os 38 n^DK 38, u?Dn ^jsi *to?j nis^jn 'btf na "wwi i?*hi "^nat **wii n 'nbuo itrnc dv^k ^ *vym rtotf : v : v t t v: : : - J v : 80 9j?KI : V: "^V i? "*^1 ti^Sta? **5}30l 46 **? **raj3 "itegri r*i^(H^ 53 ^d 9$ toil 5i nSri t- t -: t : t : |-t t : *t ?-ihp 62 mSx5... : 40 inn!i n$ Dt&g "nip : 61 pid?) 42 mn ^k t' m tij$$ "Dp} -n^a M ^? l ?*i fr^Ofc t: f -i l t : - : : | : : t:- 31, 32). 32 they forsook ME. 33 y$p pf., to offer incense. 34 to gods (p. 3, Note f). 35 "intf another* (m.). 36 yyfl pi, t to profane, break (a covenant). 37 p. 92, No. 41. 38 -^D Hiph., to hide. 39 w ith a rod. **JV*T$ (/.) a cove- nant. 41 6^1p Pi., to sanctify. ** p. 91, No. 6. 43 Jp;i pj #> to seek, enquire. [Dagesh Forte is often dropped from the p]. 44 EHl to search. 45 behold I. 46 [am] coming. 47 p> to dwell. 48 ^-|p to call [often * governs ' a >]. 49 a city, city of. &0 p3* to suck. 51 the milk of. 52 ^2D to bear. fi 3 q^q p^ t o deliver. &4 "jwj to be short. 65 1} (/.) a hand, i.e., T with aff. IT, etc., Dual D^T, i.e. *T.* 56 that it cannot redeem," E.V., {lit, from redemption) 57 npB to open (eyes). fi 8 blind (men). 59 jfcl Pi -> to lea P- 60 like the hart. 61 a lame (man). 62 p . 93# No. 86 [ 140 (S., iii.)]. 63 The Holy ONE of. 64 p. 92, No. 76. 65 the garments of. 66 vengeance. 67 [as] clothing. 68 former things (/.). 69 p-j^ to be righteous. 70 p. 92, No. 45. * Words marked (*) need not be given again in the Notes. t by [them thai are] not. X Vocab. I (1). p. 60 (19). II From IJjn, see No. 19. 108 Exercise XXV. {To be translated into Hebrew, 11, f /*.). And God heard* 1 their groaning, 9 and God remembered*' His Covenant. 4 Why 5 will the bush 7 not burn 6 ? And Moses hid* 8 his face. 9 And Aaron 10 spake* 11 all 12 the words" which The Lord spake 11 to Moses. And I will takef 14 you (m.) to Me for a people, 15 and ye-shall-knowf 16 that I The Lord [am] your God. And Moses wrote* 17 this Law. 18 In-order-that 19 they (m.)- may-hear 1 [Future Tense]^ an( j in-order-that 19 they (m.)-may- learn 20 C Future Tense l, and-that 2 ' they-may-fearf 2 ... and-that 21 they-may-observef 23 to-do 24 all 12 the words 13 of this Law. 18 And Jeshurun 25 waxed-fat,* 26 and kicked.* 27 And they (m.)- forgat* 28 His doings, 29 And they (m.)-spake* 11 against 30 God. And HE-rained* 31 upon them (m.) Manna. 82 Hear-thou 1 (m.) l>- Ti, 141 (y, s)]^ My people, and I-will speak. 11 And I-will dwellf 33 in the midst 34 of Jerusalem, 35 and Jerusalem 35 shall-be-calledf 36 the city 87 of the truth. 38 Let your (m.) hands 39 (f.) be-strong. 40 And proclaim-ye (Hebr. cause-ye (m.) to hear 1 ) the sound 41 of His Praise. 42 i vnv (Fut. -r-). 2 nfm 3 <-fri (Fut. _q. 4 nna. gn. e -^ (Fut. ). Verb to precede Noun. 7 flip. 8 ^q Hiph. 9 O'OQ, a Noun of Plural form. 10 pHK. " ^ Pi. 12 ^3. 13 Tab. IX. 14 n j T 15 q]>. 16 jft*. 17 nro Fut. (j_). is nnin. w#b7. 2 no^. 21 v 22 NT ; 23 -o? (Fut. _!-). 24riiby?. 25|.n^>. 26 ^ ( Fu t. ). 27 ^3 (Fut. ). 28 nap*. 29 flfc^f. 30 3 prefix. 31 -,b Hiph. 32 }. 33 pfc\ 34 -qjpi Tab. XIII. ft, (.). 85D^n')(/.) 36 N -,p iVijoA. 37 TV- 38nD^ : . 39 -p, Du. DH\ [See 59 (5.)]. 40 pin (Fut. ). The n has and the prefixes have in the Fut. Kal of this Verb; thus, pTjT, ptJIFl, etc. See more in next Section. 4i Tip (i.e., the same) 42 ff?nri * Fut. with 1 Convers. t Past with ) Convers. End of the First Part of the Exercise Book. SECOND PART EXERCISE-BOOK. 109 SECTION XIII. Verbs. Variations. 163. For Variations from Tab. XIV. in regard to some additional endings, see 147; for J instead of T\X see 143. T There are some other important Variations : I. Pause Forms. 164. Changes of Vocalization [in some forms] occur in Pause, i.e. at the end of a Verse, a Sentence, or a Clause, where a Stop is made. (a.) As said in Pt. 1. 49, Silluk (fr) and Ethnakh (~r) are especially the 'Pause' -Accents; but (ft.) Pause-forms are found sometimes with other Accents also [see 167]. (7.) The 2 pi. m. &/. of all Past Tenses are unchanged in Pause. (8.) The Pause-forms of ' Infs. w. Pron. AnV are given in Tab. XV. [The only change is with the 2 s. m. Aff.]. (e.) The Pause-forms of Participles are given in Appendix (B) to Tab. XIV. [The only change is in the s. /. form n~~ w, which sometimes becomes \T)~ ~ in Pause. Cp.139(/3,f).] KB. All words in Tab. XIV (except the Past 2 pi. m. &/. and Infs. w. Pron.-Affs.) have the ordinary Tone-accent on that syllable in which the 2 a Rt-letter is involved : whether this 2 d Rt-letter (I.) bears a vowel as in *lp3 or (II.) has Moving as in nnp3. 110 PAUSE- FORMS 164, 165. The Rules for the 'Pause '-forms of words in Tab XIY (and the like) may be given in regard to these two great Classes (I.) and (II.) as follows : 165. (I.) When the 2 d Rt-letter bears a Vowel, (a.) if that Yowel be Long, as in ^bl?*, PD*7pStt, etc., the word is generally unchanged in Pause ; (/?.) if that Yowel be Short, as HpS, W&\ etc., this Short Yowel is generally lengthened* into the corresponding LongVowel,f as in 6:>K(fr. |&K), JlTWfr. W) etc. But (7.) the "=" of a Niph. Future (Tab. XIY.) remains in Pause, as in tW^tf), PlJDft'ltt, etc.; and, more generally, it may be said that (S.) [the simple utterance , which is given sometimes for Euphony and Ease of pronunciation, instead of the more precise , is found (not seldom) in Pause ; thus H58BJ Imper. ffiph. 2 s. m., Ps. lxix. 24, for 1VJ?T\ f etc.]. * (rt). This great General Rule holds also in the forms irfatf, IjfciK, ^flV? T N, 8Tj3$, and so tgqgfe np$, ^n,^,_:^n, ^;-~*9?fej, ^?, *3^!j-4^n, Vf$n [Sect. xv.]j :^>nan [Sect, xvi.], i^ T i?^]; jrip^njpn, rrpWjrin, etc. (b). But the is often retained [see (8)] not only (i.) in such forms, thus FHD* Ps. cii. 26, *li0jj. Gr. xxvii. 2, etc. ; and so in other Voices as ;nn"?3_p 2 s. m. Past P*. [ 138 (0), i.] Ps. lxxxix. 45, *fljnB> Ps. lxxxviii. 14, H&V1 1 pi.' Past i\RpA. (Jer. vii. 10), tijjpfj 1 pi. Past 2fr>A. (1 S. xxx. 22) of b?) [Sect. XVI.], etc. ; but also (ii.) in Fut. forms ending in (H3 **.) as Jnn^pfi 3 pi./. Fut. JT. (Is. xxxii. 3), and so inpKpnn 3 pi./. Fut. K. Tab. XVI (1) [Mi. vii. 16], etc. ; and (iii.) some others. f For the great Leading Rules, seS Pt. I. 19. PAUSE-FORMS 165, 166. Ill II. When the 2 a Et-letter has Shva, a Towel is given* to it in Pause. This Vowel is generally the same as either (i) the Yowel which the 2 d Et-letter has in the first word of the Tense or set [see examples below] ; or (ii) the Yowel which the 2 a Et-letter takes in Pause m the first word of the Tense or set. Thus, (i.) (a) The Pause-form of *Hp\ 3 pi. m. Fut. K. is *-HpB* ; i.e. the Pause- vowel for the 2 d Et-letter is , this heing the Vowel of the 2 d Et-letter in the first word of the Tense (or set) viz. ~\psP 3 s. m. ; % b) So in Niph. Fut., the Pause-form of ?]$ 3 pi. m, is 8ij>J|*, the first word of the set being 1j?B 3 s. w. So, in Ft., ^1j5B 3 pi. m., p. WW?.. (c) So, for the 1 s. & 1 pi. Fut. w. the n of 144, the forms are Kai rnj??)K i s., p. ittiffi, & nips? 1 pi., pirr^i? ; [also ii(0] ; m^h. rnpss 1 ., P . &$$}$, & nr$H * p l > p- W ; etc., etc. (ii.) (a) The Pause-form of Vlj?9 3 pi. Past XZ is tf 1jJB, the Pause-vowel being y because the 2 d Et-letter takes for its Pause-vowel in the first word of the set {viz. *Jpj3 3 s. m., p. Hp T S) ; 6) So in the Fut. Kal of the ( ) -form, the Pause-form of W2ih\ 3 pi. in. is ltm& , because tP3?* 3 s. m. (the first word of the set) has the Pause-form &3&>* So in the 1 s. and 1 pi. w.theH of 144, thus 71&&& p. tPlB^K. N.B. (iii.) Sometimes we find the of the b}}B form of Past Tense [ 188 (A)], instead of the -7- for the -e. of the ?ys form in ii (a) ; thus J-lTin , Pause-form of 1^*1 n 3 pi. Past Kal of Tin, has the tt [of the unused 3 s. m. Past ^"111] instead of for the of Tin. 166. (a.) Often no further change is made by the Pause. But (b.) If a Slight- vowel precedes the Shva which is to be re- placed by a Yowel in Pause, that Slight- vowel disappears (there being no longer any need of it) when this Shva has given place * Except (i.) Infinitives with Affs. ; (ii.) Participles, see 164 (5) & (e) ; and (iii.) a few words the regular Pause-form of which is not adopted in Pause. 112 PAUSE-FORMS 166. to a Vowel. The Shva (Simple, or Compound), which had given place to the Slight- vowel, then returns ; thus, (i.) of ftj^fi Imper. K. 2 pi. m. (fr. nj) the Pause-form is Wlffc and ofVTDJ (fr. "ty.) the Pause-form is tVlfay.* So (ii.) of ^JW' (fr. VW f p . tJW) we have t^. And so (iii.) the Pause-forms of '"O?^, ^"Jj^, [Imper. 2s.w.w.n, 141 (7)3, would be tfT^# f r . 4$, Qljj fr. 3$ (P. : ^j?), and (iv.) the Pause-form of flaWR [see 171 (i.)] is tV^fi (fr. W; and, of mir [s 171 (ii)], aw (fr. tw), (c). The Pause-forms of the Hithp. Past,f Imper., & Fut., have T to the 2 d Et-letter, thus ^HH 3 s. m. Past, ^V^&T\ Mi. i. 10 (/fn) Imper. 2 s. /., $?&$ 1 s . Fut., &&$$ 3 pi. m. Fut., etc. ; and consequently, [since N.B. generally ~ is given before M for Euphony],} (d). when the 2 d Rt-letter is ft, the 1 st Et-letter has ~in these Eithp. Pause-forms; thus *??! 3 s. w. Fut., f&$W? 2 pi. a*. Fut., etc. ; and so, with 2 d Rt-letter Pi, we have jmEDPT) 3 pi. Past w. 1 Conv. (of TltD). (e). The ] of 145 is often found at the end of Pause-forms also ; * thus, in v. 28 of Ps. civ. |^p^. (of ! ^?.* fr. fyfe So c. 22 i]KW (of ^ fr. HT p. *HT), m r.'sO j*^. (p>%|!, fr. )Tt|^ & so ??. 29 P?3?!i A 22 pDN; [J to compensate for the * This Pause-form occurs Na. ii. 9 with the Accent T merely. Cp. 167 (ii, a). t Except, of course, the 2 pi. m. &/. Past. % As in 6 (d) ; and so Vp fr. D*nK Tab. XIII. 2, etc. Observe, the Accent is brought then upon the last syllable. PAUSE-FORMS 167. 113 -Bag. F. of Mpkl; v. 26p^(of^n^fr.^ ; ) ; so ?. 27 fra^etc. So also in 146. 167. (i.) The Pause-form of a word is generally (but not necessarily always)* adopted in Pause. (ii.) In some Pause-forms a more sonorous pronunciation is given to words. And, as there seems to be no reason why the more sonorous pronunciation should be limited to a place of Pause, so we find in the Bible several instances of suchf (a), with other Disjunctive Accents {i.e. where there is a stop less than that of a Pause) ; also, sometimes, (/3). with Conjunctive Accents (i.e. where there is no stop at all, but the contrary). Thus, for example, 0)~with jl as ttSB^ G. xix. 4,( 2 ) w. - (very often) as j# Is. xv. 5, *$$$ 2 K. xvii. 15 ; (3) with T (often) as \T Is. xiv. 27, Ttgi ix. 9, ff* xxvii. 10, Sfff* kv. 13 ; ( 4 ) w. i. as V^ Ez. xliv. 5, JfflB* Is. vi. 10 ; W w. (Pashta) as $# Is. xxxiii. 20, \rbtt Is. Ii. 6, W Dan. ix. 19 [fr. TWgf % 141 (7, 2)], etc. ; and ( 6 ) with Conjunctives, as tt&? 1 S. vii. 17, ffi? Ju. xix. 5, th^n Ez. xvii. 15.J * Thus ^H^y Thy servant Ps. cxix. 65 (instead of TPV as in Ps. cxvi. 16, w. -jl). So -ny : b [Sect. XV.] Ps. xlviii. 5, and-1K|T. Ps. xciv.'s. But &$\~Ps. xlv. 6 may hardly be reckoned here ; because the verse has -- in it [Pt. I. 68], and in that case not seldom occurs without Pause-form (though often also with the Pause- form, as in *lty$ Ps. i. 1, etc. f For expressing energy, or for energy of expression, or for emphasis, or for rhythmic force, etc.) X The three last forms were just mentioned in 138 (A, y), 141 (a, Note). The bare mention of them was all that could well be made then. 113* PRACTICE ON PAUSE-FORMS t The Student may now, for Practice,' parse the following Pause-forms. It will be advisable also to write out the simple words of which these are the pause-forms : Practice on Pause-forms, %* The references (I) & (II) are to the mam divisions of 165^ h&ti) rti fbstt ,[L ft Note (*)] pm& ,(i, n it t :itt ' : :att - t : a t t ' s ' nx wib* fiT&ffi fb) ,n&p t (i, jyn^ /ima ttj>&# : at : it ; ' t : at : it : v * N ' I it : ' : at t : at t hwf ,*cfcnm wenpni it- : : it - : : at|: s nafe? .[n. i (*)j *vt& ,*y$fi *0&h .tP-it*)] tribe* :n^ ,i*tas rtit ,taE> (ii i.) in**?! ttrte^ ,:& I- i" - I- - ' a" t i" - I i - : ' i" - : ,[II. i, & 138 (A) (iii.)] thh\ AT\T\\}_ AT$X tT&fl !?m|K ,[n. i o)] t^^b^ ,[ii. i, & 138 (A) (ii.)] a%fgn [p. 89(*), (ii.)] rtijBxn .[ii. ii. (*)] tnyiiii itrns^i trn&m [ii.iiW] aaac* 'ttrah ,ibrh Arbs* &&(*)! atjb /"- N# it:* it:*: it t : titt itt /i-t' \ j )T - . . ' a*'t t it : v it : it : pit:* tisfetnn it - : ,:rnb0 ,[ 166. j (ii.)] nrbw .rfctf ,ai66.i(i)3 tv^j .tiWttnfc .tpr^ftn* [ iee. b (it,)] m ,[ iee. &(iiL)j map * n ; ' i i t. ! i-. - tit. it v; w 113< [The Student may now pass on to the Exercises on pp. 125-127, after looking at the intervening pages sufficiently for him to he ahle to refer thereto for information which he may require respecting the forms of certain Verhs in the Exercises. Eeferences to these pages will he rendered more easy hy the following Index.] Index fob, pages 113-124. 167 (i.) Pause-forms generally (not always) used in Pause .... p. 113 (ii.) Pause-forms used also, sometimes, when not in Pause . . . p. 113 168 (i.) A Long- Vowel, followed hy Quiescent Shva, shortened at the end of a word (o) if followed hy (~) MaMeph, Q3) when the Accent is 'turned hack' [Pt. 1, 46] p 114 (ii.) Furtive' to he under H, and under n or V at the end of a word, after any Long-vowel except p. 114 (iii. ). Tahle of 'Compensation '-vowels for an omitted Dagesh . p, 115 (iv.) Moving Shva takes a Compound form under any one of the four letters V fl n K p. 116 (v.) A ' Slight '-vowel, and a Eeal Short-vowel, preceding such a Compound Shva, adopt a corresponding form . . . . p. 115 169-179. Verhs having [K], i"l, n, or JJ, for i* Et-letter . .'"/. pp. 115-120 180. Verbs having K,H,n, or tf, for 2 d Et-letter p. 120 [& App* pp. 321 & 322, 368 & 369] 181. Verhs having rJ,n, or r, for 3d Et-letter p. 120 [& App* pp. 370 to 374] $ 182. Verhs having *l in the Eoot p. 121 183. Verhs having J, or H, for 3 d Et-letter . . . . '. pp. 121 & 122 184. Verhs having one of the six letters n D D *7 3 2 in the Eoot pp. 122-124 185. Verh-forms may have Pron-AfFs. attached to them . . . pp.124 186. Table of Seven important Classes of Variations . , . . pp.124 114 CERTAIN NECESSARY VARIATIONS 168. II. Certain necessary Variations. 168. The Student knows already from Pt. I. that (i.) A Long- vowel, followed by Quiescent -r, is generally shortened if the Accent be removed from it [Pt. I. 55 (9, 8)] ; (a), for some examples of this Shortening* when Makkeph (") follows the word,f see * [Note] ' in the 'Notes on Tab. XIV.' (/3). As examples of this Shortening when the Accent is 'turned back' [Pt. I. 46] J we have D&> TBTh T V JT : for [the workers of mischief] to be hid there (Job xxxiv. 22, Inf. iV. for ^DDriS), and 8h Tt&h* V T ; ' 7 IT | JT ' he shall not be visited by evil (Prov. xix. 23, 3 s. m. Put. JV. for !$&)> etc. (ii.) Beneath p\ (i.e. Pi with Mappek), and beneath )1 & J? at the end of a word, *- must be put after any Long- vowel except -^ ; and this is called ' Furtive Pathakh/ and is pronounced before the letter beneath which it stands ; Op. Pt. I. 60. [Obs. We need not say"' at the end of a word* (and so vowelless) in the case of Ft ; for the dot stands in the T\ to show that it is not Quiescent, and it is only when f at the end of a word' that Jl is ever Quiescent] : (iii.) (a). There must be variation from Tab. XI Y. by the omission of Dag. F. where it would have to stand in one * For the Vowel to be chosen, in each case, see the great Leading Eules in Pt. I. $ 19. t Thus (fr. bbafl) Pia-^ri Zech. ix. 2. But ^jlrttejj Josh, xviii. 20, in which \ is not shortened ; and so B^K"l5a* Ex. xxi. 37. X But DJJ3 DTI?] Is. xli. 7, in some Bibles ;DJ?3 D^ifi in some. And therefore at the end of a syllable, and so vowelless. FIRST RT.-LETTER GUTTURAL 169. 115. of the five letters ^HFlX which do not receive Dagesh [Pt. I. 49] ; and, by reason of this, (ft). * Compensation ' (as it is called), for an omitted Dag. F., is often made I into ~\ t. & ~ into > Cp. Pt. I. 19 : _ (o) & _ into J (iv.) A Moving Shva beneath any one of the four letters yPinX takes a Compound form [Pt. I. 24] ; and (v.) (a). A ' Slight '-vowel, and (ft) A Real Short- vowel, pre- ceding such a Compound-Shva, generally adopts the form which agrees with that Compound-Shva [Cp. 3(d), 4 (<*),& 169 (a, ii)]. . [Note. There are some further Variations in the case of Verbs haying in the Root one of the four letters JJnntf mentioned in (iv.) above.] III. First Root-letter H, ft, or ty 169. [Note, (a.) Verbs having X as 1 st Rt-letter (i.e. tf'S) agree in many parts with those having M, T\, or J^ as 1 st Rt- letter ; but, (.) there are some so important differences between the two sets of Verbs that it is best to give a special Section (XIV.) to the Verbs N'&, and to pro- ceed now with the others only, to 179], Verbs having T\, H, or }?, as l 8t Rt-letter have (a). A Compound Shva under the 1 st Rt-letter not only (i.) where there is Shva Moving in Tab. XIV. ; thus, BlJflfiSj like ^^^IP?, etc - 5 Dut a ^ so (ii.) sometimes where Shva is Quiescent in Tab. XIV ; thus *l?- corresponding to *ffi. t and so ^S?* to B*2 7*. -, prefix-letters generally taking -^ before -yr, 116 FIRST RT-LETTER GUTTURAL 169, 170. and before ^-, and (o) before - ?r . See Tab. XVI (1); also (/S). simple t Quiescent, sometimes, under the 1 st Rt-letter, with a or -=- to the prefix-letter as in (a, ii.) ; thus, for example, (i.) $&h t ipnS, zWrb, titoh, etc., (inf. k. w. h),* and [(ii.) dlbrn Is. xlvii. 14, for which see 137 (2, Note*) &i64(/3).] (iii*.) 1JBP and IF?! 3 s ' m ' Fut * K > **$$ 3 s * m * Past andD^Wf s. m. Partic. ffiph. [Cp. Tab. XYI (1 j], etc. [Note. The simple y- often occurs under H as 1 st Rt- letter]. 170. The Fut. K. (except the 1 s.) has one or other of the four forms nb, ^V!, 2TS, JW; and it may be said that, as in these four words, the prefixes JfV take (i.) generally *% when the 2 d Rt-letter bears , and (ii.) generally when the 2 d Rt-letter bears -=- . But (iii.) when, in derived forms, the vowel is removed from 2 d Rt-letter, there is sometimes an interchange of these vowels for the |H^, as in (i) JlPHlbrti (ft. "fbH^ w . a iin^r him, Sect. XXII.), (2) ?tfV Ps.xxix. 9, J-IQ^n^l Ez.xxxiv.21. The form qbn.fi (3 s./. Fut. K. of ^H) Ex. ix. 23, Ps. lxxiii. 9, is rare. I So n^ClK K. Fut. 1 s. (^K)i w. the PI of 144. FIRST IIT.-LETTER GUTTURAL 170, 171. 117 (i) item, ibr\x t eo h'mx rnvm 168 (i. )], id, b&$, (3) nh$H*, ihsn*, nbys, etc. [Note, (a) Some Yerbs have different senses, or shades of sense, in the two forms of (i.) and (ii.) above; thus EH!"!* he will plough, EHfV he will be deaf (also he will be silent). (b) Y%T\ has the form YkW ordinarily, but the other form ff&V in Pause. So ffiHg, Wffif!!, & fbntf,_but tjWin, trasrr sjttfFP, & *%&$. 171. A Compound-Shva is always Moving.* Therefore it can never stand when the following letter is to have Shva, but (unless it gives place to a simple Quiescent) f it must always be replaced by a Slight- vowel. Thus (i.) from Tfajp 3 s. m. Fut. K., we have [Tab. XVI (i)] VW_ 3 pi. m. y and so HE8B? 2 s./., ^IJbyn 2 pi. m. ; the being generally replaced by as Slight- vowel. (ii.) So, from iy\ we have tt^J, fr. TjT, STim, etc. ; the ^r being generally replaced by as Slight-vowel. And [(iii.) so is replaced by - before Shva, in Eoph. 179]. (iv.) So, for 1 s. Fut. K. w. the H of 144, we have T\2j$$ (fr. StejO,' H^t (fr. $|K), rg^ (fr. "PJ^);J [and, so HTinft (fr. Tintf )]. But observe, for the 1 s. Fut., it : v v r v: v (v.) forms in which simple Quiescent occurs under the 1 st Rt-letter, as PnStyM (fr. "QJ?), are the same as PHMK* (fr- IpS) * It is only a Moving Shva that takes a compound form. t As in tyfyfc Ps. v. 12 (-1^ Ps. xxv. 2, lxviii. 4), ^JTj Ez. xxvi. 18 j^T^!} in five other places), etc. t The form HlnnK G. xxvii. 41, with is rare. 118 FIRST RT. -LETTER GUTTURAL 17174. (vi.) So the 1 pi. Fiit. K. with the H of 144, has the forms (i) ?Tt3M, T\ljpT\), with a Slight- vowel under the l sb Rt-letter ; and 00 niSM, Vl^Srii, with the Quiescent. 172. It does not follow from 171 that a Slight-vowel occurs only in such cases. On the contrary, the help of the Slight- vowel is sometimes given in a derived form, although the simple word has Quiescent. Thus, *"W#* occurs only with Quies- cent, but we have (w. Aff. \T\- 'him, Sect. XXII.) STTK1P1 2 Kings xvii. 4. 173. In the Imper. K. 2 s. /. & 2 pi. m. these Yerbs generally agree with Tab. XIV, i.e. the Slight- vowel for the 1 st Bt- letter is generally , as in **l87, ^*18!?. [But we find ^^H Is. xlvii. 2, where the is a real Short-vowel, (the Quies- cent being followed by Dag. L.)]. 174. In all the instances mentioned in 171-173, the ' Slight '-vowel is no longer needed when, the word being in Pause, the 2 d Et-letter has a vowel. The Compound Shva then returns to the 1 st Et-letter ; thus, (a.) tf W (Pause-form of HBJP), tWl* (of mTP), etc. ; v ' i -;- x \ : -- itv:v x v : v v (/3.) tni^K (of nfcmy, trrtaa (of rtm% etc. N ' ' t i %: v x vr : v v ' t i -: - vr : - - (7.) And so in the Imperative, t^lty (Pause-form of ^^ft^), xro (of w).* t * A Pause -form sometimes occurs of a word which itself nowhere occurs ; thus, ^"in Is. xliv. 27, for ^fl which does not occur anywhere. [Obs. (1) The (in this word *515) * s Pause-vowel for . The Imper. 2 s. m. of mn to he dry, would be 2TI (like 2"$$., 2"infi). The only 2 s. m. Imper. of 2*in which occurs is 21T\ lay waste, Jer. 1. 21. (2) The (of the f"l) may be supposed to belong to the same class as the o of j? in Hl^p. See more in ' Appendix.' t So ifrE} Pause-form of &p ( 173) fr. ^Jtj 2 s - m - And so we snould have tn^rix for rtjftf^ (p. ne, Note ||), and tniim for nrinN ($ 171, !) FIRST RT. -LETTER GUTTURAL 175.-78. 119 175. Two examples from the Niph. Yoice were adduced in 169 (/3, iii.). Here we may add that In Niph. (i) the prefix 3 (Past and Partic.) has generally * but (2) the prefix Pi (in the Inf. and Imp.), and the prefixes j)TX (in the Fut.) have -f ; see Tab. XVI (1). Moreover 176. (i.) the 1 st Et-letter has (a) sometimes , as in SJM ; and (/3) sometimes r , as in TBM [Cp. 169 (ft iii.)]. (ii.) When, however, the 2 d Et-letter has T , the l 8t Et-letter cannot ever have . It must then have either (i) a Slight-vowel, as in )&1$X )yTjX ^SJli or (2) a Quiescent T , as in ttKTO, !fitt But [N.B. the ' Slight '-vowel of (ii, l) is not needed in Pause, because then the 2 d Et-letter has a vowel ; thus, we have $rn$J3 3 s. /. Past Niph. in Pause, and so fltfJM and ttaBTti 3 pi. w " iriif it : v * Past]. 177. In PL, Pu., and Hithp., these Yerbs agree with Tab. XIY. 178. In Hiph. the 1 st Et-letter has (i.) sometimes -r (pre- ceded by in Past, and by in other parts), as in i|p*fityPl, pVTO?, P^!V-*^ e ^ c * ' ^ut ^*) more ft en ~ preceded by -7- in Past, J as in TSyjl, W^Pt, etc., and (iii.) preceded by in Inf., Partic, Imp., & Fut. [Tab. XVI (1)] ; also (iv.) some- times -z: preceded by in the Past, especially N.B. in the 2 & 1 sing, and 2 pi. when with the pref. ) ; thus wjawTj, wjapi (but wtjjn). ajfiinrji (but b$3*inn), etc.; * Also -r- (i) rarely in the Past, as in riN2n2 2 s. m. (for the N see Sect. XIX.) ; and (ii) sometimes in Partic. forms, as in Sect. XX., and so Y^X Ps. lxxxix. 8, and ntonni as well as TlTim and DHOm, etc., and so TM&V), etc' t To compensate for the Dag. F., which cannot stand in the letters JJnntf. X A preceded by tt, as in JVQyn (2 s. .) Josh. vii. 7, is rare. 120 A ROOT-LETTER GUTTURAL 178-81. but also *fipTnni 1 S. xvii. 35 (where the Accent is not thrown forward, 160). [Note (a). From some Roots, only forms occur. So those in (i) and WgjfJ Fut. K. And so, (b) TO (Neh. x. 39) Inf. JELiph. w. 3, as in Deut. xxvi. 12 *W? w. h (see p. 79, Note t) ; and Ifryi Fut. JT.] 179. In Soph, the 1 st Rt-letter has generally* agreeing with the (o) of the Yoice, and this is replaced by (#, as a * Slight'-vowel) when the 2 d Rt-letter has -^-. Tab. XYI (1). [N.B. The * Slight '-vowel is not needed in Pause, because then the 2 d Rt-letter has a vowel; thus, we have jrQ^nn 3 s./. T IT t; T Past Hoph. in Pause.] IY. Second Root- letter tf , M, H, or JJ. 180. For the purposes of this Exercise-book, the Yariations when the 2 d Rt-letter is K, ft, ft, or y, are sufficiently given in Tab. XYI (2). Some additional remarks shall be given in an Appendix. V. Third Root-letter PI, H, or J^. 181. The Yariations when the 3 d Rt-letter is Pi, H, or y, are sufficiently given in Tab. XYI (3), with the following addi- tions : (1.) (a) The Furtive under rT, PI, or , at the end of a word, after any Long-Yowel (other than ), is dropped when, by any addition being made to the word, the 3 d Rt-letter is no longer at the end. Thus, fr. Inf. Constr. rb& (Abs. fW or HW), we have TO my - k : s -VT -vt . v:t sending, etc ; and fr. the Partic. VOW s. m., we have vrbw pi. m. ; & fr. nbw s. ., nmS# or nrb$ s./., etc. But we have also ; thus Tjgm Job xxx. 15, which is just like 1j2pn. 182, 183. 121 (/3) The dot of Fl is no longer wanted when, by any addi- tion being made to the word, the 3 d Rt-letter is no longer at the end. The dot (Mappek) is always dropped then ; thus, fr. ft%% 3 s. m. Past, tf rQ3 Ez. * x - t vr ; t xxxi. 5 (for Pinsa) 3 s. /., fifOH 2 s. m., etc. x vt : t t : v- t Further remarks will be given in the Appendix. VI. Verbs with *1 in the Root. 182. (i.) Verbs whose 1 st Rt-letter is 1 agree with Tab. XIV except that, in the N<$., the prefixes H and JJVtf have (instead of followed by Dag. F.) ; thus, ^>T\T\ Inf. iVty., N&nK 1 s. Fut., Wtfr 3 pi. m. Fut., etc. " i v t" v : t" (ii.) Verbs whose 2 d Rt-letter is *) agree with Tab. XIV except that, in Pi, Pu, & HO., (a) the Dag. F., for those three Voices, cannot appear; and (/3) compensation is made by lengthening -=r into , into , into H, in accordance with Pt. I, 19 ; [for these Verbs in (ii), see " Appendix to Tab. XVI (2)."] (iii.) Verbs whose 3 d Rt-letter is *i agree generally with Tab. XIV ; but sometimes occurs (instead of some other vowel) before the "1, as in t^ 3 s. m. Past Pi., and sometimes as in ^SH 3 s. m. Past PL often. But this is not limited to these Verbs ; see Tab. XIV Note 0). VII. Verbs whose Third Root-letter is J or H. 183. When in the process of word-forming, a letter would occur twice together and the first one would have ~ Quiescent, this letter with Quiescent is dropped ; and Dag. F. (as imply- K 122 183, 184. ing a letter with Quiescent, before it) is then given* to the next letter. For example, (a) !|3M is 1 pi. Past K. of \ftif [for tt($Bi like tirTj^], ^i 1 pi. Past iV0. of jjj0 [like tfjgjp}]. Similarly, (/3) with 3 d Rt-letter n, U^E Pause-form of |5ft3 [for fi{n)5| like jyiggj, ^TO [like'wjp_)],ri^ [like^jp^]; so fr. 7W, Ijn^, B$ffP, [like m3 DrngS,-- see Tab. XYI (2) (a, 3)], Wj#h [like W^Tj; so'fr. $30, METI, "tfotin DTI3B71; etc. >! (7) So n|MSin ^ ^ v * ^, * 8, xxx "- 9 [given by some with K, and by some with Ptt__ instead of PI3 (see Note *"|. T " T -J VIII. Verbs having any of the Six JTK3T1*Q in the Root. 184. The Root *Tp has two of these in it. There are reasons for preferring this for Tab. XIV, or it might have been well to choose a Root such as ^lfD to write (of which all the Rt-letters are of those six). For, as the Student knows already [Pt. 1, 47], those six letters have Dag. Lene (i) at beginning of a word (except as in 48, Pt. I), (ii) after a Quiescent . And [N.B.] the Dag. L. cannot stand after augLt else than Quiescent -r. Hence the presence of these letters is useful to the Student as shewing him at once where a preceding one of them is * This Dag. F. is sometimes not put in 3; thus lT\tf}$$ Is. lx. 4 [for .TU(;))EXri 165 (I, ?)], n::VB Ru. i. 13 [for rUQ)Jgfl like nr]3n] ; lip Ps. Ixxf. 28; [for M3(J)3in like njlj53J^]. So Jro'S^fi given in the margins of several Bibles for inisyn [i.e.' nitybyn like nrij:>?n] e z . xvii. 23. f For the forms of this Irregular Yerb, see Notes on Tab. XIX.' ANY OF nMTQ IN THE ROOT 184. 123 Quiescent or Moving. This, so far as regards the 1 st & 3 d Rt- letters, is sufficiently shewn to him by Tab. XIY. "We have therefore to deal here with those Yerbs only which have one of those six letters as Second Rt-letter. See below, (a)-(S). [In (a), the is seen to be (1) sometimes Moving, but also once or twice Quiescent, after the prefixes 3 & 2 ; and (2) mostly Quiescent, but also sometimes Moving, after the prefix 7.] (a) Inf. K. (i) w. i^hM, hka, riirfi [Tab. XXIII], hw$ EccL xii - 4 [P- 79 > Note *] > but also (ii) w. 3,-nh^, ffi& hbft, wfeinips, MB>3 (cp. p. 79, Note *) ; but also IJDtt : (iii) w. b,l$h t ihpS twice, ^kl 1 ? four times, and so at least forty others ; but also yh& & tffth, (each thrice), *twh, and tihlb [followed by fcOtf Nu. iv. 23, v : t t t viii. 24], but N!ft? Is. xxxi. 4. [Note. When the 1 st Rt-letter is P! or J^, these generally have as in Tab. XYI (1). So a 1 st Rt-letter ft has often , but also often -7- [see 169 (/?, i)]. Simple -7 under )1 is followed by Dag. L. in one of these six letters [(Pt. I, 25].] (/9) Fut. K. hk?^ llkal-i, etc., with Dag. L. in 2 a Rt-letter, as in the 1 of wkp], tijfcfo, etc., in Tab. XIY; and so others : ( 7 ) jty. [of *in0] Past *$i rran (p. ttfWi), etc. Partic. 138W etc. ; and so others : (8) ^. [of Bfr*?] Inf. fc^P! (AbsO, ^^^(withSpref.), Past srsSn. ntfrsbn. htfaSn. etc., Partic. b^d. 124 185, 186. (the Imper. would be B^Sil, *^jfy etc.), Fut. &$ (JBfihty, W^jbti (t^0) $ etc. ; and so others. IX. Further Variations. 185. (i) Yerb-forms of the Yoices Kal, Pi-l, Hiph-il, may have Objective Pronouns in the form of Affixes. For these, and any consequent changes of the Verb- form, see pp. 208-212. (ii) Pronoun-forms so attached as Affixes to Verbs may serve not only Objectively, but also sometimes where in English we require some Preposition (or other word) after the Verb, and so they occur a few times with Verb-forms of a Passive or Reflexive Voice, and with Intransitive Verbs. 186. There are some important 'Variations' in the case of some Verbs of the following Classes : (1) having l 8t Rt-letter K, K'S, as hhti to eat. (2) \ *% as 2B* to sit. T" Sb* to be good. (3) X }% as hb] to fall. (4) 2* Rt-letter I j $ *? ^P t( > rise. V ' ( (or*, *)}, as tffe> to put.) (5) 2 d & 3 d Rt-letters the same, Q v^lM as MD to go round. (6) 3 d Rt-letter K, tfS, as fc&ft to find. (7) H, H7, as TO^ to reveal. These are dealt with in the following Sections XIV to XX. [The above is adopted as the least artificial arrangement. "We might, however, pat the 3'S first. There are some advantages in so doing. But the arrangement adopted above appears to be the simplest and best.] 125 1. |$* (/.) an ear, Tab. VII. 2. in Pi, to speak. 3. jp/J (. & /.) a way, Tab. X (1). VOCABULARY III. 4. feB Tab. IV (2), cm, count of, against, etc. 5. JJKH a wicked man, Tab. IX. 6. t*fo^ (m.&f.)Sun. N.B. Tne abbreviations iVty., ify., iT0., are used below for Nipli-al, Hiph-il, Hithpa-el. Exercise XXYI [To be translated into English, 11 (a-e).] *tn& rnrfw 6 DW"> Ttt 'W* t'Tfetnn 2 ro t 1 * : t t t : I v v - t - : * | T t t: **a* x"wn ll D^bn fctei '* 9 trn& 8ta w& t v Q t t | : - - : t -i v v : j t : * : t t : - 1 | - : v : - : I t - : t : t I ivi 87 TiJb Z6 iv t'fflftti *6 "^wi 23 n*ni vm 22ta viD 21 W? - T - ( T T I V T : - - : v " T *vhri> 30 i:n 29 n^ t**fep 'tfflh *wto 26 ny * 6 dwi -:- : t t : - t t : - T - n t : : 35 w^' m t^ybw tihn j?& u ytssrt w wi; 32 dwi :S*n^ "tfftp dk "mi t 3 np^3 "'toom *rta *nrap" t : . I; v - : J .... t - ; t - : - - t 1 ^E to reign. * [with] strength. s *1TK to gird. * why ? 6 JJEh a wicked one (m.).* rfctf to prosper [ 165 (II)]. ' Exerc. XX (u). 1^ a city. > men. 10 pKJ to groan. ^n a wounded one (m.). 12 JttGJ> Pi. to cry out. *?Vp to kill [ 168 (i, o)]. u a miserable one. 15 and a needy one. Ie round about. 17 ~pn m to walk. I* T^J a young one (m.) [Tab. X. 1]. " *lp"l J>?. to dance. 2 And they have said. 21 to God. 22 depart. 23 and [the] knowledge of. 2 * IpW a way* [Tab. X. 1], 25 }*2n to delight in, to take pleasure. 2 * until. 2 ? when [26 with 27 = " how long ? "] 28 T?V to exult, to triumph. 29 widow. 30 and sojourner. 31 UTI to slay.f 38 d'in> an orphan. 33 n^"l IT. & Pi. to murder. 34 #133 to plant [ 140 (S, iv), ()]. 36 $>> to hear [For $^ see 165 (II, iii)]. 3 * rtitf to forget. 87 FUM to trust, ss lg$ falsehood. 39 ffcO JP*. to despise. [The] Holy One of. * Words marked thus (*) need not be given in the Notes again, -f Pu. to be slain. 126 .. T . T . -_ . ^- .. T . .._. t"t t : - v J : *n*B3 46 fcn*tfn 45 nawi : 44 &rra 43 mfc> tot tv- t : _.._.. .. T .. v T i 57 ^w) 56! ip^ ^Trt** 54 ^ * tt f$1 52 ^ 5l ^V5 39 raw 62te ra 61 ^n^ D-rfca n vti* 26 ny t 60 ^* ?irbK 66 |^ I t : t | v jt v: - t - : t : t I 31 ^in tj "Epp 63 yis mkt - > tti t^rmS ^ 63 nix : 70 npm]D^K 51 ^p : 69 nn?t? 68 jx^ 67 m^'m 66 Di*ri ^ Bflbi tto# 74 nix^ * ra d?a& : 72 nipmi wyh w nfe>sro v v : : t : t: -: t| : - : t i t ; : - lool ?:n i m? 80 ^5 tv "m?* $> D*tfi ronton 76 Dnn T ._ . . . __ . _ r- T . T . T \ si ^t? 1 ? 54 svg& 83 o*Ti^ri j 78 Warn t 83 $$ : 78 frt! ^ 89 wp; : 88 p^ 87 dnityfc ^Wi "fibbji ^W? *#!# : v v: t t t I v v : - tt : - : v t : : - : -: 97 Tt 96 wnra i^rhrti nxn 95 rt*p : 94 d>& ma : 99! kW inn d*^ in 98 nr;nnni 41 and in their abominations. 42 |Vt^ N$. to lean. 43 [as] a field. 44 EHI! to plough. 46 V& Ed. to breathe out [groans]. 46 BHQ Pe. to spread out. 47 her hands. 48 i?3N to mourn [ 139 (, iii)]. 49 TOK iV>. to sigh. 60 her people. 61 tp&Np. to swoon [ 137 (3,f)]. 52 babe, 53 and suckling. 64 3N^toroar. 56 Thy foes. 5 * pitf to hiss, pin to gnash. 68 a tooth. 69 "IDK to say. 60 y?2 to swallow up. 61 Ppn P. to blaspheme [ 1 68 (i, 0)1. 62 an adversary. 63 Exerc. XX (52). 64 f or ever# cs 13 j to remember [ 168, (i, o)]. 66 the day. 67 2&n to think, to reckon. 68 as sheep of (or for). 69 slaughter. 70 pJJ to cry out (in pain). 71 BPBn to search. " "Ipn to enquire into. 73 p. 93 (No. 86). 74 [God of] hosts. 75 before that. 76 mountains. "JDDJT.to sink, Ho. to be founded. 78 "DJJ to pass, pass over, to transgress.* 79 His command- ment (lit. mouth). 80 a bound. 8l Thou hast placed. * 2 WW Pu. to be troubled (E.V.). 83 the young lions. 84 for the prey. Exerc. XIX. (33). ee SpK to gather, gather away. 87 T\ptp a dwelling (here " a den"). 88 y21 to crouch down. 89 6?p* to lay a snare. 9 <> lib to take. 91 JJT to know. 92 Wl to shake. 93 mn to tremble. 94 from sea, from [the] West. 95 [the] ends of. 96 #!> Nij>. to swear.* 87 liveth. 98 -pn K. & Pe. to bless, HO. to bless oneself. 99 Ex. XX. (45). 1( not. * Words marked thus (*) need not be given in the Notes again, f Cp. 176 (ii, 1), 127 Exercise XXYIL (To be translated into Hebrew, 11, -/*) And Abram^passed-over* 1 into 2 the land. 3 And he-moved* 4 thence 5 towards 6 the mountain. 7 Before 8 The Lord's destroy- ing f 9 Sodom 10 and Gomorra. 11 And God remembered * 12 Abraham, u and sent-away * 13 Lot u from the midst 15 of the overthrow, 16 on 2 overthrowing f 17 the cities 18 in which Lot 14 dwelt. 19 He- will-bless 20 the fearers 21 of The Lord. The generation 22 of upright-ones 23 (#.) shall be blessed. 20 He-that-blesseth-him- self 20 [HO. Partic] in the earth 24 shall-bless-himself 20 in The God of Truth. 25 For as-heaven-is-high (Hebr. as being-high- oft 26 heavens 27 ) above 28 the earth, 24 mighty-hath-been 29 His Mercy 30 on those-that-fear-Him (Hebr. His fearers 21 m.). As- a-father-is-merciful (Hebr. as being-merciful-off 31 a father 32 ) to (Hebr. on) children, 33 Merciful-hath-been 31 The Lord to (Hebr. on) those-that-fear-Him. And I-will-be-merciful-to H 31 whom 34 I-will-be-merciful-to. 31 In Thee an orphan 35 shall-find- Mercy (Hebr. shall be compassionated 31 ). Look-forth 36 from Thy-holy- habitation (Hebr. from the habitation 37 of Thy holiness 38 ) from 39 the heaven, 27 and bless 20 Thy people 40 Israel. For Thou, O-Lord, hast-blessed, 20 and [one is] blessed 41 (m.) for-ever. 42 1 iny. 2 3 the prefix. 3 p. 47 (). 4 pT\V t B 47 ( 5 ) # 25 jg 26 nn.1 (the n is consonantal). " 6#$. 28 ^. 29 "03 . 30 ion Tab. X. (I). 31 Dm Pi. to be merciful, to be merciful to* Pu. to be compassionated. 32 nK. 33 Tab. XIII (4). 31 ^njf. ti\T\\. 36 S)pB> E 43 d-qk. 44 Dnnnx. ' t: t : - t t : - * Fut. w. 1 Conv. t Infinitive Constr. + 178 (i). 'Compensation' is not made in PI. & Pa., comp. Tab. XVI (2) (#, iii). The Pi. Past 3 s. m. takes as in Note (e) on Tab. XIV. g Past w. ) Conv. 128 SECTION XIV. Verbs tf'jS, i.e. whose First Boot-letter is X [Tab. XVII]. 187. Many forms are like those of Verbs whose 1 st Rt-letter is n, n, or y. 188. (a) The Chief Variations from Tab. XVI (1) arise from some prefixes taking , as in the Fut. K. forms (i) *ft& etc., fr. T2K, hl& etc., fr. hlX, TOP etc., fr. *\ti$ etc., ; and forms used in Pause, such as H!M<* f1!3Rft, etc.,* which are of the following Class (ii) riz. (ii) XT\W f Tnfcift etc., fr. ttltf; for some other instances of which ( ) form see Tab. XVII. [(iii) For a few forms of N$. and H$. see 190 ().] (ft) Some other Variations from Tab. XVI (1) in the Kal, are but slight. Thus, (i) in place of , see Tab. XVII ; and (ii) some contractions, as w\F\ Jer. ii. 36 (2 s. f. Fut. K. of ?tX), TOtt GK xxxii. 5 (1 s. Fut. K. of TlK, for TOtK which does not v- t v- v: v occur), and so in Pause iJlX Pr. viii. 17, etc. %* The Student's attention may be specially called to the Great Rule in the following (189), Variations in accordance with which will be found to occur in some other Classes of Verbs as we proceed. 189. These Verbs (X 3) offer us the first opportunity of bring- ing forward the following very important Rule : The ) Convers. of the Fut. has the power of drawing back the Accent from the last to the penult, syllable, as in * The ( ) form also occurs in Pause ; thus 5;>3N*1 G. iii. 6, etc. But, N.B. The ( ) form of the Fut. is always adopted when (as in 165, II) a -r has to be replaced by a Vowel in Pause ; thus VE2J& fr. ^?N*, etc. FIRST ROOT-LETTER K 189-190. 129 *tm*) 2 S. vi. 6, fr. lh^ (and so *pt$) v. 9, fr. the unused TBK* *\fcXft\ 2 K. xix. 23, fr. ttfi) 5 but v * v - v * Obs. (i) not so in 1 Sing. ; thus n&fifl G. xx. 13, etc. ; also \ (ii) not if there be a Shvaf between the last two Vowels [thus, IpS^ and |^ remain unchanged] j and (iii) not if the Accent be a Pause- Accent?? and (iv) sometimes also not, if the Accent be less than the 'Pause '-Accents, in a case of 164 (/3). Note. 0) The Accent is generally not drawn back if there be more than one vowel between the ) Convers. and the last syllable [thus we have IgSJJ and t|DN*Y]> but . (b) it is sometimes drawn back in such iV$. forms, as in *JDN*3 G. xxv. 8, etc. 190. (a) The form ^b^H of Inf. Abs. N. was mentioned in 'Notes on Tab. XIV (tf)/ (So ^DKP) 2 S. xvii. 11). The N. forms generally are as in 175, 176 ; and those of other Voices as in the following the two just now cited. (/3) There are a few instances of N. and Efr forms having X Quiescent in (thus N"), or lost in ) or ; thus (i) N. Past 3 pi. Wjift Jos. xxii. 9, ttnXJI w. 1 Conv. Nu. xxxii. 30 (fr. fllK) ; (ii) H$. Fut. 1 s. S^K Hos. xi. 4 (fr. ^DN), nTSfc w. H Jer. xlvi. 8 (fr. !*$). * N.B. When, as here, the last letter of the word has Shva (which is Quiescent, heing at the end of a word), a long vowel in the last syllable is shortened on the removal of the Accent from that syllable [Pt. I, 55 (9, 6)]. So we have the here instead of the in Tl"IK\ in accordance with Pt. I, 6 19. t Even if it is merely implied by Dag. Forte, as we shall see. X Except iTON*i in Job iii. 2, xl. 3, and v. 1 of Job iv, vi, viii, ix, xi, xii, xv, xvi, xviii-xxiii, xxv-xxvii, xxix, xxxiv-xxxvi, xxxviii, xl, & xlii; but not in xxxii. 6, nor in Chapters i & ii. 130 FIRST ROOT-LETTER tf 191-192. 191. The tf is sometimes dropped in Pi, as in ^Sp^ Job xxxv. 11 for ^?Xp Partic. s. m., w. Pron. Aff. for 1 pi. ; and in H.y as in |*TK Job. xxxii. 11 for |*|NK, and pjg Pr. xvii. 4 for p&flb. See more in Appendix. 192. "With the exception of (i)the special ( )-form of the Fut. K. f viz. rttfr in Pause,* and (a) the retaining of the -r unchanged in the *\fo& form when this is used in Pause, the Pause-forms of these Verbs K3 agree generally with 165-167. [Note. In the above, with Tab. XVII, enough is given for our present purpose. It is unnecessary to give here in detail forms which, as said in 187, are like some or other of those in 169-179. For the efpgj form of Fut. K, see Tab. XVII (2, e, i).J See Tab. XVII (2, y) for Pause-forms of the Fut. KaL Additional Note. The form hlX (or ^J) K. Fut. 1 s. takes the PI of 144 thus rtafc (p. trtatf). So, with this H, the 1 pi. Fut. would be rfe*ft (p. ffbztto). APPENDIX ON VERBS tf'S. 130* Appendix on Verbs Kg. As said in 187, many forms are like those of Yerbs whose 1 st Et-letter is ft, n, or J?. But (i) The Infin. K. has not only the forms 7btf ?bX3 and so "IftX (with o on account of the removal of the Accent), but also with K ThK3 nbXS Tb&O, *a?W?. v: i v: v > I v: v > v v: v > l v: v * Note (a) Sometimes the ^ has -r as in "lfafrs? (/3) The common word *lbX7 (generally rendered My%') is Infin. JT. fr. T&K [for *&h oribaV] (ii) In the Imper. K., (a) The K has - as in Sbtf, ifaK, and arjK j ^fiK (p. t j>&K) ; (/3) The Slight- vowel, which the K takes in the 2 s./. and 2 pi. m., is generally as in *1/SK & 'VStf : (7) But before -^ the tf takes the Slight- vowel , as in i|THK and toHK . The Pause-forms of these are 1 v: v v v: v afng and tang [ iee (&, i & ii]. (S) With the T) of 141 (7) we have the 2 s. m. Imper. .ST. forms (1) rtatf like m&# f and (2) nSDK with X .t : t it : t > it : v ... Note (1). In T|K 2 s./. Imper. JT., Ruth iii. 15, the -^r refers to the of Thtf, Some however give there *{pK like the 2 pi. m. -ITHNf. (2). For -linN 2 pi. m. Imper. X, Ps. xxxi. 24, some give -"DnK. (3). For the rare form BDK 2 s./. Imper. JT., comp. 141 (Q. * For this some give ihtf? in Eccl. iii. 8. From the Root 3HK we have often the form with n , thus HinXp. The form !"DnX gives, in direct Construction, the form nnqK_in nnn^?, T tygSfjEf, niy$. Comp. 137 (4, iii) p. 80. And the same form with Pron-Affixes gives insnXB, etc., see 137 (4, iii). The form DinK? Hos. ix. 10 (Infin. K., fr. liltf, w. 3 pref. and Aff. their m.) has {o), as in Tab. XV, and the H has . - in agreement with the u of the X. 130** APPENDIX ON VERBS &fi. (iii) (a) The Yerbs which regularly take to the prefixes of the Future, as in 188 (i & ii) are *T)2M t o perish, JDJS to hold, yittjo eat, and ^X to say, together with the Yerbs PQX and PlSK, for which see pp. 267 & 270* (/3) Several Yerbs tf have Fut. If, forms such as 0) nh^^hx^etc.; (b) *tN (as well as **$*), and so nk$ Lev. viii. 7; (0 y&v fr. pa, Sgasn fr. tym, etc. ; W DBW DBW) *&B^ 3 pi. m!, M&Q 1 pi., fr. D^K ; and so *W0 3 s./. fr. Ifctf, tfem fr. fcpK. (*) ^DK'' 3 pi. m. r etc. So some forms with Affixes have . (7) Some Yerbs have more than one of the Future forms : thus, (a) From S]DK the usual Future K. forms are *]bfcO , *fpxn . etc. ; but we find also once 5)ph 3 s. m. (with 1 Convers.) for P]DN*1 , and once fjDfl 2 s. m. for f]DXh , which are of the forms Vtffa % TnKFl. (6) So from 3HK we have not only the usual Fut. K. forms HpN* SnKFl, and so OnK (contracted, and in Pause, for 2n$N 1 s.), etc. ; but also Diftf (like Vd'N), once in 3p&1 1 s. w. 1 Convers. and three times w. Pron.-AfFs. [ 185]. (c) And so, conversely, from IflX we have as Fut. K. forms not only (0 TpK* 3 s - w -> tptfn 3 s - / ( and ID- 2 s - xx - 9 for ^0^ 3 s - / with 1 Convers.), trf 1 s. (and, with ii, Njtjfo), \\T$fr 3 pi. *. (p.WpK*; and, with), Jj-'ITnW), but also (2) TnKJ 3 s. m. with 1 Convers., and Tngfl 2 s. m., like 3hgJ andlhn. (a} There may be i in place of J thus, njOIK 1 s. Fut. X. w. P! , fr. *TDX, etc. (iv) Besides the contracted forms mentioned in 191, we may mention here the following : (1) tytff Infin - E< P- ( Ez - *** 33 )> ^Ppostd by some to be for ^Knb (2) >$$ Fut. E. 3 s. m. (Nu. xi. 25), for *?$&*1 or hy#t\ ; (3) 3TIJX Fut. Ity. 3 s. w. (1 S. xv. 5), supposed by some to be for 2Hfc^ ; (4) ?!]! (Is- xiii. 20), which is taken (a) by some as Ify. Fut. 3 s. m. for /*QHj (Job xxv. 5), and (6) by others as Pi. Fut. 3 s. m. for 7fliO which last is possible if we may assume a Pi-el Voice of the Root 7HK . The Pi. of ?I*IN occurs nowhere in the Bible. 131 Exercise XXVIIL (To he translated into English y 11. a-e.) i M jig fc& lta i&fc) n^s 4 n&n nib 3 )?vt t 2 ^n ^ ,h ii}fcl l j 8 rrin &m 7 Di*5 l Qiy#afl : ...^ba 1 ? *^Qr$$4| \) "Q^ nj *$ : B D^ ; aoijj ^8 n : " 0335*? *ftt*|?| 9 )pp : J^? 3 n^s "D^j/p "t&kto : ^! na a 3Tk) : "sna **Rjit : n y?ij a pi$ rcna 20 ^ : 19 na w 3pV3 "Jp# t "ivp} p T ^p 32 n^ : ^p D!ito ! mj8 n-ns \s "*&p$ i *n^S9 " nsofc * M ^ sjjg! 33 ^pm 33 fpa : "%5$n Ss v s rJ n ^5S : "tfjn *^3$ * 37 ty3^1 "0*1}!? by& 1 nfttf to say. * whether not ? 3 JH> to know. * 96 (ii, jB). |ftK a lord. 6 Zerubbabel. 7 Dr (m.) a day. 8 render ye thankful acknowledgments, give thanks. 9 pTPI to-be strong. yK to be firm. " nn^. (*.) a heart. 12 nnK to love. 13 He will correct. u for ever. 15 I shall be. 16 a lady ( for in Pause). 17 TflX to take hold. 18 Spy a heel. 19 a snare. 20 and throughout all. 2l p3K to groan. 22 a wounded one (m.). 23 7DK to eat. 24 thy (/.) oppressors, those that afflict thee. 25 -j'^3 flesh. 2e -j2&$ to perish. 27 my place of refuge, my trust. 28 and my fortress. 29 thy (/.) salvation. 3 {BM fff. to believe. 31 *]hft to be king, as [ t h e ] g00 a f. 33 f)DS to gather. * the whole of thee. 35 her that halteth. 36 meek ones (m.), 37 JQb to have enough, to be satisfied. 88 ^T a companion, a friend. 33 Tpn a pious one (w.), a saint. * A Verb in Hiph. has sometimes two Objects expressed. So here, Nos. 24 & 25, the first Object those caused to eat, the second Object that which they shall eat. 132 Exercise XXIX, (To be translated into Hebrew, % 11. #-/*.) N.B. All Verbs K'S in this Exercise have the Fut. K. as in \ 188 (a, i). For Pause-forms, see Tab. XVII. (2, 7) and 1 192. Wicked-ones 1 (m.) will-perish 2 [ 162 (d, i)]. By 3 the breath 4 of God 5 they (m.)- will-perish 2 [Pause-form 6 ]. All 7 my bones 8 shall say 9 , Lord, who 10 [is] like n Thee P And Zion (/.) hath- said,* 9 The Lord hath-forsaken-me 12 [ 162, (d, i)]. Say- thou 9 (m.). to 13 the house 14 of Israel, So 15 have-ye-said 9 (m.) f saying, 16 . . . What shall- we-say ? 9 Tell-ye 9 (m.) a righteous-one 17 (m.) that 18 [there is] good, 19 for 18 the fruit 20 of their (m.) deeds 21 they- shall- enjoy 22 [Pause- form 6 ]. Comfort-ye 23 (m.), comfort-ye 23 My people, 24 your (m.) God 24 will say 9 [ 162 (d, i)]. And He-said,* 9 Yerily 25 My people 24 [are] they (m.). I will say 9 to the North, 26 Give-up. 27 And I-have-said : * 9 " my Father ! 28 shalt-thou (/.) call 29 Me (Hebr. to Me). And we- will not say 9 any-more 30 "our God ! " 24 to the work 31 of our hands. 32 The Glory 33 of Thy Kingdom 34 they (m.) shall tell 9 [Pause-form 6 ]. I Exerc. XXVI (). "llK. s b prefix. * n^J, 56 (i & v). b$. 188 (Note , N.B.). ' !?>. 8 ntoljf (/.) Tab. XII. 1 (pi.). 9 *1K. 10 . " 3 prefix. " .^3$. 13 b$. u Tab. XIII (a). . 15 % Inf. X, w. b, of 1K. 17 p^ # is ^ 19 nitD. 2 v-j^ i.e. the same. 21 t$$Q. 22 ^DX. 23 Dm Ft, Tab.XVI (2) [j3, iii]. 24 Vocab. I. * *}& flS* (/.). 2 ? jg| 28 | 29 j^p, 30 -,ty. 81 H^O. 32 nj a hand. "faa. 34 jvd^q (y # ) # * Fut. w. 1 Convers, 133 SECTION XV. Verbs *'iD, i.e. whose First Root-letter is i [Tab. XVIII]. 193. Some forms agree entirely with those in Tab. XIV ; thus (i) the Inf. Abs. and the Past* Tense & Participles K. y (ii) a few forms of particular Verbs, (iii) the Pi.f, Pu. } and H6.% forms. The special Variations are the following : 194. The * is dropped in (a) the Inf. Constr. K., and (/3) the Imper. K. ; thus, from '2^ s i I (a) Inf. K ffctf, Tfl&\ Ktitfc, Ttiti t but Tflth w. h ; v w > v w : J v w : * v v.v i v ur t andw.Pron.Affs. I&fitf 30 *MB> etc.; 03) Impee. K. f 3E> W etc. j see Tab. XVIII. * Thus (fr. ?TV) tJJk nni), fl*^, etc. pj, Ju. xix. 11, is giyen by many as 3 s. m. Past K. of TV " by aphoeresis." But this is somewhat doubtful.] f Except in some instances of the loss of the * by Contraction, as in -Hll Lam. iii. 53 (for W!|i like $J}1 of TO, cp. Tab. XXIII), and a few other words. + (a) Thus n-V^H, JSjfc!}*, l^fi (n^nniEx.ii.4, is irreg.3s./.with1Convers.), *j$!JJ*, and so *$!$! (V) 3 pi. m. Fut. w. 1 [of "ft$ and ISJgJjg fr. fT; (ft) But, in some, * is replaced by 1 ; as in JTHrin? Inf. Constr. (w. 2) of JJT, jnglJJ* 3 s. m. Fut. of rD % , and VJOg 1 s. Fut. of JH> (Pause-form). () In Pause Utojf. (ft) From sn*, n$ ( P . :nj?^), njj?, nj$. !1 (a) But [fr. "$) to^, etc., forms like those in 62 (iii). And, (ft) from JTP, '^H, etc - forms like those in Tab x C 1 )* v (a) w. n, nnif . So (fr. ^), ^ -^, nj 1 ? (p. :hdS). Also, (3) from VIS V% ^f, Wl. And, (c) from 2HS 3H give thou (m.) [HSH ('. etc., Pt. I, 12) ; (yS) sometimes Quiescent in *-- as in the jffft. forms 3b*n *Wl S*B" etc., Tab. XVIII. ; (7) sometimes lost in as in the forms Fut. K. 1W 3#fi l 38^ etc. [seeuos] (5) sometimes replaced by )*, either (i) Consonantal, as in the iV 7 ^. Inf., Imper., & Fut., see Tab. XVIII ; and in some mthpa-il forms [ 193, Note (& *)] J (ii) Quiescent in S f, as in the iV<. Past & Partic, and in the H$. lW)7) f y&tt, ZMfr etc. ; or (iii) Quiescent in i|J, in the Hoph~al; (e) sometimes dropped, and Dag. F. placed in the 2 d Rt-letter [thus, for instance, in some forms of p2C\ as jEfl* & -ptfK Is. xliv. 3 (1 s. Fut. JT.), WO I K. vii. 16 (Partic. J7<9/?^. s. m. t ' i.e.') ; so, from i^ H^^ (p. tni) 3 s. /. Past ##, ysn 3 ^ Past -Efy., SJ& s. m. Partic. .fl&.]. 196. These Verbs may be dealt with in the three following Classes : I. those that retain the s as in 195 (a) ; II. those that lose the * as in 195 (7) ; III. those that drop the 1 st Rt-letter, and take Dag. F. in the 2 d Et-letter, as in 195 (e). [But N.B. a Verb has sometimes forms belonging to more than one of these Classes, and like those in Tab. XIV.] * Some imagine Roots 1's for forms having 1 thus. f For which there is -- some few times. % For which there may be [Pt. I, $ 14] as in nhjj Ez. xxi. 21. FIRST ROOT-LETTER * 197 (a-%). 135 197. Class L (a) The forms Sfc* B>S" (or StD^ KSP Pt. I, 12), etc., are really the same as &y?\ etc., in Tab. XI Y. [But the 1 st Rt-letter i becoming Quiescent in the preceding , the is not required beneath it Pt. I, 29.] There are a few varying forms which will be given in the Appendix. (/3) In Pause the 2 d Rt-letter has -, as in tBfS^, tB^I, trbu rtffi" (or a^s* pt. i, 12). IT t IT IT > (7) With 1 Convers. the Fiit. form SfcD** retains its Accent on the ft*** syllable ; thus StD*1, and so StD*FH, etc. But, (3) fr. TW we have once |Wf1 GK ix. 24. j^1 > however, occurs four times, and Ypr 1 ] twice (* Vp*} once, 1 K. iii. 15). So fr. 15ft t Tpjl GK ii. 7, and f W * 19. (e) The 1 s. & 1 pi., w. H ( 144), drop as usual the vowel of the 2 d Rt-letter ; thus, (fr. fJP) fttJJHg 1 s., and (fr. th} tl$y} 1 pi. But, in Pause, these would become SiTCSW, VT : * ' * T IT 7 tnghft [ 165, II, ii. s]. Thus, nXhkl Ps. iii. 6, 1 s. Fut. t it *- * ' - ' T it ' r K. w. 1 Convers. (?) Some of these Yerbs retain the * in the H. also; J thus, the Ecf). forms fr. ^ in Tab. XVIII, and so (fr. j) p\^H, fW&S, pyjl, pWl (or p^fi, Pt.I, 12), etc. ; and so styll 2 s./. Imper. 2Z$, fr. T?\ [But the usual ZZ<. forms from ^ are like S^n WPP etc., in Tab. XYIII.] So also, fr. 9?\ * This form belongs to Class III. f In the Bible, the Accent here is -3- which stands over the last letter of the word. That is the place for the Accent -i- . But it affects the penult, syllable here. X The 1 st Rt-letter * belonging to these forms is (i) sometimes dropped, as in iri|W (D. xxxii. 13) 3 s. m. Fut. Sf, of p$ w. Aff. -Iii him [Sect. XXII], and (ii) sometimes retained consonantally, as in 2*t??* (Job xxiv. 21) 3 s. m. Fut. H<{>. Partic. s. m. } np T ^ & HttPg s. /., etc. [The latter, w. Pron. Affs., has the t-Decl. ( 62, ii), thus tap^t?, and [J, i] iFl[?3D 2 K. XL 2 & nnjpjjp G. xxiy. 59.] 1J In the form cited in Note ( j, i ). 136 FIRST ROOT-LETTER 197 (^~0^ t$& (ctr-8). y^TI (for hhTfi 3 s. m. Past, tym Imper. 2 s. m. and *^PJ 2 a./. & ^H 2 pi. >., r^fK 1 s. Fat. w. n. But (17) In some ff. Fut. forms of 77* the s is retained con- sonantatty [cp. page 135, Note ($,ii)], thus 7*7?. 3 s - w - '^!*$ 1 s., hh\ 3 pi. m., &^fi 2 pi. m. [For ^-^t see 201.] (0) When the Fut. JT. of form y&V| has 1 Convers., the Accent is generally drawn back ; and the Long Yowel of the last syllable is then shortened* Thus, MD^I 3 s. m., !3tDW 3 s./.; and so pytfj fr. p^, etc. (Y) But most Yerbs of this Class (I) have H(f>. forms like those of *2W\ in Column Y. of Tab. XYIII. For such forms of Fut. H& see 198 (e, etc.). 193. Class II. (a) In the forms Sgf*, %&$, *ytfft t etc., the l 8t Rt-letter 1 is not written, but is understood and implied in the -^- of the Prefix-letter. (/3) In Pause, is given to the 2 a Rt-letter of Fut.f forms which have -r- in Tab. XYIII; thus, >$?p\ 2 s./. Fut. K. of T?* is in Pause ^j?^, an ^ so ^7\ gives OT?* ^?J? gives W&$ etc. Cp. 165 (II). (7) So fr. JHD 1 ?^ & hgfe, the 1 s. & 1 pi. w. D ( 144), we have in Pause iPoStf & JH^ T I" '* T I" * (8) With 1 Convers. (1) the Accent of 2# , ^5, 3#3 is drawn back; and so we have [cp. 189(*)] 2g^ 3 s. m., iB^I 3 s./. & 2 s. i., 3^ 1 pi. [see also ()]. But (2) the Cp. 189 (Note ) [on p. 129]. f So also in the Imper. K. ; thus, fr. *p we have J >p^> for ^b 2 a./, and : *):& for -ID 1 ? 2 pi. m., as PD<> 2 s. m. Imper. JT., w. H , is in Pause irch. [ 194 (j8, Note II)]. t HD^, Mi. i. 8, with the l*t Rt-letter * standing. FIRST ROOT-LETTER * 198 (e-0), 199 (a-ry). 137 1 Sing, remains unchanged, thus SKWl. Also (3) in Pause we have OBfjj; etc., cp. 189 Obs. i & iii. See also (6) below. So (e) the Fut. #<. (S*B>>, etc.) w. 1 Convers. is SJ'tt 3 s. m. y 1W)F\) 3 s. /. & 2 s. m., aW1+ ("*M^ftj 1 pi. (5) With J1, 144, the *-.- remains ; as in t&hteil 1 s. Fut. R4>. fr. ^, and so fi*Tfa 1 pi. fr. JTP. So HSDK 2 S. xii. 8, with for ') and for * . (77) The forms ^., etc., of the K., and l^V, etc., of the R

* IT " * IT" (7) also, in Pause, replaces the of 2 d Et-letter in 2 s. /., Once 16^1*1 G. xlvii. 11, a Pause-form not in Pause. t The \ (for the of the Eoot) is implied in the *. . So in ^}\ 2 K. vi. 19, etc., as well as ^Vl Ex. xiv. 21. See also (0) . % For which we find once *$&"? Pr. xxx. 6. (a) For the Inf. Constr. K. njH, etc., see 194, Note (, b). And, (b) for the Imper. K. 2 s. m. JJJ, see 194, Note (If, b). [| For which, once, tjn.V. Ps. cxxxviii. 6. 138 FIRST ROOT-LETTER * 199 (8-0), '200, 201. and 3 & 2 pi. m. Fut. ; thus, flPlfi Pause-form of TO and * ' IT p - J rtjnn of win ; and so (8) the 1 s. & 1 pi. w. H, e&. Wltf and PISH? are in Pause :mn and ittq. c P . 165 cnT&)]. T IT * T IT" (e) In the H. Imper. 2 s. m. the 2 d Rt-letter ha3 as in jnin fr. jrr, n^in fc rw, yj^'in fr. y#\ But, (J) w. n, 144, the V appears as in T\y$\T\ (Jl&fiPI) 2 s. w, (97) In the -ff^. Fut. the 2 d Rt-letter has (1) sometimes *-r as in tJHV Y\ s y\ s especially in Pause; but also (2) sometimes -=- as in BTI Nu. xvi. 5, tV#) Job xvi. 21, &B&1 Pr. xx. 22, (3) especially thus, in the expression of a wish, or with 7K Deprecative, or with 1 Convers. (as in JH^ Ttfpi J^*J & }^) # (0) The Rules in Tab. XVI (3) may be referred to, as for several of the above, so also for other forms not mentioned here. 200. The Partic. forms are sufficiently given in Tab. XYIII. The s./. and pi. m. & /. endings agree with those in 139 (/3). But when the 3 d Rt-letter is Guttural, the s. /. form is )% instead of ]%- - [Op. Tab. XVI (3)]. Thus, rBH* Kal, and twyfc m^ of yy ; and so nrgp mph. of ro\ (in P . :rw *) 201. The n of the H. Voice sometimes appears, as in VtfW (1 S. xvii. 47 & Ps. cxvi. 6) 3 s. m. Fut. H. fr. tytfr ; and so in Ps. lxxxi. 6 IteWSj wnere W-ft. fr. &D*). So in t|Vlin* (Ps. xlv. 18) 3 pi. m. Fut. H. fr. PIT [Sect. XXI] with Aff. for thee (*.).. So too in fahfi] (Is. Hi. 5) 3 pi. m. Fut. J7#. fr. ^ for i?v*2 [The forms 7v" , etc., were mentioned in 197 (17)]. FIRST ROOT-LETTER * 202, 203. OBS. XII-XV. 139 202. Class III. The forms in which the 1 st Et-letter is dropped and implied by Dag. F. in the 2 d Et-letter, as in 195 (e), agree with those in the next Section (XYI). Compare 212. 203. Such forms as KJl (G. viii. 17 Krt) 2 s. m. Imp. & JD$ ]% son-of seven years (i.e. seven years old) [was Jehoash at-his-becoming-king (*1D?D2)] 2 3L xii. 1. N.B. (i) In Niph. of *'B Verbs, the I st Rt-letter * (which is but rarely retained as in the Fut. form iT)** p. 288) is mostly replaced by 1 which is (a) sometimes Consonantal, as in the Infin. and Impes. 2B>-1 H etc., and Fut. 2WV etc. ; (/3) sometimes Quiescent, as in the Past 2IM3 etc., and Partic. 2lpJ etc. (ii) In Hiph. the 1 is (o) sometimes kself Quiescent, as in It^H (Infin. Abs., and Imper. 2 s. m.) etc.* and (#) sometimes replaced by \ Quiescent, as in 2K>*in etc. [Tab. XVIII] ; (iii) In Hoph. the * is replaced by ) Quiescent, as in D^H etc. ; (iv) For theHiTHpXr^L se 193, and Note (J), on p. 133. 140 1. 3 a father, Tab. XIII (1). 2. flK a brother, Tab. XIII (2). 3. flJCE together. 4. DPI 1 ? (m.) ra?e? ; Tab. X(l). VOCABULARY IV. 5. ^aw<7,Tab.X(l). 6. Iiy (m.) a servant, Tab. X (6). 7. 1*^ J^w. 8. nb ;*m?. 9. |3 fotf, that not. 10. iijn PA * S^ * S3 *f$^? ' n? 1 ?^ 1 1 1 ?* to go. 2 for thee (*.) [Obs. XIV, p. 139]. 3 K* to go forth, to go out. [This Verb must be given in Sect. XXI ; the form here agrees with Tab. XVIIL] * flN 71 (ii). 6 Canaan.* 6 *1"1 K. to go down, go down to, E 2 |* wine [Obs. XII]. 13 JJT K. to know, to take notice, H& 57 DW? 13; )jrfn t 56 w# i 1 ? 49 njrt?nn : g 13 j?nii 60 ^.D3 *6 : 59 injtt 5 13 snin :n? 13 nyn^ t 58 voV?y 49 ygnn i*0 wn 62 ^n n$ * *j$#n* wjrjsi 1 49 nv^ T 3) sp$ 63 ^D : i^fh^ f$l to be born. 21 1DK to say.* 22 Abraham.* 23 ^} a youth, a young-man (Tab. X. 5). 24 3B* to sit, to sit down, also to dwelL 25 0bs.XIV. 26 TtaQ an ass. 27 n'3 iy so far, to yonder place. Rebekah.* 29 after. * Inf. J^.'of (9). 31 Tab. III. 32 let us take our journey. 33 before thee (m.). 34 two.* 35 D3E> to lie down. 36 )&* to sleep. 37 lighten Thou. 38 Pjp'^ Joseph.* 39 and He hath brought up. 40 princes. 41 yp^ to awake. 42 D?n to dream. 43 a second time. 44 in the best of. 45 and shall I call ? 46 a woman. 47 p3"> K. to suck, H$. to suckle, nurse [a child]. *8 i^J a child (m.). 49 yK H$. to save. 5 -p a hand, i.e. T 51 a strong one (m.). 62 a needy one. e3 and it shall be. 64 that when. 55 empty. 56 pp* a right-hand (/.). 67 among the peoples. 58 His doings. 69 ny-lti'^ Salvation. 60 2*in a sword. 61 JVJn a spear. 62 crushed ones of. 63 shew Thou the Light of. 64 Thy countenance. * Words marked thus (*) need not be given in the Notes again, t [In] death ; or, as some give, ' [the sleep of] death.' % 145. N (Class if), i 2 jjt 199. 13 D^3. w nj?3. M Fut. Soph, of fe*. 16 3flfc " |bg. " Fut. Hiph. of S\& (like that of 265"). 19 rriK">. 20 Vocab. II (7). 21 nW Ti. 22 Inf. Abs. of (12) [followed by the Fut. of (12)]. 23 Hiph. of (11). 24 Mph. of 1^. 26 riEft (/) decl - Uke Tab - x C 1 )- 26 ?& 27 !$*& " ^?. 29 w 30 Partic * w ZaZ of* (12). 31 X>B. 32 TV- 33 nOn. (N.B. Put before the n when it has -?- under it.) M Hiph. of SB* ( 199, e)'. 35 Vocab. I (H). 36 N3K. 3 ? 199, 38 K3. 39 TDK, $ 188 (a). * Fut. w. 1 Conv. f Hebr. like thee (.), Tab. II. J 198, p. 136. 143 SECTION XYI. Variations in the case of Verbs 3*3, i.e. whose First Root- letter is 3 [Tab. XIX]. 204. Some forms are like those in Tab. XIV, viz. the Inf. Abs., the Past Tense, and Participles Kal, the Infin., Imper., and Fut. JST^. and the whole of the Pi, Pu. f & Hd. 205. The chief Variations are the following : (i) the disappearance* of the 1 st Rt-letter 3 (a) in the Infinitive Constr. Kal [thus, rt| fr. B&Q, the T\ being added as in the ^} f etc. 206. When the 2 d Rt-letter Guttural, () instead of then-??- Inf. form, as in T\W% we have n as in Wvh Inf. K. of JflM w. ^ [See also Kote (a) on Tab. XIX.] (b) It scarcely need be said that the Rules of Tab. XVI (3) [cp. 181] hold for these Verbs also. * Only in the case of some of the Verbs which take to the 2 d Rt-letter in the Fut. [Cp. 207]. See also 'Notes on Tab. XIX.' f Forms in which the 3 is not dropped agree with Tab. XIV, and therefore do not fall under this head, viz. of ' Variations.' I The Dag. F. is sometimes dropped when the 2 d Rt-letter has -f ; thus, from VD3, tyD? [instead of WD* for Hjti#% and so -lyplH, etc. So' also instead of the Ht in s./. Partic. forms. Cp. Tab. XVI (3) (I)). 144 Verbs j'fi 207-211. 207. Some Verbs ^'fi have the (^) form of Fut. K. ; thus $N etc., as in 205 (ii). And, of these, some drop the 3 in the Infin. Constr. and Imper. 2 s. m. K.> as said in 205 (i). But 208. other Verbs 3Tfi have the ( ) form of Fut. If. These do not take the fi form of Inf. K., and do not drop the 3 in the Imper. K. [ 205, i] ; thus, fr. bfiS (of which the Fut. K. is Sb v etc.) we have the Inf. K. forms *33 ^J3 Sfe& and the Imper. *D3 2 pi. m. ; and so \ff\t$i 2 s. nt. Imper. K. of Jjto (of which' the Fut. is B^ etc.) ; etc. 209. Before a Guttural 2 d Ht-letter, the % is generally not dropped. But (a) it is so dropped, and Compensation (for the Dag.) is made, in the K. Fut. T\V? T\T\T\ and (ft) it is so dropped, and Compensation is not made, in the jfy. Past Dm ft&m dft&m, and Partic. Dm of Dm ; and v.- ) ' : v.- > vv : - * vr > so in the N? (/3) Also some have both the ( ) and the (^-) form of the Fut. K. ; thus, fr. Ttt both ifr* TIM T!fl and also TM 211. The 1 s. and 1 pi. Fut. K. y w. the H of 144, drop the Vowel of the 2 d Et-letter (except when the word is in Pause). Thus, JlVD} * & TODJ t 1 pi. Fut. K. ; D^X (in Pause ff&M) 1 s., & ri7^5 (which would be in Pause tri/bi) 1 pi. ; etc. * In Pause the D would have -r-, thus }nVD3 * T IT t See Pt. I, 72 (Note *, ., in which the Kherih remains as usual (thus, JTVlltf HTi3 fr. *1^). 212. As said in 202, some Verbs whose 1 st Rt-letter is * drop their 1 st Rt-letter and take Dag. F. in the 2 d Rt-letter, and so have forms like those of the Verbs ^ 3 in Tab. XIX. Thus, from aft N4>. Past rata; aaa etc. Partic. ae etc. ; #<. Inf. (w. h) S^H 1 ?, Past n^^ etc., Fut. Sftg (n^_, -a^), etc/; #d. Partic. afc. So, from JK\ Hcf>. Inf. &}, Past JPK1 etc., Fut. J< (*), etc, JZo. Fut. iij (p. ^-). V So, from Jftft J?$. fut ;-gS. # etc. J/d. Fut. Jft\ So, from rov* jr. Fut. [nir], ran, etc. ; JS& Past W etc., Fut. &FBF Is. xxxiii. 12 (for ttfTK^ the being resolved into -=- followed by Bag.) ; ZT<. Past ft*n WH etc. ; Fut. [f^J, tWV etc. 213. So n^ t is given by some authorities as a Boot which drops its * and takes Dag. F. in the 2 d Rt-letter in H<\>. and iZd. ; thus, H. Inf. h^H 1 ? (w. h), Past ITjn (& H-in) etc., Fut. m* (& TW) etc. ; Ho. H|b, Partic rtWH (Zech. v. 11) 3 s./. Past, is partly iifapA. and partly Hiph. 214. Besides the above, there are some occasional forms of Verbs * fi which are like forms of Verbs 3'fi in Tab. XIX. * As given by some authorities. f Some, however, discard this Root, and suppose that there are two forms of the E .- T > DftH^ JttrO. In all these the 3 d Rt-letter 3 is dropped before fi. So in the 1 pi. Past il-tft} [instead of ^)Q)fO] it is dropped before the 3 of the termination U . 217. For the Pause-forms of the Verbs }'B, it is sufficient to refer to 165 & 166. * This word has ~ instead of a Short- Vowel followed by Dag. P. 147 VOCABULARY V. 1. *te| a mighty one (m.). | 3. 'ftSJ (.) ^ry, i.c. 1^2 I 5. JJJ (Vocab. II. 6) is 2. ^D* (m.)produce,increase. 4. DM (w.) vengeance. rarely masc. ' (i.c. the same). Exercise XXXII. (To he translated into English, % 11, a-.) 5 nop 1 ? t 6 *#$ 5 npi ^3 4 M# $9 3 *^ 2 nMH ! ^PO 6V t?8 5 npfi dk t n n^v 10 &W$b 'TO 1 ? : 8 ^n 7 no^ : nyjto ^ spyifl ^ *"$? '*? 9 T fi 16 *p^ *& *^^.iife : 'i 3 ^! 21 YW^ 20ri * : 10i|t ^- wn ^?^1l 29 sits M np*? : 27 nj)b ^s& 25 npi^ 24 y&?n "tirtfik 19 to^n : nyft D3 1 ? 3l nyga 30 nan t 7 *#& 5 ttf i D5 1 ? 9 pbj : fap 9 jO! * "fa? DJ^ 1'h 9i W * tJp^tJ BCH5 ^ S4 n3?i 33 ^v ^ 19 ^5* 82n J ^1 : ^: n $ 9 |fifl rfflR 1 mercy. 2 niOK truth. 3 1^3 to keep, preserve. 4 S7DK> to hear. 6 lip? to take, to receive ; iVty. & Ho. to be taken. 6 D^IBN sayings. 7 ")D-1D instruction. 8 wisdom, intelligence. 9 |J"0 to give, to set, to give forth or utter [one's voice]. 10 to simple ones. " subtlety. 12 rU-infi understanding. 13 * to go. 14 securely. 15 ^*1 (/.) a foot, Tab.X (i),2)w. D^H.* 16 *PJ to stumble [(so E.V. here) ; lit. to strike, dash, smite]. 17 J? (m.) a heart, w. aff. \& t etc., pi. JYiaS.* 18 straight forwards. 19 D23 Ify.to look,' to behold. 20 and knowledge. 21 ti$? a lip, Dm. DjnB^.* 22 hy HJ Ifcf>. to deliver. 27 from death. 28 doctrine. 29 good * [Adject, m., 76 (i)]. 80 behold! 31 5D3 Ity. to pour out, to utter. 32 this one, such a one (m.). 33 a humble one (m.). 34 and one (w.) stricken of, (or contrite, as E.V.). * Words marked thus (*) need not be given again in the Notes. 148 38 $ $ ^8 * 7 m) v$^$n) x ^1! W -W\ 35 p*K : wn vw 61 t : * cao *Sk 31 r\mJ7 "tehm 39 :ny 38 nt 33 wn Qjjj : 43 rn:i ft$$ 43 rrr. 42 ^^ tf 'rtb#jb *wfa\ t ajsjj$ t 78 # 444 ^ 44 ^5 ^ j ngj TlttJ ^ Bj : *nj5M : *| ihps Sx 47 ^Hj? W1) : 46 ^n 3 iim a&t 45 nns;b 57 rtp 8 rr#$l | bn^Pj 56 ^ ^ >i n 9 rqfW T : pa w ntahi ^5 59 J?3*n nm * *rrp$ #y$i t s rjh$ 48 n : M * *jp* m tit^ *tfc i 62 ipnv awn 61 mn &b#$ 69 nn^ ^ 68 im 5 njp$ 67 *s j 66 uwri 65 D^ipi 70 p pV to pour ( 212). 36 and I will bring him near. 37 B>M K. & i\>. to approach. 38 who is this [that] ? (cp. 96, ii. 0, and 97). 39 hath engaged, or pledged. 40 3>n to think, devise. 41 devices. 42 in order that not. 43 ITS to banish, expel. ^ 44 lit. master of my suit, i.e. one in controversy with me. 45 from fear of. 46 D\*n {m.) life (a Noun of plural form).* 47 Vocab. I (16). 48 yJ3 to touch, happen (as an evil accident) [with 2 before the person or thing affected]. 49 evil (m). 60 ?D3 to fall. 61 beside thee (tn.). 52 a thousand, Tab. X (1). 53 and thou shalt be. 54 pS Hoph. to be firm. 55 thou shalt fear. 56 The Lord. * [the] commandments [of]. 58 D*j?n statutes. 59 2T E to judge. * Words marked thus (*) need not be given in the Notes again. 149 Exercise XXXIII. (To be translated into Hebrew, 11. -/*.) And Jacob vowed* 1 a vow. 2 And Jacob told # 3 to Rachel 4 that 16 the brother of her father he [was]. Tell- thou 5 (m.) to me what 6 [shall be] thy reward. 7 Better 8 [ 82, L] is my- giving 9 her to thee (m.) than my-giving9 her to another 10 man 11 : abide 12 with- me. 22 And. it- was- told* 14 to Laban 15 that 16 Jacob had-fled 17 [ 152]. And he-took* 18 his brethren with 13 him. Recognize 19 for- thyself 20 (m.) what 21 [is thine] with-me, 22 and take 18 [it] to thee. And he-took* 18 of 23 that-which-came-to-hand (Hebr. the-coming 24 into 25 his hand) a present 26 for Esau his brother. And-he-bowed-himself 27 earthwards 28 seven 29 times 30 until 31 his-approaching 32 unto 31 his brother. And the women-servants 33 approached * 32 . . . . And Leah 34 also approached* 32 . . . . And afterwards 35 there- approached 36 Joseph and Rachel. 4 And they (m.) -journeyed* 37 from Beth-el. 38 And Jacob placed * 39 a pillar 40 over 41 her grave. 43 And Israel journeyed* 37 . And HE-conducted * 43 , like the sheep, 44 His people. 45 And a new 46 spirit 47 1- will- give 48 within- you. 49 And I- will give f 48 in Zion Salvation 50 for Israel My glory. 51 That-which thou (m.)-shalt-vow, 52 pay-thou. 53 i TO Flit. U). [See 210 (j8).] 2 TO. 3 1$ H4>. 4 ^jfj. 6 Imper. s. of im, w. n. 6 n. 7 niptyfi, *. aff. irrabo, etc. 8 nto. 9 inf. k. of JJB, w. aff. for my. 10 nn. &% 12 Imper. K. of 2W\ w. H. 13 Tab. Ill (3). UH8ph.0t(2). 15 |lS. " VT) # 17 mi. 18 n pt, e 19 T& E< p t 20 <$ 21 ^ 22 H^ # 23 |p # 24 Kan. 2. 26 nmp. 27 .infill. 28 fjjf 71 (iii). 29 JD\ 30 D^pys. 81 *y. 32 ito 33 pi. of nnpp. * n$?. * nna. 36 3 s. m. Past ^. of mi. 87 vdi 3 8 ba rva. 39 n> jj]-i ( 74, /.). 62 to Fut. (- 1 -). [See also No. 1.]. 53 th& Pi. * Fut. w. 1 Convers. f Past w. 1 Convers, 150 SECTION XVII. Variations in the case of Yerbs 1 ]}, and Verbs * y [Tab. XX]. 218. There are two great Classes of Yerbs whose 2 d Rt-letter is ) or *, viz. those (I) in which the 1 (or the *) is Consonantal, (II) in which the ) (or the *) is Quiescent 219. The forms of the First Class agree with those of ordinary Yerbs,* and therefore do not require detailed mention here. But 220. Important Variations take place when the 2 d Rt-letter is ) (or * f) Quiescent j (i) The ) is sometimes Quiescent in ^ ; as in [see Tab. XX] (a) Kal, Infin., Partic (2), Imper. and Fut., 08) JV$., Past 2 s. & pi. (m. &/,), and 1 s. & pi. But (N.B.) the defective form - r may occur for \, as in D^D Ps. xii. 9 for bfg Inf. K. w. 3 (fr. hVi), and so ^fop for ytfip 2 pi. m. Imper. K. y DpfcO for BlpKI 1 s?Fut. K. w. 1 Conv., 3p* for''^)p* 3 pi. m. Fut. JT., etc. * Thu3, (a) when the 2 d Et-letter is j Consonantal, we have (1) fr. nil, I1V1 3 s. m. Past K., T\T\\ 3 s. m. Fut. JT., D^np pi. m. Partic. P; (2) fr. TYM, W1W in Pause for -111] V? 3 pi. m. Fut. K. ; so (3) fr. Tin, W1)j(JJ 3 pi. m. Fut. X in Pause; (4) fr. Via,' tie Inf. K. $)& w.% Past JflJ 3s.m., :Jjj}i 3 pi. (in Pause for Wll), -IJ^H 1 pi., also the Partic. Jjjj s. j., and Fut. |$ 3 s. at, etc.; (5) fr. TO, P?. Inf/rnj; 1 ? w. ^>, Fut. n-lg* 3 s. m., etc. So, also, (b) when the 2* Rt-letter is Consonantal, (6) fr. 3% ^IIKI 1 s. Past iT. j (7) fr. D*p, the P?. Inf. D >j?V W. !?, Past Dij? 3 e. w., g 3 pi., Fut. Jnj281 Pause- form of n?W 1 s. (with H, and with 1 Convers.), etc. ; (8) the EQ. forms tT]JP|9 1 pi. Past of T*, and -IVtDV*! 3 pi. in. Fut. (in Pause) of TO. [For the trans- position of the V and the n of fin, and for the change of the D to D, cp. 'Notes on Tab. XIV (***)]. t See 225-228. Verbs Vtf 220 (ii-v). 151 (ii) The 1 is sometimes Quiescent in Khoulem; as in {a) theInf.Abs.7iT. Dip, (J3) some other Inf. K. forms, as T\)ti* f rt&3, fflfc-?, (and so KIT? hut fltty^jj and with Pron. Affs., irt^* his dying, etc., from JlID fo die, (ry) some Fut. if. forms, as JB* ifc^ etc., besides the more usual U^P* ^lfc^tt etc. ; and (8) throughout the iV<., except. the forms in (i, /3). (iii) The 1 is sometimes dropped f as in the K. Past [Dp 3 s. m., PlftD 3 s. /., Jjjpp 2 s. w, etc.], and Partic (1) [Dp s. m., fttjp s. /., etc.], etc. ; see Tab. XX. (iv) The ) is sometimes replaced by % , either (a) written, as in D^pPP Inf. -H"^. with 7, and Dp PI Past 3 s. m., etc., or (/?) understood, as in the Inf. Abs. H(f>. J DDtl and the Fut. forms Dp 1 * Dp ft etc. ; and ( But (iii) the Imper. and Fut. of fil/b are like those of Dip. [(iv) The Verb T\)f2 having H for its 3 d Rt-letter drops this H on receiving an additional syllable beginning with H, and this latter receives Dag. F. ; thus, ftjb for $(]$?, J"lfi for *?($>, **$ for ^(H)5, tS*6 $ for Dg(^ etc. Cp. 183 08)]. 222. The Past-Tense forms in the third column of the Kal in Tab. XX, viz, #$ Plfc^ etc., and the Partic (1)&% correspond to the Sj?S form of the Past-Tense and Partic. in the ' Full ' Verbs [see 138 (a)]. But, * Thus D*J? Neh. xiii. 21, pi. m., iv. )1? or |v. (The corresponding s. m, wouH be |J>, like ")JJ Song. v. 2, fr. Ity.) Verbs XV 222 (i)-224. 153 Obs. (i) the 1L which in the 3 s. /. & 3 pi. Past of the ^6 form of ' Full ' Verbs appears in Pause-forma only, stands regularly in the forms fl$9 3 s. /. and ^51 3 pi. (ii) The Partic (1) K. s. /. and pi. m. & /. are [fig^], (iii) In the Imper. (the form E?Jj corresponds to the form "lps with ). The stands regularly in the forms *$3 2 s. /. and $ff% 2 pi. m. ; but it appears in the corresponding Pause-forms, merely, in the case of 'Full' Verbs. So also - (iv) in the Fut. forms *#hft 2 s./., fety 3 pi. m., WZft 2 pi. !., and in Jl^bX 1 s. w. Jl ; for (v) the Fut. forms $1* >bft etc., correspond to the (-^-) forms "1h&* # H|b5fi, etc., of the 'Full' Verb, the -r of the prefix-letters being lengthened into in order to avoid the occurrence of the Short-vowel in an open syllable. 223. Some Verbs have here and there forms such as in 221 or 222, as well as others like those fr. dip in Tab. XX. 224. Some Verbs have (cp. 220, ii, 7) Fut. K. forms such as D'rV (fr. Din)Ps.lxxii.l3, U\T\T\ Ez. v. 11, as weU as others such as wnv wnn. The forms in Tab. XX, of which the chief features are sketched above, will be sufficient for this Exercise book with the follow- ing additions [ 225-248]. 154 Verbs *>'$ 225-227. 225. Some few Yerbs have * (being s '$ therefore) where the i| occurs in the Kal of dip [Tab. XX] ; thus (i) Infix. pS (Absol) of Boot p, D^ (Constr.) of Root D^=BlbO. So n^ and (w.h) T&h t and (w. Aft" *-my) W [=W>, Pt.I,12] of Eoot n^(=n^), etc.; (ii) Imper. D*fe> 2 s. m. (and w. H, nfc^)> W 2 s. /. (and *&b> Jer. xxxi. 21), ^fcf 2 pi. *. (also }&&>) ; V v > (iii) Fut. D^ 3 s. m. (also DB* and DGT), *D^m, etc. 226. Such Yerbs have other forms like those in 220 (iii) ; [thus, fr. 0& in Kal,f (i) Past DE> 3 s. m., TM& 3 s./., fifc^ 2 s. m., fljbfef 2 s./, etc. ; (ii) Partic (1) Db> s. m., H]&> s./., etc. Also (iii) there are sometimes 1 ty as ra# as H tf forms having the same 1 st and 3 d Et-letters ; thus, tfifc> Inf. (Abs.) and Mfe^ D^T?, etc., besides ftty in 225 (i); and so Q^^ Ex. iv. 11, besides the more usual D^J, etc., in 225 (iii). So tftfc#* Is. xxxv. 1 (3 pi. m. Fut. K with Aff. D them m., Sect. XXII) from fc^jf, although the usual Imper. and Fut. forms are from fe^G?]. But 227. there are also a few forms, as nil^ (Job xxxiii. 13) 2 s. m. Past, WS (Dan. ix. 2) 1 s. Past, and Wl (in tD^Tl Jer. xvi. 16, 3 pi. m. Past with Aff. D them m.), which are like Hiph-il forms withoujb the H +. * Sometimes occurs as in j7Jjl Job xvii. 2 (3 s. /., fr. \h) ; and, in Pause, :)j?ri b$ Ju. xix. 20 (2 s. m.). But also f^J 3 s. m., f^fi 3 s./. & 2 s. m., \b$ 1 s., 1^; 1 pi.; and |b1, fl & 2 S. xvii. 16, cp. 232 (iv). t They agree generally with Tab. XX in other parts also. t The full H. forms without the PI. This may fairly be doubted, especially in regard to the forms in 225 (i & ii)]. 228. The Fut. K. forms of D*fe>, viz. B*fc* D^H etc., being exactly the same as the H. forms Dp* d^p^l, etc., the 3 & 2 pi. /. would be TM&m like rflbpfi. So we find * H^ttl 3 pi./. Fut. K from ^J of which the Fut. K. forms are 70* ^ft etc. VT> V T J [Note. As in 220 (iv, /5), the * of these forms is often replaced by -^ ; thus Elfe* for D*fe* etc. Cp. Note () on 220 (iv. .] 229. Some few Yerbs have forms like f tH 1 3 s. m., dhft 3 s. m., ST VT from D*! 1 !, as well as the more usual forms DW D^HH . So i'* V.T > V T N. T fr. $% as well as the more usual 3^, etc. [cp. 220 (ii,?)]. And so ftf} Gen. vi. 3, fr. JH, but the more usual Fut. is (fr. OT) PT , pfi , etc. 230. Of the 3 & 2 pi. /. Fut. K. two. forms are given in Tab. XX. The first of these two, viz. Pljj&bjrl, corresponds with the Imper. 2 pi. /. Ptifcb as rffTpfift with PllHbiS. And so we have, (i) fr. !)&, HElVn (in fl8?tf| 1 8. vii. 14 ; cp. x ' t:v.t* t:vt- x Ez. xxxv. 9 Kri, and pfc^ft twice in Ez. xvi. 55). Similarly (2) fr. *m, nr&m (m itnfcro jth for rtnro jb^i*, i s. N/ t:vt^ t;t- * Like n)5J?? 3 pi./. Fut. #<|>. of l^j and so rU^.P) in Tab. XX. t Sometimes such forms are used where there is a positive or negative Wish. But it is unsafe to limit the usage to that case. If we might assume such forms from Boots which have them not, we might say that the - T - (#) of Dp*! ( 232) is obtained from the -*- of ti\) s [which does not occur] instead of the -1 of D-1p\ But no advantage is gained by the assumption, and some objections might be raised. 156 Verbs fy 231-232 (i). xiv. 27). And (s) fr. 11, njKlttl* (and once httttM 9 once jxnn). But T 231. several of the 3 pi./. Fut. K. forms which occur are like ftJWpl-l, the second form given in Tab. XX. Thus (i) fr. tffei WtattR. (2) fr. tjiy, WttpA'; (3) fr. p&, fh^fift; and so (Ofrom^, tffijfa once (Ez. xvi. 55) ; (5) fr. HO, m*fctefi t vv \ : t vt : occurs once, and PO^i^ft once; but the form in 230 (3) occurs about a dozen times. 232. The drawing back of the Accent by the ) Convers. of the Fut. produces, in the Kal and Hijph., some remarkable changes in these Yerbs. Thus, (i) in Kal, tflp* has [in accordance with Pt. I, 55 (9, b)] the Accent on the last syllable. But the ) Convers., as in 189, draws away the Accent to the Penult, syllable. Consequently the Long- Vowel } would then (if left) be unaccented and yet followed by Shva Quiescent understood with the D . To avoid such a breach of the great Rule in Pt. I, 55 (8), the 5| is shortened into -7- (0) [Pt. I, 19], and so we have the form J Dp* 1. Similarly tftpft gives DPJjl, So, fr. 3ft MB^J gives IW*) eto.8 And so T KT-t " * The k being Quiescent, there is no Shva beneath it. For the Verb SOt see pp. 272-275. t Also n31Blp Zech. i. 17, njptiMjl Ez. xiii. 19. X In Pause, the Accent returning to the last syllable then, we have instead of the-T-(3). Thus (for S)j;l) {*jj$ from Spy, aud (for flty JfVI from fn ; and so (for DV^l) DW*1, fr. D1, etc. For Pause-forms not in Pause, such as nb>l Nu. xxxv. 16, Jbni Am. ix. 5, cp. 164 (0). So n-I^J 1 pi. Fut. X gives n^31, which appears in the form ZIVQ (with 1 ' superfluous') in Neh. iv. 9. Cp. 2 S. xiii. 8. Verbs fy 232 (ii)-234. 157 (n) in Hiph. QW gives dp*1 with in the place of the * * of D*| Similarly tfj3fl gives Qpfil. So, fr. S1#, S^ gives ^*1 and ym 1 pi. gives 1^1 etc. V T V VT-J V T ; V \J-} [N.B. The Pause-forms of HJJ, etc., are tDDJJ, etc.] (iii) The Fat. forms in 225, viz. DHS^ etc., are treated like those in (ii) here. Thus El*fc* gives Db^l etc. \ / V T V VT-> (iv) Similarly when from any other cause the Accent is removed from the last syllable of ttpj, BW, and such like, the forms are as above in (i)-(iii). Thus ^h B1 Job xxii. 28, K)-aB^ 2 S. xix. 38,'te rVf Ju. vi. 32, jS^'fl ^tf 1 K. ii. 20. 233. In the case of the 1 s. Fut., the Accent is not drawn back by the 1 Convers. ; and so QpR and Wp# remain un- changed in ttjatt Kal and D^fcO E$- 234. When the 3 d Et-letter is H or J?, the 2 d Rt-letter takes instead of (o) in the Kal, and also instead of in the Hiph. Thus, fr. fitt fo m, the Fut. X. fitfj 3 s. m. gives m jj and he rested, and the Fut. Hd>. JT3* 3 s. m. gives TO*1 tfftG? Ae caused to rest (or awe? A# 0W mtf) ; so that, the two forms being exactly the same, the context alone can enable us to know whether Fl3*1 in any place is Kal or Hiph.% * If we might say that D* 1 ^ would have the * replaced by * on receiving the 1 Convers., and in the other two cases mentioned in 162 ( 3 s. m. gives *)D*5 and he turned aside [to see, etc.] Ju. xiv. 8, and the Fut. H(j>. "VD" 1 3 s. m. gives ^D* 1 ) and he turned aside [i.e. removed the ashes from his face] 1 K. xx. 41. So too when the Accent is removed from any other cause, as in ""ISP 1 K. viii. 37, *\)F\ 7K D. ii. 9, but these may, perhaps, not be from ^Vftf. 236. (a) The Fut. 1 s. and 1 pi., with M, are unchanged. Thus n&Sfc 1 s., Jl^W 1 pL, of the Kal; and so the Eiph. rty^ 1 s. (of j), nynj 1 P i. (of yr, etc.* And so, (/3) the #<. Imper. 2 s. m. with H ; thus M/b^Pl (DVl) from D11, etc. (7) The K. Imper. 2 s. m. with H has not only the Accent Penultimate as in T\J2)p from Dip ; but also some- times the Accent is on the last syllable as in PlJWp which is exactly the same in appearance as the s. /. Partic (2) K. [The context alone enables us to distinguish, then, between the two words.] For n^pj, 3 s. m. with, ft, see 144 (7). Verbs fy 237, 238 (ii). 159 237. The corresponding variation in regard to the position of the Accent is found also in the 2 s. /. Imper. K. ( % Wp *), and sometimes in the 3 s./. Past K. (ilffljt) ; and more often in the 3 pi. Past K. (3j5), [Further remarks on the forms in 23G (7) and 237 will be given in the Appendix.] Notes. 238. (i) In the Past K. of the Yerb fcfll the 3 takes ~ in the place of as in Tfi& (& FUJKSl) 2 s. m., *JlX!l 1 s., etc. This is because the K (being Quiescent in these forms) has not Quiescent Shva, as the ft has in ft/ftp *fiitip etc.; and therefore, the syllable being now an 'open* one, the Short Yowel is lengthened into . Many other instances of this will be found to occur. Comp. Obs. XXIII., p. 185 [For the Yerb KQ see pp. 272-275.] (ii) We find (instead of -*-) in D{3#M 2 pi. m. Past K. from B^lS with \ pref. This, as also the in DfifeSH* 2 pi. m. Past K. of Eh* and the - in QftWe* 2 pi. m. Past of &#,$ are supposed by some to be obtained from the of the 7^3 form of Past Tense K. This is possible ; and thus the would be in analogy with the -7- (0) of the 2 pi. m. & /. of the ?J?3 form of Past Tense. But the statement of 138 (A) (ii) should * *D-1p (with the Accent on the last syllahle) might he, instead, the Infin. Kal with Pron. Aff. my. The context alone can decide hetween the two, when the Imper. 2 s./. is so accented. f flftp (with the Accent on the last syllahle) might he, instead, the Partic (1) K. s. /. ; and the context alone can decide hetween the two, when the 3 s. /. Past is so accented. % The rr occurs also, sometimes, instead of the usual , in some forms with Pronom. Affs., as will he seen in Sect. XXII, 160 Verbs fy 238 (iii)-240. be borne in mind by the Student. This matter must be dealt with by and by. (iii) The position of the Accent on the last syllable of some Past-Tense forms, instead of the last but one as in Tab. XX, must be dealt with hereafter, as said above. But, moreover, N.B. the Accent is on the last syllable sometimes, not always, in accordance with 160. (iv) It need scarcely be said that i)-J7 (in ^*p) Ju. xix. 13) is 1 pi. Past K. for VQ)2 fr - f 7 C P* ^ 3 (a) ' " (v) The form T\^A Zech. v. 4 is 3 s. /. Past K. fr. \h, with in the place of . 239. In accordance with the great General Rule of 59, the of ^in^ disappears when the Accent is on the last syllable (by reason of the J of 145) as in V\T\)ti H 3 pi. m. K, with j (or fttjb^ Pt. I 14). So pn&Jjl (or priori) 2 pi. m. So also in the Hiph.\ thus pjbW 3 pi. m. Fut. ff. (with {) Job iv. 4. 240. In Niph., (a) when the 1 st Et-letter cannot receive Dagesh, we find Compensation made in the Infin. ^11^7 (for ^iXn 1 ?) Job xxxiii. 30 fr. "fitf, and so in the Fut. *ftP Jer. vi. 22, etc., fr. *ty * (/3) Instead of the *| of tDHJ^p} 2 pi. m. Past, we have in Dni^bi Ez. xi. 17, anbM Ez. xx. 43. (7) Instead of the ) in the Partic. N. we have, also, Shurik ; thus Mfi3 pi. m. Ex. xiv. 3 (Pt. I, 14). * This form is adopted, in the word ^V)., Zech. ii. 17, for the Past Niph. 3 s. m. Once, also, we find HD} 3 s. m. Past ity., in Pause, for -|3 (as if fr. Tlfc, Sect. XVIII). 241, 242. SOME ' BORROWED ' FORMS 243, 244. 161 241. Instead of Pi in the Hiph. Past we find (a) sometimes n as in nirOPl Ps. xliv. 8, *m\Tl Ps. cxxxix. 18; also (/3) v: t . v: v | v: before a Guttural, as in ^rnyH Jer. xi. 7. 242. Besides the long forms of the 2 s. & pi. and 1 s. & pi. of the Past R(j>. in Tab. XX, there are also a few forms which are more like to nipSH, Wigjpl; etc., in Tab. XIY. Thus fiSjn 2 s. m. fr. m Ex. xx. 25, etc. ; $&$} 1 s. fr. SttD Jer. xvi. 13. Similarly, fromjl^, H^H 2 s. m. with Jl, ^ftfi 1 s., *DfifcPl 2 pi. m., *Jppn 2 pi. /.; and, from {*&, ti31 1 pi. (2 Chr. xxix. 19) [cp. 183]. 243. 'Borrowed* forms. Some words, belonging to Boots )']} in sense, agree in form with those of Tab. XX (}'). Thus, (i) in the ITf. Past, tpMSfi 3 pi. with Aff. ^ t thee (m.) [instead of TpiTpH (or 'n), fr. JYID] Jer. xxxviii. 22; and so (2) in the H. Partic. fVDD s. m. y and D^plbJ or D3vft J pi. ^. [instead of D^^/bfr. llS]; W in the JEty. Fut. ^%| 3 pi. w., 0%*J 2 pi. m., [instead of tf^, wStt] ; (4) the JffbpA. Past DJ5J1 3 s. m. [2 S. xxiii. 1, instead of DpjlH fr. Dip] ; etc. 244. As other instances of 'Borrowed* forms we may mention here (1) fi^H 3 s. m. Past JT<., H^H 3 s./., fi^liPl 2 s. m., .^liPI 3 pi., when used in the sense of 'being ashamed* which belongs to the Boot'S^H, but the forms belong to the Boot $y to be dry (Hos. xiii. 15). So, on the other hand, tyXl* 1 in the sense " he or it will be dry*' This sense belongs to the Boot B^\ but the form ^3J belongs to the Boot thU. , * Observe tlie here, instead of . Further remarks on these, and some other forms, will be given hereafter, f See Tab. XXV. J In the sense murmuring. 162 SOME ' BORROWED ' FORMS 245-248. Many other instances of 'borrowed* forms will be found to occur. Under this head may be classed the forms referred to in 212, 214. Also the usual Eoph-al forms of the Yerb fjf are 'borrowed* from the *fi [cp. 220 (v)]. So, too, we find forms 'borrowed' from the Yerbs dealt with in the next Section (XYIII) ; as TS (for TS he despised) Zech. iv. 10, and so fltD Is. xliv. 18 in the sense of JltO Lev. xiv. 42. 245. The main Rules for Pause-forms [ 165] hold in the Yerbs l'jj. And, as in 166 (c), we have the in such H9. Pause-forms as jtflSJVl 3 s. m. Past, t%)A3hri 3 plu. Past, etc., t^tfnnn 2 s./. imper., njjtfv 3 s . m. Fut., etc. 246. The rare form MJtOtOi^nn Jer. xlix. 3, may be men- tioned here. It is the 2 pi. /. Imper. H6. from tSl^, the $ being not transposed with the T\ of ftPl probably to avoid having the Sft immediately before the JlJtOtD as would be the case if the form PttfcDfcDilWn were adopted. [Obs. The of the b here is in accordance with the ( j-)) form in Tab. XIY (vn)]. 247. The following Participle-forms with Pron. Affs. will be recognized at once from Tab. XX ; viz. *jbp Partic (1) K. those rising up against me (lit. my risers up). So ^D/bi'l/b Partic. PL one raising me on high (lit. my raiser on high), *l2lti)pT)!b one raising himself up against me (lit. my opponent), etc. And so *VT)ti thy (m.) dead ones, from DTlft plu. of fift etc. But 248. as these Yerbs differ so much from the ' Full \ Yerbs, it may be well to give here the following 163 Table of Participle-forms. Plu. /. i.e. Plu. w. i.e. Sing./. i.c. Sing. m. ntop * , V" vat >V nap Dp T *W(i)v rn tMQte v npe *p w / (i) rt^te W)2 Bfa (7) \ Kal - ntop Wttp rV ^ D^t (2)' ritotej * 1 : > V" Dtttytt v "W ^tfMtW^i ntortpa v : J : 1 D^Jbipa n^ip| TO#pS) Daip^(m)^. rtoipfc D^jSJ te Josh. v. 5. The word H^T Is. fix. 5, for rn-1T s./., has for -7- ; cp. 238 (v) % (a) n#BJ occurs as s./. in 2 S. xviii. 8 (mVBJ Kthtv.), (b) For D*J3} see 240 (7). For IVDD see 243(a). 164 1. WX The lord, Lord. 2. P]{< (m.) anger, w. Aff. '"ISX his , , , etc. VOCABULARY VI. 3. yn (/.) earth, a land, country. In Pause *T^. See also Exerc. XIII. 5. [See Tab. X (1) for the Sing., and Tab. XII (1) for the Pin.] 4. ]W (/.) a right hand [ 56 and 59]. 5. lib (m.) strength [74()]. 6. fcO now, I pray, we pray. 7. n?Dn (/.) prayer. Exercise XXXIY. {To be translated into English, 11. a-.) 9 pfe> 8 tw?) 7 Dirt 6 rx& 5 ^D5 4 jin; : 3 sp3^ 2 WW V. ' ^p 15 nna : *i$p "*$$& 7 ^jghB t 7 B#ta& 12 *)K u S^b : 10 iy : 5 teM l9 tDfiBfe 1 ? 4 d$ : 18 w i&y " nrw t 16 vthh 7 Dnta : . T . . - ).. . T - : v : : 25ta )inK *v&\ '*& : tfyah **ia# : *tt*tt 20 d^ wm : 28 w v6x r Sfi : n W hy *"?it ^ 26i i^ W ^ : v: t; ) vt 1 | :t t t t 31 Dmn l mm nnx : w 7 dv^ dm 1 ? "rnto 2 29 nm? - : | t t - I v : t y t t t: t 1 Dip K. to arise, rise ; Ed. Tartic. one raising himself up against another, an opponent. 2 pS K. to be scattered, H(p. to scatter. 3 Exerc. XX (52). 4 }1D Pi. to establish, also to prepare ; iVty. & Pu. to be established. 6 ND3 a throne (w. Aff.iKpS, etc.). 6 from of old. D11 iT. to be high, exalted; Pi. to exalt, extol ; IT. Partic.) lofty. 9 pB> to inhabit. 10 eternity. !?SE> .Sty. to make low. l2 also. 13 *iyK> a gate (Tab. X, 5). " death. 15 my Glory. " &J>*a a head (w. Aff. 1W1, etc. Plu. D^&O).* and the reproach of. " Tl D X. to turn aside, depart; H$. to cause to turn aside, to remove. 19 for the judgment. 20 0)2 to tread down. 21 IV a foe, pi. DTflf. 22 2)W to go back, turn back, turn away, return, repent. 83 ^)2 to be ashamed. 24 J1D iV. to be turned, turned back. 25 backwards. 26 for them (*w.) [Obs. XIV, p. 139]. 27 Exerc. XXIV (se). as jflg* salvation. 29 TVK> to put, place, appoint. 30 fear. [To " put fear to one" = to "put one in fear"]. 31 Dm Pi. to compassionate, have mercy on. * Words marked thus (*) need not be given again in the Notes. 165 T " ' :J- T K T T T T I 'tttfpngib t "torts *Hj3 7 dti i ??$$ 36 ^ 8 TT J* t toy 1 ? *np 7 dti : 40 Dn^' 89 ^ : ">?5*w li Lijv vr^ tt: t :- : "nan 44 nna : nzb 7 dti tt ttDfe> j 42 nm s#h 41 nrtoft T T T T : iaS tt w t 60 iiht 49h t>si 48 D^ 47 Dnx3 "riiWiBfa tt:I* : tt t: ttt -;-: t*ftteha 22 s# *& I 63 Sw 62 x^ Was 61h v&n ei 69 rrrirv n du * *t&ki t "B*1W 57 WJ : "vWa *na 65ta iD*i T . ... - t : : T T t - T - 6M fiWii t Wib m ^n'tpn 62ta i^x : 3 6l ^s 6o ^ 18 td# 65 wot 65 ^D 64 ^VT : **| H^ W--"B5h 7 D^n 1 68 trite 67 &na tsni : "d?*! 18 vt> : M*rtoa - t P t t - T v -: - 60 hv^ *taa t 73 ^n 72 win : n wrb 70 rip : m t&fh -t"': :- *t -- J T -T- : 83 nfca 23 a#a : 82 to be satisfied, satiated, to be full. 44 V)K to curse. 45 13 J a man {properly, a mighty man). 46 ntD3 to trust. 47 in man. 48 WW to put, make. 49 flesh. 50 his arm. 51 lift E<\>. to change. 62 for [that which] not. 63 ?JP MY to pour out [ 138 (B), iv, j8]. 71 a prayer (E.V.). 72 we have conceived. 73 Tin (or ^Tl) to be in pain. 74 UVZEx i05 b>ib> : 105 nn^ 104 nh^ ^x M nkp t'tt- ; : -:-: ' : J" : 63 Stpv xS"-: 4 ^M 45ta in^ 108v "!^? $3 * 28 W *H*ag fi t to 112 ^n tfrc n : 110 pirns 109 *snb 88 nw!i r-. T :- "'t-: t:- | t~ : t:- j 114 nm Mat 'n&fcfaa : wnSa * 'S#i 1 fwi ^ *h t : - : t : : v : t : : ) v t t t t - |t t- t : t " :J - : t vt-t: t : 84 verily, but. 85 as Adam, or man. 86 great. 87 and small. 88 ^2 K. & H |1p P*. to mourn. 91 K13 to come [see 230 (s)]. 92 these two [things] (/.) 93 iy until [that]. * yzn to take delight. 95 the mountains. 96 B^B to depart (E.V.). OT and the hills. 98 D-1D X. to be moved. " niy #0. to rouse oneself. 10 Jerusalem.* 101 &TP to fear. 102 and maketh-alive (E.V.). 103 Exerc. XX (45). nHD to open. 105 for my Love. 106 bib or WW to rejoice. 107 h^ to be glad. "8 the steps of. 109 my thought. uo afar off. 1U 1H to contend, plead. ll2 2*1 a contention, cause. 113 yn BB. 8 f# (/.) 9 JN3 [the "greatly" to be expressed by tbe Infin. Absol. before tbe Tense, 137 (1, d, jB)]. I0 TDfc?. llta 113 H6. l2 Hi-vD (used bere for a "lodgement" slung up to a tree, or trees). 13 Din. u by. 15 hy ()V his . . . , etc.). 16 DTI K. to be high (or exalted), JEty. to make (or raise) bigb. D^Sl Tab. X (). 18 D# or D^\ 19 DJK, pi. lYiriK. 20 -no Sa^. 38 w. * Verb to precede its Noun, or Nouns. f Past w. 1 Convers. % With H at tbe end. With | at the end. N 368 not thou (/.) the-same 40 that 41 made 18 [3 s. /. Past] the sea- depths (Hebr. deptlis-of 42 a sea 43 ) a way 25 for-redeemed-ones- to-pass-over (Hebr. for 6 passing-over-of** redeemed-ones ib (m.)) ? And the-ransomed-of 46 The Lord shall return 47 and shall-come- tof 48 Zion amid 49 glad- sin ging, 50 ... ; rejoicing 51 and joy 52 shall-they-attain-to 53 ^ sorrow 54 and sighing 55 [shall] have-fled- away (pi.).* 56 39 yy-|T. 40 &T\. 41 The Prefix H as in 6. Cp. 98. & D*j?g. DJ. 4 * *Q$ Infin. IT. ^KJL 46 V.-n?. 47 21K>. Ktt. 3 (the prefix). *> Ttfl flfe^. 82 nrw. wafeoity. 64 jw. 55 nn:K. 66 du. f See Notes on p. 167, The Student may write out for Practice : (1) the Fut. JT., and the Fut. H., of Dl") to be high; (2) the same two Futures with 1 Conversive. 169 Note. [Those who are eager to begin to read The Bible itself may proceed to do so now by help of the following Outline-sketch of the remaining Classes of Verbs and by continual reference to the corresponding Tables. But we strongly advise the Student not to do so, but, instead, to work carefully through not only these pp. 169-178 but also the Observations XVI-L (on pp. 179, etc.) and the additional Exercises XXXYI-L. It is scarcely possible to get the requisite familiarity with some of the remaining Yerb-forms without carefully working through the Exercises upon them. "Wise Students will find themselves well rewarded for this additional toil.] (I.) Section XYIII has to deal with ' Variations from Tab. XI Y when the 2 d and 3 d Rt-letters are the same.' [As, for instance, in Yerbs from the Roots MD, *Ttt .] But (a) in many forms from such Roots there is no 'Varia- tion ' from Tab. XI Y ; and (/3) for the 'Variations' we may refer to Tab. XXL [See also Obs. XVI,-XXII, & Exerc. XXXVI & XXXVII, pp. 179-184.] (II ) Section XIX has to deal with 'Variations from Tab. XIV when the 3 d Rt-letter is X .' The chief 'Variations from Tab. XIV are: (a) the 2 d Rt-letter has followed by tf Quiescent, (i) instead of followed by a letter with Shva- Quiescent [see Tab. XXII], and (ii) in a few instances, in 3 s. /. Past forms, as JthB (instead of TJ^P), and so fflbh Gr. xxxiii. 11 (instead of HX^jl like Jl/bplPl) ; (/3) in the 7^3 form of Past K., the is retained in the 2 d and 1 st Persons, as in T\WV 2 s. m., etc. ; T l"T (7) The K form is the common one in the other Voices. Obs. Some words, which belong in signification to Roots K/, have forms that are 'borrowed* from Roots nS, for which see Tab. XXIII. [See also Obs. XXIII-XXV, & Exerc. XXXVIII & XXXIX. pp 185-189.] 170 Verbs p6. [See also Obs. XXVI-XXX, & Exerc. XL-XLII, pp. 190-201.] (III.) Section XX has to deal with 'Variations from Tab. XIV when the 3 d Bt-letter is Jl Quiescent.' These ' Variations' are many and great, as seen in Tab. XXIII. The Student may observe (a) the Inf. Constr. endings in Ml, (we have also ni^") as Inf. Abs. K., Is. xlii. 20 Kri } T\h^ Inf. Abs. irf, 2S. vi. 20); () the endings rV f W , etc., (sometimes fi /H etc.), in Past Tenses; (7) the endings Ht7> and Pi , in certain other parts; (S) especially, the Imperative and Future forms with- out the 3 d Rt-letter PI, thus (i) Imperatives 2 s. m., as 7H for PIT3 Pi., tfin for r\B^n h$. (& ^jn- fr, nbjtt, bnnn (p.6nnn) for pfennn m (ii) Futures 3 s. m. &/., 2 s. w., and 1 s. & pi., as (3 s. m.) ipy jr., 1 Sa; 2ty., 1 ^ PI., 1 g //<., ^JUV JE?59., etc. N.B. Such are often called 'Apocopated forms.'* ( W T "t VV T " i etc., merely lose the H when apocopated. Thus feWl 3 s. /. (w. ) pref.), and so *n* KTl fr. rn* of n*n. (77) The 3 s. m. Fut. E. flH*l* #0 *# $00, and the 3 s. m. Fut. ^0. JlN^V ^ will cause to see, (or will shew) i have, both of them, the same shortened form K1* 1 ) with ) Convers.J N.B. It is only the 3 s. m, which has this shortened form from Jltfl. But we have also pfc^ni 3 s./. Fut. H. fr. np#. * From rTn to ie the 2 pi. w. Past K. DJ)Vn w. 1 pref. becomes DJpJfTfc So the 2 pi. w. Imper. JT. -Vi! becomes l*nV But the 2 s. m. Imper. JT. HVl becomes T&Si, Similarly fr. i"Pn to live we have Dfl^m, Vm, but n*m. f Once n'^n Ex. xxv. 31 (with * instead of ). J Sometimes forms occur, with 1 Convers., not shortened ; thus, ilX'VV HN^I, etc. 172 Verbs fi'b. (0) A * Consonantal appears in some forms. Thus, (i) rVDH 3 s./. Past K. and VDfi 3 pi. from nDfi; and so (2) Jptt? and VftK 2 pi. m. Imper. jff". ; (3) HWJK 1 s. Fut. JT. (with H also) ; (4) $& 3 pi. m. Fut. JT., and (with J, 145) |W JV|^, $$& etc.; (5) JV&lfl, 2 pi. i. Fut. Pi., etc. Obs. Such forms may be said to belong to Roots * 7 ; but more must be said on this, elsewhere. (1) A 1 Consonantal stands in some forms, from a few Roots. Thus ififap 1 s. Past K. fr. rb&; V H1&& : v.- t %,* -: - : P2. Partic. pi. m. (i.e.) ; etc. ; which may be said to belong to Roots ) 7. For the forms fr. HPI^, with ) introduced at the end, see Tab. XXIII, Notes f to If. (k) The ending V in VDfcn Josh. xiv. 8 is Arama3an, cp. Dan. v. 4. (A) The ending PI occurs sometimes where the more usual H is given in Tab. XXIII; and (rarely) ri-^r instead of H-^- in the Table. (/x) No difficulty will be caused by the appearance of for in Pause, or by the ending tMH for nn in 3 s./. Past forms. Cp. also 167 (iii). In Lev. xxv. 21, we find the contracted form Witt for PinfeW 3 b./ Past K. with \ pref. vt T : vt : t : " * (v) The Partic. forms will be sufficiently understood from the following addition to Tab. XXIII : Verbs ft 7. 173 Pin. (/.) sniSii V i.e. Plu. (w.) i.e. Sing, (m.) V *nSi^ (i) a) tfo* * * * i.c. Sing.(/.) * it : % ft In other Yoices the only change from the s. m. forms given in Tab. XXIII, is in the endings which are Plu. (/.) I i.c. Plu. (*.) I i.e. Sing. (/.) | i.c. Sing, (m.) ni- I *? dv r ,jv n? I ^ rv Obs. (i) The Plu. (/.) Partic.-forms are the same in Constr. (ii) The Partic.-forms K. *>T\ (p. tTl) living s. m., n*Pt s./., * * V- X IT VT - D^n pi. m., rt*n pl./> are "borrowed" from a Boot "n(=rm), being like nD s. m., H3D s./.,etc.,fr.MD. (iii) Also the Past K. form *h (p. i^fl) 3 s. m. is "borrowed" from "n (=T)"!), being like>2D 3 s. k Past JT. of MD. But (iv) nVn Partic. K. pi. /., Ex. i. 19, is like rtfifcf from D^(226); and so PlTj Past K. 3 s./., Ex. L1& (() To the forms in (6) above we may add here (1) D^Fl^D Is. xxv. 6 P#. Partic. pi. m. of VJ = nnD in the sense of Finft (some, however, give the ordinary sense of nitb) ; (2) {Vift Job xix. 2, which is 2 pi. m. Fut. Zty. of nr [cp. 195 (8, ii) and Sect. XXI (p, 174, iv, a)] with the J of 145. (0) The word !|M Ps. lxxx. 11 and Pr. xxiv. 31, is 3 pi. Past Pit, of HDD with (0) instead of . (it) There is sometimes K instead of PI : thus fctt&) 3 s. w. Fut. K. of rO# etc. * "With K standing for the H, K$3 s. m. 1 S. xxii. 2; DWJ Neh. v. 7 has K ; superfluous.' t irp'y fr. may, rroia fr. nan, etc.; cp. (e) above. ins g. xiix. 22. % ni s nfc, is. xii. 23, fr. nnK. \ Wf in ton Job xli. 25 ( 6, tf. ii). In Job xv. 22 -1By is ZW for 1BV JftAto. N.B. As in Pt. I, 14, we may have for } . 174 TWO-FOLD VARIATIONS. [See also Obs. XXXI & XXXII, & Exerc. XLIII & XLIV, pp. 202-207.] (IY.) Section XXI is to deal with Yerbs belonging to more than one of the Seven Classes in Sects. XIY-XX. The following few examples will sufficiently illustrate this. (. of rDJ gives V HSri gives ffi and H3X gives *HX. (S) Similarly also for other parts of the Yerb ; thus, (i) jnisn inf. Hcj>. of pfti, and (ii) { n|n 3 s. m. Past #<., (iii) JM|^ Partic. s. *., (iv) jn3n Imper. 2 s. m. ; etc. [Other forms and Yerbs must be reserved at present.] * The V agreeing with that of 30**, etc., in Tab. XVIII, and the H with that of rhi\ etc., in Tab. XXIII. t The Dag. F. of the D standing instead of the 1* Rt-letter, as in Wfi Tab. XIX; and the H-^. being as in Tab. XXIII, % Compare Tab. XXIII. TRON.-AFFS. OTHER VOICE-FORMS. 175 (Y.) Section XXII is to deal with the Verh-forms having Pronom.-Affixes. These will he sufficiently understood from Tahles XXIY-XXX, with the help of Observations XXXIII-L which are given in connection with Exercises XLY-L [pp. 208-220]. It is not necessary to trouble the Student with any more Exercises. The remaining pages, including the Appendix, are intended to supply him with some useful help while he is reading The Bible. (YI.) Section XXIII is to deal with some other Yoice-forms : In 220 (vi) the Yoice-forms ^713, 9?to, and tylBtfo, were mentioned. There are some other varying forms of Pi-el, P&-&1, and ffithpd-Sl, chiefly in the case of Yerbs such as those in Tabs. XX & XXI, but also in a few forms of other Yerbs. (a) The l 8t and the 3 d Rt-letters are sometimes both of them repeated, as in (1) the Infin.-W?? fr. ^O, the Past W?3 3 s. m. (whence the Yoice-form is called 7373) rt?373 - 8 * ' tri s 3 s. /., 17373 2 s. m. t etc., the Partic. bsblti T :r:- . . i- : - : s. m., and the Fut. 7373* 3 s. m., etc. ; (2) the Passive 7373 ( > #), corresponding to 7373 as Pu-dl to Pi-el, thus the Past 73p3 whence v : : t * (3) the Reflexive 7373)11^ corresponding to 7373 as Hithpd-el to Pl-tt, thus hXwT\T^\ whence the Fut. W*Wrt 3 s./. w. 1 Convers. 176 OTHER VOICE-FORMS. (j3) Sometimes also such forms occur from Yerbs having the 2 d and 3 d Rt-letters the same. For these Yerbs, having the 2 d Rt-letter (the % 117) repeated as 3 d Rt-letter {i.e. as 7, 117), the designation 'Yerbs J7JJ3' is appropriate.* Such forms as those in (a), from these Roots which have the < y in the place also of the < h ' ( 117), are J^B (or $&&) ywB (-,*), jf^f&m (or ysysnn).t ' (7) A form $7Jsy from the Root H^ occurs in Ps. xlv. 3, viz. fW* Past 2 s. m. t \e t : t (S) In. the case of 'Full' Yerbs also, sometimes (a) the 3 d Rt-letter is repeated in forms (1) 77^3 (or y? or 'j, or '|fc), and (2) ^J^; (6) both the 2 d and 3 d Rt-letters are repeated in the forms (1) hyhVb and (2) hyhyb of which the (as under the H in } ta lJb'T]bn 3 ph Past) corresponds to the or (0) of P&-til x (e) There are a few instances of other Yoice- forms ; thus, (a) Vtfb (instead of Pi- el) in tDSfefo 1 ? Job ix. 15, Partic. s. m., w. 7 pref. and Aff. * for 1 s., fr. bfeff, (J) *?5b (instead of P*-#) in #$) Is. xv. 5, Fut. 3 pi. m. fr. ^, (c) j/#3 (instead of Pu-al) in DSpJlp Ex. xvi. 14, Partic. s. m. fr. |Dh, * " y'y" is bad. It means, rather, ' having V as Second Rt-letter.' f W~e have also (1) J?J>3 forms in J)J^ Past 3 s. m. and IWg^ 1 s. (in Pause, (also tyyVV] Fut. 3 pi. .)i (2) yagB in Myg^^Jp Fut. 2 pi. w.(in Pause) ; and (3) JJBJJBflb in $|fefltf^l (pi. #_). And so the'lmper. 2 pi. m. ty^yfi^n, Is. xxix. 9, may be Imper. 2 pi. ffl. of this form fr. yjJE5\ [Or it may, perhaps, be of a ysygnn form fr. nv^J. OTHER VOICE-FORMS. 177 (d) htyEft (instead of Hiph-U) in ^rfantt Hos. xi. 3, Past i s. fr. S:n. (e) Some Mixed- Yoice forms, as (i) 7^53 (-V<. and p#), (2) 7?sna yrf and m.) t ( 3 ) Sitenn (JET0. and Hd.) } belong to Sect. XXIY. () The J! of H(j>., as also that of H0., is some few times replaced by K an Aramaism; thus, ^tt?^^ (for *rta0H, & in Pause) Is. lxiii. 3, ^PinK (for 'nn) 2 Chr. xx. 35, $Mp&$ (for 'WT}) Ps. lxxvi. 6. The word ^rTOTNP! Is. xix. 6 may be said to belong to Section XXIY, being mixed up of the two forms in^tn and 'ft*. v t : v (rj) There are words in which more than three Et-letters appear ; thus, W\B Job xxvi. 9, Past 3 s. m. fr. ThS ; and WB&) Job xxxiii. 25, Past 3 s. m, fr. Bfcblj Wttfc 1 Chr. xv. 27, Partic. s. m. fr. h*TO ; PI3WD* Ps. lxxx. 14, Fut. 3 s. m. with Aff. 113 it (/.) fr. DD*l!D ; etc. Some take such Roots as ' QuadriliteraV Others consider them as either ' reducible to 3 letters/ or as Composite.' (VII.) Section XXIV is to deal with forms which may be said to be 'Compounded' of two Ordinary forms 'mixed up* together. Some instances of ' Compound ' or ' Mixed ' Voices were noticed in (e, e) above. The following is a translation of 260 in the 5th edition of the Hebrew Grammar [nity $tih Tl&Sfl] by "Sometimes there occurs a single word compounded of two Voice-forms ; as (i) Pftl\ Ps. vii. 6, which is compounded of 178 'compound* or ' MIXED* forms. |Bprt| K. and fc|TV Pi. ; (0 *&J Is. lix. 3, compounded of &S^ N& and hx* PH. ; (3) **\%m D. xxi. 8, j\ty. and JI0. ; (4) *D53H Lev. xiii. 55 & 56, JTHJSE81 D. xxiv. 4, compounded of Hoph. and Hithp. ; or perhaps they are of Hothpd-el form (the H sometimes having (d) and sometimes as in Hqph-dl); and [in the last word] the fi.[of HPl] is swallowed up inDagesh before tD , and its signification is that * another was caused to do the action involved in it' (she has let herself be defiled).^ And so there is [sometimes] a word which is compounded of two Tenses, asfiT?h G. xvi. 11, J which is compounded of Past and Present [or Participle (for Present)] ; and so (?) DrWJlWb Ez.viii.16. And so there is [sometimes] a word which is compounded of two Gender-forms ; as r?3*T^*5 * # v ** * 2 > ^ e beginning f which is m. t and its end /., so that it is a word partly of one Gender and partly of another (DIJWftiK). There are also many such-like abnormal forms; but this is not the place to treat of them at length." This will suffice for the present. * The n of DM is dropped here, and Dag. F. is then put in the 3. f Sie hat sich verunreinigen lassen. X The word occurs also in Ju. xiii. 6, 7. i.e. compounded of PTb\ Past 2 1. /. and Tn$ Partic, s. /. There are also some other opinions, somewhat different from this, End op the Second Part 6r the Exehcise Booc# CONCLUDING PORTION EXERCISE-BOOK. 179 OBSERVATIONS XVI-XXII. Obs. XVI. The statement of Obs. XII on p. 139 is a general one, viz. that "The prefix 1 has sometimes before a letter bearing as Accented Vowel, especially if the Accent be Disjunctive." The cases that come under this statement may be divided into three great Classes, as follows : (1) Simple cases of Obs. XII, as f^) Is. xxvi. 19, and so -iriDI (with Gen. xxxiii. 13, and with -^- Deut. xxii. 24), etc.; and with a Conjunctive Accent as in \fff?\ Is. xxx. 6 ; but this last word, being the second of the 'Couple' B^?J N^, belongs rather to (2) ; (2) Cases of the second of two words (or first word of the second group of two groups of words) forming a "Couple"; thus in DK1 DX {father and mother) Ez. xxii. 7, See more on this particular head in Rule I on pp. 223-225 ; (3) Cases of the third of three words taken together ; thus in IV) nfeOI i)W (ox and sheep and goat) Lev. vii. 23, D"1\ 21) !#1| (great and numerous and tall) Deut. ii. 21, etc. This is more fully illustrated in Pt. II, 94. Obs. XVII. Verbs which have the same letter for their 2 d & 3 d Root- letter are sometimes called D V-1S3 geminata, because their 2 d Rt-letter or V ( 117) is repeated in the place of the 3 d Rt-letter or h ( 117), so that Obs. XVIII. They might be said to have the Root-form JJJJB, instead of 7JJD, and Obs. XIX. These verbs might therefore be called ' Verbs y'j? S .' [Obs. XX. The expression 'Verbs y'jj,' by which some designate these Verbs, is not a good designation for them because, As the expression 'Verbs )']}' stands for 'Verbs having ) for their Second Rt-letter,' and the expression 'Verbs * # JT stands for Verbs having * for their Second Rt-letter,' so the expression 'Verbs JJ V would stand rather for 'Verbs having JJ for their Second Rt-letter' (such as DJD , "lyj , DJ?D, etc.), which is an utterly different set of Verbs.] 180 Obs. XXI. (1) From these Boots (having the 2 d & 3 d Rt-letters the same) there are often forms in which there is no 'Variation' from Tab. XIV ; thus, from 33D we have the forms 33D 3 s. m. and -133D T : t 3 pi., Past Kal, agreeing with Tab. XIV, besides the special forms *rfl3p (or $) 1 s., and -ISD 3 pi. (in >>13D and ^3D, with Aff. me), and DH'SD 2 pi. m. (all of which are Past Kal, as in Tab. XXI). (2} As the ' Special Variation ' for this set of Verbs we may mention (o) the dropping of the 2 d Rt-letter, and (0) the occurrence of Dagesh: F. in the 3 d Rt-letter (to imply the omitted 2 d Rt-letter), as in i3D } ^30, etc., the Infin. K. with Pron.-Affs., and so in the Past- Tense forms (except the 3 s. m.) and in the Imper- forms "lb 2 s./., etc., of Tab. XXI. But N.B. "When the 3 d Rt-letter stands at the end of the word, without a Vowel (and therefore with Shva Quiescent), that Dagesh is omitted ; and so we have the Infin. 3D, the Past 3 s. m. 3D, the Imper. 2 s. m. 3D, and the Fut. forms 3DJ , 3'DJr), DDK, 3D3 and so in other Voices. Obs. XXII. The forms for PI, Pu., and He., are the same in Tab. XX (ity) as they are in Tab. XXI $fyfi or D^-123 Geminata). [Note. For particular forms in the Exercise, the Notes there given and Tab. XXI, will it is hoped be sufficient.] 181 Exercise XXXYI [on Verbs whose 2 a & 3 d Et-letters are the same (jfyS) Table XXI]. (To be translated into English, 11. a-e). : 9 ttw 8 S| 7 nte^n : 6 i&? 5 ny 4 *rtn^ \ 3v tc *h 'nb * 15 win : 14 D^iy 13 nn:n 12 nsn*:: u ^ 1 10 pxn * 7 n^ ^ .. .. j W . .. . I ... T T T T - T ^'tfim : Dn& 20 ^ 1M rtoti : 18 ^pn 17 dki "sk v - : v - t -:- |t |- t t 24 tti^ : 26 sp^_ 25 niM 24 St : 23 d^ 23 deh 22 nnxn ^s+Ssb n^y 29ta Dty 8l A 28 ti!in 28 Ti:npii 10 pxn 27 pi:nfi 27 pi!in : 6 n&? 34 n^^ : 33 Dnnbn D|& 32 ^rn:*i : 31 n^mn 30 ^n 30 ^h : 7 db. 4 ran 1 4( wn b ^mfefoi 38 onWs w *rfta 1 36 w 85 n^ -j Jt V T T T .. ; - T : 42 D^:ix 4i sn t -; 1 how? 2 211 to be many. 3 "1 a foe. 4 nnJ> to bow down, to be depressed, Ed. to bow oneself down. 5 unto. 6 exceedingly (N.B. 5 and 6 together signify "very exceedingly*''), 7 DD2> J5T. to be waste or desolate, N. to waste or make desolate. 8 73 all, 7| when unaccented. 9 PttJJ an assembly. 10 f}^ land or earth. M for. 12 TlD #. to break, break off. 13 a covenant (the same 'in Construction'). 14 eternity. [Cp. 86.] 15 JttH E. to make light of. 19 22D K. to go round or about, to turn, E$. to make to go round or turn away. 20 D>3S a face (a Plural Noun). 21 lS a heart (the same 'in Construction,' with Affs. 12?, etc.). 22 the lion. 23 DDID N. to be melted. 24 ??1 to be weak, low, become low. 25 the glory of. 26 Jacob. 37 ppl iV<|>. to be emptied. 28 TT2 iV<. to be spoiled, plundered. 29 *Dy to pass. 30 a sword. 3l IT Eoph. to be sharpened. 32 TO to purge out or away. 33 the rebels. 34 and [with] destruction. M OHD Eoph. to be smitten, pounded. 36 a gate. 37 TIB to measure. 38 their work. 39 first. 40 tbeir bosom. 41 loftiness. 42 men. 43 DJJB to be few, to become few. 44 JJK>3 trespass. 182 46 hv "dw w 1 44 Dn^a *\T\ m 1M 2 : ^rth 43 ww : "tf^m "Tfc i9 i& : 7 ^n ^ma ajap nx 47 ^ t nar i an/ho ? ^ffW : iS ^Vinnm * ^ 61 Di^ v -; t : I t t - ; : t : v 68 ^dw 12ta isn : 57 ^mn i9 sbm : -ari 66 ^ 55 ^k ^rttrt J : - - t -:-: : t - : : . . . m^ uvfa uyjL eo nOT ..^ . tt j,^y : I : ; t 60 ^ 68^ . 67^^ 66 ^^...65^ ^Hif^ * 4 fl^ rniWm "maS 74 ni:nn 73 tofl 72 ^in : fl8 *jfti 71 ^rrc : 19 fn t - - v t t t: - t t -: - I t |- ) v :| t - T t : : 23 d&pi:d : *n*e> "-tei 83 nvnS 76 Snn ^n j "Via* 82 Dnni^ .... | v t t : - \ v 9;i *os b "pai :- M DTh 87 rft^ 86 e>k M ^sjb 84 :ot t; t | - t: . t : : " : j 45 Dwn "i "&} 45 &wn 45 D* 1 ^ heavens (m.). 46 at. 47 73X to eat, devour. 48 n*l3 a habitation. $ - T ' * V T 40 2{^> t gjt. so solitary. 61 DD1 to be silent, to be quiet, to look-in-silent- j resignation. 62 7in JS6. to hope, to look-with-hope. 53 pn to be gracious. 64 see I Thou. 65 my enemies. 66 for, or that. 57 mayest Thou comfort me. 58 DJ73 anger, vexation, Tab. X, 5. 59 DJJ with. 60 be like. b> to or for [Obs. XIV, p. 139]. 62 my beloved (E.V.). 63 *n a roe (E.V.) " why ? my soul. 66 ^>IT H. to be dissolved. 90 the host of. 91 ^?3 K. to roll up, Nip. to be rolled up. 92 1DD a scroll. 183 Exercise XXXVII [Table XXI], (To be translated into Hebrew, 11. -/*.) * Sinners 1 (m.) shall be destroyed* 2 . Unto 3 their (m.)-coming- utterly-to-an-end. 4 And ye (w.)-shall-be-consumed-away f 5 through 6 your (m.) iniquities. 7 They-have- come-utterly- to-an- end 8 by-reason-of 9 terrors. 10 When- once 11 I-have-sharpened 18 My-lightning-sword (Hebr. the-lightning-of lz My sword 14 ). And-all-manVcourage-shall-fail (Hebr. and all 15 the heart 16 of man 11 shall-be-melted 18 ). And they-shall-be-astonied f 19 one- with-another (Hebr. each-one 20 and his brother 21 ). And I- will- desolate f 22 earth 23 and all- that-is-therein (Hebr. its f fulness 2 *). Gird-y ourselves 25 and be-ye-in-consternation. 26 The stars 27 of the heavens 28 and their (m.) constellations 29 shall-not-make-to- shine 30 their (m.) light. 31 And be-not thou(m.)-in-consternation,J 26 O-Israel. 32 *The heathens 33 will-be-in- consternation. 26 They (m.)-have-been-in- consternation 26 and have-been-ashamed. 34 And-I- will-protect f 35 this-city (Hebr. over 36 this city 31 ). If 11 ye(m.)-shall-break 38 My covenant 39 [with] the day, 40 and My covenant 39 [with] the i mn a sinner. 2 DOD N. " DD> JV>., i the (-) -form. 20 &$. 21 PIS Tab. XIII, 2. 22 "DDK> 2fy>. ft. 2 * $6)0. 25 1T SB- 26 nnn JTa?. KB. (i) The Imper. JK1 is like 3D, *$>, etc., in the Table, (ii) The Fut. K. is like 3D*, 3pn, etc. ; but Compensation is made for the \ Dagesh which the n cannot receive. 27 3313 a star [ 56 (ix)]. " D W heavens. D^p? constellations. 30 hhn E. (Fut. like 3D}, 3DH, etc.). si 7)K. 32 ^p g 33 tj^j b 34 J^Q i n Tab. XX. 35 |3J| Z; (Fut. like 3bj, etc.). 36 ^ 37 ^ /. 33 -j-, a ^fy. (Fut. like 3D*, 3DFI, etc.) 39 nn3/. 40 DK tkfe, * The Tense before the Noun, 162 ( T T T> T T> * * * *l_ or 1- of 1pZ } jp*JJ2B, )p3, etc., of Tab. XIV. N.B. A syllable which ends in a Quiescent letter is 'open' [Pt. I, 21 (3), for there is no Shva Quiescent, either expressed or understood, under a * Quiescent ' letter [Pt. I, 29 (3).] Obs. XXIV. The Fut. K. forms Km?, ^9$, et c-, in Tab. XXII, correspond to the forms ^3^, B^&, etc *> "* Tab " XIV * Obs. XXV. There is an important 'Variation' in the case of the ?}J3 forms of the Past Kal of Verbs K? . In ordinary Verbs, the 2 d & 1 st Persons, both Sing. & Plu., are the same as the 7SJ3 forms [comp. 138 (A), ii] ; thus, from ^Stl he was willing, we have nV?n, &9V?n :J i-UVSn Pause-form of m%n. But, N.B. ^3 forms of Verbs X'b retain the -^- in the 2<* & l^t Persons both Sing. & Plu. ; thus, from K^fef he hated, we have rifcOb>, HfctfB>, *W& DflN^, comp. the Past K. forms K"l* , n&TV , etc., in Tab. XXII. "T ) T "T i ' Note. The 3 s. /. Past of the Verbs tf'? has sometimes the termination JIN , as in (o) Kal n&Oi? instead of flKT?, and s0 3 ) Ni P h > b*A instead of HN^S}, and so in the Soph. HKltl instead of PIN^H (or HNfin) p. 275, 1. 17. 186 Exercise XXXVIII [On Verbs tfS, Table XXII.] (To be translated into English, 11. a-e.) t : - | v t t : - t - v: t t t t : t t t t : - : t t t v v: 16 W nati :* i5 *wi hx u nnaa : l3 m 12 ^b 8 Sjd u m*> t v : t - t : - t I v t -; t t t 2i rw& na 2o nn^ w tv iB rbtib I8 nan n^ 17 tk i ll wofe> - : v - j | :t - : t -t J t "narifi 17 y^ 24 nip T ink + 23 |v^ ^H^! 22 Kt?i 31 kstp **b : 29 &sE>b 28 >nxS& : 22 rMb& 27 nw iek "T^JS t : t : -:: t t v -: | - ; 1 at first. 2 K*D to create. 3 Vocab. I (1). 4 the heavens. 6 the earth. 6 D*1K man, Adam. 7 D^ image, Tab. X (1). 8 bb all (^3 when unaccented). 9 |2a son, Tab. XIII (4). ' 10 see No. 6. ll td& to hate [Past Kal like that of KT in Tab. XXII]. l2 hV2> to work [Partic (1) Kal = " a worker."] 13 Vanity, mischief. 14 TDK to say. ITV to fear [the Past Kal is given in Tab. XXII; the Future Kal is like KD*, K^DF!, etc., in Tab. XXII, but the 1 st Rt-letter combines with the of the prefs. |JVK, and so we have K"V* 3 s. m. f XTPI 3 s./. and 2 s. m., etc.], 16 Esau. W how ? l8 n 1 ?^ to put forth. 19 ^ a hand. 20 nriE> Pi. & E. to be defiled, Pt. to defile, pollute. 23 KD to find [also to come upon), N-1;>2 idols. 26 ^pp a sanctuary. thou /. didst make. 28 one (/.) full of [this word is for nsSp the Construct form of ntibft s. /. from VQ12 K. Partic. s. m. ( 139, 8, iii), with added (comp. 139, e) ; this * is by some called the ** Compaginis,' for an example or two of which see p. 232, lines 8-10. 29 judgment. 30 who? 31 K2TI to heal, give healing. 32 Jff2 to take up. * A List of forms from this Root is given on pp. 286-288 below. But this form will be understood sufficiently from what is said in No. 15 here, t For the 1 see 143. 187 "*03K aim "awv a a-in : *rwp itho *wten >. -h t v v : : v v t | I - t : t : J t t*ara9 ^"di^pm : "fnb 4M nnp : 41ta isb 23 ^n^D v t ; v : |- : . ..j. ... . T T "Tmrr *ntom t "nyrtii&b 46 nsnK i i5 t&h **rwtti (t J - i v " t t i v v t ,:: "nanp : s d^k h 'ana 52ta iin& W J? : 50 ^p * TpSx t| t v: t : t t| : v t : J v 61 wfcfc : vi t ?K + " r\m *a si? "una w an 6i nS 8 Sm : v: t: t - | t t t : t : 33 a lamentation. a sword. &03 -5". to Bring; 36 Kfe K to be full of (also, sometimes, to Jill), Ft. to fill, to fulfil. 37 131 a word.. 38 [see No. 36, and Note (1, 6) on Tab. XXII]. 39 seventy. 40 a year [see 106, ii], 4l a ransom. 43 fcOp P. to be jealous. 43 p> Zion. ** Bfp3 Pj. to seek. of you (ft*, to you m.). 46 KS1 to heal [comp. Note (7) on Tab. XXII]. 47 your m. backslidings. 48 and the sin3 of. 49 Judah. 60 Kip to call. 51 lb a heart, w. Affs. fcfc- ^l6, etc. 62 clean. 63 behold us. 54 [instead of &ty$ from KHK to come, see Note (2) on Tab. XXII]. 65 |D to hide, treasure up. 56 Thy word. 57 in order that. 58 KtDII to sin [for the -vr compare the forms 21.1P, etc., in Tab. XVI (1)]. 59 against Thee. co see No. 15 above. * See Note (*) on page 186* 188 Exebcisb XXXIX [Table XXII.] (To be translated into Hebrew, 11. f-^t.) O-Lord, I-have-heard 1 the-report-of-Thee (Hebr. Thy report), 2 I-was-afraid. 3 And as-for-me (Hebr. I), [I have] not been-called 4 to-come-in 5 unto 6 tbe King.' Call 8 -ye (/.) not [Obs. V, p. 93] me (Hebr. to me) Naomi, 9 call 8 -ye (/.) me (Hebr. to me) Mara 10 ; for 11 bitterly-hath-dealt 12 The- Almighty 13 with-me (Hebr. to me) exceedingly. 14 I-have-adjured 15 you,* O-daughters 16 of Jerusalem, 17 if 18 ye-shall-find* 19 my Love, 20 what 81 ye-shall-tell* 22 Him (Hebr. to Sim) I- will-call 8 to God 23 Most-High. 24 Lo 25 Thou-hast-been-indignant 26 seeing-that 27 we-have-sinned-f 28 We-have-sinned, 28 we-have-done- wickedly. 29 Unto 6 Thee have- I-lifted-up 30 my eyes. 31 I-have-called-on 8 Thy Name, 33 O-Lord. O-God, 33 lift-up 30 Thy Hand. 34 Thou-didst-go-forth 35 (m.) for the salvation 36 of Thy people. 37 Thy (m.) Right-hand 38 shall- find-out 19 them-that-hate-Thee (Hebr. Thy haters). Thou (m.)- hast-loved 40 righteousness, 41 and hast-hatedf 42 wickedness. 43 My-soul 44 went-fbrth 35 at (^) His speaking. 45 {continued.) 1 VOV. 2 VW {declined, with Pron.-Affs., like fl) Tab. X, 4). 3 g-p ( see the Past Kal of this in Tab. XXII). * N$. Past 1 s. of Kip. 5 I&& 6 ^ * ^D. Kip. 9 n?g. WJTJD. u >3. 12 11D E1K\ " IKD. 1DP Hy an eye (Dual D*J*S). * 32 DB>"w. Affs. fc etc., comp. Tab. XIII, 4. 83 <-,. 34 ^ a hand# 35 a*\ 36 pg q 56> ' vii ^ 37 D y w . Affs. teg, etc. 88 P9J/ (! 59). 9 K& Partic. (1) JT. plu. w. 40 3p|K. 41 pi*. 42 K3& 43 VBH. * Bfejje [Tab. X, 1]. im Ft. Inf., w. Aff. for 3 s. m. M3. 1K. The masculine form to used here* f Future with 1 Convert. 189 Thus 46 hath-said 47 The-LoRD, I-have-given-healing 48 to these I waters. 49 And the waters 49 shall-be-healed.* 50 And thou (/.)- shalt-go-forth* 35 amid (1) the dancing 51 of those-that-make- merry. 52 And thy (/.) daughters 16 on (7tf) shoulder 53 shall-be- borne. 54 Morning 56 hath-come 55 [ 162 (d, i).] Thou-hast-been- taken, 57 O-Babylon 58 (/), and thou-thyself 59 didst-not (*6) know, 60 thou-hast-been-found-out 61 and also 62 hast-been-caught. 63 FromThe-LoRDhath-been 64 this (/.), it (/.) hath-been- wondrous 65 in our eyes. 31 * 8 KM Pi. [Note (5) on Tab. XXII]. 4ft DJO. w KSH ity. [The K to be 'elided' here, as in Note (3) on Tab. XXII.] h)r\ft ( 56, i). pnb Pi. Partic. pi. m. t[#$. * MM iV^. KT1K K. Past 3 s. m. 1g3. 64 nn>n. 65 fc6& iVfy. Past 3 s./.f * Past with \ Convers, t As *& * Nora' on page 185. 190 OBSERVATIONS XXVI-XXX. At the risk of some repetition of what has already heen said in Note (III) [pp. 170-173] we may perhaps add here the following remarks : Obs. XXVI. In the case of Verbs which have for their 3 d Rt-letter a non-Consonantal {i.e. Quiescent) H, there are certain forms which are liable to lose this* n by * Apocopation.' The forms that are thus liable to * Apocopation' are (o) Imperative 2 s. m. in the following Voices: Ft-el, ffipk-il, Bithpa-el, (j8) Future 3 s. m. &/., 2 s. m., 1 s., and 1 pi., in Kal & Niph-al, Fi-il [& Pu-al], Hiph-il [& Ropk-al], and Hithpa-tt. Obs. XXVII. (a) The ' Apocopated ' Imperative forms are Pi. fbi for rk>2 } and so bn for H^H fr. St>n, K, and (c) ^ for H55*. fc.lM, *|3fl for H3?n, fl^K for nfi5f>K fr. PiriK' ; ity. V|* 3 s. m., b|n 3 s./. & 2 s. m., etc. [see Tab. XXIII] ; Pi. U ^ 3 s. *., ^J-l 3 s./. & 2 s. w., etc. [see Tab. XXIII] ; * N.B. It is only a T\ Quiescent that is thus dropped. When the 3 d Et-letter is H Consonantal, this is not dropped ; but we have the forms Kal Past rDS 3 s. m., fin5| 2 s. m. t etc., Fut. F133J 3 s. m. } etc., Hiph. Fut. g2ia 3 s. m., etc., and so others. f There may be in Pause, instead of the . t For a 'Variation' when the 1st Rt-letter is Guttural,' see Obs. XXVIII (0). Comp. Tab. XXIII & Obs. XXVIII. | This is merely a Form- word, as also are some few others of the words here given for illustration. IT The may be lengthened into in a Pause-form [comp. 167 (i) & (ii)]. 191 M etc. [see Table XXIII, also Note (J), p. 190], (6) flB* for nn^ fr. nri3, and so H$| for fli5$J fr. npK>, p^n for np^n, etc. ; E6. *b*n\ 3 s. m., *^ir>n 3 s. /. & 2 s. w., etc. [see Table XXIII]. Note (i) PINT to see has (with ) Conversive) N"}*} for both rtk"JJJ JT. & flNT^ #<., in the 3 s. w., besides the Kal forms HJ 3 s. m., NIPI (& $:)$)) 3 s./. & 2 s. w., fcHK (& BTV$\) 1 s. Note (ii) nn$ J5T0. to bow oneself, to worship, has the following Apocopated Future Forms: *-inri^> for mqri^ 3 s. m. t *-inri^ for mqri^rj 3 s./., comp. Note (tj on Tab. XXIII. N.B. -Iiqri^^ Gen. xxvii. 29 is Ert for \T\T\m Kthtv. The x (which the Student may see under the 1 in inCl^.1 there) is put as a Defective Shurih, Pt. I, 14. This is unavoidable, because the Full Shurik (-1) could not be written without the 1 . Obs. XXVIII. When the 1* Rt-letter is PI, or 11, or J?, there are some 'Variations' from Tab. XXIII (corresponding to the 'Variations' in Tab. XVI (1)), as might be expected ; thus ; (a) From Thy, the Fut. K. forms f are fl^P, r6#5, $J9, H^VX 1 s., etc., n^y : 3 1 pi., and so from PliPl, the Fut. K. forms are run*, rttn.fy etc., JTjm 1 pi., like nb3, nbVPI, etc., in Tab. XVI (1) ; (0) From Mm, the Fut. K. forms are njnj., HTpn, \tnri, HtpK 1 s., etc., njro i pi., and so from ni"l, the Fut. K. forms are nftW, npHfy ^Dnty HIDnN 1 s., etc., nnr$ 1 pi., Hke 3JJJ^ rnim, etc., in Tab. XVI (1), ( 7 ) From H3H, the Fut. K. is nift, nanri, etc., Hke jgtyj & -|DIT in Note (*) on Tab. XVI (1), and so, fr. finn, Hnn>, etc. Note. From rVTI to be & ?Vn to live the Fut. K. forms are njPl* & W^, etc., see pages 277 & 279. * The may be lengthened into t in a Pause-form [comp. 167 (i) & (ii). f For the apocopated forms, see () below. X For - before n in apocopated forms, see (f, b) below. 192 (5) "WTien the 2 d Et-letter is H, or n, or V, the only 'Variations' (besides the Compound form adopted by any Moving Shva under one of those letters) are in the Apocopated forms ; thus, in the K. Fut. 3 s. m., we have JJB& for nvp\ (fr. WW), and so n^for nnpi (fr. nnD),-corresponding to T^ for rtJJJ (fr. HT1), but (e) when, by reason of Apocopation, the 2 d Et-letter J7 is made to stand at the end of the word, and without a Vowel after it, this Jl has Mappek [Pt. I, 31], because it is not a Quiescent but a Consonantal H ; thus, in the K. Fut. 3 s./., we have FP8! and n^ni (fr. nrD and nm), Note. The forms FDfl and Flzfl correspond to the forms 6H* K*lfc etc., in Tab. XXIII, and these correspond to such forms as 5#t", ^5, etc., for rbv\ } rbwn 7 etc. (fr. rW). () When the forms in (o), (#), (7), lose by Apocopation their 3 d Et-letter (H Quiescent*), then their 1 st Et-letter takes -= and the prefixes }TVK take (a) sometimes as in ty_ t 3 s. *., ^F) t 3 a./. & 2 s. m., ^ f 1 s., by) f 1 pi.,- and so ^IT in b^ 3 s. m. Fut. JT. of n!?n, trip 3 s./. Fut. Z". of Pim, etc., and "inn in inni 3 s./. Fut. K. of mn, -and (6) sometimes -7- (before H for the 1 st Et-letter), as in ID! fr. mn, jtft fr. nvn, to* fr. mn. Note. The apocop. form "HIT (3 s. m. Fut. K. of mn) belongs to the same Class as %V?\ for JT}# (fr. nifc>), the n taking for Euphony as in the 2 s./. Past forms JjingV, JJ*R$ etc., Tab. XVI (3) (C). (r/) In the ff. also there are Variations ' like those in Tab. XVI (1) ; thus, Infin. rby.n, (Absoi.), nftyn, rii^n?, etc., Past n^il 3 s. m., T}ty$ (or^>) 2 s. m. y why* 1 s., tyn 3 pi., etc., and np^D! 3 s. /., n^OI (or ^>) 2 s. m., etc., with 1, comp. Note (t) on Tab." XVI (lj. partic. rim (i.e. tfbsp) w., etc., Imper. rbyp 2 s. m., 4?D 2 s./., etc., Fut. n^g* 3 s. w., n^fi 3 s. /. or 2 s. w., ^JJJ-1 2 s. /., n^JJK 1 s.,etc., * It is only the Quiescent II that is dropped, not n Consonantal. t The prefixes tH^K may have in Pause-forms. 193 (0) (a) The apocopated form of TQVT\ &<(> Imper. 2 s. m. is 7Jjn (corresponding to tpn in Tab. XXIII, for ria^D, fr. riED), and (b) The apocopated forms of the IT\ , we have *JV.?p?. 1 s., -17113 3 pi., (with the Partic.-forms rbn\ & rhni s. /., nftm pi. /. ; also, from nan we have nero Partic. s./., and from mn* we have D^IID pi. w.). Note. For the ity. of n\n see p. 278. (k) The only iZopA. forms of PPJJ which occur are irregular, viz., rby'n 3 I. m.. tnrhv'n 3 s./. in Pause ; but, from i"l?n, we have ^Hvpn 1 s. with (o) under the H as in Tab. XXIII. Obs. XXIX. For the Participles it is sufficient to refer to p. 173. But we may append here the following general remark : Obs. XXX. A word may occur in the Construct form before a Preposition, as in 11 ''Din ?3 all that-trust in Sim (Ps. ii. 12), where ^pin is Kal Partic. pi. m. 'i.e.' fr. HDn , etc. Comp. 52, N.B. * From mn we have also the N ttt t : I -t t:t : - t t 1 tltn JT. to see,, Aty. to be seen, to appear, E ^ribfa| 40 nteao "W : nasi 6 *rv 45 mrw : tea ^ 39te im : 16ta i!n "wxs }vtt t : : t -: - - -t - v -. - i*ritim 46 n^nm i thtevx hta&v 37 nn^ "nafiro t i v: v t t v: v 'it - t : : t : v v r * ; "rbstb M *& 6 ntfwa : 49 nsw 48 i-wan mw nna 27 jng T . T . . TV ... T*-:- t -s - t : -: vv- v -; t : - v v: v vt - t : T t : : - t : I - t - : - : - |vv t hiih 3 &in t **i$$pte 3 rhyn t ma^n 3 hx)_ : 59 nm&3 27 Jin JT. to be many or great, H. to make to burn, to kindle [wrath] transitively. 40 provocations (E.V.). 4 great, pi. /. 42 No. 32 [comp. 137 (3), Note (+)]. 43 No. 19, a * is dropped here. 44 as. 45 a horrible thing (/.) 46 decreed-punishment. 47 T\2, a daughter (the same ' i.e.'). 48 lamentation. 49 and mourning. 60 |K sheep, a flock (a plur./. Verb may be used with this as Subject). 61 for food. 52 beast of, beasts of. 53 my | H. to be cut off. 81 like a shadow. 82 ^H N<(>. to be gone. 83 severity, hardship, hard-things (E.V.). 84 HDV* Ey nate :-- -j"" t v- - t t t v -; t -: - : | t t t v - v: nib : nHDPpfc "Wi t inma htn bin bx * *W\ : |.|- - .- T . . v . ...... v t: + - - : 37 nsw p tfrfcK ink 101 nw ** Sb3 m 37 sw : 37 nw t T I v: t v i : - t T 116 two 6 wi i,5 d# liMl ?nx3 ii, pBh m ns^ cwfo* 1H n^ I - - : t: t : I : : vv : v: : : - "7\ttto7\ 1 117 nnK *$ran#1 i vwtt hx * wi i toS nny - * t : r -:- t:- vt: t"- t v v &&&? $rt ll9 nSni_ lw wii : 37 nbty jn igto dh^^ *ik : yntf nasi 122h i!inM M ynro pmi m ^ni : i *vwh p na m p^MVD* nam ^irwa : 9 ^ni nSb rw I33 kew and so to forsake). 101 H1VP?. to command, Pu. to be commanded. 102 salvation of (plu. /.). 103 it is enough. 104 now. 105 JIJD to inquire [page 172 (0)]. 106 nitJ> to return. 107 nrK (page 271). 108 TOK to say. ^y to stand, stand fast. 110 rW to look, have regard (or respect). 1U nnB B+* to give enlargement, 112 to Japheth. 1I3 pB> to dwell. 114 briti a tent. * 15 Shem. n e Canaan. " 71. pi mn* to conceive. U9 "lb* to hear (a child). 120 at the time of his old-age. 121 $* to go. 1M in the wilderness of. 123 MM 1 to lift, lift up. Hpt? E3*), etc. For the forms from this Hoot see pp. 302-304. 198 129 Tpfii cnpni] m 7r\m\ : *tifoi l26,, i^ as 125 nipn i *3?i -:- |t: - : - - - t : t "| : - - t - 133 &mn 133 npwi : n 1 ? 131 nKfi#& tfwn : 130 npk>n Sk ?ra I T - |- ' - T " T : T |V V T - rsHte 1 tih i w w n& : ^ 37 nfcw nnt hta : w rarom t |t v -; - t t t : - na ifcv 137 n'i : b$\ prw hx on^ix f* 'fciffl : l36 *ip t v - | -: - v : I t : v t t : - v t t t J 141 win : i4o n*o& v:w 13B ppdwi tiw p ^ e wi i*rrian ... T .. |^ ...... | T . . ||.. T . ... t : - 37 nswx n& Nte 147 n:ta : 6 nw 146 ^i| Q| : ^ ^| ^S 149 tnn^i nun U8 rtn^'n Mi tBtowi t 9 wi ftp *# 123 n^ ? *53 T : ^ni *fca "nutf : nka ^48jHh Dyn 27 :m t w pn^ni -_ j --_f v v - t : : - - - t t v - !.-:-:- 153 rhi i53 nVi wvnfe **&*j t ftai 61 m ui tate3 wi tt t -: v J TT " t:- tt -:-;- "Uttt niton b Whn*. 1M w j ja&n na m pBh vh : $fc? Jinjaa zm b|f^i 156 cin^ t n^nap i55 yD?i : |^|n ft* 65 ^_ give-drink-to, to water. 125 Hip K. to happen, to occur, Htp. to cause things to occur, to direct events. 126 before me. 127 to-day. 128 "VJD Pi. to hasten. 129 mjJ P. to pour out. 13 the drinking-trough. 131 HttP* HO. to be amazed in oneself. 132 T\\h to take, Tab. XIX (A). 133 the veil. * HS^* X. to be beautiful, He. to beautify oneself. [For the Dagesh after HD comp. Pt. I, 70.] 135 W\2 to be ashamed, Tab. XX. 135 mp E. & Pi. to wait, wait for, look with waiting for [the JT. Partic (1), in the Plu., with Pron*-Aff. signifies "those waiting for so and so."] 137 nn to despise. l38 the birthright. 139 HUD to be dim, or dull. * PIKI to see [the pref. B here signifies " so as not" or " so as not to"]. U1 t03 K. to approach, H. to cause to approach, to bring near. U2 ?DX to eat. U3 and he brought. 144 nn^ to drink. U5 H1H to be (p. 276). 146 blessed (sing.w.). 147 and for thee (.). us nna^ a woman-servant ($ 67). 149 lV a child (m.), Tab. X, 1. ,50 DVJJ to be numerous, to be mighty. 151 almost, nearly. 152 Dip to arise. 153 TV1 to draw- water. 154 mn to rejoice. 155 VDJ to journey. 156 Ur6 N tne lst Rt-letter * becomes Quiescent in , as in 3* 3D>fy etc.,' in Tab. XVIII (1). 199 wki j Mi w ^3 a 37 bwi i Wife* *& n w ;.t .. v -: - I - - t t : : 55 hvn hx m *\bx nm : "jtfna 75 Dn^nwni : ^ ttw#r! ^spta : *& 160 oynhaj->p Dana "ivfjjjni t ni dot na t "B(wn dm wi *?wai Dana ...... v t - t : v : v : 165 d*#n3 3 wi ^mJb 37 rt^ iM ip*i * li8 *Tp i ? nm ffts \ : * - - t -: -: r | - : - ... T T : 13M swi *wS : nfob ifcfta l34 wn -spai am 16fl *wni - : : t - ,, ., f y . - | ' '' t t t : *in : *b>m 129 nyn -h& 169 WDn ^a m mwsf ^rfam % *?$ t'fwa; nib : "pw trta; *rtana D*an d^h $aq ib> n a 1 ? m rw i7i ^n n8 wi : Sx l *pwfl : 176 ^ Dab : lw spank i74 ^M 173 nn^v ltt ninpn : :- t : | t -: t : T t : : t vl : . w nirin^ s b m wp : i36 iipS "+ai& t & ny da * $, m i yrbx **? ^ 173 j?wri % i 136 wp 136 rrip t vh^_ thnh t *jr>*a j^p w |w; : 169 pw "f^Jsa t &> 169 nw ^a nixsn^^iKa take captive [this, followed by ^p (p. ^2$) captivity, stands for " to tafo? a body of captives"]. idols. 159 afar off. 160 ni"Oj? graves. 161 fltt to give. 16 2 JT*f| to live. l63 to my Beloved. 164 grapes. 165 bad-grapes. 166 my* to put on as an ornament, to adorn oneself with. 167 TOT\ to be sick, or ill. 168 })12M? to bear. 169 nDn* to trust. o I1D1 Ft to liken. 17i stubble. m 133 JT. to tell. 173 iiySJ' 5 9. to look at oneself {also to become afraid). m TOW to prosper. 175 nnx to love. 176 m*l if. to bave dominion, to subdue, E B Tab. X, 6. ' rhQ H, etc.). 3 rfa A>. Fit. apocop. 31 nny. *DJ. 33 nan. ^ns^n. 35 ma x. Partic (2). a "!&. 7 ^$3. 38 ?TO JT. to do, N. to be done. 39 rt?S Pi. 40 &W )iV. 42 r6j JT. Fut. apocop. ^i; m. " BK. ay ( W . Affs. toy, etc.). * The Verb to precede the Noun. t Past with 1 prefixed. t As in Tab. XIV. 201 L Each-one 44 to (?K) his people 45 they-shall-turn 46 (m.). And I-will-give-drink-to* 47 the land 48 of thy (m.) inundation 49 from thy blood. 50 And I-will-cover* 51 . . , heaven. 40 [As-for] that night 52 . . . let-it-not rejoice- 53 among the days 54 of a year 55 : . . . let it-look 56 for (7) light 57 and there-be-none, 58 and let-it-not- behold (Hebr. not let-it- look 59 at 60 ) the eyelids 61 of a morning- dawn. 62 And they-shall-build* 13 the- old- waste-places (Hebr. the desolations 63 of old-time^). For-Zion's-sake (Hebr. because of 55 Zion m ) I-will-not-be-silent. 67 And thou-shalt-be 20 (/.) a crown 68 of beautiful- glory 69 in the hand 70 of The-LoitD. O-come 71 let-us- worship 72 and fall-down f 73 ; let-us-kneelf 74 before 75 The-LonD our Maker. 76 46 fttD. 47 7\pW Hep. 48 Y'lJA. 49 nay (w. Affs. ^n&, etc.). 50 D^ w. Affs. tef, etc.). 5l HDD Pi. 52 ilW (m.). 63 .Tin K. Fut. apocop. [p. 170 (e, 3)]. 54 Di> (see Vocab.). 53 T&#. h nip Pi. Fut. apocop. *> 7 "litf. 58 f*K. 69 HX"I K. Fut. (full form). 60 3 the prefix. 61 D?BJJD^ . 62 "in^. 68 Dinn. [see 69 (0)]. 64 D^V. 65 )y^. 66 |VV. 67 H^n [the Fut. K. has the ( ^')-form; thus, n^n^,etc.]. esnntpy. rnKsn. ,0 i)(i.c.T). a&. 72 nn&> m. Fut. [see 'Note' on page 315]. 73 JTD Fut. (-7-), Pause-form. n ~\12. 75 *Jffl^ 76 nb>V X. Partic (1). * Past with 1 prefixed. t With the fl of 144. 202 ' OBSERVATIONS XXXI & XXXII. 0><. XXXI. A List of Verbs belonging to more than one of the Seven Classes mentioned in 186 sometimes called 'Doubly Irregular' Verbs, is given on pages 267, etc., below. Obs. XXXII, A few examples of two-fold 'Variations,' in some remarkable instances, are given in Note IV (page 174). 203 Exercise XLIII. {To be translated into English, with the help of the Glossary at the end of the book). D^ttt? p$? ^v n 2 n*tt?in *\m wrbx 'Jfta rm 3 an bx t *rfcfifl ysh 5 * wi ^asn 8 nan t 'fttiftt *#sj * ^ : tftfr *$a t : t : t -: - : T " : t v : - t : \ v I .; I - : Van t nm *'irtj ll nm : io *hr& *pb# 3 ton * 9 *ni*ton t t - t t - ' : j v t t : t t - : t - : nsflw w p^ft puk 20 ny : b*k rsa 19 nyi tata i8 rw kS p art* 22 npn : niy w fi n& 23l ?y : Dyjsi na "iyan *kj nnKi 1 7 to *wtfa 1 7 n^S nty * 25 bv *6i 1 24 >n nVi t-: : ... : . .. r w r . _ . T . : . to bring out. 3 HD3 K. to incline, to extend, H. to make bright, to lighten. 15 my darkness. 16 M3K to be willing. 17 ?DS to eat, to enjoy. 18 PI3y P*. to afflict. rWp.281 to grieve. 20 TJJ unto. This together with the next word J13K " when ?" = " how long ?" 21 in vain. 22 H3J SpA. to be able. 26 n&6 K. & Nf. to be weary. * K23 N * "NHnfew Shri 22 *3&+ 29 Dfi^h2 V T | V V T | - " T T S - V V " \ V " --.-'r&ftt 3M n^ i 1 ? "nntfarfi 33 n:my 32 ^W "mam r * fcga g*n 38 jmW n 37 wk n?n t Z6 phx) Z5 hhw "D^sdb n-inv 37 w swim "nan 40 W?Jb 2 *n t : t \ " : - -:-: v-- t: | - : - - ip^gi eta f^-n # 3 nt^ *i : 42 d*hd , I t : t .. t : - : t v - t - d^j ^rirfi ^^ ^ "da cjiuj 'wiiVaib 2 ^ 12 *m* tib t W *b* *a l2 amn Sk t "^hxri vt ny 5 t3naa T T | : T v: T V T : ay rtaaik *&**>! f$ S>aa ^|tap 47 ^ t jnt afW3 M nKtfni 88 {i^p *rw t nfa^ t^a p*v 49 rt^? '*?*?? * n: r^ : 2 ^ 6 *naa 1% 5 *naan w 51 tx *a t '^tan mak: to* 50 nVa T T T T ... . T | T ; . . . T - 64 nw ^ Dia *?a : M roia ^nx 5 Dnm 52 ttrrpnn : ab t T v -: t - t - t :| - : - : 69 rrnK : M svto inba *fi : "tfut 56 t:^ 55 w-ifi&n B *ta* : non D^tyS *a ato a ^ 69 rrin 1 60 *6a 54 nw 5 wa# : t w , ; t - v v t t I : 28 Ephraim. 29 their young men. 3 in the battle, or war. 31 IDS to be heavy, Hip. to make heavy. 32 7JJ a yoke, w. Affs. ') 7$ etc. * luxurious one (/.). 34 two (/.). This with the next word=" these two things" 35 bereavement. 86 and widowhood. 37 Assyria. 38 fa j? Lebanon. 39 !*1D* to be beautiful. 40 the angel of. 41 corpses. 42 H)D to die, Tab. XX. 43 ITO to come to naught, to be consumed. 44 *]^ to go, or to come. 45 HTJ to live. 46 the Amorite. 47 *TJJ to move away. 48 Chaldeans. 49 H3 a daughter. 60 a bride. 5l the calamity of. 52 Wlp Ed. to sanctify oneself. 63 at the sacrifice. 54 T\Vfy to make, to do, to act. 55 T\T\$ H6. to worship (followed by b). 56 before Thee. 57 Lord. 58 ST* JB>. to teach. 59 PIT #<. to praise, to render thankful acknowledgments. a wonder, a wondrous thing. 205 EXERCISE XLIV. {To be translated into Hebrew, 11. ? ft.) I- will-lift-up 1 my eyes 2 to (7tf) the mountains 3 : From-whence 4 shall-come 5 my help 6 ? My help [is] from The-LoRD, The Maker 7 of heaven 8 and earth 9 . Many* 11 shall-see 10 , and shall-fearf 12 , And-shall-put-their-trust 13 in The-LoRD. To-be-feared | 12 [is] He above fy) all 14 [that are called] God 18 . [It is] time 16 to seek 17 The-LoRD, Until-that 18 He-come 5 and rain 19 righteousness 20 unto rfl you. THOU-hast-brought 21 [the] day 22 Thou-hast-called-for 28 . Sit-thou 24 (/) still 25 and enter 5 into (3) the darkness 26 . And there-shall-come 5 (3 s./) upon thee (/.) suddenly 27 Destruction 28 [which] thou-shalt-not know-of 29 . [It is] good 30 to-give-thanks 31 to The-LoRD. 1 b3, pp. 302304. 2 j$ Tab. XIII (J, ft. 3 D*Tr. * $. * P PP- 272275. 6 njy m. [ 62 (iii)]. 7 TO Partic. (1) K. ' i. c' 8 DW. 9 f ^ Tab. X (1). 10 iJfK: u 0$& 12 K"l\ pp. 286-288. 1S nan. u ^3 (^3). u C^j. 16 ny. ehrc. l8 ifi 19 m? ify, pp. 288 & 289. 20 pj$ ai H. Partic. Future tense. 206 Whexi-Israel-went-forth (Hebr. in going -forth- of \\ Z2 Israel 33 ) from Egypt 34 , And He-smote 35 all 14 [the] firstborn 36 in their (m.) land 9 , Egypt was-glad 37 at (1) their (m.) departing || 32 ; And He-brought-out 32 Israel 33 from among-them (Hebr. their m. midst**), And there-went-forth 32 from trouble 89 a righteous-one 40 (ra.); Lightnings* 42 gave-light-to 41 the-world 43 , And He-bowed 44 heavens 8 and-came-down 45 . We-will-not fear 12 though-the-earth-be-moved (Hebr. in One's- removing 46 earth 9 ). Let-us-lift-up 47 our heart 43 . Hear 49 -thou, [0] daughter 50 , and see 10 , and incline 51 thine ear 52 ; Forget 53 also 54 thy people 55 and the house 56 of thy father 57 : And the King* 59 shall-delight-Himself-in 58 thy beauty 60 : For 61 He [is] thy Lord 62 , and worship 63 -thou Him (Hebr. to Him). Open^-ye (m.) to me the gates 65 of righteousness 20 , I- will-enter 5 by (3) them, I-will-give-thanks-to 31 The-LoRD 66 . 32 Ktf pp. 284286. 83 bttiW. 34 D^VP (w.). 8J HDi H. 60 H3. S1 Ify. of No. 44. 52 |&, w. Affs. toj$; etc., Tab. XI. 1. 63 PDB? " 1 (to be prefixed to the word "Forget")- " D^, w. Affs. )BV etc. w n?2 Tab. XIII. 3. S1 2$ Tab. XIII. 1. 58 RIM Bd. Fut. apocop., p. 267. 69 T^ID. eo >>;, w. Affs. ^J etc, (Comp. 63. 7 ). 61 \?. M |VlK pi. nr\W H0. |j Infin. J. * The tense before the Noun. 207 We-give-thanks sl [Obs. IX, p. 93] unto (*?) Thee, [0] God 67 , we- give-thanks 31 [Past]; Yea 68 now 69 , our God 67 , giving-thanks 81 [Partic] we [are] unto 6) Thee; And Thy Name 70 for-ever 71 we-will-celebrate 31 . Sela 72 . And heavens* 8 shall-celebrate 31 Thy wonders (Hebr. wonder 73 ), [0] Lokd. I-will-praise 81 The-LoRD with ft) all 14 my heart 74 . Come 5 -ye before-Him 75 amid (2) glad-singing 76 . [0] give-thanks 81 unto (^) The-LORD, for 61 [He is] good 77 , For 61 for-ever 71 [endureth] His Mercy 78 . see Note () on Tab. XXIII. " nnS. " TV (m.), Tab. X. 5. jqv 87 Vocab. I. 1. 68 1 the prefix. 69 HW. 70 DE>, Tab. Xin, Note . 7l D^. n^D. ^|, Tab. X. 2. 7 * a!?, w. Affs. ')& etc. 75 1*J$. 78 Pl#} " 3to 78 T^J, Tab. X. 1. * Tense before Noun. 208 OBSEKVATIONS XXXIH L. Obs. XXXIII. The following is a List of the Tables of Verb-forms with Pron- Affixes : Tab. XXIV. Infinitives. Tab. XXV. Past-Tense Kal. Tab. XXVI. Participles. Tab. XXVII. Imperative Kal. Tab. XXVHI. Future- Tense Kal. Tab. XXIX. Some Pl-el and Hiph-il forms. Tab. XXX. Forms of Verbs 7\'h. A few changes of foem adopted by Verbs on receiving Pron-Affs. may be mentioned here : Obs. XXXIV.. In accordance with the Great Eule of 59, "the vowel which would stand next but one before, or third from the accented vowel is generally dropped" (if it can be dropped) and is replaced by Shva : thus, (a) the of HpQ is dropped and replaced by Shva in Vlj3B, etc., and so in other Past K. forms, see Tab. XXV, [for the of the p, see Obs. XXXVIH]; () the ~ of such forms as fc*j? etc., Tab. XX, is thus dropped in such forms as 13p. ,, p? and fl1p*R and feg^J, etc. But Obs. XXXV. The vowel which would be thus dropped cannot be dropped if it is followed either (a) by Shva, as in *1pE5* etc., ih^, etc., or (j8) by Dagesh F., as in 1j9B etc., *Tj?3 etc., 1j3g* etc.; (7) but in order to shorten the word the next vowel is then dropped (if it can be dropped) ; and so we have tbe forms, 13npB>, etc., Tab. XXVEII; and 17ffp>, WJQP&, etc., in which the of jh|1* Jhrjfy is replaced by the Slight-vowel [Pt. I, 56]; and so in;nn^ etc, with , from JhpK; VljpB, etc., Tab. XXIX, and -I.TlpS, etc., and UJgti*, etc., Tab. XXIX (II, a). (5) For 'Fut. ( )' forms such as -13^2^, etc., see Obs. XXXIX below. Obs. XXXVI. Sometimes no vowel can be dropped, and so we have the H etc., is dropped in Tab. XXVIII), generally lengthen the into as in Obs. XXXVIII; thus, from Kb 1 ?, W^! with Aff. me, Dfff^ with Aff. them (m). Obs. XL. The - in such forms as ^TpZ % etc., is the T of Obs. XXXVIII in an 'open' syllable, being derived from the of "Jp3. Obs. XLI. The of the hy& form (of Past K.) remains with Affs. ; thus (a) From inK, bnK^ JJ^ etc., and (P) In such forms as ^-"DH^ they (m.) have loved thee (m.), the of 1HX is given to the 2 d Bt-letter in the form for the 3 pi. (-13nX) when with the Affix as here. [See also Notes (a) and (/3) on Tab. XXVII, and Notes (a) and (p) on Tab. XXVIII.] Obs. XLII. In some instances Verb-forms w. Affs. occur with the of the ?y& form of Past K. , although the 3 s. m. Past K. in use is of the 7JJ3 form; thus, from BH* the 3 s. m. Past K. in use is KHJ, but we have also of the 75J3 form in T\Wy\ K. Past 3 pi. with 1 Pref. and Aff. her, y&n K. Past 3 pi. with 1 Pref. and Aff. thee m., and from this *- it is possible that the of the following forms may be obtained, viz. FincrM K. Past 2 s. ro. with 1 Pref. and Aff. her, t : > ' Dflt^-p. K. Past. 2 s. m. with 1 Pref. and Aff. them m. Note (i.) The occurs also in t6QpT\ K. Past 2 pi. m., with 1 Pref., [comp. Tab. XXV, Notes (a) and (/3)], but the other parts of the K. Past (from this Boot K>*V) which occur agree with the forms from IpQ in Tab. XTV; thus, ?*2 (P- I JJfJ) 2 s. m., -UKh; 1 pi. (and w. Aff. her (ii.) There are other instances of Boots from which both 7#3 and 7JJ3 forms occur. 210 Note (iii.) The -^- of a ?y3 form, when followed by Quiescent, is shortened into 6 on the addition of an Affix removing the Accent from the syllable which contains that --; thus tfl^bj gives V^3*. K. Past 1 s. w. Aft him, fr. ?D*. This is done in order to get rid of the unaccented Long Vowel before the Quiescent Shva under the 7 [Comp. Pt. I, 55 (8)]. Obs. XLIII. The Pron. Affs. for the 2 s. m., and the 2 pi. m. and 2 pi. /., viz., ^ (or PD ), and DD and p , require a Shva under the last letter of the word to which they are affixed, therefore any Moving Shva under the pre- ceding letter must be replaced by a Slight-vowel (but a Quiescent Shva may of course stand). The Slight Vowel generally agrees with the Vowel that was dropped; thus (i.) from iptfl we have Tfflf., &$&., 878$ i in Tab. XXVIII, etc., where the p has the Slight-vowel (o) corresponding to the which is dropped in -IjnpQI, etc. ; and so, (ii.) from 1&B we have f]$S (Tab. XXIX, I. a), etc., and from 1$Z\ we have Tpf?^ (Tab. XXIX, H. o), etc., where the p has the Slight-vowel corresponding to the -77- which is dropped in nj?S etc., and *$& etc. (iii.) Instead of the in (ii.) there is sometimes , as in DSyBK*? (fr. fmfy Job xvi. 5. Comp. Note II (7) on p. 89. Obs. XLIV. Before a Guttural letter, as ft, the of the Pi-el is generally not dbopped except in Pause. Thus we have tJO^X I will send thee (m.) away, from 0/?BW> etc. But in Pause the is dropped as in ^n?K% . Note. A as Slight-vowel, before under a Guttural, requires no remark ; as that is what the Student would expect of course. Obs. XLV. The Pause-form of the Aff. ^ thee (m.) is not only J ^ 15-, but also I JJ -P7 , as seen in the la3t-cited example. Comp. Note e (ii.) on Tab. XXVIII. Obs. XL VI. This is often so in the case of Verbs PI"? with this Aff. in Pause ; as in : 3jjf^ Pause-form of TflVK (Put. PI 1 s., fr. m*), And so in the forms J ^.ifl an< * S$^ on P* ^82. Note. But the form I ^ -5 (without the Dagesh) also occurs, as in J *PlV on p. 282. 211 Obs. XL VII. Verbs having for their 3 d Kt-letter H Quiescent drop this H on receiving Pron. Affs. , as seen above and in Tab. XXX. Obs. XLVIII. By reason of the loss of a syllable thus there is no room for the operation of the great Kule of 59 [comp. Obs. XXXIV, above], and therefore such forms as Vfgf t ITU^, etc. [Tab. XXX], retain the vowel of their 1 st Bt-letter instead of its being dropped as in )*($$ *nJTIj3, etc., Tab. XXV. Obs. XLIX. For other forms we may refer to the Tables and the Notes thereon. Note (i.) Verbs T\"h in the 3 s. m. Past take the full Affix -1H him, rather than ') ; thus, inb'JJ he made him (fr. T\ty}j he made) Ps. xcv. 5, 1i"tfj5 he bought it m. (fr. HJj? he bought) Lev. xxvii. 24. (ii.) The 3d Kt-letter H is dropped even with an Affix having Shva before it ; thus, * Tjby He made thee m. (fr. nfe^) Deut. xxxii. 6, *|PU1 and He will guide thee m. (fr. nnj he guided, with 1 pref. ) Is. lviii. 11. (iii.) Special attention may be called to the 3 s. /. Past forms with Affixes, such as inn't^ and t-W}>, tnfibjj, etc., in Tab. XXX; and so in $n& (3 s. /. Past K., with Aff. me, Pause- form) Job xxxiii. 4, DrD#n (3 s. /. Past H., with Aff. them m.) Josh. ii. 6. The student will see at once the similarity between the form of the Verb in these words and the shortened form of the 3 s. /. Past viz. tty&t instead of nn'^j; (Uke nrhi). * ^3j3 Deut. xxxii. 6, is the Pause-form for ^, 167 (ii. a). t And so in Ifijp'! Pi. Past 3 s./. (nn^3), with 1 pref. and Aff. him, Zech. v. 4, and nn-lV -PS- Past 3 s. /. (fin*.*), with Aff. her, Kuth iii. 6. t This shortened form was just mentioned in Note III. fi (p. 172). It is not limited to the Kal; for not only do the Pi-el words in the preceding Note (f) seem to refer to it, but we have also the H. Past 3 s. /. T\T\T\\ (fr. T\T)), with 1 pref. Lev. xxvi. 34, and mhn (fr. fifcA), with for as in H^H 3 s. m. Tab. XXII, Ez. xxiv. 12, and Hoph. Past 3 s./. n?!in twice in Jer. xiii. 19. These examples are cited by B. D. Kimkhi in the Michlol. 212 Obs. L. The Kule of 162 (e, ii.), viz. that "the rather than the * -r- form" of the Fut. H, Prov. ii. 17), and (y) the 3 pi. with Affs. me O^fO? and *%&$> an <* thee f. Oq-IIW); Comp. Tab. XXV, Note (a)]. 7 pty to adorn (as with a chain, or necklace). 8 flM Pi. to cover. 9 P|SK to encompass. 10 21D J5T. to come round, to go about, Pi. to take about, lead about. " TVE* to put, place [comp. 226, and 183 (]3)]. 12 lit. places-below, i.e. low-depths. (This word, with the ifa before it, is an expression for "a pit of low-depths" = "a vsry deep dungeon pit." 18 K11 to come, to come upon (p. 272). M Kip to call, to call upon. M M3V to answer. 16 H3& a wound, Tab. VI. " KB1 to heal. 18 [with] love of, see 86. 19 nnN to love. 20 ppn to engrave. 21 H32 K. to build, N* *m I vv : - t : :"v "v t: v : |- : t : T . : iw *ttefyo mrra* mtfb* nnirQb " nno IMS *wnna : niy mtwfc lta bt : *&Jfra "D^nsfcn ; I : - : w " i : v r t : - : aritaefc *pto "titfti kW* m "Wfi : pnto V : I V V T T :^K V T; I T I V V ; : ; v : * s - t v : I: ** tIv ; :t t t|t t- :tt: t -; - t : * f : : . t -; - t| v \ | v t t t : t I v : : : t : I : v t : * t : a 1 ? 08B>n d^ : *Tp&# j) : "i[|rn "^jarign 19 ^n^ to cause to go, to conduct. u mt Pi. to scatter. " TOW to keep, to guard. 27 Djn to act as a shepherd. N.B. The K. Partic(l) s. m. is used for a shep- herd. 28 ND to find. 29 pi or }*1 tf. to understand, Pi. to instruct. 30 1V3 to preserve. M as the pupil of. 32 VKM K. to be glad, Pi. to gladden. 33 j'W sorrow. 3 * Til to choose. 35 "W H. to rouse up. 38 "pi K.f and Pi to bless. 87 jn3 to give. 38 f# a tooth (DuaZ. D^B 5 ). 89 ^n P*. to deliver. 40 DD"I to trample. il IDDH hot anger, wrath. 42 HT3 to be sprinkled, p. 296. 43 nJ used here for life-blood, strength; -Tab. X. 2. ** TDD to uphold. pn to be gracious to. Htt (see p. 293). * 7 DD K. to be high, Pi. to exalt, to extol. See No. 8, and Tab. XXX [Note p (8)]. * HT H. to teach, point out to, pp. 288 & 289. eo Mrti K. and i70. to guide, lead, (p. 296). 91 right, rectitude see 86. 62 "Ift to help. 6S Dm Pi. to comfort. "01 to lack. 65 in pastures of, see 86. 66 }*l"l JBT. to lie down, H Tab. XVHI, instead of ^2^. Some suppose that the Boot 2M0 to return is used here in the sense of the Boot 2&fa to abide or dwell. And some suppose that the word should stand thus ^jO&*1 {K- Past 1 s., with 1, from 2K") and I will abide or dwell. The strict sense of ^D2^1 as it stands is and I will return. 217 V The following Exercises are partly taken from the Exercises in the former Grammar, Note (i.) Help required for rendering the English into Hebrew is here given undee the several words, (ii.) Words connected by hyphens are all comprehended in the Hebrew which stands under them, (iii.) Some additional help required is occasionally given in Footnotes. EXERCISE XLVI. ( To be translated into Hebreiu.) And he-returned into the house and took the child and restored him* y& (71) n# nphf i^\ nw*.H to his mother. And he-turned this-way-and-that and saw that btt DK (see vocab.) njfi rb\ H3 nfeO *3 there-was-no man, and he-killed him* and hid him* in the sand. And the kingt said 'Fetch-ye (m.) me a sword and cut him* into two and give the half to one (/.) and the half to the-other.' And |ru >vn nnx *VH nn 99, Note (t). I-cried-out and said, 'In-no-wise-kill-him' (Hebr. to kill kill-ye m. pJW t "10K Infin. Abs. T))12 H. him* not), and they (m.)-gave him* to me. And she-took the child (Obs. iv. P . 93.) jrw np!? 1* and kissed him*, and she-lif ted-up her voice and wept. pV) t Tab. XIX. KBO b)p rm (Apocop.) EXERCISE XLVII. And I-asked him* saying 'What mayest-thou-be-seeking? , bx& t Tab. XVII, Note (f, ii). Vp2 PS; Fut. * Affix. f Fut. ( -^). t Tense before Noun. Fut. (-J-). 218 and he answered me* that his brethren he [was] seeking. And Hjy >3 m Tab. Xin. Vp2 PI. Partic. they-said to-each -other (Hebr. a man to his brother), 'Come-ye and 1DK WK !? m & Tab. XVIII. let-us-slay him*, and let-us-cast-him* into one-of the pits, and-we-will-say mt ~\h&H. their hand and said * We-will-not smite him * mortally, cast-ye 7} 1DK P0J fl"0. (p. 299) B>B3 ^ H#. him into this pit,' in-order to-deliver him from their hand to restore b& ite W& b)UH. him* to his father. And they-stripped him* as-regards his coat ^ 3K Tab. XIII. tt^S H. Dl W3 1| and they- took him* and cast him into the pit. And Judat said 'Let-us- sell npb* 71 irpn; "DDt him*, and our hand let-it-not be upon him.' And they-sold him* to T r f. obs.iv.p.93. rrn by b the Ishmaelites, and they-took-him*-down to Egypt. A kingt sent vfyvsgyfl TVfty. 71 Dnyp $n rhv and loosed him *. nnj >. Tab. XIX. EXEECISE XLVIII. And he-finished charging- them (Hebr. to ^charge them*), and he-expired rhiPt. **m*Pi. **jmh and died. My father adjured me* saying In my HID 2K V2&H VV T corrected (Hebr. to-correct, He-hath-corrected) me*; but to the death JP*.Infin.,(-^)form. 1D> Ft. 1 tm . He-hath-not given me*. And I-tookll them (m.) and I-passed-them-over (Hebr. and I-caused-them* -to-pass-over) the brook; and I-was-left -ay i?0. ^nj in* N. * Affix. f Fut. ( ). t The 1 is Consonantal here. Tense before Noun. || Note (A) on Tab. XIX. 1 Past with 1. 220 The king! of Jericho sought the men whom* Joshua sent. And T^p inn* \fipaPi. p. 46(1.) p0n; rhv the woman I said, Pursue-ye (m.) quickly after-them that ye-may-overtake nfx ifh nn Dgnqx >s aba #0., Tab. xix. them*. And she had-taken-them *-up to the roof; and she-hid expressed rfcjJ ty. 71. ii. (a) 33 }DL5 them*, and the mischief! did-not come-upon them*. Ye (m.) have- preserved-my*-life. Flames of fire have-devoured them (m.)*. rpn H. nark (/.) ?>$ b* EXERCISE L. Draw-Thou me*, after-Thee we-will-run. The king! hath- ^D T1DK fn (w. n at the end.) ^g brought-me*-into His chambers. Let-me*-see thy (/.) countenance, let-me*- wa h. tpjj om pi. of n*n hear thy (/.) voice. I-have-taken-hold-upon Him*, and I- will-not let- ynw H. tn Him* -go. nsn H. The watchmen found! me*...; they-smote me* they- wounded Partic. (1) K. of ->&B> KSD HD3 H0. y*B me*.... Whither turned thy (/.) Love? for we-will-seek Him * with thee. H3K H3D 1)1 (ro.) 1 tfpi Pi DV Daughters! saw her*, and they (w.) called-her *-happy. Many na Tab. xiii. n*n nba Ft, waters shall-not be-able to-quench Love II, and floods shall-not d^d hyffiph. msp*. nana (/.) nhn: (m.) overwhelm it*. Lol The-Lobd thy God! hath-loved thee (m.)*: fttatys ns.n Dr6g nn (the form.) be-strong, yea (1) be-strong. ptn (^- form.) Affix. t Past with 1 prefixed. t Tense before Noun. 5 Fut. ( ). II With the Def. Art.' and n& APPENDIX. , 221 APPENDIX. Significations of the Voice-forms. We may give here a few instances of what was mentioned briefly at the foot of page 70, viz that other English ' forms of rendering* more or less different from the main significations of the Voices in general are sometimes required. Thus, (a) In Gen. i. 4, the Hiph-il 7^p*1 (Fut. 3 s. m.) may fairly be rendered "and He divided" (or by some such expression, as " and He made separation"). The expression " and He caused to separate" is not English, and English expressions must of course be used in an English rendering. 08) So, in Gen. i. 11 NgH ptffi ti&Hfr is fairly rendered "let the earth bring -forth grass." The Hebrew expression K$"5 fct&Hfi in which the Verb is from the same Root NJH as the Noun, cannot be rendered exactly in English. Similarly in the case of JHT ty^T/b in the same verse, some such expression as "producing seed" or "yielding seed" must be given. (7) In the case of some Roots, as observed at the foot of page 70, altogether different English Verbs are required for their several Voices. (8) We must be content, at present, to refer the Student to his Lexicon for the renderings of the several Voices of various Roots. (e) Also the Lexicon must be referred to as a means of finding what Voices of particular Roots are used. For N.B. (i) Verbs are not necessarily used in all the Voices ; but, on the contrary, (ii) most Verbs are used in certain Voices only, and not in others. 222 (II). Certain Tense-forms, and Apocopated forms. (1) As said in 162 (e), it is the Rule to have, in the Future Kal, the (rather than the )) form, i.e. "Tpi^ rather than Tlp^, in the following three cases : (a) with ) Convers., thus *"Jp*1 and he visited, (ft) with 7X Deprecative, thus lb& ?K let him not visit, (7) in a positive wish, thus *lp^ let him visit. (2) So also it is the Rule to have in Hiph-il the (rather than the * ) form, i.e. Ipp 1 rather than Tp* in the same three cases, thus (a) with 1 Convers., Ip*?) and he caused to visit, (/3) with 7K Deprecative, HpS* /X let him not cause to visit, (7) in a positive wish, 1p& let him cause to visit. (3) The same holds for other than 'Full' Verbs ; and, further, (4) Verbs n 7 generally* have the 'Apocopated' forms in these same three cases, thus : (a) with ) Conversive,_7y , l from POT (Kal), hm from nW (Pl),J?X\ from t6t_ (Ufa), etc. ; and so VT1 from njn\_OT from HW, etc.; and so in other Persons, as *HFfi from PPflM ym\ from WWn, etc. ; 03) with ^ Deprecative,_J^fi yft from ffefi (Pi.), }&fi ^fromn^C^aO,-^^ ^Xand^nri Wrom nW and r\r\ft f etc. ; * (7) in a positive wish, 7^ & ft m. go captive, from !"I?^ W & Y ?w. fo (or let there be), from PlW , etc. [Further remarks on Verb-forms had better be reserved for a subsequent Section of this Appendix. Now we may not delay any longer to give the following] * Not always, see the Note (J) on p. 171. 223 (III). Analysis op some Yerb-forms. When the Student first attempts to read the Hebrew Bible, he is likely to find his progress somewhat slow and perhaps wearisome by reason of his inability to analyze at once the Yerb-forms with which in such great variety he will meet at every step. It is therefore advisable to offer him some little help, at first, to enable him to recognize more easily the various forms, and to familiarize him (by references) with the several Tables and Sections in which such forms are classified and spoken of. To some extent the Exercises will have already familiarized him with these, class by class. A very little help now will enable him to combine them all. * The following Analysis of the Yerbs found in the first three, and the twelfth, chapters of the Book of Genesis, will doubtless be amply suffi- cient for him. "With the Prefixes and Affixes to Nouns, etc., he will be sufficiently familiarized already by the Exercises ; he will need no help for these now, with the exception of a word or two, here and there, perhaps. It may however be well to give now the following Rules : Rule I. When the Conjunctive ) stands between words, or groups of words, which form a Couple, if the second word of the Couple, or the first word of the second group, is either (1) Monosyllabic, or (2) Dissyllabic with the Accent on the Penultima, the 1 generally takes , [N.B. unless the first letter has , in the word to which the 1 is prefixed] ; thus, 224 RULE FOR THE PREFIX 1 WITH -7-, (i) in Gen. viii. 22 we have 'w rbb\ tfh *phi }* ja tarn "ipi -fs^j jrg *** fr'we fltwc? harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, etc. Here the Nouns are arranged in couples, two and two. And (a) *Vpl JHT seed-time and harvest, the first Couple, has for its second word the Dissyllabic *Vp which is accented on the last syllable (not on the Penultima) in accordance with Pt. I, 55 (8, ii) and (9, a). Hence this word does not fall under Bule I above. For the Accents Tlisha and -& Pdzer, see Pt. I, 66 (15 & 13). As said in Note {%) there, the Accent A stands " always over the first consonant of its word." It affects the last syllable here. ifi) DPlI *1p cold and heat, the second Couple, has for its second word the Monosyllabic Dh ; before which the 1 takes in accordance with Pule I above. For the Accents Geresh and A Kadma, see Pt. I, 66 (16) & 67 (3). (7) tpPfi Y s p_ summer and winter, the third Couple, has for its second word the Dissyllabic tph accented on the Penultima ; before which the 1 takes as above. For the Accents T'vir and Dargd, see Pt. I, 66 (11) and 67 (4). (S) So also Twh\ tfl* day and night, the fourth Couple, has for its second word the Dissyllabic TV? v accented on the Penultima ; before which the ) takes as above. For the Accents Tiphkhd and Me-r'khd, see Pt. I, 66(6) and 67 (6). But (ii) it is not necessary that the Couple should consist of two words only. We have, for instance, in Gen. iii. 22 * TMs 131 signifies " etc." It stands for 1?31 and the whole of it. RULE FOR THE PREFIX 1 WITH . 225 tuiV/ s tD TON1 and cat and live for ever. Here the Couple ,T : *~ T " T: i I . I consists of two parts (1) ?3&0 and eat, and (2) D/y? *ffi tfw( &ee /or ever ; and the first word of this second part has to the \ prefixed to the accented Monosyllable *ff. For the Accents (: ) Silluk Soph-pdsuk, Me-r'khd, and Tiphkhd, see Pt. I, 66 (1), 67 (6), and 66 (6). This great Rule is not indeed always attended to ; but it is so much attended to in the Bible, especially in the case of two Words so c coupled ' together, that it is best to observe the Rule in Composition in this case of a couple of two words. This Rule was stated in a very concise form in Obs. XII on p. 139. There the Rule itself, with even the few examples given above, would have been out of place. In a Couple con- sisting of two words, the second word will mostly have a Dis- junctive Accent by reason of the Stop (greater or less) made at the end of the ' Couple.' It was necessary, as seen in (ii), not to limit the occurrence to the case of the Accent being Disjunctive. [This Rule will be found more fully stated and illustrated in Pt. II, 94.] Rule II. The prefixes /32 also sometimes take before an Accented Yowel, as seen in Pt. II, 95 ; thus we have tU s u7 instead of D^7 at the end of Gen. i, 6 ; and so ififcb at the t ; i" t end of Deut. xiv. 1 ; etc. 226 Analysis of Verbs in Gen. i-iii. Gen. i. 1. tf^ft* He created. Kal Past 3 s. m. from K*l!2. Tab. XXII. v. 2. filVn t U f. teas (or existed in a state of). Kal Past 3 s./. from nVt. Tab. XXIII. nipn^ft [was] % moving (al. brooding). Cp. Deut. xxxii. 11. Pi-el Partic. Sing. /. from Pirn . For the Partic. forms see App x B to Tab. XIV, and for the retained before T\ see Tab. XVI(2) [fi, iii- page xx.]. v. 3. ^p^) and He said. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with ) Con- versive, from l&tf . Tab. XVII (2, 8). W &tf ^ere fo. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. apocopated for 7iW, from rWl. Tab. XXIII (Note 3), also page 170 (e, 4). W1 wc? ^Aere was. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. apocopated with 1 Conversive, from JlTi (see the pre- ceding word W). Cp. p. 222 (4). v* 4. K1**l and He saw. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. apocopated, from nX"l. Tab. XXIII, also page 171 (rf). Tjyj fl-wrf -2^ divided (or mofe separation) . Hiph-Il Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from 7*12 . Tab. XIV. [For the see 162 (e, ii) p. 105, and p. 222(2).] * The Tense here precedes its subject. Cp. 162 (d, i), p. 105. This need not be mentioned after this page. f The Tense here follows its Subject. This marks Emphasis on the Subject, as stated in 162 (d, ii). The Emphasis here might perhaps be brought out in English somewhat thus : " Now [as for] the earth, it was a confused and formless mass .... And God said, etc." X The 'logical Copula' was is to be supplied in the English. Cp. 124. This need not be mentioned again. See 161 (2), page 104. ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. I. 5-7. 227 r. 5. W\&) * and He called, Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Con- versive, from Kip . Tab. XXII. K-ljP He called. Kal Past 3 s. m. from Kip . Tab. XXII. WJ *. See the third Yerb in v. 3. [Note. The literal rendering of the last six words in v. 5 is, as the Student will see at once, " And there was evening, and there was morning, one day." This literal rendering seems plain and clear enough. It tells that, after that great moment, when " God said ' Let there be light, and there was light," time went on ; and, in due course of time, the light of the day- time declined towards departure, "and there was evening." And time went on still continually ; and, in due course of time, day dawned " and there was morning." And so there was "one day": viz. from the first breaking forth of the light "offspring of heaven firstborn," to the time when there was light again at the breaking forth of the light of the morning. Obs. Some give "the first day" for 1I"IN DV. For this see 'Note' at the end of v. 31.] v. 6. *)&K*Y*. See the first Yerb in v. 3. W . See the second Yerb in v. 3. W\ and lei it be. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. (W) with 1 Conjunctive prefixed [ 3 (5)], from PPP1. Tab. XXIII. See also v. 3. Tll?^ one m. dividing (or making separation). Hiph-il Partic. Sing. m. from ^Hl. Tab. XI Y. v. 7. fe#*1 and He made. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with ) Conversive, from WJ?. See p. 171 (), and Supp' to Tab. XXIII. See 161 (2) page 104. 228 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. I. 7-11. v. 7 (contin.) 71^*1. See the second Verb in v. 4. WJ. See the third Yerb in p. 3. 0. 8. fcnp*1 . See the first Yerb in v. 5. t| : -- W. See the third Yerb in v. 3. p. 9. TftH. See the first Yerb in v. 3. Jfij3* & Am be gathered together. Niph-al Put. 3 pi. m. from mp. Tab. XXIII. n^lH^ and let it/, be seen. Niph-al Fut. 3 s./. with 1 Conjunctive, from HX^l. Tab. XXIII. The is instead of followed by Dagesh, as in 182 (i). Wj . See the third Yerb in v. 3. v. 10. &ni*1 See the first Yerb in v. 5. t| : -- tf ^)p . See the second Yerb in v. 5. &H*1 . See the first Yerb in v. 5. e. 11. *t?N*l. See *>. 3. [Ktffl KBHfi fe< # /. bring-forth [grass], Hiph-Il Fut. 3 s. /. from KBH. 162 feii), p. 105; & p. 222(2). [Note. This use of a Yerb and Noun together, from the same Root, is often found especially where the repetition of the Root implies abundance, multitude, greatness, or emphasizes that which the Root expresses. Cp. HH3 ^HPIS Ps. xiv. 5 they were greatly afraid (lit. they feared a fear), etc. ; and so], 5T)T SHT& yielding seed. Hiph-il Partic. Sing. m. fromjnt. 7\Vty yielding (or producing, lit. making). Kal Partic. Sing. m. from HW. Tab. XXIII. Wl Seee>. 3. ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. I. 12-15. 229 i\ 12. N^tal and it f brought forth. Hiph-Il Fut. 3 s. /. with ) Conversive, from N\ This Yerb is both 'fi like W in Tab. XVIII, and tfS like NVfc in Tab. XXI. The instead of * is in accordance with 162 (e, ii), and p. 222 (2). JTflfi . See \ 11. T\m . See v. 11. XT) . See f>. 4. .I3.WV, See^.3. v. 14. I^l . See v. 3. \T. See v. 3. [Obs. (i). The Yerb W is in the Singular, but jfitO %Afr in the Plural, i This is often the case when the Yerb comes first, especially when the Yerb is used as here in a somewhat Impersonal manner. Cp. RlD3 ^H-3 Wl 1 Kings xiii. 33 that there-might-be priests of high-places. So in Gen. x. 25 D^S *y& i?* ""Q?^ aw ^ t -fiber there-were-born two sons } cp. Gen. xli. 50. N.B. A Singular Yerb may occur with a Plural Noun in certain other cases also, to be mentioned elsewhere. Obs. (ii). The Plural of the Masculine Noun *\)#fo has the Feminine form. Cp. 43. Obs. (iii). The word ^YlKD signifies a light, i.e. a light-giver ^(oarrjp (LXX). In vv. 3-5 the word is ^itf (<&? LXX).] 7^^117 to divide (or make separation). Hiph-U Infin. with 7 prefix, from 7*D . VPfi and they shall be (or let them be). Kal Past 3 plu. with 1 prefixed, from H*Tl . Tab. XXIII. v. 15. VPT). See v. 14. t : ^VXPD to give light (lit. to cause light). Hiph-U Infin. with h prefixed, from "fitf . Tab. XX. W. See * 3. 230 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. I. 16-21. ft 16. bj$. See ft 7. [JlS^pD/ is a Noun with bfor prefixed, "for the govern- ance of."] ft 17. Jfi*1 ffw ^ sff* S6 ^ (lik ^^) Kal Fut. ^ s &*. with 1 Conversive, from jrO . Tab. XIX (B). yxrh. See ft 15. ft 18. bfetoSl tfwrf fo rtl&i Kal Infin. with 7 prefix, from hwft. Tab. XIY. ft 19. VW. See ft 3. ft SO. TOtfi See ft 3. ['Pi' J p$] ^yfi^ W them bring-forth-abundantly [moving creature that hath life], lit. let them swarm-wit h [a . swarm of creatures that have life]. Kal Fut. 3 pi. m. from pp. Tab. XIY. ft&ty* [that] may j% (E.V.) Pi-el Fut. 3 s. m. from t|iy. Tab. XX. Cp. 31. [Note. Many prefer to render thus: "And let fowl fly." The word "Fowl" should then be read with emphasis, because it precedes its Yerb.] ft 21. fc01*1 and He created. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Con- versive, from &TO . Tab. XXII. [Note. The Boot JUKI has not occurred since ft 1, " In the beginning (or at first) God created the heavens and the earth." It occurs again now in ft 21, at the introduction of ' animal life' ; it does not occur again till ft 27, "And God created D^tfn Htf etc." which is subsequent to the " Let us make (or We will make) UT$ t etc." in ft 20. The making of man in the image of God is an act of Creation.] ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. I. 21-24. 231 r, 21 (contin.) ipfcfchT] that moveth. Kal Partic. Sing./. (App x B to Tab. XIV) from fcyjtfl, with the H of 6 & 98. WF0 brought forth abundantly (or swarmed with). Kal Past 3 pi. from pp . Tab. XIV. ICjjJ, See t\4. p. 22. "TtM awe? .He fttewrf. Pi-el Fut. 3 s. w. with 1 Convers., from Tft . [ App x to Tab. XYI(2)]. The is for the , because the Accent is removed from the last syllable. Cp. Pt. I, 55 (9, b). 1)l2tfb saying. Kal Infin. with 7, from *)&*. Tab. XYII [Note f (ii)]. IJ13 be ye fruitful. Kal Imper. 2 pi. m. from PITS. Tab. XXIII. !Tfi and multiply. Kal Imper. 2 pi. w. with 1 pref., from Wl. Tab. XXIII. ^ixS/bl is termed by some * * Compaginis ') as in fpf TO Melchizedech Gen. xiv. 18, instead of [FTC ^]7 #m# o/" righteousness ; and so fahX ^3 ^0 co# (lit. son) of his ass Gen. xlix. 11, instead of faftN {3, etc.] t;. 24(contin.)W. See v. 3. * 25. fcW. See * 7. &TO. See f. 4. P. 26.nftK*V See & 3. HW3 &$ ws ma^e (or JFe fotT? make). Kal Fut. 1 pi. from n>y. See p. 171 (Q, and Supp* to Tab. XXIII. TW .22. n^Ifi wc? subdue it. Kal Imper. 2 pi. m. with prefix 1 and Aff. H ft (/.), from B>M. Tab. XXYII. JlT'to awe? Aa?e dominion. Kal Imper. 2 pi. >w. with 1 pref., from TPti. Tab. XXIII. ntohn , See v. 21. V V T ft. 29. 1&g*1 . See * 3. *)jro I have given. Kal Past 1 s. from Ifi}, Tab. XIX (B). [JHT] Jp}T bearing (lit. seeding) [seed"]. Kal Partic. s. w. fromJTlT. Tab. XIY. [Note. JH? (a little later in this verse) is merely the Pause- form of JTlT. Cp. Tab. X, Note (*).] TV7\\ it shall be. Kal Past 3 s. m. from DTI. Tab. XXIII. [Note. Tw^^s? for food is best taken to be a Noun of the same form as Jl^Dll wisdom, with 7. (The in the first syllable is 6). Some however take PI /pre? to be the ' Kal Infin. of ^DN with PI added* as in 137 (4, iii) [p. 80] ; its meaning then would be 1 to eat. 9 '] v. 30. Wtin [/3 every] creeping [thing]. Kal Partic. Sing. m. y from W&\. Tab. XIY. Cp. v. 26. [Note (i). SfcW p*V /3 W <*# g ree n herb (lit. 0# greenness-of herb). Cp. 88. (ii). The f I have given' of v. 29 is carried on in thought to ' govern* also the words in (i).] rbltih. See v. 29. Wl . See t>. 2. 234 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. I. 61. v. 31. *n*1_. Seev. 4. nfetf #e made. Kal Past 3 s. m. from H^J?. Tab. XXIII. T T WV. See t>. 3. [Note. * WW fi DV lit. a day {which was] the sixth. Obs. (a) The ' Def. Art/ H has not appeared thus in the case of the preceding " days." The Numerals in connection with DV day in vv. 5, 8, 13, 19, and 23, are respectively "one" "second" (or "a second"), "third" (or "a third"), "fourth" (or "a fourth"), "fifth" (or " a fifth"). Whereas in v. 31 we have " day the sixth," literally. (/3) Many suppose that HHX DV in 0. 5 may be rendered, and is to be rendered, "the first day" although the Numeral is not the word for "first" (viz. jtoftH) but the word for "one" (viz. *miS0. They suppose that the word may so be rendered because the expression 1HK T?? one king in Is. xxiii. 15 has been rendered by some " the first king." But this last rendering is, to say the least, not certainly admissible. Consequently we are not thereby convinced that the preceding supposition is correct. A little more support for that supposition may be claimed from the phrase KHh/ HHXS which occurs several times (as Gen. viii. 5 & 13, etc.), and which stands short for BHJT? *lfttf DVS in day one to the month, literally (Ezra x. 16 & 17, etc.). But we must bear in mind that it is usual to employ the Cardinal Numbers with the day of the month, and Ordinals for the number of the month itself, as in Gen. viii. 13 With nHXS ])W8^ in the first [month] in [day] one to the month. So we have the Ordinal *TB5ty3 in the tenth [month] Gen. viii. 5 ; but the Cardinal *])&$$ in [day] ten (not +$&$% in the tenth) in Lev. xvi. 29 ty^BTI VftTfc NOTE. OBS. Q8) continued. 235 BNlfe *^fe3 w tfi *e*tfwta month in the [day] ten to the V - T V month, etc. Such a use of the Cardinal Numbers is not quite the same as this of "one" and then "a second" "a third" "a fourth" "a fifth" and "the sixth" in Gen. i. Nor is this quite the same even as the "year-of * one" (lit.), in Dan. i. 21 (& ix. 1, 2, etc.), which last is in accordance with the "year-of three" in Dan. i. 1, and "the year-of four" in 1 K. xxii. 41, and so the "year-of two" in 1 K. xv. 25, etc. Nor is it the same even as the " year-of the fourth (fi^H^ri)" Jer. li. 59, the " year-of the seventh (If^IjBTJy* Ezra vii. 8, and the "year-of the ninth (JVy^firi)" 2 K. xxv. l.f It has indeed been said that " the first " is properly repre- sented by " one," and then " second," " third," etc., follow as bearing reference to the first mentioned, and some have thought that "first" could not be said when as yet there was no other. Perhaps it may be well to have just mentioned here that the word actually employed in Gen. i. 5 is not the ordinary word for "first" (viz. ftfaft). It may, however, be thought to be beyond the limits of our proper business here to mention thus the few facts stated above. And we ought perhaps to add that the amount of 'authority* which may be claimed, from the opinions of * learned* men, for rendering the words 111^ D1 v (Gen. i. 5) "the first day" is * Perhaps we may be allowed the use of this expression here, for a moment, although it is not an English expression. We give "year-of" as an equivalent of the Hebrew word H^ in order to call the Header's attention to the fact of this word being in the Construct form. f The 'English' for these would be "the/>\s, third, fourth, etc., year** 236 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. II. 1-3. simply overwhelming. But, nevertheless, these facts remain : - (i) the words HPIX DV strictly signify " one day," (ii) the ordinary Hebrew for " the first day " is a very different expression.] Gen. ii. 1. i?3*1 and they were finished. Pu-al Fut. 3 pi. ., with 1 Conversive, from Pi 7D . Tab. XXIII. V* 2. /y) and He ended [or had ended, or finished, % 157 (a) & (e)]. Pi-el Fut. 3 s. m. apoco- pated, with ) Conversive, from P17D [like jjgj in Tab. XXIII]. Plbty iZe had made. Kal Past 3 s. m, from H^. Tab. XXIII. r)b^*1 and He rested (or stopped, 'ceased'). Kal Fut. 3s.m, with 1 Conversive, from fQ?. Tab. XIV. [Note. It need scarcely be said that the word ' Sabbath (jPStfify is from this Root. But the word is used also in the Bible for other than 'Sabbath'-cessation, sometimes.] *'&' :, JBM. Seech, i. 22. BhjD*1 and He sanctified (or hallowed). Pi-el Fut. 3 s. w. with 1 Conversive, from Hp. Tab. XIY. rQfc^' He had rested (or ceased). Kal Past 3 s. m. See v. 2. X13 He created. See ch. i. 1. T\\Wr> to make. Kal Infin. with 7 pref. See Supp* to Tab. XXIII, and 169 (a). [Note. The literal rendering of these last two words is given here. There is some rather needless controversy about the sense of them. We may not enter into that here. The literal NOTE. 237 rendering seems to bear a sufficiently clear and simple sense. Another rendering is however possible,- as will be seen a little further on in this Appendix (vi. 2, /-i).] v. 4. [Note. A slightly different arrangement in the printing of the Analysis may perhaps be admitted now, as a means of marking more distinctly what many suppose to be the com- mencement of a new sub-division of the Book. It will be seen that the Name of The Almighty (for which the E.Y. gives generally "the Lord," cp. Pt. I, 79(2)) occurs for the first time in this verse. And it is followed immediately by D^ri/X , throughout this chapt. ii. and in vv. 1, 8-24, of chapt. iii. Some Moderns have made what is really a serious mistake in imagining both these alike to be merely Appellative Nouns. The word D^rpK may be so termed. But the other is the Name the ' Proper-NAME,' if the expression may be used. Here, however, we may but just state what has been said above, and add a caution to the Eeader against adopting too hastily certain plausible theories. The thoughtful and unbiassed Student, who can afford to think for himself and to delay his adhesion to other people's theories until he has sufficient education in the subject to be able to form a fair opinion about it, will find too many instances of modern theories resting on a fundamental misconception, which are nevertheless accepted by some as 'latest results of Biblical Criticism.* We would urge the Student to labour for a knowledge of the facts and usages of the language, and we say to him boldly : "Work your work honestly and carefully and thoughtfully, and resolve to know for yourself the truth of the matter, so far as in you lies, by thorough Work."] 238 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. II. 4, 5. v. 4 (contin.) DNlSniH when they were created (lit. on their being created). Niph-al Infin. with 3 pref. and Pron.-Aff. Q their (m.) } from &TQ. Tab. XV. rtW [the] making of. Kal Infin. Constr. from figf. Tab. XXIII and Pt. I, 24. This word is here 'in Construction with* the Name m (which is followed by the epithet D^PPK), and the 'Object' of it is WXft pK . v - 5 - w d? be f re ] u was - Kal Fut - 3 s - m - fr m n% Tab. XXIII. nD* [D*Tb before] it grew. Kal Fut. 3 s. w. from T\ly (like #3^ Tab. XIV), in Pause, 165 (I, 0). [Note. When the word D*ltD has a Tense after it, this Tense is generally the Future in Hebrew ; probably because the time of the event referred to in the Tense is later than (and therefore yet future with regard to) the time to which attention is directed by the word Ulfo before, or before- that. But in English, events are regarded as Past or Future from the point of view of the writer or speaker rather than from consideration of relative order. Hence we have sometimes a Future Tense in Hebrew even where some form of Past is generally given in English, as in the case of the two Verbs above (and so in PW* v. 6), which may best be read on in connection with v. 5 thus, "and [before that] a mist went up etc." So in Gen. xix. 4 ^5^ D^tO before they lay down } and Josh. ii. 8, etc. t : v v N.B. (i) A Hebrew Future after D*ltD may of course be also rendered sometimes, in other places, by a Future in English, as in Is. lxv. 24 ^W DltO before they shall call; and (ii) A Past occurs a few times after D*ljb ; it may be rendered ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. II. 5, 6. 239 by the Pluperfect form 'had' (as well as, sometimes, by an ordinary Past) ; thus, Gfen. xxiv. 15 iT?3 Wp before-that he had finished* for which the man in his own account says, v. 45, "as-for-me [it was] before I finished (PTOK)t> tnat behold, etc." See also 1 S. iii. 7 JJT DtD [it was] before-that he had known, followed by "and before-that it-was-revealed or manifested (Fut.)^" And so also with E?Tfc33 as in Ps. xc. 2 " before-that mountains had -been -brought -forth (VT9* Pu-al Past 3 pi., in Pause), Prov. viii. 25 " before-that mountains had-been-founded (^StDil Hoph-al Past 3 pi., in Pause). (iii) In some instances the Future with dltp may (perhaps) be rendered in English by means of the Auxiliary (t could" ; thus, Gen. ii. 5 "before it-could-be" and "before it-could-grow," and so in Gen. xxiv. 45 " before I-could-finish," etc. But in some instances a direct Past form of rendering seems to be the most natural in English. (iv) Gesenius' treatment of the word DltO is unsatisfactory.] v. 5 (contin.) ^VtDftH He had caused rain. Hiph-il Past 3 s. m., from USB. Tab. XI Y. ibtih to till. Kal Infin. with h pref., from "Dp. Tab. XVI (1). v. 6. thy it went up. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. from nSj?, p. 171 (f). [Note. This verse seems to be best taken in connection with * The Narrative treats his "finishing to speak" as a Past event. f He marks his " finishing" as subsequent to the act of her coming out. % The "Bevelation of the Word of The Lord to him" is marked as subsequent to the child's having-knowledge-of The Lord. That Revelation implying an advance in knowledge, the first ' knowing ' is expressed in the Past form, and the ' being revealed ' in the Future. 240 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. II. 6-9. v. 5, as remarked above. So the emphatic position of the word HX mist, before its Yerb, is allowed for in the rendering.] v. 6 (contin.) Plp^ni and watered. Hiph-il Past 3 s. m. with 1 pref., from Ptpfc?. Tab. XXIII. See the Note on * 5 above. v. 7. 1*1 and Reformed. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with ) Con vers., froml^. See 197 (8). JlS^ and He breathed, Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, fromnSi. Tab. XIX. VT} . See ch. i. 3. [Note. The Yerb HTl with 7 after it, as here, is often used for to become.'] v. 8. Jft3*1 and Replanted. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Convers., fromj;&3. Tab. XIX. Efe*1 and He put. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from (ft?. See 225 (iii) and 232 (iii). [Note. Some consider such words to be forms of the Hiph-U Future from the corresponding 1 y Root, ti)& here. Perhaps the Student's safest plan will be to give, when asked, both of these two : thus, Kal Fut. from D^, or Hiph. Fut. from D1C We prefer the former.] *l* He had formed. Kal Past 3 s. m. from IX* , in Pause. 165 T (/3). #. 9. fttePI and He caused to groic. Hiph-il Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from ftbtf. [Tab. XYI (3) (B, /3), p. xxn.] *ltin pleasant (E.Y.). Niph-al Partic. s. m. from H/SH (to covet), like \h$\ in 169 (/3, iii). ny^n the knowing. Kal Infin. HW (Tab. XVIII, Note 1) with from H2}?. Tab. XXI Y (p. xxxv). PntpB^ and to keep it. The same as the preceding word in form, with 1 prefix, from *Tfc?. v. 16. i?V] 15T1 an d & e . commanded (or laid-a-charge upon). Pi-el Fut. 3 s. m. apocopated, with 1 Conversive, from ?\)) (like b? in Tab. XXIII). *btb. Seech, i. 22. /btf to eat. Kal Infin. Absolute from 73tf, as in Tab. XI Y. 73NF1 thou may est eat. Kal Put. 2 s. m. from 73& . Tab. XVII (2, 7 ). [Note. The Infin. Abs. is here used before the Tense to give emphasis, " thou mayest freely eat" as in E.Y. See 137 (1, Obs. /3).] v. 17. nynri . See v. 9. 7?Xn [K7] thou shalt [not] eat. The Dag. L. is removed from ft here, (see Pt. I, 48). Kal Fut. 2 s. m. from hlX. Tab. XYII (2, a). \?5$ ^% *##. Kal Infin. with Pron. Aff. ^\ thy m, from hlX. Tab. XY, Note (*). ANALYSTS OF VERBS IN GEN. II. 17-21. 243 i v. 17 (contin.) HID to die. Kal Infin. Absolute from rTlft. Tab. XX. rflftfi thou shalt die. Kal Fut. 2 s. m. from niJS. Tab. XX. T [Note. The Infin. Abs. is here used before the Tense to give emphasis, " thou shalt (or wilt) surely die," or " terribly die." See 137 (1, Obs. ).] 9. 18. nDK ! "). See ch. i. 3. [D1KPI] HVn that the man should be (lit. the-being-of the man). Kal Infin. Constr. from PlTl (like rt 1 ?^ in Tab. XXIII, the Moving Shva of the H taking the Compound form ). rfejfejl / will make. Kal Fut. 1 s. from H^ (like M^N in Tab. XXIII, the JJ having - as in Tab. XYI (1). v. 19. T5W awa? 2Zd formed (with ' Defective ' Long-Kherik, Pt. I, 12). Kal Fut. 3 s. w. with *) Conversive, from '"&, See 197 (8). Cp. . 7. X!l*5 >wtf -He brought (lit. n [like tttySfr in Tab. XX]. For the in Pause, see 245. The Future Tense here marks 'Sequence' or ' Con-sequence.' Gen. iii. 1. PPPI he was. Kal Past 3 s. m. from Ml . Tab. XXIII. T T rtW He had made. Kal Past 3 s. m. from T\WV. Tab. XXIII. T T ' *Tfifc$*1 and he said. See ch. i. 3. *tbK A hath said. Kal Past 3 s. m. from nftN . Tab, XIY. hl#T\ $h\ ye shall [not] eat. Kal Fut. 2 pi. m. from ?DK . Tab. XVII (2, a). [Pt. I, 48.] v. 2. ^fttfttl and she said. Kal Fut. 3 s./. with 1 Conversive, fromn&K. Tab. XVII (2, 8). ^DXi we may eat. Kal Fut. 1 pi. from S^X . Tab. XVII (7). v. 3. ^ . See v. 1. taxn [$] See r. 1. ty%T\ [K /1J dw^ ye s^a// [not] touch. Kal Fut. 2 pi. m. from jfc. Tab. XIX. [Pt. I, 48.] Note. This Verb generally * governs' a 21 as here. pnfttt ye die. Kal Fut. 2 pi. m. from rYlJb; i-e. \TWElF\ with the J of 145 (see 239). [Note. The Future here marks the 'Subjunctive' after " lest."] v. 4. 1t$fr\. See v. 1. rttt. See ch. ii. 17 and the Note there. pnbrU See v. 3. v. 5. y*V efo^ know (lit. s knowing). Kal Partic. s. tt*. from Jff . Tab. XVI (3) [A]. ID57DX your. eating. Kal Infin. with Pron. Aff. D3 your (rn.) Tab. XV, Note (J). ^Plp^l then they shall be opened. Niph-al Past 3 pi. with ) prefix, from RMS . Tab. XIV. 246 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. III. 5, 6. v, 5 (con tin.) DH^Pl 1 ! and ye shall oe. Kal Past 2 pi. m. with ) prefix, from fi\l. See p. 171, Note (*). s Wl i ' knowing (lit. knowers of). Kal Partic. pi. m. 'i.e.* [i.e. the Constr. form of D^ttT, like s< lph from DHpb (App* C to Tab. XIV).] v. 6. K^DY and-when she saw. Kal Fut. 3 s. /. apocopated, with 1 Conversive, from PINT Tab. XXIII. HybP!}*) . The same as *JftPl3 in ch. ii. 9, with 1 pref. T3BPT1 / to make wise (E.V.). Hiph-il Infin. with 7 pref., from^. .Tab. XIY. [Note. Some give "to contemplate," or "look at," "adspicere" for this. And they may claim the support of some ancient Versions. But we may perhaps observe that the Root occurs nowhere else in this sense throughout the Bible. The Hiph-il occurs indeed in the sense of "considering," "applying the s2& (thought, intellect)" but not in the sense of "looking." Also this sense is somewhat unsuitable here, the " looking at " being already expressed by the D^ff Byes. There are three members of the statement, viz. that the tree was (a) good for food, (/3) an-object-of-desire to the eyes, and( 7 ) ^^nSijbm. If there were no (a), then indeed (/3) and (7) might be sup- posed to be alike, if there were no other objection. But, with (a) for the first of the three, "delightful to look at" would not add much to IM^JP? PlINPl of (). And, moreover, "to give understanding" is a strictly admissible signification of V^t^n?. It is not often wanted as here, but it occurs in ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. III. 6. 247 ^ v*St/K J *# <7W0 ^^e TOS^ {understanding) Ps. xxxii. 8, and in the sense "to instruct" elsewhere. And of the (a), (#), (7), above, this is the only one that expresses the effect of the seductive promise of v. 5 upon the woman, vis, " ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil." If the meaning " to look at " be assigned to (7), then there is nothing in all the three members (a), (ft), (7), to express the effect upon her of this tempting promise of v. 5. The above- given strictly admissible signification of the word connects v. 6 with v. 5 ; and the signification objected to, and which seems to us really inadmissible,* and of which there is no other instance throughout the Bible, deprives v. 6 of any connection with what appears to be put forward as a main article of per- suasion in v. 5. We are therefore unable to adopt what we nevertheless know very well to be a widely accepted and indeed very fashionable opinion.] v. 6 (contin.) HjpW and she took. Kal Fut. 3 s. /. with 1 Con- versive, from hpb. Tab. XIX (A). TOfctol and she ate. Kal Fut. 3 s. /. with ) Conversive, from hlX. See 188 (a, i, Note *). {ftM and she gave. Kal Fut. 3 s./. with ) Conversive, from jnj. Tab. XIX (B). 73tt*5 and he ate. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from hZM- See 188 (a, i, Note *). * "We are quite aware that Gesenius gives this as the fundamental sense of the Root. And so some others also. S 248 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. III. 7-10. v. 7. rDnpSfil and they (/.) were opened. Niph-al Fut. 3 pi./, with 1 Conversive, from Plp3 . [Like rO*Tp^ in Tab. XI V.] ^JH* 1 ! and they knew, Kal Fut. 3 pi. m. with 1 Conversive, from JTT. Tab. XVIII. Vl&W and they seiced. Kal Fut. 3 pi. m. with 1 Conversive, from Tan. Tab. XIV. !)b^ and they made. Kal Fut. 3 pi. m. with ^ Conversive, from ilfcyy. [Like fejj in Tab. XXIII, but with j because of they, comp. Tab. XVI (1).] 0. 8. 5fib$3 and they heard. Kal Fut. 3 pi. m. with 1 Con- versive, from JflDP. Tab. XIV. T?nn walking (or #om#) . Hithpa-el Partic. s. w. from *ppl . Tab. XIV. K^nn* 1 ) and he hid himself. Hithpa-el Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from fcOfi. v. 9. *np*1. See ch. i. 8. *tB&i1. See ch. i. 3. t|:-- rri3*X where art thou ? consists of the Particle n*K where and ^ TV " " - the Pron. Aff. H5 2 s. m. [Pause-form of PD_- (="?[_-); see Tab. VIII.] f>. 10. *HbK*| . See ch. i. 3. W&B* I ^ard. Kal Past 1 s. from Jfibfr Tab. XIV. fcOW and I was afraid (or and I feared). Kal Fut. 1 s. T T with 1 Conversive, from &D* . [This word has *X like Sfc^X in Tab. XVIII by reason of the 1 st Et-letter , and tf like NfcN in Tab. XXII by reason of the 3 d Et-letter K.] Xin^l and I ivas hid. Niph-al Fut. 1 s. with ) Conversive, T " T from $3h [like KftX in Tab. XXII, but with X to compensate for the Dagesh which the 11 cannot receive.] ANALYSTS OF VERBS IN GEN. III. 11-14. 249 r. 11. *&&*. See ch. i. 3. Tftl he told. Hiph-Il Past 3 s. m. from ttf . Tab. XIX. TrMV / commanded thee. Pi-el Past 1 s. with Objective Affix 7| thee m. [WS is like *T$pj in Tab. XXIII.] ^K( o) to eat Kal Infin. from *EDK, for *?btf, the being shortened into (6) because the accent is removed from the word (and therefore Makkeph follows in the Bible). See Pt. I, 37(2) and 55(9, b). ft S^N hast thou eaten. Kal Past 2 s. m. t in Pause [for JTOtf t:tt " t ; - t * like JV!p3 m Tab. XIV]. Op. 165 (I, /3), -12.*]blh. Seech, i. 3. nnn^ 7%ot* gavest. Kal Past 2 s. m. from ffl . Tab. XIX (B), and 138 (B). rtfni she gave. Kal Past 3 s. /. from {fti . Tab. XIX (B). 75XI #^ / #&. Kal Fut. 1 s. with 1 Conversive. Tab. XVII (2, 7). f. 13. ^XV See ch. i. 3. T\ s 'm thou (f.) hast done. KALPast2 s./.ofJl^J?. Tab.XXIII. n&Xn'). See v.2. *}tV&T) he beguiled me. Hiph-il Past 3 s. m. with Objective Aff. ^_ me, from KtA. [The word *Wn fo fegwtferf is like B^TI. Tab. XIX.] ^Difl. See v. 12. T t?. 14. n&^1. See ch. i. 3. JVfc>JJ Mow to* tfowa. Kal Past 2 s. W. from TWp. Tab. XXIII. *tntf cwrs^. Kal Partic. s. m. [like l)p% (2) in App x B to Tab. XIV, see 139 (7) on p. 83] from TW. 250 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. III. 14-17. v. 14 (contin.) wtfii thou shatt go. Kal Fut. 2 s. m. from T?* [like Wft in Tab. XVIII.] hsXft. Seech, ii. 17. v. 15. JVB>K I will put. Kal Fut. 1 s. from tV$, see 225 ; or Hiph-il Fut., as some say, from J"\1fe^. Comp. the Note on nm in ch. ii. 8. V T- ^^ it shall bruise thee. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with Objective Affix TJ thee m., from M0. Tab. XX. [Note. The of &#* (like ffjp* in the Table) is removed when the Affix is put on ; cp. 59.] ^DS^ft thou shalt bruise him. Kal Fut. 2 s. m. with Objective Affix to him, from SpB>. Tab. XX. [Note. The - oflp^ (like tftpfa in the Table) is removed when the Affix is put on ; cp. 59.] t>. 16. TibK. Seee\l. fiSIPl to multiply. Hiph-il Iniin. Absolute from )"Q*1 . Tab. XXIII. This is an unusual form of the Infinitive. It is given in column V of the Table. The Infin. Abs. is here used before the Tense to give Emphasis: "I will greatly multiply," as in the E.Y. T^y^ I will multiply. Hiph 1l Fut. 1 s. from T\T\ . Tab. XXIII. !?% thou shalt hrin( J f orth - Kal Fut - 2 s - / from *^- Tab. XVIII. h&& (o) he shall rule. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. from ^Vfo, like 1p& in Tab. XIV but with 6 instead of because the Accent is removed from the word. See Pt. I, 37 (2) & 55 (9, b). v. 17. IbN . See v. 3. - T FW&B? thou hast hearkened. Kal Past 2 s. m. from ytiW, like PT0B in Tab. XIV. t :|- t ANALYSIS OF VEKUS IN GEN. III. 17, 18. 251 r. 17 (contin.) 73X1^ and thou hast eaten. Kal Fut. 2 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from hl8 . Tab. XYII (2, a). WVW I commanded thee. Pi-el Past 1 s. with Objective Affix T[ *Aee m., from m*. [WW being like W^ in Tab. XXIII.] *btib. See ch. i. 22. ^Xnft* 1 ?]. Seech, ii. 17. PH^tf cursed. Kal Partic. s.f, of the Masc. ^filK in 0. 14. t -: t nJTOKtt thou shalt eat [of] it. Kal Fut. 2 s. m. with Objective Affix Hi iJ /., from 7D^. [Without the Affix, the form is TOKtt which has occurred already. For the 'Compound Suva' see Pt. I, 72 : the -^ here may be said to allude to the of ?DXtt . In Ezek. iv. 12 some copies have PlilTO^fl (in which word of v. 12, and ^l-PD^fi once in #. 9 & twice in v. 10, some copies have D other copies have D).] v. 18. PPDXFl it shall bring forth (lit. shall cause to grow). HiPH-iL Fut. 3 s. /. from Ht. Tab. XYI (3) (A). [Note. This word is generally taken thus as 3 s. f. H it shall cause to grow." There is an old difficulty, as some know, with regard to the word tO to thee or for thee (or thyself) ; it has been urged that "it would have been enough to say merely fV/pVJV' without the HO, But, as every one must always have seen, this word n % Mfi may also be 2 s. m. " thou shalt cause to grow." The Tp with this would signify his being himself the cause of hindrances and troubles to himself: and so the two Verbs in v. 18 would each have the same Subject " thou (m.)" This however is not necessary, as there are many instances of change of Subject. Also the rendering " Thorns and thistles 252 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. III. 18-22. thou shalt (or wilt) cause-to-grow {or bring-forth, as in E.V.) for thyself," although in itself possible, seems unnatural, and has not the support of Authorities, but it ought perhaps to be mentioned in passing.] v. 18 (contin.) FH?^ and thou shalt eat. Kal Past 2 s. m. with 1 pref., from ^N. Tab. XIY. >. 19. ^Nfi. Seech, ii. 17. ^OW lit. thy returning. Kal Infin. with Pron. Aff. ^ thy m., from W. [M0 being like D in Tab. XX.] nnj-57 ^ow tes^ tafow. Pu-al Past 2 s. m. from np7, in Pause. % [ 165 (I, ).] l^n thou shalt return. Kal Fut. 2 s. m. from S1E>. Tab. XX. T v. 20. m See ch. i. 5. nrVPl. See ch. i. 1. t| : .- t:t *H /wwgr one. Kal Partic. s. m. (in Pause) from *Tl = PlTl. See p. 173, Obs. ii. &2Lkm. Seech, i. 7. d$3y*1 and He clothed them (for * Defective * Long Kherik, see Pt. I, 12). Hiph-il Fut. 3 s. m. with ) Conversive, and Objective Aff. D- them m., from BW t&5fa being like W in Tab. XIY.] ft 22. Tfcbfa. See ch. i. 3. HTI. See r. 1. V T T [Note. (1) From the fulness of meaning of Hebrew words it follows that, in the use of a translation (however good it may- be), we should be continually on our guard against a possible limitation of the sense of the Original by a rendering which gives but one view of the passage. The greatest care and skill are often required for selecting a form of rendering from among several forms by which the Original might be rendered. We NOTE. 253 have here an instance of this. A great difference will be at once perceived between two such renderings as (a) "Behold! the man has become as one of us, with-regard- to-knowing, etc.," and (J3) "Behold! the man was as one of us, with-regard-to- knotving, etc." "Without adopting either the one or the other of these two possible renderings, we may perhaps use this passage in illustration of what was just now stated. (2) The word HTI (Kal Past 3 s. m. from TfT\ to be) is rendered in the English Authorized Version by several forms of expression. We find (i) "he (or it) was," in Gen. iii. 1, and in many other places;* (ii) "he (or it) hath been," in Gen. xxxi. 5, etc. ; (iii) " he (or it) had been," in Gen. xiii. 3, xxxi. 42, etc. ; (iv) " he (or it) is," in JSTu. ix. 13, Ps. xxii. 14 (Hebr. v. 15) f, Ps. lxxxix. 41 (Hebr. v. 42), Is. xxxiii. 9,f etc. ; (v) " he (or it) is become," in Gen. iii. 22. This sense agrees with (iv). There are also some other renderings of PPPl , with which, however, we need not trouble the Reader just now. And with regard to the renderings in (i) (v), it is enough perhaps here to observe that * When followed by D, too; as in 2 S. iv. 10 (margin), 1 K. iii. 12, etc. [See Note (*) on page 254.] f In this passage the TPft is followed by D . But of course the D merely expresses the Comparison,' and does not at all affect the sense of the Verb as to whether the Comparison is spoken of as (a) ' having been, in the Past,' or (b) as ' having been, and still continuing,' or (c) as 'yet to be.' 254 NOTE. (3) as the word *?p3 (from *]p to visit) may signify, either (a) "he visited" (or "he has visited,"* i.e. the Past of 'Finished Action/ or "he had visited" or "he might have visited" etc.), as in 152 (II, a), or (b) " he has visited and is still visiting" as in 152 (III, a) ;- (4) so the word PPPI (from PlTl to be) may signify, either (a) "he was" (or "he has been" or "he had been" or " he might have been" etc.), as in 152 (II, a), or (b) "he hath (or is) become" as in 152 (III, a). (5) Hence we see that, of the renderings in (2), (a) those in (i) and (ii) and (iii) are included under 152 (II, a) ; and (b) those in (iv) and (v) are included under 152 (III, a). (6) It may therefore be said that each of the two renderings (a) and (/3), in (1) above, is admissible so far as the word HT! in itself is concerned.* But as far as each of them is admissible, * Some have fancied that the i"Pn here is to be rendered " is (or has) become," because it is followed by S . But 'D IV H must not be so limited. There are passages in which that expression stands for "was as ... ," not " has become as...." For instance, in 2 S. iv. 10 David says that the man who told him ' Saul is dead ! ' V^JJS *)K>3PD H^H was as one-telling-good-tidings in-his-own-eyes ; he was so no longer as soon as he heard the king's warrant for his execution. There are indeed several passages in which the Past of ATI is used as above [in 1 (iv and v)], when followed by 3 . But the Student may be warned here of the mistake which some seem anxious to make of tying down a Hebrew expression too much. Even if there were as much of the phrase-value "to become" in 'd iTH as there is in '? HTl, yet it would be incorrect to limit the former expression to any such phrase-value. There is certainly much less of this phrase-value in '"2 PlTl than there is in ? fTT! . Even the English Reader may to some extent perceive this by observing that in D HTl "to become as so and so," the 3 of 'Comparison' retains its full value "as"; whereas when S HTJ is used for " to become so and so" (lit. " to be to or for or into bo and so"), the ? is swallowed up and lost in the English phrase. Thus, NOTE. 255 so far the adoption of the other (to the exclusion of that one) may involve the loss of an admissible rendering. This should not be lost sight of. As we are not concerned here to advocate either of them, we need not trouble ourselves to argue at all about them from the context or from general considerations. But we may just observe, in passing, that man's being said to have been made and created in " the image" and "likeness" of God (Gen. i. 26 & 27) may to some not unreasonably appear to correspond with the rendering (/3) rather than with (a) in (1). And, further, that the rendering " Behold ! the man was as one of its, with regard to knowing good and bad ; whereas now " he was not to take of the Tree of Life, may to some appear consonant with the warning (ii. 17) " thou shalt surely die" (7) We may perhaps add that advocates of (a) cannot surely intend their rendering to signify (what it certainly seems to signify) that Man became in some way, or in some sense, or in some regard like God, through his disobedience and experience of evil ! Djto^ nrVni. G. xvii. 16 and she shall become nations, HbQD *$f} *JV)ri G. xxxii. 11 (E.V. v. 10) I am (or have) become two bands, etc. But although we must fully allow this phrase-value of ? DTI to become, yet we would also warn the Student most emphatically against supposing for a moment that the expression is limited at all to that phrase- value. ' 7 HTl may have other values : for instance " to be to so and so," as in Gen. xxx. 30 " It was little that TQ iTn was to thee (or thou hadst)," and "to be to" in the sense of " happening" as in 1 S. vi. 9 "An accident it [was that] \h nTI was to us (or happened to us)," and "to be for" in the sense "to be on T TT , one's side," as in G. xxxi. 42 " Unless the God of my father ... *? ft*rj had been for me (i.e. had been on my side)... " etc. "We cannot too strongly urge the Student to be on his guard against attempts to limit the sense where it ought not to be so limited. 256 NOTE. Also we cannot suppose any one to argue seriously that the false tempter's promise "ye shall be as God (E.Y. gods)" in Gen. iii. 5, must needs be true in this instance. We are aware however that Dr. Kalisch says on this : " The serpent was degraded, the human pair was ennobled by the glory of intelligence ; the former was pressed down nearer to the earth, it was condemned to go upon the belly ; the latter rose heavenward on the youthful wings of the mind ; the one eats dust, the other became capable of imbibing the dew of eternal truth. Thus man has made a gigantic step beyond the limited sphere of his primitive existence." This is a grandiloquent account of what must have been therefore (if Dr. Kalisch is right) a "Kise"* rather than the "Fall." The Narrative seems to us to be not quite in agreement with it. It cleverly mixes up the opinion expressed by the LXX in 'ISov 'A8afi ry&yovev f a>? eU ef rjfjiiov rov yivcbcrfceiv /caXbv teal 7TOV7]p6v fCCll VVV K.T.\. } with some such a one as that expressed by Maimonides J in h r\n\i w pa j$ci dSijd tit rm dtk hw ht p p 'i ii pan turn n& bo nenjn jnm * As some fancy. f The following words of Fagius : " Ironia est ... Vide quam vera promiserit serpens, quam factus sis par Deo sciens bonum et malum. Imo nihil minus es," may commend themselves to some; but to others they may perhaps seem rather forced, or even (to some extent) evidence of an effort to escape from something that he could not approve of. t See Tad khflzdkd (Hi-Vkhoth Tshuvd, v. I). See also Dr. Bernard's Selections, pp. 55 & 262. The word UISQ (G. iii. 22) may mean either "from us' 1 or "from him." Cp. Tab. II. 4. J For 'im see Note (*) on p. 224. NOTE. 257 " Lo ! this race (lit. kind) of man has become unique in the world, and there is not any other race (lit. kind) like to it in this regard, viz. that it is, of itself, by its own mind and by its own thought, knowing the good and the bad, and doing all that it likes, etc." This latter is supposed by many to derive authority from the Targum of Onkelos, viz. : B>*2i as jrv&S rtm mhjfa rm rm tnx xn which is taken to mean " Lo / man has-become unique in the world, from himself to know good and bad"', in which, we may observe, there is nothing whatever about "doing" or "doing all that he likes," and no mention of " his mind " and " his thought " (which may, however, be supposed to be implied). We may also mention that there are some objections to such a rendering of the Original passage, as was pointed out long ago by Aben Ezra. We may not here dwell on this. (8) But it is only fair to mention that there is some ' Hebrew authority for understanding the PlVl of Gen. iii. 22 in the sense "he was" Thus, in the Midrash Rabba, "R. Berechiah" in the name of R. Khanina said tmh n#i wr\ vb ht vp ma d^d qj vb h n& iw*aa " ' like Elijah' * What is this [Elijah]?'' He tasted not the taste of death :' also this [Adam] was not by-rights to have tasted the taste of death" . . . " All the time that man was, he was as etc." * * We are merely giving a few evidences of the word rVH having been understood in the sense "was" in Gen. iii. 22 rather than in the sense "has become,'* We may omit aught which we do not want for our immediate purpose. 258 NOTE. On which we read in the Commentary Pl^PD J"V)3nft " When man was wlff complete [i.e. in the state in which he was created], he was by-rights to have remained alive, as one who died not, like Elijah ; etc." And similarly a little earlier in the Midrash Rabba we find ... mi hw injn "fix *f?m m'pn bw injn mw u Might which The Holy One, Blessed be He, imparted to the first man was-to- have-been for ever and ever : when he left the Mind of The. Holy One, Blessed be He, and went after the mind of the serpent " [then the latter half of the verse Job xiv. 20 expresses what resulted to him]. On the " w as-to-have-been for ever," we read in rtfirD MI^Hb " By-rights he was to have been so for ever, etc." And a little earlier still in the Midrash we read " When He sent him away He began lamenting over him [in the words of Gen. iii. 22]," on which we read in the Commentary EW3S& "\TX2l " It means that He said, by way of lamentation and bewailing, "Ah! how he 'was' from the first ' like one of us ' in the highest attainment : whereas now he hath-gone-backward * in-regard-to-knowing good and bad/ and he is expelled from his high-estate, for [it is said] ' lest he put forth his hand and take also of the Tree of Life/ etc. Therefore [it is added] ' and The Lord sent him forth from the garden of Eden/ " (9) We may add that there are several interpretations given of the words H3t3 111^5 ; and that, as a possible rendering * of * Some may think that The "Ifltf " referred to in the Midrash, and by E. Juda b. Simon in tbty *W 1THTO, points' to the -13DD im? as taken together thus; though others dissever the two words. 'ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. III. 22-24. 259 the words, some might perhaps choose such an English expres- sion as "like Tke*-Q]XE from-Himself" "Behold! man was like The-ONE from-Himself {i.e. The Self- Originated One) in- regard-to-knowing good and bad; whereas, now, etc." Cp. Gen. i. 26 & 27. What was said in (2-8) above is seen to be quite independent of this remark in (9). But we must return to the f Analysis of Verb-forms.'] v. 22. (contin.) HSTn to know (or for knotting, ivith-regard- to- knowing). Kal Infin. with h pref., from JH\ Tab. XVIII (Note 1). rfa&\ he put forth. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. from ffe# [like Ift^ in Tab. XIV.] np/1 and take. Kal Past 3 s. m. with 1 prefix, from Mp7. vOK*l and eat. Kal Past 3 s. m. with ) prefix, from 7Dtf . *h1 and Ike. Kal Past 3 s. m. with ) prefix [p. 173, Obs. iii.] The 1 has before the ' Accented Syllable to which it is pre- fixed, see p. 225. f. 23. ^nnW^ and Re sent him forth. Pi-el Fut. 3 s. m. with ) Conversive, and Objective Affix ^iPl him, from ffaVjfc Tab. XXIX (II, a) [p. xlii.] nhtih. See ch. ii. 5. np7 he was taken. Pu-al Past 3 s. m. from HpA Tab. XIV. v. 24. tn^l and Re drove out. Pi-el Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from &*& [like #* in App x to Tab. XVI (2), but * The Construct ' form marks that the word *iriN3 is to he taken in close con- nection with the following word -ISED. As it is in ' Construction,' it may not have the ii for the ' Def. Art.' "We may therefore supply " the" in English, if this he wanted, hefore the English word which stands for it. 260 ANALYSIS OF VERBS IN GEN. III. 24 AND XII. 1. with for the because the Accent is removed from the last Byllable, cp. Pt. I, 55 (9, b)]. v. 24 (contin.) V2$*\ and Se placed (lit. caused to dwell). HiPH-iL Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from pgf. Tab. XIY. FDSnnEin w ^ c ^ turned every way (E.Y., lit. which was turn- ing-itself). Hithpa-el Partic. s. /. with the Pi of 98 (or merely that of 6), from "J&Pl [like tF$BF& in App* B to Tab. XIY]. *i$h to keep. Kal Infin. with h pref ., from *#&* Tab. XIY. Analysis of Yerb-forms in Gen, xii. Gen. xii. 1. I&K**. See ch. i. 3. T? go thou. Kal Imper. 2 s. m. from *fp . [Like 3^ in Tab. XYIII, but with for because the Accent is removed as signified by the ( - ) in the Bible. Cp. Pt. I, 55 (9, b).] [Note. The word Tp here is the word signifying to thee (m.) in Tab. II, and it is used, here Reflexively as in Obs. XIY (p. 139).] ^Kltf I will shew thee (lit. I will cause thee to see). Hiph-il Fut. 1 s. from PttO. [The full form of the Hiph. Fut. 1 s. is Htf *1X . This, on receiving the Pron.-Aff. would give regularly ^^HK (the 3 d Rt-letter PI being dropped when the Affix is put on). For this latter we have here J^KIX in Pause. For the :^]_ see Tab. XXYIH, Note (e, ii) on p. xl, and cp. ;Gf$&rt Gen. xxvi. 3 and I will bless thee (which is Pi-el Fut. 1 s. with 1 Conjunctive and Objective Affix thee m. f in Pause, from ^]1'2) ; and Htf^tf 2 Kings iii. 14 I would see thee (which i3 Kal Fut. 1 s. with Objective Affix thee m.). The Hiph. ^Nltf occurs in Zech. i. 9 with the Accent merely, a Pause-form not in Pause, cp. 167 (ii, a).] ANALYSIS OF VERB-FORMS IN GEN. XII. 2, 3. 261 v. 2. WWfl and I will make thee. Kal Fut. 1 s. (JlTOl) with 1 Conjunctive and Objective Affix TJ tfto m., from Jl^. Tab. XXX. "SpTlMfl and I will bless thee. Pi-el Fut. 1 s. Ofiflto App* to Tab. XYI (2)) with 1 Conjunctive and Objective Affix TJ thee (m.), from ^1 like ^lj9lDK in Tab. XXIX (II, a), but with before the 5| to compensate for the Dag. F. which the *) cannot receive. [Obs. This word has the simple form for which the Pause- form is ^"DXI (mentioned just now in v. 1). But in our word the *1 has whereas in the Pause-form the *) has . The *1 of our word agrees with the p of ^Hj3SK in Tab. XXIX (II, a). In each, the is a Slight-vowel (Pt. I, 56) masking the Moving- Shva which the 2 d Rt-letter would have but cannot have when the 3 d Rt-letter also has . (The adopted here as the Slight- vowel agrees with the of the 2 d Rt-letter in the form *Tj?tf without the Affix). But in Pause, the 3 d Rt-letter receiving then a vowel, and there being no need then for the Slight- vowel, the Shva drops its mask ( ) ; and thus the 2 d Rt-letter has as seen in v. 1, and so in ^Dl^tf Ps. cxlv. 2.1 n?^ifl and I will make great. Pi-el Fut. 1 s. with 1 Con- junctive and the H of 144, from 7*tt. PPil) and thou shalt be (lit. be thou). Kal Imper. 2 s. m. with 1 pref., from PPPI . See p. 171, Note (*). v. 3. hJFttKI and I will bless. Pi-el Fut. 1 s. with 1 Con- junctive and the H of 144, from T>JJ . SjWljE those blessing thee (lit. thy blessers). Pi-el Partic. pi. m. with Pron.-Affix ^ thy (m.), from "pi. [This, with- out the Affix, would be DW^b pi. m. of W3& in App x to Tab. XYI (2). For the ^ see Pt. I, 72.] 262 ANALYSTS OF VERB-FORMS IN GEN. XII. 3-5. v, 3 (contin.) ^WV\)J2) and him that curseth thee (or, thy reviler*). Pi-el Partic. s. m. with ) pref. and Pron. -Affix T| thy (m.), from 77p- [The form without the Affix is TJpffB like np^/b in Tab. XIY. The beneath the 7 is a Slight-vowel, Pt. I, 56.] ^IKK I will curse. Kal Fut. 1 s. from TlK [like SDK in Tab. XXI]. tt^&31 and they shall be blessed. Niph-Al Past 3 pi. with 1 pref. from "pS [like 5|np^ in Tab. XIY]. v. 4. *T|7*1 so he departed (lit. and he went). Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with ) Conversive, from T?* . See 198 (S)'. *)y\ Re had spoken. Pi-el Past 3 s. m. from^T. [For the -ir see Note (e) on p. xv back of Tab. XIY.] inXM when he departed out (lit. on his going-out or forth). Kal Infin. with 3 pref. and Pron. -Affix ') his, from K\ [Note. Instead of T\W like n^^ from W, Tab. XYIII, the Inf. Oonstr. of tf^ has the contracted form ftX which takes Pron.-Affs. thus : iflN his going out, *?]ftK thy (m.) going out, etc.] v. 5. fij^V See ch. ii. 15. $5b*1 they had gathered (or acquired). Kal Past 3 pi. in Pause, from W51. WQ they had gotten (lit. made). Kal Past 3 pi. from ?\W$ [like * in Tab. XXIII]. ^V!l flW ^ ^2/ went forth. Kal Fut. 3 pi. m. with 1 Conversive, from Xr [like fcj# in Tab. XYIII]. * Even this word is a little stronger than the origiual, which might be rendered "any one speaking -lighlly-of thee." ANALYSIS OF VERB-FORMS IN GEN. XIT. 5-7. 263 v. 5 (contin.) J"077 to go. Kal Infin. with 7 pref., from T?* [like n?#S in Tab. XVIII]. ^y) and they came. Kal Fut. 3 pi. m. with ) Conversive, from Kin. [Note. The Kal of this Yerb has the following forms with Khoulem, [see more on pp. 272 & 273] : (a) Infin. (Absol. & Constr.) #; and (with fc^M) KlM, ^^^(XilSi.c.),^^; Or with -, thus $3, xnn, ifeil, &h (X!lS Lc), X3p, 08) Imper. tfin or tf* (and, with H, ilKS) s. f., W3 or ^3s./, S|K3pl. m. (7) Fut. lb* 3 s. m., fctol 3 s./. &2 s. m., **bfi 2 s./., KnK 1 s., v " T T T T ^y 3 P i. w., rtfaort QKnn or nyrinro, 3 P i. /., ^nfi 2 pi. m., XD^ 1 pi. Obs. These may have \ in the place of the ; thus, Kfct*, andsoKbn,etc. T T (S) So, with the n of 144 we have both nxntf & fitting 1 s., and nan} & nainj 1 pi.] T T T T * - 1 0. 6. ^ihy^ #w^ he passed over (followed by n wfo). Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from "Dp. Tab. XYI (1). v. 7. SW and He appeared* Niph-al Fut. 3 s. m. apocopated from HXI [like 7H* in Tab. XXIII ; but with to compensate for Dag. F., and with tf instead of 7^-, cp. p. 169 (II, a)]. "TDK*!- See ch. i. 3. \m I will give. Kal Fut. 1 s. from jrti . Tab. XIX (B). p*1 #w<# he built. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. apocopated from Jl^n [like W in Tab. XXIII]. The fuU form of the 3 s. m. Fut. jff., fr.n^iisnir. * From ?"IK"1 to see ; the iVty. to be seen is used for " to appear" T 264 ANALYSIS OF VERB-FORMS IN GEN. XII. 7-11. v. 7 (con tin .) HIK^ri Who appeared (lit. The One appearing or seen). Niph-al Partic. s. m from PIK1. Tab. XXIII. v. 8. pW*1 and he removed (or moved). Hiph-il Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Conversive, from pVij}. This is like *lpp s in Tab. XIY. Cp. 178 (i). [Note. This expresses a Transitive " removing" or " moving" viz. his goods and things. The English Reader will find no difficulty in this, because the English Yerb to move is often used for ' to move one's goods and chattels/] tD*1 and he pitched (lit. and he extended). Kal Fut. 3 s. m. apocopated, with ) Conversive, from PJtD3 . The form fltD^ (like rbx in Tab. XXIII) becomes H&\ cp. 205 (ii), and this by apocopation becomes tS** jyi. See v. 7. &T0: See ch. i. 5. v. 9. JJD*^ and he journeyed. Kal Fut. 3 s. w. with ) Con- versive, from J7D3 . Tab. XIX. IjiSn to go. Kal Infin. Absol. from *)Sn . Tab. XIY. yiWl #wrf fo journey. Kal Infin. Absol. with 1 prefix, from ?M. ^ab. XYI (3) (A). [Note. The phrase V)Dy\ ^7/1 J?D*1> Kt. and he journeyed to go and to journey, stands for and he went on continually journeying, cp. 137(1), Obs. (S).] v. 10. W. Seech, i. 4. Tftl awe? Ae irew^ efoww. Kal Fut. 3 s. w. with ) Conversive, from TV. Op. 198(3). Tj? to sojourn. Kal Infin. with 7, from *f&. Tab. XX. v. 11. WJ. See ch. i. 3. i^pil he drew near. Hiph-il Past d s. m. Irom 2TO . Tab. XIY. ANALYSIS OF VERB-FORMS IN GEN. XII. 11-15. 265 v. 11 (contin.) &1D to come. Kal Infin. with % from Nil. [See Note (a) on 1*0*1 in v. 5.] &&ft. See ch. i. 3. Wf I know. Kal Past 1 s. from JTP . Tab. XIY. v. 12. /THI therefore it-shatt-come-to-pass (E.Y.). Kal Past t t : 3 s. m. with 1 pref., from PPPI . WV *% *>to# s^. Kal Fut. 3 pi. m. from TIN") [like &# in Tab. XXIII], 11ftN1 Mtftf tf/^?/ s/^// say. Kal Past 3 pi. with 1 pref., from 1N . 13TI1 tf^ ^^y t# Ml. Kal Past 3 pi. with 1 pref., from HTl . : t : 1W ^ey rc7/ save alive (E.Y.). Pi-el Fut. 3 pi. m. from JTH [like feF in Tab. XXIII]. p; 13. 'HfcN y ^ow. Kal Imper. 2 s. /. from 1&N [like n&fi in Tab. XIY]. 2fiD* ft moy fo? **& Kal Fut. 3 s. m. from 3D* [Tab. XYIII]. PirVHll and it shall live. Kal Past 3 s. /. with 1 pref., from nTl [like nrta in Tab. XXIII]. v. 14. W1 awe? it came to pass (E.Y.). See ch. i. 5. XI 13 ow ^e coming of. Kal Infin. Constr. with 3 pref., from Nil. [See f>.5, Note (a).] 1fcO*1 ^a /^y beheld. Kal Fut. 3 pi. m. with 1 Conversive, from JINY t?. 15. 1*0*1 and they saw. See v. 14. i|77PM w^ ^2/ commended. Pi-el Fut. 3 pi. m. with 1 Con- versive, from 77)1 The Dagesh F. is often dropped from the 7 . For the comp. Pt. I, 72 (Note (*, fo called. Kal Fut. 3 s. m. with 1 Convers., from K^p . 4ft. See ch. i. 3. mW. See ch. iii. 14. V T T FHiin thou didst tell. Hiph-il Past 2 s. m. from "713 [like T\mr\ in Tab. XIX]. #.19. FH/5K thou saidst. Kal Past 2 s. m. from 'Ifttf . ftp&O so I might have taken (E.V.) [or, lit., and I took']. Kal Fut. 1 s. with 1 Convers., from HpS [Note (A) on Tab. XIX]. np take thou. Kal Imper. 2 a. m t from Pip 7 [Note (A) on Tab. XIX]. T?1 ff<* go. Kal Imper. 2 s. m. with 1 pref., from W [like SE> in Tab. XYIII. For the - see p. 225]. 0. 20. W rce? he commanded. Pi-el Fut. 3 s. m. apocopated, with 1 Convers., from htt [like *?# in Tab. XXIII]. fffw*1 #wd they sent away. Pi-el Fut. 3 pi. m. with 1 Con- versive, from H/fe^. 267 IY. List of Verbs belonging to more than one of the Seven Classes mentioned in 186 [sometimes galled 'Doubly Irregular' Yerbs] [The Student will perhaps have some little difficulty, at first, in analyzing some of the Yerb-forms from Roots belonging simultaneously to more than one of the Seven Classes mentioned in 186. Many of such forms may be recognized without much difficulty, by allowing for each set of Yariations ' sepa- rately. But in some of them there are special Yariations, and some few of them are irregular, and some apocopated forms may well seem strange to him. It will, without doubt, be use- ful to him to have these Yerbs all collected together. We therefore give him here the following List, in the Alphabetical order of Roots, with the Yerb-forms which occur in the Bible.] |"QX used only in Kal [to be willing). Kal Past and Partic (1) like those of tkl Tab. XXIII, but for XtoX (Is. xxviii. 12)--3 pi. Past cp. 138 (B) iv,a. Fut. TO& 3 s. m., HSXfi 3 s. /. & 2 s. m. (once XSfi Prov. i. 10), toX* 3 pi. m., JQXft 2 pi. m. HIX used only in Pi and H0. (to desire, lust). The 1 is Con- sonantal always in Yerb-forms from this Root. Pl-EL Past rVIX 3 s. m., nrVlX 3 s./., WX 1 s. ; t t : ... Fut. [nix; 3 s. .], njxn 3 s./. HlTHPA-EL Past PttXnn 3 s. m., WXITI 1 s., MXIV! 3 pi. ; Partic. PfiXnp s. m., D^Xfiib pi. m. ; Fut. rttXJV 3 s. m. (apocop. 1XJV), PttXntt 3 s. /. (apocop. ixnty, mr\\ 3 pi. m. 268 |1K C or J^) used onl y in tne *W- (^ complain). Partic. D^fcnD pi. 0k, and Fut. J^ltflV 3 s.m "ptf used only in the Past and Participle (1) of Kal (to haste), and Fut. Hep. (to cause to haste, to urge) The forms are like those of Dip in Tab. XX. ^Vltf used only in Kal, to be light, iV<. to be lightened, bright, glorious, HO. to make light or bright, make to shine. Past ^ 3 s. m., rk 3 pi. (like #to, 1^5, cp. Tab. XX). Partic. ^YlK s. m. ; Imper. niX 2 s./. (like #&) ; FuT.nri^ 3 pi./. (likeH^pri in Tab. XX). See230(i). NlPH-AL Infin. i) tib Job xxxiii. 30 (for ^rh , cp. 137 (3) Note t) ; Partic. "flfcO s. m. ; Fut. 1^ 3 s. m. (or Fut. K. like ^1^.). HlPH-lL Infin. y$rh', Past Vm 3 s. m., JTTXn 3 s./ ^^H 3 pi. ;" Partic. yM2 s. m., ft*VRb Ps. xix. 9 (Constr. form of n7^s./.),nh^pi./.; Imper. ^tfpl s. m. and with PI added m^NPl ; " T Fut. *1W and TO* 3 s. m. (with 1 Gonvers. TO**) *N*m 3 s./. & 2 s. m., WKJ 3 pi. m., WXft 2 pi. m. KTO (or (ft?**) only in the J3T0. ^^XnH Imper. 2 pi. m. in Pause, Is. xivi. 8 " shew yourselves men" rbtt-rm 269 filtf used only in the Future Kal {to consent)'. Kal fut. ri\w 3 s. m. } nix? i pi. (and nrri*o with n> [Note. The forms which are thus like $i!2* etc. in Tab. XX, are by some taken rather as N$>. forms U. like Dip* or ^ etc. in Tab. XX.] l^X JT, to be an enemy, or hostile to, only used in *M*K 1 s. Past, and in the Partic (1) forms, viz. HmH or D*& s. m. ( J"Htf used only in K. to swear, etc., H. to adjure, Kal Infin. Abs. rfrtf and niSx ; T T Past n^2s./.; Imper. ^K 2 s./. HlPH-lL Infin. ti&Nnf? (in ih^nS, with Pron.-Aff. i him) ; Fut. ^ (in h&\ 1 S. xiv. 24). [This is usually taken thus, as Hiph. ; but the form might very well be Fut. Kal apocop., the being like the in *TJbX*1 . The Di?n HX following must however be allowed for, of course.] 270 TW-rtiK H^tf (I.) to mourn, used only in Kal ^X1 Past 3 pi. w. 1 ; and (II.) to occasion, in Pi. H!JX Past 3 s. m., Pu. (to be occa- sioned, to happen), H!JX^ & HilKFl Fut. 3 s. m. &/., and Hithp. Partic. PlDXnp (one making occasion, or seeking occasion) s. m. These forms agree with Tab. XXIIL pK (see pK). Pl^tf used only in Kal (to bake), iV$. (to be baked) Kal Past H&K 3 s. m M*SK 2 s. m., W6K 1 s., &N 3 pi t t T T T T T * Partic. PlStf s. m. (whence DPltf, with Pron.-Aft DPI their, y Hos. vii. 6), D^K pi. m., niK pi./ ; Imper. &$ (Ex. xvi. 23) 2 pi. m., instead of & ; Tut. SfiTghl (1 S. xxviii. 24) 3 s./. w. 1 Conv. and Aft Ak or /or A/m instead of infiXftl, fo& 3 pi. m., ifiKTl 2 pi. m. ; NlPH-AL fut. nsxri 3 s./, nyfiKri 3 P i./ Pl3K only in /f/ (to compass) }iDtf Past 3 pi., like *!*?&& in Tab. XIV, and w. Aft me as in Tab. XXY. niX only in Kal (to pluck) Past *fi*"W 1 s., TIN 3 pi. (in PlVKfl with 1 pref. & Objective Aft. H it (/.), Ps. Ixxx. 13). UK to curse, used only in K, N$, Pi., and Hoph Kal Infin. Abs. "ihtf ; nntf-TiK 271 Past rthK 1 s. (also f^tthlj with Objective Aff. fi her) ; Partic (1) *TJfc pi. m. (i.c.), fT!** P 1 - m - w - Aff - % ! [For the - see Pt. I, 72 ().] Partic (2; TfTK s. m. t TT\pA s./., frTfit* pi. m. ; Imper. [IX] 2 s. m. 1TTK with H . (The of the X is 6, there being no Accent on the word, Pt. I, 37), ink and rtN 2 pi. m. ; Fut. "ixn 2 s. m., nax 1 s. T KlPH-AL Partic. D'HfcO pi. m. Mai. iii. 9. T " * Pl-EL Past [*nK] in PJTlK 3 s. m. with Objective Aff. PT- T - fcf Gen. v. 29. For the comp. Pt. I, 72. Partic. D^VlXlb pi. m. HOPH-AL Fut. nV 3 s. m. (in Pause, for TfcW). PlfiX (or NHX) fo cowe, used only in Kal and in Imperative JET<. Kal Past rtflK (and KHX Is. xxi. 12), SflTlK 1 pi. from KHX ; TT V TT ' T T * Partic ni*nXpl./.; Imper. VHX 2 pi. m. ; Fut. r\n& 3 s. m. (KTft Deut. xxxiii. 21, n*1 Is.xli. 25, and with Aff. ^ we, WBW Job iii. 25), ... T v:v _ / nnxn 3 ./. (Mi. iv. 8), HTIKJ 3 pi. m. (]Vn*5 Is. xli. 5), with j, and 1 Conversive ; Hiph-il Imper. VHPI 2 pi. m. 272 Ktt frOS used only in Kal (to come, come upon, enter, etc.), H$. (to cause to come, to bring), and Hoph. (to be brought). Kal Infin. *fci & tfte (*X1Z, & HNM 1 K. xiv. 12 with n, N!l3, KT? N17 * n ^ w ^ construction, frfoft) . with Affs. INS ftKS, ^KS & PDK3 with ft, etc. Past K!3 3 s. *., MX| 3 s./. (w. Aff. ws BTWS Ps. xliv. 18), n| & nn*ft 2 s. m., fiStt 2 s./. (For n|, in mi) 2 S. xiv. 3, see Pt. I, 29, Note (f)). *nx!i 1 s., T ^a 3 pi. (also "hK3, perhaps twice), Dnxa 2 pi. m., ttK3 1 pi. (tiSl 1 S.xxv. 8, with theNote 'lacking tf') ; Partic. XS s. m., nX3 s. /., T T T D^!l pi. m. (i.e. ^21), w. Aff. ^r H^!l,_niX| pi./. ; Imper. K2 (or Xi!l, and fifcto with M) 2 s. m *KS (or ^jte) 2 s./., && 2 pi. m. ; Fut. +K1^ (with 1 Conv. +xm, 1^1 1 K. xii. 12 KtMv for fefcjl JTW, 1K1*| 1 K. xii. 3 JT^fe for |fcjj 2Trl), for the 3 s. m. ' w. Affs/ see %* next page, * There may be \ in the place of , as in Kb?, Kfo|, Nb^ & Khb, N12D (& W2?D from the entering of), 1&02 Mis coming Mai. iii. 2, ^22^ etc., and so |K2 and i11)N?2 (also HDXb) their f. coming. t -1N3 Jer. xxvii. 18 is generally taken as Past 3 pi., like -1>2 in Tab. XX. Some propose to read -1N2J (Fut. 3 pi. m.). But the Infin., not the Future, is mostly used after "W27 . The Future is rare. The Past is also rare, but it occurs in Jer. xxiii. 14 (-12K> "'fl'???). [If any must emend, they had better propose to read K2 omitting the }. They would thus have the Infin. K2 after ^72^ as usual.] Some have taken -1K2 Jer. 1. 5 also as Past 3 pi. \ There may be 1 in place of here. m 273 **fafi 3 s. /. (this with n would be nsfafi, from T " N T T which is fPlJlKStt Deut. xxxiii. 16 with a re- T T duplicated PI , and "Slfitfiifi Job xxii. 21 with Aff. *?T thee m.), *itM Conv. **hft V- for 3 s. /. 'w. Affs.' see \* below, **faft 2 s. m. 9 ^fi 2 s. /. See also Note (f) for 1 S. xxv. 34 (and Ez. xxii. 4), **h 1 s. (and, with n,*nxn), with 1 Conv.*ttnN1 T X T T T T> fc&* 3 pi. m. (and, with J, 239, fttfcP), jrusnn 3 P i./., also }*bri & *nrNhn, 231 (> fctan 2 pi. m., KIJ 1 pi. (and, with n, *H^i), with 1 Conv. N^}. *** With Pron.-Affs. the forms are : 3 s. m. 'titti) w. Aff. to, IjgifclJ w. Aff. me; 3 s. /. *WfaR & KIKtaft with Aff. to, t^tan [p. for ^tfafc] w. Aff. thee m., also ^nXiin, see under K^fi 3 s. /. above, ^ftjfaTl . w. Aff. W26 ; 3 pi. m. >$&$] w. Aff. me (also ^X^l with 1 pref.). HlPH-lL Infin. Xnn Absol., #j1 (^nV K^S Jer. xxxix. 7, T T T : > T * comp. Note f on p. 79) ; * There may be \ in place of the here. t A similar form to this, viz. Tlttim Kri (*riK3ni Kthtv), 1 S. xxv. 34, is 2 s./. Flit. K. fr. XII w. 1 Conv. "We also find KUni as 2 s. /. Fut. K. w. 1 Conv. (Ez. xxii. 4). Each of these is irregular for ""iOPlI . X And rtyRlFl with * l superfluous,' 1 S. x. 7. Also, with 1 Convers., Esth. iv. 4. 274 W3 [Kiph-Il contin.] Past K^H 3 s. m. w. Affs. (to) tt^Sn, Or) fiN^H, H^nn 3 s./.; T " n*on 2 s. m. (nbn 2 k. ix. 2, and rtwcn m T N T ' T -: wiran, drtran, unxon u. 2 s . w. w. Affs. me, &# m., ^s ; but there are also, fr. fifcttPl, the forms intfSn nnxnn UrW^n i.e. 2 s. m, with Affs. to, ^r, ws) ; Win 1 s. (^X^nNu.xiv.31,--and^nil in rr*wn & mttMj, ffitean, ffn^art, e.e. 1 s. w. Affs. him, thee m., them m.), also Vn^^n (Song iii. 4) 1 s. w. Aff. him. ikqrj 3 P i. w. Affs. (Mm) wwnn, (#<*/.) fwsn, (them m.) D^^H & D Pt. I, 14 ; Dn*qn 2 P i. m. (DJnx^n 1 s. xvi. 17) ; W^5H in EMfcran 1 pi. w. Aff. *A*m f., Nu. xxxii. 17. Partic. X^D s. to. (OD -EVAiu for X^/S iTW four times, and tfOOnffihtv for H*2BQKri once), D^M pi. *. (& D*KiD, i.c *K2D) ; Imper. fcOPl 2 s. to. (once tf^Pl 1 S. xx. 40, and frOiPl Jer. xvii. 18, which may however be Infin., also ntfan with J1) ; . T T ' wan 2 s./., wandpL*.; Fut. &W 3 s. to. (& 60) Pt. I, 12), with 1 Conv. KS*^ and once KW Ez. xl. 3, T- With Affs., (him) mW t & *?*, (her) Hf*f 2*4 nwy, (Mee wo !?j*py & ^y, etc., nn-Ka 275 &5ti 3 s./. & 2 s. m., with \ Conv. KAly*- T I " T - With Affs., (him) K*3Fl etc., (them m.) DHTCtfl & toXnn Ex. xv. 17, Jtfttt 1 s. (^ JBAfo for N^K Kri 1 K xxi. 29, 3K 'lacking K' Mi. i. 15, with 1 Conv. K*3W T T T (& K3Kft n^K1 JBSfc for K^tfl #H Josh. T T I T T xxiv. 8; with Affs., (him) *3K*ifct, etc.; *#a; 3 P i. m. (& a* pb^aj with j 239), with 1 Conv. fcMPl (and Jfctt*)),-. T~ T- With Affs., (him) *h|J3 & ilHXy, (me) % )ttft, wtfari 2 pi. tit.; Wti 1 pi., w. Aff. (them m.) DN^}. HoPH-AL Past XDTl 3 s. m., T n^n 3 s./. Gen. xxxiii. 11, and nn&On (with n) Ez. xi. 4 [for nxninj, ^Q1 3 pi. ; Partic. K3fc s. *., QWMfi pi. m., rfK2fi8 pi./. ; T T T * W - ' Fut. XnV 3 s. m. y SfcftV Jer. xxvii. 22 Pause-form (not in Pause) for ^KStfi 3 pi., comp. 167 (ii). [Note. The 2 d Rt-letter is Consonantal in Verb- forms from the next five roots except in the case of certain contracted and apocopated forms which the Student will easily recognize] : * HI"! only in ftftSl (Lev. xii. 2, her being weak or faint), Infin. Kal w. Aff. her [like firfal from ffe* of rfa]. 276 irn-tfin KfJTl (?) used only in K. (to be). Kal Imper. &OPI 2 s. m. ; Fut. fcttPl* 3 s. ^. (a shortened form, Eccles. xi. 3), perhaps for fc$W with !| in the place of ) i.e. " the 1 Quiescent as the 1 in tflfii"" for rfiWlfe* (as R. D. Kimkhi says), or for HIPP or j"flpl* from TV\T\ as *Tf short for PlW from JTPI (so the Mendels- sohnian Bi-ur hammilloth). According to this latter view the X might be ' added* as in N^QX for toK and tf JD7PI for ^D?)! (so Aben Ezra, who takes t : t : t * fcttrV to be plural, as R. D. K. did at first). Both of the two words above might have been given under the next Root Pfin , as R. D. K. gives them. Jlin used only in K. (to be). Kal Partic (1) nil"! s. ni. ; Imper. Jllfl 2 s. m., ^Pl 2 s./. [Note. The form X)p| Imper. 2 s. m. with tf in the place of the Quiescent PI, and ttflPl* short for rYliT or HIPP Fut. 3 s. m. with K added, were given under N1P1 see there]. PPPI used only in K. (to be), and JYcf>. (to be done, etc.). Kal Infin. Vn & PPPl (Absol.), nVn (Constr.) and, with prefixes,. tfalS, nVPl 1 ?, nVPlfc (or with - thus, n s H3, JVPl 1 ?, h^tfc) , and with Pron.-Affs. (Ma) inVH, (her) ttrtVl, etc., fm 277 folVrilSl (at his being, i.e. when he was), ^JVPi?1 {and for thy m. being, i.e. and that thou mightest be), etc. ; Past rtfi 3 s. m., TINT] (p. iTWn) 3 s. /. and (with fi TT T;t X TUT' * Interrogative nHTlPl) comp. 7, c, Note (f ), H M n (also HTl once, and PirY*n once) 2 s. w., T T T T T T JV*H 2 s. /. (VWI with * superfluous/ Ez. xvi. 31. For rWTl 2 S. xiv. 2, see Pt. I, 29, Note f), wm i s., T dn^n (& DJVn Deut. xxxi. 27) 2 pi. m., and v it v v: ' * with 1 pref. QIWl U"nipl.; Partic (1) PTifi s./. (Ex. ix. 3) ; IitPSS. n^n 2 s. m. (with 1 pref., H^W, W 2 s./., Ml 2 pi. w. (with 1 pref., VH]). Fut. HW 3 s. m. apocop. W (p t?H^)j ano ^ with 1 Con- vers. ^ (p. t^, JTPltt 3 s./. & 2 s. ; apocop. Vlft, & with 1 Con- vers. S T\T\\ SS T\T\ 2 s./. with 1 Convers. ^iTPft, (also apocop. *flft Nah. iii. 11, & with 1 Convers. WllEzek. xvi. 34), PlVlX 1 s. apocop. *nX, & with 1 Convers. VlfcO, VPP 3 pi. m. with 1 Convers. VH*], WWl or ppltt 3 & 2 pi. /. (also, twice, fWffl in niWjH with 1 Convers. WW) or |*WT| jTTfl 1 pi. with 1 Convers. \H-fi & fTtetfl. v : * : - v : - 278 rrn-rrn NlPH. Past JTrti 3 s. m. witli M Interrog. TfT\T\ t : u t : ; -: nnw 3 s./. ( P . jnrom t : : " * t it : ; _ nWti 2 s. m. } . wro i s. ; partic. rvro s./. Hill used only in P2. (fo tell, declare, 8hew), Pi-l Infin. fihn in ft^HO with pref. & J Fut. nyT 3 s. at., n?n 1 s. & w. AS. (thee m.) ^ n^n used in 7T. (fo /we), PL (fo toj? alive, let live, sustain, cherish, enliven, quicken), and H$. {to cause to live, to keep alive, etc.). Kal Infin. iTH & VH(AbsoL), n^H (Constr.) in D^Hw.Aff. their m. and fl^ri/ w. pref. 7 ; Past HTl 3 s. w., the forms *Pl 3 s. m. (p. :^h), and IT T - IT with 1 pref. *rfi (p. tTll), are ' borrowed ' from a Root *TI ; nn-H 3 s./, the form H^H 3 s./. (in HTrt Ex.i. 16) t:t TVT , IT from "h is like T\1? from tW 226 (i) ; T VT fVn 2 s. w., and with T\ at the end in TtiVTW T T T T i Jer. xxxviii. 17 ; vn 3 pL, tSW 2 pi. m. in Dn^Ptl with 1 pref. wn 279 Partic (1) [borrowed from a Root ^H] *Fl s. m. (p. X*T% rm s. /., en pi. ., ni*n pi./., the form nvrt pl./. (Ex. i. 19) is like nto^ from BV 226 (ii) ; Tmper. tfjfi 2 s. m. in FflTI with 1 pref. (Gen. xx. 7, etc.), ^fi2s./. (Ez. xvi. 6), Vn 2 pl. m., Wtj with 1 pref. ; Fut. JlW 3 s. w. apocop. W (with 1 Conjunctive W & p. tltjj, with 1 Convers. W & p. *W), Jl^nri 3 s. /. or 2 s. m. apocop. *TXF\ (with 1 Con- junctive Tlfti, with \ Convers. ^T}Pi\), m 2 s./., njTK 1 s. (with n Interrogative ftTtttfJ), *W 3 pl. m., with 1 Convers. WW, ria^jrt? 3 pl./., & with H Interrogative W1W|, vnr\ 2 P i. m., & with j ( 145) pnrt , rrro 1 pi. Pl-EL Infix. fiVn? with pref. 7, & w. Affs. (to) ifi*)!? (gtem m.) DrmS, (ws) nft&; Past n*n 3 s. m T *^n*n Ps. cxix. 50, 3 s. /. w. Aff. me in Pause, : t Wjj 2 s. m. with Aff. we (p. :^_), #1 3 pl., DH^n 2 pl. m. in DH^lin , with J! Interrogative ; Partic. PPPllb s. m* ; Imper. [rTTl 2 s. w.] w. Affs. (it m.) tfTJjJ, (we) *JJTt; u 280 aa*-rph Fut. rtft 3 s. m., with Affs. (him) JfTWI* in %fff{ with 1 Conjunctive, (her) r^Jf in IjWI with ) Convcrs., (us) &** iWn 3 s. /. or 2 s. arc., w. Affs. (me) *%$%, (us) WWl, W^nn in Ps. lxxi. 20 is Ethiv for Wgjfi iTr* ; JtTlK 1 s. & with 1 Conjunctive rWfcfl , ^*D! ^ P** m -> an( * w ^ ta ^ Interrogative i|*fi*n withAff. (us) WFT, ^Wl [3 &] 2 pi./, & {*&$ with 1 Convers., Vnri 2 pi. m. in pWI with J ( 145), nm i pi. v - : * HlPH. infin. nwj (Absoi.), [ni^nnconstr.in] n^rinS & rfnn 1 ? with 7 pref., and w. Aff. him irVPtn?; Past iTJin 3 s. w., rvrin 2 s . . in arWh 2 s. m. w. Aff. & t v: v t v: v WjlTJ 1 s., ^nri2pi. m .\ Imper. n^nn 2 s. w. in *yjni1 2 s. w. w. Aff. me, Wl 2 pi. m. KtiD (or NN&) used only in the Pilpel Past 1 s. OnK&NtD) with Objective Aff. H Aer, in JVflKtoKp'j Is. xiv. 23. PlttD to $wi, only in tt (Ex. xxxv. 25, 26) K. Past 3 pi. HN* only in T\T\^ ( Jer. x. 7) JT. Past 3 s./. [in Pause, for POlK*]. * IATT T -: T J jty only in M^ ^ u * v * ^ an ^ s ^ e me ^ ou ^ ^ s * f % ^ u *' ^' with 1 Convers. iTV-rW 281 Tltf used only in N. (to be afflicted). Pi. and H. (to afflict). Niph-al Partic, with i| in place of the usual '), *|fl pi. m, in Constr. [from MM], TfOfo pi./. ; Pi-l Fut. fljfl 3 s. w. with 1 Conversive, Lam. iii. 33, for rw (c P . m for r#i) ; HlPH-lL Past T\$\T\ 3 s. *. (?ttfcl, with Aff. ft- Aer) ; Partic. d^jb pi. m. in ^$8 Is. li. 23, with An . ^__. Fut. JV^h 2 pi. m. with {, Job xix. 2, (instead of tofe). [Note, ftth 2 S. xx. 13 has a form borrowed from this Root, but in signification it belongs to n^Pl to remove (Is. xxvii. 8, Prov. xxv. 4). This ftth may- be Hiph. Past 3 s. m. of TCP (according to form), "one caused to remove \him]" =" he was caused to be removed" It might perhaps be supposed to be for nUiin Soph. Past 3 s. m. of Jl^fl, or, possibly, for n^n with for !j as some take JHIPl Lev. iv. 23 to be Hoph. Past 3 s. m. from JFl\] ' PIT (I) (to put forth or a&wy, PL to cast the lot) used only in Kal Imper. * 2 pi. m. Jer. 1. 14, and Pi. Infin. rtM? Zech. ii. 4 & Fut. W for W 3 pi. m. in ftJJ Lam. iii. 53. (But W in Joel iv. 3, Obad. 0. 11, Na. iii. 10, may be supposed to be 'borrowed' fr. a Root T!*, like top Past J5T. 3 pi. fr. MD.) rft* (II) (to render acknowledgment, confess, praise), used only in 5^. and Ed. 282 f^-TTt HlPH-lL Infin. nnin, nninS, (or with - as in rhto ninnS); PAs T rrin3pi., wnini P i. ; Partic. Pflto s. m.y DHto pi. *. ; Imper. ^n)T\ 2 pi. m. ; Fut. HIV 3 s. m. (once rrtt Neh. xi. 17), w. Aff. (thee m.) Tfl* & TlV Pause-form Is. xxxviii. 19, HTlft 3 s./. in ^|T|fl Pause-form, w. Aff. thee m., nniKls. (once minX in ^TlUX-with Aff. U- Aim Ps. xxviii. 7), also w. Affs. (him) !)-nitf (a^m.)T[nix(p.^nix), ^ 3 pi. m. (once VTirP in TjrrirV Ps. xlv. 18), also w. Aff. thee m. ^rtV (& fti* Ps. xlix. 19), pitq i pi. HlTHPA-EL Infin. nninn in in^n^---with prefixes 3 and 1, and Aff. i his ; Past H Wft 3 s. m., WB1 3 pi. ; Partic. HWlD s. m. f D^fift pi. m. ; Fut. minK 1 s., W 3 pi. m. v- v *?V used only in H$. (to howl, utter a loud cry of lamentation). Hiph-il Past ^H (for hhrX) 3 s. m. ; Imper. HfT\ 2 s. m. f V#J 2 s./., btyft 2 pi. m. (^H Jer. xlviii. 20 is Kthiv for b^Tl Kri) ; Fut. hh? t 3 s. m., ^K (& Thfeto with H) 1 s., khw (& W^) 3 pi. m. f ihbfr 2 pi. m. n&-rw 283 Piy used only in Kal and H. (to oppress). Kal Partic. PDV s./. (in TCffil, with the PI of 6, Me oppress- ing one/., Jer. xxv. 38, etc.) ; Fut. DM 1 pi. with Aff. D- fol m. [for d , cp. fffll and Note (e, vii, 2) on p. xl] according to some. Others take this to be the Noun JM) progeny with d their m. Ps. lxxiv. 8. ; Hiph-Il Infin. titffh (in dnbin?, with Aff. D them m.) ; Past Ptfin 3 s. ., JQfel 3 pi. ; Partic. d^1D (in ^tols.xlix.26 with Aff. **_ %/); Fut. niV 3 s. m., prfifi 2 s. m. (w* Aff. Aim tijfe), ttV 3 pi. *., tita 2 pi. ro, ny^ used only in njTI (Is. xxviii. 17) K. Past 3 s. m. with 1, w and it shall sweep away " (E. Y.) T\& used only in Kal (to be beautiful), and in Pi. (to beautify) once, and once in $8$% [comp. p. 176 (7)] (to be very beautiful), and once in H9. (to beautify oneself). Kal Past [M6J 3 s. m.], f\W 2 s. /. (like flJjJ in Tab. XXIII), ^3pl.; Fut. Sp 3 s. m. apocopated for H3^ (in ft**'! Ez. xxxi. 7), WPl 2 s./. (in >tm Ez. xvi. 13). 284 *w-n&* Pl-^L Fut. T\&\ 3 s. m. in T\&\ (with Aff. \T\ Mm) ; Past fWV 2 s. w., Ps. xlv. 3. : t t : T HlTHPA-^L Fut. >BWl 2 8./. &W (to go out, go out from) used only in Kal, Hj>. t and Hoph, Kal Infin. * NIT Aba., DK Constr. (fl&fiS HKM. ntt& but H^V? i n actual construction J"lXp ; and with Affs. inXV, ^KV, etc.); Past *W 3 s. *., rW 3 s. /. (p. :p|&W) rttBT 2 s. w., T T T : T X T ITT'J T T T JTK 1 s. (once *H, Job i. 21, 'lacking ')/ *I*W 3 pi. (p. mv\ w. Aff. me ^W Jer. x. 20), Dna^ 2 pi. ., w i pi. ; Partic. *K#e. m., * n&W 8 - / (H3rt*J1 Deut. xxviii. 57, with the Note "lacking tf ," comp. 98) ***$, Eccl. x. 1, is for 7M&& Partic. JT. s. /. with pref. $ (p. 24, latter part of Note d), d*kx* pi. i. (i.c. **tf) ***?* p 1 -/- ; * There may be 1 in the place of here. N> 285 Imper. K| 2 s. m. (& JH^, with PI, in Pause), ^ 2 s./., !)K 2 P 1 - ., p. **tt 0*W, Jer. 1. 8, is iftto for ^V^0>n^2 P i./. ; Put. $$l 3 s. m., tftp\ 3 s. /. & 2 s. w., etc. (like 3t f etc., in Tab. XVIII, but) ftiKXfe 3 & 2 pi./, (and JXtt) 3 pi. /., Ex. xv. 20). T With *| Oonversive the of X remains, thus X*% Km etc. HlPH-lL Infin. KTffr^ N^nS, etc., and, with Affs., (my bringing out) WiPl (this is Kri, for N*in Kthiv, in Jer. vii. 22), etc., (fo >nw# Am out) ^T[W\7w> etc. ; Past K^in 3 s. m. (& Nin Deut. xxii. 14),-^with Affs., {thee m.) ^^IH & ^H, (we) $?!#!, (Mew i.) DSMrtil, (its) ux^n; natf n 2 s. i. w. Affs. (Af) inarm, etc., r^ttrtn 2 s. /., (for n&qrim 2 s./. 1 k. xvii. 13, see Pt. I, 29, Note f), *nKin 1 s., w. Affs. (to m.) D^nx^n, etc. w0i 3 pi., ciriMrtn 2 pi. m. ; Partic. X^to s. w. (& K^lD once, Ps. cxxxv.7), w. Affs., ferete, etc., (^X^Pl 1%* Owe 5r%% Mee c-w*, Deut. viii. 14 & xiii. 11), dw^to pi. ., & D^atej i.c. ^xte; 283 KT-fcTC* iMrER. $y\n 2 s. mi (and T$&$n with H) , also &Wtfrl Is. xliii. 8 (which may however be Infin.) ; *N^n Gen. viii. 17 is Krz for (^j KtMv,w. Affs., (#/.) fcK^n, (me) ^Wl, (*ta m.) DX^n, Wtfn 2 s./., ttO#P| 2 pi. m., and, with Affs., (to) t^ri, (her) n^^H; Fut. KW 3 s. m. (& tftf Job xxviii. 11), fltgh, (*tth Ju. xix. 25, also XVV^), w. Affs., (#/.) PlX^, etc., N^iD 3 s. /. & 2 s. m, (and tXh), w.Affs.,(^)^^ta, (us) UXWl, ttttfr 3 pi. m. (also >lXtf) w. Affs., (him) fiin^ (& }nX?V^w EfcK^\ HoPH-AL Past [tfftn 3 s. m.], nxtflH 3 s./. in Pause for T\^T] ; Partic. [X^D s. m.], HN^D s. /., tftflffc pi. m. t nix^ib pi./. NT used in Kal (to fear), iV<. (to be feared), and PL (to put in fear), Kal Infin. Constr. XT Josh. xxii. 25, like *|p ; also PIXT7 with n, cp. 137 (4, iii), and XT? 1 S. xviii. 29, 1HXTD 2 S. iii. 11 from his fearing; * This form is like ^SH. Similarly, in Ps. v. 9, -0)T\ Kri for nPIPI i^/dj; (with hefore the 1 for Euphony). t There may he \ in place of the here. K1* 287 Past fcf* 3 s. m., T\XV 3 s. /. (p. tflfcW, "T T :t U T l"T my 2 s. m., *n*n* 1 s., T "T "T fcOJ 3 pi. (Vfltff with Aff. to, SpKT* w. Aff. *A** m. t *$NTf w. Aff. we), Dn*0;. 2 pi. m. (DHX^ Josh. iv. 24), wt i pi. Partic. Wt s. m. (i.c. IfJJ^ tWf t Constr. form of ltHT) s./., D^jnn p 1 - m - ( Lc - v* and with Affs - *& T ); Imper. &T? 2 s. m., %Tf 2 pi. m. ; t: : Put. tfri 3 s. m. T (with 1 Convers. K^l and sometimes K*Tft)* w. Affs. (aee w.) ^JK'V Jer. x. 7, (we) ^*0*\ arffi 3 s. /. & 2 s. m., *^n;ri 2 s./. ( P . tnrw?), NTK 1 s., w. Aff. Aim tifctt*K, T V T fcTf* (& %W Pt. I, 44) 3 pi. w. (p. fl*h!J & !** also tflfcn* with J), w. Aff. *to m. 'fltiViP & flN^, pTVPl 3 pi./. Ex. i. 17, wrfFi 2 P i. m. (p. myn, & tfn*i with p, w. Aff. them m. ttlK^fi and DK^n, N75 1 pi. KlPH-AL Partic. Nlto s. w., n*Hfo s. /, rflKlfa pi. /. (w. Aff. T T T T * . < thy m. yr$\$r\)), Ps. cxlv. 6) ; Fut. X^tt 2 s. m., Ps. cxxx. 4. * ^tjfl 2 s./. Is. lx. 5, but ^Fl in some Bibles. 288 m*-*o Pl-EL Infin. $y (in *3fcOv to put me in fear, d^^7 to frighten them) ; Past & 3 pi. (in JK'V they frightened me) ; Partic. D*&*fi& pi. ^. JT)! 1 used in ifo/, c#s (fo place stones for a pillar, also to shoot, shoot at, also to water), iV<. to be shot, H for JW and this for iTTfl* "as jniil for SH-in," which is somewhat questionable, Lev.iv. 23 & 28). It may perhaps be for the iTYP "early rain" above, this being taken figuratively for a "refreshing beneficent one." Partic. rnti s. m., D^iD pi. m. (BHHa 2 S. xi. 24, w. tf 'superfluous'), w. Affs. T*liD thy m. teachers, t**to my teachers (in Pause) ; Imper. n*Yin 2 s. m. (in ^T\)T\ & "0T1 fetfc^ me), Vrtn 2 pi. m. (in Urtn te^ me) ; Fut. T\iV 3 s. m, OV1 HV & m*, (me) arjS (tftem m.) ffV, JTliM 3 s. /. & 2 s. m. (in Jpift, p. t^ph, U /. *# &c^ ^te, D^ift thou m. we7 s/*ew them), rnitf 1 s. (w. AfF. thee ^'iXI #?^ / will instruct thee Ps. xxxii. 8), Vfi* 3 pi. m. Aey s^// fe#cA (Vr ^ey shall shoot, and once ^Hl* 2 S. xi. 24 with tf superfluous, ^iTi* Ps. lxiv. 5 they will shoot at him), t|V1V ^ey sAa# teacA thee m. TW (the n being consonantal) is a Root supposed by some for the word ^T^T} Is. xliv. 8, which would then be K. Fut. 2 pi. m. for ^rn^ft of which they suppose the meaning to be ne stupeatis, A Metheg might have been expected under the fi then, thus ]) . Others (as R. D. Kimkhi, and so Fiirst) take the word to be from a Root T\T\1 in the sense of " fearing." JTD used only in JVcj). (to be burned). Niph. Fut. m3n 2 s. m., rWDfi 3 pi./. V T T V T * " 290 nati-riV? HI/ used in K. (to stick to, abide icitJi, once, Eccl. viii. 15, elsewhere to borrow), iV. (to be joined to, united with), H<\>. (to lend, lend to), Kal Past wh 1 pi. Partic. Mp s. m. Tut. rrf? in ^h\ 3 s. m. w. Aff. hint, nhn 2 s. m. NlPH. Past pflfa 3 s. w. (nf?3Pl with the H of 98, Is. lvi. 3), srf 3 pi. ; Partic. p*r2| pi. ^- ? Fut. H 1 !^ 3 a. w., ^ 3 pi. m* V T T * HlPH. Past tyfon 2 s. w. ; Partic. nf?J& s. w. ; Fut. Tth in ^^ 3 s. m. w. Aff. Ifa* w., PflSfi in ti^fo 2 s. m. w. Aff. to. HfcO to be beautiful, becoming (or suitable), used as a Yerb only in PllfcO, Ps. xciii. 5,, Past 3 s. ft. (as some say), and XMQ Is. Hi. 7 & Song i. 10, Past 3 pi. These words some have taken to be Kal, others Pl-Sl, others Pilel [the ) being supposed to stand for the repeated 3 d Rt-letter t\, and so in Pfinfi^n in Tab. XXIII, Note (t)]. The first one has also been supposed to be JYiph. Past 3 s. m. of H1X .* * So R. D. K. in his Lexicon ; hut in his Commentary he connects the word with flfcO , merely mentioning the other as possible. 2tf-833 291 "We might perhaps suppose tf\ffl to be ' compounded ' of the two forms }fcti and VD (fr. Htt) 'mixed* up together. And PPIX3 may be a Noun " leauty" or "that which is becoming" of the same form as man from n^. t -: - Obs. PllfcO s. ;w., and *ni&0 s./., are Adjectives. V T T T KS3 N$. and E6. to prophesy (HO. also to offer oneself for prophesying), Niph-al infin. ann in manS tofcans (w. M *, also tirtora .. T . .. T . ; > . T . . ; t : Zech. xiii. 4), VQ}!1g (w. Aff. my) ; Past K3J 3 s. m., n*C3 2 s. m. (JV33 Jer. xxvi. 9), ^K?? 1 s., fcqfl 3 pi. (p. t|3) ; Partic. Si s. w., CPKlnl and D*K3J (i.e. *t&S} ; Imper. X!l-in 2 s. m. ; " T Fut. ^n^ 3 s. m., KSDft 2 s. ro., .. T . T *? 3 pl. ., ^rn2pl.w.; HlTHPA-EL Infin. rt^HH, with ft prefixed 1 S. x. 13 ; Past h*3OTl 2 s. w., 1 S. x. 6, TlXItin 1 s. (for ^nn) Ezek. xxxvii. 10, i|K!l3n 3 pi. (for 'JIT!) Jer. xxiii. 13 ; Partic. K|jn& s. w., D^^Hp pi. m HiX^nib pi./. ; Fut. fcOJJV 3 s. w., Jfc&SV 3 pi. m. U used only in K. Partic (2) Mtf s. m. "hollow," i.e. 2fo3J, * For which we find PHJ, in iVl3n Jer. vi. 2. tt' tt - t Some give this as Hithpa-el, i.e. '33 H for iniN|3Ij)n. 292 iTti-ntt H^ used only in K. (to shine), and H$. (to cause to shine, to lighten), Kal Past H33 3 s. m. ; - T Fut. flip 3 s. m. - 7 Hiph. Fut. ?\W 3 s. m, Ttt JTa/ to mow, mow aziay, also ft? fo driven wwy, as in Pit, & JETop^. ; H4>. to drive aivay ; HO. to move oneself, move oneself away, Kal Infin. 'Vti ; Past fiTti 3 s./., mj 3 pi. (p. rtTW) ; T : T ; T * * 11 t' partic -ni (or Ttfh) s. m., rrnti s./., onnb pi. m. ; Fut. TIT 3 s. m. Na. iii. 7*T?J? 3 s./. G. xxxi. 40, frfsp 3 pi. m. (with }) Ps. ixviii. 13. Pu-al Tfta 3 s. m. Tab. XXI (IY). Hiph- a il FB) 3 pi. m. in W (with Aff. $1 /m). HOPH-AL Partic. "tift (al. Dti fr. I'D) s. m. 2 S. xxiii. 6 ; Fut. TP 3 s. m. Hithpa-^l PASTnn^nn3s./. ; Fut. munri 2 s. m. (in pause, cp. 166 (c)), PfftJfV 3 pi. m. JTT3 used only in PL fo remove as unclean, Partic. D^ft pi. m. (& D^B with Aff. D3 2 pi. m.> * Comp. $ 210 (0). rm-nru 293 riHi used only in Kal and N$. to lament, Kal Past JlPO 3 s. m. ; T T Imper. T]T}} 2 s. m. Niph-al Fut. ^nU*[ 3 pi. m* 1 S. vii. 2, where some give the Chald. sense to be congregated, fc03 used only in 27$. to hold back, to refuse ; also (in E.V.) to discourage, and ft? break, to disallow, to make of none effect. Hiph. Past X^H 3 s. m. ; Fut. IPJ* 3 s. m. (\T Ps. cxli. 5), f!feW 3 pi. m., pX^n 2 pi. m. (with {) ZW for {WWl JRWr Nu. xxxii. 7. ^1^ used only in K. (to flourish, groic, abound, abound with,) and PL {to make to flourish E.Y. to make cheerful or grow, Zech. ix. 17), like Dip in Tab. XX. H13 to move about, etc., used only in Kal, H$. & HO., like Dip in Tab. XX. For lift (Jer. xvi. 5) 2 s. m. Fut. JT., comp. 224. PVO used only in Kal (to remain at home) and H. (to prepare a home, or to glorify, fitt=i"!&0, Ex. xv. 2), Kal Fut. niy 3 s. m, Hifh-1l Fut. mjK in tiTDK 1 s. with Aff. Vl-s- to. 294 Dtt-rro nii to rest used only in Kal, H$. & Hoph. (like Qlp in Tab. XX, but comp. also 234). [Note. Some give as from this Root the following forms (which are given as from fi^ by others, see 213 and the Note there) T<. to place, allow, leave, let alone, etc., and Hoph, to be placed, to be left : ITiph. Infin. ITDn? Past ITSI 3 s. m. (& fi^H 1 K viii. 9), nron 2 s. m., wan 1 s., iin^n 3 pi., Dnmn 2 P i. *. ; Partic. n^tt s. m. ; Imper. nan 2 s. m. (& nrrari with n), jjn^n 2 P i. . (& Jipi?ri) ; fut. ni* 3 s. m. (n^_), with Affs. (Atw) unrj*y & iiw, (^ .) &rw , n$fi 3 s./. & 2 s. m. (short for hfi|R) f with Affs. {me) W$l?, (f) tiQMl*-* n*5 1 s. in W|K# (Eccles. ii. 18) with pref. $ that and Aff. him, W 3 pi. m., and, with Affs., (JM)llttV. (them m.) tfirW & DW. IIOPH-AL Partic. H5D s. . (For MTWl, see 213 end).] T \ T \ tD\3 only in tMft i&J Fut. 3 s. /. it will be moved. D3 to slumber : used only in Kal [like Dip in Tab. XXI. J13 only in }i^ (Kri Ps. lxxil. 17, it shall be continued E.Y., for p* Kthiv)N. Fut. 3 s. m. like tflp* in Tab. XX. D13 to flee : used only in Kal and S(j>,* like Dip in Tab. XX. }fl3 fo wjow to and fro : used only in Kal, AT(f>. and .//<., like DID in Tab. XX, but comp. also 234. ftl} used in Kal (only 'A&3 Prov. vii. 17, J have sprinkled), Pi. (only ft^ Is. x. 32, he shall shake), and H(f>. to wave, sift, move backwards and foricards, like Dip in Tab. XX ; but besides the regular Infin. H, Mil s we find also Jl^Jl / Is. xxx. 28 with 7 prefixed and H at ^ ne en< ^ The H. Past 2 s. m. is T\%T\ ( 242). The 1 s. however is TVlS'On Job xxxi. 21. Soph, Past Win 3 s. m. # hath been %caved t V1^ only in H$. to blossom, Hiph-il Past 3?J 3 pi. ; . Fut. pW (Eccles. xii. 5) 3 s. m, [Others take this to be from pO, H13 only in M^D&*1 Ps. lxix. 21, and I am full of heaviness, E.Y.), Kal Fut. 1 s. with 1 Convers. & M at the end. For a word in Is. lix. 19, and another in Ps. lx. 6, see DD3 rather. X 206 nro-nn HT3 used only in K. (to be sprinkled, E.V.) and H. (to sprinkle, E.Y.) ; Gesenius gives "shall make to jump up" instead of "shall sprinkle" for T\V in Is. lii. 15. Fiirst observes: "nil impedit quominus etiam hoc loco ingenitam verbi significationem retineamus. ,, Kal Fut. nr 3 s. m., apocop. V (in V) Is. lxiii. 3), and with 1 Convers. V) 2 K. ix. 33 ; HlPH. Past fitfi 3 s. m. r il^ri 2 s. m. 9 Partic. JltJb Constr. form of P8ID s. m., Imper. hJPl 2 s. *., Fut. i1;P 3 s. m., apocop. (& with ) Convers.) PI. Jiny used only in Kal and H w * tn Affs., *(^m)^ & W, (thee m.) ntD* Job xxxvi. 18 (in Pause for "?*), JltS^ 3 s. /. or 2 s. m. (apocop. fcDFl), with Aff. him }fT&fl , HEX 1 s. (apocop. tD, p. ttDK), *9J 3 pi. m. 298 rDJ-TJ *n to till only in ^3 Imper. JTtf/ 2 pi. afci &OJ iV$. to be crushed : only in i|N33 (Job xxx. 8) 3 pi. Past N. [Some give this from HD3 (iVty. Past 3 pi., for ft})]. PDU used in JH. (fo smite), and 2V<. & P#. & Hoph. {to be smitten). NlPH-AL Past }133 3 s. m. T PU-AL Past ftr\2) 3 s. /. (in Pause for fiftM), 153 3 pi. HlPH-lL infin. nan Absoi., (niJDn, rrtana, ntorfe, ntana, and with Affs. iron & inton nnin, ^nin p. q-, ran, Drisri) ; Past fi^H 3 s. w., and, with Affs., (h%m) yrn, (^ w.) *j3n, (**) ^an, p. :^-, (Am w.) D3PI , ivsn 2 s. w. (& nmsn with n, 138 b. i.), and, with Affs., (him) toVSJI, (me) 2&'|Q Nu. xxii. 28 Pause-form of W3TT [comp. 167, ii. (*)], (w) ttivaii, (them m.) on^n, W1 1 s., but, with Affs., ^Pt 3 pi., and, with Affs., (him) ^nin, M soj, c^/ w.) mpi, Dn^n2pl. m.; Partic. H3 s. w. (i.e. PllDft, and with Affs. ^iPl^ft owe smiting him, *Z$ti one smiting thee/.), ftM - 299 Imper. /15M 2 s. w. (apocop. *?tn, and with Aff. \3__ me Ch 2 pi. . (with Affs. 15TI, KSJ1) ; Fut. M3* 3 s. ?rc., apocop. "7[\ with 1 Convers. fi|1 and W (p. tT}), with Affs., (to) iS* & !jn^ (once \y 2 S. xiv. 6,, (for) n|\ (Om *.) roy, p. th|gi [tb for tj, comp. Note e (iv) on Tab. XXYIII], (them m.) D3*, fl^tt 3 s./. or 2 s. w., apocop. *3ft, w. 1 Convers. ^^ ISDfi (Prov. xxiii. 13 & 14) 2 s. m. w. Aff. 8 him, M5X 1 s., apocop. *!Jtf , with 1 Convers. PI3&0 and ^},~ with Affs. (him) |8 & tflSN, (Am w.) n33K 2 S. ii. 22 Pause-form of T133K with the t : - Accent Pashta [PD for TT , comp. Note e (iv) on Tab. XXVII], '* }3* 3 pl.w., and w. 1 Convers. tt*J., with Affs., (him) ffl& $ (her) ft|3J, (tfoe iw.) Sp3^ (Mem w.) Efi&^r- H33 1 pl> with 1 Convers. (apocop.) ^I , with Affs., (him) ^33 & JrijB, (Mem i.) D3i; IIoph-Al Past P13H 3 s. m. (once Pl^H Ps. cii. 5, cp. Pt. I, 14, N.B.), nrqn 3 s./., W3n 1 s., ^n 3 P i. $ Partic. ?l3ft s. w. (i.e. riSfc), H3 s. /., EfcDb pi. w. (i.e. *|&) ; Fut. J|3* 3 pi. at., }3fi 2 pi. m. 300 Kj-pfo !TO only in the E. Infin. *[fi7;l3 on thy ceasing , [for '3PI3, cp. 137 (3) Note (f).' The Dagesh of the \ is Euphonic]. P1D3 used only in Pi. to tempt, try, adventure, etc. Pi-el Infin. JTlDX th&hs and with Affs. tab}, etc. ; Past HD3 3 s. m. (with H Interrog. PlDifi Deut. iv. 34 & Job iv. 2), withAfF. (hirn))ntt, nnDi3s./., t : IYD3 2 s. m., in WDJ 2 s. m. w. Aff. himBeut. xxxiii. 8, Wp} 1 s., *ID3 3 pi. in *^DJ with Aff. me Ps. xcv. 9, DH^D^. pi. m.; Partic. HMD s. m., Imper. Di 2 s. m., and with Aff. me ^D3 ; Fut. HD3* 3 s. m. in Dp}*} w ^ ta 1 Convers. and Aff. ^m w., Dp3tf 1 s., and, with Affs., ' (Aim) &&5H, (tfte m.) n^D?^ Eccl. ii. 1 [PD for *, comp. Note (iv) on Tab. XXVIII]. * fey 3 pi. m., ilD^h 2 pi. m. (and, with J, JlMfe). DD3 used only in if. Partic (1) Dpi s. m., and in Pi. & IT0. like SID in Tab. XXI. N3 to fly away used only in N!l Infin. Absol. Kal, Jer. xlviii. 9, and perhaps in ftfj (Lam. iv. 15),. 3 pi. Past Kah This would then be for ftJ as h$ 1 S. vi. 10 for Wfttt'eto. But v : v npy-roa , 301 Pl3 (I) is generally given as the Hoot of that Ifip (Lam. iv. 15), and by some as the Eoot of K3 Jer. xlviii. 9 (the K being supposed to stand for the Pi). Pl3 (II) is used in iV<. & H. to strive (Kal once, Jer, iv. 7, PIJW1 they /. shall be laid waste, E.Y.) [For J Lam. iv. 15, see under KM and MM (I).] NlPH-AL Partic. D^i pi. w. ; Fut. S3* 3 pi. m. ; HlPH-lL infin. nten in intent & sriknaj Past 1 3 pi. T} only in D^i sparkling, Kal Partic. pi. m., Ez. i. 7. Plp3 used in Kal (only once) fo fo clear or unpunished, in i\T. in the same sense, and to be cut off, and in Pi. to clear, to hold guiltless. Kal Infin. Absol. Pip J Jer. xlix. 12. Niph^ll Infin. PlpiJPJ Absol. ; Past Plj5? 3 s. m., PlHp? 3 s. /. (p. :nnj), Wj 2 s. *., WJ55 1 s. ; Imper. ^p5Pl2 s./. ; Fut. TOP 3 s. m Plp3Ft 2 s. w., KgR 2 pi. w. Pl-EL Infin. PlW Absol. ; Past WjM 1 s. ; 302 KW-HM Imper. npi 2 s. m. (in *Jj9J with Aff. ^__ w him, ^n with Aff. *!_. *), JlMK 1 s. (in S|j53 with Aff. T[ (fee, in Pause). KJO used in Kal (to bear, lift up, take away, pardon, etc.), N$. {to be borne, etc.), Pi. {to lift up, exalt, etc.), H. {to cause to bear, to bring), and H6. (to lift one- self, exalt oneself). Kal Lsfin. fcdfeO & Kfefl Absol., XifcO & Kfett & nKE> Constr. t t : : : (fttffe>3, once Kifc^ Ps. lxxxix. 10, n^,~ with Affs. \Ttifa $ SmfSfo once in^p Job xli. 17, *nKfc> once H*fe03 Ps. xxviii. 2) ; Past tf 3 s. w., and, with Affs., {him) tafcO, (0m m.) ^Jftfe}* HKfcO 3 s./., and with Aff. me rMTNfeO,-- nxbi 2 s. . (& nnKto with n) TTT ' TTT ' with Aff. {me) ^HNbO, ftXm 2 s./. (in DTfetfefl Mow/ Aori form? to* w.), wkbo 1 s., T T *KW 3 pi. (p. iWJ), once ^ 'lacking K' Ez. xxxix. 26, and once (as some say) fcflfeO Ps. cxxxix. 20, with Aff. them m. WKfeO, v t ; * KM 303 partic (l) ya s. m. % mm & mwi s. /, ai&bh pi. w. (i.c. ^3>, hM^i & nfe^ pi./. ; Partic (2) ftflfeft s. m. (i.c. *WJ & NBA, once ^ Ps. xxxii. 1, a form * borrowed ' from a Root nS, like *bi in Tab. XXIII), tfK&l pi. m.i T\Xm pi. /. in DJIlfcJM (with Aff. yowr m.) Is. xlvi. 1 ; Imper. K& 2 s. m. (once XEO Ps. x. 12, and once HD3 t t : t ; Ps. iv. 7), with Aff. him tftt$P, W2s./., && 2 pi. w., and with Aff. me Vft^j Fut. NB 3 s. w., and, with Affs., T (him))T\m\ {her) Hf**?* tWfr, (thee mO.^P, (me) ^K&?\ (fAaw i.) DKB>*, S * " T N * " T KB>fi 3 s./. or 2 s. w. , and, with Affs., , (him) V\mn } (me) ^Ktffi, (them m.) DXf fi, Wn2s./, XW8 1 s., and w. Aff. him KBW, T V V T V **bj 3 pi. m.y and, with Affs., (Aiiw) VttJB** (Am m.) ^KB* Ps. xci. 12, comp. Note (7) on Tab. XXYIII, (them m.) ffiKB* & DKB>\ () KB*, * f T . . % T * \ T DJX^n 3 pi./, (and three times PIJBTl) ' lacking K*, tt*Btt? 2 pi. m. (p. : Wft and ijWfl), mwn2pi./., TV' * xm 1 pi. 304 fe&3 NlPH-AL Infin. xfcfUn in Kfeftna and DKE?!HS (w. Aft. for 3 pi. w.), t t : t : t : r '* Past $&} 3 s. m. Oikfe) Zech. v. 7. is Partio. s./.) ; Partic. fctBO s. w., MKBO s./. (& T\Xm instead of &}), Dwi pi. m., nix^pi./.; Imper. Kfcf3n 2 s. w., MfeVl 2 pi. m. ; - t : t * Put. Mb9* 3 s. w., XB>3K 1 s., " T " T V **fe?^ 3 pi. m. (p. flKfc&V-* also Wlfeti* once, Jer. x. 5, n:^n3pi./., ftt&lfi 2 pi. m. in Pause for %&}&. " t x : t Pl-EL Past KBO 3 s. m. and KBO 2 S. v. 12, T * " ' with Aff. te&ft Ae exalted him ; Partic. d*tffe>Jp pi. #2. ; Imper. $m 2 s. m. in dKBtt (with Aff. D Mew m.); Fut. Ktoj 3 s. m. in SftlKf 3J1 and Dtife JTj, *IKBW 3 pi. 2. in VRMbV (with Aff. Aim) ; HlPH-lL Past !)*WP| 3 pi. ; Hithpa-el Inftn. HJrW^kbjITO; Partic. WPJWP s. #a. ; Put. KB01V 3 s. m. (in Pause, cp. 166 (c)), KBON? 3 s./. & fe(|ff& Nu. xxiv 7 *IKfeW 3 pi. w. Dan. xi. 14, fcdwnfc 2 P i. w. .... * fWrt&l 305 fcti/3 (I) used only * in iV<. (to be deceived), and H. (to deceive). NlPH-AL Past Wi 3 pi.; HlPH-lL Infin. K&TI Absol. ; Past *WP| 3 s. m., and, with Affs., (thee m.) jTrN^P! Obad. v. 3 Pause-form not in Pause for ^X^'n, (we) ^X^'H Gen. iii. 13, nwh 2 s. ., T fcWJTl 3 pi. (in ^IfrWH, with Aff. *te m.); Fut. WW 3 s. w. (& XW Is. xxxvi. 14), and with Aff. thee m. ^KB>\ IlK^ 3 pi. m., W(S>fi 2 pi. m. N0 (II) used only in Kal (to be a creditor) & H$. (to act as a creditor). Kal Partic. K$3 s. m., d^K^ pi. m. Neh. v. 7 which might however be given under HKO (II), as the X here is 1 superfluous ' ; HlPH-lL Fut. WW 3 s. m. (WW Kri Ps. lv. 16). H0 (I) used only in Kal (to for get) , P2. (to make to forget), and iT. (to cause to forget), also (to put out of mind, and so forget intentionally) . Kal Infin. tfKO Absol. (borrowed from Eoot W$} in form) ; For KbO Kal Infin. Absol. see Xtihi 306 fflM Past WBfo 1 s. ; T NlPH-AL Fut. n#HJ5J 2 s. in. in ^^H fc& (Mom Ag# no* be for- V T * " T grotfot of 3fe, Is. xliv. 21) ; Pi-l Past HBO 3 s. m. in *3KJ with Aff. we, Gen. xli. 51, the } to suit perhaps the 3 in PlES^D there. The riOTft is strictly the Pi. Partic. s. *t. of rttft, HlPH-lL Past HBTI 3 s. m. in fi&T! (with Aff. ft for, Job xxxix. 17) ; Partic. Pl&^jb only used as a Noun (in the Constr. form Hgfo, Deut. xv. 2); Fut. n^ 3 s. w., *$ft 2 s. /. Deut. xxxii. 18, borrowed in form from a non-existing Root PUIS?, perhaps for*P!$Jn, as some think. Some take the word to be Kal. Fut. 2 s./. n$3 (II) used only in Kal (to be a creditor), and Hj>. [to lend, to act as a creditor), Kal Past W&ft 1 s '> ^? 3 P L Partic. T\&) s. m. (or Wfa), D*M pi. *. and tftffa in ^36 Is. L 1 (from or of My creditors); HlPH-lL Fut. n^ s 3 s. m., H^n 2 s. m. ,, .. v - [For the Irregular JI"ti, see Note (B) on Tab. XIX [p.xxvi]. KID 307 KID A Root imagined by some (and KND by otters) for the word JlXDtf DJ3 Is. xxvii. 8. There is, however, the t : " : undoubted Hebrew Root HttD, from which the word has long been taken and is still taken by many. Thus, for instance, R. D. Kimkhi says that (1) "possibly it is a Noun, in place of HKD, and in it the 1 st and 2 d Rt-letters are repeated, and the Pi at the end is the 3 d Rt-letter" (and as an example of the repetition of the 1 st and, 2 d Rt-letters he cites W&& in Ps. xlv. 3) ; t T : T (2) that " moreover, one might say that it is an Infinitive of an Intensive Yoice, and that the 1 st Rt-letter only is repeated, as in the word tW^T from ft IT, the first K being the 2 d Rt-letter and the second K in the place of the 3 d Rt-letter, and the form of the word therefore Pl?tfS!U >" t : ; - : [Obs. (i) The Dagesh in the D of MXpKM brings the word into more full agreement with the form in (2), by virtually supplying the Quiescent Shva [implied by the Dagesh, Pt. I, 53, Note (f)] for the close of the syllable after ( ), rather than PlNDNDS. (ii) The termination being an unusual one for an Infinitive of a Yerb fl / with pref. 3, we prefer R. D. K.'s first-mentioned opinion, viz. that the word may be a Noun of reduplicated form. (iii) Some think that the word is produced by actual repetition of the Noun PlXD. So Gesenius says (Thesaurus, p. 932. a) that it is "contracted from 308 KID n^D'H^DS," which ne supposes to mean " ad mensuram, i.e. modice" But the sense "moderately" is rather questionable. And Dr. Ewald, in Note (2) on p. 182 of his Ausfuhrliches Lehrbuch der Hebr. Sprache, has a remark on "die ganz verkehrte ableitung von HND PlXD mass mass." And Fiirst on p. 750 of the Concordance writes the words "ejus modi forma composita abhorret a linguae hebraicse legibus." It is scarcely necessary to warn the Student against the mistake of supposing that either the Targum or It. D. Kimkhi or Aben Ezra or Bashi make any such statement (at least de- finitely) respecting the form of the word. The technical term PlVlD "reduplicated" does not necessarily signify the bodily repetition of a word. And we see no need for imagining a new Hebrew Boot (whether fcOD or KXD), from which the word in Is. xxvii. 8 may be a 7^73 or a J^^3 form (Infin. w. pref. 2 and An , her, as some say) in the sense of "agitating" as some suppose, or "frightening her" as others fancy, or "her expulsion" or "her foul-dealing" as others imagine. The reduplicated form from JlXD may fairly stand in some such a sense as we might express by " in measured-measure " or "careful measure" or "due measure" But we may not dwell any longer on this now. A Com- mentary on the passage would be out of place in this mere List of Verb-forms.] ntt-mj? 309 In the following Roots the 2 d Rt- letter 1 is Consonantal, and the forms correspond therefore with those in Tab. XXIII : ilty used in K. (to be perverse), i\T<. (to be perverted or perverse, also to be distorted with pain), Pi. (to pervert, turn, make crooked), and (H> to make perverse, pervert, act perversely). Kal Past nrm? 3 s./., WW 1 pi. ; ElPH-AL Past Wgfl 1 s., Partic. Pljfttt s. m. found only in the Constr. form fl)M ; Pl-^L Past Ti)V 3 s. m. ; Hiph. Infin. T\)yr\ Absol., [rflBPI Constr.] in frftgft$ w. pref. 3 and Aff. his, Past nWH 3 s. m., WWPI 1 s VW71 3 pi., sOWPl 1 pi. t : v v: v v: v * M %: v x i"fi used only in Pi. (to command) and Pu. (to to be commanded). , Pl-EL Infin. Jlh^ in inhtf w. Aff. 3 s. m., and w. prefs. tVNfo rfi&, andin-to; Past Pft 3 s. m., and, with Affs., (him) %tt, (thee m.) ^, in Pause tljjf (me) W f in Pause j^Jtf, (^em w.) M?, () *3$, nWV 3 s./., and with Aff. her TW&r~ mi 2 s. w. & nn^v> and > witn Affs., (me) W$ in Pause, () tim*, ?JV 1 s. (& WW), and, with Affs., (them in.) DWtf 4BI?,r- 310 nnp-rox Partic. Pl-ltfJb s. m. (i.e. PI), w. Aff. thee m. VWp, and in Pause H & tT|_ , t| iv | jv * t - : Imper. H5V 2 s. w., apocop. IX ^ $ 2 pi. ?w. ? Fut. Jl^ 3 s. m. (apocop. W, with 1 Con vers. Wj and twice pffljft, which is also JTrl for VW1 lE$te in 2 K xvi. 15), and, with Affs., (him) tfttJF, (A0 m.) ^, (Man i.) B^ f (tw) *}, ' fffifp 3 s. /. or 2 s. m., and, with Affs., VlJXFfi (and she commanded him) with ) Oonvers., &$fi #0 w. *Aa# command him, fW$& 1 s., apocop. tiki with 1 Convers. rVfiftfl and v - -: - -: V - -; t once IXtf *! , and, with Affs., (Mm) aN, (ttee m.)^*? and inPause H_. & ft W 3 pi. m., ffifJ*! 2 pi. w. in *MP) y. to spew, speiv out, Kal Partic (1) HNp s. /. Lev. xviii. 28. [The Accent being on the last syllable, this word is properly s.f. Partic. like HX!l 1 S. xxv. 19 (as E. D. Kimkhi says) AT T the s. /. Partic (1) K. of tfD. The rendering in Lev. xviii. 28 should, in accordance with this, be " as the land is spewing out . . . ." The word has however been supposed to be a Past-Tense form.] Imper. Vp 2 pi. m. "borrowed" in form from an unused Eoot ftp; Hiph. Past infc DPlI 2 s. m. with 1 pref. and Aff. it m. ; Fut. fc$W 3 s. m., with 1 Con vers. Kp*1., and with Aff. it m. tiKp?1, N\pfi 3 s. /. or 2 s. m., with 1 Convers. Npftl Lev. xviii. 25, and with Aff. it/, n-i^pn. t v | : nip (I.) used only in N. to be gathered or gathered together (E.V.), and nip (II.) used in K. (only in Partic. 1) to wait or wait for, and PL to wait or wait for with an Intensity of signification. Kal (of II.) Partic (1) D^lp pi. m. in *)p Constr. form "waiters of"= " those waiting for," and with Affs. his, 11p7 (with pref. 7, Lam. iii. 25), thy m. Tip, my *ta (in Pause, for s 1p) Is. xlix. 23. Y 312 rrn-nip Ntph. (ofl.) Past WM 3 pi. Jer. iii. 17 ; Fut. Xig[ 3 pi. m. Gen. i. 9. Pi-el (of II.) Infin. H-ip & Pttp Absol. ; Past nrfl j? 3 s./., Wp 1 s., w. Aff. *. (to make satisfied or saturated, to give plenteously). Kal Past Wh 3s./; t : t Fut. pn; 3 pi. m., fiTti 1 pi. Pl-EL Past nn^ 3 s./., WT) 1 s. ; t : .... Imper. H^ 2 s. m. ; Fut. ^VnK 1 s. Fut. w. Aff. theef. (Irregular), Tp'V 3 pi. m. w. Aff. thee m, Hiph. Past HIT! 3 s. m., w. Aff. me ^THI, t : - : nTTI 2 s. m, in WTtJ w. Aff. me, in Pause for 0_ f Wn-lls.; Partic. n^tt s. m. ron-ro# m Tt0 used in K. (to be equal, etc ), Pi. (to set, to level, etc.), Bcf). (to make equal), and NO. (to be alike), a ' Com- pound' or 'Mixed* Voice. Kal Past TW 3 s. m. ; T T Partic(1)!W; Fut. rWfl 2 s. m., mm 1 s., W\ 3 pi. m. P?-l Past TW0 3 s. m., W# 1 s ; T * ... Partic. ?\)Wti s. m. ; Fut. n^ 3 s. m., rftBfcl 2 s. m. [Pu-al given by some for Hlt^H Kthlv Job xxx. 22, where the Noun H 1 ^ is Erf] HlPH. Fut. T\)m 1 s., Wft 2 pi. m. ; NlTHPA-^L Past n'lftfcJO 3 s., which is in form partly N(j>. and partly HO* n*lJl used in Pi. (to mark or make marks, also to mark out bounds and so SO., in a borrowed form, as is supposed), and H. to make a mark, also to limit) . Pl-EL Fut. MV 3 s. m. apocop. in UV1 1 S. xxi. 14 [for TWfy ^INfitt 2 pi. w. Nu. xxxiv. 7 & 8, 'borrowed* in form from Pltf H ; * For the transposition of the D of rjri with the 1 st Rt-Jetter K>, see 'Note' on page 315. \ 314 mn HlPH. Past fl W 2 s. m il'inn 3 pi., Ps. lxxviii. 41, this lias been supposed to have the sense " they made to grieve, abhor, or repent," which however is rather doubtful ; HlTHPA-^L Past drVWH 2 pi. m., Nu. xxxiv. 10, 'borrowed' in form from Hltf . 315 !NoTEr (I .) The Transposition of the H of the Prefix fin (of Sithpd-el) and the l sx Et-letter in some instances. (a) When the 1 st Et-letter is (1) # for (2) fc>, or (3) D , or (4) , the ft of the ftH in Hithpd-il forms changes places with that 1 st Et-letter ; and, (J3) Moreover, when [a (4)] the 1 st Et-letter is , the ft of ftp) is replaced by tD . As examples of the above, we may give the following forms : (1) From ^,_^ri^n, [^r^], ^w'fi, Fromnn^t^nmmn rnnn^n wnw'n etc, n^nn^P, [^X 1$*$%, ^*f$, njryne* (apocop.^inn^, p. arjWBfy, etc.; (2) From W_p3ft(pr!], ^fc^ [^|?f!, etc.] ; (3) From ^ftD,_nftftDH], "inriDp, E1BRD3, and nnriDn(i66,c) ; (4) From pn,_[p^n,p^t^], :p^V?[ G ' en - xliv - 16 ( 166, e)l and so, from TO formally, J _^TbVl [Josh. ix. 12 (Past 1 pi.)], and, from Ttf formalIy,_W&?*1 [Josh. ix. 4, Fut. 3 pi. m., w. 1 Convers. / 166 c)]. * With one exception, see 246. t From this Root the forms are given also at the foot of Tab. XXIII, in Notes t to IT. X We say ' formally,' because the word here belongs in form to the Root T. N.B. The * is here Consonantal. 316 NOTE. (II.) The Dropping of the H of the Prefix ftPl (of Hithpti-el), and the Insertion of Dagesh F. in the 1 st Et-letter, in some instances. (a) When the 1 st Et-letter is (1)1, or (2) fi>, or (3)fi, the H of the fin in Hithpd-el forms is dropped, and Dagesh F. is put in the 1 st Et-letter to stand for an implied * letter instead of the T) ; thus, (1) From W^DWft Tft?, [n?T, etc ], - (2) From in&,_[Titeni ^ntsn pi. irrm [Nu. viii. 7 ( 166, rf)], tftTBTI, TH^ HTBH (Imper.), and fTl^l (Fut. w. 1 Convers.); (3) From Dlbfi,-[DJ?rin, D&nJS, fifclV], and tDftfifi [Ps. xviii. 26 & 2 S. xxii. 26 ( 166, c)]. (/3) Also the T\ of the prefix T\T) (of Hithpa-el) is dropped, and Dagesh F. is inserted in the 1 st Et-letter to stand for an implied letter instead of the T\, sometimes when the l Bt Et-letter is (1) ?,f (2) D, (3) }, and (4) #; (1) From POT, once )$fi) Imper. Hd. 2 pi. m. [Is. i. 16] ; * In the case of (3), i.e. when the 1 st Et-letter is D , such a form as DftflH (instead of D$rinn) is in accordance with the general statement of Pt. I, 55 (12). The occurrence of this form in the case of (1) & (2) may be taken as some evidence of the likeness in sound of the letters 1, & D, and Fl, in old times. N.B. This being only c sometimes' so in (#) points to some difference between the cases of (a) & (), a partial likeness in the sound (it may be), but also an unlikeness which may not be disregarded. t Once, Is. i. 16. N.B. In the ' Chaldee,' as it is called, we find 1 (instead of the n), and transposition of this and the 1 st Et-letter T ; thus 'W| (Dan. ii. 9, Kri), instead of TflH, comp. the Targum (Onk.) of Lev. xxv. 23, 34, 42, etc. NOTE. 317 (2) () From HM, once MEdF) Fut. HO. 3 s. /. [Prov. xxvi. 26], N.B. The D stands in the following forms from this Eoot HDD , viz. Partic. nD3np s. m., D^DSHD pi. m., Fut. D3JV 3 s. w. & D3HP1 3 s. /. Pause-form (apocop.forHD3r^& flprjfl), &-1D3^3pl. ., (4) and so, from J13 (comp Tab. XX), |^3?| Fut. m 3 s. /. [Nu. xxi. 27], and the Pause-forms ^iStt 2 s. /. [Is. liv. 14], & tiitojBpl. m. T [Ps. lix. 5], N.B. the n stowcfe in ]y\5T)\ 3 s. a. Pause-form [Prov. xxiv. 3]. (3) () From K33,._ % ftK5ari ^6>. Past 1 s. [Ez. xxxvii. 10] and 5lX!tin Past 3 pi. [Jer. xxiii. 13], N.B. the 71 stands in the following forms from this Eoot &OJ , viz. rri23^n H0. Infin. [I S. x. 13] and JVa^n Past 2 s. m. [1 S. x. 6] hoth of which are ' borrowed' in form from an unused Root i"D,5, 33ip Partic. s. tn. t DH^JJIJ pi. *., niX|50P pL/i and KJJJJ* Fut. 3 s. at., -1X539* 3 pi. m.> (h) and so, from Dm,_Wl;)n H6. Past 1 s. Pause-form [Ez. v. 13], N.B. the n stands in the following forms from this Root DJ13 , viz. Dnjnr6 Infin., Dmnp Partic. s. m., and Dmn| 3 s. m. Fut., & Dmn 1 s. Fut. (Pause-forms), (c) and so, from KbO,_K^n S6. Fut. 3 s. /. [Nu. xxiv. 7] and ftC^S) Fut. 3 pi. w. [Dan. xi. 14] ; N.B. the n stands in the following forms from this Root Kfcfl , rez. Kg>3flCt Infin., KB>3fl> Partic. s. w., N^3fl! Fut. 3 a.m. (Pause-form), K&jnfl Fut. 3 s. /., WB^JJJ-l Fut. 2 pi. m. 318 NOTE. (4) And so, from D^ [comp. Tab. XXI], once GWn Hd. Fut. 2 s. m. [Eccles. vii. 16], N.B. tlie D stands in the following forms from this Root UDW t viz. Uti\nV\ Fut. 3 s. m. and D^DI^K Fut. 1 s. Note. So, from UD (comp. Tab. XX], some give DftilK [Is. xxxiii. 10] as H6. Fut. 1 s. Pause-form, (instead of DtfnriX), but it may also be a 'Mixed ' N. and Pu. form, Fut. 1 s. ; KB. the n stands in DhJV Ed. Fut. 3 s. m. (7) The H is also dropped in some ' Mixed Voice ' forms ; thus, (1) From ^VJTgJ * Mixed' iV$. & E9. Past 3 pi. [Ez. xxiii. 48], (2) From DM, D2GPI ' Mixed' Hoph. & E6. Infin. [Lev. xiii. 55 & 56], (3) From Bp^Tjfl) ' Mixed' iV#. & JSTA Past 3 s. w. [Deut. xxi. 8], N.B. the n stands in "tgg^ EB. Fut. 3 s. ., (4) From J"RJ , f8J&? ' Mixed ' 7/0. & PiJL. Partic. s. *t. [Is. Hi. 5]. FURTHER REMARKS ON VERB-FORMS. 319 [The 'Note' just given on pages 315-318 is a fuller statement of a matter which, has been already mentioned briefly see Note (%*) on p. xv of the Tables. It was necessary to give to the matter this more full treatment, and to bring it thus more prominently before the Student's attention. There are also several other 'Verb-forms' on which a few remarks will be at least useful to the Student in his Bible- reading. Such we will now give in the following (Yth) Section of this Appendix.] (V). Further Remarks on Verb-forms. ' - Certain Infinitive Forms. Infinitive Absolute. (1) The Infin. Absol. Kal has mostly the form ?ty or 7^3. The ^5?Q form, as TH21* GK xxvi. 13, is comparatively rare. Of this latter form we have (with ) prefixed) 7gfl Ex. xii. 9 (before the Pu-al Partic. A?3fi, the two words together f expressing the "or sodden at all" of the E.V.). [Note. The word ITjMs Hos. x. 4, is supposed by some to be the Infin. Absol. (corresponding to the Infin. Absol. ffD just before it). If so, it is short for ITTMt Such shortening takes place sometimes in the Infin. Constr., See Tab. XVI (3) (B) ; but it is rare in the Infin. Absolute. Also this word mfl, in - T Hos. x. 4, may very well be the Past 3 s. m. with ) prefixed signifying " and it shall flourish or groiv""] Camp, 137 (1, b). t Comp. p. 78, (0) [Note (*) N.B. (2)]. 320 further remarks on verb-forms. Infinitive Construct. (2) (a) The Infinitive Construct Kal has the ( )-form 7^3 or 7J?3 much more frequently than the ( )-form 7^3 (as H$ mentioned in Note (*) on p. 79) . But this 7^3 form, though less common than the other, must not be lost sight of. [For tifovb see 169 ifi) & 167 (ii). (/3) The ( )-form of Infin. Constr., with fl at the end [as in 137 (4, iii)], would in Pause be :PlStf3. And (7) The ( )-form of Infin. Constr., with Pi at the end [as in 137 (4, iii)], would in Pause be JPHl^. Hence, bearing in mind that ($) Pause-forms are not limited to places of Pause, but occur sometimes with Accents other than Pause- Accents [see 167 (ii) and the examples there given], we see that (e) PltO^'S and PTlin, inls. xxxii. 11, and so also ?]]$! (ib.\ - ' T : . T " TT : may so far as form is concerned be Infinitive 'Pause- forms not in Pause ' ; the former two words like Pi /J?3 in (/?), and the latter one (HEft) like PDtfS in (7). For the sense in which if so they would stand see 'Note* after (97) below. () These three words, of Is. xxxii. 11, are however taken by some to be Imper. K, 2 s. m. with PI at the end. They must, then also, be 'Pause-forms not in Pause* ; and we should have the somewhat awkward* construc- * It seems to us rather awkward to have to say " Shudder -thou (m.), ye (/.)- confident-ones" for ninpb nTJ"!. The reference is to the "confident daughters" n'np'2 JYI33 of v. 9, to whom the Feminine Verb rttTJpfi is applied in v. 10. There is an idiom to which advocates of such a Construction might appeal in support FURTHER REMARKS ON VERB-FORMS. 321 tion of Singular Masculine forms referring to those who are addressed as Plural Feminine. But the three words need not be Imper. 2 s. m. at all. They may be Infinitive forms,* as seen above. (77) Similarly the word mjjt (it>.) ma y De Infin. Kal of *Hjf [like iD in Tab. XXI] with H at the end. [Note. The Infinitive Construct is often used as a Verbal Noun. Thus the three words in (e) may stand for !"lfth "shuddering," Ttid&& "stripping," T]*)'yn "girding on"; and so ITW in (rj) for " baring." The rendering would then be of the form " [there shall be] shuddering, etc." (6) Infinitives with 2 d B/t- letter tf or PI or T\ or JJ. When the 2 d Et-letter is either tf or H or H or JJ, the Infin. K. with the H of 137 (4, iii), as also the Infin. with Pron.-Affs., has (i.) Sometimes under that 2 d Rt-letter, with 6 under the 1 st Et-letter, as in "$rh K - Infin - w - ^ pref - fr - ? m ( p n i^ w - n ~' TEl K. Infin. w. Aff. my, fr. TQ, V t: t ODKft & DDDKfc i K. Infin. w. Affs. their Cm.) & v.t t: t vv : t t your (m.) fr. DKD, and of it. But as we think that the Construction is inadmissible here, at least, we need not dwell longer on it. Moreover we cannot venture to argue that HT 3*1 etc. may be Sing. m. because ^Ttfjl (in Is. xxxii. 11) is Plu. m. This last word -mn may be said to refer to the Masculine form D^3, with which "li^Nt^ agrees in Gender. * Some prefer to consider them as Imper. K. 2 pi./. flTT) for PUT J") the Pause- form of roTri, and rnpfeto for nj^fcfy rniq for njliq. TT f If this be taken [as in Note (*)] to be 2 pi./. Imper. if., it must be for Jl3"lV a form of 2 pi. /. Imper. corresponding to the 3 & 2 pi./. Put. form npDJp given in Note (5) on Tab. XXI. X The . is replaced by the Slight-vowel o before the D with Moving Shva. 322 FURTHER REMARKS ON VERB-FORMS. thyzb K- Infill, w.h pref. and Aff. their m., fr. Sj?, [comp. Tab. XV (i)] ; (ii.) Sometimes under the 2 d Rt-letter, with under the 1 st Rt-letter, as in rmtf 1 ? K. Infin. w. h pref. fr. HHK OT\i&) with H-, and so PlftW K. Infin. fr. &W with H-,* *bvp K. Infin. w. Aff. his fr. SjfiS, etc. ; and (iii.) Sometimes the 2 d Rt-letter has Quiescent -r, as in n^n^S JT. Infin. w.h pref. fr. pi (fpn 1 ?) w. D-, toVI ". Infin. w. Aff. his fr. t]Jft, ^fjw|t JT. Infin. w. 3 pref. & Aff. thy m. fr. njft, etc. (t) As a rare form of Infin. Constr. K. we may mention here rfejij (JSTu. xiv. 16, Dt. ix. 28) fr. *; and so ftfcty (Gen. viii. 7) fr. |fo*. Note (i.) |*ptf!3 (Esth. viii. 6) is by some given as an Infin. Constr. R. with 3 pref. and J added, and by others as a Noun ' i.e.' (and this we think it certainly is), (ii.) ^VTT? (Ezra x. 16) is an anomalous form for the usual B^TlS. - * As the Pause-form of such an 'Infin. with H ' some give TOW? Is. vii. 11 [from an imaginary Infin. ?fcj&J, after the form of 33K? in Note (*) on p. 79.] But this word !"l?Nfc? is properly the Pause-form of the Imper. K. 2 s. m. (?KK>) with H , and there is no reason why it should not he so in Is. vii. 11. There are several other instances of two Imperatives together where we want an Infin. in English for the second Verb. Some prefer to read rb'$$ to agree with the efe $8r]j/ given hy Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion. f This is the correct form in Ju. v. 4 and Ps. lxviii. 8. Some Bibles have an incorrect form in Ju. v. 4. FURTHER REMARKS ON VERB-FORMS. 323 (iii.) tmb (Eccl. iii. 18) is K. Infin. w. h pref. and ML them (m.), fr. YD. The Infin. form without the prefix and. affix would be 13, like Yl fr. YT1 and like *J0 fr. *p$ which are given in Note (1, o) on Tab. XXI. (k) The ending ft (instead of the ending H for the Infin. w. PI) is mentioned in 'Appendix (A) to Tab. XIV (V, 8)*- ^?$?| Ez. xvi. 52 being from mt [for Plj?TO> K** Infin. w. Pi] with pref. 3, and Aft % (/.). That ending is found in H T?Pl Gen. xl. 20 & Ez. xvi. 5, which is Hoph. Infin. of T?* (instead of PTIPH, w. Pi), comp. 202, for which we find fYTj^Pl in Ez. xvi. 4, with !j for JBK&ftwfo as in Pt. I, 14 (KB.). Note (i.) This (fl )-form is the ordinary form of the Kal Infinitive Constr. in the case of Yerbs *> and Yerbs 3 &, when the l 8t Et-letter is dropped, -see Tabs. XYIII &XIX. (ii.) Also the (Pi )-form PlYl occurs in THlft [Gen. xlvi. 3] K. Infin. w. pref. jb & w. Pi , fr. YP> -instead of the ordinary form PH"") . (iii.) "We find also PJ1H (with -tt) Is. xi. 9 Infinitive K. fr. JTV with PI, as in P^lS (with pref. h) Ex. ii. 4. (iv.) The Infin. Constr. forms ending in fii , as ni?H , etc., in Tab. XXIII, are perhaps contracted, as some have supposed, from the (H )-form in (t) above. 324 SOME PAST-TENSE FORMS (3) (a) & f/3). (v.) ronnD cjth for hrrtib Kthw) 2 s. xiv. 11 is H(j>. Infin. Constr. fr. Hll, correspond- ing to the Infin. Absol. FlSTl [Gen. iii. 16 & xvi. 10 & xxii. 17] which is given in Column (V) of Tab. XXIII by the side of the ordinary form ending in Pi, (vi.) The irregular form WHl^PD 2 K. v. 18 has * introduced in a somewhat Aramaean manner. It is an Infinitive [JTinWH], from the Hithpa-el of T\T\Z* f with H pref. and Aff. my. Some Past-Tense Forms. (3) (a) As has already been said [ 138 (A), ii], the of the 7^3 form of Past Kal occurs in the 3 s. m. and in the PAUSE-forms of the 3 s. /. & 3 pi. ; but N.B. Ordinarily the Second & First Person-forms Singular and Plural, of the Past K. 7JJ3, have to the 2 d Et-letter as in the 7l? forms in - T Tab. XIV, viz. flm Wp3 t etc. t :|-t> :|-t> t/3) In the case of a few Roots however we find instead of under the 2 d Rt-letter in such Past K. forms ; thus in DRBh*1 (Deut. iv. 1, etc.) the K. Past 2 pi. m. with ) pref., and so in PIWT1 and DttH*1 given in Obs. XLII on p. 209 ; see also the forms fr. T?* and fr. hm in Note (0) on Tab. XXY. Note. It. D. Kimkhi cites also ftWS) Mai. iii. 20, which word we mentioned above in 238 (ii). SOME PAST-TENSE FORMS. 325 (7) Very rarely the 2 d Rt-letter has in such a form, as in DJf/?N> (2 pi. m. Past K.) 1 S. xii. 13 & xxv. 5, and Job xxi. 29. [(S) As we remarked in 238 (ii), the and in such forms as those referred to in (/3) & (7) may have been obtained from the of the 7!?S form of the Past K. " T So some think. And we may add (as before, in 238, ii) that so this and would be in analogy with the (0) of titby & \thy the 2 pi. m. & /. Past K. of the 7J73 form, Tab. XV, as also with the 6 of Obs. XLII, Note (iii). But we may not omit to remark also that (e) Euphony may be said to have had some concern with the and the in those instances. Also that (f) If we may say that ' in the forms from T?* in Note (/3) on Tab. XXV the of the h is a mark of the Stt3 T form of Past K., 9 we must also admit that it is the only trace of such a form from this Root. But although we fully admit that there is no actual 7^3 form from this Root throughout the Bible, but only 7y*D forms, yet we cannot but admit also that possibly it may be a trace (though the only trace) of such a form from this Root.] (rj) We find also , in the place of the more usual ~, some few times in the Hcf). Past ; thus in ^fiW'n 1 S. i. 28 (H$. Past 1 s., fr. htitf, with Aff. him), 326 SOME PARTICIPLE FORMS (4). and in the following forms from rflft, viz, &^?l! & |$?PI G 5 ^ Past 2 P 1 - m - & /0 WWti 1 S. xvii. 35 (H. Past 1 s. with Aff. Mm), the * before the ft being as in Pt. I, 12, N.B., n % wbr?l Hos - il 5 (ffi^ Past 1 s - with Aff - **) N.B. But the only form of the 1 s. Past H$. (with- out an Affix) from HID is ^fiftH with the . (0) So also in the HO. Past forms W^nni 9^999) Ez. xxxviii. 23, DJ^DDi?! Lev. xi. 44 & xx. 7, the 2 d Rt-letter has in the place of the more usual . Note. We have some remarks to offer on the Verb- forms, with special reference to those in (/3) (0). But such remarks would be out of place here. We will but observe that (i.) The (and the ) of the above-mentioned forms, in the place of the usual , occur in unaccented syllables; (ii.) In (77) the map have a relation to the * of the 7^311 form ; and (iii.) In (0) the may have a relation to the of the SySnn form. Certain Participle Forms. (4) Two forms of the Partic (1) Kal are given in Tab. XIY, viz. the 7^3 form and the 7J7& form. There is also the 7^3 form of Participle mentioned in 'Appendix B to Tab. XIY' [8 (iii)]. The 7J73 and 7$S forms of Participles differ from the yQh form in this remarkable particular that SOME PARTICIPLE FORMS. 327 (a) Whereas in the Sing. /. and the Plu. m. & /. of the Ttih form the vowel of the l 8t Rt-letter is retained, and the vowel of the 2 d Rt-letter is dropped thus we have [p. 83] -,rfhjpfe pi. /. ,DHf?b pi. m. ,&n$a or) nn^b s./. ,npb s. m (ft) Contrariwise, Participles of the 7J?3 and 7$?3 forms drop the vowel of the 1 st Rt-letter and retain the vowel of the 2 d Rt-letter in the Sing./, and the Plu. m. &/.; thus (i.) The yifB forms are [read from right to left] -:niVya pi./. ;js%6 pi. m. ; n^a s./ }j$% s. m . (ii.) The 7V3 forms are [read from right to left] -jni^ys pi./. ,a%i pi. *. ,nSys s./. ^e s. m . (7) (i.) 'In Construction ' the s. m. form Hpb [in (a)~\ remains unchanged.* Also the s. /. form JYTD3 and the pi. /. JrnpS, remain unchanged in Con- struction, (ii.) The Constr. form of THph s./. is JYTpb, (iii.) The Constr. form of D^TpB pi. m. is Hpb. (h) So the 7j?3 forms in ft (i) are 'in Construction' trrt^a pi./. ,. 2 s. m. fr. an imaginary Boot *"]* . (ii.) Also rarely with Defective Long-khirik instead of thus t|DV (fr. t|D*) in tpV |#l Is. xxix. 14 &xxxviii. 5 behold I am adding, (iii.) Not to be confused herewith is such a as that in Tjn^ (fr. 2liH, r. y) Ex. xxiii. 4 & 2 S. iv. 8, thy enemy ( 140, ), and TjSDtf (fr. S|Dfc, r. *|DX) 2 K. xxii. 20 & 2 Chr. xxxiv. 28* One talcing thee away. Such a -7- as these is merely a 'Slight '-vowel * ^p'K, as in 1 S. xv. 6, Mf. Fut. 1 s. (fr. t\D*<). Pt. I. $ 44. SOME PARTICIPLE FORMS. 329 (in place of the Moving Shva which the 2 d Rt-letter has in fejfte, ri)X, etc., but which the 2 d Et-letter cannot have when the 3 d Rt-letter also has a Moving Shva. This is the case when the Affix "?[ is attached). N.B. Such a 'Slight 9 - vowel under the 2 d Rt-letter when the 3 d Rt-letter has a Moving Shva is some- times as in (iii), sometimes as in *pHi , some- times as in **pn& . fiv.) Also before the Affs. Dp & p_ the 2 d Rt-letter cannot have a Moving Shva, as in (iii). (v.) In such a form as ^rhb? (fr. ffc&, r. rbw) 1 S. xxi. 3, the 2 d Rt-letter retains the of Tw& which is dropped in such a form as *fi7^> *$ wnen the Affix is such that the 3 d Rt-letter has a Yowel. (?;) (i.) The rare form TNSft (accented on the penultima) Hos. vii. 4, is the Sing. Participle of 7^3 form, with M at the end. (ii.) The form in (i.) is to be distinguished carefully from the form TwVb (accented on the last syllable) the Sing. Fern, of the 7^b Partic. (with in the place of the more usual under the 2 d Rt-letter). This form* occurs some few times. Thus we have HaDI X s. /. in Is. xxix. 6 & xxx. 30 & xxxiii. 14, and so ?V1M s./. in Is. xxxiv. 9 (instead of PHM Is. xxx. 33) . * The fact of this form occurring several times in a place of Pause hardly allows us to speak of it as a Tause-iorm. The Accent belongs to the last Syllable in each instance. 330 SOME IMPERATIVE AND FUTURE FORMS (5) [a). So also JYm* s. /. in Is. xxi. 3, etc., filt^ s. /. in Song. i. 6, and r73C s./. Mi. iv. 6 & 7, etc. (iii.) The Plural also is found thus, with in place of the more usual , both in the Plu. Masc, as in *&!))& Lam. i. 16 (and, with the termination f V 1 , Vt2bS& Lam. i. 4), and in the Plu. Pern., as in ; nteSifi Ps. lxviii. 26. (iv.) The stands sometimes (in place of the more usual ) in other Voices also, thus in the PL Partic. s. /. Hlp^ Na. iii. 2 jumping, and in the H6. Partic. s./. H^T-DSHD 1 K. xiv. 5 & 6 one feigning herself to be another. (6) We may mention here also that some Participles of Pi. & Pu. occur without the usual prefix fo; thus some give n3$ Eccles. iv. 2 as PL Partic. s. m. for ft]3$/b, and so *tb Zeph. i. 14 for T|jb |M& Ex. vii. 27 etc. for |ftb,_ and so in the PH., hit* Ex. iii. 2 for hstiti HfoS 2 K. ii. 10 forn^D. Note (i.) For some other Participle forms it may be suffi- cient to refer to < Appendices (B) & (C) to Tab. XIV.' (ii.) For Participle-forms with Pron-Affs. seeTab.XX VI. Some Imperative and Future Forms. (5) (a) The 6 of the 1 st Rt-letter in the form of H^^ K. Imper. 2 s. m. fr. lb$ (r. n&$) with H [ 141, 7] is not limited to Verbs which have to the * From the Root DB> we have also n1B> & V6%C& s. /., and rnoaPpl./. (i.e. rfO^ " desolate places o/"). t This termination j * is common in Aramaean for the Plural D* . SOME IMPERATIVE AND FUTURE FORMS. 331 2 d Rt-letter in the Imper. 2 s. m. f and in the Fut. Thus the Root yip has the Imper. 2 s. m. yip and the Fut. forms yip* yipft etc. ; but we have 6 under the p of the word PO^p K. Imper. 2 s. i. fr. Yfcw. n. (j3) Unnecessary confusion and consequent trouble, which have been introduced by some, may be avoided by our bearing in mind that such a 6 may be considered in direct relation to the of a generally- underlying* form 7^3, without any 'mediate* reference to the form of the Imper. 2 s. m. [N.B. The form 7^3, from several Roots, stands itself as an Undefined or 'Infinitive* form, when this is used not Abstractly or 'Absolute'-ly but as a Component-part of its sentence i.e. 'Con-struct.'] (7) So also the of ^yiTl be thouf. dry (2 s. /. Imper. K. fr. yT\, in Pause) may be and is best considered in direct relation to the of a generally -underlying form corresponding to 7^3 quite independent of the ( )-form of Imper. 2 s. m. [i*lH, p. t^H] from which the of the *| in s y^\ is obtained in Pause. (S) And so the of PH^D 5 ) and refresh or have refreshment (2 s. m. Imper. K. fr. *7}?D, w. 1 pref. and Pi at the end, in Pause) 1 IL xiii. 7, as also the of *HWft V t t: and cry out f. (Pause-form of 2 s./. Imper. K. fr. pj?, w. 1 pref.) Jer. xxii. 20 may have direct relation to * In the case of some Eoots the Khoulem comes out in certain Infinitive forms only. 332 SOME IMPERATIVE AND FUTURE FORMS. the of a generally-underlying form corresponding to ?$? quite independent of the ( )-form of Imper. 2 s. m. OtfD p.n^p fr. "tyD, and p^f p.ipjtt fr - DJ?) from which the Pause- vowel is obtained in each case. [(e) (i.) We ought perhaps to mention the supposition, on the part of some, that Jliyp^l may be a sort of mixture of "JTWl and PHBDI (??)," and Wjfl such a t a t : t : t : I- t t: mixture of " *p9tf| and ^^) (? ?)." This seems to us to be unnecessarily clumsy, and not quite satis- factory, because it does not touch at all upon that which specially requires consideration, viz. the occur- rence of a bearing reference to an o- vowel in these two Imperative forms, whereas (1) the of the 2 d Rt-letter belongs not to the ( )-form but distinctly to the ( )-form of the Imperative, and (2) only the ( )-forms of the Imperative and the the Future are found from the Root p)})$ * We do not recognize aught anomalous in the two words as they stand, because to us the seems to refer directly to a generally- underlying 7^3 form [comp. (/3) above]. f * The K. Imper. 2 s. m. "lyp (Ju. xix. 8) may fairly be claimed by those who wish to claim it as evidence of the ( )-form of Imper. K. from "WD. But as the accented word "TJJD [for which see 141, a, Note (1)] occurs just before (Ju. xix. 5), and as it is at least possible that these two words so near to each other may be the same, i.e. the in v. 8 the same as that in v. 5, it may be that we have in Ju. xix. 8 an instance of a Long- Vowel (-7-) before MakMph like the two instances of Khoulem before MakMph in Note (f) on p. 114 [comp. Pt. I, 55 (8, ' Note'). If so, there are only (-r-) -forms of the Imperative and Future found from the Root *WD. t Some cut the knot by asserting that the is merely because of the preceding -I, SOME IMPERATIVE AND FUTURE FORMS. . 333 (ii.) If, instead of assuming an imaginary form involving the same irregularity as that which they have to deal with, and then supposing that imaginary word to be mixed up with the regular form, and so fancying that they had in any degree accounted for an Irregular form as they regard it, the advocates of that mixture had said that (iii.) 'The may be regarded as a trace (although the only trace) of a ( )-form of Imper. if., even in a word which not only involves a mark of the ( )-form but which belongs to a Boot (as, for instance, p5?) from which the ( )-form alone certainly occurs,' they would at least have touched upon the important point really involved. We could not have con- tradicted such a statement, even if we had wished to do so. For] () We find sometimes in a Future form, where it is either entirely due to Euphony (Pt. I, 72, 7), or it is the only trace remaining of a ( )-form. Thus, from the Root p#3 we find Hj^K (1 s. Fut. K., w. H at the end) 1 K. xix. 20 ; but elsewhere the Future from this Eoot has the ( )-form as in pEP* pBfrT, etc.* And so from the jj*j Hoots yk> and and this supposition is better than that of the above-mentioned mixture. But the assertion cannot be made good. And it does not touch the very similar case of the word *Xin in which we find the & (in place of -=r) although there is no -1 preceding. This however is asserted to be because of the following 1 . Euphony may indeed have been partly concerned in the occurrence. .But we can- not credit it with the whole concern in these particular instances. * For some Verbs having both the ( ) and the ( ) forms see 162 (b). 334 SOME IMPERATIVE AND FUTURE FORMS. JfibB* we find rWSX (1 s. Fut. K. t w. H at the end) Is. xxvii. 4, and WJb^NI (1 s. Fut. K., w. 1 Convers.) t t: : v t x ' Dan. viii. 13 in some copies. In these, some impute the wholly to Euphony, as also the following. Note (i.) The occurs some few times in such forms from Verbs 'Fut. ( )'; thus in the 1 s. Fut. K. w. n fr. tS0 and fr. hp&, viz. filD'ljSBto Is. xviii. 4 and rDlDlfttt Ezra viii. 25, where t |t: : v t there is in each a "1 superfluous/ from trip#K and h)pm. But (ii.) N.B. The Student should never write such forms, (iii.) Somewhat less rare is the occurrence of in some Yerb-forms that have Pron.-AfFs. ; thus from fc|Tl we find in Nu. xxxv. 20 ^HfijjlT (i.e. rf^TtJ K. Fut. 3 s. m. with Aff. him), and in Josh, xxiii. 5 DfiftTP (** tf'fH* iT. Fut. 3 s. m. with Aff. them m.) ; also From "ID* we find in Bos. x. 10 MSfctt [WibK JT. Fut. 1 s. (comp. 195, e & 212) with 1 pref. and Aff. them .] ; and a few others which will be given in the 'Analytical Index/ (rj) (i.) The Student will have observed that the * of the ffiph-U Voice stands in TW$p7\ Imper. 2 s. m> w. n [ 141 ( 7 , 5)] fr. 3&yp, and in m$M Fut. 1 s. w. H [144 (a)] fr. *)DT ; and so also in rwio Fut. i pi. w . n fr. n- SOME IMPERATIVE AND FUTURE FORMS. 335 (ii.) With the exception of such H(j>. forms, and except also the Pause-forms of other Voices, When the Yerb-form has at the end of it the n of 141 (7), or 144, the Towel is dropped from the 2 d Et-letter in the case of * Full' Verbs, and of Verbs K 3 and *'fi and i'fi. For 'Full ' Verbs, see the examples in 141 (7), and in 144 ; and so in the Imperative forms i"P^ & fiP^? corresponding to 7btf & S]btf fr. ha* & *]DK, rDfc? & Plgfe corresponding to 0& & m (or #|) fr. '*fc&tiXL; and similarly in Future forms (1 s. & 1 pi.) from such Roots, as in rtak & rbatii &Sa&, ra#K & naeb fr. atf\ vt : vt : vt : vt : andn^SK&M^fr.^M. But t : v t : (iii.) We find the following K 7 Verb-forms, () ngfi 1 ! (Ps. xli. 5) Imper. K. 2 s. m., w. n at the end, fr. K5H, (*) *n$OpX} (1 S, xxviii. 15) Fut. 1 s., w. 1 Con- vers. & H at the end, in which the 2 d Rt-letter has , as in the forms fcttTl and timptt without the H. * We find sometimes H thus instead of the more usual ii at the end of a word. So in t\$T t (Ps. xx. 4) Pi. Fut. 3 s. m. fr. JB^T [comp. 144 (7 & 8)]. So also in rn-ttni. (Is. lix. 5) X. Partic (2) s. m. fr. niT like D-1p in Tah. XX with the pref . 1 and the H of 98. - So too in il^l. (Zech. v. 4) K. Past 3 s. m. fr. )^> ( 226), and in Hjn (as in some Bibles, but fljffi. in others, w. H , Prov. xxiv. 14) K. Imper. 2 s. m. fr! jm [The word Hjn , as it stands in some Bibles in Prov. xxiv. 14, is by some taken as as a Noun ' i.e.' " knowledge of" as in the E.V.]. 336 SOME FUTURE FORMS. This is very rare. But Note. In some Noun-forms also the -- is not dropped before tf ; thus we have D!D*K&F1 from v t -; D'Wtpn, instead of a form corresponding to Dp'oSp from ftafo (the great Eule of 59 even being broken so as to retain the before K). So also from D^tOH we have the Oonstruct-form \ t -; NKtOPl, in which the penultimate vowel ( ) is retained,* instead of being dropped as it is in .^fromD^. ... - . T | Similarly, [from DWto] we have dHWito and tVNifc and the Construct form Wflfc; and so I T T vrtrcto from nixi&. T T T N.B. Such a however is sometimes dropped in accordance with the Rules of 59 and 56 (i), as in Vntarifi & &ta from ftStitfm, and in t : t : T the Construct form of it viz. jy\W)F\ . (6) The ?7-form of Fut. K. was just mentioned in the 'Note* at the end of 141 (a), and as an example there was given 83tt$?) (Ex. xviii. 26) K. Fut. 3 pi. m. fr. &&? for which the usual form is of course }t93K^ (p. ! lt33^). [Obs. In some Bibles the Accent of M^lSfc^ is put on the penultima (perhaps for the sake of having the Accent 'drawn back* as in Pt. I, 46). But the Accent should be on the last syllable, as it is in other Bibles, and as we have given it above.] * Sometimes the is retained also before y. Thus in *g$Q [Constr. form of D\yt3D] in Mi. i. 6. But N.B. The of D*yip3 is dropped in the Constr. form . s. m. There is no valid reason against their being unusual Participle forms. So R. D. K. in his Lexicon takes the first one, and so the second one may very well be. [Perhaps they are best taken to be one of them Infin. Absol., another of them the Past 3 s. m., and the other one Partic. s. m.] (ii.) Pl^rD Jer. xlix. 10 is given by R. D. K. as Infin. "like to the Past" of JSTcj>. (for K|m) from SO)!.* But it may very well be the Partic. s. m., the particular form of the so-called 'Substantive Verb' to be supplied in English being here the Infin. to be,' so that the passage may run thus : " and he shall not be able to be hidden (or a hidden-one). f> (0) The Niph. * Infin. Absol.' form hVEn is the form also of the ' Infin. Constr.' and of the 'Infin. with prefixes,' and it is the form of Infinitive which receives the Pron.-Affs. But N.B. This form of 'Infin. Absolute* is not used with a Past Tense or a Participle for the purpose of giving Emphasis. * He gives it also as either 'iVty. Past or Infinitive' of rnn. 340 SOME NIPH-AL FORMS. (7) So also the Absolute forms jh^H and /btfPl in Note (d) on Tab. XIV are used before a Future. And so also RjbMh before C|DKJ in 2 S. xvii. 11, and fcrftKPl (with X instead of PI, probably, as B. D. K. says, to avoid having to pronounce H twice consecutively) before BhftK in Ez. xiv. 3. * T Note. The rare form tn^-?' Ps. lxviii. 3, is gene- rally taken as a form of Infin. Constr. N$. correspond- ing to the form 7J73P1 . It may have been modified to suit the form of tPttft following.* It may also be a 'Compound form' made up of the iV<. Infinitive and the K. Infinitive (SH^S) mixed together. Comp. pp. 177 & 178. (S) We mentioned in Note (f ) on p. 79 the dropping of the J! of the Infin. N. form /VStl after a prefix some- times, as in fltpyS for MpyPD Lam. ii. 11. So we have tV& for jnPtPlS Ez. xxvi. 15 (with before the unaccented f Pi). And so the PI is dropped in TO? 1 ? for ftWrb Infin. i\ty. fr. Pity Ex. x. 3, and rtX^ for rt*m? Infin. iV<. fr. H&O. (e) Instead of JWg (3 s. m. Past 2Y>, fr. Jftj), some Bibles have f% with in Jer. 1. 22 a form like TOTO, "ftM, etc. * The Dag. Lene of the 1 forbids us to say merely that the form is deduced directly from P|l|n by dropping the penultimate vowel. But the form fp3 H, or tflltl, so obtained, may perhaps have been altered into Spill H 3 in order to suit the subsequent SpIJfl . t The in the Bible here is reckoned only as a Metheg,$ee Pt. I, 44 (e). SOME NIPH-AL FORMS. 341 () The of the iV<. Partic. is generally retained in the Sing. fern, and the Plu. masc. & fern. [ besides 1 S. xiii. 15 and several other passages). But there is also lyKXMTI (Ezr. viii. 25), and ^KMJJ (Is. xxii. 3), and PlKttD-lPl and nXtt&an. t t : - t : - (rj) The t" is sometimes replaced by, or resolved into, V followed by Dagesh'; thus in ^S2U Wfr Partic. pi. m. 'i.e.,' and n*3M5 2V$. Partic. pi. in. w. Aff. her, but DT333 pl. m. & JlVl3M pl. / Dm2M pl. m. w. Aff. tfMr (m.). (0) It is hardly necessary perhaps to call the Student's attention to the following differences : (i.) TpW iV. Past 3 s. m,} (but, in Pause, each of *lpS} iV$. Partic. s. w. J them alike is nflfiS). *7pS3 Constr. form of N(j>. Partic. s. m, (ii.) iVJSM (p. trinpSi) N$. Past 3 s./., JTJpM (in Pause the same) N$. Partic. s./. * Thus it is in Is. xxiii. 8 & 9. In Prov. viii. 24 "^23^ is given in some Bibles ; but the word should be either 'H2D3 *$ is given in some (which is irregular), or "^3?5 as i* is given in others. 342 SOME Pl-EL FORMS. Pl-EL. (7) (a) R. D. Kimkhi calls attention to the following forms of the Infin. Pi., besides the ordinary form TipS, viz. (i.) nfPfi* (like the Past 3 s. m.), in the fNJ of ftBfcti J*t3 2 S. xii. 14, and j^nf Lev. xiv. 43 ; (ii.) n^jp3 (.0. the ordinary form HjpiD, with the PIt" of 137, 4, iii.), in rTTJSDT Ps. cxlvii. 1 and TW&h t : - t : - : Lev. xxvi. 18 ; (iii.) *lp3,* in 4^ Ps. cxviii. 18 and X3J5 1 & xix. 14 and J&n Ex. xxi. 19, (iv.) n(P3,*in theniD^of niD ,, W[fornb l ?]2Chr.xxxi.7. But, as he adds, this may be the Infin. Kal for *tivb, like HD^ Is. Ii. 16, the Short-khirik fottoiced by Bagesh being instead of the Long-khirik. The Dagesh may however be (as some think) merely a Euphonic Dagesh [Pt. I, 70 (2)]. * Used here as a ' form,' instead of the proper one fr. ?ys , for reasons too plain to need mention. t Some however take this to be Past Ft. 3 s. *., the ordinary form. The rendering of $>n TOg would then be " after [that] he hath taken away," as in the E.V., comp. H2in im Jer. xli. 16. But the JTl^n (Infin. H badly. SOME Pl-EL FORMS. 343 (v.) n*lp3 (instead of n*ljp3, see (ii) above) in 1$&3| already mentioned [p. 323 ()]. Note. It is very unusual for a Yerb whose 3 d Rt-letter is H Quiescent to have an Infin. Constr. Pi-el of the form nj!)3. But *|T1J (Hos. vi. 9) is such* an unusual form of the Infin. Constr. Pz-e/w. 1 {and) & 5 {as) prefixed, fr. fiBl. (/3) (i.) As was mentioned in Note (e) on Tab. XIY, the Pi-l Past 3 s. m. has () sometimes to the 2 d Rt-letter, as in HK 2 K. xxi. 3,f and (#) sometimes to the 2 a Rt-letter, as in ^fifa and D^*! often (though f^SH and DM occur ||), and in *\%3) often. * The form \3I1 is in principle the same as 11311 (the only difference being that it has * Quiescent in place of the H Quiescent). And H3I1 agrees in form with "TjpS^ which is the same fob, the Construct as fob the Absolute Infinitive Pi-el. The usual form is T\'r?l for the Infin. Constr. Ti. of such Verbs Jl'p. R. Abraham ben Ezra, in his Commentary on Hos. vi. 9, cites as a similar instance (of the *7j5Q form of the Infin. Pi. from such a Verb n'b) titplb Dan. ix. 24 fr. H^, with K, like the * here, in place of the Quiescent fl . There is also J1?D p 2 Chron. xxiv. 10. t (i.) So in 1I1N fr. 1I1K, feng fr. KHK, 1J12 fr. ^11, etc., in which the Com- pensation is made for the Dagesh of the 2 d Rt-letter ; and (ii.) So in Dil? fr. DPI?, DI13 fr. DI1J, etc., in which the Compensation is not made for the Dagesh of the 2 d Rt-letter. % This form, from the Root 111 , may be said to be only used ' in Pause,' or ' as a Pause-form not in Pause' ( 167, 2). Once with the Accent , and once with the Accent -i-. || Of this form p|?3) are, of course, (i.) 1X2 *sp5 [Nu. xxiii. 20, Ps. x. 3], jNft, etc., in which the Compensa- tion is made for the Dagesh ; and (ii.) iy3, jn3, 1^3, etc., in which the Compensation is not made for the Dagesh. 2a 344 SOME Pl-EL FORMS. (Ii.) Instead of the of the 2 d Et-letter in the form j Hp3, "Verbs tf *? have of course * the open syllable K [comp. Obs. XXIII on p. 185]. So, as E. D. K cites, Kfe$ (PL Past 3 s. m. fr. K&O) 1 K ix. 11 & Am. iv. 2 and KOT Ps. cxliii. 3 and K^Jb Jer. Ii. 34. T Note. From XfcJO we have also the ordinary form fctfW (2%. Past 3 s. i.) 2 S. v. 12, and from tfb& .the form WJti several times. Some Yerbs K7 have only the ordinary ( )-form, as might be expected. (iii.) When the 2 d Et-letter is either X or Pi or n or y, any Moving Shm of the 2 d Et-letter must take a Compound form ; thus, () ftttfft, ^Nft, e * c, in which the Compensation is made for the Dagesh of the 2 d Et-letter, and (6) irjftb, tt&tt, )T\r\W f etc., in which the Com- pensation is not made. Note. It is but rarely that the 1 st Et-letter takes ^r t before under the 2 d Et-letter, as in TlY\$ (PL Past 3 pi., fr. IfiX) Ju. v. 28, and *3h2^ (Pi. Past 3 s. /., w. AS. me, fr. n^H) Ps. Ii. 7. (7) For some PL Participle forms which vary from the ordinary forms see above [4 (77, iv) & (0), p. 330]. SOME Pl-EL FORMS. 345 (8) As in (a, i) so also in the Imper. 2 s. m. Pi- el the 2 d Boot-letter has sometimes [thus *7j33], instead of the usual form Tgjfi (or *lpt3 when unaccented). So in J?fi Ps. lv. 10, and so in 3^j9 Ez. xxxvii. 17 and "*1M Job xxxvi. 2. These forms are represented by the (j5) by the side of the form "jgjg in Tab. XIY. (e) So in the Pi. Fut. 3 & 2 pi. /., the forms iTJM&ft t : - - ; Is. iii. 16 and m&Kttl Hos. iv 13 & 14 and ftj^Tft Is. xiii. 18 (with * under the 2 d Et- letter) are represented by the (p) by the side of the form nrij3Sfi in Tab. XIY. Note (i.) The -=- to the 2 d Kt-letter, as in JlJfT^Sn Job xxxix. 3, etc., is usual before a Guttural 3 d Rt-letter; comp. Tab. XYI (3) 'Note.' (ii.) The form T&hntb Ez. xiii. 19 (with - * ' t : v - : - x under the 2 d Et-letter) is not represented in Tab. XIY, on account of its rarity. Ciii.) HSfttt 1 K. xi. 39 is for T\W8\ P*. Fut. 1 s. fr. T\ty w. 1 pref. The X dropping its becomes Quiescent in the of the 1, as in ffcfl (for *tm) etc., p. 2, Note (J). This is not usual in the case of the Pi. Fut 1 s. with V * R. D. K. mentions these as occurring in Pause. They would then come under 165 (I, 5). [Hos. iv. 14 would come under 167 (II, ).] 346 SOME Pl-EL FORMS. (X) The Dag. F. of the 2 d Kt-letter is often omitted over Shva, as in pttfttj Pi. Fut. 1 s. (i.e. ^fitf, with H) etc.;* and the Moving Shva of the 2 d Rt-letter has sometimes a Compound form, as in ^I^X/ftftl Fut. Pi. 3 s. /. fr. yhti, w. 1 pref. and Aff. him, Ju. xvi. 16, comp. Pt. I, 72 [Note (*, *)]. [(77) It has been asserted by some that when the Dagesh F. (for the Pi. & P&.) is omitted as in (f) from the 2 d Rt-letter, the preceding vowel is moreover some- times lengthened even when the 2 d Rt-letter is not one of the five letters ^Hlltf. In theory this might, very well be true, and we might be glad to find some sure examples f of it. We do not know of * So in 1K3J23 Infin. Pi. fr. fcUp, w. 1 pref. and Aff. Ms, Nu. xxv. 11, IN 1 ?*? Past Pi. 3 pi. fr. *6d, Num. xxxii. 11 & 12, *>1NJi? Past PH. 3 pi. fr. fcOp, w. Aff. me, Dent, xxxii. 21, ^ap-1 Partic. Pi. Sing. m. fr. tt^S, with 1 pref. and * at the end ( 139, e, and p. 232), 2 S. xxii. 2. The word is there unaccented ; but in Ps. xviii. 3 the ? has its Dagesh, and the word is accented), n|B>F)lfl Fut. Pi. 2 s. m. fr. Ppq, w. Aff. ft (/.), Gen. xxxi. 39, etc. etc. t As examples of this we might fairly claim ^HH? [for ^fin? Infin. Pi. w. 3 pref.] and 6j)ri]{l or ApriJJI [for Aj-lPU-) 2 pL m. Fut. Pi.] Job xiii. 9, and so 'foniT or WpJ [for 6jjn* 3 pi. w. Fut. Pi.] Jer. ix. 4, like bfirj?! 3 s. m. Fut. Pi., 1 K. xviii. 27, if indeed ?nn be supposed to be the Eoot of all these words. The Dagesh in the 7 of -iVnnFl and '1?r)rP, as given in good Editions, is then Euphonic. So too hnn [for hnn 3 s. m. Past Pi.~\ in *3 ^nn Gen. xxxi. 7, and rfcnn [for ripnn 2 s. m. Past PS.] Ju. xvi. 10 & 13 & 15. But, If, instead, the Hoot is b^T) (as some say), the H of -I^Jinn and -1?>riiT is the Ify. pref. H appearing as in 9 (e, i) below. Then the Dagesh belongs of right to the 3 d Rt-letter b , to represent the 2 d Rt-letter. Then also the form b$P 1 K. xviii. 27 may be said to be for ^piT [or 5>JV, like SD> Tab. XXI] the being resolved into SOME pfr-AL FORMS. 317 any such examples. One example of it there would be if we could adopt a doubtful reading (mentioned by R. D. K.) of the word VSDNft Is. lxii. 9. * t : - : Another reading of this word (also mentioned by R. D. K.) would make it of the 7^b form see Note (A) below]. Pu-AL. (8) (a) In the Pu-al Yoice the l 8fc Et-letter has sometimes 6 in place of the usual ; thus P. D. K. cites *JT]3 (Ez. xvi. 4) Past Pu. 3 s. m. fr. IVD, tflT!# (Na. iii. 7) Past Pu. 3 s. /. fr. TIP, ^| (Ps. lxxii. 20) Past PH. 3 pi. fr. rhl , and similarly ft)3 (Ps. lxxx. 11) fr. PID3, and a little earlier he cites the Pu. Participle forms D^Xft s. m. (Na. ii. 4) and D^Jb^Nft t t : t t : pl. m. (which last occurs in Ex. xxv. 5 and in four other places in Exodus). (ft) To the Pu. Participle forms without the jb, which were mentioned above [4 (0), p. 330], we may add here tOlto (Is. xviii. 2 & 7), which is supposed to be such a Pit. Partic s. m. for tDlto^ from fcOlD . We may followed by Bagesh. Some may however prefer to say that this latter form is 1 borrowed' from a Root PDH . Also, if the Root is &H, bpni is the regular Infm. B. (Absol. or Constr.) has in place of the usual . Thus E. D. K. cites as Infin. Absol. H$. the 7^Pl and tD V/&P1 of Is. xxxi. 5 [which may however be the ordinary Past-Tense forms, as some take them], and the Verb-forms in "-mt! fW\ JP3TI |J^ Jer. L 34 [each of which he says however may possibly be a Past Tense], and ft^lin to thresh * Comp. 178 [Note ($)]. The H of the form ig$$ is dropped here, and its vowel is given to the prefix, as in pbrb (for p vnn?) Jer. xxxvii. 12 [Pt. I, 12] DDr/tf-) 1 ? (for DDn'&qrfe, H. Infin. fr.'n&O w. 7 pref. and AfF. your m.), etc.; comp. Note (f) on p. 79. t As an instance of this it is qnite fair to cite TQ^ Josh. vii. 7. But we should observe that as the Infin. there follows the Tense, the Infin. is perhaps not quite so much cut off from ' Structural Connection' with the rest of the sentence as it is when it precedes the Tense. Again, fOPI Josh. iv. 3 is generally taken as Infin. Absol. [so Fiirst, Concord, p. 549, and others]. But we ought to observe that the Accentuation in Josh. iv. 3 is against our taking the word |*DH there in the same manner as the Infin. Absol. P.H in Josh. iii. 17. Perhaps therefore the word )"On has rather some ! Structural Connection' with what follows it. It is much easier undoubtedly to take it in the same manner as the word jDJI in Josh. iii. 17. 350 SOME HIPH-1L FORMS. her* Jer. li. 33, and tF$2$7\\ their (m.) destroying Josh. xi. 14, and Sj7$7\ J Sis casting 2 K. xxiv. 20 ; also, under the Yerbs T\ 7, rt^pPl Infin. Constr. H. fr. Plp which was mentioned in Note (f) on p. 342. (v.) Instead of the ft of (iv) there is sometimes ft before a Guttural 1 st Eoot-letter. As examples of this E. D. K. cites WHJl My taking-hold Jer. xxxi. 32. He cites also as Infinitives TUtfPl Gen. xlvii. 21 and *nHtf!TI P rov x i x - H> each of which may very- well be Past 3 s. m., as others give them, (vi.) We find K (in place of the usual fi) in D\3$tf (Jer. xxv. 3) H. Infin. Absol. fr. D3?, for d*3^n Jer. xliv. 4 and D3$Pl Jer. xxvi. 5. E. D. .K. cites also the well-known *n*pK of Gen. xli. 43, and remarks that some say it is Infin. [Absol. H$. fr. *pH] with 'interchange of H with K/ but adds that one might say that the K is the mark of the 1 s. [Fut. JEty.]. (vii.) (a) Instead of the usual Ufa vowel we find under the 2 d Et-letter in TSBl (1 S. xv. 23) ff. Infin. fr. "l (used as a Noun). This might be both because of the Pause, comp. 165, 1 (8), and for Euphony before the *"] . * But the rendering " It is time [that] one had threshed her" is quite admissible, in accordance with which the word would be the ordinary Past ffn to destroy them (m.) Josh. xi. 20, etc. % Comp. bpl^n Jer. Hi. 3, where some Bibles however have 'n . SOME HIPH-1L FORMS. 351 (b) Also in D!n3n Ez. xxi. 29 II. Infin. fr. *DT w. Aff. your (m.) there is in place of the if of the form DrTpSPl in Tab. XV (v). This may be said to be for Euphony before the *1 . (/3) (i.) The PAST-Tense forms }nW?XETI and DflpPl etc. (with -r- in place of the more usual ) were mentioned in 3 (rj) [pp. 325 & 326]. (ii.) The form ni^yn was mentioned in Note (%) on p. 119. Gomp. the Ej>. Past 3 s. m. rbyft fr. rby. [R. D. & cites both these.] (iii.) (a) In 'Full* Verbs the prefix H of the H$. Past has rarely (in place of the usual ) before a letter other than one of the four yHPlK [ 178] ; thus Dtt^n (1 S. xxv. 7) H. Past 1 pi. fr. tbl w. Aff. them (ro.). (*) So, with X in place of the PI an Aramaism, t^rtaOK (Is. lxiii. 3) H(j>. Past 1 s. fr. S*0, in : it : v N Pause. (c) So too, with both H and ^TKPn (Is. xix. 5) H<\>. Past 3 pi. fr. PI3T w. 1 pref., which is supposed to be mixed up of the two forms, one with n and the other with X , " the X after the manner of the Aramaean tongue and the H after the manner of the sacred tongue," as It. D. K. remarks that some say. 352 SOME HIPH-1L FORMS. (i) But in Yerbs PI 7, the PI of the H. Past has in several instances. Thus from Pi /H we have not only the ordinary forms Tim 3 s. m. ghm w. I pref. and Aff. t : t : : * them m.) t Whin 2 * m. y etc., see Tab. XXIII,- but also PI aIPI 3 s. m. (w. Aff. them m. D/3P1). t : v t : v * So from HX^ there are forms with PI and forms with H, ws. PINT! 3 s. m. (w. Affs., *A** m. ^Tf 9 me *#hn p. rtari; ^ m. dkti - : it : v * T : v t us WHTJ), HWTI 2 s. m, (with Affs., we WHIP*, us mXV!), once WKTl* 1 s. (in WX*T\) w. 1 pref., Na. iii. 5), and the 1 s. with Affs., f&* m. ^rrtNMTl, ^em m. DWKTl and omon Pt. i, 12. From fttfb the only H. Past forms which occur are the following with Jl viz. >sSpl 3 s. m. w. Aff. m*, nK^Pl 3 s. /. (contracted, like TOTt in Tab. XXIII), and TJVN7PI 1 s. w. Aff. thee m t So nn!inn Josh. vi. 17 (for HK^PlPl H. Past r w : t t : v ' 3 s./.) has H as in W?5TI 178 (i), and an additional H [| 138, B (ii, )]. R. D. K. says that it has " two marks of * This form (with PI) is, as R. D. K. observes, unusual. The may be said to be a Euphonic irregularity. some hiph-Il forms. 353 the feminine, and so in Nouns fiflSflB^ t vr : for TMW and nMB for JTlW" ; and he t : t v.t : v t : v adds that the * of HfrOlpriPl vanishes in order to lighten the word because of the reduplication. (7) (i.) The H(j). Participle has mostly the (* )-form, as YDM? etc., in Appendix (B) to Tab. XIV.' (ii.) The ( )-form of the s. m. y as %feDj occurs as a Noun often ; thus GPMlb a mortar (as a means of ' pounding/ fr. WTO to pound), TlPSft a key (as a means of ' opening/ fr. HHS to open). But *lfiD& in "TfiDM 1 ! Is. liii. 3 is taken by many to be a Participle " and as [one] hiding" like *VflD/b in tnn Is. viii. 17. (iii.) The * is in some few instances altogether dropped as in M&/H5 Jer. xxix. 8, instead of D^jb vllJb (fr. D?ri), in illustration of which R. D. K cites DnTO 2 Chr. xxviii. 23 (fr. Ity). (8) (i.) The H. Imper. 2 s. m. has generally the ( )-form (ii.) The -a- is of course shortened into if the Accent be removed, as in tfy^VD 2 S. xxiv. 10. (iii.) In a few instances the 2 d Et-letter has , as in nmn (Joel iv. ll) H$. Imper. 2 s. m. fr. Jim. So in "l^n (Kri for ^IM JTMI* Ps. v. 9) i70. Imper. 2 s. m. fr. *1&\ For the ^- of ^TT\T\ Job xiii. 21, instead of prpft Prov. iv. 24, etc., the Student may compare 165 (I, 8) and *l])tin there cited. So 354 SOME HiPII-lL FORMS. Note. The ( )-form is common before a Guttural 3 d Rt-letter, as in n?D, Jfl?^i1> etc > comp. Tab. XYI (3) (B, ). (iv.) The * is not dropped but stands in the 2 s. m. Imper. Hcj). with the Jl of 141 (7), as in JWfcteFl there cited. t v |: - (v.) The (> )-form, as TpPl fr. HD5, may be said (as it is said by some) to stand in a few instances for the Imper. H. 2 a.m.; thus J^pi Ps. xciv. 1 fr. $& may be Imper. 2 s. m. (It would thus suit the Imper. N(j>. at the beginning of the next verse, better than if it were taken to be the Past Bp. 3 s. m.) (e) (i.) The somewhat rare appearance of the PI of H.> after the ' jHW prefix-letter of the Future-Tense, as in y^in* fr. 0% and in ^W fr.^V- was mentioned in 201. So we have also the forms TX1)T\ S and ^iniPltf and TjyflPP mentioned on p. 282. And similarly, if fr. 9?H *, &f# (for }W 3 pi. m. Fut. E6.) Jer. ix. 4 and &W| (for Sfenpl 2 pi. w. Fut. 23$.) Job xiii. 9. Comp. Tab. XXI. (ii.) For the form n?*, in place of ty7^\ or nTtf, when the 3 d Rt-letter is Guttural,--see Tab. XYI (3) (B, ). So y- in JJJ for M> & JHft for yifl # * As some suppose. See Note (t) on p. 346 for a different account of -1?r)r|* (or -iVftrp., as some give it) and -1?nnn (or 'Prinn, as some give it), as also for the words ?rjrj? Job xiii. 9, and ?pn (in *% ?Jp Gen. xxxi. 7), and ^PT\t\ Ju. xvi. 10 & 13 & 15. SOME HOPH-AL FORMS. 355 (iii.) The * of the H(f>. Yoice-form is sometimes altogether dropped, as in the following instances cited by R. D. K. M^W Jer. ix. 2, )pTW 1 S. xiv. 22 & xxxi. 2 (and so in 1 Chr. x. 2, but &2fl in Ju. xviii. 22 & xx. 45), *3$fc 1 S. xvii. 25 (3 s. m. Fut. H. fr. IBty w. iff. him), and nflBtyfi Ps. lxv. 10 (2 s. m. Fut. $. w. Aff. it/.). So fr. ftfiD we have in Nu. xiv. 45 tfiftSM -H$. Fut. 3 pi. m. w. 1 pref. and Aff. ^m (m.) from i|H3*1 as in Deut. i. 44. [Comp. 7 (iii), p. 353.] - fr - *^ w - 1 prefixed. ; N.B. This contraction is very unusual in the case of the 1 s. Fut. w. ) prefix. But there are instances of other words in which such a Con- traction takes place as in D^Nbh for d^Xtph, etc. Hoph-al. (10) (a) The SySn instead of ^H form of the 5 th Yoice was mentioned in 121. Such forms are the following (cited by B. D. K.) : ^Wh Past 3 s. m. fr. *fxf and HD^'Pl Pause-form of mb&T) Past 3 s. /., l^rran Past 2 s. /. fr. |"TO (corresponding to the form WljSKl in Tab. XIY). (J3) With this ( )-form corresponds the 0)-form in Tabs. XVIII, XX, & XXI. 356 SOME HOPH-AL FORMS. (7) (i.) Instead of the ()) -forms, such as SD^Ifi, 3D&, 3DP etc., in Tab. XXI, there are some which corre- spond rather with the Hoph-dl forms in Tab. XIX, i.e. with Dag. F. in the 1 st Et-letter, as in tefcTl) Job xxiv. 24 Hoph. Past fr. *pft w. 1 pref. (on which P. D. K. writes " it ought by rights to be J&BSn, after the form of 01\ f IfBftf). The form ttBSl is Hke $&1 fr. # in Tab. XIX, and so the form might be said to be ' borrowed ' from a Yerb 3 3 .* So also in the Hoph. Fut. 3 s. m. ft3* fr WD & ^ fr. *pD, and (with *| as in Pt. I, 14, KB.) DDV in Pause Is. xxviii. 27 fr. MD & the Pause- form H^V Hos. x. 14 fr. Tl$; and so in the 2 s. m. Fut. UqpA. T^fl Is. xxxiii. 1 fr. TIB>. (ii.) With followed by Dagesh we have n)3$n (Lev. xxvi. 34 & 35 and 2 Chron. xxxvi. 21), Hoph. Infin. fr. Bb$ w. n , which is said by B. D. K. to be for T\~ the Affix her. This word with 3 pref. would be PlW'nS, instead of which we have n^^HS Lev. xxvi. 43 {Hoph, Infin. fr. DM*}. (iii.) In Job xxi. 5, ^^H 1 ) with Dagesh in the V) has been found in some copies instead of the JtfSBTfi which is given in the best editions. The Student must not confuse these two words. %3BT1 would - T * Similarly the Fut. K. forms 2b\ etc., and the Fut. H$. forms 3D* etc., in Tab. XXI, may be said to be " borrowed" from Verbs 3 # S. Comp. 243. SOME HITHPA-EL FORMS. 357 be Hqph. Imper. 2 pi. m. fr. D$ [comp. Note (*) on p. 87] ; but in *|ft^p| the is Long Kaumets (or ' Broad Kaumets,' as R. D. K. calls it), and this latter word therefore is not a Hoph-dl form at all. It is best taken to be Imper. 2 pi. m. Hiph-il fr. dftfc^, in somewhat the same sense as the H(j>. s. m. Partic. tMb^fi fr. W in Ez. iii. 15. (iv.) In tfl3* (p. aim) JBTqpA. Fut. 3 pi. m. fr. HW,- instead of tfDP like J|3DV in Tab. XXI, it might be supposed that there is a mixture of the ^'3 form with the ordinary $Tj?3 form. But Note. In some of the above-mentioned instances it might have been enough to have said merely that the LoNG-vowel of the ordinary form is .' resolved' into a Short- vowel and Dagesh. HlTHPA-EL. (11) (a) As was mentioned in Note (h y a) on Tab. XIY, (i.) The 2 a Et-letter often has instead of in the HO. Past 3 s. m., Imper. 2 s. m., and Fut. 3 s. m. etc., as is marked in the Table by the (S) given after the ( )-orms. Examples are given in that Note. (ii.) In Pause the 2 d Eoot-letter has -7- in HO.* Past and Impel?. & Fut. forms (except Past 2 pi. m. & /.). See examples in Note (h) on Tab. XIV. (iii.) This of the Pause-forms corresponds with the () -forms of (i). * Comp. 166 (c), N.B. and (d). Also 245, and Note (iv) on Tab. XXI. 358 SOME HITHPA-EL FORMS. (iv.) Some Roots have () -forms, and moreover Pause- forms corresponding with the () -forms. Thus, fr.^pPl we have the ( ) -forms T?iW and *7] wlftK but in Pause we have the of the () -forms, thus nWw & ttoWiv I it - : it - : (/9) The Dag. F. is sometimes omitted from the 2 a Rt-letter when this letter has Shva, as in WpWI fr. 1 7* Nu. i. 18, s hhr\m fr. hhr\ Jer. xlix. 4. (7) As seen in Note (h, /3) on Tab. XIV, the 1 st Rt-letter has' sometimes (in place of the followed by Dagesh) as in ^D^fill (3 pi. Past) in place of Vlj9i3hPl,' and *?p3JY 3 s. m. Fut. in place of HJ23IV, and VTpfiH* 3 pi. m. Fut. in place of *Hj5fiIV. Note (i.) Although these three are the only Hithp* forms which occur from the Root 1p) (those given in the Table being merely- general Paradigm-forms), yet we may perhaps admit that it is allowable to assume and assert as some do that the -- [of the forms ^njp^Hn and *1j53JV and ^npSJV (which do not occur)] has been lengthened into the of ^pSJlPI and TDBIV and VlpBIV (the forms which actually occur), the followed by Dagesh being replaced by this . And, * There is also a Sothp. form npSnPT (3 pi. Past fr. Ipfi 1 K. xx. 27 and Eu. i. 47, etc. This is sometimes described as a Mixed Soph, and SO. form. SOME HITHPA-EL FORMS. 359 (ii.) In support of such an assumption it might be urged that the H6. forms are generally connected with Pi-el forms as may be seen in Table XI Y* ; and similarly in Tables XX & XXI. But (iii.) We are bound to admit also that the reverse may possibly have been the order of the actual process of formation viz. that the -r of the Hp3 (or *TS) & *Hp3 forms may have been resolved into the 'followed by Dagesh* of the ordinary forms, and that thus there may have been preserved in these rare forms a hint which may be useful in dealing with the general deriva- tion of Yerb-forms from simple forms of the First Yoice Kal. [But we may not indulge ourselves in thus theorizing here]. (8) The of the 2 d Rt-letter (in place of the usual ) in some H6 % Past-Tense forms was mentioned under the head of 'some Past-Tense forms/ 3 (6) above [p. 326]. (e) For some Pause-forms, with before a 2 d Rt-letter H bearing ^-, and also before Jl, see 166 (d). (f) The transposition of the T\ of T\T\ and a 1 st Rt-letter $f or &?, D, & > and moreover the replacing of * The Pi. Infin. form Tj^S is the generally underlying form in the JET0. But the Past and Imper. & Fut. HO. have not only the of the Tgjj form, but also the -=- of a 1|?3 form, whence the of the Pause-forms may be said to be obtained. t For the word rttBDOTn (fr. WW) Jer. xlix. 3, see 246. T * 2b 360 THE WORD jnittfc^. t it : the M by b after a 1 st Rt-letter , with some other HO. forms, were considered too important to be reserved for this late position at nearly the end of these 'Further remarks on Verb-forms' of which some are of but rare occurrence. This important matter was therefore placed in a special Note on pages 315-318, to which it is sufficient here to refer. (rj) (i.) The word PlIfiEO Prov. xxvii. 15 is generally said to be of 'Mixed' N. & HO. form, or Nithpaal, a Yoice-form which is common in Rabbinic, a kind of Passive form of H6., or having somewhat the same relation to HO. that N(f>. has to Kah (ii.) It is also said by some to be a Past-Tense form 3 s. ; but some have said that it is Partic. s./. In each of these last two cases the Accent should be on the last syllable, and so some copies have it. But there is high authority in favour of the Accent being on the Penultima, and also of the word being taken to be the Third Pers. Sing, of the Past Tense. In the *ftV 7/U/b the word is said to be Past 3 s. Masc. (referring to the word Wl\ but there is added " or it may be Partic. s. Fern., although the Accent is on the Penult." which however appears to be at least doubtful. (iii.) The word is more generally taken to be 3 s. Fern. Past. But (iv.) The form is a strange one for the Past 3 s. Fern, of a Yerb whose 3 d Rt-letter is H Quiescent, and no THE WORD 'tfffPt&i. 361 t it : one seems to have thought of explaining how the word can be such a Past 3 s. Fern. As such, fr. rW, it ought to be tTtftW^S in Pause for T IT T : iUHW#J [for nn^^ if, as is said, the is oitr' s.t : - : instead of followed by Bag. as in (7) above]. The shortening of such a form into JPftttfc^ is at least strange. It may perhaps be illustrated by the rare form * h$F\T\ 2 S. xxii. 27, for the tSfiSnfi it - it - : of the corresponding passage in Ps. xviii. 27. If we may suppose that in ordinary current speech the T\ between the 3 and the 7 of ytt^nft became transposed so as to be pronounced along with the nfn , and so /iSftft (the regular contraction for such a word as 7fittnM) was obtained, f similarly it might be possible for the second T\ of Jjlfiltt^ to have become transposed so as to be taken with the previous T\ . But this is not quite satisfactory ; and it would not account for the Accent being under the ft in JJWlM, as it is given by high authority in Prov. xxvii. 15. (v.) A very easy explanation of the word is possible if we may suppose that there is merely a transposi- tion i of the H and the ) of tnfWJ, which would T t it: * This is sometimes said to be of the Aramaean form Ittaphal. But from 7D3 we might expect rather 7FI2FIP) . It might however be supposed to be "borrowed" from a Eoot ^72 . But the Boot of the word in Ps. xviii. is pDD . The Tense form of each is 2 s. m. Fut. f It will be seen that one of the many /-letters in the word is thus got rid of. % There are several instances of such < Transposition' of letters, or ' Metathesis* as it is called. Thus we have both b03 and D6P3 a lamb, and both lytity and 362 THE WORD jftWJ. t it : be the regular Pause-form of the JV<. Past 3 s. /. {i.e. nniBO] from 1W. The iV<. of this Root does not indeed occur. But perhaps it is not more objectionable to assume an ordinary Niph-al form with one letter transposed, than it is to assume an extraordinary Nithpa-al* form one which as such cannot be satisfactorily explained except with great difficulty. (vi.) Let it be observed that it is JPVlftKO with the Accent v ' t it : on the Penultima which demands and is so diffi- cult! of explanation. (vii.) If the word be of NO. form, the ft stands in the place of the 1 st Rt-letter W in accordance with 'Note I (a, if on page 315. The word therefore belongs to that limited class of Verb-forms in which the Accent is on the syllable to which the First Rt-letter belongs. The great principle i"lft>> a robe, etc. So in Hos. x. 9 we have ni?JJ instead of the more usual rmy wrong; and so we have both niM Is. xxviii. 19 and niy.T Deut. xxviii. 25 & Ez. xxiii. 46 (and in a few other places Kri). So also we have both TViVFbtt Ps. lviii. 7 and JWpT\D Job xxix. 17, etc. Euphony might very well cause the labial 1 of nn^J to be removed from between the two more kindred letters W and 71 . The word illflKO is much more euphonious than nniKO . But this is merely offered as just possible ; we own that we have no authority for the conjecture. * Or * Mixed' N. Past the unusual form Dpi f 3 s. m., instead of the usual form in Tab. XX, if we must adopt one or other of the two i.e. either (a) or (b), we should prefer to say that (b) It might correspond with such a form as JPftfrp}:!: (Pause-form of PlSttp} J) fr. MD, the ending of which agrees with that of the usual N$. forms SM 3 s. m., n|D3 3 s./., in Tab. XX, which in Pause would be OD} 3 s. m., jrDD3 3 s. /. IT T T IT T Thus our word JfiMT:) would stand for tPfoftEO T IT : T IT ; Pause-form of ffil T l^, a form "borrowed" from t v- : a Eoot Y)$ having each 1 Consonantal. The Root in ordinary use is Hl^. "We have dwelt upon this difficult word at some length, not on account of the interest attached to itself, but for the sake of the opportunity offered by it for calling the Student's attention to some matters of general importance. We must be content with mentioning some other difficult words more briefly in the Analytical Index, and will now conclude this Section with the following Notes. * This might he illustrated hy the form PW1 Past K. 3 s./. (in JHW Ex. i. 16) which is not obtained directly from the common Eoot HTI but is " borrowed" from a Root *n the 2 d letter of which (i.e. the first *) must for this form he treated as being like the * in DMP whence the 3 s. /. Past K. is ntDb? 226 (i). And so nvn Partic. K. pi./. (Ex. i. 19) must be from "PI, like ri)ti& from D*fc 226 (ii). t As t^03, which was mentioned in Note (*) on p. 160. % This is merely a form. There ie no such word. VOICE FORMS ^S, ETC. 365 Note (A). Note on the VOICJE-Yomis hvh (or hV)Z) & Syb (or Wte). (a) (i.) The Yoice-form 7$?b instead of 7^3 is common in Yerbs which have the same letter for their 2 d & 3 d Rt-letter (Jj'j, Tab. XXII & Obs. XIX on p. 179). Thus as K. D. K. observes " fpfbft (whence Tib*} Hab. iii. 6) is of the form /!tfb\" s.e. of the 7$?b Yoice-form. (ii.) The h>Vb form of the Yerbs in (i), as ty/ty, Past 3 s. m. fr. 7 /$> Lam. i. 12, is related to the 713 form as the ordinary 7^3 is related to the 75J3 form. (iii.) So, too, the 7l?bnn form of the Yerbs in (i), as Tviinn? Infin. w. 7 fr. 7 /X Gren. xliii. 18, etc., is related to the 7^b form as the ordinary ^SUPl form is related to the 7^3 form. Comp. (ii) on p. 359. (fi) In the case of Yerbs )')f (Tab. XX), forms such as those in (a) are " borrowed," in place of 75?3 and 75?3 and T^ftPl forms. [But, if reckoned as from Yerbs \ JJ, these are 7/b and 7?b and vvbnH forms the 3 d Rt-letter being re- duplicated ; thus Dftip etc., and Dftipetc, and dJbipflPl etc., from Dip.] (7) In the case of " Full" Verbs also, a few hvh and Wb and y^brin forms occur. Thus, (i.) From H$ we have () The hvh form &p (Past 3 s. m.) he hath taken root, Is. xl. 24, and 866 VOICE FORMS bVh, ETC. (b) The hvh form &*&* (Past 3 pi., Pause-form) they are rooted, Jer. xii. 2. (ii.) As other instances of this 7tfb form, " according to the opinion of some of the grammarians," B. D. K. cites ypfffi 1 S. xxi. 3 (E.Y. v. 2, "I have ap- pointed"), Past 1 s.fr. JJT, but he adds, "some say- that the * is instead of the H of the H. VfiHIPl," and PlfcDSfe? Ju. iv. 4 she judged Past 3 s. /. (which may however very well be the Partic (1) K. s./.). B: D. K. also cites from MB* the hvh Partic. ^gfefe in ^3^7 Job ix. 15 (Partic. s. m. w. 7 pref. and Aff. my), (iii.) D^D^iS Am. v. 11 (Infin. w. Aff. your m.) is given by some as a 7%}h form from a Root DKD . It is perhaps better to take it (as others take it) to be from the Boot 0)1 . If so, the $ is in place of the first D of the form D^DDIS (Pi. or Po-lel form of v : - * Infin. as in Tab. XX w. Aff. your m.). See B. D. K., and Ben Zev, under the Boot D*D . (iv.) As an instance of Ttybnn form we may cite ^tfiinn fr. B$J (Past 3 pi.), in WWmj Jer. xxv. 16 corresponding to the form JtjbhflTfl which follows * This, so far as form is concerned, might be said to be the usual Pual Pause-form of Past 3 pi. the being lengthened into to compensate for the Dagesh which cannot be received by the 1 . But the sense in Jer. xii. 2 requires the word to be taken as above i.e. as a 7$1 corresponding to the 7JJ3 form, since the 7V3 of tjh*^ is used in the sense of " uprooting" thus ^KHKh Ps. Hi. 7 and He will uproot thee, Pi. Past 3 s. m. w. 1 pref. & Aff. thee m. and the 7JJ3 in the sense of " being uprooted, 1 ' thus J-")fchb>'! Job xxxi. 8 they m. shall be uprooted, Fut. Pu. 3 pi. m. in Pause, f Past 3 pl.,w. 1 pref., fr. Jfcj* VOICE FORMS bvh, etc. 367 it, and, from the same Boot, *&5fr (Fut. 3 pi. m.) Jer. xlvi. 8 although the ordinary form !05?H1V occurs just previously, in verse 7. Note. On j>X3& (Partic. s. m. fr. fiO) Is. lii. 5, R. D. K. writes (Shor. WO) that "it is properly f NblTD," ?'.e. of this mthpo-M form. He adds however " or it is compounded with the Pu-al" "We prefer this latter. But some object to this, and prefer to consider the word as of Hithpo-M form.* (S) (i.) The of the ytyb form is sometimes shortened into -rd ; thus we have the s. m. Partic. form *3BT43 fr. {/? with " 1 superfluous* ' (Ps. ci. 5), and with s at the end as in ' App* (B) to Tab. XIY " (). So in ^SriKfi t Job. xx. 26 the is 6, and the word may be (as E. D. K. gives it) a *#fe form of Fut. (3 s. /. w. Aff. Mm) fr. tafc (ii.) Some may perhaps think that the rare form Sp^rV in Jrl'WlTl Ps. xciv. 20 (which is usually taken as a shortened form of Pu-cbI Fut., see above, p. 348, 7) might possibly be a vtyb, or a v^b, form of Fut. with in place of the . The PI in Ps. xciv. 20 is of course the Interrogative prefix, and the T| at the end is the Affix for thee m. (comp. 185, ii). * It should be observed that E. D. K.'s interpretation (which some object to) is "based on the Ed. part, and is therefore only all the stronger if the Pa. part be rejected. t Some may suppose that this woud is connected with the common form tfPpfc&l (Fut. K. 3 s./. w. Aff. him) y with the - o of the form 'Nfi in place of the of the form 'fcfl. , Some also may suppose that the converse relation is the true ono. 368 SOME FORMS WITH 2 D RT-LETTER tf, Pi, H, OR $?. (e) There are some other ?^b forms, ior instance, i^hl *i*Vl Is. lix. 13 (Infin. Absol. fe, mn and fiJil) and Wi$ Is. x. 13 (Past 1 s., fr. nfc&=T\W). It will be sufficient to mention such in the ' Analytical Index.' (f) The word V?^}, which occurs in Is. lix. 3 and Lam. iv. 14, has been supposed by some to be a Passive of the "tyb form ?))h% corresponding to vtfh as 7#iD3 to 7^3 or byp 138 (A). This may be. But, since properly the 7^b form has 7VB for its corresponding Passive, perhaps it is best to say with others that the word is one of 'Compound' or 'Mixed* Yoice-form. There are several instances of such. A few of them are mentioned on pp. 177 & 178 above. Note (B). Some Verb-eorms op which the 2 d Rt-letter is tf , ft, pf> or J?. (a) Of these some Infinitives were mentioned in 2 (6) on pp. 321 & 322. 09) (i.) The forms tsk/H&f & VfflfelCJB'h were mentioned on p. 325, and VtbtiW & Wtbttti in Note OS) on Tab. XXY. ; but, as may be seen there, this occur- rence of in place of the usual is not limited to "Verbs of which the 2 d Rt-letter is X. (ii.) HgfTfrfl (Lev. xv. 31) H. Past 2 pi. m. w. 1 fr. ^Ptt, is a somewhat rare instance of contraction for * But VlH in Is. lix. 4 is of the usual 7Vp form. SOME EORMS "WITH 2 D Et-LETTER tf, M, H, OR }?. 360 (7) (i.) In ffl^jSb (1 S. xvi. 15) i>2. Partic. s. m. fr. fijfr w. Aff. thee (m.), for ^(J^S [ 183 OS)], the -T- of the 2 d Et-letter is merely as in Note () on Tab. XXYI [from the form TVWXb like WTjaSD, instead of fiTOllft]. (ii.) fin$ (Mai. i. 14) has been supposed to be contracted for the Hoph. Partic. s./. form MMfiPb fr. Wl^.* - v- ; t (S) (i.) For the Imper. forms HTSJtfi, W3ft, see pp. 331 & 332. (ii.) In TltlW (Job vi. 22) K. Imper. 2 pi. m. the 1 st Et-letter has (as in VlpS) before the of the H. This is unusual, since the 'Slight '-vowel in such cases usually agrees with the Compound Shva following it. "We have another instance of such NON-agreement in nhtf (Ruth iii. 15) K. Imper. 2 s. /. fr. ttlK, for which however some read ^tPltf in which there is the usual agreement, (iii.) In nagT (Nu. xxiii. 7) K. Imper. 2 s. m. w. H fr. DJ?T, the 1 st Et-letter has and the 2 d Et-letter ; this is a very unusual form instead of flMft or Jl/b^T vt -: - vt t: t (e) In i|PlT (Jer. xxiii. 12) Nfa Fut. 3 pi. m. fr. Hhl, there is before the H instead of the of the form T?*p fr. PI73 because the Fl prefers before it. Owing to this pre- ference of the n for , the Compensation for Dagesh F. is thus often not made in the case of H in order that a ~r may be retained before ijb as the Student already knows. * There is a similar contraction in Tn&l? (1 K. 1. 15) Pi. Partic. s./. fr. mtJ> or nrn^D; and so rDnD (Ez. iv. 3) has been supposed to be contracted for the l., (7) The Pi. Past 3 s. m. And (ii.) It occurs also sometimes in the HO. It may be observed that hi each of these instances the Partic. form may be taken to be in Construction/ Comp. p. 85 (5, iv) & (e). t We have also the full rpT* in Hab. i. 16, and n3]J1 2 K. xvi. 4 & 2 Chr. xxviii.4. SOME FORMS WITH 3* RT-LETTER ft, H, OR JJ. 371 Examples are given in Tab. XVI (3) which need not be repeated here. [Obs. (i.) The ( ) form is usual in Pause; but the endings Pi and JJ-r- occur even in Pause some- times. They must by no means be limited to instances in which there is close connection with a word following. They occur not only with Conjunctive Accents, but also with Dis- junctives and even with Pause- Accents. See examples in Tab. XVI (3), O)-(S), and Note (). (ii.) For HO. Pause-forms, see 166 (c) and Note (||) on Tab. XYI (3).] (C). In the 2 s. /. Past forms, corresponding to THp& E., Pi1p), N., etc., the 3 d Et-letter (when it is one of those special letters) generally takes a instead of the of the *1 in the termination-form TH ; thus, fiPlpS (instead of *fihth), etc., see Tab. XVI (3) (C). N.B. This may be recognized as not belonging to the word grammatically (but merely a mark or sign to help the pronunciation), by the presence of the Da- gesh L. in the P\ following. This Dagesh L. belongs to the P\ as preceded by Shva Quiescent, and its presence shows that the preceding letter is treated as one that has no Vowel. The therefore is treated as having no reality there. It is absent, in theory; but the * Some Bibles have Pinj2?l in 1 K. xiv. 3 ; and so some have JjinDK* in Jer. xiii. 25. Comp. Note (f ) on Tab*. XVI (3). 372 SOME FORMS WITH 3 D RT-LETTER Pi, ft, OR J?. Reader adopts it as a help to the pronunciation, practically.* (D) Instead of the ft -. forms of Partic. s. /., as JVlpb JT., v|vv THffi iV0., etc., these Terns have H as WW (p. tTOfc#) K. Partic (1) s./. fr. $;&?, and TP&m N$. Partic.f s./. fr. m&, etc. Note. These Yerhs (i) Generally are "Verbs Fut ( )" [ 132, N.B. 08)], and (ii) Generally take to the 2 d Rt-letter in the 2 s. m. & 2 pi./, of the Imper. { IT. and the 3 & 2 pi./. Fut. PL, H. f and HO. [The above is a re-statement of what is concisely given in Tab. XVI (3). The following few remarks may be added here.] (a) A less help than that mentioned in (C) above is some- times adopted, in place of Shva Quiescent under a Guttural. There a was seen to be adopted. A -r * Similarly a is adopted in the place of Shva Quiescent, to aid enunciation of a Guttural, in $> (Gen. iv. 23) E. Imper. 2 pi./., fr. fUyOK?, p. 86 (e). t Some take this word in Is. xxiii. 15 as a form of 3 s./. Past N. ending in fl ,- as rV?T 3 s./. Past E. p. 82 (7). It may perhaps he so. But there is no reason why it should not he taken (as others take it) for what it strictly is, viz. Partic. N. Fut. 3 s. m. fr. $g* w. 1 pref. and Aff. you (m.) for Daft?*! or BJgBh. (rf) nnpvl, Gen. xxx. 15, is supposed by some to be instead of \t>\ ( for $&) Past ^ 2 s -/- fr ' n p^' w - 1 P ref - It may perhaps be so. But strictly the word is the Infin. K. (ftftp) with 7 and 1 pref., see Note (A) on Tab. XIX. (e) So tnrDlfl, Gen. xx. 16, is supposed by some to be instead of Wti^ (for t^reM) Past N. 2 s. /. fr. J"D\ in Pause, w. ) pref. It may be so. But strictly the word is the Partic. iV^>. s. /. fr. )"D\ in Pause, with ) prefixed.] Note (D). A Remark on 230 & 231. With regard to the two forms of the K. Fut. 3 & 2 pi. /. viz. nj&jjn ( 230) and njWM? ( 231), it may be sufficient to remark that the former is the one which most strictly belongs to the Class of 'Verbs fy. The * of the ending Jl^ does not belong to this Class of Verbs, but rather may be said to be borrowed from Verbs of which the 3 d Rt-letter is Quiescent. Note (E). Remarks on 236 (7) & 237. (a) In 236 (7) & 237 we mentioned some Variations in regard to the position of the Accent in the case of certain forms of Verbs )'y. The Student should observe remarks on 236 (?)' & 237. 375 carefully the distinctions there pointed out.* We may- add here a brief remark on . the Variation in the position of the Accent which occasions sometimes the loss of those distinctions. At the risk of some repetition of what we have said already, we may perhaps call attention here to the following Great Rules : Rule I. The Accent of most Yerb-forms is (where nothing interferesf with it) on that syllable in which the Second Rt-letter is involved comp. 164 (KB.) and p. 363. * Thus: (njj K. Past 3 s./., ( TXOp r K. Partic (1) s./., the H-f having the Accent as in 139 (0) ; |ftt>1j? K. Imper. 2 s. m. with H ( 141, 7), nOrlp IT. Partic (2) s./.: /n?-1j5 K. Imper. 2 s./., ( *$*p K. Infin. with Aff. my\ t There are several cases of interference : "We must of course except (i.) The 2 pi. m. & /. of all Past Tenses ; the Accent is always on the DO & ifi (or DH & tn of Tabs. XXII and XXIII) in all Past Tenses of all Voices of all Verbs ; also (ii.) All forms in which the syllable involving the 2 d Rt-letter is further from the end than the Penultima, comp. Pt. I, 42 ; for example, in ttfbgn or *nb"j?n LTT fr. USD, etc.; and such forms as Dp1 from D-1p\ SD1 from 3D\'nBfa from 1W etc. TIT- 'lT> T{J- IT V IT C T> * Many forms also of he Verbs whose 2 d and 3 d Rt -letters are the same (Tab. XXI.), have the Accent o/ the syllable to which the First Rt-letter belongs ; thus nSD, '13D, H2D3, n3pn, etc., the 1 st Rt-letter being then also in the syllable in which the 2 d Rt-letter is inv.ived or implied. remarks on 236 (7) & 237. 377 with. Rule I, the Accent is on the last syllable* of the 2 b. m. Imper. K. ofl&fil with H ( 141, 7), thus #Tjp6 m which the p having Shva Moving belongs to that last syllable. Analogy therefore with the corresponding forms of 'Full* Yerbs, and general Analogy (it may be said) with all other Yerbs, is in favour of the Accent being on the il when attached to these Kal forms. And it is perhaps not surprising that, instead of following the special Rule (II) for the ' Yerbs whose 2 d Rt-letter is Quiescent,' some forms follow the general Analogy especially where* Rhythm, or Emphasis, or Euphony, may be aided by the Accentuation of the last syllable. Similarly in the case of the 2 s. /. and 2 pi. m. Imper. K, i*t$p and )ti)p, the Accent may be said to be properly Penultimate, in accordance with the special Rule (II) for these Yerbs. But sometimes the Accent is on the last syllable, as it is in such forms as *Tj3fi & flOS [Tab. XI Y], in accordance with general Analogy [Rule I]. (7) So also in the 3 s./. and the 3 pi. Past Kal y Pl/bp and )fcp t the Accent may be said to be properly Penultimate, in accordance with the special Rule (II) for these Yerbs. But sometimes the Accent is on the last syllable, as * We are dealing here with the ordinary simple forms, not Pause-forms. In Pause-forms, when the 2 d Kt-letter has a Vowel, this letter and vowel form a syllable on which the Accent is given (in accordance with Rule I), unless something inter- feres, as in 166 (e). t So v^ (comp. 225), which occurs several times, with the Accent on the Penultima, is once (Zech. ix. 9) noted SH^D i.e. with the Accent on the last syllable. 378 ON SOME FORMS OF PRON-AFFS. TO VERBS. in such forms as mt)S & FtDB in accordance with general Analogy. (S) And so too in Past-Tense forms which have the Accent on the Penult, properly, and in which with the 1 prefixed as in 160 the Accent is thrown upon the last syllable, there is the corresponding Variation : thus, from PD$ K. Past 3 s. /. of HIP, rOBh Is. xxiii. 17, but KMA vt t : T VT : Is. vi. 13. So Mjjfl fr. Jtojp. & W)j5] fr. WSgf^ ^1^1 fr. *W3t?\ etc., and so n&fc} fr. fiXS ; but also n*fc* S V VT T T VT T VT t andsoV^ttVfr^ma. VT 'IT [Note. In $*ftbl Gen. xix. 19 the Accent remains on *" l-T the Penult, in accordance with the exception in the case of Pause- Accents in 160.] Note (F). On some forms of Pron-Affs. to Verbs* I. It is usual to have (a) "With Past-Tense forms, the Affixes *}__ me, !)} us, D &sr) them (m.), J them (/.) ; (/3) With Imper. & Fut. forms, the Affixes \3_ me, !fl ws, D-jrr Oft ) them(m.), J-^ ^w (/.). II. But sometimes we find an Affix of the former set, viz. (a), after an Imper. or a Future form; thus, the unaccented D-r- of Dy^^ (Am. ix. 1, from the Imper. 2 s. m. ^3) may be sup- posed to be shortened from the accented D-^r [instead of the ON SOME FORMS OF PRON-AFFS. TO VERBS. 379 Q in what would be the regular form viz. Kftp^ comp. Tab. XXVII, Notes (a) & (0)]. -And so we have with a Future-Tense form sometimes D instead of D , J (rarely J ) instead of J-, ^ (p. t'J ) instead of ^_, !)J (rarely) instead of }} . Comp. Tab. XXVIII, Note (e, vi-ix). Thus B#|f^ (Ex. xxix. 30) K. Fut. 3 s. m. fr. #3^ w. Aff. them (ro.), instead of DBP3 a which would be the regular form [Tab. XXVIII, Notes (a) & ()].' So 338&g (Gen. xxix. 32) K. Fut. 3 s. fit. fr. nPfK w. Aff. roe, instead of WIK* which v" t v: v would be the regular form; and so JpS'lfi (Gen. xix. 19) K. Fut. 3 s./. fr. pan w. Aff. roe. So also WJU (Is. lxiii. 16) #<. Fut. 3 s. m. fr. ^J w. Aff. us, j0S*\ (Ex. ii. 17) Hcf>. Fut. 3 s. m. w. Aff. ^m (/.). jJYrT (Hab. ii. 17) H#. Fut. 3 s. ro. fr. nnri [for jftJV or "borrowed" in form from an unused Root nin], is a rare form ; for which, so far as the is con- cerned, it might be sufficient to refer merely to 165 (I, 8). So fr. run, % 3t ( Ex - xxxiii - 20 ) K ' Fut * 3 s * m ' w ' Aff - roe, but also *an (2 S. i. 7) ; and '^fiJ^ (Nu. xxii. 33) K. Fut. 3 s./. w. 1 Convers. & Aff. roe, but also t^SOfi (Job x. 18), and ^fcOfl (Jer. xii. 3) 2 s. ro. III. So the Past has the Aff. ^_- of the set (/3) in *JT^ (Is. viii. 11), but the ^_ of (a) in *MBJ (Ps. cxviii. 18) ; etc. 380 note (g). note (h) on GEN. II. 3. Note (G), Objective Pron-Affs. used 'Relatively? (a) A Pronoun represented by an Affix attached to a Yerb may stand, in connection with *\$tf before the Verb- form, for a Relative Pronoun in English, as in "A field M *\Tfo TB& which The-LoRD hath-blessed," lit. which it (m.) f Gen. xxvii. 27, etc. Comp. 27. (j3) The Pron- Affix by itself may also be rendered sometimes by a Relative Pronoun in English, the *1$tf being omitted as in 31 ; thus, " There be three things . . . , yea four (D*filH* re?) which I-know not" Prov. xxx. 18, lit. I know not them (m.). So DfWy (Is. xlii. 16) may be rendered " which I-have-done" and Is. xliii. 7 may stand thus, " Every-one who is called by My Name and (Vn&03) w ^om-I-have-created for My glory ; (VFH^) whom-I-have-formed, yea (VTVEW) whom-I-have-made." Note (H). As was said on page 237 the literal rendering of the words niW7 fcOSl [Gen. ii. 3], viz. "He created to make" or for the purpose of making, seems to bear a sufficiently clear and simple sense. There is no established phrase-use of the two words which at all interferes with our rendering the two words literally.f All that may fairly be said is that another form * For the see Pt. I, 72. f The literal rendering must surely be adopted in the somewhat similar expressions rtfe^2 ddj, riibyjz W^n, rra^ n-jv, nib^. *jv-)y, et <>- NOTE ON GEN. II. 3. 381 of rendering is possible, as we may try to show in this con- cluding 'NOTE.' (a) There are some Hebrew expressions consisting of a Tense- form and an Infinitive (with or without the prefix 7) which may be rendered by an English Adverb and Tense-form, the English Adverb corresponding with the Hebrew Tense-form, and the English Tense-form with the Hebrew Infinitive ; thus ^TD %MD*1 [Deut. xx. 8] and they shall speak again (lit. and they shall add to speak) ; nty tyfh *|Dk i& [Gen. viii. 21] I will not again curse any-more (lit. I will not add to curse any- more), and fii^rn nij? ftDfc N /) and I will not again any- more smite (lit. and I will not add any -more to smite); SiD nifcO 1 ? W9 n^n vb [Job vii. 7] my eye shall no more see good (lit. it shall not return to see) ; T\T\$ 7 M$K K 7 [Hos. xi. 9] i" will not any-more destroy (lit. I will not return to destroy) ; TVlH T\$2T\} HCfe [Gen. xxxi. 27] why didst thou flee secretly? (lit. why wert thou concealed with-regard-to fleeing ?) ; HPD? Tfo*V [Is. lv. 7] He will abundantly pardon (lit. He will multiply to pardon); T\)&yh DnjHPt [Jer. xvi. 12] ye have acted evilly (lit. ye have caused-evil as-regards acting); TWy*> JHttl [1 K. xiv.9] and thou hast acted evilly, or dealt ill ; etc. And so, without the prefix 7 before the Infin., Plpft *?tf fYlfrO [Ex. x. 28] see not again (or see no more, lit. add not to see); ibty )T?3Dn [Gen. xxxi. 28] thou hast acted foolishly (lit. thou hast-been-foolish as-regards acting); etc. 382 NOTE) ON GEN. II. 3 (y8) Similarly also in the case of a Participle and Imperative with an Infinitive; thus fi)Wy? Nv/^ [Ju.xiii. 19] and [he was] acting wondrously ; J3j? -l*flb [1 S. xvi. 17] playing well; ^PU7 D*fffi$tofl [Is. xxix. 15] ^o are hiding deeply; and so VWsh EfiTI [Am. iv. 4] transgress ye abundantly (lit. multiply ye to transgress) ; etc.* (7) SortfcW 1 ? *n!3in the expression Mi Wjjh D^K X13 *ffc Gen. ii. 3 may perhaps be taken to be an instance similar to those in (a). As a rendering of the whole expression we might then have " which God creatively made." But we cannot quite agree with the " produxit faciendo" adopted by Gesenius [Thesau. p. 236 (a)], nor with the "He created producing" given by Dr. Kalisch in his Note on Gen. ii. 3 [Comment, on Genesis, p. 83]. We prefer the literal rendering given on p. 237. * Sometimes after an Imperative another Imperative is used, as in 2D> 2-1 JJ? lie-down again (lit. return lie-down) 1 S. iii. 5 & 6 ; etc. N.B. (i.) This may be said to be but an instance of the not uncommon occurrence of two similar Verb-forms in Hebrew where a Verb with an Adverb may seem more natural in English ; thus ^JNtf fiSHX PD-IS^ I will again feed thy flock (lit. I will return I will feed) Gen. xxx. 31, 1)V W\>2$ ^DIN I will seek it yet again (lit. I will add I will yet seek it) Prov. xxiii. 35, "''H^nri -l^nF) ?K speak not so-much (lit. multiply ye not that ye speak) 1 S. ii. 3. And so with 1 Convers. WW*) 2^*1 and again he sent (lit. and he returned and he sent) 2 K. i. 11, D^PIEITVI 2-lfc^X I will again compassionate them (lit. I will return and will compas- sionate them) Jer. xii. 15. (ii.) The two Verb-forms, in some few instances, are of different Persons ; thus, we have the 2 s. /. and the 3 pi. m. Future forms in the address to the daughter of Babylon "l WTj?* ^p'in K? they shall no-more call theef, (lit. thou shalt not add that they shall call thee) Is, xlvii. 1, etc. VOCABULARY. r* # * ^his Vocabulary contains merely a few words, some of which are not always given in the Notes to the Exercises. The little that is said about these words here will be sufficient, it is hoped, to enable the Student to work through the Exercises. Other words, which are sufficiently given in the Notes to the Exercises, need not be repeated here.] n (m.) a father, Tab. XIII. 1. 0*138 Abram. Orn"f8 Abraham. 0*!K (m.) Adam, man. D'-IK ( m .) Edom. >m Lord, The Lord. Bilg Oh! Alas! n^seep.92(52). ittt (m.) light. Ct) T< then ^{f) an ear, Tab. XI; Dual Egqy, Tab. VII. m (m.) a brother, Tab.XIII.2 ninx (/.) a sister, Tab. XIII. Note (f, a). "ID^ [m.) another. \% (p. TO nothing, P8 there is not, Tab. XIII, Note (J, 8). B*K (m.) a man, each one, any one. i\K but, only. *?K not, Obs. I & IV, p. 93. *?$ to, Tab. IV. *?8 (m.) God, with Aff. ^ my God. r&8 A*w (w &/.), p. 28. D^rpK (m.) God, a plur. Noun, (also gods), w. Affs. ^n? fos, etc. *W ( m < thousand, Tab. X. 1, Dual DJB^. (DK*y.) 0$ (/.) a >#**, w. Affs. " fc>K, etc. Plu. niBtf. UK JRAip, Tab. I. Note 6. ttfl3*| *, p. ^^, Tab. I. ^/, p. :*?{$,' Tab. I. ^ /. *]$ also, moreover. *\# (m.) anger, i.e. the same, w.Affs.iSK, etc.* NIBK now. *Q? (m.) a cedar. * Also a nose, nostril, Dual D)SK nostrils. 384 VOCABULARY. P.* (/) earth t land, (p. iy, and n 5 ?? w. n .X.l. grass. * This is perhaps best taken to be a Kal form, like *flp3. Some, however, think it to be a Pi-el Infin. like lp&, bnt with to compensate for the Dagesh which the "I cannot receive. '1312/ is Infin. Pi-l (with ? pref. & Aff. him) in 'D*11>1 2 S. viii. 10 & 1 Chr. xyiii. 10 ; and so it is best to take it in 1 S. xiii. 10, but the omission of Metheg there (in some Bibles) might be claimed by some as supporting their opinion that the word is Infin. Kal. VOCABULARY. 385 ffa (m.) fat, rich food, Tab. X. 2. 7211 (m.) Abel, a breath. HjfyD the [country'] Bashan. %} (/) Eagar. Dip a footstool, 'i.e.' the same. IHn A*, Tab. I. K1H *** Tab. I, Note (1). fcOn^,Tab.I;32(II),94. n\T tf be, etc., pp. 276-278. nn,Dn they (.), Tab. I. flDil (m.)a multitude, i.c.P^D.. n.3n ;n fo/rf/, &/. W *% (/.), Tab. L nSH. hither. pn)"in (w.) K3 #$, also when, TQ3 (7w.)taor,^^ry,i.c.nn3. 13 (m.) a pitcher, w.Affs.ns, etc. 386 VOCABULARY. nb thus. ID 3 (m.) a priest. D13 a cup. 12$ "Y)3 the furnace of affliction. . Db (m.) strength ( 74, a). *?/or, because, that. ?3 all (?| when unaccented), w.Affs.ib, etc. 13 so. !M? OmMii (p. !$}?). ^3 (/.) map, Dual D;fi)|. "TO? (^.) a harp. )D3 (w.)s7^r(pJ*|D3)Tab.X. Note (*). *15 7^^, w. AfFs. iS5, etc., Dual DJS3. D^.3 a vineyard, Tab. X. 1. &6 wo*, Obs. II & III, p. 93. EN? (m.) a people, nation, pi. a!? (.) a **w* f w. Affs. to 1 ?, etc., pi. nia 1 ?. a$ (.) jbr^ f w. Affs.bn>, etc., pi. n'm^. arf? (at.) flame, pi. B*}$ i.c.^n 1 ?. run? (/.) }fa*, i. c . raq^, pi. rrarfe i.e. nbq^. DnS ( m .) bread, Tab. X. 1 ' (Sing.)- riJ5 (.) m>^ (p. m?3). 15^ therefore. T\tp? why ? wherefore ? ^h to them (m.), Tab. II. 2. Ufwffof' ever. D^S 1 ? fo/or* (i.e. D*3$/3KD (k)jM, "^HP wilderness, i.c. "1319. TO'JflJp, Ktywhat?, p. 29. ngl3 (p.l41)S^.Partic.s./, fr. JH*, [a thing'] mads known. ( 92, 7). J7<^>. cause to die, or .#?& to death. H3QO (.} a fos, i.c. n^.. > wAo .*, p. 29. P.*9 (p. tt8) wifor, wato, Lc.*. n ^^K/-)^^,w.Affs.W3^p, njKTtJ j etc. ; comp. 74 (/.). ^ a king, Tab. X. 1. *VJP (/) <"* offering. *V? bitterness, bitterly. HI^D Moses. n$$pt? a sfef j w . Affs. &$$?, etc. N3 wo^ I pray, we pray. D$w7A(E.V.), lit. [w] said-of (or #y). *t33 before. *H3 lamentation. ?D3 (#&.)# iroo^, valley. VB3 comp. p. 172 (0). 1ft a Joy (p. n!). 0$ (/) *>*, Tab. X. 1 (for the Sing.); Plu. rrietej, Tab. XII. 2. Q|53 vengeance. "inp a hiding-place, secret-place. "H?? (^0 servant, Tab. X. 5. VOCABULARY. 387 "toy to pass, pass over, go be- yond, transgress. 3J an organ. *W unto, until. T!3? {m.) a flock, herd, w. Affs. n% etc. *1W y, *f77, fowy while, utiy eternity, ever. py (m.) iniquity, pi. JlWijJ. W (/-> rarely w.) aw ^ye (p. m-Tab. XIII. Note (J, a & /3). "*$ (/.) a city, pi. Dny. *^afoe, also distress. &P (i.) ^/wm, with Affs. ^, etc. Tab. XI. pel? (m.) ftft& 195 (.) &V&, etc., 76 (iii). nan fo m^ &ai j 'a nan & ^ atf (p. 204). WX1 (m.) a head, plu. D^frO. nil") (/.) ten thousand, amyriad, pi. ninn-], i.e. nteyi. Bji (w.) m w*7, sometimes " nu J - * ] used Substantively, *<" ( "m7." PSh thunder (p. Jt^J). VKH wickedness, Tab. X. 4 (p.3#3). tfH a ?wW aw iV0. 1J0 swear, U(j>. to W see 108> "*? Beersheba. 388 VOCABULARY. W (m.) a song. \rhv (m.) a table nb?^ Solomon. HD^ for why 9 [p. 24, Notes (a) & (*)]. D> (w.) a name [Tab. XIII. Note (a)J. ME>> thither (sometimes also rendered there). ta>, *$, see D#. DJ^ (m.) heavens, heaven, ( P .:D>_),i.c.W. ^ & ^, &}!?#, &>, see W (m. & /.) Sun (p. 8*0$). d?2^ (i.e. ^f ) toft, p. as*- . nab> % i.e. ns'f , DualDjns'^ (p.^_)i. c .W. '^^MsacMoth. rfe jtf-iww, pi. d*1G?, i.c. n& Dinri (w. &/.) a deep, an abyss, pi. nbna *I}P| ifc, i.e. $8, w. Affs. 'Din, etc. "Tift a m0, sm^s, and so a band of things, as a string of beads and such like. Also, "Ttfi a turtle-dove. n?QJp (f.) prayer. W 389 A BRIEF ENGLISH-HEBREW VOCABULARY. [Note. This Vocabulary contains only a few words which, are omitted sometime? in the Notes to the English-Hebrew Exercises.] AbramD-pK. Abraham WJH3S. All fe, see Vocab. p. 386. And,* 1 prefix ( 3, pp. 1 & 2). As, 3 prefix ( 4). As he (or I, thou, etc.) see Tab. II (3). see Tab. XIII (2). Brethren, Brother, By, 3 prefix ( 4). Cast, To, j& Mph. Command, A, H1VP. Command, To, m Pi. (the ) being Consonantal). Edom D*n (m.). Esaul^. ' For (Conjunction), *?. For (Preposition), ? prefix ( 4). From, prefix ( 5), also tp. From him (or me, tbee, etc.) see Tab. II (4). God, D^Cv^ declined like the Plural tmrf i n ' Tab. V. For the forms with prefixes see pp. 2 (Note t, ii) & 3 (Note f, ii). Hand *TJ Vocab. p. 385, also p. 46 (0- He m\ Tab. I. House JV3 Tab. XIII (3). IfDK. Impress, To, V& PL as in Tab. XIV In (Prepos.), 3 prefix ( 4). In him (or me, thee, etc.) Tab. II (1). Israel ^rfr.. It (/.)**. It(m.)K-in. Jacob npig. Joseph Plpi\ Like, 3 prefix ( 4). Like him (or me, thee, etc.), Tab. II (3). Many, Much, 2"] (Sing.), D|b (Plu.). Mischief mn (/.), [for p. 220, line 4]. More-than, D pref. ( 5), also ID. More-than he (or I, thou, etc.) B Tab. II (4). Moses ngto. * N.B. The only means of rendering into; Hebrew an English PAST-Tense preceded by "and" (as in "And he visited*') is by means of a Hebrew Future with 1 Conversive (thus 1pD?l) 154 Rule III (p. 101) & 161 (2) (p. 104). 390 No*6. Not *6. Not (Deprecative) *?$, Obs. IV p. 93. On Vy._ With Tab. IV (2). Pron. -Affs. see Tass, Pass-over, To, ISP (Fut. --). People, A, Dy Vocab. p. 387. Pharaoh Wjfi. Say, To, b K p. 128, etc. Comp. Tab. XVII. Saying (**& see Tab. XVII, Note f, ii). Sell, To, IDD (Fut. ). Send, To, nfe : Kal (Fut. ). Send-away, To, th& Pi. She N\n Tab. I. Soul B>BJ Vocab. p. 386. Take, To, npfc Tab. XIX. Note (A). Than he {or I, thou, etc.) B (Tab. II, 4). That (Conjunction) *? . That \ (Demonstrative). See 32, & > p. 28 ; and {Adjectivally - This ) Demonstrative) 94, p. 58. They CD (.) & W (/), Tab. I. Thou 7\m ( OT .) & m (/.), Tab. I. Thus n'3 . To, h prefix ( 4> To him {or me, thee, etc.) Tab. II (2). To-day, (Hebrew the day) Di'D. Two, see p. 62. Upon, hy w ith Pron.-Affs. Tab. IV (2). Voice TIP* Water D?, Vocab. p. 386. What? np. 29. Where? ng. Where ( 30), p. 23. Whether? n prefix ( 7). Who? *9, p. 29. Who, whom (Relative) 12>$, pp. 21-23. Whose ? See p. 29. Whose (Relatively). See pp. 22, etc. Word W Tab. IX. INDEX OF PASSAGES OF THE HEBREW BIBLE WHICH ARE CITED IN THE PRECEDING PAGES. NOTE. In this 'Index' the Chapters and Verses are those of the 'Hebrew' Bible. Also The order in which the Books are arranged here is the order in which they stand in the 'Hebrew' Bible. It may be well for the Student to be familiarized with this order. A Table of the 'Order of the Books' is given on the following page. 2d 392 TABLE OKDER OF THE BOOKS m THE HEBREW ' BIBLE. (I.) Pentateuch. 1 . Genesis. 2. Exodus. 3. Leviticus. 4. Numbers. 5. Deuteronomy. (II.) Peophets (earlier and later). 6. Joshua. 7. Judges. 8 and 9. Samuel (1 and 2). 10 and 11. Kings (1 and 2). 12. Isaiah. 13. Jeremiah. 14. Ezekiel. [Minor Prophets (xn)]. 15. Hosea. 16. Joel. 17. Amos. 18. Obadiah. 1 9. Jonah. 20. Micah. 21. Mmm. 22. Habakkuk. 23. Zephaniah. 24. Haggai. 25. Zechariah. 26. Malachi. (III.) Hagiogbapha, 27. Psalms. 28. Proverbs. 29. Job. 30. Song of Songs. \ 31. Ruth. J The 32. Lamentations. > five 33. Ecclesiastes. \ Rolls. 34. Esther. / 35. Daniel. 36. Ezra. 37. Nehemiah. 38 and 39. Chronicles (1 and 2). INDEX. Genesis PAGE Genesis PAGE i. i . .. 43, 226, 23O ii. 15 .. 24I, 242 i . .. 226, 230 16 . .. 242 3 .. 226 17. .. 242, 243, xviii. (of 4 .. 221, 226 Tables) 5 .. 227, 234, 235 (twice) 18 . .. 243 6. .. 225, 227 19 . 135, 243 7 .. 227, 228 20 . 243 8 . .. 228, 234 21 . .. 243, 244 9 .. 65, 228, 312 22 . .. 244 IO . .. 228 23 .. 244 ii . .. 221, 228 24 .. 244 12 . .. 229 25 245 13 .. 229, 234 iii. 1 . 237. 245, 253 14 . .. 229 2 . 245 15 .. 229 3 245 16 . .. 230 4 . 245 i7 230 5 . 245, 246, 256, xviii. (of 18 . 230 Tables) 19 . .. 230, 234 6. .. 128, 246, 247 20 . ..230 (twice) 7 .. 248 21 . ..230 (twice), 231 8 . . 237, 248 22 . .. 231 9 . 248 23 231, 234 10 . .. 248 24 . .. 231, 232 11 . . 249 25 .. 232 12 . 249 26. 232, 255 13- 249 305 27 . .. 230, 232, 255 14 . . 249, 250 28 . 233 I" . 250 29. 233 16 . . 250, 324 30 233 i7 . 250, 251 . 3i 227, 234 18 . . 251, 252 11. 1 . 236 19. .. 252 2 . .. 236 20 . .. 252 3 .. 236, 380 21 . .. 252 4 237, 238 22 . . 224, 253, 257, 258, 259 5 ..238, 239 (twice) 23 . 259 6 . .. 238, 239, 240 24 . 237. 259, 260 7 i35 240 iv. 23 . . 86, 122, 372 8 . .. 240 v. 1 . .. 79 9 .. 240 5 .65 10 . .. 241 29 . . 271 11 . .. 23*84, 241 vi. 3 . .- i55 12 . 2 [Note (t, iv)] .. J 9 5 13 .. 241 vm. 3 . ..78 14. .. 241 5 .. 78, 234 (twice) 394 Genesis PAGE viii. 7 . .. 322 12 . 139 . 13 .. 234 (twice) n .. 139, 286 ii . ..381 ii . .. 224 ix. i\ . i35 x. 25 . . 229 xi. i, 6 . ..65 3 . 88 7 . 24, xxx (of Tabic xii. i . . 260 i . . 261 3 . 261, 161 4 . 161 5 .. 161, 165 6. . 263 7 . 263, 264 8 . . 264 9 . 78, 264 IO . . 264 ii . . 264, 165 12 . . 265 13 265 14 . 265 15 . 265, 266 16. . 266 i7 . 266 18 . . 266 19 . . 266 20 . .266 xiii. 3 . 253 15 23 xiv. 18 . . 139. 232 xvi. 10 . 324 11 . .178 12 . 54 xvii. 4, 5 . .. xii. (of Tables) 16. 255 xix. 4 . . 1 13. 238 8 . .58 9- .78 15 59 19. 378, 379 xx. 7 . . 279 l k' . 129 i<5. 374 xxi. 23 . .23 xxii. 2 . 23, 67 12 . . 103 i7- 324 xxiii. 6 . . xxxn (of Tables) xxiv. 5 . 6, 23 15 239 16 . 5o 30 . 105 43 59 45 . 239 (twice) 59 *35 Genesis PAGE xxiv. 61 . 137 xxv. 8 . .. 129 16. 59 23 3 16. .. 35 xxvi. 3 . .. 260 .. T 3 78,81,319 xxvii. 19 . . xxiii (of Tables) 27 . .. 22, 380 29. .. 191 37. .. rii. (of Tables) 41 . .. 117 xxviii. 13 . 23 xxix. 20 . 65 32 379 xxx. 15 . 374 30 . 255 31 . 382 xxxi. 5 . 253 7 . 346, 354 27 .381 28 . 38r 30. . 82, 338 39- . 84, 346, xvii. (of Tables) 40 . . 292 .. 4 2 253, 255 xxxii. 1 . .. iv. (of Tables) 5 . 128 11 . 255 18 . . 29 20 . . xviii. (of Tables) xxxiii. 11 . . 169, 275 . r 3 . 179 xxxiv. 27 . 43 28 . 43 xxxv. 15 . 105 xxxvii. 33 . . xxxvi. (of Tables) xl. 20 . 323 xii. 23 . 5i 34 105 43 78, 35o 50 . . 229 5i . 306 56. . 229 xlii. 28 . 23 xliii. 16 . 24, 372 18 . 365 xliv. 16 . 3^5 33 137 61 . 137 xlvi. 3 .. 323 xlvii. 11 .. .137, xxiv. (of Tables) 21 . 35o xlviii. 9 . . xxxviii. (of Tables) 22 . .67 xlix. 10 . 342 11 . . 84, 232, xii and xvii. (of Tables) 12 . 54 395 Genesis PAGE Exodus PACTS xlix. 22 173 xxxvi. 1 xl. 32 .. iii. (of Tables) Exodus .. 80 i. 10 .. 88 Leviticus 16 173, 278, 364 iv. 13 ..67 '7 .. 287 23 .. 281, 288 . x 9 ..i73 279, 364 .. xl. (of Tables) 28 . .. 288 ii- 3 v. 22 . .. iii. (of Tables) 4 i33 323, xxiv. (f Tables) vii. 14 . ..67 . 2 3 .. 179 9 .. 295 XI. 44 . .. 326 . x ? 379 xii. 2 . 275 iii. 2 . 83, 330, xv. (of Tables), xiii. 2 . ..67 xvii. (of Tables) 55 .. 178, 318 18 . 54 56. .. 178,318 iv. n . 154 xiv. 41 . .. 100 v. 21 . .. xxvi. (of Tables) 42 . .. 162 vi. 28 . .. 342 43 342 vii. 18 . .. IOJ xv. 31 . .368 27 . 330 xvi. 1 . . 80 ix. 3 . 277 . 2 9 234 23 . 116 xvii. 13 . . 100 x. 3 340 xviii. 25 . 3" 8 . 29 28. .311 (twice) 28 . 137, 38i xx. 7 . . 326 xii. 9 . 3i9 xxi. 5 . . 88 21 . . 86 xxiii. 22 . . 81 22 . . 101 xxv. 18 . . 101 xiii. 21 . . 296 21 .. . 172 xiv. 3 . . 160 48.. .67 4 . 88 xxvi. 18 .. . 342 21 . 137 34 2ir, 356 XV. 2 . 5 293 . xliii. (of Tables) 35 43 356 356 11 . 17 . iii. (of Tables) 275 Numbers 20 .. .285 i. 18 .. .358 xvi. 14 . . 176 ... 47 - .358 23 .. . 170 m. 16 .. . 104 xviii. 26 .. 85, 336 iv. 23 .. 123 xix. 13 .. . 288 v. 22 .. 79 xx. 13, 17 .. 103 vii. 2 .. 8 *c 19 .. 93 viii. 7 .. . 3l6 25 . 161 24.. . 123 xxi. 19 .. 342 ix. 13 .. 253 28 .. 78 xi. 12 .. . 6 37 '. . 114 15 . i. (of Tables) xxii. 8 .. .89 16.. xxiii. (of Tables) xxiii. 4 .. 328 xiii. 19 .. . iii. (of Tables) 25 . 102 . 2 l" .23 xxv. 5 .. 347 xiv. 10 .. 322 31 171 24.. 23 xxix. 30 .. 379 3i . 274 35 . iv. (of Tables) 45 355 xxxiii. 3 .. xliii. (of Tables) xv. 35 .. .78 20 .. 379 xvi. 5 .. 138 xxxiv. 33 .. 80 26.. 58 xxxv. 25 .. 280 xvii. 28 ... 370, xxu. (of Tables) 26 .. . 280, iv. (of Tables) xx. 3 .. 370 396 Numbers PAGE Deuteronomy PAGE xx. 5 .. .58 xiv. 21 .. 225 xxi. 27 . 317 i . 78 30 .. .288, xliii. (of Tables) XV. 2 . 36 xxii. 11 . . xxx. (of Tables) 18 . .89 12 .. . iv. (of Tables) xvii. 12 .. .85 17 . xxx. (of Tables) xix. 5 .. .67 18 .. 55 XX. 2 .. . xviii. (of Tables) 28 .. . 298 8 . .381 30 .. 23 xxi. 7 .. . 82 33 379 8 .. 178, 318 xxiii. 7 .. . 86, 369 11 .. .46 12 .. 59 xxii. 1 . . xii. (of Tables) 13 . xxxviii. (of Tables) 14 .. .285 26 .. 93 24 .. 179 xxiv. 3 .. . 83, xvn. (of Tables) xxiv. 4 .. .178 7 304, 317 xxvi. 1 .. . 104 17 .. . IOI 12 .. . 66, 79, 120, 3+9 XXV. II .. 346 xxviii. 25 .. 362 xxvii. 16 .. 105 4 8.. 35o xxxii. 7 .. 293 52 .. 51 11 .. 346 57 . 284 12 .. 346 59 . vi. (of Tables), 17 .. 163, 274 xxxii. (of Tables) 30 . 129 xxxi. 27 .. 277 42 .. . iii. (of Tables) xxxii. .. .211 (twice) xxxiv. 7 .. 3i3 8 .. 349 8... 3'3 13 135 10 .. 3H 18 .. . 306 xxxv. 8 .. 5 21 .. 346 16'.. .156 28 .. 327 20 .. 334 36- . 82 41 .. 54 Deuteronomy xxxiii. 8 .. 3o i. 19 .. 58 16.. 273 38- .85 21 .. .271 44 355 Joshua ii. 9 .. . 158 ii. 6 .. . 211 21 .. 179 8 .. .238 iv. 1 .. 3*4 13 . xii. (of Tables) 8 .. . 21 in. 17 .. 349 10 .. . 88 iv. 3 .. 349 15 342 24 .. . 287 16.. .89 v. 5 . 163 34 -.3 vi. 17 .. 82, 352 v. 24 .. . i. (of Tables) 22 .. .85 vi. 17 .. . 88 23 " .85 vii. 8 .. . 80 vii. 7 .. ii9 349. 352 24.. 35o ix. 4 .. 3i5 viii. 3 .. .82 12 .. .315 9- . 22 x. 13 .. 59 14 .. 59> 285 17.. . 34i 16 .. . 59, 82 24 .. . 59, 82 ix. 19 .. i*3 xi. 14 .. 35o 21 .. 105 xiv. 8 .. . 172 28 .. 3" xviii. 20 .. 114 x. 19 .. . 102 xxii. 9 .. 129 xi. 14 .. 288 25 .. 286 xiii. 4 .. xii. (of Tables) xxiii. 5 .. 334 n .. .285 15 . iv. (of Tables) 397 Joshua PAGE 1 Samuel PAGE xxiv. 8 .. 275 vii. 17 .. .81, II 3 10 .. .384 x. 6 . 291, 317 7 273 Judges J 3 . 291, 317 ii. i .. 103 xii. 1 .. 105 iii. 16 .. . xii. (of Tables) 13 325 iv. 4 .. . 366 xiii. 10 .. .384 v. 4 .. 322 15 341 8, 12 . .86 19 .. . 82 14 .. . iii. (of Tables) 21 . . xii. (of Tables) 26 .. . 88 xiv. 22 . 355 28 . . 280, 344 24 . . 269 vi. 15 . 52 27 . 155 32 157 34 . xii. (of Tables) vii. 4 . 53 xv. 23 . 35o viii. 2 . 3 xvi. 15 . 369 16. 43 17 274, 382 22 . . xv. (of Tables) xvii. 11 . 58 ix. 10 . . 86 25 355 53 . 104 35 . 120, 326 xi. 25 . 338 35 . 326 xiii. 2 . 42 47 138 6,7. .178 55 .46 8 . 348 . 58. 29 19 . 382 xviii. 3 . . 80 xiv. 8 . . 158 29 . 286 xvi. 10 . 346, 354 xix. 24 . .. 104 i3 15 346, 354 xx. 6 . 77, 338 16. 346 28 . 338 xvii. 2 . . i. (of Tables) 40 . . 227 3 78 xxi. 3 . 329, 366 xviii. 22 . 355 10 . . 28 xix. 5 . 85, 113, 33* 14 . 3i3 8. 332 xxii. 2 . 173 11 . 133 xxiii, 28 . .. 4 "3 . 160 20 . -46 20 . 154 xxiv. 19 . .. i. (of Tables, twice) 25 . 286 21 . ..78 xx. 39 . 338 xxv. 5 . 325 45 355 7 35i 8 . .. 272 1 Samuel 18 . ' 2 9? , A . x i. 1 . . 42 34 ..273 (twice) 14 . ..89 xxvi. 13 . 53 26 . .. iv. (of Tables) xxviii. 7 . ..46 28 . 3*5 8 . ..86 ii. 3 382 15 -335 13 3* 24. .. 270 15 .. 88 XXX. 22 . .. no 16. .. 78, 88 xxxi. 2 . 355 22 . .. 89 28 . ..78 2 Samuel iii. 5, 6 . ..382 i. 7. 379 7- .. 239 26. .. 82 vi. 9 . 255 ii. 22 . .. 299 10 . .. 300 iii. 11 . .. 80, 286 12 . .. 178 iv. 8 . .. 328 vii. 2 . .. 293 *o . .. 253, 254 14 155 v. 12 . 34, 344 398 i Samuel PAGE 1 Kings l'AUIS vi. i . .. xxiii. (of Tables) xix. 14 34* 6, 9 . .. 129 20 H4 333 20 . ..170 xx. 27 -358 viii. io . ..384 3i - 54 ad. 24 . ..289 (twioe) 41 . .. 158 xii. 8 . - 137 xxi. 29 *75 u . 34* xxii. 41 . *35 xiii. 8. .. 156 18. .. 88 2 Kings xiv. a . .. 277 i. 11 . .. 38* I: .. 272 ii. 10 . 83, 330, xv. (of Tables), ..299 xvii. (of Tables) ii . :t? iii. 14 . .. 260 .. *3 iv. a . .. iii. (of Tables) XVII. II . .. 129, 340 16 . .. i. (of Tables) 16 . .. 154 22 . ..67 22 . ..67 v. 18. - 3*4 xviii. i . .. 104 vi. 7. '57 8 . .. 163 ... I0 - 137 16. .. 4 vm. 1 . .. i. (of Tables) . *5 .. 81 ix. 2 . .. 274 nx. 38 . *57 18 . .. v. (pi Tables) .. 290 xx. 10 . .. 101 . 33 . ** .. 281 XI. 2 . 135 xxi. 6 . 373 346 xii. 1 . " ^ 9 xxii. 2 . xiii 17 . . 289 26. .316 xiv. 22 . .. 79 27. .361 xv. 16 . .. 5 ... 4i .. xxvi. (of Tables) xvi. 4 . 37o XXlll. I . . 161 7 ..163 6. . 292 .. '5 . 310 xxiv. 10 . 353 XVII. 4 . . 118 1 Kings 15 33 "3 . 103 i. 15 . 369 xviii. 32 . 103 ii. 20 . i57 xix. 2 . .274 27 . 4 xxi. 3 .. 343 in. 12 . *53 xxii. 20 . .3*8 11: 135 xxiv. 20 . 35o . 104 xxv. 1 . *35 vi. 19 .. vii. 16 .. . xxvi. (of Tables) 134 Isaiah viii. 9 .. . 294 i. 2 . . 105 . 37- .158 3 . 105 IX. II .. 344 ii. . 89** 28.. . 105 16.. .316, xv. (of Tables) 39- 345 20 .. . 105 xii. 3, 12 .. . 272 21 .. . 84, xvii. (of Tables) xiii. 7 .. 33* ... So- . v. (of Tables) , 33 . 229 iu. 6 .. . iii. (of Tables) XIV. 2 .. . i. (of Tables) .371, xxii. (of Tables) 16 .. -07,345 3 v. 19 .. 5,6'.. 33o vi. 9 .. .78 9.. .381 10 .. "3 12 .. . 272 .. *3 :H 8 xv. 25 .. . *35 vii. 9 .. xvii. 14 .. . xxvi. (of Tables) 11 .. . 322 ... *3 .285 14 .. . xxxii. (of Tables) xviu. 27 .. .346 15 - .78 399 Isaiah PAGE viii. ii 379 '7 .. 3" . 2 3 .. 41 ix. 9 . 113 19. . 104 x. 13 ..368 17 .. xii. (of Tables) 32 .. 295 xi. 9 . 323 xiii 18 . 345 xiv. 3 . 4 8 . -85 23 .. 280 26. 5 27 . .. 113 xv. 5 . .. 113, 176 xvi. 13 . .. 105 14 . 105, 153 xyii. 8 . 5 10 . 336 xviii. 2 . 347 4 88, 334 7 347 xix. 3 . . xxx. (of Tables) ! 35i 6. . 177 16 . . 101 XX. 2 . . 105 xxi. 3 . 33o 12 . . 271 17 i5 xxii. 3 . 34i xxiii. 8 .. 34* 9 34i 11 . 79 15 234, 372 17 .. 378 xxiv. 2 .. 3 55 3 . 105 xxv. 6 .. 173 xxvi. 7 .. 139 19 .. i79 xxvii. 4 .. 88, 334 (twice) 8 .. 281, 307, 308 10 .. "3 12 .. 105 xxviii. 12 .. . 267 17 .283 19 .. 3 62 27 .. 356 xxix. 6 .. 329 9- . 176 14 .. . 328 15 . 382 XXX. I .. . iii. (of Tables) 2 .. . iii. (of Tables) 6 .. I79 - 12 .. . xviii. (of Tables) 28 .. 295 Isaiah PAGE xxx. 29 . .. xv. (of Tables) 30. 329 . 33 329 xxxi. 4 . .. 123 5 349 xxxii. 2 . .. 320 3 .. no 9 .. 122 11 . 320 xxxiii. 1 . 356 9 253 10 . -318 12 . M5 14 . .. 329 20 . .. 113 xxxiv. 9 . 329 XXXV. 1 . 154 4 374 XXXVI. II . 93 ... x 4- 305 xxxviii. 5 . . 328 19. . 282 xl. 5. 105 24. 365 xli. 5. .. 271 7 . 114 15 .. xii. (of Tables) 23 173 25 . 271 xlu. 5 . 37o 16. 380 18. .46 20 . . 170 xliii. 7 . .380 8. . 286 ' xat. J; 134 . 289 18 . . 162 21 . 3& 24 37o 27 . . 118 xlvi. 1 .. 33 8 .. . 268 xlvii. '1 .. . 382 2 . . 86, 118 13. .24 14 .. . 116 xlix. 3 .. . 21 21 .. .163 23 . 23,3" 26 .. 283 1. 1 .. . 306 Ii. 6.. "3 15 37o 16 .. 342 23 . 281 Hi. 5- 138, 318, 367 7- . 290 15 .. . 296 400 Isaiah PAGE liii. 3 . 353 9 . xii. (of Tables) liv. 14 . .317 lv. 7 .381 lvi. 3 . 290 4 24 Iviii. 9 ii . . xv. (of Tables) . 211 lix. 3 . 178, 368 4 .368 5 163, 335 12 . 373 13 .368 19 . 295 lx. 4 . 122 5 . 287 7 . xxxix. (of Tables) lxiii. 3 *77> 296, 351 16 . 379 lxiv. 8 . 103 10 . 54 ' lxv. 12 . n 24 . . 238 lxvi. 4 24 Jeremiah ii. 12 . .86 36. . 128 iii. 5 . 82 17 . 312 iv. 7 301 30 .. i. (of Tables) v. 17 . iii. (of Tables) ^4 . 288 22 . .. xxxix., xl. (of Tables 29 . 93 vi. 2 . . 291 . 22 . . 160 vii. 10 . . no 22 . . 285 34 4 ix. 2 . 355 4 34<5, 354 X. 2 . .. iii. (of Tables) 5 304 7 . 280, 287 17 . 86, xxiii. (of Tables) 20 . . 284 xi. 7 . 161 xii. 2 . . 366 (twice) 3 379 J 5 382 xiii. 19 . .. 211 25 .371, xxii. (of Tables) xiv. 16 . . iii. (of Tables) xvi. 4 . xii. (of Tables) 12 . .381 13 . 161 16. 154 Jeremiah PAGE xvii. 18 .. 274 xxii. 20 .. 331 24 .. xl. (of Tables) xxiii. 12 .. 369 13 - 291, 317 14 .. . 272 17 .. .78 xxv. 3 .. 35o 16 .. . 366, xxx. (of Tables) 38- .283 xxvi. 5 .. 35o .. 9- . 291 xxvii. 18 .. . 272 22 .. 275 xxix. 8 .. 353 xxxi. 21 .. 82, 154 32 35o .. 35 37o xxxii. 9 .. 88 44 .78 xxxvi. 32 .. . iii. (of Tables) xxxvii. 12 .. 349 xxxviii. 17 .. . 278 22 .. . 161 xxxix. 7 .. 273 xii. 16 .. 342 xlii. 6 .. . i. (of Tables) 20 .. . xxiv. (of Tables) xliv. 4 .. 35o 25 .151, xxviii. (of Tables) xlvi. 8 .. 129, 367 xlix. 3 .. .89 4 .358 10 .. 339 1. 5-. 272 8 .. 285 14 .. 281 21 .. 118 22 .. 340 34 349 li. 9 .. xxxii. (of Tables) 33 35o Ezekiel i. 5 iii. (of Tables) 7 301 in. 15 .. 357 20 .. 88 iv. 3 369 12 .. 251 V. II .. 153 13 3i7 viii. 16 .. 178 xi. 17 .. 160 xiii. 18 .. iii. (of Tables) 19 .. 156, 345 xiv. 3 .. 340, xv. (of Tables) xvi. 4 .. 323. 347 5;- 323 401 Ezekiel PAGE Hosea PAGE xvi. 13 . -283 ii. 5 .. 326 31 .. 277 iv. 2 .. .78 34 .. 277 i3 14 345 5i .. xii. (of Tables) vi. 9 .. . 343 (twice) 52 .. 323, xii. (of Tables), viii. 2 .. 373 xvi. (of Tables) .. iv. (of Tables) x. 4 .. 3i9 54 9 . 161 55 . 155, xii. (of Tables), 156 to .. 334 61 . .. xii. (of Tables) 11 .. . 84, xvii. (of Tables) xvii. 15 . 85, 113 14 .. 151, 356 23 .. 122 xi. 3 .. 177 xviii. 14 . .. iii. (of Tables) 4 129 xx. 30, 31 . 34i . 9 - 381 43 . 160 xru. 15 .. 161 xxi. 19 . .. 66 21 . !34 Joel 29 . 35i i. 2 .. 6 xxii. 4 . .273 (twice) iv. 3 .. 6 .. 281 7 179 5 xxiii. 16 . . 88 11 .. 353 20 . 39- 45 . 88 . 81 Amos . iv. (of Tables) i. 11 .. 83 46. 362 ii. 4 .. xviii. (of Tables) 47 . iv. (of Tables) iv. 2 .. 344 4 8. .318 3 82. xxiv. 12 . . 211 4 382 xxv. 6 . . 81 v. 11 .. 366 xxvi. 8 . . 100 ix. 1 .. 373, 378 15 340 5 156 16. . 104 8 .. 77 18 . xxviii. 8 . "7 . xii. (of Tables) Obadiah 9 . 6 3 305 14 . . i. (of Tables) 11 .. 281 xxxi. 5 . . 121 12 .. 76 7 . 174, 283 13 ... 88 x 4 xxxii. 19 . . v. (of Tables) .87 Jonah 20 . . 86 i. 7, 8, 12 .. 24 30 xxxiii. 13 . 3 . 88 Micah xxxiv. 21 . . 116 i. 6 .. 336 3i . i. (of Tables) 8 .. 136 xxxv. 9 . i55 10 .. 112 n . . vi. (of Tables) 15 275 xxxvii. 7 . 337 ii. 7 .. 5^ 10 . . 291, 317 8 .. 163 ... x 7 345 * 13 " xxviii. (of Tables) xxxvm. 23 . 3 2< 5 iv. 6, 7 .. 330 xxxix. 26 . 3 2 8 .. 271 xl. 3- 274 vii. 8 .. 269 4 275 10 .. 269 xlii. 9 . . iii. (of Tables) 16.. 1*0 xliv. 5 . "3 Nahum Hosea PAGE i 3 .. 50 i. 2 . 342 ii. 4.. 347 ii. 2 . . xii. (of Tables) 9.. 112 402 Nahum iii. o .. 5 7 -. IO .. PAGE 330 35* 292, 347 281 Psalms xviii. 26 ... 27 .. xix. 9 .. 14 .. PAGE 316 361 268 xxx. (of Tables) ii .. 277 xx. 4 .. 88, 335 xxii. 15 .. 253 Habakkuk XXV. 2 .. "7 i. 16 .. iii. (of Tables) 9 101 ii. 17 .. 379 xxvi. 7 .. 79 iii. 6 .. 365 xxviii. 2 .. 302 7 . 282 Zephaniab. xxix. 9 .. xxxi. 8 .. . 116 i. 14 .. 33 . 82 ii. 13 .. 174 xxxii. 1 .. 8 .. 24, 303 . 247, 289 Haggai xxxv. 14 .. 327 ii. 16 .. 4 25 .. 373 xxxix. 2 .. . 88 Zechariah xli. 5 .. 335 ' t i 9. . 260 xiii. 7 .. . xxx. (of Tables) . 281 * . 160 xliv. 8 .. . 161 ii. 4 . 17 iv. 5 10 . 11 .. . iii. (of Tables) ' 5 ? . 102 18 .. 19 .. . 272 . iii. (of Tables) v. 4 . . 160, 211, 335 xlv. 3 .. . 176, 284 11 . ; 145, iii. (of Tables) 5 55 ix. 2 . 9 17 xi. 5 8 . 10 . xiii. 4 . . 114 377 293 355 105 349 . 291 6 . 9 "3 . iii. (of Tables) 18 . xlvii. 4 . xlviii. 5 . 16 . xlix. 19 . 1. 5- Ii. 6. . 88, 138, 282 .76 "3 "3 . 282 ..85 .. xviii (of Tables) Malacbi i. 14 . - 369 7 344 iii. 2 . .. 272 Hi. 7 . ..366 9 .. 271 Iv. 10 . 345 20 . 3 2 4 16 . 305, v. (of Tables lvii. 5 . .. 88 Psalms lviii. 7 . .. 3^2 i. 3 . .. v. (of Tables) 9- -46 ii 5 .. v. (of Tables) 10 . 55 12 . 193 lix. 5 . -357 iii. 6 .. i35 Ix. 6. 36, 295 iv. 7 . 303 8 . .. 105 v. 9 . i39 286, 353 lxiii. 4 . .. 52 12 .. 117, v. (of Tables) lxiv. 5 .. 289 yi. 4 .. i. (of Tables) lxv. 10 355 vii. 6 i77 363 lxvi. 3 55 viii. 2 .. xxvi. (of Tables) lxviii. 3 340 ix. 15 .. vi. (of Tables) 4 .. 117 x. 12 303 8 .. 322 xii. 4 55 13 .. 292 9 .. 15 18 ..64 xiv. 5 .. 228 24 .. iii. (of Tables) xvi. 5 .. 3*8 26 " 33 m ,, X xviii. 3 .. 24, 346 28 ... xliii. (of Tables) 23 ...iii. (of Tables) lxix. 18 ... 105 403 Psalms PAGE Psalms PAGE Ixix. 21 . 295 cxxxiii. 1 . ..29 24 . . 110 cxxxv. 7 . ..285 lxxi. 19 . 55 cxxxvi. 6 . 370 20 . . 280 cxxxviii. 6 . 137 n . 122 cxxxix. 18 . . l6l lxxii. 5 . 32 20 . 302 13 153 cxl. 13 . . 82 17 295 cxli. 3 . .86 20 . 347 5 293 Ixxiii. 2 . . 82, 297 8 . . iii. (of Tables t: . 116 cxliii. 3 . 344 55 cxlv. 8 . . 50 lxxiv. 8 . . 283, xliii. (of Tables) cxlvii. 1 .. 342 lxxvi. 6 . '77 cxlix. 6 .. . xii. (of Tables) Ixxviii. 18 . 41 . . xv. (of Tables) 3H Proverbs lxxx. II . i73> 347 i. 10 . . 267 13 . 270 28 .. . xxxix. (of Tables) 14 . . 177 ii. 13. 5 16 . . 82 hi. 30 . 157 lxxxi. 6 . .138 iv. 11 . . 288 lxxxiii. 19 . . 24 24 . 353 lxxxviii. 14 . . no v. 4 . . xii. (of Tables) lxxxix. 8 . . 119 22 . . xxxix. (of Tables) 10 . . 302 vii. 17 . . 295 42 . 253 viii. 6 . 55 45 . no i7 . 128 XC. 2 . 239 24 .. 34i 12 . . xxii. (of Tables) 25. 239 xci. 12 . 303 IX. 9 .. 137 xciii. 5 . . 290 x. 3 .. . 116 xciv. 1 . 354 xi. 25 . . 288 5 113 xiv. 3 . 337 9 . 370, xxii. (of Tables) xv. 26 . 54 20 . 348, 367 (twice) xvii. 4 . . 130 ' xcv. 4 . 22, 54 xix. 11 .. 35o 5 . 21, 211 19. 50 . 9 . 300 23 . 114 ci. 5 . 367 XX. 22 . 138 cii. 5 . 299 xxii. 2i . .36 25 32 xxiii. 13, 14 .. 299 26 . . no 35 382 civ. 22, 28 . . 112 xxiv. 3 . 3i7 26, 27 "3 7 163 29 . .112, xxiii. (of Tables) 14 . 335 (twice), xxiv. ( 30. . 101, 112 Tables) cvi. 22 .. 55 3 1 173 cxiii. 6 . . 84, xvii. (of Tables) xxv. 4 . . 281 cxiv. 8 . 59, 232 J9 348 cxvi. 6 . .138 xxvi. 26 . 3*7 7 . v. (of Tables) xxvii. 15 . . 360364 16 . "3 xxx. 6 . 137 cxviii. 18 . 342, 379 i7 . 342 cxix. 50 . . 279 >8 . .380 65. cxxx. 4 . "3 . 287 Jbl> 6 . ..85 i. 4 .. . xii. (of Tables) cxxxii. 6 . 373 10 . . i. (of Tables) 12 . .. vi. (of Tables) 21 . . 284 404 Job PAGE Job PAGE iii. 25 .. . 271 xl. 32 .. 137 iv. 2 .. . 300 xli. 3 .. 345 4 . 160 17 .. 302 12 .. . iii. (of Tables) 25 .. 173. , 19 .. n xiii. 5 .. . xhii. (of Tables) v. 5 .. . 22 7 342 25 53 11 .. xii. (of Tables) Ti. 16 .. . v. (of Tables) Song of Solomon 22 .. vii. 7 .. 369 381 i. 6.. 330 ix. 15 .. x. 18 .. xi. 17 .. . 176, 366 379 . 88 10 .. iii. 4 .. iv. 6 .. 290 274 137 20 .. xiii. 9 .. . iii. (of Tables) 346, 354 v. 2 .. viii. 5 .. 152 xxxvi. (of Tables) 21 .. 353 Euth XV. 22 .. 173 i. 1 .. 79 35 78 13 122 xvi. 5 . . 210 ii. 8 .. 338 21 . .138 14 .. . iii. (of Tables) xvii. 2 . . 154 ' 21 .. .89 . 309, xxiii. (of Tables) xix. 2 . i73> 2g i iii. 15 .. xx. 23 . . v. (of Tables) iv. 5 .. 82 26 . 367 xxi. 4 . .6 Lamentations 5 .356 i. 4 .. 33o 16. . iii. (of Tables) 12 .. 365 29 . 325 16 .. 33o xxii. 8 . . 137 ii. 11 .. 79> 340 20 . . 163 13 .46 21 . 273 iii. 1 .. 24 23 . . x. (of Tables) 2 . i37 28 . 157 6 . . 211 xxiv. 21 . i35 25 3" 24 . 356 33 . 281 xxvi. 9 . . 177 53 133, 281 xxvii. 21 . l ll iv. 14 . 368 xxviii. ii . . 286 15 . 300, 301 (twice) xxix. 17 . . 362 25 24 Ecelesiastes xxx. 8 . .. 298 ii. 1 . 30 15 .. 120 18 . 294 22". 3i3 iii. 18 . 223 xxxi. 8 . -366 iv. 2 . 33 II . .. i. (of Tables) v. 8 . . no 21 . .. 295 vii. 22 . . i. (of Tables) xxxii. 11 . 130 viii. 15 . . 290 12 . .. v. (of Tables) 17 24 xxxiii. 4 . .. 211 ix. 12 . 348 13 i54 x. 1 . . 284 25 .. 177 10 . ,310 (twice) 3o .. 160 xi. 3 . 276 xxxiv. 13 . .. 41 xii. 4 . 123 22 . .. 114 5 151, 295 XXXV. II . .. 130 12 . . iii. (of Tables) xxxvi. 2 . 18 . 345 ..297 Estber xxxvii. 12 . .. 41 i. 5 34i xxxix. 17 . .. 36 111. 13 . .338 405 Esther PAGE iv. 4 273 v. 2 . .. IOI viii. 6 . 8 . . 322 339 ix. i . 339 Daniel i. i . 235 ii . 235 ii. 9 . 316 viii. 13 334 ix. i . 235 2 . i54 235 4 . 88 19. "3 24 . 343 xi. 14 304 317 Ezra vii. 8 . 235 viii. 25 334, 34i X. 14 . 5 16 . 234, 322 17. 23* Nehemiah iv. 9- .156 v. 7 173. 305 Nehemiah PAGE ix. 6 . . i. (of Tables) 19 . . 296 x. 39 .. 120, 349 xi. 17 .. . 282 xiii. 21 .. '52 1 Chronicles ii. 16 .. . xii. (of Tables) v. 20 .. 339 x. 2 .. 355 xv. 26 .. . 116 27 . 177 xviii. 10 .. 384 xxix. 23 .. xxii. (of Tables 2 Chronicles ii. 16 .. .163 xiv. 4 .. 5 xx. 35 .. 177 xxi. 17 .. 5o xxvi. 15 .. . 288 xxviii. 4 .. 37o 33 353 xxix. 19 .. . 161 xxxi. 7 .. 342 xxxiv. 4 .. 5 7 5 28 .. .328 INDEX OF HEBEEW WORDS. :' "INK PAGE 210 262, 271 .. Tab. XYII (Pdgm) 31, Tab. XIII. 1 .. Tab. XIII (Note 1) 273 275 273 ,. 327, App* (C) to Tab. XIY (Note *) ,.343, Tab. XIV (Note e) TO$ comp. Tab. XY (Note *) rua 267 K* 267 *&$ ... ... ...273 (Note*) nxns ... 273 (Note*) 0*38 (=Bb) ... S eep. 153, Tab. XX n#h$(=n$bK) ... seep. 153, Tab. XX nta$ (i.e. nb) 31, Tab. xin. 1 *$$ " ...Tab. XIII. 1 SB* 275 s l% 275 ; also Tab. XIII. 1 *01K 275 *S>3 ... ., 275 etcJn^nx ^IK ... Tab. XIII. 1 npVax see 211 (p. 145) ny? see 211 (p. 145) to drqg rryjg nnfc ana. nnng inns r PAGB (&??) 327 ...Tab. XVI (3) (Note 8) 350 (&T)p.xxiof Tabs. (P- vV ) 261 153 (Vtf, etc.) Tab. XIII. 1 Tab. XIII (Note 4) 351 145 Tab. XIX 190 Tab. XXIII Tab. XXIII Tab. XXIII 2, 3, 4, (in Notes) (&SH8) 137 (&nyi) 138 (in Bh^O) 340, Tab. XIV (Note d) 340 (like *?5, Tab. XVII) 130* 128, 130** Tab. XXV (Note a) ...Tab. XXVII (Note 209, Tab. XXV (Note a) 209 Tab. XVII 2e 408 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. * v : v r6ns tybrt &&$ v " t; t t t v: v nnnx hx 209, Tab. XXV (Note a) 329 < 84,269 see page 191 282, 354 277 277 see Tabs. XI (3) & VIII 33 Tab. XI (Note ) etc. ... Tab. XI (Note ) etc. ... Tab. XI (Note ) ... < ... oo ' 117 346 191 l72,Tab.XXIII(Note6) 117 117 208 129 282 282 210,282 282 267 267 129 ... 329, also Tab. XVII (Verb) r6m (Pdgm) ... ...137 ... 130** ... ...268 ... ...289 ... ...271 ... ...268 ... ...289 Tab. XVIII Tab. XVIII Tab. XVIII PAGE 267 ...Tab. Ill (Note 2) ...Tab. Ill (Note 3) ...Tab. Ill (Note 4) 130 88, 334 82 DS$ with Affs Tab. VII n with Affs. Tab. XIII (2) &m in 1W(&"08) 62, etc. anna 6 5 nm (& nm) 62 , e tc. n$08 278 Chr&j^ 278 nin^w.Affs Tab. XIII (Note f, a) njg (like % on p. 192) TD'S ... 130** nnt (Hke n^n&a, f r . ffy$ f Tab. XXV) DnmK : (like Drn^s, fr. rrji?B, Tab. XXV) m in m. Tab. XIII (2) >ns .., Tab. XIII (Note 5) ftjnK 279 n*.ns 280 vm (& Wnx)...Tab. XIII (2) ions in nnx n7 *W 343 t& see ') 128 fr$ 344 (B$&jttK ( a Particle, "gently") tOX&ON 297 nm 297 10$ ... 269, 328, App* (B) to Tab. IX D:0^ ... App x (B) to Tab. IX TO* 269 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 409 PAGE flft* ...269 W* Tab. XVIII rqm comp. Tab. XYIII W^ ... ... ... Tab. XYIII ' pl$Q% (the preceding with H) n3N 248 ^.IS ;.. ...136, 282 H^K ., 136 rbfyit ...136, 282 t!(P&)w.Affs. .. Tab. XIII (Note J, 8) | $$ ... ...135 ; tfVtf 287 | T*g 287 ; tSfi* ... Tab. XXI (Note 4) qtf (a Particle, "but, only") TJK 299 ni?3S 88 rnnaK Pause-form of the preced- ing nsK t 299 Wlgg 299 H33X 299 ^D : 249 hi* ... Tab. XIV (Note/) fefc(&W) Tab. XVII hl$ (like *m in Tab. XXIII) rta'K 335, Tab. XVII (Pdgm) rhsx 329 ^ ...242, Tab. XV (Note ) Efi^j Tab. IV H3X 270 inp 293 nynx 295 (13 &) -inn^ 296 ttrOS (p. lti$t|) 9, Tab. I IT3K 294 HB38 ... 300 rotppa. ... ...300 13?^ ... 300 3P* ... 302 k|n ... ...304 nbx etc. ... 180, Tab. XXI (i__ &) njjbg Tab. XXI rqnbg ... Tab. XXI nips ... Tab. XXI napfc ... ... 137 hsdk ... t : v * ... 86 (Note *), 335, Tab. XVII (3, iii) BP*86() ; ab.XV *")pk ... 84 D1B$ ... 334 tfiajfk ... 117 rnivs ... 117 $& (p. AVN) ...171, 192, 193 n^ ... ...171,191 410 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. .171. PAGE 192 *&$ lax *$%% ftp* !w $ ma fW8 118 117 ... 117 270 270 270 ... Tab. XIX (p.^SN) 144, a35 Tab. XXIII w.Affs. Tab. XXYIII 88,334 310 310 310 210,310 310 310 ?("PfS 134 312 Tab. XX 158 Tab. XX ... Tab. XIX (Note (A) ... Tab. XIX (Note (A) (&Dj?K) ... Tab. XX ... Tab. XXI (Note 4) 335 191 Tab. XXIII 260 260 271, Tab. XXI (Note* 0) 270 268,271 318 270 249,271 251,271 am-ii* PAGK i 271 *m$ 271, Tab. XXI (Note i) Iff* w. Affs Tab. XI $! 312 W* 270 foyjR ... Tab. XXII (Note 7) ami 071 343 303 303 ... Tab. XVIII ,comp.p.l36)335 46 D ... . *&$ ... . w$f$ ... . 3#8 ... . nnt?N(p.irn n^x ... *m 3i3 np 313 ^ 250 rqffi 88 i?tyt 247 B^jl ..350 ^m ... ...2io w\m 210 n^j 88 nJSfg 144,333 &igfo 88,334 rkw$ 334 n$j& 88 nK>K 21-24 %m 1 90, Tab. XXIII (Note 7) r\V# 46 bfam 177 njOW ...Tab. XXIII (Note f ) Vtmm 176 (Note f, 3) ntf w. Pron.-Affs Tab. Ill (1 & 2) VnN Tab. XXIII \m (], nana & ro j ... Tab.' XIX (Note B) Um 27 1, Tab XXII (Note g) yp.m Tab. XXYIII (Note INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 411 PAGE 2 w. Pron.-Affs. Tab. II &3 fiK2l K3 ... 272 * (twice) **& flfcfc K3 ... 272 n& 322 iraq^i 80 mxa 130* *3 272 p 272 U83 272 ^3 343 hK3 (in n^n-l, Pt. I. 29, Note), 272 ... 272 272 yyz 370 T\m Tab. XIX (Note a) nni 232 nN3 nnxn nxa n3 .-T/TT/TT/ T una ., nyi? ... ... ... ... 133 bww! ... ... ... ... 238 fjjO? ... ... ... ... 6 niana ... ... ... 298 fe}0? ... ... ... ... 349 intyna ... ... ... ... 309 nfryna ... ... ... ... 192 nn?n? ... ... ... ... 80 intona ... ... ... ... 301 Drvvni ... ... ... ... 301 DDinpns ... ... ... ... 80 ' 3"n3 ... TV * " ... ... ... 340 n^3 ... ... ... ... 356 Dwna ... ... ... ... 6 top^nj ... ... ... ... 80 VTinni ... ... i. ... 133 S?#i ... ... ... ... 272 n T Dia ... ... ... ... 173 Dpp^ia ... ... ... ... 366 T3 ... ... ... ... 161 Ntaf (& r*5D ... ... 28 TAGB nT3(&n : T?) ... ... 28 WS?J| ... 80 nni ... 321 *" .. v : ... 239 #n*9 , ... 138 W>3 ... 154 m w. Atfs. Tab. XIII (3) nn^2 42 ten so 3in?3 123 gb & fi Tab. XYI (3) (B, 7) $?* \ *n^3 [ Tab. IY (4) ntoa i5i b&? 80, 139 DJ^ffo? ... Tab. XY (Note J) 13 w. Affs. Tab. XIII B^JQ^ll 139 \3| 232 3 for ttRJ 272 vwm.3 297 Va?3 123, 144 *Ntp T 3 302 i??3 Tab. XXIII riM Hke ^ Tab. XX, with H (p. 82, i) HKtpKD? 307 & 308 DD*PJ>i 80 *iS?P ... 79 (Note f), 340 *?? ... 172, Tab. XXIII rrp & rgaa 329 "TO (cp. p. 79), 120, 349 TO?? 81 in^si 262 T^|t? 323, 343, App x (A) to Tab. XIY (3) into 309 VP? 322 fc23 346 412 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. rfcra PAGE ... ... 81 ... ... 80 ... ... 80 236, 380-382 123 TO-(&TS)343, andApp* to 'Tab. XVI (2)' "H| Tab. XXI (Note* a) ? (&'?) 24 (Note/) my* ... : 302 etc. >n^3 f ftfe ... 152, Tab. XX hjjft 133 etc. ,*B>3 153, Tab. XX Nibs " 302 Dtpn^a 81 nn?^| 81 ta?$? 81 U?^3 80 (Ws 123 te 24 (Note g) rfe Tab. XYI (3) (B, a) 80 Tab. XV (Note f) ... 24 (Note/) ... 24 (Note ^) 80 ... ...Tab. XX 123 123 Tab. XX Tab. XX rfftl ... Tab. XXVII (fi) mil 121, 190 Nnna ... 121 9?3| 121, 190, etc. . rt| *W| etc. nll etc. '&% <* 0fa?tffaf "#l TO TO in pinto. . 81 50 50 (Note) 50 ... 50 328 &fr]!)Tab.XI(Note*) ... 328 50 ... Tab. XI (Note *) w. Affs. App x (B) to Tab. IX 173 150 (Note) 150 (Note) 150 (Note) ... 163 170, 190 ... ... 173 w. Affs. Tab. IX (Note * /3) Tab. IX (Note * 0) ... ... 84 ... ... Tab. XIX 335 143 1 . w. Affs. ... Tab. IX , 342, 343 ... ...121,342, 343, Tab. XIV (Note e) ... 83, I5 nfy* b$(J ... ., n^ri (form) *$# ^n ... Tab. XYI (3) (C) fc>in 143 n^n Tab. XIX (Note ft) ninn ftrprih ^n wn ruin ruin 240 349 277 241 Tab. I (Note 1) 276 161 161 161 .. 281 ... , 281 414 INDEX OP HEBREW WORDS. inin rijnin hjn Tin rain rqWi f)>in 8#n etc. ,*#n ^rnn w-rin 9$n n^in ny^n nnn n-tn T nnN?nn Divjnn (& D^n) no 138, Tab. XVI (3) 110 276 276 276 277 299 138 ... 323 ... 114 295 '. 286 ... 286 285 see r VI1 p. 285 285 289 288 289 288 ... 134, Tab. XYIII ... 134, Tab. XYIII 138 138 Kthtv (for "*!! Krt, p. 139) ... 353 296 296 ... 296 316 351 Tab. XXIII 82, 352 350 279 . PAGB rn?nn Tab. XXI (Note J) *4iB 193 t^nn Tab. XXI (Note %) nmnn ttt;t Drop-Tin an , WD inan T nnan : t inn^n lan nton Drptan ... 120 ... 119 ... 297 ... 297 ... 297 ... 316 112, 316 ... 316 ... 297 nKBtan T T - .. tog n>in n3in T - n#n 2tp*n 342 297 297 161 178 ... 297 276 Tr> Tab. XXIII (1) 348 ... 283 ... 284 243, 276 ... 348 ... 134 WD 134, 266, Tab. XVIII bl*J (Pt. I. 21, Note) in 'm p. 277 W$ 277 DJW! 277 Vjfyo 135 (f) y?V) 136 y?VJ 136, 282 iW^n 136, 282 W*0 136, 282 INDEX OF HEBREW WOKDS. 415 (Sri) {Kri) 135 .. 139, 286 113 .. 139, 353 226 277 299 .. 178, 318 174, 298, 299 174, 298, 342 299 298 298 299 298 299 ... ... 299 298 299 298 .. 174, 298 298 349 299 298 298 298 298 299 298 298 298 298 298 298 351 298 PAGB f8|D i.e. H3 a stroke 'i.e.,' with prefixes 3 & n 139 B9 (Infin. Absol. E. fr. |13) ... 349 tian ... . wicmw ... tr$n nn?n nrbn tog ... z z vferi ww ... ... Z. ym Wsn ( p . Jfipbn)... *&* ... ... ... W^n 161 298 85 299 298 298 298 298 298 298 298 352 TOB 352, Tab. XXX (3) *W3 tf^o ... n#?& ... 1W0 ... tf3?0 ... , W&n ... n m ... , W ... . Wn rjsrri) Mn ... a-i^n ... TOD ... n^ T n Tab. XVI (3) (B, a) Dn^pn see NO, p. 271 n$tm 285 nri)90[Pt.I.55(7,Note*)] 41 "i^ppn 239 flCfepJJ 355, Tab. XVI (3) (C) V*m 349 ... 211, 352 123 ... ... lJiO ... ... i-JiX ... 123, 124 ... ... 123 ... ... o2io c 78, 264 ... ... 2io2i 282 82 110 416 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. PAGR 172 ... 110, 353 5,6 382 85 ... ... 78 84 161 260 161 ... 161, 326 ... 161, 326 291 '. 291 ... 291, 317 291 291 ... 291, 317 w??pn ... :wo ... 0^90 ... QWKEO ... fc^flpn ... ?Wn ... ^s?B ... mon ... T - fQ9D999 ... !9W0 ... 0595 ... W* ... tifb ... ton ... : t kjio ... in*q|n ... ^S? ... WW ... *fyn (in jtypy) ; 340 D3n 145 H3H 242, 294 in 294 *%W -. 317 TOD 353 W 293 rpan 242 D 145, 242, 294 HJI0 294 nn^rj 14^ 294 W*jq 295 tfjV& 290 *W?K) 341 (V&)D^VP?n, -... ... ... 341 Hq&b 341 nD?q ... 300 l??3d 161, 295, Tab. XX (Note) TAGB * 295 **& 301 W 301 "Rtf! 264 !D 340, Tab. XIY (Note rf) a 3 b 84, 241 #D 328 W90 161 w.rf?39n m ^W 119, 349, 350 ^m ... ... 349 ->m 353 933 ... 119, 351 ffjagg ... ... 119 VD 161 TO} 309 mjl 309 tiRl ... ... 309 ^mn ... ... 309 W.yn ... 309 n T Tj?D Tab. XXI (Note iii) 2W 170, 193 etc. jnjjjj ... 192 'flSo 351 H^O (twice) 192 *&n 193 nfty : n 192 *Wn 192 nnby : h 193 btAu 211 WT$% 85 nriibyn 82 tvvn ... 173 Wn 119 *nn$n ... no rb$n Tab. XXII (Note ||) nvan ... 350 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 417 ft*j$ri ... 9!?D ... W?n ... **n ... *%% ... in.nsyn ... W ... W3 ... hft ... ^n ... *^i? ... rfeya Tab. ^Vn ... #3?0 ... D^n ... ^i?D ... to*8l ... ^i?n ... m ... nbi?.q ... *OT?q ... D|?n ... Jtfsjft ... nnpn ... nn^pn ... njon ... rwin ... w*on 352, TW$ ... DW*on .., DF^nn ... .^n^-jn ... ^D^n ... $T9 ... *3$>"J ... q$JJ (p. : PAGE 208 ... Tab. XXI ... Tab. XXIII 145 301 150, 315 134, 145 145 349 145 110 XVI (3) (B, 0) 145 78 151 151 209 161 151 Tab. XX Tab. XX 161 342, 350 264 86, 334 352 352 Tab. XXIII (11) 352 352 852 352 352 352 352 352 if nWTB Wn rim T im'n T WW T T ntonq T$\ (fr. mi, like *pn p. 190, etc.) rtygj (Infin.) 250 ... 382 235 ... Tab. XXIII 349 , 349 78 288 368 312 ... 312 312 353 158 Tab. XX (Note) Tab. XX (Note) ... 157 ... 232 ... 231 ... 288 Dnn(&-D-) ... IfrJH) nW-in inn nnjnn (like Dp'spq, Tab. XXI, with Compens 11 for Dagesb). TO 170, 190, 193, Tab. XXIII Ksrjn 121 HS-jri Tab. XXII (Note t) nfp ... Wtfi ... tnty^pityftp ... T$j/f$ ... na#n ... cp^q ... ^wn ... W#% ... 211, Tab. XXIII 288 ... 825 86 ... 122 Tab. XX (Note) 305 305 418 rNDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. WW 249, 305 #Mftj ... Tab. XX (Note) tJpl^q ... Tab. XX (Note) rWHf>B 235 W^i? 122 DPia^n 122 vwn 122 tt#b 350 &3^n 350 FW^n 82 ^n 355 to^n 350 roWn 355 ni^n ' 356 mnwn (& '.!) . 350 T?wn 350 DTD^H 350 Wn ... 234 etc,n}n : nfn 315 mqn^n Tab. XXIII (Note f) 1innf fl (#0. Past, or Imper., 2 pi. m.) Tab. XXIII (Notes f and ||) IQftf 9 Tab. XXIII (Note ) rnnn^n (JET0. Past 2 s. .) Tab. XXIII (Note f) Dn>)nn^n (.5(9. Past 2 pi. .) Tab. XXIII (Note f) *ttinn$ci (HQ. Past 1 s.) Tab. XXIII (Note f) WWn 176 qgrifri 315 nwnn 267 viNnn 267 w-lSfln 267 P^^OH 314 nflPJO ... 112, Tab. XIY (Note h, a) . . PAGE Wmn (or ') 268 fl^W 162 V&W* 162 iip0 190, Tab. XXIII (14) nhos ... 190 vhw Tab. XYI (3) (B, $) W^9 366 l^n^D Tab. XXI (Note iv) 9?fc#fl no ^^n^in no Vmn Tab. XYI (3) (B, 8) ttJjO 314 n^ri? 314 n$*noq 279 (VtAPW 170 ?nrin 190 ^rifln 175 *n?a ... 271 ns^n 133 ^nn 346 ri^HD 346, 347 Disnn 316 n'a^n 291, 317, Tab. XXII (Note c) n^on 291. 317 DD^n ... Tab. XXIII (12) 33yj?ri Tab. XIY (Note h, a) y$*l}f) forms 152 ^S&Blttl 175 *$&JJ?J 112 npsrin 358 iipaijin 358 vynjj0 162 mptfi^nn 162 ivpvftpQ 235 ygysrpn 176 ysysnn 176 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 419 1 PAGE 'WW. ... ... PAGE ... 261 1 before Past Tense, 100 #w ... ... ... ... 101 ) Conjunctive, before a nj&Kl ... ... ... ... 312 Future Tense... 101 n$8|} ... ... ... ... 312 1 CoarvEBsrvE, before a tttpfrO ... i T T ... ... ... 150, 157 Future Tense... 101 R$J} ... ... ... ... 266 1 ordinary prefix, 1 & 2 WRM ... ... ... ... 157 J prefix... 179, 223-225 nBB} ... ... ... ... 150 nrnsi ... ... 261 *m ... ... ... ... 150 YTjjlfl ... ... 261 n*ni?*<) ... ... ... ... 335 S?$b ... ... 260 fcONI ... ... ... 191 rbVM ... ... 261 mnw ... ... ... ... 171 iflX\ ... ... 2 yrm ... ... ... ... 270 anfci ... - t ... 130** na ... ... ... ... 179 TR ... ... 289 im\ ... ... ... ... 137 KnriKi ... ... ... 248 DHpRI ... T T ..* ... ... ... 157 ^nxi ... .. ... ... 128 *rf#*J ... ... ... ... 105 m\ (see BK ...174, 297) nWxi ... T t; : v t .. ... ... ... 334 ^w ... ... 150 n^BJ&j ... ... ... ... 334 #m ... ... 248 ^i ... ... ... ... 272 ro^xj ... ... 135 "inji ... ... ... ... 78 T W . * ... 299 Wji ... ... ... ... 378 hsn) ... ... 299 &y$ij# ... ... ... ... 81 bxi : ... ... 259 Dtpn^n-i ... i . . ... ... 81 b'&o ... ... 249 ^ ... ... ... ... 319 $5$ [comp. 160; ... 252 33?} ... ... ... ... 78 D^nVl ... ... 2 P5Tt -. ... ... ... 244 DtO ... ... 179 wanj ... ... ... ... 154 rm$) ... ... 265 in^O] ... ... ... ... 351 *j ... ... 270 wii ... ... ... ... 368 nsyNi T T T * ... ... 295 &^i ... ... ... ... 352 D1DN1 ... ... 334 jpx^ini ... ... ... ... 285 nayxi ... ... 345 &ug?ini ... ... ... ... 373 *yNi T. TT ... ... ... ... 157 nra*3} (see 'IT, 163) ... 335 T^KI ... ... 157 L '9p(g}j ... ... ... ... 120 WVN1 ... ... 355 toWHOJ ... ... ... 368 420 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. D$?TO1 ... , ... 119 nmNtixpt ... nnBni .. ... 112 TDK'"! ... T m .. 241, 265 ^5N1 n.V?} .. . ...171 261, 267 hm vni .. . ... .. 229, 243 *1K1 v>?\ .. . ... ... 171, 277 tern &TO1 .. ...171 246, 277 *w T l *W?!J! .. ... 326 HK_} tttpm ... ... 356 |-1 W1 nWBl .. . ... 326 WIN1 wpyni. .. . ... 119 fcO'l 9^D1 (o] &)... .. ... 192 fcO s 1 T - * ft$S01 .. ... 192 1N11 T- tfikKjl.. ... 311 ww [Kthh) ... i^PCO .. ... 110 ^s\ tWioi .. ... 352 b^\ T9) .. . ... 265 EM (Kthiv) ... T v 3")n*i ,. . ... .. ... 349 Nb! nviDi* .. ... 211 n^i;i W'ni (& *b&TO^, ... 356 t?n ... 240 ... 326 TO?! Ija i^nrn : .. ... 366 igg ^501 .. ... .. ... 366 \v>\ ^f?i2r>ni .. ... 110 i$$ Dn^oni .. . ... .. ... 326 ]psn>i Vjj .. . ... 225 , 259, 278 "i3T : ! T T * ... . . ... 278 vifi;} TTT * . ... 278 i*I ^m .. . ... . ... 171 Tt\ VDl .. ... .. 171, 279 t\ WW .. ... .. 171, 278 m\ nj^^rn .. ... . ... 265 T!!l wm .. . ... .. . ... 278 iQrft ^nni .. . ... . . . ... 78 &$i$ nnt5 nhD-i .. ... .. . ... 372 n"t INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 421 SJJ PAGK ... 222, 226, 277 277 244, 277 265 138 138 137 286 289 137, Tab. XVIII 3#h (once).., 137 (Note*) tf ; il q t?i t! nsn m (& wi : ) *$j (& t?i) n;n?l inTr 1 ! ttjft hm m.{\n) ... E& V T * - ... 138 ... 296 ... 296 ... 296 ... 370 ... 279 ... 279 ... 280 ... 280 ... 279 ... 192 ...192) ... 174 ... 264 ... 174 ... 316 ... 240 ... 139 ... 135 ... 136 ... 139 174, 283 135, 240 ... 135 ... 135 w nba inn$_i lnri3i -T- PAGE 299 299 299 . 299 236 236 355 355 252 78 262 137 137 137 ... ... ... 137 101 154 365 156 266 ... ... ... ii see 'l ... 294 157 see'* 294 300 158 Tab. XXI (Note *) 244 264 130** 381 158 263 283 156 422 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. $%% t- : - nvn m m m mi ")?! T ..i 171 ... PAGE 156 ... 118 222, 227 ... 248 119, 264 ... 240 ... 243 105, 222 104 ... 285 286 ... 286 ... 262 242, 266 ... 156 150, 315 ... 156 ... 240 135, 248 ... 145 ... 311 ... 236 ... 312 ... 241 ... 156 ... 157 156, 157 ... 157 ... 135 ... 135 ... 227 191, 226 171, 263 ... 191 191 ... 265 *%6?$ ... ... ... PAGK ... 379 *& ... ... ... 130** Tl ... ... ... ... 264 Wl ... ... ... ... 232 mk - ... ... ... 156 pi ... ... ... ... 156 tf^n ... ... ... ... 209 IWV) ... ... ... ... 209 nn&y) ... ... ... 209, 324 Bfl^Tl ... ... ... 209, 324 cn^TI ... ... ... 209, 324 3J& ... ... ... 136 a#a ... ... ... ... 137 3^3 ... T T- * ... ... 156, 382 2&\ ... ... ... ... 157 &S?$ Tat . XVI (3) (B, 0) sw$ ... ... ... ... 110 ri&ffl ... ... ... ... 236 BSW ... ... ... ... 101 \W1\ ... ... ... 260 nJMfti ... ... ... 104 irfei ... ... ... ... 266 inp^;i ... ... ... ... 259 oy^fg ... ... ... ... 212 DB1 ... v T _ ... ... ... 157, 240 y^) ... ... ... ... 138 fcft ... ... ... ... 138 M?B*J ... ... ... ... 374 Dis^} ... ... ... ... 78 &fa ... ... ... ... 101 inn^i {Kthiv.) ... ... 191 iinri^] ... ... ... ... 191 irin^^ (for 1W )... ... 191 ' n?.i ... ... ... ... 271 HR1 ... ... ... 313 K30n?l ... ... ... ... 248 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 423 }&9 'TO 2031 V T- rns-i (& ne?] PAGE ... 230 343 233 343 211, Tab. XXX (5) 343 266 160, 335 160 , 79 , 374 ... 371 ... 382 ... 346 ... 262 ... 80 ... 129 ... 277 ... 297 211, 296 288 comp. Tab. XXX (7) 299 374 178, comp. 318 ... Tab. XXI (Note*) see W31 136 & 137 . ... 156 . ... 157 . ... 338 . ... 78 . 331, 332 . ... 172 . ... 319 , 159, 324 PAGB \TO1 331, 332 B9gV 378 ^5?) ...Tab. XXII (Note*) D^prrn. 382 378 *W! ... W^\ ... inj^wii ... TBI&11 ... roifcrn ... 366 .. 346 129, 245 155 minismm^irtMv)... 273 Torn (T^ri 292) ^ril 144 *$# 222, 277 ym ... 192 setol ... 137 inni 130** W) & Wi 279 nj^nfli 345 tt*S%m ... Tab. XXVIII (e) n^rn 135 nMi 136 pyni 136 >Q%H 283 ^ 299 nprii 192 nSni 192 abni 156 *r$*|i 295 IDni ...Tab. XXI (Note*) bjjrn 171 .in&JRl 270 Npni 311 ni?ni , 247 nj? 265 Dp r ri3 & Dj?ni ...156 & 157 2f 424 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. K$J ... ... ... 191, 246 fiNnrn ... ... 228 ru&oni ... ... 155 WJ& ... ... 379 a$31 ... v "- ... ... 136, 139 rn:pn) ... ... 155 i?$D! ... ... 171 W?m?rii ... ... 175 CT! ... ... 247 Vmi (for mmr)... m, 222 Tab. XXIII (5) n-vnrii ... ... 133 TINT 28, 58 n?T Tab. XYI (3) (B, 7) Hj 28, 58 DriWT & D3 (f r . D>rm.pl. oT\)l) Tab. XIII (Note J, /3) Wjft 86 is?! 322 n 1^! 342 |i?.t w. Affs. App. (A) to Tab. IX K#3 320, 321 inn&Viq 326 ^W m H?in 193 *D & Tl ... 173, 278, 279 n;nm.,&n;n/. (in n;nj) 278 *W 173, 279 n;n 279 vn PAGE ... ... 278 vn 278 : vn 279 vn ... ... 279 r\m 278 nVn & rrin ... 173, 279 *q , 279 in\ s n ... ... 279 &o ... 173, 279 $*$ 278 bn*q 278 Dp>n 279 W.0 279 D^jq Tab. XIII (Note*, a) tto 279 wn . ; T ... ... 279 * 278 mj3 ... 231, 232 ^(in^DD-l) 343 !"t ..'. 190 ty!(p.%, etc. ... 40 *ki 342 P^n w . Affs. ... Tab.X nntaq Tab. XIII (Note f, 0) hpftteQ 176 n:on ... 172 Tab. XXIII von ... ... 172 -ion & -ion 327 nven Tab. XIV (Note f, a) ^m 327 nivn 66 (Note f) *VD(&*V0) ... 40, 66 i^n 66 n*n w . Affs. App x (A) to Tab. IX INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 425 Jmqetc. App*(A)toTab.IX Hlfo nbnn, etc. ... 41 ^in(-d) 86 ffXJ 118, 331 C^n, etc. ...Tab. IX (Note) 35?>n 82 D^n 163 >#D ... 86, 118 fi^n ...Tab. XXI (Note 2) to ^NtDKD ... 280 lip ... 280 n& for nij ... 162 kb, k$j, nK&t? ... 328 0*59 withFut. &Past238, 239 "13W (&") - |M 128 ttjtf 267 J^TKJ ... Tab. XXVIII () PJKJ 267 liK* 268 tfW 269 tnx> 128 T^WJ 268 ba\V2K\.. Tab.XYII. tiffi 270 n^...Tab.XYI(3)(B, y 8) W$ 112 iD& 130** to* 270 T$ 268 *85 Cp. Tab. XYII [Pa- , radigm, Note (f )] irnxi nnao PAGE 130** fe, . 130** ... 280 nngj, .^riNj 271 &} ... T ". 272 H$ & ^- .... ... 273 ^! 273 N'nj ... ; , gee 272 W.f or ^nV 161 t$ ... 192, Tab. XXIII H$S Tab. XYI (3) (B, 0) ^ 190, Tab. XXIII (4) fl*?3? Tab - XXIII (8) $tt 135 Kfyfettty 134 neb; ... ... 322 PIP 292 mi ... . 292 ^e 155 ty^&^J 170, 190 (cp. 222) fefc ... 143, 144 1p5T ... see 355 nt & Vf*. . 292 1T&VT 281 ^&ns ... ... 155 DDT 46 yi\{&v) 137 nyr ... ... 138 $EH ... Tab. XYI (3) (C) ty ... ... . 144 .ttTTjS ... see 355 rWT 335 Riot 191 *rw ii6 DB3R & 13 ... ... S34 426 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. PAGE n} 276 fTTlir 282, 354 ^ni.T 138, 282, 354 IBtaJ 138 WW 138, 354 *$\ ...170, 222, 226, 277 Tab. XXIII (3) Vt.; 170, 277 Ww 138, 282, 354 nw 191 P*9K 172, Tab. XXIII (8) *nrp! 208 tep, ... ... 346 hnn] & 6 ... 346, 354 iqp 271 y$n\* 366 ^ 330 *> Tab. XYIII 2DV 356 w* 328 ijgfr 137 mc^ 286 D^j>V 348 K#* 288 (Note) wjfc 289 r^, ^vw... 289 tij* & -u 289 '7 ' 356 n^V ... ... 134 nf (U, 11), &n : T!(T!) ... 296 r$ ... see 348 v ... 170, 192 &IW 116 D-irP&Dh\.. T w T ,,# 153 $ 150 (Note) *be 191 W&W 171,279 S 279 W3! 280 *fc 279 W 265, 280 fjffSU 983*, wn; ... 280 n^n> ... '... ' \ 88 W?. . 344 njrp&ttt 191 & 192 m 192 -W &-w... no (cp. 192) tJ 117 ITlIT 118 ^g 116 (Note {) TO 144 Eg (*B$, fig ... 174, 297 W 134 n^., n^ ... ... 174, 297 Ifijg 297 5 297 *&! 144 ^,"U(S 297 B& 144 #3* & P 135 #y 135 in." 137 (Note ||) 3* 135, 265 atp* Tab. XYIII Wfc ... 134, Tab. XVIII y5 ... 135 (Note J,ii) ^fc*, W* ... 136, 282 iW. 135 ^ (TO) 174 *n# 284 *$$Y* 287 *!") ... 288 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 427 PAGE 8$ .}. ... 288 n&t ... ... 174, 299 fer^,^J2.>. ... ... 299 to!, ttj &,.. ... ... 299 n-13*, Wj M5!. ... ZJ.) vf&\ ... ... 317 nD|! ; n||!... . ... 299 teji etc. ... ... ... 84 nfej* Tab. XXII (Note v) ! 322 y*jjb\ 210 Drta (& |ri_) 325 D32, } 299 10W Tab. XXX (8) nfffffi 177 n3J356,Tab.XXI(2STote1f) $*(&*_) ... ... 357 6tt^ see 355 5^} see 111 $$$ (4^ , &*$# ) 208 & 209 *nvv!(Tn , 9 , *38 ) Tab. XXY 08) nj^(&-ii ) 290 II 1 ?! 290 IS^ 290 wfe 161 & T 154 V&fl ... Tab.XXYIII( 7 ) \\ti$\ 112 (WW*} 160 h* ... 192, Tab. XXIII ntoj Tab. XXII (Note u) 5ff$ 250 pnio; 160 i TAGE f8J5 151, 295 in^5 : 292 *ns* 293 n$J* 293 W 295 nj? 145 *iw& w? T 294 tyflp 296 BO?! 296 tra! 294 *$# (& ^ ) 296 *3J & N^, tt^; 293 mi 145, 241 W, D* , D ... 294 P# ... 295 W3J 300 %* ... see 157 (Note ) *&) 295 y$. 3oi &% Tab. XXII (Note i) *&$ 304 38J 356 &?. 143 inrpy! & -in? Tab. XXYIII (S&7) *^R 150 (Note) %.! 160 fe, fy ... 171, 192, 193 n^! 171, 191, 192 *&\ 176 m n3 nV^ (twice) 116 aqjg 116 W# 117 r^|2 171 \m : (twice) 116 423 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS* i&y* . ... 120 tiypyi 355 ft&il 176, 284 y& m ... ... in *n'?P\ ... ... ... see 111 VlBp ... ... ... see 111 r?., D3-, R- ... 210 T\\?& 210 w$$ & 'W 208 > 210 #yP3! ..." ...* 208 ipfe^ 104 (Note %) JIB* ... 50 H[fr, nn?:).;. 171, 191 NV*, -inxv* 286 *tf 284 1K** 286 typfi 284 2T., If. ... 145 ?3B, >$!, ** ... ... ... 145 151*, PfP ti fliU 310 inw, w : ... ... ... 310 irW ... ... 150 (Note) *P*; D , -13 ... 310 |UpV* 286 2*% Vy_, TO, T\W m ... 145 nj?! ... ... ... see 113 VfrpseeTab. XYI (3) [B, 0] VV ... 145 hf*, &S*... ... ... 145 Wfe ... .- 284 ^:, "$& **&, ^ 312 AS* (& n ) Tab. XIX (Note 7, vi) ?Pg! C& -in) Tab. XXYIII (J3) in^ , ,etc. Tab. XIX (Note A) P*W! ... 88 PAGE K*g ... 311 WR ... .160 fe ...Tab. XXI (Note 3) Dig ... ... 157 3g 150 1*0^. JT. Put 3 pi. m. Pause-form, fr. &np 238 5WT3R Tab. XXYIII (7) BQ ... 191, Tab. XXIII SQS ... 171, Tab. XXIII NX 185 MS, *%%>! 328 na% '5, 'x 171 fen* Tab. XXII Wtf ... ... 289 )7my> ti t\ } :_ 287 %% )*$3 & T 287 . ... ... 177 rn>, ny &d*, *ty ... 288 rv^lS wv ... 289 HIT. 150 (Note) tJRi 312, Tab. XXIII (8) *ffi t ... ... 312 PX ...Tab. XXI (Note 3) TO ... ... 157 (Note ) tnj.. ........ ... ... 155 Df , ^ 289 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS, 429 PAGE 1n> Tab. XXII (Note j) T\wy : & %*. Tab. XXV (a) tpH 89 zmy : 159 E>! (-?.) w.Affs.Tab.XIII ar:, iwi 305 r! (?-, v. v, D -) 303 &$ (*fl , D-1K_, & DK-) 303 ^KB". ... 303 n}$(tt_, ^ ) ... 303 n^. (twice) 137 afc* ... 151, 155 W 157 1$ 170, 190, 192, Tab. XXIII (3) Hf I (twice) 306 T\m, W\ 313 nmv\ 353 W! (twice), jft ... 305 D*fe* 155, 156, 157 13$$ 238 ig^. 89 fe 171, 192 nfe Tab. XYI (3) (B, /3) mrkf\ (in, -I3n ; *:n_ ) j Tab. XXVIII 08) t$# ... 172, Tab. XXIII t**, **...' ... 154, 155 WPf! 212 : &* 170, 192 WV&\ 176 (Note f) ttMBE* 85, 336 %$ 191, Tab. XXIII (13) W"W\ 366 (Note) i W*&f\ - Tab. XXVIII (7) PAGE .-jlS no Wb? ... ... 154 trv&fi (& -in_) ... 191, 315 Tab. XXIII (f) njDJD^ 315, Tab. XXIII (f) ttff8$ ...Tab. XXIII (Note) HJIJ! 267, Tab. XXIII (15) nW.(&VlK ) 267 |S$$ ... ... 268 *B&ftoJ$ 245 ^ 170, 191, Tab. XXIII (15) &|$ Tab. XVI (3) (B, ii) w$ry\ 367 $m, W> O-r .- 358 in; 313 n?$v 133 (t, *), Tab. XVI (3) (B, ii) W,etc.Tab.XIX(NoteB) tt-tt^ (& -IK ) 317 r*JJ$ Tab. XVI (3) (B, 8) Dnw?! , 112, 317 Ipf. 162 npsni (& -n ) 358 W^BW ..* ,. 112 3 tiie prefix... ... ... 2, 3 3 w. Affs. Tab. II "(& Notes) fc}83 ... 327 153, n5?,H?3. t 327 Ki33 272 lfo$ Tab. XVI (3) (B, a) rOJS * ,. 123 430 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS, PAGE &5331| ... 80 fcsnns, ni^nnf, tti*0? . . ... 6 $W? Tab. XVI (3) (B, a) m . ... ... 343 pfans ... ... ... 340 ^W? ... . . 346, 347 nap ... ... 123 7tt6| T Tab. XXII (Note n) 69 Tab. XXII (Note h) Aj ... .. ... ... 347 *?. * ... ... ... 40 $i, fcfo ( n>- r> & :-), *fo w : : t ... 175 T " Tab. XXX (2) nto? ... ... .. 151 nt&pa. Tab . XXII fNote a) into}? ... ... 297 1$*3 ... 300 ?ij? ... 123, 144 1&3 ... >.. ... 173, 347 ^:?3 ... ... ... ... 123 tf*ij? ... ... * ... 123 D3i"p3 ... Tab. XY (Note %) D^3 * . ... ... 150 -T ... ... ... ... 347 ana, t -t y -T ... 122 23^3 .. ... 123 nn^? ... ... ... ... 133 Dy?>3 80 TFD 345 (? the prefix 2, 3 b w. Affs. Tab. II (& Notes) !?for '3 d Bt-letter' ... 69 rAus iO ordinary negative 93 tO. PEECEDES 93 *6 Prohibitive 93, 103 *>W {&,#$) 130* W8& 80, 322 *&& 160, 268 t : t: ... ... ... jCiOO ^*6&*ib*6 130* k$, K$? 272 ITO (for K^5 ... 273 ?W 323 #$ 150 (Note) *$ Tab. XIX n#j| ...Tab. XIX (Note a) n?^ Tab. XYIII nri i33(), 259 0TO 322 # 1*8? 268 ^8$ 269 K*5? 273 m$h 9 nnar^ 6 &rgir6 283 m^C$ ... 285 Dlfw 288 n$nr 6 * 343 (f) ni^ 1 ? 276 rrisrj!? 298 h^rf? 130** iyjjy 145 spar, nfjgl? 295 npDr& 114 P?$ 6 "l^n*? 349 3>yrrS 145 fa&k ... Tab. XXIY (g, 4) INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 431 .. Tab. XXIII (10) 365 *rfe (& $), vrb ... 40 rtnft 278 nin^(i d ,-13 )... 279 \brb 349 (Note*) rbvrf? 80 DC& 116 &gr & mp_rb Tab. XXIV (a) iV^j : Tfc>$,-3fen, DN$ ... 116 n$# 143 niT> 281 n*iD^ & nio^ 342 rq$& 342 nn[?4 342(+) H7> 80, 286 D7V(&>J ) 288 K'n^, rvn^> 288 'kirit 133 ^ Tab. II (2) & Note (6) T\l) 133, Tab. II (Note 6) H^ 133, 136 i^&^!?, *#6 343 ^ 133 (Note |1) raVf 263 DJOT 225 ]TIK>V [Cp. Pt I, 58 (Note*)] Tab. XXII (Note b) ftifah ...Tab. XXII (Note J) *D>E& 80 *$&$ 176, 366 ti Tab.II(2)&Note() W? 160 B*& 152 (Note) PAQB ... 296 DnnA ; rriD^ ... 300 &P ... 123, 144 ^ 79 yh& & pn$ 123 fc$ ... Tab. XXIV (8, 5) H^ (ft-T, & Dp-iy ) Tab. XXIV (a) ^[Cp.79(Notef), 382] TO 1 ? 150 13^? ... Tab. XXIV (8) rro!? 340 nfefi 236, 381 (twice), 382 $$ 79, 120, 349 tbyjib 322 1(3$ & *($$ 123 V$> 311 n pb ... ...Tab. XIX (A) nn^ 244, Tab.XIX(Note% v) 0$ Tab. XIX (Note A, 3) nnp^> Tab. XIX (A) ijin^ ... Tab. XVI (3) (C) iTO^ ... Tab. XXIV (8, 3) to$h 150 (Note) nni^ ... 80 *H? 286 rttf$ 340 EQflfc?!? 349 (Note) n$lj$ 322 rrgg^ 321 inV^ ... Tab. XXIV (8, 2) nsfc6 302 toiM? ... Tab. XXIV (8, 4) nj$ ... 133, Tab. XVIII tj^ 1 ? 123 UP*^ ...Tab. XXIV (a, iii) 432 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. . PAGE te*7 ... Tab. XXIV (S, 4) 33^ (& 3).. .79 (Note*) *V$k ... 79(f) ,8?$? 79 (t) nn^(-n ) Tab. XIX (B) m> ..-.Tab. XIX (Note 5) ordinary prefix ... ... 3, 4, 6 O (or IP) w. Affs. Tab. II (& Notes) &? ... ... ... ... 347 nn_n*P '.. ... so vnp, rin^p, rrpKP 268 18 330 W^- 344 D9gO,D3pKD321,Tab.XV(N'otet) VStpND 347 B*Tfi9 271 K3 & K$Q 272 IP*? 369 n^5P, DgJ&f? 3 njpnap no nvop & JV 276 nisnp 298 "inp ... 330 nfcp 344 n:nnp 324 ** 281 nyi-iD 138 TO& 283 ITIWD 348 gAM$M 286 $&! 285 ^D | Dn^iO&ICJ- ... 336 D>NV'lO & '*$D 285 PAGE DK*1 & rwqfWO 286 Ymf>Q ... 336 Di>lD, n_, D-D-, HID-... 163 DW-liD ... ... ... ... 289 EHIO 347 DniD, V>T 289 njD w. Affs. Tab. XIII (Note J, e) rrio 151, 243 into, nrw, wid, ftWUD ... 151 *riiD Tab. XIII (Note +, e) TO 130 $$S 81 pinp 4 nnp 279 D>p^np 353 ospnp ... ... 176 nvno (& n ), rv?DP 66 ^n : pp 172 WB, n ? 1 n ? 135 tefPS (& * ) 135, Tab. XXVI () DMS$? 288 in*0*p 80, 286 H5P (& H , W_), and H3D (H_, & H_) 298 0*? (& IA-), D>3D, $D 298 H5P 298 $303? 175 t>fR? 177 r*J}B 86 tyrpp 353 ^o (& ') 327 *6p, &6p 344 ixp 346 n*6p Tab. XXII (Note a) "mbip 84 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 433 . PAGE m>p 290 rote, who 86 ^pte 367 D^ 163 D^p (& DJ ) 161 fFJ>$> 232 TjSpn^D 78 q^w.Affs. ... Tab.X n^Pw.Affs. ...Tab. XII nrte/rte... 86 ttsAp ... 130 niyi^p 362 'DiEP Tab. XIII (Note {, e) DTOp 173 t$ft 318, 367 ?&? 292 A}4a$ 292 D^P 292 W? 306 n| ... ... 145 tai^D&n-i ... ... 135 rvpp .. i6i -PP 353 nnj?D 134 (J) DniVP 353 Wfe 232 nfe (& n ) 192 ^VP 4 nb^Pw.affs 44 Np$b 85 p^V9 119 nipap, igor?, np T s?p 83 QFtotp 353 K9,ete. ... 185 3*B ... 134, 145 PS? .,. 134 ^riVD Tab. XXII (Note d) DPipP, D-, D , etc BW$ njyg, etc. yanp n T5B .. npphp .. ^3^P .. 163 163 67 4 323 4 162 330 302 133 i3#p , etc. App x (B) to Tab IX Wn^D ... Tab. XXYII (/3) nnspD 369 tt$ & O^O 86 fc>Wp ... 67 D^lpfe ... 85 DS^p w . Affs. App x (B) to Tab. IX ni^p ... 369 \r\WD 302 niq^P ... Tab. XXIII (J) Dp'-inn^'p 178 np, etc. ...152, Tab. XX np, etc. ... 152, Tab. XX n?.^D,D* 267 W#W ... 270 D^fc^P 268 nnp&nnp, nnp 152 ^nnp 248 inp, W ...152, Tab. XX vnb (in vnb2) Tab. XIII (Note t, e) fpg 162 D^np & BflP 152 rriy^np ... 362 D$np 316 434 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. maano mp & -urip DPTO, etc. ., naftw PAGE 151 330 163 162 rU*U, 1ty$ 291 nj|J3, ttKJ 290, 291 "VIW 268 nix:, nniio 269 irq*o 129 rtaw (& nb_)...l30 (add 1 Note) fl?KJ TO 342 $ 344 T$ 343 Dn$ 271 nan; 273 Tpi ...Tab. XXI (Note 6) K3| 275 D^ 160 rfcu ...Tab. XXI (Note 6) H[5?3 ...Tab. XXI (Note 8) $} 178, 368 H3?3 42 V.(V>M 39 TO 3 & WJQ 340 W ... 338 rgp . ... no rrya 145 7$L 190 n^3, etc 173 rt?3J 170 & 173 WJw.Aflfe. ... Tab.X yy ...Tab. XXI (Note 7) na&y 137 PAGE njT3 & &fcr 138 "nj(op'Vp)w.Affs.Tab.X njri?, *i?j 277, c P . Tab. xxm (9) n;m^mv_&nn^_,n\v r , W.-) 278 n$8 191 Ofjjj &-i:>5>m. 119 *#>, h\H3 281 rqp$ 137 njsj 318 W& ... .: 286 xp & na_, tp^tjb 287 TfNp ... 55,287 n ... 334 $?p no BW3 341 9*8$ 119, 381 nam 339 BpS^ ...Tab. XXII (Note/) mm 191 n;$ ... 279 n^m.(&ni ), nWp_... 193 ibm., *n^m 193 n$m us Dm 296 Dm, Dm ...144 (Cp. 343) inipm 116 oWpOJ 119 Wm&Dri- 144 n:m i9i ^q & rJW 296 9?M ...Tab. XXI (Note i) nsm. 193 njwa .. ... us tS ...Tab. XXI (Note ii) *ngj, nnnm, nirnna ... ... 119 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 435 nra, Dnro PAGE 193 mr$ &-n- 119 inq3 144 D'lfim ... 339 nta, nu&3 & wi (Kthiv), *)D3, etc 297 V&3 ... 297, Tab. XXIII O^t?} 341 Dnopj Tab. XXII (Note/) VDb 370 fnt33 330 D3>3 ...283, Tab. XXX (7) n&73 & nc^ 135 1K33 ... 298 n3?3, *TO?3. 341 n>?253, DnH?5? 341 n|>a,-in33 299 H33, -133 298 nn?3 138 D33, ^ 297 t]bp3 338 nri?p53 82 "1333 318 rro3 . 122 nnpj 298 Vl>3 & D 290 DhS3 338 T>3 154 (Note *) n#a & ro 136 inS3 113 *?? ( thrice ) ...Tab. XXII DWP3, D\S_, ^H ... 341 TO3 160 (Note) D3 300 3D3 180 Hp3 303 PAGB HD3 prr, *3-1_) ... 300 niw, iivco, >n_ , Dn ,.. 300 VB3 300 nyw, nyw, & nyD3 144 nnp3 & inb3 M . ... 300 m ii6 (t) ni3 : y_3, wife & *# 118 nn 116, 119, 340 ^ 160 (Note) ST$ J\^.Past3s.w.... 119 5f3 (& H??) 192, 193 (cp. 171) rftp 171, 191 D>V?, ... 116 n^3_ 119 (Note*) npy; no W3.JJ3 193 W% ... ... 119 rrjp 119 ^3w.Affs. ... Tab. X iT$3_ w.Afs. ...Tab. XII 1-)?3 119 ny : 3_ 119 (Note*) nbl?3 193 ib>p_, nnbj>3 & nn'^3 193 Itepi , ... 339 n^iQ3 163 (t) n^P3 , 185 nn^?3 ... 82, Tab. XXII n^3 &nVs3., &^?3 144 V?S3 t 113 13^?3 Tab. XXII (Note I) \m Tab.XXlII H1VD3 163 Dnib3 : 160 *ri?)3 295 N\3 300, 301 436 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. PAGE a-sj&a-r, c . 4 ... 145 trpft & nj ... 134, 145 3 300, 801 \JP$ 88*, 315 D^ 801 jfti c .,c no fiprp m u. m> 3 l !T#J .., ,. ? 86 IT3$ ... ... ... ... 83 np T 3, ng?, nga ... 301 p}, BjSJ 312 1$$? 158 Dnb-ip? & Dnbpg 160 n^^n* 301 m 302 nnijo & nn 301 nynj 158 (KVJP [Pt. I, 58 (Note *)] Tab. XXII r$f)J Tab. XXII (Note w) Mfb ... 173, 305 **# ... ... 305 *fe>}, K80}&Kfe>} . 302 (^,a$},ity ... 303 V? ... m- * 303 W) y KJ$ , ... 304, 344 te>3, tj?} -w3 ... 302 n"#&^ ... ... 803 Wn*S 173, '305 p%$ & DWJ 303 3, my 803 &1&$&1 302 *&} , 303 (tyfc(&3ftj, etc. ... 46 tf6^ 338, Tab.XIY (Noterf) Wl 306 03$) ... , 122 rHprfcg ... , 88 Vl)nf) 860364 ti$fi ...Tab. XXIII (Note) nynm ... Tab.xxm (17) bm ... Tab. XXIII (17) r>mnrx! ... 88 t*n| e ,. 122, 146 %m Tab. XIX (Note $, ii) *|jJjJ ... ., 329 nn:,fl ,]) 146, Tab. XIX (B) Cnn? & t 146, Tab. XIX (B) DFin; Tab. XIX (NoteS, ii) np^bj-ISp/^D, \3b 180,Tab.XXI MD ... .0 Tab. XXI 13b Tab. XXI 5*3p 180 ^ni2D ... 180, Tab. XXI T2D 328 *I?P ... 180 *:3p (i.e. -13D, Tab. XXI, w.Aff.w*) 180 ^3p ; Dr3p 180, Tab. XXI INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 437 rVlID ... 163 (Note* d) *W? ... 113,332 &Note* P9 ... Tab. XXYII () jtibd 86 D*P*Tp, etc. App* (A) to Tab. IX (Note ) 1?y w.Affs. ... Tab.X *h> us -Ww. Affs.... Tab.IY (3) *$ (& h.v), **$, &*n? 40 W ... ... ... ... 365 rr$ 173 (t) >$ 32 nVy [Cp. Tab. YIII] Tab. XIII (Note t, y) W.Affs. ... Tab.IY ^V,^? Tab.IY (Note 2) OnSy : ... Tab.IY (Note 4) nf?V 362 (Note) ^ Tab.IY (2) & Note (2) $$| & i^V Tab. IY (Notes 3 & 4) fi$2ftD^ in Tab. IY DVw.Affs. ... Tab. Ill Wfcjf 112, 118 US (>* me) Tab. Ill (Note) HV9 118 nr\m with them(m.) Tab. Ill B3f& ... Tab. Ill (Note 5) BjHfS Tab. Ill V.PV 328 $$ App* (A) to Tab. IX $(&*), *# ... 40 IfipB^ Tab.XXY( 7 ) H> w.Affs. ... Tab. XIII (Note , 0) WV & ^i?V App* (A) to Tab. IX (f, ii) H 151 rnV 321 ^ff&Va? ; 327 W? 211 tnvy &W Tab. XXVI (J) fef 173 (Note ) V^y 381, Tab. XXIII (2) tifc% 238 n^y, ntyf 249 #? 211 *$# (& 1-), ^ Tab. XXYI (J) n'^v 172 rp, -injpby, *$$* 211 n| w. Affs. Tab. XIII, 6 *3 (twice), n>3, WB, B^T Tab. XIII, 6 vs>, rt'S Tab. XIII (6) ni*3 ... Tab. XIII (ft) T*, W Tab. XIII, 6 to*S> ...Tab. XIII (Note 9) ntoa ... Tab. XIII (ft) A* 345 >#i 110 %% & %)$ forms 175 kffe w. Affs. Tab. XI (3) ^a&^B forms ... 365-368 $$* & *$$> etc., forms ... 176 TOP 210 438 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. PAGE T(?S w. Affs. App* (A) to Tab. IX *|j (& ^1), ^ etc 40 VHt^JTW 40 ens & Dnn3 40 ?BHS ... 177 1WS ... Tab. IX (Note 8) ntpb>s 320, 321 tm ...Tab. XVI (3) (B, 7) nW, iS, W* . 262, 284 K3? w. Affs. Tab. IX (Note *) njT]? w Affs. App* (C) to Tab. IX. n-JV, etc. ... ... ... 309 TW 249, 251 nriiv 211 hjfe's 330 *VJ$ p. x* of Tabs. npv Tab. XXII (Note r) W* Tab. XXII (Note e) n$ w. Affs. App* (C) to Tab. IX. ID* (KtMv), *W$ (JTri) ... 173 On? ...Tab.XXI(Note2) P n* 3ii B? 151 (f) -n?i? Tab. XXI (Note * ) fo?g ... Tab.XXYII(7) nnj?. 310 f2 (twice) & Mi? 312 PA3K ^ *& $*, *$> 311 ^i?(&-W-1I?, <$>) ... 312 *TO, Wi?& W 312 Ej>, etc. ...163, Tab. XX Q'P 151, Tab. XX no-li? &ng-^p 158 (Cp. 377) ^ & *p*p 159 (Cp. 377) Dip (& D^_) ...Tab. XX nn.]i? 312 n 2 , n E , n F3 _ , D3 t _ Tab.IX(Note*,) Vi? 311 D$, -1Di?... 150 (Note) Wi? 163 D|5, etc. 151 (twice), 163, Tab. XX K$i =6 - 151 > 159 > 3 77 ngi? 151, 159, 163 *ij 150 -m 162 tol?P, etc. ... ...Tab. XX Hipp ... ...155, Tab. XX QR>WRi Tab. XX Wpi5 ... Tab.XI(Note) $*& 346 (Note) WSJ ... Tab. XXIII (2) irgfo ^g&v 211 ri"0p x (ZW), W5]3 (KtMv) 81 9$ Tab. XXX (1) n^i? 328 niK'-li? [Pt I, 58 (Note *)] Tab. XXII (Note a) INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 439 into?, n}tf$ Tab. XXYII () n*35 169, 185 nnnf? 81 H2^ 112, 331 nrji? 112 K^B w. Aff s. App x (A) to Tab.IX nnjw.Affs. App x (A)toTab.IX 4*3 (PH. Past 3 pi.) Pt I, 49 (Note) ni*n 170 rtoq 163 #1 ... Tab. XXYI ({) Vffl Tab. XXX (4) ten Tab. XXI (f) ntr] 320, 321 B$fl & D^ T n 32 jtfl ... 370 Dfi Tab. XXX (6) nn'-| w .Affs. ... Tab. XI fctopi 177 ninn 154 in & *Jn Tab. XXI (Note , 7) n?i 335 m?\ & 'nKSn Tab. XXII (? &p) HD1 ... Tab. XXII (s) >Wn Tab. XXIII v\p ..; *.;r37o ^ 81 W"? p. x* of Tabs. rrw, rmB> rrnis> rw, n^, *r> #,V,V, as Prefixes 24 303 JPAGE rimf & D"tp^ ... ... 163 %$ 303 nW 322 (Note*) mfafiQ & 1^N?> Tab. XXY (/3) &$$? 159, 325 OT^ 294 jw, \rvjfr, >i$p ... ... 302 a# & nr^ ... 133, Tab. XYIII $$? i.e. V& 327 WfZf etc., & D^Df App* (A) to Tab. IX nn^(&nn^'),in^/ri ,^_ 133 "$ 121 . ... 347 . ... 347 W ... !.. ... ... 163 DV^ & D-lb 154 }np#e* 330 y& w. Ails. App x B (4) to < . Tab.IX hw w.Affs. App x B(2)to Tab. IX D"i?1!ffr. p-1^ p. x** of Tabs. (0) Dtj)^ fr. W p. x ** of Tabs. (0) W^ ., 368 nn;^ 369 rnpq^ 322 ## 122 inq^ 344 *0W ...Tab. XXI (Note ii) Dnn^ 122 tnty & it>... Tab. XIII 00 D^ (twice), !W, -10, Vp 154 VT 284 If -W.ASa. Tab. Y rtf t rjyy ( arl( i so in^) ... 154 440 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. nrbw ^p Tab. XIII (Note J, 7) &t 79 (Note*) 23f (JT. Imper. 2 s. m., in p.) 382 $33# ... Tab.XYI(3)(C) DD^ (& DJ#), i?^ ^>_ 40 n*^ App x (C) to Tab. IX. (Note t) *tyty 172 rhf&ry Tab. XYI(3) 83, 120 329 W^, etc. App* (A) to Tab. IX efyp, uhf, wby&r\v- 62, etc. qnta App x (C) to Tab. IX (4,) DF 154 twice D# (-0^) w. Affs. Tab. XIII (Note , a) "9J? 23 ;w & nj>, -iDb & n# ... 154 W(&Wpb>)328,App x (A) to Tab. IX *p0 62, etc. $ 112, 113 rijnj#" 86 W&&W$ 112 *9^ ... Tab. XXYII (/3) 8EP n-uyw nw rrpp , rrw , t t : ' 86, 372 ... 373 ... 372 ... 86 ... 112 ... 82 ... 154 Dnbp Tab. XIII (Note , a) K#, nwb, etc. ... 185 W0,*$j$%? ... 176(f) ninsp pi. of r\r\m ... 40 & ... 81,113 $$* 366 WW ... Tab. XY (Note *) mm KtMv (twice), bf^ ZH, &.1D^ ... ... 82 B^ . '. 83 &P 365 &P 366 *W ... Tab. XXIII (1) $0 154 D F ... ... 83 tnan *4m snxn rogfl mgn TDn ... ,. Hp^5 , h&frl & ?-*, 242, trbsm , ... &?K nriorin & -id *l?$n mtoNn tjbga H3NJ5 fca 128 267 .., 130** ... 130** 267 130** 128, 130** .., 130** 268 Tab. XYII. 2 (a & 7) 367 245 251 ... p 130** 122 (Note*) 130** 270 270 271 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS, 441 31g8 ... ... ... PAGE 130** f$p$ ... ... ... 155, 268 0^9 ... ... ... 130** nO*M ... ... ... ... 271 nh ... ... ... ... 267 tori, *3$3fi, insb^i ... ... 273 r$$bJp & rnainn . ... 156 toX3fl ... ... ... ... 275 nytpfl, narian, JSOFI ... 156, 273 ^S&jg ... ... ... ... 273 nnxnri, vj$uj ... ... 273 ruwnfl ... ... ... ... 156 ^ixinjp ... ... ... ... 273 ti#3? ... ... ... ... 273 p^ri (x. Fut. 2 pi. m. fr. nyn) ... ... Cp. 172 n|$?3jp ... ... ... ... 346 tsbn, H$b&, van ... ... 153 "^ -. ... ... 114(f) i-i^fo ... ... ... 173, 281 b^n ... . T ... ... ... ... 155 &99,j>|9,ty,'^B ... 191&192 TO ... ... ... ... 245 ^n ... ... ... ... 143 IWJS ... ... ... ... 89 n* ... ... ... ... 155 TIB & * t"~ ... ... 137 VJB ... ... ... ... 138 ftsj ... ... ... ... 144 n|75 ... ... ... ... 191 nft$3 ... ... ... ... 116 *nfl ... ... ... 222, 277, Tal . XXIII (5) V ; \ > t v -. & t nJJ 277 ^IP ... ... ... 116 () nnn, n?r !? ... ... 191 PAGS ininiiri 208 Ann* or fl$i 346 (f), 354 TPto 328' $ 283 # 137 *|pto [&+. Fut. 2 s. m. fr. *|D*],Pt.I.47(Note) niasto 330 *3J8 287 rr$n w.Affs. ... Tab.YI cnhta&tn- ; m . a 47(w) T* fl (&5l )i D ^ . 289 DDJpi^n & ?5 ...see 46 (t) Drnin&j-. ... 46&47 p5-m 88 ^(for^Plor^ri) 128 tfi? 153 njpg & i i9i 159, n., wjp (& p* , Vi n r v ) ... 279 njo 191 rsnn, rann 117 nnri (fr. nn:) 144 nnpi (fr. nnn), Tab. XXI (Note v) a, p*, nm, ntsn .. 174, 297 intsri 297 "fen 144 tya 135 3J5 & *np^ 134 &fe*l 136, 282 pw&pre 135 nf8 171 w^i (& w_), px^rj (& d*J ) 287 287 ^, nsn 174, 299 442 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. TO ... i PAGB j 171, 192 rpyn ... PAGE ... 171 njsn & n:^.|n ... ... 289 tip$$S} & 8}$4fi$ ... ... 156 teisn & >j;tofl ... ... 317 r\wbz% ... ... 345 un ... 23 J 15- ... ... 222 nDsri ... 317 jK*n, ruKsn ... 285 jf2>ri ... ... 88 u|i?v ^ ... ... 310 *8 ... ... ... ... 192 n?$$ ... ... 301 r$$, j|g ... ... 290 nsri ... ... 145 *3$8 ... ... ... 161 njDpri ... ... 155 rte, &9, to ... ... ... 154 *on ... ... 191 o>a, *?!?a ... ... 136 >$m 287 (Note) ro^an tv : ... ... 156 vfrrin ... ... 177 tfn-i^ & |.in^i ... ... 160 tirfb ... ... 289 njfftD? 156(f) nnn {KtMv) ... 157(t) n;?w$ ... ... 345 D-rw ... ... 155 i^ ... ... 293 nj^ra ... ... 345 ;wun (Ktluv) ... 293 bh9 ... ... 155 nrari,Dnpn, ^mn ... 296 }!?*? ... ... 110 tWJ?(jrrt)... ... ... 293 vm ... 136, Tab. XVIII urra & ^n_ ... ... 294 ffftifB ... ... 303 fc#3n ... ... 317 2$B, *2VB ... 134, 136 H0M ... ... 306 njrp ... 157 i%) nbn ... ... 180 nn'^ ... ... 156 WP3 ... 143 (J) j?#n & nnv$ ... 155 B* ... 130** TtfB ... ... 306 W ... 137, 381 oote'n ... ... 318 nrinpri ... ... 315 myxfy ... ... 250 nnyn ... ... 337 t-inn^n ... ... ... ... 89 rfcp ... 112 *#9 ... "... ... ... 306 n^jiri ... ... 88 D^n ... 154, 155 n^D-iyjp ... ... 156 wgfyfp (&$. rut. 2 pi. m. r^W ... ... ... ... 122 w. Aff. him i ) ... 212 napayjp ... ... 345 DTO^J? ... 337 Sm (&^), f^ 171, 191-193 l-nprn ... ... 88 ^a ...' ... 191 W#? ... ... 176 vipyB & h_ ... ... 117 WW* ... 89 INDEX OF HEBREW WORDS. 443 Kru} >Kfj !?npnon Wjy$ n-^nn PAGE 313 267 191 175 284 133 (t) PAGE D3tffi 317 D$nn ... ... 316 ynri (jr. rut. 3 s./. fr. njm) 171 ^|?fl&i 361 nsnri 133 ({) END OF INDEX OE WOEDS. INDEX N.B. The Figures refer to Pages of this Exercise-book except when preceded by or . Accent, ordinarily on syllable in- volving 2 a Rt-letter in Verb- forms 109 Accent, thrown forward in some Past-Tense forms with Vdv pre- fixed 104 Accents, Introductory remarks on, Pt. I. 37-46. Accents, Table of, Pt. I. 65- 69. Adjectives 50-55 A-leph [Pt. I. 2 (i) and 9 (Note)], Quiescent [Pt.I. 30], cannot have Dagesh [Pt. I. 49], A-leph prefix for 1 s. Fut. Kal takes Segol generally ... 76, 116 A-leph, Yerbs having, as 1 st Rt- letter ...128-130**, Tab. XVII A-leph, Verbs having, as 3 d Rt- letter ... 169, 185, Tab. XXII A-leph, Kaumets( ) not dropped before, sometimes 336 Alphabet, Pt. I. 8. Analysis of Verb-forms in Gen. i.-iii. and xii. ... 226-266 Apocopated forms of Verbs H f ? 170, 171, 190-193 Apocopated forms generally [but not always Note (J) on p. 171] used with Vdv Convers., and with ?tt Deprecative, and in a Positive wish 222 "Become, To" (for ^ nVl)... 254 & 255 (latter part of Note) B'gad-k'phath letters, Pt. I. 47 &48. Verbs whose Root has any of the ... 123 * Borrowed' forms... 161, 162, etc. Classification of Verbs which are sometimes called 'Irregular' 124 1 Compaginis ' ( Y6d) 232 Compensation for Dagesh-F. 115 (comp. 6b) Compound Shva [Pt. I. 22-24], always Moving 117 sometimes under other letters than those in Pt. I. 24 [Pt.I. App x D] 346 1 Construct poem,' ' Construct State,' or ' State of Construc- tion' 33-36, 45 before a Prepo- sition, [See Obs. XXX]... 193 Couple, Vdv with Kaumets before second word of a ... 223-225 "Created to make" (for "created and made" of E.V.) [Gen. ii. 3] 380-382 Dagesh ' Conjunctivum,' l Dirimens,i 'Euphonic? l Forte JEuphonicum, 1 'Intermediate; [See Pt. I. 71, Note (J)]. 446 INDEX. Dagesh-forte [Pt. I. 49, 53 & 54]. after 'He for the Def.ArV ... 4 (cases in which it is not put) 4, 5 after the prefix v from, 3 (cases in which it is not put) 3, 4 for an omitted Et- letter 3 or T\ 121, 122 in 1 st Et-letter for Nun of Mph-al 71, 76, 79, 87 in 1 st Et-letter sometimes for H of Hithpa-el 89*, 316-318 in 2 d Et-letter of H-$l, Pu-iil, and Sithpa-U ... 71 often omitted over Shva 346 Dagesh-lene [Pt. I. 47], some- times omitted [Pt. I. 48], can- not stand after 'Shva- Moving,' or after a Vowel [Pt.I.47N.B.] Dagesh-lene when in Et- letters (B'gad-ttphath) of Verb-forms 122-124, 'Supp'toTab. XIV "Day," "first," "second," etc., of the E.V. in Gen. i. 234-236 Defective ' Long-KUril and Sha- nk 9 [Pt. I. 12 & 14]. Deficient rather than Full Khou- lem ' used with 1 Convers. and with ?K Deprec. and in ex- pression of a Positive wish 105, 222 ' Definite- Article,' ffl for, not to be placed before a Noun which 43 Diacritic Point of W and b [Pt I. 61 Note]. 'Doubly-Irregular' Verbs, so called by some, ... 174, 267-314 "Evening and Morning" [Gen. i. 5 ] 227 'Furtive' Pathakh [Pt. I. 60] 114 dropped (of course) when any addition is made to the word ... 44,120 Future-Tense 75, 76, 85-89, 333 -337 forms, with He at end of the more common forms, 88, 105, 111, 117, 118^ 334 (*), 335 Kal, Shiirik (or u) form of, 336 & 337 usages, Some, 99 with Negative Par- ticle, 93,103,105,222 with ' Vdv Conver- sive' ... 101, 102 with ' Vdv Conver- sive' precedes its Subject... 104 .), 120 Shurik sometimes in the form of Kibbuts [Pt. I. 14] , The usual form of (viz. -1), sometimes used for Kibbuts [Pt. I. 14 (KB.)] < Slight '-Towel [Pt. I. 56] 35- 38, 115, 117-119 Tenses 72-74 precede Subject except there be Emphasis on the Subject 105 Tense-usages 97-103 (& 162) Three forms of Past Kal ... 81 Tsayre ( ) rather than *~- in Fut. Hiph. in certain cases 222 Tav-Consonantal as 2 d Rt-letter, Terbs having, 150 Tav Converstve 101, 102, 128, 135, 136 (twice), 137, 156-158, 171 Tav with Kaumets 179, 223-225, [but see also p. 101 (Obs. 1)] Terb and Noun together from the same Root, for Emphasis, 228 & 229 Terbs ' Doubly Irregular ' (so called by some) ... 174, 267-314 'Terbs Fut. ( ),' and 'Verbs Fut. ( ),' ... 85 (Notes % & ) Verbs, Introductory remarks on, 69-89** 'Med. A,' 'Med. E,' and ' Med. 0,'[bad terms for ',' 'J/,' and 'V'] 81 450 INDEX. Yerbs, Names of the Seven ordi- nary Yoices 69-72 Yerbs are not always used in all the Yoices 221 Yerbs of which the Eoot has Nun for 3 d letter ... 121 & 122 of which the Eoot has Resh in it 121 of which the Root has Thdv for 3 d letter 121 & 122 whose 1 8t Rt-letter is A- leph, 128-130** Tab. XYII & Paradigm whose l 8t Rt-letter is Yod 133-139, Tah. XYIII whose 1 st Rt-letter is Nun 143-146, Tab. XIX whose 2 d Rt-letter is Vdv or Yod ... 150-163, Tab. XX whose 2 d and 3 d Rt-letters are the same, 179 & 180, Tab. XXI (VV a bad designation for these Yerbs 179) Yerbs whose 3 d Rt-letter is A -leph 169, 185, Tab. XXII whose 3 d Rt-letter is He Consonantal ... 190 (Note *) whose 3 d Rt-letter is He Non-consonantal 170-173, 190 193, Tab. XXIII with Pron.-Affs. 175, 208- 212, Tabs. XXIY etc. YoicE-forms, Ordinary ... 69-72 Other ... 175-177 which are called Poil and Po-al ... 365-368 Yocabulary Heb.-Eng.... 383-388 Eng.-Heb., 389 & 390 N.B. (a) The * Pt. V referred to in these Tables is the First Part (Part I.) of the 'Introductory Hebrew Grammar.' (/3) The referred to axe those of the Exercise-book if Pt. I. be not mentioned. TABLE I. Personal Pronouns. Absolute Forms. [N.B. p. stands for 'Pause-form/ Pt. I., 41.] *MN or *}8t thou ^(p-:^S) 2 nm !/. (p. i#) 3 m he (or it) tf!|n she (or it) 1 K1S1, ^fl we ye /. 6 rum they on, n&n T V" / 4 niin 1. Kin in the Pentateuch; iOn, the usual form elsewhere, is comparatively rare in the Pentateuch. The Kin is read' as K\l [see Pt. I., 79 (3).] [Note. In Job xxxi. 11, Kin is Kthtv for K*n n* [Pt. I., 74 (3)], and in the same verse fcOiTI is Kthtv for N-ini Kri.^ 2. fitf, in Nu. xi. 15, Deut. v. 24, for Euphony; and, in Ez. xxviii. 14, for shortness. In 1 S. xxiv. 19, Ps. vi. 4, Job i. 10, Eccles. vii. 22, Neh. ix. 6, HK is Kthiv for nntf Kri [Pt. I., 74 (3)]. Gesenius [Thesaurus, p. 129 (a)] gives flK for 1 S. xxiv. 19, Ps. vi. 4 ; but this is a mistake, as in each case it is merely nX Kthiv there. The Reader should be put on his guard against the very great mistake (made by some) of mixing up the Kthiv and Kri together, and speaking of this incongruous mixture as being "written" and "read," whereas the truth is that such is neither "written" nor "read" at all, in the technical sense. Needless and great confusion is caused by the misuse of technical terms. 3. *n is Kthiv (Ju. xvii. 2, 1 Ki. xiv. 2, 2 Ki. iv. 16, 23, viii. 1, Jer. iv. 30) for n Kri, and (Ez. xxxvi. 13) for m Kri [Pt. I., 74 (3)]. 4. There is another word, n3n, hither, to be distinguished from this by the context only. 5. ffiK, Ez. xxxiv. 31. The forms |P)N! (and nilflX), which some give, should not be adopted. 6. 13K is Kthiv (Jer. xlii. 6) for Wp Kri [Pt.I., 74 (3)]. , i II TABLE II. Pronoun-marks attached to Prefixes N.B. p. stands for ' Pause-form.' "Words in [ ] are not in the Bible, (i.) 3 in, ? to or for: In in us -133 in me T 3 in thee (mOCp.:^*) 1 ^ (/) W in you (m.) D33 OB)] him her 13 P13 in them (m.) *D3, DH3 (i) to me to thee { (m.) (p.J^t)^^ to him her ii6 To to us Og to you Cm.) D* (/.) nj^[@^] to them (.) tab, 8 DH 1 ? (2) (ii.) 3 (or, IDS) as or like, ftp, *|D) /rom. like me ^b3 like thee >.) 11 #w ( him .inb3 1 * T like { (3) a ((/) tf?l ( her Mb3 h3 o -Si C 3 like us Ub3 like you >o D33, IV t' DDb3 W : B 5 \ ) J l"T* iv ft iv : 3 S (a.) OS?* 5MP d ((/.) fM'ioNi ft In the place of the _i given above, there may also be 1 ; thus *}1D3, 1 K. xxii.4,etc. B o "3 feC q ed from me 15 'SfflD | ((*) (p. &389)fPP ( him " -lagD J from < ( her n3 \ TIV ' (4) 13 E D s from us }3J3ft J g lb*.) | /(.) nsne, on In O, Q For the Notes see next page (3). 2 Ill NOTES ON TABLE II. * The two words marked thus are the same in form. They can be distinguished from each other by the context only. 1* See Note *. t See Note *. Somewhat like each of the words thus marked, there is another word (to be distinguished therefrom), viz., ^3, prithee; -132 (not -133), they built; \TQ (not |n?) Ruth i. 13, which is either for them or (according to some) therefore; Hjin? on this side, on that side ; |D? therefore; -13? they lodged. 1 Also HD3, Ps. cxli. 8. 2 Also mWJ3, Ex. xxxvi. 1; Hab. i. 16. T (.- T ' 3 Also n3n3, Lev. v. 22; Jer. v. 17; also in Nu. xiii. 19, where the accent is wrongly placed on the last syllable in several editions. 4 vh is Kthiv sometimes for )h Kri [Pt. I., 74 (3).] 6 rh, Nu. xxxii. 42, is for r6; the (-) marks the H as HD"! [Pt. I., 48, t i., ii.]. So rb, Zech. v. 11, Ruth ii. 14, in some copies. 6 i"D^, Gen. xxvii. 37, Is. iii. 6. This is distinguished by the context only from J"dV go thou (m.), with PI added ; and this last, dropping the H, is some- times ^7. 7 ilh (2 K. iv. 2) is Kthiv for $ Kri [Pt. I., 74 (3).] 8 nmb, Jer. xiv. 16. 9 Ez. i. 5 ; xlii. 9. 10 Ez. xiii. 18. 11 HDb3, Ex. xv. 11. 12 Also J n$3, Jer. xxxvi. 32. 13 Ez. xviii. 14. 14 : -in??? Job iv. 12. Also t lf$B (Ps. lxvhi. 24) according to some. 15 Also *3p, as Is. xxx. 1. (Also P3D Ps. xviii. 23% Job xxi. 16.) [There is another word v 30 (and, twice, >3 Is. xxx. 11), winch means merely from (_ |p) t as ju. v . 14, p 8 . xliv. 11, 19, etc. The \3 of Ps. xlv. 9 is taken by some for D^i? musical instruments, and by others supposed to mean a band of musicians^] 16 Jer. x. 2; Eccles. xii. 12. Also OHSft, Job xi. 20. a Also Ps. lxv. 4, 3 IV Table III. (1) m CnK) the mark of the Definite Object/ (2) m (-fiK) with, (3) DJJ with. ( (p- 1 *) Tjnx him ink me "nfc thee CO (' \ her VT ( tm /m. 4 d3nx [ m. 2 Dnx Urn us vm you L them | \ v VT I* 085$ r TO (a.) Forms of (1) are sometimes given for those of (2). (/3.) In place of the J. given above, there may be the full 1; thus, ^JYIK Deut. xxxii. 51, etc. with with me *j7|fr$ /.ro.(p. with thee < I'- /him \ft# with | her nftN \ VT (2) withus^ftK VT tm. with you < I'- \ VT with them < It* with with me "fty / m. (p. with thee < I* /him ^j; with 1 (her ngy (3) with us ^j; with you { I* past. with them < BJ? 1 Also nDnfc Ex. xxix. 35. 2 Also DnnN Gen. xxxii. I; DHJliN Ez. xxiii. 45. 3 Also ngpfc Ex. xxxv. 26; ff|N Ez. xvi. 54; jgrjto Ez. xxiii. 47. 4 Also MrnX Josh. xxiii. 15. 5 Also rS]/. 1 S. i. 26. 6 Also DHSj; Nu. xxii. 12. I AJso ^V (& "TO). Table IY. (1) Vtf to, (2) hv on, or upon, [(3), and (4), below]. To tome(p.P-) ^X to thee to us WStftoy b to to them him V7N VT her n^X T VV " On ! (4) 1 Often Di"6tf. iD^>K Ps. ii. 5. [DiT^K (Ez. xxxi. 14), which some take to mean o them (m.)," strictly means < their (to.) strong ones,'* i.e. f/e strong ones among them]. 2 The following words, V_V leaves-of (Neh. viii. 15, etc.), -lil^ his leaf (Ps. i. 3, etc.), T\7V r her leaf, or leafage (Is. i. 30), are from TOV a leaf. 3 Also T : V^hto Ps. cxvi. 7. 4 Often DH^. Also te^Jj Ps. v. 12, lv. 16; Job vi. 16, xx. 23, etc * Also without the * ; 2 instead of *J . 5 VI TABLE V. (i.) Singular. ! my yri thy r m. (p. ?v } Tt his \ ^ * 1'- i* her IT 1 song (m. Djyvtf / w. trr# our tiW> your their j IT i. c. W i" 1* vvt. K' (52) (ii.) Plural. my our ^J'T* thy your /. (p. **0 y.T^ IV /. pn*0 I IV his her their IT T IV ' /. vnrvw I (.V D^^ songs i. c. n# (56ix.) TABLE VI. (i.) Singular. my Trta thy [ m. (p.^-v^in his imto l T mta ip t V ii* her IT T law t m. Dsmw /m. Drrtfl our wrrm your their < Lc.nnin l" T \3F$ft I'- / ( 56 v.) (ii.) Plura . < 3 Thta thy J/-"(p. 1 iv his her vnhin t.T jrrinin T (.V nnin / m. vour < IV their ) laws i. c. rvnin The is sometimes dropped in (ii.). 1 ^n- Ez. xxxv. 11; Ps. ix. 15. Rarely ^n_, as Deut. xxviii. 59. 3 7 JV Ps. cxxxii. 12, as some say, 4 By Contraction DHL.. 5 !'"" VII TABLE VII. A Noun of Dual Form. my our O^TX thy your m. I iv : t DMTK /. I iv : t his her VJTK it: t \ iv : t their { \ I iv : t Bfjflf ears * The to the X is S. TABLE VIII. Various Forms of these Pronoun Affixes* [Those within Q are not for Composition.] (i.) For a Noun in the Singular, First Person. rare *J , \. **p 7> U- Second Person. [p.Ona-^-xnjT),^,^ (rare,] og'T. D3-, Da- ta'- er- (-). 13- Third Person. v 7 ,.in^n-,(n- T ), *,__ (rare, n|-. *-) H>- n- ft_ (ii.) For a Noun in the Plural or Dual, First Person. Second Person. Third Person. g^v'.rqg^i 13-), _ (rare KH ; fl). J-It (rare ilBIT-; )D~, DH-), \W-, fr]1_ (rare fWJ^j ]T\-), ^- fV0 M. F M. F. Excluding some few which are peculiar to Tab. II. (3, 4). [Objective Aff 8 . hereafter.] % Also na-jr, ffy& m 7 VIII TABLE IX. (i.) Singular. my nyi (m. (p. :i-)^|W his m tljf* it : l* WW her prm itt : \ word / m. Dbrj* /m. crcn our W. your< . u . their { itt : (i.c T^p \ f - \m I* 1 (ii.) Plural. /*.' rm his vnw) mrih**&+m thy | itt : D*W i-t : (/(p. i ^rm her t w t : 1 words ( m. pyttl /m-nnna^ our fi^M your < iv : their &.#PD i"T : //. TO 1 * (a.) When the last letter is X, the is retained before it when i. c. ; * thus, Kjy a host, i. c, Kiy. [When the first letter of the word is one of the four ynnX, there must be a compound Shva under it in the place of the in Iff* (cp. y.)]. (j3.) Some words of the form ?yS replace, in declension, their second by followed by Dagesh Forte; thus, \G$> little (or a little one) gives D3t?p, and Plu. B*|DJ3 (i. c. $B). So %i a camel gives Plu. ttfol (i. c. ^03) WOK MU (y.) When the first letter of the word is one of the four V n H tf, (i.) It must have a Compound Shva wherever the I in (Tab. IX.) has Shva-Moving ; thus, from ]T\ft a son-in-law, \T\X\ (i. c), '^T\U, etc. ; (ii.) It will have a Slight ' Vowel (where necessary) agreeing with the Compound Shva of (i.) ; thus, from 0311, a wise man, Plu. D*J?3n, i. c. *3n, etc. ( ^ ^-^ \ ^ x HY JTi ci~ CI- n- Qf n:* Qr t 2^ r ' R" K* C r *a- ffl- or or rv- i^r s 3 ^ fts ai pi j^ -. r c c s ts" iJ* \*Jr l* ' B KJ iz n iz n> n: on: r> ji n V * oil ISil *- jz" hi- ffli- Gs n^ i^j.- i^i . 157 Jr- - - r; rs n n* %-r gu | s h 5 I 5, *.'. ; iu; ^= M= P a r J- J- h i N CI: H7jr r- r 4 f> c s?" jji I* ft? C C' a. ?= ?= ^7 ^ h^ a J 1 = r a r r l h I s is l n- n : ^ %= 1 I b.HJ rQ 03 he B s ru ni = =-a 1 r : ' r- m- /n !-!_ 1-^ ri V' VI" Gi IAl f r- j r' 13 r r r : "ft- Jl: ^C" a Hi 1 li JJ Hi l"J ! I- I: n n^ n^ ni 3 2 Jp- JZ" Q ^= ^: o * 1 I 8 el- j- 17 %: JP-2 n b* 1 - .2 a 1= 1 I- fell d I I & i is' i ^5 a *^ 9 n: cq a n-- 9 -CM. Q g 02 a a '* 1 & n:- : i J & | d S, -S * I i 1 1 : i ! pi P S o Q _i | r^ ; < Pi $ -l-'.S n-^o i%N I> - o .a 8 ;5v *.: r^ &r .a S *~ S rlL ^2 5 &' / ITS irt 53 ft I' 1 * 1 r -^ r %i r" Er o- - S. o Q: .2 ^ * a ct s I "~ 2 ^'-^" a P ". * o3 cr .. * o et-i ' ' o Qi E 'S " C: vnr 6, M 8 -SI T c^ g > ^ T* *J .' J . -H as Ph m Ph 02 ft n n & & 9 .o- 2 d ^^ ^-N /'-X JT"* . n n 'a g .2 '^ Q:* St Sf .2 .2 '> & X3 n a rv Vv Sh Sh & & si I- I s 1- 1* |i * 2 I- 5 *.' 1 " *-' n' fc- ^.2 P & & B ^ r,,_ ^Ik !>>- i . i . i3 rj FT J 1 1 1: P U I 1 Vi*- F~ f- r*~ li J? r^ jt~ . Q *2 "& *& i3 n g n- n- S- f>* Ei-S- ^ ^ - .#- 3v ]i M co *- - .a n n > & i3 .3 fv n S, g r ^;^ q h^ q r: a a - n : ; J3 < Jh J Jj l J J : CS H5 n : ; * * h .53 .JD & & rj i3 jH' I3~ S. * i . . i . m> G- 1 1 . ! J 1 1- J : b 2 O hO t>0 sta sta fox fox T3 ^ S s .a I a i- i- g s o 2 o te .a .a h 2 | 3 ^r '^1 *^i ^ .^5 +- ^ ^^ d ^ ^ ^T g ^1 ^l .^5 .^5 n on n- ^ ^ ^ ,g ^ ^i .^ S3 ' S; q. hi hi % ^ ^ .^ B q a q o !-J : !"J ! n : J n : ; n : ; m ^i > ^ .^5 10 vrii*** pH g S 02 Cm 93 4 m A E E 55. 55. | n E n n ^-^ ^ ~v ^^^ ^^ s ^^ 5* M % % 5^.. Utt ITT J~" - or* ^'. J^- nJ- r\_- EL o rii' E;- C , C^ ' -4- ^ s ' M M 55 55' M' 1?' tc c .. *-.. #-! B r St 13 f^ .h. JZ- c r^i ./3_ 2 C' Gfi C' C- C^ *- - m % * +-' ?=* . i? H Is [5 1" h *- l> I 1 ' n f> JI n> Ji n^ CI- +- J"^5 n: ^ Ui 55' 55' >- Sf VQ S^ i~ r #-.. #-.. ^ : & y I 5 m h. n> c Ol .fi i c Cs c CiJ c P :; C *- r=7 T i*7 lt~ f?7 1 9 I Is [J Is (J- P^ s c* e o I2 P r" 55' 55' r-k- R * a fc h_ J^ .n Oi i^- Pi & O & r;^ & C- o - *- *- - *s> Pi o os CO ^ 2* ^1 55' 55' Z4> 15' 1 ' f~" J~ *- *- Ki ^*'' j C5 .JZ M ia o jj a a a HH . 1* J^ Js J* Ji J^ 5 s 3 a lO io M tA 25- 55- s g IE JZ' .1= '8; q <3 a M * cu . l I- |: i h 1 h <1 s rv; i rv; * * 5* ^ 55' 55 *i. J^. l~ f~ *-* *-% feir Bir tj rii CL. E> .sz m .J^_ 1 *- 5 *- P *T~ ry *~i ro xn CO an o o a fl CO pi m o o t>0 to a p a S +3 05 * rd 15 3 If bQ '3 . b0 *3 J 1 n C4 .a CI- !> 4 S 125 a *; IwM .9 a i- h >s> a* a si a a i -3 a : 1 S* " T 1 1 s a * ^ da S n c2 C ^ ++ a ^. c a_S; - 5: F .2 ,2 a J ^ , "2 cB CU ++ N X Z n cq il #4 11 *- o rt rt ^ o ^.. o ^ ^* B 5, p- ^;- I J 00 to j . g 1 o 6 . l. I: 3 * 1 C". a S3 3 1 o & en < a a tZti d8 s tk . E l: r I ai .a # QQ c I .2 ^rt-. a ; g n .. ,2 - r" 4 - pn n - a C Q Lb 9 - ^ s D- h I I * o .r s? ,9 a- .a | fe?P O . * s c*.. ^- il > Si IT f^ II * pi i-1 * . .. I* s r 3 <^ F P b c -a .a a 5. 'Si.. n: It IX * -4 *" <50 if *rf CD GQ P4 QQ QQ 7L BQ Ph to Pn 73 Pj . 15 OJ Pi fib a * a a * a T\* pi- r r" 1 - * a r r- * h Si; *? EB Eg t'8 00 2 *-. r> nr S3l('33l- *T > ,d *> 9' 9* r r pi- i^>- 2* ssir v 1 M >> s CO r- /-- *- *1" PL so PL Ft 4T- 4- P' Pii' n-rr- n u '53 i3> rj- P a 51, r " v . a n n- a ^ it Jt > Hi- J- tJ 1 O 13 #-|. tr r; : ns " a SSI' 5^: P%| pi" rr- pi Pi n n : - r r < T- J: A J- T- J" rib n nsn> 1"J : i-j- ni n-, pi PL C:- nr 5 p nrif 09 bo to C S 3 S I CO Oh 04 ^ i o o 3 3 W CO ca 2 42 (2 1. 1*. M* - rJ Pt - o & F & n wX > ' # 4f K y> f- fii- m t i r- : r* w Id ry n- -ri> 4> _ T- C ri b i> %- r*- Civ d- A J jr.- i^f *- m n- -T- ~fH o h .1 fiV T J-f HI*- fil- 8 J~" r a I r> a* fill- a r- a" It H-: * J - *- filh Hk a n-; a 55" i S -. o if X 'I bo c '2 c *Sa o v_v ill rj' . #-! *"ll C" /Hh .n C- Cb C- Cb C- ..# P^! ^ i i A S Isj""i it> n n> 01 CD n |> UA ' CO 1 #~i #-ii 4-3 /V_F- 1. ^j; /^.n ^* j- h .r: C Cb .5 c fcs o T, CO fir T, 8 -- i * g * -* HH : t . * XI #ir a> i^r S3 a 9 1 S' nt-.n ^3 #-|i #ni O | i PQ p* f!^ E- P P .2 <1 CO -3 eo a> H 1 i^i -I' #-l rii-.n (U E a n a bfl ? c "t |: s *-' - J3 Xtp JtE n cu -G n- n & n^ n3 * rii- .n *" rt *r ry ^ 5? ST CO c a id a> 09 o 5 i B> r: F* *A n sV tz>- i i 55- ^_^ -J^.: s .3S a e^\i g ?i i i o */:>- f*^ HTP o a-t>: r- . a m r^ a % T) :i l_: i i n H^ 8 CO CO s M 3 o PQ i i ft* M 4-+ ^ f -H -n .2 -j%. 5 r - 3 a q U r CO co-^ s S >? Is IM ^ 1 f I rC a> a .rL S3 *^ a 1 a . | Ci S5 ^ Af a r i * ^ s o 1 T3 a d ^ c3 Xi r * iO P-TN X b *-> o i a cS 1 a S" a a 4-> c J3 i-H T3 a s ^5 +-> ^3 m- a o O lu O Ti S^ a n !. ^ p o r' CO 1 - a) .S a D Jfc xi 1 J ' G P o s 1 * e E * crt crt 1 J3 fi 13 X* NOTES ON TABS. X-XII. (I) CONSTR.' FORMS, (II) AFFIX-FORMS, (III) VARIOUS FORMS. I. The forms htfjk , 7JJD 7V*2> etc. [sec Rule vii. on p. 36], in the Sing., undergo no change * i.e.' But (1) Some bVB or ^JJB words borrow * i.e.' a form from v>#| or 7^3 ; thus 73H for ?nn 'to., PJJ Nu.:ri.7(but2p3 & * DH^P? fr. the Plurals of t|D3 & *S]D3. III. Some 7^5) or ?^3 Nouns vary slightly in Decl. -vowel. Thus, fr. SJJ or y^ we have once CWE* (w. ), but also tyB> & !# & *yfcj> & W* & "V '-: : v * r " i : 'iv : '{.' ' FT * ttjfi^ (w. T-) ; and bo, fr. t^j?, we have iSJBVj? (w. ), but also IBVj? & ^gjfi? & *Bj? (w. -r). IV. (1) The SLiGHT'-vowel for the Plu. ( i.e./ and w. Affs. for 2 pi. & 3 pi.) is generally the same as the Decl. -vowel of the Sing., as seen in Tab. X. 1-6. But (2) There are some slight Variations; thus t>3[1 has 'l?3n in the Sing. (w. -),but $30 & Dn^5H in the Plu. (w. - direct fr. the - of D^JQ), bo Yin has nin as in Tab. X. 3, but *J|p the Plu. i.c.' (w. direct fr. the of D^Yin). Obs. (o) 73PI a cord has in i?3,n his cord Job xviii. 10, and so v?D cords of (6 times) ; and (0) bin or 7311 a pain (perhaps from ' contortion 1 ), which does not occur in the Sing. w. Pron.-Affs., has -7- in v3n pains of Hos. xiii. 13 & Driven their pains Job xxxix. 3, (7) 63. So W & "qft, [contracted for 77$ (or W>Jf), & !jDh] have the Plurals D^V & DTJp^lj and so W ai?) or 'a * So some Infinitives in T\ and D , as T)2& [Tab. XVIII] w. DecL- form toK? etc., & nnp. [Tab. XIX, Note (A)] w. Decl.-form )m\) etc. t So Contracted forms in H-l (for JV ^H*), and in N-. (for D* = f\* T -r), have their PI. from il and iT . Thus rfjD^D kingdoms is Plu. of fi-ID 1 ??? (as also fiton. tfi Plu. of n-IJPI), and flVFinPl lower parts Plu. of IVflnfl (as also ril^n fo^s Mu. of TV^, & nhj w* Plu. of JV"!}). 15 XI p o 1 1 l-H M M 5 P w M M pa m t 1 5 H H S O ec Pm O 0! co *o 25b 25b 3^fc' f^P" * C + a ++ a Pi as? %; ^ ^-v ^ ^ & * n, cl c S^ EL r 1 -" c; c 25-25I' &v> /T Qf ^a b ^ *- & i- 1* n n ^ 25< 7- |8 *- - E *- r>n- r>f> ji r^ nn> Tb T* lffc> n- n It** o fi^ S f" f- T3 ^- c HU 25> 25r 25>- 25' r\ m P P.. PP C-S l*~H r?-i^ i^=p- n- n- n . n *IU O T^> >Ji F& ft 25^ 25" % 25' j>.n dd n: n>- n n*- n- n a-. 25"%; 25V zr n= nt- 13- n- n n CI "53 n.n C CI: u a 3 i a fj a a J- J' y > J : T: ]: If! s! n^Hi oo J^fe JMfe Jxfe Hb Sir Sjr 25" 35" n= n- n n- n n fil- u D O n.n mp f p mm tP riic;: m o y a ni a a a a 1 a a T- V T- 1- I- I s ! f : T. !< i3 ^ mm r\tn> rbns ni:n> ni;nu *i". m ' * * * * * * 25> 25r %i-25' n: n>- in-r^ n- n- ex.. 3 n^.n ry O " ^ 8 I i 5 a S 1 5 ^3 2 2 A3 A3 i s 16 XII u Jr 2 & 8 .9 *l % <# s E 1 o 52: ^ F* ^ D * m 73 Jo Q" s f g '3) s i j\ J: eo 1'E P 1 n" 8 L m . * N2* <3 -go Q C b a '5b 1 S r-. Tj * g ij *<-j Q 1 ,- O-* f- 1 5 a q ** o TiwS < tsn 1 SS^ a tj O 5. i B o M i i cj -B .&: ri >-. < I cn ,3 i b 1 r-i a * 1 5 C ^ Hi" o :a 2 EbV o *- 9S1 asr a e b * > CO urn CLt'.-ni Is * < __ 5 iz- a" < ft J I- CU ni. o -G Y.\- PP 8 b f J ij 8*2* p IT j) j Pi J^-Oh Oh a. ? J>i li 60 . fflL* 1 -5 o g^F a a g a o H!C W ^ H . S If GO P B .2 tf f: CO C |-; c Jr &. CO *- 3 f- .* O JrS o ** 3 5 O: a t> S 1= s F "c d S S A a ^" : |2g c ++ 1 If ^J o a> 'O Cm ca c .S ^ : o _ S ^, v cu -3 ^i C S? s i a g .5 c *.* cu <=> l-O s .2 = .2 5 "B . 15 S Z- ^? 13 S. ** *T o 17 XIII TABLE VII. HlTHPA-EL. VI. HOPH-AL. V. HiPH-k. IV. Pu-AL. , nibnn n o '| ) ipann?) f *JWpsnn *.../iTpn ,Wffl;m (or p *ipsnn row? mpsnn rdpsh it| : : T rnpsn Wrpsri ih T \ T W BHpsnn Ipipsnn u-ipsriri Dmpsn onptfi Jinpa brnps TO IBnjpa T|S$? |it: r *v$ Corf) R ipariPi None. #3 ^pzr\ 1 1- : - None. (or fj njnpnn (or^j *n|p3n^ (?J *nj53nn ^.psnn (or i?j nssrui npan 0-) TJ3K n^r) n^p$n if npsn !R|p?rv (or fj njn ( |nn (or ipj njnpsnn (or fj T ip^g yipaij nripan Pr t njnpan (\t) T Tp$3 qpsn t : !i- \ : npsj 18 For the Notes see next pages. XIY. (Some words here are merely Paradigm-forms.) XIV III. Pl-EL. ifiN nmn (or fj "?J9J n^pa c rip?n (orpjnri&an II. NlPH-AL. i^&Hparr / i|:t DrnDSJ ^TRW nps? *^1 v-ipan (or?.) w (ori^n^ri (or ipjnnsr I. Kal. *j**d (const.) *"]h5 ,(abs.) ^[33 Infinitive. npbb 'fp ;33 /5J with d *? a a (p.xvm infra) * .. Hp| W. Pron. AfP. Past Tensb. ^'?:/ri-,rinjp|2m.|sing. **fep 1 : t Dg?3* : it !|np3 3m.&/. Dfnpa 2 m. |irif?3 2/. irfci * ^Plu ite/wi -7 '^](&p. (or)n|5S (or?.) nyipwi % t :|i-t (orpnjnpsn T nbai For some other forms see pp. 116 eto Participles. 1 1" \ (p. XVIl) tote ( 2 ) I ll T Imperative. '7^*tp3 2 m. \ b ^2f. j Sin S- Future. np^3m.v npsn's/. I 4 npsn 2 m. Sing. 6v lp$ft2/. HpSK 1. P^J 19 r? NOTES ON TABLE XIV. * ifar Inpin. with Peon.-Affs. see 137 (4) and Tab. XVJ t TD| is of the form bv 5> . There are two other forms of the Past Kal, viz., [(a) & (j8)], (a) The /VS) form, as 133 he was heavy, of which the other Person-forms are the same as those in the first column of Tab. XIV, thus trjji} #tgi3| iO|T!3i **$? ' ,j n&l ^1?? ^1?l / n ^?? **$? N.B. In Pause the 2 d Et.-letter in 3 s./. & 3 ph of these has ; as in : rmj 3 s./, : njjj 3 P i. ; and (j8) The S'^Q form, as ^b) fo was able, which is given in small type in the Table. Also KB. (i) The 2* Et.-letter in 3 s. /. & 3 pi. of these has ; as in jrfap3s./., :-V?b 3 pi. (ii) The in the 2 pi. w. & 2 pi. /. of this Tense is o [Pt. L $ 55 (9, *)]. Moreover, Obs. Of Past-Tense forms belonging to this Table, in Pause, (1) The 3 s. & 3 pi. forms [except those in (a) & (/3) above] have, under their 2 d Et.-letter, in Pause, (i) in Kal, Mph-al, Pu-al, Hoph -al, Hithpa-el [see h (o, ii) below] ; (ii) in Pi-el. See more on pp. Ill & 112. (2) The 2 s. m. & 2 s./., and the 1 s. & 1 pi., of all Voices, may have t in Pause [see p. 110 (Note *)]. But (3) The 2 pi. m. & 2 pi./, are unchanged in Pause, and have always the Accent on the final DF1 & fFl in all Voices ; (4) The 3 s./. & 3 pi. in the Hiph-il are unchanged in Pause. % In Pause, the 2 d Et.-letter has in these. Then, in the Imperative Kal 2 B.f. & 2 pi. m., the -r returns to the 1st Et.-letter as in J Ba!? 2 s. /. & I tifcl? 2 pi. m. (Imper. Kal). Id Pause, the 2 d Et.-letter has in these forms. (a) For Variations when the Eoot has in it one of the 5 letters 1 JJ n H tt see Tabs. XVI (l)-XVI (3) (and pp. 115-121 & 368-374). [b) In Pause the 2 d Et.-letter has . Then, in Imper. Kal 2 s./. & 2 pi. m., -r returns to the 1 st Et.-letter as in J Hf5 2 s./. & J *TJ3 2 pi. , (e) In Pause the 2 d Et.-letter has -sp . (d) For the two forms of Infin. Absol. Niph-al see pp. 338 & 339. The f J form occurs in tfy&*. B^? ^f} ' tfkfJ [Pt. I. 60], and a few others. Also' we find |h|n and ?3 Nn (the to compensate for the Dag. F. which K cannot receive) ; and once ^"Rtf Ez. xiv. 3. (e) Sometimes the 2 d Et.-letter has in Pi-el Past 3 s. m. ; thus, *13K 2 K. xxi. 3 ; and sometimes ; thus, "131 & D331 often (as well as IST & D33 sometimes), and "1Q31. (/) In a few instances the D is omitted. Thus some give 112^ Eccles. iv. 2 as Partic. s. m. Pi-el (for n3^D), see also p. 330. Similarly we have as Pu-al Partic. s. m. J ?3tf Ex. iii. 2 (wrongly taken as Past 3 s. m. by some), and niJv 2 K. ii. 10 ; and so a few others. 20 NOTES ON TAB. XIV. XV* {g) Also with - (*), instead of - (5), Comp. p. 72 ; thus nstpn & Offa Past 3 s . w .,_^p Partic. s. m , and so the Fut. ^^J 3 s. . ^PR 3 s./. & 2 s. ., etc. (A) (a) In the Hithpa-el Past, Imper. and Fut., (i) the 2* Et. -letter often has , as given within () in the Table ; thus, pjnfln Past 3 s. m. (& Imper. 2 s. m.) fr. pm, aagnn Imper. 2 s. m. fr. JJtf, and so the Fut. forms pjnfl* 3 s. m. twice and p-tnn? 1 pi. once (but also pJJIJV. 3 s. m. several times, with ) fr. pm, and banfln 2 s. . fr. D3n> '^fj?^ 3 pl " * fr * ^ etc. ; and (ii) the PAUSE-vowel is (lengthened from the **) in the Past, Imper. & Fut., as in "$$09 & $ft|0 ( Lev - x 111 - 33 ' com P- P- 113 ) Past 3 s. m. fr. 1TK & rfcl/and so in J ff$fj)i1) (Job xxxiii. 5) Imper. 2 s. m. w. H as in 141 (7) [p. 86], and in the Fut. forms t D^KJ}? 3 s. m. fr. din, : mtf\ 3 s. . & : jaynn 2 1. m. & : tejn# 2 pi. m. fr. i#, : te^jpj* 3 pl. m. fr. V~\\> , etc. ; and (iii) as examples of both the and the (or ) form from the same Root we have also, fr. ""^n, both "|?nJV and : ^HJV. Fut. 3 s. m. & J ^r\T\\ Fut. 3 pl. m. ; and so fr. KHp not only : -lEHp^n Past 3 pl. & Imper. 2 pl. mi and I -IKHpJV. Fut. 3. pl. .,but also "B%flO [for ^Jlprin, the for because of the MakkiphPt. I. 55 (9, b)] which some take as Past 3 s. m., but it may be Inf. Constr. ()3) Some few times the 1 st Rt. -letter has (instead of followed by Dag. F.); thus -npSnn, 1fflf}h -npSp^. [No other Eithpa-el forms fr. Tpfi occur, but only these three. Those in the Table are Paradigm -forms.] (j) In all Voices, Pl often occurs at the end of the Imper. 2 s. m. [see 141 (7), p. 86] and the Fut. 1 s. & 1 pl. [see 144, p. 88]. V With a first Et.-letter either (1) ttB>, (2) EP, (3) D, (4) % (5) 1, D, or fl [pp> 89 & 89*] the Hithpa-el form is (1) t^gBf '?f "|BB>), (2) "gn^il (of T3), (3) IPiripn (of -inD) the [n of flH being transposed], (4) PJDVH (of pi) (the II of rin transposed and replaced by tt], (5) T^ (of nil), "lPlBn (of TIB), DEFin ("of Dbn). So, with T, -13-Tn (of rDf) Is. i. 16 (for toTfln, as in Tab. XXIII), and a few others. [Note. Sometimes, from removal of the Accent, a SHonT-Vowel is found where in the Table there is a LoNG-Vowel in a closed final syllable, Pt. I. 55 (9, b). Thus btehfjffi [Pt. I. 37 (2)] Ps. lxxviii. 18, with (o) for the of Vtf? ; so fl yfrffip Ju. viii. 22, with (?) for the 4- of h'fjp, and ^"^P! Gen. iii.' 16, with (3) for the i. of bfeJJp*. So with for , l^pfll Is. lviii. 9, JITKHpflri Is. xxx. 29, and many others]. So, when the Accent is drawn back [Pt. I. 46], as in *fc "Wn Gen. xxxi. 29. >': v jt ** The name and form Hithpa-el (with ) are now too generally adopted, or one would be glad to give the form in the body of the Table and the within the (), and to call the Voice 7>VSnn (Hithpa-al). ft "With one exception Jer. xlix. 3, for which see 246 [p. 162]. 21 XVI APPENDIX (A) TO TABLE XIV. Inf. with B^32. -Ij?SD flgfc f 1fa$ ,1^00 Kal. /liJSH? (ii.) Niph-dl. ,TjJg| (iii.) PX-el. /FiJM (iv.) Pu-Hl. ,"P$?0? (v.) Hiph-a. /ljjn| (vi.) HopA-cf/. 1|grinp ,1gJWJo!? /ijjsrin? ,ifS$? (vii.) mthpa-n. 1^9 pm pm (2) The Infs. are declined with Pron. Aff 3 . like those in Tab. V. 1, see (4). (3) The ending fl - -7- for H is not limited to Participles s. /., (as rnp'B, rnjjji, etc!). Thus, from a form njJJS for HMS [Inf. Pr. of pT, with ri], we find ^fljWV? through thy (/.) justifying, Ez. xvi. 52. (4) For the ordinary Infs. w j t h Pron. Affs., see Tab. XV. APP*. (B) TO TABLE XIV. Participles. [NEXT PAGE.] API* (C) TO TABLE XIV. PartiC. (m.) with Affs. Plural. &c, his i.e. -,*$* npb ,0*$* ...^n-ipfi \!-iP5> ,DH-1p9 ^m OT ,D*$W -Km pp?>? ,D>npap -WW \1i?Bp P*Wi -#*JW n;pD ,DH>p?D .../inpaa >npDD , DV K?9 .. v v^sod *jj?3np ^nipaop Singular. &c, his .../nj?Dp ../i^psrip 1. c. (same*) f 1$ (l)x I^J /*?$ (3)) W (same) pijap \-\: I \t..i (same) ; tTDD (same) pjPjarip (iii.) (iv.) (v.) (vi.) (vii.) * Also TjJK, D. xxxii. 28. t Also n--, i. c. n . 22 XVII APPENDIX (B) TO TABLE XIV. Participles. Plu. /. Plu. m. Sing. /. Sing. m. nnpia Dnpia (trnjjia or) rnpia* "" \ (i.) Kal. npawf nVj^f tfjipl m-ipa ^ISW D^JgW (rnjjsj or) njs&j n|JQ3 (n.) Niph. nnpap (rrjpo or) rnpan* 1J9BO (in.) Pi-# D*TpB (rnijap or) nii^sp J"T|9 (iv.) Ptf-a/. niTpsp D*TpfcD PTJJJJP or) iTTpSB* Ygso (v.) Hxph. i't : t d*719 mpaD or) mpao v'iv : t ' it't: t T$5 (?i.)H8ph. rinpaipp DHpQnp (rnjJBJJp or)!TJplJD* "i^anp (vn.) ift%Gf. (a.) (i.) For the -1 of (2) there is often [Pt. I., 14], as in "Q'J ., nrfeip /., fl!^ /. (i.e.), D>anb P i. m., etc. (ii.) The Construct form of ^3 is b#l or ^73, as in QJTj? Nu. xxiv. 3. (/3.) Participles of the Passive Voices (II., IV., VI.) generally retain the of the 2 d Root-letter (except when < i.e.,' and in the form). (y.) The Hiph. Partic. sometimes drops the T . See Appendix, p. 353. (tf.) (i.) The Participle ?D* able (Sing, m.) given in Tab. XIV., is the Participle Kal of 7fr| form/ [fbj Sing. /., D$b* Plu. ro., H^bj Plu. /.], whence (ii.) Constr. forms &B s. m., [fiVya s. /., jJ3 pi. m., rife| pi. /.]. (iii.) There is also the Participle aJ of 7V.3 form, as *6d full, full of, (Sing. .), [nj$3 Sing./., D*J?#3 PI. m., T)\vB PI./.], whence (iv.) Constr. forms H^B s. m. [||n^Q s./ ||^J>3 pi. ., rfa>3 pi./.] (c.) The Singular Participle sometimes receives an added ' \ as in , Hp& binding (Sing, m.) [from 1D*K], Gen. xlix. 11; so in ^BB>n [from ^B&b] Ps. cxiii. 6; Wj# [from hank] Hos. x. 11, and *nK$J [from n*6p, Constr. form of HK^ $! iii.)] Is. i. 21;''*p33| [from qpi| (for Wn-13| Pt. I. $1*4) Constr. form of H3tt|3 Gen. xxxi. 39. * Or with as in rnp, fVjgH!?, rn33fl. [fl'TgiS is s. m. with n ] t In Pause, sometimes the same (thus, JlJftltf, n?DJ); and sometimes I D ..' . * * Vf* ' VAV ' V IT as in : TYlgl\ ! HTO^. t Also, some few times without the D ; thus, ^>3K Ex. iii. 2; nj?^ 2 K. ii. 10. Also D instead of p (#) U Also [ 56 (i.)] |j} s./., NT pi. m., (fr. &T3j)i so nVR (fr. T$g). 1 And b^f, thus KJJ3 when the 3 d Rt-letter is N, as fcTV fr. tt. 23 XVII* tD CD l! gft 8 * S | N O 9.S .2 ^ , coo H h ' il DQ >. B ^ 3 QP &L" 1 W w i s . t H ,_H j ,_; -T 02 OQ 01 ft ft ft ft ft CN CO n>3 n coo I- COT jj. * g %< fi . & *v iv JT S ifi G- J5-- C* 2* & 15* mi F- H H w n W n n n .n a n: rH 1= H j n- *> *> *> ?*> h & & fi 3 3 1 n ^'- *^ 6" 5'- n- 5- 5" G! - : ftp *- *-h *T- DH o p=, n n tzj 4j Ph ft 5ZJ *-. #-. #-| #-% #1. n- n- n n n- ci m d S- G: - n nt n n- n n- n- n- n n- 4 n- n- n- n- n J R iCi t;- ei* ;^ mi n- n- n- n- n- J 2 g 51 m 51, h;l mi J3;: rl ft n m^ cvg. r n- n- n S- m' EL n- n- it- n- n n m j^i n: 1 . n- n- n iv; mi; ^ a - n- H" S:. S. Si 5 ss ft I? ft CM ID n- I n, ^ E' n h ffii n n- 5^ id 1 6 c S *-> "25 "> o o -3 0) 09 '3 (A a 3 fcn > 60 ' 6D bn 1 fcD c to 9 bO c s w S TO 3 .2 1 9 o CO > S K C* ?' " r* 1 Hi- n- *-_ *". * r- r^ r* z- sz lb it |b lb lb lb n n n n n tz e < & r n * !: !r n n> ir file i^: gL m m m.. *? +-* ^ fe. ? r" I* n- fii' ci" Jut- i^/^_ r- r- f- I l n 1 n> 1 1 ft fit- J7^ cjh n- * ck n fi- n^ #3- f^i r^ JU-. m.. c . r*- 1^ r^ r^ j^ ii & : r >* * r r {^ m* n- n- P^ * gp ~ g c C b *^ C fc C b ^ ci" a i-b a a f... n n^ - a - a It lb lb lb lb, *s q- rr- fij. /n n n. n- nil- mi- iHiii iiiL jEi- jv- nb j- nb n> f... r* ev* - o I- l I- I- I- I- J- Ql n? Q fjb n* ni ns cih n- ci' k n- r> n* r~^ r^. r^ r^ r^ rvi Ja. 25 O cJ. O ^i3 c a 'w 1 g >a fcfc E ^^ rf * s a in 00.. H S : 3 1 - H g D- to . n;-.S fi fa -*t* 4 S O l**M O ifejf "! | *2 I Q^-s a* CO i c N. = s a> CO X f7|.. s ^ & .^ g ^{"H ^' CD *-+ r\ Sii- n:- SP n- to g .g a a R ,2 , "2 -fi 3 al 8 .2 55 g 1 fa '5if t^ c ci- 5 '! 3 55 Fi 1 i 1 ^ S 1) 13 C S 1 "3 (U CJ fa r* > 1 fi H CO to 3 a 8 1 >D tt F4 l> < "& p-i i 1 <5i s H j-H CQ * M * 1 1 W i-5 * H. ri I s> i < n fe-fe-k ^ << h ^ h *> ^ rv fe p *v ?- & n= n= j-|:. *-: r-%-' #- : * #T- n:- *": n ! - *-V #V* ^- P%: t*: V=- & * *: *s *>: TX:: *Jl il" i^ Ui ttv **: U' JJ' Hi r r- r r r r' r r r IZ Jv jv P a iv; *-i ++ H- w r C p; r n= n= n : rz tz n:. n= n= 5> ! - ^ i: ^ :: ^ ;: s* *^" ^ :: ^ ! - rj- ' ia^ il^ il- i3 xi 7- f- C r r r ~ fr, fr.. gr. r r r- 8' ^ r 15. n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n ^ v * H ^' h ' S^ 1 -" ^^ ^"- e^ M l il^ i3 i3^ i3^ :< i3; ' i3 i- rs r- r c ^ C E* a * 26 i3* XTX* * 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ EH . to OQ 02 to' % % 4 4 * -h cq cq q cq Cq CO CO cq q I 1 CO CO G5 CN r t (B &- t* rj & i i &: &' & ^ r J 5* i3 *3 i3 i3- Jv Jv 6' X 6' n;- jG' < P Pi" ?* S- ZA" & ^ ^ K ? r p- r *7- ? t : F ^ + *' % * iv Jv. jv ss> n; : c Pi s* : *i : ?> p%;- - r p*> ^. : : ^; - n i~^ r'- j~" J"!' iv i~i r; c 1. n n r\> J1 n rv r\- #- *"- ry* o n r n- r:- cf CO *" JZ o "* it # * ! t Ei #7- r: 2>" & Jv- ^ Pv c: S : S P r & j^ Jv 5>- 6 L ^' g; r r r j^ r" ri' i~* #- h n 4- n> H* H: n : ^- : c: jv Jv 3g c= S : m= r 5^h ^ H SI- z* Hi r * h S*^ pi- ^ h 8 f--- ^ H ^ h ^" i3> i3 S'; Qr. i3> at* il > 2^ : S 1 - r s: r r r^ r r j- ry<- n n n n- n> n- n Jv Jv c- 55 *- i 2>'i 5: C' i 5>' *v r*; gr P^ * ^' r^i ^ *- ^ J3fc> & i3^ rj> X3> i3> i3> v i3- Q: i3- ^ f f-' fc > r * r r: P' n M7~ r O * cr> & m' %i ^' cj c: g *- j*- i=- J*. iP** Jv ,** ^ pr ? jar xv g> C- %^ g- m- c- r r rv r*v r^^ ?^h 07- r^H :> r^^ i^ i3^ i3 Qi i3'. i3 i^^ r r I-- r |- f- J f- n g s ^ ft .9 n - -3 * 1 ^ 1. m O 1 . . <4 * -^~N ,^^ ^ .^.. E ? 3fe :: 55 *. j-^-. Ei . mt a & 3 *. ^ r=b rib 2J ir: : ^ ^ X:- R ^ ^ 1 ^4 "C" -2t s.^S B : : q * t ,a . ^ : : #p& i- n -^ m- s s n ' d, ph . n W CO * C ^ ^ ^::<^ % : - 55:- C 51 -? fPg E .-2 r- H riH n E ' E ^ d 3 a - zl P3 8 ** r^nb*. 12 12 ^ 02 ^ 52> - T-f # .* f i e* ^ vT5 no iE^- .5* . P ts . . a * 1 c;i E;: & .. , ?AV Jav: ; ft ^r" s h '* | % A A 2 CO i - n | a P i ^ ?. 5 1 4j o i!ii' ; & 9.7 XX T*BLE XVI (2). Variations when the 2 d Root-letter is N, n, n, or JJ: ["I, next pagej. (a.) The forms are the same as in Tab. XIV., except as regards (1) the Compound form of Shva Moving under 2 d Root-letter ( 168 (iv.)]; (2) a ' Slight 'vowel under the 1 st Root-letter which may agree with the Compound Shva following it [ 168 (v.)]. (3) the absence of Dag. F. from 2 d Root-letter in P?., Pit., Hithp. ; and (4) the 'Compensation' sometimes made for that Dagesh Forte [ 168 (hi.)]; (/3.) The Vowel-change referred to in (4) above is (i.) (a) generally made before K, as in HAph fW^L |$g Pi?.?], TOB* ni$P ^ a Hi? 2 *?]. etc - 5 Dut (b ) sometimes not made, as ^3, etcV; (ii.) (a) often not made before p| or y in Pi. & Hithp. ; but (b) generally made before those two letters in Pu. ; (Hi.) generally not made before n in Pi-> -P"-, Hithp. (y.) The following illustrate sufficiently the peculiarities of these Verbs. [Obs. Some of the forms below are merely Paradigm-forms. N.B. For the Compensation,' of (4) above, see the forms within ( )]. Hithp. (of -TJH). Pu-AL (of Dm). , Pi-EL. NlPH-AL. Kal. (Tab. XIV.) (?) PJ> (Tab. XIV.) (Tab. XIV.) Inf. ...,(:) n^n (-yi) terji .../(?) fc?S .^Mfn ...,ipp w.Aff 8 . Past. (?) W)$ (-yi) Dm (V) PJ? pm PJ?V 3 s. m. (?) rnjurin (-*>-) nDqi. (V) "1^ ^w fl$$ 3 s. /. Q) n^nn (-y ; ~) loqn c$ *pp w$ ipy.y 3 pi. Q) "I^JID (-V-) Dmo (?) pks? (Tab. XIV.) (Tab. XIV.) Partic. Imper. Q) "HQflO (V) PtV (Tab. XIV.) (Tab. XIV.) 2 s. m. (?) np?n (V) 'm *W@R! ipy? 2 s. /. Q) v-ijgipn (?) *pi[* ipysn Ipy.V 2pl.m. Fut. Q) 1V.5D! (-VJ-) crn> : (V) p^v; (Tab. XIV.) (Tab. XIV.) 3 s. m. Q) nsw$ (-y.-) ^it*i (?) 'POT W?n py : n 2 s. /. Q) ^j* (-#-) -l^DT. (V) -""pyV: ii%! Ipi??! 3 pi. m. Q) ^mn ( -yi) *orr$ (V) -ipp?' ipy^n tyy$fi 2pl.m. * # * For before n (& PI) in Hithp. Pause-forms, see 166 (c, d). Thus, : Dpaft 3 s. m. Fut., and J DpaflK} 1 s. with ) Conv. So, J ^pn|nj 1 s. (D dropped), and : TOIBPII 3 pi. (2 d " Root-letter n), Past with \ Conv.' 28 XXI Appendix to TABLE XVI (2). VARIATIONS WHEN THE 2 nd ROOT-LETTER IS ^. The forms are as in Tab. XVI., except in Pi-el, Pu-al, and HithpS-el. (VII.) HlTHPA-EL. (iv.) pe-AL. (III.) Pi- EL. T .^irnann 1 Inf. Abs. i & Constr., & 1 with D h 3 3. With Pron. AS*. nrnann nr>3 Past. 3 s. m. 3 s./. fi:n?nn $?:& ?5i? 2 s. to. fth|nn &y$ |?Si 2 s./. vcninn *#y$ W9 1 s. to^nn vr& ^13 3 pi. v : - x : DJjyii Bftrijj 2 pi. to. i -t : ^713 2 pi. /. lpl. "TOP #9 119 *3T9 Participle. Imperative. 2 s. m. 2 s./. ttiarn T3 2 pi. m. nj5l3jri njanra 2 pi./. spina spin Future. 3 S. TO. 3 s./. 2 S. TO. 2 s./. 8W1 1 s. 3 pi. TO. t : "t : njpinfc nj5T^i 3 pi./.' ^1?nn ttnhn ^1?n 2 pi. TO. t : * t : HOT t : - : rurran 2 pi./. TO? 29 p3? lpl. XXII TABLE XVI (3). [ 181]. The forms are as in Tab. XIV., except as regards (A) the 'Furtive' ( 168, ii. ; & Pt. I., 60) at the end of a word after any Long Vowel except ; thus, e.g., in the Infin. forms, (i.) K. H?^, riffi, (ii.) n. & Pt ; as n^H, Jtt3n?, r r, yj?n|, etc. ; (|3.) Imper. & Fqfc N (p. : nyW), etc. Note. These Verbs generally take to 2 nd Root-letter in Imp. & Fut. Kal ; and in 2 pi. /. Imp. (3 & 2 pi./. Fut.) Pi., H4>., & H9. * A>., H '^; '& & ^ '^; 2~^ : - -T^ * _!> .j^^ -J^" -j^ -^ L ^gt -J^-" -J^' JN -j^ S c JZ' n- rj JZ/ JZ JZ& JZ JZ' JZ JZ- JZ JZ JZ- l-H gr^ .jp^ JZ' J * it JZ Ji^ jz; JZ- a r >r*&- '&f n ^> lir ^f , ^- ^ ^ ^ '& '& '^r 2-4E' -p>' * _JX-. j^ 1 ' _fX- j^^ Jfc!. -J^*- ^T- -j^ 1 JS .j^ Ph JZ jz /T|.. i3 JZ' JZ JZ5 JZ" JZ- JZ JZ' JZ JZ JZ- '' "*% n & G &' rr " JZ : ^ & *- It JN,. JZ : a d ir- n n JZ JZ n n n n- JZ- n- n- w "&" S- b- , ^- ^ %; r ^;- ^ S- '& "El; E .J^ s _r^ n- J3 ^p- -_r^- J^ 5 - rS^' j^- -D' _r^- ~D' -j^ 1 _f^ ^v- JZ- ~f^' JZ" < fc *- JZ- JZ JZ E- JZ- JZ JZ J2; - JZ JZ a 1 ; JZ* 3 n * n- m n- n- JZ- n- n- n- n- r> n- n- S- *^i b- S- , ^- ^ ^ Ei , ^" & Ei- P* J -< -Tn!, n- i3: ~r- Jt> -J^ _r : ' ~r^ _r^ ^r^ ^j^' j^' .j^> S jr. jz jz- JZ' JZ sz* JZ" JZ' JZ JZ' JZ JZ" JZ- t-5 T b- .* JZ JZ- JZ G - JZ^ H ^^ jz * h jz- jz- n JZ- JZ- n- n n- JZ- n- n JZ 3 s- S- - ^l" ^.. S- '& b ti- Ei , ^- & El- * E- Jv n J3 : JZ' JZ' JZ- K! ^: JZ' JZ- JZ' JZ' s; _:, ~TH - jz ^p- ^j^^ _ps.. .JM ^j^-' JZ'' j^- <-' j^' .j^^ ^ JZ' JZ' ^s- '& JZ' JZ' JZt JZ JZ' JZ" JZ- cr JZ- JZ* JZ' n J3;^ JZ" j^;- MT- JZ- JZ5 #n HH j^^ s^ a P 1 JZ' 1 32 XXII*** 6 ad m ^ hi oq cm JZ~JZ-JZi K Ei" & Ei- Ei- 8.. *Ei- El- &; ffe jz jz JZ n- n- n- n- r Ei- & 1 - * c fc'- jz' jz- jz >; f : ; i: i^r. : i; f : Ji k I*. It c n n co Q co Ph s H A o o fc CO CD o to cc & aj o c K c- 5? n n- n ; sz> jz n = k it k c n c 55" ^:; e- ,g- e ^^ &- ^> Ei-- fj^ i? |* irj!t Ei-' JZ ^ ^ ^: tM* - n h ^ - *- n JZ b' H' n n- n J^^ -i.'. -i' %' f.1 J^- JZ- IZ' -J?' Ei S- &. Ei- t r JJl ^J>5- J5'- ~r^ "~_ _r-._r^ : '_r^ : ' -j^'-^ r^^r- c c : JZ *7- JZ *" JZ- JZ' JZ JZ- S fc- t JZ JZ- i, *" n - n ^ n J2t 1 1 1 I ^N It 1*- K tZ>^ C'^ JZ^ It It > ! ! ! 1, 1, :h 1 - 1 & 1 '- w E^ G I-' rz ^-' 1 x h j:;- iz- e^ ^; 'El;- S r 'El- *- JZ JZ JZ- Ei;-^:: *Ei- ^" JZ 1= JZ JZ- IT'- *""*'" JZ c fc *-.- ^~ n>- n JZ , Ik * * g- Ei- g: *Ei- Ei g, Ei E* Ei ^ : * 'Ei- i? -^' ^- g. Ei- Ei- JZ- i= jz jz- i 1; li M -P : Ji ^l JZ c ' I E c C^ fc- ; 4T~ o h #- O"- ^~ *-h JZ n JZ *7 ^"N /-^S ^ N *-^ ~N It [t Is, [w |w It c w E^ Ex C c >-> N ' v> "33 " XXIII TABLE XVII. Verbs K"S, i.e. whose 1 st Root-letter is K [See also next page]. These are generally as in Tab. XVI (1), with the following exceptions: (1) The Inf. Construct Kal often has under the 1 st Root-letter, as in ,tego t^bxb ^bp ,mx2* /nx* (2) The Future Kal, of some of them, (a.) has the X Quiescent after j_ given to the prefixes ] T\ * ; thus, both jbstfn n^Dxn ,&a# /barim .ferin Aoifr (|3.) In the case of the 1 8. Fut. K., the tf of the Root is dropped (after the prefix K bearing j_); thus, ??'tf instead of ?3tftt. N.B. The K of the Root is also dropped (rarely) in other forms, thus, Sjjjl for C1DNJ1 [(5)] 2 S. vi. 1, F|ph for P|pNfl [(y)] Ps. civ. 29, etc. (y.) We have in TP1N* 3 s. m., TnNfl 3 s. /., X THfc 1 s. So in Pause, t!$K\ J ^N'n, Fsijsfc ^5i and : rtafc & : rta&o (fr. rtefc 1 s. & nb3N3 1 pi.) with n, arid : mtfc 8 pi. m., etc/' (tf.) The in such forms as "1EKJ5, is for the of (y.); for, N.B. the Long- Vowel is shortened when the Accent is removed from the of "IE&0 etc. (c.) Many Verbs whose 1 st Root-letter is tf are conjugated according to Tab. XIV., rather than as above, except that the K of the Root takes 77 and the prefixes ] T) * X take generally. This is so in Verbs Fut (j_)' as well as in Verbs Fut.'(-),' [p. 85 (J, )] ; thus, etc. ,: nngn ,arj$ (ii.) , : pjdnj ^bxri ,jb^j () N.B. The Fut. forms in (]3, N.B.) and (e, i.) are of the same Verb. So those of tPIS in (y.) and NIX* 3 s. m., ihxfi 3 s./.; also of SITU we find np' 1 s., and D$B (ff 3pXK) 1 s. in Pause. (3) In the Imper. K. (i.) the K generally has in 2 s. m., as in *lbtf, DHX, etc.; but, (ii.) in the 2 s. /., and 2 pi. m., the Slight '-vowel is, gene- rally, as in Tab. XIV.; thus, *"), n$K, etc. But before n or PI, as in -IDnS, NnK.|| (iii.) The 2 s. m. Imper. K. with the fl of 141 (y) generally takes (0) as in n?3X: eat thou (m.) G. xxvii. 19 ; but also , as in HQDK Nu. xi. 16. * Also with K, as in ^583, VdK. So in "DDK (-, V), and "IDXH ; but also lbX : |, and "lbg|. t Also (i.) ")b&6 (as well as *11Dx!?). (ii.) The common word ibvb is Inf. Kal of 1K with "5 prefixed (for "ibiw). This word is rendered "saying" in the E.V.; thus, G. xxiii. 8, And he communed with them (ibiO) saying; etc." X This 1 s. Fut. K. is the same in form as 73K> the s. m. Partic. K., and the context alone can decide between them. Once ^QDX Jer. x. 17, with a Real short-vowel followed by Quiescent. II *f$J 2 s'.f. (Ruth iii. 15. Other Bibles have ^HX.) 31 xxnr (Table XYII). Paradigm. Verbs tf'3 [pp. 128-130**.] III. Pi-el, IV. Pu-Xl, VII. HlTHPA-EL, are the same as in Tab. XIV. V. HlPH-iL, VI. Hoph-al, are as in Tab. XVI (1). H These forms and the Imper. & Fut. N fep# 3 P i. to. n^nxn nanxij rata&i 3 p l / (Pr.L22.i ? n^) Hanm (^)mnWri (p.*V) fe^nM-^ nanKP) ^nnxn n^Dxn 2 P i. /. withn,-n^K, nnq, comp.i37(4,iii)[ P .80]. tp.(-s;> jp.(^g> p-(-*0. jj For some contracted forms see 191, & p. 130**. For some irregular, or 'borrowed,' forms see 5 190 (0, ii), and p. 130**. IT In some copies. Others give DHS>. 35 XXIV * d i c3 n 1 6 d o 2 i i i *& S * * i o 1 CO CO <> m n m* ; ? " a ii rt .; C-l 1 - z%5 (As in Table XIV.) .3 f *- s r i 2. ^ o 1 * o *- a *"^ b* # s 4 S- to n n n- ri J3 n ri- n t-H * rl l-H ft- n n ~r- n n n n n n n n n c i3 S '&- S-' %i : S- S> > S. : S^ : ^ : ^ "S, : . ; s S* h n .P' n rh n n *7- ri- ri ri- n b ^ H: nT^ H: H: n= H: n* rz- n- H: H: Hi n* *- *- * * ^- *- w *- *- - $: S. n p fl' )> n> &!, J'. 1^ 3> 1 Q- a> s^ ft* ri ri h ri- ms n in ft ri 1^ o i >i * M n n n n n n n n n a TT - *T" o ^i, S- '& fc, ^v g.. ^ S-. &* r v n ri5 n n rl n^ ri ri- ri- rl n jv Jv XJ ms *- i 4" I 'f P 1 $ f 1 * c CO +- 2 J it** ^ J B & b 1 *" 36 XXTV* 2 " 8 *7 SO OQ "Pi s pLi i i ^ g W M 03 OQ i * ^ p* i u Si , p\ l-H CD 1 3 1 45 . i *- 1 - Ir (N ' e- O a) 9 * 2 4i n . ft ifr a. 3 L 1 !i n - n Of n B ; n n n ^ 8 1 rB eo H- (Tab. XI v.) n S~ n If- * Si 5; Si n Si n 1 J ? Ph 1 ^ n: -hi 1 co a ^ oj g -o. |-|j- * p i i n ft*T* i 1- CO >o c3 r " *o i- rii; n n n n .- CI m r: % ^- g e G ry tr 2 ft ^ ^ i,: ,S* J S. S $> S-- : . S- Ss s. s> c :s - n J 1 h h us n ri n iz n m ,r.. 3 g g - ! L 2 5^ ^' ** fli-rt.?- v -^ Sj^ P & H: H: ?/E> c:* ie ^:* & C^ iv *"^: & IS ' - . ^- a - g : i s> h. 1' a *- &> 1> 3> Slv 1^ a ^ E & AS s M n h h n r h rt n h n n h r\ n *, - o H * E 1 ^ p< .. 1 p >. r..r-^ s s- j^ c; m % + m G IS. #- i " i^ n n Si n Si s Si n Si n s. n I 2 ^ ^ |: ^ r<. ^ ft fe n r: O ^ a ^ ^ ^ . 1 1 Pi 37 p^ ts*^. XXV TABLE XIX. Variations in the case of Verbs 3"3 [Sect. XVI.]. (VI.) Hoph. (V.) Hiph. (II.) NlPH. (I.) Kal. > (Ki) #|n / g^ Inf. Abs. w ,'?/?,^j /?/?,*W *IS n^3/3^|V Const., & with i 'P$p h) j. - .. 1 ; 1 - . < i nwfo t w) oVaa <*> S02n ...ffiST} H \ ...i^H W.Pron.Aff*. ttf Past. E J3 Eton E^J / 3 s. m. n^jn it : \ n^n H^|j 3 s./. H t : i- \ t : i 5^43 > 2 s. m. : : i ' r$|n pi^ii B 2 s./. 1 1 $$ai fctfaj E- 1 s. tpsn i^ri $ij .2 3 pi. IV - - % p##|rj Dp^lj 0!) 2 pi. m. > titStthl : i- 2 pi./, (ipl. v - IT " (As in Tab. XIV.) Participles. Imperative. 1 1 n$a ;#$ #3 2 s - m - H W$n ' ^";Vii 2s -/- Ji^i /V^ii 2 pi- m - 0) Hjs^n ny^ 2 pi./. H 0*1 (BL.) WW > ban Future. ^inss./. .s V^n 2 s. m. TOP) 2 s./. #Jk th|H 73K t # S$$ ! s - v^ W*l * '^3pl.m. nr?sn r njtf|n3.pi./. For Verbs of this class with ]) for 3 rd Root-letter, and for some forms ending in fl : and for the Verbs np^ and |ri3 see Notes on Tab. XIX.' [next page]. a in P .[ 165 (i. /a & ii. ii]. tw.n, i# r (p. :n^_). : h in p. [ 165 (ii, i]. w. n, n^_ (p. :n^ >* * j w. n, n^_. XXVI NOTES ON TABLE XIX. (a.) Verbs J"B, and with JJ for 3 rd letter, take instead of the Inf. Constr.X. ; thus (fr. VJS) nya in njtfl!, n^. [But also i gi&] ' See also' Tab. XVI (3). 03.) The 2 s. m. lmper. ify. 5J3H with the H of 141 (7,5) is T&an (or H^in, Pt. I., 12). For iie 1 s. and 1 pi. Fut. K., etc., w. Ae H of 144, see 211. (y.) (i.) The Verb Pip 1 ? to take Irops its 7, as the 3 of t?03 is dropped in Tab. XIX. [See col. A.], (ii.) This is not so in other Verbs beginning with ?. (iii.) The Dagesh Forte placed in the p after a vowel, to stand for the omitted 1 st Rt.-letter, is dropped (see column A) when the p has "7 . (iv.) But the Dagesh Forte reappears in the p when the word is in Pause. (v.) This Verb In Niph. and Pu. is like Tab. XIV., [except that in nnj3? Gen. ii. 23 (3 s. /. Past Pu.) the p is without Dagesh Forte, and has instead of t]. (vi.) in Hoph., nj (p. : njgy and npn, the 3 s. m. and 3 s. /. Fut., are as in Tab. XIX. (d.) (i.) Col. B exhibits the Kal of JDJ to give, (ii.) This Verb has Niph. as in Tab. XIX.; also Jinan inf. (Abs.) ]n$rb (w. 7), [Past 2 pi. m. DFURJ, 1 pi. \}fi$, cp. $183&216]ffopA. Fut. 3 s. m. JJV. 1 Also MJ? twice, (probably). 2 Also ilpy three times. 3 Also Wfft once. 4 |h3 once, and '{flJ once. nri even before (") ; [}Dn 1 K.xvii. 14, is Kthiv for HFl Kri]; but s nn? when the Accent is removed from last syllable, as in Gen. xv. 7, Ex. v. 21. \P\rh (with J added) i k. vi. i9. e nnn 2 s. xxh. it. I HJJn Ps. viii. 2 (by many supposed to be Inf.) must be lmper., there as elsewhere. 8 "})} once. (B.) Kal. WJ **fc TO ... inn (p-:j7) jn; (p.-\3-).nM & 6 nnn^ jjw T l- T y T I- T cnro *3M I" T m (p- :'p jn At &* J ! j^ * Or to .o. - c e-; n;-; c- r: g* *v- e;- el, cs p & * if * ~ IX a Sfi "Sl "S ol Ql 'Si. S '5. S' "Si, a Ci Q Q.. Q-. 3- Q- Q 3- >l St "5 'Si. 'Sl, 'o^ q 'S. S' .2" S" Qt Q- Q Q S> fl- J IX "St > s w nr iri- ^ S> ~~ a IT: IT: tZi' TZY Jt? IT: H!' IT. r^ r>> c; a /! a- a a a ^^g-grQ g..g.. .a- Clf'gfosiBaas) h til a n r c r rr rr r fZ IT Q i^^ /^. Qj< o 1 - rsV r Kj fAJ r^ lit o u- jV o- t- SJ- li- u Q- a j_ e;>- 6- K* es /a h.- n- n* rr- n- r- r- r:- n- rr- n: o- c- c- l;- C q- n- c c- C-- C- c- rs ix *x. f n o r^ o rv CV. rx b- UL il- !-'. n rr>' 14- I* S.' i-' t. p- u Q& !. o o- S-- << t- a a , n E'- e- m- r E=; fS s ' ^ **? U M 3 few i 40 XXVIII 100* ^ ix- a I oo &, ix- ix- 3 5 o S eo eo w c* *8 a ^ J& i 2:: E? Q ~ & S- ix- & 3f G- *v' - ^ h K" nt n *r- *r *r *E O r\^r\ *v r\_,r\ *^. 3- a^ [ e Q .i^cl : .n-n Ol fin j* n- n- n- * % % * ^ s> E: E: E: *-: n- & '>. .. rt- ri- n- T *r- ?: I'- it ll e- ir- E- n rv. E* E* E" 55 :> p\^ E- E- E- - ^ IX- IX- ix- IX- i^ IX- IX- fee ix- .1^ r^ ix- IX-* o S- 5 S a ^ *S '5 S- '5 '5- s Q a -|h * - *-h 1= 'F 1= iz c ix ix a ix Ik 'Si. E- IX 'S- "5l a * *T" - Q- Q- o- Ln In *-!(- *r- rih E e n c E 6J* e e e %" K' E- E- E ri.. IX .i~ ix ix ix ix .1=- rx IX IX " a a |L a J? "S^ '5- *s> *5l Q- Q- Q- *r IZk e^ e* ^f Ej- E- 55r S^ 1 a> n> ix- ri> v Et- E- E.- rx- ix- rx- /% rv- IX- IX-' e- *" 3 5- Ok c a a h- h ^ Ml E a 4- IX 1 * e ^> ni- gj* j^f IX- S ( n: e n; % 5- E E E *- g-"* &. Ss- & & q- & Q- ii> a -h v *^^ n n n- ir- n- c ^:. e- e. e- % ^:. E- E- E- I" e c- E- E- E- E- E" rx ix ix ix ,J=- rx rx ri- rx .!= IX IX IX '5l * * S-. Sl "S *Sl a" a pb o- S3- J3-- 13- D- *-. -H *! rih ^r c - 1= c c [gfZ 'suiioj-asnBjj g- Em ] IZ. tirS 'Si. 00 * 3 ..n-o ^* - 6jd :s * r o _.*.. oJ Ei c eo r- ctf N .Q- * **%.& K * F prQii .- r- J^h &- n --. c-s Sa : a - 2 (M o a ^s CO n .S I. . c 4 1 o* ^; D+ 1 ^ a . fi- ^ ^^ r S|- '* I * + -^': s *-L y --i 0J S O O .Sir, E* . fe P- a o to i i Z3* .-.S 3 n- tz n^ e * * a * . r-" 6 OQ 5 . J5 - a ** EVDh .^ < n> d u 5 fe'Hs^ .... 60 O o c E^ . 5 a .:&:^ g s p4d *r* .S o * - 45 p : - o 41 101 XXIX m P o P OO tH A n- ^ fi| CO C f i 4> n . W)> 1 CO 5 .2 Ph X3 ^H O ^ -, ^ h-> S CD- a cu o rf.fi to n S3 ft n a. is S CD o o T h H-3 CO ,^^ W CJ Tj* a> C *T3 a> . s- C >> CO e <" ^ o 13 J c g e* X) 1 CD X! C ^ +-> HH 23 3 X cr x ' W 2 s -l m 5 H T3 PI & as , .^ s as n <5 > n n CO < i ^ O Ph H ^ ^ S * ** i ^, PU o < n n- Pl PIS rH~~J>-h n & Pin- s n at a G$ V o Of Ph. Of Pl- E" & i c n -i- ^h -. n.. - It* ry - *-.. - f-. r*. P- n P* a. PI-; , p. a- 'n ID-, Pj, Ot Qu Q. Di Oi Ol Q' o Di Ot n .!- n pi- . 1- pi PI Q: n- * * It n n-.pi- m- 00 It PIh n .n- *- PI .PI a PI- n It rl *"! n N^ .o .Q Q JO .Q .Q .Q .o .Q .Q .Q .Q D .Q .o .Q .D iJ riL riL n riL n- riL ni n^ n n> rii nu .Q riL n pi- nj. ) n re# n- rn. n n^ riL n^ n- rr ni riL .Q Ph **> n n -(>. n- rl nt n- n- rr n- n- n< n.. nt -) PI Q. * .13 ."** n e- iv< ?* Ep n > PI" 1- i i K n v+ -+ 4-+ +-+ +4 4-+ ++ n- Ci- nr n= n: r=;- n; irr- H: IT.' ci- pr Q: pi- p- p>- pr OL Q1 - rv & OL Du o- Q- o ol d. D- D IX ou S- ol o* n n -jr>.. pi- n n-.pi-.n- .n- n .PI .PI .Pi- n^ n n- pi PIS w/)0 Sl. d 5- o- b- 5- St rl pi- pi-.pi- .Pi- n .n .n- n n cnq p ^ C-. El W a p ' ^* n n- n- ir- n- n rr* n- E P' *3- p- p- p* P. < E c- C- c- c- c- C" c- c- E- E- E" E" E" E' E P * rt *^ .TS . MB s ,S7\ Ml rs r U ** J r- 'p-'Pl'pu "Pl r f P' Pk p- Pi* P" PV P: p 5 P" P pt i r i !-- r .. P" P" p p^ P- P n; ^rf *"". n: e- e IV Ei b * S >^ as v. S p& E [Moiaq 11 OSIB 83S] 42 XXX 101* co co co co eo CO CO CN CN i * * * o- S h S" S" w - n^ i\ fi. n 7. e- e e- %: n n n^ n "5. *S- "S. -aT TS co eo E- E- e- _. e _ e -.. fe e- e E* %: Ji- )^ >l, ql *u ; e- e- e- c; {={- 13' Qv ) S- v n n n- n i^ pil. n n II-. I.. K Kl n n n n- n -.i- s .1 f E~ E- E~ %; y : o .0 .a .a J-,- nL rn, ri" nL K* E- E E- S" JJ..Q .Q .Q Q : riL n- ni R- r. r. 3 .. n- e 1 e~ e- E~ v." ,!, .o .a .0 .a fl " jil n^ n- nu n n n- n " E- E- e- s- S n- n- n- n e e n ri E - 5* %h o 1 " c~ E- e- ^r v n n E> E> E- n JS! >{. E' }l =. S L S L S L n- S L P- fi n E E D n n di. DL Qi, S l % - E E E . n E- E- E- % E" C- E- C f"i* ?!?. **v ** J * ; e- E- E- E- g. J .?_ **** ****. |~ : 1 ' F~ s C* t"*' t~" ri r ir r- r- j r: el. */ [^opq -At osib sas] C ' t-*- cu o < - O T3 ft r* ** c n r- n o *" h i=- - . .S r .n- ^S G S r- mi L r n c C p. sit," rr & a ^ -2. n j^. t> P. s s I- 8 *-: rJ CO Eb P 52 H V E <~ :S 5: rn^.^ a. n 3 ^ o 51 2 . CO r 1 ? c, - n: i >- S S. ft p. **- rt fl " r;L S CD 1 I #r >t -^ J :a n co X CO eci 6 - 1= ^ E>- OS /-S g .** CO g ^ a ii jj 1-1 ^1 Q'- i" * fc< cj co ^ ^ r E F^ M o o c a> cd CO in o 6 i I pn i - a o c 3 I" CO .2 ** S w a> &i Ph . S fl< o O o s P o E E-^ c'E- co J c rn 2 S 1*11 I- " CO I'd E -fl p E U o E g H P 'PS o co o 53 p 1 CO cu s 2 '> c2 cu cu s * cu a> 9^ cu .^ g E E E Eh E 5 > 'A: G E-- ^^ J=v- |t E E a 3 Fi LL ^ E o cu ^ o 3 ^ . 43 i3 a rl 3 3 [XXI K * < i n Q d o N 1 d s el 03 OQ "ft 'Eh ft * 8 5 1 3 < . 43> 43* 2 h CO 43^ 43^ CM 43^ 43> CO 43^ oq 43 CM 43 l-H 43- P^ S* cq* 43 ~r 43 43- 5^ t*' M' 43 M- M5 M- M5 M5 M5 M M^ M- Mt Mi M- j'X 55 M' %' X 255 25 25 25 g- 25 25 25 fit i FT 43 *25 43- c' E ^3 Pi a i r" c M' 55 %t 55 % 55 55- 55 35 55 55 .2: 25 12 & t4 ++ a i3 E? ry ^ S <5i a J~* f . *-v *- #-. *- C5' d' *" *- *ry- Sb /- !/P C5* i >< 43 h 13- *H 43 43 43: 43 43 43 43 43 43: fi" "55 M ML Mi ^ s 43= n pi M" M5 M Mi Mi Mi M M = M : M> Ml; 25' 25 255 % 25 % &- 25 25 25 25 C^ P. F 4^ i *- *i i-5 B n 25 JTV* IE 55'- % 55 it- C- *r * Sf= 05 ^ a P' rT ,A 43' 43 43 43 43. 43. 43 43 43 43 43 ^ 3 % % "* %- 25 %5 % 25 25 %- 25 25 % Mi <55 1 P* * i i r\i I 1 r=%J w# 35 r- 1 n ft 25 55 n o C P4 Ci c; : ; C3* 25 il OS 00 n .. 00 A 43 >i *' MS M- Mi Mi Mi M- M: M= Mi 43 <% -22 25 %5 25 25 25 %' 25 25 25 *' OS n * C F HH C5 13 5 ST- 25 1 1 c* % d. o n n- -J^ H' n- n- n n JZ n n- n- n- Q' CO 43 43 >* 43 43 43 43" 43 43- 43 43 43 43- 9 cS s Mi M> 43 : Mi M- M- M- Mi Mi Mi M- M : M : Mt M- GO 25- .* 25 25^ 25 25 % P % 25 O 35 5 25 *- 25 ^T % n 25 CO Pi w tz* r> n- n- f> n- n- n- r> r> Q h 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43; 2 a ^ 5 Mi M Mi Mi Mi M- M: M = Mi M5 25 %& 25 25 25 25' 25 25 25 25 i-4 * % n E> P. P a Si ST- M 1 rz PS ri n- n- n- n n* n- n- n- n- n- n 5 n -xT " e1 n jv c c c- c c c- sz c- C" hS ' 43- 43 : 43' 43' 43' 43' 43' 43- 43' 43' 43' P: 43' a Mi Si i M Mi M" Mi Mi Mi M M : M- ?' Mi o % 25 %' ^ %5 25 25 25 25' % 25 % 25 6** ' ^ n C^ C f O SV 44 XXXII . f ; >J ,3 -4 -4 g i Si g < If r-? ^ t Si --3 o 1 Cl- P g M 05 A ft p 02 OS OS- 02 02 ft "ft pL ft ft CD - oc? cc 51 CM CM cm Ph CO CO CM JT7- T- .# *- #-!- * & n rz +4 n 1 ' a J-l PH o S d -4-2 H d -a ^" r* a M rv m- 25- i3' Sis i3' mi 2 Ml Ml 25 M 25- 25" M- 25 ^- i3 M Ml 25 M Ml 25 i3' Ml 25 o * 4-1 & 4 of 00 ai 5 T* f+ n ++ n r- ' j\.. Si-' P" Or 35t o ? 5 J a n ll n i3 13 25- i3 M i3 i3 s M5 25 *T M^ Mi M Mi Ml M M : - Q" .a s - o % 25 25> 25 25 %- 25 ^: ^5 g |L 1 n 4- n C3 I 1 i p. m rf rr- n- n- n- m^ C- Iv n: 25- M> m- C' : ni i3 M^ 1 1 ++ Q- 13 i3 ii- i3 i3 X3 i3 i3 i3 t 1 M M P^ Sv i Clt , ^ M- m> Mi M- M> M- M- Ml M- Ml JZ5 55 it. *5 *- 25 *- % 25 25 25 % 25 - 25 25 n *- n n la k Pi d P4 4- i- bc O ^z^ i c i3 Ms i3 Mi Mi M- Mt i3 M 25' M^ f 6- i *->- & % .2 09 s - c | CO % 25 25- 25 25 %' 25 1 \ n: '"' S3 ~5 * g o CO 1 03 ~ o a. Iv d i i i i M M s H 1 Pi o in c- n n- n- Ml 25 C G- e 25 ; M 25- n: m* c Ml 25 V o f < Q" c jv c c Jv " C" r: c- c; ^^ oT .0 rv i3' ! i: &; 43' i3' 3' S- S | * 1 1 i vii M' m- mi Ml &> M Ml M- M Ml ^ &" 02 25- %- % 25 25 25- 25 25 25- 25 c- ^ : ^ ' ^T *-> *- #-H WT- T- s JT oif p n n n .s a * * 45 XXXIII M0J' 5 g Q a. H i * ! * - l 5 J : ^ 5 oi < co so m a o. o, &, < '-^ 2 oj^ ^ pL,coPO<^ c< ''- , we fci i J? ,*7\ 3 5\ : -d. ii- fl - P^ P:- ? & 3 1 1 CO os as r~- r~ 2 -. #-|. #-. #-|. #~v #-|. ry. jr-|. #-|. *-|. r> f i CO* jr-*.. *-*.. jr-5.. ^-5.. ^t;.. ,-5.. ^-5.. jr-^.. jns.. _r t-Ti ._rM,~rH Jn, r^. _r^ ~r*: _r^ t^. & Sr. *< t 1 1 fl fc- 0-- I 11 t"^ n: c Pi A *m *^i r\.. *^i *?v *t*. wt\. wt*. m-\. #n. *rv *n. *n J3 *3 Ji m- ^ i cS H T 1 * *^ J- 09 9 1 i I" iH._P-' c* to o : XI XI CO H fV *ri.. *TV *7\.-' M7\*' T7\S W7\--' r-\-'' *Ti.-' W7\.' m r7\.-' W7$.'" i3- J a to 11 n ^- - p *"" c^ fc p fc' O P T' n H' n- n- n- n n- n n n- n i3- T' *-i- n *-? *T- jr-5.. *-|.. *-J.. *-.. *T- ^-5.. *-\.. *-? J s .T % n - P r f g 5 a & n n 6 n:- n- n- n- it. n- > 1 1 Hi I"" c g |: g r f | a A n^ nn n^ !- n- n^ n- n^ n> n- n- *-.. ~5.. *-^- *~s.. r\.. *-$.. r-i- *-( *-i- #-5.. *-s.. Jfr, -T-t-D "~T^: J^t^r-: -C- ~*^ -*^ : -T"* ^r-s 1 n n ^' fr fc P g ! fi^ n s 1 H ++ n- n- n- n- r- r n- r- rr- n- n- X3- 6: c- c n c c c c c c- c C n #r\l *m rsi *r^i *r*, xrii t^i *tsi *ni *^i -^^1 rai | -J^L ^r^- -J^t-J^'J x ^~f N ^-J x L_f^-_f^. _P- ^P^ -^/^i; 3 J- n F. b & c : ' fc n h-4 1 46 XXX IV For apocopated forms see p. 49 below. p < * < ai xi s j^^5^ 'to 00 &" "H. Pea w 03 w en "&. "a Ch & &, (N; * r * h r\-. 1^ *"IK n *~ E- Jv ? Ji fig. m: 55:- %: Ol 55 35 % _n." % 55 *l (JI *ri *rv **- Jv g- *v fci ^i m m n; s$r /^ : . *-l *^ *^i T ps.^ m *-5l *-^" rx.. r ? n n i?! * * # # -IN. ^r e e- 35i- ^x m m . g sgr p,:; n; . e m . pb p^.. .r-v- jtt- ^,X V K T* *~V' T f\- c n n - n ^ *r p>k n n n n n< n< n< ^:. n;- e. m< %- p,i. Ei' m. jz- ^!. jr-^.. *-S.. *- #J- rv. t* *-5- *-i- *- r\-, *T *t *^- r\. n *. E . n n 8 ,: ft " eo Eh Jv J^k Xh V- & & & ^ _-T^:- C 5 " C 5 " ^'' ^?"_T^ W** 2?" *^" r\ n n ACS SSS tp n n- n n- f-:. g- g. e ^: f-:. e: g. c; p- , J^ c t c fe. c c c fe g- c c c *t\i #rsi *^i *^i fN.. *^l *^i * r1 ! , * r l _fN^ T ** *^' rx 2 a n n - 47 1 1 & CO A CO fv (M T? n: 1 1 r ^Z" >> J -- T" CL ,* w fJ O, 1 "S. q *A 35: ^-> H "&H r^. :i. T) e;i,g;. ^>.. CO CO n i e- .CO K g C' 6 . i_ i_i ci co 1 <+* n"(N 8 Tl -a ^e a, CD t/i ii- (N O 1 < 1 n- K c M:. O < * N*S jz" CO s co ri CO / f> : .c CO 1 e * a i-' a G *~K O r: l^-lv r d n a- Jv r P-i * -+ r.-S CO 1 Si' n 10 ifs r* 1- H' ^ IT " ' r s O B < ^ 00 a 3 6 1 1 c h ^.25=^ >j i c. C: r>! ^ tfi 35_R- n: 1 1 n t- Ln i-a CO cj CO 5" rr u cn 255 T^; n: ;j- i- r" 1 -E- r: .5 M * a fz! 8 sa rH lZ V^- CD XXXIV* Note A on Table XXIII. Participle Forms. Plu.(/.) trthh i.c. Plu. {in.) V : i.c. Sing. (/.) IT it : i.e. Sing, (m.) n F *nSin a) (i) ^. IT ^! ^H(2) I T * * * In other Voices the only change from the s. m. forms (given in Tab. XXIII) is in the endings which are Plu. (/.) ni- i.e. Plu. (m.) *_ D*_ i.e. Sing. (/.) i.c. Sing, (m.) Obs. (i) The Plu. (/.) Partic.-forms are the same in Constr. (ii) The K. Partic.-forms ^H (p. \ S T\) living s. m. t H^Hs./., V- IT' IT- D^H pi. m>, ni ft n pi. /., are " borrowed" from a Root ^)1 (=PP)"I), being like 2D s. m., H3D s./., from MD. W S." IT " (iii) nVH iT. Partic. pi./., Ex. i. 19, is " borrowed " from a Root ) JJ. (iv) The word D*Hft in Is. xxv. 6 is Pu. Partic. pi. m. of Tt=nP!. (See also p. 173.) * mis. m. (with X standing for the ii) 1 S. xxii. 2 ; DWO Neh. v. 7 has X 1 superfluous.' t npV fr. ntoy, rraafr. ron, etc. ma Gen. xiix. 22. j n ; .;nk, is. xii. 23, fr. nnx. -TO in -ipvn Job xli. 25 ($ 6, d. ii). In Job xv. 22 9Df is JTrl for IBS JRAtr. N.B. As in Pt. I, 14, we may have for -1 before the \ 48 XXXIV ** * o5 * <8 4 t H S 5 CO m rf H o CO CO i i * *- ; 55 r: : a 4 , , ^-^ . $ f l I 1 1 1 i ii 15*- n?- 55:, rfi j^.. j\.:: JN-. -TV." .J-N... l l^j t; J s- * 1 i i 1 1 1 1 g 9Q, 'pi QJ, *c <^ii * si - 22-: 2** j-: %> 1 JN> ^? h *T^t- 1 n; W n n %: I IF a) "St. g 52" dP*:: 3l T 1 n r: 1 S ; : 3 ^3 J^3 * C 1 - s 25' T"5 C*" *-* .J^s -J^5 n n - ' ^ "N ' " V & ITT 1 Zvi i i E : - i i 55 : - 3j *?- J*" XL ^:- i i 5> 1 1 i i g %> C .J^S 9* *^' n .J^S 4h 6 n n EL 1 1 e "k Tt Tt e e s * -4 g co O 4+ ' *1 G %: ++ Clt - J F o * rn "qj n Q E fT.- 1 T 75. ^t r ^ S r: r- DO E CO 6? ? a 4 55L^ j o si 'Si fl * -2 m 2 g' k -I S, i ^ fi co E: .J S I I n 8 s f- * n 55' 1^ 55' q co "O 9 Ph ^rr- J < Zi I * bp O .9 E a 5j- 9 O CQ ^. jr.M S E * 00 . Ef co m -> n E, ^! s CQ s Or-. E- * o O T3 * J * / AT '^ CO C o E ra X: rf . s a r:I3i * Zz ir 2 a F -': ^: n" ^8 3 ~ rr: ^ rP .2?" ir 3 ? ^ T -2 H kO Ph n .s s r. E" Ph E'- n o n m fZ T3 o ^ sCfl ^ 55= .. e- S *. E &a 1= .a &2 ici n ta n a 1 1 FI Iff -j^. E * -5 "S ^ F -2 4- 55 S E - f?' 55v p 4 g 351 _ *y: a #r ; r :. J rg 52 ELg S' I s T A m co 2 Sll OS E> CO S3 o 4 E- Ph 09 Ph 1 o 55: ':' E L E' s 49 XXXIV*** E 1 J3 5 9* 1 1 * ^ CO H |' L J' b Jr" : ' ??V- JV SV \" Z>sT *}' TV {-V* < . fe- -.' F *i c " c p : "* &. TV n rz- K H & >H 9 2 3 O H H Si & i .1 n: J* ^ n- r> n* rz n tz rz n- tr Sir * * w ;: v : - gis Pv v : : an* v>' * ^*i n -- * 15 n- n-^- r- n- n- n- j ^ v ' gfc C - SV ?3h ?^h ^^i^- -T s - i3 -vO ^r-b-.rr-.^r^L g ^ ' E* .&"^ w n~r*~ 5 ~ c I 1= nr. n- n- n- n- n^ *** & Uk,- tt By? f*s n. -t 4 50 XXXIV** 4 %s P "CO M to CO s i s, ? co p^p^^co 00 02 OB P^CUPhP^P^ ' it lt-i J* 3 3 5* j n n- n- n- ^ jv m- Jv %- **; jv jv jv ^. 6* & ^ r *k ~fil &* & &' * ~r^ ix & r r n - st- * *-> -- r *" *** f^ *- L 2SU I? SV . n> e- j-> % **r. c:* & m- g* leg {& ac |m: _P?: 8* Sf &* RE sz n 51 CM n .. * * .1 S : p^ v ' i?f 1 o *= P4 a &* & -5 ^ I i * n::; +- I ri"cN i 1 ^ *. fe J i' 3 a c- . % . c ** . , IT:- o feo^K^ el k 8 * O i. . ^> \h ? . P -4 ? I - rv 1 c r o ^ " o ! 1 o 3 s l-t IT:- "* t-H ^/N. u % C M> XXXV. Table XXIV. Infins. with Pkon.-Affs. (Objective, etc.). (* Each Infin. here has the pref. h of D^l). HlPH-iL. Pi-el. Kal. Pronouns to cause to visit. to visit (Intens.) to visit* Obj. etc. him Wpssrh faps? hDifc her trvpsrb ?np*b muh thee{m.) j \QVM-) thee {/.) "Sj^PSh me , , ( *3Tpfif? v| : t : #, (Atro) *tp*6, etc. [D 1 ^, 1Jp s ^, etc.] D^pn? to raise, (him) \Q^u>, etc. (5) 1th to go round, (him) i3D^, etc. pjflE^, \$HCh, etc. non 1 ?, toQZ etc.]. \"t: 1 -:-> J (6) nhj?V to dug, (him) tpSj?, eta [Jlif^, in^7, etc]. 52 c\- t m ^ 1a fli- m g\- n} a ) m r^ m nn i- lit? r> rs r ia- ^ \ m- m- ia ej XXXVI. a- a- *a- n r^ i-i I? rf 3 S 1 " @: @: nn m m Er : i!5 ^3 *a* *a r' *r r r 5 J en- & r r r *a nil E> r a m /a- ia nix i2 r tr r' r m- *a- mi m r r m^ iv * n : ; 13 in- *a- P 3 c *a- r m- /a nm m r r F~ I** v ID * rj : ; rr; *n m- *a- e:e: i> a HI- r : HI- e: in- *a- /a r 13 J3 i V r fii; I 1 53 s 1 02 1 ^+H o ,o ?>> *H JU*- tH J^ . 6 5 s i i rS 3 9 9 a to IP" o E f- 1 * I. J~" h:l jr- . n - p s, I I: -S 1 1 S3 55- 9 3 g 2 in- 3 'CD S 'So 5 o -a m < i- a 0- J 5 3 5 4 Cj 'S XXXVII. (Table XXVI) Participles with Pron.-Apfixes. The Student may make complete Tables by replacing (i) h_ in ' App* (0) to Tab. XIV ' by the forms in column (i) below, (ii) ni__ in ' App x (B) to Tab. XIV ' by the forms in column (ii) below, (iii) D^ in ' App* (B) to Tab. XIV ' by the forms in column (iii) below, (iv) Hi in 'App x (B) to Tab. XIV by the forms in column (iv) below :- Partic. Plu. Partic. Sing. (iv.) (/.) (iii.) (m.) (") (/) (i.) (.) in- ta-r_ v : - V T VV t w : VT J - VT 1 vr T3t 0%; -) s[rn_. ("I*") 5J-I-* (*M ipy- (VfR-) >ijh t WV PT3 3p~ + ( ! V) *n- ( ! V) n- v- : (% *#"!= tCH H- W-) aryn- dph- w .J taH dt- m) jrvn- Bit iev D- ew- an- vv : : - d 51 _ * \yr\- m-r t^l-r . *]-* V" v." : urn- v." : - vn4 V" Note : (o) The Passive Participles in ' App x (B) to Tab. XIV ' cannot strictly have Objective Affixes. [For Decl. of forms in H-^- see Tab. VI (i).] (/J) The Hebrew Participles, as Nouns, may be ' in Constr/, and may have Fossessive Pron. Affixes. For instance, (7) the Partic. (of 7^3 form) N^ one (m.) fearing, or a fearer ^ ' in Constr.' is Up* a fearer of (and so D % KT f earers { m -) is ^ Q - *$H* fearers of). Of 7tt$l\ one (/.) fearing, or a fearer (/.), the Construct form would be my, (and that of rtfa] would be h^Tjj). [See also 139 (8, iv.] (5) The Partic. of ^3 form takes the Affs. thus, Sing. ft#B, ^3, etc., Plu. (D^3) vj$B, TJ?#S>, etc. So we have VtH* Mow (m.) fearing him, or his fearers, ^pITf those fearing thee (m.), or thy fearers. * The < Slight' -vowel of 2* Rt-letter here is ( or); thus, Spnj (nK (or H consonantal) as 3* or 2 d Rt-letter, we have -inn^D anoint thou (m.) him, PDng tow *** ( m -) ** "#M redeem thou (m.) her (or # /.), *J$flJ irt Thou me; and so nSinj? procfotm ttoN (n.) # (/.), -ing-Ji? 9), U{R M& {or fetch) thou (m.) Aim, R|ra take thou (m.) * (/.), Dfjj? ** (or /&*) . ip^D S ives HT5P0, etc. 55 xxxix. (Table XXVIII) Future KAL with Dw^iniinc. we will visit. * V e (/) * y (.) they [f.) will visit, they (m.) will visit. rronouns ^j eiafo Obj., etc. her I mpM OVTMJPI MWjWJ Wtp& J t (.vj : : * W * MH T *.| : t JTOM *Aee (m.) thee (/.) 1pj3M wie them (m.) D*7p33 (/) pj3M W5 wioan Dsnobn unpin v|:: WWD* *** The forms given above are for Verbs Fut ( )' [ 141 (a, J)]. Note : (a) In Verbs Fut ( ) ' the 2 d Et-letter has (lengthened from ) ; thus, from &&), ijgfiffi he (or it m.) will clothe me, tSjjjtff*. [see e (vii, 2)] he shall put on them (m.) [as clothes'] ; and so, () with one of the letters yntf , or H consonantal, for 3 d or 2 d Et-letter we have -13nT52^'' & inn?^ 1 ' he will send him, ijirPB^ he will send thee (m.), t yVT c" T s * ' '-: t ; \ jj *}TV.y}) he will send me, $3$^ [ e > ^1 ^ <*? &W* w *> etc. ; and so, from T\p (r. np?) -innf?^ /10 w7J take him, nnj?* A IT" 1 I ci- ci- ci- in- ci- JTV. /7\^ |^V. |7V. r^ if* r* r$ * ffl CI ii|' i> n^ m <2 60 iz - B 1 * n n tr~ fr- {:- pi p' .- X^ 1 - C" it, f^ n n kt R < OS fev n;> g* 3 i j- r- 1 j | | 2 <8 a ^ n- 1^ j^- a g* P ?^ & h p s *_ IZ*Tr* 2 60 a m CI- C|- C|. C|- U|. C- i r- r- i .rr- ^r- .tt- wr- Si ci ^i a 53 o G n Drr r f~* f~' f-s % J-l #T~ ^T- (3 n i: r- i E * 13 | 1 fii- f- G 15- CI Q-. r r &5' SI S I | 3 #7- t E ^ CI JUk 5 C|- CI- C|- J-|- JUL JUL JUL J^' J- J- r r*s O' Q^ T T ^T~ ^7- ^T- ST r:- n- n- ci a\ c\ nLi3i nL . H rz tz* f- r?~ #-|' ^T r\-> * ^ n F- & 58 XLII. r *a: ia- *iv g 1 *n- /a- *n d< in- m- *? jtv: f*^ i^v; i^ ja^ f^ f^ f^ f*~ - jQi r^ r> C r$ n r^ i r* r : ^ f- Jv iv js - iv & e* m jv- n;.. A; ! 1*V Ai a* fi|. ij|i /a. . I^V- |A /^ |5^ JTVv JTV^ JTX^ /TV- JA j r; hi f 3 r; ri; n r r* r^ Q n j> ji r 'o > I o * r-> i^ 1 S n\> l rs r> r 3 O ^ n - ? H ni /Hz r 1- N s /TV; I"' %' %i %T Jgl /a- in- in- la- rs ri, r j r & f %" %r %; %; %r 1*1' *fl' G\ x 43 1 i*l> in^ /hiz mi: 1^: /nz n^ Ji Ir I*- i*r r: g 3 J7V; JVV i r a gi n 1 * 2 .3 P 3 n m n |7V. n jr.. g.. g 1 5' la:- fij- rv. m n gii ^ *- e f- B~ #n.. *-.. #-i- *n.. ry.. #-.. #n- #- #-* n\< n\> c\' *ft< m 1 /a 1 in< /a- 1a 1 . r^ n* P 3 r : ; r : ; rs r r^ r : . n i? G i? n - rz- ji it- it- 5? n CO if" it I:. It c- iv fefe J? % F~ r- g; fg o g* N co -4J M Ph o Q I Ph J-c i .. o C3 O o o 5 8 te *~^ v_>> 9 o 0Q ^ r j- n a o J5 lO g ^2 CO M ET* > H be .9 'o .3 o a. 4 H H j- != f ft 3s co ni Q 6" i o ^ 1 kQ :3 ^_^ -S o fee 1 1 3 J* Pi jr ri 00 ^2 o a 5tt * c2 i^ j* ^T 3 i m T3 -. c2 I i ft rt ^ ^- ^ ft ^ 00 * X 3 i > o 5a o * t " f U\ * ti - Be (2 ^.11 f n i^ -- 60 XLIV. Note. The forms of the Future K. of H^J? w. Pron. Affs. (Obj. eto.) which actually occur are i inb f J?' r he will make him (or it m.% ^itM \^ e w ^ ma ^ e h er C or ft/0* lD&^JT he will make them (m.) t \Z&fflp\ thou (m.) shalt make it (m.), Plb'JJF) thou (m.) shalt make it (/.), Jill BWtf I will make, or do, it (/.), TT^y^ I will make thee (m.), rfifc^ they (m.) will do it (/.), ^fc^jT tfAey (m.) will make me, rtib>Jtt tee will do it (/.). Many of the words given in Tab. XXX are, therefore, merely Paradigm-forms. The proper form to begin with would, in accordance with Tab. XXVIII, have been the to form [toE^]. As this word does not occur, we preferred to begin with ^Ifl^JT Then, for the sake of the uniformity which is necessary in a Paradigm, the corresponding forms had to be given first in other places. 61 XLV s H M M w PS j > 1 H O s w W 02 ! M fc M E I i te c M Ph p^ o I n 1 t>b $ .9 g 02 C/2 In 1* 1 * (9 I-* 1 * /* * /~"\ |5 l #- n ' n w ** "V r i. c 3 B a ! n5 l| IV OS CO 00 CO I fa 3 I i 1 r i B i i #1. *n *7 J 2 a r\ *~\ V s .Bs B * H p- ^ i i M J ED r- jz; & l-H l-H PP g- M R M M M * g 5 1 5 5 B'gj m H ^ M H ps I; * j l^ *c S3 6 C2 XLVI a 2 ^g g ~ co Sn & C p co 9 J rd -J w Ph 15 1 d - ' *t-4 o . jr.. ,a **&' C Q n n % i- & 44 a. H csi .a h . B M B' fc - H si "7 9 - a V & I P s a > * a .2 fc?E It a j9 l-^o * 3 a 3 V fc^ a M r I 3 , S d H M 5 H It a cy S M 'J H -L 5 h I- 4 S. _ M P o - i it SH m 49 a a & ft ft , >- HC5 JS * H H ii to h-fc 3 *^ H - d fi k p H 3 E M o 6 I' 8 tj 63 \ :! 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED t LOAN DEPT. 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