HS IQI3 1895 UC-NRLF IIIIIIH J' J ft i. A g/ojiyfi^^'/'^'^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/floorworkforsuboOOinderich FLOOR WORK FOR SUBORDINATE LODGE DEGREES, AS AUTHORIZED BY THE SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGE OP THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. BALTIMORE, Md. : PUBLISHED BY THE SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGE, L O. O. F. 1895. Corrected and printed, as authorized by the Sover- eign Grand Lodge, September session, 1890, under the supervision of the following Special Committee : F. E MERRIMAN, Rep. of Massachusetts. J. B. KENNER, Rep. of Indiana. J. L. WEAKLEY, Rep. of Tennessee. R. E. WRIGHT, Rep. of Pennsylvania. R. A. De Bolt, Rep. of Missouri. FjOHN MEOOLE & 60N, NEW YORK. •Z£: REPORT. To the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows : Your committee appointed at the last session of this Grand Lodge to prepare "Floor Work" for the various degrees, beg leave to say that we have, after much labor, completed the work assigned us, and herewith report as follows : — In the preparation of this work we have be on greatly aided by, and, in fact, have followed substantially, the plans placed before us by some of the eminent staff-workers in our Order. And we accordingly wish herewith to acknowledge our special obligations and gratitude for such assistance to the following per- sons : — Brothers J. T. Riley, of West Union, Iowa; John W McQuiddy, of Indianapolis, Indiana; W. H. Morgan, of Peabody, Kas.; D. W. Moccabee, of Colum- bus, Ohio; Adam Frank, Gorman town, Ohio; W. H. Barger, of Hebron, Neb.; T. W. Murray, of St. Louis, Mo.; Frederick Alford, of Boston, Mass.; C. A. Mayo, of Maiden, Mass.; and R. A De Bolt and Avife, of Trenton, Mo We also had submitted to us a " floor setting" for the Liitiatory Degree, by Cambridge Lodge, No. 13, of Massachusetts, which we think is very unique, and would certainly be a very attractive and impressive thing to use. We have not, however, considered it 4 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. practicable to adopt it as a part of this report of floor work for use in ordinary Lodge-rooms; but we earnestly recommend that the Sovereign Grand Lodge will not adopt any iron-clad rule against such settings ; and that the work which may be approved, and published under its supervision, shall be a guide, and still leave Lodges and Encampments which have the enterprise and ability to invent something new, novel, or useful, that will increase the interest in our work, (and of such class is the Cambridge Lodge of which we have just spoken,) the fullest authority to create and use such settings, so long as they do not conflict with the ritual or the plans of Floor Work, — being con- sidered auxiliary thereto. There is one other thing of which we should speak. There were submitted to us, as the work of Sister Alice Hughes, of Trenton, Mo., two large paintings, called "Down to Jericho, Nos. I and 2,'^ which were beautifully illustrative of certain parts of the work of the Second Degree. These pictures would certainly be magnificent orna- ments for the walls of a Lodge-room, and could be made most useful when the degree was being conferred. And now we submit the result of our" labors, with the sincere hope that it may be approved by you. Fraternally yours, John JST. YanDeman, Ohio, E. M. Sloan, Mo., F. E. Merriman, Mass., J. B. Kenner, Lid. PREFACE Efficient staff work is the best possible manner of illustrating the principles of the Order. The teach- ings of our brotherhood are of the most sublime char- acter, and, upon the introduction of a candidate, every- thing should be done to impress him with the grandeur and beauty of these principles. Therefore, the officers should be dignified, manly, and earnest; remembering that first impressions are strongest and will probably cling to the candidate through life ; so if they believe what they teach, let their actions, as well as instructions, prove that they are earnest, and honest And if they do not so be- lieve, and cannot so teach, then they have no right to a place in a degree staff. Never attempt a joke of any kind upon a candidate; it will probably lower the Order in his estimation, and will do more than anything else to impair, if not de- stroy, his value as a member. DIAGRAMS In the diagrams which accompany this, there are given floor movements as adapted to the Lodge and Encampment rooms as generally arranged. Any varia- tion in arrangement of ante-rooms, entrances, etc., can easily be provided for by slight changes in the en- trance or exit movements. 6 surordinatp: lodge floor work. ORGANIZATION OF STAFF. First. It should be composed of volunteers, and those who have at heart the " good of the Order," and who are willing to cheerfully, and regularly, take the positions where they can be most useful. All who compose the staff should meet and elect a captain, who should be one of the very best and most intelligent members, one who can think and act quick- ly, and upon whose judgment reliance can be placed, and also who is energetic, prompt, and regular in at- tendance, amiable and forbearing in disposition. The captain alone should assign each brother to the position in the staff where he can be most useful. Where practicable, past officers should be assigned to certain positions ; but each member must leave all matters of position to be decided upon the single question, of fitness. Any position is honorable and necessary. The work may be rendered less burden- some and less apt to conflict by placing members in different positions in the different degrees. Once organized, positions should not be changed un- less the captain shall deem it necessary. Drill frequently, memorize all charges thoroughly, and deliver them slowlyf deliberately, and dramatical- ly. The captain should have full control and super- vision of the work. SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. 7 MUSIC. ^The music should be suitable for marching, and for this the great requisite is correct and regular time. The organ should be generally used ; any instrument is better than none, however. The player must be familiar with the movements, know where to play fast or slow, heavy or light, to represent music at a distance and approaching, etc. PARAPHERNALIA. The ritual describes sufficiently for most of the de- grees the dress and paraphernalia ; and besides, the manufacturers have so worked this field that it is not deemed necessary to append any suggestions in reference thereto, except in certain cases. Always bear in mind the time and place in which the scene is laid, and have all things accordingly appropriate. INITIATORY DEGREE, The officers of this degree for staff work are as follows : — Noble Grand. Yice Grand. Past Grand. Conductor. Warden. Outside Conductor. Inside Conductor. Inside Guardian. Right and Left Supporters of Noble Grand. Right and Left Supporters of Yice Grand. Right and Left Scene Supporters. Four Scene Bearers. Four Torch Bearers. Organist. The Outside and Inside Guardians of the Lodge should remain on duty ; or, if they take part in the staff work, some one should be appointed to take their places temporarily. 10 Diagram A INITIATORY DEGREE. 11 DIAGRAM A. First tap of bell, attention; second tap, rise. Noble Grand and Supporters step out in line with Warden and Conductor; Yice Grand and Supporters in line with Scene Supporters, the Scene Bearers forming "twos" by wheeling to the left, and the Torch Bearers forming in the same manner. Third tap, all march on dotted lines to the centre line across the room, the Scene and Torch Bearers marching to, and in front of, the Past Grand's chair ; the Past Grand marches across on the centre line and turns to the left at Chaplain's chair with Conductor. The Left Supporter of the Noble Grand, and the Right Supporter of the Yice Grand, halt one pace from centre line and w,ait until Noble Grand and Yice Grand pass them, when they fall in behind, followed by Right Supporter of Noble Grand and Left Supporter of Yice Grand, until procession is formed, as shown in Diagram "A," the Outside Con- ductor bringing up the rear : then march out on rule line shown. 12 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. DIAGRAM B. After robing, march back on same line to Past Grand's chair, in twos, (as shown in Diagram " B,") turn to the right and cross to centre ; then column right and down to Yice G-rand's chair then separate, the right column marches diagonally towards the Past Grand's chair, the left column diagonally to- wards the Chaplain's chair, thus forming a V. All halt, and address Xoble Grand. Then columns march to the centre, form twos and march towards Noble Grand's chair, where they separate, the left column marching diagonally towards the Past Grand's chair, and the right towards the Chaplain's, and form V as be- fore, face Vice Grand and address him; then march to centre, then down centre by twos to Yice Grand, and turning right continue the march across and up the side of the room to Past Grand, thence across the room. Conductor turns left at Chaplain's chair and marches to his station; Past Grand takes one pace to left, halts, and marks time ; Noble Grand and Yice Grand turn right and left one pace on dotted lines, and mark time; Right Supporter of Noble Grand and Left Supporter of Yice Grand do the same ; Left Supporter of Noble Grand and Right Supporter of Yice Grand step into line, and all march to their chairs, Past Grand turn- ing left at Conductor's chair, and again at Warden's, then to chair ; Left Scene Supporter turns right on dotted line, takes one pace, and marks time until Right Scene Supporter is in line, then both march to chairs. Scene Bearers and Torch Bearers march across to Chaplain, turn right down room to prepara- Diagram B. |r.S. N.&. L.^ 13 14 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. tion room and wait there until needed. Warden and Inside Guardian march across to Chaplain, turn right and left and march to chairs ; Outside Conductor fol- lows Warden. No circle or diagonal marches per- mitted except where shown. When all are at their posts, one tap of bell seats them. When all is ready, the Outside Conductor retiring, marches to Past G-rand, then to centre, salutes, marches to side of room and out. Note. — Torch Bearers may be dispensed with if short of members. DIAGRAM C. When door opens to admit Outside Conductor and candidate, the Conductor and Scene Supporters rise and march on dotted lines to centre of room, where Conductor and Scene Supporters meet, the Scene Sup- porters about face, and the three march down the centre, meeting the Outside Conductor in front of Vice Grand, and halt at 1.1.1. Outside Conductor stops at 2 on rule line and faces Noble Grand with candidate. Conductor commences charge at close of Left Scene Supporter's words (page 36), Conductor says first two words, then wheels right, marches toward centre to 3, while Left. Scene Supporter finishes, and then wheels and asks the ritualistic question. Members respond, Conductor continues charge to "to give," Scene Bearers and Torch Bearers march slowly past candidate. Outside Conductor and candidate fall in as they pass ; Scene Supporters fall in behind and march slowly to 4, where Outside Con- Diagram C. 15 1r.s. n.g. l.sJ ^Nv »»/ /* o Y//\n ♦ r LOW. • Line: of march iH for PROCESSkOw . 1 > i ^ :2 ''■'■W/ A ( 5 ^ !< DC ^ 4T ? ^ < 1 1 \^ 1: 2 .o ■^ !ui 5 ft ! Fi- A. _ . _. .... 5. 1 1 ir/v < 11 c^ ■ s/of^^s'sp^i;^ _J is ^■'^■^ i 5i i : 2.tB i^' ;.IB.5 iCoii) . iS.B 2BJ ^Bg TB2 Z UJ < Ui *• ' 0| 1 1 1^ lis T6. z r ^ ^^ : ?— /i 4l 1 ~3r 1 ' 'CC • ;< 1 • Is: o 1 I u. o 1 1 1 u =3 ■ 1 Z ^ LSS. _ RSS a ^ f- s. v.G. a? 1 1 i 1 1 16 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. ductor and candidate stop and witness procession. Procession marches slowly around room, Right Scene Supporter halts at 5, and the Conductor at 6. Pro- cession moves on, Left Scene Supporter halting at 7. Scene Bearers and Torch Bearers continue entirely around the room to 8, deposit Scene, and take position on square as shown. When Scene Bearers and Torch Bearers are in posi- tion, Conductor continues charge to " greatness/^ when Outside Conductor with candidate marches slowly to Warden's chair, thence to centre in front of Noble Q-rand, thence with Scene Supporters and Conductor to square and take positions shown, form- ing a hollow square. All point to Scene, and Con- ductor continues until time for dirge, when all kneel, still pointing to Scene. Or, in lieu of the dirge^ an appropriate verse may be sung. At close of music all rise and Conductor continues. At close of Right Scene Supporter's charge, the Lodge solemnly repeats the last six words. At close of Left Scene Supporter's charge they lightly and joyously repeat the last four words, and Scene Bearers and Torch Bearers march out with Scene, on line shown, and quietly resume their chairs (still robed) in the room. Note. — When short of members the Torch Bearers may be omitted, and the Supporters of Noble Grand and Vice G-rand can act as Scene Bearers, in which case they would march out to robe in Scene Bearers' positions and hold such positions until they march out with 18 Diagram D R5. N.G. LS ^ o o Coji War j:oN.FjlSSCA^^O.C^.S. Con. a: ttsTb. 3SB 4SB I TB 2TB 3TB 4TB RSS!CanO.C.LS.S. ! 1 R.5.S LINE OF j^ j yiv »iv:::::::::y' HO Oi HDVJVW ;_; r3!»- ss'ioo'^^^: MARCH TO CHAII^ JO 3Nn^-^^ < 7i o Z < ^'^•V4N0-> !- - LS.S. RS.S- J [L.S. VG. RS] INITIATORY DEGREE. 19 ''Scene," when they can change their robes, march in quietly to centre of room, turn right and left and march to their places as Supporters, while the candidate is at Warden's chair. DIAGRAM D. As soon as Scene Bearers are out, the Conductor con- cludes charge, faces Vice Grand, Scene Supporters fall in behind followed by Outside Conductor and can- didate, march from X on dotted line to Warden and take positions shown; at conclusion of Warden's charge the procession again forms and marches to the centre of room in front of Noble Grand, then down centre to Vice Grand. At the conclusion of the Yice Grand's charge, march left on rule line around the room and up centre to Noble Grand, arriving there at close of ode, and taking positions shown. Continue ritual. When Noble Grand seats Lodge, the Scene Supporters march on dotted lines shown, to their posts, and take their seats. The Conductor presents candidate to Noble Grand, turns left and marches on rule line shown, to chair, and takes his seat. From here follow ritual until time for inarching out to disrobe, for which follow Diagram A ; to re-enter follow Diagram B, except Scene and Torch Bearers, who march on to seats by turning right at Chaplain's station, and march by twos down the room, and when opposite their chairs by " twos right," march abreast to them, as shown in Diagram "B." FIRST DEGREE, OR DEGREE OF FRIENDSHIP. 1 st Part — No floor work necessary. 2d Part — As follows : The officers of this degree for staff work are : — Noble Grand and Supporters. Yice Grand and Supporters. Past Grand. Warden. Conductor as Jonathan. Chaplain as King Saul. Right and Left Scene Supporters as Guards, and 2 or 4 additional Armor Bearers. Outside Conductor. Inside Guardian. Organist. 22 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. DIAGRAM E. Retire for preparation as in Diagram A, except that Conductor as Jonathan leads column ; Chaplain as King Saul marches at right of Past Grand; Scene Supporters act as guards; King Saul, Jonathan, and guards remain in ante-room ; Past Grand leads procession back, and all get to their places from centre (see diagram), except Noble Grand and Supporters, who halt at 1.1.1, about face, march down room and occupy seats, 2.2.2. When all are seated the Inside Guardian opens the door and, at tap of bell, or sound of bugle, Jonathan and guards march in, Jonathan on rule line, followed by guards on dotted line ; Jona- than halts at X and marks time until guards march to 3.3, about face and march back to X ; Jonathan turns as they come down the room, and all march to 4.4.4 in line. Jonathan salutes Noble Grand with sword ; Noble Grand acknowledges salute. Jonathan and guards right about face and march up to centre ; Jonathan again halts at X; guards turn right and left at 5.5, and march on dotted line to 6.6, face Yice Grand, and halt about six feet apart ; Jonathan then marches to 7 and faces Past Grand. Inside Guardian again opens door and, at tap of bell, or sound of bugle, King Saul marches in on rule line to Noble Grand's chair, followed by Armor Bearer carrying sword, who stands to left of the king. Just as King SauFenters the door the whole Lodge should rise, and as he passes, each member should salute with the sign of this degree — In- side Guardian and Jonathan with swords, and the guards with spears, at a " present.'' When King Saul Diagram E. 23 DEGREE OF FRIENDSHIP. 25 arrives at Noble Grand's chair he faces Vice Grand and seats the Lodge by a wave of the hand. All are seated, except Jonathan, guards, and Armor Bearer. When all are seated, Outside Conductor retires for candidate. The Inside Guardian in addressing King Saul will march from his post to 8, salute King Saul with sword. King Saul acknowledges him, when he (the Inside Guardian) makes his announce- ment and awaits King Saul's reply ; then comes to a carry and marches back to post, and de- livers answer or message ; this is done with each question and answer sent by Outside Conductor to King Saul, or by King Saul to Outside Conductor; when King Saul asks second question on page 57, he rises and paces to and fro in his place until Inside Guardian returns with answer, when he takes his seat. Outside Conductor marches in on rule line to X, raises blind and kneels with hands clasped above face, addresses King Saul, then rises. Then follow ritual until King Saul throws the sword. As King Saul throws the sword, the guards rush on candi- date with spears ; Jonathan rushes in, catches spears on his sword at X, keeps them parried from candidate ; but the force of the onslaught by guards should be sufficient to drive Outside Conductor and candidate back near Vice Grand's chair to 8, when Jonathan ap- parently gets the advantage and forces them back to 6.6 again. Jonathan then returns to 7, returns sword, marches down to 9, turns rij^ht and meets candidate 26 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. at 8, and delivers charge to point where Lodge is seated, when he marches back to 7. Outside Con- ductor takes candidate back to 10 and stops; Jonathan marches out and picks up sword thrown by king, carries it by the point and hands to king; draws sword, kneels and salutes king by holding sword horizontally above face, left hand grasping blade six inches from point, or with point resting on shield, when shield is worn. King motions him away; Jonathan rises, marches backward to X, halts a moment, marches to 1, and again kneels and salutes as before. King again motions him away; he again marches slowly backward to X, pauses a moment, and marching to 1 , kneels the third time before king, bringing sword to position as before; he turns body half around to 10, then back to king : king in anger casts the javelin ; Jonathan rises and with head bent low marches backward to X, kneels and with sword in position as before looks to- ward 10, then casts eyes to heaven, rises and slowly marches to 7, faces Conductor's chair, rests on sword with head down; king rises and, followed by Armor Bearer and guards, marches slowly down centre and out on rule line. As soon as king, Armor Bearer, and guards retire, Noble G-rand and Supporters rise and march to their proper posts; then Inside Guardian (as lad) draws near to Jonathan; Jonathan and lad go- through their part of the work; lad returns to post. Outside Conductor and candidate march from 1 to X, where they are met by Jonathan. Then follow ritual to closing, Jonathan getting to his seat from in front of Noble Grand by marching to X, then cross to 7 and DEGREE OF FRIENDSHIP. 27 up to chair. Retire to disrobe as in Diagram "A," and return as in Diagram "E." Note. — There may be two, four, six or eight guards. SECOND DEGREE, OR DEGREE OF BROTHERLY LOVE. 1st Part — It is not necessary to provide any floor work for this part; simply proceed as per ritual. 2d Part — The officers of this degree for staff work are as follows : — Noble Grand and Supporters. Vice Grand and Supporters. Past Grand. Warden as Samaritan. Conductor. Right Scene Supporter as Priest. Left Scene Supporter as Levite. Outside Conductor as Herald. Four members as R's, (Robbers) Inside Guardian. Organist. 30 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. DIAGRAM F. Outside Conductor acts as Herald or chief of R's when the staff marches out to robe. Herald marches in Outside Conductor's position in Diagram ''A/' and R's in Scene Bearers' place. When staff return to seats, R's march the same as the Scene Bearers in Dia- gram "A," and across the room and take their chairs, as in Diagram " D;" the Conductor is directed to retire, etc.. does so on line shown; marches back with can- didate slowly on line as shown, and when passing Chaplain's chair commences his address, turning him- self so as to complete first sentence of his charge on page 69 by the time he reaches 2. Halts at 2, faces candidate to wall and repeats next sentence, turns and marches to 3, halts, faces wall again, and repeats third sentence, turns, marches to 4, concluding charge at 4. Herald and R's rush upon Conductor and can- didate at 4. Herald blows horn and R's cry out as instructed in ritual. Herald places candidate at 5 so that he can see the Conductor. R's spring upon Conductor and lay him at 6, take what they can and proceed to centre of room, where they sit down to divide the spoils. Warden marches to position marked Samaritan. Herald rushes on R's demanding his share. R's club him, and leaving him on the floor, rush out. Herald slowly rises, and picking up anything R's may have left^ sneaks out. Conductor slowly commences his part again; the Priest marches on line shown, carrying Bible. The Conductor must watch Diagram F. 31 |r.S. N.&. LSJ i War. Con a. or ; .^ * 1 1 • 1 5. 6. 1 > > IP r" _z 2 O 1 !| ' ' 1 '' $ i f ' 1 ^S r z ! 2 5-^ 2^ -\i 4:i i p 1 o ; "H 1 o o z / O j 2 1 > ! ^ ! n . > 7 — < X 1 1 : 9 o r"! ' D -y'l J) \ f\. j n j ■) R- -1 ; 5- k R. 1 ?^ 5i ; ^ 1 i " ' ^ ' 1 ' 3 OC ! j [ 3 1 t > * i -— r* 4 1 o 1 2 ' ! • n ' — i — ^^ — > => ! ^ i 1 < -1 - S ! 1[ --LEYITE Priest U 1 < ' ' ' 1 1 [L.S. v.G. as^ ^ ^ _J 1 -i 32 Diagram G. OX. War, Coi 2 i5. ." "-1. o 0. < <- < < Levite. Priest. £ S YG. RS DEGREE OF BROTHERLY LOVE. 33 the movements of the others and regulate his talk ac- cordingly. When Priest nears his chair, Levite starts out on line shown. At the proper time he stops a moment, then proceeds to 5.6. and looks at Conductor while Conductor continues his appeal, then marches on. As Conductor calls last time to Levite he (the Conductor) turns over so as to face candidate. DIAGRAM G. The Samaritan marches out on line shown. Con- ductor continues ritual, so that as he closes talk on page 70, the Samaritan shall be at I. Samaritan stops, marches to 2.3, lays hands on Conductor and candidate, and repeats nineteen words of his part, turns and proceeds on his way. When Samaritan arrives at 4, he stops, considers and returns quickly to 2.3. Then fol- low ritual, marching on lines shown, Samaritan tak- ing both Conductor and candidate with him, or taking the candidate alone as may be preferred. In the latter case the Conductor will rise after the Past Grand has taken charge of candidate, and march across to Warden's chair, then down to Past Grand's chair, where he will again take charge of candidate. 34 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. DIAGRAM H. Samaritan leaves candidate and Conductor, or can- didate alone as case may be, with Past Grand and marches to Warden's chair on-line shown. Conductor again takes candidate, marching on rule line, stopping at 1.1, and again addresses Noble G-rand. Then pro- ceed by ritual to the point where Lodge is called up by Noble Grand, when all rise and form half circle on dotted lines. The R's (having previously returned and quietly taken seats at and 3) mix in pro- miscuously with others on the circle, eacli member standing with his right arm thrown around the mem- ber at his right, the right hand on the member's right shoulder. When Lodge is again seated, all march to their respective places, as shown in Diagram F, except the Conductor, who remains by candidate until close of ceremony, then takes his proper station. Note. — Supporters of Noble Grand and Yice Grand can act as R's in this degree, if short of members. Diagram H. 35 RS. N.G LSj OC War. 1 1 ON 01 it^ o-v < u o o 5 a: — ' s^ < < ^J Z w 1 2 o o r 1 o / O — CL a: "i" 1 < 1 ^: 1 o jv. . 2 i ! 2 I \ i 2 / 3 o \ t/5 \ 1 3 \ , s ''\ / Levite Priest (1 Q V r o ^ o 1 I l*-^- ^'^ 7. 1 V>-' 1 1 — THIRD DEGREE, OR DEGREE OF TRUTH. I St Part — It is not necessary to provide any floor work for this part; simply proceed as per ritual. 2d Part — The officers for staff work are as follows : — Noble Grand as High Priest Aaron. Vice Grand. Past Grand. Warden. Conductor. Chaplain. Outside Conductor. Right Supporter of Noble Grand as Priest of 3d. Left Supporter of Noble Grand as Priest of 2d. Right Supporter of Vice Grand as Priest of 1st. Left Supporter of Yice Grand as Priest of Ini- tiatory. Left Scene Supporter as 1st Banner Bearer. Right Scene Supporter as 2d Banner Bearer. A member as 3d Banner Bearer. A member as 4th Banner Bearer. Inside Guardian. Organist. Note. — When short of members the Priests may bear the banners. 38 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. DIAGRAM I. At second tap of bell, Noble Grand and Supporters as Priests step out on lines to A. A. A; 3d and 4tli Banner Bearers to B.B, just behind Priests of 2d and 3d. Vice Grand and 1st and 2d Banner Bearers to C.C.C, and Right and Left Supporters of Yice Grand to D.D. Third tap, all march on dotted lines to centre line. Priests of 2d and 3d halt one pace and 3d and 4th Banner Bearers two paces from centre line, and mark time until their turn for taking positions in the pro- cession. Conductor turns left at centre line and heads procession. Chaplain meets Past Grand at centre, and, turning right, marches at his right hand following Con- ductor; JS'oble Grand and Yice Grand next. First Banner Bearer crosses centre line, turns right along centre line, until even with 2d Banner Bearer, who then wheels into line, and they follow Noble Grand and Yice Grand. Priest of the Initiatory crosses centre line, turns right, and when even with Priest of 1st, Priest of 1st falls in, and they march behind 1st and 2d i^anner Bearers. Priest of 3d crosses line, turns left, marches even with Priest of 2d, who then falls in, and they follow in procession. 4th Banner Bearer crosses line in like manner, and 3d and 4th Banner Bearers follow Priests. Warden and Inside Guardian next, with Outside Conductor bringing up the rear, in order shown in diagram. Diagram I. 39 P0F3RoH.PA.P0F:2^ O.G. War. V"B.B B. B. ^RD-BBr""" Con, W 12 f-^,^ P.GCK H.PAV.G BB2BB PofIn Pof2 3.B.Bi4BB War Pop I ST. Pof3. J a c 15 8 9 15 "i c IsT.BB t ih a.' < 2noB.B. oFlN.VG.Porlsr 40 Diagram J. ? POF3RD.H.PA.POF2 O.C. War. ^thBB o a: Srd.B.B. Con. 5 A I 7\ 8| B PioF5. w Can B OF Pof2 5. OX. 7 B C. C B 3B.--, I. 4 i CoN-H — I „ is 2B. H. B. a: < DEGREE OF TRUTH. 41 Procession moves on line to E, then out at either door, F or Gr. Robe and march back in same order, turning to right across room on centre Hne at Past Grand's chair; High Priest Aaron turns at centre and stops on wave line at 1 ; Vice Grand at 2 ; Conductor at 15 ; Priest of Initiatory at 7; Priest of 1st at 8; Priest of 2d at 3; Priest of 3d at 4; 1st Banner Bearer at 10; 2d Banner Bearer at 9 ; 3d Banner Bearer at 6 ; 4th Banner Bearer at 5 ; Chaplain at 1 6 ; Inside Guardian at 11 ; Warden at 12; Outside Conductor at 1 4 ; Past Grand at 13; those turning first mark time until all are in position, when at one tap of bell all march straight to their chairs, except Warden, Inside Guardian, Past Grand, and Outside Conductor, who march to their chairs as in Diagram A. DIAGRAM J. Outside Conductor retires to preparation room as shown in Diagram B, returns with candidate to A and introduces him to the Yice Grand. When Vice Grand closes his address (bottom of page 84), the 3d and 4th Banner Bearers and Priests of 2d and 3d rise and march four abreast to B.B.B.B. Priest of In- itiatory and 1st to C.C. 1st and 2d Banner Bearers rise ; all remain standing until Yice Grand addresses them, (page 85,) when each answers for himself, and all turn and march to their stations. When Outside Conductor leaves Yice Grand, he marches with candidate up centre until he reaches D D. 42 SUBORDINATE LODGE FLOOR WORK. When Outside Conductor takes candidate to position at request of Noble Grand, they march down centre, Warden and Conductor rising and marching on lines shown down room with them, and taking their positions at E.E, candidate. Outside Conductor, Conductor and Warden being now across centre of room. When they are in position facing Vice G-rand, the 4 Priests and 4 Banner Bearers step into line at each end of room, line up, and at one tap of bell march four abreast to positions shown on diagram. Priests cross wands over candidate, all four being at a point forming a pyramid; 1st Banner Bearer places his banner in front of candidate; High Priest Aaron asks first question; Warden answers; asks 2d question; Priest of Initiatory answers. At close of Priest's answer. Priests bring wands to a carry; Banner Bearers take up banners, all left face and march to positions — in circles, inward face and line up; 2d Banner Bearer places his banner in front of candidate. Proper questions and answers are given as before, when all left face, march on rule lines shown to ends of room, halting at near High Priest Aaron; near Yice Grand, inward face and line up, and at one tap of the bell march again to centre, as in first march; 3d Banner l>earer places his banner in front of candidate. Proper questions are asked and appropriate answers given. All again left face and march to positions shown by circles ; 4th Banner Bearer places his banner in front of candidate. Questions and answers given as before. All left face 44 Diagram K. ^or3RDH.PA.Por^ 3C- War 4^"B, 3^^B- Con. IsT^^ _2no.B. |^ofJnt.Y.G PofIst[ T c. DEGREE OF TRUTH. 45 and march to and across ends of room again, which, if properly done, will bring each officer to his chair, when he will be seated. As soon as these eight are seated, Outside Conductor and candidate face High Priest Aaron; Warden and Conductor march to sides of room and all march up room abreast, Warden and Conductor to their seats, Outside Conductor and can- didate to D.D; then proceed as in ritual to close. DIAGRAM K. Form on same as in Diagram I, Conductor leading, march down centre; Past Grand and Chaplain open order at 'A, followed by their columns or files. Con- ductor about faces at B. Past G-rand turns left at B on dotted line; Chaplain turns right on rule line; Con- ductor marks time until Past Grand and Chaplain come in line with him at sides of room, then marches back to A. Past Grand's column takes outside at A. Conductor about faces and marks time until Past Grand and Chaplain are again in line, then marches again to B. Chaplain's column takes outride at B. Conductor again about faces and marks time as before, then marches to A, where he meets Past Grand and Chaplain, about faces and leads procession in close order down centre and out at B. Disrobe and return to chairs as shown in I. In the grand march each Banner Bearer should carry the banner of his degree and Priests their wands UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Qdd*f el Iowa ^ Independent; order of«| Soyereign ^and i.od Flo or worV for gubftr* dinete lodgo degrees WA_if imfagwiy j^ A4 1896 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY