mMM GIFT OF Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation "SOL JUSTITI/E ET OCCIDENTEM ILLUSTRA" CATALOGUE OFFICERS AND ALUMNI EUTGEES COLLEGE (ORIGINALLY QUEEN'S COLLEGE) IN NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J, 1766 TO 1916 TRENTON, N. J.: State Gazette Publishing Co., Printers 1916 ^1^ ^0'' Former editions of the General Catalogue have been issued in 1S35, 1840, 1855, 1859, 1S71, 1885 and 1909. The present edition is published one hundred and fifty years after the granting of the charter. .t HISTORICAL SKETCH. Rutgers College was founded as Queen's College, November 10, 1766. It was the eighth collegiate founding in the American colonies, and had its origin especially in the zeal for education and religion shown by the Dutch colonists in New York and New Jersey. Early in the eighteenth century, the Reverend Theodoras Jacobus Frelinghuysen, distinguished pastor and evangelist of his time, urged the erection of such a college. His son, the Reverend Theodoras Frelinghuysen, continued the effort, persistently seeking the necessai*y sympathy and resources both in this country and Holland. With both of these pioneers the layman, Hendricldi^^ Fisher, President of the first Provincial Congress of New Jersey, was especially associated. As the movement came to successful issue, the Reverend Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh, afterwards president of the Col- lege, was the leader. The charter was granted in the name of George the Third, by His Excellency William Franklin, Governor of the Province of New Jersey. No copy of this document is now known to be in existence, but under its provisions the Board of Trustees was created and meetings were called. A second charter was granted March 20, 1770, in answer to the Trustees' desire for slight amendment, and under its provisions, almost unchanged, the institution has continued until now. It provides for a college to be called Queen's College, in honor of the royal consort, Charlotte, and to be erected for "the education of youth in the learned languages, liberal and useful arts and sciences, and especially in divinity." The College was located by the Trustees at New Brunswick, New Jersey, where it has occupied successively three sites. During the Revolutionary War its activities were at different times removed to neighboring villages, and the tutors in charge, Colonel Frederick Frelinghuysen and Colonel John Tay- lor, were frequently called away for the civil and military service which they so patriotically and conspicuously fulfilled. In their absence in- struction was given by John Bogart, one of the first alumni of the Col- lege. In 1808 the present campus was acquired and the erection of the College hall begun, still called Queen's Building. In 1825, in recognition of the widespread benevolent donations of Col- onel Henry Rutgers of New York, the Trustees secured amendment of the charter changing the name from Queen's to Rutgers College. From that time Rutgers College has maintained a continuous work of liberal education, increasing from time to time its corps of professors and in- structors, its buildings and equipment, its number of students and grad- uates. The course of study maintained from the origin of the College has been a classical or liberal arts course, leading to the degree of Bach- elor of Arts, A.B. In 1864 the IT^ustees organized a»scientific course of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science, B.Sc, and on 4th April, of that year, the Sj:ate of New Jersey declared "The Trustees of Rutgers College in New Jersey, maintaining Rutgers Scientific School," to be "The State College for the Benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts." With such State College the United States, by act of 2d March, 1888, associated a department known as the "Agricultural Experiment Station." Since 1901 a course of study leading to the degree of Bach- elor of Letters, Litt.B., has also been maintained. 369950 COMPILER'S NOTICE. After earnest efforts to secure complete information concerning all the men whose names occur, there are yet manj' lacking items. Any one into whose hands the book comes will confer a favor upon the College by sending any of these facts within his knowledge to the compiler, so that the defect may be remedied in later editions. The correction of errors will also be welcome. ABBREVIATIONS. N. B. New Brunswick, N. J, P. and S. Physicians and Surgeons. R. C. A. Reformed Church in America. R. D. Reformed Dutch Church. Presb. Presbyterian. Cong'l. Congregational. M. E. Methodist Episcopal. Episc. Episcopal. U. P. United Presbyterian. NOTES. 1. The asterisk (*) indicates the decease of the person. 2. The names which are given in each class after this line are those who were members of the class but did not receive a degree. CONTENTS. PAGE. Trustees ^ Secretaries of Trustees -"^ Treasurers ^4 Presidents -5 Vice-Presidents 34 Faculty ^4 Librarians 62 Faculty of Medicine 62 Alumni 66 Graduate students 310 Advanced degrees 314 Alumni of Medical School 323 Honorary degrees 328 Summary 382 Index of officers 387 Geographical index 399 General index 451 TRUSTEES. The following trustees were called to a meeting at Hackensack on the second Tuesday of May, 17GT : of the city of new york. Simon Johnson, Esq *1772 Philip Livingston, Esq *1808 TiiEODORUs Van Wyck, Esq *1778 Born, 1718. Died, 1778. Abram Lott, Esq ' *17S9 Born, Apr. 30, 1714. Merchant. Treasurer, State of New York, 1707. Died, Oct. 31, 1789. OF THE PROVINCE. Sir Wm. Johnson, Bart., Johnstown *1774 BoiTi at Smithtown, Ireland, 1715. Superintendent of Indian Affairs, New York, 1743-74. Major-General, 1755. Received grant of 100,000 acres from king for military services. Died July 11, 1774. Robert Livingston, Esq., Clermont *1795 Died, Dec. 6, 1795. Col. Johannis Hardenberg, Rosendale *1786 Born, July 28, 1706. Member, Provincial Congress, 1775. With Gen Washington in defence of New York City, 1776. Died, Aug. 20,- 1786. Col. Abram Hasbroeck, Kingston *1791 Born at Guilford, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1707. Merchant. Member, Provincial Assembly. Lieut.-Col., Militia. Member, N. Y. State Legislature. Died, Nov. 10, 1791. Levi Paaling, Esq., Marbletown *17S2 Delegate to N. Y. Prorinci^l Congress, 1776. Colonel. Senator, 1777. Judge, 1777. Died, Mch. 1, 1782. Col. James Brinckerhoff, Fishkill *1785 Born at Flushing, L. I., 1702. Died at Fishkill, N. Y., May 26, 1785. CoL. Nicholas Still well, Gravesend *1776 Born, Dec. 2, 1709. Died, Oct. 1, 1776. Col. Matthew Hoffman, Red Hook Landing *1772 Born, Feb. 6, 1706. Miller. Judge of Common Pleas, Dutchess county, 1751. Died, Aug. 29, 1772. Jacob H. Ten Eyck, Esq Col. Abram Herring, Tappaan ; Isaac Vrooman, Esq Bernardus Ryder, Esq Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 7, 1715. Rev. Samuel Verbryck, Tappaan *1784 Born in Somerset Co., N. J., Apr. 30, 1721. Studied theology under J. Leydt, Goetschius and Vanderlinde. Licensed to preach, 1749. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Jan. 31, 1784. Rev. Eilardus Westerlo, Albany *1790 Born at Groningen, Holland, 1738. Studied theology at Univ. Groningen. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Dec. 26, 1790. .*>-.«>••> -I RUTGERS COLLEGE. Rev. John Schuneman, Catskill *1794 Born at East Camp, Aug. TS, 1712. Studied theology under T. Frelinghuj-sen and Goetschius. Licensed, 1753. Dutch Re- formed clergyman. Died, May 16. 1794. Rev. John Mauritius Goetschius, New Paltz *1771 Born in Thurgau, Switzerland, July, 1724. Studied theology with J. H. Goetschius. Licensed, 1754. Dutch Reformed clergy- man. Died, Mch. 17, 3 771. Rev. Barent Yroom an, Schenectady *17S3 Born at Schenectady, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1725. Studied theology with Cor. Van Santvoord and T. Frelinghuysen. Uuiv. Utrecht, 1750-52. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Nov. 15, 1783. OF the province of new jersey. His Excellency, the Governor ^ The President of the Council I ^ The Honorable, the Chief Justice V For the time being. The Attorney-General J Peter Hassenclever, Ringwood *1793 Born at Remscheid. Ehrlnghausen. Germany, Nov. 24, 1716. General Manager, London Iron Co., 1764-71. Linen manu- facturer. Silesia, Germany. Died at Landeshut, Silesia, June 13, 1793. Hendrick Fisher, Esq., Bound Brook *1779 Bom in Lower Palatinate, Germany. 1697. Member, Colonial Assembly, 1745-75. President of Trustees of Queen's College, 1769. Chairman, Committee of Safety, 1776. With Dr. J. R. Hardenberg, instrumental in locating Queen's College at New Brunswick, N. J. Died, Aug. 16, 1779. Philip French, New Brunswick Born before 1702, probably in New York City. Owner of ferry rights and a large amount of land at New Brunswick, N. "J. Died about 1782. John Van Metern Bom, Sept. 23, 1731. Peter Schenck, Somerset County Peter Zabriskie, Esq., Hackensack TuYNES Dye, Esq., Acquacononck *17S7 Born near Paterson, N. J., Oct. 29, 1726. Member, N. J. As- sembly, 1761-83. Member, N. J. Council, 1779-81. Died, June 10, 1787. Hendrick Kuypers, Esq., Bergen, N. J tlT82 *17S3 Captain of Militia under Col. Tuynes Dye. Rev. John Henry Goetschius, Hackensack *1774 Born, 1717. Studied at Zurich and under Dorsius. Licensed, 1741. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, 1774. Rev. John Lyt, Brunswick *1783 Born in. Holland, 1718. Studied theology under Frelinghuysen and Goetschius. Licensed, 1748. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, June 2, 1783. Rev. David Marinus, Achquegkenonk Studied in Pennsylvania. Licensed, 1752. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Rev. Johannes Martinus Van Harlingen, Harlingen *1795 Born near Millstone, N. J.. 1724. Coll. N. J. Studied theology in Holland. Licensed, 1761. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Dec. 23, 1795. ' Rev. Jacob Rutsen Hardenberg, Raritan *179i3 President, Queen's, 1785-ro. TRUSTEES. Rev. William Jackson, Bergen *1813 Born, 1732. Studied theology under J. Frelinghuysen and J. H. Goetschius. Licensed, 1757. A.M. (Univ. Utrecbt ; Colum- bia, 1761; Yale, 1763; Coll. N. J., 1771). Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, 1813. Rev. Philip Wyberg, Philadelphia Rev. Jonathan DuBois, Bucks, in Pennsylvania *1772 Born at Pittsgrove, N. J., Dec. 3, 1727. Studied theology with Rev. David Evans and at New London, Pa. Licensed, 1750. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Dec. 15, 1772. The following trustees were appointed by the charter from George III. in 1770, AYilliam Franklin, Esq., being Governor of New Jersey : The Governor o-r Commander-in-Chief, fThe President of the Council or Chief Justice, and our Attorney- General of Said Colony for the time being ; Sir William Johnson, Baronet, and tREV. Johannes Henricus Goetschius tREV. Johannes Leydt tREV. David Maurinus fREv. Johannes Martinus Van Harlingen tREV. Jacob R. Hardenbergh, and Rev. William Jackson, of our said Colony of New Jersey tREV. Samuel Verbryk Rev. Parent Vrooman Rev. Maurice Goetschius Rev. Eilardus Westerlo Rev. John Schuneman, of our Province of New York, and Rev. Philip Wyberg and ' tREV. Jonathan Du Bois, of the Province of Pennsylvania tHENDRiCK Fisher tPETER ZABRISKIE Peter Hasenclever tPETER SCHENCK Tunis Dey tPHiLip French John Covenhoven, Marlboro tHENRicus KUYPER, of our Colony of New Jersey, Esqrs., and Simon Johnson ; Philip Livingston .^ t Johannes Hardenbergh Abraham Hasbrouck Theodorus Van Wyck Abraham Lott Robert Livingston tLEVI PA.ULING t John Brinckerhoff Nicholas Stillwill 10 EUTGEES COLLEGE. Martinus Hoffman Jacob H. Ten Eyck fJOHN Habing Isaac Vrooman ". Barnardus Ryder, of our Province of New York, Esqrs It will be seen that the Trustees appointed by the Charter of 1770 are the same as those called to the meeting of the second Tuesday of May, 17G7, with the following exceptions : (1) Several of the names are spelled differently. (2) The first name of Col. Brinckerhoff in the Charter is given as John instead of James, and of Col. Hoffman as Martinus, instead of Matthew. In both these changes the Charter is probably correct. (3) The name of John Covenhoven is substituted for that of John Van Metern, and that of John for that of Abram Haring. A meeting of the Trustees appointed by the Charter or 1770 was held at Hackensack, N. J,, May 7th, 1771. The names of those who attended this meeting are marked thus (f). Abraham Van Neste and Benjamin Benson, appointed Trustees in 1771, were also present. The Hon. Frederick Smith, Chief Justice of the Province of New Jersey, presided. At this meeting the college was fixed at New Brunswick, N. J. TRUSTEES SUBSEQUENTLY ELECTED. The dagger (f) indicates the date of resignation. APPOINTED. 1771 Abraham Van Neste, Weston, Somerset County, N. J *1779 Member of council for Somerset county. Died, Aug. 15, 1779. 17^71 Benjamin Benson 1771 Rev, Christian Frederick Poering, Millstone, N. J *1779 Born, 1736. Studied theology under Weyberg. Licensed, 1769. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Mch. 29, 1779. 1782 Col. John Neilson, New Brunswick, N. J *1S33 Born at New Brunswick, N. .7., Mch. 11, 1745. Colonel, 2d Reg. Middlesex Militia, 1776. Brigadier-General, 1777. Member, Continental Congress, 1778-79. Died, Mch. 3, 1833. 1782 John Schuurman, New Brunswick, N. J *1795 Born, Feb. 27, 1729. Member Legislature. Judg:e. Had store- house at foot of Dutch (now Schureman) st., New Brunswick. Treasurer, Queen's, 1791-95. Died, July 6, 1795. 1782 RULUFF Van Dyck tl783 1782 James Hude, New Brunswick, N. J 1782 Gen. Frederick Frelinghuysen, Millstone, N. J *1S04 Born in Somerset county, N. J., Apr. 13, 1753. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1770). Tutor. Queen's, 1771-75. Lawyer. Member, Pro- vincial Congress N. .T.. 1775. Member, Continental Congress. 1778-79. 82-83. Colonel in Revolution. U. S. Senator. 1793-96. Major-General, 1794. Died, Apr. 13, 1804. 1782 Lawrence Van Derveer, M.D., Roycefield, N. J. .flSll *1815 Began practice before Revolution. Member, N. J. Medical So- ciety, 1776. Died, 1815. 1782 Col. Hendrick Van Dyck, New Brunswick, N. J *1818 1782 Ernestus Van Harlingen, New Brunswick, N. J.. .tl807. .*1S24 Born at Harlem, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1732. Farmer near Millstone, N. J. Died, Jan. 10, 1824. TRUSTEES. 11 APPOINTED. 1782 Hon. James Schukeman, New Brunswick, N. J *1S24 A.B. (Queen's, 1775). 1782 Henry Tbaphagen, Jersey City, N. J *1857 Died, May 26, 1857. (?) 1782 Col. Peter D. Vroom, South Branch, N. J tl82o *1831 Bom, Jan. 27, 1745. Lieut. -Gol. in Revolution. Sheriff. Mem- ber, Assembly. Judge. Died. Nov., 1831. 1782 Abraham Duryea, New York City *1797 Born, 1724. Merchant. Died, 1797. 1782 Peter Vredenburgh, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J *1810 Born, 1720. Secretary, Trustees, Queen's, 1782-84. 1782 DiRCK Van Veghten, New Brunswick, N. J tl7S9. . . . 1783 Rev. Solomon Froeligh, D.D., Hackensack, N. J., tl810..*1827 D.D. (Queen's, 1811). 1783 Rev. Matthew Leydt, N. & S., Hampton, Pa *1783 A.B. (Queen's, 1774). 1783 Rev. Simeon Van Arsdalen, Readington, N. J *1786 A.B. (Queen's, 1780). 1783 Rev. Benjamin Du Bois, Freehold, N. J *1827 Born at Pittsgrove, N. J., Mch. 30, 1739. Studied theology under J. H. Goetschius. Licensed. 1764. Dutch Reformed clergyman. 1783 CoL. AzARiAH Dunham, New Brunswick, N. J *1790 Born. 1719. Surveyor. Member, Continental Congress. Mem- ber, Committee of Safety, 1776. Died, 1790. 1783 Abraham Van Buren, M.D., Millstone, N, J tl811 *1813 Born. 1737. Physician in Millstone, 1760-1813. Died, Mch. 15. 1813. 1784 Peter Vredenburgh, Sr., New Brunswick, N. J *1823 Born, 1744. Treasurer, Middlesex county, N. J., 1781-1823, Died, Aug. 24, 1823. 1784 Rynier Veghte, Somerville, N. J flSlO *1833 Born, 1754. Died in Hillsborough township, Somerset county, N. J., 1833. 1784 Edward Bunn, Somerset county, N. J Member of Assembly, 1781. 1785 Rev. John Henry Livingston, S.T.D,, New Brunswick, N. J Re-elected 1800. . . .*1825 President, Queen's, 1810-25. 1785 Rev. Theodoric Romeyn, D.D., Schenectady, N. Y *1804 D.D. (Queen's, 1789). 1785 Rev. Isaac Blauvelt, Paramus, N. J tl831 *1840 A.B. (Queen's, 1783). 1785 William Van Deursen, New Brunswick, N. J. . .tl793 *1816 Born, Mch., 1736. Died, Oct. 17, 1816. 1786 Rev. John Duryee, Raritan, N. J tl829 *1836 Born, 1760. (?) Studied theology under Livingston. Licensed, 1784. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, 1836. (V) 1787 Rev. Rynier Van Nest, Jamaica, N. Y tlSlO *1813 Born near North Branch, N, J., Feb. 8, 1739. Licensed, 1773. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, July 9, 1813. 1787 Rev. Abraham Beach, D.D., New York City tl825 *1828 Born at Cheshire. Conn.. 1740. A.B. (Yale. 1757). Ordained in Prot. Episc. Church, 1767. Missionary at Piscataqua, N. J. D.D (Columbia, 1789). Died near New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 14, 1828. 12 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1787 Rev. William Linn, D.D., New York City *1808 President pro tempore. Queen's. 1791-94. 1787 Rev. Elias Van Bunschooten, Clove, N. J *1815 Born at New Hackensack, N. Y.. Oct. 28. 1738. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1768). Studied theology under Meyer. Licensed, 1773. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Jan. 10, 1815. 1787 Rev. John M. Van Harlingen, Millstone, N. J *1813 A.B. (Queen's, 1783). 1787 Archibald Mercer, Newark, N. J tl814 *1814 Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. 1747. Judge, Somerset countv, 1794. Died, May 4. 1814. 1788 Rev. John Bassett, S.T.D., Gravesend, N. Y *1824 Born at Bushwick, N. Y.. 1764. A.B. (Columbia. 1786). Studied theology under Livingston. 1787. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Teacher of Hebrew, N. B. Sem., 1804-12. S.T.D. (Williams, 1804). Died, 1824. 1788 Rev. Peter Studdiford, Readington, N. J *1826 Born in New York City, 1763. A.B. (Columbia. 1786). A.M. (Columbia, 1787). Studied theology under Livingston, 1787. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Instructor in Hebrew, N B. Sem., 1813-14. Died, Nov. 30, 1826. 1788 Gen. Anthony Walton White, New Brunswick, N. J *1803 Born near New Brunswick. N. J., Julv 7. 1750. Aid to Gen. Washington. Lieut.-Col.. 3d Battalion, N. .L, 1777-80. Colonel, 1780. General. 1794. Died, Feb. 10, 1803. 1790 John Hardenbergh, Somerville, N. J *179S Born, Apr. 11. 1759. Sheriff. Treasurer, Queen's, 1790-91. Died. July 23, 1798. 1790 Lewis Ford Dunham, M.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1821 Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 31, 1754. Surgeon in American Army, 1776. Colonel of militia under Gov. Franklin. Mavor of New Brunswick. 1784. President, State Med. Soc, 1791, 1816. Died, Aug. 26, 1821. 1790 Abraham Schuyler, New Brunswick, N. J tl793 Born, Apr. 8, 1741. 1790 Jaques Voorhees, Six Mile Run, N. J *1792 Born at Six Mile Run, N. J., Dec. 18. 1733. Farmer and mer- chant. Died, Mch. 24, 1792. 1791 Rev. Henry Van Dyck, D.D *1804 D.D. (Queen's, 1792). 1792 Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. ..*1S41 A.B. (Queen's, 1788). 1792 Hon. Andrew Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick, N. J., tl809. .*1831 A.M. (Queen's, 1783). 1792 Hon. Robert Morris, LL.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1815 LL.D. (Queen's, 1791). 1794 Rev. Ira Condict, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1S11 President pro tempore. Queen's, 1794-1810. 1794 Cornelius A^an Marta 1800 Rev. William Richmond Smith, Neshanic. N. J *1S20 Born in Lancaster county, Penn., 1752. Coll. N. J. Dutch Re- formed clergyman. Died, 1820. 1800 Rev, John Schureman Vredenburgh, Raritan, N. J *1821 A.B. (Queen's, 1794). 1800 Rev. James Spencer Cannon, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J., *1852 A.M. (Queen's, 1811). 1800 Rev. John Schureman, S.T.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1S18 A.B. (Queen's, 1795). TRUSTEES. 13 APPOINTED, 1800 Rev. Heney Polhemus, Shawangunk, N. Y *1S1G Born at Harlinsen. N. J., May 31, 1772. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1794). Studied theology under Romeyn, 1798. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Nov, 2, 1816. 1800 Hon. John Frelinghuysen, Raritan, N. J *1833 A.B. (Queen's. 1792). 1800 Abraham Blauvelt, New Brunswick, N. J A.B. (Queen's, 1789). ISOO Jacob Tallman, New Brunswick, N. J tlSOT A.B. (Queen's, 1790). 180O Robert Boggs, New Brunswick, N. J *1S31 Born at Shrewsbury, N. J. Lawyer. Clerk, U. S. District Court. Died, 1831. 1804 Frederick Van Dyke, New Brunswick, N. J *1811 1804 Charles Smith, M.D., New Brunswick, N. J tlS39 *1848 M.B. (Queen's. 1792). 1804 William P. Deare, New Brunswick, N. J *1826 A.B. (Queen's, 1794). 1804 Martin Schenck, Millstone, N. J *1823 Sheriff, Somerset county. 1807 Rev. John M. Bradford, D.D., Albany, N. Y *1S27 Born at Hanover, N. .T., May 15. 1781. A.B. (Brown. 1800). Studied theology with Dr. Ashbell Green. Licensed, 1803. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Tutor, Coll. N. J., 1803-04. Died, Mch. 27, 1827. 1807 Rev. Wilhelmus Eltinge, D.D., Paramiis, N. J *1851 D.D. (Rutgers, 1839). 1807 Staats Van Deursen, New Brunswick, N. J tlS23. . . .*1847 A.B. (Queen's. 1791). 1807 Rev. John Nelson Abeel, D.D., New York City *1812 Born in New York City, 1769. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1787). Studied theology under Livingston and Witherspoon. 1793. Tutor. Coll. N .T., 1791-93. Presb. clergyman. Trustee, Columbia, 1799— 1812. D.D. (Harvard, 1804). Died, Jan. 19, 1812. 1809 Rev. James Van Campen Romeyn, Hackensack, N. J *1840 A.M. (Queen's, 1811). 1809 Rt. Rev. John Croes, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J. .tl816. .*1832 Born, June 1, 1761. Prot.-Episc. clergyman. Ordained, 1792. Principal, Queen's College. 1801-07. First Bishop of New Jersey. 1815-32. D.D. (Columbia, 1811). Died, July 26, 1832. 1811 Rev. Peter Labagh, D.D., Harlingen, N. J *1858 A.M. (Queen's, 1811). 1811 Rev. John Lansing Zabriskie, Millstone, N. J *1850 Born at Albany, N. Y., Mch. 4, 1779. A.B. (Union, 1797). Studied theology under D. Romeyn, 1800. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Aug. 15, 3 850. 1811 Daniel Harrison Condict *1811 Born, Mch. 29, 1791. Tutor, Queen's, 1809-11. Died, Aug. 28, 1811. 1812 Hon. James Parker, Perth Amboy, N. J *1868 Born at Bethlehem, Hunterdon county, N. J.. Mch. 3, 1776. A.B. (Columbia. 179]). Member, N. J. Legislature, 1806-28. Member, Congress, 1832-36. Donor of land for Queen's cam- pus. Died, Apr. 1, 1868. 1812 Rev. Cornelius T. Demarest, New York City. . .tl832 *1862 A.M. (Queen's, 1811). 1812 Rev. Jacob Brodhead, D.D., New York City tl84o *185o A.M. (Queen's, 1813). 14 RUTGEES COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1812 Rev. Chakles Hardenbergh, Bedminster, N. J *1821 A.M. (Queen's, 1811). 1814 Rev. Jesse Fonda, Montgomery, N. Y *182T Born at Watervliet, N. Y.. Apr. 27, 1786. A.B. (Union, 1806). Licensed, 1808. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, May 2, 1827. 1815 Hon. Henry Rutgers, New York City 11821 .... *1830 Born in New York City, Oct. 7, 1745. A.B. (Columbia, 1766). Captain in American Revolution, later Colonel of Militia. Mem- ber, New York Assembly. Regent, Univ. N. Y., 1802-26. Rut- gers College named for him, 1825. Died, Feb. 17, 1830. 1815 Rev. Philip Milledoler, S.T.D., New York City, tlS40 *1852 President, Rutgers, 1825-40. 1815 Cornelius Low Hardenbergh, LL.D.. New Brunswick, N. J *1860 A.B. (Queen's, 1809). 1819 Rev. John Ludlow, D.D., LL.D., New Brunswick, N. J., tl837....*lS57 LL.D. (Rutgers, 1851). 1819 Rev. Samuel Alexander Van Vranken, S.T.D., New Brunswick, N. J tl840 *1S61 Born. Feb. 20, 1792. In class of 1815. Union. N. B. Sem., 1817. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Prof. Didactic and Polemic Theology, N. B. Sem., 1841-61. Prof. Moral Philosophy, Rut- gers, 1841-46. Prof. EVid. Christianity and Logic, Rutgers, 1846-60. S.T.D. (Columbia, 1836). Died, Jan. 1, 1861. 1819 Frederick Frelinghuysen, Millstone, N. J *1820 ^om at Millstone, N. J.. Nov. 8, 1788. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1806). Lawyer. Prosecutor of Pleas. Somerset, Middlesex and Hunterdon counties, 1817-20. Died, Nov. 10, 1820. 1822 Rev. Isaac Ferris, D.D., LL.D., New York City. .tl840 *1873 Born in New York City, Oct. 9, 1798. A.B. (Columbia, 1816). N. B. Sem., 1820. Clergyman, R. C. A. Chancellor, Univ. N. Y. and Prof. Moral Philosophv and Evid. Revealed Relig, 1852-70. Emeritus, 1870-73. D.D. (Union, 1833). LL.D. (Columbia, 1853). Died, June 16. 1873. 1823 Rev. John De Witt, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1831 Born at Catskill, N. Y., Aug., 1789. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1809). Studied theologv with Dr. David Porter. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Prof. Bib. Lit. and Eccl. Hist.. N. B. Sem., 1823-25. Prof. Bib. Lit., do., 1825-31. Tutor, Queen's, 1811-12. Prof. Belles-Lettres. Elem. of Crit. and Logic, do., 1825-31. D.D. (Union, 1821). Died, Oct. 11, 1831. 1823 William Van Deursen, M.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1873 A.B. (Queen's, 1809). 1823 Andrew Howell, Somerville, N. J *1834 Bom, 1768. Member, Assembly. Died, May 27, 1834. 1823 John Wyckoff, Neshanic, N. J *1833 Born, Jan. 17, 1773. Farmer. Sheriff of Somerset county, 1818-20. Died, Jan. 20, 1833. 1823 Hon. Peter Sharpe, New York City *1842 1823 James Christopher Roosevelt, New York City. .tl831 Born, 1770. 1823 Abraham Van Nest, A.M., New York City *1864 Born. May 8, 1777. Merchant. President, Greenwich Savings Bank. Donor of Van Nest Hall. Died, Sept. 14, 1864. 1823 Isaac Heyer, New York City *1827 Born in New York City, June, 1767. Merchant. Director, Bank of New York, 1815. Died, Apr. 6, 1827. TRUSTEES. 15 APPOINTED. 1823 James'Bruyn Elmendorf, M.D.. Millstone, N. J *1852 Born, Mch. 9, 1788. Physician. Died, Sept. 1, 1852. 1825 Rev. John Knox, D.D.. New York City *1858 Born near Gettysburg!!, Penn., 1790. A.B. (Dickinson, 1811). Studied ttieology under Mason. Licensed, 1815. Dutch. Re- formed clergyman. Died, 1858. 1825 Hon. James Schureman Xevius, A.M., New Brunswick, N. J tl858 *1859 In class of 1816, Queen's. 1825 Gerard Rutgers, Belleville, N. J '. *1831 Born in New York City. Aug. 24, 1766. Died. July 12, 1831. 1825 Rev. Selah Strong Woodhull, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1826 Born in New York City, Aug. 4, 1786. A.B. (Yale, 1802). Studied theology with Dr. John Woodhull and Dr. Henry Kollock. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Prof. Eccl. Hist., Church Gov't and Pastoral Theol., N. B. Sem.. 1825-26. Prof. Meta- physics and Phil. Human Mind. Rutgers, 1825-26. A.M. (Yale, 1805. and Columbia, f806). D.D. (Union, 1822). Died, Feb. 27, 1826. 1825 Rev. John Gosman, D.D., Saugerties, N. Y *1865 D.D. (Rutgers, 1833). 1825 Rev. James B. Hardenbergh, D.D., New York City *1870 A.M. (Rutgers, 1827). 1826 Rev. Jacob Schoonmaker, S.T.D., Jamaica, N. Y *1852 Born at Aquackanonck, N. J.. May 11. 1777. A.B. (Columbia, 1799). Studied under Froeligh and Livingston, 1801. Dutch Reformed clergyman. S.T.D. (Dickinson, 1831). Died, 1852. 1827 Rev. Cornelius C. Cutler, D.D., Poughkeepsie, N. ^., tl833(?)....*1850 Born at Albany, N. Y.. 1783. A.B. (Union, 1806). Studied theology under Bassett and Livingston, 1808. Dutch Reformed clergyman. D.D. (Union, 1828). Died, Aug 31, 1850. 1828 Hon. Peter Dumont YroOm, LL.D., Trenton, N. J *1873 Born near Millstone, N. J., Dec. 12. 1791. A.B. (Columbia, 1808). Lawyer. Member. N. J. Assembly, 1826-27, 1829. Governor, New Jersey, 1829-31, 33-35. Member, Congress, 1838-42. Minister to Prussia, 1853-57. LL.D. (Colum- bia, 1837, and Princeton, 1850). Died, Nov. 18, 1873. 1829 Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer, Albany, N. Y *1839 Born in New York City, Nov. 1, 1765. A.B. (Harvard, 1782). Lieut.-Gov., N. Y.. 1795. Chancellor, Univ. N. Y. Founder of Rensselaer Poly. Inst.. Troy, N. Y. Member, Congress, 1823- 29. Died, Jan. 26, 1839. 1829 Rev. Cornelius D. Westbrook, D.D., Cortlandtown, N. Y., *1858 D.D. (Rutgers, 1829). 1830 Rev. Jacob Jones Janeway, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J tl850. . . . *1858 Boi-n in New York City. Nov. 20, 1774. A.B. (Columbia, 1794). Studied theology under Livingston, 1797. Rresb. clergyman. Prof. Did. Theol., Western Sem.. 1828-29. Vice Pres., Rut- gers, 1833-39. Prof. Belles-Lettres, Evid. Christianity and Pol. Econ., do., 1833-39. Died, June 27, 1858. 1831 Col. James C. Van Dyke, New Brunswick, N. J *1843 1831 James Van Antwerp, New Y^ork City f . . . . *1870 Born in New York City, Mch. 12, 1787. Merchant. Died, Mch. 14, 1870. 1831 Anthony Rutgers, Belleville, N. J *1835 A.M. (Rutgers, 1827). 16 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. : 1833 Rev. Samuel Blanchabd How, D.D., New Brunswick, ] N. J *18G8 ■ . Born at Burlington, N. J., Oct. 14, 1790. A.B. (Univ. Penn., "' 1810). Princeton Sem.. 181.3. Dutch Reformed clergyman. ! President, Dickinson, 1830-31. D.D. (Union, 1830). Died, i Mch. 1, 1868. 1833 Rev. Philip Edward Milledoler, M.D., Freehold. N. J., j tl845 *1852 : A.M. (Rutgers, 1827). " ] 1834 Col. James Neilson, New Brunswick, N. J *1862 ! Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec, 1784. Captain in War of « 1812. Colonel of State Militia. Prime mover for organization I of Delaware and Raritan Canal Co. Died, 1862. j 1834 Rev. Isaac Morehead Fisher, Bedrainster, N. J *1840 j Born in New York City, 1796. A.B. (Columbia, 1817). N. B. j Sem., 1820. Dutch Reformed clergyman. Died, Feb. 14, 1840. j 1834 Hon. Sevebyn Bruyn, Kingston, N. Y *185G I Born at Kingston, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1785. A.B. (Coll. N. J., ^ 1803). A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1810). Lawyer. Died. Nov. 27, ■ 1856. i 1837 Hon. Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck, LL.D., New Brunswick, ^ N. J =^1870 President, Rutgers, 1840-50. :; 1840 Hon. Thomas G. Talmage, Brooklyn, N. Y *1S63 ^ '\ Born at Somerville, N. J., 1801. Alderman. New York City, ,' 1827 and 1836. President. Common Council, do., 1832. Member, N. Y. Legislature, 1833. Alderman, Brooklyn, 1843. Mayor, do., ^ 1845. Promoter of Prospect Park and Greenwood Cemeterv. . Died, May, 1863. \ 1840 Joseph Varick, Poughkeepsie, N. Y *1S52 \ Born, Aug. 9. 1782. Died at Poughkeepsie. N. Y., Aug. 5, 1852. ■ 1840 Rev. Philip H. Duryee, D.D., English Neighborhood, N. J., *1850 ' Born at New Utrecht, N. Y.. 1774. A.B. (Columbia. 1795). ] Studied theology under Livingstpn, 1798. Dutch Reformed . clergyman. Died, 1850. 1840 Rev. Thomas De Witt, D.D., New York City *1874 I D.D. (Rutgers, 1828). ' 1840 Gen. Pierre Van Cortlandt *1848 -t A.B. (Queen's, 1783). \ 1840 Rev. James Romeyn, S.T.D., Bergen Neck, N. J. .tlS48 *1859 [ A.M. (Rutgers, 1831). ■ 1840 Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer, Albany, N. Y *1868 \ Born at Albany, N. Y., Mch. 29, 1789. Last of the patroons. i Major-General of militia. Died. May 25, 1868. 1 1840 William Bedlow Crosby, New York City tl858 *1865 ' Born in New York City, Feb. 7, 1786. Colonel. Aide- de-camn ] to Major-General Ebenezer Stevens, 1812. Died, Mch. 18, 1865. 1841 Hon. Littleton Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick, N. J *1859 ; Born at New Brunswick, N. .7., Oct. 19. 1797. A.B. (Coll. N. J., : 1815). Lawyer. Member, Congress, 1843-45. Died, Aug 15, ; 1859. . s. - . 1841 Hon. Ferdinand S. Schenck, M.D., Six Mile Run, N. J.. . . *18G0 ' Born at Millstone, Feb. 11, 1790. Physician. Member Assembly, ' N. J., 1829-31. Member, Congress. 1833-36. Judge, State Court !■ of Errors and Appeals, 1845-57. Died. May 15, 1860. j 1845 Rev. Abraham Messler, D.D., Somerville, N. J *1882 j D.D. (Rutgers, 1843). i 1845 Rev. Gustavus Abeel, S.T.D., Newark, N. J *1887 i A.M. (Rutgers, 1829). ] TRUSTEES. 17 APPOINTED. 1845 John Barnes, M.D., Poughkeepsie, N. Y *1S50 Born, Dec. 11, 1790. Physician. Died, Aug. 29, 1850. 1849 Rev. Thomas Edwards Vermilye, D.D., LL.D., New York City *1893 D.D. (Rutgers, 1838). 1849 Hon. Peter Vredeimburgh (3d), LL.D., Freehold, N. J *1873 A.B. (Rutgers, 1828). 1850 Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, LL.D., New Brunswick, N. J .*18G2 President, Rutgers, 1850-62. 1851 Rev. Isaac Newton Wyckoff, D.D., Albany, N. Y *1869 A.B. (Queen's, 1812). 1851 Rev. Robert Perine Lee, D.D., Montgomery, N. Y *1858 D.D. (Rutgers, 1854). 1851 Rev. Abraham Polhemus, D.D., Newark, N. J *1857 A.B. (Rutgers, 1831). 1851 Hon. John Hopper, Paterson, N. J *1897 A.B. (Rutgers, 1838). 1851 Hon. Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen, LL.D., Newark, N. J *1885 A.B. (Rutgers. 1836). 1851 John Vanderbilt, Flatbush, N. Y tl860 *1877 Born at Flatbush, L. I.. 1819. Lawyer. Judge Court of Common Pleas. Kings county, 1844-46. State senator, 1852. Died, May 16, 1877. 1853 John Romeyn Brodhead, LL.D., New York City *1873 A.B. (Rutgers. 1831). 1853 Maurice Edward Viele, Albany, N. Y *1903 Born at Waterford, N. Y., May 17, 1823. Iron and hardware merchant. Died, Feb. 19. 1903. 1853 Hon. Robert Hewson Pruyn, LL.D., Albany, N. Y *1882 A.B. (Rutgers, 1833). 1853 Charles Wells Swift, A.M., Poughkeepsie, N. Y *1877 A.B. (Rutgers. 1832). 1853 James Suydam, New York City *1872 Born at Newtown, L. I., Mch. 23, 1798. Merchant. Died, Oct. 7, 1872. 1857 Peter Sharp Duryee, Newark, N. J *1877 Born in New York City, Dec. 23, 1807. Manufacturer. Died, Sept. 23, 1877. 1858 Rev. Benjamin C. Taylor, S.T.D., Bergen, N. J. .tl878 *1881 Born in Philadelphia, Feb. 24. 1801. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1819). N. B. Sem., 1822. Clergyman, R. C. A. S.T.D. (Hobart, 1843). Died, Feb. 2, 1881. 1858 Rev. David D. Demarest, D.D., LL.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1898 A.B. (Rutgers, 1837). 1858 Rev. Ebenezer Platt Rogers, D.D., New York City, t 1866....* 1881 Born in New York City. Dec. 18, 1807. A.B. (Yale 1837). Princeton Sem., 1840. Clergyman, R. C A. D.D. (Oglethorpe, 1853). Died, Oct. 23. 1881. 1858 Rev. Thomas Campbell Strong, D.D., New York City, tl874....*1890 A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). 2 18 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1858 Hon. Joseph Philo Bradley, LL.D., Newark, N. J *1892 A.B. (Rutgers. 1836). 1858 John T. Moore, Brooklyn, N. Y tl865 *1876 Merchant. Died, July 20, 1876. 1859 Edward N. Strong, Newtown, L. I tl864 1860 Rev. Joseph Frederick Berg, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J., tl864....*1871 Born at Antigua, W. I., June 3. 1812. Licensed to preacli, 1831. Clergyman. R. C. A. Prof. Did. and Pol. TheoL. N. B. Sem., 1861-71. Prof. Evid. Christianity and Logic. Rutgers, 1861-64. Prof. Evid Christianity, do., 1864-67. M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll.). Died, July 20, 1871. 1860 Hon. John A. Lott, LL.D., Flatbush, N. Y , . . . *187S Born at Flatbush. L. L, Feb. 11. 1806. A.B. (Union, 1823). Lawyer. Judge. Kings county, 1838-42. Member, N. Y. As- sembly. 1841. State senator. 1842-46. Justice Supreme Court, 1857-65. LL.D. (Union, 1859). Died. July 20. 1878. 1860 David Bishop, New Brunswick, N. J *18T6 A.B. (Rutgers. 1843). 1860 Rev. Francis Marchalk Kip, S.T.D., Tompkinsville, N. Y., *1S88 A.M. (Rutgers, 1829). 1862 Henry Latimer Janeway, New Brunswick, N. J *1909 A.B. (Rutgers, 1844). 1862 Rev. William Henry Campbell, D.D., LL.D., New Bruns- wick, N. J tl882. . . .*1890 President, Rutgers, 1863-82. 1862 Hon. Jacob Rynier Wortendyke, Jersey City, N. J *186S A.B. (Rutgers. 1839). 1863 Rev. John Henry Manning, D.D., Brooklyn, N. Y *1878 A.B. (Rutgers, 1844). 1863 Edward Salisbury Brayton, Utica, N. Y tl871 *1S87 Born at Westernville, N. Y.. Mch. 30, 1817. A.B. (Union, 1836). Lawyer. Director in corporations. Died. June 2. 1887. 1863 Johnson Letson, New Brunswick, N. J *1885 Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. Dec. 8, 1806. Pres., New Bruns- wick Rubber Co. Pres., Norfolk and New Brunswick Hosiery Co. Died, 1885. 1863 Hon. Abraham Oothout Zabriskie, LL.D., Jersey City. N. J tl866, Re-elected 1873 *1S73 LL.D. (Rutgers. 1860). 1866 Rev. Garret Conover Schanck, D.D., Marlboro, N. J *1888 A.B. (Rutgers, 1828). 1866 Jaaies Abeel Williamson, Jersey City, N. J tl876 *1897 Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 12, 1816. Partner of James Bishop & Co.. Shipping and Commission Merchants. Died at Wyoming, N. J.. Apr. 6, 1897. 1866 Stafford R. W. Heath, Newark, N. J *1888 Born at Basking Ridge, N. J., July 8, 1820. Dry goods merchant. Pres.. Firemen's Ins. Co. Pres., Board of Dom. Missions, R. C. A. Died, Dec. 2. 1888. 1866 Hon. Jacob Boerum Jewett, Poughkeepsie, N: Y *187G Born in New York City, May 14, 1825. A.B. (Columbia, 1841). Lawyer. Died, Jan. 23, 1876. 1868 Rev. Talbot Wilson Chambers, S.T.D., LL.D., New York City *1896 A.B. (Rutgers, 1834). TRUSTEES. 19 APPOINTED, 1869 Rev. Joachim Elmendorf, D.D., New York City *1908 A.B. (Rutgers, 1850). 1869 Cornelius Esselstyn, Hudson, N. Y *1881 A.B. (Rutgers, 1852). 1869 Rev. Paul Duryea Van Cleef, D.D., Jersey City, N. J *1902 A.B. (Rutgers, 1843). 1871 James Willabd Schermebhobn, New York City *1885 A.B. (Rutgers, 1857). 1871 William Clements Fowler, Brooklyn, N. Y tl8S7 *1913 Born at Peekskill, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1824. Merchant. Pres., Long Island Bank, Brooklyn. Died, Jan. 8, 1913. 1871 Samuel Sloan, New York City , *1907 Born near Belfast, Ireland, Dec. 25, 1817. Pres., D., L. & W. R. R., 1867-99. President and Director of other railroads and corporations. Died, Sept. 22, 1907. 1873 Hon. George Craig Ludlow, LL.D., New Brunswick, N. J., *1900 A.B. (Rutgers, 1850). 1873 Hon. William Augustus Newell, LL.D., Allentown, N. J *1901 A.B. (Rutgers, 1836). 1873 Rev. Isaac Smithson Harti.ey, D.D., Utica, N. Y., tl893. .*1899 D.D. (Rutgers, 1873). 1874 Cortlandt Parker, LL.D., Newark, N. J tl878 *1907 A.B. (Rutgers, 1836). 1874 Hon. Theodore Frexinghuysen Randolph, Morristown, N. J ♦ISa? Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 24, 1816. Pres., Morris and Essex R. R. Member, Assembly, N. J., 1859-61. State Senator, 1861-65. Governor, New Jersey, 1869-72. U. S. Senator, 1875-81. Died, Nov. 7, 1883. 1875 S. Oakley Van der Poel, M.D., LL.D., New York City *1886 Born at Kinderhook, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1824. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1842). A.M. (Univ. N. Y.. 1845). M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1845). LL.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1877). Surgeon-General, N. Y. State, 1857, 1861. President, Med. Soc. N. Y. State, 1870. Prof. General Pathology and Clinical Medicine, Albanv Med. Coll., 1867-72. Health officer. Port of New York, 1872-80. Prof. Public Hygiene, Univ. N. Y., 1883-86. Died, 1886. 1875 Theodoric Romeyn Westbrook, LL.D., Kingston, N. Y *1885 A.B. (Rutgers, 1838). 1876 Rev. William Ormiston, D.D., LL.D., New York City. tl890....*1899 Born at Symington, Scotland, Apr. 23. 1821. Univ. Victoria, Cobourg, Canada, 1848. Tutor, do., 1845-47. Prof. Moral Phil., do., 1847-48. Clergvman. R. C. A. D.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1865). LL.D. (Victoria, 1881). Died, Mch. 19, 1899. 1876 Rev. John Gaston, D.D., Passaic, N. J *1901 A.B. (Rutgers, 1849). 1876 Hon. Henry Weller Bookstaver, LL.D., New York City, *1907 A.B. (Rutgers, 1859). 1876 Robert F. Ballantine, Newark, N. J *1905 Born in Albany, N. Y., June 3. 1836. Partner of Messrs. P. Ballantine & Sons. Donor of Ballantine Gymnasium. Died, Dec. 10, 1905. 1878 Rev. William Rankin Duryee, D.D., Jersey City, N. J., tl891....*1897 A.B. (Rutgers, 1856). 20 EUTGEES COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1878 Rev. William James Romeyn Taylor, D.D., Newark, N. J *1891 A.B. (Rutgers, 1841). 1878 Rev. Abraham Rynier Van Nest, D.D., Philadelphia, Pa . . *1892 A.B. (Rutgers, 1841). 1878 John Lefferts, Flatbush, N. Y tlS85 *1893 Born at Flatbush, L I., Aug. 12, 1826. Member, Board of Di- rection, R. C. A., 1878-86. Director of Corporations. Died, Apr. 18, 1893. 1878 William Clark, Newark, N. J *1902 Born at Paisley, Scotland, 1841. President, Clark Thread Co., 1873-1896. Died, July 7, 1902. 1879 Hon. George Henry Sharps, Kingston, N. Y *1900 A.B. (Rutgers, 1847). 1882 Merrill Edwards Gates, Ph.D., LL.D., Washington, D. C, tl890. . . . President, Rutgers, 1882-90. 1882 David Bingham, East Orange, N. J Born in County Down, Ireland, Nov. 30, 1839. President, East Orang-e Bank and other banks. 1883 George Clarence Churchill, Utica, N. Y jl^SS *1902 A.B. (Rutgers, 1851). 1883 Tunis Garret Bergen, Ph.D., Brooklyn, N. Y ■ A.B. (Rutgers, 1867). 1884 Henry Rutgers Baldwin, M.D., LL.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1902 A.B. (Rutgers, 1849). 1885 Frederick Frelinghuysen, Newark, N. J A.B. (Rutgers, 1868). 1885 Ernest J. Miller, Albany, N. Y *1S9G A.B. (Rutgers, 1853). 1886 Hon. Jonathan Dixon, LL.D., Jersey City, N. J *1900 A.B. (Rutgers, 1859). 1886 James Neilson, New Brunswick, N. J A.B. (Rutgers, 1866). 1886 Rev. Roderick Terry, D.D., Newport, R. I tl90S Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 1, 1849. A.B. (Yale. 1870). Andover Sem., 1872. Union Sem., 1875. Clergyman, R. C. A. D.D. (Coll, N. J., 1882). 1887 Rev. Edward Benton Coe, D.D., LL.D., New York City. ..*1914 D.D. (Rutgers, 1881). 1887 Elbert Brinckerhoff Monroe, New York City *1894 Born in New York City, 1837. City Univ., 1855. Partner of Ball. Black & Co., Merchant. Vice Pres., Amer. Tract Soc. Member, U. S. Indian Commission. Pres., N. Y Y. M. C. A. Died, Apr. 21, 1894. 1887 Rev. John Benjamin Drury, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J., *1909 A.B. (Rutgers, 1858). 1888 Rev. James Le Fevre, D.D., Somerville, N. J *1914 A.B. (Rutgers, 1854). 1889 Garret Ellis Winants, Bergen Point, N. J *1890 Born on Staten Island, 1813. Shipping merchant. Donor of Winants Hall, Rutgers. Died, Aug. 14, 1890. 1890 Austin Scott, Ph.D., LL.D., New Brunswick, N. J., tl906. . President, Rutgers, 1891-1906. TRUSTEES. 21 APPOINTED, ^ ; 1891 Frederick Joseph Collier, Hudson, N. Y i A.B. (Rutgers, 1878). j 1891 Alexander Thompson Van Nest, New York City *189G ] Born in New York City, Sept. 29, 1844. A.B. (Coll. N. J., ; 1864). Director of railroads and other corporations. Died, : Aug. 10, 1896. i 1891 Paul Cook, Troy, N. Y < A.B. (Rutgers, 1866). 1 1892 David Murray, Ph.D., LL.D., New Brunswick, N. J *1905 a LL.D. (Rutgers, 1873). j 1892 Hon. Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, LL.D., Trenton, N. J . . *1914 \ A.B. (Rutgers, 1862). . \ 1892 John Bayard Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick, N. J *1912 ; A.B. (Rutgers, 1866). ! 1893 Charles Townsend Van Santvoord, New York City *1895 ■ B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1873). ^ 1894 Robert Schell, New York City *1900- ; Died, May 8, 1900. " 1894 George Lintner Danforth, Middleburgh, N. Y..tlS99 • A.B. (Rutgers, 1863). 1 1895 Rev. Henry Du Bois Mulford, D.D., Upper Red Hook. ; N. Y tl897. ... 1 A.B. (Rutgers, 1881). j 1895 William Hopkins Leupp, New Brunswick, N. J ) A.B. (Rutgers, 1864). i 1896 Hon. Garret Augustus Hobart, LL.D., Paterson, N. J. . . .*1899 l A.B. (Rutgers, 1863). J 1897 Peter Donald, New York City tl908 *1915 : Born at Dunfermline, Scotland, Dec. 10, 1825. Merchant. Died, Apr. 9, 1915. '■ 1898 Edward Fuller Brooks, C.E., Lansdowne, Pa. . .tl904 *1916 : B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). I 1898 Rev. John Preston Searle, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J... A.B. (Rutgers, 1875). ' 1899 Rev. William Henry Steele Demarest, D.D., New Bruns- \ wick, N. J ] A.B. (Rutgers, 1883). President. Rutgers. 1006- . .^ 1899 William FoRMAN Wyckoff, Brooklyn, N. Y tl909 i A.B. (Rutgers, 1877). .; 1901 John W. Herbert, New York City '■ B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). * 1902 Hon. William H. Vredenburgh, LL.D., Freehold, N. J... • l A.B. (Rutgers, 1859). '; 1902 Hon. William Shields Myers, D.Sc, New York City, ; tl907, Re-elected 1912 1 B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1889). [ 1902 Hon. Foster McGowan Voorhees, LL.D., Elizabeth. N. J. j A.B. (Rutgers, 1876). ] 1903 Rev. James Isaac Vance, D.D., Nashville, Tenn. .tl910 ] Born at Arcadia. Tenn., Sept. 25, 1862. A.B. (King Coll., i Bristol, Tenn., 1883). Union Sem., Richmond, Va., 1886. Pas- ' tor, North Reformed Church, Newark, N. J.. 1900-10. Presb. ' clergyman. D.D. (King, 1896, Hampden-Sidnev, 1896). LL.D. ; (King, 1913). ■ 22 RUTGEBS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. ' 1903 James Brown Mabon, New York City tl905 / Born at New Durham, N. J., July 16, 1865. Stockbroker. Gov- i emor, N. Y. Stock Exchange, l'900-. President, do., 2 years. '. 1903 William Herman Van Steenbergii, New York City, tl913 A.B. (Rutgers, 1877). J 1904 Hon. Alphonso Trumbour Clearwater, LL.D., Kingston, ] N. Y ^ LL.D. (Rutgers, 1903). j 1905 Howard Newton Fuller, Albany N. Y ) A.B. (Rutgers, 1874), ] 1905 Luther Laflin Kellogg, LL.D., New Y'ork City : A.B. (Rutgers, 1870). ' 1905 Rev. Joseph Rankin Duryee, D.D., New York City j A.B. (Rutgers, 1874). j 1905 Hon. Louis H. Schenck, Neshanic, N. J tl910 j A.B. (Rutgers, 1874). 1 1906 Philip Milledoler Brett, New York City \ A.B. (Rutgers, 1892). j 1906 Charles Leavitt Edgar, E,E., Boston, Mass ! A.B. (Rutgers. 1882). -. 1907 W. Edwin F1.orance, New Brunswick, N. J ; A.B. (Rutgers, 1885). J 1907 Rev. Livingston Ludlow Taylor, Canandaigua, N. Y., i tl912.... i A.B. (Rutgers, 1881). • 1909 Drury Walls Cooper, New Brunswick, N.J A.B. (Rutgers, 1892). ' 1909 Hon. Willard Penfield Voorhees, LL.D., New Brunswick, ■ N. J *1914 : A.B. (Rutgers, 1871). ; 1909 Rev. William Isaac Chamberlain, Ph.D., D.D., New Y^ork i City ] A.B. (Rutgers, 1882). ] 1909 Leonor Fresnel Loree, C.E., New York City ■ B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1877). 1909 Duncan Dunbar Sutphen, New York City , A.B. (Rutgers, 1883). ;; 1910 Samuel Oakley Van der Poel, M.D., New York City *1912 ' A.B. (Rutgers, 1873), 1911 John Neilson Carpender, New Brunswick, N. J *1911 j A.B. (Rutgers, 1866). j 1911 Anthony Dey, New York City *1912 ^ A.B. (Rutgers, 1850). i 1911 Rev. Henry Evertson Cobb, D.D., New York City 1 A.B. (Rutgers, 1884). _i 1912 Rev. William Bancroft Hill, D.D., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. . D.D. (Rutgers, 1905). i 1912 John Howard Ford, New York City *1914 ; Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 10, 1855. Princeton 1873- I 74. Cornell, 1874-75. Columbia Law School. Pres.. Mever < Rubber Co. Director, U. S. Rubber Co. Donor of Ford Dormi- , tory. Died, Mch. 2, 1914. 1912 How^ARD Elting, Chicago, 111 ' B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1890). * ] SECEETARIES. 23 APPOINTED. 1913 Hon. Alfred Ford Skinner, Newark, N. J A.B. (Rutgers, 1883). 1913 Hon. Gilbert David Blauvelt Hasbrouck, Kingston, N. Y A.B. (Rutgers, 1880). 1914 Rev. John Howard Raven, D.D., New Brunswick, N. J . . . A.B. (Rutgers, 1891). 1914 Otto Hermann Kahn, Morristown, N. J Born at Mannheim. Germany. Feb. 21, 1867. Banker. Partner, Messrs. Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 1897- . Director and trustee of many corporations. Cliairman, Metropolitan Opera Co. 1914 Alan Hartwell Strong, Philadelphia, Penn A.B. (Rutgers. 1874). 1915 Holmes Van Mater Dennis, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. . . A.B. (Rutgers, 1894). 1916 John Wyckoff Mettler, New Brunswick, N. J B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899). 1910 J. Amory Haskell, Red Bank, N. J Born in New York City, 1861. Vice President and Director, E. I. du Pont de Nemours <& Co. Director of other corporations. SECRETARIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. APPOINTED. 17 — *Rev. Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh tl782 Trustee, 1767. 1 782 *Peter Yredenburgh 11784 Trustee, 1782-1810. 17.S4 *HoN. James Schureman ] 1793 Trustee, 1782-1824. 1793 * Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh, Jr flSOO Trustee, 1792-1841. 1800 *Abraham Blauvelt tl807 Trustee, 1800, 1807 *WiLLiAM P. Deare tl821 Trustee, 1804-26. 1821 *CoRNELius Low Hardenbergh, LL.D 11825 Trustee. 1815-60. 1825 * James Schureman Nevius tl830 Trustee, 1825-58. 1831 * William Hopkins Leupp, New Brunswick, N. J tl832 Born in New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 21, 1801. Lawyer. State Senator, N. J. Died, Aug. 23, 1871. 1832 *CoL. James C. Van Dyke tl833 Trustee, 1831-43. 1833 *Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh, Jb tl835 Trustee, 1792-1841, 1835 *Theodore Hardenbergh, M.D tl844 A.B. (Rutgers, 1828). 1844 *JoHN Pool Hardenbergh, New York City tl849 Born, Sept. 19, 1822. Commission merchant. President, Board Dom. Miss., R. C. A., 1865-75. Died at Bernardsville, N. J., Sept. 9, 1901. 1849* *Warren Hardenbergh tl859 A.B. (Rutgers, 1844). 24 RUTGEBS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1859 *Rev. Thomas Campbell Strong, D.D tl866 Trustee, 1858-74. 1866 *Rev. David D. Demarest, D.D., LL.D *1898 Trustee, 1858-98. 1898 *David Murray, Ph.D., LL.D tl904 Trustee, 1892-1905. 1904 Rev. William Henry Steele Demarest, D.D., LL.D., tl9()6 Trustee, 1899- . 1906 Rev. John Preston Searle, D.D Trustee, 1898- . TREASURERS. APPOINTED. 1780 *.John Schuurman tlT90 Trustee, 1782-95. 1790 * John Hardenbergh tl'<'91 Trustee. 1790-98. 1791 * John Schuurman *1795 Trustee, 1782-95. 1795 *HoN. James Schureman tl813 Trustee, 1782-1824. 1813 *Staats Van Deursen tlS23 Trustee, 1807-23. 1823 *ISAAC Heyer Trustee, 1823-27. 1831 *Peter Spader (Sub-Treasurer 1824-1831) tl853 Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 29, 1785. Merchant banker. Died, Sept. 9, 1855. 1853 * John Crook Elmendorf *-=lS89 A.B. (Rutgers, 1834). 1889 FitEDERicK Fkelinghuysen tl905 Trustee, 1885- . 1905 *lRviNG Strong Upson *1915 A.B. (Rutgers, 1881). 1915 Henry Parsell Schneeweiss A.B. (Rutgers, 1877). PRESIDENTS. 25 PRESIDENTS. REV. JACOB RUTSEN HARDENBERGH, D.D. Appointed, 1785 ; died, 1790. He was the son of Col. Johannis Hardenbergh, of Rosendale, Ulster county, New York, who was a large landholder, a prominent man in public affairs, an influential member of the Coetus party, and one of the original trustees of Queen's College designated in the charter. The grandfather of Col. Hardenbergh was the first of the name who came to this country, about the middle of the seventeenth century. Jacob Rutsen was born at Rosendale, Ulster county. New York, February 22, 1736. He studied at the Kingston Academy, and completed his theological course with Domine John Frelinghuysen, at Raritan, Somerset county. New Jersey, and succeeded his Preceptor there in his pastoral charge. He visited Holland and other parts of Europe, and upon his return was made D.D. by the College at Princeton. Since his name as President appears on the diploma of Simeon De Witt under date of October 5, 1776, it is inferred that he filled this office, possibly from the outset, 1770, although he continued as pastor at Raritan. Resigning his pastoral charp at Raritan in 17S1, he removed to his native place and took charge of the churches of Marbletown, Rochester and Wawarsing, which he served five years. Dr. Dirck Romeyn having, in 1785, declined a call to the presidency of Queen's College, Dr. Hardenbergh was elected the same year. He accepted and entered on his office in 1786, becoming at the same time pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church, of New Brunswick. He died in the discharge of the duties of these offices October 30, 1790. He was an ardent patriot in our revolutionary struggle, contributing both by his oratory and his pen to the cause of the independence of these States, and was a member of the convention which framed the first Constitution of New Jersey. After the decease of the Rev. Dr. Hardenbergh, the Rev. Dr. John H. Livingston was elected to the presidency of the College, hut he de- clined. In 1791 Rev. Dr. Dirck Romeyn was again elected to the same office, hut he also declined. REV. WILLIAM LINN, S.T.D. President pro tempore from 1791 to 1794 ; died, 1808. He was born in Pennsylvania, February 22, 1752, and was graduated from the College of New Jersey in 1772. Three years later he was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Donegal Presbytery, and in 1776 he served as a chaplain in the American army. In 1777 he was called to 26 RUTGERS COLLEGE. the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church at Big Spring, Pennsylvania, where he labored for a period of seven years. He then took charge of an Academy in Somerset county, Maryland, but after an experience of two years in teaching, settled again over a church in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. From 1787 to 1805 he preached in the Collegiate Church, New York, and while there he acted also as the President of Queen's College, of which he had been elected a Trustee in 1787. His interest and wis- dom in matters of education are also reflected in the fact that for twenty- one years previous to his death, in 1808, he served as one of the Regents of the University of the State of New York. Dr. Linn was "an ardent and impassioned preacher. On special occasions his performances were masterpieces." Of large and earnest sympathies, he became deeply inter- ested in politics as well as in the cause of education, and extended his influence in many directions. REV. IRA CONDICT, D.D. President pro tempore from 1794 to 1810; died, June 1, 1811. He was born at Orange, New Jersey, February 21, 17G4. After his graduation from the College of New Jersey, in 1784, he studied theology under Dr. John Woodhull, of Monmouth, and was licensed by the Presbytery of New Brunswick in 1786. The Presbyterian Churches of Hardwick, Newtown and Shappenock enjoyed his services as pastor for six years until 1794, when he was installed over the Reformed Dutch Church at New Brunswick. In 1794 he was appointed Professor of Moral Philosophy and Superintendent, with power to employ tutors in the College. The College remained closed from 1795 until 1807. Though actively engaged in his church work, Dr. Condict found time and energy to originate a new movement for the revival, in 1807, of the College, which, owing to financial embarrassments, had been obliged to suspend exercises for twelve years. Under his leadership the Trustees determined to raise, by the help of the Reformed Churches, $12,000 for the erection of a substantial and spacious building and to open the College imme- diately. Dr. Condict assumed the duties of President pro tempore, and instructed the highest class, which entered Junior. In 1809 he was regularly appointed Professor of Moral Philosophy and Vice President. Dr. Condict was indefatigable in soliciting subscriptions for the new building, and when $10,000 had been raised it was begun. This edifice, noble and beautiful in its proportions, now stands in the center of the campus which it adorns. Dr. Condict laid its corner-stone with his left hand, in consequence of suffering a temporary lameness in his right. Dying in 1811, he did not live to see the full fruit of his beneficent energies and sacrifices. Honored by being elected to the presidency, he, however, declined it, deeming "the office," says Justice Bradley, "incom- patible with the duties he owed to his church, which he continued to perform in their fullest extent. The amount of strain on the mind and body of this eminent and faithful man must, at this period, have been immense. He had the pastoral care of one of the largest churches in the denomination. He taught the College classes, the Junior class in 1807-8, and the Junior and Senior classes in 1808-9 and 1809-10. He also, as PRESIDENTS. 27 a leading member of the Board of Trustees, was actively engaged in all the concerns of the College, especially in the efforts to collect funds for erecting the new building and causing the work duly to progress. He procured by his own exertions subscriptions, in the city of New Bruns- wick and its vicinity, to the amount of $6,370, during the year 1807, and continued his efforts in that direction during the time the College was building. Such an accumulation of labors and responsibilities was more than human nature could bear. Like his predecessor, Dr. Hardenbergh, he was destined to spend and be spent in the cause of the College. No wonder that his face, as it looks down upon us from yonder frame in the chapel, has a sad and wearied look. No wonder that the cord of life snapped under the tension, when he was yet in the very prime of his years and usefulness. Which of us has done what he did before reaching his forty-eighth year? Here again we see exemplified the great truth that 'life is measured by its work.' " REV. JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S.T.D. Appointed, 1810; died, January 20, 1825. Dr. Livingston was a man of noble character, of extensive and accurate learning, and of large and commanding influence. He was, however, mainly interested in his theological professorship, which he held in con- nection with the presidency; and indeed he did little more in the College than "to preside on public occasions and* sign" It was during his period of office that the literary exercises of the College were, in 1816, again suspended, and not resumed until 1825. The causes of this were financial distress and divided counsels. He was the son of Henry Liv- ingston and Sarah Conklin, born at Poughkeepsie, May 30, 1746, gradu- ated at Yale College in July, 1762. In May, 1766, he sailed for Holland, and studied theology at Utrecht. Licensed by the Classis of Amsterdam, June 5, 1769 ; made Doctor of Theology by the University of Utrecht in May, 1770; returned to New York, September, 1770, having been ordained a pastor of the church in that city by the Classis of Amsterdam ; preached there until New York was occupied by the British in Septem- ber, 1776 ; preached at Kingston, Albany, Poughkeepsie, and neighbor- ing places during the Revolution ; returned to New York soon after the evacuation, November 25, 1783 ; appointed Professor of Theology by General Synod, October, 1784 ; inaugurated in the city of New York, May 19, 1785 ; taught in New York and Flatbush, Long Island, until 1810, when he removed to New Brunswick, New Jersey, having been appointed President of Queen's College. He died in New Brunswick, January 20, 1825. REV. PHILIP MILLEDOLER, S.T.D. Appointed, 1825; resigned, 1840; died, Sept. 22, 1852. He was born at Rhinebeck, New York, September 22, 1775, the only son of John and Anna Milledoler, who had emigrated from Geneva, Switzerland, some years before ; graduated at Columbia College in 1793 ; 28 RUTGEES COLLEGE. ordained by the Synod of the German Reformed Church May 17, 1794 ; called to the German Reformed Church in Nassau Street the same year ; became pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia in 1800; called to the Presbyterian Church in New York, with special care of the Rutgers Street Church, in 1805 ; in 1813 called to the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church in New York, where he remained until he was appointed Professor of Didactic Theology and President of Rutgers College in 1825. In 1840 Dr. Milledoler resigned the presidency of the College and in 1841 he resigned his theological professorship. He then made his home in New York City. He died on Staten Island in 1852, on his seventy-seventh birthday. Dr. Milledoler was distinguished for his early and fervent piety, for catholic sympathies which led him to take an active part in many of the benevolent enterprises of his day, and above all for an unction in prayer that seemed akin to inspiration. ABRAHAM BRUYN HASBROUCK, LL.D. Appointed, 1840; resigned, 1850; died, Feb. 23, 1879. He was born in Kingston, N. Y., November 29, 1791. After a course of preparation in the Kingston Academy, he entered Yale College in 1806 and was graduated with high honors from that institution in 1810. His law studies were pursued at the Law School at Litchfield, Connec- ticut, which was in charge of Judge Gould, and then considered the best institution of the kind in the United States. In 1814 he began the practice of his profession in Kingston. Here he soon acquired dis- tinction for legal knowledge, commanding abilities and uutlinching in- tegrity. Elected a representative in Congress in 1825, he became intimate with Edward Everett, whom he subsequently welcomed to New York, with a public address when the latter delivered his great oration on Wash- ington. From 1840 to 1850 he was the honored President of Rutgers College. By his Lectures on Constitutional Law, his genial manners, his generous hospitality, and his happy influence exerted on manifold public occasions, he contributed greatly to the prosperity of this ven- erable institution. After his resignation he removed to Kingston, where he became President of the Kingston Bank, the founder of the Ulster County Historical Society, and an energetic advocate of many public and patriotic interests. The degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon him both by Union and Columbia Colleges. Dr. Hasbrouck was always studious in his habits, reading daily some Latin author, and eagerly devouring the latest and most valuable publications on a great variety of topics. It is said that hardly a quotation could be made from an English author that he could not at once identify and find in the original work. His intellect, clear and powerful to the last, expressed his "longing to be at rest," and he passed away triumphant in faith, full of years and honors. He died at Kingston, New York, February 23, 1879. It is worthy of mention that the College is indebted to Dr. Hasbrouck for many of the noble trees that now adorn the campus. He was at much pains in having them planted and cared for ; and to-day they stand the beautiful monuments of his forethought for coming generations. "Whoso planteth a tree, laboreth for posterity." PRESIDENTS. 29 HON. THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN, LL.D. Appointed, 1850; died, April 12, 1862. The son of Gen. Frederick Frelinghuysen, and great-grandson of Rev. Theodorus J. Frelinghuysen, was born in Franklin township, Somerset county, New Jersey, March 28, 1787. The home of his boyhood was at Millstone, New Jersey. He attended the Grammar School of Queen's College, and afterward the Academy at Basking Ridge ; was graduated from the College of New Jersey in 1804 ; studied law with Hon. Richard Stockton, of Princeton ; practiced law at Newark, New Jersey ; was Attorney-General of the State from 1817 to 1829; United States Senator, 1829-1835; Chancellor of the University of the City of New York, 1839-1850, and President of Rutgers College from 1850 to his death, which took place April 12, 1862. President Frelinghuysen was a wise counselor and an eloquent orator. He was successful at the Bar, in the Senate and in the presidency of literary institutions. His patriotism was intense, as his action in 1812 and again in 1861 proved. He was nominated for Vice President of the United States by the Whig convention of 1844, which nominated Henry Clay for President. Dr. Frelinghuysen was a man of simple and ardent piety, ever laboring to win souls for Christ. He loved the Church of God, and served long and faithfully in the eldership. REV. WILLIAM HENRY CAMPBELL, D.D., LL.D. Became President, 1863, and resigned June, 1881, but continued to act as President until his successor was inaugurated, June 20, 1882 ; died, Dec. 7, 1890. Dr. Campbell was known many years in the States of New York and New Jersey as a thorough-going Biblical preacher — remarkable for his use of strong, terse, Saxon English, and intense earnestness in presenting Divine truth. Nor was he less distinguished as a clear, vigorous and successful educator. He was born in Baltimore, 1808, and was grad- uated from Dickinson College in 1828, and studied one year in the Theological Seminary at Princeton. His first settlement was at Chit- tenango, from 1831 to 1833, after which he labored for six years asr principal of Erasmus Hall, at Flatbush, Long Island. From 1839 to 1841 he preached at East New York, whence he removed to Albany and assumed charge of the Third Reformed Church. In 1848 he returned to educational pursuits by accepting the principalship of the Albany Academy. Three years later, in 1851, he was called to the Professorship of Biblical Literature in the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, and while in this position he filled, gratuitously, the Professorship of Belles-Lettres in Rutgers College during a period of twelve years. In 1863 he accepted, after much persuasion, the presidency, and entered with exceptional enthusiasm and ability upon his work, both of teaching and securing a larger endowment fund for the institution. During his administration over two hundred thousand dollars were raised ; six new professorships established ; the number of students doubled, and the 30 RUTGERS COLLEGE. following buildings erected : a large Geological Hall, a beautiful Chapel, an Astronomical Observatory, a new Grammar School, and certain use- ful structures on the experimental farm. These works tell their own story of diligent wisdom, and render a well-earned fame secure. Dr. Campbell resigned as President of the College in June, 1881, but con- tinued to serve until the inauguration of his successor, June 20, 1882. His willingness to teach "The P>idences of Christianity," and to preach in turn in the College Chapel, was accepted by the Trustees, which teaching and preaching ceased upon his becoming pastor of the Suydani Street Reformed Church in New Brunswick. He was the founder of this church (1885) and continued as its pastor until his death, which occurred December 7, 1890. MERRILL EDWARDS GATES, Ph.D., LL.D. Inaugurated as President of Rutgers College, June 20, 1882 ; re- signed, 1890. His father, Seth M. Gates, in Congress from 1839 to 1843, and throughout a long life, was widely known and honorably distinguished for his services in the cause of liberty, justice and Christianity. Through his mother he is descended from Jonathan Edwards. He was born at Warsaw, New York, April 6, 1848 ; and was graduated from the University of Rochester, at Rochester, New York, in 1870, having taken the highest honors, in successive years, in Mathematics, Latin and Greek. and the English Essay Prize of the Senior year. Before his graduation he accepted the principalship of the Albany Academy, declining a very favorable offei; to enter journalistic work, made by a prominent New York editor, who had noticed his literary work in college. During the twelve years of his principalship the Albany Academy extended its course of study from eight years to twelve, covering much of the work of the college course ; while the number of boys and young men in attend- ance increased from 70 to 800. In 1872 he spent some months in England, visiting Rugby and Oxford, as educational centers. In 1875 he was elected Chancellor of the University of Tennessee, an institution nearly a century old, consisting of a law school and a college. Declining this position, he continued at Albany, notwithstanding repeated offers of college professorships, and more lucrative positions in his profession or in business. In 1879-80, he spent a year in travel and study abroad. He visited France, Italy, Egypt, Palestine and Greece, spending two months at Athens. In 1880 the University of the State of New York conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and in June, 1882, both Princeton College and the University of Rochester gave him the degree of Doctor of Laws. The same degree was conferred upon him by Columbia University in 1891 and by Williams College in 1893. Columbia University also gave him the degree of L.H.D. in 1887. In September, 1890, Dr. Gates resigned the presidency of Rutgers to become president of Amherst College. He continued in the latter position until 1899. He was Chairman of the United States Board of Indian Commissioners, 1889-99, and later Secretary of that Board 1899- 1912. Since 1899 Dr. Gates has been a licensed preacher of the Con- PRESIDENTS. 31 gregational 'Church and has resided at Washington, D. C. He is also identified with many literary and philanthropic societies and lectures and writes on religious, social and educational themes. His administra- tion as President of Rutgers was marked by a large increase in the Faculty and endowments of the College. The curriculum was extended and the library greatly enlarged. Two large buildings, the State Labo- ratory and Winants Hall, were erected during his presidency. AUSTIN SCOTT, Ph.D., LL.D. Inaugurated as President, February 4, 1891; resigned, January 1, 1906. Dr. Scott was born at Maumee, near Toledo, Ohio, August 10, 1848. He graduated from Yale College with the degree of A.B. in 1869. After a year of post-graduate study at the University of Michigan he received the degree of A.M. He then studied three years at the University of Berlin and I^ipzig, receiving his Ph.D. from the latter University in 1873. During the same years he was engaged with Mr. George Ban- croft in the preparation, of the tenth volume of his "History of the United States." He also carried dispatches to Washington which contained the decision of Emperor William as arbitrator between Great Britain and the United States in regard to the Northwestern boundary. Dr. Scott was Instructor in German at the University of Michigan (1873-5). He collected and arranged materials for Bancroft's "History of the Consti- tution of the United States" (1875-82), at the same time acting as associate in History at Johns Hopkins University. He there organized a seminar of American History and conducted it from 1876 until 1882. In 1883 Dr. Scott was made Professor of History, Political Economy and Constitutional Law at Rutgers. On November 25, 1890, he Avas elected President of the College and was inaugurated February 4, 1891. He conducted its affairs with great ability and devotion for fifteen years until January 1, 1906, when his desire to devote a larger part of his time and abilities to the work of teaching and writing led him to relinquish the duties of the executive. During his administration the College Extension Department was organized and successfully carried on, the teaching of the English Bible was introduced into the curriculum, and in other respects the educational side of the College was enlarged. On the property side the improvement during these years was very marked. Two of the handsomest college buildings were erected. Mr. Robert F. Ballantine, of Newark, for many years a Trustee of the College, was the generous donor of a well-equipped gymnasium, and Mr. Ralph Voorhees gave the College a new library. The ground for both of these buildings was the gift of Mr. James Neilson. Van Nest Hall was improved, chiefly by the liberality of Mrs. Ann Bussing of New York. The house adjoining the preparatory school was purchased and put into use for the younger scholars. The campus was also greatly improved and beautified. By the generosity of Mr. James Neilson, the students have the use of the Neilson Athletic Field. It was from Dr. Scott's initiative that the Alumni Endowment Fund was begun in the first year of his administration, a fund which not only promises ever increasing advantage to the college treasury but which 32 RUTGERS COLLEGE. binds a large number of loyal alumni to their Alma Mater, Large additions were also made in this period to the general endowments of the institution by the liberality of Mr. Robert Schell, Miss Helen M. Gould, Mr. Peter Donald and others. By no means the least of Dr. Scott's accomplishments were the adjustment of the long-standing account with the State and the passage of a new law governing the State appro- priations to the College. Since his resignation as President, in 1906, Dr. Scott has continued to perform the duties of the Voorhees professorship of History and Political Science with eminent success. The degree of LL.D. was bestowed upon him by Princeton in 1891 and by Rutgers in 1914. REV. WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST, D.D. Inaugurated as President, June 20, 1906. Dr. Demarest was born at Hudson, New York, May 12, 1863. He is the son of the Rev. David D. Demarest, D.D., LL.D., for thirty-three years Professor of Pastoral Theology and Sacred Rhetoric in the New Brunswick Theological Seminary. His mother was Catharine L., daughter of James Schureman Nevius, Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey. President Demarest is the first alumnus of Rutgers College to become its President. Ancestrally, his connection with the College is almost co-extensive with its history. He has himself been a Trustee since 1899 and was Secretary of the Board from 1904 until 1906. His father was a Trustee of the College from 1858 until his death in 1893 and Secretary of the Board from 1866. His maternal grandfather was a Trustee from 1825 until 1858 and Secretary from 1825 until laSO. His great-grandfather, the Rev. Henry Polhemus, was Trustee from 1800 until 1816 and his great-great-grandfather, the Hon. John Schure- man, was a Trustee from 1782 until 1795. His boyhood and young manhood were spent in New Brunswick. He graduated from the Grammar School in 1879 and from the College as the first honor man of the class of 1883. After teaching in the Grammar School two years, he entered the Theological Seminary and graduated in 1888. Being licensed to preach by the Classis of New Brunswick and ordained by the Classis of Orange, he had successful pastorates in the Reformed Churches of Walden, N. Y. (1888-1897) and Catskill, N. Y. (1897-1901). The General Synod of 1901 elected him Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government in the New Brunswick Theological Seminary. He thus returned to the service of the institution to which his father gave the best years of his life. Dr. Demarest con- tinued in his professorship five years. During the last of these years he was also acting President of Rutgers College. The Trustees elected him President of the College February 8, 1906, and he was inaugurated June 20, 1906, in the presence of the largest assembly of alumni and friends which has ever attended a college function at New Brunswick. Rutgers conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1901 and the University of New York gave the same degree in 1916. He also received the degree of LL.D. from Columbia University in 1910, from Union College in 1911 and from the University of Pittsburgh in 1912. In 1909 PRESIDEXTS. 33 he served as President of the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America. The first ten years of President Demarest's administration have been marked by a very vigorous life in the old college. The adjustment of the relations with the state, accomplished before the end of Dr. Scott's administration, has borne fruit in largely increased appropriations. The Neilson Campus which adjoins the Queen's Campus became the property of the College through the liberality of Mr. James Neilson of New Brunswick. Upon it two large buildings have been erected, the Engineer- ing Building and the Chemistry Building. Several smaller pieces of property including five residences adjoining the Neilson Campus haVe been acquired by purchase so that nearly all the property between the Queen's Campus and the Theological Seminary is in the hands of the College. Upon part of this a new dormitory has been erected at a cost of about $125,000 by the late John Howard Ford of New York City, a trustee of the College. A large extension of the Robert F. Ballantine Gymnasium, which contains a fully-equipped swimming pool, costing more thon $30,000 has been erected, Mrs. Robert F. Ballantine giving $27,000 for this purpose. An Entomology Building has also been acquired. The College has enlarged its land holdings by an extensive tract com- prising two blocks on the western side of College Avenue and by lots on George Street extending from the Neilson Athletic Field to the new Buccleuch Park. Upon the latter four residences have been erected which are occupied as dormitories by the Rutgers Preparatory School. The strip of land between George Street and the canal and extending west- ward from a point near Seminary Place nearly to the end of College Avenue has become College property. The College Farm has been greatly enlarged so that it now includes nearly 350 acres of land. On it has been erected a handsome Agricultural Building by a state appropriation of $100,000. The Short Course Building, the Poultry Administration Building, greenhouses, dairy barn and other buildings have also been added. The progress along educational lines in these ten years has not fallen behind that along property lines. The faculty has increased considerably in numbers. Short Courses in Agriculture during the winter months and a Summer Session have been established. The number of students in the regular courses has doubled. Several industrial fellowships for graduate students have been founded and new lecture courses inau- gurated. The loyalty of the Alumni has been strengthened by the found- ing of several new local Alumni Associations and the ancient interest of the Reformed Church in the College founded by its ministers and elders has been fostered. The outlook for Rutgers was never before so promising as in the year of its 150th anniversary. 34 EUTGEES COLLEGE. 'I VICE PRESIDENTS. APPOINTED. 1810 Rev. Ira Condict, D.D *1S11 President pro tern., 1794-1810. 1811 Rev. John Schureman, S.T.D *1818 A.B. (Queen's, 1795). 1833 Rev. Jacob Jones Janeway, D.D tl839 *1858 Trustee, 1830-50. 1839 Theodore Strong, LL.D fl 863 *1869 LL.D. (Rutgers. 1835) 1864 George Hammell Cook, Ph.D., LL.D *1889 Professor. 1853-89. 1890 Rev. Theodore Sandeord Doolitti.e, D.D., LL.D *1893 A.B. (Rutgers, 1859). FACULTY. It is impossible, with the scanty information at our command, to make a list of the Faculty of Queen's College which is altogether satisfactory. The dates of service of the early tutors and professors are in a few cases somewhat conjectural and the subjects of their instruction entirely lacking. On this account notes have been placed at the bottom of the page to indicate the reason for inserting names and dates. APPOINTED. GEN. FREDERICK FRELINGHUYSEN, A.B. (Prince- ton, 1770) , A.M ". *1804 Trust,ee, Queen's, 1782-1804. 1777 COL. JOHx\ TAYLOR, A.B. (Princeton, 1770), A.M., LL.D *1801 Born at Princeton, N. J., Aug. 1, 1751. Colonel in Continental Army. In battles of Trenton, Princeton and Monmouth. Tutor, Queen's, 1777. Professor of Natural Philosophy and Mathematics, Queen's, 1781-91. Professor, Mathematics and Natural Science, Union College, 1797. Acting President, Union, 1795. Librarian, Union. 1796. Died, Nov. 5, 1801. i'ACULTY. 35 APPOINTED. 1777 JOHN eOGART,^ A.B. (Queen's, 1775) Tutor, 1777-81. 1782 REV. SOLOMON FROELIGH,^ D.D. (Queen's, 1811) *1827 1782 JAMES SCHUREMAN,- A.B. (Queen's, 1775) *1824 Tutor, 1782- , 1807- . 1783 REV. SIMEON VAN ARSDALEN,^ A.B. (Queen's, 1780), A.M. (Queen's, 1783) *17SG 1785 REV. JACOB RUTSEN HARDENBERGH, D.D. (Prince- ton, 1771) *1790 President of the College, 1785-90. 1789 JAMES STEVENSON,^ A.B. (Queen's, 1789) Tutor, 1789-90, 1809-11. 1789 REV. GERSHOM WILLIAMS,^^ A.B. (Queen's, 1789), A.M. (Queen's, 1792) Tutor, 1789-92. 1791 REV. WILLIAM LINN, A.B. (Princeton, 1772). S.T.D (Columbia, 1789) *1S0S President pro tern, of the College, 1791-94. 1792 REV. HENRY VAN DYKE" *1804 Senior Tutor and Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1792- 1793 CHARLES SMITH,« A.B. (Princeton, 1786), A.M. (Queen's, 1791), M.B. (Queen's, 1792) *1848 Senior Tutor, 1793-94. Tutor, 1807- 1794 JACOB RUTSEN HARDENBERGH,^ JR., A.B. (Queen's, 1788), A.M. (Queen's, 1791) *1841 1794 REV. IRA CONDICT, D.D. (Princeton, 1810) *1811 President pro tern, of the College, 1794-1810. Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1794-95, 1807-11. 1809 DANIEL HARRISON CONDICT, A.B. (Princeton, 1807)..*1811 Tutor, 1809-11. Trustee, Queen's, 1811. 1809 ROBERT ADRAIN, A.M. (Queen's, 1810), LL.D. (Colum- bia, 1818) *1843 Professor of Mathematics, 1809-13, 1825-27. 1 From a letter written in 1777 by Col. John Taylor to John Boj?art, it appears that the latter took charge of the classes of Col. Taylor during his absence in the American Army. At this time the sessions were held near Rcadington, N. J. The exact termination of this arrangement is uncertain. 2 A minute of the Trustees, dated June 12, 1782. states that Mr. Froeligh and Mr. James Schureman were "added to the faculty." 3 A minute of the Trustees of 1783 states that Mr. Van Arsdalen was added to the faculty. *A minute of the Trustees. January 28, 1789, states that James Steven- son was added to the faculty. His appointment is mentioned again May 15, 1809. and his resignation in 1811. 5 A minute of the Trustees, September 12, 1792, contains the report that- Mr. Williams had resigned as instructor. Rev. Mr. Van Dyke was made Senior Tutor and Professor of Moral Philosophy. « The minutes of the Trustees of June 20, 1793. contain the report that Mr. Smith had been engaged as Senior Tutor for the next year. Dr. Smith is mentioned in the new faculty cliosen Senteraber 17. 1807 ^ The minutes of the Trustees of April 9. 1794. contain the resolution that Jacob R. Hardenbergh be added to the faculty. 36 RUTGEES COLLEGE. APPOINTED. , ISIO REV. JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, A.B. (Yale, 1762), A.M. (Yale, 176o) , S.T.D. (Utrecht, 1770) *1825 President of the College, 1810-2.5. 1811 REV. JOHN DE WITT,i ^g (Union and Coll. N. J., 1809), D.D. (Union, 1821) *1831 Tutor, 1811-12. Professor of Belles-Lettres, Elements of Criticism and Logic, 1825-31. Trustee, Rutgers, 1823-31. 1812 REV. JOHN SCHUREMAN, A.B. (Queen's, 1795), A.M. (Queen's, 1812 and Coll. N. J., 1801), S.T.D. (Columbia, 1816) *1818 Vice President of the College, 1812-18. Professor of Moral Philosophy and Belles-Lettres, 1813-18. 1812 REV. CORNELIUS C. VERMEULE, A.B. (Queen's, 1812), A.M., M.D., D.D *1859 Tutor of Languages, 1812-14. Professor of Languages, 1814-15. 1813 HENRY VETHAKE, A.B. (Columbia, 1808), A.M. (Co- lumbia, 1811, and Coll. N. J., 1815), LL.D. (Columbia, 1836) *1866 Born in Essequibo Co., British Guiana, Professor of Mathematics, Queen's, 1813-14. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Princeton, 1817-21. Professor, do., Dickinson, 1821-29. Professor, do., Univ. N. Y., 1832-35. President of Washington College, Lexington, Va., 1835-36. Professor of Mathematics, Univ. Penn., 1836-55. Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, do., 1855-59. Vice Provost, do., 1846-54. Provost, do., 1854-59. Professor of Higher Mathematics, Philadelphia Poly- technic, 1859-66. Died, Dec. 16, 1866. 1813 REV. AVA NEAL,^ A.B. (Columbia, 1810) *1839 Born, 1781 (?) Tutor, Queen's, 1813-14. N. B. Sem., 1816, R. D. clergyman. Died, 1839. 1825 REV. PHILIP MILLEDOLER, A.B. (Columbia, 1793), A.M. (Columbia, 1797), S.T.D. (Univ. Penn., 1805) *1852 President of the College, 1825-40. Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1825-41. 1 The minutes of the Trustees of November 14, 1811, contain the report that Mr. De Witt had agreed to take charge of the Freshman and Sophomore classes for the present session. 2 The employment of Mr. Ava Neal is mentioned in the minutes of Decem- ber, 1813, and his resignation as Tutor is mentioned on July 11, 1814. FACULTY. 37 APPOINTED, 1825 REV. WILLIAM CRAIG BROWNLEE, A.M. (Univ. Glas- gow, 1808) , D.D. (Princeton, 1820) *1860 Born in Scotland, 1783. R. D. clergyman. Professor of Languages, Rutgers, 1825-26. Died in New York City, Feb. 10, 1800. 1825 REV. SELAH STRONG WOODHULL, A.B. (Yale, 1802, and Columbia, 1803), A.M. (Yale. 1805, and Columbia, 1800) , D.D. (Union, 1822) *1820 Professor of Metaphysics and the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1825-20. Trustee, Rutgers, 1825-26. 1826 REV. JAMES SPENCER CANNON, A.M. (Queen's, 1811), D.D. (Union, 1819) *1852 Professor of Metaphysics and the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 182&-52. 1826 JOSEPH NELSON, A.B. (Columbia, 1804), A.M. (Colum- bia, 1808), LL.D. (Rutgers, 1825) *1830 Professor of Languages, 1820-29. 1827 THEODORE STRONG, A.B. (Yale, 1812), A.M. (Hamil- ton, 1815) , LL.D. (Rutgers, 1835) *1869 Vice President of the College, 1839-63. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1827-63. Emeritus, 1801. 1829 REV. ALEXANDER McCLELLAND, A.B. (Union, 1809), A.M. (Union), D.D. (Princeton, 1818, Union and Dick- inson, 1830) *1864 Born at Schenectady, N. Y., 1794. * R. D. clergyman. Professor of Logic, Metaphysics and Belles-Lettres, Dickinson, 1822-29. Professor of Languages, Rutgers, 1829-32. Professor of Oriental Literature, Rutgers, 1833-40. Professor of Oriental Languages and Literature, and of the Evidences of Christianity, Rutgers, 1840-51. Professor of Biblical Literature, N. B. Sem., 1832-51. Died, Dec. 19, 1804. 1830 LEWIS CALEB BECK, A.B. (Union, 1817), A.M. (Union), M.D *1853 Born at Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 4. 1798. Professor of Botany, Rensselaer Polytechnic, 1824-29. Professor of Botany and Chemistry, Vermont Academy of Medicine, 1820-32. Professor of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, Rut- gers, 1830-53. Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Albany Medical College. 1841-53. Died at Albany, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1853. 38 RUTGEES COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1832 REV. JOHN DAVID OGILBY, A.B. (Columbia, 1829), A.M. (Columbia, 1833), D.D *1851 Born in Dublin, Ireland, Dec 30, 1810. - Professor of the Latin and Greek Languages, Rutgers, ia32-40. Episc. clergyman. Professor of Ecclesiastical History, General Theological Seminary, 1840-51. Died in Paris, France, Feb. 2, 1851. 1833 REV. FREDERICK OGILBY, A.B. (Rutgers, 1833), A.M. (Rutgers, 1836), D.D. (Rutgers, 1858) *1878 Tutor in Languages, 1833-35. 1833 REV. JACOB JONES JANEWAY, A.B. (Columbia, 1794), A.M. (Columbia), D.D *1858 Vice President of the College, 1833-39. Professor of Belles-Lettres, Evidences of Christianity and Political Economy, 1833-39. Trustee, Rutgers, 1830-50. 1835 CORNELIUS L. HARDENBERGH, A.B. (Queen's, 1809), A.M. (Queen's, 1812), LL.D. (Rutgers, 1852) *1860 Professor of Law, 1835- 1838 REV. WILLIAM J. THOMPSON, A.B. (Rutgers, 1834). A.M. (Rutgers, 1837) *1867 Tutor in Latin and Greek, 1838-41. 1840 HON. A. BRUYN HASBROUCK, A.B. (Yale, 1810), A.M. (Yale, 1819). LL.D. (Columbia, 1840, Union, 1841) *1879 President of the College, 1840-50. Professor of Constitutional and International Law, Polit- ical Economy, Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres, 1840-44. Professor of Constitutional Law, 1844-50. 1840 REV. JOHN WILLIAMS PROUDFIT, A.B. (Union, 1823), D.D. (Union, 1841 ) *1870 Born at Salem, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1803. Princeton Seminary, 1824. Presb. clergyman. Professor of Latin Langunge and Literature, Univ. N. Y., 1833-41. Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages and Litera- tures, Rutgers. 1840-45. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, Rut- gers, 1845-59. Died, Mch. 9, 1870. FACULTY. 39 APPOINTED. 1841 WILLIAM HENRY CROSBY, A.B. (Columbia, 1827), A.M *1892 Born in New York City, June 28, 1808. Lawyer. Adjunct Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages and Literature, Rutgers, 1841-45. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, Rut- gers, 1845-49. Resided in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1849-81, and New York City, 1881-92. Died, May 21, 1892. 1841 REV. SAMUEL ALEXANDER VAN VRANKEN, A.B. (Union, 1815) , S.T.D. (Columbia, 1836) *1861 Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1841-46. Professor of the Evidences of Christianity, and Logic, 1846-60. Trustee, Rutgers, 1819-40. 1841 REV. THOMAS L'HOMBRAL Professor of the French Language and Literature, 1841-42. 1841 PETER ISAAC GUISBERTI HODENPYL ., *1891 Born in Rotterdam, Holland, Aug. 10, 1811. Professor of Modern Languages and Literature, 1841-46. Resided at Ravenna, Mich., 1846-51, and Grand Rapids, Mich., 1851-9L Died, Mch. 29, 1891. 1846 REV. CHARLES R. von ROMONDT, A.B. (Rutgers, 1841), A.M. (Rutgers, 1844, and Washington & Lee Univ., 1863) *1889 Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, 1846-59. 1850 HON. THEODORE FRELINGUUYSEN, A.B. (Coll. of N J., 1804), LL.D. (Princeton, 1833, and Rutgers, 1841) . . .*1862 President of the College, 1850-62. Professor of International and Constitutional Law, and Moral Philosophy, 1850-62. 1851 REV. WILLIAM HENRY CAMPBELL, A.B. (Dickinson, 1828), D. D. (Union, 1844), LL.D. (Lafayette, 1862) . . . .*1890 President of the College, 1863-82. Professor of Belles-Lettres, 1851-63. Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1862-63. Theodore Frelinghuysen Professor of Biblical Literature, Moral Philosophy and Evidences of Christianity, 1863-82. Professor of the Evidences of Christianity, 1882-86. 1852 REV. JOHN LUDLOW, A.B. (Union, 1814), A.M. (Union, 1817), D.D. (Union, 1827), LL.D. (Rutgers, 1851) *1857 Professor of Metaphysics and Mental Philosophy, 1852-57. 40 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1852 REV. WILLIAM IRVIN, A.B. (Rutgers, 1851), A.M. (Rut- gers, 1854) , D.D. (Coll. of N. J., 1873) *1909 Tutor in Latin, 1852-54. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, 1854-59. 1853 GEORGE HAMMELL COOK, C.E. (Troy Polytechnic, 1839), B.S. (Troy Polytechnic, 1840), M.S. (Troy Poly- technic, 1846), Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1856), LL.D. (Union, 1865) *1889 Born at Hanover, N. J., Jan. 5, 1818. Tutor, Adjunct Professor, Professor of Natural Science, Troy Polytechnic, 1839-46. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Al- bany Academy, 1848-51. Principal, do., 1851-53. Vice President of Rutgers College, 1864-89. Professor of Chemistry and the Natural Sciences, Rut- gers, 1853-67. Professor of Chemistry, Natural History and Agricul- ture, Rutgers, 1867-78. Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Geology and Agricul- ture, Rutgers, 1878-80. Professor of Geology and Agriculture, Rutgers, 1880-89. Director of the Experiment Station, Rutgers, 1888-89. Assistant State Geologist, 1854-56. State Geologist, 1864-89. Died, Sept. 22, 1889. 1857 REV. SAMUEL MERRILL WOODBRIDGE, A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1838), A.M. (Rutg^^rs, 1841), D.D. (Rutgers, 1857; Union, 1858) , LL.D. (Rutgers, 1883) *190o Professor of Mental Philosophy. 1857-64. 1859 REV. HOWARD CROSBY, A.B. (Univ. N. Y.. 1844), S.T.D. (Haivard, 1859), LL.D. (Columbia, 1872) *1891 Born in New York City, Feb. 27, 1826, Presb. clergyman. Professor of Greek, Univ. N. Y., 1850-59. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, Rut- gers, 1859-63. Died. Mch. 29, 1891. 1859 REV. MARSHALL HENSHAW. A.B. (Amherst, 1845), D.D. (Amherst, 1872), LL.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1863) *1900 Born at Bethany, Penn.. Oct. 3, 1820. Tutor, Amherst, 1847-49. Principal. 1849-59. Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and As- tronomy, Rutgers, 1859-63. Principal of Wiiliston Seminary, 1863-77. Lecturer on Natural Philosophy, Amherst, 1881-91. Died, Dec, 1900. FACULTY. 41 APPOINTED. ; 1859 REV. THEODORIC ROMEYN BECK, A.B. (Rutgers, ] 1849), A.M. (Rutgers, 1852), D.D. (Rutgers, 1879) *1896 'I Acting Professor of Latin, 1859-60. ] 1859 GUSTAVUS FISCHER, LL.D. (Rutgers, 1871) *1893 j Professor of Modern Languages and Literature, ^ 1859-68. * 1860 REV. JOHN FORSYTH, A.B. (Rutgers, 1829), A.M. \ (Union, 1834), D.D. (Rutgers, 1842), LL.D. (Coll. of ; N. J., 1875) *1886 Professor of the English Language and Literature, ^ 1860-63. 1860 REV. DE WITT T. B. REILEY, A.B. (Rutgers, 1857), 1 A.M. (Rutgers, 1860) *1900 | Acting Professor of Latin, 1860-61. i Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, 1861-85. ■ 1861 REV. JOSEPH FREDERICK BERG, M.D. (Jefferson Med. j Coll.), D.D *1871 Professor of the Evidences of Christianity, and Logic, I 1861-64. ^ Professor of the Evidences of Christianity, 1864-67. • j Trustee, Rutgers, 1860-64. 1863 REV. DAVID COLE, A.B. (Rutgers, 1842), A.M. (Rutgers, 1845) , D.D. (Franklin and Marshall, 1865) *1903 Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, ^ 1863-66. \ 1863 DAVID MURRAY. A.B. (Union. 1852), Ph.D. (N. Y. j Board of Regents, 1863), LL.D. (Rutgers, 1873, and ] Union, 1874) *1905 Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and | Astronomy, 1863-76. j 1863 REV. CORNELIUS E. CRISPELL, A.B. (Rutgers, 1839), . A.M. (Rutgers, 1842) , D.D. (Rutgers, 1867) *1910 '\ Professor of Ancient and Modern History, 1863-66. j 1864 REV. THEODORE SANDFORD DOOLITTLE, A.B. (Rut- j gers, 1859), A.M. (Rutgers, 1862), D.D. (Wesleyan, I 1872) , LL.D. (Union, 1891) *1893 ] Vice President of the College, 1890-93. 1 Acting President, 1890-91. ] Collegiate Church Professor of Rhetoric. Logic and j Mental Philosophy. 1864-93. : 1865 LUTHER HENRY TUCKER, A.M. (Yale, 1858) *1897 ' Born at Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1834. - Editor and Proprietor of "The Cultivator and Country j Gentleman," Albany, N. Y., 1854-84. ] Professor of the Theory and Practice of Agriculture. '■ Rutgers, 1865-66. Died, Feb. 23, 1897. ; i i 42 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1865 JOHN CONOVER SMOCK, A.B. (Rutgers, 1862), A.M. (Rutgers, 1865), Ph.D. (Lafayette, 1882), LL.D. (Rut- gers, 1902) Tutor in Chemistry, 1865-67. Professor-elect of Mining and Metallurgy, 1867-71. Professor of Mining and Metallurgy, 1871-85. 1866 REV. JACOB COOPER, A.B. (Yale, 1852), A.M. (Yale, 1855), Ph.D. (Berlin, 1854), D.C.L. (Jena, 1873), S.T.D. (Columbia, 1874), LL.D. (Tulane, 1895) *1904 Born in Butler Co., Ohio, Dec. 7, 1830. Professor of Greek, Centre College, Kentucky, 1855-66. Chaplain, Union Army, 1862-63. Editor, "Danville Quarterly," 1861-65. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, Rutgers, 1866-93. Collegiate Church Professor of Logic and Mental Phi- losophy, Rutgers, 1893-1904. Died, Jan. 31, 1904. 1866 JOSIAH HOLCOMB KELLOGG, Brevet-Major U. S. A., West Point, 1860, Col. Vol. Retired Major (1904), Chi- cago, 111 Born in Penn., Oct. 1, 1836. Professor of Engineering and Military Superintendent, 1866-71. 1866 FRANCIS CUYLER VAN DYCK, A.B. (Rutgers, 1865), A.M. (Rutgers, 1868), Ph.D. (Union, 1888), D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910), LL.D. (Rutgers, 1915) Tutor in Chemistry, 1866-70. Professor of Analytical Chemistry, 1870-78. Professor of Chemistry, 1878-80. Professor of Physics and Inorganic Chemistry, 1880-82. Professor of Physics and Experimental Mechanics, 1882- Dean of the College, 1901-13. 1867 ISAAC EDGAR HASBROUCK, A.B. (Rutgers, 1865), A.M. (Rutgers, 1868) Tutor in Mathematics, 1867-72; also in Latin, 1868-71. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics and Graphics, 1872-77. Professor of Mathematics and Graphics, 1877-84, 1867 HON. JOSEPH P. BRADLEY, A.B. (Rutgers, 1836), A.M. (Rutgers, 1839), LL.D. (Lafayette, 1859) *1892 Lecturer on Political Economy and Constitutional Law, 1867-68. Lecturer on the History of the English Bible, 1868-69. FACULTY. 43 APPOINTED, 1868 EDWARD A. BOWSF^R, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1868), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871), C.E. (Rutgers, 1873), LL.D. (Lafay- ette, 1881, and Rutgers, 1905) *1910 Tutor in Engineering and Mathematics, 1868-70. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, 1870-71. Professor of Mathematics and Engineering, 1871-1904. Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Engineering, 1904-10. 1869 GEORGE WASHINGTON ATHERTON, A,B. (Yale, 1863), A.M. (Yale, 1866), LL.D. (Franklin and Mar- shall, 1883) *1906 Born at Boxford, Mass., June 30, 1837. Member of 10th Connecticut Volunteers, 1863-65. Voorhees Professor of History, Political Economy and Constitutional Law, Rutgers, 1869-82. Military Superintendent, Rutgers, 1871-80. President, Pennsylvania State College, 1882-1905. Died, July 24, 1906. 1869 REV. CARL MEYER, D.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1869) , .*1901 Born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, Oct, 26, 1824. Studied at University of Giesen, 1843-46, and Halle, 1846-47. Pastor, Homberg, Germany, 1854-60. Professor of Ecclesiastical and Universal History, Ba^ varia, 1860-62. Clergyman R. C. A., 1862-1901. Professor of Modern Languages, Rutgers, 1.S69-90. Professor of Modern Languages and Literature, Rutgers, 1890-1901. Died, Dec. 4, 1901. 1872 ALBERT STANBUROUGH COOK, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875), A.M. (Rutgers, 1882, and Yale, 1889), Ph.D. (Jena, 1882), L.H.D. (Rutgers, 1889), LL.D. (Rutgers, 1906) Tutor in Mathematics. 1872-73. 1873 CHARLES GREENE ROCKWOOD, A.B. (Yale, 1864), A.M. (Yale, 1867; Bowdoin, 1869; Princeton, 1896), Ph.D. (Yale, 1866) *1913 Born in New York City, Jan. 11, 1843. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Bowdoin, 1868-73. Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, Rutgers, 1873-75. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, and In- structor in Natural Philosophy, Rutgers, 1875-77. Professor of Mathematics, Princeton, 1877-1905. Emeritus, do., 1905-13. Died, July 2, 1913. 1873 JAMES KENNEDY BARTON, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871), C.E. (Rutgers, 1873), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874) *1877 Tutor in Mathematics, 1873-74. 4:4: RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1876 HENRY PRENTISS ARMSBY, B.S. (Worcester Poly- technic Institute, 1871), Pii.B. (Yale, 3874), Ph.D. (Yale, 1879), LL.D. (Univ. of Wisconsin, 1904), State College, Pa Born at Northbridge, Mass., Sept. 21, 1853. Assistant to the Professor of Chemistry, Rutgers, 1876-77. Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1883-87. Director, Penn. Agric. Exper. Station, 1887-1907. Director, Institute of Animal Nutrition, Penn. State Coll., 1907. 1877 GEORGE BENJAMIN MERRIMAN, A.B. (Wesleyan Univ., Ohio, 1863), A.M. (Wesleyan Univ., Ohio, 1866, and Univ. Michigan, 1864), Washington, D. C Born at Pontiac, Mich., Apr. 15. 1834. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Univ. of Michigan. 1866-71. Acting Professor of Physics, do., 1871-75. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Albion, 1875-77. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, and In- structor in Natural Philosophy, Rutgers, 1877-80. Professor of Mathematics, Astronomy and Experimental Mechanics, Rutgers, 1880-82. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. Rutgers, 1882-91. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Middlebury, 1891-94. On staff of U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C, 1894- 1877 PETER TOWNSEND AUSTEN, B.S. (Columbia, 1872), Ph.D. (Zurich, 1876) *1907 Born at Clifton, Staten Island, Sept. 10, 1852. Instructor in Chemistry, Dartmouth, 1876-78. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Rutgers, 1877-78.. .. Assistant Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Rutgers, 1878-79. Adjunct Professor of Analytical Chemistry. Rutgers, 1879-80. Professor of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, Rutgers, 1880-82. Professor of General and Applied Chemistry, Rutgers, 1882-90. Extension Lecturer in Chemistry, Rutgers, 1892-93. Professor of Chemistry, Brooklyn Polytechnic, 1893-96, Consulting Chemist, 1896-1907. Died, Dec. 30, 1907. FACULTY. 45 APPOINTED. 1879 FRA^^CIS AUGUSTUS WILBER, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1879), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1882) *1891 Assistant in Analytical Chemistry, 1879-83. Adjunct Professor of Analytical Chemistry, 1883-90. Professor of Analytical Chemistry, 1890-91. 1880 REV. CHARLES EDWARD HART, A.B. (Coll. of N. J., 1858), A.M. (Coll. of N. J., 1861), D.D. (Rutgers, 1880), Professor of the English Lranguage and Literature, 1880-97 Theodore Frelinghuysen Professor of Ethics, Evidences of Christianity and the English Bible, 1897-1903. Theodore Frelinghuysen Professor of Ethics and Evi- dences of Christianity, 1903-07. Emeritus Professor of Ethics and Evidences of Chris- tianity, 1907- 1880 SAMUEL NELSON HOLMES, First Lieutenant, 13th U. S. Infantry, West Point, 1873 *1884 Born at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept., 1848. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1880-82. Burned to death at Prescott, Ariz., Feb. 15, 1884. 1882 MERRILL EDWARDS GATES, A.B. (Rochester, 1870), A.M. (Rochester, 1873), Ph.D. (Univ. of the State of N. Y., 1880), LL.D. (Rochester, 1882; Coll. of N. J., 1882; Columbia, 1891; Williams, 1893), L.H.D. (Columbia, 1887) , Wnsl.ington. D. C President of the College, 1882-90. Theodore Frelinghuysen Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1882-90. 1882 FRANK LORING DODDS, Second Lieutenant, 9th U. S. Infantry, West Point, 1879; Lieut-Col., 1909, Governor's Island, N. Y Born in Pennsylvania, Dec. 8, 1854. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1882-84. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, and of Graphics, 1884-85. ' 1883 AUSTIN SCOTT, A.B. (Yale, 1869), A.M. (Univ. of Mich- igan, 1870), Ph.D. (Leipsic, 1873), LL.D. (Princeton, 1891 ; Rutgers, 1914) President of the College, 1891-1906. Voorhees Professor of History, Political Economy and Constitutional Law, 1883-91. Voorhees Professor of History and Political Science, 1891- 46 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1883 LOUIS BEVIER, Jr., A.B. (Rutgers, 1878), A.M. (Rut- gers, 1881), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1881), Litt.D. (Rut- gers, 1908) Instructor in French, 1888-85. Adjunct Professor of Modern Languages, 1885-90. Acting Professor of Latin, 1887 -S9. Professor of Modern Languages, 18i)0-93. Secretary of the Extension Department, 1892-1904. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, 1893- Dean of the College, 1913- 1883 EDGAR SOLOMON SHUMWAY, A.B. (Amherst, 1879), A.M. (Amherst, 1882), Ph.D. (Rutgers, 1893) Adjunct Professor of Latin, 1883-85. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, 1885- 1900. 1885 JOHN THOMAS HONEYCUTT, First Lieutenant, 1st U. S. Artillery, West Point, 1874 ; Captain, 6th U. S. Artil- lery, 1898 *1898 Born at Binnsville, Miss., Jan. 5, 1851. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, West Point, 1S7&-82. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, and of Graphics, Rutgers, 1885-86. Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Rutgers, 1886-88. Professor of Militai\v Science and Tactics, St. Thomas Hall, Holly Springs, Miss., 1897-98. Died Oct. 7, 1898, 1886 ALFRED A. TITSWORTH, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1877), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880), C.E. (Rutgers,. 1881), D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1907) Professor of Graphics and Mathematics, 1886-1904. Professor of Civil Engineering and Graphics, 1904-09. Professor of Civil Engineering, 1909- Dean of Engineering, 1914- 1888 HORACE BUSHNELL PATTON, A.B. (Amherst, 1881), Ph.D. (Heidelberg, 1887) Born at Chicago, 111., Sept. 18, 1858. Instructor in Natural Science and Mathematics, Howard Univ., 1881-83. Instructor in I'etrography and Mineralogy, Univ. Heidel- berg, 1887-88. Adjunct Professor of Chemical Geology and Mineralogy, and Their Application in Agriculture (Experiment Station), Rutgers, 1888-90. Instructor in Mineralogy, Mich. School of Mines, 1891-92. Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Colorado School of Mines, 1893- FACULTY. 47 APPOINTED. 1888 JULIltS NELSON, B.Sc. (Univ. Wis., 1881), M.Sc. (Univ. ' Wis., 1884), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1888) *1916 Born at Copenhagen, Denmark, Mch. 6, 1858. Professor of Biology, 1888-1916. Biologist, N. J. Agricultural Experiment Station, 1888- 1916. Died, Feb. 15, 1916. 1888 SAMUEL EWING SMILEY, Second Lieutenant, 8th U. S. Infantry, West Point, 1885; Lieut.-CoL, 15th U. S. In- fantry, LL.B. (Chicago College of Law, 1895) ; Tientsin, China Born in Indiana, May 10, 1863. P!-ofessor of Military Science and Tactir-s. 18S8--91, 1903-06. 1889 BYRON DAVID HALSTED, B.Sc. (Mich. Agr. Coll., 1871), M.Sc. (Mich. Agr. Coll., 1874), Sc.D. (Harvard, 18-8) Born at Venice, N. Y., June 7, 1852. Professor of Botany, Iowa Agric. Coll., 1885-89. Professor of Botany and Horticulture, Rutgers, 1889- 1889 HARRY BELKNAP BOICE, A.B. (Middlebury, 1881), AM. (Middlebury, 1888), M.D. (Univ. N. Y.. 1888), Tr?nton. N. J Born at Newburgh, N. Y., July 17, 1858. Instructor in Gymnastics, 1889-90. 1889 JOHN BERNHARD SMITH, D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1891) *1912 Professor of Entomology, 1889-1912. 1889 MARTIN NEVIUS WYCKOFF, A.B. (Rutgers, 1872), A.M. (Rutgers, 1875), D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895) *1911 Adjunct Profes.«or of Physics and Laboratory Assistant, 1889-90. 1889 JOHN DE WITT, Jr., A.B. (Rutgers, 1886) Instructor in Mathematics and Assistant in English Comuosition, 1889-9L 1889 JOHN C. VAN DYKE, L.H.D. (Rutgers. 1889) Lecturer upon Modern Art, 1889-91. Professor of the History of Art, 1891- 1890 EDWARD THORN MIDDLETON, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1890) *18r)2 Instructor in Electricity and Physics, 1890-92. 1890 IRVING STRONG UPSON, A.B. (Rutgers, 1881), A.M. (Rutgers, 1884) *1915 Librarian, 1884-1906. Registrar. 1890-1915. Secretary of the Faculty. 1892-98. 1901-35. 1890 EDWARD BURNETT VOORHEES, A.B. (Rutgers, 1881), A.M. (Rutgers, 1884), D.Sc. (Univ. Vt., 1900) *1911 Professor of Agriculture, 1890-1911.. Director of the Agricultural College Experiment Station, Superintendent of the College Farm, 1900-11. 48 RUTGEBS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1890 EDWARD LUTHER STEVENSON, A.B. (FrankUn, 1881), A.M. (Franklin, 1884), Ph.D. (Heidelberg, 1890), LL.D. (Fr.'inkliii, 1918), New York City Born at Rozetta, 111., Oct. 18, 1860. Superintendent of Schools in Illinois, 1883-87. Instructor in History, 1890-91. Associate Professor of History, 1891-93. Professor of History, 1893-1911. Secretary of Hispanic Society of America, New York, 1910- Cartographer, do. 1890 WILLIAM DODGE IIORNE, Ph.B. (Columbia, 1886), Ph.D. (Columbia, 1894) Instructor in Analytical Chemistry, and Laboratory Assistant, 1890-91. 1890 CHARLES EVERETT ADAMS, A.B. (Bowdoin, 1884), A.M. (Bowdoin, 1887), M.D. (Bowdoin, 1890) Born at Bangor, Me., Sept. 3, 1863. Instructor in Gymnastics, Colby Univ., 1887- Instructor in Gymnastics, Rutgers, 1890-91. Instructor in Physical Culture, Director of the Gymna- sium, Rutgers, 1894-98. 1891 REV. WILLIAM RANKIN DURYEE, A.B. (Rutgers, 1856), A.M. (Rutgers, 1859), D.D. (Rutgers, 1876) *1897 Theodore Frelinghuysen Professor of Ethics, Evidences of Christianity and the English Bible, 1891-97. 1891 ALBERT HUNTINGTON CHESTER, E.M. (Columbia, 1868), A.M. (Union, 1872), Ph.D. (Columbia, 1878), Sc.D. (Hamilton, 1891) *1903 Born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1843. Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Metallurgy, Hamilton, 1870-91. Mining Engineer. Chemist, N. Y. State Board of Health. Professor of General and Applied Chemistry, Rutgers, 1891-92. Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Curator of the Museum, Rutgers. 1892-1903. Died Apr. 13, 1903. 1891 JOHN JAMES BRERETON, First Lieutenant, 24th U. S. Infantry, 1882; Lieutenant-Colonel, 33d U. S. Vol. In- fantry, 1898 ; West Point, 1877 , *1899 Born at Paterson, N. J., Jan. 11, 1857. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1891-95. Led his company at San Juan Hill. Died in Luzon, Philippine Islands, Dec. 2, 1899. FACULTY. 49 APPOINTED. 1891 ROBERT WOODWORTH PRENTISS, B.Sc (Rutgers, 1878), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1881) *1913 Associate Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1891-2. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1892-1913. Secretary of the Faculty, 1898-1901. Director of the Schanck Observatory, 1903-13. 1891 CLARENCE LIVINGSTON SPEYERS, Ph.B. (Columbia, 1884) *1912 Born in New York City, Jan. 8, 1863. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Missouri, 1885-91. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Rutgers, 1891-92. Associate Professor of Chemistry, Rutgers, 1892-1908, In work for Carnegie Institution of Wasliingtou, 1908-12. Died, July 25, 1912. 1891 EDWARD LIVINGSTON BARBOUR, B.O. (National School of Elocution and Oratory, 1897), M.E. (Same, 1898) Born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 31, 1865, Instructor in Elocution, Virginia Military Inst, and Washington & Lee Univ., 1889-91. Instructor in Elocution, Rutgers, 1891-96, Instructor in Rhetoric and Elocution, Rutgers, 1896- 1911. Professor of the Art of Public Speaking, Rutgers, 1911- Instructor in Elocution, Drew Sem., 1900. Instructor in Elocution, N. B. Sem., 1891- 1891 GEORGE ANDREWS MITCHELL. B.Sc, (Rutgers, 1891) Chemical Laboratory Assistant, 1891-92. Assistant in Chemistry, 1892-93. 1892 WILLIAM EUGENE BREAZEALE, M.M.P. (Furmau Univ., 1885), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895) Instructor in Mathematics, 1892-95. Acting Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1902-05. Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1905-13. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1913- In ciass of 1889, Rutgers. 1892 EUGENE BETTS, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1892), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1894) Instructor in Electricity and Physics, 1892-95. 50 RUTGERS COLLEGE. AI'POINTED, • 1892 JAMES RICKARBY CAMPBELL, A.M. (Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1878), Essex Fells, N. J Born at New Orleans, La., Oct. 3, 1859. Teacher in Boys Schools. Professor of English Language and Literature, Coe College, 1886-88. Extension Lecturer in English Literature, Instructor in English Literature, Rutgers, 1892-93. Founder and Headmaster, Kingsley School, 1900- 1892 ALBERT HENRY PEPPER, A.B. (Union, 1887), A.M. (Union, 1890) Instructor in Modern Languages, Rutgers, 1892-93. Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Union, 1893-1901. McKenzie College, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1892 FRANK ROBERTSON VAN HORN, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1892), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1893), Ph.D. (Heidelberg, 1897) . . Assistant in Mineralogy, 1892-93. 1893 ELIOT ROBERTSON PAYSON, A.B. (Hamilton, 1869), A.M. (Hamilton, 1872), Ph.D. (Rutgers, 1892) Professor of the History and Art of Teaching, 1893- 1908. Professor of the History of Teaching, 1908- Associate Professor of the German Language and Liter- ature, 1908- 1893 THOMAS LOGIE, Ph.D Associate Professor of Romance Languages, 1893-95. 1893 \yiLLIAM SHIELDS MYERS, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1889). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1894), F.C.S. (London, 1892), D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908) Assistant in Chemistry, 1893-94. Instructor in Chemistry, 1894-96. Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1896-1901. 1893 WOLDEMAR LOEHER , Instructor in Modern Languages, 1893-94. 1893 LINCOLN ROBINSON GIBBS, A.B. (Wesleyan, 1892), A.M. (Wesleyan, 1893, and Harvard, 1897) Born at Wiscasset, Me., Dec. 9, 1868. Instructor in English Literature, Extension Lecturer in English Literature, Rutgers, 1893-94. Instructor in English, Lehigh, 1894-95. Do., Boston Univ., 1896. Professor of English, Mt. Union Coll., 1899-1901. Do., Wells College, 1903-04. Do., Mt. Union, 1904-09. Do., Univ. Pittsburgh, 1909- X895 GEORGE BURWELL DAVIS, First Lieutenant, 5th U. S. Infantry, 1893 ; Major General, 1911 ; West Point, 1886 ; Seattle, Wash Born in Mass., Feb. 14, 1847. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1895-96. PAOULTY. 51 APPOINTED. 1895 EZRA FREDERICK SCATTERGOOD, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1893), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1897), M.M.E. (Cornell, 1899).. Instructor in Mathematics, Electricity and Graphics, 1895-99. 1895 EDWIN BELL DAVIS, B.L. (Dartmouth, 1889), Officier d'Academie, A.M. (Rutgers, 1916) Instructor in Modern Languages, 1895-1901. Associate Professor of Modern Languages, 1901-04. Professor of Romance Languages, 1904- 1896 WILLIAM CATIICART BUTTLER, Captain, 3d U. S. Infantry, 1895; Colonel, Retired, 1911; West Point, 1876 ; San Francicco, Cal Born in New Jersey, Nov. 10, 1853. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1896-99. 1897 REV. HENRY DU BOIS MULFORD, A.B. (Rutgers, 1881), A.M. (Rutgers, 1884), D.D. (Union, 1903) Professor of English Language and Literature, 1897- 1911. Rutgers College Lecturer on the English Bible, 1903-11. 1898 FRED HERBERT DODGE, A.B. (Yale, 1884) Born at Freedom, Me., Mch. 7, 1860. Instructor in Physical Training, 1898-1913. Director of the Ballantine Gymnasium, 1898- Professor of Physical Training, 1913- 1898 FRANCIS CUYLER VAN DYCK, Jr., A.B. (Rutgers, 1894), A. M. (Rutgers, 1899) *1916 Instructor in Mathematics, Electricity and Physics, 1898-99. 1899 QUINCY O'M. GILLMORE, Captain, U. S. A., retired; West Point, 1873; Colonel Vol., 1898. New York City... Born in New York, Sept. 2, 1850. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1899-1903. 1899 WILLIAM VAN BERGEN VAN DYCK, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1896), E.E. (Columbia, 1897), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899)... Instructor in Electrical Science, 1899-1901. 1899 RICHARD MORRIS, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899), M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1902) , Ph.D. (Cornell, 1907) Instructor in Mathematics and Graphics, 1899-1905. Associate Professor of Mathematics and Graphics, 1905-09. Professor of Mathematics and Graphics, 1909-13. Professor of Mathematics, 1913- 1899 ISAAC EDWARD TITSWORTH, A.B. (Rutgers, 1899)..*1904 Assistant in Biology, 1899-1900. 52 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1900 WILLIAM HAMILTON KIRK, A.B. (Johns Hopkins, 1S93), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1895) Born at Dorchester, Mass., May 21, 1857. Instructor in Latin, Yanderbilt Univ., 1895-1900. Acting Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, Rutgers, 1900-01. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, 1901- 1900 CALVIN SMITH BROWN, B.S. (Yanderbilt, 1888), M.S. (Vanderbilt, 1891), D.Sc. (Yanderbilt, 1892), Ph.D. (Univ. Colorado, 1899) Born in Obion Co., Tenn., Feb. 13, 1866. Instructor or Professor of English, Comparative Liter- ature or Modern Languages, Yanderbilt Univ., Univ. of Colorado and Univ. of Missouri, 1889-1905. Instructor in Modern Languages, Rutgers, 1900-01. Professor of Romance Languages, Univ. of Mississippi, 1905-09. Professor of German Language, do., 1908-13. Professor of Modern Languages, do., 1913- 1901 ALBERT WILHELM BOESCHE, A.B. (Hamilton, 1897), A.M. (Hamilton, 1898), Ph.D. (Munich, 1905) Born at Leer, Hanover, Germany, Nov. 3, 1874. Tutor in Latin, Hamilton, 1897-98. Professor of German, State Normal School, Plattsburg, N. Y., 1898-1900. Instructor in German, Rutgers, 1901-03. Instructor in German, Harvard, 1903-04. Do., Cornell, 1905-06. Do., Harvard, 1906-10. Assistant Professor of German, Cornell, 1910-15. Professor, do., 1915- 1901 BYRON BRIGGS BRACKETT, A.B. (Syracuse, 1890), A.M. (Syracuse, 1893), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1897)... Born at Ira, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Aug. 13, 1865. Instructor in Electrical Science. Rutgers. 1901-03. Professor of Elec. Engineering. So. Dak. State College, Brookings, S. D. 1901 CULLEN WARNER PARMELEE, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1896) . . Instructor in Chemistry, 1901-05. Associate Professor of Applied Chemistry, 1905-08. Professor of Ceramics, 1908- Acting Director of the Department of Clay-Working and Ceramics, 1902-03. Director of the Department of Clay-Working and Ceramics, 1903- 1902 ALBERT CHESTER DE REGT. A.B. (Hamilton, 1900), M.Sc (Hamilton, 1904), graduate student, Rutgers, 1900-02 Instructor in Chemistry, 1902-06. Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1906- FACULTY, 53 APPOINTED. 1903 ROBEIIt WILSON NEAL, A.B. (Univ. Kansas, 1898), A.M. (Univ. Kansas, 1899; Harvard, 1903, and Yale, 1908) Born in Illinois. Instructor in English, Rutgers, 1903-04. Assistant Professor of English and Instructor in Ger- man, Mass. Agrie. Coll., 1906. Assistant Professor of English, do., 1908. Associate Professor, do.. 1910- 1903 ARTHUR HEREFORD WYKEHAM GEORGE, A.B. (Oxford, 1900) Instructor in Mathematics, 1903-05. 1903 EUGENE HOWARD BABBITT, A.B. (Harvard, 1886) . . . Born at Bridgowater, Conn., May 8, 1859. Instructor, Harvard, 1885-89. Do., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1887-88. Do., Columbia, 1891-1900. Professor, Univ. of the South, 1900-03. Instructor in German, Rutgers, 1903-05. Professor, Dartmouth, 1908-13. Do., Tufts, 1913. 1903 FRANK FORRESTER THOMPSON, A.B. (Princeton, 1894), A.M. (Princeton, 1895), E.E. (Princeton, 1897).. Born at Milroy, Pa., Nov. 16, 1870. Instructor in Physics, Union, 1897-98. Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Penn. State, 1898- 1901. Instructor in Electrical Science, Rutgers, 1903-06. Associate Professor of Physics, Rutgers, 1906-08. Professor of Electrical Engineering, Rutgers, 1908- 1903 ELIAS HOWARD SELLARDS. A.B. (Univ. Kansas, 1899), A.M. (Univ. Kansas, 1900), Ph.D. (Yale, 1903).. Born at Carter City, Ky., May 2, 1875. Instructor in Geology and Mineralogy, Rutgers, 1903-04. Professor of Geology and Zoology, Univ. Florida, 1904-07. State Geologist of Florida, 1907- 1904 JOSEPH VOLNEY LEWIS, B.E. (Univ. North Carolina, 1891) , S.B. in Geology (Harvard, 1893) Born in Rutherford Co., N. C, Sept. 14, 1869. Professor of Geology, Clemson College, 1896-1904. Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Rutgers, 1904- Curator of the Geological Museum, Rutgers, 1905-11. Director of the Geological Museum, Rutgers, 1911- 1905 REV. WILLIAM ISAAC CHAMBERLAIN, A.B. (Rut- gers, 1882), A.M. (Rutgers, 1886), B.D. (Rutgers, 1899), Ph.D. (Columbia, 1889), D.D. (Hope, 1907) Collegiate Church Professor of Logic and Mental Phi- losophy, 1905-09. 54 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1905 WALTER RUSSELL NEWTON, A.B. (Univ. Vt, 1881), Th.D. (Syracuse, 1899) Born at Highgate, Vt., May 28, 1855. Instructor in German, 1905-06. Professor of the German Language and Literature, 1906- 1906 REV. WILLIAM H. S. DEMAREST, A.B. (Rutgers, 1883), A.M. (Rutgers, 1886), D.D. (Rutgers, 1901, and Univ. N. Y., 1916), LL.I). (Columbia, 1910; Union, 1911, and Pittsburg. 1012) * Acting President of the College, 1905-06. President of the College, 1906- 1906 RALPH BREWSTER PARROTT, Captain, 27th U. S. Infantry, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1897) Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1906-10. 1906 CHARLES HUNTINGTON WHITMAN, A.B. (Colby, 1897), Ph.D. (Yale, 1900) Bort at Abbott, Me., Nov. 24, 1873. Instructor in English, Lehigh. 1900-04. Assistant Professor, do., 1904-06. Associate Professor of English, Rutgers, 1906-11. Professor of English, Rutgers, 1911- 1906 JACOB GOOD ALE LIPMAN, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1898), M.A. (Cornell, 1900) , Ph.D. (Cornell, 1903) Assistant Professor of Agriculture, 1906-07. Associate Professor of Agriculture, 1907-10. Professor of Soil Fertility and Bacteriology, 1910-13. Director of the Agricultural College Experiment Sta- tion, 1911- Director of the College Farm. 1911- Director of the Short Courses in Agriculture, 1912-14. Professor of Agriculture, 1913- Dean of Agriculture, 1914- 1906 JOHN HOWARD RAVEN, A.B. (Rutgers, 1891), A.M. (Rutgers, 1894) , D.D. (Rutgers, 1899) Instructor in Hebrew. 1906- 1906 HENRY BARNARD KtJMMEL, A.B. (Beloit, 1889), A.M. (Harvard, 1892) , Ph.D. (Chicago, 1895) Born at Milwaukee, Wis., May 25, 1867. Assistant Professor of Physiography, Lewis Inst. Chi- cago, 189e-99. Assistant State Geologist, New Jers<'y. 1899-1902. State Geologist, do., 1902. Lecturer on the Geology of New .Jersey. 1906- 1907 REV. GEORGE HUBBARD PAYSON, A.B. (Hamilton, 1873). A.M. (Hamilton, 1875), D;D. (Hamilton, 1901). New Brunswick. N. .7. . . . Born at New Hartford, N. Y., Jan. 5. 1852. Professor of Ethics and Evidences of Christianity, 1907-16. FACULTY. 55 APPOINTED. , 1907 RALPll GARRIGUE WRIGHT, B.S. (Columbia, 1899), Ph.D. (Basle, 1902) Born at St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 29, 1875. Professor of Chemistry, 1907- 1907 EDMOND WOOD BILLETDOUX, A.B. (Williams, 1899), A.M. (Williams, 1901), Officier d'Academie, 1910 Born at Sandy Hill, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1877. Assistant in French, Williams, 1899-1900. Assistant in Fronch and German, do., 1900-01. Instructor in Romance Languages, do., 1903-07. Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Rutgers, 1907- 1907 FRANK RANDALL PRATT, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906), M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1907) Instructor in Mathematics and Graphics. 1907-09. Instructor in Physics, 1909-11. Assistant Professor of Physics. 1911- 1908 ROBERT CULBERTSON HAYS HECK, M.E. (Lehigh, 1893) Born at Hockton Mills, Penn.. Oct. 30, 1870. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. Lehigh. 1S93-1903. Assistant I*rofossor, do.. 1903-07. Professor of Experimental Engineering, do., 1907-08. Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Rutgers. 1908- 1908 MYRON TRACY SCUDDER, A.B. (Rutgers, 1882), A.M. ( Rutgers, 1886) Professor of the Science of Teaching, 1908-12. 1908 RALPH OGDEN SMITH, B.Sc. (Rutgers. 1902), M.A. (Univ. Penn., 1903), Ph.D. (Univ. Penn., 1905) Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1908- 1908 KARY CADMUS DAVIS, B.Sc. (Kansas State Coll., 1891), M.Sc. (Kansas State Coll., 1894), Ph.D. (Cor- nell, 1900) Born at Decatur, 111., Oct. 7, 1867. Professor of Horticulture, Univ. W. Va., 1901-02. Dean, State School of Agriculture, Canton, N. Y., 1907-08. Associate Professor of Agriculture. Ruts:ei-s. 1908-11, Professor of Agronomy, Rutgers, 1911-13. Principal of Short Courses in Agriculture, Rutgers, 1911-13. Director of Knajjp School of Country Life, George Pea- body College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn.. 1913- 1908 FREDERICK CHARLES MINKLER, B.S.A. (Iowa State Coll., 1905) Born at Nevada, Iowa, Nov. 11, 1880. Instructor in Agriculture, 1908-11. Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, 1911-13. Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry, 1913-15. Professor of Animal Husbandry, 1915- Director of Short Course in Agriculture, 1914- 56 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1908 ALBERT RITTENHOUSE JOHNSON, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1907) Instructor in Mathematics and Graphics, 1908-11. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1911-13. Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Graphics, 1913- 1908 CLARENCE WARD, A.B. (Princeton, 1905), A.M. Prince- ton. 190G) , Ph.D., Princeton, 1914) Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. H, 1884. Lecturer on the History of Architecture, 1908-10. Assistant Professor of the History of Art, 1910-33. Associate Professor of Architecture, Van Campen Taylor Foundation, 1913- 1909 WALTER TAYLOR MARVIN, A.B. (Columbia, 1893), Ph.D. (Bonn, 1898) Born in New York City, Apr. 28, 1872. Assistant in Columbia, 1898^99. Instructor and Assistant Professor, Adelbert, 1899-1905. Preceptor, Princeton, 1905-10. Acting Professor of Logic and ^lental Philosophy, Rut- gers, 1909-10. Collegiate Church Professor of I>rOgic and Mental Phi- losophy, Rutgers, 1910- 1909 WILLIAM BERTRAM TWISS, A.B. (Dartmouth, 1906), A.M. (Harvard, 1907) Born at Springfield, Mass., Apr. 2G, 1883. Professor of English Language and Literature, Temple Univ., 1907-09. Instructor in English, Rutgers, 1909-11. Assistant Professor of English, Rutgers, 1911-16. Associate Professor of English, 1916- 1909 ERIC SCHJoTH PALMER, Pir.B. (Ynle, 1906) Instructor in Mathematics. 1909-12. 1910 ARTHUR EMMETT AHRENDS, First Lieut. 29th In- fantry, U. S. A.; West Point, 1903; Fort Bliss, Texas.. Born in Indiana, Feb. 5. 1879. I'rofessor of Military Science and Tactics, 1910-13. 1910 HENRY BRIGGS NORTH, Ph.G. (Univ. Wisconsin, 1902), B.S. (Univ. Wisconsin, 1904), M.A. (Univ. Wisconsin, 1906), D.Sc. (Paris, 1908) Born at Janesville, Wis., Jan. 14, 1879. Instructor in Chemistry, L'niv. Wisconsin, 1904-07. Instructor in Chemistry. Case School, 1909-10, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Rutgers, 1910- 1910 RALPH BARLOW PAGE, A,B. (Toronto Univ., 1897), M.A. (Toronto, 1901), Ph.D. (Columbia, 1904) *1910 Born at Concord, Ontario. Dec. 11, 1875. Instructor in History at High School of Commerce, New York City, 1904-10. Acting Professor of History, Rutgers, 1910. Died, Aug. 6, 1910. FACULTY. 57 APPOINTED. 1910 JOHN HUBBARD LOGAN, A.B. (Mercer, 1899), A.M. (Columbia, 1904) Born in Pike Co., Ala., Dec. 16, 1876. Union Sem., 1903. Instructor in Ecclesiastical History, Colgate, 1907-08. Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Colgate, 1908-10. Acting Professor of History, Rutgers, 1910-14. Professor of History, Rutgers, 1914- 1910 STUART AUGUSTUS STEPHENSON, B.S. (Univ. N. Y., 1899), C.E. (Univ. N. Y., 1901) Born at New Rochelle, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1878. In professional engineering and construction work, 1900-10. Instructor in Graphics, 1910-13. Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1913-16. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1916- 1910 WILLIAM DANA HOYT, A.B. (Univ. Georgia, 1901), M.S. (Univ. Georgia, 1904), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1909) Born at Rome, Ga., Apr. 16, 1880. Instructor, Univ. Georgia, 1901-04. Instructor in Botany, Rutgers, 1910-12. Associate Professor of Biology, Washington and Lee Univ. 1915- 1910 WILLIAM TROWBRIDGE MERRIFIELD FORBES, A.B. (Amherst, 1906), Ph.D. (Clark Univ., 1910) Born at Westborough, Mass., Apr. 23, 1885. Instructor in Biology, Robert College, Constantinople, 1906-08. Instructor in Biology, Rutgers, 1910-11. 1910 ELDON LEON LOBLEIN, Jr., D.V.S. (Univ. Penn., 1910) Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 13, 1888. Lecturer in Veterinary Science, 1910-14. 1911 MAURICE ADIN BLAKE, B.S. (Mass. Agric. Coll., 1904) Born at Millis, Mass., Dec. 1, 1882. Instructor in Horticulture, Mass. Agric. Coll., 1905-06. Horticulturist, N. J. Agric. Exper. Station, 1906-11. Associate Professor of Horticulture, Rutgers, 1911-13. Professor of Horticulture, Rutgers, 1913- 1911 FREDERICK FRELINGHUYSEN COUCH, M.E. (Lehigh, 1909) Born at Carbondale, Penn., Nov. 25, 1887. Instructor in Mechanical P]ngineering, 1911-14. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1914- 58 RUTGEES COLLEGE. APPOINTED, 1911 EDWARD FRANKLIN HAUCH, B.A. (Toronto, 1907). M.A. (Columbia, 1909). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1916) Born at Pembroke, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 28, 1879. Instructor in German, Horace Mann School, N. Y., 1907-11. Instructor in Modern Languages, Rutgers. 1911-14. Assistant Professor of German, Rutgers, 1914- 1911 HARRY REYNOLDS LEWIS, B.Sc. (Rhode Island State Coll., 1907) Born at Providence, R. I., Oct. 14, 1885. Instructor in Dairy Husbandry, 1911-13. Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry, 1913-15. Associate Professor of Poultry Husbandry, 1915-16. Professor of Poultry Husbandry, 1916- 1911 RAY GORDON VOORHORST, B.S. (Michigan Agric. Coll., 1910) Born at LeRoy, Mich., Mch. 31, 1886. Instructor in Horticulture, 1911-12. 1911 FLOYD EARL CHIDESTER, Ph.B. (Syracuse. 1907), A.M. (Clark Univ., 1908), Ph.D. (Clark Univ., 1911) Born in Chicago, 111., Oct. 13, 1884. Instructor in Biology and Zoology, DePauw Univ., 1909-11. Instructor in Biology, Rutgers, 1911-13. Assistant Professor of Biology, Rutgers, 1913-15. Associate Professor of Zoology, Rutgers, 1915-16. Professor of Zoology, 1916- 1911 CHARLES HALE, Born at Hudson, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1859. Instructor in English, 1911-16. Assistant Professor of English, 1916- 1912 MELVILLE THURSTON COOK, A.B. (Stanford, 1894), A.M. (De Pauw, 1902), Ph.D. (Ohio State Univ., 1904) . . Born at CofFeen, 111., Sept. 20, 1869. Instructor in Biology, De Pauw, 1895-97. Professor, do., 1897-1904. Chief, Dept. Plant Pathology, Santiago, Cuba, 1904-06. Plant Pathologist, Delaware Agric. Exper. Station, Newark, Del., 1907-11. State Plant Pathologist of New Jersey, 1911- Professor of Plant Pathology, Rutgers. 1912- 1912 ALEXANDER JAMES INGLIS, B.A. (Wesleyan, 1902). A.M. (Columbia, 1909), Ph.D. (Columbia, 1911), Born at Middletown, Conn., Nov. 24. 1879. Professor* of the Science of Teaching, Rutgers, 1912-14, Director of Summer Session, Rutgers, 1914. Assistant Professor of Education, Harvard, 1914- FACULTY. APPOINTED. 1912 THOMAS J. HEADLEE, A.B. (Univ. Indiana, 1903), A.M. (Univ. Indiana, 1904), Ph.D. (Cornell, 1906) Born at Headlee, Ind., Feb. 13, 1877. Assistant Entomologist, State Agric. Exper, Station, New Hampshire, 1906-07. Associate, do., 1907. Head, Dept. of Entomology and Zoology, State Agric. Exper. Station, Kansas, 1907-12. State Entomologist, New Jersey, 1912- Professor of Entomology, Rutgers, 1912- 1912 FRANK WILSON LINDSLEY, A.B. (Columbia, 1903), L.H.M. (Univ. N. Y.) Instructor in Mathematics, 1912-13. 1912 EARLE COOK STILLWELL, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1911) Instructor in Horticulture, 1912-14. 1912 JOHN PUTNAM HELYAR. B.S. (Univ. Vermont, 1909), M.S. (Univ. Vermont, 1912) Born at Claremont, N. H., May 3, 1S86. Instructor in Botany, Univ. Vermont, 1909-12. Instructor in Botany, Rutgers, 1912-15. Assistant Professor of Botany. Rutgers, 1915- 1912 HARRY NELSON LENDALL, B.S. in C.E. (Tufts, 1906) . . Born at Essex, Mass., July 13, 1878. Instructor in Mathematics and Graphics, Univ. Penn., 1909-12. Instructor in Mathematics, Rutgers, 1912-13. Instructor in Civil Engineering and Graphics, Rutgers, 1913-14. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Rutgers, 1914- 1913 ALVA AGEE, M.S. (Univ. Wooster) Born at Cheshire, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1858. Lecturer on Agricultural Topics since 1891. Professor in charge, Agric Extension, Penn. State Coll., 1907-12. Acting Dean, do., 1910-11. Professor of Soil Fertility, Rutgers, 1913- Director of Agricultural Extension, Rutgers, 1914- 1913 ALBERT ELLICOTT BROWN, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1902), First Lieutenant 16th Infantry, U. S. A Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1913-14. 1913 AUGUSTINE WILBERFORCE BLAIR, B.S. (Haverford, 1892) , A.M. (Haverford, 1896) Born at Archdale, N. C, Sept. 12, 1866. Professor of Science, Guilford College, 1896-97. Professor of Chemistry, Florida Agric. Coll., 1899-1905. Chemist, Florida Experiment Station, 1906-11. Associate Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, Rutgers, 1913- 60 RUTGERS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1913 STANLEY EUGENE BRASEFIELD, C.E, (Lafayette, 1895), M.Sc. (Lafayette, 1898), Ph.D. (Cornell, 1912) . . . Born at Easton, Pa., Oct. 2, 1873. Instructor and Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Graphics, Lafayette, 1902-10. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Rutgers, 1913-15. Associate Professor of Mathematics, Rutgers, 1915-16. Professor of Applied Mathematics, 1916- 1913 WILLIAM BEVERLY STONE, B.A. (Univ. Virginia, 1901), A.M. (Univ. Virginia, 1903), Ph.D. (Univ. Vir- ginia, 1907 ) Born at Auburn, Va., Nov. 17, 1878. Instructor in Mathematics, Univ. Virginia, 1907-08. Instructor in Mathematics, Univ. Michigan, 1908-13. Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Rutgers, 1913- 1913 LEIGH WADSWORTH KIMBALL, A.B. (Dartmouth, 1903) , A.M. (Syracuse, 1915) Born at Plainfield, N. .J., June 3, 1881. Teacher of French, St. John's School, Manlius, N. Y., 1903-13. Instructor in Romance Languages, Rutgers, 1913- 1914 FRANK APP. B.S. (Penn. State Coll., 1911) Born at Buffalo Roods, Pa., Jan. 26, 1886. Assistant Professor of Agronomy, State College, New Hampshire, 1911-14. Assistant Professor of Agronomy, Rutgers, 1914- 1914 ARTHUR JAMES FARLEY, B.S. (Massachusetts Agric. Coll., 1908) Born at Waltham, Mass., Sept. 2, 1885. Instructor in Horticulture. 1914-16. Assistant Professor of Horticulture, 1916- 1914 CLARENCE ELMER BRETT. B.S. (Rhode Island State Coll., 1913) . Morris Plains, N. J Born at Brockton, Mass., Apr. 20, 1883. Instructor in Poultry Husbandry, 1914-15. 1914 LYMAN GIBBS SCHERMERHORN, B.S. (Massachusetts Agric. Coll., 1910) Born at Maiden, Mass., June 28, 1887. Instructor in Vegetable Gardening, 1914- 1915 CHARLES HERBERT ELLIOTT, B.S. (McKendree, 1907), A.M. (Columbia, 1908). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1914) Born at Narmal, 111.. Aug. 2. 1878. Professor of the Science of Education, 1915- Director of the Summer Session. 1915- 1915 SHELBY CARL LEASURE. First Lieutenant, 7th In- fantry, U. S. Army Born in Illinois, Oct. 30, 1877. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1915- FACULTY. 61 APPOINTED. 1915 WILLIAM JOHN CARSON, B.S. (Ontario Agric. Coll., 1902) Born at Metcalfe, Ontario, Canada, Nov. 15, 1874. Instructor, Univ. Wisconsin, 1905-06. Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Manitoba Agric. Coll., 190e-ll. Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Rutgers, 1915- 1915 MAYNE SEGUINE MASON, B.S. (Univ. Illinois, 1911), M.S. (Univ. Illinois, 1913) Born at Buda, 111., June 8, 1890. Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1915- 1915 LLOYD STEPHEN RIFORD, B.S. (New Hampshire Agric. Coll., 1914) , A.M. ( Univ. Missouri, 1915) Born at Randolph, Vermont, Apr. 22, 1889. Instructor in Dairy Husbandry, 1915- 1915 ROY FOSTER IRVIN, B.S. (Michigan Agric. Coll., 1914) Born at McKeesport, Penn., Apr. 22, 1891. Instructor in Poultry Dept., Univ. Georgia, 1914-15. Instructor in Poultry Husbandry, Rutgers, 1915— 1916 ARTHUR RUSSELL MOORE, A.B. (Univ. Nebraska, 1904) , Ph.D. (Univ. California, 1911) Born at Beaver City, Neb., Nov. 10, 1882. Assistant Professor of Physiology, Univ. Cal., 1911-13. Associate Professor of Physiology, Bryn Mawr, 1913-16. Professor of Physiology, Rutgers, 1910- 1916 JOHN MARSHALL HUNTER, B.S. (Iowa State College, 1915) Born at Red Oak, Iowa, Nov. 8, 1890. Instructor in Animal Husbandry, 1916- 1916 NORMAN SALLEE PARKER, A.B. (Chicago, 1910), A.M. (Harvard, 1912), Ph.D. (Chicago, 1916) Born in Chicago, 111., Oct. 23, 1890. Instructor in History, 1916- 62 liUTGEES COLLEGE. LIBRARIANS. APPOINTED. 1863 *REV. DE WITT TEN BROECK REILEY, A.M flSTl A.B. (Rutgers, 1857). 1871 *GEORGE WASHINGTON ATHERTON, LL.D 11880 Professor, 1869-82. 1880 ISAAC EDGAR HASBROUCK, A.M tl884 Also Assistant Librarian, 1868-1880. A.B. (Rutgers, 1865). 1884 *IRVING STRONG UPSON, A.M tl^OO A.B. (Rutgers, 1881). 1907 • GEORGE AUGUSTUS OSBORN Also Assistant Librarian, 1897-1905, and Acting Libra- rian, 1905-07. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1897). REGISTRARS. APPOINTED. 1890 *IRVING STRONG UPSON, A.M *1915 A.B. (Rutgers, 1881). 1915 LUTHER HARNED MARTIN Rutgers, 1909. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. The Medical College was established in 1792 and re-established in 1812 and 1826. APPOINTED, 1792 RICHARD SHARPE KISSAM, M.D. (Edinburgh, 1787), Hon. M.D. (Queen's, 1793) *1822 1792 WILLIAM MOORE, M.D. (Edinburgh, 1780), Hon. M.D. (Queen's, 1793) • *1824 1792 NICHOLAS ROMAYNE (in the class of 1774, Columbia), M.D. (Edinburgh), Hon. M.D. (Queen's, 1792) *1817 Professor of the Institutes of Medicine and Forensic Medicine, 1812-17. FACULTY. 63 APPOINTED. 1792 SAMUEL LATHAM MITCHILL, M.D., LL.D *1831 Born at North Hempstead, L. I., Aug. 26, 1764. Studied medicine, Edinburgh, 1783-86. U. S. Senator. Vice President of the Medical Faculty, Rutgers, 1826- Made first mineralogical survey of N. Y. State, 1796. Chief Editor, N. Y. Medical Repository, 1797-1813. Professor of Chemistry, Coll. P. and S., 1807. Professor of Natural History, do., 1808-20. Professor of Materia Medica and Botany, do., 1820-26. Died in New York City, Sept. 7, 1831. 1812 ARCHIBALD BRUCE, A.B. (Columbia, 1797), M.D. (Edin- burgh, 1809) *1818 Born in New York City, Feb., 1777. Professor of Materia Medica and Mineralogy, Coll. P. and S., 1807-11. Professor of Materia Medica and Mineralogy, Queen's, 1812-18. Died in New York City, Feb. 22, 1818. 1812 VALENTINE SEAMAN, M.D., A.B. (Univ. Penn., 1792) . .*1817 Born in New York City (?), Apr. 2, 1770. Introduced vaccination in New York City. Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery, 1812-15. Died, June, 1817. 1812 THOMAS COCK, M.D. (Columbia, 1805) *1869 Born at Glen Cove, L. I., 1782. Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery, Queen's, 1812-15. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Queen's, 1815-26. Vice President, Coll. P. and S., 1827-55. President, do., 1855-58. President, N. Y. Academy of Medicine, 1852. Died, June 14, 1869. 1812 JOHN GRISCOM, LL.D. (Union, 1824) *1852 Born at Hancock's Bridge, N. J., Sept. 27, 1774. Professor of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, Queen's, 1812-26. Professor of Chemistry, Rutgers, 1826-28. Head of New York High School, 1825-31. Popular lecturer on Chemistry. Died at Burlington, N. J., Feb. 26, 1852. 1812 ROBERT BAYARD, M.D. (Edinburgh, 1809) Professor of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children, 1812-26. 1812 JOHN WATTS, A.B. (Columbia, 1804) , M.D *1831 Born in New Y'ork City, Dec, 1785. Professor of the Practice of Physic, Queen's, 1812-26. President, Coll. P. and S., 1826-31. Died, Feb. 4, 1831. 64 RUTGEBS COLLEGE. APPOINTED. 1815 ALEXANDER HODGSON STEVENS, A.B (Yale, 1807), \ M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1811), LL.D. (Regents Univ., N. Y. \ State, 1849) *1869 } Born in New York City, Sept. 4, 1789. j Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery, i Queen's, 1815-26. i Professor of Surgery, Coll. P. and S., 1826-37. j Professor of Clinical Surgery, do., 1837-40. ] President, do., 1S41-44. ] Emeritus Professor, do., 1844-69. | President, American Medical Association, 1848. 1 Died, Mch. 30, 1869. | In 1816 the exercises of the College were suspended, and the Board of I Trustees deemed it inexpedient thereafter to confer medical degrees. J The above appointments were annulled hy a formal vote in 1826. ^ 1826 DAVID HOSACK, A.B. (Princeton, 1789), M.D. (Phila. Coll., Pa., 1791, and Edinburgh), LL.D. (Union, 1818). '■ F.R.S., 1816 *1835 I Born in New York City, Aug. 31, 1769. ■ Professor of Botany and Materia Medica, Columbia, 1795-1807. Professor of Surgery and Midwifery, Coll. P. and S., [ 1807-13. ; Professor of Physics and Clinical Medicine, do., 1813-26. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physical and ; Clinical Medicine, Rutgers, 1826-28. President of the Medical Faculty, Rutgers, 1826-28. ^ Died in New York City, Dec. 23, 1835. ^ 1826 WILLIAM J. McNEVIN, M.D. (Univ. Vienna, 1784) -^1841 Born at Ballynahowne, Ireland, Mch. 21, 1763. j Practiced in Dublin, 1784-98. ~ Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica, 182&-2S. ■ Died, July 2, 1841. I 1826 VALENTINE MOTT, M.D. (Columbia, 1806), LL.D. (Re- : gents N. Y. State Univ., 1851) *1865 j Born at Glen Cove, L. I., Aug. 20, 1785. . Professor of Surgery, Columbia, 1811-26. * Professor of Surgery, Rutgers, 1826-28. 1 Professor of Coll. P. and S.., 1831-37. ; Professor of Surgery, Univ. N. Y., 1841-50. President of Medical Faculty, do., 1841-50. ' Professor Emeritus, do., 1852-65. j Died in New York City, Apr. 26, 1865. i. FACULTY. 65 APPOINTED. 1826 JOHN W. FRANCIS, A.B. (Columbia, 1809), M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1809), LL.D. (Trinity, 1850, and Columbia, I860) *1861 Born in New York City, Nov. 17, 1789. Professor of Institutes of Medicine and Materia Medica, Coll. P. and S., 1813-26; also Medical Jurisprudence, 1817-26; also Obstetrics, 1819-26. Professor of Obstetrics and Forensic Medicine, Rutgers, 1826-28. Died, Feb. 8, 1861. 1826 JOHN D. GODMAN, M.D ".*1830 Born at Annapolis, Md., 1799 or 1800. Professor of Anatomy, Medical College of Ohio, one year. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Rutgers, 1826-27. Died in Philadelphia, Apr. 17, 1830. 66 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1774-1775. ALUMNI OF THE COLLEGE. 1774. A.B. ♦Matthew Leydt, North Hampton, Pa. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 4, 1753. R. D. clergyman. Studied Theology under Hardenbergh. Licensed, 1778. Trus- tee, Queen's, 1783. Died, Nov. 24, 1783. 1775. A.B. *David Annan,^ • ' Ireland. Born at Ceres, near Cupar, Pifeshire. Scotland. Apr. 4, 1754. Presb. clergyman. Ordained at Wallkill, N. Y., Oct., 1778. Peterborough, N. H., 1778-92. Deposed, 1800. A.M. (Queen's, 1782). Died, 1802. ♦Michael Best. ♦Jasper Farmer.^ ♦Peter Kimble. ♦Abraham Schenck, ' Millstone, N. J. Farmer. ♦Henry Harris Schenck, Jr., Neshanic, N. J. Physician. Judge, Somerset county. Surgoon of Militia. 1776- 81. In War of 1812. Died, Dec. 20, 1823. ♦John H. Schenck, Canaan, Pa. Born. 1754. Lieutenant, captain, finally colonel in American army. Died, Mch. 5, 1845. ♦James Schureman,^ New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 12, 1756. Merchant. Trustee, Queen's, 1782-1824. Treasurer, Queen's, 1795-1813. Tutor, Queen's, 1782- , 1807- . Second Lieutenant in Capt. Taylor's Company, Col. Neilson's battalion, 1776. In battle of Long Island. Mayor of New Brunswick, 1801-13, 1821-24. Member of Provincial Congi-ess of New Jersey, 1786. Delegate to Annapolis Convention, 1786. Member of Continental Con- gress, 1786-88. Member of U. S. Congress, 1789-91, 1797-99. 1813-15. U. S. Senator, 1799-1801. Member Committee for First U. S. Census. Vice-President, Council of New Jersey, 1812. President of bank. Died, Jan. 22, 1824. ♦John Stagg, Jr., New York City. Born in New York City, 1758. Captain of Minute Men in Ameri- can army. Lieutenant in Col. Oliver Spencer's (additional) Continental Regiment, Mch. 4, 1778. Acting Paymaster. Clerk in War Office eight years. Sheriff of New York, 1801-03. Died, Dec. 28, 1803. 1 Tliese names occur in an account of the commencement of 1774 as mem- bers of the Senior class. The others may have been members of succeeding classes as late as 1778. 1775-1780. ALUMXI. 67 ♦Isaac Stoutenburgh, New York City. ] Born in New York City, Nov. 5, 1761. Private, Capt. Schoon- 5 maker's company, Col. Wynkoop's Regiment. Promoted Major, -i 2d Battalion, N. Y. Militia, in Regiment of Col. William Hyer. Promoted Lieut.-Col. of Col. William Malcolm's Regiment, 1776. ] Alderman, N. Y. City, 1789-95. Member, Provincial Congress, ■ N. Y., 1775-77. State Senator, N. Y., 1778-80, 1785-87. Com- i missioner of Forfeiture of Estates of Revolutionary Tories, 1786. Died, 1799. ] ♦John Van Dyke.^ ^ ♦Samuel Vickebs.^ ■] ♦Isaac Vredenbukgh. j ♦John Wall. ■ Dr. .lohn Galen Wall died at W^oodbridge, N. J., Jan. 14, 1798. .; His father was also named John. j 1776. ■ A.B. i ♦Simeon De Witt, Albany, N. Y. i Born at Wawarsing, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1756. Assistant Geographer ; of the American Army, 1778-80. Chief Geographer of the ',\ American Army, 1780-83. Surveyor-General of New York State, ) 1784-1834. Appointed Surveyor-General of the United States (1796), but declined. Regent of State of New York, 1798-1817. ■; Vice Chancellor of the State of New York, 1817-29. Chancellor of the State of New York, 1829-84. A.M. (Queen's, 1782). Died, ; Dec. 3. 1834. : 1777. 1778. i A.B. i ♦John Bogabt, Readington, N. J. ^ Tutor, Queen's, 1778-82. Student of Divinity. A.M. (Queen's, J 1782). ] ♦Nicholas Lansing,^ Tappan, N. Y. ': Born at Albany, N. Y.. 1748. Studied theology under Westerlo. " Ordained. 1781. R. D. clergyman. President, General Synod, l 1809. Died, Sept. 26, 1835. V 1 1779. ': 1780. A.B. ♦Jeremiah Smith, Dover, N. H. Born at Peterborough. N. H., Nov. 29. 1759. Lawyer. Member of Ijegislature, 1788-90. Member of Constitutional Convention, 1791. Member of Congress, 1791-97. .Judge of U. S. Circuit Court. 1801. Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Judicature, New Hampshire, 1802-09. Governor of New Hampshire, 1809-10. Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of New Hampshire, 1813-16. LL..D. (Dartmouth, 1804, and Harvard, 1807). Died, Sept. 21, 1842. ^ These names occur in an; account of the commencement of 1774 as mem- bers of the Senior class. The others may have been members of succeeding classes as late as 1778. 2 In 1780 he presented credentials from Queen's College. Since he began his theological studies in 1778 he had probably graduated from the college in that year. 68 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1780-1786. *SiMEON Van Arsdalen, Readington, N. J. Born in Bucks county, Pa., July 10, 1753. R. D. clergyman. Studied under Livingston. Licensed. 1782. Trustee, Queen's, 1783-86. Tutor, Queen's, 1783. A.M. (Queen's, 1783). Died, May 26, 1786. *JoHN W. Bray/ New Brunswick, N. J. Member Common Council. Forage Master of New Jersey. Prominent during War of 1812. Died, April, 1834. * courtlandt.^ * Remsen.^ * Stewart.^ * Van Wyck.^ 1781. 1782. A.B. ♦Timothy Blauvelt, Clarkstown, N. )i. Born near Clarkstown, N. Y.(?), Apr. 5, 1762. R. D. clergyman. Studied theology under Livingston. Licensed, 1784. Died soon after. ♦William Crooke, (?) Somerville, N. J. A.M. (Queen's, 1789). ♦Peter liEYDT, Ponds, N. J. Born, Nov. 6, 1763. R. D. clergyman. Studied theology under Livingston. Licensed, 1788. Died, June 12, 1796, 1783. A.B. ♦Isaac Blauvelt, New Rochelle, N. Y. Born near Clarkstown, N. Y.(?), 1750. R. D. clergyman. Studied theology under J. R. Hardenbergh. Licensed, 1780. Trustee, Queen's, 1785-1831. A.M. (Queen's. 1788). Died about 1840. ♦Michael D. Henry. New Brunswick, N. J. Born near Lamington, N, J. (?), Apr. 18, 1760. Lawyer. Died, May 25, 1799. ♦Pierre Van Cortlandt, Peekskill, N, Y. Boin at Cortlandt Manor, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1762. Lawyer. Mem- ber of Congress. A.M. (Queen's, 1789). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1843). Died, July 13, 1848. ♦John Martin Van Harlingen, Millstone, N. J. Born at Sourland. N. J., 1761. R. D. clergyman. Studied theology under Livingston. Licensed. 1786. Professor of He- brew and Ecclesiastical History, N. B. Sem., 1812-13. Trus- tee, Queen's, 1787-1813. A.M. (Queen's, 1789). Died, June 16, 1813. 178^1786. 1 These five names without any first name are mentioned as students ia lower classes in a letter written by Col. John Taylor to John Bogart, in 1779. 1787-1789. ALUMNI. 69 1787. A.B. *Abraham Van Horne, Caughnawaga (Fonda), N. Y. Born at Whitehouse, N. J., Dec. 31, 1763. R. D. clerp:yman. Studied theolog.v under Livingston. Licensed, 1788. *'Said to have married 1,500 couples." A.M. (Queen's, 1792). Died, June 3, 1840. 1788. A.B. ♦Waltepw Cole. A.M. (Queen's. 1791). *Alpheus Freeman. A.M. (Queen's, 1791). ♦Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Born, June 19, 1767. Lawyer. Pres. Banlf of New Brunswick, N. J. Tutor, Queen's, 1794. Trustee. Queen's. 1792-1841. Sec. Trustees, Queen's, 1793-1800, 1833-35. A.M. (Queen's, 1791). Died, Feb. 13, 1841. ♦John Frelinghuysen Jackson, Fordham, N. Y. Born at Bergen, N. J„ 1768. R. D. clergyman. Studied theology under Livingston. Licensed, 1790. A.M. (Queen's, 1791). Died, Mch. 26, 1836. 1789. A.B. Scotchtown, N. Y. A.M. (Queen's. 1792). Died, ♦Methuselah Baldwin, Presh. clergyman. Licensed, 1791. Feb. 4, 1847. *Abraham Blauvelt, New Brunswick, N. J. Born near Clarkstown, N. Y. (?) Trustee, Queen's, 1800. Sec. Trustees. Queen's, 1800-07. Chairman. Building Committee, Queen's Building. Editor "The Brunswick Guardian." A.M. (Queen's, 1792). '^John J. Carle. Clergyman. A.M. (Queen's and Coll. N. J., 1792). ♦Jonas Coe, Troy, N. Y. Born, Mch. 20, 1754. Presb. clergyman. A.M. (Queen's and Coll. N. J., 1792. and Union, 1797). D.D. (William and Mary Coll., 1815). Died, July 21, 1822. ♦Henry Cook, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Mendham, N. J., 1769. Presb. clergyman. Pastor Me- tuchen. 1794-1824. Died, Sept. 17, 1824. ♦Bethuel Dodd, Presb. clergyman. A.M. (Queen's. 1792; Died, 1804. ♦C^Rus P. Giluersleeve, Clergyman. A.M. (Queen's and Coll. N. J. ♦Albert Oblenis, Principal Erasmus Hall Acad., 1791-1806. ♦.James Stevenson. Tutor, Queen's, 1789-90, 1809-11. Whitesborough, N. Y. Coll. N. J., 1794). (?) Hempstead, L. I. 1792). Flatbush, L. I. Died, Oct. 23, 1806. 70 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1789-1792. *Gershom Williams. Carabridjje, N. Y. Clergyman. Tutor, Queen's, 1789-92. A.M. (Queen's, 1792). First Pastor at Cambridge, N. Y., 1794-1803. 1790. A.B. *Christian Suhm De Wint. A.M. (Queen's, 1794, and Dartmouth, 1795). *Samuel Kenneday Jennings, Baltimore, Md Born in Essex county, N. J., June 6. 1771. Metliodist Protes- tant clergyman. A.M. (Queen's, 1794). Pres. Washington Col- lege. Died, Oct. 19, 1854. ♦Jacob Tallman, New Brunswick, N. J. Merchant. A.M. (Queen's, 1794). Trustee, Queen's, 1800-07. 1791. A.B. ♦William Durham, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1776. Lawyer. A.M. (Queen's, 1794). Died, May 6, 1821. *LuKE Egerton, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1768. Teacher. A.M. (Queen's, 1794). Died, May 7, 1823. ♦Elijah Rosenkrantz (Rosegrant), Paramus, N. J. Born, 1766. R. D. clergyman. Physician. Studied theology under Livingston. Licensed, 1794. A.M. (Queen's, 1794). Died, 1832. ♦Henry Traphagen, Jr., Jersey City, N. J. A.M. (Queen's, 1794). ♦Staats Van Deursen, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1776. Merchant. Trustee, Queen's, 1807-23. Treasurer, 1813-23. A.M. (Queen's, 1794) Died, 1847. 1792. A.B. ♦John Frelinghuysen, Raritan, N. J. Born near Millstone, N. J., Mch. 21, 1776. Lawyer. Surrogate Somerset county. 15 years. Colonel during War of 1812. Briga- dier-General. A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1803). Trustee, Queen's 1800-33. Died, April 10, 1833. ♦Ebenezer Grant, Bedford, N. Y. Presb. clergyman. Director, Princeton Sem., 1818-21. A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1796). Died, Sept. 6, 1821. ♦John Simonson. A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1806). i ♦James Swartwout. ♦John Van Harlingen, Burlington, N. J. Born at Millstone, N. J., Apr. 1, 1770. Teacher. Died, Dec. 11, 1798. ♦Abraham Van Nest. 1793-1808. ALUMNI. 71 1793. A.B. New Brunswick, N. J. *Fredebick Bodine, Lawyer. Died at Savannah, Ga. ♦Abraham Bbokaw, Ovid, N. Y. Born, 1761. R. D. clergyman. Studied theology under Living- ston. Died, July 17, 1846. ♦Henry Drake, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1773. Physician. Died, Dec. 24, 1817. ♦Abraham D. Lansing. Born, Mch. 17. 1775. Died of yellow fever, Sept. 28, 1805. ♦Henry Stryker. Died, March 30, 1810. ♦John Wyckoff. 1794. A.B. ♦William P. Deare, Lawyer. Clerk of Middlesex county, N. J Trustee, Queen's, 1804-25. Sec. Trustees Died, Feb. 1, 1826. ♦John Lawson. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1796). A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1798, and Queen's 1810). ♦John Thompson. Physician. ♦Henry Van Deursen, Born, Mch., 1768. Died, Apr. 25, 1835 ♦John Schureman Vredenburgh, Born, Mch. 20. 1776. R. D. clergyman. Studied theology under Livingston. Licensed. 1798. Trustee, Queen's, 1800-21. A.M. (Queen's, 1810, and Coll. N. J., 1803). Died, Oct. 4, 1821. New Brunswick, N. J. A.M. (Queen's, 1810). Queen's, 1807-21. New Brunswick, N. J. Raritan, N. J. 1795. A.B. ♦John Schureman, New Brunswick, N. Born near New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 19, 1778. R. D. clergy- man. Studied theology under Livingston. Licensed, 1801. Vice Pres., Queen's. 1811-18. Professor Moral Philosophy and Belles- Lettres, Queen's, 1811-18. Professor Ecclesiastical Hist. N. B. Sem., 1815-18. Trustee, Queen's, 1800-18. A.M. (Queen's, 1810, and Coll. N. J., 1801). S.T.D. (Columbia, 1816). Died, May 15. 1818. ♦Peter A'redenburgh, Lawyer. Freehold, N. J. 1796-1808. n RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1809-1812. 1809. A.B. * William Croes. Born, 1791. Law student. A.] 30, 1814. *COBNELIUS Low HaRDENKERGH, Born, July 4, 1790. Lawyer. Member N. J. Assembly. Pres. Bank of New Brunswick. Pro- fessor of Law, Rutgers, 1835. Trustee, Rutgers, 1815-60. Sec. Trustees, Queen's, 1821-25. A.M. (Queen's, 1812). LL.D. (Rut- gers, 1852). Died, July 14, 1860. *WiLLiAM Van Deursen, New Brunswick, Born at New Brunswick, N J., May 16. 1791. Physician and surgeon. A.M. (Queen's, 1812). M.'D. Trustee, Rutgers, 1823- 73. Died. Feb. 16, 1873. ♦John M. Van Harlingen, Lebanon, O. Born near New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 19, 1792. Physician. A.M. (Queen's, 1812). M.D. Died, Sept. 30, 1886. ♦Rynier Veghte, Somerville, N. J. Farmer. Licensed to practice law. A.M. (Queen's, 1812). Died, May 30, 1871. New Brunswick, N. J. (Queen's, 1812). Died, March New Brunswick, N. J. Mayor, New Brunswick, N. J. N. J. 1810. A.B. * Cornelius S. Blauvelt, Physician. A.M. (Queen's, 1813) ♦Edward Wood Dunham, Paterson, N. J. Died, May 19, 1830. New York City. Pres. Corn Exchange Bank. 1853-71. Commission Merchant, 1821-53. A.M. (Queen's, 1813). Died, July 6, 1871. ♦Kearney Newell, AUentown, N. J. Teacher. A.M. (Queen's, 1813). Died about 1825. 1811. A.B. ♦John H. Carle, R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1814. ♦James Stevenson, Jr. ♦Jacob H. Van Dyke. ♦Abraham D. Wilson, Born at Amwell, N. J "Father of Western Missions. July 21, 1876. A.M. Brooklyn, N. Y. Fairview, 111. Nov. 15, 1789. Clergyman R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1815. A.M. Died, 1812. A.B. ♦Cornelius C. Eltinge, Born near Kingston, N. Y.. 1793 1816. A.M. (Queen's, 1815). Died, Oct ♦Solomon E. Eltinge, Born, Apr. 5, 1793. Port Jervis, N. Y. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem.. 1843. New Paltz, N. Y. Merchant. Died, July 10, 1849. 1812-1814. ALUMNI. 73 *Jacob Green, Philadelphia, Pa. Professor Chemistry and Natural History, College New Jersey, 1818-22. Professor Chemistry, Jefferson "^Medical College. A.M. (Queen's and Coll. N. J., 1815). M.D. (Yale, 1827). Died, 1841. ♦Edward Mundy, Grand Rapids, Mich. Born near New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 14, 1794. Lawyer. Lieut.-Gov, of Michigan, 1835-40. Regent of State University,. 1844-48. Attorney-General, 1847. Associate Justice of Su- preme Court. 1848-51. A.M. Died, March 13, 1851. ♦Cornelius C. Vermeule, New York City. Born, 1786. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem.. 1814. Tutor of Languages, Queen's, 1812-14. Professor of Languages, 1814-15. A.M. M.D. D.D. Died, Jan. 15, 1859. ♦Isaac Newton Wyckoff, Albany, N. Y. Born near Millstone. N. J., Aug. 29, 1792. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1817. Trustee, Rutgers. 1851-69. A.M. (Queen's, 1816). D.D. (Union, 1838, and Rutgers, 1839). Died, March 29, 1869. 1813. A.B. ♦Ezekiel Bowdoin. ♦Isaac L. Brower, Dayton, Ohio. A.M. (Queen's, 1816). ♦John Adams Pool, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1797. Physician and farmer. A.M. (Queen's, 1816). Died, May 1, 1860. ♦Henry Buley Poole, New Brunswick, N. J. Physician. A.M. (Queen's, 1816). M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1820). Died, Nov. 29, 1861. 1814. A.B. ♦William Warren Blauvelt, Lamington, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 23. 1800. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1823. Professor Hampden Sidney College, Va., 1822-24. A.M. (Queen's, 1817, and Coll. N. J., 1821). D.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1856). Died, July 16, 1888. ♦Abraham Schuyler Clark, New Brunswick, N. J. Merchant. A.M. Died, Sept. 5, 1830. ♦William Patterson Clark, Belvidere, N. J. Physician. A.M. (Coll. N. J.. 1819). Died, Sept. 4, 1857. ♦Jacob Voorhies Hassert, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. ♦Minnie Voorhies Hassert, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. Died, 1825. ♦John Bayard Kirivpatrick, New Brunswick, N. J. In Treasury Department, Washington, 1820-50. Mayor of New Brunswick, 1856-60. A.M. Died, Feb. 23, 1864. ♦Charles Ckeighton Stratton, ^ Swedesboro, N. J. Born at Swedesboro, N. J., 1796. Farmer. Member N. J. As- sembly, 1828. Member of Congress, 1837-39, 1841-43. Governor of N. J., 1845-48. Died, March 24, 1859. ♦Samuel Creighton Stratton, Philadelphia, Pa. Episc. clergyman. Studied theology in Delaware. Died, Oct. 28, 1860. 74 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1814-1817. *JoHN ScHUBEMAN Van Deursen, New Brunswick, N, J. Born, 1796. Died, Mch. 22, 1821. ♦Frederick Vebmeule, Plainfield, N. J. Student, N. B. Sem., 1814-16. Died, Jan. 30, 1865. 1815. A.B. *RoBERT Brown Croes, Yonkers, N. Y. Born at Swedesboro. N. J., Aug. 13, 1800. Episc. clergyman. General Theological Sem., 1823. Principal of Queen's College Grammar School, 1819-20. A.M. D.D. (Rutgers, 1870). Died, July 22, 1878. ♦Jarratt W. Martin, New Brunswick, N, J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1829). ♦Frederick Richmond, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1796. Physician. A.M. (Coll. N. J„ 1819). M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1819). Died, May 19, 1849. ♦Samuel Randolph Smalley, Mount Holly, N. J. Physician and surgeon. Attended lectures Medical Dep't Univ. of Penn. Licensed by Medical Society of Middlesex county, N. J., 1818. Died, Feb. 11, 1875. ♦Garrett G. Tunison, (?) Somerville, N. J. Physician. M.D. 1816. A.B. ♦Samuel Judah, Vincennes, Ind. Born in New York City, July 18, 1799. Lawyer. Member Legis- lature, Indiana, 1827, 1829. 1838-41. Speaker of House of Representatives of Indiana. 1840-41. U, S. District Attorney, 1829-33. Died, Apr. 24, 1869. ♦Peter Ogilvie Studdiford, Lambertville, N. J. Born at South Branch, N. J., Jan. 11, 1799. Presb. clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1821. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1817). A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1830). D.D. (Coll. N. J., 1844). Died. June 5, 1866. ♦Ferdinand S. Van Arsdalen, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, Sept. 26, 1795. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1827). Died, Oct. 21, 1832. ♦John Van Liew, Readington, N. J. Born near Neshanic, N. J.. Sept. 30, 1798. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1820. D.D. (Rutgers, 1867). Died, Oct. 18, 1869. ♦Jacob Wyckoff. ♦James Schureman Nevius, New Brunswick, N, J. Born at Six Mile Run. N. J.. Sept. 16, 1796. A.B. (Princeton, 1816). Trustee, Rutgers, 1825-58. Sec. Trustees, Rutgers, 1825-30. Lawyer. Judge, N. J. Supreme Court. Died, Dec. 28, 1859. 1817. A.B. ♦Brogun Hoff, Germantown, N. Y. Born at Harlingen, N. J., 1794. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1818. Died, Dec, 1855. 1817-1827, ALUMNI. 75 Members of the Junior Class when Q,ueen's Collegre Suspended, 1816. *JoHN W. Bronson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born near New Brunswick, Jan. 8, 1800. Farmer. Member Class of 1816. Princeton. Died, Aug. 21, 1866. ♦Lewis Gardner Letson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, July 11, 1798. Farmer. Died, Nov. 3, 1869. ♦Daniel C. Martin, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. Died at Mo.rristown, N. J. ♦James Van Deventer, Princeton, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J., Oct. 13, 1799. Horticulturist. Mem- ber N. J. Assembly, 1855. Died, June 12, 1893. ♦Ira Condict Voorhees, New Brunswick, N. J. Both in New Brunswick, N. J., about 1798. Merchant. Pres. First National Bank of New Brunswick. Died, Sept. 12, 1878. 1818. A.B. ♦John Henry Smaltz, Philadelphia, Penn. Born at Philadelphia, Penn., Feb. 7, 1793. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1819. Died, July 30, 1861. ♦John C. Vander Voort, Ghent, N. Y. Born at Bound Brook, N. J., 1798. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1819. Died, June 21, 1851. 1820. A.B. ♦Benjamin Watkins Vander Voort. 1821-1826. 1827. A.B. ♦Robert Adrain, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. District Attorney of Middlesex county, N. J., 1836, and Surrogate, 1864. A.M. (Rutgers, 1830). Died, 1866. ♦Hugh Hamill, Lawrenceville, N. J. Born at Norristown, Pa., Feb. 28, 1810. Presb. clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1827-29. Principal, Lawrenceville, N. J., High School, 1837-73. A.M. (Rutgers, 1830). D.D. (Rutg(?rs, 1864). Died, Aug. 1. 1881. ♦Christopher Hunt, New York City. Born at Tarrytown, N. Y., 1800. (?) R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1830. A.M. (Rutgers, 1830). Died, 1839. ♦Alexander McCalla Mann, Farmer, N. Y. Born at Philadelphia, Penn., Mch. 16, 1808. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1830. A.M. (Rutgers. 1830). D.D. (Univ. of Rochester, 1856). Pres. Gen. Synod. 1851. Died, July 15, 1893. 76 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1827^1828. ♦Ransfoed Wells, Flatbush, N. Y. Born at Catskill, N. Y., Sept. 6. 1805. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1830. A.M. (Rutgers. 1830). D.D. (Rutgers, 1851). Pres. Gen. Synod, 1855. Died, March 14, 1889. ♦James Jeffrey Brownlee, New York City. Born, 1808. Physician. M.D. Died, Nov. 8, 1879. ♦Richard Field Cook, Hoboken, N, J. Physician. A.B. (Princeton). M.D. (Coll. P. and S.). Drowned. ♦Oscar Hubert Gregory, West Troy, N. Y. Born at Hobart, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1809. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1831. President Gen. Synod, 1860. A.B (Amherst, 1828). A.M. (Amherst, 1831, and Rutgers, 1837). D.D. (Union, 1853). Died, Dec. 11, 1885. 1828. A.B. ♦Isaac Alstine Blauvelt, Academia, Pa. Teacher. Principal of Academy, Kingston, N. Y., and Morris- town, N. J. A.M. (Rutgers. 1831). Died, Sept. 29, 1853. ♦William Bloomfield, New York City. Born in New York City, Feb. 8, 1808. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1831). Died, Jan. 23, 1879. ♦Robert S. Bullus, Belleville, N. J. ♦James Russell Christie, Warwick, N. Y. Born. Oct. 11, 1809. Lawyer. A.M. Died, May 5, 1873. ♦Joseph Foulke, New York City. Born at Curacao, W. I.. June 1, 1810. Commission merchant. A.M. Died, Feb. 1, 1886. ♦Theodore Hardenbergh, New York City. Born a,t New Brunswick. N. J., Mch. 10, 1808. Physician. N. Y. C. Infirmary. Sec. Trustees. Rutgers. 1835-44. A.M. (Rut- gers. 1831). M.D. (Med. School of N. Y., 1834). Died, April 19, 1877. ♦Christopher Columbus Hoagland, Harlingen, N. J. Born. May 10, 1810. Phvsician. A.M. (Rutgers. 1831). M.D. (Yale, 1832). Died at Henry, 111., April 11, 1869. ♦Richard C. Ludlow. Newtown, N. Y. Teacher. N. B. Sem., 1830-31. Died, 1830-31. ♦John Manley', New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1809. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1831. A.M. (Rutgers, 1831). Died, May 22, 1871. ♦Lewis M. Morton, Elizabeth, N. J. Law student. Died, 1829. ♦Horatio Gates Prall, Nyack, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1831). Died, April 26, 1875. ♦Samuel Rathbone, Jr., New York City. Born at Charlemont, Mass., Aug. 16, 1809. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1831). ♦Garrett Conovek Schanck, Bradevelt, N. J. Born at Matawan, N. J., Sept. 14, 1806. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1832. Trustee, Rutgers, 1866-88. A.M. (Rutgers, 1831). D.D. (Rutgers). Died, Sept. 17, 1888. ♦Joseph Griffiths Scott, Jersey ville, 111. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 12, 1809. Lawyer. Judge of Probate Court of Jersey county, 111., 1835-47. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1831). Died, Oct. 10, 1884. 1828-1829. ALUMNI. 77 ♦Theodore William Simpson, Rockville, Md. BoTn at Basking Ridge, N. J., Mch. 1, 1807, Presb. clergyman. Licensed, 1834. Teacher, 1849-57. U. S. Hospital chaplain, 1862-66. Clerk, U. S. Treasury Department, 1868-77. Pro- fessor of Moral Science, English Literature and Latin, George- town, D. C, Collegiate Institute. 1877-81. A.M. (Rutgers, 1831). D.D. (Rutgers, 1880). Died, April 5, 1890. *CHAELEa Gardner Smith, Alleghany, Pa. Born in Newburg, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1831). Died, Nov. 2, 1870. * Cornelius Cornell Van Arpdalen, New York City. Both, 1806. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1831. A.M. (Rutgers, 1832). D.D. Died, .luly 2, 1856. *Peter Vredenijurgh, Jr., Freehold, N. J. Born at Readington, N. J.. Oct 31, 180?=. Lawyer. Justice of the Supreme Court of N. J., 1854-68. Trustee. Rutgers. 1849- 73. A.M. (Rutgers, 1831). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1866). Died at St. Augustine, Fla., March 24, 1873. *Cruger Walton, Saratoga, N. Y. Lawyer. Admitted, 1831. A.M. Died. 1861. *Henry Wyckoff, Readington, N. J. Theological student. N. B. Sem. Died, 1828. 1829. A.B. ♦Theodore Abeel, New York City. Law student. A.M. Died, Dec, 1829. ♦Abraham Beach, New Brunswick, N. J. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1832). ♦William Fenwick Beekman, New York City. Physician. A.M. M.D. (Univ. Penn. 1834). Died, Dec. 19, 1872. ♦Alexander V. Bonnel, Flemington, N. J. Merchant. Sheriff of Hunterdon county, N. J., 1842. N. J. State Senator, 1852. Inspector, First N. J. Brigade, 1861. Captain, Co. D, Thirty-first N. J. Regiment, 1862. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1832). Died, 1872. ♦Robert Ormiston Currie, New Utrecht, N. Y. Born, 1806. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1834. Rector, N. B. Grammar School, 1830-31. A.M. D.D. (Rutgers, 1850). Died, 1866. ♦James Calvin Forrester, New York City. Physician and Surgeon. Bellevue Hospital, 1833-34. AM. (Rut- gers, 1833). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1835). Died, Aug. 20, 1881. ♦John Forsyth, Newburgh, N. Y. Bom at Newburgh, N. Y., Dec. 10. 1810. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem. and Univ. of Edinburgh. Professor of Hebrew and Archaeology, 1837-45. and of Church History and Archaeology, 1853-59, Reformed Theological Seminary, Newburgh, N. Y. Pro- fessor of Latin, College of New Jersey, 1846-53. Professor of English Literature and Rhetoric, Rutgers, 1860-63. Chaplain and Professor of Ethics and Law, U. S. Military Academy, West Point, 1871-82. A.M. (Union, 1834). D.D. (Rutgers. 1842). LL.D. (Coll. N. J., 1875). Died, Oct. 17, 1886. ♦Garret I. Garretson, Lodi, N. Y. Born near Somerville, N. J.. July 31. 1807. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1832. A.M. (Rutgers, 1833). Died, Aug. 14, 1854. ♦John G. Hall, ' New Brunswick, N. J. Architect. Died, 1869. 78 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1829-1830. *WiLLiAM Hampton, Metuchen, N. J. Born, 1809. Farmer. Died, Jan. 3, 1860. ♦Charles Augustus Hassler, New Brunswick, N, J. Surgeon U. S. Navy, 1834-46. A.M. (Rutgets. 1832). M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1833). Drowned in Long Island Sound, Nov. 27, 1846. ♦John V. Robbins, Williamsburgh, N. Y. Born at Williamsburgh, N. Y.(?) N. B. Sem., 1829-30. Died, 1830. ♦John Rutherfurd, • Rutherford Park, N. J. Born, July 21, 1810. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1832). Died, Nov. 21, 1871. ♦Richard Ludlow Schoonmaker, Scarsdale, N. Y. Born at Jamaica, L. I., 1811. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1832. A.M. (Rutgers, 1832). Died, June, 1882. ♦Benjamin Swartz, New York City. Born in New York City.(?) N. B. Sem., 1829-30. Died, 1830. ♦Augustus Fitz Randolph Taylor, New Brunswick, N. J. Born. Oct. 6, 1809. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1832). M.D. (Medical Society of N. J.. 1832). Mayor, New Brunswick, 1848-49. Died, March 6, 1889. ♦Samuel Staats Taylor, Cairo, 111. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 18, 1811. Lawyer. Sec. Board of Directors. U. S. Bank of Philadelphia, 1836-41. Mayor of Cairo, HI., for seven consecutive terms, commencing 1857. A.M. (Rutgers, 1832). Died, May 14, 1896. ♦John Nostrand Brinckerhoff, Englewood, N. J. Born near Creedmoor, N. Y., 1808. Teacher. A.B. (Univ. Penn., 1828). A.M. (Univ. Penn., 1831). Died, Oct. 10, 1891. ♦Lewis Carman, Jr. Residence when a student, New BTunswick, N. J. ♦Cornelius H. Elting. Residence when a student, Paterson, N. J. ♦Lewis F. Nicoll. Residence when a student, New Brunswick, N. J. ♦Theodore T. Romeyn, Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Died, 1885. ♦Moses Scott, Plainfield. N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J.. 1812. Graduate of West Point. Civil engineer. Died, Aug., 1857. ♦Stephen Van Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, Belleville, N. J. Born, May, 1809. Died, Sept. 6, 1828. 1830. A.B. ♦John Meiielm Brown, Pluckemin, N. J. Born at Pluckemin, N. J., Sept. 28. 1812. Farmer. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1833). Died, Sept. 16, 1»01. ♦Alexander McWhorter Bruen, Scarsdale. N. Y. Physician and surgeon. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1836). ♦William Brush, Morristown. N. J. Born in New York City, May 23, 1809. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1833. A.M. (Rutgers, 1833). Died, March 15, 1898. 1830. ALUMNI. 79 * William Bloomfield Campbell, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1813. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1833). M.D. Died, Feb. 10, 1843. *WiLLiAM DiSBOROUGH, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1812. Lawyer. Died, Aug. 11, 1838. * William Richmond Smith Duryee, Jersey ville, IIL Physician. A.M. M.D. (Univ. Pcnn., 1833). Died, Aug. 30, 1858. *George Washington Evans, Morgantown, Pa. Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N., appointed June 30, 1834. Lost in the "Pulaski," June, 1838. * William Foulke, New York City. Born at Curacoa, W. I., May 4, 1812. Merchant. Died, Feb. 2, 1888. *ALrRED Hamilton, Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. *tTosEPH C. Hance, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Born in Morris county, N. J.. Sept. 28, 1811. Lawyer. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1882-92. Died. Jan. 6, 1896. *Aaron Houghton, Homer, N. Y. Civil engineer. Died, 1837. ♦Matthew Hale Jones, Easton, Pa. Lawyer. A.M. (Rugters, 1834). Died, June 1, 1883. ♦John Pray Knox, Newtown, N. Y. Bora at Savannah, Ga., July 28, 1811. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1837. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). D.D. Died, June 2, 1882. ♦Matthias Lusk, Coxsackie, N. Y. Born, Sept. 9, 1807. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B, Sem., 1833, A.M. (Rutgers, 1833). Died, April 13, 1883. ♦Michael Price Moore, New Y'ork City. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1833). Assist- ant Surgeon, 17th N. Y. Vols., 1861-63. ♦James R. Nelson, New Brunswick, N. J. Teacher. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). ♦Elbert Nevius, Stuyvesant, N. Y. Born near Six Mile Run, N. J., Sept. 4, 1808. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1834. Missionary to Borneo, 1836-44. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). Died, Sept. 29, 1897. ♦William M. Patterson. ♦James F. Riggin, Baltimore, Md. Lawyer. A.M. ♦Edward Y. Rogers, Rah way, N. J. Lawyer. N. J. State Senator, 1850-52. A.M. (Rutgets, 1833). Died, 1866. ♦Henry Voorhees Speer, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1812. Lawyer. N. J. State Senator, 1856-58. President of the Senate, 1857-58. Died, June 23, 1869. ♦Enoch Van Aken, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Esopus, N. Y., July 21, 1808. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1830-32. Princeton Sem., 1832-33. A.M. (Rutgers, 1833). Died, Jan. 2, 1885. ♦Jacob R. Van Arsdale, Tyre, N. Y. Born, 1808. (?) Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1833. Died, 1871. ♦James Van Derveer, North Branch, N. J. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1833). M.D. 80 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1830-1831. *RusH Van Dyke, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, Sept. 17, 1812. Lecturer on Physiology and Medical Juris- prudence, Philadelphia, Pa.. 1842. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1849. Professor o,f Theory and Practice of Medicine, Philadelphia College of Medicine, 1853. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1833). M.D. (Univ. of Penn., 1835). Died, Sept. 25, 1882. *Geoege a. Vroom, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer, County Clerk of Middlesex county. A.M. (Rutgers, 1833). Died, Dec. 14, 1861. ♦Benjamin Bassleb, , Farmerville, N. Y. Born at Berne, N. Y., 1808. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1833. A.B, (Union, 1830). A.M. (Rutgers, 1833). Died, Feb. 5. 1866. *JOHN V. R. Elmendorf. Residence when a student, Albany, N. Y. ♦Robert Gosman, New York City.- Editor Kingston "Courier." On staff N. Y. Tribune. ♦William Ingraham Kip, California. Born in New York City, Oct. 3, 1811. Episc. clergyman. Bishop of California, 1857- . Examiner West Point Military Acad., 1883- . Author. A.B. (Yale. 1831). S.T.D. (Columbia, 1847). LL.D. (Yale, 1872). Died, 1893. ♦Isaac Ebenezer Taylor, New York City. Born in Philadelphia, Apr. 25, 1812. Physician. President, Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1861-89. Prof. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, 1861-67. M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1834). Died, Oct. 30, 1889. ♦John Jacob Zabriskie, Hohokus, N. J. Manufacturer. Civil engineer. Died, Aug., 1877. 1831. A.B. ♦John Romeyn Brodhead, New York City. Born in Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1814. Lawyer. Historian. Author of "History of the State of New York." Naval Officer New York City, 1853-57. Trustee, Rutgers, 1853-73. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1862). Died, May 6, 1873. ♦George William Brown^ Baltimore, Md. Born at Baltimore. Md., 1812. Lawyer. Chief Judge of the Su- preme Bench of Baltimore, 1873-88. Mayor of Baltimore, 1860- 62. Member of State Constitutional Convention of Maryland, 1867. A.M. (Rutgers. 1834). LL.D. (St. John's, Annapolis, Md.). Died, Sept. 5, 1890. ♦John James Brown, Newburgh, N. Y. Teacher. Lawyer, New York City, 1834-35. ♦William Henry Cooper, Newark, N. J. Born at Pittstown, N. Y., June 27, 1808. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1831-32. Died at Parsippany, N. J., Feb. 24, 1880. ♦Clinton De Witt, New York City. Born, Apr. 20, 1814. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). Died, Oct., 1845. ♦William Barclay Dey, Columbia, N. Y. Physician. M.D. ♦Jacob Ennis, Philadelphia, Pa. Born near Belleville, N. J., 1808. Missionary, R. C. A.. 1836-40. N. B. Sem.. 1835. Teacher. A.M. (Rutgers. 1834). Died, Jan. 12, 1890. 1831-1832. ALUMNI. 81 ♦Theodore Frelinghuysen, Raritan, N. J. Born at Raritan, N. J., 1813. Lawyer. President Raritan Sav- ings Bank. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). Died, Dec. 28, 1898. ♦James Schueeman Johnson, Born at Spotswood, N. J., Oct. 9, 1809. Farmer. 24, 1901. ♦Adrian Lott, Born at Flatlands, L. I., Nov. 13, 1809. Merchant, ♦Edward T. Lyon, Physician. M.D. Died, 1870. ♦Abraham Polhemus, Born at Astoria, N. Y., 1812. Clergyman, R. C. A. 1835. Trustee, Rutgers, 1851-57. Alumni Orator, 1852. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). D.D. (Univ. of N. Y., 1856). Died, Oct., 1857. ♦Walter Rutherfurd, Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). Died, July, 1868. ♦Frederick Bordine Thomson, Berne, Switzerland. Born at New Brunswick:, N. J., Nov. 5, 1809. Clergyman, R. C. A. 1834-38, and Missionary to Borneo, 1838-47. N. B. Sem., 1834. A.M. Died, March 3, 1849. ♦Matthew T. Van Derveer, Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). ♦Frederick Van Liew. Keyport, N. J. Died, March Belvidere, N. J. Died, 1881. New York City. Newark, N. J. N. B. Sem., Danville, 111. Residence when a student. New Brunswick, N. J. M.D. Died. 1836. Physician. Keokuk, Iowa. ♦Albert Wells, Born in New London county, Conn., Mch. 31, 1807. Principal, Newburgh Academy. 1831-35 ; Mount Pleasant, Sing Sing, Acad- emy, 1835-42 ; Peekskill Military Academy, 1843-73 ; Rockland, Nyack, Institute, 1876-79. Lawyer, 1843. A.M. (Univ. of N. Y., 1860). Died, March 1, 1897. ♦Simon Van Etten Westfall, Pekin, 111, Born at Rhineback, N. Y., 1802. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1834. A.M. (Rutgers, 1834). Died, 1856. ♦Elias B. Caldwell. Residence when a student. New Brunswick, N. J. ♦Theodore Romeyn De Forest, Born, Aug. 7, 1809. Physician. Alderman, N. Y. City. dent, N. Y. Aqueduct Board. Died, July 26, 1860. ♦Jacob De Witt. Residence when a student. New Brunswick, N. J. ♦Silas De Witt, Born at Albany, N. Y., June 12, 1810. Died, Oct. 13, 1859. ♦Michael C. Dougherty, Elkhart, Ind. Lawyer. Died about 1860. ♦Richard H. Leech. ♦Joseph H. Nelson. Residence when a student. New Brunswick, N. J. New York City. Presi- Millstone, N. J. 1832. A.B. ♦Charles C. P. Arndt, Wisconsin. Lawyer. Member of the Territorial Legislature of Wisconsin, 1840-41, and 1841-42. Killed. Feb. 11. 1842. 82 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1832. New York City. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1835). L.H.D. May 16, 1896. Southport, Conn. i, 1879). Died, Oct. 28, 1881. Flatbush, N. Y. 1839). Died, 1844. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., Philadelphia, Pa. New York City. 1842). Died. Cleveland, Ohio. ♦Samuel Martin Bayless, Darlington, Md. Born near Darlington, Md., May 5, 1810. Presb. clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1836. General Agent of the American Bible Society, for Kentucky. Died, Marcli 17, 1873. ♦Charles A. Bogert, Geneva, N. Y. Merchant. ♦Edward Brinckerhoff, Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. Died, Jan., 1857. * George Buckiiam, Born in Scotland, 1812. (Rutgers, 1891). Died ♦Henry Thorp Bulkley, Sliip-builder. A.M. (Yale ♦Mortimer De Motte, Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846) ♦William Fisher, Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers ♦William W. Jones, Born. 1823. Physician July 11, 1891. ♦Cortland IjUcas Latimer, Lawyer. A.M. (Yale. 1879). ♦John Angus Manning, lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1835). Yale, 1879. 1833. Died. June 9, 1891. ♦Robert F, McConaughy, Vincennes, Md. Born at Gettysburg, Penn., E'eb. 11, 1813. Lawyer. Died, Sept. 28. 1841. ♦David M. Meserole, Merchant. Died, 1853. ♦Edward Patterson, Lawyer. Died, Nov. 8. 1856. ♦John Stuart Patterson, Born, 1811. Lawyer. Judge Sixth Judicial 1867. Died, April 3, 1886. ♦James Brisbin Payne, Born at Fort Miller. N. Y., Feb. 21, 1802. Teacher. Princeton Sem., 1835. ♦Edward Read, Episc. clergyman. General Theological Sem., 1838 gers. 1837). D.D. Died. 1863. ♦Thomas Gardner Salter, Boston, Mass Clergyman. Chaplain U. S. Navy. General Theological Sem., 1837. A.M. (Rutgers. 1835). Died. 1872. ♦Gilbert Livingston Smith, Sharon, Conn Born at Sharon. Conn., May 19, 1813. Cong'I clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1835. Died, Nov., 1835. ♦Charles Wells Swift, Born at Washington, N. Y., 1812. Lawyer. 1853-77. Mayor of Poughkeepsie, 1858-60, 1836). Died. Nov. 19. 1877. ♦Henry Tennent, Seaford, Del. Physician. M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1834). ♦Peter Anthony Van Bergen, New York City. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1835, and Yale, 1879). Yale Law School. 1833. Died, June 25, 1881. ♦Joshua Butler Wright, Scarborough, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died, 1877. New York City. Yale Law School. New York City. New York City. New York City. District Court, Penns Valley, Presb. clergyman. Edgefield, A.M. (Rut- Pa. s. c. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Trustee, Rutgers. A.M. (Rutgers, 1832-1833. ALUMNI. 83 ♦William Youngblood, Montgomery, N. Y. Born at Montgomery, N. Y., 1800. Missionary, R. C. A., to Bor- neo, 1836-47. N. B. Sem., 1835. A.M. (Rutgers, 1835). Died, 1859. ♦Frederick Hall. Residence when a student, New York City. ♦Joseph Taylor. Residence when a student, Woodbridge, N. J. 1833. A.B. ♦Garnet B. Adrain, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in New York City, Dec. 20, 1815. Lawyer. Member of Congress, 1857-59, and 1859-61. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, Aug. 17, 1878. ♦Nicholas C. Blauvelt, Spring Valley, N. Y. Born at Clarkstown, N. Y., July 30, 1814. Teacher. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1852. Superintendent of Schools, Rockland county. Merchant. Died, Oct. 30, 1899. ♦Garrit Schenck Cannon, Bordentown, N. J. Born in Somerset county, N. J., 1815. Lawyer. U. S. District Attorney for New Jersey, 1852-60. Prosecuting Attorney for Burlington county. N. J., 1850-70. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, April 21, 1886. ♦John H. Carothers, San Francisco, Cal. Clergyman. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). ♦John Chetwood, San Francisco, Cal. Born, Oct. 10, 1813. Lawyer. Elected Judge U. S. District Court for California, 1852, but died before taking seat on the bench. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, Sept. 17, 1852. ♦John De Mott, Middlebush, N. J. Born, 1812. Farmer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1850, 1851, 1853. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, Jan. 1, 1896. ♦Abraham D. Deyo, Gardiner, N. Y. Farmer. Died, Dec. 30, 1884. ♦John Dickinson, Fordham, N. Y. Born at Fordham, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1812. Farmer. Died, March 12, 1875. ♦John Wilson Drury, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Born at Rhinebeck. N. Y., Sept. 17, 1813. Lawyer. Circuit Judge of Illinois, Sixth District, 1855-60. Delegate to Charles- ton Convention. 1860. Died, March 1, 1899. ♦John Pool Garrish, New York City. Born near New Brunswick, N. .J., Aug. 2, 1810. Physician and Surgeon. M.D. (.Jefferson Med. Coll., 1838). A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). Died, March 31, 1891. ♦James Richmond Hardenbergh, San Francisco, Cal. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1814. Lawyer. Mayor of Sac- ramento. Surveyor-General of California. Supt. U. S. Mint, San Francisco. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, May 30, 1885. ♦John Hopper, Paterson, N. J. Born at Lodi, N. J., Mch. 2, 1814. Lawyer. Town counsel of Paterson, N. J., 1843-47. Surrogate of Passaic county, N. J., 1845-55. Passaic county Prosecutor, 1863, 1871-74. Judge Court of Common Pleas, 1886-97. N. J. State Senator, 1868-71, 1874-77. District Court Judge for Paterson, N. J., appointed 1877. Trustee, Rutgers, 1851-97. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, Oct. 20, 1897. 84 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1833-1834. *Daniel Michael, Auburn, Wis. Born, 1810 (?). Clergyman, R. C. A. Teacher. N. B. Sem., 1836. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, 1865. ♦Frederick Ogilby, New York City. Born in Ireland, Dec. 27, 1814, Episc. clergyman. General Theological Sem., 1837. Assistant Rector Trinity Church, 1855-78. Tutor in Languages, Rutgers, 1833-35. A.M. (Rut- gers. 1836). D.D. (Rutgers, 1858). Died, March 25, 1878. ♦Robert Hewson Pruyn, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1815. Lawyer. U. S. Minister to Japan. Member, N. Y. State Constitutional Convention. Pres. Dudley Observatory. Trustee, Rutgers. 1853-82. A.M. (Rutgers, 1^36). LL.D. (Rutgers). Died, Feb. 26, 1»82. ♦Peter J. Quick, New Brunswick, N. J. Born near Middlebush, N. Y., Mch. 6, 1806. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1836. Rector of Hertzog Hall, 1869-74. Li- brarian of Sage Library, 1874-86. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, Nov. 9, 1886. ♦William Reiley, Freehold, N. J. Born at Durham, Penn., Feb. 12, 1810. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1836. A. M. (Rutgers, 1836). D.D. (Rutgers, 1857). Died, July 19, 1894. ♦Benjamin Du Bois Smock, Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, 1840. ♦Jacob Polhemus Stryker, Physician and surgeon. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). and S., 1836). Died, 1846. . ♦William H. Tallmage, Merchant. Died, June 2, 1888. ♦Hart E. Waring, Born at West Hyde Park, N. Y., Mch. 12, 1811 man. N. B. Sem. 20, 1897. Marlboro, N. J. Newtown, N. Y. M.D. (Coll. P. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Grand Rapids, Mich. Presb. clergy- 1836. A.M. (Rutgers, 1836). Died, April ♦James A. De La Vergne, Durango, Col. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem. 1833-35. First Superintendent, Public Schools, Clinton, Mo., 1867-68. Died, Jan. 30, 1899. ♦William Henry Hendrickson, Middletown, N. J. Born near Middletown, N. J., June 3, 1813. At Rutgers, 1829- 32. Farmer. President Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, Mata- wan, N. J. N. J. State Senator, 1858-61, 1872-75, 1875-78. Died, Feb. 20, 1899. Montrose, Iowa. Died, 1851. Trenton, N. J. J., Apr. 23, 1813. Coal dealer. ♦Isaac A. Le Fevre, Lawyer. A.B. (Union, 1833). ♦Carman Fitz Randolph, Born at New Brunswick, N. Died, Nov. 23, 1863. ♦Stephen F. Randolph, Journalist. Died, Jan. 20, 1846. New Brunswick, N. J. 1834. A.B. ♦David F. Baker, Merchant. ♦Phijlip Milledoler Brett, New York City. Tompkinsville, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1818. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1838. Editor "Staten Island Chronicle," 1856-58. Author "A Souvenir of a Three Years' Ministry in Reformed Dutch Church of St. Tliomas," 1856. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). D.D. (Rutgers, 1858). Died, 1860. 1834. ALUMNI. 85 *J0HN Hanna Briggs, • Harrisburg, Pa. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). Died, Marcli 29, 1872. ♦Daniel N. Carithers, Newburgh, N. Y. Clergyman. *Talbot Wilson Chambers, New York City. Born at Carlisle, Pa., Feb. 25, 1819. CleTgyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1835-36. Princeton Sem., 1836-37. Trustee, Rut- gers, 1868-96. Trustee. Columbia, 1881-96. Pres. Gen. Synod, 1863. Member Old Testament Revision Company. Autbor many articles, pamphlets and volumes. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). S.T.D. (Columbia, 1853). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1885). Died, Feb. 3, 1896. *J0HN Terhune Demarest, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Schraalenberg, N. J., Feb. 20, 1813. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1837. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). D.D. (Rutgers, 1857). Died, Jan. 30, 1897. *JoiiN Hudson Duryea, Paterson, N. J. Born at Bloominburgh, N, Y., Nov. 28, 1810. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1837. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). D.D. (Rut- gers, 1871). Died, Aug. 7, 1895. *Henry Dusenbury, (?) Illinois. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). ♦John Crook Elmbndorf, New Brunswick, N. J. Born near Somcrville, N. J., Mcb. 6, 1814. Lawyer. Treasurer, Rutgers College, 1853-89. Prosecutor of the Pleas, Middlesex county, 1847. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). Died, July 18, 1889. ♦Joseph Gaston, Honey Brook, Pa. Physician. Died, Jan. 25, 1885. ♦Harbison Heermance, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Born at Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1813 (?). Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1837. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). Chaplain, 128 Regiment N. Y. Vols., 1864-65. Died, Feb. 21, 1883. ♦William A. McKinney, Buffalo, N. Y. U. p. Clergyman. Newburgh Sem. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, 1842. ♦John Fryer Mesick, York, Pa. Born at Guilderland, N. Y., June 28, 1813. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1837. For two years the oldest college graduate in America. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). D.D. (Rutgers, 1853). LL.D. (Franklin & Marshall, 1911, and Rutgers^ 1913). Died, June 30, 1915. *JoiiN G. Moule, Callicoon, N. Y. Presb. Clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1837. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). ♦Andrew Bell Paterson, St. Paul, Minn. Episc. clergyman. Yale Law School, 1834. Gen. Theol. Sem., 1840. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). D.D. (Rutgers, 1855). Died, March 19, 1876. ♦William John Pohlman, Amoy, China. Born at Albany, N. Y., 1812. Missionary, R. C. A. N. B, Sem., 1837. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837). Died, Jan. 5, 1849. ♦Alexander Henry Smith, Carrollton, 111. Druggist and Pharmacist. A.M. (Rutgers, 1837), Died, Mar,, 1892. ♦Edward P. Stimpson, Castleton, N. Y. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem,, 1834. Deposed, 1869. ♦William J. Thompson, Somerville, N. J. Bom at Readington, N. J., Mch. 8, 1812. Clergyman, R. C. A. Teacher. N. B. Sem., 1841. Tutor in Latin and Greek, Rutgers, 1838-41. Rector, Rutgers College Grammar School, 1846-62. Principal, Somerville Classical Institute, 1865-67. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1837). Died, Mar. 19, 1867. 86 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1834-1835. *WlLLIAM TENNENT VAN DERVEER, Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). Davenport, Iowa. *Blakely Hall, At Rutgers, 1830-31. *Warren C. Kellogg, At Rutgers, 1830-32. ♦Jacob West McMain, Born at Lewes, Del., 1815. Home Guards. Secretary, Oct. 10, 1884. ♦Archibald Cubrie Rapalje, Bora in Fishkill Village, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1830-31. Died, July 28. 1831. ♦Theodobus Richabd Van Wyck, Born at La Grange, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1814 Died, Apr. 4, 1837. New York City. Flatbush, L. I. Baton Rouge, La. Farmer and business man. Louisiana Lousiana State Univ.. 1879-84. Died, Fishkill Village, N. Y. 1817. At Rutgers, Fishkill Village, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1830-33. 1835. A.B. ♦John Benjamin Alligeb, New York City. Born, 1816. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1840. Law student, 1835-37. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, June 18, 1885. Edenville, N. Y. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). 1840). Died. 1868. Oct. 10, 1813. Lawyer. Died, June 20, Albany, N. Y. Springfield, 111. New London, Conn. A.M. (Rutgers, Lakewood, N. J. ♦Fabeington Babcalow, Farmer and stock raiser. 1888. ♦Geobge Bbinckebhoff, Merchant. ♦Antbim Campbell, Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, ♦Fbanklin Chappell, Born at Norwich, Conn. 1838). Died, Feb. 18. 1849. ♦Ephbaim De Puy, Born at Rochester, N Y., 1814. Episc. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1840. Prof. Belles-Lettres, St. Mary's Coll., Burlington, N. J., 1863-65. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). D.D. Died. April 1, 1896. ♦Elihu Doty, Amoy, China. Born, 1809. (?) Missionary, R. C. A., to Borneo and China. N. B. Sem., 1835-36. Died on a voyage to America, Dec, 1864. ♦RoBEBT L. Douglass. Lawyer. ♦Edmund Eltinge, New Paltz, N. Y. Born at New Paltz, N. Y., 1817. New York Custom House oflScer, 1843). Died, Dec. 1, 1897. ♦Peteb Dumont Fbelinghuysen, Somerville, N. J. Born at Millstone. N. J., Feb. 16. 1816. Lawyer. County Clerk, Somerset county, 1840. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, Jan. 21, 1904. ♦Fbedebick J. Fbelinghuysen, Raritan, N. J. Born in Somerset county. N. J., 1819. Lawyer. County Super- intendent of Schools, Somerset county. 186(>-72. Surrogate, 1872-77. Died, May 5, 1891. ♦Henry Q. Hawley, New York City. Born at Albany. N. Y., Aug. 15, 1815. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, March 16, 1899. Farmer. Banker, 1853-75. 1876-83. A.M. (Rutgers, 1835-1836. ALUMNI. 87 ♦John Livingston Janeway, Valley Forge, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, Apr. 21. 1815. Presh. clergyman. N. B Sem., 1840. Chaplain, 13th Regt. N. J. Vols., 1862-63. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). D.D. (Lafayette, 1866). Died, Nov. 21, 1906. ♦Theodore Johnes, Morristown, N. J. Physician. M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1842). Died, Feb. 14, 1844. ♦David S. Lee, Chicago, 111. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). * James Gulick McDowell, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1814. Lawyer. Surrogate of Middlesex county, N. J. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, Feb. 16, 1865. ♦William Conover Schenck, Princeton, N. J. Born at Princeton. N. J., May 22, 1814. Presb. clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1836-37. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, June 20, 1854. ♦Philip Alexander Schuyler, Greenville, Miss. Physician. M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1838). A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, Feb. 25, 1859. ♦John S house, Easton, Pa. Born at Easton, Pa., Oct. 29, 1815. Lawyer. Associate Judge of Pike county. Pa., 1861. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, Sept. 11, 1879. ♦William L. Terhune, Matawan, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., May 15, 1815. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, Dee. 27, 1907. ♦Henry Van Arsdale, Jr., New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. 1814. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1838). Died, Aug. 25, 1888. ♦John Addison Van Doren, East Millstone, N. J. Born in New York City, 1815. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1838. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). Died, Aug. 24, 1886. ♦Samuel Van Vechten, Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). ♦William Porter Williamson, * (?) Baton Rouge, La. Planter. A.M. (Rutgers, 1838). ♦Cornelius Wyckoff, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Readington. N. J.. 1810. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1838. A.M. Died, May, 1870. ♦James Anderson, New Brunswick, N, J. Physician. At Rutgers, 1831-35. ♦James C. Forsyth, Kingston, N. Y. Lawyer. A.B. (Union, 1835). A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died, 1855. ♦Richard R. Rapalje, Fishkill Village, N. Y. Born at Fishkill Village. N. Y., Mch. 16, 1815. At Rutgers, 1830-33. Died. Dec. 26, 1846. ♦Edward Hunting Van Wyck, Closter, N. J. Born in New York City, Sept. 17, 1815. Surgeon in U. S. Navy. M.D. (Univ. of Penn., 1838). Died, Sept. 11, 1887. 1836. A.B. ♦Joseph Philo Bradley, Washington, D. C. Born at Berne, N. Y., Mch. 14. 1813. Justice of the Supreme Court of U. S., 1870-92. Trustee, Rutgers. 1858-92. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1839). LL.D. (Lafayette, 1859). Died, Jan. 22, 1892. 88 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1836. ♦Alexander Brown, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Springfield. Md.. July 13, 1815. Banker. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1839). Died, Dec. 31, 1893. ♦Augustus Hasbrouck Bruyn, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Kingston. N. Y., Aug. 21, 1817. Lawyer. Vice Pres. Ulster County Bank. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died, Oct. 24, 1904. ♦George Washington Coakley, Hempstead, N. Y. Born at St. Bartholomew. W. I., Feb. 22. 1814. Professor of Mathematics. Natural Philosophy and Astromony. Univ. of the City of N. Y., 1860-93. Professor of Mathematics. College St. James, Md., 1845-60. A.M. (Rutgers. 1839). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1851). Died, Aug. 2, 1893. ♦Edward Cook, Newark, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died, May 11, 1848. ♦John B. Crawford, Middletown, N. J. Born at Crawford. N. Y., 1814. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1839. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died. Oct., 1840. ♦Anthony Elmendorf, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Ulster county, N. Y-., 1813. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1839. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). D.D. (Rutgers, 1860). Died, 1866. ♦Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen, Newark, N. J. Born at Millstone, N. J.. Aug. 4, 1817. Lawyer. Delegate to Peace Congress, 1861. Attorney-General of New Jersey, 1861-66. U. S. Senator. 1867-69, and 1871-77. Secretary of State of the U. S.. 1881-85. Trustee. Rutgers, 1851-85. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1839). LL.D. (Princeton, 1862). Died, May 20, 1885. ♦Remsen Garretson, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). ♦John Frelinghuysen Hageman, Princeton, N. J. Born at Harlingen, N. J., Feb. 4. 1816. Lawyer. Prosecutor of the Pleas. Mercer county, N. J., 1862-67. A.M. (Rutgers. 1839). Died, May 30, 1892. ♦William Henry Jansen, New York City. Lawyer. Member N. Y. Assembly, 1843-44. A.M. ♦Edward D. Johnson, New York City. Episc. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1836- . ♦John Gray Johnson, Upper Red Hook, N. Y. Born at Nittaney Valley, Penn., Jan. 22, 1814. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1839. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died, July 3, 1870. ♦William Augustus Newell, Allentown, N. J. Born at Franklin. Ohio, Sept. 5, 1819. Governor of Washington Territory, 1880. Member of Congress. 1847-49, 1849-51, and 1865-67. Governor of New Jersey, 1857-60. Superintendent of Life Saving Service, 1860—64. Examining surgeon for New Jer- sey during the Civil War. Trustee, Rutgers, 1873-1901. A.M. (Rutgers. 1839). M.D. (Univ. of Penn., 1839). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1883). Died, Aug. 8, 1901. ♦Cortlandt Parker, Newark, N. J. Born at Perth Amboy. N. J., June 27, 1818. Lawyer. Prose- cutor of Pleas. Essex count.v. 1857—67. Commissioner on bound- ary between N. J. and Del., 1875-76. Commissioner on Louisiana electoral vote, 1876. President American Bar Association. Trus- tee, Rutgers, 1874-78. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1866, and Princeton. 1866). Died, July 29, 1907. ♦John Parker, Brooklyn, N. Y. Banker. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died, April, 1883. ♦Theodore A. Reynolds, New York City. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). ♦John A. Staats, Goshen, N. Y. Born at Millstone, N. J.. Dec, 1816. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1840. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died, Feb. 3, 1891. 1836-1837. ALUMNI. 89 *George Stewabt Stitt, New York City. Born at Wallkill, N. Y., 1816. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died, Nov. 12, 1890. ♦James Cole Van Dyke, Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. U. S. District Attorney for Eastern Penn.. 1852-58. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). Died, 1866. *Henby Waldkon, Hillsdale, Mich. Born at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1819. Civil engineer. Member of Mich. Assembly, 1843. Member of Congress, 1853-59, and 1871-77. A.M. (Rutgers, 1839). Died, Sept. 6, 1880. ♦Alexander Gulick, Woodstock, N. Y. Born in New York City, Apr. 9, 1814. Clergyman, R. C. A. Princeton Sem., 1835-37. Union Sem., 1838-39. Died, April 1, 1887. ♦Joseph L. Hasbrouck, Brooklyn, N. Y. Surgeon. In U. S. Army during Civil War. M.D. Died, Jan. 25. 1882. ♦John T. Jansen. Residence when a student, Shawangunk, N. Y. ♦Abeam Pieece. Residence wlien a student, New York City. ♦Stephen Sammons, Fonda, N. Y. Lawyer. Major 153d N. Y. Vols. Died, Aug. 27, 1879. ♦Nicholas Van Vbanken, Keyport, N. J. Born, 1818. Physician. Lawyer. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1840). Died, March 2, 1856. ♦John T. Vredenbuegh. Residence when a student, Somerville, N. J. 1837. A.B. ♦Nathan Dow Benedict, Magnolia, Fla. Physician. Had charge of Lunatic Asylum, Utica, N. Y., and re- treat for invalids, Florida. Physician in Chief, Philadelphia Hospital. Judge. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). M.D. (Univ. of Penn., 1840). Died, 1871, ♦HowAED Bishop, New Brunswick, N. J. Teacher in Pennington Sem. Died, July 27, 1846. ♦Jacob Bookstavee, Belleville, N. J. Born at Montgomery, N. Y.,'Feb. 9, 1817. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1840. Teacher. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). Died, Dec. 11. 1848. ♦David D. Demabest, New Brunswick, N. J. Born near Schraalenburgh, N. J., July 30, 1819. Clergyman, R. C. A. Professor of Pastoral Theol. and Sacred Rhetoric in N. B. Sem., 1865-98. Trustee, Rutgers, 1858-98. Sec. Board of Trustees. 1866-98. Pres. Gen. Synod, 1858. Stated Clerk Gen. Synod, 1862-71. N. B. Sem., 1840. A.M. (1840). D.D. (Coll. of N. J., 1857). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1892). Died, June 21, 1898. ♦Jonathan Parsons Greenleaf, Lyndon, Vt. Clergyman. Union Theol. Sem.. of Virginia, 1842. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1840). Died on the Mediterranean, Feb. 22, 1843. ♦Charles Stedman Hageman, Riverdale-on-Hudson, N. Y. Born at Harlingen, N. J., July 20. 1817. Clergyman, R. C. A. Princeton Sem., 1842. A.M. "(Rutgers, 1840), D.D. (Rutgers, 1862). Died. Oct. 20, 1901. 90 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1837. ♦Jonathan PIoward Hasbkouck, ^New York City. Born at Kingston, N. Y., 1820. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). Died. Feb. 7, 1889. * William R. Janeway, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Pliiladelphia, Oct. 17. 1817. Manufacturer. N. B. Sem., 1837-38. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). Died, April 9, 1881. ♦Edmund Lee. Residence wlien a student. Wyoming, N, Y. * Thomas Leiper, Chester, Pa. Farmer. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). ♦Robert Pitts, Stroudsburg, Pa. Born near Montgomery. N. Y., 1813. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1840. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). Died. Nov. 16, 1878. ♦Martin Luther Schenck, Plattekill, N. Y. Born at Six Mile Run. N. J., 1817. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1840. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). Died, March 11, 1873. ♦William Henry Steele, Newark, N. J. Born at Albany. N. Y.. Feb. 18. 1818. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1840. Missionary to Borneo. 1842-49. Pres. Board o,f Foreign Missions. R. C. A. A.M. (Rutgers. 1840). D.D. (Univ. of N. Y., 1870). Died, Aug. 11, 1905. ♦Isaac P. Stryker, Borneo, East Indies. Born at Harlingen, N J., Nov. 27. 1811. R. D. missionary to Borneo. N. B. Sem.. 1840. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). Died at sea, ner Singapore. 1842. ♦George Washington Thompson, Academia, Pa. Born at New Providence, N. J.. Oct. 10, 1819. Presb. clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1841. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). D.D. (Jefferson College, Pa.). Died, Jan. 28, 1864. ♦Robert Van Amburgh, Lebanon, N. J. Born at New Hackensack, N. Y., Jan. 9. 1809. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1840. A.M. Died, March 9, 1890. ♦Matthew Dykeman Van Doren, New York City. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1841). A.M. (Rutgers. 1840). Died. Nov. 2, 1881. ♦William Theodore Van Doren, Washington, D. C. Born in New York Citv. 1819. Clergyman. R. C A. Auditor U. S. Treasury. 1862-85. N. B. Sem., 1840. Missionary in Batavia. 1841-42. Chaplain. 7th Missouri Cavalry, 1861-62. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). Died, Dec. 20, 1885. ♦Charles Brasher Van Wyck, New York City. Born at Success, L. I., Oct. 12, 1817. Banker. A.M. Died, .Tan. 5. 1900. ♦John Beekman Westbrook, Peekskill, N. Y. Civil engineer. Chief Engineer Grand Trunk R. R. A.M. (Rut- gers. 1840). Died, 1855. ♦John Whitbeck, Ithaca, N. Y. Born at Coxsackie, N. Y., Nov. 12. 1812. Clergyman. R C. A. N. B. Sem., 1840. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). Died, Oct. 12, 1888. ♦John L. Bookstaver, Saugerties, N. Y. Lawyer. ♦Allison Brown, Baltimore, Md. Physician. Attended lectures Univ. of Md. Lost at sea, March 27. 1846. ♦Hezekiah G. Carpenter. Ramsey, N. J. Born at Vernon. N. Y.. Sept. 9. 1817. Merchant. In Comptrol- ler's office, Albany. Farmer. Died, September 29, 1895. ♦John G. Garretson. Residence when a student. New York City. 1837-1838. ALUMNI. 91 *Francis H. Hooke. *A. C. Raymond. Residence when a student, New Haven, Conn. ♦James Ryerson, Pompton, N. J. ♦Warren Scott Smith, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1818. Civil engineer and surveyor. Died, Oct. 27, 1883. 1838. A.B. ♦James Alexander Harvey Cornell, New Baltimore, N. Y. Born at Allentown, N. J.. Aug. 29. 1818. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1841. Sec. Board of Education, 1856-61. Financial Sec. Gen. Svnod. 1869-73. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). D.D. (Coll. N. J., 1858). Died, Aug. 20, 1899. ♦John Frelinghuysen Cornell, New York City. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). M.D. (Univ. of Penn., 1844). Died, Oct. 17, 1848. ♦John De Witt, Irvington, N. Y. Born at Albany. N. Y.. Nov. 29. 1821. Clergyman, R. C. A. Professor of Biblical Literature in N. B. Sem., 1863-84. Pro- fessor of Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis in N. B. Sem., 1884-92. Member''of Bible Revision Committee. Author of "A Rendering of the Psalms." N. B. Sem.. 1842. A.M. (Rutgers. 1841). D.D. (Rutgers, 1860). LL.D. (Lafayette, 1882). Litt.D. (Columbia, 1888). Died, Oct. 19. 1906. ♦Francis Topping Drake, Bloomingburgh, N. Y. Born at Southold, L. I., June 20, 1805. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1841. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). Died, Feb. 18, 1868. ♦Charles IIardenbergh Hedges, Charlottesville, Va. Born at Somerville, N. J., Dec. 22, 1818. Physician. M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1841). Died, Jan. 12, 1903. ♦Joseph Knieskern, Cortland, N. Y. Born at Berne, N Y.. Apr. 10, 1810. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1841. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). Died, Sept. 7, 1895. ♦Samuel Wickham Mills, Port Jervis, N. Y. Born at Wallkill, N. Y.. Apr. 5, 1820. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1842. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). D.D. (Rutgers, 1874). Died, Nov. 22, 1902. ♦Alexander Charles Millspaugh, Union Church, N. Y. Born in Orange county, N. Y.. 1810. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1841. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). Died, Dec. 3, 1885. ♦Gilbert McPhedrick Myer, Cohoes, N. Y. Born at Coxsackie, N. Y., 1815. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1841. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). Died, 1846. ♦Peter George Randall, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Harlem. N. Y.(?) R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1841. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). Died, 1842. ♦William Eaton Turner, Elmsford, N. Y. Born at Union, near Hartford. Conn.. Mch. 20. 1810. Clergy- man, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1841. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). Died, Jan. 26, 1893. ♦John Watson, Amsterdam, Ohio. Born near Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland, 1810. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1841. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841), Died, April 22, 1864. 92 RUTGEBS COLLEGE. 1838-1839. ♦Cornelius Depuy Westbrook, Jr., Kingston, N. Y. Born at Fishkill, N. Y.. Jan. 13. 1823. Civil engineer. Enc;i- neer and Captain 20th Regt. N. Y. Militia, Sept. 27. 1861. Adj't 120th N. Y. Vols., July 19, 1862. Lieut. Col. 120th Rest., Aug. 22, 1862, and Lieut. Col. Commanding in battles of Chancellors- ville and Gettysburg. Honorably discharged on account of wounds, Feb. 20, 1864. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). Died, Sept. 24, 1905. *Theodoric Romeyn Westbrook, Kingston, N. Y. Lawyer. Member of Congress, 1853-55. Justice of the Supreme Court o,f the State of N. Y.. 1874-85. Trustee. Rutgers, 1875-85. A.M. (Rutgers, 1841). LL.D, (Rutgers, 1875). Died, Oct. 6, 1885. *JoHN Adams. Residence when a student, Frankford, Penn. ♦Sanders Diefendorph, Hayesville, Ohio. Born at Minden, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1816. Presb. clergyman. A.B. (Yale, 1838). A.M. (Yale, 1859). D.D. (Jefferson, 1859). Died, Feb. 18, 1884. ♦John Philip Flagler, Hopewell, N. Y. Farmer. ♦David B. Gill, Clarksboro, N. J. Judge, Court of Common Pleas. Sheriff, Gloucester county. Died, Nov. 4, 1894. ♦George C. Hand. Residence when a student, Vernon, Oneida county, N. Y. ♦Sidney M. Layton. Residence when a student, Newark, N. J. ♦David D. Roosa. Residence when a student, Kingston, N. Y. ♦Charles Smith Scott, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 6, 1819. Lawyer. Lay Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Middlesex county, N. J., 1877-87^. Died, Dec. 24, 1893. ♦Jacob Stout, New York City. Born in New York City, Feb. 14, 1821. Stock broker. Died, July 7, 1907. ♦George W. Suffern, Suffern, N. Y. Born at Suffern, N. Y., 1819. Supervisor. President of town of Suffern. Died, March 7. 1903. ♦James Weeks. Residence when a student, Fishkill Plains, N. Y. ♦Elijah Wilson, York, Pa. Born at Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1813. Presb. clergyman. Prince- ton Sem., 1841-42. Died, Dec. 19, 1893. ♦William G. Wood. Residence when a student, Haflem, N. Y. 1839. A.B. ♦Cornelius Eltinge Crispell, Spring Valley, N. Born at Marbletown, N. Y., Mch. 14, 1820. Clergyman, R. C. A. . A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). D.D. (Rutgers, 1867). N. B. Sem., 1842. Rector, Rutgers Grammar School, 1863-66. Prof. His- tory, Rutgers, 1863-66. Prof. Nat. Phil. Math, and Astronomy, Hope, 1866-67. Prof. Didactic and Polemic Theol., Western Sem., 1867-70. Died, Aug. 29, 1910. 1839. ALUMNI. 93 *TiiOMAS Sunderland Evans, Santa Fe, S. A. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1820. Lawyer. Civil engineer. Supt. of Copiaco R. R., South America, 1854-60, A.M. (Rut- gers, 1842). Died, Oct. 4, 1868. ♦William Whiteman Halloway, Morris Plains, N. J. Born in Philadelpliia. Presb. cleTgyman. N. B. Sem., 1842. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, Sept. 20, 1898. *Ebenezer S. Hammond, Closter, N. J. Born, July 27, 1815. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1842. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, May 24, 1873. *John S. Himrod, Greenport, N. Y. Born at Penn Yan, N. Y. (?), Dec. 10, 1813. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, Nov. 20, 1883. ♦Victor Moreau Hulbert, Battle Creek, Mich. Born at Nassau, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1813. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1842. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). D.D. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, Jan. 7, 1892. ♦Teunis J. Johnson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Merchant. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). ♦William H. Lacey, Cortlandt County, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). *Gerrit Martense, Flatbush, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, Feb. 27, 1849. ♦Abraham George Ryerson, Paterson, N. J. Born at Orange, N. J. (?), 1817. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1842. Teacher from 1875. Chaplain, 22d Regt. N. J. Vols., 1864-75. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, Feb. 18, 1887. ♦John Newton Schultz, Menardsville, Tex. Born at Lebanon, N. J., June 11, 1819. Presb. clergyman. Teacher. N. B. Sem., 1842. Chaplain in 38th Regt. U. S. Col- ored Troops (first in regular army, afterward consolidated with 41st, forming 24th Regt. U. S. Infantry). A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, Nov. 8, 1888. ♦Andrew Brown Taylor, Ridgefield, N. J. Born in Philadelphia. Dec. 28, 1813. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1842. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died March 12, 1895. ♦Raymond M. Tyson, Savannah, Ga. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, May, 1851. ♦Edward Suli-h^an Vail, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1819. Lawyer. Collector of portraits for Kirkpatrick Chapel. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, July 1, 1889. ♦Ralph Willis, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in London, England, Aug. 16, 1815. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1842. Superintendent of Schools, Middlesex county, N. J., 1868-88. Rector of Hertzog Hall, 1880-88. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1842). Died, March 16, 1895. ♦Aaron Burr Winfield, Paramus, N. J. Born at Montague, N. J., 1815. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1842. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, 1856. ♦Jacob Rynier Wortendyke, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Pascack, N. J., Nov. 27, 1818. Lawyer. Judge. Mem- ber of Congress, 1857-59. Pres. of Riparian Commission of N. J., 1864. Trustee, Rutgers, 1862-68. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, Nov. 7, 1868. ♦Theodore Frederick Wyckoff, St. Thomas, W. I. Born at Catskill, N. Y., 1820. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1842. A.M. (Rutgers, 1842). Died, Jan. 19, 1855. ♦John Schureman Cannon, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1819. Died in his Senior year, April 21, 1839. 94 EUTGEES COLLEGE. 1839-1840. ♦Edward W. Champlin, Clergyman. Domestic Missionary. 1845. A.B. (Union, 1840). Joliet, 111. Died, * Edward Cooper, Lancaster, Pa. Presb. clergyman. Principal, Aurora Academy, 1842. Presi- dent, Asbury Female College. Chaplain, U. S. Vols., Ohio, 1865. Editor. A.B. (Union, 1839). D.D. S.T.D. Died, 1889. ♦Theodore Frelinghuysen Mann, Moorestown, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J., July 18, 1816. Merchant, 1843-77. Civil engineer, 1838-43. Captain, 183d Penn. Regt. in Civil War. Died, March 7, 1907. ♦William Howard Neilson, Bellport, L. I. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 12, 1820. Manufacturer. Died, July 9, 1887. ♦George Washington Perkin, Bethlehem, Pa. Born at Philadelphia, June 27, 1818. Moravian clergyman. A.B. (Rutgers, 1842). Princeton Sem., 1846. Asst. Prof., Mora- vian Sem., 1855-58. Bookseller. Teacher. Died, Dec. 10, 1893. ♦Frederick William Ricord, Newark, N. J. Born at Guadeloupe, W. I., Oct. 7, 1819. Sheriff, Essex county, 1865-69. MayoT, Newark, N. J., 1870-78. Judge, Essex county, 1878-83. City Court, 1883-88. Author of several books and translations. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1861). Died, Aug. 12, 1897. ♦WiLLiA?vL Henry Smith, Ohio (?). Residence when a student, Chatham, N. Y. ♦Benjamin Rush Taylor, Nokomis, 111. Physician. Died, Aug. 31, 1883. ^ ♦William M. Van Brunt. Residence when a student, Geneva, N. Y. 1840. A.B. ♦J, Van Dyke Berrier, Belleville, N. J. Physician and surgeon. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1844). ♦Henry Brodhead, Jr., Kingston, N. Y. Born near Ellenville, N. Y., 1817. Lawyer. Surrogate of Ulster county, N. Y., 1851. Judge, Ulster county, N. Y., 1859. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). Died, Oct. 18, 1868. ♦Henry Rutgers Cannon, Elizabeth, N. J. Born near New Brunswick, N. J., May 20, 1821. Physician. County Clerk of Union county, N. J., 1857-77. M.D. (N. Y. Med. Univ., 1843). A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). Died, Jan. 9, 1911. ♦Albert Galatin Dole, Huntington, Pa. Reformed clergyman. Ref. Sem., Mercersburg, Pa., 1843. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). ♦Jacob H. Du Bois, Kingston, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). Died, 1873. ♦John S. Elmendorf, Millstone, N. J. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). Died in South Carolina, Aug. 29, 1843. ♦Andrew Ramage Ferguson, Lockport, N. Y. Born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng., May 31, 1823. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). M.D. (Cleveland Med. College, 1848). Died, March 14, 1895. ♦Richard Manley, Bellfield, Va. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). M.D. (Univ. of N. Y., 1844). Died, July 12, 1845. 1840. ALUMNI. 95 ♦Isaac L. Kip Miller, Albany, N. Y. Born, Feb. 24, 1822. R. D. clergyman. X. B. Sem., 1843. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). Died, Jan. 22, 1845. *JoHN Scott Rouse, Newark, N. J. Born, Apr 1, 1823. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). Died, April 9, 1849. ♦Jacob M. Settle, Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). ♦William Porter Steele. A.M. (Rutgers, 1840). Residence when a student, Lancaster county, Penn. ♦Abraham Ten Broeck Van Doren, Ringoes, N. J. Born, June 15, 1823. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). M.D. (Univ. of N. Y., 1843). Died, June 30, 1853. ♦George Peter Van Wyck, Washington, D. C. Born at Bloomingburgh, N. Y., June 24. 1821. Presb. clergy- man. N. B. Sem., 1843. Chaplain, 56th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 1863-64. Chaplain in Regular Army. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). Died, Aug. 5, 1899. ♦John Vredenburgh Voorhees, Somerville, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J., Aug. 5, 1819. Lawyer. Prosecutor of the Pleas, Somerset county, 1872-77. First Lieut, and Quar- termaster 30th Regt. N. J. Vols., Sept., 1862, to Dec, 1862. Resigned on account of ill-health. A.M. Died, Jan. 27, 1899. ♦George R. Williamson, Amity, N. Y. Born at Caldwell, N. Y., 1823. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1843. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). Killed by explosion of boiler on steamboat "Reindeer," Sept. 4, 1852. ♦Nicholas Du Bois Williamson, South Bend, Ind. Born at Flagtown, N. J., Dec. 2. 1819. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1843. A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). Died, Sept. 12, 1896. ♦John Anderson, Scotland. ♦Harmen Crapsey. Residence when a student, New Utrecht, N. Y. ♦William A. Van Vbanken Mabon, New Brunswick, N. J. Boxn at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 24, 1822. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1844. Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology, N. B. Sera., 1881-92. A.B. (Union, 1840). A.M. (Rutgers, 1843). D.D. (Rutgers, 1861). LL.D. Died, Nov. 3, 1892. ♦J. Van Orden. ♦Jacob I. Werner, Catskill; N. Y. Born at Berne, N. Y.. 1816. Lawver. Commissioner on Revi- sion of Statutes, 1872-75. A.M. (Rutgers, 1859). Died, Dec. 20, 1892. ♦John P. Westervelt, Paterson, N. J. Presb. clergyman. Died, Jan. 15, 1879. ♦Egbert Whitaker, Saugerties, N. Y, Born, 1816. Lawyer. Died, Feb 2, 1906. ♦Abraham Staats Williamson, Somerville, N. J. Born near Millstone, N. J., 1819. Lawyer. Judge, Court of Common Pleas. Surrogate, Somerset county, 1862-67. Died, Feb. 18, 1897. 96 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1841. 1841. A.B. *Thomas Newcomb Benedict, Geneseo, 111. Episc. clergyman. General Theological Sem., 1847. Prof. Ju- • bilee Coll., 1858-60. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). Died, Sept. 25, 1879. *Fbederick Ceuser Blackwell, Newark, N. J. Born near Millstone, N. J.(?). Dec. 19, 1820. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1845). Died, Apr. 4, 1912. ♦William Augustus Cornell, I.a Grange, N. Y. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1821. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1844. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). Died, Oct. 18, 1875. ♦John J. Cowenhoven, New Utrecht, N. Y. Farmer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). Died, 1853. ♦Robert W. Garretson, A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). ♦John Demond Hawes, Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, ♦Samuel J. Hopper, Born in Bergen County, N. 1842. New York City. Wisconsin. 1844). M.D. Died, 1861. Bergen County, N. J. J.(?) N. B. Sem., 1841-42. Died, ♦David McNeish, Born in Scotland, 1820. R. D. clergyman. N Died, 1854. ♦Augustus C. Miller, Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844) ♦Peter Davis Oakey, Constantine, Mich, B. Sem., 1844. Plainfield, N. J. Died, Aug. 13, 1894. Springfield, N. Y. Presb. clergy- Died, Oct. 4, Rahway, N. J. Washington, D. C. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 22, 1816. man. N. B. Sem., 1844.. A.M. (Rutgers. 1844), 1895. ♦Joseph G. Roe, Merchant. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). ♦Charles Roeloff von Romondt, Born at Philipsburg, St. Martins, West Indies, Apr. 21, 1821. In Civil Service. Teacher. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1844. Professor of Modern Languages, Rutgers, 1846-59. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844, and Washington and Lee Univ., 1863). Died, Nov. 15, 1889. ♦John Limberger See, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in New York City, May 20, 1822. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1844. Sec. Board of Education, 1861-84. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). D.D. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, June 1, 1892. ♦Nicholas Everitt Smith, Brooklyn, N. 1^. Born at Jamaica,, L.I., 1820. Cong'l clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1845. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). D.D. (Rutgers, 1861). Died, June 18, 1890. ♦Cyril Spai^lding, Newark, N. J. Born at Westerlo, N. Y., June, 14, 1818. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1846. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). Died, Aug. 9, 1896. ♦William James Romeyn Taylor, Newark, N. J. Born at Schodack. N. Y., July 31, 1823. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1844., Cor. Sec, American Bible Soc, 1862-70. Cor. Sec, American Sabbath Union. 1890-91. Pres., General Synod, 1871. Trustee, Rutgers. 1878-91. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). D.D. (Rutgers, 1860). Died, Nov. 12, 1891. ♦William Thompson, Stone House Plains, N. J. Born near New Brunswick, N. J., June 1, 1813. R. D. clergy- man. N. B. Sem., 1844. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). Died, 1846. 1841-1842. ALUMNI. 97 ♦Abraham Rynier Van Nest, Jr., New York Oty, Born in New York City, Feb. IG, 1823. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1847. Pres. Evangelization Committee, Free Church, Italy, and organizer Church of Geneva, Switzerland, 1875. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). D.D. (Univ of Pa., 1861, and Rutgers, 1860). Pres.. Gen. Synod, R. C. A., 1870. Trustee, Rutgers, 1878-92. Died, June 1, 1892. *Edwin Vedder, Schoharie, N. Y. Born near Schenectady. N. Y., Aug. 22, 1815. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1844. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). Died at Ball- ston, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1911. *RoBERT A^oorhees, Harlingcn, N. J. Born, 1819. Lecturer. Farmer. Lawyei'. A.M. (Rutgers, 1844). Died, Oct. 14, 1887. ♦Frederick W. Backus. Residence when a student, Roch( ster, ,N. Y. ♦John Blackwell, Blackwell's Mills, N. J. Miller and farmer. Died, Nov. 21, 1869. ♦Abraham Beach Carter, Dubuque, Iowa, Born at Trenton, N. J., 1820. Episc. clergyman. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1846). D.D. (Rutgers, 1856). Died, March, 1890. ♦Abraham Wilson Duryee, Fair View, N. J. Born at Schuylerville, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1821. Member, N. J. Assembly. A.M. (Rutgers, 1893). Died, June 8, 1898. ♦Richard D. McClelland, Jersey City, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1824. Lawyer. Corporation Counsel of Jersey City, 1854-68. Pi'osecutor of the Pleas, Hudson county, 1868. Died, Aug. 23, 1868. ♦William M. Maxwell. Residence when a student, Lancaster County, Penn. ♦Elijah Nicholls. Residence when a student, Philadelphia, Pcnn. ♦Robert Robekts, Londou, England. Leading writer of the Christadelphiajis. ♦Thomas N. Smith. Residence when a student, Philadelphia, Penn. 1842. A.B. ♦William Bailey, Cedar Hill, N. Y. Born at Beekers Corners, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1819. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1845. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died, July 3, 1887. ♦James Chipciiase, Baltimore, Md. Born in London, Eng., Nov. 18, 1818. Episc. clergyman. Gen- eral Theological Sem., 1844. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died, Jan. 25, 1894. ♦David Cole, I'onkers, N. Y. Born at Spring Valley, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1822. Clergyman, R. C. A. Licensed and ordained, 1858. Teacher, 1842-51. Prin- cipal, Trenton, N. J,, Academy, 1851-57. Prof, of Languages, State Normal School, Trenton, N. J., 1857-58. Prof, of Greek Language and Literature, Rutgers, 1863-66. Pres. Gen. Synod, . 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). D.D. (Franklin and Marshall Col., 1865). Died, Oct. 20, 1903. 98 RUTGEES COLLEGE. 1842. *Wllliam Henry Goldsmith. Wallkill, X. Y. Born at Scotclitown. N. Y.. Juno lo. 1821. Student. Prince- ton Tlieol. Sem. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died, Sept. 21, 1845. *Charles Frederick Groesbeck, (?) New York City. Boi-n at Albany, N. Y., Feb. 20. 1820. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutg(>rs, 1845). Died after 1882. *Henry Kollock How. New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Savannah, Ga., Apr. 21. 1825. Pharmacist. Farmer. N. B. Sem., 1848-50. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died, June 20, 1875. *WiLLiAM Schuneman Kenyon. Kingston, N. Y. Born at Catskill, N. Y.. Dec. 13. 1820. Lawyer. Member of Congress. 1859-61. County Judge, 1884-89. A.M. (Rutgers. 1845). Died, Feb. 9, 1896. *James Rapelye Lente. AVashiugtonville. N. Y. Born at Newtown, L. I., Apr. 18. 1822. Clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1850. A.M. (Rutger.s, 1845). Died, Mch. 26, 1916. *Aaron Lloyd. Nutley, N. J. Born at Walnut Creek, IVnn., July 27, 1817. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1845. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died, Dec. 17, 1905. *JoHN Minor. Herkimer, X. Y. Born at Lo'di. N. Y., Nov. 18. 1814. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1845. Sec. Board of Publication. R. C. A., 1857-59. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died, Nov. 20, 1890. *Benjamin Franklin Romaine, Columbus. Ohio. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 20. 1820. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1842-43. Editor '"Rutgers College Miscel- lany." Editor "American Spectator." Albany. N. Y.. 1842—57. Secretary. Ohio Colonization Society, 1868-74. A.M. (Rutgers. 1845). Died, Jan. 16, 1874. *JoHN SiMONSON, '" Pliiinfield. X. J. Born near Someiville. N. J.. Oct. 20. 1816. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1845. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died, May 11, 1889. ♦William Charles Smith. Hackenvsack. X. J. Born in England. Phvsician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1852). ♦William Hornblower Stephens. Belleville. X. J. Born at Belleville. N. J.. July 14. 1823. Postmaster, 1861-86. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died. April 19, 1892. *G0YN Talmage, Somerville, N. J. Born near Somerville. N. J.. Dec. 7, 1821. Clergj^man. R. C. A. N B. Sem., 1845. Sec. Board Domestic Missions, R. C. A.. 1862-67. President General Synod. R. C. A.. 1874. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1845). D.D. (Rutgers, 1876). Died, .Tune 24, 1891. *J0HN Van Xest Talmage, Amoy, China. Bom at Bound Brook, N. J.. Aug. 18, 1819. Missionary. R. C. A., at Amoy, 1847-89. N. B. Sem.. 1845. Author of "Dic- tionary of the Chinese Character in the Romanized Amoy Col- loquial," and of several translations of parts of the Bible and other books into Chinese. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). D.D. (Rut- gers, 1867). Died, Aug. 19, 1892. *George James Van Xeste, Millstone. X\ J. Born at Weston. N. J.. Sept. 7. 1822. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1846. A. M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died, Jan. 18, 1898. ♦Jacob West. Ridgewood. X. J. Born at Middleburgh. N. Y., Sept. 18. 1818. Clergyman. R. C A N. B. Sem.. 1845. Sec. Board Domestic Missions. R C. a!. 1868-88. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). D.D. (Rutgers, 1870). Died, Jan. 22. 1890. *Amzy Louis Williams. Xebraska. Born in Delaware county. N. Y., Dec. 6, 1820. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). Died, Nov. 17, 1884. 1842-1843. ALU^MNI. 99 *Abeaham A^oorhees Wyckoff, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 17 1823. man. N. B. Sem., 184.5. A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). 1852. Greenburgh, N. Y, R. D. Clergy- Died, Oct. 17, *J0HN Arthur, Jr., Turks Island. Born on Turks Island. Bahamas, Mch. 22, 1828. Lawyer. Queen's Advocate and Justice of the Supreme Court, Turks and Caicos Islands. A.M. (Rutgers, 1851). Died, Nov. 19, 1882. * William Black well, New York City. Entered Univ. of N. Y. Died, 1841. * Edward Brenton Boggs, Newark, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 7, 1821. General Theological Seminary, 1844. D.D. Died, May 8, 1895. *Edwin Smith Browe, Born at Belleville, N. J.. July 18, 1819. Teacher. Died, April 5, 1902. " *WiLLiAM Edgar Conover, Born, Aug. 21, 1814. Died, May 26, 1841. *WiLLiAM Augustus Miller, Born at Albany, N. Y., Mch. 15, 1824. R. D. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1845. Principal Albany Acad., 1853-56. A.B. (Union, 1842). A.M. (Rutgers, 1845). D.D. (Rutgers, 1862). Died, Nov. 5. 1863. *Charles Milne, Madison, N. J. Born at Aberdeen, Scotland, July 1, 1819. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1842-43. Died, March 21, 1882. *Alexander Ramsay Thompson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Bloomingdale, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1822. Clergyman, R. C. A. Princeton Sem., 1845. Hymn writer. Chaplain Roosevelt Hos- pital. 1873-95. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1842). D.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1866). Died. Feb. 7. 1895. Episc. clergvman. (Rutgers, 1866). Litchfield, Pa. Baptist clergyman. New Brunswick, N. J. Albany, N. Y. 1843. A.B. * Sylvester W. Ayres, * David Bishop, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1824. gers, 1860-76. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). *John William Blauvelt, Plainfield, N. J. New Brunswick, N. J. Merchant. Trustee. Rut- Died, April 12, 1876. Piermont, N. Y. Died, June 17, 1884. Columbia, N. Y. Clergyman, R. C. A. Merchant. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846) * James Murphy Compton, Born in Philadelphia. Aug. 18. 1817. N. B. Sem., 1846. A.M. (Rutgers. 1846). Died, Dec. 12, 1891. *Jacob C. Butcher, Port Hope, Canada. Born at Tarrytown. N. Y.(?), Oct. 8. 1820. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1846. U. S. Consul at Port Hope, Canada, 1880-87. A.M. (Rutgers. 1846). Died, Nov. 27, 1888. *Henry Wyckoff Jones, San Francisco, Cal. Physician and surgeon, M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1847). Lost in steamship "Golden City," on Pacific Ocean, 1862. *JoHN Van Vechten Lansing, Albany, N. Y. Born at Dansingburgh. N. Y. Physician. M.D. Surgeon U. S. War Department and U. S. Pension Bureau. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). Died, 1880. 100 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1843-1844. ♦Robert Agnew Law, Born in London Belleville, N. J Manufacturer. ^.M. New York City. .\.M. (Rutgers, 1846). R. D. clergyman. Died, 1851. Lawyer. Eng., Jan. 22, 1824 (Rutgers, 1846). Died. May 22, 1896. * Charles McKinstry, Born at Detroit, Mich., 1819. Lawyer. Died, June 23. 1855. ♦Benjamin Franklin Murden, Montague, Mich. Born in New York City, Dec. 16, 1817. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1846. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). Died, April 14, 1891. ♦Jacob Vosseler Rockafellow, Somerville, N. J. Born, 1822. Died, Dec. 21, 1843. ♦Safrenus Seeber, Jr., Born at Sharon, N. Y., 1811 1846. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). ♦John C. T. Smidt, Born at Nyack, N. Y'.. June 8, 1822, 1846). Died, April 27, 1881. ♦Abel T. Stewart, Born at Somerville, N. J., Aug. 4, 1822. Clergyman, N. B. Sem., 1846. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). D.D. (Rutger Died. May 24, 1878. *Paul Duryea Van Cleef, Jersey City, N. J Born at Millstone. N. J.. July 31. 1821. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1846. Stated Clerk Gen. Synod. 1871-86. Trustee, Rutgers, 1869-1902. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). D.D. (Rutgers, 1863). Died. Nov. 26, 1902. ♦William Van Deursen, Allentown, N. J Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 10, 1824. Merchant. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). Died, Dec. 14. 1911. ♦Charles Henry Van Wyck. Nebraska City, Neb Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 10, 1824. Lawyer. District Attorney of Sullivan county, N. Y.. 1850-58. Col. 50th Regt. N. l'^. Vols. Brigadier Gen. Member of Congress. 1859-63. and 1867-71. U. S. Senator, 1881-87. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). Died, Oct. 24, 1895. ♦Polhemus Van Wyck, Hudson, N. Y Born in New York City, 1823. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1848. A.M. (Rutgers, 1846). Died, May 17, 1882. Mottville, Mich. N. B. Sem.. Nyack, N. Y. A.M. (Rutgers, Holland, Mich. R. C. A. 1873). ♦John N. Holmes. Residence when a student, New Brunswick, N. J. 1844. A.B. ♦William Sickles Banta, Hackensack, N. J. Born at Pascack. N. J., Dec. 12, 1824. Lawyer. Prosecutor of Pleas, Bergen County, N. J.. 1861-69. Law Judge, Bergen County, N. J., 1872-78. Associate Judge, Bergen County, N. J., 1879-84. A.M. (Rutgers, 1847). Died, May 7, 1900. ♦John H. F. Brinckerhoff, Brooklyn, N. Y. Merchant." A.M. (Rutgers, 1847). Died, 1857. ♦Nathan Farnham Chapman, Saugerties, N. Y. Born at West Brook. Conn., Aug. 17. 1811. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1846. Died, Feb. 27. 1893. ♦Nathaniel Conklin, Madison, N. J. Born at Basking Ridge, N. J., Oct. 20. 1823. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B Sem., 1847. A.M. (Rutgers, 1847). Died, Aug. 17, 1892. 1844. ALUMNI. 101 *CoRNELius Du Bois Eltinge, Raritan, 111. Born at Port Jervis, N. Y. (?) Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1848. A.M. (Rutgers, 1847). Died, March 29, 1885. *Edwaed W. Griffith, Somerville, N. J. Born, 1826. A.M. (Rutgers, 1847). Died, Aug. 9, 1847. *Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh, Kingston, N. Y. Born at New Paltz, N. Y., May 8, 1823. Lawyer. Member State Constitutional Convention, New York, 1867. New York State Senator, 1870-71. and re-elected for 1872-73. A.M. (Rutgers, 1847). Died, April 29, 1872. *Warren Hardenbergk, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. . ALUMNI. 127 Somerville, N. J. N. B. Sem., D.D. (Rut- Jersey City, N. J. Corporation ♦William Cornell, Born at Lodi, N. Y.. 1834. Clergyman, R. C. A. 1862. Teacher, 1868-76. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). gers, 1875). Died, Sept. 11, 1876. ♦Jonathan Dixon, Born at Liverpool, Eng., July 6, 1839. Lawyer Counsel, Bergen, N. J.. 1869-70. Counsel of Jersey City, 1871 Justice of Supreme Court of N. J., 1875-1906. Trustee, Rut gers, 1886-1906. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, May 21, 1906. ♦Theodore Sandford Doolittle, New Brunswick, N. J, Born at Ovid. N. Y., Nov. 30, 1836. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1862. Collegiate Church Professor of Rhetoric. Logic and Mental Philosophy, Rutgers, 1864-93. Vice President of the College. 1890-93. Acting President, 1890-91. Associate Editor of "Christian at Work," 1873-98. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). D.D. (Wesleyan Univ., 1872). LL.D. (Union, 1891). Died, April 19, 1893. ♦John Gelston Floyd, New York City Born at Utica, N. Y.. 1841. One of the publishers of the "Com- mercial and Financial Chronicle," New York City. Lawyer. Captain. U. S. A., in Civil War. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). Died, Nov. 27, 1903. Gilbert Smith Garretson, Stratford, Conn Born in New York City, Nov. 21, 1839. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1862. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). ♦Uriah deHart Gulick, Vineland, N. J Born at Griggstown, N. J., Sept. 19. 1835. Cong'l clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1862. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). Died, Jan. 31, 1910. ♦George William Hill, West Nyack, N. Y Born in New York City, Mch. 3, 1838. Assistant in the office of the "American Ephemeris," 1861-92. Lecturer on Celestial Me- chanics, Columbia, 1898-1901. Gold Medal, Royal Astronomical Soc., London, 1887. Damoiscan Prizp. Paris Academy of Sciences, 1898. Copley Prize. President, American Mathe- matical Soc. 1894-96. Foreign Member. Royal Soc, London. Author, Math. Works. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). Ph.D. (Rutgers, 1873). LL.D. (Columbia, 1894, Princeton, 1896, and Rutgers, 1909). ScD. (Univ. Cambridge, England, 1892). Died, Apr. 16, 1914. Jacob Jones Janeway, Born in Middlesex county, N. J., Mch. 15, of wall papers. Captain, 14th Regt., N. J. Major, do., Sept. 19, 1864. Lieut. Col., Brevet Col., April 2, 1865. Mustered out, Silas Kinne, Born at Ovid, N. Y., May 6, 1836. Lawyer. Banker Albany Law School, 1860. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). New Brunswick, 1840. Manufacturer Vols., Aug. 25, 1862. do., Dec 13, 1864. June 18, 1865. Penn Yan, Retired. N. J. N. Y. Ridgewood, N. J. 3": 1837. Lawyer. (Rutgers, 1862). Surrogate, Ber- Died. Jan. 20, Philadelphia, Retired. A.M. Pa. ♦John Martin Knapp, Born in New York City, Oct. gen county, 1878-83. A.M. 1908. John Percival Onderdonk, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 13, 1838. (Rutgers, 1862). ♦Alonzo Paige Peeke, Born at Rotterdam, N. Y., Nov. 23. 1835 N. B. Sem., 1862. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862), ♦John Kelly Rhinehart, Born at Bruynswick, N. Y., 1830. Clergyman, R. C. A. Sem., 1862. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862.) Died, Nov. 15, 1891. ♦Samuel James Rogers, Minneapolis, Minn Born at Orford, N. H.. Aug. 27, 1832. Cong'l clergyman. Sec. Minn. Cong'l Assoc, 1901-10. N. B. Sem., 1862. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1862). Died, May 3,- 3 910. East Millstone, N. J. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Aug. 20, 1900. Kiskatora, N. Y. N. B. 128 ^ RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1850. *ISAAC RoMAiNE, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., May 4, 1840. Lawyer. Member, Board of Education of Jersey City, 1880-85. Board of Finance, 1883. N. J. Assembly, 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). Died, June 22, 1901. *Arad Joy Sebring, Saugerties, N. Y. Born at Ovid, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1833. Clergyman, R. C. A. Pas- tor, Katsbaan, N. Y. Autlior of two volumes of poetry. N. B. Sem., 1862. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). Died, Aug. 11, 1916. Gideon Lee Stout, Bloomfield, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 30, 1840. Broker. Pres., Mercliants' Ins. Co., Newark, 1888. A.M. (Rutgexs, 1862). *JoiiN Van Dek Meulen, Holland, Mich. Born at Middleharnis, South Holland. Aug. 8, 1838. Clergy- man, R. C. A. N. B. Sem„ 1862. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). D.D. (Hope). Died, Nov. 15, 1908. *John Howard Van Doren, Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y. Born at Princeton, N. J., Aug. 20, 1837. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1864. Missionary, R. C. A., to China, 1865-73. Private, 30th Regt., N. J. Vols., 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, Army of Potomac, 1862. In battle of Chancellors- ville. Honorably discharged, June 27, 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). Died, June 9, 1898. * Henry Martyn Voorhees, High Bridge, N. J. Born at Whitehouse, N. J., July 4, 1840. Clergyman, R. C. A.' N. B. Sem., 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). Died, Nov. 20, 1895. William Henry Vredenburgh, Freehold, N. J. Born at Freehold, N. J., Aug. 19, 1840. Lawyer. Judge of Court of Errors and Appeals, 1898- . Trustee, Rutgers, 1902- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1907). Edward Laight Wells, Charleston, S. C. Born in New York City, Nov. 27, 1839. Lawyer. Retired. Writer on local History. In Army of Gen. Robert E. Lee. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). Richard Marvin Whitbeck, Hudson, N. Y. Clergyman, R. C. A. Retired. School Commissioner, Columbia county, N. Y., 1876-79. *Frederick Frelinghuysen W^ilson, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Roycefleld, N. J., Aug. 18, 1831. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1862. A.M. (Rutgers, 1862). Died, Oct. 16, 1910. James H. Anderson, Brookline, Mass. At Rutgers, 1855-56. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). *Clabence Linden Ayees, New York City. At Rutgers, 1855-59. ♦Charles Calhoun Gordon, Las Vegas, New Mcx. At Rutgers, 1855-59. Physician. M.D. (Long Island College Hospital, 1860). *Mathusalem Le Fevre, New Paltz, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1855-56. Druggist. Died, April 24, 1868. *George Plum Molleson, New Yoik City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 14, 1840. At Rutgers. 1855-59. Publishing. Served in Union Commissary Dept. dur- ing Civil War. Died, Dec. 31, 1889. ♦Henry P. Staats, Toronto, Canada. Born at Franklin Park, N. J. At Rutgers, 1855-59. Rectifier. Died, Aug. 1, 1910. ♦Abraham Suydam, New York City. At Rutgers, 1855-59. Lawyer. Tutor, 1860-61. Professor of Mathematics, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1861-62. A.B. (Columbia, 1860). A.M. (Columbia, 1863). Died, 1893. I860. ALUMNI. 139 1860. A.B. * Isaac Porter Bailey, High Bridge, N. J. Born at Raritan, N. J., Feb. 3, 1840. Insurance agont. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, June 12, 1910. * William Hamilton Ballagh, Lyons, N. Y. Born at Northport, L. I.(?) Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem. 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, Jan. 2, 1892. John Walter Beardslee, Holland, Mich. Born at Ottawa, Ohio, Nov. 23, 1837. Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof., Biblical Languages, Western Sem., 1888- . Author of "The Bible Among the Nations ;" "Outlines of an Introduction to the Old Testament." A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). D.D. (Rutgers, 1884). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1907). *Alexander McClelland Bishop, Trenton, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 5, 1840. Assistant Pay- master, U. S. Navy, 1862-65. Promoted to Paymaster, Nov. 22, 1865. On steamships "Wyandotte," "Mendota," "Tonawanda," "Cyane." A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, April 23, 1885. Francis Morton Bogardus, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Wynantskill, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1836. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). *William Edward Bogardus, Brookdale, N. J. Born at Cohoes, N. Y., June 30, 1834. Clergyman, R. C. A, N. B. Sem., 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, Jan. 5, 1908. JosiAH Johnson Brown, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Aug. 29. 1839. Presb. clergyman. Union Sem., 1868. Served in U. S Army, 1861-65. as private in 2d and 15th N. J. Vols. In battles of 2d Bull Run, 1st and 2d Fredericksburgh, Gettysburg. Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Win- chester. Lawyer, 1883. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). *RicHARD DeWitt, Flatbush, Ulster Co., N. Y. Born at Hurley, N. Y., July 21, 1839. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, Feb. 20, 1901. ♦Charles Ridgely Goodwin, Baltimore, Md. Born at Savannah, Ga., Apr. 18. 1842. Lawyer. State Sen- ator, Maryland, 1888. Presidential Elector, 1892. Surveyor of Port Baltimore, 1894. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). LL. B. (Univ. of Md., 1879). Died, May 19, 1894. *Andrew James Hageman, Somerville, N. J. Born at Readington, N. J.. Oct. 4, 1837. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, Dec. 3, 1912. * Edward Gamaliel Janeway, New York City. Born in Middlesex county, N. J., Aug. 31, 1841. Physician. I»rof. Physiology and Pathol. Anat. Univ. N. Y.. 1871-72. Prof. Pathol. Anat. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1872-76. Prof. Histol. and Diseases of Nervous System and Clinical Med., 1876. Prof. Diseases of Mind and Nervous System, 1881-86. Prof. Medi- cine, 1886-92. Prof. Medicine. Univ. N. Y., 1892-1905. Dean, Medical School, do., 1898-1905. Health Commissioner, N. Y. Health Dept., 1875-87. Dean, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1864). A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1898). Died, Feb. 10, 1911. *JoHN Harmen Karsten, Holland, Mich. Born at Heerenveen, Netherlands, Feb. 16, 1833. Clergyman, R. C. A. Member editorial committee "De Hope." Member council. Hope College, 1871-84, 1891-1909. N. B. Sem., 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). D.D. (Rutgers, 1898). Died, May 26, 1914. *George W. McNeel, Gulf Prairie, Tex. Born at Ellerslie Plantation, Tex. Major, Confederate Army. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, May 6, 1865. 130 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1860. William S. Millspaugh. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). JosiAH Collins Pumpelly, New York City. Born at Owego, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1839. Associate Editor. Law- yer. Author, "Our French Allies and Other Addresses." Writer on History and Genealogy. LL.B. (Columbia, 1863). A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Abbaham Messler Quick, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Somerville, N. J. Clergyman, R. C. A, Author, "Lyrics I of Life." N. B. Sem., 1864. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). *James Ross, Newark, N. J. Life insurance. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, Aug. 3, 1904. ♦William Arrowsmith Schomp, Bedminster, N, J. Born at Bedminster. N. J., Mch. 15, 1840. Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1881-82. Clork. Somerset county, N. J., 1885- 90. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, May 20, 1808. ♦William Jones Skillman, East Elmhurst, N. Y. Born at Ten Mile Run, N. J., Apr. 19. 1835. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, Feb. 23, 1914. ♦William Remsen Taylor, Astoria, N. Y. Born at Middletown, N. Y.. Feb. 4. 1840. Physician. Colonel, U. S. Army. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). M.D. Died, Oct. 2, 1896. ♦Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York City. Born near New Brunswick, N. J.. 1840. Bookkeeper, U. S. Rubber Co. Served in 6th Army Corps, 1861-64. Died, May 28, 1898. ♦Dupuytren Vermilye, Paramus, N. J. Born at Hopewell, N. Y.. Sept. 16. 1833. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, June 8, 1907. ♦William Brownlee Voorhees, Blawenburgh, N. J. Born at Readington, N. J., Mch. 10. 1838. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1863. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, June 13, 1892. ♦Youngs A. Williams, Norwich, Conn. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). ♦David Abeel Williamson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born. 1840. Private, 7th Regiment, N. Y. Vols., June to Sep- tember, 1862. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). Died, Sept. 27, 1862. ♦Egbert Winter, Holland, Mich. Born at Zontkamp, Netherlands, .Tan. 5, 1836. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1863. Professor Didactic and Polemic Theology, Western Theological Sem., 1805-1904. A.M. (Rutgers, 1863). D.D. (Heidelberg Univ. and Hope, 1890). Died, Dec. 9. 1906. ♦Samuel Ayers, New York City. Born at Plainfield. N. J., May 31, 1837. At Rutgers, 1859-60. Principal public school. Physician. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1867). A.M. (Rutgers. 1899). Died, Dec. 23, 1910. ♦Joseph I. Cornell, Demarest, N. J. At Rutgers. 1856-60. With United States Express Co. Died. May 9, 1876. ♦Henry Harris Davidson, Northport, N. Y. Born at Lexington, Ky., Dec. 16. 1839. At Rutgers, 1856-60. Phvsician. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1862). M.D. (Med. Coll., City of N. Y., 1864). Died, Feb. 5, 1907. ♦Jacob T. Field, Bayonne, N. J. Born at North Branch, N. J., Aug. 3. 1839. At Rutgers, 1856- 60. Physician. Coll. P. and S. Died, Nov. 25, 1896. 1860-1861. ALUMNI. 131 *Edward Hill, Newark, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1841. At Rutgers, 1856-60. Banker. Died, Marcli 31. 1894. John Fbelinghuysen Ken]\edy, Springtown, N. J. *JoHN Edward Lanning, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at I^wrenceville. N. J.. July 22, 1840. At Rutgers, 1858- 59. Lawyer. Prosecutor of tlie Pleas, Monmouth county, N. J., 1877-82. A.B. (Princeton, 1860). A.M. (Princeton, 1863). Died, May 9, 1916. *JAMES Lyell, ' Newburgh, N. Y. Born at Newburgh, N. Y. (?) At Rutgers, 1856-60. Clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1863. Died, 1863. *HoLLOWAY W. Pierce, Madison, N. J. At Rutgers, 1856-60. Teacher. Died. 1868. WiLLiAAi H. Reybold. Residence when a student, Delaware City, Del. At Rutgers, 1859-60. * Helm AS Romaine, Paterson, N. J. At Rutgers, 1856-58. Died, Nov. 20. 1896. *CoENELius G. Staats, New Brunswick; N. J. At Rutgers, 1856-60. Henry Traphagen, Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. Mayor, Jersey City, 1874-76. A.B. (Brown, 1860). * Henry Calvan Van Derveer, East Whitehouse, N. J. Born at Two Bridges, N. J.. Mch. 24, 1839. At Rutgers, two years. Farmer. A.M. (Rutgers). Died, Oct. 10, 1910. Theodore Williamson. 1861. A.B. * Louis Henri Bahler, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Amsterdam, Netherlands. Sept. 18, 1839. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1867. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, Dec. 12, 1914. ♦Benjamin A. Bartholf, Syracuse, N. Y. Born at Wyckoff, N. J., Nov. 1, 1835. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1864. A.M. Died, Aug. 10. 1908. * George De Witt Bodine, Lodi, N. Y. Born in Seneca county, N. Y.. Aug. 20, 1836. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1864. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, May 3, 1880. ♦John William Borst, Middleburgh, N. Y. Born at Middleburgh, N. Y.(?) Student. N. B. Sem., 1861-64. Died, May 3, 1864. *DiRCK Broek, Grandville, Mich. Born in Netherlands, Feb. 5. 1835. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1864. Editor. "De Hope," 1895-1903. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, Nov. 11, 1903. ♦Richard De Gray, Monmouth Beach, N. J. Born at Hawthorne, N. J., Aug. 22, 1840. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1864). Died. July 2, 1909. Thomas Sproull Dusinberre, Pine Plains, N. Y. Born at Warwick, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1835. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1864. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). George Esselstyn, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Born at Claverack, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1841. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1864). 132 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1861. Oliveb Eugene Gordon, Verona, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). *Eenest Lord Kinney, New York City. Born on Staten Island, N. Y., 1841. Lawyer. Lieut. 54th N. Y. Vols., 1st Battery U. S. Artillery. Arniv of the Potomac. Sec- ond Lieut. 1st U. S. Cavalry, June, 1865. First Lieut. U. S. Cavalry, July, 1865. Brevet Capt. and Ma.ior, U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services. Resigned, Aug., 1866. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, July 12, 1890. ♦Frederick Frelinghuysen Mercer, New York City. Born at Newark, N. J., Nov. 7. 1840. Lawyer. Connected with Equitable Life Assurance Society. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, Feb. 16, 1913. *WiLLiAM Perrike Messick, Philadelphia, Penn. Born in Philadelphia, June 5, 1840. Lawyer. First Assistant City Solicitor of Philadelphia. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, Jan. 15, 1888. ♦Andrew B. S. Moseley, Rome, Ga. Born at Montevallo. Ala., Oct. 19. 1843. Editor and publisher. Served through Civil War in Confederate Army, becoming Cap- tain, 1st Alabama Reg't. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, Feb. 9, 1912. Alfred Houghton Stubbs, Asheville, N. C. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Aug. 22. 1841. Episc. clergy- man. General Theological Sem., 1864. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). * Isaac Stuart Taylor, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Bergen. N. J., Dec. 14, 1841. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, Nov. 12, 1906. Joseph Ennalls Trippe, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Anr. 29, 1842. Broker. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). ♦William B. Van Benschoten, Ephratah, N. Y. Born at Middletown, N. Y.(?), Apr. 15. 1835. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1864. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, June 27, 1880. Thornton Van Vliet, Fishkill, N. Y. Merchant. N. B. Sem., 1861-62. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). ♦Bronson Willett, Paris, France. Manufacturer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, August 8, 1889. ♦James Wyckoff, Leonia, N. J. Born at Lodi, N. Y., Jan. 16. 1839. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1864. A.M. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, Jan. 3, 1905. ♦Louis D. Beck, Roxbury, Conn. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 13, 1844. At Rutgers, 1859-60. Contractor. Died, Sept. 9, 1908. ♦Joseph James Bonney, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.(?), 1841. At Rutgers. 1857-60. Commission agent. Died, May 22, 1899. ♦Trevonian Haight, Newark, N. J. Born at Colt's Neck, N. J., 1838. At Rutgers, 1857-61. Phy- sician. A.B. (Rutgers, 1864). Died, March, 1890. Robert Ainslee Johnson, Petersburg, Va. Manufacturer. Served in Civil War, resigning as 1st Lieut., 1862. Charles R. King. Residence when a student, Romulusville. N. Y. At Rutgers, 1857-60. 1861-1862. ALUMNI. 133 Edwin Yates Lansixg, Salem, Oregon. Born at Albany, N. Y.. Dec. 23. 1841. At Rutgers, two years. Orchardist. Served in N. Y. Vols., 1862-65. Brevet Major, 1865. S. R. B. Lord. *Lawrence Osmeb Morgan, South Amboy, N. J. Born at South Amboy, N. J., July 20. 1838. At Rutgers, 1858- 60. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1865). Died, April 26, 1890. *JEPTHA Baldwin Munn, New York City. Born, 1840. At Rutgers, 1858-60. Merchant. Died, Aug. 18, 1891. *Charle3 Woodward Wilson, Two Rivers, Wis. Born at Ovid, N. Y.. July 3, 1826. At Rutgers, 1858-60. Clergy- man, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1863. Died. Jan. 21, 1877. 1862. A.B. *WiLLiAM Henry Anderson, Worcester, Mass. Born at Flatlands. L. I.. Feb. 23, 1840. Clergyman and phy- sician. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, Oct. 28, 1887. *W^iLLiAM Henry Harrison Ayars, Chicago, 111. Born near Louisville, Kv., June 29, 1841. Appointed to Revenue Service. Feb.. 1881. Lieut. Col. "Louisville Legion," 5th Ken- tucky Vols., 14th and 4th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, and in Hancock's Veteran Corps, 124th U. S. C. I. Battles : Rowlett's Station, Shiloh, Corinth, Green River, Perryville, Stone River, Shelbyville, Bell-Buckle. Chickamauga, Orchard Knob, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Blain's Cross Roads, Rocky Face Ridge, Dalton. Resaca, Dallas. Atlanta. Franklin, Nashville. Wounded five times. Entered private, July 4, 1861. Promoted Sergt., Sept. 20, 1861 ; Second Lieutenant. Jan. 1, 1862 ; Capt., Feb. 22, 1863 ; Major, Nov. 18, 1863 ; Lieut. Col., Dec. 2. 1864. Honorably discharged, May 27, 1865. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1865). Died, March 31, 1906. *Alfred Hamilton Brush, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Guilford, N. Y.. Oct. 10, 1841. Clergyman, R. C. A. Pres. Board Domestic Missions, R. C. A., 1906. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). D.D. (Hope, 1897). Died, Apr. 30, 1911. * William W. Brush, Geneva, N. Y. Born at Guilford, N. Y., Sept. 25. 1843. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1866. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died. March 21, 1878. *Alan Ditchfield Campbell, New BrunswicK, N. J. Born at Albany, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1843. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1868. D.D. (Hope). Died, Apr. 1, 1913. Treadwell Cleveland, New York City. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Charles Tiebout CowexNHOVen, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. President Judge Court of Common Pleas, 1869-74, 1885-90. Prosecutor of the Pleas, Middlesex county, 1877-82. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). *Peter De Free, Grand Rapids, Mich. Born a^ Axel, Netherlands, Apr. 17, 1839. Clergyman, R. C. A. Member, Council Hope College several terms. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). D.D. (Hope, 1894). Died, Feb. 3, 1915. 131 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1862. ♦William Henry Dill, Freeburg, Pa. Born at Warwick, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1841. Lawyer. Teacher. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Snyder county, Penn., 1884-86. Major, 118th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Enlisted, Aug. 6th, 1862, as Private, 124th Regt., N. Y. Vols. ; trans.ferred, June, 1864, to 118th Regt., N. Y. Vols. In battles of Chancellorsville, Wilderness. Spottsylvania, and all the battles before Richmond. In Texas expedition, 1865. Provost Marshal, Clarksville. Pro- moted Sergt., Aug. 10, 1862 ; Second Lieut., June 10, 1864 : First Lieut., July 20, 1864 ; Capt., Nov. 4, 1865 ; Major, Jan. 12, 1866 ; honorably discharged, March 6, 1866. Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1874-76. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, May 1, 1886. ♦Joseph Henry Doremus, Belvidere, N. J. Born at Parsippany, N. J., Apr. 19, 1835. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, Sept. 10, 1904. *Da\'ID Doremus Duncan, Montclair, X. J. Bom at Nutley, N. J., Feb. 6, 1843. Lawyer. Mayor of Mont- clair, N. J. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, Aug. 28, 1907. ♦Charles Winson Fbitts, Hudson, N, Y. Born near Hudson, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1837. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. President, General Synod, 1897. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1865). D.D. (Rutgers, 1887). Died June 22, 1907. ♦Abram Quick Garretson, Momstown, X. J. Born in Somerset county, N. J., Mch. 11, 1842. Lawyer. Har- vard Law School, 1865. Prosecutor of the Pleas, Hudson county, N. J., 1869-78. President Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Hudson county, N. J., 1878-83. Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1900-07. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, June 4, 1907. Oscar Gesner, Linden, X. J. Bom at Nyack, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1840. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). ♦Edward Kemys Henry, Dwight, 111. Crop Bureau. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). *Francis Allen Horton, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Philmont, N. Y., 1844. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). D.D. (Univ. of Wooster, Ohio, 1884). Died, April 19, 1903. John Justin, Weehawken, X. J. Born at Weinolsheim, Germany, May 19, 1839. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). ♦Francis Suydam Keese, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in New York City, Dec. 25, 1841. Banker. Enlisted Priv- vate 1st N. J. Infantry. Promoted Sergt. in this Regt., then Capt., 128th N. Y., Major, Lieut. Col. and Brevet Col. Battles : Bull Run, West Point, Gaines' Hill, Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, Manassas Plains, Port Hudson, La. (two engage- ments), Winchester. Discharged honorably as Brevet Col. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, Aug. 17, 1907. ♦Edwin Kempton, Brooklyn, X. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 29, 1841. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, Feb. 26, 1916. Robert B. Kinsell, Washington, D.- C. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). ♦Peter Lepeltak, Paonia, Col. Born at Haamsbede, Netherlands, June 16, 1842. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). D.D. (Hope, 1904). Died, Feb. 4, 1912. ♦John Rogers Martin, Washington. Mo. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Lawyer. Judge, Probate Court, Franklin county. Mo., 1868-69. Member of Missouri Legisla- ture, 1875-76. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). LL.B. (Albany Law School, 1866). Died, Dec 31, 1888. 1862. ALUMNI. 135 * William Brush Merritt^ New York City. Born at Kingston, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1836. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, Sept. 2, 1879. *XiCHOLAS Wyckoff Meserole, New York City. Born at Newtown, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1841. Fire insurance. En- listed as Private, 1st N. J. Vols., May, 1861. Promoted Cor- poral, Sergt., 1st Lieut, Co. G.. 133d Regt., N. Y. Vols., before September, 1862. Capt. Co. I, in same, April, 1863. Brevetted Major and Lieut. Col. by Gov. Fenton, N. Y., for gallant and meritorious services. In battles of West Point, White Oak Swamp, Gaines' Hill. With Gen. Banks' expedition to New Orleans. In attacks on B. Island and Port Hudson, Mansura Plains, La., and with Sheridan in Shenandoah Valley. Mus- tered out, Dec. 25, 1864. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, May 8, 1896. Charles Hart Riggs, Bristol, Conn. Born at Harwinton, Conn., Oct. 19, 1835. Cong'l clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1862-64. Editor, "Bristol Press." 1871- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). *JonN Van Neste Schenk, Pompton Plains, N. Y. Born at South Branch, N. J., Feb. 21, 1842. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, Sept. 28, 1871. ♦John Schomp, .Omaha, Neb. Born at Readington, N. J., June 2, 1843. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1865). Died, Sept. 14, 1896. *Elbert NE\^us Sebring, Leeds, N, Y. Born at Ovid, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1836. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, Oct 12, 1889. *George Seibert, Garfield, N. J. Born at Frankenfeldt, Germany, Jan. 24, 1839. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. Enlisted as a Private, Co. G. 1st Regt., N. J. Vols., 1st Corps, Army of Potomac. In battles of Bull Run, AVest Point, Seven Days on the Peninsula. Dis- charged, Jan. 15. 1863. on surgeon certificate of disability. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, April 30, 1892. Abel I. Smith, Hoboken, N. J. Born at North Bergen, N. J., June 12. 1843. Lawyer. Mem- ber. N. J. Assembly, 1870. Judge, Hoboken District Court, , 1888-91, 1898-1903. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). John Conover Smock, Hudson, N. Y. Born at Holmdel, N. J., Sept. 21, 1842. Retired. Prof., Min- ing and Metallurgy, Rutgers, 1867-85. Asst. Geologist of N. J., 1864-85. State Geologist, N. J.. 1890-1901. Author, "Report on Clay Deposits," etc. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Ph.D. (Lafay- ette, 1882). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1902). Benjamin Tilton Statesib, Woodbourne, N. Y. Born at Colt's Neck, N. J., Dec. 2, 1841. Clergyman, R. C. A. Co-Principal, Somerville Grammar School, 1881-84. Principal, 1884-88. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Nathaniel Hixon Van Arsdale, New York City. Born at Bound Brook, N. J., Apr. 6, 1838. Clergyman. R. C. A. Editor, "Christian Intelligencer," 1882- . Vice President, General Synod, 1899. N. B. Sem., 1867. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). D.D. (Rutgers, 1889). *James Van Derveer Van Neste, Jacksonville. Fla. Physician and surgeon. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). M.D. (Coll. P. and S.). Died, Oct. 31, 1874. *Evert Van Slyke, New York City. Born at Stuyvesant, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1835. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). D.D. (Rutgers, 1883). President, General Synod, 1889. Died, March 10, 1909. 136 EUTGERS COLLEGE. 1862. *Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J., Dec. 17, 1843. Lawyer. Prosecutor of Pleas, Mei-cer countj'. 1870-73. Reporter of Supreme Court, N. J. Mayor of Trenton, 1881-84. Judge, Court of Errors and Appeals, 1901-13. Trustee, Rutgers, 1892-1914. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1865). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1902). Died, Mch. 4, 1914. William Henry Vroom, Paterson, N. J. Born at Roysfield, N. J., Feb. 11, 1840. Clergyman, R. C. A. Author (in part), "History of the Classis of Paramus." N. B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). D.D. (Hope, 1898). Theodore Wyckoff Welles, Paterson, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., May 6, 1839. Clergyman, R. C. A. Superintendent of Public Schools, Bayonne. N. J., 1866-67. Author of books, historical and religious. N. B. Sem., 1865, A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). D.D. (Rutgers, 1893). *Abram Nevius Wyckoff, Bedminster, N. J. Bom at Bedminster, N. J., 1844. Presb, clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1867. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, May 10, 1895. *DeWitt Bevier Wyckoff, Pleasant Plains, N. V. Born at Rochester, Ulster county, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1842. Clergyman, R. C. A. N, B. Sem., 1865. A.M. (Rutgers, 1865). Died, Oct. 15, 1895. *R0BERT DeWitt Birch, Belleville, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 6, 1842, At Rutgers, 1858-60. Chemist. Died, Apr. 6, 1877. *Stephen Fiske, New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 22, 1840. Journalist. Author. Special correspondent. "N. Y. Herald." Dramatic critic and theatrical manager. Dramatic critic, "Sports of the Times." Author of plays. "English Photographs," "Off-Hand Portraits," &c. Died, Apr. 27, 1916. *JuLius William Geyer, New York City. Born at Laucha, Germany. July 7, 1836. At Rutgers, 1858-60. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1863. Died, Sept. 18, 1914. ♦Francis Granger Hasbrouck, Nyack, N. Y, Bom, ,Ian. 7, 1838. At Rutgers, 1858-60. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1863). Died, Aug. 27, 1866. Henry H. Hutchinson. ♦Richard Gabriel Ludlow, Neshanic, N. J. Born, 1839. At Rutgers. 1858-60. Physician. Resident physi- cian, Philadelphia Hospital, 1863-64. M.D. (Univ. of Penn., 1863). Died, Dec. 5, 1879. *J. Greenville McNeel, Gulf Prairie, Tex. Born at Ellerslie Plantation, Tex. At Rutgers, 1859-61. In Confederate Army. Killed in battle, 1862. Joseph A. Morgan. Residence when a student. East Chester, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1858-60. George L. Munn. Residence when a student, Chatham, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1860-61. Alfred Reed, Trenton, N. J. Born in Mercer county, N. J., Dec. 23, 1839. At Rutgers. 1858- 60. Lawyer. Justice, N. J. Supreme Court, 1875-95, 1904-11. Mayor, Trenton, 1867-68. Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Mer- cer County, 1869-74. Vice Chancellor of N. J., 1895-1904. LL.D. (Rutgers, 1900, and Princeton). Theodore Strong Van Dyke, Daggett, Cal. Hydraulic engineer. A.B. (Princeton, 1863). A.M. (Princeton, 1866). 1862-1S63. ALUMNI. 137 Jacob Henry Van Ness, Newark, N. J. Manufacturer. *E. Corning Waldron, Buffalo, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1858-60. Died, 1879. 1863. A.B. ♦Andrew Merrill Arcularius, Newark, N, J. Born in New York City, Dec. 2, 1835. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1866. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). Died, Mch. 7, 1911. George Lintner Danforth, Middleburgh, N. Y. Lawyer. Delegate, Constitutional Convention, N. Y., 1894. Trustee, Rutgers, 1894-99. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). *JosEPH Morrison Dixon, ' Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Liverpool, England, Jan. 7, 1844. Lawyer. U. S. Army. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). Died, Oct. 17, 1878. *Sebastian Duncan, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Franklin, N. J., June, 6. 1840. Tax Registration Dept. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Enlisted as Private, ISth N. J. Vols. Corporal, 1st Lieut, Julv 24, 1864. Detailed 2d Brigade, 1st Div., 20th Corps, Nov. 7, 1864. Brevet Capt, March, 1865. In battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. In the Atlanta, Savannah and Carolina campaigns. Died, at Riverside, R. I., Sept. 4, 1915. *James Lijdlam Hasbrouck Elmendorf, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Hyde Park, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1843. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). M.D. (Long Island College Hospital, 1866). Died, Dec. 25, 1880. * Garret Augustus Hobart, Paterson, N. J. Born at Long Branch, N. J., June 3. 1844. Lawyer. City Counsel, Paterson, N. J., 1871, and of Board of Freeholders, Passaic county, 1872. Member, N. J. Assemblv, 1873—74. Speaker of same, 1874. N. J. State Senator. 1877-82. Presi- dent of same, 1881-82. Vice President of U. S. A.. 1897-99. Trustee, Rutgers, 1896-99. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). LL.D. (Rut- gers, 1896). Died, Nov. 21, 1899. *Thomas Livingston Janeway, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct., 1843. Physician and sur- geon. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1867). Died, Nov. 27, 1887. *Mannes Kiekintveld, Holland, Mich. Born at Mattel, Netherlands, Sept. 2. 1839. Clergyman. R. C. A. Merchant. N. B. Sem., 1866. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). Died, May 30, 1889. ♦Adrian Kriekard, Grand Rapids, Mich. Born at Niewdorp, Netherlands. Oct. 18. 1839. Clerffyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1866. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). Died, Sept. 3, 1907. ♦Engelbert Christian Oggel, Holland, Mich. Born at Axel. Netherlands, Sept. 28. 1841. Clergyman, R. C. A. Retired. N. B. Sem.. 1866. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). D.D. (Lafayette, 1890). Died, Nov. 6. 1910. ♦Charles Hubbard Pool, Somerville, N. J. Born at Bay Ridge, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1840. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1866. Corresponding Secretary, Board Domestic Missions. R. C. A.. 1887-1906. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). D.D. (Rutgers. 1892). Died, March 1, 1906. ♦William Smith, South Evanston, 111. Born at Glasgow, Scotland, 1840. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1863-64. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). Died, -Feb. 23, 1892. 138 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1863. *J0HN H. Smock, Locust Valley, N. Y. Born at Freehold, N. J., Jan. 20, 1836. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1866. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). Died, Jan. 7, 1903. ♦George Swain, AUentown, N. J. Born at Glascow, Scotland. Jan. 20, 1841. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1866. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). D.D. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, Nov. 7, 1914 Henry Utterwick, Rutherford, N. J. Born in Amsterdam, Holland. May 22, 1841. Cong'l clergyman. Translator of Amsterdam Correspondence, etc., for Ecclesias- tical Records of State of New York. N. B. Sem., 1866. A.M. (Rutgers, 1866). ♦Joseph Mabon Vile, New Durham, N. J. Born at New Durham, N. J.(?) Student, N. B. Sem.. 1863-65. Died, Doc. 20, 1865. Joseph Frederick Berg, Plainfield, N. J. Born in Philadelphia, Pa.. Dec. 26, 1840. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1862). Jerome L. Bergen, Brooklyn, N. Y. Real estate and insurance. Assessor, 1877—84. ♦Alfred O. Bowne. At Rutgers, 1860-61. Albert S. Caswell. Solomon T. Cole, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Esopus, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1836. At Rutgers, 1859-60. N. B. Sem., 1864. Clergyman. R. C. A. Jacob W. DuBois, Cartagena, Columbia, S. A. Physician. A.M. M.D. Frederic P. Heninghausen, Baltimore, Md. Born at Fulda, Germany, July 27, 1839. At Rutgers, one year and three months. Lutheran clergyman. Pastor, German- English. St. Stephens' Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1864- . D.D. (North Carolina Coll. of Evang. Luth. Church, 1886). ♦Charles Hutchings. At Rutgers, 1859-60. ♦Andrew Kirkpatrick, Newark, N. J. Born at Washington, D. C, Oct. 8, 1844. At Rutgers, 1860-62. Lawyer. Law Judge, Essex county, N. J.. 1885-96. Judge, U. S. District Court, 1896-1904. President. Federal Trust Co. A.B. (Union, 1863). A.M. (Rutgers, 1866, and Princeton, 1870). LL.D. (Union, 1903). Died, May 3, 1904. ♦William Henry Kling, North Attleboro, Mass. Born in New York City, June 4, 1840. At Rutgers. 1859-60. Baptist clergyman. Editor and publisher. North Attleboro Ad- vertiser. School Commissioner, 1883-85. Moderator of Town, 1887-94. Died, Aug. 24, 1912. Isaac Mattice. George Addison Mills, Limerick, Maine. Born in New York City, Feb. 15, 1839. Cong'l clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1866. ♦John O'Hanlon, Morristown, N. J. At Rutgers, 1860-61. M. E. clergyman. A.B. (Wesleyan, 1863). A.M. (Wesleyan, 1866). Died, Jan. 4, 1875. ♦Thomas O'Hanlon, Ocean Grove, N. J. Born in New York Citv. Mch. 24, 1832. At Rutgers, 1860-61. M. E. clergyman. President, Pennington Seminary. 1867-72. 1875-1903. A.B. (Princeton. 1863). A.M. (Princeton, 1866). D.D. (Dickinson, 1870). LL.D. (W^ashington Coll., Tonn., 1893). Died, Sept. 30, 1912. 1863-1S64. ALUMNI. 139 *WiLLiAM Henry Pohlman, Albany, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1859-61. Entered as Private, Co. G, 1st N. J. Vols., May 28, 1861. Transferred to Signal Corps, Jan. 17, 1863. Promoted 1st Lieut., 59tli N. Y. Vols. Engaged in all the battles of Army of Potomac, from Bull's Run to Gettysburg, inclusive. Commanded his regiment on July 3, at Gettysburg ; wounded twice ; the first time his left arm shattered, and, he continuing in the field, his right wrist was struck and an artery severed. From these wounds he died, July 21, 1863. John Van Dyke Pumyea, Belle Mead, N. J. Born at Three Mile Run, N. J., Sept. 5, 1842. Farmer. James Henry Van Cleef, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Branchville, N. J., July 12, 1841. At Rutgers, 1859-60. ■ Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1875, 1881-82. Mayor, New Brunswick, N. J., 1889-95. State Senator, N. J., 1898-1900. A.B. (Lafayette, 1863).- A.M. (Lafayette, 1872). *WiLLOUGHBY Weston, Ncw York City. Born at Rensselaer, Ind., Aug. 23, 1845. At Rutgers, 1859-60. Broker. Brigadier General and Inspector General of N. J., 1881-88. Died, April 26, 1902. 1864. A.B. ♦James Henry Bertholf, Marlboro, N. J. Born at Fredonia, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1840. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1867. A.M. (Rutgers, 1867). Died, Dec. 11, 1904. Nicholas I. Marselus Bogert, Metuchen, N. J. Born in New York City, June 30. 1842. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1867. A.M. (Rutgers, 1867). *Harman Rutgers Crosby, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1845. Manufacturer. Lawyer. Enlisted as Private in 22d Regt. N. Y. Vols, and served three months at Harper's Ferry, Honorably discharged. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1867). Died at sea, June 15, 1869. Andrew Doremus, Saginaw, Mich, Born at Parsippany, N. J., Jan. 26, 1837. Presb. clergvman. N. B. Sem., 1864-65. Bangor Sem., 1868. A.M. (Rutgers, 1867). *J0HN Luther Goble Duryee, Newark, N, J Born at Newark. N. J., July 20, 1845. Physician. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1867). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1868), Died, June 1, 1916. *Ogden Galusha Harpending, Clintondale, N. Y. Teacher. Local preacher, M. E. Church. A.M. (Rutgers, 1867). Died, Jan. 2», 1905. *Thomas Walker Jones, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Schuylerville, N. Y., July 8, 1843. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1867. A.M. (Rutgers, 1867), Died. Dec. 29, 1909, William Hopkins Leupp, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J,, Mch. 4, 1845. New York Law School, 1895, Trustee. Rutgers, 1895- , A.M. (Rutgers, 1867). ♦John Lott Remsen, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Three Mile Run, N. J., 1841. Teacher, Farmer, A.M, (Rutgers, 1867), Died, June 24, 1903. ♦David Schureman Sutphen, Bloomfield, N. J. Born at Bedminster, N. J., Apr. 24, 1842. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1867. A.M. (Rutgers, 1867). Died, March 27, 1897. ♦John Kirkpatrick Van Arsdale, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Pluckamin, N. J., Dec. 23, 1844. Teacher. Bank clerk. A.M. (Rutgers, 1867). Died, March 26, 1894. 140 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1864. Eugene Aybes, St. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. John S. Bliss. Resident-e when a student, Brooklyn, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1860-61. William Brinkerhoff, Jersey City, N. J. At Rutgers, 1860-61. Samuel Webb Clason, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Warwick, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1843. At Rutgers, 1860-62. PhA'sician and surgeon. Sanitary Inspector, Health Dept., N. Y. A.B. (Union, 1864). A.M. (Union, 1867). M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1867). F. Harold Cleveland. Residence when a student. Eminence, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1860-61. *Benjamin Franklin Decker, Campbell Hall, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1861-62. Teacher, 1865-67. Merchant. 1867-81. Joined Co. E, 5th Artillery, N. Y. Vols.. Aug. 15. 1862. Honor- ably discharged, June 22, 1865. Died, May 10, 1881. *JoHN Dooly, Oxford, Mass. Born in Albany, Mch. 31, 1838. At Rutgers, 1860-61. 1st N. J. Vols., 1861-64. Cong'l clergyman. Author of church histories. Died, Oct. 23, 1915. William Ferdon. Residence when a student, New York City. At Rutgers, 1860-61. *Jared Hasbrouck, New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers, 1862-63. Teacher. A.M. (Univ. N. Y., 1865). Died, May 13, 1890. ♦Lewis Hasbrouck, Walden, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1860-61. Lawyer. Died, April 18, 1901. ♦John McGaffin, Cohoes, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1860-62. Enlisted as Private in 77th Regt., N. Y. Vols.. 1862. Killed instantly at the siege of Port Hudson by the discharge of a shell from the Rebel batteries, June 18, 1863, and burled where he fell. ♦Michael McLaury, South Kortright, N. Y. Born at Davenport, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1837. At Rutgers, 1860-61. Farmer. Died, Oct. 26, 1907. *Pleasant D. McNeel, Gulf Prairie, Tex. Born at Ellerslie Plantation, Tex. At Rutgers, 1860-61. In Confederate army. Killed in battle, 1864. ♦David F. More, Buffalo, N. Y. Born at Moresville, N. Y.(?) At Rutgers, 1860-61. Died. 1907. Abraham Van Nest Powelson, Middletown, N. Y. Born at Pluckamin, N. J., Apr. 15, 1842. At Rutgers, 1860-63. Lawyer. District Attorney, Orange county, 1894-1901. A.B. (Union, 1864). A.M. (Union, 1867). ♦Thomas Lloyd Stringer, Raritan, N. J. Born at Austerliz, N. Y., Aug. 26. 1835. At Rutgers, 1860-61. Farmer. Served in Civil War, 1861-63. Died, May 18, 1915. ♦Charles Henry Thompson, Belmar, N. J. Born at Marlboro, N. J.. Aug. 23. 1843. At Rutgers, 1860-64. Phvsician. Mayor of Belmar, 1885-96. President, Board of Health. 1885-1904. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1868). Died, Dec. 3, 1912. ♦David Kline Van Doren, Schodack Landing, N. Y. Born at Pluckamin, N. J., Feb. 18, 1841. At Rutgers. 1860-62. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1867. Died, Feb. 7, 1908. John H. Van Winkle, Plainfield, N. J. Lawyer. Mayor, North Plainfield, 1885-86. 1864-1865. ALUMNI. Ill * William Skidmore Willes, Old Bridge, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 19. 1843. At Rutgers. 1860-61. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S.. 1864). Served as private, Na- tional Guard, N. Y. Later Ass't Surgeon, 31st N. J. Vols. Ass't Surgeon and Surgeon 1st N. J. Cavalry during Civil War. After Civil War, Surgeon. U. S. S. "Seminole." Died, at Port-au- Prince. Haiti, Jan. 29. 1870. *Abbam C. Wortendyke, Godwinville, N. J. At Rutgers, 1860-61. 1865. A.B. John Knox Allen, Tarrytown, N. Y. Born in Rockland county. N. Y., Oct. 22, 1844. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1868. A. M. (Rutgers, 1868). D.D. (Rutgers, 1892). ♦Robert Morrison Brown, Girard, Pa. Born, 1844. Secretary, Chinese Engineering and Mining Co. Private Co. G, 25th Conn. Vols. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). Died, Feb. 18, 1900. *JoHN Angell Davis, Nyack, N, Y. Born at Flatbush, Ulster county, N. Y., Oct 28, 1839. Presb. clergyman. Missionary to China, 1868-70. N. B. Sem., 1868. Editor, "The Sower," 1877-78. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). Died, Sept. 24, 1897. ♦William Henry De Hart, Plainfield. N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 21, 1837. Clergyman, R. C. A. Pastor, Third Reformed Church of Raritan. Stated Clerk, General Synod, 1894-1915. N. B. Sem., 1868. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). D.D. (Rutgers, 1900). Died, Feb. 14, 1916. ♦RuSHA Denise, Norfolk, Va. Born near Freehold, N. J., Nov. 5. 1842. Civil engineer. A.M.- (Rutgers, 1868). Died, Dec. 15, 1880. Augustus Floyd, Mastic, L. I., N. Y. Born at Mastic, L. I., Aug. 12, 1845. Merchant. Retired. Commissioner, State Board of Charities, 1904-12. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1868). Isaac Edgar Hasbrouck, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Stone Ridge, N. Y., Sept. 24. 1842. Auditor. Tutor. Mathematics and Latin, Rutgers. 1866-72. Prof. Mathematics and Graphics, Rutgers, 1872-84. Assistant Librarian, Rut- gers. 1868-80. Librarian, Rutgers, 1880-84. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). Joseph Bonnell Mann, Danville, 111. Born at Somerville, N. J., Nov. 9. 1843. Lawyer. Member, U-' linois Assembly, 1881-83. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). John Fletcher Shaw, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 13. 1843. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1868. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). ♦Henry Stout, South Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Raritan, N. J., Jan. 19, 1838. Clergyman, R. C. A. Missionary to Japan, 1868-1906. Published first hymn book in Japanese language. Author, History of South Japan Mis- sion. N. B. Sem., 1868. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). D.D. (Rutgers, 1893). Died. Feb. 16, 1912. Francis Cuyler Van Dyck, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Coxsackie, N. Y., June 3. 1844. Prof. Physics and Experimental Mechanics, Rutgers, 1882— . Dean of the Col- lege, 1901-1913. Tutor in Chemistry, 1866-70. Prof. Analytical Chemistry, 1870-78. Prof. Chemistry, 1878-80. Prof. Physics and Inorganic Chemistry. 1880-82. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). Ph.D. (Union, 1888). D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1915). 142 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1865. *JoHN William Warnshius, Born at Guelderland. Netherlands, Nov. 23, 1840 R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1868. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868) 6, 1901. Adrian Westveer, Born in Holland, Nov. 2, 1840. Clergyman, R. Sem.. 1868. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). Albert Ashleigh Zabriskie, Born at Bergen Point, N. J., Apr. 11, 1843. Clergyman, R. C. A N. B. Sem., 1868. A.M. (Rutgers, 1868). Kalamazoo, Mich. Clergyman, Died, March Pottersville, N. J. C. A. N. B. Bloomington, N. Y, New Brunswick, N. J. Ithaca, N. Y ♦Charles James Aldis, New York City. At Rutgers, 1861-62. Banker. Second Lieutenant, 25th Conn. Regiment. Discharged, 1863. Died, Nov. 13, 1874. *Thomas Blanch Bloomfield, Westbrook, Conn. Born in New York City, 1845. At Rutgers, 1864-65. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1876). Died, Feb. 17, 1905. *Robert Birch Bonney, Trenton, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., 1845. At Rutgers, 1861-62. Clerk of N. J. State Prison, 1872-1890. Died, Jan. 30, 1896. Henry James Brown, Chicago, 111. Episc, clergyman. Retired. Western Theological Seminary, 1868. M.D. (Mich. Coll. of Med.). ♦James S. Davie, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Greencastle, Pa., Dec. 4, 1843. At Rutgers, 1861-62. Banker. Died, Jan. 2, 1903. William Henry Elston. Principal, public school, Newark, N. J. ♦Joseph Fisher, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug, 25, 1844. At Rutgers, 1861-62. Coal merchant. Care of estates. Died, Nov. 4, 1908. Henry Jesse Grant, Born at Ithaca, N. Y., Apr. 25. 1837. At Rutgers, 1861-65. Real estate and insurance. N. B. Sem., 1868. ♦Thomas Lafon Gulick, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Koloa. Hawaii, Apr. 10, 1839. At Rutgers. 1861-63. Cong'l clergyman. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M., to Spain. 1872- 82. Chaplain, Presb. Hospital, Phila., 1896-1904. Andover Sem.. 1868. A.B. (Williams, 1865). A.M. (1868). Died at Kijabi, British East Africa, June 15, 1904. ♦Simon Wyckoff Nevius. Middlebush, N. J. At Rutgers, 1861-62. Enlisted as Private in Co. E, 15th Regt., N. Y. Vols., Aug. 2, 1862. Chosen 1st Corporal. Promoted Sergeant, March 16, 1863. Was wounded in battle of Salem Heights, May 3. 1863, and from wounds received there died at Washington, D. C, May 19, 1863. ♦Horatio W. St. John, West Farms, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1861-62. U. S. Army. ♦George Clinton Tallman, Jr., Paterson, N. J. At Rutgers. 1861-64. Teacher. Died. Feb. 14, 1873. ♦Frederick Judd Van Wagner, Madison, N. J. Born, 1835. At Rutgers. 1862-64. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1866). Postmaster, Madison, N. J., 1878-81. Died, May 30, 1881. ♦Richard A. Vabick, Died during Freshman year, Nov. 25, 1861. ♦Peter Ferdinand Wikoff. At Rutgers, 1862-64. Merchant. Died, Sept., 1890. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Metuchen, N. J. i8«e. ALUMNI. 143 1866. A.B. *Edward Green Ackerman, Clover Hill, N. J. Born at Saddle River, N. J.. Feb. 3, 1837. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 18G9. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). Died, Dec. 1, 1899. *Ellis Ayres Apgar, East Orange, N. J. Born at Peapack, N. J., Mch. 20. 1836. N. J. State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, 1866-85. Superintendent o,f Schools, New Brunswick, N. J. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). Died, Aug. 28, 1905. *Herman Caspar Berg, Tillson, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Oct 5. 1845. Clergyman, R. C. A. Presi- dent. Board Publication. 1890-95. N. B. Sem., 1869. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). D.D. (Lafayette, 1891). Died, Feb. 16, 1914. *Adam Augustus Bookstaver, " Searsville, N. Y. Born near Montgomery, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1842. Clergyman, R. C. A. Princeton Sem., 1866-68. N. B. Sem., 1869. In 19th N. Y. Vols. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). Died, April 24, 1905. *Isaac Peterson Brokaw, Somerville, N. J. Born at Middlebush, N. J., July 27. 1845. Clergyman, R. C. A. Retired. Stated clerk. Particular Synod, New Brunswick, 188f)- 1914. N. B. Sem., 1869. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). D.D. (Rutgers, 1891). Died, Aug. 19, 1916. *JoHN Neilson Carpender, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in New York City, Nov. 4, 1845. President, Norfolk and New Brunswick Hosiery Co., 1885-1911. Commissioner. Sink- ing Fund, N. B.. 1880-1911. Trustee, Rutgers, 1911. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1869). Died, Nov. 21, 1911. Paul Cook, Troy, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1847. Secretary and treasurer, W. & L. E. Gurley. Trustee, Rutgers, 1891- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). John Blanchard Edgar, Avenel, N. J. Born at Avenel, N. J.. May 7, 1843. Farmer. Colonel on Gen. Mott's staff, State Militia. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). John McReynolds Gaut, Nashville, ITenn. Born at Cleveland, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1841. Lawyer. General Coun- sel. Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., relative to union with Cum- berland Presbyterian Church, 1906-14. Author, "Cumberland, the Storv of a Name," etc. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). LL.D. (Missouri Valley College, 1906). LL.D. (Rutgers. 1908). *Florian Wellington Gordon, Perth Amboy, N. J. Banker, Cashier Middlesex County National Bank, Perth Amboy, from its organization, 1872-85. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). Died, Oct. 22, 1885. Robert Imlay Hopper, Paterson, N. J. Born at Paterson, N. J., May 28, 1845. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1869). *George Duryee Hulst, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Newtown, L. I., Mch. 10, 1846. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1869. Eminent authority and writer on Entomology and Botany. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). Ph.D. (Rutgers, 1891). . Died, Nov. 5, 1900. *John Bayard Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Washington, D. C, Feb. 14, 1847. Broker. City Treas- urer, New Brunswick, 1894-1904. President, N. B. Gas Light Co. Trustee, Rutgers, 1892-1912. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). Died, Sept. 6, 1912. James Neilson, New Brunswick, N. J Born at New Brunswick, N. .7., Nov. 7, 1844. Trustee. Rutger.s. 1886- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). LL.B. (Hamilton, 1869). 144: RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1800-1867. William Reiley, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Ilolmdel, N. J., Dec. 21, 1845. Lawyer. Surrogate of Middlesex county, N. J., 1872-82. A.M. (Rutgers. 1869). ♦James Lott Southard, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 13, 1844. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1869. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). Died, March 17, 1906. ♦Francis Horatio Stubbs, Eau Clair, Wis. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 29, 1847. Episc. clergy- man. General Theological Sem., 1869. A.M. Died, March 29, 1906. ♦Peter Vreeland Van Buskirk, Born at Bayonne, N. J., Mch. 2, 1845. N. B. Sem., 1869. A.M (Rutgers, 1869). ♦John Garnsey Van Slyke, Born at Coeymans, N. Y.. Feb. 26. 1845. N. B. Sem., 1869. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). Died, Dec. 15, 1910. James Walter Vroom, Born at Trenton, N. J., Aug. 13, 1846. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). John Winner, Jr., Jersey City, N. J. Merchant. A.M. (Rutgers, 1869). Brooklyn, N. Y. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Mch. 9. 1912. Kingston, N. Y. Clergyman, R. C. A. D.D. (Rutgers, 1881). New York City. N. Roe Bradner, At Rutgers, 1862-63. Physician. ♦Charles Merideth Dayton, Philadelphia, Pa. A.M. (Rutgers. 1S69). San Francisco, Cal. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 15. 1845. At Rutgers, 1862-63. Stock broker. Died, Oct. 31, 1879. James A. Deane, Physician. ♦Charles Post Demorest, At Rutgers, 1863-64. Died, Dec. 5, 1864. David Weild Harkness, Catskill, N. Y. Warwick, N. Y, Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1873), Bom at Matteawan, N. Y. William C. Johnson. Residence when a student, New Brunswick, N. J. 1862-63. John Nevius Van Zandt, At Rutgers, Blawenburgh, N. J. Born at Blawenburgh, N. J., Aug. 17, 1844. At Rutgers, 186: 63. Postmaster. 1867. A.B. ''Samuel Woodhridge Bergen, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Bay Ridge (Brooklyn), N. Y.. Sept. 22. 1845. Phar- macist. A.M. (Rutgers, 1870). Died, July 12, 1871. Tunis Garret Bergen, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 17, 1848. Lawyer. President, Board Education, Brooklyn, 1885-91. N. Y. State Commissioner Charities. 1895-1900. President of Trustees, Brooklyn Heights Sem., 1905- . Trustee, Rutgers, 1885- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1870). LL.B. (Columbia, 1874). Dr. in Public Law (Heidel- berg, 1871). John Brownson Church, Paterson, N. J. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1870. A.M. (Rutgers, 1870). 1867-1868. ALUMNI. 145 Hackensack, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- *Samuel Ralph Demarest, Jr., Born at Demarest, N. J., Mch. 5, 1844. gers, 1870). Died, Mch. 21, 1911. *Peter Hasbrouck, Shawangunk, N. Y. Born at New Paltz, N. Y., July 30, 1839. Teacher. Real es- tate broker. A.M. (Rutgers, 1870). Died, July 6, 1875. *J0HN Van Wagenen Heermance, Atchison, Kan. Born in Columbia county, N. Y., July, 1846. Life insurance. A.M. (Rutgers, 1870). Died, Oct. 8, 1903. Benjamin Chalmers Nevius, New York City. Born at Stuyvesant, N, Y., Oct. 7, 1847. Insurance clerk. Teacher. 1867-84. A.M. (Rutgers, 1870). Cornelius Sh addle See, Chicago, 111. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 29, 1847. Lawyer. Mem- ber, N. J. Assembly, 1884-85. A.M. (Rutgers, 1870). *Benjamin Van Campen Taylor, Duxbury, Mass. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 15, 1846. Architect. A.M. (Rutgers, 1870). Died, Sept 8, 1906. *Peter Labagh Van der Veer, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Born at Brookside, N. J., Sept. 30. 1846. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1870). LL.B. (Columbia, 1874). Died, March 16, 1893. William Halsey Van Doren, Princeton, N. J. Born in Bucks county, Penn., May 21. 1839. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1871. A.M. (Rutgers, 1870). *De Witt Van Zandt, Born at Montgomery, N. Y., 1851. Lawyer. 1870). Died, Aug. 17, 1895. ♦William Penn Wilson, Born, 1846. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1870), 1891. Middletown, N. Y. A.M. (Rutgers, Elizabeth, N. J. Died, July 30, *ISAAc D. Cole, Yonkers, N. Y. Died, Jan. 2, 1910. Henry Wyckoff Le Roy, Treasurer, Gould-Mersereau Co. A.B. (Williams, 1870). Thomas Alexander Patrie, Born at Livingston, N. Y., July 3, 1845 Retired. Thomas Edgar W^illson. Residence when a student. New York City. At Rutgers, 1863-64. New York City. (Williams, 1867). A.M. Larchmont, N. Y. At Rutgers, 3 years. 1868. A.B. Pierre Guillaume Maximilien Bahler, Williamson, N. Y. Born at Mons, Belgium, Apr. 29, 1844. Clergyman, R. C. A. Retired. N. B. Sem., 1871. A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). *Edward Benedict, Swansea, Mass. Born at Lake Waukaubok, N. Y., Apr. 2. 1845. Episc. clergy- man. General Theological Sem., 1871. A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). Died, March 8, 1907. *Vernon Bond Carroll, Amenia, N. Y. Born at Baltimore, Md., Jan. 11, 1846. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1871. A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). Died, Dec. 18, 1899. 10 146 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1868. *AKTiruB Crosby, San Rafael, Cal. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 10, 1847. Presb. clergy- man. TJnion Sem., 1870. A.M. (Rutgers. 1871). D.D. (Wash- ington and Jefferson. 1892). Head Master, Mt. Tamalpais Military Academy. Died, Aug. 24, 1915. William Emerson Davis, Knox, N. Y. Born at PrincetowTi, N. Y., Feb. 18, 184o. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1871. A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). Camden, N. J. July 2, 1845 Herbert Armitage Drake, Born at Hopewell, N. J. gers, 1871). *COERT Du Bois, Born at Johnstown. N. Y., Jan. 6, 1847. A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). M.D. (Coll. P. January 1, 1891. *MOLTON Hooks Forrest, Physician. Surgeon of the eye and ear. A.] M.D. (Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1872). 1894. Frederick Frelingiiuysen, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Sept. 30, 1848. Lawyer. President, Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. Trustee, Rutgers, 1885- . Treasurer, Rutgers, 1889-1905. A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1914). Elias Mead, Born at Chesterville, N. Y. Clergyman, R. C. A. 1870. Archibald Mercer, Born at Newark, N. J., Dec. 23, 1848. Physician. Attending Surgeon, St. Barnabas and City Hospital. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1871). A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). ♦William Rankin, Jr., Newark, N. J. Born at Cincinnati, Ohio, Mch. 13, 1848. Physician and sur- geon to Newark Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1871). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1871). Died, Feb. 25, 1904. Seymoui; Royal Smith, Hackettstown, N. J. Born at Waterloo. N. J., Aug. 14, 1847. President. Hacketts- town National Bank, 1890- . President, Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 1880- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). Thomas Morris Strong, Boston, Mass. Born at Rosendale, N. Y., June 12, 1848. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). M.D. (N. Y. Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1871). Alexander Joseph Swift, Hartford, Conn, Civil engineer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). C.E. (Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, 1872). * East Hampton, N. Y. June 27, 1846. Retired merchant. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- New York City. Physician and surgeon. and S., 1872). Died, Philadelphia, Pa. (Rutgers. 1871). Died, March 27, Passaic, N. J. N. B. Sem., Newark, N. J. Daniel Talmage, Born at Brooklyn. N A.M. (Rutgers, 1871), * Edward Cady Thomas, Born at Lockport, N. Y. Petaluma, Cal. Dec. 14. 1845. M. E. clergyman, 1868-69. Surveyor and civil engineer, 1869-74. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1871), Died, Jan. 16, 1874. *GrOtJVERNEUR RuTGERS Vroom, Trenton, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. Died, Nov. 25, 1870. Rensselaer Weston, Goshen, N. Y. Banker and broker. A.M. (Rutgers, 1871). *WlLLIAM ERASTUS RETD, At Rutgers, 1866-67. Lawyer. A.M. (Univ. N. Y., 1871). A.B. (Univ. N. Newark, N, J. Y.. 1868). 1868. ALUMNI. 147 Nelson De Witt Strykek, Monmouth Junction, N. J. Born at Monmouth Junction, N. J., Mch. 23, 1847. At Rutgers, 3 years. Retired salesman. Andrew Webster Van Slyke, Coxsackie, N. Y. Born at New Baltimore, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1846. At Rutgers, 1864- 66. Physician. M.D. (Albany Med. Coll., 1869). *WiLLiAM James Wyckoff, New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers, 1864-65. Killed by pistol explosion, June 7, 1865. B.Sc. *Charles Barnes, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871). Died. May 13, 1891. * Edward Albert Bowser, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Sackville, Canada, June 18, 1837. Tutor, Engineering and Mathematics, Rutgers, 1868-70. Adjunct Prof. Mathe- matics, 1870-71. Prof. Mathematics and Engineering, 1871— 1904. Emeritus, 1904-10. Author of many standard text- books on Mathematics. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871). C.E. (Rut- * gers. 1871). LL.D. (Lafayette, 1881, and Rutgers, 1905). Died, Feb. 19, 1910. *Garretson Hageman, Millstone, N. J. Born near Somerville, N. J.. Aug. 6, 1846. Farmer and civil engineer. Settling estates. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871). Died, July 30, 1915. * George D. Howell, Chester, Pa. Born at Shiloh, N. J., Oct. 22, 1844. Civil engineer. Professor Engineering and Astronomy. Pennsylvania Military College. 1887-92. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871). C.E. (Rutgers, 1873). Died, Feb. 3, 1907. *WiLLL\M Edward Kelly, New Brunswick, N. J. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871). C.E. (Rutgers, 1873). Died. Dec. 11, 1893. Edward Clarence Pearson, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Newhuryport, Mass., Apr. 7, 1849. Lawyer. Retired. Writer on Examination of Titles to Real Estate. LL.B. (Col- umbia, 1878). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871). * Floyd Marvin Vanderoef. Florida, N. Y Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871). C.E. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, Sept. 6, 1874. *James Williamson Hardenbergh, North Adams, Mass Born at Jersey City, N. J.. Feb. 26. 1849. At Rutgers, 1864- 65. Manufacturer. City Treas., North. Adams, Mass. Died, Jan. 26. 1911. *Bloomfield Jackson Miller, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J.. Dec. 31, 1849. At Rutgers, 1865-67. Vice President Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. Died, April 11, 1905. * George Augustus Mushback, Alexandria, Va. Born in Sussex county, N. J., Jan. 1850. At Rutgers, 1865-67. Lawyer. Member. House of Directors, Va. State Senator, Va. Died, Dec. 27, 1901. John Alexander Rutherfurd, New York City. Member of N. Y". Stock Exchange. William Dixon Van Blarcom, London, England. Born at Paterson, N. J., Nov. 28, 1845. At Rutgers, 1864-65. Banker. Retired. Traveler. 148 EUTGEES COLLEGE. 1868-1869. *WiLLiAM WooLSEY Varick, Jersey City, N. J. Born in New York City, Jan. 16. 1847. At Rutgers, 1864-65. M.D. (Coll. P. and S.). Physician. President, Jersey City Hospital. Member of State Board of Education. Died, Sept. 8, 1905. 1869. A.B. Martin Bahler, East Orange, N. J. Born at Breda, Netherlands, Aug. 21, 1846. Teacher. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). *Edgar Bergen, Flatbush, N. Y. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y.(?), 1844. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). Died, April 23, 1896. ♦Robert Doig, Scotia, N. Y. Born in New York City, July 11, 1842. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1872. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). Died, June 16, 1892. ♦Theodore Douglass Frazee, Huguenot, N. Y. Born at Rahway, N. J., Dec, 1838. M. E. clergyman. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). Died, Aug. 25, 1900. William Elliot Griffis, Ithaca, N. Y. Born at Philadelphia, Penn., Sept. 17, 1843. Cong'l clergyman. Lecturer. Superintendent, Education, Fukin, Japan, 1871. Prof. Imperial Univ., Tokio, 1872-74. Author of "The Mikado's Empire" and many other books on Japan, Holland, &c. A.M. (Rutgers. 1872) Union Sem., 1877. D.D. (Union, 1884). L.H.D. (Rutgers, 1899). John Hart, Neshanic, N. J. Born in Bucks county, Penn., July 17, 1843. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1872. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). Charles Luman Knapp, Lowville, N. Y. Born at Harrisburgh, N. Y., July 4, 1847. Lawyer. State Senator, 1886-87. Consul General, Montreal, 1889-93. Member Congress, 1901-11. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). George Warne Labaw, Paterson, X. J. Born near Clinton, N. J., Feb. 29, 1848. Clergyman, R. C. A. Author. "Preakness and the Preakness Reformed Church," and "Genealogy of the Warne Family in America." N. B. Sem., 1873. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). ♦Edward Lodewick, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at East Greenbush, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1846. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1872. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). Died, Sept. 14, 1909. Robert Clarence Pruyn, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1847. Banker. President. National Commercial Bank, 1885- . Regent, Univ. State of N. Y., 1901-05. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). ♦Edward Dwight Shepard, New York City. Born at New Orleans, La., Apr. 10, 1845. Bond dealer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). Died, Jan. 13, 1912. ♦Nicholas Terhune, Passaic, N. J. Born at Paterson, N. J., Aug. 2, 1847. Pharmacist. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1872). Died, Jan. 22, 1892. MoTT Bedell Vail, New Bininswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 21. 1851. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1871). A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). John Talmage Van Cleef, Trenton, N. J. Born at Coxsackie, N. Y., July 9. 1849. Lawyer. Secretary, N J State R. R. Commission, 1884. On Board of Assessors, 1884-96. A.M. (Rutgers, 1872). 1869. ALUMNI. 149 * John G. Berdan, (?) Paterson, N. J. At Rutgers. 1865-69. *J0HN Arthur Blish, New Brunswick, X. J. Born at Northport, Maine, June 3, 1849. At Rutgers, 1865-66. Architect. Died, Oct. 21, 1914. *Edw^ard Warren Clark, Nashville, Tenn. Born at Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. 27, 1849. At Rutgers, 1867-69. Episc. clergyman. Episcopal Divinity School, Phila.. Penn. Author "Life and Adventure in Japan," "From Hong Kong to the Himalayas." Died, June 5, 1907. *Ebenezer Platt Johnson, Hobart, N. Y. Lawyer. Justice, Court of Appeals, State of New York. A.B. (Williams, 1869). *Parshall D. Nichols, Sewickley, Penn. Born in Canada, opposite Lockport, N. Y.. Mch. 8, 1845. At Rutgers, 1865-66. Real Estate. Died, June 16, 1906. George Whitfield Robinson, Rosebank, N. Y. Superintendent of Puhlic Schools. ♦William Little Terhune, Matawan, N. J. At Rutgers, 1865-69. Died, Jan. 5, 1869. ♦Jacob X;:!raig Van Blarcom, St. Louis, Mo. Born in Bergen county, N. J.. June 1. 1849. At Rutgers. 1865- 66. Banker. President, Bank of Commerce, 1905-08. Director in many railroad and other corporations. Member of many clubs. Died, Aug. 24. 1908. B.Sc. ♦Nathaniel Board, Elmhurst, N. Y. Born, 1847. Assistant to Engineer of Public Parks, N. Y. Citv. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). Died, March 22, 1900. ♦Simeon Eastlack Bucknell, Alhambra, 111. Born in Philadelphia, May 16, 1850. Physician. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1872). A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). M.D. (St. Louis, Mo., Med. Coll., 1875). Died, June 20, 1903. Holmes Van Mater Dennis, Freehold. N. J. Bora near Holmdel. N. J., Apr. 11, 1849. President, Freehold Gas Light Co., etc. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). Joshua Doughty, Jr., Somerville, N. J. Born at Somerville. N. J.. Feb. 28, 1844. Civil engineer. Somerset county engineer, 1886- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). J. RiDGWAY Fell, Trenton, N. J. Born in Bucks county. Pa.. Aug. 29, 1846. City Commissioner, Trenton, 1911- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). Edward Sealy, Newark, N. J. Physician and surgeon. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). M.D. (Belle- vue Hospital Med. Coll., 1884). ♦Augustus Vanderveer, Somerville, N. J. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1872). Died, April 9, 1902. William Augustus Van Mater, Belford, N. J. Born at Holmdel, N. J., Jan. 9, 1849. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). ♦Abram De Hart Voorhees, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Three Mile Run. N. J., Mch. 25, 1848. Farmer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). Died, Jan. 16, 1911. Symmes Bergen, Trenton, N. J. Born at Princeton, N. J.. Aug. 9, 1849. Manufacturer. 150 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1869-1870. Spencer Houghtojnt Cone, Actor. Harry Clay Freese, Editor and proprietor, "The Free Press, *CORNELIUS WYCKOFF GaRRETSON, At Rutgers, 1866-69. Merchant. Henry C. Hopper, *George Denman Meeker, 1866-67 Larchmont, N. Y. Hays, Kan. New Brunswick, N. J. 1850. At Born. 1848. At Rut Died, Nov. 22, 1896 *DuMONT Frelinghuysen Mercer, Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 23 Merchant. Died, Jan. 19, 1882. ♦Marvin Reuben Merchant, . At Rutgers, 1866-68. Died, April 4, 1887. *Thomas M. Murray, Born at Delhi, N. Y.. June 18, 1847. At Cofltractor. Died. Nov. 24, 1907. Robert Henderson Robertson, Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Apr years. Architect. George Clarence Towle, Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. Sept. 22, 1849 years. Real estate and insurance. Irvington, New York Cashier, National City Bank. Newark, Rutgers, 1866-67. N. J. City. N. J. New York City. N. J. New Brunswick, Rutgers, 1866-69. 29, 1849. At New York Rutgers two New Brunswick, At Rutgers two City. N. J. 1870. A.B. Asher Anderson, Fitchburg, Mass. Born at Flatlands, N. Y., July 23, 1846. Cong'l clergyman. Secretary. National Council, Cong'l Churches, 1901-13. Editor Cong'l Year Book, 1901- . N. B. Sem., 1873. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). D.D. (Iowa Coll., 1904, and Rutgers, 1904). ♦Luther Barton, Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Born at Dayton, N. J., Feb. 9, 1850. Presb. clergyman. Union Sem., 1874. Teacher, 1870-71. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). Died, Aug; 11, 1876. Frederick Alexander Canfield, Dover, N. J. Born near Dover, N. J., Apr. 7, 1849. Mining engineer. Author, "History of Thomas Canfield and of Matthew Camfleld."' A.M. (Rutgers, 1873), E.M. (Columbia, 1873). D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1914). George Griswold Frelinghuysen, Morristown, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J.. May 9, 1851. Lawyer. Columbia Univ. Law School, 1873. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). George Rem Garretson, Laurel, N. Y. Born at Jersey City, N. J., May 21, 1850. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1870-71. Union Sem., 1871-72 and 74-75. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). ♦Alexander Johnston, Princeton, N, J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1849. Teacher, Rutgers Col- lege Grammar School, 1876—79. Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy, College of New Jersey, 1883-89. Au- thor of "American Politics," "History of United States," etc. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1886). Died, July 20, 1889. 1870. ALUMNI. 151 Charles Joshua Ketcham Jones, Orange, Cal. Born in Franklin, N. J., July 12. 1845. Unitarian clergyman. Di- rector of Study and Research, Public Library. N. B. Sem., 1870-71. Union Sem.. 1873. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). John Ring Kaley, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Civil engineer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). Luther Laflin Kellogg, New York City. Born at Maiden, N. Y., July 1, 1849. Lawyer. Member, Court House Board, 1910- . Trustee, Rutgers, 1905- . A.M. (Rut- gers, 1873). LL.B. (Columbia, 1872). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1901). *Da\id Mulford Knickerbocker, Albany, N. Yi Merchant. Secretary Bradstreet's Albany office. N. B. Sera., 1870-71. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). Died, April 29, 1888. John Hodge Leupp, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1874). A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). *J0HN Frederick McLaury, Byron, N. Y. Born at Stamford, N. Y.. Dec. 22. 1844. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1873. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). Died, Jan. 30, 1889. ♦Nicholas Pearse, Mount Ross, N. Y. Born at Lisha's Kill, N. Y., July 3, 1846. Clergyman, R. C. A. Pastor, Reformed Church, Gallatin, N. Y. N. B. Sem., 1873. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). Died, May 19, 1909. Richard Augustus Pearse, Minaville, N. Y.. Born at Lisha's Kill, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1849. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1873. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). D.D. (Rutgers, 1913). *JAC0B Wyckoff Schenck, Ghent, N. Y. Born at Weston, N. Y., June 23, 1849. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1873. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). Died, Feb. 15, 1879. Graham Taylor, Chicago, 111. Born at Schenectady, N. Y., May 2, 1851. Cong'l clergyman. Prof. Social p]conomics, Chicago Sem., 1892- . President, Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 1903- . Associate Editor, "The Survey," 1890- . Warden, Chicago Commons, 1894- . Writer on social questions. N. B. Sem., 1873. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). D.D. (Rutgers, 1888). LL.D. (Illinois Coll., 1897, and Rutgers, 1916). *Thomas Markley Trego, Albany, N. Y.. eorn in New York City, Aug. 31, 1847. Physician and surgeon. Attending Physician, Child Hospital, for 35 years. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1873). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1874). Died, Feb. 15, 1911. ♦Abraham Van Horn, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Jan. 16, 1848. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1873). Died. Feb. 7, 1905. James Cronkhite Weston, Haileybury, Ontario, Canada. Civil and mining engineer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1873). James Bishop, New York City. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Oct. 12, 1850. At Rutgers two years. With N. Y. Life Ins. Co. ♦Edward Brayton, Utica, N. Y. Born at Utica, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1848. At Rutgers, 1866-69. A.B (Hamilton. 1870). A.M. (Hamilton, 1873). Died, Feb. 25, 1884. *James Benjamin Campbell, Port Jervis, N. Y. Born at Glasgow, Scotland, May 6, 1842. (?) At Rutgers, 1866- 67. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1870. D.D. (Franklin, 1895). Died, Oct. 22, 1911. *JoTiN Gardner Cortelyou, Omaha, Neb. At Rutgers, 1866-70. Banker. Died, July 8, 1901. 152 RUTGEES COLLEGE. 1870. Lecturer on 'M.D. (Coll. Rahway, Nov. 13, 1848. At Rutgers, 1866-69. District Attorney for Southern New Died ♦Henry Garrett Voorhees De Hart, Born in New York City, Feb. 1, 1849 Physician and Surgeon. Hospital Training School, Dec. 13, 1914. *Willitt Denike, Jr., Born at Peekskill, N. Y.. Lawyer. Assistant U. S York, 1872-73. A.B Clinton De Witt, At Rutgers, 2 years. Lawyer ♦Thomas Barron Edgar. Born, 1848. At Rutgers, 1866-68. Farmer, 1871. Calvin Edward Lasher, Born at Clermont, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1850 N. B. Sem., 1873. ♦Henry Nelson Marsh, At Rutgers, 1866-6 13, 1896. Levi Morgan Strong, White Plains, At Rutgers, 1866-69. Anatomy, White Plains P. and S., 1873). Died, (Rutgers, 1872). LL.B. (Univ. N Dec. 10, 1874. Jersey City, Y., 1874). Woodbridge, Died, July 5, New Paltz, Clergyman, R. C. A. Merchant. In Union Army, iTrenton, Died, Aug. Born at Niskayuna, Retired. N. Y., May 3, 1847. Amsterdam, At Rutgers, 1866-68. ♦Charles Brainerd Thomas, At Rutgers, 1866-69. Civil engineer and surveyor. Petaluma Died, 1874. X. Y. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. Y. N. J. N. Y. , Cal. B.Sc. William Y. Clark, Born at Matawan, N. J., Dec. 3, 1851. (Rutgers, 1873). ♦John Stanley Ferguson, Born in New York City. Mch. 3, 1846 gers, 1873). Died, March 9, 1906. Charles Chauncey Haven, Consulting engineer. City surveyor, 1886-92. City engineer, Trenton, N. ♦Harry Crockett Ives, Born at Newark, N. J ager. Santa Fe R. R. 1893. ♦Taro Kusa Kabe, Died, April 13, 1870. George Edward Sealy. Bom in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 8, 1851 (Rutgers, 1873). DOUWE DiTMARS WILLIAMSON, Born at Bound Brook, N. J., Jan. 21, 1851 (Rutgers, 1873). Matawan, N. J. Civil engineer. M.Sc. Merchant. Asbury M.Sc. Park, N. J. (Rut- June 25, 1852. M.Sc. (Rutgers, Avon-by-the-Sea, N. J. Trenton, N. J., 1876-82, J., 1894-1907. St. Paul. Minn. Assistant General Man- 1873). Died, Aug. 31, Echizen, Japan. St. Paul. Minn, Manufacturer. M.Sc. New Brunswick. N. J, 51. Architect. M.Sc. Benjamin Rosevelt Kissam Burke, Dunellen, N. J. Secretary and Treasurer, Dunellen Lumber and Stone Co. ♦William Grant Cook, New York City. Born at Trenton. N. J., July 1, 1847. At Rutgers. 1867-69. Real estate. Died, April 19, 1904. Edwin Field, Red Bank, N. J. Born at Middletown, N. J., May 2. 1849. At Rutgers, 1866-70. Surgeon. President Hospital Staflf and Chief Surgeon, Hospital, Long Branch, N. J. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1873). 1870-1871. . ALUMNI. 153 Louis Gordon Hanna. John Dunham Martin, New Brunswick, N. J. Retired. ♦William Ross Robins, Long Island. Born at Metuchen, N. J., June 19, 1849. At Rutgers, 1867-68. Broker. Died, Sept., 1902. Edward Francis Stanton. John Van Cleef Voorhees, Franklin Park, N. J. Farmer*. 1871. A.B. Aaron William Benson, Maitland, Florida. Born at Cobleskill, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1843. Fresb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1874. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). *George Berdine. New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. .!., Dec. 6, 1851. Lawyer. City Attorney, 1878-80. Prosecutor of the Pleas, Middlesex county, 1904-09. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). Died, Oct. 1, 1914. ♦John Woodruff Conklin, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Montville. N. J.. Dec. 30, 1851. Clergyman, R. C. A. Missionary to India. 1881-90. Field Secretary, Board of For- eign Missions, 1901-07. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). N. B. Sem., 1876. Died, Sept. 12, 1909. John Lane Connet, Flemington, N. J. Born at Bedminster, N. J., Oct. 10, 1848. Lawyer. Judge, Hunterdon County Court of Common Pleas, 1901-12. A.M. (Rutgers, 1888). Ezra Doane De Lamater, Hudson, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). Joseph Fischer, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 17, 1853. Retired, LL.B. (Columbia, 1873). A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). Haley Fiske, New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. Mch. 18, 1852. Vice President, Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. Writer on Life Insurance. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). James Cortelyou Garretson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Middlebush, N. J., Aug. 8, 1851. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1874. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). James Edward Graham, River Edge, N. J. Born at Catskill. N. Y., July 22. 1849. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1878. Albany Law School. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). Andrew Hageman, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Readington, N. J.. Mch. 3, 1850. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1874. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). ♦William Hulit Lawrence, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Farraingdale, N. J., Oct. 14, 1848. M. E. clergyman. Prof. Ancient Languages, Claflin Univ., 1878-81. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1874). Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1893). D.D. (Taylor Univ., 1893). Died, Dec. 13, 1914. ♦RoDOLPH Crocheron Oakley, Rahway, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). LL.B. (Columbia Law School, 1874). George Edgar Pace, East Millstone, N. J. Born at Tewksbury, N. J.. Jan. 22, 1851. Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1887. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). 15i RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1871. William Newton Todd, ' Harrisburg, Pa. Born in New Jersey, 1844. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1874. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). D.D. Charles Francis Van Inwegen, Port Jervis, N. Y. Born at Port Jervis, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1849. President, First National Bank of Port Jervis. President, Board of Education, Port Jervis. President, Deerpark Club. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). *Willard Penfield Voorhees, New Brunswick, N, J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., July 28, 1851. Lawyer. Asso- ciate Justice Supreme Court, N. J. 1908-14. Trustee, Rutgers, 1909-14. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1910). Died, May 31, 1914. William Wirt Wendover, Warwick, N. Y. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1874). *Edwin Bleecker W^illiamson, Newark, N. J. Bom at Amity, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1852. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). LL.B. (Columbia Law School, 1873). Died, March 24, 1906. ♦John Henry Wyckoff, Vellore, India. Born at Roycefleld, N. J., Sept. 28, 1851. Clergyman, R. C. A. Missionary, India. Principal and Prof, of Theology, Arcot Sem., 1909-15. N. B. Sem., 1874. A.M. (Rutgers, 1874). D.D. (Hope, 1892, Rutgers, 1899). Died, Apr. 28, 1915. ♦Willis Horton Harder, Philmont, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1867-69. Manufacturer. Died, Jan. 12, 1879. ♦William James Hill, Huron, S. D. Born in Ireland. At Rutgers, 1867-70. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1872. Died, Sept. 9, 1904. ♦John Hora Jackson, Plainfield, N. J. Bom at Rahway, N. J., Apr., 1849. At Rutgers, 1867-69. Lawyer. Borough Counsel of Plainfield. Died, April 4, 1894. Ananias Lawrence, Island Heights, N. J. Born at Bridgeton, N. J., Jan. 30, 1839. At Rutgers, 1867-69. M. E. clergvman. A.B. (Princeton, 1871). A.M. (Princeton, 1874). D.D". (Dickinson, 1899). Walter William Schell, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Farmer. LL.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1871). ♦Harry Ten Broeck von Romondt, Washington, D. C. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 11. 1849. At Rutgers, 1867-71. In civil service. Died, Nov. 19, 1877. ♦Alexander Henry Weir, East Orange, N. J. At Rutgers, 1867-69. Civil engineer. General superintendent, Ohio Junction Railroad. Died, Feb. 28, 1902. B.Sc. ♦James Kennedy Barton, Lampasas Springs, Tex. Born in Fairfax county, Va., May 31, 1852. Civil engineer. Tutor of Mathematics, Rutgers, 1873-74. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). C.E. (Rutgers, 1873). Died, Feb. 16, 1877. Stephen George Gano, New Castle, Pa. Born at Neshanic, N. J., July 28, 1849. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). ♦Winfield Scott Lasher, New York City. Assistant engineer. Department of Docks. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). C.E. (Rutgers, 1874). Died, Oct 14, 1899. Charles Phelps Williams Merritt, Clifton Springs, N. Y. Born at Piscatawaytown, N. J., July 1, 1852. Physician. Medical Missionary, China, 1885-93. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1878). 1871-1872. ALUMNI. 155 John Anderson Miller, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Dec. 30, 1850. Lawyer. Judge, First District, Newark, 1884-87. Judge Advocate, Lieut. Col., Divi- sion Staff, N. J. National Guard, 1895-1905. LL.B. (Columbia, 1874). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). *Charles Lansing Pruyn, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1852. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). Died, July 7, 1906. ♦Otis Comfort Tiffany, San Francisco, Cal. Assistant Paymaster, U. S. Navy, 1875-79. Promoted to P. A. Paymaster. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). Died, Oct. 31, 1897. Joseph Ward, Jr., Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Feb. 21, 1851. Retired. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1874). *SiLAS Ebenezer Weir, Jr., Elkins, W. Va. Born at New Brunswick, N. J. Civil engineer, Lehigh Valley Railroad. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). C.E. (Rutgers, 1877). Died. Oct. 4, 1898. Henry Herbert Cook. Residence when a student, Trenton, N. J. At Rutgers, 1869-71. *Abram Cross Denman, Redlands, Cal. Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 18, 1853. At Rutgers, one year. Grower and shipper of citrus fruits. Alderman, Newark, N. J., 1880-82, 1893-95. Died, May 9, 1916. ♦Thomas Augustus Devan, New York City. At Rutgers, 1868-70. Leather business. Died, August 13, 1895. James Rush Marshall, Washington, D. C. Born at Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 30, 1851. At Rutgers, 1869-70. Architect. ZuN Zow Matsmuila (Junzo Matsumura), Tokio, Japan. Captain, Imperial Japanese Navy. Graduate of Annapolis Naval Academy. ♦John Wesley Iwoske Nagai (Yoshida Kiyonari), Tokio, Japan. At Rutgers, 1868-70. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mi- kado's Minister Plenipotentiary to United States, 1874-82. Chief Clerk Finance Department. Com. of Internal Revenue. Assistant Minister of Finance. Died, Aug. 3, 1891. Rodman McCamly Price, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Weehawken, N. J., June 9, 1851. Civil engineer. Chief engineer. Department Parks, Brooklyn, 1900-08. *Ko Zo Soogiwoora (Yoshinari Hatakeyama), Satsuma, Japan. At Rutgers, 1868-70. OflBcer in the Interior, Education and Foreign Affairs Departments. Director, Imperial Univ. of Tokio. Died at sea on his return from a visit to America, 1876. ♦Walton Cuyler Tiffany, Yonkers, N. Y. Born at Coxsackie, N. Y., Mch. 24. 1850. At Rutgers, 1868-71. Analvtical chemist. U. S. Government topographer, 1870-76. M.Sc: (Rutgers, 1897). C.E. Died, Nov. 24, 1902. 1872. A.B. * Thomas Wallace Clemens, Bergen Point, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). Died, June 22, 1885. James Schureman Nevius Demarest, Queens, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. July 21. 1851. Clerg.vman, R. C. A. President. Board of Publication, R. C. A., 1912-14. N. B. Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). 156 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1872. Charles Arndt Dunham, New Brunswick, N. J. Boi-n at New Brunswick, N, J.. Aug. 25, 1850. Treasurer N. B. Savings Institution. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). ♦George Sharpe Duryee, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., July 15, 1850. Lawyer. Member N. J. Assembly, 1878-79. Clerk in Chancery of N. J., 1881-86. U. S. District Attorney for N. J., 1888-90. Commissioner of Bank- ing and Insurance, 1891-96. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). Died, Oct. 28, 1896. ♦Edward D. Gillmore, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Fortress Monroe, Va.. Nov. 9, 1851. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). Died, Oct. 29, 1890. William H. Hoffman, Saline, Mich. Born at Flemlngton, N. J., May 13. 1849. Presb clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1875. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). George Hall Large, Flemington, N. J. Born at White House, N. J.. Dec. 1, 1850. Lawyer. N. J. Senator. 1886-88. President N. J. Senate, 1888. Collector In- ternal Revenue, 1877-85, 1888-93. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). William James Leggett, Chatham, N. Y. Born at Ghent, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1848. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1875. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1891). Benjamin Cory Miller, South Britain, Conn. Born at Lima. Indiana, Jan. 22, 1850. M. E. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1875. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). George Adam Ries, Oakland, Cal. Born at Heringen, Germany, Oct. 18, 1846. Real estate. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1875. A.M. (Rutgers. 1875). Henry Scott Rokenbaugh, New York City. Born in New York City, Feb. 16, 1852. Lawyer. Author, "Tes- tamentary Capacity and the Mental Conditions Affecting It." LL.B. (Columbia, 1874). A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). Louis Johnes Ryerson, Pompton Plains, N. J. Born at Bloomingdale, N. J., Mch. 19, 1850. Lawyer. Author, "The Ryerson Family in America." A.M. (Rutgers. 1875). LL.B. (Columbia, 1876). ♦Charles Henry Steele, Detroit, Mich. Born at Ballston Spa, N. Y,, July 18, 1851. Physician. Prof. Therapeutics. Cooper Med. Coll.. San Francisco. Cal. 1884-98. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1874). A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). Died, Jan. 16, 1916. ♦George Henry Stevens, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1850. Lawyer. Assistant District Attorney, Albanv county, 1875-77. Deputv Attorney General, N. Y. State. 1889-1903. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). Al- bany Law School, 1874. Died, May 25, 1911. Edward Woodbridge Strong, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 7, 1853. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers. 1875). John Alfred Van Neste, Ridgewood, N. J. Born at Weston, N. J., Dec, 25, 1849. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.,. 1875. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). ♦Charles Adolphus Wharton, Newark, N. J. Born at Belleville, N. J.. Sept. 14, 1851. Manufacturer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). Died, Dec. 15, 1910. ♦Martin Nevius Wyckoff, Tokio, Japan. Born at Middlebush. N. J., Apr. 1850. Missionary, R. C. A. Adjunct Prof. Phvsics and Laboratory Assistant. Rutgers, 1889— 90. A.M. (Rutgers, 1875). D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895). Died, Jan. 27. 1911. 1872. ALUMNI. 157 *Andkew Watson Baird, Belchertown, Mass. At Rutgers, 1868-70. M. E. clergyman. Boston Theological Sem., 1872. *J0HN Alexander Koones, New York City. Born in New York City, Mch. 18. 1848. At Rutgers, 1868-71. Lawyer. LL.B. (Univ. of N. Y., 1873). Died, May 28, 1906. *Frederick William Ruhl, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Giessen, Germany, June 23, 1847. At Rutgers, 1868-71. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1884. Died, Sept. 12, 1904. *J0HN Reade Stuyvesant, New York City. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.(?) At Rutgers, 1868-70. Ranch- ing. Died, June 25, 1904. B.Sc. *Edward Fuller Brooks, Lansdowne, Penn. Born at Cumberland, N. J., Sept. 30, 1848. General Superin- tendent, Philadelhpia, Wilmington and Baltimore R. R. Super- visor, Penn. R. R., at New Brunswick. N. J.. 1877-80. Assistant Engineer, 1880-83. Principal Assistant Engineer, Jersey City, 1883-93. Superintendent, Wilmington, 1893-95. Superintend- ent. Jersey City, 1895-99. Trustee, Rutgers, 1898-1904. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875). C.E. (Rutgers, 1896). Died, Jan. 14, 1916. Joseph Burroughs, Hackensack, N. J. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875). C.E. Albert Stanburrough Cook, New Haven, Conn. Born at Montville, N. J., Mch. 6, 1853. Prof. English Lang. and Lit., Yale, 1889- . Tutor, Mathematics, Rutgers, 1872-73. Associate in English. Johns Hopkins. 1879-81. Prof. English, Univ. California, 1882-89. Author of many books on the Eft- glish Language and Literature. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875). A.M. (Rutgers, 1882, and Yale, 1889). Ph.D. (Jena, 1882). L.H.D. (Rutgers. 1889). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1906). *Charles Heath, South Orange, N. J. Born at Newport, Ky., Nov. 26, 1853. Manufacturer. Died, July 8, 1900. John W. Herbert, New York City. Born at Marlboro, N. J., Aug. 3, 1853. Lawyer. Trustee, Rutgers, 1901- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875). LL.B. (Columbia, 1876). William Edward King, Landing, N. J. Born at Morristown, N. J., Sept. 23, 1848. Civil engineer. County engineer, Morris county. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875). *George Boardman Ogden, Millville, N. J. Lawyer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875). Died, Oct. 15, 1888. Frederick James Potter, Bordentown, N. J. Railroad supervisor. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875). *James Fitz Randolph, Morristown, N. J. Born at Whippany. N J., Feb. 22, 1853. Merchant. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). E.M. (Columbia, 1876). Died, Nov. 19, 1900. *Charles Herman Vannier, Buffalo, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 16. 1852. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). Died, Oct. 12, 1911. *Richard Lovell Williams, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1853. Civil engineer. City surveyor. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1874). Jacob Bell Cornell, Somerville, N. J. Born in New York City, Dec. 26, 1848. Physician and surgeon. -M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1879). 158 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1872-1873. ♦Theodore Frelinghuysen Cornell, Somerville, N. J. Born in New York City, July 31, 1851. Farmer. Died, Apr. 19, 1916. ♦Joseph Rose Dennis, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Apr. 14, 1854. At Rutgers, 1869-71. Banker and broker. Died, July 27, 1912. ♦James Mapes Dodge, Germantown, Penn. Born at Waverly, N. J., June 30, 1852. Cornell, 1867-70. Rutgers, 1871-72. Mechanical engineer. Pres. J. M. Dodge Co. Director of many corporations. Died, Dec. 4. 1915. Charles Chauncey Hommann, Perth Amboy, N. J. Lawyer. Daniel DuBois Smock, Red Bank, N. J. Born in Monmouth county, N J., May 29, 1849. At Rutgers two years. Retired farmer. 1873. A.B. ♦Robert Adrain, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 17, 1853. Lawyer. State Senator. N. J., 1888-94. President, Senate, 1891-93. Colonel, State Militia. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). Died, Jan. 30, 1911. Frederick Ernest Allen, Brookhaven, N. Y. Born at New Haven. Conn.. Anr. 21. 1850. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1876. Union Sem., P. G., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). Herbert Boggs, Newark, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. ♦George Hull Cleveland, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in New York Citv. May 27, 1851. Presb. clergyman. Teacher. N. B. Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). Died. Feb. 22, 1906. William Wynkoop Cook, Rolla, Mo. Born at Churchville. Pa., Nov. 21. 1843. M. E. clergyman. Union Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). ♦George Riley Dixon, Ridgway, Pa. Born at Neversink, N. Y.. July 23, 1848. Lawyer. Superintendent of Schools. Elk countv. Penn.. 1875-87. Member Penn. Legis- lature, 1893-1901. A.M. (Rutgers. 1876). Died, .Tune 11, 1912. Charles Pierson Dorrance, New York City. Born at Carbondale, Penn., May 25, 1852. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1876). Joseph Alexander Harper, Searsdale, N. Y. Born in County Down. Ireland, Sept. 20, 1839. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1875. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). ♦Howard Harris, Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Belleville, N. ,T., July 29. 1848. Clergyman. R. C. A. Missionarv. Japan. 1884-1904. N. B. Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1876). Died, Jan. 13, 1916. ♦Daniel Trimble Hawxhurst, Kingsbridge, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 12. 1852. Bookkeeper. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). N. B. Sem., 1873-74. Died, Jan. 10, 1915. Peter Y. Huyssoon, Orange, N. J. Born in Buffalo, N. Y.. Oct. 13, 1852. Manager, Flsk Teachers' Agency, N. Y. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). George Sharpe Knickerbocker, New York City. Born at Red Hook. N. Y., Sept. 11, 1849. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1876). A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). 1873. ALUMNI. 159 Hudson, N. Y. A.M. (Rutgers, Nyack, N. Y. (Rutgers, 1876). Bloomfield Littell, New York City. Bom at Hoboken. N. J., .Tulv 29. 1852. Lawyer. LL.B. (Col- umbia, 1875). A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). ♦Adrian Vanderveer Martense, Flatbush, N. Y. Bom at Flatbush, N. Y., 1853. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers. 1876). LL.B. (Col. Law School, 1875). Died, Jan. S, 1898. Abram Irving Martine, Pine Bush, N. Y. Born at Clarkstown, N. Y., Oct. 19. 1848. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). ♦John De Witt Peltz, Albany, N. Y. Born at Coxsackie. N. Y.. .Tune 26, 1853. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers. 3 876). LL.B. (Albany Law School, 1876). Died, May 7, 1904. Claudius Rockefeller, Lawyer. LL.B. (Albany Law School. 1876) 1876). ♦John Ryley, Born, 1851. Justice of the Peace. A.M. Died, March 20, 1891. Isaac Stryker Schenck, Skillman, N. J Born at Weston, N. J., Apr. 26, 1852. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). ♦Joseph Walworth Sutphen, Brooklyn, N. Y Born at Brooklyn, N. Y.. Jan. 26, 1853. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1876). LL.B. (Columbia, 1876). Died, Nov. 2, 1902. ♦Alexander Gulick Van Aken, Jamesburg, N. J Born at Rhode Hall, Middlesex county, N. J., Jan. 17, 1852. Candidate for ministry, R, C. A. Farmer. N. B. Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). Died, Mch. 28, 1913. Ira Van Allen, Syracuse, X. Y Born at Bethlehem, N. Y., June 1, 1846. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). ♦Samuel Oakley Van der Poel, New York City Bom at Albany, N. Y.. Aug. 7, 1853. Physician. Medical Di- rector, N. Y. Life Ins. Co.. 1898-1912. Adjunct Prof. Medicine, Albany Med. Coll., 1880-82. Health Officer. Port of New York. Trustee. Rutgers. 1910-12. M.D. (Coll. P. and S.. 1876). Hon. M.D. (Union, 1880). A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). Died, Apr. 22, 1912. Jacob Outcalt Van Fleet, West Albany, N. Y Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 31, 1847. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). * Peter Van Voorhees, Camden, N. J Born near New Brunswick, N. J., June 15, 1852. Lawyer. Judge, Court of Errors and Appeals, 1900. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). Died, Feb. 25, 1906. Henry d' Eresby Weston, Born in Middlesex county, N. J. Lawyer. 1876). Charles Seymour Wright, Born at New Utrecht. L. I., June 29. 1844. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1876. A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). New York City. A.M. (Rutgers, Brooklyn, N. Y. Clergyman, R. Berne, N. Y. New Haven, Mich. Madison Monroe Ball, Teacher. ^John D. Bennett, At Rutgers, 1868-73. Clergyman. Died, 1899. Fletcher Clark, 'Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 23, 1851. At Rutgers, 1869- 73. Bpisc. clergyman. Philadelphia Divinity School, 1885. 160 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1873. William Percy Hillhouse, Denver, Col. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1876). William Hekey McKee, Corunna, Mich. Clergyman. LL.D. Charles Howard Millspaugh, Wickatunk, N. J. Farmer. John H. C. Nevius, New York City. Manufacturer. William Henry Page, New York City. Insurance. Actor. Charles Wadsworth Pitcher, Clover Hill, N. J. Born at Boght, N. Y., Mch. 2, 1849. At Rutgers, 1869-73. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1876. *FiTz Randolph Stewart, Frederic, Md. At Rutgers, 1869-71. Died, July 4, 1871. *Daniel Gilbert Van Mater, Columbus, N. J. Born at Holmdel, N. J.(?), 1852. At Rutgers, 1869-71. Physi- cian. M.D. (Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1875). Died, Feb. 11, 1895. George Sidney Willits, Riverton, N. J. Born at Philadelphia, Penn., Feb. 21, 1853. At Rutgers, 2 years. Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy. Retired. U. S. Naval Acad., 1875. B.Sc. William Allen Chapman, Montreal, Canada. Born at Canajoharie, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1852. Manager of sales for the Rail Joint Co. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). Oswald Haldane, Cold Spring, N. Y. Author. "Genealogical History of Filkin Family." M.Sc, (Rut- gers, 1876). James Thomas Lillis, Jersey City, N. J. Born at West New York. N. Y., Mch. 6, 1853. Surrogate, Hud- son county, 1896-1906. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). *Henry Augustus Neilson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in New York City, June 9, 1854. Manufacturer. Trus- tee, N. B. Savings Inst. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). Died, May 6, 1912. *Myeon Randall Chauncey Peck, New York City. Physician. In charge of State Emigrant Insane Asylum. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). M.D. (Columbia, 1876). Died, Mch. 29, 1890. Clarence Peters, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 4, 1854. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). William Picard Stephens, Bayonne, N. J. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 5, 1854. Technical writer. Editor, Lloyd's Register of American Yachts, 1904- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). *Charles Frederick Stillman, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Plainfield, N. J.(?), 1853. Surgeon. Professor of Orthopedic Surgery. Woman's Medical College, 1884. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1876). Died, 1892. *Thomas Bliss Stillman, Hoboken, N. J. Born at Plainfield, N. J., Mav 24, 1852. Prof. Analytical Chemistry, Stevens Institute, 1886-1903. Prof. Engineering Chemistry. Stevens Institute, 1903-09. Author, "Engineering Chemistry," four editions. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). Ph.D. (Stevens, 1883). Died. Aug. 10, 1915. 1873-1874. -ALUMNI. 161 ♦Charles Townsend Van Santvoord, New York City. Born at Albany, N. Y., 1854. Treasurer and General Manager, Albany Day Line of Steariiboats. Trustee, Rutgers, 1893-95. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876), Died, July 5, 1895. Elbridge Vansyckel, Jr., Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Mch. 10, 1852. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). Herbert Fuller Watson, Escondido, Cal. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). ♦William Hall Williamson, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Flagtown, N. J., Apr. 26, 1855. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1881. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). Died, April 22, 1905. ♦Frederick Augustus Conkling, Brooklyn, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1870-71. Merchant. Died, 1874. Teunis G. Bergen Cortelyou, New York City. Clerk. Joseph Addison Crowell, Iron Mountain, Mich, Physician. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1880). James Ketchum Dunscomb, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1853. At Rutgers, 2 years. Treasurer, Albany Hardware and Iron Co., 1891- . ♦John Henry Huyler, Tenafly, N. J. Born 1852. At Rutgers, 1870-71. Member of N. J. Assembly. Died, July 10, 1891. ♦Jeremiah B. Johnson, Brooklyn, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1870-72. Merchant. Died, Aug., 1896. Julio Martinez. Cornelius B. McCrellis, New Brunswick, N. J. General contractor. William Morgan, South River, N. J. Importer and publisher of Reward Cards. Henry Livingston Rutgers, Granger, Wash. Born, 1852. Farmer. ♦Edmund Stephens, Harrington Park, N. J. Born in New York City, Mch. 5, 1854. At Rutgers, 1870-71. Commercial traveler. Died, Mch. 22, 1913. PIenry Cadmus Stryker, New York 'City. Born at Rhinebeck, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1853. At Rutgers, 1869-72. Lawyer. Organizer and promoter. Columbia Law School, 1881. A.M. (Rutgers, 1892). 1874. A.B. ♦William Bogardus Berry, Pasadena, Cal. Born at Syracuse, N. Y., Mch. 22, 1854. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1876). Died, Dec. 21, 1896. ♦William Hornblower Bradley, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., 1853. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). LL.B. (Columbian Law School, Washington, D. C, 1876). Died, June 17, 1889. Ralph Watson Brokaw, Utica, N. Y. Born at Middlebush, N. J., Feb. 14, 1855. Presb. clergyman. Pastor, First Presb. Church, Utica. N, B. Sem., 1877. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). D.D. (Hamilton, 1903). 11 162 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1874. Ephbaim Cutter, Woodbridge, N. J. Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1887-89. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). *CiiARLES Davis, • Saugerties, X. Y. Born at Saugerties, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1853. Lawyer. State Sen- ator, 1895-98. Surrogate, Ulster county, 1898-1908. N. Y. State Water Commissioner, 1906-11. LL.B. (Albany Law School, 1876). A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). Died, Dec. 21, 1913. Titus Elwood Davis, AVashington, D. C. Bom at Flatbush, UlsteT county, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1851. Prcsb. clergyman. Author of books on local history, &c. N. B. Sem., 1877. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). *Jaques v. De Mott, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Middlebush, N. J., Oct. 25, 1852. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1877). Died, Dec. 22, 1889. Joseph Rankin Dubyee, New York City. Born at Newark, N. J., Nov. 22, 1853. Clergyman, R. C. A. Trustee, Rutgers, 1905- . N. B. Sem., 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). D.D. (Rutgers, 1892). Howard Newton Fuller, Albany, N. Y. Born at New Baltimore, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1853. Banker. Com- missioner of Education, 1892. Comptroller, Albany, 1901-11. Civil Service Commissioner, 1916. Author of "On the Banks of the Old Raritan" and other poems. Trustee, Rutgers, 1905- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). Perry James Fuller, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at New Baltimore, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1851. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1876). A.M. (Rutgers, 1876). William Frederick Gaston, Passaic, N. J. Born at Pompton, N. J., Feb. 11, 1854. Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1882-84. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). Harry Latimer Janeway, New Brighton, N. Y. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 20, 1855. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). ♦Charles Henry Theodore Keueger, Hoboken, N. J. Born at Stettin. Germany, July 11, 1850. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1877. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). Died, Dec. 10, 1880. George De Witt Lydecker, Grafton, Mass. Born at Clarkstown, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1850. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1877. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). John Richard Manley, Brooklyn, N. Y. BoTn at Saddle River, N. J., June 11, 1850. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1876). A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). Charles Meyer, Dresden, Germany. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). Theodore Denton Mills, Middletown, N. Y. Born at Bloomingburgh, N. Y., June 9, 1852. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1876). A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). *JoHN Oppie, Griggstown, N. J. Born at Griggstown, N. J., Mch. 2, 1854. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). Died, Feb. 29, 1880. *ISAAC PuMYEA, New Brunswlck, N. J. Born at Three Mile Run, N. J., Nov. 30, 1853. Medical student. Died, Oct. 19, 1876. Charles Augustus Runk. New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., May 4. 1855. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1876). A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). Louis Hoff Schenck, Somerville, N. J. Born at Neshanic, N. J., Oct. 25. 1853. Lawyer. Law Judge, Somerset county, 1900-10. Trustee, Rutgers, 1905-10. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). 1874. ALUMNI. 163 John Welch Searing, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Saugerties, N. Y., Mch. 22, 1855. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1877). Peter Davis Staats, Newark, N. J. Born at Raritan, N. J., Sept. 12, 1852. Topographical engraver. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). *Wiluam Stoddard, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 30, 1853. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). LL.B. (Columbia Law School, 1877). Died, Dec. 13, 1882. Alan Hartwell Strong, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 5, 1856. Lawyer. General Attorney, Penn. R. R. Co. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). * David Mather Talmage, Hammond, La. Born at Amoy, China, Feb. 4, 1852. Clergyman, R. C. A. Mis- sionary to China, 1877-80. N. B. Sem., 1877. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). Died, Sept. 10, 1915. *Alexander Brokaw Van Dervoort, Denver, Col. Born in Somerset county, N. J., July 28f 1853. Manager. Law- yer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). Died, April 8, 1903. Amos Van Etten, Kingston, N. T. Born at Hainesville, N. J., Aug. 31, 1852. Lawyer. Special County Judge, Orange county, 1884-87. LL.B. (Albany Law School, 1876). A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). *John Newton Wyckoff, Somerville, N. J. Born at White House, N. J., Feb. 21, 1852. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). LL.B. (Harvard, 1876). Died, Nov. 2, 1880. Parker J. Bixby. *Charles Smith Bloomfield, Westfield, N. J. Born at Iselin, N. J., Apr. 25, 1852. At Rutgers, 1870-75. Lawyer. Columbia Law School, 1876. Died, Dec. 24, 1904. .John Phillip Clum, Chicago, 111. Born at Claverack, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1851. At Rutgers, 1870-71. Lecturer. Lawyex. Editor. Mayor of Tombstone, Ariz.. 1881. Chief af Division of P. O. Inspectors at Washington, 1898-1906, 1908-11. Luther Cortelyou, Muscotah, Kan. Born at Harlingen, N. J., Dec. 23, 1851. At Rutgers, 2 years. Bank President. First Vice Pres., National Grain Dealers' Asso- ciation, 1906. Gforge Washington Frey, Lancaster, Pa. Adolph Goessling. Garrett Smock Jones, Railway, N. J. Born at Holmdel, N. J., May 26, 1851. At Rutgers, 1871-73. Bank cashier. John Howard Kelly, New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 1, 1853. At Rutgers, 2 years. Manufacturer. Sidney Oscar Lawsing, Catskill, N. Y. Born. at Amsterdam, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1846. At Rutgers, 2 years. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1879. James Parker, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Born at Newark, N. J.. Feb. 20, 1854. At Rutgers, 2 years. Brigadier General, U. S. Army, 1913- . Cadet, U. S. Mili- tary Acad., 1872. Second Lieut., 4th Cavalry, 1876. First Lieut.. 1879. Captain, 1888. Ma.1or, 1901. Adj't General, 1901-05. Lieut. Colonel, 1903. Colonel. 1907. Congressional Medal of Honor, 1899. A.M. (Rutgers, 1877). 164: RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1874-1875. "Edward Teenchard Price, Washington, D. C. Born at Hoboken, N. J., Dec. 25, 1852. At Rutgers, 4 years. Record clerk, War Department. Died, Nov. 9, 1915. George W. Ryerson. Edward Tennyson Simons. * George Washington Van Horne, Jersey City, N. J. At Rutgers, 1870-74. Died, Nov. 29, 1874. ♦Stephen Bassett Vreeland, Jersey City, N. J. Bom at Jersey City, N. J., Jan. 22, 1853. At Rugters, 1870-73. Medical student. Died, Dec. 19. 1875. B.Sc. Frank Worthy Kent, New York City. Manager, Local Dept. Continental Fire Ins. Co., 1888- . 1875. A.B. John Haring Ackerman, Englewood, N. J. Farmer and gardener. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). * William Frederick Anderson, Fordham, N. Y. Born at Peapack, N. J., Jan. 17, 1855. Clergyman, R. C. A. Princeton Sem., 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, July 24, 1893. Robert Harley Barr, Newburgh, N. Y. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 30, 1851. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). Ph.D. (Rutgers, 1884). Elam Mayhew Garton, Midland Park, N. J. M. E. clergyman. Drew Sem., 1872. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1878). A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). D.D. (Taylor Univ., 1896). Howard Gillespy, Saugerties, N. Y. Born at Saugerties, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1854. Treasurer and man- ager, manufacturing corporation. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). ♦Walter Timothy Griffin, Plainfield, N. J. Bom at Flatbush, Ulster county, N. Y.. June 15. 1852. Clergy- man, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1878. Consul, Limoges. France, 1887-1906. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, Dec. 13, 1907. Hendrick a. Hendrickson, Flushing, X. Y. Born at Queens, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1850. General agent. Clergy- man, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). *JAMES Kemlo, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bom in Scotland, 1848. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, Sept. 18, 1883. Walter Kip, Passaic, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). *Louis John Lockwood, Morristown, N. J. Born at New Windsye, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1850. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, March 23, 1903. *WiLLiAM Augustus Newell, Jr., Olympia, Wash. Born at Allentown, N. J., June 24, 1855. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). M.D. (Univ. of Penn., 1877). Died, July 24, 1886. 1S75. ivLUMNI. 165 Pttiletus Theodore Pockman, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J, Born at East Greenbush, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1853. CleTgyman, R. C. A. President. Board of Education. R. C. A.. 1908-12. Presi- dent, General Synod, R. C. A., 1911. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). D.D. (Rutgers, 1894). William Hall Quick, Interlaken, N. Y. Born at Interlaken, N. Y., July 4, 1850. Farmer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1878). *JoHN Henry Salisbury, Trenton, N. J. Born at Catskill, N. Y.. Feb. 16, 1852. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). D.D. (Rutgers, 1890). Died, Jan. 10, 1891. John Preston Searle, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Schuylerville. N. Y.. Sept. 12, 1854. Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof. Systematic Theology, N. B. Sem., 1893- . Presi- dent Faculty, N. B. Sem., 1900- . Trustee, Rutgers, 1898- . Secretary, Board of Trustees, 1906- . President, Council Re- formed and Presb. Churches. Author, "Outline Sketch of Theological Encyclopedia." N, B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). D.D. (Rutgers, 1893). *James Garretson Sutphen, Holland, Mich. Born at Millstone. N. J., 1853. Professor of the Latin Lang. " and Lit.. Hope, 1885-1911. N. B. Sem., 1876-78. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1878). Litt.D. (Rutgers, 1906). Died, Dec. 13, 1911. *Thomas Delano Swift, New York City. Born at Geneva. N. Y., 1854. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1879). Died, March 3, 1888. Oliver Harris Walser, Cohoes, N. Y. Born at Tompkinsville, N. Y., Mch. 21, 1856. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). D.D (Rutgers, 1900). William Perry Watson, Jersey City, N. J, Born at Bolton, N. Y., May 17, 1854. Physician. Consulting Medical Director, Prudential Ins. Co., 1913- . M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1878). A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). William Henry H. Way, Corapolis, Penn. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 3, 1855. Auditor. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). *Ransford Wells, Jr., Flatbush, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). LL.B. (Columbia Law School, 1877). Died at Portland, Oregon, Nov. 30, 1883. *George Morris Williamson, Flushing, N. Y. Born at New Lots, L. I., Feb. 20, 1852. Bookkeeper. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, Mch. 8, 1912. Benjamin Van Doren Wyckoff, Headington, N. J. Born at Middlebush, N. J., June 1, 1856. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1878). Frank Ei^wood Ackerman. *Le Roy Brumaghim, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1857. At Rutgers, 1871-75. Traveling salesman. Died, Aug. 6, 1912. Olaf Ekstrom. * Arthur Theodore Hoffman, Mamaroneck, N. Y. Born at Mamaroneck, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1854. At Rutgers. 1871- 73. Lawyer. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1875). LL.B. (Columbia, 1877). M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1881). Died, Aug., 1894. Henry Kip, Paterson, N. J. Born at, N. J., Dec. 17, 1852. At Rutgers, one and one-half years. Physician, M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1877). 166 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1875. William Edwin Knickerbocker, Upper Red Hook, N. Y. Real estate business, 1907- . *JoHN Abraham Lott, Jr., Flatbush, N. Y. Bom at Flatbush, N. Y., June 30, 1856. At Rutgers, 1871-73. Lawyer. A.B. (Univ. N. Y.. 1875). LL.B. (Columbia, 1877). Died, Feb. 2, 1905. *JoHN Philip Bausman Pendleton, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1855. At Rutgers, 1871-75. Episc. clergyman. A.B. 1876. General Theological Sem., 1877. D.D. (Union). Died, Nov. 15, 1904. Frank Moyer Peters, New York City. Automobiles. *Francis Page Slade, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Boston, Mass., Mch. 14, 1856. At Rutgers, 1871-74. Lawyer. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1875). A.M. 1878. LUB. (Univ. N. Y., 1878). Died, Dec. 11, 1906. *John J. Snyder. At Rutgers, 1871-75. Editor. Died, 189-. *John Jacob Van Nest, Freehold, N. J. . Born at New Market, N. J., Sept. 19, 1854. At Rutgers, 1871- 74. Insurance. Died, April 2, 1888. John Richardson Wood, Denver, Col. M. E. clergyman. B.Sc. ♦Samuel De Vere Burr, Plainfield, N. J. Born in New York City, Jan. 23, 1855. Journalist. Associate Editor, "Engineering ^ News," 1880-84. "Scientific American." 1884-87. A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). C.E. (Rutgers, 1885). Died, Oct., 1908. Howard Voorhees Buttler, New Brunswick, N. J. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). *Gansevoort Van Vranken Cortelyou, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Hackensack, N. J., Jan. 15. 1854. Bookkeeper. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, Dec. 1, 1914. ICHizo Hattori, Kobe, Japan. Governor of Hiogo Ken. Vice Pres., Univ. Tokio. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1878). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1900). ♦Henry Latimer Janeway, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, March 16, 1903. Robert Anderson Meeker, Plainfield, N. J. Bom at Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 25, 1854. State Highway En- gineer, N. J., 1900- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). C.E. (Rutgers. 1906). *Peter a. Monfort, Mattituck, N. Y. Born in Kings countv, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1853. Farmer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, Aug. 21, 1911. Arthur Louis Tits worth, Plainfield. N. J. Born at Plainfield, N. J., Feb. 26, 1855. Expert Accountant. Potter Printing Press Co. Organist and choir director, Trinity Refd. Church, 1882- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). Frank Van Wyck, Hopewell Junction, N. Y. Born at Fishkill Plains, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1854. Retired merchant. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). *jACOB EwiNG AVard, Newark, N. J. Born at Florham Park, N. J. July 17, 1853. Lawyer. Vice Pres. Prudential Ins. Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, July 30, 1913. 1875-1876. ALUMNI. 167 Charles Lawton Deaiarest Washburn, Washington, D. C. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 11, 1856. Lawyer. Clerk, U. S. Treasury Department. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). *George Frederick Ashton, San Francisco, Cal. Born on Staten Island, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1855. At Rutgers, 1871- 73. Fire insurance adjuster. Died, Nov. 16, 1899. Ebenezer Condict Babbitt. Denver, Col. Born at Mendham, N. J., Dec. 2, 1849. At Rutgers, 1871-73. Civil and mining engineer. *IIarrington Mapes Dodge, New York City. Born in New York City. Nov. 15. 1855. At Rutgers, 1871-75. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). Died, Feb. 2, 1881. *WiLLARD Combes Dunham, New York City. Born at Flemington, N. .1., Sept. 17. 1855. At Rutgers, 1871- 73. Receiving Teller, Hanover Nat. Bank. Died, Oct. 22, 1897. *CiiARLES Stitt Eltinge, . Spokane, Wash. Born at New Paltz, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1854. At Rutgers, 1871-73. Manufacturer. Banker. Died, Mch. 1, 1910. * Samuel Van Winkle Hageman, Middlebush, N. J. At Rutgers, 1871-73. Master of Accounts, Eastman's Business College, 1874. Died, March 25. 1878. *Franklin Lippincott, Westville, N. J. At Rutgers, 1871-73. Died, Jan. 15, 1885. Benjamin Franklin Mathews, Forked River, N. J. Teacher. *Daniel S. Schanck, Freehold, N. J. Born, 1854. At Rutgers, 1871-73. Lawyer. Died, March 31, 1901. Siiumm^v Siiikamine, Tokyo, Japan. Retired shipbuilder. Received a meritorious decoration from Japanese government, Feb. 1, 1909, on patented invention of portable .folding boat for use of Japanese army. Rynier Veghte, Somerville, N. J. Born near Raritan, N. J., Aug. 1, 1854. At Rutgers, three years. Manufacturer. *Edward Washington Vreeland, Passaic, N. J. At Rutgers, 1871-73. Accountant. Died, Feb., 1882. *Stephen Scudder Vreeland, Greenville, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 22. 1854. At Rutgers, 1871-75. Lawyer. Journalist. Died, July 25, 1904. 1876. A.B. John Bancker Aycrigg, Walden, N. Y. Born in Bergen county, N. J., Aug. 15, 1855. Farmer. Physi- cian. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1879). A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). Eugene Samuel Booth, Yokohama, Japan. Born at Trumbull, Conn., Aug. 16, 1850. Clergyman, R. C. A. Missionary to Japan. Principal, Ferris Seminary, 1882- . N. B. Sem., 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). Charles Bradley, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J.. Aug. 31, 1857. Brewer. Vice Presi- dent and Treasurer P. Ballantine & Sons. Delegate to National Republican Convention, 1896. State Director of Railroads and Canals, 1899—1909. Director in various corporations. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). Columbian I^aw School, Washington, D. C, 1878. 168 RDTGEKS COLLEGE. 1876. *Henby iMiLLER Cox, Harrington Park, N. J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., July 5, 1854. Clergfyman, R. C. A. President Board of Publication, R. C. A., 1914-16. Author, "Rutgers, '76," "The Cox Family in America," &c. N. B. Sem., 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). Drowned in Oradell Lake, July 4, 1916. Cornelius Peterson Ditmars, Niskayuna, N. Y. Born at Roycefleld. N. J., Apr. 23, 1853. Clergyman, R. C. A. Stated Clerk and Treas. Particular Synod of Albany, 1889- . N. B. Sem., 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). ♦Edward Henry Duryee, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J.. Dec. 4, 1857. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). LL.B. (Columbia Law School, 1878). Died, Dec. 14, 1905. William Budd Gillmore, Jersey City, N. J. Born at West Point, N, Y., Nov. 14, 1856. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1879). *Henry Niles Johnson, Coeymans, N. Y. Born at Coeymans, N. Y., Nov.. 1852. ' Physician. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1879). M.D. (Union, 1881). Died, July 12, 1897. ♦Haydn Clarke Kelly. New York Uity. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., 1855. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). LL.B. (Yale, 1878). Died, Feb. 16, 1904. Charles Abbott Limeburner, Jersey City, N. J. Born on clipper ship "Samuel Russel," at sea. Nov. 18, 1854. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1879). A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). John Edward Lyall, South Millbrook, N. Y. Born at Copake. N. Y., Dec. 21, 1852. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). Peter Houston Milliken, New York City. Born at Crawford, N. Y.. Aug. 31, 1851. Clereryman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1889). D.D. (Rutgers, 1899). ♦Albert Dod Minor, Mohawk, N. Y. Born at Centrevillc, Mich., .Tan. 12. 1850. Clergyman. R. C. A. Teacher. Chaplain. 203d Regt., N. Y. Vols., 1898-99. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). Died, Aug. 11, 1910. ♦David Murray, New York City. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). Died, June 7, 1913. William Hosea Nasholds, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Knox, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1851. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). George Luther Nevius, Minneapolis, Minn. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1879). A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). William Horton Price, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 9. 1855. Plumbing and heating. Postmaster. New Brunswick, 1887-93. Tax Collector, 1893-96. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). John Duffield Prince, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 23. 1856. Lawyer. LL.B. (Col- umbia, 1878). A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). James Augustus Romeyn, Hackensack, N. J. Born at Blawenburgh. N. J., May 15. 1853. Lawyer. Real es- tate. Columbia Law School, 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). William Wyckoff Schomp, Beacon, N. Y. Born at Bedmihster, N. .L, Nov. 19, 1853. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). 1876. ALUMNI. 169 Bergen Brokaw Staats, Candler, Florida. Born at Fair Hill, Md., Apr. 15, 1853. Presb. Clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). Paxil Frederick Sutphen, Cleveland, O. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1856. Presb. clergyman. Trustee, Western Reserve Univ. Union Sem., 1877-78. A.M. ' (Rutgers, 1879). D.D. (Rutgers, 1893). William Rivers Taylor, Rochester, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Sept. 28, 1856. Presb. clergyman. Pas- tor Brick Presb. Church, 1888- . Trustee, Univ. Rochester. Director, Auburn Theological Sem. N. B. Sem., 1879. A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). D.D. (Univ. Rochester, 1891, and Rutgers, 1912). Foster McGowan Voorhees, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Clinton, N. J., Nov. 5, 1856. Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1888-90. State Senator, N. J., 1894-98. Acting Governor. N. J., 1898. Governor, N. J.. 1899-1902. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1879). LL.D. (Rutgers, 1898, and Princeton, 1901). *JOHN ScHENCK VooRHEES, Ncw Brunswick, N. J. Born near Three Mile Run, N. J., Nov. 30, 1855. Lawyer. Prosecutor of Pleas, Middlesex county, 1896-1904. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1879). Died, March 2, 1904. * Theodore Havelock Walser, New Brighton, N. Y. Born at Tompkinsville, N Y., Nov. 7, 1858. Law student. Columbia Law School; 1876-78. Died, April 24, 1878. Henry Westbrook Winfield, New Haven, Conn. Born at Jersey City, N, J., Jan. 4, 1857. Lawyer. Instructor, Yale Univ. LL.B. (Columbia, 1879). A.M. (Rutgers, 1879). *JoHN P. Casper, Howe's Cave, N. Y. Born near Howe's Cave, N. Y., Mch. 17, 1851. At Rutgers, 1872-74. Died, April 29, 1874. Edwin Everett Colburn, Albany, N. Y. Born at New Baltimore, N. Y., June 4, 1854. At Rutgers two and one-half years. Manufacturer. Theophilus a. Friedel. Residence when a student. New York City. At Rutgers, 1872-74. *JoHN Lefferts, Jr., Flatbush, N. Y. Born at Flatbush, L. L, Mch. 1, 1854. At Rutgers, 1872-75. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1876). Died, May 28, 1905. Thomas Morrell Moore, New York City. Merchant. Frank Jarvis Mundy, Hollywood, Cal. Born at Metuchen, N. J., June 21. 1852. Presb. clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1878. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). D.D., Nagateru Yasujiro Outska (Utstjka), Kanagawa Ken, Japan. Roland Henshall Sttjbbs, Waterford, N. Y. Physician and surgeon. A.B. (Rutgers, 1877). M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1878). *CouRTLAND Calvin Van Deusen, Canaan, N. Y. Born at Hollowville, N. Y.. Nov. 18, 1853. At Rutgers, 1872-76, Lawyer. Died, Aug. 16, 1913. * William Armitage Van Zandt, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albanty, N. Y. Merchant. Died, Oct. 6, 1907. La Rue Vredenburgh, Somerville, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J.. July 29, 1855. At Rutgers three years. Lawyer, State Bank Examiner, 1899- . 170 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1876. Samuel Isett Woodbridge, Shanghai, China. Born at Henderson, Ky., Oct. 16, 1856. Editor, "Chinese Christian Intelligencer." Missionary, Southern P.resb. Church, 1882-. Author. "China's Onlv Hope," "Short History of Chinkiang." A.B. (Rutgers, 1893). D.D. (Westminster CoU. Mo., 1910). Princeton Sem., 1882. *JoHN Eliot Woodbridge, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1855. . At Rutgers, 1872-74. A.B. (Union, 1876). Union Sem. Died, Oct. 3, 1879. B.Sc. George William Kuehnle, Born in New York City, Ntov. 23, 1855 M.Sc. (Rutgers,. 1879). C.E. (Rutgers, 1903). Carlton Brownell Pierce. New York City U. S. assistant engineer. Born at Trenton, N. J., June 22, 1857. Lawyer. Cranford, N. J. Member N. J. Assembly, 1879). 1908-09. Albany Law School, 1878. M.Sc. (Rutgers, Tom's River, N. J. Morristown, N. J. * William Aumack, At Rutgers, 1872-74. WiLLARij Walker Cutler, Born at Morristown, N. J., Nov. 3, 1856. At Rutgers, 1872-74. Lawyer. Circuit Court Judge. Prosecutor of Pleas, Morris county, 1882-93. Law Judge. Morris county, 1893-98. * Spencer Cone Devan, Buffalo, N. Y. Born, 1856. At Rutgers, 1873-76. Physician. Medical student, Univ N. Y., 1876-79. U. S. Marine; Hospital Service. Pro- fessor. Kansas City Coll. P. and S. Died, Feb. 3, 1893. *Jerome Johnson, Rahway, N. J. Born, Aug. 3, 1855. At Rutgers, 1872-74. Merchant. Died, June 4, 1882. W^iLLiAM Hubert Osborne. Manufacturing agent. * Joseph Godfrey Palmer, Kansas City, Mo. Born at Brownsville, Texas, Feb. 29, 1856. At Rutgers, 1872-74. Bank President. Mayor. Colonel on Governor's Staff, Iowa. Died, May 7, 1907. * Charles S. Roe, At Rutgers, 1872-74. Physician. *Edwin Forrest Ross, N. J. Canoga, N. Y. New Brunswick, At Rutgers, 1872-76. Died, N. J. Born at New Brunswack April 6, 1876. *ISAAC Denman Vanderpoel, Bookkeeper. John Warren, Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. Sept. 26, 1856. two years Physician. Medical Director, Equitable Life As surance Society, 1898-1908. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1881). Nicholas Doremus Wortendyke, Jersey City Born at Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 14, 1854. At Rutgers, 1872-74 Assistant Chief Engineer, Dept. Streets and Public Improve ments, 1897- . New York City. New York City. At Rutgers N. J. 1877. ALUMNI. 171 1877. A.B. Henry Mackness Traphagen Beekman, New York City. Born at North Branch, N. J., Apr. 11, 1855. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). Abraham S. Brinckerhoff, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Wood Ridge, N. J., Feb. 5, 1856. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). M.D. (N. Y. Homoepathic Med. Coll., 1892). *RoBERT FiNDLAY FiscHER, Chicago, 111. Born at Metuchen, N. J., Oct. 5, 1856. Printer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1880). Died, Dec. 6, 1915. *Earl Ansel Holdridge, Santa Monica, Cal. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1851. Presb. clergyman. Ordained Evangelist, 1893. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). Died, Jan. 23, 1904. *James Pierpont Langdon, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Born. 1856. Business. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). Died, April 30, 1883. Cornelius Hoagland Polhemus, Ulster Park, N. Y. Born at Middlebush. N. J.. Dec. 2, 1853. Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof. Languages. Tabor Coll., Iowa, 1893-96. N. B. Sem., 1880. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). Henry Parsell Schneeweiss, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 19, 1856. Treasurer of Rutgers College, 1915- . * Garret Zabriskie Snider, Nyack, N. Y. Born at Spring Valley, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1856. Lawyer. District Attorney, Rockland county, 1889-91. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). Died, Dec. 27, 1898. ♦Herman Wendell Van der Poel, New York City. Born at Albany, N. Y.. July 8. 1856: Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). LL.B. (Columbia, 1880). Died, March 16, 1906. *JonN Quick Van Derveer, Austin, Texas. Born at North Branch, N. J., Mch. 15, 1854. Presb. clergyman. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). Licensed, 1880. Died, and buried at sea, June 24, 1880. William Herman Van Steenbergh, New York City. Born at Rhinebeck, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1857. Lawyer. Trustee, Rutgers, 1903-13. LL.B. (Columbia, 1879). A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). ♦Stephen Condict Van Winkle, Passaic, N. J. Born at Rutherford, N. J., June 11. 1857. Farmer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1880). Died, Aug. 26, 1883. *Henri Veghte, Blawenburg, N. J. Born at Griggstown, N. J.. Jan. 23, 1857. Prof. Modern Lan- guages, Hope College, 1897-1904. Teacher. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). Died, June 27, 1916. Robert F. Stockton Wark, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 4, 1854. Foreman. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). Samuel Mersereau Woodbridge, San Bernardino, Cal. Born at Saratoga, N. Y., Apr. 26, 1857. Agricultural chemist. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y.). William Forman Wyckoff, Jamaica, N. Y. Born in Monmouth county, N. J., Apr. 18, 1858. Lawyer. Judge of General Sessions, Queens county, 1887-91. President, Board of Education. 1888-90. Trustee, Rutgers, 1899-1909. LL.B. (Columbia, 1879). A.M. (Rutgers, 1880). l'i'2 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1877. *WiLLiAM James Chesebeo, Knox, N. Y. Born at Knox. N. Y., Feb. 6. 1851. At Rutgers, 1873-75. Farmer. Teacber. Died, May 15, 1913. John Haines Knox, Lebanon, N. J. Mine manager. *Marvin Tiiorne Merchant, Watervliet, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1859. At Rutgers. 1873-75. Chief Inspector, Watervliet Arsenal, 1887-1905. Died. Dec. 31, 1905. Abeam Van Cleef Nevius, East Millstone, N. J. Born at East Millstone, N. J., Sept. 9, 1856. At Rutgers two years. Farmer. Harry Schoonmaker, New York City. Lawyer. * William George Ely See, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Buffalo. N. Y., Sept. 26, 1857. At Rutgers, 1873-74. Lawyer. Died, Nov. 1, 1904. • *WiLLiAM Leggett Skinkle, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Feb. 10, 1854. At Rutgers, 1873-76. Lawyer. Died, April 13, 1890. Schityler Neilson Warren, New York City. Stock broker. B.Sc. *John Francis Ladley, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 28, 1857. Died, Dec. 21, 1878. Leonor Fresnel Loree, New York City. Born at Fulton, 111.. Apr. 23, 1858. President Delaware and Hudson Company, 1907- . President and Director of tbirty-four companies controlled by the same. Fourth Vice Pres. Penn. lines west of Pittsburgh, 1901. Pres. Baltimore and Ohio R. R., 1901-04. Pres. Rock Island Co.. 1904. Chairman Exec. Com. Kansas City Southern Railway, 1906- . President. American Railway Association. 1899-1901. Chairman, U. S. Delegation, International Railway Congress at Paris in 1900. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1880). C.E. (Rutgers, 1896). William James Nelson, New Market, N. J. Born at Plainfield, N. .T., July 4. 1854. Physician. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1880). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1880). *Edward Ingelow Pitman, Buenos Ayres, S. A. Civil engineer M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880). C.E. (Rutgers, 1892). Died, Dec. 3, 1907. Charles Taylor Pomeroy, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J.. June 2, 1855. Chemist. Manufacturer of writing fluids. President and treasurer, Pomeroy Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1880). Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1888). Ellis Frank Potter, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Mount Pleasant, N. J.. Sept. 9, 1855. Dentist. N. Y. Dental College, 1890. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880). ♦Edward Anderson Reiley, Atlantic City, N. J. Born at Succasunna. N. J., Oct. 27, 1855. Physician. President Board Education six years. County Physician six years. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880). M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1881). Died, June 9, 1914. William Maxson Stillman, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Plainfield. N. J.. Nov. 23, 1856. Lawyer. Citv Judge, Plainfield, 1892-94. 1902-04. Corporation Counsel, Plainfield, 1912-15. LL.B. (Columbia, 1879). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880). George McClellan Taylor, Red Bank, N. J. Born at Rumson. N. J.. Dec. 2, 1855. Consulting and Supervising Engineer. Junior Assistant Engineer, War Dept.. 1887—1914. Author, "Record and History, Class of 1877." M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880). C.E. (Rutgers, 1903). 1877. ALUMNI. 173 Alfred Alexander Titsworth, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Plainfield, N. J., Dec. 4, 1852. Professor, Civil En- gineering and Graptiics, Rutgers, 1904- . Dean of Engineer- ing, Rutgers, 1915- . Prof. Graphics and Mathematics, Rut- gers, 1886-1904. Supreme Court Commissioner, re-establishing county line between Morris and Somerset, 1893-94. Do., be- tween Hunterdon and Morris, 1896. Author, "Elements of Me- chanical Drawing." M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880). C.E. (Rutgers, 1880). D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1907). *ISAAC Van Winkle, Spokane, Wash. Born, July 20, 1855. Real estate. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880). Died, Oct. 6, 1913. La Rue Vredenburgh, Boston, Mass. Born at Springfield, 111., Sept. 24, 1855. Assistant to Gen. Supt. Edison Electilc Illuminating Co., 1912- . M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1880). *William Russell Whitehead, Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J., July 18, 1856. Treasurer, Mercer Pottery Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880). Died, June 9, 1913. William Gardner Barnes, Seattle, Wash. Born in Mass., Mch. 12, 1857. At Rutgers two years. Mer- chant. Edwin J. Eneas. Alfred Wolcott Gibbs, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Fort Filmore, N. M., Oct. 27, 1856. At Rutgers one year. Chief Mechanical Engineer, Penn. R. R. Mechanical en- gineer, Stevens, 1878. Yasutaro Hara, (?) Yedo, Japan. Governor of Province. William Sisiith Ketcham, Newark, N. J. Bom at Newark, N. J., Nov., 1855. At Rutgers one year. Archi- tect and builder, *JoHN LOTT Nostrand, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at New Utrecht, N. Y., Mch. 2, 1856, At Rutgers, 1873- 75. Lawyer. City Magistrate, 1895-1900. Died, Aug. 3, 1913. ♦Timothy Foster Nostrand, New Utrecht, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1873-76. Farmer. Died, Nov. 3, 1885. YosHio Ohsawa, (?) Aichy, Japan. Zen Kichy Ongawa, (?) Aichy, Japan. BoTn, 1855. Director of the Japan Ocean Navigation Co. ♦Kanichero Taku, Saga, Japan. At Rutgers, 1874-76. Died, 1901. ♦James Alexander Talmage, Napanoch, N, Y. Born at Chittenango, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1873-75. Died, May, 1877. JosiAH TiCE, New Brunswick, N, J. Civil engineer and land surveyor. City Engineer, New Bruns- wick, 1885-91. Clinton De Witt Van Dyck, New York City. Born at Coxsackie, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1855. At Rutgers three years. Physician. Medical Supervisor, Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. M.D. (Albany Med. Coll., 1879). Ernest Patten Waite, Eureka, Cal. With Western Supply Co. ♦Daniel Waldo, Brooklyn, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1873-75. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1878). Died, 1893. 174 EUTGEES COLLEGE. 1878. 1878. A.B. Louis Bevier. New Brunswick, N. J. Bom at Marbletown, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1857. Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., Rutgers, 1893- . Dean of Rutgers College, 1912- . State Inspector High Schools, N. J., 1904-09. Instructor in French, Rutgers, 1883-85. Adjunct Pro,f. Mod. Languages, 1885-90. Acting Prof. Latin. 1887-89. Prof. Mod. Languages, 1890-93. Sec. Extension Dept., 1892-1904. Author, "French Grammar," "Brief Greek Syntax." A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1881). Litt.D. (Rutgers, 1908). Henry James Bogardus, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Fishkill Landing, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1858. Physician. N. B. Sem., 1881. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). M.D. (Univ. N. Y. Med. Coll., 1883). Frederick Joseph Collier, Hudson, N. Y. Boin at Geneva, N. Y.. Sept. 23. 1856. Lawyer. Trustee, Rut- gers, 1891- . A.M. (Rutgers. 1881). Everett Mallory Culver, New York City. Surgeon. Demonstrator of Post Graduate Coll. N. Y. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1881, and Berlin, 1884). John Edward Elmendorf, Newark, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 3, 1858. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). Ph.B. (Rutgers, 1881). ♦NicoLL Floyd Elmendorf, New York City. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1857. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). Died, Nov. 19, 1890. Charles Everett, Belmar, N. J. Born at Dutch Neck, N. J., May 19. 1854. Presb. clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1881. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). D.D. (Ruther- ford Coll., N, C, 1896). *JoHN Blair Gibbs, New York City. Born, Sept. 25. 1858. Physician and surgeon. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). M.D. (Univ. of Penn., 1881. and Coll. P. and S., 1882). Surgical staff. Bellevue Hospital, 1881-83. Surgeon, U. S. Navy in Spanish War. Killed in a skirmish at Guantanamo, Cuba, June 12, 1898. *Sei-ichi Kudo, Tokio, Japan. Born in Japan. Author. Prof. Physics, Sapporo Agric. Coll., 1881-83. A.M. (RutgeTS, 1881). Died, Dec. 15, 1906. George Le I^vre, Forest Glen, N. Y. Born at Forest Glen, N. Y., Apr. 24. 1856. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1881. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). *William Burnham Marshall, Metuchen, N. J. Born in Valpariso, Chili. Apr. 10. 1858. Teacher. AM. (Rut- gers, 1881). Died, Sept. 16, 1881. John Hull McLean, Eatontown, N. J. Farmer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). LL.B. (Columbia, 1881). Otto E. Meyer, Alstead Center, N. H. Retired. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). Henry Merrill Orne, New York City. Born at Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 25. 1859. General Secretary, N. Y. Young Men's Christian Association. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). James Henry Ow^ens, Macon, Ga. Born at Hyde Park, N. Y.. Jan. 4, 1857. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1881. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). D.D. (Lafayette, 1907). 1878. ALUMNI, 175 CoRTLANDT Parker, Newark, N. J. Born at" Newark, N. J., Aug. 17. 1857. Lawyer. Assistant U. S. District Attorney, N. J.. 1900-03. U. S. District Attor- ney, 1903. A.M. (Rutgers. 1881). LL.B. (Columbia. 1881). * William Henry Scudder, Rio Vista, Cal. Born at Vellore, India, Feb. 10. 1857. Cong'l clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1882. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). Died, May 26, 1911. John Lawson Senior, Waverly, Kan. Born at Montgomery. N. Y., Nov. 7. 1854. Lawyer State Senator. 1889-1903. A.M. (Rutgers. 1881). George Edward Stubbs, New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. .1.. Apr. 3, 1857. Ecclesiastical musician. Organist and choirmaster, St. Agnes Chapel. N. Y., 1892- . Instructor in Ecclesiastical Music, General Theologi- cal Sem., N. Y.. 1888-1902. Writer on Ecclesiastical Music. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). Mus. Doc. (Univ. of the South, 1904). ♦Egbert Tears, St. Paul, Minn. Born at Montgomery, N. Y., Mch. 22. 1856. N. B. Sem., 1878-80. Died. Jan. 27, 1880. Howard Davidson Terhune, Hackensack, N. J. Born at NeAv Brunswick, N. .1., Dec. 16. 1859. Cashier, Hacken- sack National Bank. Lawyer. Columbia Law School, 1881. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). John Van der Poel, New York City. Born at Albany, N. Y., Feb. 20. 1858. Physician. Lecturer on Genito-Urinary Diseases at the Univ. and Bellevuc Med. Coll. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1881). A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). *John Smalley Letson Van Deventer, Denver, Col. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.(?) 1859. Physician. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1881). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1880). Died, March 21, 1889. *Henry Cone Van Dolsen, New York City. Born, 1857. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1882). Died, 1887. ♦Jonah Walter Vaughan, City Point, Maine. Born at New Vineyard. Maine. Apr. 30. 1851. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1881. A.M. (Rutgers, 1881). Died. Oct. 31, 1913. William Wallace Anderson, Bayonne, N. J. Lawyer. ♦John Henry Banta, Paterson, N. J. Born at Dundee Lake, N. J., Sept. 27. 1853. At Rutgers, 1874- 76. Physician. M.D. (Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1879). Died, Aug. 20, 1907. John Bloomfield Beekman, Bedminster, N. J. Physician. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1881). Garret Story Conover, New Brunswick, N. J. Business. John Golden Dorrance, New York City. Manufacturer. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1879). ♦William Edwards Ferguson, New York City. Real estate agent. ♦Frederick Fitch Folger, Jr., Hudson, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1874-76. Bookkeeper, Died, Feb. 25, 1883. John Adam Frech, Somerville, N. J. Lawyer. Richard Wright Herbert, Wickatunk, N. J. Born at Wickatunk, N. J., Oct. 27, 1859. At Rutgers half a year. Farmer. 1*^6 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1878. William Jacob Miller. Augustus Manning Pbice, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, David Hall Schock, Pitman, N. J. Born at Germantown, Pa., Feb. 13, 1840. At Rutgers one and one-half years. M. E. clergyman. Author, "The Amen Corner and Other Poems." A.M. (Dickinson, 1881). * Jacob Winfbed Van Keuben, Utica, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1873-76. Bookkeeper. Vanderbilt Spader Voobhees, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 7, 1858. At Rutgers, 1874. Real estate. *Peteb Dumont Whitenack, Somerville, N. J. At Rutgers, 1874-76. Died, March 25, 1901. B.Sc. John Bishop, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1881). Edward Dubyee, Los Angeles, Cal. Cement expert, U. S. Reclamation Service, 1903- . M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1881). C.E. (Rutgers, 1894). Henry Monmouth Herbert, Bound Brook, N. J. Civil and consulting engineer. Member, N. J. Board of Health. Chief, Division of Sewerage and Water-Supplies. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1881). Walteb Livingston Lawrence, Scranton, Pa. Born at Hamburg, N. J., Mch. 10, 1857. Real estate agent, D. and H. Co., 1902- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1881). Franklin Townsend Lent, Sterling, Mass. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Mch. 3, 1855. Architect. Author, "Sound Sense in Suburban Architecture," etc. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1881). ^Robebt Woodwobth Pbentiss, New Brunswick, N, J. Born at Brighton, Mass., Jan. 30, 1857. Professor Mathematics and Astronomy, Rutgers, 1892-1913. Associate Prof., Math, and Astron., 1891-92. Secretary Faculty, 1898-1901. Prof. Physics, Corcoran Scientific School, Columbian Univ., 1888-91. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1881). Fellow^ Johns Hopkins, 1879-81. Died, Apr. 5, 1913. CoBNELius Clarkson Vermeule, East Orange, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 5. 1858. Civil engineer. Topographer and consulting engineer, N. J. Geological Survey, 1878- . Topographer, U. S. Geological Survey, 1884-88, Writer on engineering subjects. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1881). C.E. (Rutgers, 1880). Seymour Morton Lary. John Perrine Maynard. Merchant. Oscar Hartwell Maynard, (?) Montclair, N. J. Joseph Hepburn Parsons, Talladega, Ala. Born at Talladega, Ala., Feb. 10, 1854. At Rutgers one year. Columbian Univ., 1879. Landowner. Author, "Historical Papers Upon Men and Events of Rare Interest in the Napoleonic Epoch." Charles Arthur Reed, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Fort Wayne, Ind., Dec. 4, 1857. Lawver. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1896. N. J. State Senator, 1897-1902. Presi- dent of N. J. Senate, 1899. Columbia Law School. 1881-82. 1878-1879. ALUMNI. 177 George Field Riggs, Carlisle, Penn, Born on Staten Island, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1853. At Rutgers, 1874- 75. Retired. Civil Engineer. B.S. (Mass. Inst. Tecli., 1879). *Louis V. Snyder, Elizabeth, N. J. Born. 1857. At Rutgers, 1874-78. Manufacturer. Died, Jan. 30. 1882. 1879. lawyer. A.m: (Rutgers, 1882). Passaic, N. J. Treasurer, Joplin, Mo. A.B. John Edmund Ackerman, Born at Slaughterdam, N. J., Sept. 4. 1857 City of Passaic, 1902-11 ' "' '^ Joseph Elmer Aldrich, Mine operator. *Abram Van Nest Baldwin, New Brunswick, N. J Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 16. 1858. Physician. Pres. Board of Education, 1892. A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1882). Died, Feb. 14, 1897. Albert Chamberlain Burt, Owego, N. Y, Born at Albany. N. Y., Aug. 2, 1857. Retired merchant. A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). Robert Anderson Cook, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr, (Rutgers, 1882). New Brunswick, N. J. 1861. Retired. A.M. N. Y. M.D. 1860. (Coll. ♦William Cramer, Born at Poughkeepsie A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). April 4, 1899. Clarence Stephens Davteson, Born at Tarrytown, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1857. gers, 1882). ♦Alfred Howard Demarest, Born at Hudson, N. Y.. Nov. 23. 1860. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Physician and surgeon. P. and S., 1883). Died, Tarrytown, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- N. B. Sem.. 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). D.D 1904). Died, Nov. 3, 1904. Louis Augustus Du Bois, Lawyer. ♦John Frelinghuysen, Born at Somerville, N. J.(?), Sept. 17, 1858 cial Examiner, U.S. Pension Bureau, 1884-87. 1882). Died, Aug. 14, 1894. Theodore Frelinghuysen, Catskill, N. Y. Clergyman, R. C. A. (Rutgers, Brooklyn, N. Y. Somerville, N. J. Lawyer. Spe- A.M. (Rutgers, New York City. Born at Newark, N. J., Apr. 17, 1860. Treasurer, "The Spool Cotton Company." Isaac William Gowen, North Bergen, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 29, 1858. Clergyman, R. C. A. Cor. Sec. Bd. Publication, R. C. A. President, Geneial S.vnod, R. C. A., 1915. N. B. Sem., 1883. A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). D.D. (Rutgers, 1902). Herman Hageman, Claverack, N. Y. Born at Readington, N. J., Oct. 14, 1858. Clergyman, R. C. A. Stated Clerk, Particular Synod of New York, 1902- . N. B. Sem., 1882. A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). Peter Kenny Hageman, Liberty Corner, N. J. Born at Bound Brook, N. J., Dec. 7, 1859. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1882. A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). Edward Woolsey Jewett, New York City. Member, N. Y. Stock Exchange. 12 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1879 William Kamp. Belleville, Kan. Born at Pella, Iowa. July 31, ISnO. Physicinn and surari on. Mayor of Belleville. 1913-15. M.D. (Albany Med. Coll., 1882). A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). New York City. '. S. Attorney. Assistant District Attor- A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). Wadena. Minn. Sept. 21, 18.")8. Real estate. .Judge of Member, House of Rep- West New Hempstead, Clergyman, R. C. A. N. Y. Robinson Station. Md. Newtonville. B. Sem.. 1882. A.M. (Rutgers. 1882). Plainfield, Clergyman, R. C. A. Sept. 5, 18.->fi. (Rutgers, 1882), Ph.D. Missionary, Clergyman, Vellore. R. C. A. N. Y. N. J. India. Seaman Millp:r, Lawyer. Assistant L ney, New York City. As HER Murray, Born at Delhi. N. Y.. Probate. Wad( na county, '1889-1904. resentatives, Minn., 1904-06. ♦Abram Yan Liew Pumyea, Mt. Holly, N. Born. 1856. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1882). Died, Dc. C. U. S. Mili- tary Academy, West Poirrt, 1880. Writer on Military Tactics. Otis Dexter Stewart. B.Sc. Condict Walker Cutler, New York City. Born at Morristown. N. J., Feb. 27. 1859. Physician. Writer on Dermatology. M.D. (Coll. P. and S.. 1882). M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1882). George Hill, New Brunswick, N. J. Consulting engineer and builder. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1882). C.E. . (Rutgers, 1882). Franklin Marsh, Rahway, N. J. City surveyor and engineer, Rahway, 1903- . City surveyor, 1882-92. City engineer, 1885-92. Tadanari Matsdaira, (?) Tokio, Japan. Officer in Department of Foreign Affairs. ♦Jonathan Bruen Miller, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Oct. 4, 1858. Editor, "American Rail- road Journal." M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1883). Died, July 3, 1887. Alfred Berry Nelson, Trenton, N. J. Born at Stanhope, N. J., June 21, 1859. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1882). C.E. (Rutgers, 1908). ♦Francis Augustus Wilder, New Brunswick, N. J. Boi-n at Alto, Wis., Nov. 3. 1851. Adjunct Professor of An- alytical Chemistry, Rutgers, 1883-1890. Professor of An- alytical Chemistry, Rutgers, 1890-91. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1882). Died, May 25, 1891. Jesse Hagaman Beekman, Sayreville, N. J. Physician. ♦George Albert De Baun, Paterson, N. J. Born at Saddle River. N. J., Feb. 11, 1856. At Rutgers, 1875- 78. Teacher. Manufacturer. Died, May 23, 1906. Frank Michael Donohue, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Aug. 17, 1859. At Rutgers one year. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Univ. N. Y. Med. Coll.. 1881). Presley Thornton Jenkins, (?) Washington, D. C. Hiram Abiff Maynard, New York City. ♦William Appleton Paige. At Rutgers. 187.5-76. ♦William Runyon Stanbery, Plainfield, N. J. At Rutgers, 187.5-77. Manufacturer. Died, .Tan. 2, 1906. ♦James Polhemus Van Wyck, Hudson, N. Y. Born at Northumberland. N. Y., Jan. 20. 1856. At Rutgers, 1875-76. Merchai)t. Died, June 18, 1910. 180 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1879-1880. Eugene Spencer Yeghte, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov, 27, 1856. At Rutgers, 1875-78. Accountant, 1880. A.B. Charles Stuart Aitkin, Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton. N. J.. Sept. 2, 1858. Clerk In office of Sec- retary of State of New Jersey. A.M. (Rutgers, 1890). *Thomas Woodiiouse Bakewell. Plainfield, N. J. Born at Pittsburgh, Penn.(V), Oct. 27, 1861. Patent lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). LL.B. (Univ. Penn., 1883). Died, July 7, 1909. ♦Herbert Henry Cameron, New York City. Born at Thurman. N. Y,, Aug, 6, 1857, Episc. clergyman. N. B. Sem.. 1880-82. Gen. Sem., N. Y. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). B.D. (Trinity). Died, July 25, 1888. ♦Charles Freeman Cantine, Kingston, N, Y. Born at Saugerties. N. Y., Nov. 4. 1858. Lawyer. District At- torney, Ulster countv, N. Y,. 1895-1904. County Judge, Ulster county, 1904-12. LL.B, (Columbia, 1882), Died, July 14, 1912. Edward Close Delavan, Jr., New York City. Born in New York City, Feb. 26, 1858. Lawyer. Writer on the earlv history of Richmond county, N. Y. LL.B. (Columbia, 1882). A.M. (Rutgers, 1883), Nathan Henry Demarest, . Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Born in New York City, July 3, 1861, Clergyman. R. C. A. Missionary to Japan, 1883-90, 1912-13, N. B. Sem., 1883. A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). William Alexander Dumont, West Coxsackie, N. Y. Born at Far Hills, N. J., Dec. 23, 1857, Clergyman, R. C, A. B.D. (Union Sem., 1885), A,M. (Rutgers, 1883). ♦Pierre St. John Gillespy, Saugerties, N, Y. Born, 1859, Student, Columbia, 1881-82. Died, Sept. 2, 1882. Gilbert D. B. Hasbrouck, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Port Ewen, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1860. Lawyer. 2d Deputy Attorney General, N. Y., 1894. 1st Deputy Attorney General, 1895-99. Judge, N. Y. Court of Claims. 1902-03. Presiding Judge, 1903-04. Justice Supreme Court, N. Y., 1905. Ashokan Commissioner. 1907-10. Justice, Supreme Court, N. Y., 1913- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). Walter DuBois Hasbrouck, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Port Ewen. N. Y., June 5, 1858. Physician. M.D. (Albany Med. Coll., 1883). ♦Egbert Le Fevre, New York City. Born at Raritan. N. J., Oct. 29. 1858. Ph.vsician. Prof. Clinical Med. Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll.. 1890-95. Adjunct Prof. Medicine, 1895-98. Associate Prof. Therapeutics. Prof. Clinical Medicine and Dean. 1898-1914. Author. "Notes on Materia Medica and Therapeutic Physical Diagnosis." M.D. (Univ, N. Y., 1883). A.M. (Rutgers. 1884). D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). LL.D. (Univ. N, Y., 1910). Died, Mch, 30, 1914. Frederick Wilkinson Olcott, Washington, D. C Born at East Millstone. N. J„ May 1, 1860. Physician. Sur- geon, U. S. Navy, 1887-1900. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1884). A.M. (Rutgers, 1890). ♦Edmund Rawson Palmer, New Brunswick, N, J. Lawyer, A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). LL.B. (Univ. of Iowa, 1882), Died. Oct. 9. 1886. ALUMNI. 181 * Clarence Mather Perlee, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 30. 1856. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1883. P. G. Union Sem., 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). Died, July 16, 1915. Thomas Marshall Fitz Randolph, Morristown, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 2, 1857. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1882). Millard Fillmore Ross, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 16, 1860. Coal merchant. George Washington Scarlet. Ridgeway, Mich. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B.' Sem., 1883. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). *Edwin P'rancis See, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Tarrvtown. N. Y., .Ian. 29, 1861. Clergyman, R. C. A. General Secretary Brooklyn Y. M. C. A., 1886-1906. N. B. Sem., 1883. A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). Died. July 17, 1906. Bevier Has-Brouck Sleght, * Newark, N. J. Born at Sleghtsburg, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1857. Physician. M.D. (Hahnemann Med. Coll., Phila., 1882). A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). John L. Suydam, Jamesburg, N. J. Born in Somerset county, N. J., Oct. 13. 1859. Physician. County physician, Middlesex county, N. J., 1906-09. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1882). A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). "Stephen Vedder Ten Eyck, ' New York City. Born at Astoria, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1860. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1883). A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). Died, May 6, 1911. William Van Doren, Archbald, Penn. Born at Middlebush, N. J., Feb. 25, 1858. Physician and sur- geon. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1885). Joseph Appleton Van Mater, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Marlboro. N. J., Mav 25. 1860. Manager of mines, N. J. Zinc Co., 1908- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). E.M. (Rut- gers, 1911). *Sherman Van Ness, Ji?., Chatham Center, N. Y. Born at Chatham, N. Y., Mch. 13, 1859. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1883). A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). Died, Dec. 2, 1913. *Benjam:in Miller Van Syckel, New York City. Born at Newark, N. J., Dec. 7, 1857. Physician. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1883). M.D. (Bellevue Med. Coll., 1882). Died, March 15, 1903. William V^aughan, Belfast, Maine. Born at New Vineyard, Maine, Sept. 21, 1855. Clergyman, R. C. A. Farmer. President Maine State Girls' Home. N. B. Sem., 1883. Nathaniel Whitaker Voorhees, Jr., High Bridge, N. J. Physician. M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1883). Frederick Weigel, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 19, 1859. Lawyer. City Attorney, N. B., twenty-flve years. A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). Joseph Wolfson, Jersey City, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., May 8. 1860. Physician. City Physician, Jersey City, 1890- . M.D. (Bellevue Med. Coll., 1883). A.M. (Rutgers, 1883). Howard Leon Browning, Milwaukee, Wis. With Edison Electric Light Co. George Buttler, Worcester, Mass. Born at New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers, 1876-78. Dentist. D.D.S. (Univ. Maryland, 1884). 18^ KUTGERS COLLEGE. 1880. Charles Clakk, Lawyer. ♦Gregory Richard Gillmore, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb 13, 1016. Richard Morris Greeneank, Merchant. Lawyer, admitted, Morrison Clark Hamilton, With N. y., N. H. and H. R. * Charles Arthur Horn, Bom at Brooklyn, X. Y.(?) sistant Librarian, Brooklyn 1888. Louis Thompson Reed, !3, 185^ Los Angeles, Cal. New Brunswick, N. J. Merchant. Died, Apr. New York City 1881. New York City, R. A.B. (Iowa Coll., 1880 j. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1857. At Rutgers, 1876-80. As- Library, 1882-88. Died, Aug. 24, Raritan, s. 1877-78. N. J. Born at Fort Wayne, Ind"., St pt. 4, 1859. At Rutg Insurance. M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1884). Shipway, New Brunswick, Rutgers, 1875-78. Medical student. Died *George Washington Born, 1857. At Dec. 29, 1879. *JoHN Gregory Slee, Born at I'oughkeepsie, N. Y., Dec. 1857. At Rutgers, 1876-77 V. S. Gov't Service. Chief Veterinarian. Philippine Islands 1903-06. D.V.S. (American Veterinary College). Died, Mch 3, 1913. George Frank Stephens, Born at Railway, X. J N. J. Dec. 28, 1859. Sculptor and lecturer. At one-fourth yean *JoiiN Henry Weir, At Rutgers. 1876-77. Feb. 21, 1884. Asa Zabriskie, Born at Ridgewood, X. J., Xov. 15 years. In moving picture business. ♦GuiLLiAM Arthur Zacriskie, At Rutgers, 1876-77. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P Died. Oct. 25, 1900. Portland, Ore. Arden, Del. Rutgers, one and Civil engineer. Died 1858. New Brunswick, N. J. at Paducah, Ky., San Francisco, Cal. At Rutgers two New York City. and S., 1882). B.Sc. Franklin Avery Chapman, Born at Jersey City, X. J., 1857. Manufacturer Charles Manning Freeman, Physician and merchant (Rutgers, 1886). William Davis Schoon maker. Born at Xewburgh. X. Y., Feb. 19, 1856 ist. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1883). M.D. (Coll. P. and S. Morristown, N. J. Metuchen, 1884). M.Sc. N. J, Orange, N. Manufacturing chem- Peter Randolph Buckelew, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Xew Brunswick. X. J., May 22, 1860. At Rutgers two years. Insurance surveyor. Theodore Frelingiiuysen De Witt, Cattle grower. First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon, U. 1889-91. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1884). John White Howell, Electrician. Thomas Ely Schanck, Born at Freehold. X. J., Feb. 9. 1860. Cashier, People's Xational Bank, 1887- Denver, Col. S. Array, Newark. N. J. New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers tw^o years. 1880-1881. ALUMNI. 183 Theodore Van Deventer, Schenectady, N. Y. Electrician. * William Stults Van Nortwick, New Brunswick, N. J. Eorn at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 20. 1858. At Rutgers, 1876-78. Bookkeeper. Died, May 24, 1895. Charles Strong Van Nuis, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Tliree Alile Run, N. J.. Dec. 20, 1859. At Rutgers three years. Manager, College Farm. Henry Vroom, ^ St. Louis, Mo. Manager, 1892- . 1881. A.B. *Tiieodore Burges Booraem, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Bninswick, N. J., Apr. 30. 1861. Lawyer. As- sistant U. S. Attorney, N. J.. 1903-06. City Attorney, N. B., 1905-06. .Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Middlesex county. N. J., 1906-09. Prosecutor of the Pleas, Middlesex county, 1909-12. Treasurer, Rutgers Alumni Ass'n. Died, Feb. 26, 1912. Jesse Wendell Brooks, Brooklyn, N, Y. Born at Cheshire. Conn.. Sent. 26, 1858. Clergyman. R. C. A. Secretary and Missionary Superintendent, Chicago Tract So- ciety. 1898-1914. President, Union Missionary Training In- stitute, 1914- . Union Sem., 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1889). Gardner Hale Cain, Trenton, N. J. Born at Harlingen, N. J., Nov. 27, 1858. Lawyer. President, Common Council, 1893-95. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). Marion Townsend Conklin, Middletown, N. J. Born at Kingston, N. Y., July 9, 1856. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1884. JosiAH Elmer Crane, Wurtsboro, N. Y. Born at Fair Oaks, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1853. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). Ph.D. (Martyn Col- lege). S.T.D. (Harximan Univ.). John Hendrik De Vries, Canton, Mass. Born in Amsterdam. Netherlands. May 8. 1859. Episc. clergy- man. Translator of Dr. Kuyper's "Encyclopedia of Sacred The- ology," &c. N. B. Sem., 1888. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). D.D. (Rutgers, 1903). *George Fielder, Brooklyn, N, Y. Boi-n at Princeton, N. J., Dec. 14, 1859. Lawyer. LL.B. (Col- umbia. 1884). Justice, Municipal Court, Borough of Brooklyn, 1908-11. Died, Aug. 8, 1911. Cornelius Isaac Haring, Nyack, N. Y. Born at New City, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1860. Lawyer. Secretary, Wisconsin Bar Assn., 1901-04. LL.B. (Columbia, 1883). LL.D. (Washington Coll. of Law). ♦Richard Charles Harrington, Newark, N, J. Physician and surgeon. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). M.D. (Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1884). Died, Feb. 22, 1885. Charles Norton Ironside, Dnluth, Minn. Born at Washington, D. C. Apr, 12, 1859. Journalist and puWisher. Author, Handy Law Dictionary, &c. Lawyer. LLB. (Georgetown Univ., 1882). A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). LL.D. (Nashville Coll. of I^w, 1900). Martin Wyckoff Lane, Millville, N. .1. Bom at White House, N. J., Nov. 22, 1858. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). 184 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1881. Robert Lefferts, East Moriches, L. I. Born at Flatbush, L. I., Mch. 2, 1860. Retired. * Edward Lord, New York City. Born at Fulton. N. Y., May 21. 1860. Journalist. On staff N. y. Times. Died, March 21, 1897. JOEL LouCKS, Canajoharie, N. Y. Born at Palatine, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1853. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1884. WiLMER McNair, Holmdel, N. J. Born at Stone Ridge, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1858. Clergyman, R. C. A. Princeton Sem., 1886. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). Henry Du Bois Mulford, Upper Red Hook, N. Y'. Born at Livingston, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1859. Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof. English Lang, and Lit., Rutgers, 1897-1911. Lecturer on tile English Bible, 1903-11. Trustee. Rutgers. 1895-97. N. B. Sem., 1885. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). D.D. (Union, 1903). William Schmitz, Bushkill, Pa. Born at Crefeld, Germany, Apr. 28, 1857. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1884. Chester Boyden Schoonmakep, Stone Ridge, N. Y. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1860. Farmer. ♦Charles Buchanan Scott, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Shawangunk. N. Y., 1861. Teacher. A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). Died, June 19, 1904. George Henry Stephens, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 27, 1857. Presb. clergyman. Field Secretary and Secretary pro tem., Presbyterian Ministers' Fund. N. B. Sem., 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884.) Livingston Ludlow Taylor, Canandaigua, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 16, 1860. Cong'l clergyman. Trustee, Rutgers, 1907-12. N. B. Sem., 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). ♦Irving Strong Upson, New Brunswick, N. J, Born at Marion, Conn., Feb. 5. 1855. Librarian, Rutgers, 1884- 1906. Chief Clerk, Secretary and Treasurer, N. J. State Agric. Experiment Station, 1881-l'915. Clerk, Geological Survey. N. J.. 1881-99. Secretary of Faculty, Rutgers, 1891-1915. Regis- trar, 1891-1915. Treasurer, Rutgers College, 1905-15. Bi- ographer Alumni Ass'n, 1883-1904. Treasurer, do., 1904-15. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). Died, Feb. 25, 1915. John Russell Verbrycke, Vineland, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 5, 1860. Presb. clergy- man. N. B. Sem., 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). ♦Edward Burnett Voorhees, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Mine Brook, N. J., June 22, 1856. Professor, Agricul- ture. Rutgers, 1890-1911. Director, Agric. College Experiment Station, 1900-11. Superintendent College Farm, 1900-11. President, N. J. Board af Agriculture, 1901-11. President. Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, 1904-05. Author, "First Principles of Agriculture." "Fertilizers." "Forage Crops," A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). D.Sc. (ITniv. Vermont, 1900). Died, June 6, 1911. James Sylvester Wight, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at Washington, N. J.. Nov. 1, 1859. Lawyer. City At- torney. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). Garrett Wyckoff, Red Bank, N. J. Born at Roysfield, N. .L, Aug. 13, 1855. Clergyman, R. C. .A. N. B. Sem., 1884. A.M. (Rutgers, 1884). Ph.D. (Taylor Univ. 1898). 1881. ALUMNI. 185 Richard Allard Anthony, New York City. Born in New York City, May 24, 1861. At Rutgers two years. Real estate, mortgages. OflScer of corporations. A.B. (Columbia, 1881). A.M. (Columbia, 1884). ♦Cornelius Bergen, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Born, 1860. At Rutgers, 1877-78. Builder. Died, Jan.' 2, 1886. Lewis Lincoln Cory, Fresno, Cal, Born at San Jose, Cal., May 4, 1861. At Rutgers, 1878-79. Lawyer. A.B. (Princeton, 1881). LL.B. (Columbia, 1883). A.M. (Princeton, 1884). *Peter Joseph Gerlach, Spokane, Wash. At Rutgers, 1877-78. Physician. Died, July 21, 1898. Addison Howard Griffing, Sayville, N. Y. Born at Greenpoint, L. I.. June 9. 1856. At Rutgers two years. Dentist. D.D.S. (N. Y. Coll. of Dentistry, 1882). George Byron McChesney. Chemist. ♦John Clifford Perrine, Pennington, N. J. Born at Pennington, N. J., Mch. 1, 1855. At Rutgers, 1877-79. Druggist. Died, Nov. 10, 1888. David Provost, New York City. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1880). Oliver Parsell Schneeweiss, Roselle, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. .1., Sept. 3, 1858. At Rutgers three years. With Walter Baker & Co., N. Y. ♦Cornelius Whitenack Stryker, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, 1860. At Rutgers, 1877-79. Druggist. Ph.G. (Phila. Coll. of Pharmacy, 1882). Died, Feb. 10, 1890. Augustus Ferdinand Todd, Dunellen, N. J. Born at Athens, Penn., Sept. 3, 1859. At Rutgers, 1877-79. Customs broker. President, Board of Education, Dunellen, 1908- . James Marshall Van Deusen, Pasadena, Cal. Born at Ghent, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1859. At Rutgers, 1877-79. N. B. Sem., 1895-97. Hartford Sem., 1899-1900. *A. Augustus Williamson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, Dec. 31, 1860. At Rutgers, 1877-79. Died Jan. 29, 1879. B.Sc. John Bruyere, Trenton, N. J. Born at Cream Ridge, N. J., Dec. 25, 1861. Physician. M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1884). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884). Thomas Henry Grant, Red Bank, N. J. Born at Red Bank, N. J., Oct. 1, 1858. Farmer and real es- tate. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884). ♦John Kin nan How, Baltimore, Md. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 2, 1860. Electrical con- tractor. Vice Pi-esident, Builders' Exchange of Baltimore, 1909. Died, June 9, 1915. Oakley A. Johnson, Milton, N. J. Born at Hackettstown, N. J. Teacher. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884). ♦Frederick William Malcolm, New York City. Born in New York City, Nov. 22. 1854. Railroad engineer. Inventor. C.E. (Rutgers, 1884). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1890). Died, Feb. 24, 1899. ♦John Trumbull Marshall, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Kingston, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1860. Incandescent electric lamp manufacturer. Died, Jan. 1, 1910. 186 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1881-1882. JOHX Forsyth McWilliam, Somemille, N. J. Born at Seaxsville. N. Y.. Jan. 31, 1800. Physician. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884). M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1884). . Robert Cecil Plume, Cranford, N. J. Born at Newark, X. J., Feb. 28, 1861. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884). Charles Strong Rusling, Lawrenceville, Pa. Engineering. James Howard Aitkin, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Trenton, N. J., Dec. 24, 1860. At Rutgers three years. Secretary and Treasurer, Schenectady Railway Co., 190.")- . ♦Edward Barzillai Dana, Jr., Metuchen, X. J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1863. At Rutgers, 1879-81. Physi- cian and surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1889). Died, Jan. 21, 1904. ♦Frederick W. Denise, Freehold, X. J. Born, 1858. At Rutgers, 1880-81. Medical student. Died, May 31, 1884. William Milton Fink. Residence when a student, Union, N. J. At Rutgers, 1877-78. ♦William Richard George, Dover, X. J. Born at Dov.r, N. J., 1863. At Rutgers, 1877-78. Mining En- gineer. Professional baseball pitcher, St. Louis. Died. 1016. *De Witt Gosjvian Lippincott, Campbell Hall, X. Y, Born in Ulster county, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1861. At Rutgers. 1877- 78. Physician. M.D, (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1882). Died, June 7, 1905. Washington Wilson, Metuchen, X. J. Manager of estates. 1882, A.B. John Bartlett Alden, Brooklyn, X. Y. Born at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1860. Editor, "Eagle" office. A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). Theodore Amerman BeekmXn, Krumville, X. Y. Born at South Branch, N. J.. Nov. 18, 1856. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1885. A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). Irving Burdick, Oliverea, X. Y BoTTi in New York City, June 30, 1859. Musician. A.M. (Am- herst ) . ♦Jacob Chester Chamberlain, Xew York City. Born at Palmaner, India, July 30, 1860. Electrical engineer and inventor. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1882). Died, July 28, 1905. William Isaac Chamberlain, Xew York City. Born at Madras, India, Oct. 10, 1862. Clergyman. R. C. A. Prof. Logic and Mental Philosophy, Rutgers, 1905-09. Mis- sionary to India, R. C. A., 1887-1905. President, General Synod,' R. C. A., 1909. Secretary, Board Foreign Missions, 1909- . Author, "Education in India." N. B. Sem., 1886, A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). B.D. (Rutgers, 1899). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1899). D.D. (Hope, 1907, and Rutgers, 1912), William Stockton Cranmer, Somerville, X. J. Born at Barnegat, N. J.. Dec. 19, 1858. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1885. A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). D.D. (Rutgers, 1903). 1882. ALUMNI. 187 Charles Leavitt Edgar, Brookline, Mass. Born at Griggstown. N. J., Dec. 23. 1860. Electrical engineer. President, Edison Electric Illuminating Co., of Boston, and of other electric companies of Boston and vicinity. Trustee, Rut- gers, 1906- . E.E. (Rutgers, 1S93). John Hamilton Gillespie, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 9,^1858. Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof. Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis, N. B. Sem., 1898-1911. Lector, New Testament Text Criticism and Missions, do., 1911- . Prof. Greek, Hope College, 1888-98. N. B. Sem., 1885. A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). D.D. (Rutgers, 1898, and Hope, 1898). *Abram Beitton Havens, New York City. Born at Jersey Citv, N. J., 1860. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1885). A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). Died, May 8, 1900. Joseph Hover, Hackensack, N. J, Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1884). A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). *HowARU Melville Lansing, Kingston, N. Y. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1884). A.M. (Rutgers, 1890). Died, April 18, 1905. William Frederick Midlige, Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. President, Board of Aldermen, Jersey City, 1897-1902. Edwin Oscar Moffett, Guilderland Centre, N. Y. Born at Westfield, N. J., Sept. 29, 1857. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1885. A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). *JoHN Morrison, Portland, Or. Born at Fishkill-on-Hudson. N. Y., Dec. 12, 1859. Presb. clergy- man. N. B. Sem.. 1886. Died, July 26, 1899. Walter Newell, Chicago, 111. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 22, 1861. Paymaster, Illinois Central R. R., 1911- . James Avery Noebis, Hot Springs, Va. Born in Sullivan county, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1857. Presb. clergy- man. B.D. (Union Sem., 1885). A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). James Powers Philip, Catskill, N. Y. Born at Catskill, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1861. Banker. Lawyei-. LL.B. (Albany Law School, 1885). A.M. (Rutgers. 1885). ♦Philip Wilson Pitcher, Amoy, China. Born at Upper Red Hook, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1856. Clergyman. R. C. A. Missionary to China. Principal Boys' Academy. Author, "Fifty Years in Amoy," etc. N. B. Sem., 1885. A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). Died, July 21, 1915. ♦Nelson De Witt Pumyea, Franklin Park, N. J. Born at Franklin Park, N. J.. May 22, 1861. Physician. M.D. (Univ. N. Y„ 1855). A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). Died,' Dec. 7, 1891. Coleman Randolph, Morristown, N. J. Born at Asbury, N. J., Apr. 29, 1861. lawyer. LL.B. (Colum- bia, 1884). Author, "Inter Ocean Hunting Tales." Myron Tracy Scudder, New York City. Born at Palamanir, India. Sept. 28, 1860. President, Scudder School, 1911- . Head Master Rutgers Preparatory School, 1908-11. Prof. Science of Education, Rutgers. 1908-12. Prin- cipal State Normal School at New Paltz. N. Y.. 1899-1908. Writer on educational subjects. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). Daniel Wesley Skellenger, Richmond Hill, N. Y. Born at Chester, N. J., Feb. 27, 1856. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1885. A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). D.D. (Emporia College, Kansas, 1907, and Highland Univ., Kansas, 1907). Rynier J. Wortendyke, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 24, 1860. Lawyer. LL.B. (Col- umbia, 1884). 188 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1882. ♦Charles Anson Munn, New York City. Born in East New York. N. Y., Sept. 18. 1859. Physician. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1883). Died, Sept. 27, 1913. B.Sc. ♦Frederick Wagoner Bennett, Cape May Court House, N. J. Born at Cape May Court House, N. J.. Aug. 21. 1862. Civil engineer. Assistant topographer, N. J. Geological Survey, 1883— 87. Assistant engineer. Guayaquil and Quito R. R.. Ecuador. C.E. (Rutgers, 1885). Died, Jan. 8, 1912. Philip Hasbrouck Bevier, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Gardiner, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1859. Superintendent of Con- struction, National Fire Proofing Company. Nathaniel Baker Klink Hoffman, New York City. Born at Fairmount, N. J., .Tuly 25, 1857. Assistant engineer, Bureau of Sewers. N. Y., 1889- . C.E. (Rutgers. 1884). George Henry Johnson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Orange, Vermont, Feb. 22, 1862. Statistician. Prof. Mathematics. National College of Nicaragua, 1883-85. M.Sc. (Cornell, 1883). C.E. (Rutgers, 1885). D.Sc. (Harvard, 1887). Solomon Le Fevre, Forest Glen, N. Y. Born at Forest Glen, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1861. Mining engineer. Chief engineer, Witherbee, Sherman & Co., Inc., 1906-09. Owen Benj. Franklin Allen, AUenwood, N. J. Born at AUenwood, N. J., July 19, 1856. At Rutgers two years. Farmer. Salesman. Andrew King Baker, Dover, N. J. Real estate. John Newton Bernart, Chester, N. Y. Born at Boardville. N. J., Dec. 9, 1860. At Rutgers, two and two-third years. Farmer. Frank Strong Curtis, Cranford, N. J. Manager. ♦George Frederick Hill, Metuchen, N. J. At Rutgers, 1878-79. George Breckenridge Hurff, Sewell, N. J. Born at Hurflfville, N. J., July 13, 1860. At Rutgers two years. Manufacturer. Assistant, Agric. Experiment Station, 1882-84. * Andrew Manning, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Plainfield. N. J., Jan. 6. 1861. At Rutgers, 1878-80. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1883). Died, May 19, 1898. Charles Harrison Rogers, South River, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 23, 1860. Funeral director. Nehemiah Dunham Van Syckel, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Bound Brook, N. J.. Oct. 30, 1861. At Rutgers two vears. Episc. clergyman. Prof. Theology Nashotah Theol. Sem., Wisconsin. 1910-16. A.M. (Rutgers, 1885). B.D. (General Sem., 1893). George Adams Woods, New York City. Born at Clifton, Staten Island, Nov. 14. 1863. Inspector, De- partment of Health, N. Y. City. 1883. ALUMNI. 189 1883. A.B. Hexby Warren Beebe, - New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 9. 1863. Lawyer. LL.B. (Col- umbia, 1885). A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). George Brinton Bell, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 13, 1862. Presb. clergy- Man. Pastor, Paterson Memorial Church, 1888- . Princeton Sem., 1887. John Tallmadge Bergen, Minneapolis, Minn. Bom at Bergen Beach L. I., Sept. 21. 1860. Presb. clergyman. Praf. Ethics and Evidences of Christianity, Hope College 1895- 1906. President, Albert Lee College, 1912-13. Author, "Evi- dences of Christianity." Union Sem., 1886. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). D.D. (Rutgers, 1903). John Henry Brandow, Albany, N. Y. Born at Windham. N. Y., Sept. 20. 1853. Clergyman. R. C. A. Synodical Missionary. Author, "The Story of Old Saratoga." N. B. Sem., 1886. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). George Zarriskie Collier, Middleburg, N. Y. Born at Freehold, N. J., Apr. 9, 1862. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1886. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). Frederick Walker Cutler, Yonkers, N. Y. Born at Morristown, N. J., Mch. 24, 1861. Clergyman, R. C. A. Union Sem., 1886. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). William Henry Steele Demarest, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Hudson, N. Y., May 12. 1863. Clergyman, R. C. A. President, Rutgers College, 1906- . Trustee. Rutgers, 1899- . Prof. Ecclesiastical History and Church Government, N. B. Sem., 1901-06. President, General Synod, R. C. A., 1909. N. B. Sem., 1888. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). D.D. (Rutgers, 1901). LL.D. (Columbia, 1910; Union, 1911; Pittsburgh, 1912). John Handley, Salem, N. J. Bom in New York City, May 29, 1858. M. E. clergyman. Dis- trict Superintendent. A.M. (Univ. N. Y., 1891). Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1892). D.D. (Dickinson, 1894). Frederick Parsell Hill. New York City. Born at Rahway, N. J., Sept. 9, 1862. Architect. Ensign, U. S. Navy, 1898. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). ♦John I^ubenheimer, Albany, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. July 12, 1861. Clergyman, R. C. A. Grand Lecturer, Grand Lodge, F. & A. M., 1901-07, 1908-09. Chaplain. N. Y. Assembly, 1908. N. B. Sem.. 1886. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). Drowned in Lake George, July 15, 1909. George Munn Lilburn, Haverstraw, N. Y. Born in New York Citv, Dec. 10, 1858. Lawyer. President, Haverstraw Clay and Brick Co. LL.B. (Columbia, 1885). A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). William Christian Miller, New York City. Born at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1860. Engineer, N. Y. Edison Co., 1905. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1886). ♦Robert Vanderbilt Palmer, Shawangunk, N. Y. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 9, 1861. Clergyman, R. C. A.. N. B. Sem., 1886. Died, March 2, 1893. Harry Mortimer Peters, Newark, N. J. Manufacturer. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1885). A.M. (Rut- gers, 1886). John Ludlow Schenck, Neshanic, N. J. Born at Neshanic, N. J., May 31, 1860. Fire insurance. 190 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1883. Jared Waterbury Sc udder, Albany, N, Y. Born at Coonoor, India, Dec. 10. 1863. Teacher, Albany Academy, 1885- . Author of Latin text-books. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1886). Alfred Ford Skinner, Madison, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Sept. 24, 1862. Lawyer. Member, N. ,T. Assembly, 1895-96. Judge of Common Pleas, Essex county, 1900-06! Author, "New Jersey Borough Law." Trustee, Rut- gers, 1913- . Theodore >STr;oNG, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Jan. 15. 1863. Lawyer. State Senator. N. J.. 1901-03. Member State Board of Assessors, 1903-10. President, do. A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). Duncan Dunbar Sutpiien, New York City. Born at Bedminster, N. J., Jan. 15, 1862. Merchant. Trustee, Rutgers, 1909- . Henry Judd Ward, Troy, N. Y. Born at Middlcyille, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1859. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1886). *WiLLiAM Henry Hough, Trenton, N. J. At Rutgers. 1879-81. Died, Oct. 12, 1882. Cyrus Cairns Smith, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Bloomfield, N. J., Sept. 28, 1861. Music teacher. B.Sc. *Edson De Wint Eaton, Washington, D. C. Born at Minising, N. Y.. Jan. 10, 1856. Professor Mathematics, Missouri Univ., 1884-88. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1886). C.E. (Rut- gers, 1886). Died, March 27, 1889. George Elton Jenkins, Dover, N. J. Born at Mine Hill, N. J., Aug. 20, 1861. Civil and mining en- gineer. Constructing engineer. Ordnance Dept., U. S. A., 1902- 07. Author of several N. J. Geological Reports. C.E. (Rut- gers, 1885). Moses George Bierman, New York City. Retired. *WiLLARn David Bishop, New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers, 1879-80. Bookkeeper. Died, July 31, 1900. ♦Edwin Phillips Brown, ' Kansas City, Mo. At Rutgers. 1879-81. Broker. Died, L^ec. 31, 1902. ♦William Campbell Clark. Newark, N. J. Born at Paisley. Scotland, Apr. 8. 1863. At Rutgers. 1880-82. Manufacturer. President, Clark Thread Co., 1902-12. Died, Nov. 14, 1912. James MacMullen, San Diego, Cal. Born in Ireland. Nov. 13, 1858. At Rutgers two years. Editor, "San Diego T'nion." ♦Arthur Elliott Rutherfurd, Vernon, N. J. Born in Sussex county. N. J.. Sept. 15. 1863. At Rutgers, 1880-83. Landowner. Died, Dec. 25, 1910. Thomas Doremus Van Syckel, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., Oct. 8, 1863. At Rutgers. 1879-83. Merchant. Ranching in Colorado, 1883-97. William Cochran Ward, East Orange, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J.. June 20. 1864. At Rutgers two years. Sales engineer. Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. 1883-1884. xlLUMNI. 191 James Price Warrick, St. Albans, W. Va. Born at Glassboro, X. J.. Nov. 13, 1860. At Rutgers, two years. Sec, Treas. and General Manager, St. Albans Glass C:o., William Randolptt Welling, - Warwick, N. J. Born at Warwick, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1862. At Rutgers one year. Retired. Edward Francis White. Rutland, Vt. President. Rutland Mfg. Co. Stevens Inst., 1886. 1884. A.B. Peter Stryker Beekman, Johnstown, N. Y. Born at Millstone, X. J-. July 10, 1861. Clergyman, R. C. A. Author, "History of the Re.formed Church of Flatbush. Ulster Co., N. Y." X. B. Sem., 1887. A.M. (Rutgers,1887). Matthew Linn Bruce, New York City. Born at :Nrercersburg, Penn., Oct. 1, 1860. I^awyer. Lieut. Gov- ernor, X. Y., 1904-06. Justice, Supreme Court, X. Y., 1907-08. A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). . William Paterson Bruce, Yonkers, N. Y. Born at Mercersburg. Penn.. Dec. 27. 1858. Clergyman, R. C. A. President, General Svnod, R. C. A.. 1912-13. T'nion Sem., 1887. A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). D.D. (Hope, 1912, and Rutgers, 1914). Henry Evertson Cobb, New York City. Born at Hopewell, X. Y., Mch. 25. 1863. Clergyman. R. C. A. Pastor, West End Collegiate Church. 1893- . Princeton Sem.. 1888. D.D. (Univ. X. Y., and Rutgers, 1901). Trustee, Rut- gers, 1911- . Peter Crispell, Newburgh, N. Y. Born at Hurle.v. X. Y., Jan. 6. 1862. Clergyman, R. C. A. X. B. Sem., 1887. A.M (Rutgers. 1887). ♦George Davis, Canajoharie, N. Y. Born at Whitebouse, X. J.. May 4. 1860. Clergyman, R. C. A. X. B. Sem., 1887. A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). Died, Mch. 31, 1914. ♦Benjamin Edward Dickttaut, Jamaica, N. Y. Born in Brooklvn, X. Y., Apr. 29. 1863. Presb. clergyman. X. B. Sem., 1887. A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). Died, Dec. 27, 1911. Levi Brooks Edwards, Providence, R. I. Born in Cumberland countv. X. J., Feb. 8. 1858. Eoisc. clergv- man. B.D. (Drew Sem., 1887). A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). William Goodwin Ludlow, Worcester, Mass. Born at Xew Brunswick, X. J.. Jan. 1. 1862. Supervisor, Home Life Ins. Co., Boston, Mass. James Gulick Meyer, Beacon, N. Y. Born at Fishkiil Landing. X. Y.. Jan. 17. 1864. Lawyer. Com- missioner on Xew Prisons, Xew York State. A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). Charles Edward Pattison, Montclair, N. J. Born in Xew York City, July 29, 1864. Consulting engineer, electrical and mechanical. A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). E.E. (Rut- gers, 1909). ♦Ferdinand Vanderveer Rogers. Davenport, Iowa. Law student. Drowned, April (5. 1885. John Amos Thomson, Middlebush, N. J. Born at Xew Kingston. X. Y.. Mav 12, 1857. Clorgvman, R. C. A. X. B. Sem.. 1887. A.M. (Rutgers, 1887). 192 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1884. ♦Henry Van Brackle, Hazlet, N. J. Born at Hazlet, N. J.(?) N. B. Sem., 1884-85. Died, June 7, 1885. Henry Hale Gifford, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Oneida, N. Y.. July 6, 1859. At Rutgers. 1880-81. Episc. clergyman. B.D. (General Seminary, 1887). A.B. (Princeton, 1887). A.M. (Princeton, 1887). Ph.D. (Unir. N. Y., 1890). *De Witt Edward Rogers, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y.. Feb. 22, 1861. At Rutgers, 1882-83. Merchant. Died, Oct. 20, 1909. John Alfred Van Nest, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 23, 1862. At Rutgers, 1880-83. Secretary, Homestead Building Loan Association, 1913- . Chief clerk, N. Y. Div. Penn. R. R., 1896-1903. Sec- retary, American Peroxide and Chemical Co., 1905-07. *George Augustus Vroom, Camden, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. Oct. 21, 1861. At Rutgers, 1880-82. Lawyer. Law Judge, Camden county, 1893-97. Died, June 6. 1901, B.Sc. George Henry Blakeley, South Bethlehem, Pa. Born at Hanover. N. J., Apr. 19, 1865. Manager. Structural Steel Dept. and Director, Bethlehem Steel Co. C.E. (Rutgers, 1894). John Edw^ard Hill, Providence, R. I. Born in New York City, Nov. 9. 1864. Prof. Civil Engineering, Brown Univ., 1894- . Author of "A Text Book on Shades, Shadows and Perspective." M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1887). C.E. (Rut- gers, 1891). M.C.E. (Cornell, 1895). D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1905). Jackson Jaques, Mexico. Civil engineer. William Henry Luster, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth, N. J.. Oct. 11, 1863. Civil engineer. City surveyor, 1899- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1889). C.E. (Rutgers, 1889). John William McKelvey, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Irvington, N. J., Dec. 10, 1860. Superintendent. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1887). Franklin Stoddart Smith, Montclair, N. J. Born at Covington, Ky., June 16, 1862. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1887). *Cyrus W. Field Sproul, Keyport, N. J. Born at Keyport, N. J., Aug. 31, 1858. Superintendent, Raritan River R. R. Died, Dec. 1, 1909. Henry Rufus Lankford Worrall, Greenville, Pa. Born in New York City. Jan. 28. 1862. Phvsician. Medical Missionary, R. C. A., Arabia. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1893). M.D. (Dartmouth, 1892). ♦Howard Suydam Clarke, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Dec. 4, 1863. At Rutgers, 1880- 81. Merchant. Died, Jan. 20, 1904. Benjamin Lippincott, Riverton, N. J. Born at Cinnaminson, N. J., July 1, 1862. At Rutgers, 1881-82. Farmer. Freeholder, 1899-1903. 1S84-1885. ALUM XI. 193 P:ugene Clifid Moss, Metuchen, N. J. Joiix EiiRiCK Parmly, Newark, N. J. Born in New York City, Feb. 5, 1861. ' Presb. clergyman. A.B. (Princeton, 1883). A.M. (Rutgers, 1886). Union Sem., 1804. Benjamin Franklin Randolph, Elizabeth, N. J. Pharmacist. (V) William Manuel Riva, Havana, Cuba. Civil engineer. Francis Stryker, Trenton, N. J. Architect. John George Tait, Lima, Oliio. Born at Englewood, N. J., June 1. 1866. At Rutgers, 1880-84. Manager, John R. Lee Contracting Co., 1912- . Halsey Taft Tichenor, Montclair, N. J. Born at Irvington, N. J., Aug. 12, 1863. At Rutgers one year. Real estate dealer. E]i)Ward Thompson Ward, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 29, 1863. At Rutgers two years. President, Aaron Ward & Sons, Importing Grocers. Frederick Thompson Ward, East Orange, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 29. 1863. Merchant. 1885. A.B. 'John Mitchell Allen, Dingman's Ferry, Pa. Born at Centreville. Va., Dec. 26, 1861. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1888. A.M. (Rutgers, 1^88). Died, May 24, 1892. Morris Norton Bemus, Jamestown, N. Y. Born at Jamestown, N. Y., June 3, 1862. Phvsician and surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1889). A.M. (Rutgers, 1889). Louis Faugeres Bishop, New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 14, 1864. Physician. Specialist on Heart and Blood Vessels. Prof. Heart and Blood Vessel Diseases, Fordham Univ. Author, "Arteriosclerosis," "Heart Disease and Blood Pressure," "Handbook for Instruction in First Aid to Injured." M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1889). A.M. (Rutgers, 1889). William Henry Boocock, Buffalo, N. Y. Born in Birmingham, England, Sept. 21, 1863. I'resb. clergy- man. Director of Religious Education, First Presb. Church. N. B. Sem., 1888. A.M. (Rutgers, 1888). William Edwin Fi^orance, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Toronto, Canada, Apr. 16, 1865. Lawyer. Mayor, New Brunswick, 1908-09. Prosecutor of Pl«as, Middlesex county, 1914-15. State Senator, 1916- . Trustee, Rutgers, 1907- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1888). Edwin Knickerbocker Losee, Upper Red Hook, N. Y. Born at Upper Red Hook, N. Y., May 16, 1863. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1888). A.M. (Rutgers, 1888). Frank Seymour Scudder, Honolulu, T. H. Born at Conoor, India, Apr. 28. 1862. Clergyman, R. C. A. Missionary, Hawaiian Board. Author, "Songs of Rutgers." Manager Editor, "The Friend," Honolulu, 1908- . N. B. Sem., 1890. Adrian Vermeule, Jr., New Brunswick, N. .1. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1888). 13 194 EUTGERS COLLEGE. 1885. Louis Augustus Voorhees, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 6, 1865. Analytical and consulting chemist. Chief Chemist, N. J., State Agricultural Experiment Station, 1895-1905. A.M. (Rutgers, 1888). Jacob De Puy Has Bbouck, Kingston. N, Y. Born at Stone Ridge, N. Y., July 2. 1863. At Rutgers, 1881-84. Lawyer. Assistant District Attorney. Ulster county, 1916— . LL.B. (National Univ., Washington, D. C). Eugene B. Matthews, Sergeantsville. N. J. Born at Clover Hill, N. J., Sept. 7, 1861. At Rutgers, 1881-84. Merchant. Stephen Henry Olin. Clerk. B.Sc. Asher Atkinson, New Brunswick. N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 10, 1867. Civil engineer. City engineer. New Brunswick, N. J., 1891-1905, 1913- . C.E. (Rutgers, 1888). * William Henry Barnes. East Hampton. N. Y. Born at East Hampton, L. L, 1860. Civil engineer and sur- veyor. Died, April 14, 1903. George William Hart, Stockton, CaL Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1888). Arthur Coyle Payne, Vera Cruz, Mexico. General Manager, The Oil Fields of Mexico Co. Louis Frederic Ruf, East Cleveland, O. Born at Freehold, N. J., Mch. 6, 1865. Presb. clergyman. Au- burn Sem., 1889. Trustee, Auburn Sem., 1898-1904. President of Trustees, do., 1904- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). Frank Van Brakle. Washington. D. C. Born near Keyport, N. J., Feb. 3, 1866. Civil engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1888). *Benjamin Campbell Bakewell, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born at Allegheny, Penn., July 14, 1865. At Rutgers, 1881-82. Insurance broker. Died, November 25, 1910. *Henry Rutgers Baldwin, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Feb. 1, 1863. At Rutgers, 1882- 85. Chemist. Died, Sept. 28, 1913. Abraham Deyo Brodhead, New Paltz, N, Y. Born at Kingston, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1863. Contractor. *NoRMAN D, Chase, Kansas City, Mo. At Rutgers, 1881-82. Merchant. Died, Feb. 10, 1896. *Matthias B. Mount Corle, Bloomfield, N. J. Born at Neshanic, N. J., Sept. 20, 1862. At Rutgers, 1881-84. Merchant. Died, May 16, 1905. Charles Deshler, New Brunswick, N. J. Electrician. ♦John Elmer, Fairton. N. J. At Rutgers. 1882-84. Supposed to have been drowned. Feb.- March. 1885. He sailed for the South on a coaster. Neither the vessel nor any of those on board were ever heard from again. Walter Draper Gregory, Newark. N. J. Born at Fort Plain, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1864. Publisher. 1885-1886. ALUM XI. 195 'Charles William Harrison, Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Doc. 3. 1863 1882—83. Physician. County physician, Hidalgo county. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1&S9). Died, Sept. 13, 1914. ^YILLIAM Leseur Haynes, Cyn\vyd, Born at Weston, X. J., Aug. 30, 1863. At Rutgers three years. Mechanical engineer. M.E. (Stevens, 1886). Oscar William Henderson. Architectural di'aughtsman. Richard Adams Learned, Managing Director, Hapgood' Frederick Allen Mandeville, Physician. Gerardus L. Miller, Private secretary. Van Winkle, Real estate. Limited, London, Hidalgo, Texas At Rutgers. Penn, New York City. England. Newark, N. J. Englewood, N. J. Rutherford, N. J. 1886. A.B. George Van Nest Baldwin, Jr., New Brunswick, Born at Xew Brunswick, X. J., Oct. 12. 1864. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1888). A.M. (Rutgers, 1889). N. J. Lewis Birge Chamberlain, Born at Vellore, India, Oct. 3, B. Sem., 1891. Missionary, R. sponding Secretary-, American (Rutgers, 1891). Edward Wilkins Dewey, New Brunswick, 1864. Clergyman, R. C. A. X. C. A., 1891-1914. Asst. Cone- Bible Society, 1915- . A.M. N. J. Born at Cherry Valley, Oil and gas operator, ment Association. C.E. John De Witt, Born at Saugeities, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. Y., July 29, 186r). Manufacturer. President Alleghany River Improve- (Union, 1887). A.M. (Rutgers, 1889). Wilmington. N. C. X. Y., May 20, 1866. Supervisor, Mall and Express Traffic. Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Instructor in Mathe- matics and assistant in English Composition, Rutgers, 1889-91. Warren Hardenbergh Dixon. Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1889). Charles Baylis Ludlow, New York City. Born at Xew Brunswick. X. J., Dec. 2, 1864. Banking business. De Witt Van Dyke Reiley, Born at Xew Brunswick, N. umbia Law School, 1888. Aaron Long street Stillwell, Born at Xorth Branch. X. J. ,T., May 10, 1866. Brooklyn. N. Lawyer. Col- Y. Dec. 14, 1864. (Coll. P. and S., 1889). A.M. (Rutgers, 1889) Peter Stillwell, Lawyer. Thomas Alfred Stoddart, , Born in Xew York City, .Tulv umbia, 1888). A.M. (Rutgers George Edwin Talmage, Born at Araoy, China, Aug. 16 B. Sem., 1890. A.M. (Rutgei William Spader Willis, Somerville, N. Physician. M.D. :. J. 17, 1863. 1889). 1865. 1889). Lawyer. Bayonne, N. J. New York City. LL.B. (Col- Oyster Bay, Episc. clergyman. X. Born at Freehold, X. J. mal School, Xewark, X. Dec. J. 15, 1863. Principal, Newark, State Xor- N. Y. N. J. 196 EUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1886. Tkederick Deshler, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Xew Brunswick. N. J., Mch., 26, 1866. At Rutgers. 1882-85. Clerk. Died, Jan. 6, 1915. Alfred Edwin Gregg, Schenectady, N. Y. In Production Department, General Electric Co. *David Torrens Kilpatrick, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Utica, Ohio, Feb. 8, 1868. At Rutgers, 1882-83. Busi- ness. Died, Aug. 7, 1892. Herbert Lindsley Mattice, Springfield, Mass. Born at Kewascum, Wis., June 15, 1863. At Rutgers, 1883-84. Travelling salesman, Ernest Amasa Olin, Santa Marta, Colombia, S. A. Born at Titusville, Pa., Dec. 17. 1865. At Rutgers, 1882-84. Private secretary of gen. manager, Santa Marta Railway. *GusTAV Schumacher, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Germanv. Julv 7, 1864. At Rutgers, 1882-83. Clergy- man. Bloomfield Sem., 1888. Died, Dec. 13, 1902. ♦Henry Martyn Voorhees, Flemington, N. J. Born at White House, N. J., Sept. 29, 1862. At Rutgers, 1881- 84. Lawyer and publisher. Editor, "Democrat-Advertiser," 1895-1913. Died. Dec. 3, 1913. B.Sc. Charles Sanderson Cathcart, New Brunswick. N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 2. 1865. Chief Chemist, N. J. Agric. Experiment Station, 1889-93, 1907- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1889). Elmore De Witt, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Guilford. N. Y., Apr. 21, 1865. Sales engineer, Pennsyl- vania Steel Co.. 1912- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1889). Clarence Mulford Du Bois, Madeira, Brazil. Civil engineer. John Moyer Farley, White Plains, N. Y. Born at Fort Plain, N. Y., Mch. 30. 1863. Consulting civil en- gineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1889). C.E. (Rutgers, 1889). William Hockman, Red Bank, N. J. Born in New York City, Nov. 28, 1864. Mercantile business. John Howard Porter, Newark, N. J. Lawyer. LL.B. (Univ. Yirginia, 1902). . Joseph Borden Reynolds, Bordentown, N. J. Born at Bordentown, N. J., May 10, 1865. Chief draughtsman, W. J. & S. R. R. ♦Frank W. Ribble, Millstone, N. J. Electrician. Died, Feb. 9, 1890. George Anthony Yiehmann, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 29. 1868. Lawyer. Mayor of New Brunswick, 1902-03. President of Fire Insurance Com- panies. William Hubeli Waldron, New Brui;iswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 22, 1866. Manufacturer. Louis David Blauvelt. Denver, Col. Born at Tappan. N. Y., Apr. 8. 1867. At Rutgers, 1882-85. Chief engineer, Denver and Salt Lake R. R. Co. C.E. (Rutgers, 1916). 1886-1887. ALUMNI. 107 Grant Davis, White House, N. J. Born at White House. N. J., Sept. 23. 1863. At Rutgers two years. Surveyor. Engineer, Hunterdon county, 190S— . *RoswELL J. Fulton, New Brunswick, N. J. Born. Feb. 7, 1866. At Pait-ers, 1882-83. Banking. Died, April 27, 1893. ToRREY Kinsman Jewett. *MoNTroRT Matthews, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Clover HiH, N. .1., Feb. 26, 1864. At Rutgers, 1881-85. Druggist. Died, June 10, 1809. Lawrence Edmund McCabe, Oakland, Cal. Frank Oscar Nelson, New Market, N. J. Born at Stanhope, N. J., Nov. 2, 1863. At Rutgers two years. Farmer. *Fredebick Schuyler Nelson, Newark, N. J. Born at New Market, N. J., 1863. At Rutgers, 1882-85. Died, Jan. 27, 1901. Samuel Davis Stryker, Jr., Oradell, N. J. Born in New York City. Apr. 2, 1864. At Rutgers one year. Lithographing and printing. George Mercer Valentine, Woodbridge, N. J. Clay mining. 1887. A.B. William Samuel Bishop, East Orange, N. J. Born at Northampton, Mass.. Aug. 26, 1865. Episc. clergyman. Prof. Dogmatic Theologv and Acting Prof. Philosophy, Univ. of South. 1902-13. Author, "The Development of Trinitarian Doc- trine in the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds."' B.D. (General Sem., 1894). A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). D.D, (General Sem., 1905). *Stephen Du Bois Demarest, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Jan. 28, 1868. Cong'l clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1891. A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). Died, Dec. 11, 1894. Albert Benjamin Herman, Ellicottville, N. Y. Born at Sebringville, Canada, Sept. 1, 1863. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1890. A.M. (Rutgers, 1890). William Pierson Merrill, New York City. Born at Orange. N. J., Jan. 10. 1867. Presb. clergyman. Pastor, Brick Church, 1911- . Author, "Faith Building," "Faith and Sight," "Footings for Faith." Union Sem., 1890. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1890). D.D. (Rutgers, 1904). Henry Holmes Palmer, Washington, D. C. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Oct. 11, 1867. Lawyer. Re- tired. A.M. (Rutgers, 1898). Franklin Ambler Pattison, Colonia, N. J. Consulting engineer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1890). Frank James Sagendorph, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born in Columbia county, N. Y.. June 23. 1866. With Ginn & Co. Principal of High School and Superintendent of Schools. Hudson, N. Y.. 1890-1904 ; do., St. Albania, Vt., 1904-07. A.M. (Rutgers, 1890). Asa Wynkoop, Albany, N. Y. Born at Saugerties. N. Y., Sept. 6. 1864. State Inspector of Public Libraries. 1905- . Presb. clergyman. Union Sem , 1892. A.M. (Rutgers, 1907). B.L.S. (Univ. State of N. Y., 19^1). Cornelius Bruyn, Kingston, N. Y. 198 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1887. B.Sc. * George Alexander Ballantine, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Oct. 11, 1867. Studied Architecture in Paris. Died, Mch. 16, 1010. Warren James Brodie, Cleveland, Ohio. Born at Rochester, N. Y., April 27, 1864. I'rivate secretary. Director of various organizations. *Thurston Walker Challen, Stamford, Conn. Born, 1868. Episc. clergyman. General Theological Sem., ISti.'i. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1890). Died, May 25, 1807. Harry Joseph March, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J. Civil engineer. President, Utilitv Construction Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1890). C.E. (Rutgers, 1800)\ David Trumbull Marshall, Hollis, L. I. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Nov. 27. 1865. Physician. Medi- cal Inspector, Department of Health, N. Y. City, 1007- . M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1806). *Harry Atwater Smith, Somerville, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Julv 31. 1865. Manufacturer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1802). Died, March 26, 1007. Harold Tait, Long Island Cit.v, N. Y. Born at Metuchen, N. J., Mch. 8, 1868. Engineer of Sewers, Borough of Queens, 1012- . Burton Morss Tremper, Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Kingston, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1866. Merchant. Isaac Lewis Wincklek, East Cleveland, Ohio. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 5, 1864. Teacher. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1800). Walter Whipple Batchelder, Albany, N. Y. Born at Ypsilanti. Mich., ,Tuly 7, 1865. At Rutgers two years. Cashier and Vice President. National Commercial Bank. John William Clark, Newark, N. J. Manufacturer. Edward Ludlum Rice, Cape May Court House, N. J. Born at Dennisville, N. J., Jan. 25, 1864. At Rutgers one year. Surrogate, Cape May county, 1012- . County Clerk, Cape May county, N. J., 1890-1000. *Walter Pike Savage, Charlotte, N. C. At Rutgers, 1883-84. Lawyer. Died, March 22, 1007. ♦Ralph Strickland, Jr., Albany, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1883-84. Bookkeeper. Died, Oct. 8, 1001. *Martin G. Van Slyke, Brooklyn, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1883-86. Lawyer. Died, Nov. 5, 1002. Samuel Herbert Voorhees, Scranton, Penn. Born at North Branch, N. J., May 7, 1865. At Rutgers two and one-half years. Physician. Author of three volumes of stories. M.D. (Univ. Maryland, 1880). William Lindsley Ward, East Orange, N. J. Firm of V. H. White & Co., New York City. 1888. ALUMNI. 199 1888. A.B. *WiLLiAM Armitage Beardslee, Saranac, N. Y. Born at Constantino, Mich., Apr. 4, 1867. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 181)1. A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). Died, Oct. 19, 1897. Melvin Brandow, Sharon, Conn. Born at Coxsackie, N. Y.. Sept. 12, 1863. Unitarian clergyman. Meadville Theological School, 1904. Poultry Farmer. ♦Frederick Hutchinson Cook, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Bound Brook, N. J., Oct. 26, 1867. Lawyer. Columbia Law School. A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). Died, May 8, 1893. Baldwin Hasbrouck, Port Chester, N. Y. Born at New Paltz, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1867. Electrician. Frank Lawyer Mayham, New York City. Born at Mineral Springs, N. Y".. Aug. 28, 1866. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). Harmon Bay Niver, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Ancram Lead Mines. X. Y., Aug. 21. 1861. Author, "School Hist, of K'ngland." "Great Names and Nations," Graded Series of Geographies. A.M. (Rutgers, 1907). Frederick William Parker, Newark, N. J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1867. Manufacturer of dry colors. Sherman Grant Pitt, Bridgeton, N. J. Born at Canton, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1864. M. E. clergyman. Au- thor. "Bible Study and the Christian Life." B.D. (Drew Sem., 1891). A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). Giles Herbert Sharpley, Corry, Penn. Born at Witheredge. England. Dec. 17, 1864. Episc. clergy- man. General Sem., New York, 1891. A.M. (Rutgers, 1900). John Howard Voorhees, Sioux Falls, S. D. Born at South Branch. N. J., Feb. 20, 1867. Lawyer. Mem- ber. lOxecutive Com. American Bar Association, 1912-15. A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). Oscar McMurtrie Voorhees, New York City. Born near Somerville, N. J., Dec. 29, 1864. Clergyman, R. C. A. Secretary and Treasurer, United Society, Phi Beta Kappa, 1901- . Author, "Historical Sketch of Phi Beta Kappa." N. B. Sem., 1891. A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). D.D. (Miami, 1911). Ferdinand Schenck Wilson, Bayoune, N. J. Born at Millstone, N. J., Sept. 2, 1864. Clergyman, R. C. A. Pastor, Fifth St. Ref'd Church, Bayonne, 1902- . N. B. Sem., 1891. A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). Charles Sterling Wyckoff, Walton, N. Y. Born at Watervliet. N. Y., Mch. 20, 1866. Cong, clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1891. A.M. (Rutgers, 1891). ♦Louis Brodhead Hasbrouck, New York City. Born at Montclair, N. .L. 1869. At Rutgers, 1884-88. Busi- ness. Died, July 25, 1898. Robert Rives La Monte, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y.. Dec. 23, 1867. At Rutgers, 1884-85. Lawyer. Univ. Va., 1885-87. ♦Edward William Newell, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. .L, Dec. 7, 1867. At Rutgers, 1884-85. Died, Feb. 19, 1885. 200 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1888. Edward Breck Vaill. Pittsburgh, Penn. Born at Round Brook. X. J.. Jan. 15, 1867. At Rutgers, 1884- 85. Lawyer. A.B. (Amherst, 1888). *CORNELius Emerick Wyckoff, Ii'vington, N. J. Born at Woodstock. N. Y., July 28, 1866. At Rutgers, 1884-85. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1891. Died, April 11, 1901. B.Sc. Edwin Moore Aldex, Hebron, Neb. Baptist clergyman. Hamilton Sem., 1891. Richard Donne Divine, Chicago, 111. Born at Irvington, X. J., Dec. 6, 1867. Chemist. William James Lanslev. Farmingdale, N. J. Born at Poultney. Vermont. June 19. 1868. Consultine en- gineer. Director of corporations. E.E. (Rutgers. 1912). Henry Watkins Lockett. Chicago, 111. Born at Alexandria, La., June 25, 1868. Engineer. Fire pro- tection. Isaac Wright Reynolds, Peekskill, N. Y. Civil engineer. Edward Austin Waldron, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 14, 1867. Manufacturt-r. Walter Almer Barrows, Brainerd, Minn. Born at Cold Spring, N. J., Dec. .SI. 1865. At Rutgers. 188.5- 86. Metallurgical engineer. President, The Barrows Iron Land Co., af Duluth. Minn., 1905- . RtiFus Nutting Chamberlain, Chicago, 111. Born at Ootacamund. India. Feb. 6. 1866. At Rutgers, 1884. Manager, Gould Storage Battery Co. Benjamin George Divine. Lyndhurst, N. J. Born at Xewaik, X. J.. Jan. 3. 1866. At Rutgers three years. Accoimtant. Samuel Dodds, Cairo, 111. Born at Anna. 111., Feb. 19, 1867. At Rutgers two years. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1889). *WiLLARD Avery He acock. New York City. Born at Gloversville. X. Y., 1866. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S.. 1892). Died, Feb. 24, 1899. George Perry Morris, Cambridge, Mass. Born at Montclair, N. .L, Feb. 18. 1864. At Rutgers, three years. Journalist.' Author, "Historic Towns of New England." &c. A.M. (Rutgers). Robert Ernest Parsons, Flushing. N. Y. Born at Flushing. X. Y., Jan. 4, 1866. At Rutgers, 1886-88. Architect. Stuttgart Technical, Germany, 1891. President, L. I. Savings and Investment Association. George Albert Quakenbush, Englishtown, N. J. Born at Robertsville, N. J., Dec. 3, 1863. At Rutgers one year. Farmer. *William Bishop Tomkins, Pasadena, Cal. Born at East Orange. N. J., Dec. 25. 1867. At Rutgers, 1884-S8. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1890-93. Died, March 27, 1904. 1S89. ALUMNI. 201 1889. A.B. Harry Randolph Anderson, New York City. Born at Woodstock, Vt., Aug. 25, 1868. Tjawyer. Arthur J. Collier, Coxsackie, N. Y. Born at Coxsackie, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1864. Lawyer. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1893). Byron Cummings, Tucson, Ariz. Born at Westville, N. Y., Sept. 20. 1861. Prof. Archaeoiosy, TJniv. Arizona. 1915- . Prof. Ancient Langs, and Lit., T'^iv. Utaii, 1895-1915. Dean of School of Arts and Sciences, 1905- 15. Dean of Med. Scliool. 1907- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1892). John Ten Eyck De Witt, Oradell, N. J. Born at Guilford, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1867. Clergyman, R. C. A. Custom House Clerk, 1903- . N. B, Sem., 1892. ^George Van Wagenen Duryee, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Born at Jersey City, N. J.. Aug. 10, 1868. Real estate. Village President, 1905-06. Vice President, Adirondack Nat. Bk. Died, June 27, 1912. William Watson Hallock, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1865. Associate Editor. "The Christian Work." A.M. (Rutgers, 1898). Isaac Mac Munn Holly, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Ne\y York City, Aug. 3, 1868. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Long Island Coll., 1897). A.M. (Rutgers, 1902). James Harvey Keeling, Watertown, N. Y. Born at Utica, N. Y.. Dec 27, 1864. Presb. clergyman. B.D. (Yale Diyinity School. 1892). George Armstrong Liggett, Springfield, N. J. Presb. clergyman. Ph.D. (TJniv. N. Y., 1895). Harvey Losee, Upper Red Hook, N. Y. Born at Upper Red Hook. N. Y., Mch. 30, 1867. Physician. M.D. (Univ. N. Y. Med. Coll., 1898). Charles Maar, Albany, N. Y. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1864. Clergyman. R. C. .\. Clerk. State Insurance Department. Auburn Sem., 1892. A.M. (Rutgers, 1892). KuMAKiCHiRO Oishi, Waseda, Japan. Journalist. Henry Livingston Rupert, Nev^ Y'ork City. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1892). Sam Corle Schenck, Metnchen, N. J. Born at Lambertville, N. J.. Oct. 16. 1866. Eastern Manager, Belden Mfg. Co. of Chicago. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Charles Judson Scudder, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Vellore. India, July 12, 1866. Clergyman. R. C. A. Business. N. B. Sem., 1897. A.M. (Rutgers, 1892). B.D. (Rutgers, 1897). George Joseph Steinmetz, Jr., Great Notch, N. J. Born in New York City, Sept. 27. 1869. Head English Depart- ment High School, Paterson, N. J.. 1903- . Elias Wortman Thompson, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. Born at Readington. N. J., Mch. 31. 1866. Clergyman, R. C. A. President, Board of Education. R. C. A.. 191.3- . N. B. Sem., 1892. A.M. (Rutgers. 1892). D.D. (Hope, 1916). 202 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1889. *Maurice Joseph Thompson, New York City. Born at Polla, Iowa. Oct. 19. 1S67. Principal of Public School. A.M. (Rutgers, 1008). LL.B. (N. Y. Law School). Died, Feb. 27. 1914. Charles Best Benson, Hvidson, N. Y. Born at Valatie, N. Y., 1865. Lawyer. Author books on Genealogy and Travel. *Samuel De Witt Drury, Rockville Center, L. I. Born at Rhinebeck. N. Y., Mch. 28, 1807. At Rutgers, 1885-87. Died, Mch. 1, 1910. Charles ?]i)WIN Ingersoll, Jamaica, N. Y. Born at Akron, O., Sept. 11, 1865. At Rutgers, 1886-S9. Auto mechanisms. Stephen Jackson Keefe, Elizabeth, X. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Sept. 23, 1867. At Rutgers, 1885-86. Physician. First Lieut, and Assistant Surgeon, 3d Regt. N. J. Vols., Spanish-American War. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1889). ♦Clarence (Goodwin Scudder, Vellore, India. At Rutgers, 1885-88. Died as the result of an accident in the gymnasium during his Junior year. May 12, 1888. William Campbell Sebring, Kingston, X. Y. Physician. M.D. (Albany Med. Coll., 1893). ♦George Boice Thompson, Colt's Xeck, X. J. At Rutgers, 1885-88. Died from typhoid fever during his Senior year, Oct. 28, 1888. B.Sc. Albert Cornelius Arend. Omaha, Xeb. Born at Trenton. N. J.. June 30, 1869. Consulting civil engi- neer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1892). Harold Diossy Force, Xew York City. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 25, 1867. Efficiency and ac- counting expert (municipal). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). Richard Thurston Greene, Xew York City. Born at Port Henrv, N. Y., June 29, 1867. Lawyer. LL.B. (Albany Law Schoof, 1891). Edward Howell, Morristown, X, J. Born at Hanover, N. J., Jan. 7, 1866. Civil engineer. City engineer, 1907-10. C.E. (Rutgers, 1892). George Morris, Bloomfield, X. J. Born at Middletown, N. J., Jan. 30, 1865. Superintendent of ^ Bloomfield Public Schools, 1904- . President, N. J. State Teachers' Association, 1912. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1894). A.M. (Columbia, 1901). William Shields Myers, Xew York City. Born at Albany, X. Y., Dec. 15, 1866. Director Nitrate Propa- ganda for IT. S. and Colonies. Instructor in Chemistry. Rutgers, 1894-96. Associate Prof. Chemistrv. 1896-1901. Mayor of New Brunswick, 1904-05. Trustee, Rutgers, 1902-07, 1912- . Au- thor. "Food for Plants," etc. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1894). F.C.S. (London, 1892). D.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). John Osborn Polak, Brooklyn, X. Y. Born in Brooklvn, N. Y., Mch. 12. 1870. Surgeon. Prof. Ob- stetrics. N. Y. Post-Graduate School, 1900-07. I'rof. Obstetrics, Dartmouth, 1903- . Prof. Obstetrics and Gynecology, L. I. Coll. Author, "Manual of Obstetrics," "Manual of Gynecology." M Sc. (Rutgers, 1902). M.D. (L. I. Coll. Hospital, and Univ. Ver- mont, 1891). F.A.C.S. (American College of Surgeons, 1913). 1889-1890. ALUMNI. 203 ♦Joseph Scott Stillwell, West Orange, N. J. Born at Waverly, Ky., Aug. 28, 1867. Chemist. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1892). Died, Apr. 10, 1914. John Phillips Street, New Haven, Conn. Born at Beverly. N. J.. Jan. 30, 1869. Chemist, Connecticut Agric. Experiment Station. 1907- . State Chemist. Connecticut, 1915- . Pres. Association of Official Agric. Chemists, 1906-07. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1893). William Eugene Breazeale, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Anderson, S. C, Jan. 12, 1865. At Rutgers, 1888-89. Prof. Mathematics and Astronomy, Rutgers, 1913— . M.M.P. (Furman Univ., 1885). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895). William Lewis Dayton, Denver, Col. Born at New Germantown. N. J., Sept. 5, 1864. At Rutgers, 1886-87. Lawver. Member State Board of Pardons, 1896-1902. LL.B. (Columbia, 1889). Albert Bodwell Harrison, Pittsburg, Pa. Metallurgist and Acting Superintendent Clinton Iron and Steel Co., 1902- . Robert Hanthorn Ingersoll, Atlantic City, N. J. Born at Mav's Landing, N. J., Nov. 17, 1868. Lawyer. Presi- dent, City Council 1895-97. Recorder, 1897-98. Judge Dis- trict Court, 1898-1911. Sheriff, Atlantic county, 1911-14. *James Hasbrouck Le Fevre, Welland, Ontario, Canada. Born at Raritan, N. .L. Feb. 28, 1867. At Rutgers, 1885-89. Vice Pres. and General Manager, Hamilton Tube Co. Died, Oct. 23, 1914. Henry Dreer McCormick. Little Falls, N. J. Physician. Resident Physician. Overbrook Hospital for Insane, 1896-1901. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1890). ♦Cornelius Bruyn Marshall, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Metuqhen,. N. J., Feb. 18, 1867. At Rutgers, 1885-87. Electrician. Died, Oct. 6, 1889. KOJIRO Matsugata, President Kawasaki Dockyard Company. M.L. (Yale, 1889). D.C.L. (Yale). Frank D. Norris, Kobe, Japan. LL.B. (Yale. 1888). ♦William Condit Ogden, Born at Troy Hill, N. J., Feb. 4, 1866. Civil engineer. Died, Oct. 12, 1908. Frank Halsey Skinner, Born at Belleville, N. J., Nov. 26, 1867. pender. IThorfin Tait. Born at Metuchen, N. J., Feb. 8. 1870. Salesman. Mayor of Metuchen, 1914-16. ♦John Arent Vander Poel, Born in New York City, June 4, 1866. lawyer. Died, Jan. 28, 1901. Shavertown, N. Y. Dover, N. H. At Rutgers, 1885-87. New Brunswick, N. J. AVith Janeway & Car- Metuchen, N. J. At Rutgers one year. New York City. At Rutgers, 1885-86. 1890. A.B. Howard Wilbur Ennis. Oneonta, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 6, 1868. Clergyman. Preaching and studying abroad. Union Sem., 1893, 204 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1S90. Garrett Jacob Folmsbee. Born at South Schodack. N. Y.. Nov. 1, 1865. Business. N. B. Sem.. 1893. A.M. (Rutgers, 1893). George Washington Glasier. Warsaw, N. Y. Born at Warsaw, N. Y.. Jan. 22. 1865. Trincipal High SchooL A.M. (Rutgers. 1897). Gerard Hallock, Great Barrington. Mass. Born in, N. Y.. July 1, 1867. I'rincipal of Hallock School. 1908- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1893). Horace Sterling Hawes, Richmond, Va. Born in Richmond, Va., Nov. 4. 1868. Merchant. Irving Hoagland, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Franklin Park. N. J.. .Tulv 24. 1869. Lawver. Memher. N. J. Assembly. 1905-06. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1894). A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Arthur Frederick Mabon, New York City. Born at New Durham, N. J.. June 3. 1869. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1894. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Warren Ackerman Mayou, New York City. Born at Arcot, India, Jan. 30. 1867. Lawver. LL.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1893). A.M. (Rutgers, 1893). Stephen Ward Righter, East Orange, N. J. Born in Newark, N. J., Oct. 23. 1867. Presb. clergyman. Writer on Presb. Church History. B.D. (Union Sem.. 1893). Warren Redcliffe Schenck, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1893). Henry Johnstone Scudder, Athenia, N. J. Born at Coonoor. India, Oct. 1, 1867. Clergyman. R C. A. Missionary to India. R. C. A.. 1890-94, 1897-1914. Principal Voorhees College. Vellore, 1898—99. Agency Secretary. Ameri- can Bible Society. 1915- . N. B. Sem.. 1897. A.M. '(Rutgers, 1897). B.D. (Rutgers. 1897). Arthur Spaulding, Salem, N. Y. Born at Athens. N. Y.. Nov. 18. 1866. Presb. clergyman. Union Sem., 1893. Elias Brown Van Arsdale, North Paterson. N. J. Born at High Falls, N. Y.. Aug. 2, 1869. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1893. A.M. (Rutgers, 1893). John S. Van Orden, Spring Valley, N. Y. Born at Spring Vallev, N. Y.. Dec. 6. 1867. Clergyman. R. C. A. Postmaster. N. B. Sem.. 1893. A.M. (Rutgers, 1893). Alexander Van Wagoner, Brooklyn. N. Y. Born at Paterson, N. J., Aug. 28. 1868. Lawyer. LL.B. (Col- umbia. 1893). A.M. (Columbia, 1892). *Charles William Van Zee, High Bridge, N. J. Born at Salterville, N. J.. Jan. 9, 1867. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1893. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Ph.D. (Tavlor Univ.. 1899). Died. Aug. 16. 1903. Ralph Spencer Voorhees, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Mine Brook. N. J.. Oct. 26, 1867. Lawyer. Pres. Board of Education. Kearny. N. J.. 1899-1902. LL.B. (New York Law School, 1896). ♦William Davis Ward, Glen Head, N. Y. Born at New Hackensaek, N. Y., June 16. 1869. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1893. A.M. (Rutgers. 1893). Died, July 12, 1908. ♦Frederick Austin Aikin. Warsaw, N. Y. Born at Warsaw. N. Y. ('?), Apr. 29. 1865. Died as the result of an aeciriorit during the vacation after his Sophomore year, Aug. 8, 1888. 1890. oN.LUMNI. 205 Jacob Frederick Burg. Merchant. James Fountain, Born at Browntown, N. J., May 10, 1865. Farmer and road contractor. Member, N. * Robert Paul Green, At Rutgers, 1886-87. A.B. Isaac Sperling, Born at Kingston, N. J., Nov. 15, 1860. N. B. Sem., 1893. *Washington Irving Van Riper, Born at Paterson, N. J.(?), Jan. 31, 1868. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1892). Old Bridge, N. J. At Rutgers, 1885-89. J. Assembly, 1897. New Brunswick, N. J. South Branch, N. J. Clergyman, R. C. A. Lancaster, Cal. At Rutgers, 1886-88. Died, Jan. 18, 1896. B.Sc. Charles Divine. Born at Irvington, N. J., Oct. 21, 1869. cashier. Howard Elting, Born in New York City manufacturer. President Trustee, Rutgers, 1912- Allen Price Ford, Born at CrossAAicks, N. J., Dec. 1, 1867. Howard Goff, Accountant. * Samuel Hobart Lockett, Born at Marion. Ala., June 25, 1870. Continental Ins. Co., N. Y. Died. July 4 Malcolm Cameron Ludlam., Born at Goshen, N. J., June 9, 1868. Railways. *Edward Thorn Middleton, New Brunswick, N. J Born at Crosswicks, N. J., Jan. 7, 1868. Instructor in Elec- tricity and Physics, Rutgers, 1890-92. Died, April 16, 1892. John Alfred Potter, Cranford, N. J Born at Mt. Pleasant, N. J., Sept. 30, 1870. Journalist. I.ouis William Stotesbury, New York City Born at Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1870. Lawyer. Ad- jutant General, State of New York, 1915- . Univ. N. Y. Law School, 1893. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1893). Trenton, N. J. Accountant and Chicago, 111. Feb. 15. 1869. Paint and varnish Chicago Assoc, of Commerce, 1913. Bridgeport, Conn, Metallurgist. Muskegon, Mich. East Orange, N. J. Insurance engineer, 1915. South Dennis, N. J. Manager of Electric N. J., Aug. 7, 1867, Freehold, N. J. At Rutgers, 1886-87. Elliot Clayton, Born at Freehold, Farmer. ♦Theodore Jackson Gillies, Jr., Bom at Plainfield, N. J., Jan. 12, 1869. Civil engineer. Died, May 13, 1902. William Charles Hubbard, Born at Plainfield, N. J., 1866. At Rutgers, 1887-90. Elec- trical engineer. Vice President, Potter Printing Press Co., 1914- . M.Sc. (Alfred Univ., 1911). J. Ellis Irick, Vincentown, N. J. Born at Vincentown, N. J., Dec. 9, 1867. At Rutgers, 1886-90. Farmer. Plainfield, N. J. At Rutgers, 1886-89. Plainfield, N. J. 206 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1890-1891. Charles Frederick Kociier, Bloomfield, N. J. Boin at Newark, N. J., July 2, 1869. At Rutgers one year. Lawver. Deputy Surrogate. Essex countv. 1002- . Writer on legal subjects. LL.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1891). *GwiN Lemassena, London. England. Born at Newark, N. J., July 16, 1868. At Rutgers, 1886-88. Business. Died, April 5, 1898. Warren McClellan Osborn, Brooklyn, N. Y. Electrician. Robert Schmits, Philadelphia, Peun. Civil engineer. C.E. (Lehigh Univ., 1891). George Edwin Tomlinson, Los Angeles. Cal, Born at Adams Center. N. Y., Aug. 4, 1868. At Rutgers, two years. Stock and bond broker. 1891. A.B. James Bishop, New York City. Bom at New Brunswick, N. J. Jan. 6, 1870. Physician. As- sistant Surgeon. Manhattan Eve and Ear Hospital, 1904-08. Assistant Eye Surgeon. Presb. Hospital. 190.5-08. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1896). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 189r)). *Edward Otis Chickering, Schaghticoke, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Feb. 9. 1866. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1894. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Died. March 12. 1898. Harry Rose Banner. Indianapolis, Ind. Born in New York City, Dec. 2.5. 1871. Publisher. Lawyer. Author, "Roman Law Pleading." LL.B. (Univ. Minnesota. 1898). LL.M. (I^niv. Minn.. 1894). Ph.D. (T'niv. Minn., 1899). A.M. (Rutgers, 1894, and Univ. Minn., 1896). Howard Crosby Hasbrouck, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Jamaica, L. I., Mch. 1. 1870. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1894. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Jasper Samuel Hogan, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Guilderland Centre, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1867. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1894. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). D.D. (Rut- gers, 1915). Robert James Hogan, May field, N. Y. Born at Guilderland Centre, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1865. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1894. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Abram Whittaker Hopper, West New York, N. J. Born at Spring Valley, N. Y.. Feb. 4, 1867. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1894. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Ph.D. (Taylor Univ., 1902). Charles Wesley Hulst, Englewood, N. J. Born at Greenwich. N. Y'., Jan. 3, 1870. Lawver. LL.B. (New York Law School, 1898). A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Charles Seward Johnson, New York City. Bora at Morristown, N. Y., Apr. 8. 1861. Teacher. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1900). Henry Lock wood. East Millstone, N. J. Born at Albany. N. Y., Jan. 4, 1869. Clergyman, R. C. A. Permanent Clerk. General Synod, 1907-15. Stated Clerk, do., 191.5- . N. B. Sem., 1894. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). D.D. (Hope, 1916). Samuel Cliffton Mabon, New York City. Born at New Durham. N. J., June 21. 1871. Broker in invest- ment securities. N. Y. Stock Exchange. 1891. ALUMNI. 207 William Forder Mets, New Market, N. J. Born at Toms River. X. J., Doc. 17. 1870. Township Siipei-- vising Principal. A.M. (Rutgers, 1902). Frank Reid Miller, Santa Cruz, Cal. Journalist. William Poiilman Pool, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Bodminster, X. J., Aug. 10, 1800. Physician. Lecturer in Gynecology and Obstetrics. L. L College Hospital. M.D. (L. I. Coll. Hosp.. 1804). A.M. (Rutgers, 1804). F.A.C.S. (Amer- ican College of Surgeons, 1014). John Howard Raven, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Brooklyn. X. Y., Oct. 8, 1870. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1894. Prof. O. T. Lang, and E'xeg.. N. B. Sem.. 1890- . Trustee, Rutgers, 1914- . Author, "Old Testament Introduction,'' "Essentials of Hebrew Grammar," "Manual of Biblical Ilermeneutics." Compiler, "General Catalogue, Rut- gers College, 1766-1909." "Biographical Record, Xew Bruns- wick Seminary, 1784-1911." A.M. (Rutgers, 1804). I).I>. (Rut- gers, 1899). • Patrick Augustine Ray, New York City. Born at. Greenwich, X. Y.. June 2, 1871. Educational publish- ing, D. C. Heath & Co., 1902- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1804). Howard Augustus Reynolds, New Brunswick, N. J. Born nt Xew Brunswick, X. J., Nov. 30. 1868. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1804). Herbert Bennett Roberts, Scotia, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, X. Y., Oct. 18, 1870. Clergyman, R C. A. X. B. Sem., 1804. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Walter Cooley Sampson, Summit, N. J. Born at Springfield, Mass., Sept. 22, 1868. Lawyer. Judge Summit Criminal Court, 1890-1003. Episc. Theol. Sem., Cam- bridge, Mass. X. Y. Law School. *Edward Van Vechten Searle, Metuclien, N. J. Born at Wyckoflf, X. J., Oct. 20, 1860. Clergyman, R. C. A. X. B. Sem., 1804. A.M. (Rutgers, 1804). Died, Feb. 11, 1007. James Coffin Stout, New York City. Born at Irvington. X. Y., Xov. 25, 1869. Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof. Church History, Bible Teachers Training School. Prince- ton Sem., 1897. B.I). (Princeton Sem., 1910). *Clifford Henry Strang, Peekskill, N. Y. Born at Mont Rose, X. Y., Sept. 18, 1867. Lawyer. LL.B. (New York Law School). ^.M. (Rutgers, 1894). Died, Aug. 30, 1903. William Van Deursen Strong, Oakland, N. J. Born at Accord, X. Y.. Apr. 28, 1868. Clergyman, R. C. A. X. B. Sem., 1894. A.M. (Rutgers, 1894). EuASTMUs Ames Whitenack, River Falls, Wis. Bom at Far Hills, X. J., Dec. 19, 1867. Prafessor of German. GiLLETT Wynkoop, Kingston, N. J. Chemist. A.M. (Rutgers, 1897). *James Egbert Beach, Harrison, N. J. Born at Caldwell. X. J., Feb. 24, 1864. At Rutgers, 1890-91. Baptist clergyman. Crozier Sem. Died, March 1, 1897. Alfred Duncombe, Long Branch, N. J. Born at Stroud, Gloucestershire, England. Xov. 26, 1861. At Rutgers, 1887-80. Clergyman, R. C. A. X. B. Sem., 1803. Charles Esselstyn, Hudson, N. Y. Born at Hudson. X. Y., Sept. 18, 1868. At Rutgers two years. Editor, "The Hudson Republican." 208 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1891. *W0RTHiNGT0N SEYMOUR FARLEY, Jr., Fort Plain, N. Y. Born at Fort Plain, N. Y., July 18, 18G9. At Rutgers, 1887-89. Merchant. Died, Aug. 19, 1892. *RiCHARi) Jones Geisinger, Bridgeton, N. J. Born near Bridgeton, N. J., Sept. 5, 1860. Died from diph- theria during his Junior jear, Jan. 29, 1890. Selah Woodhull Strong, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Accord, N. Y,, Nov., 22, 1866. At Rutgers, 1887-90. Business. *Elon Moke Waggoner, Albany, N. Y. Born at Bethlehem, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1868. At Rutgers, 1887-88. Clerk, post-office. Died, Aug. 14, 1910. B.Sc. John Charles Aydelott, Pekin, 111. Born at Pekin, 111., Dec. 18, 1868. Grain merchant. Presi- dent, Smith-Hippen Co., 1906- . President. School Board, 1915. City engineer, 1893-95. C.E. (Rutgers, 1895). Philander Betts, 3d, Montclair, N. J. Born at Nyack, N. Y., May 28. 1868. Consulting engineer. Chief engineer, Public Utilities Commission. New Jersey, 1910- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895). E.E. (Columbian Univ., 1903). Ph.D. (George Washington Univ., 1914). Elihu Calvin Bryan, Shekomeko, N. Y. Born at Shekomeko, N. Y., May 24, 1870. Farmer. Joseph Compton Castner, Washington, D. C. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. Nov. 18, 1869. Major of In- fantry, U. S. Army. Army War College, 1915. Paull Jewill Challen, Beacon, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Penn., May 22, 1870. Merchant. ♦Robert Joseph Dougherty, White Plains, N. Y. Born at Trenton, N. J., July 1, 1871. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1902). Died, July 13, 1915. Harry Williams Fuller, Chicago, 111. Born in New York City, June 14, 1868. Vice President and General Manager, Appalachian Power Co.. Bluefields, W. Va. General Manager Washington Railway and Electric Co. and Potomac Electric Power Co. Thomas Mandeville Hopper, Suffern, N. Y. Born at Paterson, N. J.. Dec. 26. 1868. Civil engineer. Chief Engineer, Ramapo Iron Works, 1906-14. Samuel Arthur Johnson, Fort Collins, Col. Born at Morristown, N. J., Dec. 13, 1866. Dean of Faculty, State Agricultural College. Author, "Colorado School Laws." M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895). George Andrews Mitchell, Vineland, N. J. Born at Delhi. N. Y.. Mav 10. 1868. Farmer. Assistant in Chemistry, Rutgers, 1891-93. M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1892). Marcus Caldwell Sears, Blooming Grove, N. Y. Born at Blooming Grove, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1867. Farmer. Frederick Seymour Smith, Morristown, N. J. Born near Morristown, N. J., Oct. 8. 1866. Civil engineer. Engineer, Morris county, 1916- . C.E. (Rutgers, 1898). Isaac Mabbett Sutton, Los Angeles, Cal. Born at South Millbrook, N. Y.. Mch. 19, 1867. Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager, Jerome Verde Copper Co. Arthur Benjamin Totten, Middlebush, N. J. Born at Middlebush, N. J., May 5, 1869. Electrical engineer. 1S91-1S92. ALUMNI, 209 Cornelius Delos Vkeeland, Born at Little Falls, N. J., July chemist. ♦Edward I^sky Welling, Born at Warwick, N. Y., May 19. 1898. Upper Montclair, N. J. 17, 1868. Manufacturing? 1868. Chemist. Warwick, N. Y. Died, Feb. *Samuel Nelson Atwatek, Born at Newark, N. J., June 24 Merchant. Died, April 13, 1907. Jacob I.ouis Bauer, 1869. Newark, N. J. At Rutgers, 1887-88. Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Linden. N. J., Nov. 18, 1868. At Rutgers, 1888-89. Civil engineer. County engineer. Union county, 1898- . Albert Allen Campbell, Delburne, Canada. Born at Brampton, Canada. June 2, 1870. • At Rutgers, 1887-88. Superintendent University Station post-office. ♦John De Witt Cruickshanks, . Born at Spencer, Mass., Julv 12, 1869. Died. Dec. 17, 1890. James Patrick Dougherty, Mch. 16. 1870. Spencer, Mass. At Rutgers, 1887-88. New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers one year. Merchantville, N. J. At Rutgers, 1887-89. Secretary. Treasurer Born at Princeton. N. J. Government service. Hiram Augustus Farrand, Born at Vineland, N. J., Dec. 10, 1868. Mechanical Engineer and Manufacturer. and Manager, Phila. Terminal Transfer R. R. Co.. 1910- . Harry Duncan Garretson, Dingmau's Ferry, Penn. At Rutgers. 1887-88. Bicycle repairs. Rodney Tuthill Howell, Peekskill, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1887-89. With Fleischmann Manufacturing Co. George Washington Mercer, Jr., New York City. Born at Yonkers, N. Y., Jan. 8. 1870. At Rutgers. 1887-88. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1904). David Barclay Nevius, Born at Bedminster, Accountant. Clarence H. Terhune, N. J., Mch., 1870. Born at Cranbury, N. J., Sept. 29, 1868. Stock broker. East Orange, N. J. At Rutgers, 1887. New York City. At Rutgers, 1887-89. ♦Francis Persen Van Buren, Died as the result of an accident, April 26, 1889. Plainfield, N. J. 1892. A.B. WiNFREi) RuGAN AcKERT, New York City. Born at Red Hook, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1870. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1895. A.M. (Rutgers, 1895). Albert Dorrance Baldwin, Shrewsbury, N. J. Presb. clergyman. Union Sem., 1895. Joseph Frederic Berg, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Tiibingen, Germany, July 28. 1871. Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof. Hellenistic Greek and New^ Testament Exegesis. N B. Sem.. 1911- . Lector. Biblical Theol. and Sacred Hist.. N. B. Sera., 1905- . N. B. Sem.. 1895. A.M. (Rutgers, 1895). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1896). D.D. (Rutgers, 1908). 14 210 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1892. Ellis Bishop, Boston. Mass. Born at New Rrunswick. N. ,T.. Mch. 7. 1872. Kpisc. clergyman. Prof. Christian Evidences and I'astoral Theology, Berkeley Divinity School. 11)07-10. Berkeley Divinity School, 1897. Clarence Hoknbeck Bonnell, Rye, N. Y. Born at Port Jervis. N. Y.. Nov. 1, 1869. Physician and sur- geon. M.D. (L. I. College Hospital, 1903). Philip Milledoler Brett, New York City. Born at Newark, N. ,T.. Feb. 17, 1871. Lawyer. Lieutenant, National Guard N. J.. 1908-08. Trustee, Rutgers, 1900- . LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1894). Henry Robinson Bristol, Warsaw. N. Y. Lawyer. James Dickson Carr, New York City. Born at Baltimore, Md., Sept. 28, 1868. lawyer. Assistant Corporation Counsel, N. Y. City, 1904- . Assistant District Attorney, N. Y.. 1899-1901. LL.B. (Columbia, 1896). Thomas Weston Chester, Hartford, Conn. Physician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1895). Garrett Milton Conover, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Clinton, N. J.. Mch. 29, 1866. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 189r». A.M. (Rutgers, 1898). Drury AA^alls Cooper, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. .T., Lawyer. Trustee. Rutgers, 1908- . Mayor. New Brunswick. 1905-07. LL B. (N. Y. Law School, 1894). Charles Edward Corwin, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Millstone. N. .T.. Sept. 7, 1868. Clergyman, R. C. A. Author. "Onesimus," ''King Solomon's Riddle." N. B. Sem.. 1895. A.M. (Rutgers. 1907). B.D. (Rutgers, 1895). Henry Kimball Davis, New I'^ork City. Born at Hagamnn. N. Y.. May 28, 1869. Lawyer. LL.B ( N. Y. I^w School. 1894). Harry Thornton Dayton, Auburn. N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y.. .Tune 26, 1869. Lawyer. District Attorney, Cayuga county. 1900-05. A.M. (Rutgers, 1895). Chalmers Peter Dyke. Andover. Mass. Born at Dokkum, Netherlands. Dec. 25. 1869. Clergyman. N. B. Sem.. 1895. A.M. (Rutgers, 1895). Robert Emmet Farley, White Plains, N. Y. Born at Fort Plain, N. Y., Sept. 28. 1871. Lawyer and real estate. President Gramatan National Bank and other corpo- rations. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School. 1894). A.M. (Rutgers. 1895). Gilbert Terbell Gale, Passaic, N. J. Born at Bayonne, N. .L. May, 31, 1869. Cashier. Amos Hoppock Haines. Huntingdon, Penn. Born at Sergeantsville, N. J., May 19, 1859. Baptist clergy- man. Prof. Biblical Lit. and Theism, .Tuniata Coll., 1897- . Acting President, 1898-99. A.M. (Rutgers, 1907). B.D. (Yale). D.D. (Juniata Coll., 1905). Jesse Charles Hazzard, Natchitoches, La. Born at Kingston. N. Y.. Oct. 8, 1871. Teacher of English. Louisiana State Normal School, 1915- . Author. "Eutropius Breviarium. Terence Andria," &c. A.M. (Rutgers, 1895). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1896). (tEORge De AA'itt Kelso. Thornton, R. I. Born near Newburgh, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1867. Hospital agent. Isaac William Eott, New York City. Born at Flatbush. L. I., Nov. 21. 1868. Teacher. N. B. Sem., 1892-94. ALUMXI. 211 *MiTSUYE Oi, Yokosuka, Japan. Born at Kochi, Japan, Oct. 30. 1864. Clergyman, R. C. A. Teacher. N. B. Sem., 1895. A.M. (Rutgers, 1895). Died, Oct. 1, 1903. *Henry Wemple Pawling, Atlantic City, N. J. Born at Hagaman's Mills. N. Y.. July 19, 1868. Photographer. N. B. Sem., 1892-93. Died, Feb. 19, 1903. Walter Tracy Scudder, Tindivanam, India. Born at Ranipettai, India. Apr. 8, 1869. Clergyman, R. C. A. Missionary to India. 1899- . N. B. Sem., 1897. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1897). B.D. (Rutgers, 1897). William Carman Sherwood, Montclair, N, J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Jan. 29, 1871. Lawver. Vice I'resi- dent. Registrar and Transfer Co., 1902- . Chief Signal Officer of State of New Jersey, 1903-09. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1894). James Bishop Thomas, Sewanee, Tenn. Born at Petaluma, Cal., Mch. 21, 1871. Episc. clergyman. Prof. Systematic Theology. Church I'olity and Liturgies, Univ. of the South, 1915- . B.D. (Cambridge Divinity School, 1895). Ph.D. (Halle Univ., 1901). James Westfall Thompson, Chicago, 111. Born at Pella. Iowa, June 3, 1869. I'rofessor of Mediaeval His- tory, Univ. Chicago. Dean of Junior College of Philosophy, 1906-09: Author, "The Development of the French Monarchy." "The Huguenots Under Louis VI.." "Catherine de Medici and Philip II." &c. Ph.D. (Chicago, 1895). Frank Voorhees. Jamesport, N. Y. Born at Anthony. N. Y.. Jan. 27. 1869. Cong'l clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1895. A.M. (Rutgers, 1895). Robert Sumner Winn, Sydney, Australia, Born of American parents, at Hong Kong, China, Dec. 22, 1869. Correspondent af Associated Press. Osmyn Baker, Millington, N. J. Physician. M.D. (Columbian T'niv., Wash., 1899). Thomas Bell, New York City. Milton G. Demarest, Santa Paula, Cal. Born at Oradell, X. J., July 25, 1871. At Rutgers one year. City clerk and accountant. Samuel Gaston Dunham, , Pasadena, Cal. Clergyman. Franklin Holmes Malliday, Rahway, N. J. ^Vith N. Y. and X. J. Telephone Co. '^' Louis Uieber, Utica, N. Y. Born at Landsberg, Bavaria, June 19, 1863. At Rutgers. 1888- 89. Clergyman. R. C. A. X. B. Sem., 1892. Died, July 30, 1908. Clarence Winants Hillyer, New York City. * Henry McKnight Moore, Philadelphia, Penn, Born at Xew Brunswick. X. J.. Mch. 31. 1864. At Rutgers, 1887-90. Episc. clergyman. Drowned in Delaware river, Aug. 18, 1915. George Robert Percy, New York City. Born in Jersey City, X. .T. Paint salesman. Walter Winant, Tappan, N. Y. Born at Jersey City, X. J.. May 17. 1865. At Rutgers. 1888-89. Clergyman, R. C. A. Inspector. N. B. Sem., 1892. 212 KCTGERS COLLEGE. 1892. B.Sc. Andrew Hall Berry, Montclair, N. J. Electrical specialties. Eugene Betts, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Born at Hackensack. N. J., Oct. 19. 1870. Engineer and Man- ager, Tramway Light & Power Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1894). Holmes Earle Bruyere, Boston, Mass. Born at Cream Ridge, N. J., Sept. 13, 1869. Bond dealer, George Colfax Bullock, Trenton, N. J. Born at .Jacobstown. N. J., Apr. 7, 18G9. Real estate and in- surance. William Jacob Cooper, HoUidaysburg, Penn. Born at Somerville, Ohio. Dec. 14, 1868. Mechanical engineer with Pennsylvania Railroad. M.E. (Tulane Univ., 1895). C.E. (Rutgers, 1902). Peter Conover Field, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 4. 1869. Suref^on Maior. Medical Corps, V. S. Army. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1890 1. M.I). (Coll. P. and S., 189.j). Harold Lyman Hoyt, New Orleans, La. Civil engineer. John Livingston Rutgers Morgan, New York City. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., .Tune 27, 1872. Professor of Physical Chemistry, Columbia Univ., 190.5- . Author. "Ele- ments of Physical Chemistry," etc. Ph.D. (Univ. Leipzig. 1895). A.M. (Rutgers, 1895). William Thomas Morrison, New York City. Manager Yonkers Electric Light Co. Manager Bronx District N. Y. Edison Co. William Heulings Stafford, New York City. Iron and steel construction. Frank Robertson Van Horn. Cleveland, Ohio. Born at Johnsonburg. N. J.. Feb. 7. 1872. Prof. Geology and Mineralogy, Case School of Applied Science, 1902- . Li- brarian. Geological Society of America, 1913- . Author of "Lecture Notes on Zoology and Mineralogy." "General and Spe- cial Mineralogy." M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1893). Ph.D. (Heidelberg. 1897). Garrett Scott Voorhees, Basking Ridge, N. J. Born at Mine Brook, N. J., Dec. 29, 18G9. Farmer. Henry Edwin W^aters, Altoona, Penn. Born at Rahway, N. J.. Nov. 23, 1872. Supervisor Penn. R. R. Daniel Gregory Wright, Ironton, Ohio. Born in Philadelphia. Pa., Feb. 3, 1871. Broker. George Hampton Wyckoff, Mountain Lakes, N. J. Treasurer Interstate Chemical Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895). George Radcliff Brown, New York City. Civil engineer. Chief engineer Zanzibar R. R., Africa. 1904-06. John Michael Daly, Elizabeth, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y.. Jan. 14. 1871. At Rutgers two years. Maintenance of way. Public Service R. R. *Mauritz Frederick H. de Haas, Jr., New York City. Boin at Brooklyn. N. Y., 1871. At Rutgers, 1888-92. Artist. Died, Feb. 10, 1897. 1892-1893. ALUMNI. 213 *Frederick Force Fisher, Newark, N. J. Born at Fort W;ivne, Ind., Aug., 1870. At Rutgers. 1888-90. Merchant. Harvard Univ. Died, March 13, 1894. * George Root Fuller, Jersey City, N. J. At Rutgers. 1888-89. John Royal Hemion, Passaic, N. J. Born at Paterson, N. J., Sept. 10, 1870. At Rutgers three years. Architect of Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co. Saxford Watrous Hover, Germantown, N. Y. Born at (rermantown, N. Y.. May 21. 1867. At Rutgers one year. Horticulture. Philosophical and social research. Ignacio Garcia Rovollo Marqitez, (?) Pueblo, Mexico. Henry Augustus Mather, New York City. Business. James Morris McCloskey, New Brunswick, N, J. * Austin Flint Morris, New York City. Born at .Jersey City, N. .J., Dec. 19, 1868. At Rutgers, 1889-90. Physician. M.D. (Bellevue Med. Coll., 1893). Died, Aug. 22, 1906. *George Herbert Riblett, Rahway, N. J. Died from typhoid feyer after being admitted to the Freshman class, Oct. 3, 1888. Henry Hewgill Stevens, Roselle Park, N. J. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y„ Nov. 20, 1869. Commercial traveler. Perry Elias Taylor, Schoharie, N. Y. Born at Schoharie, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1869. Experimenting. B.Sc. (Harvard. 1892). William Vaughan, Orange, N. J. Albert Batchelder Wells, Southbriclge, Mass. Born at Southbridge. Mass., Nov. 19, 1872. At Rutgers, 1888- 90. Manufacturer. Walter Farrington Wells, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Rahway. N. J., Jan. 10, 1870. At Rutgers two years. Vice President and General Manager Edison Electric Illumi- nating Co. E.E. (Rutgers, 1915). 1893. A.B. Henry Charles Cussler, Fonda, N. Y. Born at Shelburne Falls, Mass., Dec. 2. 1866. Clergyman,. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1896. B.D. (Rutgers, 1896). *Paul Winfred Geyer, New York City. Born in New York City(?), Apr. 1, 1872. Univ. N. Y., 1891. Died during his Senior year, March 22. 1893. Henry Harrington Janeway, Riverdale-on-Hudson, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 19, 1873. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1898). Frank Malven, Pleasant Valley, N. Y. Born at Port Jervis, N. Y.. Oct. 16. 1866. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1896. A.M. (Rutgers, 1896). B.D. (Rutgers, 1896). Robert Dodge Merrill, Babylon, N. Y. Born at Newburvport, Mass., Nov. 6. 1871. Presb. clergyman. Union Sem.. 1896. Isaac Messler, McKee, Ky. Born at White House, N. J., Aug. 4. 1867. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1896. 214: RUTGERS COLLEGE. *Louis Howell Mettler, East Millstone, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 20. 1871. Lawver. N. Y. Law School, 1896. A.M. (Rutgers, 189(8). Died, Sept. 4, 1899. Francis Baird Sanford, New York City. Born at \yarwick. N. Y., Oct. 30. 1871. Lawvor. LL.B. ( N. Y. Law School, 1896). A.M. (Rutgers. 1896). Albert Henry von Schlieder, Hackensack, N. J. Born at West Le.vden. N. Y.. Jan. 18. 1869. riergvman. R. C. A. . N. B. Sem., 1896. A.M. (Rutgers, 1896). B.D. (Rutgers. 1896) . Hobart Earl Studley, Manila, P. I. Born at Claverack, N. Y'.. Oct. 27. 1871. Episc. cleruyraan. N. B. Sem., 1896. A.M. (Rutgers, 1896). Charles Edward Tindell, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. Isaac J. Van Hee, Detroit, Mich. Born at Pultneyville, N. Y'., Jan. 20, 1868. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1896. Frank M. Van Orden, New York City. Physician. M.D. (Hood AYright Hospital, 1899). A.M. (Rut- gers. 1897). *Ellis Robert Woodruff, New York City. Born at Morristown, N. J.. Aug. 27. 1868. Died while a student at Union Theol. Sem., May 30, 1895. Arthur Norwood Bingham, New Rochelle, N. Y. Born at East Orange, N. J., July 1, 1872. At Rutgers two years. Manufacturer. Walter Carrington Cabell, Passaic, N. J. I^awyer. *Harold Coburn Cook, Denver, Col. At Rutgers, 1889-90. Mining. A.B. (Columhia. 18941. Died. 1901. Samuel Sattertiiwaite De Cou, Trenton Junction, N, J. Farmer. Herbert Edwin De Freest, Troy, N. Y. Born at North Greenbush. N. Y., Aug. 11. 1868. At Rutgers one rear. Physician and surgeon. Coroner, Rensselaer county. M.D. (Albany Med. Coll.. 1893). Abram Duryee, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Millstone, N. J.. Aug. 4, 1867. At Rutgers, 1889-91. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1894. David Bouck Lockner, Lockport, N. Y. Lawyer. U. S. Collector of Customs, 1895-1905. Paul Quattlander Oliver, Westfield, N. J. Born in New York City, May 9, 1873. At Rutgers two years. Lawyer. Augustus Hobart Smock. Towson, Md. Born at Oyster Bay. L. L. Feb. 14, 1870. At Rutgers two years. Choir and chorus director. Soloist. B.Sc. Reginald Bryant Allen, Gambler. O. Born at Medford, N. J., Jan. 3. 1872. Professor Mathematics. Kenyon College, 190(i- . Author. "Hyper-complex Number System."" M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1897). Ph.D. (Clark Univ., 1905). Charles Storr Chamberlain, Buffalo, N. Y. Born at Madanapalle. India, Jan. 22. 1872. Sales agent. 1893. ALUMNI. 215 Bedford, N. Y. East Orange, N. J. Amherst, Mass. J. Born at 1909- . RiciiARii Stevens Conovek, Born in New York City, Dec. 15, 1869. Teache Horace Munson Decker, Consulting engineer. Philip Bevier Has^rouck, Prof. Physics. Mass. Agricultural College. Joseph Allen Heauley, Union, N. J., Sept. 15. 186^. Teacher, 1893-1909. James Wallace Higgins, Born in Union county, N. J.. July 6, 1878. engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1902). Philip Lindsley, Born at Raritan. N. J., Dec. 11. 1862. Dawyei Y. Law School, 1895). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1896). Charles Edgar Lovejoy, Elizabeth, Born at Pllizabeth, N. J., Jan. 27, 1872. Wholesale produce and commission merchant. Richard Swann Lull, Born at Annapolis, Md., Nov. 6. Milltown, N. \Yith Michelin Tire Co.. Roselle Park, N. (^ivil and landscape J. Raritan, DL.B. (N. N. J. N. J. New Haven, Conn. Prof. Vertebrate Paleon- on I'aleontology. M.Sc. M.A. 1871. (Yale, 1911). New York City. LL.B. (Har- Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Tile manufac- 1867. tology. Yale T^niv., 1911- . Writer (Rutgers, 1896). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1903) William Gelon McK night. Born at Avondale, Ohio, July 29, 1872. Lawyer vard. 1897). Daniel Herbert McLaury, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 25, turer. Frank Wilbur Remsen, Bom at Millstone, N. J., Sept. 26, 1872 Freeholders, Somerset county, 191.5- . Ezra Frederick Scattergood, Born at Burlington, N. J., Apr. 9. 1871 City Oif Los Angeles, 1909— . Instructor tricity and Graphics. Rutgers, 1895-99, 1896). M.M.E. (Cornell Univ., 1899). Harry Noe Selvage, Born at Bayonne, N. J., July 2, 1872. Lawyer. Frank Lincoln Stevens, Urbana, 111. Born at Syracuse, N. Y., Apr. 1, 1871. Professor of Plant Pathology. Author, "Agriculture for Beginners," etc. B.L. East Millstone, N. J. Business. Director, Los Angeles, Cal. Electrical Engineer, in Mathematics, Elec- M.Sc. (Rutgers, Brooklyn, N. Y. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1896] (Hobart. 1891) cago. 1900). Richard Storms, Born at Woodcliff Lake, N. J., Oct. 19, 1867 Vreeland Tompkins, Born at Jers(y City. N. J., Dec. 8, 1870. ist, Smooth-on Mfg. Co. David Higgins Townley, Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Nov. 13, 1871. town Water Co. Henry Francis Twitchell, J., .Tan. 16, 1871. Head Ph.D. (Univ. Chi- New York City. Civil engineer. Jersey City, N. J. Manufacturing chem- Elizabeth, N. J. Engineer, Elizabeth- Short Hills, N. Master, "The J. Born at Newark, N. Short Hills School." *CiiARLES Henry Earl Utter, Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 14, 1870, year, Jan. 6, 1893. Herbert Metlar Waldron, New Brunswick, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 22, 1873. Manufacturer. Newark, N, Died, during his Senior N. J. 216 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1S93-1894. Howard Van Devexter Waldron, New Brunswick. N. J. Born at New Bruns\vick, N. J., Ftb. 22, 1873. President, Hol- land Machine Co., 1903-06. Benjamin Franklin Ward, Dover, N. J. Born at Hainesburg. N, J., Jnne 28, 1861. Principal of School. Raymond Voorhis Cole, Omaha, Neb. Born at Troy, N. Y., Mch. 12, 1869. At Rutgers. 1889. Funeral director. Member Board of Education, 1909-11. Vice Presi- dent, do.. 1911. Frank Van Rensselaer Cooper, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Glenville. N. Y., Oct. 22, 1869. At Rutgers one year. Lawyer. Corporation Counsel. Schenectady, 1912-13, 1916- . A.B. (Union. 1893). A.M. (Union, 1896). Albert Henry Darnell, Born at Masonville. N. J., June 20, 1872. years. Hotel business. Lawyer. Edward Alexander Francis, Alexander Livingston Kean, *Henry J iron Kendall. Born, 1869. At Rutgers, 1889-90. Died, May *George Washington Mendenhall, Born at Bordentown, X. J.(?). 1872. At Died, Oct. 13, 1891. George Augustus Oakes, Born at Bloomfield. N. .7.. July 9, 1872. years. Woolen manufacturer. Samuel Lee Poole, Born at Caldwell. N. J.. Aug. 3, 1871. . Banking. Robert Hastings Rogers. Porn in New York Cit.v. Apr. 25. 1866. At Physician. M.D. (Columbia, 1894). * George Brown Schenck, Bom at Neshanic, N. J.(?), Dec, 1868. At 1891-93. Business. Died, Jan. 23, 1897. ^Clifford Stockton Shaw, Hyde Park, N. Y. Born at Lowrr Walpack; N. Y.(?), 1870. At Rutgers, 1889-92. Died, Feb. 22, 1892. "William Ward Stephens, New York City. Born at Newark. N. J.. 1869. At Rutgers. 1889-90. Musician. Assistant Musical Director. Manhattan Opera House. N. Y. Author, "Harmony — a Text Book." 1894. A.B. Frederick Jacob Barny, Maskat, Arabia. Born at Basle. Switzerland. Jan. 1. 1873. Clergyman. R. C. A. Missionary to Arabia. N. B. Sem., 1897. A.M. (Rutgers. 1897). B.D. (Rutgers. 1807). William Edgar Wells Compton, Mariners Harbor, N. Y. Boin at Jamesburg, X. J.. Nov. 10. 1870. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1897. B.D. (Rutgers, 1897). Franklin Richmond Cushman, ' Providence. R. I. Born at Providence. R. I.. Aug. 28. 1870. Teacher. Providence Technical High School. A.M. (Brown, 1902). Atlantic City, N. J. At Rutgers three W^estfield, N. J. Livingston, N. J. Isleta, N. M. y. 1893. Bordentown, N. J. Rutgers, 18S8-90. Bloomfield, N. J. At Rutgers thre > Newark, N. J. A.t Rutgers. 1889. Newark. N. J. Rutgers one year. Neshanic. N. J. Rutgers, 1889-90. Ig94. ALUMNI. 21' Holmes Van Mater Dennis, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Born in New York City. Feb. 5, 1873. Lawyer. Trustee, Rut- gers. 101.5- . LL.B. (N. Y. Law Scliool. 1896). A.M. (Rut- gers. 1899). Charles Morison Dixon, Pompton Lakes, N. J. Rorn at Newark. N. .7., May 24. 1871. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1897. A.M. (Rutgers. 1897). ^Arthur Eugene Field, New Marlboro, Mass. Born at Williamstown, Mass., Sept. 28, 1868. Died, April 12. 1896. Frederick Christopher Grant, Plainfield, N. J. Born in Toronto. Canada, Nov. 2, 1872. A.M. (Columbia). Foreign correspondent. Frederick Nelson Jacobus, Irvington, N. J. Born at Newark, N. .L. Dec. 22. 1870. Life insurance, ac- tuarial and legal. School Commissioner. Irvington, N. .!., 1908- . A.M. (Rutgers. 1897). ^William Botsford Judd, Alliance, Ohio. Born at Pittston. Pa.. Jan. 29, 1866. M. E. clergyman. Drew Theol. Sem., 1889. Professor Psvchologv and Philosophy. Mt. T'nion Coll.. Alliance, Ohio. 1902-07. B.D. Ph.D. (Univ. .Tena. 1896). Died, June 27, 1907. Edgar Ireland McCully, Oradell, N. J. Born at Paterson. N. J., June 28, 1869. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1897. A.M. (Rutgers, 1906). Henry Miller, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J.. June 1. 1871. Clergyman. Teacher. N. B. Sem., 1897. A.M. (Rutgers, 1897). Otto Leopold Frederick Mohn, Port Richmond, N. Y. Born at Hoboken, N. .1., Feb. 1. 1874. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1897. A.M. (Rutgers, 1897). Edmund Philip Nischwitz, Havana, 111. Born at Warrensville. N. J., Aug. 2, 1872. Lawyer. Burton Stearns Philbrook, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1897). John Augustus Sarles, Grove City. Pa. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 10. 1873. Baptist clergyman. Crozer Sem.. 1897. A.M. (Rutgers, 1897). Philip Cook Thomas, New York City. Born at Petaluma. Cal.. Mch. 2.">. 187.3. Physician. Le'-tur'^v, Obstetrics, N. Y. Homoeopathic Med. Coll., 1911- . M.D. (N. Y. Hom. Med. Coll., 1899). A.M. (Rutgers, 1901). John Henry Thompson, Hartford, Conn. Born at Pella, Iowa. Feb. 20, 1873. General agent, Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co.. 1901- . B.D. (Univ. N. Y.. 1897). Irving Scott Tompkins, Mt. Tabor, N. J. Born at Boonton. N. J., Sept. 29. 1869. Actuarial work. Pru- dential Ins. Co. '^Francis Cuyler Van Dyck, .Jr., Lawrenceville. N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J.. Dec. 26. 1873. Mastor in Mathematics and School Organist. Lawrenceville School. 1899- 1916. A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). Died, Jan. 25, 1916. Albert Huntington Chester, New Brunswick, N. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1870. A.M. (Hamilton. 1897). 218 KUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1894^ Walter Wheeler Cook, Chicago, 111. Born at Columbus. Ohio. June 4, 1878. At Rutsievs. ISUO-Dl. Prof. Law, Univ. Wisconsin. 11)06-10. I'rof. I^aw, Univ. Chicago, 1010— . I'resident. Association of American Law Schools, 1015-16. A.B. (Columbia, 1804). A.M. (Columbia, 1000). LL.M. (Columbia, 1001). Allan McLean, Jersey City, N. J. With Ilanovor National Bank, New York. ♦Walter Pfeifber, Williamstown, X. J. Born at Williamstown, N. .T., Oct. 26, 1860. Drowned in the Delaware and Karitan canal with his classmate Willard R. Smith, June 'I. 1801. Anthony Harry Rottger. Jamaica, N. Y. Born at Jamaica, N. Y.. Apr. L'.j, 1874. *WiLLARD R. Smith, Hallsville, N. Y. Born at Hallsville, N. Y.. June '22, 1872. Drowned in the Dela- ware and Uaritan canal with his classmate, Walter Pfeiffer, June 2, 1801. John Albert Thurston, Norwood Park, IlL Born at Pottersville. N. J., Dec. 27, 1868. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1805. A.M. (Oskaloosa Coll., Iowa, 1003). D.D. (Midland Univ., 1006). Theodore William Rudolph van het Loo, McBain, Miclu Born at Hasselt, Netherlands, May 16, 1860. At Rutgers one and one-half years. Clergyman. Christian Reformed Church. Theological Sem., (Jrand Rapids, 1807. B.Sc. Charles Ferdinand Berger, New York City. Born in IMiiladelphia. Pa.. Jan. 80, 1866. Civil engineer and building contractor. C.K. (Rutgers, 1000). Howard De Mott, Hackensack, N. J. Born at Hackensack, N. J., Apr. 28, 1874. Cashier. John Van Nostrand Dorr, New York City. Born at Newark, N. J.. Jan. 6, 1872. Metallurgical engineer. Inventor of the Dorr Classitier, etc. E.M. (Rutgers, 1014). Abijah Charles Fox, Nutley, N. J. Born at Camden, N. J., Mav 24. 1878. Consulting engineer. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1001). Mount De Bow Gravatt, Scranton, Pa- Born at Clarksburg. N. J., Nov. 6. 1867. Assistant Director of Instruction, International Correspondence School. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1003). Daniel Hand, Newark, N. J. Born at Cape May Court House, N. J., Nov. 1, 1868. Chemist. Howard Godfrey Harris, Ventnor City. N. J.. Born at Tuckahoe, N. J., Oct. 16, 1871. Real estate and in- surance. Raymond Steele Harrison, Stockton, N. J. Born at Caldwell, N. J., May 11, 1870. Ranching. David Layton, New York City. Born at Liberty Corners, N. J., Mch. 1. 1860. Teacher. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1008). Arthur Lee, Providence, R. I- Born at Needham. Mass., Feb. 12, 1878. Principal of High School. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1000). Warren Smith Mitchell," Vineland, N. J.. Born at Delhi, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1871. Teacher, Stevens School, Hoboken. -LUMNI. 219 James Scott Thompson, Hackensack, N. J. Born at NewarK. N. .T.. Mcli, 0. 1869. Civil engineer. C.K. (Rutf?ers, 1900). George Edward Tracy, Frederick, Md. Born at Boston, Mass.. June 16, 1872. Automobile dealer. George Morehouse Van Duzer, Warwick. N. Y. Born at Warwick. N. Y.. Mch. 6, 1870. With C. R. R. of N. J. Leonard Lovejoy Wetmore, New York City. Born at P]ngle\A-ood, N. .T., Jan. 3. 1874. Real estate. Marshall Williams, Pittsburg, Penn. Born at Blackwood. N. J., July 24, 187.'i. Operating manager. American Bridge Co. Joseph Johnson Y'ates, North Plainfield. N. J. Born at Elizabeth. N. J.. Apr. 20. 1873. Civil engineer. Bridge engineer. Central R. R. of N. J., 1007- . Lewis Augustus Adams, Lower Bank. N. J. Born, 1864. Teacher. Ernest Edwin Armstrong, Niagara Falls, N. Y. '^Charles Vooriiees Buttler, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J.. Jan. 18, 1869. At Rutgers. 1800-91. Physician. M.D. (Univ. N. Y.. 1893). Died. Aug. 16, 1911. James Edward Gifford, Hudson, N. Y. Born at Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1873. At Rutgers two years. With the N. Y. C. and H. R. R. David Newton Henry, Nutley, N. J. Born at Danville. N. J.. June 6. 1866. At Rutgers. 1890-91. Deputy collector. Internal Revenue, Newark. N. J. James Kirtland Howard, Lorain, Ohio. Born at Zanesville. Ohio. Aug. 8, 1871. At Rutgers two years. Assistant engineer, L. A. and S. R. R. Co., 1913- . Harry Alexander Hunt, Glen Gardner, N. J. Born at Glen Gardner. N. J.. July 11, 1871. Clerk. William Ambrose Kinsey, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J.. Dec. 23. 1872. At Rutgers three years. Consulting and contracting engineer. ARTHUR Win SLOW Knapp, Bay side, L. I. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Jan. 29, 1875. At Rutgers two years. Salesman. Howard Warren Ludlam, Haddonfield, N. J. Born at Goshen, N. J.. June 21, 1870. At Rutgers two years. Merchant. Wilson Davis Lyon, Glen Ridge, N. J. Born at Bloomtield. N. J.. Julv 20. 1872. Impoj-t and export. H. W. Peabody & Co., N. Y. Rhuel Hampton Merrill, Pittsburg, Penn. Born, Dec. 25, 1867. Presb. clergyman. Auburn Sem.. 1897. B.D. Jonathan Manning Roberts, South Amboy, N. J. Born at Burlington. N. J.. Dec. 16. 1871. At Rutgers, 1890-92. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1896). WiNFiELD Crown Smith, Burlington, Wis. Born at South Orange. N. J. Daw clerk. DL.B. (Illinois Col- lege of Law, 1907). Yoshimaro Takatsuji, Tokio, Japan. Abram Willard Totten, South Middlebush, N. J. Farmer. 220 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. IS94-lSJ)r Fred Benedict Van Brakle, Keyport, N. J. Born at Keyport. N. J., Sept. 22. 1872. Accountant, Equitable Life Assurance Society. Henry Houck von Olhausen. ^ Born at Malianoy Plane, Pa., June 10. 1873. James Albert AVoodward, New York City. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 3, 1871. At Rutgers two years. StQcli broker. 1895. A.B. David Cahart, New York City. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 11. 1870. Lawyer. Frank Cornell Eaton, New York City. Born at Graliamsville, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1869. Lawyer. *=Henry TJnderhill Hart, New York City. Born at Locust Vallev, L. I.. Sept. 15. 1874. Lawver. N. Y. Law School, 1897. Died, Jan. 25, 1911. George Jacob Janeway, " New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 29. 1874. N. B. Sem.. 1895-97. Princeton Sem., 1899. A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). Frederick William Johanect, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Mcli. 3. 1872. Advertising agency. DwiGHT Chapin Lefferts, Redlands, Cal. Born at Flatbush. L. I.. Oct. 22, 1874. Orange shipper. John Conant Loud, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Feb. 8, 1873. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1897). A.M. (Rutgers, 1898). George Sullivan Ludlow, New York City. Born at Neshanic. N. J., Sept. 16, 1873. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School. 1897). A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). John Provost Stout, Lakehurst, N. J. Born at Nagasaki, Japan, Jan. 26, 1870. Teacher. A.M. (Rut- gers, 1898). Thomas Morris Strong, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Flatbush. L. I., Dec. 9, 1873. Farmer. Warren Clark Van Slyke, New York City. Born at Jamaica, N. Y.. Dec. 25, 1874. Lawyer. Herman Carl Weber, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Mina. N. Y., Feb. 9. 1873. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1898. B.D. (Rutgers, 1898). A.M. (Rutgers, 1898). ♦Wilbur Witiirow Batlagh, Tenafly, N. J. Born at Yokohama, Japan. Mch. 28, 1874. At Rutgers, 1891-92. Assistant drv goods editor. "Journal of Commerce," N. Y., 1906-07. A.B. (Johns Hopkins. 1895). Died. Dec. 9, 1911. Ward Gamewell Berry. Hackensack, N. J. Born at sea. Mch. 27. 1875. At Rutgers two years. Lawyer. N. Y. Law School, 1897. John Hamilton Potter Conover, Elizabeth, N. J. Born in New York Citv. 1873. Physician. A.B. (Columbia. 1895). M.D. (Columbia, 1898). Charles Wyckoi-f Gulick, Dumont, N. J. Born near New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 22, 1867. Clergyman. R. C. A. N, B. Sem., 1898. B.D. (Rutgers, 1898). 1895. ALUMNI. r^ /^ J. *JosEPi[ Henry Seeberger, Born at West Troy, N. Y., 92. Died, Dec. 21, 1896. Robert Ellison Soare, Born at New Hurley, N. Y. 93. Insurance broker, Apr. 28, 1869. West Troy, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1891- Hackonsaok, N. J. Sept. 14. 1868. At Rutgers, 1891- B.Sc. John Garretson Blackwell, Chloride, Ariz Born at Franklin Park. N. J., Oct. 27, 1873. Mining. Pliy- sician and surgeon. M.D. (Hahnemann Med. Coll., Philadelphia, 1900). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1901). Eugene Bogep/i, Glen Rock, N. J. Born at Harrington Park, N. J., Aug. 10, 1874. Secretary and Treasurer. The Bogert and Carlough Co., Paterson. C.E. (Rut- geis, 1901). John Henry Carnes, Washington, D, C. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 29, 1873. Patent examiner, 1900- . LL.B. (National Law School. Washington, D. C, 1905). M.P.L. (Geo. Washington Univ., 1906). Abram Schuyler Clark, New York City. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., 1874. Physician. Diseases o>f Skin and Cancer. Prof. Dermatology, I^j. Y. Post Graduate Medical School. Author. "Tuberculin, Its Use in Treatment of Skin Disease." M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1902). M.D. (Coll. P. and S.). Edgar Stanley Conklin, Tottenville, N. Y. Born at Pekin, 111., Apr. 3, 1874. Chemist. Charles E. Conover, New York City. Born at Manalapan. N. J., Jan. 19, 1873. Civil engineer. As- sistant and now designing engineer, Public Service Commission, 1900- . C.E. (Rutgers, 1910). Charles Meirs Denise, Chicago, 111. Born at Norfolk, Va., Jan. 24, 1876. . Contracting engineer. C.E. (Lehigh Univ.. 1898). Frederick William Ells, Milwaukee, Wis. Born at Philmont, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1871. Secretary and engineer. Northwestern Manufacturing Co., 1904- 1898). John Mulford Enright, Born at Freehold. N. J.. Mav 10, 1870. School, 1898. Amos Haines Flake, Born at Medford, N. J., Apr. 4, 1870. of Schools. Henry Seeley Hampton, Born at Millville, N. J., Oct. 7, 1874 Irwin White Howell, Born at New Brunswick, N. J engineer. General Electric Co. Eugen*e Lindsley Hurley, Born at Newark. N. J., Aug. 4, 1875 Charles Town send Letson, Merchant. Robert Ballantine Littell, Born at Setauket, L. I., Jan. 2 M.Sc. (Rutgers, Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. N. Y. Law Collingswood, N. J. Supervising Principal Millville, N. J. OflBce manager. Flushing, L. I. Jan. 3, 1875. Commercial Bronxville, N. Y. Civil engineer. Stelton, N. J. Summit, N. J. 1873. Insurance. 222 RUTGERS C0LLI:GE. 1895. Macon, Ga. Superintendent Viiv New Brunswick, N. J. Gabriel I.udlow, Born at Neshanic, N. J.. May 29. 18' ftinia-Carolina Chemical Co. WiLLiAjNi Frank Parker, Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Sept. 19. 1873. Casliier. Nat. Bk. N. J., 1915- . Collector of taxes, New Brunswick, 1905-10. Robert Stevens Parsons, New York City. Born at Hohokus. N. .7., Ma.v 26. 1878. Chief engineer, Erie It. R. (\E. (Rutgers, 1900). Frederick Harrison Pierson, Syracuse, N. Y. Born at Elizabeth. N. J.. Aug. 25. 1873. I'hysician. M.D. (Coll. 1'. and S.. 1899). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899). Clarkson Runyon, Jr., Glen Cove, L. I. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 29. 1874. Stock l)roker. Thomas French Russum, Chicago, 111. Born at Elizal>eth. N. J., May 10, 1874. Manager of Chicago office. I'urdy & Henderson, civil engineers. 1904- . George Francis Scull, Newark, N. J. Born at Camden. N. J.. .July 9. 1874. Lawyer. LL.B. (National Univ. Law School, 1907). M.P.L. (George Washington Univ., 1908). Alexander Brokaw Way, Swampscott, Mass. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Oct. 11. 1874. Chief chemist. N. E. Gas and Coke Co.. 1905- . ♦Charles Augustus We(^<:erly, Atlantic City, N, J. Born in Philadelphia. Feb. 12. 1874. Died. Aug. 1. 1897. Philip Sheridan Bailey, Born at Tom's River. N. J Hamilton Scrymser Battin, Born at Elizabeth. N. J., Dec. 2 years. Insurance broker. ♦Arthur Morgan Clark, Born at Perth Amboy.,N. J., Nov. 11, 1873 93. Lawyer. Died, Jan. 26, 1915. George Howard Cowie, Born at Rahway. N. J. Lawyer. sel, N. Y. City. 1896- . Fred Henry Decker, Born at Little Falls. N Tom's River, N. J. Principal of High School. Fair Haven, N. J. 1874. At Rutgers three New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers. 1891- New York City. Assistant corporation coun- Bristol, Pa. Y.. Nov. 25. 1868. At Rutgers one year. Vice President. Simplex Vacuum Mfg. Co. George Ray Deshler, Born at Petroleum Centre, Penn.. May 16. 187i 1891-92. With U. S. Rubber Co. Frank Vreeland Dobbins, Born at Rahway, N. .L, Dec. 3. 1875. Lawyer. Law School). Grinfill Harbison B. English, Bom at New Brunswick. N. J.. Dec. 31. 1872 No. 6. Erie, Eastern Div. Penn. R. R. Joseph Millspaugh Fowler, Born at Walden. N. Y.. July 15. 1873 New Brunswick. N. At Rutgers. Ralnvay, N. J. LL.B. (N. Y. Wilmington, Del, Supervisor Div. Kingston, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1892-93. Lawver. Member. N. Y. Assembly, 1905-10. B.L. (Cornell, 1895). ♦Frank Kingsley Grant, Born at Gilboa. N. Y., Apr. 14. 1872. Lawyer. Died. Nov. SO, 1911. Schoharie, N. At Rutgers, 1891-95. 1895. ALUMXI. 223 Clarence Eugene Francis Hetrick, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Van Wert. Ohio, Aug. 1. 1S78. At Rutgers, 1891-02. Mayor, Aslmiy Park. Treasurer, City of Asbury Parlt. 1907-08. Sheriff, Monmouth county, 1909-11. Delegate, Nat. Republican Conveution. 1912. Alfred Hosie, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born at Scranton, Pa., Mch. 17, 1871. 8TANLY Woodruff Jones. Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J.. Nov. 18, 1878. At Rutgers three years. Salesman. James Arthur Mandeville, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Oct. 18, 1872. General agent. Equitable Life Assurance Society. Eugene Augustus Meacham, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. .1., Dec. 16, 1872. Physician. M.D. . (Univ. N. Y., 1898). "^William Monroe Moore. Pawnee, Okl. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Apr. 19, 1872. At Rutgers, 1891-92. Physician. M.D (Bellevue Med. Coll., 1896). Died, Feb. 21, 1912. Irving William Mott, . New Britain, Conn. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1871. At Rutgers, 1891- 92. Chief draughtsman, Berlin Construction Co., 1908— . Charles Johnson Negus, Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Mch. 1, 1873. At Rutgers, 1891-9.3. Buyer. Franklin Pleasants Noble. Roslyn Heights, Long Island, N. Y. Born at Maiden. N. Y., Mch. 25, 1872. Civil engineer. Robert Kitching Painter, New York City. Born at West Haven, Conn.. May 8, 1874. At Rutgers two years. Mining engineer. E.M. (Columbia, 1896). Courtlandt Fitz Randolph, Toledo, O. Born at Bridgeton, N. .1., June 11. 1874. Salesman. Daihachiro S'agara, Tokio, Japan. Born at Saga. Hizen. Japan, Mch. 3, 1871. "^Irving Emmons Salmon, Morristown, N. J. Born at Boonton. N. J.. Mch. 9, 1874. At Rutgers, 1891-9."). Lawyer. Died, Jan. 22, 1908. ZuiNGLius Francis Shafer, Rensselaer, N. Y. Born at West Troy. N. Y., Oct.. 1873. Financial clerk, N. Y. State Commission in Lunacy. William Harvey Stilson, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York City, Apr. 22. 1873. At Rutgers, 1891-93. Assayer. €hester Hartranft Tapping, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Sept. 24, 1872. John Wills, Stanhope, N. J. Born at Stanhope, N. J., .Jan. 1, 1871. At Rutgers two years. Coal, lumber, etc. Howard Stillman Wilson, Metuchen, N. J Born at Dunellen. N. J.. June 17, 1873. At Rutgers, 1891-92. Parole agent. State Home for Boys. 224: RUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1896. 1896. A.B. Henry Wells Brink, Woodstock, N. Y. Born at Katsbaan, N. Y., Julv 3. 1875. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1899. B.D. (Rutgers, 1899). WiLLARD Conger, Port Jervis, N. Y. Born at Whitestone, L. I., Feb. 23, 1874. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1899. A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). Lane Cooper, Ithaca, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 14, 1875. Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit., Cornell Univ., 1915- . Assistant Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit., Cornell Univ.. 1906-15. Author, "The Prose Poetry of Thomas De Quincey," etc., etc. A.M. (Yale, 1898). A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). Ph.D. (Leipzig, 1901). Alfred Drury, Princeton, N. J. Born at Ghent, N. Y.. Dec. 22, 1872. Physician. M.D. (Hom. Med. Coll., 1900). A.M. (Rutgers, 1900). John Laurence Dukyee, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Champlain, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1874. Treasurer, Janewav Button Co. George Smock Hobart, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Brooklyn. N. Y., Oct. 24. 1875. Lawyer. Co-editor of "Corbin's N. J. Court Rules." LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1899). A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). *Arthur Frederick Jennings, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Englewood, N. J., July 1, 1875. Lumber merchant. Died, Jan. 10, 1910. Charles Gilbert Mallery, Bedminster, N. J. Bo'-n at Milford, Del.. Nov. 21, 1869. Clergvman, R. r. A. N. B. Sem., 1899. A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). Edwin Corwin McKeag, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. Author, "Mistake in Contract." A.M. (Rutgers, 1897). LL.B. (Columbia, 1900). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1905). Edward Jay Meeker, Lodi, N. Y. Born at Succasunna. N. J., Aug. 8. 1867. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1899. A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). Charles Scudder Pool, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Bedminster, N. J.. June 28, 1875. Phvsician. A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). M.D. (Long Island Med. Coll., '1899). Edward Taylor Fitz Randolph, West Nyack, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 30, 1872. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1899. A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). William Addison Ranney, Ossiniug, N. Y. Born at Summer Hill. N. Y.. Mch. 22, 1871. Teacher, St. John's School. N. B. Sem.. 1899. P.D.B. (N. Y. State Normal College. 1900). A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). Francis Edward Tilton, Morris Plains, N. J. Born at Keyport, N. J., Aug. 20, 1873. Township supervising principal. John Brownlee Voorhees, Hartford, Conn. Born at Blawenburgh, N. J., Jan. 27, 1875. Cong, clergyman. Corresponding Secretary Board of Domestic Missions. R. C. A.. 1908-12. N. B. Sem., 1899. A.M. (Rutgers, 1899). D.D. (Rutgers, 1913). John Alexander Corson. New York City. Born in New York City. Dec. 29, 1871. Clerk. 1896. ALUMNI. 225 Horace Jackson Craig, Bingham, Me. Born at Delhi, N. Y., June 18, 1873. At Rutgers three years. Lumberman. Virgil Carpenter Haviland, Catskill, N. Y. Born at Lafayette, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1873. Colporteur, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Soc, Brooklyn, N. Y. John Edward Jenn.vngs, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at South Rutherford. N. J.. Aug. 6. 1875. At Rutgers two years. Physician. M.D. (Columbia, 1899). Stephen McCulloch, Gloversville, N. Y. Born at Coeymans, N. Y., May 12, 1874. Dentist. D.D.S. (N. Y. Coll. of Dental Surgery, 1903). *George Malven Ridgway, Trenton, N. J. Born at Stroudsburg, Penn., June 3, 1874. At Rutgers. 1892-94. Physician. Medical Dept. Mercer Hospital. M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1809). Died, Oct. 8, 1911. Walter Airman Sherwood, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 25, 1875. At Rutgers, 1892-93. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1896). F.A.C.S. (American College of Surgeons, 1913). Henry Julius Augustus Spelker, Washburn, N. D. Born at Wynantskill, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1871. Clergyman. Russell Van Arsdale, Savannah, Ga. Born at High Falls, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1873. Railway clerk. B.Sc. Louis Derby Ayres, New York City. Born at Bergen Point, N, J., Aug. 25, 1874. Architect. Joseph George Baier, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Apr. 2, 1875. Instructor, Physics, Stuyvesant Technical High School, New York City. Wesley Warner Burden, New York City. Born in New^ York City, Nov. 30, 1875. Mechanical engineei*. Instructor, Univ. N. Y. School of Applied Science, 1902-03. C.E. (Univ. N. Y., 1897). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899). William Ryall Burtis, Freehold, N. J. Born at Freehold, N. J., Apr. 21, 1876. Lawyer. William Pierson Carter, Springfield, N. J. Born at Springfield, N. J., Aug. 22, 1875. Civil engineer, consulting architect. Walter Knickerbocker Cavileer, Atlantic City, N. J. Born at Lower Bank, N. J., Nov. 1, 1874. Real estate and in- surance. George Dunn Cornish, Millington, N. J. Born at Gillette, N. Y., July 2, 1872. Special sales agent. Bergen Davis, New York City. Born at White House, N. J., Mch. 31. 1869. Professor of Physics, Columbia. A.M. (Rutgers, 1900). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1901). ♦Paul Kirk Douglas, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., July 30, 1874. Insurance. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1899). Died, Dec. 28, 1902. Erkuries Beatty Fithian, Little Rock, Arkansas. Born at GreenAvich. N. J., Feb. 4, 1872. General Road master, Missouri Pacific Railway, 1908- . Alfred Cookman Gregory, Trenton, N. J. Born in New York City, Mch. 26, 1872. Civil engineer. 15 226 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1896. Washington, riiysician. U. S. Navy. 18, 1875. Asbury Park, Wholesale and Paterson, A.M. (Col- Brooklyn, Nov. 28. 1874. Civil engineer for C.E. (Rutgers, 1900). New Brunswick, Sales manager. C.E. Apr. 28. 1875. Spencer Littlefield Higgins, Born at Union, N. J.. Nov. 13, 1876. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1903). William Roger Hogg, Born at Tom's River, N. J., Sept retail ice dealer. Lester Inglis, Borm at I'aterson. N. J.. Dec. 4, 1874. Dentist. umbia. 1897). LL.B. (Univ. N. Y.. 1898). D.D.S. (N. Y. Coll Dental Surg., 1908). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899) George Elbert Jackson, Born at Johnsonburg, N Y'^ City of New York, 1896^ Thomas Herbert Letson, Born at Middlebush, N. J (Rutgers. 1901). Herbert Arthur Luster, Chicago, 111. Born at Elizabeth, N. J.. Aug. 31. 1874. Woolens. C.E. (Rut- gers, 1901). Frank Conover Manley, Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. Dec With American Bridge Co., 1896^ . Frank Leaming Manning, Born at Keyport, N. .T., Jan. 21, (Philadelphia Dontal College, 1900). Bartholomew Francis Monaghan, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Feb. 9, 1873. Principal of Public School. George Sheldon Mower, Newark, N. J. Born at Katsbaan. N. Y., Jan. 5, 1876. Mathematician, Pru- dential Insurance Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899). George Winfield Nuttman, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., Oct. 20. 1876. Musician. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1900). William O'Connor, Paterson, N. J. CuLLEN Warner Parmelee, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y.. June 27, 1874. Professor Ceramics, Rutgers. 1908- . Director of Department of Ceramics. 190.3- . Instructor in Chemistry, 1901-05. Associate Prof. Applied Roselle, engineer. D. C. N. J. N. J. N. Y. N. J. N. J. 4. 1874. Civil C.E. (Rutgers, 1899). Red Bank, N. J. 1875. Dentist. D.D.S. Chemistry, 1914-15. in 1905-08. President, American Ceramic Society, Robert Matthews Pierson, Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Sept. 11, 1875. Lawyer School. John Francis Post, Jr., Born, Oct. 9, 1874. Wholesale paper dealer. Charles Anson Poulson, Born at Newark. N. J., Aug. 29, 1872. M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1899). Irving Lee Reed, Born at Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 31, 1874 Allison Burton Roome, Born at Pequanac, N. J., Oct. Continental, Fidelity-Phenix Companies. Waldo Berth Rosencrantz, Born in New York City, Feb. 4 Tobacco Co. Henry De Witt Tremper. Born at Kingston, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1875 N. Y. Akron, Law O. 13, md 18"; 1877 American New York City. Los Angeles, Cal. General contractor. Asbury Park, N. J. Manager of sales. Roslyn, L. I. Manager. L. L Dept *:agl Insurance Cranford, Chief engineer. American N. J. Kingston, N. Y. Manufacturer's agent. 1896. ALUMNI. 227 Garret Van Cleve, Paterson, N. J. Born at Corona. N. .!,, July 31, 1874. Lawyer. William Van Bergen Van Dyck, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 8, 1875. Managing Di- rector, Cia. General Electric. E.E. (Columbia, 1897). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899). Howard Edward Van Ness, Little Falls, N. J. Born at Newa.rlc, N. J., July 1, 1875. Civil engineer. Robert Bradshaw Whitaker, Milburn, W. Va. Born in London, England, Jan. 16, 1876. Mining engineer. Howard Edmund White. New Haven, Conn. Born at Trenton. N. J., Aug. 12, 1875. Assistant superintend- ent. New Haven Gas Light Co. Miller Royal Whitenack, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J.. Apr. 2. 1875. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1900). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1905). Gustav Frederick Wittig. Pinehurst, Ala. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 15, 1876. Prof. Physics and Electrical Engineering, Univ. Alabama. 1909- . Assistant Prof. Electrical Engineering, Univ. Maine, 1908-09. E.E. (Columbia, 1904). Herbert Wyckoff, New York City. Born at Freehold, N. .L. July 27, 1876. Manufacturer. Presi- dent of Manhattan Slide and Film Co. President of Brady Lithographic Co., Inc. Jesse Frederick Zabriskte, Hackensack, N. J. Civil engineer and surveyor. Frederick Charles Baum, Born at Geneva, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1872. Albert Leon Beyliks. Born at Tenafly, N. J., May 1, 1873. ♦Frank Thorn Blake, Born at Newark, N. J.. Oct. 31, 1875. Insurance. Died, Feb. 3, 1897. Stephen Duryea Bogardus, At Rutgers one year. Builder. William Cook Bryan, Brooklyn, N. Y. With Swift & Co. Madison, N. J. At Rutgers, 1892-93. Montrose, N. Y. Yonkers, N. Y. Born at Tom's Rirer, N. J., Oct. 13, 1875. At Rutgers one year. Real estate. Elvin Carrens Burtis, Born at Cream Ridge, Gravel Co. N. ,L, Dec. 7, 1870. Asbury Park, N. Manager Seacoast Clarence Woodruff Byram, Born at Morristown, N. J., July 5, 1875. Horace Stillman Chester, Born at Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1864. contractor at Golofin Bay, Alaska, 1902- ISAAC CHRISTMAN, New York City. Business, bonds. Fort Nome, Alaska. Prospector and mail . Sheriff. Camden, N. J. Born in Philadelphia, Pa.. June 28, 1868. Dealer in dry goods and notions. Allenhurst, N. J. June 6, 1874. Manufacturer. Edwin Skellinger Cooper, Born at Morristown. N. J B.Arch. (Cornell, 1897). Frederick Newton Crowell, Born at South Orange. N. J, Cincinnati, O. Oct. 13, 1873. At Rutgers three years. Division Engineer, Pennsylvania lines west of Pitts- burgh, 1906- . 228 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1896. Howard Nott Doughty Bom at Englewood, Ipswich, Mass. N. J., Aug. 16, 1875. Manufacturer of hosiery. Isaac Nevius Enyard, Montclair, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. Public Accountant. Irwin Fisher, Harlingen, N. J. Born at Middlebush, N. J., July 29, 1875. At Rutgers. 1892-93. Physician. M.D. (Medico-Chirurgical Coll., Philadelphia). Died, Dec, 1899. Alanson McDowell Gray, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Franklin, Pa., Oct. 24, 1873. Oil machinery expert. John Lathrop Gray, St. Louis, Mo. Born at Franklin, Pa., Feb. 6, 1875. At Rutgers, 1893. Man- ager Manufacturing Dept., Pierce Oil Corporation. Christopher Arthur Hibler, Harrisburg, Pa. Born in Sussex county. N. J., Feb. 4, 1873. At Rutgers two years. President and General Manager, Brelsford Packing and Storage Co. John Benjamin Holding, Jr., Bayonne, N. J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y.. June 3, 1875. At Rutgers, 1892-95. Asst. Weigher, N. Y. Custom House, 1909- . ., July 2, Banking. 1875. Capt. Asbury Park, At Rutgers, 1892-93. 3d N. J. Regt. Died, N. J. Apr. 30, 1872. Stockton, N. J. At Rutgers two years. Asbury Park, N. J. In post-oflBcc. New York City. At Rutgers, 1892-94. Busi- 1873. 1875. New Brunswick, N. J. Accountant. Chicago, 111. At Rutgers one year. 20, ♦Walter Thomas Hubbard, Born at Dayton, N. J. Assistant Postmaster. May 31, 1911. John Finney Hunt, Born at Stockton, N. J Trucking. William Isaac Ker, Born at Tinton Falls, N. J *Anda Frederick Kilmer, Born in Binghamton, N. Y. ness. Died, Sept. 20, 1899. Luke De Hart Lindley, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 10, 1872 Livingston Pearne Moore, Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Sept. 6 Paint manufacturer. Daniel Morrison, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec Robert Carter Nicholas, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept 1892-93. Secretary, Johnson and Johnson. W" ALTER Taylor Shepard, Fort Wayne, Ind Bora at Newark, N. J., Oct. 6, 1873. Dentist. D.D.S. Arthur Henry Temple, Passaic, N, J Born at Boonton, N. J.. Dec, 10, 1874. Physician and sur- geon. M.D. (Columbia, 1896). Alfred Preston Theobald, Born at Richmond, Me., Aug. 31. 1873. Michael Joseph Tierny, Born at East Millstone, N. J., Oct. 5, 1867. Mathias Everett Turner, Born at Mamaroneck, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1875. With land Electric Illuminating Co. William Vanderbeek Van Blarcom, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic Born at Paramus, N. J., Apr. 29. 1874. At Rutgers. 1892-93. General Manager and Chief Engineer, Dominican Central Rail- way. New Brunswick, 1873. Physician. New Brunswick, 9. 1875. At Rutgers, N. J. N. J. New York City. Peekskill, N. Y. Cleveland, the Cleve- O. 1896-1897. ALUMNI. 229 Henry Mackenzie Whitakek, New York City. Born in England, 1873. Insurance broker. Wilfred Roberts Woodward, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Woodville, N. J., May 29, 1869. At Rutgers three years. Teacher. 1897. A.B. Clifford Philip Case. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born at Jersey Citv, N. J.. Oct. 22, 1873. Clergyman, R. C. A. Permanent Clerk General Synod. R. C. A.. 1915- . N. B. Sem., 1900. A.M. (Rutgers, 1900). D.D. (Hope, 1916). William Gurley Cook, Troy, N. Y. Born at Troy, N. Y.. Apr. 3, 1876. Superintendent W. and L. E. Gurley. Frank Hamilton Dobson, Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Bayonne, N. J.. Oct. 14, 1875. Lawyer and broker. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1899), A,M, (Rutgers, 1900). Richard Lounsbery Eltinge, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Kingston, N. Y.. Feb. 1. 1876. Physician and surgeon. Prof. Diseases of Eye and Ear. Southwestern Med. Coll.. Louis- ville. Kv., 190.5-08. A.M. (Rutgers, 1901). M.D. (Homoeo- pathic Med. Coll., N. Y., 1901). Oet.A.Chi. (N. Y. Ophthalmic Coll.. 1904). Alfred Erickson, Phelps, Ky. Born at Stelton, N. ,L, Sept. 18, 1873. Presb. clergyman. President. Matthew E. Scott, Jr.. Academy and Industrial School, 1904- . Princeton Sem., 1900. A.M. (Rutgers, 1900). Drew Wyckoff Hageman, New York City. Born at Queens, L. I., Oct. 10, 1876. Lawyer, Charles Meeks Mason, Newark, N. J. Born at Natchez, Miss., Mav 7, 1876. Lawyer. Dean, N. J. Law School. Under Sheriff, Essex county, 1904-08. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1901). A.M. (Rutgers, 1901). Andrew John Meyer, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1874. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1900. A.M. (Rutgers, 1904). Louis Provost Peeke, Fond du Lac, Wis. Born at Rhinebeck, N. Y., June 12, 1875, Presb. clergyman. Commissioner, City of Fond du Lac, 1915- , McCormick Sem., 1900. A.M. (Rutgers, 1900). Joseph Scudder, Passaic, N. J. Born at Brooklyn, X. Y., Apr. 9, 1874. Banker, Francis Augustus Seibert, Park Ridge, N. J. Born at Havana, 111.. Nov. 21, 1874. Clergyman, R. C. A, Mayor of Park Ridge, 1914-15. N, B. Sem., 1900. Charles Willard Voorhees, Sedgewick, Canada. Born at Middlebush, N. J., Feb. 29, 1876. Farmer. Andrew Judson Walter, Richboro, Penn. Born at Warrington, Penn., Apr. 12, 1869. Clergyman, R. C. A, N. B. Sem., 1900. A.M. (Rutgers, 1900), William Burton Collier, Littleton, Col. Physician and surgeon. Frederick W^illiam De Hart, Newark, N. J. Born in New York City, Aug. 10, 1875. At Rutgers two years. Fire insurance. 230 KUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1897. Carl John Heyser, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1875. At Rutgers, 1893-94. Lawyer. N. Y. Law School. *JosEPn Augustus Johnston, Westfield, N. J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1872. At Rutgers, 1893-95. Salesman, International Silver Co.. New York. Died, Mch. 12, 1912. Fletcher Van Wie Lehman, Delmar, N. Y. Born at Fultonville, N. Y., Sept, 24, 1870. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1899. Shubel Kellie Siver, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Guilderland, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1873. Jacob Van Zandt Wyckoff, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Japan, June 15, 1876. Secretary U. S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. B.Sc. James Edward Ashmead, East Orange, N. J. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, 1878. Lawyer. LL.B. (Har- vard. 1903). M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1904). Frederick Harvey Blodgett, College Station, Texas. Born at Rockford, III., Sept. 12, 1872. Teacher. M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1899). I'h.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1910). George Washington Brown, Keyport, N. J. Born at Keyport, N. J., Nov. 8, 1876. Lawyer. Attended N. ' Y. Law School two years. John Neilson Carpender, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 16, 1875. Publisher. Raymond Van Arsdale Carpenter, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Jersev Citv, N. J.. May 7, 1875. Assistant Actuary, Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 1909- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904). Morrison Crosby Colyer, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J.. Nov. 9. 1876. Lawyer. LL.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1900). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1900). ♦Ralph Brewster Corbin, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 26, 1873. Farmer. lawyer. Died, May 29, 1911. George Stanley Feggusojn, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Nov. 6. 1875. Real estate and in- surance. Wilson Warren Fowler, Parksville, S. C. Born in Baltimore. Md.. Oct. 22, 1864. Consulting agriculturist. Editor, "Hastings News," 1905-06. Author. "Yonkers Illus- trated." A.M. (Columbia, 1898). Thomas Ezekiel Gravatt, State College, Pa. Born at Clarksburgh, N. J., May 18, 1875. Instructor, Mathe- matics, Penn. State College, 1904- . Hugh Haddow, Jr., Rockaway, N. J. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Dec. 27, 1874. Treasurer of Menan- tico Sand and Gravel Co. Samuel Laurence Harding, La Grange, 111. Born at Bridgeton, N. J., Aug. 29. 1875. Asst. clerical supt., Western Electric Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1900). Charles Lippincott Hoopes, • Haddonfield, N. J. Born at Haddonfield, N. J., Oct. 22. 1875. Osteopathic Physician. Assistant I'rof. Chemistry, Philadelphia College of Osteopathy. Philadelphia College of Osteopathy, 1909. 1897. ALUMNI. 231 Lewis Gaston Leary, Pelham Manor, N. Y. Boi-n at Elizabeth. N. J.. Aug. 3, 1877. Presb. clergyman. Author, "The Christmas City. Bethlehem Across the Ages,"' etc., etc. A.M (Univ. N. Y., 1900). McCormick Sem., 1900. Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1905). Seymour DeWitt Ludlum, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Goshen, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1876. Physician. Instructor Neurology, Univ. Penn., 1906. M.D. (Johns Hopkins Med. School). Henry Marelli, Paterson, N. J. Born at Paterson, N. ,T., June 7, 1875. Lawyer. Meml>er N. J. Assembly, 1905-06. Delegate Republican National Convention, 1912. Delegate Progressive National Convention, 1912. M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1901). John Maiilon Mills, Morristown, N. J. Born at Morristown, N. J., July 2, 1874. Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1905-06. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1903). William James Morrison, Jr., Ridgefield Park, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1877. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1903). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1900). James Bryan Noe, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Mch. 27, 1876. Electrical engineer. George Augustus Osborn, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 18, 1874. Librarian. Rutgers, 1907- . Ralph Brewster Parrott, Washington, D. C. Born at Schoharie, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1875. Captain, U. S. Army, 1905- . Prof. Military Science and Tactics. Rutgers, 1906-10. Second Lieut., 1898-99. First Lieut., 1899-1905. Graduate of Infantry and Cavalry School, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1904. ♦Howard Egbert Reid, Siegfried, Penn. Born at Manalapan, N. J., Sept. 13. 1876. Chief chemist, Lawrence Cement Co., 1897-1914. Died, Dec. 14, 1914. Frederic Frederic Roeber, Newark, N. J. Born at Sheboygan, Wis., Dec. 27, 1872. Civil engineer. Paul Sciiureman, Washington, D. C. Born at Tom's River, N. J., Feb. 29, 1876. Computer in Coast and Geodetic Survey, U. S. William Unger Small, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 7, 1876. Traveling In Central America for the Davis & Lawrence Co. of New York City. ♦Edgar deMott Stryker, Seoul, Korea. Born at Raritan, N. J.. Oct. 12, 1874. Physician. M.D. (Coll. I', and S., 1901). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1901). Died, Mch. 30, 1914. Henry Ludwig IJlrich, Minneapolis, Minn. Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 29, 1876. Physician. Instructor in Clinical Microscopy, Univ. Minn., 1902- . M.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1901). ♦John Stanley Verga, Collingswood, N. J. Born at Camden, N. J., Mch. 8, 1876. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1900). Died, Dec. 15, 1900. John Alfred Wilson, Dunellen, N. J. Born at Plainfield. N. J., Oct. 21, 1875. Principal Public School. Associate Editor, "School Exchange." M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1905). Charles Ferdinand Brenn. James Francis Briody, Paterson, N. J. Born at Paterson, N. J., Aug. 5, 1876. At Rutgers, 189,3-94. Physician. City physician, Paterson, 1907-15. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1898). 232 EUTGEES COLLEGE. 1897. Hubert Mills Chester, Buffalo, N. Y. Born in Florida, Apr. 3. 1873. Dentist. David Abraham Conover, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at New Brunswick. N. J.. Oct. 14. 1874. At Rutgers two and one-half years. Chief engineer, ocean steamer. Albert Berdan Craft, Cranford, N. J. Born in New York City, Sept. 15, 1876. Treasurer Hicks Motor and Mfg. Co., 1908- . Julius LeMoyne Banner, Jr., Larchmont, N. Y. Born at East Orange. N. J., .Tuly 14, 187.5. At Rutgers one year. Contractor. Director in several companies. Student. Univ. Minnesota. Gerard John Diehl, Ghent, Belgium. Born at Rotterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 21. 1875. Mahlon William Ernst, Tom's River, N. J. Born at Red Bank, N. J., Dec. 15, 1876. Manufacturer of cigars. Orrie Watson Flavelle, Newark, N. J. Born at Paterson, N. J.. Apr. 5. 1874. At Rutgers. 1893-95. M.Pd. (Univ. N. Y.. 1906). Teacher. Charles Henry Goff, Binghamton, N. Y. Born at Binghamton, N. Y., May 8, 1875. Salesman. George Eddy Heath, Manila, P. I. Born at Frenchtown, N. J.. June 5, 1874. At Rutgers four years. Exporter and importer. David Herbert McBride, . J., May 24, 1875. Born at Bridgeton, N. year. Laundryman. Alfred Charles Macdonald, At Rutgers, 189.3-94. Roger Myers, Born at Readington, N. J., Auj Works. Bridgeton, N. J. At Rutgers a half 29, 1871. Trenton, N. J. Newark, N. J. Edison Phonograph George Oliver Nelson, Born at Cream Ridge. N West Long Branch, N. J. .T., Aug. 22, 1871. Supervising Prin- cipal. West Long Branch Schools, 1908- . Arthur Edmund Owen, Montclair, N. J. Born in New Jersey, Jan. 19. 1876. At Rutgers. 1893-96. Civil engineer. Principal assistant engineer. Central R. R. of N. J. Paterson, N. J. J., Aug. 7, 1875. Architect. B.Arch. Floyd Yard Parsons, Born at Bound Brook. N. (Cornell Univ., 1898). Norman Lewis Poland, Born at Brainard, Minn., Jan. 29, 1874. Robert Beals Fitz Randolph, Born at Plainfield, N. J., Nov. 19, 1874. Walton Bloodgood Selover, Born at Rahway, N. J., Aug. 13, 1876. ♦Herbert Amzi Sigler, Born at Montclair, N. J., Jan. 31, 1876. At Rutgers, 189.3-94. Corporal, Company K, 2d Regt., N. J., during war with Spain. Died, June 6, 1900. ♦William Sutherland, Jersey City, N. J. Born in New York City, Sept. 29, 1875. At Rutgers, 189.3-96. Died, Dec. 8, 1896. Lewiston, Montana. Hadley, Alaska. Copper mining. Rahway, N. J. Lawyer. LL.B. Montclair, N. J. James Eaton Torrey, Born at Montclair, N. J., July 2, 1876. Paterson, N. J. Civil engineer. 1897-1898. ALUMNI. 233 Percival Van Orden, Suffern, N. Born at Spring Valley, N. Y., Apr. 16. 1873. At Rutgers two years. Undertaker. Coroner, Rockland county, N. Y., 1907-13. ♦Charles Pool Voorhees, Mine Brook, N. Born at Mine Brook, N. J., Apr. 7, 1874. At Rutgers, 1893-94. Farmer. Died, Jan. 26, 1901. George Randolph Wooden, Lambertville, N. Born at Jerseyville, HI., Sept. 14. 1870. At Rutgers one year. Farmer. 1898. A.B. Alexandria Bay, Clergyman, R. C. A. N. Y. Ghent, N. Y. , N. Y. A.M. , May 1, (Rutgers, 1868. Cle 1901). rgyman, R. Passaic, N. J. Oct. 10, 1871. (Rutgers, 1901). Clergyman 1, R. C. A. New York City. N. Y., , Sept. 28, 1869. Clergyman, Charles Frederick Benjamin, Jr., Born at Beekman, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1872. N. B. Sem., 1901. B.D. (Rutgers, 1901). John Black, Born at East Greenbush, C. A. N. B. Sem., 1901. Edward Dawson, Born at 'Walden. N. Y., N. B. Sem., 1901. A.M. Floyd Decker, Born at Flatbrookville. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1901 Henry Richard De Witt, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Spring Valley. N. Y., July 12, 1875. Lawyer. Member, Assembly, N. Y.. 1914- . LL.B. (Albany Law School, 1900). A.M. (Rutgers. 1901). Francis Keese Wynkoop Drury, Urbana, 111. Born at Ghent, N. Y.. Feb. 9, 1878. Assistant Librarian. Univ. Illinois, 1909- . Writer on library topics. B.L.S. (Univ. 111., 1905). A.M. (Rutgers, 1905).. George Harrington, Atlanta, Born at Warsaw, N. Y., May 13, 1877. Manager Southeastern Dept. Germania Fire Ins. Co. John Albert Liggett, Jr., Edward Godfred Walter Meury, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1874. N. B. Sem.. 1901. A.M. (Rutgers. 1901). *KiNG Stickle Oram, N. J., Sept. 13, 1877. Born at Rockaway 17, 1910. George Todd Vaules, Born at Trenton, N. J., Sept 24, gers, 1901). ♦Robert Thomas Wilson, Born at Samia. Ontario. Jan. 23, 1871. General Sem.. 1898-99. Died, August, 1902, Ga. Rahway, N. J. New York City. Clergyman, R. C. A. D.D. (Hope, 1916). Rockaway, N. J. Lawyer. Died, Aug. Great Kills, Staten Island, N. Y. 1876. Teacher. A.M. (Rut- Episc. Lake City, clergyman. Col. *Henry Gansevoort Cooke, Jr., Philadelphia, Penn. Born at Tinton Falls, N. J., Oct. 14, 1875. At Rutgers, 1894- 95. Student at Jefferson Med. Coll., Class of 1908. Died, Oct. 10, 1908. ♦George Julius Glinz, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 26, 1877. Journalist and real estate. Died, 1914. 234 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1898. Alvin Clayton Ostrom, Oakland, Cal. Born at State Center, Iowa, Sept. Ii6, 1871. At Rutgers one year. Civil engineer, San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Railways. Walter Hoff Seely, Rye, N. Y. Born at Middletown, N. J., Oct. 24, 1873. President, Phoenix Film Corporation, New York City. Richard Udall Strong, Manila, P. I. Born at Roslyn, L. I., Sept. 26, 1876. Lawyer. A.B. (Yale, 1899). A.M. (Yale, 1902). LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1901). B.Sc. Benjamin Steelman Champion, Born at Atlantic City, N. J., Jan. 29, 187J Trenton Normal School, 1899. James Collins, Born at Freehold, N. J., June 28 Los Angeles, Cal. >. Milk business. Bristol, Pa. Physician. M.D. New York City. Civil engineer. C.E. New York City. Mechanical engineer, Winnetka, 111. Sales manager. 1877 (Medico-Chirurgical Coll. of Phila.. 1906). John Finley Drake, Born at Mendham, N. J., May 31, 1873. (Rutgers, 1907). Raymond W. Gulick, Born at Middletown, N. J., July 31, 1877 Dept. Water Supply, New York City. John Brandon Guthrie, Born at Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 7, 1875. George Hutchinson, Ensley, Ala Born, Mch. 1, 1877. Superintendent of yard and labor, Tenn. Coal, Iron and R. R. Co. William Edward Kelly, Middletown, N. Y Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 28, 1876. Physician. Assistant Physician, Middletown State Hospital, 1910- . M.D. (Hahnemann Med. School, Philadelphia, 1904). Jacob Kotinsky, Philadelphia, Pa Born at Lubin, Russia, July 30, 1873. Entomologist. Jacob Good ale Lipman, New Brunswick, N Born at Friedrichstadt, Russia, Nov. 18, 1874. Soil chemist and bacteriologist. Director of Experiment Station, 1911- . Prof, of Agriculture, Rutgers, 1910- . Author, "Bacteria in Relation to Country Life," etc. A.M (Cornell, 1903). William Allen Messler, Born at Imlaystown, N. School. M.Sc. (Rutgers, Pd.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1916 Richard Sebastian Pearse, Brooklyn, N. Y Born in Albanv countv, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1875. Physician. M.D. (N. Y. Hom. Med. Coll., 1902). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1902). Albert Rose Riggs, Ledgewood, N. J Boin at Milton, N. J., May 16, 1875. President, Torrid Heater Co., Hackettstown, N. J. Chief engineer, Bellefontaine Bridge and Steel Co., 1901-16. Corydon Mott Ryno, Benton Harbor, Mich Born at Coloma, Mich., Jan. 31, 1876. Physician. Mayor, Ben- ton Harbor, 1914-16. M.D. (Yale, 1901). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1901). Charles Vernon Smith, Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada Born at South Seaville, N. J., July 2, 1875. Engineer, Asbestos Corporation of Canada, 1913- . Chief draughtsman, Hudson and Manhattan R. R., 1902-12. C.E. (Rutgers, 1907). (Cornell, 1900). Ph.D. Rutherford, J., Mch. 1, 1872. Principal Public 1901). M.Pd. (Univ. N. Y., 1910). J. N. J. 1898-1899. ALUMNI. 235 Lyman Miller Smith, Dover, N. J. Born at Dover, N. J., June 29, 1877. With Paul Guenther & Co., hosiery manufacturer. Louis Ulbich Strassbukger, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Nuremlmrg. Germany, June 12, 1876. Landscape architect and engineex-. C.E. (Rutgers, 1903). William Pitman Corbett Strickland, Born at Long Branch, N. J., May 31, 1875 Electric Co. Wayne Hubert Thompson, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., May 29, 1875. John Jervis Vail, Chicago, 111. With Western Wendell, Idaho. Retired. Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Sept. 14, 1877. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1902). Elliott Earle Van Cleef, Chicago, 111. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 18, 1877. Manager, L. K. Comstock & Co., Contracting Engineers. Havelock Walser, New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Born at Port Richmond, S. I., Mch. 5, 1878. Electrical engineer and contractor. Edmund Oliver Wood, Trenton, N. J. Born at Bordentown, N. J., July 31, 1878. Supervisor, Penn. R. R. Reginald Sidney Bennett, Born at Tinton Falls, N. J., Nov. 15, 1875. year. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1899). WiLLAKD Parker Clark, Born at New Brunswick, N. J Horace Codington, Asbury Park, N. J. At Rutgers one Mayor, Asbury Park, 1912-14. New Brunswick, N. J. Oct. 24, 1876. Lawyer. Somerville, N. J. Born, Nov. 17, 1872. Lawyer. LL.B. (Dickinson Law School). Clinton Lloyd Decker, Jersey City, N. J. Physician. M.D. (Univ. Penn.). George Wilber Gardner, Born at Attica, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1874, Farmer. Edmund Newell Huff, Born at Mt. Holly, N. J., Aug. 7, 1878. (Hahnemann, Phila., 1900). Louis Adolph Kempf, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., May 31, 1878. At Rutgers one year. Office manager. Frederick De Witt Searing, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. .J., Apr. 29, 1876. At Rutgers two years. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1899). Jacob Wyckoff, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Nigata, Japan, June 15, 1876. Paying Teller, National Newark Bankipg Co. Warsaw, N. Y. Englewood, N. J. Physician. M.D. 1899. A.B. Robert William Courtney, New York City. Born in New York City, .July 27, 1873. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1902. A.M. (Rutgers, 1902). 236 KUTGEES COLLEGE. 1899. Samuel Mills Cuddeback, Port Jervis, N. Y. Born at Port Jervis, X. Y., Feb, 17, 1877. Lawyer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1902). Wellington Pockman Francisco, Caldwell, N. J. Born at Fairfield, N. J., June 1. 1875. Presb. clergyman. With Fairfield Dairy Co. N. B. Sem., 1902. A.M. (Rutgers, 1902). William Reese Hart, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Neshanic, N. J., Aug. 31, 1877. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1902. A.M. (Rutgers, 1902). B.D. (Rutgers, 1902). James Macdonald Martin, Hudson, N. Y. Born at Orange, N. J., Aug. 1, 1875. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1902. A.M. (Rutgers, 1902). B.D. (Rutgers, 1902). Augustus Hunt Shearer, Chicago, 111. Born in Philadelpliia, Pa.. Feb. 21, 1878. Librarian. A.M. (Harvard, 1901). A.M. (Rutgers, 1902). Ph.D. (Harvard. 1903). * Isaac Edward Titsworth, Denver, Col. Born at New Market, N. J., July 6, 1878. Real estate. Assist- ant in Biology, Rutgers, 1899-1900. Died, June 7, 1904. David Crawford Weidner, Glen Rock, N. J. Born at West Shokan, N. Y., Mch. 27, 1877. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1902. A.M. (Rutgers, 1902). George W. Ecker, South Weymouth, Mass. Born at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1876. At Rutgers, 1895-98. Dealer. William Franklin Plumley, Rochester, N. Y. Born at Washington. D. C, Dec. 16, 1877. At Rutgers three years. Physician. M.D. (Univ. and Bellevue Med. Coll., 1902). B.Sc. Hamlet Paul Collins, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Lambertville, N. J., July 25, 1880, Teacher. *WiLLiAM Abner Coriell, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 12, 1877. Chief engineer. The Concrete Steel Co. of New York. C.E. (Rutgers, 1908). Died, July 15, 1913. Theodore Christian Fischer, Elizabeth, N. J. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug, 14, 1879. Civil engineer. Clarence Garretson, Somerville, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J., Apr. 24, 1874. Lawyer. N. Y. Law School, 1901. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1902), *Thomas Aquinas Gerrety, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J,, May 19, 1875. Lawyer. Died, Aug. 26, 1914. William Aloysius Growney, Arlington, N. J. Born at Perth Amboy. N. J., Apr. 5. 1878, Treasurer af Trust Co, Comptroller, City of Perth Amboy, 1905-06, William Lawrence Ross Haines, Pittsburgh, Penn. Born at Newai-k, N. J.. Oct. 27, 1877. Asst. engineer, Penn. Lines west of Pittsburgh. John Wyckoff Mettler, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at East Millstone. N. J., Sept. 27. 1878. President Inter- woven Stocking Co. Lawyer. Trustee. Rutgers, 1916- . LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1901). M.Sc, (Rutgers, 1902). 1899. ALUMNI. 237 Richard Morris, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Keyport, N. J., Nov. 9, 1868. Prof. Matbematics, Rut- gers, 1912- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1902). Ph.D. (Cornell, 1907). Albion Everett Preble, Camden, N. J. Born at Camden, N. J., Meh. 3, 1874. Supei"visor Penn. R. R. Louis Jacob Quad, Palisades Park, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. Sept. 12, 1877. Chemist, Ar- buckle Brothers, 1910- . Chief chemist, Warner Sugar Re- fining Co., 1907-10. ♦Benjamin Rosenbloom, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Grodno, Russia, Dec. 16, 1872. Clerk. Died, June 2, 1902. Laurance Phillips Run yon, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 5. 1877. Surgeon. M.D. (Columbia, 1903). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1903). Edgar Harvey Sarles, Cincinnati, O. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1879. Chemical engineer. Claude Edward Scattergood, East Orange, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., Dec. 3. 1878. With Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York City. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1902). LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1902). John Wallace Thompson, Trenton, N. J. Born at Morristown. N. J., May 1, 1877. Civil engineer. U, S. Engineering Dept., Delaware River Improvement, 1899- . Frederick George von Gehren, East Orange, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., Apr. 10. 1876. Civil engineer with Concrete Steel Co., New York. C.E. (Rutgers, 1906). Charles Edward Whitlock, Jamesburg, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 20, 1878. With Penn. R. R. Frederic Winn, Springerville, Ariz. Born at Shanghai, China, Jan. 24, 1880. U. S. Forest Service. Henry Westervelt Banta, Englewood, N. J. Born at Hackensack, N. J., Oct. 2. 1878. At Rutgers three years. Dentist. N. Y. College of Dentistry, 1902. Carl Henry Herman Fischer, St. Louis, Mo. Born at Newark, N. J., Feb. 25, 1876. At Rutgers two years. Brewery manager. William Edward Helmstaedter, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 3. 1878. At Rutgers two years. Mechanical engineer. B.S. (Cooper Union. 1903). B.E.E. (Cooper Union, 1910). M.E. (Cooper Union. 1912). Vincent Moore Irick, Vincentown, N. J. Born at Vincentown, N. J., June 12, 1872. Vice Pres. and Treasurer Frantz Wall Paper Co., 1907- . Philemon Bliss Lyon, St. Joseph, Mo. Born at St. Joseph, Mo.. July 10, 187.5. Sales manager. Bur- roughs Adding Machine Co. Harry I^uis Marker, Orange, N. J. Born at Indianapolis, Ind., June 21, 1876. Foreign engineer, Columbia Phonograph Co. John Spencer Osborne, Newark, N. J. Born at Belleville, N. J., Feb. .8, 1877. Insurance engineering. *Dudley Digges Flemming Parker, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 11, 1877. At Rutgers, 1895-97. Stock broker. Died, Jan. 21, 1914. 238 EUTGERS COLLEGE. 1899-1900. *Cecil Metcalf Ross, Vizcachani, Bolivia. Born at Toronto, Canada, Nov. 11, 1876. At Rutgers. 1895-96. Physician. M.D. (Cornell Med. Coll., 1902). Member 5th Regt., N. J., during war with Spain. Died, March 24, 1907. Harold Newell Van Bekgen, Denver, Col. Born at Newark, N. J., Apr. 1, 1878. Salesman. Augustus Jacob Yisel, Santa Anna, Cal. Frederick Christopher Wackenhutii, Jr., Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 8, 1877. At Rutgers, 1895-96. Brewmaster, Ballantine & Co., 1905— . ♦Henry Jakeway Weston, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. July 30, 1876. Died near the end of his Junior year, June 7, 1898. Frank Harris Whitenack, Nutley, N. J. Born at Bernardsville, N. J., Apr. 5, 1875. At Rutgers three years. Structural engineer. 1900. A.B. ♦Arthur Perlee Brokaw, Colony, Oklahoma. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 7, 1878. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1904. Died, Sept. 3, 1905. Clarence Edwards Case, Somerville, N. J. Born at Jersey City. N. J.. Sept. 24, 1877. Lawyer. County Judge, Somerset county, 1910-13. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1902). A.M. (Rutgers, 1903). Robert Anderson Cooke, New York City. Born at Holmdel, N. J.. Aug 17, 1880. Physician. Assoc. Prof. Medicine, Post Graduate Med, School. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1904). A.M. (Rutgers, 1904). Charles Tiebout Cowenhoven, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 5. 1879. Lawyer. N. Y. Law School, 1905. Frank Eckerson, Amoy, China. Born at Rivervale, N. J., Oct. 26, 1876. Clergyman. R. C. A. Missionary, Amoy. 1903- . N. B. Sem., 1903. A.M. (Rutgers, 1903). Fred Chester Gaskill, Dunellen, N. J. Born at Sangerfield, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1875. Clerk. LL.B. (Tu- lane Univ., 1905). A.M. (Rutgers. 1905). Paul Fred Girtanner, ~ Newark, N. J. Born at Berne, Switzerland. May 28. 1876. Lawyer. N. Y. Law School, 1904. ♦Stetson Pratt Hardenbergh. New York City. Born at Wyoming, N. J., Dec. 31. 1878. lawyer. LL.B. (Col- umbia, 1903). A.M. (Rutgers, 1903). Died, June 14, 1910. William Edwin McMahon, Washington, D. C. Born at Rahway. N. J., Apr. 19, 1878. District Traffic Supt., C. and P. Telephone Co. Robert Walter Pettit, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 19. 1879,. Physician. A.M. (Yale, 1901). M.D. (Coll.. P. and S., 1905). Marinus Seymour Purdy, Newburgh, N. Y. Born in New York City, Jan 11, 1877. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1903. A.M. (Rutgers, 1903). 1900. ALUMNI. 239 Waldo Alberti Tits worth, Alfred, N. Y. Born at New Market. N. J.. Sept. 17, 1879. Registrar, Alfred University. Prof. Physics, do. Prof. Physics and Math., Des Moines Coll.. 1909-12. A.M. (Alfred Univ.. 1902). S.M. (Univ. Wisconsin, 1909). John Wirth, Albany, N. Y. Born at All)anv. N. Y., Jan. 8, 1879. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rensselaer Poly. Inst, 1903). Ralph Wilcox Booth, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 10, 1877. Milton Randolph Eastlack, Harrisville, W. Va. Born at Tuckahoe, N. J., Apr. 2, 1870. M. E. clergyman. Principal, Seminary. Epworth, Georgia, 1905-07. Drew Sem., 1807-99. Henry Goldsmith Elmer, Peconic, N. Y. Aaron Boylan Fitz-Gerald, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 6, 1879. At Rutgers, 1896-98. M. E. clergyman. A.B. (Columbia. 1911). A.M. (Columbia, 1912). B.D. (Drew Sem., 1913). D.D. (Taylor Univ., 1913). Charles Hyneman Hoagland, Asbury, N. J. Born at Asburv, N. .T., Apr. 4, 1876. Purchasing Agent's As- sistant, Ingersdll-Rand Drill Co.. Phillipsburg, N. J. GoYN Talmage, New York City. Born at Hohokus. N. J., Apr. 18, 1878. With Deering, Milliken & Co. Louis Clark Tinker, East Orange, N. J. Telephone. A.B. (Columbia, 1900). Edward Henry Williams, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Richfield Springs, N. Y., Mch. 1, 1877. Contractor. B.Sc. Persen Myer Brink, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Katsbaan, N. Y., .Tan. 30, 1879. Fire insurance. Maurice Viele Campbell, Detroit, Mich. Born at Athens, N. Y.. July 13. 1878. Henry H. Conover, Passaic, N. J. Born at Dayton, N. J., Mch. 4, 1878. Teacher. Hotchkiss Prep. School, 1903-05. Yale, 1905-07. Brown, 1907-08. M.Sc. (Yale, 1902). Ph.D. (Yale, 1907). Harry Francisco Cooper, Bloomfield, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Apr. 19, 1877. Structural engineer. Herbert Cottrell, Matawan, N. J. Born in Middlesex County, N. J., Nov. 25, 1877. Farmer. Blanchard Collins Edgar, Nashville, Tenn. Born at Avenel, N. J., Mch. 8, 1879. Electrical engineer. Gen. Supt.. Nashville Railway and Light Co. Harold Thomas Edgar, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Salem, N. J., Mch. 10, 1878. Mineral and chemical broker. Joseph Johnston Hart, Newark, N. J. Bom at Newark, N. J., Oct. 13, 1877. Superintendent Clark Thread Co., 1907- . John Bayard Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 23, 1878. Real estate and insurance. 240 RUTGEES COLLEGE. 1900. Blairsville, Pa. Supervisor Penn. Lansdowne, Pa. Civil engineer New Rochelle, N. Y. Marble contrac- MlCHAEL LlPMA^', Born at Annandale, N. J.. Jan. 12, 1881. R. R., 1908- . William Morris McClain, Born at Mays Landing, N. J., Nov. 10, 1880. Construction Dept. Penn. R. R„ 1902- . Ellis Bowne McLaury, Bom at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 9, 1878. tor. Ralph Brighton Parsons, Newark, N. J. Born at Brighton, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1878. Fire insurance broker. William Henry Pearce, Denver, Col. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 12, 1874. Chemist. With Portland Cement and Beet Sugar Works in Mich, and Penn. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1905). Ernest Harold Rapalje, Havana, Cuba. Born at Amoy, China, Apr. 27. 1879. Merchant and Manufac- turer. Mayor, Cronly, N. C, 1905-06. Herbert De Witt Rapalje, Wilmington, N. C. Born at Amoy, China, Aug. 6, 1880. Civil engineer. William Stewart Crowley Roray, Palmyra, N. J. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 26, 1877. Lawyer. LL.B. (Temple Univ., 1911). Chilion Robbins Roselle, New York City. Born at Freehold, N. J., Feb. 25, 1881. Organist and choir- master, Broadway Presbyterian Church. John Francis Tinsley, Worcester, Mass. Born at Hampton Junction, N. J., July 4, 1880. Supt. South- and Specialty Works, American Steel and Wire Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904). Cornelius Van Leuven, Wilmington, N. C. Born at Kingston, N. Y., May 27, 1880. Executive officer of business company in colonization and real estate development. Winant Van Winkle, Rutherford, N. J. Bom at Rutherford, N. J., Mch. 17, 1879. Secretary, Com- mercial Casualty Ins. Co., Newark, N. J. Herbert Reynolds Voorhees, Atlantic City, N. J. Born at Harmony, N. J., Sept. 8, 1878. Lawyer. Graham Crowell Woodruff, Albany, N. Y. Born at Rahway, N. J., Feb. 13, 1880. Division Freight Agent, N. Y. C. and H. R. R., 1909- . Henry Eggerding, North Plainfield, N. J. BoTn at Plainfield, N. J., Mch. 21, 1878. At Rutgers one term. Draftsman. Eugene Elliott Higgins, New York City. Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., Mch. 6, 1879. Electrical contrac- tor. Russell Bruce Sammis, Belleville, N. J. Born at Huntington, L. I., Sept. 20, 1877. At Rutgers one year. Salesman. John Leo Sauer, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth. N. J., June 20, 1880. City Editor, "Daily Times." Edwin Kibbee Sexton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in New York City, Feb. 10, 1878. At Rutgers. 1896. Dentist. Dental Instructor, N. Y. Coll. of Dentistry, 1902-07. D.D.S. (N. Y. Coll. of Dent., 1901). ]9<>1. ALUMNI. 211 1901. A.B. Feb. 9, 1880. Phvsician. (Rutgers, 1907). Verona, N. M. E. clergyman. B.D. Charles Reed Bell, Waltham, Born at Chatham, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1880. Physician. M.D. (Bos- ton Univ., 1906). A.M. Charles Cornelius Cain, Born at Quito, Kansas, Oct. 31, 1879. (Drew Sem., 1904). George Malven Gordon, Silver City, N. M. Born at Port Jervis, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1878. Merchant. George W. Gulick, Sliokan, N. Y. Born at South Branch, N. J., May 19, 1876. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1904. A.M. (Rutgers, 1904). B.D. (Rutgers, 1904). Francis Martin Hummel, St. George, New Brighton, N. Y. Born at Bloomfleld, N. J., Oct. 8, 1878. Teacher. Pd.B. (Al- bany Normal Coll., 1902). A.M. (Rutgers, 1904). Alexander Farrel Johnson, Port Jefferson, L. I. Born at Point Pleasant, Pa., Apr. 3, 1874. Baptist clergyman. Rochester Sem., 1904. A.M. (Rutgers, 1904). Edward Francis Johnson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Marshall, Micli., Sept. 22, 1879. Teacher. Oliver Davis Mann, Danville, 111. Born at Danville, 111., Dec. 10, 1877. Lawyer. Verne Emilus Miller, Manila, P. I. Born at Amherst, Va., Feb. 15, 1877. Bookseller and stationer. Editor and publisher, "Philippine Education," 1907- . Teacher, 1901-08. Conrad Milliken, New York City. Born at Berea, N. Y., July 21, 1882. Lawyer. LL.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1904). A.M. (Rutgers, 1904). 'Curry Arthur Ranney, Ossining, N. Y. Born at Cortland, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1876. Teacher. Died, April 28, 1902. Alonzo Ainsworth Ranson, Layton, N. J. Born at Kilburn, 111., June 23, 1876. Physician. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1904. A.M. (Rutgers, 1904). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1909). William Ewell Simpson, East Greenbush, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 10, 1877. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1904. A.M. (Rutgers, 1904). Henry Salmon van Woert, Selkirk, N. Y. Born at Lawversville, N. Y., May 20. 1874. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1904. A.M. (Rutgers, 1904). Henry John Vyverberg, Rochester, N. Y. Born at Rochester, N. Y., May 25. 1878. Cong, clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1904. A.M. (Rutgers, 1907). John Oppie McCall, Buffalo, N. Y. Born at Geneva. N. Y., Oct. 4, 1879. At Rutgers, 1897-98. Dentist. Prof. Chemistry, Univ. Buffalo. Dental Dept., 1912- . A.B. (Yale, 1901). D.D.S. (Univ. Buffalo, 1904). George Runyon Tindell, Chicago, 111. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 15, 1880. Benjamin Franklin White, Germantown, N. Y. Born at Paterson, N. J., Apr. 7, 1873. At Rutgers, 1897-99. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1904. 16 242 KUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1J)01. B.Sc. William Porter Allex, City Point, Va. Born in I'hiladelphia, Pa., Aug. 21, 1881. Factory manager. Daniel Frederick Burnett, Orange,, N. J. Rom at Newark. N. J., Sept. 20, 1879. Lawyer. Prof, o^f Law, N. J. Law School, 1908-12. Prof, of Law, Univ. N. Y., 1912- . LL.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1904). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904). J.D. (Univ. X. Y., 1905). Luther Sheppard Davis, Bridgeton, N. J. Born at Marlboro. N. J.. June 20. 1869. Farmer. Herbert Griffen Eddy, Bayonne, N. J. Born at Bayonne. N. J.. Sept. 1. 1878. Electrical engineer. Valentine George Feind, Houston, Tex. Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 26, 1880. Chemist, Industrial Cot- ton Oil Co. John Quietton Frey, Newark, N. J. Born in Bohemia, Oct. 9, 1878. Lawyer. M.Sc. (PiUtgers, 1916). James I.loyd Garabrant, East Orange. N. J. Born at Newark. N. J.. Aug. 9. 1878. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1906). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904). *Paul Morris Gravatt, ' Philippine Islands. Born at Clarksburg, N. J., Apr. 4. 1880. Teacher. Died, Oct. 10, 1903. Frederick Milton Hart, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 30, 1878. Farmer and manufacturer. Martin Stoetzel Meinzer, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at South Amboy, N. J.. Apr. 22, 1878. Physician and surgeon. Citv phvsician, I'erth Amboy. 1907— . M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1905). M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1907). William Palmer Patterson, Newark, N. J. Born at New York City, Mav 13, 1873. Phvsician. M.D. (T'niv. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1909). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904). James Paulding Read, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., June 17. 1880. Electrical engineer. E.E. (Columbia. 1906). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906). John Charles Richters, Syracuse, N. Y. Born at Montclair, N. J., Aug. 4, 1880. Risk rating expert. Manager Engineering Dept., Middle States Inspection Bureau, 1908-09. Ernest Jasper Smith, Dover, Me. Born at Charleston, Me.. May 17, 1871. Civil engineer. George Isaac Stokes. Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Dec. 18, 1880. Business. ♦James Henry Sylvester, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Aug. 11, 1878. Draughtsman. Died, March 9, 1903. Ralph Bentley Titsworth, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born at Somerville, N. J.. May 17, 1876. Civil engineer. Waters Field Burrows. New York City. Born at Morristown, N. .!.. Aug. 29, 1879. At Rutgers two years. Phvsician. A.B. (Columbia, 1901). M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1904). 1901-1902. ALUMKI. 243 William Henry Greene, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Lyons Farms, N. J., Sept. 28, 186G. At Rutgers two years. Teacher. Alfred Frank Sauer, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., July 26, 1881. William Lewis Westfall, Jr., Newark, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J.. Oct. 8. 1877. Essex County National Bank. ' 1902. A.B. Arthur Adams, Hartford, Conn. Born at Plcasantville. N. .7.. May 12, 1881. Professor of En- glish and Lil)rarian. Trinity College. 1915- . Prot. Episc. clergyman. Author. "The Syntax of the Temporal Clause in Old English Prose." A.M. (Yale. 1903). Ph.D. (Yale. 1905). B.D. (Berkeley Divinity School. 1910). S.T.M. (Prot. Episc. Divinity School, Philadelphia. 1910). Frederick Winfield Conger, New Brunswick, N, J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 20. 1879. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1904). A.M. (Rutgers, 1905). DoRMAN Thompson Con net. White Plains, N. Y. Born at Flemington, N. ,T., July 30. 1880. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1904). A.M. (Rutgers, 1905). Morris Miller Davidson, Firthcliffe, N. Y. Born at HopeAvell Junction, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1881. Director and (ieneral Manager, Firth Carpet Co., 1915- . * James Francis Dilworth, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City. N. J., Mch. 20, 1880. Teacher. Master Shattuck's School, 1914-15. Assistant in History, Univ. Wis- consin. 1905-08. Instructor in Historv, Univ. Cincinnati, 1908-14. A.M. (Columbia, 1903). Ten Eyck Elmendorf, New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 14, 1880. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1906). A.M. (Rutgers, 1906). Orville Earl Fisher, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Pekin. 111., Sept. 7, 1874. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1905. A.M. (Rutgers, 1905). Frederic Elmer Foertnkr, Pompton Plains, N. J. Born at Hurlev, N. Y'.. Feb. 7, 1878. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 19(J5. A.M. (Rutgers, 1905). Lewis Randall Harris, Hackensack, N. J. Born at Hackensack. N. J., Oct. 18. 1880. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1905). A.M. (Rutgers, 1905), Russel Woodward Leary, New York City. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Jan. 17. 1881. Law.yer. Author, "Italian Lanes and Highroads." A.M. (Rutgers, 1905). LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1908). Jonathan French Scott, Ann Arbor, Mich. Born at Newark, N. J., Dec. 10. 1882. Instructor, Univ. Michigan. Writer on history. A.M. (Rutgers, 1905). Ph.D. (Univ. Wisconsin, 1913). Nicholas Williamson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 23, 1880. Salesman, Westinghouse Lamp Co. 244 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Arthur Hampden Bradley, Newark, N. Born at Newark, N. J., Aug. 6, 1881. Assistant engineer, city engineer's office, Newark, 1907- . U. S. Military Academy, West Point, 1905. Job Herbert Lippincott, Born at Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 11, 1880. Banking Jersey City Excise Board, 1908- . John Beekman Talmage, Jr., New York City. Born in New York City, July 31, 1880. Physician. Newark, N. J. President, B.Sc. Washington, D. C. Assistant, U. S. Bureau Mch. 21, 1880. Bridgeport, Conn. Assistant General Lawyer. 1904). Union, N, J. LL.B. (N. Y. Island Pond, Vt. Episc. clergy- School, 1907. Washington, D. C. Lieut. 16th U. Rutgers, 1913- Henry Day Aller, Born at Peapack, N. J., Mch, 5, 1880. of Fisheries. Harry Urmston Badeatj, Born in Brooklyn, N. Superintendent, Bryant Electric Co, Hob art Lewis Benedict, Born at Union. N. J.. Oct. 29, 1880 Law School, 1904). M.Sc. (Rutgers, George Henry Bennett, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 8, 1878. Prot man. N. B. Sem., 1903-04. Colgate Divinity General Sem., 1913. Albert Ellicott Brown, ,Born at Rahway, N. J., Sept. 10. 1879. First S. Infantry. Prof. Military Science and Tactics, 14. Elwood Linnell Davis. Kiu Station, British East Africa. Born at Fairmount. N. J., July 11. 1879. Medical missionary. M.D. (Hahnemann Med. Coll., Phila., 1906). Spencer Cone Devan, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Rockville Center, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1880. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1912). Edgar Leek Dickerson, Nutley, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 13, 1878. Science teacher. Charles Richardson Fairchild, Trenton, N. J. Born at Plainfleld, N. J., Mch. 29, 1880. Civil engineer. William Van Nest Garretson, Ann Arbor, Mich. Born at Somerville, N. J., Instructor Mich., 1905- . M.Sc. (Yale, 1904). 1916). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1905). San Francisco, Cal. N. J., July 11, 1877. Draughtsman, in Mathematics, Univ. Ph.D. (Univ. Mich., William Daniel Gay, Born at Morris Plains, N. Y. C. and H. R. R. George Kellogg Heyer, Born at Colt's Neck', N. J., Sept. 26, 1880 Frederick Carl Hotii, Born at Hackensack, N. J., Apr. 29 Supt. Hudson county p.arks, 1912- , Clarence Charles Jackson, Electrical engineer. William Louis Kuehnle, Bora in New York City, Mch. 1, 1881 War Dept. C.E. (Rutgers, 1911). Asher Lipman, Born in Russia. Apr. 1, 1882. Draughtsman Madison, N. J. Electrical engineer. Asbury Park, N, J. 1880. Landscape architect. . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1907). Newark, N. J. Civil Lynbrook, N. Y. engineer, U. S. New York City. 1902. ALUMNI. 245 *Henry Pearne Miller, Minneapolis, Minn. Born, 1881. Civil engineer. Died, May 17, 1904. *JoH^^sox Newkirk, Camden, N. J. Born at Daretown. N. J.. Jan. 5. 1878. Chief chemist, Phila. Branch, General Chemical Co. Died, July 21, 1913. Charles Ernest Pett, New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1882. Civil engineer. Arthur George Plenty, Nazareth, Pa. Born at Albany, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1882. Civil engineer. County .engineer. Francis Lee Randel, New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1880. Chemical engineer. Jeremiah Daniels Richardson, Corona, N. Y. Bom at Woodside, L. I., July 20, 1879. Civil engineer. Harold Stafford Riggins, Pennsgrove, N. J. Born at Jeflferson, N. J.. Apr. 11, 1881. Assistant chemist, League Island Navy Yard. Frank Winner Russum, Wilmington, Del. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Jan. 1, 1882. Asst. engineer, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Richard Griffin Savoye, Westfield, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y.. Dec. 3, 1882. Physician and surgeon. M.D. (N. Y. Homoeopathic Med. Coll., 1906). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906). Frederic William Smith, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., Jan. 26, 1880. Lawyer. LL.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1904). M.Sc, (Rutgers, 1905). Ralph Ogden Smith, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Salem, N. J., Jan. 30,' 1881. Associate Prof. Chemistry, Rutgers, 1908- . A.M. (Unir. Penn., 1903). Ph.D. (Univ. Penn., 1905). Andrew Jackson Steelman, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Millville, N. J.. Sept. 13, 1880. Lawyer. N. Y. Law School. Member Board Education, Jersey City, 1906-09. Charles Warren Stevens, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., July 19, 1879. Sales manager. Raymond Thomas Stowe, New York City. Born at Schoharie. N. Y., Feb. 16, 1880. Vice Pres. Sterling- Meaker Co., Newark, N. J. Edgar Derry Tillyer, Southbridge, Mass. Born at Dover, N. J., Dec. 7, 1881. Scientific Dept. American Optical Co. M.Sc, (Geo. Washington Univ., 1903). M.Sc. (Rutgeis, 1905). Nicholas Edgar Tintle, Newark, N. J. Born at Orange, N. J., Oct. 19, 1878. Engineer. William Charles Voegtlen, Lebanon, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., July 31, 1879. Farmer. ♦Clifford Louis Williamson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 25, 1880. Business. Died, Feb. 12, 1906. ♦William Baird Wyckoff, Newark, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J.. Oct. 3, 1879. Electrician. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1905). Died, July 25, 1908. Eugene Adams Yates, New York City. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Nov. 7, 1880. Civil engineer. 346 KUTGliKS COLLEGE. 1902-1003. George Harold Buttler, New Brunswick, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 18, 1880. At Rutgers one year. Manufacturer of cabinet work. Bertram Ireland Cropsey, New Brunswick, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 25, 1881. Assistant to Secretary of Commei'ce and Police, Manila, I*. I. Jacob Walker Eaton, Brooklyn, Born at Chester, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1879. Witli N. Y. Edison Co. William Horton Hardy, Troy, Born at Troy, N. Y., 1880. At Rutgers one year. With Earl and Wilson Collar and Shirt Manufacturers. Rutherford Coleman Haven, Trenton, Born at Trenton, N. J., Feb. 28. 1880. General surveying and engineering. Assistant city engineer, Trenton, 1903-07. Leighton Green Knipe, Phoenix, Born at Delaware Water Gap, Pa., Aug. 13, 1878. Structural engineer. Nelson Grant Ritchie, Orange, Bom in New York City, May 10, 1880. At Rutgers, 1898-99. Wholesale coal business. Author, "Fiscal System of the State af New York." B.Sc. (Harvard, 1902). Forrest Leigh Smith, Perth Amboy, Born at I^erth Amboy, N. J., Jap. 20, 1880. At Rutgers. 1898- 99. Civil engineer. City surveyor, Perth Amboy, 1905-08. Township engineer, 1907-15. B.S. (Cooper Institute, 1903). C.E. (Cooper Institute, 1915). Charles Morgan Titsw^orth, Plainfield, Born in New Jersey, Jan. 1, 1881. At Rutgers three years. Civil engineer. Asst. Engineer, C. R. R. of N. J. Charles Francis Watkins, Brooklyn, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 5. 1878..' At Rutgers, 1898. De- livery clerk, Kings County Register's office. N. J. N. J. N. Y. N. y. N. J. Ariz. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. Y. 1903. A.B. Frank Stelle Booth, Born at Nagasaki, Japan, May 15, 1880. Frazar, Ltd. *Merton W^hitcomb Davis, Born at Schaghticoke, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1881. Sept. 2, 1906. Eugene William Erler, Oct. 19, 188 Tokyo, Japan. Director, Sale & Bound Brook, N. J. Business. Died, Physician. Newark, N. J. M.D. (Coll. Stock broker. Brooklyn, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. Born at Newark, N. J. P. and S., 1907). James Wallace Hageman, Born at Queens, L. I., June 3, 1880. Burton James Hotaling, Born at Schenectady. N. Y., Mch. 28. 1879. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1906. A.M. (Rutgers, 1906). Howard Franklin Kirk, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Aug. 30, 1881. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1905). A.M. (Rutgers, 1906). Stephen St. John Malven, Kalispell, Montana. Born at Port Jervis, N. Y., June 16, 1881. Deputy Forest Supervisor, U. S. Forest SexTice. 1903. ALUMNI. 217 Ralph Crosby Morris, ' Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Lancaster, Ohio, Sept. 4, 1880. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1906. B.D. (Rutgers, 1907). Robert IIude Neilson, New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 11, 1882. Lawyer. LL.B. (Harvard, 1906). Austin Wakeman Scott, Cambridge, Mass. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Aug. 31, 1884. Prof. ILnrvard Law Sciiool. Editor, '"Cases on Civil Procedure," and "Cases on Resulting and Constructive Trusts." LL.B. (Harvard, 1909). Frank I^Idward Spring, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Warsaw, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1880. Supervising Principal of Schools. Theodore James Todd Barker, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Bom at Walden, N. Y., IJec. 4, 1880. Business. Clarence Bowne Brokaw, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Flushing, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1877. Automobile dealer. Charles Frederick Hammond, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Huntington. L. I., Oct. 26, 1879. At Rutgers one vear. Lawyer. N. Y. Law School, 1909. Carter Ashton Jenkens, Richmond, Va. Born at Oxford, N. C, Apr. 9, 1882. At Rutgers, 1899-1900. Baptist clergyman. A.B. (Richmond Coll., Va., 1902). A.M. (Richmond, 1905). B.D. (Crozer Sem., 1908). Samuel Bradford Woodbridge, * Hartford, Conn. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 31, 1882. Journalist. B.Sc. Daniel Herbert Applegate, Jr., Red Bank, N. J. Born at Red Bank, N. J., Sept. 15, 1881. Brick manufacturer. Raymond Hakman Ashley, Orono, Me. Born in London, England, Mch. 29, 1881. Asst. Prof. Chem- istry, Univ. Maine, 1913- . A.M. (Yale, 1905). M.Sc. (Rut- gers, 1906). Ph.D. (Yale, 1906). Cortlandt Haydock Bonney, Railway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Oct. 28, 1881. Civil engineer. Chester Timothy Brown, East Orange, N. J. Bom at Tuckerton, N. J., Oct. 25, 1882. Physician. M.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1907). William B. Carter, Trenton, N. J. Born at Fieldsboro, N. J., Oct. 21, 1880. Civil engineer in of- fice chief engineer, M. W. Penn. R. R. George Washington Conover, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 30, 1881. Civil engineer. David Raymond Edgar, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Bound Brook. N. J., Jan. 2, 1883. Ceramic and me- chanical engineer. Officer and director in several Edgar clay conjpanies. Maurice Cope Engle, Herradura, Cuba. Born at Masonville, N. J., July 8, 1878. Apiarist. William Asbury Fisher, Wilmington, N. C. Born at Neshanic, N. J., Mch. 19, 1882. Supt. Timber Preser- vation. Stephen Josiah Gould Francisco, Caldwell, N. J. Born at Fairfield, N. J., Jan. 11, 1883. With Fairfield Dairy Co. 248 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 11)4)3. Carl Morse Herbert. Jersey City, N. J. Born at Manasquan. N. J., July 2, 1882. Lawyer. LL.B. (Univ. Georgia, 1906). Wright Sammis Hoag, Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Baldwin Place, N. Y., May 7. 1881. Electrical en- gineer, Westinghouse Elect, and Mfg. Co. Ernest Daniel Jones, Wyoming, N. Y. BoiTi in Wyoming county. N. Y., Apr. 20, 1876. District Supt. of Schools, 1912- . School commissioner, 1906-09, 1909-12. John Earl Jones, Newark, N. J. Born at Noillsville, Wis., Aug. 25, 1878. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1906). Harry Riley Lee, Holcomb Rock, Va. Born at New Bxunswick. N. J., July 4, 188.3. Supt. Va. Works, Electro Metallurgical Co., 1912- . El.Met. (Lehigh, 1906). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1907). William Fontaine Little, Yonkers, N. Y. Born in Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 4, 1880. Electrical engineer, M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906). Allen Sylvanus Merchant, Canajoharie, N. Y. Born at Warsaw, N. Y., June 16. 1878. Manager, Countv Farm Bureau. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1907). George Henry Muller, Atlantic City, N. J. Born in New York City, Oct. 27, 1880. Printing. Earle Julien Owen, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Wyoming, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1878. Assistant in Botanv. N. J. College Experiment Station. M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1907). Robert Haven Reineck, Washington, D. C. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., May 22, 1881. Topographer, U. S. Geological Survey, 1913- . Fred Conrad Schneider, New Brunswick, N. J. Bom in Kansas, Dec. 11, 1882. Civil engineer. Citv engineer. N. B., 1905- . Arthur Embury Smith, Plainfield, N. J. Born at North Plainfleld, N. J., Dec 31, 1881. Engineer and contractor. Paul J. Strassburger, Ocean Grove, N. J. Born at Ansonia. Conn., Aug. 31, 1878. Business. William Lee Tharp, Jamaica, L. I. Born at Metuchen. N. .L. Feb. 24, 1880. Electrical engineer, N. Y. Telephone Co., 1903- . Theodore Tobish, Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J., Apr. 11, 1881. Mining and civil en- gineering. Stewart LeRoy Tweed, Clinton Corners, N. Y". Born at Williamstown, N. J., Oct. 21, 1880. Farm manager. John Marshall Van De Venter, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 12, 1882. Electrical en- gineer. Percy Lyle Van Nuis, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Mch. 17, 1882. With Neverslip Mfg. Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906). Otto Robert Andree Voelker, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Egg Harbor Citv, N. J.. Feb. 8, 1881. Survev Dept.. Title Guarantee and Trust Co., N. Y. Ralph Baldwin Wilcox, Pittsburgh, Penn. Born at Newark. N. J.. Sept. 14, 1882. With Standard Under- ground Cable Co., of Pittsburgh. 1903-1904. ALUMNI. 349 Nathan Ther Benedict, Born at New Brunswick, N. Frederic Stites Bush, Born at Newton. N. J., Jan. tial Ins. Co., Newark. N. J, Harry Valentine Campbell, New Brunswick, N. J. J.. Nov. 23, 1881. Civil engineer. Caldwell, N. J. 10, 1880. Life insurance, Pruden- Monte Christi, Dominican Republic. Born at Frceliold, N. J., Oct. 6, 1882, Edward Leslie Coriell. Born at Bound Brook, N. J., Dec. 6 years. Bank teller. Harry Davison Bobbins, Born at Yardville, N. J., Apr. 16, 1882 VoLNEY' Day Schlick, Bom at Bennington. N. Y., Jan. 2, 1875 Bookkeeper and draftsman. Civil engineer. Albuquerque, N. M. 1880. At Rutgers three Allentown, N. J. Bookkeeper. Attica, N. Y. At Rutgrrs one year. 1904. A.B. Gansevoort, N. Clergyman, R. C. A. 1882. Editor, "N. Bloomfield, N. J. Commerce New Brunswick, N. J. Foreign exchange. Ridgewood, N. J. Clergyman. R. C. A. Newark, N. J. Allentown, Pa. Arthur LeGrand Bergeh, Born at Sharon. N. Y., Dec. 9, 1881. N. B. Sem.. 1907. A.M. (Rutgers, 1907). Charles Robert Blunt, Born at Albany, N. Y., Feb. and Finance." Louis Williamson Conover, Born at Rocky Hill, N. .7., Sept. 4, 1884. Henry Dyer Cook, Born at Hurley. N. Y., Feb. 22. 1880. N. B. Sem.. 1907. A.M. (Rutgers, 1907). John Norris Field, Born at Brantford, Ontario, Nov. 7, 1883. Emil Eisenhardt Fischer, Born at Gcrmantown. Pa.. Julv 14. 1882. Lutheran clergyman. Lutheran Sem. at Philadelphia. 1907. A.M. (Rutgers, 1907). William Kenneth Flanagan, Newark, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 29, 1882. Lawyer. William Hob art Giebel, Sodus Center, N. Y. Born at Rochester. N. Y.. July 21, 1879. Clergyman. R. C. A. Teacher. N. B. Sem., 1907. A.M. (Rutgers, 1907). B.D. (Rut- gers, 1908). Charles William Lambert, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 7, 1881. Clerk. John Alexander Linnett, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J.. Dec. 2. 1879. Real estate and insurance broker. Secretary, Newark Real Estate Brokers' Exchange. Martin Adrian Schenck, New York City. Born at Montgomery. N. Y., Aug. 14, 1882. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School. 1900). A.M. (Rutgers. 1907). William Henry Stewart, Jr., New York City. Born at Kingston, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1880. Pres. Stewart Auto- - mobile Co. Frederic Louis Wolf, Irvington, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J.. Apr. 28. 1883. Real estate and in- surance. Financial editor, "American Banker," 1905-09. Editor, "Dailv Bond News." Author, "Municipal Bond Sales," for 1905-08. 250 RUTGKKS COLLEGE. 1904. ♦Henry IIoxegger, Arni, India. Born at Riiti, Switzerland. July 27. 1870. At Rutgers. 1D08- 04. Clergyman. R. C. A. Missionary to India, 1007-14. N. B. Sem., 1007. Died. July 20, 1014. Clarence Walter Kip, Groton, N. Y. Born at Passaic, N. .7.. Oct. 10. 1882. At Rutgers. 1000-01. Advertising manager. Author, "Verse and Worse." Cornelius Boyd McCrelis, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 8, 1883. Business. John Clarence Miller, Born at Livingston. N. Y.. Aug, 5, 1870. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1907. Byron Mitchell Prugh, Born at Annandale. N. J.. May 3, 1881. one-half years. Editor and publisher, George Ernest Shettle, Born at Tunbridge. Wells, England, Juno 1000-02. Electrician. Weehawken, N, At Rutgers, 1000-04. Westfield, N. At Rutgers one and 1870. J. Brooklyn, N. Y. At Rutgers, B.Sc. George Wolfe Bauer, Born at Linden, N. J., Dec. 24, 1883. Fred LeRoy Brown, Born at Westfield, Pa., Apr 5, 1883, Builder, C.E. (Rutgers 1007). William James Douglas, Jr., Born at Newark. N. J., Sept Linden, N. Contracting engineer. White Plains, N. Newark, N, Superin- . M.D. (Rutgers, 19, 1884. Physician, tendent, Essex County Tuberculosis Hospital, 1011- (Univ. N. Y. and Bellevue Med. Coll., 1008). M.Sc. 1008). Gardner Sam Driver. Atlantic City, N. J. Born at Kirkwood. N. J., July 24, 1883. Grocer. Stephen Clifton Garrison, Elmer, N. J. Born at Palatine, N. J., Apr. 14, 1881, Farmer. Frederick William Gaston, Passaic, N. J. 17, 1883. Lawyer, N, Y. Law 1, 1010). .L, Mch. (Rutger: Born at Passaic. N. School, 10O6. M.Sc. George Henry Gowen, Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Oct. gineer. Richard Heuser, Born in New Jersey, Oct gers, 1007). Alfred Ellet Hitchner, Born at Clayton, N. J., Dec. 11, 1882, Harry Jay Howell, Born at Newton, N. J., Jan. 16, 1882. Milton Shortlidge Ley, Born at Sidney. O., May 7, 1882. Charles Bernhard Lipman, 1882. 23, 1870, Civil engineer. Bloomfield, N. Electrical en- Matawan, N. C.E. (Rut- J. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Electrical engineer. Jamaica, L. I. Travelling representative. Fort Jones, Cal. Attorney. Berkeley, Cal. Born in Russia, teriology, Univ. (Rutgers, 1000, 1910). John Mellor, Born in England Aug. 17. 1883. Prof. Soil Chemistry and Bac- California. Writer on Soil Questions. M.Sc, and Univ. Wis., 1000). Ph.D, (Univ. Cal., Oct. IG, 1877, Mechanical Jersey City, engineer. N. J. ALUMNI. 251 Wayne, Pa. Manager, Industrial RiDGWAY Fell Moon, Born at Morrisville, Pa., Oct. 15. 1882 Dept.. Wostinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co. Herbert Wills Moore, Tottenville, N. Y. Born at MoorestoAvn, N. J., May 23, 1880. Ceramic chemist. Frank Abram Morris, Newark, N. J. Born at Newtoo, N. J., Mch. 18, 1880. Draftsman. George Andrew Mount, Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Born at New Monmouth, N. J., Oct. 13, 1879. Civil engineer. John Irving Nelson, New Market, N. J. Born at New Market, N. J., Sept. 17, 1882. Farmer. Charles Francis O'Neill, Born at Newark, N. J., July 25, 1881. house Elec. and Mfg. Co. Harold Blackman Osborn, Born at Naugatuck. Conn.. Feb. 6, 1884. (Med. Coll. State of S. C, 1909). Herman Arthur Plusch, Bloomfield, N. J. Sales engineer Westing- Fillmore, Cal. Physician. M.D. Born at Catskiil. N. Y., Oct. 8. 1881. Perth Amboy, N. Ceramic chemist. Chief chemist. Atlantic Terra Cotta Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1907). C.E. (Rutgers, 1916). Frederic Alton Price, Alcatraz, Cal. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Apr. 5, 1882. First Lieut. U. S. Army. Warner I. Risley, Born at Pleasantville, N. J., May 18, 1883. Bertram Frothingham Shivler, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 5, traveler. Chemist. WlIITELAW REID STRYKER, Born at Griggstown, N. J., Dec. 12, 1880. Thomas Earle Van Winkle, Born at Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 2, 1882 gers, 1907). Frederick George Carl Yolkert, Atlantic City, N. J. Civil engineer. Columbus, Ohio. 1881. Commercial New Orleans, La. Chemist. Jersey City, N. J. Engineer. M.Sc. (Rut- J., Mcli. 27, 188: Montreal, Canada. Telephone en- Born at New Brunswick, N. gineer. Charles W^agner, Born in Russia, Nov. 8, 1883. Fritz Carl Wittig, Born at New Brunswick, N. J. Frank CarrixXgton Woodruff, Born at Rahway, N. J., Sept. 22, 1883. Electrical inspector, U. S. Navy Dept., 1905- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). Lewis Maxwell Young, - Norwich, Conn. Civil engineer and Elizabeth, N. J. Lawyer. Newton Centre, Mass. >9, 1883. Manager. Rahway, N. J. Jan. Born at Montgomery, N. J., Apr. 21, 1878. contractor. C.E. (Rutgers, 1907). James Sloan Arrowsmitii, Born at Freehold, N. J., Nov. 5, 1882. Traveling salesman. Henry G. Atwater, Born at Piscataway, N. J., Mch. 26, 1879. With Bell Telephone Co. John Brien Brown, Born at Newark, N. J.. June 19, 1882. Teacher. Des Moines, Iowa. At Rutgers one year. Westfield, N. J. At Rutgers one year. Verona, N. J. At Rutgers four years. 252 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1904-1905. Nathan Campbell, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at North Haledon, N. J., Sept. 24, 1882. At Rutgers, three j'^eaxs. Civil engineer and city surveyor. Sprague Caeleton, New York City. Born in New York City, May 6, 1881. At Rutgers two years. Physician. Prof. Genito-Urinai'v Diseases, Homoeopathic Med. Coll. M.D. (Horn. Med. Coll., 1906). Edward Francis Duggan, West Nutley, N. J. Born at Gainesville, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1876. Samuel Gordon, San Diego, Cal. Born at Port .Tervis, N. Y., Sept. 19. 1883. At Rutgers, 1900- 01. Civil engineer, U. S. Navy, 1911- . U. S. Naval Acad., 1905. C.E. (Rensselaer Poly. Inst., 1908). Robert Buck Lupton, Olangapo, P. I. Born at Rahway, N. J., .Tune 19, 1882. Assistant paymaster, L^. S. steamship "Mohican." William Tobias McChesney, Toledo, Ohio. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 10, 1882. Electrician. Gordon Dickson McIntire, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 23, 1883. Cotton goods con- verter. Edgar Merle Nolan, Hackensack, N. J. Born in New York City, Mch. 23, 1881. RuFUS George Poland, Lewistown, Mont. Born at Butte. Mont., Sept. 17, 1876. Teacher. Graduate State Model School, Trenton, N. J. Benjamin Geary Prugh. Kankaiina, Wis. Born at Annandale, N. J.. Oct. 31, 1879. Superintendent of Construction, The Foundation Company of New York, 1909- . Clifford Elisha Ste\^ns, New York City. Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 25, 1883. Manufacturing straw hats. Huyler Wood van Hoemenberg, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Kingston. N. Y., Jan. 2, 1882. Traveling in Central America and the West Indies. Clayton Barney Vogel, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 28, 1882. First Lieut., U. S. Marine Corps, 1908- . James Coleman Waters, Jr., Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Sept. 26, 1882. At Rutgers three years. Clerk. 1905. A.B. Simon Blocker, Paterson, N. J. Born in Amsterdam. Holland. Oct. 1, 1881. Cleigyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1908. A.M. (Rutgers, 1908). Charles Leverich Brett, Belleville, N. J. Born at Belleville, N. J., Sept. 11, 1882. Manufacturer's ex- port agent. JAMES Howard Bri?tckerhoff, Herkimer, N. Y. Born at Jersey City. N. J.. Feb. 4, 1883. Clergvman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1908. A.M. (Rutgers, 1908). George Hammell Cook, Hillsdale, N. Y. Born at Lansingburgh, N. Y., July 2, 1883. Farmer. John August Hitzelrerg, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 26. 1880. Teacher. 1005. \LUMK[. 253 Herman Terhune Hopper, Monsey, N. Y. Boin at Saddle River, N. J., Dec. 5, 1882. Teacher, Commercial High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. School commissioner, Rockland county, 1906-12. A.M. (Rutgers, 1908y. Frank Nichols Jennings, Warsaw, N. Y. Born at Warsaw, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1884. Harry Crum Morehouse, Howe Cave, N. Y. Born at Coeymans, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1878. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1908. A.M. (Rutgers, 1908). Arthur van Voorhees Schenck, New Brunswick, N. J. Bom at New Brunswick. N. J., Nov. 25, 1883. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1908). A.M. (Rutgers, 1908). Albert Leeds Stillman, Hoboken, N. J. Born at Hoboken. N. J., June 14, 1883. Engineer. E.M. (Col- umbia, 1909). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). Albert Augustus Taylor, Trenton, N. J. Born at AUentown, N. J., Feb. 17, 1881. Lawyer. Daniel George Verwey, New York City. Bom at Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1878. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1908. A.M. (Rutgers, 1908). Charles Parker, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct, 23, 1883. Forester. New Jersey State Fire Warden. 1910- . M.F. (Yale Forest School, 1907). A.M. (Rutgers, 1908). Francis Edmond Wilber, Canton, China. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 9, 1884. Clergyman, R. C. A. Missionary, International Y. M. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1911. Charles Shepard Backus, Mt. Wilson, Cal. Born at Elmhurst, L. I., Sept. 20, 1883. In the Solar Observa- tory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. James Gilbert Mason, Jr., Metuclien, N. J. Born at Metuchen, N. J., Nov. 21. 1883. At Rutgers, 1901-03. Investment securities. A.B. (Princeton, 1905). Clarence Edward Seipel, Claverack, N. Y. Born at Claverack, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1881. Salesman for a N. Y. house. John Henry Wyckoff, Jr., New York City. Born at Tindivanam, India, Nov. 12, 1881. Physician. M.D. (Univ. N. Y.). Litt.B. James Henry Willock, Norfolk, Va. Born at Troy. N. Y., June 4. 1883. Lawyer, N. Y. Law School, 1912. A.M. (Rutgers, 1908). B.Sc. Harry Baremore Angus, Washington, D. C. Born at Elizabeth, N, J.. Oct. 11. 1883. Presb clergyman, Princeton Sem., 1909. A.M. (Princeton, 1908). Welcome William Bender, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth. N. J., Jan, 3, 1884. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1907). LL.M. (N. Y. Law School, 1908). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). 254: EUTGERS COLLEGE. 15)05. Charles William Chappel, Parlin, N. J. Born at Warsaw, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1880. With E. I. du Pont do Nemours & Co. Robert Weeks Cobb, ■ Wellosley Hills, Mass. Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 5, 1884. Teacher. Edson Joseph Davis, Fair Oaks, Cal. Born at Shinglehouso, Pa., Sept. 80, 1882. Assistant engineer. Los Angeles Aqueduct. Arthur Yooriiees DeIIart, Yonkers, N. Y. Born at .Jamaica, L. I., Nov. 13, 1883. Accountant. George Bergen Ford, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Allentown, N. J., Feb. 20, 1883. Ceramic chemist. John Gaub, Washington, D. C. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 25, 1885. Chemist, Wash- ington filtration plant. Instructor, Chemistry, Cornell, 1908-12. Harry Lloyd Harris, Skowhegan, Maine. Born at Freedom, Me., Nov. 12, 1883. Farmer. Franklin Edward Holsten, Kirkwood, Mo. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1881. Chief chemist. Pierce Oil Corporation, 1014- . George Richard Koehler, Washington, D. C. Born at Somej-ville, N. J., Mch. 17, 1883. Second Lieut. 14th U. S. Infantry. Francis Bodo Kurtz, West Englewood, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., May 2, 1884. Commercial business. David Townsend Mason, Berkeley, Cal. Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 11. 1883. Prof. Forestry, Univ. California. M.F. (Yale, 1907). M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). Frederic Ramsay Mason, Missoula, Mont. Born at Somerville, N. J., May 17, 1884. With V. S. 'Forest Service. Charles Arthur Morris, Tom's River, N. J. Born at Ilightstown, N. J., Nov. 10, 1880. County Superintend- ent of Schools, Ocean county, 1906- . John Elmer Pearce, Syracuse, N. Y. Born at Linden, N. J., Jan. 10, 1885. Fire Insurance engineer. Loren Pease Plummer, Jr., Qulnton, N. J. Born at Quinton, N. ,T., May 19, 1883, Civil engineer. Dale Charles Roberts, Dongan Hills, Staten Island. Born, Mch. 12, 1881. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1911). *WiLLiAM Booth Roll, Conemaugh, Penn. Born at Trenton, N. J., Dec 29. 1883. Assistant Supervisor, Penn. R. R. Died, June 16, 1914. Eugene William Seng, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., May 5, 1883. Chemist, American Dyewood Co., 1905- . ♦Benjamin Augustus Sickles, Colt's Neck, N. J. Born at Colt's Neck, N. J., Oct. 8, 1881. Farmer. Died, Feb. 15. 1912. Albert Brokaw^ Smith, Carnegie, Pa. Born at Somerville, N. J., Aug. 19, 1884. Sales electrical en- gineer. Irving Russell Valentine, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Woodin-idge, N. J., Oct. 6, 1882. Assistant Chief Chemist and Research Chemist, U. S. Metals Refining Co., 1911- . Elmer Spangler Weaver, Pleasantville, N. J. Born at Williamstown, N. J., Nov. 18. 1884. Civil engineer. 1J)()5. ALUM XI. 255 Bayard Coivover Applegate, Red Bank, N. J. Born at Red Bank. N. J.. Mch. 21. 1884. At Rutgers one year. Ifeal estate and insurance. Guy Huggins Bergex, New York City. Born at Somerville. N. .J.. Aug. 19. 1884. Elliott Cyril Burrows, New York City. Born at Elizabeth. N. J., Sept. 6, 1883. At Rutgers one year. Surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1906). Sanger Sylvester Carleton, . New York City. # Born in New York Citv. r>ec. 16, 1882. At Rutgers, 1901-02. Dentist. D.D.S. (Baltimore Coll. of Dental Surgery, 1908). Henry de la Bruyere Carpender, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Ne)v Brunswick, N. ,7., May 15, 1882. At Rutgers three years. Cotton and stock broker. RoELiF Eltinge Dubois, New Paltz, N. Y. Born at New Paltz. N. Y., Mch. 19, 1881. Farmer. Percy Elwood Erickson, New York City. Born at Newark. N. .T., Oct. 28, 1883. At Rutgers one year. Presb. clergyman. A.B. (Dartmouth, 1906). Union Sem., 1909. A.M. (Columbia, 1911). *Ainslee P]VERETT, Dayton, N. J. Born at Englishtown, N. J., Dec. 10, 1882. At Rutgers, 1901- 02. Died, April 27, 1903. John Giblon, Marlboro, N. J. Born at Marllmro. N. J., Jan. 29, 1883. Insurance. William Dey Herbert, Fort Wm. McKinley, P. I. Born at Englishtown. N. ,T.. Dec. 17. 1881. Army surgeon. At Rutgers, 1902. M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll.). Earle Harold Hougiitaling, Walden, N. Y. Lawyer. Martin Malia, Jr., Freehold, N. J. Born at Freehold, N. J., Feb. 15, 1883>. Farmer. William Henry Martin, Jr., Atlantic City, N. J. Born in I'hiladelphla. Pa., June 10, 1883. Theodore Emil Merklinger, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., Mch. 14, 1884. At Rutgers one year. Engineer. E.E. (Columbia, 1906). William Paul Morton, Atlantic City, N. J. Born at Salem. N. J.. July 26, 1882. Civil engineer with Pennsylvania Bridge Co. *Harold Forman Patterson, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City. N. J.. Jan. 17, 1882. Died during his Sophomore year. March 10, 1903. George St. John Rathbun, Schenectady, N. Y". Born at Rye, N. Y.. .Tan. 12, 1885. At Rutgers,^ 1901-03. Prot. Episc. clergyman. B.A. (St. Stephens College, 1910). Harold Lloyd Robinson, Rahway, N. J. Born at Boston. Mass.. Apr. 23. 1884. David Hirsch Rosenfeld, Woodbine, N. J. Born at Janasic, Russia, Apr. 29, 1880. * Elmer Otto Stillman, ^ New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 4, 1883. Died, August 29, 1902. Burtis Fleming Vaugiian, Roselle, N. J. Born in New York City, Mch. 23, 1884. Manager of office, E. E. Robert. New York. Frank Peter Venable, i Paterson, N. J. Born at Paterson, N. J., Aug. 22, 1881. Real estate manager. 2dG RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1905-1906. ♦Habvey Lanning Wilson, Red Bank, N. J. Born at Allentown, N. J., Jan. 31, 1882. At Rutgers, 1901-02. Died during his Senior year at the Philadelphia Dental College, Jan. 7, 1906. 1906. N. J., Apr. 22, 1885. Lawyer. J.. Feb. 6, 1883. P. O. New York City. Lawyer. . Col- Warsaw, N. Y. Justice of the Eatontown, N. J. clerk at Red A.B. Louis Bevieb, Jb., Born at New Brunswick, umbia Law School, 1909. Habby Milton Bbown, Born at Warsaw, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1885. Peace, 1914- . Geoege Oscab Dennis, Born at Eatontown, N. Bank, N. J. Haeold Edwabd Geeen, South Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Nyack, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1880. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1909. A.M. (Rutgers, 1911). Raymond Bebguee Johnson, ' Newtonville, Mass. Born in Chicago, 111., May 11, 1885. Teacher. Instructor in English, Harvard, 1908-09. Union Sem., 1906-07. Harvard Graduate School, 1907-09. Maubice Ieving Lindbith Kain, Hutchinson, Kan. Born at Delaware Water Gap, Pa., Apr. 20, 1883. Episc. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1906-09. General Sem., 1910. *JoHN Ross MacNeill, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Crieff, Scotland, Jan. 4, 1883. N. B. Sem., 1906-08. Pastor, Gotebo Reformed Church, 1908-09. Died, at Roxbury, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1910. Daniel Bablow Mineb, Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Freehold, N. Y., May 6, 1882. Advertising agency. J. Habvey Mubphy, Amsterdam, N. Y. Born at Paterson, X. J., Apr. 28, 1882. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1909. A.M. (Rutgers, 1909). NOBBUBY CoBDNEB MuBBAY, East Orange, N. J. Born at Walton, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1885. Lawyer. Habby William Noble, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Catskill, N. Y., June 25, 1882. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1909. John Mabius Madison Stahb, Chicago, 111. Born in Denmark, Dec. 6, 1884. Accountant, Western Electric Co. Hagerstown, Md. At Rutgers one year. William Humphbeys Buehans, Born at Durham, N. Y., Aug. 28, 188t Salesman. Oliveb James Schoonmakeb, Ashburnham, Mass. Born at Hurlev. N. Y., Oct. 24, 1882. At Rutgers, 1901-03. Chair manufacturer. A.B. (Harvard, 1906). William Hopleb Woodbuff, Chester, N. J. Born at East Orange, N. J., July 26, 1883. At Rutgers two years. Farmer. 1»06. ALUMNI. 257 Litt.B. Lyman Abbott Gerow, Washington ville, N, Y. Born at Vails Gate, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1880. Feed business. George Clinton Dodge, Great Bend, N. Y. Born at Great Bend, N, Y., Mch. 4, 1884. Salesman, Portland cement. A.B. (Colgate Univ., 1906). Frank Fenno Pellet, Watkins, N. Y. Born at Watkins, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1884. Business. B.Sc. Edward Harker Acton, Shawinigan Falls, Canada. Born at Salem, N. J., Sept. 7, 1884. Supt., Northern Aluminum Co., Ltd. Addlpii Geroasius AiiRENS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born at Elizabeth. N. J., May 14, 1886. Commercial engineer, Westinghouse Electric and ManUifacturing Co. Raymond Walter Allen, Cody, Wyo. Born at Medford, N. J., Sept. 14. 1884. Forest supervisor. U. S. Forest Service, 1911- . M.F. (Yale). George Gouverneuu Ashwell, Newark, N. J. Born near New Brunswick. N. J., Feb. 12, 1885. Architect. AVilliam Harris Benedict, Jr., New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 24, 1885. Engineering. ' Clifford Stanislaus Brinkerhoff, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Rutherford, N. J., May 6, 18B3. Civil engineer. Adolph Brogger, . Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., Dec. 23, 1884. Draughtsman. Percy Edgar Brown, Ames, Iowa. Born at Woodbridge. N. J., Oct. 9, 1885. Pxof. Soil Bacteri- ologv. Iowa State College. A.M. (Rutgers, 1909). Ph.D. (Rut- gers, 1912). Thomas Harvey Bruce, Arlington, N. J. Born at Cceanic. N. J., Sept. 17. 1885. With General Electric Lamp Develop m(nt Laboratory, Harrison, N. J. David Alexander Decker, Norfolk, Ya. Born at Pine Bush, N. Y., May 4, 1884. Asst. City Engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1914). Thomas Alan Devan, Boston, Mass. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1884. Physician. M.D, (Johns Hopkins). IIervey Kinch Doane, Miles City, Montana. Born at Plainfield, N. J., Ap:r. 23, 1883. Civil engineer. Real estate. Charles Robert Duncan, Amherst, Mass. Born at Newark, N. J.. Feb. 17, 1884. Assistant Prof. Mathe- matics, Mass. Agric. College. C.E. (Rutgers, 1914). Job Langfcrd Edwards, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Born at Barnegat, N. J., Mch. 17, 1884. Electrical engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. Charles Job Eldridge, Newark, N. J. Born at Williamstown, N. J., Jan 7, 1886. Civil engineer. Henry Marshall Fales, Jr., Chicago, 111. Born at La Salle, N. Y., Mch. 29, 1884. Telephone engineer. 17 258 KUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1906. Harold Hooley Febrey, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Nov. 24, 1885. Electrical onginecr. Howard Spooner Gay, Bayonne, N. J. Born at Iliggamun, Conn.. Nov. 23, 1882. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1909). Arthur Vaughan Gregory, East Orange, N. J. Born at Titusville, Pa., June 7, 1885. Surveyor. U. S. Eng. Dept. Albert William Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1886. Advertising manager. Arthur Headifen Howatt, Youngstown, O. Born at Deseronto, Canada, June 9, 1883. Ci.vil engineer. Roy Gordon Imlay, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born at Imlaystown, N. J., Dec. 11, 1883. Construction Dept., Duquesne Light Co. David Jenkins, Franklin Furnace, N. J. Born at Mine Hill, N. J., Nov. 8, 1884. Chemist. N. J. Zinc Co. Frank Otto Mittag, Jr., Park Ridge, N. J. Born in New York City, Jan. 7. 1882. Manufacturer. Post graduate, one year, Mass. Inst. Tech., two years, Columbia Univ. Nelson Sheppard Moore, Cicero, 111. Born at Bridgeton. N. J., May 22, 1883. Electrical engineer. James Edwin Morrow, Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Nowville, Pa., Jan. 19, 1882. Civil engineer. John Joseph Mulligan, Chrome, N. J. Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., Oct. 31, 1884. Chemist. Frank Randall Pratt, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Warsaw, N. Y.. Apr. 19. 1876. Assistant Prof. Physics. Rutgers, 1911- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). George Henry Roeder, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 6, 1885. Manager of poultry farm. Clarence Gordon Rolfe, New Brunswick. N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 4, 1885. Salesman and demonstrator, Hai'dman-Peck Piano Co. *Nahum David Shore, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Odessa, Russia. Mch. 27. 1880. Assistant in plant breeding. N. J. State Coll. Exper. Station, 1907-09. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). Died, Sept. 20, 1909. George Oakley Smalley, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Bound Brook, N. J., Mch. 8, 1885. Clarence Lockerson Smith, Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton. N. J., Oct. 17, 1882. Salesman. Engineer. Frederick Newton Ward well, Long Island City, N. Y. Born at Adams, N. Y., Mch. 24, 1884. Supt. U. S. Survey. Dept. of Interior, 1910-15. Winton Hadley Wilber, New York City. Born at Westfield. N. J.. Apr. 2, 1886. Telephone engineering. Thomas Lambert Wilkinson, Riverside, N. J. Born at Riverside. N. J.. .Tan. 4. 1885. Real estate and in- surance. Law student. Post graduate two years, Mass. Inst. Technology. Louis Frederick Baker Woolston, St. Louis, Mo. Born at Trenton, N. J., Nov. 20, 1885. Electrical engineer, General Electric Co. i{K>6-1907. ALUMNI. 159 Frank Lofland Cosgkove, Born at Cambridge, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1882. *WiLLiAM Frederick Davidson, Born at Holland. Mich.. Feb. 13, 1881. Teacher. Died, July 8, 1904. Harold Depew, Born at Linden, N. J., Sept. 8, 1883. Lawyer. LL.B. (Yale, 1906). Leslie Miller Hay, Zanesville, Ohio. Holland, Mich. At Rutgers, 1902-03. Elizabeth, N. J. At Rutgers, 1902-03. Born at Cohoes, N. Y., Mch. 2, 1883. Penn., 1908). Cohoes, N. Y. Dentist. D.D.S. (Univ. Riverside, N. J. Watkins, Clerk. U. S. Classified George Morley Hecker, Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 1, 1886. .Ja:mes Akester Hope, Born at Watkins. N. Y., Aug. 9, 1883. Postal Service. David Jacobson, Elizabeth, N Born at Elizabeth. N. J.. Jan. 31. 1885. Building materials. Timothy Herbert McManus, New Brunswick, N Born at New Brunswick, N. J., .Jan. 24. 1882. Bookkeeper. Bergen B. Staats, Jr., Born at West Hurley. N. Y., Oct. 7, 1880. one-half years. Civil engineer. Charles Henry Taubel, Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 30. 1886. Philip Vermilye VanArsdale, Born at Plainfield. N. J.. Sept (Brown Univ.. 1906). N. " " N. Y. J. Fort Myers, Florida. At Rutgers one and Riverside, N. J. 24, 1884. Y. Law School, 1909. Plainfield, N. J. Lawyer. A.B. Raymond Tapping Vredenburgh, Born in Chicago. 111., Aug. 16, 1882. Harold Lee Westfall, Born at Newark, N. J.. Nov. 27, 1883. Poultry farmer. Brookline, Mass. Bonds. Metuchen, N. J. At Rutgers two years. Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. Teacher. A.M. (Rut- 1907. A.B. Charles Noble Doolittle, Born at Stanhope, N. J., Mch. 17. 1885. gers, 1911). Solomon Esberg, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at New York City, Dec. 12, 1886. Lawyer. LL.B. (Univ. Dakota. 1912). Frederick Adam Kullmar, Lewes, Del. Born at Jamesburg, N. J.. Feb. 28, 1886. Presb. clergyman. B.D. (Princeton Sem., 1915). George Allen Leukel, Little Britain, Pa. Born at Shrewsburv. N. J.. Oct. 23, 1886. Presb. clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1910. A.M. (Rutgers, 1911). Frederick Wilson Scott, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 29, 1885. Surgeon. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1911). Royal Arthur Stout, Yonkers, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick. N. J.. Nov. 14. 1885. Presb. clergyman. N. B. Sem., 1910. A.M. (Rutgers, 1910). B.D. (Rutgers, 1912). 260 RUTGERS COLLEGE. J.»«7. Lloyd Bliss Wheeler, Oceanic, N. J. Born at Bliss. N. Y.. Feb. 6, 1885. Principal of Sctiools. A.M. (Rutgers, 1010). John C. Bergen, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 12, 1885. Wholesale paper. Hugo Blum, New York City. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Sept. 11, 1885. At Rutgers, 1903-05. Physician. M.D. (Coll. p. and S., 1909). Claudius James Fingar, Lebanon, N. J. Born at Germantown. N. Y., Feb. 19, 1880. Clergyman. R. C. A. A.B. (Lafayette, 1906). N. B. Sem., 1910. Austin Millis Leavens, New York City. Born at Lanslngburg, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1880. With Longmans, Green & Co. Frank McIntire, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Mch. 30, 1887. Merchant. Litt.B. Bruce Ballard, Montgomery, N. Y. Born at Roxbury, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1882. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1910. Alton Percy Swan, Berlin, N. H. Born at Franklin, Me., July 4, 1882. Superintendent of paper Valentine Royal Tupper, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Brewster, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1886. Banking business. B.Sc. Charles Chambers Armstrong, South River, N. J. Born at Strykersville, Pa., Jan. 6, 1886. Civil engineer. John Louis Baker, Milburn, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J., Nov. 11, 1882. Civil engineer. Ralph Lester Beach, East Orange, N. J. Born at East Orange. N. J.. Sept. 8, 1884. Lamp manufacturing. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). Abraham H. Blum, Fresno, Cal. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 28, 1885. Merchant. Walter Rodney Cornell, Ithaca, N. Y. Born at Vineland, N. J., July 19, 1882. Instructor in mechan- ics. C.E. (Cornell, 1915). Randolph Marshall Creamer, Orangeburg, N. 1'. Born at Petersburg, N. J., Oct. 15, 1879. Civil engineer. J. M. Gonzalez, San Turce, Porto Rico. Born at San Turce, Porto Rico, Dec. 25, 1886. Assistant Supt. Public Works. Thomas Dean Halliwell, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bortt at St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 16, 1886. Superintendent, T. M. Barrett Co. Lewis Arthur Heath, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 5, 1886. Electrical engi- neer. • 1907. ALUMNI. 261 "William Richard Hughes, Jr., Born at Point Levis, Canada, June 29. 188.5. President, Hughes Foulkrod Co. Albert Rittenhouse Johnson, Born at Lambertville. N. J.. Mch. 7. 1880. matics and Graphics, Rutgers, 1913— . Harry Aaron Marmer, Born in Russia, June 21, 1885. Computer, Survey. Clifford Davidson Mayhew, Born at Pittsgrove, N. J., Jan. 16, 1885. Army. Walter Ernest Nelson, Born at New Market, N. J. Alex William Quackenboss, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., May 10, tor and embalmer. Walter Frank Reinheimer, Born at Buffalo. N. Y., Feb. 4, 1883. Harvey Clifford Robins, Born at Newark, N. J., Dec. 6, 1886. Co., 1907- . Walter Frederick Ludwig Roeder, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., May 18, Research Dept. General Electric Co. Harry John Stockum, Born at Haddonfleld, N. J., June 8, 1879. Isaac Victor Stone, Born at Malaga. N. J., July 8. 1884 Rubber Co., 191 *Reuben Tharp, Jr., Born at Rahwav 1910. Vinton Douglas Tompkins, Born at Hailingen, N. J., Aug. 11, 1884. Shops, Robert College, 1911- . Ralph Decker Van Duzer, Bom at Middletown, N. Y.. Dec. 30, 1884 tax agent. Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. Frank Robertson Van Sant, Born at Newark, N. J., Aug. 8, 1883 Raymond Percy Wilson, Born at East Millstone, N. J Walter Harris Wilson, Born at Metuchen, N. J., July 15, 188 William Sanderson Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa. General contractor. New Brunswick, N. J, Asst. Prof. Mathe- Washington, D. C. Coast and Geodetic New York City. Civil engineer, U. S. New Market, N. Nov. 20, 1885. Civil engineer. New Brunswick, N. 1885. Funeral diroc- Warsaw, N. Y. Business. Roselle, N. J. Engineer, N. Y. Telephone New Brunswick, N. J. 1886. Tester. Turbine Philadelphia, Pa. Insurance. Providence, R. I. Chicif chemist, Revere . M.A. (Gallaudet Coll., 1908), Rahway, N. J. N. J., May 7, 1885. Chemist. Died, Feb. 17, Constantinople, Turkey. Supt. of Engineering Asst. Middletown, N. Y. gen. land and Newark, N. With General Electric Co. New Brunswick. N. Sept. 29, 1886. Civil engineer. Metuchen, N. Clerk. Somerville, N. J. J. Born near Flagtown Station, Success Magazine. N. J.. Dec. 21 1884. With the Fred Kline Armstrong, Plainfield, N. J. Born at North Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 15, 1884. Engineering Dept. Ingersoll-Rand Co., N. Y. Lester Doav Berger, Boston, Mass. Born at Seward, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1884. Chief clerk to Vice Pros. and General Manager, Gulf, Texas and Western Railway Co. Harlan Besson, Hoboken, N. J. Born at Hoboken. N. J.. July 1. 1887. At Rutgers, 1903-06. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law 'School, 1908). 262 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1907. Walter Gilbert Boschen, Union, N. J. Born at Union, N. J., Aug. 23, 1883. Fire insurance. Ralph Price Davies, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 16, 1885. At Rutgers two years. Cashier, Real Estate Management Co. Hervey Stanton De Groodt, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 29, 1883. Frank Hasbrouck P]arle, Newark, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Mcli. 18, 1884. Civil engineer, Har- rison, Dunham & Earle. Lawrence Esselstyn, Covelo, Cal. Born at Claverack, N. Y., Mch. 1, 1885. At Rutgers, 1903-05. Farmer. Henry Lange Felch, Ossining, N. Y. Born at Ocean Grove, N. J., May 5, 1884. Civil engineer, N. Y. State Highway Dept., 1907- . Isaac Fineberg, Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J., Nov. 11, 1883. Charles Henry Garretson, Newark, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J., July 8, 1885. Treasurer, Tide Water Trans. Co. ♦Alfred Charles Hicks, Long Branch, N. J. Born at Long Branch, N. J., May 6, 1886. At Rutgers, 1903-04. Medical student. Class of 1910, Univ. Chicago. Died, Jan. 4, 1910. Edward Louis Keenan, Somerville, N. J. Born at Raritan, N. J., July 31, 1885. At Rutgers two years. Civil engineer. . Roland Henry Birdsall Landers, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Afton, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1883. Bookkeeper and office as- sistant. Francis Granger Lang, Bloomfield, N. J. Born at Corning, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1886. Civil engineer. Cleveland Perry, Belleville, N. J. Born at Belleville, N. J., Sept. 20, 1884. Lawyer. Alan Cole Plume, Cranford, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., July 28, 1885. Bank clerk. William Denton Pollock, Richmond Hill, L. I., N. Y. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., June 29, 1884. Frank Sanford Stimson, Linden, N. J. Born at Linden, N. J., Oct. 19, 1887. Farmer. Andrew Edward Sweeney, Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J., July 23, 1886. At Rutgers, 1903. Dep- uty Tax Collector. ♦Nicholas Vreeland, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., June 18, 1884. At Rutgers, 1903-04. Lawyer. Died, Mch. 29, 1914. Russell Ellsworth Watson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 8. 1885. At Rutgers three years. Lawyer. Asst. Prosecutor. Middlesex County. 1910-12. Mayor, Highland Park, N. J., 1916- . LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1907). Carl Wilcox Wilmurt, New Brunswick, N. J Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 13, 1886. With Michilin Tire Co. IMS. ALUMNI. 263 1908. A.B. Stockton Cbanmer, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Astoria, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1887. Bond broker. Pjiilip Lixdsley Dodd, Managua, Nicaragua. Born at Somerville, N. J., Apr. 22, 1885. Assistant, Library of Congress. TnEODOKE Amerman Hageman, Feura Bush, N. Y. Born at Cuddebackville, N. Y., Jan. 10, 188G. Clergyman, R. C. A. X. B. Sem., 1908-10. George Conde Lawsing, New York City. Born at Glen, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1884. Surgeon. M.D. (Columbia, 1912). William Nash MacNeill, New Hyde Park, N. Y. Born at Crieff. Scotland, Mch. 31, 1885. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1911. A.M. (Rutgers, 1911). Ripley Watson, * Jersey City, N. J. Born at .Jersey City, N. J., Mch. 15, 1886. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1910). A.M. (Rutgers, 1911). Morris Hedden, . Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Newark, N. J., June 30, 1887. Alfred Joyce Kilmer, New York City. Bom at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 6, 1886. At Rutgers, 1904-06. A.B. (Columbia, 1908). Author. Poet. Editor, "The Churchman," 1912-13. On staff New York Times, . 1913- . Edward Howard Lawson, Eckington, D. C. Born at Washington, D. C, Sept. 21, 1887. At Rutgers, 1904- 07. Teacher. Editor. Law student. A.B. (Howard Univ., 1908). Washington Normal School, 1909. William Henry McCormick, Jr., Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., Oct. 10, 1885. WiLLiA]\t Valentine Thomas, New York City. Born in N^w York City, July 21, 1879. Litt.B. Harry Frank Brewer, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Portland, Me., May 2, 1886. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1910). A.M. (Rutgers, 1911). Charles Thiers Thompson, Kansas City, Mo. Born at Tinton Falls, N. J., Apr. 21, 1887. Chemist. Aurelius Milford Tracy, Jr., St. Louis, Mo. Born at Middletown, Conn.. Mch. 31, 1886. At Rutgers two years. District sales manager. B.Sc. *Will Wiseman Berdan, Paterson, N. J. Born at Paterson. N. J.. Aug. 9, 1886. AVith Dilliston Lumber Co. Died. Feb. 23, 1914. CuNNiNGSTON Drysdale Black, Somerville, N, J. Born at Milford, Pa., May 15, 1881. Agriculturist. 261 RUTGEBS COLLEGE. 1908. Eugene Suydam Brokaw, Born at Bound Brook. N. J Charles Bloomfield Carman Born at Menlo Park, N. J., Warren Livingston Du Bois, Porn at Freehold, X. J., Nov Institute of Technology, 1900 Charles Elliot, Ossining, N. Y. Sept. 17, 1883. Teacher. Metuchen, N, J. 3 885. Civil engineer. C.E. Perth Am boy, N. J. 13. 1887. Draughtsman. Mass. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1911). Scotch Plains, N. J. Born at New Market. N. J., Dec. 20, 1883 Harry Samuel Feller, Born at Nisl^otko. Russia, Nov Surveyor. New Brunswick. N. Teacher, Mathematics. J. 1, 1885. N. B. High School, 1908- . Douglas Judson Fisher, Sayreville, N. J. Born at Sayreville. Aug. 17, 1886. Ceramic chemist. Alvin Bartholdi Fox, Perth Amboy. N. J. Born at Perth Aml>oy, N. J.. Oct. 29. 1886. Civil engineer. County engineer, Middlesex County, 1912- . C.E. (Rutgers. 1912). Howard Somerville Gies, Born in New York City, Feb. 25. 1885. Morris James Gluck, Born in New York City, Nov. 21, 1885. Max J. Hemmer, Jr., Upper Montclair, N. Building contractor. Perth Amboy, N. Cooperage. Newark. N. J. J. Oct. 6. 1882. Commercia 1886. N. .T.. Jul 1886. Chemist. Born at Newark. N. .T. Thornton Mills Hopler, Born at Flanders, N. .T., July 13 Harold Frederick Hovey, Born at Lyons. N. Y.. Aug.' 6, 1885 Harris Allison Jamison, Born at Englishtown. N. J., Dec. 2. 1884 Elmer Williamson Kent, Born at New Brunswick gineer. Harry Levenson, Born in Russia, Jan. 27 Robert Allen Lufburrow, Born at Atlantic Highlands. N. J., Dec and real estate operator. C.E. (Rutgers. Alfred John Mahnken, Born at T'nion. N. J., Dec. 2, and structural engineer. C.E. Clifford Lea Mason, Born at Trenton, N. J., Dec. 1, Bergen Stelle Merrill, Born at Stelton. N. J C.E. (Rutgers, 1913). John William Moffett, Born at Fords. N. J., (Rutgers, 1913). Irving Lovejoy Owen, Born at Wyoming, N. Y., County' Farm Demonstration, Clarence Louis Pferscii, Born in New York City, May Richard Coxe Rice, Born at New Brunswick. N. J.. 1886. Broker salesman. San Mateo, Cal. Ceramic chemist. Port Deposit. Md. Teacher. New Brunswick, N. J. Teacher. Passaic, N. J. 1886. Electrical en- Elizabeth, N. J. N. J. Sept. 6 Highland. Park, 3, 1886. Contractor 1913). Weehawken, N. J. 1888. Architectural, consulting (Rutgers, 1912). Pittsfield, Mass. 1887. Electrical engineer. Rah way, N. J. 1886. Structural engineer. Oct. 17, 1887. Civil May N. J New Brunswick, 28, 1882. Snpt. Middlesex ■. Experiment Station. Detroit. r 14. 1886, Chemist. New Brunswick, New York City, engineer. C.E. N. J. Mich. N. J. 1908. ALUMNI. 265 Daniel Safford, Born in New New York Secretary. M Sc. 12. 1886. Lawyer. Patersou, LL.B. (N. Oct. 14. 188' Highland Park. Engineering and Brooklyn. Railway postal York ritv. Anr. 2. 1887 (Rutgers. IPIO). LL.B. (N. Y. Law Scliool. 1910) William Personet Seddon, Born at Paterson. N. J.. Ait Y. Law School. 1911). Harold Richard Segoine. Born at Point Pleasant. N. J contracting. James Herbert Smith, Born at New Brunswick. N. .T., May 11, 1884 clerk. Martin Somers Steelman, Born at Mays Landing. N. J. Civil engineer. Arthur Cunningham Swift, Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Mav 15. 1883. Civil engineering. U. S. Engineer Corns. N. Y. C.E. (Rutgers. 1911). Charles Maxwell Warner, Jr.. Elizabeth, Born at Memphis. Tenn., May 21. 1889. Miner. Met.E. Howard Irving Wheat, Rutherford, Born at Madison. N. .T.. Mav 28. 1884. Assistant superintendent. Chestnut Ridge White Brick Co. Clarence Alexander Wilbur, Frankfort, Born at Catskill. N. Y.. Oct. 4, 1883. Leveler, N. Y. State Dept. of Engineering. City. N. J. N. J. N. Y. Hartford, Conn. Red Bank, N. J. N. J. N. J. N. Y. New Brunswick, N. J. Cashier for Arlington, N. J. Teacher. Norwood, Mass. At Rutgers. 1904-05. Newton, N. J. At Rutgers. 1904-05. Edwin Lewis Baier, Born at New Brunswick. N. .L. .Tune 23. 1886. Armour & Co. at New Brunswick. N. J. Thomas Stanley Benstead, Born at Arlington. N. .L. May 25, 1887. Clarence Arminger Bingham, Born at Elizabeth. N. .7.. Sept. 20, 1885 City manager, 1915- . *Henry K. Blanchard, Born at Newton. N. ,T.. .Tulv 13, 1886. Died. Sept. 16, 1905. Frank Taintor Corbin, Jr., Oxford, N. Y. Born at ^IcDonough. N. Y.. .Tune 15. 1885. Manufacturing. Charles Burhans Finctt. Kingston, N. Y. Born at Ivingston. N. Y.. May 30. 1885. At Rutgers. 1904-08. Civil engineer. Raymond McNair Gardner, Gantts Quarry, Ala. Born at Newark. N. .L. Mch. 12. 1885. At Rutgers two years. Chief draughtsman. James Grieve, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at West Hartlepool. England. Feb. 28. 1881. Herbert Langley Harries, Washington, D. C. Born at Washington, D. C, .Tune 9. 1885. U. S. Army. West Point. 1907. Christian Heidt, Jr., Born at Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 6. 1886. Nathan Kaufman, Born at Elizabeth. N. J.. Dec. 27. 1884. United Electric Light and Power Co. Edward Benedict Kelly, Born at Elizabeth, N. .T., Sept. 15. 1885. Jersey City, N. J. Manufacturer. Elizabeth, N. J. Meter expert. With Elizabeth, N. J 266 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1908-1909. Robert Austin Klein, Buffalo, N. Y. Born at West Valley, N. Y., June 23, 1881. PIoRATio Seymour Lang, Jr., Glen Ridge, N. J. Born at Corning, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1886. Civil engineer. Joseph Watson Messler, Springfield, O. Born at Allentown, N. J., Dec. 29, 1888. At Rutgers one year. Subscription manager, Crowell Publishing Co. Otto Reiner, East Orange, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., May 24, 1886. At Rutgers one year. Supt. Public Service Gas Co., Newark, N. J. B.S. (Purdue, 1910). Schuyler Leonard Rust, * New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Bridgewater. Mass., Feb. 3, 1884. At Rutgers, 1904-06. Secretary and Treasurer, \Mlliam Rust and Sons Co. Alexander Burton Shufeldt, Born at Kingston, N. Y., June 30, 1884. Frank Herman Stobaeus, Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 27, 1884. Chemist. William Teitelbaum, Born in New York City, Sept. 14, 1887. Horace Edward Treat, Born at Rahway, N. J., Jan, 24, 1883. Sales manager. Abraham Urevitz, Born at Eaisin, Russia, Dec. 10, 1886. Physician. M.D. (Univ. Coll. of Med., Rodney Van Gilder, Born at Petersburg, N. J., Mch. 13, 1880. At Rutgers, 1904-05 Teacher. Stirling Van Winkle, Born at Rutherford, N. J., Feb. 5, 1886, Theodore Romeyn Varick, Born at Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 8, 1885. Rafael Serafin Vidal, Born at San Juan, Porto Rico, Sept. 9, 1882 year. Municipal treasurer, 1911- . Kingston, N. Y. Newark, N. J. At Rutgers, 1904-06. Hoboken, N. J. Summit, N. J. At Rutgers four years. West Hoboken, N. J. At Rutgers one year. Richmond, Va., 1910). Petersburg, N, J. Rutherford, N. J. Business. East Orange, N. J. Humacao, Porto Rico. At Rutgers one Harky Arthur Vosburgh, Born at Holland, N. Y. George Robert Wilson, Born at Poughkeepsie, automobile tires. Lloyd Richard Wilson, Warsaw, N. Y. June 9, 1882. Business. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. N. Y., Nov. 28, 1886. Manufacturer, Cleveland, O. Born at Metuchen, N. J., Jan. 24, 1888. At Rutgers, 1904-05. Sales manager. East Orange, N. J. May 1, 1887. Artist. Somerville, N. J. Denys Wortman, Jr., Born at Saugerties, N Theodore Wyman, Jr., Born at Raritan, N. J., Oct. 19, 1888. Civil engineer. 1909. A.B. Marcus Cornelius Theofhilus Andreae, Born at Jersey City. N. J.. Sept. 8. 1886. N. B. Sem., 1912. A.M. (Rutgers, 1912). Jersey City, N. J. Clergyman, R. C. A. 1909. ALUMNI. 267 Samuel Arthur Devan, Bryn Mawr, Penna. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Doc. 6, 1887. Bapt. clergyman. Rhodes Scholar. B.A. (Univ. Oxford, 1913). B.D. (Rochester Sem., 1914). Francis Marmaduke Potter, Vellore, India. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y.. Mch. 10, 1888. Principal, "Voorhees College. 1913- . Rhodes Scholar, Oxford, 1908-11. A.B. (Oxford. 1911). A.M. (Columbia, 1913). N. B. Sem., 1911-13. James Bancroft Scott, Cambridge, Mass. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 6, 1889. Lawyer. LL.B. (Harvard Law School, 1915). Walter Cooper Sedam, New BrunsM^ick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 12, 1887. Lawyer. N. Y. Law School, 1911. LUMAN J. SHAFER, Born at Vintontown, N. Y'., Nov. 21. 1887. C. A. Missionary, Japan, 1912- (, 1912). Herman Vanderwart, Born at Hackensack, N. J., Sept. 1, 1887. Law School, 1912. Tokyo, Japan. Clergyman. R. N. B. Sem., 1912. A.M. Hackensack, N. J. Lawyer. N. Y. Horace Ebenezer Barwis, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Trenton. N. J., Apr. 30, 1887. At Rutgers one and one-half years. Lawyer. George Stelle Bolsterle, New York City. Born at Lebanon, N. J., Sept. 13, 1876. At Rutgers, 1905-06. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1909. Henry Klass Pasma, Oostburg, Wis. Born at Oosterbierum. Netherlands, May 29, 1881. Clergyman, R. C. A. A.B. (Hope, 1910). Clarel Raymond Seelye, New York City. Born at Manito, 111., Oct. 8, 1885. At Rutgers, 1905-07. Business manager, Pathe Film Co. Robert Stephenson, Albuquerque, N. M. Born at Mt. Tabor, N. J., Aug. 9, 1887. \Yitb U. S. Forest Service. Theodore Romeyn Westervelt, Kijabe, British East Africa. Born at Teaneck, N. J., Aug. 18, 1880. Clergyman, R. C. A. Missionary, Africa Inland Mission. N. B. Sem.. 1910. William Alleno Worthington, Annville, Jackson Co., Ky. Born at Poplar Grove, HI., May 30, 1877. At Rutgers, 1905-06. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1909. Litt.B. jA:\rES Woods Babcock, New York City. Born at Chester, S. C, July 5, 1888. Physician. M.D. (Coll. P. and S., 1913). A.M. (Rutgers, 1915). Frederick Locke Bascom, East Millstone, N. J. Born at Sergeantsville, N. J., July 18, 1887. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). Kingston, N. Y. 27, 1887. Office manager. Rahway, N. J. Apr. 22, 1887. Lawyer. LL.B. Austin Slauson Basten, Born at Bayonne, N. J., Jan Charles Eli Corbin, Born at McDonough. N. Y'. (N. Y. Law School, 1911). 268 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1909. George Wilmot Hart, Naugatuck, Conn. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 27, 1887, Rubber Chemist. M.A. (Columbia, 1912). VooRHEES Kline, Somerville, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J., June 23, 1887. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School). *Maurice Jasper O'Leary, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1886. M.A. (St. Francis Xavior). Teacher. Supt. Schools, Folsom, N. M. Died. Apr. 26, 1914. Archibald Taylor, Longmont, CoL Born in New York City. Aug. 4, 1887. Teacher. George Forbes Fitch, Astoria, N, Y. Born at Astoria, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1888. With N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Wilber Thomas Gowen, North Bergen, N. J. Born at North Bergen, N. J., Aug. 23, 1886. At Rutgers two years. Business. B.Sc. Edwin Conrad Alford. Springfield, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1887. Robert Goldsmith Allen, Asbiny Park, N. J. Born at Red Bank, N. J., Nov. 30, 1884. With New York Tele- phone Co. Theodore Frelinghuysen Appleby. River.side, Cal. Born at Old Bridge, N. J., Oct. 17. 1886. Raymond Leslie Baldwin, South Columbia, N. Y. Born at Caldwell. N. J., Aug. 31, 1883. Foreman of creamery. Myron Hamilton Beekman, East Orange, N. J. Born at Columbia, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1886. Sales engineer. Allen Dale Cloke, Rahway, N. J. Eorn at Rahway, N. J., June 3, 1886. Civil engineer. Samuel S. Demarest, Bergenfield. N. J. Born at Bergenfield, N. J., June 2, 1886. District Manager Vacuum Oil Co. Herbert Bennett Fenn, Jersey City, N. J. Porn at Winterthus, Del., Nor. 16, 1882. Instructor in Me- chanical and Electrical Engineering. Herbert Greenewald, Moorestown, N. J. Born at Moorestown, N. J., Aug. 14, 1881. Teacher. Ernest Freeman Hawley, Penns Grove, N. J. Born at Washington, D. C, Oct. 18. 1884. Supervisor with the E. I. Du Pont De Moms Powder Co. David Louis Hendler, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Russia, Nov. 18, 1888. Civil engineer. John AYhilldin Janvier, Newark, N. J. Born at Bridgeton, N. J., Jan. 31, 1887. With General Elec- tric Co. Hans Max Kaletsch, Perth Amboy. N. J. Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., Feb. 6, 1888. Chemist. Benjamin Marshall Miller, Dunellen, N. J. Born at Oxford. N. Y., Oct. 18, 1884. Clerk. 1U09. ALUMNI. 269 Frank Ambrose Morrison, Ridgefield Park, N. J. Bom at Ridgefield Park, N. J., Jan. 30, 1889. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1911). George Washington Mulheuon, Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J., June 2, 1886. With Dexter Portland Cement Co. Julius Joshua Newmark, Plainfield, N. J. Born in Russia. Feb. 9, 1887. Civil engineer. Arthur Douglas Pringle, Newark, N, J. Born at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1886. Civil engineer. William Raymond Ransom, Labway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Aug. 30, 1886. Civil engineer, Penn. R. R. Frederick Foster Read, Arlington, N. J. Born at Arlington, N. J.. Dec. 30, 1886. Civil engineer. Ralph Frank Ritter, Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway. N. J., Feb. 17, 1888. Automobile accessori.s. Clayton Sidney Smith, Chicago, 111. Born at Newark, N. J., Apr. 23, 1887. Instructor in Biological Chemistry, Coll. Med., Univ. 111. Writer on Biological Chem- istry. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1912). Ph.D. (Columbia. 1913) RiiEA Gordon Smith, St. Louis, Mo. Born at Keyport, N. J., Mch. 17, 1887. Chemist. Ford C. Sommers, Cobleskill, N, Y. Born at Seward, N. Y., June 25, 1884. Zacharya Hirsch Srager, Newark, Del. Born at Plainfield, N. J., Mch. 8, 1886. Asst. Prof. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 1911- . Randolph Frederick Steinke, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., May 1, 1886. *FiTZ Gerald Tisdall, Jr., Newark, N, J. Born in Texas, June 17, 1889. Electrical engineer. Died, Apr. 18, 1915. William Lloyd VanKeuren, North Bergen, N. J. Born at North Bergen, N. J., Dec. 3, 1887. Experimental en- gineering. RusHwoRTH Burton Van Sickle, Hartford, Conn. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 3, 1887. Sales engineer of building material. William Henry Wallace, Camp Hill, Pa. Born at Moorestown, N. J., Aug. 25, 1887. Engineer. Raymond Benjamin Walling, Newark, N. J. Born at Port Monmouth, N. J., Apr. 12, 1887. John Michael Wenneis, ' St. Louis, Mo. Bom in New York City, June 15, 1888. Chemical engineer. John St. Vincent Harman-Ashley, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 20, 1885. At Rutgers, 1905-07. Advertising. George Lee Burton, South River, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 10, 1888. Lawyer. Robert Henry Conover, Freehold, N. J. Born at Englishtown, N. J., Mch. 24, 1886. At Rutgers one year. Osteopathic physician. American School of Osteopathy, KirksvilLe, Mo., 1909. 270 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1»09. Thomas Joseph Cusack, Jr., Born at Poughkeepsie, N, Y., Radiator Co. Chicago, IlL Apr. 7, 1S83. With American Somerville, N. J. Howard Kirkbride Dilts, Born at Trenton. N. .7.. Mch. 10, 1883. At Rutgers. 1905-08. Principal Somerville High School, 1915- . A.B. (Clark Col- lege, 1909). Eugene Victor Rawel Dulje, Bom at Newark, N. J., July 22, 188 Harry Dunn Green, Bom at Salem, N. J., Raymond Lewis Greene, Born at South Amboy Oct. 11, 1887 N. J. Newark, N. J. Salem, N, At Rutgers four years. Brooklyn, N. Apr. 10, 1888. At Rutgers one and one-half years. Asst. Supt., Brooklyn Union Gas Co. Taber, Alta, Canada. Bloomfield, N. J. Henry George Kreis, Born at Turnerville. Conn., Apr. 16, 1883. Clifford Hampton Lawrence, Born at Bloomfield, N. J., Aug. 17, 1886. Eldon Leon Loblein, New Brunswick, N. J. Born, at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 13, 1888. At Rutgers two years. Veterinarian. Member. Assembly, N. .T., 1915—16. V.M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1910). Leigh Lundy, Westerleigh, S. I. Born at Johnsonburg, N. J., Nov. 24, 1889. In the slate busi- ness. Joseph Thompson McDermott, Indianapolis, Ind. Born at Freehold, N. J., June 6, 1886. At Rutgers two and one-half years. Advertising agent. William Joseph McFadden, Newark, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., July 2. 1887. At Rutgers, 1905- 06. Lawyer. LL.B. (New Jersey Law School, 1910). Eugene John McKenna, Jersey City, N. J. Born at West Hoboken, N. J., Aug. 28, 1884. LuTiiER Harned Martin, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., May 2. 1889. At Rutgers, 190.-)-08. Registrar and Secretary of Faculty, Rutgers College. 1915- . Asa Suydam Merrill, Born at Flemington, N. J., May 9, 1886. Teacher. Ph.D. (Yale, 1910). George Washington Mingus, Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 17, 1884. Tel. Co. Charles Mohair, Born at Newton, N. J.. Sept. 16, 1887. B.S Teacher. Robert Nutt, * Bom in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 31, 1886 years. Salesman. Arthur Amos Pearce, Bom at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., July 8, 1886. Thomas Frank Phinny, Born at Oil City, Pa., July 31, 1886. Halsey Edmund Ramsen, Philadelphia, Pa. At Rutgers, 1905-06. Railway, N. J. With Western Union Long Branch, N. J. (Union, 1911). Astoria, L. I. At Rutgers three Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Oil City, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Born at Newark. N. J., Dec. 22, 1885. At Rutgers. 1905-08. A.B. (Miami, 1910). Salesman. Walter Henry Rugen, Born at Bound Brook. N. J., Nov. 17, 1887 and one-half years. With contracting firm. Bound Brook. N. J. At Rutgers, two 3J»09-1910. ALUMNI. 271 John Vincent Sckenck, Easton, Pa. Bom at Claverack, Pa., Sept. 23, 1887. Automobile sale.sman. Edward Reily Schneider, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 17, 1884. Stationery busi- ness. Morgan Gray Smith, Catskill, N. Y. Born at Catskill, N. Y., May 26, 1884. Samuel Royce Taverner, Plainfield, N. J. Bom at Leiseming, Pa., Oct. 6, 1883. At Rutgers four and one-half years. Civil engineer. Harold Doremus Tompkins, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City. N. J., Feb. 17, 1888. At Rutgers one year. Engineer. M.E. (Cornell, 1910). Samuel Bell Vrooman. Jr.. Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 23, 1887. At Rutgers two years. Lumber business. 1910. A.B. Alexander INIillspaugh Conger, New Hackensack, N. Y. Born at Union Church, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1887. Clergyman. R. C. A. Princeton Sem., 1913. A.M. (Princeton, 1913). B.D. (Princeton Sem., 1913). Peter De Meester, Ghent, N. Y. Born in Holland, June 3, 1883. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1913. Jesse Fitzgerald Durfee, , Hurley, N. Y. Born at Central Bridge, N. Y.. Mch. 16, 1886. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1913. A.M. (Rutgers, 1913). George M. Green, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Nyack, N. Y., Dec. 8. 1884. Principal of High School, 1910- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1913). Andrew Hansen, Millstone, N. J. Born at Hempstead, L. I.. Aug. 8, 1882. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1913. A.M. (Rutgers, 1913). Charles Chauncey Hommann, Jr., New York City. Both at Perth Amboy. N. J., Apr. 17. 1887. Advertising rep- resentative. Collier's Weekly. Frank Edgar Mason. El Paso, Texas. Born at Greeneville. Tenn.. July 14. 1890. Presb. clergvman. Princeton Sem., 1913. A.M. (Princeton, 1912). Russell Foote Stryker, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Bound Brook. N. J.. Oct. 22, 1889. Teacher. A.M. (Columbia, 1913). John Britton Black, Bogota, N. J. Born at Knox, Pa., Mch. 10, 1883. At Rutgers, 1906--07. En- gineer. ^William Alexander De Meester, Paterson, N. J. Born in Netheiiands, Apr. 17, 1881. At Rutgers, 1906-08. Died, July 13, 1909. Jacob Wallach, New York City. Born at Newark. N. J.. Dec. 30, 1887. Univ. Cincinnati. 272 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1910. Litt.B. Will Gillespie Atwood, Netcong, N. J. Born at Kirkwood, N. Y., May 26, 1888. Supervising Principal of Seliools. David Fleming Coleman, Born at Tottenville, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1889. Scliool of Commerce, New York City. Marvin Ketcham Du Bois, Born at Tennent, N. J., Sept. 9, 1889. 1911-12. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1911). William Wilson Faussett, Born at Trenton, N. J., Oct. 25, 1887. Clarence Whitaker Green, Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Apr. 14, 1885. Clarence Searle Ketcham, Born at Newburgh, N. Y., Aug. 27. 1889. serve Corps. U. S. Aimy. M.D. (Rutgers, 1913). Henry Rice Povi^ell, Vineland, N. J. Born at Bridgeton, N. J.. Feb. 8, 1889. Physician. College of Osteopathic P. and S., Los Angeles, Cal., 1914. WiLLiA]V[ Abel Rogniat Russum, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Sept. 15, 1889. Presb. clergyman. Princeton Sem., 1913. A.M. (Princeton, 1912). Walter Griffin Winne, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y.. Feb. 18, 1889. Lawyer. Member, Assembly, N. J., 1916. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1912). Tottenville, N. Y. Teacher, High Freehold, N. J. At Mass. Inst. Tech., Atlanta, Ga. Salesman. New York City. Merchant. Exporter. Washington, D. C. 1st Lieut. Med. Rt- ( Johns Hopkins, 1914). A.M. Henry Payson Pitcher,* Hudson, N. Y. Born at Hudson. N. Y.. June 23. 1887. At Rutgers, 1906-10. ♦Raymond Leslie Schenck, Neshanic, N. J. Born at Neshanic, N. J., Mch. 19, 1888. Died in his Junior year, Nov. 9, 1908. Frank Iverson Bowler, Born at Newport, R. B.Sc. Glens Falls, N. Y. I., Oct. 14, 1887. Asst. to Chief En- gineer, Adirondack Electric Power Corporation. Charles William Butler, New York City. Born at Roxbury, Mass., July 12, 1888. Civil engineer in Regis- ter's office, N. Y. City. WiLLARD Trotter Case, ' New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Schenectady, N. Y., May 9, 1880. Sales office manager. Hyman Nathan Coplan, Elizabeth, N. J. Born in New York City, Nov. 6, 1889. Stationery business. Tunis Denise, Chicago, 111. Born at Freehold, N. J., Nov. 27, 1889. Agronomist. William Budington Duryee, Jr., Born at Freehold, N. J., May i: strator. Kenneth Sherman Franklin, Born at Middleville, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1885. William Powell Garrison, Born at Roadstown, N. J., Apr. 7, 1888. Guarantee and Trust Co. 1888. Freehold, N. J. County farm demon- Jersey City, N. J. Civil engineer. New Brunswick, N. J. With Middlesex Title 1910. ALUMNI. 273 Morgan Hand, Jr., Ocean City, N. J. Born at Cape May Court House, N. J., June 22, 1887. Civil engineer. City engineer, 1915— . Thomas Laugiilin Hanson, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., Oct. 1, 1888. Lawver. LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1015). Julius Ferdinand Jahn, Linden, N. J. Born at Linden, N. J., Dec. 13, 1890. Fire protection engineer. Edwin Thomas Leslie, Newark, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 1, 1888. Civil engioeer. Arthur Thomas McMichael, South Amboy, N. J. Born at Jenkintown. I'a., Nov. 17, 1884. Civil engineer. Ernest Cutter Moffett, Woodbridge, N. J. Born at Fords, N. J., Nov. 17, 1888. Chemist. Arthur Boyle Murphy, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albany. N. Y., Dec. 2, 1886. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1916). Heri.ert William Nafey, Highland Park, N. J. Born at Highland I'ark, N. J., Apr. 25, 1887. Physician. M.D. (Univ. I'enn., 1914). Sydney Philip Noe, New York City. Born at Woodbridge, N. J,, Apr. 4, 1885. Librarian, American Numismatic Society, 1915- . A.M. (Rutgers. 1913). Ralph Nevius Perlee, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Albany, N. Y., June 19, 1887. Sales manager. Louis Powers, Elizabeth, N. J. Civil engineer. C.E. Robert Ernest Rugen, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Bound Brook, N. J., Sept. 15, 1889. Asst. Manager, Welfare Dept., (Jeneral Electric Co. James Claude Thomson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Sprakers, N. Y., Apr. 18, 1889. M.Sc. (Rutgers. 1911). N. B. Sem., 1915. B.D. (Rutgers, 1916). Edwin Stone Tozier, Silver Springs, N. Y. Born at Johnsonburg, N. Y.. Oct. 13, 1884. Supt. Silver Springs Water and Light I'lant. ^Augustus Blanciiard Van Mater, Pittsburg, Penn. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1888. With Westinghouse Electric Co. Died, Dec. 1, 1910. Frank Hasbrouck Van Winkle, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J.. Dec. 7, 1889. Engineer. Prince- ton (iraduate School, 1910-11. E.E.- (Rutgers, 1914). Nathaniel Cain AVyckoff, Hoboken, N. J. Born at Millstone, N. J., July 11, 1886. Draughtsman. *Charles James Manley Yates, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Oct. 10, 1889. With American Bridge; Co., Trenton, N. J., one year-. Died, Feb. 24, 1912. Henry Orville Beebe, Cutchogue, N. Y. Born at Cutchogue, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1889. ^ Louis Paxson Booz, Jr., Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., July 27, 1888. , I]arl Ckoul Bradbeer. Detroit, Mich, In class of 1907, Union. John Stewart Buzby, Edgewater Park, N. J. Born at :\Ioorestown, N. J., Dec. 2, 1886. 18 274 RUTGESS COLLEGE. 1010. West Bethlehem, Pa. Foreman, Bethlehem At Rutgerj 1910). Pittsburgh, Pa. 1906-08. Aug. 30. 1887. Penn., 1912). Henry Randall Cox, Born at Herkimer. N. Y., Sept. 26. 1887 Steel Co. C.E. (Lehigh Univ., 1913). Warren Benson Dygert, Jr., Born at Jersey Citv, N. J.. May 5. 1888. Civil engineer. C.E. (Univ. Pittsburgh. Eugene Warren Fales, Born at La Salle. N. Y.. Sept. 16, 1887. 2cl Lieutenant. 24th U. S. Infantry. LeRoy Webster Farley, Born at Ti'enton, N. .T. Dentist. D.D.S. (Univ. Herman Feller, Born in Russia, 1880. Charles William German n, Born at Millington, N. .L, Aug 28. 1885 Boys' Work Secretary. Y. M. C. A. Rexford Mason Glaspey. Born at Greenwich, N. J., Nov. 9, 1889. William Henry Haelig, Born at Bound Brook, N. J., May 13, 1890 1906-09. Merchant Lawrence David Halpin, Born at Warsaw, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1887. HoBART Bishop Hankins, Born at Pemherton, N. J., July 15, 1887. Editor and advertising manager. Benjamin Edward Herrmann, Born at Plainfield. N. .L. Mch 17. 1888. Dorsey William Hyde, Jr., Glenn Grover Maxon. Born at Attica, N. Y., Oct. 2. 1886. B.S Ray Chidester Menagh, Born at .Jersey City, N. J., July 27. 1889. William Corlies Patterson, Born at Ardona. N. J , Feb. 10, 1889. Burt Jesse Peffer, Born at Bliss. N. Y.. June 28, 1886. At Live stock and produce dealer. *Wendell Prime Reid, Born at Sweetman. N. .T^ Oct. 27, 18.87. lege Farm. June 24, 1907. James Edward Rowland. Born at Long Branch, N. J., Aug. 13, 1888 George Henry Schedler. Born at Brooklyn. N. Y., Nov. 6, 1884. *Willard Earle Schenck, New Brunswick, N. Born at West Ghent, N. Y., June 25, 1887. Cashier. "Robert Fulton." Albany Day Line. Died, Feb. 3, 1913. Gilbert Edward Seil, Perth Amboy, N. Jordan Homer Stover. . Nutley, N. Born at Trenton. N. J.. June 4. 1888. At Rutgers. 1905-07, -^r^o r.r^ ^, :,„, i Prlncetou Unlv Washington, D. C. At Rutgers, 1906-09. Trenton, N. J. At Rutgers one year. New Brunswick. X. J. Binghamton, N. Y. At Rutgers two years. Greenwich, N. J, Bound Brook, N. J. At Rutgers, Warsaw, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. At Rutgers, 1906-07. Plainfield, N. J. New York City. Attica, N. Y. (Syracuse, 1911). Jersey City, N. J. Merchant. Freehold, N. J. Bliss, N. Y. Rutgers two years. Freehold, Drowned at the Col- N. J. Long Branch, N. Princeton, 1908-10. Brooklyn, N. 1908-09. Chemical engineer Ray Brown Thomas. Born in Berkshire, Vt, Apr. 11, 1884 Vermont, 1910). 1909-10. Enosburg Falls, Vt. Physician, M.D. (Univ. ALUMNI. 215 1911. A.B. WiLLiA]M VoiGT Becker, Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 28, 1891 Mosquito Commission. Vincent James Oasale, Born at Paterson, N. J., Oct. 1, 1888. vard, 1914). Edwin Stanley Chedisier, Born at Rockaway, N. J., June 16, 1889 Princeton Sem., 1916. Ernest Theodore Dewald, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 18, 1891. A.M. (Prince- ton, 1914). Ph.D. (Princeton, 1916). Fellow, Princeton Grad- uate College. DuMONT Freeing huysen Elmendorf, Baltimore, Md. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 7, 1890. A.M. (Rutgers, 1915). M.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1915). John DeLancey Ferguson, Tiffin, Ohio. Born at Scottsville, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1888. Asst. Prof. English, Heidelberg Univ. A.M. (Rutgers, 1912). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1916). Accord, N. Y. Clergyman, R, C. A. Newark, N. J. With Essex County Newark, N, J. Lawyer. LL.B. (Har- Thompson Ridge, N. Y. Presb. clergyman. New Brunswick, N. J. Henry Delevan Frost, Born at Dairyland, N, Y., June 4, 1884. N. B. Sem., 1914. Allen Francis Marcley, Born at Mariaville, N. Y., July 19, 1881. Western Sem., 1914. John Neander, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. 19, 1880. N. B. Sem., 1914. Delanson, N. Y. Clergyman, R. C. A. Gardiner, N. Y. Clergyman, R. C. A. Theodore Niver Pockman, New York City. Born at East Greenbush. N. Y., Sept. 2. 1890. Newspaper writer. A.M. (Rutgers, 1914). Litt.B. (Columbia, 1914). Ferdinand Schureman Schenck, Jr., New York City. Born at Montgomery, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1889. Advertisement writer. Louis Bevier VanDyck, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Buffalo, N. Y., Mch. 13, 1889. Accountant. *Leonard Kip Van Dyck, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1890. M.D. (Albanv Med. Coll., 1915). Physician, St. John's Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. Died, Dec. 30, 1915. Tracy Stebbins Voorhees, Shafter, Kern Co., Cal. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 30, 1890. Ranching. Lawyer. LL.B. (Columbia, 1914). A.M. (Rutgers, 1914). Edward Everett Dissell, Born at Canton, Ohio, Mch. 1, 1889. Newton Hayes Fessenden, Born at Candor, N. Y., Mch. 4, 1889. Lawyer. LL.B. (Albany Law School)., William Buckley Murray, Jr., Born at Scranton, Pa., Dec. 9, 1889. With Munson Steamship Line. West Hartford, Conn. Kingston, N. Y. At Rutgers one year. Brooklyn, N. Y. At Rutgers, 1908-09. 276 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1011. George Walter 8tout, Hollywood, Ciil. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Mch. 9, 1890. At Rutgers. 1908—10. Manager, Keystone Film Co. Lucius Douglas Tompkiis'S, Jr., Grand Rapids, Mich. Born at Harlingen, N. J., May 13, 1889. A.B. (Yale). Alexander Beggs Wilkie. Albany, N. Y. Born at Bethleliem, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1887. Student, Univ. N. Y. Litt.B. AViLLiAM Chauncey Hawver, Hudson, N. Y. Born at Claverack, N. Y., Apr. 5. 1888. Law student. William Henry MacDonald, Trenton, N. J. Bom at Dayton, N. J., Nov. 27. 1888. Health Inspector. 1912- . Louis Raymond Reid, New York City. Born at Warsaw, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1887. Journalist. George Safford, New York City. Born in New York Cit5\ Apr. 18, 1889. Bond salesman. George Munson Sangster, Jr., Rutherford. N. J. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Nov. 6, 1HHV>. Advertising and editorial representative. Hiram Steelman, Atlantic City, N. J. Born at Ocean City. N. J., Dec. 14. 1887. Lawyer. LL.B. (Yale, 1914). Edwin Seymour Oldis, New York City. Born in New York City, Apr. 18, 1885. At Rutgers three years. Lawyer. Jacob Spitzer, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born in New York City, Dec. 23, 1890. B.Sc. George Howard Baldwin, East Orange, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Nov. 14, 1889. Salesman. Jesse Harold Beekman, Englewood, N. J. Born at Sayreville. N. J.. Sept. 17. 1889. Supervisor, Physical Education, Englewood Public Schools Harold Silas Best, Aldershot. Canada. Born at South Framingham, Mass.. Nov. 10. 1888. With Na- tional Fireproofing Co. of-Canada. Herman Clark Brewster, Cornwall, N. Y. Born at Cornwall, N. Y.. Nov. 2, 1888. Traveling. Alan EIlwin Burns. Irvington, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 12, 1890. Engineer. Malcolm Langstroth Carl, Bloomfield, N. J. Born at Bloomfield. N. J., June 2, 1889. Wholesale coal business. RoscoE WiLLiA]M DeBaun, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Caldwell. N. J., Dec. 16, 1887. Extension specialist in market gardening. WiLLARD CoNKLiN DURHAM, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mav 10, 1889. Rubber industry. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1915). 1911. ALUMNI. 377 Wallace Toon Eakins, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at I'aterson. N. J., Doc. 11, 1880. Sanitary inspector. M.Sc. (Rutsjors. 11)13). Scott Miller Fell, Trenton, N, J. Born at Trenton, N. J., Oct. 10, 1887. Insurance broker. Joseph Robert Forsyth, Dover, N, J. Born at Hoboken. N. J., Nov. 23, 1887. Civil engineer. Clarence Edward Fulton, Tarentum, Penn. Born at New Brunswick, N. .!., Jan. 22. 1889. Ceramic chemist. Ferdinand Wead Haasis. Jenkins, Ky. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Jan. 25, 1889. Forester. M.F. (Yale. 1913). Ralph Ueidingsfeld, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. .7.. May 5. 1890. Instructor in Chemistry. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1914). Roy Or:^[Onde Henszey, Oconomowoe, Wis. Born in Thiladelphia, Pa.. May 20, 1887. Chief engineer and architect. C.E. (Rutgers, 1914). John LeRoy Herrer. Watertown, N. Y. Born at Feura Bush, N. Y.. Nov. 2, 1887. Civil engineer. Asst. engineer, N. Y. State Highway Dept., 1914- . C.E. (Rutgers. 1915). Augustus Hunt, Minot, N. D. Born in Philadelphia. Pa.. Mch. 27. 1888. Asst. city engineer. Charles Edward Jacquart, South River, N. J. Born at Matawan, N. J., Oct. 7, 1889. Ceramic chemist. George Edward Jones, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in New York City, June 17, 1889. President, Jonlee Paint and Varnish Co. Charles Morris Keebler, Jr., Glassboro, N. J. Born at Glassboro, N. J.. Jan. 20, 1891. Manager of Gas Co. Henry Kreh. Jr., Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., May 3, 1890. Harold David Leslie, Newark, N. J. Born at Newton Centre, Mass., Aug. 26, 1889. Advertising. Walter Burroughs McDougall, Pleasantville, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1890. Teacher. Andrew Ten Eyck Manley, Bethlehem, Pa. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 30, 1888. Engineering Dept. Guerber Engineering Co., Highland Park, New Brunswick. N. J. Samuel Maximilian Nelson, Pequaming, Mich. Born at Highland Park, N. .!., May 13, 1889. Post-gradunte student. Sociology. I'niv. Wisconsin. Warren Wilcox Oley, Bridgeton, N. J. Born at Dunellen, N. J., Apr. 12, 1889. County farm demon- strator. DORRANCE Wilson Palmer, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., .Tune 15, 1889. Civil engineer. Raymond Sears Patterson. New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Jersey City. N. J.. May 4, 1890. Chief Inspector, Middlesex and Monniouth County Mosquito Commission. Willis P^arl Rochford, Trenton, N. J. Born at Watervliet. N Y., Aug. 4, 1889. Civil engineer. John Roderick Sexton. Youngstown, O Born at Eong Branch. N. .!.. Jan. 18, 1889. Assistant engineer. Erie R. R. C.E. (Rutgers, 1915). 278 RUTGERS COLLEGE. IJ) 1 1 Harold Sillcox, Newark, Born at Bristol, Pa., May 20, 1886. Civil engineer, Penn. R. R. Frederick Martin Smith, Plainfield, Born at South Bound Brook. N. J., July 28, 1889. Supt. of distribution, Public Service Gas Co. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1914). Howard Anthony Smith, New York Born in New York City, Oct. 23, 1888. Civil engineer. Clarkson Provost Stelle, Miiltown, Born at Miiltown. N. J., Mch. 31, 1891. Engineer and con- tractor. Vice President, Utility Construction Co., 1915- . Earle Cook Stillwell, Freehold, Born at Freehold, N. J., July 12, 1890. Instructor in Agricul- ture. Lloyd Mervin VanNess. Caldwell, Born at Caldwell, N. J., June 28, 1889. Banking. John Haring Voorhees, Mendham, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 27, 1889. Farmer. N. J, N. J. City. N. J, N. J. N. J. N. J. Lester Douglas Baldwin, Born at Orange. N. J., Feb. 12, 188 Harland Bartholomew, Caldwell, N. J. Metuchen, N. J. At Rutgers, 1907-09, West Hartford, Conn. At Rutgers, 1908-09. New Brunswick, N. J. St. Louis, Mo. Born at Stoneham, Mass., Sept. 14, 1889. At Rutgers three years. Expert adviser, City Plan Commission, St. Louis, Mo., 1916- . Edward Clarkson Dana, Bom at Metuchen, N. J., Sept. 1, 1888. Salesman, Carlos Philemon Day, Born at West Avon, Conn., June 4, 1889. Salesman. ^Harold Wilson Dixon, Born at Highland Park. New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 27, 1891. At Rutgers, 1907-11. With Public Service Co. at Perth Amboy. N. J. Died, June 29, 1913. George Stanley Fisher, Norwich, N. Y Born at Middletown, N. Y„ Aug. 13, 1889. At Rutgers a half year. Clerk. Edward Lyell Fox, New York City Born in New York City, Sept. 29, 1889. At Rutgers one year. Writer. Author, "Secret of the German War Office," and "Be- hind the Scenes in Warring Germany.'' Duane Burney French, Warsaw, N Born at Bennington, N, Y,, Nov, 25, 1886. Louis Rochester Freund, Newark, N. J. Born at Rochester, N. Y., Mch. 18. 1889. At Rutgers one year. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. J. Law School, 1910). Elbert Trescott Goode, New York City. Born at Greenville. S. C, Jan. ^1. 1888. At Rutgers three years. Advertising Manager, Individual Drinking Cup Co. Frederick Ernest Koester, Hackensack, N. J. Born at Bradford, Penn., May 10, 1887. At Rutgers, 1907-08. Title insurance. John Kean Leeds, Oak Park, 111. Born at Elizabeth, N. J.* Dec. 3, 1888. At Rutgers one year. Salesman, machinery. Lewis Bassett Moore, Flushing, N. Y. Born at Little Neck, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1886. Y. 1911-1912. ALUMNI. 279 Benjamin Harrison Nichols, Born at Albany, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1887 Sanitary inspector. Frank Russell Parker, Born at Rahway, N. J., May 2, 1889. School principal. Earl Warren Presley, Born at Cleveland, Ohio Physician. M.D. (Univ. Charles Russell Rogers, At Rutgers Albany, one year. Oakhurst, At Rutgers two years. Great Kills, S. I., Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1889. Lawyer. Aug. 28, 1889. At Rutgers one year, and Bellevue Med. Coll., 1912). Ocean Grove, At Rutgers, 1907-09. John Burleigh Smith, Born at Elmer. N. J.. Jan. 1, 1889 With Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. William Alfred Smith, Born at Newburgh, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1889. Draughtsman. Carl Wackenhuth, Born at Newark. N. J., Apr. 2, 1887. Arthur Deady Welsh, Born in New York City, Nov. 3, 1889 Arthur Groves Whyte, Elmer, At Rutgers three years. Newburgh, At Rutgers, 1907-08. Newark, New Brunswick, B.S. (Notre Dame). West Orange, Born at Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 15, 1887. Manufacturer of moiiou pictures. Japhet Bishop Woolston, Born at Trenton, N. J., Nov. 30, 1887. Field engineer. Trenton, At Rutgers two years. N. Y. N. J. N. Y. N. J. N. J. N. Y. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. 1912. A.B. Harold Curtice Amos, Newark, N. J. Born at Springwater, N, Y., Apr. 20. 1885. Teacher, Latin, Newark Academy, 1913- . Special Lecturer, Spanish, Univ. N. Y., 1915- . A.M. (Rutgers, 1910). Walter Sax Bloom, Hawthorne, N. J. Born at Catskill, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1888. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1915. Alan Ditchfield Campbell, St. Louis, Mo. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Aug. 2, 1891. Instructor in Mathematics, Washington Univ., 1915- . M.A. (Princeton, 1915). Seymour Parker Gilbert, Jr., Born at Bloomfield. N. J., Oct. 13. 1892. (Harvard, 1915). A.M. (Rutgers, 1916). Valentine Britton Havens, Born in Brooklyn. N. Y.. July 11. 1889. Rhodes Scholar, Ox- ford University. B.A. in Jurisprudence (Oxford, 1916). William Gettier Herrman, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Norwood, Ohio. June 13. 1890. Physician. M.D. (N. Y. Homoeopathic Med. Coll., 1916). A.M. (JRut.gers. 1016). Henry Kilmer Hotaling, Blawenburg, N. J. Born at Saugerties, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1889. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1915. Jacob Press, Dorothy, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Dec. 14, 1890. Bloomfield, N. J. Lawyer. LL.B. Oxford, England. 280 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1912. N. J.. Juno 6, 1892. (Kutgoi-s. ini6). Vivian Clinton Ross, Born at New Brunswick (Columbia. 1915). A.M. Ernest Weld Scudder, Born at Croston. Neb., Oct. 27. 1888. WiLLiA^r Rudolph Fuerciitegott Stier, Born at Sayreville. N. .T.. Oct. 2,5. 1892. Educntional Y. M. C. A. Student, Union Sem., Class of 1917. New Brunswick, N. Law.ver. IjL.B. Geologist. Xorman, Okla. New York City. Director. Clifford Wilpur Buck, Born at Succasunna, N. .7., .Tan. 14, *WiLLiA]M Van Vranken Mabon, Born at Hoboken. N. .T., Dec. Witb Ilackensack Water Co. 1913. Lewis Chester Morrison, Born at Cambridge. Mass.. Oct. 2,S. 1884. ♦Elmer Bernard Shapiro, 1891. .5. 1890. Drowned Succasunna. N, J. Ilackensack, N, J, At Rutgers. 1908-09. n reservoi Feb. Boston, Mass. Somerville, N. J, .Tan. 29. 1885. A.B. Born in Russia. Oct. ,S0. 1891. Ivilled by train wbile a student at Rutgers, May 14, 1911. Nicholas Sikkie Sichierman Born at Coonersville. Mich., Student. N. B. Sem., 1915. Robert IIarmer Smith, Born, at Oyster Bay. N. Y. Francesco Giglio Urbano, Born in Italy. Mch. 2.S, 188.3. At Rutgers Episc. clergyman. General Sem.. 1914. Coopersville. Mich, (Hope. 1914). Oyster Bay, N. Y, May .31. 1891. New York City 1909-10. Prot. Litt.B. 1. 1888. Instructor James Kay Alverson, Born at Newark. N. .7.. Nov. Recreation Commission. Perry Hadwick Bascom. Born at Middlebush, N. J.. Apr. 22. 1889. Fred Arthur Briegs, Born at I'erth Amboy. N Fred Montgomery Fountain, Born at Ilackensack, N. J., Sept. insurance. Jacob Walter Groendyke, Born at Monmouth .Tunction. N. J.. .Tan. can Tel. and Tel. Co. George Willard Martin, Born in Brooklyn. N. Y.. Oct. 27. 1886. Botanist. Newark, N. Newark .1.. Aug. 10. 19. Bound Brook, N. Electrical contractor. Perth Amboy, N. 1889. Merchant. Hackensack, N. 1889. Real estate and 1891. Newark, N. With Amrri- Chicago, Graduate 111. student. I'niv. Chicago, 191.5-16. M.Sc John Dittgen Morrison, Born at Ridgefield Park. N. (Univ. Penn.. 1915). M.Sc MiLO Claude Moseman, l^orn at Windham. N. Y.. Nov Law School three years. Richard Alexander Smith, Born in New York City. -Tuly 2, 1890. Dexter White, Born at Middleburg, N. Y., Dec. 27. 1888. .T . Nov. (Rutger 18, (Rutgers. 1915). Ridgefield Park, N. J. 12. 1890. Dentist. D.D.S. 1, 1915). Richmond Hill, L. I., N. Y. 1887. Teacher. In N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa, New York City, Photographer. 1912. ALUMNI. 281 Lekoy Colver Wilsey, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., Oct. 31. 1889. Teacher. M.A. (Col- umbia, 1013). William Carpexder, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Oct. 20. 1888. At Rutgers one year. Re.fris^erating engineer. William Benjamin Cook, New Brunswick. N. J. Born at Iligli Falls. N. Y., May 4. 1884. At Rutgers two years. Teacher. B.S. (Columbia. 1011). B.Sc. John Arthur, Newark, N. J, Born at Newark. N. J.. Dec. 1880. Engineer. George David Altciiter, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City. N. J.. Jan. 6. 1889. Structural engineer. John Vail Bissett, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Milltown. N. J., Nov. 9, 1888. Student, Cornell Medi- cal School. Edward Francis Blatz, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth. N. J.. Jan. 29. 1890. Chemical engineer. ♦Walter Cox Bowen, Shiloh, N. J. Born at Shiloh, .N. J.. Nov. 17, 1886. Sanitarv engineer. Died, May 8. 101.1. Leonard Stott Briggs, South River, N. J. Born at Firthcliife. N. Y.. June 10. 1802. Ceramic engineer. M.Sc. (Rutf?ers. 1015). Harold Jasper Cadmus, Ridgewood, N. J. Born at Ba.vonne. N. J. Chemist. Robert Stephen Cleaver, Schuylerville, N. Y. Born at Schuvlerville. N. Y.. Mch. 17. 1801. Medical student, Cornell, Class "of 1016. Henry Clifton Cooper. Palmyra, N. Y. Born at Denton. Md., Oct. 8, 1880. Ceramic engineer. Elbron Fisher, Highland Park, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Sayreville, N. J., July 6, 1800. Civil engineer. Francis Clyde Fitting, Lahaska, Bucks County, Penn. Born at Ilammonton, N. J., May 20, 1800. Farmer. Samuel Furman Foster, Bay Head, N. J. Born at Bay Head, N. J., Aug. 31, 1800. Instructor. Russell Woodworth Gies, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J.. Apr. 7. 1801. Chief Inspector Unron County Mosquito Commission. M.Sc. (Rutgers, lOl.j). Augustus Lemuel Gladding, Lincoln, Cal. Born at Lincoln, Cal.. Jan. 12. 1889. Ceramic chemist. Frederic Glander, Glen Ridge, N. J. Boi-n in New York Citv, Feb. 25, 1888. Electrical engineer. M.E. (Rutgers. 1016). Aaron Martin Hageman, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Bound Brook. N. J . Aug. 17. 1800. Assistant in Chem- istry, Rutgers, 191.3- . M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1913). Van der Poel Feliow in Chemistry, Rutgers, 1912-13. George Edward Hagemann, Philadelphia, Pa Born at Newark. N. J.. June 9. 1887. Instructor in Mech. Engr., Univ. Penn. 282 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1912. Albert Lewis Hagex, Born at Hoboken, N. J., May 17, 1890. Edwin Howe Hals ted, Born at Passaic. N. J., Jan. 22, 1888. Herbert William Heilmann, Born at Newark, N. J., May 15. 1889 County Engineer, Essex county. Henry Victor Jacobson, Born at Newark, N, J., Oct. 2.3, 1890 Oran Keller, Born at New Brunswick. N. J„ Jan Company at Chrome, N. J. Ralph Jacob Kieffer, Born at Lake Katrine, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1890. E.E. (Princeton, 1914). Alson Carlton Llewellyn, Born at Deerfleld St., N. J., John Francis McGovern, Jr., Pattenburg, N. J. Farmer. Newton, N. J. Farmer. Newark, N. J. Civil engineer. Asst. C.E. (Rutgers, 1915). Newark, N. J. Lawyer. New Brunswick, N. J. I, 1891. With Smelting New York City. Electrical engineer. Collingswood, N. J. Industrial engineer. New Brunswick, N. J. Aug. 12, 1888. 1891. Born at Hoboken. N. J., Apr. 14, 1889. Student, Albany Medical School, Class of 1917. John Preston Mailler, New York City. Born at Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 25. 1890. Asst. Mechcnical Engineer. Interborough Rapid Transit Co., 1916- . M.E. (Rutgers, 1916). James Walter Mailler, New York City. Born at Cornwall. N. Y., Mch. 21. 1889. Engineer with Otis Elevator Co. M.E. (Rutgers, 1916). John Osborn Marsh, Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway. N. J., Feb. 24, 1890. Manager, Plumbing, Tinning and Heating business. William Herbert Martin; Bloomfield, N. J. Born at Bloomfield. N. J., June 7, 1890. Manager of factory. Louis Fowler Merrill, Hackensack, N. J. Born at Larchmont Manor, N. Y., July 24, 1884. Farm demon- strator. Alfred Arthur Nelson, Born at South Amboy, N. J., July rison Eng. Co. John Richard Nevius, Born at East Millstone, N.' J. gineer. Herbert Ramsey Peebles, Born at Paterson, N. J., Mch. 12. 1889. signer. Donald Ross, Newark, N, J, Born at Newark. N. J.. Jan. 27, 1890. Manufacturer. Robert Schmidt, Manhattan, Kan. Born at Manumuskin. N. J., Mch. 11, 1891. Seed analyst and asst. in Botany. Kansas Exper. Station. Edward Collier Scott, Philadelphia, Penn. Born at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 22, 1889. Chemist. Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry, Rutgers, 1912-13. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1913). Stephen Parsons Smith, La Paz, Bolivia, S. A. Born at Leesburg, N. J., Nov. 2, 1886. Teacher in mission school. 1912- . William Emmons Smock, Newark, N. J. Born at Camden, N. J., Oct. 28, 1888. Draughtsman, Penn. R. R. Sept. 9, 1890. Chicago, 111. With Meade Mor- East Millstone, N. J. Construction en- Allentown, N. J. Structural steel de- 1912. ALUMNI. 283 Harold Morlock Terrill, Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., July 29. 1890. Teacher, Mathematics. Arthur Bentley Titsworth, Bethlehem, Penn. Born at Dunellen, N. J., Aug. 29, 1889. Mechanical engineer. Earl Edward VanDerwebker, New York City. Born near Schuylerville, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1890. Medical student, Coll. P. and S.. Class of 1917. Elmer Leigh Walker, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Nov. 15, 1889. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1915). Frederick Woelfle, Hicksville, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1890. Teacher. Francis Newlin Acton, Born at Salem, N. J., June 14, 1891, Law student, Univ. Penn. Dean Courtney Anderson, Salem, N. J. At Rutgers, 1908-09. Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1891. At Rutgers one year. Salesman. *Carlton Alexander Ayers, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Metuchen. N. J., June 22. 1890. At Rutgers, 1908-09. Fire insurance business. Died, Mch. 14, 1914^ Eugene Kenneth Baumann, Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Dec. 31. 1888. At Rutgers one year. B.S. (Penn. State, 1914). Landscape designer, George Jacob Berstler, Milburn, N. J. Born at Norristown, Pa.. July 30, 1889. At Rutgers one year. Asst. Supt., Fandango Mills. Eugene Boniface Bradley, Born at Plymouth, Conn., Feb. 18, 1881 Real estate. Orlando, Fla. At Rutgers, 1909-10. Dingman's Ferry, Penn. Teacher. Elizabeth, N. J. Clifton, N. J. At Rutgers one year. Newark, N. J. Thomas Shipman Cooper, Born at Fort Worth, Tex., May 4, 1888. Howard Lincoln Davis, Robert Blaine Davis, Born at Pate.rson, N. J., May 8, 1885. Salesman. Edwin Swinker Dewey, Born at Haddonfield, N. J., Dec. 25, 1889. At Rutgers one year. Copper refinery foreman. Lehigh Univ., 1913. Charles Frederick Duncan, Red Bank, N. J. Born at Red Bank, N. J., Nov. 25, 1889. LeRoy Joseph Esler, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 25, 1888. Everett Melvin Freystadt, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 18. 1890. At Rutgers, 1908-09. Sales engineer. George Milton Frieze, Jr., Born at Rahway, N. J., July 7, 1888. *Anton Frederick Haury, Born in New York City, July 12. 1885. Attending Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg. Charles Stanley Hoff, Born at Easton. Pa., Oct. 20, 1888. Walter Allen Johnson, Born at Freehold. N. J.. July 12, 1890. Civil engineer. B.S. (Valparaiso Univ., 1912), Rahway, N. J. Elizabeth, N. J. At Rutgers, 1908-09. Died, Dec. 16, 1912. Great Meadows, N. J. Cadillac, Mich. At Rutgers one year. 284 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1»12. July 4. 1890. Elizabeth, N. J. N. J. 1890. LL.B. At Rutffcr (Columbia, Oct. 10. 1890. Plainfield, 1908-09. Lawyer. 1914). Red Bank, At Rutgers. 1908-10. At George Washington Kerr, Born at Elizabeth, X. J Irving Kunzman, Born in Russia, Dec. 6. B.S. (Columbia. 1912). Lionel F. Liebschutz, Born at Landing. N .L. Teacher. B.S. (Columbia, 1914). Edward Chester Voorhees Lyall. Born at Millbrook. N. Y.. Dec. 0, 1888 one-half years. Automobile business. Frederick Robert Mackey. Born at Rensselaerville, N. Y., June 16. 1888. St. Garage Co. Stanley Pearsall Marsh, Born at Westfield, N. J., 1890. Brown Univ. man. George Howard Metcalf, Born at Nottingham. England. June 2, 1886. Frank Enoch Misner, Born at Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 20. 1887. John Lawrence Pettit, Born in Salem county. N. J., Sept. 16, 1890. year. With John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. Charles William Piez, Born in New York City, Oct. 13. 1889. Farmer. Harold Clarkson Pierson, Newark, Born at Newark, N. J.. May 8, 1888. At Rutgers three years. Clerk. William Joseph Ransom. Born at Brooklyn. N. Y., Dec. 14. 1891. Real estate broker. Poiighkeepsie, Rutgers one and Far Rockaway, President, James Westfield, Traveling sales- Pa terson. Little Falls, Salem, Rutgers one N. J. N. Y. L. I. N. J. N. J. N. Y. N. J. At Hammonton. N. J. N. J. Ridgewood, At Rutgers one year. (4E0RGE Lorenzo Relyea, Born at New Paltz. N. Y., Sept. 9, 1883. Ethan Clark Rogers, Born at New Market. N. J., Oct. 4, 1888 one-half years. Machinist. Harold Ellison Schofield, Born in Philadelphia. Pa.. May 14. 1889. one-half years. Asst. Instructor, Mech. Joseph Russell See, Born at Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 4, 1888. Automobile dealer. WiLLARD STOLTH Si ACK, Born at Trenton, N. J., Dee. 9, . Sandford Roy Smith, Born at Marlboro, N. J., Aug. 21, 1887. Morris S human Travek, Born at Trenton, N. J., Sept. 6, 1888. Earle Benjamin Van Ness, Born at Pomoton Plains, N. J., Feb. 11. 1892. years. Chemist. Reinhold vom Lehn, Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Mch. 23 Mfg. Co. Harold Kimball Ward well, Born at Adams. N. Y.. Apr. 26. 1889. New Paltz, New Market. At Rutgers one and Ro;xboroiigh, Phila.. At Rutgers one and Drawing. 'T'niv. Penn. Cranford, At Rutgers one year. N. J. N. Y. N. J. Penn. N. J. Salesman. Trenton, N. J. Newark, N. J. Trenton, N. J. N. J. Pine Brook, At Rutgers three 1881. Elizabeth With Singer N. J. Langhorne, Penn. 19I2-1SH3. ALUMNI. 285 Charles Swackiiamer Wehrly, New York City. Born at Somorville. N. J., Aug. 26, 1890. At Rutgers, 1008-11. Chemist. Edmund Wilkins Young, S. Bethlehem, Pa. Born at Knoxville. Tenn., Aug. 30, 1889. At Rutgers two .rears. (Jeneral foreman, Lehigh Coke Co., 191G- . 1913. A.B. Walter Bastedo. Hightstown, N. J. Born at Dayton, N. J., Nov. 25, 1886. Insurance agent. Ro- chester Sem. John Clyde Enk, Butler, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J., Jan. 13, 1891. Teacher. John Cornelius Heines, Seattle, Wash. Born in Netherlands. Department of English, Univ. Washington. .John Henry Stowits Putnam. Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Cana.ioharie, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1887. ClergA-man, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1916. George Herbert Ramsey, Glean, N. Y. Born at Olean. N. Y., Aug. 18, 1891. Student. Coll. T. and S., Class of 1917. Jacob Chop Richer, Newark. N. J. Born at Newark. N. .T., Jan. 15, 1893. Student, N. J. Law School, Class of 1918. Miles Ross, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Jan. 28, 1893. Coal merchant. Harold William Schenck, Nutley, N. J. Born at IMainfiold, N. J., July 6. 1892. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem.. 1916. A.M. (T'niv. N. Y., 1915). Homer Lewis Shefj^er, Port Ewen, N. Y. Born at Linlithgo, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1890. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1916. Earl Reed Silvers, Rahway, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 22, 1891. Alumni Field Sec- retary, Rutgers College. \ Arthur Wesley Ellis. New York City. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Aug. 15. 1891. At Rutgers one year. Auditor. Ocean Accident and Guaranty Co. John Hendrik Johnson, New York City. Born at Rahway. N. J., Sept. 7, 1891. At Rutgers one year. On staff, N. Y. Bureau of Municipal Research. A.B. (Yale, 1914). Charles Knebel Savage, Allenhurst, N. J. Borough Clerk and Recorder. Herbert Knebel Savage, New York City. Born in New York City, Aug. 16. 1887. At Rutgers one and one-half years. Assistant editor, "Field and Stream." Charles Wemple Smith, Lawyersville, N. Y. Born at Fonda, N. Y., July 24, 1883. At Rutgers, 1909-10. Clergyman. R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1913. Royal Aaron Stanton, Ephratah, N. Y. Born at Lawyersville, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1886. At Rutgers two years. Clergyman, R. C. A. Western Sem., 1914. 286 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1913. Litt.B. Thomas Turner Barr, Jr., Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1889. Herbert Muhlenberg Bergamint, Born at North Adams, Mass., Nov, 29, and S. Ralph Emerson Cooper, Born at Newark. N. J., School. Class o,f 193 6. Clifford Ezekiel Dennis. Born at Hamburg, N. J. School. Metiichen. Broker. Brooklyn, 1889. Student, Coll. P. Jan. 31, 1890. Student. AU£ 1891. Student, Newark, N. Y. Law Hamburg, Harvard L,dw Francis Walker Flanagin, Highland Park, New Brunswick, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1891. Manufacturing chemist. Donald Havens, New York Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1892. Salesman. Student, N. Y. Law School. Raymond Ditmars Howell. Circleville, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 13, 1892. Farmer. Howard Decker McKinney, New Brunswick, Born at Pine Bush. N. Y., May 29, 1889. Organist. Compiler, "Songs of Rutgers," 3d and 4t:h editions. Thomas Vassar Morton. Newark, Born at Newark. N. J., June 21, 1890. With Voorhees Rubber Mfg. Co. James Rodenburg Slater, Born at Cairo, N. Y., June 11, 1890. Teacher 1916). Charles Goane Stover, Born at Trenton, N. J., Nov. 29, 1889. mercial illustrator. Augusttn Titus, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 15, 1889. Teacher Syracuse, M.A. (Syracuse, Trenton, Newspaper artist. Com- N. J. N. Y. N. J. N. J. N. J. City. N. Y. N. J. N. J. N. Y. N. J. Francis Elmer Weis, Born at Jersey City, N. J., Sept. Rahway, N. J. Trenton, N. J. >9, 1890. B.Sc. Walter Charles Bauer, Elizabeth, N, J. Born at Linden, N. J., May 18, . Whitfield Jenks Bell, Worcester, Mass. Born at Hoboken, N. J., Apr. 14, 1891. With Norton Co. Arthur DeLong Bergen, Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Bound Brook, N. J., Mch, 4, 1892. With N. Y. Tel. Co. Edward Dudley Chase, Rahway, N. J. Born in New York City, Apr. 3, 1891. Civil engineer, Penn. R. R. Charles Henry Connors, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 2, 1884. Assistant in Hor- ticulture, N. J. Agric. Expe.r. Station. Frank Hayward Conover, Born at Matawan, N. J. cotton. Lester Emery Cook, Jan. 5, 1893. Nobel, Ontario, Canada. Manufacturer of gun- Highland Park, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. 21, 1890. 1913. ALUMNI. 287 Henry Anthony Cozzens, Jr., Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., May 12, 1889. Mechanical engineer. M.E. (Rutgers, 1916). Louis Morris Davts, Bound Brook, N, J. Born in Russia, Sept. 25, 1890. Civil engineer. Frank Edwin Field, State College, Pa. Born at Somerville, N. J., May 13. 1891. Instructor in Elect. Engineering, Penn, State College. E.E. (Penn. State, 1914). Joseph Kirk Folsom, . Worcester, Mass. Born at Poundridge, N. Y.. Sept. 29, 1893. Graduate student, Clark Univ. A.M. (Clark Univ., 1915). Elmer Smith Grymes, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 25, 1891. Chemist. CuTHBEKT Wead Haasis, Cleveland, Ohio. Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., Aug. 4, 1892. Civil engineer. Paul Wead Haasis, Ogden, Utah. Born in Marion county, Florida, Nov. 10, 1890. Machinist, Southern Pacific Ry. Co. Charles Hambrock, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Jan. 8, 1892. Chemist. Carl Frederick Nicholas Hegstrom, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at Perth. Amboy, N. J. City Chemist, Perth Amboy. John Parker PIickman, Jr., Newark, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 30, 1891. General insur- ance. Frederick James Johnson, Point Pleasant, N. J. Born at Point Pleasant, N. J., July 26, 1889. Electrical en- gineer. Howard Anthony Julie, New York City. Born in New York City, July 7, 1888. Secretary, North Jersey Agricultural Society. August Leistner, Elizabeth, N. J. Bom at New Haven, Conn., Dec. 26, 1890. Engineer. Weston Lennox, Reading, Pa. Born at Pocomoke City, Md., May 31, 1891. Designer, P. and R. R. R. Co. *Lambert Jenkins Leonard, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Highland, N. Y.. Feb. 19, 1891. With General Electric Co. Died, Jan. 26, 1916. Jesse Burgess Leslie, Hackensaclj, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 9. 1891. Chief Inspector, Bergen County Mosquito Commission. Student, N. J. Law School. Claremont Whitmee Masker, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J., Apr. 20, 1891. Telephone Dept, C. R. R. o>f N. J. George Raymond Merrill, ■ East Orange, N. J. Born at Pen Argyl, Pa., Aug. 15, 1890. Civil engineer, Essex County Park Commission. Charles Miller, Ames, Iowa. Born at Somerville, N. J., Sept. 13, 1885. Instructor, Agric. Eng., Iowa State College, 1913- . Mahlon George Milliken, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at New Hamburg, N. Y., May 15, 1890. Field engineer. Oliver Feitts Mitchell, Perth Amboy, N. J. Born at High Bridge, N. J., June 13, 1890. Civil engineer. C.E. (Rutgers, 1916). TnuRLOw Christian Nelson, Madison, Wis. Born at Highland Park, N. J., Sept. 22, 1890. Asst. Zoology, Univ. Wis. Post graduate student. 288 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. 11)13. Huntington, L. I. State College, Pa. Instructor in St. Louis, Mo. Herman Albert Nfwmark, Plainfiekl, N. J. Born in Russia, Jan. 28, 1891. Teacher. Joseph Stanley Okecny, Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Dec. 4, 1889. Florist. Lawrence Hall Opdycke, Born at West Now Yoik. N. J., Sept. 4. 1891. Chemistry. A.M. (Columbia, 1916). George Stanley Robins, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1892. Chemical salesman. George Raymond Robinson, Haydenville, Ohio. Born at Moorestown, N. J., Jan. l.j, 1889. Ceramic engineer, Nat. Fire Proofing Co., 1913- . Olin Kutledge Rundall, Amenia, N, Y. Born at Amenia, N. Y., May 6. 1890. Agriculturist. Morris Sciiechter. Newark, N. J. Born in Odessa, Russia, Mch. 4, 1890. Civil engineer. Cornelius Frelingtiuysen Schenck, Plaiulield, N. J. Born at IMa infield, N. J., July 19, 1890. Student, School of Engineering, Columbia Univ. SAMUEL Miller Sharkey, Trenton, N. J. Born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 19, 1890. State Clay Tester. Edward Tiel Smith, Magnolia, N. J. Born at Atlantic City, N. J., June 4, 1S88. Manufacturer's rep- resentative. HiLMAR Frederick Smith, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 1.3, 1892. Construction engineer. Thomas Darmon Smith, Philadelphia, Pa. Born at Milford, N. J., Jan. 3, 1889. Inspector, Bureau of Surveys. Frederick Neefus VanDeripf, Highland Park, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Jan. 11. 1891. Chemist. Henry Lear Van Mater, Highland Park, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Ilagerstown, Md., Feb. 12, 1892. Real estate titles. Theodore Van Winkle, Rutherford, N. J. Born at Rutherford, N. J., June 5, 1890. Real estate. Richard Clinton Armstrong, Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Oct. Stewart Hoffman Appleby, Asbury Park, Born at Asbury Park, N. J.. May 17, 1890. At Rutgers a half year. Sec. and Director, Monmouth Building and Loan Assn. Vice Pres. and Director, T. Frank Appleby Co. Nutley, 1891. At Rutgers, 1909-10. Died, Oct. 11, 1910. William Carroll Ball, Jr., With Standard Oil Co. Howard Lorenzo Beers. Born at Stratford. Conn., July 14. 1889. Clark Christopher Bowers, Born at Washington, N. J., Oct. 6, . James Francis Burke, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 4, 1891 Joseph Burstein, Born in Russia. Sept. 26. 1887. Edwin Furman Cathcart. Shanghai, Stratford, Washington, New Brunswick, Newark, South River, N. J. N. J. China. Conn. N. J. , N. J. N. J. N. J. Born at Sayreville, N. J., Oct. 4, 1891. Chemist. At Rutgers two years ALUMNI. 289 John Edward Develin Coffey, Newtown Square, Pa. Born in New York City, Feb. 12, 1890. At Rutgers, 1909-10. Newspaper writer, Elting Forsythe Deyo, Fairfield, Conn. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 19, 1888. At Rutgers two years. With Warner Bros. Corset Co, WiLLET Harold Drake, Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J., Dec. 27, 1890. At Rutgers two years. With Travelers Ins Co. Jacob Joseph Feldman; Bound Brook, N. J. Born in Russia, Aug. 15, 1888, Cecil Gray Fielder, Boston, Mass. Born at Burrsville, N J., Feb, 17, 1890. At Rutgers. 1909-11. With Amer. Bapt. Foreign Miss, Society, Litt.B. (Princeton, 1914). Henry William Foulds, Ocean City, N. J. Born at Edinburgh, Scotland, Jan. 10, 1891. Student, Penn. State College. Leo Hasleden Fretz, Cedar Grove, N. J. Born at Caldwell, N, J., June 11, 1891. Hugh James Gaffney, Jersey City, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N, Y,, May 28, 1890, At Rutgers one year. Coffin business, Harry Young Green, Baptistown, N. J. Born at Baptistown, N. J., Dec, 28, 1886. Student. Univ. N. Y, John Loveridge Greenwood, Belle Plaine, Iowa. Born at Cuba, N, Y„ Aug, 25, 1887. At Rutgers, 1909-10, Supt., brick and tile plant, Louis Hambrock, Jr., Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Apr, 6, 1890, Montagu Hankin, Basking Ridge, N, J. Born at San Rafael, Cal., Mch. 28, 1892. At Rutgers one and one-half years. Secretary and office manager, Emil Hauser, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y,, Nov, 8, 1890, Decorator, William Henry Helm, New Brunswick, N, J. Born at New Brunswick, N, J., Dec. 4, 1887, Walter Hornbruch, Newark, N. J. Born in Germany, Feb. 2, 1887. At Rutgers, 1909-13. Chemist. Melvin Mundy Hunt, South Amboy, N. Ji Born at South Amboy, N. J., Aug. 25, 1891, George William Koehler, Bound Brook, N. J, Born at South Bound Brook, N, J,, Aug. 26, 1890. At Rutgers one year. Business. Leslie Charles Lantz, West Orange, N. J. Born at Monroe. N, J., Aug. 30, 1890, At Rutgers one and one-half years. Chemist. Joseph Donjon Laurent, Westfield, N. J. Born at W^estfleld, N. J., Apr. 15. 1891. Ralph Samuel Lees, Germantown, Pa. Born at Jamestown, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1890. At Rutgers one and one-half years. Manufacturer. James Roy McConnell, De Winton, Alberta, Canada, Born at Toronto, Canada, Oct, 20, 1890, Rancher. George Menaker, New York City. Born in New York City, Sept. 12, 1887. 19 290 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1913. Donald Duffebin Mulherx, Newark, N. J. Born at Hopewell, N. J., Nov. 23, 1893. Journalist. Walter Elliot Orvis, Rahway, X. J. Born at Hornell, N. Y., Mch. 25, 1892. At Rutgers, 1909-10. Correspondent. Chalmers Wolfe-Tone Overton, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Montclair, N. J., Mch. 9, 1890. At Rutgers one and one-half years. Insurance broker. Walter Miller Peacock, Amherst. Mass. Born at Freesburg. N. J. At Rutgers one year. Teacher. B.S. (Cornell, 1913). M.S. (Cornell, 1915). Van Wagenen Pingry, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Millbrook, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1889. Engineer, New York. Telephone Co. Ralph Morgan Pitcher, Troy, N. Y. Born at Hudson, N. Y'., Feb. 8. 1890. At Rutgers two and one-half years. Chief clerk. N. Y'. Telephone Co., Troy, N. Y. Arthur Arnold Prentiss. Chicago, 111. Born at Washington, I). C, Sept. 30, 1890. At Rutgers two years. Travelling representative. Howard Milton 1'richabd, Sea Bright, N. J. Born at Sea Bright, N. J., Sept. 25, 1889. Beyce Alphonso Quint. Metuchen, N. J. Born at Scranton. Iowa, Feb 2, 1892. Farmer. B.S. (Iowa State Coll.. 1913). Alstyn Fitz Randolph, East Orange, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., July 24, 1890. At Rutgers one and one-half years. Engineering assistant, Public Service Elec. Co. David Rosenthal, New York City. Born in Russia. July 7, 1891. Edward Raymond Sandiford, Fairfield, Couu Born at Waterbury, Conn., Aug. 24. 1888. Edward Brooks Simmons, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1889. At Rutgers one year. Accountant. Herbert Simon, Caldwell. N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., May 26, 1892. At Rutgers three years. Civil engineer. Edward Frank Sims, Stelton, X. J. Born at Boonton, N. J., July 6, 1889. At Rutgers, 1908-09. Stenographer. Horace Thomas S medley, Glassboro, N. J. Born at Camden, N. J., Nov. 24, 1892. Robert Gregory Sparrow, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. 20, 1892. At Rutgers one and one-half years. I'ublic accountant. William P:llsworth Staat, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., May 9, 1890. At Rutgers one year. Refrigerating engineer. Edward CoNKLiN Stover, Jr., Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J., Aug. 5, 1891. At Rutgers, 1909. Business. Litt.B. (Princeton, 1915). James Philip Tobey, Kingston, N. Y. Born at New Bedford, Mass.. Nov. 14. 1889. Robert Wilson Turner, Yonkers, N. Y. Born at Danbury, Conn., July 31, 1891. Salesman, Michelin Tire Co. 1013-1914. ALUMNI. 291 Charles King VanRiper, Paterson, N. J. Born at Paterson. N. J., Sept. 8, 1801. Journalist with -Pater- son Guardian" and "Newark Evening- News." Marvin James VanWagenen. New York City. Born at Ohioville. N. Y.. Nov. 18, 1884. At Rutgers, 1909-10. Graduate student. Columbia Univ. B.S. (Columbia, 1911). A.M. (Columbia, 1912). Harold Samuel Watson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. .T., June 25, 1889. At Rutgers one and one-half rears. Traffic manager, Interwoven Stocking Co., 1912- . 1914. A.B. Frank De Witt Blanchard, Paterson, N. J. Born at Spring Vallev, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1886. Student, N. B. Sem., Class of 1917. Kingsland Camp, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., Oct. 7, 189.3. Student. Laban Hammill Chamberlin, Rochester, N. Y. Born at New Brunswick, N. J. Student, Rochester Sem., Class of 1917. John Edward Elmendorf, Jr., Baltimore, Md. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mav 28, 1893. Student, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Class of 1918. Levi Simmons I'^rnst, Cambridge, Mass. Born at Hudson, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1891. Student, Harvard Law School. Alfred August Gaipa, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Palermo. Ital.v, Nov. 17, 1890. Clerk. Student, Ford- ham Law School, Class of 1918. Charles Arlington Hallenbeck, Greendale, N. Y. Born at Greendale, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1888. Student, N. B. Sem., Class of 1917. Albert George Leeds, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. 13. 1892. Traffic inspector. N. Y. Telephone Co. Du Bois N. Le Fevre, New York City. Born at New Paltz, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1890. Student, Union Theo- logical Seminary, Class of 1917. James Morrow, Cambridge, Mass. Born at Wilmington, Del.. Jan. 17, 1894. Law student. Theodgrus McI>eod Thorburn, Clifton, N. J. Born at Clifton. N. J.. Sept. 30, 1892. Student, Columbia Law School. Class of 1917. David Bevier Van Dyck, Greenville, N. Y. Born at Johnsonville, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1892. Student, Princeton Sem., Class of 1917. A.M. (Princeton, 1916). 'Raymond Lawrence Aken, Utica, N. Y. Born at Philmont. N. Y., Aug. 27, 1891. Died in Hertzog Hall, New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 4, 1913. Theodore Hill Conklin, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Hackensack, N. J.. Jan. 1. 1891. At Rutgers, 1911-13. A.B. (Univ. Mich., 1914). Student, Coll. P. and S., Class of 1918. 292 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1914. James Anderson Mason, Hoboken, N. J. Born in Tennessee, Mch. 22, 1892. At Rutgers, 1911-12. A.B. (Lafayette, 1914). With Armour & Co. Charles Ewan Merritt, Jr., Born at Mount Holly, N. J., July 15, 1892. years. Insurance. Paul Dudley Prentiss, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. 30, 1892 three years. Salesman, furniture. William LeRoy Wyckoff, Hartford, Conn. At Rutgers two Cleveland, Ohio. At Rutgers East Orange, N. J. Born at Woodhaven, L. I., Feb. 27, 1890. At Rutgers, 1909-10. Insurance specialist. Litt.B. Oren Fogle Browning, Jr., Born at Perth Amboy. N. J., July 23, 1893 Warren Randolph Laity, Born at Boston, Mass., July 14, 1890. Grammar School, N. Y. City. Louis Randolph Menagh, Jr., Born in Brooklyn, N, Y., Sept. 2. 1892. Clerk. Arthur Hartland Mershon, Born at Rahway, N. J., Nov. 9, 1890. Accountant Frederick Houston Worrell, Born at Chestertown, Md., June 8, 1892. Student, Law School. Mountain Lakes, N. J. Stock broker. Chappaqua, N. Y. Teacher, Columbia Jersey City, N. Albany, N. Y. Swarthmore, Pa. Univ. Penn. Frederick A. McCullough, Born at Pluckamin, N. J., Jan. 29, 1890. Lawyer. . LL.B. (N. Y. Law School, 1912). Kenneth Alison Turner, Born at Basking Ridge, N. J., Jan. 4, 1893 year. Transitman. Somerville, N. J. At Rutgers, 1910. Basking Ridge, N. J. At Rutgers one B.Sc. Harry Milton Allen, Born at Basking Ridge, N. J., Dec. 31, 1891, Dairy Farm. Roy Bennett Anderson. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1892 Juliustown, Asst. Manager, Born in nish, &c. Charles Stesvart Beckwitii, Born at Olean, N. Y., May 16, 1891 Agric. Exper. Station. Edward Hopkins Brill, Born at Newburgh, N. Y., Oct. 13. 1890. Casper Buecitner, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 8, 1892 N. Y. Municipal Railway Co. Franklin Oscar Church, Born at High Falls, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1892. RoscoE Seymour Conkling, Brooklyn, Manufacturing var- New Brunswick. Asst. Entomologist, N. J. Poughquag, Cattle breeder. Woodhaven, Engineering Dept., New Brunswick, Mechanical engineer. New York N. J. N. Y. N. J. N. Y. N. Y. N. J. City. Born in New York City, June 9, 1888. Chemist. 1914. ALUMNI. 293 LiNDLEi: GuEKEN CooK, Ringoes, N. J. Born at Madison. N. J., Nov, 18, 1892. Farmer. Samuel Charles Cooper, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Newark. N. J.. Mch. 11, 1893. Electrical engineer. With ^yestern Union Telegraph Co. Henry Kattenhorn Davies. Ridgewood, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1891. Purchasing agent. Austin Lino de la Torre, Guadalajara, Mexico. Born at San Miguel, Mexico, Sept. 23, 1891. Engineer and con- tractor. Robert Garton Dooltng, Clayton, N. J. Born at Clayton, N. J., Oct. 24, 1889. Civil engineer. John Sanderson Elliott, New York City. Born at Worcester, Mass., Oct. 16, 1891. Electrical engineer. Leo Weiss Elston di Ghilini, Summerville, S. C. Born at New Braunslel. Texas, Nov. 22. 1888. Farmer. A.B. (Univ. Illinois, 1913). M.Sc. (Univ. Illinois, 1915). Stuart Mortimer Firth, South Orange, N. J. Born at South Orange, N. J,, Aug. 18, 1890. Salesman. Charles Henry Gant, Bradley Beach, N. J. Born at Asbury Park, N. J., Sept.> 24, 1892. Civil engineer. Donald Henry Gesse, Olean, N. Y. Born at Scottsville, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1891. Civil engineer, N. Y. State Dept. Samuel Isaac Hoddeson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in New York City, Apr. 5, 1892. Chemist. Howard Frederick Hueer. New Haven, Conn. Born at Carteret, N. J., Mch. 14, 1893. Horticultural investi- gator. William Terkiberky Hulsizer, South Bethlehem, Pa. Born at Clinton, N. J., Mch. 6, 1892. Electrical engineer. John Lowery, Jr., Ambridge, Pa. Born at Mendham, N. J., June 14, 1892, With American Bridge Co. Reginald Pennington T^ukens, Rahway, N. J. Born at Moorestown, N. J., Sept. 4, 1891. Chemist. Eric Waldorf Luster, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth, N. .7., July 18, 1892. Bryce Inglis MacDonald, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Brandon, Wis., July 22, 1894. Assistant in Chemistry, Rutgers, 1914- . William Henry McCallum, New Brunswick. N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 4, 1890. Boys' club leader, with N. J. State Agric. College. Neil McDougall, Highland Park, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Buffalo, N. Y., May 22, 1891. Civil engineer. George Rockwell Maxson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Locust, N, J., July 31. 1893. Instructor in Civil En- gineering. Arthur Costello Metcalfe New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Lowell, Mass., June 13, 1890. Graduate student. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1916). Edward Thurber Paxton, Austin, Texas. Born at Matchaponaix. N. J., Aug. 26, 1892. Secretary, Bu- reau of Municipal Research and Reference, Univ. Texas. M.A. (Univ. Texas, 1916). 294 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1014. Jerome Powers. Elizabeth, N. J. Boi-n in Brooklyn. N. Y., Dec. 2. 1892. Civil and livdraulic en- gineer. Thomas Upton Purrington, Trenton, N. J. Born at Haydenville, Mass., Jan. 19, 1895. Electrical engineer. Lloyd Frank Regendahl, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Kingston, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1892. With Kingston Gas and Electric Co. John Henry Rowland, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 12, 1890. Medical student. Edward Robert Sctimid. Verona, N. J. Born at Verona, N. J., May 23, 1893, Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry, Rutgers. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1916). George William Schmidt. Arlington, N. J. Born in New York City, Dec. 12, 1890. Inspector, Electrical Testing Laboratories. Harold Solomon, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 26, 1892. Claim adjuster. James Archer Stackhouse, Cape May Court House, N. J. Born at Leavenworth, Kansas, Mch. 5, 1887. Teacher. William Webber Summerill, Penn's Grove, N. J. Born at Penn's Grove, N. J., Sept. 17. 1892. Civil engineer. Elmer Harnden Van Wagenen, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Plutarch. N. Y., Oct. 16, 1893. Civil engineer. Walter Martin Van Wagner, Parlin, N. J. Born at Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 15, 1891. * Solvent supt.. Her- cules Powder Co. Joseph Augustus Ward, East Orange, N. J. Born at Lakewood, N. J., Aug. 18. 1892. Asst. Engineer, East Orange Water Dept. Louis Kossuth Wiikins, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Thorofare, N. J.. June 14, 1891. Assistant, N. J. Ex- periment Station. Stanley Neale Williams, Westlield, N. J. Born at Mcriden, Conn., Feb. 6, 1892. Civil engineer. Carl Raymond Woodward, New Brunswick, N. J. Bom at Tennent, N. J., July 20, 1890. With N. J. Agric. Exper. Station. Leon Peter Zeglio, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Mt. Bethel, N. J., Feb. 8, 1890. Harold Anshen, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Russia. July 1, 1892. At Rutgers two years. Bank clerk. John Lawson Baily, Lansdowne, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 13, 1892. Insurance. Edgar Van Dyck Basten, Kingston. N. Y. Born at Passaic, N. J., Apr. 12, 1890. Commercial traveler. Adolph Hora Baumann, Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Mch. 21, 1892. At Rutgers. 1910-13. Florist. George Milne Bechtel, New York City. Born at Trenton, N. .T., Sept. 10, 1890. At Rutgers three years. Draughtsman. Edward Oscar Boller, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth. N. J., May 9, 1892. At Rutgers, 1910-12. Physician. M.D. (Union. 1916). 1914. ALUM XI. 295 Elizabeth, three and Harrison, , 1910-12. Robert Ogde^^ Bouton, Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Dec. 17, 1891. At Rutger one-half years. Accountant. William G. P.reitenbuchek, Born at Harrison, N. J., Mch. 24, 1891. At Rutger Edgar Chese^ro Cook, Atlantic Highlands, Born at Highlands. N. J., Aug. 4. 1889. At Rutgers two and one-half years. Law student. Insurance agent. Reginald Bulkley Crowell, Motuchen, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1890. At Rutgers, two years. Feed and grain merchant. Rawson Parkhtjrst Dickerson, Newark, Born at Newark, N. J.. Nov. 2, 1890. At Rutgers, 1909-13. With Innis Speiden & Co. David Louis Elinsky, Born at Newark, N. J., May 2 haLf years. Insurance broker. John Thomas Finegan, Born at Franklin Park R. R. Frederic William Holcomb, Born at Palenville. N. Y., Dec. 12. 1891. At Rutgers, 1911-12 Physician. M.D. (Albany Med. Coll., 1916). 1891. Newark, At Rutgers one and one- N. J., Sept. 11, 1893. Iselin, With Penn. New York Sept. 3, 1891. 1892. 1892. 1912. Kingston, At Rutgers one year. Perth Amboy, At Rutgers two years. Highland Park, At Rutgers two years. Hudson, At Rutgers one year. Jersey City, N. J. N. J. Clifford Horsfall, Born at Ossining, N. Y Salesman. Henry Charles Koster, Born in New York City. Feb. 18 Concrete engineer. Frederick Henry Low, Born at Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 13, 1890 Augustus Tremaine McKinstry, Born at Hudson, N. Y., Jan. 28 Druggist. Albany Med. Coll. Harry Charles Bayliss Maulen, Born in New York City, Aug. 15, 1891. Victor Hugo Miron, Born at Now Britain, Conn., Feb. 10, 1892 Furniture salesman. Christian Jacob Mueller. Born at Egg Harbor City two years. Salesman. Louis David Nadel, Born at Newark. N. J., Oct. 28, 1891. Lester Ellsworth Nelson, Born at New Market, N. J John Staats Nevius, Born at Deans, N. J., June Manager of an estate. James Anthony Nkwmeyer, New^ Brunswick, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 14, 1891. At Rutgers one and one-half years. Manufacturer of rubber goods. William Chauncey Park, Newark, Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 24, 1892. Journalist. John Ryer Poppen, Hamilton, Born at Forest Grove, Mich.. Mav 18, 1893. At Rutgers, 1910-11. Medical student, Univ. Mich.. 1917. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. City. N. Y. N. J. Mich. N. Y. N. J., Oct. 20, Elizabeth, At Rutgers, 1910-11. Egg Harbor City, 1891. At Rutgers June 11, 1891. 7, 1889. Newark, New Market, Farmer. New Brunswick, At Rutgers, 1910. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. Mich. 296 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1914. Geoege AVashington Pratt, Jr., Highland, N. Y. Born at Highland, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1891. Lumber business. Raymond Caklton Robbins, Eordentown, IS. J. Born at Bordentown, N. J., Oct. 18, 1888. Attended Univ. Penn. Bridge Inspector, State Highwaj'^ Dept., N. J. Irving Rowland Rossell, Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Jan. 24, 1891. At Rutgers two years. Accountant. Floyd Eldridue Rue, Born at Old Bridge, N. J.. Jan. 19, 1891. Harold Alonso Rlssell, Born at Orange, N. J., Sept. 12, 1892. Farmer. Joseph William Scheer. Born at Newark. N. J., May 14, 1893. Elmer Lynford Schoonmaker, Born at Paterson, N. J., Nov., 1889. Salesman. Roger Converse Simith, Born at Fairfield. Conn., May 13, 1892. Teacher, Joseph Harry Stone, Born at Worcester, Mass.. Nov. 11, 1891. years. Dealer in coke. Alfred Weber Thomas, Born at Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 27, 1890. Charles Adelbert Travfe, Old Bridge, N. J. Caldwell, N. J. Newark, N. J. Paterson, N. At Rutgers, 1909-11. J. Springfield, Col. At Rutgers one year. Trenton, N, J. At Rutgers two Short Hills, N. J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., May 24, 1890. Co. Bethlehem, Pt With Bethlehem Steel John Walto:n Wall, Born in Middlesex county, N. one year. Insurance. Paitl Walrath, Born at Arlington, N. J., Dec. 17, 1891. Rahway, N. J. At Rutgers J.. Apr. 20, 1891 years. With Nixon Nitration Works. Frank Large Walton, Born at Belvidere, N. J., Jan. 31, 1893. Accountant. Le Roy Wanser. Born at Rahway, N. J., May 21, 1893. dent. Mass. Inst. Technology. George AA'ilham Wilmot, Jr., Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Oct. 25, 1892 years. With U. S. Rubber Co. James Deshler Wilmot, Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Apr. 4, year. With U. S. Rubber Co. Stanley Miller Wilsey, Born at Newark, N. J., July 5, 189 Retail lumber business. James Howard Ziegler, New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers four Springfield, N. J. At Rutgers, 1910-14. Cranford, N, J. Harvard. 1914. Stu- New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers two New Brunswdck, N. J. 1891. At Rutgers one Newark, N. J. B.S. (Univ., Wis., 1915). Born at Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 15, 1890. finery. Charleston, S. C. With Elk Sugar Re- 1915. ALUMNI. 297 1915. A.B. WiLLiA\r Henry Campbfll, Jr., Born at Sculville, N. J., Dec. 17, 1892. School, Class of 1918. Bradley Jacob, Born at Schoharie, N. Y., May 11, 1889. Class of 1918. John Calvin Green, Jr., Born at Hackettstown Blair Academy, 1915- James I^Roy Handford. Ocean City, Student, Harvard Law Now Brunswick, Student, N. B. Sem., N. J., June 22, Blairstown, 1894. Instructor, Born at Vineland, N. J., Apr. 5, 1893. School. Warren Durwaed McCloskey, Born at Manasquan, N. J., Jan. 8, 1894. School. Roy M'jndy Davidson Richardson, Born at Martinsville, N. J., June 19, 1895 Franklin Morrow Ritchie, Born in New York City, Mch. 3, 1894 Robert Wyckoff Searle, Born at New Brunswick, N. J, Sem., Class of 1919. Frederic Kull Shield, Jr., Born at Baltimore, Md., Mch. 1918. Harvey Ira Todd, Vineland, Student, Harvard Law Point Pleasant, Student. N. Y. Law Bound Brook, Teacher. Brooklyn, Journalist. New Brunswick, May 25, 1894. Student, N. B. 1893. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1890. Class of 1918. New Brunswick, Student, N. B. Sem., New Brunswick, Student, N. B. Sen^., Ralph Ten Broeck Todd, Born at Tarrytown, N. Y., June 2, 1892. Laird Sumner VanDy'ck, Born at Buffalo. N. Y., Feb. 10, 1893. Theodore Voorhees, Tarrytown, Student, Coll. P. and S. New York Teacher. New Brunswick, Born at New Brunswick. N. J.. May 9, 1893. Salesman, Michelin Tire Co. Aaron Wallace. Elizabeth, Born in New York City, Sept. 10, 1896. With C. R. R. of N. J. Charles Conkling Wheat, J^iberty Corner, Born in New York City, June 20, 1893. With Du Pont de Nemours Co. Edward Whynman. Born at Elizabeth, N. of Dentistry, 1918. Elizabeth, J., Jan 7, 1894. Student, N. Y. College N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J N. Y. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. Y. City. N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J Robert Elwood Moore, Born at Newark, N. J., Oct. 14. 1893 Newark, N. J. At Rutgers. 1911-12. Graduate student. Columbia Univ., 1915- . B.A. (Wesleyan Univ., 1915). A.M. (Wesleyan). Allan Seymour Richardson, New York City, Born at Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 15. 1893. At Rutgers one year. Editor, The Financial and Commercial Chronicle. Oeorge William Winslow, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Atlanta, Georgia, Feb. 27, 1893. At Rutgers one year. With W. R. Grace & Co. 298 KUTGERS COLLEGE. 1915, Litt.B. Richard Ashman, Born at Philipsburg, Pa., Aug. 13, 1890. Teaclioi-. Arthur Clifford Buscu, Born at St. Louis Mo., Mch. 28, 1892. With City York. Eliot Payson Corbtn, Born at Oxford, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1891. Teachor. WORTHINGTON SlIUMWAY FARLEY, Born at Wliite Plains. N. Y., June 6. 189: Huntington. Intl. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bank, New- Oxford. N. Y. N. Y. White Plains, Student, Columbia Law School. Class of 1918 Russell Fleming, New Brunswick, Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. Sept. 24, 1893. Graduate student, Princeton Univ. M.A. (Princeton J. Bertram Howell, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June Frank Alvin Langwith, Jr., Mch. 9. 1893. Student N. Y. Born in Brooklyn. Class of 1918. Albert Martin Schultz, Born on Staten Island, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1891. Ralph William Thomson, Born at Sprakers, N. Y., May 7, 1893. Asher Dudley Watson, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Dec. Law School. 1916). New Brunswick, 1893. Business. Oceauport, N. B. Sem.. N. J. N. J. N. J. Middlebush, Student, Rochester Sem. New Brunswick, 0. 1893. Student, N. Y. Arlington, N. J. N. J. X. J. Arthur Layton Barton, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1893. Harry Wallace Edgar, Born at Red Bank, N. J., Oct. 15, 1892. Emerson Ely. Born at Kly, N. J., Sept. 19, 1892. Eric Henry Jentz, Born at Jersey City, N. New York City. Highland Park, N. J. At Rutgers one year. year. Lawyer. J.. Mch. 21. 1892. N. ^Y. Law School, 1915. Jersey City, N. J. At Rutgers one B.Sc. Walter Anner, Phillipsburg. N. J. Born at .Jersey City. N. J.. July 27, 1894. Supervisor, Salem County Dairy Testing Assn. Harry Newton Blue, New Bedford, Mass. Born in New York City, Nov. 23, 1893. Draftsman. Frederick Clinton Brush, Baltimore, Md. Born at Yonkers, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1893. Efficiency engineer. James Wesley Bulmer, Cairo, N. Y. Bom in Brooklyn. N. Y., May 9, 1891. Principal of school. John Conklin Conger, Highland Park, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Mch. 4. 1893. Salesman. Charles Boice Conover, Franklin, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 3, 1892. Chemist. Horace VanDerVeer Cory, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Nov. 30, 1891. Poultry husbandman. 1»15. ALUMNI. 299 Charles Lee Cranpai.l, " New York City. Born at Schuylerville, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1888. Asst. engineer. Edward Jameson Crane, South Amboy, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Feb. 18, 1893. Draftsman. *DuPlessis Helm Crowe, Edgewuter. N. J. Born in New York City, Nov. 17, 1889. Died in his Senior year, Mch. 13, 1915. Elmore Johnson DeWitt, Middletowu. IS. Y. Born at Steelton, Pa., Oct. 15, 1892. Engineering Dept.. N. Y.. O. & W. Ry. Spencer Dawson Embree, Westfield, N. J. Born in New York City, Oct. 17, 1893. Manufacturing cliemist. Benjamin Applegate Furman, East Orange. N. J. Born at Newark. N. J., June 24, 1892. Civil engineer. Penn. R. R. Lawrence Growden Gill\m, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Langehorne, Pa., Sept. 15, 1893, Extension specialist in fruit growing. Louis Norman Grier, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Born at Sewell, N. J., June 29, 1892. Tester of electrical ap- paratus. Mahlon Lee Harker, Denver, CoL Born at Port Morris, N. J., Aug. 15, 1893. George Washington Hervey, Fayetteville, Ark. Born at Corona, L. I., Dec. 27. 1892. Asst. in Animal Hus- bandry, Ark. Agric. Exper. Station. Harold Thatcher Hoot, Newark. N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Sept. 11, 1892. Mechanical engineer. Ned Orlando Howlett, Basking Ridge, N. J. Born in Morristown, N. J., Feb. 3. 1894. Agriculturalist. Ralph Moore Hubbard, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Paterson, N. J., Sept. 9, 1894. Assistant in Horti- culture, College Farm. Alvin Ralph Jacopsen, Lodi, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., July 23, 1895. Chemist. Joseph Kerr. Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Ansonia, Conn., Mch. 30, 1891. Mechanical engineer. Emerich John Kuhn, Bear Lake, Mich. Born at Woodbridge, N. J., Jan. 26, 1894. Principal of High School. Arthur Kun tz, Iselin,. N. J. Born in New York City, Sept. 15, 1896. Scientific agriculturalist. Herman Joseph Levine, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Russia. Aug. 18, 1892. Horticulturalist. Lloyd North Lewis, Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., July 5, 1893. Ward Brewsier Malmar, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1890. Samuel Mandel, Born at Newark, N. J., Sept. 24. 1892. Public Service Commission of New York. Charles Raymond Martin, Born at Bloomfield, N. J., July 15, 1893. Albert Eric Mercker. Born in New York City, Mch. 7. 1893. Commission Merchants, New York City. Roselle Park. N. J. Brooklyn. X. Y. Newark, Asst. Engineer with N. J. Bloomfield, Power engineer. Jersey City. i.Vith Wesel Brothers. N. N. J. J. 300 KUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1015. George Dusenbeky Norcom, Born at Sea Isle City, N. J., Oct. 13. 1892. Stanley Underwood North, Born at Pleasantville, N. J., Feb. 10, 1892. Mary's Ave. Cong. Church. Bernard Pear, Born in Moscow, Russia, Nov. 7, 1893. B. Jackson, Engineers. William Solomon Porte, Born at Sergeantsville, N. J., Feb. 4, 1891 Israel Reiner, Born at Woodbine, N. J., June 14, 1895. Ime Morris Hose, Born in New York City, Dec. 18, 1892. RussEL Joseph Savitz, Born at Slatington, Pa., May 30, 1894. George Herman Schlotterer, Jr., Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Jan. 29, 1893. R. R. Trenton, Chemist. Omaha Pastor's Asst., St. N. J. Neb. New Brunswick, N. J. With D. C. and Wm. Soraorville, N. Teacher. Millville, N. Chemist. Bound Brook, N. Westfield, N. Mechanical engineer. Elizabeth, N. Civil engineer. Penn. J. Jersey City, N. J. Optical projection Walter Emil Schwanhausser, Born at Jersey City, N. J., May 7, 1891 design. Alfred Frederick William Sfarra, Born at Boiano, Italy, Mch. 7, 1893 change. George Leslie Shultz, Born at Jamesburg, N. J., Feb. 7, 1894. George Joseph Smith, Born in New York City, Nov. 2, 1891. Harry Brokaw Smith, Born at North Plainfield, N. J., Aug. 6, 1889 William Henry Stang, Born at New Brunswick, N. J., May 25, Utility Commission, New Jersey. Irving Berkeley Stanton, Bayonne Born at Bayonne, N. J., June 10, 1894. Electrical engineer. Robert Frederick Emmanuel Stier, New York City, Born at Sayreville. N. J., Sept. 24, 1894. Student. Coll. P. and S., Class of 1919. Theodore Greene Sullivan, Jr., Elizabeth, N. J Born at Montclair, N. J., Apr. 19, 1895. Chemist. Bound Brook, N. J. Chief Chemist, Pathe Ex- Wilkinsburg, Pa. Electrical engineering. New York City. North Plainfield, N. J. Computer. New Brunswick, N. J. 1894. With Public N. J. Milton Amos Thomson, Born at New Kingston, N. Y., May 3, 1891. Selman Abraham Waksman, Born at Priluka, Russia, July 28. 1888. Exper. Station. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1916). Allen George Waller, Born at Seneca Falls, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1892. in Agronomy. Harry Edward Watt, Born at Franklin, N. J., Nov. 6, 1890. New Kingston, N. Y. Dairyman. New Brunswick, N. J. With N. J. Agric. New Brunswick, Extension specialist N. J. Hamburg, N. J. RuFus Allen, Jr., Born, Mch. 2, 1893. Perth Amboy, N. J. 1915. ALUMNI. 301 East Orange, jS. J. At Rutgers two Harvey William Banks, Born at Jersey City, N. J., Mcb. 25, 1891. years. With Paddock Zuzi Motor Car Co. Wesley BeninER, Metiichen, N. J. Born at Metuchen, N. J., July 13. 1892. At Rutgers, 1910-11. Student, New Jersey Law School, 1916. John Henry Berns, Jr., Elizabeth, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1892. Harold Stanley Bolsover, South Orange, N. J. Born at South Orange, N. J., July 14, 1894. WiLLiAAr Henry Bv{Andow, Born at Oneonta, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1892. Student, Cornell Univ. Edward Leo Breen, Born at Metuchen, N. J., Aug. 28, 1894. Bookkeeper. Lester William Brett, Bom in Brooklyn, N. "S HARRY' Milton Buckwald, Born at Paterson, N. J. Edward Russell Cotton, Albany, N. At Rutgers two years. Metuchen, N. At Rutgexs, 1911-12. Lake Katrine, N. Y. Aug. 6, 1892. Paterson, N. J. May 24, 1894. Marion, Ohio. Born at Ocean City, N. J., June 19, 1893. At Rutgers, 1911-12. Asst. County Surveyor. Mays Landing, N. J. July 15. 1893. At Rutgers one N. J. Joseph Miiler Davis, Born at Mays Landing, year. Teacher. Louis DuBois^ Born at Bridgeton, N. .L, Jan. 18, 1891. Pharmaceutical chemist. Charles Howard Engelhard, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y.. Mch. 29, 1891. years. With India Rubber Co. Leon Abbot Errickson, Bom at Point Pleasant, N. J., Jan. Harold Rapelye Fick, Born at New Brunswick, N. year. Real estate. George Leonard Frank, Born at Cinnaminson, N. J., June 4, 189^ 12. Bookkeeper. Joseph Russell French, Born at Moorestown, N. J., May 8, 1891. Joseph Friedman, Born at Norwich, Conn., Apr. 8, 1893. At Rutgers three and one half years. Engineer, N, Y. State Highway Dept. Sylvester Gutelius, Hopewell, N. J. Born at Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 13, 1891. At Rutgers one semes- ter. Teacher and farm manager, Penn. State College, 1914. Ferdinand Dg. Puy Hasbrouck, Franklin, N. J. Born at High Falls, N, Y.,_May 16, 1891. At Rutgers three years. Philadelphia, Pa. At Rutgers, 1910-12. New Brunswick, N. J. At Rutgers three Trenton, N. J. 3, 1890. New Brunswick, N. J. Aug. 16, 1893. At Rutgers one Cinnaminson, N. J, At Rutgers, 1911- Moorestown, N. J. Watertown, N. Y. Chemist with N. J. Zinc Co. Edwin Percy Holtbeijg, Born at Mason City, Iowa, Dec. year. Farmer. William Julius Hudson, Born in Nebraska, July 30, 1893. Annandale, N. J. 11, 1893. At Rutgers one Sidney, Neb. 302 EUTGEES COLLEGE. 1915. Russell Woolston Hunt, Westfield, N. J, Born at Westfleld. N. J., Oct. 27, 1893. At Rutgers, 1911-14. Civil engineer, C. R. R. of N. J. Max Kisliuk. Jr., Washiugton, D. C Born in London, England, Nov. 5, 1889. At Rutgers. 1911-12. Citrus Canker Inspector. B.Sc. (Maryland Agric. Coll., 1915). JNIORTON Lang, New Yovk Cit.v, Born In Philadelphia Pa., Jan. 16, 1893. Fred Macarthy, Jr., Hartford, Conn Born at Sayreville, N. J., Aug. 7, 1892. William Francis McCloskey, New "Brunswick, N. J Born at New Biunswick, N. J.. Feb. 23, 1893. At Rutgers one year. Lawyer. LL.B. (N. J. Law School, 1916). Joseph Francis Massopust, Jr., Metuchen, N. J Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., July 6, 1893. At Rutgers two years. Student, N. Y. Law School. Alfred Vivian Mershon. Schenectady, N. Y Born at Rahway. N. J., Aug. 20. 1892. At Rutgers, 1911. M.Sc. (Union, 1915). Laboratory Assistant. George Richards Morrison, New Brunswick, N. J Born at New Brunswick, N. J., At Rutgers, 1910-13. Student, N. J. Law School. AYiLLiAM I^AMBERT Myers, Sidney, N. Y Born in London, England, Oct. 22, 1891. At Rutgers one year. John Page Noble, Port Arthur, Texas BoTn at Olean, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1891. At Rutgers two years. Refiner, Texas Company. James Champlin Peirce, Jr., Born at Savannah, Ga., Aug. 13, 1891. Student. John I'ullerton Pfeiffer, Jr., Born at Maurer, N. J., Nov. 8, 1892. John Eldridge Pritchard. Born at Trenton, N. J., Jan. 24, 1890 Draughtsman. Henry Edgar Riker, Born at Fairfield, Conn., Apr. 1, 1892. Philip Ritter, Jr., Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1892 years. Advertising agency. Samuel Luther Sahn, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1892. Ralph Lassell Shearer, Born at York, Pa., Feb. 5, 1893 years. Business. ^yILLIAM John Shearer, Jr., Born at York, Pa., 1892. Joseph Silbert, Born at Raritan, N. J., Aug. 19, 1893 Samuel Silbert, Born at Raritan. N. J.. Jan. 24, 1894. Student, Coll.. I*, and S. William Edgar Skillman, Student, N. Y. Law School. Class of 1918. Oharles Gross Slauson, Elizabeth, N. J Born at Piqua, Ohio, Nov. 21, 1892. At Rutgers one year. With Equitable Trust Co., N. Y. Ansonia, Conn. At Rutgers six months. Fords, N. J. Trenton, N. J. At Rutgers one year. Fairfield, Conn. New York City. At Rutgers three New Brunswick, N. J. Elizabeth, N. J. At Rutgers one and one-half Elizabeth. N. J. Buffalo, X. Y. A.B. (Cornell, 1915). Plainfield, N. J. At Rutgers two years. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1915-1916. ALUMNI. 303 New Brunswick, N. J. 1911-12. Assistant to Theodore Howard Smith, Born at Camden. N. J. At Rutger Treasurer of Rutgers College, 1912- , Elroy Wilson Steedle, New Brunswick, N Born at Riverton. N. J., Feb. 4, 1893. At Rutgers, 1910-14. With Michelin Tire Co. Joseph Paul Taylor, Asbury Park, N Born at Asbury Park, N. J., Jan. 7, 1892. At Rutgers one year. Business. KussELL Day Van Sickle, Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Nov. 9. 1890. RoNSON Joseph Warne, Born at Matawan. N. J.. Feb. 5, 1892. one-half .years. Civil engineering. Joseph Grossman Youenes, Born at New Orleans, La., Sept. 13, 1890, New Brunswick, N. J. Matawan, N. J. At Rutgers two and Atlantic Highlands, N. J. 1916. A.B. Dudley Barnitz Browning, Born in New York City, July 14, 1894. David Nielson Bulloch, Born at Kearney, N. J., Jan. 22, 1891. Sherman Lindsley Conklin, Born at Fairfield, N. J., Jan. 26, 1894. Clarkson Atwood Cranmer, Born at Somerville, N. J., Feb. 7, 1895. Itoss Harrison Flanagin, Mountain Lakes, N. J. Englishtown, N. J. N. J. N. J. N. J. Newark, Teacher. Somerville, Law student. New Brunswick, Oct. 8, 1888. Born at Sykesville, N. Theol. Sem. Donald Dunstan Hand, Born at Keene, N. H., July 13, 1894. William Thomas Hutchinson, Born at Freehold, N. J., Mch. 9, 1895. Student. Edward Stebbins Ingham, New Brunswick, Born at Irvington, N. Y., July 2, 1896. With Travelers' In- surance Co. ♦Wallace Warren Kloepfel, Student, General Keyport, Freehold, Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., Oct. 3, 1894 N. J., Mch. 2. 1916. Arthur Robert Lewis, Born at Newark, N. J., Sept. 28, 1895. Adrian Coley Minton, Born at Red Bank, N. J., Nov. 26. 1894 Anton Adolph Raven, Jr., Born at Metuchen, N, J., Oct. 26. 1895. Raymond Bovey Searle, Born at Somerville, N. J., May 23, 1892, Ralph Whitaker Voorhees, Maspeth, Died at New Brunswick, N. J. N. J. N. J. N. Y. Born at Three Bridges, N. J., Oct. 25, 1894. Hugo Otto Wendel, Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Sept. 7, 1896. Newark, N. J. Red Bank, N. J. N. J. N. J. N. Y. Linden, N. J. New Brunswick, Teacher. New Brunswick, Law student. New York, 304 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1916. Geobge Henby Whisleb, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Albany, N. Y., July 10. 1893. Student, N. B. Scm. Dabwin Bubton Buell, Minising, Mich. Boin at Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 4, 1893. At Rutgers, 1912. Tim- berman. Lesteb Donald Mubeay, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1892. Paul Roebling, Bernardsville, N J. Born. at Morris Plains, N. J., May 1, 1893. Litt.B. Glenn Edwabd Chaeles, Warsaw, N. Y. Born at Warsaw, N. Y., Mch, 15, 1893. Louis Benoid Gittleman, Newark, N. J. Born at Pinsk, Russia. Sept. 9, 1895. Edwin Lamb Losee, Upper Red Hook, N. Y. Born at Upper Red Hook, N. Y., May 13, 1894. Clifford Anthony McLaughlin, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Dec. 21, 1894. Habvey Theodobe Mann, Perth Amboy, N, J. Born in New York City, Feb. 19, 1895. Edwabd Louis Peppel, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., June 11, 1895. Cliffobd Fbedebick Post, Port Jervis, N. Y. Born at Port Jervis, Mch. 25, 1893. Teacher. Chables Habold Reed, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 18, 1895. James Bernabd Scabk, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. Born at Hollis, Kansas, Feb. 17, 1893. William Smith Spbague, Barnegat, N. J. Born at Manahawkin, N. J.. Dec. 1. 1894, William Chesteb Wells, Je., East Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Elizabeth, N. J.. Dec. 24. 1894. Ralph Pollock White, Wooster, Ohio. Born at Calcutta. India. June 8. 1894. Association War Work in Egypt. . James Harwood Closson, 3d, Germantown, Pa. Born at Germantown, Pa., June 18, 1896. At Rutgers, 1912-13. Student, Princeton Univ. Robebt Walteb Elliott, Jb., Hartford. Conn. Born at Worcester. Mass., Oct. 6. 1891. James Eugene Mulligan, Newark, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Nov. 22, 1893. At Rutgers, 1912. Sec. Knickerbocker Storage Co. B.Sc. William Penn Esterbbook Ainswobth, Rahway, N. J. Born at Rahway, N. J., Oct. 30, 1893. Raymond Munkittbick Austin, Caldwell, N. J. Born at Detroit, Mich., Dec. 14, 1893. 191«. ALUM XI. 305 MuRKAY Appleby Chittick, Old Bridge, N. J. Born at Old Bridge, N. J., June 24, 1894. James Melville Coleman, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Elizabeth. N. J., May 25, 1S95. Clifi'OKD James Colville, Bayonue, N, J. Born at Bayonne. N. J., Sept. 19, 1894. Tracy Lake Elmendorf, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Brown's Station, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1889. Farmer. Adrain Robert Fisher, New BrunsAvick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J.. :Mch. 27, 1895. Edwin Florance, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Ncav Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 14, 1896. Herbert Francis Haley, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth. N. J.. June 28, 1893. Kalston Raymond IIannas, West New York, N. J. Born at Farmin,srdale, N. Y., Oct. 9, 189.3. Geor(!E Russell Hartley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born at Waldcn, N. Y., Jan. 2. 1895. With Penn. R. R. George Foster Herben, Westfield, N, J. Bom at Evanston, 111., Mch. 17, 1893. Richard Bevier Hiller, Hurley, N. Y. Born at Arlington. N. J.. Juno 29, 1892. Stanley Irving Horn, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Troy. N. Y., Mch. C, 1895. Student. Charles Henry Hruby, . Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Jan. 7, 1895. Jonathan Henry Huntington, 3d, Newark, N, J. Born at Newark, N. J., July 15, 1895. Life insurance clerk. Edgar Thomas Hurley. Baldwin, L. I., N. Y. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., May 1, 1894. Dean Carter Jenkins, Dover, N. J. Born at Dover, N. J., Dec. 5, 1895. Frank Chambliss Johnson, East Orange, N. J. Born at East Orange, N. J., Feb. 6, 1894. Student, Coll. P. and S. Harris Torbert Kille, . Swedesboro, N. J. Born at Swedesboro, N. J., Apr. 17, 1892. Agriculture. William H. Wood Komp, Metuchen, N. J. T5o:n at Yokohama, Japan, Mch. 16, 1893. LiNWooD Lawrence Lee, • Trenton, N. J. Born at Trenton, N. J.. Jan. 11, 1894. With N. J. Agric. Exper. Station. Louis Wright Maron, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Perth Amboy, N. J., Jan. 1, 1892. Julian Fr.xncis Miller, Merchantville, N. J. Born at Camden, N. J., Jan. 30, 1894. Asst., U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Edward Leslie Molineux, Metuchen, N. J. Born at Metuchen, N. J., Aug. 4, 1894. Chemist. John Monteith, Jr., Chatham, N. J. Born at Chatham, N. J., Dec. 24, 1893. Jared Blanchard Moore, Chatham, N. J. Born at Chatham, N. J., May 6, 1893. Florist.^ Clarence Albert Morey, Warsaw, N. Y. Born at Warsaw, N. Y., July 6, 1891. 20 306 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1016. Robert Aetiiur Nash, Bernardsville, N. J. Born in Groat Britain, Dec. 16, 1892. With United Traction Co.. Albany, N. Y. Wlli.vm Warren Payne, Hamilton Square, N. J. Born at Stanfordville, N. Y , .Ian. 19, 1893. Joseph Ratner, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at McKeesport, Pa.. .Tune 14, 1894. Waiter Diets Reese, Westfield, N. J. Born at Westfield. N. J.. Aug. 19, 1894. Engineer. ITarry Joseph Rockafeeler, Jr., Asbury Park. N. J. Born at Asbury Park. N. J.. Aug. 26, 1894. George Bancroft Roescii, Bloomfielcl, N, J. Born in Philadelphia. Pn.. Apr. 2.3. 1895. T.EO RoGiN, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Mohilev. Russia. Apr. 18. 1893. With X. .T. Exper. Sta- tion. Theodore Rosen, Philadelpliia, Pa. Born at Carmel, N. .7., Sept. 20, 1895. Farm superintendent. Robert Louis Scharrtng-IIausen, Newark. N. J. Born at Newark, N. .7., Nov. 13. 1894. David Schmidt, Yorktown, Va. Born at Woodbine, N. .7.. Aug. 11. 1893. Agriculture. Herbert Crittenden Segur, Ocean Grove, N. J. Born at Dover. N. J., Sept. 11, 1893. Ralph George Seiler, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Covington. ICy.. Apr. 3, 1890. • Laurence Willis Sharp, Sea Isle City, N. J. Born at Petersburg, N. J., Feb. 8. 1894. Harry Sloane. Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Philadelphia. Pa.. Apr. 15. 1894. Chemist. Lewis Jerome Taylor. ' Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Asbury Park. N. J., Aug. 12, 1894. Benjamin Edmund Thomas, South Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Albany. N. Y., Sept. 3, 1896. Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. Rutgers. *JoHN Peter Toohey. Jr., Oneonta, N. Y. Born at Newburgh. N. Y.. Nov. 18. 1891. With Del. and Hud- son Co. Ivilled in an accident, Apr. 29, 1916. Wainwright Darrow^ Twing, Riverside, N. J. BOT-n in Brooklyn. N. Y., .lune 9, 1893. Civil engineer. Frederick John Ulrich, Haledon, N. J. Born at Haledon, N. .7.. Nov. 7 9, 1890. Harold Wesley Van Liew, New Brunswick. N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., Sept. 20, 1892. Earl Strouse Willever, Belvidere. N. J. Born at Belvidere. N. .7., July 26, 1894. With United Trac- tion Co., Albany, N. Y., Walter Klemmer Wood, New Brunswick, N. J. Bom at New Brunswick, N. J., May 10, 1896. Joseph Samuel Zass, Woodbine, N. J. Born at Philadelphia. Pa., Feb. 22, 1894. William Whitaker Baer, Elizabeth. N. J. Born at Radnor,- Pa., Nov. 23, 1892. Student, Penn. State Col- lege. 1910. ALUMNI. 307 Edward ^Iinton Ball, Born at Bloomingdale, N. J., Nov. 1, 1894. Charles Egbert Benjamin, Born at Port Richmond, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1894. Richard B. Bevier, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1898. B.S. William Henry Bowles, Bom at Johnstown, Pa., Dec. 28, 1892. Arthur Leslie Boyer, Born at East Orange, N. J., Oct. 6, 1889. William A. Brainard, Bloomingdale, N. J. Port Richmond, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. (Univ. Penn.). Elizabeth, N. J. N. J. N. J. East Orange, N. J. Saugerties. N. Y. Born at Saugerties, N. Y., Mch. 17, 1892. At Rutgers two and one-half years. Operating engineer. Christian William Braun, Faterson, N. J. Born at Paterson, N. J., Oct. 15, 1894. At Rutgers four years. Student. George Herman Buck, Buzzards Bay, Mass. Born at Elliot. Me.. Dec. 23. 1894. At Rutgers two j-ea-rs. Non- graduate, Univ. Penn. Civil engineer. Guy Foster Buckman, Hudson, N. Y. Born at Hudson, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1893. At Rutgers two years. Traffic manage!*. Douglas Cummings, East Orange, Born at Soho, N. T., Aug. 28, 1892. At Rutgers three and one- half years. With C. A. Agar Co., Manufacturers of paper boxes. Wallace Dunlop, Ridgew-ood, Born at Ridgewood, N. J., Sept. 11, 1892. Walter Van Horn Farley, New York City. Born at White Plains, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1894. At Rutgers two and one-half years. With H. E. Lesan Advertising Agency. Myron James Folensbee, Schoharie, N. Y. Born at Schoharie, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1891. At Rutgers two and one-half years. Student. Roy William Gates, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Central City, Neb., Sept. 2. 1891. At Rutgers one year. Experimenter. William Louis Gay, Mineola, N. Y. Bom at Wvoming. N. Y., Mch. 5, 1891. At Rutgers three years. With Swift & Co., Fertilizer Works. Harold Norman Halstead, Born at Elizabeth, N. J., Mch. 27, 1893. J. Harry Hayes, Born at Bristol, Pa., Aug. 2, 1892. . Arthur Edward Helmrich, Born in New York City, June 1, 1892. Somerville, N. J. Asbury Park, N. J. New York, N. Y. At Rutgers one year. C.E. Edgar George Herrmann, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. 2, 1892. Robert Pearce Hulsart, Born at Manasquan, N. .7., Sept. 27, 1894. George Moyer Huttenloch, Born at Dragston, N. .7,, May 6, 1890. Harry Benjamin Jackson, Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1893. Paul Case James, Born in New York City, Jan. 10. 1894. Brooklyn, N. Y. Manasquan. N. At Rutgers two years. Montclair, N. J. Plainfield, N. J. Shokan, N. Y. 308 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1916. Harry Lockwood Jennings, i3oston, Mass. Born at New Haven, Conn., June 19, 1890. Philip Klemmer Kalteissen, New Brunswick, N, J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 5, 1894. At Rutgers two years. Student. N. J. Law School. Albert Kreh, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., July 20, 1892. Earl MacClary, " Rahway, N. J. Born at Railway, N. J., Nov. 4, 1894. At Rutgers three years. I'ublisher. Malcolm Mackenzie, Flushing, N. Y. Born at Pine Bush. N. Y., Nov. 13, 1894. At Rutgers one vear. With N. J. Zinc Co. Garrett Berry Magens, Lansdowne, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 2, 1894. At Rutgers two years. Engineer. Erwin Lawrence Meisel, Springfield, N. J. Born at Westfleld, N. J., Jan. 23, 1893. Manuel Noriega, ' Mexico City, Mexico. Born in Mexico City, Mexico, May 28, 1892. Harold Frederick Plusch, Catskill, N. Y. Born at Catskill. N. Y., Oct. 16, 1892. At Rutgers, 1912-13. Salesman. ••'William Thaddeus Richardson, V':'atskill, N. Y. Born at Catskill. N. Y., Feb. 14, 1893. At Rutgers, 1912-13. Died, Oct. 31, 1915. Eugene Francis Rockafeller, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Asbury Park, N. J., Dec. 13, 1892. Georges Dayez Romeike, New York City. Born in New York City. Feb. 9, 1895. At Rutgers two and one-half years. President, Henry Romeike, Inc. Laurence Wilson Schenck, Atlantic City, N. J. Born at Mays Landing, N. J., July 9, 1894. At Rutgers one- half year. With N. J. Mosquito Commission. Ellis Harold Schoonmaker, Hasbrouck Heights, N, J. Born in New York City, Oct. 24, 1896. Student. William Adolph Schure, Jr., Bound Brook, N. J. Born at Bound Brook, N. J., May 24, 1892. At Rutgers three years. Salesman. Edward Paul Smaney, Roselle, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1894. At Rutgers, 1912-13. Journalist. Raymond Strohl, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Hazleton, Pa., July 9, 1892. At Rutgers three years. With U. S. Survey. David Carle Succop, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born at Pittsburgh, Pa.. Aug. 12, 1893. At Rutgers one year. Manager, Knight Tire Co. Eugene Richmond Taylor, Salem, N. J. Born at Salem. N. J., Jan. 18, 1895. Philip Gerald Tormay, Jr., Scrantou, Pa. Born at Middletown, Conn., Dec. 23, 1892. With Delaware and Hudson Co. Edward Judson A^an Wagner, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 10, 1893. At Rutgers three years. John Schenck Yoorhees, New Brunswick, N, J. Born at NeAV Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 20, 1893. Farmer. ^„^„ ALUMNI. 309 1910. ALBERT Watmax, Bayonne. N. J. Born in New York City, Jan. 22, 1804. At Rutgers. 1912-13. Pliarmacist. PAUL Sandt West, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Asbury, N. J-i ^'ov. 10, 1894. Otto Edward Wiemer, Rahway, N. J, Born at Hobokon, X. J., Dec. 2. 1899. 310 eutctEes college. GRADUATE STUDENTS. Francis Cuyler Van Dyck, 1865-66. A.B. (Rutgers, 1865). *Maetin Nevius Wyckoff, 1877-78. A.B. (Rutgers, 1872). John Edward Elmendorf, 1878-81. A.B. (Rutgers, 1878). *Sei-ichi Kudo, 1878-79. A.B. (Rutgers, 1878). Howard Davidson ITerhune, 1878-81. A.B. (Rutgers, 1878). William Davis Schoonmaker, 1880^-81. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1880). Joseph Appleton Van Mater, 1880-81. A.B. (Rutgers, 1880). *Theodore Burges Booraem, 1881-85. A.B. (Rutgers, 1881). Charles Taylor Pomeroy, 1881-82. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1877). ♦Jacob Chester Chamberlain, 1882-83. A.B. (Rutgers, 1882). Charles Leavitt Edgar, 1882-83. A.B. (Rutgers, 1882). *Robert Adrain, 1883-84. A.B. (Rutgers, 1873). William Christian Miller, 1883-84. A.B. (Rutgers, 1883). John Ehrick Parmly, In Class of 1884, Rutgers. A.B. (Princeton, 1883). Alan Hartwell Strong, 1883-85. A.B. (Rutgers, 1874). *Henri Veghte, 1883-84. A.B. (Rutgers, 1877). *JoHN ScHENCK Voorhees, 1883-85. A.B. (Rutgers, 1876), Frederick Weigel, 1883-85. A.B. (Rutgers, 1880). John William McKelvey, 1884-85. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884). Charles Edward Pattison, 1884-85. A.B. (Rutgers, 1884). Franklin Stoddart Smith, 1884-85. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884). James Henry Van Cleef, 1884-85. In Class of 1863. Rutgers. A.B. (Lafayette, 1863). *Pennington Ranney, 1885-88, Colorado Springs, Col. Residence when a student, Elizabeth, N. J. A.B. (Princeton. 1882). A.M. (Princeton, 1885). Died, July 18, 1897. Adrian Vermeule, Jr., 1885-86. A.B. (Rutgers, 1885). Louis Augustus Voorhees, 1885-88. A.B. (Rutgers, 1885). Henry Holmes Palmer, 1887-88. A.B. (Rutgers, 1887). *Harry Atwater Smith, 1887-88. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1887). Harold Tait, 1887-88. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1887). ♦Charles H. Vannier, 1887-88. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). Sam Corle Schenck, 1889-90. A.B. (Rutgers, 1889). James Albert Kelsey, 1890-94. AI.Sc. (Rutgers, 1893). Spencer Ambrose Beach, 1891-92, Ames, Iowa. Born at Summer Hill. N. Y., 1860. B.S.A. (Iowa Agric. Coll., 1887). Praf. Horticulture and Botany, Texas Agric. and Mech. Coll., 1890-91. Prof. Horticulture, Iowa Agric. Coll., 1905- . Vice Dean, do., 1906- . ♦Robert Boorman Strong, 1891-92, Plainfield, N. J. Born June 3, 1871. A.B. (Princeton, 1891). A.M. (Princeton, 1894). E.E. (Princeton, 1894). Electrical engineer and con- tractor. Died, 1904. James Monroe White, 1891-92, Starkville, Miss. M.S. (Agric. and Mech. Coll., Miss.). GRADUATE STUDENTS. 311 AsiiER Atkinson, 1892-94. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1885). Philip Cook Thomas, 1894-95. A.B. (Rutgers, 1894). John Henry Thompson, 1894-95. A.B. (Rutgers, 1894). Gabriel Ludlow, 1896-97. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895). Edwin Corwin McKeag, 189(>-97. A.B. (Rutgers, 189G). ' William Van Bergen Van Dyck, 1896-97. (Rutgers, 1896). Frederick Harvey Blodgett, 1897-99. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1897). John Provost Stout, 1897-98. A.B. (Rutgers, 1895). Clifford Philip Case, 1898-99. A.B. (Rutgers, 1897). Jacob Goodale Lipman, 1898-99, 1901-03. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1898). Albert Chester De Regt, 1900-02, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Clinton, N. Y.. Nov. 24. 1877. A.B. (Hamilton. 1900). M.Sc. (Hamilton, 1904). Instructor in Chemistry, Rutgers, 1902-06. Associate Professor of Chemistry, Rutgers,' 1906- . Chilion Bobbins Roselle, 1900-01. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1900). George Winfield Nuttman, 1901-06. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1896). Edgar Leek Dickerson, 1902-10. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1902). James Paulding Read, 1902-03. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1901). Daniel Herbert Applegate, Jr., 1903-04. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1903). Howard Weston Bloomfield, 1^3-04. Cr.E. (Rutgers, 1916). David Raymond Edgar, 1903-04. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1903). Frank Abram Morris, 1905-06. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904). *Nahum David Shore, 1906^8. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906). Blodgett Fellow in Science, 1906-07. J^ERCY Edgar Brown, 1906-110. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906). Frank Randall Pratt, 1906-07. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906). Charles Thiers Thompson, 1908-09. Litt.B. (Rutgers, 1908). Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. Edward Francis Johnson, 1908-09. A.B. (Rutgers, 1901). Herbert Wills Moore, 1908-09. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904). P:dwin Conrad Alford, 1909-10. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1909). Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. Frederick T^cke Bascom, 1009-10. Litt.B. (Rutgers, 1909). Gp:orge Wilmot Hart, 1909-10. Litt.B. (Rutgers, 1909). Marvin Ketcham Du Bois, 1910-11. Litt.B. (Rutgers, 1910). Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. James Claude Thomson, 1910-12. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. James Thomas Doryland, 1910-11. Agric. College, N. D. Born at Junction City. Kansas, June l.l, 18S0. B.Sc. (Kansas State Agr^c. Coll.. 1908). M.Sc. (Do., 1910). Soil Bacteriolo- gist, Agricultural College, N. I)., 1904- . Arthur Thomas McMichael, 1910^11. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). Wallace Todd Eakins, 1911-12. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1911). Blodgett Fellow in Science. John De Lancey Ferguson, 1911-12. A.B. (Rutgers, 1911). Herbert Fellow in Political Science. Lloyd Mervyn Van Ness, 1911-12. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1011). Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. Aaron Martin Hageman, 1912-13. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1912) Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. , Edward Collier Scott, 1912-13. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1912^ Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. 12 TM'TfiKRS COLLEGE. John \ml Bissett. 1013-14. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1912). A'an der Foel Fellow in Chemistry. Henry Ci.ay Lint, 1013-16. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1935). Suiplmi- Research Fellow. Geoiige Stanley Robins, 1913-14. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1913). Van dor Poel Fellow in Chemistrj'. David ArorsTUS Coleman, 1914-16. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1916). Sodium Nitrate Research Fellow. ^ Ralph Clayton Cook, 1914-16, Russell, Pa. Born at Russell. Pa.. Nov. 2r». 1800. r,.S. (Tenn. State Coll.. 1013). Ammonium Sulphate Research Fellow. George Peter Kocii. 1914-16, Elraa, Wash. Rorn at Elma. Wash.. Apr. 20. ISOO. R.S. (Washington State Coll.. 1013). M.S. (Univ. Minnesota, 1014). Potash Research Fellow. Nicholas Kopeloff, 1914-16. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1016). Pulverized Limestone Research Fellow. Arthur Costello Metcalf. 1014-16. B.Sc. (Rutgers. 1014). * Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. Edward Robert Schmid, 1014-16. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1014). Van der Poel Fellow in Chemistry. Franklin Elmer Allison, 1015-16, Oakland Cit.y, Ind Rovn at Oakland City. Tnd.. Nov. 10. 1802. R.S. A. (P\n-due, 1014). ^r.S.A. (Iowa State, 1015). Amo.-Phos. Research Fel- low. Victor George Aubry, 1015-16. Greenwich, Conn. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y.. Feb. 25, 1801. B.S. (Connecticut .•^srric. 1012). Asst. Professor of Animal Husbandry. Fniv. Maine. 1012-14. E'xtension Specialist in Poultry Husbandry. Homer Eugene Carney, 1915-16. Hamilton, Ohio. Born at Dayton. O.. Nov. 0. 1802. A.B. (Miami, 1015). Re- search Assistant in Botanv. Franklin Oscar Church, 1915-16. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1914). Research Assistant in Hydraulic Engineering. Roland Edward Curtis, 1915-16, Lordsburg, Cal. Born at North Yakima. Wash.. July 24. 1802. B.S. A. f Oregon Agric. Coll., 1015). Research Assistant in Soil Bacteriology. Carl Raymond Fellers, 1915-16. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1916). Soy Bean Research Fellow.- Arthur Crawford Foster. 1915-16, West Raleigh, N. C. R.S. (Alabama Polvtechnic Inst.. 1014). Research Assistant in Botany. North Carolina Agric. Experiment Station. 1016- . Webster Sherburn Krout, 1915-16, Bremen, Ohio. , Born at North Berne. Ohio. .Tan. 4. 1888. B.Sc. (Ohio State Univ.. 1015^. M.A. (Ohio State Fniv., 1015). Research As- sistant in Plant Pathology. Bryce Inglis M^cDonald. 1915-16. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1914). Harry Charles McLean, 1915-16. M.Sc. (Rutgers, 1916). Chemist, soil research. William Hope Martin, 1915-16, Carlisle, Pa. Born at Carlisle. Pa..' June 3, 1800. P.. A. (Univ. Maine. 1015). Assistant Pathologist. William Solomon Porte, 1915-16. B.Sc. (Rntgors, 1915). Research Assistant in Botany. Fidel Paul Schlatter, 1915-16, Tunkhannock, Pa. Born at Tunkhannock. Pa.. Nov. 24. 1801. B.Sc. (Penn. State Coll., 1015). Research Assistant in Cranberry Investigation. aRA.DUATE STUDENTS. 318 Orville Carl Schultz, 1915-16, Postville, Iowa. * Born at Postville, Iowa, Oct. 29, 1892. B.Sc. (Iowa State Coll., 1915). Research Assistant in Botany. WiLLARD Chandler Thompson, 1915-16, Sun Prairie, Wis. Born at Sun Prairie. Wis.. Nov. 24. 1890. B.Sc. (Univ. Wis- consin, 1912). Research Assistant in Poultry. EUTGEKS COLLEGE. ADVANCED DEGREES. Degrees granted on the completing of required graduate courses. 1880. C.E. Cornelius Clakkson Vebmeule, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878). 1881. C.E. Alfred Alexander Titsworth, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1877) John Edward Elmendorf, George Hill, Ph.B, 1882. C.E. A.B. (Kutgers, 1878) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1879) 1884. C.E. Nathaniel B. Klink Hoffman, *Frederick William Malcolm, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1882) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1881), Ph.D. ROBEBT HAELEY BAEE, A.B. (Rutgers, 1875) 1885. C.E. ♦Frederick Wagoner Bennett, ♦Samuel De Vere Burr, George Elton Jenkins, George Henry Johnson, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1882), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1883), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1882), ADVANCED DEGBEES. 315 1886. C.E. *Edson DeWint Eaton, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1883) 1888. C.E. AsHER Atkinson, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1885). 1889. C.E. John Moyer Farley, William Henry Luster, Jr.. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1886), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884), Harry Joseph March, 1890. C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1887). John Edwaed Hill, 1891. C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884) Albert Cornelius Arend, Edward Howell, *P]DWARD INGELOW PITMAN, 1892. C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1889), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1889), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1877), 1893. M.Sc. James Albert Kelsey, B.S. (Iowa Agricultural College). Clarinda, Iowa. 316 RUTGERS COLLEGE. George Henry Blakeley, Edward Duryee, 1894. C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1878) 1895. B.D. Charles Edward Corwin, Frederick Kienhold Shield, Born at La Crosse, Wis., Mch. Clergyman, R. C. A. i3, 1868. A.B. (Rutgers, 1892). New Brunswick, N. J. N. B. Sem., 1895. John Charles Aydelott, C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1891) 1896. B.D. Addison Caleb Bird, Born at Hawthorne, N. Y., May 9, 1869 Clergyman, R. C. A. Henry Charles Cusslee, Frank Malven, Marcus J. Roop, Born at Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1871. Tiffin, Ohio, 1893). N. B. Sem., 1896. Albert Henry von Schlieder, Henry Clifford Willoughby, Born at Newark, N. J., Mch. 6, 1866. man, R. C. A. N. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. B. Som., 1890. A.B. (Rutgers, 1893). A.B. (Rutgers, 1893). Middletown, N. Y. A.B. (Heidelbarg Univ., Clergyman, R. C. A. A.B. (Rutgers, 1893). Fort Plain, N. Y. N. B. Sem., 1896. Clergy 1897. B.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1894). A.B. (Rutgers, 1894). Hawthorne, N. Y. Univ. Glasgow, I'rederick Jacob Barny, William Edgar Compton, James Campbell Forbes, Born at. Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 19. 1869. 1S94. N. B. Sem., 1897. Clergyman, R. C. A. ♦Raymond Augustus Lansing, Lisha's Kill, N. Y, Born at Lisha's Kill, N. Y., June 26, 1873. A.B. (Union, 1894). N. B. Sem., 1897. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Mar. 7, 1903. Charles Judson Scudder, A.B. (Rutgers, 1889). Henry Johnstone Scudder, A.B. (Rutgers, 1890). ADVANCED DEGREES. 317 Walter Tracy Scudder, A.B. (Rutgers, 1892). AsASHi Segawa, Saga, Japan. Clergyman. Evangelist, South Japan Mission, R. C. A. Grad- uate in Theology, Meiji Gakuin. 1879. 1898. B.D. Theodore Floyd Bayles, Bajonne, N, J. Born at West Kortright. N. Y., July 25. 1871. A.B. (Union. 1895). N. B. Sem., 1898. Clergyman, R. C. A. Garret Flikkema, Palmyra, N. Y. Born at Fulton 111., Dec. 21, 1868. A.B. (Univ. Nebraska, 1895). N. B. Sem., 1898. Clergyman, R. C. A. Harris Abraham Freer, North Hackansack, N. J. Forn at Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1860. N. B. Sem., 1898. Clergyman, R. C. A. ^ Charles Wyckoff Gulick, Rutgers, 1895. Hans Henry' Spoer, Wolverhampton, England. Born at Crefcld. Germany, Aug. 1, 1873. N. B. Sem.. 1898. Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1899). Lecturer in Hebrew Cognate Lan- guages and O. T. Studies, Meadville Theol. School. 1905-06. Lecturer in Hebrew. Syiiac and N. T. Exegesis. Licefield Theol. College, England, 1909-10. Clergyman, Church of England, 1911- . John Vander Meulen, Denver, Col. Born at Holland. Mich., Oct. 16, 1870. A.B. (Hope, 1895). A.M. (Chicago, 1907). N. B. Sem., 1898. Cong, clergyman. Herman Charles Weber, A.B, (Rutgers, 1895). Frederick Seymour S:\iith. C.E. 1899. B.D. Henry Wells Brink, William Isaac Chamberlain, John Brownlee Voorhees, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1891), A.B. (Rutgers, 1896) A.B. (Rutgers, 1882) A.B. (Rutgers, 1896) Frank Conovek Manley, C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1896), George Elbert Jackson", Robert Stevens Parsons, James Scott Tho]mpson, 1900. C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1896), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1894), 318 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1901. B.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1898). Zeeland, Mich. N. B. Sem., Charles Frederick Benjamin, Jr., Peter Paul Cheff, Born at Rotterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 9, 1873. 1901. Clergyman, R. C. A. Howard Rutsen Furbeck, Annandale, N. J. Bom at Interlaken, N. Y., June 19, 1876. A.B. (Union, 1897). N. B. Sem., 1901. Clergyman, R. C. A. Eugene Bogert, Thomas Herbert I.etson, C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1896). William Reese Hart, James Macdonald Martin, 1902. B.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1899), A.B. (Rutgers, 1899), William Jacob Cooper. *RoBERT Joseph Dougherty, James Wallace Higgins, John Jervis Vail, C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1892) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1891) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1893) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1898) 1903. B.D. Garret Hondelink, Muskegon, Mich. Born at Grand Rapids. Mich.. Apr. 11, 1876. A.B. (Hope, 1900). N. B. Sem., 1903. Clergyman, R. C. A. Louis Ulrich Strassburger, George McClellan Taylor. C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1898), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1877), George W. Gulick, 1904. B.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1901). ADVANCED DEGKEES. 319 1906. C.E. John Earl Jones, Frederick George von Gehren, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1903) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899), Ralph Crosby Morris, 1907. B.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1903). Fred Le Roy Brown, John Finley Drake, Richard Heuser, Charles Vernon Smith, Lewis Maxwell Young, C.E, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1898) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1898) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904) William Hobart Giebel, 1908. B.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1904), ♦William Abner Coriell, Alfred Berry Nelson, C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1899). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1879). Jacob Carleton Pelgrim, 1909. B.D. Born at Holland, Mich., June 9, 1883. B. Sem., 1908. Presb. clergyman. Frankfort, Ky. A.B. (Hope, 1905). N. C.E. William B. Carter, George Washington Conover, Howard Spooner Gay, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1903). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1903). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906). 320 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1910. C.E. Chables E. Conovee, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1895) 1911. B.D. Leonard Appeldookx, Mellenvillo, N. Y. Born at Kalamazoo, Mich., Dec. 5. 1879. A.B. (Kalamazoo, 1907). N. B. Sem., 1910. Clergyman, R. C. A. C.E. William Louis Kuehnle, Dale Charles Roberts, Arthur Cunningham Swift, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1902) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1905) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908), Royal Arthur Stout, 1912. B.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1907) Spencer Cone Devan, Alvin Bartholdi Fox, Alfred John Mahnken, C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1902). , B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). William James Lansi.ey, E.E, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1888). Percy Edgar Brown, Ph.D, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906) 1913. C.E. Charles Bloomfield Carman, Robert Aixen Lufburrow, Bergen Stelle Merrill, John William Moffett, Louis Powers, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1908). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). ADVANCED DEGKEES. 321 1914. B.D. Teuxis I'^ARL GouwENS, Mountain Lakes, N. J. Boin at South Holland, 111., July 13, 1886. A.B. (Hope, 1909). N. B. Sem., 1912. Clergyman, K. C. A. Charles Frederic Stube, Tindivanam, India. Born at Fultonville, N. Y.. Aug. 22. 1886. A.B. (Hamilton, 1910 j. N. B. Sem., 1913. Missionary, R. C. A. C.E. Daviu Alexander Decker, Charles Robert Duncan, Roy Ormond Henszey. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 190G), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1906). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1911). E.E. r'RAXK llASBROUCK VAN WiNKLE, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910),, 1915. M.Sc. Henry Clay Lint (also Ph.D., 1916), Kansas City, Kan. Born at Ada, Kansas, Oct. 20, 1890. B.S. (Kansas Agric. Coll., 1912). Herbert William Heilmann, John Le Roy IIerber, John Roderick Sexton, Elmer Leigh Walker, C.E, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1912), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1911). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1911), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1912), James Claude Thomson, 1916. B.D. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910). David Augustus Coi^eman, M.Sc. South Framingham, Mass. Born at Natick, Mass., Mch. 1.5, 1892. B.Sc. (Mass. Agric. Coll., 1914). Carl Raymond Fellers, Colosse, N. Y. Born at Hastings, N. Y.. Oct. 4, 1893. A.B. (Cornell, 1915). 21 322 EUTGEKS COLLEGE. Nicholas Kopeloff Born in New York City. June 6, 1890. B.Sc. in Agr. (Cornell, 1914). Harry Charles McLean, New York City. B.Sc. (Columbia, 1912). Born in Jewell county, Kansas, Oct. 2, 1885 Agric. Coll., 1908). New Brunswick, N. J. B.Sc. (Kansas Oliver Fritts Mitchell, Arthur Boyle Murphy, C.E, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1913). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1910), M.E. Henry Anthony Cozzens, Jr., Frederic Glander, John Preston Mailler, James Walter ]Mailler. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1913). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1912). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1912), B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1912). Cr.E. Howard WestuN Bloomfield, Metuchen, N. J. Born near Metuchen. N. .T., Dec. .SO. 1880. B.Sc. (C. C, N. Y., 1901). Secretary, Treasui'er and Manager, Clay Products Co Herman Arthur Plusch, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1904). Henry Clay Lint, Ph.D. (also M.Sc, 1915). MEDICAL SCHOOI,. 323 MEDICAL SCHOOL 1792-1835. 1792. M.B. *Francis Riemtoud. Canada. *JoHN Baptist Riextord, Canada. *CiiARLES Smith, New Brunswick, N. J. Born. 1767. A.B. (Princeton, 1786). A.M. (Queen's, 1791). Senior Tutor, Queen's. 1793-94. Tutor. Queen's. 1807. Trustee, Queen's. 1804-39. Fellow, Coll. P. & S., New York, 1814. Died, May 7. 1848. Honorary M.D. *JoNAS Smith Addoms, New York City. Practiced in New York City. Died in "West Indies. *.Jabez Campfield, Morristown, N. J. Born in Newark. N. J.. Dec. 24. 1737. Coll. N. J.. 1759. Senior Surgeon, Continental Army. With Sullivan's expedition, 1779. Diarv published bv N. ,1. Historical Society. Surrogate of Mor- ris county, 1785-1803. Died, May 30. 1821. *NicnoLAS Romayne, Ncw York City. Born .in New York City, Sept.. 1756. M.D. (Univ. Edinburgh). Professor of the Medical School, 1812-17. Founder and first Presidf^nt of Coll. P. & S.. New York. 1807. First President of N. Y. Medical Society. Trustee, Columbia, 1783-93. Died, July 21. 1817. *Henry M. Van Sol^ngen, New York City. 1793. M.D. *Abraham Brower, *Charles Buxton, ' New York City. Born at Radbourne. England. Dec. 1768. Studied at Univ. Edinburgh. Established chemical works at Perth Amboy, N. ,1. Practiced in New York City. Died. Nov. 12, 1833. *JoHN Clark, New York (Jiiy Born, Feb. 5. 1773. Physician. Wholesale druggist. I)ied. June 20, 1836. * Abraham Corneiison. *Gardner Jones. * Samuel Watkins. Honorary M.D. *RiciiARD Sharpe KisSA:r. New York Ciiy. Born in New York City. 176.^. M.D. (T'niv. Edinburgh, 1787). Professor of the Medical School, 1792- Surgeon of the New York H'ospital. Declined chair of Rnlanv at Columbia, 1792 Died, Oct.. 1822. 324 RUTGEES COLLEGE. *^\'ILLIAM Moore, New York City. Born at Newtown, L. I.. 1754. M.D. (Univ. Edinburgh, 1780). Professor of the Medical School. 1792- . President of the Medical Society of the County of Ncay York. Trustee, Coll. P. & S. Died. April, 1824. 1812. M.D. *David Reeve Akneil. M.A. (Williams. 1824). Died, 1826. *JOANNES CUMMINGS CHEESEMAN, Born in New York City. July 20, 1788. institutions on Blackwell's Island. Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital. Trustee, Coll. P. & S., 1827-62. Died, Oct. 11. 1862. *Samuel Jacksox. A.B. (Columbia, 1809). *Samuel McAuley. ♦James Livingston Van Kleeck, Poughkeepsio, N, Practiced in Poughkeepsie until his death in 1816. New York City, Surgeon to. the public 1813. M.D. *Jesse C'OE. 1814. M.D. *Pakdon Brownell, West Port, Mass. Brother of Rev. Thomas C. Brownell. Bishop of Coiinecticut. ♦Jacob I De Lamater, Albany. N. Y. (?) Germantown, Pa. 1815. M.D. ♦Lewis Carlisle. ♦Ebenezer Coe, Jr., Born, Oct. 11, 1789. ♦Isaac Coe, (?) Indianapolis, Ind. A physician of this name practiced one year at Readington, N. J., 1815-16. Born, July 25, 1782. ♦Jonathan Johnson, Guilderland, N. Y. Physician. Inspector of Common Schools. Died, May 23, 1860. ♦John Meeker. ♦Charles H. Pickett. ♦Hugh Sweeny. 1816. M.D. ♦Elkanah M. Beckwith, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia. Born in Cornwallis. Nova Scotia, Feb. 24. 1792. Practiced at Bridgetown. Died young. MEDICAL SCHOOL. 325 ♦Richmond Bkowxell, Providence, R. I. Brother of Rev. Thomas C. Brownell, Bishop of Connecticut. A.B. (Union. 1812). Died, 1864. *Berx W. Budd, New York City. Born at Chatham. X. J. Practiced in Newark and later in New Yorlt City. Conchologist. Died, Jan. 3. 1863. * Joseph Rodman Drake, New York City. Born in New Yorli City, Aug. 7, 1795. Distinguished poet. Author of "The Culprit Fay" and other poems. Friend of ~ Sept. 21, Halleck 1820. * Samuel L. Ward, Very successful 1869. *IsAAC Wood, Born in Clinton. X. J.. 1829. President X. Y Common Schools. 1844. With him author of "The Croakers.' Called the Xatural Physician. Died, Belleville, Died, June 14, N. J. New York City. Aug. 21. 1793, Fellow, Coll. P. & S.. State Medical Society. Inspector of Died, March 25. 1868. 1827. M.D. *S0L0M0N Andrews, Perth Amboy, N. J. Practiced in Perth Amboy. Collector of the Port of Perth Amhoy. 1844-45. Inventor of the locks still used in U. S. mail pouches. Died, Oct. 20, 1872. ♦CONYNGHAM CRAWFORD, Clinton, La. Practiced at Clinton. X. J.. 1828-32. M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1834). Removed to Louisiana and died there. *Samuel G. Dimmick, Newburgh, N. Y. Born. Dec. 12, 1800. Practiced at Monticello. N. Y. (1827-32) and* Bloomingburgh, X. Y'. (1832-60). Died, Jan. 24, 1871. ^Alexander Dunham. *Charles Dupcnt. *JoHN F. Ellis. *Samuel Corp Ellis. *JosEPH Warren Fearing, Providence, R. I. A.B. (Brown. 1823). A.M. (Brown). Died, Nov. 24, 1862. *JoiiN T. Ferguson. A.B.' (Columbia, 1823). A.M. (Columbia). *WlLLIAM L. GKAHAM. *EzEKiEL Love JOY, A.B. (Union, 1823). A.M. Died, 1872. *Charle3 S. Lucas. ♦Hamilton Morton, A.B. (Columbia, 1824). A.M. (Columbia, 1834) * Alexander H. Neil. *JonN D. Ogden, Admitted to N. Y. County Medical Soc, 1832. Academy of Med., 1847. *Ii0RATI0 W. OrCUTT. * Peter Pratt. ^^'Wasiiington Ritter. *Eliphalet St. John, (?) New Canaan, Conn. A man of this name received A.B. from Yale in 1791. and died at New Canaan, Conn., July 27, 1845. Owego, N. Y. New York City. New York City. Fellow of N. Y. 326 EUTCiERS COLLEGE. * William Seaman. * William Stevenson. ♦Garret G. Terhtjne, Passaic, N. J. Born in Bergen county, N. J.. Oct. 9. 1801. A.B. (Princeton, 1823). First President of Passaic County Medical Society. Died, July 2, 1885. * Samuel Treadwell. *IllCHARD A. Varick, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Died, Aug. 10, 1871. *Peter DeLamater Vroom, Jersey City, N. J. Born in New York City. Dec. 23. 1800. Practiced in Somerville, N. J., and New York City. Resided in Jersey City from 1843. First President, Board of Education o,f Jersey City, 1851-65. Judge, Court of Common Pleas, 1854. Treasurer of Jersey City, 1857-65. Died, Oct. 16, 1865. * Gregory Weems. *JosEPH M. Wood. Honorary M.D. * Lewis Belden. A.B. (Princeton. 1811). ♦John Mesier Cornelison, Bergen, N. J. Born at Bergen, N. J., Apr. 29. 1802. A.B. (Union. 1822). Member, N. J. Assembly, 1832. Lay Judge, Court of Errors and Appeals, 1851-67. Mayor of Bergen, 1869. Died, May 24, 1875. ♦Thomas Fearn, Huntsville, Ala. Born at Dansville. Va.. Nov. 15, 1789. A.B. (Washington Col- lege. Va.). Died, Jan. 16, 1863. ♦Lucius Heermans. ♦Thomas P. Jones. M.A. (Williams, 1811). Died. 1851. ♦Samuel S. Kuypers. ♦Samuel Osborn New York City. ♦David Rogers, New York City. ♦Henry Sciienck, Pennsylvania. 1830. Honorary M.D. ♦Stephen S. Rapal.te, New York City. Surgeon. U. S. Navy. 1823-56. Died on board the U. S. steamer "Wabash" at New York. Sept. 11, 1856. ♦John Rosekrantz. 1831. Honorary M.D. ♦Thomas Brown Gautter, Jersey City, N. J. Born in Bergen county. N. J.. .July 5, 1797. M.D. (Coll. P. & S., 1823). Died, April 11, 1850. ♦Xavier Tessier, Quebec, Canada. MEDICAL SCHOOL. 1832. M.D. *JonN S- CONGAR, A.B. (Princeton, 1809). A.M. 327 New York City. *Edgab F. Peck, ^^ ^^ , ,^.^ ♦Alexander Robinson. New lork ^ity. A.B. (Columbia, 1824). A.M. (Columbia). 1835. Honorary M.D. New York City. 328 EUTGEKS COI.I-EGE. Honorary Degrees. 1783. A.M. *A-\r)KEW KiRKPATRiCK, New Brunswick, N. J. P.oni at :Minc Brook, N. J., Feb. 17, 1750. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1775). A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1778). Chief Justice of Supreme Court of New Jersey. 1803-30. Trustee, Queen's, 1792-1831. Trustee, Coll. N. J., 1807-31. Died, Jan. 7. 1831. 1789. D.D. ♦Hermanus Meyer, Pompton Plains, N. J. Born at Bremen. Germany, July 27, 1733. Studied at Gronin- geh University. 1757. R. D. clergyman. Prof. Hebrew, 1784- 91. Lector in Theology, 1786-91. Died, Oct. 27, 1791. *TirEODOUic (Dirck) Romeyn, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Hackensack, N. J., .Tan. 12, 1744. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1765). R. D. clergyman. Prof. Theology, 1797-1804. Presi- dent. General Synod, 1797. Trustee, Queen's, 1785-1804. Died, April 16, 1804. 1791. A.B. *Roi{ERT Hett Ciiapmax. Chapel Hill. N. C. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1789). A.M. (Coll. N. J.. 1792). D.D. (Wil- liams, 1815). President, Univ. North CaTolina, 1812-16. Died, June 18, 1833. A.M. *CnARLES Smith, M.B. (Queen's, 1772). LL.D. ♦Robert Morris, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N. J., 1745. First Justice Supreme Court af New Jersey, 1777-79. Judge. U. S. Court for District of New Jersey, 1790-1815. Trustee, Queen's, 1792-1815. Died. May 2, 1815. 1792. A.M. ♦Joseph Farmar. ♦Abraham Vax^ Vechtex (also LL.D., 1813), Albany, N. Y. Lawver. First lawyer admitted to practice after adoption of state constitution. Attorney-General. N. Y.. 1810, 1813-15. Member, Constitutional Convention, 1821. Died, May 10, 1823. HOI^ORAKY DEGEEES. 329 * Henry Van Dyck. A.B. (Columbia, 1761). D.D. Trustee, Queen's, 1791-1804. 1794. A.M. 'Samuel Haskell, New Biiinswick, N. J. A.B. (Yale, 1790). Clergyman. Rector, Grammar School. Died, 1845. 1810. A.M. *R0KEirr Adhain, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Carrickfergus. Ireland. Sept. 30. 1775. LL.D. (Col- umbia, 1818). Prof. Mathematics. Queen's, 1809-13, 1825-27. Prof. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Columbia, 1813-25. Prof. Mathematics. Univ. Penn., 1827-34. Vice-Provost, Univ. Penn., 1828-34. Died, Aug. 10, 1843. *CoKNELiTJS BoGARDUS, Scheiicctady, N. Y. Born, Sept. 25, 1780. Studied Theology under Livingston. Licensed by classis of New York, 1808. R. D. clergyman. Died, Dec. 13, 1812. *Peter J^owe, Flatbush, L. I., N. Y. Born at Kingston, N. Y., 1764. Studied under Livingston. R. D. clergyman. Principal, Erasmus Hall Academy, 1805-18. Died, June 11, 1818. .New York City, D.D. *Gerardus Arense Kuypers, Born at Curacao, W. I., Dec. 16. 1766. Studied under D. Romeyn and H. Meyer. A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1810). R. D. clergy- man. Died, June 28, 1833. 1811. A.M. * George Ckristian Frederick Borck. New York City Born in Berlin, Prussia, Mch. 11. 1758. Studied under Bassett. R. D. clergyman. Died, Sept., 1823. ♦Jacob Brodhead (also D.D., 1815), Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Marbletown. N. Y., May 14, 1782. A.B. (Union. 1801). Studied under Froeligh and D. Romeyn. R. D. clergyman. Tutor, Union, 1802-04. Trustee, Queen's, 1812-45. Died, June 5, 1855. *James Spencer Cannon, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Curacao, W. I., 1766. Studied under Livingston and Froeligh. D.D. (Union, 1819). R. D. clergyman. Instructor, Ecclesiastical History, N. B. Sem., 1818-19. Professor, Ecclesiastical History. Church Government and Pastoral The- olog.v, X. B. Sem.. 1826-52. Prof. Metaphysics and the Phil- osophy of the Human Mind, Rutgers, 1826-52. President 0;f General Synod, 1813, 1820. Trustee, Queen's, 1800-52. Died, July 25, 1852. 330 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. *CoKNELius T. Demakest, New York City. Born in New York City. Jan. 23. 1786. A.B. (Columbia, 1804). A.M. (Columbia, 1813). Studied under Livingston and Froe- ligh. R. D. clergyman. Trustee, Queen's, 1812-32. Died, Dec. 26, 1862. *Charles IIakdenbergh, Bedminster. N. J. Born at Rosendale, N. Y.. about 1780. Studied under Froeligh. R. D. clergyman. Trustee, Queen's, 1812-21. Died, 1821. *Peter Labagk, Harlingen, N. J. Born in New York City. 1773. D.D. Studied under Froeligh and Livingston. R. D. clergyman. Trustee, Queen's, 1811-58. Died, 1858. * James Van Campen Romeyn, Hackensack, N. J.. Born at Minisink, N. J., Nov. 15, 1765. Studied under D. Romeyn. R. D. clergyman. President, General Synod, 1806- 07. Trustee, Queen's, 1809-40. Died, June 27, 1840. *Jeremiah Romeyn, Beaverclnm, N. Y. Born in New York City, Dec. 24, 1768. Studied under D. Romeyn and H. Meyer. R. D. clergyman. Prof. Hebrew, 1804-18. Died, July, 1818. D.D. *SoLOMo.N Froeligh, Hackensack, N. J. Born at Red Hook, May 29. 1750. Studied under D. Romeyn and, J. H. Goetschius. A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1774). R. D. clergy- man. Tutor, Queen's, 1782. Prof. Theology, 1797-18r tee, Queen's, 1783-1810. Died, Oct. 8, 1827. Trus- LL.D. *JoHN Lansing, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albanv, N. Y.. Jan. 30, 1754. LL.D. (Union, 1804). Chief Justice, Supreme Court of New York, 1798-1801. Chan- cellor, 1801-14. Died, Dec. 12, 1829. 1812. A.M. Bergen, N. J. Born at Nyack, N. Y., 1769. Studied under H. Meyer and Liv- ingston. R. D. clergyman. Died, 1828. John Cornelison, *Thomas Yardley How. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1794). Died, 1855. D.D. A.M. (Coll. N. J.). New York City. Clergyman. LL.D. *De Witt Clinton, Albany, N. Y. Born at Little Britain. N. Y., Mch. 2, 1769. A.B. (Columbia, 1786). A.M. (Columbia). LL.D. (Univ. Ohio, 1825. and Col- umbia. 1826). U. S. Senator, 1802-04. Mayor of New York City 1803-07, 1809-10, 1811-15. Regent Univ. State of New York 1808-25. Lieutenant Governor, New York State, 1811- 13 N Y. Canal Commissioner, 1816-24. Governor of New York State, 1817-21, 1825-28. Died, Feb. 11. 1828. HOSOIiAKY DEGKEES. :'.;u 1813. A.M. * Isaac Labagh, Born, 1764. Studied under Livingston Died, July 24, 1837. *JOHN NiTCHIE, Both, Dec. 4, 1783. A.B. (Columbia, 1801) Army. 1814. Lawyer. Alderman, New York. Treasurer, Amer ican Bible Society. General Agent, American Bible Society Died, Jan. 3, 1838. Utica, N. Y. R. D. clergyman. New York City. Colonel, U. S. LL.D. *Abraham Van Vechten (also A.M. 1792), 1815. D.D. * Jacob Brodhead (also A.M. 1811). * Richard Stockton, Born near Princeton. N. 1779). A.M. (Coll. N. J ber, Congress, 1813-15. 7, 1828. LL.D. Princeton, N. J.. Apr. 17. 1764. A.B. (Coll. N. J., . 1782). LL.D. (Union, 1816). Mem- U. S. Senator, 1796-99. Died, March 1816. D.D. * Robert Cathcart, York Born near Coleraine, Ireland, Nov.. 1759. Univ. Glasgow. Presb. clergyman. Trustee, Dickinson, 1794-1833. Died, Oct. 19, 1849. Pa. 1825. LL.D. ♦Joseph Nelson, New Brunswick, N. J. A.B. (Columbia, 1804). A.M. (Columbia, 1808). Prof. Lan- guages, Rutgers, 1826-29. Died, 1830. 1827. A.M. * Jacob Ten Broeck Beekman, Born. Apr. 11. 1801. A.B. (Union, 1822), 1825). N. B. Sem., 1825. Presb. clergyman. 1875. Middletown, N. J. A.M. (Union, Died, April 25, 832 RUTCERS COI-LEGE. *Ira Coxdict Boice, North Hempstead, L. I. Born at Piscataway, N. J.. June 28, 1803. A.B. (Dickinson, 1828). N. B. Sem., 1826. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Oct. 5, 1872. *EnAS Brevoort Cannon, Mount Holly, N. J. Born at Six Mile Run, N. J., Apr. 5, 1803. A.B. (Union. 1823). A.M. (Union, 1826). Lawyer. Prosecutor of the Pleas, Bur- lington county. Died, May 22. 1839. *George H. Fisher (also D.D., 1845), Hackensack, N. J, Born. 1800. A.B. (Columbia. 1821). A.M. (Columbia). N. B. Som.. 1825. Clergyman, R. C. A. Trustee, Columbia, 1851-55. President. General Synod, 1849. Died, Nov. 23, 1872. ♦Peter Forrester. A.B. (Columbia, 1818). M.D. (Coll. P. & S., 1822). Physician. Died. 1837. *James B. Hardenbergh, New York City. Born at Rochester, Ulster county. N. Y., June 28. 1800. A.B. (Union. 1821). A.M. (Union, 1824). N. B. Sem.. 1824. Clergyman. R. C. A. President. General Synod, 1842. Trustee, Rutgers, 1825-70. Died, Jan. 20, 1870. ♦Lewis Dunham Hardenbergh, Jersey City, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 17. 1803. Lawyer. Prose- cutor of Pleas. Bergen county, 1836, Hudson county, 1840-45. Died. Dec. 6, 1857. *LEONAiiD \Y. Ivir. New York City. Born in New York City, Oct. 17. 1796. A.B. (Columbia, 1815). A.M. (Columbia, 1820). Lawyer. Died. May 15, 1863. *Abraham I. Labagh, Gravesend, N. Y. Born, Aug. 4, 1805. N. B. Sem., 1826. R. D. clergyman. Died, 1865. ♦PH1J.IP Edward Mh-ledoler, Freehold, N. J. A.B. (Columbia. 1820). M.D. (Coll. P. & S., 1824). Physician and Episc. clergyman. Trustee, Rutgers, 1833-45. Died. 1852. ♦Anthony Rutgers, Belleville, N. J. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1819). Trustee, Rutgers, 1831-35. Died, 1835. ♦Richard D. Van Kleek, Jersey City, N. J. Born. 1800(?). A.B. (Union, 1822). N. B. Sem., 1825. Clergy- man. R. C. A. Teacher. Died, 1870. ♦Staats Van Santvoord, . New Baltimore, N. Y. Born, Mch 15. 1790. A.B. (Union, 1811). A.M. (Union. 1814). D.D. (Union. 1876). N. B. Sem.. 1814. Clergyman, R. C. A. In service of the Christian Commission, Nashville, Tenn., 1864. Died, May 29, 1882. D.D. ♦John Richie, Edinburgh, Scotland. 1828. A.B. ♦Charles C. Blauvelt (also A.M., 1831), ' Hightstown, N. J. Physician. First Mayor, Hightstown. Died, March, 1855, IIONOR^^KY DEGEEES. 333 A.M. *David Abeel (also D.D., 1842), Amoy, China. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., June 12, 1804. N. B. Sem., 1826. R. D. missionary in Cliina and the East Indies. Founder of tlie Amoy Mission. Died, Sept. 4, 1846. *Eli Baldwin, New York City. Born at Hackensack. N. J.. Nov. 1, 1791. M.D. (Univ. Coll. of Med. N. Y., 1817). N. B. Sem.. 1820. S.T.D. (Columbia). R. D. clergyman. Died, Sept. 6, 1839. *JoHx S. Blauvelt, New Brunswick, N. J. Lawyer. Died, July 30, 1855. *Abraham Henky Dumont. Newport, R. I. Born, 1800. N. B. Sem., 1826. Cong'l clergyman. Died, 186-5. *JoHN Garretson (also D.D,, 1855), New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Six Mile Run, N. J., Nov. 9. 1801. A.B. (Union, 1823). N. B. Sem., 1826. Clergyman, R C. A. Secretary, Board Do- mestic Missions, 1849-59. Died, Dec. 9, 1875. * Isaac P. Labagh, Cairo, 111. Born at Catskill, N. Y.(?), Aug. 14. 1804. N. B. Sem., 1826. A.M. (Union, 1826). Clergyman. R. C. A. Died, Dec. 29, 1869. *Benaiah G. Morse. Clergyman. ♦Cornelius Van Cleef (also D.D., 1863), Pouglikeepsie, N. Y. Born at Harlingen, N. J.," Sept 16, 1799. A.B. (Dickinson, 1823). A.M. (Dickinson, 1826).' N. B. Sem., 1826. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, June 13, 1875. / ♦Ferdinand H. Tanderveer (also D.D., 1859), Warwick, N. Y. Born near Somerville, N. J., 1800. A.B. (Union, 1820.). A.M. (Union, 1824). N. B. Sem., 1823. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, - July 10, 1881. *JoHN Bleecker Van Schaick, Albanj-, N. Y. Hamilton Coll. Lawyer. Editor, "Albany Daily Advertiser." Writer of poetry. Died, 1839. D.D. ♦Thomas De Witt, New York City. Born at Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1791. A.B (Union, 1808). A.M. (Union, 1811). N. B. Sem., 1812. Clergyman, R. C. A. President, General Synod, R. C. A., 1824-25. Trustee, Rutgers, 1840-74. Trustee, Columbia, 1858-74. Died, May 18, 1874. 1829. A.M. ♦GusTAVUS Abeel, Newark, N. J. Born in New York City, June 6. 1801. A.B. (Union, 1823). A31. (Union, 1826). N. B. Sem., 1824. S.T.D. (Columbia, 1842). Clergyman, R. C. A. President, General Synod, 1852. Trustee, Rutgers, 1845-87. Died, Sept. 4, 1887. ♦John J. Harrison. Pbysician. ♦Isaac S. Ketchum, St. Louis, Mo. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1796. N. B. Sem., 1821. R. D. clergyman. Missionary to Indians. Hospital chaplain. Died, 1863. 334 RUTGEBS COLLEGE. *Fkancis Marchalk Kip. Torapkinsvillo, N. Y. Born in New York City, Aug. 7, 1810. A.B. (Columbia, 1826). N. B. Sem., 1830. S.T.D. (Columbia, 1857). Clergyman. R. C. A. President. General Synod, 1856. Trustee, Rutgers. 1860- 88. Died, May 28, 1888. ♦Henry Mandeville, Mobile, Ala. Born at Kinderhook. N. Y., 1804. A.B. (Union, 1826). N. B. Sem., 1829. A.M. (Union, 1829). D.D. (Union. 1847). Presb. clergyman. Prof. Moi-al Philosophy and Rhetoric, Hamilton, 1841-49. Died. 1858. ♦Benson Milledoler, Born in New York City, Apr. 6, 1806. Lawyer. 1842. *Clarkson Edgar Taylor. Civil engineer. Died. 1845. *John Hardexbergh Van Wagenen, Born at Rochester. Ulster county. N. Y., 1802. New York City. Died, Jan. 15, 1823). A.M. (Union, 1826). man. Died, 1844. *JoHN S. Westervelt, Physician. N. B. Sem., 1826. Kingston, N. Y. A.B. (Union, R. D. clergy- New York Citv. D.D. ♦Joseph McElroy, New York City. A.M. • ♦Lewis Mayer, York, Pa. Born at Lancaster, Penn., Mch. 26. 1783. German Reformed clergyman. President, Theological Seminary at Carlisle. Penn., and later at York. Penn., 182.5-35. Died. Aug. 25, 1849. ♦Cornelius D. Westbrook, Cortlandtown, N. Y, ' Born at Rochester. N. Y., May. 1782. A.B. (Union, 1801). A.M. (Union. 1804). Studied under John B. Romeyn. R. D. clergy- man. Editor. Christian Intelligencer, 1830-33. Rector. Rutgers Grammar School, 1833-36. Trustee, Rutgers, 1829-58. Died, 1858. LL.D. Kinderhook, N. Y. ♦Martin Van Buren, Born at Kinderhook, N. Y., Dec. 5. 1782. LL.D. (Union. 1814). Lawyer. Attorney-General, N. Y. State. 1815-19. U. S. Senator. 1821-27. Secretary of State. U. S.. 1829-31. Vice President. U. S., 1833-37. President, U. S.. 1837-41. Died, July 24, 1862. 1830. A.M. *Wm. H. Burro WES. ♦Christian Z. Paulison, Glen, N. Y. Born near Hackensack. N. J., 1805. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1822). N. B. Sem., 1826. R. D. clergyman. Independent. Died. 1851. ♦William E. Rapelje, Fishkill, N. Y. A.B. (Union, 1822). Farmer. Died, 1833.' ♦James M. Sweeny, New York City. Lawyer. ITONORAKY DEGREES. 335 LL.D. *WlLLiAM WiKT, Washington, D. C. Bam at Bladensburg, Md.. Nov. 8, 1772. LL.D. (Coll. N. J., 1810. Bowdoin, 1821, and Harvard. 1824). Lawyer. Member, House of Delegates, Virginia. 1807-08. Attorney-G( neral, U. S.. 1817-29. Candidate for President, U. S., 1832. Author. Died, Feb. 18, 1834. 1831. A.M. *CiiARLEs C. Blauvelt (also A.B., 182S). *James Romeyn, Bergen Nock, N. J. Born at Greenbush, N. Y.. 1797. A.B. (Columbia. 1816). A.M. (Columbia, 1819). S.T.D. (Columbia. 1838). N. B. Sem.. 1819. President. General Synod, 1841. Trustee. Rutgers, 1840-48. Died, Sept. 7, 1859. *Jenkin Lewis. D.D. Newport. Monmouthsliire, Eng. 1832. A.M. New York City. r.D. (Coll. p. & S.. 1833). Physician. Died, 1871. * Alexander N. Guxn, A.B. (Columbia. 1828). Health officer, Port of N. Y., 1859-64. *Wm. a. Irving. Ithaca, N. Y. ♦Abraham Mills. * New York City. Born in Dutchess county. N. Y., 1796. Prof. Mathematics and Philosophy, Baptist Literary and Theological Institute. Teacher. Died. July 8, 1867. D.D. *Samuel Simon Schmucker. Gettysburg, Pa. A.B. (Univ. Penn., Born at Hagerstown. Md.. Feb. 28. 1799 1819). A.M. (Univ. Penn.. 1823). Princeton Sem.. 1820 Lutheran clergyman. Prof.. Gettysburg Sem.. 1826-64. Author. Trustee, Dickinson. 1828-33. Trustee. Penn. College, 1832-73. Died, July 26, 1873. ♦Jacob Sickles, Kinderhook, N. Y. Born at Tappan. N. Y., Jan. 24. 1772. A.B. (Columbia. 1792). A.M. (Columbia). Studied under Livingston and Froeligh. R. D. cleTgyman. Died, 1845. ♦Robert Walter, Glasgow, Scotland. 1833. A.M. ♦Abraham H. Meyers, Port Ewen, N. Y. Born, 1801. A.B. (I'nion. 1827). A.M. (Union. 1830). N. B. Sem., 1830. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died. March 9, 1886. 336 RUTGERS COLLEGE. *Theodore RO.MEYX, Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Practiced law in Detroit, 1834-48, in New York, 1848-58, and again in Detroit, 1858-85. Died. July 22, 1885. *JoirN A. Van Doren. Clergyman. D.D. *JoHN GosMAN, Saugerties, N. Y. Born in New York City, 1784. A.B. (Columbia. 1801). A.M. (Columbia, 1804). Studied under Mason and Proudflt. R. D. clergyman. President, General Synod, 1831. Trustee. Rutgers, 1825-65. Died, 1865. *JosEPii McCarrell, Newburgh, N. Y. Born at Shippensburg, Penn.. July 9, 1795. A.B. (Washington Coll., Pa., 1815). Theol. Sem. of Associate Reformed Church, New York City. 1821. Clergyman. Assoc. Ref'd Church. Prof, of Theology, Sem. Assoc. Ref'd Church, from its removal to Newburgh, in 1829, until his death, March 29, 1864. 1834. A.M. *George Washington Carpenter, Albany, N. Y. Born in Albany, N. Y., May 17, 1811. Civil engineer. Teacher, Albany Academy. 1831-35. City Surveyor, Albany, 1831-55. Superintendent of Albany Water Works thirty-six years. Pi-esi- dent, Board of Education, Albany. Died, Sept. 12. 1901. *JOSEPH LOTHROP. * Samuel Van Vechten, Fort Plain, N. Y. Born at Catskill. N. Y.. 1796. A.B. (Union, 1818). A.M. (Union. 1821). N. B. Sem., 1822. D.D. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Nov. 2, 1882. / D.D. *James Stevenson, Ayr, Scotland. ♦Peter I. Van Pelt, Fordham, N. Y. Born at Bushwick, L. I., Mav 27. 1778. A.B. (Columbia, 1799). A.M. (Columbia, 1803). Studied under Livingston. R. D. clergyman. Chaplain in War o.f 1812. Died, Jan. 20. 1861. LL.D. *Benjamin Franklin Butler, New York City. Born at Kinderhook Landing, N. Y., Dec. 17. 1795. A.M. (Union. 1821). Lawyer. Attorney-General. U. S. A., 1833-38. Acting Secretary of War, U. S., 1836-37. U. S. District Attor- ney, 1838-41. Died, Nov. 8, 1858. ♦Gideon Hawley, Albany, N. Y. Born at Huntington, Conn., Sept. 26. 1785. A.B. (Union, -1809). Lawver. Secretary Regents, N. Y. State, 1814-41. Regent, N. Y. State Univ., 1842-70. Regent. Smithsonian Institute. 1846-54. "Father of the Common School System of the State." Died, July 16, 1870. lIONOltAltY DECiKEES. !37 1835. A.M. *JoiiN Van SciiAiCK Lansing Pruyn, Albany, N. Y. Born in Albany, N. Y., June 22, 1811. A.M. (Union, 1845). LL.D. (Univ. Rochester, 1852). Lawyer. Member of Congress, 186.3-65, 1867-69. Chancellor, Univ. State of New York. Died, Nov. 21, 1877. *CiiARLE.s P. Wack, Trenton, N, J. Born. 1804(?), N. B. Som., 1829. 11. D. clergyman. Died, 1866. *BEiiNARD C. Wolf (also D.D., 184li), . Easton, Pa. German Reformed clergyman. D.D. 'John Wilkins McJimsey, New York City. Bom at Neeleytown, N. Y., June 4, 1801. A.B. (Union, 1819). Princeton Seto., 1823-25. I'resb. clergyman. Died, 1838. LL.D. *Tjieodokick Romeyn Beck, Albany, N. Y. Born at Schenectady, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1791. A.B. (Union, 1807). A.M. (Union. 1810). LL.D. (Union, 1842). M.D. Principal, Albany Academy. Regent, N. Y. State Univ. Died, Nov. 19, 1855. *Tjieodoke Strong, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at South Hadley, Mass., July 26, 1790. A.B. (Yale, 1812). A.M. (Hamilton, 1815). Tutor, Hamilton, 1812-16. Prof. Mathematics, Hamilton, 3 816-27. Prof. Mathematics, and Nat- ural Philosophy. Rutgers, 1827-63. Died, Feb. 1, 1869. 1836. A.M. *J0IIN M. SCRIBNER, Born, 1810(V). A.B. (Union, 1833). B. Sem., 1836. Clergyman, R. C. A. Middlebiirgh, N. Y, A.M. (Union, 1836). N. Teacher. Died, 1881. 1837. A.M. *JoiiN C. Cruiksiiank (also D.Sc, 1891), Little Falls, N. J. Born at Salem, N Y., Nov. 16, 1811. A.B. (Union. 1834). A.M. (Union, 1837). N. B. Sem., 1837. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Nov. 12, 1899. * Henry Newman Poitlman, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Mch. 8, 1800. Hartwick Sem., 1820. Lutheran clergyman. President, General Synod, 1867-74. Died, .Jan. 20, 1874. *EhENEZER S. Wiggins, New York City. Born, ]813(?). A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 18.34). N. B. Sem., 1837. D.D. Rector Grammar School. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Nov.. 1878. 22 888 KLTCiKJJK COLLEGE. *JosEPii Wilson, Rorn. 171)7. Coll. X. Died. May 1. 1878. J. N. B. Soni., 1821. Fairfield, N. J. Clergyman, R. C. A. LL.D. *Samuel Rossitek Betts. Born at Richmond, Mass., 17 (Williams, 1830). Lawyer. Member of Congress, 1815-17. Died, Nov. 2, 1868. A.B. Judge V. S Sullivan Co., (Williams, 1806). LL.D. Advocate, War of 1812. District Judge, 1826-67. N. Y *WlLLIAM KEARxXS. *TiioMAS Edwards Vermilye Born in New York City 1838. D.D. I8;i8). '\'l). 27. 1803. A.B. S.T.D. (Columbia, 1875). Belfast. Ireland. New York City. (Yale, 1821). LL.D. (Jeffef- D.D. (I'nion, son. 1S57). Clergyman, R. C. A. President. General Synod. 1848. Trustee. Rutgers, 1849-93. Died, Marcli 17; 1803. * Horatio G. Oxderdonk, 1839. A.B. Albany, N. Y. A.M. *JAMES II. Armsby, Albany, N. Y. Born in Sutton, Mass., Dec. 31. 1800. M.D. (Vermont Acad. of Med., 1833). I'hysician. Prof. Anatomy and Physiology, Vermont Academy of Medicine, 1834-40. Died, Dec. 3. 1875. *Edward Rice, Bethlehem, Pa. Physician. M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1834). Professor, Moravian College, 1830-49. Died, July 2, 1840. *Douw Van Olinda, Caughnawaga, N. Y. Born at Charleston. N. Y., 1800. N. B. Sem., 1824. R. D. clergyman. I>ied, 1858. D.D. Paramiis, N. J. Kingston. N. Y.. 1778. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1706). N. J.. 1799). Studied under D. Romeyn. R. D. President. General Synod, 1830. Trustee, Rutgers. 1807-5.1. Died. 1851. * Isaac Newton Wyckoff A.B. (Rutgers, 1S12). *AVlLlIELMtJS ELTINGE, Born near A.M. (Coll ^ clergj'man 1840. A.M. *William a. Good, Born at Philadelphia, Penn., July 15, 1810. man Reformed Church. Died, Fol). 9, 1873. *Elias Heiner (also D.D., 1851), Born at Tanevtown. Md.. Sept. 16, 1810. German Yorlv. Penn., 1833. German Reformed clergyman. 20. 1863. Reading, Pa. Clergyman. Ger- Baltiniore, Md. Ref'd Sem.. Died. Oct. HO^^ORAKY DEGREES. ^39 'James C. How, I'resb. clergyman. St. George's, Del. LL.D. ^Robert Strange, Fayetteville, N. C. Born in Virginia, Sept. 20, 1796. Hampden Sidney College. Lawyer. Judge*Superior Court, N. C, 1826-30. U. S. Senator, 1836-40. Died, Feb. 19, 18^-1 1841. A.M. '•'Theodore F. Cornell. M.D. *Peter Crispell, ,Jk„ Hurley, N. Y. Born at 1815). elector. Hurley. N. Physician. 1860. Died Y., Aug. 3, Member, , Dec. 19. 17 N. 18-; 94. Y. (8. M.D. (N. Y. Legislature. Med. School, Presidential * James Stew ART, New York City. Born in 1823). New York Physician. City, Died, Apr. Sept 7 . 1 , 1 2 799. 1864. M.D. (Coll. P. & S., *J()nN H. Wakefield. *Samuel Merrill Woodrridge (also D.D., 1857, and LL.D., 1883), New Brunswick, N, J. Born at Greenfield. Mass.. Apr. 5, 1819. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1838). A.M. (Univ. N. Y., 1841). N. B. Sem.. 1841. D.D. (Union, 1858). Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof. Ecclesiastical His- tory and Church Government, N. B. Sem., 1857-1901. Prof. Emeritus. 1901-05. Prof. Metaphvsics and Philosophy of the Human Mind. Rutgers, 1857-64. Died, June 23, 1905. LL.D, 'Theodore Frelingiiuysen, President, Rutgers, 1850-61. New Brunswick, N. J. 1842. A.M. *JOHN Du Bois, Born in Schoharie countv, N. Y., Mch. 5. 1812 1839). A.M. (Union, 1842). N. B. Sem., 1842. C. A. Died, April 7, 1884. *Trail Green Marshall. Professor, Marshall College, Penn. *Martin V. Sctioonmaker (also D.D., 1877), Born at Newtown, L. I., Aug. 11, 1816 A.M. (Union, 1842). N. B. Sem., 1842, Died, June 13, 1899. Mamakatiug, N. Y. A.B. (Union, Clergyman. R. Walden, N. A.B. (Union. 1839). Clergyman, R. C. A. *David Abeel (also A.M. *JoHN Forsyth, D.D. 1828). A.B. (Rutgers. 1829). 340 KUTGEES COLLEGE. 1843. A.B. *Peter S. Burchan, Poughkeepsie, N. Y, Principal. Dutchess Coiintj- Academy, 1847-51. Episc. clergy- A.M. *Lyman a. Chandler, Rockaway, N. J. A B. (Middlebury Coll.). Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1608-59. N. J. State Senator, 1862-65. Died, Sept. 11, 186b. *Hervey Doddridge Ganse (also D.D., 1861), St. Louis, Mo. Born at Middlebush, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1822. A.B. (Columbia, 1839). A.M. (Columbia, 1844). N. B. Sem.. 1843. Presb. clergyman. President, General Synod, 1866. Died, Sept., 1891. *George G. Sill, • Brunswick, III. Born, 1791. R. D. clergyman. Died, 1859. D.D. *ABRAnAM Messler, Somerville, N. J. Born at White House, N. J., Nov. 15. 1800. A.B. (Union, 1821). A.M. (Union. 1824). N. B. Sem., 1824. Clergyman, II. C. A. President. General Synod, 1847. Trustee, Rutgers, 1845-82. Died, June 12, 1882. ♦Bernard C. Wolf (also A.M., 1835). LL.D. *GuiLLAUME Ghoen VAN Prinsterer, The Haeue, Hollaud. Born at Voorburg, Netherlands. Aug. 21. 1801. Doctor in Litera- ture and Doctor in Law (Leyden. 1823). Secretar.y of the King's Cabinet, 1827. Member Second Chamber. States-General, 1840. Author and Historian of Holland. Died, May 19, 1876. 1844. A.M. *.ToHN Gardner. Harlingen, N. J. Born at Gilbertsville, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1814. A.B. (Union, 1841). A.M. (Union. 1844). N. B. Sem., 1844. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Oct. 20, 1881. *George B, Glendening, Stamford, Conn. Teacher. Died, 1850-60. *James Hall Mason Knox, Baltimore, Md. Born in New York City, June 10. 1824. A.B. (Columbia. 1841). A.M. (Columbia. 1841). D.D. (Columbia. 1861). LL.D. (Col- ' umbia, 1885). N. B. Sem.. 1845. Presb. clergyman. Presi- dent, Lafayette College, 1883-90. Emeritus. 1890-93. Died, Jan. 21, 1903. *Benjamin Mortimer, New Brunswick, N. J. *TnoMAS Campbell Strong, Ithaca, N. Y. Born at Flatbush, L. I., May 23. 1824. A.B. (Union, 1841). A.M. (Union, 1844). D.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1861). N. B. Sem., 1845. Clergvman, R. C. A. Trustee, Rutgers. 1858-74. Presi- dent, General Synod, 1867. Died, Sept. 13, 1890. HONORARY DEGREES. 341 *NlCHOLAS I. MaRSELUS. D.D. New York City. Born in Mohawk Vallev. 1792. A.B. (Union, 1810). A.M. (Union, 1813). X. B. Sem., 1815. Clergyman, R, C. A. Died, May 5, 1876. *Henry OstrAxNder. Saugerties. N." Y. Born at Plattekill. N. Y.. Mch. 11. 1781. A.B. (Union. 1799). A.M. (Union, 1802). Studied under Froeligh. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Nov. 22, 1872. 1845. A.M. *Jesse Appleton Dexxis, Darien, Georgia. Born at Topsfleld. Mass., May 28, 1824. Student, Amherst Col- lege, 1838-41. Lawyer. Teacher. Died, Oct. 27, 1854. *JoHX A. Lansing. New York City. Born at Lisha's Kill. N. Y.. 1824. A.B. (Union. 1842). N. B. Sem., 1845. D.D. (Union, 1861). Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, July 22, 1884. "Jacob N. Voorhis. Esopus, N. Y. Born in Bergen county. X. .J.. 1815. N. B. Sem., 1845. Clergy- man, R. C. A. Died, March 9, 1889. *Francis Henry Wells. D.D. 'Maurice William Dwight, Born at Kempsville. Va., May 4, 1796, A.M. (Columbia, 1820). X. B. Sem., 1821 Died, 1859. *George H. F1311ER (also A.M., 1827). Brooklyn, N. Y. A.B. (Columbia. 1816). R. D. clergyman. 1846. LL.D. 'Joshua Austin Spencer, Utica, N. Y. A.M. (Hamilton, 1827. and Yale, 1834). Lawyer. Died, 1857. 1848. A.M. *Charles Dunham Deshler, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Easton. Pa.. Mch. 1, 1819. Merchant. Editor. Post- master of New Brunswick. Died, May 10, 1909. *.JoHN W. Hammond, Roxbury, N. Y. Born at Esopus, N. Y.. 1819. N. B. Sem., 1848. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Nov. 23, 1876. *George McGrath, New York City. Merchant. * Samuel Tomb Searle, New Brunswick, N. J. Bom at Salem, X. Y.. Feb. 24. 1825. A.B. (Union, 1845). A.M. (Union. 1848). N. B. Sem., 1848. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, May 14, 1903. 342 EUTGERS COLLEGE. ^Alexander Watsox, Born, Sept. 6, 1805. Rible agent. C. A. Died, Oct. 14, 1885. Sing Sing, N. Y, Ordained to ministry, R. D.D. *Bayxard Rush Hall, Born in Philadelpliia, 1798. A.B. (Union. Sem.. 1823. Presb. clergyman. Teacher. Indiana, 1823-31. Died, Jan. 23, 1863. Brooklyn, N. 1820). Princeton Professor. T^niv. LL.D. 'Charles Herman Ruggles, Born in Litclifleld county. Conn., Member, Congress, 1821-23. Judge, 1853-55. Died, June 16, 1865. Poughkeepsie, N. Fob. 10. 1789. Lawyer. Court of Appeals, N. Y., 1849. A.M. *WiLLiAM Anderson, Fordham, N. Y, Born, Sept. 4. 1814. N. B. Som.. 1849. Clergvman. R. C. A. Died, April 23. 1887. * James Kennedy, - New York City, M.D. *JOHN R. Kooken. Clergyman. *David Loundesborough, A.M. D.D. LL.D. Ay^-sliire, Scotland. J^ancaster, Pa. (Dickinson. *James Buchanan, Born at Stony Batter. IVnn., Apr. 22. 179L A.B 1809). A.M. (Dickinson. 1812). LL.D. (Dickinson. 1842. and Coll. N. J.. 1850). Minister to Russia. 1831. F. S. Senatoi-, 1834-35. Minister to England, 1853. President of the United States, 1857-61. Died, June 1, 1868. *Augustus Clark Booraem, M.D. (Univ. N. Y.. 1846). *John Vance, Born near Belfast, Ireland 1850. A.M. Physician. Died, Dec. New York City , 1871. New York City 1827. Graduate of Queen's College, Belfast, Ireland. 1846. Editor, "New York Sun," 1848-61. Prominent journalist. Died, March, 1866. ItONOKAlJY DEGKEES. 343 D.D. *Robi:kt Ormiston Currie, ••'William Allex Hallock, P.orn at Plainflekl, Mass.. Jiiige 2. 1794. A.M. (Williams, 1822). Andover Sem man. Corresponding Secretary Oct. 2, 1880. *(;ai}riel Ludlow, Bom at Aqiiackanonck, X. J. 1817). A.M. (T'nioD. 1.S20). n. ('. A. Died. Feb. 19, 1878. A.B. (Rutgers, 1829). New York City. A.B. (Williams, 1819). 1822. Cong'l clergy- American Tract Society. Died. Neslumic, N. J. Apr. 28. 1797. A.B. (Union, N. B. Sem.. 1820. (MiMiivnian, 1851. A.M. '(Jeorge Rockwell, Born at Lewisboro. N. Y., .Tan. 1' (l.Tiiyman. It. ('. A. Died, July 1, . 1821. 1897. Alexandri.'i Bay, N. Y X. B. Sem., 1851. D.D, John Teriiune Demarest. Elias IIeinek (also A.M., 1S40) Raxsfohd Wiolls. A.B. (Rutgers. 18.14), A.B. (Rutgois, J827) LL.D, *Georgr Washington C'oakley, *J0IIN r.UDLOW, A.B. (Rutgers, 18:^.6). New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Aquackanonck, N. J., 179.3. A.B. (Union, 1814). A.M. (Union, 1817). D.D. (Union. 1827). N. B. Sem.. 1817. II. D. clergyman. Prof. Biblical Lit. X. B. Sem.. 1817-2.3. Provost of tbe Upiv. I'enn.. 1884-.")2. Prof. Eccl. Hist, and Church (Jovt. X. B. Sem.. 1852-.")7. I'rof. Metaphysics and Philosophy of the Human :Mind, Rutgers, 18.j2-.'>7. Trustee. Rutgers, 1819-.37. Died. Sept. 8. 1857. *Ciiarle8 Edwin West, Brooklyu. N. Y. Born at Washington, Mass., Feb. 23, 1809. A.B. (Union, 1882). Lawyer. Principal. Rutgers Female Institute. 1889-51. Prin- cipal, Buffalo Female Seminary. 1851-()0. Principal, Brooklyn Heights Seminary, 1800-89. Died. 1900. 1852. D.D. •='Andrev/ W^atson Black, Born near Pittsburg, Penn.. 1808. Allegheny, Pm A.B. (Western Univ.. Pitts- burg, 1820). Presb. Sem.. I'hiladelphia. 1828. Reformed Presb. clergyman. Prof. Exeg. Hist, and Evangelistic Theology. Died, Sept. 10. 1858. *Selaii Bcur Treat, Boston. Mass. Born at Ilartland, Conn.. Feb. 19, 1804. A.B. (Yale. 1824). Andover Sem., 1885. Cong'l clergyman. Editor. Secretary American 1877. Board Foreign Missions, 1847- Died, March 27. 344 lUTTGKRS COI'XEGE. *JoiiN Vandehveer, Easton, Pa. Born in Iluntordon county. N. J.. Mav 5. ISOO. A.B. (Ct)ll. N. .7.. 1817). A.M. (Coll. N. .7., 1820). N. B. Sem., 1822. Clergy- man. R. C. A. Teacher, mod, 1878. LL.D. *CoKNELtus Low TlAKi)EX]}KH(i!i, ' A.B. (iliitgors. 1809) 1853. A.M. *Jaked Waterjjury Scudder (also D.D., 1887). Palmaner, India • Born at Nili^iri Iliil.s, India, Fol). 8, 1830. A.B. (Western Reserve, 1850). A.M. (Western Reserve, 1853). N. B. Sera., 1855. M.D. (Ivonj; Island Coll.. 1860). Missionary. R. C. A. Prof. Theology Arcot Sem.. 1895-1908. Died, Oct. 17, 1910. *Robert Leigiiton Watekbury, Margaretville, N. Y, Born at Andes, N. Y., .7uly 1. 1828. M.D. (Univ. N. Y.. 1845). Phvsician and surgeon, lecturer on Comparative Anatomv in Public Schools of New York City, 1858-59. Surgeon. 93d N. Y. State National Guard for ninety days during' Civil War. Died, July 28, 1881. D.D. -John Fbver .Mesick (nlso IJ-.D., 191?.), A.B. (Rutgers, 1.S34) 1854. A.M. Augustus Beadle, Carmel, N. Y. Raymond Institute. *SciiUYLER Colfax, Washington, D. C. Born in New York City. Mch. 23. 1823. Lawyer. Member, Congress, 1854-(>9. Speaker of House of Representatives, U. S., 1863-07. Vice President, U. S., 1869-73. Died, Jan. 13, 1885. *AHRAnAM Vooriiees Schenck, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in Now Brunswick, N. J.. Oct. 12, 1821. I..awyer. Mayor, New Brunswick. 1851. Prosecutor of Pleas, Middlesex county. 1872-77. N. .7. State Senator, elected 1882. President of Senate, 1885. Died, April 28, 1902. D.D. *WiLLiAM Goodell, Constantinople. Turkey. Born at Temploton. Mass.. Feb. 14, 1792. A.B. (Dartmouth, 1817). D.D. (Hamilton, 1854). Andover Sem.. 1820. Cong'l missionarv. Translator of the Bible into Armeno-Turkish, 1841- 43. 1863.* Died, Feb. 18, 1867. George Johnstone, Edinburgh, Scothind. A.M. Clergyman. *R0BERT Ferine Lee, . Montgomery, N. Y. Born at Yorktown, N. Y., 1803. A.B. (Dickinson. 1824). A.M. (Dickinson, 1827). N. B. Sem., 1828. R. D. clergyman. Trus- tee, Rutgers, 1851-58. Died, 1858. HO^^ORAKY DEGREES. 34; LL.D. *Daniel Phoenix In graham. New York City. Born in New York Citv, Apr. 22. 1804. A.B. (Columbia. 1817). A.M. (Columbia, 1820). LL.D. (Columbia, I860). Lawyer. Justice, Court of Common Pleas. N. Y., 1837-57. Judge, Su- preme Court, N. Y., 1857-74. Died, Dec. 12, 1881. 1855. A.M. Hiram E. Johnson. *Franz M. Schneeweiss, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Eisenerz, Bruck. Austria, Jan. 29, 1831. Studied at Univ. Gratz, 1846-47, and Univ. Vienna, 1847-48. X. B. Sem., 1855. Clergyman, R. C. A. Music teacher. Died, May 15, 1888 *Herman F. F. Schnellendruessler, Plainfiold, N. J. Born in Brandenburg. Prussia, Oct. 4, 1819. Studied at Gym- nasium, Gumbinnen, Prussia. N. B. Sem., 1855. Clergyman, R. C. A. Chaplain. U. S. Vols., 1864-65. Died, Sept. 20, 1898. *Ezekiel Carman Scudder, Asbury Park, N. J. Born at Pandettripo. Ceylon, Oct. 20, 1828. A.B. (Western Reserve, 1850). M.D. (Coll. P. & S.)l D.D. (Western Reserve, 1885). N. B. Sem., 1855. Missionary, R. C. A. Died. Jan. 31, 1896. D.D. John Alexander, Kirkaldy, Scotland. A.M. Clergyman, Free Church. ^•JoHN Garretson (also A.M., 182S). *Andrew Bell Patt:»son, A.B. (Rutgers, 1834). *Cornelius Van Santvoord, Kingston, N. Y. Born at Belleville. N. J.. Anr. 8, 1816. A.B. (Union. 1835). A.M. (Union, 1838). Princeton Sem., 1838. Clergvman, R. C. A. President, General Synod, 1857. Died, Nov. 2. 1901. 1856. A.M. *JoHN Henry Oerteb (also D.D., 1878). New York City. Born in Westphalia, Germanv, Oct. 15. 1831. N. B. Sem., 1856. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Jan. 24. 1915. *Edward Dorr Griffin Smith, Newark, N. J. Born, Nov. 7, 1826. M.D. (Coll. P. & S.. 1851). Practiced In Newark. Spent considerable time in Europe on account of health ; served in U. S. Navy several years ; then again practiced in Newark until his death, June 15, 1878. J. M. Stearns, Brooklyn, N. Y. *Giles Vandewall, Paarl, South Africa Born in Holland. Oct. 14. 1828. N. B. Sem.. 1856. Clergyman. R. D. Church of South Africa. Died, Jan. 2, 1896. 346 EUTGERS COLLEGE. D.D. *Abraham Beach Carter, Rutgers, 1841. *Eli Field Cooley, Trenton, N. J. Born at Sunderland, Mass., Oct. 13, 1781. A.B. (Toll. N. J.. 1806). A.M. (Coll. N. J.). Presb. clergyman. Trustee, Coll. N. J., 1828-60. Died, April 22. 1860. *PniLiP Edward Faure, W.ynberg, South Africa. Clergj'-man, Dutch Reformed Church. Studied at T'trecht. Hol- land. Ordained, 1834. Died, Dec. 7, 1882. *IvAvaud Kearny Rodgers, Bound Brook, X. J. Born in New York Citv, Nov. 3, 1796. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 181.5). A.M. (Coll. N. J.. 1818). Princeton Sem, 1818. Presb. clergy- man. Died. Jan. 12, 1879. LL.D. *George Junkin, ■ Phikidelphia, Penn. Born at Kingston, Penn., Nov. 1, 1790. A.B. (.Jefferson, 1813). A.M. D.D. Presb. clergyman. Founder and tirst President of Lafavette College. 1832-41, 1845-48. l»resident, Miami Univ.. Ohio, 1841-44. President, Washington Coll., Va.. 1848-61. Moderator, General Assembly. 1844. Died. Mav 20, 1868. 1857. A.M. *Klnatiian R. Atwater, New York City. Born at Cana.1oharie, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1816. A.B. (Union, 1834). A.M. (Union. 1837). Clergyman, It. C. A. Editor, "Christian Intelligencer," 1853-72. Died, Nov. 28, 1899. *IIenry Edward Decker, ^ Turin, N. Y. Born at Nassau. N. Y., Mch. 14. 1833. A.B. (Williams. 1854). A.M. (Williams, 1857). N. B. Sem., 1857. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, March 25, 1893. ♦Washingtqn Hasbrouck, Jersey City, X. J. Born at New Paltz, N. Y., 1824. Ph.D. (Univ. N. Y.j 1869, and Coll. N. J., 1876). I'rincipal Normal School, N. J. Founder and I'rincipal, Hasbrouck Institute, 1856-76. Died, Feb. 24, 1895. *HoMER Augustus Neuron, Poughkeepsi^, X. Y. Lawver. County .Judge, 1855-61. Member Congress, 1862-64. Secretary. State N. Y.. 1867-71. State Senator, 1881. Died, Apr. 25,^1891. *WiLLiAM Henry Talmage, Brooklyn, X. Y. Born in New York City, Jan. 25. 1829. *A.B. (Univ. N. Y.. 1846). Merchant. Died, May 16. 1873. D.D. *JoiiN James Bonar, Greenock, Scotland. Univ. Edinburgh, 1827. D.D. (Edinburgh, 1883). Clergyman, Free Church. Died. July 7, 1891. *Elbert Stothoff Porter, Claverack, X. Y. Born near Millstone. N. .J.. Oct. 23. 1819. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1839). A.M. (Coll. N. J.. 1842). N. B. Sem., 1842. Clergy- man. R. C. A. President, General Synod, 1868. Editor. "Chris- tian Intelligencer," 1852-68. Died. Feb. 26. 1888. * William Reiley, A.B. (Rutgers, 1833). *Samuel Merrill Woodbridge (also A.M., 1841. and LL.D., 1883). IIO.X OK AL' Y DEGREES. 347 *Gerrit Y. LansIxNG, A.B. (Union, 1800). of N. Y. lied. 180: LL.D. Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. Cliancellor, Regents, Univ. State 1858. A.M. John Gordon, Jacob Frederick Huff. * Frederick ^YILLIAM A. Riedel. Born at Darmstadt, (iermany.(V) Reformed clergyman. Royal Sttjtgard Liverpool, England. N. B. Sem., 1858. German *Phiijp Miy.LEDOLER Rhett, *Fkedekick ()gili;y, *Ali:ertus C. Yan Raalte. D.D. A.B. A.B. (Rutgers, 1834). (Rutgers, 1833). Holland, Mich. Graduated Born at Waarneperveen, Netherlands, Oct. 17, 1811 at Univ. Le.vden. 1831. Leyden Tlieological Sem.. 1834. Leader of the Migration to Holland, Mich. Clergyman, R. C. A. Presi- dent of Council. Hope College. 1870-74. Died, Nov. 7, 1876. LL.D. "John Lothrop Motley, The Hague, Holland. Born at Dorchester, Mass., Apr. 15. 1814. A.B. (Harvard, 1831). A.M. (Harvard, 1834). LL.D. (Univ. N. Y.. 1858 ; Har- vard. 1860: Camhridge, 1861, and Levden, 1872). D.C.L. (Oxford. 1860). Litt.D. (Univ. State N. Y., 1864). Ph.D. Hon. (Groningen, 1864). U. S. Minister to Austria, 1861-66. U. S. Minister to England. 1869-70. Historian. Author of "The Rise of the Dutch Republic" (1856), and other histories. Died, May 29. 1877. 1859. A.M. *Lewis Alexander Brigham, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Chatham, N. Y.. Jan. 2. 1831. A.B. (Hamilton, 1850). Lawyer, practicing in New York City. Member of Congress, 1878-80. Died, Feb. 19, 1885. *ABRAnAM Yan Dyck De Witt, . New London. Conn. Lawyer. Practiced in Albany, N. Y. Died, Mch. 23, 1912. John W. McLatjry. Teacher, Delaware Academy (Roxbury Academy). Duane B. Simmons. Of Japan Mission. *Cyrus G. Yanderveer, New York City. Born at New Hurley, N. Y.. 1835. N. B. Sem., 1859. R. D. clergvman. Chaplain, U. S. Vols., 1861-62. Cor. Sec. Bd. Dom. Miss.. 1866-68. Died, 1868. 348 11 UTGEIiS COLLEGE. D.D. *Abram Ootiiout Halsey, Churchville, Pa. Born at Schenectady, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1798. A.B. (Union, 1822). Princeton Sem., 1827. R. D. clergyman. Died, Aug. 23, 1868. * Henry Martyn Scudder, Winchester, Mass. Born at Pandeteripo, Ceylon, Feb. 5, 1822. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1840). A.M. (Univ. N. Y.. 1843). Union Sem., 1843. M.D. (Univ. N. Y„ 1853). Cong'l clergyman. Died, .Tune 4, 1895. *FERDi]>rAND H. Vanderveer (also A.M., 1828). LL.D. *James Henry Coi^FiN, Easton, Pa. Born at Williamsburg. Mass.. Seot. 6. 1806. A.B. (Amherst, 1828). Astronomer. Tutor. Williams. 1840-43. Prof. Mathe- matics and Astronomv. Lafayette, 1846-73. Writer on Meteor- ology. Died, Feb. 6, 1873. ♦Theodore William Dwight, New York City. Born at Catskill. N. Y.. Julv 18. 1822. A.B. (Hamilton, 1840). LL.B. (Yale, 1842). A.M. (Hamilton). LL.D. (Columbia, 1860). Prof. Law, Hist, and Pol. Econ.. Hamilton, 1846-58. Prof. Municipal Law, Columbia. 1858-92. Warden of Law School, Columbia. 1864-90. Died, June 28, 1892. 1860. A.M. *Marmauuke B. Taylor. Camden, N. J Born in Philadelphia, Penn.. Aug. 17. 1835. LLB. (Law School, Pou-hkeepsie, N. Y., 1855). Lawyer. Died, Jan. 15, 1890. D.D, A.B. (Rutgers, 1838). A.B. (Rutgers, 1836). Allegheny, Penn. *JoHN De Witt, ♦Anthony Elmendouf, ♦William Henry Hornblower, Born at Newark. N J.. Mch. 21. 1820. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1838). A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1841). Princeton Sem., 1842. Presb. clergy- man. Prof. Elocution. Chui-eh Polity and Pastoral Theology. Alleghenv Sem.. 1877-83. Trustee, Coll. N. J., 1864-71. Died, July 16,' 1883. ♦William Ja^ies Romeyn Taylor, A.B. (Rutgers, 1841). ♦Abraham Rynier Van Nfst, Jr., A.B. (Rutgers. 1841). ♦Ashbel Green Vermilye, Englewood, N. J. Born at Princeton. N. J.. Sent 6. 1822. A.B. rUniv. N. Y.. 1840). A.M. (Univ. N. Y.. 1843). N. B. Sem., 1844. Clergy- man. R. C. A. President, General Synod, 1871. Died, July 9, 1005. ♦William B. Wedgewood, LL.D. Washington, D. A.B. (Univ. N. Y.. 1836). A.M. (Univ. N. Y.. 1839). Prof. Commercial. Maritime and Pari. Law, and Law of Personal Prop. Univ N. Y.. 1858-64. Established National School of Law, Washington, D. C, 1869. HONORAKY DEGREES. 349 ♦Abraham Oothout Zabriskie, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Greenbush, N. Y., June 10, 1807. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1825). A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1828). LL.D. (Coll. N. J.. 1862). Lawyer. Chancellor. N. J. Trustee, Rutgers, 1863-66, 1873. Died, June 27, 1873. * 1861. A.M. *JoHN Eauie, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born In County Tyrone, Ireland, Dec. 24, 1819. Editor of "X. Y. Sun." Later Pres. U. S. Life Ins. Co., then insurance broker. Died, June 25, 1890. \ D.D. *Hervey Doddridge Gx\nse (also A.M., 1843). *William a. Vax Vraxkex ]M\];on, Rutgers, 1840. *NicHOLAS Evekitt ^MiTii, ' A.B. (Rutger.s, 1S41). LL.D. *E. W. WheTlpley, Morristown, N, J. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1834). A.M. (Coll. X. J.). Lawyer. Chief Justice Supreme Court, N. J., 1860-64. Trustee, Coll. N. J., 1862-64. Died, Feb. 21, 1864. 1862. D.D. ♦Abraham Faure, Cape Town, South Africa, Studied at Utrecht, Holland. Clergyman, Dutch Reformed Church. Ordained, 1818. Died, Mch. 27, 1875. ♦Charles Stedman Hageman, A.B. (Rutgers, 1837). ♦William Augustus Miller, Rutgers, 1842. LL.D. ♦John Romeyn BRonnEArs . A.B. (Rutgers, 1831). 1863. D.D. ♦Edward Erastus Rankin. A.B. (Yale, 1840). A.M. (Yale, 1843). Clergyman. Died, 1889. ♦Cornelius Van Cleef (also A. M., 1828). ♦Paul DURYEA Van Cleef, A.B. (Rutgers, 1843). LL.D. ♦David H. Riddle, MartiiLsburgh, Va. Born at Martinsburgh, Va., Apr. 14, 1805. A.B. (Jefferson, 1823). A.M. (Jefferson, 1826). Princeton Sem., 1828. D.D. (Marshall. 1843). Pi-esb. clergyman. President, Jefferson Coll., 1862-65. Prof. Moral Philosophy. Wash, and Jeff., 1865- 68. Died, July 16, 1888. 350 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1864. A.M. **CAr.EB M. Harrison, Caldwell. N. J. Supt. Newark City Home. ♦Hugh Judson Kilpatrick, Valparaiso, Chili. Born near Deckertown, N. T., Jan. 14. 1836. West Point, 1861. Served througliout Civil War. 1861-65. Major General. U. S. Vols. r. S. Minister to Chili, 1865-68. 1881. Died, Dec. 4, 1881. Albert Mathieu. D.D. *HUGH Hamill. A.E. (Rutgers, 1827). *EuGENE Augustus Hoffman, A.B. (Rutgers, 1S47). ♦Victor Moreau Huluert, A.B. (Rutgers. 1S30). ♦James R. Talmage. Kingston, N. Y. Born. 1808. A.B. (CoH. N. .T.. 1826). A.M. (Coll. N. .7.. 1829). X. B. Sem.. 1829. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, June 20. 1879. ♦Alphonso Albert Willits, Spring Lake, N. J. Born at Tnekerton. X. J., Oct. 1,3. 1822. A.M. (Coll. X. J., 1856). Prisb. clergyman. Lecturer. Died, Mch. 20. 191^. LL.D. ♦Henry Cruse Murphy, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born in Brooklyn. X. Y.. July 5. 1810. A.B. (Columbia. 1880). Lawyer. Mayor of Brooklyn. 1842. Member of Congress. 1843- 45. 1847-49. V. S. Minister to Holland. 1858-62. X. Y. Sen- ator. 1862-73. Died, »Dec. 1, 1882. 1865. D.D. ♦John Clarkson Eccleston, New^ Brighton, S. I. A.B. (St. Mary's, 1847). A.M. (St. Mary's. 1849). M.D. (Univ. Maryland). General Sem., 1854. Episc. clergvmnn. Died, Dec. 28. 1912. ♦Thomas Conrad Porter, ' Easton, Penn. Born at Alexandria. Penn.. Jan. 22. 1822. A.B. (Lafayette, 1840). Princeton Sem., 1843. Pi'esb. clergyman. Professor, Xatural Science, Marshall. 1849-53. Do.. Franklin and Mar- shall. 1853—66. Professor, Botany, Zoology and Geologv. La- fayette. 1866-90. Dean. Pa:rdee Scientific Dept.. 1890-97. Emeritus. 1897-1901. LL.D. (Franklin and Marshall, 1880). Died, Apr. 29, 1901. ♦John Limberger See, A.B. (Rutgers, ISil). LL.D. ♦Mercer Beasley, Trenton, N. J. Born in Mercer county. X. J., about 1815. Coll. X. J.. 1834. . LL.D. (Coll. X. J.. 1864). Chief Justice Supreme Court. X. J., 1864-97. Died, Feb., 1897. HON^OBAKY DEGREES. 1866. A.M. Harvey R. Sciiermerhorn, Born at Schodack, N. Y., 183: K. C. A. Teacher. *Frank AVilmarth, Nelson, Okla. N. B. Sem., 1862. Clergyman, Born at Sraithfield, R. I., Mch. 28, 1841. 1868). Physician. Died, 1881. East Orange, N. J, M.D. (Coll. P. & S., D.D. =Ej)warl) IJrexton Boggs, Rutgers, 1842. 'Robert Eaurensox Dasiiiell, Newark, N. J. Born at Salisbury. Md., June 2r). 1825. A. P.. (Dickinson, 1846). A.M. (Dickinson. 1849). D.D. (Wesleyan, 1866). M. K. clergyman. President. Dickinson. 1868-72. Corresponding SecTctary. Missionary Society. Died, March 8. 1880. * Joseph Kimball. Born at Newburgh, N. Y.. Aug. 17. 1820 A.M. (Fnion, 1842). Newburgh Sem., 1848 C. A. Died, Dec. 6. 1874. *David Steele, Born at Londonderry, Ireland, Oct. 20. 1826. 1857). A.M. (Miami, 1859). LL.D. (Miami. 1900). Presb. i'lergyman. President. Reformed Presb. Sem., 1863-1906. Died, June 15, 1906. *CiiARLES II. Stitt, A.B. (Rutgers, 1844) Brooklyn, N. Y. A.B. (Union. 1839). Clergyman, R. Philadelphia, Penn. A.B. (Miami, LL.D. *CORTLANDT I'ARKER. *JoiiN McClixtock. Born in Philadelphia, Oct. 27. A.B. (Rutgers, 1836). Madison, N, J. 1814. A B. (Univ. Penn., 1835). A.M. (Univ. Penn., 1838). D.D. (Univ. Penn.. 1848). LL.D. (Dickinson, 1859). M. E. clergyman. P'-of. Mathematics, Dick- inson, 1836-40. Prof. Latin and Greek, Dickinson, 1840-48. Editor, "(Quarterly Review." 1848-56. I'resident, Drew Theol. Sem., 1867-70. Died, March 4, 1870. *Peter Vredenburgii, Jr., A.B. (Rutgers, 1828). 1867. A.B. Robert Millikln, Lawyer. A.M. *JoiiN Jacob Anderson, College City of ^iew York. 1854. Ph.D. S.T.D. (Yale. 1878). Cong'l clergyman. Biidgeton, N. J. (Univ. Died, 1906 Brooklyn, N. N. Y., 1876), Y. ^52 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. D.D. *James Romeyn Berry, A.B. (Rutgers, 1847). '"Cornelius Eltixge Crispei.l, A.B. (Rutgers, 1839). *J0HN Mason Ferris, Flatbusli, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1825. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1843). A.M. (Univ. N. Y.. 1846). N. B. Sem., 1849. Clergyman, R. C. A. Secretary, Board Foreign Missions, R. C. A., 1865-83. Editor, "Christian Intelligencer," 1883-1911. Died. Jan. 30, 1911. *RiCHABD HoLLOWAY Steei.e, A.B. (Rutgers, 1814), *JoHN Van Nest Talmage, A.B. (Rutgers, 1842) *JonN Van Liew, A.B. (Queen's, 1816). 1868. D.D. *TiiEODORE Bayard Romeyn. * John Adams. Todd, *Ransom Bethune Welch, Born in Greenville, N. Y A.B. (Rutgers, 1846) A.B. (Rutgers, 1.S45) Auburn, N. Y A.M. (Union, 1849). A.B. (Union, 1846). 1868). LL.D. (Mary about 1825 D.D. (Univ. N. Y, ville, 1872). Auburn Sem., 1852. Presb. clergyman. Prof. Logic. Rhetoric and Eng. Lit, Union. 1866-76. Prof. Christian Theology, Auburn Sem., 1876-90. Died, June 29, 1890. LL.D. *EzRA Cornell. Ithaca, N. Y. Born at Westchester Landing. N. Y., Jan. 11, 1807. State Sen- ator, N. Y. Founder of Cornell University. Died, Dec. 9, 1874. 1869. A.M. R. M. Stratton (also D.D., 187:-]). Born, June 20. 1840. M. E. clergyman New Jersey and New York. Pastor of churches in ♦Nicholas Williamson, Born in New York City. Mch. 9, 1845. New Brunswick, N. J. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1870, and Coll. P. & S., 1871). Physician. Mayor, New Bruns- wick, 1895-1902. Died, August 15, 1902. Peter A. Youngblood, Hackensack, N. J. D.D. Piainlield, N. J. Kneeland Platt Ketcham, Born at Babylon, L. I.. Sept. 6, 1837. A.B. ('coU. N. J., 1857). A.M. (Coll. N. J.. 1860). Princeton Sem., 1861. Presb. clergy- men. Author, "Organized Christianity." HOZs^OIiAEY DEGREES. 353 Andrew Murray, AVellington, South Africa. Graduate of Marischal College, Scotland, and af Theological Department of University of Utrecht. Holland. Clergyman, Dutch Reformed Church. Founder of Huguenot Seminary, 1874. Three times Moderator of Synod. Author of many devotional books. *Edward Payson Terhune, A.B, (Rutgers, 1850). *WiLLiAM H. Van Doren, Chicago, 111. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Aug., 1882. 1870. A.M. *Jonx M. Welch, Hudson, N. Y. Born at Schaghticoke, N. Y., Mch. 5, 1823. Lawyer. District Attorney, Columbia county, 1865-G8. Police Justice, 1879-80. Died, Dec. 29, 1888. *Ro»ERT S. Woodruff, Trenton, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., Apr. 2, 1841. Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1875. Judge. District Court, Trenton, 1877-88. Principal, Rutgers Grammar School. 1860. Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Mercer county., 1890-1900. Died, March 2, 1906. D.D. *SvMUEL Adams Clark, Born at Newburyport, Mass., Jan. i: Died, Jan. 28, 1875. *RoBERT Brown Croes, *JoiiN McClellan Holmes, Boin at Livingston, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1853). A.M. (Williams. 1856). N. clergyman. President, General Synod, June 21 1911. *GiLEs Henry Mandevjli.e, * William Hoi f^ian Ten Eyck, *JoiiN Bodine Thompson, *Jacob West, Elizabeth, N. J. 1822. Episc. clergyman. A.B. (Queen's, 1815). Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1834. A.B. (Williams, B. Sem., 1857. Presb. R. C. A., 1876. Died, A.B. (Rutgers, 1848). Rutgers, 1845. A.B. (Rutgers, 1851). A.B. (Rutgers, 1842). LL.D. *CirARLES J. FoLGER, New York City. Born at Nantucket, Mass., Api^. 16. 1818. A.B. (Hobart. 1836). Lawyer. N. Y. State Senator, 1861-69. Chief Judge, Court of Appeals. N. Y., 1880. U. S. Secretary of Treasury, 1881-84. Died, Sept. 4, 1884. *HEiNRY HOGEBOOM, Hudsou, N. Y. Born in Columbia county, N. Y.. 1808. A.B. (Yale, 1827). A.M. (Yale, 1830). Lawyer. Justice Supreme Court, N. Y. Died, Sept. 12, 1872. * James Ryley Ludlow, Philadelphia, Pa. Both in Albany, N. Y., May 3, 1825. A.B. (Univ. Penn., 1843). A.M. (Univ. Penn.. 1846).' LL.D. (Univ. Penn.. 1870). Law- yer. Judge. Court of Common Pleas. Philadelphia, 1857-75. I'residing Judge, Court of Common Pleas, 1875-86. Trustee, Jefferson Med. Coll. Died, Sept. 20, 1886. 23 354 KUTGEKS COLLEGE. 1871. Ph.D. *JoSEPH Karge, Princeton, N. J. Born in Poland, 1815. Studied at Univ. Broslau. Prof. Con- tinental Languages and Literature, CoU. N, J. General, U. S. Vols. Died, Dec. 29, 1892. Mus.Doc. ♦CuESTEii David Haktranvt (also D.D., 1876), Wolfenbiittel, Germany. Born at Frederick, Penn., Oct. 15, 1839. A.B. (Univ. Penn., . 1861). A.M. (Univ. Penn., 1864). D.D. (Williams, 1893). N. B. Sem., 1864. Cong'l clergyman. Prof. Ecclesiastical History, Hartford Sem., 1879-88. I'rof. Biblical Theology, do., 1892-97. Prof. Ecclesiastical Dogmatics, do., 1897-1903. President of Hartford Sem., 1888-1903. Emeritus, do., 1903-14. Died, Dec. 30, 1914. D.D. *Shai)Rach Laycock Bowman, Newark, N. J. Born at Berwick. Pa., May 2, 1829. A.B. (Dickinson, 1855). A.M. (Dickinson, 1864). S.T.D. (De Pauw Univ., 1870). M. E. clergyman. Prof. Greek and Hebrew, Dickinson, 1866-71. Dean and Prof. Svstematic Theology, De Pauw Univ., 1882-89. Prof. Theology, Drew Sem., 1903-04. Died, Sept. 16, 1906. *JoHN Hudson Duryea, A.B. (Rutgers, 1S34). ♦Nehemiah Pruden Pierce, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Enfield. Conn., 1817. A.B. (Amherst, 1842). A.M. (Amherst, 1845). Union Sem., 1845. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, April 30, 1880. LL.D. *GusTAVus Fischer, ^ New Brunswick, N. J. Bo.rn in Berlin, Prussia, June, 1815. Studied at Universities of Goettingen and Berlin. Prof. Modern Languages and Litera- ture, Rutgers, 1859-68. Musician. Died, Sept. 16, 1893. 1872. A.M. ♦Manning M. Knapp, Hackensack, N. J. Born in Bergen county, N. J., about 1823. Lawyer. Prosecutor of Pleas, Bergen county, 1850-61. Justice, Supreme Court, N. J., 1875-92. Died, Jan. 26, 1892. Ph.D. ♦John Eaton, Washington, D. Born at Sutton. N. H., Dec. 5, 1829. A.B. (Dartmouth, 1854). LL.D. (Dartmouth, 1876). Andover Sem. Brigadier General, U. S. Vols., 1865. State Superintendent of Schools. Tenn., 1867-69. U. S. Commissioner of Education, 1886-91. Inspector of Education for Porto Rico, 1899. Died, Feb. 9, 1906. hoi!n^okaiiy degrees. 355 D.D. *Edward Tan joke Corwin (also Litt.D., 1911), North Branch, N. J. Born in New York City, July 12. 1834. Coll. City of N. Y., 1853. N. B. Sem.. 1856. Clergyman, R. C. A. Instructor in Hebrew and Old Testament F:xeffesis, N. B. Sem., 1883-84. 1889. 1890, 1891. Instructor in New Testament Exegesis, N. B. Sem., 1892. President. General Synod. 1891. Author, "A Manual of the Reformed Church in America," in four editions, etc. Died. June 22, 1914. *JoHN Gaston, A.B. (Rutgers, 1840). *AuGUSTUS D. Lawrence Jewett, New York City. Born at Wilkesbarre, Penn., 1830. A.B. (Williams, 1852). Princeton Sem., 1854. Presb. clergyman. Died, 1898. *AcMON Pulaski van Gieson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born at West Bloomfield, N. J., Jan. 13, 1830. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1849). N. B. Sem.. 1852. Clergyman, R. C. A. President, General Svnod, 1873. Died, April 19, 1906. LL.D. *JoEL Parker, Philadelphia, Penn. Born at Monmouth, N. J., Nov. 24, 1816. A.B. (Princeton, 1839). A.M. (Princeton, 1842). Lawyer. Member, N. J. A.s- sembly, 1847. Ma.ior General of Volunteers, 1861. Governor, New Jersey, 1862-65. 1871-74. Associate Justice Supreme Court, N. J., 1880-88. Died, Jan. 2, 1888. 1873. A.M. *J. G. Crate. Born. 1830. M. E. clergyman. Charges in N. J. Died, June 24. 1891. C.E. ♦James Kennedy Barton. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871). *Edward Albert Bowser (also LL.D., 1905). B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1868). ♦George D. Howell, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1868), ♦William Edward Kelly, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1868), ♦Floyd Marvin Yanderoef, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1868), Ph.D. ♦George Washington Hill (also LL.D., 1909), A.B. (Rutgers, 1859). D.D. ♦Edward Webster Appieton, A.B. (Rutgers, 1852). ♦Augustus Blauvelt, A.B. (Rutgers, 1858). ♦Isaac Smithson Hartley, Great Barrington, Mass. Born in New York City. Sept. 20, 1830. A.B. (Univ. N. Y, 1852). Andover Sem.. 1856. Episc. clergyman. Trustee, Rut- gers, 1873-93. Died, July 3, 1899. 356 • KUTGERS COLLEGE. *Abel T. Stev/aet, • A.B. (Rutgers, 1S43). R. M. Stratton (also A.M., 1869). *M. Cohf:n Stuakt, Utrecht, Holland. Arminian College, Amsterdam. Remonstrant clergyman. Secre- tarj', Evangelical Alliance for Holland. ♦William Hayes Ward, New York City. Born at Abington, Mass., June 25, 1835. A.B. (Amherst, 1856). A.M. (Amherst, 1859). Andover Sem., 1859. D.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1873). LL.D. (Amherst. 1885). Editor, "The Independent." Author, Archaeologist. Died, Aug. 28, 191«. LL.D. * William Hexry Green, Princeton, N. J. Born at Groveville, N. J., Jan. 27, 1825. A.B. (Lafayette, 1840). Princeton Sem., 1846. D.D. (Coll. N. J., 1857). I'resb. clergyman. Hebrew scholar. Prof. Oriental and Old Testament Literature, Princeton Sem., 1851-1900. Chairman Old Testament Revision Committee. Author, "A Grammar of the Hebrew Language," "The Pentateuch Vindicated," "The Unity of Gene- sis," etc. Died, Feb. 10, 1900. ♦David Murray, New Brunswick, N. J. Born near Delhi. N. Y., Oct. 15, 1830. A.B. (Union, 1852). Ph.D. (N. Y. Board of Regents, 1863). LL.D. (Union, 1874). Principal, Albany Academy, 1857-63. Prof. Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, Rutgers. 1863-76. Trustee, Rutgers. 1892-1905. Trustee, Union, 1882-89. Adviser, Im- perial Minister of Education, Japan, 1873-79. Decoration of the Rising Sun. 1878. Secretary. Board of Regents, Univ. State of N. Y., 1880-89. Died, March 6, 1905. 1874. A.M. Martin Lewis Deyo, Binghamton, N. Born at Ghent. N. Y., Dec. 28, 1845. State Normal School, Brockport. N. Y., 1870. LL.B. (Albany Law School, 1877). Prof, Mathematics, Albany Academy, 1870-98. C.E. *Wjnfield Scott Lashek. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1S71) Ph.D. ♦Henry Magnus Bauscher, Fort Lee, N. Y. Principal. Academy at New Paltzj N. Y., and later at Fort Lee, N. Y. Died, Sept., 1895. D.D. ♦David Inglis, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born. June 8. 1824. Univ. Edinburgh, 1841. Studied theology under Dr. Chalmers and Dr. John Brown. LL.D. (Olivet Coll., Mich.). Clergvman, R. C. A. Died, Dec. 15, 1877. HOXOKAIJY DEGREES. 357 -Benjamin Babb Leacock, A.B. (Rutgers, 1847). *Samuel Wickham Mills, A.B. (Rutgers, 1838). *GuiDO Fridolin Verbeck, Tokio, Japan. 'Born at Zelst, Netherlands. Jan. 23, 1830. Auburn Sem.. 1859. Missionary, R. C. A., in Japan. In service of Imperial Govern- ment in educational, translation and advisory work. Died, March 10, 1898. LL.D. *David Ayres Depue, Newark, N. J. Born at Mount Bethel. Penn.. Oct. 27, 1826. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1846). LL.D. (Coll. N. J., 1880). Associate Justice, Supreme Court, N. J. Died, 1902. *Ward Hunt, Washington, D. C. Born at Utica. X. Y., June 14, 1810. A.B. (Union, 1828). LL.D. (Union, 1870). Member, N. Y. Assembly, 1839. Mayor, Utica, N. Y., 1844. .Judge, N. Y. Court of Appeals. 1865-72. Associate Justice, U. S. Supreme Court, 1872-82. Died, March 24, 1886. 1875. A.M. '■"Marshall H. Bright, New York City. Born in Hudson, N. Y. Aug., 1834. Lawrence Scientific School, 1852-53. Assistant Editor, "Albany Argus," 1854. On staffs of Generals Anderson, W. T. Sherman, Buell, Rosecrans and George H. Thomas, during Civil War. Brevet Major. Editor of the "Christian-at-Work," 1873-1907. Died, Feb. 28, 1907. *Marcellus Oakey, Madison, N. J. Born at Jamaica, N. Y.. Feb. 22, 1849. Superintendent of Schools. Madison, 1904-12. Died, May 9, 1912. D.D. * Henry Clay Caaieron, Princeton, N. J. Born at Shepherdstown, Va., Sept. 1, 1829. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1847). A.M. (Coll. N. J.). Ph.D. (Coll. N. J., 1866). D.D. (WoosteT Univ., 1875). Prof. Greek Language and Literature, Coll. N. J. Died, 1906. * William Cornell, A.B. (Rutgers, 1859). LL.D. ^Theodore Runyon, Newark, N. J. Born at Somerville, N. J., Oct. 25, 1822. A.B. (Yale. 1842). • A.M. (Yale. 1862). LL.D. (Wesleyan. 1867, and Yale, 1882). Lawyer. Brigadier General, First N. J. Brigade, 1861-62. Mayor, Newark. 1864-65. Ma.ior General. National Guard. State N. J., 1869-73. Chancellor of New Jersey. 1873-87. Ambassador to Germany, 1893-96. Died, Jan. 27, 1896. *Theodoric Romeyn Westbrook, A.B. (Rutgers, 1838). 1876. Ph.D. *John p. Gross, Plainfield, N. J. Died, 1881. 358 RUTGERS COLLEGE. D.D. *Samuel Etherington Appleton, A.B. (Rutgers, 1852). * William Rankin Dueye^., A.B. (Rutgers, 1856). *Chester David Hartranft (also Mus.Doc, 1871). *G0YN Talmage, A.B. (Rutgers, 1842). 1877. A.M. *Nelson Haas (also Ph.D., 1893), Hackensack, N. Born at Chestnut Hill, Philadelpliia, Aug. 3. 1838. Law School, Han-isburg, Pa. Lawyer. Teacher. Principal, Grammar School, Hackensack. 1871. Supervising principal. Died, Dec. 28, 1905. * Silas Ebenezer Weir, Jr., C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1871) Ph.D. *QuiNCY Adams Gillmore, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Black River, Ohio, Feb. 28, 182.5. IT. S. Military Academy, 1849. Instructor in Military Engineering, do., 1852. Treasurer and Quartermaster, do. Served throughout the Civil War, Tising to the rank of Major General af Volunteers. Vol- uminous writer on engineering topics. Died, April 7, 1888. *JAC0B Simmons Mosher, Rutgers, 1856. D.D. *Henry Martyn Baird, New York City, Born in Philadelphia, Jan. 17. 1832. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1850). A.M. (Univ. N. Y., 1854). Ph.D. (Princeton, 1867). LL.D. (Princeton, 1882). L.H.D. (Princeton). Princeton Sem., 1859. Prof. Greek Language and Literature, Univ. N. Y., 1859-1902. Emeritus, 1902-06. Dean, University College, Univ. N. Y., 1892-1906. Historian. Died, 1906. *George Sayles Bishop, East Orange, N. J Born at Rochester, N. Y., June 28. 1836. A.B. (Amherst, 1858). Princeton Sem.. 1864. Clergyman, R. C. A. President, General Synod, 1899. Died, Mch. 12, 1914. *Martin V. ScHOONMAKER (also A.M., 1842). *JoHN Adams Nichols. Principal of school. Yonkers until 1883. 1878. A.M. Yonkers, N. Later first Superintendent of Schools of President, N. Y^. State Teachers' Associa- tion. Died, Dec. 29, 1887. HONORARY DEGREES. 359 Ph.D. ♦Charles Curtis, Livingston, N. Y. Born in Maine. A.B. (Bowdoin, 1864). Teacher and Principal at Kingston, N. Y. and New York City. Died, Jan. 22, 1905. D.D. ♦Jacob Ciiamberlaix, Madanapalle, India. Born at Sharon, Conn., Apr. 13. 1835. A.B. (Western Reserve, 18.56). N. B. Sem.. 1859. M.D. (Coll. P. & S., 1859). D.D. (Western Reserve, 1878, and Union. 1878). LL.D. (Hope, 1900). Missionary, R. C. A. President. General Synod, 1878. Author of l)ooks en Missions and in Telugu. Died, March 2, 1908. ♦Henry Nitchie Cobb, New York City. Born in New York City, Nov. 15, 1834. A.B. (Yale. 1855). A.M. (Yale, 1858). Union Sem., 1857. Clergyman, R. C. A. Corresponding Secretary, Board of Foreign Missions, R. C. A., 1881-1910. Died. Apr. 17, 1910. ♦John Henry Oekter (also A.M., 1856). ♦George Swain, A.B. (Rutgers, 1863). ♦Cornelius Low Wells, A.B. (Rutgers, 1852). ♦Edward Wilson, Metuchen, N. J. Born in Liverpool, England. July 25. 1820. Reformed Episc. clergyman. Bishop at Montreal and Ottawa, Canada. 1880. Retired at Metuchen. Died, June 3, 1908. LL.D. 'Jonathan Dixon, A.B. (Rutgers, 1859). 1879. A.B. Charles Dfdrich Van Romondt, Pompton Plains, N. J. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 13, 1847. Physician. M.D. (Columbia, 1872). A.M. Jonathan Cowles Andbus, Oberlin, Ohio. Born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. Jan. 10. 1855. Cornell Univ., 1870-73. DL.B. (Columbia, 1876). N. B. Sem., 1882. Teacher. Cong'l clergyman. William S. McNair, Wilmington, Del. Principal of Brandywine Seminary. Ph.D. Thomas Alva Edison, West Orange, N. J. Born at Milan, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1847. Ph.D. (Union, 1878). Inventor of the megaphone, phonograph, incandescent lamp, aerophone, kinetoscope. Over 900 inventions. 360 KUTGEKS COLLEGE. D.D. *Theodoric Romeyn Beck *Daniel Ckosby (Greene, A.B. (Rutgers, 1849). Tokio. Japan. Born at Roxbury, Mass., Feb. 11, 1843. A.B. (Dartmouth, 1864). A.M. (Dartmouth). Andover Sem., 1869. Cong'l mis- sionary, 1869- . Member. New Testament Translation Com- mittee, 1873-80. Prof. Old Testament Exegesis, Doshisha, Kyoto, 1881-87. Author and translator. Died, Sept. 15, 1913. Mancitjs Holmes ITutton, New Brunswick, N. J. Born in New York City. Oct. 13, 1837. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1857). N. B. Sem., 1860. Clergyman. R. C. A. President. General Synod. 1888. President, Board of Foreign Missions. Instructor. Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis, N. B. Sem.. 1907. Died, Dec. 19. 1909. Alfred S. Richardson, Bishop of the Reformed Episc. Church. Great Malvern, Eug. 1880. D.D. *Stepiien Livingstone Baldwin, Born. 1835. M. E. Sem., at Concord, N. H., 1857 New York City. D.D. (Wes- leyan). M. E. clergyman. Missionary to China, 1858-80. Recording Secretary. M. E. Missionary Society, 1888-1902. General Secretary. Ecumenical Conference, New York, 1900. Died, July 28, 1902. A.B. (Rutgers, 185S). New Brunswick, N. J. Feb. 28. 1838. A.B. (Coll. N. .T., T.. 1861). Princeton Sem., 1861. Clergyman. R. C. A. Prof. English Language and Literature. Rutgers. 1880-97. Prof. Ethics, Evidences 6t Christianity and the English Bible, 1897-1903. Prof. Ethics and Evidences of Christianity, 1903-07. Emeritus, 1907- . ♦Leonard William Kip, Amoy, China. Born in New York City. Nov. 10, 1837. A.B. (Columbia. 1857), ♦John Benjamin Drury, Charles Edward Hart, Born at Freehold. N. .T 1858). A.M. (Coll. N. 1860. 1901. N. B. Sem Died. Feb ♦Edward Petrie Livingston, ♦Theodore William Simpson. issionary, R. C. A„ in China, 1861-98. A.B. (Rutgers, 1852) A.B. (Rutgers, 1828) 1881. A.B. ♦William E. Bissell, Newark, N. J. Graduate of State Normal School. Head Master. Rutgers Grammar School. Died, Sept. 22. 1899. A.M. George Moritz Wahl (also L.H.D., 1891), Williamstown, Mass. Born at Unkersdorf, Germanv. May 31, 1851. Studied at Halle. Leipzig and Berlin Fnivs. A.M. (Williams. 1894). Prof. Ger- man Language and Literature, Williams, 1894- . HOXORAIiY DEGEEES. 361 Ph.D. Arthur T. Neale, Newark, Del. Chemist, N. J, Agric. Experiment Station. D.D. *Edward Benton Coe (also LL.D., 1893), New York City. Born at Milfoj-d. Conn., June 11, 1842. A.B. (Yale, 1862). S.T.D. (Yale, 1885). Union Sem., 1862-63. Clergyman. R. C. A. Prof. Modern Languages, Yale. 1864-79. Senior Minister, Collegiate Church, 1899-1914. President, General Synod. 1898. Trustee. Rutgers. 1887-1914. Trustee, Columbia, 1896-1914. Trustee. Robert College, Constantinople, 1894-1914. Died. Mcb. 19, 1914. * William Henry Gleason, Hudson, N. Y. Born at Durham, Conn.. Sept. 28, 1833. A.B. (Yale, 1853). Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Feb. 21, 1892. ''Charles Frederick Hoffman, Rutgers, 1851. Edward Allen Reed, Holyoke, Mass. Born at Lansingburgh, N. Y., .Tune 24. 1843. Auburn Sem., 1871. Clergyman. R. C. A. Pastor, Madison Ave. Reformed Church, New York City. 1878-86. ♦John Garnsey Van Slyke, A.B. (Rutgers, 1866). 1882. A.M. *Beriah Andre Watson, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Lake George, N. Y., Mch. 26. 1836. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1861). Physician. Surgeon in U. S Armv, 1862-65. Writer and Translator of Medical Works. Died. Dec. 22, 1892. Ph.D. James Edmondson, Marshalltown, Iowa. Cong, clergyman. Artemas Martin, Washington, D. C. Born in Steuben county, N. Y., Aug. 3. 1835. A.M. (Yale. 1877). LL.D. (Hillsdale. 1885). Mathematician. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1885- . D.D. *JoiiN Hay, Madras, India. Graduated Marischal College and Univ. Aberdeen. Theological College, Bedford. Fellow and Member Senate. Madras Univ., 1888. Missionary London Miss. Soc. Reviser of Telugu Bible, for British and Foreign Bible Society, 1883. Died, Oct. 28, 1891. ♦Leopold Mohn, Hoboken, N. J. Born in Westphalia, Germany. Feb. 13, 1833. Clergyman, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1855. Died, March 8, 1885. ♦David Waters, Newark, N. J. Born at Harland. Scotland, .Tan. 18, 1828. Univ. Toronto, 185.5- 59. LI^.B. (Univ Toronto, 1869). Clergyman, R. C. A. Died. Aug. 4, 1897. 362 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1883. A.M. *JoHN Lawrence Johnson, Newark, N. J. Born at Heuvelton, N. Y., May 16, 1847. State Normal School, Albany, 1871. Prof. Mathematics, High School, Newark, 1872- 76, 1877-83. Ijawver. Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Essex county, 1883-88. Died, Mch. 1915. M.Sc. James IIervey Stebbins, Jr., New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 4, 1857. B.Sc. (Harvard, 1878). Ph.D. (Univ. Omaha, 1892). Chemist and Pathologist. D.D, ♦Charles Duryea Buck, Middletown, N. J. A.B. (Williams, 1845). C. A. Died, May 26, Born at Knox, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1826. Union Sem., 1848-49. Clergyman, R, 1893. *JoHN Laing, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. Born in Rossshire, Scotland, Mch. 24, 1828. King's College and Knox College. Toronto. B.A. (Victoria College, 1871). M.A. (Victoria College). Presb. clergyman. Chairman, Board of Examiners, Knox College. Moderator, General Assembly, 1890. Died, Feb. 27, 1902. ♦William Morton Postlethwaite, West Point, N. Y. A.B. (Kenyon, 1862). Seminary at Gambier, Ohio, 1866. Episc. clergyman. Chaplain U. S. Military Acad, and Prof. His- tory, Geography and Ethics, 1881-96. Died, Jan. 10, 1896. *JoHN Howard Suydam, A.B. (Rutgers, 1854). * Evert Van Slyke, A.B. (Rutgers, 1862). Litt.D. George Lansing Raymond, Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Chicago. 111.. Sept. 3, 1839. A.B. (Williams, 1862). A.M. (Williams and Princeton, 1896). L.H.D. (Williams, 1889). Princeton Sem., 1865. Presb. clergyman. Prof. Oratory, Wil- liams, 1874-80. Prof. Oratory and Aesthetic Criticism. 1880-93. Prof. Aesthetics. Princeton. 1893-1905. Prof. Aesthetics, George Washington Univ., 1905-12. Author of books on art. LL.D. *William Augostus Newell, A.B. (Rutgers, 1836), ♦Samuel Merrill Woodbridge (also A.M., 1841, and D.D., 1857). 1884. D.D. John Walter (also LL.D., 1907), A.B. (Rutgers, 1860) HONOR AEY DEGREES. 363 1885. D.D. James Lansing Amerman, Cobleskill, N. Y. Born at Faimingdale, L. I., Aug. 13, 1843. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1862). N. B. Sem.. 1868. Clergyman, R. C. A. Missionary to Japan, 1876-03. Prof. Theology. Tokio. 1877-93. Financial Sec- retary Board Foreign Missions, R. C. A., 1893-1915. 'Wesley Reid Davis, New York City. •Born in Carroll county, Maryland, Jan. 14. 1847. A.M. (Wes- leyan Univ.. 1875). Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Jan. 26, 1905. LL.D. *Talbot Wilson Cir ambers, A.B. (Rutgers, 1834). *JuDSON Stuart Laxdon, Schenectady, N. Y. Born at Salisbury, Conn.. 1832. LL.B. (Yale. 1855). A.M. (Union. 1855). Lawyer. District Attorney, Schenectady county, 1855-63. County Judge, 1865-70. Justice Supreme Court. N. Y., 1873-91. President ad interim of Union College, 1884-88. Trustee, Union. 1875-1905. Associate Justice, Coutt of Appeals, 1884-99. Died, Sept. 7, 1905. 1886. D.D. *MuRDOCH Macdonald. Melbourne, Australia. Born, 1832. Studied at Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Ordained, 1863. Proifessor, Dogmatic Theology and Church History, Ormond College, Melbourne Univ., 1883- . Moder- ator, Presbyterian Church of Victoria, 1890. D.D. (St. An- drews, 1892). Died, 1906. *Henry Veiislage, Irvington, N. J. Born in New York City, Feb. 12. 1837. Coll. City of X. Y., 1858. N. B. Sem., 1861. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Mar. 4, 1894. LL.D. William Isaac Chamberlain, Hudson, Ohio. Born at Sharon, Conn., Feb. 11, 1837. A.B. (Western Reserve, 1859). A.M. (Western Reserve. 1862). LL.D. (Ohio State Univ., 1887). Prof. Latin and Greek, Western Reserve, 1861- 71. Secretary of Agriculture, Ohio, 1880—86. Licensed and or- dained by Congregational Council, Columbus, Ohio. 1886. Pres- ident. Iowa State College of Agriculture, 1886-90. Associate Editor, "Ohio Farmer," 1891-1908. Associate Editor, "Na- tional Stockman and Farmer," 1908- . Member, Board of Control, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. ♦Alexander Johnston, A.B. (Rutgers, 1870). 1887. A.M. Charles Calvin Sti:mets, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Highgate, Vermont, Dec. 10. 1850. Oswego (N. Y.) Normal College, 1872. Principal, Hasbrouck Institute, 1876- 1912. 364 EUTGEKS COLLEGE. D.D. * William IIickmax Smith Auhrey, Croydon, England. Born in London, England, Dec. 9, 1858. D.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1881). Clergyman, Cliuxch of England. Author and journalist. Writer on History and Economics. Died, Feb. 10, 1916. *Charles Winson Fritts, A.B. (Rutgers, 1862). *Jared Waterbury Scudder (also A.M., 1853). 1888. D.D. Geaham Taylok (also LL.D., 1016), A.B. (Rutgers, 1870) LL.D, 'Henry Weller Bookstaver, A.B. (Rutgers, 1859). Oliver Turnbull Crane. A.B. (Yale, 1879). Eugene Hoffman Porter, Born at Ghent, N. Y. 1889. A.M. New York City. Aug. 7, 1856. Cornell Univ. M.D. (Homoeopathic Med. Coll.. 1885). Dr. P.H. (Syracuse, 1912). Physician. Editor-in-Chief North American Journal of Homoeo- pathy, 1902. Prof. Physiological Materia Medica, N. Y. Homoeo- pathic College. N. Y. State Commissioner of Health, 1905-14. *Henry Genet Taylor, • Camden, N. J. Born near Troy, N. Y., July 6, 1837. M.D. (Univ. Penn., 1860). Physician. Assistant Surgeon, 8th N. J. Regiment, 1861. Bri- gade Surgeon, 3d Army Corps. Resigned 1864. President N. J. State Medical Society, 1889. Died, Jan. 14, 1916. *Peter Garretson Wyckoff, Elizabeth, N. J. Born at Millstone. N. J., May 13, 1837. Principal of school. Died, March 5, 1905. D.D. *WiLLiAM Sutherland Swanson, London, England. Missionary at Amoy. Secretary Foreign Missions English Pres- byterian Church. Died, Nov. 24, 1893. Nathaniel Hixon Van Arsdale, A.B. (Rutgers, 1862). *Christian Van Ded Veen, A.B. (Rutgers, 1858). L.H.D. *Emilio Comba, Florence, Italy. Prof. Waldensian Theological College. Author. "History of the Waldenses in Italy." Died, Sept. 1, 1904. HONORAKY DEGREES. 365 Albert Stanburrough Cook (also LL.D., 1906) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872). John Charlpjs A^an Dyke, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Brunswick. N, J.. Apr. 21, 1856. Librarian Sage Library, N B, Sem.. 1878- . Lecturer on Modern Art, Rutgers, 1889-91. Prof. History of Art, 1891- . Writer and Lecturer on Alt. Author, Books On Art, etc. LL.D. 'William Walter Phelps, Teaneck, N. Born in New York City, Aug. 24. 1839. A.B. (Yale, 1860). A.M. (Yale, 1863). LL.B. (Columbia. 1863). LL.D. (Yale, 1890). Lawyer. Member Congress, 1873-75. 1883-89. U. S. Minister to Austria. 1881-82. U. S. Minister to Germany, 1889-93. Judge N. J. Court of Errors and Appeals, 1893-94. Died, June 16, 1894. 1890. Ph.D. * James CorrER Bayles, New York City. Born in New York Citv, July 3, 1845. Editor. "Iron Age," 1870-89. President. Health Department, New York. 1888. In- vestigator in Electro-Metallurgy. Microscopic Analysis of Metals, Sanitation and Mechanical Hygiene. Died, May 7, 1913. D.D. *JoHN Henry Salisbury, A.B. (Rutgers, 1875). Ferdinand Schureman Schenck (also LL.D., 1906), New l^runswick, N. J. Born at Plattekill. N. Y.. Aug. 6, 1845. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1865). Albany LaAv School, 1867. N. B. Sem., 1872. Clergyman, R. C. A. ' Prof. Practical Theology, N. B. Sem., 1899- . President, General Synod, 1892. Author. L.H.D. Theodore Whitefield Hunt, Princeton, N. J. Born at Metuchen, N. J., Feb. 19, 1844. A.B. (Princeton, 1865). Ph.D. (Lafayette, 1880). Princeton Sem.. 1869. Prof. English Language and Literature, Princeton, 1873- . Writer on English Literature. ♦Cornelius Van Aixen Van Dyck.. Bey rout, Syria. Born at Kinderhook. N. Y.." Aug. 13. 1818. M.D. (Jefferson Med. Coll., 1839). LL.D. in absentia (Edinburgh, 1892). Cong'l Missionary in Syria. 1839-95. Translator of the Bible into Arabic. 1864. Prof. Chemistry and Pathology. Syrian Protestant College. Prof. Astronomy. Died. Nov. 13, 1895. LL.D. *Glorge Junkin, Philadelphia, Pa. A.B. (Miami Univ.. 1842). Lawyer. Director Princeton Theo- logical Seminary, 1869-1901. Died, Apr. 10, 1902. 366 RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1891. Ph.D. *George Duryee Hulst, A.B. (Rutgers, 1866). Anthony Woodward, Monsey, N. Y. Librarian American Museum of Natural History. 1876-1904. Specialist in Fossil Foraminifera. Curator of Department of Maps and Charts, 1904- . D.Sc. *JoHN C. Cruikshank (also A.M., 1887). *JoHN Berniiard Smith, New Brunswick, N. J. Born' in New York City, Nov. 21, 1858. Prof. Entomology, Rutgers, 1889-1912. Entomologist, N. J. Agricultural Exper- iment Station, 1889-1912. State Entomologist, New Jersey, 1898-1912. Writer on Entomology and Member of many scien- tific societies. Died. Mch. 12, 1912. D.D. Isaac Peterson Beokaw, A.B. (Rutgers, 1866) ♦Charles Isaac ^HEPARn, A.B. (Rutgers, 1850) L.H.D. ♦George Buckham, A.B. (Rutgers, 1832) George Moritz Wahl (also A.M., 1881). LL.D. ♦Alexander Tagg.\rt McGtll, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Allegheny City. Penn.. Oct. 20, 1843. A.B. (Coll. N. J.. 1864). A.M. (Coll. N. J.. 1867). LL.B. (Columbia, 1867). LL.D. (Coll. N. J., 1891). Member N. J. Assembly, 1874-75. Prosecutor of Pleas, Hudson county, 1878-83. Judge Court of Common Pleas, Hudson county, 1883-87. Chancellor of the State of New Jersey, 1887-1900. Died, April 21. 1900. ♦Abbahaai V. Van Fleet. Flemington, N. J. Born in Hunterdon county, N. J., about 1825. LL.D. (Lafayette, 1880, and Princeton, 1894). Lawyer. Vice Chancellor of the State of New Jersey, 1875-94. Died, Dec. 25, 1904. 1892. A.M. ♦Edward Els worth, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born in New York City, Jan. 6, 1840. LL.B. (State and National Law School, 1858). Banker. Lawyer. Mavor, Poughkeepsie. 1887-89, 1891-92. Trustee, Vassar, 1892- . Treasurer, do., 1899- . Died, Feb. 2, 1911. HONORAEY DEGREES. 367 Ph.D. John Milton Bigelow, Albany, N. Y. Born at Albany, N. Y., Aug. 22. 1846. A.B. (Williams, 1866). A.M. (Williams. 1869). M.D. (Coll. P. and S. 1869). Hon. M.D. (Albany Med. Coll.. 1870). Prof. Materia Medica and Therapeutics and Diseases of Throat and Nose, Albany Med. Coll.. 1870-1900. Emeritus. 1900- . Eliot Rolertson Payson, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at New Hartford. N. Y.. Feb. 24, 1846. A.B. (Hamilton, 1869). A.M. (Hamilton. 1872). Head Master. Rutgers Prepara- tory School. 1891-1908. Prof. History and Art of Teaching, Rutgers,^ 1893-1908. Prof. History of Teaching and Associate Prof. German Lang, and Lit.. 1908- . D.D. John Knox Allen. Joseph Rankin Duryee, * Charles Hubbard Pool, James Foksyth Riggs, Born at Smyrna, Turkey, Oct. 4, 1852. Union Sem., 1878. Presb. clergyman. Pastor. Brick Presb. Church. 1898- . Prof Hellenistic Greek and New Testament Exegesis, N. B. Sem., 1892-98. James Wells, Glasgow, Scotland. Author, "Christ and the Heroes of Heathendom," etc. A.B. (Rutgers, 1865). A.B. (Rutgers, 1874). A.B. (Rutgers, 1863). East Orange, N. J. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1872), L.H.D. Henry Pitt Warren:, Albany, N. Y. Born at Windham, Maine, Mch. 21. 1846. A.B. (Yale, 1870). L.H.D. (Williams, 1908). Principal of the Albany Academy, 1886- . LL.D, *David D. Demarest. A.B. (Hutgers, 1837). 1893. Charles Leavitt P^dgar, A.B. (Rutgers, 1882), Ph.D. ^Nelson Haas, (also A.M., 1877^. Edgar Solomon Situmway, Brooklyn, N. Y, Born at Belchertown, Mass., June 6, 1856. A.B. (Amherst, 1879). A.M. (Amherst, 1882). Ad.1unct Prof. Latin. Rutgers. 1883-85. Prof. Latin Language and Literature. 1885-1900. Lecturer on Roman Law. Univ. Penn., 1900-04. Head of Class- ical Department. Manual Training High School, Brooklyn, , 1904- . 368 RUTGERS COLLEGE. D.D. * James Le Fevee, A.B. (Rutgers, 1854). *Ojren Root, Clinton, N. Y. Born at Syracuse, N. Y., May 18, 1838. A.B. (Hamilton, 1856). L.H.D. (Union, 1895).' LL.D. (Upper Iowa Univ.). Clergyman, R. C. A. Professor Mathematics. Hamilton, 1881- 1907. President, Pritchett College, Glasgow, Mo., 1873-76. Died, Aug. 27, 1907. John Pkeston Searle, A.B. (Rutgers, 1875). *E[ENKY Stout, A.B. (Rutgers, 18()5). Paul Frederick Sutphen, A.B. (Rutgers, 1876). Theodore Wyckoff Welles, A.B. (Rutgers, 1862). L.H.D. *Lemuel Carrington Mygatt, New York City. A.B. (Williams, 1870). A.M. (Williams, 1887). Principal and Head Master Coilegiate Grammar School, 1887-1910. Died, July 23, 1910. LL.D. * Henry Rutgers Baldwin. *Edware Benton Coe (also D.D., 1881). A.B. (Rutgers, 1849), 1894. A.M. 'WiLLiAAE Mershon Lanning, Trenton, N. J. Born in Mercer county, N. J., .Tan. 1. 1849. A.M. (Princeton, 1903). LL.D. (Washington and Jefferson. 1908, and Princeton, 1910). Lawyer. Judge, District Court. Trenton. 1887-91. Member, Congress, 1903-04. Judge, U. S. District Court, 1904- 09. Judge. U. S. Circuit Court, 1909-12. Director and Trus- tee, Princeton Theological Seminary. Died, Feb. 16, 1912. Ph.D. Henry White Callahan. Brooklyn, N. Y. Born at Oxford. N. Y.. Apr. 1.5, 1856. A.B. (Hamilton, 1878). A.M. (Hamilton, 1881). Teacher. Head Master, Berkeley In, stitute, 1909- . D.D. Hfnry Elias Dosker, Louisville, Ka Born at Bunschoten, Netherlands, Feb. 5, 1855. A.B. (Hope, 1876). McCoxmick Sem., 1879. LL.D. (Central Uniy., Ky., 1905). Presb. clergyman. Prof. Church History, Western Sem., Holland. Mich., 1894-1903. Prof. Church History, Louis- ville Sem., 1903- . New Brunswick, N. J. Dec. 14, 1842. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1862). Presb. clergyman. Pastor First Presby- WiLLiAM White Knox, Born at Utica, N. Y. Princeton Sem., 1866 terian Church. Alexander Mackenzie, Philetus Theolore Pockman, Nairn,. Scotland. A.B. ((Rutgers, 1875). HOl^ORAKY DEGREES. 369 LL.D. *Gerrit John Jvollen, Holland, Mich; Born in Province of Overijssel, Netherlands. Aug. 9. 1843. A.B. (Hope, 1868). A.M. (Hope, 1871). Assistant Prof. Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy, Hope, 1871-78. Prof. Applied Mathematics and Political Economy, 1878-93. President of Hope College, 1893-1911. Emeritus. 1911-15. Died, Sept. 5, 1915. *Henry Anselm Scomp, Parksville, Ky. Born near Danville, Ky., Dec. 20. 1843. A.B. (Centre College, K.V., 1864). A.M. (Centre Coll., 1867). Ph.D. (Harriman Coll., Tenn.). President Beech Grove College, Tenn., three years. Studied in Germany and Greece, 1871—73. Prof. Greek and Hebrew. Emory College, Georgia. 1876-94. Vice Chancelloi", A. T. Univ. Tenn., 1895-1900. Died, July 20, 1913. James Mo?: roe Taylor, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1848. A.B. (Univ. Rochester, 1868). Rochester Sem. D.D. (Rochester. 1886; Yale, 1901). LL.D. (Smith. 1913). Prof. Ethics and President, Vassar Col- lege, 1886-1914. 1895. A.M. Maximioax Krkssensteix Kress, New York City, Martin Nevius AVyckoff, D.Sc. A.B. (Rutgers, 1872). D.D. *D0NAL» Sage Mackay, New York City. Born at Glasgow, Scotland. Nov. 20, 1863. Univ. Glasgow, 1889. LL.D. (Hope). Clergyman. R. C. A. Pastor, Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas. 1899-1908. President, General Synod, 1906. Died, Aug. 27, 1908. Edward Griffin Read, Plainfield, N. J. Born at Sharon, Conn., Not. 3, 1844. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1861). A.M. (Coll. N. J., 1864). Princeton Sem., 1865. Clergyman, R. C. A. * George Craig Lttdlow, LL.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1850). * Edward Flller Brooks, Leonor Fresnel Loree, 1896. C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1872) B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1877), Edward Payson Johnson. D.D. New B-'unswick, N. J. Born at Peru. Ind., Jan. 26. 1850. A.B. (Wabash College, Craw- .fordsville, Ind., 1871). Auburn Sem., 1875. Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof. Ecclesiastical History and Church Government, N, B. Sem., 1906- . 24 370 RUTGERS COLLEGE. ♦John Scudder, A.B. (Rutgers, 1857). ♦Edward G. Seldex, Albany, N. Y. Born at Hadlyme. Conn., Juno 9. 1847. A.B. (Yale, 1870). Andover Sem., 1873. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, June 2, 1904. ♦Daniel Van Pelt, Astoria, N. Y. Born at Schiedam, Netherlands, Oct. 10, 1853. Coll., City of N. Y., 1874. N. B. Sem., 1877. Clergyman, R. C. A. Author, "History of Greater New York." Died, Oct. 23, 1900. LL.D. ♦James Burkill Angell, Ann Arbor, Mich. Born at Scituate, R. I., Jan. 7. 1829. A.B. (Brown, 1849). A.M. (Brown. 1853). LL.D. (Brown, 1868: Columbia, 1887; Princeton, 1896 ; Yale, 1901 : Johns Hopkins, 1902 ; Univ. Wisconsin. 1904 : Univ. Vermont. 1904 : Harvard, 1905 ; Dart- mouth. 1909 : Miami, 1911 ; Univ. Mich.. 1912 : Pekin Univ., 1913). President, Univ. Vermont. 1866-71. President, Univ. Michigan. 1871-1909. U. S. Minister to China, 1880-81. Writer on International Law. Died, Apr. 2, 1916. John \Yilliam Griggs, Paterson, N. J. Born at Newton, N. J.. July 10, 1849. A.B. (Lafayette. 1868). LL.D. (Princeton. 1896; Yale. 1899). N. J. State Senator, 1882-88. President, N. J. Senate, 1886. Governor of New Jersey, 1896-98. Attorney-General of the United States. 1898- 1901. Member of the Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration, 1901- . ♦Garret Augustus Hobart, A.B. (Rutgers, 1863). 1897. A.M. William Charles Franklin, North Syracuse, N. Y. Born at North Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 29, 1860. Albany Normal School, 1880. Superintendent of Schools, Oneonta, N. Y., 1895- 1906. LL.D. Foster McGowan Voorhees, A.B. (Rutgers, 1876). 1898. D.D. Lewis Francis, ^ New Y'^ork City. Born at Royalton, Vermont, Sept. 14. 1836. A.B. (Univ. Ver- mont, 1856). Andover Sem., 1860. Clergyman. R. C. A. John Hamilton Gillespie, A.B. (Rutgers, 1882). ♦John Harmen Karsten, A.B. (Rutgers, 1860). LL.D. ♦Edward Gamaliel Janeway, A.B. (Rutgers, 1860). HONOKAKY DEGKEES. 371 1899. D.D. John Douglas Adam, Hartford, Conn, Born at Falkirk, Scotland, Aug. 23, 1866. Edinburgh Univ. and Divinity School, 1886-90. Presb. clergyman. Professor, Hartford Theol. Sem. Peter Houston Milliken, A.B. (Rutgers, 1876). John Howard Raven, A.B. (Rutgers, 1891). 'John Henry Wyckoff, A.B. (Rutgers, 1871). William Elliot Griffis, L.H.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1869). LL.D. Gilbert Collins, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Stonington, Conn., Aug. 26, 1846. Lawyer. Mayor, Jersey City, 1884-86. Justice, Supreme Court, New Jersey, 1897-1903. 'Job Hilliard Lippincott, Jersey City, N. J. LL.B. (Harvard, 1865). Lawyer. Justice, Supreme Court, New Jersey. Died, 1900. William Milligan Sloane, Princeton, N. J. Bom at Richmond, Ohio, Nov. 12^1850. A.B. (Columbia, 1868). Ph.D. (Leipzig, 1876). L.H.f). (Columbia, 1884). A.M. (Princeton, 1896). LL.D. (Princeton, 1903). Prof., Princeton Univ., 1876-96. Prof. History, Columbia, 1896- . Author of works on history. 1900. A.M. Walter Lester Carr, New York City. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 21, 1859. M.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1882). Physician. Conti'ibutor to medical literature. Presi- dent. Medical Society, county of N. Y., 1907. Editor of the Archives of Pediatrics and the Practice of Pediatrics. C.E. Charles Ferdinand Berger. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1894). 'William Henry De Hart, Oliver Harris Walser, D.D. A.B. (Rutgers, A.B. (Rutgers, 1865). 1875). Litt.D. *Martin Luther D'Ooge, Ann Arbor, Mich. Born at Zonnemaire. Netherlands, July 17, 1839. A.B. (Univ. Mich., 1862). LL.D. (Univ. Mich. 1889). Ph.D. (Leipzig, 1873). Cong, clergyman. Professor, Greek, Univ. Mich., 1873- 1915. Director. American School of Classical Studies. Athens, 1886-87. President, American Philological Association, 1884. Died, Sept. 12, 1915. 372 EUTGEBS COLLEGE. LL.D. ICHIZO Hattori, Alfred Reed, 1901. D.D. Henry Evertson Cobb, William Henry Steele Demarest, *Philip Melancttion Doolittle, Born at Springfield, N. J., Jan. 20, 1831. N. B. Sem., 1856. Clergyman, R. C. A. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1875). Rutgers, 1862. A.B. (Rutgers, 1884). A.B. (Rutgers, 1883). North Branch, N. J. A.B. (Union, 1852). Died, Oct. 25, 1906. LL.D. Ltjther Laflin Kellogg, A.B. (Rutgers, 1870), 1902, D.D. (Rutgers, 1879). Tokio, Japan. Meiji Gakuin, Isaac William Gowen, A.B Kajinosuke Ibuka, A.M. (Princeton, 1887). President of the 1891- . Three times President of Synod of Church of Christ in Japan. Graduate in Theology, MeijI Gakuin, 1879. Edgar Tilton, Jr., New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1865. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1886). N. B. Sem., 1889. Clergyman, R. C. A. Pastor Harlem Collegiate Church, 1898- . L.H.D. Chelsea, Mass. *Benjamin Carlisle Gregory, A.B. (Coll. City N. Y., 1868). Supervising Principal, Trenton, N. J., 1888-1902. Supervising Principal, Chelsea, Mass., 1902- 10. Died, July, 1910. LL.D. Tracy Peck, Rome, Italy. (Yale, 1861). Born at Bristol, Conn., May 24, 1838. A.B A.M. (Yale, 1864). Prof. Latin, Cornell, 1871-80. Prof. Latin, Yale, 1880-1908. Emeritus, 1908- . President, American Philological Ass'n, 1885-86. Director American School of Classical Studies at Rome, 1898-99. Editor of a series of Latin authors. John Conover Smock, ♦Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, WooDRow Wilson, Born at Staunton, Va., Dec. 28 A.M. (Princeton, 1882). Ph.D. (Wake Forrest. 1887 : Tulane Univ. Penn., 1903 ; Brown, 1903 1908; Dartmouth. 1909). Litt.D, A.B. (Rutgers, 1862). A.B. (Rutgers, 1862). Washington, D. C 1856. A.B. (Princeton, 1879). (Johns Hopkins. 1886). LL.D. 1898 : Johns Hopkins, 1901 ; Harvard. 1907 : Williams, (Yale, 1901). Prof. Juris- prudence and Politics, Princeton, 1890-1910. President, Prince- ton Univ., 1902-10. Governor of New Jersey, 1911-13. Presi- dent of the United States, 1913- . Historian. HOXOEAKY DEGEEES. 373 1903. A.M. =Ralph Yoorhees, Donor af the Vooihees Library. Lewis Caldwell Wooley, Principal of School, 1868- . Died, April 1, 1907. Clinton, N. J. Trenton, N. J. George William Kueh^nle, C.E. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1876). D.Sc. Joseph Lawrence Hills, Burlington, Vt. Born at Boston, Mass.. Mch. 2. 1861. B.Sc. (Boston Univ., 1881). Mass. Agri. Coll.. 1881-84. Prof. Agricultural Chem- istry, Univ. Vermont. 1893- . Dean, Agricultural Department, Univ. Vermont, 1898- . D.D. JoiiN Tallmadge Bergen, Philip Henry Cole, Born at Rhinebock. N. Y., Dec. 27, 1864. Union Sem., 1888-89. Presb. clergyman. lish, Union, 1889-95. Trustee, Union, First Presb. Church, 1907- . William Stockton Cranmek, John IIendrik de Vries, A.B. (Rutgers, 1883). Rome, N. Y. A.B. (Union. 1888). Assistant Prof. Eng- 1898-1906. Pastor, A.B. (Rutgers, 1882). A.B. (Rutgers, 1881). Henry Rutgers Marshall. L.H.D. New York City. Born in New York City. Julv 22, 1852. A.B. (Columbia. 1873). A.M. (Columbia, 1875). D.Sc. (Hobart, 1910). Architect. Writer on aesthetics. LL.D. Alphonso Trumbour Clearwater, Kingston, N. Y. Born at West Point. N. Y.. Sept. 11, 1848. Lawyer. District Attorney. Ulster county, 1877-86. County Judge, 1889-98. .Justice. Supreme Court. Delegate at Large to Constitutional Convention. N. Y. State, 1915. President, N. Y. State Bar As- sociation. Member. N. Y. State Niagara Reservation Commis- sion, 1916- . Trustee, Rutgers, 1904- . Charles Norman Elltnwood. San Francisco, Cal. Born at Cambridge. Vermont, Apr. 12. 1834. M.D. (Rush Med. Coll.. 1858). Regent, Univ. California, 1901-11. Prof. Physi- ology, Cooper Med. Coll., from 1867. Later, Prof. Clinical Surgerv. President, Cooper Med. Coll, (now part of Stanford Univ.); 1902-08. 1904. D.D. AsHER Anderson. 'Alfred Howard Demarest. WiLLIA.M PlERSON MERRILL, A.B. (Rutgers, 1870), A.B. (Rutgers, 1879), A.B. (Rutgers, 1887), 374 RUTGERS COLLEGE. LL.D. Richard Vliei Lindabury, Born at Peapack, N. J., Oct. 13, 1850. Lawyer, portant corporations. Newark, N. J. Counsel of im- 1905. A.M. ♦Charles J. Baxter. Born at Glenwood, N. J., Nov. 8, 1841. Teacher perintendent of Education, New Jersey, 1896-1911. geant, 27tli N. J. Vols., in Civil War -- - - *James Anderson Beattie, Trenton, N. J. State Su- First Ser- Died, Dec. 29, 1915. Chittoor, India. Born at Westerkirk, Scotland. 1861. Univ. Glasgow, 1885. Princeton Sem., 1889. Missionary, R. C. A., 1894-1915. Drowned in "Lusitania," May""?, 1915. John Edward Hill. D.Sc. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1884) D.D. William Bancroft Hill, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born at Colebrook, N. H., Feb. 17", 1857. A.B. (Harvard. 1879). Union Sem., 1886. Clergyman, R. C. A. Prof. English Bible, Vassar. Trustee, Rutgers, 1912- , ^Herman Vanderwart, Born at Arnheim, Netherlands, Sept. 9, 1852. 1873). N^B. Sem., 1876. Clergyman, R. C. A. 1910. Cornelius Woelfkin, Both in New York City, Sept. 15, 1859. D.D. (Univ. Rochester, 1906). LL.D. (Denison, 1912). Litt.D. (Franklin and Mar- shall, 1913). Baptist clergyman. Prof. Homiletics,. Rochester Sem., 1906-12. Lecturer on Homiletics, Univ. Chicago, 1908- 09. Author. Pastor, Fifth Ave. Baptist Church, 1912- . Hackensack, N. J. A.B. (Hope, Died, Jan. 6, New York Ciij'. LL.D. *Edward Albert Bowser (also C.E., 1873). * William Horace Corbin, " Elizabeth, N. J. Born at McDonough, N. Y., July 12, 1851. Cornell Univ. LL.B. (Columbia. 1872). Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly, 1885-86. Author, "New Jersey Corporation Law," "Coxbin's Forms." Died, Sept. 25, 1912. *Amzi Dodd, Bloomfield, N. J. Born at Bloomfield, N. J., Mch. 2, 1823. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1841). Lawyer. Member, N. J. Assembly. 1863. Vice Chan- cellor of New Jersey, 1871-75, 1881-82. Special Judge, Court of Errors and Appeals, 1872-82. President, Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co., 1882-1902. Died, Jan. 22, 1913. Sadatstjchi UcHiDA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Born in Kokura, Japan. Jan., 1866. Graduate o.f Law College, Imperial Univ., Tokio, 1890. Consul-General of Japan at New Y^oTk, 1897. Charge D'Affaires, Brazil. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Brazil. HONORAEY DEGREES. 375 Robert Andersox Meeker, 1906. C.E. B.Se. (Rutgers, 1875), D.D. James Hamilton Ballagh, A.B. (Rutgers, 1857). *Henry Ward, Closter, N. J. Born at Guilderland Centre, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1838. A.B. (Union, 1864). N. B. Sem., 1867. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, Sept. 19, 1915. L.H.D. *James Garretson Sutphen, A.B. (Rutgers, 1875). LL.D. Albert Staxburrough Cook (also L.II.D., 1889). Ferdinand Schureman Schenck (also D.D., 1890). 1907. A.M. New York City. Born at Wliitefield. N. H., Nov. 11, 1856. M.D. (Homoeopathic Med. Coll.. 1876). Adjunct Prof. Anatomy, HomcEopathic Med. Coll., 1880-82. Prof. Genito-Urinary Surgery, 1902-10. Prof. Medical Ethics and Clinical Urology. 1910-14. Writer on Genito-Urinary Disease^. Died, Oct. 22, 1914. *Bukk G. Carleton, D.Sc. Alfred ^^exander Titswortii, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1877), D.D. Christopiieb Grant Hazard, Born at Newport. R. I., May 9, 1852. tor, Christ's Presbyterian Church. "Jeremiah Searle, Catskill, Presb. clergyman. Pas- N. Y. A.B. (Rutgers, 1855), LL.D. John Walter Beardslee (also D.D., 1884). Edward Casper Stokes, Born in Philadelphia, Dec. 22. 1860. A.B Trentou, N. J. (Brown, 1883). Pres. Mechanic's National Bank. N. J. State Senator. 1892- 1901. President Senate, 1895. Governor of New Jersey, 1905- 1908. Willi AAr Henry Vredentjurcit. A.B. (Rutgers, 1859). 376 EUTGERS COLLEGE. WiLLiAAr Shields Myers, 1908. D.Sc. B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1889), Joseph Frederic Berg, ♦Walter Clark Roe. D.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1892). Colony, Okl. Born, Mch. 18, 1860. A.B. (Williams. 1881). A.M. (Williams, 1884). Clergyman, R. C. A. Domestic Missionary. Died, Mch. 12, 1913. Nathan Adolphus Seaglf, New York City Born at Rutherfordton, N. C, Dec. 24, 1868. A.B. (Univ. N. Y.. 1899). General Theol. Sem.. 1894. Episc. clergyman. Rector, St. Stephens Parish. New York, 190O- . Litt.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1S7S) LL.D. A.B. (Rutg?rs. 1806) 1909. A.M. Louis Bevier, John McReynolds Gaijt, ♦Charles Wesley Burrowes, Albany, N. Y, Born in New York City, Aug. 30, 18.59. Clergyman, R. C. A. Died, May 28, 1914. William Carr, New York City. Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Aug. 12, 1842. Dentist. N. Y. Coll. Dentistry, 1869. M.D. (Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1873). Charles Edward Pattigon, E.E. A.B. (Rutgers, 1S84) D.D. George Louis Curtiss, Bloomfiold. N. J. Born at Adrian, Mich., May 21, 1855. A.B. (Yale, 1878). Union Sem., 1892. Presb. clergyman. James Shepard Kittell, Albany, N. Y. Born at Hamilton, Ont., Canada, Mch. 17, 1873. Clergyman, R. C. A. Western Sem., Allegheny, Pa., 1899. President, Gen- eral Synod, R. C. A., 1914. LL.D. East Orange, N. J. John Franklin Fort, Born at Pemberton, N. .7.. Mch. 20. 1852. LL.B. (Albany Law School. 1872). LL.D. (Dickinson. 1908: Union. 1908: Soton Hall. 1908 : Middlebury, 1909 : Univ. N. Y., 1909 : Lafayette. 1910). Lawyer. Judge. Common Pleas. Essex county, N. .7.. 1896-1900. .lustice, Supreme Court, New Jersey, 1900-07. Governor of New Jersey, 1908-11. ♦George Washington: Hill (also Ph.D., 1873). HONOEAEY DEGKEES. 377 1910. D.Sc. *Egbert Le Fevke, A.B. (Rutgers, 1880). Francis Cuylek Van Dyck (also LL.D., 1915), A.B. (Rutgers, 1865). D.D. John Frederick Btjtterworth , Summit, N. J. Born in New York City, Nov. 30, 1844. A.B. (Columbia, 1864). A.M. (Columbia, 1867). General Theol. Sem.. 1867. Episc. clergyman. Compiler of hymns and writer on Art. Arthur Johnson, Hackensack, N. J. Born at Newark, N. J., July 22, 1848. A.B. (Coll. N. J., 1872). Union Sem. 1875. Clergyman, R. C. A. Joseph Addison .Tones, Albany, N. Y. Born at Liverpool, England, June 1,»1873. A.B. (Princeton, 1900). Auburn Sem.. 1903. Clergyman, R. C. A. LL.D. Baron Dairoku Kikuchi, Kyoto, Japan. Born, 1855. Studied at Univ. Cambridge, 1870-77. Prat Mathematics. Imperial Univ. Tok.vo. Later Vice-Minister of Education. Then, President; Imperial Univ. Tokyo. Then, Min- ister of Education, 1901-03. Made Baron, 1902. Charles Alexander Richmond, Schenectady, N. Y. Bom in New York City, Jan. 7, 1862. A.B. (Princeton, 1883). Princeton Sem., 1888. D.D. (Hamilton. 1904). LL.D. (Univ. N. Y., 1910). Presb. clergyman. President, Union College, and Chancellor, Union University, 1909- . ♦WiLLAiJD Penfield Vook'iees, A.B. (Rutgers, 1871). Joseph Appleton Van Mater. 1911. M.E. A.B. (Rutgers, 1880), D.D. Flushing, N. Y. Born at Sewickley. Penn.. Nov. 18. 1867. A.B. (Monmouth Coll., Ind., 1888). Princeton Sem., 1891. Clergyman, R. C. A. Thomas Hanna Mackenzie, Litt.D. *Edward Tanjore Corwin (also D.D., 1872). William Dawson Johnston, New York City. Born at Essex Center, Vermont, June 11, 1871. A.B. (Brown, 1893). A.M. (Harvard, 1898). Instructor, History, Univ. Mich., 1894-97. Do.. Brown, 1899-1900. Librarian, Columbia Univ., 1909- . 3T8 KUTGERS COLLEGE. LL.D. Edgar Fahs Smith, Philadelphia, Penn. Born at York, Penn., May 23, 185G. B.S. (Penn. Coll., 1874). Ph.D. (Gottingen, 1876). Sc.D^ (Univ. Penn., 1899). LL.D. (Wisconsin, 1904; Penn. Coll., 1906; Franklin and Marshall, 1910 ; Univ. Pittsburgh, 1912 ; Univ. North Carolina, 1912 ; Princeton, 1913). L.H.D. (Muhlenburg, 1911). Sc.D. (Univ. Dublin, Ireland, 1912). Instructor, Chemistry, Univ. Penn., 1876-81. Professor, Chemistry, Muhienburg, 1881-83. Do., Wittenberg, 1883-88. Do., Univ. Penn., 1888-1911. Vice Pro- vost, Univ. Penn., 1899-1911. Provost, do., 1911- . Francis Joseph Swayze, Newark, N. J. Born at Newton, N. J., May 15, 1861. A.B. (Harvard, 1879). A.M. (Harvard. 1880), Lawyer. Justice, Supreme Court, New Jersey, 1903- . John Bog art, 1912. D.Sc. A.B. (Rutgers, 1853) D.D. William Isaac Chamberlain, William Rivers Taylor, A.B. (Rutgers, 1882), A.B. (Rutgers, 1876), Litt.D. Calvin No yes Kendall. Trenton, N, J. Born at Au^sta, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1858. A.B. (Hamilton, 1882).' A.M. (Yale, 1900, and Univ. Mich, 1909). Litt.D. (Hamilton, 1911). LL.D. (Unir. N. Y., 1913). Teacher. Superintendent of Schools. Commissioner of Education, New Jersey, 1911- . Thomas Tileston Wells, New York City. BoTn in New York City, Sept. 12, 1865. LL.B. (Columbia, 1888). Officier d'Academie, 1907. Knight of Legion of Honour, , France, 1910. Received the Cross in Gold from King of Greece as officer and Knight of the Royal Order of the Redeemer, 1914. Lawyer. LL.D. Mahlon Pitney, Morristown, N. J. Born at Morristown, N. J., Feb. 5, 1858. A.B. (Princeton, 1879). A.M. (Princeton, 1882). LL.D. (Princeton, 1908). Lawyer. Member, Congress, 1895-99. President, N. J. Sen- ate, 1901. Justice, Supreme Court, N. J., 1901-08. Chancellor of New Jersey, 1908-12. Justice, Supreme Court, U. S. A., 1912- . John Grier HniBEN, Princeton, N. J Born at Peoria, 111., Apr. 19, 1861. A.B. (Princeton, 1882). A.M. (Princeton, 1885). Ph.D. (Princeton, 1893). LL.D. (Laifayette, 1907). Princeton Sem., 1886. Presb. clergyman. Instructor, Logic, Princeton, 1891-92. Instructor, Logic and Psychology, do., 1892-94. Assistant Professor. Logic, do., 1894-97. Professor, Logic, do., 1897-1912. President, Prince- ton University, 1912- . HONOKAKY DEGKEES. 379 1913. A.M. *JosEPH Brognard Betts, Trenton, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., May 3, 1851. Secretary to Governor Bedle of New Jersey, 1875-78. Assistant Commissioner of Education of New Jersey, 1878-1915. Died, Apr. 22, 1915. Frederic Remsen Hutton, D.Sc. New York City. Born in New York City, May 28. 1853. A.B. (Columbia, 1873). A.M. (Columbia, 1876). E.M. (Columbia, 1876). C.E. (Colum- bia, 1876). Ph.D. (Columbia, 1881). Sc.D. (Columbia, 1904). Instructor, Mechanical Engineering, Columbia, 1877-82. Ad- junct Professor, do.. 1882-91. Professor, do., 1891-1907. Emeritus, 1907- . Dean Faculty, Applied Science, do., 1899- 1905. Richard Augustus Pearse, John Brownlee Voorhees, D.D. A.B. (Rutgers, 1870) A.B. (Rutgers, 1896) LL.D. Elmer Ellsworth Brown, New York City. Born at Kiantone, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1861. A.B. (Univ. Mich., 1889). Ph.D. (Halle. 1890). LL.D. (Columbia. 1907; Wes- leyan. 1909; George Washington, 1911). Acting Assistant Pro- fessor, Science and Art of Teaching, Univ. Mich., 1891-92. Associate Professor, do., 1892-93. Professor, do.. 1893-1906. U. S. Commissioner of Education, 1906-11. Chancellor, Univ. N. Y., 1911- . Frederick Frelinghuysen, A.B. (Rutgers, 1868). *JoHN Fryer Mesick (also D.D., 1853). 1914. M.E. John Van Nostrand Dorr, B.Sc. (Rutgers, 1894), D.Sc. Frederick Alexander ("anfield, A.B. (Rutgers, 1870), D.D. William Patekson Bruce, Alexander MacColl, A.B. (Rutgers, 1884). Philadelphia, Penn. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Dec. 27, 1866. Studied at Univ. Glasgow. Presb. clergyman. Author oi "A Working Theology." 380 EUTGEKS COLLEGE. LL.D, James Fairman Fielder, Jersey City, N. J. Born at Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 26, 1867. LL.B. (Columbia, 1887). Lawyer. Member, Assembly, N. J., 1903-04. State Senator, N. J., 1907-13. President, Senate, N. J., 1912-13. Governor of New Jersey, 1913- . Alexander CiIOmbie Humphreys, New York City. Born at Edinburgh, Scotland, Mch. 30, 1851. M.E. (Stevens Institute. 1881). Sc.D. (Univ. Penn., 1903). LL.D. (Columbia, 1903; Univ. N. Y., 1906 ; Princeton, 1907). President, Stevens Institute. 1902- . Austin Scott, New Brunswick, N. J. President, Rutgers, 1891-1906. 1915. A.M. Jerome Davis Gpeene, New York City. Born at Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 12. 1874. A.B. (Harvard, 1896). Secretary, Harvard University and Member of Faculty of Arts and Sciences. 1905-11. General Manager and Treasurer, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. 1910-12. Trustee and Secretary, Rockefeller Foundation, 1913- . E. Alfred Jones, London. England. Born at lilanfyllin, Wales. 1872. Univ. Cambridge. Antiquarian. Author of books on gold and silver plate. C.E. Grinfill Harrison B. English, Rutgers, 1895. Walter Farrington Wells, E.E. Rutgers, 1892. D.D. Jasper Samuel Hogan, Rockwell Harmon Potter, Born at Glenville, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1874. A.B. (Union, 1895) B.D. (Chicago Theol. Sem., 1898). Cong'l clergyman. A.B. (Rutgers, 1S91). Hartford, Conn. LL.D. LiNDLEY Miller Garrison. , Washington, D. C. Born at Camden, N. J., Nov. 28, 1864. In Class of 1886, Har- vard. Lawyer. Vice-Chancellor of New Jersey, 1904-13. Sec- retary of War. U. S. A., 1913-16. John Henry McCrackfn, Easton, Penn. Born at Rochester. Vermont. Sept. 30. 1875. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1894). A.M. (Univ. N. Y.. 1897). Ph.D. (Halle, 1899). LL.D. Westminster. 1903). Instructor in Philosonhy, Univ. N. Y., . 1896-99. Assistant Professor. Philosophv. Univ. X. Y.. 1899. President. Westminster College, Mo.. 1899-1903. Syndic and Professor. Politics, Univ. N. Y., 1903-15. President, Lafayette College, 1915- . Francis Cuyler Van Dyck (nlso D.Sc, 1910). HONORARY DEGREES. 381 1916. A.M. Edwin Bell Davis, New Brunswick, N. J. Born at Lawrence, Mass., June 13, 1866. B.L. (Dartmouth, 1889). OflBcier d'Academie. Professor of Romance Languages, Rutgers, 1904- . Charles Lang Feekr, Detroit, Mich. Born at Kingston, N. Y., 1856. A.M. (Univ. Mich.), 'tletired manufacturer. Art connoisseur. Joseph Sherman Frelingiiuysen, Raritan, N. J. Bom at Raritan, N. J., Mch. 12, 1869. Fire underwriter. Di- rector of Fire Insurance Companies. State Senator, New Jer- sey, 1905-11. President of Senate, N. J., 1910. Acting Gov- ernor, N. J., ad interim. President, Board of Education, N. J. President, Board of Agriculture, N. J. C.E. Louis J.^AViD Blauyelt. Rutgers, 1886. D.D. Cornelius Brett, Jersey City, N. J. Born in New Yorlc City, Nov. 25, 1842. Clergyman, R. C. A. President, General Synod, R. C. A.. 1893. President, Board of Domestic Missions, R. C. A. N. B. Sem., 1865. A.B. (Univ. N. Y., 1862). D.D. (Ursinus, 1888). LL.D. Graham Taylor (also D.D., 1888), 382 RUTGERS COLLEGE. SUMMARY. Living NoN- Living Non- OLASS. A.B. Graduates. Graduates. Graduates. 1774 1 1775 14 1776 1 1778 '. 2 1780 2 1782 3 1783 4 1787 1 1788 4 1789 10 1790 3 1791 5 1792 6 1793 6 1794 5 1795 2 1809 5 1810 3 1811 4 1812 6 1813 4 1814 10 1815 5 1816 5 1817 1 1818 2 1820 1 Queen's College . . 115 1827 5 1828 20 1829 17 1830 26 1831 18 1832 24 ia33 21 1834 20 1835 ' 25 1836 21 1837 21 1838 14 1839 18 1840 17 11 3 7 6 7 2 5 5 4 7 8 13 10 8 SUMMARY. 383 SUMMARY- —Continued. ' Living Total NoN- Living . Non- CLAS^ ). A.B. B.Sc. Graduates. Graduates. Graduates. Graduates. 1841 .. .. 20 9 . 1842 .. .. 20 8 .... 1843 .. .. 18 1 ^ .... 1844 .. .. 24 9 1845 .. .. 15 • 9 1846 .. .. 11 , 8 .... 1847 .. .. 25 . 3 1848 .. .. 14 9 .... 1849 .. .. 13 11 .... 1850 .. .. 16 . 6 1 1851 .. .. 18 5 2 1852 .. .. 20 3 2 1853 .. .. 21 . 4 3 1 1854 .. .. 22 . 4 1 1 1855 .. ..23 . 10 2 1 1856 .. .. 17 , 13 2 1857 .. .. 22 . 7 2 1858 .. .. 23 . 12 4 5 1859 .. .. 31 . 7 9 1 1860 .. .. 26 ' 15 6 4 1861 .. .. 20 . 10 6 4 1862 .. .. 40 , 13 12 6 1863 .. .. 16 . 18 2 10 1864 .. .. 11 . 21 3 . 8 1865 .. .. 14 . 14 8 3 1866 .. .. 21 . 7 8 5 1867 .. .. 13 . 4 5 3 1868 .. .. 19 7 26 10 12 4 1869 .. .. 14 9 23 19 13 7 1870 .. .. 19 7 26 20 15 10 1871 .. .. 19 9 28 16 16 6 1872 .. ..18 ] LI 29 10 17 3 1873 .. ..27 3 L3 40 24 22 17 1874 .. .. 29 1 30 15 18 11 1875 .. ..23 J LI 34 26 19 10 1876 .. .. 27 2 29 24 19 12 1877 .. ..16 1 L3 29 23 15 14 1878 .. .. 25 7 32 22 22 16 1879 .. .. 31 7 8 18 30 11 384 RUTGEES COLLEGE. SUMMARY— Continued. CLASS. •A.B. LiTT.B. B.Sc. Total Graduates Non- Graduates. Living Graduates. Living Non- Graduates. 1880.... 29 3 32 22 21 15 1881 .... 26 9 35 20 25 11 1882.'... 23 5 28 11 21 8 1883.... 20 2 22 13 19 8 1884.... 14 8 22 15 17 12 1885.... 9 6 15 • IS 13 12 1886. . . . 12 10 22 17 21 10 1887.... 8 9 17 9 13 6 1888. . . . 13 6 19 14 17 9 1889.... 18 9 27 20 24 13 1890. . . . 18 9 27 15 23 10 1891.... 25 16 41 19 36 12 1892.... 29 15 44 27 42 20 1893.... 11 24 38 22 34 18 1894...- 19 17 36 27 33 24 1895.... 12 24 36 34 34 2^ 1896.... 15 40 55 43 53 38 1897.... 13 29 42 33 38 29 1898.... 12 22 34 14 32 12 1899.... S 19 27 16 23 13 1900.... 13 23 36 13 i'4 13 1901 .... 15 17 32 7 29 7 1902.... 12 36 48 13 44 13 1903.... 11 30 41 11 40 11 1904.... . 13 31 44 23 44 22 1905.... 14 1 24 39 27 37 23 1906.... 12 1 37 50 18 48 17 1907.... 7 2 27 36 29 35 27' 1908.... 6 2 34 42 37 41 36 1909.... 7 6 32 47 39 45 39 1910.... 8 9 26 43 32 41 28 1911 . . . . 14 6 37 57 31 56 30 1912.... 11 1 1 43 65 50 64 46 1913.... 10 1 3 44 67 60 66 59 1914.... 12 5 45 62 54 62 53 1915.... 16 1 51 77 57 76 57 1916.... 16 ] 2 51 79 55 77 54 Totals, 1,717 80 96' 2,764 1,.j18 1,671 1,019 SUMMARY. 385 Bachelor's degrees conferred 2,764 Advanced degrees conferred 125 Medical degrees conferred 79 Honorary degrees conferred 632 Total degrees conferred 3,600 Repetitions ^ 293 Persons receiving degrees 3,307 Graduates with bachelor's degrees 2,764 Graduates with medical degrees 79 Non-graduates 1,518 Graduate students 95 4,456 Repetitions 70 Total of students 4,386 25 INDEX OF OFFICERS. In the following list T is placed after the names of trustees, F after those of members of the faculty, M.F, after those of the medical faculty and L after the names of librarians. The date given is that of appoint- ment to office, Gustavus Abeel T 1845 John N. Abeel T 1807 Charles E. Adams F 1890 Robert Adrain F 1809 Alva Agee ^ F 1913 A. E. Ahrends • F 1910 Frank App F 1914 Henry P. Armsby F 1876 Georg-e W. Atherton F 1869, L. 1871 Peter T. Austen F 1877 Eugene H. Babbitt F 1903 Henry R. Baldwin . . . T 1884 Robert F. Ballantine . ". . T 1876 Edward L. Barbour F 1891 John Barnes T 1845 James K. Barton A F 1873 John Bassett T 1788 Robert Bayard M.F. 1812 Abraham Beach T 1787 Lewis C. Beck F 1830 Theodoric R. Beck F 1859 Benjamin Benson T 1771 Joseph F. Berg T 1860, F 1861 Tunis G. Bergen T 1883 Eugene Betts F 1892 Louis Bevier F 1883 Edmond W. Billetdoux F 1907 David Bingham T 1882 David Bishop T 1860 Augustine W. Blair F 1913 Maurice A. Blake F 1911 Abraham Blauvelt T 1800, Sec. T 1800 Isaac Blauvelt T 1785 Albert W. Boesche F 1901 John Bogart F 1777 Robert Boggs T 1800 Harry B. Boice F 1889 Henry W. Bookstaver T 1876 387 o8S RUTGEKS COLLEGE. Edward A. Bowser F 1868 Byron B. Bracket! F 1901 John M. Bradford .T 1S07 Joseph P. Bradley T 1858, F 1867 Stanley E. Brasefield F 1913 Edward S. Brayton '. T 1863 William E. Breazeale 7 F 1892 John J. Brereton F 1891 Clarence E. Brett F 1914 Philip M. Brett T 1906 James (John) Brinckerhoff T 1767 Jacob Brodhead T 1812 John Romeyn Brodhead T 1853 Edward F, Brooks T 1898 Albert E. Brown ; F 1913 Calvin S. Brown ., F 1900 William C. Brownlee F 1825 Archibald Bruce M.F. 1812 Sevet-yn Bruyn T 1834 Edward Bunn - T 1784 William C. Buttler F 1896 James R. Campbell F 1892 William H. Campbell F 1851, T 1862, Pres. 1863 James S. Cannon T 1800, P 1826 John N. Carpender T 1911 William J. Carson F 1915 William L Chamberlain F 1905, T 1909 Talbot W. Chambers T 1868 Albert H. Chester F 1891 Floyd E. Chidester F 1911 George C. Churchill ; T 1883 William Clark T 1878 Alphonso T, Clearwater T 1904 Henry E. Cobb T 1911 Thomas Cock M.F. 1812 Edward B. Coe T 1887 David Cole F 1863 Frederick J. Collier T 1891 Daniel H. Condict F 1809, T 1811 Ira Condict T 1794, Pres. pro tein. 1794, Vice Pres. 1810 Albert S. Cook F 1872 George H. Cook F 1853, Vice Pres. 1864 Melville T. Cook • . . .F 1912 Paul Cook T 1891 Drury W. Cooper T 1909 Jacob Cooper F 1866 Frederick F. Couch F 1911 INDEX OF OFFICERS. 3S9 John Covenhoven T 1770 Cornelius E. Crispell F 1863 John Croes T 1809 Howard Crosby F 1859 William B. Crosby T 1840 William H. Crosby F 1841 Cornelius C. Cuyler T 1827 George L. Danf orth T 1894 Edwin B. Davis F 1895 Georg-e B. Davis F 1895 Kary C. Davis F 1908 William P. Deare T 1804, Sec. T 1807 Cornelius T. Demarest T 1812 David D. Demarest T 1858, Sec. T 1866 William H. S. Demarest T 1899, Sec. T 1904 Pres. 1906 H. V. M. Dennis, Jr T 1915 Albert C. De Regt ^ F 1902 John De Witt F 1811, T 1823 John De Witt, Jr F 1889 Thomas De Witt T 1840 Anthony Dey T 1911 Tunis Dey '. . .T 1767 Jonathan Dixon T 1886 Frank L. Dodds • F 1882 Fred H. Dodge F 1898 Peter Donald T 1897 Theodore S. Doolittle F 1864, Vice Pres. 1890 John B. Drury T 1887 Benjamin Du Bois T 1783 Jonathan Du Bois T 1767 Azariah Dunham T 1783 Lewis F. Dunham T 1790 Abraham Duryea T 1782 John Duryee , T 1786 Joseph R. Duryee T 1905 Peter S. Duryee T 1857 Philip H. Duryee T 1840 William R. Duryee T 1878, F 1891 Charles L. Edgar T 1906 Charles H. Elliott F 1915 . James B. Elmendorf T 1823 Joachim Elmendorf T 1869 John C. Elmendorf Treas. 1853 Howard Elting T 1912 Wilhelmus Eltinge T 1807 Cornelius Esselstyn T 1869 Arthur J. Farley F 1914 390 BUTGEKS COLLEGE. Isaac Ferris ; T 1822 Gustavus Fischer F 1859 Hendrick Fisher T 1767 Isaac M. Fisher T 1834 W. Edwin Florance T 1907 Christian F. Foering- T 1771 Jesse Fonda T 1814 William T. M. Forbes F 1910 J. Howard Ford T 1912 John Forsyth F 1860 William C. Fowler T 1871 John W. Francis 3I.F. 1826 Frederick Frelinghuysen F before 1777, T 1782 Frederick Frelinghuysen T 1819 Frederick Frelinghuysen T 1885, Treas. 1889 Frederick T. Frelinghuysen T 1851 John Freling-huysen , . .T 1800 Theodore Frelingrhuysen T 1850, Pres. 1850 Philip French T 1767 Solomon Froeligh F 1782, T 1783 Howard N. Fuller T 1905 John Gaston T 1876 Merrill Edwards Gates T 1882, Pres. 1882 Arthur H. W. George F 1903 Lincoln R. Gibbs F 1893 Quincy O'M. Gillnjore F 1899 John D. Godman M.F. 1826 John H. Goetschius T 1767 John Mauritius Goetschius T1767 John Gosman T 1825 John Griscom M.F. 1812 Charles Hale F 1911 Charles Hardenbergh T 1812 Cornelius L. Hardenbergh T 1845, Sec. T 1821, F 1835 Jacob R. Hardenbergh T 1767, Sec. T 17—, Pres. 1785 Jacob R. Hardenbergh. Jr T 1792, Sec. T 1793, Sec. T 1833, F 1794 James B. Hardenbergh T 1825 Johannis Hardenbergh T 1767 John Hardenbergh i T 1790, Treas. 1790 John P. Hardenbergh Sec. T 1844 Theodore Hardenbergh Sec. T 1835 Warren Hardenbergh Sec. T 1849 Byron D. Halsted F 1889 John Haring T 1770 Charles E. Hart F 1880 Isaac S. Hartley T 1873 Abram (Abraham) Hasbrouck T1767 INDEX OF OFFICEES. 391 Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck T 1837, Pres. 1840 G. D. B. Hasbrouck T1913 Isaac E. Hasbrouck F 1867, L. 1880 J. Amory Haskell T 1916 Peter Hassenclever (Hasenclever) T 1767, Edward F. Hauch F 1911 Thomas J. Headlee F 1912 Stafford R. W. Heath T 1866 Robert C. H. Heck F 1908 John P. Helyar F 1912 Marshall Henshaw F 1859 John W. Herbert T 1901 Abram Herring- T 1767 Isaac Heyer .' T 1823, Treas. 1823 W. Bancroft Hill T 1912 Garret A. Hobart T 1896 P. I. G. Hodenpyl F 1841 Matthew (Martinus) Hoffman T 1767 Samuel N, Holmes F 1880. John T. Honeycutt F 1885 John Hopper T 1851 William D. Home F 1890 David Hosack M.F. 1826 Samuel B. How T 1833 Andrew Howell T 1823 William D. Hoyt F 1910 James Hude '. T 1782 J. Marshall Hunter F 1916 Alexander J. Inglis ' F 1912 Roy Foster Irvin . . F 1915 William Irvin F* 1852 William Jackson T 1767 Henry L. Janeway T 1862 Jacob J. Janeway T 1830, Vice Pres. 1833, F 1833 Jacob B. Jewett T 1866 Albert R. Johnson F 1908 Simon Johnson T 1767 William Johnson T 1767 Otto H. Kahn T 1914 Josiah H. Kellogg- F 1866 L. Laflin Kellogg T 1905 Leigh W. Kimball F 1913 Francis M. Kip .T 1860 William H, Kirk F 1900 Andrew Kirkpatrick T 1792 J. Bayard Kirkpatrick T 1892 Littleton Kirkpatrick T 1841 392 KUTOERS COLLEGE. Richard S. Kissam M.F. 1792 John Knox T 1825 Henry B. Kummell F 1906 Hendrick Kuypers (Henricus Kuyper) T 1767 Peter Labagrh T 1811 Shelby C. Leasure F 1915 Robert P. Lee T 1851 James Le Fevre T 1887 John Lefferts T 1878 Harry N. Lendall F 1912 Johnson Letson T 1863 William H. Leupp Sec. T 1831 William H. Leupp T 1895 Harry R. Lewis • F 1911 Joseph V. Lewis p 1904 Johannes Leydt (John Lyt) T 1767 Matthew Leydt T 1783 Thomas L'Hombral F 1841 Frank W. Lindsley F 1912 William Linn T 1787, Pres. pro tern. 1791 Jacob G. Lipman F 1906 John H. Livingston T 1785, Pres. 1810 Philip Livingston T 1767 Robert Livingston T 1767 Eldon L. Loblein F 1910 Woldemar Loeher F 1893 John H. Logan F 1910 Thomas Logie F 1893 Leonor F. Loree T 1909 Abram (Abraham) Lott T 1767 John A. Lott T 1860 George C. Ludlow T 1873 John Ludlow T 1819, F 1852 James B. Mabon T 1903 Alexander McClelland F 1829 William J. McNevin M.F. 1826 John H. Manning T 1863 David Marinus (Maurinus) T 1767 Walter T. Marvin F 1909 Mayne S. Mason F 1915 Archibald Mercer T 1787 George B. Merriman F 1877 Abraham Messier T 1845 John W. Mettler T 1916 Carl Meyer F 1869 Edward T, Middleton F 1890 Philip Milledoler T 1815, Pres. 1825 INDEX or OFFICERS. 393 Philip Edward Milledoler T 1833 Ernest J. Miller T 1885 Frederick C. Minkler P 1908 George A. Mitchell F 1891 Samuel L. Mitchill M.F. 1792 Elbert B. Monroe T 1887 Arthur Russell Moore F 1916 John T. Moore , T 1858 "William Moore 3I.F. 1792 Richard Morris F 1899 Robert Morris T 1792 Valentine Mott M.F. 1826 Henry D'B. Mulford T 1895, F 1897 David Murray P 1863, T 1892, Sec. T 1898 William S. Myers F 1893, T 1902 Ava Neal F 1813 Robert W. Neal F 1903 James Xeilson T 1834 James Neilson T 1886 John Neilson T 1782 Joseph Nelson F 1826 Julius Nelson F 1888 James S. Nevius T 1825, Sec. T 1825 William A. Newell T 1873 Walter R. Newton F 1905 Henry B. North F 1910 Frederick Ogrilby F 1833 John D. Ogilby F 1832 William Ormiston T 1876 George A. Osborn L, 1907 Levi Paaling (Pauling) T 1767 Ralph B. Page F 1910 Eric S. Palmer F 1909 Cortlandt Parker T 1874 James Parker T 1812 Norman S. Parker F 1916 Cullen W. Parmelee F 1901 Ralph B. Parrott F 1906 Horace B. Patton F 1888 Eliot R. Payson F 1893 George H. Payson . . F 1907 Albert H. Pepper F 1892 Abraham Polhemus T 1851 Henry Polhemus T 1800 Frank R. Pratt F ,1907 Robert W. Prentiss F 1891 John W. Proudfit F 1840 394 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. Robert H. Pruyn T 1853 Theodore F.. Randolph : T 1874 John H. Raven P 1906, T 1914 De Witt T. B. Reiley F 1860, L, 1863 Lloyd S. Riford P 1915 Charles G. Rockwood P 1873 E. P. Rog-ers T 1858 Nicholas Romayne ^ M.P. 1792 Jam«s Romeyn . .T 1840 James V. C. Romeyn T 1809 Theodoric Romeyn T 1785 James C. Roosevelt T 1823 Anthony Rutgers T 1831 Gerard Rutgers T1825 Henry Rutgers T 1815 Bernardus Ryder . , T 1767 Ezra F. Scattergood P 1895 Garret C. Schanck T 1866 Robert Schell T 1894 Ferdinand S. Schenck T 1841 Louis H. Schenck T 1905 Martin Schenck T 1804 Peter Schenck T 1767 James W. Schermerhorn T 1871 Lyman G. Schermerhorn P 1914 Henry P. Schneeweiss Treas. 1915 Jacob Schoonmaker T1826 John Schuneman T1767 James Schureman P 1782, T 1782, Sec. T 1784, Treas. 1795 John Schureman Treas. 1780, 1791, T 1782 John Schureman T 1800, Vice Pres. 1812 Abraham Schuyler T 1790 Austin Scott P 1883, T 1890, Pres. 1891 Myron T. Scudder P 1908 Valentine Seaman •. M.P. 1812 J. Preston Searle T 1898, Sec. T 1906 Elias H. Sellards P 1903 George H. Sharpe T 1879 Peter Sharpe T 1823 Edgar S. Shumway P1883 Alfred F. Skinner T1913 Samuel Sloan T 1871 Samuel E. Smiley P 1888 Charles Smith T 1804, P 1793 Johns B. Smith P 1889 Ralph O. Smith P 1908 William R. Smith T 1800 INDEX OF OFFICEfiS. 395 John C. Smock F 1865. Peter Spader Treas, 1831 Clarence L. Speyers F 1891 Stilart A. Stephenson F 1910 Alexander H. Stevens M.F. 1815 Edward L. Stevenson F 1890 James Stevenson F 1789 Earle C. Stillwell F 1912 Nicholas Stillwell T 1767 William B. Stone F 1913 Alan H. Strong T 1914 Edward N. Strong- T 1859 Theodore Strong F 1827, Vice Pres. 1839 Thomas C. Strong „ T 1858, Sec. T 1859 Peter Studdiford T 1788 Duncan D. Sutphen T 1909 James Suydam T1853 Charles W. Swift _ T 1853 Jacob Tallman T 1800 Thomas G. Talmage T 1840 Benjamin C. Taylor T 1858 John Taylor F 1777 Livingston L. Taylor T 1907 William J. R. Taylor T 1878 Jacob H. Ten Eyck •. .T 1767 Roderick Terry T 1886 Frank F. Thompson F 1903 William J. Thompson F 1838 Alfred A. Titsworth F 1886 Isaac E. Titsworth : * F 1899 Henry Traphagen T 1782 Luther H. Tucker F 1865 William B. Twiss F 1909 Irving S. Upson L 1884, F 1890, Treas. 1905 James I. Vance T 1903 James Van Antwerp T 1831 Simeon Van Arsdalen T 1783, F 1783 Elias Van Bunschooten T 1787 Abraham Van Buren T1783 Paul D. Van Cleef T 1869 Pierre Van Cortlandt T 1840 John Vanderbilt T 1851 S. Oakley Van der Poel T 1875 S. Oakley Van der Poel T 1910 Lawrence Van Derveer T 1782 Staats Van Deursen T 1807, Treas. 1813 William Van Deursen T 1785 396 RUTGERS COLLEGE. "William Van Deursen .T 1823 Francis C. Van Dyck F 1866 Francis C. Van Dyck, Jr F 1898 Hendrick Van Dyck T 1782 RulufC Van Dyck T 1782 William V. B. Van Dyck F 1899 Frederick Van Dyke T 1804 Henry Van Dyke T 1791, F 1792 James C. Van Dyke T 1831, Sec. T 1832 John C. Van Dyke F 1889 Ernestus Van Harlingen T 1782 John M. Van Harlingen T 1787 Martinus (Johannes Martinus) Van Harlingen T 1767 Frank R. Van Horn F 1892 Cornelius Van Marta ' T 1794 John Van Metern T 1767 Abraham Van Nest T 1823 Abraham R. Van Nest T 1878 Alexander T. Van Nest T 1891 Rynier Van Nest T 1787 Abraham Van Neste T 1771 Stephen Van Rensselaer ' T 1829 Stephen Van Rensselaer T 1840 Charles T. Van Santvoord T 1893 William H. Van Steenburgh T 1903 Dirck Van Veghten T 1782 Samuel A. Van Vranken ; T 1819, F 1841 Theodorus Van Wyck T 1767 Joseph Varick T 1840 Rynier Veghte ..: T 1784 Samuel Verbryck T 1767 Cornelius C. Vermeule F 1812 Thomas E. Vermilye T 1849 Henry Vethake F 1813 Maurice E. Viele T 1853 Charles R. von Romondt F 1846 Edward B. Voorhees F 1890 Foster M. Voorhees T 1902 Jaques Voorhees T 1790 Willard P. Voorhees T 1909 Ray G. Voorhorst F 1911 John S. Vredenburgh T 1800 Peter Vredenburgh, Jr T 1782, Sec. T 1782 Peter Vredenburgh, Sr T 1784 Peter Vredenburg-h (3d) T 1849 William H. Vredenburgh T T 1902 Garret D. W. Vroom T1892 INDEX OF OFFICERS. 397 Peter D. Vroom T 1782 Peter D. Vroom T 1828 Barent Vrooman T 1767 Isaac Vrooman T 1767 Clarence Ward F 1908 John Watts 3I.F. 1812 Cornelius D. Westbrook T 1829 Theodoric R. Westbrook T 1875 Elilardus Westerlo T 1767 Anthony W. White T 1788 Charles H. Whitman F 1906 Francis A. Wilber F 1879 Gershom Williams F 1789 James A. Williamson T 1866 Garrett E. Winants T 1889 Samuel M. Woodbridge F 1857 Selah S. Woodhull T 1825, F 1825 Jacob R. Wortendyke T 1862 Ralph G. Wright F 1907 Philip Wyberg- (Weyberg-) T 1767 Isaac N. WyckofC •. T 1851 John WyckofC T 1823 Martin N. Wyckoff F 1889 William F. Wyckoff T 1899 A. O. Zabriskie T 1863 John L. Zabriskie T 1811 Peter Zabriskie '. . .T 1767 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. t indicates business address, * indicates home address. ALABAMA, Ensley. George Hutchinson, 1898, Ten- nessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, Gantts Quarry. Raymond M, Gardner, 1908, Talladega. Joseph H. Parsons, 1878. Tuscaloosa, Gustav F. Wittig, 1896, ♦"Pine- hurst," tUnivc.rsity, Ala. University, (Justav F. Wittig, 1896. ♦Tus- caloosa, Ala. ARIZONA, Cloride, John G, Blackwell, 1895, Phoenix, Leighton G, Knipe, 1902, Springerville, Frederick H, Winn, 1899, ♦Al- buquerque, N. M, Tucson. Byron Cummings, 1889, Univer- sity of Arizona, ARKANSAS. Fayetteville. George W, Hervey, 1915, Little Rock, Erkuries B. Fithian, 1896, 2322 Wolfe St. CALIFORNIA. Alcatraz Island. Frederic A. Price, Jr., 1904. Berkeley. Charles B. Lipman, 1904, Fac- ulty Club. David T. Mason, 1905, Univer- sity of California. Covelo. Lawrence Esselstyn, 1907, Daggett, Theodore S. Van Dyke, 1862. Escondido, Herbert F. Watson, 1873, Fair Oaks. Edson J, Davis, 1905, care of N. C. of C. Fillmore, Harold B, Osborn, 1904, Santa Clara and A. Sts. Fort Jones. Milton S, Ley, 1904, Fresno, Abraham Blum, 1907, Lewis L, Cory, 1881, 410-14 Cory Bldg, Hollywood, Frank J, Mundy, 1876, Lincoln, Augustus L. Gladding, 1912. Los Angeles, Frank H, Dobson, 1897, 238 Bradbury Building. Edward Duryee, 1878, 122 South Occidental Boulevard, Wright S. Hoag, 1903, 987 Fe- dora St, Frederick W, Johanect, 1895, t814 South Spring St, ♦Ven- ice, Cal. Daniel B. Miner, 1906, 1101 Story Building. James E. MoiTow, 1906, 2216 Juliet St. Charles J. Negus, 1895, 1716 El Cerrito Place, Charles A, Poulson, 1896, 5723 Lejfington Ave, Ezra F, Scattergood, 1893, 1415 Berkshire Ave, William H. Stilson, 1895, George W, Stout, 1911, ^1945 Holly Drive. tThe Keystone Film Company, Isaac M, Sutton, 1891, 2127 Thompson St, George E, Tomlinson, 1890, 601 Security Building. B. Morss Tremper, 1887, 302 S, Mariposa Ave, Mount Wilson, Charles S. Backus, 1905. Oakland, Alvin C, Ostrom, 1898, 3528 Emerson St. Orange. Charles J. K. Jones, 1870, P. O, Box No. 626. 399 400 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Pasadena. James M. Van Deusen, 1881, fP- O. Box No. 532, Station B. *129 N. Hill Ave. Cornelius S. Van Riper, 1856, 718 N. Raymond Ave. Redlands. Dwight C. Leflferts, 1895. Riverside. Theodore F. Appleby, 1909, 579 Orange St. San Bernardino. Samuel M. Woodbridge, 1877, 205 First St. San Diego. Samuel Gordon, 1904, U. S. Naval Coal Depot. James MacMullen, 1883, Union Building. San Francisco. William D. Gay, 1902, 220 Golden Gate Ave. Asa Zabriskie, 1880, 1039 Mis- sion St. San Mateo. Thornton M. Hopler, 1908. Santa Cruz. Frank R. Miller, 1891, Wilkes Circle. Santa Monica. John S. Joralmon, 1852. Santa Paula. Milton Demarest, 1892. Shatter, Kern Co. Tracy S. Voorhees, 1911. Venice. Frederick W. Johanect, 1895, *26 Dudley Ave. tLos An- geles, Cal. COLORADO. Denver. Ebenezer C. Babbitt, 1875, 564 Gas and Electric Building. Louis D. Blauvelt, 1886, caxe of Denver and Salt Lake R. R. Company. William L. Dayton, 1889, 671 Humboldt St. Theodore F. De Witt, l»ao, 1550 Ogden St. Mahlon L. Harker, 1915, 2918 Gaylord St. William P. Hillhouse, 1873, 1360 Josephine St. William H. Pearce, 1900, West Court Hotel, Glenarm St. Harold N. Van Bergen, 1899, 2337 Dexter St. Denver. John R. Wood, 1875, 2140 S. University St. Fort Collins. S. Arthur Johnson, 1891, State Agricultural College. Littleton. William B. Collier, 1897, Little- ton Hospital. Longmont. Archibald Taylor, 1909, 535 Bowcn St. Springfield. Roger C. Smith, 1914. CONNECTICUT. Ansonia. J. Champlin Peirce, Jr., 1915, 71 Liberty St. Bridgeport. Harry U. Badeau, 1902, 57 Morehouse St. Allen P. Ford, 1890, 47 Rusling Place. Bristol. Charles H. Riggs, 1862, 19 Pros- pect St. Fairfield. Elting F. Deyo, 1913, *North Benson Road. fCare of War- ner Bros. Corset Company. Henry E. Riker, 1915. Edward R. Sandiford, 1913, Beaumont Ave. Hartford. Arthur Adams, 1902, Trinity College. Thomas W. Chester, 1892, 240 Laurel St. Robert W. Elliott, Jr., 1916, 36 Collins St. Fred Macarthy, Jr., 1915, 50 Asylum St. Charles E. Merritt, Jr., 1914, 47 Niles St. Martin S. Steelman, 1908, 315 Pearl St. Alexander J. Swift, 1869, 30 Washington St. John H. Thompson, 1894, 36 Pearl St. Rushworth B. Van Sickle, 1909, 847 Main St. or P. O. Box 661. J. Brownlee Voorhees, 1896, 854 Asylum St. S. Bradford Woodbridge, 1903, 210 Sargent St. CtEOGEAPHICAL IJsDEX. 401 Naugatuck. George W. Hart, 1909, tG. M. R. Shoe Company. *191 Meadow St. New Britain. Irving W. Mott, 1895, 17 Cedar St. New Haven. Albert S. Cook. 1872, *219 Bishop St. tYale University. Howard F. Huber, 1914, Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Richard S. Lull, 1893, Yale Uni- versity Museum. John P. Street, 1889, care of Connecticut Agricultural Ex- periment Station. Howard E. White, 1896, *80 Crown St. fNcw Haven Gas Light Company. Henry W. Winfield, 1876. Norwich. Lewis M. Young, 1904, 171 Laurel Hill Ave. Sharon. Melvin Brandow, 1888. South Britain. Benjamin C. Miller, 1872. Stratford. Howard L. Beers, 1913, Judson Place. Gilbert S. Garretson, 1859. West Hartford. Carlos P. Day, 1911. DELAWARE. Edgemoor. George F. Stephens, 1880, Ar- den. Lewes. Frederick A. Kullman, 1907. Newark. Horace V. Cory, 1915, fDela- ware College Experiment Sta- tion. * Newark, N. J. Zacharya H. Sragor, 1909. Wilmington. Grinfill FI. B. English, 1895, 917 Van Buren St. Frank W. Russum, 1902, 1102 Madison St. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Eckington. Edward H. Lawson, 1908, 18 Quincey Place. Washington. Henry D. Aller, 1902, Bureau of Fisheries. Wasliington. Harry B. Angus, 1905, Ham- mond Court. A. Ellicott Brown, 1902, care of Adjutant General. J. Henry Carnes, 1895 Patent Office. Joseph C. Castner, 1891, care of War Department. Elwood L. Davis, 1902, *221 8th St. tBritish East Africa. Titus E. Davis, 1874, *221 8th St. tWestminster Church. Eugene W. Fales, 1910, care of Adjutant General. John Gaub, 1905, t270l N. Capi- tol St. *New Brunswick, N. J. Herbert L. Harries, 1908, 401 P. St., N. W. Spencer L. Higgins, 1896, care of Surgeon, Navy Department. Clarence S. Ketcham, 1910, care of Surgeon General, U. S. Army. Robert B. Kinsell. 1862, 1430 Rhode Island Ave. Max Kisliuk, Jr., 1915, 1424 6th St., N. W. George R, Koehler, 1905, care of Adjutant General, U. S. Army. Harry A. Marmer, 1907, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Tidal Division. James R. Marshall, 1871, 1516 H. St., N, W. William E. McMahon, 1900, 722 12th St., N. W. Frederick W. Olcott, 1880, Navy Department. Henry H. Palmer, 1887, P. O. Box 1253. Ralph B. Parrott. 1897, care of Adjutant General. Robert H. Reineck, 1903, U. S. Geological Survey. Paul Schureman, 1897, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Henry G. Sharpe, 1879, care of War Department. Enos A. Skillman, 1851, 1831 V. St., N. W. Frank Van Brakle, 1885, Room 126, War Department. Charles L. D. Washburn, 1875, 1746 Corcoran St. FLORIDA. Candler. Bergen B. Staats, 1876, Box 12. 26 402 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Fort Myers. Bergen B. Staats, Jr., 1906. Maitland. Aaron W, Benson, 1871. Orlando. Eugene B. Bradley, 1912. GEORGIA. Atlanta. W. Wilson Faussett, 1910, 510 Rhodes Building. George Harrington, 1898, tl401 Fourtn National Bank Build- ing. *Rivers Drive, Macon. Gabriel Ludlow, 1895, P. O. Box 184. James H. Owens, 1878, 101 Pierce Ave. IDAHO. Wendell. Wayne H. Thompson, 1898. ILLINOIS. Berwyn. William P. C. Strickland, 1898, *6412 32d St. tChicago, HI. Cairo. Samuel Dodds, 1888, 2803 Elm St. Chicago. Henry J. Brown, 1865, 859 Ful- lerton Ave. Rufus N. Chamberlain, 1888, *3713 Pine Grove Ave. t225 E. 22d St. John P. Clum, 1874, 55 W. Jack- son Blvd. Walter W. Cook, 1894, fSchool of Law, University of Chi- cago. *6917 Bennett Ave. Thomas J. Cusack. Jr., 1909, care of American Radiator Co., 1933 Wentworth Ave. Charles M. Denise, 1895, 1214 First National Bank Building. Tunis Denise, 1910, 1901 McCor- mick Building. Richard D. Divine, 1888, 133 73d Place. Howard Elting, 1890, *48 Belle- vue Place. t726 Washington Building. H. Marshall Fales, Jr., 1906, 1323 Farwell Ave. Harry W. Fuller, 1891, 208 La Salle St. John B. Guthrie, 1898, t208 S. La Salle St. *Wlnnctka, 111. Chicago. Henry W. Lockett, 1888, 175 W. Jackson Blvd. Herbert A. Luster, 1896, 5488 Hyde Park Blvd. Livingston P. Moore, 1896, 415 N. Green St. Nelson S. Moore, 1906, t711-15 Meridian St. *Cicero, 111. A. Arthur Nelson, 1912, Meade- Morrison Eng. Co., Monad- nock Bldg. Walter Newell, 1882, 135 E. 11th Place. Arthur A. Prentiss, 1913, 1449 Michigan Ave. Thomas F. Russum, 1895, 1515- 104 S. Michigan Ave. Cornelius S. Sec, 1867, 1413 Ashland Block. Augustus H. Shearer, 1899, Newberry Library. Clayton S. Smith, 1909, fColloge of Medicine, University of Illinois. *6060 Stony Island Ave. John M. M. Stahr, 1906, 4843 Washington Blvd. William P. C. Strickland, 1898, tWestern Electric Company. ♦Berwyn. 111. Graham Taylor, 1870, 955 Grand Ave. James W. Thompson, 1892, tUniversityl of Chicago. *5427 Greenwood Ave. George R. Tindell, 1901, 343 42d St. Elliott E. Van Cleef, 1898, 30 N. Michigan Ave. Cicero. Nelson S. Moore, 1906, *5206 W. 23d Place. fChicago, 111. Danville. Joseph B. Mann, 1865, 513 The Temple. Oliver D. Mann, 1901, 513 The Temple. Harana. Edmund P. Nischwitz, 1894. LaGrange. S. Lawrence Harding, 1897, 515 N. Stone Ave. Manito. Theodore Shafcr, 1879. Norwood Park. John A. Thurston, 1894, 5802 Nicolet Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 403 Oak Park. John K. Leeds, 1911, 1118 Washington Blvd. Pekin. John C. Aydelott, 1891, 339 Buena Vista Ave. Urbana. Francis K. W. Drury, 1898, fLl- brary, University of Illinois. *706 W, Nevada St. Frank L. Stevens, 1893, Univer- sity of Illinois. Winnetka. John B. Guthrie, 1898, *730 Walden Road. fChicago, 111. INDIANA. Fort Wayne. Walter T. Shepard, 1896, 1227 W. Berry St. Huntington. Richard Ashman, 1915, 221 East Washington St. Indianapolis. Henry R. Danner, 1891, 1330 N. Meridian St. Joseph T. McDermott, 1909, 947 N. Pennsylvania St. IOWA. Ames. Percy E. Brown, 1906, Station A., Iowa State College. Charles Miller, 1913, Iowa State College. Belle Plaine. John L. Greenwood, 1913. • Dcs Moines. James S. Arrowsmith, 1904, 2514 Kingman Blvd. KANSAS. Belleville, , William Kamp, 1879. Hays. Harry C. Freese, 1869 Hutchinson. Maurice I. L. Kain, 1906, The Rectory. Manhattan. Robert Schmidt, 1912, 307 N. 16th St. Muscotah. Luther Cortelyou, 1874. Waverly. John L. Senior, 1878. KENTUCKY. Annville. William A. Worthington, 1909. Jenkins. Ferdinand W. Haasis, 1911, Consolidation Coal Company. McKee. Isaac Messier, 1893. Phelps. Alfred Erickson, 1897. LOUISIANA. Natchitoches. Jesse C. Hazzard, 1892, Louisi- ana State Normal School. New Orleans. Harold L. Hoyt, 1892, 214 De Laronde Ave. W. Reid Stryker, 1904, 6039 Pitt St. MAINE. Belfast. William Vaughan, 1880. Bingham. Horace J. Craig, 1896. Dover. Ernest J. Smith, 1901. Limerick. George A. Mills, 1863. Orono. Raymond Harman-Ashley, 1903. *Bound Brook, N. J. Skowhegan. H. Lloyd Harris, 1905, R. F. D. MARYLAND. Baltimore. Frederick C. Brush, 1915, 3401 Walbrook Ave. DuMont F. Elmendorf, 1911, The Johns Hopkins Hospital. J, Edward Elmendorf, 1914, fJohns Hopkins Medical De- partment. *New Brunswick, N. J. Frederick P. Hennighausen, 1863, 224 Warren Ave. Halsey E. Ramsen, 1909, 3802 Dalrymple Ave. Frederick. George E. Tracy, 1894, 264 Dill Ave. Hagerstown. William H. Burhans, 1906. Port Deposit. Harold F. Hovey, 1908, The Tome School. 404 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Robinson Station. Ernest L. Runyon, 1879. Towson. A. Hobart Smoclv, 1893. MASSACHUSETTS. Amherst. C. Robert Duncan, 1906, Box 466. Philip B. Hasbrouclc, 1893, 130 N. Pleasant St. Walter M. Peacock, 1913, Fac- ulty Club, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Andover. Chalmers P. Dyke, 1892, Bal- lardvale Road. Boston. Lester D. Berger, 1907, 129 Tremont Ave. Ellis Bishop, 1892, 36 India St. Holmes E. Bruyere, 1892, 53 State St. T. Alan Devan, 1906, 697 Hunt- ington Ave. Charles L. Edgar, 1882, fcare of the Edison Electric Illum- inating Company, 70 State St. ♦Brookline, Mass. Cecil G. Fielder, 1913, 800 Ford Building. Harry L. Jennings, 1916, 125 Jefferson St. Thomas M. Strong, 1868, 176 Huntington Are. LaRue Vredenburgh, 1877, 39 Boylston St. Fritz C. Wittig, 1904, tl9 Pearl St. *Newton Centre, Mass. Brookline. Charles L. Edgar, 1882, *259 Kent St. tBoston, Mass. Raymond T. Vredenburgh, 1906, 123 Sutherland Road. Buzzards Bay. George H. Buck, 1916, P. O. Box 202. Cambridge. L. Simmons Ernst, 1914, tH Mellen St. *Catskill, N. Y. George P. Morris, 1888, River- bank Court. James Morrow, 1914, 40 Kirk- land St. Austin W. Scott, 1903, Har- vard Law School. James B. Scott, 1909, 4 Avon St. Canton. J. Hendrik de Vries, 1881, 9 Chapel St. Fitchburg. Asher Anderson, 1870, 973 Main St. Grafton, George D. Lydecker, 1874. Great Barrington. Gerard Hallock, 1890, The Hal- lock School. Ipswich. Howard N. Doughty, 1896, 18 Green St. New Bedford. Harry N. Blue, 1915, care of Morse Twist Drill and Ma- chine Company. Newton Centre. Fritz C. Wittig, 1904. *162 . Clark St. tBoston, Mass. Newtonville. Raymond B. Johnson, 1906, 84 Walker St. Norwood. Clarence A. Bingham, 1908. Pittsfleld. Clifford L. Mason, 1908, 40 Thompson Place, South Ashburnham. Oliver J. Schoonmaker, 1906. Southbridge. Edgar D. Tillyer, 1902. Albert B. Wells, 1892. South Weymouth. George W. Ecker, 1899, 61 Thicket St. Sprtngfleld. Herbert L. Mattice, 1886, 43 Firglade Ave. Sterling. Frank T. Lent, 1878, Swampscott. Alexander B. Way, 1895, 289 Humphrey St. Waltham. Charles R. Bell, 1901, 510 Main St. Wellesley Hills. Robert W. Cobb, 1905, Oakland St. Worcester. Whitfield J. Bell, 1913, care of Norton Company. George Buttler, 1880, *11 Lenox St. t390 Main St. Joseph K. Folsom, 1913, Clark University. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 405 Worcester. William G Ludlow, 1884, 390 Main St. John F. Tinsley, 1900, *8 Mont- vale Road. tAmerican Steel and Wire Company. MICHIGAN. Ann Arbor. William V. N. Garretson, 1902, University of Michigan. Jonathan F. Scott, 1902, fUni- versity of Michigan. •1125 • Ferdon Road. Bear Lake. Emerich J, Kuhn, 1915, High School. Benton Harbor. Corydon M. Ryno, 1898, 122 Pipestone St. Cadillac. Walter A. Johnson, 1912, Court House. Coopersville. Nicholas S. Sichterman, 1912, R. F. D. 1. Corunna. William H. McKee, 1873. Detroit. Maurice V. Campbell, 1900, 500 Philip Ave. Clarence L. Pfersch, 1908, The Gregorian. Isaac J. Van Hee, 1893, 2341 Brush St. Grand Rapids. L. Douglas Tompkins, Jr., 1911, Robinson Road. Hamilton. John R. Poppen, 1914. Highland Park. Frederick H. Low, 132 Buena Vista W. Holland. John Walter Beardslee, 1860, 26 E. 12th St. Iron Mountain. Joseph A. Crowell, 1873. McBain. Theodore W. R. Van het Loo, 1894, R. F. D. 2. Munising. Darwin B. Buell, 1916. Muskegon. Howard Goff, 1890. Ridgeway. George W. Scarlet, 1880. Saginaw. Andrew Doremus, 1864, 2432 Michigan Ave. Saline. William H. Hoffman, 1872. MINNESOTA. Brainerd. Weaker A. Barrows, 1888. Duluth. Charles N. Ironside, 1881, P. O. Box 178. Hamilton M. Peyton, 1855, *1239 E. Superior St. fAmer- ican Exchange National Bank. Minneapolis. John T. Bergen, 1883, 632 E. 18th St. George L. Nevius, 1876, 610 Temple Court. Henry L. Ulrich, 1897, 420 Syn- dicate xjuilding. St. Paul. George E. Sealy, 1870, 1894 Marshall Ave. Wadena. Asher Murray, 1879. MISSOURI. Joplin. Joseph E. Aldrich, 1879. Kansas City, Charles T. Thompson, 1908, 46 E 52d St. Kirkwood. Franklyn E. Holsten, 1905, 439 N. Clay Ave. Rolla. William W. Cook, 1873. St. Joseph. Eugene Ayres, 1864, 108 N. 8th St. Philemon B. Lyon, 1899, 529 N. 8th St. St. Louis. Harland Bartholomew, 1911, 231 Municipal Courts Bldg. Alan D. Campbell, 1912, tE-9 Tower Hall, Washington Uni- versity. *New Brunswick, N. J. Carl H. H. Fischer, 1899, 5777 Berlin Ave. John Gray, 1896, *420 Olive St. IBank of Commerce Bldg. G. Stanley Robins, 1913, tl022 Wright Bldg. *333 Spring Ave. Rhea G. Smith, 1909, 1800 S. 2d St. 406 RUTGERS COLLEGE. St. Louis. Aurelius M. Tracy, Jr., 1908, yEquitable Bldg. *4458 Wash- ington Blvd. Jolin M. Wenneis, 1909, 1800 S. 2d St. Louis F. B. Woolston, 1906, 4040 Flad Ave. MONTANA. Kalispell. Stephen St. J. Malven, 1903, care of Forest Service. Lewistown. Norman L. Poland, 1897. Rufus G. Poland, 1904. Miles City. Hervey K. Doane, 1906, Western Bldg. Missoula. Frederick R. Mason, 1905, For- est Service. NEBRASKA. Hebron. Edwin M. Alden, 1888. Omaha. Albert C. Arend, 1889, 5205 Cass St. Raymond V. Cole, 1893, 2616 Farnam St. Stanley U. North, Y. M. C. A. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Alstead Center. Otto E. Meyer, 1878. Berlin. Alton P. Swan, 1907. NEW JERSEY. Allenhurst. Edwin S. Cooper, 1896, 224 Spier Ave. Charles K. Savage, 1913. Herbert K. Savage, 1913, *30 Cedar Ave. fNew York City. Allentown. Harry D. Robbins, 1903. Allenwood. Owen B. F. Allen, 1882. Annandale. Edwin P. Holtberg, 1915. Arlington. Thomas S. Benstead, 1904, 607 Chestnut St. T. Harvey Bruce, 1906, 311 For- est St. William A. Growney, 1899, 52 Pleasant Place. Arlington. Frederick F. Read, 1909, 539 Chestnut St. George W. Schmidt, 1914, 427 Chestnilt St. Albert M. Schultz, 1915, 156 Stewart Ave. Asbury Park. Robert G. Allen, 1909, 1105 As- bury Ave. Stewart H. Appleby, 1913, fP- O. Box 603. *Avon, N. J. Reginald S. Bennett, 1898, 516 Asbury Ave. • Francis M. Bogardus, 1860, 1117 W. 5th Ave. Elvin C. Burtis, 1896. James M. Coleman, 1916, West- minster Hotel. Garrett M. Conover, 1892, 414 Sewall Ave. George S. Ferguson, 1897, 711 Mattison Ave. J. Harry Hayes, 1916, 1102yo 4th Ave. Clarence E. F. Hetrick, 1895, *1114 5th Ave. tSeacoast Building. William R. Hogg, 1896, 612 Summerfield Ave. Fred C. Hoth, 1902, 304 3d Ave. William I. Ker, 1896. Irving L. Reed, 1896, 506 4th Ave. Eugene F. Rocljafeller, 1916, 600 4th Ave. Harry J. Rockafeller, 1916, 600 4th Ave. J. Paul Taylor, 1915, 504 4th Ave. L. Jerome Taylor, 1916, 504 4th Ave. Paul S. West, 1916. Athenia. Henry J. Scudder, 1890. fNew York City. Atlantic City. Walter K. Cavileer, 1896, 326 Atlantic Ave. Albert H. Darnell, 1893, Holm- hurst Hotel. Robert H. Ingersoll. 1889, Guarantee Trust Building. George H. Muller, 1903, 15 S. Missouri Ave. Warner I. Risley, 1904, t648-9 Guarantee Trust Building. *Ventnor City, N. J. GEOGKAPHICAL INDEX. 407 Atlantic City. Laurence W. Schenck, 191G, 1421 West Riverside Drive. Hiram Steelman, Jr., 1911, 1 South Tennessee Ave. Herbert R. Voorhees, 1900, 28 S. Harrisburg Ave. Atlantic Highlands. Edgar C. Cook, 1914. George A. Mount, 1904. Joseph C. Youenes, 1915. Avenel. J. Blanchard Edgar, 1866. Avon. Stewart H. Appleby, 1913, * Washington and Jefferson Aves. tAsbury Park, N. J. Charles C. Haven, 1870. Baptistown. Harry Y. Green, 1913. Barnegat. William S. Sprague, 1916. Basking Ridge. Montagu Hankin, 1913. fNew York City. Ned O. Howlett, 1915. Kenneth A. Turner, 1914. Garrett S. Voorhees, 1892.- Bayhead. Samuel F. Foster, 1912. Bayonne. William W. Anderson, 1878, 762 Ave. A. Clifford J. ColTille, 1916, 16 W. 33d St. Herbert G. Eddy, 1901, 19 W. 34th St. Howard S. Gay, 1906, 36 East 37th St. John B. Holding, Jr., 1896, 48 W. 38th St. Thomas U. Purrington, 1914, t83 Trask Ave. *Trenton, N. J. Irving B. Stanton, 1915, 881 Ave. C. William P. Stephens, 1873, 742 Ave. A. Peter Stillwell, 1886, 98 W. 32d St. Albert Watman, 1916, 72 W. 30th St. Ferdinand S. Wilson, 1888, 111 W. 5th St. Bedminster. John B. Beekman, 1878. Charles G. Malleiy, 1896. Belford. , William A. Van Mater, 1896. Belle Mead. John V. D. Pumyea, 1863, Box, 6. Belleville. C. Leverich Brett, 1905, *211 Main St. fNew York City. Cleveland Perry, 1907, 463 Washington Ave. Russell B. Sammis, 1900, 251 Little St. Belmar. Charles Everett, 1878. Belvidere. Earl S. Wlllever, 1916. P. O. Box 281. Bergenfleld. Samuel S. Demarest, 1909. Bernardsville. Robert A. Nash, 1916. Paul Roebling, 1916. Blairstown. John C. Green, Jr., 1915, Blair Academy. Blawenburg. Henry K. Hotaling, 1912. Bloomfield. Charles R. Blunt, 1904, *39 Weaver Ave. t36 Broad St. Malcolm L. Carl, 1911, 21 Oak- land Ave. Harry F. Cooper, 1900, 148 Ashland Ave. S. Parker Gilbert, Jr.. 1912, *47 Oakland Ave. yNew York City. Frederic Glander, 1912, *197 Washington St. fNew York City. George H. Gowen, 1904, 24 Ella St. Charles F. Kocher, 1890, *285 Bloomfield Ave. tCare of City Attorney's Office. Francis G. Lang, 1907, 22 Ben- son St. Clifford H. Lawrence, 1910, 295 Montgomery Ave. C. Raymond Martin, 1915, 157 Washington St. William H. Martin, 1912, 157 Washington St. George Morris, 1889, *161 Washington St. jCare of High School. George A. Oakes, 1893. Charles F. O'Neill, *37 Benson St. tNew York City. George B. Roesch, 1916, 60 Wal- nut St. 408 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Bloomfleld. G. Lee Stout, 1859, 392 Frank- lin St. Bloom ingdale. Edward M. Ball, 1916. Bogota. John B. Black, 1910, 139 Larch Ave. BoTdcntown. ' Frederick J. Potter, 1872. Joseph B. Reynolds, 1886. Raymond C. Bobbins, 1914, 40 Crosswicks Ave. Bound Brook. ' John Harman-Ashley, 1909, R. F. D. 1. Raymond Harman-Ashley, 1903, tOrono, Me. Perry H. Bascom, 1912, 203 E. High St. Arthur D. Bergen. 1913, 11 W. High St. Louis M. Davis, 1913, 1 W. Main St. Jacob J. Feldman, 1913, 423 Main St. George M. Green, 1910, 118 Hamilton St. William H. Haelig. 1910. Aaron M. Hageman, 1912. Henry M. Heibert. 1878. George W. Koehler, 1913. Robert R. Le Monte, 1888. Roy M. D. Richardson. 1915. Ime M. Rose, 1915, 107 Tal- mage Ave. Walter H. Rugen, 1909, Union Ave. William A. Schure, Jr., 1916, 109 E. Main St. Alfred F. W. Sfarra, 1915, 48 Talmage St. George O. Smallcy, 1906, 2 Church St. Russell F. Stryker, 1910. *129 W. High St. tNew Bruns- wick. N. J. Benjamin E. Thomas, 1916. Elbridge Vansyckel, 1873. N. Dunham Van Syckel. 1882. Eugene S. Veghte, 1879. William C. Wells, 1916, Beech- wood Heights. Bradley Beach. Charles H. Gant. 1914, 607 Ocean Park Ave. Bridgeton. Luther S. Davis. 1901. R. R. 1. David H. McBride, 1897. Bridgeton. Warren W. Oley, 1911. 13 New St. Sherman G. Pitt, 1888, 147 E. Commerce St. Butler. J. Clyde Enk, 1913, Lock Box 165. Caldwell. Raymond M. Austin, 1916, Mountain Ave. Stephen J. G. Francisco, 1903. Wellington P. Francisco, 1899, *R. F. D. tMontclair, N. J. Harold A. Russell, 1914, Fair- field St. Ilerbeit Simon, 1913, *6 Elm Road. tNewark, N. J. , Lloyd M. Van Ness, 1911. Camden. Herbert A. Drake, 1868, 546 Federal St. Albion E. Preble, 1899, 626 Erie St. Cape May Court House. Edward L. Rice, 1887. J. Archer Stackhouse, 1914, Box 429. Cedar Grove. Leo H. Fretz, 1914, 1 Summit Ave. Chatham. John Monteith, Jr., 1916. Jared B. Moore, 1916. Chester. R. Parkhurst Dickerson, 1914, tNewark, N. J. William H. Woodruff, 1906, Woodchester Farm. Chrome. John J. Mulligan, 1906, U. S. Metal Refinery. Cinnaminson. George L. Frank, 1915. Clayton. Robert G. Dooling, 1914. Clifton. Robert B. Davis, 1912, 200 Pas- saic Ave. Thoodorus M. Thorburn, 1914, 66 Passaic Ave. Nathaniel H. Van Arsdale, 1862, *76 Do Mott Ave. fNew York City. Clover Hill. Charles W. Pitcher, 1873. Collingswood. Amos H. Flake, 1895. *15 Frazer Ave. tCai-e of Public Schools. Alson C. Llewellyn, 1912. 18 Zane Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 409 Cranford. Albert B. Craft, 1897. Carlton B. Pierce, 1876, 214 Prospect St. Alan C. Plume, 1907, 102 N. Ave. W. Robert C. Plume, 1881. John A. Potter, 1890. Waldo B. Rosencrantz. 1896, 106 Maple Are. Joseph R. See, 1912, 34 Spring- field Ave. Le Roy Wanser, 1914, 716 Wil- low St. Dover. Andrew K. Baker, 1882, 27 E. Blackwell St. Frederick A. Canfield, 1870. Joseph R. Forsyth, 1911, 147 Morris St. Dean C. Jenkins, 1916, 147 Morris St. George E. Jenkins, 1883, Baker Bldg. Lyman M. Smith, 1898. Benjamm F. Ward, 1893, *28 Sanford St. fDover High School. Dumont. Charles W. Gulick, 1895. Dunellen. Benjamin R. K. Burke, 1870. Fred C. Gaskill, 1900. Benjamin M. Miller, 1909. Augustus F. Todd, Jr., 1881. tNew York City. J. Alfred Wilson, 1897. East Millstone. Frederick L. Bascom, 1909. C. Drysdale Black, 1908. Henry Lockwood, 1891. Abram Van C. Nevius, 1877. J. Richard Nevius, 1912. George E. Pace, 1871. Frank W. Remsen, 1893. East Orange. J. Edward Ashmead, 1897, *36 Hawthorne Ave. fNewark, N. J. Martin Bahler, 1869, 166 N. Arlington Ave. George H. Baldwin, 1911, 247 William St. Harvey W. Banks, 1915, *130 N. Walnut St. tNewark, N. J. Ralph L. Beach, 1907, 49 Wayne Ave. East Orange. Myron H. Beekman, 1909, 72 Warrington Place. William S. Bishop, 1887, 20 S. Burnett St. Arthur L. Boyer, 1916, 54 Har- rison St. ChEX. 413 Jersey City. John M. Enright, 1895, *135 Jewett Ave. t75 Montgomery St. Herbert B. Fenn, 1909, 621 Montgomery St. Kenneth S. Franklin, 1910, 2953 Hudson Blvd. Hugh Gaflfney, 1913, 96 Gififord Ave. Alfred A. Gaipa, 1914, 126 Za- briskie St. William B. Gillmore, 1876, 99 Mercer St. David W. Harkness, 1866, 90 Mercer St. W. Reese Hart, 1899, 307 Mont- gomery St. Christian Heidt, 2d, 1908, Fair- mount Ave. Carl M. Herbert, 1903, t243 Washington St. *Manasquan, N. J. George S. Hobart, 1896, 243 Washington St. Eric H. Jentz, 1915, 92 Sherman Place. James T. Lillis, 1873, 208 Pali- sade Ave. Charles A. Limeburner, 1876, 79 Danforth Ave. Frank Melntire, 1907, 241 Sum- mit Ave. Gordon D. Melntire, 1904, 241 Summit Ave. J. William McKelvey, 1884, 813 Montgomery St. Eugene J. McKenna, 1909, 404 Fairmount Ave. Allan McLean, 1894, 31 High- land Aye. John Mellor, 1904, *489 Garteld Ave. fNew York City. Louis R. Menagh, Jr., 1914, 64 Van Reipen Ave. Ray C. Menagh, 1910, 84 Glen- wood Ave. Albert E. Mercker, 1915, 269 Columbia Ave. Lester D. Murray, 1916, 4 ^Miit- man St. Harry W. Noble, 1906, 278 Paci- fic av Walter E. Schwanhausser, 1915, 158 Fairview Ave. Franklin S. Smith, 1884, fColes and 18th Sts. *Montclair, N. J. Andrew J. Steelman, Jr., 1902, 15 Exchange Place. Jersey City. Harold D. Tompkins, 1909, 533 Communipaw Ave. Vreeland Tompkins, 1893, 113 Bentley Ave. Henry Traphagen, 1860, 307 Varick St. Valentine R. Tupper, 1907, 167 Arlington Ave. Daniel Van Winkle, 1858, 48 Kensington Ave. Frank H. Van Winkle, 1910, *48 Kensington Ave. fNew York City. Thomas E. Van Winkle, 1904, 48 Kensington Ave. Ripley Watson, 1908, tl5 Ex- change Place. *794% Mont- gomery St. William P. Watson, *812 Mont- gomery St. tNewark, N. J. Joseph Wolfson, 1880, 119 Mer- cer St. Nicholas D. Wortendyke, 1876, 108 Bentley Ave. Rynier J. Wortendyke, 1882, 15 Exchange Place. Jersey City Heights. John Winner, Jr., 1866, 491 Bergen Ave. Juliustown. Harry M. Allen, 1914. Kenvil. Earle B. Van Ness, 1912. *Pine Brook, N. J, Keyport. George W. Brown, 1897. Donald D. Hand, 1916, 3d and Division Sts. Fred B. Van Brakle, 1894. Kingston. Gillett Wynkoop, 1891. Lakehurst. J. Provost Stout, 1895. yLake- wood, N. J. Lakewood; J. Provost Stout, 1895. ♦Lake- hurst, N. J. Joseph A. Ward, 1914. 335 Ridge Ave. tEast Orange, N. J. Lambertville. George R. Wooden, 1897. Landing. William E. King, 1872. Layton. Alonzo A. Ranson, 1901. Lebanon. Claudius J. Fingar, 1907. John H. Knox, 1877. 414 BUTGEBS COLLEGE. Lebanon. William C. Voegtlen, 1902. Ledgewood. Albert R. Riggs, 1898. Liberty Corner. Peter K. Hageman, 1879. Charles C. Wheat, 1915. Linden. George W. Bauer, 1904, Wood Ave. Harold Depew, 1906. fEliza- beth, N. J. Oscar Gesner, 1862. Julius F. Jahn, 1910, Wood Ave. Frank S. Stimson, 1907. Hugo O. Wendel, 1916, Box 88. Little Falls. Harry t>. McCormick, 1889. Howard E. Van Ness, 1896. Livingston. Alexander L. Kean, 1893. Locust. George R. Maxson, 1914. fBrook- lyn, N. Y. Lodi. Alvin R. Jacobsen, 1915, care of United Dye Works. Long Branch. Frank B. Conover, 1879, 128 2d Ave. Alfred Buncombe, 1891, 646 Broadway. Chas. I. Mohair, 1909, Chattle High School. James E. Rowland, 1910, 182 Liberty St. Lower Bank. j Lewis A. Adams, 1894. Lyndhurst: Benjamin G. Divine, 1888, 522 Kingsland Ave. Madison. George K. Heyer, 1902, 61 Gar- field Ave. Alfred F. Skinner, 1883, 2 High- land Ave. Stanley M. Wilsey, 1914, *524 N. Henry St. tNewark, N. J. Magnolia, E. Tiel Smith, 1913. Manasquan, Carl M. Herbert, 1903. tJersey City, N. J. Robert P. Hulsart, 1916. Marlboro. John Giblon, 1905. Matawan. William V. Clark, 1870. Herbert Cottrell, 1900. Richard Heuser, 1904. Matawan. John Terhune, 1879. Ronson J. Warne, 1915. Mays Landing. Joseph M. Davis, 1915. Mendham. Jobn H. Voorhees, 1911, Frank- lin Farms. Merchantville. Hiram A. Farrand, 1891, 3 Morris St. Julian F. Miller, 1916, 32 Franklin Ave. Metuchen, T. Turner Barr, Jr., 1913, Main St. Wesley Benner, 1915, Crystal St. Nicholas I. M. Bogert, 1864. Edward L. Breen, 1915, Pearl St. Charles B. Carman, 1908. Reginald B. Crowell, 1914. Edward C. Dana, 1911. D. Raymond Edgar, 1903. Harold T. Edgar, 1900. Charles M. Freeman, 1880. William H. W. Komp, 1916, Box 446. Louis W. Martin, 1916. J. Gilbert Mason, Jr., 1905. Joseph F. Massopust, Jr., 1915. Edward L. Molineux, Jr., 1916. Eugene C. Moss, 1884. Ellis F. Potter, 1877. Bryce A. Quint, 1913. Sam Corle Schenck, 1889. Thorfin Tait, 1889. George C. Towle, 1869, fNew Brunswick, N. J. Harold L. Westfall, 1906, Vine- yard Road. Howard S. Wilson, 1895. Walter H. Wilson, 1907. Washington Wilson, 1881. Middlebush. John A. Thomson, 1884. Ralph W. Thomson, 1915. fRo- chester, N. Y. Artbur B. Totten, 1891. Middletown. Marion T. Conklin, 1881. Midland Park. Elam M. Garton, 1875. Millburn. John L. Baker, 1907. George J. Berstler, 1912, *Mill- burn Ave. tFandango Mills. Millstone. Andrew Hansen, 1910. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 415 Milltown. Joseph A. Headley, 1893, Mich- elin Tire Co. Elroy W. Steedle, 1915, fMich- elin Tire Co. *New Bruns- wick, N. J. Clarkson P. Stelle, 1911. Millville. Harry S. Hampton, 1895, *401 E. Main St. tMillville Manu- facturing Company. Martin W. Lane, 1881. Israel Reiner, 1915, t204 E. Broad St. *Woodbine, N. J. Milton. Oakley A. Johnson, 1881. Monmouth Junction. Nelson DeW. Stryker, 1868. Montclair. A. Hall Berry, 1892, 60 Lloyd Road, Philander Betts, 3d, 1891, *238 Valley Road. tNewark, N. J. I. Nevius Enyard, 1896, 107 S. Fullerton Ave. Wellington P. Francisco, 1899, tie Church St. *Caldwell, N. J. George M. Huttenloch, 1916, 33 S. Willow St. Arthur E. Owen, 1897, 81 Grove St. Charles E. Pattison, 1884, *66 Clinton Ave. fNew York City. William C. Sherwood, 1892, 188 N. Mountain Ave. Franklin S. Smith, 1884, *90 Union St. fJersey City, N. J. Halsey T. Tichenor, 1884, 40 Prospect Ave. Moorestown. Joseph R. French, 1915. Herbert Greenwald, 1909. Morris Plains. Francis E. Tilton, 1896. Morristown. Franklin A. Chapman, 1880. Willard W. Cutler, 1876, Morris- town Trust Company Build- ing. George G. Frelinghuysen, 1870. Edward Howell, 1889. 6 Wash- ington St. John M. Mills, 1897. Coleman Randolph, 1882, 2 Franklin Ave. Morristown. Frederick S. Smith, 1891, Trust Company Building. Mountain Lakes. Dudley B. Browning, 1916. Oren F. Browning, Jr. 1914. George H. Wyckoff, 1892, 55 Lake Drive. Mt. Tabor. Irving S. Tompkins, 1894. Neshanic. John Hart, 1869. John L. Schenck, 1883. Louis H. Schenck, 1874. tSom- erville, N. J. Netcong. Will G. Atwood, 1910. Newark. James K. Alverson, 1912, 390 Sandford Ave. Harold C. Amos, 1912, Newark Academy. John Arthur, 1912, 26 Waverly Ave. J, Edward Ashmead, 1897, tPrudential Bldg. *East Orange, N. J. George G. Ashwell, 1906, 174 N. 9th St. Harvey W. Banks, 1915, fPad- dock Zuzi Motor Car Co, ♦East Orange, N, J. William V. Becker, 1911, 61 Millington Aye, Philander Betts, 3d, 1891, t790 Broad St. *Montclair, N, J. Herbert Boggs, 1873, 160 Mar- ket St. Arthur H. Bradley, 1902, 218 Fairmount Ave. Charles Bradley, 1876, t58 Free- man St, *18 James St. John B. Brown, 1904, t29 N, 7th St, *Verona, N, J. Josiah J, Brown, 1860, 80 Hill- side Ave. Daniel F, Burnett, 1901, fSlO Broad St, * Orange, N. J, Joseph Burstein, 1912, 106 Mon- mouth St. Frederic S. Bush, 1903, 194 2d St. Kingsland Camp, 1914, 30 Ful- ton St. Vincent J, Casale, 1911, tl42 Market St, *98 Bloomfleld Ave, J. William Clark, 1887, Clark Thread Co. ,416 KUTGERS COLLEGE. Newark. Sherman L. Conklin, 1916, 247 Belleville Ave. Morrison C. Colyer, 1897, fFire- men's Insurance Bldg. *555 Clifton Ave. Ralph E. Cooper, 1913, 239 Par- ker St. Horace V. Cory, 1915, *315 Ridge St. tNewark, Del. Henry A. Cozzens, Jr., 1913, 22 Pennington St. Frederick W. De Hart, 1897, 52 Chester Ave. Edwin S. Dewey, 1912, 162 EI- wood Ave. R, Parkhurst Dickerson, 1914, tl07 Halsey St. *Chester, N. J. William J. Douglas, Jr., 1904, 91 Lincoln Park. Eugene V. R. Dulje, 1909, 118 Central Ave. Frank H. Earle, Jr., 1907, 163 N. 7th St. Charles J. Eldridge, 1906, 6 South St. David L. Elinsky, 1914, 211 Hunterdon St. J. E. Elmendorf, 1878, 750 Broad St. Percy E. Erickson, 1905, *114 Ridgewood Ave. tNew York City. Eugene W. Erler, 1903, 119 N. 5th St. A. Boylan Fitz-Gerald, 1900, 35 Clay St. William K. F.lanagan, 1904, Kin- ney Building. O. Watson Flavelle, 1897, 35 Dover St. Frederick Frelinghuysen, 1868. Louis R. Freund, 1911, 810 Broad St. John Q. Frey, 1901, 115 3rd Ave. James L. Garabrant, 1901, t9-15 * Clinton St. *East Orange, N. J. Charles H. Garretson, 1907, 525 Clinton Ave. Paul F, Girtanner, 1900, 40 Clinton St. Louis B. Gittleman, 1916, 187 Johnson Ave. Walter D. Gregory, 1885, 366 7th Ave. Jacob W. Groendyke, 1912, 139 Wakeman Ave. Newark. Franklin H. Halliday, 1892, 78 Oraton St. Charles Hambrock, 1913, 111 Osborne Terrace. Louis Hambrock, Jr., 1913, 111 Osborne Terrace. Daniel Hand, 1894, 30 Mt. Pleasant Ave. J. Johnston Hart, 1900, *356 Parker St. fClark Thread Company. Herbert W. Heilmann, 1912, ]-l Isabella Ave. William E. Helmstaedter, 1809, 17 Wall St. Max J. Hemmer, Jr., 1908, 21 Taylor St. J. Parker Hickman, Jr., 1913, 107 Halsey St. Harold T. Hoot, 1915, 247 Belle- ville Ave. Walter Hornbruch, 1913, 891 S. 16th St. John W. Howell, 1880, 211 Bal- lantine Pkwy. Jonathan H, Huntington, 3d, 1916, 34 Johnson Ave. Clarence C. Jackson, 1902, 14 Gouverncur St. Henry V. Jacobson, 1912, 110 Avon Ave. John W. Janvier, 1909, 343 High St. John E. Jones, 1903, 16 Ricord St. Louis A. Kempf, 1898, 725 Clif- ton Ave. William S. Ketcham, 1877, 24 Gould Ave. William A. Kinsey, 1894, 192 Market St. Howard F. Kirk, 1903, *29 Os- borne Terrace. tUnion Bldg., Clinton St. Edwin T. Leslie, 1910, 6 Milling- ton Ave. Harold D. Leslie, 1911, 27 Ingre- ham Place. Arthur R. Lewis, 1916, 783 S. 10th St. John A. Linnett, 1904, 26 Os- borne Terrace. Job H. Lippincott, 1902, 742 Parker St. Samuel Mandel, 1915, 1 Hill- side Ave. Frederick A. Mandeville, 1885, 1021 Broad St. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 417 Newark. James A. Mandeville, 1895, care of Eisele and King, 752 Broad St. Charles M. Mason, 1897, 31 Clinton St. William J. McFadden, 1909, tNational State Bank Build- ing. *843 S. 15tli St. Archibald Mercer, 1868, 81 ^Yashington St. Theodore E. Merklinger, 1905. 895 S. 16th St. John A. Miller, 1871, Union Building. Bartholomew F. Monaghan, 1896, *349 S. 11th St. fWest Side School. Robert E. Moore, 1915, *42 Ful- ton St. tNew York City. Frank A. Morris, 1904, 1059 Hunterdon St. T. Vassar Morton, 1913. *73 Thomas St. fNew York City. George S. Mower, 1896, 115 Lin- coln Ave. D. D. Mulhern, 1913, Newark Star Eagle. James E. Mulligan, 1916, 106 Arlington St. Roger Myers, 1897, 582 S. Orange Ave. J. Spencer Osborao, 1899. 45 N. Broad St. William C. Park, 1914, 64 Astor St. Cortlandt Parker, Jr., 1878, Prudential Bldg. Frederick W. Parker, 1888, 187 Lincoln Ave. John E. Parmly, 1884, 97 Heller Parkway. Ralph B. Parsons, 1900, t46 Clinton St. *394 Sanford Ave. William P. Patterson, 1901, 177 S. 10th St. Bernard Pear, 1915, t790 Broad St. *New Brunswick, N. J. Edward L. Peppel, 1916, 372 Elm St. Clarence Peters, 1873, 117 Clin- ton Ave. Harry M. Peters, 1883, 1093 Broad St. Harold C. Pierson, 1912, 100 S. 7th St. Charles T. Pomeroy, 1877, t264 Halsey St. *459 High St. Newark. Samuel L. Poole, 1893, Pruden- tial Bldg. John H. Porter, 1886, 164 Mar- ket St. Arthur D. Pringle, 1909, 141 N. 12th St. J. Paulding Read, 1901, *28S Ridge St. tNew York City. Jacob Chob Richer, 1913, 93 Bruce St. Frederic F. Roeber, 1897, 24 Monmouth St. Robert H. Rogers, 1893, 49 9th Ave. Donald Ross, 1912, 52 Milf6rd Ave. Robert L. Scharring-Hausen, 1916, 300 N. 7th St. Morris ^Schechter, 1913, 834 S. 14th St. Joseph W. Scheer, 1914, 69 Del- avan St. George F. Scull, 1895, 117 N. 9th St. Edward Sealy, 1869, 369 Wash- ington St. Frederic D. W. Searing, 1898, 106 3d Ave. Harold Sillcox, 1911, 872 S. 16th St. Herbert Simon, 1913, fDept. of Docks and Meadows, City Hall. *CaldwelI, N. J. Bevier H. Sleght, 1880, 644 Clin- ton Ave. William U. Small, 1897, 413 Summer Ave. Frederic W. Smith, 1902, 806 Prudential Bldg. S. Roy Smith, 1912, 74 Baldwin Ave. William E. Smock, 1912, 44 Oriental St. Peter D. Staats, 1874, 156 N. 7th St. Frank H. Stobaeus, 1908, 755 Clinton Ave. Nicholas E. Tintle, 1902, 12 Governor St. Joseph E. Trippe, 1861, 548 Sanford Ave. Jacob H. Van Ness, 1862, 205 Clifton Ave. Frank R. Van Sant, 1907, 725 Highland Ave. Thomas D. Van Syckel, 1883, 308 Chadwick Ave. 27 418 IIUTGERS COLLEGE. Watson, 1875, Bldgj *Jersey Newark. Winant Van Winkle, 1900, tCommerclal Casualty Insur- ance Co. *Rutherford, N. J. Carl Wackenhuth, 1911, 682 High St. E^rederick C. Wackenhuth, Jr., 1899, 57 Freeman St. Elmer L. Walker, 1912, 37 Mil- ford Ave. Raymond B. Walling, 1909, 15 Waverly Ave. Edward T. Ward, 1884, *1 Strat- ford Place. tCare of Aaron Ward and Sons. Joseph Ward, Jr., 1871, t41 Clinton St. *253 Mt. Pleas- ant Ave. William P. tPrudential City, N. J. William L. Westfall, Jr., 1901, 22 James St. George H. Whisler, 1916, 100 New York Ave. M. Royal Whitenack, 1896, 19 Bathgate Place. W. Spader Willis, 1886, fState Normal School. *217 Belle- ville Ave. Leroy C. Wilsey, 1912, 727 Highland Ave. Stanley M. Wilsey, 1914, *727 Highland Ave. tMadison. N. J. Wm. Leroy Wyckoff, 1914, fEs- sex Bldg. *East Orange, N. J. New Brunswick. Harold Anshen, 1914, tcare of First National Bank. *14 Huntington St. Asher Atkinson, 1885, 49 Mine St. Edwin L. Baier, 1908, Highland Park. Joseph G. Baier. *310 Sandford St. tNew York City. George V. N. Baldwin, Jr., 1886, Highland Park. Horace E. Barwis, 1909, care of George L. Burton. C. Stewart Beckwith, 1914, N. J. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Nathan T. Benedict, 1903, 86 Carroll Place. William H. Benedict, Jr., 1906, 86 Carroll Place. J. Frederic Berg, 1892. New Brunswick. John C. Bergen, 1907, 144 George St. Harold S. Best, 1911, *94 Church St. fSyracuse, N. Y. LouJs Bevier, 1878. *Bishop Place. tRutgers College. John Bishop, 1878, Bishop Place. John V. Bissett, 1912, 3d and Raritan Ave. Highland Park. Frank D. Blanchard, 1914, tNew Brunswick Theological Semi- nary. *Paterson, N. J. William E. Breazeale, 1889, *142 Hamilton St. - tRutgers Col- lege, James F. Burke, 1913, 101 Throop Ave. G. Harold Buttler, 1902, Liv- ingston Manor. Howard V. Buttler, 1875, 75 John St. Alan D. Campbell, 1912, *273 George St. tSt. Louis, Mo. Henry de la B. Carpender, 1905. George St. J. Neilson Carpender, Jr., 1897. William Carpender, 2d, 1912, New Brunswick Refrigerating Company. Willard T. Case, 1910, Living- ston Ave. Charles S. Cathcart, 1886, 179 George St. Lewis B. Chamberlain, 1886, *212 Townsend St. tNew York City. L. Hammill Chamberlin, 1914, 267 Handy St. Albert H. Chester, 1894, 11 Union St. Franklin O. Church, 1914. Alumni House. Willard P. Clark, 1898, 89 Bay- ard St. Frederick W. Conger, 1902, 245 Hale St. John C. Conger, 1915, 39 Rar- itan Ave. Charles H. Connors, 1913, 1st Ave., Highland Park. Garret S. Conover, 1878. 66 Schureman St. George W. Conover, 1903, High- land Park. Louis W. Conover, 1904, 78 Al- bany St. Lester E. Cook, 1913, 63 N. 5th Aye. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 419 New Brunswick. Robert A. Cook, 1879, Bleecker Place. William B. Cook, 1912, 12 Pros- per St. Henry G. Cooke, 1853, 7 Living- ston Aye. Charles E. Corwin, 1892, 228 Wayne St. Charles T. Cowenhoven, Jr., 1900, *192 College Ave. fNew York City. Charles T. Cowenhoven, 1862, 139 College Ave. Bertram I. Cropsey, 1902, 57 Livingston Ave. Roscoe W. De Baun, 1911, N. J. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. William H. S. Demarest, 1883, Seminary Place. Holmes V. M. Dennis, Jr., 1894, *32 Union St. fNew York City. Charles Deshler, 1885, 106 Col- lege Ave. George R. Deshler, 1895, 256 Seaman St. Spencer C. Devan, 1902, High- land Park. Ernest S. T. Dewald, 1911, 22 Morris St. Frank M. Donohue, 1879. James P. Dougherty, 1891, 79 Paterson St. Charles A. Dunham, 1872, George and Church Sts. Willard C. Durham, 1875, 264 Seaman St. John L. Duryee, 1896, *Lincoln Ave., Highland Park. fJane- Way Button Company. W^allace T. Eakins, 1911, 101 Hamilton St. HariT W. Edgar, 1915, 105 Lawrence Ave. John E. Elmendorf, Jr., 1914. tBaltimore, Md. Charles H. Engelhard, 1915, *307 George St. tC'are of India Rubber Company. Le Roy J. Esler, 1912, 105 Wash- ington St. Harry S. Feller, 1908, 260 Handy St. Harold R. Fick, 1915, P. O. Box 534. *116 Livingston Ave. Joseph Fischer, 1871, 215 Town- send St. New Brunswick. Adrain Fisher, 1916, Highland Park. Elbron Fisher, 1912, 237 Rar- itan Ave. F. Walker Flanagin, 1913, High- land Park. Ross H. Flanagin, 1916, High- land Park. Russell Fleming, 1915, 254 Ham- ilton St. Edwin Florance, 1916, 161 Liv- ingston Ave. W. Edwin Florance, 1885, fNa- tional Bank Building. *161 Livingston Ave. Bradley J. Folensbee, 1915, Hertzog Hall. William P. Garrison, 1910, 2 High St. John Gauh, 1905, fWashington, D. C. Henry H. Giflford, 1884, Wood- bridge and Maple Aves. Lawrence G. Gillam, 1915, N. J. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. John H. Gillespie. 1882, ♦Hunt- ington St. tNew Brunswick Theological Seminary. Gregory R. Gillmore, 1880. William H. Greene, 1901, 275 Delavan St. Elmer S. Grymes, 1913, 210 Handy St. C. Arlington Hallenbeck, 1914, tNew Brunswick Theological Seminary. *Gi'eendale, N. Y. Frederick M. Hart, 1901, R. F. D. No. 5. Lewis A. Heath, 1907, 16 Liv- ingston Ave. Ralph Heidingsfeld, 1911, 40 Al- bany St. William H. Helm, 1913. David L. Hendler, 1909, 72 Den- nis St. George Hill, 1879, Bleecker Place. Irving Hoagland. 1890. ♦Frank- lin Park, N. J. Samuel I. Hoddeson, 1914, 244 Burnet St. Jasper S. Hogan, 1891, 219 , , Townsend St. J. Bertram Howell, 1915, 255 Suydam St. Ralph M. Hubbard, 1915, *17 Mine St. fCollege Farm. 420 RUTGEES COLLEGE. New Brunswick. Edward S. Ingham, 1916, 26 Union St. Harris A. Jamison, 1908. Jacob J. Janeway, 1859, 192 Livingston Ave. Albert R. Johnson, 1907, *6th Ave. and Abbott St. fRutgers College. Edward F. Johnson, 1901, Sem- inary Place. GeoTge E. Jones, 1911, *179 New St. t23 Bayard St. Philip K. Kalteissen, 1916, *126 College Ave. P. O. Box 153. Oran Keller, 1912, 253 George St. J. Bayard Kirkpatrick, 1900, ,t393 George St. *15 Cleve- land Ave. Frank A. Langwith, Jr., 1915, tHertzog Hall. *Oceanport, N. J. Thomas H. Letson, 1896, 138 Livingston Ave. John H. Leupp, 1870. Herman J. Levine, 1915, 218 Burnet St. Luke D. Lindley, 1896, 193 Liv- ingston Ave. Jacob G. Lipman, 1898, Expoi ment Station. Eldon L. Loblein, 1909, 172 Somerset St. Robert A. Lufburrow, 1908, Highland Park. Bryce I. MacDonald, 1914, *41 College Ave. fRutgers Col- lege. Neil MacDougall, 1914, 33 N. 7th Ave. Harry J. March, 1887, *15 Grant Ave. tUtility Construc- tion Company. George W. Martin, 1912, 258 Redmond St. John D. Martin, 1870, 133 Church St. Luther H. Martin, 1909, *258 Redmond St. tRegistrar's Of- fice, Rutgers College. William H. McCallum, 1914, *80 Welton St. tN. J. Agrl. Ex- periment Station. William F. McCloskey, 1915, 130 French St. Cornelius B. McCrelis, 1873. Cornelius B. McCrelis, Jr., 1904. John F. McGovern, Jr., 1912, 36 Hardenbergh St. i- New Brunswick. Edwin C. McKeag, Ph.D., 185)6, 233 Somerset St. Howard D. McKinney, 1913, 82 Harrison Ave. Timothy H. McManus, 1906, 73 Huntington St. Eugene A, Meacham, 1895, Bay- ard St. Arthur C. Metcalf, 1914, 41 Col- lege Ave. John W, Mettler, 1899. Henry Miller, 1894, R. F. D. No. 4. Richard Morris, 1899, *16 Cedar Ave. tRutgers College. Daniel Morrison, 1896, 1 Elm Row. George R. Morrison, 1915, *10 Bartlett St. Box 184. Herbert W. Nafey, 1910, High- land Park. James Nellson, 1866. S. Max Nelson, 1911, Highland Park. John S. Nevius, 1914, 319 Lin- coln Ave. James A. Newmeyer, 1914, 330 S. 3d Ave. Robert C. Nicholas, 1896, * Bishop Place, t Johnson and Johnson. George W. Nuttman, 1896, 17 Hardenbergh St. George A. Osborn, 1897, *37 Grant Ave. fRutgers College Library. Earle J. Owien, 1903, N. J. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Irving L. Owen, 1908, 171 George St. W. Frank Parker, 1895, fNa- tional Bank of New Jersey. *40 Hardenbergh St. Cullen W. Parmelee, 1896, ♦Highland Park. fRutgers College. Raymond S. Patterson, 1911, N. J. Agrl. Experiment Station. Bernard Pear, 1915, *1 King Block. tNewark, N. J. Ralph N. Perlee, 1910, 179 New St. Robert W. Pettit, 1900, 144 Livingston Ave. Frank R. Pratt, 1906, *4 Union St. tRutgers College. William H. Price, 1876, 77 Liv- ingston Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL IXDEX. 421 New Brunswick. Alex. W. Quackenboss, 1907, 08 Albany St. Joseph Ratner, 1916, Highland Park. Anton A. Raven, Jr., 1916, 185 'College Ave. . John H. Raven, 1891, *185 Col- lege Ave. tNew Brunswick Theological Seminary. Charles H. Reed, 1916, 201 Liv- ingston Ave. William Reiley, 1866, 92 Carroll Place. Howard A. Reynolds, 1891, 390 George St. Richard C. Rice, 1908, 82 Car- roll Place. George H. Roeder, 1906, R. P. i D. No. 6. I Walter F. L. Roeder, 1907, High- j land Park. ' Leo Rogin, 1916, R. F. D. No. 4. ■ Clarence G. Rolfe, 1906, 88 Pat- , erson St. I Miles Ross, 1913, P. O. Box 23. Millard F. Ross, 1880, 100 Liv- j ingston Ave. Vivian C. Ross, 1912, *59 Morris St. tNew York City. I John H. Rowland. 1914, ' *208 j Commercial Ave. fNew York j City. Laurance P. Runyon. 1899, t422 George St. *14 Union St. Schuyler L. Rust, 1908, Lincoln | Ave. I Samuel L. Sahn, 1915, 139 \ Neilson St. j T. Ely Schanck, 1880, tPeoples Natl. Bank. *17 Union St. i Arthur van V. Schenck, 1905, 43 | Paterson St. Warren R. Schenck, 1890, 43 } Paterson St. : Henry P. Schneeweiss, 1877, *49 | Bayard St. tRutgers College Treasurer's OflSce. Edward R. Schneider, 1909, 54 Easton Ave. Fred C. Schneider, 1903, 262 Suydam St. Frederick W. Scott, 1907, Bay- ard St. Charles J. Scudder, 1889, care of Janeway and Carpender. J. Preston Searle, 1875, Semi- nary Place. Raymond B. Searle, 1916, Sem- inary Place. New Brunswick. Robert W. Searle, 1915, Semi- nary Place. W^alter C. Sedam, 1909, *86 Pat- erson St. t40 Paterson St. Harold R. Segoine, 1908, High- land Park. Frederic K. Shield, Jr., 1915, 23 2d Ave. Earl R. Silvers, 1912, fAlumni House. *Rahway, N. J. Shubel K. Siver, 1897, 98 Bay- ard St. Frank H. Skinner, 1889, fcare of Janeway and Carpender. *The Bayard. Cyrus C. Smith, 1883, Lock Box 379. *118 Hamilton St. Hilmar F. Smith, 1913, 157 Col- lege Ave. Ralph O. Smith, 1902, *170 Col- lege Ave. tRutgers College. T. Howard Smith, 1915, Box 93. tRutgers College Treasurer's Office. Harold Solomon, 1914, 189 New St. Frank E. Spring, 1903, Highland Park. William E. Staat, 1913, *236 Baldwin St. tNew Brunswick Refrigerating Co. William H. Stang, 1915, 125 Somerset St. Elroy W. Steedle, 1915, *81 Easton Ave. tMilltown, N. J. Charles W. Stevens, Jr., 1902, 13 Kirkpatrick St. Alan H. Strong, 1874, National Bank of N. J. Building. tPhiladelphia, Pa. Selah W. Sti^ong, 1891, 11 Har- denbergh St. Theodore Strong, 1883, tNa- tional Bank Bldg. ♦"Strong- hold." Russell F. Stryker, 1910, tRutgers Preparatory School. ♦Bound Brook, N. J. J. Claude Thomson, 1910, 11 Union St. Josiah Tice, 1877, 92 Albany St. Charles E. Tindell, 1893, 119 Church St. Alfred A. Titsworth, 1877, *590 George St. tRutgers College. Harvey I. Todd, 1915, Hertzog Hall. George C. Towle, 1869, t417 George St. *Metuchen, N. J. 422 RUTGERS COLLEGE. New Brunswick. M. Bedell Vail, 1869, 96 Car- roll Place. James H. Van Cleef, 1863, 18 Union St. Frederick N. VanDeripe, 1913, 77 Lincoln Ave. J. Marshall Van De Venter, 1903. 144 Somerset St. Francis C. Van Dyck, 1865, *25 Grant Ave. fRutgers College. Harold W. Van Liew, 1915, 337 Townsend St. Heaiy L. Van Mater, 1913, Highland Park. J. Alfred Van Nest, 1884, 42 Church St. Charles S. Van Nuis, 1880, Col- lege Farm. Percy L. Van Nuis, 1903, 8 Har- rison Ave. Russell U. Van Sickle, 1909, 255 Townsend St, George A. Viehmann, 1886, 40 Paterson St. Otto R. A. Voelker, 1903, 14 Scott St. Frederick G. C. Volkert, 1904, *37 Mine St. fMontreal, Can. John S. Voorhees, 1916, 586 George St. Louis A. Voorhees, 1885, 111 Carroll Place. Theodore Voorhees, 1915, Ivy Hall, River Road. Tracy S. Voorhees, 1911, Bishop Place. Vanderbilt S. Voorhees, 1878, Highland Park. Selman A. Waksman, 1915, N. J. Agrl. Experiment Station. Edward A. Waldron, 1888, LiT- ingston Manor. Herbert M. Waldron, 1893, 25 Livingston Ave. Howard V. D. AValdron, 1893, 25 Livingston Ave. William H. Waldron, 1886, River Road. Allen G. Waller, 1915, tN. J. Agrl. Experiment Station. ♦Freehold, N. J. Paul Walrath, 1914, Alumni House. Robert F. S. Wark, 1877, 43 Remsen Ave. A, Dudley Watson, 1915, 17 Hardenbergh St. New Brunswick. Harold S. Watson, 1913, *121 4th Ave. tinterwoven Stock- ing Company. Russell E. Watson, 1907, High- land Park. Frederick Weigel, 1880, 48 Pat- erson St. Arthur D. Welsh, 1911, 108 Somerset St. Charles P. Wilber, 1905, *Bishop Place. tTrenton, N. J. Louis K. Wilkins, 1914, N. J. Agrl. Experiment Station. Douwe D. Williamson, 1870, *36 Union St. fNational Bank of N. J. Bldg. Nicholas N. Williamson, 1902, 36 Union St. George W. Wilmot, Jr., 1914. *166 Somerset St, fNew York City. J. DesMer Wilmot, 1914, *151 Livingston Ave. tNew York City. Carl W. Wilmurt, 1907, 111 Car- roll Place. Raymond P. Wilson, 1907. 57 Paterson St. Carl R. Woodward, 1914, tN. J. Agai. Exp. Station. *253 Lawrence Ave. , Wilfred R. Woodward, 1896. Jacob Wyckoff, 1898, Lawrence Ave. New Durham. Wilber T. Gowen, 1909, Church St. New Market. William F. Mets, 1891. Frank O. Nelson, 1886. John I. Nelson, 1904. Lester E. Nelson, 1914. Walter B. Nelson, 1907. William J. Nelson, 1877. Ethan C. Rogers, 1912. Newton. Edwin H. Halsted, 1912. North Bergen. Isaac W. Gowen, 1879. Wilber T. Gowen, 1909, Grove Parsonage. W. Lloyd Van Keuren, 1909, *78 Danielson St, fHarrison, N. J. North Hackensack. Jesse F. Zabriskie, 1896. North Paterson. Elias B. Van Arsdale, 1890. GEOGRAPHICxVL INDEX. 428 North Plainfield. Henry Eggerding, 1900, 30 Duer St. Harry B. Smith, 1915, 48 Grand- view Ave. Joseph J. Yates, 1894, 139 De- lacy Ave. Nutley. Edgar L. Dickerson, 1902, 106 Prospect St. Abijah C. Fox, 1894, 57 High St. David N. Heni-y, 1894. Harold W. Schenck, 1913, 30 Church St. J. Homer Stover, 1910, *176 Grant Ave. fTrenton, N. J. Frank H. Whitenack, 1899, Crestwood Ave. Oakhurst. Frank R. Parker, 1911. Oakland. William V. D. Strong, 1891. Ocean City. William H. Campbell, Jr., 1915, 902 Asbury Ave. Henry W. Foulds, 1913, 400 Ocean Ave. Morgan Hand,. Jr., 1910, ycare of City Hall. *819 Wesley Ave. George D. Norcom, 1915, *408 Central Ave. fTrenton, N. J. Ocean Grove. Charles R. Rogers, 1911, *136 Lake Ave. fNew York City. Herbert C. Segur, 1916, 69 Mt. Hermon Way. Paul Strassburger, 1903, 42 Pil- grim Pathway. Oceanic. Lloyd B. Wheeler, 1907. Oceanport. Frank A. Langwith, 1915. fNew Brunswick, N. J. Old Bridge. Murray A. Chittick, 1916. James Fountain, 1890. Floyd E. Rue, 1914. Oradell. John T. DeWitt, 1889. Edgar I. McCully, 1894. Samuel D. Stryker, Jr., 1886. Orange. D. Frederick Burnett, 1901, *525 Scotland Rd. fNewark, N. J. Peter V. Huyssoon, 1873, *30 Park Place. fNew York City. Harry L. Marker, 1899, 7 New England Terrace. Orange. N. Grant Richie, 1902, *52 Hey- wood Ave. tBrooklyn, N. Y. William D. Schoonmaker, 1880, 45 Clarendon Place. Palisades Park. Louis J. Quad, 1899, *Palisades Blvd. fCare of Arbuckle Bros, Palmyra. Henry C. Cooper, 1912, Box 27. William S. C. Roray, 1900, 708 Parry Ave. Park Ridge. Frank O. Mittag, Jr., 1906. Francis A. Seibert, 1897. Parlin. Charles W. Chappel, 1905. Walter M. Van Wagner, 1914, Hercules Powder Co. Passaic. John E. Ackerman, 1879, 206 Boulevard. Henjy H. Conover, 1900, 65 Irv- ing Place. Walter C. Cabell, 291 Main Ave. Edward Dawson, 1898, 185 Paulison Ave. Gilbert T. Gale, 1892, *45 Carl- ton Place. fPassaic Print Works. Frederick W. Gaston, 1904, 266 Pennington Ave. William F. Gaston, 1874, tl70 Lexington Ave. *257 Main Ave. J. Royal Hemion, 1892, 113 Meade Ave. Elmer W. Kent, 1908, 40 Col- umbia Ave. Walter Kip, 1875, 60 Lafayette Ave. Ellas Mead, 1868, 382 River Drire. Joseph Scudder, 1897, 115 Paul- ison Ave. Arthur H. Temple, 1896, 164 JeCferson St. Paterson. Simon Blocker, 1905, 673 East 27th St. Fi-ank D. Blanchard, 1914, *372 Ellison St. fNew Brunswick, N. J. Eugene Bogert, 1895, t314 Straight St. *Glen Rock, N. J. Christian W. Braun, 1916, 229 Marshall St. James F. Briody, 1897, 385 Main S:-. 424 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Paterson. Harry M. Buckwald, 1915, 64 Main St. • John B. Church. 1867. 518 River St. Robert I. Hopper. 1866. Lester Inglis, 1896, 503 Broad- way. Henry Kip, 1875, 604 K. 25th St. George W. Labaw. 1869, R. P. D. No. 1. Henry Marelli, 1897, 2d Natl. Bank Bldg. George H. Metcalf, 1893, 13 12th Ave. William O'Connor, 1896, 143 Wayne Ave. Floyd Y. Parsons, 1897, 108 E. 39th St. Ralph B. Parsons, 1900, *661 E. 23d St. tNewark, N. J. Herbert R. Peebles, 1912, *9 Pennington St. fAllentown. Pa. Elmer L. Schoonmakcr, 1914, 620 East 24th St. William P. Seddon, 1908, *783 Madison Ave. tSecond Natl. Bank Bldg. George J. Steinmetz, 1889, tPat- erson High School. *Great Notch, N. J. James E. Torrey, 1897, 612 E. 26th St. Garret Van Cleve, 1896, 152 Market St. Charles K. Van Riper, 1913, 652 E. 26th St. Frank P. Venable, 1905, 51 N. 3d St. William H. Vroom, 1862, 690 E. 25th St. Theodore W. Welles, 1862, 406 E. 30th St. Pattenburg. Albert L. Hagen. 1912. Penns Grove. E, Freeman Hawley, 1909, *Box 17, Riverview. fl^uPont Pow- der Company. HaTold S. Riggins, 1902. William W. Summerill, 1914, care of DuPont Powder Com- pany. Perth Amboy. Rufus Allen, Jr., 1915, 496 Mar- ket St. Perth Amboy. Louis P. Booz, Jr., 1910, 87 Fay- ette St. Fred A. Briegs, 1912, 89 Market St. Adolph Brogger, 1906, 74 State St. Warren L. DuBois, 1908, 162 Smith St. Solomon Esberg, 1907, 203 Smith St. Alvin B. Fox, 1908, 226 Mad- ison Ave. Morris J. Gluck, 1908, 158 Brighton Ave. James Grieve, 1908, 59 Kearney Ave. Thomas L. Hanson, 1910, 83 Gordon St. Carl F. N. Hegstrom, 1913, 179 Market St. Charles C. Hommann, 1872, 81 Smith St. H. Max Kaletsch, 1909, 313 Watson Ave. Henry C. Koster, 1914, 524 Smith St. Harvey T. Mann, 1916, 128 State St. William H- McCormick, Jr., 1908, 153 High St. Martin S. Meinzer, 1901, 284 Madison Ave. Mahlon G. Milliken, 1913, 152 Lewis St. Oliver F. Mitchell. 1913, tl29 Market St. *147 State St. Herman A. Plusch, 1904. Forrest L. Smith, 1902, 272 High St. James S. Wight, 1881. *142 High St. tlOl Smith St. Petersburg. Rodney Van Gilder, 1908. Phillipsburg. Walter Anner, 1915. Pine Brook. Earle B. Van Ness, 1912, fKen- vil, N. J. Pitman. David H. Schock. 1878. Plainfield. Fred K. Armstrong, 1907, 37 Duer St. Joseph F. Berg, 1863, 1020 E. Front St. Clarence B. Brokaw, 1903, 135 DeLacey Ave. GEOGRAPinCAL INDEX. 425 Plalnfleld. Peter R, Buckelew, 1880, 134 E. 5th St. Raymond V. A. Carpenter, 1897, *33 Manning Ave. fNew York City. Roy W. Gates, 1916, *826 1st Place. ^ tNew York City. Frederick C. Grant, 1894, 119 Grove St. Benjamin E. Herrmann, 1910, 301 East 3d St. William G. Herrmann, 1912, 937 W. 7th St. William C. Hubbard, 1890, *111 W. 5th St. tPotter Printing Press Company. Harry B. Jackson, 1916, 350 Emerson Ave. Isidor Kunzman, 1912, *122 Plainfield Ave. tl33 E. Front St. Robert A. Meeker, 1875, 527 Belvidere Ave. Herman A. Newmark, 1913, 431 W. 4th St. Julius J. Newmark, 1909, 431 W. 4th St, C. Wolfe-Tone Overton, 1913, 31 Rockview Ave. Edward C. Pearson, 1868, 817 Second Place. Daniel Rapalje, 1855, 724 Carl- ton Ave. Charles A. Read, 1878, 203 Park Ave. Cornelius Schenck, 1879, 904 W. Front St. Cornelius F. Schenck, 1913, 904 W. Front St. Samuel Silbert, 1915, 426 W. Front St. Arthur E. Smith, 1903, 811 W. 5th St. Frederick M. Smith, 1911, 607 Central Ave. William M. Stillman, 1877, 212 W. Front St. Samuel R. Taverner, 1909, 514 Madison Ave. Arthur L. Titsworth, 1875, 424 W. 5th St. Charles M. Titsworth, 1902, 156 Watchung Ave. Philip V. Van Arsdale, 1906, 301 E. Front St. Joseph A. VanMater, 1880, *21 Myrtle Ave. tNew York City. Edward J. Van Wagner, 1016, 1116 W. 7th St. Plainfield. John H. Van Winkle, 1864, Bab- cock Bldg. Leon P. Zeglio, 1914, R. F. D. No. 3. Pleasantville. Walter B. McDougall, 1911. Elmer S. Weaver, 1905. Point Pleasant. Frederick J. Johnson, 1913. Warren D. McCloskey, 1915, 406 River Ave. Pompton Lakes. Charles M. Dixon, 1894, Pompton Plains, Frederic E. Foertner, 1902. Louis J. Ryerson, 1872. Potttersville. Adrian Westveer, 1865. Princeton. Alfred Drury, 1896, 8 Stockton St. W. Halsey Van Doren, 1867, R. F. D, Quinton. Loren P. Plummer, Jr., 1905, Rahway, William P, E, Ainsworth, 1916, 73 Esterbrook Ave. Adolph H. Baumann, 1914, 633 St, George's Ave, Eugene K, Baumann, 1912, St, George's Ave. Cortlandt H. Bonney, 1903, 161 Central Ave. E. Dudley Chase, 1913, 78 Maple Ave. Allen D. Cloke, 1909, 215 E. Hazelwood Ave, Charles E, Corbin, 1909. Frank V. Dobbins, 1895. George M. Friese, Jr., 1912, 140 Hazelwood Ave. Garrett S. Jones, 1874. Stanly W. Jones, 1895, Elm Ave, Reginald P, Lukens, 1914, 75 Bryant St, Earl MacClary, 1916, 225 W, Milton Ave. Franklin Marsh, 1879, 162 W. Milton Ave, John O, Marsh, 1912, *Pierpont St, tl37 Main St. Bergen S. Merrill, 1908, 118 Bryant St. George W, Mingus, 1909, 77 Union St, Walter E, Orvis, 1913. 216 Grand St. 426 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Rahway. William R. Ransom, 1909, 80 Paterson St. Ralph F. Rltter, 1909, 140 W. Scott Ave. Harold L. Robinson, 1905, Jef- ferson Ave. Irving R. Rosell, 1914, 82 Elm Ave. Walton B. Selover, 1897, Elm Ave. Earl R. Silvers, 1913, *152 Com- merce St. fNew Brunswick, N. J. Harold M. Terrill, 1012, 160 Seminary Ave. Charles A. Titus, 1912, 57 Com- merce St. J. Jervis Vail, 1898, 59 Hazel- wood Ave. John W. Wall, 1914, Rahway Natl. Bank. James C. Waters, Jr., 1904, 19 Bryant St. Otto E. Wiemer, 1916, 130 Church St. Frank C. Woodruff, 1904, 36 Seminary Ave. Raritan. Philip Lindsley, 1893. Louis T. Reed, 1880. Readington. Benjamin V. D. Wyckoff, 1875. Red Bank. Bayard C. Applegate, 1905, 60 Broad St. Daniel H. Applegate, Jr., 1903, 60 Broad St. Charles F. Duncan, 1912, 44 Borden St. Edwin Field, 1870, 76 W. Front St. Thomas H. Grant, 1881. William Hockman, 1886, New- man Spring Rd. Lional F. Liebschutz, 1912, 129 Branch Ave. Frank L. Manning, 1896, t21 Broad St. *34 Le Roy Place. Adrian C. Minton, 1916, 58 E. Front St. D. DuBois Schenck, 1872, 76 Oakland St. ArthuT C. Swift, 1908, 3 Throck- morton Ave. George M. Taylor, 1877, 54 Broad St. Garret Wyckoff, 1881, 50 Branch Ave. Ridgefield Park. Frank A. Morrison, 1909, 272 Hackensack Rd. John D, Morrison, 1912, 270 Hackensack Rd. William J. Morrison, Jr., 1897, Hackensack Rd. Ridge wood. Harold J. Cadmus, 1912, 203 S. Maple Ave. Henry D. Cook, 1904, Saddle River Road. Henry K. Davies, 1914, *4S Franklin Ave. fNew York City. Wallace Dunlop, 1916, 20 Hanks Ave. William J. Ransom, 1912. 96 Van Dien Ave. John A. Van Neste, 1872, 110 Pi-ospect St. Asa Zabriskie, 1880. tSan Fran- cisco, Cal. David D. Zabriskie. 1879. 84 West Ridgewood Ave. Ringoes. Lindley G. Cook, 1914. River Edge. James E. Graham, 1871. Riverside. Charles H. Taubel, 1906. Wainright D. Twing, 1916, 515 Fairyiew Ave. ' Thomas L. Wilkinson, 1906, 517 Fairview Ave. Riverton. Benjamin Lippincott, 1884, R. F. D. George S. Willits, 1873. Lawn House. Rockaway. Hugh Haddow, Jr., 1897, Hoag- land Ave. Roselle. Frank C. Manley, 1896. 264 3d Ave. E. Harvey C. Robins, 1907, 137 3d Ave. E. Oliver P. Schneeweiss, 1881, *128 W. 6th Ave. fNew York City. Edward P. Smaney, 1916. 49 Locust St. Burtis F. Vaughan, 1905, 146 E. 5th Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 427 Roselle Park. J. Wallace Higgins, 1893, *405 Chestnut St. fNew York City. Lloyd N. Lewis, 1915, 54 E. Grant Ave. Henry H. Stevens, 1892, 621 Chestnut St. Rutherford. W. Allen Messier, 1898, 11 W. Park Place. George M. Sangster, 1911, 300 Washington Ave. Henry Utterwick, 1863, 150 Car- mita Ave. Charles Van Winkle, 1885, The Terrace. Stirling Van Winkle, 1908, 5 Lincoln Are. tieodore Va: Ridge Rd. Winant Van Winkle, 1900, *15 Pierrepont Ave. tNewark, N. J. Howard I. Wheat, 1908, 55 Ray- mond Ave. Salem. F. Newlin Acton, 1912, P. O. Box 196. Harry D. Green, 1909, 16 Oak St. John Handley, 1883, 15 Chest- nut St. J. Lawrence Pettit, 1912, *260 Grant St. fPhiladelphia, Pa. Eugene R. Taylor, 1916, 39 7th St. Sayreville. Jesse H. Beekman, 1879. Douglas J. Fisher, 1908. Fred Macarthy, Jr., 1915. Scotch Plains. Charles Elliott, 1908. Sea Bright. Howard M. Prichard 1913. Sea Isle City. Lawrence W. Sharp, 1916, 20 Swain St. Sergeantsville. Eugene B. Matthews, 1885. Sewell. George B. Hurff, 1882. Short Hills. Alfred W. Thomas, 1914. Henry F. Twitchell, 1893, Pub- lic School. Skillman. Isaac S. Schenck, 1873. Somerville. C. Drysdale Black, 1908, R. F. D. No. 2. Clarence E. Case, 1900, 64 W. Main St. Horace Codington, 1898. Jacob B. Cornell, 1872, Clarkson A. Cranmer, 1916, 22 N. Bridge St. William S. Cranmer, 1882, 22 N. Bridge St. Howard K. Dilts, 1909, *181 W. Summit St. fCare of Hig'h School. Joshua Doughty, Jr., 1869, 30 West End Ave. John A. Freeh, 1878, 27 Main St. Clarence Garretson, 1899, Clark Bldg. Harold N. Halstead, 1916, 118 Bartine St. Theodore J. Hoffman, 1851. Edward L. Keenan, 1907. Voorhees Kline, 1909, Grant Bldg. Frederick A. McCtillough, 1914, 2 W. Main St. John F. McWilliam, 1881, 112 South St. William S. Porte, 1915, High School. Louis H. Schenck, 1874, *Ne- shanic, N. J. Aaron L. StiUwell, 1886, 30 N. Bridge St. George V. Vanderveer, 1879, 3 W. Main St. Rynier Veghte, 1875, 69 Doughty Ave. LaRue Vredenburgh, 1876, 168 W. Main St. - William S. WoodrufiC, 1907, 193 E. High St. Theodore Wyman, Jr., 1908, 171 E. High St. •• South Amboy. Edward J. Crane, 1915. Melvin M. Hunt, 1913, Borden- town Ave. Arthur T. McMichael, 1910, P. O. Bldg. J. Manning Roberts, 1894. South Bound Brook. Harold E. Green, 1906. South Branch. Isaac Sperling, 1890. 428 RUTGERS COLLEGE. South Dennis. Malcolm C. Ludlam, 1890. South Middlebush. Abram W. Totten, 1894. South Orange. Harold S. Bolsover, 1915, 45 Delaware Ave. Stuart M. Firth, 1914, 249 Ridge- wood Road, South River. Charles C. Armstrong, 1907, Leonard S. Briggs, 1912, George L. Burton, 1909, Edwin F. Cathcart, 1913. Charles E. Jacquart, 1911. American Enameled Brick and Tile Company. William Morgan, 1873. Charles H. Rogers, 1882. Springfield. Edwin C. Alford, 1909, fEliza- beth, N. J. William P. Carter, 1896, P. O. Box 112 George A. Liggett, 1889. Erwin L, Meisel, 1916. Frank L. Walton, 1914, Morris Ave. Stanhope. John Wills, 1895. Stelton. Charles T. Letson, 1895. Edward F. Sims, 1913 ' Stockton. Raymond S. Harrison, 1894. John F. Hunt, 1896. Succasunna. Clifford W. Buck, 1912, Summit. Robert B, LitteH, 1895, 46 Pros- . pect St. Horace E. Treat, 1908, 10 High land Ave Swedesboro. Harris T. Kille, 1916, R. F. D. No. 2, Toms River, Philip S. Bailey, 1895. Mahlon W. Ernst, 1897. Charles A. Morris, 1905. Trenton. Charles S Aitkin, 1880, *44 Montgomery PI. tOflfice of Secretary of State. Symmes Bergen, 1869, 588 Chest- nut Ave. John Bruyere, 1881, 131 Perry St. Trenton. George C. Bullock, 1892, 915 Edgewood Ave. Gardner H. Cain, 1881, 476 W. State St. William B. Carter, 1903, 253 Lafayette Ave. Charles Divine, 1890, 210 Park Lane. Willet H. Drake, 1913, 1334 Greenwood Ave. Leon A. Errickson, 1915, 312 Academy St. Charles R. Fairchild, 1902. .^2 Prospect St. Le Roy W. Farley, 1910, 515 E. State St. J. Ridgway Fell, 1869, 134 N. . Clinton Ave. Scott M. Fell, 1911, 943 Berkeley Ave. Isaac Finejerg, 1907, 35 Perrine Ave. Alfred C. Gregory, 1896, 909 Bellovue Ave. Rutherford C. Haven, 1902, 36 Forst-Richey Building. Linwood L. Lee, 1916, 911 Edge- wood Ave. William H. MacDonald, 1911, 18 McKinley Ave. George W. Mulheron, 1909, 204 N. Clinton Ave. Alfred B. Nelson, 1879. George D. Norcom, 1915. tcare of State Board of Health. ♦Ocean City, N. J. John E. Pritchard, 1915, 9 Perry St. Thomas U. Purrington, 1914, *46 Hudson St. fBayonne, N. J. Alfred Reed, 1862. W. Earl Rochford, 1911, 23 General Greene Ave. Samuel M. Sharkey, 1913, 834 Berkeley Ave. Willard S. Slack, 1912, Berkeley and Parkside Aves. Clarence L. Smith, 1896, 143 E. State St. Joseph H. Stone, 1914, 302 Perry St. Charles C. Stover, 1913, 474 W. State St. Edward C. Stover, Jr., 1013, 474 W. State St. J. Homer Stover, 1910. t474 W. State St. *Nutley. N. J. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 429 Trenton. Andrew E. Sweeney, 1907, 204 Spring St. Albert A. Taylor, Jr., 1905, American Mechanics Building. John W. Thompson, 1899, 316 Chestnut Ave. Theodore Tobish, 1903, 184 S. Broad St. Morris S. Traver, 1912, 46 N. Clinton Ave. John T. Van Cleef, 1869, P. O. Box 624. Francis E. Weis, 1913, 4 Frank- lin St. Charles P. Wilber, 1905, tcare of Forest Commission, State House. *New Brunswick, N. J. Edmund O. Wood, 1898, 33 Col- onial Ave, Japhet B. Woolston, 1911, 8 General Greene Ave. Trenton Junction. Samuel S. De Cou, 1893. Union, Union Co. H. Lewis Benedict, 1902. Walter G. Boschen, 1907. Upper Montclair. Howard S. Gies, 1908, 55 Park St. Cornelius D. Vreeland, 1891, 215 Inwood Ave. Ventnor City. Howard G. Harris, 1894, 110 S. Surrey Place. Warner I. Risley, 1904, *8 S. Oxford Place. fAtlantic City, N. J. Verona. John B. Brown, 1904, *7 Brook- dale Ave. tNewark, N. J. Charles C. Cain, 1901, 14 For- est Ave. Oliver E. Gordon, 1861. Edward R. Schmid, 1912, 263 Bloomfield Ave. Vincent own. J. Ellis Trick, 1890. Vincent M. Irick, 1899. Vineland. James L. R. Handford, 1915, 109 Oak Road. George A. Mitchell, 1891. Warren S. Mitchell, 1894. Henry R. Powell, 1910. J. Russell Verbrycke, 1881, 620 Wood St. Washington. Clark C. Bowers, 1913. Weehawken. John Justin, 1862, 30 Fulton St., Clifton Park. Alfred J. Mahnken, 1908, 52 Hudson Place, Highwood Park. J. Clarence Miller, 1904, 228 34th St. West Englewood. Francis B. Kurtz, 1905, 33 Og- den Ave. Westfield. Henry G. Atwater, 1904, *320 Prospect St. tNew York City. Spencer D. Embree, 1915, 533 Clark St. G. Foster Herben, 1916, 121 Ferris Place. Russell W. Hunt, 1915, 203 Ross Place. Joseph D. Laurent, 1913, 548 Washington St. Stanley P. Marsh, 1912, 324 Mountain Ave. Paul Q. Oliver, 1893, tl62 E. Broad St. *603 Boulevard. Byron M. Prugh, 1904, 119 Elm St. 37 Elm St. Walter D. Reese, 1916, 249 E. Walnut St. Russell J. Savitz, 1915, 617 Lawrence Ave. Richard G. Savoye, 1902, 114 Central Ave. S. Neale Williams, 1914, 319 South Ave. West Hoboken. Abraham Urevitz, 1908, 446 Clinton Ave. West New York. Ralston R. Hannas, 1916, 415 16th St. Abram W. Hopper, 1891, 409 16th St. Lawrence H. Opdycke, 1913, *518 W. 22d St. tState Col- lege, Pa. West Nutley. Edward F. Duggan, 1904, 16 Beach St. West Orange. Leslie C. Lantz, 1913, 36 Col- umbia St. Leonor F. Loree, 1877. tNew York City. Arthur G. Whyte, 1911, *62 Standish Ave. fSt. Cloud. 430 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Whitehouse Station. Grant Davis, 1886. Wickatunk. Richard W. Herbert, 1878. Woodbine. Israel Reiner, 1915. tMillville, N. J. David H. Rosenfeld, 1905. Joseph S. Zass, 1916. Woodbridge. Ephraim Cutter, 1874, Green St. Ernest C. Moffett, 1910. George M. Valentine, 1886, 194 Green St. Wrlghtstown. Harry M. Allen, 1914. NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque. Edward L. Coriell, 1903, First Natl. Bank. Robert Stephenson, 1909, U. S. Forest Service. Frederick H. Winn, 1899, *410 N. 12th St. tSpringerville, Ariz. Silver City. George M. Gordon, 1901, 826 8th St. NEW YORK. Accord. Henry D. Frost, 1911. Albaijy. Walter W. Batchelder, 1887, 60 State St. John H. Brandow, 1883, 59 Manning Blvd. William H. Brandow, 1915, 59 Manning Blvd. Edwin E. Colburn, 1876, Box 488. James K. Dunscomb, 1873. 351 State St. Howard N. Fuller, 1874. 144 State St. Clifford Horsfall, 1914, tl34 Hudson Ave. *Kingston, N. Y. Burton J. , Hotaling, 1903, 18 Ten Eyck Ave. Charles Maar, 1889, fL. D. 25, Capitol. *538 Morris St. Arthur H. Mershon, 1914, fcare of Del. and Hudson R. R. Company. *174 State St. Arthur B. Murphy, 1910, 649 State St. Albany. Benjamin H. Nichols, Bureau of Health, City Building. Robert C. Pruyn, 1869, 60 State St. J. Waterbury Scudder, 1883, The Albany Academy. Alexander B. Wilkie, 1911, 216 Ontario St. John Wirth, 1900, 469 S. Pearl St. Graham C, Woodruff, 1900, tUnion Station. *143 >S. Lake Ave. Asa Wynkoop, 1887, 335 State St. Alexandria Bay. Charles F. Benjamin, Jr., 1898. Alfred. Waldo A. Tltsworth, 1900, Al- fred University. Amenia. Olin R. Rundall, 1913. Amsterdam. J. Harvey Murphy, 1906, 7 Trinity Place. Levi M. Strong, 1870, 281 Guy Park Ave. Astoria. George F. Fitch, 1909, *44 Wool- sey St. tNew York City. Robert Nutt, 1909, *71 Temple St. tNew York City. Attica. Glenn G. Maxon, 1910. Volney D. Schlick, 1903. Auburn. Harry T. Dayton, 1892, fNew York City. Babylon. Robert D. Merrill, ^1893. Baldwin. Edgar T. Hurley, 1916. Bayside. Arthur W. Knapp, 1894. Beacon. Paull J. Challen, 1891, Penvale. James G. Meyer, 1884. William W. Schomp, 1876. Bedford. Richard S. Conover. Jr., 1893. Berne. Madison M. Ball, 1873. Binghamton. Charles W. Gerrmann, 1910. 185 Washington St. Charles H. Goff, 1897, 36 Pine St. GEOGRAPKICAL INDEX. 431 Bliss. Burt J. Peffer, 1910. Blooming Grove, Benjamin C. Sears, 1857. Marcus C. Sears, 1891. Bloomington. Albert A. Zabriskie, 1865. Bronxville. Eugene L. Hurley, 1895, Armour Villa Park. tNew York City. Brookhaven. Frederick E. Allen, 1873. Brooklyn, John B. Alden, 1882, 23d Ave. and Cropsey Ave., Benson- hurst. Dean C. Anderson, 1912, *1239 President St. t35 Nostrand Ave. Roy B. Anderson, 1914, 1358 President St. Frederick C. Baum, 1896, 485 Pacific St. Herbert Bergamini, 1913, 252 67th St. Jerome L. Bergen, 1863, 370 Hancock St. Richard B Bevier^ 1916, 212 Berkeley Ave. Ralph W. Booth, Jr., 1900, 1062 Bergen St. Abraham S. Brinkerhoff, 1877, 544 Monroe St. Clifford S. Brinkerhoff, 1906, 544 Monroe St. Jesse W. Brooks, 1881, tl31 Waverly Ave. *288 Lafayette Ave. Arthur C. Busch, 1915, *592 2d St. tNew York City. Nathan Campbell, 1904, 2416 Putnam Ave. Samuel W. Clason, 1864, 64 Han- cock St. John Currie, 1858, 164 Montague St. Ralph P. Davies, 1907, 1050 Bergen St. Orville E. Fisher, 1902, 1828 83d St. Everett M. Freystadt, 1912, 463 E. 19th St. Perry J. Fuller, 1874, *105 Lin- coln Place. tNew York City. James C. Garretson, 1871, 3403 Glenwood Road. Raymond L. Greene, 1909, *771 Westminster Road. tBrooklyn Union Gas Company. Brooklyn. Andrew Hageman, 1871, 1239 Herkimer St. James W. Hageman, 1903, 1239 Herkimer St. T. Dean Halliwell, Jr., 1907, 566 44th St. William W. Hallock, 1889, *314 E. 18th St. tNew York City. Charles F, Hammond, 1903, 319 Lincoln PI, Howard C. Hasbrouck, 1891, 653 Schenck Ave. Isaac E. Hasbrouck, 1865, 364 Carlton Ave. Donald Havens, 1913, *55 Han- sen Place. tNew York City. Edgar G. Herrmann, 1916, 1005 E. 40th St. Carl J. Heyser, 1897, 28 Brad- ford St. John A. Hitzelberg, 1905, 314 56th St. Isaac Mac M. Holly, 1889, 673 St. Mark's Ave. Stanley I. Horn, 1916, 177 Lenox Road. George E. Jackson, 1896, 15 Alice Court. John E. Jennings, 1896, 282 Jef- ferson Ave. George H. Johnson, 1882, 113 Columbia Heights. Albert G. Leeds, 1914, 161 Nor- wood Ave. John C. Loud, 1895, 217 Have- meyer St, Ward B. Malmar, 1915, 632 Flatbush Ave. John R, Manley, 1874, *822 Marcy Ave. t367 Fulton St. George R. Maxson, 1914, t963 Utica Ave. * Locust, N. J. Andrew J. Meyer, 1897. 15 Him- rod St. Ralph C. Morris, 1903. 1361 53d St. William B. Murray, Jr., 1911, 28 Hampton Place. Harmon B. Niver, 1888, 882 Union St. Warren M. Osborn, 1890, 337 Greene St. Dorrance W. Palmer, 1911, 227 Lincoln Road. Richard S. Pearse, 1898, 830 Quincy St. Norman L. Perry, 1858, 264 Al- bany Ave. 432 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Brooklj^n. Burton S. Philbrook, 1894, 35 Nevius St. Van Wagenen Pingry, 1913, 133 Gates Ave. John O. Polak, 1889, 287 Clin- ton Ave. Charles S. Pool, 1896, 122 Joral- mon St. William P. Pool, 1891, 166 Clin- ton St. Augustus M. Price, 1878, 350 Fulton St. Rodman M. Price, 1871, 150 Chestnut St. John D. Prince, Jr., 1876, 61 Martense St. A. Messier Quick, 1860, 56 7th Ave. DeWitt V. D. Reiley, 1886, *2022 Church Ave. fNew York City. N. Grant Richie, 1902, tl05 St. James Place. *Orange, N. J. Franklin M. Ritchie, 1915, 810 Sterling Place. Allison B. Roome, 1896, tl58 Montague St. *Roslyn, N. Y. George Saflford, 1911, *158 Un- derhill Ave. fNew York City. George H. Schedler, 1910, 405 4th St. Harry N. Selvage, 1893, *462 3d St. tNew York City. Edwin K. Sexton, 1900, 422 Jef- ferson Ave. Walter A. Sherwood, 1896, 289 Garfield Place. George E, Shettle, 1904, t720 Halsey St. *133 Nichols Ave. E. Brooks Simmons, 1913, 167 Joralmon St. William E. Skillman, 1915, 315 E. 18th St. James H. Smith, 1908, 1635 49th St. Robert G. Sparrow, 1913, *455 E. 17th St. fNew York City. George I. Stokes, 1901, 26 St. Charles Place. Thomas M. Strong, 1895, 2022 Church Ave. Chester H Tapping, 1895, 83 Gates Ave. Elmer H. Van Wagenen, 1914, 27 Madison St. Alexander Van Wagoner, 1890, 164 Montague St. Brooklyn. Ralph S. Voorhees, 1890, 2137 83d St. Charles F. Watkins, 1902, 154 Van Bur on St. Herman C. Weber, 1895, 129 Columbia Heights. Walter F. Wells, 1892, *360 Pearl St. fCare of Edison Electrical Ill'g Co. Edward H. Williams, 1900, 223 89th St. Richard L. Williams, 1872, 392 Westminster Road. Charles S. Wright, 1873, 7922 18th Ave. William F. Wyckoff, 1877, t215 Montague St. *Jamalca, N. Y. Buffalo. • William H. Boocock, 1885, 70 Wadsworth St. Charles S. Chamberlain, 1893, 367 Pennsylvania St. Hubert M. Chester, 1897, 51 Park St. Robert A. Klein, 1908, 119 Au- burn Ave. John O. McCall, 1901, 437 Franklin St. Joseph Silbert, 1915, 1054 Elli- cott St. Cairo. J. Wesley Bulmer, 1915. Canajoharie. Joel Loucks, 1881. Allen S. Merchant, 1903. Canandaigua. Livingston L. Taylor, 1881. Catskill. James A. Deane, 1866. L. Simmons Ernst, 1914, 75 W. Bridge St. Sidney O. Lawsing, 1874. James P. Philip, 1882, Catskill Natl. Bank. Harold F. Plusch, 1916. Morgan G. Smith, 1909, Divi- sion St. Chappaqua. Warren R. Laity, 1914. Chatham. William J. Leggett, 1872. Chester. John N. Bernart, 1882. Circleville. Raymond D. Howell, 1913. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 433 Claverack. Herman Hageman, 1879. Clarence E. Seipel, 1905. fNew York City. Clifton Springs. Charles P. W. Merritt, 1871. Clinton Corners. Stewart L. R. Tweed, 1903. Cobleskill. Ford C. Sommers, 1909. Cohoes. Leslie M. Hay, 1906. Oliver H. Walser, 1875. Cold Spring. Oswald Haldane, 1873. Cornwall. Herman C. Brewster, 1911. Morris M. Davidson, 1902. tFirthcliflfe, N. Y. Corona. J. Daniels Richardson, 1902, 60 Vine St. Coxsackie. Arthur J. Collier, 1889. Andrew W. Van Slyke, 1868. Cutchogue. H. Orville Beebe, 1910. Delanson. Allen F. Marcley, 1911. Delmar. Fletcher V. W. Lehman, 1897. Dongan Hills. Dale C. Roberts, 1905, 95 Tyson Ave. Douglaston. George C. Dodge, 1906, fGreat Bend, N. Y. Duanesburgh. John L. Stillwell, 1879. East Greenbush. William E. Simpson, 1901. East Hampton. Daniel Talmage, 1868. East Moriches. Robert Lefferts, 1881. Ellicottville. Albert B. Herman, 1887. Ephratah. Royal A. Stanton, 1913. Far Rockaway, Fred. R. Mackey, 1912, James St. Garage. Feura Bush. Theodore A. Hageman, 1908. Firthcliffe. Morris M. Davidson, 1902, tFirth Carpet Co. *Cornwall, N. Y. Flushing. Hendrick A. Hendrickson, 1875. Irwin W. Howell, 1895, *44 Geranium Ave. fHaj-rison, N. J. Malcolm Mackenzie, 1916, 37 S. Parsons Ave. Lewis B. Moore, 1911, 155 Bowne Ave. Robert Nutt, 1909, *176 Chest- nut St. tNew York City. Robert E. Parsons, 1888, *371 Broadway. tNew York City. Minor Swick, 1858, 54 S. Par- sons Ave. Fonda. Henry C. Cussler, 1893. Forest Glen. George LeFevre, 1878. Solomon LeFevre, 1882. Forest Hills. Charles C. Hommann, Jr., 1910, tNew York City. Frankfort. Clarence A. Wilbur, 1908, 44 4th ^ Ave. Gansevoort. Arthur LeG. Berger, 1904. Gardiner. John Neander, 1911. Germantown. Sanford W. Hover, 1892. Benjamin F. White, 1901. Ghent. John Black, 1898. Peter DeMeester, 1910. Glen Cove. Clarkson Runyon, Jr., 1895. Glens Falls. Frank I. Bowler, 1910. Gloversville. Stephen McCulloch, 1896, 161 Bleecker St. Goshen. Rensselaer Weston, 1868. Great Bend. George C. Dodge, 1906, * Douglas- ton, N. Y. Great Kills. E. Warren Presley, 1911, 3843 Amboy Road. George T. Vaules, 1898. Greendale. C. Arlington Hallenbeck, 1914, tNew Brunswick, N. J. Greenville. David B. Van Dyck. 1914. 28 434 RUTGERS CbLLEGE. Gi'oton. Clarence W. Kip, 1904, P. O. Box 437. Guilderland Centre. Edwin O. Moflfett, 1882. Hartsdale. James C. Stout, 1891, tNew York City. Hastings-on-Hudson. Elias W. Thompson, 1889. Haverstraw. George M. Lilburn, 1883. Herkimer. J. Howard Brinckerhofif, 1905, 2 Park Place. Alonzo C. Dingman, 1879. Hicksville. Frederick Woelfle, 1912. Highland. George W. Pratt, Jr., 1914. Hillsdale. George H. Cook, 1905. HoUis. David t: Marshall, 1887, fNew York City. Hopewell Junction. Frank VanWyck, 1875. Howe Cave. Harry C. Morehouse, 1905. Hudson. Charles B. Benson, 1889, 221 Warren St. Guy F. Buckman, 1916, 250 War- ren St. Frederick J. Collier, 1878. Ezra D. De Lamater, 1871, 202 Union St. Charles Esselstyn, 1891, f'The Republican." *357 Allen St. J. Edward Gifford, 1894, care of Gifford Wood Company. William C. Hawver, 1911, 542 Warren St. James M. Martin, 1899. A. Tremaine McKinstry, 1914, Fair and Tract St. H. Payson Pitcher, 1910, 509 Union St. Claudius Rockefeller, 1873, 403 Warren St. John C. Smock, 1862. Richard M. Whitbeck, 1859, 65 Greene St. Huntington. Joseph C. Obecny, 1913, R. F. D. No. 2. Hurley. Jesse F. Durfee, 1910. Richard B. Hiller, 1916. Interlaken. William H. Quick, 1875. Ithaca. Lane Cooper, 1896, Cornell Uni- versity. Walter R. Cornell, 1907, 438 N. Aurora St. Henry J. Grant, 1865, 314 N. Cayuga St. William E. Griffls, 1869. Jamaica, H. Jay Howell, 1904, Box 53. Charles E. Ingersoll, 1889, 80 Desmond Ave. Anthony II. Rottger, 1894. William L. Tharp, 1903, 8 Hard- enbrook Ave. William F. WyckofiC, 1877, 90 Herriman Ave. tBrooklyn, N, Y. Jamesport. Frank Voorhees, 1892. Jamestown. Morris N. Bemus, 1885, 210 Prendergast Ave. Johnston. • Peter S. Beekman, 1884, 1 Irving St. Kingston. Austin Si Basten, 1909, 69 Main St. E. Van Dyck Basten, 1914, 09 Main St. Cornelius Bruyn, 1887. Theodore H. Conklin, 1914, 2 Main St. Henry R. De Witt, 1898, 22 Lafayette Ave. Louis A. DuBois, 1879. Tracy L. Elmendorf, 1916, 79 O'keil St. Richard L. Eltinge, 1897, 72 Maiden Lane. Newton H. Fessenden, 1911, t595 Broadway. *256 Washington Ave. Charles B. Finch, 1908, 17 Pearl St. Joseph M. Fowler, 1895, t293 Wall St. *105 St. James St. Gilbert D. B. Hasbrouck, 1880. 209 Clinton Ave. Jacob D. P. Hasbrouck, 1885, t240 Fair St. *147 Main St. Walter D. Hasbrouck, 1880, 85 O'Neil St. Clifford Horsfall. 1914, *61 Wall St. tAlbany, N. Y. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 435 Kingston. Lloyd F. Regendahl, 1914, *15 O'Neil St. fKingston Gas and Electric Company. John W. Searing, 1874. Alexander B. Shufeldt, 1908. James P. Tobey, 1913, 40 E. St. James St. Henry D. W. Tremper, 1896, 208 Albany Ave. Amos Van Etten, 1874, *12 W. Chestnut St. t260 Fair St. Huyler W. Van Hoevenberg, 1904, 195 Wall St. Knox. William E. Davis, 1868. Krumville. Theodore A. Beekman, 1882. Lake Katrine. Lester W. Brett, 1915. Larchmont. Spencer H. Cone, 1869. J. Le Moyne Danner, Jr., 1897, Forest Park. ThoAas A. Patrie, 1867, 67 Cliff Way. Laurel. George R. Garretson, 1870. Lawyersville. Charles W. Smith, 1913. Lodi. Edward J. Meeker, 1896. Long Island City. Harold Tait, 1887, Bureau of Sewers. Frederick N. Wardwell, 1906, 281 Borden Ave. Lowville. Charles L. Knapp, 1869. Lynbrook. William L. Kuehnle, 1902, *24 Pearsal Ave. tNew York City. Mariner's Harbor. William E. Compton, 1894, 61 Lockman Ave. Mastic. Augustus Floyd, 1865. Mayfield. Robert J. Hogan, 1891. Middleburgh. George Z. Collier, 1883. George L. Danforth, 1«63. Middletown. E. Johnson De Witt. 1915, *7 Low Ave. fN. Y., O. and W. Rwy. William E. Kelly. 1898, Middle- town State Hospital. Middletown. Theodore D. "Mills, 1874, 60 W. Main St. Abram V. N. Powelson, 1864, Ralph D. Van Duzer, 1907, 25 East Ave. Minaville. Richard A. Pearse, 1870. Mineola. William L. Gay, 1916. Monsey. Herman T. Hopper, 1905. Montgomery. Bruce Ballard, 1907. Montrose. Stephen D. Bogardus, 1896. Mt. Vernon. Nathan H. Demarest, 1880, 247 Bedford Ave. Daniel H. McLaury, 1893, *19 Adams St. fNew York City. Newark. Louis D. Nadel, 1914, 20 Mercer St. New Brighton. Francis M. Hummel, 1901, St. George. Harry L. Janeway, 1874, 11 St. Marks Place. Havelock Walser, 1898, tNew York City. Newburgh. Clarence E. Seipel, 1905, t39 S. Miller St. *Claverack, N. Y. Robert H. Barr, 1875, 193 Lib- erty St. Peter Crispell, 1884. M. Seymour Purdy, 1900. William A. Smith, 1911, 3 Cath- erine St. New Hackensack. Alexander M. Conger, 1910. New Hyde Park. William N. MacNeill, 1908. New Kingston. Milton A. Thomson, 1915. New Paltz. Abraham D. Brodhead, 1885. Roelif E. Du Bois, 1905. Calvin B. Lasher, 1870, R. F. D. No. 2. George L. Relyea, 1912. New Rochelle. Arthur N. Bingham, 1893. Ellis B. McLaury, 1900. Newtonville. John H. Scarlet, 1879. 436 RUTGERS COLLEGE. New York. Winfred R. Ackert, 1892, 41G W. 54th St. H. Randolph Anderson, 1889, 84 William St. Richard A. Anthony, 1881, 14 Wall St. Henry G. Atwater, 1904, flo Dey St. *Westfleld, N. J. Louis D. Ayres, 1896, 50 E. 41st St. James W. Babcock, 1909, 75 E. 81st St. Joseph G. Baier, 1896, tStuy- vesant High School. *New Brunswick, N. J. Arthur L. Barton, 1915, Sheeps- head Bay. George M. Bechtel, 1914, 41 St. Nicholas Terrace. Henry W. Beebe, 1883, 55 Lib- erty St. Henry M. T. Beekman, 1877, 2 E, 45th St. Thomas Bell, 1892, 1 Madison Ave. Guy H. Bergen, 1905, 71 Broad- way. Tunis G. Bergen, 1867, 2 Rector St. Charles F. Berger, 1894, 52 Vanderbilt Ave. Louis Bevier, Jr., 1906, 106 W. 13th St. Philip H. Bevier, 1882, 212 Ber- keley PI. Moses G. Bierman, 1883, 236 W. 108th St. James Bishop, 1891, 109 E. 61st St. ' James Bishop, 1870, 346 Broad- way. Louis F. Bishop, 1885, 54 W. 55th St. John V. Bissett, 1912, tl39 E. 29th St. *New Brunswick, N. J. Hugo Blum, 1907, 618 W. 179th St. John Bogart, 1853, 141 Broad- way. George S. Bolsterle, 1909, 675 E. 183d St. Eugene S. Booth, 1876, 25 E. 22d St. C. Leverich Brett, 1905, t2-4 Stone St. *BeIleville, N. J. Philip M. Brett, 1892, 115 Broadway. New York. M. Linn Bruce, 1884, 68 Wil- liam St. Wesley W. Burden, 1896, 245 Ft. Washington Ave. Elliott C. Burrows, 1905, 17 E. 38th St. Walter F. Burrows, 1901, 17 E. 38th St. Arthur C. Busch, 1915, fNatl. City Bank of N. Y. ♦Brook- lyn, N. Y. Charles W. Butler, 1910, fReg- istrar's Office, Hall of Rec- ords. *315 E. 175th St. Clarence W. Byram, 1896. 35 Pine St. Sanger S. Carleton, 1905, 171 W. 71st St. Sprague Carleton, 1904, 75 W. 50th St. Raymond V. A. Carpenter, 1897, tMetropolitan Life Insurance Co. *Plainfield, N. J. James D. Carr, 1892, 258 W. 53d St. Lewis ■ B. Chamberlain, 1886, tAmerican Bible Society, As- ter Place. *New Brunswick, N. J. William I. Chamberlain, 1882, 25 B. 22d St. A. Schuyler Clark, 1895, 350 Park Ave. Robert S. Cleaver, , 1912, tl29 Lexington Ave. *Schuyler- ville, N. Y. Treadwell Cleveland, 1862, 27 William St. Henry E. Cobb, 1884, 370 West End Ave. Roscoe S. Conkling, 1914, 160 W. 78th St. Charles E. Conover, 1895, 154 Nassau St. Robert A. Cooke, 1900, 375 Park Ave. Drury W. Cooper, 1892, 55 Lib- erty St. Tennis G. B. Cortelyou, 1873, 122 W. 94th St. Robert W. Courtney, 1899, 307 W. 34th St. Charles T. Cowenhoven, Jr., 1900, t27 William St. *New Brunswick, N. J. George H. Cowie, 1895, Muni- cipal Bldg. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 437 New York. Charles L. Crandall, 1915, 129 Lexington Ave. Everett M. Culver, 1878, 202 W. 86th St. Condict W. Cutler, 1879, 135 W. 76th St. Henry K. Davies, 1914, t: Coleman 1910 David F. 1916 David A. (A). 1916 James M. Colfax 1854 Schuyler (H). Collier 1848 EzraW. 1849 Joseph A. 1857 Isaac. 1859 Isaac H. 1878 Frederick J. 1883 George Z. 1889 Arthur J. 1897 William B. Collins 1898 James. 1899 Gilbert (H). 1899 H.Paul. COLVILLE 1916 Clifford J. COLYER 1897 Morrison C. COMBA 1889 Emilio (H). COMPTON 1843 James M. 1894 William E. Cone 1869 Spencer H. Congar 1835 John S. (M). Congfr 1896 Willard. 1902 Fred'k W. 1910 Alexander M. 1915 John C. CONKLIN 1844 Nathaniel. 1871 John W. 1881 Marion T. 1895 Edgar S. 1914 Theodore H 1916 Sherman L. Conk LING 1873 Frederick A. 1914 Roscoe S. CONNET 1871 JohnL. 1902 Dor man T. Connors 1913 Charles H. CONOVER 1842 William E. 1878 Garret S. 1879 Frank B. 1892 Garrett M. 1893 Rich'd S.. Jr. 1895 John H. P. 1895 Charles E. 1897 David A. 1900 Henry H. 1903 George W. 1904 Louis W. 1909 Robert H. 1913 Frank H. 1915 Charles B. Cook 1789 Henry. 1827 Richard F. 1836 Edward. 1866 Paul. 1870 William G. 1871 Ilenrv H. 1872 Albert S. 1873 William W. 1879 Robert A. 1888 Fred'k H. 1893 Harold C. 1894 Walter W. 1897 William G. 1904 Henry D. 1905 George H. 1912 William B. 1913 Lester E. 1914 Edgar C. 1914 Lindley G. 1914 Ralph C. (G). COOKE 1853 Henry G. 1898 Henry G., Jr. 1900 Robert A. CooLr;Y 1856 Eli F. (H). Cooper 1831 1839 1846 1892 1892 1893 1896 1896 1900 1912 1912 1913 1914 William H. Edward. Francis E. Drury W. William J. Frank V. R. Lane. Edwin S. Harry F. Henry C. Thomas S. Ralph E. Samuel C. COPLAN 1910 Hyman N. CORBETT 1858 Thomas. GENERAL INDEX. 457 CORBIN 1897 Ralph B. ia05 William H. (H). 1908 Frank T., Jr. 1909 Charles E. 1915 Eliot P. CORIELL 1899 William A. 1903 Edward L. CORT.E 1885 M. B. Mount. CORNELISON 1793 Abraham (M). 1812 John (H). 1827 John M. (M). Cornell 1838 James A. H. 1838 John F. 1841 Theo. F. (H). 1841 William A. 1859 Frederick F. 1859 William. 1860 Joseph. 1868 Ezra (H). 1872 Jacob B. 1872 Theodore F. 1907 Walter R. Cornish 1896 George D. Corson 1896 John A. CORTELYOU 1870 John G. 1873 Tennis G. B. 1874 Luther. 1875 G. V. V. CORWIN 1872 E. Tanjore (H). 1892 Charles E. Cory 1881 Lewis L. 1915 Horace V. COSGEOVE 1906 Frank L. Cotton 1915 Edward R. COTTRELL 1900 Herbert. Courtney 1899 Robert W. COWENHOVEN 1841 John J. 1862 Charles T. 1900 Chas. T., Jr. COWIE 1895 George H. Cox 1876 Henry M. 1910 Henry R. COZZENS 1913 Henry A., Jr. Craft 1897 Albert B. Craig 1896 Horace J. Cramer 1879 William. Crandall 1915 Charles L. Crane 1881 JosiahE. 1889 Oliver T. (H). 1915 Edward J. Cranmeb 1882 William S. 1908 Stockton. 1916 Clarkson A. Crapsey 1840 Harmen. Crate 1873 J. G. (H). Crawford 1827 Conyngham (M). 1836 John B. Creamer 1907 Randolph M. Crtspeli, 1839 Cornelius E. 1841 Peter (H). 1884 Peter. CrOES 1809 William. 1815 Robert B. Crooke 1782 William. Cropsey 1902 Bertram I. Crosby 1864 Harman R. 1868 Arthur. 1879 Crawford. Crowe 1915 DuPlessIsH. Crowell 1847 Benjamin W 1873 Joseph A. 1896 Frederick N. 1914 Reginald B. Cruick shanks 1891 JohnI>. CRUIK SHANK 1837 John C. (H). Cruser 1847 Cornelius A. Cuddeback 1899 Samuel M. Culver 1878 Everett M. CUMMINGS 1889 Byron. 1916 Douglas. CURRIE 1829 Robert O. 1858 John. 1858 Rob't O., Jr. Curtis 1878 Charles (H), 1882 Frank S. 1915 Roland E. (G). CURTISS 1909 George L. (H). Cusack 1909 Thos. J., Jr. CUSHMAN 1894 Franklin R. CUSSLER 1893 Henry C. Cutler 1876 W^illard W. 1879 Condict W. 1883 Fred'kW. Cutter 1874 Ephraim. Daly 1892 JohnM. Dana 1881 Edw. B., Jr. 1911 Edward C. Danforth 1863 George L. Danner 1891 Henry R. 1897 J. Lem'e, Jr, Darnell 1893 Albert H. Dashiell 1866 Robert L. (H). Dater 1847 Henry. Davidson I860 Henry H. 1902 Morris M. 1906 William F. Davie 1865 James S. Davie s 1907 Ralph P. 1914 Henry K. Davis 1865 1868 1874 1874 1884 1885 1886 1892 1896 1901 1902 1903 1905 1912 1912 1913 1915 1916 John A. William E. Charles. Titus E. George. Wesley R. (H). U. Grant. Henry K. Bergen. Luther S. Elwood L. Merton W, Edson J. Howard L. Robert B. Louis M. Joseph M. Edwin B. (H). Davison 1879 Clarences Dawson 1898 Edward. Day 1911 Carlos P. Dayton 1866 Charles M. 1889 William L. 1892 Harry T. Dean 1853 EzraW. 1866 James A. Deare 1794 William P. Dearin 1849 James. DeBaun 1852 John A. 1879 George A. 1911 Roscoe W. 458 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Decker 1857 Henry E. (H). 1864 Benjamin F. 1893 Horace M. 1895 Fred H. 1898 Floyd. 1898 Clinton L. 1906 David A. DeCou 1893 Samuel S. Deforest 1831 Tlieo. R. DeFreest 1893 Herberts. DeGray 1861 Richard. DeGroodt 1907 Hervey S. DeHaas 1892 Maur'zF. H. DeHart 1865 William H. 1870 Henry G.V. 1897 Fred'kW. 1905 Arthur V. DeLamater 1814 Jacob I. (M). 1871 EzraD. de la Torre 1914 Austin L. Delavan 1880 Edw. C, Jr. DeLa Vergne 1833 James A. Demarest 1811 Cornelius T. (H). 1834 John T. 1837 David D. 1867 Sam'l R., Jr. 1872 James S. N. 1879 Alfred H. 1880 Nathan H. 1883 Wm. H. S. 1887 S. DuBois. 1892 Milton. 1909 Samuel S. De Meester 1910 Peter 1910 William A. Demorest 1866 Charles P. DeMott 1833 John. 1874 Jaques V. 1894 Howard. DeMoite 1832 Mortimer. DeMlnd 1851 Frederick C. Denike 1870 Willitt, Jr. Denise 1865 Rusha. 1881 Fred'kW. 1895 Charles M. 1910 Tunis Den MAN 1871 Abram C. Dennis 1845 Jesse A. (H). 1869 H. V. M. 1872 Joseph R. 1894 H. V. M.. Jr. 1906 George O. 1913 Clifford E. Depew 1906 Harold. DePree 1862 Peter. Depue 1874 David A. (H). De Puy 1835 Ephraim. DeRegt 1891 Albert C. (G). DeRussy 1852 Edward. Deshler 1848 Charles D. (H). 1885 Charles. 1886 Fred'kB. 1895 George R. Devan 1871 T. Augustus 1876 Spencer C. 1902 Spencer C. 1906 T. Alan. 1909 S. Arthur. DeVries 1881 J. Hendrik. Dewald 1911 Ernest T. Dewey 1886 Edward W. 1912 Edwin S. DeWint 1790 Christian S. DeWitt 1776 Simeon. 1828 Thomas (H). 1831 Clinton. 1831 Jacob. 1831 Silas. 1838 John. 1854 JohnC. 1858 David M. 1859 Abraham V. D. (H). 1860 Richard. 1870 Clinton. 1880 Theodore F. 1886 John. 1886 Elmore. 1889 John T. E. 1898 Henry R. 1915 E. Johnson. Dey 1831 William B. 1850 Anthony. Deyo 1833 Abraham D. 1874 Martin L. (H). 1913 Elting F. DiCKHAUT 1884 Benjamin E. DiCKERSON 1902 Edgar L. 1914 R. Parkh'st. Dickinson 3 833 John. DiEFENDORPH 1838 Sanders. DiEHI. 1897 Gerard J. Dill 1862 William H. DiLTS 1909 Howard K. DiLWORTH 1902 James F. DiMMICK 1827 Samuel G. (M). DiNGMAN 1879 Alonzo C. DiSBOROUGH 1830 William. DiSSELL 1911 Edward E. DiTMARS 1876 Cornelius P. Divine 1888 Richard D. 1888 Benjamin G. 1890 Charles. Dix 1853 William H. Dixon 1859 Jonathan. 1863 Joseph M. 1873 George R. 1886 Warren H. 1894 Charles M. 1911 Harold W. DOANE 1906 Hervey K. DOBBJNS 1895 Frank V. DOBSON 1897 Frank H. DOD 1853 Theodore H. 1856 John B. DODD 1789 Bethuel. 1905 Amzi (H). 1908 P. Lindsley. DODDS 1888 Samuel. Dodge 1872 James M. 1875 Harr'ton M. 1906 George C. DoiG 1869 Robert. Dole 1840 Albert G. Donohue 1879 Frank M. D'OOGE 1900 Martin L. (H). DOOLING 1914 Robert G. DOOLITTLE 1859 T. Sandford. 1901 Philln M. (H). 1907 Charles N. Dooly 1864 John. DOREMUS 1862 Joseph H. 1864 Andrew. Dorr 1894 John V. N. DORRANCE 1873 Charles P 1878 JohnG. GENERAL INDEX. 459 DORYLAND 1910 Chas. J. T. (G). DOSKER 1894 Henry E. (H). Doty 1835 Elihu. Dougherty 1831 Michael C. 1891 Robert J. 1891 James P. Doughty 1869 Joshua, Jr. 1896 Howard N. Douglas 1896 Paul K. 1904 Wm. J., Jr. Douglass 1835 Robert L. Drake 1793 Henry. 1816 Joseph R. (M). 1838 Francis T. 186S Herbert A. 1898 John F. 1913 Willet H. Drill 1916 Max. Driver 1904 Gardner S. Drury 1833 JohnW. 1858 John B. 1889 Samuel D. 1896 Alfred. 1898 Fran's K. W DuBoiS 1840 Jacob H. 1842 John (H). 1845 AlpheusD. 1847 Anson. 1863 JacobW. 1868 Coert. 1879 Louis A. 1886 Clarence M. 1905 RoelifE. 1908 Warren L. 1910 Marvin K. 1915 Louis. DUGGAN 1904 Edward F. DULJE 1909 Eugene V. B. DUMONT 1828 Abraham H. (H). 1880 William A. Duncan 1862 David D. 1863 Sebastian. 1906 C. Robert, 1912 Charles F. DUNCOMBE 1891 Alfred. Dunham 1791 William. 1810 Edward W. 1827 Alexander (M). 1872 Charles A. 1875 WillardC. 1892 Samuel G. DUNLOP 1916 Wallace. DUNSCOMB 1873 James K. DUPONT 1827 Charles (M), DURAND 1858 Cyrus B. DURFEE 1910 Jesse F. Durham 1911 Willard C. Durst 1918 Abraham. DURUZ 1917 Willis P. DURYEA 1834 John H. DURYEE 1830 Wm. R. S. 1841 Abraham W, 1856 William R. 1864 John L. G. 1872 George S. 1874 Joseph R. 1876 Edward H. 1878 Edward. 1889 Geo. V. W. 1893 Abram. 1896 John L. 1910 William B. Jr. DUSENBERRY 1845 Elias. DUSENBURY 1834 Henry. DUSINBERRE 1861 Thomas S, DUTCHER 1843 Jacob C. DUZAN 1917 Harry V. j DWIGHT 1845 Maurice W. (H). 1859 Theodore W. (H). Dygert 1910 Warren Jr. B., Dyke 1892 Chalmers P. Dyson 1844 J. Singleton. Eadie 1848 George F. 1861 John (H). Eakins - 1911 Wallace T. Earle 1907 Frank H., Jr Eastlack 1900 Milton R. Eaton 1872 John (H). 1883 Edson D. 1895 Frank C. 1902 JacobW. Eccleston 1865 JohnC. (H). Ecker 1899 George W. Eckerson 1900 Frank. Edison 1879 Thomas A. (H). Eddy 1901 Herbert G. Edgar 1866 John B. 1870 Thomas B. 1882 Charles L. 1900 B. Collins. 1900 Harold T. 1903 D.Raymond. 1915 Harry W. Edmondson 1882 James (H). Edwards 1884 Levi B. 1906 J. Langford. EGERTON 1791 Luke. Eggerding 1900 Henry. EK STROM 1875 Olaf. Eldridge 1906 Charles J. Elinsky 1914 David L. Ellinwood 1903 Charles N. (H). Elliot 1908 Charles. Elliott 1914 John S. 1916 RobertW.,Jr. Ellis 1827 JolinF. (M). 1913 Arthur W. Ells 1895 Fred. W. Elmen 1830 1834 1836 1840 1845 1850 1852 1863 1878 1878 1902 1911 1914 1916 DORF John V. R. John C. Anthony. John S. Peter. Joachim. William C. James L. H. John E. Nicoll F. W. TenEyck. DuMont F. John E., Jr. Tracy L. Elmer 1885 John. 1900 Henry G. Elston 1829 Cornelius H. 1865 William H. Elston di Ghilini 1914 Leo W. Elsworth 1892 Edward (H). 1916 RoscoeV. Elting 1890 Howard. ELTINGE 1812 Cornelius C. 1812 Solomon E. 1835 Edmund. 1839 Wilhelmus. (H). 1844 Cornelius B. 1875 Charles S. 1897 Richard L. Ely 1915 Emerson. 460 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Embree Farley Ferris Fitting 1915 Spencer D. 1886 John M. 1891 Worth. S., Jr. 1867 John M.(H). 1912 Francis C. Eneas 1892 Robert E. Fessenden Fitz-Gerald 1877 Edwin J. 1910 Le Roy W. 1915 Wort'gton S. 1911 Newton H. 1900 A. Boylan. Engelhard 1916 Walter V. FiCK Flagler 1915 Charles H. Farmar 1915 Harold R. 1838 John P. Engle 1792 Joseph (H). Field Flake 1903 Maurice C. 1856 J. DePuy. 1895 AmosH. Farmer 1860 Jacob T. English 1775 Jasper. 1870 Edwin. Flanagan 1895 GrinfillH.B. 1892 P. Conover. 1904 William K. Farrand 1894 Arthur E. Enk 1891 Hiram A. 1904 John N. 1913 Franli E Flanagin 1913 J. Clyde. A«/a.i^ A. i.a„±±M^ j^* 1913 F. Walker. Ennis 1831 Jacob. Faure Fielder 1916 Ross H. 1856 Philip E. (H). 1881 George. 1913 Cecil G. Flavelle 1890 Howard W. •1862 Abraham (H). 1914 James F. 1897 0. Watson. Enright (H). Finch 1908 Charles B. Fleming 1895 J.MuIford. Faussett 1910 W. Wilson. 1915 Russell. En YARD 1855 William T. 1896 Isaac N. Fearing 1827 Joseph W. Finebero 1907 Isaac. Flikkema 1898 Garret (A). Erickson Fearn Finegan Florance 1885 W.Edwin. 1897 Alfred. 1905 Percy E. Erler 1827 Thomas (M). Febrey 1906 Harold H. 1914 John T. Fingar 1907 Claudius J. 1916 Edwin. Floyd 1850 Nicoll. 1903 Eugene W. Fink 1859 John G. "Ernst 1897 MahlonW. Feind 1881 William M. 1865 Augustus. 1901 Valentine G. Firth 1914 Stuart M. Foertner 1914 L. Simmons. Felch 1902 Frederic E. Errickson 1907 Henry L. Fischer 1871 Gustavus (H). 1871 Joseph. 1877 Robert F. Folensbee 1915 Leon A. ESBERG 1907 Solomon. Feldman 1913 Jacob J. Fell 1915 Bradley J. 1916 Myron J. FOLGl'lR ESLER 1869 J. Ridgway. 1911 Scott M 1899 Theodore C. 1899 Carl H. H. •1870 Charles J. (H). ^ 1912 LeRoyJ. XC7XX kJV-UCl# AlX* 1904 EmilE. 1878 Fred. F., Jr ESRFT STYN Feller Fisher Folmsbee 1852 Cornelius. 1908 Harry S. 1910 Herman. 1827 George H. (H). 1832 William. 1890 Garrett J. 1856 Herman V. 1861 George. 1891 Charles. FOLSOM Fellers 1847 Isaac M. 1913 Joseph K. 1907 Lawrence. Evans 1916 Carl R. (A). Fenn 1865 Joseph. 1892 Frederick F. 1896 Irwin. 1902 OrvilleE. Forbes 1897 James C. 1830 George W. 1855 William F. 1903 William A. (A). 1839 Thomas S. 1909 Herbert B. 1908 Douglas J. 1911 G. Stanley. Force E\-ERETT 1878 Charles. Ferdon 1847 JohnW. 1912 Elbron. 1916 Adrain R. 1889 Harold D. Ford 1890 Allen P. 1905 Ainslee. 1864 William. Fiske Fairchild Ferguson 1862 Stephen. 1871 Haley. 1905 G. Bergen. 1845 EliasA. 1902 Charles R. 1827 JohnT. (M). 1840 Andrew R. 1870 John S Fitch Forrest 1868 Molton H. 1878 William E. 1909 George F. Fales 1897 George S. • Forrester 1906 H. M., Jr. 1911 J. DeLan- FiTHIAN 1827 Peter (H). 1910 Eugene W. cey. 1896 Erkuries B. 1829 James C. GENEBAL INDEX. 461 Forsyth 1829 John. 1835 James C. 1911 Joseph R. Fort 1909 J. Franklin (H). Foster 1912 Samuel F. 1915 Arthur C. (G). FOIJLDS 1913 Henry W. FOULKE 1828 Joseph. 1830 William. Fountain 1890 James. 1912 FredM. Fowler 1855 Milton A. 1895 Joseph M. 1897 Wilson W. Fox 1894 AbijahC. 1908 AlvinB. 1911 Edward L. Francis 1893 Edward A. Francisco 1899 Well'gtonP. 1903 Stephen J. G Frank 1915 George L. Franklin 1855 Morris J. 1897 William C. (H). 1910 Kenneth S. Francis 1898 Lewis (H). Frazee 1848 John H. 1869 Theodore D. Frech 1878 John A. Freeman 1788 Alpheus. 1880 Charles M. Freer 1898 Harris A. (A). 1916 Charles L. (H). Freese 1869 Harry C. Frelinghuysen 1792 John. 1831 Theodore. 1835 P. Dumont. 1835 Frederick J. 1836 Frederick T. 1841 Theodore (H). 1868 Frederick. 1870 George G. 1879 John. 1879 Theodore. 1916 Joseph S. (H). French 1911 D. Barney. 1915 Joseph R. Fretz 1913 Leo H. Freund 1911 Ix)uis R. Frey 1874 George W. 1901 JohnQ. Freystadt 1912 Everett M. Friedfl 1876 Theophilus A. Friedman 1915 Joseph. FRiEzr: 1912 George M., Jr. Feitts 1862 Charles W. Froeligh 1811 Solomon (H). Frost 1845 Benjamin D. 1911 Henry D. Fuller 1874 Howard N. 1874 Perry J. 1891 Harry W. 1892 George R FULION 1886 Roswell J. 1911 Clarence E. Furbeck 1901 Howard R. (A). Furman 1915 Benjamin A. Gaffney 1913 Hugh J. Gaipa 1914 Alfred A. Gale 1892 Gilbert T. Galusha 1847 Watts. Gano 1871 Stephen G. Ganse 1843 Hervey D. (H). Gant 1906 Lyman A. 1914 Charles H. Garabrant 1901 James L. Gardner 1844 John (H^ 1898 George W. 1908 Raymond M. Garretson 1828 John (H). 1829 Garret I. 1836 Remsen. 1837 JohnG. 1841 Robert W. 1859 Gilberts. 1862 Abram Q. 1869 Cornelius W. 1870 George R. 1871 James C. 1891 Harry D. 1899 Clarence. 1902 Wm. V. N. 1907 Charles H. Garrtsh 1833 John P. Garrison 1904 S. Clifton. 1910 William P. 1915 Lindley M. (H). Garton 1875 ElamM. Gaskill 1900 FredC. Gaston 1834 Joseph. 1849 John. 1874 William F. 1904 Frederick W. Gates 1916 RoyW. Gaub 1905 John. Gaut 1866 John M. Gautier 1831 Thomas B. (M). Gay 1902 William D. 1906 Howard S. 1916 William L. Geer 1849 WillardE. Geisinger 1891 Richard J. George 1881 William R. 1 Gerlach j 1881 Peter J. German n j 1910 Charles W. j Gerow 1906 Lyman A. i Gerrety 1899 Thomas A. 1 Gesner 1862 Oscar. Gesse 1914 Donald H. Geyer 1862 Julius W. 1893 Paul W. GiBBS 1877 Alfred W. 1878 John B. GlELON 1905 John. GlEBEL 1904 William H. GlES 1908 Howard S. 1912 Russell W. GiFFORD 1884 Henry H. 1894 J. Edward. Gilbert 1912 S. Parker, Jr. Gilder sleeve 1789 Cyrus P. Gill 1838 David B. GiLLAM 1915 Lawrence G. 462 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Gillespie GOODET-L Greenleaf Guthrie 1882 JohnH. 1854 William (H). 1837 Jonathan P. 1898 JohnB. GiLLESPY Goodwin Greenwood Haas 1875 Howard. 1857 Alex. T. 1913 John L. 1877 Nelson (H). 1880 Pierre St. J. 1860 Charles R. Gregg Haasis Gtlt.tks Gordon 1886 Alfred E. 1911 Ferd. W. 1890 Theo. J., Jr. 1858 John (H). 1913 Cuthbert W. 1859 Charles C. Gregory 1913 Paul W. Gillmore 1861 Oliver E. 1827 Oscar H. 1872 Edward D. 1866 FlorianW. 1885 Walter D. Haddow 1876 William B. 1901 George M. 1896 Alfred C. 1897 Hugh, Jr. 1877 Quincy A. 1904 Samuel. 1902 Benjamin C. (H). 1880 Gregory R. GOSMAN 1830 Robert. (H). 1906 Arthur V. Haelig 1910 William H. GiRTANJvER 1833 John (H). Grier Hageman 1900 PaulF. GiTTLEMAN GOUWENS 1914 Teunis E. 1915 Louis N. Grieve 1836 John F. 1837 Charles S. 1850 Andrew. 1916 Louis B. (A). 1908 James 1860 Andrew J. GOWEN 1868 Garretson. Gladding 1879 Isaac W. Griffin 1871 Andrew. 1912 Augustus L. 1904 George H. 1909 Wilber T. 1875 Walter T. 1875 Sam'l V. W. 1879 Herman. Glandek 1912 Frederic. Graham Griffing 1881 Addison H. 1879 Peter K. 1897 DrewW. 1903 James W. Glasier 1827 William L. (M). Griffis 1908 Theodore A. 1912 Aaron M. 1890 George W. 1871 James E. 1869 William E. Glaspey Grant Griffith Hageman N 1912 George E. 1910 Rexford M. 1792 Ebenezer. 1844 Edward W. 1865 Henry J. Hagen Gleason 1881 William H. (H). 1881 Thomas H. 1894 Frederick C. 1895 Frank K. Griggs 1896 John W. (H). 1912 Albert L. Haight Glendening 1844 Geo. B. (H). Gravatt 1894 Mount D. B. 1897 Thomas E. Groendyke 1912 Jacob W. 1846 Ransom S. 1861 Trevonian. Glinz 1901 PaulM. Groesbeck Haines 1892 AmosH 1898 George J. Gray 1842 Charles F. 1899 Wm. L. R. Gluck 1896 AlansonM. 1896 JohnL. Gross H ALDAN E 1908 Morris J. 1876 John P. 1873 Oswald. Green (H). Goessling 1812 Jacob. Haley 1874 Adolph. 1873 William H. GROW^\EY 1916 Herbert F. (H). 1899 William A. GOETSCHIUS 1847 John H. 1851 Joseph. 1890 Robert P. 1906 Harold E. Grtmfs Hall 1829 John G. 1909 Harry D. 1913 Elmer S. 1832 Frederick. 1910 Clarence W. 1834 Blakely. 1910 George M. GULDIN 1848 BaynardR. GOFF 1890 Howard. 1913 Harry Y. 1915 John C, Jr. 1848 Herman J, G. (H). 1897 Charles H. Hallenijeck Gkeenbank GULICK 1914 C.Arling- Goldsmith 1880 Richard M. 1836 Alexander. ton. 1842 William H. Greene 1857 Albert V. 1859 Uriah D. Halliday 1879 Daniel C (H). 1889 Richard T. 1865 Thomas L. 1892 Franklin H. Gonzalez 1895 Charles W. 1907 J. M. 1898 Raymond W. Halliwell 1901 William H. 1901 George W. 1907 T. Dean., Jr. Good 1909 Raymond L. GUNN 1840 William A. (H). 1915 Jerome D. Hallock (H). 1832 Alex. N.(H). 1850 William A. (H). 1889 William W. Goode Greenewald GUTELIUS 1911 E. Trescott. 1909 Herbert. 1915 Sylvester. 1890 Gerard. GENERAL INDEX. 463 Halloway 1839 Wm. W., Sr. Halpin 1910 Lawrence D. Halsey 1859 Abram O. (H). Halstead 1916 Harold N. Halsted 1912 Edwin H. Hambrock 1913 Charles 1913 Louis, Jr. Hamill 1827 Hugh. Hamilton 1830 Alfred. 1857 James C. 1857 William W. 1880 Morrison C. Ham:mond 1839 Ebenezer S. 1848 John W. (H). 1903 Charles P. Hampton 1829 William. 1895 Harry S. Hance 1830 Joseph C. Hand 1838 George C. 1894 Daniel. 1910 Morgan. Jr. 1916 Donald D. Handford 1915 James L. Handley 1883 John. Hankin 1913 Montagu. Hankin s 1910 Hobart B. Hanna 1870 Louis G. Hannas 1916 Ralston R. Hansen 1856 Maurice G. 1910 Andrew. Hanson 1910 Thomas L. Hara 1877 Yasutaro. Harden BERG H 1788 Jacob R. 1809 Cornelius L. 1811 Charles (H). 1827 James B. (H). 1827 Lewis D. (H). 1828 Theodore. 1833 James R. 1844 Jacob R. 1844 Warren. 1848 Augustus A. 1868 James W. 1900 Stetson P. Harder 1871 Willis H. Harding 1897 S. Laurence. Hardy 1902 William H. Haring 1881 Cornelius I. Harker 1915 Mahlon L. Harkness 1866 David W. Harpending 1864 OgdenG. Harper 1873 Joseph A. Harries 1908 Herbert L. Harrington 1881 Richard C. 1898 George. Harris 1853 John F. 1873 Howard. 1894 Howard G. 1902 Lewis R. 1905 H.Lloyd. Harrison 1829 John J. (H). 1864 Caleb M. (H). 1885 Charles W. 1889 Albert B. 1894 Raymond S. Hart 1869 1880 1885 1895 1899 1900 1901 1909 John. Charles E. (H). George W. Henry TJ. W. Reese. .T. .Johnston Fred'k M. George W. Hartley 1873 Isaac S. (H). 1916 George R. Hartranft 1871 Chester D. (H). Hasbrouck 1836 Joseph L. 1837 Jonathan H. 1844 James L. 1845 Thomas L. 1857 Washington (H). 1862 Frank G. 1864 Jared. 1864 Lewis. 1865 Isaac E. 1867 Peter. 1880 Gilbert D.B. 1880 Walter D.B. 1885 J. DePuy. 1888 Baldwin. 1888 Louis B. 1891 Howard C. 1893 Philip B. 1915 Ferdinand D Haskell 1794 Samuel (H), Hassert 1814 Jacob V. 1814 MinneV. Hassler 1829 Charles A. Hattori 1875 Ichizo. Haury 1912 Anton F. Hauser 1913 Emil Haven 1870 Charles C. 1902 Ruth'fordC. Havens 1882 Abram B. 1912 Valentine B 1913 Donald. Haviland 1896 Virgil C. Ha WES 1841 JohnD. 1890 Horaces. Hawley 1834 Gideon (H). 1835 Henry Q- 1909 E. Freeman. Hawver 1911 William C. Hawxhubst 1873 Daniel T. Hay 1882 John (H). 1906 Leslie M. Hayes 1916 J.Harry. Haynes 1885 William L. Hazard 1907 Christopher G. (H). Hazzard 1892 Jesse C. Heacock 1888 WillardA. Headley 1893 Joseph A. Heath 1872 Charles. 1897 George E. 1907 Lewis A. Hecker 1906 George M. Hedden 1908 Morris. Hedges 1838 Charles H 1846 Hugh G. 1848 JohnN, Heermance 1834 Harrison. 1867 John V. W. Heermans 1827 Lucius (M). HEG STROM 1913 Carl F. N. Heidingsfeld 1911 Ralph. Heidt 1908 Christian, Jr. Heilmann 1912 Herbert W. Heiner 1840 Elias (H). Heines 1913 John C. Helm 1913 William H. Helmricit 1916 Arthur E. 464 RUTGEES COLLEGE. Helmstaedter Heyer HOCKMAN HOOPES 1899 William E. 1902 George K. 1886 William. 1897 Charles L. Hemion Heyser HODDESON Hoot 1892 JohnR. 1897 CarlJ. 1914 Samuel I. 1915 Harold T. Hemmer Hibben HOEDEAfAl-rER Hope 1908 Max J., Jr. 1912 John G.(n). 1858 Philip J. 1906 James A. 1917 Arthur F. Henderson Hibler HOFF 1885 Oscar W. 1896 Chris. A. 1817 Brogun. Hopler 1912 Charles S. 1908 Thornton M. Hendler Hickman 1909 David L. 1913 J. Parlcer, Hoffman Hopper Jr. 1847 Eugene A. 1833 John. Hendeickson Hicks 1851 Oliver H. 1841 Samuel J. 1833 William H. 1907 Alfred C. 1851 Theodore J. 1851 Charles F. 1872 William H. 1875 Arthur T. 1879 Jason S. 1882 Nat'l B. K. 1857 John. 1875 Hendricl£A. Hennighausen 1863 Frederic P. HiEBER 1892 Louis. HiGGlNS 1866 Robert L 1869 Henry C. 1891 Abram W. 1891 Thomas M. 1905 Herman T. Henry 1893 James W. HOGAN Horn 1783 Michael. 1896 Spencer L. 1891 Jasper S. 1891 Robert J. 1862 Edward K. 1894 David N. 1900 Eugene E. 1880 Charles A. 1916 Stanley L Hill HOGEBOOM Henszey 1852 T. Wilton. 1870 Henry (H). HORNBECK 1911 Roy 0. 1859 George W. 1846 Augustus. 1860 Edward. HoGG 1896 William R. HOLCOME Hepburn 1845 George 0. 1845 Joseph L. 1871 William J. 1879 George. 1882 George F. 1883 FredericljP. HORNBLOWER 1860 William H. (H). Herben 1884 JohnE. 1914 Frederic W. 1905 W. Bancroft HORNBRUCn 1916 G. Foster. (H). Holding 1913 Walter. Herber 1906 Albert W. 1896 John B., Jr. 1911 J. Le Roy. HlLLER HOLDEIDGE HORSFALL 1914 Clifford. Herbert 1916 Richard B. 1877 Earl A. 1857 Charles M. HiLLHOUSE Holly HORTON 1857 J. Biddle. 1872 JohnW. 1873 William P. 1889 Isaac M. 1862 Francis A. 1878 Henry M. 1878 Richard W Hills Holmes HOSIE 1903 CarlM. 1903 Joseph L. 1843 John N. 1895 Alfred. 1905 William D. (H). 1870 John McC. HiLLYER (H). HOTALING Herman 1887 Albert B. 1892 Clarence W. Holsten 1903 Burton J. 1912 Henry K. HiMBOD 1905 FranljlynE. Herrman 1839 John S. HOTH 1912 William G. Holtbero 1902 Fred Carl. HiTCHNER 1915 Edwin P. Herrmann 1904 A. Ellet. HOMMANN 1872 Charles C. 1910 Chas. C, Jr. Hough 1910 Benjamin E. 1916 Edgar 6. HiTZELBERG 1905 John A. 1883 William H. Hough TALI NG Hervey HOAG HONDELINK 1905 EarleH. 1915 George W. 1903 Wrights. 1903 Garret (A). Houghton Hess HOAGLAND HONEGGER 1830 Aaron. 1850 John. 1828 Chris. C. 1904 Henry 1852 James R. Hover Hetrtcic 1890 Irving. 1900 Charles H. Hopkins 1882 Joseph. 1895 Clar'nceE.F 1850 JudsonH. 1892 SanfordW. HOBART Heuser 1863 Garret A. HOOKE HOVEY 1904 Richard. 1896 Georges. 1837 Francis H. 1908 Harold P. GENER^iTv INDEX. 465 How 1812 Thomas Y. (H). 1840 James C. (H). 1842 Henry K. 1881 John K. Howard 1894 J. Kirtland. IIOWATT 1906 Arthur H. Howell 1868 George D, 1880 John W. 1889 Edward. 1891 Rodney T. 1895 Irwin W. 1904 H. Jay. 1913 Raymond D, 1915 J. Bertram. HOWLETT 1915 NedO. HOYT 1849 Albert H. 1892 Harold L. Hruey- 1916 Charles II. Hubbard 1854 Charles G. 1890 William C. 1896 Walter T. 1915 Ralph M. Htjber 1914 Howard F. Hudson 1915 William J. Huff 1855 Abraham T. 1858 Jacob F. (H). 1898 Edmund N. Hughes 1907 Wm. R., Jr. Hulbert 1839 Victor M. HULSABT 1916 Robert P. llULSTZER 1914 William T. HULST 1866 George D. 1891 Charles W. Hummel 1901 Frank M. Humphreys 1914 Alex. C. (II). Hunt 1827 1858 1874 1890 1894 1896 1911 1913 1915 Christopher. John D. Ward (H). Theodore W, (H). Harry A. John F. Augustus. Melvin M. Russell W. Huntington 1916 J'th'nlL, 3d. HURFF 1882 George B. Hurley 1895 Eugene L. 1916 Edgar T. Hutching s 1863 Charles. Hutchinson 1862 Henry H. 1898 George. 1916 William T. HUTTENLOCII 1916 George M. HUTTON 1879 Mancius II. (H). 1913 Frederic R. (H). HUYLER 1873 JohnH. HUYSSOON 1873 Peter V. Hyde 1910 Dorsey W., Jr. Ibuka 1902 K. (H). I ML AY 1906 RoyG. INGERSOLL 1889 Charles E. 1889 Robert H. Ingham 1916 Edwards. iNGLIS 1874 David (H). 1896 Lester, Ingraham 1854 Daniel P. (H). IRICK 1890 J. Ellis. 1899 Vincent M. Ironside 1881 Charles N. Iryin 1851 William. 1854 Alex. P. Irving 1832 William A. (H). Ives 1870 Harry C. Jackson 1788 JohnF. 1812 Samuel (M). 1846 Alexander. 1871 John H. 1896 George E. 1902 Clarence C. 1916 Harry B. Jacobsen 1915 Alvin R. Jacobson 1906 David. 1912 Henry V. Jacobus 1894 Frederick N Jacquart 1911 Charles E. Jahn 1910 Julius F. James 1916 Paul C. Jamison 1908 Harris A. Jenkens 1903 Carter A., Jr. ' Jenkins 1 1879 Presley T. 1883 George E. 1906 David. 1916 DeanC. Jennings 1790 Samuel K. 1S96 Arthur P. 1896 John E. 1905 Frank N. 1916 Harry U Jentz 1915 Eric H. Jewett 1872 Augustus D. U (H-. 1879 Edward W. 1886 TorreyK. Johanect 1895 Fred'kW. JOIINES 1835 Theodore. Janew 1835 1837 1844 1849 1859 1860 1863 1874 1875 1893 1895 AY John L. William R. Henry L. John H. Jacob J. Edward G. Thomas L. Harry L. Henry L., Jr. Henry H. George J. Jansen 1836 John T. 1886 William H. 1848 John N. 1856 Josiah. Janvier 1909 John W. .Jaques 1884 Jackson. Jaurard 1879 William E. 30 Johnson 1815 Jonathan (M). 1831 James S. 1836 Edward D. 1836 JohnG. 1839 Teunis J. 1S55 Hiram E. (H). 1861 Robert A. 1866 William C. 1869 Ebenezer P. 1873 Jeremiah B. 1876 Henry N. 1876 Jerome. 1881 Oakley A. 1882 George H. 1883 John L. (H). 1891 Charles S. 1891 S. Arthur. 1896 Edward P. (H). 1901 Alex. P. 1901 Edward F. 1906 Raymond B. 1907 Albert R. 1910 Arthur (H). 1912 Walter A. 1913 Frederick J. 1913 John H. 1916 Frank €. Johnston 1870 Alexander. 1897 Joseph A. 1911 William D. (H). Johnstone 1854 George (H) 466 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Jones 1793 1827 1830 1832 1843 1850 1864 1870 1874 1895 1903 1903 1910 1911 3915 Gardner (M). Thomas P. (M). Matthew H. William W. Henry W. Nathan W. Thomas W. Charles J. K, Garrett S. Stanly W. Ernest D. John E. J. Addison (H). George E. E. Alfred (H). JORALMON 1852 John S. JUDAH 1816 Samuel. JUDD 1894 William B. Julie 1913 Howard A. JULIEN 1850 Robert D. JUNKIN 1856 George (H). 1890 George (H). Justin 1862 John. Kain 1906 Maurice LL. Kaletsch 1909 H. Max. Kaley 1870 John R. Kalteissen 1916 P. Kilemmer Kamp 1879 William. Karge 1871 Joseph (H). Karr 1851 Williams. Karsten 1860 John H. Kaufman 1908 Nathan. Kean 1893 Alex'nderL. Kearns 1838 William (H). Kearny 1854 JohnW. Keebler 1911 Chas. M., Jr. Keefe 1889 Stephen J. Keeling 1889 Jas. H., Jr. Keenan 1907 Edward L. Keese 1862 Francis S. Keller 1912 Oran. Kellogg 1834 Warron C. 1870 L. Laflin. Kelly 1868 William E, 1874 John H. 1876 Haydn C. 1898 William E. 1908 Edward B. Kelsey 1893 James A. (A). Kelso 1892 George D. Kemlo 1875 James. Kempf 1898 Louis A. Kempton 1862 Edwin. Kendall 1893 Henry J. 1912 Calvin N, (H). Kennedy ! 1849 James (H). 1860 John F. I Kent i 1846 Theodore. i 1874 Frank W. i 1908 Elmer W, Kenyon 1842 William S. Ker 1896 William I. Kerr I 1912 George W. ; 1915 Joseph. Kershow i 1850 Joseph H. | Ketcham " I 1869 Kneeland P.! (H). 1877 William S. 1910 Clarence S. Ketchum 1829 Isaac S. Kieffer I 1912 Ralph J, Kiekintveld I 1863 Mannes. KiKUCHI 1910 Baron D. (H). KiLLE 1916 Harris T. Kilmer 1896 AndaF. ; 1908 A. Joyce. Kilpatrick 1S64 Hugh J. (in 1886 David T. Kimball j 1844 Walter H. I 1866 Joseph (H). ' Kimble I 1775 Peter. King 1861 Charles R. 1872 William E. KiNNE 1859 Silas. Kinney 1856 Nathaniel C 1861 Ernest L. Kin SELL j 1862 Robert B. I KiNSEY 1894 William A. ' Kip ! 1827 Leonard W. ' (H). 1829 Francis M. (H). 1830 William I. 1 855 Isaac L. 1875 Henry. I 1875 Walter. I 1880 Leonard W. I (II). 1904 Clarence W. Kirk 1903 Howard F. Kirkpatrick 1783 Andnew (H). 1814 John B. 1863 Andrew. 1866 J. Bayard. 1900 J. Bayard, Jr. KlSLIUK 1915 Max. Jr. KiSSAM 1793 Richard S. (M). KiTCIIELL 1849 William. KiTTELL 1909 James S. (H). Klein 1908 Robert A. Kline 1909 Voorhees. Kling 1863 William II. Kloepfel 1916 Wallace W. Knapp 1859 John M. 1869 Charles L. 1872 Manning M. (H). 1894 Arthur W. Knickerbocker 1870 David M. 1873 George S. 1875 William E. Knieskern 1838 Joseph. Kniskern 1856 George W. Knipe 1902 Leighton G. Knox I 1830 John P. I 1844 .Jas. H. M. ' 1877 .John H. I 1894 William W. I (H). I Koch 1914 George P. Kocher 1 1890 Charles F. GENERAL INDEX. 467 KOEHLER 1905 George R. 1913 George W. KOESTEB 1911 Frederick E. KOLLEN 1894 Gerrit J. (H). KOMP 1916 Wm. H. W. KOOKEN 1849 John R. (II). KOONES 1872 John A. KOPELOFF 1916 Nicholas (A). KOSTER 1914 Henry C. KOTINSKY 1898 Jacob. Kreh 1911 Henry, Jr. 1916 Albert. Keeis 1909 Henry G. Kress 1895 Max. K. (II). Kriekaed 1863 Adrian. Krout 1915 Webster S. (G). Kruger 1874 Chas. H. T. Krum 1858 Josephus D. Kudo 1878 Sei-ichi. KUEHNLIO 1876 George W. 1902 William L. KUHN 1915 Emerich J. KULLMAR 1907 Predericls A. KUNTZ 1915 Arthur. KUNZMAN 1912 Irving. Kurtz 1905 Francis B. KUSAKABE 1870 Taro. KUYPERS 1810 Gerardus A. (H). 1827 Samuel S. (M). Labagh 1811 Peter (H). 1813 Isaac (H). 1827 Abraham I. (H). 182S Isaac P. (H). Labaw 1869 George W. Lacey 1839 William II. LADLEY 1877 John F. Laing 1883 John (II). Laity 1914 Warren R. ' Lambert j 1904 Charles W. I La Monte 1888 Robert R. Landers I 1907 Roland II. B Landon 1885 Judson S. (H). Lane I 1851 Gilbert. I 1881 Martin W. ! i Lang 1907 F. Granger. 1908 Horatio S., Jr. I 1915 Morton. Langdon 1877 James P., Jr. Lang WITH 1915 Frank A., Jr. LANNING 1860 JohnE. 1894 William M. (H). Lansing 1778 Nicholas. ] 793 Abraham D. 1811 John (H). 1843 John V. V. 1844 John P. 1845 John A. (II). Lansing 1857 Gerrit Y. (H). 1861 Edward Y. 1882 Howard M. 1897 Raymond A. (A). Lansley 1888 William J. Lantz 1913 Leslie C. Large 1872 George H. Larremore 1850 Richard L. Lary 1878 Seymour M. Lasher 1870 Calvin E. 1871 Winfield S. Latimer 1832 Cortland L. La Tourette 1855 Cornelius. Laubenheimer 1883 John. Laurent 1913 Joseph D. Law 1843 Robert A. Lawrence 1871 William H. 1871 Ananias. 1878 Walter L. 1909 Clifford H. Lawsing 1874 Sidney O. 1908 G. Conde. Lawson 1794 John. 1908 Edward H. Layton 1838 Sidney M. 1894 David. Leacock 1847 Benjamin B. Learned 1885 Richard A. Leaky 1897 Lewis G, 1902 Russel W. Leavens 1907 Austin M. Lee 1835 1837 1851 1854 1855 1858 1894 1903 1916 David S. Edmund. John W. Robert P. (H). Robert P. Thomas H. Arthur. Harry R. Linwood L. Leech 1831 Richard H. Leeds 1911 John K. 1914 Albert G. IjEES 1913 Ralph S. LeFevre i 1833 Isaac A. i 1854 James. i 3 859 Mathusalem. I 1878 George. ! 1880 Egbert. I 1882 Solomon. 1889 J. Hasbr'ck. 1914 Du Bois N. Lefferts 1876 John, Jr. 1881 Robert. 1895 DwightC. Leggett 1872 William J. Lehman 1897 Flet'rV. W. Leiper 3 837 Thomas. Leistner 1913 August. Lemassena 1890 Gwin. Lennox 1913 Weston. Lent 1878 Frank T. Lente 1842 James R. Leonard 1913 Lambert J. Lepeltak 1862 Peter. LeRoy 1867 Henry W. Leslie 1910 Edwin T. 1911 Harold D. 1913 Jesse B. 468 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Letson Lippincott Lounsbery 1 Lyon 1817 Lewis G. 1847 Benjamin C. 1851 William. 1831 Edward T. 1851 William W. 1875 Franklin. 1894 Wilson D. 1895 Charles T. 1881 De Witt G. Lovejoy 1899 Philemon B. 1896 Thomas H. 1884 Benjamin. 1827 Ezekiel (M). 1893 Charles E. 1899 Job H. (HK Maar Leukel 1902 J.Herbert. 1889 Charles. 1907 George A. Leupp Littell 1873 Bloomfield. 1895 Robert B. Low 1914 Frederick II. Lowe 1810 Peter (II). 1855 JohnC. Mabett 1848 Jonathan. 1864 William H. 1870 John H. Little 1903 William F. Mabon 1840 Wm. A. V.V. 1890 Arthur F. Levenson Livingston 1852 Edward P. Lowery 1891 S. Cliflfton. 1908 Harry. 1914 John, Jr. 1912 William V. V. Levine Llewellyn Lucas Macarthy 1015 Herman .T. 1912 AlsonC. 1827 Charles S. (M). 1915 Fred. Jr. IvEWIS Lloyd lAIDLAM MacClary 1916 Earl. 18:U Jenkin (II). 1842 Aaron. 1890 Malcolm C. 1015 Lloyd N. 1894 Howard W. MacColl 1916 Arthur R. TjOBLEIN 1909 Eldon L. Ludlow 1914 Alexander (H). TjEY 1828 Richard C. 1904 Milton S. Leydt Lockktt 1888 Henry W. 1890 Samuel H. 1850 Gabriel (H) 1850 George C. 1851 .John (H). 1862 Richard G. MacDonald 1880 Murdoch (H). 1774 Matthew. 1782 Peter. Lockner 1870 James R. (H). 1884 William G. 1897 Alfred C. 1911 William H. 1893 David B. 1914 Bryce L LlEBSCHUTZ LOCKWOOD 1886 Charles B. 1895 George S. MACKAY 1912 Lionel F. 1875 Louis J. 1895 Gabriel. 1895 Donald S. 1891 Henry. (H). Liggett LUDLUM 1889 George A. Lodewick 1897 Seymour D. MaCIvENZIE 1898 John A., Jr. 1869 Edward. 1894 Alexander Lufburrow (H). LiLBURN Lord 1908 Robert A. 1911 Thomas II. 1883 George M. LiLLIS 1844 Daniel. 1861 S. R. B. 1881 Charles E. Lukens 1914 Reginald P. (II). 1916 Malcolm. Mackey 1873 James T. LOREE Lull 1893 Richards. 1912 Frederick R I.IMEBURNER 1877 Leonor F. MacMullen 1876 Charles A. LOSEE 1883 James. 1885 Edwin K. Lundy LiNDABURY 1889 Harvey. 1909 Leigh. MacNair 1904 Richard V. (H). 1916 Edwin L. LUPTON 1850 John L. 1881 Wilmer. LOTHROP 1904 Robert B. LiNDLEY 1834 Joseph (H). MacNeill 1896 Luke D. LUSK 1906 .TohnR. LOTT 1830 Matthias. 1908 William N. LiNDSLEY 1893 Philip. 1831 Adrian. 1847 George L. LUSIER MCAULEY 1847 G. Van D. 1884 Wm. H., Jr. 1812 Samuel (M) LiNNETT 1855 John S. 1896 Herbert A. 1904 John A. 1875 John A.. Jr. 1914 Eric W. McBbide 1892 Isaac W. 1897 David H. Lint 1015 Henry C. (A). LOUCKS 1 Lyall 1876 John E. McCabe 1881 Joel. 1912 Edw'd C. V. 1886 Lawrence E. LiPMAN Loud Lydecker McCall 1898 Jacob G. 1895 JohnC. 1 1874 George D.W. 1 1901 JohnO. 1900 Michael. 1902 Asher. Loundesborougii 1 Lyell 1 1904 Charles B. 1849 David (H). i 1860 James. i 1914 William H. GENERAT. INDEX. 469 McCarrell 1833 Joseph (H) McClIESNEY 1881 George B. 1904 William T. McClain 1900 William M. IVIcClelland 1841 11. D. McClintock 186G John (II). McCloskey 1892 James M. 1915 Warren D. 1915 William F. INIcCONAUGIlY 1832 Robert F. McOONNELL 1913 James R. McGrath 1848 George (H), McCORMICK 1889 Harry D. 1908 Wm. &., Jr. McCracken 1915 John H. (H). McCrelis 1873 Cornelius B. 1904 Co'liusB.,Jr McCuLLOcn 1896 Stephen. McCULLOUGH 1914 Fredericl£ A. McCULLY 1894 Edgar I. McDermott 1909 Joseph T. jNIcDougall 1911 Walter B. 1914 Neil. MCDOWEUL 1835 James G. McElroy 1829 Joseph (H) McFadden 1909 William J. McGaffin 1864 John. McGiLL 1891 Alex. T. (H). MCGOVERN 1912 John F., Jr. MclNTIRE 1904 Gordon D. 1907 Frank. McJiMSEY 1835 John W. (H). McKeag 1896 Edwin C. McKee 1873 William H. McKelvey 1856 Alexander. 1884 John W. McKenna 1909 Eugene J. McKinney 1834 William A. 1913 Howard D. McKiNSTRY 1843 Charles. 1914 A. Tremaine. Mcknight 1893 William G. McLaughlin 1916 Clifford A. McLaury 1859 John W. (H). 1864 Michael. 1870 John F. 1893 Daniel II. 1900 Ellis B. McLean 1878 John H. 1894 Allan. 1916 Harry C. (A). McMahon 1900 William E. McMain 1834 Jacob W. McManus 1906 Timothy H. McMichael 1910 Arthur T. McNair 1879 William S. (H). McNeel 1860 George W. 1862 J. Greenv'e. 1864 Pleasant D. McNeisii 1841 David. McWiLLiAM 1881 JohnF. Magens 1916 Garret B. Mahnken 1908 Alfred J. Mailler 1912 J. Preston. 1912 James W. Malcolac 1881 Fred'kW. Malia 1905 Martin, Jr. Mallery 1896 Charles G. Malmar 1915 Ward B. Malven 1893 Frank. 1903 Steph. St. J. Mandel 1915 Samuel. Mandeville 182£i Henry (II). 1848 Giles H. 1885 Fred'kA. *^ 1895 James A. Manley 1S28 John. 1840 Richard. 1874 JohnR. 1896 Frank C. 1911 Andrew T. Mann 1827 Alex. McC. 1839 Theodore F. 1865 Joseph B. 1901 Oliver D. 1916 Harvey T. Manning 1832 John A. 1844 John H. 1853 Roberts. 1882 Andrew. 1896 Frank L. March 1887 Harry J. Marcley 1911 Allen F. Marelli 1897 Henry. Marker 1899 Harry L. Markle 1853 Josiah. Marmer 1907 Harry A. Marquez 1892 IgnacioG.R. Marselus 1844 Nicholas I. (H). Marsh 1870 Henry N. 1879 Franklin. 1912 JohnO. 1912 Stanley P. Marshall I 1842 Trail G.(H). I 1871 James R. 1878 William B. 1881 JohnT. 1887 David T. 1889 Cornelius B. 1903 Henry R. (H). Marten SE 1839 Gerrit. 1844 Jacob V. B. 1846 John V. 1873 Adrian V. Martin 1815 JarrattW. 1817 Daniel C. 1857 Joseph W. 1862 JohnR. 1870 JohnD. 1882 Artemas (H). 1899 James M. 1905 Wm. H., Jr. 1909 Luther H. 1912 George W. 1912 William H. 1915 C. Raymond 1915 William H. (G). 1916 Louis W. MARTINE 1873 Abraml. Martinez 1873 Julio. Masker 1913 Claremont W. Mason 1897 Charles M. 1905 J. Gilbert, Jr. 1905 David T. 1905 Frederick R. 1908 Clifford L. 1910 Frank E. 1914 James A, MASSOPUST 1915 JosephF.,Jr. Mather 1892 Henry A. 470 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Mathews 1875 Benjamin F. Mathiecj 1864 Albert (H). Matsdaira 1879 Tadanari. Matsmulla 1871 ZunZow. Matsugata 1889 Kojiro. Matthews 1850 Charles. 1885 Eugene B. 1886 Montfort. Mattice 1858 Abraham. 1863 Isaac. 1886 Herbert L. Maulen 1914 Harry C. B. Maxon 1910 Glenn G. Max SON 1914 George R. Maxwell 1841 William M. Mayer 1829 Lewis (H). Mayham 1888 Frank L. May HEW 1907 Clifford D. Maynard 1878 John P. 1878 Oscar H. 1879 Hiram A. Mayou 1855 Joseph. 1890 Warren A. MEACHAM 1895 Eugene A. Mead 1868 Elias. Meeker 1815 John (M\ 1869 George D. 1875 Robert A. 1896 Edward J. Meinzer 1901 Martin S. Meisel 1916 ErwlnL. Mellor 1904 John. Me NAG H 1910 Ray C. 1914 Louis R., Jr. Menaker 1913 George. Men den HALL 1893 George W. Mercer 1861 FredericlcF. 1868 Archibald. 1869 Dumont F. 1891 Geo. W., Jr. Merchant 1869 Marvin R. 1877 Marvin T. 1903 Aliens. Mercker 1915 Albert E. Merklinger 1905 Theodore E. Merrell 1909 Asa S. Merrill 1887 William P. 1893 Robert D. 1894 Rhuel H. 1908 Bergen S. 1912 Louis F. 1913 George R. Merritt 1862 William B. 1871 Chas. P. W. 1914 Chas. E., Jr Mershon 1914 Arthur H. 1915 Alfred V. Meserole 1832 David M. 1862 Nicholas W. Me SICK 1834 JohnF. Messick * j 1861 William P. Messler 1843 Abraham ! (H). 1 1893 Isaac. i 1898 W\ Allen. I 1908 Joseph W. i Metcalf I 1912 George H. 1914 Arthur C. I Mets i 1891 William F. Mettler 1893 Louis H. 1899 J. Wyckoff. Meury 1898 Edw'dG. W. Meyer 1789 Hermanns (H). 1874 Charles. 1878 Otto E. 1884 James G. 1897 Andrew J. Meyers 1833 Abraham H. (H). Michael . 1833 Daniel. Middleton 1890 Edward T. MiDLIDGE 1882 William F. M1LI.EDOLER 1827 Philip E. (H). 1829 Benson (H). 1844 William S. Miller 1840 Isaac L.K. 1841 Augustus C. 1842 William A. 1853 Ernest J. 1857 Edward. 1868 Bloomfield J 1871 John A. 1872 Benjamin C. 1878 William J. 1879 Seaman. 1879 Jonathan B. 1883 William C. 1885 GerardusL. 1891 Prank R. 1894 Henry. 1901 Verne E. 1902 Henry P. 1904 J. Clarence. 1909 Benjamin M. 1913 Charles. 1916 Julian F. Millike N 1876 Peter H.- 1901 Conrad O. 1913 Mahlon G. MlLLIKIN 1867 Robert 01). Mills 1832 Abraham (H). 1838 Samuel W. 1863 George A. 1874 Theodore D. 1897 JohnM. i Millspaugh ! 1838 Alexander C. 1860 William S. 1873 Charles H. Milne 1842 Charles. Miner 1906 Daniel B. I MiNGUS 1909 George W, Minor 1842 John. 1876 Albert Dod. Minton 1916 Adrian C. Minturn 1853 Benjamin G. MiRON 1914 Victor H. MiSNER 1912 Frank E. Mitchell 1891 George A. 1894 Warren S. 1913 Oliver F. Mittag 1906 Frank 0., Jr. MOFFETT 1882 Edwin O. 1908 ,L William. 1910 Ernest C. INIOHAIR 1909 Charles!. MOHN 1882 Tieopold(II). 1894 OttoL. F. MOLINEUX 1916 Ed'wL., Jr. MOLLESON 1859 George P. MONAGHAN 1896 Barth'wF. MONTEITH 1916 -John. Jr. Montfort 1875 Peter A. Moon 1904 RidgwayF. Moor 1844 Albert A. GENERAL INDEX. 471 JNIOORE 1793 1830 1853 1854 1854 1876 1892 1895 1896 1904 1906 1911 1915 1916 William (M), Michael P. Samuel C. James A. William L. Thomas M. Henry McK. William M. L. Peaine. Herbert W. Nelson S. Lewis B, Robert E. Jared B. More 1864 D. F. MOREY 1916 Clarence A. Morehouse 1905 Harry C. Morgan 1861 Lawrence O. 1862 Joseph A. 1873 William. 1892 J. L. R. Morris 1791 1851 1888 1889 1892 1899 1903 1904 1905 Rol>ei't (H), Samuel D. George P. George. A. Flint. Richard. Ralph C. Frank A. Charles A. Morrison 1882 John. 1892 WMlIiamT. 1896 Daniel. 1897 Wm. J.. Jr. 1909 Frank A. 1912 .TohnD. 1912 Lewis C. 1915 George R. :morrow 1906 James E. 1914 James. Morse 1828 Benaiah G. (H). Mortimer 1844 Benjiimin (H). ^Morton 1827 Hamilton (M). 1828 Lewis M. 1905 William P. 1913 T. Vassar Moseley 1861 Andrew B.S. Moseman 1912 M.Claude. MOSIIER 1856 Jacob S. Moss 1884 Eugene C. Motley 1858 John L. (H). ]\IOTT I 1895 Irving W. MoULE I 1834 John. Mount 1904 George A. Mower 1896 Georges. Mueller 1914 Christian J Mulford 1848 James. 1881 Henry D'B. Muliiern 1913 Donald D. MULIIERON 1909 George W. MtJLLER 1851 John. 1903 George H. Mulligan 1906 .TohnJ. 1916 James E. MUNDY 1812 Edward. 1852 Ezra F. 1876 Frank J. MUNN 1852 Anson F. 1861 Jeptha B. 1862 George L. 1882 Charles A. MURDEN 1843 Benjamin F. Murphy 1864 Henrv C. (H). 1906 J. Harvey. 1910 Arthur B. Murray 1869 Andrew (H). 1869 Thomas. 1873 David (H). 1876 David. 1879 Asher. 1906 NorburvC. 1911 William B., Jr. 1916 Lester D. MUSIIBACK 1868 George A. IVTyf'r 1838 Gilb'rtMcP. Myers 1854 F. Rawdon. 1889 Williams. 1897 Roger. 1915 W. Lambert. Mygatt 1893 Lemuel C. (H). Nadel 1914 Louis D. Nafey 1910 Herbert W. Nagai 1871 JohnW. L Nash 1916 Robert A. Nasholds 1876 William H. Neale 1881 Arthur T Neander 1911 John. Negus 1895 Charles J. Neil ' 1827 Alex. H. (M). Neilson 1839 William H. 1857 Homer A. (H). 1866 James. 1873 Henry A. 1903 R. Hude. Nelson 1825 Joseph (H). 1830 James R. 1831 Joseph H. 1877 William J. 1879 Alfred B. 1886 Frank O. 1886 Frederick S. 1897 George O. 1904 John I. 1907 Walter E. 1011 S. Max. 1912 A. Arthur. 1913 Thurlow C. 1914 Lester E. Nevin 1915 John, Jr. Nevius 1816 James S. 1830 Elbert. 1855 James S. 1865 Simon W. 1867 Benjamin C. 1873 John H. C. 1876 George L. 1877 AbramV. C. 1891 David B. 1912 J.Richard. 1914 John S. Newell 1810 Kearney. 1836 William A. 1875 Wm. A., Jr. 1882 Walter. 1888 Edward W. Newkirk 1902 Johnson. Newmark 1909 Julius J. 1913 Herman A. Newmeyer 1914 James A. Nicholas 1852 Robert R. 1896 Robert C. NiCHOLLS 1841 Elijah. Nichols 1869 ParshallD. 1878 John A. (H). 1911 Benjamin H. NiCOLL 1829 Lewis F. Nischwitz 1894 Edmund P. Nitchie 1813 John (H). Niver 1888 Harmon B. Noble I 1895 Franklin P 1906 Harry W. ! 1915 John P. NOE 1897 J. Bryan. 1910 Sydney P. Nolan 1904 Edgar M. NORCOM 1915 George D. Noriega 1916 Manuel. 472 RUTGERS COLLEGE. NORRIS 1882 James A. 1889 Frank D. North 1915 Stanley U. NOSTRAND 1877 JohnL. 1877 Timothy F. NUTT 1909 Robert. NUTTMAN 1896 George W. Oakes 1893 George A. Oakey 1841 Peter D. 1875 Marcellus (H). Oakley 1871 RodolphC. Obecny 1913 Joseph S. Oblenis 1789 Alfred. O'Connor 1896 William. Oerter 1856 John H. (H). OODEN 1827 John D. (M). 1872 George B. 1889 William C. Oggel 1863 E.Christian Ogilby 1833 Frederick. O'Hanlon 1863 John. 1863 Thomas. OlISAWA 1877 Yoshio. Ol 1892 Mitsuye. OlSHI 1889 Kumak'ro. Ol.COTT 1880 Fred'kW. Oldis 1911 Edwin S. O'Leary 1909 Maurice J. Oley 1911 Warren W. Olin 1885 Stephen H. 1886 Ernest A. Oliver 1893 Paul Q. Onderdonk 1839 Horatio G. (H). 1859 John P. O'Neill 1904 Charles F. Ongawa 1877 Zen Kichy. Opdycke 1913 Lawrence H. Oppie 1874 John. Oram 1898 Kings. Orcutt 1827 Horatio W. (M). Orne 1878 Henry M. Orvis 1913 Walter E. OSBORN 1827 Samuel (M). 1890 Warren M. 1897 George A ge A. •IdB. 1904 Haro Osborne 1876 William H. 1899 J. Spencer. Ostrander 1844 Henry (H). O STROM 1856 Alvin. 1898 Alvin C, OUTSKA 1876 NagateruY. Overton 1913 C. Wolfe- Tone. Owen 1897 Arthur E. 1903 EarleJ. 1908 Irving L. Owens 1878 James H. Pace 1871 George E. Page 1873 William H. Paige 1879 William A. Painter 1895 Robert K. Palmer 1876 Joseph G. 1880 Edmund R. 1883 Robert V. 1887 Henry H. 1911 Dorrance W. Park 1914 William C. Parker 1836 Cortlandt. 1836 John. 1872 Joel (H). 1874 James. 1878 Cortl'dt. Jr. 1888 Fred'kW. 1895 W. Frank 1899 Dudley D.F. 1911 Frank R. Parmelee 1896 CullenW. Parmly 1884 JohnE. Parrott 1897 Ralph B. Parsons 1878 Joseph H. 1888 Robert E. 1895 Robert S. 1897 Floyd Y. 1900 Ralph B. Pasma 1909 Henry K. Paterson 1834 Andrews. Patrie 1867 Thomas A. Patterson 1830 William M. 1832 Edward. 1832 John S. 1901 William P. 1905 Harold P. 1910 William C. 1911 Raymond S. Pattison 1884 Charles E. 1887 Franklin A. Paxton 1914 Edward T. Payne \ 1832 James B. 1885 Arthur C. 1916 William W. Payson 1892 Eliot R. (H). Peacock 1913 Walter M. Pear 1915 Bernard. Pearce 1900 William H. 1905 J. Elmer. 1909 Arthur A. Pearse 1870 Nicholas. 1870 Richard A. 1898 Richards. Pearson 1868 Edward C. Peck 1832 Edgar F. (M). 1873 Myron R C. 1902 Tracy (H). Peebles 1912 Herbert R. Peeke 1857 George H. 1859 Alonzo P. 1897 Louis P. Peffer 1910 Burt J. Peirce 1915 J. Champlin, Jr. Pelgrim 1909 Jacob C. (A). Pellet 1906 Frank F. Peltz . 1873 JohnD. Pendleton 1875 J. Philip B. Pentz 1849 George B. Peppel 1916 Edward L. Paulison 1830 Christian Z (H). Pawling ! Percy 1892 Henry W. 1892 George R GEKERAL INDEX. 473 Perkin 1839 George W. Perlee 1880 Clarence M. 1910 Ralph N. Perkine 1881 John C. Perry 1858 Norman L. 1907 Cleveland. Peters 1873 Clarence. 1875 Frank M. 1883 Harry M. Pett 1902 Charles E. Pettit 1900 Robert W. 1912 J. Lawrence. Peyton 1855 Hamilton M. Pfeiffer 1894 Walter. 1915 John F., Jr. Pfersch 1908 Clarence L. Phelps 1889 William W. (H). Philbrook 1894 Burton S. Philip 1882 James P. Phillips 1844 William G. Phinny 1909 Thomas F. Pickett 1815 Charles H. (M). Pierce 1836 Abram. 1860 Hollow'yW. 1871 Nohpmiah P (H). 1876 Carlton B. PlERSON 1895 F'd'k H.. Jr. 1896 Robert M. 1912 Harold C. Piez 1912 Charles W. PiNGRY 1913 VanWagenen. Pitcher 1873 Charles W. 1882 Philip W. 1910 H. Payson. 1913 Ralph M. Pitman 1877 Edward I. Pitney 1912 Mahlon (H). Pitt 1888 Sherman G. Pitts 1837 Robert. Plenty 1902 Arthur G. Plume 1881 Robert C. 1907 AlanC. Plumley 1899 W. Franklin. Plummee 1905 Lorcn P., Jr. PluscH 1904 Herman A. 1916 Harold F. POCKMAN 1875 PhiletusT. 1911 Theodore N. POHLMAN 1834 William J. 1837 Henry N. (H). 1863 William H. POLAK 1889 John O. Poland 1897 Norman L. 1904 RufusG. POLHEMUS 1831 Abraham. ^1854 Jacob O. 1877 Cornelius H. Polk 1879 Charles C. Pollock 1907 William D. POMEROY 1877 Charles T. Pool 1813 John A. 1847 Isaac L. 1863 Charles H. 1891 William P. 1896 Charles S. POGLE 1813 Henry B. 1893 Samuel L. POPPEN 1914 John R. PORTE 1915 William S. Porter 1849 BurrB. 1857 Elbert S. (H). 1865 Thomas C. (H). 1886 JohnH. 1889 Eugene H. (H). Post 1854 William W. 1858 Henry. 1896 John F.. Jr. 1916 CliffordF. POSTLETIIWAITE 1883 William H. (H). Potter 1872 Frederick J. 1877 Ellis F. 1890 John A. 1909 F. Marma- duke. 1915 Rockwell H. (H). P0UI.SON 1896 Charles A. Powell 1910 Henry R. POWELSON 1864 Abr'mV. N. Powers 1910 Louis. 1914 Jerome Prall 1828 Horatio G. Pratt 1827 Peter (M). 1906 Fr.ankR. 1914 Geo. W., Jr. Preble 1899 Albion E. Prentiss 1878 Robert W. 1913 Arthur A. 1914 Paul D. Presley 1911 E. Warren. Press 1912 Jacob. Price 1871 Rodman M. 1874 Edward T. 1876 William H. 1878 Augustus M. 1904 Fred'kA.,Jr Prichard 1913 Howard M. Prince 1876 John D., Jr. Pringle 1909 Arthur D. Pritchard 1915 John E. Proudfit 1854 Robert R 1858 Alexander. Provost 1881 David. Prugh 1904 Pen.lamin G. 1904 Byron M. I Pruyn 1833 Robert H. 1835 John V. S. L. (H). 1869 Robert C. 1871 Charles L. PUMPELLY 1860 JosiahC. Pumyea ; 1S63 John V. D. ! 1874 Isaac. [ 1879 Abram V. L. 1882 Nelson D.W. PURDY 1900 M. Seymour. Purring TON 1914 Thomas U. Putnam 1913 John H. S. Pye 1844 Edward. Quackenboss 1907 AlexW. Quackenbush 1888 George A. Quad 1899 Louis J. Quick 1833 Peter J. 1847 Jacob. 1860 Abraham M. 1875 William H. 31 474 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Quint 1913 Bryce A. Ram SEN 1909 Halsey E. Ramsey 1913 George H. Randall 1838 Peter G. Randel 1902 Francis L. Randolph 1833 Carman P. 1833 Stephen F. 1845 Samuel F. 1872 James F. 1880 Thos. M. F. 1882 Coleman. 1884 Benjamin F. 1895 Co'rtl'ndtF. 1896 Edw'rd T. F. 1897 Robert B.F. 1913 AlstynF. Rankin 1863 Edward E. (H). 1868 William, Jr. Ranney 1885 Pennington (G). 1896 William A. 1901 Curry A. Ransom 1909 William R. 1912 William J. Ran SON 1001 Alonzo A. Rapalje 1830 Stephen S. (M). 1834 Jacob W. 1835 Ricliard R. 1855 Daniel. 1900 Ernest H. 1900 Herb'tD. W. Rapelje 1830 William E. (II). Rathbone 1828 Samuel, Jr. Rathbun 1905 George St. J. Ratner 1916 Joseph. Raven 1891 JohnH. 1916 Anton A., Jr. Rawson 1856 T. Hazelton. Ray 1849 Charles. 1891 Patrick A. Raymond 1837 A. C. 1883 George L. (H). Read 1832 Edward. 1895 Edward G. (H). 1901 J. Paulding. 1909 Frederick F. Reed 1862 Alfred 1878 Charles A. 1880 Louis T. 1881 Edward A. (H). 1896 Irving L. 1916 Charles H. Reese 1916 Walter D. Regendahl 1914 Lloyd F. Reid 1856 R.VanDyke. 1868 William E. 1897 Howard E. 1910 Wendell P. 1911 Louis R. Reiley 1833 William. 1857 DeWittT.B. 1866 William. 1877 Edward A. 1886 DeWittV.D. Reineck 1903 Robert H. Reinemann 1848 Charles H. Reiner 1908 Otto. 1915 Israel. Reinheimer 1907 Walter F. R el YE A 1912 George L. Rem SEN 1864 John L. 1893 Frank W. Reybold 1860 William H. Reynolds 1836 Theodore A. 1886 Joseph B. 1888 Isaac W. 1891 Howard A. RlIINEHART 1859 J.Kelly. RllOADES 1856 Archibald C. Ribble 1886 Frank W. Riblett 1892 George H. Rice 1839 Edward (H). 1887 Edward L. 1908 Richard C. Richardson 1879 Alfred S. (H). 1902 J.Dan'Is, Jr. 1915 Allan S. 1915 Roy M. D. 1916 William T. Richer 1913 Jacob C. Richie 1827 John (H). Richmond 1815 Frederick. 1848 John B. 1910 Charles A. (H). RiCHTERS 1901 John C. RiCORD 1839 Frederick W. Riddle 1863 David H. (H). R IDG WAY 1896 George M. Riedel 1858 F. W. A., (H). RiENTORD 1792 Francis (M). 1792 JohnB. (M). RiES 1872 George A. Rig GIN 1830 James F. RiGGINS 1902 Harolds. RiGGS 1862 Charles H. 1878 George F. 1892 James S. (H). 1898 Albert R. RiGHTER 1890 S. Ward. RiKER 1915 Henry E. RlSLEY 1904 Warner I. Ritchie 1902 N. Grant. 1915 Franklin M. RiTTER 1827 Washington (M). 1909 Ralph F. 1915 Philip, Jr. RiVA 1884 William M. ROBBINS 1829 JohnV. 1903 Harry D. 1914 Raymond C. Roberts 1841 Robert. 1891 Herbert B. 1894 J. Manning. 1905 Dale C. Robertson 1869 Robert H. Robins 1870 W. Rose. 1907 Harvey C. 1913 G. Stanley. Robinson 1832 Alexander (M). 1844 Andrew. 1869 George W. 1905 Harold L. 1913 G. Raymond. ROCHFORD 1911 W. Earl. ROCKAFELLER 1916 Eugene F. 1916 H'ryJ., Jr. ROCKAFELLOW 1843 Jacob V. Rockefeller 1873 Claudius. 1879 DeWittG. Rockwell 1851 George (II). Rodgers 1856 Ravaud K. (H). Roe 1841 Joseph G. 1876 Charles S. 1908 Walter C. (H). GENERAL INDEX. 475 ROEBER 1897 Frederic F. ROEBLING 1916 Paul. ROEDEK 1906 George H. 1907 Walter F.L. ROESCH 1916 George B. Rogers 1827 David (M). 1830 Edward Y. 1859 Samuel J. 1882 Cliarles H. 1884 Ferd. V. 1884 De Witt E. 1893 Robert H. 1911 C Russell. 1912 Etlian C. ROGIN 1916 Leo. ROKENBAUGH 1872 Henrys. ROLFE 1906 Clarence G. Roll 1905 William B. ROMAINE 1842 Benjamin F. 1859 Isaac. 1860 Helmas. ROMAYNE 1792 Nicholas (M). ROMEIKE 1916 Georges D. ROMEYN 1789 Theodoric 1811 Jas. V. C. (H). 1811 Jeremiah (H). 1829 Theodore T. 1831 .James (H). 1833 Theodore (H). 1846 James R. 1846 Theodore B. 1876 James A. ROOME 1896 Allison B. ROOP 1896 Marcus J. (A). ROOSA 1838 David D. Root 1893 Oren (II). RORAY 1900 Wm. S. C. Rose 1915 Ime M. ROSEKRANTZ 1830 John (M). ROSELLE 1900 Chilion R. Rosen 1916 Theodore. ROSENBLOOM 1899 Benjamin. ROSENCRANTZ 1896 Waldo B. ROSENFELD 1905 David H. ROSENKRANTZ 1791 Elijah. Rosenthal 1913 David. Ross 1860 James. 1876 Edwin F. 1880 Millard F. 1899 Cecil M. 1912 Donald. 1912 Vivian C. 1913 Miles. ROSSELL 1914 Irving R. ROTTGER 1894 Anthony H. Rouse 1840 John S. Rousse 1850 Peter W. Rowland 1910 James E. 1914 John H. Rue 1914 Floyd E. RUF 1885 Louis F. Rugen 1909 Walter H. 1910 Robert E. Ruggles 1848 Charles H. (H). RUHL 1872 Fred'kW. Rundall 1913 OlinR. RUNK 1874 Charles A. RUNYON 1875 Theodore (H). 1879 Ernest L. 1895 Clarkson.Jr. 1899 Laurance P. I i Rupert i 1889 Henry L. Rij sling 1881 Charles S. Russell 1914 Harold A. RUSSUM 1895 Thomas F. 1902 Frank W. 1910 Wm. A. R. Rust 1908 Schuyler L. Rutgers 1827 Anthony (H). 1854 Charles J. 1873 Henry L. RUTHERFURD 1829 John. 1831 Walter. 1868 John A. 1883 Arthur E Ryall 1854 Philip J Ryerson 1837 James. 1839 Abram G. 1854 Theodore. 1856 JohnG. 1858 David A. 1872 Louis J. 1874 George W. Ryley 1873 John. Ryno 1898 C. Mott. Safford 1908 Daniel. 1911 George. Sagara 1895 Daihachiro. Sagendorph 1887 Frank J. Satin 1915 Samuel L. St. John 1827 Eliphalet (M). 1865 Horatio W. Salisbury 1875 John H, Salmon 1895 Irving E. Salter 1832 Thomas G. Sammis 1900 Russell B. Sammons 1836 Stephen. Sampson 1891 Walter C. Sandiford 1913 Edward R. Sanford 1893 Francis B Sangster 1911 Geo. M., Jr Sarles 1894 John A. 1899 Edgar H. Sauer 1900 John L. 1901 Alfred F. Savage 1887 Walter P. 1913 Charles K. 1913 Herbert K. Savitz 1915 Russel J. Savoye 1902 Richard G. Scarlet 1879 John H. 1880 George W. SCARR 1916 James B. Scattergood 1893 Ezra F. 1899 Claude E. SCHANCK 1828 Garret C. 1875 Daniel S. 1880 T. Ely. scharring- IIausen 1916 Robert L. 476 RUTGERS COLLEGE. SCHECHTER 1913 Morris. SCHEDLEK 1910 George H. SCHEER 1914 Joseph W. SCHELL 1871 Walter W. SCHEN 1775 1775 1775 1827 1835 1837 1844 1845 1851 1852 1854 1870 1873 1874 1879 1883 1889 1890 1890 1893 1904 1905 1909 1910 1910 1911 1913 1913 1916 CK Abraham. Henry H., Jr. John H. Henry (M). William C. Martin L. John V. John W. Garret C. Adrian V. S. Abraham V. (H). Jacob W. Isaac S. Louis H. Cornelius John L. Sam C. Ferd. S. (H). Warren R. George B. Martin A. Arthur v. V. John V. Raymond L. Wlllard E. Ferdinand S.. Jr. Cornelius F. Harold W. Lawrence W. SCHENK ' 1862 John V.N. i SCHERMERHORN 1857 James W. 1866 Harvey R. (H). Schlatter 1915 Fidel P. (G). SCHLICK 1903 VolneyD. Schlotterer 1915 George H,,Jr SCHMID 1914 Edward R. Schmidt 1912 Robert. 1914 George W. 1916 David. SCHMTTZ 1881 William. 1890 Robert. SCHMUCKER 1832 Samuel S. (H). SCHNEEWEISS 1855 Franz M. (H). 1877 Henry P. 1881 Oliver P. Schneider 3 903 FredC. 1909 Edward R. S C H N ELLE N DRUE S- SLER 1855 Herman F. F. (H). SCHOCK 1878 David H. SCHOFIELD 1912 Harold E. SCHOMP 1860 William A. 1862 John. 1876 William W. SCHOONHOVEN 1845 Bernard S. Schoonmaker 1829 Richard L. 1842 Martin V. (H). 1877 Harry. 1880 William D. 1881 Chester B. 1906 Oliver J. 1914 Elmer L. 1916 Ellis H. SCHRIVER 1847 Thomas G. SCHULTZ 1839 John N. 1915 Albert M. 1915 Orville C. (G). Schumacher 1886 Gustav. SCHURE 1916 Wm. A., Jr. SCHU REMAN 1775 .Tames. 1795 John. 1897 Paul. Schuyler 1835 Philip A. ScnWANHAUSSER 1915 Walter E. SCOMP 1894 Henry A. (H). SCOTT 1828 1829 1838 1844 1844 1853 1881 1902 1903 1907 1909 1912 1914 Joseph G. Moses. Charles S. Charles. James A. Alexander. Charles B. Jonathan F. Austin W. Fred'k W. James B. Edward C. Austin (H). SCRIBNER 1836 John M. (H). SCUDDEB 1847 Samuel D. 1848 Joseph. 1853 Jared W. (H). 1855 Ezekiel C. ! (H). 1856 Silas D. 1857 John. 1859 Henrv M. (H). 1878 William H. 1879 Ezekiel C. 1882 Myron T. 1883 J.Waterb'ry 1885 Frank S. 1889 Charles J. 1889 Clarence G. 1890 Henry J. 1892 Walter T. 1897 Joseph. 1912 Ernest W ScULL 1895 Geo. F. Seagle 1908 Nathan A. (H). Sealy 1869 Edward. 1870 George E. Seaman 1827 William (M). Searing 1874 John W. 1898 Fred'k D.W. Searle 1848 Samuel T. (H). 1855 Jeremiah. 1875 ,T. Preston. 1891 Edw'dV. V. I 1915 Robert W. I 1916 Raymond B. Sears 1855 Benjamin. 1857 Benjamin C 1891 Marcus C. Sebring 1859 Arad J. 1862 Elbert N. 1889 William C. Sedam 1909 Walter C. Seddon 1908 William P. See 1841 John L. 1849 Isaac McB. 1849 Wm. G. E. 1867 Cornelius S. 1877 Wm. G. E. 1880 Edwin F. 1912 Joseph R. Seeber 1843 Safrenus. Seeberger 1895 Joseph H. Seely 1898 Walter H. Seelye 1909 ClarelR. Segawa 1897 Asashi (A). Segoine 1908 Harold R. Segur 1916 Herbert C. Seibert 1862 George. 1897 Francis A. Sell 1910 Gilbert E. Seilek 1916 Ralph G. Seipel 1905 Clarence E. Selden 1896 Edward G. (H). Selover 1897 Walton B. Selvage 1893 Harry N ' Seng 1905 Eugene W. 1 Senior I 1878 JohnL. j Servin I 1858 John L. GENERAL INDEX. 477 Settle 1840 Jacob M. Sexton 1858 A. James. 1900 Edwin K. 1911 J. Roderick. Sfarra 1915 Alfred F. W. Shafer 1879 Theodore. 1895 Zuinglius F. 1909 Luman J. Shapiro 1912 Elmer B. Sharkey 1913 Samuel M. Sharp 1916 Lawrence W.; Sharps I 1847 George H. i 1879 Henry G. Sharpley 1888 G. Herbert. Shaw 1865 John F. 1893 Cliffords. Shearer 1899 Augustus H. 1915 Ralph L. 1915 Wm. J.. Jr. Sheffer 1913 Homer L. Shepard 1850 Charles I. 1869 Edward D. 1896 Walter T. Sherwood 1892 William C. 1896 Walter A. Shettle 1904 George E. Shield 1895 Frederic K. (A). 1915 Frederic K., Jr. Shinn 1855 Henry C. Ship WAY 1880 George W. Shiramine 1875 Shumma. Shivler 1904 Bertram F. Shore 1906 NahumD. Shouse 1835 John. Shufeldt 1908 Alexander B, Shultz 1915 George L. S HUM WAY 1893 Edgar S. (H). Sichterman 1912 Nicholas S. Sickles 1832 Jacob (H). 1905 Benjamin A. SiGLER 1897 Herbert A Silbert 1915 Joseph. 1915 Samuel. Sill 1843 Geo. G. (H). SiLLCOX 1911 Harold. Silvers 1913 EarlR. Simmons 1859 Duane B. (H). 1913 E. Brooks. Simon 1913 Herbert Simons 1874 Edward T. Simon SON 1792 John. 1842 John. Simpson 1828 Theodore W. 1901 William E. Sims 1913 Edward F. Siver 1897 ShubelK. Skellenger 1882 Daniel W. Skjllman 1851 Charles H. 1851 EnosA. 1860 William J. 1915 William E. Skinkle 1877 William L. Skinner 1883 Alfred F. 1889 Frank H. Slack 1912 WillardS. Slade 1875 Francis T. Slater 1913 James R. Slauson 1915 Charles G. Slee 1880 John G. Sleght 1880 Bevier H. B Sloane 1899 William M. (H). 1916 Harry. Sloat 1846 Archibald. Small 1897 William U. SM ALLEY 1815 Samuel R. 1906 George O. Smaltz 1818 JohnH. Smaney 1916 Edward P. Smedley 1913 Horace T. Smidt 1843 John C. T. Smith 1780 1792 182-8 1832 1834 1837 1839 1841 1841 1842 1845 1853 1856 1858 1862 1868 1868 1883 1884 Jeremiah. Charles (M), Charles G. Gilbert L. Alex'nd'r H. Warren S. William H. Nicholas E. Thomas N. William C. John W. .John D. Edward D. G. (H). Myron W. Abel L William. Seymour R. Cyrus C. Franklin S. Smith 1887 1891 1891 1894 1894 1898 1898 1901 1902 1902 1902 1903 1905 1906 1908 1909 1909 1909 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1915 1915 1915 Harry A. Frederick S. John B. (H). Willard R. W. Crown. C. Vernon. Lyman M. Ernest J. Forrest L. Frederic W. Ralph O. Arthur E. Albert B. Clarence L. James H. Clayton S. Morgan G. Rhea G. Edgar F. (H). Frederick M. Howard A. John B, William A. Richard A. Robert H. Stephen P. S. Roy. Charles W. E. Tiel. Hilmar F. T. Darmon. Roger C. George J. Harry B. T. Howard. Smock 1833 Benj. D. B. 1853 DeniseH. 1862 JohnC. 1863 John H. 1872 Daniel D. 1893 A. Hobart. 1912 William E. Snider 1877 Garrett Z. Snyder 1844 William B. 1846 Benjamin F. 1875 John J. 1878 Louis V. Soare 1895 Robert E. Solomon 1914 Harold. SOMMERS 1909 FordC. SOOGIWOORA 1871 KoZo. Southard 1866 James L. Spader 1845 Krosen T. B. 1849 P. Vand'bilt. 478 BUTGERS COLLEGE. Sparrow 1913 Roberto. Spaulding 1841 Cyril. 1890 Arthur. Speer 1830 Henry V. Spelker 1896 Henry J. A. Spencer 1846 Joshua A. (H). Sperling 1890 Isaac. Spitzer 1911 Jacob. Spoer 1898 Hans H.(A) Sprague 1916 William S. Spring 1903 Frank E. Sproul 1884 Cyrus W.F. Srager 1909 ZacharyaH. Staat 1913 William E. Staats 1836 John A. 1859 Henry P. 1860 Cornelius G. 1874 Peter D. 1876 Bergen B. 1906 B'rg'nB.,Jr. Stackhouse 1914 J. Archer. Stafford 1892 William H. Stagg 1775 John, Jr. Stahr 1906 John M. M. Stanbery 1879 William R. Stanbrough 1858 RufusM. Stang 1915 William H. Stanton 1870 Edward F. 1913 Royal A. 1915 Irving B. Statesir 1S58 John H. 1862 Benjamin T. Stearns 1856 J.M. (H). Stebbins 1883 James H. (H). Steedle 1915 ElroyW. Steele 1S37 William H. 1844 Richard H. 1845 John. 1866 David (H>. 1872 Charles H. Steelman 1902 And'wJ.,Jr. 1908 Martin S. 1911 Hiram. Steinke 1909 Rudolph F. Steinmetz 1889 Geo. J., Jr. Steele 1911 Clarl£son P. Stephens 1S42 William H. 1844 Benjamin. 1845 I. Prall. 1853 Edward W. 1873 William P. 1873 Edmund. 1880 George F. 1881 George H. 1893 W. Ward. Stephenson 1909 Robert. Stevens 1872 George H. 1892 Henry H. 1893 Frank L. 1902 Chas. W.,Jr 1904 Clifford E. Stevenson 1789 James. 1834 James (H). 1811 James. Jr. 1827 William (M). Stewart 1841 James (H), 1843 AbelT. 1873 Fitz R. 1879 OtisD. 1904 William H. Stier 1912 W. Rudolf F. 1915 Robert F. E. S TILLMAN 1873 Charles F. 1873 Thomas B. 1877 William M. 1905 Albert I-. 1905 Elmer O. Stillwell 1851 Aaron L. 1879 JohnL. 1886 Aaron L. 1886 Peter. 1889 J. Scott. 1911 Earle C. Stilson 1895 William H. Stimets 1887 Charles C. (H). Stimpson 1834 Edward P. Stimson 1907 Franks. Stitt 1836 George S. 1844 Charles H. Stobaeus 1908 Frank H. Stockton 1815 Richard (H). St0CKU]V[ 1907 Harry J. Stoddard 1874 William. Stoddart 1886 Thomas A. Stokes 1901 George I. 1907 Edward C. (H). Stone 1855 James H. 1907 h Victor. 1914 Joseph H. Storms 1893 Richard. Stotesbury 1890 Louis W. Stout 1838 .Tacob. 1844 John W. 1851 Nelson. 1 854 J. Elmer. 1855 Thomas H. Stout 1855 Thomas P. 1857 Herbert. ! 1859 G. Lee. I 1865 Henry. 1891 James C. 1895 J. Provost. 1907 Royal A. ; 1911 George W. I Stoutenburgh I 1775 Isaac. i Stover 1010 J. Home-. 1913 Charles C. [ 1913 Edward C, I Jr. Stowe ' 1902 Raymond T. Strachan j 1846 John. I \ Strang I 1891 Clifford H. [ Strange 1840 Robert (II). j I Strassburger I 1898 rx)uisU. j 1903 Paul. Stratton 1814 Charles C. 1814 Samuel C. 1869 R. M. (H). Street 1889 John P. Strickland 1887 Rnlph. Jr. 1898 Wm.P.CJr Stringer 1864 Thomap F, Strohl 1916 Raymond Strong 1835 1844 1845 1847 1857 1868 1870 1872 1874 1883 1891 1891 1891 1895 1898 Theodore (H). Thomas C. (H). J. Paschal. B. R. W. Theodore. Jr. Thomas M. Levi M. Edwa rd W. Alan H. Theodore. Robert B. (G). Wm. V. D. Selah W. Thomas M. Richard U. GENERAL INDEX. 479 Strykek 1793 Henry. 1833 Jacob P. 1837 Isaac P. 1845 Peter. 1868 Nelson D. 1873 Henry C. 1881 Cornelius W. 1884 Francis. 1886 Sam'l D., Jr. 1897 Edgar deM. 1904 W. Held. 1910 Russell F. Stuart 1873 M. Cohen (H). Stubbs 1861 Alfred H. 1866 Francis H. 1876 Roland H. 1878 George E. Stube 1914 Charles F. (A). Studdiford 1816 Peter O. Studley 1893 HobartE. Stultz 1856 William H. Sturdivant 1858 Charles W. Stltgard 1858 Royal (H). Stuyvesant 1872 JohnR. Succop 1916 David C. SUFFERN 1838 George W. Suydam 1854 John H. 1856 Charles H. 1859 Abraham. 1880 JohnL. Swain 1863 George. Swan 1907 Alton P. Swanson 1889 Williams. (H). SWARTWOUT 1792 James. SWARTZ 1829 Benjamin. Swayze 1911 Francis J. (H). Sweeney 1907 Andrew E. Sweeny 1815 Hugh (M). 1830 James M. (H). SWICK 1858 Minor. Swift 1832 Charles W. 1844 James H. 1868 Alexander J. 1875 Thomas D. 1908 Arthur C. Sylvester 1901 James H. Tait 1884 JohnG. ]887 Harold. 1889 Thorfin. Sullivan | Takatsuji 1915 Theo. G., Jr.! 1894 Yoshlmaro. SUMMERILL 1914 William W. Sutherland 1897 William. Sutphen 1864 David S. 1873 Joseph W. 1875 James G. 1876 Paul F. 1883 Duncan D. Sutton 1852 Joseph F. 1891 Isaac M. Taku 1877 Kanichero. TALL]MAr)GE 1845 James. Tall MAGE 1833 William H. Tal:mage 1842 Goyn. 1842 John V.N. 1852 JohnF. 1857 Thomas A. 1857 William H. (H). Talmage 1864 James R. (H). 1868 Daniel. 1874 David M. 1877 James A. 1886 George E. 1900 Goyn. 1902 John B., Jr. Talman 1790 Jacob. 1865 Geo. C, Jr. Tapping 1895 Chester H. Taubel 1906 Charles H. Tavekner 1909 Samuel R. Taylor 1829 Aug. F. R. 1829 Clarkson E. (H). 1829 Samuel S. 1830 Isaac E. 1832 Joseph. 1839 Andrew B. 1839 Benj. R. 1841 Wm. J. R. 1847 Wesley. 1850 Edward P. 1860 Marmaduke B. (H). 1860 William R. 1861 Isaac S. 1867 VanCampen. 1870 Graham. 1876 William R. 1877 George McC. 1881 Living'nL. 1889 H. Genet (H). 1892 Perry E. 1894 James M. (H). 1905 Albert A.. Jr. 1909 Archibald. 1915 J. Paul. 1916 Eugene R. 1916 Lewis J. Tears 1878 Egbert. Teitelbaum 1908 William. Temple 1896 Arthur H. Ten Eyck 1845 William H. 1849 Alfred 1880 Stephen V. Tennent 1832 Henry. Terhune 1827 Garret G. (M). 1835 William L. 1850 Edward P. 1869 Nicholas. 1869 William L. 1878 Howard D. 1879 John. 1891 Clarence H. Terrill 1912 Harold M. Tessier 1831 Xavier (M). TlIARP 1903 William L. 1907 Reuben, Jr. Theobald 1896 Alfred P. Thomas 1868 Edward C. 1870 Charles B. 1892 James B. 1894 Philip C. 1908 William V. 1910 Ray B. 1914 Alfred W. 1916 Benjamin E. Thompson 1794 John. 1834 William T. 1837 George W. 1841 William. 1842 Alex. R. 1851 John B. 1853 David. 1854 Henry P. 1857 Abraham. 1864 Charles H. 1889 EliasW. 1889 Maurice J. 1889 George B. 1892 James W. 1894 John H. 1894 J. Scott. 1898 Wayne H. 1899 John W. 1908 Charles T. 1915 Willard C. (G). 1916 Herbert A. Thomson 1831 Fredericks 1852 William L. 1884 John A. 1910 J. Claude. 1915 Milton A. 1915 Ralph W. Thorburn 1914 Th'dorus M. Thurston 1894 John A. TlCE 1877 Josfah. 480 RUTGERS COLLEGE. TiCHENOR 1884 HalseyT. TiEBNY 1896 Michael J. Tiffany 1871 OtisC. 1871 Walton C. TirxYER 1902 Edgar D. TiLTON 1896 Francis E. 1902 Edgar, Jr. (H). Tin DELL 1893 Charles E. 1901 George R. Tinker 1900 Louis C. TiNSLEY 1900 John F. TiNTLE 1902 Nicholas E. TiSDALL 1909 FitzG., Jr. TiTSWORTH 1875 Arthur L. 1877 Alfred A. 1899 Isaac E. 1900 Waldo A. 1901 Ralph B. 1902 Charles M. 1912 Arthur B. Thus 1912 Charles A. TOBEY 1913 James P. TOBISH 1903 Theodore. Todd 1845 John A. 185.5 Auenstus F. 1S71 willinm N. 1879 JohnC. 1881 >^ue. F.. Jr. 1015 Harvey I. 1915 Ralph T. B. TOMKINS 1888 William B. TOMLINSON 1890 George E. Tompkins 1893 Vreeland. 1894 Irving S. 1907 Vinton D. 1909 Harold D. 1911 L. Douglas, Jr. TOOHEY 1916 John P., Jr. TORJklAY 1916 Philip G., Jr.. TORREY 1897 James E. TOTTEN 1891 Arthur B. 1894 AbramW. TOWLE 1869 George C. TOWNLEY 1893 David H. TOZIER 1910 Edwin S. Tracy 1894 George E. 1908 AureliusM., Jr. Traphagen 1791 Henry. 1855 William C. 1855 William H. 1860 Henry. Traver 1912 Morris S. 1914 Charles A. Treadwell 1827 Samuel (M). Treat 1852 Selah B. (H). 1908 Horace E. Trego 1870 Thomas M. Tremper 1887 B. Morss. 1896 Henry D. W. Trippe 1861 Joseph E. TUNISON 1815 Garrett G. Tupper 1907 Valentine R. Turner 1838 William E. 1896 MathiasE. 1913 Robert W. 1914 Kenneth A. Tweed 1903 Stew'rtL.R, TWING 1915 Wainwright D. Twitch ELL 1893 Henry F. / Tyson 1839 Raymond M. UCHIDA 1905 Sadatsuchi (H). Ulrich 1897 Henry L. 1916 Frederick J. Upson 1881 Irving S. Urbano 1912 Francesco G Urevitz 1908 Abraham. Utter 1893 Chas. H. E. Utter WICK 1863 Henry. >'ail 1839 Edward S. 1850 Duncan P. 1851 Theodore F. 1869 M. Bedell. 1898 J. Jervis. Vaill 1888 Edward B. Valentine I 1886 George M. I 1905 Irving R. Van Aken 1830 Enoch. 1873 Alex'nder G. Van Allen 1873 Ira. Van Amburgh 1837 Robert. A^AN Arsdale 1830 Jacob R. 1835 Henry. 1862 Nathaniel H, 1 864 John K. 1871 Simeon. 1890 Ellas B. 1896 Russell. 1906 Philip V. Van Arsdalen 1816 Ferdln'nd S. 1828 Cornelius C. Van Benschoten 1861 William B. Van Bergen 1832 Peter A. 1899 Harold N. Van Blarcom 1868 William D. 1869 Jacob C. 1896 William V. Van Brackle 1884 Henry. Van ]3rakle 1885 Frank. 1894 Fred B. Van Brunt 1839 William M. Van Buren 1829 Martin (H)'. 1891 Francis P. Van Buskirk 1866 Peter V. Vance 1850 John (H). Van Cleef 1828 Cornelius (H). 1843 PaulD. 1852 James S. 1863 James H. 1869 JohnT. 1898 Elliott E. Van Cleve 1854 John B. 1896 Garret. Van Cortlandt 1783 Pierre. Vanderbilt 1860 Cornelius. Van Deripe 1913 Frederick N. Van Der Meulen 1858 Jacob. 1859 .Tohn. 1898 John (A). VANDEROEF 1868 Floyd M. Van der Poel 1873 S. Oakley. 1876 Isaac D. 1877 Herman W. 1878 John, 1889 John A. Van Der Veen 1858 Christian. GENERAL INDEX. 481 Van Derveer 1828 Ferdinand H. (H). 1830 James. 1831 Matthew T. 1834 William T. 1847 Henry F. 1852 John (H). 1859 Cynis G. (H). 1860 Henry C. 1867 Peter L. 1869 Augustus. 1877 John Q: 1879 George V. . Van Dervoort 1818 John C. 1820 Benj. W. 1874 Alex'nderB. Van DER WART 1905 Herman (H). 1909 Herman. Van Derwerker 1912 Earl E. Van Deursen 1791 Staats. 1794 Henry. 1809 William. 1814 John S. 1843 William, Jr. Van Deusen 1876 CourtlandC. 1881 James M. Van De^'ENter 1817 James. 1878 John S. L. 1880 Theodore. 1903 J. Marshall. Van DE WALL 1856 Giles (H). Van Dolsen 1878 Henry C. Van Doren 1833 John A, (H). 1835 John A. 1837 Matthew D. 1837 William T. 1840 A. T. B. 1859 J. Howard. 1864 David K. 1S67 W. Halsev. 1869 William H. (H). 1880 William. Van Duzer 1894 George M. 1907 Ralph D. Van Dyck 1792 Henry (H). 1854 Louis B. 1865 Francis C. 1877 Clint'nDeW, j Van Dyck 1890 Cornelius V. I A. (H). 1894 F.Cuyler.Jr, 1896 Wm. V. B. 1911 Louis B. j 1911 Leonard K. 1914 David B. I 1915 Laird S. Van Dyke ! 1775 John. I 1811 Jacob H. i 1830 Rush. ! 1836 James C. I 1857 Joseph S. j 1858 William C. 1862 Theodores. i 1889 John C. ; (H). i Van Etten 1874 Amos. ' Van Fleet I 1873 Jacob O. 1891 Abraham V (H). Van Gieson 1872 Acmon P. (H). Van Gilder 1908 Rodney. Van Harlingen 1783 John M. 1792 John. 1809 John. Van Hee 1893 Isaac J. Van Het Loo 1894 Theo. W. R. Van Hoevenberg 1904 HuylerW. Van Horn 1870 Abraham. 1892 Frank R. Van Horne 1787 Abraham. 1874 George W. Van Inwegen 1871 Charles F. Van Keuren 1878 Jacob W. 1909 W. Lloyd. Van Kleeck 1812 James L. (M). Van Kleek 1827 Richard D. (H). Van Leuven 1900 Cornelius. Van Liew 1816 John. 1831 Frederick. 1916 Harold W. Van Mater 1869 William A. 1873 Daniel G. 1880 Joseph A. 1910 Augustus B. 1913 Henry L. Van Ness 1862 Jacob H. 1880 Sherman. Jr. 1896 Howard E. 1911 Lloyd M. 1912 Earle B. Van Nest 1792 Abraham. 1841 Ab'm R.. Jr. 1854 Abraham. 1875 John J. 1884 J.Alfred. Van Neste 1842 George J. 1862 James V. 1872 John A. 1879 George V. VANNIER 1872 Charles H. Van Nortwick 1880 William S. Van Nuis 1880 Charles S. 1903 Percy L. Van Olinda 1839 Douw (H). Van Orden 1840 J. 1890 John S. 1893 Frank M. 1897 Percival. Van Pelt 1834 Peter I. (H). 1856 Gilberts. 1896 Daniel (H). Van Prinsterer 1843 G. G. (H). Van Raalte 1858 Albertus C. (H). Van Rensselaer 1829 Stephen V.C. 1854 Stephen V.C. 1857 John J. Van Riper 1856 Cornelius S. 1890 W. Irving. 1913 Charles K. Van Romondt 1879 Charles D. (H). Van Sant 1907 Prank R. Van Santvoord 1827 SItaats (H). 1855 Cornelius (H). 1873 Charles T. Van Schaick 1828 John B. (H). Van Sickle 1909 Rushworth B. 1915 Russell D. Van Slykp 1862 Erert. 1866 John G. 1868 Andrew W. 1887 Martin G. 1895 Warren C. Van Solingen 1792 Henry M. (H). Van Steenbergh 1877 William H. Van Syckel 1873 Elbridge, Jr. 1880 Ben.1, M. 1882 N. Dunham. 1883 Thomas D. Van Vechten 1792 Abraham (H). 1834 Samuel (H). 1835 Samuel. Van Vleck 1852 John. Van Vliet 1861 Thornton. Van Vranken 1836 Nicholas. 1848 Adam H. Van Wagenen 1829 John H. (H). 1913 Marvin J. 1914 Elmer H. Van Wagner 1865 Frederick J. 1914 Walter M. 1916 E. Judson. 482 RUTGEKS COLLEGE. Van Wagoner 1845 Isaac. 1890 Alexander. Van Winkle 1858 Daniel, Jr. 1864 John H. 1877 Stephen C. 1877 Isaac. 1885 Charles. 1900 Winant. 1904 Thomas E. 1908 Stirling. 1910 Frank H. 1913 Theodore. Van Woebt 1846 Jacob H. 1901 Henry S. Van Wyck 1834 Theodorus R. 1835 Edward H. 1837 Charles B. 1840 George P. 1843 Charles H. 1843 Polhemus. 1850 Courtland- 1875 Prank. 1879 James P. Van Zandt 1856 B. 1866 John N. 1867 DeWitt. 1876 William A. Van Zee 1890 Charles W. Varick 1827 Richard A. (M). 1844 Joseph. 1868 William W. 1908 Theodore R. V AUG HAN 1878 Jonah W. 1S80 William. 1892 William. 1905 Burtis F. Vaules 1898 George T. Vedder 1841 Edwin. Veghte 1809 Rynier. 1844 JohnV. W. 1875 Rynier. 1877 Henry. 1879 Eugenes. Vehslage 1886 Henry (H). Venable 1905 Frank p. Verbeck 1874 Guido F. (H). Vekbrycke 1881 J.Russell. Verga 1897 J. Stanley. Yermeule 1812 Cornelius C. 1814 Frederick. 1878 C. Clarkson. 1885 Adrian, Jr. Vermilye 1837 Thomas E. (H). 1860 Ashbel G. (H). 1860 Dupujtren. Verwey 1905 Daniel G. ViCKERS 1775 Samuel. ViDAL 1908 Rafael S. Viehmann 1886 George A. Vile 1863 Joseph M. Visel 1899 Augustus J. Voegtlen 1902 William C. Voelker 1903 Otto R. A. VOGEL 1904 Clayton B. VOLKERT 1904 Pred'kG. C. VoM Lehn 1912 Reinhold. Von Gehren 1899 Frederick G. Von Olhausen 1894 Henry H. Von Romondt 1841 Charles R. 1852 John A. 1852 John G. 1855 D. C. 1871 Harry T.B. Von Schlieder 1893 Albert H. Voorhees 1817 IraC. 1840 JohnV. 1841 Robert. 1847 Henry V. 1847 Nathani'lW. 1854 John N. 1856 John N. 1859 Henry M. 1860 William B. 1869 Abram D. 1870 John V. 1871 Willard P. 1873 Peter V. 1876 Foster McG. 1876 John S. 1878 Vand'rbiltS. 1880 Nath.W.,Jr. 1881 Edward B. 1885 Louis A. 1886 Henry M. 1887 Samuel H. 1888 J. Howard. 1888 Oscar M. 1890 Ralphs. 1892 Frank. 1892 G. Scott. 1806 J. Brownlee. 1897 Charles W. 1897 Charles P. 1900 Herbert R. 1908 Ralph (H). 1911 John H. 1911 Tracy S. 1915 Theodore. 1916 Johns. 1916 Ralph W. VOORHIS 1845 Jacob N. (H). 1858 Charles H. VOSBURGH 1908 Harry A. Vredenburgh 1775 Isaac. 1794 John S. 1795 Peter. 1828 Peter, Jr. 1836 John T. 1859 William H. 1876 La Rue. 1877 La Rue. 1906 Raymond T. Vreeland 1858 J.Van Riper. 1874 Stephen B. 1875 Edward W. 1875 Stephen S. 1891 Cornelius D. 1907 Nicholas. Vroom 1827 1830 1849 1856 1862 1862 1866 1868 1880 1884 Peter D. (M). George A. John P. Philip. Garret D. W. William H. James W. Govern'r R. Henry. George A. Vroom AN 1909 Sam'IB., Jr. Vyverbekg 1901 Henry J. Wack 1835 Chas. P. (H). Wackeniiutii 1899 Fred'kCJr. 1911 Carl. Waggoner 1891 Elon M. Wagner 1853 John M. 1904 Charles. Wahl 1881 Geor^•e M. (H). Waite 1877 Ernest P. Wakefield 1841 John H. (H). Waksman 1915 Selman A. Waldo 1877 Daniel. Waldron 1836 Henry. 1853 Wm. V. F. 1862 E. Corning. 1886 William H. 1888 Edward A. 1893 Herbert M. 1893 How'rdV.D. Walker 1912 Elmer L. Wall 1775 John. 1914 John W. Wallace 1909 William H. 1915 Aaron. Wallach 1910 Jacob. Waller 1915 Allen G. Walling 1909 Raymond B. Walrath 1914 Paul. GENERAL INDEX. 483 Walser Watkins Welling Wharton 1875 Oliver H. 1793 Samuel 1883 William R. 1872 Charles A. 1876 Theodore H. (M). 1891 Edward L. 1898 Havelock. 1857 John E. Wheat 1902 Charles F. AVells 1908 Howard L Walter 1827 Ransford. 1915 Charles C. 1832 Robert (H). 1897 Andrew J. Watman 1831 Albert. 1916 Albert. 1845 Francis H. Wheeler (H). 1907 Lloyd B. Walton Watson 1852 Cornelius L. 1828 Cruger. 1838 John. 1853 John, Jr. Whelpley 1914 Frank L. 1848 Alexander (H). 1873 Herbert F. 1875 William P. 1882 Beriah A 1854 Lawrence. 1859 Edward L. 1861 E. W. (H). Wanser 1914 Le Roy. 1875 Ransf d, Jr. 1892 Albert B. 1892 James (H). Whisler 1916 George H. (H). 1907 Russell E. 1892 Waller F Ward 1912 Thomas T. Whitaker 1816 Samuel L. 1908 Ripley. (H). 1840 Egbert. (M). 1913 Harold S. 1916 Wm. C, Jr. 1896 Robert B. 1871 Joseph, Jr. 1915 A. Dudley. 1896 Henry M. 1873 William H. Welsh (H). Watt 1911 Arthur D. WllITBECK 1875 JacQbE. 1883 Henry J. 1883 William C. 1884 Edward T. 1915 Harry E. Way Wen DEL 1916 HugoO. 1837 John. 1859 Richard M. White 1883 Edward F. 1884 Frederic T. 1887 William L. 1875 Wm. H. H. 1895 Alex'nderJJ. Wendover 1890 William D. 1871 William W. 1891 James M 1893 Benjamin F. Weaver (G). 1896 Howard E, 1901 Benjamin F, 1912 Dexter. 1906 Henry (H). 1914 Joseph A. 1905 Elmer S. Wenneis 1909 JohnM. . Wardwell Weber 1895 Herman C. Werner 1916 Ralph P. 1906 Frederick N 1912 Harold K. Weckerly 1840 Jacob I. Whitehead 1844 John E. 1895 Charles A. West 1845 Isaac N. Waring 1842 Jacob. 1847 Charles E. 1833 HartE. Wedgewood 1851 Charles E. 1848 Thomas G. 1860 William B. (H). ^ 1856 Otis A. Wark (H). 1916 Pauls. 1877 William R. 1877 Robert F.S. Warne Weeks 1838 James. Westbrook 1829 Cornelius D. WHITELY 1846 Robert J. 1915 RonsonJ. Weems 1827 Gregory (M). (H). 1837 John B. Whitenack Warner 1838 Cornelius D. 1878 P. Dumont. 1908 Charles M. 1838 TheodoricR. 1891 Erastmus A. Wehrly 1896 M. Royal. Warnshuis 1912 Charles S. Westervelt 1899 Frank H. 1865 John W. Weidner 1899 David C. 1829 John S. (H). 1840 John P. Whitlock 1899 Charles E. Warren 1909 Theodore R. 1876 John. Weigel Whittlesey 1877 Schuyler N 1S92 Henrv P. (H). 1880 Frederick. Westfall 1831 Simon V. E. 1849 Elisha. Weir 1901 Wm. L., Jr. Whynman Warrick 1871 Alex'nderH. 1871 Silas E., Jr. 1906 Harold L. 1915 Edward. 1883 J. Price. 1880 John H. Weston Whyte Washburn Weis 1863 Willoughby. 1868 Renss2laer. 1911 Arthur G. 1875 Charles I-.n 1913 Francis E. 1870 James C. 1873 Henry d'E. WiCKHAM Waterbury Welch 1899 Henry J. 1858 Horace. 1853 Robert L. (H). 1868 Ransom B. (H). Westveer WiEMER Waters 1870 John M. (H). Welles 1865 Adrian. 1916 OttoE. 1882 David (H). 1892 Henry E. 1904 James C... I WET:\rORE Wiggin 1862 Theodore W. 1894 Leonard L. 1846 Augustus. 484 EUTGERS COLLEGE. Wiggins 1837 Eben S. (H). 1853 James J. Wight 1881 James S. WlKOFF 1865 Peter F. WlLBER 1879 Francis A. 1905 Charles P. 1905 Francis E. 1906 Winton H. Wilbur 1908 Clarence A. Wilcox 1903 Ralph B. WiLKIE 1911 Alex. B. Wilkin 1918 Clifford DeP. Wilkin s 1914 Louis K. Wilkinson 1906 Thomas L. Willi: s 1864 William S. WiLLET 1861 Bronson. WiLLEVER 1916 Earl S. Williams 1789 Gershom. 1842 Amzy L. 1860 Youngs A. 1872 Richard L. 1894 Marshall. 1900 Edward H. 1914 S. Neale. Williamson 1835 William P. 1840 Abraham S. 1840 George R. 1840 N. DuBois. 1858 Christian T. 1860 David A. 1869 Nicholas (H). 1870 DouweD. 1871 Edwin B. 1873 William H. 1875 George M. 1881 A.Augustus. 1902 Nicholas N. 1902 Clifford L. Willis 1839 Ralph. 1886 W. Spader. WiLLITS 1864 Alphonso A. (H). 1873 Georges. WiLLOCK 1905 James H. WiLLOUGHBY 1896 Henry C. (A). Wills 1895 John. Willson 1867 Thomas E. WiLMARTH 1866 Frank (H). WlLlSIOT 1914 Geo. W., Jr. 1914 J. Deshler. WiLMURT 1907 CarlW. Wilner 1918 JacoD. WiLSEY 1912 LeroyC. 1914 Stanley M. Wilson 1811 Abraham D. 1837 Joseph (H). 1838 Elijah. 1848 James B. 1854 Ferdinands. 1858 Peter Q. 1859 Frederick F. 1861 Charles W. 1867 William P. 1878 Edward (H). 1881 Washington. 1888 Ferdinands, 1895 Howard S. 1897 J.Alfred. 1898 Robert T. 1902 Woodrow (H). 1905 Harvey L. 1907 Raymond P. 1907 Walter H. 1908 George R. 3 908 Lloyd B. WiLTSE 1850 Henry, Jr. WiNANT 1892 Walter. WiNCKLER 1887 I. Lewis. WiNFIELU 1839 Aaron B. 1852 Charles H. 1876 Henry W. WiNN 1892 Robert S. 1899 Fred'k H. WiNNE 1910 Walter G. Winner 1866 John, Jr. Win SLOW 1915 George W. Winter 1860 Egbert. Wirt 1830 William (H). Wirth 1900 John. WiTTIG 1896 Gustav F. 1904 Fritz C. WOELFKIN 1857 John. 1905 Cornelius (H). WOELFLE 1912 Frederick. Wolf 1835 Bernard C. (H). ! 1904 Frederick L. I WOLFSON I 1880 Joseph. i Wood 1816 Isaac (M). 1827 Joseph M. (M). 1838 William G. 1875 JohnR. 1898 Edmund O. 1916 Walter K. W00DBRITX5E 1841 Samuel M. (H). 1876 Samuel I. 1876 John E. 1877 Samuel M. 1903 S. Bradford. Wooden 1897 George R. Woodruff 1870 Robert S. (H>. 1893 Ellis R. 1900 Graham C. 1904 Frank C. 1906 William H. 1907 William S. Woods 1858 Williamson. 1882 George A. Woodward 1891 Anthony (H).- 1894 James A. 1896 Wilfred R. 1914 Carl R. Wooley 1903 Uiwis C. (H). Woolston 1906 Louis F. B. 1911 Japhet B. WORRALL 1884 Henry R. L. WORKELL 1914 Frederick H. Wortendyke 1839 Jacob R. 1846 Isaac. 1S64 Abram C. 1876 Nicholas D. 1882 RynierJ. WORTHINGTON 1909 William A. WORTMAN 1908 Denys, Jr. AVright 1832 Joshua B. 1873 Charles S. 1892 D. Gregory. Wyckoff 1793 John. 1812 Isaac N. 1816 Jacob. 1828 Henry. 1835 Cornelius. 1839 Isaac N. (H). 1839 Theodore F. 1842 Abraham V. 1845 Isaac O. 1847 Isaac N. 1853 Jacobs. 1855 Martin. 1855 Simon B. 1856 N. 1861 James. 1862 Abram N. 1862 DeWittB. 1868 William J. 1871 John H. 1872 Martin N. 1874 John N. 1875 Benj. V. D. 1877 William F. 1881 Garret. 1888 Charles S. 1888 Cornelius E. 1889 Peter G. 1892 George H. 1896 Herbert. 1897 Jacob V.Z. 1898 Jacob. 1902 William B. 1905 John H.. Jr. 1910 Nathaniel C. 1914 William L. GENEEAL INDEX. 485 Wyman 1908 Theo., Jr. Wynkoop 1849 Richard. 1887 Asa. 1891 Gillett. Yates 1894 Joseph J. 1902 Eugene A. 1910 Chas. J. M. YOUENES 1915 Joseph C. Young 1849 Edwin B. 1904 Lewis M. 1912 Edmund W YOUNGBLOOD . 1832 William. 1869 Peter A. (H). Zabriskie 1830 John J. 1860 Abraham O. (H). 1865 Albert A. 1879 David D. 1880 Asa. 1880 GuilliamA. 1896 Jesse F. Zass 1916 Josephs. Zeglio 1914 Leon P. ZlEGLER 1914 James H. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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